233981 �- ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERK , - �339 ,� �' CITY OF ST. PAUL F�ENC�� NO. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK' ' �� UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY COMMIS51 ONE DATF � WFiEREA�� The CommissioneT of P�.rks and Recrea�ion and Public Buildings has been designated by the Mayor as the local lisison ag�ncy for the City of' Saint Paul� for the purpose of administering Land and Water Conservation Fta.nd Act grants; and WHERLAS� bocal share funds� are availabl� for the � purpose of a matehing Federal grant for the dev�lopment of the Mounds School F�ecreation Center; now� therefore� be it RESOL�IED, That the C mmissioner of Parks and Recreation and P�blic Br�ildings is hereby authorized to ezecute and file with the Minnesota Department of Con.servation� the state liaison agency for the admiriistration of Land and Wa�er Conservation F�x�ds a development pro�ect proposal for a grant for tY�e developmen� of tMe Mo�nds School Recreation Center in an eventual amount eqnal to fifty pereent (50�) of the development co�t now e�timated to tie Fifty-four Thonsand Dolla�s (�y�+�000) . � 0 N - N � � � 'a o � • � r. , � m � v . � • _ , Y� COUNCILMEN J U N 2 1 1967 Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays . , Carlson . �U N 2 1 ���j�' Dalglish Approved 19— Holland ' , Meredith n Favor ]� . 7 –�'etersan— v �ctl�eg Mayor - Tedesco • � Against ����:��ic��;��i�::��`€'•. Pl1BLlSH�D �1N 2 4 i9C7 ` �VIr..Vice President (Peterso4) . .k ' �22 I ' DUrLICATE TO rRINTER 2(3� �� � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. '' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF � — WHEREAS� The Commissioner of Parks and Recreation i and Public Buildings has been designated by the Mayor as the local liaison agency for the City of Sa3nt Paul� for the purpose of administering Land and Water Conservation Ft,tnd Act grants; and • WSER�AS� Local share funds are available for the � purpose of a matching Federa7. grant for the development of the Mounds School Recreation Center; now� theref�re� be it RESOLVED� That the Commissioner of Parks and. Recreation and Public Buildings is hereby suthorized to execute and file with the Minnesota Department o� Conservation� the state liaison agency for the administration of Land and Water Conservation Funds� a development pro�ect proposal for a grant for the development of the Mounds School Recreation Center in an eventual amount equal to fifty percent (50�) of the development cost now estimated to be Fifty-four Thousand Dollars ($54�000) . COUNCILMEN JUN 21 19G� Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ,J��1 2 1 196� Dalglish Approved 19— Holland Meredith Tn Favo�• p�*=="--�— Mayor Tedesco � A gainst �YS�..:�re"sident�•B��p rie�����i�� I Mr. V ice Presi�enty(Yeteraon) �z2 I