234119 ORIGINAL TO GIT�CLERK • CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. � � � „ OFFICE OF HE CITY CLERK , ' COUN L RE I —G RAL FORM � � PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE DATF _ SOL ION A ORIZING EXECUTION OF A COOPERATION AGREEI�NT WF�REAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the, City of Sai.nt Paul, Minnesota, proposes to develop and administer a low-rent housing project or projects to consist of approxi.mately 1500 dwelling un.its; and WI�REAS, the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, desirbs to enter into a Cooperation Agreement with the Housi.ng and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, in connection with such project, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That the City of Saint Paul, Nlinnesota, shall enter into a Cooperation Agreement with the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, in substantially the attached form. . ' 2. That the proper City offi.cials are hereby authorized and directed to execute said Cooperation Agreement, in quadruplicate, in behalf of said City and the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to affix the corporate seal of said City thereon and to attest the same. 3. That this Resolution shall take effect immediately upon ' � " publication. . � • . � ' _ � � � FORM APPROVED �1sst, Corporation Co nsel� .iUN 2 9 �9�A COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19._ Yeas Nays Carlson ��� 2 � ��'� Dalglish Approved 19 Holland Meredith n Favor , ' Peterson � Mayor , Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne ��� PU$LISH�D JUL 1 �22 . _ ' . , . . • .. -- '� � .. „! - ' I _ .. 2481 " � CRO July 1966 C' , I � I COOFERI:T IOr1 :�GREII��rIT � I ' II , This..i��.e�xucnt_e.n��r�ed°into this d�� of �t��?� ,� 19 �� , b� and bet,�Jecn �t!� �1�Z� .� '���i ��1t�" i�.����.�t �3�' �� ���'�t' , i - '' �, a� ��� ��'� ��� (herein c�.11ed thc '�Local ;� A ,; �:uthorityn) and � #�� �' ���i� $����. ����'& �, �� �� (herein called th�; "i�iunici�oa.lity" , T-ITP�13SSrTH: ' ' ,I � In consider�.tion cf the r�utuul coven��nts hcrcinafter s�t �� forth, the p�rtics hereto do 4grcE as follot�rs: � ° ' � �I � l. :�henEVer used in this t^_greement: , ',I , �i � , q � (a) The term '�Project" sh�ll mean ��ny loT�:-�ent housing �; hEreafter developed as an entity by the Local ��uthority �� t�ith financial assisLance of the United States of i_merica, i Housin� l�ssist�nce �.dministration, (herein �called the ;� ' "Government��); excluding, hot�rever, any lotir-rent housing II project covered by any contract for lo4ns and annual � contributions entered into betiaeen the Zocal �uthority �I and the Goverr.ment, or its predecessor agencies, prior �� I to the datc of this I�greement. �i (b) The term ��Taxing Body�� shall mean the' State or an� ji political subdivision or taxing unit thereof in ti,rhich a �� Project is situated and ti,rhich z�JOU1d have authority to i� assess or levy real or personal property taxes or to �I certify such taxes to a taxing body or public officer �� to be levied for its use and benefit with r�espect to a ,I Project if it Vaere not exempt from taxation. � � . �� li (c) The term '�Shelter Rent�� shall mean the� total of ; � all charges� to all tenants of a Project for, dtiaelling � � rents and nond��aelling rents (excluding all othcr ir_come of such Pro ject), less the cost to the I�ocal ;; � �uthority of all dtil7elling and nondti�relling �utilities. �� � (d) The term ��Slum" shall mean any area �;rere