231870 , . ' r � ORIGINAL TO.CITY CLERK =�� � � t 2� '�0 � �--� CITY OF ST. PAUL � fOENCIL NO. _ „ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK „ C NCI RESOLUTION—GENERAL' FORM ; a PRESENTED BY ° , COMMISSIONE � DATF �— ��� — e �{, WHEREAS, the City oY Saint Paul is, engaged in the �; development of a progra.m for city-wide revitalization which ��, will provide a blueprint for a continuing fight against blight ,r. - and blighting influences, and for the 'general improvement of �. the urban environment; and - �� WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is' committed to the �' development of a sound, modern zoning ordin�ance in order to � retain certification under the Federal Housing and Urban Development Department' s Workable Program; • and , H� � . ,�- WHEREAS, the present Zoning Ordinance -oflthe City o� �` Saint Paul was originally dra�ted in 1g22 and many provisions o� �� the same are no longer in keeping with modern zoning provisions; ;!` therefore be it � �* RESOLVED, That the proper City o�ficers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to enter into and egecute, on beh lf ' of the City, An Agreement for the Development o� New Zoning �; Ordinance for the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, jvith Vilican- Leman � Associates, Inc. , copy of z,rhich Agreement is attached " hereto and incorporated herein by referenc;e. , - � �- . i , ,� , -� ' . � _. ��. �"� ,i��. , I P � � � � FORM PPROVED � # � � . s Corporatio Co nsel . � � �. �; � i . ;� � ��= FEB 719��. '`. COUNCILMEN • Adopted by the Council I9— . . Yeas Nays �� � Carlson ' �E� . 7 196� ' Dalglish �~ � Approved 19 Holland � Meredith �--In Favor , II �• Peteraon , /1 � Mayor Tedesco v A gainst I� 1 - Mr. President, Byrne - ' PUBLISH�ED FEB 196 �. z 1 , � H ' �' - , ` _ ' �23/�`7 ' �_ .s �� . , a _ CITY PLANNING BOARD °F SAINT PAUL ' ; Room 20 CITY HALL & COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 Phone 223•4151 � y ��� �{ � l � I February 1, 1967 � , � Honourable Thomas R. Byrne, Mayor ; IE City of Saint Paul . " il City Hall and Courthouse St. Paul, Minn. � � � � Dear Mayor Byrne: � ' Re: Consultant Contracts for Zoning Ordinance � - Please find attached the original and four (4) copies of a con- tract with the firm of Vilican-Lema.n & Associates, Inc. , to � ,,,,_ develop a new Zoning Ordinance for the City of Saint Paul. This particular firm was unani.mously selected by th�e Budget and Pro- a gram Couunittee of the Planning Board on January 20, 1967 to per- form this particular task. 7 � fp p � I Briefly, the agreement includes the following.: �� � ' n 1. The total elapsed time for the development of the entire ;; format and text of an adequate Zoning Ordi.nance within six K (6) months after receiving notification to proceed. � ,� i� 2. The sum of $10,800.00 is provided to pay,the cost of the text I�• of the Ordinance. The Contingency Fund of $5,000.00 is in- � cluded to cover and defray costs of time �and expense of the �: contractor in attending meetings with the� Planning Board,Legis- � lative body and citizen groups after the Zoning Ordinance has been drafted. _ ` ' �� 9 3. The specific scope of services will be found in Section 2, page 2 �- of the contract. � � � : It would be appreciated if you would take the necessary measures � to have this contract executed in order to get the project under �� way. � � � Ver truly yours, � � < � • � K NRH:FS 1 nd . H 'den �. cc: Mr. Haarstick Director " Enc. - 5 � ,. �� + �i � � �. ' it �22 ,. ' ' • _ _ � q • •�,~i.'