233950 : � . 23�9� . ' ORIGINAL�TO CITY CLERK t � '1 , CITY OF ST. PAUL t FOENCIL NO. �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL E OLUTION—GENERAL�FORM , PRESENTED BY Robert F„ Peterson � ��� " � COMMISSIONER � I` I11 { WHEREAS, In connection with the construction of Trun� �Highway No. 94 from I�I � Snelling Avenue to Mississippi River in Minneapolis, the tate of Minnesota, Department � of H�ghways has agreed to construct certain storm sewer f��cili•ties along Trunk Highway'' 94 between Prior Avenue and Trunk Aighway No. 280 and, � � � _ , WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul and the S�ate of Min esota have entered into a , cooperative construction agreement No. 55384, State Projeat Nos. 6282-50 and 6282-62, � which provides, under Section III of said agreement for tl�e advance payment of $60,20 3� as the City of Saint P'aul�s share of the cost of the sto sewer construction plus n estimated engineering cost and in the event the final co�ris more or less than the ' advance payment the City of Saint Faul will, in the firstlinstance, pay an additional amount to the State of Minnesota and in the second instance the State of Minnesota wil;l �: return a balance to the City of Saint Paul; now therefore{�be it f � f RESOLVID, That the sum of $60,209.35 be paid to the �ommissioner of Highways and � this amount be charged to the Fer'manent Improvement Revolring Fund, Code 6000 and thi� ` ' same fund to be reimbursed from the Cityr s Share '�f Local� �Improvement Flind, Code 0920�� O1 and be it � � � � 7 � i. FURTHER RESOLVID, That an estimated amount of $67,66�;49 be_charged to the ° Permanent Improvement. Revolving �nd, Code 6000 in order to provide for any increase • in the f inal amount to be paid to the Minnesota Highway Department. - � -- i ° , _ y � t ' � . . ' , 1 ; � C , F N ' . C k I� c + � . f . i• � - + .�� , x - � ° ' 2 0 �9fi7' COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci UN 19—' Yeas Nays � � Carlson � ���y 2 0196? a g is - � � Approved 19— ' Holland � ► I , Meredith In Favor � ��terson— � � • �g��,F�g Mayor � Tedesco A gainst � �.i:�i`"-.�'''�'��ia`::::� � � Mr. Vice President jPeterson) ` PU6LISH�ED �UN 2 4 196� _ , f, 22 f 1I � � r � 23 ` ��0 � DUrLIGA�i TO rRINTER I� , r CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OENCIL NO. � _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK = � COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY Robert F. Peterson � COMMISSIONER DATFI I I i� WHERFAS, In connection with the construction of Trua� Highway No. 94 from I�) Snelling Avenue to Mississippi River in Minneapolis, the �tate of Minneeota, Department of Htghwaye has agreed to construct certain storm sewer facilities along �runk Highway 94 between Prior Avenue and Trunk Highway No. 280 and, � I WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul and the Sb,ate of Min�esota have entered into a cooperative construction agreement No. 55384, State Project Nos. 6282•50 and 6282-62, which provides� under Section III of said agreeeaent for t�e advance paq�ent of $60,209.35 aa the City of Saint Faul�s share of the cost of the sto�! sewer construction plus I estime�ted enginnering coet and in the event the finnl cost� ia more or less than the advance payment the City of Saint Paul will, in the first �instance, pay an additional � nmount to the State of Minnesota and in the second instan �e the State of Minnesota will return a balance to the City of Saint Paul, now therefore be it �; �� RBSOLVID, That the aum of $60,209.35 be paid to the ommiasioner of Bighwaqs and�l this emount be charged to th� Permanent Improvement Revol ing Il�nd, Codn 6000 and thi�s� same fund to be reimbursed from the CityES Share of Local Improvement L�nd, Code 0920�=701 and be it I FURTHER RESOLVED, That an estimated amount of $67.66 .49 be charged to the j Permanent Improvement Revolving 1Lnd, Code 6000 in order �o provide for any increase j in the f inal amount to be paid to the Minnesota Highway Department. � �� ��' i � � � � �; I COUNCILMEN �u(� � 019�] � Adopted �y the Counc 19._ Yeas Nays � I ; Carlson ' �IUnI 2 01967 .�}�}g}}� ,Approved 19— Holland ; Meredith � In Favor I� Fet��se� � Mayor Tedesco A gainst (.� p .�... ; r.e:t;:......e:3 • E��'¢����BY��I1�,a9�rii1�'s::e:e. G� �Mr. Vice President jPeterson) �I (I �z2 i��