231826 Hy� ("J� ��y[(''J� _ ORIGINAL TO�ITY CLERK �_ l�/1/. ' CITY OF ST. PAUL l COUNCIL ��° �"' -- ��. s OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL E OLUTION— ENERAL FORM „ PRESENTED BY Robert r. Peterson COMMISSIONE `e'�DAT � I I Re: State Froject 6280-128 (fi.H. 35E=390). Construction F'lans and Special • Frovisions for Fencing and Erosion Control on T.H. 35E from Bridge No. 9330� (Lexington Ave. over Mississippi River) to d�iest Seventh Street � in the City of St. Faul, Minnesota, Minnesota Froject I 35E-4 (53) 109. : � . �r7HEREAS, The Commissioner of Highways has prepared plans, special provisions and Specifications for the Improvement of a part of Trunk Highway Number 390 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 35E within the corporate limits of the City of _ St. Faul from the Mississippi River to W. 7th. Street; and _ WHEREAS, Said plans are on file in the office of the Department of Highwaqs, � Saint Paul, Minnesota, being marked, labeled, and identified as S.E'. 6280-128 � (T.H. 35E=390) ; and F WHEREAS,' Said special provisions are on file in the office of the Department of Highways, Saint Faul, Minnesota, being marked, labeled, and identified as � S.F. 6280-128 (T.H. 35E=390) Minn. Froject I 35E-4 (53) 109, which, together with � � the Minnesota Department of Highways Specif ications for Highway Construction, date January 1, 1964, as amended by "Supplemental Specifications" dated February 1, 196���, : on file in the office of the Commissioner of Highways, constitute the specification�s for said improvement of Trunk Highway Number 390 renumbered as Trunk Highway Numbe�� � ��� ' 35E; and - WI�REAS Co ies of said 1 ns ' nd s e � � �� , p p a a p cial provisions as so marked, labeled an identified are also on file in the office of the Department of Fublic �,lorks; and WHEREAS, The term "said plans and special provisions" as hereinafter used in the body of this resolution shall be deemed and intended to mean, refer to,� and , incorporate the plans and special provisions in the foregoing recitals particularly identified and described. � NOi+I, TIiEN BE IT RESOLVED, That said plans and special provisions for the - improvement of Trunk Highway Number 390 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 35E within� ,.., . the limits of the City of St. �'aul be and hereby are approved. � , - BE IT FURTFiER RESOLVED, That the elevations and grades as shown in said plans and special provisions be and theq are hereby approved and consent is herebq given to any. and all changes in grade occasioned by the construction of said Trunk Highway Number - 390 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 35E in accordance with sa':�d plans and speciel provisions. - COUNCILMEN : F�� 1 1��� Adopted by the Ceuncil • 19— Yeas Nays '°' Carlson . � ��S 11��� tr � Dalglish Approved � 19— � Holland . �� ` Meredith In Favor ` , �� ` Peterson • • !) � Mayor r Tedesco , �l Against ' • Mr. President, Byrne pt�gL�SFI�D ��� `� �96 �� , �zz �' �11 � .. . . .. . .. � DUrLICATE TO-I�RINTER 23�$ � << . CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. _ �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �ObO=� �� Pe�erson - COMMISSIONER DAT � Re= Stat� Project 6280•12a (T.H. 35�390). Gonetraction Fiane �nd Special Provisione for Fancing and 8roaion Control on T.�. 9SB iro� Bridg� �To. 9330 flwzington Av�. over Hi��ia�ippi Riv�r) to 'iiaat S�v�atb Stre�t • ia th� City of St: Paul, Minn�sota, Minn�oota Froj�ct I 3�1�-4 �S3) 109. i�R8A8, ?h� Co�isaivn�r o! BigbMays ha�s pr�par�d pl�ns, special provision� and �pecifiastioaa for Che Lprove�nt of • part of Trunk �ighway ltuaber 390 renu�b�red as ��cuak �ighWay �b�r 3S$ vitbin th� corporat� li�its of the Citq of St. Paul froa the Missi�eippi &iv�r to W. 7tb. Stre�t; and � i W�AS� Said pians are on file ia �h� oilice o� th� D�parta�nt of 8lghwaqs, Saint �'aul, Ml.nn�aota, baing sark�d, l�tial�d; and id�ntifi�d as S.F. 6280•12$ (T.B. 35�390)� and ' � � �$�AS� S�id �p�cial provieions ar� an fila in thm offine of th� Daparta�nt o! Higb�v�y�� Saint Paul, Hinn��ota, boing aarkad, labaled. �nd id�ntifiad a� S.F. 6280-128 �T.H. 35.�390) Minn: �roj�ct I 33�-4 (53) 109� Wbicb. tog�th�r viCh thi �linnesota D�partw�nt of �3lghway� �pecificatioa� for Higt►Waq Con�ts�nction, dat ; Jauuary 1. 1964, as �nd�d by "SupplaMntal Specifi�ations" dited Februarp '1, 19�i�i, on fil• in tbe off iae of tha Co�ission�r of Highway�, constitut� th� specificati �ns for aaid iaprovas�nt of ?rank Higb�aq �naber 390 renulsb�r�d ae Trunk 8igbwsy lfua r 358; �nd � 'I WHBRBAS, Copits of �aid planm �nd spacial pronisions as �o a�rlcod� labtiod identifi�d ars eiso on fil� in the offics of tbe Depnrt�ant of Public.�Tor1c�; and WH�RF,AS, Ths ttrw "�aid plen� and opacial provisio�s'� aa h�r�inaft�r us�d i the body of .thi� r�aolutioa ahall be deasa�d and �ntendsd to �ean, refex to� a�nd incorporat� ths plans and epscfal provisiona in the �ar�going z�citals p�rtiaular identif iad and deacrib�d. �W, TB��1 BE IT A�SOLVED� That eaid plaas and spfcial �rovisions for the i�rov�nt of �runk �i,ghvaq 1tu�b�r 390 racwabered as '�rqnk �,ighv��► liusber 35E �i in the liaite of �he City of St. Fau31 ba and hereby are aippronad. � �E ZT lQ�R R�90LV�1�; Thmt the �l�vation� and grade� as shovn in aaid plan aad opacial provisions b� and th�y ar+ hereby �pproved �nd con��nt 1� bsr�b� giv�n to �any and a1,1 cbang�n in grade o�caaion�d by the constructson qf �sid Truak BighWay ltw � r 390 r�nu�berad �s Trun�k �ighvaq ltuabir 35� in accord�nc� Mith ��id plana �nd apoc 1 provi�iona. 11967 COUNCILMEN ' Adopted by the Council��B 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ��g' 1196� I� Dalglish � . Approved 19 I Holland . • Meredith In Favor Peterson �> � Mayor Tedesco v Against Mr. President, Byrne � - �i I I