.� j••, � ' � If� � � i� ► ' Ya---- • f�' ' . -�� �3� � � ; ,, ' �� CONTRACT �� � �� PART I -a AGREEMENT „ ;� ;� �; � �. ;, �� AN AGREEME F R THE DEVELOPMENT OF NEW ZONING '� i ORDINAI�TCE FOR THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA „ � ' �t THIS AGREEMENT entexed into ai of this fi.rst day of March, 1967 by ax�c1 betwoaz� �rhE Czi.y o� Sain� Naul, Sta.te o� Mix�nESO�a, and '�iYa.can�Le an & Associates, Inc, , a corporation organized and existing under the laws o the State of Michigan with principal offices in the City of Southfield, Sta.te of Michigan, WITNESSETH: � �_, � � � WHEREAS, the City of Saint Pau1 is engaged in the developm I' t"of a program for city-wide revitalization which will provide a blueprint for��1 con tinuing fight against blight and blighting influeMnces, and for the general i���prov - ment of the urban environment, and WHEREAS, in order to be successful, such a program must � ave an adequate and modern zoning ordinance to �ssist in the proper implem � ta- tion of sound land use development, and � ;� � . ' WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paui is committed to the develop ent � of a sound, modern zoning ordinance in order to retain cert7.fication und'�r the �� Federal Housing and Urban Development Dep�artment�s Workable Progra �� and i � WHEREAS, the present Zoning Ordinance of the City of Sain I Paul was originally drafted in 1922 and the provisions of which are no longer i �� keeping with modern zoning provisions, • • NOW, THEREFORE, the parties!hereto do mut�a.ally agree a � H I� follows: ; , � � SECTION I - Objeciives of Professional Services to be Provided Hereur} er; A. Identify and evaluate vario�s new techniques in land u�� regulata.ons being employe� by other municipalities ind I' � cluding, but not limited to, industrial performance s �nd- � �� ards, flood plain zoning, iluster subdivisions, airpor'��I �. � zoning, floating zones, so-called contract zoning, pla,nned `) unit development, exclusi�e zoning districts, view pr�d�tec� ' tion, and sign control, i � � + , t B. Prepare the framework, format, structure and text o�fi an adequate modern zoning ordinance incorporating thos'�' new techniques in land use reg�ulations which are applicab �� to the City of Saint Paul. x � ;f I � �� � M 1 w � � J } i N I � 1 � � , � . � j 0 , � , 1 . Y ; R �j . , ; 1 !t . +� " � A . r ��• � j � • t� q � ii � / �i � � SECTTON II -� Scope of Services '' r � A• The Contracto r shall do, per;form, and carry out, in a �- isfactory and proper mannert, as determined by'the City Planning Board of Saint Paul; the following work: f ' , � 1) Develop the entire format and text of an adequate mo.� R dern zoning ordinance, a�Gep����� �a�. gv��.