231631 , _^)(� � i � ORIOINAL TO CITY GLERK /. ]� �� `-� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� 'ds° , _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ I,ICENSE CONlMIT^1EE OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY January 19, 1967 COMMISSIONE DAT 1� � t RESOLVED= That Application J-13867 for the transfer of Q�ale Liquor I,icense � � No. 6981 expirxng January 31, 1967, issued to Robert E. and Thomas R. S 1 Cusick at 816 Payne Avenue, be and the same is hereby transferred to Cusick�s� Inc. at the same address. �{ � On Sale L�.quor establishment - ` � ' ' Transfer from paxtnersh�p to corporation Informally approved by ouncil January 17, 1967 � � a�e�v � 9 �s�� COUNCILMEN ' Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays a� o g 4 1��� Carlson �� $�g}�h Approved 19— Holland � rn Favor Meredith Fe�ersos "� n��L� Mayor Tedesco Aga�t . � ����:�.���ic��i��:.�°ysi�E��:EE:� � Mr,y�ce�res� ent (Peterson) �1�BL1SN�:I1+ ��� ��. ��� �22 i � � . � . � � 3 � ` '3� . . , ,� • CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota ; , i e a�ti�er�t o ubCic �a et e p � �, , � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTIi ; FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CAKLSON, Commissioner POLiCE AND FIRE 'LARM ROGER M. CONWAY, Deputy Commlasioner DANIEL P.Me LAUGHLIN, Licenee IneDeetor � January 17� 1967 ; ,,I ' '� Honorable Mayor and �i.ty �ouncil � ,� Saint Paul, M3.nnesot a ,;t �� Gentlemen: � � Currently Robert E. arx� Thomas R. �us�ck, as a partnership� hold OnSale Liquor L9.cense No. 6981 and Foodstuff� Off Sale Ma1t ' � Beverage and Cigarette Li.censes No. 957�t� all e�iring January 31� ,' .! 1967, at 816 Payne Avenue. � � ; They have so been licensed. as a partnership at th3.s i, �4 . address since July 1963. ; � -. �ii ' Application is made for the transfer of these li.censes �� from them as a partnership to a corporation known as Cusick�s� Inc. ; at the sarr�e address. - ; l� Attached is their ].etter of application and inf ormal applications. The �fficers of the corporation are Robert,E. �usick� N President; Thomas R. �u.sick��ice-president; I`'orence �'usicic? � Secretary; and Winifred �usick�,Treasurer. - �' �� 2'he four officers are also the four stockholders in the corporation. Very truly yours, .. /..J�a� • , _ . �Q-it-c-�/ U � ' License Inspector , - - � k � � 1. I V � O . � � . ' • ,� . � Ml1RNANE, MURNANE, BATTIS ANQ DELAMBERT ATTlJ R N EYS AT LAW • E.WILLARD MURNANE CHARLES R.MUi7NANE � THOMAS J. BATTIS II06 COMMERCE BUIIDING JONN R.OC LAMBERT THOMAS M. CONLIN � January 4, 1967 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 ROBERT W, MURNANE . � • 22g=1015 ROBERT T.WHITE � JOHN E.BRANDT , ' Mr. Dan McLaughlin, License Inspector �� � . and � . City Council � City of Sa.int Paul, Minne sota . Re: Cusick's, Inc. � • • � . - • • , � . Gentlemen: The liquor license formerly held by Robert E. Cusick and . . Thomas R. Cusick at 816 Payne Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota . - " should be renewed in the name of the corporation, Cusick's, ' � � � � Inc. which was formed by the former licensees and their wives. • Business will be carried out in the same manner at the same � � location, but unde� the corporate name instead of the individual . � ' • � riame s. • � • �- Thank you for your cooperation. . � �� � . , . „ Yours very truly, � � . CU�SI S IN � , ' • f . B / ( (,/�'T-t'ir` ., . y • . � � � � � 'R be t E: Cu ick;Presiderit ' . � .' . � � `� � �— �� .' � � � , tR,obe`rt E. Cusicl��"' � • . .' . ; �.vrtit,l!/i�� ���=�-2c��f�� ` ' �; . • Winifr,�d C. Cusick ;� � / • � . . • , , - C��/�f� �9'..,� l, � 1�.-LC���G , ' . —'Thomas R Cusick �°- ` m . ' , � � ���:��.r_� ������.L��� ' . . ' � " ' Florence Cusick v . - � _ � � r '4° . � . o-: "' � ' �, 'j_.. , ' , . • . ',f �E � ' " �cz� ar s,azrrr PatR, � � � ��� . . _ .. ,-... . . . _ ._ . ... ,.- DEPARTMENT OF PUBLTC SAFETY � . LI CENS� DIVISION � ' _..., .._ . �.. �<- . <__. • • , ' '..., ; . . � . • - � Date' January 4 ' 19 67 ,�� . •, � � '� ,.. - . . 1. •--�Application•�or:. .* pn-Sa1e T,i�,�Or T.;�PnGe�=� - LfC� I •w-�-••� •�2:�•-Name�•of ap�li.cant Robert E. Cusi�k, Pre sident,. Cusick!s,In�. _ " � � � • � I � �� �3. LBusiness address 816'Payne Averiue " Residence " 1251 Hi hland Paxkwa � I II '�I . . . :�. � .�. � � - � ! � NI �� � 4. Trade name� ff any Cusick s Inc. I� y�Y~w.�..�,�r•Retail Beer Federal Tax Stam� Retail Zi.quor Federal Tax Stamp will be � I ed. � ~ 6.~ On what floor located Mai.n F].00r M Number of rooms used one (1 � I ' �! � Y 7. Between what cross streets Z�Jhich side of street E � � ' 'f �+ ,:; . . . � • �� . . • • , • � . , -- , . , � 8. Are nremises now occunied es What business same ' How lona 20 , � I � �'�r . . . � . M � . � ; ..•--._-_ •9. __4re •premises •now- unoccunfecT �' ' How long vacant " 1'revi.ous use �k � --•-----10. •.�lre -you a •new �owner n� ' ' Have you been in a si.milar business beforQ � I '� �-- - --. -•-.Where same place. t+1�e since ; � I I � , . . . : . � � �. - , NI , . 11. �lre ,you goin� to onerate this business nersonally . es � • If nat, who w'cll oper'ate it .• • � ~ I � I i � .. • .. . . - j. , . ., .. - � � � � NI . 12. -Are you �.n any other busYness at the nresent ti.me no .. . j.:;- �;,. ;.,. . , . . • ., ,. .. . : '' .. .... ,.. '• 13.;� Have there been any complaints apainst lrour operation of�this tyne of�place;�I� , -,• .,�: �:::.. ,�, . � _ .,• .. . � : � - . .. �•, ' '; : I I � • � • k'her�-•� �4' � • ' � � � ' � Wher� ' !� . , 14�. Have you ever had any licen$e revoked. •no I:'hat 'reason and date � I , '� _,. ... . _.. ... ,.