05-157CouncilFile # v" _ �� � /� Green Sheet # 3025085 RESOLUTION AINT PAUL, MIIVNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: � Committee: Dat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 � 9 10 11 12 ]3 ]4 15 Ifi 17 18 ]9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 VJHEREAS, the Citywide Capital Maintenance Program provides capital funding for the repair, replacement, renovation, remodeling and/or reffofitting of the structural parts and/or service system components of city buildings; and WHEREAS, the program has heen funded annually since 1986; and WHEREAS, there is a need to adjust prior-yeaz and current-year program budgets to reflec[ approved projed addirions and hansfers of balances from prior-year budgets; now THEREFQRE BE IT RESOLVED, by the CounciL of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendarion of the Mayor and advice of the Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee in the attached February 14, 2005 report, that $1,089,468 is available for appropriation in the 2000, 2001, 2004, and 2005 Capital Improvement Budgets, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council, and are hereby further amended in the fo]lowing particulars: FINANCINGPLAN 2000 Capital Maintenance Program C00-9T030-xxxx-93003 2000 Capital Improvement Bonds (�320) SPENDING PLAN 200� Capital Maintenance Pwgram C00-9T030•x�x-93003 M-925-90100-0565-70103 Other - Repair & Maintena¢ce (0279) FINANCING PLAN 2001 Capital Maintenance Progmm C01-9T031-xxsx-93003 2001 Capital Improvement Bonds (7321) SPENDING PLAN 2001 Capital Maintenance Program W]-9T031-xxxx-93003 P7-925-90101-0565-70103 Other - Repa"v & Maintenance (0279) FINANCINGPLAN 2004 Capiml Maintenance Pcogrzam W4AT034-x�x-00000 2004 Capital Improvement Bonds (7324) Current Amended Budget Chanee Budeet 382,411.00 (644.58) 381,766.42 382,411.00 (644.58) 381,766.42 382,411.00 (64A.58) 381,766.42 382,411.00 (b44.58) 381,766.42 54�,Q11.11 (7,143.41) 532,867.70 S4QOIl.11 (7,143A1) 532,867.70 540,011.11 (7,143.41) 532,867.70 540,O11.11 (7,143.A1) 532,567.70 37,67930 (37,67930) 0.00 37,67930 (37,679.30) O.OD 1 OS- !S � 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 S6 i7 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 Current Budeet Chan¢e Amended Budeet 37,67930 (37,679.30) 0.00 37,67930 (37,67930) 0.00 0.00 644.58 644.58 0.00 7,143.41 7,143.A1 0.00 37,679.30 37,67930 1,044,000.00 0.00 1,044,000.00 1,044,�00.00 45,467.29 1,�89,467.29 1,044,000.00 (1,044,000.00) 712,400.00 21,720.00 62,925.00 226,000.00 19,300.00 47,12229 43,46729 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,044,000.00 712,400.00 21,720.00 62,925.00 226,000.00 19,300.00 47,12229 1,089,46729 Approvat Recommended by OFS - T7'aeaor: . 1_if By: l Form Approved by City Attomey: :� Approved by Adopted by Coimcil: Date � Ja`u �_�,� Adoprion Certified by Council Secretazy: a Approved b or. Date . � r ��� B �'r,.Cst•C� � a SPENDING PLAN 2004 Capiral Maintenance Pro�um C049T034xxxx-00000 P7-925-90104-0565-70100 Mayo�s Contingency (0518) FINANCINGPLAN 2005 Capifal Maintenance Pro�am CAS-9T035-zxrs- 2000 Capital Improvement Bonds (7321) 2001 CapiEa] Improvement Bonds (7321) 2004Capita] Improvement Bonds (7324) 2005 Capital Impmvement Bonds (7325) SPENDING PLAN 2005 Capital Main[enance Program COS-9T035-xxxs- CapitalImprovemeut Bonds COS-9TQ34S0279-Q0000(P7-425-90105-0565-70100 Pazks and Recxeafion (93003) WS•9T035-D279-93003lP7-925-90105-0565-70103 Po]ice (93004) COS-9T035-0279-93004/P7-925-90105-0565-70104 F'ae and Safery Services (93005) COS-9T035-0279-93005(P7-92S-90105-0565-70105 Lbruies (93008) COS-9TD35-0279-93008/P7A25-90105-0565-70108 License, Inspect. and Env. Protection (93009) WS-9T035-0279-93009/P7-925-90105-0565-70109 Emergency Contingency (00000) COS-9T035-O518-OOOOOfP7A25-90105-0565-70100 � `�:a �t. t Lott�age f;apital I�cpzo�am�at ��udget Commities recaived t�is aeques: oa �'�Iafa}-�``��f� „ �andiacammens�s � �/�P����/ P � � �. 