234049 • _ ; . .. _�"� . '" , _ , ,. � , , x- 1 . . , � , `� _ . , , . :. : � 2��.0 � �`� � ��r� FINAL ORDER - �OUNCIL FILE N0. - . � B� - � � � _ � File No. �35� - � '. . ' , ` I In the Matter of �C�ti�t���g, � ��C �t b�h ��:c�� t�� ��r #�v�. , ; 4�.gg� 3�.,��u S�c'i�,cats S�.�sa�d b� ��� ��.I. a"�tter `to4�'� �a�3.c�1 �rt. x�eic�$�a� � � , . , �cid�rt� �► coa�l�f�a, s�3c� �i�m�,�'.. , - . ,- � . . . � -�ti; ' , � � - under Preliminary Order- �33�� approved �45��- �s �.9�'� } - Intermediary Order - approved � I A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council � having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considei ed ` ' the same; therefore, be it ' ' RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that �he precise nature, extent and kind of ' - " provement to be made by the said City is , < tcj re��;starii�t �� �fc�ws�,1t vrt �4� ���� .�?�' E��or A'v�. i'�q�.t�'ig� 6t. �Ca • � : � g�n�ca� �.. � �g d�ng �1T. ot� �or� '�.c�, ta��ce�s�y �otd �ri�t,deu�a�. �a - � cam��et�e �c� 3�px�a�em�t��, �c�pt za�r.ex'e gac�, an;a ;�'itt��,ci�n� �ot�z�c� .��s� � . � ' �� $�$�ir . - - - , ,� .- -' , � � . '� I� - - - • `"_ - 'c - „ - L ...ti . ' t� - . 'y and the Council hereby orders sa,id improvement to be made. � RESOLVED FUR,THER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council�for � ' approval; that upon sa,id approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to �ro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. _ _ ' . ' � COUNCILMEN . � ' �u N 2 719s� j . � - - Adopted by the Council � Yeas Carlsor� Nays , , � - - J U N 2 7 19�7 I � Dal lish ' • " - Approve t . � . � ►� � � • , I Meredith - � � � Peterson ' - Tn Favor ' Tedesco � � � � • ' ' . Mayor. Byrne ' aga,inst ` � PUBLI�F�ED JUL 1 19� ` s-s6-an� �� a.i � '''' - , • - � f .. . , . . �P3 •"� •- .., - - - . Dist. No. 2 r^ B.S. Eleanor Ave. - Griggs St. to Syndicate St, r ��3v OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS ��� . s REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ������ � � � ��=�`' � � � � May 2nd. 19 67 To the Co�nissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council known as Council File No. 233248 approved Apr. 28th.1967 � relative to reconstructing the sidewalk on both sides of Eleanor Ave. from GriggslSt. to Syndicate St, ahd by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to I complete said improvement. I I • I I and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports; 1. The estimated cost thereof is $3.25 per lin. ft, for standard sidewalk 5 ft. wide and $3.80 per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 6 ft. wide. 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part thereof. 3. Initiated by the C�Z�sH,i no e��� Public Works X 4. Improvement is a�lced fo'��'r upon pe'�� �tion X � �e�;:� � � c�,�� v c o N � � � � . w G .r � R�E4�'�E � � �� S��c�r� � ��,L Commissioner of Pub ic Works ��CiZOG��