d�oll- �� � ings predominate t��hich, by reason of dilapidation, �I . ____ cvercrcwdir�g,fnulty arrangsment or design,� ilack of il ventilation, ligi�t or sanitation facilities, or any ;; combination of thsse fG.ctors, are detrimental to �I safety, health, or morals. i� ;� 2. Th� Local fiuthority shall endeavor (a) to �secure a �' cor�tract or contracts with the Government for loansiand annual contribu- i;' . �� �4 -� tions covering one or more �rojects comprising approximat,e7,y �� �i units of low-rent housing and (b) to dEVelop and adrninister suc ' Project or Projects, each of which shall be located� within the ;I � corporate limits of the Mu.nicipality. T�e obligations of the f! parties hereto sha11 apply to each such Project. � �, � 3. (a) Under the constitution and statutes of the State � � of ������ , all Projects� f� t om ii � ���� personal property taxesf��i7������ `! assessments levied or imposed by any Taxing �ody. '� With respect to any Project, so long as e�ither (i) u such Project is owned by a public body or6 govern- �; mental agency and is used for loi•r-rent housing �' , . , ;, � °• II �r II � y N i �' � �i ! � �: �� p . ' (b) It vaill accept nec-:ssar�y �e�lications of land . for, and t:ill £�I'JCIP� �_i.�proJe »avc. anu ;,�osri�e , � side*.•rallcs for; a].l stree+s Uoundin�; such iroject , � ' oi� �zecessary �o uro��i��: t_rxequ�t.e access th��reto (in J consid�ratlo» vrhereo.' �he Loc�� Aut<<orit,y shall pay , .._. �., . .. 3 . � • k . � ' • � G1'U� � „� 4 - C30 July, 1966 � �Lo the ;��u��icipality �uch amount as i•-ould be asse�sed again�t the �'ro j ect s ite f or such ti�rork if such site tiaero privately o:�ined); and (c) It ZTill provide, or cause to be provided, v:ater m;ir.s, :nd s�torm �;nd sanitary set�rer mains, leading to • such �rojECt and sarvinE the bounding streets �thEreof (in consider�ti�n i•rhercof {:hc Loc�l : u�hority shall pay to the �'lunicir��litt� such amount as s;ould be assesaed a�a?nst th� project site for sucli taork if such sits ti.ere privately oYmed). 7. If by reason oi the i��unicipality's failurc or refusul to f'urnish or c�:us� to bc iurnished �:ny :-;u'o:Lic s�rvice� or f'acilities 1•�hieh it has agresd hcreunciEr to iurnish or to cause to bE fur- nished to the Local I:utt�ority or to the tenants of any Project, the Local :�uthority incurs any expense to obt2in such services or facilities then the Local �.utl�ority may deduct the amount of such expE�se from �ny Payments in Lieu of TaxFS c?ue or to become due to the Iiunicip�lity in r�spect to any Project or any other lo�u-rcnt ' housing Pro jects o��aned or operated b�r the Zocal '�.uthority. 8. I'�10 Cooperation l�greement heretofore entered into bett�reen the °r�iunicipality and the Local �uthorit� shall be construEd to apply to any Project covered by this l�greement. 9. So lung as any contract between the Local I�uthority and the Goverr.t��nt f or lo�ns (including prelzminary loans) or annual contri- butions, or both, in connection ��rith any P�°oject remains in force �xnd effect, or so long as any bonds issued in connection :�rith any Project or any monies due to the Government in connection vrith any Proj- ect remain unpaid, this i��;reement shall not be abrogated, changed, or modified i�rithout the consent of the Goverr_ment. The privileges and obli�;ations of the 'i�lunicipalit� h�reunder s"�all rEmain in full force and ezfect �aith res�ect to each �raject so long as �he benef'icial titl� to such Yroject is held by the Local �iuthority or by any other public body or •_overnmental a�;�ncy, incTuding tho G�verr,ment, authorized by lat,a to engage in �he develcpment or administration of lota-rent housin� projE;cts. L at an3� time the benefici�al title to, or possession of, any Proj�ct is held by such other�pu.