2005 Citywide Capital Maintenance Program Project Proposal Summary Dept Prioritv Propasal Title PARKS & RECRFATION NEW Como Zoo Seal Island ChiIler System 7 8 9 l0 11 12 13 e14 j 15 �16 17 18 19 20 Higliland Poo] Filtrarion System Mazgazet Recreation Center Roof Study Como Zoo Artificial Rockwork Restornrion Hancock Recrearion Cemer Roof Merriam Pazk Gym Roof Replacement (Phase In West 7th Community Recreation Center Roof Cenhal Service Facility Cold Storage Roof Replacement Wilder Recreation Center Roof Duluth and Case Recrearion Center HLmace Synthetic Resilient Play Area Resurfacing Wilder Recreation Center Gymnasium Air Handler Griggs Rec. Genter Fumaces West 7th Community Recreation Center Nlimace Como Zoo Primate Exhibit Wall Restorarion Conservatory Production Greenhouse Shade System Highland 9-Hole GolflSki House Furnace Prosperity Recrearion Center Fumaces McDonough Recreation Center Boiter McMuaay Field Heating Phalen Maintenance Unit Heater 21 Meniam Pazk Fumace 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 �34 -�35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Eastview Recreation Center Unit Heater Front Recrearion Center Fumaces Mounds Park Maintenanoe Furnace North End Multi-Seroice Center Carpet Mississippi Rive� Bouievazd Walls Rebuilding (5 walL projects) System-wide Cazd Reader Program Como Zoo Fish Exhibit WaLis Orchazd Recreation Center Gym Roof Baker Recreation Center Annex Fumace Reglacement Orchard Recreation Center Gym Furnace Pa]ace Recrearion Center Fumace Palace Reaeation Center Bleacher Replacement Easriiew Recreation Center Siding Como Golf Maintenance Floor Replacement Como Zoo Anima] Con[ainment Walls Como Lakeside Pavilion Resh�oom Partition Replacement Crosby Farm Pazk Lighting Elecmical Hidden Fal]s Stair Rebuilding Marydale Pazk / Loeb Lake Pier Ramp Mears Pazk Paver Resetting Sylvan Recreaflon Center Main Entrance Stairway Rebuilding Como Zoo Hoofed Stock Roof Ice Cont�ol Sylvan Recreation Center Air Condirioning 8S W. Water Stceet Fuel Tank Removal Hi$hla�d Park Stainvay Rebuilding Sylvan Recreation Center Site Erosion Correcrion Highland Picnic Pavilion Prospect Boulevazd Wall Rebuilding Watergate Marina Slope Stabilizarion Conservatory Prod. Greenhouse East Gables Wall Replacement Conservatory Prod. Greenhouse North Sidewall Replacement Loeation 1225 Estabrook 1840 Fdgcumbe 1109 Mazgaret 1225 Estabrook 1610 Hubbazd 2000 St. Anthony Zfi5 Oneida 1100 Hamline Ave N 958 Jessie 1020 Duluth Various Rec Centers 958 Jessie 1188 Hubbard 265 Oneida 1225 Estabrook 132i Aida 1997 Edgcumbe 1371 Kennazd 1544 Timberlake ll55 W. 7essamine 99 E. Wheelock 2000 St. Anthony 1675 E. Fifth St. 485 Stinson 274 Cypress 1021 Marion Hwy 5 to Mazshall St. 1 D Rec Centers 1225 Fstabruok 8�5 Orchazd 670 Waseca 875 Orchard 781 Palace 781 Palace 1675 E. Fifth St 1387 Lexington Pkwy 1225 Estabrook 1360 Lexington Pkwy 2600 Croshy Road Mississippi R Blvd Maryland and Mackuhin Downtown 77 W Rose Ave. 1225 Estabrook 77 W Rose Ave. 85 West Water St. Montreal near W 7th ?7 W Rose Ave. 1200 Montreal btw Hall and Bidwell 2500 C7osby Fazm Rd 1325 Aida 1325 Aida Sb-tot Feb.14,2005 os- �s7 Dept. Re nest 44,000 150,000 10,000 12,000 97,200 99,000 I50,000 21,000 45,200 20,000 27,000 48,000 30,000 26,000 23,000 57,000 8,000 32,700 47,500 25,000 3,300 9,900 5,400 35,500 24,200 46,500 110,000 150,000 29,500 i8,200 32,400 35,500 58,000 26,500 79,200 2b,000 28,000 16,000 16,000 66,000 22,000 20,000 15,SQQ 19,000 31,Q00 30,000 30,000 7,000 I50,000 8,000 I 10,000 19,000 CIB CmteE iprove Recs. 20�4 2005 44,000 I50,000 10,000 12,000 97,200 99,000 I50,000 21,000 45,200 20,000 27,000 48,000 30,000 26,000 23,000 57,000 8,000 32,700 47,500 25,000 3,300 9,900 5,400 35,500 21,200 29,500 58,200 