05-133Council File # a5 -1 �� Green Sheet # 20427?�`' Pcesenfed by RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAU�, MINNESOTA ►3 1 WHEREAS, the Port Authority, and the Ciry desire to partner on the installation of a new traffic signal at the Dale Street 2 North and Topping Street Intersecrion; and 3 WI�REAS, the Port Authority is developing the Great Northem Business Center located in the City of Saint Paul 4 adjacent to Topping Street, east of Dale Street; and 5 WF�REAS, the Port Authority has requested the installarion of a traffic signal a[ the Dale/Topping Intersecdon to 6 improve vehicle access to the business center development; and 7 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is completing improvements on Dale Street between Minnehaha and Aatch in 2005 8 (which includes the Dale/Topping Intersection); and 9 WI�,REAS, the Port Authority and the City desire to include the design and installation of the new traffic signal at the 10 Dale/Topping Intersection as a coordinated effort with [he ongoing Public Works improvements to be administered by the 11 City; and 12 WHEI2EAS, the CYry of Saint Paul and Saint Paul Port Auihoriry desire to enter into an ageement which defines the 13 Engineering, Administrative and Construction cost participation responsibilities for the installation, operarion, and 14 maintenance of a new traffic signal system at the Dale/Topping Street Intersection; 15 NOW THEREFORE BE IT I2E50LUED, that we hereby authorize the proper City officials to s�gn the Agreement. Requested by Department of. Adopted by Co�mcil: Date �' Adoption Cerfified Council Secretary By. ^� ��/ / Approved by � r: Date �L ` �� � � � � � /� ��I r - Form Approved by City Attomey B ��50. . /� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B ���( lL'A,�/lt(.��A+CCW�/ /�� �,� Publ;�'war% 1J2.�"iioos GREEN SHEET No. 204274 ���� ��� COMAC7PEqSON&PFpryE 2 5 GTYCOUNCIL ���_ Pdll� St MflLf1II 266-6118 DEPAR'fMEMDIRECTOFi MUST BE ON COUNpLAGENDA BY (DAT� ��GN � �� AS`� CITY ATfORNEY CIN CLERK NUMBFA PoR i101ffING ❑FINANGIALSERVICESDIR. ❑FINANCIALSERV/ACCTCa ORDFA ❑ MAYOR(OR ASSISTAPIn ❑ Pa �� �" �" �� I ❑ ❑ TQTAL # OE SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALl LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REWE5TED Approve Council Resolution authorizing proper city officials to enter into agreement with the Saint Paul Port Authority for installaAOn of a new traffic signa] at the Dale Street North and Topping Sh'eet intersection. RECOMMENDATIONS.Approve(A)orReiect(R) PERSONALSERVICECONTiiACTSMUSTANSWERTHEFOL40WINGQUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION 1. Has this persoNfirm eve� worked under a contfact for ihis depaRment? CIBCAMMITTEE YES NO CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 2. Has this personlhrm everbeen a ciTy empioyee� A � YES NO 3 Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current city employee? — YES td0 — 4. Is Ihis personlfirm a targeced vendor� VES NO INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOflTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WH1� The City and the Port Authority desire to partnu on the installation of a new traffic signal at the Dale Street North and Topping Street intersection to serve the Great Northern Business Center. ADVANTAGES�FAPPROVED� The ovezall project will continue to progess in an efficient and timely manner, and may realiae cost savings tluough cooxdination with ongoing Public Works Improvements scheduled for 2005. 4�=(:=:�'�� �;r:; , N ' � � � s� 4�,� �_: `' � FEB 0 3 2005 � s : a �� ; . pISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED � V e None identified to date. ��"�Q��S �����+� �� � � ���"C�����' DISADVAMAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The project will not have sufficient authoriza6on to complete the identified scope of work. Delays may increase the total cost projected fot this installation. OTAIAMOUNTOFTRANSACT10N5 N1A COSTlREVENUEBUDGECED(GRCLEONE) YES No FUNDINGSOURCE NIA ACTIVITYNUMBER r ., ; . v v .4 '-• ' ••� FINAryC1AL INFORMATION (EXPIAIN) To be funded by the Port Authority. � �. � � $ 2{�d�3 Council File # bS -1 �� Green Sheet # 20427?