231887 � t ��_��
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'. ,;. " �OUNG`IL FILE N0.
-------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER� ���� r
� BY �II .
• , �� _ 17�35 -
; - File No. ,
�,- -
. � _
In the Matter of conde�ing and ta.�.ng a.n easement in the land necessary for the ,
, slopes� cuts and fills� including right of removal of �latera,l support from sub�ect�
land or remai.nder thereof, occa.sioned by excav�,tions .tYiereof or construction of ,
slopes in the grading and suxfacing with bituminous �terial the alley in Conver . �
8o Theopold's Rearrangement of Block 8, Excelsior Park, �a.nd in Block 7, CoLlege -
Park, from Pierce St. to Fry .St. �
Also, cha.nging the grade of the a]1ey in Conver & Theopold's Rearrangement of '�
Block 8, Exceleior Park, a.nd Block 7, Co�,�.�ge Pa,rk, from Pierce St. to Fry St. �
to conform to the grade as shown on the profile on file in the Department of _
Public Works. . " �
• ' � 't
under Freliminary Order 231007 approve�l �November 30�.��F�6 �
The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Financie � r
upon th'e above impravement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: � M.,��� �_
1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and!adopted, and the said improvement � .
` � _is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. _ �^ _ , ___- ''- � -
� 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Cauncil recommerids is
� condemning a.nd ta1LlTlg an easement in the land necessary for the slopes� cuts an
fills� in.cluding right of removal of lateral support from sub�ect l.a.nd or remainde�r ,
thereof, occasione.d by exca.va,tions thereof or construction of slopes in the gradirig
and surfacing with bituminous material the a11ey in Conver & Theopolc�s Rearrange- a
ment of Block 8, Excelsior Park, and in Block 7, College Park, from Pierce St. to �
, Fry St., in accordance with the blueprint hereto attached a.nd made a part hereof,�
the hatched portions showing the cuts and the shaded portions showing the fills. �'
Also, changing the grade of the alley in Conver & Theopold's Rearrangement o� �
. . Block 8, Excelsior Park, a,n.d Bloc1� 7� Co$.�.ege Pa,rk, from Pierce St. to Fry St.
' to conform to the grade as shown on the profile on file in, the Depa,rtment of
Public Works. � - -
with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $50.00 � w�
. ,, � ' ,
Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the � 7th day of -
' Ma.rch, 1g67 ' * I '
, at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M., in the Council Chamber af the Co ui�t _
House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Comrrussioner of F`inance give notice �of �
- said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Cliaxter; stating the time and place�af �.
hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total coat thereof.fas estimated. - °
, . , _
• , ._. _.� . - � FEB 719�7 r
COUNCILMEN , Adopted by the Counci�
Yeas Carlson Nay� � `' ' FEB 7 19�� ��� ��
Dalglish Appro '
Holland. ' ` `
Meredith Tn Favor '`
e Peterson , " � ��
_• Tedesco � p � - Mayor
- . �yr�e . Against ' .
• 6-63 2� a� x-� � � PUBLISH�ED FE� � 196�
• �r - , �.