231814 ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERK ' �� I � j '� � CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. � _ ; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL UTION- ENERAL FORM ' . PRESENTED BY Robert F. Peterson ,�� �� 3anuary 31', 1967 . COMMISSIONE DATF - ��� • In the matter of gradin� �nd surfacing with bituminous material E. ROSE AVENUE from Clarence St. west to and including cul�de-sac, under Preliminary • Order. C. F. 228086, approved April 13, 1966, and Final Order C. F. 229662, approved August 2, 1966. Also construct �, public sewer in E. Rose Avenue fro +_ C12.rence St. to N,P. RR. R/W, under Prelimin�ry Order C.F. 226714, approved ,,, Janu�ry 11, 1966, and Final Order C.F. 229664, approved August 2, 1966. '° RESOL'JED, That the glans and specifications as submitted for the above :: . improvements be and the sene are hereby'apgroved, and be it EURTHER RESOI�VED, That the Purchasing Agent be and lie is hereby directed ' to obtain bids for the improvement, the bids to show seoarately the amount for the gr�.din� and bituminous surfacing work and the amount tor the sewer wo _ as per plans and specifications and the total thereof to be considered the bi '; for the entire improvement and be it ' ' . FURTNER RESOLVID, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this improvement. � r � � COUNCILMEN Jp�y 31196� . Adopted by the Council 9 �, Yeas Nays p� « Carlson ' �' Dalglish ,��� 3 � 196� pproved 19— Holland �� , Meredith In Favor , Peterson Mayor Tedesco gainst ° � Mr. President, Byrne , PUBLISH�ED ��B 19fi �za : II u . - ` - . , � , , rLICA SO rRINTER � ° �� ! 8, Q � CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. _ , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM . PRESENTED BY Rober.t� �.. �etereon January �7.� .1g67 ' ' COMMISSIONER DATF - III , . , . , , ' In Ch� ■atter o� grading and eutfacing .Mith bitu�fnoub wntarial �. �k0$B AVF�pIt �rc� Clar�nca St, wn�t tQ and includfng cul.-de-eac. und�r P;�liw�eury t?�dar. G. 1�: 228086� approved Apx�.l 13, 1966, and F1rial.Order C. 1�. 229662, approved �Augt�st,2;, 1966. Also• construct a ptiblic sewer in E. Rose Avenue fr Clarence .6t. to N.�P. RR. R/W, under Preliwine�ry Order G.1�. 226?14� approved Janu�ry �_1� �1�66, �and �ina.l Order C.F. 229664, approved 'lkugudt 2. Y986. I �E$OLVF�D f �'hat the p2an4 �nd specificetions as sabr3.tt�d for 'CLs above .z:� � i�pro�+em�n�s be �nd th• saa� ars hsratyy approved, esnd ba iC 1�URTHER R�$OLV�, That th� Purchasin� AQsnt be and he is hersby d�.r�i:�� � tQ obtain bide for �he impr,ov�ent, the bida tb eho� separately ths as�ount £or the grading and ,bitus�inous sur�acing.work and �he a�ounG �or the aew�r �wur ' ae per plans nnd sp�cific'atfo�na and the total thereog to bs conaidered tb• bi iFax th� entire ia�pxov�nnat and be it . � , . , .� �� , � �TRTR�t �OLV,�, That the �urch�siag A�ent ba ansl he is �era�b,y directtd � to advor�ia� �cr bids on this i�provenanC. , � ' . . ' � 1���f(�� .�n , . � ���i : ,�-�s � � , � . � � � � � �A� 31196�, COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council �g_ Yeas Nays Carlson �I�� 31 �9�� Dalglish Approved 19_ Holland � Meredith , In Favor Peterson Mayor Tedesco � Against � Mr. President, Byrne I , I z2 . III