�._. .: _ _ " . . ... ;; ; � ' , . ' • � � � 1 ' . ' • ' X' � " Naturalized �I� '' 15. Are you a cftizen of the United States ' v�_Native,__,,,_ ,,,�,.,'� _ ,+r!.1'�''. ' '., . MII � �16. ?ti'here w�re you born�, St. Paul, Minnesota . . Date=of birth November 19�;•191�7 _'` � , � t . �II '. �17: I am � married. My (wi.fe's) (-h�� name \and�addr'e`ss i.s '� � 'f . , . ' z , • . I � ' Winifred C. Cusick, 1251 Highland Parkway • :�I1 ,I'� w fe's' . .� .. . ,,- ' ' • " .' � � � � I ' -` � �].8. (If marrfed female) my�mai.den name is �Ninifred C. Bowes ' s � " ' ' ' ' ' ��;. ,:s�;,,� � -_ ,�� • • �1.g:'�-`How��long° have°,you 1�.vod��n� St: P�u all m �life 49 ears = ' " � ' � I �� , , . . . , .. , . � �i• ..1. � .� � ' y , _ •• i . . t . � . � ,..�. � . . � � . _ „ � , , { t�20. Have youu ever been arrested, ' ' riO Violation of what criminal -1aw �or �ordir�� Ie;�' : . .. ' - � I ',I'� ��-. � , Answer fullv r�d comn].etelv. T ese applica�igns:are thorouehlv. c e"ke ; r�c� " ' , f s• f a o a .) � • .� � I�;� al �. icat�on.� �e .�g .,f� , enf �. . , �, f, . . . i `� � , . , �-- , AFFIDAV�IT BY� APPLICANT ' . FOR ' ; a� RETAIL BEER OR L?�UOR LICENSE , , , ., � • . � , Re� On�Sale Liquor Lioena N�me of nppliar�nt Robert E. Cusick,� President, Cusick's, Inc. �� Buaineas addreaa , 816 Payne Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota �I Are you the aole owner of thia businesa? No . Z'f not, is it � partnerehip? No �I� oorporation? Yes , other? � ��� „ Qthers interested in buainesa, inalude thoae by loan of money, propexty or otherwi�li� Name Winifred C. Cusick Addresa1251 Highland Parkway H�vr � � �' - . �II �:�ti Thomas R. Cusick � 751 Lawson Avenue East � Florence Cusick i 751 Lawson Avenue East (`-�,� �I� ��� . ' �I� , If a aorporation, gi�re its nam�e Cusick's, Inc. . �I� �i \ �II . Are you intereaterl in any way in any other Ret�il Bee� �r Li:quor buaineaa? , No . , . As sole awner? I'artner? Stookholder? • NI� �� Otherwiae? (Threugh lean of money, ete. �Explain) �I� � . . � � hddresa of auah businesa and nature rf intarest in eame � �� � , ' �II . �� � � 0�l� ��> . _ � L . , Si�na ure o app can • , . � , . State of�inne s ota) • . . : ) 88 County of Ramsey ) - i Robert E. Cusick being firat duly sworn, depooea and eaye upon oa�h tha he has read the foregoing affidavit bearing his aignature and l�owa �heI contents thereof; that the same is true of his awn lrnowledge, excep�; as to thoae�l matters therei.n atated upon information and belief �nd as to those m,�ttera he betl� lieve s them t o be �rua. ` �'+� ; . • � r+ I - c �' L�J--z— ��k . � Si na ure o a p ican - ., ;;a' 9ori ed "d worn to before me • ' , - �'��--� ' f Januar 1967 ' .____.. _ - � , , " - � � 3d�t�,ry , ui..n y, � nue s o a . iE • E• : A4URNANE ,� �A o�ission 6X lI'68 NOt��'P�b���, Ra;;i_� � ' - Y p• •.•�.� .,� n •xpire�s h9ar,2`970: � . � ' ` � • � t " . i �+ _' L+, ^w� ..., • � • � 1 � � "CITY OF S�I�1T PAUL � � � , _ . . .___ . . . _ .._ . -.. .. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY ,. . ' LICFNS� DIVISION ' . _ . . . ,. : .. _.._. • • � ' ._, . . � . . . . � Date' Januaxy 4 � �9 67 .. ----� - � � 1 --�Application•£or=• • � On-5�1� T,; ;or T,i cen,G,��• Lfcense ._. _.._ • Robert E. C usick President Cusick's In�. �' � • � �,2.s�•-Name �of apoli.cant � > > � - �3. `'.3usiness address 816'Pa,yne Averiue �- Residence ' 12 51 Hi�hland Paxkway • . . . �.,. . .., . , � . - � �, 4. Trade name, if any Cusick's, Inc. _____ _.........�.._. �_.... .. _ .. _.._ .. . .. . . . _ _. . .. . __ � 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamo Retail Liquor Federal. Tax Stamp will be usad. { � T 6.Y On what floor located Main Floor __ ___Number of rooms used one (1) � I _.____.._.. _ . . ... . • • : . .... - . ... ... . , .. . . � � ✓ 7. Between what cross streets _ � Zdliich side of street East ,� .. . . • -' • ' . ' . . � � � 8. Are nremises now occupi.ed es What business s 'e ' How long 20 vP?rs . , , , �; ...--..__- .9.- -�4re •premises •now� unoccupfed �' ' How long vacant � 1'revious use ��� , .�--�--•-10. � �re �y�ou a new �owner � n� ' ' Have you been in a si�milar business before;e_��f ' -�-- - -- -•-•Where same lace t�e � since : � � , 11. �1re you g oin� to operate this busine'ss nersonally Ye s � � . �,t � • If ndt, who wi�ll oner"ate it ' � ��� . .§ .. ' S � �If 12. -Are you in any other busi.ness at the oresent time n o . � i•�':� �;.. : . . . , .. . . . . . .. .... f ` 13.`� Have there been any coinnlaints a}�ainst ;wur operation of`th�s type of�place•�f . ' � : ��•: . .�• , . • . ;• . . • _ � ` . .. .. �; • �I! �u • zn'hen' .. •t • - � � ' Wh�er� ' � � 14�. Have you ever had any licen$e revoked •no 1.'hat� reasoP� and date ��� _ . ... . _.. .� � �._. . . . . ` . .., ; . . . , . - �I( � 1 . Are au a cftizen of the United States � 'Native_ x� _�Naturalized__,�,I� 5 Y . . V--�— ,.�• • .. ..�. .,, ✓ 1{. ?tiThere ware you born St. Paul, Minnesota - , Date=of b�.rth,�ovember 19�;�1917.��� • -� � > �- ` • � �17: I am marr�ed. � `��y � 4 � ` � ' ' �t�. My (wi.fe's) (�h��i� name and'address is � ��- � � � ` � � � � � ��i� : ' Winifred C. Cusick, 1251 Highland Parkway , wife's� . . __ . ,,- ' ' _ ., �- � �I1, ' �18. (If married female) my/mai.den name is ZNiriifred C. Bowes ____ � � Y " . . � . . . : ,... _ NIi;' `•� .4��•�• � ' • ,�1.9;�-'How'�1ong° have�,you livod-in St: P�u�,� all my�life, 49 ears �� ; ' • ` ; .�_ �, . . � ., �. : :'� , :,'t�,��= � :. _ .. ' i r . - _ * ' .. ��l. �20. Haveyouu ever been arrested n� Violation of what crimi.nal law or ordir�nce�. . . .. , � _:�__ . � N �- • Answer ful nd comn].ete�v. T ese 2ppliCa�ions,a e thorou�hlv. e'ke ,,,, � 1 Y � �i.� ..� �?._�___.� s� �Y' ;i ' ,� falsi.f�kc�t�on.r�i 1 �e �a f� t��•) � . . � .. �` • • fi ..