aamngea, ante na ezpenaea naceaenry to qac
rred thereby; that.Pddimpmrovemant fen not
eked 1ar by
apetttton of a lty f the
of property to be oeaesae� therefor• but
we herewith send n ptrdlvivap r profit of said 1m-
ad -
you d ml eve to Ms..Zhe lmproovem n pilon, 1[
Yeo& 4; nays, 0. - anR L. GOxMAN, Precedent.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Bonrd of Public Works.
Adoptee. ((See order to Board of Public
Worse.I a 1119,
Min Chan. Street Crude—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works have had
ser .onafderation the resolution or order of
the Common Council. approved April 10, 1880,
to f maArkwrighartial trade -t eats to IDs But.
.treat, Rod having lvveetlgated the proposed
Respectr tofully roportthat it le necessary and
street, from De Sot pstreelt go s pont 80 feet
est of the West line of Arkwright street; that
the estimated expense thereof Is 8x,118.76, o.e!
half of which need not be Fold mo the City
Treasury before the contract Islet; tbat real es-
tate to be assessed therefor cm be found bene-
fited to the extent of thecoat and e2
panes necessary to be incurred thereby;
that Bald Improvement Is asked for by o
petition of 6 majority of the oweera f prop-
erty to be ease.... therefor, and we herewith . plan or profile of said improvement, and
an order for your adoption, If you deals ue to
woke the Improvement
Yeoa, 4; Heys, 0.
R. L. Gori, President.
W. F. ExwrN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
June S, 1889.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
Ig'tstreet Ctaamg—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works have had under
Consideration the resolution o order of the
Common Council, p ed April 4. 1889,
to to grading of Igleh.rt street'
Snelling avenue t L.uo avenue, ed, having
Investigated the proposed improvement:
Respectfully report that said Improvement
necessary and proper; that the estimated
expense thereof Is 8a,M one-half of which need
not be paid Sento the Cltp Treasury before the
contract 1a let; that real estate to be assessed
therefor can be found benefited to the extent
of tha coat and ezpenaea necessary t be
mourned thereby; that said improvement Ss
not asked for by.
petition of a majority
of the owners of pop.rty to be e-
seased tberefoi, bat we herewith Band . plan
or profile of surd Improvement and an order
for your adoption, II you deelre us to make
the Improvement
Yom, 4; nays, 0.
R. L. GORMAN.P President
JuDe 6E18891N, Clerk Board o[ PnDlfa Works.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
Trout Brook Sewer Extension—
To the Common Council of the City of St.
The Board of Public Work. have had under
naldeComm,otion the resolution yrder of the
relative to otheo 'a extension oft a Trout 10 'Broook,
sawer, from IL. sr..ent orthariy terrain—at
Lafayette vv n s lie hundred and fifty (160)
feet, and, having investigated the proposed Im-
Respeolfully r.
er to p on that it Is necessary and
feet oorierly fro
mi'a present tormTrout inue abower ve
Lafayette avnue, being part oI 8 main have
int the estimated expense thereof fa !2r
that the sad pensee n ase ry to be I.-
rred thereby will has. to tie no
from the
sewerage bond Ind, oa leo 16 o assessable
properco, and a herewith send a plan or
protlle f said Improvement, and an order for
yyour adoption, LI you desire us to make the
Yeas, 4; nay., 0.
R. L. GORMAN, President.
W. F. EnwIN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
June a, 1889.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
Hope Street Sewer—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Work, have had der
ons aeration the re.olu;ion ororder [the
Common Council, approved May 10, 1889, rela-
tive to the nstruoMon of s sewar on Hope
street, from Seventh .treat to Sixth atreet
and, having Investigated the propo..d Lou
Respectfully report that said Improvement Is
scenry ad proper, to __r
the Baenty catch-b6eina d n holes;
that the etfmated expense thereof is WM
one-half of which need not be paid Into the
City Treasury before the contract is let;
that re Instate to be assessed therefor oan
be found benefited to the extent of the
st and "p
e.... n.....ry to be ou d
thereby; that said improvement fen not asked
for bps petftlon of a nivj tiny of the owner. of
propperty to be assessed therefor,butwe here-
Ith Benda platll
n or proe of nld fmyroVe-
ant, and an order for your adoption, if you
desire us to make the fmprovement.
Yeas, 4; toys, 0.
R. L. GORMAN, President.
W. F. ERWIN. Clerk Board of Public Works
June 1, 1889.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
Smith Avenue Sewer—
To the Common Council o[ rho City ohf fit. P.ui:
The Board aI Public Works have ad Under
consideration the resolution or order of the
Common Council approved May 10, 1 -1a-
tive to the cemitruatlon of a newer on $mita
avenue, from Forbes avenue to West Seventh
street and, having investigated the proposed
Respectfully r port that Bald Improvement
la C ....any and proper, togetar with the
necessary catch-b..I.. and manDolea; that the
estimated expense thereof Is 8600. one-half of
inch need not be paid into the City Treasury
before the contract le let; that found 1 e
t filed w the extent h 1!4M of trefor he coat and ben-
,bens0ebid ne0eaery to be mcurrad therobv:
bond fund- tDat eaid Improvement
out nttI. ',`1 asked
ma semen
far by petition of a city of the wneea
f popp rty a be e11111d. therefor, but w
hOrewlth send a plan or profileour of said improve-
deslrMone us I make the imorder forprovement tion, 1f you
Yea., 4; ..ys. 0 S. E* President.
W. F. ExWIII. Clerk Board of
Public Works.
June 1, 188D.
Adoptee. (Sae Order to Board Of Public
Sixth Street Sewer—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works have had under
consideration the resolution or order of The
Common Council, approvedrota-
tive o the construction of a sewer on birth
from Hope street to Maple arrest, and
Dnvmg Investigated the proposed Improve-
Respectfully report that said Improvement ie
necessary and p per, together with the necei
envy oath -basins end nm holes; Let the estt-
std e --n.. thereof le !l,999, o e -half of
which need net be paid into the City Treanry
before the entre., I.
let' thatreal
estate to
be meessed therefor ce found benefited to
the extent of the coat and expanses necesa.r,
in ec incurred thereby;
that Held fmprovement
I. not asked for by . petition of o majority of
the owners of property to be assumed therefor.
but we herewith ens plan or profile of sold
improvement, and an rder for your adoption.
1f ou desre u9 it meakto Improvement
Yens. 4; nays• 0.
R. L. GORMAN, President.
W. F. ERwm. Clerk Board of Public Work..
June 1, 1t38g.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
Territorial Road Ornmg—
To the Common Coun Oil of the The Board of Public Works have had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
Common Council, appovod March 14. 1890, rola
ilve to the grading of Territorial road, from aec-
tion line between section 28 andx9, m the Tenth
Word 'to
West city limits, sad. having Inve ti
gated the proposed Improvement:
Respectfully report that aid Improvement
Is necessary and proper from Raymond
avenue to west city limits; tnat the
estimated penso thereof is Q48N one
halt of Wit an need not be paid into
the City Treasury before thec..t-&t le
let; that real estate o be assumed th0re-
for can be found benefited to the extent
of the costa and exppenses necesst d Itsppary to be m-
curred there; Iasked for by abpetitbn of e_.j.rlt, often owns
ro of property to be assessed therefor, and we
herewith and a plan or profile of anld fm -
prevenient, and an order for your adoption, If
des us to make the improvement.
Yea& a; toy& 0.
SORF C. 4niNNY. President gra tam.
W. F. EA
June 4, HN
WIR, Clerk Board of Pubc Works.
Adopted. (Sea order to Board of Public
Palace Street Crading—
TDeeBoard of Public Works have of
valderatfon theresolutiono order of the
to the
Commograding of lative
Palace at-Novroma188&marl.
.treat to Pleasant avenue, and, having ivvetf-
gated the proposed Improvement:
Respectfully report that said irn,v venient
Is necessary andprobp8e8.; thatthe estimated ez-
M Mone -half of not Deneed
onsotp i dof is a Clty Tram ry before the
contract is let: that real estate to be assessed
therefor Can be found benefited to the extent
of the neat and expense' necessary to
be lnourred thereby; that said improve
!e not asked for by a pet
tfon of s majority o[
the owners of property t be assessed there!
for. but we herewith end a pInn or proall of
said fmprovement and an
order for your adap-
tion• lf you deal_ us o make the improvement.
Yeas, 4; nays. 0.
A L. GORMAN. President.
W. F. Eawm, Clerk Board of Public Works.
June 1, 1889.
Adopted. (See Order to Board of Public
Burr and Other Streets Sewmr
tat m It
Faid into the City Treasury hater the contract
let; that real estate to 1) oam.sed
therefor Can be found benefited to the extent
of Maio of the met and expenses necessary to
be Incurred thereb e, the Dalanec (8x,81rf.60) to
be paid out of the ewer.g. bond fund; that
ofd Improvement Is not asked for by . p.At
tfan of majority of the owners of PP p-
arty to be aseeaeed therofor, but we IIare-
wfth send a pian or profile of said Impprove.
meat and an order for your adoption, I[ you
desire us to make the fmprovement.
Yeaa, 4; nays, 0.
R. L. GORMAN, President
W. F. ERW ii, Clerk Board of Public Works.
Junes, 18811.
Adopted. (Bea order to Board of Public
White Bear Avenue Grading—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public of nave had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
Common Council, approved May it 1889, hire
tive avenue' tDe Wee[rite halt of White
Hear avenue, oro the o CSS Ilna of Keller
street to the cooter line of Central avenue, to 0
partial grade. same to conform to that already
6rrepreRodo , me having investigated the proposed
Respectfully report that Bald improve-
ment Is necessary and proper; that the
estimated expense thereof is 4359.60, one -
halt of which need out be paid
Into the City Treasury before the con
tract is let; that real estate to be assessed
therefor can be found benefited to the extent
of the cost and expenses necessary to be In-
curred thereby; that said Improvement is not
asked for by a petition of a majority of the
owners of property to be assessed therefor, but
we herewith send o plan or profile of said im-
provement Rad an order [or your adoption, i[
desire oy make the improvement.
R. L. GORMAN, Presldul
W. F. ERW., Clerk Board Publlo Works.
May $1, 18%.
Adopted. (See Order to Board of Public
Hope Street Gradfng—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works have had under
coneldaratton the resolution or order o[ the
Common Counoll, approved April 4, 1889, rela-
tive to the gilding of Hope street, from Minne-
haha street to East Fourth street, and having
investigated the proposed Improvement:
Respectfully report that said Improvement is
"'e""and proper; that the estimated
expense thereof S 410,834.50, one-half of
watch need not be paid Into the City Treasury
before the contract is let; that real estate
to be assessed therefor c.. be found bees.
fited to
he extent of the coat and
a pe..., as ....rt' to be incurred thereby;
that said improvement is not asked for by a
petition of a majority otthe owaem of pmpeI y
ro be assessed therefor, but we herewith .sail
a plan or profile of said improvement, and
an order for your adoption. If you desire us to
make the improvement.
Yeas, 4; nays. 0.
R L. , President.
W. EnwtN, Clerk Hoardoard of of Publlo Works.
l 1889.
Adopted. (See order m Board of Public
Conway Street Sewer—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Work. have had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
Common Council, approved May 10, 1489, rel-
ative to the construction of a .ewer on
Conway street, from Maple avenue to Mart.
avenue, and having investigated the proposed
Respectfully report that it is necessary
proper to construct a sewer on Conway
street, tram Maple Street to Maria avenue, m-
gether with the neeesSary catch -basins and
manholes; that the estimated expense
thereof is 41,474, one.h if of which used
not be paid Into the City Trem-
ury before the contract Is let; that reel
estate to be assessed therefor can be found
benefited to the extent of the oast aad ex-
penses necessarytobe incurred thereby; that
said improvement Is not asked for by a
petition of a majority of the owners o1 prop
erty to be assessed therefor, but we herewith
send a plan or profile of said improvement,
and an order for your adoption, if you desire
us to make the Improvement.
Yeas, 4; nays, 0.
R. L. GortBoard
of . PresPublic
F.E8139. Clerk Hoard of P¢DIIO Worker
June l 11HP.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
Jackson Street Be-Paving—
To the Honorable the President and Common
Council, City of St. Paul
Gentlemen: The Board of Public Works
herewith respectfully return your final or-
der, apPproved Aprtl 4, 1889, for the repaving
of Joe Son street, from Fourth street to Sev-
enth street, with cedar blocks, curbing with
granite and concrete foundation, with LIIe re-
eaGBoaId W nmeadiftea report d tea Applrl
1, 1889, In said matter. so as to mad that it IS
....essay sewer
lines; the esth
gas foe(
at pavement
unite block
[OnndaLion. L15,479.taa, no Said uOara 9160 IS
epemfully inquest your honorable body to pees
n new final order (ser amended) for said im-
A proper final order is herewith submitted
for your adoption.
R. L. GORMAN, P President.
M F. ' 1889. Clerk Hoard of Public Works.
May 27, 1Itte
Sibley Street and Lyon Court Sewer—
To the Honorable the President and Common
Council, City of St. Paul:
Gentlemen: The Board of Public Works
herewith respectfully return your final order,
approved May 10, 1869, for the construction of a
.ewer on Sibley attest, from Ninth etmet to
Tenth street, and o, Lyon court, from Sibley
.treat to a point 100 feet east of the east line of
said Sibley street, with the reQue9t that you an-
truleaid order and allow s.ld Hoard to amend 1t.
report dated May 8, 1889, in Said matter, so as
to read that it Is necessary and proper to can.
Strout a sewer on Sibley street, from Ninth
street m Tenth street, a,, o, Lyon court, from
Staley street to a point 150 fact
of the east
line of said Sibley street, together with the
necessary' catch -basin and manholes, asld
sewering to be done under one contract, at an
estimated expense of Ned, and said Board also
respectfully request your honorable body to
pass a new final order, as amended, for said
Aproper order for said improvement is here-
with submitted for your adoption.
R. L. GORMAN, President.
W. F. EnwiN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
M-3 I.
et'81, 1849.
Adopted, and said order. .pprovod May ]
1889, repealed and annulled. (See order to
Board of Public Works.)
Indiana Avenue and Other Street$ Sewer—
To the Honorable the President cad Common
Council, City of St. HPaul.
Gentlemen: The oard of Bublic Works
herewith respectfully return the final order
approved July 90, I8ft and the resolution ap
proved construction of September taSewt
Sewer on Indiana avenue n the matter of e
from Dakota avenue to Ohio street; thence on
Ohio street, from Ethel street to Charlton
street; thence on Charlton Street, tram Ohio
treat to Isabel street, and on Street,
street, from
Isabel to Aunapoll. street; also on Belle
street, tum Ohio street to Mississippi river,
rad o¢ Isabel street, from Bellows street to
Ohio Street, with the reqquest that you annul
said order and allow S. Board to amend
Its report dated July 2, 18M so as m read that
1t to nSees..ryand proper to ooastuot o
Sewer on 0.. street, from Pulte street m
Belle street; on Isabel street, from Ohio
stmet to Hall avenue; on Hall
avenue, from Isabel street to Delos street,
and on Delos street, from Hall avenue
to a connection with the Starkey street sewer;
also on Charlton street, from Isabel Street to
Belle street; thence on Belle street to the
Mlseieaigi river, together with the necessary
catch -basins and ma¢bolea, said sewering to
be done under one contract at an estimated
expense of M"; that real estate to be as-
seesed therefor can be found benefited to the
extent of 121,490 of the cost and expenses nec-
eesary to be Incurred thereby, the baluce
(412.440) to be paid out of the Sewerage bond
,.ad. Aad said Board .l.0 respectfully request
your honorable body, to pas.. new final order.
as amended, for sold Improvement
A proper final order for said improvement
is herewith submitted for your adoption.
R. L. GORMAN, President.
W. F. ERWIN' Clerk Board of Public Wallta
June 3, 1689.
Aldermen of the Sixth, Ward.
Prior Avenue Grading, Etc.—
To the Honomble the President and Common
Council, City of St. Paul.
Gentlemen: The Board of Public Works
herewith re.peotfully tra¢smlt . communica-
tion from L. W. Rundlett, City Engineer, is
the matter of the contract for the grading of
Prior avenue, fmm St. Anthony avenue to
Mianehaha street, and the oo¢stre.d.. of a
bridgge and abutments on the right of way of
the ChlcaRo,
ilwaukee ' St. Poul Railway
Comp.ny, with the recommendation Railway' your
honorable body cause an order to be drawn
upon the City Treasurer in favor of said L. W.
Rundlctt for the sum of 41,414, the said amount
being required for work done by him, by diree,
tion of this
Board , m completingg sold contract,
the Contractor having tailed Lo do ao.
R. L. GonM.tN, President.
W. F. EnwIN, Clerk of Board Public Works.
June 4, 1869,
Adopted. (See resolution.)
Beuheimer Avenue and Hersey Street Gmd-
Tothe Honorable the President and Common
Council City of St. Paul:
Gentlemen: The Hoard of Public Works
herewith respectfully return the final
order, approved Oct. 4. IAB, for the gRrrd-
aing of Beuheimer avenue, from Uni-
vereity avenue to the Territorial mad,
with the request that you annul said order and
allow said Board to amend its report dated
Oct. 2. 1898, 1n said matter, so as to read, that it
Is necessary and proper to grade Beuheimer
avenue, from University avenue to Hersey
street, and Hersey street, from Beuheimer
avenue to Ellie street, said gradin m be done
ander one contract, at .n estimated expense o[
41,480, and said Board also respectfully request
your honorable body to pees a new final order,
as amended, for sold improvement- A proper
final order for Sa1d Improvement ie herewith
submitted for your adoption.
R. L, GORMAN, President.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
June 3, 1889.
Adopted andsaid final order approved Oct. 4,
1688, epenieof and aunuBad. (See order m
Board of Public Works.)
the ''resident and Common
St. Paul.
the matter of the paving el
the same forty feet wide, but the street being
elztyefz feet wide, a IR a number Of Ike
property owner, have asked that the
made forty-six tact wide, and to that and the
contreotors soil their bondsmen have signed
an agreement to make the pavement forty-six
feet wide, between SIxtD street and Third
street', at a yrorata price, which agreement
the Hoard of Public Works herewith trnnemlts
recommending that you aptrove the same.
As the contractors am at workrupon the street,
the Hoard would respectfully ask that im.
mediate nctton be taken. Yeas, 4; nays, 0.
R. L. GORMAN, President,
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
June6, 1189.
Accepted and adopted Rod said agreement
approved a, requested by satd Board.
South Robert and Isabel Streets Sewer—
To the Common Council of the Cltyof St, Pool:
The Board of Public Works have had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
Common Council, approved May 10, 1889 rele-
tive m the const on of a sewer oil youth
Robert street, from Delos street to Concord
Street, and having investigated the proposed
Respectfully report that It is necessary and
proper m constroct a sewer on South Robert
street, from Delos street to Concord street,
and on Isabel street, from South Robert to
Concord street: together with the neces.
sary catch -basins and manhole.; said .ewer -
Ing to be done under one contract; that the
estimated expense thereof is 62,9T, one-
half of which need not be paid into the
_ y este 'T Dere sexed thereot toris leeL hbe
found benefited to the extent of the cost and necessary m be incurred thereby;
that Said improvement is not asked for by a
petition of a majority of the ownera of prop
erty, to De assessed therefor, but we herewith
.end a plan or py u[e of 'paid 1 ;Prov deair8
vadoaa o ke the imprev.—Lion, you
4; any., 0.
R. L. GORMAN, President.
W. F. , .
IN9N, Clerk Hord of Public WorkWorks.1,
Aid. Mines.
Refunding Order E. M. Hallowell, State Street
To the Honorable the President and C. -mo.
Council, City of St. Paul:
Gentlemen: request
Hoard of Public Work.Ire-
.puctfml9efu ding Order to be honorable pan the
C 1.
ity Treasury fn favor of E. M. Hallowell far
the sum o[ tarty -one dollars and sixty-eight
canto (611.08), tae la m emg the total
unt paid It..Id fd Hallowell a .Out of
the a...sament against block 91, West SL Paul
pvropp r, for the eonstrectt.n [ den aid
Mon State tte..I ( w..tnaIde No.
d avenue, eas for Lerm be
w'troct of James Forrestal, gl -
aingApril /. 19&3, and nding Nov. 1, 1969. the
aid block 9l having been comdemned by the
Ity der en order of the Council, approved
July 20, 1888, for the opening, widening And ex-
tension f State treat, between Roble
Wtreet hich imad Louie t wasconfirmedconfirmed on Sept. ment I4,
1888, whereas the sidewalks m front of alit
block 9I were laid suDeequentlay, Lhe
went for which wa c Lfirmed N, Preei.,
W. F. ERwiN, Clerk Board of Public ",.rk,.
May 28. 1889.
Aid. Mines.
Third Street Bewar—
To the Common Council of the City of SL Poul:
2Sderm ohltLe lir Works
ore der of the
Common Council, approved May 22, 1889�refa
Live to the oonetrecttoa o2 a sewer on hlyd
street, from Maple to Arcade street., and
having investigated the proposed improve
Respectfully report that It Is sco.Aary and
proper to construct a sewer on Third street,
from Maple to Areade streets, to ethel
'With the neoeee.ry catch-basj.a and manhole.:
thatthe estimated expensethereof iSSM, one
half of which need not be paid Into the CIt3
Treasury before thecontract is let; that real es
tate to be assessed therefor can be found ben
eflted to the extent of the coat and ezpeneet
e..ry to be incurred thereby;; that Bald
fmprovemedt 1. not asked for by petitiOn 01
.A msjorlty of tIle owners [ pro arty to be ae
exceed therefor, but we herewith seal a plan
or preflle of said Improvement, and an ordei
for your doptlon, if you desire n8 to make the
Yea., 4; nay& 0.
R. L. GORMAN. Preelde.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Publlo Works.
one 3, 1880.
Works) (See order to Board a Public
Morton Street Opening, FIR—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Publlo Work. have had under
coa.ider.tlo. the resolution o radar of the
C%ima'Lo tDeuoPenin¢p wideomR or
a l�•valon�
It", Morton street .IxLy (e0) feet wide, bent Wine-
ow to Bidwell roposed improvement:
vestigated prop p
v Respectfully re rt that said Improvement Is
of Be ..... ry an Cropor t this time, there
being no public n e city for aaid Improve-
mYeue, 4; nays, 0.
R. L. dMfN. President.
W. F. EAWIN, Clerk Board
of Public Works.
May 3"M
Alderman o[ the Ward.
Bums Avenue Opening. Etc.—
To the Common Covncfl a[ the Cltyof St. Poul:
The Board of PUDII0 Works have Dad under
consideration the resolution or order of the
Common Council, approved May 10a legs, rela-
tivo to the opamg, widening aQ te.slon of
Burns .... from Book Street to Kennard
treat, to a width of W f. -L the .action line to
be the center line f e id Hume ue sad,
having Investigated the proposed improve-
rert that Bald Improvement IS
necessary andprenedoper for the that
re street, if not conforstreets to the stet acontemplated l
radar, ready
platted And improved.
Yeas. 3; nay& 0.
JOHN C. QIILNay. President p tem.
W. F. E—N, Clerk Board o1 Public Work..
June 4, IM9.
Alderman of the Ward.
Minnehaha Street Gmding—
To the Common The Board of Public Worst. haOf the lve ty Of
had under
ConsCommon Council, pprovIderation the ednJoan 9, 1888, or order ffaile
Live to the grdingg of MI ..he I. street, from
Como avenue to Haniline avenue, and, having
Investigated the proposed Improvement:
Respectfully report that said improvement Is
not necessary and proper at this time, for, the
reason that at A hearing before void Hoard In
said matter A large number o2 the owners of
the property to be assessed were opposed m
said Improvement, and no person appearing
asked far a.m..
Yeas, 4; WAY& 0.
R. L.B and of N, President
Was yF. ENwrN Clerk Board o[ Public Works.
Aldeg' onmeo? the Word.
West Seventh Street Paving Contract—
The Board reports that It has awarded Louie
E. Shepley the contract for Raving West Sev
oath street, from center of Rams ,street to
Tuscarora street (eaoa t between the mile of
the atr..t car tracks and between the trucks,
rand ails of said tracks,where
stir et carof e outside
shall pave with granite), withreds blooka end
Ding with gr..iw' he being the lowest re71-
able and responsible bidder therefor; amount
of bid, &%MS.95. Bond in the sum of IgY,000.
with Ga.. C. Harper and Andrew E. Johnson os
of soon a risingwa upon
rt sthe pdprov.l
Yeas—Ald. Book. Bickel, Cullen Donley, Ge -
ban, Kavanagh, Mines, Melody, Yoerg. Mr.
President -10.
Nay.—Ald. Blom.5Leith .... r, Pratt, San-
born, Sullivan .
On motion of Aid. Kavanagh the Said matter
awarding aald coarract for paving wont Sev-
th etroat wa thereupon referred Dock W the
Board of Public Work..
Rept/ for MAY, 1899: Total disbursements,
Commtttte on Ordinances and Public Ac
counts. _
REPORT The Hoard aka Council to estOF PARK taablishse�gNgrde
on Livin Lon avenue, about block. 124. ]xs, 128
and 120, West St. Paul Proper. _
Committee on Streets.
Of Committee on Way. snit Meana—Ald.
Mine. a Resolution—
Committee submits substitute resolution to
pay Louis La BMB1'a money, together with
Corporatlo. Attoreey. commlcatte-
Adopted. (See reaolutlan.)un
To the Honorabl& the President and Common
Council of the City of at. Paul:
Gentlemen: The Committee a WgUW and
Means, to whom:'wae referred the Snuiry es to
the amou.t of bonds applicable to Lha aan-
.tructfon of aewers,
„ Report.: ThAt w hot neyet ued. �enty-five
squire bond& ae taBUWS
'low ., ..................
'taw reaLB.... .........
That distribution of thbe committee might
hamouvt notely yetS a
proper ex-
pended or ppproprlot' fpr.ewere, your aom-
itteo made inpuiry of the City Engineer os to
the sow ere .......ry to be built 1. the
future, and the amount that would be requred
from the a wer ge bond fund. He Informed
your committee tbo following e e re
1, end the amounts named would be re-
yuired from the bond fund viz:
The Pbale. Crook sower .................. SMOOO
Arcadestreet................ .......... 50.000
Minnehaha ad am
Grotto streets........;. `Y
Sixth Word ............... ..... ..... {... SO,000
Tooth and Eleventh Wards ............... 75.000
Your committee therefore recommend the
adoption of the following resolution. ROapeOF
D. M. BIILLLYAN, Chairman.
JuneAdopledSeo Resolution)
Of Committee on FSre DepartmeulrHoraes
Condemned by Fre DepWrtmSntr
Committee recommends adoption- f resolu-
tion authorizing Department to aril said horses,
Adopted. (See resolution).
Of Committee on Claire —Peter Sim.......
Committee recommends passage of on Ordi-
nance for W.
Adopted. (See Ordinance No. 1153.)
Resolution to Pay aDavid Fltzppgorald &48.
Committee oe toreco Fltz eaaldassssage of ordi-
. Adopte"By
yDavid(See Ordinance No,. 1149).
Of Committee on Streets,Se were and Bridges—
Petition of Como and Wurrendale Cittzea's
Commlttee recommends that said petition
for Improvement of Como avenue be referred
to Committee on Parke.
Aid. Pratt's Resolution—
Committee makes an adverse report on Aid.
Pratt's resolution instructing City Engineer to
ona. good Boll to be sprea
Iupon boulevard
along Raymond avenue, eta
Board of Levee Commiselonere' Communion-
Committee recommends that said command.
cation relative to act creating said commission
be referred to Corporation Attorney and Com-
mittee on Ways aad Mao-.
Board of Park Commissioners' Communlca.
Committee recommends that said communi-
cation transmitting tory or resolution—public
park—Mary McManus rearrangement, eto.—
be accepted and filed.
Ordinance permitting W. H. Morris to erect
hay scales.
Committee recommends passage of ordi-
nance, City Engineer's expenses m be paid.
Adopted. (See ordinance 1,155.)
Fire Alarm System—
Committee recommends that communisation
from Board of Fire Commissioners relative to
interference byy telephone, etc., wires, with fire
alarm syetem De accepted and filed.
George Reis and others petition for sondem
nation or purchase of parte of lots Sand 3.
block 5, De Bow, Smith, Risque & Wi,llnm.'
addition, etc.
Committee recommends that said petition be
referred to City Engineer and Aid. Blom.
St. Paul Brick Manufacturi.g'Co.'" Ptton—
Committee recommends that said peetitition
for permission fo use pan oI levee, etc., be re-
ferred to City Engineer and Ald. Melody.
Resolution Pernitting M. A. O'Brien & Bros,
to Excavate and Take Out Rock Upon Robie
Street, Etc.—
Committeerecommends that action on Said
resolution be indeflinitely postponed.
Wm. H. Brimhall, Town Clerk's Communicn-
Committee recommends adoption of maolu.
tion for improvement f Bruggeman Hill, etc.
Adopted. (See resolution.)
Summit Place Paving Contract—
Committee recommence that award to Thom -
ton & Shaw of contract for paving Summit
Plane, from Dayton avenue to Iglehart street,
etc. (referred to coin It. by oder Council
May 21, 188
Adopted.9), be not confirmed.nfirmed.
The question arising upon pproyal of Said
.wad tha same was not approved.
Nays—Ald. Blom, Bock, Bickel, Cullen,
Conley,Fleher, (48han, Kavanagh, Lelthauser,
Melody, Pratt, Sanborn. Sullivan,
Yoerg, Mr. President -16.
TemperanceStreet Sewer—
Committee recommends adoption of final
order for sewer on Temperance street, from
Norrie street to Thirteenth street.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
Of Committee on Public Buildings, Etc.—John
J. Ahera's Proposition for Rent of Rooms in
Market House—
Committee Submits lame pursuant to said
proposltlon for rooms In market house for use
of Ancient Order of Hibernlans.
The matter was referred back to Committee
on Public Buildings, etc.
Of Committee on Ordinances and Public An
counts—Board of Control Report for May,
Committee reports that it has examined and
found said report correct.
Of Aid. Melady—George Street Opening, Etc—
Committee recommend. that adverse report
of Hoard of Public Works of date May, Ie, 1889,
be accepted and adopted.
Philip Cowley and Others' Petition—
Commlttee recommends that report of Com-
mittee on Streets (placated May Yl, ]Sell), re
...mending that prayer of potltian—hay scales
at Fairfield avenue and Daniel streeL—bo do-
nled, sed that Corporation Attorney oder re.
moval of said scales, be adopted.
Of Special Committee on Bids for Disposition
of Refuse—
To the Honorable the President .nd Common
Gentlemen: The special committee to whom
you ere pleased to submit tho several bids
for the remov.l of garbage, dead a.lmals,
eight .oil, etc., etc, at a meeting held at their
committee room, atter a full conference, ell the
embers of the committee bei.g present, and
after a full consideratio. of .11 the bids, and
after hearing all aer.on. Interested in all the
bids, Aid. Sullivan offered the following resolu
tion, which win unanimously adopted, viz.:
Resolved, That we recommend the accept -
once of the bid offered by Henry A. Fletach-
mann, who represents the Metz system, and
that all other bids be rejected.
And the chairman was instructed to report
the action of the committee to the Comm..
Council. At therequest of cen.ln parties the
chairman of the committee was induced to call
another meeting of the committee for
Sullhich meeting Aid. Bickel,
ivan stand and chairman erepresent resent
for the purpose of a further consideration of
the matter. Atter con91derable discussion of the
subject, the chat
rm.n In
was artuoted to report
the whole matter back to the Common Council
for its schen. I. accordance with the stains of
the committee at its fourth meeting.tfUresolu-
tion ie submitted harewRW. HOCK Chailrman.
Ordimom —
An ordinance was read for 648, David Fitz-
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Blom,
yeas 1& and ordinance read second time and
passed. (See Ordinance No. 1,149.)
An ordinance was read permitting Moeee
Hixler to erect wagon shop, lot N block 35,
West St. Paul.
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Mines,
yeas 15- nays 1, and odiaance read Seoovd
time and pureed. (See Ordinance No. 1,150.)
An ordinance was read authorizing Board of
Education to construct .ewer on Thomas
Rule. suspended on motion of Aid. Fisher.
yeas 16, and ordinance read second Mme and
assed. (See Ordinance No. 1,151.)
An odiaance was read peritting Andrew
Stodler to const root bay windmow.
Rule, suspanded on motion of Ald. Fisher,
yea. 16, and ordlnsec. read second time and
passed. (See Ordinance No. 1,159).
A. ordinance was read for VA Peter Simon-
Rules eu.pended!on motion of Aid. Pratt,
yea. 15, nays Aid. Fisher. 1, and ordinance read
second time and passed. (See Ordinance No.
An ordinance was read permitting William
S. Timberlake to remove [-nine building on
lot 2, block 3, Whitney's Subdivision of Brews-
tor's addition.
Rules suspended on motto. of Aid. Gabon,
yeas 16, and ordinance read second time and
passed. (See Ordinance No. 1.154.)
An ordinance was read to pay Judgment
In favor of Charles H. Robinson and BSylvest-
M. Cary.
Rules suspended on motto. of Aid. Mines,
pureedas . andordinance
O din..ce No. j 156.)d it.. cad
An ordinance was read permitting Patrick
Butler to malntainbrick building—Wabasha
street and College avenue.
Rules Suspended on motion of Aid. Gehan.
ye- 16, sad ordmance read second time and
passed. (See Ordinance No. 1,157.)
An ordinance was read refunding to Captain
Bresette amount of fine.
RulesSuspended on mutton of Aid. Conley,
pasread sed.
time and
assed(See Ondnance No. 1,15&)
An ordinance was read amending Ordinance
1,14& permitting J. H Schurmeter to remove
building—Kitlson's addition.
Rules suspmood
on motto. of Aid. Conley.
yens 16, andel ordinance read mod time and
passed. (See Ordinance No. 1,159.)
An ordinance was read permitting C. F. Kai-
ser to erect bay window,
Rules suspended on motion of Ald. Blom,
passed. (See Ordinance No. read second
60.) time and
An ordinance was read permitting Andrew
Stadler to construct a stairway on Kent street
at University avenue.
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Fisher„
rase 16, and odlnance read a second time and
Yeas—Aid. Book, Bickel, Conley. Fleber,
Gahan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Melody, Pratt,
Mr. President -10.
Nara—Aid. Blom, Cullen, Mines, Sanborn,
Bulllvan, Yoerg-6.
An ordinance was read granting the St. Paul
Gas Light Company permlssI. to lay electrical
Committee on Street.
And ordinance was read permitting North
American Telegraph Company to lay electrical
Committee on Streets.
An odtasac0 was read permitting American
District Telegraph Company to lay electrical
Commttee on Streets.
An ordinance was read to pay judgment of
John Welter.
Committee on Ways and Means.
An ordinance was read to pay St. Paul Gas
Light Company 6115.
Committee on Claims.
An ordinance was read, relating to duties of
hotel runners.
Aid. Sanborn moved suspension of rules.
Aid. Gehan moved as an amendment to refer
ordinance to Committee on Streets.
Aid. Conley offered resolution t. Bald mat.
Aid. Fisher moved adoption of resolution.
Aid. Mines moved as an amendment to refer
resolatlon to Committee on Street.
Amendment of Aid. Mines lost.
Yeas 6, .aye 10.
The said resolution being voted upon win
Yeas 8. nays 8.
The question arising upon Aid. Gehan's mo'
tion to refer said ordinance to Committee on
Streets, the same was lost -
The question being upon Aid. Sanborn's in
tion to suspend the rules, the rules were sue-
ppended, yeas 1Y, nays Alit. Cullen,Gehau,Pratt,
Yoerg and ordinance read second time and
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Hock, Bickel, Conley,
Fisher, Kavanagh, La thsuser, Miles, ban.
Dora, Mr. Pre'Idant-10.
Nays—Aid. Cullen, Gehan, Malady, Pratt,
Sullivan, Yoerg-4i.
By Aid. Sullivan
A resolution rSfunding to Wm. F. Davidson
estate 8407.25 interest paid Sixth street paving.
Committee on Ways and Means.
By Aid. Leithauser—
A resolution for oil lamps on Mi ... hub.
street. Greenbrier to Atlantic.
Committee on Ga.
By Aid. Book—
A resolution for lamps at Goodrich avenue
church, to.
Committee on Ga.
By Aid. Cullen -
A miudul.fon for eight gas Ismpps o Fort
.treat, from Seven corners to West Tenth
Committee on Gas.
By Ald. Bickel -
A resolution for two gas lamps on each side
.at.... to Cathedral school on Fort street.
Committee on Goa.
By Ald. Blom -
A rewldgert for street
gasoline an lamps at southeast
cooter Edgerton street and Wella .treat, and
at other teera
committee on Gae.
By '%&
Blom -
A resolution for gasoline lamp at Hawthorne
and Weide streets.
Committee on Gas.
By Aid. Conley-
Aresolution permlttl.g hotel _..a. to
carry on business on Sibley street, etc.
Yeas -Aid. Blom, Bock, Bickel. Conley, Fish-
er, Havanagdb, Laithauser, Mr. President--&
P at; Sanborn, Bulllvu;n, Yobe.erg a' Malady,
By Ald. Pratt -
A resolution permittingW.-milalo Improve-
ment company o enter upon and grade streets
of W.rrendale, etas
Committee on .treats
Sy Ald. Fleher-
A resolution fixing pay of special policeman
apppelated %a take dog censu%ursusut o resoo-
Igoe of May 21, 1889, at M Instead of tib per
Resolution adopted.
Yeas, 13. nays, Aid. Sanborn, Yoerg-2.
Aid Sanborn moved to reconsider vote.
Vote reconsidered and said resolution
adopted. (Sae resolution.)
Aid. You rg moved that Ald. Hamm be
Anted fouydopted,easn s' leave of absence.
Aid. Fisher moved that the whole matter of
disposition of refuse be referred to a a eclat
meeting of Coancll to be held Tuesday, J e 1l.
1882, Cou¢oII at that time to go into Com ittea
of the Whole.
Aid. Sanborn moved ee an amendment that
matter of disposing of refuse be referredto
au ed]oumed meeting o be held Friday,
June i, 1889, at 7:89 P. m.
Ald. Yoerg moved as amendmentFria that when
Co�uaeLlveddtjoppurn It d the disposition
[ reNee
De at Lhat tlm m� ade the special order.
beteg upon Aid. Your,'.
the same wee adopted.
amendment The question bell, then upon Aid. Fisher's
matron ae mended by
Aid. Yoerg, the name
was adopted•
Aid.Yoerg d o -consider vote by
the award o Louie E. Shepleytfor paving
West Seventh atone; from tauter f Ramsey
street o Tuac.rom tree; was recommitted
to Board of Public Works.
Adopted and said vote reconsidered.
The question thereupo¢ arising upon ap-
Hroval f spm award the same wen not
Yo--Ald. Book, Bickel, Cullen, Conley,
'�. Fisher, Gabon, Kavanagh, Mines, Malady,
Yoerg. Mr. Presidentr-11.
Nays-Ald. Blom, Leithauser, Sanborn -8.
The matter was thereupon referred to Com-
mittee on Streets.
The matters of all pending applications for
vacations of streets, alleys,etn.were postponed
and adjourned antll Tuesday, June IN 1889, at
7:90 o'clock P.
m. at Connell Chombr in City
Hall, excepting vacation of part f alley to
Whitacre. Brisbine and Mellev's subdivision of
Leach's Out Lots, which came on for hearing.
(See resolution.)
Pursuant to advertisement of City Clerk,
dated May 24, IBB9, [our proposals for forego
were received, and referred, unope¢ad, to Com-
mittee on Police.
Mr. Daniel E. Bandmann, tragedian, was ex-
tended the courtesy of an invltotlon to the floor
of the CouuolL
An Ordinance anmmurlatine money for and
mrs, pursuant to
''sty of St. Paul do
drawn noon the
Seo. 2. This ordi...... bell take effect cad
be in force from and after Its' publication.
Yeas. Ald. Blom. Bock, Bickel Cullen. Con-
tey, Fisher, Gahan, Kavanagh, Leithausen
Mines, M.I.dy, P-tt,S.nborn, Sullivan, Yoerg,
Fumed 8. 1889.
HAMM, President of Council
Approved June 8, 1889.
Attest: THOS. A. PB......AET, City Clerk.
June 11.
ORDIIANO. NO. 1,150.
An Ordinance permitting Mose. Blxler to erect
Putt ee "o"Rher.iaKerot 51 hied. 35, West S;
The Oommov Council of the City of St. Paul
do ordain as follow.:
Section 1. Permission is hereby given and
granted unto M nee Bixler o creat -it-..
plete.two.6oryDelok veneered .gen Bhop,
9D feet by 48 feet, wltD o gravel enol: upon lot 6,
block 85, West Lobe erectpSOC Paal proper, a- Id building
le bel and Lexie the
treet% and toat as
1.ebel.tree; Tho same o be erected .ocoM-
Ing o plane endape018catmae to be f.rntshed
io and approved by the Inspector of Buildings,
sad under his supervision.
So.. '1 This ordinance shall take offset sad
on in force from and after Its publication.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Book, Bickel, Cullen. Con-
ey, Fisher, Gabon, Ksv.nagh, Lelthuuser,
Mine& Malady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Yoerg, Mr. President -18.
Passed Joe. 6. 1849.
Wit. HAMM. President of Council.
Approved June 8, 1889.
Attest: THOS. A. PRENDEiiOAST, City Clark.
AnOrdinance authorizing the Board of Educa
Lien to construct a sewer on Thomas street.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul
do ordain as follows:
Section 1. That the Board of Education of
the City of St. Paul 1s hereby authorized and
permitted o onstrue a sewer on Thomas
street, from the Marton street .ewer to the
..boot building on Bald Marion street, the
sewer pipe to be not les. than fifteen (15)
m.hes. AB of said work shall be doe. under
the direction of the City Engineer. end a old
Board of Education shall be llowed acre Rt
uponny a
a mant that ayhereaflerbe
de for the cotrua it.. f . Iowan tee said
Thomas street to the extent of the cost of said
See. 2. This Ordiusuee -hall take offect and
be o (;me from and after Its passage.
Yeas-Ald. Blom. Bock, Bickel, Cullen,
Conley, Fisher, Leithauser, Mines, Pratt,
Sanborn, Sullivan, Yoerg-12.
N. GT., Kavanagh, Malady, Mr.
President --4.
Passed June 9, 1%9.
WM. HAMM, President of Council.
Approved June 8. 1889.
ROBERT A. SMrfH, Mayor.
Attest: THOS. A- PnExDERnAST, Clty Clerk.
June Il.
An Ordinancepermitting Andrew Stadler to
construct bay windows.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul
do ordain m follows:
Section 1. Permission and authority is hereby
vets, o co tru tt certain pwroleennq ay
windows on end in connection to his two
brick-veneering DULLdInR now m case
acted as numbers Unam ivereft known and bemRg
the northeast comer o1 Kent Lreet nand Unl
Ity a epos, fn avid city. sold bay widows
o be conetKent street Ito d Uiuveralt, window
tbirteen feet above the aldewalk a dy project -
mg �g the latter about three teat ave bay window
o the Kent street aide o[ id builainR, torr
teen' feet above the sidewalk and projecting
over the same about three fast: ...e of the
enumerated bey windows o project more tDon
Is hereinbefore indicated Over the sidewalk
lines of the street end av ue herembefore
mentioned, and the mostrvctl0. thereof o ba
oder the supervision and insp atton of the
Inspector of Bulldogs of said City.
Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect from
and after Its passage and publication.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Bock, Bickel, Cullen. Con-
ley. Fisher, Gahan, Kavanagh, Lelthit-en
Mines, Malady, Pratt, Sullivan Yoerg, Mr.
President -15.
-Ald. Sanborn -1.
Plead Jenne, 1889.
Wit. HAMM, President of Council.
Approved June 8, 1889.
Attest:P1tENDSROABy, Clty Clerk.
June ll. -
An Ordinance appropriating money for and M
eLIVR, the payment o P ter Simonson of
the sum of two hundred (S2D9) dollars, pursu-
ant to report of Committee on Claims.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul
do ordain as follows:
Section 1. That an order be drawn u the
City Treasury of S; Paul in favor of Peter
Comptroller tall and absolute receipts o the
ClyCity in satisfaction of Gold claim o demand,
anyand all future claim and demand
for ooroto egainet .aid City growing
out of the e.1 aceto o[ tecta.
Section 2. This ordinance shall oke effect
and be in fores from and after its publication.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Bock, Bickel, Cullen, Can.
ley. 6shun, Kavanagh, Laithauser. Mine., Me-
Prat; Sachem, Sullivan, Yoerg, Mr.
President -15.
Nays-Ald, Fisher -1.
Passed Jnae 8, 1889.
WM. HAMM, President of Council.
Approved June 8, 1889.
Roa.RT A. SMITH. hfeyor.
Attest: THOS. A. PRENDEaf4AST. City Clark.
Juno 11.
ORDINANCE No. 1.154.
An Ordinacetaketo reumovae frarecittmeg bull dl ng tram] west
aide of lot to east side thereof, m hereinafter
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
ordain as follow.:
gr8avtea alto Will earn B Timperlal a c�ovvare.-
that ave- aory frame building vow atandivg on
the -eat aide of iot 2, block g. Whitney'. eubdi-
viaioa of H'.wa[or•. vdditton, o tube act aide
tbereot: said removal obe der the p
vision of the Inspector of Building. of the City
of St. Paul -
Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and
be in force tram and after its publication.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Book, Bickel, Cullen, Can.
ley, Fisher. Gabon, Kavanagh, Leith or,
Mores. Malady,
Pratt. Sachi=.%ulltvvv, erg,
Passed .Tune 6, IM.
Wis. HAMM, President of Council.
Approved June & 1886.
Attest: THOS. A. PHERB...Aer, City Clerk.
Jane 11.
An d fnanc lpermitting W. H. Norris to erect
&adafte..Intel, a y 8,111, at the place bemlu-
The Common C .... il of the City of St. Paul do
mein ee follow.:
Section 1. P.-de.ion ie hereby given and
granted unto nd
maintain Day scaleplace,. Norris to
s m front or lot 5,, block put In a755,
St. Anthony Park, on Raymond avenue, under
and in accordance with the D ,/.tone f the
ordl.nnce of said city in Pooh ease made and
said W. H. Norris shall remove said hay
eoales whenever directed so to do by the Com-
mon Council of the City of St. Paul.
Section 2. This ordinance shall Lake effect
and be In force from and after its publication.
Yens-Ald. Blom, Bock, Blokel, Cullen, Con-
ley, Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Mines, Melody. Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan,
Yoerg, Mr. President -la.
Passed June 6. 1889.
WE. HAMM, President of Council.
Approved Ju.e & 1899.
Atteat: THOS. A. PRENDEROABT, City Clerk.
June 11
for C'.
v. for
1e authorizing the payment of a
against the City of 3t. Paul in
Iarlea H. Robinson and Sylvester
I Council of the City of St. Paul do
That anorder be drawn I. favor
Seat_. & Cutcheon. attorney. of
Court of the
dd Charles H.
f St. Paul, on the 20th day of Marob,
order being delivered only upon'
gg filed a satisfaction f said Judg-
dd court, in due form of law, and a
copy thereof with the City Comp.
Sec. 2. This ordinance aball take effect aid
be in force from and after Its passage.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Book, Bickel, Cullen, Con-
ley, Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Mines. Melody, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Yoerg, Mr. President -16.
Passed June & 1888.
WM. HAMM, President of Council.
Approved June S. ,888-
ROnrn A. SMITH, Mayor.
Attest: TAos. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk.
June It.
An Ordination ppermfttt.g Patrick Butler to
keep and me Blain that cattalo one story
brick building erected upon a mi ... Uses -
piece of land at northeast corner of Wabaeha
street and College avenue as the same has
been erected.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
ordain as follows:
Section 1.Permission is hereby given and
granted unto Patrick Butler to keep and maim
tai. that certain one-story brick building upon
that miscellaneous piece of land at northeast
comer of Wubasha street and College avenue,
lately emated thereon for stores, In the same
thndalon It now 18, as to columns and cast In
e front sad thereof, until the said bu dleg Is
added thereto.
Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and
be in foroe from and after Its publication.
Yens-Ald. Blom, Bock, Bickel, Cullen, Con.
ICT, Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Lelthauser,
Mfnea, Melody, Pratt, Sanhom, Sulllvon,
Yoerg, Mr. President -10.
Passed June & 1889.
W. HAMM, President of Council.
Apppoved June & 1889.
Attest: THOR. A. PRENDERGAST, Clty Clerk
June 11.
An Ordinance refunding to John Bresette the
amount of a line imposed as herein eppvoided.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul
do ordain Be follows:
Section 1. That an order be drawn upon the
City Treasurer in an
of John Bmsette for
the sumof one hundred (1109) dollars, for the
purpose of refundln6 to him the amount of a
fine imposed upon him May 16, 1889, by the Mu-
nictpal Court of said City, and by said Bresette
pall Into said court.
Sec. 2. That the certain resolution of the
Common Councll,passed Me 21, 1880, approved
May 22, 1808, authorizingR and directing an order
to be drawn upon the Clty Treasurer 1n favor
of Capt. Bresette for the Bum of 1100, for the
yyurpose herein above speolfled,be and the same
is hereby repealed.
See. S. This ordinance shall take effect and
be In force from and after its publication.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Bock, Blokel, Cullen, Can.
ley, Fisher, Gahan, Kavanaggh, Leithauser,
Mfnea, Malady, Pratt, Snnbom, BuBlvan,
Yoerg, Mr. ProsIda t 6*
Passed June 0, 1889.
WM. HAMM, President of Council.
Approved June 8, 1889.
Attest: THO& A. PRENDERGAST. City Clerk.
June 11.
An Ordinance amending Ordinance No.
1,148 entitled. "Permlttin J. H. Schurnimer
to remove that certain building. now stand-
ing on lot 1, block 12, Killeen's addition, on
to part of lots 5 and 6 of said block."
The Common Council of the City of St, Paul do
ordain as follows:
Section 1. That Ordinance No. 1.148, entitled,
"Permitting J. H. Schurmeier to remove that
certain bufldfn66• now standing on lot 1, block
12, Killeen's add III n, on to port of lots 5 and
6 of said block," b.'..d the same IB hereblp
amended Dy atrikl.g out the word "Xitteon '
in the third line of title to said ordinance, a.d
also In thefourth line of section 1 thereof as
published. and Inserting [n lieu thereof the
words _Whitney & Smith."
Sec. 2 This ordinance shall take effect Bud
be in force from and after its publication.
Yeas.-Ald. Blom,Bock,Bickel,Cullen,Conley,
Fisher, Gahan. Kavanagh, Lelthauser, Mlneo,
Melody, Pratt, Sanborn, Yoerg, Mr. Pi -i-
d -t-15.
Noy` -Aid. SuUIvan-1.
Passed June 6,18N.
WM. HAMM, President of Council.
Approved June 8, 1889.
RPH.. A. SMTTH, Mayor.
Attest: TAO,. A. PRERDERGA.T, Clty Clerk
June 11.
An Ordinance permitting C. F. Kaiser to
erect a buy window on a two -;tory frame
building, as hereinafter specified.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul
do ordain as follow.:
Section 1. Permission is hereby given and
granted unto C. F. Kaiser to erect and put in
upon the second story of that ...Lain frame
bu LLding now by him being built on lot 15. block
8, E. Rice'. addition, a bay window, which shall
not eaceed three feet In width fromif
the alae of
said budding, and over the line of Clark street,
the some to be In accordance with plans and
inmished to, approved by end
under the s.peryloion of the Inspector of Build-
ings of said city.
Seo. 2. This ordinance eh.11 take effect and
be in force tram and after its publication.
Yea;-Ald. Since, Bock. Bickel, Cullen, Com
ley, Fisher, Gehan, Kaveaagh. Leithaueer,
Minen, Malady, Yoerg, Mr. President -1&
Nays -Aldi Sanborn -1.
Passed Jun0611889.
WILLIAM HAMM, President of Council.
Approved June & 1889.
Attest: THOS. A. PItENHus GAST.City Clerk.
June 11.
By Ald. H."m-
Bved by the
the following plate, as m.
proved by the Plat Commfssion, and as recom-
mended by the City Engt.eer, bo and the same
are hereby accepted by the Common Coueml
of the City of St. Paul : Brougher's Subdi-
vision A; Belmout Addition to the City of St.
Paul; Smedley's Addition to St. Paul; Kali
man's Rearrangement of lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 0[
Block 69, Dayton & Irvine's Addition to St.
Yea$-Ald. Blom, Book, Bickel, Cullen, Con
ley, Fisher, Gab.., Kavanagh, Lel
Mfnea, Melody. Sanborn, Yoerg, Mr. Proside.t
Approved June 8, 1880.
By Aid. Pratt -
Resolved, Thnt the gr.des o[ the following
street$ between LDe pelta named as indicated
by the red grade line on the accomn.nying
profiles, and as recommended by the City
Engineer, be and hereby are adopted as the es-
grades: Blake avenue, Longford
Park place to Gordon avenue; Gordon avenue,
Langford Park place to Curter avenue; Knepp
street, Langford avenue to Langford avonue;
Langford Park place, from Bayless avenue
round Langford park to Bayles$ ay...a; Bay-
less avenue, from Langford Park pplace to the
right of way of the St. Paul. MinDespoils &
Manitoba Railway Company; Tainter avenue,
from Bayless avenue to Rymond avenue;
Koodrick street, from Bayles. avenue to Ray -
end avenue; also the grade of the alleyy is
the north half of block 15 of Stinson's division,
between Mackubl. street sad Arundel etrust.
Y.oe-Ald. Blom, Book. Bickel, Cullen,
Conley, Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagb, Lelthauser,
Mines. Melady, Sanborn, Yoerg, Mr. Prest
Approved June 8, 1BW.
Hyy Ald Minen--
Resolved, That the City Engineer be and
hereby is authorized and in.tmcted to report a
grade for the Saint Paul and Mendota road (so
called), and to prepare plans and specifications
for the grading of said road in accordance with
said grade.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Book, Bickel, Cullen, Con
leyy, Fisher, Gabon, Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Mfnea, Malady, Sanborn, Yoerg, Mr. PmB1-
Approved June 8. 1889.
By Aid. Lelthauser
Resolved, That the City Engineer cause Con-
waystreet to be sprinkled from Hoffman eye.
to Maria avenue.
Yeas -Aldi Blom, Bock, Bickel, Cullen, Con.
ley, Fisher, Gehan. Kavanagh, Leithaueer,
Mfnea, Malady, Sanborn, Yocrg, Mr. President
Approved June 8, IM.
By Ald Sanbom-
Re.olved, That the Chief of Police be and he
Is hereby Instructed to cause all sheds and ob-
[ructions to be removed from the alley in
block 15 of Smith's subdivision of Stinson's
division, lying betwen Charles street and Ellen
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Bock, Bickel, Cullen, Con.
ley, Fisher, Gahan, Kavanagh, Lelthauser,
Mines, Malady, Sanborn, Yoerg, Mr. President
Approved June & 3889.
By .kid. Mine..
Resolved, That the Health Commissioner be
and he is hereby directed to prevent in the
future any hereby
all persona nod artier dampp-
ing night soil or garbage, or buryingar
ing ca asses of animal., on any portions of
lots five and six and the northbalf o[ lot seven,
section nine, township twenty-eight, range
twenty-two, situate in the City of St. Paul, or
in the Mississippi river in front of said land.
Ye.s-Ald. Blom, Book, Bickel, Cullen, Con-
ley, Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Lefthauscr,
Mfnea, Malady, Pratt. Bonbon, Sullivan,
Yoerg, Mr. Presdent-16.
Approved June 8. 1880
By Aid. Melady-
Resolved, That the street oil lamp con.
tractor be mstmcted to remove the lump on
the north end of Hall avenue and place the
same at the head oI the stairs on Prospect
Yens-Ald. Blom. Bonk, Bickel, Cullen, Con-
ley Fisher Gehan, Kavanagh. Lelthauser,
Mmes, Melody, Sanborn, Yoerg, Mr. President
Approved June 8, 1889.
By Aid. S6nbom-
Resolved, That the Board of Fire Commis.
sinners be and they are hereby authorized to
sell at public auction the three horses which
they report, under date of May 21, 1888, they
It.. condemned as 'unfit for fire Service, and
that authority Is also granted to said Board to
yyurchase three homes to replace those co.-
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Sock, Dickel, Collo.,
Conley, Fisher, Goh.n, Kavanagh, Lelth.uaer,
Mine,, Melody, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Yoorg, Mr. President -16.
Approved June 8, 1889.
By Aid. Bock—
Heeolved,Thnt the St. Paul Ga- Light Com-
on Smith avenue bridge at150 feet apart.,
Yens—Ald. Blom, Bock, Blckel,Culten, Conley,
Fisher, Cohen, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mines,
Melody, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Yoerg,
Mr. President—l.
Approved June 8, 1889.
By Aid. Culle.—
Raeolvad, That the Court House and City
CommleaiOn basad is hereby roqueatod
to curtain tiro window, and carpet the floors
of the Council committee rooms udjotning the
Council Chamber.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Book, Bickel.Cullen,Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Minna,
Melody, Sanborn, Yoerg, Mr. President -14.
Approved June 8, 1889.
By Aldi Cullen—
Resolved, That wheneve,Z the joint commit-
tee of the Board of County Commissioners of
the County o[ Ramsay end ilia Common Coun-
ll of the Clty of Saint Paul shall s d to the
Common Council properly eertifiod, allot of the
plcyes In charge of the Court House and
Clty $all. Ith date of employment and
amounts of compensation, the names of said
mployeos ,Doll be turoished too Comptroller
cad -hall De entered on pay rolls entitled Court
Hous. and City Hall pay ml of ils, and that when
of eeeidl ampbyes shflid all be paid on the first day
sod every month by Lhe Cfty Treas-
urer, the same as the police are paid.
Yeas Aid. Blom, Bock, Bickel, Cullen, Con.
laYFisher, Gehan. Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Mlnea, Melody, Sanbom, Yoerg, Mr. Presideut
Approved June 8, 1889.
the City
for the erection of various bridge. under con.
%mot and to be contracted for. Said bonds
shall be negotiated by the Commissioners of the
Interest and Staking Fund, find thepmneeds
thereof Shnli be placed in the City Treasury
for the construction of said bridge, and that
the resolution of the Common CO ... it ap-
proved May 22,1889, relative to Bald bonds, be
and the same is hereby repeated.
YeasFABlom. Bock. Bickel, Cullen, Con.
ley, Fiaber, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Mmes, Melody, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Yoerg, Mr. Pmalde.t—IG
Approved June 8, 1889.
By Aid. Pratt—
Resolved. Thatan order be drawn:. favor of
the Board of Control for the sum of 1989.73, be.
Ing the city's one-third of the expense of said
Board for the month of May, 1889.
Yeas—Aid, Blom, Book, Bickel, Cullen, Con
leyy, Fisher. Gehno, Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Mtnea, Melody, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Yoerg, Mr. President. -18.
Approved June 8. 1889.
hatrman of Commlttoo on
solved, That there be and
ed the Sum of one hundrf
for the Improvement o
the .orth city limits, e'.
ed under the direction i
Theforego gg appmpr
roe or oaect uata the tot
township Shall have sit'.
Treasury the Sum of one t
m, or hove properly ese.0
like Sum, payable to tl
in the County of Ramsey.
Yens—Ald. Blom, Bock, Bickel, Cullen, Co.
ley, Fisher, Gehaq Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Minna, Melody, Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan,
Yoarg, Mr. President -16.
Approved Joe. 8.1889.
By Aid. Minea—
Whereas.The Board of Public Works allowed
Louis La Brosse,asthe owner of all the easterly
Irrty feet of int eight of Bidwell'. addition to
West St. of lying within the linea of LI
avenue as existing. between blocks 16 and
16 of West St. Paul proper, produced south to
south city limits, damages m said property by
mean. of the opening, widening and extending
of Livingston avenue the sum of 82,400; and
Whereas. Said Louie La Brosse on appeal to
the District Court of Rome" County on the Bit
day of May, 1889, duly obtained judgment
Mmeolast said ctheity by reason f d Improve.
t wch aid judgment aid citimit
from y desires o
appeal; and
Whcress Thera has been collected and
now 1n LheTre,sUry of said city a aumcle.t sum
to pp y Bald damage. so allowed by said Board
of P Ulto Works; therefore
ResolvedT., That an order beaid drawn pen Lho
for there Sent twoo thousand fourL
(12,400) dollars. Said order shall act Issue be-
fore ¢proper deed for the said property
made to the City of St. Paul, approved by the
Corporation Attorney, with a cortifioate of the
Clerk of the District Court of Ramsey County
that the said judg ant bas bee. satisfied upon
the records of sold court to the extent of twe.-
ty-tour hundred (83.400) dollars as a partial
payment on account of said judgment
Yeas—Aid. Blom, Book, Bickel, Culla., Coo-
ley, Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Mines, Melody, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Yoarg, Mr. Preaiden1�18.
Approved June 8, 1889.
Resolved, That an order be drown upon the
EnCitgineereurer In for, the sumoof $1,515. the en daamo amount
being required for work does by him, by direct
tion of the Board of Public Work., In -
pluting tbe.contraot for the grading of Prior
avenue, from St. A.thony avenue to MSnnobalm
street. and the conatmetiou of a bridge and
abutments on the right of way of the Chlow.
Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company—the
contractor having failed to do so.
Yeas—Ad. Blom. Book, Bickel, Cullen, Con-
leYY, Plsher, GOn Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Mf.ea, Melody, Prott. Savborn, Sulllvm,Ycerg,
Mr. Prosident-18.
Approved June 8,18N.
By a d. Sullivan—
R solved. That it I. herebyagreed cad de.
ter timed by the Common ComiclI of the City of
St. Paul that of the fund applicable to the con-
stmotion of sewers there shall be approprmted
and set .part in the City Treasury from time
to Lime, as sewer bonds may be issued, the felt
lowing sums and for the following systems and
Sowers. viz.:
The Phalen Creek sewer .................. MAO
Aroede .treat ......... ............. ..... G0,050
Ohio sstrminnhet and other sewer. in Stath �
....... ...... 2U.(rD
Sewers In TBntII and Eleventh words... 75,090
And that these several as hereinbefore
Indicated shall not be diverted or appropriated
W the . citblutt purpose than that lodlcated
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Bock, Bickel, Cullen,
Conley, Fisher, Gehan, Knvaongh, Leith.... r,
Mine,, Melody, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Yoerg, Mr. President—
Approved June 8, 1889
By add Sae, Thanbom—
Wheme petition r Oad . E. .
John J. asbeWatson. S. M. Cory sad M¢ry E. BeB
meat has been preermis asking that said
Squires be grated extend
the s m excavate In
Summit court and extend the newer therein.
Therefore resolved. That the saki George C.
Squires la hereby authorized fid grunted per -
extend to excavate
isswer otheromIn de twardly from court .
�fnt oplwelte the line between lots sevso (7)
d eight (8), in Summit coue to a opofnt oppo-
site Lhe line between lots IgM n ❑ nine. In
Id Summit court, and to connect thesame
thereat with the dwelling house now being oon-
stmcted by said Squires upon said lot nine (9).
Provided, That the above work shall be done
under the supervision and direotion of the City
without expense to the city.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Bock, Bickel, Cullen, Con-
leY. Fisher, Gen... Kovanngh. Laichnueer,
Minna, Melody, Prat, Sanborn, Buthvan,Yoerg.
Mr. Prd idem -16.
Approved June 8. 1889.
By Ald. Lefthauser-
4Vheram, It has become neoesanry to remove
the scales from Bates avenue of Wm. SOhom-
tein,which was there by permission and au-
thority of the Common Council, by reason of
the paving of said street: therefore,
Resolved, That the said Wm. Schornstetn be
permitted to place said scales oa Buda.. ave-
nue, near Bate. avenue, the Same having met
the approval of the City Engineer.
Yeas—Aid. Blom, Boo"ickel, Cullen,Conley,
Fisher, Gehan. Kavanagh, Lelthnuser, Mines,
Melody, Sanborn, Yoerg, Mr. President -14.
Approved June 8, 1889.
By Aid. Leithauser.
Whereas. It has become necessary to remove
Lhe scales from Bates avenue of Jno: Reber,
which were there by permission and authority
of the Common Council, by reason of the paving
of old street: therefore,
Resolved, That the said Joe. Heber be per-
mitted to place said scales on Plum street.
near Bates avenue, the same having met the
approval of the City Engineer.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Book, Blokol, Cullen, Con-
ley, Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Mmes, Malady, Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan,
Yoerg, Mr. President -16.
Approved Juno 8, 1889.
By Aid. Sanbom—
Resolved,That the National Education As.
aclatiba be and it is hereby invited to hold its
annual meeting at St. Paul In the summer of
A. D. ISM.
yYeas—Ald. Blom, Book, Bickel, Cullen. Can -
Miuea,iMelody, Sanborn, Yoer(,ber, Cohen, Ka Lertha Bar.
8 Mr. President
Approved Juno S, 1888.
Whereas. A resident ofthe Clty of St. Poul,
Minn..ota,being the sole owner of the property
butting upon and along the line of the alley In
Whitacre, Brlebme R Mullin'. enbdlvielon of
lots one (1) and two (2) of Leach's Out Lots o[
St. Pa."Dns ppetitioned the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul to vucate that part of
.aid alley hlch extends between Garfield
street and Pleaannt ¢venue and terminates In
front of lot thirty 1, (88), in said subdivision,
which said petition duly seta forth the facts
and reasons for said vacation, and was duly ao
emponled by a plot thereof as proposed to be
vacated: nod
Whereas, The Common Council, Upon the
presentation of said petition, deemed it expe-
dient that the matter e proceeded with, and
trderod said petltlon to be filed of ro rd with
he Clty Clerk and notice Lo be given by publI--
atlw, as provided by Inw: and
Whereas, Due floe by
publication In the
omcial paper of said Clty for four week& com-
oing on the lath Aayy of FeDmory. A. D.
1899, m the enact that -9a1d petition had been
filed with the Cfty Clare .tatlpg in brief its ob-
jeot, and that the vin w d be heard and
considered by the Common Council of the City
Of St. Paul op TueadeY, the 2d day of April, A.
D. 1889, .t 7:80 o'clock yu ilia o[temoon of sold
aant the Co..cil Chamber In the City Hall of
ayd City: and
Whereas, At the time and place lest above
destfnated for the investigation d nsid-
tion of such proposed vacatio. of a Id part
of sold allay as aforesaid the inveetiggatfan end
tderation thereof was postpone until the
lath day of April, 1889, t 7:8U p. ., and
thereelter from time to illus, IIB will e
fully appear by the omoial proceedings of the
Common .Council until the 4th day of June,
Whereas, At the time and peace last—ti
ast to"*
.aid for the investigatfoa and on ideretion of
uch proposed vacetlon of sato part of said al-
ley Lhe Common tiO,ncll, after=mg ail r
eons interested, and being of the opinion that
the same Is neees.ory sad proper, and that the
prerequisites therefor have all been complied
with; now, therefore, be it
Rasulved, Tbst 811 of emd part of said alley
. Whitacre, Dria'i e.d Mullm'e eubdivlslon
one (I) and two (2) of Leach`s Out Lots
of Saint Paul, which extend. between Garfield
street and Pleasant avenue, and terminates in
. I.
1888. approved Oct. 17,180, and recorded in the
office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey
County, Minnesota, In Book V of Miseella
no us, oa page. 649 and 644.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Bock, Bickel, Cullen, Con.
ley, F9sber. Gehan, K.v... gh, Leithauaer,
Mines, Melody, Benham, Yoerg, Mr. President
Approved June 8, 1889.
Resol ed,ThattheorderforsprblklinggPleas-
ant avenue, from Hroved e Coy attest to St. Clair
street, as be corrected
W read, sprinkle Pleasant avenue from Ramsey
street W Lawton street.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Book, Bickel, Cullen,
Conley, Fisher, Ge_an. Kavanagh, Leith -use"
Mmes, Malady, Snahom, Yoerg, Mr. Pre.
Approved June 8, 1689.
By Aid. Bock -
Resolved, That the order passed on May 21,
1889, in regard Lo sprinklmg Garfield street,
from Prairie etrect to Goodrich avenue, is
hereby repealed and annulled.
Ye.e-Ald. Blom, Bock, Bickel, Cullen, Can.
1. Fisher, Flsher, Gehl., Kavanagh, Letthauser,
MIA a, Malady, Sanborn, Yoerg, Mr. Pesldenc
Approved June 8, 1889.
By Aid. Blom -
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
be and they are hereby instructed to cause
Nash street to be sprinkled, from Mississippi
to Pine streets.
Yeas -Alda Blom, Bock, Bickel, Cullen, Con-
ley, Fisher, Gabon, Kavanagh, Lelthaueer,
Minea, Melody, Sanborn, Yoerg, Mr. Prean
dente -14.
Approved June 8, 1889.
esod. That the Board of Public Works
use Valley street W be sprinkled, from Jack-
atreet to Broadway.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Bock, Bickel, Cullen,
Conley, Fisher, Gabon, K.vanagh, Lelthau'er,
Mln.., Melody, Snaborn, Yoorg, Mr. Press
dent -14.
Approved June & 1889.
By AId. Bock -
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
Caue Franklin street, from Sherman street to
Elm street to be sprinkled.
Yens-Ald. Blom, Book, Bickel, Cullen, Can.
I.V. Fisher, Gehon,Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Miner, Malady'
Prott, Sanborn. Sullivan,
Yoerg, Mr. President -16.
Approved June 8,18M.
By Ald. Gehan-
Resolved, That the Board of Pub to Works
cause Thirteenth street, from Nash street to
Mississippi, to be sprinkled.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Bock, Bickel, Cullen, Can.
feyy, Fleher, Gahan, Kavanagh. Leithauser,
Mine a, Melady, Pratt, Sanborn. Sullivan,
Yoetg, Mr. Proafdmu-10.
Approved June 8, 1889.
IH Aid. Gehan-
Resolved, That The Board of Public Works
cause Brewster avenue from University
avenue to Como avenue, to be sprinkled.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Book, Bickel, Cullen, Con.
ley, Fleher, Gehon, Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Mine e, Melady, Pratt, Sanborn, Built...,
Yoerg, Mr. President -16.
Approved June 8, 1889.
By Aid. Sanborn- —
Resolved. That the Board of Public Works
discontinue the sprinkling o[ that ?art of Nina
which Is paved with
a Yess-Ald. Blom, Book,Blokggel, Cullen, Coa-
M1 Kara
s, dy,Pnttt, Srn, Sh anbollivanit Yoerg.
Mr. President -16, u
Approved June 8, 1889.
By AId. Minee-
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
be instructed to cause East Congress street to
be sprinkled, from Concord strestLto Ada
Yeas-Ald. Blom. Book, Bickel, Cullen, Con-
ley, Fisher, Gabon, Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Mine& Malady, Pratt, Sunburn, Sullivan,
Yoerg, Mr. Preeldent -16-
Approved Jun. 8, 1889.
By Aid. Pratt -
'That so much of a certain eselu-
tion passed by this Councll May 7, 1889,
and approve May 10, ; 1889, a elates
to a ..Min May on
east aide of
Raymond avenue, from Pickard stoat to Gor-
don avenue, be and the some ie bomb re-
Valed and mnulled, end that the Boor, of
ublle Works cause wooden sidewalks (6 feet
wide) and necessary orosswalks to be laid on
the west side of Raymond avenue, fromPick-
ard street to Gordon avenue.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Book, Bickel, Cullen, Coa-
ley, Fisher, Gabon, Kdvanagh, Lelthaueer.
Mines, Malady, Sanbom, Yoerg, Mr. President
Approved June 8,1889.
By Aid. Melady-
Reaolved, That the Board of Public Works
re hereby ordered to construct a six-foot
wooden sidewalk on the north and south sides
f Concord stenn
e4 from Page street to Assppo
fie street, together with the na..... ry .-.a
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Bock, Bickel, Cullen.
Conley, Fisher, Gabon. Kavanagh, Lelthaueer,
Mine., Malady, Sanborn, Yoerg, Mr. President
Approved June 8, 1889.
By Aid. Book -
Resolved, That the order for a sidewalk on
the south aide of Ridgewood avenue, from Vie-
torta street to St. Clair street, heretofore g van,
be corrected to read, o, the north .Ida end east
side of said Ridgewood avenue, from Victoria
.treat to St. Clair street, with the necessary
Yeas-Alda Blom, Bock. Bickel, Cullen, Con-
ley, Fisher, Gelmn. Kavanagh, Lelthaueer,
Mines, Malady, Sanborn, Yoerg. Mr. Prost
dent -14.
Approved, June 8, 1889.
By Ald. Gehan-
Resolved, That the City Enggiineer cause a
crosswalk to be laid acro.. Jackson street in a
direct line with the south line of Fourteenth
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Bock, Bickel, Cullen, Can.
feyy, Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh. Lelthaueer,
Minea, Mel y, Sanborn, Yoerg, Mr. President
Approved June & 1869.
By AId. Meledy-
Renolved, That the used of Public Works
be sad is hereby Instructed to cause to be laid
. elx:-foot wooden sidewalk on the north and
South sides of Delos street, from Hall avenue to
the point cribs bluff, together with the necee-
'cry erose -walks.
Yeae-Ald. Slone, Book. Bic kol.Cnllon,Coaley,
Flahor, Gabon, Kavanagh, Lelthaner, Mlnea,
Melady,, Yoerg, Mr. President -14.
Approved June 8, 1689•
By Ald. Lelthaueer-
Resolved,Thatthe Board of Public Works
,,use an otgPfaot sidewalk to be laid on the
south aide of Beech .treat, from Seventh street
to Forrest street, with the necessary cross.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Bock, Bickel. Cullen, Can.
ley, Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Minna. Malady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan.
Yoerg, Mr. Preeldenr16.
Approved June & 1889
By Ald. Sulllvan-
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
re bereby authorized to lay wooden sidewalks
east side o1 Cleveland e, betwee. St.
Anthony avenue and Ashland avenue.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Bock, Bickel, Cullen, Con-
leY, Fisher, Geban, Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Mines, Melady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Yoerg, Mr. President -16.
Approved June 8, 188l.
By Aid. Pratt -
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
cause wooden crosswalks to be laid as follows:
Across Raymond avenue, south aide Langford
avenue: across Raymond avenue, south side
de Priscilla avenue; Raymond
avenue, southavenue.
atthenorthsfdeot mtomection of Ke 4riok an
Wheeler; also sidewalks (and necessary eross.
alkali south aide of Robbine:treat, from
Rwe ks are eto aleudy 1aiQR avenue, except
where Yen:-Ald. Blom, Bock, Bickel, Cullen,
Conley, Flsher, Gabon, Kavanagh, Latthauser,
Mmen. Melady, Pratt, Sunburn, Sullivan,
Yoorg. Mr.
Approved Junes&1889.
By Aid. Blom -
Resolved, That Ina.mnah as the Chlaago, St.
Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railroad Company
are about to construct an iron bridge on Burr
treat across their right of way, which southern
boundary 1s thenorth llne of Fauquter street,
d will thereby necessitate the bridgin6 of
Burr street for W feet In length across Fou.
quiet street by the city:
y En-
glThe be and to hereby l be it stru.tedd, That t leo Cpltccpsre
and specifications for the brldggl1nR of
Burr street nomas Fauquter street; satdbridge
to be of the same character and deluge a9 the
railroad company are about W build.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Bock, Bickel, Cullen, Can.
105, Fisher, Gabon, Kavanagh, Lelthaueer,
Mine., Malady, Sanborn, Yoerg, Mr. President
Approved June 8, 1889.
By Ald. Malady-
... red, That the Board of Publl. Works
beIInd i' hereby Instructed to cause to be ]std
a. aIght-foot wooden sidewalk on the east and
est Rides of Starkey, from Chaneil street to
Isabel street, together with the necessary
c walk..
ley. Fisher, Gabon,BKsvaCash, LelthCullen,
Malady, Sanborn, Yoerg, Mr. Preei-
Approved June 8, 1889.
By Aldi Blom- _
Resolved, That the Boatel of Public Work'
,¢use so eight -toot wo lde. sidewalk to be con-
truoted on both aides of We:tmmster street,
from Whitall street to Cas. street, with the
necessary crosswalks.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Bock, Blckel, Cullen, Con-
ley, Fisher, Gehan. Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Mtnea, Melady, Sanborn, Yoerg, Mr. Presi-
dent -14.
Approved June 8, 1889.
By Aid. Blom -
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
be and h.roby ¢re Iastrueted to cause a wood,,
sidewalk el o t feet wine W be built on the
.orth de f Maryland street, from Arcade
.treat to Greenbrier nValm .
Yen' -Alda Blom, Bock, Bickel, Cullen. Con-
tey, Fisher, Gehan. Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Mines, Malady. Sanborn, Yoerg, Mr. Pe84
dent -14.
Approved June 8, 1889.
By Aid. Blom -
Resolved. That the Board of Pub In
cause an &toot woods. sidewalk to be con-
structod on the west side of Arkwright street,
from Cave street to Brainerd avenue, with
necessary arusswalke.
Yeas -Aid. Blom, Book, Bickel, Cullen,
leyy, Fisher, Gahan, Kavanagh, Leithau
Mines, Melody, Sanborn, Yoerg, Mr. Preaid
Approved June 8, 1889.
Byy Ald. Sunburn- --
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
be and IS hereby directed to construct a wooden
sidewalk of such width as shall correayyond
with that on the east of It, on the south stile of
Iglehart street, from Chatsworth street to Lex-
ington avenue.
Yes.-Ald. Blom, Bock, Bickel, Cullen. Con
ley, Fisher, Gabon, Kavanagh, Leith -air,
MI¢ea, Melady, Sanborn. Yoerg. Mr. Presi,
dent -14.
Approved June 8, 1889.
the Yeas-Ald Blom. Bock, Bickel, Cullen, Con -
Gobs.. Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Con- Mloea, Melody, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan.
.at. Yoerg, Mr- President -1d
ant Approved June 8, 1889.
By Aid. Blom-
Reeolvad, That the Board of Public Works
couee an &foot wooden sidewalk to be con-
atruoted on both sides of York street, from
Mississippi Street to Clark street, with the
necessary crosswalks.
Yeas -Aid. Blom, Bock, Bickel, Cullen, Con-
leyy, Fisher, Gohaa, Rev, Leithauser,
Minea, Malady, Sanborn, Yoerg, Mr. Presi-
dent- 14.
Approved June 8, 1889.
By Aid. Bock -
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
causesidewalks to be laid n Armstrong
street, between View and West Seventh
streets, both sides, with necessary crosawalka.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Bock, Bickel, Cullen, Coa-
ley, Fieher, Gabon.
Kavanagh, Leithaueer,
Minea, Malady, Sanborn, Yoerg, Mr. Preal-
Approved June 8, 1889.
Hy Ald. Bock- -
Resolved, That from and after the approval
Of this resolution no one shall be permitted to
lay or construct any wooden sidewalk on Pleas-
ant avenue, from Third street to Ramsey'
Yese-Ald. Blom, Bock, Bickel, Culler, Con-
ley, Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Mine., Malady, Sanborn, Yoerg, Mr. Presldent
Approved June 8, 1889.
By Aid. Bock -
Resolved, That the order linseed at last
ineating of the City Council in regard to bex-
g nal atone cement sidewalk. to be )aid on
Pleasant avenue, from Third street to R.meoy
street, be repealed and annulled.
Yeas-A7d. Blom, Hoak, Bickel, Cullen. Con
ley, Fisher. Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Melody, Sanborn, Yoerg, Mr. President
Approved June 8, 1889.
By Aid. KnvanrRD-
Reaoived, Tbat the Board of Public Works
be and are hereby authorized m cause to
be laid on the easterly aad westerly sides of
Exchange street, sidewalks of hexagonal or
square cement blocks, between Third and
Seventh streets, to be done under the super-
vision of the City Engineer.
BVId. Kavonngh-
Hesolved,That the Board of Public Works be,
and are hereby authorized to cause to be laid
on the eeteriv line of Wabashs street, side-
walk, of hexagonal or square cement blocks,
from Tenth street to Summit avenue.wberever
the same Is now laid, and also cause all ob-
struction. in the street or sidewalk to be re-
moved; to be done under the directions and
supervision of the City Engineer.
Yeas -Aid. Blom, Hock, Blokel, Cullen, Co.
leyy, Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Mloes, Melody, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Yoerg, Mr. President -19.
Approved June 8, 1889.
By Aid. Kavanagh -
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
be authorized to couee to be laid sidewalk of
hexagonal or square cement blocks on the
northerly and southerly sides of College ave-
nue. from Wabasba street to St. Peter street,
excepting Lhat part now laid with stone or ce-
ment walks.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Book, Bickel, Cullen, Con-
ley, Fiaher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser,
minea. Melady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Yoerg, Mr. President -16.
Approved June 8, 1889.
By Ald. Sanboro-
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
be and it ie hereby ordered and directed to
construct and maintain a cement block side.
walk eight feet wide on Day.. .vain% i freest
of Iota 2tl, 99, 89, 40, 41, 42, in block M of Dayton
& Irvine's addition to St. Paul, and also In
front of the seventy feet east of the west sev.
enty feet of Selby block, In said addition.
Yens-Ald. Blom, Book, BInket. Cullen. Con.
ley, Fisher, Gehon, Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Mines. Malady, Pratt, Sanborn,Sulllvan. Yoerg,
Mr. Presment-16.
Approved June 8, 1889.
By Aid. Kavanrgh-
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
Tha the matter ofgetpaving Eleventh street
cedar blocks, toher with curbing of the
ome with granite, her
Cedar street and
Jackson, be and the same is hereby ref-ed
to the Board of Public Work. to
and report:
First. Is this improvement proper and use.
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether one-half of
the coat thereof is to be paid Into the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
said improvement be found benefited to the
extent of damages, whereby? expenses neces.
sury to be incurred
Fourth Is such impprovement asked for
upon the petitle or apphcatlon of the owners
Of o majority of the property to be assessed for
such improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said Improvement, as required by law, if you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di.
recting the work to be done.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Bock, Bickel, Cullen. Con-
ley, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Mines, Melody, Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan,
Yoerg, Mr. Prcatdent-16.
Approved June 8, 1889.
By Aid Knvanagh-
It le hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of paving Tenth street with
cedar blocks, together with gronite curb, from
Cedar street to Jackson treat, be and the
same is hereby referred to the Board of Pub-
lic Works to Investigate and report:
First. Ie this Improvement proper and nec.
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof. and state whether one-half of
the cost thereof is to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract Is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
said Improvement be found benefited to the
extent of damages, costs and expenses nem$.
sag to be Incurred thereby?
Fourth- Is such Improvement asked for
upon the petition or application of the owners
of a majority of the property to be assessed for
such improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said Improvement, as required by law, If you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di.
rec lag the work to be done.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Bock, Bickel, Cullen, Co-
leyy, Fisher. Gabon, Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Minaa, Melady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan.
Yoerg, Mr. President -16.
Approved, June 8, ]889.
By Aid. Kavanagh -
It Is herebyordered by the Common Council,
of the City of St. Paul.
That the matter of Pavmg Twelfth street,
from Cedar street to Jackson street, with cedar
blocks, together with granite curb, be rad the
me le hereby referred to the Board of Public
Works to Investigate and report:
First. Is this improvement proper and notes.
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expe..Itheroof, and state whether one-half of
the cost thereof -
hereof i. to be paid mm the City
Treasury before the contract 1. let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
said Improvement be found benefited to the ex-
of damages, costs and expenses necessary
to be incurred thereby?
Fourtb. Is such impprovement naked for
upon the petition or applle.t,.n of the owners
of o majority of the property to be assessed for
,such improvement?
s Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said imprevenient, as, required by law, If you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di.
recting the work to be done.
Yens-Ald. Blom, Bock, Bickel, Cullen, Con-
ley, Fisher, Gehan, 17Kavanagh. Leithauser,
Mines, Malady, Pratt, Sanborn. Sullivan,
Yoerg, Mr. Presldent-16.
Approved June 8, 1889.
By Aid. Mines -
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Connell
o[ the City of 9t. Pnot:
That the matter of grading Bunker street,
from State street to Campbell atrsat,be and
the same is hereby referred to the Board of
Public Works to investigate and report:
First. Is this improvement proper and neo-
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expeuse thereof, and state whether one-half of
the toei thereof ie to be paid Into the City
Treasury before the contract Is
Third. Can real estate to be ... a..ed for
said improvement be found benefited to the
extent of damages, costs and expenses neces-
sary to be Incurred therebyt
Fourth. Is such improvement asked for
upon the petition or .pphe. I.. of the owners
of a majority of the property to be assessed for
such Improvement?
Fifth. Send Lhe Council . plan or profile of
said Improvement, na required by law, It you re-
port in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di.
recting the work to be done.
Yea.-Ald. Blom, Buck, Bickel, Culloo, Con-
ley, Fisher, Gah¢o,, Leithauser,
Mises, Melady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Yoerg, Mr. Presldent-18.
Approved June 8,18N.
By Aid. Blom -
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of grading Cayuga street,
from Arkwrlght street to Vale street, be and
the same I. hereby referred to the Board of
Public Works to Investigate and report:
First. Is this improvement proper sad nac-
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whetherone-half of
the cost thereof is to be paid Into the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
said improvement be found benefited to the ex-
tent of damages, coats and expenses necessary
to be incurred therebyY
Fourth. Is such improvemt asked for upon
the petition br application of the owners of u
majority otheproperty to be assessed for
Such improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council n plan or pro'to oI
said improvement, a. required by low, it you re-
port -in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di
resting the work to be done.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Bock, Bickel, Cullen, Con.
fey, Fisher, Gabon. Kavanagh, Lelthanser,
Mine¢, Malady, Pratt. Soaborn.Sulilvan,Yoerg,
Mr. President -l9.
Approved Juno 8. 1889.
By Aid. Gabon -
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of grading alley in block
4, Lym. addition, from Park ave.ue W Sylvan
street, be and thea is herby referred to
the Board of Public Work. to investigate and
Fist. IS this improvement proper and nee
Second. Give the Gannon an estimate of the
expense tbeteof, and stat' whether one -halt of
the cost therol it to be paid late the City
Treasury before the contract Is let.
Third. Can Lal estate to be assessed for
eald imprevement he found benefited to the
extent of damages, Coats and expenses neces-
eary to be incurred thereby.
Fourth. Is such improvomentask'd for upon
the petition or application of the o Here of c
majority of the property to bo asses
for such
Fifsaid ImproveSend thk as required by law, lan pf youre
port. n foofgthe same•
Sixth. Sana the Council a proper order di
the work to De done.
Yen.—Aid. Blum, Bock, Bbkel, Cullen, Con-
leyy, Fisher, Gabon, Kavanagh, Leith.user,
Mine', Melody. Pratt,SanbOe,SU11Ivan, Yoerg,
Mr. Presidnt-1e.
Approved Joe. 8, 1889.
By Ala. Mclady—
it 1s hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
Thot the matter of gding Congress Street.
from C.mbrldge Street to Brown avenue,be and
the Same is hoeby referred to the Board of
Public Work. to investigate and report:
First, le this improvement proper and nuc
Second. Give the Council an estimate oftbe
pena thereof, and state whether one half of
the cost thereof is to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can to be assessed for
.aid Improvement be found benefited to the
eery to be Income thereby
he ebyd expenses sees-
Fourth. Is such improvemnt asked for
upon the potltion or application of the owners
of a majority of the property to be assessed for
such improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
enid Itopprovement na required by Inw, profile
report 1n favor of the Same.
Sixth. Send the Councila proper order di-
recting the work to be don..
Yeoe—Ald. Blom, Bock, Bickel, Cullen, Con-
ley, Fisher, Gehn, Ktor„,
Mines, Melody, Pratt, Sanborn. Sullivan,
Yoerg, Mr. Pesldenl-16.
Approved June 8, 1889.
By Ald. Cause—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of grading Fourteenth street,
from Canada street to Broadway, be and the
same is hereby referred to the Board of Public
Works to investigate and report:
First. Ie this Improvement proper and nee
Second. Give the Council as estimate of the
Sri? is
and state whether oa -balf of
the cost thereof ie to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be ... eased for said
provement be found benefited to the extent
)[ damages, coat. and expense. nooessary to be
. reed thereby.
Fourth. Is Such improvement asked for u0pon
me petition or application f the o re 1it
majority otthe property to be assessed for such
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
laid improvement, as required by law, if you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council .proper order di
. -
recting the work to be done.
Youe—Aid. Blom, Book, Bickel, Cullen, Con
ley, Fisher, Genn, Kavanagh, Leitb.... r,
Mine', Melody, Pratt Sanborn, Sullivan,
Yoerg, Mr. Presidnt-16.
Approved June 8, 1889.—
By Aid. Leithnueor—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
Df the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of opening, wId and
eension of Burnes e, from Sock trust
to K .... rd Street, be and the anme is hereby
referred to the Board of Public Work. to Invea
tigato and report:
First. Is this improvement proper and nee-
..Second. Give the Council n estimate of In.
pense thereof. and atete whether one-half of
the coat thereof is to be paid Into the City
Treasury before the contract Is let.
Third. Can real estate to be....Seed for
said Improvement be found benefited to the ex
otDerebyPf times
and expenses necessary
Fourth. Is such Improvement asked for
upon the petition or application of the owners
of a majority of In, property to be assessed far
su.h improvement,
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said Improvement as required by law, if you
report In favor of same.
Sixth. Send the Council It properarderdi
racting the work to be done.
Yens—Ald. Blom, Book, Bickel, Cullen, Con
ley. Fisher, Gen... Rev..— Leithauser,
Milan, Melody, Pratt nboe, Sullivan,
Yoerg, Mr. President—la.
Approved June 8, 1889.
Hy 1. Sullivam—
oflthe Cfty o[ SG red
u1Dy the Common Council
That the matter of building newer on Get
reity avenue and along Lynnhur.t to
Feronlo avenue: thence along Feroula.vonuo
Prior: thence along Prior .venue to
Carroll street: thence along Carroll street to
Moore avenue; thence along Moore avenue to
Marshall avenue; thence along Marshall
river, to be paid out of
bond tuna, bo and the same fa Hereby to
feared to the Board of Public Work. to m estl-
gate and report:
First. Is this improvement proper and nee.
essi ry?
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expcuao thereof, and state whether one-half
of the coat thereof Is to be paid Into the City
Treasury before the contract Is let.
Third. Can real ..tate to be ..eased for sold
dnm.gee, costs anement be d De expennefited ses necessary the essary to
Fourth. Ie such Improvement asked for
or majority upo. the
of the applirtylto be .ase sed foZno,r
such improvement'
Fifth. Send the Council a pin or profile of
.aid lmpeuvemont as required by law, if you
report in favor of the enure.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di-
recting the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Bock, Bickel, Cullen, Con-
ley, Fisher, (Johan, Kavanagh, Leithnuser,
Mines, Malady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Yoerg,
Mr. Peeldnt-16.
Approved June & 1889.
By Aid. Gehan—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of change of grade on Penn -
Sylvania avenue, from Missisaippl street to
Jaeksou (or at any point within said limit.),
be and the a Is hereby -1,-,dto
the Board of Public Works to investigate and
First. Is this Improvement proper and use-
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and stato whetherone-half
of the coat thereof Is to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real '.tate to be assessed for said
Improvement be found benefited to the es -
tont of ..magge Seats
and expenaee .......ry
to be mat rre thoroby4
Fourth. I. such Improvement asked for
open the f a mmeriityi off the on or prolperty to Iheeo ownersadd
for sue)i Improvement? aeaeeao
c of
saidth. improvemend ent, nthe Cas requireouncil a d by lasa or w, Iflyou
report in favor of the anme.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di.
recting the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Blom. Book, Bickel, Cullen,
Conley, Fisher, Gabon, Kavanagh, Leithnuser,
"men. Melody, Pett Sanborn, Sullivan,
Yoerg. Mr. President -16.
Approved June 8, 1889.
By Ald. Conley—
it I. horny ordered by the Common Council
)f the City of St. Paul:
Th., thec and
tending of Sixth streetpelm RoaaDel nut street
to Broadw.y, taking and condemning each
Creperty Ctiou between 31a th ce street .at
Brondw.y and Sixth street we.t of Ro.abel
street, be and the same IS hereby referred to
the Board of Public Works to investigate and
First. Is this Improvement proper and use.
esSecond. Give the Council an estimate of
the expense thereof, and state whether one-
half of the cost thereof Is to be paid Into the
City Treasury before the contract IS let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
said Improvement be found benefited to the
extent of damage., emse
costs Had exps neces-
sary to b.Incurrbd thereby?
Fourth. Is such Improvment asked for upon
the petition or applicatio. of the ow.e f o
un� rity of the property to be assessed for
.b Improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council a plan Or profile of
said fmppr ems t, as required by law, if you
report in favor of the ea
Sixth. Send rho Council a proper ardor di-
recting the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Bock Bickel, Cullen, Con
ley, Fisher, Gansu, Kavanagh, Lcithausor,
Mines, Malady, Pratt, Sanbom,Sullivan.Yoerg,
Mr. President. -16.
Approved June 8,18N.
III. Is hereby ordered by the Comm.. Counell
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of opening Rondo street,
between Lexington avenue and Griggs street,
be and the same is hereby referred to the
Board of Public Works to investigate and re-
First. Is this improvement proper and nec-
Second. Give the Council an estlenum of the
expense thereof, and state whether one-half of
the coat thereof is to be paid Into the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
.old Improvement be [Ound benefited to the
extent o[ aamag.s, coats a expenses necee
cry to be Incurred thereby?
. Fourth. Ie Such improvemnt asked for upon
the petition or application of the owner of a
am larity of the property to be assessed for
Lh improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or prodlo of
improvement, are required by law, 1[ you
report In favor of the .,me.
Sixth. Send the Council o proper order dl-
rectmg the work to be done.
Yeas— Aid. Blom, Bonk, Bickel, Cullen,
Conley, Fisher, Gabs¢, KulO..grnh, LeBlm ser,
Me., Melody, Pratt Sanbo, Sullivan;
Yoerg, Mr. Presidnt-16.
Approved June 8, 1869.
of the report of the Board of
e dated June 4, 1889.'
lemd by the Common Council or
d of Public Works of said City
,boll bepined under contract Bald Board shall
proceed without delay to assess tae ¢mount are
nearly are they can ascertain the same, which
will be required to Cay the Cost and necessary
the ...real gestnto to be _`
benefited ¢ Dy
Said Improvement, are provided by Isw;
Itbeing the opinloa o[ the Council that real es-
tate to be s.sesaed for sash improvement can
are foam, benefited to the extent of the cost
and expenses necessary to be incurred there-
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Book, Bickel, Cullen. Con-
ley. Fisher, Gehon, Kavanagh, Lmth... er.
Mlnea, Iaelady, Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan,
Yoerg, Mt. Preadnt-16.
Approved June 8. 1889,
Street, be and the same Is hereby referred to
the Board of Public Works to investigate and
First Is this improvement proper .nd nen
Second. Give the Council an eetimste of the
expense the � cost theroofis m and tbee whether
paid into the one-half
Treasury before the contract 1. let.
Third. Can real estate to be .s.sned for
Said improvement De found benefited to the
extent of damages, oasts sad expenees necee
s.ry to be Incurred thereby?
Fourtb. Is such improvementasked for upon
mc. petition or application f the owners of s
ajority o[ the property to be assesaod for such
Fifth. Send the Coueoll a plea or profile at
Bald (mprovemont, ns requirod by law, If you re.
port In favor of the Same.
Send the Council a proper order di
noting the work to be done.
yYyeas—Ald. Blom, Hock, Bickel, Cullen, Con-
Minea' FsherMelodyy.. Praab tt, SanborosSullivanLeil, Yoerg,
Mr. President— -
Approved June 8, 1889.
By Aid. Malady
it Is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of grading Congress street.
from Cambridge street to Brown ovanue,b. and
the some is hereby referred to the Bard of
Public Works to investigate and report:
First. Is this improvement proper and nae
Second. Give the Council an estimate ottbe
expense thereof, and state whether one -halt of
the cost thereof is to be paid into the Clty
Treasury before the contract Is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
said Improvement be found benefited to the
extent of damages, coats and expenses neees
eery to be incurred thereby?
Fourth Is such improvement aakad for
pon the petition or opplioatiou o[ the owners
of a majority of Lbe property to be assessed fol
such Improvementf
Fifth. Send the Council a pISO or profile o'.
said imp rovement, as required by law, 1I yoc
report in favor of the some.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order df
ratting the work to be done.
Yese—Ald. Blom, Soak, Bickel, Cullen, Con
ley, Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh„ Lelthauser
Mines, Melody, Pratt, Sanborn. Sullivan
Yoerg, Mr. Presidant-16.
Approved June 8, 1889.
By Aid. Gehna—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Counci
of the City of St. Paul:
That the mutter of grading Fourteenth streel
from Canada street to Broadway, be and tb
same I. hereby referred to the Board of Publi
Works to Investigate and report:
First. Is this improvemeut proper and net
Second. Give the Council an estimate of th
expense thereof, and state whether one-half c
the cost thereof le to be paid tato the Cit
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be aesesaed for said
mprovemont be found benefited to the extent
f damages, costa and expanses necessary to be
acurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such improvement naked for upon
he petition or application of rho owe.. of a
aojority of the property to boassessed for such
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
aid improvement, as required by low, if you
eport in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di -
acting the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Book, Bickel, Cullenith, Co.
Hf➢en, sMelady h Pratt,a 9anb rn,LeBullI,
voerg, Mr. PreBitenir16.
Approved June 8, 1889•.
3y Ald. Lelthauser—
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council
if the City of St. Paul:
That the mutter of openf% widening and
"tension of Burne avenue, Irom Hock_ treat
LO Kunri.rd be and the same Is
verred to the rBoard of Public Works to loves
.te cad report:
First. Is this improvement proper and nen
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof. and state whether one-half of
the cost thereof is to be paid In w the
Treasury before the contract fe let.
Third. Can real estate to be .ssessed for
Bald improvement be found benefited to the ex-
tent of damages. costs and expenses necessary
to be incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such improvement asked for
upon the petition or application of the owners
of o majority of the property to be assessed for
such Improvementf
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profllc of
said Improvement, as required by law, if you
report in favor of Bame.
Sixth. Send the Council a properorderdi-
recting the work to be done.
Yens—Ald. Blom, Bock, Hinkel, Cullen, Con
leyy. Fisher, GebSn. Kevanogh, Lelthauser,
Mines, Malady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Yoerg, Mr. President --16.
Approved June 8, 1889.
By Aid. Sulllvan—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That Lhe matter of building ➢sewer on UnI
vemity avenue and along Lynnburst avenue to
Feronia avenue: thence atong Feront. avenue
W Prior; thence along P for avenue to
Carroll street: Lhonce along Carroll atreot to
Moore avenue; thence .long Moore avenue to
Marshall avenue; thence along Marshall
to the Mississippi river, Io be paid out of
sewer bond fund, be and the same le hereby re-
ferred to the Board of Public Works to Investi-
gate and report:
Ffret. Is this Improvement proper and nen
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expenas thereof, and state whether ..e-h.if
of the coait
thor. is•to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract Is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assumed for said
Improvement be found benefited m the extent
of' costs and expenses necessary to
be Incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such Improvement asked for
upon the petition or application of the owners
of a majority of the property to be assessed for
such Improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said Improvement, as required by law, If you
report In favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order dl-
recting the work to be done.
Yess—Ald. Blom, Book, Bickel, Cullen, Con.
ley, Fisher, Gahan, Kavanagh, Lelthauser,
Mines, Malady, Pratt, $unborn, Su111van,Yoerg,
Mr. Prosldent-16.
Approved June 8, 1889.
By Ald. Gehnn—
It IS hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matterof change of grade on Penn-
sylvania avenue, from Missi.elppl street to
Jackson (or at any point within Bald limits).
be Sod the some is hereby referred to
the Board ofPublic Works to Investigate and
Fir". Is this improvement proper and nec-
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether one-half
of the cost thereof Is to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract Is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for said
improvement be found benefited to the ex.
tont of dam�gea, sad expenees a ... B cry
to be Incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such Improvement asked for
non the petition or applPaatton of the owners
of u
jortty of rho property W be assessed
fo .uoh improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said improvement, as required by law, If you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di
recting the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, (lock, Bickel. Cullen,
Conley, Fisher, Geban, Kavanagh, Lelthauser,
Mfnea, MaladyPratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Yoerg, Mr. Pre.ident-16.
Approved June 8, 1889.
By Aid. Conley—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
rf the Clty o[ St. Paul:
That the matterofthe opening, widening and
extending of Sixth street, from Rosabol street
to Broadway, taking and condemning such
property as may be ne..Bs.ry to make an
easy connection between Sixth street east of
Broadwayand Sixth street weSt of Rosabol
street, be nad
the I. hereby referred to
the Boara of Public Works to investigate nad
First. IS this improvement proper and nee.
Second. Give the Council an estimate of
the expense thereof, and state whether one-
hnlf of the coat thereof Is to bepaid Into the
City Treasury before the contract Is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for',
said Improvement be found be...Wd to the
extent of damage., costa and expenses neces-
sary to be Incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such Improvesent asked for upon
the petition or application of the owners of a
majority of the property to be assessed for
such improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council alan or profile of
said impprovement, as requirod by law, If you
report Sn favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order dt-
rooting the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Bock, Bickel, Cullen, Con-
ley, Fisher, Gehna,, Loitbauser,
Mine., Malady, Pratt, Sanborn,Sallivan.Yoerg,
Mr. President. -16.
Approved June S. 1888.
By Alt. Sanborn .
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of openingg Rondo street,
between Lexington avenue a ed Griggs street,
be and Lha nine is hereby referred to the
Board of Public Works to Investigate and re.
Fist. Is this Improvement proper and nec-
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether one-half of
the cost thereof is
to be paid into the City
Treasury before the to m let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
Said Improvement be found bonefited to the
axle at of damagae, cost. sad expense. neoee-
sary to be incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such improvement naked for upon
the petition or application of the ow.en of .
majority of the property to be as.eseed for
Such improvement?
Fifth. and the Council a plan or profile of
sold Improvement, as required by law, If you
report in favor of the ..Mo.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di-
recting the work to be done.
Yen.— Aid. Blom, Book, Bickel, Cullen,
Conley, Fisher, (;.ban, Kavanagh, Lelthauser,
Minea, Malady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Yoerg, Mr. President -16.
Approved June 8, 1188.
of tae report of the Board of
a dated June 4, 1888.
iered by the Common Council of
t. Poul•
ird of Public Works of said City
to be
nearly as tney can aeoertam ins Same, which
will be required to pay the cost and necessary
expenses of such improvement upon
the real estate to be benefited by
Said Improvement, ae provided by law;
it being the opinion of the Council that real es-
tate to be assessed for such Improvement can
be fount benefited to the extent of the coat
and expenses necessary to be Incurred there.
Yeas—Aid. IIlom, Book, Hlokeh Cullen. Coa-
ley, Ftaher. GeIInn, Kavanagh, L Ahauser.
Mines, laelady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Yoerg, Mr. President -16.
Approved June S. 1888.
In the -'it' r of the report of the Board of coat being n first paid infter aid k »hell Cbe placeTransd
Public Woks dated May 31, 1866. Cry, e
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of under mittuct said Board shall proceed
the City of SL. Paul without delay to assess the amount, as nearly
That the Board of Public Works of the City as they can ascertaIn the same. which will be
of Saint Pnul "use LDe following improve- required W pay the coat d
e t to be made. to-wft: Open• widen and ex- sory expenses of such lmprovement pen the
tad Pege street Izty (60) feet wide, from reel estate to De ben fited by said ImPI I n
Stryker " a BW in.low• e, in . id t, a. provided by law. ft being LDe .P, neon
city, condemning and taking all %"t land be f the Council that real estate to be assessed
tween Stryker "venue and Winslow avenue.not for such +mprovament can be found benefited
beady condemned or dodtcuted for public use• to the extent o[ Lha stand expenses nee
]wyleg within the Iinea of .strip .fxtdy senI feet essary to be Incurred thereby.
1d0, the north line of wince atriyy hall be the Yeas—Ald. Blom. Book, Bickel, Cullen, Oon
south line of lot 10.SmIBI & M.rtivs rearrsnge ley, Fisher, Gahan, Kavanagh, I.elthnuaHr.
e hof block Ieq West SI. Paul Propder, 1I Mines, Melody. Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivn.
produond westerly to Winslow o — 11 L Yoerg. Mr. P_A+ Imt-16.
he "Dove described land being in rho city of SL Approved June & 1886.
Paul,Mineaoe. Thst said Board aDall proceed
without delay to asses the amount. as
nearly as they can ascertain the Boge., which
will be required to pay the item" Prone In the atter of the Porta [the Board f
Cod necessary expenses f h im gAb.B.. Works dated May 3. 1889, and May 31,
upon the real eat.' m bo benefited by Itl88
id lmprovemnt, ns provided Dy law: it bildndg It i. hereby ordered Dy the Common Council of
the opinion o[ the Couacil tD"L I the City of SL. Paul:
eemt. to be assessed for such impioveme¢t Thnt the Board o[ Pu bile Works o[ said City
can be found benefited to the extent o[ LDe dam f St. Paul esus. the following improvement
ages. costs and expenses nso...ary to be in- to be made, W.wit: Conatrnetsewer
curved thereby. Bickel, Cullen, Con Sibley a est. from Ninth street W Tenth
Yeas—Aid. Blom, Dock, street, and on Lyon Court, from Sibley treat
lyy^ Fis(Mer, Gehpn K"vanngh, Leftheuaer, Lo "point 150 feet easy of tae eaefi Tine o*etaid
Bellivan, _ ___ .,,ear w� m
let by contrast, provided by law, too
In the matter of the port I Lhe Board of ase -hal[ the ettm"tad cot being flret paid
Public Works dated Jun Q 1880. Into the City Treasury ase atter id rk
It 1s hereby ordered by the Common Counetl shall be placed oder trot sold Board
[Lhe City
of Bt. Paul: shall proceed without delay m asses the
That the Board of Publlo Work. of said City cunt, as rip they can ascertain
OfSL Paul enso the following improvement tOe so ' wfill e e re tired W pay too
to De ode, town: Grmle Iglehart street, Cost cad necessary p e. I Ch fm -
from Snelling avenue to Lahra .venue, in alit prevenient po the reel tate to be be-e-
•ity. That said Board aux- said work to filed by aid improvement, qs provided by
De let by contract, as provided by low, without law; it being the opinion of the CoueoH that
real o.tnte to be assessed for such Improve
one bolt the estimated cost being ,rat paid tato mat can be found benefited to the extent of
the City Treasury, and after said work shall be the coat Cod expenses necessary to be in-
pinced under. Contract said Board shall pro urred thereby.
Geed without delay to ass... toe amount, as
nearly as they can ascertain LDe same, which Yoas—Ald. Blom, Bock, Bickel, Cullen, Con
will be required to pay the cost and ley. Fisher, Gabon,, Leithauser,
necessary expenses Otto lmprovemnt upon Mines, Malady, Pratt, Sanborn, 9ullivnn,
the real ascot. to be benefited by said Im Yoerg, Mr. Frost ant -16.
as provided by law; It being the Approved June 8, 1889.
pinion of the Council that real estate Io be
assessed for such Improvement calf be found —
botefited a the extent of the cost and ex-
penses neceesory a bo Incurred tbereby. In toe matter of the report of the Hoard of
Yana—Aid. Blom, Hock, Bickel, Cullen. Con- Public Werke deed June f, 1889.
Jay, Fisher. Gahan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, It ie horny ordered by the Common ConC11
Minea, Melsdy, Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan, fththety of dtofPubllp Werke .[said City
Yoerg, Mr. Presfdont-18. Th.
Approved June 8. 1889. f S4 Paul cause the following improvement
W be made, Lo -wit: Grade Palace treat,
Victoria .treat to Pleasant ovnue,
That saidBoardcan., said work to be let by
In the iter Of the eport Of the Board Of tr timated cost Damgby lafltret pull [laic the City
Public Works dnted Jun $ 1889, ly n
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council Of Treneu d alter Haid o k Prot Be y1"ced
the City of St. Paul: under c.ntroet said Board shall ed Ith-
TDat tae Board of Yubllc Works oI said City Out delay to assess the amen t, nearly ea
of Bt. Paul cntse the following Smpro emnt they can ascertain the a me, which will be r.
W be ode, to -wit: Grade to a partial grade .aired to payathe coat and neCeseary exile
Mlmehnon strep[. from De Soto treat to a f such imp vement upon the real estate t.
Int lie feet weer of the west line of Arkwrigkt De bpn6ted by ,said i pP ion of the Couas ncil that
treat, in said city. That .aid Hoard cause .aid b Hf"ty; it ng
the o 1
work to Ao let by contract, .s provided r testate to be assessed for a h imP'Ov.
by law, without one -hal[ the estimated ment can be found boneflted to the eaten[ o�
tho cost snit expenses necessary to be incurred to be made, to -wit: Construct a sewer on Sixth
thereby. street, from Hope street to Maple street, In
Ye¢s—Ald. Blom, Bock, Bickel, Cullen. Con. said City,, together with the necessary
ley, Fisher, Gabon. Kavanagh. Lelthauser, catch-bes, us and manholes. That said Board
Mines. Malady, Pratt, Sanborn. Sullivan, close said work to be let by contract, Dd Pro-
Yoerg. Mr. President -16. vided by law, without one-half the estimated
Approved Juue 8, IMP. Cost being first paid Into the City Treasu ¢ ,and
after said work shall be pllacedut der contract
eaid d Board shell procea ea -
In the matter Of the report of the Board of Pub se the amount, as nearly a. they u¢ ua
tic Works dated June 1. 1886. Lain the enme,whfah will be required to pay the
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council coat sad no..
asiyedozppMna.. of u ❑ Improve
I the Cit yy of St. Paul: m t apo¢ the 1 Lata to be Devafited Dy
That the Board of Public Works of said City aid J, ns provido. by low; IL being
o[ St. Paul cause the fall, ng
improvement the opinion of the Council that raslestaeto be
be made, Btu -wit: Construct e w ae.sotl for such improvement " be found
.Bops tract, from Sovovth street to Sfzin benefited to the extent of the cost and ax pones
street, It lit city, together with Lhe ..... necessary to be hour therebyy
as ry oatub-badin8 and manholes. Yoae—Aid. Blom, Hock, Hlekol, Cullen.
That said Board cans. Haid work to be let by Conloy, F1"her, Gabon. Kavanagh. Leithauser.
... traot, .s provided by law, without a hal[ Mtnva, Melody, Proit, Sanborn. Sullivan,
too tlmutgd t Doing first Poid Into the Yoerg, Mr. President -10.
City Treasury• nod after said
work shelf be Approved June 8. 1889.
placed under otrnt said Board shall pro -
ed without delay to n.ens a the amount, as
nearly as they can c Lain thea ems, which In the matter of the eport of the Board of
will be required to pay thoe omst Cod ase a rY public Works, dated Are
34, 1689
ex a.aea f ah he _,=t t upon the ran' IL le hereby ordered by the Common Council
—tat, to bo be..fileil ey Coln improvement , f the City of St. Paul:
Pr reit t d D'elow alt being the opids-dldoe [the That the Board of Public Work. 01 the City
Co it that al state m be ed for of St. Paul c use the following improvement
such improvement can be found benefited to to ba made, oto -wit: Construct "ewer on
the extent of the cost and espenaee necessary TemPoronce street, from Norris street to
incurred thereby. Thirteevth street, 1¢ a td city, tog Chet Ith
Yeo.—Aid. Blom. Bock, BI.kel, Cullen, Con- the n.c tat, oatoh be.ina and mW= lea. That
Icy, F1aDer. Gahan, linvsnugh. "iths=' avid board cause .¢lit work m be let Dv -
Mivoa, Malady, Platt. SnnDoro, Sullivan, tract, ae pprovided by law, without one-half the
Yoerq, Mr. Yrealtleat—Is. oatim"t.d' ...I being first paid i¢to the city
Approved June 8, law. treasury, and offer Bald k hell bo placed
under contract, safd I[oatd.hall Proveed with-
in the matter of tho report f the Board of t delay to sae Lha emco t, rly as
PnbBC Works dated June 1, 18iJ9. they can a.cortata the some, which will be re -
IL is hereby ordered by the Common Counetl of oxpao a.uAred of [Hoch Linen coat tnupoa the real
the Cltyof St. Paul: saute to be benefited by said Imaprovemnt,a.
JoelToot the Board of Public Works of said City provided by law; it bell g the pf"ion of the
Yuul cause the following improvement Council that real estate to be _..ed for such
m be made• lo -wit: Construe' a .ower on Smith¢t Co. be found benefited to the ex -
e. from Folpes ave- . to West Seventh Tont of the coat and expenses.e0easary to be
street, I. said city together with the nece.. Incurred thereby.
sory cntchbosine and manholes. Yeas—Aid. Blom, Bock, Bickel, Cullen. Con -
That said Board cause said work to be let by ley, F1sDer, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mless,
contract, ae provided by law, without one half Malady. Pratt, Suabore Sullivan, Yoerg. Mr.
the estimated cost being first paid into IIIc Prosident—I5.
(,Yty Treasury, end after Haid k WWII be Nay.—Ald. Gehn-1.
ploced under said Board shall proceed Approved June & 1889.
without delay to ue.a.. the amount, as nearly as
they can ascertain the same, to will be re-
quired to pay the cost and necessary expenses
of such Improvemeat to the e,tnt *.111,1-1 In the matter of the report of the Board of
per foot upon the real estate e Public Work. dated Juno I. 1889.
bene,ed by said impprovement, an provided by It i" hereby ordered by the Common Council of
law; it beteg the up I.. of the Couacil that the Cltyof St. all:
tnent ca. be
to b nefl ed to.. be assessed for sthe eatuch entvof of StaPaul Bcau a the following rkimpfrov imold provement
yii5 per foot toward. the Coat and ozpenee9 m be made, to -wit: Construct a sewer n Con -
to be incurred thereby. way- street, from Maple "treat to Matta
necessary Yens—Aid. Blom. Bock. Bickel, Cullen, ev uta In "aid fly, together with the
Conley, Fisher. Gahan, Kavanagh, Lalener, ease u VII basins and manDolea., Matatly. Pratt. Snboro, Sullivan, That id Boatel also Id work to
Yoerg, Mr. Pres+dent—le. one-half the call, aid `db IngsBreE paid
Approved Suno & 1@91. into the City Treasury, and after aid work
- shall be
placed der tract .aid Board
shall proceed without delay to asses the
In the matter f the report of the Board of amount. as nearly w they a.a ase -
Publie Works dated June 1, IM9. Lain the same, hich will be required
IL is hereby ordered by the Common Council to pay Lhe oust an necessary
Of the City of St. Paul: expenses of such lmprovemnt upon the
That the Baard of Public Works of said City real estate W be benefited Dy said improve.
oI St. the
cause the following improvement ment, as provided by law: it being the opinion
of the Council that real estate to be assessed for
euoh improvement can be found benefited to
the extent of the cost and expenses neces
Bary to be Incurred thereby.
Yeas-AId.Blom, Bock. Bickel, Cullen, Con.
ley, Fisher, Gehan, Kavmngh, Laithausor.
Mines, Melady, Pratt, Benham, Sullivan,Y
Mr. President -16.
Approved June 8, 1886.
of the Board of
Common Council
Of the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of eaid City
of St. Paul cause the following Improve-
ment to be made, to -wit: Construct nn
on Third street, from Maple street to Ar
cede street, In said city, together with the
necessary cutch basins and manholes. That
said Board cause said work to be let by
contract, .s provided by law, without
one-half the estimated cost being first paid
Into the City Treasury, and atter said
work -ball DB placed under contract
aid Board shall proceed without delay
to assess the
.Mo.. 's nearly os
they can ascertain the same, which will be
required to pay the cost and nece.sary ex.
pauses of .uch improvement apo. the real as
tate to be benefited by said improvement. ae
preened by low; It being he opinion of the
Counell that real estate to be assessed for
such improvement can be found benefited to
the extent of the cost and expenses necessary
to be Incurred thereby.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Book, Bickel. Cullen, Can.
,By, Fisher. Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Mine., Mel.dy,Pmtt, Sanborn Sullivan, Yoerg,
Mr, President -40.
Approved June 8, 1889.
In the matter of the report of the Board of Pub
If. Worksdated June 8, 1889.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Work. of said City
of St. Paul cause the following Improvement
to be made, to.wlt: Construct a sewer on Bum
street, from Minnehaha street to Fauquter
street: thence on Fauquier street to the right
of way of the Chicago, St. Paul, Mtnneapohe ffi
Omaha Railway Company; thence along
the southerly line of said right of way to Trout
Brock, In said City, together with the nee .... rye
and manholes, said sewer,.n Lo be
done under one contract. That said Board
said work to be let by Coa-, ae Crovted by II without one-
hnlf the stim.ted coat being first paid
Into the Clty Treasury. and after aid work
shall be placed under contract sad Board shall
proceed without delay to assess the amount, as
nearly as they can ascertain tit same, which
will be required to pay the cast and ...c'B.ry
expenses of such Improvement, to the
extent of dl.^., per foot upon the real c
tate to be benefited by said improvement, us,
provided by
law: It being the opinion of hn
Council that
real estate
to be asees.ed for each
Improvement can be found benefited to the ex-
tent of 81.75 per toot towards the cost and ex- nacossaryLo be incurred thereby.
Yea. -Aid. Blom, Bock, Bickel, Cullen, Con
ley, Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Mines, Melady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Yoerg, Mr. President -16.
Approved June 8, 1889.
In the mat: or of the report of the Board of
Public Works dated May 81, 1889.
It la hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of said City
of St. Paul cause the following Improvement
to be made, to wit: Grade to a partial grade
the westerly hall of White Bear avenue, from
the center line of Keller street to the center
Line of Central avenue, In said City, so as to
conform to that part of said White Bear
avenue now graded. That said Board
cause said work to be let by contract, as pro
vided by law, without one-half the estimated
coat help
q first paid Into the City Treasury,and
after sold work shall be placed under contract
said Board shall proceed without delay to as
seas the amount, as nearly ns they ca, 'soar.
talo the same, which will be required :o pay
the cost and necessary expenses of such Im-
providedstate tobby law, it
beingthe opfnlon of the Council that real
asitia to be assessed ter such Improvement
can be f...d benefited to the extent of
the cost and expenses necessary to be in-
curred thereby.
Yens-Ald. Blom, Bock. Bickel, Cullen, Con
ley, Fisher, Gehan. Kavanagh, Lelhauser.
Mine', Melady. Pratt, Sa.bor,, Sullivan.
Yoerg, Mr. PresldenL-16.
Approved June 8, 1889.
In the matter of the reports of the Board of
Public Works doted Oct. 2. 1888, and Juno e,
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul.
That the Hoard of Public Works of said City
of St. Paul cause the foliowl'gg improvement
to be made, to -wit: Grade Be- -finer ay..ue,
from Univeralty avenue m Hersey street, and
Hersey -trust, from Bernheimer avenue to
Ellis street, In said city, said grading to be
done under one contract.
That said Board cause said work to be let by
contract. as provided by law, without no -half
he ostim'ted oost being first paid Into the Olty
Treasury, unit after said work hall be, lased
under contract Bald Board shall proceed with
out delay to awes- the ...not, as early as
they can .ecer[aln ho same, which will be re
quired m pay the cost and necessary expenses
of each improvement upon the real estate to
be Uenetlted Dy said improvomnnt, os provided
by law: It bel ng he opinion of the Council that
rent estate to be assessed for such Improve-
ont can be found benefited to the extent of
the coat and expenses necessary to. he incurred
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Bock, Bickel, Cullen, Con
ley, Fisher, Geban, Kavanagh. Leithauser,
Mitten, Malady, Pratt; Sanborn,Sailty .Yoe[,^,.
Mr. President -16.
Approved June & 1869.
In the matterof the report o( the Board of
Public Works dated June d. 1889.
It is
hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of said City
of St. Paul cause the following Improvement
to be made, to wit: Grade County rood,
from Langford avenue to Dooley ....ue:
Dooley avenue, from County road to Gibbs
avenue, and Knopp street, from Langford eve
nue to Gibbs avenue.using the surplus material
on said Improvement in filling in lot around
oirayin'building, n said Ddgradg to be neunder ...
contract. That said Board oauee said work to
be let by eontmet us provided by law, without
one hair the estimated coat being first paid
into said [he work Cls ❑ all Tr beeryand after
placed under
contract said Board shall proceed with.
out delay to ----Be the amount, as nearly
bas e threquired Can ascertain to ete the Name. cost and will
necessary expense- of such Improvemeut span
the real estate to be benefited by enid im
ppinbneof�the nt asCouo ild he
hat real estate tolaw; It being be
assessed for such Improvement can be found
benefited to the extent of the coat
.ad expenses n ...... ry to be incurred
Yens-Ald. Blom, Book, B1oltel,Culleu,Conley,
Fisher, GPratt, Sanborn, an. KavanaghSullivan. Yoorgi Mr.
Approved Juno & 1889.
In he matter of the report of he Board o1
Public Work. dated June 1, 1 .
It Is hereby ordered by he Common Coup -
SI of the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Pubb, Works of sod City
of St. Paul cause the following improvement
m be made, to wit: Grade Hope .treat. from
Mtnnehs street to Fourth street, In said
ity. That said Board cause said work to be let
by contract, as provided by law, without one-
half the estimated cost being first paid into the
Citplaced under c ntrre tltxdrd uBoardrk hull Ilbe
ceod without delay to assess the amount.
nearly as they sun ascertain the -ume, which
will be required to Pay the coat and necessary
each improvedrent upon the reestate te be pt
provided by law It bcenefited ingethe aid IDV nlon of Improvement
Council that real e. to
to be assessed for
such improvome.t can be, found benefited to
the extent of the coat and. exponse. necessary
......rre. t.......
Yeas - Aid. Blom. Bock, Bickel, Cullen,
Conley, Fi.hcr. Gehan. Lelh.uxer.
Mine., Melxdy, Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan,
Yoerg, Mr. Yroxldent-16.
Approved Juno 8. 18W.
In he matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works dated May 61. 1".
it is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
Gist City
of St. Paul:
That the Herd of Public Works f he City
of St. the
cause ho following I. pro -snout
Cirticeas[be reoc xixty�U)n feet winand
Hall areuue and Goff avenue, in said city, co.
demning and taking all Lout land between
Hall avenue and Gort uvenuo, not already Can
damned or dedicated for public u.o, lying
chin the linos of a strip sixty 160) toot wide.
the north line of which strip shall be the south
line of lot I block "A,' J.ckson and Bid
well's addition to West St. Paul, if produced
easterly to Gort avenue, %II 1 rho .,love de
scribed Innd being In the City of St. Paul,
Mlnne-oh. That said Board shall proceed
without delay to assess the amount, as nearly
as they can ascertain the same, which will be
required to pay the damages, costs and neces-
sary expenses of suah improvement upon the
real estate to be benefited by said improve-
ment, as provided by law; it being the opinion
of the Council that real estate to be assessed
for such Improvement can be found benefited
to the extent of the damages, costa and ex.
pensee necessary to be incurred thereby.
