231626 . , , ., , ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ' ` ������ 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ , �� CIL SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ' COMMISSIONE , DATF — � RESOLVED, That this Council hereby approves and concurs in the resolution of ' the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul dated January 17, 1967 , . . , providing therefor and authorizing the said Board�s retention and employment of John J. Renna, a licensed realtor, for the latter's performance for and in behalf of said Board and subject to �its supervision and approval of necessary l real estate appraisal services and kindred work connected with said Boardfs ' � acquisition of land, from time to time, for the maintenance and extension of ! �� the said City s waterworks system, under and pursuant to the proposed Professional F G Service Agreement by and between said Board and said John J. Kenna, and that said proposed Agreement hereby is approved and the execution of the same by and in behalf of said Board is hereby authorized. �. . . � , ' � . � JAN 191��'� . " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— �Yeas Nays - , Carlson ��� Z 9�6� ��� � Approved � 19— � Holland � � Meredith�� In Favor � (� � U � v +�_.,—, � Mayor �f�$ing Tedesco � A gainst �M�����s���=�i:�'�:::�� PUBLISHzD JAN 2 ]- 19�� :. Vice President (Peterson) . , Z., ' ' , �22 . � . � -+ ' CITY OF ST. PAUL No.�� — � '�' . OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS � , 'f RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ��.�' COMMISS ONER �3�,�',��h DATE ��� �'7i �'�r � ��� , { E WHER�A3, The Ganerel, Mene�er hae r•ecomm�nded� the retention oP Mr. John J. Rerixte r�� sppra9.�e,r and rto�otietor fax the Sosrd oP We�es Co�aie��iobese in ma'ttere - s�lotfng to �6o rel�rtqui�hment of eaaem�nt or o�hsr i.utexeet o� title i.n end to � landa naw �n tbe �oss�ee$ion or un��r ttee con�rol oP �hs Bdard af W$t�r Commi�sionara end 9.n mAttert� f�latin� to �he acquiaition oE ee.eement or other inta�eet in or e�r � 1en8� whfch� are neceeeary �or the s�rtaneion of the waterwork� sysxem o�' ssi8 Bo�r�� aad hae prese�tea �a form o� Agreement in �he premieee which ia acceptebl� to Mr. Kenna, � copy �of which �orm ie annexed �ereto And by thfe �e£erence i.�en�� porate�l herain tha eaane as iP set Por�h h�rein� verbatim; end the Gan�ral M�nagar's ! rceommenc3ation in the matter end the� emp�.oy�n� oE bir. Rentea in accordanc�e �ai�h � tt►e groviaione aet fo�th in e�aid �ortn oE contraat baing sgreeable �o th� SoarB� , � , . G ' NO'W� THERSF�RB, B� IT B�SOLVED, �y the Boarc3 0� Water Commiee�onere� tfiat the � reten�kion ot Mr. Renne £or the purpoeae�.a�oseeai� shall bo aad he�eby ie appraved � end �hat Lhe esoper QPPicara o� the 8oar� �hs21 be end thay hereby are euthori�ed � end diree�ed to �cecute eaid Porm af AgreQment on behalE oP the Baard= aad� ' � , • � BL� IT FURTN�R &FsSOLVED, That e cest�,�ie�l copy of �hoae pro�eedic�s with eaid €oxm � of Agr�ement anaexe8 bo traasmi�ted to the Ci�Cy Councf2 end• t6et that honotable � bady be and it her�by ie requsetefl to app�ave and ���i�'y�thie action oP the Boatd-' � � o� Glatez� Cc,mflgie�ioners and the exeeution of e�id �orm of Agre�ment on b�ha1P of � eaid eoare. - " k � �� State of Minnesota � County of Ramsey ss. , r City of Sa.int Paul i � _ I, C. A. Flack, Assisba.nt Secretary of the Board of Water Commissioners of the Ciby of � Saint Paul, do hereby certify that I have compared the above copy of a resolution of the said ; Baard as adopted by the Board on , ' , with the original thereof on ' file in my of&ce and that said copy a true and correct copy of said ori ginal and the whole thereof. � � - � Witness the seal of the Board of �ater Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul this ' � day of _ , A.D. 19�. _ _ SGr� � � � ' r Assietant Secretary j r Water Commissioners Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Yeas Nays '�� �'� 196� �g3;1.�Y1 �e�a��an Prae�t �o��aad In favor � OpposPd � `���P� �Q p�� �Q ASST. SECY. 1M � � k � �I` , DUrLiCATE TO �R�NT�. . . . �� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL �3��2�' � ' � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ i r , � COUNCIL RESO�UTION—GENERAL FORM . � � � PRESENTED BY � '� i � COMMISSIONER DATF — 'I f I, + , � • � j RESOLVFD, That this Council hereby approvea and concttra in �the resolution of � ' the Board of Water Con�¢n�issi;onexs o'f the City of Saint Paul dated January I7� 1967 , prova.ding therefor and authori.zing.�he said Board's retention and employment � j , of Jut�n J. Kenna� a licensed realt�r, for the lattes's performance for and in � � behalf of said Board and sub3ect to ��ts supervision and approval. of tteceesary ,f ' � � � � real eatate appraisal services and kindred work connected with sai8 Board'e j . ,I� i acquisition Q£ land� from ti,me to time, for the maintenance and extenaion of � ; � , �i i tt�e said City's taaterworka aystem, under ancl pursuant to th.e proposed Professional ; 1 _ • • � . Servi�e Agreement by and between gaid Board and aaid John J. Kenna, and t�at � � . � , i - . T � ' eaid prqpoaed Agreement hereby is approved and the execution of the same by , � 1 and in behalf of said Board is hereby authorized. �� i �i i � I � , I + • ,I � 1 � � � � ; � ' � � ' � � . � � } ; . � ;� � . , � � , �� � ; � ; � t � COUNCILMEN ��� 1 919�7 � = Adopted by the Council 19_ { } Yeas Nays � ; � Carlson ��� 1 9 ���� ' ' � �� Approved 19— j ', � Holland ' ' � In Favor ± � � Meredith , P�e�ssn � Mayor � . Tedesco gainst } � A � �E„A�:i�„r�g�,�,�-.�.t,�.,���',e��;�,#�flEE2e:e:e� � 1V�r. Vice President �$eterson) i 1 �z2 � I �I � _ .i