05-168Conncil File # �5' ��lt Green Sheet # 3025275 RESOLUTlON OF SAIfdT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by Refened To _ i 2 3 4 5 1) Committee Date RESOLVED, that the rate ofpay for the classification of Environmental Resonrce Technician be established at the rate set forth in Grade 026 of Bargauung Unit 02, AFSCME Technical, Salary Schedule, and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following its passage and approval. Yeas Na s Absent $enanav � Bostrom ,�- Harris � Helgen � Lan4y ,� Mc Th� Ada} AdoF s Appi By: Requested by Department oE Office of iman Resowces By: DEPARTMEIVT/ORFICEICOUNCIL: I DATE INTTiATED I�g�EN SHEET Human Resources � 2i16105 COMCACT PERSON & PHOYE: 1TfAx/�ATE Sheila Williams 266-6520 lDe�,��,� oa� � I,eeAnuTurchin 266-6517 nsslcN�n ZQn �` Ni3NIDEYt SOR MUST RE ON COUNCII. AGE�t9A BY (DATE) ROTJTIIaG FIN,u�w,ysmv Dye . ORDF.SL . ' 3MRYOR<ORASSL.) TOTAL # OF SIGNA'I'URE PAGES_I (CZIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) No.: 3025275 4 CCCI'COI]�iCQ. crrx aEivc C�S% b5-tl�� G�7TIAL1DAT2 AcizoK �QuES�n: Approve the attached resolution establishing the rate of pay for the new classification titled Environmental Resource Technician in Grade 026 of AFSCME Technical bargaining unit. Approve (A) or Reject (R) PLANNING COMbIISSfON Cm COMM111BE _CIVII. SERViCE COMMISSION YERSONAL SERVIC& CONTRACTS MUST AIVSWERTHE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. I3as dus persoWfirmeverworked undet a contract for tLis depai7nunYT Yes No 2. Has dtis peison/fi�m ever been a ciTy ert�loyee? Yes No 3. Doa this person�5rm po5sess a s1�71 not nomtally possessed by any currept city empioyee? Yes No 4. Is this persoNfvm a Pergeted vendor? Yes No Eaptai� alt yes auswers on sepacate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTITNITY (Who, What, When, Where, WM1p): �l.e DiV1S1011 Of P2SICS 2Tld ReCi'e3h011 YeCjUBSteCl �12t Human Resources study the composite duties of two positions to deternnine the appropriate classification and compensation. Our office determined that the positions should be allocated to the new classification titled Environmental Resource Technician. This title will be responsible for assisting with the organization, planning and implementation of environmental and natural resource projects and programs for vegetation, wildiife and urban habitat manaQement. These duties sunport the natural and environmental needs of the Citv. nnv.anrracES i� �rrxovEn: Appropriate compensation will be assigned to the new classification in accordance with the City's job evaluation system. nisa.nv�vrn�ES � arrxovEn; �alary cost is $1,219.72-1628.52 biweekly or $3 yearly. nisavvamncES � Nor arrxovEn Appropriate compensation will not be assigned to the new classification. This may limit the City's ability to successfully recruit, hire and retain qualified candidates who possess the knowledge, skills and training required to effectively provide services offered by environmental section of Parks and Recreation. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTIOLY: I+�i7NDING SOURCE: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAII� ��� .1 �� �� f �� :��C�`����`Y COST(REVENUE BUDGETED: - - .. ;�' ,�-.:�. ACTIVITY NUMBER: i� �,: v< ; ,` , � M�_. CiaSS Work�Env Resource ��1yS3�'i!S t�tccn,^„rrt- f^q-!'t�p �E� 2 3 2005 f�i=t='; , '�� i ._ �Va..� . FEB 1 8 2405 ; .i�1+.,��"� r i�'��J: ; 1•• 1 �'):I' Below arecorrect routings for the suc mostfiequenttypes of documents: CONIRACTS (Ac�mm�s authorizadbudget e�dsts) 1.OuL�ideAg�ncy . 2. Depaztme¢tDIIector 3. City Attomey 4. MayorlAssistant (for cantracts over $25,000) 5. HumanRights (for contracts aver $50,000} 6. Office ofFinancial Seryices - Etcco�mting � COi3NCII. RESOLiJTTON (amp�d budgetslaccept grants) 1. I?epar(mentD'seetor , 2. Office ofFinauciat ServicesDirector 3. CitYAt6omeY 4. May�/Assist�t � , 5. City Co�mcit 6. Office afFin9nciai Seivices - AacoimtinS ' ADNIINISIRATIVE ORDII2S (BudgetRevision) COUNCII, RESOLiTTION (all others and Ordinances) 1. Activitg�MaaagerorDepazhnentAccoimtant t_'�Depaitment�Director � � � 2. DepactmentLlirector � � 2. Citytlttomey � � � 3'. OfficeofFinanciaiServicesDirectar 3. Mayar/Assistaot 4. City Cleck 4. City Council 5. Oflice ofFinancial Services - Acco�ting ABMIAIISTRATTVE ORDERS (ail otheis) 1. 