05-167Council File # DS• /� 7 Green sneet # 3�aS RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Committee: Date R'HEREAS, French Press Limited d/b/a French Pzess coffeehouse Cafe, located at 213 4t St. E. in Saint Paul, has requested a waiver of the 45-day notice requirement for issuance of on sale wine and strong beer liquor licenses; and WHEREAS, the District 17 Community Council has agreed to the waiver of the norice requirements; and WfIEKEAS, the Council finds that the application is in order and there are no grounds for denial of the license and that failure to grant the waiver and the consequent delay in approving the license would cause exceptional and unusual hardship to the license applicant; and WHEREAS, tbe licensee agrees that in the event a compiaint as received prior to the expiration of the 45-day period and the complaint provides a basis for adverse action against the license, that the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection may direct the licensee to immediately discontinue all operations until a public hearing is scheduled, and that the licensee shall comply with said directive; now, therefare, be it RESOLVED, that the 45 day notice requirements of §409.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code are hereby waived and on sale wine and strong beer Iiquor licenses are issued to French Press Limited d/b/a French Press coffeehouse Cafe, located at 213 4`" St. E. in Saint Paul, subject to the aa eement stated above. Requested by Department of: Adoption Certifi„�.d by Covncil �'= —� Approved BY� Fornt Approved by �� Attorney Submission to Council �'' — Adopted by Council: Date �� i.r.ir -�73 �OdS � Green,Sheet-Green Sheet Green Sheet Careen Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � , A.S-/L 9 co -c��� CoMact Person 8 Phone: Coundknember Dave Thune 266-8G20 auust ee on Council Agenda by (Date): 23-FEB-0S 23-FEBA5 � Assign Number For Rouling Order Green Sheet NO: 3025354 0 anci 1 nnn7 rlmentDi tor 2 f erk i er 3 4 5 Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Waiving the 45-day notice requirement to issue on sale-wine and strong beer liquor license to French Press Coffee House Cafe, located at 213 4th Street East. �tlaYions: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Planning Comniission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission 1. Has this person/firrn ever worked under a contract for this tlepartment? Yes No 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Doss this personffirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Euplain ail yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problsm, Issues, Opportunity (WFio, What, When, Where, Why): Advanqges if Approved; DisadvantaAeslfApproved: DisadvaMages If Not Approved: Total Amount of Tra�saction: Fundinl� Source: Finartcial Information: (Explain) Questions: CosURevenue Butlgeted: Activity Number: 02i23/200� 11`ED 12:58 F� ►�/ Disrri�t 1 � CapitolRiver Council f�002/002 Os-i�� 332 Minnesota Slrcct Suitc W322 Sainc Paul, MN 55101 (6SO 221-(1433 FAX (651) 221-OSAl Website: www.capitolrivcrcouncil.vig E-mail: info@capit0��ivtrcounaf.ur_ Februacy 23, 2005 Councilmembcr Thune City Ha11310 15 West Kello�g $Ivd St. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Councilmember Thune: Capito2River Council- Distriet 2 7 agre� to a waivcr of the t 4 day waiting pedod for a Wine On Sale, Malt pn Sale and L'ntertainrnent A Licensc for French Press, 213 4`�' Stcect. Ihe district council encourages the business owners to talk with their nei�hbors, both residcnts and businesses, about their pians and to address an}� conccros. Regards, ��y��.�,.r" Sheila I,ynch Dircctor CapitolRiver Council cc: Chris Schweinler