�lic body or governmEntal agenc;;�, includ.in` the Go�rernment, the provis�ons herEOf shall inure to the bcn�fit of and may be enforced b�r, such other public body or �overnmcntal a�Ency, including the Go,�crnment. Il`i �JITR'ESS i�'HEREOF, the 1•iunicipality and the Local rut�hority have respectively �igred this ���reement and caused th�ir seals to be affixed and attested as of �he day and year f irst �.bove written. ��t �3�`" �'sT �+A13_�, 2+��1�� (SEIiL) Corporata iJame of I�iunicipality t• By � �. Title . Title �.��.� � ����� ���� i}'`. �` ,�� �I� 4�� �� :�'hiJl:, ���Q�A, (SF1, `'°'� ���°'�L-�� , Corporate iJame of Local l:uthority �i � � � � . Secre a y e Cha'rman ��� I � � � �1� il � � -: ..�� , FORM AP ROV D ��j _�. � ,� i,- �' � � - E ` �'= "� � ?�� 'r�� �;�, Asst. Corporation Counsel �� �� r� "r-+ � ' . � � __ �t � ;��,�� - 4 - � � _ _ "�'1c'`� �= � - - �'� ... ;r. . __.�� *.� s �_• r-_"��:�; �,: _ , - �•' ..�. _ , - � • .. . \'r , �, �� ' 1 ', r�f . '!. � � r, ' . � . � � ` � ' L, ` • � .��.�••.�1 "�t� . , � � � � '�,. � � . l � � • .f � '� � • • ��� �+arayw:� 1 •,�•�.,Ri�:t`!ry� J _Gt.j.V�` � +�•• , , '1* •��• t •o, •'.+ ,t 1' ' ' �r, ,�.•3" / , �i' _ �i`; . .r.'�. ' " � , / I/ �. .���� - � .�; c�o �Juiy� i966- � �. �O`t 0 f''� e c( � � � � • � : r; . . ''�.�'`;A,.'�`.;�;�i��k{'•.,�,�' • � . � ' � .�- ' � - � . . " ; °I ' � _ . . '..����i � , r . �'•�•�k' �.rrrr�,1 . . '. � , ' ' •. ' ' • t . . • , � ..' . ;t:�� ����;;� :'. '�7' � . � . �. COQF]��Ri:TI0r1 ,GR.Cr11EPiT �` � . � . , . . . : .� . ;;�tti.��-f't� ;. • .� . ' , . „ • ' , � `' .,, . ��.- : L';.". : Th�� ,�sr�caucnt cntcr�il �3nto thid d��r of _ June . . , � .�;, -. ;; ,� ;�.; • . , , ....r.,.� � ., . .,- � �:� .�. • . . :.;` ' . , •�`'���`� .i� ';;" 19 67 � by and 'bet;aeen the ,HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHOBITY OF TI� ' � •' � . ^�-�,;' " ""� --— '�, ';,�.�. , � •� , - ' . � . . _ _ ,. . . � � ' . .f;, ,, : . , '�, �� . , 'r. . . ' . . . ..- . , •r.. , ; CITY OF SAINT P � n .. • _ AUL MINNESO . TA , . h r- �;� o cin c�. e . . . � ( 11 d thc Local � �;? , , , _ ,:� � . • �. � • ':utho . .d _. . • ' . ' ', , ' . ', ; ;,'�{., i '; . r ity��) at� the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA "��� :�' ,. _. ; (licrc�in �„llcd thc '�l��i�nicip�.lit,yn , �.ITt!'�:S��?TH: _ • . •: .1� ;�`:•:•� .' •': • , �':.�}; ..+ ,Y.,t,;����'.. f; � • � • ,4•���. �.. � f'�'t� r � .!�4�� . • • In considcration of thc r�;utual covcn��nts � • •��''� '`��'��" �s°"� '" "" y'�',r�:�' , , . , hcroinaftor set •:`;,,� ,.. ��;; .s,�,- •-;, ,� , , • forth�. the partic� hcrc�to do u�,�ree �� follows: � • �• •'� "_ =��:°���-�. �'�� � , � ' . . .;ti:� •�.�, :�� •`:,y�«••' .� ; �" _ . , ,, �.. _. .� '� �ri• :';,�. . , � . • , ., •.•'L'.•'�. ,• r�; . ' �ed in thi� _ -•';=",�, �`:•, .. : 1�: :h�.ncJer u .�rccment: ' . , ��R., � ",,,�;'� '�;:.,.. .. -� . ` ' 'i .i�' ��.y`I •�r� '�r' a" . •' �• • ', ' � (�:�) ihe tcrm ��Project�� sh�•11 r�ean r�ny loT�r-rcnt housin� �,� ' • ��� �,1`'�;;'��"��� ,; ;� - . . . • � �• ' htroai't�r dcvolored as an cntity by thc Loc�1 ��uthority �;� ';;:�.4 . �,� ' � ,� � • . ' ��,�� . c�ith fin.snci4� t��J1Jt;�ncQ of tho Unit . , '� �.;? -''s , , ed Statss of ;'•.mcrica�'" `�,�, �r;. • •: ' � � � Hou�in� ;�,�sistcnco l.dmini�tration, (hcrEin .callod the � • • �'':' ' '',�;� ' ' � • , `�'. ,�� -: �1; �� ��Govornment��); excludin�,^hot•rovEr� any loir-ront housin '� � °'�-�-• - 5 -:r•�. ' '• ' .. '„ '' •;� •�� , '� pro�cct covered by any contract for locns and annual � � . ' " �• �� _, •�'- � ' �� ''� ''�, � � � _ �' contribution� entercd into betr�ecn the Local Authority • , , ',•,`• '' " ' �� ��:�`�;:'. 