231856 �3� � �� ORIGINK�TO CITY CLERK ' � - CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO. ' ''� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ - �� NCIL LUT ON-GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE s n DAT ��� , - . i Whereas, Additions and Deductions which might prove to be necessary in th Improvement described as the BATTLE CREEK AE'ARTMENT SEWER SYSTEM, Comptroller'� �_ Contract L-6894, Feter Lametti Construction Co., Contractor, have been provide � for in the Specifications, and � . r Whereas, It has been found necessary to.,make the following Additions and ;;� Deductions: ' ADDITION ;,E , Gravel sub-base material used where unsuitable foundation areas � . were encountered - 230.47 tons L $5.00 = Addition $ 1,152:35 . . ,� DEDUCTION ` Elimination of 46 lin. ft. of 12" R.C.F�. under Larry Ho Drive „� and associated catch basin work, which was constiucted in � connection with the surfacing of Larry Ho Drive, Contract No. L-6883, Project No. 66-G-1714 . = Deduction $ 5�4:50 TOTAL NET ADDITION $ (���7.85 and . 'I . Whereas, The total addition is $627.85 and the Commissioner of Fublic Work'I ' has agreed with the Contractor that the amount of $627.85 is the correct sum to � . be added to said contract, therefore be it ' �� .. , . j �. Resolved, That the City of St. Faul through its �City Council approves the � foregoing addition made in accordance with the Specifications in the sum of � $627.85, said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the • contract, known as Comptroller's Contract No. L-6894, which amount is to be � included in the assessment against benefitted property. ' _ ,� , � t . ; , ��. COUNCILMEN �' 2196] Adopted by the Coun�il�.� 19 Yeas Nays Carlson , ��� 2196� : Dalglish . � �- Approved � I 19 Holland � � Meredith In Favor � � , � ��e�— � Mayor Tedesco Against PUBUSH�ED �Eg � 1� � Mr. President, Byrne fi � C � f � _ � � � DUrLIGA7E TO rRINTER �� _ CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENER,4L FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONER ROZl61'C T�� Pot�t'��A DAT III N Wh�rees, Additionz and D�ductiona whicb �ight prove to be necessmry in t Iaprove�ent des�ribed aa the $ATTI�JL CR�R �'ARTI�pT S� SXST�M. Comp�roller' ContraEt L-6894, �ster La�tti �o�fetruction Co., Contractor, h�va been provid�� � for in the Speciiicationm, «nd � �lh�sa�e. �t hes be�a found necesaary to me�Uce Lb� following ,Add�tions end Deduction8z . ADDIT�Ali � Grsvel 4ub•base uterinl n4ed whar� unauitabl• foundation araaa ' w�ra �ncounternd - 230.4� ton� @ $5.Q0 � Addition � 1,;1'S2.35 � D�DUCTIQI� ' . • � �].i�i�aation of 46 lin. fC. ot�12" R.C.F. unde� Lnrry �o Drive and aeabciatsd catah be�ein w�prk� which wes con�tructad ia connection vitb '.the surfacing df Larry Ho.�Drive. Contract No. � ,L-6883, Fro ject �ta, 66�f+y 17I.4 � . , ' Deduction �i ;5�24.`50 ', � TOTAL H�T AUDTT�N $ � 27..85 and I . Wherees, The to�al eddition� i,e �627.85 and, th� Cw�ieaioner of �ublia Wo�± haa agra�d, with�the Coritraator that th� �ciunt of $627.85 ia 'thQ correttt swa ti� be e�dded 'to sa�i.d contrdct� tt�esetot� bs it Resolved, Tlaat th� �ity of b�. Paul �througb its Citq Ca�aacil �ppxoves th £oregoing addition e�ada ia accord�nae �ith tbs S�eci�3caCione in the snm of $b27.8s, said a�oucit to be added eo the 1e�m� eu,0,eonsideration named i� thA contract, known es Cqr+�trollex's Contract t�o. L-6894, which emount ia to be inalud:d in �he asoesanitnt agminsC b�negitted propertg.. FEB 2 � �� COUNCILMEN • Adopted by the Council 19 Yeas Nays ��8 21967 Carlson � Dalglish Approved 19 Holland Meredith In Favor �ersvn� � Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne zs _ . �