234120 ORTGINAL TO CITY GLERK ������ , CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. � � � OFFICE OF THE GtITY CLERK . CO CIL S 10 NERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF - I '\._ RESOL IOI�I PROVING APPLICATION OF THE PROVISIONS " OF SECTION 23 OF THE UNITED STATES HOUSING ACT OF 1937,� AS ANIENDED, TO LOCALITY � WHEREAS, under the provisions of Section 23 of the United States Housi.ng Act of 1937, as amended, the United. States of America, , Housing Assistance Administration is authorized to provide financial ' assistance to local public housi.ng.agencies in providing low-rent housing by leasi.ng dwelling unite in existing privately-owned structures; and � - ' . WHEREAS, said Section 23 provides that the provisions thereof shall not apply to any locality unless the governing body of the locality has by resolution approved the application of such provisions to such � local�y, , . ' NOW, 'II�iEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Sai.nt Paul, Mi.nnesota, as follows: The application of the provisions of Section 23 of the lhiited States Housing Act of 1937,� as amended, to Saint Paul, Minnesota, is approved. � FORM APPROVEQ i�� . Asst� Corporation Counsel -. JuN 2 � 196�I � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—; Yeas Nays . � Carlson ,�U� 2 91� � Dalglish Approved 19— Holland Meredith �In Favor Peterson � Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne ' p1}BLISH�D JUL � ��' ' I 22' . � - QUArDRUPLICATE TO DErARTMENT CITY OF ST. PAUL F�ENC�� NO. ���� � • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM _ PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DAT _ � ItE50I.iJ'PYQN APPRAYING IIPPLICATIfk�1 OF Tt�� PROV;�ItI�IS UC 3EC'I'�QN �'� flR 'I��� U"7ITEt� STATC5 HOUSIMa ACT UF 1939, AS Mi�NA�D, ?fl �.(�CALt't'Y �liEREAS, t�nder tha �rovisivn� o� �ect�.on 7.� a� tho Unitfld Sta�tas �lousing Act of 1937, re� �end�d, �Cha UniLe�l 5�ate� af Ac�ert��, �iow�ittg Assist�nco Adr�3nl.stra�i� i� aut�orized to �rovic�� financial �as9�sta�ce ta lo�ai publf� hous��g a�enci�� S.� �xovid�ng la�..r�nt lious3:ng t�y leas�ng clw�ll��� un���s fn oxi�tin� �rivat�lyaxned structuras; and ��fI;REAS, said See�ian �� pr�vidQS th�� tha prov3�ir�ns �h�reo� s7�u11 ��ot aP�ly to any iocal�.�y unless thA �,avQrni�� bc�t3y o� �he locslity l�as by �eoso2ution a�I�xoved the a�piicA��.an �iF snch p�rov�sion� to such lacally, NOiJ, '1�lEft�FOR�, �� 3t x��d3vad by t��c ���y Ctiun�ii o£ the G�.�y o,f S�int Paul, �►l3stDQS���, u9 �ollox•q: �'ho ap�licz�t�.on o�t the �►rovi�aions of Sect�.an 2, o� tho Ur�itc�d Statvs l�ousing l�ct of I�37, as �r�onded, to S�3nt P�ul, ��in�esot8, is a��roved. JUN 2 9 �9�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson �U�! 2 � ���� Dalglish Approved 19 Holland Meredith Tn Favor Peterson . Mayor Tedesco A gainst ' Mr. President, Byrne �m z I