05-125COUNCIL FILE #: �S ` � Z�S GREEN SHEET #: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Refened to: Committee Date: Requested by: Division of Parks and Recreation BY� !v'�i��'.�i[P�e�.X� Approval Kecommended by Fin ia1 Services D'uector: t —Y:������d0� B Y' n' � / _ % by Mayor for Submission to Council G:IFMIQTIWi�kaUZesolulior+s, AOs, Green SheetslReSOlutionSlHighland Equipment Resolution.x/s Page: 3 of3 Adopted by Council: Date: Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary Form Approved by City Attorney OS- �2.5 Eathibit "A" HIGHLAND NATIONAL GOLF COURSE EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION PLAN Revised December 14, 2004 ` "r ent re itiied naxxa r�PR�L � Z(t()5 - OP�IVI�V� . Useful Qty Description Brand/Mode1 Cost Life Ranee t0 yc 1 Tee Mower, 5 blade (range unit) Toco 315Q $21,202 8 yr 1 Fa�rway Mower, Hyd. 5 Gang (range unrt) Toro 5200D $28,439 T06S 10 yr I Tee Mower , 5 blade Toro 3150 $21,202 Greens 10 yr 2 Greens mowers Toro 3150 $42,404 Sand Traus 10 yr I Sand Tra Groomer Undecided estimated cost $12,277 Fairwavs 8 yr 2 Fairwa mower Toro b700D $99,903 Rou s 8 yr 1 Lazge Rotary Rough Cutter - 11' Toro 4000D $44,023 8 yr I Lazge Rotary Rough Cutter - 16' Toro 580D 4x4 $77,899 10 yr 1 Rotary Rough Mower - 6' Toro 328-D $17,761 Utiliri Vehicles t0yr 2 UrilityVeh�cles KawasakiMule2X4 (estimatedcost) $16,471 10 yr 2 Utility W ork Vehicle Cushman Turf Truckster or JD Pro - $35,163 Diesel (eshm¢ted cost Miscellaneous/Other 10 yr 1 Turf Sweeper, Self Propelled Toro 4800 (estimated cost) $ t 2,864 10 yr 6 Greens Vertical Cutting Unrts (2 sets) Toro 3150 DPA (esttmated cost) $8,111 70 yr 3 5200 8-Blade Spaze Cuttmg Units Toro 03528 SPA (estimated cost) $5,660 10 yr 3 6700 7-Blade Spaze Cutting Onits Toro 03861 SPA (estimated cost) $6,122 IS yr 1 S>ebris Blower 3 pnt / Trailer Buffato Turbine Blower $5,6"72 (estimated cost Collars - 30" wt 10 yr I Tee/collar Ridin Mower, 8 Blade Toro 3150 $21 202 First Cut IO yr 1 Ro Rou h Bunker Mower - 6' Toro Sidewinder 3500D $25,952 Golf Carts 8 yr 1 Beverage Cart - Lazge Tiziani, Club Caz, Yamaha, or EZ Go $22,000 (esrimared cost) 4 Y�' 65 Golf Carts with economy level GPS System Club Car or Yaznaha (estima¢ed cost) $292,500 ZUUJ �stunated �quipment Cost: �x 16,�17 Contingency: $3,173 2005 Lease-Finance Request: $820,000 � +r' � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � M _�� c DepartmeM/office/councii: Dafe Initiated: v '� � �'� P� �azksandRecreatioa �..�,�5 Green Sheet NO; 3025021 CoMact Person & Phone• ��rn^eM Sent 7o Person Initiai/Date JasonWirka � 0 a dR ti n �� 2 ���� Assign 1 arks ndRecreation De artm D'uector Must Be on CounCil Agendd by (Date): Number Z 'nan ' 1 Serv� Otfi }5nancial ervi Z• �G' O S For ,Qn/� Routing 3 i Attorne _��� u_ O�der 4 oY ce ori 's�nt 5 uncil Ci Council 6 ler er 7 arkc and Recreadon Ja n �rka Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Loptions for Signature) Action Requested: Approval of attached resolution authorizing a spending and financing plan for $820,000. of lease finaucing to allow for the acquistion of the equipment required to operate and maintain the Highland National Golf Course. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contrects Must Answer the Following Questions: Planning Commission �. Has this person/firm ever worked u�der a contract for this departmenY? CIB Committee Yes No Cfvil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personffirm possess a Skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and ettach to green sheet Initiating Problem, issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Wh�: Due to the quanrity of equipment required and advantageous interest rates, Pazks would like to u6lize the lease-purchase master agrement authorized by Council in CF-04-0621 AdvantapeslfApproved: Highland National Golf Course will be pzoperly equipment foz its inaugaral season. DisadvanWges If Approved: None R€Sp2!rh C'.