�al �,do ' ' �ion by the Ci�Ly ofi ,Saint �aul, incorporating those n + techniques in land use control which are applicable �t�b� " the City of Saint Paul. � ,. ' � � 2) Prepare the Schedule of Regulations (height, bulk, ° density, etc, ) with seve�al alternatives for consider.a-" tion by the Planning Boa'rd sta.ff. , I n , 3) Prepare all sketches tha+t would graphically explain definitions and formulae developed. " 4) Prepare a rough draft and '�mock-up<< of a fold type N brochure to be used by the City for distribution to 3 general public. I - �t 5) Deliver 50 copies of the �final draft of the text. The�se ' copies are to be typewritten and run on off-set. ' B• The Contractor shall meet w�th the Planning Board, Leb�isla- tive Body, and citizen groups at various times during th'�� Y drafting of the ordinance as well as at appropriate times� ol- lowing receipt of 'the final draft of the ordinance. ' J C. The City Planning Board of Saint Paul, through its staff, agrees to provide the following services: � � I) Assign an experienced planner to work with the Conl� ac- tor during the duration of the study. This staff inem�be�r will remain under the direction of the Planning Dir��Ito�r but will devote his time �to assisting th.e Contractor �'n � such woric as collecting �basic data and the testing ol� sta.ndards which mi ht be g proposed in th.e Schedule o: �E Regulations. , _ 9 i. e 2} Supply a complete set of the I962 land use maps of e , City, • 3) Provide access to those Sanborn I Insurance Atlases . hic are available for the City of Saint Paul. • {� n 4) Supply a copy of the latest zoning map of the City o '� Saint Paulo � _ D. The development of the Zoning District Map will be the �I-, sponsibility of the Planning Board staff. The consultan��will, however, review mapped dis;tricts with the sta,ff at techr�� � staff ineetings and discuss the application of standards ��Cal districts. � ; �� . . , � - 2 - , . I e I , _ _.. , _ , I . . . - - r �. : y � .---- � ;� • - � �. ; I ° � SECTION III - How the Work Will be Perfor � med � A• PERFORMANCEo � � . I}` The Contractor will be dii•ectly responsible to the Pla - ning Director and will work with the Director and his technical staff. '; , ° �) 'Y'�e �or�tra�tor w311 mee� wi�lz the �echnical staff of ° Planning Board at least once a month. These meetin s n shall be scheduled over a� l e a s t a t w o-d a y p e r i o d i n ° , • order to maximize economies in time and travel and ; shall be included in the fefe structure as established i � SECTION IV. Ao 1) -- PAYMENT. These meetings sh 11n equal at least ten (10) hou'rs per month. � ! � 3) The various sections of tlie ordinance shall be prese�� ed to the technical sta.ff for �eview and comment prior toll ' final drafting. Adequate provision shall be made for e� view by the Corporation Cour_sel's legal staff as to th�e� �� legal ramifications of the�text of tlze ordinance. � 4} The Contractor shall be p`repared to meet with the Pl n- ning Board, Legislative Body, and citizen groups at " various times during the drafting of the Ordinance as 4 well as at appropriate times �following receipt of the ii nal draft of the Ordinance. It is understood that these m�et- ings will be over and above the basic fee quoted and n�o „ meetings of this nai.izre will be allowed without the II written authorization of tlie Planning Director. Howe�er, meetings with ihe Planning Board or Legislative Bod � scheduled the same day as ihe monthly meetings with e technical staff will be pro�vided wi;>�out additional cos�. � � � B. PERSOI�TNE L: . � ,� � 1} The Contractor shall supply manpower of sufficient an- tity and competence to assure completion of the wor��an" a manner satisfactory to the Planning Director