Yens-Ald. Blom, Book, Le
Bickel, Cullen,
Cooley, Fisher, Gehan, Kav'.agh, ithauser,
Mine., Melady. Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan
Yoerg• Mr. President -19.
Approved June 8, 1889.
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works dated June 1, 1889.
It 1n hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Work. of said City
of St. Paul cause the following improvement
[n he made. -wit: Construct a sewer on
.aid Board
estimated cost being first paid Into the Clty
Treasury, and after said work shell be placed
under contract; said Board shall proeeod ith-
out delay to nese.. the %mount, as nearly as
they can ""T"he; s%me, "'a'will be
quired to pay the Dost and-eceas%ry expenses
of such improvement up.. the rent estate to be
benefited by staid improvement,'. provided by
I.w; It being he opinlo. o1 the C. ucil that
real estate to be assessed for euoh improve-
montcan be found benefited to the ..feet
of the
coat and expenses necessary to be incurred
Yens-Ald. Blom, Bock. Bickel, Cullen, Con
ley, Fisher, Gehan. Kavanagh, Leih%user.
Mine., Melady. Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan,
Yoerg. Mr. President -I6.
Approved June 8, 1889.
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works dated June' IB(i9.
It Is hereby ordered byline Comma. Council of
Lko City of Suint Paul:
That the Board oI Public Works o1 aid City
of Sol Paul
cause the fallowing Improvement
to be made, to -wit: Extend the Trout brook
sower ton feet northerly from Its present ter
minus above Lafayette avenue, being part of a
main sower, t. said efty.'
old work to be let by
That said Board cause s
contract, as provided by law, the cost and nea-
es..ry expenaos of such improvement to be
paid from the bond fund. [hero being
no assessable property.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Bock, Bickel, Culla.. Con -
l. , Fisher, Gehan, Knv... gh. Lbfth'user,
Mine.. Melady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan.
T1108. A. P,ENDERGAST, Ulty
A,go,irnrd Meeting.
SxPAU4 Juno i, 186'9, 7:AJ -'.look P.
Council mat purou..t to djournment.
Vice President Year! In the ehutr.
Present -Aid. Blom, Bock, Blekel, Cullen,
Conley, Fleher. Gehan. Kavanagh, Lelthaueer,
Mice', Malady, Sanborn, Bull van, Mr. Vice
President -14.
Aid. Gotten moved that Council go into exec-
utive session for discussion of question of dls.
position of refuse.
Council went Into executive session and after
some time spent therein continued business in
opal session, Vice President Yoerg in the
From H. A. Fleischmann—Additional Propost
Lica, Disposition of Refuse—
To the Honorable the President and Common
Gentlemen: I propose, in addition to my
progrr agetiand deed anima�la' not Collect
collected by the
SL DDPaul Sanitation Company from the let of
October, ISTD, until "as 15, 1890, in accd[dance
with the ordinances of the city and Be directed
by the Board of Health, free of charge to any
one, and In case the St. Paul Sanitation Com-
pany fails to
with the remove.
c datedoMay15. IBM by 1
City888, the
materials therein described that or. not gar-
bage, I will remove the same at the price and
on the terms therein Provided and in accord -
.ties with the ordinances of the city until June
16, 1890.
The above is now a part of my proposition of
May 2% 1889, and I will give bonds to peform
this bid Satisfactory to the Council if desired.
June 7, 1889.
Accepted. (See resolution.)
By Aid. Yoerg—
R Ived, That the bid of H. A. Fleischmann,
dated May 20, 1889, Be(amended by said Fleisch
mnnn'e proposition, dated June 7, 1889), for Lhe
"I.. and treatment of R.rb. sad dead
'mal. a...rding to the Merz y�tem, be and
the same ie hereby accepted, and that tae Cor-
poration Attorney be and to hereby Instructed
to draw oonto°t between the ciy tl id
Fleischmann pursuant o aidam.nded bid.
in° that
to exec ie said contra°. e.raey
Yeas--Ald. Blom, Bock. Bickel, Cullen, Con
to Fi.har, Gehan, Knv... gh, Leith—.,
Minea. Malady, S ,bor,. Sullivan, Yoerg, Mr.
Vico Pr.aide.t-14
Approved June 8, 1889.
By Committee on Ways sad leanx—
Resolved, That an order be drawn pot tea
Treasury in favor of Robert A. Smith, Mayor.
for the sure of ten thousand dollar& as a con
tMbution from the City of St. Paul m those
who Suffered lose at Johnstown and the
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Bock, Bickel, Cullen. Con
ley, Fisher. Gebam Kavanagh, Leithaueer.
Minea, Slelady, Sanborn, Sullivan, Mr. Vice
Preside.[ -14.
Approved June 8. 1889.
By Aid. Kavnnagh—
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
be authorized W Cause a sidewalk of hexago.
I or square cement to be laid 1n front of lots
(1), i2), (81 and (4), block (9), Armstrong's re.
Strgement of Rlce .ntl IIvfve's addition to
Paul, to be done under the supervision of
the City Engine. I.
Yetis—Ald. Blom, Book, Bickel, Cullen, Con-
ley, Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Lcithauaer,
Minea. Melody, Sanborn, Sullivan, Mr. Vice
Approved June 8, 1839.
By Ald. Minea—
Resolved. That the Health Commissioner
and Chatrman of Committee on Streets be
legend disposing not
matter in the
dead imate until
Merz system Is In operation. an
Yens—Alda Blom Book, Bickel, Cullen, Can
ley, Fisher, Gidign. Kavanagh, Lolthauser,
Mine°, Melody, Sanborn, Sullivan, Mr, Vice
President -14.
AppQroved June$, 1889.
A. YOENG, JR., Vice President or Council.
By Ald. Flshcr—
Resolved, Thnt the &story of each of the
Sri cinl policemen Sp Pointed pursuant to
tlolution adopted by Council May 21,18W. for
the purpose of eolloeting dog census, etc., be
and th........ same is hereby dzed at 3% perth
from and otter the let dap of June. A. Dt., 1889,
instead of 85c as, axed by said re.olutlon
Byte day. S.
(returned on
tgg&boring towns—Bald sum to be payable out
Regular aleoting.
of the proper land, tie provided by law; said
ST. PAUL, June 18, 1".
n to be put at the disposal of the Mayor,
,ad W bo paid at the diecretio¢.
Vice President Yoerg In the choir.
Proaonl—Aid. Blom. Bock, Callon. Conley,
Yeas—Attl. Blom, Book, Bickel,Cullea,Conley,
Fisher, Glenn. Kavanagh. Lott tou..r,
Fleher. Gohe., Kavanagh, Lolthauser. Mi...
Melsdy, Sanborn. Sullivan ,'Mr. Vice Pre aid..
Malady, Yratt. Sullivan, Mr. Viae Yresldent
Approved Juna B. 1889.
Minutes of preceding meeting approved and
From the N. Bran oh and Others—
Forthe pesire of g alloy though block
... renrrangemuut of Lyman Day
dispensed with.
By Ald. Kavanagh—
Aeethoriz That the Board of Public Werke
of hexegonnl
be authorizeden
From H. Moyers cod Others—
r quare cement blocks to ➢o laid in irovc of
lots & 4, 5 and s. block 1, Bazille & G.erin'a
Asking for batement f and horse
nuisavoe ' m the neighborhood oof Arch, Col
addition to 8L Paul, to to done under the su
pervision of the City Engineer.
umbia end Glencoe mreet..
P.U.dmaswr Cuniff.
From William Schornstein— Robinson & Cary
Bond—hay scales. W-487; St. Paul Fu
Bond accepted and sureties approved by fol. We gon Co., 8460-
wing vote: St. P M., & M. Ri
Yeas—Aid. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Couley, C°.. V.
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithaueer, Mine., Kahlort, 84.85; Dol
Melady, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice President— Fairbanks, Memo
13. Son, 88.45; Bon
h L k d OtherLinno & Co.,
Forpermllssion to grade at their n e
pence a small street In Loekey's addition.
Granted. (Seo reaelutio..)
From Peter Redlinger—
D. L. C
IV. H. E
Asking that H. Il. Mollers be given permis-
key &
Sion W eroet and maintain hay scales on Dale
street, near Thoma. street.
Hook at
Committee on Streets.
11m: P.
From the N. Bran oh and Others—
Forthe pesire of g alloy though block
... renrrangemuut of Lyman Day
dK.o P.,, C
d ke, N
. ddit
te¢'s rd of Pu.
Board of YUDIIc Works, with order.
F. F l
From henry O'Conner and Ole —
Asking for discontinuance of sprleklmg ofN.
J. N'
Hudson avenue, between Maple d Cypress
streets. u
J. D. M
Alderman of the Ward.
From George Benz—
G. M.
Proposing to purchase lot 8, block 8 Terrace
Park addition.
Committee on Streets.
M. Tier
From E. S. Stilwell—
S. Roue
For the grading of Avon street, from
avenue to St. Clair street.
o[ Goa
Board of Public Works, with order.
From A. S. Tallmudge, Secretary—
Board r
Tranemlttiug copy of resolution of Chamber
of Commerce, adopted June 10. IWi9. requesting
to upproprlato 8u,OW In aid of sufferers, at Seat.
tied Hi
Committee on Ways and Means.
From Albert
vacotlon -I alley between block. 2 tied 3,
Suburban Hills.
Committee on Streets.
No. 1,
FromMare Bros. & Co.—
For transfer o Louis Vleron of Butcher's
1. wt
License No. 81 (1....d Feb. 7, IWJ).
Wade• .
Committee on License.
From Eugono T. Mehl and Othera—
4.Rose at
For grading, s°weringds, etc., of Leslie avenue.
Board of Public Wor, with orders.
From William Wolteotorff and Others—
Asking that grad I' of Hastings ave is. be-
tweon Cypress street and Burns avenue,be core
to N
J. MeD
Committee on Streets aad City Engino,r.
From He .1 Commis.ion—
Dale &
Asking for the issue of 160,000 of Lite 5100,000
bonds authorized by House File No. 42K np'
HnlI av
proved Feb. 20, 1889.
No. 4, a
committee on Ways and Means.
F mworth
A a E. Sinker nad Others—
For reduction of grade on Bradley street, be
O °' ti
twee. Gora¢ium and Maryland street,.
Commit— on Sir....
W. A I
From Wild and Tyler—
For ironefor to Sweder and Johnson of
for sit
No. 2. g
Butcher License No. le. (Issued Jan. 13, 1889.)
Committee on License.
r2,'t 1
land, E
Of City Comptroller. Audited Claims. viz:—
Noyes Noyes Broa. & Cotler, H9.27; St. Paul Hard.
Dole &
ware Co.. 6"2.84: IV. A. Van Slyke & Co.. 18.45;
R. Seeger, $7.40; N. W. Stamp Works, 50 Cent.:
Earl ,U
mate N
auigby & Abbott.
) BTL: Sebur cater
Rubber Co., 83.40;
J. C. Hanley Lime
Johnson. W;
L. Kirlc & Co.,
,➢ . 162.60: H.
ut. No.
C. E. Sandeen, Estimate No. e, grading
V street, 52,1'10; C. E. Sandoen, Estimate
udinR Smith uvanuo, :Ff,4IX1;
on Luo" ufst, Estimate No. 2,
a." street, N71.50; R. Forrestal, Eetf-
lo. 1, eeworon Preble street, ete.,11,521.50;
rex[nl. Eglimslo No. 3. Marshall ave -
•t No.
No. 1,
on &
y t0 if an0 nnal, bower on Ellen street, etc.
1599; M .... Be & Keough, Estimate No. 4, sup
pleme.t.ry to 8 a d Real, grading Smnmft
avenue, 1108.92; P. Doherty, Estimate No. 9,
Supplementary to 8 Bad final, sower on War
saw street, 1175; T. Reilly, Estimate No. 4, Sup
=witnry to a d final, sewer on St.
Anthony avenue, WW; Thornton & Shaw, Es-
timate N0. & suPPlementury to 2 and ileal,
sewer on Ramsey Strout. 1tU: T. Llnnan, Es
timate No. 4, Supplementary to 3 and final,
gradingg P1ae street, etc., $50: Thornton &
Shrew, Es[Imof No. - euPPlem eatery to 2 and
final, sewer on Part la." .yams, N.5' : P. Daher
ty, Estimate No. 9. supplementary to 8 and
an of,
.ewer oo State .traet.11,1t0; R. Fo rosin,,
Estimate No. 3, supplementary to 2 and final,
C. E. Sandeen.
alley, block ?
any, Estimate
Symonds, Estimate No. a, Sewer on uonman
avenue, etc.. 12,975.
Allowed and ordered paid by following vac:
Yeo.—Ald. Blom, Book, Cullen, Conley, Fish
er. Cuban, K -10%h, Lefthauser, Mines, Mel -
Say, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice President -13.
Of Carppooration Attorney—Emission of Dense
To the Honorable the President and Common
Council of the City of Saint Pau'.
Go At the recant ae.slon f the
Legislature an act entitled "An act to declare
the emission of dense smoke, or thick smoke,
or smoke In large quantities, or soot from
chimneys or other apertures in the City of St.
Paul in certain c goottanees, to be a nui-
sance and to constitute the commission there-
of a misdemeanor, and to prescribe a penalty
therefore," was passed.
As there appears to be some question Re to
what department of the city government shall
I charged with the enforcement of Bald act,
whether the Polloo Depaprtment, Building In-
artment, the latter
huving control of thector. or the e
Fre ire{Yardous. That them
may bo no misunderstanding In
regard to the
otter, I submit herewith o resolution making
it the duty of the Building Inspector to have
.aid law On forced.
Corporation Attorney.
June 1& 1899.
Accepted.—(Seo resolution.)
Contract and Bond—Henry A. Fleisebmann—
Corporation Attorney submits contract with
Henry A. Fleischmann for collection of gar-
bage, etc., cad bond of aid Fleischmann, with
James Forrestal and J. G. flontiolly ae euro
Contract and bond accepted and approved.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Book, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Celina. Kavanagh, Leitbaueer, Mines,
Melody, Pratt. Sullivan, Mr. Vice President
Of City Engineer—St. Paul and Mendota Road
To the Common Council oftbe City of St. Paul:
Gentlemen: In accordance with your in
ructlons I have Surveyed and located the St.
Paul sad Mendota road along the bluff on the
West Side, from Annapolis street to a conaeo
tion with the old Mendota road, In section 23,
town2& range 31. An appropriation hos been
authorized by the Legislature for the grading
o[ thio rood, and ft Is Important that the ark
Should be commenced at
once. I would there
forcrecommend that the City Clark be In.
structed to advertise for bide for the grading of
Said road, tinder Plans.
Speoiflcntlone and pro.
files to be Jurm.hed by the City Engineer, the
entire work to be done under his (the City
Engineer's) direction.
Respectfully Submitted.
City Engineer.
Joan 18, 1889.
Accepted. (Sec resolution.)
Selby Ave.ue Bridge—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
Gentlemen: In accordance with on order of
the Common Council, aproved May 22 1889, I
have made . Survey and estimate of the cost of
Bridge across the right of way of the Chleate
Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway tracks on t❑
line of Selby avenuo. The Street crosses the
right of way of ilroa
the rad at s very bad angle.
largely increases the cost. I estimate
the coat of a bridge with s forty feet roadw.y
.ad two tee feet sidewalks to be 157,000.
The grading of the Street, as established. con-
templates a grade crossing; before any ...It
bridge can be constructed It will be necessary
to change the grade. The above be
not include the cost of changing the grade ,
grading up the Respectfully m
City Engineer.
June 1& 1889.
Committee on Streets.
Of Market Master—Market Hall Beet—
Report ofMarket Bull real, May 11, 1889, to
June I. 1tt49, with City Treasurers receipt at-
t.ached for I..
Committee on Ordwe—on and Public Ac-
Weights. Me ... res, Etc., Tested—
The Market Master reports tested fn year'.
ending June 1. 1", 5.700 Ni
1,4U7 scale
Aeam., 0.5.5 menairo.; City Treuse r'S receipt
nttnobed for 1403.40.
Committee on Public Buildings, etc.
Burne Avenue Openin�Etc.—
of St. Paul:
TThe Board of Public Worot ks have had under
sideration the resolution or order f the Com-
mon Council, approved .Tune 8, 11ld9, relative
to and
Bur eeavenue. from widening street to Kennard
street, and having investigated the pro-
posed improvement:
Respectfully report that it is necessary and
propor to open, widen and extend Burns ave
nue, from the center line of Bock street (if Pro-
duced south) to center line of Kennard street
(It produced t uthl; that the estimated ex-
fw .e thereof 1. ftO00; that real estate to be
assessed therefor can be found benefited to the
extent of the damages, east. red 'expense.
necessary to be incurred thereby: that
Said Improvement is not asked for by
u Petition of o majority of the owners
of property to be uaeesaed therefor. abut
we herewith .end n Plan or profile of said im-
you desire ua to make the frevenient, and So order intim amen our prion, t[
JOHN C. QDINAY, President pro tem.
W. F. ERWIN. Clerk Board of Public Works.
June 18, 180.
Adopted- (See order to Board of Public
Cap Ito' Avenue Gradi.g—
To the Common L'ouncit of the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Work. have had notice
consideration the. resolution Ur order of the
Common Gouncfl, approved May 22. 1840. rela-
tive to the grading of Capitol ...nue, from
Fairview to Aldine .", and, having Sn-
vostlg.ted the proposed improvement:
Respectfully report that itIs necessary and
Proper to grade Capitol av... a, from Fair
view avenue to Aldine venue: that the
mated wtPoti- thereof it 52KiG.40. one -b offof
hich need not ba Paid into the City Treasury
hoforo the contract Is let; that real estate to be
s.sossed therefor can be found benefited to the
extent of the roxt and expenses necessary
to be incurred thereby: that said improvement
Is not asked for by n petition or a majority of
the as, of property W be assessed therefor,
but we herewith send a plan or profile of said
improvement, and an order for your adoption,
If you desire us to make the Improvement.
You" 3; Buys, 0.
JOHN C. QUINBY, President pro tem.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
June 1& 1889.
Adopted. 4See order to Board of Public
Prescott Street Grading—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works have had under
cunsiderution the rotiolution or order of the
Common Council, pProved May 22, Issa,
relative Lo the grad of Prescott street,
fm Oakdale avenue to Campeau street, and
having investigated the proposed improvement:
Respectfully report that said mprovembnt
IS ... e.anproper; aury d pper; that the oStiewied
expense thereof I.
talO5, onolialf of which
need not be Paid into the Cit- Treasury before
the contract is let; that real estate to be as
sensed therefor can be found benefited to the
extent of the cost and expenses necessary to
be incurred thereby: that said lmpm-niont
tI.he at askedors of I r by uPetition of u majority of
n to bo assessed that .for,
but we hors vith sand a Blue or profile of said
improvement, and an order for your udoptlpb,
if you desire uH to make the imliroveme❑t.
Yens, 3; no" U.
JOHN L'. QUINBY. President pro tem.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public to.
June 17, 1839.
Adopted. (Soo order to Board of Public
Alley Grading, Block 2, Subdivision Block 18,
Stinson's Division—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works have had under
consideration the resolution or Order of the
Common Council, approved Muy 22 1889, rel.
"" to egroding the lloy Sn block 2. of the
su0diviefon of black 13, Stli non'a subdivision
to St. Paul, and, having investigated the pro
posed Improvement:
Respectfully report that 11 Is nSectum, red
proper to'grade the alley In blook two (2), of
thU .ubdfvision of block 13, of Stinson's
division. St. Paul: that the estimated S.-
Pon.. thereof 1. fro, one -halt of which need
not be paid into the City Troa.ury before the
eontntotis let; thatrealestate to be assessed
therefor con be found benefited to the extent
of the coat sad expense. necessary to be In
witted thereby: that said improvement Is not
asked for by a petition of s majority of the
owners of Pru Party to bo ....sed therefor, but
we homwlth sand a plan or profile of said ha-
proremenL and an order for your adoption, if
you desire us to make the Improvement.
Yeua, 3: atyfi. ti. '
JoRN C. QIi I Nov, P-Sident lim
re to.
W. F. ERWIN. Clerk Roars of Public Works.
J tine 18, 1849.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
Midway Avenue Graling—
TThe Board of mon 1 ublic it of theWorks hatveohad ander
consideration the resolution or order of the
Common Council, approved May 22,
1889, relative to the open
ingg and
ripa of Midway avenue, in the
th Ward, from Oakdale avenue to Campbell
street. and, having Investigated the proposed
Improvement -
Respectfully report that itis necessary and
proper to grade Midway avenue, from Oakdale
°venue to Campbell street: that the estimated
pe se thereof Is 153,=.5% one -halt f
tell need not be paid into the
City Treasury before the contract is let;
that real estate tobo assessed therefor
can be found benefited lathe extent of the cost
Mid expenses necessary to be Incurred thereby;
that said improvement is not asked for by a
petition of a inu}orlty of the owners of prop
erty to W assessed therefor, but we herewith
.cad u plan or profile of said Improvement,
and an order foryour adoption, if you desire us
to make the Improvement
Yeas, 3: Boys. 0.
JOHN C. QUINSY, President pro tem.
W. Anis
Clork Board of Public Works.
Juan 171 1889.
Adopted. (Sec order to Board of Public
Jackson Street Repaving—
To the Honorable the President end Common
Council, City of"'
Gentlemen: The Board of Public Works
herewith respectfully return the papers in the
mutter of repaving Jackson street, from Fourth
street to Seventh street, with the report that
idBoard still adheres to its report dated
May 27, IB'i9, In said matter, and said Board
request your honorable body to
adopt said report and that you pass a Beal or
der In accordance with said report for said Im
pro vem eti
J()NN C. QDINBY, President pro tem.
W. F. ERWIN. Clerk Bourd of Public Works.
June 17, 1864.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
Greco Street Opening, Etc.—
To the HM-rablo the Prosident sad Common
Council, City of St. Pont.
Gent Mae.: TLe Board of Public Works
herewith respectfully return your final
order. approved Dec. 19, 18% for
the spading, hici log ad extension
of Grace Street from Ric Mond
street to Wee4
1th thequeat that youo t
said order, u the same treivg incorroct to de-
s r ption of land to be taken, and with the fur-
therrequest that your honorable body pass a
new final order for sold improvement.
A proper it net order for said improvement
is herewith submitted for your adoption.
1 L. GORMAN. President.
W. F. EnwIN. Cler Board of Public Work°.
June 10, 1009.
Adoptetl, and sold final order pproved Deo.
19, 1880, repealed and .nnullod. (See order to
Board of Public Works.)
Summit Place Paving Contract
To the Honoruble the President sad Comm..
Council, City at St. Paul:
Gentlemen: Your honorable body having re.
turned not approved the award of the Board of
Public Works to Thornton Jc Show, for the
paving of Summit Place, from Dayton avenue
to Iglehart street, and the said Board now has
final order which directs that it proceed to
let a contract for Said improvement, the said
Board therefore asks for further Instructions
I. °aid matter.
JOHN C. QBINBY, PreeidenL pro tem.
W. F. ERWIN, Clark Board of Public Works.
June 1.A ISM
Aid. Sanbaro. t
girt Street—
treetdo the President and Common
f St. Paul.
The Board of Public Works
Afully return the resolution ap.
1K49, directing said Board
tt at once nn iron fence on Cliff
City Clerk to advertise for bide.
make the improvement, the
torney advising that said im-
it be let by contract. and that
CO?nmtttee on Streets.
Allay Grading, Block 71, Lyman Dayton's Ad-
Tho Board returns, at request of Alderman
of theW aid, preliminary order approved May
23, 1889, In salt matter.
Milton Street Opening. Etc—
To the Common Counoil of tho City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works have hadder
consideration the re lution r order of the
Common Counoil, approved May 2, 1839, rem
live to the opening_in, widening and extension of
Milton sto o unit,= wiGradtstreet
and,, h❑ving�1❑vc❑s
tigated the proposed Improvemout:
Respectfully report that said improve
cut le of eco°sary and P aper for the
that when Rid eewood venue was
paned, between its easier terminus d
Victoria street the Chicago, Milwaukee Jc St.
to by the owner
Of the City of St. Paul,
not be opened across
MIIIOn street 11 opened across Said trucks, then
the load deeded for the opening of Ridgewood
avenue ,boll revert to Bald company.
Yeas, 3; Buys. U.
JOHN C. DINKY. President pro tem.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
Jay Street Sewer Contract
The Board reports that it has awarded Pat-
rick Dohon.y thecontract for constructing a
sewer on Jae
street, from St. Anthony avenue
m Aurora venue, together with necessary
catch -basins and manholes, he being the low-
for geents per square yard per year; bondi B
E. Scribner end
est reliable d responsible bidder therefor;
amount of bid, $813; bond m the sum of VW'
the sum of 81,590, with Edward
Chas. S. Johnston as euretfee.
with Jae. Cleary and Phil. Faber as auretl63.
Selby Avenue Grading Contract—
Rice Street Sewer Contract-
Refillard reports that R has awarded
The Board reports that 1t has awarded
Thomas Reilly the contract far conatru°ting a
Thomas Keough the contract for grading
avenue, from Lexington avenue to Cleveland
he being the lowest reliable and re-
°war on Rice street, from Winter street to the
south line of the right of way of the St. Paul,
R Manitoba Ra lc ay Company, to
avenue. bidder therefor; amount bid, Bre-
gather with the necessary ntahbaslna and
790 bond m the sum of 82,569, with Daniel Don
nail and N. Groes rte sureties.
Manhotea, he beingg the lowest reliable and re
span Is bidder th rater; amount of bid, 8847;
bond 1n the sum of 84W, with F. W. Hadfield
and A. D. McLeod as sureties.
Marin Avenue and North Street Sewer Co..
Each of the foregoing awards taken up cepa
and approved by the following vote:
The Board reports that it has awarded Rich
Year—Aid. Blom, Rock, Cullen, Conley,
Fleher, Gahan, Kavanagh, '0 5[Inea,
and Forrestal the contract for constructing o
Melady, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice President --13.
sewerou Marfa eines., from Sevnnth street to
North street, and on North street, from Mario
avenne to Lawrence street, together with neo
...cry °atop-baafne old m..holes,aald sew
done contract, he being
Estimates and Clnime—
artag to be under one
the lowest relbiblo nd roeponalble bidder
Tae Board transmits approved R the fal-
therefor; amount of bid, S) X, bend in the sum
lowing estimates and claims, to wit:
Estimate No. 1 and dust, grading .Iley, block
f 8590, with Jam.. Forrestal and F. W. Had.
Geld as sureties.
Rasee subdlvlamu^blook 11, Stlnaon'a.^n
Also, alley In block W, Lyman Dayton's ...Ruai, v.
No..emacher, 6145; Estimate No. 2 and final,
Maple Street Sewer Contrect grxdIBR alley In Rma 's rearrangement of
The Board reports that it ha° awarded Pat- ¢orth X block 2, Nelson's nddnion, J. Clagey,
nck Doherty the contract for nstructing u 888; Estimate No.4 sad final, Armstrong treot
sewer on Maple street, from Third street to g1.polnR• Seventh to Pleasant J. W. Moloney.
Sixth street, together with necessary cat°b- IM2.80; Estimate No. 4 and .nal, Marshall ave-
baeme and m¢nholee, he being the repo- nue Daving, Grotto [o Western, J. Forrestal,
his sad raspo..this bidder therefor; amount of 84.0 pavi ' OTM to No. & supplementary
bid, 6749; bead In the sum of $390. with James to No. 2 Bpd .nal, Orotto treat gr.dinR.
Cleary sad Phil Fabel. as sureties. Goodrich to edge of DIaR, D. Jegrey,
Also, SI60; Estimate No.5 and .nal, Lombard av-
enue and Ridgewood avenue grading, J. Kava -
Chicago Avenue Sewer Contract— ought, $1,480.75; Estimate No. Vatting,
Heal. But.
The Board reports that ft has awarded Rich- videre street LLrading, South Hobvart street m
aroFarrest.lthe contract for o tructing a Oakd.fe n n e. W. G. Mull! tractor,
Chic.go avenue, from Dakota .v. u° 818020: Estimate No. 2 and final, grading flay
towBtarkey street, togetbe, 1th c scary In block 29, Klttsov's vddlLfov, M. Luz. 68!.50;
c tch-basins and manbolos,he being the low net Estimate No. 2 and final. Amos street grading,
relinble d povsible bidder therefor; IRiebsrt M Summit T. Linnaau £10; Estimate
bid, 8949; bond i. the a f 81!011, No. 2 and final Linool¢ u .ewe Aan to
with Jam's Forrestal and F. W. Hadtleld as Vfatona. G. Moline,Estimatepad
.uretles. Dual, Cleveland ave¢uc fp'E°tlmet01No�3 a
Also, Summit, C. Be r, ad
h 8758;
Alla in A. Gotzlan's Submvfafon, Block 77, Boal, Seventh tree[ Hewer. View to Otto,
Alley Smekto- - Lindaud ti $350.50; Estimate
Lyme. Dayton'. Addition, Grodlag Co. No. 2 and final, Edmuad street sewer,
tract— Arundel to Mackubin, W. J. Preston.
The Board reports Lh❑L it has awarded 6[70; E.Limme No. 2 ad It 1, Fort atreet pay
Charles Nounemacher the contract for grading Ing, Third to Tenth streets, J. Ferresinl, $1,515;
the alley in A. Gatzfnti a subdivision of block D. L. GUrti00. Se110: Drown, Treaty Jt Co., $95;
77, Lyman Dayton's addition, he being the low A. M. Anse¢. 8400; E. Moeller R Co., $sits w.
est reliable and responsible bidder therefor; Committee on Claims.
oI bid, 5200; bond in Lhe sum 01850. th
John Boldthen and Peter BOLE an sureties. NSPORT OF BOARD OF FIRS COMMffi IONRBB.
Alan, Sale of Engine Houeo--
Kent Street Paving Contract The Board utile . copy of --fallen
7'he Board reports that it fins awarded Wac- adopted by Board June 10. 1889. asking for per
res Scharf Asphalt Company the contract for mission to null Englse House No. 4 and lot on
y ving Kent street, from Marshall avenue to which it stand, nt Tenth and Broadway.
Selby avenue, with asphalt d curbing with Committee on Fire Department.
granite, it being the only bidder, and being ra-
s nsible, and said bid being reliable and re.. R e1ORrS OF STANDING COMMITSRa9.
able: amount of bid, 67.150 for paving d
urbl¢g aid Ru rovteafnmg pp em t for Bve O1Committee on Ways and Meade—Re.olutlon
yearn from date of pletI.¢ oI work, with fo pay D.vids. Eet.te 8387.25—
further Ruarantee to keep pavement m Rood Committee recommend, it qWn of resole
repair for ten yours from end of Drst tivI woo k ti Adopted. (See resolution.)
immediately succeeding comp a ion o
Ordinance in Pay Judgment of John Welter—
Committee recommends passage of ordi
Adopted. (See Ordinance No. 1,166.
OfCommittee on Claims—ChnS. Metzgerls
Com lttee, recommends passage of ordi
cascofor 819.87.
Adopted. (See Ordinance No. 1,10..)
Aug. Mattson, a Claim for 8771
Committee recommends that said claim tie
referred to City Engineer and Corporation At.
St. Paul Gas Light Company's Claim for 8115—
Committee recommenda presage of an In III
e for &Ila.
n Adopted. (See Ordtnanco No. 1,169.)
Of Committee on Streets, Etc.—H. S. Fairchild
d Others' Prote.t
Committee recommends that aid protest
against construction of sewer on Mnri. ¢venue
and on North street be accepted and filed.
Report of Board of Park Comin s I lem Rel-
ative to Grado 01 LWI.,.tone Awenuo—
Committee recommends Indothil . postpone
People's Bonk Petition for Permission to
Erect Outside 8tairwey at Schutte Block—
recommenda adopt'., of repport of
City Engineer giving list of outside Stairway..
an recommending removal of same, and the
preventing of erection of any more
stairways. Committee recommend. that City
Engineer be Instructed to notify the proper
person or persona to have the obstmetlon. or
.t.lrw.,, re.oved within [our month. Irom
and after the adoption of this report.
Frederick R. Peck'. Petition—
Committee favorably recommends the grant
Ingo[ the prayer of .old potltfon for perms.
slop to have bam. lot 18, Hyde Park addition,
mmain where It Is.
The ques[lon being upon the adoption of the
report there were yea., 12; nays, Mr. Vice
i'maldent. 1.
The Vice Preeldent decided the report not
Charles Passavant and Others, Protest—
Committee recommend. that said protest
against closing, during progress of repaire. of
Lufayette a....0 bridge be accepted and
placed on Is.
George Reis and Others' Petition—
Committee recommends that prayer of said
petito.tion of Williamstive
andrict, Curve at Intorse
it's streets be denied.0
A. M. Grant & Co.'s Petition—
Committee recommendo that prayer of said
petition for ermission f erect on certain car
ars tanks containing Waukesha water be
The matter was referred to Aid Cullen.
Oeorge Rets aad Others' Petition for Chongo
of Orade on Oliva Street, ..'wee.
vnnia Avenue and u Point 360 Feet South
Committee recommends that action on Said
tle Indefinitely Postponed.
G. M. Hughes and Others' Petition for an Ap-
propriation From Sewerage Rand Fund for
Sewer on University Avs.ue, Eto.—
CommRtee recommends that CIL;
ba Instructed a Investigate and report the
t of bonds required for the construction
ui aid sower.
J. H. Randall's Communication Relative to St.
Anthony Park Bridges, Eto.—
Committee recommends that Bald communl
cation bo accepted and placed on file.
Electric Subways—
Your committee to whom was referred the
ordinances of the Northwestern Telephone
Exchange Company, St. Paul Gas Light Com-
pany, North American Telegraph Company and
the American District Telegraph Company for
Permission to lay electric subways In the
street.. avenues and alloys of the City of St.
Paul, rospoctfully, report as follows: That In
the opinion of the committee it would be very
unwise to gr -at any additional franchises for
conduits or electric subways for the following
1st. For every fronehlee granted it would re.
qulrc the o... In, and obstructing of all streets
ao occupied while said conduit Is being put In.
2d. It would be a very difficult matter to
find room for the subway. 1. the Streets of this
city for all the companies desiring ordinances
or IranchlRea for permission to put in the
3d. Having alreadygronad a fr.ncblSo for
conduits to the National Subwsy Comp'ny.and
Inasmuch a. they aro now placing the condult.
n varl.mi street., one [or high, the other for
low, tension wires, the work being done I. .
very grad, substantial and workmanlike man
nor, the committee is of the opinion that the
condult of the National 6ubwny Company
should be given. propper teat and trial bythe vn-
rlous electric companies of this city before being
condem.ed by them as impracticable.
4th. The Special Committee on Saalmthm
also invest)g.ted elemrle subways in LTlcago
nud othor aides to some extent, in it rind upon
Invostlgation in the ally of Chlc'g0 that In the
Dorsett system electric 11 ht, telegraph, Lelo-
phone, fire alarm end police patrol wlros work
Setisfactorliy In the Same condult, but in dif-
ferent ducts, centrory to the statement of the
omcera of the Northwestern Tole an Ex-
change Company, and still furtber find,
upon questiontng the officers of the Northwest -
Exchange Gain any, that o met-
allic system, properly fi ated, could be
used very satisfactorily side by side with
an arc light wire, but the statements
made by them before the Committee on Streets
was that the metallic system IS too ozpenslve,
the cost being about three times the cost o[
the present system of wiring, but, upon Inquiry.
and that such a system of wiring could be bad
at an addltlon,1 of about m per cent
more, and that the metsIll. system would en
tirely obviate Induction, and the result of our
Motion: That In the opinion of the
committee It Is neither wise Or
accessary, and the Dublfc Interests do
not mqulre, th.t .ny more frnnchixos be given
to put conduits or electric subways In the
streets of St. Paul until the work of the Nn
tional Subway Company, now under process of
isted und
foundto be detective' abusive or Inait
motiohall have been clan.
June 14, 1889.
Chairman Tha of this arising
on StmOtpa,l�Etc.
g upon the ado
Wald report there were:
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Gabon,, Mine., Malady, Pratt, Mr.
Vice President -10.
NsyS—Ald. Fisher, Kavanagh, Sullivan -3.
The Vice President decided the veld report
Of Committee on Printing—Horton Portrait
company 'a Proposition—
committee recommends that Said proposi-
tion be referred to Aid. Mine..
Of Committee on Police—
Bids for supplying forage.
Committee report by resolution. (See reso.
O1Committee on Public Buildings, Etc.—Job.
J. Ahem's Proposition—
Committee Submits and recommend. that
formerly oacupl.I by thlee MunicipaloCourt a
Divli mi No. $ A. O. H.
Adopted and proper city officers directed to
..sent. said lease.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gentle, Kavanagh, Lelthauser, Mine.,
Malady, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice President
Of Committee on License—
Peddlem' Ordinaries.
Commlttee submits ordinance relative to
ddlem etc., and mcommends its passage.
Of Committee on Drill ... ces and Public AC.
counts—Reports Ezamined—
committee reports that It hon examined and
found correct reports of city omcem as follows:
Clerk of M..iclpnl Court for April and May,
18W; Chief of Police tar April and May, 1889;
Market Master, Market hall collection. ug:..
April Ti, 1889: Poundm.ster Conway, May, 1
Inspector of Buildings, April, 1889.
REPOlt19 OF SPECIAL C01,131=93.
Of Aldermen of the Sixth W.rd—Indiana Are -
nue and Other Street. Sewer—
Committee recommend. that final order In
said mntter presented to Council June 6, 1669,
be adopted.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
Refunding Order.E. M. Hallowell, State Street
Commlttee recommend. passage of refund -
Ing order.
Adopted (See resolution.)
Of Aid. Melody—Morton Street Opening, Etc—
Committee recommends that adverse roport
of Board of Public Work. pr...oted to Can.
ell June 6, ISD, be adopted.
Of Special Committee on Street Lighting Etc.—
Resolution for gasoline lamps In Seventh
Committee reccommend. ndoptt.. of mso
Adopted. (Soo resolution.)
Ordinance was read authorizing City Comp-
tInller to appoint a chief clerk.
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Gehan.
yeas 13. and ordinance readecond time and
passed. (See Ordinance No. 1,161.)
An ordinance was read to pay Chas Metzger
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Minn..
yeas 13, and ordinance rend second time and
passed. (See Ordinance No. 1,162.)
An ordinance wait read granting Fred A.
Plate., Cunningham &,permleelon to can.
etruct and operate railroad track. upon and
over Myrtle avenue.
Rulessuspended on motion of Aid. Pratt.
yeas 13, and Ordinance read second time and
passed (See ordinance No. 1,163.)
Anordinance was read permitting John Sum
mere to meet bay window., baieonles, etc., at
Windsor Hotel.
Rules suspeodod no motion of Aid. Cullen,
yon. 18,
ordinance read second time and
passed. (See Ordinance No. 1,164.)
An ordinance was road to pay I. V. D. Heard,
attorney for Samuel C. Ray, amount of Judg-
ment favor said Ray.
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Left-, )eam 18, and ordinance road second
time and Phased Igoe Ordinance No. 1, 165.)
An ordinance was road to pay Judgments
favor Emma Mayor and Herman L. Mayor.
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Fisher,
and ordlnnnce read sewed time
and passed. (See Ordinance No. 1,107.)
An ordinance for an order for M&85 favor
Len' Rutm"
Rotee on motlo. of Aid. Bock,
yens 13, and ordinance was read second time
and passed. (See Ordinance No. 1,168.)
An ordinance was read prohibiting keeping
of wood yards within the bre Ilmlw.
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Kavanagh
yeas 13, and ordlPence read second time s.�
Ordinance to Pay Judgment of John Welter -
Committee recommends passage of ordi
Adopted. (See Ordinance No. 1,166.)
Of Committee on Claims—Chas. Metzger'R
Committee recommends passage of ordi-
na.ce for 819.87.
Adopted. (See Ordinance No. 1,168.)
Aug. Mattson's Claim for "5—
Committee recommends that said claim be
referred to City Engineer and Corporation At-
St. Paul Gas Light Company's Claim for $115—
Committee recommends passage of an ordi
nonce for8115S.
Adopted. (ee Ordinance No. 1, 169.)
of Committee on Streets, Etc.—H. S. Fairchild
sad Others' Protest—
Committee recommends that said protest
against construction of aewer on Maria avenue
and on North street be accepted and filed.
Report of Board of Park Commfssionero Rel
otive to Grade of Livingstone Avenue—
Committee recommends indefinite postpone
People's Bank Petition for Permission to
Erect Outside Stairway at Schutte Block
Committee recommend. adoption of repor
t of
City Engineer giving list of outside stofrway.
and recommending removal of, some, and the
preventing of erection of any more obstmctln I
stairways. Committee recommends that City
Engineer be instructed to notify the proper
person orpersons to have the obstruotlo.s or
stairways removed wi[bin four menthe from.
and after the adoption of this report.
Frederick R. Peck's Petition —
Committee favorably recommends the grant.
Ing of the prayer of said etition, for permla
aloe tahove baro. lot 13, Hyde Park addition,
remain where it is.
The question being upon the adoption of the
report there were yeas, 12; Gaye, Mr. Vice
President. 1.
The Vice President decided the report not
Charles Passavant and Other.• Protest—
Committee recommend. that said protest
against closing,, during progress of repairs, of
Lafayette s uo bridge be accepted sad
placed on file.
George Reis and Others' Petition—
Committee recommends that prayer of said
petition .l.tive to proper curve t intemee
tion of W Illinois and Olive streets be denied.
A. M. Grant & Co.'s Petition—
Committee recommends that prayer of said
petition for permission to erect on certain cor-
ners tanks containing Waukesha water be
The matter was referred to Aid Cullen.
George Reis and Others' Petition for Change
of Grade on Olive Street, Between Peansyl-
ela Avenue and a Point 300 Feet South
Theme —
Committee recommends that action on said
petition be Indefinitely postponed.
G. M. Hughes and Others' Petition for an Ap.
propriatton From Sewerage Bond Fund for
Sewer on University Amid., Etc.—
Committee recommends that City Engineer
be instructed to investigate and report the
amount of bonds required for the construction
of said aewer.
J. 13. Randall's Communication Relative to St.
Anthony Park Bridges, Etc.—
Committee recommends that said communt
cation be accepted and placed on file.
Electric Subways—
Your committee to whom was referred the
ordinances of the Northwestern Telephone
Exchange Company, St. Paul Gas Light Com -
puny, North American Telegraph Company and
the American District Telegraph Company for
permission to lay electric subways In the
streets. avenues and alloys of the City of St.
Paul, respectfully report as follows: That In
the opinion of the committee It would be very
uendulta or e
n loo to grant any additional franchises for
lectric subways for the following
let. For every franchise granted It would ro-
quire the opening and obstructinof all streets
occupied while said conduit is
being put In.
2d. It would boa vary difficult matter m
find room for the eubwoytl in the utreets of this
city for all the companies desiring ordinances
or franchises for permission to put in the
3d. Having already granted a franchise for
conduits to the National Subway Connpa.y,oad
Inasmuch as they are now placing the conduits
in various streets, ane for high, the other for
low, tension wires, the work being done I. o
vs, ygcod, substantial sad workmanlike mon
nor, the committee Is of the opinion that the
conduit of the National Subway Company
should be given a pro or test and trial bythe vo-
rious electric companies of this city before being
dmaned by them as Impracticable.
con 4th. The Special Committee on Sanitation
also lnvestifgl ted electric subways In Chlong.
nd other cities to some oxtenk nd find upon
Investigation in the city c[ Chto.go that In the
Dorsett system electric 11 ht, tolegrnph, tele-
phone, fire slam and pollee patrol wtrea work
satisfactorily in the same conduit, but In dif.
ferent ducts, contrary to the statement of the
officers of the Northw .tern Teloplem Ex-
change Company, and still further find,
upon questioning the officers of the Northwest -
em Telephone Exchange Company, that a met -
.11[e system, properly Insu ated, could be
used very satisfactorily Ride by aide with
an aro light wire, but the statements
made by them before the Committee on Streets
We. that the metallic system is too oxponsive,
the cost being about three times the cost of
the present system of wiring, but, upon inquiry,
find that such a system of wiring could be bad
at an additional expense of about 50 per cent
more, and that the metallic system would en-
tirely obviate induction, and the result of our
investigation being the adoption by the Com-
mittee on Streets of the following motion by
Aid. Cullen, and favorably recommend the
Motion: That In the opinion of the
committee it is neither wise nor'
necessary, and the public interests do
notrequlre, that any more franchises be given
in put conduitsr electric subways In the
streets of St. Paul until the work of the Na
tional Subway Company, now under process of
construction, shall have been completed and
found to be defective, abusive or Inefficient.
June 14, 1889.
Chairman of the Committee on Streets, Etc.
The question arising upon the adoption of
said report there were:
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Gehan, Letthnuser, Mines, Melody, Pratt, Mr.
Vine President -10.
Nays—Aid. Fisher, Kavamgh, Sullivan.
The Vice President decided the said report
Of Committee on Printing—Horton Portrait
Company's Proposition
Committee recommend. that said propos4
tion be referred to Aid. Mines.
Of Committee on Police—
Bids for supplying forage.
Committee report by resolution. (See reso-
Of Committee on Public Buildings, Etc.—John
J. Ahem's Proposition—
Committee submits and recommend. that
properolty office- exooute lease f room.
formerly Occupied by the Municipal Court to
Division No. 9, A. O. H.
Adopted and proper city omcors directed to
execute said lease.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Book, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gabon, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mines,
Melody, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice President
Of Committee on License—
Peddlers' Ordinance.
Committee submits ordinance r.].live to
peddlers, etc., and recommends its passage.
Of Committee on Ordinances and Public An.
aunt:—Reports Examined—
committee reports that it h.a examined and
found correct reports of city oaicom as follows:
Clerk of Municipal Court for April and May,
1889; Chle[ of Police [or April and May, 18811;
Morkot Master, Market hall collections up to
April 37. 1886: Poundmaster Conway, May, 1889
Inspector of Buildings, April, 1889.
Or Aldermen of the Sixth Ward—Indiana Ave-
nue and Other Streets Sewer—
Committee recommends that final order in
said matter presente d to Council June 6, 1889,
be adopted.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
Refunding Order,E. M. Hallowell, State Street
Committee recommends passage of refund -
mg order.
Adopted. (See resolution.)
Of Aid. Malady—Morton Street Opening, Etc—
Committee recommends that adverse report
of Board of Public Works presented to Coun-
cil Juee 6. ISW, be adopted.
Adopted -
Of Special Committee on Street Lighting,Ete.—
Resolution for gasoline lamps In Sevouth
Committee roccommend. adoption, of Mad
Adopted. (See resolution.)
Ordinance was rend authorizing City Comp-
troller to appointa chief clerk.
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Gabon.
yens I& and ordinance read second time and
passed. (See Ordinance No. 1,161.)
An ordinance was rend to pay Chas Metzger
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Mines.
yea: 13, and ordinance read second time and
passed. (Seo Ordinance No. 1,168.)
An ordinance was read granting Fred A.
Pierce, Cunningham & Haas,permisskm to con-
stmet and operate railroad tracks upon and
over Myrtle avenue.
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Pratt,
yeas 13, and Ordinance read second time and
passed. (See ordinance No. 1,10.Y.1
An ordinance was read permitting John Sum
more to ereot bay windows, be uonies, etc., at
Windsor Hotel.
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Cullen,
ye.. 13, and ordinance read second time and
passed. (See Ordinance No. 1,164.)
A,ordinance was read to pay I. V. D. Heard,
sttomey for Samuel C. Roy, amount of judg-
ment favor said Ray.
Rules suspended on moio
tn of Aid. Lett.
hauler, yens 13, and ordinance road second
time and passed. tSee Ordinonre No. 1, IM.)
An ordinance was read to pay judgments
favor Emma Meyer and Herman L. Meyer.
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Fish.,
yen. 13, and or read second time
and passed. (See Ordinance No. 1,167.)
An ordinance for an order for 818.85 Invor
Len, But"'.
Rules suspended
Dace was
DfseOoad Btlmko
yea. 13, an a
a d passed. (See Ordinance No. 1,165.)
An ordinance was read prohibiting keeping
of wood yards within the°fire limits.
Rulessuspe dedon motion of Aid. Kavanagh
yeas, 1& and ordinance read .e..nd time r)
Ordinance to Pay Judgment of John Welter—
Committee recommends passage of ordi-
n Adopted. (See Ordinance No. 1,166.)
Of Committee on Claims—Chas. Metzgei a
Committee om amul. p Ssago of ordf
ce for>p19.8'ec
Adopted. (See Ordinance No.
Aug. Mettson's Claim for S7t—
Commfttee recommends that said claim be
referred to City Engineer and Corporation At-
St. Paul Gas Light Company's Claim for $115—
Commfttee rocommonds passage of an ordi-
nmce for &1
Adopted (See Ordinance No. 1,169.)
Of Committee on Street., Etc.—H. S. Palma lid
and Others' Prote.t—
committee recommend that said protest
against construction of flower on said avenue
and on North street be accepted and Hied,
Report of Board of Park Comb"m ers Rel-
.itve to Grade o[ Livingstone Av. .c_
People's Bank Petition for Permission to
Erect Outside Stairway at Schutte Block—
Committee recommends adoption of report of
City Engineer 6'ving Itat of outside stairways
and recommending removal of same, and the
proventing of erection of any more obstructing
stairways. Committee recommends that City
Engineer be Instructed to notify the proper
person or persona to have the obstructions o
stairways removed within four monthstrom
and atter the adoption of this report.
Frederick R. Peck's Petition—
Committee favorably recommend. the gr.nt
mg of the prayer of said pe[Itim [or im 1.
have Dam, lot 13, Hyde Park addition,
.main where It 1s.
The question being upon the adoption of the
.port there were yeas, It; nays, Mr. Vice
Preeldeat. I.
Tho Vice Pre.ident decided the report net
Charles Pnesayant and Others, Protest—
Committee recommends that said protest
closm% duringg progress of .pairs, of
Lateyetto v an brltlgo be sees led and
placed p file.
George Rots and Others' Petition—
Committee recommends that prayer of said
l onitof WI Ih= nnA CIIP1ve tr cts be denied..
A. M. Grant & Co.'s Petition—
Committee recommends that prayer of said
petition for permission W erect on certain mor
ners tanks containing Waukesha water be
The matter was referred to Aid Cullen.
George Reis and Others' Petition for Change
of Grade on Olive Street. Between Pe'..yl-
In Avenue and v Point 3O0 Feet South
Committee recommends that action on said
petition be Indefinitely postponed.
G. M. Hughes and Olhem' Petition for an Ap.
propriatlob From Sewerage Bond Fed for
Sower on University Avenue, Etc.—
Committeer eoommends that City Engineer
be instructedto Investigate and report the
t of bond required for the constructionof I Sewe,
J. H. Randall's Communication Relative to St.
Anthony Park Bridges, Etc.—
Committee recommends that said communi-
cation be accepted and placed on file.
Electric Subways—
Your committee to whom was referred t
ordinances of the Northwestern Telephone
Exchange Compuny,St. Paul GSS LightCom-
a y, North Ann
Pict Telelactrl �uph Cam
psay and
graph Company for
streets. avenues and alloys f the Cityiof St.
Paul, respectfully report as follow.: That I.
the opinkm of the coin mittee it would be very
unwise to g.nL y additional franchises for
or electrle subways for the following
lat. For every franchise granted It would re-
quire the openingand obstructing of all streets
so occupied while said conduit Is being put 1n.
2d. It would bo a very didbe matter to
find roma for the subways In the Streets of this
city for all the companies desiring ordinmeea
or franchises for permission to put in the
3d. Having already granted a franchise for
conduits to the National Subway
Inasmuch as they am now placing the conduits
In various streets, onehil for highwe,, the other for
low, tension wires, the work bel'g dove Iv a
_dein ecu subitteo 1. of the pkinloniike that the
endult f the National Subway Company
should be give. . pronnyyl1er teat and trial bytDe vn-
eab themneefm this city be fore being
on y practicable.
c 4th. T.e Specfal Committee on Sanitation
also Inve.t.A_. electric Subways in Chicago
na ,her
cities tosme extent, and and upon
Investigation in the ocity o[ Chicago that In the
Doreen system electric 11g ht. telegraph, tele
phone, fire alarm and pollcc patrol wires work
satisfactorily in the Same conduit, but in dlf.
tcrent ducts contrary to the statement of the
Officers of t -e Northwestern Tolphone Ex.
change Company, and still further find,
upon questioning the officers of the Northwest -
em Telephone Exchange Gomppany, that amet-
.1110 system, properly IneXt'ed, could be
used very tishMortly side by side with
en 1f ht ire, but the statement'
made by them before [ho Commltteo on Streets
was that the metallic System is too expensive,
the cost being about three times the coat of
the present system of wiring, but, upon inquiry,
and that Such a System of wiring could be had
at an additional expense o[ about 50 per
d that tha metawo system would an
turelinvestigviate ation tion being thhe and dottion bathe Comr
mittee on Streets of thea to lowing motion by
Aid. Cullen, antl favorably recommend the
..eMotlon: That in the opinion of the
ora necessary, and the publiceiintereata ado
notrequlre, that any more franchisee be given
to put duita r eleetrlc subways In the
treata of St. Paul until the work of the Na
tlonal Subway Company, now under process of
construction, hull have been comp led
mpled and
found to be defective, abusive or inefficient.
Joe. 14, 1899.
Chairman of Lhe Committee on Streets, Etc.
Sri i g upon Lho adoption of
said report there were:
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Hock, Cullen, Conley,
Gabon, Leith mser, Mine., Malady, Pratt, Mr.
Vice President -10.
Nays—Aid. Ffehor. Kavanagh. Su11ivan-3.
The Vice Presid at decided the said report
Of Committee on Printing—Horton Portrait
Company's Proposition—
Committee recommends that Said propost-
tlon be referred to Aid. Mines.
Of Committee on Police—
Bids for supplying forogso.
Committee report by re olutlon. (See reso-
Of Commltteo on Public Buildings, Etc.—John
J. Ahem's Proposlth) —
Committee submits cad recommends that
ocityouourfmerI-'mued by the Cot to
DivilihmN$pA. O
Adopted and proper city o66cem directed to
execute said )
Yens—Ald. Blom, Book, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gallen, Kavanagh, Letthmser, Min ea,
Malady, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice President
edl Ordnn.Committee submits rdirm... reu
poddative to
lem etc., ma reoommg
ende rte pasa.o.
Of Committee on Ordinances and Public Ae.
Counts—Report. Examfned—
Commi:tee report. that It
has examined sad
found correct reppoorts of city ofacem as follows:
Clerk of Monte, pal Court for April and May,
1689; Chief o[ Police for Apr1i and Mny, Ia.
M.rket Master, Market hal collection. up to
April 27, 1889: Poundmaster Conway, May, 1889;
Inspector or Buildings. April, 1889.
Of Aldermen of the Sixth Ward—Indiana Ave-
aad Other Streets Sewer—
Committee romm ncnds that dual order In
said matter presented % Council June 6, IWO,
be adopted.
Adopted. (See order to _Board of Public
Work..) Also,
Heefudndii4q Order,E. M. Hallowell, State Street
Committee recommends passage of refund
Ing order.
Adopted. (See resolution.)
Of Aid. Melody—ree'Morton Strect Opening, Etc—
of Hoard of I'ublio Worker toot adverse report
presented to Coun
OR June 6, Ii199, be adopted.
Rnaolution forectaICmmftteo llnet lain Ltgtni Se .nth
Ward. gesso ops
Committee reccomm uld. adoption of case
Adopted. (See resolution.)
Ordin.nce was read authorizing City Comp-
troller to appoint a chief clerk.
Rule. suspended oa motion of Aid. Gehan.
yens 13. and ord(nnnco d d time and
passed. (See Ordinance No. 1,161.)
An ordinance was read to pay Chas Metzger
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Mines,
yeas 13, and ordinance read second time and
passed. (Seo Ordinance No. 1,162.)
An ord(nanea fie rem granting Fred A.
Plerca, Cunningham & Hane,Permis.fon to con-
stmet sad operate railroad track. upon and
over Myrtle avenue.
113, and Ordi ...e ren,Id on motion condA tame and
passed (See ordinmce No. 1,163.1
Anordinance was read permitting John Sum-
mers to erect bay windows, balconies, etc., at
Windsor Hotel.
Rule, suspondod on Melton of Aid. Cullen,
yens 13, and ordinance read second time and
passed (See Ordinance No. 1,1(W.)
An ordinmce was read to pay I. V. D. Heard,
attorney for Samuel C. Ray, amount of judg-
ment favor said Ray.
Rulessuspended on motion of Aid. Left., yens 13, and ordinance .ad second
time and passed (See Ordinance No. 1,165.)
favAn or Emimaace Me was
d Bamad um puny judgments
Meyer an L ju
Rule, eu.n ended on motion or Aid. Fishery
Seas 19, an
ordinance read d time
and passed. (See Ordinance No. 1,16':)
An ordinance for an order for $1&85 1...r
Lena Rutze',
Rule. -Suspended on Mellon of Aid. Hock,
yeas 16, rade ordinance was mad second time
and pmelim. (Seo Ordinance No. 1,169.)
An ordinance was read prohibiting keeping
of wood yards within the fire limits.
Rules suspendedon motion of Aid. Kavanagh
yeas 13, and ordinance read second time and
An ordinance was read defining manner as to
pa meat of me rey authorized by at act to pro-
vide for appointment, etc., of Board o[ Loves
Commissionere, approved April 24, 1889.
Committee on Streets.
By Ald. Sonbora—
Resolution for seven gas light. on Kenwood
Committee on Gas.
By Aid. Pratt—
A resolution was read permitting Warrendale
Improvement Co. to grade streets in Warren-
By Aid. Blom—
A resolution tar gasoline lamp north side
block 2, Edmund Rice's Fourth, addition, on
Lookout place.
Committee oil Gas.
By Ald. Mines—
Resolutlon for lamps, northwest corner Ohio
and Belmont streets, etc.
Committee on Gas.
By Ald. I11om—
R.Soluthm [or gasoline lamps, Westminster
nad Whitall and other street..
Committee on Gad.
By Aid. Blom—
A resolution for gasoline lamps, Hawthorne
and Edgerton streets nad other streets.
Committee on Gas.
By Aid. Blom—
A resolution for gasoline lamps ut Mississippi
and York and other streets.
Committee on Gas.
By Aid. Sanborn—
' Resolution for gas lights at entrance of Ken-
wood terrace and other points.
Committee on Gas.
By Aid. Melody—
Resolution for gasoline lamps at George and
Manoml. and other street..
Committee on Gas.
By Aid.
id. Pt esolBi .questing Mayor to appoint
Daniel Lindley Special Policeman, to net as
Po islumster in Midway District.
Committee on Pollee.
By Ald. Gehan—
Reeolutlon authorizing Board of Fire Com
missionere to purchase two horses, etc.
Committee on Fire Department.
A resolution for order favor Noon Sinks,
Sealer Weights and Measures, for $4(11.40.
Committee on Public Buildings, etc.
By Aid. Cullen—
A resolutio. for 850,000 Hospital bonds.
Committee on Ways and Means.
By Aid. Bock—
Resolution for fire alarm bozos. Richmond
and Banfil and Colborne and Jefferson Streets.
Committee on Fire Department.
By Aid. Gebsn—
Resolution instructing City Clerk to silver
tise for bids for lot 5, block 4, Kittson's ad
dithm, and Engiue House No. 4.
Committee on Fire Department.
Aid. Bickel was granted a leave of absence
for three months.
of sitse Cler for two=,
Proud t wee granted . leave
A committee representing tbo parties in-
terested In the regairing of Burr street bridge
was heard, and the matter referred to Com
mittee on Streets.
The matter of a change of ¢•ode on Burr
atroet, between Mimehsha d Whithall
streets was postponed and laid over until Tuos
day, July 2, 1889, at 7:80 o'clock p. in.
The matters of all pending applications for
the vacation of streets, alleys, etc., were post-
n 30 O'cllaid ock, p veer until Tuesday, July 2, 1889,
An Ordinance authorizing the City Compptrol
ler of the City of Saint Paul to appolat a
special clerk.wbo shall be known Be the City
Comptroller's Chief Clerk.
The Common Council o[ the City of Saint Paul
do ordain as follows: '
Section 1. That the City Comptroller Is
hereby authorized and Stop end
to appoint
speclel clerk who shall be known as the City
and who shall hot"
his position- for eief uch period of Lime M the said
City Comptroller in his judgment may de-
Sea 2. The salary of tb. said City Comptrol-
ler's Chief Clerk is hereby fixed at eighteen
hundred (81,800) dollars ter annum, comment
Ing with June 1, 1889, hich .hall be paid to
him in like manner as the im rise of City Om-
... or. paid.
Sec. na
3. This ordinance hall take effect and
be in full force from and after Its publication.
Yens—Ald. Blom. Bock, Cullen. Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mines,
Melody, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice Preai-
Passed June 18' IM.
Vice President of Council.
Approved June 22, 1889.
Attest: THOS. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk.
June 24.
An Ordin¢noe appropriating money for and di.
the paytoont to Charles Metzger of the
sum of nineteen and 87 IOU dollare, pursuant
to the report of the Committee of Claims.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul
doordain as follows:
Section 1. That an order be drawnupon the
City Treasury of Saint Poul in favor of Charles
Matz for for the sum of nineteen nad 87-100 del -
Ince, 1n full -in nsatfon for and .tisf.etton
f his claim and demand against the City f
Saint Paul, as apears from his account and
petition oI date J one 1, 1889, as by the report
of the Committee on Claim. to the Common
Council of date the 18th day of June, A. D.
18119, will more fully appear; said order to be
delivered only upon his filing with City Comm
troller full and absolute receipts to the City
satisfaction of said claim or demand.
Seo. 2. This ordinance shall take .deet and
be in force from and after its publieatton.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Book, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gabon. Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mines,
Melody, Pratt, Sullivan. Mr. Vice President—
Passed June 18, 1889.
Vice President of Council.
Approved June 22, 1869.
Attest: THOMAS A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk.
June 24.
An Ordinance granting Fred A. Pierce and
Cunningham & Haas permission to construct,
operate and maintain railroad tracks upon
and over Myrtle avenue, in the City of Saint
Paul, from the easterly line of Cleveland ave-
nue up to the Intersection of said Myrtle ave -
Due with the easterly line of Raymond avenue.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul
do ordain m follows:
Section 1. There is hereby granted unto said
Fred A. Pierce and Cunningham & Haas the
right, permission and privilege of building,
constructing, laying, operating and maintaining
railroad trucks upon and over Myrtle avenue.
the said City of Saint Paul, from the easterly
line of Cleveland avenue up to the intersection
[said Myrtle arcane with the easterly It.. of
Raymond avenue, under the direction and
supervfsfon of the City Engineer, for the pur.
poseof furnishing side-track facilities to the
abutting property.
Sea. 2. The Common Council of the City of
Saint Paul hereby reserves the right to order
said tracks taken up and removed at any time
givfng slaty (60) days' notice to said Fred
A. Pierre, Cunningham & H.aa or to either of
them or to their or either of their successors in
Interest therein.
Sec. S. This ordinance shall take effect and
be In torte tram and after its passage.
Yeas—Ald. Blom. Bock, Cullen, Cooley,
Fisher, Gehnn, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mineq
Melady, Pratt Sullivan, Mr. Vice President
Passed June 18, 1889.
Vice President of Council.
Approved June 222. 1868.
Attest: THOR, A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk.
June 24.
An Ordinance peermitting Sohn Summere to
erect bay win we, but... fea etc.
The Common Council of the City o[ Saint Paul
do ordain ae follows:
Section 1.Permission Is hereby given and
granted unto John Summers to construct and
alnt.It on the northwest corner of the new
addition to the Windsor Hotel, situated on the
east 51 feet of lot 5. block 10, Rice nad Irvine`s
addition to St. Paul, as toll" 0, the eeo
end, third d fourth tones three bay
dows covered %corrugated Iron projectingtwo
feet; also in the center of so d building on
Fifth street two Iron bideo.fea and one hood
projecting over the street It.. four nad oae-
halt feet; said work to be done under the sup.
vision and inspection of the Inspector of Build-
ings of said city.
Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect
be in force from and atter its passage and and
Yeas—Ald.,Blom, Book. Cullen, Conley, Fish-
er, Gahan. Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mines,
Melody, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice Presi.
dent -18.
Passed June 18, 1889.
Vice President of Council.
Approved June 22, 1889.
Attest: THOS. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk.
June 24.
An Ordinance for the payment of the judgment
In District Court in favor of Samuel C. Ray
vs. The City of St. Paul.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul
do ordain as follows:
Section 1. That an order be drawn upon the
City Treasurer In favor of I.V. D. Heard, attor-
ney of record of Samuel C. Ray, for the sum of
forty and 25.100 ($4035) dollare, to full .atlsfac-
tion and discharge of that pertain iudement
ler a
of so
Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and
be In force from and after its publication.
Yeas— Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, ehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mines,
Malady, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice Preeldent—
Passed June 18, 1849.
Vice President of Council.
Approved June 22,1889.
Attest: THOS. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk.
June 24. —
An Ordinance authorizing the payment of a
iudgment lu favor of John Welter.
Tho Common CounCll of the City of St. Paul do
ordain as follows:
Section]. That an orderbe drawn In favorof
Proppt.g & Markham, attorneys of record for
John Welter, for the sum of 845 In full payment
and satisfaction of that certain judgment
entered fa the supreme court of the state of
Minnesota on the let day of June, 188 in that
certain action wherein Said John L'Iter ib
pplofntiff and the Citi of St. Paul is defend"at,
to favor said ptaintlR and against sold defend-
Said order shall be delivered only upon there
being filed with the clerk of said _urt a full
discharge and satisfaction of Said judgment,
nd o certified copy thereof being filed with
the Clty Comptroller of said efty.
Seo. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and
be in force from and atter Its passage.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Bock, CRRBD, Conley,
Fisher, Gehnn, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mines,
M,I,dy,Pmtt,SuUivan Mr.Vice Prealdent.-13.
Passed va
Vice President of Council.
Approved June 12. 1889.
Attest: THOS. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk.
June 21.
An Ordinance authorizing the payment of four
i dgmevt8 sg Inst the C1ty of St. Paul,
TLB Common oI Lhe City of St. Paul
do ordain as 10110WB;
Section 1. That an order be drawn I. favor
of Mesar.. Smith & Hawthorne, attorney. of
fard for Emma Meyer sad Herman L. Meyer,
the aum or ninety-six aad ee-t W aotfar. In roll
]p yment .ad evtiamation of thole four certain
dgmenta against the City of St. Paul, as lot
One favor of Emma Meyer of dote of May
11, 188D, for the sum of twenty-nine dollars.
One in favor of Herman L. Meyer of data
May IS, 1880, for the sum of twenty -eine dol-
One iv favor of Emma Meyer of data Jude s.
1889, for
the Bum of nineteen and 40 -IW dollars.
One m favor of Herman L. Meyer of date
June 6, 1889, for the sum of nineteen and AO -IW
Said order to be delivered only upon their
being filed I. the R to of the Clerk of the Die.
trio Court if Ramsay County, Mfenesot,,
judgment. ore ent
wherein said judgmered, proper
certificates of Sati.f.etion of all said judg-
ments, and certified copies thereof being filed
with the City Comptroller of said city,
be innfares from end after ince shall Ls a effect and
Ye_ 1d. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, K8v911, Lefthauser, Mlnea,
Malady, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice President
Passed June 18, 1889.
ANT ... y YOERG. JA,
Vice President of Connell.
Approved June= 1889.
ROBERT A. SisTrit, Mayor.
Attest: THOS. A. PREIrDERGAaT, City Clerk.
June 24
Ae drawn
in (favor of Lena RutzOrdinance ieu for $ an 1H 85 forer to t axes by
her paid on property taken for Sturp. street.
The Common Council of the City o St. Paul
do ordain as follows:
Section L That an order be drawn In favor
of Lena Rutzen for the e m f $18.851¢ full
compensation and eatlefaction for money paid
by her as taxes upon propertyy take¢ for public
0 for Lhe oyyening of Sturgis Street, in B Id
city, eaid or e m be delivered met,
her deliv.
seta c14y B rso 1pt 1. full of said claim
Sea 2' That Ordinance No. 1,183, entitled
"An Ordinance to authorize the payment of
CL9.e0 to Lena Rutzen m refund m ey errove
ouHly paid m opening 6nargl. street," approved
May 1& 1889, be and the same le he
Seo. 8. Thi. ordlnn.oe shall take effect and
be In force from and after its passage.
Ye.-Ald. Blom. Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehnn, Kavanagh, Lefthauser, Mines,
Melody, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice President
Pureed June 1& 1889.
Vice President of Council.
Approved June 22, 1 .
Attest: THOS. A. PRsNDERGAST, City Clerk.
Juno 21.
An Ordinance appropriating money fore d dl
acting the payment to St. Paul Gas Light
Company of the sum of one hundred andtl[
teen dolmrs.
The Common Council of the City of SL. Paul do
dam as follows:
Section 1. That an ord.1 S1 Pauler bI.e drawI. orn upon¢ the
Paul Gas Light Company lot the i u n tof onto
hundred and tlB... gl Bo dollars in full a m
p,ea..BOB 2or and eatiafht"I of ire two olefin'
d demands egamet Ills Clty of St. Paul; one
leotric light furnished Damyton'e Mut during
C.rnlvsl of 1887, for the of $5& a d me
Sher for labor furnished lighting Cerelval fl
luminstione of date Feb. 11, 1888, amounting to
&57 balance.
Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect
and be In force from and after its publication.
Yeas -Alda Blom, Book, Cullen. Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Lefthauser, Min..,
Melody, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice Presfdent-
Passed June Ig, 1889.
Vim President
ut of of Council.
Approved June 22, 1888.
Attest: TROs. A. PRENDEsaASweT, City Clark.
Jana 24.
B Read. t
olved,That the following plate, ae np-
p_ved by the Plot Commission, end ss reoom-
e ded by the City Engineer. be Bud the same
are hereby accepted by the Common Counoll of
the City 01st. Paul:
6tlerle, bloConvWe & B..get,- Mldwsy eddi-
Kll.1m,ii re.rrangement of lot 2, block 10,
Woodbury & Case addition.
D"St..,rearrangeme.L of pert o[ Crefck-
.book'.Garde Lona.
Rearrangement In D. H. Hunt's addition to
St. Anthony Perk.
Belmont sddltion to City of St. Paul.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Book, Cullen, Coley,
Fisher, Gehen, Khvenugh, Leltheueer, Mine.
Melody, Pratt, 9ullive., Mr. Vice
Approved June 22,188?.
By A1d. Book -
Resolved, That CityEngineer report a grad.
in help in block o, e, Whitacre,Brlabine &
Mullen a subdivision of Lee.
, ut late, be
tween Douglas and Garfield streets.
Yens-Ald. B om, Bock, Cullen, Coaley,
Fisher, Gehan, evonngh, Leithauaer, Min
Melady, Pratt, Bull van, Mr. Vice President.
Approved June 22, 1889.
13 Ald. Blom-
Reaalved, That the City Engineer be d
hereby is ordered to report a grade on the alley
In block sixteen (I6) of Stinson's addition.
Yher-Aid. Cohen, lom, Book, Kavanagh, Leithlauser, MmeConle.,
Memdy, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice President -
Approved June 29, 1889.
By AId. Leitbauner-
Resolved, That the City Engineer be hereby
ordered to place w day drain box on the
oath aide of Minuehaha, across Greenbrier
a Yeas-Ald. Blom, Bock. Callon, Conley, Fish
r, G.h..,, Knva...h LefthausePvcr, Mine,, Mol-
8uBivaa, M I.
VVi- .idcat-1.
a proved Juno 22, 1888.
esolved, That the City Engineer be fn-
tmeted to lay a crossing on the sonm Hide of
Dearborn street aad acro.. Dakota avenue.
Yea. -Aid. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley.
Fisher, Gehan, Kav... gh, Lmtli.user, Mme.,
Moldy, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice President-
Approved June 22, 1880.
By Aid. Leithaueer-
Resolved, That the City Engineer be hereby
ordered to have a crosswalk placed across
Minnehaha street at the Intersection of East
Seventh .tree.
YBas-Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley, Fish -
or, Geban, Kavanagh, Lefthauser, Mlnea, Me -
lady, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice President -13
Approved June 22. 1889.
By Ald. Kavn.ngh-
Resolved, That Sha Chiefof Police of this it
is hereby authorized to remove and Cause to De
.moved any and all obstruatlons, fence.,
build age and structures now to be found d
located upon St. Clair street. between W 11 1.
a Forbes street; on Wilkin street. between
St. Clair street and the Chicago. Milwaukee &
St. Paul Railway; Milk .treet.botweea Wil-
kin street and Smith avenue: on Spring street.
between W tlkm street and Forbes street. and
in the alleys between Wilkin and St. Clair
Yeo.-Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan. Kavanagh, Ltethauser, Mme.
Melody, Pratt, Sullivan. Mr. Vice President
Approved June 22. 1889.
Resolved, That the Building mspector 1H
hereby charged with the duty of the nforer
e t of the act entitled 'An act to declare the
emission of dense s=
or thick smoke, or
e other
make m large quantities, or soot from chim-
apertures 1n the City of Saint
Paul, 1¢ rtain clroumeta.aea, to be nul-
B6vd W constitute the commission thereof'.
misdeme...r, aad to prescribe a penalty
therefor,^ approved March 5, 1889, and the
making of complaints against all verso.. who
violate Bala act.
Y...-Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Geban, Kavanagh, Lefthauser, Mlnea,
Malady, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice President -
Approved June 22, 1889.
By Ald. Gehua-
Resolvedereby the,led Commissioner of Health
to and le hereby lnat St. p 1.n, ..use fico
to be served upon the St, Paul Sanitation to c mply
pany that, terms
as d proceeds at once to comply
with the terms ond conditions of said contract
be thh
by It to performed, the CounclLw111 avl
l chid treat an
m th
t thken other a miovs
far the doing of the work by eafd cowpony to
be performed.
Yeas-Ald.Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Flesher, Gena., Knvmm.., Lefthauser, Mines,
Melody, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice President
Approved June 22, 1889.
BRe IolaMmea
d. at the Ctty Clerzed to _Bk a d he ie
g ad ort theherebyhore
St. Pau ad Mendota reat"Ue°r
coedalncetwith flans, pro H Enlad
as nod ap.ccrecidchtione
to be furnished by the Gold City Engineer:-"
Fisher, Gehan, K ...age, LeltII1 ear, MmeCoal ,,
Melady, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Viae Preel-
Approved June, 22, ISS9.
By Aid. Sanborn -
Resolved, Thut the city gasoline street con-
tractor be and he is hereby direled to remove
nine of the gasoline lampson M that Dave been dfs.
placed art
streets, in the Seventh Word, anld place and I)them
as follows:
One at northeast corner of Fairmount ave-
nue and Victorm street.
One on south aide oI Fairmount avenue, mid.
way between Victoria street and Avon street.
One on northeastt, corner of Fairmount ave.
nue and Avon atto I.
One on south side of Fairmount avenue,
midway between Avon street and Grotto
r ast corner of Fairmount avenue
and o.t
One osouth aide of Fairmount avenue,
midway between Grotto street and St. Albans
One on northeast corner Osboola hve¢ue had
Grotto street.
One on south Hide of Osceola avenue, mid.
way between Grotto street ond Avon street.
t st corner of Osceola avenue
and Avon stree
t .en Avon etre et and Victoria stOne an south side a'OB-001areetnue, be -
One on northeast corner Osceola avenue and
Victoria site
Yah. - Ald. Blom, Book. Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Geban, Kavanagh Lefthauser, Mina,
Melody, Pratt, Sullivan, W. Vice President-
Approved June 22,18n.
By Aid. Melody -
Resolved, That Aid. Cullen, Sullivan, Gehan
and Mmen be end they a hereby elected to
d .hall dery members of the Board of
Equaliz.tto. aad Board of Abatement for the
year 18889.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Book, Cullen, Conley, Fish-
er, Geben, Kavnnage, Leithauaer, Mine,, Mel-
ody, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice President -1&
Approved June 2d, 1889.
Ifeaolved, -'phst the proper city o®care of
the City of Saint Paul be aad they are hereby
authorized and directed to Issue certificates of
indebtedness, payable to Robert A. Smith,
mayor, or order for the sum of ten thousand
(810,b0a) dollars to denomfn.tion or amount of
five thousand (16,000) dollars each, payable in
train d
one (1) and two (2)yeam fthe ates thereof,
with interest at the rate of Seven (7 per cent
i sixth of section 3 of an act an
to amend the charter of the City
and the sots amendatory there.
;d Feb. 22, A. D. 18g7, aid
appropriated for the Johnstown
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Book. Cullen. C..lev,
Fisher, Gabon, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mines,
Malady, Pratt. Sullivan, it. Vice President -
Approved Junb 19, 1889.
By Ald. Cullen -
Resolved by the Common council of the City
of St. Paul. That the proper city officers are
hereby authorized and empowered to execute
and issue certificates of indebtedness, payable
in two and three gram from their date of Issue,
with interest at the rate of elx (6) per cent per
annum payable semi-annuslly, to the amount
of forty-fiv. thousand ($46,OW) dollars, for the
special fund applicable to the construction of
the Wabasha street bridge over the Mlssis-
aippf river, from the north shore of Raspberry
Island, in accordance with the provisions of
subdivision No.2 o1 section 6, chapter -A Spe-
cial Laws, extra session of year 1861.
Yeas -Aid. Hlom. Hock, Cullen, Conley,Fish-
er, Gahen, K -v .. 1,, Leithnueer, Mines, Mel-
udy. Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vico Preeldent-I3.
Approved June 19, 1889.
By Ald. Conley.
Resolved, That an order be drawn on the
Ily. iepayee to luracalr the sFranzhou
Falk one
Company, to mpay them money paid by them
under pmteet for wholesale liquor license for
year 18M.
Yae Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley.
Fisher, Gabon, Kavanagh, Leithnueer, Mines,
Malady, Pratt, Sullivan. Mr. Vice President
Approved June 22. 1889.
By Ald. Gehan-
'seolved, That an order be drown on the
City Treasurerin favor of Fred Dentinal, for $3,
for use of furniture used at Precinct
Ninth Ward,in the November election of (IB88)
eighteen hundred and eighty.eight.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Cooley,
Fisher. Gabon, Kavanagh,, Minna,
Melody, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice President-
Approved June 22, 1889.
Aid- Sulle"an-
Resolvd. That an order be drawn upon Lht
Treasury in favor of the William F. Davidsor
eaters [or the sum of three hundred end sever
and 9.i1.
donors. to refund interest erre
neously paid on the paving of Sixth street
Yeas-Ald. BlomBock, Cullen, Goals ,
Fisher, Gen, Leithaueer, Mines, Meludy,
Pratt, Sullivan. Mr. Vice President -l2.
Nays-Ald. Kavanagh-l-
AppramdJune22, 1869.
Resolved, That a refunding order be drawn
upon the City Treasury in favor of E. M. Hal-
lowell for the sum of forty-one dollar. aad
.Ixty-eight cents (141.66), the said aum being
the total amount paid by said Hallowell on so-
ainst block
St.Paul proper, for the cat of the onstruct on of wooden
S on State street, weer aide, and oa
t.nanwnad avenue,. cast side (Estimate No.
the said block 91 naviag oeeu
uu ou. • .
the opening, widening and extension of 8lots
street, between Roble nd Louisa Streets, the
assessment for which was confirmed on Sept.
14, 1888. whereas the sidewalk. in front of said
miock 9'nt for which was confirmed anwere laid OV- 16s, 1888.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Book, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gabon Kavanagh.Malady, ratt, Sullivan, Mr•eiVice SPresid nMinest
Approved June 22, 1869.
By Aid. Sanbarn-
Resolved, That permfsefon be and the same
is hereby granted to Joseph Lackey to grade
edition to SplYotileuna rlstreet in LOS the direction off the
City Engineer. at his own expense.
Provided, that said Lockey shell pay Into
the City Treasury an amount equal to the ez
penes of the eupervi.ton and inapectlon by the
City Engineer of said work, and shall file en
acgreKtance of this ordinance before commend
inYehos-Aldwork. Rlom, Hock, On
Fisher, Geh.n. Kavanagh,, Mines,
Malady, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice President
Approved June 22, lW9.
By Ald- Gehan-
Rose ad, That Samuel Mayall be and la
authorized to constroot a Sewer on Mt,
Airy street, from east line of L'Or1nt est to
one hundred feet west of the west 1ne of
L'Oggrfflnt .tree, under the direction of the City
sha)1 be paid for by ..,it Mayall withouovided, beware that t to
the city.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Bock. Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gabon, Kavnagh. Leithauser, Mines.
Malady, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice President -
Approved June R2, 1889.
By Aid.Conley-
Reaolvod, That the bid of Frank J. Brings,
doted June 4, 1889, tar the furnishing of forage
be and the same is hereby accepted, and that
street the d to drew contract betwea.eenithe ci7 and
aafd Fronk J. Brings, pureusnt tosaid bid, end
that the proper city omcere be and we hereby
Instructed to execute said contract, geld bid
being as follows: Upland hay (No- 1), 60 Lonccuta&
bran, 5,000 lbs, *9'50 petatton(ofh2,000 pounds);
straw, 10 Lona, 16.60.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Book, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gabon, Kavanagh, Letthauser, Mines,
Malady, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice President
Approved June = 1889.
By Ald. Gebon-
Resolved, That the further construction of
stone or cement sidewalks on Tilton street be
and the same is hereby ordered stopped or de
layed until further instructions from the Com-
mon Council of the City of St. Paul.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley, Fish.
er, Gabon, Kavanagh, Lelthauser. Mines, Mel-
ady, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice President -13.
Approved June 22, 1889.
By Aid. Blom -
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
cause John street to be sprinkled,from Olmsted
street to Williams street.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan. Kavanagh. Leithauser, Mines,
Malady, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice President—
Approved June 22,18W.
By Aid. Fisher -
Resolved, That the Boardof Public Works
cause to be laid ahexagonal Stone cement side
alk eight feet wide In front of lot 3, block 84,
Dayton and Irvine's addition.
Yens-Ald. Blom, Block, Cullen, Conley, Fish-
er, Gabon, Kav... gh. Leithauser, Mince, Mel-
ody, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice President -18.
Approved June 22, 1889.
By Ald. Conley -
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
be aad they ore hereby f.stmeted to lay a
square or hezngonnl cement block sidewalk on
the east side of Wacouta street, betwee. Sev-
enth and Eighth streets.
Yeas -Aid. Blom, Back, Cullen, Conley
Fisher, Gabon, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Minn:
Malady, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr, Vice Presl-
Approved June 22,18N.
By Aid. Kavanagh
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works be
and are hereby authorized to cause to be laid
on the southerly side of Sixth street, between
Minnesota and Robert street., at such places
as needed. sidewalk of hexagonal or square
cement blocks, to be done under the super.
vision of the City Engineer,
Yea.-Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley, Fish-
er, Gabon,
Kavanagh, Lolthauser, Mine!, Mel-
ody, Pratt Sullivan, Mr. Vine President -
Approved June 22, 1869.
By Aid. Kavanagh -
Resolved, Thattha Board of Public Work.
be and ere hereby authorized to cause to be
laid sidewalk of hexagonal or square cement
blocks on the westerly side of Sixth .treat, be.
tween College and Summit avenues, to be done
under the supervision of the Clty Engineer.
Yea. -Aid, Blom. Bock, Cullen. Conley,
Fisher, Gabon, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mines,
Melody, Pmt, Sullivan, Mr. Vico President
Approved June 22,18%
By Aid. Bock -
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
cause to be laid on West Seventh street, from
Third street to Ramseyy street, square or hex-
agonal cement block aidewalks.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Book, Cullen, Conley,
F)sber, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mines,
Malady, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice President -
Approved June 22, 1889. -
By Aid. Sullivan -
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
arehereby authorized to lay crosswalk on
est side of Howell avenue, sem.s St. Ad-
thooy aveuue.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gabon, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mines,
Malady, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice Prest-
Approved June 22, 1889.
By Ald. Sanborn -
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
construct and maintain a wooden sidewalk. six
feet in width, on the north aide of Evergreen
avenue, from Victoria street to Chatsworth
street, and on the South side of Evergreen
uvenue,from Victoria street to lot seven, block
one of Bryant Park, First addition to St. Paul,
with the .ocees.ry crosswalks.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Book, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Geban, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mines,
Malady, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice President -
Approved June 22, 1889.
By Aid. Sullivan -
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
are hereby authorized to construct wooden
sidewalks on both aides of Amos avenue, from
Mamball to Dayton avenue, and on South side
of Dayton avenue, from comer of Amos avenue
eastward, m frost of lot, 1. 8. 9 and 10, block
Il, Merriam Park Second addition, Alao crose-
Slk acmes Amos avenue, o. South side of
Dayton; also across Dayton ..both ,idea of
Amos avenue; names Amos on south side of
Marshal avenue, and across Marshall avenue
on west side of Amos avenue.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Cohn, Kavanagh, Leith ... a,. Mlnea,
Melody, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice President
Approved June 22, 1680.
By Aid. Melady-
Reaolved, That the Board of Public Works
are hereby ordered to construct a ala -foot
wooden .Idewalk on the east and west sides of
Maaomin street, from Cherokee avenue to
Lucy street, together with the necessary
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fieher, Cehan, Kavanagh, Lelthauser. Mine.,
Malady, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice President -
Approved Juno 22, 1888
By Aid. Blom-
Reeolved, That the 11..rd of Public Works
are hereby instructed to construct So eight.
toot wooden sidewalk on both sides of Green
brier avenue, from Jessamine street to Mary.
land streak with the necessary crosswalks.
By Ald. Yoerg-
Resolved, That the proper city officers of
the C/ty of Saint Paul be and they are heroby
authorized and directed to Issue certificate. of
indebtedness, payable to Robert A. Smith,
mayor, or order for the f ten thousand
819.900) dollum m denomination or amunt f
five thousand ($5,000) dollars each, payable 1.
one (1)and two (')years from the dates hereof,
with Interest at the rate of seven (7) per cent
per annum,payable semi unnually,as authorized
by subdfvisoio sixth of section 3 of an act ea•
titled ..An net to amend the charter of the Clty
of Saint tlato
Paul end the sate a ry there-
of; • approved Feb. 22, A. D. 1887. Bald
a omit being appropriated for the Johnstown
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Bock. Cullen. Conley,
FLDer, Gehan, Kavanagh, Lelthaueer, Mines,
Melody, Pratt. Sullivan, Mr. Vice Preaide.t-
Approved June 19, 1839.
By Aid. Cullen -
Resolved by the Common Council of the City
of St. POOL That the proper city officers n
hereby authorized and empowered to ",cuts
iend issue certificate. of lc%Ued.ees, p.yable
n two sad three years from their date of f,.au
with interest at the rate of at. (6) per cent per
fpp Tartyy-fl athoulb"eandin the (&f.5,0ixbd lI.- Toroout
thecWeDaeha Pstrieet bridgeDover thecMletionais-
lppi river, from the north ..oro of Raspberry
Island, to accordance wan the provlelone [
so bdivlsio No.2 of section d, ahayter 33, Spe
c1a1 Laws, extra session of year 1831.
Yeas -Aid. Blom. Bock, Cullen, Cooley,Fish-
ndyGPrntt, Sulilv.n Mr eVlce PMol-
resid Mince, ,3.
yApproved June 19, 1839.
BResolved, IThat o order be drawn on the
City Treasurer for the som of one thousand
dollars, payable to the Fran. Falk Brewing
under pryotest fto or em
aD lassie Ilthem quori I cease d by h for
year 1& d
Yeas-AId. Blom. Bock,Cullen' Mine
Flab-Gehan, Kavanagh,
Malady, Pratt, Sullivan. Mr. Vice President
Approved June 22. 1869.
By Aid. Cohen -
Resolved, Turerhat an ordof er ba draw. on the
City u...1 Treafualturein nnor d It Precinct No.. 1. for hof
Ninth W.rd.ln the November election of (1388)
eighteen hundred and eighty-eight.
Yeas-Ald. Blom. Hook, Cullen, Conley,
N`ieher. Gobs,
obs , Kavanagh, Leihouser, Mines.
Melady, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice Preaidnt-
Approved June 22, ISM
Aid. Sullivan -
Resolved. That an order be drawna pon the
Treasury In favor of the William F. Davldso.
estate tot the sum of three hundred and seven
and M-1
00 dollars. to refund interest erro
neously paid on the paving of Sixth street.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Geban. Leitheueer, Mmes, Malady.
Pratt, sullfvan. Mr. Vice Presidents -12.
9ys.Kava, aggBBh-1-
Resolved, That a refundiag order be drown
upon the City Treasury 1. favor of E. M. Hal
Jowell for Lha sum of forty-one dollars and
slaty -eight Dents (141.08), the said gum being
the total amount paid by said Hallowell on ao-
Couet of Lhe assessment .,.met block 91, West
St. Paul proper, for the construction of wooden
IdewolkB on State street, west aide, and on
Greenwood avenue, east aide (Estimate No.
3), undercontract of James Forrestal, for term
beglnnmg April 1, 1888, and ending Nov. 1,18%.
the Bald block 91 having been condemned for
the opening, widening and extension of State
Approved June 22, 1839.
By Aid. Sanboa-
Resolved, That perccl-f- be d the
is hereby gracted to Joseph Lockey Lo grade
H.rdenburg place, a email arrest in Lockey',.
addition to SL. Paul, under the directio. of the
City EDglneer. at hie own expense.
Provided, that said Lockey shall pay Into
the City
tTrohe sup. vision andtin pection by the
ense City work, and shall file an
epto,,, of this ordinance before commeec-
ng the k.
YensAld. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley.
Fisher, Gni. Kavanagh, Letthausar, Mines,
Melody, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice President
Approved June 22, 1889.
By Aid. Gehan-
Resolved. That Samuel Mayall be and 1.
hereby authorized to constrect a sewer n Mt.
Airy est to
hundred feet from est Ilweiti a [I thheOrien t line of
L'O��rilent atreek under the direction of the City
eh Il be pId Be -
aid for by rovi said Mayall twlthoutt cost to
the city.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Bock. Cullen, Conley.
Fisher.M elnd, Pratt, Sullivan Mr Vice Pm.1dnt�
13ApprovedJune 22, iSS9.
By Aid. Conley-
Resolv.d, TDat Lha bid of Frank J. Brings.
dated June 4, 1859, for the furnishing of forage
be and the same is hereby accepted, and that
the Corporation Attorney bean ie hereby 1.-
strueted to drew contract between the city end
said Frank J. Brings, pursuit to . or bid, and
that the proper city officers be and are Dereby
instructed to execute said contract, satd bid
being as f.IIOwe: Uplendhey (No. i), 60 ton&
$7.59: outs, No -2 white, 3.900 bushels.4 Oe.tS;
bran, 5,0D0 lb S, 19.60 per to (of 2,000 pounds);
Straw, 10 tons, 115.50,
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leihouser, Mmes,
Malady, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice President
Approved June' 22, 1SS9.
By Aid. Gabon -
Resolved, That the further construction of
stone or cement sidewalks on Tilton street be
and the game is hereby ordered stopped or de.
layed until further instructions from the Com-
mon Council of the City of St. Paul.
Yens -Aid. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley, Fish -
or, Kavanagh, Lelthaueer. Mine., Mel-
ody, Pratt, Sullfvan, Mr. Vice Preslde.tr13.
Approved Juno 22, 1889.
By Aid. Blom -
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
John street to be9prmkled,from Olmsted
.trust to William. street.
Yens-Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Cob- Kavanagh. Leithnu,er, Miven,
Mclady, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice Preeldent-
Approved June 22, 1339.
By Aid. Flsher-
cResolved, That the Board f Public Works
ee to be laid she sagonl stove cemnt,Ide
alk eight feet wide In front of lot 3, block 34,
Dayton ad Irvine'. addition.
Yens-Ald. Blom, Block, Cullen, Cooley, "ah-
Gehan, Kavanagh. Leithauser, Miven, Mel-
ody, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice President -18.
Approved Ju.e 22, 1889.
olved, Conley
esat the Board of Public Works
be and they are hereby I.stacted Lo lay a
.N.- ch hexagonal cement block sidewalk o.
the east side of .;pal
to street, between Bev.
enth and Eighth streets.
Y. Aid. Blom, Bock, CulleConley.
Fisher, Cohen,, Lelthon,user, Mines.
Melody, Pratt, Sulll van, Mr. Vice Pmsi-
Approved Jun. 22, 1889.
By Aid. Kavanagh -
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works be
and are herebynuhorized W cause to be laid
the souherl aide of Sixth street, between
Mince-, and Robert streets, at such e lace,
se needed. idewnik t hexngonl r quare
ant blocks, to be done ander the .uper-
vielon of the City Enginee,
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley, Fish-
Gehn, Kvauagh, Lelthauser, Mine.• M.1-
udy, Pato Sullivan, Mr. Vice President -I8.
Approved June 22, 1889.
By Ald. Kevanagh-
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
be and are hereby authorized to cause to be
laid sidewalk of hexagonal or square cement
blocks on the westerly side of Sixth street, be-
tween College and Summit avenues, to be done
under the supervision of the City Engineer.
Yeas-Ald. Blom. Bock, Cullen. Conley,
Fisher, Cohan. Kavanagh, Leihouser, Mines,
Melody, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr Vice President
Approved June 22, 1889.
By Alda Bock -
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
cause to be laid on West Seventh street, from
Third street to Ramsey street, square or hex-
agonal cement block Sidewalks.
Yeas -Aid. Hlom, Hock. Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leith.user, Mineo,
Malady, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice President -
Approved June 22, 1389.
By Aid: Sullivan -
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
are hereby authorized to lay crosswalk on
est aide of Howell avenue, across St. An-
thony avenue.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Book, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Minea,
Melody, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Via. Pm.i-
Approved June 22, 1889.
BiId. Sanborn-
ResDived, That the Board of Public Works
construct and maintain a wooden sidewalk, six
feet In width, on the north aide of Evergreen
venue, from Victoria street to Chatsworth
street, and on the south aide of EverTmek
yen from Victoria street to lot aeven, Cb
one f Bryant Park, First addition to St. Paul,
with the necessary crosswalk..
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Book. Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Golan, Kavanagh, Lelthnuser, Mines,
Melody, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice President-
Approved June 22, 1889.
By AId. Sulhvn-
B olved, That the Board of Public Works
are herebythorized to 0 ...I Out wood..
sidewalks on both Bides of Amos avenue, from
Marshall to Dayton avenue, and on south side
of Doyton avenue, from corner of Amos avenue
Lwerd, to frontf lots 7, 1. 9 and 10, block
It. Merriam Park Second addition, Alsocross.
Min acro.. Am a nue, o th id. of
Dayton; also nor... Dayton on both side. of
Amos a ss Amos o south side o1
avenues and across Marshall avenue
est side of Amos avenue.
on Yeas-Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Cohan. Kavanagh, Lelthaueer, Mmes,
Malady, Pratt, Sullivan. Mr. Vice President
APDrovod June 22, 1389.
By Aid. Malady -
Resolved, That the Board [ Public Works
are beroby ordered W construct a six-foot
odea If
on he and went aides of
Manomm street. from Cherokee are -ii to
Lucy street, together with the necessary
c Yeas -Aid. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehn, K -nigh, Leithouaer. Mmes,
Malady, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice President -
Approved June 22, 1889
By AId. Blom -
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
ore hereby instructed to construct an mght-
foot wooden sidewalk on both sides of Green
brier avenue, from Jessamine street to Mary.
land street, with the necessary crosswalks.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Bot
Fisher, Gahan, Kavanagh,
Melady, Pratt. Sullivan, 1
13Approved June 22, 1889.
By Aid. Bock—
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
cause sidewalks to be laid on folluwing streets:
On south side Randolph street, twenty-five fret
east of Webster, to Warsaw street; on St. Club,
street IW feet east of Ann street.
Yens—Ald. Blom, Hock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh. Lelthauser, Mine.,
Melady, Pratt, Sullivan. Mr. Vice President -
Approved June 22, 1889.
By Aid. Sulliva.—
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
are hereby authorized to construct wooden
sidewalks on Moore .venue, between Carroll
street =it Marshall avenue, except where
walks are now laid; also the necessary crose
walks in connectfo. with the above.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen. Conley, Fish-
er, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mines, Mel
ady Pratt Sullivan, Mr. Vice Preside.t—I&
Approved June 22, 1889.
By Aid. Sanborn—
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council
oI the City of St. Paul:
Thatthe matterof c ... tructi.g n sewer on
Virglnta avenue, from Iglehart street to Mar
.hall avenue, be and the same is hereby r
ferred to the Board of Public Works to lave Sit
gate and report:
First. Is thin Improvement proper and .ec-
Second. Give the Council a. estimate of the
expense thpreof, and state whether one half of
the cost thereof Ig to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract Is let.
Third. Can real estate to be Ssessed for
said .improvement be found benefited to
the extent of damages, coats, and expenses
necessary to be lnourred thereby°
Fourth. Is such 1m ro'em
ent asked for
upon the petition or application of the owners
of n majority of the property to be assessed for
such improvementf
Fifth. Send the Counoll a plan or profile of
said Improvement, as required by law, if you
report in favor of the some.
61xth. Send Lhe Council a proper order di
rectlnR the work to be done.
Yeas—Aid. Blom, Book, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh. Leithauser, Mfnee,
Melady, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice President -
Approved June 22, 1859.
By Aid. Bock—
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of It. Paul:
That the matter. of
opening, widening and
extending Milton street, from Sebeger to Bay
rd avenue, be and the .me iI hereby re
ferred to the Board of Public Works to i.ves-
tlgate and repport:
First Ie Lhts Improvement proper and nacos
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether one-half of
the coat thereof is to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
said improvement be found benefited to the
extent of damages, coats and expenses neces-
sary to be incurred thereby?
Fourth. Issuch unprovement asked for
upon the petition or application of the owners
of a majority of the property to be assessed for
such improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said improvement, as required by law, if you
repport in favor of the same.
Si th. Send the Council a proper order fit
,acting the work to be done.
June 22, 1889.
By Aid. Gehan—
it 1s hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul.
That the matter of a change of grade
on Park avenue, from Sherburne avue to
Arch street, be and the same is hereby
referred to the Board of Public Works to i.-
vestigate and report:
First. Is this Improvement proper and nee.
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether one-half
I the cost thereof is to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate tobe assessed forswfd
Improvement be found benefited to the extent
of damages, costs and expenses necessary to
be incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such improvement asked for
upon the petition or application of the owners
of a majority of the be assessed for
such Improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
.aid improvement, as required by law, if you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di-
rectfng the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gahan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mines,
Melady, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice President -
Approved lune 22, 1889.
By Aid. Sa.born—
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council
Of the City of St. Paul:
That the matterof cOwr, t e% s Sewer on
Leslie avenue,Irom V Ictorfu gireat to Lexington
avenue. be and the Same fs hereby referred
to the Board of Public Works to investigate
and report:
First. is this improvement proper and nee-
Second. Give the Council ao estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether one-half of
the cost thereof is to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract fs let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
said improvement be found benefited to the
extent of damages, costs and expenses neces-
sary to be incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such improvement asked for
upon the petition or application of the owners
of a majority of the property to be assessed for
such improvement?
Fifth. Send the Counoll . plan or profile of
said improvement, as required by law, if you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di-
recting the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Book, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Lelthauser, Mlnea,
Melady, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice President--
Approved June 22, 1889.
By Aid. Sanborn—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of grading Leslie .venue,
from Victoria street to Lexington avenue, be
and the same is hereby referred to the Board
of Public Works to Investigate and report:
F1rSL IS this Improvement proper and neces-
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether one-half of
the cost thereof is to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be US .... sit for
said improvement be found benetlted to the
extent of damages, costa and expenses necea-
sary to be incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such Improvement asked for
upon the petition or application of the owners
of a majority of the property W be assessed
for such improvementf
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said improvement, as required by law, if you
report in favor of the game.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order
directing the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Book, Cullen, Conley, Fish-
er, Gehan, Kay.naRh, Leithauser, Mines, Mel-
sdy, Pratt, BeBIvan, Mr. Vice President -13.
Approved June 2.° 1889.
By Aid. Leithauser—
Is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St Paul:
That the matter of opening analley in block
IU, A. Gotzfan's subdivision of Lyman Day-
ton's addition to St. Paul, be sad the game is
hereby referred to the Board of Public Works
to investigate and report:
First. Is this improvement proper and nec-
Second. Give the Council a. estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether one-half of
the cost thereof is to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
said Improvement roveent be found benefited to the Or
tent of damages, costs and expenses necessary
to be Incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such Improvement asked for upon
the petition or application of the owners of a
majority of the property asseaaed for such im-
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said Improvement, as required, by law, if you
report I. favor of Lhe same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order dl-
reoting the work W be done,
Yeae—ALI. Blom, Book, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gelmn, K ... nagb, Lelthauser, Mines,
Moistly, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice Presidents
Approved June 22, 7889.
By Aid. Conley— `
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul.
That the matter of opening an alley through
block 11, Whitney & Smith's addition, con
demning and taking the Southwesterly twelve
(12) feet of lots one, Lwo, three, four, five and
six (fleet 8, 4, 5 and 8), Whitney &Smith's nddl-
tion to St. Paul, be and the same 1s hereby re-
ferred to the Board of Public Work. to investi-
g t.
First.d Int his improvomentproper and neces-
Second. Give the Council and estimate of
the expense and
half of the cost thereState thereof Is to paid Into the
Citv Treasury before the ..-tract Is IOL
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
.aid improvement be found benefited to the ex-
tent of damages, costs and expen.0.......ary
to be incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such impprovement asked for
upon the petition or application of the owners
01 a majority of the property to be assessed for
asseo f of
required by le, Ifyou
he same.
Council a proper order di -
be done.
^Book, Cullen, CMlnea� met.
By Aid. Melady—
It is herebyordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of oonetruoit'
g a sewer on
Livingston avenue, ham Wood street to Isabel,rred to
e Board of be " Public Worker m lav stigat. sad
First. Is this improvement proper and neces-
Second. Give the Council an estimateo[ the
expenses thereof, and state whether one-half
of the oo.t thereof is to be pfd Into the City
Treasury before the contract if let
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
sold improvement be foundbenefited to the ex-
tent of damage.,. caste and expenses necessary
to be Incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such improvement asked for upon
the petition or application of the owners of a
majority of the property to be assessed for
such improvement?
Fifth. Send the Councila plan or profile of
said improvement, as required by law, if you
report in favor of the same.
r Sixth Lhe work to Council a proper order di-
Yeae—Aid. Blom, Book, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan. Kavanagh,, Mi..a.
Malady, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice President -33.
Approved June 22, 1839.
By Aid. B lok—
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the GAY of St. Paul:
That the matterof opening, widening and ex-
tending Logan street, from Canton to Bay
street, be and the same Is hereby referred to
the Board of Public Works to investigate and
Firs, Is thf4 improvement proper and nec.
Give the Council an estimate of the
6bereof, and state whether one-half
I thereof Is to be paid into the City
before the contract to let.
Co. real estate to be assessed for
•ovement be found benefited to the
damages, coats and expenses neces-
i incurred thereby?
Is such improvement asked for upon
on or application of the owners of a
of the Dertv to be assessed for
plan or profile of
ed by law, it you
a proper order di.
, Mines. Cooley,
Approved June 22, 1889.
By Aid. Melady—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of
tit. Paul:
That the atter Ofthe grading f Page
.tree, from South Robert street
to CO.00Ta
tree, be and the same IS
hereby reform d to
the Board of Public Works to investigate and
First. is this improvement proper and neo-
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof,d .tate whetherone-half
of the cost thereof a to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contrast is let.
Tbird. Can real estate to be assessed for
said Improvement be found benefited to the
extent of damages, costa and expenses neces.
sary to be Incurred thereby?
Fourtb. Ie such improvement asked for
upon the petition or application of the owners
of a in ority of the property to be assessed for
such improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said ten p rovement, as required bylaw, If you
report !n favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order dl-
roctmg the work to be done.
FishYea.—Aid. Elcom
Kavone hBook,
Lelthansei. Mi..
Melady, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Viae President
Approved June 22, 1889.
B id BI ne—
Itis hereby ordered tby the Common Council
of the City of S, Paul:
Thai the matterof grading Janke,f_"
Miseisaipppf treat to Earl tree, be d the
m la h by referred to the Board of Public
Works to investigate and report:
First. 18 this improvement proper and noc-
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof, Sud state whether one-hl1 of
the cost thereof is to be paid Into the City
Treasury before the contract Is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
said improvement be found benefited to the
extent of damages, costs and expenses neces-
sary to be incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such Improvement asked for
upon the petition or application of the owners
of a majority of the property to be assessed for
such Improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said improvement, as required by law, il you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di-
recting the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh. Leithauser, Mines,
Melady, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice President
Approved June 22, 1889.
By Aid. Mines—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of constructing sewers upon
)it street to State Street;
in Brown avenue to State
set, from Roble street to
rown avenue, from Roble
creat; Bancroft street, from
ogress street; Ada treeeetd
o Cob
ngreas street e d
etitarred to the Board of
.gate and report:
prevenient proper and nec-
e Council an estimate of the
id state whether one -hall of
to be paidinto the City
e controot 1s
tate to be assessed for
be found benefited to the
costs and expenses nece3-
Bary to be Incurrea Lher ?
Fourth. Is such Improvement asked for
upon the petition or application of the owners
of a majority of the proporty to be assessed for
such Improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said Improvement, as required by law, If you
repport in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di-
recting the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Book, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Minea,
Melody, Pratt, Sullivan,Mr. Vice Presidentl3.
Approved June 22, 1889.
By Aid. Leithauser
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of S, Paul:
That the matterof grading Johnson street to
e partial grace, from marylsvd .trout to city
limits ,be and the some is hereby (erred to
the Board of Public Works to investigate and
First. IS this improvement proper and nec-
Second. Give the Council no estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether one-half of
the coatthereof is to be pad into the City
Ptessitry before the contract le let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
said improvement be found benefited to the
extent of damages, costs and expenses neves
sary to be Incurred thereby!
Fourth. Is such Improvement asked fm
upon the petition or application of the owner;
of a majority of the property to be assessed
for such Improvement!
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said improvement, as required by law, if you
report 1n favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order
directing the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley.
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Ninon,
Melody, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice Preaide.t—
Approved June 22, 1889.
By Aid. Fratt—
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of grading Fairview avenue,
from University avenue to Hewitt avenue, said
grading to be pushed forward ae rapidly as pos
,able be and the same is he
referred to the
Board, of public Work. to Investigate and re-
First. Is this improvement proper and nec-
Second. (;Sve the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether one-half of
the cost thereof is to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract is Iet.
Third. Can rout estate to be asee.eed for
soldtt ofmprog ant be found benefited to the ex
to be I...rredther cost,
ad expenses necessary
Fourth. Is Such Improvement asked upon for
the petition or application of the owners of a
majority of the property to be assessed for
Fifth. p Send the Council a plan or pmflle of
said improvement, as required by low, if you
I. favor of the ..Mo.
ppreSixth. Send the Council a proper order di
rting the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Blom,Bock, Cullen, Conley,Fi.ber,
Cohn, Kavanagh, Lelthauser, Mioea, Melady,
Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice President -18.
Approved June 22, 1889.
By Aid. Fisher—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Poul:
That the matter o[ grading alley in block 12
in Smiths subdivision of Stinson's division to
St. Paul, be and the same is hereby referred
to the Board of Public Works to investigate
and Firs . IS this improvement proper and
n Second o Give the Council se estimate of the
expense thereof nad state whether one-half of
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order dR
meting the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavaoagh, Leitbauser, Mines,
Melody, Pratt. Sullivan. Mr. Vie. President
Approved June 22, 1889.
By Aid. Sanborn—
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of grading Avon street, from
Laurol avenue to St. Clair street, be and the
same is hereby referred to the Board of Public
Works to investigate and report.
First. Is this improvement proper and neo
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
state whether one-half
of the costthereof is ense tereof. d to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract 1s let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
said simprovement be found benefited to the
extent of damages. costa and expenses neces-
sary to be incurred thereby!
Fourth. To such Improvement asked forupo,.
the petition or appliostfon of the owners o[ e
ma]ority of the property to be for
such Improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said improvement, as required by law, if you
reportin favorof the acme.
Sixth. Send the Cou
r noli a proper order dl-
ecting the work to De done.
Yens—Alda Blom. Book, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Geh.n, K.v..aRh, Leithauser, mines,
Melody, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice Praeldant
Approved June>n'', 1889. -
In LheIter of the reports of the Be.rd of
Public Work. dated April 1, 1889, and May
17, 1889.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Councilof
the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of said City
of St. Paul cause the followingg improvement
to be made, to -wit: Repave Jackson street
from Fourth street to Seventh street, In [aril
city, with Kerr Patent pavement (so-called 1, or
with granite blocks, or with ]aspar block pave
ment (so called), or with cedar blocks on con-
crete foundation, and curb with granite, includ-
ing in tba contract for said paving the necea-
ry Sower connections to the property lines.
That said Board cause said work to be let by
as provided by law, without one-half
the e.tlmated cost being first paid into the
City Tr ... cry. nad after aid wk hall be
placed under contract said Board shall pro-
eed without dolayto assess the amount, as
a�ly ae they can
ascertain the same, which
the cost thereof Is to be paid into the City will be requiredbe. to pay the cost and necessary
Treasury before the contract to 10t. expease. of sucIl Improvement upon the real
Said iIm Can renl estate to be t be found benefited assessed
to the provided by lawn 11 beCal im b the otnion i the
extent of dnutages, cost, and expense. nares- Council that real estate to oe a..esea for soon
s ry to be incurred thereby? improvement can be found benefited to the ea-
Fourtn. Is such improvement asked for tent of the coat nad expenses necessary to be
upon the petition or application of the owners incurred in ereby.
f a majority o1 the Property to he assessed Yon.—Aid. Blom, Book, Cullen, Conley,
for such improvement! Fisher, Geban., Leithauser, Mines,
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of Melody, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice President_
Slid improvement, un required by law, If you 13.
report in favor of the same. Approved June 22, 1889.
Board of Pub.
It In hereby ordered by the Common Counoll of
the City of 6th. Paul:
That Lbe Hoard of Public Works of said Clty
as tneycan a9CCrtmn the nam,, wnlCn Win o
required to pay the cost and necessary expenses
f such Improvement upon the real estate to be
benefited bysaid improvement, as provided by
law; it being the opinion of the Council that
real estate to be as
for such improve.
ant can be found benefited to the extent of
the cost and expense. necessary to be incurred
Yeas—Aldo Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley, Fish
er, Gehnn, Kava.agh, Lelthauser, Mines, Mel-
ady, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice President—IA.
Approved June 22, 1889.
f the report of the Board of
dated June 18, 1866.
,rdered by the Common Council
St. Paul:
rd of Public Works of the City
Burne avenue, from the center line or Book
,,rest (ifproduced South) 1.the center line of
Kennard Street III produced South), In said
city, condemning and taking all that part, not
already condemned or dedloated far public nee,
of the South sixty (W) feet of the southwest
quarter (4) o1 the southeast quarter ('a) of
,action 34,township 29, Me ll, being In the Clty
of 8th. Paul, Minnesota. Tlist sold Board shall
proceed without daisy to assess the amount, as
nearly as they con necertsi. the came, which
be required to pay the damages, Costs and
necessary expenses of such Improvement upon
the real estate to be benefited by said improve-
ment, as p, ovided'Dy law; it being the opinion
of the Counoll that real estate to be s.-
.essed far Such Improvement can be found
benefited to the extent of the damages, costa
andexpenses necessary to be Incurred thereby.
Yens—Aid. Blom, Hock, Cullen, ConlCy,
Fisher, Geh.., K...nagh. Lelthauaer,
Malady, Pratt, Bull ivan, Mr. Vice expenses
Approved June 22, 1889.
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works doted December 10, JIM:
It 1s hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Work. of the City
of St. Poul cause the following Improvements
to be made to -wit: Open, widen and extend
Grace street, from Richmond street to Western
.Mon., in said otty, condemning pad Laking till
that land between Richmond street sad West
era avetfue, not already condemned or dedi-
cated for public use, lying within the lines of a
Strip thirty three (.Tri feet i. width, the south
,,as of which Strip shall be two bundred and
eighty-seven (267) feet north tram and parallel
the north line of Nelderbofer atreat, That
said Board shall proceed without delay to as
ens the amount, as nearly as they can aaeer.
tarn the same, which will he required to pay
the damages, costs and necessary expenses of
such Improvement upon the real estate to be
benefited by said improvement, as provided by
law: it being the opinion of the Council that
real estate to be assessed for such improve-
ment can be found benefited to the extent of
the damages, costs and expenses nee Seery to
be Incurred thereby.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Hook. Cullen, Conley,
Fisher. Gen.., Kavanagh, Earthn..or, Mines,
Melody, Pratt. Sullivan, Mr. Vice President
Approved June 22, 1849.
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works dated June 18. 1889:
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of Said City
of St. Paul cause the following improvement
to be made, to -wit; Grade the alley In block
two (2) of the subdivision of block thirtee. (13)
of Stinson*s division. 6th. Paul, in said City.
That said Board cause said work to be let by
contract, as provided by law, without one-half
the estimated cost being nratpaid into the
City Treasury. and after card Work shall be
placed undercontract said Board shall pro-
ceed without delay to assess the amount, as
nearly as they a.. ascertain the came- which
will be required to pay the coat gad asces ray
exp..... of each Improvement up.. the real
estate to be benefited by said improvement, as
provided by law; it being the opl.lo. of the
Council that real estate to be assessed for such
Improvement can be found benefited to the ex
tent of the ,at Rod expenses necessary to be
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen. Conley,
Fisher, Gehnn, Kavanagh, Lelthauaer, Mines.
Melody, Pratt, Sulllvan, Mr. Vice President -
Approved June 22, 1889.
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Pubilc Work, dared June 17, 11939.
It I.
hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City Of St. Paul.
That the Board of Public Works of said City
ofSt. Paul cause the following improvement
to be made, to -wit: Grade Prescott street,
from Oakdale avenue to Campbell street, m
said city. That said Board cauae Said work to
be let by contract, as provided by law, wltbout
one -halt the estimated cost being .ret paid in-
to the City Treasury, and after said work shall
be pinned under contract eah Board shall
without delay to assess the
nearly as they can ascertain the same, which
willberequired to pay the cost and necessary
expenses of such Improvement upon the real
estate to be be.efl red by said Improvement, as
provided by law; It being the opinion of the
tot real estate to be ...eased for each
improvement can be found benefited to the ex.
tent of the cost and expenses necessary to be
incurred thereby.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher. Gehnn, Kavanagh, Letthauser, Mines,
Malady, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice Presl-
Approved Jung 22, 1889,
In the matter of
Public Works i
It is hereby order
the City of St. 1
chat the Board
of St. Paul cause
be made, to wit:
Fairview avenue
That said Board
tract. e. nrot
report of the Board of
Juno 13, 1889.
the Common Council of
Chile Works of said City
Mowing Improvement to
le Capitol avenue, from
dine avenue, in sold city.
Ie sold work to be let by
by law, withoutne.baif
d rs wppaid into the
'ter ik sholl be
.aid Board shall proceed
thea Since
t, as nearly
rho whl ueh will bo
oat and n sary ex-
ent UD01 the real
estate to beba... re. oy earn impOrvv,w,us, un
provided by law, It being Lhe
piclo. or the
Council that real estate to be assessed for.ueh
improvement can be found benefited to the ex-
tent of the cost and expenses necessary to be
Incurred thereby
,.._Aid. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Coley, Fish
er, 6ehan, Kavanagh, LsItb.u.e,, Mine
Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice Preside.t-1&
Approved June )~', 1889.
of the reports of the Board of
. dated July 2. 1888, cad June &
It is It ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Poul:
That the Board of Public Works of said City
of St. Paul the following improve Cut
to be made, ro-wit: Construct a sewer on Ohio
street, from Page street to Belle street; on Isa-
bel street, from Ohio street to Bull avenub; on
Mali .venue, from Isabel street to Delos street.
and o. Delos street. irom Hall avenue to a con-
nection with the Starkey street sewer; also on
Charlton street, from Isabel street fo Hells
street; thence on Belle street to the Misste-
sippl river. 1n sold ciiy,�together with the nee-
essary eatch bs,ins and In
cold sewer
Ing to be done under one contract.
That said Board caus"04d work to be let by
nrrect, an, provided brgs without o.e-half
coat being Bret paid Into the
City Treasury, and after said work shall be
placed under eontr.ot said Hoard shall proceed
without delay to assess the amount, as nearly
as they can ascertain the same, which will be
required to pay the costs and necessary ex-
ppensea of such improvement to the extent of
PI .6 per foot upon the real estate to be bene-
fited by said Improvement, a, yrovided by law:
it being the opinion of the Council that M.l
estate to be aeses,od for such improvement
can be found benefited to the extent of 81.76
per toot towards the coats and expenses nec-
essary to be Incurred thereby.
Yeas—Ald. Blom. Bock. Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gahan, Kavanagh, Leithaueer. Mines,
Melody, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice President
Approved June 22, 1889.
The Vice President called Aid. Sullivan to the
A communication from Dr. HOyL Commis-
sioner of Health, was the. read, addressed to
Aid. Yoerg, and relating to disposition of
garbage pad dead pnim.l..
Aid. Yoerg asked to be relieved from furtber
service on committee (appPointed by resolution
passed June 7, 1889) for dlsposmg of dead .ni-
Aid. Gahan moved that vote by Which
.solution of June 7, 1889, appolntmg
Chairman of Committee on 8treete and
.... dCommllepos.1 of dead anima Healthe, was passed,tbe
Adopted and -11 vote reaoneidered.
The matter of diepoeal of dead an was
thereupon referred to Committee o❑ Streets.
Vice President Yoergg.� thereupon took the
Chair and the Council eWourned.
Vice President of Council.
An Ordinance prohibiting the keepin main -
telling or e...bllshing wood yards within the
fire limit. of the City o[ IS Paul
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul
do ordain as follows:
Section 1. It is hereby made and declared to
be a misdemeanor for any person, firm or cor-
poration hereafter to keep, Centered. or estab-
Bah within the fire Matt. o[ the City of It.
Poul, a cod yard wherein wood shell be
Sawed and split by steam power or machinery
of any kind and for sale without first having
obtained a permit from the Common Council Of
said city to do so.
Be.. 2. Any person, firm or corporation who
shall violate the provision. of t Isordinance,
upon conviction thereof before any court hav-
log fU Isdl tlo, of such offenses, Sh.11 upon
each separate convlotion be deemed guilty o[ n
misdemeanor and be fined In any num not lees
than twenty-five (M) donor or more than one
hundred ($190) dolllar�
Sec. 3. This ordinnaae shall take eQeet and
be 1n force from and after Its publication.
Yea Ald. Blom, Book, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher. Gabe., Kavanagh,.Lelthauaer, Mlnea,
Malady, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice President
Passed June 18, 1889.
ANTHONY YOERG, Jr., Vice President Council.
Approved Juno 29, 1889.
Attest: IROS. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk.
June 29, 1889.
Regular Meeting.
ST. PAUL, July2, 1889.
Vire President YearR•InIIIe okadr.
Present!'A .BlomBock. Conley, Gahan,
Kavanagh, Lelthauaer, Wnea• Melody, Be.
bor., Bulllvap. Mr. Vice President -11.
Mmuice ,preceding
meeting approved and
dispensed with
From His Honor the Mayor—
Veto of resolution authorizinWarrendale
Improvement Company to gradg e streets in
To the Honorable the President and Com-
mon Council of the City of Saint Paul.
Gentlemen: I have the IIODor to return here-
with, without my approval, a resolution of your
honorable body authorizing the Warrendale
Improvement Company to enter up.. and
grade the streets of Warrendale. The resclu
tion falls to protest the City in the matter of
cost for said contemplated grading.
Very respectfully,
June 26, 1889.
Alda Sanborn moved that the vote by which
said resolution was adopted be reconsidered.
Adopted, yeas ll, and said vote reconsidered.
Alda Sanborn to City Engine that said mater be re-
p r t a to Catty Engineer, said Engineer to re-
port at this meeting.
Adopted, yeas 11.
Vero of -Ordinance Relating to Peddlers and
Keepers of Fruit Stands—
Honorable the President and Common
Council of the City of St. Paul.
Gentlemen: I respectfullyy return herewith
without my approval an ordlnaace p.ased by
your honorable body provldjag that peddlers
of trWI sad keeper. of fruit stand. hall be
duly licensed.
In my opinion the licensing of a fruit stand
upon the public streets of the city would
cement the right of its proprietor to maintain
the same in the face of public policy and
abridge the right of the admicfatrotlon to re
move such stand for cause. In nddiit.. it
would practically exclude a large portion of
our deserving poor from the ly Pincus
mea¢. of encoring . livelihood, and place fn
the beads of those able to pay for 1t a privilege
prolific in conditions dotrlmantal to the go.-
eral good. I am, gentlemen,
Very respectfully, etc.
Juno 26,1(189.
vote id which .nm 0; mance was passed
as aconaition thereupon
on nays, g .Blom, e
wThe question theroumc nheing upon the
passage of
said contrary
a. the veto of the
Mayor in the conlrory notwi
thstanding, the
said ordinance was loot.
Y.B.-Aid. Hlo, Bock, Gehnn, Leithansor,
MN a-6.
Nays -Aid. Conley. as rest a Melody, San-
born,Sullivna, Mr. Vice Presfdent-G.
From Charles N. Coleman and Others -
Protesting .gains, the widening of Selby
ave.ue, between St. Albans and Victoria
Accepted and placed oa file.
From Charles Nonnemacher nad Others-
Proteting against proposed vacation of .Ile,
between blocks 2 and 3, Suburban Hills, run-
ning from Mc unitreet t
street Bates avenue
Committee on Streets.
Asking _ ermiselou to keep wood
yard for
1 gand splitting wood at Prcini.s. in roar
of 209 East Seventh street.
Granted. (See resolution.)
From E. C. Starkey and Others -
Asking that electric lights be maintained na
ordered by resolution, npprovetl May 19, 1886.
Committee on Gas.
From C. G. K.IR-
Asking permission to keep rood yard for
sewing and splitting wood at lot onFourth
r ed to C miIntesom n
mittee o
Referred Street. ad Cor
poration Attorney 1n.tructed to .spend pro
c edings In the matter of the pending prosccu
of said Ko1R and oth ere.
From P.t.rJ.h
forJ.h.... an d Others -
rad, 0, Hudson , between Mendota and Forest streets. ave
n Board of Public Works, with order.
From F- Gerber and others-
_ For the grading of alley, block 26, Charles
P. Drake -
of claim for damages incurred at East
of claim for damages incurred at East
a at
Tronsmmg lttcopies of Complaint and Injunc.
in matter of transfer of Catherine Haga-
ny's Liquor License No. 2111.