�R4P,t r Disadvantages If Not Approved: Equipment will be not be pxocurred. Total Amount of 820000 CosNRevenue Budgeted: N Transa6tion: Funain� Source: Lease financing Activiri Number: 325-23116 Financial tntortnation: Spending authority for the lease payments for tbis package were approved as part of the 2005 adopted budget. (Explain) , COUI3CIL FILE #: �J.�� I� GREEN SHEET #: 3025021 RES LUTION CTT PAiL,NIINNESOTA 5 Presented By: Referred to: Committee Date: 1 WIlEREAS, the 2005 Special Services Fund 325 Adopted Budget includes a budget far activity 23118, which is dedicated 2 to the operarion of the Aighland Narional Golf Course and acrivity 23121, which is dedicated to Golf Course 3 Administration; and 5 WEIEREAS, said activities have spending authority approved in the amount of $2,482,894 of which $559,016 is designated 6 for capital expenditures; and 8 VJHEREAS, the City Council, by its resolution CF-04-621, authorized the execurion of a Lease-Purchase Master 9 Agreement; and 10 I 1 WHEREAS, Pazks and Recrearion has a need to acquire hu maintenance and golf operating equipment at an 12 estimated cost of $820,000, said equipment required in order to properly maintain and operate the newly reconstructed 13 Highland National Golf Course; and 14 15 WHEREAS, Pazks and Recrearion desires to take advantage of current favorable interest rates by urihzing the Lease- 16 Purchase Master Agreement for the procurement of said equipment; and 17 18 WHEREAS, the $820,000 of lease financing will be received into Fund 325's activity 23116 (Highland National 19 Reconstruction), and the associated equipment purchases will be made from this activity; and 20 21 WHEREAS, in preluninary discussions both the City's Office of Financial Services and the Lender have accepted the 22 Highland Narional Equipment Acquisirions Plan (attached hereto as Exhibit "A") as a qualifying use of the Lease-Purchase 23 Master Agreement; and 24 25 WHEREAS, any unused portion of the $820,000 received for equipment acquisition will be retumed to the Lender; and 26 27 WHEREAS, a portion of the $559,016 previously identified as designated for capital expenditures in acrivlties 23118 and 28 23121 will be used to make the lease payments which are curtently esfimated at $72,000 per quarter; and 29 30 WHEREAS, due to the timing of the zeceipt of the lease funds; three payments are expected 2005 at an estimated total 31 cost of $216,000; and 32 33 WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Secrion 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there aze 34 available for approgria6on, funds of $820,000 in excess of those estimated in the 2005 budget; and 35 36 WFIEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 2005 budget: GiFMIQTIw�kalResolutions, AOs, Green SheetslResolufionsWighland Equipmenf Resolution.xls Page: 1 of 3 courrcII. �E #: �`�"GZ`J GREEN SE�ET #: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By. Referred to: Committee Date: 37 3 g CURRENT AMENDED 39 FINANCING PLAN: BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 40 325 - Pazks and Rec. Special Services 41 23116 - Highland National (Reconstruction) 42 62�5 - Capital T�ease 0 820,000 820,000 43 0 820,000 820,000 44 5PENDING PLAN: 45 325 - Pazks and Rec. Special Services 46 23116 - Highland Narional (Reconstrucrion) 47 0829 - Other Self Propelled Equipment 0 82�,000 820,000 48 0 820,000 820,000 49 FINANCING PLAN: 50 325 - Pazks and Rec. Special Services 51 23121 - Golf Course Administration 52 7499 - Intra-Fund Transfer 556,805 150,000 706,805 53 556,805 150,000 706,805 54 SPENDING PLAN: 55 23118 - Highland National (Operating) 56 0538 - Intra-Fund Transfer 450,000 150,000 600,000 57 0899 - Other - Structures 229,556 (150,000) 79,556 5g 679,556 0 679,556 59 23121 - Golf Course Administrarion 60 0618 - Lease Payment - Interest 0 17,000 17,000 61 0628 - Lease Payment - Principle 0 199,000 199,000 62 0828 - Tractor & Power Mowers 102,000 (66,000) 36,000 63 102,000 150,000 252,000 64 65 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul approves these changes to the 66 2005 budget; and be it 67 68 FCJRTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor and the proper city officials are hereby authorized to execute such agreements 69 as may be necessary to accept and implement this lease financing project on behalf of the City. High/and Equipment Resolution.xls Page: 2 of 3 COUNCIL FII,E #: �y.