- , ' t � ; �� � • ' "�` - ! � " . � . ' II STATE OF b4IA'NESOTA 14 SS � � COUNTY OF Rk1�SEY . ' �� � . �t y . • � r ,� ' . ; a Rr�bert E. Cusick • beinr� first dulv sworn, doth depose and say th�t he makes th3s affidavit in oonneotion with application fQr ° d/�/ Sale'� liqu�r liaense (" Sa1e" malt•beverage �.iaense) in the City 'C of Saint paul, Minneaota; that your affiant ia � reaident of the City of Saint Faul and hae reaided therein for 49 yeara, montha, �'� and is nmrr �nd has been for the time above mentioned a bona fide reaident of , said City and that he n�w resides at N0. 1251 Highland Parkwa,y, St. Paul • . � � � f � ' . - f 3aint Paul, Zdinneaota. . � • . � _ � , i . , . . I � � � j ' ' � � ` 4 4 i 1 ' ;E { ' � . 7 . • ' . . subaoribed and orn to eforo • , me th ay of 19 �p � . , , o a a eY ��� Y, ,eso a - � � • �y ca�unission exp' s " . � , .�,... . . , , � . '� • � �. E. W. MURNANE - � ' ' - ' ' � Not�ry public, Ramscy CountY, Mfnn. " � �MY Comrr,Is,ion Expires f�1ar. 2, 19701 - ` � .,._. : - . � • � , � ' ' . . • � � s L' ` • i � � ' � � ' I� � . . . - ' • I: � � li • ' • • ' II . . ii _ ' . . .. � ' ii .`` � ' � , ; ' �t � � ���\"�c , t • , • . te yi • � i • • •� • • ' . }' ' • � . � 'GTTY. OF SAINT PAUL � __..,._.r�._.��__,......... ,.._.._,_._...._� ....__�.... ....... ...._ DIEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY• .. W . " �r�•. ���- . f`� , LI CFNS� DIPISION . ..�..�._..._,. ._.w .�. ,.__"�.,•�� ',".�';._._ .....�. ._. .,.^� • - v,. „. . ,• .. � r rt"Date' .� :Jariizary�,4 *1967 � • � „�On-�a1e Li uor � - . � . • r�• • �Ii .rt.w..-�--�1.�--AppTicat•i.on-�or=. .� -�...-• •.License --�-•------2.�-�Name��of-an�li.'cant -T.h.om.'as^�i,. .Cusick;'��•��ce-Presiderit;�� Cu�ic1�'°s:�.-I�c:�'•`�• �II . .. , : -� - — � - �I! �g: .~�usiness'address 816-�Payne AvemzE. . � •• Re'sidence ' •751'Lav�sori�Averiue East . � . . . - . . � . . �. .,.:�: . .J�:..,.� . � �Il �. Trade name, ff any Cusick's, Inc. ; � _.......__�_...._..�........_ ._ ._.... _ ......_ ....,....__. . .... . .._..... _._. ..._.........,._ .._... .._.�_._,__.... .... __. ..... _._.,.... y 5 Retail Beer Federa]. Tax Stamp Retail Liquor Federal Tax Stamp_wi.11 be useJd. ''� .����.��.. • - - ....... � R�.5 � � . 6. On what floor located Main Floor r Number of rooms used one .._.._.._..._.............,..,a.__� . _. . _., __. .... .., .. ._..., . _.._....... ....._. ..._,__._.. .._..._ ......�..�,._._.. ....._.._,... ... ._ __._.. .... II 7. Between what cross streets 1�lhich side of street �1! l:f'�' � ; . °:;,: . ��.•� ', _;t`' �i �,:�.:1'�c��.. + �. ,.�, �•� . ..,.. ;; � . . ' �:: = i'; '.; -r� � . '�` •�f° . � ' Yes ' � ' �.•�•sarne ��i' , �I 8. Are nremi.ses now occunfed�_What business - ' How��lona � 20'• ears , --�.-.--.9.-.--Are-promises�•�t�ow�,unoccuAi.ec� ' • 'How a.ong vacant • ' ',�Previ.ous use �1� .: . : • • • � ' . . �If ,. --�---W--1.O.�,��.Are -y�ou a •new-owrler�-•�- �o��`�'° Nave�you•�been in a.si.m�lar-��business before Ye�_, .__._....._w._....._.Where . same .plac.e._._.,�. Zdhen since � -_ ���� , �,� � � .. .��1 � s, ::��::°•..,� �� f 11. -�re ,you .goin� to onerate thi.s business nersonallq , Y.es ,_�I! � . If nat, who wi�ll onerate it . ' '. � ' . ,. ' •,4 , M �1 `.. ., ��� , . , .� .. �, <., � � . ��) , ,�:1�•_� 1 , 12., -Are you in any� ether_ bus�.ness at the nresent tfine NoT � ,,,,,�!� �� .:J' =� 1.'r:." :,�„ !. ;': ' ,;...c:',;:a `r'.S� ci ;'. •' ` : ",-'C'..._ .i...... . _.. ...... .... ..:.. -- ° --�-. —�•. �.. �II '`'�Y3.��'Have t�here~been`any complaints a�ainst�your oDeration�of=this �tyiie'of:placv o� ;}: �,�.�:,���:.; .: .... :��i . �� ., ._.� � � � ... . : .�,��� "_ `� � . „�t�. .,,�; , , , � � .. ��� i 7..�.�: ia �� : :^t�'he �:...� ' , � :�i�;,..... �::..., ,_�;�; � t`,.. , . ,'Z�Jh'e're .. , , , .- . . , n �' . :. � � :. � .� �:i�_::: :....:. : 3. �: .. . .� . . . . �� � ,: 14. Have you ever had any 1i.cen�e revoked No Z:'hat� reastifi and date _ti�r._..... � ....,__._._.�..._'��. _�._ .J'..._,`~.,.�...,.^....—',��,.� `j , . . i ' � • � _ . : .: �. , . � . --� � . ��1I .- , lj. Are you a ci.tizen of the United States"Ye's'�-Na'tive '' � 'x���`�,,,Natu`ral�zed�r,,, : � � � ` �fl � � . 16. ZtiThare w�re you born St. Paul,. �inrie.sota.._ .. Date.�tof�birt�j�ar.ch .�Q�h, 19.22. . ,.;. � . , � 17+ I am married. My (wife's)• �h��s)•�•name-and•�address �.s � ��� ' , ., - �. . ; .Y°. .r,) . _ � ., t . ' , �� .�b�• , ,','j' ���I� � Florence CusicL�; 751 Lawson Avenue East • � :�;;. i8. (If married female) my mai.den name is_..... "..... .. . 1 ,. . .' .,-,` . ' ;`� ` � . • , ,;;� � , . � - , , �. �''��c��i�j19�,"•��`How'�long°�'hav�`�',you'�lidod�iri�� St: Pau � all of m� �li�e ex�e t'for�.2 e�af�s' that I ��� i''.. ' . � :. �;�,a�.,.,; r'�� ..:•.;s�.,•,�,r :r:� live'd�'and v�orked°i�.�Chicago: • � � �; , �0. Have.,you ever been arr'ested �To Violation of what cri.minal law or ordin�nce: '' . ' '.', N � ' • . - .. �� ,� .`, a _' , Answer fullv r�d comv�ete].v. These a i s.a re thorouehlv checked �.� � : '� ` , ; � fa7.sificat�on.� �e CallSQ ,� , enial.• ' : - . .. . g «. �; • • - f . . . , . ; s i� � `f� ' . . . i • � • • T �� • I + !.�_ J� �� .- -`-� . • , r/' ' � , . ... ti .. � . . ., ' '�, � � 2a., I�:�.�rner of 3�2 vlaces-wi.thS.� two blocks�� � �two , ' 22. Qc,sest intoxi.ca.ting liquor place.�� �.~On� Sale 1 block Off Sale______5 blocks � t,w;,�,,23.�Nearest �hurch_' 6 blocks Nearest School - 5 blocks � � ° ?J�. Number of booths . ..3_. _. .Tables._. 8. ,.__ ._.��rs "24�_'..M1^ Stools i2•_r., , � �..W,._.�.__ ._. .. ...�_. . . .---._� . .._._ .. . . _..._, . _.,. .... . _._ . ._ .._... . __.__. . . t., =� ... „,. ' 25. What occupation have,,y�ou followed for the past five years.;,�.(Give •names o,f � � __.�,..._.�_. ,.., ....... :.� :�.,,_ , ,. '���'��ein lo �'�rs "and 'dates so em�loy�ed: "'�� '"'"`" "�'""' ' � � ` . p � + ..,._...._ ._._ . , . - ,� � �.., �� , - :��:'" ,,..,:: - °•~-�•��-�°° �-� -Tave�rn°operator�for'•l�ast-five- ye�ars�-at��s�ame�-p-l�,ce-��i�busiriess" • ' • r o�::;:'i( :�;'f ;�f. . ��. _ � ..