with.i tlie time allocated in this con`tract. ` 4 2) It is understood that Mr. `George Vilican, Jr, will h i�e u prime responsibility for trhe work to be done by the �oIn-� tractor and will attend all meetings with the Director 'and his technical' staff. ' ,, . � � � C. PROGRESS CON TRO L: � i ; {i g) The Contractor sha11 forward to the P1'anning Direct � at the beginning of each morith a memorandum containiri� a statement of the progress made during the preceding u month. I � � � , �. � k t � _ � - 3 - � „ � � � � � . � ' � �� � '. r' " _ , i� v . r � i y d .� � � i� " �" . i ' �'• I ,' � t� i � f . /N ! i � " I D• TIME OF PERFOR11i1ANCE: � 0 � 1� The Contractor shall sta't work on this contract wi 1 in ten (10) days after receiving notification to proceed.: , 2} The Contractor shall .:c,� lete a11 wor � P k, as itemize unde� SECTIO� II, I-� -• ,;,cope of Services, within six� (6} xnpxxths a�te� xec�ivi �� a���i£ic�'�ioa� to p�ooeecl. SECTION IV - Pa ment � A. The City of Saint Paul a ree� to a g p y the Contractor for e y performance of his duties un�er this contract a sum not �t�o ? excee d t he maximum sum of k�15, 800. 00. This maxim 1�� sum shall be allocated as follows: � � 1} The Contractor shall be paid a total of $I0, 800. 00 f " the satisfactory completion, as determined by the 1 n- ning Director, of all work itemized under SECTION, II,'� A, - Scope of Services, I Payments shall be made o the basis of $1, 800a 00 per month for fihe six (6) month :I � period. All meetings provided for under SECTION' �II,; A. 2} - Performance shall be included within this t ta.l. i� . The final monthly payment shall be retained as a co�I m� -' p letion reserve which sliall be withheld b the Ci f i• until sat-i.sfactory completzon by the Cont actor o a��l�- wor k to be performed hereunder, as determined by���he Saint Paul Planning Director, and after a final invo ce has been submitted. : , j 2) An additional sum of $5; 000, 00 is provided as a co in- gency reserve to cover �SECTION II, B, - Scope of �er- vices and SECTION III, cA, 4) Performance> It is i; ��end- ed to be used to defray `costs of time and expenses �n- curred by the Contractor in attending policy consult�-'` tions with the Planning Board, Legislative Body, a �!d " ' citizen groups, Charges for these meetings would; �e; at the rate of $250, 00 p`er day which shall include �1 expenses with the exception of transportation. Ho �ever if these sessions are conducted on a day immediat` �� Y ' prior to or after a scheduled meeting with the Plar�{�ing sta.ff, there will be no additional transporta.tion ch � ge. i No time or expenses sliall be incurred for these Iet- ings without the expres`s written authorization of ��� � Planning Director. ° � _ '� ' � � , , i . �t , � � � � n - 4 - � . � : � . ' �. } Y t . k � � � M � i :r � � . . � _ t � �i V � � Part II - TERMS AND CONDITIONS � � � , � This agreement is subject to and incorporates othe provisions attached as Part II - Terms and Conditions dated March 1� 19670 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Local Public Agency and the Contractor have executed this agreement as of the date first above written, � • �f � CITY OF SAI�NT PAUL, MINNESOTA ' � BY: : Mayo r ; , ; ' � BY: i ' City Clerk � u . I � „ Form Approved: Countersign�ed fhis day of I967 ` �� , ^ k / /, J � �� . I ��'�-; l l ���-���� / . 