'Departma,tiDirectoi 2. City Attomey 3. Office ofFinsncial SeivicesDiiector 4. , City Cleii: EEYECUTIVE ORDER 1: DepmlmentDiceewr , 2. CityAtrorney 3.'Mayor/Assistant 4. City Clerk , TOTAL NCIMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES Indicate the # of pages on wkuch signahues aze required and paperclip orflag each of theae pages. ACTIONREQUESTED � � � � � DescnUe what the pzojecdreques2 seeis to accomptish in either clunnological otder or ocder ofnnportance,'wluchevet is most appmpriaXe for the iatue. Do �t write compTete sentences. ,Segin,each item xiryois list wiih vecb. ' RECOMMENDATIONS Comptete if tSe iss�re m quesKion has been presented befae any Lody, public or private. PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: � � � This inforn�ation wi]Y be used tn deteimine the, city's liab�itgfor workeis compensa4ion claims,'tazces and proper civil , seraice Liring rutes. ' „ . AIITTATlNG PROBLEIv� LSSUE, OPPORTUNETY F�plainthesitustionor'condifionsthatcxeatedaneedforyrnsprojectea�ieqiu�st. �. . , ADVANTAGES IF APPROVID 7ndicate whether ihis is simply an �nuat budget pioced�ne requi�ed by law/cti'actei� or whedter thecre are specific ways in w}nch the City of SaintPanl amd its citizevs will bene5tfiom � project/action �' DISADVANTAGES'SF APPROVID W6atnegative etTi�cts or major cli�ges to ea�sim8�'P�'P� �6� � ProJ�4�e$tPmd�ce ifit is passed ' (e-B., haffic delays, noise, ta;c incieases'� assessments�? To whom7'� �When? F� how�loag? � DISADVANTAGES IE �NOT APPROVED � � What wili be tlie negative consequences if the pronused action is not approved? fnabililp to deliven service7 Contimme, hi�t traffia, noise, accidentsate? Loss ofrevem�e? � � � , � � � � � FINANC7AL II��PACT � � � � � � Al�oagh ycru must taiIo; the infoimation youprovide here to the issae yon are addrusing, in geueialyou musk answer two questions: How much i§ it going tn cast? Who is going to Pay7' � � � � � ���, _. .�� � � �— sarxr PAUL � Al1A� CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Kellg Mayor TO: FROM DATE: RE: Robert Bierscheid, Director Parks and Recreation QFFICE OF HIMAN RESOLRCES Angela S Nal¢nv, Director 400 City Kal1 Anrsex ?S Wut Four[fi S[reet SaintPauf. Minnesom 55t02-1631 Sheila Williams, Human Resources Specialist Office of Human Resources January 18, 2005 CLASSIFICATION STL7DY RESULT tr,-��� Telephone: 651-26b6500 Jobline 651-Z66-6502 Facsimiles: 4'^ Floor: 657-292-76�6 d51-266-8886 5'"F[aor.� 651-2666495 We have completed our study of the Bnvironmental Resource Specialist vacant positions. We have reviewed relevant job information, interviewed the supervisor, and discussed the positions with the Section Manager. The analysis included a review of classification specifications and job profiles allocated to the Environmental Resource Specialist and Environmental Coordinator classifications. This study indicates that the positions aze working at a technical level requiring creation of a new classification, Environmental Resource Technician, grade 26 of the AFSCME Technical bargaining unit salary schedule. Current expectations require the positions to assist with arganizing, impiementing and planning environmental and nahual resource projects and programs. There is not an expectation for independently handling the professional aspects of prograxns, pro}ects, reports and presentations. Reclassification of the positions requires campletion of the waiver approval process involving a financaal review by the Director of Financial Services, approval of the Deputy Mayor, and approval of a new salary grade assignment by the City Council. The waiver and a requisition are then submitted to Human Resources. If you choose not to implement this recommendation, you may undertake measures to keep the positions at the Environxnental Resource Specialist level. This may require restructuring not only these positions, but other positions within Parks and Recreation. If you have any questions or need assistance in this matter, please call me at 266-6520. cc: Richard Lallier G'ISharedlOrg.DesagnlCarssullon6Wdli¢msiSheil¢'sC�ars WorklEnvResourceTechSpeq StudylEnvResTech�etzrm-2JObs, P&R.wpd � The City of Saint Paul Class Specification � (��r Proposed Title of Class: ENVIRONMENTAL RESOT7RCE TECHNICIAN CODE: 275B BU: 06 Effective: DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Dufies: Performs, under direction, responsible natural resource and environmental work involving organizing, implementing, and assisting with planning of environmental and nahual resource projects and programs; assists with liaison, education, fmancial, and reporting activities; and performs related duties as required. Suuervision Received: Works under the general supervision of a unit coordinator, unit supervisor or manager. Sunervision Exercised: Provides technical direction to volunteers, temporary workers, intems and other staff as assigned. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all posttions in this class. Develops, plans, coordinates, schedules and conducts environmental and natural resource classes, programs, and projects. Assists with policy development, and organizing and rvriting program summaries. Creates education and promorion materials. AssisYS �vith grants management, developing funding sources, and tracking grant finances. Acts as liaison urith communiry groups to include assisting with conuacts and agreements, attending meetings, serving on committees and compiling related information. COMPETENCIES Demonstrates an understanding of the range of inethods and techniques used to manage natural resources and the ecology of natural systems and regional plant communiues including vegetation management, wildlife management, urban habitat management. Demonstrates an ability to organize and implement natural resource management plans, programs and activities. Demonstxates an abilzty to resolve the problexns associated with same work. Demonstrates an understanding of the range of city, state and federal environmentai and natural resowce laws. Demonstrates an ability to identify common risks and liability implicarions; demonstrates an ability to refer common 1ega1 issues to supervisory �uthority. Demonstrates basic skills in operating a computer keyboard, mouse, and peripheral devices such as printers, scanners, and duplicaring machines. Demonstrates an ability to use a broad range of job-related software such as e- mail, word processing, spreadsheet, and database management applications. Demonstrates an understanding of the range of natural resource and environmental practices and techniques to assist with the planning, coordinating, implementing and managing of classes, vegetation eradication and restoration, research or monitoring of natural systems wilfllife management, and urban habitat management projects and programs. Demonstrates an ability to assist with the development of funding sources and tracking finances. Demonstrates an ability to apply appropriate methods and techniques to the programs and projects of the work unit. Demonstrates an ability to effectively listen, speak, write, and interact within a work group; demonstrates an ability ENVIRONMENTAL IZESOURCE TECFINICIAN Page 1 Proposed Title of Class: ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE TECHNICIAN CODE: 275B BU: 06 Effective: �— l�� to listen to and speak with the public and staff customers including private and non-profit groups and agencies to provide information, solidify agreements, gather, evaluate and submit reports. Demonstrates the abiliry to assist with the development of education and promotion materials. Demonshates effecrive team work by being self motivated, accepring of assignments, and by completing assignments within agceed upon deadlines. Demonstrates an ability to advise and guide others towards completion of tasks. Demonstrates an ability to identify the service needs of a diverse group of internal and external customers and effectively respond to those needs. Demonstrates a commitment to continuously improve customer service. Demonstrates an ability to promote effective customer service through example and coordinate customer service efforts. MII�7MUM QUALIFICATIONS Three years of couzse work in Naturat Resources Management, Wildlife, Ecology, Environmental, Biological or Earth Sciences or equivalent. Up to one yeaz of field work experience may be substituted for equivalent course work with both experience and course work in the natural resources. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE TECHNICIAN Page 2