� �_ . . ' `. . . �. •r� ' , '•� r: _. , � . . . .. . ._ '�:.F',�'• ..'� : . `L.�., •'y'�' .. t . . ,� . ._. .. .... . . . o{' t a.... ..r.,.,... .. -. »..._.. • . .. ' ' ' ' "✓ • ..._.�._._.., .... . . ,.... .._......« .1.,�:`�� ,. • .� .. u �i�i �, � . � . .. .� ...�.. .���� . ", R • ,{, .1^ . . . . .1 \ � .�� ��•� .. �� :.�. .��r� •:C�i-.�• !' � t�. . �-.-� �� � . c.{:�_ � . . � 1. .• `"��26�: Give names� and addresses`�of�ttao���ersons;"'residents of St� Paul, Minns, �ho can ' ' .give informati.on concerni.ng :,q�u. , .,� - , ' ; , ...,,_.._.,._._._._. . .�: � ...� w .....�.�_....,--- ��:.. _.�....._. ,��,.,•�•,.�, . •_:•, � ��c ;,:�.��: �,�:. ,,� � ' ' " Name _ ..�nthoi�y Bechik. .• r :Address 1445..Ed��un,�ber.��,oac�,..St. paul . ..,_......_-� •--- . .._�._. _ . .r ._ . � . . � • �•+���, ,rN� Earl.��'or.d �.,,_._�lddress 75 ^ ovell Ayen�.e,. Pa: 1 . . - . , � � � ' �' � ' . _-._�-...._.. ._`.�_ ,_� . ..._._..._._. ._.�....._...�..._�;,,;;"...._. .......�Sigri�`tu"re' of'-4Pi�7-"�.carit) . _ ��rr�� �7_. ''��:��:1� .'t.`��� 'tiL:',. _ ? ii�'� t;i1 '-t: ���',''i�,•��^'�' p`A °��`�`�` , ` State `of l�iirinesota)'"': �� � � � � � . � ,�.�..�__�_ _County�of Ramsey" ->ss ,_._.��:. .___...._ ._�,_n_�.,,....... �'' ., :.. , - '.- - �;;���� ` Y„ . '� �: . �_ ..� .. ._...�...,.:.'_. . ._ --'Tfiomas'R: C� �.� • . . . • .. • . , t, . .: •: �_= �` ��; :� . ;•.. ,. � . usick�' � bein� first.duly swo�+n;'�deposes and�says � . <���ti,unon.oath that•s he.h�s ,read �the foregoi.ng statemet}t .b.ear�i.ng,.;his..si�nature.,a�d • �� "` knows the �contents �thereof, an3 th��t the same is truo ef his ot�m�knowle�dge except �as to those matters therein stated upon 3.nf tidn and bel�le ��-and as to , "��."".°:_"`those"matters' h"e believes'�t�iem to �be'�"true:"...-__._. .....�._....,_�..._�.....� . . .....�.. .....�=K .......... :.`i�f: 'r, .. �., � �a"`�. �_..�.... .:"�;:Cy'i t�: '' :��• �,�' . ^ :I: {� ;iL'r�`�-f *.t�,�� , ' '' � � ' . ' Sign�tu're of App�.icant ' .�...�_...._._ . _.,._..._...._,.... _,.w.. ........�..��____.,_ ..._.,___....._�...____. _.._....�.._� w�,.,...�__.�_._..._...._.._�... ,. _F. . swo rn to b e �,� - � . • .�.� .Subs bed �a __. efor me = ,�.j�; �71fif�-�, ,ri„ �c, rr::�r:�.�� r r�c��� :����= .=.i ' . • t•hf of ��nuary 19 67 .. . .. . � .�.... .� .,.._... . ... � .......... . .";°.,-..,...�..����....�_...r''^("i j�:7.�r r�.,t...�v. ..l'::.'�.{i i I t�.�. 1 , ._....._._._K _ PUbli � ' .,':,'; r:•7� ;''; .'.�;.�i••r~=r:t .. _ . ,.T. .�;.0 'Nvtary c, msey�Countg,� I�i. nQSOta� . "�"" � � _..,v..._.._�...�.._�..Cozrmri.ssion��exxrY.res._.__....._.. .�,.W:-M�RNANE._._...�..__.._.._..._......__.._,�._,_.._..._. ....._._....__ �.....�. ..-... _,_: .<. .,_ ,. .___..._...,..,._.__...._,,.M?',Commission 1F.zPIP.gs�'IVlar 2��1�9�0� ,ra; ��;y f'r.:E fJ� ;:ui' 'I;t�i �iY) 01:'•_: . (NOTEs "�These statement forms are ir�;,duplicate.: ..B ;.copi�s,-�must,,.be�,�ully,�fillefl � ""��"'"""`" �'"'"o�tt'�'�iiota"rizoa;"a'rid�"returtiecl''to'�,the Li.cense Df.vi.sisn.�� • � ' • ,E .1;.."?" :`d�7 'Y�� {:�'.� !.t:(;f.'.I.: � ,�'� l::r =f� !; ^�r :y ir c i,� ,� 1r r,[� f '( a . C., J"�t;_. .�' .,_.....�,.....�...�...�..�:-'3ifU�. T'i �:i�-li� '.�V;l �Ili(, .7��:t� w1.1 , ti , � � ' Ic .`�F.�r...� �.t'` ;i;!:'i�:iaV�re'�"lC1'�; 7^�� y�• : (1 3'[� �'..i...�`�..,..,�..... y� ra�i. 1'�jr'()r .�. ^.�.. •� � I � ..�. , _..._. _ __ .. ..... �.� �.#� ,�- -�n,_�'_:...?r_ �. ��F.�;�ia� •,.,.t�,.�'.ti.._•� iTi�.r., ;��f��? �s .�w?tl!-_. � , \r��.�,i.. ��,:. .�....:l.:i, a°T�C�y ....: .��{.�.; j`�-�j.�`t �.�.�...rt��f. � � , :�, s�:.+..:_.r� , ._..a.+:. 1.:Gt.M.+._.`�-:s..�,. _ `,�` � � � AFFID�VIT BY APPLICANT ' F'OR RETAIL BEER OR LIQUOR LICIIvSE Re� �n- Sale Liquor Lioenao �_ �I� Name of epplioant Thomas R. Cusick, Vice-President, Cusick's, Inc. Ausiness addres� . 816 Payne Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota �I� Are you the aols owner of thia businesa? No . lf not, i� it � partnerahip? No ��� acrporatinn? Yes , other? • �I � Qthers in�erestad in busi.nesa, inolude those by loan of money, propArty or otheraris��t Name obe t E. C 'sick Address1251 Highland Paxkway �� �� • Winifred C. Cusick 1251 Highland Parkway � Florence Cusick 751 Lawson Avenue East � . � If a oorporation, give its name Cusick's, Inc. ' � pre you interested in any way in sny other Retail Beer or Liquor bus�ineas? No � Aa sole �wner? Partne.r? Stc•okholder? � Otherwiae? (Through loan of money, o�o. pcplain) • _ � � �: ' �, hddrsas of suah buaineas and nature of in�erest �i,n same - . � , . ,r' / � �. ` �./ Y�/ S � a eo app _ cn state of h�inneso�a) . � . . ) se County�of Ramsey ) Thomas R. Cusick being first duly sworn, -depoaea and aays upon oat tha he as rea t e foregoing af idavit bearin� hia aignature and kncws the contmnta thereoff th�t the name is 'true af his avvn I�nowledge, exoept �a to tho�e matters therein stated upon information �nd belief Qnd se� to thoae mattera he be- � I f eve s them t o be true. ' , � C/ " ; . v, � j .. - . " Signa ure o a'pp iaan c� � '- Subaarib and orn to before me -' � � _ �. � anuax • �9 67 ,, ,r - " ,: _ h IJo ry o, y Ceun y, eso a � �l -` E. W. MURNAfVE� ' ' '�i My �o�nis ei Qn expire a Notary Public, Rams�;$�ounty, Minn„ ' , -•�� c 'es rriar. , 1970: ' � r� , • _ STAT� OF MID'NESOTA • . SS � . COUNTY OF RAr�SEY . > • Thomas R. Cusick • beinr; first dulv sworn, doth deposs and say that he makes thia affidavit itl oonneation with application for " On Sale" liquar lio�nae (" Sale" malt beverage licenae ) in the City _..r.__ . of Saint Paul, M�nnesata; that yauz' affzant is a reaident of the City of Sai.nt - i � , � paul and has reaided therein for three� yeara, six montha, ' and is nflv�r and ha� been for the time above mentioned a bona fide z'esident of . • � � said City and tha� he now. resides &t N0. 