05-152Couneil File # � S' � s�. Green Sheet # 3 � 5 � � .3 RESOLUTION ��� !� SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �z WHEREAS, the Charter of the City of Saint Paul requires that any enrity using City proper�y or the City's right of way — or which maintaius pennanem or semipermanent fiYtures therein for purposes of operating a utility — have a franchise from the City; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Charter vests with the Council the power and authority to grant and regulate franchises; and 6 WHEREAS, Northem States Power (NSP), now known as XcRI Energy, was ganted two ten-year 7 franchises by the City in 1996, through Councii Files 96-416 and 96-417, to provide gas and electric 8 service within the City of Saint Paul from 7uly 1, 1996 through 7une 30, 2006; and 9 WHEREAS, the cusent N5P franchise agreements for use of the City's right-of-way to provide gas 10 and electric service cover issues ranging from the rate regulation, franchise fee rates and structure, to 11 issues of location of gas pipes, electric poles and other uYility facilities, as well as the terms and 12 conditions for changes thereto; and 13 WF�REAS, the process of negotiating a utility franchise agreement, by its nature, involves 14 conducting research and analysis, consulting with key stakeholders and holding a series of ineetings 15 over time to thoroughly review the current agreements and proposals for their improvement; and 16 WHEREAS, it is in the interest of both the City and Northem States Power (NSP), now known as 17 Xcel Energy, to begin engaging in discussions relating to the franctuses, as they will expire in less than 18 18 months; now, therefore, be it 14 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 RE50LVED, that the Saint Paul City Council and Mayor hereby establish the following committee to negotiate or renew the gas and electric utility franchises held by NSP: Matt Smith, Director of Financial Services, Chair; Trudy Moloney, Director of Council Operations; Manuel Cervantes, Ciry Attorney; Bob Sandquist, Director of Public Works; and 7aneen Rosas, Director of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection; and be it RESOLVED, that the Mayor and City Council direct that these department directors involve such other City staff as are necessary for the successfui completion of their work; and be it further RESOLV�B, that the City Couneil and Mayor direct that these franchise discussions he consistent with duty adopted City energy policies and that Councilmembers, the Mayor or his designee be RESOLUTIDNES`TABLISHIIVGA NEGOTTATfNG CDMMITTEE FOR THE NSP/XCEL GASAND ELECTRIC FRANCHISES os- � sa providecl with at least quarterly briefings on these discussion; and be it further 2 RESOLVED, that the Mayor and C'uy Counctil direct that a policy discussion(s) be convened by the 3 Cbair of the Negotiating Committee and the Director of Council Operations to develop and refine a 4 policy framework for initiation of these negotiarion; and be it finally 5 RESOLVED, that tkris policy framework be developed by Aprii 1, 2005 with the thorough 6 consultation of Councilmembers, the Mayor and appropriate City staff. .; _ , . as- �sa � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Gceen Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � co -co,m�a Contaet Person & Phone: Trudy Moloney 266-8560 Must Be on Council Agenda by (Oate): i5-FEB-05 � Assign Numher For Routing Order Tohl # of SignaWre Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Estab]ishing a negoUating committee for the NSPIXCEL Energy Gas and electric franchises. idations: Approve (A) or R Planning Commission CB Committee CiJi Service Commission 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a coMract for this depadmenY? Yes No 2. Has this perso�rtn ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Dces this personlfirtsi possess a skilf nof normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No F�cplain all yes'answers on saparate sbeet and attach to green sheet Initiating ProMem, fssues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, 4Vhere, Why): Advantaites If Approved: DisadvantapeslfApproved: Cottnci! R�s�arch Ce�ter Green S�ieet NO: 3025265 Deoartrnetrt SentToPerson InitiallDate 0 un il 1 uncil De a ntDirector 2 e __� 3 4 5 ��B ¢ 5 �iD� Dlsadvantages If Not Approved: 7ransaction: Fumiinp Source: CosVRevenue Budgeted: Activitv Number: Fi�anciai I�fo�mation: (F�[plain)