Committee on License.
Of City Treasurer -
Report for June, 1889.
To the Honorable the P ... ideal and Common
Common Council of the City of St. Paul.
Gentlemen: I have following pe the honor to submit to
dou isbursements this nfrom um ort of the receipts
to June 28, 1889:
Redemption receipts...... 1,93;.9(1
City Clerk ........ ..... .., 11090.06
St. Paul Workhouse....... 1,422.86
CityWater Works ........ 39.155.25
Municipal Court .......... 4,581.53
St. Paul Public Library... 69.23
Market Master...... .. ... 990.00
Fire Department.,.....
Poundage .................. 111. GS
Advance payments on
sewer assessments...... 18150
Interest on water bonds... 7,017.59
Interest on deposits.. ... 352.m
County Treasurer...... ... 250.009.99
R. A. Smith, Mayor........ 225.80
Certtfiontea of Indebted-
ness ..................... 14,050.00
Park commissioners...... 6.90
M..cellnneou. receipt..... 493.40
License., permits, etc..... 18.51676
Assessment Collectfo...... 175,2674.27
City orders Fire Department warrants M8.401.2-3 21.911.35
Water Department wnr-
nts paid_ .............. 84.845.05
St. Pat 1 Workhouse war
rants paid ......... ..... 3,292.62
St. Paul Publlo Library
nts paid............ 904.13
Pork Commissioners' war-
rants paid ................ 4.446.16
Now City Hall and Court
House warrants paid .. 26,464.86
Redeemed certificates of 31.949.92
[vtere.t coupon.Id" .....
Mf.,ellancous disburae- �� fA
eat. ........... .... .... 2.321.19
Balance onband .......... aoosgs.ta
1;:5,787.24 VMT 787.24
New City Hall and Court House
foods .............. ............. ..... 1105,494.47
City funds. ................. ........... 179,460.06
City Water Works ..................... 13,008.19
St. Paul Public Library... ............ 2,425.61
First National book, St. Paul....... 119,216.91
Member% National Dank, St. Paul.. 44,2X' L.1G
Bank of Minna sola, St. Paul......... 115,46:.88
National German -American bank, St.
Paul ................ .. I ......... ... 21,906.09
Germania bank, St. Paul ............. 15,640.05
St. Paul National bank, St. Paul..... 16,159.58
Commercial National bank, St. Paul. 16,126.51
Second National bank, St. Paul ..... 1,181.01
Sovmgo bank, Ti.Paul............... 14,695.119
People's Corners
StPoul............... 1,911.02
Seven Corners bank, l.. Poul....... 1,541.38
Capital debank.bB St. Paul ........ ........ 2,606.22
West Slav bank, St. Paul. an ....... 1,611.34
Scandinavian lna... . enCan Dank, St.
Poul ............ ..ot inter.. 1,698.3C
Bank of Minnesota, (interest ne-
count)................................ 25,9'0.18
Respectfully submitted.
OEORGE HEIS. City Treasurer.
June 28. 188 9.
City Comptroller.
Of City Engineer -Petition of Warrendale
Improveme¢I Comppanp-
Geptlemen: Rel¢tfvCto the grading of the
street. to Warrendale by the "Warrendale
Improvement Company'" I would report; that
under a final order of the Common Council the
streets in Warrendale have been cross see.
tioned and plans and specification are now to
he hands f the Common CounCli fon[ the
grading of these streets. In no Instance has
the work of private corporation.. been satin
factory, and I do not believe in His practice of
allowing ouch work where the streets are to be
mannas by the c ty. Yours very truly,
L. W. RDND—TT, City Engineer.
July ""'%
, 1389.
Accepted, and sold matte[ referred to Com-
mitee on Streets.
G. M. Hughes and Others' Petition -
To the Common Council.
Gentlemen: In reference to the petition of
G. M. Aughes and others for an appropriation
from the sewerage bond fund for newer on Uni-
versity avenue I would report as follows: Of
the bond. that can be issued for semrt far thewerage pTenthaur-
Elevent6 wnrdstethe whole of this amou t will
be absorbed m the sewers (ready ordered for
this district, and there will be no sewerage
bonds applicable to a sewer on University ave -
ane, as it will Real be ncccB,.ry to Construct a
m in sewer as an outlet. Respectfully .ub-
mitted. L. W. Ru.D .E—, City I.
June 28, 1880.
Committee on Ways and Means.
Of Clerk of Manlcip.l Court-
RcI rt for June, 1889, showingtotal receipts,
Committee on Ordinances and Public AC -
Of Chief of P.H.-
Report for June, 1889 -total a sts, 627;fines c.Bected by Muntaipal Court, 14,036.
Committee on Ordinances and Public An.
Of Captain of Police -
Report for June, 1889-011 lamps not lighted,
1lamps &
lighted, 16.
Of Inspeotor of Buildings -
Report for May, 1889, with City Treasurer's
receipt attached for 11,506.50.
Committee on Ordinances and Public Ac-
To the Honorable the President and Common
Council, City of St. Paul.
Gentleneed onmen: At your Be'lmeeting you im-
What is culled the smoke ileaaneof thea nt law. eI amt
always willing to perform any duty that you
may wish me I..ttand to, and I hove seat out
quite a numro
of notice. to parties that have
chimneys that emit dense smoke, but to pp-
erly attend to and obtain all the facts required
in each case would require ore time than I
can devote to It, without neglecting my other
duties, and all of my assistants have all that
they can do properly, thi. being the busy sea -
Son of the year in Chia department. I wool
therefore, ask permW'In to appoint o man for
that e,..1.1 duty for such time and compeea.-
it.n a. you may thick proper.
Respectfully van.,
June 2, 1899.
Committee on Streets.
Of John ConniffActing Pmmdmastmr
Report for June, 1S8D, with City Treasur4lo
receipt attached for $28.50.
Committee on Ordinances and Public Ac-
Of J. E. Conway, Poundm.ster-
Report for June, 1787, with City Tre.surer's
receipt attached for 968
Committee on Ordinance. and Public Ac-
Con and and Other Streets Sewer -
To Lhe Honorable the President and Common
Council, City of St. Paul.
Gantlemen: The Board of Public Works
herewith respectfully return your enol order
approved August 23, 1888, forth.. line tion
of .newer on Concord street. from State street
to Snearoft avenue; Bancroft averoe, from
Concord street to Rabic treat; on Roble
street, from State to Witham attest,
and ontrState, from With street to
seet, with the request that you annul
said .order; said Board having this day sent to
your honorable Dody . favorable report on
your preli=..ry order, approved June °-2.
18811, relative to the construction of a sewer an
order for yourr streets. adoption tine said ather tter, then
Ho'same being . substitute for the Real order ap
proved August 23d. 18M
C. Qutxay. Prosidentpro tem.
W. F. ERWIII, Clark Board of Public Works.
July 2, 1889.
Accepted and said order approved August 29,
piss, repeated and annulled.
You% 11.
Leslie Avenue Sewer—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
,. had under
ideration the res utionWorks ora.,do, of the
Common Council. appmved June 22, 1889, rela-
tive to the construction of a ewer Leslie
avenue, from Victoria street to Lexington ave-
nue, and having tnvestigated the proposed Int.
r Reepecttul1y rep ntovert saifort Im =one get at
nt is
Your at
report of
Jorw C. QLRNEv. President pro tem.
W. F. Ery I , Clerk Board of Public Works.
July 2'1889.
Aide—.. of the Word.
The reenort or the City Engineer, referred to,
de a preliminary order for sewer on
Ridgewood avenue, from Victoria to Mlton
street:, and on Milton street, from Ridgewood
avenue to Leslie avenue, and on Les' is avenue,
from Victoria street to Oxford street.
dent Bud Common
of Public Work.
/ grading County m.d, from Langlom ve fie
be west city Omits; Keaton street. Dooley,
Carter, Hoorne and Doswell avenues, in St. An-
thony Park North, with the report that the
grading on these streets Is being done by the
property owners at their own expense, with the
exception of the County road. on which Im-
provement emd Board have this day sent to
your hoaoroble body a report, to'.Wor with n
anal order for your adoption.
JOHN C. QRINEY, President pro tem.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Pull I Works.
July 2, 1869.
Committee on Streets.
Petition of Joseph Koller and Others—
The Board transmits and
pp tition asking
that opening, etc., of Min.h.hs street, from
Como to Lexington avenues, be proceeded with
without delay.
Referred Be Ald. Fisher.
BSB for Raking Water Pipes on Mississippi
d Other Streets—
f Water
Commissioners In said matter for $312.50, and
asks appropriation.
Committee on Claims.
Horses, Etc., Condemn—
The Beard tepert. ecdondemned two horses
and one buggy end asks authority to ..It same.
Committee Oa Fire Department.
The Board invites Council to attend annual
tnspection of Fire Department o July 10.
Of Committee on Streets, Etc.—William Wol-
terstorE and Others'Petition—
Committee recommends that said petition for
grading Hearings avenue be accepted and
Charles A. Fowble and Others'Putition—
Committee recommends that
-retire treasemen
o rran o—t of block 1.5,, F¢itrafew
ns prepared by George Drehmeri be
granted, prevfded a plat of said rearrange
ant be algid, and committee recommend that
City Clerk give the necessary publication no
Laid over until next regular meeting.
Peter Redlogoer'9 Petition—
Committee fav bly recommends Mullerbe allowed dtoo
tion waking that H. H
maintain hay acmes on Dale street, near
Thomas street. t.
Laid over til next regular meeting.
George Benz's Petition—
Committee reports unfavorably on said peri
tion aking m purchase lot Q block tl, Terrace
Park addition.
Anna E. Sinker and Others' Petition—
Committee recommends that said petition
for reductio of grade of Bradley street be re
forred to City Engineer.
Ordnance relating to Board of Levee Com
Committee recommends that said ordinance
be udefinftcly postponed
Selby Avenue Bridge—
Committee recommends that City Engineer
be instructed to odvertise for bide for construe
tion of said bridge across right of way of C., M.
& St. P. Ry. on line of Selby avenue.
A lao,
Iron Fence on Cliff Street—
Committee recommend, that said matter be
referred to Ald Bock and City Engineer.
Of Committee on License—Mars Bros. & Co.'s
Committee recommends that sold petition
for transfer of Butcher Ltcevse No. 31 (1... ed
Feb. 7, 1888), W Louis Vieron be granted
Wild &Tylei a Petition—
Committee recommends granting of said pe
title for transfer of Butcher License No. 10,
dated Jan. 18, 1889, to Sweder & Johnson.
Of Ald. Sanborn—Summit Place Paving Co
To the Honorable Common Council.
Gentlemen: I recommend that the Common
Council revert W the Board of Public Works
on the matter hereto attached as follows:
To the Honorable Board of Public Works.
Gentlemen: A majority of the property own.
on Summit place protested against the
paving Item Dayton avenue to Iglehart street.
under co¢trout of Thornton & Shnw, during
the present season, but, in a conference with e
committee of withdraw
,11 opposition if too work ooulddbeodmind arly
eat spring. so that the aseeaemeat went d t
uponcome the Property until the sprinter IS90,
and the Common Council recommend that your
honorable be.rfl Ither eau.: the contract
ntvto be so of 1800
that the
work hall bedo a I.the springand
send It back to us with confirmation with such
statement, or readvertise for the work to be
done at that time Rea y
Wtfull submitted,
Alderman Seventh Word.
Of Aid. Leithsuser—Henry O'Connor and
Others' pmteat �
Committee mend. that said p test
,goust pickling Hudson avenue.between
Maple and Cypress streets, be illed, It not be
Ing signed by a majority of the property
Of Aid. Minea—Horton Portrait Company's
Proposition to Paint Portraits of Ex�Mayors—
Committee recommends thstaatd propomtf0.
be referred to Committee of Ways nd Means.
Of Aid. Bock and City Engineer—Iron fence on
Cliff street—
To the Common Council.
Gentlemen: Your Committee, to whom we.
referred the matter of 0 ... trotting a fe¢CO on
Cliff street at an estimated expense of 87.50,
would recommend that the City Clerk be In-
structed to advertise for bid. in accordance
with plans and specifications to be furnished
by the City ED gl neer. Negotiations a now
pendugwith the Chlr car, atilwaukee& Bt.
Paul Railway to divide the axpease, and with
their co-operation an Iron fence ought to be
Respectfully submitted.
July 2,18W.
W. nocE,
O dmences—
An ordinance We -
road permitting Minne.
eta and St. Paul Boat Clubs to build stairway
from Wabash, street bridge to Raspberry
Rules suspended on motion of Aid.
11, and ordinance od d time and
passed. (See Ordinunce No. 1s171o)
An ordinance was read amending Ordinance
No. 419, an ordinance in relation to impounding
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Bock,
yeaa 11, and ordinance end second time and
passed. (See OrtlinancerN, I,1;L.)
An. rdlae... was read permitting William
Banholzer and P. Cummins to rinse a roof, etc.
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Kara-
nagh, yeas 11, andordnance read second time
and posed (See Ord notice No. 1.178.)
An ordinance "'-ad permitting M. Its. to
move . frame buildi.g.
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Melody,
yens 11, and ordinance read second time ;and
(See Ordinance No. 1,1.74.)
An ordinance was rend permitting George W.
Freeman to erect an area w.11; to.
Committee on Streets.
An ordinance was read permitting Thomas
Lowry d hie assigns to make c nam pro.
1 ,cions beyond street line In the Arcade opera
h c.
Committee on Streets.
An ordinance was read mutive to SL Paul
City Railway --electric power.
Committee on Streets.
An ordinance was read to pay William A.
Van Slyke 88,500 for services tendered in the
c i
e of public parka
Committee on Clams.
By Aid. Conley—
' A resolution Buthotlzlag the Comni/ttoe o
Police W hire five wagons for the collection of
d Committee on Pollee.
The matter of a choose of grade on Burr
'-et came on for hearing and o resolution
for sold chugs of grade Burr .treat, be-
tween Muneh.ha and Whltall streets was
Lost, nays 11.
The matters of all pending applications for
vacation of streets, alloys, etc., were postponed
and laid over until Tuesday, July 1& 18tl9, at
7:30 o'clock R. in.
taken as the
AB Sf tae Cou.cid that that ithe eCity Encloser
will beauthorizedat next regular seting of
Council to pave Robert street bridge with
cedar blocks.
Adopted, yeas Il.
An Ordinance perm RtI,R Mirneseta .ad St.
Paul He.t Club: to build,mamtnu, etc.,smir-
aye from Wabshn street bridge to Reap -
berry Ialond.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
ordain as follows:
Section 1. Thera Is hereby grated to the SL
Paul and Minnesota Boat: Club., their imece:-
onepa down
paen .batt stoke eae.teo d
Vice President of uouneu.
Approved July S.
Attest: TROs, A. PRENDE-0.1 City Clerk.
July 8.
ALIOe�lnnnAcne to Ordls.
annceOrdnna elation fro tI
,,g iiImais" and the ordmonoe.
endalOry themof.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul
doord in ns follows
Sectio. 1. That section No. 2 of Ordinance
No. 419, entitled, "An Ordinance in relation to
BahraiBahrain,'tme,' be amended by adding
thereto and including therein the following de-
scribed territory within the limits of the City
of Saint Paul, to -wit:
Commencing at apoint where St. Clolr street,
I extended east. would intersect the Mlssis-
sfppf river, and from theca running west on
the line of Saint Clair street to Lexington ave-
nue: from thence south on Lexington avenue
to Pleasant avenue: thevee southwesterly on
Pleasant avenue to Albion avenue; thence
southerly on Albion avenue to Stewart avenue;
thence easterly on Stewart venue to Tucca.
rom avenue, and thence east on to
avenue, it extended snot, to Mississippi river;
thence northeasterly along Mississippi river to
the place of beginning.
debet in foroThis
from andaafter it. P .... Ec,
yeas-Ald. Blo, Hock, Cooley, Gebnn, Kav-
anagh, Lefthauser. Mines, Melody, Sunburn,
Sullivan. Mr. Vice President -11.
Passed July 2, It189.
Vice President of Council.
Approved July 3, 1889.
ANTHONY YoERG, JD., Acting Mayor.
Atteat: TROs. A. PRENDERGAST. Acting,
July 8.
ORMNANCE NO. 1,173 -
An Ordinance permitting William Banholzer.
lessee, and P. Cummins, owner, to raise the
met on a One-story frame building about
three teat and Construct o passage through
o brick wall, ss herein specitled.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul
do ordain as follows:
Section 1, Permission his hereby given and
g.anteunto William Banholzer, lessee, and
d Cummins, owner. to construct a passage
way from the rear o[ a one-story freme
building, said passageway to be IB feet
ids and 10 feet high, to connect with
thebrick addition in roar. Also, to
raise the roof of said one-story frame buRdi.q
about 3 feet high and enclose the sides with
sald, buildings situate the
south side
East Seventh street, betwee. Cad we
Wabash' In lot 8, block a, St. Pool proper,
said work, to be doe oder the supervision el
the I" ector of Buildings of
s.1d olty.
beSo info oeltroim nd nit r Itspubllcstlont, takes ct ed
Yeae-Ald. Hloin Hook, Cooley, 6e Sanborn.
Smith, L licenser, Mine& Moldy,
Sulllven, Mr. Vice President -Il.
Passed July 2, 1889.
Vice President of Council.
Approved .luly 8, 1889.
ANTHONY VG, JR., Acting Mayor.
Attest: THOR. A. PREND... w . City Clerk
July 8. -
An Ordinance permitting M. Iten to move I building.
The Common Counoll of the City of St. Pau
do ordain nen follows:
Section 1. That authority and permisp fan i
hereby given and "rooted to M. lie to bloc]
Lhe frame butldlng situated on lot 1 of bloc]
Ii& Robertson's addition to. West St. Paul
IoGlnud t Fhleeaste ly part of lot i afar the aniblack; all s
Supervision of end ns directed Dv the b
inspector of eafd city.
Bee. 2. This ordinance shall take effect sad
,a in force from and after Its PaseoIs-
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Bock- Cooley 6eD
ggIt Leithauser, Mines, Melody, Beacom,
1.11 a., Mr. Vine President -11.
Passed July P. 1889.
Vice President of Council.
Approved July & 1889.
ANTHONY YGERG, JR., Acting Mayor.
Attest: Tao& A. PRICLIDERGAST. CItY Clark.
July &
Iy Aid. Sn.born-
Resoived, That the following plate, as up
)roved by the Plat Commission. and ns recom-
nended by the City Engineer, be and the same
tre hereby accepted by the Common Council
)f the City of St. Pa
High Bridge additioni:n to St. Paul, Ramsey
;o.nty. Minn.
Yens-Ald. Blom, Bock. Conley, Gabon, Kar
inugh, Lefthauser, Minea Melody, Sanborn,
3ulilvan. Mr. Vice President -11.
Approved July 8. 7889.
By Ald. Leith nuser-
Resolved. That the grade of the alloy 7n Kai
ler s e bdivislon of block 11, of Lyman Day-
ton'- addition, as Indicated by the red grade
line. upon the accompanying profile, ands
commended by the City Engineer, be and
hereby is adopted as the established qr de.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Bock, Conley. Gehan Kav-
anagh, Lelthausor, Mines, Malady, Sunburn,
Sullivan Approved July 3, 1889Pr.sident-11.
By Aid. Scab orn-
Resolved. That the g -do of the alley in
block... (1) of Pleme's enlargement of Sum
mit Park odd,tlo., as indicated by the red
d d
recommended by theCi ynEngginla
hereby is dopted as the established grade of
said alley.
Yens-Ald. Blom, Bock, Conley, Gehan, Kav-
Minea, Malady, Sunburn,
S Approvd July & 1889sident-/I.
By Aid SulllTven-
Resolved, hant the garde o[ the following
streets, os Indicsted by the reedagmda line d
the accompanying profiles, an co enr
ed by [be City Engineer. De and hereby o
adopted as the established grades of said
Laura avenue, from Summit avenue to Mar-
shall avenue -
Moore avenue, from Summit avenue to Mar ave..a,
Wilder avenue, from Summit avenue to Mar -
.ball arcane,
Ada street, from Kendrick atreat to Wheeler
The Territorial road, from Raymond avenue
the west city limits.
Yana -Aid. Blom, Bock, Conley, Gehen. Kav
onagh. Lelthauser. Mines, Moldy, Sachem,
Ap1prov d July 3e, Pr�eaident-ll.
By Aid. Gabon -
Resolved. That the grade of the alley 1
block four (4) of Lyton's addition, as indicate
by the red grade line on the accompanying prt
file, and as recommended by the City Eng
neer, be and hereby is adopted as the estat
llehed grade.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Book, Conley, ColterKavanagh, Lelthauser, Mineq Moldy, Sea
bora, Sullivan, Mr Vice President- 11.
Approved July 3, 1889.
By Aid Bock -
Resolved, That the grade of Miltoa street
from Randolph street to Grace street, as Indi
cated by the red grade line upon the accom
ponying profile. and as recommended by the
City Engineer, be and hereby Is adopted as the
established grade.
Yeas -Aid. Blom, Bock, Conley, Gehan, Kav
anagh, Leithauser. Mines, Melody, Sanborn
Sulrivan, Mr. Vice President -11.
Approved July 3, 1889.
By Aid. Sanborn -
Resolved, That the grade of the alley It
block two (2), of Smith's Subdivision of Bloat
thirteen (13). Stinson's division, as indicated b]
the red grade line on the accompanying pro
flle.and as recommended by the City Engineer.
be and hereby Is adopted as the establishef
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Book. Conley Gabe
Kavgnnggh, Lelthauser, Minea, Moldy. San
born. Sullivn¢, Mr. Vice Preefdent-ll.
Approved July 3, 1889.
By Aid. Blom -
Resolved, That the City Engineer be and he
is hereby instructed to report a grade on At
lington street, between Payne avenue of
Greenbrier avenue.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Bock, Conley, Gehan,Kava
.agh, I.eRbausr. Mines. Malady. Sanborn.
Sullivan, Mr. Vice President -11.
Approved July 3, 1889.
By Aid. Gehan-
Resolved, That the City Engineer be ¢ad he
fen hereby ordered to remove all trees o
[ending in Wabash. treat (in sidewalks),
from Summit avenue to Rice atreet.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Bock, Camey, Gehan, Kav-
nugh, Lelthouser, Mine%, Malady, S.nbom,
Sullivan, Mr. Vice Presids.4-11.
Approved July 3, 1889.
By Ald. Yoerg-
Resolved, That the Corporation Attorney be
and Is hereby Instructed to cause notice to
be Served upon the St. Paul & Northern Pecldo
Railroad Company sad the St. Paul, Mineespo-
lis & Manitoba Railroad Comppceeany to prod,
without any unnecessary Uelay, to britt
Eighth street, Burr and Grove Street,
over their respective rights of way, in accord-
ance with their agreement heretofore made
with the City of St. Paul.
Resolved, further. That the City Enggineer
cause pl..s of said bridge to be prepare and
submitted to the Chief road..
Ye's-Ald. Blom, Bock, Conley, Gehan, 11 -
.'gh, Leltbouser, Minea, Malady, Sanborn,
Sullivan. Mr. Vice President -Il.
Approved July 3, 1889.
By Aid. Blom -
Resolved. That the Chief of Pollee cause to
be removed one store building and one barn on
the corner of York nad Payne avenue, situated
on lot lo. In block 34, Arlington Hills addition.
and projecting over upon said street.
Yeas -Aid. Blom, Book, Conley, Gabon, Kav-
anegh, Leithaueer, Minea. Melody, Sanborn,
Sullivan, Mr. Vice Prosddent-Il.
Approved July & 1889.
By Ald. Cooley-
Reaolved, That permisefon be and the same
Is hereby granted the Pioneer Fuel Cowpony
to keep and maintain t the premtaes in roar
of No. 209 East Seventh street. extending
through to East Eighth atreet, a wood yard in
which wood may be sawed and split by steam
r hand for three years from cad after the
date of the approval of this resolution, said
perission being at all times subject to reroca
tion by the Common Council.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Bock, Conley, Gabon.
Kavanagh, Leithauser, Minea, Melody, San.
been, Sullivan, Mr. Vice President -11.
Approved July 3, 1889.
By Ald. Blom -
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul: -
That the matter of a change of grade on
Burr street, between Minnehahn sad Whitall
streets, be and the same is hereby referred to
the Board of Public Works to investigate and
Firat. Is this improvement proper and me.
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof. ed state whether one-half of
the cost thereof is to be paid fate the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be ...eased for
said improvement be found benefited to the a.
tent of damages. costs and expenses necessary
to be incurred thereby[
Fourth. Is such Improvement asked for
upon the petition or application of the owners
of o majority of the property to be ...eased for
such improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council. plan or proflle of
said improvement, as required bylaw, If you
r Si
pport i. favor of same.
xth. Send the Council a properorderdi
meting the wort[ to be done.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Bock, Conley, Gabon. Kev-
anngh, Leithaueer, Mlnen, Moldy, Suborn,
Sullivan, Mr. Vice Proaidant-11.
Approved July 8, 1889.
By Aid. Pratt -
It Is hereby ordered by the Camino. Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of grading Simpson avenue,
from Mfnnehnha street to University avenue.
ane and the same Is hereby referred to the
Board of Public Works to Investigate and
First- Ie this Improvement proper and nec-
Second. Give the Council an estimate of
:be expense thereof
. and state whether one-
)alf of the cost thereof is to be Paid Into the
:ity Treasury be re the contract -is let.
Third. Can real estate to be -assessed for
mtl Improvement be found benefited to the
extent of damages, costs and expenses neces
inry to be Incurred thereby?
y0Fourth. pat tion or nppimprovement
toatloiof the owners
U0.1 ejorlty of the property LO n be aeaeased for
h imp Bond "
puFdlft� Send ent, eau¢ quire4ab¢Y 1 pwrofllyou
rep.rt Sn favor of the same.
Send the Council a proper order ai-
r 3tmg the work te De done.
Yea' -Aid. Blom, Bock, Conley, 6ehnn,
Kavanagh, Lelthauaer, Mined, Melody, San-
born, Sullivan. Mr. Vice President -Il.
Approved July 8, 1889.
By Aid. Lelthauser-
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of change of grade on Rud -
son avenue, between Mendota street and For-
to there
eBoard of PublicMI
eat stet be and themWorks eto investigate
and report:
First Is this improvement proper and nec-
Second. Give the Council en estimate of the
expencostse thereof, and State whether one-half
Treassury before thethereof 1eCo.t act Is lat. the Clty
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for said
improvement be found ben sfired to the ox -
teat of dama., coats and ezpa-sea necessary
W be mcurtegethereby?
Fourth. Ire such improvement asked for
ilia mein rtyloft the .property te fbaaa c eased
for such improvement? nee
Fifth. Send the Council' role¢ or profl3e n
reid port Snplavo of the samas e, Fred by law, B yon
reSixth. Send the Council a proper order di
acting the work to be done.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, IlInBook, Conley, Clehan, Kay-
u.Rh, LMr.tualt,Prealdent.-13 y� Senba raVicete
Sall van,
Approved July 8, 1889.
B Ald.—
IL Is hereby ordered by tae Common Council
of tea City of St. Paul,
That the tier of grading alley In block
eighty flue (85), Jos. Arth a 'division f
Lyman Dayton's addition, he d the same I.
It reby referred to the Board of Public Works
to mvestlget0 sad report:
Fiat. Is this improvement proper and aeces-
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
e pen.. thereof, and State whether one-half
of the cost Treasury Deforeof is to be paid the contrast is ,tato the City
Third. Can real estate n be asseaaed for
Baia improvement be found benetlted to the
extent of damages, cost. and expense. necea-
.ary W be incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such improvement asked for upon'
thepetition or application of the ownea of a
majority of the property to be assessed for
.uch improvement?
Frth. Send the Council a plan of profile of
said Improvement, as requited by law, if you
report in favor of the Same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order dl -
rooting the work to be done.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Hook, Conley, Gahan,
Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mmes, Melody, Son -
b Approved July $ IBB9e Pteside.t-11.
By Aid. Geh".
It is hereby ordered by the Common Co uncal
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of gr the east alley and
the alley mg east and west In block e,
Rice's Third addltfo., be and the same is hero.
Dyreferred to the Board of Public Work,
to ii a ";.I. and report:
F1rat Ire this improvement proper and nec-
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and State whether one halt of
the cost thereof is to be paid into the City
Treasury befog the contract s let.
By Ald. Sulllvan-
Tid Can real estate to be assessed for
said improvement be found benefited to the ex-
tent of damages, costs and expenses necessary
to be Incurred thereby?
Fourth. Ire such Imp- Sale t reeked for upon
the petition or application othe owners of a
majority of the property to be assessed for such
FS[th. Send the Council a plan orprofile of
said improvement, as required by law, if you
ret m favor of the same.
Beath. Seed the Council a proper order df-
reoting the work m be done.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Bock, Conley, Gehan, Kav-
nn h, Lelthauser, Mines, Malady, Sanborn,
S ApproveMr,
July 8, 1889. President -11.
By Aid. Sulllvan-
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of widening Raudol?h street,
tooth 0width oaml mef eighty avenuefee�be end thegpsame els
hereby ,ferred to the Hoard oI Publfo Work.
roFiML t1g thisto lin vement proper and nee
essary? Is
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether one-half of
the cost thereof 1S to be paid Into the City
Treasury before the contact m let
Tmrd. Can real estate to be assessed for
said improvement be found benefited to the
extent of damage& and Bxp..... .eco.
nary to be incurred thereby,
Fourth. Is Such Improvement asked for
upon the ppetition or application of the owners
et a matority Of the UMDert9 to be assessed
Fifth. Saud the Councils plan or profile of
.aid improvement, as requ trod bylaw. i1 you
r Sb
ppoo t m fat— of the same.
- Send the Council a proper order Of.
recting the work to be done.
Yeas -Aid. Blom, Bock. Conley, Gehan, Kav-
88h, Lelthauaer, Mines, Melody, Sanborn,
Sullivan. Mr. Vice Presidents -11.
Approved July 8, 1889.
By Aid. Sullivan -
It is hereby ordered by the Common Connell
of LheCity Of SL Paul:
That the matter of client., Randolph street,
tram Cleveland avenue to the Mississippi river,
bed the {e hereby referred to the
Board of Public Works to Investigate and re-
FlraL Ire this improvement proper and .sees.
esecond- Give the Council an estimate f the
Bthzpeaset thereof u11the to O%tDe paid into L 6 ofiy
Cenform reel estate to betaalaeased for Bald
improvement be found benefited to the extent
f damages, ate and expenses necessary to
De incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such improvement asked for up-
on the petition or application of the owners of
majority of the pDroperty to be -.eased for
F1thmp. Sendd the
he COu.Cil a plan Or prairie of
Bald improvement, as required by law, iI you
report to favor of the game.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di-
recting the work to be done.
By Ald. Blom -
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of SL Paul:
That the matter ofoPening, widening and
extending Case street, fromorest street to
Duluth avenue, be and the same is hereby
referred to the Board of Public Works to In-
vestigate and report:
First. Ia this improvement proper and nee
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether one-half of
the coat thereof 1s to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract Is let.
Thfid. Can rem estate to be assessed for said
improvement De found benefited to the extent
I damages, coats and expenses necessary to be
it ereby7
Fourth. Ie such improvement asked for upon
the majority nt r application f the o e of a
Imyyj rttem W? property to be assessed for such
FYith. Send the Council a plan or profile o[
said Improvement, as requited b, ]aw, If you
repyort m favor of the same.
Sixth. Send Lhe Council a proper cider di -
By Aid. Lelthauser-
It is hereby ordered by the Coalition Council
of the City of St. Paul,
That the atter of nstructtng B Bawer on
Lawrence SireeI, from Maury street to North
ttreat, be d the same m hereby refute
o the Board of Pubhe Works to invest
and report.
Flat. Is this Improvement proper and necea.
econd. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether one -halt of
the coat thereof 1, to be paid into the City
Treasury a
before the contract
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
said Improvement be found benefited to the ex-
tent o2 damages, coats and expenses necessary
to be Incurred thereby?
Fourth. Ie such improvement asked for .p-
on the petition or application of the owners of
10 ity of the property to be sensed for
III provement?
Fifth. Send the Council a play o proal. of
.aid Improvement, a. required by law, if you
repizLL n favor
inn C...oii
88 o proper order dl-
tivg the work to ba Bono.
Yens -Aids Blom, , MHock, Cooleyy, Geha.. Kan-
n gh, Lefthauaerloen, Meludy, Sanborn,
S haven, Mr. Vice President -11.
Approved July 8, 1889.
By Aid. Lelthauser-
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of constructing a sewer on
Fauquier street, from Seventh street to Earl
streets, be d the same is hereby re
ferred to the Board of Public Works to Inves-
tigate and report:
First Is this improvement proper and neces.
Second.Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and State whether ....halt of
the cost thereof t. to be paid Sato the City
Treasury before the Contract la let.
Third. Can real state to b0 assessed for
said improvement be found benefited to
the extent of damages,costs and exuensea nec.
essary to be incurred therebyY
Fourth. Is such improvement asked for
upon the petition or application of the owners
of a majority of the property to be assessed for
e Fir h.p Seed the Council a plan or prome of
said impp vement, as required by law, If you
ey rt in favor of the came.
r Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di-
recting the work to be done.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Book, Conley, Gahan, Kav-
gh, Leith......, Melody, Sanborn.nt
Sullivan, Mr. Vice Preside -11.
Approved July 8, 1889.
By Aid. Blom -
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of That the City of St. Paul: matter to Gading reenb Arlinon er a�vee a rto n
from Payne
Partial grade and full width of thirty feet, be and
the same sheereby referred to tae Board of
Public Works to investigate and report:
First. Is this improvement proper and nec-
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether one-half of
the cost thereof 1s to be paid Into the City
Treasury halon the controot is let
Can nal a tate to be eased for
said improvement be found benefited to the ex-
tent of damagg costs and expenses necessary
to be lncurredathereby?
Fourth. Is such lmprovemt asked for upon
the petition or application 1 the owner, of n
majority of the property to be assessed for
such improvement,
Fifth. Send the Council a planor prefile of
said improvement, as required bylaw, if you re-
port in f.vor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di.
meting the work to be done.
Book. Conley, Yeas—Aid. Blom, o y, Gehan.
Kavanagh, Leithaneer, Mines, Malady, San
born, Sullivan, Mr. Vice President -11.
Approved July 3. 1889.
By Aid. Blom—
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of grading Payne venue.
rom York street to Cook street. be and
the same is hereby referred to the Board of
Public Work. to investigate and report:
First. Is this improvement proper and nee.
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether one-half of
the cost thereof is to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract to let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
said improvement be found benefited to the
extent of damages, costs and expenses neces.
Bary to be incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such Improvement asked for
upon the petition or application of the owners
of a majority of the property to be assessed for
such Improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said improvement as required by law, if you
port in favor of the same.
reiiixth. Send the Council a proper order di.
,_inn the work to be done.
Approved July 3, 1".
By Aid. Mclady—
It 1. hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of grading King street,
from Ohio m Cherokee avenue, be and the some
is hereby referred to the Board of Public
Works to investigate and report:
First. Is this improvement proper and nee -
Second. Give the Council in estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether one-half of
the cost thereof is to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
said Improvement be found benefited to the
eztent of damages, costseband expenses neces-
sary to be incurred thery?
Fourth. Is such improvement asked for upon
theo petition or application of the owuem of a
majority of the property to be the for such
Filth. Semites Council a plan or profile of
said improvement, as required by law, f you re-
port in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di -
routine the work to be done.
Approved July 3, 1889.
Vice President of Council.
Special Meeting.
ST. PAU" July 12, 1889.
Vice President Yoerg In the chair.
Present—Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen. Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Min a,
Melady, Pratt Sanborn, Sullivan, Mr. Vice
oHls UNtcATIONs.
From HIS
Honor the Mayor—Call for the
To the Honorable the President oad Common
Council of the City of St. Paul:
Gentlemen: It is with the deepest sorrow I
announce to you the death of Hon. Eamund
Rice, member of congress and ea -mayor of this
city, which took place at White Bear Lake, on
Thursday morning, the 11th last., at 9 o'clock.
The Ilfe, character and public services of the
illustrious deceased, are too familiar to
von to render necessary any reference
by me to those qualities of mind and
heart which, in so pre-eminent a degree,
were possessed by the noble gentleman
whose loss we today Moore. I have called
you -together and recommendto yourhonor-
ble body the propriety of such action as will
0 ttir.gly mark this sad occasion. and transmit,
for the emulation of those generations which,
in the future, will fix their impress upon this
city and state, some record of the exalted
virtues possessed by the illustrious dead, end
the marked emph.sis his life oad eervlcea
have placed upon the progress and prosperity
of this commonwealth. Very respectfully,
your obedient servant
July 12, 1189.
Accepted. _
Aid. Sanborn, In offering the following mem-
orial resolution, said that he believed the res-
olution expressed the sentiments of every
member of the Common Council and of every
and S. trio to citizen of St, Paul, etc., etc.
whereas. We have learned withprofound sor-
row that Hon. Edmund Rice, our esteemed ex-
wayor and ex -representative in congress, with
hom we have allbeen long associated in pri-
vate and public life, has just closed bis long
and honorable carper as a man and o citizen;
Resolved, That in his loss we recognize the
departure of the most courtly gentleman, Lhe
most kindly and generous heart and the bright-
est example of a pure and noble lite, a success.
ful and honorable career that has ever graced
private life or public station in this city and
Resolved, That we, in common with all who
knew him, suffer in his death a personal be-
reavement for he was a personal friend of all
Resolved, That as a alight mark of our love
and esteem the Common Council attend his
funeral in a body: that during the afternoon of
Saturday next, when the funeral takes place,
all the offices of the city be closed and the bells
of the Court House and City Hall be tolled.
Resolved, That these resolutions be spread
upon the minutes of the Common Council, and
that the City Clerk be and is hereby instmcted
to send an engrossed copy of the same to Lhe
family of the deceased.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Bock. Cullen, Conley,
Ffeher, Gehm, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Miaeq
Melody, Pratt, Sanbora, Sullivan, Mr. Vice
President -14.
Approved July 12, 1889.
Tf I.Cellaneoae.
Aid. Gehan moved that the Comfttee, on Ways
and Means be authorized and Instructed to
make the necessary arrangements for the
attendance o[ the Common Council at the
funeral of the late Hoa Edmund Rice.
Aid. Gehan moved that as a further tribute
of respect to the memory of the late Hon,
Edmund Rice, the Committee on Public Build
Ings, etc., be authorized and instructed tc
cause the Common Council Chamber and the
Mayyor's once to be draped in mourning for the
period of thirty (80) days.
The Council thereupon adjourned.
Vice President of Council.
Regular Meeting.
ST. PAU" July 18, 1(899.
Vice President Yoerg in the chair.
Present—Ald. Blom. Bock. Cullen. Fisher,
Gehan, Kavanagh, Lefthauser. Mined Melody,
Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President
Minutes of preceding meeting approved and
dispensed with.
From His Honor the Mayor—Men Appointed in
Connection with Dog Census—
To the Honorable the President and Common
Council of the City of St. Paul:
Gentlemen: I have the honor to Inform you
that have this day appointed the following
named men for duty in connection with the doq
census, and I respectfully ask your advice and
consent thereto, viz:
Joseph Unten, Edward Lynch,
Alex. Pippen, Han. Homes..
John Lynch, Martin McNulty.
Very respectfully, etc..
July 16. 1889.
Appointments advised and consented to.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Fisher,
Gehan, Kavanagh. Leithauser, Minea, Melody,
Pratt. Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President -13.
From D. C. McCarthy and Others—
For sidewalk on Auburn avenue.
Board of Public Works, with order.
From GeorgeH. W atson and Others—
F'or grading of Wiley in block 1, .1. C. Stout's
addition to Summit Park.
Board of Public Works, with order.
From Frank Deal—
Asking $15 on account of horse sold by Pound.
Committee on Claims.
From J. A. Han—
Statement Statement of claim of 381.80—damages on no
count of bursting of gutter on Broadway street
Committee on Claims.
From J. B. Overton and Others—
Asking for resolution prohibiting the playing
of base bull at comer of Summit avenue and
Grotto street, and neighborhood.
Alderman of the Ward.
From John Kranz and Others—
Asking that horses and cattle be prevented
from running at large in Eighth and Ninth
Alderman of the Word.
From Henrp O'Connor and Othem—
Proteetiug against sprinkling of Hudson ave.
nue, between Bates avenue and Cypress street.
Aid. Leithauser.
From Mrs. S. Stevenson—
Presenting claim of &911 for damages on ac-
count of bursting of curbing on Broadway hill.
Committee on Claims.
From Richard Bamberg—
Asking damages on account of loss to prop-
erty by reason of grading of Buffalo street.
Committee on Streets.
From Babette B. Plechner—
Aektng 31&75. with interest—assessment paid,
grading L'Orientstreet.
Committee on Claims.
From Wm. A. Van Slyke—
Submitting estimate for illumination of city
during State Fair week.
Committee on Streets.
From Wm. Haskell and Others—
Protesling against the construction of sewer
on East Winifred and Ada streets.
Board of Public Works.
From A. K. Bamum and Others—
Asking for vacation of parts of (.Teens place,
Fairmount place oad alley 1. West Crocus Hill
rearrangement of Highland Park addition.
Committee on Streets.
From J. C. Stout and Othera—
Forthe vacation of "Pleasant Place."
Committee on Streets.
From National Subway Company—
Askine Council to examine and determine the
number and locdtion of electrical wires to be
placed in conduits.
Accepted and placed on file.
From William Crooks, President Twin City
Street Improvement Company—
Protesting against the award to James For.
restal for the repaving of Jackson street, from
Fourth to Seventh streets.
No. 3
No. , d tl0 al. grmmng Lemb.rd avenue,
e[c., 31,256.iB: J. W. Maloney, Estimate No. a
and final, gradingArmstrong street, $612.80;
W. G. Mulligan. Estimate No. 3 and
fiat grading Belvidere street, $139.20;
W. J. Preston. Estimate No. 2
ion street. 38,910: W. A. Govern.
�angfora avenue,
nate N. 2, gr
3510; J. E.
nd avenue,
4. grading
King Iron Roo[ & Paint Co., $103.05; Averill
Carpenter & Co., 5802.10; C., S4 P., M & O.
Ay., 5150.41; Sherwood. Sutherland & Co.,
849:28- Y .co..I. Red Pressed Brick Co.,
8895.89; E. Moeller & Co., 519.75; K. P. Cullen,
AyeCubar—Aid. Blom, Hoak, Calls.. Fisher,
Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Via. MPre i.
dent -13.
Of Corporation Attorney—I. the matter of
pan img❑ extending R...bel street,
firmed by the Board of Public Works, April 14.
To the Honorable the President and Common
Council of the City of SUP
Gentlemen: In proceeding. had for the opro.-
ingg ad erte..toa f R.e.bel treat. ff
Ninth street to Tenth street, confirmed by the
Board of Public Works Apr1114. 1888, a pleoe of
land Intended to be randemnmd I. such pro -
needing. -by some described as
The westerly tourtec. feet of easterly
twenty -sone. and oe- 1 feet of wsterly one
hundred end twenty-four feet of theat pert of
block eight of Hoyt'. addition lying between
Tenth street and block ten of said 8oyt's addi-
tion to the City of St. Paul.
That a correct de.orlptlon of the land in.
tended to be condemned le as follows:
The westerly fourteen feet of easterly twenty-
seven and one-half feet of we.terly one hun-
dred and thirty-seven and one-half feet of that
south of Tenth street. In art of block eght o = oftaydass it exist.
between Canada Bad Broadway streets.
It 111 be eon that only the cast
-half be
of the land aeecribed Ile.
withthe line of the land intended to be taken.
The owner, Louisa Weide, of the property In-
tended to be taken, and which has been used
for some time as a part of the street, has
deeded to the city the led 01—ded to be co -
demned. She being the owner of the a roc
erroneoua1y daeoren, desires aand lchltolatm dead
tended to be taken, ch
from the city in order to also, the record from Of Philip Arnold, Aoting Poundmaater—
the apparent cloud on her title, and we Reporttar June. 1889, wltb City Treasurer's
therefore recommend the adoption of the do- receipt attached for
comps resolution. Respectfully, Committee on Ordinancea and Publto Ao-
O. E. HOLMAB, Corporation Attorney, counts.
July 1, 1981.
CommSttoo on Streets. RBPORT 08 BOARD 08 POBWC WORRa.
L'Oric.t Street Sdwe,
Of City Engines Mendota Road Orndl¢g— To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
To the Common Ccuace: The Board of Public Works hove hod under
Gentlemen: I have examined the bide for consideration the r...lotion or order of the
the grading of the St. Paul and Mendota road Common Council, appproved April 19. 1891. rel.
and submft herewith a tabulated statement alive to the construction of a sewer on L'Orient
which shows the bids to be .s follows:' street, and having Investigated the proposed
Thornton & Shaw. amount of bid...... 5&808,1 improvement:
J. IS Mora¢. nmou¢t of bid............ 8,7a6. nacos'
D H Crego, em ons .bin .............. ] 1,62).00 Respectfullyog,., cit that IL Is
John Gra¢t, emo.nt of bid ... 1,?16.00 proper to o atrnt ¢ sewer o.
Dale & Bumgartner, ¢mount of bin.... 7.175.50 etroot, from Nneh .trent to Gldacoe s
From which it appears that Dale & Bamgm.rl- gotbar with the .-cseary eatch-bei
nor are the lowest bidders. Respectfully ub- manhole.: that the estimated expense
muted, L. W. RpRDLIt1T. Is 8766: that the cost ed exddnee. neo
City Engineer. be Incurred thereby should be Dv!d
July "' 1986. Overage bond food "the D=...
Aoe.ptdd ¢ad Bald contract for said grading the proposed newer hoe been anseseed
awarded to said Dole & foot for the mein ewer no IDeet.
of said p yarty. Dnt enld 1.
a Yeas—Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen. Fl.her, far too deep ror ¢o ee Botions; L
Gehen, Kavanagh. LeltIlaurer. Ml.e0. Melady. Improvement in tasked for by ¢
Pratt, Sullivan. Weber, Mr. Viae President o[ . malorlty 'let
Owners 1 opo
—13, ...eseodd therefor. but we herewith sea
or profile of .old Smprovagent, and an
Also, your ad.,ttoa, If you d0rire us ton
Fsuquler and Burt Streets Sewer—
yeas 3: ways, 0.
said sewer Ewill be eco e¢ry t, ooetruot at
to Trout Brook along Chicago, St. Paul.
W. F. EewItr, Clerk Board of Public Work&
Minneapolis & Omaha Railway[ waym-
July 16, 19811.
Adopted. (See order to Boatel o[ PUDIt.
o de e -
The Engineer submfts a d race
operomcerso[ agreement in said
matter ItIl Chlcegb, Milwaukee, St. Paul,
Mmneapolle & Omaha Rmilway.
Aoceptetl. (See reaolutfon.)
Jame. Street 6redmg—
To the Common Counatl of the City of St. Paul:
The Board oI Public Works have had der
Aug Mettao.'e Claim for Dmm�gea—
can in. the re.olvtiov or ,der ih0
Common Council, approved Nov. 21, 1888. el.
Th City Engineer reporte:•'There le so greet
tare to the James street, from Vio-
. difference of opinion a1 to the amount of the
damage and the cause, It ppeare to me that
t°rie street to P-pos t avenue, sad, having In -
to Pledm,asant
veetigated the Proposed improvement:
Mr. Mattaoe had better bring a soft at once and
have It settled • •.
Respectfully report that IL necessary d
pmroper to ggLLrrode James street, from
streetvenue; at the soli
d ezPensenthe-a' Is one half
wbtch need not be paid Into tDe City Treasury
Is let -.,that estate to be
TDenClty En¢td er submits statement of can-
tl. ant fund eh win balance a bend 518,1'
8 g
before the contract real
...a..ed therefor can be ound be.eflted to the
u.d sake furth.r approprlut,.n of fifty doll am.
extent of the coats and expenses Reoeseary fo
Accepted. (See resolution.)
be incurred thereby; that said SI prova ant is
not naked for by a petition of a majority of the
ownere of pproperty to be assessed therefor, but
we herewith send n pIn. or profile of said Im-
The City Engineer submits I- tlmat0 No. 9
provement, end an order for your adoption, It
nd final, big] bridge sup.retrumture, C. L.
you desire us to make the Improvement.
Yea&3; eys,0.
Referred to Committee o. Claims, City En-
July 2, 1889,
girder and Corporation Attorney.
Jong C. W"BY. Preatdent pro tem.
W. F. F.RWIN. Clerk Board of Public Works.
Adopted. (See order to Board O[ Public
City Engineer submits Estimate No. a,
At- '
high bridge superstructure, C. L. Strobel,
Allowed and referred to City Comptroller by
Laurs Avenue Gradmg—
To the Common CouncBof the City of St. Paul:
The Board o[ Public Work. have had under
the following roto:
consideration the resolution or order of the
Yeas— Ald. Blom. Bock. Cullen. Fisher,
Common Council, approved April 4, 1889, rola.
the o[ Laura avenue, from
Pecan, Kavanagh, Mines. Melady,
Weber, Mr. Vice President
tf ve to gradming•
Marshall to 5 It .nue.: aad. having In
Pratt, Sullivan,
estigated the proposed Improvement:
Respectfully radoyLporI that it is necessary and
avenummitaave avenue: that the esfrom timated
ue o Su
expense thereof i. 83.124.25, one-half of which
need not be paid into the City Treasury before
the contract is let: that re of estate to be
assessed therefor can be found benefited to the
extent of the Dost and expenses necessary to
be Incurred thereby: that said improvement la
:.tot asked for by a petition of a Majority of the'
u-. of
property to be assessed therefor, but
we herewith send a plan or profile of said Imj
proveent, and an order for your adoption, If
you desire us to make the improvement.
Yea., 3; nays, 0.
JOHN C. QpINHY. President pro tem.
ff. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
J ane 25, 1889.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
Mt. Ida Street Grading—
To the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Pubifo Work. have had under
...elderotion the resolution or order of the
Common Council, approved Apra 4, 1889, rela
Live to the grading of Mt. Ida street, from
Rivoll street to Be Soto street, and, having in
vestigated the proposed improvement:
Respectfully report that said improvement Is
necessary and proper; that the estimated
expenee tboreot le 81,282.50, one -halt
of which need not be paid into the
City Treasury before thecontract fa let;
that real estate to be assessed therefor can
be found benefited to the extent of the
cost find expenses necessary to be Incurred
thereby; that said improvement 1s asked
for pbpy a petition of a majority of the owners of
pro se d naor to be assessed therefor, and we here.
profile of said Impprove.
ment, and an order for your adoption, II you
desire us to make the Improvement.
Yeas, 8; nays. 0.
July 2, 1889.
Jonx C. QIIINBY, President pro tem.
W. F. ERWIN. Clerk Board of Public Works.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
Alley Grading, Block 4. Lyton's Addition—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works have bad under
consideration the resolution or order of the
Common Council, approved June 8, 1889, relative
to grading the alley In block 4, Lyton's addi
tion, from Park avenue to Sylvan street, and,
having investigated the proposed improve
Respectfully report that said Improvement
is necessary and proper: that the estimated
ea enthereof is 8138.60, one half o1
whicse h need not be paid into the
City Treasury before the contract is let'.
that real estate to be assessed thercfm
can be found benefited to the extent of the cost
and expenses necessary to be incurred thereby
that said imprrovement Is act asked for by f
n of amajority of the owners of prop
ertyo be assessed therefor, but we herewitt
,end a plan or prefile of said improvement
and an order foryour adoption, if you desire u:
to make the improvement.
Yeas, 3; nays. 0.
JOHN C. Quixby, President pro tem.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Works
June 25, 1869.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Publi
]fools Avenue Grading—
Co the Common Coupcll of the City of St.
The Board of Publio Works have had under
;onsideration the resolution or order of the
loremon Council, approved Apnl 4, 1889, rel -
T"' o the gm
df¢g of Moore avenue, from
Harsbnll to Summit avenues, and havmginves-
;(gated the proposed improvement:
Respectfully report that it is necessary and
)roper to grade Moore avenue. from Marshall
(venue to Summit avenue; that the estimated
szp...a thereof Is 82,610.80. on, half of which
teed nut be paid into the Ctty Treasury before
the contract is let; that real estate to be an -
red therefor can be found benefited
the ..Leet of the costs and expenses
necessary to be Incurred thereby; that
said improvement is not asked for by a
to [bee ossessedjorittherefore ownbutewe rs f herewith
send a plan or profile o1 said
improvement, and
an order for your adoption, i1 you desire va to
make the improvement.
Yeas, 8; nays, 0.
JOHN C. QUINHY, President pro tem.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
June 25, 1889.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
Cromwell Avenue Gradbig—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Board o[ Public Works have bad under
consideration the resolution or order of the
Common Council, approved Aug. 13, 1888, rein.
five to the grading of Cromwell aveue, from
University avenue o Territorial road, and,
havg investigated the proposed Improve.
Respectfully, report that avid improve.
to necesanry and proper; that the esti-
mated expenee thereof is 8891.8'J, one half of
hich need not bopald Into the City Treasury
before the contract is let; that eN estate to
be assessed therefor can be found benefited to
the extent of the cost and expenses necessary
to be Incurred thereby; that safd improvement
Is not asked for by a petftton of a ma7orlty o[
the owners of property to be assessed tLherefor.
but we herewith send a plan or profile of said
Improvement, and an order for your adoption,
if you desire us to make the improvement.
Yeas, 3: nays, 0.
JOHN C. QUINIIY, President pro tem.
W. F. ERwtN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
July 2, IM
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
Bunker Street Grading—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works have had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
Common Council, approved June, 8. 1889, rela-
tive to the grading of Bunker street. from State
street to Campbell street, and having investi.
gated the proposed Improvement;
Respectfully report the' It is n......ry and
Hooker proper to grade street, It.. State
street to Brown avenue; that theostimated ex-
pense thereof is 4, half of which need
not be paid into the City Treasury before the
contract is let: that real estate to be assessed
therefor can be found benefited to the extent
the cost expenses necessary be to
curved thereby;
; that said improvement Is not
caked for TO o petition assessed tothe a o, the
owners of property to De orprotherefor, but
pr herewith send a plan or profile of said
prevenient, and an order for your adoption, 11
you desire us to make the Improvement.
Yeas. 8; nays, 0.
JOHN C. QIIINBY, President pro tem.
W. F. ERwrx. Clerk Board of Public Works.
June 28, 1869.
Adopted. (See Order to Board of Public
Alen, 'r
Virginia Avenue Sewer—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul.
The Board of Public Works have had under
consideration the resolution or order if the
Common Council, approved June 22, 1889,
relative to the construction or a sewer on Vin
gfnia _mme, from Iglehart street to Marshall
venue, and. havf.R investigated the proposed
Respectfully report that said improvement
Is necessary and proper, together with the
necessary catch basins and manholes:
that the estimated expense thereof
I. &W, one-half of which need not be
paid into the City Treasury before the
contract is let; that real estate to be as
sessed therefor can be found benefited to the
extent of the cost sad expenses necessary m be
Incurred thereby; that said fmprovement is
not asked for -by a -petition of amajority
of the owners of property to beas-
sessed therefor, but we herewith Bend a plan
or profile of sold Improvement, and an order
your adoption, if you desire us to make
the Improvement.
Yeas, 9; nays, 0.
JOHN C. �IIINHY. Preement. pro tem.
W. F.
Jerk Hoard of Public Wcrks.
July 2. 1889.
Adopted. (See Order to Board of Public
Cayuga Street Grading—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Poul:
The Hoard of Publle Works have rdercan-
afderatfoa the resolution or order of the Com-
mon Council, approved June 8, 1889, relative to
thegrfuh of Cayug¢ street, from Arkwright
street to Vale street, and, having investigated
the proposed improvement:
Respectfully report that said Improvement
is neeessary and proper; oat the estimated ex.
pens. the Ila 61,9Ett one-half of which need
not be paid intothe City Treasury before the
contract is let; that not estate to be assessed
therefor can be found benefited to the extent
of the cost and expenses neceasory to be in-
curred thereby: that said improvement is
asked for by a petition of a majority of the
owners of property Iona
assessed therefor,and
we herewith eend a pina or pro01e of smd im-
provement, nntl an order for Sour ndoptmn, if
you dealre ane to make the Improvement.
Yess, 3; nays. U.
JOHN C. QIIINBY, President pro tem.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Hoard of Pub to Works.
June 28, 1399.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
Hewitt Avenue Opening, Etc.—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works have had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
Common Council, approved Nov. 21, I888,
relative to the opening and eztensfon of HOW.
fit avenue. from Aldine to Fairview, and, hay.
ing investigated the proposed improvement:
Respectfully report that it is necessary and
proper o open, widen and eztond Hewitt ave
nue, from the center line of Aldine avenue to
the center line of Fairview avenue: that the es.
tinted expense thereof Is 88,000; that real as.
tate to be assessed therefor can be found bene-
fited to the extent of the damages. costs and
expenses necessary to De Incurred thereby;
that said fmprovement is not asked for by a peti-
tion of a majority of the owners of property to
be asBeeeed therefor, but we herewith end a
plan or profile of said improvement, and a or-
der for your adoption, if you desire us to make
the improvement.
Yeas, 1; nays. 0.
JOHN C. QIIINBY, President pro tem.
F. EttN1N, Clerk Board of Public Works.
July 1, 1880.
Adopted. (Seo order to Board of Public
Taylor Avenue, Opening. Etc.—
To the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Work. have had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
Common Council, approved Nov. 21, 1883. rein-
tive to the opening and extension of Taylor
avenue, Irom Aldine to Fairview, and having
investigated the proposed Improvement:
Respectfully report thatit is necessary and
proper to open, widen and extend Taylor ave.
nano, from the center line of Aldine avenue to
the center line of Fairview avenue: that the
estimated expense thereof is 812,000; that real
estote to be assessed therefor can be found
benefited to the extent of the damages, coats
and expenses necessary to be incurred There-
by; that said Improvement Is not asked for Dy
a petition of n majority of the owners of prop-
erty to be assessed therefor, but we herewith
send a plan or profile of said Improvement, and
an order for your adoption, If you desire us to
make the improvement.
Yeas, 9: any.. 0.
JOHN C. Q[]ZNBY, PreBi To I pro tem.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Boom of Public Works.
July 1, 1399.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
W ark..)
Wilder Avenue Grading—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works have had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
Common Council, approved April 4, 1889, rela-
fivetothe grading of Wilder avenue, from
Marshall to Summit avenues, and having in-
vestigated the proposed improvement:
Respectfully sport that it m necessary sad
proper to gratle W ilder avenue, from Marshall
avenue to Summit avenue; that the estimated
expense thereof is 83.088.45, one -halt of which
need not be paid into the City Treasury be
fore the contract is let: that real estate to be
assessed therefor can be found benefited to
the extent of 'be""
and expenses necessary
To bet ncurred thembv; that said
Is not asked for by a petition of a majority of
the owners of property to be assessed therefor,
but we herewtth send a plan or profile of said
improvement, and on order for your adoptton,
1f you desire us to make the fmprovemevt,
Yeas, 3; Nays, 0.
JOFN C. QUINBY, President pro tem.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Publio Works.
June 25'1889.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
Stellar Street Gradtngof —
To theTh Boned of CommonPublic iCouncWorkseha,ve had Paul:
naideratic the resolution T der of rethae
Common Council, approved May 10, 1889,
Live to the grodtag of Stella street, from Lyton
place to Atwater street, and, having mvestl-
gated the proposed Improvement;
Respectfully report thot said ireprovement I.
ry and proper; that the lusted e
yyec ea "I and is 4995,one-half of welch need not
be paid into the CitS Treasury before the o0
that real estate Lo be assessed
therefor can be found benefited to theextent
of the cost and expenses necessary to be In-
curred thereby: that said improvement is
asked for by a petition of a m jority of tbo
of property o be assessed therefor, sad
eherewith end a plan or profile of aid
Improvement, and an order for your ndoptfon,
if you desire us to Make the improvemsot.
Yeas, 8; nays, 0.
JOFN C. QDINBY, PTBsident pro IeID.
W. F. ERWIN. Clerk Board of Pit it. Werke.
June 26, 1gS9.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
Maple Street Grading—
To the Common Council of the City of St.
The Board of Public Work. have had under
con islderatlon the resolution or order of the
Common Council, approved May10, 1"' rel -
Live to the gradin¢ o[ Maple avenue, from Enst
Seventh street Lo Greenbrier avenue, a.d, hav-
ing investigated the proposed improvement:
Respectfully report that it to tie ssnry and
proper to ¢rade Maple s [
treed, from East
Seventh street to Greenbrier nveaue; that the
estimatedexpense thereof is $=, one-half of
Which need not be paid Into the City Treasury
before the ...trnet is tet: that rent estate to be
thoseedtherofor o n be found benefited to
_ of the costs end ...onsea necen
It asked Irby, pneprtetitoshe n mseed
but wewe're herewith s it a plan Bor pro-
makthe for your
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
Avon Street GrCommonadinCOug—
To the of St. Paul:
The Boar of Public Works hl at the ove had under
consCommons Counciltion , app resolution J ne W, IS t the
end June 22, . Lou,.]rel.]
Live to the g din f .0t street, from L
gated the pop In
having faveati-
Respectfully report that said improvement fs
necessary and propper; that the estimated ez- tbereof Is r2,A05, one-half of which need
not be paid into the City Treasury before the
contraetlslet; that real estate to be assessed
therefor can be found benefited to the extent
of the cost and expenses necessary o be in-
curred thereby; that said
improvement is not
asked for by a petition of a majority of the
owners of property to be assessed therefor, but
We herewith send a plan or profile of said Im-
prevenient, and an order for ,your adoption, if
you deal
.7 us to make the improvement.
Yeas, 8: tiny-,, 0.
Jo BN C. QIIINBY, President pro tem.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
July 2, 1889.
Adoptea. (See order to Board of Public
Lawton Street Improvement, Etc.—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
Tho Hoard of Public Works have had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
Common Council, approved Nov. 6, 1886, rela-
tive to the grading of Lawton street, from
Grand avenue to Oakland avenue, sad having -
investigated the proposed improvement:
Respectfully report that it Is necessary and
proper to improve Lawton street, from Grand
avenue to Oakland street, by constructing a
wooden stairway, and grading and sodding the
balance of said Lawton street to conform with
said stairway; that the estimated "Pe...
thereof is M. one-half of which need not be _
paid into the City Treasury before the contract _
late ;
slet; that real estate to be assessed therefor
can be found benefitedto the extent of the cost
andexpenses necessary to be Incurred there-
by; that said improvement is asked for by a pe-
tition of n majority of the owners of property
to be assessed therefor, and we herewith send
a play or profile of said improvement, and on
o der for your adoption, if you des re us to
make the Improvement.
Yeas, 8: nays. 0.
JORN C. QIIINBY. President pro tem.
W. F. FR ., Clerk Board of Public Works.
June 26. 1889.
Adopted. (See order to [Hoard of Public
County Road and Other Street. Gradmq—jl
To the Honorable the President and Common
Council, City of St. Paul.
Gentlemen: The Board of Public Work.
herewith Mepoctfully "turn your noel order,
far the
read. from) Langforlal.d avenue to Dooley avenue:
Dooley o , from County to
d o Gibbs
vd Knapp street from Langford ave -
e to Gibbs nue, tib ten" request that Yon
end said oM,r,..d allow id Board to
oviend its —port,dated Jun. 3. 1889.Insald
a. o make two separate reports.
and so as to read that It is sary no
pro er to grade the County roads from Lang-
ford oven to Hendon avenue, at an .tire
expense of t3,670; and that it is also necessary
d prop to grade Dooley nvs.0 from
County d to Gibb. - Knapp
street, from Langford avenue to Gibbs avenue.
d Scudder avenue, from Langford eleven
leve o
Gibb. n entre (saidprod Jn Died done under
85.559.P.5: and said Board also respect fully.".
ull ce-
en.. I ear honorabe body to so thely anal orders forlss d improvements eoae-
Proper final orders for said Improvements
ere herewith submitted for your adoption.
JOHN C. QIIINBY, President pro tem.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Work..
July 2, 1889.
Adopted, and said final order approved June
8. 1889, repealed and annulled, and said Board
allowed to amend Its report as requested. (Be.
orders to Board of Public Works).
norable the Preiddent and Common
City of St. Paul:
len: The Board of Public Work.
•espectfully return your final order,
June 8. 1889, for grading to a partial
veEaha atteet from De Soto street to
feet west of the west lino of Ark -
report dated June x, lies, so tie to ren %not tt is
necessary and proper to grade to n partial
,rude Min.shah. street from De Soto street to
the west line of Rivoll street, with an approach
UP said Mfnehahn street, west of Strait
street, at dan on estimated sweet o f eli;ansa and
sat Hoard also res [full pensest ho.or-
pea yr qu your
abte body o pass the necessary Bast order for
sold improvement. A proper float order for
said improvement is herewith submitted for
your adoptton
R. L. GORMAN, President.
W. F. E'RWIN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
July 1t, 1869.
Adopted, sad said final order, ..proved
8, 1889, rep Baled and
nnulled, d said
Board allowed to amend nits report ase -
quested. (See order to Board of Publio
on South Roadway of I-1.0 Avenue,
Honomble the President and Common
:fl, City of St. Paul:
en: The Board of Public Works
h ... pectfuI return your nal order.
al July 5. 1888, for the construction of
matter, cos ve Man .'it
o . ryoaea
pproper o construct a sewer on the south d
the .Ile:lyinRabetw sen lots 19oand 20. and ulots
33 and :N, block a Dayton a d Irvine's eddf-
tion to St. c
Paul; thence o, said alley to a on-
e tlo. with the Pleasant ...... a We, to-
mnWith catch boom, andaho,ne said Board also respectfully
order that your honorable goow.r. new oval
(ae amended) for said er. A prover R,
anal order tot sold sewer Is herewith a bm14
ted for youradoptton.
JORF C. QpINRY. President pro tem.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
July 5, 1889.
Adopted, and said finalrder, approved July
4 IP88, repeated a d unveiled anid .aid Board
Mowed to amend Its:ort ea req e,ted.
(See order of Board of Publtc Work..)
Sibley Street and Lyon Court S"W Br—
To the Honorable the President and Common
sewer on Siblev at., from Ninth street to Tenth
street, and on Lyon court, from Sibley street to
a point 150 feet east of the east line of said
Sibley street, wiin the request that you annul
said order a d allow said Board to amend its
reports dated May 3, 1889, and May 81, 1889,
s s to read that It is necea.ary and proper to
construct a sewer on Sibley street, [ram a .plat
25 feet south d the south fine of Ninth street
to the enter of Tenth street, and on Lyon
nod matt cit s, end said Board t lso,
A proper final order for said tmprovemnt is
herewith submitted for your adoption.
R L. GORMAN. President.
yV F. ERWIN. Clerk Board of Public Works.
July 15, M.
Adopted. and said final order, approved June
8, IWx, repealed and annulledand said Board
allowed to amend Its reports as requested.
(See order to Board of Public Works.)
ro the Honorable the President and Common
Council. City of St. Paul:
Gentlemen: The Board of Public Work.
aerewlth respectfully return your final order,
street, with the request oat Hour
body annul all proceedings in id
the reason that the property on the
proposed Improvemunt between
.trust and Oto hos been p
the necessary lead dedicated
for the
.aid f:hnt.worth street between S,
W. F. ERw,N, Clerk Board of Peblle Works.
July 8, 1889.
Adopted, and all proceedings in said matter
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Book, Cullen. Fisher,
Gebvn. Kavanagh. LU lth... er, Mines, Melody,
Pratt, Sullivan. W ober, Mr. Vice Presfdont-13.
Live ogson Avenue and Wood Street Sewer—
To theThe Board of Public Common Council
haveohad Paul:
cnaid...lion the r .lution or der ofthe
ommon Council. ,prey d June Y2, 1889, r Ia-
e to the construction of o w o Living-
stov avenue, from Wood street. Isabetetroet
end. having investigated the proposers Improve-
Respectfully report that It Is necessary and
proper to construct a sewer on Livingston are
e, from Isabel street to Wood street, and on
Wood street, from Livingston avenue to Star-
key street, togetherwith the neceseary oatch-
basins and manholes, said Bettering to be done
under one contract: that the estimated ex
pease thereof is $•2,420, one hall of which need
not be paid Into the City Treasury before the
contract is let: that real estate to be assessed
therefor can be found benefited to the extent
of the cost and eapensee ecessary to be M-
ourned thereby; that said improvement is not
asked for by a petition of ¢ majority of the
.wnem of proFerty to be assessed therefor.
but we herewith send a plan or profile of said
improvement. and an order for your adoption.
if you desire us to make the improvement.
Yeas & nays 0.
JOHN C- QIIINUY. President pro tem.
W. F.
Eawrx,Clerk Board of Public Works.
July 2. 1689.
Alderman of the Ward.
Roble and Other Streets Sewer—
To the Common Council of the City of St, Paul;
The Board of Public Works have bad ti.d.r
consideration the resolution or order of the
Common Council. approved June e2,1889, rela
five to the construct m of a sewer on Roble
.treat, from Hoyt avenue to State street; Win-
ifred street, from Andrew Street to State
street; Congress street. from Bancroft Street
to State street; Concord street, from Brown
avenue to State street; Andrew street. from
Roble street to Winifredatreet; Brown avenue,
from Roble street to Concord street; Bancroft
street, from Robletreet to Congress street.
and Ada street. from Roble street to Congress
Street, and, having investigated the proposed
Respectfully report tbat Said imnrovement is
necessary apd proper, together with the neces.
Sary catch -bastes and manholes, said sewering
to be done under one contract: that the soft -
in Stud expense thereof is 834,60K ane -half of
high need not be paid into the City Treasury
before the contract is let; that real estate to be
asessed therefor can be found benefited to
the extent of t_111,790 of the cost and expenses
ceassryto be incurred tbereby: the balance
(Bd.RIR1 to be paid out of the sewerage bond
fun d; that sold improvement i. not asked for
by . Petition of it majority of the owners of
property to be assessed therefor, but we here-
h send a plan or profile of said Improve-
ment, and an order for your adoption, If you
desire us to make the improvement.
Yeas 8: Buys0
JOHN C. QUrNBY, President pro tem.
W. F. ERWIN. Clerk Board of Public Works.
July 2, 1889.
Recommitted to Board of Public Works with
recommendation that said Board natlty pro.
Instants of time of hearing said matter.
Winslow Avenue and Colorado Street Grad
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works have had under
cooaid... tlan the resolution or order of the
Common Council. approved April 19, 1819, rela'
Live to the grading of Winslow avenue, from
Prospect terrace to South city limits, and Col
orad. street, from Winslow avenue to Hall
avenue. and, having investigated the proposed
Respectfully report that said improvement is
not necessary and prover t this time, for the
reason that t a bearing before said Board in
said matter the property ownere Interested
presented a large protest against said improve.
ment, and no petition was presented for same.
Yeas, 3; nay& 0.
R. L. GORMAN. Prealdent.
W. F.ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
July I5, 1889.
Alderman of the Ward.
Fairfield Avenue Grading—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul;
The Board of Public Works have had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
Common Counell, appM,.d May 22. 1889, role.
tive to the ¢redip
ng f Fairfield v nue, from
Dakota avenue W Ohio street, sad, having I.
vestigated the proposed improvement:
Respectfully report that said improvement Is
not necessary and proper at this time. for the
reason that at a hearing before said Board in
sold matter a large majority of the owners et the
to be assessed were opposed to said
Yeas. 3; neye. 0
JOHN C. Quiroul, President pro tem.
W -F -
F, ERWIN,Clerk Board of Public Works.
June 27, 1EF39.
Alderman of the Ward.
Hewitt AvenueStraightening—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works have had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
Common Council, approved April 4, ]830, rel-
tive to Straightening Hewitt .venue est of
Snelling avenue, as per petition of Bouillon
Citizena• Unlon, and, having Investigated the
proposed improvement:
Respectfully report that ..Id improvement is
.of ne_B..ry and pr. or, for the reason that
at a hearing before said Board in said matter e
majority of the property ownere interested
were opposed to said improvement
Yeas, 3: nays, 0.
JOHN C. QUINBY, President pro tem.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
3... 28. 1889.
Alderman of the Ward.
Alley Grading, Block 3, Meeserley's and F.seh-
boeh's Addition—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works have had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
Common Council, approved May 22, 1889, rel -
.five to grading the ally In block 3 of Messer.
ly'e and Eschbach's ddition, and, having in-
vestigated the proposed Improvement:
Respectfully report that said improvement is
not necessary ad proper at this time, for the
reason that am ajorityof the owners of the
property to be assessed are opposed to said
Yeas, 3: nay".
R. L. GORMAN, President.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
July 15, 1889.
Alderman of the Ward.
Asbury Avenue Grading—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works have had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
Common Council, approved May 22, 1889, rein
live to the grading of Asbury avenue, from St.
Paul, Minneapolis k Manitoba Railway to Unl-
versity avenue, and, having investigated the
proposed improvement:
Respectfully report that said Improvementth is
not necessaBald Asbury .vacua isand pnoi forthe
between Sold
reason mat,
Yeas, 3; nays, 0.
JOHN C. QIIiNBY, PreF (dent pro tem.
W. F. ERWIN Clerk Board of Public Work..
June 29, 1889.
Alderman of the Ward.
Minnebaha Street Grading --
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works have had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
Common Council, approved May W 1889, MIR
five to the grading of Min. Blinn s[rset, from
Snellingavenue to Prior avenue, and having
investigated the proposed Improvement:
Respectfully report that said improvement
I. not necessary and proper at this time, for
the reason that at a hearing beforesaid Board
In said matter all persons present interested
were opposed to said Improvement.
Yeas, 8; nays, 0.
JOHN C. QIIINHY, President pro tem.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
June 2& 1889.
Aldermen of the Ward.
Eaton Avenue Grading—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Work. have had under
consideration the resolution or orderof the
Common Council, approved March 21, 1889, rel.
to the grading of Eaton avenue, from
Fillmore avenue W Plato avenue, and, having
Investigated the proposed improvame¢t:
Respectfully report that Improvement 1.
not necessary and proper at this time. for the
rens.. that at o hearing before said Board in
said matter all persons present Interested
were opposed, and no person has petitioned for
said improvement.
Yea& 8: nays. 0.
JOHN C. QUINBY, Pre.tdmt ppm tem.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Publlo Works.
June 27, 1889.
Alderman of the Ward.
Hoffman Avenue Sewer—
The Board returns final order. approved July
5, 188& for construction of a Sewer on HOffm.n
avenue, from Hudson avenue to Cherry street,
With the report that saidwork has been done
under final order approved Dec. 19, 1818.
Alderman of the Ward.
Johnson Street Grading—
The Board returnB preliminary order, ap-
proved June C1, 1869, for grading 7ohneon street
to a partici grade, tram Marylead street to city
emits, with the report o[ City Engineer, to the
effect that Johnson street extends from Bums
avenue to Conway street only.
Simpson Avenue Grading—
The Board returns preliminary order, ap.
proved July 3, 1889, for grading Simpson. ave-
nue, from Minuebahn street to University ave.
nue, with the report that said avenue is not
open the entire distance between said mints.
Alderman of the Ward.
Bernheimer Avenue and Hersey Street Grad.
The Board returns final order,appeaved June
8.1889,forgradIng Bernheimer avenue, from
University avenue to Hersey street, and He
say street, from Bernheimer avenue to Ellis
street. wltt the report that said streets are
being graded by the property owners. The
Board tranamito report of City Engineer to
Same effect.
Alderman of the Ward.
View Street Sewer—
The board returns final order, approved
March 7, 183& for construction of a sewer on
View street, from Randolph street to Jeffenon
avenue, with the report that the work contem-
ofinrrcoppr ed Jan. 1189, and isnw under n
Alderman of the Ward.
York Street Grading Contract—
The Board reports that It has awarded J. T.
Minton the rontr¢ct for grading York street,
from Cortland street to right of way of St. Paul
& Northern Pacific Railroad Company, he be.
ing the lowest rellaule and respo.slble bidder
therefor; amount of bid, 81,964; bond In the
sum of 8590, with Lane Ir. Stene and Walter S.
Morton as sureties.
Rondo Street Grading Coat-
The Board report. that it has awarded Alex.
Gingies the contract for grading Rondo street,
fromSnelling avenue to west line of Lovering
Park addio.., he being the lowest In,
responsible bidder therefor; amount f bid,
2.On85; bond In the sum of 8450, with Patrick
Keigher and E. McNamee as Sureties.
Maria Avenue and Cherry Street Grading Con.
The Board reports that it has awarded Peter
Tantholt the contract for grading Maria ave-
nue, from Cherry street to Bates avenue, and
Cherry street, from Bates avenue to Maria
.venue, aafd grading to be done under one con.
tract, he being the lowest reliable and respon-
Bible bidder ther.rort ¢mount of bid, 6747:
bond in the Sum of 8175, with N. C. Johnson
and Andrew Anderson Be sureties.
Roble Street Sewer Contract—
The Board reports thatlt be. awarded George
J. Symonds the contract for the canstmytloB o[
a sewer on Roble street, from Dakota .venae
to Stryker venue, together with the necessary
catch basins and Manholes, he being the low.
.at relluble ¢ad responsible bidder therefor;
amount of bid. Pd291; be.d In the sum of
With Joh. H. McNamara and Job. C. Catimme
as sureties.
Hill and Washington Streets Paving Contract—
The Board reports that It has awarded James
Forrestal the contract for paving Hill street,
from Third street to Washington street, and
Washington street, from HBI street to Eagle
street, withpi a blocks and curbing with g
its, and emd Washington street, from Eagle
.treat to Chestnut street, with cedar block. and
curbing with granite, includingoeesury
sewer connections to properly lines, he being
the lowest reliable and responsible bidder
therefor; amount of bid, 89,900; bond in the
sum of 84.000, with J. P. Gribben and Charles I.
McCarthy as sureties.
Whitall Street Grading Contract—
The Board reports that it has awarded Joh.
Dale and Louie A. Bumgardner the contract
for grading Whitall street, from Bradleystreet
to Payne avenue, they being the lowest relia-
ble and responsible bidders therefor; amount
of bid 84,041; bond In the sum of 8900,with George
Marti and George A. Doran as suretlo.s
Alley Grading Block 15, Smith's Subdivision
Stinson's Division, Contraot—
The Board reports that it has awarded Geo.
Bolan the contract for grading the alley in
block 15, Smith's subdivision of Stinson's di
Lion, between Ellen ad Churl— street., he
being the lowest reliable a,it po¢sible bid
der therefor; amount f bid, BIW; bond in the
sum of 630, with Uri L. Lamprey and Henry C.
James as sureties.
Tuscarora Street Sewer Contract—
The Board reports that it has awarded
Thornton and Shaw the contract for the con-
.tru0tbm of a sewer on Tuscarora street, from
Chatsworth street to Pleasant avenue, together
with the necese.ry cutch-b:sins and manholes,
they bale{ the lowest rellable and responsible
bidders therefor; amount OI bid, IRI.00. bond
in the su of 11,M), with Win. R. Marshall
and Warren H. Mead as.uretles.
Courtland Street Grading Contract—
The Board reports that it has awarded H. C.
Huebner the contract for grading Courtland
street, from right of way of St. Paul, Minusap-
III & Manitob. R.ilw.y Company to Lake
Como and Phubeing the lowest
rellable d pale. ave.oneiblee, he bidder therefor;
amount of bid, $7,400; bond m the sum of 81,-
CMI, with Chas. F. Huebner end C. H. S.baitt-
ger as sureties.
White Bear Avenue Grading Contract—
The Board reports that It has awarded O. W.
Fleh the contract for grading to aepartial grade
the westerly half of W kite Bear enue, from
center line of Keller street to center line of
Central avenue snow Vassar avenue), he beteg
the lowest reliable and responsible bidder
therefor; amount of bid, (390; bond 1. the sum
of $100, with William L. Ames aad Charles
Friend as sureties.
Third Street Sewer Contraet—
The Board reports that it has awarded John
W. Doherty the contract for construction of a
sewer on Third street, from Maple street to
Arcade street, together with necessary catch -
basins and manholes, he being the lowest re-
liable and responsible bidder therefor: amount
o1 bid, $182; bond In the sum o18100, with F. Wt,
Hadfield and O. V. Ericson as sureties.
Trout Brook Sewer Extension Contract—
The Board reports that it has awarded Ed-
ward J. Kirkland and Albert R. Starkey the
contract for extending the Trout brook sewer
IW feet northerly from its present terminus
above Lafayette avenue, being part of . main
:ewer, they being the lowest reliable and e.
bidders therefor; amount of bid,
52,000; bond in the sum of $WD, with John Bell
and Terence Kenny On, sureties.
Charles Street Sewer Contract—
The Board reports that it has awarded John
W. Doherty the contract for constructing a
sewer on Charles street, from Farrington ave.
nue to Western avenue, together with neces-
sary catcb-basins and manholes, he beingR the
west reliable and responsible bidder thare-
for; amount of bid, 8442; bond In the arm of
5300, with F. W. Hadfield and O. V. Erias6n ss
Conway Street Sewer Contract—
The Board reports that it has awarded Au-
guawt F. Manke the contract for constructing a
¢ Conw y atree4 from Maple attest to
Mari. avenue, together with tlecess.ry eat.h-
basins and manholes, he bei.g the lowest re-
liable and responsible bidder therefor; amount
of bid, $1.057.80; bond in the sum of $225, with
Charles G. Menke and E. L. Dow as sureties.
Temperance Street Sewer Contract—
The Board reports that It has awarded Gust
Moline the contract for coustrueting. seweron
Temperance street, from Norris street to Thir-
teenth street, together with necessary catch-
bmins aad manholes, he being the lowest re.
liable and roaponafble bidder therefor; amount
I bid, 8,88: bond in the an. of also, with J. G.
Elmquist and A. R. Keifer as suretle:.
Poplar Street Grading Contract—
The Board reports that it has awarded Thom -
ten 6 Shaw the contract for grading Poplar
street, from Cortland street [o right of way of
St. Poul & Northam Paofa. Rahway Compan
theyy being the lowest reliable d epo.sible
hiddentherefor; mount of bill, $1.948• bond
fa the such
of 8$00. with William'R, Marshall
and Warren H. Meed as auretles.
Sixth Street Sewer Contract—
The Board report. th.t it has awarded Au-
gust F. Manke the co,tra0t for constmetinHH a
sewer on Sixth street, from Hope street W Ma-
ple street. together with uact...ry c.11basins
and manholes, he being the lowest reliable aad
responsible bidder therefor; amount of bid,
8880; bond In the sum of UM with Charles G.
Menke and E. L. Dow as sureties.
Kent Street Paving Contract—
The Board reports that it ham awarded
Thomas Reilly the contract for paving Kent
.trent, from Selby avenue to Ashland avenue,
with cedar blocks and curbing with Knolls, he
beingg the lowest reliable and resp ... this bid-
dertherefor; amount of bid, $3,765; bond In the
sum of 81,500, with J. P. Gribben and A. D. Mc-
Leod as auretles.
Alley Grading, Block 2, Subdivision Block 13,
Stinson's Division, Contract—
The board reports that It has awarded F.
Kuhr the contract for grading the alley in
block2 of the subdivision of block 14 Stlnso,'s
division, he being the only bidder theretor, aad
his bid being reasonable and he being reliable
and responsible; amount of bid, $45; bond in
the sum of $10, with Henry Dehrer and L.
Manke as sureties.
Wheeler and Other Streets Grading Contract—
The Board reports that it has ewer ad Wm.
A. Davern the contract for grading Wheeler
treet, from Bayless avenue to Gibbs avenue;
Kendrick street, from Bayless avenue to Ray-
mond avenue, and Ada street, from Kendrick
street to Wheeler street, the surplus material
on said streets to be used to tilling Langford
Park, said gradingto be done underonecontract,
he bei.g the lowest reliable and esponslble
bidder therefor; amount of bid. $5,093; bond in
the sum of $2,000, with Aug. Hammer and Win.
Davern as sureties.
Ho a Street Sewer Contract—
The Board reports that it has awarded John
W. Doherty the contract for constructing a
sewern Hope street, tram Seventh street to
Sixth atree4 together ith necessary
basin3 and ma.boles, he belag the lowest re11e-
his and map ... ibis bidder therefor; amount of
bid, 8534; bond in the num of $200, with F. W.
Hadfield and O. V. Ericson as sureties.
Ailey Grading, Block 8, Terry's Addition, Con-
The Board reports th.t it has awarded D. L.
Billingsley Lhe contract far gr.ding to a partial
frond. the alley in black 8, Terry's addition,
f Earl to Frank street, he being Lha lowest
reliable and poneible bidder therefor,
amount of bid, 8509 bond in m of 3°5, ith W.
H. Sargent and F. E. Meacham as sureties.
Prior Avenue Grading Contract—
The Board reports that it has awarded
Charles E. Sandnen tba tr..t (orgrading
Prior avenue, from Marshall .v to Sum-
mit avenue, he being Lhe lowest rel Wble d
eapanemle bider Lnere[or; amount of bid,
81.554.75; bond to tae sum of $350, with Adolph
Blom and Andrew Peter00. as sureties.
LStreeEe Grading Con Fast�d West and Other
The Board -aporia tbat it hoe awarded J. T.
Million the contract [or gradl.g to n_(ytll width
and to apo fill grace Langford Park place east
and west; Bayless avenue, from Talnter ave
nue to Langford Park; Gordon avenue, from
Carter avenue to Langford Park; Hlake .ve-
nue, from Gordon avenue to Langford Perk
place east, and Knapp atree4 from Langford
avenue .Langford avenue, the surplusma-
terial on said avenue and streets to be used I.
filling Langford park, said grading to be done
ubder one contract, he being the lowest reli-
able and responsible bidder therefor; amount
of bid, $9,740; bond in the sum of $2,100, with
Lane K. Stone and Walter S. Morton as sure
East Fourth Street Grading Contract—
The Board reports that it hoe awarded
Charles E. Sandeen the contract for grading
East Fourth street, from Mendota street to
English street, he being the lowest reliable
a d responsibla bidder therefor; amount of
bid, BIO,W4; bond in the sum of 82,100, with
Adolph Blom and Andrew Peterson as sure-
Eagle Street Paving Contract—
The Board reports that it has awarded
Thomas M. Breen the ...treat for paving Eagle
street, from Third street to Franklin street,
withpine blocks and curbing with granite, and
from Franklin street to the Levee With cedar
blocks and curbing with granite, Including the
necessary sewer connections to the property
lines, he being the lowest reliable and respon-
sible biddertaerefor,amount of bid,tf$11,995;
bond in the sum of &9,000, with Matt Breen and
Patrick Keigher as sureties.
St. Albans Street Grading Contract—
The. Board reports that It has awarded
Charles E. Sandeen the contract for grading
St. Alban.atree4 from University avenue to
Minnehaha atree4 he being the lowest reliable
d ponsible bidder therefor amount o[
bid, 81,194.75; bond I. the sum of 45300. with An-
drew Mutr sad Adolph Blom as auretles.
Ohio and Other Streets Sewer Contract—
The Board reports that It hen awarded James
Fort lthe contract far the
ewer on Ohio s reet, fromPage street to Belle
street; on Iaubel street, from Ohio street to
Hall avenue; on Hall avenue, from Isabel
street to Delos street, and on Delos street
from Hall avenue to . connection with the
Starkey a"rest sewer; also on Chariton .,rest.
from Isabel streetto Balla street; thence on
Belle street to Mississippi river; together with
,. o,....I— notch -hall,, and manholes. said
up sop.
Minn.hah. End Other_Streets Sewer Co.-—
The Board reports that it hos awarded Ar-
thur Mc Muilea end Ch.. J. A. Morris the
tract for constructing a sewer on Mlnnehaha
street, from Mackubin streat to Grotto street;
thence o. Grotto street, from Minnehaha street
to Fuller street: these on Fuller street,
from Grotto street to Fisk street; thenen oa
Fisk street, from Fuller street to Martin atree4
toether with necessary catch -basins and man.
holes, sold sewering to be d0.. under ... oo..
spo¢treaelbley bidder. therefor amlount of able dDtd,
Gribben and Si M. Cary a.lsuntf e.. w1tD J. P.
The question arising upon the approval of
said award. the same was not approved.
Yeoe—Ald. Blom, Culla, Fisher, Gehl..
Lelthauser, Miee,. Melody, Pratt, Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vloe President—1 1.
Nays—Ald. Bock. Kavanagh -2.
Aid. Cullen moved to re -miler.
Adopted, yeas 11: nays, Aid. Book and
Weber 2, and said mutter In it over until next
regular meeting of Council.
Jackson Street Repaving Contract—
The Board reports that it bas awarded James
Forrestal the contract for repaving Jackson
etmet, from Fourth street to Seventh street.
with cedar blocks, on concrete foundation, and
curbing with granite, be beingg the lowest re-
and reaponsible bidder thercfor:.....t
of bid, $5,100; bond in the sum of 85,009, with J.
P. Gribbe and P. M- Hennessy as sureties.
Aid. Sullivan moved that said matter be re-
ferred to Committeeon Streets, and that Col.
Crooke president of Twin City Street Improve
ment Clampany. be heard 1n the matter.
Summit Place Paving Contract
To the Honorable the President and Common
Council, City of St. Paul:
Gentlemen: In accordance with the report of
Ald. Ban Dorn. adopted by your ho..ruble body
July 2, 1889, the Board of Public Work, here-
with resd to Thornton.& Shaturn w rfor ur 1 p e ii. t t
par ag
place, from Dayton avenue to Iglehart ,treat,
said Thornton & Shaw having agreed to enter
into a contract to do said paving in the spring
of 1870 at the price named In their bid.
R. L. GORMAN. President.
W. F. ERw i, Clerk Board of Public Works.
July 5.m.
Alderman of the Ward.
Estimates and Claims—
TheBoard transmits, approved by it, the fol
and ctnli viz.:
Estimate No- 3 and final. Ninth street uav
No. 5 and final. Hoffman avenue sewer
G. J. Symonds, $81550; Estimate No. 3 ant
final, Goodrich avenue sewer. P. Doherty
1477; Estimate No. 2 and final, Joy air's
sewer, $49.50; Estimate No.3 uad if.aL Frank
It. street paving, Thornton & Shaw, 11,39.1.99
Estimate N0
.3 and anal, University avenue
paving, 18.155; Estlmate No.2 and fivaL Weat
ern avenue paving. T. Reilly, 1451; Estimaa
No. 3 and anal, Seventh street paving, A. F
Menke, 11.412.50; Estimate No.2 and final
silly grading, block 4, Ne'eon's addition, G
Mollae. 1152.60; Estimate No. 10, supplement
ary to No. 9 and final, Summit avenue boule
yarding, J. Kavanagh. Milli; Estimate No
sad final, Reaney street grading
C. E. Sandeen, 12,070.75; Estimate 90
5 and final, Fairview avenue ant
Ether streets grading, Thornton & Sbaw, p1.173
stimate No. 5 and Dual, Earl street grading
Dale & Bumgardner, $1,289; Estimate No.l
The Board submit, Its report for June, 1889.
showing total expenditures, L8,319.58.
Committee on Ordinances and Public Ac-
Of Committee on Ways and Means—Hospital
Commission's Communication—
Committee recommends the Issuance of 1,-
100 bonds, as asked for, and adoption of msolu
Adopted. (Be. resolution.)
Horton Portrait Company's Communication—
Committee recommends
that action on said
communication relative to painting portraits
of ex -mayors be indefinitely postponed.
G. M. Hughes and Others' Petition for Appro.
pristine from Sewerage Bond Fund—
Committee recommends that said petition be
placed on ale—the amount of bonds set apart
for Teeth and Eleventh wards being absorbed
for sewers already ordered.
Of Committee on Claime—
A. Allen's claim for &5.91—snow-01eaning.
Committee reports again at allowance of said
Also, [
Aug, Mattoon'a Claim for 1775—
committee recommends the allowance of
said claim at $12(4.
The said matter was referred to Corporation
Bill for Raising Water Pipes on Mississippi
and Other Strets—
Committeerecommends allowance of said
claims of Board of Water Commissioners for
Yens—Ald. Blom, Book, Cullen. Can.
leyy, Ffeher. Gehan, Kavanagh, Lelthauser,
Mlnea, Malady, Pratt, 9ulllvnn, Weber, Mr.
Vice President -13.
Ordinance to Pay Wm. A Van Slyke M500—
Committee recommends passage of said ordl-
Referred to Committee on Claims and Corpo-
ration Attorney. '
Robert Seeger's Claim for $58.23—
Committee recommends allowance of said
claim (referred to Committee by Committee
on Gas.)
Yeas—Aid. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Fisher,
Gets., Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mmes. Melody.
Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President
Babette B. Pleohner'e Claim for $18.75 and In-
terest, Assessment Paid—
Committee recommends allowance of claim,
without Interest.
Adopted. (See Ordinance No. 1,184.)
Of Committee on Fire Department—All.
Book's Resolution for Fire Alarm Boxes,
Rlobmnnu and Other Streets—
Committee recommends that laid reeolutlon
be referred to Board of Fire Commissioners.
Ald. Gehan's Resolution Authorizing Board of
Fire Commissioners to Purchase two Horses,
Committee recommends passage of said reso-
Report not adopted.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Cullen, Fisher, Cohen,
Kavanagh, Lelthauser, Mlnee. Melody, Pratt,
Weber, Mr. Vice Presidentll
N.ys—Ald. Bock—l.
Of Committee on Street., Sewers and Bridges
—GeorgeDecline and Others' Petition for
Vacation of Alley I.
Block 15, Fairview Ad-
Committee on Street.. cad Aid. Blom recom-
mend that the prayer of said petition be
grouted; provided that a properly executed
glut be sled with the proper mty anthoritles,
showing the rearrangement of said block and
silly, and that Bald petition be Bled of record
the City Clerk, nad that the City Clerk
give the necessary publication notice.
F. Gerber and Others' Petition—
Committee approves said petftlon for greding
alley, Block 20, Charles Weide's eabdlvlslon,
end submlts prellml.nry order.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
, 20
Peter Redlinger's Petition (laid Over at Last
tion, asking that H.mi to. bH'y. Mollere be allowelaid doti.
maintain hay scales on Dale street, near
Thoma. street.
Alderman of the Ward.
Of Commit see on Ordinances and Public
Accounts—Report of Hoard of Control, June,
Committee has examined and found correct
said report
Of Ald.Melady .1d City—St. Paul
Brick Manufacturing Co.'s Pe[itlon—
The coremittee submits to Council Its
report to Committee on Streets, as
To the Committee on Streets:
Gentlemen: Your committee, appolated to
examine Into the petition from the St. Paul
tneir use is netnmentm to tae penile use, they
to vacate the levee within ten days after re.
solving notice.
Respectfully submitted,
L. W. R sibaTT,
July Q 1889.
Accepted and sold matter referred to Carpal=
ration Attolvev LO draw ordinance.
Of Ala M(nea—South Robert and Isabel
Streets Sewer—
Committee recommends adopption of report
of Board of Public Works In an it matter dated
Ju Je 1, 1889, and referred to this committee
Joel B, 1889.
WAdap)ted. (See order to Board of Public
An ordinance was read permitting Thomas
H. Nolan to construot a one-story brick add] ,
tion to connect with frame store.
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Gabon,
yeas 12, and ordinance read second time and
passed. (See Ordinance No. 1,175.)
Au ordinance was read permitting W. M.
Hoer to erect a from. barn upon property
therein named,
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Malady.
passed •(Bee Ordinan a s1178.) time and
An ordinance was read ayyroprietingmoney
to pay judgment of Joseph M. l3owthome.
An ordinance Was read for an order for 8135.52
favor Ph. Pettler, sodding.
Comvlttee on Parke,
By Ald. Sullivan—
A preliminary order for sewer on University
avenue and other streets.
Committee on Ways and Means.
By Aid. Blom—
A preliminary order for sewer on Olive
Committee on Ways and Means.
By Aid. Gehan—
A preliminary order for sewer on Viola
Committee on Ways and Means.
By Aid. Conley—
A resolution instructing City Engineer to
sprinkle Unlpersity avenue and other streets
during races, July 23 to 31, 1889.
City Engineer, with power to act.
By Aid. Pratt—
A resolution for ft5OO—street illumination
during State Fair.
Committee on Streets.
By Ald. Lelthauser—
A resolution changing name of Lawrence
street to Bates avenue.
Committee on Streets.
By Aid. Lelthauser—
A resolution instructing City Engineer to
have East Seventh street, from Atlantic to
Phalen, put in apassable condition.
Committee on Streets.
By Aid. Gehan—
A resolution authorizing Committee on
Streets and CUT, Engineer to make arrange-
ments, etc., for illumination during State Fair.
Committee on Streets.
By Aid. Gehan—
A resolution for lamp on Fifteenth street
between Canada and Jackson.
Committee on Gas.
By Aid. Mmes—
A resolution for lamps on Congress street
and other streets.
Committee on Gas.
By Aid. Minea—
A resolution for removal of lamp from South.
west corner Goff avenue and Congress street
to northwest corner same streets.
Committ on Gas.
By Aid. Geban—
A resolution for oil lamp northeast turner
Magnolia and Sylvan streets.
Committee on Gas.
By Aid. Leithauser—
A rasolutlon for lamps on North street.
Committee on Gas.
By Aid. Gehan—
A resolution Instructing Committee on Gas
to report number of lamps and locations In
in it,, lying north SL. Paul,
Mlnneayolls & Manitoba Rallwayto city limits.
bounded by Mississippi and Rite streets.
Committee on Gas.
By Aid. Melady—
A resolution for lamp northeast corner Con.
cord and Annapolis streets.
Committee oa One.
By Ald. Melady—
A resolution for lamps—Stryker and Prospect
terrace and other streets.
Committee on Gas.
By Aid. Cullen—
Aresolutionlnetructingibmer oily omcm
aents and deliver to Louisa Weide a qui
claim deed to property in block 8, Hoyte add
tion, in the matter of opening and extension s
Rosabel street, confirmed by Board of Publl
Works, April 14, 1882.
Committee on Streets.
By Aid. Melody—
A resolution instructing, City Engineer t
build near corner Orleans and Stevens streets
opposite Douglas school, a cistern.
Committee on Fire Department.
By Committee on ass—
A resolution for seventy -Six gas lamps o.
West Seventh street, from Smith avenue t
Tuscarora street.
Lost, yeas. 11: nays, Aid. Blom, Gehan-2.
By Aid. Leithauser—
A resolution for electric lights in Secon,
Lost, yeas 10; nays, Aid. Bock and Mr. Vic
President -2.
Aid. Leitbauser appealed from decision o
Appeal sustained.
Yeas, 9; rays, Aid. Bock and Minea-2.
And resolution adopted.
By Aid. Yoerg—
A resolution dlreoting closing of city omce:
on July 23, "Derby Day," after 12 o'clock noon
Pursuant to advertisement of City Clerk pro
posals for grading SL Paul ead Mendota e(
were received from John Dale and Louis Bum
garoran,ae.r, D. H. Crego, John Grant, John D
MThornton dt Shaw.
City Engineer, to reprt at this meeting.
Pursuant to advertisement of City Clerk
proposals for building iron fence on Clift street
were received from Peter Heck, Joseph Roth
well and Schnell and Teeming.
City Engineer to tabulate and report at next
meeting of Council.
The matters of all ppending applications fol
vacation of street., at eye, etc., were postpones
and laid over until Tuesday, Aug. 9, 1889, at 7:8(
o'clock p. in.
An Ordinance permitting Taos. H Nolan to con
struct a one -awry brink addition to coun0of
with a two-story frame store as herein specl-
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
Bain as follows:
Section L Permission is hereby given and
granted unto Thos. H Nolan to construct a one-
story Drlck addition to frame store 29 feet
1de and 30 feet deep, same t0 have
Sides sad rear wall, sad have an open apace on
east end to connect with frame Store 20 feet
wide and 10 feat high, same situated on the
est side of Rice street, between Ellen and
Charles, lot 5, block 3, Mogomn R Bra ken -
ridge's addition to St. Paul, said Work to be
done under the aupervielon of the Inspector of
Buildings of said city.
Seo.2 This ordinance shall take effect an
be in force from and after Its passage.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Book, Cullen. Fisher,
Geban, Kavanagh,, Minea, Melody,
Pratt, Weber, Mr. Vice PrealdS.t-12.
Passed July 19, 1889.
Vice President of Council.
Approved July 17, 1888.
Attest: THOS. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk.
July 22.
An Ordinance permitting W. M. Baer to erect
a frame barn upon property herein named
and as hereinafter specified.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
ordain as follows:
Section 1. Permission is hereby given and
granted unto W. M. Baer to erect a frame barn
20 feet by 30 feet, one and one -halt stories high,
shingled upon the rear easterly 50 feet of lot 4,
block 17, West St. Paul proper addition to St.
Paul, according to. plans and specifications
thereof furnished to and upproved by the In
Spector of Buildings of said city and under his
Seo. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and
be in force from and after its publication.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Fisher, Ge
ban, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Minea. Malady,
Pratt, Weber. Mr. Vice President -12.
Passed July 16, 1889.
Vice President of Council.
Approved July 17, 1889.
Attest: Taos. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk.
July 22 —
An Ordinance appropriating money to pay a
judgment of Joseph M. Hawthorne against
the City of St. Paul.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
ordain as follows:
Section 1. That an order be drawn upon the
City Treasury In favor of Joseph M. Haw.
theme, In payment of that certain Judgment
entered up and perfected of record in the office
of the Clerk of the District Court of Ramsey
County, Minnesota, on the fifth day of June,
I" in favor of Joseph M. Hawthorne sad
o&a{nst the Clty Of St. Paul. for the sum of
fifteen (515) dollars, said order to be for that
The said order shall be delivered only noon
there being filed with the City Comptroller a
certificate In due form of the. satisfaction of
iald judgment of record in said District Court.
Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and
be in force from and after Its publication.
Yens—Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Fisher, Ge-
nn, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mines. Melady,
Pratt, Weber, Mr. Vice President—l2
Passed July 10, 1889.
Vine President of Counofl.
Approved July l7. 1889.
Attest: Taos. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk.
July 22. —
in Ordinance appropriating money to pay
judgment of Thomas Mayloue, as dmlmis-
tratar of the estate o[ Henry J. Mnlono, de-
ceased. In District Court.
Abe Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
ordain as to
Section. 1. That an order be drawn upon the
'ity Treasury In favor of M...IS. Sauer R
hap in,attorneys of recordof Thomas Mnylona,
dniinistrator of the estate c Henry J- Malone,
.ceased, for the sum of fifty-nma sad seventy-
ve one -hundredths (td9.75 dollars, together
Rules Suspended on motion of Aid. Geban,
yeas 12, and ordinance read second time and
passed. (See Ordinance No. 1,177.)
An ordinance was read appropriating money
to pay judgment of Thomas Maylone, admints.
RulesSuspended on motion of Aid. Geham
yeas 12, and ordinance read second time and
passed. (See Ordinance NoA.173)
An ordinance was read permitting Peter
Stryker to do special plumbing In Stryker
Rules suspended, on motion of AidPratt,
yeas 12. and ordinance read second time end
passed. (See Ordinance No. 1,179.)
An ordinance was read appropriating money
to pay two judgments—favor Christian F.
Rules suspended, on motion of Aid. Gehan,
yeas 12, and ordinance read second time and
passed. (See Ordinance No. 1,180.)
An ordinance was read authorizing Richard
Hazzard to erect frame building.
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Weber,
- yeas 12, and ordinance read second time and
passed. (See Ordinance No. 1,181.)
Au ordinance was read gracileg William J.
Cutler permission to construct area under side
walk, Sibley street.
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Gehan
yeas 13, and ordinance read second time ant
Aid. Gehan moved to reconsider said last -
mentied vote.
Adopted, yeas 13.
Aid, Gehan moved to amend said ordinance
by Inserting the words '-the outside of area
wall to be not farther than ten feet from the
Fline," immediately after the words
••Sibley street." where the same last occur In
said ordinance.
Amendment adopted, yeas 13, and ordinance
ended read and passed. (See Ordinance
M amended
= No.
An ordinance was read appropriating money
to pay four judgments in favor of S. &O. Kipp
` and others.
su7eended on motion of Aid. Gehan,
yeas 13, aneminence read second time and
passed. (See Ordinance No. 1,183.)
An ordinance was read appropriating money
for Babette B. Plechner.
Rulessuspended on motion of Aid. Mines,
yeas 13, and ordinance read second time and
passed. (See Ordinance No. 1,184.)
An ordinance was read permitting George W,
Freeman to erect an area wall in Rosabel
street in front of lots 1 and 2, block 14, Whit-
ney R Smith's addition.
Rules suspended on motion of Ald. Cullen,
yea, 13, and Ord sees read ascend Ltme and
passed. (See Ordinance No. 1,185.)
An ordinance was read permitting Thos.
Lowry and his assign, to make aertam projec.
tions beyond the street line in the Aroade Opera
Rules suspended on motion of Ald,Kavanagh,
yeas 13, and ordinance read second time mad
passed, (See Ordinance No. 1,186.)
An ordinance was read appmprlatmg money
for Noah Sinks.
Rules Suspended on motion of Aid. Geham,
yeas 18, and ordinance read second time and
passed. (See Ordinance No. 1,187.)
An ordinance Was read for an order for 8135.52
favor Ph. Pettler, sodding.
Comvlttee on Parke,
By Ald. Sullivan—
A preliminary order for sewer on University
avenue and other streets.
Committee on Ways and Means.
By Aid. Blom—
A preliminary order for sewer on Olive
Committee on Ways and Means.
By Aid. Gehan—
A preliminary order for sewer on Viola
Committee on Ways and Means.
By Aid. Conley—
A resolution instructing City Engineer to
sprinkle Unlpersity avenue and other streets
during races, July 23 to 31, 1889.
City Engineer, with power to act.
By Aid. Pratt—
A resolution for ft5OO—street illumination
during State Fair.
Committee on Streets.
By Ald. Lelthauser—
A resolution changing name of Lawrence
street to Bates avenue.
Committee on Streets.
By Aid. Lelthauser—
A resolution instructing City Engineer to
have East Seventh street, from Atlantic to
Phalen, put in apassable condition.
Committee on Streets.
By Aid. Gehan—
A resolution authorizing Committee on
Streets and CUT, Engineer to make arrange-
ments, etc., for illumination during State Fair.
Committee on Streets.
By Aid. Gehan—
A resolution for lamp on Fifteenth street
between Canada and Jackson.
Committee on Gas.
By Aid. Mmes—
A resolution for lamps on Congress street
and other streets.
Committee on Gas.
By Aid. Minea—
A resolution for removal of lamp from South.
west corner Goff avenue and Congress street
to northwest corner same streets.
Committ on Gas.
By Aid. Geban—
A resolution for oil lamp northeast turner
Magnolia and Sylvan streets.
Committee on Gas.
By Aid. Leithauser—
A rasolutlon for lamps on North street.
Committee on Gas.
By Aid. Gehan—
A resolution Instructing Committee on Gas
to report number of lamps and locations In
in it,, lying north SL. Paul,
Mlnneayolls & Manitoba Rallwayto city limits.
bounded by Mississippi and Rite streets.
Committee on Gas.
By Aid. Melady—
A resolution for lamp northeast corner Con.
cord and Annapolis streets.
Committee oa One.
By Ald. Melady—
A resolution for lamps—Stryker and Prospect
terrace and other streets.
Committee on Gas.
By Aid. Cullen—
Aresolutionlnetructingibmer oily omcm
aents and deliver to Louisa Weide a qui
claim deed to property in block 8, Hoyte add
tion, in the matter of opening and extension s
Rosabel street, confirmed by Board of Publl
Works, April 14, 1882.
Committee on Streets.
By Aid. Melody—
A resolution instructing, City Engineer t
build near corner Orleans and Stevens streets
opposite Douglas school, a cistern.
Committee on Fire Department.
By Committee on ass—
A resolution for seventy -Six gas lamps o.
West Seventh street, from Smith avenue t
Tuscarora street.
Lost, yeas. 11: nays, Aid. Blom, Gehan-2.
By Aid. Leithauser—
A resolution for electric lights in Secon,
Lost, yeas 10; nays, Aid. Bock and Mr. Vic
President -2.
Aid. Leitbauser appealed from decision o
Appeal sustained.
Yeas, 9; rays, Aid. Bock and Minea-2.
And resolution adopted.
By Aid. Yoerg—
A resolution dlreoting closing of city omce:
on July 23, "Derby Day," after 12 o'clock noon
Pursuant to advertisement of City Clerk pro
posals for grading SL Paul ead Mendota e(
were received from John Dale and Louis Bum
garoran,ae.r, D. H. Crego, John Grant, John D
MThornton dt Shaw.
City Engineer, to reprt at this meeting.
Pursuant to advertisement of City Clerk
proposals for building iron fence on Clift street
were received from Peter Heck, Joseph Roth
well and Schnell and Teeming.
City Engineer to tabulate and report at next
meeting of Council.
The matters of all ppending applications fol
vacation of street., at eye, etc., were postpones
and laid over until Tuesday, Aug. 9, 1889, at 7:8(
o'clock p. in.
An Ordinance permitting Taos. H Nolan to con
struct a one -awry brink addition to coun0of
with a two-story frame store as herein specl-
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
Bain as follows:
Section L Permission is hereby given and
granted unto Thos. H Nolan to construct a one-
story Drlck addition to frame store 29 feet
1de and 30 feet deep, same t0 have
Sides sad rear wall, sad have an open apace on
east end to connect with frame Store 20 feet
wide and 10 feat high, same situated on the
est side of Rice street, between Ellen and
Charles, lot 5, block 3, Mogomn R Bra ken -
ridge's addition to St. Paul, said Work to be
done under the aupervielon of the Inspector of
Buildings of said city.
Seo.2 This ordinance shall take effect an
be in force from and after Its passage.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Book, Cullen. Fisher,
Geban, Kavanagh,, Minea, Melody,
Pratt, Weber, Mr. Vice PrealdS.t-12.
Passed July 19, 1889.
Vice President of Council.
Approved July 17, 1888.
Attest: THOS. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk.
July 22.
An Ordinance permitting W. M. Baer to erect
a frame barn upon property herein named
and as hereinafter specified.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
ordain as follows:
Section 1. Permission is hereby given and
granted unto W. M. Baer to erect a frame barn
20 feet by 30 feet, one and one -halt stories high,
shingled upon the rear easterly 50 feet of lot 4,
block 17, West St. Paul proper addition to St.
Paul, according to. plans and specifications
thereof furnished to and upproved by the In
Spector of Buildings of said city and under his
Seo. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and
be in force from and after its publication.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Fisher, Ge
ban, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Minea. Malady,
Pratt, Weber. Mr. Vice President -12.
Passed July 16, 1889.
Vice President of Council.
Approved July 17, 1889.
Attest: Taos. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk.
July 22 —
An Ordinance appropriating money to pay a
judgment of Joseph M. Hawthorne against
the City of St. Paul.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
ordain as follows:
Section 1. That an order be drawn upon the
City Treasury In favor of Joseph M. Haw.
theme, In payment of that certain Judgment
entered up and perfected of record in the office
of the Clerk of the District Court of Ramsey
County, Minnesota, on the fifth day of June,
I" in favor of Joseph M. Hawthorne sad
o&a{nst the Clty Of St. Paul. for the sum of
fifteen (515) dollars, said order to be for that
The said order shall be delivered only noon
there being filed with the City Comptroller a
certificate In due form of the. satisfaction of
iald judgment of record in said District Court.
Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and
be in force from and after Its publication.
Yens—Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Fisher, Ge-
nn, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mines. Melady,
Pratt, Weber, Mr. Vice President—l2
Passed July 10, 1889.
Vine President of Counofl.
Approved July l7. 1889.
Attest: Taos. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk.
July 22. —
in Ordinance appropriating money to pay
judgment of Thomas Mayloue, as dmlmis-
tratar of the estate o[ Henry J. Mnlono, de-
ceased. In District Court.
Abe Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
ordain as to
Section. 1. That an order be drawn upon the
'ity Treasury In favor of M...IS. Sauer R
hap in,attorneys of recordof Thomas Mnylona,
dniinistrator of the estate c Henry J- Malone,
.ceased, for the sum of fifty-nma sad seventy-
ve one -hundredths (td9.75 dollars, together
with interest thereon from the 17th It.of May,
1889, in payment of that certain judgment
entered up and perfected of record in the offlce
of the Clerk of the District rt, CouSecond Ju -
'fclell Daavor of Star. Thmn.. Malone,
letradate,tor afornsald, and against the City of Saint
Paul, for thebove-mentioned .... Said
order t. be delivered only upon there being
filedwith thethe satisfaction oaid judgement in said court
in due form of low.
sec. 2. This be 1a force from andnance Shallct and
d atter i e take
Yeas--Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, ;.ber,
Gone. Knv... gb, Lelthauaer, Mmea, Melody,
Pratt, Weber, Mr. Vice Prosidentrl2.
Pneeed July 16, 1889.
Vice President of Council.
Approved Juts 17, 1389.
Attest: THOS. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk.
July 22.
ORDINANCE NO. 1,179. "
An Ordinance permltt""'Peter Stryker to do
speciul plumbing in Stryker Seminary.
Thcdoin as em. Iowecli of i.e C1ty of 3t. Paul do
Section 1. Permission Is herebu agtvev an
granted uvm Peter. Stryker Lo sg wo slit
iron pipe es soil pipker Seminaroe Stryker plumbfv k iv
32, of Black 30, ofySt t. Anthonn LO 8 y P. it North. and
Seo. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and
be is force from and after Its publication.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Book, Cullen, Fisher,
Gehan, Kavaneggb, Lelthauaer, Mmen, Melody,
Pratt, Weber, Mr. Vice Presidents -12.
Pneeed July 16, 1889.
Vice President of Council.
Approved July 17.1889.
Attest: TROs. A. PRENDERGABT. Cliv Clerk.
July 22.
An Ordinance epPropritfag money Lo pay two
(2) lodgments Ia favor of Chrftlon F. Meyer
agafnet the City of St. Paul.
The Comoro. Co_.Uof the City of St. Paul do
IMsin u filo eQ^ .M.r fie draw, upon the
1 up and yyerfected oI
the Distrlat Court of
eta, on the nf¢th day of
twenty-three and flfty-
(445.68): the other of
;am.t the !aid try
3 Chrletion F. Maley
perfected of r d fn
Lae supreme Court of
the .....d day of
I nineteen ad cwe.ty.
d.thes said order to
;here being filed with
ertiflonte m due form
Id ivd¢mBat of record
Seo. 2. This ordinance to take effect and be
In force on and after its publication.
c Yeae-Ald. Blom, Bock,Cullen. Fisher, Gehan,
Kevonaggh, Leithauser, Mines, Malady, Pratt,
Weber, M . Vice Pres{deIl1-12.
Passed July le, 1899. -
ice Prey Ynt of un.,
Vice President o[ Counefl.
Approved July 17, 1889.
Attest: Trips. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk.
July 22.
An Ordinance authorizingRichard Hazzard to
r..t a from. building.
The Common C.....1 Of the City of St. .out
do ordain as follows:
Section 1. That authority and permission Is
hereby given and granted to Richard Hazzard
to erect upon lot ave (5), of block lz ((BW, o!
Pollee. addition to Saint Paul, a [came d B -
.aidone-half house on, and (
bone. not to .....d (20) s twe.ty feet` I.
width and (32) thirty-two ISet In
length; also a
woodshed about twelve by efz teen feet.
All o1 said work shall be done under the u-
perv191on of sad oa directed by the Building
Inspector of eafd city.,
be In force ffiomordinance
a d alter Iia hall ssag effect ed
Yeas -Aid. Blom, Boc E,p Cullen, Ffeher,
Gehan. Kavanagh, Lelchaueer, Mme., Melody,
Pratt, Weber, Mr. V869ice Presldet-12.
Passed July le, 1.
Vice President
nt of of Council.
Approved July 17 1888.
�2OBERT A. SMTrH, Mayor.
Attest: THOS. A. PRENDERGAST, Clty Clerk.
July 22.
An Ordinance granting to William J- Cutler
per df..I.n to c.....t an are. under the
.sidewalk in front of his yrop�rty on Sibley
street. m the City of St. Paul
The Common Common Council of the City of
St. Paul do ordain as follows:
Section 1. Permission Is hereby granted to
William J. Cutler, his helm and assiggnns. own-
ers of lots seven (7), eigbt (6) and nine (9), in
block seven (7), of Whitney & Had h'I d ltlon
to St. Paul. m the City of St. Paul, to excavate
and conetrut an area underthe sldewalkon Sib-
ley street in Irene o[ old lot nine (9), forth. use
o[ Lhe block of Blame I. the eouree of erection
there, or other buildings which may be thereon
emoted, ee follows, viz: Said ares to ezcend
along eafd Sinlay street a hundred (IOD) tees
or thereabouts 1.
le.gtb, commencing at a
pole fifty (50) feet or thereabouts northward
from the northeasterly framer of Sixth street
and Blbley, the outside o[ area wall io be not
farther than ten feet from the property line,
the sidewalk to be laid over said arae eefrurely
on iron beams and brick -he., to the
tlon of the City3 Rneer.
St- 2 This aMtnance shall take effect and
Vice President of C,nn.IL
Approved July 17. 1689.
Attest: THOS. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk.
July 22.
On e-ANCB No. 1,183
An Ordinance appropriating money to pay four
judgmant� against the City of St. Paul.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul
do ordain as follows:
Section 1. That an order be drawn uppon the
City Treasury in favor of Messrs. 3. A O. Kipp,
attomeya O[ record for the parties hereinafter
¢ametl. for the nam o1 nfty-two (4521 dollars fn
y of
3penaerla�d�J esv MOClary for the num of
thirtee, (413) dIllare, one being in favor of
Jame. for the sum of thirteen (413)
dollars, and one being Sn favor of Mnry FiHne-
gen, Gleno A. McKay. Jane M. Cheney, Ida J.
McGuire and Densnor D. Lashells.
The said {({o Mer shall be .delivered only upon
there .OrtfflOutevin dine ed [pf_h f thee C L�tafee ton8 of
the nld no
of record in said District
Sea 2.This Ord notice to take effect and be
in force on and Iter its publication.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Fisher,
W beR Mr. V foe Pre is deet -19.
P....d July 16, 1899.
ANTHONY Vic President of Council.
Approved July 17, 1899.
ROBERT A. 3MrIH Mayor.
Attest: THOS. A. PRENDERGA.T, dity Clerk.
July 22.
An Ordinancenppropritting money for and
directing the payment to Babette B. Plech.
ner of the sum of eighteen and 75-100 (818.75)
dollars, pureuant to report of Committee on
TheCommon Council of the City of S, Paul
do ordain as follow.:
Sectlon 1. That an order be drawn uyon tae
City Treasury of St. Paul In favor of Babette
B. Plechner for the Bum of eighteen and 75-100
an illegal assessment paid under protest, for
the grading gad Hlling L'Orient
'tree" as by
the report o[ the Committee on 'it"" to the
Common Cou.oll of date the 16th day of July,
A. D. I880, will more fully apyyear; Bald order to
be delivered only upon her tUing with the City
Compptroller full and absolute receipts to the
city 1n satisfaction of said claim or demand.
Seo. 2. This Ordinance shall take effect aad
be In force from and after its publication.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Fisher,
Gehan. Kavanagh, Leithauser, Minea,
Melody. Pratt. Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice
Pro. dent -13.
Passed July 16. 1969. ANTHONY
V1997 eeideotof Council.
Approved July 17, 1889.
Attest: THOS. A PRBIQDEROA6T, City Clerk.
July 22.
An Ordinance permitting George W. Freeman
to erect an area wall on Rosabel street, In
front o1 lots 1 and 2, block 19, Whitney and
Smiths addition.
The Common Council ofthe City of St. Paul do
gain as follows:
Section 1. Permission 1s herebyn a va
George W. Freeman W erect. in c n tionn
Paul, an area wall, the outside line of wnlca
may extend Into Rosabel street, In front of Bald
Iota. not more than (10) ten fee, bold George
W. Freeman to provide for them I.n.m co of
Il Bre bydmnta, lamp poste or poles ppo rt-
lvg electric wires that ad tomay be situateds11 fro,t
paving to tor Said he sniisfactlon ut the Cty EngginCurb eers
the whole work to be done under the lnepev-
tion and to the Satisfaction of Bald City En-
Sec. 2. This Ordinan.. Shall take Offset and
be 1. force from sad after Its passage and pub-
Yens -Aid. Blom, Book, Cullen, Fisher
Gahan, Kavanagh, Lelthauaer, Mine., Melody,
Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mt. Vice Praef-
Passed July 16, 1839.
Vice President of Council
Approved Jul 17,
Attest: TBoa. A. PNDEE :fax, Ofty Clerk.
July 22.
ORDINANCE No. 1,189.
AGO once permitting Thomas Lowry Bud
his neeigns to make certain projections be-
yond the street line in the Arcade Opera
Be iteordlned by tpe Common Council of the
City of St. Paul.
Section 1. permission
fs hereby granted to
Thomas Lowry and his assigns, as owners of
namely, a bracket oe projectlon on eafrb
aide of the archwayy or min
entrance of said bull tag on Fifth
(5th) tree, intended for the support 1
the statues or omamont.l figure. to r, pplaced
thereon, at a height of about seven (7) Taet
from the sidewalk, and extending over and be-
yond the street line northward on an it Fifth
(5th) street about two feet: also to allow the
foundation walls of said building beneath the
present street grade or surface W extend be-
yond the street line or property line, not to ex-
ceed in evY. instance one (1) foot, as at present
d -len- by old plans. and also to allow an
neh Fifth grab) street.
ace of the SIBewali( on
said ection 2. This ordinance shall take effect
from and after its passage.
`1 '
Yeas--Ald. Blom, Book, Cullen, Fisher, Yens—Ald. Blom. Bock, Cullen, Fiobor,
Gahan. Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mines, Melody, Gehoo, Kavnnegh, Leithauser, Mines, Malady,
Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President -13. Pratt, -Weber, r. Vice Preafdent-12.
P ... ed July 16, 1889. Approved July 17, 1689.
Vice President of Council. By Aid. Blom—
Approved July 17, 1869. Resolved, That the ,gf[aade o[ the alley In
ROB RT A. Su[TR, Mayor. block 3 of Messerlt & Eschbach's addlti.., as
Attest: THOS. A. PRENDEAGA6T, City Clerk. indicated by the red grade line on the mcom-
July 22 panying proflle, and as recommended by the
City Engineer, be Bud hereby is adopted as the
ORDINANCE No. 1,187.esYebnll—Aelld. B m Book, CallenFisher, Go -
An ordinance appropriating money to Noah ban, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mines, Malady,
Siq I. Pratt, Weber, Mr. Vice President -12.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do Approved July 17, 1869.
ordain as follows:
Section 1. That an order be drawn upon the —
City Treasurer in favor of Noah Sinks for the
sum of four hundred sad three 40-100 (403.49)dol- By Ald. Blom
lars, In payment of claim of E. R. Nafle, for try- Resolved, That the grade of the alley in
ing and proving 8,068 weight measures and scale block 16 of Stinson's addition, as indicated by
frames at five cents for each, the same having the red grade line on the accompanyingprofile,
Deers duly assigned by said E. R. Nafle to acid and as recommended by the City Engineer, be
Norah Stake. and hereby ie adopted as the established
Seo. 2. This ordinance to take effect and be grade.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Fisher,
m torte from and after its publication. Gehan. Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mines, Malady,
Yens—Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Fisher, Pratt. Weber, Mr. Vice President -12.
