05-147CITY OF ST. PAUL FINAL ORDER AMEND7sD COUNCI FILPs NO. � �� By File No. 19011. 19012, �4fr�3 Voting In the Matter of improving Suburban Avenue from White Bear Avenue to Ruth Street to be known as the Suburban Avenue Redesign Project to include construction of a center median (with plants and an irrigation system) at various locations with a center left turn lane and also the installation of a twin lantern (above standard) lighting system. File No. 19011 Also, the operation costs for the twin lantern (above standard) street lighting system that will be installed with the above project. File No. 19012 .�ww .��i��w�r�Z.ics.i��l�r.wo�1r-����a�i�ili�.�r'���r-oa�wz.r.��i�i� �y���w��a���'.��i.iaa.rt.�iya under Preliminary Order /0� : The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHFsREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improvement and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, an@ the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER 12ESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. Adopted by the Council: Date: /� �/ Certified Passed by the Council Secretary � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � PN/ — Pubtic works Z/1��o� ('b inci� � Date Initiated: � i 06-JAN-05 i Green Sheet NO: 3024833 CorMad Person 8 Phone: Dan Haak i �i 266-6084 ? Must Be on Councii Agenda by (Date): i 26-JAN-0S � � I I y Assign Number For Routing Order oeoartrnent sern iorerson mmavuate 0 �Public WorkS Dan Haak ' 1 �Couocil Marv Ericksan ' ' Total # of Signature Pages �(Clip All Locations for Signature) ' Action Requested: ', Set date of hearing to approve the orders for the Suburban Avenue Redesign Project from White Bear Avenue to Ruth Street. File No. 1901I, 29012, 19013 or hze)ea (rt): i, p¢rsonai semce contraccs must nnswer cne ronowmg Planning Commission I 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee , Yes No Civil Service Commission �', 2. Has this person/frm ever been a city employee? Yes No ' 3. Does this persoNflrm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any '', current city employee? Yes No _ _ ', Expiain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet '�, Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (V1lho, What, When, Where, Why): The Suburban Avenue Redesign Project is a component of a long term overall community initiative to enhance the qualiry of life and , aesthetics of this commercia] area. ' AdvaoWpes If Aoproved: � The project will improve the quality of life in the neighborhood and for the surrounding businesses. ! DisadvantageslfApproved: � None. I DisadvanWqes If Not Approvetl: ���itl ��� �' The street would continue to be less safe and unathactive. ; 1 � I{ Totat Amount of Transaction: Fundinp Source: Financial Information: (Explain) �..111 Assessments, MSA, STAR Grant CosVRevenue Budgeted: Y Activiry Number: US-��`� DRAFT SUMMARY OF ENGINEERING RECOMMENDATIONS SUBURBAN AVENUE from White Bear to Ruth City Project No. Report Prepared — 12-28-04 Public Hearing — PROJECT The Suburban Avenue Redesign Project extends from White Bear to Ruth and includes construction of a center median at various locations along this segment. Plants and an irriga6on system will be installed in the center medians. Ornamental twin lantern lights will be installed along both sides of Suburban Avenue. This project is a component of a long term overall community initiative to enhance the quality of life and aesthetics of this commercial area. EXISTING CONDITIONS The majority of Suburban Avenue is 48' wide with two lanes in each direction. It has no center medians or streef iights. Left turns are made from the inside driving lane. PROPOSEDIMPROVEMENTS The existing curb and pavement will remain in place. Center medians will be co�structed at various locations along Suburban Avenue. The existing pavement will be removed in areas of inedian construction. The existing pavement in front of the new median curb will be patched. An irrigation system and plants will be placed in the new center medians. New twin lanterns will be installed behind the existing curb on both sides of the roadway. ALTERNATES To do nothing would be inconsistent with the City's commitment to improve this segment of Suburban Avenue. �-�y1 POSITIVE BENEFITS This project will improve the quality of I'rfe for