1 '�st, Corporation Counsel City Compt�oller - , � ' ' Approved as to form and exe� I cution (Local Public Agency} � � . r • � Asst. Corporation Counsel VILICAN-LEMAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. _ In Presence Of: � �� . �� � ' �� • � � � , :�_,� .. �, i ' ''�-�_ -� �._'—� � ; • Geor' � ca , Jro , P e ident � G�/% �. � BY: Charles F. Lema , Vice Presi ent. � ,� � � o . � - � . , � . ; , u � � ;! i � � � p� 3 �. � i ' � � i � � ` j :� - 5 - i { � � i e � f : r � � � S i ' � � � � 5,_ .. _ ` i � � � l'� .. ...- i .. ' � • . �k � , • • 4 � � [ � ' . CON'TRACT FOR P?tOFESSIOtiAL O:t TECHNICAL'SERVIC?S ! r � PART II--TE�'✓_� :.\TD COI�TDITIONS� • l. Termination of Contract for Cr : If, through any �• ��se, the Contractor shall fail to fu1fi11 in timely and pr�.,�a:.��2nner his ol�liga����s under this � d . Contract, or if the Con,Gr-ac�Go� ehall viol��� a�y o€ the��co��nants, a��'��mat�ts� or stipulat�.ons oE this Contract, the Local Public Agen�cy sha11 thereupon have the right to tenninate this Contract by giving written Fotice to the Contractor : of such ,tennination and specifying the effective date t�hereof, at least five � days before the effective date of such termination. Int, such event, all finished ; or unfinished documents, data, studies, and reports prepared by the Contractor • ' . under this Contract shall, at the option of the Local P`ublic Agency, become its property and the Contractor shall be entitled to receive just and equitable � , eoaipensation for any satisfactory �aork completed -on such documents. ' Not�vithstanding the above, the Contractor sha11 n�t be relieved 6f liability " , to the Local Public Agency for damages sustained by the Local Public Agency by • virtue of any breach of the Contrzct by the Cont-ractor,� and the Loca1 Public Agency may withhold any payments to the Contractor for the purpose of setoff until such time as the exact amount of damages due the Local Public Agency ' from the Contractor is determined. � � . , ' 2. Ternination for Convenience of Loca1 Public A�enc . The Loca1 Public ' Agency may terrainate this Contract any time by a notice in writing from the � Local Public• Agency to the Contractor. If the Con.tract is terminated by the , Local Public Agency as provided herein, the Con�ractor�will be paid an amount � ' �•�hich bears the same ratio to the total compensation as the services actually � performed bear to the total services of the Contrzctorrcovered by this Contract, '' � ! less payments of compensation previously made: Provided, however, that if less than sixty per cent of the services covered by this Contract have been performed , � upon the effective date of such terminatioa, the Contractor shall be reimbursed (in addition to the above payment) for that ortiori of the actua ou - � � P � 1 t of-pocket expenses (not otherwise reimbursed und er �this Co � ntract) incurred by the Contractor.during the Contract period tahich are directl attributable to th �' ' Y e uncompleted portion of the services covered by this Contract. If this Contract �� � is terminated due to the fault of the Contractor, Section 1 hereof relative to tennination shall apply. -� • �• : 3. Chs��es. The Local Public Agency may, from tzme to ti.me, request chanoes in the scope of the services of the Contractor� to be performed hereunder. Such changes, including any increase or decrease i� the amount of the Contractor's . ,; compensation, which are mutually agreed upon by and be�tween the Local Public . Agency and the Contractor, shall be incorporated in wr`itten amendments to this Contract. ' , • � �� . � � � ; � � ' • -1- ; } . � f : t . . ; ,. . . , i °_ . ' ; . . � . � ' � .. : . ., � , � � � t � � I ; ^ � � f � . � , , � • .