751 Lawson Avenue East__ � .._ � � Saint Paul, Z�finnesota. . '• , � . � � . • � :� . . , � � /� J • • 1) Subscribed and sworn to bef'o're � ' ' , me this d of January 19 67 � . , � No ary P�.i ia ,�mse Coun y, f�,nne o a � • , . . �y- acYmnaission expires ' _ ,.. � • , . . � Notary Public, Ramsey Counry, Mfrir�, • ,� h�y Commission Expires Mar.•2, 1970: ' . -- � ' ' ' � . . � . � '.�� � • - .�.�.- 'ti . . � . � � . �:, � ' - - . . . . , . � • ' � \ � jf ' � . . � �!1 . � �. . I1 . . ' �� ��` . ' ' ` 1 • . ` . � i.'�+�i` . r 1, � II •. �� +,v� - � � � . � i �' . . " � � "GTTY OF S�INT PAUL � . . ._.... ......�......._�._._._. .....�_ . .,_.�� :.,.. .- I7EPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY • •" - •, ���. ,_ , , , ,. , ' LI CFNS� DIPISION, . .__ _.._._.._�. ..,�-,_,.... ..�-�• � ''- .. ..... ..._..,...,. ..,. . . �_ . .. •. • - � °��Date' � January.�4' 9196 � . , ��' �--•��•-��--�1.� App-licat•ion-�or '- On-Sa1��L;iquor ' > � ' > ' _ _ �_�_'_ __�Lice se ---- ---- .._ � ,�Floreric��Cu�i��k �-Secretar ..,Cusick'S"�Iri�: '� � � • � � • �II •-2.-• Name�•of'apgli.cant �� y� . 1 '757. •I_,awsoi�A�veriiie East �fl 3. .��T3usiness'address ' $1`6 �Pavne`�Aveiiue '��` Residence ' . • � . , , :' �.. °.,•.: . . . :�:.;: y�, �rc.• .r,' ' ��I G�. Trade name� �.f any . �sick's, Inc. . � � � ^. 5.��Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp ~ � ,Retail�Liquor Federa'L�Tax Stamp_V will be ���ed. .��.._, ,. .___..�........ .,...._.._.._. , ......� .. ..Main�Floor °.._ . ,..N......, ..�,�. � ._...... .,_..e,�._• • one �I� 6. On what f1oor located umber of rooms us d � 7.�V Betwe,en what cross streetsl,fifi�atG�— /.�u s~�,,^ � �tahich side. of�street E� a_ ��� - ''! r . ..:� ' ; : . •1. .: : �r;,� • " ' .� ; ��;✓•� �t �'t��' j" „ ��.� ,-t;''-; ' r ' • �� I,'t' •r,Y` �I) '� £`:i �'i, , .: . �1�. �. . ��r ... , . .t'c�.. •!!: ., ��i� . C7 ...� . . ,�,, . .. '�,� . . � 8. Are nremises now occuniod Yes What business�°�a';�,P�' ���','_How"long � �r� trParc L, �•.--��---•9.-.•Are.promises�••now••unoccu�fecTL,✓0'How�-long vacant •, - "�-Previous�use �I� .r.' �� � -�---�--1p.�.-.are -you•a�-new�owner�•T•-Na. .t �•' �Ia've•�you •been in�a si.mi,lar-��<businQSS•before Y,�eSI�,,,,1 • , ' . ' 'L .-�-.�.p�--�..----..Where- .,-sam.e_p],a.c.e�,�.' _ ?,me sin ce , � I �,i :� ��:� � .: ::: , ::•�: .,. , . • , ,�, •��. 11. .�re you gain� to overate thi.s business versonally Yes � � � ��', . . � , , .. ' . ��. .��' . •�s;::;t .t� .,�i' ��.. �{I ,; �• Tf ndt, �who wf.11 ot�erate it ' �{ __.� . . - �, .� .. , y� : �:;�... �.cr �•,.�.:a�� �� I a 12. -Are you in any ether, busf.ness at ,the nresent time - {� ���-_ ; , •,�;� �,., �. c:, 2• ,. , i .. _ f;, . . . ,�'r:�, 'i:� :.� :'l::^' . ' '^"'1: � . . . . . _. .. . ..' . ... _ __•_•__...... �. t=�3.� `Havo' there'beeri`any complaints 'a�ai.r�st� vciur oneratiori�'dflthis `ty»e'of�placo•N ,�: "�.i.':7•..t :Si tt ..rl: .t� ��.:�i:t. .,t �: �5 � r�.,- .i,�t�: :'.('% i�t.'.r: . .i. �..ifZ.��.. �i.� . �� n��;.ii� � � i'1� t� (. � - r n .f ' .t .�yr. } .°. r � *'i ; � . t 1� �i1k�Q�... 7 � . i ��1J� � w:l.., Z:T . . i . �e� . . . . „ _ . . 1' � .' Ji •7... • '� -. , yti:. �.� ::�� •�J .�: :� : �,.�:y _' �.� ..�� �'.�.::i . � �l-� ,1. . ,� .� � r.. 14. Have y�OU ever had any licen�e rQVOked �o Z:'hat� 'reastlfl and� date _ �'.- ' _�..�.r.,...... .,..t.,_.,_.,.,.__.......t�:�':.`_ tf.t'i;;_�.,.�,...^'a'i'":,;'�'K j I �. . i • �. �1� 15. Are ou,a t�tizen bf the United States'�Y�S��'I�a`tive"����X' �' ' Natur`a��.ze �i� ' � , Y . _�� �1��. � 16. ?ti'hare w6re you born St. 1'aul, 1Vlin�`iesota....._ . Date.io£='b�rth � �• ••�••••-' "'` ,r - ' - • ,•� . . s , ],7� I am marri�ed. My (�s)-� �husband's�)-•-name-�and-�address i:s - I� , • , � . �';4Cj',r',,�', ' ' � �l,�'_ r; • , . _ •• , �• . ' c,• ,"t�^; �f�� � ' ,Thomas R. Cusick, 751 Lawson Avenue East. S3. .Pat�l. lvri nP�o�.� � -' . , � 'i " � .S` ' •• • ,.-.._.. .._.. ......, � • ` 1� •,.. ,� ,:F� r .�I ,;t �I� � '�� 18. �(If married female) my mai.den name is � F'lorence Igelman •, •`` . ��,� � . . ��� i:� , . •.:, � .. ,, � �,',, :;., `"��'���-�y'�j�.9':-�1'How'1on�'�'hav�`�`,you='11�dod�in�:St: -P�ul"= �'"'all��t�f�rriy�life''exce�t �or�12�'�e�ars whil,e; � -i..�� !���F� ' i� � ' � . �,...i�79;.i:���r t�.: �.t:��J'.).rr� .-f�J �'•�� iri'Chic�ago' . ,:.U_:.`.�:•.r�,il L.� ,i r y f � i ?0. Have„you ever been arrested N� Violation of what criminal law �or ordir�ril4ei.� ' � . .. '� . � � ��� +' , Answer fu11v r�,d comvletelv. �,hese a i s.are thorou�hlv ohecked g�,'",' `�'; � ; � falsi.f�kcati.on.� �:S�1�S .� �.II��.• .' ' , � : . � . . Y" . . ,�. �, � . . . • . �`;. ' ' , • , ' . . ^ , . , f . . o �Y .` _�.5.}�+�*y.:y,_'k',r.`i�i'Mh..� �3'r��'+'!:a?'�7� � ' . .c:'. v 'c.x��i.� �eY.i::w1+?,.�^;sc1� f..•c',.ri,".'x,� • .'.;��i4`u�'w4 � ' �I , • .• �� ' ,� 4 � • ' . 2]_, D;;,�r,ber of 3�2 nlaces,�withirl two blocks � � tivo � , � `>,,. . . � . ' . ,22.� Cl�sest i.ntoxicating li.quor place.����Ori� Sale 1 block Off Sale�ks ...�....__., .�. . ..._,.... .. .-_._._......,._. � . � 6 blocks , �, v_,23. Nearest Ghurch Nearest Schoo]. 5 block� _ , ° ?.�I�. rNumber of booths . -3. � ' Tables 8 .,_. YPChairs 24'3�0 ls , � . ^� _ - - . � .. ._..�.�.�__..._ ._. .. .��. . --_.__ . .,_._ ... .. .._. .�.. „ _. .- - �--- - -. . ._. .. ._..__._�_ _ .:4,. -� . .... �- ' �25. What occupation have you followed for the past five years.;,�.(G�ve.•names o�f • �................ ._.. :. ...x•:. •. � . . • '�emp].oyers��anc3 �dates so emplo,yed:)' �'�"°" '- "'�� �"' • """' ' . • � •'� ° ...�..._._.�.._.._. ..__..�iousewife•- - ._ .._ ___ . _.. . ., ., .. �_.... ....._.._... T_ . .._ . :,� '1 F , . , .t� �'•;; :' ..,: , 1 �N�. 4 i� ' t ` .�.�... ..... ''` • • il OIS . e 7 ��, . �.. . l ��.C, . . ,.1 �. �. ,'.� . . ��.: .. ..R.~ . .i. ... �f .. � ,�'����, 0(t i......�.�..