surrounding businesses. It will improve tra�c flow by creating a center left turn lane and enhance the aesthetics of this commercial area with the addition of plants and ornamental lighting ADVERSE EFFECTS Normal problems associated with construction such as noise, dust, reduced access, and general disruption will be present. Properties along Suburban Avenue wilf be assessed forthe above standard street lighting, median landscaping, and yearly maintenance for both. EFFECTS ON TREES This project has no affect on existing trees. Additional plants will be installed in the new center medians. TIME SCHEDULE The project will begin in the summer of 2005 and will tre completed by the fal! of 2005. COST ESTfMATE Construction Engineering Miscellaneous PROJECT TOTAL ESTIMATED FINANCING MSA STAR Grant Assessments PROJECT TOTAL $ 340,000 $ 85,000 $ 41.000 $ 466,000 $ 315,000 $ 75,000 $ 76.000 $ 466,000 2 GS- �y�t SOURCE OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION For additional information, contact the Project Engineer, Dan Haak, at 266-6084. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION The Department of Public Works feels that this is a necessary and worthwhile project, and the Engineering Recommendation is for approval of the project and financing. 3 � � � �J r..,,itA.in .....,,i SCt100�i''. fD ,�e I w. +- _ -� '...... _.: � � • I la J C� � - �I ,� �.::��:.:�: R' ,., J:.":t:: Q � ?`" = � PG. ST. m '': �f • � . ' f E � L-�,.J ` J � i a Q � ~w,' ` i � e � ." �'y 6 � e.4TH p LL—sr. 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PADL RINAL ORDSR COUNCIL FILE NO. �_ `�� By File No. 19011, 19012, 19013 Voting In the Matter of improving Suburban Avenue from White Bear Avenue to Ruth Street to be known as the Suburban Avenue Redesign Project to include construction of a center median (with plants and an irrigation system) at various locations with a center left turn lane and also the installation of a twin lantern (above standard) lighting system. File No. 19011 Also, the operation costs for the twin lantern (above standard) street lighting system that will be installed with the above project. File No. 19012 Also, the costs to maintain the median landscaping with the above project. File No. 19013 under Preliminary Order //� - The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improvement and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. Adopted by the Council: Date: Certified Passed by the Council Secretary Mayor E12f11i2095 15:11 65173628�1 PT�TPSPAIAGPWFJDP F�GE �3 , ± � '�� ST. PAUI SU �U R�AiV CI—�RYSLEIZ - di x. Frida�. Febru:tn il, 2p(1S To V6'hnzn It 11ay Cocxce�n: T. represent Suhuxban Chr;�sler, �chich is located oia Suburban Aveoue ixz St. Paul, �iv. � liis leuer is to inform Yhc Cirr Cotmcil that Fve support thc up�rade to our strect. «'c are Fwar� of the assessm�nt charge and feei that thzs will benefit our Uusiness. The east sidc of St. Paul has deteriorated over ths4 past ZO cenrs and is in desperste n�ed of un o.•erhanl. Tf somet�Zin� is not done to up�rade this aren of to�sn c�•e feei that we will be lool:[u� aC flnotlzer secYion of St. P�ul thaY hus beezi lesi as f�r as busincss goes. The Pa�-ne Avenuc area a�d the Selby Dale arca arc eEarnpies oC nress that «crc !ct to faii, onl� to rea[ize thnt somethSng had to l�e dot�e to restore che area for husinesses to sur�•ice. �Z"e feel thac thc lightinr will cut dn���n on crinie and � face-lift sriII brin� people to the flrca. R e would li1:e to sec the area dc�clop iata a ret�it scttinr �vhere pc�ple ha;e a fecling o£safeij Fchen tlxey strol! abouf the arca. Nn}�efuil}• this wiil aitract 6thCr rctsll IIUSiriC55 tp OAl' :3Y8:i. This park of to�,n is also the �aten�sy to t'hc city' of St. Paul frozza the East and reall� should I�ave an up�rade. «�hen �au dri��e intfl St. �'an1 from �Visconsin, 1'ou ctiill pass ttxz•ot��h �i'oodbttr}, which looks very nice. Thc closer a person �ets to ihe cih� the .+or�e it starts to lool:. It 5houl�l be ,just t4ie opposite. ��'e are tr�•inn to brin� btisiness to the do��n foe�n area also, Lets rzaake thc entzance to tlic cit} an appcaiinr one. -�i1nCCrc�� �--�..-���� St�ti�en J 5autis O tir r� erlPres ider. i Svbui•ban (�tir��slci- �891 SUBUt�BAN AvENUE - ST. PAUt. MiNNESC'A o5779 •(651) 735-940Q www_ subu rba n ch rysl a. r.cc �