'k' ' �� � •�fi� '�'• � and the Goverr•ment, or its predecessor agencies, prior � • � �F �`� �' '.� , .�: .. �., � �'�•�.�' t date f . ' , , , �'�`•' ..:' :;; ','�•'N,;., ;, ; , ,' .r . . o the o this J�greement. - .. ����,~ ���;�,� �. :. . �r .'`.,��`�•I .,r r• _�'; ,.;_, . , '- �'• . , .. . % ' y'���r r , . '�' • '; '+ -;- ` - ,�t� ,�G��. , • { ,; , ` r. ` 'i, :� ,�:- �;,;,y.;;;Y'� , � 'i, �` ;F „;�. (b) The term ��Taxing Body�� shall�mean tho State or any , :r`: � �'��'�� ." ' =,�- ',!`. *, ; •�� • ' .. :;�`; �;,f,��.,�,:,.;�`j � � �,i, ;,political �ubdivision or taxing unit thereof in t,rhich a ,•. � • �';�; :� ',i��' ;�w•��3. =' �=. P,rojoct is �ituated and ;ahich t�rould havo authority to • - � 4: � .�s' .;,{�:j�.�`•q;:��'.<< � � �'�� ;•'� assess or lsvy roal o� pvrsonal property taxe� or to - .' • � ';��'.F�•��� '�`� ;4 '':�54���� ,° .f',. certify ;:,uch taxo� to a. taxing body or public officer � � . , � . '•:�� `�'�j,?r::�'i; �`°`'• � •'to be levie -f � . . . �,;,' ;�;�� •= ; � � y + d or its use and benefit with rospect to �, .��•: . �;�.< ;;-�� ,.- h�"�T"�,�}F'� . �.;� '`. _. i'ro��ct if it were not cxempt from tas:ation. ' - ', ', , j��' `�� ��� '� .. � �"1�'�� , , `� �• . . ' , .� ' i ,,"".��;;�,�:��`a,=';�; •- � , ` (c) The term "Shclter Rent" shall mean the total of � � • � '_ ' , ' ' ' ;7-Si;`•;.:il,ir. ` + • ,p � . . �.w ,�a�;�,�•°�° �� :�"�'` , .w :11 char�ES to all tenants of a Yrojsct for d�.*elling �.'� . �: . � . S�' �'•j'• ��;�,��.;;�,��>;R �� ; ,-� r onts and nond�uelling r ents '(excludin� a11 other . • �;,' � ` '�' �� �'��`;`, ��: �'�'�3?r�� � , • �,`� ";r' - inccme of such Pro ject), less tho cost to the Local ', . ' .. ••� � �� �'�` ��.; � ����-y'��� "' , �- ';!'��;. ;�� �uthority.of all d:�.*Qlling and nond�•rolling u�ilities. � � ' •� ; � � ��, ''� , r.�} �� ��.� Jfi . . . .,. . '''r+ ' , I�%,; -��1'.}•},-;, ., ` � • '' _ ' _Y, •'t.. c' ';";;;, ;'�•��Y�;_ � � �; �•' fi, , (d) Thv�term ��Slum" sh�11 moan any �r�a �;hcro dko11- ' � ' � - :; '�;�1;�;'-G` .,�,;�.� . � •�`'��,'� , ings pre8omin�,te tahich, �y roason of. dilapidation� „ " '_. � .• _ :��� .�;��� ���`,�'���F;;�;,;;:� , r ' ., cvcrcrcwdir.g�fuulty arrangEment or dosign� 14ck of ' ' � ' ' � , �," � . •,7- l , �k;;;;.;; ;r� ' , ' � ' vsntilation, li�i�t or sanitation facilitics� or �ny . , ' . ,'` � � �.,` '���:;,� � ., i , • combination of those f�,ctors, are detrimental to . '. • �. . ' • •�� : ����' .' ,��, � � ; safoty�' hcalth, or• morals. � ' . � �• . ' � . ', ��,: '' . ' , ' , ' ' 1 �,.�`��;;;� •'� ' • ?_. .Tho Local liuthority shall ende�vor (a) to secure a - � '� ' ' � ; � ;,, � ��'' �•'i�:�:,'�;�; � contruct•or contracts tiiith the Government for loans and annual contribu= � ' ��'•.���. :� �� � .. :;'r;;�.; ° ' � . ' . _ . . , . . .. , ,C��.,'�;r.� � e , ' .., ''' . .• 1 '• ' � � .� ,y.:�,, h tions� coverin� one or more �ro jects comprising approximately 1500���� • � ^ � • ' � �`�' . units��of ,loUr-rent housing and (b) to devclop and adrninister suc '� ' � °',"�t'. �':o,j�c� or Projects, each of tahich shall be located vrithin the � ` �� '. �� ' ' � � ' � . ' • � ` , , cr.,rr��r:i�Ge limits of the Ilunicipality. The obligationa of the � i� �� �,+. . .