231857 ORIOINAL TO CITY CLERK � ` T � T � ` " _'��� �! � CITY OF ST. PAUL �ILENCIL NO. � _ `�� OFFICE OF THE �CITY CLERK ° COUNCI SOLUTION—GE ERAL FORM ; PRESENTED BY k` COMMISSIONE DATF � ��� RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized �o:gurchase 1,600 "- �, �r Aluminum Sign Blanks from�LYLE SIGNS, INC. as per Informal Bid ��0465, at a cost of �� $3248.00 for the De artment of Public Works Bureau of Traffic En ineerin Sain� � � P � g g� � Paul, Minnesota, such bid being the lower of the two bids received, pursuant to 1� Section 291 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the above is declared to be _ �. an emergency authorization to facilitate the snow removal operations. . C•uqa o'tv3 i • , APPROVED �� FORM: APP - - �� � �- ASSISTANT CORPOR.ATIO EL MAYOR H , � . - CO ROLLER � ' S - ' rt '� —� . � DEPUTY PURCHASING AGENT , � COUNCILMEN ��� 2 lg�� � Adopted by the Council �19 �- Yeas Nays Carlson F��� 2196, �, Dalglish ' � pproved +19" Holland �I I � Meredith Tn Favor �eterser� 0 , Mayor Tedesco A gainst �- Mr. President, Byrne ' rUBLISH�ED FEB 1967 �22 � .'.- r.. I DUr�IGATE TO rRINTER • J , ���1 ' �� 4 � tOCITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO. FFiCE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF _ I I) f �SOLVBD, Th�t the Purcha�ing Ag�nt be and he ie hereby auttiori�ed �to.�purohaee 1,6�� I �tluaine� Sign Blaa�cs from LYLB 3IGN3, INC. se per Informal Bid ,�0465, at a cost of � �3248.00, for Che DQpart�ent of Pub13c Works, Bnreau of Traffic Sngineering, Saint � � Paul, �inneaota, such bid being the lowex of the two bi�ls received, pura�uant to ; . �t ' Section 291 of the Charter of the Cit,q of Sa3nt Peul, the above is dealared to be ' an emergency autlxoriz�tion to facilitate the �naw removal operaCion�. APPBOVSV AS TO Fd1�Mt � APPB ASS�STANT CORPORATION CAUNSBL MAYOR _ � ^ I CO�T OLI.BR � - � - —1 �G�. I- � L DBPtPl'Y POR(�IASIHG AGSNT . r 2196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc�EB 19 Yeas Nays Carlson F�B 21967 Dalglish � ' Approved 19 Holland Meredith Tn Favor �-�'e�erson� � Mayor Tedesco A gainst I Mr. President, Byrne i za �