233982 A ORJGINAL TO CITY CLERK ��� +�� - CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�. � ICE OF THE CITY CLERK � CO I RE O Ib —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF � . WAEREAS, the Jacob Schmidt Compairy remitted to the Finance Department payment of $468.41 on May 11, 1967, being payment in full £or assess- ment for that sidewalk levied against the real property described as: Except southeasterly 100 feet; Lot 7, Block 8, City of St. Paul, which was entered' on Folio S-5515 under Improvement No. 6629-C, and WHEREAS, Davis and Lagerma.n,Inc. also remitted to the Finance Depart- ment on June 2, 1967 the amount of $468.41 to be applied to the same assessment as deacribed above, which amount was credi�ed, resulting in a credit balance of $468.41; therefo� BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Comptroller is_hereby suthorized to make refund to Davis and Lagerma.n, 281 Endicott .Building, S.t. Paul, Minneso�a, in the amount of $468.41, aad disbursement for said refund to be charged to P.I.R. 6000-775. J U N 21 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19._ Yeas . Nays � ��� 2 �. 196� Carlson Dalglish � Approved 19____ Holland �r�p /�� � ��/� Meredith ' Tn Favor �1.� `�t�F� V May°'r . A �cti�d� Tedesco Sainst y" "'''"°E� PUBLISH�ED � 2 4 196�" 2E��t::�x�r�7�;��e�d�'.�5::3:; Mr. \lice President �Peterson)� ` ' �22 I . ������ OUrLIGAT6 TO rRINTER • CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE _ I i�RBAS, the Jacob Sch�idt Company remitted to the Finance Department payaent of $468.41 on May 11, 1967, being paya�nt in lull for asss�a- mtnt #or that sides�alk leviad against the real proparty ds�crib�d ��: Bxcept southem�terly 1Q0 ieetj Lot 7, Blocic 8, City of St. Paul, which waa enter�d oa Folio S-SS1S uader Improv�aaent No. 6629-C, and W�BEA9, Davia and Lagsrman Inc. also remitted to the Finance D�part- ment on June 2, 1967 the amouat of $468.41 to b� applied to the �as�e assessment as d��cribad above, which a�uat was credited, resulting ia e credit balanca of $468.41, thersfor B$ IT BBSOLVED, that tha City Comptrollsr is hereby authoris�d to make r�fuad to Davis and Lagaraan, 281 Bndicott Building, St. Paul, Min�esota, ia thQ s�aunt o! $468.41, and di�bureemeat for said refuad to be charged to P.I.B. 6000-775. f� . � J �U� 21 1967 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19:_ Yeas Nays Carlson ��� 2 1 1��1 .• Dalglish Approved 19— Holland , I Tn Favor Meredith � +��� � Mayor Tedesco A ga�t �`��S�SJG.U!l;;��FFCL;::�::_ � '^7::.. Mr. Vice President (Peterson•) �� �