Gehan, Kavanaga. Leithauser, Mines, Melody. Approved July 17, 1889.
Pratt, Sullivan, Weber. Mr. Vice President -18. —
Passed July 16, 1889.
Vice President of Courcil. Resolved, That the grades of the following
Approved July 17, 1889. streets between the points named, and as indl
ROBERT A. Smarr, Mayor. Gated by the red grade Imes drawn on the ac -
Attest: THOS. A. PRENDERGABT, City Cleric. companying profiles, and as recommended by
July 22. the City Engineer, be and hereby are estab-
lished: James street, from Lexington avenue
to Victoria street( Pulse. street. from Pleas-
ant avenue to Victoria street: Otto avenue,
By Ald. Yoerg from Lexington avenue to Victoria street;
Resolved, That the following plate, as up- Chatsworth street, from Randolph street to
proved by the Plat Comm""on and as veto,- Ple...nt avenue: also the grade of the alley Ia
mended by the City Engineer, be and the same the north % of lot one (1) of Whitacre. Brlsbin
are hereby accepted Dy tpe Common Council A Mullin's subdivision of Leech's outlets.
of the City of St. Paul: Yeas—Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Fisher,
Wicker's addition to St. Paul. Gehan, KHva¢agh. Leithauser,
Aflame' addition to the City of St. Paul. Me1.0y, Pratt. Weber, Mr. Vice President -12.
Larkin's subdivision of lots 1 and 2, block 30 Approved July 17, 1889.
Suburban Hills addition to St. Paul.
West C.... Hill Plat—
Yeas—Ald. Blom. Bock, Cullen, Fisher, By Aid. Melody—
shun, Korea h, Leithauser, Miners, Melody, Revolved, That the City Engineer be and Is
Pratt, Weber, Mr. Vice President -12. hereby instructed to cause to be built an ap.
Approved July 17, 1889. preach on the west aide of South Robert and
Morrison streets at a cost not to exceed one
By Aid. Cullen— hundred dollars.
Resolved, That the grade of the alley in Yeas—Aid. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Fisher, Ge
block stzty ¢1.. (69) of Dayton & Irvine's od hon, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mines, Melody,
dttien (between lots 13 and 141, as Indicated by Pratt, Weber. Mr. Vice Pr at
the red grade line on the accompanying profile, Approved July 17, 1889.
from Summit avenue to a point 160 fee[ south- —
erly from said Summit a,e,ue,be aad hereby I. By Aid. Leithauser—
as the establlehed grade. Resolved, That the City Engineer be hereby
Yens—Aid. Blom, Beck, Cullen, Fisher, instructed to have a oateh-basin placed on the
Cohan, Knvmngb, Let:h¢user, Mlnes, Melody, northwest comer of Flandmu and Harvester
Pratt, Weber, M Vice President -12.
Approved July 17, 1889. avenue.
_ Yeas—Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Fisher,
By Aid. Weber— Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mines, Melady,
Resolved, That the gradegdot the following Pratt, Weber, Mr. Vice President -12.
treete, ae mdlanted by Ied grade lines n Approved July l7, 1868.
the aocomppa�yI., profiled and as recommend- —
ed by the (7lty Engineer, be and hereby a e
adopted as the ee[ablished ,rode:: R.[ch By Aid. Gehan—
street, from Lexington avenue to Victoria Resolved, That the Corporation Attorney
stroet; Orchard street, from Lexington avenue cause all obstmotlons to be removed from the
to Vic Its street. alley I. block 1, Ewing & Chute's addition.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Fisher, Ge.
ban. K¢vonaghl-LeitIIauaer, Mince, Malady,
Pratt. Weber, Mr. Vice President -12.
Approved July 17, 1889.
By Ald. Blom—
Resolved, That the proper city officers be
Bud are hereby authorized to enter intoan
agreement with the Chicago. St. Paul, Minne.
polis & Omaha Railway Company hereby
permission may be obtained for the City of St.
Paul to coast meta sewer On the right of way
of said railway company from Farquler Street
to a connection with Trout brook.
Yeas—Ald, Blom, Book, Cullen, Fisher,
Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser. Mmes, Malady,
Pratt, Weber, Mr. Vice President. -12:
Approved July 17, 1889.
By Aid. Weber—
Resolved, That the gasoline lamp contructor
be authorized to place a lamp on the south-
west comer of Ellen and Dale streets.
Yese—Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen. Fisher, Ge -
ban, Kavanagh, Lelthauser, Mines. Malady,
Pratt,Weber, Mr. Vice President -12.
Approved July 17, 1889.
Byy Ald. Kavanagh—
solved. That the Board o1 Fire Commts-
sioners be and are hereby authorized to draw
an order on the City Treasury In favor of Reu-
ben Warner. President of said Board, for the
sum of two hundred dollars, the same to be
used as a contingent fund for said Board.
Yoas—Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Fisher,
Gabon, Kavanaggh, Leithaueer, Mines, Melody,
Pratt, Weber, Mr. Vice President -12.
Approved, July 17, 1889.
Dyy AId.Oehan—
Resolved, That the Board of Fire Commts-
sioners are hereby authorized to sell at public
auction the two home. aad
buggy mentioned
in then communication to the Common Council
of July 1, 1689.
Yeas—Ald. Blom. Bnok, Cullen, Fisher,
Cohan, Kava¢eggh, I:elthaher, Mines, Melody,
Pratt, Weber, Mr. Vice Prealdent-12
Approved July 17, 1889.
By Aid. Conley—
Resolved, That the Committee on Police be
an d they are hereby authorized and empow.
ered to hire six we as ata coat not to exceed
four (04) dollars
per day for the purpose of cot
lend¢, dogs, to begin on July IQ 1889, and to
continue es long as may be necessary to com-
plete the work.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Bock Cullen, Fisher,
Oehan, Kavanaggh, Lelchauser, Mines, Melody,
Pratt, Su111va Metier, Mr. Vice Preslde.t-13.
Approved July 17,1889.
By Aid. Leithauser—
Resolved, That the St Paul Gag Light Com-
pany be hereby authorized to place a gee lamp
on the south aide of East Fourth street, fifty
feet wast of Maple street.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Maher, Ge-
han, Kavanagh, Leithaueer, Mme. Melady,
Pratt, Weber, Mr. Vice President -12.
Approved July 17, IBM
By Aid. Gahan—
Resolved. That an order be drawn on the
City Treasurer in favor of Oscar E. Holman,
Corporation Attorney. for the sum of two
hundred dollars (NW.00), to be used as a con.
tingent fund in the Corporation Attorney's
once. In payment of coats In cases where the
city is a party and incidental expenses of the
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Beck, Cullen, Fisher,
Gahan. Knvanngqb. Leithauser, Mmes, Malady,
Pratt, Weber, Mr. Vice President -12.
Approved July 17, 1889.
By Aid. Conley—
Resolved, That an order be drawn on the
Cityy Treasury for the sum of ($200) two hundred
dollare. to be used as a contingent fund in the
office of the Chief of Police.
Yeas—Ald. Bloat,,, Bock, Cullen, Fisher,
Gehan. Kavanaggh.'Belthauser, Mmes, Melody,
Pratt, Weber, Mr. Vice President -12.
Approved July 17, 1880.
By Aid. Blom.
Resolved, That an order be and Is hereby
authorized to be drawn on the City Treasurer
In favor o1 the City Engineer for the sum of
fifty dollars, a: a contingent fund for the City
Engineer's office.
Yma—Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Fisher,
Geban, Kavanagh. Leithauser. Mines, Malady,
Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice PreStaent
Approved July 17, 1889.
By Ald. Cuban—
Resolved, That an order be drawn in favor
of the Board of Central for the gum of 01,100.68,
beingg the city's one-third of the expenditure
of Baid Board for the month of June, 1880.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Rock, Cullen, ,.Fisher, Ge -
'a¢. Kavnnegh, Leithaueer, tmq Melady,
Pratt. Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President -13.
Approved July 17, 1889.
By Committee on Ways sad Means—
Resolved, By the Common Council of the Clty
of St. Paul, that the proper city officers be nod
they are hereby authorized and empowered to
date of the let day Of August, A.
terest at the rate of tour per of
.ad the mt
Approved July 17,1889.
on the let day of
f you. from the
off the
St. P
OI Bt. PHUuT. as
by QIIat con
the "Interest Old Slaking Food."
Yeas-Ald. Blom. Dock, Cullon, her.
Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mfnea, Mel
say, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice Pre.!-
do. 18.
Approved July 17, 1889.
By Committee on Ways end Meane-
R s lved. By Lae Common Council of the City
f Saint Paul, State of Minnesota, that the
pproper oily omcere heroby t...ted to
Is a fifty tboneand d.'1Iib (9.W0) n.f bonds
of the City of Saint Paul, in denemmatiOne o1
One he.1d dollar. (81,000) each, be date
of Aug, 1, 1889, aad latereet at the rate of four
"'per oent per annum, payable semi-annually
at Lhe fiaanclal agency o[ the Clty of St. Paul
/ In the City of New York, prl.cip. payable on
the flret day of August, A. D. 1919, befngt.lrty
/ Bearefrom ,. dateorIssue. forth. purposes
provided in an
t eo r is he r the purposes
of Minnesota entitled "An until
authorize the City of St. Paul to Issue bonds
for heerection of additional bulldings,hent-
ingplent, etc., for ho.pltal pnrpoaea." Said
blade shall be negotiated and Bold by the
"Commiealon ire f the Interest end Sinking
Fuvd,'• a d he cede thereof hall be
plviced In the Clty Treasury for the said bospl-
Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President
Approved July 17, 1888.
By Aid. Geh.n-
Resolved, That 11 preliminarryy orders or
solutions m thio. the coasieotlon o[ .ewers
or ordered be rate
rred to the Committee on
Ways and Mean. and 7th.
Engineer to in.
tigata as
to amount Of A._.r_g0 fund avail.
able, aad Dost of oteral, I.
Yeus-Aid. Blom, Book, Cullen, Fisher'
Gehan. Kavanagh, Lhaur,
eiseMin Melody
Pratt, Weber. Mr. Vice President -12.
Approved July 17, 1889.
Byy AId. Gehan- -
ResOlvties ed, That this Cot.ndpunall
hereby Iva no-
ated or Incurred
yfcity officers or
supplues for
their respective offloea, unless they have some
1 aglelative authority for creating the indebted -
it binding LDe city by their-atraat. for
supplies, or unless such Mcem first b-
taln from Chairman of Committee on Pub
Buildings authority to purchase supplies Befor
his calls.
Resolved further, That copies of this reso
ludo. to all the city oMo.-.
Yeas-Ald. Sgince • Book, Cullen, Fisher,
Pratt, Weber I[ir Vice PesfdentrlMalady,
Approved July 17, 1888.
By Aid. Pratt -
Resolved, That t.e Warrendale Improve-
ot Company be and aro hereby authorized
to ter up.... d grad tD0 streets of War-
e die according to tae a tabllehed gredos.
d in accordance with the plana and apeleifica-
Lions in the once of the Ctty Engineer: all the
ark to be done under the suaervlsio. and di-
eetfon of said City Engineer.
r Provided, the Warrendale I murovement
Lompnndy mraieD bond 1. the mot flue
,aid working ecordanoe 'hot I aid
said I.. Complete
speclflcatioaa end under the direetlfullyon of
City Engineer, on or before the fifteenth dayof
October, IBd9i and will pay to Lhe C1ty Treas-
urer all the cast of engl ering a.d d.epe.thg,
as certified to by the said City Engineer.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Book, Cullen. Fisher, Ge-
han, Kavanagb, Lelia us,, Mines, Melody,
Pratt, WeDet, Mr. Vice Preoldentr12.
Approved July 17,18%.
By Aid. Cullen -
Resolved, That permi.ston be and the same
Se hereby grated J.mes Cleary le keep and
intaln at No. 91 West Third street, In the
Citmay one Saint
aw° dPa a ° plitdby rsteam in which or
hand for three years from and after t date of
the approval of this resolution, said permiA-
aion being
at all times subject to revocation by
the Common Counoll.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Book, Cullen, Fisher,
Gehan. Kavanagh, Leithauser Mines, Malady,
Pratt. Weber, Mr. Viae Prosddont-12.
Approved July 17, 1888
By Ald. Meledy-
Resolved. That permission be granted to F.
Ure RCo. to operate and maintain their
d yards as now located, t the coiner of
Fourth .nd Market streets and at the corner of
I. the St. of aul, for the preparing ater treat ad d stoi g of stClocitve
wood -
Ye Ald. Blom, Book, Cullen. Fisher, Ge-
han.. K.vanag., Laihaueer, Mines, Malady,
Prott, Weber, Mr. V1ce President -13.
Approved July 17, 1888.
B Wl.
hle east he Notion& Subway Companybas
reported W this Council that it has ulob-
setved d complied with all the provision
and conditions of n ordinance heretofore
gassed by the Counetl necessary to preserve
d enure to aid company ce the iggddhie nd
orivillrdinance fa umibe ed W7, and ntitled�: which
"An Ordinance granting to the National Sub-
way Company permission to long Electrical
e bways in the streets and alley. of the City
of St. Paul."
=omiaeoom�D°eeter°minen th a thlsti r acldl
location of eleetic wire., which oder the
terms and condition. of s id erdla ancon, are to
Is Dlacad in said conduit. tar use by I City of
St. Paul: now.
the Commitee o Fire De-
e Committee on
Police, and
alt of Lhe Fire Alarm wires,
6endent of the Police Alarm
respectfully requested d
e, loose and report to this
meeting, the number of
:.tion of wires, Head by each
.ts. which it 1s .dvis.ble and
b placed
Com the conduits f
tinny, under the
rits of said rd m.nce for the
e is for said city.
_mr. That a cony of this resolu
By Aldi Leftbuser-
Resolved, That the Boardcause lof train Put i.Works
streets, to be sprinkled.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Fisher,
Gehan, KevannRRh, Leithauser, Minea. Malady,
Pratt, Weber. M . Vice Presidentrl2.
Approved July 17. 1889.
By Aid. Blom- -
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
be and are hereby ordered to have Payne ave -
sprinkled from Sime street to Case street,
Yeas -Aid. Bion, Bock. Cullen, Fieher,
Gabon, C vnnaggh, Lelthauser, Mines. Mel.dy,
Pratt, Weber. M .Vice President --12
Approved July 17, 1889.
By Ald. Co.loy-
Basotved, That the Board of Public, Works
aidewalk olnstrstodto ide of° Bandwuy,s fromi
Grove street to Twelfth street.
Yeas-Ald. Blom. Book.
Gehan, Ks....g , Lefthsu..r, Mll
e.. Malady,
Prot, Weber, 7dI Vice Proeldent-]2.
Approved July 17.1&59.
By Ald. Kavanagh -
Resolved• Thant the Board of Public Works
be authoi-d to relay the cement sidewalk on
the easterly side 1 Itobert street. between
Third streetaad the bridge. be done under
he impervlsion of the City Engineer.
Yeas-Ald. Blom- Book. Cullen, Fisher,
Gabon' Kavanagh, Leithauser. Mines, Malady,
Pratt, Weber, r Vice Presldeat-12.
Approved, July 17, 1889.
By Ald.
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
be and are hereby authorized to cause to be
Isla siock.dewalks of hexagonal or square
Exchange [street, between Third suit a F,
streets, nowv se, to bat suche donte under thea supervisllon of
the City Engin r.
Yeas-Ahf. Blom. Book. Callan, Fisher,
Gehan, Kavanagh, Viotti Preeldetni-biii12.Mo1°dy,
Pratt, Weber, M
Approved July 17, 1889.
By Aid. Gehan-
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
be .ad 1, hereby instructed to cause the -
.truotion of atone aidewnik o the north
side of East Central avenue, from Cedar.teet
to ay lofd, except asha where already ltd. to conform -ith that al-
reYeas-Ald. Blom. Book, Cullen, Fieher,
Gehan, Kavanaggh, Leithauser, Minea, Malady,
Pratt, Weber. Mr Vt.. President -12.
Approved July 17, 1889
BR slol ed. ThaE the Board of Pub110 Work. be
and oare hereby nuhoized to ca sidewalk
....goat or square cement
blocks to be
laid an the westerly aide of W abash. street,
betweenode. elk a now iii use, to be ado,, undeer
he supervision of the City Engineer. °°
Yeas MrLAlam, ban.Bock, Cullen. Fisher•
Gehan. ober, . Via. Prealdeoiin--e.12 Malady,
Pratt, Weber,
Approved July 17, 1880.
By AidConley-
Resoived, That the Board of Publfo Work.
tone at
to be laid the west
sddeof Sibley street between Thirdstreetnnd
the Levee.
Ye.s-Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Fisher,
Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mmea, Melody,
Pratt, Weber, Mr. Vice President -13.
Approved July 17, IBg9.
By Aid. Book -
Resolved, That the Board c,1 Public Work.
sidewalksad granite cutting to
be laid In front of lots 10 and 18, block 50. Day-
ton and Irvine's addition to St. Poul, under the
direction of the City Engineer.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Fisher,
Gehan. Kavanagh. Lefhaser, Mine.. Melody,
Pratt, Webe, Mr. Vice President -12.
Approved July 17. 18.8.
By Ald. Bock -
Resolved. That the Board of Public Works
cause hexagonal stone cement sidewalks W be
laid in trot of lots 18, 14, 15, block ill. Dayton
and xrvme's addition to St. Paul,lthout n-
necess ear.• delay, oder the direction c,1 City
Yoas-Ald. Blom. Book, Culls,. Fisher,
Gehan, Ksvaongh. Leithauser, Mines, Melody,
Pratt, Weber, Mr. Vic,. Prealde.1-12.
Approved July 17, 1889.
By Ald. Yoergha-
Resolved, Tt the
order for construction of
sidewalk (approved June
Y2, 1&" on the east side of We ...
isoheroby repealedta-Ibbntltannusreet,lled.and the same
Yea. -Aid. I.M.BBock • Cullen'
Geh, Kavanagh, Leitbauaer, Maine,Melody,
Weber, Mr. Viae Pre.idant-12
Approved July 17, 1889.
solved, That the Board of Public Works
be and are hereby Instructed to cause to be
laid sidewalk of square cement blocks from
West Sixth street to College avenue, on the
westerly side of Smith street, m be done under
the Supervision of the City Engineer,
ye" Lid. Blom, Book, Cullen, Fisher,
Gabon, Kavanagh, Leithaueer. Mines, Melody,
Pratt, Weber, Mr. Vice President -12.
Approved July 17, 1889.
By Aid. Pratt—
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
causesix -feet wooden sidewalk. to be laid as
follow.: North aide Blake avenue, from
Raymond to east line of lot 1, block 44;
south side of Manvel .treat cad around curve
on Cromwell avenue to the lot line between
lots 4 and S, block 0; west aide Cromwell ave-
nue, from Pym street to south side of alley
line in block 77, except wnere walks are al.
ready laid, all in St. Anthony Park.
Crosswalks as follows:
North and South aides of Cudworth street,
Cromwell avenue, across Cromwell
Raymond, somas Langford.
Langford, across Raymond.
South Side Long avenue, across
Bradford, across Long avenue.
1 Ilse. across Bradford.
avenue, Raymond to alley In block 81, to.
gather with necessary croaewalke.
All of above In St, Anthony Park.
Also, on north side Long avenue, from Ray-
mond avenue to southwest comer lot 7, block
89, including alley.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Fisher, Ge.
hon, Kavanagh, Lelthaueer, Minna, Melody,
Pratt, Weber, Mn Vice President -12.
Approved July 17, 1889.
By Aid. Kavanagh—
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
be instructed to cause to be laid on the west-
erly side of Jackson street, between Tbird
street add the Levee, n wooden sidewalk, to be
done under the supervision of the City Engi-
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Fisher,
Gehon, Kavanagh, Leithaueer, Minea, Malady,
Pratt, Weber, Mr, Vice President -12.
Approved July 17, 1889.
By Aid. Malady—
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
cause o wooden crosswalk to be laid across
2tate street, from south end of biock 91, West
t. Paul Proper, to the northeast (N. E,1 comer
of the alley In block 16, of Bell's addition to
West St, Paul,
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen. Fisher,
Gehan, Kavanaggh, Leithauser, Mined, Melady,
Pratt, Weber, Mr. Vice President -12
Approved July 17, 1689.
By Aid. Leithaueer
Resolved, Tent the Board of Public Works
are hereby ordered to construct an 8 -foot side-
walk on the south side of Hudson avenue,
from Maple avenue to Forrest street. Also, an
BSoot sidewalk on the north Side of East Sev-
enth street, from Atlantic street to White Bear
avenue, and on the south aide of East Seventh
Street, from Atlantic Street W Phalen avenue.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Fisher,
Gabon, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mines, Mel-
ady, Pratt, Weber, Mr. Vice President -12.
Approved July 17.1888.
By Aid. Leithauser—
Resolved, That the City Eng neer be hereby
Instructed to have a crosswalk placed on Mc-
Lean street, across Mound Street, and one on
Conway Street, %areas Mendota street.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Book, Cullen, Fisher, Ge-
han. Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mines, Malady,
Pratt, Weber, Mr, Vice President -12.
Approved July 17, 1888.
By Aid. Blom—
Resolved, that the Board of Public Works
cause an 8 -foot wooden eldewalk to be con-
structed on north side of Beaumont street,
from Bedford street to Edgerton street.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen Fisher,
Gehan. Kavanaggh, Leithaaser, Minea, Malady,
Pratt, Weber, ]Kr. Vice Presidents—]2.
Approved July 17, ISM.
By Ald. Sanborn—
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
be and it is hereby instructed to construct and
maintain a wooden sidewalk eight feet wide on
the west Side of Toronto avenue, between
Pleasant avenue suit St. Clair Street.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Book, Cullen, Fisher,
Gehon, Kavennggb, Leithaueer, Midas, Melady,
Pratt, Weber, Mr. Vice President -12.
Approved July 17, 1889.
By Aid. Blom—
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
cause a crosswalk to be laid across Payne ave
nue at Arlington street.
Yeas—Ald, Blom, Book, Cullen, Fisher,
Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Minea, Mel-
ady, Pratt, Weber, Mr. Vice Proadunt-12.
Approved July 17, 1889.
By Ald. Blom—
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works is
hereby authorized to cause an 8 -foot wooden
sidewalk to be constructed on both sides of
Cook street, from Burr street to Mississippi
Street, with the necessary aroa.walk.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Book, Cullen, Fisher,
Geban, Kavanagh, Leithauser. Mmes, Me.
lady, Pratt. Weber. Mr. Vice President -12.
Approved July 17, 1889.
By Ald. Blom—
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works is
hereby authorized to cause an eight -foot
wooden sidewalk to be constructed on both
sides of De Soto street, from Whithall street to
Jessamine street, with the necessary croae-
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Bock, Culle., Fisher,
Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mines, Melady,
Pratt, Weber, Mr. Vice President -12.
Approved July 17, 1889.
By Aid Gehan—
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
cause to be laid an elght-toot wooden sidewalk
on the north side of gt. Airy street, from Mis-
sissippi to L'Orit
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Book, Cullen, Fisher,
Gabon, Kavanagh, Leithaueer, Mtnea, Melody,
Pratt, Weber, Mr. Vice President -12
Approved July 17, 1885.
By Aid. Sullivan—
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
be authorized to construct wooden sidewalk,
with necessary cross walks, on south side of
Marshall avenue, between Snelling avenue and
Herschel avenue.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Fisher,
Gehan. Kavanagh. Leithauser, Minea, Mel ady,
Pratt, Weber. Mr. Vice President -12.
Approved, July 17, 1889.
By Aid. Pratt—
Resoived, That the Board of Public Works
be and they are hereby Instructed to amuse a
six feet wooden sidewalk, together with neces-
sary Crosswalks. to be laid on the southerly
aide of Auburn avenue, from Prior to Fairview
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Fisher,
Gabon, Kavanagh. Leithauser, Mines, Melody.
Pratt, Weber, Mr. Vice President -12.
Approved July 17, 1889.
Byy Ald. Bonbom—
Re.olved, That the Board of Public Works
cause a plank sidewalk, six feet wide, to be
coaetruoted on the west side of St. Albans
street, from Iglehart street to Rondo street,
except where one is already eonstmoted.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Book, Cullen, Fisher,
Gabon, Kaysnapph, Leithauser, Minea, Malady,
Pratt, Weber, Mr. Vice President -12.
Approved July 17, 1889.
By Aid. Mines—
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
be instructed to lay a 6 -tont sidewalk oa the
comb side of George street, from Dakota ave
nue to Bidwell street.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Fisher,
Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser. Micea, Melady,
Pratt, Weber, Mr. Vice Presidant-12.
Approved July 17, 1859.
By Aid. Liethouser
It m numb
mby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Poul:
That the matter of opening Fisher street,
from Center street to Maryland street,
be and the same is hereby referred to the
Board of Public Works to investigate and re-
Flret. Is this Improvement proper and nec-
Second. Give the Council on estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether one-half of
the coat thereof Is to be paid Into the Ctty
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Creal estate to be assessed for
said 1. re Stramt be .and
benefited to the
extent of damages, conte and expenses neees.
sary to be incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is Such improvement asked for upon
the petition or application of the owner. of a
majority of the property to be asseseed for
such improvement.
Fifth. Send the Council a plan o profile of
said improvement, as required by law, if you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth Send the Ila proper ro er order di.
sec ag the work done.
Yeas- Aid. Blom,
Bock, Cullen. Fisher,
Gabon, Kavanaggh Leithaueer, Mines, Malady,
Pratt, Weber, r. Vice Preatdent-12.
Approved July 1 17. 1889.
By Aid. Blom—
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of grading of alley in block
16, Stinson'S addition, be and the same is
hereby referred to the Board of Public Works
to investsgace and report:
First. Is this improvement proper and aeo-
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether one-half of
the cost thereof is to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
said Improvement be found benefited to the ex-
tent o[ damages, costa and expenses necessary
Is such Improvement asked for upon
Ion or application of the owners of a
of the property to be assessed for such
Send the Council a plan or profile of
nvement, as required by law, 11 you
favor of the same.
Send the Council a proper order di-
ce work to be done.
Aid. Blom, Book, Cullen, Fisher,
..vanugh, Leithaueer. MI—, Melady,
By Aid. Sanborn—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of Grafting alley 1n block 2,
Chute Bros.' division. St. Paul, be and the
same is hereby referred to the Board of Public
Works to Investigate and report:'
First. Is Lhi. improvement proper and
Second. Givo the Council an estimate of
the expense thereof, and state whether one-
half of the cast thereof M to be paid into the
City Treasury before the contract le let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
.aid Improvement be found benefited to the
extent of damages, cost. Snit expenses neces-
sary to be incurred thereby?
FourthIe Sa¢n improvement asked for upon
the petition or application o1 the owners SDA
majority of the property to be .ssessed for
such Improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
sold improvement, as required by law, if you
report in favor cf the some.
91xth—Send the Council a proper order dl.
rectmg the work to be done.
Yens—Ald. Blom, Book, Cullen, Fisher.
Gabon, Kavanaggh, Leltbauser, Mines, Melody,
Pratt, Weber. Mr. Vice Preeldant—N.
Approved July 17, 1889.
Id., Geban—k
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of grading the alleys in
block 6, Rice's Second addltlou, be and the
same Is hereby roferred to the Board of Public
Works to Investigate and report:
First. Is this improvement proper aad
Give the Council an estimate ofthe
tDe coat here f I.
to Indtbee paidh.tinto the .lf of
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for said
improvement be found benefited to the extent
I damages, coats and expenses necessary tube
incurred th0rebeu
Fourth. Is such improvement ked for
Pon he opetitin. or applicetlon of the
for euoD majority
itynof vame a property to be assess.d,
Ft[th. fiend the Council a plan or profile of
.aid inprovement, as requirea by law, if you
e ort In favor of the same.
6ixth. Send the Council a proper order
directing the work to be done.
Yaes-Aid. Blom, Hock, Cullen, 11 let, Go
hall Kavanagh, Leithauaer, Miaea, Melady,
Pratt, Weber, Mr. Vice President -12.
Approved July 17, 1889.
By Aid. Pratt and Weber -
It is hereby ordered by the Common Coua-
cll of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of grading MinneheIIa street,
from Como avenue to Prior avenue, be
and the a Is hereby referred m the
Board of Public Works to Snvesligate and re -
I. Is this improvement proper and neces-
e Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
pease thereof, and W b whether to th elf of
the coat hereof is to be pp le into the City
treasury before the coutect teeter.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for said
impro ment be found benefited m the extent
of damages, costa and ezpenees necessary to
Fifth. =the Couacll ple¢or pro We of
a id tmyyr =the
a required by law, if you
in favor of the same.
rePut Sand the Council a proper order di-
eting the work to be done.
Yeas-Ald. Blom Bock, Culla., Fisher,
Gabon, Kuvnnegh, I.efthuuaer. Mined, Malady,
Pratt Webar,
Mr. Vice Preelden1-12.
Approved July 17. 1889.
By Aid. Cullen -
It Is bereb ordered by the Common Council
of the City of 4 Paul:
Th.t the matter of gr.d"g the alley 1r. block
1. J. C. Stout•. ndtlltion Lo Summit Park, be of
the .ams i1 hereby referred to he Boord of
Public Work. to loveatl 71 oat' report:
First. Is this improvement proper and nec-
Secoad. Give the Council So estimate of
th. azpease thereof, and state whether -no-
of the coat thereof 1. to be paid Into the
City Treasury before the contract Islet.
Third. Can real .,tate to be assessed for said
improvement be found b... died to the ez
te,t of dem�gge co t, and ezpansea necesanry
W beincurred Lhereby4
Fourth. Is each Improvement :ked for
opoa the petition or application of Lbe ownere
imlproty of t t property to be ...eased for
Fifth. Send the Council a pian or profile of
said improvement, as required bylaw, if you
re rt f, favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order, di-
recting the work to be done.
Yeas-Ald. Blom. Book, Cullen, Fisher,
Gehan. Kavanaggh, Lefthauser. Mines, Melody,
Pratt, Weber, Mr Vice President -12.
Approved July 17. 1889.
ordered by the Common Council
St. Poul:
L un f opening. ❑ extending
ty rood, from Heode. Street
to west city limits, be and the
ly referred to the Board of
proper and nen
Cost thereof Is to
extent of damages, conte and expenses neaee-
s ry to be incurred thereby?
Fourth. Ie euch improvement naked for upon
the p0Eltlon or.pplioation of he owners of
majority of the property to be ... a ... d for euch
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said improvement, ae required by law, If you
it fov.r of the same.
reSizthn fiend the ----I a proper order di -
r ting the work m be done.
.Yeas-Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Fisher, Ge-
han. Kavanagh. Leithauaer. Mine, Malady,
Pratt, Weber, Mr. Vice President -12,
Approved July 17, 1889.
By Aid. Pratt -
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of Sc Paul:
That he matter of opening Asbury, simp-
nnd Pcea31 avenues, from Charles street to
U,fveretty avnueenu nFai-❑ Charles a
e .ttest, from
muebe and the
s a hereby referred to the Board of Pub-
lic Work. In inrestigarote and report:
First. Is his impvement proper and nee.
e Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
pause hereof, and state whether one-half of
the cost thereof Ls to be
paid Into the City
Treasury before the contract 1s let.
Third. Can real estat, to be assessed for improvement be found benefited W the
eztent of damages, coats and expense, neces-
e ry to be Incurred thereby.
Fourth. I, such inprovement asked for
uupon the petition or appbcetion of the
tt majority of the property to be assessed for
such Improvement?
Fifth. Send the Couacll a plan or, profile of
s id improvement, fie regale❑ by law, if you
pp t in favor of the ..me_ re6trzth. Sand the Council a proper order di.
r nag the work to be ❑Dna.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen. Fisher.
Gabon, KavanagRh. Leiauaer. Mine, Melady,
Pett, Weber, Mr. Vloe hPreeidevt-I2.
Approved,Julyl7, 11;,
By Aid. Hlom-
It iaherebyy ordered.,
the Common of
the City of BL. Paul:
That the
matter of egrndmg Lb0 alley 1r. block
26, Charles Welde'a ubdivieion of Arlington
Hill& the alley running north and south from laced under contract acid Board Shall
York treat W Sime treat, be ad the Deed without delay to aesasa the a ountproas
is hereby referred am the Board of Pu➢rly ..they cu¢ aecertaln the same, which
U, Works W investigate and report: will be required to pay the cost naa ¢ .;tea
First. Is this Improvement proper and ¢e expenses of such Smprovement upon tae I
p c A.I. to De be.etlted by entd Smprovement, as
esSecond. Give the Counci, So estimate of the provided by law; it being the pinion of the
expense thereof, and state whether one -halt of Council that real estate to be ..eased for
the coat thereof fa to be pals hrta the City ch Smprovement c.. be found benedted to
Treasury before he contract ie let. the extent of the coat and ..pence. necessary
Third. Can reel estate
to be e eased for to be incurred thereby. BocK Cullen, Fisher,
said improvement be found benefited to the e.- Yeus-Aid. Blom,
tent of dumngas, costa and espe..e. ¢eceseary Geho¢. Kuvnnegh. Leithauaer. Mine, Mei-
te be incurred thereby? dy, Pratt. Sullivan. Weber, 1H r. Vice
Fourth. Issunhimprovementaskedforupon Approved July 17, 1889.
the petition or application of the ownere of a
malodty of the property to be assessed for -
euchhimprovemcnt.. In the matter of the report o[ the Board of
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of public Works dated June 25. 1889.
Said Improvement, as required by law, if you It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
report f. favor of the same. the City of St.
Stith. Send the Council a proper order Ill., the of St. Paul $cause the following mira of Public kimprove es of said lnt
directing the work to be done.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen. Fisher, to be mode, to -wit: Grade the alley In
Cohan, Kavanagh, Lelthauser. Mines, Meludy, block four �4), Lytou'S .ddition to St. Poul,
Gobs. Weber, Mr. Vice ausOr. Mresidminen, from Park W Scylvan sStre d, 1. aid
PrattApproved July 17, 1889. city. That said Bourd u,e ,id aur" m
be let by contraat, as provided by law, without
_- ne-half the estimated cost being first paid
In the matter of the reports f the Board f said work hall be piece. un
Public Werke dated May & 1889; May al, 1f319, contrnet said Hoard h.11 unro...d wlth-
u July or 1889. out del.y to asses the amo t, a ly
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council of a they can scermin the a which will
the City of SL. Pani: be require to pay the
coat d
That the Board of Publlo Works of said City once se y ezpenees of auoh improvement up
of 8L.
cause the following improvement the rani estate to be beaeflt0d by .Sid in-
to be made, to -wit: Construct a w v porovemSet, a provided by IS.; 1L being he
Sibley Street, from s point 25 feet son th of the penton f the
Council that real estate to be
South line of Ninth street to the nter f e sed for such improvement Den be found
Tenth street, aad on Lye, court, from the beaetltad to Lhe ccs tent of the
center of Sibley street to a point 150 feet eat d ezpens.s ne sury to be incurred
othe ea t hoe [ aid r,
py street, in said tLereby. Hock. Cullen, Ffaher,
city, together with the fie ass ry rah -haeme Yeas -Aid. Hlom,
and manholse, Bald sewering to be done under Gehun. Kay.nogh. Leihaue0r, MrM Vlce
¢tract TDSt Bold Boors cause said work Melody'
Pratt, Sullivan. Weber,
I be let Dy contract, 1S povided by law,wlthout President -13
the estlm.ted cost being fietpaid into Approved July 17. 1889.
the City Treasury, and after Said work shall be
placed under tract sold Hoard SO -prove.. -
ithout delay to cases. ns amount... vearly.a
they can ascertain the s e which will be re- I Publlo Works dated Juuer?SofL�pthe Hoard Of-
quired to pay the coat end ceasary ezpenees
f each improvement uropon the re.l eatate to be It Is hereby ordered by he Common Cc...B .t
be by
said Imp v eek as provided by tIIe Cittyof
Rnnrd o[ Public Works of said City
f�eft can be found be.eflted to the extentof the tube neme, to -wit o - .o nu ff .
cost and expenses necessary to be Incurred from Marshall av =Summit
a e in
thereby. 'Said city. That said Be.rd cause aid work W
De let by contrc't, as rovlded by law, without
Yeas -Aid. Slam. Book. Cullen, Fisher, Ge- .hell the estimated cost being first work
has, Kavavcgn. Leithauaer, Mined, Melady, menthe Ctty •freaeury,and
atter aid k
Pratt, SUBivan.Weher, Mr. Vice President -33. nheLL be planed under contract Sal❑ Board ..all
Approved July 17, 1889. proceed without delay m aea0as She amount, fie
_ ly as they ea a certain the a .T which
willrbe Z u,_ to pay the coat ead ...Os ry
In he matter of the port f the Board of pensee Of Such Smprovement upon
Public Works dated July 2. 1889. he rest state to be benedted by
It Se hereby ordered by the Common Council Of Said Improvement, pry vlded by law;
Lha Cfty of Suint Penl: it being t➢B opinion of the (, ncil that l0e-
That he Hoard o[ Public Werke of sold CSty tate m by a ..... ed for s..II improvement can
of Saint Paul cause the following improvement be fount benefited Lo the tent of the coat
In be made, t t -wit: Crede Cromwell ii nd expenses necessary W be inputted there-
from IIniv0elty avenue to Territorial ronduin D Yece-Aid. Blain. Bock, Cullen. Ffeher.
sal❑ pity. Leiha¢ser. Mmes, 5telady,
That said Board aue0 said work to be let Pratata9ulllvan g Weber,
Vice Mr. Presldeut
by eoatraot, fie provided by law, without o .-
half the estimated Dost being flet paid into the -18.
City Treasury, and after said work shall be Approved July 17, 1888.
In the matter of the report of the Board
Public Works dated July 2, ISM.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council i
The City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of said Cit
of St. Paul cause the following improvemet
to be made. to -wit: Grade mount Ida at,_
from Rlvoli street to Be Soto street, in en:
That said Board cause said work to be letb
contract, as provided by law, without one nal
the estimated cost being drat pofd into 'Le Cit
Treasury,and after said works hall be placed ui
der contract said Board shall proceed withou
delay to assess the amount, as nearly as the
can ascertain the same, which will be require
to pay the -cost and necessary ex
pence. of such Improvement upon the rea
estate to be benefited by said lmproveme.l
as provided by law; It being th
Op,.,.. of the Council that ren
estate to be assessed for such Improvement cai
be found benefited to the extent of the cos
and expenses necessary to be Incurred thereby
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Fisher, Ge
Dan, Kavanagh, Lefthauser, Mines, Meludy
Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice Presfden
Approved July 17, 1889.
In the matter of the report of the Board o
Public Works dated June 26, 1889.
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Counci
of the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of said Ciq
of St. Paul cause the following Improvement
tobe made. to -wit: Grade Stellar street
lrom Lyton place to Atwater street, in sari
That said Board cause said work to be
let by contract. as provided by law,with
out one-half the estimated cost being fire
paidInto the City Treasury, aftet
said work shall be placed oder contract
said Board shall proceed without de.
to assess the amount, as nearly as they can
ascertain the same, which will be required to
pay the coat and necessary expenses of such
Improvement upon the real "sate to be bene-
fited by said Impproveme.t_
as provided by law;
It being the opinfo. of the Council that real es-
tate to be a..a sec. for a.aIf improvement can
be found benefited to the extent of
the coat
and expenses necessary to be inourred thereby.
Xeas—Aid. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Fisher, Ge-
han, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mtnea. Melady,
Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President -1&
Approved July 17, 1889.
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works dated June 2e. 1889.
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Publlo Work. of said City
of St. Paul cause the following improvement
to be made, to -wit: Grade Wilder avenue,
from Marshall avenue to Summit avenue, to
said city. That said Board cause Bald work to
be 1st by aO.tr_t, fie provided by law, without
one half the estimated cost beI.g first paid Into
the City Treasury, and after :aid work shall be
placed under contract said Board shall pro-
ceed without delay to assess the amount, as
nearly as they can ascertain the same, which
will be required to pay the coat and
necessary expenses of such Improvement upon
the real estate to be benefited by said lm-
provement, as provided by law; it being the
Opinion of the Council that real estate to be
assessed for such improvement can be found
benefited to the extent of the cost and ex-
penses necessary to be incurred thereby.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Book, Cullen, Fisher,
Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mines, Melady,
Pratt, Sullivan, l9eber, Mr.Vfce President -1&
Approved July 17, 1889.
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works dated June 1, 1889.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of the City
of St. Paul cause the following Improvement to
be made, to -wit: Construct a sewer on South
Robert street, from Deloa street to Concord
street, and on Isabel street, from South Robert
street to Concord street, in said city, together
with the necessary [awn -basin. and manhole.,
said sewering to be done under one contract.
That said board cause said work to be let by
contract, as provided law, without one-half the
estimated cost being first paid Into the
City Treasury, and after said work
.hall be placed under contract .aid
Board shall proceed without delay to
assess the amount, as nearly as they can as-
certain the same, which will be required to pay
the cost and necessary expenses of
such improvement upon the real estate to be
benefited by said improvement, as provided by
law; it being the opinion of the Council that
real estate to be amerced for such improve
ment can be found benefited to the extent of
the cost and expenses necessary to be in-
curred thereby.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Fisher,
Gehan, Kavanagh, Lefcbauser, Mines, Melady,
Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice Presi.
Approved July 17, 18n.
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works, dated July 1, 1889.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of the City
of St. Paul cause the following improvement
;o be made, to wit: Open, widen aad extend
Taylor avenue, from the center line of Aldine
,venue to the center line of Fairview avenue,
n aid city, condemning and Laking all that
and not already condemned or dedicated for
iubllo use, lying ith" the lines of Taylor
've.ue, m College Place, Taylor'a Divleian, St.
. aul, it produced west to the center line of
lairvlew .venue. That Bald Hoard shall pro -
;Sad without delay to asses the amount, as
,early as they can ascertain the same, which
rill be required to pay the damages, coat and
,ecesesry expenses of such Improvement
ipae the real estate to be benefited by said
in m ecreat, as provided by low; it being the
p cion of the Council that real estate to be
seossed for such improvement can be found
Benefited to the extent of the damages, aoat
ad expenses necessary to be Incurred therebv.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Fisher, Ge-
nn, Kavanagh, Leith!near, Mines, Melady,
'raft, Sulltv.., Weber, Mr. Vice Prest-
Approved July 17, 1889.
In the matter of the reports of the Board of
Public Works dated June e, 1889, and July 2,
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Work. of Said City
of St. Paul cause the following improvement
to be made, to -wit: Grade Dooley avenue,
from County road to Gibbs avenue; Knoop
street, from Langford avenue to Gibbs avenue,
and Scudder avenue, from Langford avenue to
Gibbs avenue, in said city, said grading to be
done under one contract.
That said Board cause said work to be let by
contract, as provided by law, without one half
the estimated cost being first paid into the
City Treasury, and after saidw ork shall be
placed under contract saidBoard shall
aproceed withoutdelay to the
mount, a3nearly as ss
they canascer
twin the .same, which will be required
to pay the cost and necessary ex-
penses of such Improvement upon the eat
estate to be benefited by said improvement, as
provided bylaw; it being the opinion of the
Council that real estate to be assessed for
such Improvement can be found benefited to
the extent of the cost and expenses necessary
to be Incurred therebyH.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, ook, Cullen, Fisher,
Gehan, Kavanagh. Leithauser. Mi.ea, Melady,
Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President -
Approved July 17, 1889.
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works dated June 25, 1889.
rtis hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of .aid City
of St. Paul cause the following Improvement
to be made, to -wit: Grade Maple street, from
East Seventh street to Greenbrier avenue, in
said city.
That said Board cause said work to be let',
by contract, as provided %y law, without oce.
holt the estimated cost being first paid into the
City Treasury, and after said work aball be
=under contract said Beard .hall proceed
without delay to assess the amount. as nearly
as they o.. ascertain the enure, which wll1 be
requiredm pay the cast nod necessary ex.
penes. of ouch Improvement upon the real es-
tate to be benefitedby sold improvement, as
provided by law: It being tl,e opinion of the
Council that real estate to be assessed for such',
Improvement can be found benefited to the ex-
tent of the coat and expenses necessary to be
Incurred thereby.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Book, Cullen, Fisher,
Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Minea, Melady,
Pratt, Sulllvan, Weber,Mr. Vice President -18.
Approved July 17.188D.
I. the matter of the reports of the Boardlof Pub
Ifo Works dated Juae 3. 1889, and July 2, 1899.
It Is hereby ordered Dy the Common Council of
the City of St. P.
That the Board of Public Works of said City
of St. Paul cause the following improvement
to be made, to -wit: Grade County road, from
Langford avenue to Hendon avenue, insaid
That said Boats cause said work let by
contract, as provided law, au one-half
the estimated coat being first e[ paid
o Into the
City Treasury, and after Said work .bell be
placed under contract Said Board shall pro.
ceed without delay to assess the amount, as
nearly ss they can aecertmn the same,
which will be required to ppay the cost
and necessary expenses of Such improvement
upon the real estate to be benefited by Said im-
provement, as provided lit law; It being the
opinion of the Council tat real estate to be
assessed for such improvement can be found
benefited to the extentof the cost and ex-
penses necessary to be incurred thereby.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Fisher,
Gehan. Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mines, Melady,
Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President—
Approved July 17, 1889.
In the matterof the report of the Board of Pub-
lic Works dated June 2& 1889.
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of said City
of St. Paul cause the following improvement
W be made, to -wit: Improve Lawton street,
from Grand avenue to Oakland street, In said
city, by constructing a wooden stairway, and
grading and sodding the balance of said Law-
ton street to conform with said stairway.
That said Board cause said work to be let by
contract, as provided by law, without one halt
the estimated coat being first fluid tots the
City Treasury, and after said work shall be
placed under contract said Board shall pro -
teed without delay to assess the amount, as
nearly as they can escortsta the same, which
will be required topay the cost and necessary - of ouch Improvement upon the real
to be benefited by said Improvement,
as provided by law: It being the opinion of the
Counml that real estate to be aas... ed for
such Improvement can be found benefited to
the extent of the cost and expenses necessary
to be Incurred thereby.
Yeas—Ald. Blom. Book. Cullen, Fisher,
Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mines, Mel -
Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice
Approved July 17. 1&19.
In the matter of the reports of the Board of
Public Work. dated June 8, 1889, and July 15,
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City Of 3I. Paul.
That the Board of Public Works of said City
Of St. Paul cause the following Improvement
to De made, to -wit: Grade 10 . partlal grade
Minnebaba street, from Do Soto street to the
west line of Rivoh street,with an approach 0.
said Minnebaba street, went of Rfvoli street,
and on Rivolt street m Minnehaha street, in
said city.
That said Board cause said work to be let by
contract. as provided by law, without one -halt
the estimated cost Into the Clty
Treasury, and after said work shall be placed
under contract said Hoard shall proceed with.
out delay to assess the amognt, as nearly mthey 0.. ascertain the same. which will be re.
quired to pay the cast and accessary expenses
of such Improvement upon the real estate to
be benefited by said Improvome.t, es provided
by law; it being the opinion of the Cou..Q. t
real estate to be Released for such improve.
ment can be found benefited to the extent of
the coat and expenses necessary to be incurred
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Fisher,
Gahan, Kavanagh. Leithauser, Mines, Malady,
Pratt, Sullivan, Weber. Mr. Vice President -
Approved July 17, 1889.
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works dated July 1, 1889.
It is hereby ordered by the Commn Council of
the Clty of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of said City
of St. Paul cause the following Improvement
to be made, to wit: Open, widen d extend
Hewitt avenue, from the enter line of Aldine
venue to the center line of Fairviewe,
to said city, condemning red nkiug all ,bat
land be
the cnter line of Aldine avenue
a d the center line of Fairview avenue, not
already Condemned or dedicated for public use,
lying within the linea of a strip ninety 19U) feet
witle, the south line of which strip shall be the
Orth line of blocks three (8) and four (4), Col
lege Pine, West Division, St. Paul: That
said Board Shall proceed without delay to u
seas the amount, os nearly as they eon ascer
tai, the same, which will be required !o pay the
damage., cost. and;necessary expenses of much
Improvement upon the real estate to be benefit.
ed by said Improvement, as provided by law; It
the opinion o[ the Con
o bell that real
estate to be assessed for such improvement
can he found benefited to the extentof
the damages costa and expense. necessary to
De Incurred thereby.
Yeas—Altl. Hlom, Hock. Cullen, Fisher, Ge -
hen. Kavanagh, Lelthauaer, Mmeq Malady,
Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vt.. P-Millt—lm.
Approved July 17, 16.9.
I, the molter o1 the report o[ the Board of
Public Works dated July 2, If -
It I. hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the Hoard o[ Publle Works of City
of St- Paul Cause the following improvement
W be mode, towit: Grade James Street from
Victoria street to Lexington avenue, in said
That said Boardcause Bald work to be let by
contract pr
fie provided by low, without one -halt
d assess the amount as nearly a
9aertam the same, which will be re-
pay the coat ndne.eemary exp.....
prevenient upon the real estate to be
Ste to be assessed for such Improve
I it [o Penes ented to eeeeaoythe extent of
to be incurred
Cu len, Fleher.
MPaas` lduM,elody
Ie CDB matter of the sport of the Board of
Fu Be Work. doted July 2, 1580.
It 11 hereby ordered by the Common CounoLL
of the Clty of St. Pavl:
[ said 1t
t the Boars or rabeo work. o . City
g P
Pont cense the folloRl. improvement
Of 6t. a
to be made, to -wit: Grade Avon street, from
Laurel avenue to St Clair street, in Bald city.
That said Hoard cause said work to be let by con-
tract, as provided bylaw, without one-half the
estimated cost being first paid Into the City
Treasury, and after said work shall beplaced
under contract said Board Shall proceed with-
out delay to assess the amount, as nearly as
they can ascertain the same, which will be re-
quired to pay the cost and necessary expenses
of such Improvementupon the real estate to
be bnfited by said improvement, as provided
by law; It being the opinion of the Council that
real estate to be assessed for such improve-
ment can be found benefited to the extent of
the cost and expenses necessary to be Incurred
Yens—Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Fisher, Ge-
banKavanagh, Leithauser, Mines, Melody.
Proit, Sulli—ii,Weber, Mr. Vice Prexident—l3.
TApproved July 17, IM.
In the matter of the rep rt of the Board of
Public Works dated July 15, 1889.
Ishereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of said City
ofSt- Paul cause the following improvement
to be made, to -wit: Construct a ewer on
L'Orient street, from Nash street to Glencoe
e[reet, in eafd sty', together wits Lhe neceeanry
catch-b.sln. ad...holes.
That said Board cause said work to be let by
contract, ns provided by law, the costa and
....awry expenses of each he
to be
paid from the Sewerage bond fund, a. the prop-
erty abutting the proposed newer has .lre.dy
been assessed $1.15per fact far the main sewer
.aid anal. sewer is far too deep fO"ll of said ar housecoat
Yeas—Aid. Blom. Bock. Calle., Fl.her,
Gehnn, Kavanagh Leithauser, Ml.ea, Malady,
Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President
Approved July 17, 1889.
the report of the Board of
sd June 25, 1889.
I by the Common Council
Public Works of sold City
of St. Paul cause the followln¢ Improvement
to be made, to -wit: Crude Laura avenue, from
Marshall avenue to Summit avenue In Said
city. That said Board cause ¢fid work
to be let by contract as provided by
without one -belt the estimated coat being
first paid Into the City Treasury, and after
said work shag be planed under contract
said Board shall proceed witDout delay to se-
a the amount, as nearly fie Lhey
tall the same, bI h will be required to pay the
benedtedto the extent of the cost and expenses
,eceesary to be incurred thereby.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Fisher,
Gehl., Leith.... r, Mtnen. Melody,
Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice Preaide— 3.
Approved July 17, 1889.
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works dated July 2,18R9.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
The the Board of Public Works of said City
of St. Paul cause the following improvement
to be made, to -wit: Construct.a sewer on Vir-
ginia avenue, tram Iglehart street to Marshall
avenue, in said city, together with the nee—
sary catch -balms and manholes.
That said Board cause Said work to be let by
retract, as provided by law, without one half
the estimated coat being first paid Into the
City Treasury, and after Said Work shall be
laced under contract said Board shall proceed
Ithout delay to a..... the amouret, as nearly I.
they eon nmeartal. the Same, which will be re-
quired to pay the cost andnecessary expenses
of such improvement upon the real estate Lobe
benefited by avid Imom ret, .e provided by
law; it being the oplp elon of the Council that
real estate to be assessed for such Improve-
ment can be faun benefited to the extentof
thest and expenses necessary to be in-
curred thereby.
Yens— Aid. Blom, Bock. Cullen, Fisher,
Gabon, Kavanagh, Lelthauaer, Mince Melody,
Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President -18.
Allproved July 17, 1889.
In the matter of the reports of the Board of
Public Works dated June 28, 1888, and July 5,
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of S. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of said City
of St. Paul enu a the following improvement
to be made, to -wit: Construct a sewer on the
oath Medway of Irvine avenue, tram Western
s to the alley lying between lot, 19 and
tand lot. sm and 34, block tiq D.yW.and
vin� s addition Lo St Paul:thnce o, said alley
M en tion with the. Pleasant avenue
cin said city, together with the necessary
catch basing and founholles. The veld Board
some said work to be let by Contract,
provided by mw, without o.. -half the
estimated cost beingdrat .paid Into the
City Treasury,, and after aid work shall
be placed ndertract said Board
shall proceed without .lay to assess the
...nets am nearly as they can secer-
tain the some, which will be required
to pay the cost and necessary
expenses of such Improvement upon the
real estate to be benefited by Bald improve -
But, ae provided by law: It being the opl.I.n
of the Council that real estate lobe assessed for
such Improvement can be found benefited to
the extent of the cost and expenses neces-
sary to be incurred thereby.
Yearn—A]d.Blom, •Bock, Cullen, Flatter,
Gehmh, K.vanagh, Lelthc .r. Miners, Malady,
Pratt, Sullivan. Weber, Mr. Vice President -13.
Approved July 17, 1889.
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works, dated June 2a, hi191
It lehereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Worke of sold City
of St. Paul cause the following improvement
to be, to -wit:. Grade Cayuga at at.
from Arkwrlght street to Vale t i¢ Id
city. That eafd Boarda Sold work M be.
let by contract, as provided by Iaw,wltDoutone-
halt the estimated cast being first paid
Into the City Treasury, and atter said work
shall be placed under contract said Board shall
early as they can nscertainthe asame, which
will be required to pay the cost and necessary
expenses of such Improvement, upon the real
estate to be benefited by said improvement, as
provided bylaw; It being the opinion of the
Council thatreal estate to be assessed for such
improvement can be found benefited to the ex-
tentofthe cost and expenses necessary to be
incurred thereby.
Yens—Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Fisher, Ga.
han, Kavanagh, Lelthauaer. Mlnea, Melody,
Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice Presidsut-13.
Approved July 17. 1889.
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works dated Juno 28, 1889.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of said City
of St. Paul cause the follow�in Improveme t
to be made, to -wit: Grade flanker street,
from Statestreet to Brown avenue, In
slid city. That said Board cause said
work to be let by contract ns provided
by law, without one -ball the estimated
It being first paid lot. the City Tren-
ry, .ad after said work Shall be placed
unt) r Coal...t said Board shell p Deed
without delay to assess the amount, as nearly
as they can ascertain the same. which will be
requf red to pay the Coat IIad*
scary expel... of much Improvement upon the
real estate to be benefited by said Will ove.
ofthe all
uoefill treal 'statte
tfor o the h hent of that Coe. be found benefited
.sary to be incurred thereby. expenses noc-
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Book, Cullen, Fisher,
Gabon, Kuv..ngh. Leitbauser, Mea, Malady,
Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President -13.
Approved July 17, 1889
Vice President of Council.
By Ald. Yoerg—
Resolved, That on July 23d, 1889, which will
De••Derby Day" at the State Fair Grounds,
all the public o®cea of the City of Saint Paul
be cloned from and ft
aer la W.I....00a.
Yeas—Aldo Blom, Bock. Cullen, Fisher,
G.he., Kavanagh, Lelthauaer, Mlnea. Meloy,
Pratt Weber, Mr. Vice Pre.1dent-12.
Presented to His Hoo or the Mayor July 17,
ISS9, and
of returned ithln the five day,, as
prescribed by the City Charter (returned on
July 39, 1889), me same 1, InAHONforce.
Vice President of CouneiL
THOS. A. Pit.....HAST. City Clerk,
Regular Meeting.
ST. PADI. Aug. 6, 1889.
Vt.. Pr..Ideal Yoerg I. the Chat'
Present—Ald. Book, Cullen, Conley, Fisher,
Gehan, Kavanagh, Mines, Melody, Pratt,
Sachem, Sullivan. Weber, Mr. Vice Proei-
Minutes of preceding meeting approved and
dispensed with.
On ... N1CATION..
From His Honor the M.yor—Veto of Resole
tion Instructing Saint Paul Gas Light Com-
the MaElectric
ts I oeated int the Second
Word, Em—
To tilt Honorable the President .ad Common
Council of the City of St. Paul:
Gentlemen: I have the honor to return b.m-
R. without my approval, a resolution of your
honeorable Dody authorizing the e t is cu Gas
Light Com it to Nroi.h Lhe electric current
for the aro 4ig uta oa tae m t. ahaataa m the
Second Wig oft his city, for the reuse that
the measure failed in securing the number of
votes required by the charter to make It oper
alive. Very me salinity, etc.,
July 17, 1889.
AI& Bock moved to mco.sider the vole by
which said resolution was adopted.
Adopted, yeas 12.
On motion of Aid. Bock the matter was
thereupon referred to Committee on Gaa.
From James Dillon—
Asking for sewerage accommodations for
Commercial street.
Commlttee on Streets.
From Patrick Norrls—
Asking privilege to extend sewer seventy
(70).feet north of present terminal on Olive
Committee on Streate.
From John E. O'Brien—
Asking8390.45damages to building at Nosh
and Mississippi streets caused by overflowing
Oommtiles on Claims.
From Wm. Esuh—
For the vacation of part of alley in Block 3 of
Humphroy's addition.
Committee on Streets
From Wm. Molkenbur—
Asking for 8210 damages to property. lot 8,
block 99, West St. Paul proper, caused by over -
flog ng w.ter.
Committee on Claims
From C. C. Andreae. President Summit Ave-
nue Boulevard and Park Association—
Asking that the bonds authorized for Im-
provement of Summit avenue be negotiated.
Committee on Parks
From Chas. Zimmermann and Others—
For improvement of Lagan street, etc.
Beardof Public Works to take If
From Patrick Cahill and Others—
For grading, tunneling aad bridging Chats-
worth street.
Committee on Streets.
From Mire. Hartmann—
Notice of claim for damages on account of
overturning of carriage an View street, July 7,
Committee on Claims.
Fro' . George "'
A..Iing an upportuWtyy to purchase for each
a. unused span of old Wabasha street bridge.
Commlttee on Btreeta and City Engineer,
with power to receive bide and, If necessary, to
From J. C. Caldwell and Others—
Askmgehangoof grade on Doweon street,
between Duluth avenue aad Atlaatic street.
Board of Public Works, with order.
From Robert Press and Othera—
For the grndfngof Stinson street, from Gaul -
tier at- to Western avenue.
Board of Public Works, with order.
From Thomson, Houton Electric Co.—
Glviul notice of the fact that said company
will draft a motor franchise and submit same
to a proper committee at an early dote.
Committee on Streets, with power t0 receive
ordinance from Company same ae If presented
to Council'
From A. O. Powell and Others—
Asking for pmnminnry order to Board of
Public Works for Condemnation or purchase of
.O much of south ton feet of lot 8 aad . rile.
of lot 2, block 6, Dr..w, Smith. Risque W Ill-
Isnie' addition, as will be Some ant m make n
Sopercurve at intersection of Williams and
llve streets, and for removal of hydrant.
Board of Public Works, with order.
From Ann McAuley and Others
For a change o1 grade on Olive street, be-
tween Pennsylvania avenue and a point 300
feet south thereof.
Board of Public Worka,witb order.
From S. P. Fo'aom, Jr.—
Aaktng 8318.20 balsa.., claimed to be due
on account of paving Fourth Street, tram Jack-
son to Seventh streets, in 1884.
Committee on Claims.
From Andrew Knox—
For change of grade on Selby avenue at Chi-
cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul raflmad.
Board of Pantie Works, with order.
FromB. Kuhl and Others—
For the Grading of Randolph street,from
Hemline avenue westward to the Missladppt
Board of Public Works, with order.
From John Wood and Crawford Lwingetone—
For paving of alley In blank I6, Whitney &
Smith's addition, from Fifth street to Wacouta
Board of Public Works, with order.
From R. J. Reid and Others—
For thepaving of alley in Dayton & Irvine's
addition, runningfrom Selby avenue Booth to
Matden Lane, and forming the westernDound-
ory o[ lot 6, fn blank 71, add addition.
Board of Public Works, with order.
Fmm C. Kutner and Otbers—
Pmtesting .gainat the proposed grading of
alley In blook 76 of Lyman Dayton's additton.
Alderman of the Ward.
From Cyrus Brooks—
Witbdrawing, on his part, the petition pre
rented by him and Albert 8eheffer forthe vasa
tion of forty fact street, known as First alley,
running from Mound streetto Maria(now Bates
Committee on Streets
From J. C. Myron—
For pe—last.. to transfer to Thos. Looting
and J. E. Jansen Butcher License No. 116, is-
sued Maroh 23, 1889.
Committee on License.
From John J. Glefer—
Asking to have transferred to him Butcher
License No. 9, Issued to C. M. Dandmw & Co.
Jan. 18. 1839.
Committee on License.
From William Sohmotter—
Askfii9 appm riatfon lower, defraying
ezpen.e of fireworks during the State Fdr.
Committee on Streets.
From William Dawson, Jr., and Others—
Protesting against the grading of Me Men.
stay street, from Case street to north city
Commlttee on Streets.
From John L. Wise—
Asking *M—rent lost on account of failure
ofCity to open Broadway, from Grove to Thin
to eetmhmetreets.
Committee on Claims.
From Mles Hurt-.nn—
e of claim for damages on account of
injuries ...lateea by overturni.g of carriage
on View street July 7. is".
committee on Claims.
From John H. Thein and Others—
For opening and widening Dakotaavenue,
from Augusta street and Stryker avenue to
south city Augusta
Board of Public Works, with order.
From H. H. Hahn—
Notice of claim for damages on account of
injuries sustained by mason of overturning of
Carriage on View street July 7, MD.
Committee on claims.
From Alpheus Shattuck—
Ailldavtt and bond of Indemnity—lost coupons
(Sewerage Bonds) Nos. 1,704 and 2,041.
Committee on Claims.
From F. G. Sherwood—
Asking permission to partially grade, at his
own expense, Crow street, from south line or
St. Clair street to the proposed street running
from Crow street to Cross street.
Granted. (See resolution.)
From Palmyra Manufacturing Company—
Acceptance of Ordinance No. 1,01% .approved
Sept. 19, IM&
Corporation Attorney.
Bond, pursuant to said Ordinance No. 1,019,
approved Sept. Ib, 18tl& in the aura of 1NOU0,with
J ma a H. Davidson ns surety.
Corporation Attorney.
From Charles G. Carter and Othorai-
For openlag and grading alley n block 2,
Alderman of the Ward.
Of City Treasurer—Report—July 1, 1889, to July
30, 18811.
To the Honorable the President and Common
Council of the City of St Paul:
Gentlemen: I have the honor to submit to
you the fallowing report of the receipts and
disbursements of this office from July 1, 1881,
to July 30, 1889:
Redemption receipts...... 26,Of214
City Clerk ........ ..... .... ,'77.00
City Water works ........ 69,718.96
Municipal Court .......... 8,968.90
St. Paul Public Library... 41.88
Building Inspector... .... 1,506.50
Fire Department....... ..90.00
Poundage .................. IF2.M
Interest on water Donde... 5,857.30
Interest on deposit....... 310.70
County Treasurer......... 468,603.32
Removingdead animals... 16.50
Pork Commissions ...... 72.68
City Railway Company.... 70.W
Treasurer hose township. 16(1.00
Licensee and permit....... 45,805.86
Assessment collections.... W803.61
City orders Pald ...........
Fire Depnrtmont warrents ..................
WatDepartment wnr-
unts Pald.. ...........
St. Paul Workhouse war-
rants paid ................
St. Paul Public Ltbrory
wurrauta Paid........ ....
Park Commisslonam' war-
rants paid... .....
New City Hall aad Court
House warrants paid ...
Redeemed certificates o[
.ale .......................
Interest coupons paid .....
Advance payments on sew.
or ....semen Ls...........
Disbursements in Ea ses-
ment collections.........
Miscellaneous disbume-
.cute........... .... ....
Balance on bond..........
W ,904.57
New City Hall and Court House
funds .................................
City funds .................. ...........
City Water Works ......................
St.Paul Public Library ...............
Police Pension fund ......... .........
ti&7 IWA113
First National bank, St. Paul........
Merchants' National bank, St. Paul..
Bank of Minnesota, St. Paul.........
National German'American bank, St.
Paul ................ ...............
(;.Monte bank, St: Paul .............
St. Paul Ni tical bank, St Poul.....
Commercial National bank, St P.W.
Second National bank, St. Paul .....
Savings bank, St. Paul ...............
People's bank, SL.PauL..............
Seven Comers bank, St. Paul........
L'aPital bank, St. Paul .................
West Slde bank, St. Paul.
Scandinavian-Amencen bank, St
Paul .................. ..............
Hank of Minnesota, St. Paul, (interest
account) ..............................
Respectfull submitted,
GEOROE RE City Treasurer.
July 80, 1889.
City Comptroller.
Of City Comptroller -Audited Claims, viz.:- F. J. Brings, 8108.07; Board of Water Commis.
C. L. Strobel, Estimate No.9and final, super- stoners, 89&04; Leveroos & Mesenbourg,
structure high bridge, $61,544; A. F. Manke, $587.10: K. P. Cullen W; M. Costello, $511.19;
Estimate No. 3 and final, paving Seventh George H. Allen, 881.01 • DRamaley & Son,
street. $1.41250: J. Forrestal. Estimate No. 3 81,302.87; St. Paul Book I Simionery Company,
and final, paving Ninth street, 83184.80; J. 8159.21; Prendergast Brothers, $140.45; J. D.
KavaneRD, Eatlmete No. 9 ad final, grading Moran, $10&45; George Mftseh, $40.65, Dlapatch
Randolph street, 83, 4; J. 11 sense, Estimate Printing Company, 81,15&78.
No. 10, supplementary to No. 9 sad final, boule- Allowed and ordered paid by the following
warding Summit avenue, 8600: C. E. Sandeen, rote:
Estimate No. 2 and final grading Smith ova- yaoe-Aid. Bock. Cullen. Conley, Fisher, Ge-
nua $1,921; C. E. Sandeen, Eatim.te No. 7 sad hen, Kavanagh. Mmea, Malady, Pratt. Sun -
final, grading Reaney street, 1',870.75; T. Lin- Dom gulllvan, Weber. Mr. Vloe President -13.
non, Estimate N0. 3 and tliaL ding Auburn
avenue, 8898: A. F. Macke, ,timate No. 9, Also
pawing Exchange street. $080; G. J.
Symonds, Estimate No. 5 and final. Ordinance to Pay Marie A. Hornsby $K6-
' sewer on HoQma. avenue, 8815.50; To the Honorable the President and Common
L. E. Shipley. Estimate No.3, pavihR Seventh Council of the City of St. Paul:
.trust, $6,790; L. E. Shipley. Estimste No.3 Gentlemen: I herewith return Ordinance
and final, paving IInivereity .vim., $5.705 No. 3;147, instructing tDot on order be drawn in
H.neon &Johnson, Estimate No. 8 and final, tavor of Marie A. Hornsby for 115, bel ..a of
sewer on Hoifem. avenue, $1.170.31; Dale & damages awarded for slopes on Dearborn
Bumgarduer, Estimate No. 5 sad final, grading street, and for which an assessment was made
Eur: street. $1,289; Thornton & Shaw, Estimate upon the property benefited.
No. 5 and final, grading Fairview avenue and Mrs. Hornsby received $62b Jan. 2 1889, tear
other streets, $1,173; P. Doherty, Estimate No.
3 and final, sewer on Goodrich avenue, $4t . ; P. the nems damages, under a resolution of the
Jny .Laren ,49sse GNT9oline, Estimate NoBewcr �2 she gevet11 o ihevoly .erecc. elptt innud fallfor satf.fach
sad final. gmdl.g alley, block 4, Nelson's nddi- tion for all damages.
tmn, $103.60; Tantholt & Anderson, Estimate It is claimed byy Mrs. Homsby that the M Is
( No. 3 and final, lading Aetorla and other en additloaal nllcwnnoe. but there fa nothing
' streets, $450.25: R canard Forrestal, Eatlmate f¢ the ordinance or resolution or Council Pro -
No. 1, sewer on Chicago avenue, $'i 56. oeedinga to show that such is the, or in-
T. Reilly, Estimate No. 2 and final, paving tended by your honorable body. I reapect[ully
i Western eveuue. $461; Thomto. & Sfiaw, Eetff- Be at
that the matter be referred to the
`1 mate No. 3 and find, poving Fra.klia ,tree[, °Board of Puelto Works and Corporation Attor-
lu 81,303.90; J. Forrestal, EBL,Mr No. 10, two tiny torn r4ort of the facts. Very respectfully
cuppl. to No. 8 and final, wooden side. JOHN W ROCN$
walks, 1888, 819; J. FOrreBIEL Estimate No. 81 City Comptroller.
.r eidew1Ik8 (wood), $7285.57; J. For- Aug. 0.1881.
(� restnl, Estimate N. 1, paving ('amen line on Claims.
Hill and Washington streets. $5,960;
j Frank Ford, 840; Dao. N. Hillman, &54.04: A. A18o
Jobst. $15.90; G. W. Merrill, b20; St. Paul Towel
1 Excbange, 16: Northwestern Telephone Ex-
change, 8145.75: Boeringer & Son, igi4.tl0; 7. Koh - Joint Court House and City Hall Committee-
(� IerL, $31.50; Meyrowltz Bros,., $f4; Maendler To the Honorable the Prcaldent and Common
'f Bros., 196tl; Mimeaot Transfeyr Dlaakemith Council o[ the Clty of fit. Paul.
wee .jWerq 1SlumprrWorksollet $8,1 Supply, V;
& Denn, Botnar, powers t ,taeiClty Comptroller vem fns the
85.Y; Farwell, Ozmim & Klrk, $272.90; Fitzger discharge of duty, cad tear such i feel that my
aid & Van S.elen, $11.05: F. G. duty ars not fully disOharged ,,beat giving my
Draper & Co.
$1; J. Cl.Qey, 160; laws to your him il,e body upon the laws of Hro9., &'3.25: R Ashworth. $16G.B9: Lha ye.. 1891 and 1889 relating t
Hedaeld Coal
d Lime Company, $A; W. the '•Jal¢t commlttee," (representing
Hoge¢, $7.86: W. A. Ko¢a¢Lz, $19.60; J. P. Grib- the city and county), to take Obarge
baa Lumber Company W8.96; Com- often Court House and City Hall buLLd-
.0.1.l Financial Chronicle, $58.25; ing, particularly when the two legal represent -
Acme Electric Company, $7.95; Pio- atives (Corporation Attmey Holman and
ser Press C1 1.11. 615; 6. M. Taylor. M; County Atterney Egan), ere divergent 1. their
P. C, Lutz. 1¢.06; T. Greely. $128; 8ughaoa & plafonB es t tae law of 1889 repealing the
Hemeiway, to; R. L. Palk & Co., $16; Di. law o[ 1881.
Volkpsszeitung. liM.91; M. Sca¢.ell, $9.70; pp
8197.89h I'- Miles House Rate. Good $198g25ephaSt. 1889,cprovides tion I of tthat seohe law donvelzed A(B), o/ril 1the le
Paul Furniture Company, $4.90; Robert approved MrIh & 1881, 6 and the same 1H
Seegr, lamps lighted in lune, $8,337.60: hereby amended so u t6 read .s follower"
American Ma.umoturing Company, 121; T. The words "so as t read" In the connection
Brennan, 13,713.81; Non weatem Lime Com- mean that section 6, of the law of 1881, in sub-
' panyy�� $135.75: St. Paul Fumitura Company, stftuted by the law of 188% therebyy making n
$$6600 80: St. Paul Hardware Compa¢y, 824.91; complete repeal. In cane the worda ••s0 Be to
jiobmaon & Cary, $71.51: S. R. MOMmtem, $18; read" were omitted, n d the not merely rend
G. J. Mtt..h & Co.. $32.38; Joseph Lay & C --..ended as follows;'ihen there would be no
$120; Lehigh Coal and Ire. Company, $44.50; J. repeol, but onlT ns, amendment. Section one
F. Lime & Co., 889.29: J.C. Hanley Lime Com- also statue that said balldmg, wean com-
pany, 877.70: M. Breen, dD; Sorenson & Olson, placed, all 11 ba !n charge of a 7ogiat commute
5210; Schnell & Kmnk, $9.75; Robert Seeger, ./ seven (7), t De appointed tie fol]owa: The
135.86; St. Paul Foundry Company, tba76; Mayor of said Cfty o[ St. Poul DalI be ex-of-
ij Mathew Craig, $6; C. C- sharp, ficlo ember of and the .helrman of said
$14.40; Goodyear Rubber Company, 14.75; committee. Tbree (3) of said committee shall
be appointed annually by the president of. the
Common Council of said city from the mem.
bars of said Council, and three (3) shall be ap-
pointed annually by the Ctmirmtin of the Board
of County Commissioners from the members
of said Board-" The words "when completed."
ted above, have not onl
to the
"ce when the members of the joint cou
shall have charge of the building, Dut poet -
Lively refer t the time aid manner'
of the appointment. It would be ab-
surd to say that the joint committee author.
ized by the act could exist prior to
April 13, RB9, the date of the approval of the
The act of April 13, 1889, oleo gives power to
the "Iola$ oommitteo t appoint such jaoltr.
custe ]an and other employes as they shall
deem necessary, etc.,' • winch the act o[ Marsh
8, 1881, did not.
Section .2 of act of April 13, 1889, provldea
"that the not shall take effect and be In force
from and after Its passage," which means that
all of the powers granted by the act shall be
performed after the passage and approv.1 of
the cot.
It appeam clear to me that the last act m.
peals Lha act of March 8, 1861, and Is Intended
t1 reorganize the joint commlttee, giving to
them also additional powers not prescribed In
the act of 1841.
The law does not give the joint commlttee
the power to make or enter late contract. In
behalf of the County of Famsey and City of St.
Of City Engineer -Sherman Street Sewer,
To theCommon Council:
Geutlemen: I send enclosed a Intter from
Mr. W. G. Collins, Assistant General Superin-
tendent of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Railway Co..which letter contains a proposition
regard to the building of the Sherman street
sewer and other neceseory mowers on the Qat
between Chestnut and Wilkin streets. The
letter Is in reply ta c ommunication sent by
me regarding Lha immediate construction o[
the Sherman street Bower: and the proposition
contained to his communication, with the ao-
panylhg map, explutus fully thy condition
ofthisloaality Respectfullysubmttted,
L. W. RVNDtaTT, City Engineer.
Aug. 6,188R.
The letter of W. G. Collinaabove referred to,
is ..follow.:
Mr. L. W. Rundlett. City Engineer, St. Paul.
Deer Sir: Reternng t your favor o[ Jaly
B, and the eonversatio.s with yourself and the
former Corporation Attorney relative to the
sewer In Sherman street, St. Paul,
I have theon
hor to submit t the honorable
the Common Council of the City of St. Paul,
the enclosed proposition, with mop attached,
showing the parts of streets we desire to use.
I would be pleased to have the Council take
action on the petition at an early date on no -
count of the unfinished condition of the sewer
In Sherman street. Yours truly.
W. . COL-N6.Assistant General Superintendent.
Aug. G IFS90.
nized when presented to me for countenifnmg. Committee on Streets.
It appears to me that as the law Is silent upon Also,
contracts, and that the county and eity moat
each pay one-half of the expenses, thtit the Ride tear Ire. Fence on Cliff Street-
way such can be made sad ..tared late I. To the Common Council:
for the joint committee to report the neo.ssi- Gentlemen: In the matter of the bids for
ties t the County Commission.. and Com- constructing an tree fence along the south line
mon Council. separately, and then have the of Cliff street, from the Smith street bridge to
C...ty Commissioners and Common Council Dou.m.n street, I would report as follows:
meet m joint session to take proper action in Schnell and Toensing bid tl5 tante per lineal
advertfsmg and entering tato contraete. foot; 112 cents per running toot, with the posts
The jolt committee cannot ignore the legal and braces.
can -the Mayor -:-omega; or, in his ab -
balm Peter Heck bids 77 cents per lineal toot.
once, then the President of the Council, Act- Joseph Rothwell bide „ cents per ll.e.1
ing Mayor, ex-omcfo chatrman f the commit- foot. -
tee, or, m the absence of the President, then The last two bid. am identical I. price: both
the Vice President, Acting Mayor. ex -.Maio the bidders are responsible pontos. I o id
hairman of committee. Such has been report, however, 1n Ivor of awardtn6 the bid
do.e by one of the ppnf.tad mem•. to Joseph Rothwell, for the reason that In ..-
Dara of the commlttee no
tie cbairman, cordanou with the requirements of the specifi-
which makes void the act. of the joint nom- cations he furulahed a plan of the past to be
mit as. used wells Mr. Heck did not, although he
All claims when allowed Dy the joint cam- o reed that the post should be sotisfu.try.
ittee should Da approved Dy the chairman of The total cost of the fence will be about 8847.
the committee before they are presented to the Respeotluilyy a Dm.tted,
Comptroller for adjustment and payment. g. W RHNDLa1T, City Engineer.
Aug. a, 1889.
I have no desire to retard progress, Bad oe It
makes no material dlQerence weather the joint Aid. Bock moved that report on bids for
committee Bppomted February, 1889, or the Iron fence an CIIQ street De adopted sad that
committee of June, 1889, holds the power, the the Corporation Attorney be instructed t draw
public welfare will be protected. proper contract.
To avoid all trouble and delay, so that the Adopted.
jointers. d all trouble
and employes, at., anti De Yeas-Ald. Bock, Cullen. Coalyyy, Fisher.
I moat respeotiully eek your ho.omble Gabon, Kevanogg a Mfaea, Malady, Y att, Sm -
body $poen a rean at on
raoogn,.W. the pre.. born, Sullivan. W ber, Mr- Vlce Preeido¢L-IS.
Bating joint committee holding power pHo
under the appointment of February. 1889
Very re
.pecttully. your obedient servant. Mario Avenue
JOHN W. ROCHE, City Comptreller- 'I Gentlemen In regard to the order of the
AUR- 5, I88S.
AOcepted. (See re.clutitim) Common Council, 'that the City Engtnear
..... a preliminary Survey to be made of Marla
avenue bridge," I would report that I have run
the prehminary line for the proposed bridge
from Marla a eau or n lritaraeetio with
EdRorton street, and estimate the Coat thereof
At the last meeting of the Legislature bonds
W the amount of MOOD were tb.rix.d for
the BE
of av iron bridge of full width
over the Phvlen Creek valley, from Marta ave -
us to such point as may be determined upon
by the Common Council.
The Board of Public Works have nowunuer
consideration the opening of 8 street across
the Phalen Creek valley, from Marl. aV.... to
Edgerton street. IL will ars, be vecesssry to
open the street before the bridge can be -t.
Strutted. Respectfully Submitted,
L. W. RUNDtaa-r, Clty Engineer.
Aug. d, 1889.
Committee on Streets.
Bill n to furnish this maonme 1. Oran enurey
different basis from that on which we are ae.
ustomed to purchase, this class of machineer
I recommend It to y r consideration, d
trust you wllI give It the attention it deserves.
IYespectfully submitted,
L. W. RUNDLE2T, City Engineer.
Aug. e, 1889.
Committee o. Streets.
. Also,
Barr Street Bridge—
To the Common Council:
Gontlemen• The pine. and specifications for
the Burr Street bridge, ae far S the city work
campplCWd, and oes—to the we ereeredor
y uof t any time to ad
vanias for bide. The general plans have also
been neat W the Cblcago, St. Paul. Minneapo-
m All place for
ore based pupon -the pros
posed change of gmde' on Burr treat, which
atter to till fE the hands of the Common
Council, not yet completed. Respectfully sub
matted, I" W.
City Engineer.
Aug. 6, 1889.
Committee on Streets.
Sunk Barge and Dredgi g—
To the Common Council:
Gentleman: Last fall there ns a barge
.unit m the river near the south Bud of the
long.pan of the Wabasb3 street bridge. The
barge slim
to Mr. Foss, who claims that it
was sunk by the Sanit.tioo Company. I an
lied the Sanitation C.M,.Ey to r.move ,t. and
received a reply that they
would do nothing m
the matter, ae the burg. did not belong to
The contenotora for removing the old W ab.-
sha street bridge pieta have a dredge here
now at work. I judge that it would oat at least
e dW, smovan Itls barge, but I think is an Instruction to It ought
While the dredge ishe"he" I would recommend
that . Jackaonittltreet dto actlltate dole
at the the loading
boats t the present low stage
f water. of
think that all naceesnry work be dove at a
cost not Lo eloeed 1250, and would request that
authority be given me to have It done. Re-
.pectful7y suDmltted. L. WRty Engineer.
Aug. 9, 1889.
So much of said communication Be relates to
sank hot g0 a relerred to the Committee
on Streets, and the.uggeatloEe of BE much of
said communication es mints. to dredging
were adopted. (See resolution.)
Of Clark of Municipal Courtr—
Report for July, 1889, with City Treasurer's
rocelpt attmhed for $4,887.76.
Committee on Ordinances and Public Ac-
Of Chief of Police—
Raport for July, I869,
Sbowmg Wtat rests
762; fines collected by Mania pa Court
Committee on Ordinance. end Public Ac.
01 Captola of Pollce—
Report for July. 1889, Showing oil Iampa not
Jig htyd6ompIs
tmBermps not lighted, 10.
Of SuBBerintendent of Fire Alarm Telegraph—
lutlov he approved July 17 tendent ej1889, amount o10 ars
e...I lot .oEduft Service. wmee
Committee on Fire Department
OI 9uperlute --
dent of Police Patrol Telegraph
The Superintendent reports, pursuant to
resolution approved July 17, 1880, amount of
wire n..a..., for police telegraph W be placed
In conduit..
Committee on Vire Department
Of Philip Arnold. Agtl.g Poundmaster—
Report for July ItlBtttt99, with City Treasurer's re.
ceipt attached for M.
Committee on Ordinances and Public A.
Of J. E. Conway, Acting Poundmaster—
Report for July, with City Treasurer's receipt
attached fees"'
Committee on Ordib ante. and Public Ac-
Of John Coo riff, Acting Poundmaster—
Report for July, 1889, with Clty Treasurer's
receipt nttnchedd for 849.60.
mitteo Ordinance. Bad Public Ac-
Alley Grading, Block 15, Stmaon'e 'Addition—
To the Common Council -fine City of St. Poul:
The Board of Public Work. have had undor
the resolution or order of the
Common Council, appproved July 17,18W, isle.
live to grading alley In block Id, Stinson'- d
dltlon, and having investigated the proposed
ftespeotfully report that said improvement
is necessary and proper; that the estimated
expense thereof fs 1501,02, ono -Dalt of which
.sed cot be paid Into the Clty Treasury
before the contract I. let: that real estate W be
assessed therefor ca. be fouadbenefited to the
extent of the coat and expenses necessary to
be Incurred thereby; that Said improvement Is
,at asked for by a petition of a majority of the
owners of property to be ... B ... d therefor but
herewith oprofile of
prrovenien, and an rder for y radoption, if
you desire us to make the improvement.
Yeas, 4; nays.0.
R L. GORMAF, President
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Work..
July 29, 1889.
Adopted. (See order W Board of Public
Oxford Bud Argyle Street Grading—
To the Common Council of the City of St
The Board of Public Works have bad under
consideration the resolution or order of the
Common Council, a proved May 10, 1889. 1-
ative W the grading of Oxford and Argyle
streets, from Front street to Warned.le ddi-
tlon. and, having investigated the proposed im-
Reapectfullsy report that It Is necessary and
...,..,w rn m�wlxflrfnrd street. from the Earth
of -By of the St. Pell tr Northern. Pact.. xati-
y Compavy, said grading to be done
under O e contract: !othat the estimated
e penes thereof ie ...,2W.6., ne-Dalt of
which need not be paid into the City Treasury
hefore the contract Is let; that real e...te W De
s..Bad therefor can be found benefited W
the extent of the cost and expenses neces-
at Is not asked for by a petition of a malor-
oftheowners of property to be assessed
refor, but we herewith send s plan or pro-
of said improvement and ea order for your
lotion. It you desire ua W make the fm -
Yeas, 4; nays, 0.
R. L. andGORMAN.President
W. F. ERwxN, Clerk Board o[ Public Works.
July 29, 1889.
Adoptad. (See order W Board Of Public
Fairview Avenue Oroding—
To the C.mmov Council.[ the City of SL Paul:
The Board of Public Works have had under
,Sideration the resolution or order ofthe
Common Council, approved June 22, 1889, rom-
ttve to the gelding of Fairview avenue, from
Universityenue W Bitt avenue, and,
having investigated I eewproposed Improve-
Respectfully report that said Improvement is
neceaeary end propper; that the estimated
expense thereof N 1540'2.7, one-half of which
need not be paid into the City Treasury before
the Contract Is let: that real estate to be
assessed therefor can be found benefited to the
extent of the mat and oxpen8es necessary W
be mcurnd thereby: that said improvemeaL le
asked for by a petition o[ a majority of the
owners or property to De assessed therefor, and
Ne herewith Bend B plan or profile of said I. -
prevenient, Bad an order for your adoption, if
,on desire us W make the improvement.
Yens, 4: nays. 0.
R L. GORMAN, President.
W. F. E—N, Clerk Board of Public Works.
Aug. s. 1889.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
,am at I.
ted ex -
Web need
,afore the
ie extent
to be in -
we herewith send . pill- -Pectis
Improvement end on order for your doptlon,
1[ you desire us to make the Improvement.
Yens, 4; nays, 0.
R L. GORMwx.
W. F. ERW1N, Clark Board of Public
bllo W Werkrk
July 24, 1889.
Adopted. (See order W Board of Public
Alley Grading, Block 1, J. C. Stout's Addl-
To the Common The Board of Public iWeek. have l of the City ohd Paul:
nSlderatfon the resolution or order of the
imps we herewith
ttae Beau order fora BE ryour i doptlon,
If you desire us W the lmprovemept
Yens, 4; Nuys. 0. -
R. L. 0...A., President
W EnwiN, Clerk Boara of P ublle Works.
Aug., 1880.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Publlo
Alley Grdtng, North % Smith's Subdivision
Block 12, Stmion'e Dlvfslon—
TThe Hoard of Public Works blave fh d under
oonsideration the reDsolatli n or order of the
Commfive mogrodmgF alley in block 12, In Smith's Suba.
division of Stinon s division to SL Paul, end,
having investigated the proposed tmprove-
Respectfully report that it Is necessary and
proper to=, alley in north half (yr) of
Smith's subdivision of block 12, Stinson's di
vision. St. Paul; that the estimated expense
thereof is 86850, one half of which need
not be paid into the City Treasury before the
contract Is let; that real estate to be assessed
therefor can be found benefited to the extent
of the cost and expenses necessary to be in.
curved thereby; that said improvement Is not
asked for by a petition of a majority of the
owners of property to be assessed therefor but
we herewith send a plan or profile of said fm
provement, and an order for your adoption, if
desire us to make the improvement.
Yeas, 4; nays, 0.
R. L. GORMAN, President.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
Aug. 6, 1889.
Adoptee. (See order to Board ot`PuDlf:
1{ Jessamine Street Gracing—
To the Common Council of the City of St.
�) The Board of Public Works have had under
consideration the resolution ororder of the
Common Council, approved Jan. 2, 1889, relative
to the grading o1 Jessamine .treat, from
Rice street to Mississippi street, and, having
., Investigated the proposed improvement:
Respectfully reportthat said Improvement
is necessary and groper; that the estimated ex
pence thereof is p.0,287, one half of which need
not be paid Into the City Treasury before the
contract is let; that real estate to be as
sassed therefor can be found benefited to the
extent of the cost and expenses necessary to be
n 311"ed thereby; that said improvement Is
not asked for by . petition of a majority
of the owners of property to be as -
.eased therefor, but we herewith send a plan
or profile of said Improvement, and an order
for your adoption, if you desire us to make
the Improvement.
Yen., 3; nays, 0.
R. L. GORMAN, President.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
July 15, 1889.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
Norks I
Lawrence Street Sewer—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works have had under
considerationthe ren•.hdion or order o[ the
Common Council, pproved July 3, 1889, rela-
tive to the construction of o sewer o. Lawrence
street, from Maury street to .Forth street,
and, having investigated the proposen Improve
Respectfully report that said Improve -
in is nece...ry and proper, together
With the necessary cutch -basins .ad inn..
holes: that the estimated en.e the
of Is 8629.50, onehalf o[ whtch need
not be paid Into the City Treasury before the
contract is let; that real estate to be assessed
therefor can be found benefited to the extent
o[ the cost and expense. necessary to be in-
curred thereby; that said improvement is not
asked for by a petition of a majority of the
owners of property to be assessed therefor,
but we herewith send a plan or profile of said
improvement, and an order for your adoption,
if you desire us to make the improvement.
Yeas. 3; nays, 0.
R. L. GORMAN, President.
W. F. ERWLN.Clerk Board of Public Works.
July 16, 1889.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
Milton Street Opening. Etc.—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works have had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
Common Council, approved June 22, 1889, rela-
tive to the opening, widening and extension of
Milton street, from Schaffer to Bayard
avenue, and, having investigated the proposed
Respectfully report that it le necessary and
proper to open,widen and extend Milton street,
from Schaffer street to Bayard avenue; that the
estimated expense thereof is 81,200; that real
estate to be assessed therefor can be found
benefited to the extent of the damages, costs
and expenses necessary to be Incurred there-
by; that said improvement is not asked for by
a petition of a majority of the owners of prop-
erty to be assessed therefor, but We herewith
send a plan or profile of said improvement, and
an order for your adoption, it you desire us W
make the Improvement.
Yeas 4; nays, 0.
R. L. GERMAN. President.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
July 18, 1889.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
W arks. )
Croons Place Paving—
To the Common Council of the C(tyof St. Paul:
TDI Board of Pubiic Works have had under
conslder.tlon the resolution or order of the
Common Council, approved May 22, 1889,
relative to the p.ving of Crocus plane with
pine blocks and Portland cement, with granite
curbs, and, having investigated the proposed
Respectfully report that said improvement
Is necessary and proper; that the esti-
mated expense thereof is 88,535, one-half of
which need not be paid into the City Tasury
before the contract is let; Lhnt rereal es.
tate to be assessed therefor can be found ber-
ated to
the extent of the cost and
aspen... necessary to be incurred thereby;
that said Improvement Is asked for by a peti-
tion of a majority of the owners o[ property to
be aesea.ed therefor, and we herewith send a
dsaid lmprovemeat, and
der for pro9le of nn your a onpthm, 1f you,
us to make
the im
Yeas, 9; nays. 0.
R. L. GORMAN. President
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
Aug. S. 1889.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
,111.yy Grading, Chute. Bros.' Division NO. 2—
pothe Common Counoil of the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works have had under
:onsideratiou the resolution or order of the Com.
non Council, approved July 17, lifts, relative to
grading alley In block 2, Chute Bros.' division,
St. Paul, and, having investigated the proposed
Respectfully report that it is nan.....y cad
rto No. smile, SL. Paul; alley
tthe estimated estimated ex -
riot posse thereof is be paid Into the i City T06. rwhichalf of
Treasury before the
contract is let: that real estate to be assessed
therefor can be found benefited to the extent
of the oast and expenses necessary to be in.
curred thereby: that Bald improvement is not
asked for by a petition of a majority of the
owners of property to be assessed therefor, but
we herewith send a plan or profile of said Im-
provement, and an order for your adoption, if
you desire us to make the improvement.
Yeas, 4; any. 0.
W.I ERWIN. Clerk Board of Public Works.
Aug. 5, IW..
Adopted. (Sae order to Board of Public
Alley Grading, Joseph Orth's Subdivision
Block 85. Lyman Dayton's Addition—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works have had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
Common Council, approved July 3,1889, relative
to grading alley 10 block eighty flue (85) JoeeyDb
Orth's subdivision of Lyman Dayton's addi-
tion, and, having Iavnstigated the proposed Im.
Respectfully report that it is necessary and
prayyer Lo grade the alley in Joseph Orth'a sub.
division of block 87) of Lyman Dayton's
addition to St. Paul; that the estimated
..pan.. thereof Is 81&5.50, one-half
f Which need not be paid into the
City Treasury before the contract is let;
that realestate to be ..sensed therefor ^an
be found benefited to the extent of the
cost and expenses necessary to be incurred
thereby; that said improvement to not asked
for BBby a petition of a majority of the owners of
lthese to d nb pian orned therefor, but we hare -
profile of said improve-
ment. and an order for your adoption, f you
desire us to make the improvement.
Yeas, 4; nays, 0.
R. L. Board
GORMAN. President.
W. F. , 1889. Clerk Hoard oI Public Werke.
July to . (
Adopted. (See Order to Board of Public
Fauq ter and Cypress Streets Sewers—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works have had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
Common Council, typroved July S.
1�1. I-
ative to the construction of a sewer on Fauquier
street, from Seveuth street to Earl street, and,
having investigated the proposed Improve-
Respectfully report that It is necessary and
proper to construct a sewer on Fauqufer street,
from Seventh street to Earl street, and on
Cypress street, from FeugVier street m Sev-
Both street, together with the necessary catch.
bast.. aad manhole., said.eweri.g to be done
order one contract; that the estimated expense
thereof is 81,512, one half of which need not
be paid into the City Treasury before the
contract B let: that real estate to be assessed
therefor can be found benefited to the extent
of the cost and exp..... necessary to be In-
curred thereby; that said improvement is not
asked for by a petition of a majority of the
owners of property to be assessed therefor, but
we herewith send a plan or profile of said Im
provement, and an order for your adoption, if
you desire ns to make the Improvement.
Yeas. 4; nays, 0.
R. L. andGORMAN.P President.
Ju 1 , ERWIN, .Clerk Board of Public Works.
July 19, I. (
Adopted. (Sec Order to Board of Public
Alley Opening. A. Gotzlan's Subdivision
Block 107, Lyman Dayton's Addition—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works have bad under
consideration the resolution or order of the
Common Council, approved June 22, 18%, rale
Live to openin¢ an alley 1n block 107, A. Got.
zfan's subdivision of Lyman Dayton's addition
to St. Poul, and, having investigated the pro
posed improvement:
Respectfully report that it Is necessary and
proper to open an auey, 16 feet wide, through
A. Gotzlan s subdivis on of block 107, of Ly-
man Dayton's addition to St. Paul. from
Forest street to Cypross street; that the esti.
mated exit -se thereof Is 82.000: that real estate
to be assessed therefor can be found
benefited to the extent of the dam.
ages, costs and expenses neoe.sury
to be Incurred thereby; that said improvement
is asked for by a petition Of a malorlty of
the owners of property to be assessed thherefor.
and we herewith send a plan or profile of said
improvement, and an order for your adoption,
if you desire us to make the Improvement.
Yeas. 4: nays, 0.
R. L. GORMAN, President.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
Ju ly 29, Iwo.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
Sixth Street Opening, Etc.—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works have had under
consideration the .solution or order of the
Common Council, appproved June 8,1889, retail's
to the opening, wl .,,g and extension of
Sixth street, from Ro.aDel street to Broadway,
and also the resolution or order of said Com-
mon Council, approved June 9, IBB,,. reintivo to
the opening, wideuing and extension of Sixth
street 110 feet wide, from Commercial street to
Brook street and, having investigated the pro
posed Improvement:
Respectfully report that it is necessary and
proper to open, widen, alter and extend Sixth
street W feet wide, from the easterly line of
Commercial street to the westerly line,.of
Break street, aad to wide. said Sixth street.
from Ro.sbel street to BroadwBy street; that
Lhe estlm.tad expense thereof le 850,000: that
real estate to he as.essed therefor can be
found benefited to the extent of the damages.
costs and expenses necessary to be Incurred
thereby; that said improvement I. not ..ked
for by a petition of a majority of the owners of
pw tgerty to be assessed therefor, but we here.
fish end a plan or profile of said improve.
n1ou, II you de-
sires to make theImprov met
Yoas, 4; nays. U.
R. L. GORMAN, President
W. F. EuvrM. Clerk Board of Public Works
A 1.
d pte,d�(Seo order to Boatel of Public
Hudson Avenue Chong' of Crude—
rTh the Board of bliciof the Work, halve had¢
p.iderstlov the resolution o order of the
Common, approved July aliveHud., 1889, tela
Det eaa cRtn ora et eet°and Forest street.
and, having Investigated the proposed Improve-
ReepeOt[ully report that said Improvement
Is not necessary and proper .t tale time, for
the m a that property cannot be found bene-
fited so the extent of the damages, coats and
expenses necessary to be incurred thereby.
Yeas, 4; buys, 0.
R. L. GORMAN. President.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
July 29.
d 1888.
Von Minden Street Opening, etfr
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works have had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
Common Council. apprroved April 4, IBES, mi-
°fiVa. Minden etreat, tr`om Western uveneel to
West Seventh street, and, having investigated
the proposed improvement:
Respectfully re rt that said improvement I.
not .ecee,ary sad proper. for there,son that
property cannot be found benefited to the -
teat o[ damogea. costa aad expenses necessary
to be Inou Head thereby,
Yen" 4: ys. 0.
R. L. Goumxx, President.
W. F. EawtN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
July 20. 1889.
Chatsworth Street Gradlag—
To the Common Counatl of the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works b.vo bad under
.sideration the resolution r order t the
Common Council approved Feb. 29, 1889. rela-
tive to the grodiug of Chatsworth street, from
Unive fitted the oto Leke Co... cad. having
ga proposed improvement:
report e that said improve -
in forn the ea n ° that ry at n d a 1giar
before sold Hoard in said matter all
pre ant Interested were opposed W sold Im-
provement at thlstima
Yeas, 4; nays, 0.
R. L. GORMAN, President.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Publlo Werke.
Aug.2, 1889.
Burr Street Change of Grade—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works have had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
Common Council, approved July E, 1889, rela-
tive to a change of grade on Burr street, r be.
twee.'Micashahe d Whltall street¢, and,
hnvipg tnveetrgated the proposed Improve -
mReap°atful`` report that IL is necessary and
proper. vpp1.1.1p ¢ted by theat th red live on the v
thereof is WOO; thureal estate[to be ° eeansed
therefor... be found benefited to the seztevt
crib. damagesooata and necessary
to be I.aurred teereby: that ¢ani itnmpprovein
Is not naked for byppaaa patltmv of a iorlty of
eui a Rerpewlin se d be
°P -=r pprroale of
Id improvement, 1f you desire m make
the Improvement.
Yeas, 4; nay& 0.
R. L. Go..—. President.
W. F. ERwIN, Clerk Board of Public Works
Adopiad. and City Clerk instructed to give
necessary publication notice.
Alley Grading. Block 1, Ewing & Chutli s Addi.
To the Honorable the President and Common
ins coat of maRIDg a.a ea118CLm L.e ...'..-
set for Bald Smprovemcut Il be gr.-.r
than the coat of doing said work.
R. L. GORMAN, President.
W. F. ERN IN, Clark Board of Public Works.
July 29, IWO.
Alderman of the Ward.
Refuvding Order—E mRy E. BIngh .d
To the Honorable the Pra ldont and Common
Gen tlemaii OThe tBoaid I. Paul.
Public Work,
respectfully request your honorable bed%y to
fie a refunding order for the gum of 64.35 to
be drawn upon the City Treasurer fn favor of
Emily E. Bingham, owner o[ south westerly 40
feet of lot, 8 and 7, block Btf, Delta. &Irvine's
addition w St. Paul, said Boni being the and Out
overpaid by said owner, o ac .L of aid
proPBrty being. overaseesaed for the sprinkling
[ Walnut street, from Pleasant avenue W Ir-
vi.epark, in Sprinkling District No. 5. under
contract o[ James and William
Forrestal for
termending Nov. 16, 1888.
R. L- GO—, President
W. F. ERWIN. Clerk Board of Public Works.
July 24, Ries.
Accepted. (See resolution.)
Bill of Board of Water Commiselenom for
6118.50—Raising Water Pipe, on Earl Street,
Between Minnehh
aa and Beech Streets—
The Board of Public Works transmits and
recommend, payment of said bill.
Committee o. Cletma.
Roble and Other Streets Sewer—
The Board returns its report of July & 1889,
on ooustructlon of a sewer on Roble and other
streets, together with protests and petitions.
The Board is still of opinion that said improve.
ant 1, necessary and proper and adheres to
Its report of July'{ 18M.
Referred m Aid. Years.
Smith Avenue Sewer Contrs.—
The Boors reports that it hoe warded Wm
Stockton and John Llv vqulet the controot for
constructing I Bawer Smith nae. from
e °ine. vice ie ro `°seas iSeventh
reon ba'stin t a
agiii , bay being the lowest reliable 8°d
rm po-atble Diddere therefor amount f else
xi'9: bead In the a of iR_ with Lorna
Mitch end Henry ScherN1111R a. auretlee.
Iglehurt Stmt Grading Contrmr�
Tho Board reports that It h.a aw deo Ed-
ward Carleton the contract tar g -".g Igle-
hart street, from Snelling a n e to Lear.
'ave.ue, be being the lowest rollable a.d re -
A,onsible bidder therefor; moaPac
t of bid,
1110; bond In the sum of 65011 with
Keigher and E. McNamee as suretlee.
Palace Street Grading Contract—
The Board reports that it has awarded John
W. Moloney the contract for grading Poland
s[roet, troy Victoria etreot to Pleasant ave-
nno, he het.g the only bidder therefor. and his
bid being reaevanble, nA ho being cell ale and
responsib e,;-�nmount of bid. 82Vo: bond in the
surewith Maurice P.MO[I.rty and
MlchaelMaloney as sureties.
tareaue G sing Contra
Bo porta that it has awarded C. B.
Tripnp the c. rV ct for oatlingp Cromwell e
nu from Un its to Territorial
ad, b' being t Icy bidder therefor, d
ht+ bid being ra n blo, and he being relia-
ble d rospena a t or
b.nd 1. the sum ot'. Ifin, with William Da
bud Frock N. Lockwood ns auretlee.
Sibley Street and Lyon Court Sewer Con-
The 13—rd report. that It has awarded Wlll-
lam J. Preston the contract for constructing a
a.Sibley treat, from Point 25 feet
south of the south line of Ninth treat to the
center of Tenth street, and on Lyon Caurt
from the center of Stbley treat le point 1611
Iect cast of
east line o: sold ,, blayns °C d
together with the necessary °
.holes, s id nowarinto be don° nder ,as
he being the lowest re u,
,ponvibl° bidder therefor: amount of bid. 1819;
tend in the cum of EI2a. with Fronk L. Osberg
P. J. Broderick as sureties.
Territorial Road Grading C..tract—
oard --°ports tt tt has awarded John
contract for
gra d
dingthe Cotan
roa[ from Raymond
a..... to the west city limps they being the
lowest reliable and reaponaihis bidders there
for; amount of bld, 01,64425: bond I. the cum of
fe28,85, with Henry G James and Job. Prow
as suretio9.
St. Anthony Avenue Gcading.(:ovtra°t—
The Board reports that [thee ewnrdad Thos.
LI.... the contract for grueling St.Avthm y av-
°ue,from the angle 1.a2D feet west or Lexington
.,c.ue to Lvura avenue, he being the lowest
tell, d ponalble bidder tnero[or;
with F'�nDl Schroedernd d Jamsam of es FenatOr
maker as sureties. av
r Alan,
Tbom se Street Grad' Covtrect—
Tbe Board reports th¢t I[ has a arded John
Cable and Jerome A. Chute the ...tract for
-ailing The-- Rate linee a..n e. therstreet. Ing the lowest rcl a-
blo and responsible bidders therefor: o' t
t bid, 64,676: bond in the sum f E9&1.e with
Henry C. James and John Pfeffer as sureties.
Milton Street Grading Contract—
The Board reports thatlt has awarded Geo.
Bolanthe contract for grndi.g Milmn street,
from Grace street to West Seventh street, he
being the lowest reliable and responsible bid-
der therefor; amount of bid, Eu.000; be.d n the
sum of son with U. L. Lamprey and Thomas
Fox as sureties.
Mlnnehahe and Other Street. Sewer Con-
tract (Laid Over from Last Meeting)
The Boardreports
that It hue awarded
Arta ur McMullen and Charles J. A. Morris the
contract for con.tructing ..,or on Mmne-
an treat to Grotto
treet ttheuce an Grotto from biireet, from Mlnne-
hahastreettoFuller.treet; thence Fuller
Arcot, from GroteCreel to Fiak air. I;
thence os Fisk street, from
Fuller street to
Martin .treat together with the ocean
•atch-N Laid uvd anholea, uid eworing to
De done rider one oontrnat, they belpg the low-
e.t reliable nad panelots bidder therefor;
{mount of bid, Ell&X, bond t. the um of
25,pIX1, with J. P. Gribben and S. M. Cary as
Prescott Street Grading Contract --
The board reports that it has awarded Tho..p
Linnen the contract for eroding Prescott
street, from Oakdale uv a to Campbell
street, he being Lha lowest to able rid respon-
ible bidder therefor; amount f bid, I1,8'es:
bead in the ,um of Fk19, wltb E. H. St.hlmn
rid James I .termnker as .uredos.
Midway Avenue Grading Contract—
The Board reports that it be. awarded
Thomas Linnen the contract for grueling Mid-
way avenue, from Oakd¢le avenue to Campbell
.treoL he DeIn, the lowest reliable nd re-
povsInle bidder therefor; amount of bid, $1,-
EMZ bond In the sum of 1". with James Fens.
tormaker and John H. Horne as auretlee.
Each or the foregoing awards taken up separ.
ately and approved by the following vote:
Ye.s—Alt. Book, Cullen, Conley, Fisher,
He anap" Mine., Melody. Pett, Ben
born Sullivan, weber, Mr. Vice President -18.
a— Estimate for year ending June 80, 1880—
te, approved by it, the fol. To the Honorable the Presideni aad Common
claim., vix.: Council. City of St. Paul, Minn:
final, grading alley block Gentlemen: In compliance with section 9 of
vision of L Dayton's the Ori n il. Act governing this Board, we have
Chas. Nonnomacher, rm; Estimate
final, gg pDe
ailing Hall avenue, Prosct
I south city limits, Dale and Bum -
No. 5 Sno anal, Mississippi street ani
street& Brading. McArthur Bros., 63,11;
mate No. 6 and fin.1, greding Dayton
Cleveland to Sent oga and Pae
Lexington, J. McDonald, 62,495; E
No- & supplementary to L
and final, Etoheawald street sewer, T,
$25; Estimate No. 3, soppl. to
final, Charles street sewer, Marlon to I
ton, P. Doherty, 675: Estimate No. 4
to 8 aad final, Forest, Beech ani
dota streets sewer, Thornton & Shaw, 6
timate No. 6, suppl. to 4 and fila
street Bawer, Seventh to Jefferson, J. 1
850; Estimate No. 4 euD.I. to
the honor to submit herewith our estimate of
moneys required, beyond the amount now in
the treasury, for School purposes for the year
ending June 34 1890.
Such estimate has been most carefully pro
pared and represents the Salim. and ab.olutely
necessary sums for he
various funds therein
enumerated, and the same is resented as ap.
full and adopted by a fuand unanimous
ate of the Board, at Its regular meeting held
418N Be follows:
Estimate of moneys required by the Board of
Education for the year ending June 30, 1890:
For salaries............................1110."
For interest on Hahool Bonds......... 91,260.00
For fuel .......................
........ 24000.00
For job printing. advertising and ets-
tionery........... ... ................ 4001100
For Insureace............ ....... 4000.00
For redemption o[ aertlficatee of in-
debtedness ...... .. .............. ... 25,000.00
For general exp .... a' including fur -
filters, school repaln and mieoelle-
.eoue............ ........... 55,000.00
For hemtinR end ventilating appa-
ratua, to wit:
Old Cleveland. .............. 64,613,00
Douglas ..................... &091.00
Sibley ........ ........... .... 4108.00
Joekeon...... ............... 1,985.00
Webster ..................... 4917.OD
Germ aa ...................... 1.9$6.00
Monroe ...................... 2,885.00
Noyes ^5,409.00
805; J For new buildtag. and sites, to-wR:
Min.. Longfellow school Slte...... 63,]81.25
Juetus S. J. Tilden School Site...... 1,400.15
A: Co., High Bohool alta enlarge.
I Com meat ....................... 2,588.54
,Y. gqg� Sibley school site enlarge-
Letiig6 Coral and Iron Company, 685; F.J. Lina$
went .......................
& Co„ 653; Kenney BroS! $72; Grlgga Bros.,
Hazel Park school alta......
Nash Street school alta.....
64.57: Forrestal Bros.. $12; J. P. Gribben Lum-
be Company, F25.20; B. F. Knauft & Co. $.90;
Harrison school alta.........
William Hogan, 85.87; August Jobst, 211.55;
Peter HSupers & Son, 69.95; American
Ma.ut.cturing Compaay, EL9.60; Thoma.
S.J. Tilden School..........
BE o",
Brannan, 62,007.80: Abbot Compnmy,
HaiTis m School...
SW; Dux & Ullman, $20.30; Boeringer & San,
614.95; H. M. Crosby, $36; Chicago, St. Paul,
Ninth Ward Bob cal..........
Hazel Park eohooi..........
Mineeapelle & Omaha Hallway Co.pany,
Naeh Street school..........
85U.70; Mathew Craig. 810; -t4, W, Merrill, 620:
G. W. Merrill, 610; Mathew Craig, 66-; G. W,
Manual training school.....
Douglas school a lthtfon ....
Morrill, 62: Mathew Cra1R. 62; G. W. Merrill.
Burlington Heights School.
$10; Mathew Craig 83; K. P. Cullen, 814; G,
W. Merrill, 11; F. W, Steeg, 539.
Committee on Claims.
New buildin Bites con
C218.It(p 00
tractad [or ...:.............
New school buDdinge for
Report for July, ]889—Total Dlabursement.,
1890 ......................... 74,868.89
Committee on Ordinances and Public Ac-
Amount Donde author.
ized by the legislature.....
Balance to be levied for.......
Alarm Boase—
The Board trenemite copy of resolution
Total amount required............M44659.00
adopted by Board July 22, r.que.ting
W e Dave the ttonor n be, vary reepeotfully,
Built.. to puroDane, locate old mnintafn two
fire alarm boxes, one southwest corer Third
and Sibley streets, one rat corner Sixth and
Atteet: By CHAS. L. HAAs, President,
Robert atnets.
OTTO DHERSH, Secretary.
Committee on Fire Department.
Aug. O, Va.
Committee on Ways and Means.
Of Committee on Ways and Meana—Sewer on
University Avenue and Other Streets—
Committee Submit$ and recommends passage
of preliminary order for Sewer on University
avenue, from, Prior to Fairview avenue, and
other streets, as the beat obtainable result for
the expenditure of the Sewerage bonds to be
issued for Tenth and Eleventh Wards.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
Of Committee on Fire Dep.rtmenirAld. Mel-
. ya Resolution, Instructing City Engineer
to Build a Clsten Near Comer o[ Orleans
and Steven. Streets.
Committee recommend. adoption of Bald
Adopted. (See resolution.)
Of Committee on Streets, Sewer. and Bridges
—Ordinance Prohibiting Cutting of Ice for
Family Use in Pickerel Lake or Round Lake.
Committee recommends pa ... gge oI Said ordt-
naaoe, empmded So that eectfon (3) three
thereof shall read, "ThlS ordinance Sit take
effect end be In force from end after its paaa-
Adopted and said ordinance as an amended
passed. (See Ordinance No. 1,169.)
Aid. Leithaueer'S Resolution Changing
Name of Lawrence Street n Bates A-11 —
Committee recommend. that Bald resolution
be referred to Aid. Leithauser.
Aid. Mines's resolution relating in height of
Broadway bridge, approved AyNI 19, 1810
Committee reports back sold resolution with
Laid over to Ang. 14 1889.
Jackson Street Repaving Contmet—Referred
to Committee July 16, 3
Committee recommends that he award (dated
June 22, 1889) to ,lames Forrestal, of contract
for repaving Jackson street from Fourth Stnet
to Seventh street, with Ceder blocks. on con.
crete [oundatfon (bld 00,100) be approved.
Adopted, and said ¢ward approved by fol
Coal y
Cotten, Kavanaghj. , Mine., Cullen.
m`rettl Sand
bore, Sullivan, ober, Mr. Vice Yreaiden[-13
J. C'stout and Others' Petition for Vacation
of '-Pie .... t Place"—
Committee recommend. the petition favor -
the Cind that the same be ty Clerk and that the filed
Clerk give the
necessary publication notice.
Of Committee on OrdinancesSad Public Ac
counts—Report of Board of COBIroI for July.
Commmittee has examined and found 0.,
rect Bald report.
Report for June, 1889, of Philip Arnold, Acting
Committee has examined and found .aid re -
Pon correct.
Committee on Gas --Resolutions for Street
.oIDmltte on Gas recommends Ai adoyytU's
the following resolution., viz.: Ald. Go
solution for lamp on Fifteenth street; Aid.
Athauser's resolution for lamps on North
met, Aid Blocomerm'. resolution for lamps at
thoustothercorners; Aid. Magrto.lady's and resol
s Street-
dlutio. for
at George and Mnaomin and other
reefs: Ald.�Mlnea's resolution to lamps on
ingress street and otherstreet.;Ald. Minn..
.1lutian for removal of .map from soutwest
mer Goff avenue and Congress street to
,rthwe5t comer Sam. Street.: Aid. Cullen'$
solution for eight gag lamps on Fort .treat,
DID Seven Comers to West Tenth street.
Adopted. (See resolutions.)
dveree Report an Gas Lamps—
Committee make. an .dveree report on tol-
wing resolutions, viz.:
Aid. Blom'. re.ol.tlon for lamps at West.
roster and Whitall streets and other streets;
's resolution for gas lights at an -
wood of Kenwood terrace and other alreete;
Id. Lelthauaers ¢..Into. for lampa
i MinneDoha street, Greenbrier to At -
title; Aid.'s resolution for lamp. at
awthorna and Edgerton and other streets:
is for lamp at Hawthorne and Welds streets.
f Committee on Parke—Ordinance for $135.52
favor Ph. Pettler—
Committea recommends passage of said ord[-
Adopted. (Seo Ordinance No. 1,197.)
[ ARI Weber—Peter Aedlingers Petition
Asking that H. H. MolloIS be Given Permis-
Sion to Erect and Maintain Hay Scales on
Dole Street.
Committee recommend. that prayer of poll
on be grouted.
I Aid. SixthWard—Faeld Avenue Grading.
Committee recommend.irfithat adverse report
fuse 37. 1886) o[ Board of Public Works oIl
.ding Fairfield .venue, from Dogota avenue
i Ohio street be adopted.
7lnslow Avenue and Colorado Street Grading.
Committee recommend. that adverse report
lily 15, 11600) of Board of Public Work. role-
grading Winslow Bronco, from Pros-
ect terrace to south city limits, and Colo do
;rest, from Winslow avenue to Hall avenue,
e adopted.
'aton Avenue Grading—
Committee recommends that adverse report
Lune Ti, IONU) of Board of Public Works role,
In" m grodias Eaton avenue, from Fillmore
V8 to Plow avenue, be adopted.
Of Aid. Sanborn—J.B. Overton end Others' Pe
ti ion for Resolution Prohibitingg Piayij
Buse Ball, Eta., at Corner Bummlt Avenuc
and Grotto Street Etc.—
Committee reports favorably by resolution.
Adopted. (See resolution.)
Leslie Avenue Sawer—
Commlttee recommends passage of prelim
Inary order for sewer on Ridgewood avenue,
from Victorin street to Milton street; an M11
ton, from Rfdyewood to Leslie; on Leslie, from
Victoria to Oxford
Adopted. (See Order to Board of Public
Summit Place Paving Contract
Committeemmend. appr... t [ d
(April 4, 110U1 to Thorntov do Show
[ the rnatmet for paving Summit pineswill, from
btockeDue to, curblvg wltn Iglehartton avenue W street,
from Dayton ,vee
sudst nem(romO.a Nel' with tot Iglehart
tI, river
street, including therm cssury e
tion. Lo the property lines (am unt cof bid,
Adopted and said award approved by the
following vote:
Yeas—Ald. Bock, Cullen, Cooley. Fisher,
Gohn. Kavanagh. Minn. ]LI wy �� Pmtt, Ban -
burn, Sullivan, Wober, Mr. Vice President -18.
Of Aid. be be Kranz and Otbem' Peti-
tion, AaklnR thvt Horses vad'0. Us be Fre-
ae ted from Runing at Large In the Eighth
nd Ninth We da—
Commlttee recommend, that said petition be
Atarred to Committee on Public Buildings and
id. weber.
An ordinance was read authorizing Grigge
Hroe. and W alter H. Sanborn to cevatroot fram
buildings in Bazllle & Robert': addition to West
said otSanborn
dmun a mei W amend
a unadltee SLel°worL°a
••shed": '•And that authority d permission
la hereby give, and grated to Welter H. San
born to erect One.and-one_half
Story frame
honties o° lots I, 2, 9. 4, block 113, of sold nddl-
tion, directly oppoelte ,Sid property
Amendment accepted by Ald. Melody.
Rules suspended on emottaod
otto. of Aid. Melody.
amended°andr passed. r(See sC Dance eN0.
An odinsuce wait read permlttl.g E. F.
Lemke to mise frame house, 158 West Sloth
Rule, auspended on motion of Ald Cullen,
ye.s 13, and ordlnaace read eeoobd time and
passed. (See Ordinance No. 1, 189.)
An ordinance was read authorizing Talboys
R Knapp to erect frame building on northeast
comer of South Robert and Wood Streets.
Aid Mmes movedto refer to Aide—.. of the
Rules Suepended on motion of Aid Malady,
pasea IS, an ssed See Ordinance No. 1 second)time and
An ordinance 'wait tread permitting W. O.
Denegre to erect iron balcony, 307 West Suth
Rules su?ended on motion of Aid. Sanborn,
yeas 13, and ordinance read second time and
passed. (See Ordinance No. 1,191).
An ordinance was read authorizing Jobn
Martin to move frame building—west aide of
Rice street.
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Melody,
yo.e 18, and ordinance read second time and
passed. (See Ordinance No. 1.192.)
An ordinancea9 read permitting H. H.
Moller, to erect bay scales on Dale street, near.
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Weber,
yeas 13, and ordmance read amend time sad
passed (See Ordinance No.
MA. sit rdinancewas read for$120—favor Aug.
a son.
Rules s peuded on tion of Aid. Mimeo,
yeas 13, o tl dinance reaAd time and
passed (Sea Odiname No. ],1c95o.j
o tai remove °. wacdeut bnildlvg Throm lo[
22, block
a . B �a p I Payne's ndditi.. to let 2,
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Gehan,
yeas 13, and ordinance read second time and
passed. (See Ordinance No. ],IN.)
An ordinance was read rep ling O. No. 811
ntborizmg Jams. T. Me ill.. to erect end
slaughtering house.
Committee on Street. and Aid. Book, to re-
port at next meetingof Council.
An ordmanoe was read to refund 811.50 to
Peter Johna.v--Se7e of impounded home.
Committee on Cl.I-..
An ordinance was read to refund f5 to
uc mmni e . Claa�;°aea Wore,.
A, ordinance was read for erection by St
Paul One Light Company of public scale, on
East Flftb Street.
Committee on Streets.
An ordinance was read outnorizmg 11 Poul
Goa Mont Compny to a m eleotrie Iloght
pole., end to trig Iron th... o wast de
F .k.I., between Weat Third and Irvine
committee on street..
An ordi... 0. was read Smunitting Leonard
Sahwabel W erect bay win —Lot 7, black 82,
Marvin enlargement of La Food's addition.
Rulo,In, carendinece olion d set fitimeshed
res con an
1 YSa° 12, n.ys. Ald. Sanborn, 1.
By Aid. Book—
A resolution for alarm Dozes at Garfield and
Pleasant end Lee and west Seventh.
Committee on Fire Department.
By Aid Bock—
A resolution declaring a nuisance the slnugh
tering house authorize by On nonce No. 913,
approved Jan. 81, 11M
Committee on Streets and Aid. Book, to re.
port at next meeting of Council.
By Aid Sanborn—
A reaolutlon to pay Wm. P. Marrayy 8916.60 for
rvlcea performed wblle ting Corporotioa
Attorney, from March 2D. 1889, to June gd 1019.
Committee on Ways end Mens.
By Aid Ptett—
A resolution for lamps on Langford avenue.
Committee on One.
By Aid Minea—
A resolution for lamp on Concord street.
Committee on Gas.
By AId. Gehon—
A resolution for lamp front of lot 82, block 56,
Dewey A Bass' addition.
Committee on Gas.
By Ald. Snbom—
A resolution for lamps on Summit avenue.
Committee on Gee.
By Aid Gebon—
A resolution for lamp opposite northeast car.
net lot 21, Block 4, Rice's Second addition.
Committee on Gee.
By Ald. Sanbora—
A rosolutI= for twenty -ave Special polfce-
mCoto serve until Nov. 1, 1889.
mmlttee on Police.
A maolutlon for 870 In favor of Alpheus Shut-
tuck—loot coupon,.
Comittee on Claims.
By Aid Gena.—
tion of Third Street and forgmue a inuring iohe
State Fair. °
By Alit Conley—
A resolution instructing City Engineer to
have ......cry dredglogilmm In front of Levee
at and near Jackaoa street.
By AId. Sanbom—
A resolution prohlbltina base
ball at atmoting
,treat ato
nd summit avenue,
Chief of Police to prevent the playing of base
ball, etc., in that district.
Aldo Cohen moved to hichm.,Iutfon as thorizi,g B..rider vote at d
of Firee Commkslonere to pureness two homes.
etc., was lost.
Adopted yeas, 19.
Tee question thereupon rising upon the
p.ea.Re of said resolution, the said re.olutm.
(See rases Utley.)
Aid. Sanborn moves that on adjourned meet -
Ing of Couooit be held on Aug. 15, 189s, for the
purpose of nn.ldori,g matter of Breadw.y na
State street bridge.
