231874 , � �- . ", ' . . , y s � 'ti-; �*. �+ . ;S � , ,� _ ,y .. _ ��.Z� � � �.' r � ; .�� � � ' • •� I �` . � I FI NAL ORDER . � ' COUNCIL FIL� NO. { � _� � By � [ � � �- ° t � File No. �� . h . > , - i In the Matter of �cori��z't�c�3,�g the ��d,��ralk 4nt both �ide� Df A'be11 St. Yrb�i' ;� ` , � � �f, � . f,�xrani� Av�e: to Jea�amiyas A�e. ar�� b�r do�.ug ell]. other work Wh�,ch i� nece�aary _ � r ii �nci�exital to ca�le:te aai.d improv�me#��. ' 4� . � � ' � ; �� - � . � � �: � . ,a � nk » . under Prelimina,ry Order 231�� a roved ������ 8► �9� J PP ' �ll � . Intermediary Order � .approvPd -� � '� A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, a.nd� having fully consi ered the same• therefore be it • � � '� RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that th� precise nature, extent and kind � im- - provement ta be made by the said City is � - -- - � � - • � ta �econ�tru�t tlis side�r�►3.k oa bot� ��e��s of Abe3.1 6� ': �acom (�ee�i� �.vg;. to `. t � ;5 , Je��n� Ave. aud by doing all oth�r �rork �hich; �.� f�e�a�axy an�. .�r.c3.deutal to � ' ti � � comalet� �aid �npra�+ementi. �except wher� gcaod �nc1 suf�ic�ent �ourec}, .��det+ralke na�t „ exlst. . ' �� - � � � �'���: � �e , ' - � � . . _ c_ � x. �.._.es � , . . ' � ' K` . ' E1 � - . ;. • ! �' and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. � „ RESOLVED FURTI�E�t, That the Comxnissioner of Public �Works be a.nd is hereby instructe •and _directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same ta the Counci �for approval; that upon said approval, the praper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to��pro= _ ceed with the malflng of said improvement in accordance therewith. � i y 7 � � .� COUNCII.MEN " ��B ] 196] Adopted by the Counci - Yeas Nays ' �I f s Car�son ��� 7196� � � Dalgllsh Appr' . Holiand = � . �1� _� Meredith � � � � Petersoll � , n Favor i Tedesco � - , 'Nlayor: Byrne i � , , Against ; ;�UB�LISH�'D �[$ ' �,�� 6-68 2M 8� R-1 � w � -- - - � � . . _ �. ` ,E .�--� .a . 'f ,,- Dis^t. No. 1 /� li: �/ �� IE � '�4B.S. Abell St. - Geranium Ave. to Jessamine Ave. � � OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS ��� ` � � ii REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF F�NANCE ,; �� �•__-=�`� � � '� s t �� � � Dec. 13th. 19 66 ;� � �- �( To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: � 1 � The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary o er' , u, of the Council known as Council File No. 231082 ' approved Dec. 8th. 19 66I �I II ;� relative. to reconstructinr� �the sidewalk on both sides of Abell St. from Geranium Ai��e. ��i � � to essamine Ave and b �I ' comvlete said imurovement. � �I �r r, � - I �II � � �II � � �II � � and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports; �� � � �- 1. The estimated cost thereof is $3.25 per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 5 f " � wide and $3.80 per lin. ft. for standard sidew�lk 6 ft. wide. ; . � � . 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a � _ � p�rt thereof. � 3. Initiated by the Coaanissi ��1af14P�b��c�� orks k � �O � � ` . 4. Improvement is asked fo �i pon��e.t�it�� o �' � ^ C�,v N / � �,� ;� R���. o.� � ,� . .�s � CE ;�u � '�:_ �� � ' � � �` �'�� fl^�-c�!�'� � i� £ t .,G�� Commissioner of Public Works �� � iI I � � ,� e ► 9 ° i �