` �r . � ,: �. , - ' ��-rtiu� lzereto ��hall apply to each such Pro�ect. . � � � '..��;�� ''" °;�' �� '�' � , ; . : � • . • • ' .. < ���� -, , _ :�; . � . �:,' . .' 3:,,� �a) Under the co�sti�qtio� at�c� �t�t�t�s o� tYl� at�t� . ,' � �'='` - � . `�; � �, ;; ' � . „ • . - . , , . . , ;�� `�;:`�;,-° • . -� �; '� , of Minnesota� � all Projects aro exsmpt from � ,�� .. y , • ' , � � �' ' " � � �.. • • „-�'� all rsal and personal property taxes / falHd�/sfp�a�a(�laf.� - � � � ;°, ,•�� . � •=;�� • ,,� . �,�� ���I$�¢�����i�� /,levied or imposed by an�axing �ody. • ' • . . � - ..` .�: �: �:,:��' "" � - `.+� ����ti�Tith respo� �to any Pro j ect� so long as either (i) . : � : . ::!. . : '� . :r` �; .. ,�� '�' � ; • ��, 'such Project �3s,otimed�by a publio body or go'vern- • �, , � - ,;; . '; ,� • •� . �" ' • mental agency,`and �3.s used for, lo��-rent• housing"• � • ' - ' �' -`' ` � ,4 • �,�`?r ,5�+• � � � •' �r �'� ' .� r,:.� 4,i. • �+. .��/r .`` . .. ` . ' ,,'•i�'_ 1ri�.s r'. . ' .. ' � ��� Df• } t r :�r • �:s` � . •.� +. " '�" ' �N.•. .. � • . '�'I! '�, ,y . `. . 1' . .-. . "'.., ..( `•.',` i• + 't,� . � � .. J� ,,-n. , „. • , :' .•'�•. `" ,,�,i N���� . , , �r4 '� .. ) , �' � .. ,. . �r�„�_ " ,i�:'�,', � �•'.�•; . I,J '�• . � ' f ,i. _� ' �1� t�� .'::•'. •!, :,�;•�. ��� r4' li• . .� ����.. ,�a•,�I t . ... • ,`i a ,.. s� f. ' jr'P''�- . �s' - �ie. , ;, � � i `. • ..� ', �!i , . . ..j �� ' i� .j� �,�,; 1�'C.h, i , , �4,' ,.` ,,r � � � � , ' •� • ' • . , i t.f 'F � � . .. I �A . . �'t,. ' � ' ' •tr� ' �� , . � . ' . ' t• ' a. , •f. ,. ' i'> •• '� , �� ' V, , . .'�•� ' • ' V . .�.' t � ;. + 'h � � . , . . . . � • � , . .�1, '�4 ,�:Y • �'� � ' � ���'✓ , • , �� . : � , . ., �s �. . `�.� , . : : '�' � ' • ' .�� , ' � . . � . . . .. . • : ; '� ,• . , � , r: ,, •�� • . t-'" •r�,' _ .. �� . , • • . . - �� � . � ''f. ' '� e: . . , [ r� . • . ' . '',a�. , '�`•� . ° ' ' • � ' ' � �f ,•;'r*�'� . ' ' •�y �a' ' ' �r,; � ,f.�.,�: 1 , • ' 1c,�dr , ' ' � ' f�. _ t,'' � ,J' �.�` ,•� � �. ��.`i , , . " i 1�:� �'`.' {': .� a .. � `h .•t, , ;�r..- •• I ' � . . • '. _ .a � ,.'_,• 1' .,•j` � � .� � � , � . � ' . . ' r��' • �. �. , � . • . . ., L � i �.. . . . ..�. . �. . . � i . � . 1 � � • �, '�. � �� v � . '�• ' � .. � . F � � . ' CL�b:L CRO July, 1966 • purposes, or (ii) any contrac�� bet-.�en the Locai �luthor- ity and ths Government for loans o� annual contribut?ons, or both, in connection ZTit.h such Project remains in force and effect, or (iii) any bonds issued in connsction V�ith such Project or any monies due to the Government in connection t•lith such Project rsmain unpaid, whichever period is the longest, the i4unicipality agrees that it taill �#levy ��r��,�' ������€���� � r personal propsrty taxes��of� speci�� assessmen�s�f upon such ProjECt or upon the Local I�uthority with respect thereto. Lliring such period, the Local 1'_uthority shall make annual payments (herein called "p f es") in lieu of such ' taxes '�n��sp���ia�������s�men�_°s` and in payment for the public services and facilities furnished from time to tixne t•rithout other co st or char ge f or or wi th r e spect to such Project. (b) Each such annual Payment in Lieu of Taxes shall be made aftsr the end of the fiscal year established for such Project, and shall be in an amount equal to either (i) ten percent (10�) of the Shelter Rent charged by the Local l�uthority in respect to such Project dur ing such fiscal year, or (ii) the amount permitted to be paid