231646 � �
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Theundersignedhereby propoaesthemakingof thefollowingpubliaimprovement by the City of Saint Paul,�f!$.: {
Condemnin and takinR_an^easernent in the land necessary for the slo�es, cuts and fills, _�;nclud n�
_..�.................. .... ----- ---- ---• ----- ....._.._ ..-•--------._.........�_
right of removal of lateral support from subject land .or remainder_.thereof, occasioned_b�j exca a-
-------------------------=---------------------------•--•-••------.._..------•-----•-•------ -------- �
tions thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and surfacing with bituminous ma��rial he
alley in Blk. 3�__St.._.Anthony__Park.N. from Hendon Ave. to Dudle_y_ Ave.,,,_.,__.
--...-- --•-- ---•- -------__..__ ....._-• ............................_-- � I --
Dated thie.....20th........day of.--•--•-JanuarY........................ .... .---.............. 19 ..6.7.
............ .. .................• - - --•--••-----•--....................----------._....
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WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:
Condemnin� and takin� an easement in the land necessary..fox_.the slopes�..cuts._and fills�_inclu ng
------------•- ------•-•-- •--......_---
right o£ removal of la.teral su�port_from_sub,�ect land or remainder__thereof.= occasioned__y_e�c a-
. ........... . . ----• ----
tions thereof or construction of slopes_in..the_.grading__and..surfacing.with..bituminous ma I ri�1 the
------------------------------------------------------ --------_ -- (
alley in Blk. 3, St. Anthony Park N. from Hendon Ave. to I?udle�v Ave._ _ _ _ ,_ _ _____�_I.�. 3
•..............•------=--•----•--•-------..........-------......-•--------------•---._... ---- --
having been preaented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul............. _.._.__.. ...___... ......._. ....._... _._...... �II..__I
therefo"re, be it �
RF�OLVED, That the Co*n*n�aqioner of Public Worke be and ie hereby ordered and directed: I
1. To investigate the necessity for, or deeirability of, the maldng of said improvement.
2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. �
3. To furnieh a plan, profile or eketch of said improvement. f
4. To state whether or not eaid improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more ownere. �,
5. To report upon all of the foregoing mattera to the Commisaioner of Finance.
� �AN 2 0196�
a Adopted by the CounciL-•---------------------•----------_-
Councilman Dalglish ��� � Q 196�
Ho11 and Approved----•------------------�.._..-------._.._...--------•--•-.._..._....___
�IQli38 CQrlson
Meredith �
Peterson '
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�Q7@I�7G� Tedesco - • - - •- -- -...._ . .Y._.. ___
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3000 T-b4 - 1{
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