231855 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ' _ � � CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL N�. ° � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -- f OU � RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY R�� �T teT � COMMISSIONE DAT ��� ' Whereas, In the matter of Comptroller's Contract L-6788 for the gradin ` and sewer work in COTTAGE AVENUE from Galtier Street to Cul-de-sac west of � � Western Avenue; FARRINGTON STREET from the Northern Facific Railway to Cott �ge`: _ Avenue, J. R. �+lalker � Sons, Inc., Contractor, the specified date of comple��ion is September 12, 1965, and „ � - - � ,. Whereas, The Contractor has prosecuted the work diligently but due to ' unfavorable weather during September 1965 the surfacing and seal coat could ot - be placed until the summer of 1966, and it was not possible to complete the contract by said date of completion; therefore be it,� � � '+: Resolved, That the proper City Officials be and theq are hereby author � ed and directed to execute an amendment to safd contract extending the time of�� . completion to August 15, 1966 provided however, that this resolution shall have � ' no force or effect unless the sureties on the Contractor's bond consent thexeto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller, and be it, :� Further Resolved, That the City of Saint Paul hereby waives all calim ' for liquidated damages and that no engineering and inspection costs on this� � project will -be charged to the Gr'ontractor for such extended period. ` ,� � - -- S ��.. • --.,. _ ` + � �E COUNCILMEN ��� � � � � Adopted by the Council 19 Yeas Nays �� Carlson � Dalglish pproved ��� Z �9�, 19 Holland I ; Meredith In Favor � �I� _ �ersan--- �1Vlayor Tedesco � Against � Mr. President, Byrne ' . �� �E� �9�� . . - , �2 �' � DUrLIGATE TO rRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO. �'` � ��' "_ � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _���rt �at � COMMISSIONER 8. araon DATF �I� M I Wh�reas, �n the �att�r of Corptroller�� Contrmct L-b788 for tbA grading' and sewer �aork in OOTTNGE l�V�IUB fro� 6mltier Str�t to Cu1-d�•saa vest of Weatern Awsnu�; FAARING't�011 STREF.T fro� th� Ilorthern Facific �ailwaq to Cotta� Averro�, J. R. iiallc�r b Sons, Inc., Contrsator, thA epecified a�te af Cc�pl�tfon is S�ptabsr 12, 1965� and , � • . t�rer�as, The Contractor has prosecuted tho work dili��ntly but dua to e:nfavore�ble �r�ather during Sept�ber 1965 the aurfacing and aeal aost could {t' , b� pla�sd until th� on�er of 1966, and it w�s nat possibl� to coo�plate ths , contrac� by 'said date of conpletion; ther�for� be it� � • � ` ' ' ' � ' R��alved, Thet the proper Gi�p �f�iciale ba and �he� ,ara i�ereby �uthor ad and dir�ctsd to ezecute an aNtfds�nt to said con�raat esttnding th� ti�a ofl� cowpletion-.to �iuguet 1S, 1966 provided howavQr, that this resolution eball }iav� no �orce or eff�ct unleas the aurotie� on the 4oatra��or's bond consent th�i�to and file such eo�eent in writing w3.tih the Gity Coaptroll�r, end b� it. $urther Reeolv�ed� That th� City of Saint Paul hereby waiv�s all aali�a for liquidated dewges and that no engine�ring and ia�p�ction costs oa this pro j��t will bo atu�rged �o thQ Contra�etor for su�h eat�nded perivd. I , ' � 1 I � 2 I9 ` COUNCILMEN ~ � Adopted by the Council 19 Yeas Nays Carlson F�� 2196� Dalglish Approved 19 Holland Meredith In Favor � �et�r�rr— � �Mayor Tedesco A gainst � Mr. President, Byrne � � I � 22 1 NI