by applicable state law in effect on the date such � payment is made, ��hichener amount is the lower. (c) The Payments in Lieu of Taxes shall be distributed ' among the Taxing Bodies in the proportion which the real property taxes ti�Jhich tiaould have been paid to each Taxing Body for such year if the Project were not exempt from taxation bears to the total real property taxes which ti•aould have been paid to all of the Taxing Bodies for such year if the Project rrere not exempt from taxation, or in such other manner as provided b�� state statute; Provided, however, That no payment f or any year shall be made to any Taxing Body in excess of the amount of the real property taxes which �aould have been paid to such Taxing Body for such year if the Project were not exempt from taxation. (d) Upon failure of the Local Author ity to make any Payment in Lieu of Taxes, no lien against any Project or assets of the Local i4uthority shall attach, nor shall any interest or penalties accrue or attach on account thereof. 1�. The Plunicipality agrees that, subsequent to the date of initiation (as defined in the United States Aousing Act of 1937, as amended) of each Projsct and Vaithin five years after the completion thereof, or such further period as may be approved by the Government� and in addition to the number of unsafe or insanitaxy dwelling units which the i��unicipality is obligated to eliminate as a part of the low-rent housing Project(s) heretofore under- taken by the Zocal Authority, there has been or will be elimina- tion (as approved by the Government) by demolition, condemnation, effective closing, or compulsory repair or improvement, of unsafe or insanitary dwelling units situated in t ha locality or metro- politan area in which such Project is located, substantially equal in number to the number of newly constructed dwelling units provided by such Project; Provided, That� UJhere more than one family is livi.ng in an unsafe or insanitary dwelling,unit, the elimination of such unit shall count as the elimination of units � equal to the number of f amilies accommodated therein; and Provided, further, That this paragraph 4 shall not apply in the case of (i) any Froject developed on the sits of a Slum cleared subsequent to July 15, 1949, and that the dwelling units elimi- nated by the clearance of the site of such Project sha.11 not be counted as elimination for any other Projsct or any other low- rent housing Project, or (ii) any Project located in a rural nonfarm area. _ _ 2 _ . � . .: � L � ••t � ., � , • � �a�� . . 2�r�1 „ C�0 Jul,y, 1966 5. ��ur�n� th�: t�erio� cormzi�ncing ��aii;h thc c��;te of the �cquisition �f �,n,y part of the site or sites of an,y Pi�oject an�' continuin� �o lon� as ' . eit.har l�.j �uch i•ro ject i:s o�•m�d. Y,ry• a �;t�blic bocly o-r �overnmcnt�;l �;�Ency ;nd is used f'or lot��-rent housir►; ��urposc:s, or �ii) an,y contract between i;he I.ocal Autl��ori�ty =nr� thc Gotierr.men�L- for lo�r,s or. annual contributions, - or both, in conne�tion t�rith �ucli Fro,ject. remuins in £or.ce and effect, or (iii) ��ny bondJ ZJJLZ�II ir► conn�c�ic�n wi�h such �-roject or any monies due, to the Govcrnn�ent �.n conricctiot� T��itn �uch ��ro,j�c� remain unr�aid, v:hichever _ period i� the longcst, tti� •unicii�a:�i�ty without ros� or charge to the I,o- • cal Etuthority or f,h� ��nants oi such 1=r.o jac�; (other than the P�yments in iieu of Taxes) shall: ' � (a) i�urnish or cau�r. ��o ac .furn�.shEd -co �he Local � Authori•ty and �h�� te»ai,ts o� such 1-r��j�:ct p�xblic services an� f'acil.