�� �� GREEN SHEET #: 3025021 MINNESOTA S Presented By: � t � `�-�---�.. Refened to: Committee Date: 1 WHEREAS, the 2005 Special Services Fund 325 Adopted Budget includes a budget for acrivity 23118, which is dedicated 2 to the operarion of the Aighland National Golf Course and aclivity 23121, which is dedicated to Go1f Course 3 Administrarion; and 5 WHEREAS, said acriviries have spending authority approved in the amount of $2,482,844 of which $559,016 is desigpated 6 for capital expenditures; and 8 WHEREAS, the City Council, by its resolurion CF-04-621, authorized the execution of a Lease-Purchase Master 9 Agreement; and 10 11 WHEREAS, Pazks and Recreation has a need to acquire turf maintenance and golf operating equipment at an 12 esrimated cost of $820,000, said equipment required in order to properly maintain and operate the newly reconstructed 13 Higliland Narional Golf Course; and 14 IS WHEREAS, Pazks and Recreafion desires to take advantage of cunent favorable interest rates by utilizing the Lease- 16 Purchase Master Ageement for the procurement of said equipment; and 17 18 WHEREAS, the $82Q000 of lease financing will be received into Fund 325's activity 23116 (Highland Nafiona] 19 Recanstruction), and the associated equipment pwchases will be inade from this acrivity; and 20 21 WHEREAS, in preliminary discussions both the City's Office of Financial Services and the Lender have accepted the 22 Highland National Equipment Acquisitions Plan (attached hereto as E7chibit "A") as a qualifying use of the Lease-Purchase 23 Master Agreement; and 24 25 WAEREAS, any unused portion of the $820,000 received for equipment acquisirion will be returned to the Lender; and 26 27 WHEREAS, a portion of the $554,016 pxeviously identified as designated for capital expenditures in activities 23118 and 28 23121 will be used to make the lease payments which are currently estimated at $72,000 per quarter; and 29 30 WHSREAS, due to the uming of the receipt of the lease funds; three payments aze axpected 2005 at an estimated total 31 cost of $216,000; and 32 33 VVHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Secrion 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are 34 available fox appropriation, funds of $820,000 in excess of those estimated in the 2005 budget; and 35 36 WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the following addations be made to the Z005 budget: 6:1FMIQ71Wi�kalResolutions, AOs, Green SheetslResolutionslNigh�and Equipment Resolution.xis Page: 9 of 3 courrc� r� #: t�5-'�2.5 GREEN SHEET #: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIlVNESOTA Presented By: R to: Committee Date: 37 3 CURRENT AMENDED 39 FINANCING PLAN: BUDGET CHANGE5 BUDGET 40 32S - Pazks and Rec. Special Services 41 23116 - Highiand Narional (Reconstrucrion) 42 6205 - Capital Lease 0 820,000 820,000 43 0 820,000 820,000 44 SPENDING PLAN: 45 325 - Parks and Rec. Special Services 46 23116 - Highland Narional (Reconstrucrion) 47 0829 - Other Self Propelled Equipment 0 820,000 820,OQ0 4 g 0 820,000 820,000 44 FINANCING PLAN: 50 325 - Parks and Rec. Special Services 51 23121 - Golf Cowse Administrarion 52 7499 - Intra-Fund Transfer 556,805 I50,000 706,&OS 53 556,8�5 150,000 706,805 54 SPENDING PLAN: 55 23118 - Highland National (Operating) 56 0538 - Intra-Fund Transfer 450,000 150,000 600,000 57 4899 - Other - Structures 229,556 (150,000) 79,556 5 $ 674,556 0 679,556 59 23121 - Golf Course Adtninistration 60 0618 - i,ease Payment - Interest 0 1?,000 17,000 61 0628 - Lease Payment - Principle 0 199,000 199,000 62 0828 - Tractor & Power Mowers 102,000 (66,000) 36,000 63 102,Q00 150,000 252,000 64 65 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the Ciry of Saint Pau1 approves these changes to the 66 2005 budget; and be it 67 68 FLTRTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor and the proper ciry officials are hereby authorized to execute such agreements 69 as may be necessary to accept and implement this lease