234083 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ��� (�3 + CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. � � ?,ICE�ds� Coi��fi�ITTF� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY JUT18 Z�J� 1967 COMMISSIONE DATF / � RESOLVID: That 1�pplication�T-1604�. for Hrive-In-Restaurant and Cigarette Zi.censes� applied for by Donald B�George at 834 Rice Street, be and the same a.s hereby granted� subject to the followin; conditions, �hat the grounds be prepared and maintained so as to be dustless, that the debris be picked up �ru�. removed daily from the premises and that the sidewalks axound the property be cleared of snow and ice during the winter. - RII�tEWAL � . Drive In Restrictions � JUN 2 7 �91�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson ��J� 2 � ���`� Dalglish Approved g� Holland � T_ Meredith � Favor Peterson l� Mayor -- Tedesco - Against J�� � �,; �UBLISlt�D Mr. President, Byrrie �`�_ �2z � • I v