�. ; d . � � a � , . i � . � • ! .. ' C . 4. Personnel. a. The Contractor repYesents that tie has, or will secure 4 4t his o��n e::pense, a11 persor.nel reauired in perforning .t�:� services under � this Contract. Such personnel sha11 not be er�ployees of o� .:ave any contractual � relationship �aith the Local Pubiic Abency. ' ` � � bo All the services required hereL: :ar will be perforcne� - the Contractor � or under h�s supervision and all personi:_ __ engaoed in the �aori•: .�11 be fully qualified ar_d shall be' authorized or pe� ..:.tted under Sta�e anc ca1 la�a to perform such services. • ; , e. Np p�r�oz� eal�o is se�ving senteTce S,x� �1 p��A7, Ak 'edxrectional i�sst�,�t�ti,oa " shall be employed on work under tk�is Contract. � �� I 5. � ?..nti-Kicicback RuZes. Salaries of architects, d�raftsmen, technical engineers, and technicians perfor�ing toork under tnis Coztract sha11 be paid unconditionally and not less often that once a �onth witrhout deduction or rebate on any account e:�cept only such payroll deductions as are mandatory by la�a or • " permitted by the applicable regulatio�s issued by the Secretary of Labor pursuant �� � to the "Anti-Kicicback Act" of ,7une 13, 1934 (48 Stat. 948; 62 Stat. 740; 63 Stat. � lOS; title 18 U.S.C, section 87'+; and title 40 UoSoC., section 276c}, .The Con�ractor shall comply with all applicable "Ant�-Kickback" regulations and shall insert appropriate provisions ia all subcontracts covering work under this Contract � to �nsure comnliance by subcontractoYs with such -regulations, and shall be res�onsible for the submission of affidavits required of subcontractors there- ' under e�cept as the Secretary of Labor may specifically provide for variations of or exemptions from the requirements thereof. i , f 6. TJithholdin� of Salaries. I�, in the pe.rformance of this Contract, there . . ; is any uaderpayment of �salaries by the Contractor or byCany subcontractor there- ; un der, t he Loca l Pu b lic Agency s ha 1 1 wit h ho l d fl'o�:t 'i.he Contractor out of payments �� � due to him an amount sufficient to pay to e�ployees underpaid the difference � � , betwee� the salaries required hereby to be paid and the� salaries actually paid such employees for the total number of hours worked. T�he amounts withheld shall � be disbursed by the Local Public Aoency for and on account of the Contractor or !• �� subcontractor to the respective employees to whom they �are due. � 7. Claims and Disputes Pertainina to Salarv Rates. Claims and disputes �� � pertaining to• salary rates or to clzssifications of •arehitects, draftsmen,, • � technical engineers, and technicians perfonning work under this Contract shall - ! be promptly reported in �rriting by the Contractor to tlie Local Public Agency ` � for the latter's decision which shall be final �aith respect thereto. . '- f • f � i . 