��i:s :�z the .�� nie cl'�a�.�acter and _ . _ � -• to �;he same extcnt a� 2rE: fv.rnished from time to � � -� �°=�� " time vrithout cos t or char�;E �to r�ther dv.ellings and • ' � inhaUit�nts in the i•iur,i��ipality; - (b) Vacate such str�aet.s, ruad.�, and alleys within '- � the area of such _rojec;�c as may bc nocessary in the develo�:�ment th�r::of, and convey cJithout charge �•- � � to the Local �'uthority suc�, in�terest as the . ," ' . I:un:�cipalit,y may have i�z such vaca�t�d are:s; and, . - •, _ in so far as it is la�,rfull.v able to do so taithout - , cost or er,pense to �;he Local -:u�hor�.ty or to the _ . � _ :�:unicipality, cause �Lo be remo�red from such � � vacated areas, in so far as i-c m�- be necessary, � ,' all public or privaLa uti_.ity lines and equi�ment; : • (c) In so i'ar as the �_unicipality may la;•rfully do � so, (i) grant such cieviat�ons fror�� �;he building code of the ::unici.;�alz-L-y as are reasonable and • necessary -�o prornote econ�rr�y �r.d efficiency in the ` ' develor�ment an�. ad:ninistz•�:•�•�.on of. such Froject= . and at the sam� �im� .�afe�uaru health an,� safety� � • :?nd (i�_) mal:e sueh. �:hailges �_r� an5 zoning of the site and sur:��undin� tei°ri�o��y of such Pro ject as � are i easonable and n��cFSSar�r for t'�e development �, and prot-�cti�ii o:� such ri•ojea�c an.ci the surround- ing terxitory; , (d) t�ccept �rants of easements nocessary for the i develo;�ment of sLCh �r�;;ect; and (e) Cooper�te vrith the Local ruthority by such ' ' other latcful ae�tion cr ways as the i-�unieipality � and the Local .:uthority ma�r find necesaary in � connection with tli� development and administra- . tion of such Projecte • , , �. Yn r�sp�ct to any r`�o�ect th� ��unicipality fur�her ��`ees �hat kzthin a. re�sonable tim� after re;;eipt of a �aritten re��uest therefor from the Local l�uthorit�r: (a) It taill accept the dedication of all interior . streets, roads,- alleys, and adjacent si;lewalks with- in the area of such i�roject, together with all storm . and sani�tary se*.aer ma:;.r.s ir� such dedicated area�, after the Local ��ul;hority, at its ot,�n expense� has , comi�leted the grading, _�mproverient, pavin�, and � installation thereoi :tr_ accoraance w�th s�ecifica- • tions acceptablP to the i•:unicipality; , - ' (b) It vaill accept nec':.,sary �enications of land • � for, and t•:ill �radP, �.m�;.roJ� i�avc. ana ;:roiride � side*.�rallcs for; a).1 strec+s Uoundin�; such i-roject � ' oi° �zecessary -c,o F,rot�ic.le _dc�qu�t.e access thcreto (in ', consider2tioii yrher�o�' ±he Loca.� Aut'r�orit,y shall pay � " . � . . _ _., ,, . . �.,,1.ry - . � ' ' , , _ .. . , ., } P , ' . , J . , ti `- r �; • . ' . . �� . ; , �g� , , , - . ' " ,. .." � " ,. CRO Jnly, 1966 � � � " - , �. _ . x , , "; { _ - . � :. ._ . • 4 � '. ,.' � .Y.�'1.`.,4`'`d?.�'�'. - ,.., � 5;�,;�1d' , °`` ' , _ �� '� ., � to the I�iunicipality such amount as w �u be a '��' ' `��;r:.;` ''�:�`'::' "��1��.' " o ld ssessed� : � - � ..