234174 � _ ((('��� i ORIGINAL TO CITY CLHRK ��A��� * ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL N�. `i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK� �� OU CIL RES LUTI GENERAL FORM • PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF - � RESOLVID, That this Council hereby concurs in and approves that certa.in resolutiol. z�f the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul dated June �0, 1967I' authorizing and making provision for necessary professional service to be performed by the Soil Exploration Company involving the making of certa.in soil exploration � tests in connection with the proposed construction of_,back wash water and lime recovery facilities at the water treatment plan�t of said Board, such to be accom- plished under a Professional Service Contract by and between said Board. and Soil : Exploration Company in form approved by the Corporation Counsel whereunder the liability of the Board for said services shall be lim-ited so as not to exceed Six Hundred Fifty Dollars ($650.00) such to include a factual report and engineer- ing interpretation and such contract shall be deemed hereby authorized. _ ' JUL b l�i� - COUNCILMEN = � Adopted by the Council " 19._ Yeas Nays , . Carlson ��� � ���� � Dalglish Approved 19_ Holland - Meredith , In Favor � Peterson J . �� yor Tedesco A gainst - Mr. President, Byrne ���� ��� � �, , ' , �2z , I , t I' � CITY OF ST. PAUL No, 2036 r OFFICE OF�THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONER$ ,�`� RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORIvi � �� PRESENTED BY �],�,j,g�]„ J11A8 3O� �•7�? COMMISSIONER DATE I ��JVLTG�� . ; , � � WI�REAS, a new wash water recovery basin and a ].im,e recovery plant are needed at � t,he water treatment plant to reduce the amount of liquid wastes requiring disposa , extend the useful life of the existing sludge lagoons; and produce carbon dioxide and lime for use in the treatment processes; and, � ' WHEREAS, the most suitable site for the proposed facilities appears to be the area oP the old well field which is north of the Soo Line spur tracks and east of Sylvan Street if soil conditions are suitable; and, Wf�REAS, the Soil Exploration Company has been asked to submit a proposal for soil test borings so that a determination can be made as to the suitability of the site; and WHEREAS, the Soil �.ploration Campany has submitted a proposal to perform such . work as requested at an est3.m.ated cost of between $550 and $650 for this work� � and the General P�lanager having reco�nended that the proposal be accepted, '. NOW, THEREFOP�E� BE IT RFSOLVED, That the recoirunendation of the Q�eneral Manager be accepted and the proposal of t,he Soil Exploration Company to perform such work in the amount of not to exceed $650.00 be accepted and that the City Council be asked to concur in this action. ) - ' � 9 State of Minnesota : County of Ramsey � ss. ', City of Saint P aul j I, P. J. Clarke, Assi t t Secretary of the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul, do hereby certify at have comp d the b e o of a resolution of the said Board as � adopted by the Board on , with the original thereof on file in ; � my office end that said is a true and corr ct copy of seid original and the whole thereof. Wit�n�� the sea f e Board of Water Commissioners f e City of �Saint Paul this ___�����// day of , A.D. 19 sistent Secretary �Q � � — � Water Commissioners � Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Yeas Nays � D�a].glish June 30 19 7 Peteraon President Holland � In favor 3 Opposed � � I �O A55�5£CY. 1M C , DUrLICATE TO rRINTER ���� � � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY • COMMISSIONER DAT � RESOLVID, That this Council hereby concurs in and approves that certain resolutio of the Board of Water Connn.issioners of the City of Saint Paul dated June 30, 1967 authorizing and ma.king provision for necessary professional service to be perfo d by the Soil Exploration Company involving the ma.king of certain soil exploration tests in connection with the proposed construction of back wash water and lime recovery facilities at the water treatment plant of said Board, such to be accom- plished under a Professional Service Contract by and between said Board and Soil Exploration Company in form approved by the Corporation Counsel whereunder the liability of the Board for said services shall be limited so as not to exceed Six Hundred Fifty Dollars (�650.00} such to i.nclude a factual report and engineer- ing interpretation �.nd such contract shall be deemed hereby authorized. J U L 6 ���� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ��� � �� Dalglish ' Approved 19— Holl�and Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �2z % I I