234075 � ' i A ORIGINALTO CITY CLERK � "", � CITY OF ST. PAUL FoENCi� N�. � 40�� � ' � ' . O F F I C E O F T H E C I T Y C L E R K x COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DAT � Page 3. In the event that the b�ilding is to be razed by the City of�Saint Paul pursuant to judgment of the Dis'trict .Court, all personal property or fixtures which may unreasonably interfere wi.th the razing and removal of this building shall be removed within ten (10) days from the entry of judgment; and if not so removed, the City of Saint Paul shall remove an dispose of s�.ch personal property and fixtures as provided by 1 aw. , 4. If the City _of Saint Paul is compelled to take any corrective act3.on herein, a11 necessary costs expended by the City will be assessed against the above-described real estate and eolleeted as other taxes; and be it FIIRTHER RESOLVED� That a eertified copy of this resolut on and incorporated Order herein be served upon the last record owners of the above-described property in the manner providea by law and also upon other interested parties in the mar�.ner provided by law. - , ; COUNCILMEN J U N 2 7 �96� Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson • �u� 2 7 �� . Dalglish Approved I 19— Holland I Meredith n Favor � Peterson ✓ Mayor Tedesco A gainst � f Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISH�D JV 1 1g�� �za _,� ., � _. . �tTp o' p.� GERALD 11.ALFVEBY � Ana Cod�612 �q�' ey. �/' �j. /� PAUL J. KELLY � ��121 � � � � �-��� a THOMAS J�STEARNS o ..... �� �V�y iro JON R. DUCKSTAD ms �� M10 ARTHUR M�NELSON �.. ' JEROME J.SEGAL ROBERT E.O'CONNELL , THOMAS MOONEY First Assictant �.4CITY OF SAINT PAUL KENN H�J. FI1Z ATRICK DANIEL A.KLAS GERALD H�SW,,NSON Sp�clelAutatant , � LEGAL DEPARTMENT --- 316 Cif�y Hall� St. Paal, Mieaesota bb102 � - � - � 1 , � s JOSEPH P. SUMMERS JL1Tle 26 1 Corporatioa Counsel � 9 7 ` 1 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk � Sub�ect: Hazardous Building 123, West Lawson Street Dear Sir: • Enclosed herein is resolution and incorporated Order pertaining to the above b�ilding� which resolution I have approved as to form and which may be introduced to the City Council. Upon passage 'of this resolution, will you please furnis us with nine certified copies of said resolution. . Yours very truly, 4� �- Jerome J. Segal � � ) Assistant Corporation Coun el JJS/mlp � Enclosure • q . �1 � 3 � , � � ,C'f � � �o i / . �' ' �' '� '3 �'.'4 7� �;���� � � C T OF SAINT PAU � , ,�� --� • - � ''r - � � 1 Capital�of 4Minnesota� ` C '� e��1 s�� ( ' � r���.]....� ' i � _��j� _ � --� q�.'j�L� �-+`Y..` ' .. .�i '_ '�'�-*aA:�z . ' � � F� ����� � - � . �N. �- '��� .'�r' - iY'r'p � 11�1f ��il �— �►'� _� r '�"��i. _ ~� / I � YI' � '- ` t lY a,__ � �,'L i, l� � S � � ��445 City Hall `�t� ��� `� �" , — � �`:� - �;.:�,::.�-. ..,�. f,_ . , ;r �� . --i' " ` �� ����- - .5. fi- : _ �. Y a.- ",._"- . .`�,. ��. i��= '; �'�•r, ''y•: �,� ' ' Y' �+ � 1� •`.'��� ,.,��s x �1 ,1 Yy� � .'`" ��' C . '��`.' �a��',`f�' � � •j# ��'� , •.6'a ' ���� �c �:. _ - � - ` `'� " '+��''►, �* ��;�', f�`,,,,n ��S , � • _ - 1:"/�' 'a - r•.v •,� BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ROBERT L. AMES, City Archi+ect 445 City Hall, 55102 I 223-4212 June 20, 1967 Honorable 'I'homas� R. Byrne, Mayor and Members of the City Council Re: File No. 1877--123 W. Lawson Gentlemen: � Z'he following is a report of the Building Department on the condition of the garage building at 123 West Lawson, owned by William M Richie and Roger L. Vanelli of 1060 North Avon 5treet, Saint Paul. T Z'he building consists of a one-story frame building approximately 26 ft. wide, 32 ft. long and 12 ft. high. The building has only a dirt floor and is in a dilapidated condition with the following specific items reported by our inspector. 'I'here are holes in both the walls and the roof, the doors are sagging, the stone foundation has bulged out, the roof • rafters are rotted, the roof boards are rotted, and the building is filled with debris. If it is the opinion of the owners of this property that it can be rehabilitated, it will be necessary that they submit a list of the corrections which they propose to make r,egard- ing the structural condition of the building, along with a sched�le for the completion of the rehabilitation program and an applicat on for the repair permit. In the meantime, it will be necessary that the property is properly secured so as to prevent entrance by unauthorized pe�sons �^ f Hon. Thomas R. Byrne and , Members of the City Council -2- r� June 20, 19Fi7 and that all combustible materials be removed from the interior of the structure. If this alternative is not taken, it is the conclusion of the Bureau of Public Buildings that by reason of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, physical damage , unsanitary condition and abandonment, this building constitutes a hazard to public hea�lth, safety and welfare. It is the further recommendation of the City Architect that the Council concur in this conclusion and refer the matter to the City Attorney' s office for preparation and submission of this condemnation to the District Court and completion of the condemnation proceedings. Y urs very ul , r Robert L. Ames City Architect RLA/SEB/mfs cc: Mr. J. Segal Fire Prevention Bureau Mr. B. Benson, Health Dept.