35,500 58,000 26,500 74,20� Dept Priori Pronosal Title LIBRARIES I St. Anthony Pazk Librazy-Moisture Damage and Protection 2 Highland Pazk Library-Roof Replacement and Moisture Daznage Repair 3 Riverview Library-Leaking Rainleader and MoisNre Damazige Repait 4 Highland Pazk Library-Air Conditioning System Replacement 5 Highland Puk Library-Boiler Replacement 6 Hayden Hts Library-Boiler Replacement �� (completed w/ the other tuckpointing projects) 8 St. Anthony Pazk Library-Masonry Tuckpoinbng 9 Hayden Hts Library-Pazking Lot Replacement Locafion 27A5 Como Ave 1974 Ford Pkwy I East George St. 1974 FQCd Pkwy 1974 Ford Pkary 1456 White Beaz Ave F�cr�!*s-.,-_,�,�?� 22A5 Como Ave 1456 White Bear Ave Sb-tot FII2E & SAFETY SE1tVICES I Fire Service Garag�Office Roof Replacement 1675 Energy Park Dr. 2 Fire Station #17-Roof Replacement 1226 Payne Ave. : 3 Fire Service Garage-Asphalt Paving Replacement 1675 Energy Park Dr. ,? z 4 Replace Boi]ers at Fire Stations #9 (1624 Maryland), #19 (2530 Edgcumbe), and #22 (225 Front) '--= 5 Fire Starion #14-Roof Replacement 111 N. Snelling Ave �.1; S6-tot LICENSE, INSPECTIONS, AND ENVIftONMENTAL PROTECTION New Outdoor Storage Area-Anima] Control Center POLICE DEPARTMENT '° 1 East Dishict Office-WateLlMold Problem 2 Griffin Building-Freight Only Lift 1285 Jessamine 722 Payne Ave. 367 Grove St. Sb-tot os-�s7 CIB Cmtee Dept Approve Recs. Reanest 2004 2005 76,0�0 76,OQ0 147,000 147,000 62,500 62,500 SO,SQO 50,500 60,500 60,500 �4388 24,500 24,500 82,500 82,500 45,070 45,070 62,925 53,500 121,950 365,945 127,570 19,300 21,720 41,520 � 19,800 10%has been added to each Police Dept request to cover specs and contract bid costs. PUBLIC WORKS I Traffic Operations Butlding-Yazd Security E14IERGENCY CONTINGENCY i, d" FINANCING 899 North Dale 26,00� Sb-tot 26,000 0 100,000.00 45,52930 TOTAL RQST/RECOM 3,368,365 981,299 62,925 62,925 19,300 21,720 21,720 0 47,12229 2004-OS CIB BudgeYS 1,944,000 900,000 1,044,000 Past years' balances 126,767 81,299 45,467 TOTAL FINANCING 2,070,767 981,299 I,OS9,467 " Feb. 14, 2005 4 3�,° �{eaa�arrh C�ani�? �'Geeeo SheefGreen Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � FS - Financ;xt services Contact Persan & Phone: Peter Butier ' G-&547 : Must Be on Counal Agenda by (Date): ContractType: _ AR-RESELUTION W/$ TRANSACiION 37�IAN-OS � ' Assign Number For Roufing Order Green Sheet NO: 3025085 Deoariment SentTOPerson In 0 anciat n d� �j R 1 dal t DIreetoc 2 ' � �eFSnsn � rvi � 3 ' Attome 4 a oCS Office Ma od istant 5 oaucil Ci Coonul 6 ' Cle � Ll' Clerk Total # oF Signature Pages _(CGp Nl WcaGons for SignaWre) Action Requested: Approval to amend prior- and current-year budgets for adoption of the 2005 Citywide Capital Maintenance Program recommendarions. d Personal Service Planning Commission �. Has this persoNfirm e�er worked under a contrect for this departmeM? CIB Committee Yes No Cnil Service Commission 2. Has ihis person(firm e.er been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a skill rwt nonnally possessed by arry current city empioyee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separste sheet and attach to green sheet 1rNating Problem, Issues,OppoRuniiy (Whq What, When, Where, Why): Advan Wges If Approvetl: ' The program's budgets will reflect the ciurent status of approved pzojects. Prior-yeaz balances and conringencies may be used for cutrent-year project needs. � Disadvantages 1f Approved: None. , , �r . , Disadvantages If NotApproved: -� � The progam's budgets will not be corxected to account for changes in approved projects or to provide for transfers of project balances and contingencies. - ToWlAmountof $1,089,467.29 Transacfion: Fundinp Source: CIB bonds Financial Information: -- (ExPlain) January 31, 2005 12:50 PM CosVRevenue Budgeted: �' Activiry Number: P�qe 1 oS- [S7 -�,. „ s��` _ ., r;.5 i � ���� ✓;, , ��� �������