234118 Y . . �341 _� . ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK , CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. ' OF ICE E CIT� CLERK COUNC �RES UT O — E RAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DAT RESOLUT ON P OV NG ICATION FOR PRELIMINARY LOAN F LOW T PUSLIC HOUSING � WHEREAS, it is th policy of this locality to eliminate substandard and other inadequate housing, to prevent the spread of slums and blight, and to realize as soon as feasible the goal of a decent home in a suitable �living environment for all of its citizens; and ' WI�REAS, under the provisions of the United States Housing Act of 1937, as amended, the United States of America;��,Housing Assistance Administration (herein- after called the "Government") is authorized to provide financial assistance to local public housi.ng agencies for undertaking and carrying out preliminary plan- ning of low-rent liousing projects tha.t will assist in meeting this goal; and WI-iEREAS, the Act provides that there shall be local determinationaf need for low-rent housing to meet needs not being adequately me't by private enterprise and that the Government shall not make any contract with a public housing agency for preliminary loans for surveys and planning in respact to any low-rent housing projects unless the govarning body of the locality involved has by resolution approved the application of the public housing agency for such preliminary loan; , and - -• .� -� . WHEREAS, tha Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Sai.nt Paul, Minnesota (herein called the "Local Authority") is a public housing agency and is applying to the Government for a preliminary loan to cover the costs of surveys and planning in connection with the development of low-rent housing; NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul Minnesota as follows: � 1. There exists in the City of Saint Paul a need for such Iow-rent housing � at rents within the means of low-income families; ` �' w c > ° 2. The application of the Local Authority to the Government for a prelimi.�ary o loan in an amount not to exceed $112,500.00 for surveys and planning i.n connection � Q with low-rent housing projects of not to exceed approximately� 750 �dwelling units is c`� hereby approved. � y � � � COUNCILMEN �U� 2 9 1� Adopted by the Council � 9_ Yeas Nays Carlson 2 91��� Dalglish , " ��� Approved g_ Holland � �-� '" -� � - � . Meredith � In Favor Peterson �Q Mayor Tedesco � Against Mr. President, Byrne p�gt1SH�D ��L � 19� �zz , j • (� GUADRUrLICATE TO DErARTMENT (1�A w9s[ CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi< < <��� �.•� r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF � �t��OL�1TIbN APpROYINC 1�PP1.YC.�1'�I�t F0R QRELI�IAiAFtI� LQAI� � �aR LA�«R&HT PUflLIG �101l�SYC �i�REA�� i� is thc� �ollcy c�i' this lacnli�y �o e1�ti��tr� se�bst�ndard a�d other in�daqo�to housir�g, to prievesn� Lhe spreecE �f slt�� �r�d b�l�h�, ��d ta �a��I9,�o aa aoc�n es faasibla t.�ee �o�l o� n detent hQuc� in a suitai�le �,�ving env��r�an��nt �or a21 0�' ita cixizon�; and t�f�Cl�Ell5, and�r tho �ZraVt�ion� of t1�a llnite�# Statea fiausin� Act a� 19�7, us amonde�d, tho I�ii�tcd SCate� o:� A��rlca�Y flausing hssist�nco �d��n�;atra��.tm (4�e�o3.�• a£tsr call�� tti� "��v�ra�rac�nt"j is aeitha�ixad to Iz�ovido $�namcial �s�i�tanc� t� lacsY pubiic hot�s�n� �go��ci�a for underegki�g and cnrry3ng� out �r�l#��i�npy pisn- ni�g o£ lau-rat�t ta�usin� �r�j�a�ts that esilt assis� !.0 n�ocati�ng �1�3a gaai; a�d :��i�E�ASy tl�+o .��t �irovidc�$ 2��t therc� shall t�e lacai deter�€inatii,an�!.' net�c� �ar low�r�nt housin� to a��t r��ed� �4t Dain�; adequ�teiy �ne� by �,riYat• e��oa�ri�o and that t�o �ov�rnna�t s.�u.l� t�ot ��,ko �►ny cot�irr�.�t arith � �t,bl�.� �t�t��iag ��;�n�y far ' prfl,tiMi�axy ,�o�r�x �ar a�rvQ�s ten�. ptunni�i� in rvsnaet tv g�tp la�t-x��it I�c}us3f�g flrojects unleas the �;avernin� �udy c+� �ha l�ca�i�y fk��r�lverd h�:s �y rosa�Iu�3�n ap�rcavad �hs r�p���cat�ar� d£ thc� public hcxssirrg a�eu�y �or sact� ��vl��ina�ry loan; and � NEi�R�11S, tha t�nusing and t�odov��a}�x:�oat �utl�vritv w� �he C3ty u� Sai.�t P�ul, !�innosat� (�o�ce3n cal]�cct t��a •'Loca2 dwtkflxitp„) is � �Iic hous�n� agea�zy and is applp�n� to t�e �overc�dnt �ox �. �re13�c�inary loan �t,o coti►tsr t�Q casts a� surveys and $lanning in c�nnocxion with �he deuo�o����ent o£ lawr-�ent hat�a3n�: t3QE�d, 'fl����C;S�QR�. l�a it xoaolund �y th� �i�y Cou�cil o£ the Cit� o£ Saint Panl, �linae�ota a� ��Ilvws: 1. 'Phare ox�ists in th� City ai' Safnx �au1 r� rsc�act fflr such lo�r-ren� h+o�sin� at rents with�n tha :�c+�n� o� Iow-in��n� �a�ilfe�; Z. ?hm ap��licnt3an a� tliu Lqc�l Aut;�oxi�� €a tAa �:�u��rtts�ent fox � �x�a3�4n sY logn in :� a�aun� not to �xc�ad �112,�Oi�.�O £sar su�rr�ys asid plar�nis�� in connoct�o with lo�+-��a� hau�ing proj�ct� o� ��t tr� Qxe�uel �ppr�x���ta�� �SU c�edollin� urii�ts s hcreby app�ov�d. JUN 2 919�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson �1 U N 2 91��� . Dalglish Approved 19_ Holland Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne zz � I am returning your approprfation tranefer , resolutioa. It has been approved by me and now xe- quires your requesting the City Council's approval. � J. J. MITCHELL CITY COMPTROLLER