234105 .� - . 23 ��5 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK '� ' �� CITY OF ST. PAUL , couNCi� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. , CO NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE - DATF - ✓ � RESOLIITION OF CITY OF SAINT PAIIL� MINNESOTA� OF APPLICATIOId FOR NEIGHBORHOOD FgCTLITIES GRANT 1�ER£AS, 'Section 703 of the Housing and IIrban Development Act of 1965 anthorizes the making of grants of Federal funds to any loeal public body or ageney to assist in financing the development cost of neighborhood faeilities necessary for carry- ing out programs of eommunity service; and WSEREAS� the Gity of Saint Paul� Minnesota (herein sometimes referrQd to as "Appliean�") deems i� to be necessary and in the public interest to provide �ertain facilities of the type contem . plated in said 'Seetion 703 and to undertake a project (hereinaft r called the "Neighborhood Facilities Pro�ect") with Federal grant " assistance� described as Neighborhood House �ommunity Center; an WHEEtEA�� it i5 recognized that the Federal contract for such f financial assistance pursuant to said Se�tion 703 �rill impose certain obligations and responsibilities npon the 9pplicant and _ will require among other things (1) the provision of the local sha�e of the cost of the Neighborhood Faeilities Project� (2) � assurances that families or individuals displaeed as a result 0 of the developmen� of the Neighborhood Facilities Project will t� � be offe�ed decent, �afe� and �anitary housing within their means, > o �3) t�e making of relocation pa�men�s in accordance with the � regulations of the Department of Housing and IIrban Development, � � (4) eompliance with Federal labor standards� and (5) compliance � `� and� Federal requirements relating to equal employment opportunit,y; � � � � WHEREAS� Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the rega.lations of the Department of Housing and IIrban Development effectuating that Title� pPOVide that no person shall� on the ' ground of race, color� or national origin� be egclnded from � . COUNCILMEN r Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays , Carlson � Dalglish Approved 19_ Holland _ . � Meredith In Favor Peterson ' � Ma� or � Tedesco A gains� Mr. President, Byrne 2z i � 2�41� 2. participation in� be denied the benefits of� or be subjected , to discrimination in the undertaking ax�d carrying out of projects receiving Federal financial assistance: IdOW, THEREFORE, THE City Council of the Cit�r of Saint Paul� Minnesota, RESOLVES: 1. That an application on behalf of the City of Saint Paul be made to the Department. of Housing and Urban Development for a, grant under Section 703 of the Housing and IIrban Develop- ment Act of 1965, in� an amount equal to (two-thirds) of the� development cost of the Neighborhood Facilities P'roject, such development cost now estimated to be $843,310.. 2. That the Neighborhood Facilities Project (a) is necessary for carrying out a program of health, recreational, social, or similar community service in the area, (b) is con- sistent with comprehensive planning for the development of the community, and (c) will be .available for use by a significant number of the area' s low- or moderate-income residents . " 3. That Victor Tedesco, Commissioner of Parks and Recreati n � and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and directed to execut and file such application, to execute such contract or contracts as may be necessary for the grant applied for, to provide such information and furnish such documents as may be required by the Department of Housing and IIrban Deaelopment, and to act as the authorized representative of the Applicant in the accomplishment of the Neighborhood Facilities Project. 4. That the IInited States of America and the Secretary of Housing and IIrban Development be, and they hereby are� assured of full compliance by the Applicant with the regulations of the Department of Housing and IIrban Development effectuating Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. 5. That the Neighborhood Facilities_ Project will be carrie out in full compliance with applicable Federal statutes and regulations of the Secretary of Labor pertaining to the employ- . ment of laborers and mechanics on projects assisted with Federal , funds. • -r � � �� j �3 1�5 • ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ' - , • -, CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DAT - 3• . � 6. That there exists in the lo�ality an adeq�ate amount of decent� safe, and sanitary hou�ing which will be available to individuals and families displaced as a result of the Neighborhood Facilities Project� at prices within their fin�ancial means� and ( tY�at all displacees will be offered such honsing in aceordance With appli�able regulations of the Department of Housing and Urba ' Development. , � JUN 2 8196 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays JUfV 2 & 19�]' - Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Holland I Meredith �In Favor Peterson J , Mayor Tedesco A gainst � Mr. President, Byrne E�l�,ji°�{�, JuE. � , �zs _ I