-,,_..... ._ _ ,. ._...• _ •• . . ., ._ .. .• � ..._..._.,............�... . _.. . ......,�,....r�.l,F: i . ` ,. � « . �'i�.7 i'� � _ . a..... " �i�'t ' '?�: �''•.' � .. .r.1"' � :: i:':•."t'`7 -t".':-' �l ' :.: . i ' ����26�:���Gi.ve namos� and aadresses of�tw� "Dersons;'�.residents of Sts Paul, Mi.nn., �ho can ' '� give .3.nfoxmati.on concerni. .;,y�u., • ��� • � : � ,,.,,�._.__,_._..�,. ... __._. ..- ..,.�.�.__...__� -'�'�� _. .. ...._. ...r'�� ��'i�,. �'� .;C; ;�_. ;, . .'t" % ,;t .. . • �� Antho�y Bechik, -Address_ 1445 Edgcumbe,,Road,. St. 'Paul , m.., ..,.._._ . Name _ ' _....._ _. . , " ._ ._ ... . . �. . . ' Earl Ford 755 Lovell Avenue, St. Paul � _.,_.._....__,_ .,Namq .. ,�- .� Address. _r_., - . . . . . . t ' , ' , . !�-O�`y�i�..-o / y������J- '� � , �r____..._�..---.. . :,�._ ,. . .._..._.._. .r. ,...,_....._.� � •• ...� .... .,�Signa`ture' of':4ppT�.carit) _.._ � � � :� `�:�-- • • p r� N �.• _� _ , .- State...of 1�lfrinesota) ':� .. , _. .. ,: .. �..�:. . .:�,� .:��•.. _ ti, �:�� r.,�:c:,: �:,-,,r,• ,��,.�: _,.�.._._.._.._._ � )ss .._...�...__:. ...... .._._.._.�. .�..._' °' . ,:,.�y: , 1:. _�. . ,;���� �`�, �; . . ,- ' . .�• "" County�of Ramsey' )� ' , _ �....�._.._...�_,.� _ _�. ...Florence-Cusick' . . . :� .. `. , - r. , :�;�_ ,.' ,:; . .�; ;�r'„ ;., : _��. : , .. bein� first duly swox�n�'�deposes�and�says � � ...,f.��,unon:oath�that�, hQ has ,read .the foregoing st3tQmor�t b.earin�..-his signature, and `�"'"�""y�� knows the ��contents �thereof� and that the same is truo of his� owri�knowle�dge� except �as to thase matters therein state3 upon informatidn and be�l.e�£,�and as to '""""""`:�"`those°matters' he' beTieves°tFiem to `be�true."",.._____..__._..__.,..,..,_r...�_......._�..�.. . s-o-�—,�............_..,._. ...-�.__ ... .. ' '.' � . '� ..��.......�.. :):���i .'i.i' ,�i , . ;ji,i`�� V}."`'� ♦��4.3. �'���• ' . 5ign�ture of App icant � °, Subscrfbed 'an sworn to before me t,.a.; ,�; +.� � • �S� � j � �- � ' .,.�._.�.�..t_._.�• __. � ..... _....__ . . i •7�i;!i, :t!,u iC�• Ct: '.�.,.y� E� il(l�r� �rSr. .;;..t, -y ,. .. . .. . • t�his f Ja.nuar.y 19 67 • ,, � T' - .... .-� ..,,_...o. .__ . . _...,..,. ...,...�_....r....._...�.._...1�i(�.� (":'�jr �1',l•:')iti �l".i��f�� e�`'r , ,, .•, :,;`:�1?�t.,) �:�; .�s��;..r.a,,T� r• . .T. .�'.0 � ""`�'"° 'Nat'ary Fublic, � ey�County, Minnesota� ' "�`"...�� ^.. .�"..""...�_I�fy� Conarrl'ssion'exxrire's""_---_.,__.,;�..w.,.na.u.�N�tv�..�. .�_..---.___....�,._����.r..._. ,-_�.._.,�. • unty, Minn: . My Commission Expire$,YMar ,X9Jp. .,; �-,; ,,,7 r. � .=;r .�..�..�_ . _ . --. ......._..,_.�_..... .._...�. ...... ....w _......._.. - .: . •�?�,,�. _ ,t �r, �r. :,�- �r.rt �:T , � (NOTE: "These statement forms are ir�;,duplicate.r ;.H ;^copi@s�tnust,;_be�;,�ul�y,tfilled " �..,�.....o.�._ _ . , '"'out;`rio�"a"rized�;"arid"returned'to"t�Yie License Di.vi.sion.)�� � ,� - ' ; n �, ���-� "r � �,,.•• r ^ � ., . . - 'S a i.'...1. .ii(`.�(il.:'1 .�'aE;. .'''.O rc7 �.� .C).l:L,...._�....r,.�.....�:':'Sc��. i�11 £T:tEI�� 79VJ IICSF; `J7l��li .i:J� F . • • . i� • , i � . ..' -.�.`,.. -.-....n..�.r.....�..,..--.�.•.....:......�.� .. ' + � a,.�' , � .._:c':��:�',J... �rl't"S,Vf)^�C��!i.':� �f:. '".� � `1' r •�•.•_ �l^ �' '`�._.`.�, '�• �� w f r .r,nr. •� � � i . . .:.(7tr.l:k.('�I:T ,�i�:. S.. i 1.� •,,. 't�TM �oh t!• f.J� a�.. f . . • ' , t- :�. ' �._,,. ,�:.._..C_ :�� :�,:.,.:. �_ ...�... � �Mr�..r'�, ,1 r..• f r t''� �1-I�Ai� �'S'11���f'�w:r�...w:��r,1' . .t ' � �_ t+.a. ��.:_c.. ,�'Ts.�tL ::.a.. .�:+� c.:•_�.__ �z•-'Y'.;_ � � . ;, ) • . � . AFFIDAVIT BY APPLICANT � FOR RETAIL BEER OR LZQUOR LICENSE Re i On- Sa1e Liquor Lioena� Name of �ppliaant Florence Cusick,' Secretaxy, Cusick's, Inc. • � Buaineas addresa , 816 Payne Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota Are you the aole rnmer of this businasa? .No . �f not, ie it a partnership? No aorporation? Yes , other� ,� Others interested in business, inalude those by loan of money, propaxty or otherwiee;s Name Robert E. Cusick _ Addreae 1251 Highland Paxkwa,yH�w � � Winifred C. Cusick 1251 Hi � �hland PaxkwaY � Thomas R. Cusick � 751 Lawson Avenue East . } If a aorporation, give ita name Cusick's, Inc. . , Are you i.n�erested in any way 3n any other Retail Beer or Liquar buainesa? Na Aa sole owner? PartnerY Stookho].der? Qtherrxiae? (Through lran of money, eto. �xplain) • " � � �: � „ ' hddreas of suoh businesa a�d z�ature ef interest in aame • , � . � �� , o �1 � ���� �i� t ����.��� � �Szgna ure o app�faan� State of I�dinne s ota� , . . sa County ef Ramsey ) . - ' Florence Cusick bei.ng firet duly eworn, depoDea snd aays upon oath t t he has read the foregoing affidavit bearing his signature and lrnowa �ho contente thereof; that the same is true of his a�an lmowledge, excepi: as to'thoae m�tters �therein stated upon information and belief snd �e to those m�ttera he be- lieves them to be true. , - _ . , . _ _ - _ Signa ure o api3 iaan - , ;;a'. saribsd a swo to before me • ��'•��4. 4th Januar 19 67 - I�� e,ry . o, Rama y utanti y, blinne,s q a � � • {! - - � � • E. W. MURP.ANE • � �� My a a�mnis ai on expire a Notary Public, Rams��Count"y, Minn. � •ii , ,,,, , -.,.' es-Fr}ar. ?-1970. . � �� ' STATi, OF tNIA'I�'ESOTA � � SS � COUNTY OF �P"SEY . Florence Cusick beinr� first dulv sworn, doth depose and sa�r that �he makes this aff idavit in oonneation with application for " On_Sale" liqudr liaense (" Sase" malt bevere,ge licenae ) in the City of Saint Paul, Minneseta; that your affiant is a reaident of the City o£ Saint � Faul and has resided therein for three ye�re, six months, _ �nd is naw and has been f or the time above mentioned a bona f ide reaident of said City and that She now resides at N0. 