Adopted. yeas IS.
Aldo Sanborn moved US,a odlaoatin of
Id int above mentioned motion that when
Council adjourn it &drum to meet on Aug, la,
1889, at 7:su p. m the special oder at that
[line to be the matter of oonemering Street roll -
way fmncIIWes—lac the meuntlme all
e yaimlih d fronohlaea presented
(any vetch may be presented m Committee on
Streets aaiw,aen now end Aug. 18 to Im treated
ae though ars[ presented to Council) to be left
with CommlI. ons Streets; and further,th.t
when Counoll ndjoarns o. Aug. 18, 1889, It
Jan to meet on Aug. 15, 1gFW, at 7:30 p. m.—
the matter of the Broadw.p and State street
bridge to be the special order at Said last men.
Honed meeting.
Adopted, Y'_
Aid Fiber moved that the propoeed ordi-
nance granting an eleotno atmet mllway trun-
hlee to SL Panl City Railway be printed for
Yea.—Ald. Book, Cullen. Coaleyyt� Flher
Geon, El,K% o a8he Mine0. Melon , P it, 8 .
W her, Mr. Vice ] reelde°t-18.
The matter of the vacation of lots 1, 2, S 4,' 5,
6, east % of 7, block 7, Highland :Park addition,
together with the matters of sLL pending appll-
oatlons for Streets, alleys, ato., were postponed
and laid over until Tuesday, the With day Au-
gust, ISIS, at 7:30 o'clock p. in.
Ortho dra.
ORDINANG. NO. 1,188.
An Ordinance authorizing Griggs Bros. and
Walter R. Sanborn to c ... it.., frame build-
mammon Couvoil of the City o[ St Paul do
Ordain as follow.:
Section 1. That authority mad permla.m. IS
hereby given end granted to Grigg. Brothers
to ¢teat avd construct v one-story frame build-
ing on the southwest c f lotR block
[ Bazille saRoberts' corner
m West Sit.
Paul, the Same not to exceed thlrty-elx foot in
tkith n Plato avenue and io extend back not
o sed hundred and twenty -ave
feet,ethe i en W be used a coal abed,
and that oauthority d per°m..lon 1.
hereby given and grouted to Welter H. San
oDren Iota 3, R, & 4 -one-holt-story frame
black 181
8 -fit
f Said d-
ditlon, directly ppoBite Id trot described
property. ALL of..
f said work shall be done under
Inspector of sold dlas directed by the Build-
See.2. This ordinance Bhall take effeot .ad
be in force Imm and atter Its Unsange.
Yeme Ald Bock, Conley, Gabon, Malady,
Sulllvsn, Weben Mr. VI— Presiden1�,.
N.ys—Ald. CULLen, Fiaher, Kavanagh, Minn.,
Pratt, Saabomt.
Passed Aug. 6. 1889.
Vora Preesidnt off Council-
App A889.
NTHOed NY IYoeRG, JxActing Mayor.
Attest: THOS. A. Y_.._Z&T, City Clerk.
Aug. Iz —
ORDMAHCa No. 1,169.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
d.ln US follow.:
Section 1. Permission Is herebyy oglven and
greeted unto E. F. Lemke to li the e -
story frame house elmate on lots, block4 Rice
and Irvine's addition W St. Paul, and known
as NO. 156 west Sixth street, said house to be
mised to the height of about ,or feat above
the street surface. and a atone foundation to
be Placed thereunder, said work to be done on.
der the `UPC
rvlSion and Inspection of the In-
spector of Buildings.
Section 2. This ordinance shall take offset
and be in force from and after its p..sag. and
Yeas—Ald. Bock, Cullen, Conley, Fieher,
Gehan Kavanagh, Mince, Melady Pratt, San-
DO[a, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice Yoresident—la.
Passed Aug. 6, 1889.
Vloe President
nt oof Counofl.
Approved Aug. $1889.
ROaamr A. BMTTH, Mayor.
Attest: THOs. A. PRaN... GA 1City Clerk.
Aug. L.
An Ordinance to authorize and permit T lbo
& Knapp to erect a frame building.
The Common Council of the City of St. P.
do ordain as follows:
Sestion 1. That permission and authority
hereby given and granted to Tnlboys & Kau
to erect a one-story frame building on t�
northeast comer of South Robert coil Woe
streetgtn the said City of St.Paul,to bo ten (1
feet in width and twelve (12) feet m length, t]
Same to be covered with a gravel mot. All
said work Shall be done under thesuperviea
of and as directed by the Building Inspector
said city.
Sec. 2. This ordinance .ball take effect at
be In force from and after Its publication.
Yous—Ald. Book, Conley. Fishers Gehs
Kevaoagh, Malady, Pratt, Sullivan, Webs
Mr. Vice Presldent-1o.
Nays—Ald, Cullom, Mineq Sanborn—&
Passed Aug. 6, 1889.
Vice President of Council.
Approved Aug. 8,1889.
Attest: THOS. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerl
Aug. 12
An Ordmance permitting W. O. Denegre t
erect So iMe be cony.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul it
ordain a' follow.:
Section 1. Permission Is hereby given an
granted unto W. O. Denegre to construct an
maintain no iron balcony on the second .tor,
f his dwelling, No. 80, West Sixth
treat, of
the lot known as Int No. 9. block W, Irvine's en
lnrgement, having a width of eight test an,
extending three feet over the property line
.old work to be done under theS.pervi.kv
and I..pectlon of the Inspector of Building. o
said city.
Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect ani
be In force from and after Its passage and pub
Ye.s—Ald. Bock, Cullen, Conley, Fisher, Ge
han, Kavanagh, Mines, Melody, Pratt, San
bora, Sullivaa, Weber, Mr. Vice President --13
Passed Aug. 6, 1889.
Vice President of Counoll.
Approved Aug. 8, 1889.
Atteet: THOS. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk
Aug. 12 —
An Ordinance authorizing John Martin to move
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul
do ordain as follows:
Beet on 1. Thotpermisefon and authority le
hereby given and granted to John Mottln tc
move that certain frame building sltuote on
the west aide of Rice street. and neer where
Van Buren street would intersect said Rice
street If extended east, by raising the said
building end moving the .nine iip on to the
line of said file. street, sed to m.k. such —
palm as to put said building In a proper condi-
tion for use as an once.
All of said work shall be do.. ander the dl-
rectlon of the Building Inspector of .aid city. ,
Seo. 2. Th is ordinance shall take effect and
be In force (ram and after its passage.
Yeas—Ald. Bock, Cullen, Conley. Fisher,
Gehan, Kavnnogh, Mines, Melody, Fr -it
, San-
born. Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice Presldent-13.
P ... ed August 6, 1889.
Vice President of Council.
Approved August 8, 1889.
Attest: THOR A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk.
Aug. 12.
AnOrdinance prohibititing the cutting of ice
for family use In Pickerel Luke or Round
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul
do ordain as follows:
Section 1. It is hereby made and declared to
be unlawful and a misdemeanor for say person
to cut ice outof Pickerel Lake (So called) or
Round Lake (sometimes called Nigger Lake)
for family use.
Sec. 2. Any person who shall be convicted of
violating the provisions of this ordinance, be
fore any court having jurisdiction, shall be
fined in a sum not lees than twenty -fife (Cess)
dollars nor more than one hundred (8100) dol-
Sea. & This ordinance shall take effect and
be in force from and after Its passage.
Yeas.—Ald. Cullen, Conley Kavanagh, Mal
1% Presidentanbom. Sullivan, Weber, Mr.
Nays—Ald. Book, Fisher, Gehon, M1nea-4.
Passed Aug. 6, 1889.
Vice President of Council.
Approved Aug. S. 1189.
Attest: Time. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk.
Aug 12.
to Ordinance granting to H. H. Moil,- per
mission to areal and maintain hay s..I...
Section t. Pa—',Stan IS hereby gro.ted to
K.H. Hollers m erect and maintain hay scales,
ender the direction of the City Engineer, op-
)oslte his lot on Dale street, near the comer of
Phoma. street, at hle own expense. Provided,
hat he shall remove the Sam. OR ten days' no
Ice and restore Lae street to Its present condi
ion whenever dlteated by the Common Coun-
,tl, and shall file with the City Clerk an accept
,nee of this ordinance, and an agreement so
o do before he commences said work.
Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect
ad be In force from and after its passage.
Yana—Aid. Rock, Culian, Conley, Fle1"r,
ishan, K. sigh, Mfaeq Malady, Prstt, Be.
nom, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President -1&
Passed Aug. e, 1810.
Vice President of Council.
Approved Aug. 8, 1859.
ROBERT A. SMrim, Mayor.
Attest: TH06 A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk.
Aug, 12
As Ordinance appropriating money for'and dli
noting the payment to August Mattson of
the sum of one hundred and twenty (8120.00)
dollars, pursuant to report of Committee on
The Common Mean of the City of St. Paul
do ordain as follows:
Section 1. That an order be drawn upon the
City Treasury of Saint Paul in favor of
August Mattson, for the sum of one
hundred and twenty (8190.00) dollars, in full
eompensatlon for and satisfaction of August
Mattson's claim and demand against the City
ofSaint Paul for damages caused m Ms house
No. 209 Nssh street, by constructing a sewer
on L'Orfent street. and as by the report of the
Committee on Claims m the Common Council
of date the 16th day of July. A. D. 1869, will
mom fully appear; baid order m he delivered
only upon els filing with the City Comptroller
full and absolute receipts to the city in eatiE-
factla. of said claim or demand.
Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and
be in force from and after its publication.
Yens—Ald, Book. Cullen, Coaley. Fisher,
Gehan, Kavana h, Mineq Melody, Pratt, San-
born, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice president -13.
Passed Aug. 6, HISS.
Vice President of Council.
Approved Aug. 8, 1889.
Aug. 12
ORDINANCE No. 1,196.
An Ordinance to authorize Theodore Hamm to
remove s wooden building.
The Common Council
oI the City of St. Paul
do ordain as follower
Section 1 Tbat authority and permission is
hereby given Theodore Hamm to remove that
one and -one hall story wooden buildingg from
and off lot number twenty-two (22). Dlook num-
ber three (8), Bomp & Pavne'e addition, m and
on lot number Lwo (2), block number two (2),
fn said edditio., on Faaqu!e, street; the Same
to be done under the direction of the Building
Seo. 9. This ordinance to be in force from
and after its passage. y�
Gehan—line Kavanagh,
MeladleDm Ef Ban
bore, Sullivan, Weber, Mr.Vice president—l8.
Passed Aug. 6, 1889.
Vice President of Council.
Approved Aug. 8, 1889.
Attest: THOS. A. PRENDERGAST. City Clerk.
Aug. 12.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
ordain as follow.:
Section 1. That an order be drawn for one
Ph. Pettler for UTA62 In payment for services
In sodding the four parka at the comer of St.
Albans Street and Laurel avenue, provided
the same be accepted by him in 1'h11 pay.
meat of his charges for the some.
Section 2 This ordinance shall:ase effect
and be in force from and after its p.esage.
Yeas—Ald. Book, Cullen, Conley Fisher,
Gehan. Kavanagh, Mines, Melady, Pratt, San-
born, Sullivan. Weber, Mr. Vice President -18.
Passed Aug. 6, ISN .
Vice Presidentnt of o[ oaaoil.
Approved Aug. 8,
Attest: THOS. A. PBISNDERGABT, City Clerk.
Aug. 12.
By Ald. Yoerg—
Re�olved, TIIat the
following plate, as ap
proved by the Plat Commission, -and as recom.
mended by the City Engineer. be and the same
am hereby accepted by LDe Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
Georgge J. Flint's addition to the City of St.
Paul, liamaey county, Minn.
George Doehne'e subdivision of block 15,
Fairview addition to St. Paul, Minn.
W. A. Maxwell's rearrangement of lots 1, 2,
& block 2, except east 30 feet of lot 1, block 2,
Dewey, Drake & Pence's addition to the City
of St. Paul.
Yeas—Ald. Bock, Cullen, Conley, Fisher,
Gehan Kavanagh. Mines, Melody, Pratt, San -
here nSullivan, Weber. Mr. Vice President
Approved Aug S. 1889.
By Aid. Malady—
Resolved, Th.t the grade df Page street, from
South Robert street to Concord street, as Indi-
cted byy the red grade line on the accompany -
Ing profile, and as recommended by the City
Engineer, be and the same is hereby adopted as
the established grade,
Ye.e—Ald. Bock, Cullen, Cooley, Fisher, Ge-
han. Kavanagh, Mineq Melod Pratt, son.
born, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President -13.
Approved Aug. 8, 1889.
By Ald. Sbom—
Resolvaned, That the grades of the following
street' and alley,, as indI..tSd by the red
grade line on the accompanying profile• Bad a'
recommended by the City Engineer, be and the
same are hereby adopted as the established
Maple Street, fmm East Seventh street to
Greenbrier avenue.
The alley in block 85, Lyman Dayton's addi-
Yeas—Ald. Book, Callen. Coaley, Fisher,
Geh.q Kavanagh, Mineq Melad , Pratt. Ban-
bom,Sullivan, Weher, Mr. Vice president -18.
Approved Aug. 8, 1889.
BVId. Weber—
Reaolved, That the grades of the following
street, and alleys, as indicated by the red
ad as
n tided by the accompanying
ity (Engin .I,s'be and
the same aro hereby adopted as the established
Stinson street, from Chatsworth street to
Lexington avenue.
Burgess street, from Lexington avenue to
Vto ori. street.
Chatsworth street, from University avenue
to Van Slyke avenue.
The alleyy In the north hal[ f block 12,
mith's subdrviston of Sit ..... division.
The alley in block 2, of Chute Brothers' di-
Yeas - Aid. Bock, Cullen, Conley, Fisher,
Gehan, Kev¢nngh, Mines, Malady, Pratt, San-
born, Su111v.n. Weber, Mr. Vice President -13.
Approved Aug. 8, 1889.
By Aid. SanDam-
Resolved, That the grade of the alley in
block I.
i C. Stout's addition to Summit park.
as indicated by the red grade live on the us.
anying profile, and reco
m e ded by
the City Engineer, be and the ame is hereby
adopted as the established grade.
Yens-Ald. Book, Cullen, Conley, Fisher,
Gehan, Kavanagh, Mines, Melody, Pratt, Sea.
bom, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President
Approved Aug. 8, 1889.
By AId. GehaT%
Resolved, Thnt Lhe ggmde of the alley In
block 1, Ewing end C❑utc's addltloD, from
Aur avenue to Wabasha street, as indi-
cated by the red rade line on the accompany.
log broil,, and —acorn ended by the City
En,tg1 be and the m .a hereby adopted
as LLS established grade. e
Yeas-Ald. Hock, Cullen, Conloy. Fisher,
Gehan, Kavanagh, Minna, Melady, Pratt.
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice Pres1-
Approved Aug. 8, 1889.
By Ald. Sanbom-
Resolved, That the grads of the following
alleys, as Indicated by the red grade line os. the
accompanying roll a., and as recommended
by the City Engineer, be ¢ad the same are
hereby adopted as the established grades:
The alley in block 6, Rice's Third addition.
The alleys in block 85, Charles Weide'. Sub-
division of Arlington Hills addition.
Thealley in block 28, Charles Welde'e sub-
dlvlelov o[ Arlmgton Hills addition.
Yene-Ald. Bock. Cullen, Conley, Fisher,
Gehan,, Mmes, Melody, ly'ratt. San
bom, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vloe President -13.
Approved Aug 8, 1889.
By Aid. Pratt -
Resolved. That the grades f the following
%Le ate, as indiciated bythe flles, ed d ode line an
..tied by the CI ty Engmeer,be d the some
Bra hereby adopted ae the esteDli.hed grade:
Gordon avenue, from Langford place east to
Reymond averin
Scudder . e, from Langf rd v e to
Gibbs . and from Blake .venue to
Langford avenue.
Dooley avenue, from County road to Gibbs
Knapp atreet,from L.agfold avenue to Gibbs
County road, from Langford avenue to Hen-
don avenuec.
Capitol enue. from Falr'vfew avenuem
Aldine stroSt.
Cromwell ave.ue, from University avenue to
Territorial mad.
Yeas-Ald. Book, Cullen, Conley, Fisher, Ge-
han, Kavanagb, MLMelady, Pratt, Sanborn,
Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President -13.
Approved Aug. 8, 1889.
Re.olved, That the City Engineer be and is
hereby instructed to build near the comer of
Orleans street and Stevens street, and opposite
Douglas school, a cistern of such proportion as
he deems necessary for the protection in 0580
of fire of said school and other property in said
Yens-Ald. Book. Cullen, Conley, F9.her, Ge-
haa, Kavanagh, Mines. Malady, Pratt, ean-
bom. Sulli .., Weber, Mr. Vice President -1g.
Approved Aug. 8, 1889.
BUTi Pratt—
Resolved, That the City Edgineer be and he
I. hereby instructed to report a grade on Van -
it street, from 6L Anthony avenue to the
north end of said street.
G= -Aid. Hook, Cullen, Cooley, Fleher,
Gehan, Kavanaggh, Mmes. Melady, Pratt, San-
born, Sullivan, W bar. Mr. Viae Pmeldent-13.
Approved Aug. 8, 1889.
By Aid. Pmtt-
R Ived. That Lhe City Engineer be Old he
is hereby matructed to report {tl'adBe upon the
following streets and avenues m the Tenth
Ward: Auburn avenue, west of Minnesota
Transfer; Carlton street, La Salle street,
Bemhelmer and Pillsbury avenues, north of
University avenue; Hampden avenue, from
St. Paul ffi Nortbar Pacific Rellway to St.
Minneapolis & Manitoba Rellway; Lind-
ley, Folwell and Van Reed streets: also, all
streets in St. Anthony Park South Addition.
Yeas-Ald. Bock Cullen, Conley. Fisher,
Gabon, KP¢vanaRh, Mines, Melady, Pratt,
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice resident.
Approved Aug. 8, 1889.
By Aid. SanDom-
Resolved, That the City Engineer be, and he
1s hereby instructed to construct an Imn rail
o. the edge of he bluff around the comer
where Summit court makes its angle as It
in is he bluff, at
an expense not exceeding
Yeas-Ald. Bock, Cullen. Conley, Fisher,
Gehan, Kavanagh. MSnea, Melady, Pratt. San -
Dom, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President—
Approved Aug. 8, 1889.
ByResolvedneThat the City Engineer be in
Lructed to port atreat gratin on Gorman nveauS.
ro to lnifredade one Winifred .teto iet,[ce tromtaoaave-
voe to 6ovmm'avenue.
Yeas-Ald. Bock Cullen- Cooley, Fisher,
bebop, Kevanogh, Minna, Metedyy, P Lt, San
bom, Sullivan, Weber, Mr Vico Preetdenf—1S.
Approved Aug. 8, 1889
By Aid. Weber -
R Ived, That the Committee n Public
Buildings De fastmcted to ivvestlagate and n
portwhether o public pound to eesary or
of in the vicinity of Front and Ri- atl..te
(people in said district having petitioned for
Yeas-Ald. Bonk. Cullen, Conley, Fisher,
Gehan, Kavanagh. Mines, Melady, Pratt, Sat-
bom, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President -13.
Approved Aug. 8, 7889.
Byy Ald. Book-
Aesolved, That the Chief of Pollee of the
City of St. Paul to authorized to remove all ob-
structions, buildings, fences located or found
on St. Clair street, Banning street, Parsons
street, Balawln Street. West Endea, be-
Partition Plat No. 16 and the Mtssis-
s1pp1 river; on Railroad avenue, Merchant.
avenue, Tile street, between St. Clair street
and the Mississippi river, and in all public al-
leys between the streets aforesaid.
Yeas-Ald. Bock, Cullen, Conley, Fisher,
GeIIen, f.-.,Sh MmeaMr a Vice President
twin, Sallivun, Weber,
Approved Aug. 8, 7889.
Byy Am. Conley-
ReSolved, That the Chief of Pollee cause the
obstruction to be removed from Broadway.
South of Third street.
Yeas-Ald. Bock, Cullen, Conley, Fisher,
Gehan. Kavanagh, Mlnea, Memdy� I' -IL Ban
born, Bulllven, Weber, Mr. Vice meldont-18.
Approved Aug. 8, IWO.
Hy Ald. Gehna-
Resolved That the Board of Fire Commis-
Sonem ofilio City of St. Paul be and they are
hereby authorized to purchase two homes and
necessary harness Iur same, one hose wagon
and twenty-one hundredand sixty feet of hose,
to be located in building shunted 0. southwest
comer of Payne avenue and York at...I. now
used as fire ongine house.
Lost July 18, 1889:
Yeas -Aid. Hlom, Culled, bar,?
Leihaaeer, M1ne0. Malady, Pratt,
W ¢Der, Mr. V los 1
Naye-Aid. Bock -1.
Vote reconsidered and resolution adopted
Aug. 6. 1889.
Yene-Ald. B-11 Cullen. Cullen. CoylinPyrn Fisher,
bom, Sullivan, Webeir, Mr. V ice Pmeident-13.
Hy Ake Moistly, Chairman Committee on
Resolved, That ordem be drawgn o. the City
tiles reapOeLively for material used m the public
parka. viz.:
8. H. Home ............. .. .................. 8680
De Co. & Co ..................... 8.08
Adam Decker & C. .............. .... .... 2.90
H. P. Rugg & Cc ............................ 28.82
Yeas-Ald. Back, Cullen, 'Conley, Fieher.Ce-
han, KavaaegD. Mmeo. Melady Pratt, Snn-
Dom, %IB`,.., Weber. Mr. Vice Preeldent-l8-
yApproved Aug. 10, 1889.
B Ron-
esdlved,II by the Common CounaB of
77 the
olttee,'v' representing the Count spryy R int
by it
-eyLhe Pre9ldetnL of hen(t..... n (/oil -fir the
1889, under the hen ex.
& 1881, authorizing the
�r the purpose o1 taking
on the first
ad for wbioh .
the CityTree
firer, for the t
Co¢ of the Said joint
mmon Council for
Kav nagh,d .MBmoeok
mes. Mallady, Sulllvau. WFI
Naye-Ald. Gehan, Prutt, Mr. Vice President
Approved Aug. 8, 1889. .
Byy Ald. Gehan-
Re8olvSd, by the Common Council of the City
of St. Paul, That un order be drawn upon the
City Treasury in favor of E. M. Hollowell for
the the sum of sixteen and 98100 (816.98) dol-
lars, for the general taxw
es of the yoar Imupoa
block 91. West St. Paul proper, holly is en
by the city for the opening of State street
..der an assessment confirmed by the Board
of Public Works Sept. 14, 1889.
Yeas -Aid. Book, Cullen, Centsy, Fisher,
Gehan, Kavanagh, Mmso, Melady, Pratt, Son -
born, Sullivan, Weber. Mr. Vice President
Approved Aug. 8, 1889.
By Re Asad. GehaIved, by tn-
he Common rbe drCouncil of the City
i 8t. Paul, That a city order De M. Ob on the
CRDs est inar
f LDe um ofor of naleMven DhundmA
or d thirty anfromd 45109 dollars (81,130 45-100) ggd
meet included thedata
dthe tax dlevyt.foyearimenha
whenever the certificate of the Clerk of the
he City( mmpptrollar thaC. t. dg-
eet is fully ..tle5ed upon the records.
mYeae-Ald. Book, Culie.. Conley, Fisher, Ge.
Den. Kava.agh. Mfne0. Melady, Pratt. So.-
b Approvled Aug, g,�9 Mr. Vice
By Aid. Mines -
Resolved. That a refundingorder be d-
1. favor of C. B. Lawton for the Sam of one
hundred eleven and 68-100 (8111.66) dollars, be-
ing amount averpold on wet X of lot. 1 and 2,
block 67, West 8t. Peul proper, for a sewer on
correction c
at an der
on north 62 feet of lots 7 and 8, block 2, Grace's
addition, being erroneously sold, said property
belonging Lo the city. Also that an order be
drown 1n favor of Martha M. Espy at al., for
the sum of forty (440) dollar;, being amount
erroneously paid on lot 8, block ^Marshall's
addition, for a change of grade on State street,
the same being paid twice. Alto that an order
be drawn in favor o[ A. Stmichenberg for the
eum of eighty-four and 31.100 (884.31) dollars,
bang amount of ademption o[ Certificate No.
2,310, erroneously isunitsued against lot 5. block 2,
.ubsewer on Ellen in
of biand 1FarringtoStinsonn -treat-division' Also
that an order be drawn m favor of K. D. Dun-
lop for the sum of fourteen dollars, being
interest and costs socmed on Certificates
Nos. 8,909, &410, &411, 8,433 and 8,934, issued for
slopes on H.. avenue, the owners being en-
titled to damage; on the On e. Also tbat a.
order be drawn in favor of E. J.
Meter for the sum of one hundred thirty -ave
and 12-100 (&185.12) dollars, being amount Of re-
demption o[ Certlflcate No. 7,818, erroneously
Issued against easterly 6lnches of lot 9, block
14, RICO & Irvine's addition, for hexagonal
block sidewalks (cement sidewalks).
Yeas-Ald. Book, Cullen, Conley, Fisher,
Gahan, Kavanagh, Mines, Malady, Pratt, Son -
born, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President -19.
Approved Aug. 8, 1&.Mr
Resolved, That a refunding order for the
On of four dollars and thirty-five cents (44.35)
be drawn upon the City Treasurer in favor of
Emily E. Binggham, owner of southwesterly 40
feet of lots 6 and ' block 65, Dayton sad
Iralne's addition t St. Paul, said owner having
overpaid said .mouof on account of said prop
arty being orerossesa d for the sprinkling of
Walnut street, from Plea e..I avenue to Irvine
Park, in Sprinkling Dletrmt No. 5, .der con -
%met of James and William Forrestal, for term
ending Nov. 15, 1888.
Yea; -Aid. Bock, Cullen, Conley Fisher,
Gehan. Kavanagh, Mine0. Malady, Pratt,
8enbom, Sullivan. Weber. Mr. Vice Prost!
dent -1&
Approved Aug. & 1&9.
By Aldi
Resolved, That an order fa down on the
City Tre.sury for 4312.511 m favor o[ the Boats
of Water Cnmmisaioner. Cape... o[ B.IMV,
water pipes on MSssissippl,Genese s and Granite
streets, on account of change of grade on said
Yeaa-Aid- Bock, Cullen, Conley, Fisher,
Geban, Kavanagh, M1nea, Malady, Pratt, San.
born, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice Prosldent-1&
Approved August 8. 1889.
Ry Ald. Weber -
Resolved, That an order be drawn 1. favor of
the Board of Control for the sum of 82,�
fag the City's ib of the expenditure of said
board for the month of July, 1889.
Yeas-Ald. Book, Cullen, Conley, Fisher, Ge
hen. Kavanagh, M/ne.,Melady, Prott, Smborn,
Sullivan, Weber, Mr, Vice President -13.
Approved Aug. 8, 1889.
By Aid. Gabon-
, dbe
esolved. That the -ithe I. hereby instructed to erect metramor oil
lamp on Fifteenth `tree,, midwayitsson 8s between
northeast cor1.
Canada and ner Magnolia and Sylvan street.
Yeas-Ald. Bock, Cullen, Conley, Fisher, Ge
Dan. Kavanagh, Mines, Malady. Pratt, San-
born, Sullivan, Weber. Mr. Vice Pregidents13.
Approved Aug. 8, 1889.
By Aid. Leithauser-
Resolved, That the C ty Oil lamb contractor
be hereby Inatmcted to place nod maintain
OII lamps 68 follow`: One lamp at the north-
west corner of Lawrence and North streets,
Ma ry,streets,, one at the nr northwest of Lawrenceandn f
T uxton and North streets, d one at the
northwest corner of Yankee and Cliff streets.
Yeas -Aid. Bock, Cullen, Conley, Fisher, Ge
hen, Kavanagh, Mine., Melody, Pratt, Sco-
born, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President -18.
Approved Aug. 8. 18W
By Aid. Blom -
Resolved, That the gasoline lamp contractor
beand he is hereby ordered to erect and main
Lain gasoline lamps as follows:
One lamp on the southeast comer of Edger-
ton street and Wells street.
One lamp on the northeast comer of Edger
ton street and Jenks street.
One lamp on the northeast comer of Terrace
street and York street.
One lamp on the northwest comer of Edger-
ton street and Geranium street.
One lamp on the northeast comer of Edger-
ton street and Rose street.
One lamp on the northwest comer of Edger-
dgerton street and Maryland street.
Yeas -Aid. Bock, Cullen, Conley, Fisher,
Gehan, Kavanagh, Mlnea, Melody, Pratt,
S.nboo, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice Prosl-
Approved Aug 8, 1889.
By Aid. Melody -
Resolved, Tnntthe Street Oil Lamp Con-
tractor be I.structed to place and maintain
gasoline lamps as follows: One lamp on the
southwest comer of George and Mountain, one
on the northeast corner of Monomin and
Stevens streets, one o. the southwest comer
M..otato sad King etre,,,. one In the middle
of block on the weat side of Stryker avenue,
between Prospect terrace and Colorado street.
Yetis-Ald. Book, Cullen, Conley, Fisher,
Gehan, Kavanagh, Mines, Melady, Pratt. Sen.
born, Sullivan, Weber Mr. Vice President -13.
Approved Aug. 8, 1889.
By Aid. Micen-
Resolved, That the street oil lamp contract-
or be instructed to erect and maintain lamps
on the following plocea: One on Congress
street, In middle of block, It Go H avenue
andHall avenue, and one on the north side
Boll ave.ue, between Congress street and
Winifred street; one on northeast comer of
omer and
wind H Imo.t `tees[;. on
n Yeas-Ald. Book, Cullen, Conley, Fisher,
Gahan. Kavanagh. Minn., Malady. Pratt, S.n-
born, Sullivan. Weber. Mr. Vico Pres tdenisl3.
Approved Aug. 8, 1889.
By Aid. Mines -
Resolved, That street oil lamp contractor be
instructed to re one lamp from the
southwest corner of God avenue aad Congress
street, and place the same on the northwes,
comer of same streets,
Yens-Ald. Book. Cullen, Conley, Fisher,
Gehan, Kavanagh, Mmea.Melady, Pratt, Sao -
born, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice Presidents
Approved Aug. 8, 1889. -
By Aid. Mclady-
Resolved, That the street oil lamp
tractor be Instructed to remove the u s ]me
p that stands n the north end f
street and place the some on the southwest
comer of State and Water streets.
Yeas-Ald. Bock, Cullen, Conley, Fisher,
Geban. Kovanagb. Mines, "'I ad y, Pratt, San-
born, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President -13.
Approved Aug. 8, 1889.
By Aid. Bock -
Resolved, That the gasoline oil lamp con
tractor is hereby Instructed to chonge the signs
and names on street lamps as follows: Prairie
street to Harrison avenue; Iroquois to Watson
Yens-Ald. Bock, Cullen. Conley, Fisher,
Gcha., Kavanagh, Minn., Melndp Pratt. San.
bom, Sullivan, Weber. Mr. Vice President -13.
Approved Aug. 8, 1880.
By Aid. Bock -
Resolved, That the 5t. P.uI Gas Light Com-
pany is hereby Instructed to commence light -
Ing gas lamps on West Seventh street from
Aug. 15, 1&99.
Yens -Aid. Bock, Cullen, Conley, Fisher,
Gchan, Kavanagh, Minea, Melody, Pratt Sao-
firm. Sullivan, Won r, Mr, Vice President -13.
Approved Aug. 6, 1899
Iiy Aid. Cullen -
Resolved, That the St. Paul Gas Light com-
pany be and is hereby directed to erect and
maintain eight (8) gas lamps on Fort street,
from Seven Corners to West Tenth street.
Yeas-Ald. Bock, Cullen, Conleyy. Fisher,
Gehan,, Mine.. Malady. PmtG Soo-
here, Sullivan, Weber, air. Vice President -13.
Approved Aug. 8, 1889.
By Committee on Gas
Resolved, That the St. Paul Gas Light Com
party be and are hereby instructed to Brent and
maintain soventy-six gas lamps on West
enth street, from Smith
venue to Tuscarora
street, according to map drawn by City Engl
neer, showing locations of each lamp.
Yens-Ald. Bock, Cullen, Coley, Fisher,
Gchan. Kavanagh, Minea, Melady, Pratt. Bao -
born, Suhivun, Weber, Mr. Vice Preside.t-13.
Approved Aug. 8, 1889.
By Aid. Cooley -
Resolved. That permission be and the pane
is hereby granted J. C. Hanley Lime Company
to keep and maintain, at northeast Omer f
Eighth aad acouta ,treats, in the City of SL.
Pau101d , a wood yard In which wood may .e sawed
`fon being at all times a. eat to revocation by
the Common Council.
Yeas-Ald.Bock, Cullen, Conley, Fisher, Ge
h.n. Kavovagh. M1nea, Melady, Pratt. San-
born, Sullivan, Weber. Mr. Vice President -18.
Approved Aug. 8. 1889.
By Aid. Sanbom-
Resolved, That permission be and is hereby
granted to F. G. Sherwood to grade Crow
street, from the south line of St. Clair street to
the street running from Crow street to Cross
street. to a partial grade under the direction or
the City Engineer and- to his satistaotiom
Provided, that said Sherwood shall grade said
street at his own expense, Old shall pay the
expense of the Inspection and supervision of
the City Engineer.
Yens-Ald. Bock, Cullen, Conley, Fisher, Ga-
han, Kavan¢gh. Mlnoa Melody, Pratt, San-
born, Sullivan, Weber, Mn Vice President
Approved Aug. S. 1889.
By Aid. Conley -
Resolved, That permission be and the same
is hereby given onto
A. H. Wilder, to construct
at his own expense, a sewer from dwelling to
lots seven and ofib block 6, Base' ¢dditloa t
St. Paul, t Woodward street, and along Wood-
ward street, Lo a oonneotto w(th the sewer on
Monroe Place, said work to be done under the
supervision and to the eatisiaction of the City
Yeas-Ald. Bock, Culls., Conley, Flsher, le-
h.n, Kavonngh, MInc..Melady. Pratt, Sanborn,
Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice Prosidentsl3.
Approved Aug. 8, 1889.
�Rasoived, That permission be and it is
hereby granted to Capt. John Brisette to top
;the sewer on Kent street, near the comer of
Selbyavenue, and connect his home. on lot I,
block 6, Woodland Park addition therewith,
under the direction and supervision of the
City Engineer.
Yeas-Ald. Bock, Cullen. Conley, Fisher,
Gehan, Kavanagh, Minna, Melady Pratt, Be..
bom, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President -13
Approved Aug. 8, 1889.
By Aid Cullen -
Whereas. 1n Proceedings had for the opening
aad extension of ling,
street, from Ninth
street to Tenth street, confirmed by the Board
Intended t f PohlVbe condeminerl d tnnsucli iproceedings
by mistake was described as follows:
Thewesterly fourteen feet of easterly twenty.
seven and one�half feat of westerly one hun-
dred and twenty -tour feet of that part of block
eight of Hryt'. addition, lying between Tenth
street and block ten of said oyt's' addition to
the City of Saint Paul; and that only the east
one-half foot of the land so described lies with-
in the line of the land intended to be taken,
and the owner of tae land i.tended to be con.
defaced having conveyed the same to the city
for and as a part of Rosabel street; therefore,
Be it resolved, That the proper city omoem
are hereby authorized and directed to execute
and deliver to Louisa Weide, the owner of said
land for and on behalf of the City of Saint
[ Paul, a quitclaim deed of the following de -
Scribed property, to wit:
The westerly Lhirtee. and once -half 'set of
easterly twenty-seven and one-half fact of
westerly one hundred aad tweatyQour feet of
( that part of block eight of Hoyt's addition
lying between Tenth street aad block ten of
t said HoyVs addition to the City of Saint Paul -
j Yeas -Alda Hook, Cullen, Conley, Flsher.
Gehaa, Knnavagh. Mines, Malady, Pratt,
Sanber. Sullivan, Weber Mr. Vice Preside.t-
j Approved Aug. 8, IliB9.
i By Aid. Gehan- -
Re.olved, That the resolution authorizing
the layingof a stone cement sidewalk a'
tral avenue east, between Wabasha street and
Cedarstreet, be and the same is hereby an
nulled, and the reeolutlon be returned from
Board of Pub., Works.
Yeas-Ald. Bock. Cullen, Conley, Fisher,
_ Gehon. Kavanaggh, Miners, Melady, Pratt, Saa-
bom. Sullivan, Weber. Mr. Vice President -13.
Approved, Aug. 8, 1889.
By Ald. Bock-
R.solved, That the Board of Publlo Works
cause to be laid on Washington street, from
foot o1 saps to Eagle Street. or hezag-
eual cement stone sidewalks; oleo on Third
street, from Pleasant avenue tc West Seventh
street, except what laid south side of street
Yeas-Ald. Book, Cullen, Cooley, Fisher,
Gabon, Kavanagh. Mines, Malady, Pratt, San
born, Sullivan, W bar, Mr. Vice Prestdan1-18.
Approved Aug. 8.186-
By Ald. Geha.-
Be.olved, That the Board of Public Work,
be and they are hereby instructed to discon-
tinue the sprinkling of Valley street, from
Jackson street to Broadway.
yB - B
Alda ook, Cullen, Cenley, Fisher,
peDan, Kavanagh, Mmes, Melody. Pratt, S-.
Dorn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President
Approved Aug. 8,1889.
By Ald. Weber -
Resolved• That the board of foUt Works
be instructed tc cause an eight -toot sidewalk
necessity avenue (e placed ca.e .o[L) Bide
of le to Chits avenue (where necessary) from
Dale a Chatsworth street.
Ayea-Ald. Book. Cullen, Canleyy�� Fishers
Gehaa, Kavanagh, Mines. Malady P it' Sen
bpm, Sullivan. Weber, Mr. Vice Prealdent-lE.
Approved Aug. & 1889
By Aid. Book -
Resolved, That the Board of Publlo Works
cause crosswalks to be laid as fella-.: South
aide of Lee venue, rose Warsaw street;
South ad. side f f Armstrong across street, across en LVmw;
Soustreet; south side o[ James street, across War
saw etmet. wast ,Ida of Smith avenue, ecrosa
Banfll street; north aide of James Street,
across Arbor street.
Yeas-Ald. Bock, Cullen, Conley, Fisher, Ge
ha.,, Mine., Melady, Pratt, Ban-
bom, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President -18.
Approved Aug. a. 1889.
By Ald. Bar bOM-
Resolved,That the Board of Public Works
cause . six foot sidewalk to be oonstmoted o.
the north Ade of Geranium street, from Edger
ton etreot to Arcade Street.
Yens-Ald. Bock. Cullen, Conley, Fisher, Ga.
haul Kavanagh. Mines, (Melady, Pratt, San-
boApprouved Aug. eebeer, Mr. Vice Preeldentr-13.
8 Ald. WeDer-
Hesolved, That the Board of Public Works
U=an eight -foot sidewalk aad necessary
omasings placed on Charles street (south side).
from Grotto street to Chatsworth Street, alaa
on north side of Charles stme4 from Avon to
Chatsworth street.
Yeas-Ald. Book, Cullen, Co.1e Fisher,
Gehan. Kavanagh, Atmea, Melody, Pratt. Ban-
be-.$ullivan. Weber. Mr. Vice President -13.
Approved Aug. 8, 1889_
By Ald. Bock-
Hesolvad, That the Board of Publia Works
cause sidewalks to be laid on the following
East side of Smith avenue, from Banfll street
to the bridge.
North side of Pleasant avenue, from Garfield
to St. Clair.
West side of Roble street, from St. Clair to
North side of St. Clair street, from Pleasant
avenue to Victoria.
West side of Milton Street, from St. Clair to
South side of Randolph street, from a point
25 feet east of Webster to Ware- street.
On south Side of St. Clair, from Ann street to
a point 100 feet Seat
The above with necessary crosswalks (side-
walks a be eight feet wide.)
Yesa-Ald. Bock, Cullen, Conley, Fisher, Ge -
Dan, Kavanagh, MI" Malady. Pratt, Sa.-
born, Sullivan. Weber, Mr. Vice President -18.
Approved Aug 8,18n.
BVd. Sullivan -
Resolved, Thazet the Board of Public Works
are ereby authorid to build wooden side-
walk on north Side of Dayton avenue, tram
Snelling to Fairchild avenues.
Yeas-Ald. Bock, Cullen, Conley, Flsher,
Gehan, Kavanagh Mines, Malady. Pratt,
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice Pre5dent-
1 Approved Aug. fl, 1889.
By Ald.
De es anditle bomb
Public Work.
wooden sidewalk ata feet wide a be con-
structed on the north aide of Ever-... ave-
nue, from Chata-th Street to Lexm o. are
e, where a sidewalk Is not already aid, and
that It ale. construct eoeseary.rosswalke to
continuous plank walk.
Yens-Ald. Book, Cullen, callaFisher,Fisher,
Gehan, Kay..a Mmea, Malady'
1 11, Sao:
, Sullivan. Weber, Mr. Vice President -13.
August 8,;1889.
By Aid. Pratt -
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
cause .alit -foot wooden sidewalk to be laid o
South aide of Manvel street, from Bayless to
the easterly line of lot 1, block 85, St. Anthony
Park; also on west side of Bayless in front of
lotsll and 12, block e9, aad necessary crossmll"
Yeas -Aid. Book, Cullen, Conley, Fisher,
Gahan, _ I ' nagD, Mbe._ Melody, Pratt, San-
born. Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President -13.
Approved Aug. 8. IBB9.
By "" Saab
Resolved. That the Board of Public Works
cause a dldewalk Lobe constructed on the south
ids of Iglehart street, Irom Victoria etreot to
Chatsworth street.
Yeas-A1d.Hock, Cullen, Conley, Fisher,
Cabin, Kavanagh. Mine-, Me1Say, Pratt, San-
born. Sullivan, W eber, Mr. Vice Preeldeat-13.
Approved Aug. 8,166
By Ald. Weber -
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
'an" an eight -foot eldewalk ad ses sary
ro,.mg. placed on both aide. of Ellen rime[,
from Grotto to Chatsworth street
Yeas-Ald. Bgock, Cullen Conley, Flsher,
born, Sullivan,n. har, Mr.lVicedPrestdentrl8
Approved Aug. 8, 1889.
By Aldi Weber -
Resolved, That the Board of Public Work.
cause an eight -foot sidewalk and necessary
crossings be placed on both sides of Edmond
street, from Grose to Chatsworth street.
Yeas-Ald. Bock, Cullen, Conley, Fisher,
Gehaa. K-va.ngh.Minea, Malady, Pratt, So.
her., Sulliva., Weber, Mr. Vice President
Approved Aug. 8. 1889.
By 'd
Resolved, That the Board of P-bBc Works
are Side -
old on both .ide,toi Hall to ave aan venue, from t Pros.
pentalready beenolaid, together -11 If "Ita-11 ntece.9
sary crossings. a
Yens-Ald. Bock, Cullen. Coley, Flsher.
Gehan, KavanugD. Mme-, Mel.dy. Sanborn,
Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President -13.
Approved Aug. e, 1889.
By Aid. Waba_
It Is hereby rdered by the Common Council
oI the City of S1. Paul:
That the matter f gr ding Stinson street
from Gaultier street to wester. avenue be and
the same is hereby referred to the Board of
Public Work. to 1 vestigate and report:
First. IS this improvement proper and nen
nary? c
e Second. Give the Coancil a. estimate of the
thereof, and state whether one-half of
the cost thereof is to be paid late the City
Treasury before the contract Is let.
Third. Can mal estate to be ..awed f.r
slid ex tent
of damage., costs a e
ad expenses neces
eery to be incurred thereby?
Fourth. I. such improvement asked for
upon the petition or application of the owners
of a majority of the property to be nseeaeed for
such improvement?
Fifth. Send the Unroll a plan or profile of
said im,p rovement, as required by law, If you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di-
recting the work to be done.
Yeas-Ald. Bock, Cullen, Conley, Fisher,
Gehon, Kavanagh, Mines, Malady, Pratt, Son -
born, Sullivan, Weber. Mr. Vice President -M.
Approved Aug. 8, 1889.
By Aid. Yoerg-
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of condemning So much of
the south 10 feet of lot 8 and a portion o11ot 2,
block 5. Be Bow, Smith, Risque and Williams'
addition, [or a street as will be sufficient for a
propar.�rae, acoordlnR a diagram, wlthp0-
titlon, be end Lhe same t, hereby referred
to the Board 01 Public Works to investigate
and report:
First. Is this improvement proper and
uses ... ry?
Second. Give the Coattail an estimate of the
pease thereof and state whether one -hall of
the cost thereof i9 to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract Islet.
Third. Can real estate a be assessed for
said Improvement be found
benefited to the
extent of damage., coat. and expenses neces-
sary to be incurred thereby?
Fourth. I. such improvement asked for
upon the petition or application of the owners
of a it
of the p -party to be assessed
for such improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council u plan or profile of
said improvement, as required by law, it you
report i. [-ver o1 the same.
Sixth. S ad the rooting the work t be done. proper order di.
Yens-Ald. Book, Cullen, Coal. Fisher,
Gehan, Kavanagh• Mine., Melsdy, Pratt, San.
born, Sullivan• Weber, Mr. Vice President
Approved Aug. 8, IM.
By Aid. Yoeh-brg-
of the City of St. P.ud by the Common Council
That the matter of s change of grade on
Olive "'at, between Pennsylvania avenue 800 feet South thereof, be and the
same 18 hereby referred to the Board of Public
Works to Investigate and report:
First. Is this improvement proper and nec-
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether one-half of
the coat thereof' m to be late the City
Treasury before the contract s let.
Third. Can r improvemental estate to be seeasad be found benefited to the ext
tent of da gge0. oo,te and expenses necessary
to be incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such fmprovement asked upon for
the petltlon or application o[ the owners of .
majority of the property to be -.eased for
Such improvement?
s idf improvement fie nequiredn by low,fiIt you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di.
renting the work to be done.
Yeas-Ald. Book, Cullen, Conley Fisher,
Gehan, Kavanagh, Mines, Melady, Pratt,
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President
Approved Aug. 8.18S9.
By Aid. Sanborn.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Pouf.
That the matter of n change o1 grade on
Selby avenue as Shown by the plat and petition
herewith, be and the Same Is hereby re.
ferred to the Board of Public Works to in.
vestigate and report:
First. Is this improvement proper and use.
e saryP
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether one-half
of the cost thereof is to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for said
Improvement be found benefited to the extent
of damages, costs and expenses necessary to
be incurred thereby?
Fourth. IB such improvement eked for
upon the petition or application of the o ere
of a majority of the property to be assessed for
su.b improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
Said improvement, as required by law, ff you
report In favor of the same.
Sixth.fiend tCouncil a proper order di.
renting Lahe e work to De done.
Yeas—Ald. Bock, Cullen, Conley, Fisher,
Gehan, Kavanagh, Mines, Melody, Pratt, San-
born, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice Prealdent-18.
Approved Aug. & 1889.
By Ald. Weber—
It fe hereby ordered by the Common. Council
o1 the City of St. Paul:
That the matter f titins n isance of
agnant water on Oxford, Batch and Orchard
be d the same is hereby referred to
the Board of Public Works W Investigate and
First. Is this improvement proper and one.
Second. Give the Council an eatimate of the
expense thereof, end state whether one -hail of
the coat tbereof is to ba paid roto the City
Treasurybefore the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
saidImprovement be found benefited to the ex
tent of damages. costs and expenses necessary
to be Incurred thereby?
Fourth. Ie Such improvement asked for
upon the petition or application of the owners
majority of the property to be the
such improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said improvement, as required by law, if you
report In favor of same.
Sixth, Send the Council o properorderdi-
reotut the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Book, Cullen, Conley, Fisher, Co.
Kavanagh. Minee, Malady, Pratt, 9an-
Dorn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President -18.
Approved Aug. 8, 1889.
By Ald. Cooley—
It 1s hereby ordered by by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of abating the nuisance on
lots one, two and three (8), of block one, of
Hopkins' additio., and to fill Said lots, be and
the same is hereby referred to the Hoard of
Public Works to investigate and report:
First. Is this improvement proper and nec-
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
penae thereof, and s[ote whether one -hell of
the cost thereof Is to be paid Into the City
Troasury before the contract is let. asse
Third. Can real estate to be ssed for
said Improvement be found benefited W the
extent of damages, costa and expenses neces-
sary In be Incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such improvement asked for
Of a majohe rity of ithtion erprpoperty to belication fthe assessed for
such Improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said improvement, as required by law, if you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di-
recting the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Book, Cullen, Cents; Fisher
Gehan. KavanaQ, Minea Malady, Pratt, San
born, Sullivan, Weber. Mr. Vice esidentr18.
Approved Aug. 8, 1889.
By Aid. Mines—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of opening and wldenmg Da -
k to avenue from block 84, of Nelson, Steaven
& King's addition, to Intersect with Auguste
and connect with Stryker avenue, b and
the same 1a hereby referred to the Board o[
Public Works to investigate and report:
First. Is this Improvement proper and nec-
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether one-half of
teecost tnereor is to 60 paid Into the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Co. real tete to be a eyed for
said improvement be found becedted to the
extent of damages, ata a d Step ..... ..ces-
eery to be Incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such improvement asked for
upon the petition or application of the owners
fejortty of the property to be assessed for
uch Improvement?
S Fifth. the Council a plan or profile of
said Improvement, as required by low, If you
report In favor of the Same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di.
recting the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Book, Cullen, Conley, Fisher, 4e
hen, Kavanagh, M1neo, Malady, Pratt, San-
born, Sulifvan, Weber, ' r. Vlce Pr71tientr-18.
Approved Aug 8, 1889.
By Ald. Sulltvm—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of groding Randolph street,
from Hemline avenue to Misefsslppt river, as
pper request of petitioners hereby attached,
be and the same is hereby referred to the
Board of Public Works to Investigate and
First. Is this Improvement proper and neo-
Second. Give the Council an estimate of
the expense thereof, and state whether one.
half of the cost thereof is to be paid into the
City Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
said improvement be found benefited to the
extent of damages, coats and exp ..... ... a..
eery to be Incurred thereby?
p£oon the Ie suchor oro Iicatiooe of the oownem
,u a majoelty of the property to be assessed for
such improvement?
Fifth. Send the Counod a plan or profile of
Said Improvement, as required by law, II you
report in favor of the Same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di -
meting the work tone done.
Yeas—Ald.Bock, Cullen, Conlayy.� Fisher,
Cohan Kavanagh, Miaea, Meledv, P It, San-
born, buBlvan, Weber, Mr. Vice $treeldent-18.
Approved Aug. & ISM
By Aid. Callen—
It IS hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul,
That the matter of constructing a sewer on
nt hell -way street. Lweea JOfrom aerson ele and ?Brareet to
ttreet, be and the came I. hereby referred to
he Board of Public Works to Investigate and
First. IS this Improvement proper and neces-
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
of the
expense thereof, and stats hether c le.helf
coat thereof is to be paid into the City.
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can rdal estate to for Said
improvement be found benefited to the ex-
tent of damages, coats and expenses neoeeeary
to be incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such Improvement asked for
uppon the life, or Slid cellon of the owners
ffi n. r tty of the property to be as .... ed
Lh pro_rrom
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profileof
said provement, as required by law, if you
report hifavor o1 the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di-
recting the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Hock, Cullen, Conley, Fisher,
Gehan, Kavanagh, Mines Melady� P att, San-
born, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President -1&
Approved Aug. S, 1889.
By Aid. Sanborn—
It is hereby orderod by the Common Council of
the City of fit. Paul:
That the matter of constructing a sewer on
Portland avenue, from Grotto street to Avon
street, be and the same Is hereby referred
to the Board of Public Work. to Investigate
sad report:
First. Is this improvement proper and neo-
Second. Give the Counci. m e elrrate of Lhe
penae thereof, and state whether one -DSII of
the cost thereof is to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract is leL.
Third. Can real estate to be assessedfor
said Improvement be found benefited to the ex-
tent of damages, costs end expenses necessary
to be incurred thereby?
Fourth. Ia euoh improvement asked for upon
the petition or appilcetlon of the owners of o
majority of the property to be assessed for
euoh improvemout?
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said impprovement, as required by law, if you
report in favor of the cm
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order
directing the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Back, Cullen, Conley. Fisher,
have, Sullivan, eber, Mr Vi.. Pr Bldaut-13.
Approved Aug. & 1880.
By Aid. Snnborn—
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council
o1 the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of constmotin a seweron
6e1Dy evemeefrom the w Lerlyy d of the
present sewer on that street to F irvi.w ave,
nue, be and the same Is hereby referred to the
Board of Public Works to Investigate and
First. Is this improvement proper and nen
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
ezpeaSS thereof, and State whether one-half of
the coat thereof is to be paid Into the City Trans-
isury before the contract let.
said imni'ovement be foun. Can real d beneai a to th e_
tent of damnsB s, costs and expenses necessary
m be incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such improvement asked for up.
on the petition or application of the owners of
a majority of the property to be assessed for
such improvement?
Filth. Send the 11a111 a pian or profile of
Said improvement, as required by taw, If you
report In favor of the same.
Slzth. Sendthe Council a proper orderldi-
meting the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Book, Cullen, Conley, Fisher,
Gehan, Kavanagh, Mines, Me!ady, Prett, San-
born. Sulllven, Weber. Mr. Vice Presidents -18.
yyApproved Aug. & 1888_
BII Iia hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of constructing . Bawer on
Prescott street, tram Oakdale avenue to Wood.
bury street, be end the soma is hereby re-
ferred to the Board of Public
Work. to m
vestigate and report:
First. Is this improvement proper and neo
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether one -halt of
the cost thereof Is to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract Is let.
Third. can reel ..tate to be aaaeesed for
.aid improvement be found benefited to the
eatent of damage& costs and eStpe.a.. neoes-
eary to be incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is each improvement ked for
upon the petition or eppli..Ilo- of the owners
of s majority of the property to be assessed for
such improvement?
Fifth. Bend the Counoll a pleb or proale of
sold improvement, as required by law, It you
report In favor of the came.
Sixth Send the Council a proper order di-
recting the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Book, Cullen, Conley. Fisher,
Gehan, Kavanagh, MSnea, Malady, Pratt, Son -
born, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President -18.
Approved AuR• 8, 1889_
By Aid. Kavanagb—
It I. bereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City o1 St. Pau,:
That the matter of Change of grade of Daw-
tlo street as Shown by laccompanying plat, be
and the same is hereby referred to the Board
of Public Works to Investigate one report:
First. Is this improvement proper and neo
Second. Give the Council an estimate of
the expense thereof, and state whether one-
half of the coat thereof is W be paid into the
City Treasury before the contraot 1s let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for said
improvement be found benefited to the ex.
tent of damages, costa and expenses necessary
to be Incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such Impprovement asked for
upon the petition or applfcation of the ners
o[ ow
a majority of the property to be assessed for
such improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said improvement, as required by law, if you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di-
recting the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Bock, Cullen, Conley, Fisher,
Gahan. Kavanagh, Mines, Melody, Pratt, San
born, Sullivan. Weber. Mr. Vice President -18.
Approved Aug. & 1889.
By Aid. Weber—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the Ctty o16t. Paul:
That the matter of grading Mackublu street,
Irom Como avenue to Front street, be and the
same is hereby referred to the Board of Public
Works to Investigate and report.
First. Is this improvement proper and neo
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether one-half
of the coat thereof is to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
said Improvement be found benefited to the
extent ofdamages- costa and expenses neces-
sary to be Incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is each improvement asked for upon
the petitto. or appli.ation of the owners of a
majority of the property to be assessed for
such improvement? -
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said improvement, as required by law,: if you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di.
recting the work to be done.
Yeas—Aid. Bock, Cullen, Conley, Fisher,
Gahan,, Minea, Melody, PraEt, San.
born, Sullivan. Weber. Mr. Vice President
Approved Aug. & 1889.
By Aid. Weber—
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
Tb at the -niter of hang' ol
W grade o
Charles etr.. , from Dunlap to Syndicate
street, be and the same Is hereby referred to
the Board of Public Work. to investigate and
First. Is this improvement proper and neo-
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
e coat thereof isBe thereof,ntoa be epaidt inthero the •lfCity
Treasury before the contract Is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
said imrovement be found benefited to the ex-
tent of damages. costa and expenses necessary
to be Incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such improvement asked for upon
the petition or application of the owners of'a
majority of the property assessed for such im-
Fifth. Send the Counoll-a plan or profile of
said improvement, as required by law, if you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di.
recting the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Bock, Cullen, Conley, Fisher, Go -
ban, Kavanagh, Minea, Melody. Pratt, San
born, SuWvan, Weber. Mr. Vice Prestdent-18.
Approved Aug. & 1889.
By Aid. Sanborn—
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Cannot
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of paving the alley in block
71, Dayton & Irvine's addition, from Selby o"';
nue to Malden Lane, be and the same is hereby
referred W the Board o1 Public Works to in-
vestigate and report:
First. Is this improvement proper and nec-
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether one-half of
the cost thereof is to be paid Into the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
said Improvement be found benefited to the
extent of damages, coats and expenses neves.
sary to be incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is euoh Improvement asked for
OF, the petitto. or appltc.tfo. of the owners
of a majority of the property to be assessed for
euoh Improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said Improvement, as required by law, 1f you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di-
recting the work to be done.
Yem. Aid. Book, Cullen, Conley, Fisher,
Gehan. Kavanagh. Mlaea, Malady, Pratt, 6.n -
born, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President -1&
Approved Aug. & 1889.
By Aid. Conley—
It la hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul.
That the matter of paving, with cedar blocks,
the alley In block ,ties
u (I6) Whitney &
Smith's addition to St. Paul, from Fifth (6th)
street to Wnoouta street, be and the same to
hereby referred to the Board of Public Work:
to Investigate Bad report.
First. Is this Improvement proper and neces-
Second. Give the Council and estimate o[
the expense thereof, and state whether one-
half o[ the cost thereof le to be paid Into the
City Treasury before the contract Is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
said imp
rovement be found benefited to the ex -
Mt of damages. costs and expenses necessary
be incurred thereby?
Fourth. Ie such Improvement ked for
upon tDe petition or application of the owners
of a majority of the property to be assessed for
such improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said Improvement as required by law, it YOU
repo rt m favor of the some.
81zth. Bead the Council a proper order Ill.
noting the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Bock. Cullen, Conley Fisher,
Gahan, Kavanagh, Mmes, Melody, Pratt, Ban -
born, Sullivan, Weber, Me Vice Preeldentrt&
Approved Aug. 8, 1889.
the Common Council
That the matter of constructing a sewer
upon the following streets, to wit: University
avenue, from Prior avenue to Fairview avenue;
Lynnhurst avenue, west, from Feronla avenue
to University avenue: Feronia avenue, from
Prior avenue to Fairview avenue; Bremer av-
enue, from University avenue to Waltham av-
enue; Prior avenue, from Universltytavenue to
Carroll street; St. Anthony avenue, from
Cleveland avenue to Ferdiaaad street; Mil.
waukee avenue, from Astoria .ven.el to Mer-
riam place; Merriam place. fm Milwaukee
avenue to Prior avenue; Rondo fusel from
Terrace Park avenue to Fairvl avenue:
Carroll street, from Wilder avenue to Fafr
view avenue; Iglehart street. from Cleveland
.vena to Fairview avenue; Cleveland avenue,
from right o[ ay Chicago & Milwaukee
Railway to b` avenue; Wilder avenue,
from St. Anthony avenue to Iglehart street:
Moore avenue, from Carroll street to Marshail
avenue: Marshall avenue, from Fairview X.
no to the MSaalaslppl river, be sad the same
is hereby referred to the Board o1 Public
Works to investigate and report:
First. Is this improvement proper and nec-
Second. Give the Council an eettmate o1 the
expense 'h '-f'
end state whether one -hal[ of
the coat thereof Ism be paid let. the City
Treasury before the contract Is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
said improvement be found benefited to the
extent of damages, costa and expenses neves.
sary to be incurred thereby[
Fourth. Is such improveme.tasked for upon
the petition or application of the owners of. a
majority of the property to be ase....d for such
Fifth. Send the Council a plan orprofile of
said improvement, as requirad by law, i[ you re!
port in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order dl
noting the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Bock, Cullen, Conley. Fisher, Ge
has, Kavanagh, Mme.. Melody, Pratt, baa
Dorn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice Preaident—i&
Approved Aug. 8, 1889.
By Aid. Saaboro—
It le hereby ordered by the Common Council
[ the City of Bt. Paul:
Thait.. matter of constructing a sewer on
Ridgewood avenue, from Victoria ecreet tc
Mllto. street; on MHmn street, from Ridggee
wood avenue to Leslie .venue,
and on Lee it
avenue. from Victoria street to Oxford street
beand the same is hereby referred to tht
Board of Public Works to investigate sod re
First. Is this improvement proper and nee
Second. G1•re the Council an estimate of the
expense there rf, and state whether one-half of
the coat thereof is to be laid into the City
Treasury before the contract Is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
said Improvement be found benefited to
the extent of damages,. oast:, and expenses
necessary to be incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such improvement asked for
upon the petition or application of the owners
of a majority of the property to be assessed for
such improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said improvement, as required by law, If you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Sendthe Council. proper order di
recting the work to be done.
Yeas—Aid. Bock, Cullen, Conley, Fisher,
Gahan, Kay.nagh, Mmes, Melsdy, Pratt, Ban -
bore. Sullivan. Weber, Mr. Vice President -18.
Approved Aug. 8, 1889.
By Aid. Gehan—
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council
City o[ St. Paul
That the matter of the construction of a sewer
on Violastreet, from Jackeon to Cedar streets,
be IT the same is hereby referred to the
Board of Public Works to investigate and re-
First. Ie this improvement proper and neces.
Second. Give the Cannot] an estimate of the
expense thereof, and state wbetber one-half of
the cast thereof is to be paid the City
Treasury before the contract 1s let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
said Improvement be found benefited to
the extent of d.mage"co.t..nd expenses neo-
essary to be incurred thereby!
Fourth. Is such no asked for
upon the petition or applfcation of the owners
oIa majority of the property to be assessed for
such Improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
Bald improvement, as required by law, If you
report In favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di-
recting the work to be dons.
Yeas—Ald. Bock, Cullen, Conley, Ffeher,
Gahan, Kavanagh, Mmen, Malady, Prott,
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President
Approved Aug. 8, 1889.
By Ald'Blom—
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of fit. P.ul:
That the matter of constructing a sewer on
Olive street, from Williams street to connect
with the private sewer on said street. be and
the same is hereby referred to the Board of
Public Works to investigate and report:
First. Is this Improvem.nt proper and a.cea-
s y?
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expenses thereof, and state whether one-balf
of the cost thereof Is to be paid Into the City
Treasury before the contract it let.
Third. Can real estate to be ...eased for
saidImprovement be found benefited to the ex -
teat of damages, coats and expenses necessary
to be incurred thereby?
Fourth. IB such improvement asked for ups[
She petltlan application of the owners of e
maJ."Ity ve heaLmperty to be assessed fol
a Fifth. Send the Counall a plan or profile of
¢aid Improvement, as required by low, it y
/ favor of the some.
ra5lzth. Sad the Council a proper order dl
renting the work to be done.
Yeas—Aid. Book, Cullen. Conley, Fisher,
Gab at
Knvmogh, Mine"
Malady, Pratt, San.
born, Sullivan. Weber, Mr Vice Presidents -19.
Approved Aug. S. 1889.
In the matter of the report of the Board of Pub.
Bc Works doted July 24, 1889.
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
BoardThatthe of
Work. of said Cit
of St. Paul c...e t eufollowing Improvement
to be de, to -wit: Grade Page attest, from
South Robert street to Concord street, lc
said elty. That said Board cause said work to
be let by contract, as provided by law, without
one half the estimated cost benfirst paid into
the City Treasury, and after emg rk hall be
placeod under cntract sed Board eholl proceed
delay to ..seas the a mount os erly
es they can ascertain the saran, which will be
real estate to be ee d for s ah improve-
ment can be found benefited to the extent f
the cost end expenses necessary to be mourned
Yeea—Aid. Bock, Cullen, Conley, Fisher,
Geha., M1.e0. Mel ady, Pratt, Sa.-
born. Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vloe Prceldent-13.
Approved Mg. 81889
In the matter of theeport f the Board o1
Public Works dated August& 1889:
It to hereby ordered by the Common councilor
the Clty of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of said City
of St. Paul cause the following improvement
to be made, to -wit; Grade Fairvtew avenue,
from Unlveraity avenue to Hewitt avenue, in
.aid city,
That Bald Board cause said work to be let by
Contract, as proymed by law, without one-half
the estimated cost being first
to the
City Treasury, and offer Id ork 6x11 De
placed Under contract said Board .hall pro-
ceed without delay to assess he amount, as
nearly a9 they can ascertain the same. which
will be required to Dav the cost and ne,esea,,
Improvement can be found benefited to the ex-
tent of the cost and expenses necessary to be
i...—.d thereby.
Ye.s—Ald. Book, Cullen, Conley, Fisher,
Gehan, Kavanagh, Minem Malady, Pratt, San.
born, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President -1&
Approved August 81 1889.
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Publlo Work. dated July 29, 1889.
It 1s hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City o[ St. Paul:
ofTSSaint Paul cause ae Pthell tolWork.
owing fimprovey
mat to be made, to -wit: Grade oxford street,
line of the right of wav of the
uing fie none unser one contract.
hat said Board cause said work to be let by
contract, as provided by law, without one-half
the set it coat being first paid Into the
City Treasury, and atter said work shall be
placed under contrast So
.rd shell proceed
without delay to assess the amount, as nearly
as they can ascertain the same, which will be
required to pay the coat and necessary ex-
penses of such improvement upon the
sal estate to be benefited by said
improvement, as provided byY law; It
being the pinion of the Council that real
estate to be ens ed for such improvement
n be round benefited to the extent of cost
and expenses necessary to be Incurred thereby.
Yeas—Ald. Bock, Cullen, Conley, Fisher,
Gehan, K.vanaggb, Mine.
Malady Pratt, San-
born, S,IIlivc, W her, Mr. Vlca Preeide.1-13.
Approved Aug. It 1888.
In the matter of he report 1 the Board of
Public Work. dated July 29,1889.
It is hereby ordered by rtes Common Council
the City of Sr. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of the City
of Solnt Paul cause the following improvement
to be to wit: Grade alley in block Id,
Sit....'. addition to St. Paul m said
City. That said Board cause said work
to bel
by On
ntraat, n provided by law,
Ithout one-half the estimated cost being
first paid into the City Treasury, and after
said ark .hall De pieced under contract
.lid Board shall proceed without delay W e -
the amount, as nearly as they c.. as
tem the same,whtch will be required to pay the
coat and necessary expenses of such improve
m t upon the al state to be benefited by
Improvement, as provided by law; it being
the op,.,o. of the Council that real estate to be
assessed for such Improvement Co. be found
benefited to the extent of the cost and expenses
necessary to be incurred thereby.
Yea.—Ald. Book. Cullen, Conley Fleher,
Gabon. Kavanagh, Minea, Malady, Pratt, San-
born, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vwe Presldenf�l9.
Approved Aug. 8, 1889.
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Work. dated July Ie, 1889:
It la beroby ordered by the Common C.U.C. of
the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of said City
of St. Paul cause the following improvement
to be made to -wit: Construct a sewer on Law-
nce street, from Maury treet to North street,
in said city, together with the necessary catch -
basins and manholes.
That said Board cause said work to be let by
contract, as evided by law, without one-half
the eatfmatad cost being first paid into the City
Tresary, and after enitl work hall be placed
under contract, said Hoard shall nproceed with-
out delay to assess the a ou t, as nearly
they can ascertain the m
ao e required tpay the cost and
necessary ary expenses [ h improvement
pon the real estate W be benefited
by a Id improvement, s provided by
it being
hto bep sse of sed for sllo uch
imfi that
realmeat Co. be found benefited to the extent improve -
the coat and expenses necessary to be t. -
cured thereby.
Yeas—Ald. Bock. Cullom Conley, Fisher.
Gehan, Kavanagh, Minea, Melody, Pratt,
Sanborn, Sullivan. Weber, Mr. Vice Pre¢
dent -18.
Approved Aug. & 1889.
In the matter of the reporter the Board of
Public Works dated July 18''889.
It is hereby ordered by the Comm.. Council
of the City of St. Paul.
That the Board of Publl. Works of"
to St ma IB, In --wife O 1"wwiden en dues d
Milton street, from street to king
.venue, In said city, .0.demning sad taking all
Lhnt land between ScheIIer street ad Bayard
nnt.lreadv condemned or dedicated
dition, m the City f St. Paul,
sots. That sold Boar shall
Ii out ae
withdelay to a on tho in
as they can ascertain the Bam
will be required to pay the damages, -1
to the extent of the damage'.Coo"
penses necessary to be Incurred. ez
Yeas—Ald. Hock, Cullen, Conley, Fisher,
Gehan, Kavanagh. barn Mr.V ice Pres/dladant-l3.
Horn, s lb -an, W
Approved Aug. B, 1f7�.
I Pubto Worked ted Aug 5.1889. a Board of
re'Itof rd Pauly he Common Council of
That the Board of Public Works of said City
of St. Paul cause the tollowin({ Improvement
to be made, to -wit: Grade the alley In block
1, J. C. Stout's Addition to Summit Parkin said
That sold Board cause said work to be
let by contract, a provided by law, without
one -bait the tlmated cost being first paid
into the City Treasury, and after said work
shell be placed under contract said Board
boll proceed without delay to assess
mount, na nearly s thBy can meertm.
Costthe asme, which d necessaryl expenbe sesre olCueh 1m0
provement upon the real estate to be bene.
flied by sot improvement, os provided by
law; it being the opinion of the Council that
real estate to be assessed for such improve -
cn be found benefited Lo the extent of
the coat and expense. n......ry to be In-
cutred thereby.
Yana—Aid. Bock. Cullen, Conley, Fisher, Ge
porp, Sulliva¢,Kavanah,Weber,losaMrr.. ViceyP esldentPratt s 13
Approved Aug. & 1888.
In the matter of the repport of the Board of
Publta Work. dated Jnly 29, 1889.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Poul:
phot the Board of Public Works of .aid City
of St. Paul cause he following Improvement %
be made, to -wit: Grade alley bi Joseph Arth'a
subdivleon of block 85, of Lyman Day-
ton's nddltl.. te St. Paul. In said city.
That said Board occur, said work to be let by
as provided bylaw, without one-half
the estimated cost being first paid Into the
City Treasury, and after said k shall be
placed under contract said Board hall proceed
Ithout delay to assess the amount or, nearly
as they can ascerthm the same, which will be
required to any the cost and necessary ea-
penses of such
improve to be beenement
upon the real
prodded by law,fiIt beingai he -plain. oftthe
Couhcil that real estate to be assessed for such
improvement can be found benefited to the ex-
tent of the cost and expenses necessary W be
incurred thereby.
Yeas—Ald. Bock, Cullen, Conley, Fisher,
Geha., Kavanagh, Minea, Melody, Pratt, San -
bot., Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice Pres1dent-1&
Approved Aug. 8, lose.
In the matterot the report of the Board or Pub -
lie Works dated Aug. 5, 1889.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of S4 Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of said City
of St. Paul cose the f .—M Improvement
m be made, to -wit: Grad. alley In Chute
Brothers' Division No. 2, in aaid
said board cause said work to be let be COn-
tract, as provided by mw, wltkout one-half the
estimated cost being first paid into the City
treasuunder contr ct,iter oldsaid Bo.rd helwork l pll be roceed witD-
outthe delay to rtatoa the arms, which will bthe amount. as e re-
quired oto c Baty the coat end necessary
xpensee f each Improvement upon the real
estate to be benefited by said improvement,a
provided by law; ft being ha op7nlon of the
Council that real estate to be assessed for such
Improvement can be found be..... to the to
of the Dost sad be"
na.....ry to be
incurred thereby.
Yess—Ald. Book, Cullen, Conley, Fleher,
Gabon, Kavanagh, Mme0. Melody, Pratt. San-
born. Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Viae Prealdent-18.
Approved Aug. & 1889.
In the otter of the port of the Board of
Public Works dated Aug. 5, IBM
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of SC Paul:
That he Board of Pubb. Works of Bald City
of St. Paul cause the following improvement
to be made, to -wit: Grade alley in north halt
(54) of Smith's su ilivi.l.. Of block 12, Site -
eon's division, m sold city. That said
Board c.use
said work to be let by
the estitmated costa being firstltpnid Into the
City Treasury, and .iter acid work shag be
placed oder confect eniit Acord ¢hall pro-
naerly Ice they cony ecertmna the same, whloh
will be required W pity the Cont end not
estate to De b. efited Dy .aid lIDprpv.._ ees
provided by law; It being the opinion of the
Council that real estate m be assessed for such
Improvement can be found benefited to the ex.
tent of the cost end expenses necessary to be
incurred thereby.
Yesa—Ald. Book, Cullen, Conley, Fisher,
Gehan. Kavanagh, Mines, Malady, Pratt, San-
born, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President
Approved Aug. & 1889.
In thematterof the report oftbe Bo.rdof Pub-
fic Werke dated July 16, 1889.
It fa hereby Ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of PublicWerke of said City
of St. Paul cause the following Improvement
to be made, use Grade Jessamine street.
from Rice street to Mississippi .treat, I. amid
That said Board cause said work to be let by
contract, as provided Dy law, without one-half
the estimated cost being first paid into the
City Treasury, and after entil work shall be
placed under contract said Board shall pro-
ceed without delay to assess the amount, an
nearly as they can ascertain the same,
which wfit be required to pay the coat
aadnecessary expenses of such improvement
upon the real estate to be benefited by said lm-
prevement, as provided li � law; It being the
opinion of the Connell that real estate to be
assessed for such Improvement can be found
benefited to the extentof the cost and ex-
penses necessary to be 1.curred thereby.
Yeas—Ald. Bock, Cullen, Conley, Fisher,
Gehon. Heva..RA Mena, Met.dy, Pratt, San-
born Sullivan, Weber. Mr. Vice President -1&
Approved Aug. 8, 1889.
InltohWmaktteedraofetdhe epIof the Bo.rd of Pub-
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of tDe Ctty 't St. Paul:
That the Hoard of Public Works of said City
of St. Poul canna the following Improveme.t
- De made, to -wit: Pave Croons Place. In
said city, with pine blocks, Portland cement
filling, and curb with granite.
That said Board case said work to be let by
co.traot, as provided by ]sw, without one halt
the estimated coat being first into the
City Treasury, and after said work shall be
placed under contract Field Board shall pro.
ceedwithout delay- m.sess the amount, s
Wetly s they can a...rtai. the same, which
will be required m pap the Goat aad ri o....ry
expenses of such improvement upon the real
estate to be benefited I eafd improvement,
es provided Dy leve: It being the op=ro .1 LIIe
Council that real estate to be assumed for
such improvement oaa be found benefited to
extent of the .to
and expenses necessary
to be Incurred thereby.
Yess—Ald. Book. Calle., Conley. Fisher,
Behan, Kays.gII, Mines, Meetlyy, Pratt, San-
born, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice Yre9ldentrl&
Approved Aug. & 1889.
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works dated July 19, 1889.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
Clty of St. Paul:
That Lhe Board of Public Works of said City
1 St. P ul cause the [o Rowingimprovement to
bemade, to -wit: Construct a sewer on Pan-
, quier street from Seventh street to Earl street,
and on Cypress street, from Fauquler street
to Seventh street, in said city, together with
the necessary catch -basins and manholes, said
sewering to be done under one contract.
That said board cause said work to be let by
contract, an provided law, without one-half the
estimated coat being first paid into the
City Treasury, and after said work
.hall be placed under contract said
Board shall proceed without delay to
assess the amount, as nearly s they can an -
certain the same, which will be required to pay
the cost and necessary expenses of
snob Improvement upon the teal estate to be
benefited by eald improvement, as provided by
law; Itbeing the opinlo. of the Council that
real estate to be assessed for such Improve
ment can be found benefited to the extent of
the cost and expenses necessary to be in-
curred thereby.
Yens—Ald. Book, Cullen, Conley, Fisher,
Geha., KaveaaRh, Mi
it Pratt, San-
born, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President -18.
Approved Aug. 8, 1889.
ear of Lhe report of the Board of
Irk. dated July 29,1880.
ordered by the Common Council of
St. Paul:
3oard of Public Works of said City
cause the following improvement
07, of Lyman Dayton's addition to
n Forest street tomning and taCypress street,
condeki.g the no'.
feet of lot one (1): also the not
feetof lots four (4to filtee. (iii)
also the south idiz I (8) feet of t
Lyman Dayton's addition, in the City of St.
Pau,, Minnesota.
That sold Board shall proceed without delay
as the amount, as nearly s they can se -
certain the same, which wLLl be required to
pay the damages, costs sad necessary expenses
clean lmpp[ovement upon the real estate to be
benefited Dy Geld Improvement, - provided by
law; It be,.g the opinion of the Council that
real estate to be assessed for such improve-
ment can be foundbenetlted to the extent of
the damages, costa and expenses necessity to
be Sacurred thereby.
Yeas—Ald. Book, Cullen, Conlex Fisher.
Gehan, Kavanagh, Mines, Malady, Pratt, San-
born. Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President -13.
Approved Aug. 8, 1889.
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Pub] Werke, dated Julyy 1A, 1889.
It is hereby ordered by I a Common Council of
the City of St. Pani:
That the Board of Public Works of the City
of St. Paul Daus the following int revemenIs
to be made, to -wit: Open, widen alter Fid ex-
tend Sixth street, e0 feet wide, from the ester.
Iy line of Commercial street to the westerly
Ifne of Brook street, and widen said Birth
atreet, from Rosabel street to Broadway street,
u sal city, condemning and taking all that
Rod not already condemned or dedicated for
public use (except land Wait property, owned by
,Ions) lying within the lines of a
ride, the southerly line of which
a straight line drawn from the i
n PMa isimo, — . a ,... .r .
.arthwesteriy corner of Brook and Sloth
streets; and also condemning and taking an
easement for street and bridge purposes in all
the land lying within said linea owned by cor-
porations, and which have not granted an ease-
enttherein to the City of St. Paul for such
ppurposes; also condemning and taking lot six
(B) of blook five (a) o[ Whitney cad Smith's ad-
ditfo¢ to 9t. Paul, tar the purpose of widening
Sixth street, from Rosabel street to
Broadwaystreet. That said Board shall pro -
need without delay to assess the amount, -
nearly as they can Miecrimia the same, which
will be required to pay the d.mages, coat nod
necessary expense. o[ aub.b improvement
upon the real estate to be benefited Dy said
impprevement, nen provided by low; It Deing the
epfnfon of the Council that real eetato to ba
aseeeaed for such Improvement can be found
benefited m the extent Of tlo damages, o at
and expenses necessary to be incurred thereby.
Yeas—Ald. Book, Coffee, Conley, Fisher,
Gehan, Kavanagh, Mines, Melra
ad , Ptt. San -
bore, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice I'y-sident-18.
Approved Aug. 8, 1889.
ANTResid YOSRG, unc
Vice President of Councils
AdJoar.ed Meeting.
ST. PART, Aug. 18, 1889.
The Council met pursuant In adjournment.
Vice President Yoerg in the chair.
Present—Ald Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavmaagh. Lett , user, Mine.,
Malady, Pro" Sonborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr.
Presldeni _,.,
On motion of Aid, Mine. Ccundl went Into
Committee of the Whole to consider the matter
of railway franchises.
The Committee arose, reported no progress
and asked for report of Committee on Streets.
William P. Murray withdrew the proposed
franchise to Anderson, Douglas, Murray and
From Thom -Lowry, President St, Paul City
T RaillwaBy .C,.om naive the President and Common
applied to the City Council Tor
perote a portion of Its lines by
ie deelgnetioa of such lines was
>rm to the wishes of interested
on In districts wbell unsettled
trpcin of bringing their property
At o conference between these
he street railway company it was
fey were not demanded by pubhc
could not be made to pay operat.
in many montne. 'That
at all. This
e, it was Conceded that the oom.
euefve a bonus to Indemnify it
In lose. It did not oocr to the
he property owners that the Com -
would make objection, inasmuch
as our company asked no privileges
use a new motive power. a have p
ander creat dimcultlee In our em
r to
t St.
ty of
nifioent cablelikes. We are ready aad willing
to change from horses to electric, cable or
other satisfactory power and to accommodate
the requirements of the city In all needed ill -
We ore not caking the right to lay
frock to any of the streets of St. Paul, or serosa
bridges, [or these privileges we already POe
ease. Whileaotattemptinggto dictate. Iwool
respectfully suggest that it might not prove
unwise for your Common Council to enter into
negotiations with our company to release a few
at least or Its streets from li.Dlllty to occupan-
cy by street oar 1raoka and operation of care
theme.. I thiek Dayton .venue should be re-
leased, and perhaps other streets which I can-
not now name. We will treat you fairly and
make all necessary aad needful concessions,
but we will not consent to have our property
confiscaWe will tmeet ed Cyyeour commuse of ittee and linereatened a upon
streets on we street care should not be
operated add
upon .eeded If... which ahould
be built. We will also agree uppon . proper
system of transfer checks, mud, to fact, to any
previsions that are reasonable and fair. For
these concessions we ask the nght to use the
most approved otive power. The company
will protect Itself and will continue to give the
beet s�rvice Possible
nnder the
Council. m This iotive n not
a new quescma. ru a: motion f. .+...,.....
doubt understands the situation (city. I make
these statements In the spirit of candor and
with no Intention in .ntelpou- the City of
Saint Paul or Its Interests.
In order to correct an or,o.e.un Impreeslon
which seems to prevail m Saint Paul, I desire to
say that the In fr... Mae to the Saint Paul
in ey peopleosuppoee, nor, diwas not d I huveanted o any
P. in ason." the legial.tlon which give. It
Its so called Ironclad features. TIII [ranohiae
was granted to George L. Beoker, J. C. Bur-
bank, J. L. Merriam, John M. Gilman, William
Dawson, Charles H. Lienau, E. F. Drake, H. L.
Carver, Horace Thompson, W ilifnm Lee, Loum
Roberta, W. F. Davidson A. H. Wilder, Peter
Berkey. P. F. McQu Woa, George Culver, James
M. Winslow, Bartlett Preslay, A. Vaaoe Brown,
J. A. Lusk end W. 8. Wright, all of Saint Paul
Thee. were at that time your most popular and
wealthy citizens. The ma
gfailed and was sold
wouldon reclosure 0 met not purchse,andn ft Passe. ed Into the
kande of Estero parties. From thee. parties
It was .ran. it by Hon. Wflliom R. Merriam,
Aneal Oppenheim, Frank B. Clarke, Herman
Greve and myself- Owing to the fact that the
1st tour .amend g.ittlemen did not have faith
aad confidence enough In the %g�,opertytode-
velop it, I became the Pont, sersof Lhetr m-
tereets. Sinroace that time you know the history
of the d and the great lmprovemeut
Fid large amount of money that has
been expended wader my management. About
three years ago I sold part of my stock in the
road, and some of your prominent clti.... be-
came interested. Among these were A. H.
Wilder, P. H.Kelly, T. F. Oakes, Crawford
Livingg tone, J. B. Tarbox, Thomas P. Wilson,
D. C. Shepard, Col. C. B. Lamborn, George B.
crooned out. and at their special sand nearly
M9uYY"'Ic amitlemeu.above ... adQlror
se ye
residante of St. Paul, end the names of acrd(
ffroacbteee.Q cmmnycoted Lith on tadpmona88emem
I fwll sellae controlling
to eithertthe
Cho desire W eater the field ofitof SL Pool or Zo the icompble etitio, or
fairterms. The popoeed ordinance amount*
simply to a forfeiture osurrender of o
Dy ant franchise, aad we will viL I'.
Re8pe0tfully. TBGMA. 7A.-,
Accepted t 13end placed on me.
Of Committee on Streets, Sewers and Bridges-
Mance Authorizing St. Paul City Railway
any to Entries, etc., Electric Street
.y Saee-
Committen submits and reports favorably
,aid ordinance.
Ordinance Granting ='�chise for Street Bull-
wayto- Wm. Dawson, Wm. Lindeke and
Committee submits and reports favorably
.aid ordinance.
rdnates -An ordinance was read authorizing the 8t.
Poul Cltyy Railway Company to
v nstroct,
.QQ.lpay llvea�v and operate lectrle street
Aid. Snub.- IDoved a spen.lon of the
mlea and that said ordnance De read a second
Adopted, yes. 15, and ordinance read second
Aid. 6anbora moved to amend the first three
,,.as ofsection 18 of sold ordinance so that the
first three lines of said section 18 shall read as
--Section 18. Said fit. Paul City Railway
ComyDany shall conatmct at least five miles of
the (Ines by this ordinance authorized, and
egely and operate the same within one year,
sad balance within two yearn from the date of
the oceptanced. of this ordinance.••
Yeam-Ald. Blom, Cullen, Gehan, Kavanagh,
Leithauser, Minna, Pratt. SonDorn, 6ulilvan
Nays -Aid. Book, Conley, Fisher, Melody' Weber, Mr. Vice Prealdenr.
Aid. Weber moved to emend said ordinnnoe
so that said section 18 thereof shall read an
•'Seo. 18. Said SL Paul City Railway Com
pony shall construct one mile on each routo or
mans, within one year tom date of publica-
tion of this ordnance."
Aid. Sanborn moved to amend sold ordnance
De de mea °whetr. inord s .ewe occur iis to time
n line 9 of
section 19 of said ordinance, fid Inserting in
en thereof the word. '•shall one
Pratt, Sanborn,Sullivivan, Weber-8.Lelthaueer,
Nays -Aid. Conley, Fisher, Gob o, Kava
nagh, Mines, Melody, Mr. Vice Preeldanir-4.
Aid, Cullen moved to ansiond said ordinance
byt raking out section 29 thereof.
Yeas-Ald. Cullen, Pratt, Surinam, Sullivan,
Nays-Ald. Bldm, Book, Conley, Fleher, Ge -
ban, Kavanagh, Leithauser, M1nea,Malady.Mr.
Vice President -10.
And. Bok moved to amend anfitrdinn
oace b�
striltl.g at the word. "Tu in-. av urs
here the same ocar In the elghih line of sec-
tion I of said ordinance and t a ittng 1n lieu
therof the words "Fort Seeping Bridge.'•
Aid. Pratt moved to amend said ordinance by
striking out the words "Prior venue'• wham
the s occur In line 81 of section 1 of
Said ordinance ond nseRinp In lieu thereof the
wards .the went city limits.
Adopted. Yeas, 19; nays, Aid. Book and Ge-
Aid. Sanborn moved that the role. be So far
ueiarid. al to make the reading of the
amended sections of sold ordinance the third
madingof said ordnance.
Adopted, yeas 15, aad Bold ordinance eon read
the in time.
Aid. Gabon moved that the further nst_d-
e tion of said orole-.. be post n.ol.a d
,her yy pooled fmvohises are a
that LIIe rdinance granting street railway
[mnaDlee to William Dawson, William Lf.-
deke and others Da read the net time.
Aid. Cullen moved as an amendment to Aid.
Guano'. motto W take up the ordnance gront-
ing franchise for tree, Bwey to Joseph
Lockey Charles A. More and others.
Amendment lost.
Yeas -Aid. Cullen, Sanborn. 8ulBvaa-8.
Nays, 12.
Ald. Gehan'' said motion was then adopted'
yeas 15.
The Vice President then called Aid. Sanborn
to the chair.
The said ordinance for franchise to William
Dawson and others was then read the first
Aid. Gabon moved that raise be suspended
and said ordnance read a second time.
Adopted, yeae 15.
The said ordnance was thereupon read the
second time.
Aid. Gabon moved as an amendment to said
ardnavice to strike out the words lqhree
rourths" where the same Dour in line 9 of .eon
Una I of amid ordinance, and to insert n lieu
,hereof the word •'majority."
I.oatr-Yeas, 5; nays, 9.
Aid. Gahan moved to ammend said orAfmnce
1ystriking out the worse • and a thro-fourths
rote of the members Of the Common Council
13ot .1
. P
the City of St. Paul. where the same
rocur 1. lines nine and to, of section one of
,.to rd an.
Aid. Kavanagh moved to minerld said rdi-
i ca by lon""th"' atter the rd "curt:'
taer. the same ocoura fu the fifth line of -
.. 18 of sale ordinance the rds,
or Abell be hindered or delayed in
said work by r 1 any public i
he C
of St. Paul, orebe otherwise delayed, hnder
obstructed n their sa id c tructlon o
the e,,rei,e f the rights and privilege,
thenave wr,=, fouor l on their pmilled u rder thin or
Adopted, yeas 15.
Aid. Sullivan moved to ame d aid or
ce by inserting after ino words '•St. Pau:
where the same occur In live la of section 1
id ordinance, the words "Preened, howev,
that no street r.ilwny locks be placed on i
bridge of Mlnve.oto Tran. for Runway coni
puny. ¢ r.11 their tacks on Cviverslty ¢v
n Adopted. Yens. 11, nays, Aid. Book, Fish(
Kavanagh, Leithauser-i.
Aid. Gehanmov d that the ales be so flu,pend.
tbun, be madetheSaid
that a third reading of edor,
n Adopted, yens 15.
The ordi....¢ was there, pan min read it
,bird time.
Aid. Cullen moved that o,di noce grantir
street railway I .... his, to J ... ph Locke
Chas. A. Moore dad other, be rcatl net time.
Adopted, yeas 15, and said onlinance ren
It at time.
Aid. Pratt moved that th,rulen be .,,pend,
[fid said ordivvvice rend second time.
Adopted,yen. M, and said ordinance ren
,,,,adame. -
Aid. Cullen moved to amend laid orill ... c
by adding to ,action IS thereof the following.
"Prov lded that if the .aid parties, their a
ctos, uccesson or shall e
strained from proceeding with the w rks c
ons,veting said r ilw'ny and Its appurtt
.ance, by order or injunction of any court, o
shall be hindered or delayed in the Said Mor.
by reason of any public improvment bein,
arried on by the City of St. Paul, or be other
wise delayed. hindered or obstructed in the,
So to n traction. or in the exercise of that
rights and privflege, to them granted o per
m-tted under this ordin:,nce. without
ithout favi[ o
their part, the time which they'hull be so re
.trained, enjoined, hindered or delayed shah
be excluded from each of the time herein
d,sc ribed for the c mpletion of the various
of the sold road and shall be allowed to
ne said parties. their associates, successors or
assigns in addition to the times above de
cribed for the completion of the parts of said
ilway "
r Adopted. yeas 15.
Ald. Mines moved that the rule' be far
uspended that the reading of amended see
tions be made the third reading of ,aid ordi
.,Adopted, yea. M. and -id ordicnce sin rcatl
the third time.
Aid. Cullen moved t'
sd the rule, and
that ordinance granting treat a
ll way Iran -
chis, to Wm. L. Allen and Thom. Or. swiney be
read first time
.old Yoerg ved as an en endmev[ to sold
„tion that ordinance granting ',rest railway
hanohi,e to Th,m,on.xoa'ton
Electric Com-
pany be read first atm..
Aid. Gehan that the ordinance
rd nn ce heretoforermailther amendment
three times
'r t"g gilt feed ll Company be
fro.chise to
I.its n --I pass..¢. y Davy ba placed apo
Aid. I'll, ..e said ractincorit lost.
Yens-Ald. Blom. Coley, Fisher, Geh.n
Kavanagh. Yoog, Mr. Chairman -7.
Nays -Aid. Bock. Cullen, Leithauser, Mivea,
Melady, Pratt. Sullivan, Weber -8.
amendmentron elativeelativeto Thomson Houstlon ordin Aid. Yoorg's d-
e, the some [van adopted. Y Das, 15.
n Tb Vice Yresldevt [oak the chair.
Aid. Sanborn moved to adjourn.
Yea -Aid. Blom, Fisher, Leithauser. Soa-
tv, Sullivan-:,.
Nays-Ald. Bock, Cullen. Conley, Gabon,
3.vaogh, M"" Melady, Pratt, Weber, Mr.
,"Ice Presidevt-le.
Thesaid o dt.nvice gg antic. troll railwmy
ncLi.e to Thom.ovHo to. Electric c
a s thereupon read the first time -
Id. Gehan moved to refer said ordnance to
mute. on Street..
Blom, sConley, Fisher, Gabon.
Cavanagh, Leithauer, Mines, S.nborn, Mr
'We P-1dent-9.
Nays -Aid. Aock, Cullen, Melady, Pratt, Sul
o, Weber -a
Aid. Cullen moved to take up ordinance grant
tg e,t ilway fr...tume to Wm. L. Allo.
ad Th.. o: Swiney.
Aid. Sanborn moved as an amendm-nt to said
lotion of Aid. Cullen that reading of .11 ordi-
t regular male[ ng of Coun cmail be peetponed until
Alit Sonborn mored as a further amendment
said motion of Alit. Cullen that When Co..
'1 adjourn it adjourn to Tharsdny, Aug. 15,
l5ii, int 7::i0 o'clock
P. m.
Adopted, yeas 15.
Ald. Cullen's said motion as so amended was
tereupou adopted.
Aid. Geban was given permission to ivte
a prellmimry order for slopes In grading
ley. in clock.. Edmund Rue'. Stan.r] adtll
tin. (See order to Board of Public Works.)
. Ald. Gncce-
ftIs hereby ordered by the Common Council
the City of St. Pan l:
that the matter of condemning and taking
easement for eking lopes necessary in
fit retinaym 1. block 8, Edmund Rico s Sen
d addition to St. Pau 1, be and the a e le
eby -forced to the Bo.rd of PUDife Works
investigate and report:
,firt. I. this improvement proper oldnec-
ond. Give the Council an Ultimate of the
pence thereof, whether ..a sit of
coat thereof Is to be ppaid into the City
ransury before the contract In let.
'hird. Can realatate W be se d for
tof AamvQement be found benefited to the ex-
on,.cum s ......
is and -p-Se. necessary
Fourth. I- such improvement naked for upon
toe petition or application of the owners of a
majority of iheproperty to be assessed for such
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
laid improvement, as required by law, it you
repport to favor of the same.
Sixtb. Send the Council a proper order di-
recting the work to be done.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Bock. Cullen. Conle,.
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Idineu.
Malady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr.
Vico President -15.
Approved Aug. 21, 1889.
Vice President of Council
City Clerk.
Addeurn 111 -Con.
ST. PA DI., Aug. 15. 18S).
Vice President Yoerg In the chair.
Present-Ald. Blom, Callen. l;oniey, Fisher,
Gehan. Lefthauser. Mine.. Melody. Prat"
born, Weber, Mr. Vice President-lt.
From His Honor the Mayor -Veto of Resole
lotion -Street Illumination -
T the Honorable the President and Common
Council of the City of St. Paul.
Gentlemen: A resolution passed by your
honorable body nnth-Biting u expenditure of
five. thousand dot are tE5,0O11 for illuminating
Third street, from Bridge Square to Sibley
street, and providing the necessary music
durmgtbe tonhcomingstute fair. Is herewith
reepemmlly returned
without my approval, for
the reason that the approp intron
of twenty thousand dollars ('Jr'd.(Jgy)
made by the Legislature for the
current year has, with the exception of
six hundred and ninety six dollars and twenty
five Cents 1L69ti Y.i), been expended.
Very respectfully. all
Aug. 9, 1969.
Accepted. and said vote, by sa
wbieh id real
lotion was adopted, reconsidered, yeas 10.
The question thereupon arising uponthe!
adoption of sold resolution, the veto of the
Mayor to the contrary notwithstanding, the
said resolution was not adopted.
Noy.-Aid. Cullen. Conley, Fisher Gehan,
Lelthauser, hlinea, Melody, Sanborn. Weber,
Mr. Vice Pre al dent -10.
Of Committee on Streets. Sewers and Bridges -
Aid. Mine -'s Resolution, Relating to Height
of Broadway Bridge, Approved April 19, 1589,
(Report do
Over of
X.sin of Aug. 6)-
Committee report back said resolution with
out recommendation.
Accepted and placed on file.
The special order being the matter of a
bridge moos. the Mississippi river from Brand
way to State street, Ald. Geban moved that all
persons present favoring a low bridge be
Messrs. Yanish, Espy, Smith and others were
heard in favor of low bridge, the Vice Presi-
dent calling Aid. Gehan to the chair.
Aid. Yoerg moved that the further consider
ation of Broadway -State street bridge question
be postponed until after the committee ap
pointed fn said metier by the Chamber of Com-
merce has been heard.
Yeas-Ald. Cullen, Conley, Fisher. LIAt
hauser. Pratt, Yoerg-6,
Nass-Ald. Mines, Malady, Sanborn. Weber,
Mr. Chairman -5.
On motion of Aid. Sanborn Council went into
executive session.
Upon coming out of executive session, Vice
President Yoerg in the chair, Ald. Cullen
moved to reconsidervote of 13th inst., by which
the ordinance grantmgstreet ruilwmy franchise
to Thomson -Houston Electric Company was
referred to Committee on Streets.
Adopted, and said vote reconsidered.
The question being upon the matter of re
ferring said ordinance to Committee on Streets,
the sold ordinance was not so referred,
A Id. Sanborn moved to adjourn until Satur-
day, Aug. 17, IS89, at 7:80 o'clock P. in.
Adopted, and Council adjourned.
Vice President Of Council.
ST. PALL, Aug. 17, 1889.
Vice President Yoerg in the chair. `
Present-Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gabon, Kavanagh. Leithauser, Mines,
Melody. Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber. Mr.
Vice President -15.
The ordinance granting the Thomson -Hous -
tom Electric Company street railway franchise
was taken up.
Aid. Kavanagh moved to ordinance
to Committee on Streets.
Penis-Ald. Conley, Kavanagh. Pratt, Sae
born, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President.-,.
Nays-Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Fisher,
Leithauser, Mines, Malady-..
Aid. Leithauser moved to substitute printed
copy of said ordinance submitted for the type.
written one heretofore before Council.
Adopted, yeas 15.
Aid. Cullen moved as an amendment that all
ordinances now before Council be referred to
Committee on Streets
Aid. Pratt moved suspension of rules and
that said Thompson -Houston ordinancebe read
second time.
Adopted, yeas 14; nays, Aid. Conley. -1.
The said Thompson -Houston ordinance was
thereupon read a second time.
Aid. Grim. moved as an amendment to said
to strike oat'all of section I of said
ordinnnce after the ord "hereunder" in the
fourteenth line of said section 1.
Adopted, yens 10; nave, Aid. Blom, Sanborn,
Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vila President -6.
Aid. Gelatin moved that the rules be so far
suspended that the reading of amended sec-
tions of said ordinance be made the third read-
ing of said ordinance.
Adopted, yeas la. and said ordinance so read
the third time.
Aid. Gehan moved that said ordinance be
laid oder and next ordinance awaiting reading
be read.
Aid. Cullen moved to take up ordinance
granting a street railway franchise to William
L. Allen and Thos. O. Swiney.
Adopted, and said ordinance read first time.
Aid. Gehan moved suspension of rules, and
that said ordinance be read a second time.
Adopted, yeas 15, and .said ordinance read u
second time.
Aid. Malady moved as an amendment to said
ordinance to strike out last three lines of see
tion 2 thereof.
Aid. Gelian moved that said ordinance be
laid over and next ordinance awaiting reading
be read.
The ordinance granting a street railway fran
chise to Acme Electric Company was token
Aid. Yocrg moved that the printed copy of
said ordinance be substituted tar the type
written one heretofore before Council.
Aid. Yoerg moved that further consideration
of said ordinance be postponed for the present.
Aid. Cullen moved. as an amendment to said
last mentioned motion, that the reading of said
ordinance be proceeded with.
Said amendment adopted -yeas 13; nays,
Aid. Conley;. Weber -2, and said ordinance read
first time.
Aid. Leithauser moved suspension o('rules
and that said ordinance be read second time.
Adopted, yeas l}, and sold ordinance placed
on second reading.
Aid. Fisher moved as amendments to said
ordinance to strike out the words "Linton Rail
way' where the same occur in line one of the
it, to of said ordinance and insert In lieu there
of the words "Acme Electric" and to strike
out the words "trading as the Union Railway
company' where the same occur in lines one
and two of section 1 of said ordinance, and to
strike out the words "to be" where the
s occur in line two o[ said
action 1; also to strike out the words "Union
Railway" where the same occur in may other
place in said ordinance, and insert in lieu
thereof the words "Acme Electric."
Adopted, yens 15.
Aid. Gahan moved as an amendment to said
ordinance to strike out of section I of said
ordinance the words "Valley street; thence on
Valley street to" where the same occur in Itne
8 of sold section 1 : also to strike out. all of line
9 of sold section 1 and also the words' -Thomas
where the same firs[ occur in ties 10 of
said section 1. and to insert in lieu of said
portions so stricken out the words "Grove
Ald. Kav... gh moved as amendment to said
mentioned motion to refer said ordinance
m Co. mittee on Streets.
Yens-Ald, Conley, Gehan, Kavanagh, Weber,
Mr. Vice President -5.
Nays-Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Fisher, Left
hauser, Mines, Meludy, Pratt, Sullivan -9.
Aid. Kavanagh again moved as an amend-
ment to said motion of Aid. Gehan to refer
said ordinance to Committee on Streets.
Adopted. yeas 15.
Aid. Gehan moved that the said ordinance
granting St. Paul City Railway Company a
street railway franchise be put upon Its final
Aid. Leftbauser moved as an amendment to
said last mentioned motion to referall ordi-
minces now before Council granting street
railway franchises, to Committee on Streets.
Aid. Gehan accepts said amendment.
The question being upon Aid. Gehan's said
motion as amended the same was lost.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Cullen. Kavanagh, Lett.
hauser, Minea, Malady, Sullivan-,.
Nays -.fid. Bock, Conley, Fisher, Gehan,
Pratt. Sanborn. Weber, Mr. Vice President -8.
Aid. Sanborn moved that the representative
of the St. Paul Street Railway Company be
H. J. Horn, Esq., heard on behalf of said
company and asks that a future time be fixed
for mhearing at length.
On motion of Aid. Kavanagh the request was
Aid. Gehan moved that all ordinances refs.
tiveto street railway franchises be laid over
nd considered at a meeting of the Council to
be held on Monday, Aug. W. 1859. at 10 o'clock
Vice President of Council.
Itegular .[testing.
ST. PAUL, Aug. 20, 1899.
Council called to order by the Clerk.
t motion of Aid. Sanborn Aid. Weber was
elected temporary chairman.
Present-Ald. Blom. Cullen, Fisher, Gehan,
Kavanagh, Leithauser, Pratt, Sanborn, SuttY
van, Mr. Chairman -10.
Dtinutes of preceding meeting approved and
dispensed with.
From His flonor the Mayor -Veto of Resole.
lotion Prohibiting Base Ball Playing fm
Neighborhood of Grotto Street and Summit
Avenue, Etc. -
To the Honorable the President and Common
Council, City of St. Paul:
Gentleman: I have the honor to return here.
with, without my approval, a resolution of
your honorable body -prohibiting all persons
from playing base ball within one square of
the corner of Grotto street and Summit ave.
nue," and instructing the "Chief of Police to
proven[ ell loud, profane or vulgar talking
ithin said district." In my opinion It
mot ithin the provinceof the
City Council to prohibit ball playing
upon private grounds. while the re
quirement exacted of the Chief of Police in tit(
concluding clause of the resolution is, In .3
judgment, absolutely impracticable.
Very respectfully, etc..
RO ,ERT A. aa1ITH, Mayor.
Aug. K 1880.
Accepted, nod said vote by which said r s
lutiov , a. udoptetl rC nsld erect, Seas 15. re
qu estfon thereupon arlsing upon the
Mayorof aid solution, the veto of the
to the con trury notwithstanding. the
.aid resolution was not adopted.
Yeas, none.
NXaps-Ald. Blom. Cullen, Fisher, Cohan.
Kanagh. Leithuuser, Pratt, Sanborn, Sulli
van, Mr. Chairman -10.
Veto of Resolution Authorizing City Engineer
to Have Any Necessary Dredging Done in
Front of Levee at and Near Jackson �treet-
To the Honorable the 1'resident and Common
Cod nail of the City of St. Paul:
Condom en: I have to respectfully return
herewith, without my vppr,,•al. n resolution of
,vc r to ha
ur henor,oil body aoth-ineg the City Ener
ve -'any; nrcc sury dredging done in
front of the Levee at and nem• Jackson street
est not id exceed 1'L-,1. 2 The city Charter
precludes the expenditure by Coon,[ of more
than tae hundred dollars for improvements of
title kind unle.s coverer or contract.
Elt'r A. S}II'rB. Move,
Aug. 8, IRSU.
A ... pled ad ,to by which said en lution
¢opted r .Idered. yea, for and mat
ter Iatd over 2111 next meeting of ('conch.
From Rt. Rev. John Ireland and '1`homux Coch-
n. Jr.. Esq.-
Asking permission to make testa with elec
trio motor and submitting resolnunn.
Laid o r tilt Monday. Aug. so. iSS9, at 10
'ulo.k n. m.
Flom W. S. Mortara. Chat,-.. Committee of
Property Owners. to Secure Exten,,co or
Selby Avenue Cable Line. and Others -
Asking ordinance for extension of Selby
c.ble 3eb from present x
minus to Fairview are enc. on Selby avenues er
Laid over till Monday Aug. 2U. at In .'dock
From M. A. Luby-
Aski g refunding or $to, eows impounded.
Com ltee on Claims.
From James H. Weed-
taS'lhbtreebe es.ented lro
ynmtiipon etioo street
Laid o'er till Monday. Aug. 26. at 10 u'c•l-1,
From Andreae R. Kiefer and Wm. L. Arne.-
I.'for the racor To of St. Paul. Lake
Yhmen anti White Bear Lake road.
Committee on Street'.
From E. S. Gorman and Others-
Protestln;; aguf not laying of strert car tracks
Sixth street.
o Laid over till Monday. Aug. 'at. at 1d o'clock
From S. and O. Hipp and Orbe rx-
Askm%,%h,t, trench I"be grunted to a.
t n}• to be ro ed, for cl ectric motor lineo
Rice street to Maryland, etc., etc. v
Laid over till Monday. Aug. -st at 10
o'clock a. m.
From Ida Giss-
Asking damage° on account of the death of
her husband, Moses Giss, caused by falling
emba okment.
Committee on Claims.
From Turn VereloGermania-
Asking that stems be taken towards establish-
meot of public 'wimming Schools and bdths.
Committee on Streets.
From Peter Neuheisel-
For permission to eruct bay scales at corner
of Bosch and Forest streets.
Committee on Streets.
From C. F. Spangenber,-
For removal of frame building, No. 403 North
Exchange street.
Granted. (See Ordinance Ido. 129,8.(
From Eleoor, Schaller -
Offering to compromise for 8903 herlaim
gainst the city arising out of the diverting of
Phalan creek from her property.
Committee on Claims.
From Lehigh Coal and Iron Company and
Ohio Coal Company-
from [f.Wester ao
venue along the Southto make an erll Aide
of Larch street to their property, lying be-
tween Larch Street and Manitoba road.
Committee on Streets.
From A. S. Tallmadge, Secretary Chamber of
Pranstnitting copy of resolution adopted by
tt p. ,,r Aug
'lI deiterm lnteg r1utltake such
ly tib emleR rig c
of the ei ty ie, again,, C., hf. S St. Y. A. R. Co..
rnbO; title 10 ]and involved In recent IIH-
TOlon: and also i all other c where ad -
willclaims a made to take such steps as
determmc`itie validity of the claims.
Referred to Corporation Attorney, with in -
't action, Io act.
From (:has. 13. Johnson and Others -
Asking for - lightning in vicinity of
fllghwood and Oakland attelons.
Committee on Cas.
From John Rooney -
Asking tbar S,lnry a driver of --Black
Morin- be increased from W. to $100 a month.
Committee on Pobce,
From C. M. Dandrow & Co. -
Asking for permission to transfer to C. H.
Britteroad W m. Barber Butcher License No.9
SIssued Jet,. 13. b**O, to be used at No. 493
Committee on License.
Of City Comptroller -T. F. Nicholl', Claim -
The ore—panyivg bill of air. T. F. Nicholl,
dated Dec. 1:,, tttd�. amounting to two huvdred
se entS Ha'o ($':i'v1 dollars, for sur ring,
tc.. represented us Laving been performed
durivg the montb' of September, October and
November, -8. .con Langford and St. Aa
then, Parks, Is turned disallowed. a the
r'm as hbeen autburized by the Com
ginnl'ouncil and recognized by the City Ev
eer. Vert/ respp. .fully,
JO ,. W. ROc'RE.
City Comptroller.
Aug. o, Engineer
Cit)' Engineer and Corporation Attorney,
Df City Evglneer-A. W. Cummings Scales (A.
P. Olsen's Communication) -
City Engineer trap omits cummunieatlon Irnm
Andrew Y. Olsen, nutting to be relieved as
bondsman of A. W. Cumming on scales' bond,
account of dangerous condition of scales
((Fust Seventh street). The Engineer agrees
with Ain Olsen ns iso the coedition of said
Committee on Streets.
Smith Street Bridge -
The City Engineer recommends widc,ing the
last panel of said bridge, a, un expense of
Ladd over till next regular meeting.
Of Inspector of B,ildl,gs-
Report for June and July IR'q with City
Treasurer's receipts attached, resPectivelS. for
&1:154 and 81X1,,
Comwittee on Ordinances Sad Public Ac-
Of Commissioner of Health -Milk and Dairy
Inspector, Etc. -
Asking authority to appoint one milk tied
dairy inspector at tape per month; also asking
that name of Henry Meyerding be suirslltuted'
for that of I. 13. 13. Sprague in resolution ap
proved Oct. 4, ISM.
Committee on Streets.
Ailey Grading. Stinson's Addition -
The Board returns. by request of Aldermen
of the Ward, final order approved AUR. 8. 1� 9,
tar grading alley in block ail. Stin,o%'s addi'
ti Alderman of the ward.
Scone Sidewalk, East Central Avenue-
Yursuant to resolution of Council approved
.Aug. 8, 1 P. the Board returns order approved
.July 1 i, a s
1889, for . nstruction of tone odo
w..lko rah side of East Central .venos.
I_Cedars to t\'ubashn stroein.
Alderman of the IV. 1.
Estimnles todClaims-
The Board transmits, approved b1' i[, the fol-
lowing __mates and claims, viz.:
F;stim;tte Nn. ! a ud final. Rio street s
Thomas Reilly. $B4.W; Estbuatc No. i sand
heal.1 C grading. Mock 2, a, bdil-io. O[
block tui. Sti,son's divis:on, F. 5: E',li1
No. it a d final. Kent street pavin;. T.
Reilly. 8:((8.`X1; Estimate No. I d fiuol. •Ile,
grading. block 1 i, Smith's subdivision of Stin-
nnn's division. G. Bolan. *ISI;h.Stimute No. 21
&Co.,$1.'25: Moshofsky Bros.. $22.15: Nicole &
Dean, V%.rs1: Robinson & Cary, $16.38; J. H.
Schurmeler, 13.35,
Committee on Claims.
Of Committee on Cloure -Bill of Board o1
Nater Commissioner.(, *
Com ittee recommend, payment.
Lai. over.
Ordimmce--d3 to Joseph Burgher-
('omvilBce recommends passage.
Laid ca er.
Fred Sander,' Clrtim-Dam,ges to Tiroli-
Com nit!co retommmt,is the disallowance of
aid claim. Adopted.
Ordinance }11.50 to Peter Johnson-
Cotnmiltee recommends passage.
Laid over.
Of Committee on Streets. Sewers and Bridges
-N'm. S, ,let
S Petition for Appropriate
tion of ;:W, Fireworks -
Committee recommends that petition be re-
ferred to Committee on Ways and Means.
A. K. Barnon, and Otb ma' titi
Peon -Vacation
Yarts of Croce s Pi ace, Etc.--
Committec recommen as that Said petition be
referred to Aid. Sanborn, Kavanagh and Pratt.
it Barge -Foos -(Report of City Eagi
C ommittee recommend, that said matter be
,eferred to Corporation Attorney and City En
Rurr Street Bridge (Report If Clty Evg' r)-
Commit,ee recommend' tit of City Clerk be
rtl t ad verti,e for plans r said
>•i,lr•c. so.-, "'O'c" ti-, to be furnished
i- ti', Cit, Engineer.
jeas-AId. Blom. Cullen. Ftsher, Gehan.
oath. Leitheuser. Pratt, Sanborn, Built.
�b. Mr. Ch al rm an -10
tcsoluD eclaringa Nuisancethe e No.ter-
tng House Authorized by OrdinunoNo. ail,
Apo orneuil ,inn.ei, rood
Committee recommends that me r lution
referred to Corporation ,tion Attorney and Com
rot Health.
(tion H. SirkeGraderand on Bradley ,Streott- [orReduc-
pted wind plle
aced on Hie s that petition be ac
Ordinance for Erection by St. Paul Gas Light
Company of Public Scales on East Fifth
C ittee recommends that said ordinnnee
be referred to Corporation Attorneytend (ity
Wm. Dawson, Jr., and Others Protest Against
Grading .ic1,1111 y Stneet—
Committee ee m •n I Lhut prMpsi. be re-
ferred to Board of Public tVork
Patrick Norris' Petition to I: xtend Sewer 'Al
Feet North of Prescnt Terminal on Olive
S cost—
Committee report favorably, petitioner to
pay all costs of inspection and engineering.
Adopted.:md Corporation Attorney instructed
to draw ordinance.
Ordinance Repealing Ordinance No. all. An.
thorizing Jas. T. McMll Ian to Erect Slough
tering House—
Cow-mittee recommends that ordinance be
referred to Corporation :Attorney and Commis
stoner of Henith.
Ordinance Authorizing St. Paul Gas Light
Company to Erect F.lectr:c Light Poles.. Etc..
WCs, Side of Franklin Street—
Committee reports favorably.
Laid over till next regular meeting.
William Esch'S Petition for Vacation of Part
f Alley in Block 3 of Humphrey' Addition—
Committee teem mends that said petition be
referred to Aid. Weber to ascertain value of
said property to be vacated, to report buck to
Committee on Streets.
Patrick Cahill and Others' Petition for Grad
ing, Tunneling and Bridging Chatsworth
Committee recommends that said petition be
roferred to Board of Public Works.
CyrusBrooks, Communication Withdrawing
from Petition by Him and Albert Scheller
for Vacation of Forty foot Street. Known ns
First Alley, Running from Mound Street to
Maria (now Bates) Avenue —
lttee recommends that said communi-
cation be accepted and placed o. file.
Jns' Dillon's Petition Asking Sewerage Ac-
commodations for Commercial Street —
Comm IBee recur mends that said petition be
referred to Aid. Lel than ser.
Of Aid. Leithauser—Resolution Changing Name
of Lawrence Street to Bates Avenue—
Committee recmmends adoption of resolu-
Corporation Attorney.
James Dillon's Petition for Sewerage Accom
odations for Commercial Street—
Hon. Common Council: The undersigned. to
whom was referred the communication of Mr.
James Dillon in relation to n sewer in Com.
mercial street, beirs leave to report that he has
examined the subject and is of the opinion that
r should be constructed in that street at
nnone. sewer
one the property in that neigh-
borhood is seriously damaged. The odors in
that locality are unendurable andn only be
prevented by the construction t the sewer
asked for. I am clearly of the opinion that the
health of thatpart of the city demands the
construction of this sewer with as little delay
Is possible, and I most heartily recommend
that the contract be. let as soon as possible.
All of ,+high is most respectfully submi tied.
(The report is ne—pamed by a communi
cation from Commissioner of Health ur+nng on
sanitary- grounds the construction of proper
sewers for said neighborhood.)
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
yf IS('EI.I.ANED V �.
An ordinance was read permitting C. F.
Spangenberg to remove frame building --403
North Exchange street.
Rules suspended o motion of Aid. K v
nagb, yeas 10, and ordinance read second time,
and passed. (See Crdfnunce Na. 1, l.98
An ordinance was read supplemental to Ordi-
nance No. MI. entitled "An ordinance relative
to the St. Paul City Railway Company, ap
proved Aug. 14, 1886."
Rules suspended on motion of Ald. Sanborn,
yens 10, and ordinance real second time and
laid over until Aug. 20, 1889. at 10 o'clock o. M.
An ordinance was read to amend section 1,
Ordinance No. 433, defining fire limits.
Committee on Streets.
An ordinance was read permitting Charles
H. Lindeke to raise a frame dwelling and build
frame addition, lot 4, block 13, Brunson's adds
Committee on Ordinance and Public Ae
By Aid. Sanborn—
A resolution instructing the City Clerk to
furnish City Engineer, the m0 -Ing atter Coun-
cil meeting n cops of all proceedings regarding
the laying and relaying of stone and cement
block sidewalks.
Committee on Streets.
By Aid. Pratt—
A resolution requesting Board of Fire Com-
missioners to report to Council the needs of
St. Anthony Park district for fire protection
and the result of recent test of water pressure
in that district.
Committee on Fire Department.
By Aid. Leithauser—
A resolution permittinLproperty owners to
ter upon and grade Me can street, between
Maria and Hoffman avenues.
Adopted, yeas 10.
By A`d. Cullen—
resolution esolution authorizing Commissioner of
Health to appoint Milk and Dalry Inspectors
at?I00 per month. etc.
Committee on Streets.
H Aid. Yoerg—
stA rli matar t5'order for sewer on George
Committee on Ways ¢ad Menus.
Yeas 8, nays 2.
By Aid. Weber—
A preliminary order for sewer on Aurora
¢venue, from Western to Dale.
Aid. Gomm moved to ,for order to Commit
tee on Ways and a: cans.
Lost—Yens. Aid. Gehan, Kavanagh, Pratt, 3:
n ys, y.
The order was thereupon Passed. (See order
to Board Public Works.)
By Aid. Sullivan—
A resolution permitting St. Paul City Rail
way Company to experiment in use ofelectric
ower in street railway' service on Fifthstreet.
from Smith Park to }Vnbash. street, +aid on
other streets.
Aid. Still
moved that Archbishop Ireland
and Thomas Cochran Jr., Esq., lie heard on the
Aid. Fisher objected, and a vole being taken
.l ebbishop Ireland still nTn meas Cochran. Jr.
Esq., were heard in support of said resolution.
The matter was thersupdn Postponed nod
laid over until Monday, Aug. 20, 18.19, at In
Yens, 10.
Aid Sanborn moved that ,ben Council ad
jour. it adjourn until Monday. Aug. 26. 1889, at
I0 o'clock a. en
Adopted, yeas 10.
The matters of all pending applications for
.cations of streets, Ileys, read ys, etc..
were postponed and laid over until Tuesday.
the 3d day o1 September. A. D. 1881), at 1:30
o'clock P. m.
An Ordinance permitting C. F. Spangenberg to
romave a small frame building, as herein
"for specined.
The Comma¢ Common Council 01 the City of
St. Paul do ordain as follows:
Section 1. Permission is hereby given and
granted unto C. F. �'pnCgenberX to move
that certain am all frame dwelllaR• No. 4fri
North Exchange sheet, I. said city, from where
it now• stands.:'; feet South, upon the Pont,
erty where the greater port ion of said building
is now Situate: it removal to be under the
sitpervision of the Inspector of Buildings of
said city.
Section 2 This ordinnnee shall take effect
and be in force from and after its publication.
Yeas—Al'd. Blom. Culled, Fisher, Gehan.
Kavarm b. Leftbaaser, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullt
van, Mr. Ch.)rain
Passed An-. CO, slat,
Hitsuy WEIES,
Chairman of Council.
Approved Aug. 22, llil .
Acting Mayor.
Attest: THOS. A. PREM DER GAST, City Clerk.
Aug. 2s.
By Aid. Sanborn—
Resolved, That the following plats, as UP'
proved by the Plat Commission, and as recom.
ended by the City Engineer, be and the same
Is hereby accepted by the Common Council of
the C'.ty of St. Paul:
"Legman & Haas' Addition to St. Paul:'
••'Pei rune Home." Fisher. Geha.,
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Cullen, Sanborn, shim.
Kavanagh. Leftha.ser, Pratt,
n, Mr. Chairman -10.
t Approved Aug. 22. 1880.
By Aid. Gehan—
Resolved, That the grade of Broadway, from
Grove street to Thirteenth street, us indicated
by the red 6ryude line on the ;Lee a.ytng
profile, and s recommended by Lite C1tl' En-
gineer, be and the mam is hereby adopted as
the established grade.
Teas—Aid. Blom, Cullen, Fisher. Guiana,
Kucnnagh. Letthauser. Pratt, Sanborn, Sulli-
van. Al I. Chairman -1n. '
Approved Aug. Y'3, 1889.
By Ald.\Veber—
Resotced. That the Grades of the toilowingg
streets and avenue. as indicated li there
grade hoes an the nccomp.nying VrohIa& and
i s recommended by the City Engineer, be and
the same are hereby adopted as the estab-
lished grades:
Churchill arcane. from Front Street to the
richt of way of the Northern Pacific Railroad.
Hurgess street. from Chatsworth street to
Lexington avenue
Gth lin estreet. from of the right of ways of the Northern
Pacific Railroad.
Yens—Ald. Blom, Cullen. Fisher, Gabon,
tKavanagh. Leithauser, Pratt, Sanborn, Sulli-
. Mr. Ch.irio —Id.
Approved Aug. •L', 1889.
By Ald. Pratt—
Resolved. That the grade of F.vorett court,
from theright of way of the St. Paul, Minne
apolts $ Muuitoba Railway to Wheeler ave
one. us indicated by the red grade line on the
acrmpanying profile. and as recommended by
the City Engineer, be and the same is hereby
adopted as the established grade.
Peas--Ald. Blom, Cullen. Fisher, Gehan,
Kart nagh, Letthauser, Pratt, Sanborn, Sully
n. Mr. Chairman -10.
i Approved Aug. 22, 11479.
By Ald. Sanborn—
Resolced. That the grade of Crocus place.
tram the most southerly angle to Fairmont
c, as indicated by the red grade tines on
TrcompaDying profile, and as recom-
mrherebyyadopted } i
as the established grade.
ncen be and the same
ens—Aid. Blom. Cullen, Fisher, Gehma,
Kavanagh• Letthauser, Pratt, Sanborn, Sulli
van, Mr. Chm
Approved Aug. J2. 1889,—
By Aid. Pratt—
Resolved, That the City Engineer be and is
hereby requested to report to this Centel a
Iran plan and estimate for an In bridge n Ray-
mond avenue, from the north line of the right
of way of the St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitol
R.tlway to Robbins street.
Yeas—Ald. Blom. Cullen. Fisher. Geha
Kavanagh. Lefthauser, Pratt. Sunburn. Sul]
ern. Mr. Cb• irm:m lo.
Aplot 'ved Aug 2 . ISSR
By Aid. Sanborn—
Resolved. That the Chief of Police be u
he]s hereby instructed to cause all o..lrun
tion to be removed from .lamer street, butwce
Richmondtreet and Western avenue, in in
City of St. Paul.
