233954 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 233� � ' l� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. � - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENER L FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F. Peterson — � June 16 1967 COMMISSIONE p � _ ilant_ nf Pi�hl i� Tdnrkc � � WHEREAS, The• following BITUMINOUS CONTRACTOR having met all of the provisions of Chapter 220 of the Legislative Code of the City of St. Paul and having ma.de the proper application for a BITUMINOUS CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE, ' it is hereby RESOLVED, That the said BITUMINOUS CONTRACTOR upon providing a bond and the payment of the Sixty Dollars ($60.00) license fee, is hereby granted a license authorizing him to engage in the business of BITUMINOUS � CONTRACTOR in the City of St. Paul for the year 1967. Anthony Scandale f a JUN 2 0196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � � J U� 2 0196� Carlson ��-- Approved 19_ � Holland ' � Meredith Favor , De�e�ae� � l��$s�er.� Mayor Tedesco A ga�gt . ��E?:�'s''�'t�i°��e=�� � '� PUBLISH�ED �U.N 2 41967 ' _ Mr. Vice President(Peterson) �� �� I DUrLICATE TO rRINTER 23� �� - CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. d OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM SS�IONER Robert F. Petersoa DATF June 16, 1967 Tsrt nF D..{�7 in LTnrlrn I i WHEREAS, The following BITUMINOUS CONrRAGTOR haviag met all of the proviaions of Chapter 220 of the Legislative Code of the City of St. Paul and having made the proper application for a BITUMINOUS CONTRACTORS LICENSE, it ie hereby RESOLVED, That the said BIT�iINOUS CONTRACTOR upon providing a bond and the payment of the Sixty Dollars ($60.00) licenae fee, ie hereby granted a licenae authorizing him to engage in the buaineas of BITUMINOUS CONTRACTOR in the Citq of St. Paul for the year 1967. Aathony Scandale I ' JUI� � O 1 �. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19I Yeas Nays ��� 2 0 196�' Carlson -�a,l�gk9�--- � Approved 19� Holland Tn Favor f Meredith � �+o� � . Mayor Tedesco A ga�t � +:. .••• �?ie:oie3: �� �..'�1'...���'���:���::::::::: Mr. Vice President (Peterson) �22 I