751 Lawson Avenue East � �aint Paul, l�ii.nnesota: . _ , • r , � ' • a� • f. , ' Q N ' � 4�7>��/p� • , � . � . h . �� . • , i� , Subacribed and sworn to beforo . , me thia 4 ay Januaxy 19 67 , • • No ary P+z Za Ramse Co ty, � nneso a • � pe,y-ac+mmission expires , � _ ._�"' . � E. W. MURNANE � �� � Notary Public, Rams3y County;Minrf: ' --� • _ , - = My Commissfon Expfres Mar. 2, 1�70; ` - •' , � ,, ' ��r.\ - . . : .' . . - __.. . . ::' � � . . - • . � i. . • � - � . . . � • , �I � , IE u � ' , IE i � � � , . ^ � h . . .. �1 ��� � , � , • .{ \ ' . � • . • � � ,� , .. �.�.si . , — - ---- 1 . � . �- . i, _ . iE . . � ,� .� � � 1 �^ . „ • � � 'G'ITY OF S,AINT PAUL � _..... ____._.___..._.. .......__._.,.___w._.._..__... ,...,.... _.._ I7EPARTMENT OF PUBZ,TC SAFETY� .� _. . �r, �r_� .r•,... , f': • �. . ,:, r LI�NS� DIVISION. . . . ' . �+r7 .rt.........-,._. .......... .........._.�_ -•�(� •' ..�..._.,......_ ..._. ....r. . C r:'• c. .� .�1+.'. � -• r•�'�ti@�,�T1� l�r��v Q' .1, i >_19 4V' 1 '_ .. ' ' �T. ; .R_ � �If ���•�----�1.• -Application-�or-• •� On=SaI`� L'iquQx,Lic_enses _ • • � _ `_�__ se� ...._..._.. " .Wixii�reci�.C.....�usic�k�-'=Treasure�M .�iisick'•'� "�Inc: • �•`''• �I � -•-2.�-•-Name •of-ab�li.cant � , ._ __ •3. ��Busine'ss'address � 816�'Pa'- e Averitie``�• ' �'�R,esidence ' ���251��I�i,Yil�nd3P�.rkwa �1l � • . ,' s, �.�..;:. � � f�•; _ , , u ��:1�� w':''r�, -1' ' �I� �.�. � �. Trade name� i.f any ". Cusick's, Inc. ' � • ��~a,��5.~ Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamv1 � Retail�Liquor Federal^Tax Stamp_'will be ��sed� �w� 6. On what ,floor located �•'�r u.^.,.^•-+'.T ' ". Number of rooms .used � � y I� , Main �OOr . •� Y � �M 7.�Between what cr{.oss streets`(.�/�l��L ��v�'�. � �1�lhich side~of�street�,�Ea��lt y-� L��� � �l.i i..,�li� �.,. �!.�.f ��l a�J"- [. '.���:�� Li...�� si`7:�'�:��W�7 ' ��' ;'I; re�:: �. �ir.• .. .i �: �• �t.'��� . ����� ♦�,. . . . • _-_�1 y 8. Are premises now occunioc�, _ yeS What bu§i.ness�=``�S�m�' `�".rHdw.lond � 20°�years �I� ,1� , , ' �I� n �--.--�•9.-�Are.pramYSes��pow-.unoccu�fed� ✓o'�How-long vacant � � �,'��Prev�ous.use� � , � -----1.0.•-.••Are�,,.y�ou•a.•new�owrier��u•-� ���•-f��' ��Ha've•you••been in a••similar-�-businass--before Y��5� ; ___.�.___..Where• lace- Z�Jhen s;nce • �� � ' saxne-.p -�_ . -- - . .. ... ._ .� ... .•` ,,, . . �; .: ..,. ,,.t��.;;;:: _c� �..,�a�:•�:.�. � � 11. .Are you goin� to �overate this business nersonally , v .G , , . � •, � ' , . - . . . .•s':`:"� �.C� . � �' ��., �CI � • If ndt� �who wi.11 oner'ate it ' ^ � -=� . , , , .� .. �, -. �i'� . �,�:� „ . i1�'� �i� ' �} 12.t -Are you in any ether business at the nresent tfine �O (-•'y� [� f�ri' . .. .., .. ..i�: ..,'i��i �'r�.,. . .�i� ` ,. � .��1- � .� • -� . � .� .. .. _�.. .,.... � �1�.. `�'�3.��`Ha"ve there�been'any coinplaints•`a�air�st��►nur o�er`ation�of�this��tyve''of�placv• N,o ;!1:�-;�.� �s�',.i ,: �:i ..... :}.'+ i):°ti:} �, .:.'.4 , : 'i.. :j.�•. .�.. ' 'i.C',.. ., .." i",.��:...i !;'"� , . � •,.,. ;?;T (� �iI i', . `)y.^i i Tn'henn..:�4 i. '`'• .al�o..�f."',. '�,..1.Y .:i:; Pi�r `..I'''.T"-. 1'�e`�� � µ' • ' . . � .�� �"` . �i': �`.r:: . � r , ' ,yh'_ i.' ...• {)� i�t'.:�: 1 ,:.. . ; 'L .. . �. .: ., •' . � .. 14. Have you ever had any li.cen�e revoked- luo T:'hat� reastlri and date ��� � _�.�...._.._.. _ _ ,.._�._._.,..t r.. ':'�.�C` . '.y....(�..,..A�<,1:.1" ,x�w� � + ' . . � ' �1� . , . . r� , • ,' . � . : . , � , \ ���" Jc 15. Are you a citizen of thQ,United� States"Y,,,,_ �'S•'Na"tive''��x r�_�Natu'raZizQd „ . . , �. ��� � J 1f. ?ti'hare wbre you bortL St. Paul. •M�r�n��sota��•. -� Date'iof'b�rth ,�ov rrib�.r 7t1,,� 1 g�]R_ _ � � ,� ,�: ' � � ._].7: I am � _married. My (wi��)�-��husband-!s.)-�-nameY and• address f;a- � �,_�I� � ' � � Robert E. Cu:s'�.ck, 12 51 Highland• Parkway, St. �Paul, Minn,. � r� i �fi� ; ; .:�. • • •-° --_ ...., - . . . < , �, '�;... + _�4. �„ . ! � ' ��I�r; .;;r'].8. (If married female) my°ma.iden�name is V(Tinifred C. Bowe s " ., .,, b�; . � , • � � � 1 i t��;,'!`.(-�=�:�.9�:-��'How`�long"'hav���`,you='11vod-iri`St: =P�u1,_ all r�iy:,life;� �8���e�ax:s:- , �;" . ..��:�• i ,. � 1 `,�,i � �?; . � :, ,i''f]_'s;,.�-�,�i.� ..:�[r:)�if:f .��,� .•..� "�;:L:...,. •:• ;. t:..,:..,.- , , .� t . ',, —��rN ,""C�O� Haveyouu ever been arrestedl No Violation of what criminal law or ordiri�n e�E • I .:�f� : � - . - .. ' . � �'��� � �� = Answer fu11v �r c co�etelv. These a i s.a�, �horQu�hlv ehecked ,� "�:,; � • t �, falsifirat,�on.��, �;c�usS .� , enia7.. ,' ' . • : • � r;i • + .- ;.. . ' ' � � • � :i�- • � � . . • �` . �'. ' , ' . � - . � "= '� . �j �.•-z�r.,�r+.,,>.r. � �Y. ^ . ' , . . V �« �i . . � II �.. . ' r ' ',1 �. . ,. � � • . � , J . 2a., I�;,�rber of 302 nlaces.•withirl two blocks ,•���o � F • • ' ` ,, r � ' 22. Clc,sest intoxi.ca,ting liquor+ place�.I���On Sale 1 block Off Sale 5 blocks n��...�....�. .���...._......,...�. .�.�.. ..�.�.. , �� 6 blocks _5 b�ocks _ � ..•,;,.�„23. Nearest Ghurct� Nearest School . �. . � 'L . ° �24.�~Number of booths . .3 . r _ ...Tables ,.8 ,_. . . Chairs '..24 Y~--'�± _Stools __12Y �, � �_.__._......_._ . ...... . .___..__ _ .�._.. .. _..._„ v _... --- • �--- ---........... ... . ...._.. . . .�,. . ..._ �. ' - �25. What occupati.on have ,y�ou followed for the past five vears.;.�..(Give.names o,f • m�..�..�. ..' .einployers�'and date"s so emolo,yed:). .�..._..._ .�..._ ..._ .._ ._.^ _._ . ... ...�. � . . ....._ ,�..,. .. �._�..�---. ..._... .J3ou�ewife _ ..._ .._.___ . _.._ , . .- ---.._ .� _.. ..___ . ; .�" '' - ,-, , .. ��-J. '` ,,,;- yti:.�.x� :7i1 �i • ^ -,. ' L ...G ., :� ,. ... � i. •�" � • ....... ..._ . ��.� ,. .�.r� . .... . .. ^f:.� . .. . *.34` ,t � . eL A ......._�— ...�..... _ . �...._.. • ' • , . ` ' ' • ` - r,� _._.._....,...._........ ..... ........ .._... :7�E; i .. � • .. _ . ', .rS a� � ° - � 3 .4. . '•1 � •� � . � .. '"' '•- " '� i�:. � •' '�4ti� `� . •r i �`)'.''� �" . . "�`.� 7'.