8. Equal Employment Opportunitv. During the performance of this Contract, the Contractor agrees as follows: -- : �' • ' i a. The Contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant � , for er�ployment because of race, creed, color;� or national origin. The " � Contractor will take a=�irmative ac*ion to en"sure the applicants are � employed, and that e�nloyees are treated duri�o employment, without . regard to their race, creed, color, or nationfal orioin. Such action ; shall include, but not be lir.iited to, the Fol�lowing: employment, �. upgrading, demotion, or transfer; recruitment� or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or othar forms of compensation; and ' ' . , I � i . _2_ , . � ;' - • _. , . .. . . r . � . . � ,. i ' i ; ; . � f � h 1y F T N _ . � : �� , �R i _. � � , � . � ; . St?z��C�lO?2 �pl i:7:'..'.].i�.I,P.%� �",',.^.�.iSC:1��, .^.U17;:C;i?`i.CE'.ui?1.17. �`�.'llG' COIIL"22?CtJY F:t?;'8G5 �� LO C>Cai. ].Il CCZTl:i�li:l1Q71S ���Ci;:S� :aV�7.7.3h3r_ �O G'i^�ZO`f'CZS 3IIG� ap��Iicaiz�S Zfi',- � Er�ployr,.�17f:� II.'��:1C��S LO Cf: �s:0�li.i�t'-:j �Jj' l:i'.c '�oeal Public �1�eI1CJ SE?�t1.P'>, • :E f Fo-rti� �lie pro�;�isions o� t�hi:; r.o�e::iscs�ir,ivati��� cl.aiise. ,k _ � � b. �i�e Cantra�tox o;il�, ir. �17. s�If_ci�a�:ic�r�s or advertiseme:.�s �=or empl�yees ; �.'�aced by or au beha3�` of tY:� Contrc�ctar, stat� that ali c,aaiiti.ed , �t :a;)��.lu'c'�'"LCS 'h"7.�.Z 1°t'.i:CLVG COi.i:i1.U�?iBL:l,0i1 i0Y enp].oy.i1GIlt: Wl'C�lv'L:i: reg�rd " t:0 r.'..C�?� CY�c?Cj� COZOY� �� 57c1'tI.OIlaZ 0�1��1R. � " c. i'?�� Contr�e�ar t+r�,�7. auun�s tt��� �cr•rec�qi�i3 prc�vi�ioz►;:I �o be ins�xtee� �,� 6�].J. �V su3�contracts zor uny CV�rT_C co�;eked �; this contract so tnat such pro`risions �•7iI1 be ninc?ing upan �a.cia su��:on��rac�or, provided�that trt foregoi.r�� . provi�io;�.s snali not a��p1y to cor.t7-ac�s or subcontracts ior sta:��ard :i co;-n:;�eYCi2I supn�.ies or ra��r m�L-erial.s. ; ,. q 9, ���cr�.rrination Bc.cause oi Cc•.:ta=n Z,ai�oz 1�cz��ers. No �exson em_�loyed on '_ i.�:E.' WOriC Co��exed 'D�7 i.�'11S Contracr. s11:11�. Gi.'• C11,SC.i:cL::rt?Ci OL' 7.I1 2.11}T S•72y discriniaatC:t� �,aiaist because he Y:as fii.ed any co;;nzaint or institiii:Ed oi caused to Ue instituted ` , ar_; proc�ediag or has te5tified or i.s ai�oui to L�stify in wan� p-roceedi�g under or , ��lati.n;; to th� 1,bar standaxas a,plica;�l� i,ereunuer t� h�s erzployLr. - 1C, Co��liar�:e 47itta I:oca? I����s. Tne C��t�a.ctar sl�al.l� com,�ly witn al�. � applicaUl.e 1•��+�s, oruzz;�nce5, snd c.��.es of �i�e Sta�e ar�d Ioc.l. governments, ar.d s:�aZi com,iit no tr�spass an �ny public or pri.vate p-raperty in per�ormiizg any of ti�.e t•,ork �:rn5raced Uy this Con�rnct. , I7.. Subcen�xuctizz�. None ar t:�� servic2s cavered by this Cantrac� shall � be subcon�racted �7ithout tY;e prior ���riL't�n cons�nt of the i.ocal i'ublic Agenc�,>. � The C�,n�rac�tor shall be as fulZy resp���ible ta i:he Loca1. Yublic Ag�zzcy for Lhe �ar�� ar�� c�;nissio�as o; his subcon4xsctors, and oi �exsons eith�r directly or • in�irectly er.�ployed by thera, as he a.s inr the �.cts and oia�issiony of persons � directl.y e;apla�e� by hir�. �ne Ct�I1�Y8C��7Y' sha11 insert in each subcontract aa�7xopziate provisioz�.s r�quirir.g complia;�ce �:yich the laflor staiadards provisions ! af �?�zs Contract. � ; � .. 