� , - � , against the Pro�ect si�e for such work if such site ' _ � '�� °"'r�� - • � '� • ' � , - ` V�ere privately otmed); and �„ � ` , ,� . �.. . - . _ , - � � . � .. - . . . - � . - - �, . . � , '� _ ; ' (c) It rrill provide, or cause 'to be provided, water . , . _ � , : .L _ - mains, and storm and sanitary set•rer mains� leading to �, � � � �r; � � ' suah Pro�eot and servi��g the bounding streets thereof � , : (in consideration t•�hereof the Local Huthority shall • • -� . � pay to the iiunicipality such amount as crould be „_'. � � ,� � : . . ' ' ��� � ' assessed against the Pro3ect site for such work i.f . � . � � , - such site were privately ovmed)o - � ' � , . , • . � �� � 7. If by reason of the i;unicipality�s failure or refusal to . , . , � , , • furnish or cause to be furnished any public services or facilities , ' t•rhich it has agreed hereunder to furnish or to cause to be fur- � ' . , , . nished to the Local Authority or to the tenants of arry Pro3ect� the.: � ' s '� Local �!uthority incurs any expense to obta3n such services or � • ` ' . facilities then the Local l�.uthority ma.y deduct the amount of such. - s � � �� :. expense from any Payments in Lieu of Taxes due or to become due to � �� _ - � � the P•lunicipality in raspsct to any Pro�ect or any other low-rent , � - �� " housing Pro3ec�s oi-med or operatsd by the Local l!uthorityo � ` • � , . . ` ;`' � . 8. No Cooperation l�greement heretofore entered into between ; ; . ' � � the i�9unicipality and the Local �uthority sha1Z be construed to - _ - �_: ;`.` • apply to ariy Pro3ect covered by this l�greement. , F - .. �,,�-•' ,; � . 9. So long as any contract between the Local Ruthority and . , -� ' °���.-, - . .• the Goverz*!ent for loans (including prelimi.naxy loans) or annual contri- " _ . `�. . . • butions, or both, in co nnection t•rith any Pro�e ct r emains in for ce ' - ` , '" ; � , : � ,. and effect, or so long as any bonds issued in connection with any � =��.:, ' _ � _ Pro3ec� or any monies due to the Government in connection �rith any Pro�- •, • , 1 . • ect remain unpaid, this I�.greement shall not be abrogated� changed, " = . • _ or modified witrout ths consent of the Goverr�ment. The privileges and , ,• � , obligations of the t�runicipality hereunder shall rema.in in full � . � force and effect with respect to each Pro�ect so long as the • -� � � ;�:��:' . : beneficial title to such Project is held ty the Loc�.l �luthority or " - � - : { ''' � ° b a vther ublic bod or � � ' ,, , y rry p y �overnm„ntal agency, including the Government� -- ' . ,authorized by law to engage in thp develcpment or administration of � � � . �� ' � lota-rent housing projects. If at any time the beneficial t3.tle to� `' ' `�' - , or possession of� arry Pro3ect is held by such other public body or , - ' ' ,4 � �. �, governmental agency, including the GovernmEnt, the provisions hereof shall � - ��� � .�; . � . ; inure to the benefit of and ma�l be enforced by, such other public • _ ' � �. . - - body or governmental agency� including the Go,�ernment. ' ! � '€� , ; _ . . ��. - �� ' IlJ W1TIdESS WHEftEOF� the l�unicipality and the Local Authority ' ' ,� : '` ; have reapectivel,y signed th3.s A�reement and caused their seals to � ° � � +�;� �, • � be affixed and attested•as of the da.y and year first above written, p _ , . _ � • �� ' �. , r '. ' ; � �, ' • CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA � , ' .� (�:n3) � (Corporate ame of Municipality . ' . .. , • _ . . - . - � � � ' ' Atteets ' . � � � - ' " ' . �� • � � ' Ti le � Bv� YoR Title � • • , . " � • ~ , � HQUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTl30RITY , E ' . . _ � 'OF TFIE CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA . _ ' . " ' � (y�.r_L� ' - �Curpora e ame o Local Au or y , '? �� " Attests • . , t � ' " • • . �� '� ' � "� �c�e v�; B� s ar l� ' '' . . / ���_.�...�. �r � � E;re ~.�t � , , �`��' .Vi��C rman � . . , V • -. - ? . � . . � , _ . . � 1 . � �cr �C eq� , . . ' . � _ , . . . � . � -� ?� - �/1 �/'m e� . , ., , , . , , �