• . ) ' """�26�:"'� GivQ namos and aadresses of'two �nersons;��.residents of Sts Paul, Minn., �aho can ' ` . ' gi.ve information concorni.ng.,you. • ,••.� _ . �f- nr}"! •T'•r , ,_, _ �,�T; o y _' � . __.-_ .. .r: �.._.__._.. _...__,.._ � _ .., ..W. .._ ... � .. .. ; . ., . . .�., �� ' " Name �Anthony Bechik :Address � 1445 Edgcumbe, Road ' - ...ry ..._._._ . _ ... ... _. _ ., _. .: -� �' ' - • °- � .,Name J•ame.s Thomas �lddress 1878 Dayton Avenue � � � . ....__....... i' ' , .. ;� _^.. � . ,'� . :�;= � ;� ' ' � ' • , ;�: .,;G,`' . _.�.�.__.__......_..�. :._ _ ,: . .....__..._ .wa._...__��..,a..� •- ..._ .... .,�Signa`turQ :4pp]:icarit `"_ � , _Y..•_�..__ , St.a�'.E' �O 1� ` _.'r��.f=``:'_. _. i; . ` �� `l;l� ".i L�� ..:'I;..r,._ _ t�,�' Y:f i I".:,t� !';'�'�_, Ll^,{' ��.L � f iririesotal � )ss . . ;' ..� r� ,: _f-����•�� ;•, .i: . ` "r-��---_.� County'of Ramsey _ )....�__.._.�.._. .. _. . _......,_. ...... . .. . ,. , . . ; . � . IE . ....._.� .. _ __,...___ . ..Winrfred�C. � .,.. ,.' ,,; �:: :�:. - ;,. : ;,` ; ' . .. �usick �bein��first+duly swo�'n jI�deposes�and�says ' ,_ .t�.,uz�on.oath.that�.hQ h�s ,read the foregoing statement bear�ing,;his.s�gnature ar�d � �• "�"- knows the �contents thereof, and that the same is truo o� hf.s owri knowle�dg`e� ' �� except �as to those matters therein stated upon informatidri and bel�.e,�>,:and as to , �'".'".`.:� those'mat�ters' he be1"ieves,..tFiem to 'be�t'rixe."`�.°.��._..�r�.._.�. .��._.,......._.N.w_ • , •- -�.--,....�..-....._......._..._,....�_ c, �i: • • , .. . �i .il�•/,�_._......, r ".S.:�Y `� ` �� /'lY� l� i1� �L'i'� .1�7 r � � � � . _ - � 5ignature - f App�.icant) � ,. ...v.._..�(:•�'11b3 r3b 'and _rn, to-before me t •?-i{ 1;°;C;T�i�j.i� Jiiu `�SCJ•.tf�:a.,Z.i.it1 f? i1(1•l n'ik } r . , • t�his 4 o J-a.nuaxy � 67 ••- � . . .._ . , _�_�- .- - �' .. _ ._.19. �, ...�__,Y._.._.ti.,......_...n xc;� rr�{ :��c;:�c•: L,�,�,:��. �f�r �.....�....... .� , • _ .'• ; ;r'1�,':•7, v L l .a.:.l�"I'1:"r� .. ..r'�' "T!, •r.L . . " ' .Nota c, ey�Counts, �N:innesota' . ". '_# . , --.. ..._.. _�.,...__��COfi11rL$S'f.Otl @XA'L 3'.. .._...,,:;r,..,.. ..E. W:•iV1URIV�ANE....,.....,._:..__�,.._..._•�......._._._....___....., ....a...__:�-. Couqty: Mlnn, ,..,...�...,..� .�,....._.._ �.._..�,a.,__...,,...___._.......,.�......�MY_Commissi.pD Ex�p'Ire's M�'i::'2;2:97Q�t!� �'.r�r•�.'f:�:� �'.:,X' 't31'i �r.�) .�.a � (NOTE: 'These statement �forms are ir�;;duplica�e.; :.B ;;copi,@s,�tnust„be�;,�ull�,�fl11 d , "`""'""'°�°`""'o'ut;'�3io'tarizod�`and�`returriecl'to'"the Li:cense bivision.)� ' � . • • ' ' ••:1:i°. . . '7�} '1� i:':=.1. .!.T:f:.I;�I.t'`T� �''a"S;:! ��C) !'!��r.''fi',r.:l.l'+�...�.r,........�......:"'3.3'�.:':r?C F1':i:�is ':`.3V7 f1C}; 3�it:ti . ��,'J". . . , , . � � I � .n . ':I: ', - �- -•i:i`?`,'i.i',J_ �`rrf' �!f}�ti[i:`~i:3':��` 2f(OC�'�'F�1;irri� '.`:�.��I3�„_^f.t�sf'Y��.fiCi'i3 f:.`f. flti�� `I^'r�c`.cf� , ..... .. . ....__......�., .�. �L�f _:�. �.. .. _ ,:� . _`:�.a...... �..a �. .._.cS�......�{_ � �r.:�.....� - � � , , � \� r:.��.�.«;1!-� .��..•�•�. '?.�,.'�st,.'.caar'.�. :«x: �!.tr��,�.�- �.?�i.`�Z'�.�.�,!�.'-i�.::.� � � - - � ' i � . . " ' A�FIDAVIT Bl' APPLICANT FGR ; '� RETAIL BEER QR LIQUDR LICENSE � , Re� On- �le Liquox Lioana� Name of appliaant Winifred C. Cusick, Treasurer, Cusick's, Inc. � . . . Bueineas addresa , 816 Payne Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota Are you the aole cRmer of� thi��� tiusineas? No. �f not, ie it a partnership? No oor�oration? Yes , other? Othera intereated in bueineas, inalude thoae by loan of a�oney, propAxty or other�viso� � � Na�e Robert E. Cusick Addr�ae 1251 Highland PaxkwayHow - -� Thomas R. Cusick . � 751 Lawson Avenue East � Florence Cusick 751 Lawson Avenue East If a aorporation, give its name Cusick's, Inc. . � Are you interested in eny�way in any other Retail Beer or Liquor buaineae? No As s�le owzier7 partner4 Stookholderl Qtherwiae? (Through loan oP money, eto. Explain) . � . � ..� hddresa of suah busineas and naturo of intereat in same „ ` I. . - ` ;�o , C� , � �� : S gna ure�a' a pp can � U � State of I�Sinne s ota � � . 3 �e . � County of Ramaey ) Winifred C. Cusick bein� Piret duly sworn, depoae� and eays upon oath e has rea he oregeing ,affida�it bearin� hia aigne►ture and ]mows tho • aontents thereoF; that the eame ia true of hie awn l�owledge, exoepti pe to those mattera therein atQted upoa inform�tion and belief and��as to thoae mattera he be- lieves them to be true. ' ; � � � ^.0 �.. � �.�� . . igna ure o app ioan , .� Subscri nd'' worn to before ms , �8 h � � January 19 67 . , �; Nc ary e, ey Coun y, eao a � � � . - - E. w. rau�z�var.E • . Aqy a c�acnis ai on 'expire a Not<ry �u�:i,c^ r�;cy cou�ty, h�inn. • ' �� ..� : _ _. • ' _ � t;,�,..,° n^.r. 2, 1970. . ti Y . ,. ,-`` . .. - _ ' �t � r . � n STAT� OF MIr:I��ESOTA • � SS COL'I�iTY OF Rk�''SEY ) ' . � " �� r Winifred C. .Cusick . beinr� first dulv sworn, doth de�ose and say that S he' makes this affidavit in oonneation with application for " On-8ale" liquer lioense (" Sale" malt bevera�e license) in the City of Saint Paul, �dinneso�a; that your affiax�t is a resident of the City of Saint paul and has reaided therein for 48 ,years years, � montha, . • . and is now and has been for the time above mentioned a bona fide reaident of ' � said City and that she now resides at N0. 1251 Highland Paxkwa,y Saint Paul, Minnesot�. . • . • • • I � �� � ` , � l.ifi '� � . " ..1� � l�L�� L-J t , , . , . � ; Subsaribed �nd sworn to beforo . , me t s 4 day ofJanuaxy 19 67 � • . � , � Ivo ar�� Pu ia sey Coun y, � eso a � • �, ac�miniasi..on'expires - . ,. . -` - � - E.'W. h�URiJAtJE . • � � • , Notary P::blir.;Ramsey County, Minn: . _ .' � , ' ; � My C:,m�nission Expires Pflar. 2, 1970� • ' . � • - . _ _ �\ , � . � �� ' ' • �I _� r t � • � \+�. . ;; ,` . . • ,�. , � . " . .,