financing project on behalf of the City. Highlantl Equipment Resolution.xls Page: 2 of3 £}og:aBed s/x�uogn�osab;uamdinb3pue�y6�MSUOqn�osay�s;aayguaa»'spy'suogn�osa�eW�L(ap.y�l=�J Icouno� oz uorssnuqns io,� zo�fsy� �iq :2�2Q panoiddy / ' ' �- i 6auio1ly �lr,� 6q panozddy auo� �Y ��g � :io;�anQ sa�uuas rzT zui3 �iq papuaunzto�a}� tznozddy �re�az�as IT�uno,� dq pagqza� uoudoPy SO�/L°%rryT��77_ " . ✓ :a�eQ :Itounoa �a Pa3doPd � ��� � �� � uo21eaz�ag pue s�azd 3o uocstetQ :fq paasanbag :a;EQ aa��o� :Qi Paua;ag :6g pa�uasazd �s.os�un�� `�nea s,u�s �o a.rsa �orsnzos� �#,L��IS N��I�J p-21 � P� '# 3'II3'II�NIlO� ]r 7 OS- �25 Eghibit "A" HIGHLAND NATIONAL GOLF COURSE EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION PLAN Revised December 14, 2004 i iuent re uiiecl or to f4P�;�.2Q(35 ,l1PEZ4TIlti�� ,. Useful Qty Description Brand/Model Cost Life Ranee 10 yr 1 Tee Mower, 5 blade (range unit) Toro 3150 $21,202 8 yr I Fairway Mower, Hyd. 5 Gang (range unit) Toro 5200D $28,439 Tees 10 yr } Tee Mower , 5 blade Toro 3150 �21,202 Greens 10 yr 2 Gteens mowers Toro 3150 $42,404 Sand Traus 10 yr ] 5and Tra Cnoomer Undecided eskmated cost $12,277 Fairwavs 8 yr 2 Fairwa mower Toro 6700D $99,903 Rou s 8 yr 1 Large Rotary Rough Cutter - 1 I' Toro 4000D $44,023 8 yr 1 Lazge Rotary Rough Cutter - 16' Toro SSOB 4x4 $77,849 10 yr 1 Rotary Rough Mower - 6 Toro 328-D $] 7,761 IItilitv Vehicles 10 yr 2 Utility Vehicles Kawasal:i Muie 2X4 (estimated cost) $16,471 l0 yr 2 IIriliry Work Vehicle Cushman Turf Truckster or JD Pro - $35,163 Diese( estimated cost Miseellaneousl0ther 10 y� I Tutf Sweeper, Sel£ Propelled Toro 4800 (estimated costJ $12,864 10 yr 6 Greens Vertical CutGng Umts (2 sets) Toro 3150 DPA (estimated cost) g8,] 11 10 yr 3 5200 8-Blade Spare Cutting Units Toro 03528 SPA (estnnated cost) $5,660 t0 yr 3 6700 7-Blade Spare Cumng Units Toro 03861 SPA (estimated cost) �6,122 15 yr I pebns Blower 3 pnt 1 Trailec Suffalo Turbine Blower $5,672 (estemated cost Collars - 30" cut 10 yr I Tee%ollac Ridin Mower, 8 Blade Toro 3150 $21,202 First Cat 1 o yr I Rota Rou h Bunker Mower - 6' Toro S3deannder 3500D $25,952 Golf Carts 8 yr 1 Beverage Cart - Lazge Tiziani, Club Car, Yamaha or EZ Go $22,000 (estimated cost) 4 yr 65 Golf Carts wlth economy level GPS System Club Car or Yamaha (estimated cosl) �292,500 ZUUJ �Stimated r;qulpment Cost: �� 16,xL/ Conringency: $3,173 2005 Lease-Finance Request: $820,000 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � PR �ks ana Recrezaon CoMact Person & Phone: Jason �rka 266-6417 Must Be on Counci! 4gen Z•16•os Date Initiated: �—`�� z�-��5 � Green Sheet NO: 3025021 � Deoartrnent SeM To Persun InitiaUDate 0 ' �� 0.ssign 1 arks nd Becreati n a ent Dir r Number 2 'n n'al ce a ci ervi For , pn/� Routing 3 i Attorneo _�U ' Ofder 4 oY' ce r i t 5 ouncil uncil 6 r ' Cler 7 rks and Recreation Ta Wir Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locafions for Signature) Action Requested: � Approval of attached resolurion authorizing a spending and fnaucing plan for $820,000. of lease fmancing to allow for the acquistion of the equipment required to operate and maantain the HigJiland Narional Golf Co�se. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a city empVOyee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curtent city employee? Yes No Explain a(I yes answers on separate sheet and attach to greert shest Initiating Probiem, lssues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): - Due to the quantity of equipment required and advantageous interest rates, Parks would like to utilize the lease-purchase master agrement authorized by Council in CF-04-0621 AtivantapeslfApproved: . Hi�hlaud Na6onal Golf Course will be properly equipment for its inaugural season. DisativanWges If Approved: None � �8S2c�?'C�3 �fl�9#P.f r DisadvaMages If Not Approved: Equipment will be not be procuned. Tre�adion: 820000 FundinA Source: LeaSB fIf181lC1�g CostlRevenue Budgeted: �J Activitv Number: 325-23116 Financiallnformation: Spending authoriry for the lease payments for this package were approved as part of the 2005 adopted budget. (Explain) ,