7.2. AsSi�;nabi.Iity, The Contr�cto:: s;iall i�ot assign, ang interLst in tl�is Co�ltrac�, and sh�.17. not tzansi�:r an3° �-�terest in �he sam.e (c,7hether by assi��c�raet�.t }� � • or nc�v�tion) wi�hout the prior tarit��:,z aT�proval of the Local Public Agency: �, Protrzcie:3, however, that clains for nion�y due ox �o becor;i�e due the Con�tractor ! i:7CGiT1 'cl��e Local Public A�ency undex this C�ntract may be assionad to E bank, � ��rust� campar.��, or oth�r financiai insxitution, or to � T�rustee in �ianicruptcy, ' �� wi�tY:��ut such ag�roval. Not7.ce �f a;�y ;uch assignraent or �ransfer shall be , ;:-ur:�ish�d grcrn�tiy to the Loca1 I'ublic Agency. � � . 'I3, 7nt�rest of �•fenUcrs of Loc�.l PL:�?.ic A2i,TiCJ, �io me;nbcr ot the gover�ing - , 's,•��� �� ti;e uocal PuUlic A�;enc„ aitci z�.o �th�r. af�icer, ei.�ployei:, or agent of the " P . 31��c•:1 f'ublic A�ency �rho et.ercises Kiay ic!nctions ar xesponsibiliL-ies ii�. conn�ciian � with tI-�e cwrryia;; out oi the Proj�et ta �;�hich t�is Cor��cract pertain�, shall have " �� 4n�y* pc>.rs:,:zal �intexest, direct o� �n�irect-, i� t,�is Contract,:. : I4� �i"!�CP?"E.'st ot O�:i�er ]loc�.J. rub��.c Oi:t�ir.i_ats. ;vTo Iae�.nb�r of the �over�in�; . bo�y o� t:e loc�izty �.ia ti:iiici� �:'rie �.y;:aj�e;: Ar��i is sit�a��en, ar.d z�a other pu�l�c �ff.iczal oi sucti Z�cali�y, Y•�ho c:.erciszs ar.y i�k.ctiat2s.�or respoTZSib3liLies �n � t�2G' Ti.Vli:1•? Oi 1�]n�OVc?1 O� t.]G C..'.fY'y1i1� G�?L Oi t;1t: Yroject �O T4�11C�'1 tT11.5 CGIItYc1Ct ?�s?'Li:37.1'lu� uil&11 have 2T,�7 �iers:or.�.I 1RC�TE:St� `11YCCL OZ' indir�ct, 121 t�'11.5 Con;,ract. - _3- � I �` � . - -. .. ._ .- -- - � , .. .- - ,. _ _� _ �_ . ._-_ __ ._. _- - - � O � � ' �� � ' �� . . . � . � -- .. -�: .- ,. ._ . , - . ,- . .�- ._.._ . . .. . _ . _ . . . x,. � � I + i 1 � I � I � Y " � . i �r � 3 ` � 1 � � i 1 C _ i K'' �. i � � � � R ," ' � ' "�_ . I G ,, a ; � 1i. Z:'li:f.'.'_'i�St. Ot �.G'xt.ii'i• ii:�f>':'..'.! �'.�5:i'�i,'S.3l.b' :\O T�?ri.�I�L' O�. OZ' !)t'.�c?s2Ci? t0 `=--______ - -._._�..,,• � t:il<-� (:�:'fi��:E'.,°+^a O� t�l� L'ni��d yta.".�5� .`'...i1�1 11Q ��.:�iC�.L'Tli: I:GIl;i�1.55?i]I1Ci J :.'_^..�i�1 bC? � L;C:S?':?i:L:i:C� LO aRf S12:trL' OT; F7u"L'r OT t�llS ��11�1aC'C OY �O 'd^j� bene=it t0 �T:.S� 1:erefro�u. � Z�. .ii}.CC'!'t.'St O� L�:URZ.Z�iC'�OT. J.'t3� l�ar.tr.a::L"i}� COl'C:Iirt�S LPat lli: k)I�'_SCiiti�' 12:i:+ '_"t0 1:7C2"i'„�i: �.71a shall TiU� �Ct;:l'!;CG SA�J 1.27�:.�;:t?SL`� C�.lYvCt DI' 11?Ci1:l�C�� lf: {:it. � u'udV�:-uesc�:ibe3 Project :�Zf..'d Or' f�Ti'�7 �}aYCC:�.s therei� OT i�?1y otiie�� interec.� L•3i1�C12 � CvCiL'�.4 CJP.;�.,I.C(: 111 $T1�7 man�er OZ' uE?�1"�G' 4.�'_t�l 'Z:iZE'. trE.'�t02:i,lcP.CC' O� t1iS �G''\f�Cc'.S • 'r.cze�.nder. Th� Co�tractox fu;;ther �cvenants tr:�t in ttit perz�z�n:ar.ce o+_� t�:is f;o�tract t:q ���xe�xY Y��v�.n�; any :'+u.G�� x,�,�.ux���i: catz�.l7. b� �±Y�ploy�d. „ i , I!, i�inr;�.�f,s Conti.dei�.ti.a.l. 1lII af. �he re�ozLs, iuforn:��•io^, c?nt:�, �tc. , pr�.pareu or �SS�t3h�.@Ci by tY:e C:�r.t:racto?- une�r this Coz��ract :re con�iae::tial ur,c� tre Contractor a�rees �nut t�':�'S' s?:a�1 no� �� �a;;e �.���ilable to cr.y i:.�livi�ual or org�nizatio� wii.hc;ut �:�e prioz �•rritCen a��provai o� nc� Local r Pub].ic Ag�ncy. ' � � - , , i � . .' � �- � � � . � , � . • , � � I . • �r � i � � � � . ��'' . .._ . . � � � ; 6 . , f i � � r - �_ , q ! a . � � �i i � �