{' RESOLUTION OF Presented by PAUL, MINNESOTA 13 1 WAEREAS, the Port Authority, and the Ciry desire to partner on the installation of a new traffic signal at the Dale Street 2 North and Topping Street Intersection; and 3 R'HEREAS, the Port Authority is developing the Great Northern Business Center located in the City of Saint Paul 4 adjacent to Topping Street, east of Dale Street; and 5 WF3EREAS, ihe Port Authority has requested the installation of a traffic signal at ihe DaleJTopping Intersection to 6 improve vehicle access to the business center development; and 7 VJHEREAS, the City of Salnt Paul is completing improvements on Dale 5treet between Minnehaha and Hatch in 2005 8 (which includes the DalefTopping Intersection); and 9 Wf�REAS, the Port Authority and the City desire to include the design a�d installation of the new traffic signal at the 10 Dale/Topping Intersection as a coordinated effort with the ongoing Public Works improvements to be administered by the ll City; and 12 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul and Saint Paul Port Authority desire to enter into an agreement which defines the 13 Engineering, Administrative and Construction cost participation responsibilities for the installauon, operation, and 14 maintenance of a new uaffic signal system at the Dale/Topping Street Intersecuon; 15 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that we hereby authorize the proper City officials to sign the Agreement. Requested by Deputment of: � / '� � i . r � j� I Adopted by Council: Date /� �' Adoption Certified�y Council Secietary � Approvedby '� �r �. � � Form Approved by City Attomey By: ��50. . /„L(�7/ Approved by � for Submission to Council DEPARTMENVOFFICECAUNCIL OAtEIN177ATED GREEN SHEET NO. � Public Works 1/27/2005 _ . � mn�avoem mmevoam Paul St. Martin, 266-6118 MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DA'f� !�'s� OEPARTMEIVT OIRECTOR ecc� � CIT'A770flNEY NIIMBER FOR ROUTiNG ❑ FINANCIALSERVICES0IR. OFiOER C�NCOUNGIL � , �_ ❑ CITYCLEFK ❑ FINANCIA�SERVlA(xTG OP�� � P�� ❑ ❑ MAYOR(OR ASSI5TNJn ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REOUESTED � Approve Council Resolution authorizing proper city officials to enter into agreement with the Saint Paul Port Authority for installation of a new traffic signal at the Dale Street North and Topping Street intersection. RECAMMENDATIONS Approve (A) Or Reja^.[ (R) PUINNING COMMIS$ION ` CIBCOMMITTEE � CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION A SIaH PERSONALSERVICE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWERTHE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 7. Has this perso�rm ever worked under a contract for ihis department? YES NO 2 Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this persoN�irm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current city employee? YES NO 4 Is this persoNfirm a targeted vendoY! YES NO INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIT' (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WM'J' The City and the Port Authority desire to pazmer on the installation of a new traffic signal at the Dale Street North and Topping Street intersecfion to serve the Great Northern Business Center. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED The overall project will confinue to progress in an efficient and Umely manner, and may realize cost savings through coordination with ongoing Public Works Improvements scheduled for 2005. ����,e���� p 3 2005 DISADVAMAGES IFAPPpOVEO None identified to date. ����o�=s oF�tc� � _ _. � _ .' ��-. . " '?� � ", . �._= � p� T?°i i�A„, c o!�� DISADVAMAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The project will not have sufficient authorization to complete [he idenrified scope of work. Delays may increase the total cost projected for this installation. fOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ N/A COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE N/A AGTIVITV NUMBER , y . ya.. . �. ,_„ � ,� To be funded by the Port Authority. 9- ^ nC i �� � � GoUJ