Ymem—Ald. Blom, Cullen. Fisher. ,chat
Kavanagh, Leithauser, Pratt, Sanborn. Suit
vans Mr. Chwrmnn-10.
Approved Aug. 22, 1889.
13y Ald. Cullen—
Resolved, That George Reis be permitted t
coustru It, at his own expense d under the
tlireetion and supervision of theuCity En gmeet
private sewer in the alley in block al o
try Joe's large me nt, suid s r to i, ree
with the Sixth street sewer and to oxtem
about 50 feet along said alley.
Yeas—Ald. Blom.. Cullen. Fisher, Gehan
Kavanagh. Leithauser, Pratt, Sanborn, Sulli
'., van, Mr. Chairman -10.
Approved Aug. 22, 1889.
it By Aid. Lefthauser—
' Be It
by Ike Common Council of the
Y Clty of St. Paul. That permission be hereby
j granted to the property owners on McLean
t street, between Maria avenue and
Hoffman avenue, and they are here
by authorized to enter upon and
grade swd Mp Lean street, between Moria and
Botha .veno es. ¢,corning to Lhe established
grade of said street; anitl grading to be acne
der Ike eupdervision and direction of the City
for engineieer,uri`in prep ints ow ere t pay ou cost
6 best, no lig ,ofd k.
Yeas—Ald. Blom. Cullen, Fisher. Geha¢,
Knv.nugh, Leithau,er, Pratt, Sanborn, Sulli
an, Mr. Chairman—lo
v Approved Aug, . 188n.
By Aid. Pratt—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
I, h I
the city of St Paw.
Mmnehaha If -dc or
treet� from Priors venue to Cerap
itol avenue, be and the same 13 hereby refred
to the Board of Public Works to investigate
and report;
First Is this improvement proper and neo -
Baena. Give the Counetl an estimate the
expense thereof. and state whether on -balofl of
thereof - to be paid into the City
Detom the contract Is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
said Improvement befauna benefited to the
extent of damages, costs and expenses nece,-
sary to be Incurred thereby.
Fourth. Is suchmpprovemcut asked for
upon the petition or rpplleatfon of the owners
of a majority of the property to be assessed for
such improvement.
Send the Council
improvement, lie required plan
law, ifl
o of
report 1. favor o1 the
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order It
recting the work to be done.
Yens—Ald. Blom. Cullen. Fisher. Gehan,
Krv.nagb,Lefthauser, Pratt, Sanborn, Sul
livan, Mr. Chairman—la.
Approved Aug. 22, 1881,
By Aid. Weber—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter Of construction .sUwU, on
Edmond street, from Marion street to Elfelt
street. be and the same i. hereby referred to
the Board of Public Works to investigate and
First. Is this improvement proper and neo-
e cry.
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether one halt of
the cost thereof is to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract Is let.
,,Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
id mprovement be tound benefited to the
extent of dtlmag.s. sts and expense, nems
nary to be incurred thereby.
Fourth. Is such Improvement askedr
upon the petition or application of the own •n
of a majority of the property to be asse„cd for
t •h improvement.
s th. Send the Council ,plan or profile of
said improvement. as required bylaw, If you re
port in favor of the name,
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di
ecting the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. B1om.Cuilen, Fisher, Gebun. Kuvn-
a. gh, Leithauser, Pratt, Sooner., Sullivan, Mr.
Approved Aug, 22, 1889.
3y Aid. Weber—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council.
,1 the City of St. Paul:
rora a enuie.tter or fr.. Western .ve ue sto eU U.
S.ort: b e sceied tp the
First. Is this improvement proper and ne-mary.
Second. Giv the Council n estimate of the
pence them. f, and -'.to whether one-half of
he cost thereof 1. to be paid into the City
'rea'ury before the co. tract is let.
Third. Can mal estate to be a sed for
ofd improvement be found benefited to theex-
e t of damages, coats and expenses necess.ry
be incurred thereby.
Fourth. Im such improvement asked for
Pon the petition or application of the owners
I ¢ majority.(thI properly to be assessed for
uch improvement.
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
wd irt mp vement. is required by law, if you
spo1. favor of Ike same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di
:,ting the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Calle.. Fisher, Gehan,
avanach, Leithou— Pratt, Sanborn. Sul.
n, hie, Chairman—lo.
Approved Aug. V1, IWiu.
it Is hereby ordered by the Common Council
'the City That the of tter of i,c nstructinR o r to
m atom with or extend Trout Brook sewer
from Fou;th street to Mississippi river, be and
the same is hereby referred to the Board of,
Public Works to investigate and report.
First. Is thf.. improvement proper and Liters-
s Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and stnie whether one halt of
she coat thereof Is to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be u,ses,ed for
'a improvement be found benefited to the ex
tent of damages, costs and expenses necessary
to be. Incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such improvement asked for up
on the petition or application of the owners of
it majority of the property W be assessed for
such improvement.
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
aid improvement, us required by laws if you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di
t -
ecting the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Cullen, Fi,her, Gahan,
ICuv agh Leithauser. Pratt, Sanborn. Sell,
an, Mr. 'Intirtim.-111.
e Approved Aug. --. lm1rd.
By Aid. Leithauser—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
the City of St, Paw:
That the matter of grading Pacific street,
from Forest street to Hester street. be and
the same is hereby referred to the Board
of Yublin Works to inve,thmat, : nd report:
First. Is this improvement proper and rec-
smary. Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
opence thereof, and stale whether one-half of
the cost thereof is to be paid into the City
Tre... ry before the contract is lett
Third. pCan real estate to be ns esved for
,,aid hestent of d.=et be found boneilted to the
urs' to be incurred thereby d oxpouse,- necou
` Fou Ili. Is such Smprov ement sited fur
poll the petition or ap,dient to. of the n
oI n majority of rhe pmPerty to ho u„__a for
Fifth. Send the Council u plan o prod le of
aid improvement.
tae ar
c(l' cd by Inw, it you
�,port iti
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order ill
rectingthe work to be done.
Yens—Ald. Blom. Cullen, Fisher. Celina,
Kavanagh. Leithauser, Pratt, Sanborn,
van. Mr. Chairman -10
APprovel Aug. 22, ISS9.
By Aid. Leithauser—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of grading Frank street.from
F, list Seventh street to Gotxtan street. be ,,it
samofe hereby referred to the Board of
Public \Yorks to investigate and report:
First. Is this improvement proper and nee
emiu ry.
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
LaI e,... thereof, and state whether -lm of
e cost thereois [ be paid into the City
Treasury before the to
is let.
Third. Can real estate to be useessed for
said improvement be found benefited to the
extent of damages, costs and expenses neces
Yary lobe incurred thereby.
Fourth. Is such improvement asked for
upon the petition or application of the Owners
of a majority of the property to be assessed
file ,ash imp—ement.
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
,,aid improvement. as red ed by low. it you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order
d(r•t•ting the w'o rk to be done.
Yens—Aid. Blom. Cullen, Fisher. Gahan,
Kavanagh, Leithauser, Pratt, Sunburn. Sulli
van, Mr.Ch:drmnn—m.
Approved Aug. 22. 1168(1.
By Ald. Leithauser—
It i hereby ordered be the Common •'eunril
of the C.y of St. Paul: -
Th., the matter of grading Uuluth avenue,
from nest Seventh street to East Fourth
be and the manta is herby re
fermd to the. Board of Public Work, to Invem-
tigate and report:
First. 1 s [his impmvement proper and nece,-
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof. and state whether one-half of
the cost thereof Is to be paid into the City
Tresury before the contract la let.
Third. Can real estate to be u O„od for
rid improvement be found benefited to the
extent of damage,. coats and expenses neces-
ury to be incurred thereby•
Fourth. Is such improvement askedfor
upon the petition or application of the owners
of a majority of the property to be assessed to
tab improvement.
Fifth. Send the Council n plan or Profile of
aid anerovement, ax required by law, if gull
,,p rt in favor of the ,ams.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper orderal
r -
c,Img the w'ark to be done.
Ycas—Aid. Blom. Cullen. Fisher. Gehan.
IC nvnnagh. Leithauser, Pratt Sanhorn. Sulli
.Ch airm:tm—m.
ti Approved Aug. _2. ISm9.
By Aid. Sanborn
It is beech, ordered by the Common Council
If Lite City of St. Pat 1:
'That the matter of con eructing a,Iwor on
Portland avenue, from Avon street to Grotto
,t "set, be. and the same is hereby referred to
the Board of Public Works to investigate and
First. I, this improvement proper and
Second. Give the Council an estimate of
the expense thereof, and state whether one
half of the cast I let- is to be paid Into the
City Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
said improvement be found benefited m the
extent of damages. costs and expenses neces-
sury to be incurrod thereby.
Fourth. Is soon improvement asked for upon
the petition or applies tell of the owners of a
m:cjment.ority of the property to be assessed for
such h improveFifth. Send the Council n plan or profile of
,aiddrt.vor of tae some red by taw. 1f you
report I
Sixth—Send the Council a properorderdi
recting the work to be done.
Yens—Alda Blom, Cullen, Fisher. Gehan
Kavanagh, Let thauser, Pratt, Sanborn, Built
Chairman -10.
t aApproved Aug 22. Piro).
By Aid. Gehan—
It is hereby ordered by the Comjnon Councl.
of [be City of St. Paul:
That the matter of grading Broadway, fr,n.
Grovestreet to Tllirtecmh stre,t,be anith(
same is bereby referred to the Board of Pub
lin Works to inrestigate and report:
First. Is this improvement proper and nee
e dry?
Second. Give tho Coune,i nn estimate of tht
expense thereof. and state a bether one half of
the cost thereof 1s to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract Is let.
Third. Can real estate to be. assessed for
aid improvement be found benea and to the
extent of damages, coat.•: and expenses neces
Cary to bot incurred thereby`
uponurth thepollutionsuchapplication
eatasked for
of n ma'oi[ • o[ the Ilplfcation of it
property to be assessed for
uch impro • ment`
„ Fifth. Send the Councd a Plan or profile of
said improvement, as required by Is,, if you
report in favor of the some.
Sixth. Send it,, Council it proper orderdt-
recting the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Blom. Callen, Fisher. Geller,
liavapngh. Leithauser, Pratt. Sanborn, Sulli
van. Mr. Chairman -10.
Approved. Aug. 22 39
, 18.
H.XRY WED—, Chairmanof Council.
A dJ ntO I,„1 ,!lee: ing.
ST. PAUr., Aug. tri, lssia
The Council mel,Pu suint to adjournment, at
l0.'.lack a in.
V fee President Yoerg to the chair.
Present—Ald. Bickel. 131om. Back. Cullen.
Conley, Fisher, Gohmm. Kavanagh, Leith;maer,
Mines, Melody, Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan,
Weber. Mr. Vice President --I G.
From Minuesota Soap Company :and Others—
Asking formoval of hay markets from
W shimgton sad other streets.
Cam ttee on Streets.
From A. L. Mayall and Others—
Protesting ago last the griming ,f Mapio
street. between Seventh .street antl Greenbrier
Committee on Streets.
From John Bayer—
Asking for abatement of nuisance existing at
:159 and 357 Jackson street.
Commissf... r of Heath.
Of City Comptroller—Audited Claims, fix.:
A. F. Mark,. Estimate No. 1, sewer on Con
way street' 3tt9): A. F. Menke, Estimate No. !.
eweron Sixth street, 62u5: L. E. Shipley, Es-
t3mate No. 1, paving Mac
kubia street, $9,350:
McArthur Bros., Estimate No. 9, grading Lex-
ington avenue, $3,400: Dale & Baumgardner.
Estimate No. 4, grading Agate and Elk streets,
68:0; W. A. Davern, Estimate No. 3, grad
ingDawson street, 61,19f1: W. A. Davern,
Est, mate No. 3 and final, grad
Bradford etc.. $363.11: MCAr.
th or Bros„ Estimate No. 5 and final grading M is
saipoi street, etc.. $1.9;2; P. Trintholt, LNU
ante No, 1, grading Manu avenue.
Ste., 3510: J. E. Fitsch, Estimate
No. grading Grand $1.530.
Bich and Ferrestal, Estimate No.n' ¢¢d anal.
o'er o¢ Maria avenue, etc., $469; iw— For
testal. , timate No. 1. sewer on Ohio street,
te.. N:91): Eureka Stone omPany. Estimate
No. 3, cement sidewalks. 1882, 64,4W: E. J. Kirk.
land Estimate Nn. 7, Western •eaue Server
sSstem. 314,785: E. J. Kirkland, Estimate No.
10, L'Orient street sewer system, X17,595; J. T.
MillionI Estimate No. 1. grading Langford
Park Ylace, etc., 87(',5: C. E. Saudeen, Estt
mate No. 1, grading Fourth street, $8511: C. E.
Sandecn, EstimaTe No. 1, grading Prior ave.
31.317.50; C. E. Sandecn, Eatimato No. I.
gr¢tli¢g St. Almms steeot, 335:1; Malay
& Dow. EstimateN sewer
on Chatsworth street
,eta., 33, 7
- 40;
Moll & Dow. Estimate No. G and Liam, sewer
on Victoria street, etc., 6Y,3f,5: A. Gingles,-Estl-
ote No. I, grading Rontlo treet, ff1,:iGU: J.
McDonald, Estimate No. 5 d hn¢I. cr ding
Dayton avenue Wil. ;95; O. W'. Fish, Entlmate
No. 1. grading White Bear , 317.1; T.
Lmnnn, Estimate No. 3. grading""';,ell and
Baker site efs, 41,, 1; T. Kenn gh, Estf No.
' grading Selby avenue, k{,20: J. Kavanuugb,
listlmnte No. 3, grading Jossle street, +'�.TlJ:
H. C. Huebner, Estimate No. 1, grading Court
land street, $h17 4J: T. ReRly, L•'stimate No. 1.
Paving tient street, .$3. IfIG; tV. A. Dover¢, mate No. 1, grading Wheeler street. etc., 8$2:30;
Manke. F,stimata No. 4 and final. Driving
block Gotxiun'e subdivision. 8WO; T. J. Sy
ands. Estimate No. 3, server Tuscarora
street, etc., 62,$175; H. J. Couper, Estimate No.
3, grading Rose street, etc., %1,749; John W.
Doherty. Estimate No. I. sower on Third street,
mate No. 1. sewer on Charles street, $125: J.
Hansen. Estimate No. 5, supplementary to No.
4 and final. sewer on Daly street, 6;0; Thorn
ton & Shaw, Estim me No. 6, supplementary to
No. 5 and fival, Sewer on Bimlll street, $:0:
P, Doherty, Estimate No. 3, supplementary to
No. and final, sewer no Charles street, 375;
King Iron Roofing rind Paint Co.. $169: Lehigh
Coal and Iron Co., F'35: F. J. Linne & Co., 353;
Kenny Bros.. S12; Griggs Bros., S4.57: Forres-
tal Bros., SI2: J. P. Gribben Lumber Co., $25.20;
T. li. Norton, Estimate No. , Spri¢Itling Dis
trier No. 9. IPU 1.31: Dave Josoph. Estimate No.
sprinkling in District No, x, $1,054.55; Dave
Joseph. Estimate No. 5, sprinkling in District
No. 4, 41,131. "1: Date Joseph, Estimate No. 5,
3prin -it
in District No. 5 6;93.15; Themis
I;ellly, Lsttmaie No, 5. Sprinkling District No.
'. 6996.8..; Thomas Reilly, Estimate No. 5
'prinkling District No. 6, iiiji67:33; Thornton
C Shaw, Estimate No. 4, pp 'nit
in n District No. S. x44051:
H H. Wide, Est imate No. 5 and final, grading
i4,_MH; T. Reilly, Estimate N..3. supplementary
'2No. 2 and final, sewer on Eichewnld street,
5: Thornton & Show, Estimate No. 4, supple
mentary to No. 3 and final, sewer on Forest
and other streets, $1001 George H. Allen, 8134,17;
R. L. Polk &Co., 645; H. M. Crosby, Mil: Boer.
inger & Son. 314.95: F. W. Steeg, $39: Dux &
Ullman. 120.30; Abbot Downing GOmPany,$u.5:
A. H. Bunde, 385: Rank & Trowbridge.. ;
Do Com .C- Co.. 82.45' W. A. Von SISke & Co..
$1.25; George Mttseh, .42U9.e2: Northwestern
Lime Company. 6217.8: Northwestern Stamp
Works, $1.511: Noyes Bros. & Cutler. C3i.78;
Nicola & Dean. L4I.05: J, D. Moran. 813:
Maendler Bros., V80; Balt er & Mod¢t.
$1.211: Farwell, 02mun, Kirk & Co.,
cry Co., MOL'LG; Matthew Craig. $2J; G. W. Mer-
in, .50; McCarthy & Donnelly. ;UB.tU; Brown,
Treacy & Co., 3u,; Justus Kahlert, su5.36: The
Dispatch Pri.if.g Co., 3:, 73; F. J. Brings.
8:L•'..,1: Berland; & CO.. 72fk3; St. Paul Rubber
Co., Board of Water Conimissioaers.
82dG.50: Ed. S. Bean. 61!134J; The Great West
Cr. Band. $<l50: Allen & Co., 32: Henry V, Alien
C.., x97 til: Schiermuu & Co.. P2.:U: Sec
and Rogfail, Band. 8'3.0: b'irst Rein
ent Bond, $2.10: J. I.. Henn', 86; C
Thomas. Weems:Warta& Delaing.4x.75: Fttx-
gerald & Von Sol l en, 815..'3: Geo J. Mitsoh &
Co., 3.4;.40: Scribner Libby Co., B:N,:11; H. P.
Rugg&Co.. 47.21; Chicago, St. Paul, Ilton,
,alis & Omaha R' -Sway. $r,IV.70; St. polliHardware C.mpany, 147.44; Thomas Brennan.
R':.IUi.311; Pearse & Jones. $act: F. Goldetein.
Hogan & Healey, $7.:u::[enned}' & Chiller,dcn. .11.x5: Held & Grucalm',ut. 312; ti. F.
Knnuft & Cu.. !Ml ce ts; WV Hoa;_13.`+1:
August Jobst. V2055: Peter Stamper+ & Son.
`t.u5; American Manufacturing l'ompuay'
$43 -til: St. Paul Furniture Cmno:m5'. 8401x1.
Allowed and ordered paid bo,
Icliuwing vote:
Yeas—A Id. Becket, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Co.
try, Fisher, Ge --an. Kit nigh, Leithuus,r.
Mine., Meindy, Pratt. Barbara, Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vice President -10.
Of City Engineer—Gn[es at Com, Avenue
Crossing of N. P. R. R.—
The City Engineer transmits letter of J. W.
Kendrick. Chief Engineer N. P. R. It. Co., ask
ing that Council rescind order for gates at Said
Alderman of the Ward.
Maggie Ranch's Claim for 6x.75, Mone}' Paid
for Sidewalk. Lot 2, Block 9, Lewis Addi-
TheCltyEnginoer recommends Payment of
aid claim at 3,.
Corporation Attorney to draw ordinance.
Portland Avenue Sewer—
To she Common Council of the Cityof St. Paul:
The Board ofPublic Work, hall had tinder
consideration the resolution or order of the
Common Council. approved Aug. 8. 1889. eta
Ifre to the consfro.[ion oI n sower on Portland
av n e. from Grotto street to Avon street,
and, having investigated the proposed improve
Respectfully report that sold Improvemeat
is necessary and proper, toge[herwith the ne
cessary catch -basins nod manholes: that the
estimated expense thereof is 67601 one
halt of which need not be pald into
the City Treasury before thecontract is
let; that real estate to be assessed there
for can be found benefited to the extent
of the cost and expenses necessary to be im
�urrod thereby; that Said improvement is
not asked for by a petition of a majority of the
roof property to be assessed there for, but
to h.rew ith se it a plan or prone f said
unprovemeut, and an order for your adoption,
.( }'ou desire us to make improvement.
Yeas 4: nays U.
it. L. and ofGORS.P President.
W. F. EltwtN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
Aug .4/. IgY'J`
Adopted. See order to Board of Public
Works. i
County Road Opening and Extension—
To the CommonCouncil of the City of St. Paul:
The Board or Public. Works Its, Chad under
consideration the resolution or urderof the
Common Ccmlcfl, approved May V. IMP, tell,
the to the condemning a fifty -foot lot In
block 37. St. Anthony Park, as an extension of
tooth What ing, fromnotled the rd to posed improvc
oves gale to Knapp
mResptotfaily rtpdrextendt Isom} rou,l,yfrom
proper n,ford ulou a to Knapnostr_,t. that the
e,test stet in be(1 ii aChdreof is fl. -200: that real
theref.r can be found
benelit,d to the uxteat of the damages, costs
3 expen-. necessary to heincurred thereby,
that said inn Prove menti not asked for by a
petition of n majority of the ownersof Property
to be assessed therefor, but we herewith send
¢ plan or profile of Sold improvement, and
an order for your adoption. If you desire us to
m lee thl• improvement.
Yeas, 4; nut's, U.
It. L. G(RR}N, President.
W. F. EIDrlNof, Clerk Board of Public Works.
Aug. 19, 1389,
Adopted. (See order to Hoard of Public
Grading of Alleys—Block G, Edmund Rlce's
_l,! nd Addttion—
To the Common Council of the CRY of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works hove had under
•onslderatfon the fee. atlo. or order of the
Common Council. uPProveit ly 17. 18491), relu
live to grading alleys to bloelt 5. Rice's Second
ad trial). and.having investigated the proposed
Respectfully report it is accessary and pproper
to grade the alleys in block six Ilii, E[Imund
Mice's Second Adolf . to St. Paul; that the
which need not be pathalf at
[7 into the aCityaT easury
before the contract is let: that rSol estate to
he assessed therefor can be flood benefited to
the extent of the cost andexpo hes necessary
to be Incurred thereby; Sha said improvemet
Ls not asked for by a Petition of x mrijorty
of the owners of property to be ussesed there-
for, but we herewith send a plan or profile of
sd improvement, and an order for your adop
tioain, if you desire usto make theireprovement.
]'ens, 4; nays, u.
R. L. GOR—S. Yreeident.
W. F. EnwIN, Clerk Board of -.bit. Work..
Aug, 12. 1849.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
Selby Avenue Sewer—
To the Common Council of the Cf[y of St. ,no,
The Board of Public Works have had nn I
consideration the ree.lution or order of oils
Common Council, approved Aug. 3. Itt% ret,
tive to the construction of sewer on Selby
avenue, from the westerly endof the present
ower on that street to Fairview nue. and.
having investigated thr proposed vc improve
Respectfully report that it is neces,xry and
Proper to construct a jewel' nil Set by avenue. from Vletorin sleet to Fairview zircojns,
e i t
a: across the right of way of 0 %
1c %j"'
St. & St. Paul Railway Company'. together
with the necessary sewer connections to the
property Imps; that the estim:tied expense
thereof is txi,c!rf, one-half of which need not
be paid Into the City Treasm'}beforetract is [ho cam
therefor Combe found benctitedhat real O.,lato tto the extern u(
the cos[ and expenses necessary to be
there y; that said improvement is not asked
for by a petition of n rnujori[y of the owners of
property to be assessed therefor. but I e here.
With send 11 plan o • prmile of said improve
meat, and an Order for your adoption, if v
sire s to nuke the improvement. n
Veal. 4: nays 11.
It. I.. GI)II.ttAN. President.
I tt•, b', Enwlx. Clerk Board of Public Worlcs
t.Aug, XI, IHHU.
Adopted, iSce order to Board Of Public)
Works. i
Common Council, approved Aug. g, 1639, relative
to the construction of a sewer un Olive street,
from Williams street to con uset with the pri.
rale sower on saidstreet, and, having invest,
gated the proposed improvement:
Respectfully report that It 's necessary and
Proper to construct u sewer on Olive street, from
the led of the Pr -mit newer on said street to
Williams street al a point opposite the line be
I ween lots :, and (I of nines J, Be Bow, Smith,
Risque & Williams' addition to St. Paul, t0
ember with the neces,ary catch -basins
and m holes: that the estimated c.
pease thereof is :!otos. on -half of which
need TelTell,.be paid into the City Tress
ury before the contract is let: that real estate
to be assessed therefor can be (mind benefited
to tale extent of the tort nd oxf, ses neces-
sare to be incurred thereby': that ?in
id impr ve
eat is not asked for by a petition of u major
ivy of the ow ncrs of phper' to De assesse
therefor, but we hert•with send i pint or pro'Iile of said tmproveint•nt, and untOrdi, for your
adoption. i1 you desire us to mike the improve
Vols. 4: nays, u.
W. F. Eftw1N. Clerk Bo ieltolf Public Works.
Adopted' Se, order to Board of Public
ork s.I
Prescott Street Se,t _
'1'o too Common Council of the Cityof St. Paul:
The liourd of Public LVcrkn nave had antler
Also. consid oration the resolution o ortler of the
Common Council
Alie,v Openi¢e. Block H. }Vhilney C Smith'
Addition --
To the Common CounCil Of the City .f St. Paul
7`he Board of Public \Yorks Duve had untie
nsiserotion The resdution or rder f the
!:ommon Council, upProved June 22. 1889, r •la
I lye to opening nn alley through block 11. Wh II
ney and Smith's addition. condemning and ink
lug the southwesterly twelve till feet of lot,
ohe. two, three. four, five antl six 1l.'- 9. 4, Sun
til, Itnl[ney and Smith's dditiun t' St. Paul
and. having Investigated the prop..,,. lmprore;
Respectfully report that it is necessary anti
roper t0;KR an alley ten feel ids through
lock 11, Whitney and Smith's uddltion to St.
Paul, contl erring and taking fila soulhwest-
e ly ten (lo) feet of lots one (I1. two f-). three
13), four 14), fire fG) and Ni, (e). In block !t, o[
sold mki Bo five
that the estimated expense
th creof is S9%(] ); that ,col est etc t. be assessed
therefor can be found benefited to the extent
of the dmr,ges. ensu and expenses nI, ssnrV
lobe incurred thereby,- that xuitl impruvemem
Is asked for by a petition of a maority of the
ow ers of property to be assessed therefor,
the her""' x,ad : plan or profile of said
improvement. anti an order for your n. option.
if you desire us to make the. Improvement.
Yeas. 4; nays, fl,
A, F. ERWIN.Clerk Board lOf PublliicnWorks,
Aug, 7S IH89.
Adapted (Sec ordo' to Board el Public
011`1 SU—
To the Common Couactl Of the itp of St. Youl:
The Board of Public Works bCto had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
approved August 8, 189, rel
street. to the construction of a seweron Prescott
street, from Oakdale. avenue to Woodbury
stec[. and, having Investigated the proposed
e Ilmproremeo t:
I:cspcc•If ally report Lhu[ Bald !mprovem ent is
necessary and proper. together with the ❑roc
en[Iin tedlex e[ts�n tllereofmis o6o}es: that thr
which need not be one halt of
d before the ... tracttiIs lett That eel estn[euto
be I ssessed thcrcforcun be found bencitted to
th'c extent Of the cost and expenses necessary
to be incurred thereby; that said improvement
IN not asked for by a petition of a raj rely of
the owners of Property to be n.,xessud Lherefor,
.but ire herewith send a plan or profile of said
improvement, and on order for your adoption,
if you desire us to make the improvement.
You., 4: nays, u.
i F. 1 .. Cii
Aug. 211,, IM9. beck Band of Public Works.
Adopted. (Sec order to Board of Public
Minoehaba Street, Grallfn—
To the Common Councilgof the City of St.
The Board of Public Works have had under
consideration the resolution O order of the
Common Council. 1PPruved J my Ii,8H9, relative
to the grading of Minriehuhu street, from
(:�amo a •c i • to Prior venue and, having
.,Ligated the proposed inamovemeut:
u Respectfully report that It is necessary e d
proper to grade to a partici grade \f innehuh6
street, from Snelling avenue to Prior
avenue; that the estimated 11 ease
thereof is 8v,0.91.9iI, one half of which need
not be paid into the City Treasury before the
contract is let; that real estate to be as
seN.Ned lhereforean be found benefited to the
extentof the cost and expenses necessaryto be
carred thereby; that said !mpro,oment is
not asked for by a petition of a nalljority
of the owners of properly to be s-
sessed therefor. but we herewith send a plan
or profile of said fm_orovettlent, and an order
for your adoption, it you desire as to make
the improvement,
Yeas, 4; nays, U.
R. L G.R.—N, President.
W. F. EI[w IN, Clerk Hoard of Public Works.
Aug. °u, Visa.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
Van Buren StreetCraning—
To the Common Council of the City of St.
The Board of Public Works have had under
Cnsideration the resolution or order of the
ntI on Council. a1, ro—I April 4. 1".
relative to the wraaiug of Von Buren street.
from Fry to Fairview. anti. having inves-tiguted
the proposed improvement:
Respectfully report that it is necessary and
prone r to grade %'un Buren street, from Fry
st rect to Wheeler avenue: that the estimated
expensethereof is i'l,oHii. un -half of which
eel act be paid Into the City Treasury b, -fore
III - coutruct i, let: that real estate to hem,
.,sed therefor cue be found IT filed to the
extent of the cost and expenses necessary to
be Incurred thereby-; that sold improvement is
asked for by a petition r•[ a majority o[the own
heof proper a, to be it .... x,d therefor. u d we
rewitsend n elan and profile of -.aid Im-
procemept, , anti Mier fur your adopt ion, if
desire uto ma an it',) Im prorem,
you V ea,, 1; nay, I.
R. L. GI)It President.
W. F. P•ns[N. Clerk Board of Pahl Works.
Aug. 15111
Ad.pteo. (See order to Board of Publi-
Iv.,ks i
l.ctwson Common
To the t'onneit oc till Cly of St. Paul:
Tho Board of Puba
Public \Yorks hill Ilndn
nslderution the icsOluton, r ord,, of the
Common Council, approved February. 1Mt,
move to the grading of Lawson street, from
Mississippi to Lart streets. and, battle' investi
gated the proposed improvenieut:
Respectfully report that. it is n •rens r y s d
proper 'o -rotas L wson ,tree t. `from `Minn ,.
,ipPt street to Earl sire. t: that file estim at,A
e xp ensc tuereof is 31 R9fut on -Intl[ of which
need not he paid into the City '1'reu,u ry before
the contract i, let: that real estate to be :1,
sed therefor can be found henefited to the
e�+-tent of
[be cost and experts n y to
be incurred thereby: that said improrl,�nen t is
,ot asked for by a nelition of n majority of the
sof property tc be ittherefor, bill
at a hearing before this Board a large m joril}'
Of the resilient property owner, on the- line f
saidimprovement present asked that sold
,t rest be graded, and we herewith send ¢ plan
or protlle of said improvement, and an order
for your adoption. if you desire us to make the
Yeas, 4; nays, o.
R. L. Board
d of President.
W. F. .1889. Clerk Rourd of Public Warks.
Aug, 19, 1389.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
Viola Street Sewer—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works have had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
Common Council, approved Aug. It. 18199, rely
Live to the construction of a sewer on Viola
street, from Jackson street to Cedar street,
and, having investigated the proposed im-
Respectully report that said improvement is
necessary and proper, together with the ne-
ecs try catch basins and manholes, that the
e: timate expense thereof is -- as half of
which need not be paid into the City Treasury
before the contract is let; that real estate to De
s essed therefor run be found benefited to the
extent of the cos, and expenses necesaary to be
incurred therebyb: [hut said improvement fs
not asked for y a petition of a majority of the
owners o[ property to be assessed therefor,
but we herewith send a plan or profile of said
improve ent. and an order for your adoption,
if you desire us to make, the improvement.
Yeas. 4; Y. 9.
I.. and of P President.
W. F. ) its c.v. Clerk Board of Public Works.
Aug. rl. IHs I-
Adoptccl. is,t order to Board of Public
Jenks Strecl Gruding—
To the Common Council of the City' of S[. Paul:
The Board Of Public Workahave had under
consideration the resolution or order f the
Comelon C'oulle B, approved Jure, 22, Iscs rola
live to thegrading of Jenks street, from Mus
soon Pill street to Earl street, and. having In-
I.estheited the proposed improvement:
Re,Pectf.Rr report that Id improvement
Is cessury and proper: that the estimated
ease thereof is ffie':.21`0, one half of Which
t ced not be fluid into the City Treasury before
the contract is let: that real estate to be as
sed therefor can be found benefited to the
.'coI of in, cost and expenses necessary to
b, incurred thereby: that said Improvement is
not ask,d for by' , Pet(tton Of u mojority of the
, of Pro )c,l}' tin be assessed therefor. but
at it hearing before this Board, a large mh-
)orlly Of the resident property owners, the
1'. nr 14 Bald In!Proeument present, asked that
ii,l .,'rest be graded, imd we herewith send a
pi;ui Or Profile f so id impr emcnl, anti n
order for your adopt ion, if you desirous Io make
the intProv 'em -1.
Yeas. 4: city,. a.
Gih<wx.I. President.
W. F. ]:nwiN', Clerk Boartl of Public Works.
AdIII4 190 to. a'f'CI.
At Order to B.—I of Pablir
.les,amtne Street Sewer—
'ro the Common Council of the City of St, Paul:
Tile. t"' of Public,Yorks have had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
Common Council, approved Aug. 8, IM9. rela
tive to the construction of a server on Jesse
mine street, from Edgerton street to a poi.''
half way between Jessie and Bradley streets
and, having f l—ttgated the proposed improve
Respectfullyrepotthat it is neccry a
pr to nn rn
str,,t Jesemem,
street. from
Edeer",street , point hall
lestreet ad
to herw'ith thednecessary cutch sbesins and
in unholes: that the estimated expense thereol
is31,atone-half of which need not be paid i,tc
the City Treasury before the contract is let:
that real estate to be assessed therefor ca, be
found benehted to the extent of the cost and
pe,sev necessary to be incurred thereby;
that said improvement i not asked for by ¢
petitio¢ of n majorit}' of the owners of pro,. rty
to be assessed therefor• hot we herewith end
aplan or profile of slid improvement, and an
tider for your adoption, if you desire us to
make the improvement.
You,, 4: nays. 0.
R. L. G.—A., President.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Work..
Aug. W. 1886.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
Fourteenth Street Grading -
To the Common Council of the City of St. Poul:
The Board of Public Works haveu the Co.
nder ton—
std 'ratio, the resolution or order of
n Council. pProvsd Jone S, PelU, relative to
the grading ofaFourteenth street, from Canada
Street to Broadway and, having investigated
the proposed improvement:
Respectfully report that said improvement
Is necessary and proper, that the estimated tlx
pens, thereof is as 80. one-half of which need
not DC paid into the City 'pre a.sury before the
can trait is let: that real estate to beassessed
h recostn a exund De`dBetls tmo Lhe
of ,ossa sees y to be inn -
red thereby; that said improvement is t
asked for by u petition of n m jority of the
s of property to be avvessetl therefor, but
we herewith send a plan or profile of said Im
provement, end an order for Sour adoption, !1
you desire as
to make the improvement.
Yens, 4: Nuys""
R. L. GORIIAN. President.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
Aug. 15. IM9.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
Mi,nehaba Street Grading Contract -
The Board reports but
it has awarded Peter
Tentholt the contract for grading to a partial
grade Minnehnha street, from De Soto
treet to the west line of Rivoli etre et, with a
pproach on said Minttehoha street w t of
Rivoli street, and on Rivoli street to Min no,
habit street, he being the lowest reliable and
resp ... this bidder therefor; mount
of bid.
81,2X9: bond in the s of d30), with N. C.
Johnson and AndrewAvderson as sureties.
Virginia Avenue Sewer Coot'
The Board reports that It has awarded Will
ism J. Presion the contract for constructing .
sewer on Virginia avenue. from Iglehart street
to Marshall avenue, he being the lowest relic
bill .ad rellp ... thin bidder therefor; mount
bld, 1819: bond the bum of
ffiI00 with
Petrick Ketgher and S. P. Spotes as sureties.
Capitol Avenue Grading Contract -
The Board reports that it has awarded John
'ablethe contract Fairview ave,ue to Aldine avenue, Capitol e avenue
Iromhe be.
ing the lowest, reliable and responsible bidder
therefor: Mumult of bid, d".132.7U: bond to the
mof S42154. with Charles Friend uad Chun
,mg Seabury u9 sureties.
LauraAvenue Grading Contract -
Th Board reports that It has awarded John
tract fore to S nmmlt .,none.
hutoMarshallareliable nd responsible
III betng the lowest der therefor; amount of bid, ,].300; bond in
the sum of $U10, with Patrick Keigherand
Thomas M ... Rat as suzettes.
street ard report, t, thContract-
at it
Bohes awarded Job,
AV. Maloney the ,air,,, for grading James
street, from Victoria street to Lexington ave.
he being the lowest reliable and resporod
ble bidder her Id amount of bid• ;2,600; bond
iv the sum of MW, with Michael Maloney and
Edward McNamee as sureties.
Dooley Avenue Grading Contract -
The Board reports that it has awarded J. T.
Million the contract for grading Dooley avenue,
from eounty road to Gibbs venue' Knapp
street, from Langford avenue to Gibbs ave
an Scudder avenue, from Langford are
nue to Gibbs avenue (under one contract), he
being the only bidder and he being deemed re
liable sad resp... thin: amount of bid. 85,000;
bond in the sum of St.=). with Lane K. Stone
and Walter S. Morton as sureties.
Sewer Contract. South Roadway of Irvine ave-
noo td Alley. yton &Irvine's Addition -
The Board reports that It has awarded John
W. Doherty the contract for construction of a
ewer on the south roadway fIrvine avenue.
tram Western avenue to the alley lyingbe-
tween lots 19 and 20, and lots 33 and 84, block
1i, Dayton & Irvine s addition; thence on sold
alley to n connection with the Pleasant avenue
together with the necessary calch-
baslcs andmanholee, he be
the lowest re-
liable and responsible bidder therefor:
amount of bid, ft(tll; bond in the sum of 980,
with F. W. Hadtleld and O. V. Erlcso. as
Each of the foregoing awards taken up sepa-
-ately, sad approved by the following vote:
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Hock, Cullen, Con-
. Luithauser,
Malady, Pratt. Sanborn, a,Sulllvao,Web
r. Mr. Vice President -16.
An ordinance was read grouting William J.
tier permission to construct an area under
sidewalk, Sixth street.
an on motion o1 Aid. Conley. .
Isis 16, .nd ordinance read second time and
sassed. ,See Ordi... ce No. 1,199.)
An ordinance was rens appropriating 8.25 for
ich net
Committee on Claims.
An old mance won
,ad granting permission
Joh❑ !Island an. Thomas Cochran. Jr.,
to construct, equip. maintain and operate cer
thin experiment¢l electric street railway lines.
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Cuilen-
yens. 14; nays. Aid. Fisher told Gehan, 2 -and
said ortlinuvice placed upon its xecottd readl,g.
Aid. Sanborn m ,ed nine dment to
aid ortlmaee t err. imm edmtely .Iter the
i nl "city"where¢ ams ot•ru ry in sixth line of
wadi.*. Iwo of sold ardin:utco, the Woods' or if
far any other reason It wise to
the 0"I""0"I""Coann!1
should dee
the same ad shall so Orden' and also to s rike
out the .rd "may' where sumo occa rs in the
th !toe of said section Hvo ad insert to
lieu acthereof the Word "chill."
Said amendment adopted.
Yells, 16.
Aid. Sanborn moved to amend saidordinance
by in sertmg immediately :after lv ord "Council"
where same arn in the eighth live of section
Hve of sold ord Lnn... the words •':md at the ex
pens,,1 the surd gra[ees."
said .menamout adopted.
Yens. iii.
Aid. Gehan moved to lay ,aid Ireland -Cock
ordinance on the table.
Aid. Sanborn moved to suspend the rules so
ials Of
,aid that 's beeI readof ing
the Ih rd rco amended oding of
said ordie ¢are.
Adopted, yens 1 5:nays. Aldo Fisbet'. 1.
Said ordiaance wax thereupon t call the third
The Vice President called A':I. Cullen to the
Archbishop Ireland was heard in snpporl of
void ordinance.
The Vice President took the chair.
ace=stiott being upm on the p.'
s ge of .aid
granting ri_ton o John Lreland
and 'Pham as Cochran. Jr.. to int ke cloXle
xtr,et railway exp,rimente, the chid ordiaance
w ou
as lt.
Yeas-Ald. Bfekel, Blom, Bock. Cullen, Kill'
a -
nugh, L,ithauser, Malady-. Pratt, Sanborn,
Sullivatt, Weber -11.
Jays-Ald. Conley. Fisher. Geba, Mines.
Mr, Vice President -5.
Ovotion of Aid. Sanborn said lost men-
tioned vote w neidered and said nrdi
tionce laid on the table for he present.
By Aid. Weber -
A resolution atborixtng Committee on Po
lice to place the necessary gas fixtur,s I. iron
do station.
Committee on Police.
By ova. Weber -
A resolution far lamp --Edmond and Grotto
Committee o, Gas.
By Aid. Blom-
Ue S Stu antl Cook.. lotion rstlree jump,
and ober stree,9rruv
Committee on Gas.
By A'dyoGehnn-
A resolution far tf OMOO bonds-pu rk pur
poses - Mnry Mc\f:annti reurr.angem nl
of block 22. in Ouster's addition ad Banni.
and Olivier's addith . in t5 est St. Pau].
Committee on Way's lad Means. r
By Aid Leihauser-
A resolution for lamps on Newport avenue.
Committee OR Gas.
By Aid. Culleu-
1 resolution recoggnizing contract between
Matt Leithauser.nd Board of Control for con
struction of root cellar at almsbouse farm.
Committee on Claims.
By Ald. Weber-
Rmtdo str111lr-tI'll police x,all.. tions and gas Into
cnmmittno on
The matter of street railway fracbises being
taken up. 9i es -s. H. J. Hera. 'Phomas Lowry.
\Villiam Lindeke and Col. Barr were heard in
relation thereto.
0—NAN1. No. 1.199.
An ordl.1iniance grunting to William J. Cutler
pena,ion to Inn+tract an area under the
side -11, to front of his properly on Sixth
stroct. in the City- of St. Paul.
Th I I—R on I'mmell of Lhe City of St Paul do
r l—i as follows:
Seetlov 1. Permission is hereby grudtea to
William .1. Cuticr• his heirs ad uesigns, owner.
of lotoils rev ,
� eight (81 uad nine (9 i block
. P:w(Lto ofWhian d S m ithrucddition to
taller the ad.olk.excavate on Sixth rstreet• in front of
'aid lot nine (91, for the t sof the block of
'n the coarse ofer tion there, or her
band nits which may be thereon erected, us
follow., vivo.: Said ",no to extend along said
Stith att•eet thi Ity night feet to leugtb and ten
feet wide. coin m en n4 a point Ift}' (50) feet
Or thereabouts narthw, rd from northeast or
ler of
Sixth street. the outside of area wall to
be not farther than ten feet from the property
title, the sidewalk to be laid over said area se.
real' onR'on beams and brick arches, to the
sUtisinctinu of the City Engi,cvr.
fiThi. nrdi t nee shall take effect and
be isnc :ante from and iafter its p iblicvtt.v.
1'eu—Aid. 13tckcl, Blom. Book. Cullen, ('on -
ley, Fisher. Gehan, Kavanvgh. Letthaser.
Minen.Melady.Poatt. Sanborn. Sullivan,W.ber.
Mr. Vice Pre..ident -1d.
Passed Aug.2e, 1889
President of Council.
Approved Aug. 28, 1889.
ANTBt1NY Y..... JR., Acting Mayor.
Attest: Taos. A. Permeate Asr, City Clark.
IIy Ald. Leithauser-
er cause a
Rcsolik 1. ha'ot p;'C,,it trots Aluinehahn
..,tree c—IN.yn [he w .t siti f Sev nah s est.
Yens-Ald. Bickel., 131on.t Book. Cullen,
C'oalev, Ftxher. Gehan. Kavanagh. Lefthasor,
Minei. Melody, Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan,
Wehrr. Mr. ViPresident-113.
Approved A
-ii. 1,89. .
By Aid. Lcithnuser-
ite+nlved. 'Phut Lhe City Engineer be in-
'trnv:ed to here the sfdewolk on East Seventh
st Iver from Duluth avenue to Atlatic,low-
,red luKradc-
Yens -Aid. Rickel, Blom. Hack. Callen, Con
let, Fisher. Crime, Kavanagh. LeitShauser,
Mine., Melody Pratt, Sa born, ullivan,
we her, Mr Vice Presidat-16
Approved Aug. 28, 1859.
By Ald. Gehen-
Reaolved,That the City Engineer be
stmeted to Iay crosswalk on west side of Po
avenue, beginning at Wubasha street on Pit
avenue or Aurora avenue north to proper
- : Yens-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bork, Cullen, Cc
ley, Fisher, Gebon, Kavanagh, Loilhaus,
"Mine., Melady. Pratt, Sanborn, Sullive
Weber, Mr. Vice President -16.
Approved, Aug. 28. IK".
By Aid. Blom -
Resolved, That the City Engineer be i
struttedto hove the proper authorities remo,
from the to
ofeldewalks and gutters tl
` telegraph poles or Fire Department poles
be placed where they belong on the outsic
edge of the sidewalks. The poles areon Payr
avenue and Case street.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bud],, Cullen, Col
ley, Fisher, Gehan, Knvnnagh, Leith
ea, Melody Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivm
Weber, Mr. Vice President -16.
Approved Aug. 214. 1889.
By Aid. Weber-
That the Chief of Police be author
fr' .ed to remove obstructions on Ravoux `tree
om Rondo to Carroll street.
Yens-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen
Conley, Fisher. Geller, Kavanagh, Leithauser
Minim.Melady, Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan
Weber, Mr. Vice President -le.
Approved Aug.28. 1889.
By Aid. Leithauser-
Resolved, That the Superintendent of Polic<
Telegraph be hereby ordered to have the pa
MI alarm box nowon the corner of Beech and
Seventh street, removed to the corner of Men-
dota and East Third street.
Yens-Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock. Cullen,
Conley. Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leitlum"r,
Melady. Pratt. Sanborn, Sell ivnn, Web
. Mr. Vice President --]d.
Approved Aug. 2N. IWv,
By Aid. Gehan-
Resolved. That a warrant be drawn in favor
o1 F. F. Wilde, attorney' of r ord for Anton
Roessler, for the gum of $2,Idd 73 in payment of
the balance dtreon that certain judgment cribs
district court of
Ramsey County, Minnesota, in
an action wherein Anton Roessler is appellant
sad the City of St. Paul is respondent. dock -
ted in nit court Aug 111, Iii °g, for the sum of
�i.s44.s3 in mvor of sold appellant and against
said respondc.'tb same having been partially
satisfied of record In said court an. II, Isis, to
the extent of $1,K75. the said sum ordered paid
by this resolution being in full for ibe prin-
cipal and interest due on said judgment. The
said Warrant shall be delivered only o. there
being filed in the old -of the Clerk of said V1,
trialCourt n full satisfaction of sold judgment,
and a certificate of said satisfaction being filed
in the office of City Comptroller of said city.
Yeus-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen,
Conley, Fisher, Gerund. Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Minea, Melady. Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vice President -16.
Approved Aug. 28, 1889.
By the Committee Ways and Means -
Resolved, By the Common Council of the
Cfty of St. Paul.-Tbat orders be drawn upon
the City Treasury in favor of the following
parties or their assigns for the respective judg
ments, with interest at the rate of seven per
cent per annum from the date of docket, when
'er the certificate of the Clerk of the District
Court of Ramsey County is filed in the office of
the City Comptroller, that the same has been
fully surfeited upon the records. All of the
judgments having been Included in the tax
levy for the year 1899, viz.:
N. C. Rosenfeldt. st al., docketed Feb
ruary 23, 1888 .... ...... ....... .... C41U.U5
B. Parke, docketed March 6,18M.... 3--17
Joseph Pucker, docketed April 12, I&98. D7.77
John Hanlon docketed Al ay 5, IsBti... :{12.64
Anna C. Meaning, docketed May 26,
1888 .................. ...... ..... 224.15
Hannah Hanley. docketed .lune 15, ISM. 712.1:1
Ferdinand Hicks, docketed June 15,18M 43219
George E. Venins, docketed June 15.
...... IW.43
Beorge nnes y, d c docketed
Junem 1b8.9.. 340. gL
U. 8 Hennessy, docketed December ..
19tl7. ...... ...... &
D. J. Hennessy, docketed January lt,
1868 ... .... .... ...... ... ... ........ .. 52.IU
Yeas -Aid. Bickel Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con
'y. Fisher, Cuba., Kavana&&h, Leithauser,
dfnea. Melody. Pratt, Snnbom_ ulli4•an,Weber,
dr. Vice Yrcsifient-16.
Approved Aug. 28, 1889.
Sy Aid. Gehnn-
R solved, That a warrant be drawn in favor
f M. Bushell for the sum of two thousand one
undred and fifty ($2,I:,tb dollars, with interest
rom July 2d, Td he payment olif all that part
dp ted for pubc use of east
of alrendedi<u
tv as d ooe halt feet of lot number nine
f), of block number four 141, of Dayton's whit
'do to S[. Ynul, lying within Lhe Anus of a
trip between Grove and Thirteenth streets
Ixty (60) feet wide. theutheasterly line of
hlell strip shall be u straight line drawn from
ie easterly corner of lot number ave (5), of
lock number two (1), of Ely's addition to St.
nal, to the Intersectlon of the southwesterly
1 Grove street with the westerly Ime of
roadway street. with the improvements
lereon, and in satisfaction of the judgment
•dosed to be entered by the decision of the
istrfet Court of Ramsey County. filed Sept. 6.
&4, in an action in said court wherein M.
ushen isappellant and the City of St. Paul is
Said warrant tobe delivered upon there be
g dcllvercd u deed of said premises, properly
tined by the Corporation Attorney The
ldeland bemir when for the opening of Broad
ty street, from Grove street to Thirteenth
rect. as confirmed by the Board of Public
arks Ju ly 26, 18%
Yens-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen.
Conley, Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Mines. Melody, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan.
Weber, Mr. Vice President -16
Approved Aug. 28, 1889,
By Aid. Gehan-
Resolved, That a warrant be drawn in favor
of Ann Veilly and Katherine Mandy forthe sum
of thirty nine hundred and fifty- dollars, with
interest from July 26. 18861 to payment of all
that part not already dedicated for public use
oflot seven (`)) of block four (4) of Dayton's ad
dithm to St. Yout. lying between the lines of a
strip between Grote and Thirteenth streets.
sixty (60) feet wide, the southwesterly line of
which strip shall be a straight Ima drawn from
the easterly corner of let five (5), block two 121.
Ely's addition to St. Paul. to the intersection
of the southerly line of Grove street with the
westerly line of Broadway. with the improve
ants thereon, and in satisfaction of the judg
eat ordered to be entered by the de.W.. of
the District Court f ltamsey county died
Sept. 6, 1868, in im notion in said court wherein
Ann Veilly and Katherine Manly ase appel
Innis, and the Cit_ of St. Paul, repondent.
Said warrant to be delivered upon there being
dei ivered a deed of said premises, properly
edified by the Corporation Attorney. the said
land being taken for the opening of Broadway
street, from Grove street to Thirteenth street,
s confirmed by the Board of Public Works,
.1 ulY'16. ItlBlt.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen. Con-
ley Fisher, Gehan. Kavanagh. Leithauser,
Minea, Melady. Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan, Web
r. Mr. Vice President -16.
Approved Aug. 28, 1889.
By Aid. Sanford -
Resolved, That the order which directed the
Board of Public Works to construct a wooden
sidewalk on the south side of Mar,hall ave
nue, from Kent street to Dale street, be and the
said is hereby repealed.
And the Board of Public Works is hereby
directed to construct (where the same is not
already constructed) a square block c men,
sidewalk. six feet wide, on the south side of
Marshall avenue, from Kent street to Dale
Yeas-Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock. Cullen. Con
y. Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh. Lmthauser,
Minea, Melody, Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan.
Weber, Mr. Vice Prosident-16.
Approved Aug. 28, t899.
By Ald. Kavanagh.---
Rewlved. That the Board of Public Works
he and is hereby authonzed to cause stone
sidewalk to be laid on the easterly line of Min
nesot. street, between Ninth and Teeth streets.
wilhent u• ssary delay, said work to be
done underthe inspection of the City En
gin our.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel. Blom. }lock, Cullen. Con
ley, Fisher, Gehan, K ... nsgh. Leithauser,
Mined. Melody. Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Weber, M, Vice President -I6.
Approved Aug. 2& 1g89.
By Aid. Gehan-
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
be .nd it is hereby instructed to lay an eight -
tool wooden sidewalk on north side of Mt.
Airy street, from Mississippi street to Linden
street, except where already laid, with the
necessary crosswaltrs,
Yens-Ald'Bickel Blom, Bock, Cullen, Coa-
ley, Fisher, Gehan. Knvneach, Leithauser,
Mines, Mclady, Pratt, Sanoorn, Snillvwa,
Weber, Mr. Vice President -16.
Approved Aug. 2{ Itlbll.
By Ald. Sauborn-
Resolved. That the Board of Public Works be
and thev are hereby instructed to construct
and maintain a wooden sidewalk on the west
side of Miller street, from Marshall avenue to
Iglehart street. and on the west side of Grotto
street, from :1f arshall avenue to Iglehart street.
Yeas--Ald. Bickel. Blom, Beek, Cullen, Con
Is Fisher, Gehan. Kee..ugh, Leithauser,
Minea, Meladv, Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan,
Weber. Mr. Vice President -1(.
Approved Aug. 2e, 189).
By Ald. Blom -
Resolved. That the Board of Public Works
case an eight foot wooden sidewalk to be con-
struuct ed on the east side of Wdeammster street,
from Whitail street to the Westminster street
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Beek, Calle.. Co..
Ivy. Fisher, Geller. Kavanagh. Leithauser.
Minea. Melady, Pratt. Sunburn, Sullivan.
Webe,. SIr. Vice Preeldent-16.
A PPro r ed. Aug. et. Tilsit.
By Aid. Blom -
Resolved. That the Beard of Public Works
ase a crosswalk to be laid across Case
street at Weslminister street.
Peas-Ald. Bfekel- Blom, Beck. Cullen,
Conley. Fisher. Gehan, Kavunngb, Leithauser,
Mines, Melady, Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan.
Weber, Air. Vice President. -16.
Approved Aug. 1!8. IMI).
ISy Aid. Lelthauser-
Resolved. That the Board of Public Works
cause in eight foot wooden sidewalk to be laid
on the north side of Eighth street. from Maria
nuc to .Forth street, and on Marla avenue.
from :worth street to Eighth street, and one
walk from Truxton to Eighth.ucross North
street, and one on Marla avenue acrossEighth
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen. Con
ley. Fisher. Geffen, Kavanagh. Leithauser,
Minea. Melady. Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan.
Weber. Mr. Vice Pre ifil-t-iii.
Aoprot'ed Aug, 28, 1899.
By, kid. Pratt -
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
cause91xtoot wooden sidewalks nod necessary
orossa•alks to be Told:
On the westerly side of Bernhelmer avenue
and Hersey street, from University avenue to
Hampden avenue.
On north side of Blake avenue, from Ray-
mond even ue to the southerly line of lot S. block
44, on Scudder avenue.
On the west side of Raymond avenue, from
Unfverstty avenue to Territorial road, where
walks are not o1, it laid
Y eus—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Culla. Con-
e ley. Fisher, ,Gehl.. Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Minea. Meludy. Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vice President—la.
Approved Aug. 28, leas.
By Aid. Blom—
Resolved,{ of s d walk to be Public tructedr
hat the Board of
ks [ on
the south side of Geranium street, from Green
brier avenue to Walsh .venue.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con
leFisher. Cohen. Kul, Lobli Iver.
Minea. Melady, Yrntt. Sanborn, Sul
Weber, Mr. Vice President -1G.
Approved Aug.:!.. Itils).
By Ald. Sonboro—
Resolved. That the Board of Public uilt cs
z foot wooden
aid? an
to be nail[ en
the north .itlo of Goodrich a e, Iron,
crly to tents[',it' in' -111-1111airemty laid.
Ycas—Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock. ('ulln. Con
lel'• Fisher, Gehsn, liana. ugh, I.eithmiser,
Minces, Melud,
. Pratt. Sanborn Sullivan, \Ven
or, Mr. Vice President -19.
Approved Aug. LK INIs,
By AId. Cullen—
ttesolved, That the Board of Public Works
be and is Hereby directed 10 cause ix -root
ode. sidewalk to be laid .11 until [sides of
street, front its intersection wilh Third
street to Washington street.
Yuus—Ald. Bickel, Ilton. Book. Co llcn, Coin
ley, h'Inhcr. (:titan, K—antigh. Leith unser,
Mitten, Irlemdy, Pratt. Sanborn, Still Ivan,
Weber, Mr. Vice President—Ib.
APprev ed Aug. -'[:, IWO.
BY Ald. Sell heat the Board of Public Works
loile2ns hereby
heruso south
side o LU constrt s fres vallis
l the south side of Iglehart street Herons
Amos avetme.
]"eus—Ald. Bickel, Blom. .tock. Callan. ('on -
ICY. h'i.her, l;ehan. Kavanagh, Leith:fuser,
hItneu, McludY. Pratt. Snnbo rn, Sullivan.
Webor, Mr. Vice Prosfdent—ni.
Approved August eil, less.
By Aid. Mineu— —
lt is hereby' ordered by the Common Cour
Lhe City of St. Paul:
That too matteref ..irntem, ur
Bolos . set. from Holl a osi Stryker
'be and be su • iso heroby referred
to the Board of Public Work. to i tt.tigate
and report:
First. Is this nnprovement proper and netts
s Second. Give. the Council an estimate of the
oxclum thereof, and state whether one-half of
cost thereof i. Le be paid into the City
trury beture [I�e conLruct is let.
T.,Z. Cun real estate to be assessed for said
i provcnient be found bu. eluted to the extent
damages, oats vad expenses necessary to
be incurred thereby.
Fourth. Iesueb improvement asked for upon
the petition or application of the owners of a
majority of the property to be assessed for such
Fifth. S, ad the Council plan or Profof
said impr a t, required by law, tile f you
report to favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di
ecting the work to be done.
Ycas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen,
Conley. Fisher, Cobalt, Kavanagh, Leithnser.
Minea, Melody. Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vice President—ni.
Approved Aug. P.8 1tins.
By Aid. Minen—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
Tnat Ind 111
otter of gr.di.g Sydneystreet.
.ad in anis isreo�aeY efeirretl Lo venue.hard
of Public in,
to investigate and report:
First. is this improvement proper and
n Second. Give the Conned an estimate of the
ex rose thereof, it nstate wfietlier one -but I of
'hopcost thereof is to no Joint into the City
J"cnsury before the oontrnct Is let.
Thrd. Can real rov,menI be found bateovelitedo be vetosthe a tee
f aid
damages, costs and expenses noccesary to be
incurred thereby!
p"otirth. Is such tmprovemout asked for
n Pon the petition or applim"but of the owners
of n n Jori ty of the property to be assessed
for such Improvement`
Fifth. Send the Council it plan or profile of
said inproveneent. as requirea by law, if you
reportm favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council n proper color
dircoling the wort[ to be done.
Yeats — Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen,
M' nley, Fisher. Gelnan, K3vanngh, Leithauser,
Mf neo, Meludy, Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan,
\Veber. Mr. Vice I'resi den t—lo.
Approved Aug. _'u. 1389.
ley Aid. Book—
Il is herebv ordered by the Common Council
If lilt Cil}' o(St. Paul:
'Phut the [latter or grading Grace street,
from Colborne to Western n n be n it the
e ishereby referred to Ins Bonrtl of Pub
n'um"Or.I t v.tigate and report:
First. Is this improvement proper and all
.`Second. (live the Council an estimate of the
e Pease thereof, and state Whether one half of
tet cost thereof is to be paid lot. the City
Treasury btfure thec,atract i. lot.
'Poled. Cain breal e fount.[ beveaton to Led for be
of to 11
itnilumages, cost., and expenses necessary to be
iu rred thoreby"
Fourth. Is such improvement asked for upon
the petition or applu eoloa f the ow cell of a
iniprovtYmont a property to be assessed for such
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or pro In of
aid improvement, ns required by law, if you
report In f ... r of the same.
Sixth. Send the C .... it a proton, order di-
recting the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Com
ley, Fisher, Gehan, Kuyanagh, Leithauser,
Minna, Me tidy, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vice President—I9.
Approved Aug. Z, IbU9.
In the matter of the report f the Board of
Public Works dated August °.Ii, Ines.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council to
the City of St. Pall:
That the Board of Public Work. of said Cit}'
of St. Paul cause the following in, Provement
to be made, to wit:coastrnot n -wor on
Selbyuvevue, from Victoria streettoFair
the Chicago. MilwaukeerS sSt.e Poul ht of wsy
m Pnvy), lid city, Including [he
I.,, s to the property
liviesss 'that aysoldc Bosco fid ark
o ne let by contract, tors povldtdsby IUIw.w-ithout
oil e -hall the estimated cost being ars. petit into
the City Treasuoy, and after snit W r . butt b -
will'od under
ithoutdelay to ssos.sthe ams nt.., ,early uu
they can ascertain thesal which will he re-
quired to cav the cost and int. eseat'y [moist,.
a one ipm,on I0'to,nucin t
'.'e•nuc n,n. found biaelltc:l to the extten tof the
st nd neccsaurY to bu Iii iti red
Yeas—Ald. Bickol, Blom. Bock. Cullen, Con
lot. Fisher, (.the.. Kavanagh, Lel thatie-,
Minea, Melady, Pratt, Saul—r, Sullivan.
Weber, Mr. Vice 1'residcut -Ili.
Approved Aug. , oic).
In tloe matter of the report of the Board of
Pn blio Works dated Aug.:'Sl 188!1.
It is herchy ordered by the Common ('oncil of
the City of St. Paul:
'that the Board of Public Works of said Cily
of St. Paul enlist the following improventnt
to be made, t. wit: ('Unstellt u se er n
Vi A. x set, from .l ack son street tory Cudur
t, insaid city, together will, the
cch-tins in and manholes..
eThatsaid hoard t• snot work w be let iry
as providedi by I.w-, without ... -h:alf
the estinated cost being llrst paid intothe City
Treasuryanti after said work shni I he placed oil
der untract said Board .ball proceed u,uh.ut
dcloy to assess Lha amount, ns nearly ns they
ertal. the same, which will be required
n pay the and ary
1 toPayof soh improvement lapels the rout
estate w be bnetiteit b}• said improv emelt,
provided by law; it being the
opinion of the Council that real
estal.e to be aeses.edfor such improl•ement can
be found benlite.d to the extent of the cost
and tzpenses neee.sary to be =.-Od thereby,
Yetis—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bovk. Cullen, Con-
Ity, Fi.hei. (Usha., liavun:igh, Lcithuu.sor,
Minea, hlemdy, Pratt, Sooner., Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vice President -16.
APpt'ovcd Aug. .71, la8p.
In the matter of the report of the Board I
Public Worlts dated Aug. Is. la...
It I. hereby ordered by the Common Coves Oil
ofthe City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of said City
of St. Paul cause the following improvement
to be made, to wit: Grade Jenks street,
from Mississippi street to Earl street, In
said city. That said Board cause said work to
be let by contract, ss provided by law. without
one half the estimated cost being first paid Into
the CityTreasu n, and after said work shot. be
oil id or tract said Board shall
ectl without delay to ns, s thea mount, r
'Y"'they can.nscortnfn the s which
will be required to pay the am cost and
a y ezpeuses of such f rp—oncent
the treat estate to be benefited by said im-
provement, as provided by law: it being the
opinion of the Council that real estate to be
sed forsuch i
mProrec n be tonna
benefited the extent of of 1 the cost uad ex
posses necessary to be incurred thereby.
]"eus—Aid Bickel, Blom, Boclr. Cullen,
Conley-, Fisher. (:than, Ka S.asb, Left-
blell- elbie.. . Vice . Pratt, Sanborn, Sui-
liva Approved
Vitt President—iii.
..proved ea, Irani.
In the n,ntterof the report of the 11—rd of
Yu bill \V cries dater) Angus[ ir>, esou.
IL is Hereby oroer,11 b}- the (;omn:on Council of
the Pity of.— Paul:
'rent the Board of Public-tVsa
orks of id City
Of St. Paul can o the following imPn
to be mn,l e, to -wit: Urate bbnn tit street,
from t:ausdo street to Broadway. I, said
That said Board cions said work to
helet by contract. as provided by law, without
ne-ball the estimated cost beinnli—pald
into the City Treasury, and after
sold a il ork shall bo placed under
and rat ts:fid Boast shall proceed with-
out delay 1. assess the amount. :as nearly
as they can ..certain the sums, which will
I,c requirod to pay the cost snit
iry expenses of .ueh imprormcnt upon
Acer Q" :..bite to c bents ted by sold In,
proven, cot, its pni}'i ded by law; it being the
open ,n of L I- ('o 1.61 tout real estate to be
.sleased for such improvnttnt can be found
at i[e,i to the extent of the rest
ml :zpense.s necessary to be innrred
Teas— Aid. Birkol, Bit,.. Bock, ('alleft, Con-
ley. Fisher, (Iehan. Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Millen, Memdy, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan.
Wther, All..
Vih., President-Ia
Approved Aug. I, IWN.
In the iter Uf tea report of the Board of
Publi mlVorkx da to
Aug. 'Jl, 1889,
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of said City
of St. Tact c se tet following a rovemeyt
to be made:. t . l rullcuctin do
Portland menus, from Grotto r eta to Avon
sure eL in said city, tooth er withthenecessary
catch -basins nit n holes. That slid Board
One so said wok to be let by contract,
provided by law, without onehlf the
estimated cost being fl Ptald IoW the
City Tre:axuryi, nit of
sa'd w rk hall
be placed nder contract Said Board
shall Proceed without cdel.y to nests. the
,nt. stip they
a.. intoor-
pn sestet. •hitch with be or-.
Y cos an n c ss
expenses of s liimpm
rovoent pen the
sal estate to UL benefited by said improve-
ment, as provided by law: it being the opinion
"the Council that real estate to be assessed for
such Improvement can be found benefited to
the extent of the cost and expenses neces-
sary to be incurred thereby.
Yens-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Culler. Co.
Icy, Fisher, Gehan,, Leilhauser.
M, . Melody. Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vide President -16.
Approved Aug. 26, 18X9.
By Ald. Blom -
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
cause a slxfoot sidewalk to be constructed on
the seuth side of Geranium street, from Green
brier .Venue to Walsh avenue.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen, Con
ley. Fisher,. ohan, Kavanagh. Le11hauser.
Mf co,y, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
\Veber, Mr. Vice President -16.
Approved Aug. 28. IWI.
By Aid. Sanborn -
Resolved, Thsl the Board of Public Works
casea ix -foot wooden sidewalk to be built on
In. north Mdoaf.Goodrich avenue. from Dale
street easter]}' to connect with the sidewalk
already Auld.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel. Blom. Bock. Cullen. Con-
ley, Fisher, Gehan, Karanugh. I.eith¢user,
M urea, Meludy. Pratt. Sunbor. Sulliv.n. %Vcb
Vice President -16.
t Approved Aug. t'X, IbS9.
Aid. Cullen---
tcsolvcd, ,but the Board of Public Work.,
Le and is hereby directed to a usr ix -fool
soden sidewalk to be. laid , is both sides of
Bill tar,". from its interscctfon with Third
street t. Washington street.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock. Cullen, (,an
ley. Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh. Loithuuser.
AtInca, Meludy. !1 a11. Sunb,rn. Sullivan,
Weber. AIr Vice 1•resident-le.
Approved Aug. :Z, INC;.
fly Aid. Sullfvan-
Itesolved, That Lbe hoard of Public Works
re hereby authorfxel to construct eros wsll;s
n be
south side of Iglehart street across
Amos aveoue.
1'cas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Call— Con
Icy Fisher, Echo.. K.vanngh, Leithauser,
Minea, Met:'(' y. Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan.
,Veber, Mr. Vice President --16.
Approved August 28, 1W).
By Aid. Mines -
it is hereby ordered by the Common Coun
Cil of the City o1 St. Paul:
That rho m,,tt,r.f ens1locti.g a sewer on
Delos street. from 11.11 venue to Stryker
•. be and the some is herebyreferred
to the Board of Public Works to f❑• i est 1gate
sad report:
First. Is this improvement proper and neves
Second Give the Council an estimate of the
thpcnso thereof, and state wbether one-half of
e cost thereof is to be paid into the City
treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for said
improvement be found benefited to the extent
I damages, costs and expenses necessary to
be incurred thereby.
Fourth. Isauch improvement asked for upon
the Pattie. or appllc.Gon of the owners of a
.jorftyof the propertyto be assessed forsuch
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said i�,rovement, as required by law, if you
report In favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council ¢ proper order di-
recting the work to be done.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen,
Conley. Fisher, Gehma, Kavanagh, Leithauser.
Mined, Melody. Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vice President -le.
Approved Aug. 2& 1".
By Aid. Mines -
It is bereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of grading Sydney street.
from Bidwell street to Chippewa avenue, be
and the same is hereby referred to the Board
of Public. {Yorks W investigste and report:
First. is this Improvement proper and
Second. Give the Council an estimate -file',
expense thereof, and state whether one-half of
the cost thereof is to be field into the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for said
of Provement be found benefited to the extent
um.gen, costs and expenses necessary to be
incurred thereby".
Fourth. Is such improvement asked for
upon the petition or application of the owners
of :a majority of the property to be assessed
for such improvement"
Fifth. Send the Council a plus or pro ale of
sand lnpruvement. as requires by law', if you
report 1❑ favor of the same.
Sixth. Send Lhe Council a proper order
dircctmg the work to be done.
Yeas -Alta. Bickel, Blinn, Thick, Cullen,
C Onley, Fisher, (;shun, Kavanagh, Lefthauscr,
Minea, Meludy, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan.
W,-ber, Mr. Vice President -I6.
Approved Aug. '14, ISS9.
By Aid. Bock -
It is m:reby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of grading Grace street,
studios Colborne to Western svoue be :tad the
same is hereby referred to the Board of Pub-
lic Works to investigate and report:
Mrst. Is this improvement proper and neo
esSecond. Give the Cou.cil an estimate of the
expense thereof, and s! to whether one half of
the cost thereof Is to be paid Into the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
'third. Canread estate to be assessed for said
teet he found benefited to the extent
ofdmamages, costs and expenses necessary to be
incurred therehy(
Fourth. Is such improvement asked for upon
the petition or application of the owners of a
majority of the property to be assessed for such
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said Improvement, as required by law, if you
report In favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order df-
recting the work to be done.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen, Con
Icy, Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Lefthauscr.
Mine.., M1felady, Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan.
Weber, Mr. Vice President -16.
Approved Aug. r. 1859.
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public \Yorks dated August 91, 1889.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of said City
of St. Paul cause the following Improvement
to be made, to -wit: Construct a sewer on
Selby avenue, from Victoria street to Fair
view avenue (except across the right of ivuy of
the Chicago. Milwaukee S St. Paul Railway
Company), in said city, including the
necessary sewer connections tothe property
Iii es. That said Board cause said work
to be let by contract, as poiided bylaw,without
one-half the estimated cost being first paid Iota
the City Treasury, and after said w r,, shall be
placed under contract said Board shallproceed
without delay to assess the amount,as nearly as
they can ascertain the same, which will be re-
quired to pay the cost and necessary expenses
of such improvement upon the real estate to be
benelWd by said improvement, as provided by
law: it befog the opinion of he Cou.cfl that
cal ental- to be assessed for such improi'a-
ment can be found benctited to the extent of in,
cost and expenses necessary to be incurred
Yeas—Ail. Bickel, Blom, Bork. Cullen, Con
ley. Fisher, Gehan. Kavanagh. Lefthauser,
Mea, Melody. Pratt. Boobs., Sullivan.
Weber, Mr. Vice President --16.
Approved Aug.'. , IM9.
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works tinter] Aug. �0, IM9.
II is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the ISourd of Public Works of sold Cnt}'
of St. Paul u use the fullowin' improvement
to be elude, oto wl` ['mistrust a se er nn
Viola street, from Joe son street to Cedar
street, in said city, togeth,r with the necessary
catch basins and mMtti"".
That said Board cause
said work to be let by
contract, as pro vide( bylaw. without one half
the estimated cost befog firatp.idintothe City
Treasury, and after said work shall he placed u n -
der contract said hoard shall proceed without
delay to assess the amount, as nearly ns they
can ascertain the same, which will be required
to pay the cost ,.it accessory ex
penses of such improvement upon the real
estate to be benefited by sand improvement.
provided by law; it being the
opinion of the Council the, real
estate to be assessed for such improvement can
be found benefited to the extent of the cost
and expenses necessary to be incurred thereby,
Yeas -Aldo Bickel, Blom, Bo.k. Cullen, Con
ley, Fisher. l.clun. Kavanagh, I.efthauser,
Mince, Melady, Pratt, Sanborn. Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vice President -16.
Approve,] Aug. _'fi, 18SU.
In the mnttero( the report of the Board of
Public Works dated Aug. ill. 18,19.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of said City
of St. Paul cause the followingImprovement
to be made, towit: Grade Jenks street,
from Mississippi street to Earl street. In
said city. That said Board cause sold work to
be let by contract, as provided bylaw. without
one half the estimated cost being first paid Into
the City Treasury, and after said work shall be
placed under contract said Board shall pro
Cecil without delay to assess the amount, a
.curly as they can, ascertain the same. which
will be required to pay the cost and
necessary expenses of such improvement upon
the real estate to be benefited by said im-
provement, as provided by law: it being the
opinion of the Council that real estate to be
assessed for such improvement can be found
benefited to the extent of the cost and ex-
penses necessary to be Incurred thereby.
Yeas-Ald Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen.
Conley, Fisher. Gehun, Kavanagh, Left.
hawser. Mined, Melady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sul
].van, Weber, Mr. Vic, President -16.
Approved Aug. °9, I&Q.
In the,tterof the report of the Board of
Public t%orks dated ,August I.,, 1Nifi.
It is hereby or, by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of said City
of St. Paul cause the following Improvemo¢t
to be made, to wit: Crude Fourteenth street,
from Canada street to Broadway. in said
city. That said hoard cause said work to
be let by contract, :is provided by lata, without
,-,ne-balf the estimated cost .being first paid
into the City Treasury, and after
void okaishall be placed ander
on l nactr
w sd Board shall proceed with-
out delay to asxess the u unt. as nearly
as they can ascertain the memo. which will
be royulred to pay the cost and
tairy -fe-uses of such improvement upon
the real .state to be lumented by said in,
prorement, nx provided by law: it being the
io. of the l'o I it that real estate to be
assessed for such improvement u a be found
beneilted to the extent of the east
;nd expenses necessary to be incurred
Yens-Ald. Bickel, idol., Bock, Calico. Co.
ley, Fisher, Gehua. K.—ugh. Lefthauscr,
M1f ineu, M,ludy, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Web. r. Air. Vice President -Ili
Approved Aug. Hi, 1Kw.1.
In the tier of the report of the Board o1
PublimWorke doled Au g. l(1, ]ft).
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of said City
of St. Paul cause the following improvemeppt
b, made, to wit: Construct a sewer ,Tn
Portland avenue, from Grotto treat to Avon
street. in said city, togetherwith the necessary
catch basins and manholes.
That said Board
cane. said work to be let by contract,
s provided by law, without onnhalf the
estimated cost being first paid into the
City Treasury, and after said work shall
be placed under contract said Board
shell proceed without delay to aseces the
amount. n nearlyy as they can ascer-
tain the ato'hlch will be required
to pay the cost and necessary
expenses of such improvement upon the
real estate to be b.n.fited by said Improve-
ment, as provided by Iaw. it being the opinion
of the Council that real estate to be assessed for
such Improvement can be found benefited to
the extent of the cost and expenses races
sary to be incurred thereby.
1 eas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con-
ey, Fisher, Gahan, .K.t•anask, Le' 1, use
Alin ea. Melody. Pratt, SanDOLn, Sullivan,
Weber, AIr. Vice President -16.
Approved Aug. 28. 1Ni9.
By Ald. Blom— —
Resolved. That the Board of Public Works
nosea six-foot sidewnik to be constructed on
the south side of Geraniums
from Green
brier avenue to Walsh avenue.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con
ley. Fisher, Gen.., K.vsnngh, LeSnllivan,
Mme., Melody, Pratt, Sanborn,
Weber, Mr. Vide President -16.
Approved Aug. iS. IMI.
Re.olved, That the Board of Public Works
causesix-foot weotic. sidewalk to be built on
the north side of Goodrichovenofrom Dole
street easterly' to connect with che sidewalk
.bendy Litt.
YOms—Ald. Bickel. Blom. Bock. Cullen. Con-
ley. E'i.her, Gehan, h"anon ugh. LeCe
Afelualy. Pratt. Sanborn Sullivan. LVeb
r AIr, Vicc President -16.
'c Approved An R. lbs¢.
By AId. Cellen—
hesolt'ed, Th:atdthecBol Board
of Public Lv�
be and is I ..cb_ ucn x
male¢ sidewalk t, bo laid a la bnthu -kite. of
hill street Irnm its ttersectme With 'Third
street to Wt:tshtngop is[r,et.
Yens—Aid. Bickel, Blai, 11-eh-
ock. Coilrn, Coin
ley• Fisher, Geh.o. K.1-olugh' Leithutiser.
Aiinc., MeludY, Trutt Sanborn, Soil ivml.
Weber. Air. Vice President—I u.
Approved AUK. =s. I Wie.
By Ald. Sullivan—
htisorebd, Thnat oric al Ioard of to eonatrulctlbhc Wolk.,
y aucross
fie the s th side of Iglchurt street across
Al- avenue.
Y cis—Aid. Bucknl. Blom,th-k. Cullen,Con
ley, Ft.h r, 'en... Kavanagh, LOithauser,
M men, ATelady. Trutt S;au burn, Sullivan.
Weber, nlr, vt„ rre.iaeno-au.
Approved Au goat h5, I...
By Aid. Alincit—
it is
he hereby
o1 ordered
t hthe Common Coon
Thao matter of •, streeting u sewer on
c'be undfx11 the Salle •'iso hereby rq feyker
to the Board of Public same
to invest )gate
and report:
First. Is this improvement proper and neces
Second. Give the Council nn estimate of the
c p,nmc hereof, and xtate avhehor on, half of
the cost thereof is to be paid into the City
treasury' hero's the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be ussessed for amid
Improvement be found benefited to the extent
of dumnges, costs and expenses necessary to
be incurred thereby.
Fourth. Is such improvement asked for upon
the petition or application of the owners of a
majority of the property to be ussessed forsuch
Fifth. Send the Council a Plan or Proftle of
said tin r veme t as required by low, if you
report urn favor of the
Sixth. Send the Council 0 Proper order di
resting the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen,
Conley. Fisher, Gehun, Kavanagh, Leithauser.
Mines, Atelady, Pratt. Sunburn, Sullivan,
Weber. Air. Vice President -16.
Approved Aug. '9l 1Ms.
By Aid. Alines—
It is bereby ordered by the Common Council
of the Cityof St. Paul:
That the matter of grading Sydney street,
from Bidwell street to Chippewa avenue, be
land the mime is hereby referred to the Board
of Public Works to investigate and report:
First. is this improvement Proper and
111Seate bribe
M.- . Give thereof. alnd stateiwbethoroine-hu if of
rho cost thereof Is to be paid int. the City
Tr.... ry before the contract is let.
Third. Cat be found lumeateds to the extent
,ftdaIdr m lges.costs and expenses necessary to be
inverted tilerebyr
Fourth. Is am ch improvement asked for
upon the petition or application of the owners
I a ' jority of ho property to be ... I ... it
or sunh improvement.
fill If
Fdf ti up r... bl the councilgniralul by 1an orwaif You
mal na rc
report iv favor ofthe
Sixth. Send itis Council n proper anter
(li[uctinR the w'Urk to be door.
You., — Aid. Ilielcel, 11101n. Iioclt, Cullen,
('onlay, Fisher, Cuban, Ka'anugT. Leith case
Mine., A1eled5-, Pratt Sooner¢ ,
, Sullivan,
{Veber. Mr. Vise Presid,11 - 16.
APpnivc,l Aug _'1, lfigs.
By Aid. Beek—
IL is hereby ordered by the Common Conned
of the City of St Paul:
'Phut h, matter of grading Urn- street,
from Colborne Lo Weblere evube :'all the
e is hereby referral to the Mold of Pub
11amLV.,h. to investigate and report:
First Is this improvement proper and neo
eT=M1. Give the Council .. estimate of the
cxpensc th ercof, .fid state whether on -half of
Treea..ury bef,re the ... rathere. Isto be cttlsdl [oto the City
Third. Cut heutfoundt benefited to the for
of itr vmven
in dumnges, costs and GxPenses necessary to be
red hereby"
it Fourth. Is such improvement asked for upon
anujhe or tylofitbV property or to be cases.. for such
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or Profile of
said improvement us required by law, if you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send he Council a proper order di-
recting the work to be done.
Yeas—Aldi IBelod. Blom, Book. Carlo., Cim.
ley. Fisher, Gehun, Iim,,,
Aimem. Molady, Pratt, Sinborn, Sullivan.
Weber, Mr. Vice President�16.
Approved Aug. r, INS9.
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Work, dated August 91, IM9.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of said City
of St. Paul cause the following improvement
to be made, to wit: Constreet truct a sew on
Selby avenue, from Victoria sto eF.ho
view aven(except across the right of way of
itis Chicagoue . Milwaukee S SL Paul hallway
Company). in said city, including the
a y sewer connections to the property
Linc.,. 'That said Board onus. sold hork
Lo e let by contract, vs .Pani ded bylaw wit our
ono -halt the estfmatod cost being first paid into
the City Treasury, and after said war shall be
µlaced under contruct said Board shall Proceed
'it hout delay to assess the am ountas nearly as
the., can nscerlaln the sae which will be re-
quired to pay the cost and ime_ss ry cx plue,s
of such improvement upon the real estate to be
benefited by said Improvement, as provided by
law: it being the opinion of the Council that
ell estate to ba sxesacd for such improve -
LiMeet can be found beuoti ted o the,•xl cot of the
st imd expenses necessary to be incurred
Y oa.—Ald. Bickel, Blom. flock. Cullen. ley. Fisher, (;,ban.Fiuvunugh. Leihnuser,
Mines, Alulady, Pratt, Smnb,rn, Sullivan.
Weber, Air. Vie,: rresideno--hi.
Appalled Aug. ,n -11.
fix the matter of the .port or the Board of
- _o HJi9.
Puh 0r LVorka ed b Ile, . I
It 18 City o orle red b)- the l'ommon Council of
the City of SL :c fP
That the ilo and of Pui blit lVnrks of sold City
to St I'nul , fisc the following improvement
t0 be made, •tto wit. Consiruet . sewer on
Viola street, from Joe -In street [,,Cedar
street to ,all mry'. Ln!',ethcr with the necessary
catch -basins and mmltoles.
That said hoard c' se said work to be let by
ontract, as provided by luau, wimout n e 11.11
the .anal ¢ted cost being Ilrst paid into the City
Treasury amod after s:ld work .hall be placed un
dor contract said Board shall Procecal without
dvtoy to rise.., the amount as n lady as they
rain the same, which will b - required
can �JYr Lha sc and nueos a y I.
pensus of such mproveMeet'Pon the real
,.tate to be bonctii.,d by staid ii provement.
as prbeing theovided of the Council tb �tsal
estate to bI...... sdforsuchi mrome.t can
he found benefited to the cxte of the cost
and exp....Is necessary to be ineurrea thereby,
Yeas—Aid. Bickel, ISIom,Back. Cullen,Co.
ley, Fisher. Uchan. B.' -MxLetth.user,
Acme., Alulady, Pratt, Sanborn. Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vice Presultal—le.
Approved Aug. _'), IMV.
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Publico doted All 19. IK89.
It 's Dereby ordered Uy the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Work. of said City
of St. Paul cause the following improvement
to be made, to wit: Grade Jen". street
from Mississippi street to Earl street. in
sold city. That said Board cause said work to
be let by contract, as provided by law. without
one half the estimated cost being first paid into
the CityuTreasury', and after said work shall be
placed nder tract said Board short pro
sed without delay to assess the amount,
nearly as they eon. ascertain the same. which
will be required to pay the cost mod
ary ex Pensee of such improvement upon
the .real estate to be benelfted by said i
provement, as provided by low: it being the
opinion of the Council that real .slut. to be
assessed for such improvement c n be found
benefited to the extent of the cost and ex
pulses necessary to be incurred thereby.
Yens—Ald Bickel. Blom, Iioclt. Cullen.
Conley, Fish C r, Cohen, Kavanagh, Leib
hauscr, At ilea, Milady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sul-
Iivan,We,ber, Mr. Vice President -16.
Approved Aug. =9, 1889.
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works dated August I., IM9.
It is here by' orae and by the Common Council of
the City o[ St. Paul:
'phut the ilonni of Public Works If
said City
or St. Paul ciaii.c the folicwi,R Improvement
to be made, to it: tirade Fourteenth strcot
[rum Caxonl at reet o Broadwily. said
city. That saidBoard c lid work to
let by contract as Provided by low, without
one half Lite; c.. ttm axed ,,.at being first Paid
the City Treasury, v d niter
,hull be placed ii lar
w aid Board hall ,iroeeud t,!,I
o tt elelxa)-, s the fit, .rly
they c Orta the t+ ate. which will
he c,l sired ycl0 pay the cost and
vary exp -ascs of such improvement upon
thetreul c tote to b benelfted by said im-
provement `;as provided by low: it being the
,pini,,, of tho Ceuncil that real estate o be
s1-1fie box heli [n 11 uchbe prxxtent fit of ti he o
foundbe st
lfid :xpenson natcssary to be incurred
Yeas—Aid. Rickel, Itlnm. Bock, Cullen, Con
ley, Fisher. Geh:iii. Ki uxagh. Leithnuscr,
A11nc., Al ori)', Poli S.Oboln, Sutllv..,
LVe.•b,, Mr. Vies President—lu
An, ed AUR „,. Issxl
1n the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works dated Aug. 2e, 1881.
I4 is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Pial:
That the Board of Pilblic Works of said City
of St Paul cause the following improve., apt
to beto-wit: Construct n e _r
Portlanrd mvenu e, from Grotto street M Avov
street. in said city, together with the.ece.sary
"tell bill.a and manholes. That amid Board
said work to be let by contract,
vprovided by law, without one half the
esti muted cost being first paid into the
City Treasury, fid after said work hull
be placed under contract said Board
.,ball Proceed witb.ut delay to nasess the
amount. as nearly as they can ..cer-
mon the same, which will be required
to Pay the most and am ....
expenses of such improvement upon the
to be benetlted improvo-
ment, as provided by law: it being the opinion
cribs Connell that real estate to be assessed for
such Improvement can be found benefited to
the extent of the cost and expenses neces-
sary to be incurred thereby.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen. Con-
ley, Fisher, Gehsn, Kavanagh, LCI&... C.
Mine., Melady, Pratt, Sanbor., Sullivan.
Weber, Mr. Vice President -16
Approved Aug. 29, 1887.
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works dated Aug. 12, 1839.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of said City
of St. Paul cause the foilocrdng - nrovemeat
10 be made. to wit: Grade the alleys on
ix in , Edmund Rice's Second addition
St. Pabl� int0 said city.
That said Board cause said work to be
Int bycontract. as prodded by low, wit
out one-half the stim ated coat being fihrst
paid into the City Treasury, and after
said work shall be placed under contract
said Board Shall proceed without de-
lay to assess the amount, as nearly cc they cun
,certain the Santa which w'III bu required to
pay the cost and necessary expenses of snob
Improvement upon the real estate to be beau
ilted by said improvement, as provided by fun':
It being the opinion of the Council that real es:
be lateto be assfOu� benedted totthu_h tient mprot(nl,,, Cala
and expense, necessurvto be ineurroed thereby'.
s-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen, CO.
ley, Fisher, Gbau, Kacunagh, Leithauser,
Minto, Melady, Pratt. Sanborn. Sullivan.
Weber, Mr. \-ice Presdacnt-]a
ADP roved Aug. 29• ISE9.
In the matter of the retort of the Buard of
Public Works dated Aug. 19. IS"71.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the Hour d of Public Works of said City
of St. Paul cause the following improvement
to bemud,, to -w it: Gpan unit exiund County'
road, [tom Lang.ord avenue to Knupp street,in
id city, condemning and laking all of lot I_
block3S, St. Anthony Park addition to St.
Paul. That said Bourd shall procend
without dela} to assess the amount, :u
rly as they tl ascertain the some, tahich
will be required to pay the ,damages, cost, and
necessary expenses of such dmprut'Cment
real state to be benefited by'
said improvement, os provided by l:w'
it being the opinion of the Council in.t ronl es-
tate to be assessed for such improvement can
be fOnaL benefited to the extent of the u[n
ages, costs u d expenses necessary to be in
curred thereby.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen. Con
ley, Fisher. Gehan, Kavanagh, Lett. ilcr,
Mines, Melody, Pratt, Sooner.. Sullivan,
Weber. Mr. Vice. President -1S.
Approved Aug. :I, Issil
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works dated Aug. 15, 18b9.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the Cdfy of Stoard of Public Works of said Cit. Poul:
That the By
of St Paul
cause the following improvement
to be made, -wit; Open an alley ton (It)
feetwise through block eleven (it). ANIO ON
& Smith's addnoon to St. Puul, to said iffy,
condemning and taking tLe soutbw'esteriy fen
(He feet of Iota one (1), two (2), three (3), tout
•4), five (s) and six (6), 1. block eleven (11),
llhttncy & Smith's addition to St. Paul That
said Bourd sboll proceed without delay to assess
chit amount, as nearly as they can aster
lain the same, which will be required
Lit, pay the dumages ,costs and necessary ex-
penses of such Improvement upon the real
estate to be benefited by said Improvement, as
provided by law; it being the opinion of the
;.ouncil that real estate to be arse sed for
,tich improvement Can be found benefited to
the extent of the damages, cost= and expenses
necessary to be incurred thereby-.
Yens -Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Culle'Con
ley. Fisher , Gahan, Kavanagh. Leithauser.
Mdnea, Melady, Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan.
Weber, Mr. Vtoe President -16.
Approved Aug. 29, 18+9.
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works dated All.. 20. 1889.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
SCity of t. Paul.
That the Board of Public Works of said City
of St. Patel ecuse the following improvement
in beCctnfro. made, to wit: Co'sewertruct a e
the e. df the p presentsewer oil
said street to Williams street, at a point opP(
site the line belwt•en lots 5 and 6 of block 3.
Be Bow,- mith, Risque and Williams' addition
to S[. Pawl. in ,,it city, together with the
necessary ratch basins and manhole=_.
That =add Board cause said work to be let by
at prowldid by law, without one holt
the a cestimated cost redid first Paid lot. the City
Treasury'. and utter said work shall be placed
under contract said Board shall proceed with
tley t an ascertain the same, which nearly
wilbe re
quired to pay lice cost and necessary expenses
of such improvement upon the real estate to
be benefited by said im provcmen[, as provided
by law: it being [he opinion of
the Council that
real esl:ttC to lie • . ue. sed for such improve
ant can be foundbenefitedto the extent of
the cost and expenses necessary to be incurred
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, COm
ley. Fishui. Gehnn. Kavann gb. Leith nuser,
\tinea. Mclady, Pratt. Sanborn. Suiliv.u.
\1'eber. Mr. Vice President -16.
Approved Aug. 29, IS89
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works dated Aug. W, 1San
it is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the Cityof St. Poul:
That the Board of Public Works Of said City
of St. Paid cause the following improvement
to be made, to -wit: Construct a sewer on Pres
Cott street, from Oakdale avenue to Wcordbury
beet, in suld city, together with the neces
s , catch -basins and manh
That said Board cause said w rk to belet by
onirnct.:is prolidcd by luw, w[Ihout one -halt
the estimated cost being hist pati Into the
C'ily'1' re u,ury. and after said wok shall be
placed under contract said Board shall proceed
'ithout delay to assess the amount. asnearly us
they can oscpaert;.in the same, which will be re
red to
quty the cost and necessary expenses
of auric improvement upon lube rend Cslai a to be
benefited by said improvement, as provided by
hlw:lt bring the opinion of The Council thin
real estate to re ssessed for such improve'
mentonn befound benefited to the extent of
the cost and expenses necessary to be in.
curred thereby.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con-
ley, Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Mine., Meludy, Pratt, Sunbora, Sullivan-
Mr. Vice President -16.
Approved Aug 29, 1839.
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works dated Aug. 2 i, 188J.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of Saint Puul:
That the Board of Public Works of said City
of Saint Paul cause the following improvement
to be made, to -wit: Grade to a partial grade
Minnabohs street. from Snelling uvenuo to
Prior avenue, in said city.
That said Board cause said work to be let
by contract, as provided be law, -1 out one-
C tY Treasuestimatedrcost otter being fit
paid . hall lhe
placed under"airoct aatd Board shall pro-
ceed without delay to assn's the amount. as
nearly as they can ascertain the Ionic. trhich
will be required to pay' the cost sad necessary
expenses of such improvement upon fico real
estate to be benefited by said improvement, as
provided by law: it being the opinion of the
Coup1provement cathat real tn be ate [found benefitedito
Suh improvement o
the extent of the cost and expenses necessary
to be incurred thereby.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel. Store, Book, Cuilen. Con-
ley', Fisher. Gahan. Kavanugh. LCi[hauser.
Mines, Melady Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan.
Weber. Mr. \'too President -16.
Approved Aug. 29, 1839.
Inthe matter of the Sport of the Board of
Public Works dated Au 15. 18pi.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Publte Werke of sold Ctty
of St. Paul cause the following improvement
lobe made, to -wit: Grade VanBuren street.
from Fr' street to Wheeler avenue, in said
•sty. That said B..rd use 'aid work to be
let by contract, as provided by law.without one
lath the estimated cos[ being first Paid
into the City T
sic II be placid under eohtr ct solid BoaN shall
proceed without delay to assess the amount. as
nearly as they CO. :lseertada the same. which
will be required to pay, the cost and noeessary
x,an... of such 'mprovement, upon lila real
estate to be benefited by said improvement. ss
Provided by law; It being the opinion of the
Council that roal estate to be assessed for such
improvement can be found benedted to the ex
tent of the cost and expenses necessary to be
incurred thereby.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen. Con-
Minea.lMelaily. P att, Sanborn, Sullivatn,aWeb
eMr. Vice President -16.
Approved Aug. 29, bi89.
In the on P bl le \Vorksf datted Aug.1reort9. 188.. Board o
*t is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Worka of Sold City
of St. Paul cause the following improvement
to be mace, to -wit: Grade Lawson street,
Out Moss[ Isippl street to Earl street, in said
That said Board cause Said work to be let
by contract, as provided by law, without one.
half the estimated cost betug first paid into the
City Treasury, and after said work shall be
placed under contract said Board shall proceed
without delay to assess the amount. as nearly
as they can ascertudn the same, which will be
required to pay the cost and necessary ex
enscs of such improvement upon the real es.
title to be bonefiled by said improvement,s
provided by law: it being the opinion of the
improement canrealebeafoundte to bbenenteddtothe ex
feu[ of.the cost and expenses necoss.ry to be
incurred thereby.
Yeas -Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen. Con
ley. Fisher. Gehap, Kavanagh. Leithauser,
Illinea, Melady. Pratt,Sanborn, Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vice President -l6.
Approved Aug. -3. 1589.
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works dated Aug. 20. I&`S9.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Pahl:
That the Board of Public Works of said City
of St. Paul cause the following improvement
to be mode, totvit: Construct. sewer on Jus
.amine street. :ram Edgerton street to a point
half way between Bradley street and Jessie
atroe[, In said city. together attic thenecesaury
catch -basins and manholes.
That said Board cause saidlwork to bel t e
contract, pros by
half the estimated cost being first Paid Into
the the
Treasury, and after said work shall be
placed tinder contract said Turd small pro
need without delay to assess the amount as
nearly as they can sscertain the same, which
wall tie required to pay the Bost and nCcessary
expenses of such improvement upon the rent
estate to be benefited by said Improvement, as
provided by law: it being the opinion of the
Council that real estate todessed for such
improvement stn be i.e
nbe,beassnefited to the ex
tent of the cost and expenses neoessury to be
incurred thereby.
Y"ens-Aid. Bickel, Blom. Bock. Cullen,
COnley, Fisher. Gahan, Kavanagh, Lelthnuser,
Mine., Melody. Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Weber. Mr. Vice President -l6.
Approved Aug,"9, I'SV.
Adjouruod until 2:3n o'clock to re., Aug. W,
Vic, President of Council.
AdJnurned .tieecing.
ST. PAV I_ Aug. 26, 1839, 2:3(8 o'clock. P.M.
Council met, pursuto journment.
Yoergant 1. tadhe chair.
Vice Pr-idPresent-did. Bickel, Blom, Book. Cullen,
Conlev, Fisher, Gabon. K ..... gb, Leithauser,
Mines, Melody. Pratt, Sanbp{n, Sullivan,,
Weber. Mr. Vice Preefdent-16.
By Aid. Yoorg—
A resolution instructing Corporation Attorney
to commence ln�u netlon proceedings nig.mdl
St. Paul City Railway
Company torestratn sad
company from lacing trucks on streets without
permissim of Cotmcil.
Lost. Yeas—Ald. Hock, Conley, Gabon, Mr.
V te, President, 4; ye, 12.
The question of the street railway franchises
was taken up. Mr. E. G. Rogers was heard In
rotation thereto.
The Vice President called Aid. Cullen to the
Mr. J. M. Gilman was heard in relation to
the rights of the St. Paul City Railway Co.
The Vice the took the chair.
The quest"
n f street railway nchtses
being till under con.lderallon, Messrs.
Foulke, Munn and Be Celle were heard in re
latton thereto, after which Ald. Cullen moved
to adjourn until August 27, 1&19, ut 10 o'clock
a. m.
Ala. Sanborn mored os an amendment to
adjourn until o'clock P. m. August 20, 1SS9.
Aid. Cullen acccPled --ill a end. est, and
the motion as amended being adopted. Council
adjourned until o'clock p. m. August 2e. ISJ9.
ANT naNy Y..a., JIL.
Vice President of Council.
A11JO Inv 111" 11n_
ST. PAIIL, Aug. 28, ISS9. B o'clock p. m.
Council mot pursuant to adjournment.
Vice President Yoerg in the chair.
Present—Ald. Bickel. Blom. Rock, Cullen,
, Fisher. her.Gehan. Kavanagh. Leith ... er,
. Malady, Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vice President -16.
From His Honor the Mayor—Policeman An.
To the Honorable the President .fid Common
Council of the City of Saint Paul:
(,entlomen: I have the honor to inform you
that I hran aave this day appointed Thomas M.
ce James SicDonau gh, resigned, -,-her 11 the regular police
io as
your advice and consent tbereto.
Very respet•Lfully, etc..
RGUEnT A. S111T1[, Mayor.
. .1. 1599.
LOn motion of AId. Conley' said appointment
advised Ind consented to.
YOus—Ald. Bickel. Blom, (Sock, Cullen, Con
Icy, Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh. Leithauser,
hiinea. Mcmdy. Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan, Web -
r. Mr. Vice Yresidevt—lu.
From Russell R. Derr and Othcrs—
Asking that St. PaIll City It at way
be allowed to experiment with electric It——
Fifth, Randolph and other streets.
Com ittee on streets.
F m West Seventh Street Umon—
Transm til eons of esolution of sold u
I,, asking tint rapid transit franchise be.
I; led to 'om pperson or oe s w'ho will
gree Lo build d �oruto within r..aeooable
Limo a ]tae to Fort unplug.
Committee on Streets.
From S. and O. Kipp and others --
Asking that , french ise for un electric motor
line be granted to a o nvyto be named
hereaftelforto e, ee[slond and other streets.
Commt tee o
From Arlington Hills Citizens' Union—
Copy of resolutionskin¢ Council to request
St. Paul St. Railway Comp nv to extend their
line from street car barns oii Maryland street
to Payne avenue and out Payne avenue to Ivy
Committee on Streets.
From Charles Koch and Others—
Asking for rap 1,
t transit to Fort Snelling.
Committee Streets.
From West Seventh Street District Union—
Copy of resolution roquestmgCounoi! to cam
pel St. Paul City Raliwey Company to Immedi-
ately operate the recent extension of West
Seventh street railway track southwest of Lee
Committee -on Streets. '
From John Ireland and Thomas Cochran, Jr.—
Asking permission to withdraw resolution In
traduced at their request at meeting of 20th
Inst., and asking permission to make electric
railway experiments on certain streets.
From W. S. Mortgn, Chairman Committee of
Property Owners to Secure Extonnion of
Selby Avenue Cable Line—
Communication (laid over -Aug. 20) asking
ordinance for extension of Selby avenue cable
line from Present western' W nus to Fair-
view avenue, on Selby avenue.
Granted. (See Oral ... On No. 1,201.)
FroCuntiler. E. S. Gorman, Job. Es Chamber of Commerce. oyes P.
Espy, e0.s P. Lan
pher, .lames H. Weed and Others—
Protestinl1rt against ... struction of street car
[racks on Slx th street.
Referred to His Honor the Mayor.
Ald. Sanborn moved to take up the Selby
extension ordinance (laid o Aug.
being dinance suppl(mental to Ord. No.
sr, to., and substitute it for Lowry ordinance.
The question being upon the passageof sold
Selby avenue extension ordinance the seine
was passed.
Yeas 15, any., Aid. Conley 1 (Soo Ordinance
No. 1,2a1r)
Tho o dtnanc. granting Willi.. Dawn,
'Witham Liso
ke and others a street railway
franchise (the same having been read the third
time on Aug. 13, IS99) n Luken up, and the
question being upon the final pussage of said
ordinance, the same was Passed.
Yc.s, 16.
Aid. Sanborn moved that ordinance (laid an
table at morning me ipg of this date) grant
inti .Iohn Ir.lmrd and Thos. Cochran. Jr., per-
ssion to construe' ntc..experiment.l street
raatwny lines, be token from the table.
r Adopted. Yeas. 15: Guys, Ald. Fisher, 1.
'Phe \'ice President called Aid. S..born to
the chair.
.o,h t s• d IreI,ndd-Cock run tnrdin.nce miglit
be amended. Adopted. Y cas.le.
Ali]. Gehan in,ved as nn amendment to .,,it
�Ifii n,e to add to section a thereof the fin
lowing precision:
"And it is further expressly provided that
the said Joh. Ireland and Thomas Cochran,
be transferred the parson ger, on said lines to
by. eYetem of transfer check,
tte lines not St.
u Lhe ItyaiRallinev
herein Company sting desigunted without extrat 'harge
forsuch transfer hanks, and t tl a imesto
Paul City Railway Gimp,,nl's
accept such transfer cheeks then sold grant
e¢s shall pay for the fare on such connetting
Said amendment adopted.
Yens. la.
Aid. Yorg moved Jai °8�ct on be tth,t.kemf
third coding
fsmeltof said Irelaral Cochran -b
n neo.
Adopted and said ordinance so read the third
time and passed.
yeas, iii. ISee Ordinance Na. 1;'G2.)
Aid. Hock moved that the ordinance granting
treat railway franchise to William Uair sun.
Jc,eph Lockey, Chrles A. More, T. F. Hir
m inghum and others be placed on final Puss
Adopted. Yeas, 16.
The question trisf
DawsLockyodnam the a;, w
passed. ,
Yens, 16.
Aid. Pratt moved that ordinance grantine
street railway franchiseson Huston
Electric Curn bLiuct- Ton final pas„age.
navy 1
Adopted. Peas, lu.
Alda Yoergmoredsuspenslonof rules, tbal
said ordinanceu,ight be amended.
Adopted. Yeas. I'. said ordly suet
Aid. Yoerg moved to mend
triking out the i orllvo mcn, heir Ionw herr
said ordinance, snit inserting to lieu thereof th,
ord "its: 'and by striking out the w.rd'•heirs'
where the same occurs In line 1 Of section 1.
[said o�dinnnce. null in line' of soctton I& an -
inserting ry Ire° hereof the word .,uvecssors.'
Said amendment adopted. Yeas, 16.
Aid. Pratt moved that rules be su=pen dad s
far that reading Of am;ndI sections be take
as third reading of said r, mance.
AId. Gehan moved to .-call by suspendi'
rules and reading entire ordinance third time
Amendmentadopted, and Ald. Pratt's sat
motto's s amended adopted. yeas Ili, an
ordanhcc os amended read third time.
Aid. Yoerg mond that all sl reet ritilwn
ordinances before Council be referred to Co.
mittee an Streets. endment to end
Aid. ('alien nmvod .s an a e• t lire Thom sol
last mentioned motion to exc p
Houston ordlnnnce. dines[ .n
AId. Yoerg a•'cpted said umr.11 ala tee
AId. Cullen ssnkl motion v I P
•rbc gaestion tbermpon >,�o e buns pns,art
of Thomson -Hou stun v rai asncc n a be
w Passed. Ymo�ed to t h , p ordin:me
AId. Cullen
granting franchise to Wm. L. Alluv ,md Tho
C.1 loptod.
Aid. Gehan moved to lay said ordinance c
tame. .ea ani ,nen[ to ref
uAld. Cullen mar rs •tui
-d orthnnnce to Commitee on StrccU.
Ald, C.Ilen's said amendment adopted`
F Akt Ochan's id tion t ndcd. Fad <
dinance on vible adopted ns. oma
'Phe Vice President [do 6vuutingi permissL
An coal
nnnce was v
to the St. Paul City way compnvy to e
periment with electric power n Certs
it suit fir ordinance be rved ead ut second timnoftlacrulc x and
Oat. Yous, S: nays. 8.
Sanborn moved to refer said ordinance
Committee on Streets.
4dopte d. Yeas. 12; nlya, 4.
Aid. Pratt moved that representative of St.
Jul City Railway Company he Invited
attend the meeting of Committee on
,cots. when street railway matters .1
Aid. Yoerg ved [hut the ordlnunco (far
hick the Selby aces tension rdinance
.s suUstietcdi natharWrig St. Ynal Cit)•
ailway ('ompany to operate electric rutlway
nes. be read.
Aid. f.eithauscr in
to refer Said ordl-
e to Committee on Gas.
Lost. )` m
ems 6, nays 1a
Ald. C Alen oved to refer said ordinance to
ommtttee on Streets.
y Aid. Boch—
A resalutfan instructing St. Paul City Ruti-
,ay Company to lay another track and operate
arson West Seventh and state streets. etc.
aiAid. San orn d resolution that tcrsed nto. net lessato"' Live
,mutes apart.
Lost. I
said resolution
Streets. refer s
Ala. Sullivan moved to r nsider vote by
rhtch w pus+rd the ordi nam, granttnF hau
hlsc to LVlllinm Dax-son, Joseph Lockey and
Aid. Weber mored recoasideration of vote by
which was adopted lives olution instrueling Citl•
H.n Aitiou t[rom Como to Froht� fit exlicten of
M K).
Adopted. and said resolution referred to Al -
:l orm an of district. —
OuniNANCE NO. I.lAll.
An Ordinance supplemental to ordinance 71µ,
cotitled•'An Orlin once relative to the St.
Pant City Railway- Company:' aPProvod
Aug. 14. IS91i. o[ St. Paul
The Council ouncil of the City
do ordain as (Slows:
Section 1. 'There is hereby I,. anted to Lbe
St. Paul Ci.. Itnilwn3o Compi� Y he Dater line,
fight null Privilege t xt i'a a lino.
ons known is Lha S¢Iby a
from St. Albans ..t reef to Fairviewruvevue, on
along Sc 1bY af't'nn¢. in [he City of S' P:iul.
'rhe said ex to [Sion ofdeooidor,beln linethesome
!ai. ,.,_ and shell conform in allnrespects Lc
11" "nn v..., .�.i[lc 1_a, -()ramancc relattve
No. tta,
(or as in
proved Aug. la. ISW a x u o lifled or of
said Ordivnnces def and ^S
fected by any other existing ordinance or reso
°licable thereto. When 'the oSaid liextcnsnm
provided for by this ordinance Shull have been
completed It shall be deemed part of said cable
line provided for in sail Ordinances :0I and
Sec. z. The rights nod privileges hereby
rant If are upon the condition that the sac
company shall complete said extension by the
first day of November. IM)0. and shall ,ith in
thirty days from the publication of this
rdinan e, file with the City Clerk of said
City of St. Rnaul its written actt•ni once. of this
ordinance ad it, agrcemry to conxiruct,
equip Bad oPerfite s' a ext sloe R herein
provided. and to indem ally vuid city' Bad be lia-
ble for damages to sad ci ror ,ad with ro-
.u_ to III,.Bimn said city by reason of thetconstrnvlio
maintemtnee ornperntto, of sad ex[en,ron, or
}• part Lheceol; Slid [hat. It will fo the pera-
tion of its plant tar the purpose aforesaid• use
no bituminous land. The said written accept
and ugrcemeot Shall be signed by the
president. vice president or SCcetnry or
nny: provided, that In las , the ,aid com-
pany Shali not complete the said extension by
the first day of November. A. D. I890, that then
the rights and privlRt es_terehygranled shell be
forfeit ed,u dI)— edlha[nothingherem...
tamed shnll be construed ns abridging ant'
rights or privileges grunted to said C mPun.v
by any other ordinance or other authority.
Sec. 3. This ordie:mee,h fill take effect from
and after its publication and the filfn; of said
company S acceptance as afos
Yeas—Ald. Bickel. Blom. Bock. Cullen,
Fisher. Cellar, Kavanagh, Lelthmiser. Minea,
Melody. Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan. Weber, Mn
Vice President -15.
Nays—Aid. Conroy -1.
Passed Aug. 26, letl9.
Vice President or Council.
Approved Aug.30. 1SS9.
ANTHONY YoUGG. Jit, Acting Mayor.
Attest: THOS. A. PRENDEHGA-T. Cit. Cjerk.
Sept. 2.
An Ordinancegranting Permission to John
Irclu ad and Thomas Cochran. Jr.. W :on
St rest. equ Ip
. maintain and operate certain
Secerimental electric street railway linea
tion I. Perm[eslon Is hereby grant ed to
John Ireland and Thomas Cochran, Jr., their
successors and assign¢, for the purpose of ex-
perimenting in the use of electric power on ler
twinstreet railway lines heremalter desig
ate, the alltbority. right and privilege tri
build, el quip, maintain unit operate Haid expe
rentaelectric street railway lines, with
single or double tracks, over and along the
treets find avenues in the City, of St. Paul
hereinafter mentioned, to wit:
One of said lines commencing on Randolph
street where the sum. In Or. of..Seventh
(7th) street: thence on RandolPi street in
continuous linerto the Mississippriver.
Another line commencing on Grand avenue,
where the enure tnterseets Victoria Street;
thence on Grind avenue in a continuous lineto
the Mississippi river.
Seo. 2. The said John Ireland and Thomas
Cochran, Jr., are herby granted authority and
permission to enter upon all the streets named
above and included In the routes above desig
Rated, or any of them, to construct, maintain
and operate such experimental electric lines,
to p ace, erect and secure the poles, columns,
wirts and appliances which may be required in
the construction and maintenance of said rail
way and for operating the same.
Provided, that all such poles and appliances
shell be erected under the supervision and in
spection of the City Engineer, and shall be lip
prove by him.
and operated said
ted f v uhereinare pr todbh
n the estabiisheA grades of said ste reet,. o
on that
which shall be established bythe ctry
of St. Paul us the crude of said streets.
Sec. 9. SBW John Ireland
ad Thomas
ochran, Jr., shall at II lames keep much
Of the streets occupied by said lines of railway
tv lie between the rails of each track, and
between the lines or double track. and for the
space of two feet outside of the track or
tracks, .•leaned and I.good repair, and shall
cause the snow to be removed so as to afford
,.is andnobstructed vaasageway on said
portion of " id streets for sleighs and
wagons. within twenty four hours of
the snowfall, in each Instance.
and the repairs and in
of the so ow Sbnll
be done to the satisfaction of the common
council, or such person or persons as may have
supervision of the streets of the City of St.
Paul, find at the cost and expense of saki John
Ireland and Thomas Cochran. Jr., and in case.
o any failure to comply with the nboie ppro-
vision the may engineer shall cause such s
[o be removed and the track kept in repair as
.f resold, and the expense thereof shall be
charged to and eollectd from Said John Ireland
and Thomas Cochran. Jr.
The running of cars on any part of said Imes
of railway, or either of them, maybe suspended
by'thecommon council for such reasonnDle
time as may at any time be necessary on ac
ant of repairs of streets or the construction
of sewers or other public improvements; and,
t}-heneverit may be necessary to have any
track taken up for the purpose aforesaid, the
same shall be talion up and relaid at the ex
pense of said John Ireland Land Thomas Coch
ran, Jr.
Provided, however, that in case of any such
suspension as aforesaid, the time of the same
hall not be c nsidered as port of the time dur
ing which the experimental maintenance of the
said lines may be continued.
The chief engineer of the fire department of
this city or the person who for the time being
may be acting in his stand, may order , sus-
pension of the running of the cars on said lines
oI railwav or either of
them, which he may
deem necessary during any fire. In case of
fire or any other public necessity the proper
officer or oglcers of the city may cut or pull
down any wires or poles used to operate the
cars onsaid lines or either of them, and tit,
city or Its officers shall not thereby be liable to
Said John Ireland and Thomas Cocbren, Jr.,
for unv less or damageresulting from the cut
ring or pulling down th ereot. or for the cost or
expense of repairing or replucing the same.
Sec. 5. Said John Ireland and Thoma Coch-
ran, Jr., shall have permission to maintain the
lines by tris ordinance authorized and expert
mentally to operate the same for and within
the period of one year from the time this ordi
n n •e shall go intoeffect; provide, that if
such experiments shall not prove Satisfactory
to the common council of said city. or If for any
other reason the common council should deem
it wise to remove the same, and shall so order, Yeas—. Bickel Blom. BookCullen, Coo
, ,
the said moved litany tiwire.m8 wnitad hin ihreencmonthls atter Minea.iMeltidy, Pratt, Sullivan Weber Yoerg,
the expiration of the said year by the order o4 Mr. Chairman -10.
tha common council, and of the expense OI Passed Aug I Chairman of Council.
the said grantees. sevger S84
Seo. B. The rate of fare for each pas
[raveling on unl• 01 sold lines ehall not exceed
five vAded that no fare eShall be trequiredgfq rga child
under r, years o[ �erw persov Veliand ndtr the
xpresslprovided tbott the
said •roh. Ireland and Thomann doline- ptodbe
shall cause the passenger,, on n.'ter checks to
t aneirre by a. y,tela of try Com -
the lines of the St.w Phu `beltµ id alines herein
pan. con ..tingg r
dos{g -ted, itho L extra charge for ch
I ... sfer checks. dlit.e I, p to ted -accept each
way Com any hal, Ibeo said 9I-cte S shell pay
,orI erdecks,
the tare on such cOncecling lines.
See.-,. The s id John Ireland n d Thomas
.hall be hnDle t hsald o ty fore r oall damages,, ex
penditures, liabflitiee cad costs which may be
incurred by sold city by reason of to construc-
tion or m-mten ..6 of said lines of ro11wuY, or
ny Part thereof, or the operation thereof, or
by reason of the rights hereby grunted to Said
vad ,.land
aLL Irreland lid Thomas Cochruind J�.d,
Lhei[ successonl and assigtts,s1RJ fully indem
ify "ad save harmless late, crtVdirOo�ty 11 stitch
damage e incurred. liar.,, an c x
Approved Aug. 3l, 1 •.
ANTHONY YOERG, JH.• Acting Mayor,
Attest: TROS. A. PRENDERGA-T, City Clerk.
Sept. u2.
Vice President of Council.
THOS. A. PREs DERGAST, City Clerk.
An Ordinance granting a franchise fors street1n
railway to \Villfam Dawsoo, Wdhnm L
deka. Amkerst R. Wilder, Theodore L.
Schurmeferand Edward G. Rogers.
The Common Council of the City of St. Peal do
ordain ss follows:
,.trpn 1. There is hereby granted to WIIRI_
Sec. S. In cases where any team o vehicle
emeet any car hal0.l be oold vertakeines of nby any our
r of them,or
thereon, such tea. or vehicle shall give way to
nInch ecessarily obs r no[, hinder[ delayull
ory iltrfee
with the p.S`sge f any of the cars on either
of said lines of railway., tracks
[o be placed.
[riving or stepping, or
drive or stopped, any team, vehicle or obs[
c•.le. or thing, [tet. upon, across, along or near the
track of either of said Ifnes-of railwac=sQlntenr
being notitled by the conductor or n
charge of the car thereon by the ringl got the
car bell or otherwise. And whoever Shall %ao
1 to
pen .envie (app thereof be 'f
reisthe ror mindPal
court of "'city' be punished by a tine of not
re than lie stdred i1W1 dollars nor less
than live (5)
S-9. Any violation of this ordinance spall
than be dollar ed nobs oenth:tne of not encs
hundred ty(llxn
dollars. to be enforced and collected fn the
e nner as „ther fines and penalties are
enforced and collected under Lhe provisions of
the city charter.
Cochran, Jr., dear o o build, equip and operate
both or r either of Sad Iffiest tp�yiordinance tin hey
Once with the provisions o
sbn11 die wttn the City Clerk, within of Of (Gi
days after the passage and publication s this
ordinance. their acceptance of the terms and
provisions of this ordinance.
Sec. 11. This ordinance shall take effect and be
in force from and [ter its publication lid its
..¢pian.¢ by sad John Ireland and The
.Ifec and within the
Sme provided in Section 10 of this ordinance.
fly end consent o[ " In Vmamtain. equip,
Cr[y of St. Paul to laente, y.
rote and use In aid City o[ St. Paul "cable
orlines of street rullw ay, with single or double
trucks. with the necessary turnouts, sidings,
telegraph and signal devices find other equl,
site appliances over, along, through and Fines
suchi... it, Ot -,resSt. Paulassha . ad ereOblia[ter be
common Council elect Of that the oo Cstreet —rallway
('rovided. however,
tracks be placed on the bridge o[ Mime.ota
Transfer Railxay Company acro-- their tracks
University avenue. SS -Is-
And the right, privileO ad ance ority
OI this [ranchas to
granted to aid gr
aper to sold railway by electricity.cfible,or any
other power whatever: provided, that tearn adno loco
r theeates nor et andhno horses emitssOr mules shall be
used to operate said railway.
And there Is also granted to said grantees
the raid
i6ht• privilege sad authority to
make Such Opeenings sed excavations.
et eote. avenues and publicntain ovt'nYsdauch polos,
wires and other appliances a, shell be require
other power as shot or
to operate said l tie used hereunder. electric h
Sec. 3. Whenever it shell be shown to the
action of th that any
Systsatisem of storage batted a can be ulsed to ope•
rate said rain=, by electricity as effectually
lid economically us the overhead wire system.
the Common Council may, by resolution, order
u change to such storage batteries, and the
poles, overhead wires and appliances to. be
taken down and removed within a ratter -the
time, not exceeding six months,
adoption of such resolution, whiD order shall
be complied with by said grantees within the
time required by sold resolution:
And provided, That in the operation of the
plant, to be erected for the purpose aforesaid,
o ego alrante unlees ss the permission of all net bar. tal sthe iCom-
mon Council be firs[ obtained.
Sec. 9.
All poles ereeted underthis
trance shall be of such le-, style, height
material, and shall be placed at such points on
the margin of the street
such d side of the
or Ievard,;an
enters, ns .'hull be designated by the I ify
Engineer, andsha:l be erected as t said wires
strung thereon under the supers ison and sub-''.
,ect to the Inspeotion and control of the City
Engineer. Plane of said Poles. ares and ap-
pliances shall be aubmltted to the Cityc,letedEngi-
neer, and shall be approved by him by 'ril.te.
cele., wn{res,gf pPlianceere the mand retructures hail
be built upon the most approved motbod so as
to interfere as little practicable wilb all
other public uses of said streets, nad both mu
terial and workmanship shall be the best of
their class and kind.
Sec. 4. The coaches and cars used on sold
lines of railway shall be of the best modern
style nod cnstructlon, suitable for the safety,
convenience and comfort of the passengers'oil-
wint rumonth.,and when}ever nerssarydurinut any
season ; and shall be properly lig hted and vent{
•therreof -heI 11 6nrgenpla ❑lecherson , so that the
same may be readily sea. and read by day and
by night, the route or streets over which the
some are operated;
Provided, That no care shall be operated on
Bald lines of railway until the same have been
approved by the Common Council.
Sea S. The Common Council may regulate
the speed for running said cars, and may from
time to time reduce the interval o. time be-
tween the frallway,orp portions cuts
a. til said lines
y, or each to
torrid does not exceed ten minutes;
Provided That when any reduction of time is
ordered by the Council, a reasonable time, not
exceeding T.1 days, shall be allowed to said
grantees to comply with such order.
Sec. e. The said lines of ru{lwa1• are to be
constructed cad opernted a8 herein provided on
the established grade of said streets, or on that
which .ball be established by the City of St.
Paul as the grade of said streets.
grantees shall raise or lower their tracks.
posts or structures to conform to any changes
that may be ads in the A aide oI any of when
at their own cost and eopunse, t
graded said
such change, • and )solddgrantees :re
ordered to do so.
Sea 4. The track of said r ilway lines shall
nutbe elevated above the aurfaceot the street.
and shall be laid with the C. C. rails (all culled),
uch .s shall be approved o ordered by the
Common Ceuncll,
or as nen practicable
to the cents of said treats, rand shall be sen
laid that carriages and vehicles can easily and
freely to old et roots at any and all pointe
thereof, with the least obstruction possible:
Provided. That trade. or mart f track,
hall be operated before the s. shall havt
beeninspected tend approved by the Commor.
Council of said city. after writte...line by thi
grantees of its completion.
Sec. 8. Said grantees shall at nil times keep
oi much of file streets occupied by said lines
)f railway as may 110 between the rails of each
:rack. and be
the lines of double track,
tad for a space of two feet outside of the track
tr tracks cleaned, and I. good repair, aad shall
:muse the snow to be removed, so tea to afford a
s fe and unobstructed p.sngeway on said en-
tire streets for sleighs and wagomi, -within
twenty4our hours of the snowfall In each in'tan-
f the
snowce. and the sh ll be done toss tie ts.tolflictionhe rennovid mof the
al have have supen�such
Ithegstr-its rson or of the City
of St. Paul, and at the cost nod expense of
said grantees, mad In case of any failure to
comply {th the above provisions the City En-
{ ear shall .use
such snow to be removed
and the track kept to repair as aforesaid, and
the expense thereof shall be charged to and
collected from said grantees.
And when any new improvements, pp
mg, repairing, planking replanking
igrading only excepled) shall be ordered by
the CommonCouncil an any of said entreats, or
Barts of Bald streets, herein mentioned, the
aid grantees shall in like manner and with the
m.o csrf.le, make ouch im ements,
pBmng, sparing. planking, r ram planking
(grading only excepted) on such pa is of s 1
streets as may lie between theroils ofeach
track, and between the lines of double tracks
and for a space of two Yee, outside of the track
or [rucks where said new improvements .tore
may hove been or .by tDo' Common
Council aforesaid, and In case the said gran
tees shall, after notice by the Common Council
of the said city, neglect to make such new no
Provem cuts ns aforesaid, ill -the same may be
done under the direction of the City o[ Saint
Paultat thent of se PeYp nfe aibal�bo assessed the
the proper authorities of said city, upon like
notice us in other cases of assessment, and the
amoant so assessed shall be chargeable to and
paid by said grantees.
