234110 ' 2�3��� 0 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK , CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. �f OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK — CO I RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM , PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE AT WHEREAS, The Coffinittee on Lands, composed of the Mayor, ,the Purchasing Agent, and the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Saint Pau1, has secured an agreement for the purchase of that certain property described as follows: , The northeast ,�—� of I,ot Four (4) of Irvine's Addition of Outlots to the �own of St. Pau1, except the west 452 feet thereof, acc. Wf�REAS, The property described therein is necessary for the ' opening and widening of the Arch-Pennsylvania Highway from I,afayette Road to Payne Avenue, and the price at which the property may be pur- chased is in the total amount of $9,750.00, a fair and reasonable price according to the appraisal obtained by the Comanittee on Lands; and WFIEREAS, Said Committee has reco�ended the purchase of said pro- • perty at the price stated above, as evidenced by the letter o� said Committee submitted herewith; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED That �pursusnt to Section 303 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby au- � thorize the purchase of the land described as: The nor-theast ,�—� of Zot Four (4) of Irvine's Addition of Outlots to the town of St. Pau1, except the west �+52 � y feet thereof, acc. ' c � RESOLVED Further that the proper City officials are hereby au- � � � thorized and directed to pay to Nicholas M. Bartone and Mary Pi11a, ven- j o :� dors of said property, the s�un of $9,750.00, said sum to be paid to the � a aforesaid vendors f`rom PIR Fund 6000, to be reimbused from Bond Furid No. � � 7200-ST-32, upon their flzrnishing an abstract of title continued to date evidencing good maxketable title in Nicholas M. Ba.rtone and Mary Pi11a, � y and the total payment to be made upon tender by said parties of an appro- 0� ¢ priate �rarranty deed conveying title to said property to the City of S�.int Pa.ul. JUN ? 8196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Car]son . ,���1J 2 � 1���/ Dalglish Approved 19 Holland � Favor Meredith � Peterson = (� Mayor Tedesco A gainst • Mr. President, Byrne Pl1�LISH�ED •��� 1 ��� �2z ! J. WILLIAM DONOVAN 223-5317 � Valuation Engineer i ROY E. BREDAHL, Jr. C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L - Ass't Valuation Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS r 286 City Hell �3���0 1 $eint Peul, Minnesote 65102 � �� June 28, 1967 City Council City of Saint Paul City Hall Gentlemen: � The City of Saint Pau1, acting through its Valuation Engineer, has negotiated to purchase certain property described as follows: The northeast ,—�� of Lot Four (4) of Irvine's Addi- tion of Outlots to the totan of St. Paul, except the west 452 feet thereof, acc. The owners of the above described lands, l�icholas M. Bartone and Mary Pilla, have accepted an offer tendered them by the City in the amount of $9,750 as compensation for the sale of the said land to the City. This property, including land and buildings, is needed by the City of Saint Pau1 for right-of-way for the Arch-Pennsylvania Highway. In view of the reasonable price for which it can be purchased, said price be�ng the appraised fair and reasonable market value thereof, we, the Committee on La.nds, do recoffinend to the Council of the City of Saint Paul that it authorize the purchase of said land in lieu of condemnation proceedings at the price of, $9,750, as negotiated with the owners. Very truly yours, Mayor �� J S ' J� cha.sing Agent � Commissioner of Pu lic Works jt File No. 17087 Parcel 26