D001362CITY OF SAINI' PAUL OFFICE OF Tf� MAYOA � n U � �,�ii��_ � • � � i ��� BUDGET REVISION �: 1�t30 ( 36�. �: ►�-a�-q� ADbfINISTRA'ITVE ORDER, Coasistant with the authority granted to the Mayor In Section 10.07.4 of the City Cbarter aud based on the tequest of Direetor of the Division of Pazks and Recreafion to amend the 1997 budget of the Watergate Marina special fiu�d, the Director of the Deparhnent of Finance and Managemem Services is authorized to au�nd said budget in the following manner: Division of Parks and Recreation Watergate Marina 330-23160-0299 330-23160-0557 Current �udged Amended Bud¢et Miscellaneous Services &,500 Transfer to General Fund _s! 8,500 7,020 1 �480 8,500 � �,�,. (1,480) t,480 0 Adjust 1997 budget to allow for the transfer of funds for the City's PC replacement program. �w- � � pared by: Activity Mamger X��.�- ��� , Requested by: Depa [ Dicector � n- " `�, � � � APProved b dget Dinector " �p � /a - al—q�. a .-_ a.,�,T,������� DATEINITIAT� GREEN SHEET � ! � `"�i�`!{� �'�. �d� Recrea�ion � � � 10/15/97 COpTAGT P9tS0l1 AND PHONE WITIM/DATE IN177AIiDAiE �c �ttgenstein 266-6409 � �_o��e�rar�crox _crrvcouwcu _ ron ,cRr�rrorwer ,�.aTVasnc pu5r ee ow couMa� �ow sr pw'rp Z�,waK smwces an. �_ oFS ncoountino MAVORIORASSSfNlfl_ �_ Pafks T�TAL i �F SIGNATIktE PAGES �tqY 1LLLtOCA710M6 FORSIONI171i�1 ACTON REQUEST�: Approval of adminisuative order amending fund 330 - Watergate Marina flECOMMQIDATONS Approve W a NqM QU VBt60N/LL 8�9CE C�NTMIICTB MUBT ANSW6t TFE FOLLAN7N0 QUEBl10N8: _PIANNING COMFMSSfON CIVIL SEAVtGE COMMISSiON 1. Hs ths percaJfvm svar warkad �tler a wM`act for th's tleprfinerrt7 „CIB COMMIiTEE � YES NO � STAi'r _ 2 Hw Mit Wr+aMfnm waY bean a ah' �W^Yee DISTWCTCOUNCII YES NO — — 3. Dou tl�ie P��m P� s ekiN rwt normdlY P� W curem cN �WoYeN SUP70RTSVAfICNCOUNqIOBJEC�IVE7 y�$ No bcpWn aq Ya wrw� on a.prRe alwt �nd eabch w V� M�t. INITIATNG PROBLEM. ISSUE. OCPOPTUNITV IWhe. Wnn. Wnen. NRws. Whyl: 1997 budget nesds to be amerxied to albw for the trensfer of funds for the City's PC repalcemant program. ADVqN7AGES If MPROVm; This fund wi!{ be able to participate in the City's PC replacement program. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: 4�ECElVEG None flCj 21 1991 �IrY CLERK DISPAVANTAGES iF NOT APP190V�: This fund wi8 not be able to participate in the City's PC replacemeet program. rora. uaour�r oF rnnusncnor� S O costm�veroe suooEr� �cwc� oxo rm Ho cw+ax¢sowce Wateraate Marina acmmxur�ee 23160 FNANCIAL INFOPMATION: (EXPLNN) � �