234156 'i ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERN 23�1 � CITY OF ST. PAUL - F�EN��� NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE�OLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY WILLTAM E• CARLSON J�me 30, 1967 : COMMISSIONE DAT - AHEREAS, Ordinance No. .3250 authorizes and provides for payment for ' overtime work, a�d WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Safetp has authorized overtime work , in his department (Bnreau of Heal.th) during the period from�June I.7, 1967 to - June 30, 1967: therefore�, be it . � RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the employees who performed such overtime work in accordance with the provisions of , Ordinances No. 6446 and No. 3250. � • I , .�U L 61967 , COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish � ��8° �' ig�� Approved� 19— Holland Meredith �In Favor . Peterson v Mayoi Tedesco Against Mr. President, Byrne p�$��p ���. � i��� - �2a � - -