The running of the cars oa any part of said
linespended by the .Common Council tenor try bh
reasonable time as may at any time be n -es
nary on aecouut of repairs of streets or the
construction of sewers or other public im-
provements: and whenever It may be neces-
sary'to have an} track taken up fur the pur
poses afresaid, the spore shall be taken up
and relaid at the expense of said grantees.
The Chief Engineer of the Fire fo)epartment
f this city. or the person who r the time
being msy be actinK n his stead, may order u
'pension .f the running of the cars a said
of r.{ltvay, or either of them, which he
may deem necessary during any nre.
In case of fire or other public necessity, the
proper officer or officers of the City mal' out or
pull down any wires or poles used to operate
the cars on said lines, o Oitbcr [ them, and
the eity or its ah.lI not thereby be lia-
ae to said grantees for any loss or damage re-
s.'ting from the cutting or pulling down the,.
of, or
the costs or expense of repairing or
replacing the same.
Sec, 9. All cora running on said lines of roil
ay shall be used only for carrying passengers,
including ordinary baggage, and shall be run
continuously from day to day mad during uch
hours of such day as the Common Councils ay
thereof shall be
sussuspee nded fn accordance with the provision of
this ordin... a.
All cars running on said lines of railway, or
conditioned that the said grontees will l the
either of them. utter aansut shall be provided fully observe and properly .array out ¢It till
signal lights, r be mail in such Provisions of this ardinanoe, and that It will
udgmems, t.decrees, lost. and expenses which
colors and munnere as the Common Council forever indemnify and sore h'—[Ila the sof
may direct or approve. 7 g ynul may ..deer or which
Sec. 10. The rate of ere for each passenger it
traveling on any of said lines each
not exceed O
live cents, including ordinary bag6a6e f
Provided, No famshull be required torn child t
under five years of age, while traveling under c
the care of an older Person: and P
Provided. That when the same car troves 1
t or lines there Shall be o
the said City of t.
may be recovered agnlat ti for or by reason of,
r great. out oC or In any manner resulting
p g fit lle Of t connected tthererewi its, or withgthe exor er
iso by said grantees of the rights, powers and
rivlleges hereby Rrnnted and confarrd, or
rilatuilrtue oI ihetpoaeesstoni hereof.eea under
over two or more st res r by v
but one fare for the whole d{stance so ,.raveled. The sold grantees .'hail Ism time to time ex
Sec. 11. Whenever said grantees ahold elle- .cute a new in 1n like sum and with like On
menet to operate their lines of 'railway sail d 6e eversthe Common Count, ell shothe one
cit the
ranters Shull issue transfer far -'1 sany line w { n Y
passenger, -he has paid oneoP.ion that fora n cnusa acid bond ie not B
then operated or to be oport )ted b sold grant- good and sktttcient bond.
n the City of St. ".. whch Lrhilsferaneck Sec. 14. In all cases where
ealdytineso[in rrn1-
eltnll entitle the Passenger so receivingtts� hide .'hall meet a y car on
Senecio.'continuous Passage on any connec way, or either o[ them. or shall be overtaken
line operated or to be hreufter operated by b any car thereon, such team or vehicle shall
s-ald gntntees, with a y power. hep one in -. war to such Car. No persOn ahold willfully
scmg f steal be entitled toga suehttranafr - - env to
transfer check for one tarp, . eceiv- !
cheek .'hal be used only by the Person r
Ing [RC sen a for n continnops Passage, and
shall be used upon Lhe next c r is to bf used.
the connecting line peon which It is to be used.
Sec. 12. The said grantees shall llay to the
City Treasurer, In advance, an ann al license
to (lo) dollars far
acs pad every c ter used
by it on any of said lines of railway.
Provided, That summer cora may be sti...1
toted for winter ata without addltlonnl
The said grantees sial Puy to the CIBC
Treasurer in mlditton to all other taxes, a
}'ours nt
from the date of the do lines. one PeT
ofxthe operation oY %Y gOf osai
cont of the gross enr{n ofsaid lines of roll
way icer the year next
preceding th the Iafutrf for n
maid Payment and annual'1}•L the expiration
rod f thnm ye
nra:t t nmPany shell
U[ said lass n
oil Period. stria c t .r two (.)
any to Sam Treasurer In lilts n a,lnd annunllY
'T tent n[ Its gross earnlugs,
for such ileal allsaln rat tcenyitf
r assigns, s
Bahl soc'iliacs Of railway. said grantees.
It shall be the duty O[
through o r .( its oflfcers. to make annually
slug 111 of ata 'j"" 'to
of the gross ,-
ceiP)a I f sen{d linestlt f the Ilixth year o[ a.
Honed, beginning wt i
operation thereof, and to itle tit. s me with
the Ci[y Clerk.
Scc. 13. The said grantees. their, heirs ox
cuuirs and assigns, shall be liable to said nit)
for all such damages, expenditP res, llabilitioc
iml Costs which mnY bo incurred by maid city
•b )' rennon of
the con atruetip I or
of s:,td lines of ralw-it)•, or nay par4 the,ot, u'
the operation mercer, —by ri, �r:mteos. rig ht:
reby granted to s •snv
ii gntntegh 11 fully
inhemn�IY and
•h atrmless sails cit `' ter
o hich may isKso'inivlurre
tiirys. loan anal os s w
d gravtees shall Defuse the roinmencemen
n( the ca nstruotion t sinal fid railway execute
bond "' the City of St. Pin the penal s t
one hand rad thoasaa by tinall y
ay'or, Corer:
reties to be salol city Comptroller o[ said Cit;
Lion Attorney
placing, driving or swpp•••s, �• -•-
played, or driven, or stopue One auroeemulonggor
or obstacle art ng
m, P
near the track of ether of said lines of railway
Alter being notified by the conductor or person
I the
car bell or otherwise. And wr b boever ah¢Il f.%"g of tte
any of the provisions of this eectla shall,
yon conviction thereof De[ore the Municipal
Court of said city, be punished by a line of not
hundred ()b
than 100) dollars, nor lees
Sec. 15. The Common Council Of the City of
St. Paul reserves the right nad authority to
grant by ordinance to any parson or torpor e
or persona or c.rI) r-lum , other than the
..I grantees serol¢, the ri9r.
ht and perml8aton
to operate n line or linos of rulwn fed under
Sec. 111. WD n try Person or corporatirn
hating received the nufh. ityt m operate or crasfi
n Coucil, 'h ll desire toe [[pent can
m}' part of said alines. d an ager
not be bad between such person nsatfo¢ tcomo De
.ted sena grantees s to he a' n .'hal be ae
peran herefor, nal commission
I three bed
sed by
intrested ire eholderti o[ t o Cit)' of Le- it:
to be chosen in the following m...or,
The person or company ""it" to use Bald
lines or any ba riot
sum lines I.. aid gandtthe
It en •b lasloner, t the
ini�a oomtmiaaioi°1e ywee,i eonnnvoi s is
in_.0 over. shall lmmedlstely proceed to
determtae the compensatio. so to be P.
the time a.d memter of it.
Provided, That i
peonies shalt thereafter be uutliorizedmto opera,
Imo of ale .
ett!c railways
,re o
aid Ives, ll
Lhe coin y upon y D
pens,[fon paid
by the cmc
pony companies already accupying any po
flan of said lines. mai upon application i
S it bar of id eoinpanies to the Mayor. t
revised and readjusted by a co iminsion <
three freeholders. obese, and appointed fn h
er her inb fore nrescribed. And eithe
part,m ay apply
at n readjust men t of lb
terms of t•compensation once in each period c
two Yang,
to be determined a,Yberet
prescribed. _
Sec. 17. The said coltimissioners, rotor
roccedin to hear
.cSol n so be aoath before some o�myerl
authorized to administer nn oath. that the
Possess the qualificationsprescribed in in
preceding section. and that they x-111 fuithfull,
mromptly ted fairly hear and examine Oi
atter in controversy. and make a just aw,r
to the best of their understanding
They shall without delay make a report 1.
writing of their decision and award. whjc:
report shall be signed by them. or a majorit
of them, and delivered to the Mayor upon it
c pletion.
O, the reception of said report by the Muyo.
❑e skull Hle the 'nm xith the City Cleric mm
bawl tin ediafely notlf}- tate parties ofthi
f [ I commissioner,, and thereupon
and on payment by the nompuny making rite
application of the umaullt of c'oulpensatior
awarded In said report,urufterpayirgthesam(
the Clerk of Di,trI, t ".art in and for th,.
County of Ramsey and State of Alled.—tu, tai
grantees., avd .Spon payment of Che cost:
d expenses of said commi„iuners. and U'oc
filing tit the
('Im'k a bond in the ,um al
twenty.Ilve thousand dollars, wjth two good
and su ttici,nt sureties, which )ond shall be ap-
proved by the Mayor. Corporation Attorney
and City Comptroller. andshall be toad itioned
for tee Payment to said ,• nuc r su ,h adtli-
tilde, compan wtrlon as i v be ordered by the
District Court in antl for+�iid c unty o a��y
proceeding therein as herd after proytdr 1. the
further delncompany
l Pio enteir ulhe pon ami i ran it'ythout
c ss the Bass or „art, of cline, ,o up-
plfed for. ro
Upoa the riling of such reportf said o n
c -
.loners the Cfty Cierk shut la duly notify b nth Parties [o the can trovers, of the tiling
thereof. and either party m my i
within -days after the -e vlv such ono
tire acs aforesaid, appeal to 'thee .aidDistrict
Court for n review of the report o[ did earn-
missioners by Dling x'It
h the (clerk of lam
Court n notice of appeal, by sorciug a copy of
Cour .shelf heunulron pnitt eldetolitrY t ch tartv. aria he
Peal case as other appeals from commissiuu
ers appointed to assess damages fartalcin;-
property for railroad purpose.., are tried.
See. Is. Said grantees shall construct two
plj miles of the lines by this ordinance author
ddi. , and equip and operate the same. within
one year from the date of the pit blien lion of
thisordinance. antl the remainder within two
years frnm said date.
Provided, however, that if said counpary
shallbe —trained from proceeding with the
work of constructing said railroad, by order or
i lunetlon of say court, or shall be hindered or
deinyed fn said work by 'anon of un3' public
improve being carried an Ur rho City of
St. Paul. or be otherwise delayed. hindered or
obstructed in their said construction, or in the
exercise of the rights and privileges to them
grunted or permitted under this ordinance.
their part, the time during
which It shall he restrained and delayed hall
he excluded from the time herein prescribed
for the completion of said railroad, nad shrill be
allowed to sa:J
grantees In addition to thatime
above prescribed for itsCompletion.lhave, 11 The City
Paul howeve. r, shat! have, and it hereby
right i Intervene Iv any suit o
order, and l odmat ehfocla dissolution of the satin -
I. a it .hall deem such suit r proceeding
collusive. or for the Puvpasa f delay or to—
tend the times hereto Prescribed for the
pletmn of said railroad, and said grantees shall
confine themselves to the use or the streets
designated, us provided in this ordinance.
If said grantees shall fail or neglect to ea -
plete, equ P and operate all of amd li us, of rail
ithm the till, herein specified, or hall
tail to concept, with th. terms of an Corder or
resolution of the Council made in accordance
with this ordinance. within the time required
by Stich order or resolution., then all rights and
Privileges hereby granted shall be forfeited to
the city.
Sec. Ill. It is harsh, rm rved to the Com-
mon Council the right tomake such further
rules. orders or regulations Its may- from time
to time he deemed neceer ry to protect thv
interest. safety. wet fare and Ilecommodation of
the public in relation to said railway lines.
See, •_11. Any violation of Ihisordinlmee shall
be punished b3' a it ad amt less than ff' and
1C t ed m hemore dnu 5l nn, tun be eµf then no_ col'
Penalties are ,forced ;,ad collected color:Id
urovi,am, of the (city Charter.
If said grantees desire touatld
cgalp and operate said lines ' t ilway m it'!
mrdanee with the provisions of this ordinance,
they -hall file ,with the City Clerk. within
tbu4}-days after the Passage and Publication
of thisordinance. their: tecep[ance.under their
-al. of the terms and provisions of this ard!
m -
d shall also w'thto sold lime a.. or"
,o the city and deliver to the City Comytroller
bund in the suor fifty thousand letters,
vith two ar more good add Sufficient sureties
o be approved by the Mayor. Corporation 4t
rner d City Comptroller of lata City of St.
i conditioned that
tit., ¢hall fail or ice
act •to co m Pl a to the .... truetmn of all of said
of ratlwuy,attd to have the sem, eq nipped
tad in opera, ton in u...Id...a with he Pro
stuns f 111—rdi.... c. add within the time
tilled, then they shall forfeit uvd
housan the City Of St. Pont lite sum of fifty
ousand 45100e) dollars.
iSec. 22. The said grantees. their successors
Ind assigns, shall be entitled to enjoy he
'�ghts and Privileges herehy granted for the
or ti!t,yedrs utter the passage and publi
�� 1 tun or this mrd imide.
sec. ':3. this ordinance'bell take effect and
m in force from and after Its publleation add
is acceptance by said grantees in the manner
end within the time provided in section 21 of
his ordinance
Yeas—Ald. Eiekel, filum, Dock, Cullen, Con
.- Fisher, Gahan. Knvnnngh. Lalthanser.
tinea. Melody, Pratt, Sanborn. Suit van.
Veber, Mr. Vice Presldent—]e
Passed Aug. 26. Issi.
Vice President of
Approved Sept. 3, I", .
Acting Mayor.
Attest: THO,,. A. PUJiNDERGAST,C1ty Clercs.
Sept. y,
ORDINANCE No. 1,2(14
An Ordinance Rranting a fravohiso for e
railway to the Thomson -Houston Electric
The Common Councilor the City of St. Paul do
'dein: to the
Sectfou i. There is hereby grantea its sue
.-,.sorThomse executors, J imllicarator.Puntl aasiRva,
mermfdsio , authority and consent of the Cam
ov Council of the City or St. Paul to iocntied
1 talo, equip, oPe rate a d use m s¢
C ly of St. Paula line or ]toes o[ street railways,
with single or double tracks, with the ice -
ry turnouts. sidings, telegraph[ and sign at
d a
vicas and other r qu bate appliance., over.
along. throv Rh rid ¢Crass ch - nu
trees s, alle3'a ad
pubic. places in aidCity
St. granteesf
Coal as h ot this e1, one is
desigrated threey
fourths vote Of the embers fd'be Common'
Council elect of the City of St Paul.
And the right, privjlege and :lu rlty is also
granted to said grantees of [his trancblse to
operate said railway by eteotrion 'i cable or
e y other power whatever; provided. that no
locomotive or motor which em its steam and
.Shall be usehereby d t to operate said railwriy. or mules,
., And there is also granted to said grantees
he right,.privilege and'author" I to make such
openings and excavations, and to erect and
intent on and along Said el eets. river -ell
and public ways s h poles, wires and other
oePlfances asilh such
to other
Sold railway w or power
as shall be used hereunder.
Sec. 2. Whenever it shall be shown to the
satisfaction of the Common Council that any
scstem of storage butte rice can be used to op
to said railway by electric
ty ds effectually
e d ...d,mically ax the overbaedwire system,
the Common Council may by resolution order
tchange to such storagbatteries, and the
poles, verh end wires and appliances to De
taken down and removed within reasonable
lime, not ex c,ednng six mcurb., after the ulop-
tion of ch resolution, wDicM1 order sholl be
complied with by said grantees within the
[Ime requ lred by such resolution;
And provided. That in the operation of the
pi t, to be ^reeled for the pu nose inresola,
oilg do'ees Itstbe llpnotbu Inn orf sthe
Council be first obtained s d
Sec.3. All poles erected underthis ordinance
shall be of such size, style. height dud material.
and shall be pieced at such points on the mar
gmd Of
at s tCh idiytnn es apart betweennde'n
tern, as shall be designated by
[h a City Engineer,
d shall De erected and saki ire' string
thereon under ha supervision and subject to
the inspection and control of the City Engin ' er.
Plans of said Doles, wiras and appliances shall
be submitted to the City Engineer and sball be
approved by him by written certificate before
he same recreated.
Sold pales, wire pun pll
es and structures sball be built u he
ost approved method, so as to Interfere a
little as pruniteable with all other public uses
of said Streets. and both material and work
manship shall be the best of in at, class nad
kind -
See. 4 The conches and cora used on said
lined of railway Shall be of the best modern
stoma and construction, e.uitable for the safety,
Of the engere:
e¢levae and c
mfoi't Pass
a sarin
comfortably bents B
d shall be c 9
winter month e, and wheneverI ghW ary at any
tensed; and shall he properly lighted nad IS. -
.tiered; and shall have painted on conspicuous
Paris thereof in targe, plain letters, so that the
t Lbe ran
teen an Bread bwhlcG the
u scree over
Or; operated; r Provided, That no care Shull be operated on
said lin f railway ms ouncil a have been
approved by the Common
Sec 6. The Common Council and mag ('dill
the speed for ru..In_ said cors, y
time to time reduce the interval of time be
twee, the successive cars running on said lines
of 1 dimes v-ot a .sell
etfl such inter
Provided, That when any reductio. Of time
is -ordered by the Council, u '¢ ,amicable time
not exceeding 3o days, shall be eilowed to e.1
grantees to comply with such order.
Sec. 6. The said lines of railway are to be
constructedthe'Stabl/shed grade of said a streets, oyrdsd
[hat which shall be established by the Cltv of
St. Paul as the grade of said streets.
Said grantees shall raise or lower their
ocks, posts or structures to conform to ally
e of any
[Said Streets, es that at heir obe W. losttu to d gnddexP nse.
whenever said streets are actually
expense to
be graded e d to sc.harges ands id grantees
are ordered
The track Of Bald rdllwriy I11Ips shall
not be elevated aUove the surface of Lhe street
.ad 'ball be laid with the O. G. rails (So-calledl,
or such as shall be approved or ordered by the
Common Council, on or ns as practicable
to the center of said streets, sed ahull be so
laid LDut a�r�iagge dad vehicles oa a sly antl
freely cross 'aids street at any end all points
thereof, with the least obstruction possible;
Provided. That no track, or part of d track,
Shalt be operated before the m ab.11 have
been inspected nd Purovetl by he Common
Council of said city, after written notice by the
grantees of its ""PletH`-
Sec. e. Said grantees shall at 11 times keep
much of the streets occupied by said llpes of
railway as maybe between Lha alis of each
track, and between the linea of double track,
.ad for t 'puce of two feet outside
of the truck or tracks, cleaned and in
gods repair, and Shull cause the slow to be re-
moved so as to artord u are and unobstructed
pu,sngeway on said entire street. for sleighs
oast wagons. within twenty four hours of the
snowfall in each instance, call the repairs and
the removal of the now shall be dose to Lhe
satisfaction of the Common Council, or such
person or persons its may have supervision of
.be streets of the City of St. Paul, and at the
cot and expense of said -tees; and fn case
of nntyi failure to comply with the above pro-
s he City Eau leneer shall 'all" such
,now to be removed d the track kept in -
pajr as aforesaid, dad the expense thereof shall
be charged to and collected tram said grantees.
And when any new improvements, paving,
repairing. planking orreplunking (gradingonly
excepted, a,,, 1 be ordered by the Common
Council on any of said Streets, or parts of said
streets, herein mentioned, the said grantees
shall in like manner and with the same me
terials, make such improvements, paving, rc
pairing. planking or replanking (grading onl
excepted), on such parts of said street as ma',
lie between the rails of each track, and be
tween the lines of double trucks, and for
space o[ two feet outside of the track or track
here said new improvements aforesaid ma;
have been ordered by the Common Cemnci
aforesaid, ano
d In case the said grantees shall
atter notice by the Common Council of the sok
city, neglect to make such new lmprovemeat
as aforesaid; then the Baine may be done on
der the direction of the City of Saint PnuI a
the expense of said g nntees, and the amours
of said expense shall be assessed by the Propm
authorities of said city, upon like notice as ti
other cases of assessment, and he amount s,
assessed shall be chargeable to and paid by sal,
The run¢in9 of the core en any part of soli
lines of r.,lw.y, or either of them, may be sue
pended by the Common Council for such ren
sonable time as may at.ny time be secs ..r)
on account of repairs of streets or, the construe
Von of sewersor other public improvements.
and whenever It may be necessary to have any
track taken up for the purposo nforessid, [hc
same shall be taken up and relaid at the ex
Pence of Said grantees.
The Chief Engineer ofthe Fire Department
of this city, or the person who for the time
being may be acting in his stead, may order
a ..pension of the running of the- on kd
lines of railway, or either of hem, which he
may deem neCe. .ry during any tiro.
In case of fire or other public necessity the
Proper officer or officers of the city may at
pull down any wires or poles used to oPerot,-
the cars on said lines, or either of them, and
the city or its officers shall not thereby be lia-
ble 10
sntd grantees for any loss or dam age re
suiting from the cutting or culling down th ere
of, nor for the costs or expenses of repairing or
replacing the same.
Sec. 9. All cars runnlug nn said tines of all
tncludinll be uaed onfy for carrying ng' s,
g ordinary baggage u.,I shall sin con-
tinuously Ir' in day to day, and during such
hours of each day, a9 the Common Council may
designate, unless the running hereof Shall be
suspended in accordance with the provisions of
this ordinance.
All cars ronningg on Said lines of railway, or
of them, a[ter... Set .ball be provided
with signal lights, to be maintained In such
colors and manners a. the Common Council
may direct or approve.
See 10. The rate of fare for each passenger
traveling on any of said lines Shall not exceed
five cents, including ordinary baggage;
Provided. No fare shall be required for a
child under five years of age, whfir traveling
under the care of an older person; and.
Provided, That when the same car travels
over two or more streets or lines there shall be
but one fare for the whole distance traveled.
Sec. 11. Whenever sold grantees shall com.
mace to operate their lines of railway sold
gra¢tsee shall issue transfer checks to nay.
Passenger who has paid one fare n
any line then aerated or to be panted by
said grantee, in the city of St. Paul, whicb
transfer check eh Ml entitle the Pa.sepger so
receiving the same to n continuous passage on
any connecting line operated, or to be here-
after operated, by said grantees, with any
Power. No passenger shall be entitled to more
than one transfer check for an fare, and such
transfer check shall be used only by the person
receiving the same for a continuous passage,
and shall be used upon the next car departing
on the connecting line upon which it 1. to be
See. 12. The said grantees shall pay to the
City Treasurer, In advance, an annual license
of ten (10) dollars for each and every car used
by it on any of said Imes of railway.
Provided, That summer care may be substi-
tuted for winter cars without uddittonal
The said grantees shall pay to he City Treas
urer in addition to allother taxes, after six
years from the date of the c pmmencement of
he operation of any of Said lines, one (1) per
ant of the gross earm❑g. of said lines of inil-
w y far the year next preceding the time of
said payment. and nnu d thereafter for n
period Of three years; d at
the expiration of
said last named period said grantees shall
pay to said Treasurer, in like manner, two (2)
per cent of its gross earnings, and annually,
thereafter, for such time as said grantees, its
successors or assigns, shall operate uny of said
linos of railway
It shall be he duty of said grantees, through
one of its officers, to make annually' a duly veri-
fied statement of the gin receipt'
of said
lines of railway above entioned, beginning
with the sixth yenrot the operntfon hereof,
end to tilt the sumo with the City Clerk.
Scc. 1:1. The a;aiil grantees, thmr successors.
executors and assigns. shall
be IfIrile to said
cityfor all such damages, expenditures. liabill
ties and costs which maybe. incurred by said
city by reason of the eonstroclion or real.ten
nc0 of said lino. of railway, or any part there
of, or the operation thereof, or by reason of the
rights hereby granted to said rI.,S,,, and .nitl
grantees, their successor s, executors and asd
signs, shall fully indemnify and save harmless
said city for all damages, expenclitures,loss and
ata which may be so Incurred. Said grantees
;hall, before the commce ec eictit of the con-
3truction of said utpvcy, c.ccute a bond to
the ('fly of St. Paul in the PIp al um fo
udred thousand dollars Iffiino,00o), mith an
tiee to bo approved by tho Mayor, Corporation
4ttornep and City Comptroller of said city,
!..dttioned that the said grantees will faith.
'ally observe and properly carry out nil the
provisions of this in
ordance, and that it will
'orever Indemnify and save harmless the said
7itudements, decrof St. Paul ees, costs
ostnst sn and
expenses wd from all hich
t, the City of St Paul, may suffer or which
may be recovered against it form, by reason of.
Ir growing out ole, or in any manner resulting
rare, the Passage of this ordinance,or anything
:onnected therewith, or with the exercise by
laid gi antees of the rights, powers and Privi
ege. hereby granted and conferred, or from
y net or act. of the ,aid grantees under or by
,free of the possession hereof.
The said grantees shall from time to time
.xecute a new bond in like sum and with like
onditions as the one hereinbefore mentioned
+h enever the Common Council shall be of he
pinion that for any cause said bond is not a
ad and sufficient bond.
Sec. 74. In all cases where any team or vehi
le shall meet any car on said Ilnes of ratlwuy.
r either of them, or Shall be overtaken by
any car thereon, such team or vehicle shall
gi a way to such car. No person shell wilfully
. end unnecessarilppy obstruct, hinder, delay or in-
1neesage of 0ilw saythe tracks by
placing, driving or stopping. or causing to be
placed, or driven or ,topped, any
or obstacle or thing In, upon. across, along or
near he track of either of said lines of rail
way after being notified by the conductor or
person in charge of a car hereon by the ring
Jug of the cor bell or otherwlse. And whoever
shall violate any 01 the provisions of this sec
tion shall, upon conviction thereof rob
id YS
¢neofinotCmore thand
lora, or less than live (85) dollars.
See. 15. The Common Council t the City of
St. Paul reserves he right and authority to
grant by ordinance to any person orcurpora-
tie❑, or persons or corporal, as, other than the
.Said grantees heroin, the right and permission
to ape • to a line or lines of railway across any
of the lines of ied on
der Oils ordina cande, d upon and aloner g all he
portions of said lines of railway tlmt sballat
any time be oneratcd upon or across any bridge
or Uritlges in this city, and upon :any other par
it.. of said lines of railway not exceeding ten
(10) blacks In any o eeonlinous line, exclusive
of bridges, where, In the opinion a[ the Cbm-
mon Council. it she be necessary for such
other line or lines to be operatel, upon the pay
ment of just compensation tion to 4aid gr,mtees, to
be ascerwined under the rules and regulations
hereinafter prescribed.
Sec. 10. When any person or corporation
Laving received the authority from the Com -
Said lines.ndngre
desire aand
o olle,ate or s can
any part
not be had between such person or company
and sold grantees as to the componeation to be
paid th a rector, snW compensation shall he
erLatnOd by a commission of throe disin
be choes sen In the [followinof g a unrier, t. -wait: tC
g man
The person or company desiring to use said
lines,or any part of sant Im es.and said grautvS
.hall each name oneLcommissioner, and the
Mayorl 0f the City' of St Poul shall appni.1 In,
third comm issloner, When Io appointed ,at
commissioners shall immediately Prac Ce I t[
determine the ompen. ation so to be pod, an[
the time and manner of its Payment.
Provided, That in case one 01 more em
parries ,ball hereafter be authorised to operuU
line of electric railways upon any "crime o:
said it the comue' Satin paid by he com
P.-Yro o panics already occupying an!
of sold lines, may. upon upplicutlon o
either of said companies to the Mayor, b,
revised and readjusted by a commission o
three freeholder., chosen and appointed d the
manner hereinbefore Prescribed. And tithe
party may apply for a readjustment of h
terms of compensation once i. Such period a
two years, to b delermi nod as beret
Sec. li. The said ommi,emners. before pr(
reeding to hear any testimony, shall talcs an
subscribe an oath before some omcer dud
authorized to administer an oath h,
they possess in qualifications prescribed i
the preceding section, aid that they will faitt
fully, promptly and fairly bearund examine th
matter in controversy, and make a just ewer
o the best of their understanding.
They ehallwlthout delay make a report in
hsaward, Which re -
sig d by them, oa maoritty
shall beeof
em, and delivered to the Mayor upon its com-
On the reception of said report by the Mayor.
e Sball file the same with the City Clerk, and
boll immediately notify the parties of the de
ision of the commissioners, end thereupon,
end on payment by the compauy making the
plioation of the amount of compensation
warded in said report or after paying the came
[ Raerk of msey eynandict Slate Court I. an Mi Des t0 forntko
�rntees, and upon payment of the costs and
.xpenses t sad commissioners, and upon
(ling with the City Cleric bond fn the
um of twenty-five thousand dollars, with two
;cod and sufficient sureties, which bond
hall be approved by he Mayor, Corpotion
tttorey old City Cc Ptroller, and ah arall be
dbint d for the payment to sold grantees
f such additional comppensation as may be or
lered by the District ('art in and for s id
:ouhty on any proceeding therein o9 herein-
ifter ptovfiled, the applying company shall be
ind run !is cars o.elesor delay to ross the enter upon
carts of lines so applied for.
Upon thefiling of such report of said com-
nissi0ners he City Clerk shall duly notify
[h parties Oo the controversy of the '1 ling
.he eon, and either party may, at any time
b Jim ten days utter the service of such notice
s aforesaid, opPcal to the said Distrlot Court
urn review [ the report of said commis
by the filing with the Clerk of
dcourt a notice of appeal, by erv-
mg . .. of uch notice u on the on.
p[ 'te party, and tau cpart shall tnereuPon pro
Deed to try such opPcal case as other appeals
i „cs f r tak noissioperero peri appointed
lrailroad acus does
4P I Y purposes
are tried.
Sec. Ig. The said grnlem,shall build- equip
and have in operation et less than five miles
of said electric railroad on or before the expira-
tion of one year after the acceptance of this
ordinance, and sball have not less than fifteen
miles In operation .t the end of the Second
year, and not less then thirty miles in success-
inl operation at Lhe end of the third year after
uch neCePhnee as nforesald.
s Provided, That if said grantees fail to comply
With the foregoing Proybdotls of this section
the rights and privileges nnderthis ordinance
shall be forfeited to the City of St. Poul.
And Provided further, That if said grantees
.hall be restrained from preceeding with the
work of said ru'Breod, by order or
injunction of any court, or shall be hindered or
delayed m said work by reason of any public
i provementUe mg carried on by the City f
St. Paul. or be otherwise delayed or hindered
or obstructed in the said construction or in the
exercise of the rights and privileges t0 them
granted or permitted under this ordinance.
without laidt t their Part. the time duringg
which they shall i be so restalned and aelayed
shall be excluded from the time herein Pre-
scribed for he completlonof said railroad, and
sh.11 be allowed to said
'mattes in addition to
the time abovepprescribed for its comple-
tion. Tho City t SO. Pouf, however, shall
have, end it hereby reserves, the right to Inter-
vene in any suit or Proceeding for such injuno
tions or restraining order, and to rqo a for B
dissolution of he same m case it shall deem
lethaht like l., make a uchner and with lmnt'ovarm ,is. same e
pYiring. planking or replavking (RradivgR il
aptetl), on uch parte of said street as mo}
liebetween the rails of ,In track, and be
tw Sen the It,,, of double trucks, oad for c
space of two feet outside of the track or track,
hero said o t p..."
me aforesaid may
have been ordered b, and n casey the Common Cc auto
aforesaithe emit
rante. .11
after notice hyithe Common Council ofethe soft'
ast nelectL thevk e
the ame may De vemeentE
d—lo, direction of the City of Saint Paul at
the expense of said g ¢tees, n d the umolmt
of entd e,pe..e ,hall be assessed by the propet
authorit les of Intl city, upon like notice as in
other cases of assessmeut, and the amount sc
assessed shall be chargeable to and paid by sail'.
The running of the Cara on any part of said
lives of railway, or either of them. man be sus
pectic by the Common Council for such rein
sortable time as rally at any time be necessary
on account of repairs of streets or the construe
tion or sewer.or other public Improvements:
and whenever it may be necessery to have any
tracktall,, up for the porn oses aforesaid, the
shot, be taken up a d relaid at the ex
pals, of said grantees.
The Chief Engineer of the Fire Department
I this city, or the person who for the time
being may be a ting In his steed, may order
of the running of the cava on Said
lines of railway, or either of them, which , he
mar deem necessary during any fire.
In case of Ore or other public necessity the
puller down Ivy wires erS or Poles¢ city ¢tiny cut or
the cars on Sold lines, lir either of them, and
the city or Its officers shall not thereby be li:i
his to said grantee, for any Inns or damage re
from the cutting or vu llinR flown then+
o(. uo for the costs or expenses of repairing or
replacing the
See. a. All curs running on said lines of tell.
way shall be used only for carrying passengers.
including ordinary baggage, and shall ru -
from day m day, still during isimh
hours of from
day, as the Compton Council may
desiate, ..less the running thereof shall be
suspended in accordance frith the provisions of
this ordinance.
All cars refining on smd Iines f railway, or
either of tbe.,
after sunset shell be provided
with signs] lights, to beaitained in .such
colors and man. er. as the Comm" Council
may direct or approve.
Sec 10. The rate of fare forn h passe tiger
traveling any of said lines hall not exec d
five cents, including ordinary baggage;
Provided. No fare shall be required for a
child under Oe years f age, while. traveling
and Cr the cernvof an older person; and.
Provided, That when the same oar travels
over two or more streets or lines there shall be
but one rare for the whole distance traveled.
Sec. 11. Whenever ssld grantees shall com.
.once to operate their lines of railway .aid
grantees shall issue transfer checks to au"
ass lino it who
e paid n fare
cd by
said grantees Ithoperated ty ref SLto B Y ulatwhich
transfer check shall ¢.title the passenger Be
receiving the same to a continuous passage on
after on Pe ,,tcdd 1lne by said Igante¢.erated, or , with e11
Dower.oNoruasaenger shall be entitled to more
than vet (er check [or eve fare, and Inch
tv a..fer on eek shall be used only by the plr,o.
K the name for ontinus Puasoge,
pdthe clonnectingupon ouline upon which it di.p to ibe
Sec. le.. The said grantees shall pay to the
City Treasurer, in advance, an annual lie e
of ten (le) dollars for nacb sad every car used
by it on any of said It .e
of railway.
Provided, That summer cors may be ubsti-
ruted for winter are without add lti not
The said grantees shall pay to the City Treas
liter in addition to all other taxes, after six
ye os from the date of the commencement of
operation tion of any of said Iines, one (]) per
eat of
h the year
e. arnfage of said ]Ines [ r il-
snldt. and a annu'llod thereafterin i roma
p:tyn y
period of three years: still at the expiration of
said last named Period alit grantees shall
pay to said Treasurer, in like manner. two.,121
per cunt of its gross Carmngs, ndannually
thereafter, for sucli time ns smd grantee., bis
S o}s fir ussi,.S, shall operate y of said
litntscof railwa:m
It shall be the duty of said grantees, through
e of its otiirs, to make annually a duly veri-
d cc•statement of the gross recelpt. of said
Iines of era llw:ty above merthined, beginning
with the sixth year of the operation there. f,
and to file the same with the City Clerk.
See, lei. The Said grantees, their,ucc,ssors.
c tors untl : Signa, shall be Ithnlc to Sulk
city for all Such damages, Po nditu rue, ` bflii
nA costa which may tie nIebrrcd by .aid
city by reason of the Construction or mninten
c -
If said lines of railwaY, or any Pnrt there
ot,or the one thrrof, or by a.ou of the
rights hereby granted to Smidcnea
rnte,i n l-bi
sram•ee,, their ,u ea m,, x,+tutors :and tI,-
igns, ,ball [illy indemnify anti.ant•. bared—
said pity for all datnages,cxpe.aitur,s, los, and
c—ts which Mbe
Shul1. he for, the con rttencotent5 o fl henry,
Iolton of said railway, c D: a bund to
Lhe lily of Si. Punt the t u 1 i of o
hundred thousand dollar, ( 110,11(1(1), with s
tie, to be approi ed by the hlayor, Corporation
AttorneyCity Comptroller of Said city,
conditioned that the Said grantees will faith
fully berve and properly c r y out all LhC
provnd Sof This nalmann,. and that it will
rorever I.demntfy and save harmless the ,add
:,sty of St. Pull against and from all damages,
judgment., decrees, cost,- and exp rise, which
d , the City of St. Paul, trn
may So or which
may be recovered against it ferocity ereason of.
}r growing out of, or any mann resulting
Iron, Lbe Passage of lb
is ordinunceeor anything
acted therewith, o frith the x se by
ddigtuntees of the rights, powers ndl privl
lgos hereby granted d conferred, or from
e , act or Ica of the said grantees under or by
virtue of the possession hereof.
The said grantees shill from time to time
'xecute a new bond in like sum and with like
editions as the one hereinbefore mentioned
vhcliever the Common Council shall be of the
,pinion that for any cause said bond is not v
rood Ind sutfiof rat bond.
Soc. 14. In all cases where any team or vehi
:le shall meet any car on said lines of voila ay,
1r either of them, or shall be overtaken by
any car thereon, such team or vehicle hall
give way to each car. No person shall wilfully
[<VronoJill the paasmfe ctI himl—
o[ he cu sr I
either o(id linen f a Iway pct [rack, U}'
plocivg, driving or ,toPPmK, or causing to be
1A...d, or tlrlven or stopped• ave team. vehicle
obstacle or thing in. uponf rnil-
. r sa, ¢long
war the track of either f said linen o
ay after being notified by the Conductor or
Person in charge of v at thereon by the ring-
{ g f the car bell or otherwise. And whoever
shall violate any of the provisions of this Iec-
to"shnil, upon c nvi tion thereof before the
hfunIm,.I,.mrt of said city, be punished by n
fe t me than hundred (SlW) dol-
lainrs,oI aur fess then live (so) dollars.
Sec. 15. The Common Council of the City of
St. Paul reserves the right. and authority to
grant by ordinance to any person orr.rp0ra-
[innor persons or co `Porn, inn S, other than the
Hill, e.
m,antcs herein. he rich, Ina1ontai.,so-
te n line or lines of r: illvay' aeras, any
t f the limes of rail xny hereafter o •tu Pl ed an
dor this ordinance, and npon and along all the
portions of said lines of call w av that ¢hall at
any time be..Stated upon or across any bridge
r bridge, in this city, • nd upon any ether per
thou of laid lines of rdlway of exceeding ten
( Irl block.- in any- on a coni inuous line, Cxclu't"
of bridge.'here. "n the opmbn of the
two -
n Counc, ahall be ec ...ry'for Such
other line or line. to be nprated. upon the Ina,
en, of just cam Pen,ntion to 4m Rr:mlec S, t
be as—terled under the roll, and regulations
Sec. la. Wheatany Person or corporation
❑uvini r civedt the author(tY from hu Com-
cii sl'ill dcsi r, to ape rate o
flay Part 1lof Said lin,,, and au eare,vientcca.
not UB Ina b,Lween ,Icb p„ergo¢ or compoy
and Said grantee, as to the ,ran PeiianLion to he
Paid h, for, : I , till t emlycrosation Shall be
Crta,in,era by lm of tltrno dist.
ter—ted Ireeltold,rs ofthe pity of 5,.. 1'n11, tt
he chosen in the following manner, to wit:
The PC - I fir mPony d,,Iring to Ise aaii
lme.,or ono Part of Suit bn, s.:md,aid grant,,:
,hail t eell n - 'rad th,
M,y'orl of the•Chy of iSt St. shallino",sont Im
lhfn7Ssioner, Who -uPP„inte11sal,
missi—ors Shall tmmediui Cly Proceed u
determine the copeulion so to be pend, are
the time and manner of its payment.
Provides That toCo.-one . inor. tom
pantos shall se therenfler De aporized to oporaU
u line of electric railway. upon any portion o
'aid lines, the compensation pmd by the cunt
pant o tompamCs alr,ady' occ•nPymc an;
portion ref said lin,,, may'• lipott upPlication o
either oI •lid anomies to it,- hf ayor. b
revised 1111 readjusted by a
three freeholders, Chosen evd ePlmint,d iIn th
near— hereinbefore prescribed. And either
ie ttyI c apply for , remijnstment of to
of In—
two e}'vars,o to be dctermiued n. herei
Sec. I,. The said commissioner,. before pr,
ceeding to hear any testimony, shall take to
Subscribe an oath before ,.me Call- dol
thorized to administer an oath tb:
they possess the qualification, tlpeese i laid
the preceding seetion, a. t y tri
[ally, promptly ink fairly hie fir and examine LI1.
matter in controversy, mull make . just swat
o the best of their understanding.
They shall withoube Mitredt delay make a hiuh t In
citing of their decision and sworor .d, w I
ort skald delivered to the Mayor uponlitaicom[
letfo t.
0. the receptt,, of said report by in. Mayor.
hall file the same with the City Clerk, d
hall immediately notify the parties of the de
edo, of the commissioners, and thereupon,
fid on payment by the company m.king th0
Rulication of
the im t f cotapeneatlon
fed In said report Crafter paying the same
Clerk of D{e
letrt Court iv and for the County
I Kam see d State of Minne.otn. for the
ontee,, anduponPayment of the cod.upov
r Penss f 'd c
Iling ilk the City Cerk nor bond the
mm of twenty-five thousand dollars, with two
;pod and sufficient .¢reties, which bond
be sPproced by the Mayor, Corporation
tttorney and City Comptroller, and shell be
: oad'tinned for the pe.'em , to said grantees
f cesuch aaaitfomtt c mpensution us mar be or
id II the District Court m and for std
linty on any proceeding therein as herein
titer provm,;d, the applying company shall be
m"tied without further delay to enter upon
end run its cars I,'orr across the lines or
_ arts of linea so applied for.
Upon the filing of Inch repsort f s id Co.-
m issfonea the City Clerk hall duly notify
loth Parties to the con tr,versy of the filing
.hereof, and either pony may, t any time
within tan Says atter the So rvlee of such notice
s aforesaid, appeal to the said DiatriCt Court
fora review f the report or said •ora is
ov by the filing with the Clerk of
aid r in notice of appealt
, by v -
no, ac --I, s
oI oh notion u n the op -
it, party, :rad the courtSnell tttereu Por, Pro -
cd Lo try' Siieli ep Peal case Ith or .1)
Rom coinmi„inu,ra appointed to eas da-
. for taking property for railroad �spurPose.
art tried.
Sec. IS. The said grantees shall build, equip
tmI helvein oporution not less than live it..
or said cl ¢dries railon or before the Ixpir.*
of one year altor the acceptance or this
c,dinance, and Shall have,"'
less than fifteen
miles in nperaLian fit the end of the n and
year, and not less than fairly miles in .uccoss-
[ 11 operation at limo end of the third year after
,uch ncoePtence to aforesaid.
Provided, That if enid granteesfail to comply
with the foregoing Provisions of this section
the right, and Privileges under this ordinance
shalt be inrfeited to the City of St. Paul.
end Provided further, Tpiuoif S
eo, nig withevent—
be retrained from lin the
work of constructing said r 'frond, by order or
ju ¢Clio¢ of any court, lir shall be hindered or
delayed in S. work by reason of any public
prove mont hmng carried on by the City of
St. Paul, or be otherwise
It r hindered
r obstructed in the ,sill construction or in the
0 of the righlS and privileges to them
granted or Permittca under this ordinance.
without tnult-on their part. the time during
which they shall be so twined and delayed
shall be excluded from the it.0 herein pre
shed 'In
e 1 befalls ed to _ t tithe,lnnt.esdirin. ad Ito to
the time above prescribed for Its comple
tion. The City Of St. Paul, however, shall
have, and It hereby reserves, the right to Inter
¢ in any suit or Proceeding for such injune-
t ons or restraining order, and to th a for a
dissolution of the same in case it a.11 deem
such suit or proceeding collusive, or for the
purpose of delay or to extend the times herein
prescribed for the completion of Said railroad,
and said grantees shall confine themselves to
the use of the streets designated, as provided
In this ordinance.
If said grantees shall tail or neglect to coin
plete, equip and operate all of said lines of rail
way within the time herein specified, or shall
fail to comply with the terms of any order or
resolution of the Council, made in me.ordance
with this ordinance, within the time required
by such order or resolution, then all rights and
privileges hereby granted shall be forfeited to
the city.
Sec 19. Itishereby reserved tothe Common
Council the ruga[ to make such further rules,
orders or d necessary
as may from time nt time
be deemed neceand a to protest the interest,
eatery, welfare and accommodation of the pub-
lic in relation to said railway lines.
Sec. 90. Any violation of this ordinance shall
be punished by a tine of not less than fifty (S}u(
dollars and not more than me hundred (8100)
dollars, to be enforced and calls eted I, tae
Same manner as otherlines and penalties are
enforced unit collected under the provisions of
the city ,barter.
Sec. °l. It said grantees desire to build.
equip and operate said lines of railway in on
onrdi nce with the provisions of this ordfnunce,
they shell the with the City Clerk, within thirty'
days after the pa ... goand publication of this
ordinance, their ocoepta..0, under their aeul,of
the terms and provisions of this ordinance, and
sball also within said time execute to the city
and deliver to the City Comptroller their bond
in the sum of fifty thousand (*51,000) dollars,
with two or more good and su11mient sureties.
to be approved by tae Mayor. Corporat}on At-
torney and Cit}' Comptroller of sold City of St.
Paul, conditioned that if they shall foil ne
gleet to complete the construction of all of said
linea of railway,and to have the aa•ae equipued
and in,operation in sccordance with the
provisions of this ordinance, and within the
time herein specified, then they sball forfeit
and pay unto the City of St. Paul the sum of
fifty (#50,[IOU) dollars.
Sec. M. The said grantees, their successors
and -Sign. shall be entitled to sojoy rho
rights and privileges hereby granted for the
term of fifty years after the passage and publi
cation ofthis ordinance.
Sec. 33. This ordinance shall take effect and
be in force from Sad atter its publication and
its acceptance by said grantees in the ma
and within the time provided [. sectionnl of
this ordinance.
Yeas -Aid. Bickel. Blom, Bock, Cullen.
Conley, Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh. Leithauser,
Minna, Melady, Pratt, Sullivan, weber, Yoerg,
Mr. Chairmun-16.
Passed Aug. 26, 1889.
WALTER H. SANBORN, Chairman of Council.
Approved Sept. 3. 1".
ANTHONY YOERG, JR.. Acting Mayor.
Attest: THOS. A. PRENDERGAaT, City' Clerk.
Sept. 7.
.special Meeting.
ST. PAUL, Aug. eS. 1889.
Vice President Yoerg in the chair.
Present -Aid. Bickel, Blom,Cullom Conley,
Fisher, Gonna, Mines, Melody, Pratt, Weber,
Mr. Vie. President -i'
Aid. Cullen, shortly after roll call, was ex-
cused from further attendance at the meeting.
From His Honor the Acting Mayor -Call for
the Meeting -
Ills Honor the Acting Mayor calls the meet
Iat the request of Aid. Pratt, Blom and Me
lady for the purpose of taking some action 1.
regard to preventing the St. Paul City Hallway
Company from laying its tracks on Sixth
Mr. M. D. Munn was heard relative to the Ob
ject of the meetl¢g.
Judge Fmndrau was heard on behalf of St'
Paul City Railway Company
Alit. Weber moved to consider vote by which
s passed the ordinance granting franchise to
W i'llam Dawson, Joseph Lockey and others.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel. Fisher, Weber -3
Nays -7.
The Vice President called Aid. Weber to the
chair, and, atter tile Passage of Aid Melody's
resohrtion, the Council adjourned.
I teso.utions.
By Aid. Mclady-
Resolved, q'hat the Corporation Attorney be
and he is hereby authorized and directed to
take any and all such steps and institute such
procedings u are necessary to prevent and en-
join the St. Paul Cit}' ltailw'By Company from
laying any track or tracks upon any of the
streets of rhe City of St. Paul, or in any way
occupying the same for street railway pur
Yens-Ald. Blom. Conley, Cohen, Melody.
Pratt, Yoerg-8.
Nays-Ald. Bickel, Fisher. Mines. Mr. Chair-
man -4.
Appr..ed Aug. N. 1989.
HEN.. WE -
Chairman cuncil.
Ttt(1S. A. PItENDERGA$T, Cit)' Clerk..
Sp, ,iat Mretiag.
ST. PAUL, Aug. 29, 1889.
Vice President Yoerg in the chair.
Yresent-Ald. Bickei, Blom, Bock, Cullen,
Gehan, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan. Weber, Mr.
V ice President -10.
From His Honor the Acting Mayor -Call for
the Meetfng-
Hiv Honor the Acting Mayor called the
meeting at request of Corporation Attorney.
for the purpose of considering the proposed
passage of an ordinance revoking all autborfty
granted to the St. Paul City Railway Company
to lay tracks and operate cars on Sixth street
and St. Peter street.
Ordinances -
Alit. Gehan moved that the rules be sus
pended and that there be read
the first time an o didan-cut'
tied "An ordinance to revoke all authority
heretofore granted to the St. Paul City Rail-
way Company, or any other person or persona,
by the City of St. Paul, to construct any line of
its road on or along Sixth or St. Peter streets,
and to probibit the construction by said corn
p ny or any other person or persons of any line
of road in said streets."
Said motion adopted. yeas 10, and said
ordinance read the first time.
Aid. Gehan moved suspension of the rules,
and that said ordinance be read a Second time.
Motion adopted.
Yeus-Ald. Blom, Bock. Cullen, Gehan,
Pratt, Sanborn, Mr, Vice President -7.
Nuys-Ald. Bickel, Sullivan, Weber 3.
Said ordinance was thereupon read a second
if me.
There being no amendments to said Ord,
eco offered, the Vice President out the ques-
tion: "Shall this ordinance pasvr'r
A vote was thereupon taken upon the p:issuge
or said ordinance and the same was passed.
(See Ordinance No. 1,.170.1
An Ordinance to revoke all authority hereto-
fore grantedto the Saint Paul City Railway
Com puny, or any other person or persous, by
the City of Saint Paul, to construct any line
of its road on or aloin; Sixth or St. Peter
streets, and to prohibit the construction by
said company or any other person or persons
of any line or road In said streets.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul
do ordain as follows:
Section 1. That any and all authority here
torore granted by ordinance of the Common
Council or otherwise to the St. Paul City Bull -
ray Ca repany, or to any other person or per-
sons, company or corporation, to lay a railway
track or tracks on Sixth street or St. Peter
street, fn said City of Saint Paul, be and the
same is hereby revoked and repealed, sad .Il
such companies, corporations and persons are
heroby prohibited from laying any such [reek
or tracks, and from operating the alae, n¢11
from running curs there.¢: provided,thatthe
above revocation and prohibition shall not cx
tend to any ordinance or charter granted by
the City of Saint Paul since the let day of Au-
gust, 1889.
Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and
be in fort. from and after its publication.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen. Gchan,
Pratt, Sanborn, Mr. Vice Preside¢t-7.
Nays-Ald. Bickel. Sullivan, Weber,3
Passed Aug. 29, 1889.
Vice President of Council.
Approved Aug. 30, 1889.
ANTHONY YOEHG, JR., Acting Mayor.
Attest: Taus. A. PHENDERGAST, City Clerk.
Aug. 3U and Sept. 5.
Vice President of Council.
I{eg alar Meeting,
ST. PAUL, Sept. 31 1889.
Vice President Yoerg In the chair.
. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen,
Conley, Gehen, Leithauser. Mines, Melody,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr, Vice
President -14.
Minutes of preceding meeting approved and
dispensed with.
From A. S Tallmadge, Secretary Jobbers'
Colo¢ -
Stating that Mr. Charles E. Baker, Secretary
Commercial Club of Sioux Fulls, South Dakota.
has written that the Commercial Club and Com-
mon Council of that city will visit St. Paul
Sept. 5, and asking Council to join in extend
ing some courtesies to the party.
Accepted and placed on file.
Thu matter of the proposed change of grade
n Burr street, between Minuehaha and Wbit
all atreets, was po.tponed and laid over until
Thursdav, Sept. 5, 1889. at 7:30 o'clock P. m.
The matters of all Ponding applications for
....[tons f streets. alleys, etc., were post
poned and lard over until Thursday, Sept. 5,
180, at 7:30 o'clock, p. M.
Aid. Cullen made the following oration:
"As. slight token of our respect and appre-
ciation for that g V•alai gentle man and efficientofficer. Thomas `1. Prendergast, I move that
the Council adjourn Until 7:3u .',look Thursday
ening, and that this Council tender to Mr.
Prendergast its sincerest sympathy for the va-
cancy created in his home and heart by the
death of his devoted and most estimable moth
Adopted, yeas 14.
Whereupon Council adjourned until Thurs-
day, Sept. 5, 1949, ut 7:30 o'clock p. m.
Vthe Provident of Council.
THOs. A. PRENOERGAaT, City Clerk.
Adjourmt I yteeting.
ST. PAUL, Sept. 5. 1859, 7:30 o'clock P. M.
Council met pursuant to adjournment, Vice
President Yoerg in the chair.
Preset-Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock, Cullen,
Conley, Cohen, Leithauser, Mines, Melody,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan. Weber, Mr. Vice
President -14.
From His Honor the Acting Mayor -
Veto of ordinance granting o street railway
franchise to William Dawson, Joseph Lockey,
Charles A. Moore and others.
To the Honorable the President and Common
Council of the City of St. Paul.
Gentlemen: I have the honor to return here-
with, without my approval, an ordinance p .... d
by your honorable Body granting a franchise to
Joseph Lockey, C. A. Moore of al., to place
and operate a street railway on Sixth street.
The universal antagonism of property owners
nsaid street and taut of the general public. to
the oc..I ...y of said street for Lae purposes
indicated precludes my approving Said- -
nance. Very res [fully,
ANTHONYOEItG, Jtt., Acting Mayor.
Aug. 31, 1889.
Accepted and cote by which said ord(pance
was passed reconsidered. Yeas, 13.
The question arising upon the passage of the
said ordinance, the veto of the Acting Mayor
to the controry n,twithst"ndl,g, the ordlnnuco
w a not passed.
Yens -None.
Nays—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Back, Cullen, Con-
ley, Geha Sulli +anlWel, Mines, Malady. Pratt,
From Joseph Lockey, Charles A. Moore and
ReliuqulShing -11 right.
Iadan SritolSixtgash
granted them by ord
treat, provided Council will grant them the
panda gess and rights In ad over such
they street they y dsudgnate. running
from Warouty street to Smith avenue, etc.
Committee on Streets.
From A. S. Tallmadge. Secretary of Joint
Me Bn6 f Thirty Cltizev., the Common
Council and Thos. Lowry, Esq.
Id race tiTransmivgsuskingy for removal
vel Of track. by
Sixth street. remota o
Committee on Streets.
From E.J. Peyer—
Askmg for permission to transfer to Z Ped
Meinivkha...r Butcher License No. 50,
M ...
hhm1, !1889.
C i tee on License.
From M. S. Gray, C. P. V. Lull and G. P.
Cimm—flu each—attendance In court on be-
half of the city.
Committee on Claims.
From A. J. G".11 cr—
Anktog Ihei he be allowed to continue Saloon
re.s. �!), Purchased f uby Shim on [from ruct [[Paul At.
Committee on Lit'ense.
From Henry .1. 1'eterx—
Asl<ing damages int account of openin K, et ,
of DaI.... tti'e enc in.'inter of Isse 7,.
Committee on Streets -
From Charles H. Schnittger and Others—
Protesting uguinst vacation of allay between
blocks -and :3, Su bu chub FHIIS, ru ting from
Mound at,_I to Bates avenue.
Committee on btrectS.
From Simcoo P. Folsom
Cluim--2 !x'.7,)—1 --
egal Services.
Com mince on Claims,
From Alex. Cumming—
H y' ".ales bon A, with Will 11. Sargent and
F.Van Doyne as sureties.
Sind bond uPProced by following vote:
Yeue—Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock. Cullen. Co.
Icy, Gahan, LCith:tuser, Mines, Melody. Yra[t,
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice president
From Alipert F.nderson—
Asking for appointment as Milk Inspector
Committee on Streets.
From Ph. Peteler—
Asking permission to maintain frame Shed at
dii[hives[ ,artier bb,ck 13, Rice & Irvine's ud
Committee on Streets.
From E. H. Murray and Others—
For grading of Amos street, between Hondo
street and St. Anthony a
Bo1 of Public Works, ar order.
FromJohn Moriarty
For permission toerect slaughtering house
South half lot 7. section 9, town "8, age 22.
on(ranted. (See Ordinance No. 1,279.)
From Peter Netheusel—
Hay scales bond, with F. Van der Berg and
Otto Sandmeyr as sureties.
Corporation Attorney to draw ordinance.
From M. L. Gray—
For permission to remove frame building and
barn. lot III, block 51, St. Paul proper.
Granted. (See orainnnce No.
From James StakeClaim of feseional services as on
ginner, hern Railroad nlroaa to Chi ago, Burlington
Committee on Claims.
From bfollers & Schmltz—
Huy scales bond, with Michael Lux sad A. J.
Albachten as suretic..
Bond approved.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock. Cullen, Con-
ley, Ocher, Leithauxer, Mines, Malady, Pratt,
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President
From EFor. Hamper— 1 and bridging of Fau
quier street, betwreen Greenbrier avenue and
De Soto street.
Committee on Streets.
From Bacon and Coleman and othere—
Protesting against widening of Selby avenue
between Dale no Victoria street.
Committee on Streets.
From Charles N. Coleman uad Others—
Protesting against widening of Selby ave
n [c between St. Albans and Victoria streets.
Committee no streets.
From J. L. Forepnugh and Othere—
Asking wI"elug of Selby avenue, etc.
Committee on Streets.
Of City Treasurer—Report for August, 1889—
T the He .... his the President end Common
Covneil of the City of St. Paul:
G cntlemen: I have the honor to submit to
you the following port of the receipts nd
dish)[ moments of this odic. from Aug. 1, 1889,
to Aug. 3 y 1189:
Balance ... ...............:2,0.1148.73
Redemption receipts......
Citi' Clerk ........ ..... ...
St. Puvl K' orkhou.e...,...
City Water Works ........
10,000 00
MeCourt ........
5'111 kl
St. Pani Public Library...
Bulling Inspector... ....
2, 1 rr!.W
Fire Dopnrtment .... ... ..
Poundage .......... .... ....
Vacating f ............
A e LLn Ce. etay�ments
levera.,ts. its o..
Interest t to xuterbondx...
7 7,
Interest on .....
Ccrl9dmttcs of indentea-
Remov inR lend m is �..
45,(x0. W
Board of Public orks....
City bonds.......... ..
314 .21x,00
C.. St. I... M. & O. IK R....
C., w. & St. P. R. R... ...
I.tcenses and permits......
Assess meat collections....
City orders Fire DepartPment warrants 8149,900.77
paid.. ..................... 18,
Water Department x
runts paid ...........yr
.. 24,835.39
St. PonI Workhouse we,
paid Public
. Library
SL. Poul Public Library
Parktints paid........ w 1,37,7.C3
Commissioners' x
ants paidall a war
New City
Holl and Court
House ante paid 8, 0!3(1.90
Red=I,w'certiti cotes of
sale ......... 25,309.90
Interest coupons paid .. 18" iY_w
Advance 9aymentsonSew
ta....... 24.7.)
City bonds[ reedeemed.....
D isbursementa in
count ollcetiove..... .... 559.W
Miscellaneous disbursc-
Balance on hand.. ....... MAJS3.2.S'
Stl89,8W.43 $839.897,.43
New City Hall and Court House
funds ............ ................ 177.7W.27
City funds...... ..... ........... 487,,:7,80.12
City Wmer \York. fund.... ...... 4"bs
St. Paul Public Library funds........ 13.132. U5
Police Pension food. ..... .... ..... ::.137,.44
FirstNatnal bank, St. Paul.... .... f"a',:i54.05
antsio' National bunk. St. Paul.. 42.010.43
Bank of tAmericant
National German s 0i
bank, St. .d e08
Paul ..... ....... .... .. .... .... .... '2'27.152.38
Germania bank. St. Paul ..
St. Paul National bunk. St. Paul..... 95,5:0.:30
Commercial National bank, St. Paul. 7.71x3.94
Second National book, St. Paul L.tR81.d1
Savings bank, Stt. . PPaul............... 28,,
1'eoPle's bank, Saul ............... 9,7&9.05
Seven Corners bank, St. Paul. ...... 9,758.08
Capital bank. St. Paul ................ 10,01..'4.11
West Side bank, St. Paul..... ... 12,34'2.77
Sosndins 1linAmerman bank. St.
Paul ............... .. 9,012.78
Bank of Minnesota, St. Paul, (Interest 998(I4
account) .............................
Respectfully submitted,
GEORGE REI& City Treasurer.
Aug. 30, 1989.
City Comptroller.
Of City Comptroller—Audited Claims, viz,—
John WHOP. stree Es858.t01AF`No. Menke, -1
timate No. a¢d anal, sewer on Conway .treat,
818'2.80: T. Reilly, Lstinwtca No{3olan, EaLi P.,
big Kent street, 4578.50; I.
No. I and final, grading alley, bloc¢ I5, Smith'.
Subdivision, SIM; C. E. Sandeov. Eetim ate N2 and o.
& Buenger lb erUEst aratr. Nc s5 e d d"
1. grad-
ing All, right sheet, 81 119: J. Kavanagh. ve
timate No. 5 and do al, grading Langford ev -
one, 15,012k); Thomas Reilly, Estimate No. 2 and
anal, sewer on Rice
Estimate No. 1 and
Stinson'. division.)
J. H. Schurmeler,
Exchange Co., 1:7,7,.75: F. J. Brings,
Leve�oos & hl osevbourg, 9482. rA1;
ely, 1M2 .4•_'; J. Forrestal, Estimate No.
Sacks street, $3,40c);aokc. Es, imnte No. 2,sewer on Sixth
N70: G. Moline. Estimate Na. 1, s
,per ... c street. NW; J. Forrestal. Estir
Vo. 4, wooden sidewalks, 1889, [43,491.!x);
Preston. Estimate No. 1, sewer on Sib
let, to., RiiS N); L. E. Shirley. Esti
in 2. paving Mnckubin street, 15.IW; L.
]e9. F.sDmate No 4 sad final, povivg
b street, 85;!05.44; J. Forrestal, F.stl
to. 4 and final. paving Hfl] street, 13.4';
d Forrestal, Estimate No. 2 and Heol,
n Chita Ko venue, tt1W: P. Doherty,
de No.: and dnal,.sewer on Maple street,
John W Doherty, Eattmate N
ro. 2
final, sew. ov 'rlind Ireet, 839;
t (Beaman, M...- St. Pani Furniture
by. f:l: Jobe Mathias, 82g44; Martin
;v0: Geo. J. Mitsch & Co., 10::.75;
.R, Seamans & Benedict. 1131.50; Meet,
Pearce tt,,
&11&June., 480:
Cu.2 s(Zulnby s&
t, a"!: Geo. M. Brack, A39: R. C. Schmidt,
Sister. If Good
Shepherd. 8:'l1u.59: M.
•Il, 42.eL E. B. ]urge, Henry Bohn,
Kavanaugh & Johnson, 14.2.50;
Spiel, 138.18: Z.
W. Guinn, 812;
1. Cnrnentcr & Co., 8-•e1.+:
.c6 Printi rg Company. W20.89: D. Ra,
& Son, 8288.:30. Wm. Berinvdi & Co.,
St. Paul Book & Stott
..cry Company,
Sidney Smith. 810,.50: Club..
Allowed and ordered paid by following
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen. -
ley. Cuban, Leithauxer. Mine, Melody. Pratt,
Such—, Sullivan. Weber. Mr. Vice President
Of Corporation Attorney—Ordinaneo to Pay
Maggie Rauch 8'7,, Refunded Assessment—
The Corporation Attorney submits said or
Ordinance passed. (See Ordinance No. 1,214.)
Agreement with Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapo-
lis & Omaha Railway Company Relative to
Sewer on Their Right-of•Way from Fanquier
Street to Trout Brook—
Corporation Attorneysubmits duplicate
agreements for approval and execution. (See
Patrick Norris' Petition for Permission to
Extend Sewer70 Feet North of Present Ter
nal n Olive Street—
r D, Corporation Attorney submits ordi-
di¢once in said mutter.
Orden encs passed. (See Ordinance No. 1,213.)
St. Pact GasCororatios Light CoAttoranyCity
on East Fifth Streel—
rpora,ib. Attorney and City Engineer to
Adopted. (See Ordinance No. 1,2W.)
Of City Engineer—Smith Street Bridge (Laid
Over Aug. •.'.))—
The City Engineer recommends widening
ast panel o[ said bridge at expense of about
Adopted, and City Engineer instructed to
Bill of Minnesota Transfer Railway Company—
University Avenue Bridge—
The City Engineer submits statement and
bill of said comp—Dy—bol.." due, $ .S0,1, 6.
See resolution.
W. H. Truesdale's Communication Relative
toUniversity Avenue Bridge—
The City EnKineer submits said letter, ask.
ing Coundl to occePt said bridge, and recom
me ids acceptance.
Comm ittca on Streets.
Mississippi Street Bridging—LViscomdn Can
tral Company—F. W. Pratt, Chief Engineer's
The City Engineer submits letter of F. W.
Fratt, Chief Engineer \Vlo cmudco Central Com
pant', relative to bridge over truck and right of
way on extension of Mloodesipiuf street. The
City Engineer recommends creptI nto of
bridge proposed.
Committee on Streets.
Contingent Fund-
1heCiLyF:nginecrebmtta sloternen,of his
office coming •nt fund. showing a balance of
$11.35, and asks -further uppropri ation.
Accepted. 11eo resolution.)
The City Engineer submits Estimate No. 5,
Wabaeha street bridge substructure, Mc-
Mullen & Morris, $0,341.
Allowed and referred to Comptroller.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Com
ley, Cahoon, Leith -user, Mimm. Melody, Pratt.
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber. Mr. Vice Presf-
Estimate No. 6 and final. WnbashnNstreet
bridge substructure, McMullen & orris.
$and tinlal tnldian lush s3. treet hridgru roles
structure. Pittsburg Bridge. Co., $10630.!
Committee on Claims.
Of Clerk of Municipal Court—
HeporL far August• itG :+.with City Treasurer's
e suet attached, (or
r Committee 0. Ordinances unit Public Ac
Of Chief of Police—
August, liis9—total arrests, 517;
fines oro Betted by Municipal Court,?I,a".
Committee on Ordinances and Public Ac-
Of Captain of Police—
Report for August, )S:9 showfng oil lamps not
lighted 4tl3; gas loops not lighted 15.
City Comptroller.
Of Market Music—
usic —
Report of Market Hall ret for June. July
and August, Ifklt, with Cly Treasurer's receipt
oft oohed [or 8:><Y,.
Committee on Ordinaes and Public Ac
Of Poundmasters—
Reports for August, ing: Tolttl Cuuniff, City
Treasurer's receipt. $,'G.;S; J. E. Conway, City
Treasurer's receipt, P24.&): P. Arnold, City
Treasurer's receipt. ?3f1.
Committee on Ordinances and Public Ac.
Mackubm Street Grading—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works have had under
onsideration the resolution or order of the
Common Council, approved August e.%9, rela-
tive o the grudIug of Mackubin street, from
Come avenue to Front street, and, having in
vestigated the proposed improvement:
Resp. tfuliy report that said improve
ent is necessary and proper: that
the estimated expense thereof fen $115.65,
one half of which noel not pa
be id
into the City Treasury before the contract is let;
that reul estate to be assessed therefor can roe
found benefited to the
extent O1 the
it expenses necosaury ono be incurred
thereby: that said improvement sot asked
for by a petition of a mujonty of the owners Of
property to be assessed therefor, but we here-
with send a Plan or profile of said improve-
ment, anis an order for your adoption, if you
desire us to make the improvement.
Yeus. 4; nays, 0.
R. L. Goa Mw N, President.
Sept. El MR. Clerk Hoard of Public Works.
AGopt , IW,!1.
[users.). (Seo order to Board of Public
Works.) ,
AlleyPaving—Block 16, Whitney & Smith's
To the Common Council of the City of St.
The Board of Public Works have had under
consideration the resolution or o der of the
Common Council, approved Aug. & 1Hsil,relotive
to the Paving Of tbou,ley in block 15,Whitney &
Smith's udditifrom Fifth street to Waco ,in
street, with cedar blocks, and, having invests
gated the proposed improvement:
Respectfully report that said Improvement
s necessary and Proper: that the estimated
expanse hereof is $1.IXXi: eeh:tlf aI which
need not be paid into the City Treasurer before
the contract is let: that real estate o
be assessed therefor can be found benetitod In
the extent of the cost and cxPenses nese.
pry t0 be iurred thereby: that said improve
itet is asncked for by a petition of u major
y ufthe owners of property to be, assessed
therefor, and we herewith send a plan or pro
lite of said improvement, and an order for
y'onr adoption, if you desire us to make the
Yeas, 3; nays, d
R. L. G.RMAN, President.
W. F. ERwiN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
Aug. %, IkWi.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
Stinson Street Gro lmaT(
To the Common Council of the Cily.of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works have had n Ider
consideration the resolution Or order of the
Common Council, appro • •d Aug. S. 1"". rela-
tive to the grading of lS Inson street, from
C investigated thtler street e proposed inoprovemne, having
Respectfully report that said Improvement is
necessary and proper; that the estimated
expense it
is $NO„ one-half of which
thetcontractlisilet; thatinto real
real ,estate to reasury befas
sessed therefor can be found beefited to too
extent of the cost and expenses necessary
to be Incurred thereby; that said improremc tt
asked for by. petition of a ajotfty of the
owners of Property to be assessed thereto , and
we herewith send a Plan r pronla all
provement, pad IIn order for your adoption, if
desire us to make the improvement.
Yeas, 3; nays. 0.
R L. Preside[.
W. F. F.Rw•1N, Clerk Boardcard off Public Works.
Aug. 2a, 188!I.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
Alley Paving. Bloch 71, Dayton & Irvine's Ad-
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works have had under
cons Iteration the ruse, all.. or order of the
Common Council, approved Aug. s. le"i rola
five to the paring of the alley in block i 1. Dity
[e & In•nne's odditis n, from Selby .nue to
Maiden lane, and, having investigated the pro-
posed improvement: ,
Respectfully report that It is necessary and
proper to pave said alley. from Selby n e1 e
to Maiden luno. with cedar blocks;
that the eatimaled l• pen.'. there-
of is 5793. one-half of which ted
of be paid into the City Treasury before
the contract ie let: that real estate to be as
sessed therefor c n be found benefited to the
extent of the cost and •xPens necessary to
be incurred thereby; that said improvement
is asked tar by a Petition of u majority of
the owners of P operty tope assessed the .for.
arta we herewith cad IIlan or prattle or said
inlProvemeat, and nn sacs for your adaption,
if you desire us to make the improvement.
Yeas, 3; nay'. d.
It. I..oP President.
W. F. I:uw•i N, Clerk Board vied a[f Public Works.
Aug. 26.1&I'D.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
S ower Connection, Lots 1, 2 and 3 Blocol 1,
Hapkiny Ad�tition—
To the Lawman Council of the City of Putti:
The Board of Public Works have lord pude
consideration the resolution oro der of GIL
Common Council. approved Aug. H. 1&Y9, r la
tive to abating the nutsunce on lots 1. -and
block 1 of Hopkins' addition, and, hnvfng fn
vestigatcd the proposed improvement:
ResPecifully report that it is necessary et
Proper to Put in On sower connectifor lot:
1, 2 and '3 of block 1 of HOPItIntion ddition
hat the estimated expense thereof s $;0
onebalf of which need out be Paid into
the City Treasury before the contras
Slobs t;thountlab enelited ton the extent assessed hof refor he
,anest and expense' necessary to be incurred
hereor by thio hat sold fmpajoritynnt of tithe towasked
n ere
yapsof a
if property to be assessed therefor, but we
Ierew-ith send a Plan or Profile of sold fm-
rovement, and on order far your adontion, if
ou desire us to maks the improvement.
Yeas. 3; nays, 0.
R. L. Goltwpx. President.
W. F. Ethel N, Clerk Board of Public Works.
Sep[. 2. 1&111.
Adopted. ,See order to hoard of Public
\urora Avenue and tient Street', Sewer—
Co the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Board of 1'ablfc of
have had under
onsfderetion the resola[fon or order of the
on Council. approved August 2.. 184!1. rel
Ilia. fo the construction of n sewer on Aurora
avenue. from Western avenue to Dale street,
and, buying investignted the Proposed fm
Respectfully report that it. is necessary and
proper to construct a sewer on Aurora avenue,
from Western avenue to Dale street, and on
Kent street, from Uolversity avenno to
Aurora avenue; that the estimated
expense the
is one-half of which
sed not be paid into the. City Treasury
before the contract IY let: that real estate to be
assessed therefor can be found benefited tothe
extent of the cost and expenses necessary
to be incurred thereby: that said improvement
is not asked for by a Petoam of a majority of
the owners of property to be assessed therefor.
but we herewith send u plwt for ar profile of said
improvement, and an order your adoption,
if you desire us to make the improvement.
Yeas 3; nays. p
R. L. Board
GORMAN, P Public
W. F. EnwtN, Clerk Board o[ Public \Yorks.
Sept. Q 1&99.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
Grace Street Grading—
To the Common Council of the City of St.
The Board of Public Works have had under
consideration the resolution or order df the
relative Council.mon r
tive t thegrading of Gracroved e streeust t, from
Colborne street to Western avenae.aml having
investigated the proposed improvement:
Respectfully port that said mprorement
is necessary unit nroPer; that the estimated
expose thereof ie $!r15, roue -half of
hfth need not be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract is
,bu[cane be foundstatbloodied to sthe sed th
for tent
of the cost and expenses accessary to
be incurred thereby; hat said tmpr.tem eat
fs not asked for by a petition of . majority of
the owners of Property to be aessed there
for. but we herewith lead o Planssor profile of
sd ad an order
ar ear adoo-
fine. if you desire. us to make the fimproveme t.
Yeas, 3; nays, 0.
it. L. God President.
Nof P. F. Enw1N, Clerk Board of Public Works,
Sept. 2, 1"
Auopted. (See order to Board of Public
Randolph Strout Grading
To the Common Councll 0[ LhC City Uf St. Pani:
The Board of Public Works
have had under
sideration the resolution or order of the
Common Council, approved Aug. !i, IMI, rela
live to "is grading of Randolph street, from
Ilamltno av enuo co the MississlPPl r r, ontl,
having int esti gated [he Proposed Itmpruve-
Respectfully report hat tis necessary and
Proper to grads RnttdolPh street, from
Hemline avenue to Cleveland a nue: that
the estimated expense thereof tis C, H,1.2ri,
ehalf of which cod not be Paidcitinto the
real estate to be abefoyesss"tt therefor Ibc tcun be found
benefited to the extent of the co t
and expe.sees
e•esary to be incurred
thereby; that said improt_emcnI is not asked
for betptotfbe assessed'therefor,hbut we he of
wite _ers hry
a plan or profile f Said improve
ant, and an order or your adoption, if you de:
• us to make the im Prevenient.
Yeas, 3; nays, 0.
R. L. and GORMAN.P Presldenl.
Sept.Enw1x, Clerk Board o[ Public Works.
Adopted.. ( (See order to Board of Public
Edmund Street Sewer—
To the Common Council of the City of St, Paul: h
The Board of Public Works have had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
relative to the constructtion of u ewer�on'Ed�
and street, from Marion street to Eltelt
rest. and, having Investigated the proposed
Respectfully report that said improvement le
my ontl proper; that the estimated e
ET.thereof is 11,130, one halt of which need
L be paid into he City Treasury before
the contract Is let; that 1 state to be as
sed therefor be found benefited
to the extent f e the cost
ex n Cs
ry to be Incurred tbereby:nehat
.aidsimprovement is n t asked for by a
Petition o[ a neje i} of the owners of property
to be a sassed therefor, but we herewith
end a plan or proille of said improvement, sad
rd for
Souradoption, if you desire as t,,make the improveMeet-
ent.Yvas, 3: nay's. 0.
R. L. CO.—, President.
W. F. EnwiN, Clerk Boater of Public Works
Sept. 2, 1889
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
Ailey Grading, Block 24, Mackubin & Mar
s➢l's Addntoc—
To the Of St. Paul
The Board of Publimon c Works lml of the ve ➢adundo
e '.
nsideration the rsolution or der of the
Common Council, approved April 4, 1,185, rela
Live to the gradlnK f the ncy in block 24
Mackubin & Ili arshall's dditI,,, and, havf.i
investigated the proposedmprovement:
Respectfully report that said Improvement i
neee.sary and proper; that the a timuted c.
Pease thereof is Igi.7fi." one-half of Intel
eed not be paid into the City Treasury
,efore the contract I. let: that real estate to be
sed thurotdr can be found benefited to
hceesxtent, o[ the cost and expenses nodes
sry to be incurred therebv: that said
etition of
, P ajority Is not waked [or r a P
majority of the owners of property to bo
ssessed therefor, but we herewith send n
dun or proille of said you
m mesi and an
:trder for your adoption, if {f you dealre us to
u ken the tmm
Yea,,3: nays n.
R. L. and of N, President.
Se F. EItW LN. Clerk Board of Pu➢lie Works.
Adope Ig3!).
Adopted. (Sue order to Board of Public
±roadway Grading—
Co the Common Council of the Cityof St. Paul:
phbad under
ide,ation t heb resic olution orks hor ave der of the
Ommo'Coli cit, approved Augurs
elutive to the ""I of
Broadway, from
rove street to Thirteenth street, and, having
stigeated the proposed imp vement:
Respectfully report that said improvement is
tecessary add proper; that the estimated
^xpense thereof is $1d3:Jd, mm-h.lf of which
need not be paid Into the City Treasury be-
fore the contract is let: that real estate to be
ss'essed therefor cart be found benefited to
the .. tentLo be incurred therebythe $ L➢lit soea'�s neoeeeenaa}t'
prov em
Is not asked for by.
petition of a majority of
the owners of proport to be assessed therefor,
but we herewith send a tan or profile of said
Improvement, and nn order for your adoption,
If you desire us to make the improvement
Yens, 3; Nays, 0.
$, L. .President.
Se t. ERIIN, Clerk Board
.rd of of Public Werke.
3. Adopted, (See order to Board of Public
Oxford.d Grading and Orchard Streets Nulsnnee
To the Common Council of the City of SL. Poul:
The baunder
ide ard consideration tthe blit Wo
tionrks have
nv order of the
G'ommon Councll, approved Aug. or st rel
lrive to abating nets... e of stagnant ater on
lxferd. Hatch and Orchard street,, and,
Respectfully eport that it Is
necessary and
proper to Hatch street, between Lex
ington oven and Victoria trout, .nd Or
Vhard street, between Lexington avenue and
ictoria street, under one ntractl that the
est ted xpense thereof is 83.500; Our
halt of which need not be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract ie let.; that rest
etate t, be assessed theref ll,mut be found hem
e filed to the extent of the cost and a prom
ses necessary to be Incurred thereby; that sold
improvement fs not ask, for by apetitionofa
f the o .cr of property a be
mue,sed therefor, but a herewith send a
plan r profile of said 'Improvement, and an
rder for your adoption, it you desire us to
make the improvement.
Yeas, 3: any..
R. L. Gond Ax, President
W. F. Eltw[N. Clerk Board of Public Works
Sept. 2, ltls3.
Adopted. (Seo Order of Board of Public
University Avenue sad Other Streets Sewer—
To the Common Council of tae ('ily of St,
T1'vul: t
he Board of Public Works have bad a dor 1
nstdore"on the resolution
Aur -SMS,9.' Litve
Common Council. approve gthn follow ing
live to constructing a sower upon
streets, to -wit: University avenue. from Prior
avenue to Fairview avenue; Lynnhurstuv enuo
from Feroniea a e to University a , -
wCst, r e,tt oro Priori the
Fairview ° Bre a Strom Un!�
r.itY avetn auto \V alh:tm avenue: Yr4 r ute-
vee, from Unive veRy avenue to Carroll street:
St. Anthony avenue, from (.leve land avr(vu,nt t
i erdin:wd street: Diilwnukee avenue,
feria venue to Merriam eluCe; hlerri:tm I`Inec,
from Milwaukee av • u to Pr1cr : v nue:
Ro d, street, Tc Yu It av l to
ta Fairviewn n'ollttu Lle-alcfim,Faicii➢.rmi rNt rleelt,
from Cleveland t m r',i ht of wuyw^f Chic•
Cleveland aromm,frott �°
Milwaukee Railw.y o Marshall
& wto
Wilder avenue, [I'll, tet Art he from Carroll
Iglehart Ircep v ; or
steel :n M'r' .',ll a ppi river,
and, having in avenue fettle reposed
and, having investigated the Profused improve-
Respectfully report tort togethepr, ttbN he
is necessary am"
Prop anholes, said
necessary catch-busme ono b r tract;
S—rrmg to bee Im udder nen c
the estimated 7 thereof is Ir *
half of which treed not be Paid into the City
Treasury before the contract is let: that real es-
tate to be assessed therefor can bcfOund ben
efited to the extent of },4,3115 of he cost and
expenses necessary to be fut•urred thereby,'
the balance (t76,021,
tvti,l,#to be Paid out
of the sewers oro bond find: petition
improvement is n tasked for per P° r
majority of the owners 1°ere u'i th t ltd order
Se�protile of fsutd aim Procement. and un
Por your ad'hereoption, it you desire us to make the
prov mus" t fens, 4: Ya 0. R. L. Gottylw N. President.
W. F. Enw-, Clerk Board of Public Works.
Aug. l3, I11j
A doped. (See order to Board of Public
rest, from Seventh street to hurl street, and
n tilt ass
Street, ,,,Ih tent Funrequest that1eCouncilt in
e •enth street, n•i r qua.
ul said order, rho 14o:trd'a rep ort of July Ill,
.4'A, having been made through clerical error.
Alderman of the \5'311,
Ipeningay Strof �•ets -„
CoThird and
nwF1nI rdellapProvcd,lan
i he Bu
'Phu r�ard irannmits I. adverse eommnnicu
from Alri. Leithuuscr iii said matter, :tad
��kts further ins 0..Llan+.
sAlderman of the Word.
'a Lrivk Cahillun 1 Oh�unn ollingtoCbdOswworth
Itridging un '
Th° B,e rd returns said t,tctition wi!,, r�p
if City 1'=n Kineer lir to t u.t pr:tc u t of
m prevjng Ch utsworth street.
Alderman of the Wald -
Viol; Str•'.ot Sewer— t .f Alderman
The Itonrd returns, nt rugous 1 Aug.2'e
of 111' distrtot, natal order, IUPPrue Ct oft Viola
liiS') Ier construction of a '
street, from Jackson street to Cedar street.
Portland Avenue Sewer—
T° the ('otnmon ('u uncal of the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works have,
erhall amt or
the r n o
Common Council, nPl tared Au6.22. K..relnttvI
to the construction of o sewer on Portland a
e, from Avon street to Grotto street, and
t Respectfully report that said Board reported
in favor of said improvemC'tSA N 20, IK4!I, on a
Preliminary order approver
Yeus,3; nays, tL R L GORMAN, President,
W. F. ERWIN. Clerk Board of Public \Yorks.
Sept.2 133U.
Accepted. Also,
Hope Street Grndtng—
To the Honorable he President nod Common
Councll, City 'TSt. Y.ul:
Gentlemen: The Bear of
oyour blit Works
herewith respectfully
etarn final der.
apreroved June 6. ]3.'ri1, for the 6r.di ng of 13ope
street. from
Minrehalm. etrec .V'hat ou est Fourth
order and puss an em Snded order fornsaid said
o Proper final order for said improvement le
herewith submitted for your adoption.
""' GottM AN, Prcaident.
W. F. EnwiN, Clerk Board of Public Warks.
Sept. 5. 18890
J Atlodpt1lQI repealed and nln..IlOd. d order, approved
(See order to Board of Public Works.)
Famiuler and g . sewer on Fatale Cypress Streets 5ewer—
The Board returns I not order (approved Aug.
3r 188o)e) For cenetruc[i.or
Park Avenue Changeof Grnde—
To the Common Councll of he City of St.
The Board of Public Works have under he
n,iderwtinn he re,olaI on o
l'ouncil approved Sano _> ttiHD, elan
five to n change ^f Kretdo on Park .vena c, from
lvv esti rne.rhe proposed lmprovemen�ml t having
ment is
Respectfully report thnindicatedrbye the rod
u yand Proper, n pro that 'hee..itt-
dineoott he nevem Panyin M10: that ' 1
mated expense thereof is.
tate to be assessed therefor call e fan. bene
tlted to the extent of th bu
to be alar urged ..his
that said I ..r .menses enu is asked Ior by n peti-
tion of .majority of the ownerhere to,uith °rtivdtoa
be assessed therefor. nd we meet,
if you de -
pian or pr file of said iMV Out.
sire to make the improv Cnt,
Peas. 3; nays, 0. R "i
Gon MAN, President.
W, F. Eow—, Clerk Board of Public Works.
Sept. 2, 18FSH.
Adopted, and
bli City
ClOrinstructed to give
necessary pu
South Robert and Isabel Streets Sewer Can
J. She ondssd thee o rts,bactitto, aw constructing
sewer on South Robert treat afro. Delos
street to Concord street, and on Isabel street,
Robert street to Concord street, he
therefoOr; asmountt oft bla.$2, A3fi 0bosible n it i. the
.sumf $5W' with John H. McNamar. and John
C. Calcanne as surotiea.
Lawrence Street SewerContract—
The Board reports that it has awarded Chas.
E. Sondeen the contract for constructing a
lower Un Lawrence street, from Maury street
to North street. bebeing the lowest reliahle
d responsible bi Oil- tberefor; amount
bid, leM: bond i the sum f $1111, with An-
drew G. Bjorklund and Andrew Peterson as
Alley, Block 4, Lytoti .s Addition, Grading Con'
tract- 6
The Board reports that it has awarded Frank
IV. Porter the contract for grading the alley in
block 4, Lytou'a a0131!iou. from Park avenue to
S}'le.instreet, he the lowest reliable and
res, slide bidder ,r.c afar: amoa:t', of Id,
$1,.. bond i1,, the sum of ",11, with Ed. J. Nirdc
land and Albert It. Starkey as sureties.
Wilder Avenue Grading Contract—
The Boardreporisthat It has awarded John
A. Cameron the contract for grading Wilder
avenue, from Me
avenue to Summit ave
nue, he being the lowest reliable and responsi-
ble bidder therefor; amount of bid, $1,492; bond
I the sum of 6300, with E. McNamee and Dan
Baker as aurstles.
Page Street Grading Contract—
The Board reports that It has awarded John
W. Maloney the contract for grading Page
street, from South Robert street to Concord
street, he being the lowest reliable and rasion
sible bidder therefor; amount of bid $9,200;
bond to the sum of &1',000, Aith Peter Daly aad
Maurice P. Moriarty as sureties.
Moore Avenue Grading Contract—
The Board reports that It has awarded
Thomas Keough the contract for grading Moore
avenue.. from Marshall avenue to Summit twe-
ebhe being the Iowa., reliable aad respond
lite inder therefor; amount of bid. $1,42
8; bon
in the sum of $h10, with Daniel Donnelly and N.
Gross as sureties.
Cayuga Street Grading Contract—
The Hoard reports that It has awarded James
Clafrey tie contract for grading Cayuga street.
from Arkwright street to Vain street, he being
the lowest reliable td esPpan ibis bidder
therefor; area ant at Did, $l,:i;i'i; bond m the
sum of $9W,with E. McNamee and Chas,
Cal Hey as sureties.
L'Orient Street Sewer Contract—
The Boardeports that it has awarded Well.
J• Prestpn the contract for constructing a
lower on L'Orient street, from Diash street to
Glencoe street, he being the lowest reliable
ponsible bidder therefor: a at t
bid. $1,011; bond In the of 1F:40, with
Maurice Lyons and Patrick Keigher as sure
Stellar Street GradinContract—
The Board reports tat it has awarded Frank
W. Porter in contract for grading Stellar
street, from Lyle. place to Atwater street,
be being [he only bidder therefor, and being
deemed reliable and responsible and his bid
reasonable; amount of bid, 3814; bond in the
sum of ROC, with Ed. J. Kirkland and A. It.
Starkey as sureties.
County Road Grading Contract—
The Board reports that it has awarded John
Grant the contract for grading the County
Rood, from Langford avenue to Hendon ave-
r. he being the lowest reliable and res
lite bidder therefor: amount f bid, M839.Ki;
bond in the sum of $1,500. with Charles H. Rob
inson and Sylvester M. Cary as sureties.
Crocus Place Paving Contract—
The Board reports that it has awarded James
Forrestal the contract for paving Crocus Pince
alth pine blocks, Portland cement filling and
curb[tig with granite, he being the lowest re
liable and resP°.sjble bidder therefor; amount
of bid `-,'i10; bond in the sum of $3.0011, with J.
P. Gribben and H. E. W. Bohol to a sureties.
Each of the foregoing
bawn ds taken up sena
r Lely and approved by the following vote:
Yc.e— Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen,
Conley, Gonna, Leitbauser, Mines, Malady,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber. Mr. Vice
President -14.
Maple Street Grading Contract—
The Hoard reports that it has awarded James
Clartey the contract forgrading
Maple street, from East Seventh
street to Greenbrier avenue, he being the low
est reliable and esponsible bidder thereto[;
amount of bid $13g; bond m the sum of A25.
with Chas. Claffey and Edward McNamee as
Committee on Streets.
The Board transmits, approved by it, the fol
lowing estimates, viz.:
Estimate No. 2 and final. Charles street
sewer, J. W. Doherty, $491; Estimate NO.. 3and
fluid, Sixth street sewer, A, F. Manke, $IIB;
Estimate Na. 3and final, Mackubin street par
Ing. L. E. Shipley, $2,58'2.50; Estimate No. 2
d final, Temperance street sewer. G. Moline,
$100; Estimate No. 1111 d final. Sibley street
and Lyon court sewer, W.J. Preston, $.5.50.
Committee on Claims.
Report for August, 1889, showing total ex
pendltures 13,78:3.97.
Committee on Ordlaances and Public Ac
FIRE 00:11 ef[as o,sus.
O/ peitio¢t,aeof ieto and V iL aem
ner•O.tx Of' aDAitn OF
Andre It.
for Vncatio¢ St. P¢ul, Lalra
Estimate for l"ear Endin6 September, IaW—
L. Ames
Plude.tteo W
To the Honorable President ¢nal Common
St. Yaul:
pier fa=rDly res -- -
he flet of record with
Coun •il of the City of mends that said petition
The Hoard of Fire Commis-to
ers herewith transmit to your honorable live necessary publ'cati onlorotiCe.natructed
body a statement showing apprnprtations nee- B
for the Adopted.
cssary for Fire Department Purposes
year ending SOptember, IMIII. $1— CM
Ordinance Authorirtng St. Paul Gas Light
Sala.fes........ .... ....... H.Ok1
.... ... ...
Com to Erect Electric Light
Fuel..... .... .... .... .... ....
Feed .. ..... .... .. .. .... .... ... .... 2.0111
West Std. Franklin Street (laid oyer
Engine house repairs..... """"" ... 2,1pD
Committee reports favorably.
Apparata, rePai rs ...................
Adopted. (See Ordinance No. 1'I.
Fire alarm telegraph .............._
..... ... 2a,IX10
Resolutton Authorizing Gommis
Maintenance ...................
Ald Cullen's
inner of Health to Appoint Milk and Daily
Total .............. .... .. ...... .... ......:'!8, p1U
Respec tfully submitted,
Inspector, Etc.—-
Committce recommends ivdeflhlte Postpone
O'GO.tMA�, Sacretary.
Sent. 5, 1R�9.
Referred to City Comptroller until such time
Adopted. Also,
vs Committee on Ways and Means meets to
RCPnrt—.4. tV. Cumming s
consider tax levy.
cies Engineer'.
alas (A. P. Olsen's Communication)— OF ,TANDfs. GO}i \I[TTEtiS.
Committee recommend. tildepostpone
O[ Committeo on 15'uys and MeansD Ala. San
to Win.
horn's Resolution for Compensation
Y. Murray for Services as Corporation
Russell R. Derr and Others' Petition for Ex-
nay Pending Idtigittlon--
n`commends adoption of resold
p tnaroutal Elecirle Lines -
us to amount -$1.x18.3:1 instead of
ttee , soil petition
tion amended
accepted placed a.
$tnli. al).
Adopted. tSee resolution.)
Adopted. Also,
Richard Hamberq's Petition -Damages -Grad -
Preliminary Order for Sewer on George
Ing Buffulo Street-
recommends that petition b0 re
Co m mlite3
[erred to Committee on Claims.
Committee recommends
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
pdop ted. Also, "
Works.) Al-,
LehlRh Coal and Iron Company and, Cool
Board of Educatum Your Ending
Co: sPetition-Permission to Make An Ap-
Along Southerly
June :31, 189:1.
E,tim ate with
)roach from Western Avenue,
S'.de of Larch Street to Their Property LS'
'1`hc Committee retools said
that it be r.fertod to
'1' g Between Larch Street a¢d Manitoba
the recommondatlon
Cit;t' OomPt roller until such Limo as the Com-
that petition be ro-
mittecs on 'faxes and R'bays a°`I Menus meet
the Coapt roller':+tux levy estimate
Committeo ecommends
Icrred to Aid. Weber.
to consider
for the year 1889.
Adopted. Al...
AL. Mayall and Others' Protest Against
iV illmm Schmettcr's Petition - F"'I - b'ire
Grading Maple Street-
that said protest be
Works- Committee recommends
with report of lm ref rred to Aid. Lelthenser,
Committee returns petition
av sola ble funds for object o1 petition.
Recommitted. Also,
A. Lu Uc's Claim
T tanid Bu hantive to
Swnimm ng
Of Committce on Claims-yI.
Public Schools
For rte. C'otvs lmnnundecl
makes adverse rP°rt.
Com°tjtteL'ree0nlmend9 that said petition
accepted and Placed on
Committee oo Yubileall age.
Ordibanec-111.IU to Peter J.hnson-Im-
Amending Section 1, Ordinance No.
n ted Horse-
Lail over Aug. 2I).
433, Defining Firo Limlts-
indednite postpone
CommitteC recommcuds pvs,ag..
Committee recommends
Adopted. (See Urdjnance No. 1;21$.)
Ordinance -$5 to Joseph Burger -Impounded
Peter Neuhetsel's Petition for Permission to
(La.d over Aug. "0).
Elect Hay Seines-
Committee reports favorably.
Committee recommends Passage.
1 )
Co oration Afternay to draw ordinance.
Adopted. (See Ordinance No. _I,
Alitngton Hills Ciel-ts' Union's Resolutions
Asking that Council Request St: Paul City
Railway Company to Extend Present line
from Street Car Barns on Maryland Street to
PaynO Avenue, Etc—
Ste Paul (! recort Hailwa (P)omtion . re
}' y pony.
Adopted. Also
Aid. Sanborn's Resolution Instructing City
ClOrk to FurnCouncilish City k:ngineer, the Moelerning
Ags rRegading LayingaaP RelayingIl Yr Stone.
tl Cement "Ilk Sidewalks.
Committee reports favorably'.
The report was not adopted.
ns..? ; ars, i.
Aid. YeSanborn moved to reconsider said cotr,.
Lost; yens, 7; .aye, 7. —
Of Committee on Police J102111 Rooney's Petr
tlmt for increase o[ Salary a' Driver of
-131uck Maria" from :Ft s to kIon a Meet
GOmmitLCC LL`CUmmendH paH$:tgc of resold
tion ndtling 6. a math to said R000ey's salary
ofA$dopted. kSeeresolut oh as police n.)
Of Committee on Ordinances nad Public,, AC
counts—Reports of
City 0doers—
Committee hos exumiad nad
found correct
oif IlBoard of Control far Au -t ,nspector of Buildings or June lanfd
Adopted. Also,
Ordinance Permitting Charles H. Lindeks to
Raise Frame Dwelling and Build Frame Ad-
dition—Lot 4, Block 13, Brunson's Addition—
Committee recommends passage.
Adopted. (See Ordinance No. 1.211
Of Committees on Gas—Ald. Pratt'.Resolu-
tion for Lumps on Langford Avenue—
Committee recommends adoption of rosolu
Adopted. (See resolution.)
Of Ald. Weber—ChnrlOs G. Carter and Oth ars
Petition ror Opening and Grading Alley in
Block 2, Hannay's Addition—
Committee submits pcoliminury ord cr,
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
Works.) Also,
Alla EscBlock 3LHum lhre for 's Ad it a. Part of
Coto be 32 .
P,ortvalue of property to bt
vacated Committee on Streets
Of Aid. Yoerg—Robie sad Other Streett
Committee reports favorably on report od.
Board of Public War" for construction of i
sewer on Roble, Winifred. Congress. Coat. d
Andrew, Bancroft and Ada streets and Browr
Report not adopted, yens, 0; nope, B.
The matter ac, theoppon 000mgJltt@d U
Board 91 PubBo Works,
)f Ala. Bock—West Seventh Street Paving
Cai>etm�t[ee Shepley °ofs approval Of
for word
ng West Seventh os,rest, from Center
to'Pusca% said award a roved.
Adopted, yens 14, an pp
Yens—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Book, Cl-•
ottoy, Geh:m, Leithuuanr, Mineo, M -1-O)',
i'rati, Sanborn. Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice
An ordinance was read authorizing St. 'Paul
as Light Company to area: public scales.
Rulessuspended on motion of Aid. Buck
re13, and ordinance rad second time and
passed. (Sae ordinance No. ],`.�15.)
An ordinance was read permitting Morgan S.
Gray o omove fraine building and barn.
Rules snuad noan
readnof Aid. sec second time lad d
passed. (Sec Ordinance No. 1,200.) nit
An ordinance wits read permitting Ole John
son 10 build frame barn.
Rules aadpord nan a rend an
seconan rattion of d time io d
passed. (See Odinonco Na. 1,207.)
An ordinance was read athorizing Broaawvy
I provemnt Compay to move frame bulld-
Rules suspended on motionof Aid. Coney,
yeas 1 a Nonce cad second time and
passed.. (See e Ordinance No. i,'A19.1
An ordinance was read permitting s John
Moriarty to erect slaughter house n .Utb ii
lot 7, section 11, town `I1I, range 22.
Rules suspendea on motion of Aid. Minim,
peas 14, and ordinance read second time and
p.ssed. (See Ordinance No, 1,WJ,)
An ordinance was read supplemental to Or
... re No. 1,201, relative to St. Paul City
RailwaRules suspComend. on motion of Aid. Sanborn.
yeas l4, and ordinance read second time and
P (Seo Ordinunco No. 1,210.)
An ordinance was read permitting St. Peter
Street Improvement company to Iay under
ground steam pipes underneath Teeth street.
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Pratt,
yeAt d. Gehan moved to refer to Committee on
Theteaid ordinance as thereupon read a
time and passed. (See Ordnance No.
An ordinance was rend authorizing Wm.
Dawson, Jr., to construct sewer oa Arkwright
14and ordination I..
suspended tinread
dn tion con Aid.
paused (See Ordinance No. ledtime and
An ordinance was rend permitting Patrick
Norrie to construct sewer.
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Blom, yeas
14, and ordinance read second time and passed.
(See Ordinance No. 1,213.)
An ordinance was read refunding money to
MnKgle Rauch.
'an 14'
suspended no motion second
psesed. a(Soe 0 dinanooread No. ,' 14.time pad
° I n
The of filevacation
lata block q7.
An ordinance read changing uvme f n ,i t ,.
tion of :\id. Leilhaus ii ighland Park t td,don, which hue
l.:tw[enca street toa I3utes:tvenuc.
fiules sue pen.l'Wrodinunco re:nl spend lime hen Postponed and ndlOLLrned tram time Lo
Or. Yon' 14, n time until this dxY, came this
coned th:ttfar ooblertloa ,
and passed. IISeo Ordinance No. 1.215.1 the V ice Prosidllt adounnec time.
An ordmamcn was read toxin; of Ser
t -at arms of l'omm n Colincil�•(Tultbn riled if
.elation p,.r afuy IU,
to tI, appointed by ri Looe
1 alt �.f N, P cr loolu motion ofGahan' ufo
Chiles salVn'1°i1 1nd lime all Bm
Yen., i4. an', or+lin:ulcc r d sic+ T
passed, ISac llnlin:mcc NO. i=1i11 alit•hacl
nnlinancn w read rehtn,llu;, c.
An e,nsed. Po
Fehorn an:ouet Of line im 11 n Of ,\Id. Mine;. day
ttultl, anal ord nnuoe tread su 4 Ci:nu and
11' nay's 3. - A ' end
ny, would be hear . - no
Id. Bock was O- posed to said vocation;
08nd Lh BP'es. ution oacalfng'orssaid idiots .
usaid was adopted. Yeas, 13; nays, Aid.
ill I. applications fur
ho matters of all other step ere post
codons I 'treats, alleys,
n of September eA. D. IfsiO.uosdaY. the 17th
1 t,Is, .t
Tho said Coto tt';s [ceonsidered,yiens din;tnce
notion of Ahl. ('ullco rho
was to Aid. ?linea to a with
the erection by tbO
J ,,,go Of Municipal Court in the mutter.
An Odinance unthCrizing
Yaul Goa Light Company of pubficsst uYaul
The Common Council of the City o
Iiy Ald. Conte}'—
for lamp on Waconta street end
du oduin as follow-:
and permission is
i\ resolution
n Lyon court.
Section 1. That authority
the St. Paul Gus Light Company
1 (bmmittce on (:as,
hereby' giycn
to erect, m.intain and ap1rute public seal es,
By Aid, Gahan— n Sycamore and
[or the weighing of coal .end other articles,
coal sheds
A re.aOlution for amps
en g
front of said company''coal
Filth 15th) street, sold
other streets.
on Gas.
cured an lot
IddI tion to St. Paul, s�lld
'far. a
two 14_). Ki linen s
under GoosuPervlsion ad
By Ald. Boclt—
esolu[ion for removal of lumps from Mc-
scales to be erected
tion of the City ng
huCland other strects9 as [or lamps on
thlr COmmittn O¢ Gata.
13y Aid. Boom— Ps a 5
strA rose!'oets:tndion other streets. t Arcade and tVhitnll
Committee on Gats.
By Aid. Gahan— paters avenue.
A res°lu tion [or lame on
Committee on Gas.
By Aid. 1'— int southeast corner
a rveow!and Au burfor in av nuc, etc.
k Committee on Gas.
By Aid. hlnea— ,,at noribwe -t cerror
A resolution for lamps
11Con mite on Ga avenue :tad other streets.
By kid linea— Dearborn st rect and
mr resolution for lam p.o I or
of loon from rthw" c
burn and (Doff uveae to southeast eorver same
Committee on Gas -
By :"' Beek—
\ r solution for 1)/1.0:10 certificates o[ indnt-
edncs_ -lV est Seventh street Vaviug-
Committeeon Ways nad
13y All' Sullivan anteha Caing cxpoe:1I"ure of
A .solution e f leaning t Lake Iris.
}t,,. for purpose
Committee on Parks and Corpo[ntion Attor-
ne,. resolution nuthorizing Carporatlon :\ttor-
eyto lra' ."uthct with Wisconsin Central
Railroad compan-ify for bridging of Mississippi
Committee On Streets.
By Ald. S.nborn—
cone rfromi Dale street to Fairview rder for Olson.. co
th StTe@ts.
Provided, adThat said
furpishg o lithe ht OCitya Of St.
Paul a goon- and sufficient bond in the
nm of OC
loss then five thousand ( of
to dollars, auditioned to m
vhicli fy the
recovered ognlnst. Paul t eoiddmmty,
well as ell costa and exposes end exen
tures which may be inourrod by reason f the
passage of this ordlnanCe ontl the use andoved
cotton 'r said scales. said and Lo be appy
by the Corporation Attorney.
Provided,unplanysheall Tbate the urs ncehat said St. lf om
Light Company s ° n Eagletrcet, and
its luelri. light Piaui
Irotn amid plunLtto c aael be Ordealso e it kunll hove
any rights or Privileges under this ordinance.
end that no rights or priveleges under this or
din. time nahallno dense smo.nt Us kes or
seat u halldufis
uc from said plat. s
s Sec. 2. The Common Council serves the
right to revoke this authority and eperra son
at its pleasure.
Sec. 3. This ordinance shall b. initer its ' from
anceand , with
terfthe City Clerkubliont tell, 11 the St Paul Gas
Light Company ne..Pting it upon all the terms
and conditions.
Yeas—Aid. Bickel. Blom, Cullen, Conley,
C ehuhaus
>Sullivan, W r. Mr. Vico President -13.
Nays—Ald. Bock—l.
Passed Sept 5, IB60.
Vice president of CounoiL
Approved Sept. i, f:i99.
Ro£EIiT A. SeIiTH, Mayor.
Sept. 18,
Arlington Hills Cltzens' Union's Besot Oto..
Asking that Council Ke%T1 St. Poul City
Railway Company Lo Extend 1' •s nt lino
from Street Cur llnrns eta Maryland Street to
Payne Avenue, Ete—
Committee recommends that petition be re
(erred to St. Paul City Rutlway Company.
Aid. Sanborn's Resolution Instructing City
Clerk to Furnish City lingi... r, the Morning
After Council Meeting. a COP}' of all
Ings Regarding Luyiug and Relaying SWno
d Cement 131ock Sittewulks.
Committee reports favorably.
The report was not adopted.
yens„ 7 ;nays,
Aid. Sanborn moved to reconsider said vote.
Lost; yeas, 7; nays, 7.
Of Commito. forttee on Polff Salary Rooney's Pon,
-Black Muria" from fN3 to Y�IW a Moutas h— o
Committee recommends passage of resoln
tion adding $25 u month to said Rooney's salary
of $75 a month as police omoer.
Adopted. [See resolution.)
of Committee en Ordinances Had Peelle Ac-
nnts—Reports of guy Officers—
Committee has umined wad found correct
reports of Board of Control for August. 1889,
nd o1 Inspector of Bullet n Rs for June and
July. it199.
Ordinence Permitting Charles H. Lindeke to
Raise Frame Dwelling id Build From to
Sidon—Lot 4, Block 13, Brunson'I Addition—
Committee recommends POSSage.
Adopted. (See Ordinance No. L.221)
o Committees a
Lion for Lamps on Langfor3,k imcg—Resolu-
Committee recommends adoption of resolu
Adopted. (See resolution.)
Of Aid. Weber—Charles G. Carter and Others'
Petition for Opening and Grading Alley m
Block 2, Ranney's AddiLiov—
COmmitt^a .abmits preliminary order.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
Wm. Esch's Petition for Vocation of Part of
Alley Block 3, Humphrey's Addition—
Committee reports value of property Lo be
vacated to be !270.90.
Committee on Streets.
Of Aid. Yoerg—Robin and Other Streets
Committee reports favorably on report of
Board of Public Work. for construction of a
sewor on Roble, Winifred, Congress, Concord,
Andrew, Bancroft and Ada streets and Brown
Report not adopled, yeas, 6; nays, S.
The matter croppoil reoominitted to
Board of Publio Works,
Of Ala. Bock—We,t Seventh Street Paving
Commttteo recommends approval of award to
Louis E. Shepley of c tract for puvr
ing West S ... nth street, from Center
of Ramsey to Tuscarora street.
Adopted, yeas 14, and said award approved.
Y nus --Aid. Bieltcl, Ill.., Bock, Culleu,
Conley, Gahan. Leithauser, Mine., Mel any,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan. Weber, Mr. Vice
\I t1:l:EI.i.A S.O.s.
An ordinance w s read authorizing SL Paul
Gas Light Companytoerect public stoles.
Hnlen.suspendeJ n motion of Ald. Bock,
yeas 18, and ordinance read second time and
passed. (See ordinance No. 1,205.)
An ordinance was read permitting Morgan S.
Gray to remove (anon buildingand barn.
Mules suspendon o
ed motion f Aid. Malady,
Sne O
passed. rrdn.... No. 1,Gq.d Limen tl
An ordinance was read permitting Ole John
sonto build frame barn.
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Bio.,
yens 14, and ordinance
rrNo.11 ed time and
passed. (,
An ordinance was read nuthoriz Ing Broadway
improvement Company to move frame build-
Ru114, and pith' Oe 4fine and
yeas d. See Ordinal— 110. I;N9.1
An o,de_mce was rad permitting John
Moriarty to erect slaughter house on oath Si
lot 7, section 9, town 1'k. rvnge e2.
Rule' noopended motireadon of aliimeor°d
,.as d Sec Ordinance No. I,LMA)n
An ordinance was read supplemental to Or
dinance No. 1;201, relative to St. Paul City
R.ilway Company.
Rules o sped. m motion of Aid. Sanborn.
yens 14, and ordinance read second time and
(See Ordi... to No. 1,210.)
An ordinance was read permitting St. Peter
Street Improve meat company to lay under
enth Street.
Rule.SsusP ndam ode ounderneath
nd otlonl of Aid. Pratt,
rGehan moved to refer to Committee on
The said ordinance was thereupon read n
second time and passed. (See Ordinance No.
An ordinance was read authorising Wm.
Dawson, Jr., to construct sewer on Arkwright
Belessuspended on motion of Aid. Blom.
yens 14, and ordinance read second time and
passed. (See Ordinance No. 1.212.)
An ordinance was read permitting Patrick
Norris to construct sewer.
Rules suspended onmotion of Aid. Blom, yen,
14, and ordinance read second time and passed.
(See Ordinance No. 1,213.)
An ordinance was read refunding money to
Magglc Ranch.
Rules suspended m motion of Aid. Corley,
yeas 14, and ordinance read second time and
passed. (See Ordinance No. 1,314)
you, Il, and nNinance read nit
Yeas. 11; nays, 3. nvidm'ed. yeas la. and
The said cote oras oll, said ordinance
notion of Aid. Cullen the
refer e,l to Aid. Min a to
nsvlt with
dtRdge o[ Municipal Court ii the matter.
Icy Ald. Conley— W:acoutu street and
A revolution for ImnP nn
iii Lyon court.
Committee on Gas.
By\ lotAreio ,honion— or lamps nn Sycamore and
Oliver streets.
Committee on Gas.
By old. Boch—
lio:al and otiherfntrc ets0nndo (oral..P-S cips on Good
hue and other streets.
Committee on Gas
sireso Utd for tamps at Arcade and Whitall
st eet.:ii d 000e r_rt..
liy res Gehnn— Aurora ave nuc.
A r.eolu lien for lamp oa
Committee on Gas.
By Aid. Pratt—
FrArvieswlAlonand Auburn for 1.urvou at, t goutheust corner
Committee on Gas -
By Aid. "Inca— at northwest corner
A resolution for I.MP.
1)n m ttand ec Hall ayetal and otherstreets.
By Aley.p inea—
em r lutiop icteroid no[[l artist coat i tl)eur
vial of lnrtap
burn and (U o0 avenue [o southeast corner same
Committee on Gas.
By Ald. Huck—
A resolution far$0 cert ificat"paving of Ind ebt
edness—West Seventh street paving.
Commitee on \VnYs and "teins.
By Ald. Sullivan—
.5 resolution osenoforilenc,,g putt Ln)re Iris
.5od for purp c o
el P"
Committee on ParkS and Corporation Atto
A resolution outlierizing Corpo[ato. A
Railroad Company for bridging contract - In of "f ssissip
Committee on Streets.
By Ald. Snnborn—
a pial[_inary order for widening Selby u
enuo, from Dale Sirest to Fairview avenue.
Cemmittee on Streets,
tl nllnuncrs.
ORDINANCE NO. 1,`.Y).'a.
An Od in:anc. au[horfzing the. a ection by the
St. Ya.l Gras Light
Company f Public scales —
The Common Council of the City o[ SL. Paul
de ordain as followsict:
tl�nThetSt Paul Gus Liand ght Comipuny
hereby g
to erect, maintain and opiate public scales,
weighing iotnPa Y B °o ll sheds hsr articles
Fifth (5th) street, sold ebOlockh nds number room
crated on lot no mbe� 6,
tw �IIIto bei erected uddd lerothe super SO to vision e.a
direction o[ the City Engineer. Doll
)erovidedn That 'lid gas light company s Of St
Paul to nBuoo urns hs iftcienc bornd lv Lhe
of of less Lam flvc thousand
(Mood) dollars, co dltil to IDdem-
nify the City of St.
ed nR last sfor lidda mages
which maybe reeo r er
w• ll as 11 costs nd expenses and
r..-- xuf the
add -
tures which may be incurred by
passage of this ordi... on and the use an
,ration of said scales. said pond to be app
by the Corporation Attorney.
Provided, further, That said St. Paul Gas
Light Company shall Shat. the nuisance from
its electric light plant on Eagle treot,sout
cause the issuance of all befoil, rIt Shallhave
from said plant to ,,,,e,
any rights or privileges wader this ordinance,
anJ that no rights or Priveleges under this cr
d mance shall continuo any longer than during
suuche from
mesnid Plant.1e smoke o Boot shall is -
Sec. 2. The Common Council reserves the
right to revoke this authority and permission
at its pleasure.
Sec. 3. This ordinance shall be in force from
uud after Its publication and after its acceot-
t once. with the City Clerk, by the St. Paul Gas
Light Company accepting It upon all the terms
and conditions.
yeas—Alda Bickel, IIlom, Callen, Conley,
bon'11a Sulllv.n,Lith"utVebert San
! Mr. Vice Presiden�trl3.
Nays—Aid. Bock -1.
Pl Passed S,PL 5, 186 A�,RONY YOERG, JR.,
V,.:Ice President of Council,
Approved Sept. 7. 1389.
ROBERT A. A5T, Mayor.
Attest: TROS. A. PREROERGAET, City Clerk•
Sept. 18,
o[ the vacation of lots 1,2, 3, 4, 5,
read cldingiag name Of
The matter
n ond east �s of all n block :.
An ordinance
street tp Bu I-avennn.
L+' Le
rk dd�tion which
Hien •d times too
Rules uIt-ol a o a motion of
road neco tion a
�ad pones d nd eau n
duY. r n for hearing n
or 's< 14, and ordinance
Orlinanvu No. 1.215.)
vutil than
Yresfdent annm r •ed that objections.
i:ary ( Sur
ther\'aico time.
if an Y, would bis hcanl st. this
:\ti ordinance av ad axing r.:
Cana ncil. (:authnrizo'1
colica; n
Ald. Bock was Opposed to said vacation;
ge:ant-at-:v of L�ememen
by renolu Linn approved Sfax pt
nuc also SPpenred for or Sgal �syu" Id v eu-
to an appointed
Ald. Gehan'
tion, anA tae resolution
was ndoPtod. Yeas, l3; ndyss, Aid.
HuieS sasPendrd on motimi of
•' d sccnnd time nod
Iioelc, 1.let
Yeas +4. and o Almanac r
No. 1:21 d.1
a of all cilia[ aPPlieaero
pa cd, ISee Ordinance
"f irh:wl
The Hutt post,
[ sLreeta, alleys, o w
An rdinant'c w end re (n nding
poned .tad load over til 'CucsduY• the 17th
S,l ora amount of Ilncrim It i, +dant .\ld. Minew.
unies s isWeded an oval time ;and
day of Sepnmbor. A. U. iSN9.
you, Il, and nNinance read nit
Yeas. 11; nays, 3. nvidm'ed. yeas la. and
The said cote oras oll, said ordinance
notion of Aid. Cullen the
refer e,l to Aid. Min a to
nsvlt with
dtRdge o[ Municipal Court ii the matter.
Icy Ald. Conley— W:acoutu street and
A revolution for ImnP nn
iii Lyon court.
Committee on Gas.
By\ lotAreio ,honion— or lamps nn Sycamore and
Oliver streets.
Committee on Gas.
By old. Boch—
lio:al and otiherfntrc ets0nndo (oral..P-S cips on Good
hue and other streets.
Committee on Gas
sireso Utd for tamps at Arcade and Whitall
st eet.:ii d 000e r_rt..
liy res Gehnn— Aurora ave nuc.
A r.eolu lien for lamp oa
Committee on Gas.
By Aid. Pratt—
FrArvieswlAlonand Auburn for 1.urvou at, t goutheust corner
Committee on Gas -
By Aid. "Inca— at northwest corner
A resolution for I.MP.
1)n m ttand ec Hall ayetal and otherstreets.
By Aley.p inea—
em r lutiop icteroid no[[l artist coat i tl)eur
vial of lnrtap
burn and (U o0 avenue [o southeast corner same
Committee on Gas.
By Ald. Huck—
A resolution far$0 cert ificat"paving of Ind ebt
edness—West Seventh street paving.
Commitee on \VnYs and "teins.
By Ald. Sullivan—
.5 resolution osenoforilenc,,g putt Ln)re Iris
.5od for purp c o
el P"
Committee on ParkS and Corporation Atto
A resolution outlierizing Corpo[ato. A
Railroad Company for bridging contract - In of "f ssissip
Committee on Streets.
By Ald. Snnborn—
a pial[_inary order for widening Selby u
enuo, from Dale Sirest to Fairview avenue.
Cemmittee on Streets,
tl nllnuncrs.
ORDINANCE NO. 1,`.Y).'a.
An Od in:anc. au[horfzing the. a ection by the
St. Ya.l Gras Light
Company f Public scales —
The Common Council of the City o[ SL. Paul
de ordain as followsict:
tl�nThetSt Paul Gus Liand ght Comipuny
hereby g
to erect, maintain and opiate public scales,
weighing iotnPa Y B °o ll sheds hsr articles
Fifth (5th) street, sold ebOlockh nds number room
crated on lot no mbe� 6,
tw �IIIto bei erected uddd lerothe super SO to vision e.a
direction o[ the City Engineer. Doll
)erovidedn That 'lid gas light company s Of St
Paul to nBuoo urns hs iftcienc bornd lv Lhe
of of less Lam flvc thousand
(Mood) dollars, co dltil to IDdem-
nify the City of St.
ed nR last sfor lidda mages
which maybe reeo r er
w• ll as 11 costs nd expenses and
r..-- xuf the
add -
tures which may be incurred by
passage of this ordi... on and the use an
,ration of said scales. said pond to be app
by the Corporation Attorney.
Provided, further, That said St. Paul Gas
Light Company shall Shat. the nuisance from
its electric light plant on Eagle treot,sout
cause the issuance of all befoil, rIt Shallhave
from said plant to ,,,,e,
any rights or privileges wader this ordinance,
anJ that no rights or Priveleges under this cr
d mance shall continuo any longer than during
suuche from
mesnid Plant.1e smoke o Boot shall is -
Sec. 2. The Common Council reserves the
right to revoke this authority and permission
at its pleasure.
Sec. 3. This ordinance shall be in force from
uud after Its publication and after its acceot-
t once. with the City Clerk, by the St. Paul Gas
Light Company accepting It upon all the terms
and conditions.
yeas—Alda Bickel, IIlom, Callen, Conley,
bon'11a Sulllv.n,Lith"utVebert San
! Mr. Vice Presiden�trl3.
Nays—Aid. Bock -1.
Pl Passed S,PL 5, 186 A�,RONY YOERG, JR.,
V,.:Ice President of Council,
Approved Sept. 7. 1389.
ROBERT A. A5T, Mayor.
Attest: TROS. A. PREROERGAET, City Clerk•
Sept. 18,
An Ordinance permitting Morgan S. Gray to
moven frame building and barn, sin hcrein
niter eICoined.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul
do ordain as follows:
Section 1. Permission is hereby given aad
tgranted unto Morgan
ui. l q storyframe buildi S.Graigglremove from front end
of lot 10, block 51, Nest St. Paul proper, to and
pon the rear end thereof: also remove a
1 -story, 14 by 16 feet. frame (barn from the rear
end of said lot to the middle thereof: also to
repair the first above mentioned building and
reshingle the same: said removal and repairs
to be dons under the supervision of the In
specter of Buildings of said city, and pursuant
.o plans and specifications furnished to and
approved by him.
Sec. '2. This ordinance shall take effect and
be in force from and after its publication.
Yens-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Book, Cullen, Con
ley, Cohen. Leftbauser, Minea, Melady, Pratt.
Sanborn, Sullivan, Wchat, Mr. Vice President
Passed Sept. 5, 1889.
Vice President Cra mcd.
Approved Sept. 7, 1889.
IfOhURT A. Sa11TII, Al"'i"
Attest: TROs. A. PR-D.RGAET. City' Clerk.
Sept. 12.
An Ordinance permitting Ole Johnson• owner,
to build a one and half story frame barn.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
Ord m. as follow.:
Section 1. Prmlasion is hereby granted and
given unto Ole Johnson, owner, to omoruct u''
one and one half story frame bar., to be six-
teen feet (16) by twenty-four feet (24), on the
east aidon e of Jessie st: set, between Law -on and
Jenks, lot thirteen (13). block nine (9). Fair-
view addition to St. Paul, under the supervis-
ion of the Building Inspector.
Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect
and be in force from and after its publication.
Yeas -Aid. Bickel, Blom,Bocl<, Cullen, Coatey,
Gabon. Leithauser, Al idea, Milady, Yrat. San-
born. Sullivan. Weber, Mr. Ni- President -14.
Passed Sept. 5, lasso.
Vice President of Council.
Approved Sept. 7. 1Kill.
ROmsfef A. S11ITH, Mayr.
Attest: THOS. A. PRENDE.. AsT, City Cterk.
Sept. ]'.
An Ordinance authorizing the Broadway Im
provemen[ company to move a frame build
The Common Connell of the City of St. Pail
do ordain as follows:
Se ctfon 1. That permission and authority is
hereby given snit granted to the Broadway Int
provement Company to move that certain
frame building know. as Number W,,, sttuate
on the west side of Broadway and about an
hundred feet south of said BmudwaS, from the
rbstone n the corn r of Sixth street and
Broadway, by raising the said build i iig ad
moving the same about ten (10) feet IsGuth, or
towards the river, and forward up to the line
of said Broadwn9. and to make such repairs as
to put
as n id buillding in a proper condition for
Use All of said work shall be dome under the dl.
rection of the Building Inspector Of said city.
Sec. 2. This Ordinance shall take effect and
be in force from and after its passage.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen, Can
Icy. Gehan, Leithauser, Minea, Meludy, Pratt,
Sanborn, Sullivan, %%',bar, Mr. Vice President
Passed Sept. 5, Iwil.
Vice President of C...cil.
Approved Sept. 1889.
Attest: Tnos. A I R.NDERG Asci. City Clerk.
Sept. 12.
Olt DINANCE NO, 1,209.
An Ordinance permitting John Moriarty to
erect a slaughter house upon the south half
f lot 7, section 9, town 28, range -' , I. the
City of St. Paul.
