233987 _� • . . ,� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK / � . • CITY OF ST. PAUL � FoENCi� N `3��� _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK — COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATE . � �`/�/•r�v�r-� — - Whereas, Additions which might prove to be necessary in the Improvement described "as Grading and Faving MONrREAL AVENUE from W. Seventh Street to I.S. 35E Connection and Paving : EL'WAY STREET from Montreal to Shepard Road and Faving SHF:P�ARD ROAD from �I.S. 35E Connec�tion , to 233 feet west of Elway, Comptroller's Contract L-6695-3, Barton Contracting Company, Contractor, have been provided for in the� Specifications, and � Whereas, It has been found necessary to make the following Additions: � Furnish & place embankment material - 2494 cu. yds. @ $1.25 $3,117.5�0 ' Replace 16' of pipe at outlet for 12" R.C.F. culvert under Shepard Rd. at Sta. 103+20 - Labor $31.20, Material $50.00 81.20 Furnish & place reinf. steel in special drainage structure , under gas main in Montreal Ave. at Elway St. - 168 Lbs. @ $0.15 25.2i � Exc. for water main offset, Montreal at Elway - Labor $74.71, EA�Y�pi��ental $15.00 89.71 . --� ' Total Additions $3,313.6� and Whereas, The total addition is $3,313.61 and the Commissioner of Public Works has • agreed with the Contractor that the amount of $3,313.61 is the correct sum to be added to said contract; therefore be it Resolved, That the City of St. P�aul through its City Council approves the foregoin additions made in accordance with the Specifications in the sum of $3,313.61, said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration, named in the contract, known as Comptroller's Contract L-6695-3, and due to deductions and adjustments in the final quantities of the _ . _contract items a net amount of $822.49 remains to be financed as follows: __ s ... . , Original contract amount � $ 179,252.40 � Adjusted contract (Final Quantities) $ 176,761.28 Additions $ 3,313.6T 180,074.89 Overrun $ 822.49 This additional amount to be financed from Municipal State Aid funds Froject No. 64-169-04 (Montreal-Elway) $ - 562.77 Project No. 64-194-11 (Shepard Road) $ �,�,9,7� l�I��21 Ig'� COUNCILMEN � Adopted by the Counci' ig—. Yeas �, Nays Carlson ;�u� '� � ��6� Dalglish ' � Approved 19 Holland � ' Meredith Tn Favor �� Pe�tersan� � #��i�tg Mayor Tedesco A gainst ... ..' � , PUBLISH�D � �4 1y6� ::��::�����;d�"�;����.:�::� � -- �Nir. Vice Prasident (Peterson) �22 � 233��� DUrLIGATE TO rRINTER , CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK — COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 6Y COMMISSIONER RObB=t F• PBt�r�OS DATE I Whereas, Additions which might prove to be necessary in the Ieprovement describediaa Grading and Paving MONTREAL AVENUE from W. Seventh Street to I.S. 35E Connection and Paving ELWAY STREET from Montreal to Shepard Road and Pnving SHEeARD ROAD from I.S. 35E Conne�tioa to 233 feet weat of Elway, Cooptroller's Contrect L-6695-3, Barton Contracting Company, Contractor, have been provided for in the Specifications, and Whereas, It has been found necessary to make the following Additions: Furnish � pince esbenlc�ent daterial - 2494 cu. yde. @ $1.25 $3,117. 0 Replace 16' of pipe at outlet for 12" R.C.P. culvert under Shepard Rd. at Sta. 103+20 - Labor $31.20, Material $50.00 81.20 Furnish & place reinf. steel in special drainage sCructure I under gas main in Montreal Ave. at Elway St. - 168 Lba. @ $0.15 25.i0 Exc. for water maia offset, Montreal at Elway - Labor $74.71r Eqt�3p:.:Bental $15.00 89.71 Total AddiCiona $3,313. 1 and Whereas� The total addition is $3,313.61 and the Commissionsr of Public Worka has agreed with the Contractor that the emount of $3,313.61 is the correct aum to be added to said contract, therefore be it Resolved. That the City of St. Paul through its City Council approvea the foregoir�g additions �ade in accordance with the Sp�cifications in the sum of $3,313.61, said aenoynt to be added to the luop sun consideration nemad in the contract, known as Conptroller's Contract L-6695-3, and due to deductions and adjustments in the f inal quantit�es of th � contract items a net enount of $822.49 remains to be financed as followa: Original contract aenount $ 179,252.40 Adjusted contract (Final Quantities) $ 176,761.28 Additions $ 3,313.61 180,074.89 Overrun $ 822.49 Thie edditionel aaount to be f inanced fron Mu�nicipal State Aid funds P roject No. 64-169-04 (Montreal-Elway) $ 562.77 P roject No. 64-194-11 (Shepard Road) $ 259.72 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� ��� � 1 196� 19� • Yeas Nays Carlson .�U N 21 1961 Dalglish Approved lg� Holland Tn Favor Meredith �1� a�,l_ J Mayor Tedesco A S��t ��r:����aE�����rie�:�::�' :Vlr. Vice Presi�ent (Petersonl � . �22 1