D001363CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF TfIE MAYOB C� • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REV7SION �: '�o � 3b3 ��: IC�- a3 ADMII�TISTRATIVE ORDER, Concistent with the authority granted to the Mayor Jn Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of Director of d�e Divison of Pazks and Recreation ro amend the 1997 budget of the Pazks and Recreation Special Projects fw�d, the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized w ame� said budget in tbe following manner: Division of Parks and Recreation Pazks and Recreation Special Projects Current Amended �udge� �n B1�.d�t 365-13100-0557 Transfer to General Fund 0 74Q 740 365-13100-0857 Data Processing Hardwaze 4,�0� {�401 3,260 4,000 0 4,000 Adjust 1997 budget to allow for the transfer of funds for the Ciry's PC replacement program. • Prepared by: Ao4vity Manager (��,� �� Reques[ed by: Department DirecWr �� n '` � � � �q1 Apptoved by: dgN Director `� �a -a-�—�� ,a �.� � o�„�,.,a,.ro�,��o,�p� DATEINIt7A?� GREEN SHEET t9`� � ParksandRecreation ;,ti(j�[��, 70l75/97 1..L�)��Q� CONTACTPHi50NANDPNOME INITIALIDATE ItNillLLIDATE ohn Wirka 266-6477 � _]._��W+TMe+ranecTOn _arrcow+a� - wn crrr wrronxer �..«rv «�c-- Musr ae ou co�Nar wce+ow sr aowro �curnwaK sevnces wn. � oFS /�countim euvon�onasssrum �`_ Parks TOTALiOF51GNATiAiEPAG6�tq1V11711DC111pN8iORffi[i{Alti1F1 � ACT�ON PEQUE5fm: Approval of administrative order amending fund 365 - Parks and Recreation Special Projects HECOMMENDATIONS: Approve W a Rqect 611 P6tf01/NL 30tVICE COM2R11CTi MYST ANSW91 TE PoLLOWNiB WFBiIONf: �ANNINGCOMMISSON _CIVILSEIiVICECOMMISSION �, Hrtl�itpr�avTirm �_CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO � STAFf _ Y. Nr tls P>��am evar bm� + cty anWoyae7 YES NO �ISTfi1CTGOUNqL _ 3. Doee tM V�7Fwm V� � tlWl not mrmdlY P�^d bY �nY arrart dN a^WW�ee? SUPPORTS WNICX COUNC�L OBJEC71VE7 YES NO �Mdn dl `M wwan on saprMe Yre[ rtl eHeeh m Waen ahwt. INITIATING PROBLEM.ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV pVM. Wha4 WMn, WMre. Why): 1997 budget needs to be amended to allow for the trensfer of funds for the City's PC repalcement program. ADVAt1TAGES IF APPHOVFD: This fund will be able to participate in the City's P� replacement program. DISADVANTAGES IF APPfiOVED: None �E��QV�� �CT 21 1997 a,l�'Y CLERK DISMVANTAGES IF NOT APPNOVm: This fund will not be able to participate in the City's PC replacemem progrem. TPLAMOUNTOF1flAN5AGT10N S O COSTMkY@/YEBYDOEi�(CWCLEONq Y68 NO �pwpspu�o anrlrs and Recreatinn Soeciai Projects �cn+nrrxwaei _ 73100 � FNANCIAL INf-0RMAiION: IIXPINN� M1A ��