,the Common Council of the City of St. Paul
do ordain as follows:
Section 1. Permission his hereby given and
granted unto John Moriarty to erect and con-
struct upon the south half f lot 7 'ectiou 9,
town 2s. range _2. in the City of •St. Paul, it
frame slaughter house wherein shall be killed.
slaughtered, dressed and packed, oreither. i s
union may c
require: circle. cult' es,ee
shp and
swine. and also do suchother business therein
s isuseal and naturally connected with such
bn'im,. 9 said slaughter hon se to bC erected
under and pursnunt to plans and specifications
furnlshod to and approved bythe Inspector of
Moldings of said city; and the same w •hen
erected shall, in all things, be conductedand
in accordance with the laws and
ordinances of said ^ made in such case de and
p ovided, and :tis. In accordance with the pro
of the laws in ratans. to the smail.
tion of the same.
Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and
la in force from and after its publ cation.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, BCCk, Cullen.
Conley, Gehan, Leithauser, Minea, Melady,
Pratt, Sanborn, Suilivun, Weber, Mr. Vice
President -14.
Passed Sept. 5, 1839.
Vit•e President of Council.
Approved Sept. 7, 188 0.
Attest: Tools. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk.
Sept. 12.
An Ordnance supplemental to Ordinance No.
1201 relative to the St. Paul City Railway
the Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
ordain as follows:
Section 1. That the extensmn of the cable
me of the St. Paul City Railway Company,
only known as the Selby Avenue line,
m St. Albans street to Fairview avenue, on
it along Selby avenue. )n the City f St. Pal.
I, provided for by Ordinance No. 7,201, sp-
ud on the 3(1Ih day of August. Dist. shall be
mbject to ail [he provisions and regulations of
3rdlnance No. 704, and the Circa... ccs therein
referred to, as far as applicable thereto, and
except as said Ordinance No. 704 may be modi-
he Com-
mon Council oftsaid tcity pe or assed priorlution of i to Aug.
Seo. 2. The rate of fare shall act exceed live
cents for each passenger for any continuous
travel of One title an said cable line, from
Broadway street to Fairview a''.no' or from
continuous traveI'venul Broadway
of one ridon said tracks be.
tween said paints toward the endo said cable
line to which said car is approaching.
Sce.3. This ordinance shall take effect from
andd-deter its publication and nceeplanee by the
St. Paul City Railway ComPany of said Ordi-
nance No. 1.201 and this ordinance in the man
net provided in said Ordinance No. 1,2u1.
Yeas -Aid Bickel, Blom, Rock. Cullen. ('011ley. Gehan, Leithauser• Mmen, Melody, Pratt.
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President
Yu9sod Sept. S, IgB9.
A NTHONYentofC Council. Vice President of Council.
Approved Sept. 7 ISsli.
ROBERT A. SI -R. Mayor.
Attest: THOS. A.P I.AnEIi1;A-, City Cleric.
Sept. 12.
A, Orll�St
Im rove,umnt Oomtti lig tai in;
team pipes underneath Tenth f10) streat, as
herein specified.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
ordain as follows: Cn the St.
Section 1. Permission is hereby giv
Peter Street Improvem e.t Company [n Ins un-
erground stoum pipes n Tenth (10) street,
from the Colonadu bled' to the three star,,
brick building located on the southeast corner
of Tenth and St. Peter streets.
Said work and the whole thereof to be done
under the supers isicn and control f Ibe City
Engineer anti to his satisfaction ind approval.
Sec. 2. This Ordinance shall take effect and
be in force from and after its publication.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom. Book, Cullen, Coo-
ley, Leithauser, Alinov. Mchidy, Pratt. San-
born. Sullivan, Weber, AIr. Vice President -13.
Nays-Ald. Gelmn-I.
Passed Sept. 5, h"u.
Vice President of Council.
Approved Sent. 11 ti4.
Rt O:EBT A. SaliT n. Mayor.
Attest: ToOs. A. POEN OF ne;.\sir. CRy Clerk.
Sept. 12.
An Ordinance authorizing IViMam Dow-, Jr.,
to construct a sewer on Arlwri ght sir,, -I.
The Common Council of the City of St. limit
do ordain as follows:
Section 1. That authority nail permission i+
Hereby given and granted to \V ill
ian Dawson.
Jr., to Construct a sewer on At""vight street.
mora} sort, lc•esnlin ,rthwest crlS nftotmitsuid
Lal,idda}'otte a' lh lots!)el tato fi ht Im ovcht ,of Mae
five i5), of Warren 6 Wnelew�s addition to St.
The said sewer ebull be constructed at the
expense of said William Dawson, Jr., and ac-
cording to the plans and spechications to be
by the City Engineer and under his
Seo. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and
be in force from and after its passage.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel. Blain. Bock, Calif.. Con-
ley, Gehan, Leithauser. Minea, Idelady, Pratt,
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Air. Vice President
Passed Sept. 5, IStS9.
Vice President of Council.
Approved Sept. 7 IMO
Attest: TROs. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk.
Sept. 12.
An Ordinance permitting Patrick Norris to
construct a sewer.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
ordain as follows:
Section 1. Permission Is hereby granted to
Patrick Norris to coust-11, n sewer ut his own
expense, said sewer extending seventy (70)
feet north of present terminal on Olive street.
in said city; the work to be done under tb , di
ectiou he the City Engineer of said city, pro-
vided, that said Norris shall pay the expense
of the City Engineer..
Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect
and be in force from aad after its publication.
Yens-Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con -
Sanborn.. Sullivan, tsWeber, e Pratt,
Mr. Vice Presi
dent -14.
Passed Sept. 5, 1689.
Vice President of Council.
Approved Sept. 7, 188 9.
Attest: TROs. A. Pals-RGAse, City Clerk.
Sept. 12.
An ordinance anihorixing the refunding of
meney paid by Maggio Rauch for sidewalk.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
ordain as follows:
Section I. That an Ord -be drawn upon the
f'.it}' Treasury in fa,Or of Maggie Ranch for the
[ seven (71 dollars for the purpose of o
funding to her m .ev paid by her for sidewalk
adjoining lot two (2). block nine (9), Lewis' ad
dition to St. Paul.
See.', This ordinance shall take Offset Mcd
Do in force from and after its publication.
Yea-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Back. Cullen, Con-
ley. Gehan, Leithauser. Mines, Melady, Pratt,
Snnhnrn. Sullivan, Weber, Air. Vice Pre1111mit
Passed Sept.
A-11-1 e 1 --id Y(iF of
President of lour Oil.
A ppm, ed Sept. 7. 1Bµ11.
Attest: Tums. A. P ... DERGAST, City Clerk.
Sept. 12.
An ordinance changing the nameo[ L"tona
street, to the City of St. Paul, to Bates ave
The Common Council of the City, St. Paul dt
ordan as follows:
Section 1. That the name of Lawrenc(
street, in the City of St. Paul, be and the Sam(
Is hereby changed to Lhe name of Bates are
See, Thte ordinance shall take effect and
be in force from and after Its publication.
Yens-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen, Con
ley. Gahan. Leithauser, Mines, Melody, Pratt
Sanborn, Su LLlvan, Weber, Mr. Vice Frost
dent -14.
Passed Sept. 5, 1889.
Vice President of Council.
Approved Sept. 7. 188 9.
Attest: Too& A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk.
Sept. 12.
ORDINA.G. No. 1,210.
An Orin .... e Using the story of the Ser
geavt-at Arms of the
aCommon Couhcil,
uthorized to be sppoivted by a resolution
approved May 10, 1889.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
ordain a. follow.:
Section 1. That the salg,""t-Aries of theary of Henry Galvin.
authorized to be appointed by reCouncil,
resolution of the
Common Council, approved May 10, 1 " De sad
is hereby filled at the gum Of three hundred
(W) dollars per annum, the std salary to
commence from May 15, 1859, nod to be paid
himin like manner as the salaries of other
cityomeem are paid.
Sec. •a" This
ordinance shall take client and
be in force from and after its passage.
Yess-Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con-
Sanboorn.SuLLivan� We Mineor-s, MOlady, Pratt,
Nays -Mr. Vice President -1.
Sept. 5, 18..+9.
ANTHONY Yolllr, lass
Vice Preeidoat of
Approved Sept. 7, IS89.
ROnEn'r A. SMITH, Mayor.
Attest: THOS. A. PfIEN.... A.T. City Cleric.
Sept. 12.
An Ordinance authorizing the refunding of
in easy paid by Joseph Burgher to Pound
Master for releasing Impounded horse.
The Common nc
Couil of the City of St. Paul
do ordain as follow.:
Section 1. That an order be drawn upon the
City Treasurer in favor of Joseph Burgher for
the sum o[ five
(@5) dollars for the
purpose of
refunding to him amount paid by him to Pound
Master J. E. Conway for releasing an impound-
ed horse belongingg to Said Burgher.
Sec. 2. This ordi a ce shall take effect and
be in force from and after its poseage.
Yeae-Ald. Bto it "t
Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con-
Sanborn,an i
SUBivana W r, Mile,, Mceady, Pratt,
Passed Sept. 5,18W.
ANTHONY Yntinc. JR.,
Vice President of Council.
Approved Sept. 7, 1889.
ROD. -A. SMITH. Mayor.
Attest: THo9. A. PRENDERGAST. City Clerk.
Sept. 12.
An Ordinance authorizing the refunding of
moneyto Peter Johnson for sale at auction
of impounded horse, impounding expense
having been paid.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
ordain as follows:
Section 1. That an order be drawn upon the
City Treasurer in favor of Peter Johnson for
the sum of eleven 50IW dollars for the purpose
of refunding to him amount due him from the
Sale at auction of an impounded horse belong-
ing t0 him. the expenses f said impounding
and sale Raving bean deducted from the
ant obtained for such sale.
a Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and
be in force from and after its passage
Yens-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Co.
ley,n usGen an, Lelthaer, Minnd
e, Meloy, Pratt,
Soborn, Sullivan, Weber, Dir. Vice President
Passed Sept. 6, 1899.
ViceNPresidentnt offCouncs.
Approved Sept 7Rosss- A. SMITttMn
Attest: THOS. A. PRENDE.GAST, City Clerk.
Sept. 12.
Av Ordinance to authorize the St. Paul Gas
Light Company to erect electric light poles
within the city I'M
its of the City of St. Paul.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do n. follow.:
Section 1. That authority is hereby granted
to the St. Paul Gas Light Company to erect and
maintain electric light tLin es nd to string
wires thereon the st side of Franklin
street, between We
Third street and Irvine
Park in
said city.
Sec. 2. All poles erected under this di
e hall be Planed and pointed sad hall be
of such size and shall be placed at such points
on the margin of the sidewalks as shall be des
ignated by the City Engineer, and shall be
erectedLind said wires strung thereon under
the supervision sad abject to the inspection
and control of said City Engineer.
Sec. T Wb¢n so Bred by the Common
Council the St. Paul Gas Company shall re -
e these voles and Put their wires under
ground within sixty days from date of said
Sec. 4. This ordinance shall be in force from
and after its passage.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen, Con-
ley, Gahan. Lelthauser, Mines, Malady, Pratt.
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Dir. Vice President
P.esed Sept f ISS9.
Vice President of Council.
Approved Sept. 7````I"
Ill" A. SMITH, Mayor.
Attest: TIIOS. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk.
Sept. 12.
An Ordinance perdtoB
'ng Charles . Lind ke
r..,,out fee, feet •
u Rstortl f frnmea dditf wrllmu
thereto, about 12 feet by 16 feet, uherein
rhe Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
Bain as follows:
Section I. Permtasfon fa hereby granted and
;ivan unto Charles H. I.
eke to raise one and
one-half at.
frame dwelling about four feet.
Alec to butld frame addition to same about 12
feet front and 16 feet deep and 1K -story high;
said building situate on the east side of Brad
ley street. between Grove and East Sixth
street, on lot 4, block 13. Bruvson's addition to
St. Paul.
Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect nod
be in force from and after its publication.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con-
ley, Gahan, Leithauser, Mines, Melody, Platt.
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, I. Vice President
Passed Sept. 5, 1869.
Vice President of Council.
Approved Sept 7,ROD1.88.1
I Taos. A. PRENDenowsT, City (;lark.
Sept.SaPt. 12
By Ald. Sulllvavof
fromsClevel dsavenueto the off arelfirs avenue, 53
indicated by the 'ad
e .grade line onneea cu the
panying profile, n a r omm
City Engineer. be and the . a e is hereby
adopted as the established g iook.mCullen, Cov-
Yeas-Aid. Bickel. Blom,
Sabo n, Sullivan. Welme,, Gen 'a. Lefthroomr. Mr. Vice�� Prean..
dent -]4.
Approved Sept. 7. 1".
By All-
,., That the grade of Bunker street,
from Brown avenuo to State street, as Hadi
.ted by the red grade tire on the ccompo cry-
ing profile, and asa 'toed by rho City
Engineer, be and Hal a mm is hereby adopted
a Lhe ""bit"" grad.
Yes-Ald. Bickel, Blom. Book, Cullen, Co.
ley. Gen an, Leithauser, Diincn, Melmly, Pratt,
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Dir. Vice President
Approved Sept. 7, 1889.
By Aid. Ceban-
Resolved. That the grado of Rase tr
from d by ttheered ende It.. oair.
street to Cort P Lear
profile, and as recommendel by the City Engl
ear, be and the same 1S hnrrby adopted as the
e. tablianed grade.
.Yeas -Aid Biekei, Blom, Back, Cullen, Con-
ley, Gchan. Leith auser, Mines, Dfelnly, Pratt.
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President
Approved Sept 7, 1SS9.
By Ald. Bock -
Resolved, That the grad of Grace street,
tram Colborne street to Western uvenue, as In
dicated by the red Ifne on the accom
ponying profile, and I s r •commended by the
CEngineor, be .d
atty the me i6 hereby
dopted us the ¢Stablfshed grade.
Yeas -All. I3lckel, Marc. Bock, Cullen,
Conley, Geban, Leithauser, Miami, Melody,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice
Approved Sept. 7, less.
By Aid. Bock -
Resolved, That rho grade of St. Clair Street,
from Snelling ar gnu to Lexingto. oven '
me indicated by the red grade lineon the so-
companying pprofile, and as recommended by
the City Enfdneer, be and the same is hereby
adopted as the established ginde.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Boak, Cullen, Con-
ley, Gahan, Lelthauser, Minen, Malady,
anborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice Preen
ent -IC
Approved Sept. 7, 1889.
By Aid. Weber -
Resolved, That the grade of Argyle street,
Df way of thfrom Fronte S%Paulrt to th& Northern Pacific
Rof the uil
road Company, as indicated by the red grade
line on the accompanying profile, and as recent-
by the City Engineer, be and the ame
is hereby adopted as the established grade•
Yoos-Aid. Btek01, Hlom, Bock. Cullen, Can
ley, G _ Lelthauser. Minea, Malady, Pratt
Sanborn. Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vino President
Approved Sept. 7, 1859.
By Aid. Pratth-
at the 1role of the streete,vas Indicated byg dran
he red Ends following
the accompanying profilel, anrecommend-
ed by the Clty Engineer, be and the same are
hereby adopted as the established grades:
Pratt avenue, from Raymond avenue to Gibbs
a Fairview .venue, from University nvonue W
Bewitt avenue. Bock. Cullen. Cnn-
Yeas-Aid. Bickel, Blom,
ley. Gahsn, LB(thanear,Mineu, MelndyrePdent
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice YY in
Approved Sept. 7, 1889.
By Aid. Cullen -
Resolved, That the
City F.nglneor be in-
t , c use the streets leading [O the
Fair Grounds to be sprinkled during Fair
Yens-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, on
ley, Gahan, Leithauser, Minen, Moistly. Pratt,
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vine President
Approved Sept. 7, 1869,
By Aid. Blom-
lved, That the City, Engineer be and he
evestreet, bis h etween initrunted toC,'ypress streets and Earl
Yens-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Can.
ley, Gehan, Leithauser, Mine., Malady, Pratt,
Sanborn, Sull an, Weber, Mr. Vico Pres'
dent -14.
Approved Sept. 7, 1859.
By Aid. Minea-
Rcsolved, That Lhe City Engineor be in�
trusted to to
pact all grades in Woodbury k
('ase addition. and all gr.d.S fn Brown &
Jnnl:son'a addition.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, 1310m. Bock, Cullen, Con
ley. Gahan. Leithauser, Miami, Mel Lilly, Pratt,
Sanborn, Sunt, an, Weber, Mr. Vice President
Approved Sept. 7, 1889.
By Aid. Pratt -
Resolved, That the CityEngineer use all
the fences or other chatructtoa9 on Univarsity
avenue between Cleveland avenue and the
est city limits that are within sixty feet o
either side of the center of said street to be re-
Yeas -Alda Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen. Com
ley, Geban, Leithaueer, Mimeo, Melady, Pratt,
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President
Approved Sept. 7, 1889.
By Aid. Sanborn -
Resolved, That the City Englneer be and is
hereby instructed to prepare plans and speci-
fications for a wooden bridge on Grand avenue
sumefent to carry the tramc and street cars
over the railroad of the Chicago, Milwaukee &
St. Paul Railroad Company.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock. Cullen, Com
ley, Gehan, Leithauser, Mines, Melody, Pratt,
Such-, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President
Approved Sept. 7, 1889.
By Aid. Gehan-
Resolved. That the City Engineer be and he
is hereby instructed to lay a two plank side
alkon the eouth aide of Bellevue avenue,
from Ashton street to Canada street.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock,fthauser, Minea, Meindy, PrCullen, Can
Gehan. Leatt,
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice Preei-
Approved Sept. 7, 1889.
By Aid. Bock -
Resolved, That the City Engineer have shade
tree. cut down and removed and sidewalk. put
In good condition as follows: One at norn,
east corner of Walnut and West Seventh
street, three on east side of West Seventh, be�
twee¢ Chestnut and Walnut streets.
Yens-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Com
ley, Gehan, Leithauser, Minea, Meindy, Pratt.
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber Mr. Vice Preto
Approved Sept. 7, 1889..
By Aid. Blom -
Resolved, That the Corporation Attorney re -
Pon to the Common Council right. of the City of Stu ht extent Paul Ross street,,
from Edgerton street to Payne avenue.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen, Com
Icy. Gehan, Leithauser,',lines, Meindy, Pratt,
Sanbora, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President
Approved Sept. 7, 1889.
By Aid. Sullivan -
Resolved, That the Chief of Police of the City
of St. Paul be and he is hereby instructed to
emove all obstructions from off of Cleveland
avenue and the old Fort Snelling ferry road at
their Intersection.
Yens -Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con-
ley. Gehan, Lefthauser, Mi nen, Melady,
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President
Approved Sept. 7, 1889.
By Ald. gs
Resolved, Th t the Inspector of Buildinj
be and is hereby instructed to issue permits I
free of charge to all persons living on Page,
Bunker, Midway and Prescott strects,in Wood.
bury th Case addition, who are compelled to
move their buildings now standing on said
streets, according to the new survey as settled
by the District Coutt.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen. Con-
ley, Gahan. Lcithauser, Minea, Melody, Pratt,
Sanborn. Sullivan, Weber. Mr. Vice President
Approved Sept.7, 1KSV.
By Aldi
Resolved, That the City Clerk be nod he is
hereby directed to advertise for sealed pro
posals for furnishing the city with fuel for The
ensuing year.
Yen.-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Cm,
ley, Sullivan,ehuu. Liethanser, Mince, Melady, Pratt,
Sanborn, Weber, Mr. Vice Presl
dent -14.
Approved Sept. 7, 1889.
By Aid. Pratt -
Resolved, That the City Clertt be and he is
hereby authorized to advertise forbids for lum
her for the ensuing year.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, hack, Cullen,
Cooley, Gehan, Leithaueer, Minn., Mcludy,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice
President -14.
Approved Sept. 7. 1889
By Aid. Sanborn -
Resolved, That the City Clerk be instructed
to advertise for bids for the construction of a
wooden bridge, with an eighteen tout road
wayand two six feet walks. across the right of
of the Chicago, Milwaukee C St. Paul
Railway Company tit Grand avenue, as soon as
the City Engineer sbull furnish plans for We
Yens-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Back, Cullen, Com
ley, Gehan. Lcithauser. Mmca, Melady, Pratt,
Sanborn, Sulllvan, Weber. Mr. Vice Presi
Approved Sept. 7, 1889.
By Aid. Cullon-
Resolved, That the Committee of Ways and
Means are requested to ascertain and report
if any of the school districts of Ramsey
county, parts of which districts were included
in the City of St. Paul by the extending of the
city limits in 1887, were indebted, and if so
what amount such districts were owing, and
Lh'proportionate share that should be as
sumed cad paid by the City of St. Paul.
Yeas -Aid. Bickel, Blom, Lock. Cullen. Can
lay, Gehan, Leithaueer, Minea, Mciady, Pratt,
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President
Approved Sept. 7, 1889.
By Ald. G'bon-
Resoived, That the Committee on Public
Buildings ucd; Proydrty be and I hereby di-
rected to cause an iron stairway to be erected
on the north side of the Market House to serve
as an exit for the Newmarket theater; also to
cause the plumbing In and about the New-
market theater to be placed in o sanitary con
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen, Com
ley, Gehan, Leithaueer, Minea, Melady, Pratt,
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President
Approved Sept. 7, 1889.
By Ald. Gehan-
Resolved, That the Committee on Public
Buildings be and Is hereby directed to pur-
chase and cause to be attached to the Market
House fumaces(2) Magginnis smoke consumers.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen. Com
ley, Geban, Lelthauser, 'linea, Melody,
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President
Approved Sept. 7. 1889.
By Aid. Gehan-
Resolved, That the St. Paul Gas Company
be and they are hereby requested and instruct.
ed to extend their gas mains on Thirteenth
street, from Jackson street to Canada street.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen, Com
ley, Gehsn, Lefthauser, Miuea, Melody, Pratt,
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber. Mr, Vice Presi-
dent -14.
Approved Sept. 7, 1889.
By Aid. Minea-
Resolved, That the St. Paul Gas Lamps Com
pang be instructed to extend their mains on
Isabel street, from Dakota avenue to Ohio
street, and place the posts the usual distance
Yeas-Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Com
ley, Cuban. Lefthauser, Minea, Melady, Pratt,'
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber. Mr. Vice President
Approved Sept. 7, 1889.
By Aid. Weber -
Resolved, That the gasoline lamp contractor
be authorized to take the lump eftuntedon
nth side of Martin street, 2oii feet west of
Summit place, and place it 1011 feet sost of
where lamp is now located; also place it on of
posits side of the street.
Yens-Ald. Bickel, BIem,Bock,Cullen, Conley,
Gehan, Leithaueer, Miners, Melady, Pratt, Ban
born, Sullivan. Weber, Mr. Vice President
Approved Sept. 7, 1880.
By Aldi. Pratt-
Rosolved. That the
city oil lamp contractor
be and he is hereby instructed to place lose ne
lumps on Langford avenue. from Snelling ave
nuc to Raymond avenue, :i(rl feet part: iso
one lamp at the northeast career of Langford
.venue and Knapp street.
Yeas -Aid. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen, Com
ley, Gehon, Leithaueer, Minea, Melady, Pratt.
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber. Mr, Vice Presideat
Approved Sept. 7, 1889.
By Ald. Minea-
Resolved, That n warrant be drawn upon the
(pity Treasury m in
of Merrill & Willett,
attorneys of record for the plaintiffs herein
after named, for the sum of fourteen and Ii5-too
(14.M) dollars in payment of that certain judg-
maot against the City of St. Paul, defeadBut,
and in favor of Mary A. McClung et al., plaln-
tiffe, which judg ent was entered up and per
feeted of record in the office of the Clerk of the
District Court of Ramsey county, Minnesota,
Do April 5, 1889, and docketed Aug. 24, 1889.
Said warrant shall be delivered only upon
there being filed with the City Comptroller a
certificate in due form of the satisfaction of
said judgment of record in said court.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen, Con-
ley, Gehan Leithaueer, Mines, Melady, Pratt,
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President
Approved Sept. 7, IMP.
By Aid. Mclsdy-
Re.olved, That nn order be drawn in favor of
I. S. C. Jolles for the sum of one hundred and
thirty (8130) dollars, being the amount paid
twice, in error, on the assessment for sewer on
Custer street.
Also that an order be drawn In tavorofJnmos
Tuttle for the sum of thirteen and 20-100 (818
2610'j) tlolhtra, being amount erroneously paid
for Sidewalk Estimate No. 7, on lot 82, block 0,
Clarke'. addition.
Also that an order be drawn in favor of Mrs.
C. Buelke for the sum of fifty (yu0) dollars. be
ing amount erroneously paid for grading Third
street and other streets, on lot 19, block 31, Ly-
man Dayton's addition.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock. Cullen, Cou-
ley, Gehan, Leithauser. Minea, Melody, Pratt,
Sanbora, ullivan, Weber, Mr. Vlce President
Approved Sept. 7. I%V.
By Aid. Cullen -
Resolved. That an order be drawn in favor of
the City Engineer in the amount of fifty (af50)
dollars as a contingent fund for office ex-
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Co.
ley, Gehan, Lefthauser. r. Minea, Melady, Pratt,
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, MVice President
Approved Sept. 7, 1889.
By Aid. Weber -
Resolved, That an order be drawn in favor
o1 the Board of Control for the sum of 81,281.3L,
being the city's % of the expenditure of said
Board for the month of August, 1889.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Com
ley, Gehan, Lefthauser, Mitten, Melady, Pratt,
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President
Approved Sept. 7, 1889.
Resolved, That an order be drawn on the
Citi' Treosurerin favor of the Minnesota Trans
for Railway Company in the sum o1 four thou-
sand eigbt hundred aad
four and 86100 dollars,
being the balance due the Transfer Company
for the city's proportion of the cost of the Uid
vemity avenue bridge.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen. Con-
ley, Gehan. Leithaueer, Minea, Meledy, Pratt,
Sit born, Sullivan, Weber. Mr Vice President
Approved Sept. 7, 1889.
By Committee on Claims -
Resolved by the Common Council of the City
of St. Paul. that an order be drawn upon the
City Treasury In favor of C. L. Strobel for the
f aoeteen thousand four hundred dollar
(,819.400), being the mount of penalties I, ful
deducted by the City Comptroller from E.ti
mates Noa. 4 to 8, inclusive, allowed for th,
etruotlon of the high bridge across
Mlesiseippl river from Forbes street,, etc..
hundred dollaro having been dtdnctel
by the Committee on Claim, from Estimate No
9 and final, in lieu thereof for the est of en
glittering from the date of expfr.tion of con
treat to date of completion, upon theto,.rt o
the City Engineer, s recognised by the Com
mon Council.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, More, Bock, Conley, Ge
ban, Leltbcolor, Mine., Melody, Pratt, San
born. Sullivan. Weber, Mr. Vice President -i3
Nays-Ald. Cullen -1.
Approved Sept. 7, Isle.
By Ald. Sanborn-
Whereus, Wflliam P. Murray performed tht
duties of Corporation Attorney f this ill
from the 14th day of March, A. D. 1889, until ib,
27tb day of .lune, A. D. 1839, and he, received
mpen,.tton; therefore,
Resolved, That an order be drawn to favor of
said Murray for the sum of 61,333.33 In payment
for his service. as attorney acting fn the later
est of the city during the period bone mea,
condition that this Compensation and r
lot,.. be approved by the Committee on Ways
and Meana of th le Council, and that the a 1d
m be received It o,id Murray in full paid
meet said service..
mYeas-Alda Bickel, Blom, Dock. Cullen, Con
ley, Gehnn, Leithauaer, Mmea, Melady, Pratt,
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President
Approved Sept. 7, 1889.
By Aid. Conley -
Resolved, That from and after Sept. 1, 1889,
Job, Rooney be cad he Is hereby allowed the
Bum of twenty live (8'.51 dollars per month in
addition o his salary as a police omcer of "I
city -geld sum of twenty-five ($25) dollars here-
by allowed to be paid monthly to said Rooney
tot the use of the team furnished by him for
hauling the "Black Marla," so-called.
-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen. Con-
ley, Cohen, Leithuaer, Minea, Melndy, Pratt,
Sullivan, Weber. Mr. Vice President -13.
Noys-Ald, Sanborn -l.
Approved Sept. 7, 1839.
By Ald. Cullen -
solved, That a committee of five. be
pointed to fer with similar co enttteea of
he Board of Education antl Chamber of Com
with ferenae en m
to . g tae meeting
f the National Educational Association in
city 1n July, 1899, and, to connection with
these committees, to take such Iden as may
be necessary to the accomplishment of thls
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen, Con-
ley, Gehen, Lelthauser, Mines, Melndy, Pratt,
Sanborn. Sullivan, Webs,, Mr. VicePresident
Approved Sept. 7, 1989.
By Aid. Lelthauser-
Resolved, That the St. Paul & Duluth Rall
ad be hereby notified to have a flngmn
placed at the crossing of Earl street at once.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom. Book, Cullen. Cor.
ley Cohan Sunbor ,e ,Ihvah,eber, M . i, WVice Presi'
dent -14.
Approved Sept. 7, 1889.
By AId. Blom -
Resolved, That the trsot' between the
City of St. Paul and the Chicago' St. Pso,
, mi.-
.cap.. & OmuhI Rmiwita Company, regard
g the construction of a ew r n the rigght
of way f said company from Fquler
street o of Brook, u be and the same is here
bypproved: nd resolved further, that the
peers be and the same a hereby
uthorizad and directed to execute said
r con
act on behalf of the city of St. Paul.
Yen, -Aid. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen, Cou- WeEebr,1iMr. V1ce,Preaident[
Approved Sept. 7, 1889.
By Ald. Sulllva.-
H a ]-d, That permission la hereby give.
ie1-Imid to
froml'.1- w ave..0 to r Cleland avenue.
hf. own expeo,e. The work to be done u
der the direction of the City Engineer, and al]
p, d by A chbiof shop Icelandand Inspection to be
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen, Con-
ley, Gahan, Lefthuse r, Mine,, Melndy. Pratt,
Sit.boro, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President
Approved Sept. 7, 1889.
By Ald. Conley -
Resolved, That the term for which the live
special policemen (authorized by resolution,
were appdointed De mad the same to take cis hembyaex'
tended for the period of one month from and
after Sept. 1, 1889, or for such shorter period
as may be necessary, and that the wagons and
men assisting avid special policemen in the
prosecution of their work be employed for said
periodo[ one o th from d after Sept. 1,
1889, or Por such shorter period as may be nen
Provided. That the provisions of this resolu-
tlone shell apply o only four of sold apeolal po
liceme. cad five of said men and wagons as-
sisting as aforesaid.
Yens-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con
Ssn born, ullivan, =%orrr,, Mr. Vice President
Approved Sept 7, 1889.
By Ald. Sanbora-
Resolved. That the Board of Public Works
be and they ,re hereby instructed to muse a
eat block sidewalk, six feet in width, to be
strnoted on the north nide of Iglehart street,
from Weets" av sue to Arondel street,
,ept where such sidewalk Is already con
Yese-Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Culls., Co.!
ey, Gahan, Lefthaueer, Mine,, Malady, Pratt,
nborn, Suit van, Weber, Mr. Vice President
Approved Sept. 7, 18SU.
Hyy Ald. Y -Ti
Resolved, Thayt the Hoard of Public Works
sidewalks d is to be laid on the South aide of Fourth
strest,ln front of lots 4, 5 andO. block vB.St. Paul
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Can.
ley, Gehaa., Mines, Meladyy, Pratt,'
v here, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice ;President
Approved Sept.7, 1889.
By Aid. Bock -
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
call as to be laid on south side of Eagle street
to a point 89 feat east from West Seventh
street sone cement sidewalks.
Yeas -Aid. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen. Con
Baebo,ro,n9ullivn,Le r,Webeir,e.MMeV cep Preaf'-
Approved Sept.!7, 1889.
By Id. YoerR
R lved, That the Board of Public Work,
hereby luthIvile01,1 tons
sidewalks cbs llid 1. frontdo[olot 19 L age -
vin's subdivision of block 10, St. Paul proper.
Yeae-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen, Con-
Sanh- Built,... Weber, '
Weber,, i Mr. Vice ePresident
Appoed;Sept ;7, 1889.
By Aid. Yoerg-
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
be and le hereby authorized to cause Portland
cement sidewalks to be laid on the west side
of Cedar street, In front of lot. 19, 15_114 and 3,
block 6, St. Paul proper.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, IIlom, Dock, Cullen, Con
ley, Gehan, Leithauser. Minea, Meladyy Pratt,
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice Presdent
Approved Sept. 7, 1869.
By Aid. Pratt -
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
wooden sidewalbothk. andaneoesaary croa,
lane on to he oad west
laid 0,
east ade, of U hve
approaches r,to Uni
vamity avenue bridge.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con -
Client , Lelthauser, Minea, Melady. Pratt,
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President
Approved Sept. 7, 1889.
By In Pratt
Resolved, Thati the Board of Public Works
cause three feet wooden walks to be laid on
north aide of Albany street, from Snellink ave-
.ue to Action street; on west aide of Arena
Street, from Winnelto Albnv; also the beces-
eary orossogs.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom. Book, Cullen. Con-
Gab"t Mines,
Approvsd!Sspt X7,;1889.
By Aid. Sanborn -
Resolved. That the Board of -Public Works
be and It i, hereby directed sad istm,ted to
Coast r..t send maintain a wooden sidewalk six
feet wide on the west side o1 Mackubin street,
from M._.all
avenue to Isiah- street.
Yeae-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Book, Cullen. Con-
ley, Gahan, Lelthauser, Mines. Melody, Pratt.
Sanborn. Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President
Appoved Sept. 7, 1689.
By Aid. Blom-
Reaolved, That the Board f Public Works
eight at wooden sidewalk to be con-
,truoted on
both side, of Magnolia street,, Irorn
grest trset o Earl street, with necessary
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock. Callen, Con-
ley. Gahan. Lefthaueer, Mirm, Melndy, Pratt.
So hoc. Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President.
Approved Sept. 7, 1839.
By Aid. Blom -
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
... SO im eight -foot woodenboth side. It eid,w,lit to be a,,
C se Street- street,
Maryland Street, with nece ry
cro .-Ils..
Yeae-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen, Con
ley, Gehso, telt honest. Mine., Melody, Pratt,
9anboro, Sullivan, Weber. Mr. Vice President
Approved Sept. 7, 1889.
By Aid. Blom -
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
cause ..eight -toot wooden sidewalk to be con
treated on both aide of Earl street, from the
St. Paul & Duluth �allmad track to Mary
land street, with the necessary crosswalks.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con
ley, Gehnn, Letthouser, Mines, Melady, Pratt,
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr..Vice President
Approved Sept. 7, 1889.
By Aid. Pratt
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
cause Lo be built and maintained a 6 -foot
wooden Temtovidewalk nl road sthe outhward oide of oumand
,trendy laid. sou wit
Yens-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con-
ley, (4ehsn, Lelthauser, Minen, Malady, Pratt.
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice Presi-
dent -14.
Approved Sept. 7. 1889.
By Aid. Pratt -
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
cause six-foot wooden sidewalks be laid o
south side of Capitol avenue, from Aldine
street to Fairview avenue.
Yens-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen. Con-
ley, Gehn, Leithauser, Mines, Malady, Pratt,
Sanborn, Sullivan. Weber, Mr. Vice President
Approved Sept. 7, 1889.
By Aid. Gehan-
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
ro hereby ordered totruct a eight foot
wooden sidewalk n baths ides of Litchtleld
.tree[, from RICO street to Sylvan al reel; also
on both sh les of Merrill street, from Rice street
to Sylvat street, with the necessary cross.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen. Con-
ley, Genoa, Leithauser, Mines, Melody. Pratt,
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber. Mr. Vice President
Approved Sept. 7. 1889.
By Aid. Gehan-
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
are hereby ordered to construct an eight -foot
wooden sidewalk on both sides of L'Orient
street, from Mount Airy street to Minnehaha
street, with the necessary crosswalks.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con.
ley, Gehan, Left.h.uaer, Minea, Malady. Pratt,
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vire President
Approved Sept. 7. 1889.
By Aid. Gehan-
Resolved, That the Board of public Works
are bomb ordered to construct six-foot
wooden aid,
on both sides of Elk street,
from Acker street to Agate street, and an eight
foot sidewalk on both aides of Agate street,
from Cortland street to Magnolia street, with
the necessary crosswalks.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con-
ley, Gehan. Leithauser, Mines, Melody, Pratt,
Senbom, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President.
Approved Sept. 7, 1889.
RBeolved, That the Board of Public Works
are hereby ordered toconstruct a. eight foot
wooden sidewalk on both .idea of Cortland
street, from Acker street to Maryla.d street,
with the necessary crosswalks.
Yeas-Ald. Bfoke4 Blom, Hock, Cullen, Con-
ley, Gehan, Leithauser, Mi.ea, Melady, Pratt.
Sanbom, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice Prest-
Approved Sept. 7, 1889.
By Ald Book -
Resolved That the Board of Public Works
cause crosswalks to be laid on the following
On west side of Chestnut, across Pleasant
On east side of Lesch, across Goodrich.
On east side of Chestnut, across Pleasant
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Can.
Icy, Gehan, Leithauser, Mine., Melody, Pratt,
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President
Approved Sept. 7, 1819.
By Aldi Sanborn -
Resolved, That the B ... d of Public Works
be and it is hereby Witmeted to oustruct
wooden sidewalks, six feet In width, with
.ecessary crosswalks to make said walka
continuous, as follows:
On the north side of Fairmount avenue, from
Victoria street to Lexington avenue.
On the south side of Fairmount avenue, from
Fairmount place to Victoria street.
O. both sides of Osceola avenue, from Pleas -
not avenue to Victoria street.
On both sides of Grotto Street, from Good
rich avenue to St. Clair street.
On both sides of SU Clair street, from Pleas
ant avenue to Lexington avenue.
On the south side of Ashland avenue. from
Victoria street to Lexington avenue.
Provided thatno sidewalks shall be con-
structed In
front of lots where such sidewalks
have already been laid.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel. Blom, Book, Cullen, Con,
ley, Gehan. Leithauser, Minea, Malady, Pratt.
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber. Mr. Vice President
Approved Sept. 7, 1889.
By Aid. Melady-
Resolved, That. the Board of Public Works
are hereby ordered to construct an eight -foot
wooden sidewalk on the south side of Baker
street, from Ohio street to Bidwell street.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Book, Cullen, Can
ley, Gehan, Leithauser, Minea, Melady, Pratt,
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice Presldent.
Approved Sept. 7, 1M.
By Aid. Melady-
Resolved, Thatthe Board of Public Works
are hereby ordered to construct en eight -toot
wooden ,it. it on the east side of Bidwell
street, from Delos street to Dakota avenue.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con-
ley, Gehan. Liethauser, Minea, Melady, Pratt,
Sobom, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Viae President
Approved Sept. 7, 1889.
By Aid. Blom -
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
cause an eight -toot wooden sidewalk to be can
tructed on both sides of Payne avenue, from
Maryland street to Jay street, with necessary
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom. Book, Cullen, Con-
ley, Gehsn, Leithauser, Minea, Melody, Pratt,
Sanbom, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice Pesi-
Approved Sept. 7, 1889.
By Aid. Minee-
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works be
Instructed to lay an eight -toot sidewalk on both
aides of Bidwell street, from Prospect terrace
to George street, and lay all necessary cross -
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con-
ley, Gehon, Leithauser, Minea, Melady, Fruit,
Sanbom, Sullivan, Weber. Mr. Vice President
Approved Sept 7, 1889.
By Aid. Leithauser-
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
cause a six-foot wooden sidewalk to be con-
structed on both sides of East Fourth street.
from Mendota street to English street, with
the necessary crosswalks.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, - Cullen. Con
ley, Gehan, Leithauser Minea, Melady,,
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber. Mr. Vice President
Approved Sept 7, 1889.
By Aid. Leithauser-
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
s es of Dawsont woodenidtr elf fromk to,oA
street to Birmingham street, with the neces
..ry .....walks.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con-
ley, Cuban, Leitbauser, Minea, Melady, Pratt,
Sanborn, ullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President
Approved Sept. 7. 1889.
By Aid. Leithauser-
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
cause a sixfoot wooden sidewalk to be emi-
structed on the west
from Seventh street to North street. with the
necessary crosswalks.
Yens-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Book, Cullen, Con-
ley, Gehan. Leithauser, Minea, Melody, Pratt,
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President
Approved Sept. 7, 1889. -
By AidBock-
Re8olved, That the Board of Public Werke
cause sidewalks to be Into o. the following
streets, to wit:
O. north side of Randolph, from Pleasant
to South Summit avenue.
On both sides of Victoria street. West S
Both to St. Clair street, 6 feet wide, with neces-
sary crossings, except where laid.
On east side of Washington, from Hill to
On North side of Eagle, from Third to Wash
O.south side of Eagle, from Washington
street to a pomt 80 feet east fromthe " rly
West Seventh
street. 8 feet wide, with
Yens-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con
ley, Gehon. Lelthnueer. Mine0. Melady, Pratt,
Sanborn. Sullivan, Weber. Mr. Vice Preen
Approved Sept. 7, 1889.
By Aid. Pratt-
Resolvod, Thut the Board of Public Works
cause to be constructed six (6) toot wooden side.
walks on the north side of Kendrilka street,
from Buylees nvenue to Raymond avenue, and
on the north side of Wheeler nve.ue. from
Bayless avenue to Raymondvenue, nd all
necessary crosswalks, except where walks are
already laid.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen- Coole, Gehan. -
Sanborn. Sullivan. Weber'Mr. Vice President
Approved Sept. 7, 7889.
Whereas, The Common L'ouncil of the City o1
St. Poul heretofore orderod the Board of Pub-
lic Works to report whether a change of gran l
on Barr street, between Mi.nehaha and WW
all streets, to said city, as shown by
red line on a profile annexed to said order, was
necessary and proper, and whether real estate
to be a.4..Bed for said improvement could
be found benefited to the extent of the damages
and costs to be ineurred by aaid improvement;
Whereas, In accordance with said order, the
Board o1 Public Works did make a report o
the Common Council of date Aug. 6, 1889. re
commending said change as aforesaid, and that
property could be found benefited to the ex-
tent of damages, costs Sad expenses sees
sary to be Incurred in making said change of
grade as aforesaid; and
Whereas, The Comon Council of aaid city. on
the 8th day of August. 18119, adopted said re
noticepan and ordered required by law; andty Clerk to give the
Whereas, The City Clerk gave notice In the
oaiclal paper of said City, for three successive
reekstwice in each eek, that the Common
Council of said city would, on the 3d day of
September, 1889, nt 7:30 o'clock P. m., at the
Council Chamber in said city, consider such
proposed change of grade; and
Whereas, At the time and place lost above
designated for the investigation and consid-
eration of such proposed change of grode. as
atoresnld, the inveatigotioil
n d consideration
5th dayufereof SSepa ember, 1889, aoned a t7:30 P. irned ., andtil ,
Whereas, At the time and place last desig-
etedtor euok prop.sed change o[ grade, the
common Council, after hearing 511 persons in-
terested and being of the opinion that the
same is necessary and proper; therefore be
Resolved that the grade of Burr
street, between Min.ehaha and Whltall
streets be and the same fa hereby
changed in accordance with the red line as
shown on the annexed profile, being the same
as referred to in all the poceedinge had in re-
gard o said change; ad be it further
Resolved, That this order and the profile
repreeentl% acid change of grade be referred
to the Board of Public Works, and that said
Board .batt of
without delay to assess
the amount, as nearly are they can ascertain
the same, which will be required to pay the
damages, costs and expenses of ouch unprov�-
to be b..Bflted
mid Imont provement, p ov ded bylaw, Rhein
the opinion of the Common Council that real
estate to be assessed for such Improvemeat
can be found benefited to the extent o[ the
damages, costs and expenses necessary to be
incurred thereby.
Yens-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Book, Cullen, Co.
ley, Gehan, Lelthaeaer, Minea, Melody, Pratt,
Sanborn, Sullivan- Weber, 11 Vice President
Approved Sept. 7, 1889.
By Aid. Lel
r -
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
Of the City of St. Paul.
That the matter o1 u change of grade on
Hope street, from Sixth street to East Fourth
street, be and the same is hereby to
(erred to the Board of Public Works to in-
vestigate and report:
Fiat. Is this improvement proper and nec-
Second. ereGivthe d uncilstate nn estimate o e- the
expense thereof. and state whether one-half
of the cost thereof Is to be paid intothe City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for said
improvement be found benefited to the extent
of damages, costs and expenses necessary to
be incurred thereby"
Fourth. Is such improvement eked for
upon the petition or application of the. owners
of a majority of the property to be aressed for
such improvementP
Fifthpp Send the Council a plan or profile of
report in favor Oft
he'esme rad by law, if you
Sixth. Send the Council a proper. order di-
recting the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Book, Culle., Con
ley, Gehan, Leithauser, Minea, Malady, Pratt,
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Met. Vice Preeldent
Approved Sept. 7,-1889.
By Alt. Loithsusor—
It a hereby ordered by;the; Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of a change of grade on Hud.
son avenue, from Forest street W Mendota
street, be and the same is hereby referred to
the Board of Public Works to Investigate and
Fimt.ils thls'improvement proper and nec-
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether one-half of
the cost thereof Is to be paid Into the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can re at tote to be -.eased .for
ant Improvement
dame nt De found benefiteto the
gee, costs and expenses ueces
Baty to be Incurredlthereby?
Fourth. Is such improvement asked for
upon the petition or application of the owners
of . majority of the property to be assessed for
a Fifth. Send the Council a plan o profile of
said Improvement,
the the
by I—, if you
report ifavor of
Slxth. Send the Council a proper order di-
recting the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Book, Cullen, Co.
ley, Gehan. Leithauser, Minea, Melody, Pratt,
San Dorn, lullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President
Approved Sept. 7, 1889.
By Aid. Conley—
It ishereby ordered by the Common Council
the City of St. Pani:
That the matter of pwavivg Lclons court with
cedar blocks a d odev rbing be ntl
be same ie Dery referr
ebed to the Board of
Public Works to investigate and report:
sFirst. Is this improvement proper and e nee
s ryP Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
pensethereof. and state whether on half of
the coat thereof is to be paid leu the City
Treveurp before the contract 1s let.
Third. Co. real ante o be s e d for
.afdimprovement be found benefited to the
extent of damages, costs and expe.... .ere
nary to be. incurred thereby.
Fourth. Ie m
such iprovement tusikod for
upon the petition or application of the owners
of a majority of the property to be assessed for
such o
ch imprvementP
Fifth. Sendthe Council o plan or preflle of
said Improvement, as requ tred by law. if you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di
recting the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Book, Cullen, Con'
Sanborn. Sullivan, nWeberr,, Mr. Vico President
Approved Sept. 7, 1889
By Aid. Leithauser—
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of opening Pacific street,
from Hester etre st to Hastings avenue. be and
the same is hereby referred to the Board of
Public Works to Investigate and report:
First. Is this improvement proper and neves
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expenses thereof, and state whether one-half
I the cost thereof is to be paid Into the City
Treasury before the contract if jet.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
said improvement be. found benefited to the ex
tent of damages, coats and expenses necessare
to be incurred thereby?
Fourth. Ie such Improvement asked for upon
LDe pt Bj'On or application of the owner. of a
majority of the property to be assessed for
such /mp_accent?
.p Send the council plan or profile of
report I.aid I -n favor oftthessameulred by law, If you
. lead the Council a proper orderm
recting the work W be den..
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen. Con
ley, Gebanr.Lelthauser. Minim, Melody, Pratt,
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr Vice President
Approved Sept. 7, 1889.
By Aid. Leithanser—
It lehereby ordered by the Common Council
If the City of St. Paul:
Theca the. matter
f opening Suburban
a , from ,Mound street to English
street, be and the same le hereby referred [o
the Boatd of Public Works to investigate aad
First. Is this Improvement proper and neces-
Second. Giv the Council an estfm me of the
expense thereof, and state. hether ,half
f the ,at thereof le to be paid t W the City
Treasury before the contract ie let.
Third. Can real estate to be uas... Ed for said
improvement be found benefited to the ex-
tant of dermage costs and expenses necessary
to be incurred thereby,
h. is such i
Fou 11,
fie ptty of the tltion or amPicatlov of tovement hekowners
m.jorprroperty to be .......d
for such improvement?
Fifth. Send'the Council a plan or profile of
sold Improvement, as required by law, if you
report In favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council v proper order di-
rectinR idle work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock, Chile.. Co.
Ey, Gehan. Lpithaueer. Mine., Melody. Pratt.
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President
Approved Sept. 7, 1889.
13y Aid. Weber—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the mat Charles to Edmond est set,
EI[elt -treat, re ferredsto ,the
be d the me is hereby
Board of Y ce". Works to investigate d
First, Isthis Improvement proper svdve
ary P sSecond. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof. and state whether one-half o[
the coat thereof istubs
tobs paid foto the City Trees
cry before the,
is let.
,Third. rovement be found benefited, to the. exIssed for
s id
Imp tent ofa costs and ex sea necosaery
to belncurred thereby` Pen
Fourth. Is such improvementasked for up-
on the .majoPtylo[ the ti*l or property tolication obehassessed9If
such improvement?
Fifth. Send thO Council n plan or profile of
aidtn roveme ts
, a required by law, if you
report i
a Council
e- proper order di-
recting the work Yeas—Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock. Cullen, Con-
Gehan, Leithauser, Minna, Melody, Pratt.
Sa b. Sullivan. Weber, Mr. Vice President
Approved Sept.'!. 18119.
It is hereby ordored by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the. tter of grading nn alley in block
., Rn Y s addition, be and Lhe same is hereby
referred tohe Bo..d of Public Works to in
estigatn and report:
First. Is this improvement proper and neves
SeconpEE.,c th ereof. t
of.and state whetber one half of
the cost thereof to be p id Into the Clty
Treasury before the cona
trct is let.
Third. Can real estate to be a-c—ed fat
id improvement be found benefited ti
the extent of dam iges.costs and exuevses nee
nry to be incurred tbreby'.'
Fourth. Is Such Improvement asked fol
Pon the petition or application of the owner:
of a majority of the properly to be assessed fol.
such impr.vemept. hlc o
Fifth. Send the Couvctl v pi elawroif yoI
aid improvement, s require y'
report In favor of Lhe some.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di
recting the work to be done.
Y cies—Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con
ley, Gehan. Leithauser, Minea, Malady, Pratt
S anbery Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice Preside.
Approved 7, 1889.
By Ald, Conlcv—
IL Is Dereby prtlered by the Common COunc
of the City of SL Paul:
That the matter f paving Sibley attest. b,
twee. Ninth and Spruce tracts, with cedt
blocks nrefrredifu LDe 13o:trd o[ Public Worl
to investigate
one report:
First. Is this improvement proper and nee-
i..rvP stionate
ieeexpense hereof, nd state nwhetli.r o et
icy Treasury before thof e con to tactic letnro the
Third. Cantrbe fountd to b.s d to the aid
_t of damage costs and expenses necessary
t be incurred thereby?
rti—ment asked for
'on the
the petitlpcor application t ication ofthe owners
f a majority of the property W be assessed for
uch improvement?
Fa improvement,
Sendtheerica quirl a ed bylan rlaw. it you
file of
s provem en
sport in favor of the some.
Sixth. Send the Coancll o proper order dl-
ecting the work to be done.
Yens—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock,
'tt,SanbornSullivan WeberMr. Vi
'resident -14.
Approved Sept. 7. 1889.
3y Ald. Geha—
Itl.hereby ordered by the Common Council of
he City of St. Paul:
That the matter of ""I- itinggf atuna00wpeeaenn
sower ntrU, t f airy av .nue I L6ehe rth line
t[ ]ot -block t, Lambert Co.'e addition, be
t d tbI same fs hereby referred to the Board
I[Ft st1Ii Is this itmprovement proper and pn rt.
�sSecond. Give th'he cost thereof I.e Cannot, an estimate o[ the
expense thereof, and state whether on -halt o[
T casury before thetconit etThIrd. Can real estate to be is let paid LO the City
d far
said ImProvemen be found benefited to the I4
tonDei carred tltecost. t ofreby.vd expenses necessary
Fourth. issue h nprovement asked for capon
the pity o f Irhepprope ty to be v 'Of the owners of
much Improvement?Croc res
s Filth. Send the Coancll r Pal by low, ife of
Yensaid improvement, Its r'equ re
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send theCouncil v proper order
directing the work to be done.
Yeas—Aid. iBckel, Blom. Bock, Cullen, Con-
ley. Gehan. Lolthuuaer. Minea, Melody, Pratt,
Sunborn, Suthvan, Webor, Mr. Vice President
Approved SepL 7, 1889.
By Aid. Sulllvoa—'
ofltbe be oI S r Paud by the Common CnunC11
o-om Fuit�iewt__._U
.nue to cf vela as n one the
Worksat0 investigate and reporthe
tB.oard of Public
First. Is this improveMs., proper and nec-
eSSecond. Give the Council an estlem I of the
e pense thereof. and state whaidother -h 11
of the cost thereof
the contract 1. let. LDe Cit>'
Third. Can rea: estate to be assessed for
said improvement be found benefited to the
extent of damages. costs and expenses neces-
sary to be incurred Ill—by?
Fourth. Is Such Improvement asked for upon
thepetition or application of the owners of a
m improvement?ty of the
eproperty to be assessed for
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said improvement, as required by law, if you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order db
resting the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Culla., Con-
ley, Gahan, Lelthauser, Mi.ea, Malady, Pratt,
Sanborn, Sullivan. Weber, Mr. Vice President
Approved Sept. 7, 1889.
By Aid. Sullivan—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of grading Lincoln avenue.
from Fairview avenue to Cleveland, be and the
same Is. hereby referred to the Board of Public
Works to investigate and report:
First. Is this improvement proper and nee
Second. Give the Council an estimate of
the expense thereof, and state whether one-
half of the cost thereof is to be paid into the
City Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
said improvement be found benefited to the
extent of damages, costs and expenses neces-
sary to be incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such improvement asked for
upon the petition or application of the owners
of a majority of the property to be assessed for
such Improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said Smprovement, as required by law, if you
report In favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Caudoncil a proper order di-
recting the work tobe ne.
Yeas—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen. Co-
ley, Gehan, Lelthauser, Mines, Melody, Pratt,
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President
Approved Sept. 7. 1889.
By Aid. Leithausei—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of grading Duluth avenue,
from Seventh street to East Fourth street, be
and the a is hereby referred- to the
Board of Public Works to investigate and
First. Is this improvement proper and nec-
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether one-half
of the cost thereof is to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract Is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
said improvement be found benefited to the
extent of damages, costs and expenses neces-
sary to be incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such improvement asked for upon
the petition or application of the owners of s
majority of 'the property to be assessed for
.uch improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said improvement, as required by law, it you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di
c -
r • ling the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen. Coe
ley, Gehno, Lelthauser, M1nen, Melady, Pratt.
Sanborn. Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President
Approved Sept. 7. 1849.
By Aid. Weber—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of grading Argyle site at
from Front street to N. P. Railroad, be
and the same is hereby referred to the Board
of Public Works to investigate and report:
First. 1s this improvement proper and neces
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether one-half of
the cost thereof at to be paid late the City
Treasury before the, contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be ussessed for
said improvement be found benefited to the
extent of damages, costs and expenses neces-
sary to be incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such improvement asked for
upon the petition or application of the owners
of a majority of the property to be assessed
for such improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or prattle of
said improvement, as required by law, if you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order
directing the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Book, Cullen, Can
ley, Gabon, Lelthauser. Mlnea, Melady, Pratt.
Sanborn, Sullivan. Weber. Mr. Vice President
Approred Sept. 7. Ift).—
By Ald. Gehaa—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of tae City at, I. Paul:
Thatthe matter of constructing sewer on
Broadwny street, from Thirteenth street to
Grove street, be and the same Is herebyre
tarred to the Board of Publ(a Works to in
vestigate and report:
First. - Is this improvement proper and nee
Second. Give the Council n. estimato of the
expense thereof, and state whether one-half of
•.he cast thereof is to be paid into the City
Treasury before the con[rnat is let.
Third. Co. real estate to be asSe.sed for
said improvement be found benefited to the
extent of damages, costs and expenses neces
sary to be incurred therebyt
Fourth. Is such improvement eked far
upon the petition or application of the owners
of a majority of the property to be assessed for
such improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council a pian or profile of
said Improvement, nS required bylaw. if you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di
recting the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Blekel, Blain, Bock, Callon, Cen
lev. Gehan, Lelthauser, Mines, Melady, Pratt.
Sanborn. Sullivan. Weber. Mr, Vice President
Approved Sept. 1989.
By Aid. Yoerg—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter or constructing a sewer on
Georghgha Some i
streetfrom Ohio to Wasoe¢ street, be
and areferred to tp port: of
PublicoWorksto investigate and re
First. Is this improvement proper and nee
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense tbereof, end elate whether one halt of
the cost tberehf is to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be a.sessed for
said improvement be found benefited to the ex
tent of damages. colts and expenses necessary
to be incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such improvement asked for upon
the petition or application of the owners of u
majority of the property assessed for such im
Fifth. send the Council¢ plan or profile of
said improvement, as required bylaw. if you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di
noting the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen, Can.
toy, Gahan, I.efthauser, Mines, Melody. Pratt.
S..born, Sullivan, Weber. Mr. Vice Presi
dent -14.
Approved Sept. 7, 1889.
By Aid. Pratt—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of grading Raymondave-
nue, from Langford avenue to Dudley avenue,
and Dudley avenue, from Raymond ¢venue tc
Gibbs avenue, be and the same Is hereby re
tarred to the Board of Public Works toi.vesti
gate and report.
First. Is this improvement proper and use
Second. Give the Council an estimate of
the -apense thereof, and state whether ane
half of the cost thereof is to be paid into the
City Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Cm real estate to be ¢ssessed fol
said improvement be found benefited to the
extent of damages, costs and expenses neces
sary to be incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such improvment asked far upot
the molorityion or ot thea application to the owners of he assessed to£
such Improvem ant?
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile o
said iminfav
o mofthe required by law, if Y.
reporSixth. Send the Council a proper order di
noting the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Calle.. Cor
Sanborn, bo n, S.111—ii, Mr. Viccy['relde.
Approved Sept. 7. I&W
By Ald. Sullivun—
It fa hereby crdered by the Common Counc:
of the Catty of St. Paul:
That t a matter o1 grading Amos ei rea
iformerly Ferdinand street). between St. Ar
thony avenue and ,an , treat. Park i
as per request of Petitioners, be Sand th
isarea hereby
sa roa[dof Public
Yorksinvestigate cod .par
First. Is this improvement proper and nee
Second. Give the dCouncil
whether one-half of
at the
penst thereof, on
be asury before the contrthereof Is to be act as let LTC City
Third. Cun real estate to be ...eased for
fxt .t of damagesrovament h osis adbenefited d expenses to the
;cry to be incurred thereby. n
Fourth. Is such Improvement asked for
Ilion the on Of the owners
it a majority otheproperty ff on rroplto be .ssessed for
inch improvemeutf
Fifth. Send the Council It plan or profile of
!aid improvement, as required by law, if you
•sport in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di-
-acting the work to be dean.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel. Blom. Bock. Cullen, Co.-
1SO GabnBy born aSellivanuR'eberffMr VMlceePresident
Approved Sept. 7. 1887.
By Aid. Sullivan—
lt Is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St Paul:
That the matter of grading F.Irview avenue,
from Marshall avenue to Randolph street, be
and the same is hereby referred to the Board
of Public Works to investigate and report:
First. Is this improvement proper and nee
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether onehalt of
thethere.1.liinto the City
Treasury before the contra as',at
aIld iimprovement beCan Mul tfounit benefited to the
extent of damages, costs anto be jissessed for
d expenses neces
sary tobe incurred thereby`.
upon the petition oSuchr upplicat on of the wners
of a majority of the property to be assessed for
such improvement?
Fihh. Sentl the Council a plan or profile of
said I. v.m..t. ns required by law, If you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di
recting the work to be done.
Yeas—Aid. Bickel, Blom. Boc,rcaik, Cullen, Col
le, Gabon, Loiths.Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber. Mr. i elsPresidentt
Approved Sept. 7, 1889.
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Pnrtl.
That the in of grading McMeuemy
street, from Case street to the north city
limits, be an the amo is hereby referred
Lo the Board of Public Works to investigate
.ad report.
First. Is this improvementproperand neces-
Second. Give the Council and estimate of
the expense thereof, ard
state whether one
half of the cost thereof is to be paid into thr
City'rreasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed fm
said Improvement be found benefited to the ex
tent of damages, costs and expenses necessary
to be Incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is ...b improvementsked lot
upon the petition or application of the owners
of a majority of the property to be assessed for
such Improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile o1
said improvement, as required by law, if you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di
recting the work to be done.
Yens-Ald. Bickel, Blom Bock, Cullen, Con-
ley,Leithsuser. Gahan, Mines, Melady, Pratt.
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President
Approved Sept. 7, 1889.
Inthe matter of the reportof the Boarder Pub
11c Works dated Sept. 2, IHg9.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Counoll of
the City of St. Paul: '
That the Board of Public Works of said City
of St. the
cause the following Improvement
to be made, to wit: Grade Randolnh street, from
Hemline avenue to Cleveland avenue in
said city. That said Board cause said work to
be let by contract,provided by law, without
one-half the estimated cost be first paid into
the City Treasury, and after shall be
placed under contract said Board shall proceed
without delay to assess the amount, as nearly
as they can ascertain the same, which will be
required to pay the Dost sad necessary expenses
of such Improvement upon the rent estate to be
be.. used
by sum imppr ement, as provided by
law; ft being the opinion of the Council that
sal estate to be assessed for such improve
ment can be found benefited to the extent of
the costa and expenses necessary to be incurred
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen. Co.
ley, Coban, Le/tbnu
14. ser, Miaea, Melody, Pratt,
Sanborn, Sall iv".
Mr. Vice President
Approved Sept. 8, 1869.
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works dated Sept. 2, 1889.
It is hereby orders. by the Common Council
f the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of said City
St. Paul cause the following improvemeat
to be made, to -wit: Grade Grace street, from
Colborne street to Western avenue, in said city.
That said board cause work to be let by
contract, as provided by Isw, without Cobalt
the estimated cost boles Ilr.t paid into the Cfty
Treasury, and ¢four said work shall be placed
under contract said Board shall proceed
without delay to assess the amount, as
nearly as
they cad ascertain the same, which
will be required to pay the costs and
❑ecesssryexpenses of such Improvement upon
the rem estate to be benefited by said Improve
ofd thea C...oil thatrovided ylaw; It real estate trg beanseei... d
for such impro nt can be found benefited
to the extent of the c is and expense. se
e. sary to be incurred thereby.
Yens-Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con
ley, Gahan, Lefthauser, Mine", Mol adv. Pratt,
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice Fyresident
Approved Sept. e, 1689.
In the matter of the reportof the Board of Pub
lie Works dated Sept. 2, IM9.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of said City
of St. Paul cause the following improvement
to be made, to -wit: Construct a sewer on Ed
mund street, from Marlon street to Elicit
street_ in said city.
That said Board cause said work to be let by
contract, as provided by law, without one-half
the estimated cost being first paid into the
City Treasury, and after said work shall be
placed under contract said Board shall pro
ceed without delay to assess the amount, as
nearly as they can ascertain the same, which
will be required to pap the tlosts and necessary
expenses of such improvementto the
extant of 81.75 per toot upon the real
estate, to be benefited by said improvement,
as provided by Iaw: it being the opinion of the
Council that real estate to be assessed for
ch improvement can be found benefited to
the extent of 81.75 per foot towards the costs
and expenses necessary to be incurred
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Book. Cullen. Con-
ley, Gahan, Leitbauser. Mines, Melody, Pratt,
Son born, Sullivan. Weber, Mr. Vice. President
Approved Sept. 7, 1889.
In the matter of the report of the Board of Pub
Ile Works doted Sept. % 18119.
It i. hereby Ordered by the Common Council of
the Cit- of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of said City
of St. Paul cause the following improvemeat
to be de, to wit: G
tween Lexington rade Batch street, be.
avenue and Victoria street,
and Orchard street, between Lexington avenue
and Victoria street, under one contract, in said
That said Board ,use said work to be let by
tentract, as provided by law, without one-half
e timate. c st being first into the
City Treasury, and ager id work hall be
der tract said Board shall pro
ceed without delay to assess then cunt, as
nearly as they can ascertain the same,
which will be required to pp the cost
and necessary expensea of auct.T proveme.t
upon the real estate to be benefited by said Im
prevenient, as provided by law; it being the
opinion of the Council that real estate to be
assessed for such improvement can be found
benefited to the extent of the costs and ex-
penses necessary to be incurred thereby.
Yeas -Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen. Con-
ley, Gehan. Liethauser, Mines, Melody, Pratt,
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr: Vice President
Approved Sept. 7, 1889.
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Work. dated Sept. 3 1889.
It i. hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the city of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Work' oof said City
of St. Paul cause the following improvement
to be made to wit: Grade Broadway, from
Grove street to Thirteenth street, in said city.
That said Board cause sold work to be let by, a. provided by law, without o e half
the estlm ated cost being Bret paid into the City
Treasury, and after said work shall be placed
under contract, said Board .bull proceed with-
out delay to assess the amount, as nearly
as they can woertain the same. which
will be required to pay the costs and
necessary expenses of such improvoment
upon the real estate to be benefited
by aidimprovement, a provided by law:
it being the opinion of the Council that
real estate to be assessed for such improve-
ment can be found benefited to the extent of
the costs and expenses necessary W be in-
curred thereby.
Yeas -Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con-
ley, Gahan, Leithauser, Mmea, Melady, Pratt,
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vfce President
Approved Sept. 7,18W.
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works the Sept. 3, 18.9.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of said City
of Saint Paul cause the following improvement
to be made, to wit: Grade the alley in block 24.
of Mackubin & Marshall'. addition, to said
city. That said Board • nae said work
Lobe let by contract, as provided by law.
without one-half the estimated cost being
firstpaid into the City Treasury, and after
said work shall be placed under contract
said Board shall proceed without delay to as -
sees the amount, a9 nearly as they can aster
Lain the same,wbich will be required to pay the
n of the Council that real estate to be
tr such improvement can be found
o the extent of the coats aad ex -
Approved Sept. 7. 1889
In the matter of the report f the Board of
Public Works dated Aug 25. 1889.
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of said City
of St. Paul cause the following improvement
to be made, to -wit: Grade Stinson street.
from Gaultier street to Western avenue, I.
That said Board cause said work to be
let by contract, as provided by.
y law, without
e half the estimated co t befog erstpid
Into the Cit Treasury and after said work
shall be placed under contract said Bo.rd
shell proceed without delay to assess the
amount, as nearly as they can scertafn
the same, which will be required W c y the
coats and uponthe
expenses of s h lm -
died by staid improvement.
ementeal . e.e.ecd foraeState ptoro be
law: It being he
opleso. of the Council Lh.1
e.roast ceh imrve
an bet found bene. ed to the extent of
curred tto and expenses necessary W be in
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen, Cop
1ey.Gehan. I.eithaueer. Mines, Melady. Pratt.
Sanborn, Sullivan. Weber, Mr. Vice President
Approved Sept. 7. 1889.
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works Sept. 2, 1889.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of said City
if St.Paul cause the following improvements to
is made, to -wit: Construct a aewer on Au -
•ora avenue, from Wester. .venue to Dale
street, and on Kent street- from University
!venue to Auror avenue. I. said City, under
1ne eantraet.
That said board cause said work to be let by
o tract, as provided law, without one half the
timated cost betnq first paid into the
^ity Treasury, and after said work
.shall be placed under contract said
Board shall proceed without delay to
eseees the amount. as nearly as they can as-
certain the same. which will be required to pay
the costs and necessary of Hund
improvement to the extent of81:.5 per
foot upon the real estate to be ben-
dted by said improvement, as pprovided by
law; it being the opinion of the C until that
real estate to be assessed for such improve-
ent no b found benefited to the extent of
81.76 ser foot towards the costs and expenses
necessary to be incurred thereby.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen, Co.
ley, Geh.n, Lettheuxer, Mines, Melady, Pratt,
Sanborn, Sullivan. Weber, Mr. Vice President
Approved Sept. 7. 1889.
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works dated August 26, 1889.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Work. sgof said City
to be made, Paul etc wit' !Pave ¢the "ley in
block 71 of Dayon and Irvine's addition,
s id fta, wish edar block.. That
said Board au said work to be let by
contract, asprovided by law. without ane halt
the ti -.ted cot being first paid into the
City d under contractesaid Hours shalshall
p ithout delay to assess the amount, ae nearly
.s they can ascertain the same, which will be
required - paythe costs and necessary ex-
peeel6eseetae such
to be improvement benefited upyn sold
improvement, as provided by low; it
being the opinion of the Counoll chat real
estate to be assessed for such Improvement
can be found benefited to the extent of the
costs and expenses necessary to be Incurred
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Clines, Co.
P sit,
Sanborn, Sullivan, seer,• Mr. VicaMolt e Prmd-
Approved Sept. 7, 1889.
In the "otter of the reports of the 13 rd of
Public Works dated June 1 and Sept. 5, 1889.
Ittihe er hereby SSt. Paul:
Ord er d by the Common Council of
That the Board of Public Works of said City
f St. Paulanus. the following improvement
to be made, to wit: Grade Hope street to a
full grade, from Minnehahn street to Frances
at et,
and to a parti.1 grade from France.
street W East Fourth street, in said city.
That said Board cause said work to be let by
contract, as provided by law, without tae hall
the estimated cost being Drat paid no Lhe
City Treasury. and site old w k shall be
placed ndercontrct Said Board Bhall pro
sed without delay to assess the amount, as
n rly as they can ascertain the same. which
will be required to pay the costs and neeessaty
expenses of such improvement upon the real
estateto be benefited by said improvement, as
providd bylaw; it being the opinion of the
Council thatreal estate to be assessed for such
imprevemeDI can be found benefited to the ex
tent of the costs unit expenses necessary to be
i ncurrred thereby.
Yens—Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen. Con
ley, Gahan. Lefthauser, Mines. Melody, Pratt,
Sannom, Sullivan, Weber, Dfr. Vice Presfdent
Approved Sept 7. IS:9.
In thetter f the report of the Board of
Public "S'o rks dated Sept. 2. 1889.
Itis hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of said City
I St. Paul cause the following improvement
to be made, to wn: Plit Iu one sewer connec-
tion for lots 1. 2 and S. of Hopkins' Addf-
I on, in said city. Thut said Board cause
said Fork to be let by contract, as
provided by
law, without one half the BE
Breated cost being first paid into the City
'treasury. and after said work shall be
oder ed tract said Board shall pro-
ceed without delay to assess the amount, as
nearly as they can ascertain the same, which
will be required o pay the costs and necessary
expenses of such Improvement, to the extent
of SI. _ per toot upon the real estate
to be benefited by said ' oovemeilt, as
provided bylaw; It bein{! the pinion of the
t.00aril that real estate to be assessed for such
improvement can be found benefitedto the ex-
tent of Sl.i i per toot towards the sts and ex
Penes n . s ry to be incurred thereby.
Peas—Ald. Bickel. Blom. Bock. Pullen. Con-
ley. Geban, Leithauser, Mined. Melady, Pratt,
Sanborn, Sullivan,Weber. Mr. Vice Prest-
Approved Sept. 7. 1M'9.
In the mutter of the report of the Board of
Pub] to Works dated Aug. 26, 18X9.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
pkat the Board of Public Works of said City
of St. Paul cause the following Improvement to
be made. to wit: Pm'e the alley to block 15 of
Whitney & Smith's addition, in said city, With
ceder blocks, from Fifth street to Wacouta
That said Board cause said work to be let by
contract, as provided by law, without one half
the estimated cost being first paid Into the
City Treasury. and after said work shall be
placed under contract said Board shall proceed
without delay to asaess the amount, as nearly
as they can ascertain the same, which will be
requirod to pay the costs and necessary exi
pensee Of sorb Improvement upon the real
estate to be benefited by said improvement, as
provitled by law, It being the opinion of the
(:ouncil that real estate to be assessed for such
improvement can he tound benefited to the ex
tent of the costs and expenses necessary to be
icnired thereby
Yeas—Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock. Cullen. Con-
ley,Gahan, Leithauser, Mines, Melody, Pratt,
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice Prosident
Approved Sept. 7, Will.
In the matter of the report of the Board of Pub
It. Works dated Sept. 5, 1889.
It 1s hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of said City
of St. Paul cause the following Improvement
W be made. to -wit: Grade Mackubfn
atreet, from Como"
tie to Front
atreet, in xntd city. That sold board
cause said work to be let nv con-
tract. as provided bylaw, without t ne-half the
estimated cost being first paid into the City
treasury.and after aid
k hall be yylaced
under con tract, Bald Board shag proceed with
outdelay to assess
the same, , s thea unt ee nearly as
they can ascertain which will be re-
quired to pay the meta and necessary
expenses of Such imp e L upon the real
estate to be benefIted by satd fmprovement,as
provided bylaw; It being the opinion of the
Council that real estate to be assessed for such
Improvement can be found benefited to the ex-
tent of the costs and expenses necessary to be
incurred thereby.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Book, Cullen, Con
ley. Geh m. Leithauser, Mines Melady, Pratt,
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President
Approved Sept. 7. 1889.
In the matterof the report of the Board of
Public Works the
Aug. 13, 1859.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of said City
Of St. Paul cause the following improvement
to be made. to -wit: Construct a sewer on
University avenue, from Lynnhurst avenue
to Fairview avenue; on Lynnhurst avenue west.
from Feronia avenue to University avenue: on
Feronia avenue, from Prior avenue to Fairview
avenue; on Bremer avenue, from University
avenue to Waltham avenue; on Prior avenue,
from Feronia avenue to Carroll street; on St.
Anthony avenue, from Cleveland avenue to
Ferdinand street: on Milwaukee avenue, from
Astoria avenue to Merriam place: on Merriam
place, from Milwaukee avenue to Prior ave
due; on Rondo street, from Terrace Park ave
one to Fairview avenue: on Carroll street, from
Wilder avenue to Fairview avenue: on Iglehart
street, from Cleveland avenue to Fairview are
one: on Cleveland avenue, from Power street
to Marshall avenue: on Wilder avenue, from
St. Anthonyenue to Iglehart street: on
Monte avenue, from Carroll street to Marshall
avenue; and on Marshall avenue, from Fair-
view avenue to the Mississippi river, in said
oily, together with the necessary catch -basins
andmanholes, said sewering to be done under
one contract.
That said Board cause said work to be let by
ntraci, as provided by law, without one-half
the estimateddeath""" rst paid into the City
rmasury, and otter said work shall be placed
Inder eontracc.selit Board shall proceed without
Inlay to assess the amount, as nearly BE they
;an ascertain the same, which will be required
to pay the cost and necessaryexpenses of
such improvement, to the extent $1
of .75 per
toot upon the real estate to De benefited by
tam Improvement, .e provided by law: it
being the Opinion of the Cnoncil that real
Call be mond In ...led tto the extent of @7 nt
per foot cowards the cost and expenses necee
Bary to be incurred therebr.
yeas—Aid. BlCkid Blunt. Book, Cuilen, Con-
ley, 6ehan. Leithauser. Moes, Malady, Pratt.
Sanborn. Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vto. President
Approved Sept. 7, I889.
Ae Pres d YOEPresident
of C Jrs.,
Vice DERG ST, of y Cl rkoll.
TROs. A. PRENDErsGAST, City Clerk.
.cpeclal Mneting.
ST. PAUrn Sept. 13, 1@l9.
Vice Preelde It Yoorg In the Chair. Cullen, Conley,
PreaeGell ana Kavanagh 1Ml. Bickel. nea, Malady, Sul
Yvan, Weber, Mr, Vice President -12.
From His Honor the Mayor—Call for the
His Honor the Mayor called the meetingq at
request of Aid. Sanborn. Sullivan add Mines
forthe purpose of considering award of Board
of Public Works of contract for construction
of a sewer on Selbyavenue, from Victoria
street to F.irvfew avenue.
Delos Street Sewer—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works have had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
Common Council, approved Aug. 2+1. 1&89, taloa
live to the construction of a sewer on Delos
treet,from Hall avenue to Stryker -venue
having investigated the proposed improve
Respectfully report that said improvement is
necessary and proper, together with the neces-
sary catch -basins and manholes; "bat the esti
mated eneed gotxpense thereof to 88'25. one-half of which
the contract is et; that Cityreal estate Treasury
be ase
teased therefor can be found bonefitted to the
extent o[ the cost and expenses necessary Lo
be incurred thereby; that said improvement Is
not asked for by a petition of a ma}orlty of tae
we herewitowners of hr, end ato be plan orseased profiprofiletherefor,
said mt
provement, and an order for your adoption, it
you desire tie to make the improvement.
yeas, 4; nays, 0.
R L. GONNAN, President.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
Sept. 9, I889.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
Selby Avenue Sewer Contract—
The Board reports that it Doe awarded Geo.
J. Symonds the contract [or constructing a
sewer on Selby avenue, from V letorls street tar
Fairview avenue. (except ..roes the right of
tray of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Railway Company,l ecludeg the necessary
sewer connections o the property lines, he
beingq the lowest reliable and responsible bid
der therefor; amount of bid, 52ti,553; bond in
It sum of :kf.dM/, with Job B. McNamara nn❑
John C. Cabanue as mrotics.
Churchill Avenue Grading Contiacir
The Board reports that It hasaw.rdedJ.mes
CI ani fdrmerly Hampstothe contract for uda street Dfromii Frop lit
atreet to the southerly lee of the right of wap
f the St. Paul & Northern Paetac Railway
Company. he being the lowest reliable d
poneI bidder therefor: mo t of bid.
$1,27i: bond in the sum of fi300, fth l'harlas
C1aBey and E. McNamee as sureties.
Joseph Artb's Subdlt'islon Block iw, Lyman
Dayton's Adtlition, Alley Grading Contract Board reports that 1t has awarded 8 Das.
NonnemocDer the ntrae[ for. din the
alley in Joseph Artbd eub1hvislon of block 81,
of Lyman Dayton's addition, he being the only
b.ddhe being(roliaDle and r and his ire ponsible .amount
of bid, $370: Dead i all. of $rA, with John
Bold then and Peter Bolt as sureties.
Chute Bros.' Division No.2, Alley Grading Con
The Board reports that 1t has awarded Chas.
Nonnemncher the contract for grading alley in
Chute Brothers Division No. 2, ba being the
lowest reliable and r sponslble bidder there
for; amount of bid. ?19i; bond a the cm Of
840, with John Boldthen and Peter Bott as sure
Block I, J. L. Scut a Addition o Summit Park,
Alley Grading Cantract—
The Board sports that it hna awarded
Charles Gran the contract for grading the aIle}
I. block I. J. C. Stout s addition to Summit
Park. he being the lowest reliable and respon-
sible bidder therefor: amount of bid, $148; bond
in the sum of Wil. with John Gran and Michael
G riser as sureties.
Each of the foregoing awards taken up sopa
rately and approved by following vote:
Yeue—Ald. Bickel, Blom, C'ullea, Conley.
Fiche , Geb
can, X Vice P . Mines.
t Melody. Snl-
There betug ao objection there were also ap
proved awards of contracts for grading Church
111 avenue; grading alley in Joseph Arth's Sub
division of block Sr, Lyman Dayton's addition:
grodlPg alley in Chute Bros: Division No. 2;
grading alley to block I, J. C. Stout's addition
Count also adopted report of Board IPubic
Works on construction of sewer o. Delos
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works dated Sept. 9, 1889.
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of said City
of St. Paul cause the following improvement
to be made to -wit: Construct asewer on
Delos street, from Hall avenue to Stryker ave.
nue said city, together with the necessary
catoh-basins sad manholes. That Said Board
cause said work to be let by contract, as pro
vided by law, without one-balf the estimated
Dost 1,8119 Ilrst paid roto the City Treasury,
and after said work shall be placed under con.
tract, said Board shall proceed without delay to
assess the amount, as nearly i they can aa-
certafn the same which will be required to pay
the cost and necessary expenses of such im
provement upon the real estate to be benefited
by Said improvement,ae provided by law,it being
the opinion of the Council that real estate to be
assessed for such improvement can be found
benefited to the extent of the cost and ex-
penses necessary to be incurred thereby.
Yens—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Cullen. Conley.
Fisher. Gehan, Kavanagh, Mines, Malady,
Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President_ 12.
Approved Sep. 14, 181)9.
Vice -President of Council.
Regulwr Mertlu R•
ST. PAUL, Sept. 17, 1889.
Vice President Yoerg in the chair.
Present—Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen,
Conley, Fisher, Gabon, Kavanagh. Lelthnuser,
Mines, Melody, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vice President -16.
Minutes of ppreceding meeting approved and
dispensed wtth.
From His Honor theMayor—
Veto of
roeolutlon vacating lot. 1, 2, 3, 4, N 6
and inset half of lot 7. block 7, Highland Park
To the Honorable the President and Common
Council of the City of St. Paul.
Gentlemen: I have the honor to return here
with without my approval a resolution of your
honorable body vacating lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6
nd the east half o11ot 7, is block 7, of High
land Park addition to the City o1 St. Paul.
In myopinlon n public O'ge.oy demand.
the catio. of this property, which wss do.
noted ato the city for park purposes. Nor has
the Council authority or power to, seats the
same. On the contrary, public policy would
suggest and demand the matotenance of this
property for the purpose intended by the
donor, forthe reason that it Is situated in n
densely populated district, the majority of
whose inhabitants are poor people hose.
needs in this regard should be consulted nod
their accrued right. conserved. Moreover, 1t
ppI. the only park or site available for such pird our.
I h tr sets and West Seventbounded h street and
Pleasant avenue, coveringg re than a mile in
length by half a mile in wld th.
I enclose herewith the official opinion of the
Corporation Counsel covering the leggal features
involved in the attempted vacation of this
property by your honorable body.
I am, gentlemen, very respectfully. etc.,
Sept. 7, 1889.
The following is the said opinion of the Cor
poration Attorney.
Hon. R. A. Smith, MayOC—
Dear Sir: You have submitted to me the
question of the legality of the proceedings of
the Common Council vacating a ppact of block
seven (7), of Highland Park addition, conveyed
to the City of St. Paul by A. K. Barnum and
wife for a public park.
I am Inclined to think that the Common
Council has the authority to vacate a public
park under the law as it now stands.
Under our Charter no vacation of public
grounds, streets. alleys or highways is valid
until the value of the premees eo vacated has
been deposited In the City Treasury, and this
value must be fixed by
resolution of Lhe Com
mon Council by .a three fourth. vote of the
tubers elect, and shall in no case be less
than a proportionate average value of the abut-
ting property, according to the last previous
assessment for taxation.
In this case It Is proposed to deed to the city
for a pprk another piece of ground on other
streets in exchange for the property proposed
be vacated.
A careful examination of the provisions of
the abarter
bearing on this point will convince
say ...that a vacation under such circum
stances would be invalid.
County, territorial or state roads may be va
cated. providing the property owners dedicate
to the city for street purposes an amount of
land equivalent to that vacated; but this ex-
ception does not apply to public grounds,
streets, alleys or highways.
I am of the opinion then that the vacation at-
tempted to be made by the Common Council of
the property in question is clearly invalid. Re-
spectfully, O. E. HOLMAN,
Corporation Attorney.
Sept. 11. 1889.
Accepted, and vote by which said resolution
was adopted reconsidered. Yeas, 13.
The question thereupon arising upon the
adoption of aid resolution, the to f the
Mayorto the contrary notwithstanding, the
resolution was not adopted.
Nays—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con
leyy, Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Lelthauser,
Miuea, Malady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vice President -16.
From Thomson -Houston Electric Company—
Stating that, owing to many objectionable
features and the legal difficulties In the matter,
the company do not deem it wlse to accept the
ordIna... granting street railway franchise to
said company.
Ac..lited and placed on file.
From Citl.ens, Pro
aroperty Owners and Tezply-
ere of Fight W-
Transmittfng copy of resolution asking
Mnyont and Council to take immediate
LL m the matter of the
Impassable condition of West Seventh street;
also asking Council to compel St. Paul City
Railway Company to run cars On the tracks
laid on id to
forbidding running at olarge nofrcn
catt etetc.:
all. asking that sidewalks on West Seventh
street, between Jefferson .venue had TUSca
torn street, be repaired.
Accepted and placed on file.
From D. B. Merrill and Others—
Protestlug against proed bridging
n Of
Bradley street to propos g ng o
Alderman of the Ward.
From Chas. A. Moore and Others.
Asking widening of West Seventh street to
eighty feet, from Tuscarora avenue to Fort'
Snelling bridge.
Board of Public Works, with order.
From S. W. Matteson—
For permission to alter premises No. 481 St.
Peter street.
Committee on Streets.
ragpickerbe compelled
to remove his collection of rugs to a poet out-
side city limits.
Commissionerof Health.
From John Graff—
For vacation of part of Dale street.
Committee on Streets.
From A. S. Tallmadge. Secretary Chamber of
Commerce—Broadway Bridg
T. A. Prender�aet. Esq., City t;lerk.
Door Sir: The Committee of this'Chamber,
o whom was W brldgen rereferred
the the
ofesoluthe tions,
which were today adopted by this Chamber,
Resolved, That in the opinion of the Joint
Committee the Deet interests oI the oily de -
wand that the so-called Broadway bridge be
constructed as a high bridge.
It is further Resolved, That in the opinion of
the Joint Committee the Broadway bridge
should be built as w de as the Robert street
The conclusions arrived at by your Com-
mittee are as follows:
Fust—That there are no practical olAcetfons
for delaying the construction of the bridge, and
the r.=..dation that the Council be re-
quested to proceed with the work as soon as
Second—Your Committee are a favor of a
high bridge.
Third—YourCommitteo believe that the
bridge should be mode as wide as the present
Robert street bridge.
The above report of the Joint Committee woe
adopted by the following resolution:
Resolved, That the report of the Joint Com
adtadopted by tibia oo on the Chambe tlg Very respect
A. S. TALLMADGE, Secretary.
Sept 16, 1889.
Corporation Attorney.
From Como Villas and Warrendale Citizens
w yy Coall
Askinmparb to Council toperates lines by Nov. Iol city,1iM9.
oneither or both following strcet4: On Front
street, from Rice street to Lexington avenue:
in Como avenue, from Rice street to Front
street; on Front strect from Como avenue to
i.exington avenue.
Alderman of the Ward.
,f City D. RuComptroller—Audited
meley&&Son, $1,139.56:1av
F. J, Brings,
W.46; Brown, Treocy $. C'o.. 86; P. C. Lute.
16.45; D(spat0h PrintieR Compaop. S2.W; G. W.
Merrill, V.50; Mathew Craig, 65; St. Paul Rub
her Company, 8L68: St. Pant Furniture Com-
pany, M.70: G. Mitsch, $1113.04: Robins.. &
Cary, $'30.05: Nicoll & Dean, t12R0; Baker &
Moffat, ff1425: L. E. Shipley. 869.50: A. Jobst,
E5.85; C. C. Sharp, $18161; AvertllCal
penter Company, 4o ...";'Merrill Toilet
applyy, 81u: Mnendler Bros., �K;
American Manulscturinq Compnny, ffi21.x0;
Kavanagh & Johnson. $3; D. L. Curtice, $P0:
Brennan Lumber Company. 81,736.81: G. M.
Brack, x1.40; Noyes Br... & Cutler, 8{45.35; C.
Llch[peras, 85.5U; Lehigh Coal and Iron Com-
paay, $35; P. H. Kelly Mercantile Compnny,
89.60 F. J. Lin.e & GO.. RA125; Gabon Bros..
He ly, 83.50; J. o y, 71 N'f-l'lima Fenton,
"'; Myer' &'
#15:25; Ed. S. Bean, $150.40;
Frank Ford. $w:; Board of Water
('ommissfo¢ere, $'3.55: Schmitt &
Thoroton &ShHw, 88.50; C. eThomaas,t, 68.70 R.
Seeger. 69.`2;3; St. Paul Brass Works, $lU.SS; St.
Paul Hardware Company, 5.03: Scribner,
Libby Company, 810.13: St. Paul Foundry Gom
pn¢y, 62.25: Northwestern Ltme COR, tZ,61.fF1;
G. J. Mitach ffi Co.. 62K.tl5; J. P. Gribben Lum-
ber Company, V,870.95; G. W. G. Ferri'. 6105;
William Berland) & Co., 819: Haggerty & Mc
Teague, $5.50: J. K'hiert, 619.93: P Kelly, &%;
\V. Hogan, $3.30; Farwell, O.mun, Kirk & C..,
$��; Forrestal Bros., ?6: Fit. Gerald
Peter Leland 1 ll',; M. TierneY.86;u ayokoff'
Seamans& Heuedict. 8130.10: C. Borahani. 81;
St. Paul Gas Light Company, 87,522..1; T. Lin;
Ban. Estimate No. 1, grndm9 Midway avenue,
$I,IiA; T. Lennon, Estimate No. 1, grading
Prescott street, 8935; A. Gingles, Estimate No.
2, grodfng Rondo street, eo8310:aewerJOn No Sibley
No 6 sand anal, Wabash. street bridge sub.
structure, $9,777.98: A. F., Estimate No.
3 and final, sewer on Sixth street, $104: Thorn.
ton & Shaw, Estimate IT 5, Sprinkling Dts-
triclNo.8, 810.61; Thornton & Sh.w, Estimate
No. 1, grading Poplar street, 465.50; J. Dahl
berg, Estimate No. I, grading Lsurs avenue,
$SIO: G. Bolan. Estimate No. 1, gradioR Milton
street,. $1,360: H. J. C..pei, Estimate No. 4.
grading Rose street, etc.. $3,196: Kirkland &
Starkey. Estimate No. 1, Trout brook sewer
extension, 81,760; G. J. Symonds, E.
timate No. 1, sewer on Roble street`V95:
J. ClaRoy, Estimate No. 1, grndmg Cayuga
street, $425; T. Linea., E'ttimate No. L grad
Ing St. ABLbony .vcn e, .$i2aUi; C. H.av EET
Estimate No. 1, grading Cromwell
4255: J. T. Million, Eenmate "
Doole3 a nue, etc.. MW: Dale & Bum
Estimate No. 1, Sruding Whitall stye.
Cable S Chute, Estimate No -
Thomas street. 31,215; Cablle 1,
EstimaNo. 1, gra
tel gad. 50_. W. J. Presto
mate No. i, e n L'Orten csir
J. W.
ce st et,
,ate No. 1.
into., Ea -
51.r5: J.
No. 8,.ewer on
W. A. Daven
male NO. 4
A. Davern,
street to.
1. seweron
final, sewer on Tempe s ace trees. SIw: uaviu
No rep n, $593-15:
NDuvrdp Ja.eph 1Estimat
No. 6.
sDavidagJoI' ph,Di Estimated NO-
8, eprtkifng i Diatrfet No. 8. $1.047.96;
6i J. Kirkland, Estimate No. I1,L'Orient street
nd, Estimate
No. &West rn enSi5v400;" a sewersystem, M,460:
rson avenuGe'
Bic ee ea.&39,740; J LW. Doherty Estimate No.
1, sewer Irvine ovenuun etc.,eer o
Doherty, Estimate No. 2 d final, '
Charles .treat, 3492
Allowed and ordered paid by following vCoa-
Ye9s-Aid. Bidkel, Blom, Book, Cullea,
ley, Fisher, Gehaa, Kavanagh. Lel[hauser.
Mines, Melody, Prost. Fa.born, Sullfvnn.
Weber, Mr. Vice President -10.
Of Corporation Attorney -St. Paul and Men
dota Road Grading-
TIt Co[poration Attorney uer'o draft
on ract
said mad, anithd heir final Dole & He bond, for approval.
Aced pled avd said bold, rsad contract directed to exp
proper city
to said contract.
Leftha set,
yYyess-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen. Con-
lefneo,isMeladyeh Pratt, Snnbor.. Sullivan.
Weber, Mr. Vice President -I6.
timate -
The City Engineer submits Estimate No. 1.
't. Paul ad Mendota road grading. Dole &
Humgardner, 51,700.
Committee on cis resgg
Report for August. 1tor of 889, with City Treasur
fora 11.75-
Commitieeon Ordivances gad Public Ar-
Jf Commissioner of Health-
on efar
abatement of nuts
Commissioner of Health reports that thea Is
I t complain of since advent o[ 1.101
rather on account to the hod
l{.g { hide¢ et said premises.
but that during tba hot season
crowded street is 0Iluleance. a populous and
Aid cr ten of the Word.
Ordivance pealinq, Ordinance No. 611, Au-
thorizing rep . r. McMillan to Erect
Slaughtering SlaJughteringrHouse a NUIsaOeeeciar
The Commissioner
f Health reports that
said slaughtering house, are now 1.0.1=ted can-
not be called u nu,sonce. Tae Commissioner
calls attention to the very bad co.dltion o1 the
locality adjacent to said slaughtering boasd.
owinfast g to stogna.atent.t ttheer pools end he fact
flow uncoveredacross n Portiona'mathenOft the sLerrl-
Broadway Sewe,Ci gandGrd1nR-
T TheeBard of Publlu.o Works haiecve shad f I.P der
consideration the resolution order ofthe
Common Counetl, appoftenroved Sept. 7, 1889, rep
ewer .. Broad
ntivethe Lornmet Thirteenth strr et t Grove
way s rest.
tree[, a, having investigated the proposed
Respectfully report that it 1. nece.
eery Bud proper to grade end sewer, der
one contract, soid Broadwaystrest, from Thlr
teenth [teat t Grove street: that the
e [(muted expense hereof I. 51,038, one -Dalt of
which need not be paid into the City Treasury
bethat real state I
fasse sed therefor c..tbe found benefited to
the extent of the cost and expeuses necessary
to be incurred hereby; that said improvement
is not asked for by a petition of u majority Of
the owners of property to be assessed therefor.
and an Ober for your ladoptlott
if you desire us to make the improvement.
Yeas, 4: Buys, O.R.
L.N, President.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Boardand of of Public Works.
Of City Engineer-Cietern Opposite Douglas Se plet. d ��(Ses order to Board of
School- pp
.roved Aug.,as Ct8) for construction of resolution
(n Works 1 Also,
front o1 Douglas school with the report that
the costo[ cistu will be about Y701/. and with S.elliog Avenue Opening, Etc., and
the recommendation thot City Clrk udverti.. sippi RlverBCodureeuievnrd-
for bid., pias to be furnished by Cpry E.- Tohe
Bard t Public it o the
have had
.car. conaideatfon he resolution or order
Alderman of the Ward.
of the
aroved 16M tell
t - to the MlesissippPRiver BOB tvrdd xten-
sivesand ;Snelling [genua pening. and, Roving
tig ted the proposed improvement:
inResperctfully report that it to necessary
d p per u tromp 'd ad
h st street to the
Snelling avenue, P
edge of the bl uB near the Mlselssipp( river,
d to open, widen u d extend a street along
the blue v i r the MissssippI river, to be
known os he MississippRiver boulevard,
from the west It's of Youngman & Lamfn's
addition I. a southwesterly directon to Nest
Seventh street: that the estimated expense
thereof to i(8`J.000: that real tate to be s
.eased therefor can be fouad bene.ted to the
extent of the damages, costs and expensed neo-
asary to be Incurred thereby' that Bald im
prrovement 18 not asked for by o petition of a
aHority of the owners [ properte to be an
8 ed therefor, but we herewith nd aoplsn
fo profile f t id if Pro desirev'rellia. to make he
for your adoption, Sou
Yeas, 4; nays, 0. R. L. G ... AN, President.
W. F. EftWIN, Clerk Hoard of Public Works.
Sept. 10, 1889.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
Iloyt Avenue Grading -
Ta :he Common Counoil of tae City' of St. Paul.
consideration the der
he Board of resolution orolderf atne
Iv a to he Partial gpadfug of i.ytlnvene� from
strdd� to dDaet ahiinginvestismpov
Res.eetfuily report that said improvement
necessary and proper: twat the estimated
expense thereof Is three thousand six hundred
and seventy dollars, one-half of which Bed not
be paid into the City Teasury before the con-
tract is let: that 1 state to be asseseed
therefor can be found beneatedtohe extent
of the cost and expenses necessary to De in-
rred thereby; that .aid improvement Is
not asked for by a petition Ot Be ajority of the
owners of property to De assesed therefor, but
by I lan
r prod a of said Improvement old an oh send a rder
for your adoption, if you desire us to make the
Yeas 4; nays 0. R. L. GORMAN, President.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
Sept. 17. 1889.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
W orks.l
Robert Street Sewer -
To the GOm n. ConteRof the City Of St. Paul:
The Board of Puba
Politic Works have had der
consideration the resolution or order of the
Common Council, approved Sept. 7, 1889. rely
live to the construction eI a sewer 0. Robert
treat, "a' the
end of the present sewer at
U.iversity avenue to the Orth line
of lot 8,
block 1. Lambert and Co.'s addition.
and, having investigated the proposed improve
Respectfully report that said 1m rovemenl
Is necessary and proper,
the necessary catch -basins and manholes;
hat the estimated expense thereof 1.
I,W. ne-haof which need not be paid into
the City Treasury before the moot Is lot;
'hat real estate to be assessed therefor can be
found benefited to thio ¢bee Incurred therebyof In. cost ;
• penses necessary
:has said improvement Ie not asked for by a
petition of a majority of the owners of property
t be assessed
eherefo but we herewith send
plan or profile
improvement, an
for your adoption, if you desire us be the improvement.
Yens, 4: nays, 0.
R. L. and o f . President.
W. F. E 1889. Clerk Board o[ Public Wotke.
Sept. I7. 1089.
Adopted. (See ostler to Board of Public
Stewart Avenue Opening, Etc.-
To the CarThe Board of Public iWork ¢have Ohad Paul:
consideration the resolution or rd ofthe
Common Council, approved April 7, 1831, rola,
tive to the opening sad a Len.10. [ Stewart
from Charles B. IdIde's addition to
Fortu Street out lots to the rtb end of he
bridge crossing the Mississippi river at Fort
Snelling, and, having tnveetlgnted tae pro-
posed improvement:
Respectuily report hat is necessary and
.e.our, [ from nits id preset extend southwesterly
terminus in West End additto. to St. Paul
to Nest Seventy street; that the realestimated ex-
asse sed therefor Can on be found benefited toestateothe
extent of the cost. and expenses as ..... ry to be
incurred hereby; hat sold improvement is
not asked for by . petition of a majority of the
oe,_ of property to De assessed therefor,
but we herewith send a plan or profile of aid
improvement, and an order for your adoption,
If you desire us to make the improvement.
Yeas, 4; any& 0.
R. L. Go -
N. President
EN, Clerk Boardand of Public Works.
Adopted. (See order to Hoard of Public
T, orks.l
Lyons Court POving-
'ro the Common Council of k City h d Paul:
cBoard onsideration ofPublic Works,
orvoldertl f nth0
Common Council, approved September 7, 1889,
relative to the paving of Lyons coati ILD
ednr block. gad Wooden c.rbl.g,and, having
Investigated the proposed improvement:
Re pectfully report that id imps vement
necessary and proper: that the Lfmated
se nottDe paid intl 1,o tiotie-half .1 which Treasury before
the contract le let: that real tote t be aa-
sesaed therefor c.. be found benefited to the
extent a'
the cost nd expenses necessary to
be incurred therebthat said improvement Is
net asked for by . petitlo. of n majority of the
w ere of property to be assessed therefor. but
,0 herewith send a plan or profile of said tem.
provement, and an rder, for your adoption, if
you desire us to make file improvement.
Yeas, 4; bays, 0.
R. L. GORN.LN, Preside.[.
W. h'. F.RWIN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
Sept. 17. 1889.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
$255; J. T. Milli, m, :Estimate No. 1, gri Ai -1g
Dooley avenue, i to.. $850; Dale & Bumgarder,
Estimate No. 1, grading Whitall street, $Z8.80;
Cable S (shute, Estimate No. 1. grading
Thomas street. 31,275; Cable & Chute,
Estimate No. 1. grading Terri-
torial cad. 8850; W. J. Preston. Estt-
ate No I, sewer on L'Orlent street, ${5;
Werra -Scharf Asph. P.v. Co.. Estimate No.
, . Kent street C
$6.069; . E. Sued"?,
W. Me -
.is No. 1.
on, I s
;Ur5I J.
Maley 6. Dow, Estimate No. 8, sewer on units
worth street, etc, $1,740: W. A. Dnveu n. Esti
mate No. 4, grading Dawson street, 035: W.
A. Davern, Estimate No. 2. grading Wheeler
street, etc.. $035: W. J. Preston. Estimate No.
1, sewer on Virginia avenue, it; 5; T. Keough,
Estimate No. :3, gradingg So% avenue, ft,(W;
J. Forrestal. Estimate No.' Ohio street sewer'
system,86,t.90: G. Moline, Estimate Na. 2 and
final, newer on Temperance street $IW; David
Joseph, Estimate No. 6. sprinkling '. District
$593.15: Dartd JasePh, Estimate
.. tine 'n District NO.,
--v.tem., ?6.4170: G.
l�sewer on &Irvine J. v enueheetc. F$+;1u wJ W.
Doherty, Estimate No, 2 and fin.l, sewer on
Charles street $492•
Allowed and ordered paid by following vote:
Ye s—Ald. Bickel, Fisher, Gehan, RK, Leithu s
ley, ser
Mines. Malady, Pratt Sanborn. Sutlivan.
Weber, Mr. Vice President -16.
Of Corporation Attornev—S0. Paul sad Men.
dots Ron d Grading—
The Corporation Attorney ubmfar draft of
S.. rondwnnd Dthelrfi elbondafor approva ding
Accepted and said boon and contract ap-
eroe said contoraor city omcere directed to exe-
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Bio-, Bock, Cullen. Con
ley, Fisher. Cuban, K¢, Leithauser,
Mines, Melody, Pratt Sanborn, Sullivan.
Weber, Mr. Vice President -16.
Of City Engineer—Cistem Opposite Douglas
The City Engineer returns resolution (ap
.roved Aug. tl) for construction of a el.tern rn
front of DoUglas school with theat , l rt that
tad a
he remands. he coal of
lonithat C1 be ity Cl
e kt advertise
for bids, plane to be furnished by City En
Alder -an of the Ward.
The City Engineer submits Estimate No. I.
St. Paul and Mendota road grading, Dole &
Bumgardner, $1,700.
Committee on Claims.
Of Inspector of Buildtnggs—
Report for Auggust, 1889, with City Treasur
er's reeelptfor$841.75.
Committee on Ordinances and Public Ac
Of Commissioner of Health—
John Bayer's petition for abatement of nuts
nace, 353 and 357 Jackson street.
Commissioner of Health report. that there is
little to complain of since advent of cool
Bather On amount of the hand
ling of hides at sold pro
but taut during the hot .season
the handling of hides on a populous and
crowded Alderman of the Word.ace.
Ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 611, Au-
thorizinR Jus. T. McMillan t0 E10ct
Sleghtering House, and Resolution Deolar
'ng said Slaughtering House R Nuisance.
The Commissioner of Health reports Lao[
said slaughtering house, as now eonducted,can
not be called a nuisance. The Commissioner
ca". at t e.t'on to the very bad condition of the
localitowing io sing ontacent o said
Poolshtand gtkc tact
that theHow uncovered[aross a of theportion oft ewer the at rri
Broadway Se'
and GradI.
the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Work. have had uuder
consideration theresolution or order of the
Common Council, approvedSept 7, 1889, rel-
ative to the construction of a sewer on Broad
street rand, having from Thiistreetrteenth ed
investigated the propose
Respectfully report that it is
nary .ad proper to grade sad sewer, under
nae contract, Bald Broadway circa[, from Thlr
teenth street to Grove street: that the
estimated expense thereof is $1,% one-half of
which need not be pniU into the C[ty Treasury
before the contract's let: that cal eet.te to
ted to
t e extent ofassessed t he cost caro erefor can be Seaetlecfie.s—
to be Incurred thereby; that said improvement
is not asked for by a petition of a majorRy 0f
the owners of property to baa;sensed therefor,
but we herewith send a plan or profile of aaid
,mprovement and an order for your adoption.
if you desire us to make the improvement.
Yeas, 4: nays, O.R. L. GORMAN, President.
W. F. ERwns. Cl6rk Board of Public Works.
Sept. 17, 1889.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
Snelling Avenue Opening. Etc., and Munn,
7 The B
sltte River Boul coopmMi on li of the
of Public Work. haven had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
Common Council, approved Sept. 7, 1688, rela.
Live to the Mississippi River Boulevard exten-
sion and Snelling avenue opening, and, having
investigated the proposed improvement:
Respectfully report that it isecessary
and proper to open, wide n and extend
Sngelling avenue, from Randolph street to the
ssii river,
and sof the o open, wliden and exteuff nea
nr thed a istreet along
the bluff near the Mississippi river, to be
known ae the Mississippi River boulevard,
from the west line of Youngman & Lamin's
Seventh street; m
edirection e
theetated expense
thereof is $62,000; that real estate to be as
sessed therefor on. be found benefited to the
extent of the damages, costs and expenses nee
easory to be Incurred thereby; that said ire-
majorof a
ity of ent
itheoowners ofaskedarpr party tiol on be ne-
sewed therefor, but we herewith aced a por rofile of said lan
for your adoption, it you destre us to make order
Yeas, 4; nays, 0.
R. L. GORMAN, President.
W. F. ERwiN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
Sept. 10'1
Adopted. (See order to Boar) of Public
Boyt Avenue Grading—
il I
TBon 3 of Publicmon cWork., have hadt Paul -
The der
coneldemtlon the res19
Common Coune.,olution or order o[ under
ive to the partial grading of Hoyt eucaine, from
Concord h the e.uth proposedI
limits, mprove
Respectfully report that t sold improvement
'riexpense thI. ereof is three ihoussuit is hundred
and seventy the City Treasury bedollars, one-half of which need not
be paid Into fore the con
tract is let; that real estate to be assessed
therefor ca be found benetlted to the is nc
of the cost and t ss
expenses neceary to be In
carred thereby: thasaid improvement Is
not asked for by n petition of . majority of the
owners of by a or, but
Jorge property
We he ewltho b ed tsendfa plan
or profile of aaid improvement, and to order
for your adoption, If you desire us to make the
Yeas 4; nays 0.
R. L. OfG11.111N, President.
W. F. W, Clerk Boardand of Public Works.
Sept. "' 1
Adopted. (See order to Board or Public
Hobert Street Sewer—
To the Common Council of the City oI St. Paul
The Board of Public Works have bad ndeI
consideration the reeolutlon or order of tai
Common Council, approved Sept. i, 1889. rely
rive to the costructfon oI a sewer on Rober
street, from the end of the present sewer a'
avenue tothe 'or
th Iln0 of lot 6
block 1. Lambert nd Co.'e eddltlan
,and having investigated the proposed improve
ant: pp
mRespessary5 report
tand Prhat asidogethervem itl
then necessary catch -balls and ...holes
,hat the estimated eapase thereof is
4965, one-half of which need not bo paid into
the City Treasury before the contract 1s let;
:hat real estate to be neeessed therefor can be
'ound benefited to the extent of the cost and
;hut said improveensce ment incurred to be
ent 'a not asked for by thereby;
petition of a majority of the owners of property
to be assessed therefor, but we herewith send
I plan orprofile of said improvement, and an
order far your adoption, if you desire ns to
make the improvement.
Yea;, 4: neye, 0.
R. L. GORMAN, President.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Work;.
Sept. 17.188%
Adopted. (ee order to Board of Public
Stewart Avenue Opening, Etc.—
To the Common Council of the City of 6t. Paul:
The Board of Public WOrka have had under
consideration the resolot,.. or order of the
Common Canreft, approved April 7, 188,, rela-
tive to the opening and extension of Stewart
venue, from Charles B. Weida a addition to
Fort Street out lots to the north end of the
bridge crossing tho Mississippi river at Fort
Snelling, and, havmg investigated the pro.
posed improvement:
Respectully report that it is necessary and
proper to open, widen and extend Stewart
avenue, from its present southwesterly
terminus in West End addition to St Paul
to WestSeventh street; that the estimated ex-
pense thereof is $12,000: that real estate to be
assessed therefor con be found benefited to the
extent of the cost sad expenses necessary to be
incurred thereby; that saidImprovement is
not asked for by a petition of a majority of the
owners of property to bone assessed therefor,
but we herewith dend a an or Ian
for pourle of adoption,
mprovement, an er y p
if you desire us to make the Improvement.
Yeas, 4; naTa. 0.
R. L. GORMAN. President.
W. F. ERWIN. Clerk Board of Public Works.
Sept.l0. 1880. -
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
Lyons Court Pavin—
To the Common Coguncil of Lh@City h d Paul:
The Board of Public Wod..Sor o had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
Cel.ttva t on council,
pnvt of L, tnmourt wldtph
'cedar blocks and wooden curbmg,aid, having
investigated the proposed improvement:
Respectfully report that said Improvement
is necessary and proper; that the tim¢ted
expense thereat is $441.60, one-half of which
sed not be paid Into the City Treasury before
the contract 1. let: that regi estate to be as-
sessed therefor ca be found b...fited to the
extent of the cost ad expenses necessary to
be incurred thereby; that said fin rovement is
not asked for by a petitlon of a majority of the
owne7 of property 10 be assessed therefor. but
we he send a plan' or profile of said im-
provement and an order for your adoption, if
you desire us to make the improvement.
Yeas, 4; nays, 0.
R. L. oPresident.
W. F. F.ItWIN, Clerk boardand of
Public Works.
Sept. 17. 1889.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
S2M J. T. Idillion, Estimate No. 1, grading
Dooley a nu , etc.. 8850: Dale tlt Bumgardner,
Estimate No. 1, grading Whitnitstrect,*2,e80;
Cuble S. Chute, Estimate No.1, grading
Thomas street. 81,275; Cable &. Chute,
Estimate No. I. grading Terrl-
oriul cud. &ICU: W. J. Prtesstreeton, tE tr
It No :• n L'Orien. &85:
t sewer o
s vewe Bi'I-;
I non Chats
mete No.4, grndfug Dawson street, 4133; ding W .
A{Daveta.,Eat,Bim Estimate er
Prest2. on E.,tmate N0.
t, sewer on Vlrglnic avenue. ictal; T. Keough,
Estimate No. 3, grading6 Selby v nue, 9Re35:
J. Forrestal.Estimate No. ohlo street sewer
system, 86.1:90: G. Moline, Estimate No. 2 pd
tln.i, sewer on Temperance street. 8100; David
Joseph,SE i✓3.lo5e NDn'ia Joseph 6. prickling IEst imule
No. 6, sprinkling in Dfstrlct No. 4,
61,169.59: David Joseph, No.
6, prickling id District NE -717 .04,.96:
E. J. Kirkland, Estimate No. 11,L'Orient street
y.tem, 6'U,900; E. J. Kirkland. E,HHaet-
No. &Western avenue-w-eyate— 16,460: G.
J. Symonds, Estimate No. 4, Jefferson venue,
etc., sewer. 88,740; J. W. Doberty, Rstimate allo.
I, Sewer on Irvine avenue,T star.. 8510; J.r W.on
Allowed Sad ordered paid by following vote:
yYye C-R
on,. Bickel, Blom, 13oak, Cuen, Con-
MLuea,18Meludy.hPratt. Sab rn. Sulll van.
Weber, Mr. Vice Preeident-16.
Of Corporation Attorney—St.'Pnul Bud Men
darn Bond Gradingg Submit, draft of
The Corporation A orneyn
Fain�oad, n heirs sinoneaiorapprfor ovalaiag
proper c Ey omoere dbonandirected to 0 e
cute said contract.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Can
ley, Fisher. Gobain, Kavanagh, Lefthauser,
lc Pratt, Sulllvan�
Weber. Mr.ViPesid
Of City Engineer—Cistea Opposite Douglas
The CitY Engineer returns resolution (app
Proved Aug. 8) for eo.3truoti0n of a clstea it
ront o[ Dougns school with the Port that
the cost of ciatea will be bout 67P1 and wit(
for bid, plans to be furnished the recommendation that City labrk C
y City Ell
Alderman of the Ward.
he Cit—
The Paul
as Engineer submits Estimate Na 1.
`t. Paul Ind Mendota road grading, Dale R
3Commitner 8t,:0p.
Committee on Claims.
Jf Inspector of Building
Repeort for Au t. 1889. with City Treaeur
c IPL for81S4I-M,
Committee on Ordi..... S and Public Ac-
Jf Commissioner of Henith—
Jol!35Y vynd 35 pJ a1akBOn eLreettemenL Of nuc.
t Commissioner of Health report. that there I-
ittle to comPlaln of sin advent of co 1
anther on a unt c of the band
ling f hides cco at said promisee.
but that during the hot
oid bid- On nce.n Papa -us eBaad
WAldermen of the Wara.
Ordinance repealing Ordinnnee No. 611'E
11, Au-
thorizing J.S. T. McMillan to Erect
Slaughtering House, and Resolution Declar
Ing said SlaughteringHouse a Nuisance.
The Commfsatoner f Hetth r ports that
said ,laughtcri.gihouse, pee now
not be c ,led a fsace. The Comml.-1 the
all. at tenon to the very Dad condition o[ the
Iacaiity adjacent to said slaughtering house,
owing to the CStagnant ter pools and the tact
floow uucoeredtaoroSs o a of the port one ft the saw
Accepted. Accepted.
Es-Broadway Sew ening aad GradinR—
To he Common Council of the City o[ St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works Dave had under
nsideration the resolution or order f the
Ct m— Council, approves Sewpa. 'ill Brod
n ive to the construction of b ee r o
w.y.treet, from Thirteenth street to Grove
treat, and, having Investigated the proposed
Respectfully report that it is neces-
Sar .Ind roper to grade and sewer, der
one contrnc[, std Broadway street from Thin
teenth street o Grote street: theattil(
estimated expense thereof is 61,03&, --c-bulf
before a he cont'It sobe p is eft that City
be assessed therefor can be found benefited to
the extent of the cost and expense. neoessarj'
to be Incurred thereby; the, aatd it
is not asked for by a i,Ct tion of u majority o,
the owners of property o be assessed the
but ro herewith d en order for lan or you, adoption. rodle Of said
improvement ussn
it you desire to make the Improvement.
Yeas, 4: nays. OR.
L. Go , President.
W. F. EHWIN. Clerk Boardand of of Public Works.
Sept, I" 1989.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Publio
Snelling Avenue Opening, Etc., and Missil
sippiInc River Boulevurd—
B and of Public iWork. haveof the cin had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
Common Council, app ed Sept. 7, 1888. rela
tire to the Mississippi River Boulevard ,ten-',
Sion and Snelling .vane opening. and, having
investigated the proposed improvement:
Respectfully report en, that
t laide innd necessary
Snelling avenue, from Randolph street to the
dge of Lha bluff n r ha Missies,ppltr.Ct river,
end to ansa ;!_W -I °Mi. 9lsaionl a river. nlabe
n bethafounld becents t -the -
[areas ......IS end expenses nem
,curved thereby; that td tm-
not caked for by a petition of u
e owners of property intod abe as
abut we herewith aplus
id Imporovemat, h and an dIIer
.,...,- , u oasis ua to make the
Yeas, 4; nays, 0. R. L. Goll—N. President.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
Sept. 10. 7(339.
Adopted. (See order to Board or Public
Hoyt Av enue Gradng—
pTheeBourd of in IPublic Works have OfShad( Pa
Common Co..eie approved April April 19,or e 18S Cela
live to the partial gradingof H Cyt avenue, from
Concord street to the nth ity limitsp, rood,
having investigated the proposed ha
Respectfully. report that aid improvement
is necessary d proper: that the estlmnod
oxpense thereof is three then ..d els hundred
be Paid Into dollars,
City Treasury before thed not
tract is let; that real state to be ssed
therefor cos be found b ... filedo Ikese
I tent
of the cost and e pensscaitl a eseary to be in
d thereby: that impt'ovement la
,urnot asked for by a petition of a majority of the
ownoa of property to be assessed therefor, but
by alargenu. ofmber. We herewith send o plan
for yourret
iadopt on,lit you desirvernee ua td an
o make the
!.or ove--at.
Yeas 4; Days p. R. L. GORaiAN, President.
W. F. EnwtN. Clerk Board of Public Works
Sept. 17, 1880.
Adopted. (See oder to Board of Public
Works. )
Robert 6treet 6ewer—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul
The Board of Public Work. have had Bud.
consideration the resolution or order o[ Be
Common C.—CR, approved Sept. 7, 1889. rola
Live to the construction of a Sewer on Rotor
Street, from the end of the present sewer n
Uafverally avenue to the north line of lot C
block 1. Lambert Ind, having investigated addition
he proposed Improve
local: p
Respectfully rpartpthat saidentinprother emen
is then nsees
aary catch beamper's d manholes
,hat the estimated a PC.sB thereof I.
:40.5,one-half of which nead.rt be paid into
:he City Treasury before the contract is let:
'.hat d benefitedd to he be seetent of theOr aan be
t and
o penses necessary to ebe incurred thereby;
hat said improvement is not asked for by
Do be(on of a d therefor, but waa herewith CSend
a pian or profile of acid improvement, and an
make or your adoption. 1f you desire us to
Yeas, 4: ways, e.mev
R. L. Gots— President.
W. F. ERw Clerk Board of Public Work..
S sot. 17. lees.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
W Irk..)
Stewart Avenue Opening, Eto.—
To the CIM On CcThe Board of Publics iWork ehaveohad P der
neiderait,, the re olutta- or07^V r I 1. -
Common Co...jl, approve Pr
rive to the opening d e tension f Stewart
Venue, from Charles B. Wetde'. addition to
Fort Street out lOtS to thenorth end of the
bridge crossing the Mississippi river at Fort
Snelmve tinting investigate d the pro
posed ipro
Rpepecto lopet�w rt den hBt lt is and extend necessary wart
avenue from its present southwesterly
terminus in West End addition to St. Paul
\Vest Seventh street; that the estimated es
dense thereof is 812,000: that real estate to be
asessed therefor can be found benefited 1. the
extent or
the coat and
ea ea-se-ne-a—Y to be
thereby; that aid improvement is
net ..ked or by a petition of a majorit9 of the
incurred e f Property to be e....aed therefor,
but ve herewith send n plan or profile i aid
provement, and an order for your adopoon,
it you desire us o make the improvement.
Yeas, 4; nay" 0.
R. U Grd.1 . President
So F. EnWtN. Clerk t}onrd oI Publio Works.
Sept.10,. (
Works.) tl. (See order to Board of Public
T, arks.)
Lyes Court Pavinog—
To the Common Cuncil o[ Works
City h d Paul:under The
conside ation thePublic WLinka_-1 Order
Common Council, approved Seyypptember 7, 1889,
Celative to edar block.thed woods. c bing.and, courtwith
investigated the proposed Improvement:
Respectfully report that Said improvemat
Is necessary and proper; that the estimated
aspens -thereof ie 6441. W, one -halt of which
sed not be paid Into the City Treasury before
thecod therefor .. be found benefited o the
stntract to let: that real estate to be sa-
at oI the cost Sod expenses neeeseary to
be oared theroby; tb at said improvement is
not asked for by . petition of a majority of the
owners of property to be assessed therefor. but
we herewith and a pian -or profile of Said Im.
provement, and an order for your adoption, if
you desire us to make the improveAN.ment.
Yeas, 4; nSYS, 0.
R. L. GOnof P President.
Sept.4`. F.rswlN, Clerk board Of Public Works.
Sea 1889.
(See order to Board of Public
between I
the reque,t
being error
posed to III
submitted proper
The ame,
;, Etc.—
e President and Common
Board of Public Works
VZ,returu your final order,
389, for the opening,widen
:cslon of Sixth street, be
reef and Brook street, and
.rest and Broadway, with
maul said order, the same
, description of land pro -
I as amended is herewith
referred to contemplates
radley Street.
mit for your consideration
dng of said Sixth street,
o straight bridge from
provements the Board re
and necessary.
of said Improvement is
The plans for each of said improvements are
herewith submitted, and are shown by red
R. L.GORMAN, President.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
Sept. 13. 1859.
Said final order. approved Aug. 8, 1889, re-
pealed and annulled, and so much of said re -
from abutment to abutment ted as relates to a straight bridge
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con-
ley, Fisher, Gehen, Kava.agh, Lelthauser,
Mines, Melody, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Weber, Mr.Vice President -16.
(See order m Board of Public Works.)
El[elt Street Sewer—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works hove had antler
consideration the resolution or order of the
Common CouncLL, approved Sept. 7, 1869, el.
Live to the constructlpr oI s sewer on Ellett
street, from Charles street Lo Edmund Street,
and, having investigated the proposed im-
Respectfully report that Said Improvement is
necessary an d proper, together with the neces-
sary catch-oasias and manholes; that th.="
e esti
mated expense thereof 19 533'7, One-
half of which need not be paid
into the City Treasury before the Con'
let; that real estate to be assessed
therefor can be found be.. ted to the extent of
the coat aad eapenses necesary to be incurred
thereby; that .sid improvement ie act asked
for by a petition o1 a majority o[ the owners of
pro arty to be assessed therefor, but a here -
wits send s pian or profile of sold improre-
ment, aad an order for your adoption, iI you
desire ue to make the improvement.
Yeas, 4; nays, G.
R. L. GORMAN, President.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Boardand ofof Public Works
Sept 17, 1869.
Alderman of the Ward.
Mississippi River Boulevard—
To the Common Council of the City o1 St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works have had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
Common Council, approved Aug. 4, 1887, rola.
Live to openinfeet11gg and eatenslon ohund[ n street Lwo
alongred tha easterl. .its of MI si sippie river.
from the budge at Fort Snelling to the west
line of the city of SL Paul, and. having investi
gated the proposed improvement' _
Respectfully report that it is necessary and
proper to open, widen and extend a street, to
be known as 'Mississippi River boulevard."
from the northerly end of the Fort Snelling
bridge (so called) across the Mississippi river;
theuce in a northwesterly direction along the
bluffs neo the Mississippi river, from said Fort
Snelling bridge to a point on the west city lith
its, in accordance with the Survey suit plat
made under the direction of the Board of Park
thereof Is 81:0.000; t
that real estate that th. o be ass. se
ed therefor can be found benefited to the extent
of the damages, oats and expenses necessary
to be incurred thereby: that said improvement
is asked for by a petition of a majority of the
owners of property to be assessed therefor.
and we herewith send a plan or profile of said
improvement. and an order for your adoption,
if you desire us to make the improvement.
Yeas. 4; nays, 0.
R. I.. GORMAN. President.
W. F. ERWIN.Cle[k Board of Public Works.
Sept. 17, 1889.
Committee an Streets.
Slopes, Alloys, Block 6, Edmund Rice's Second
To the Common Council of the City of Sl.
The Board of Public Works have had under
consideration the reeolutioa or order of the
Common Council, approved August 21, 1889,
relative to condemning and taking an ease
ment for making elapse necessary in grading
alleys in block e, Edmund Rioe's Second adds
tion to St. Paul, and, having investigated the
proposed improvement:
Respectfully report that said improvement is
notnecessary and proper, for the reason that
Said Brd h iked your grading honorable
bodytoannul he order for
Yess, 4; nays, 0.
R. L. GORMAN. President.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Boardoardofof Public Works.
Sept. 14, 1889.
Roble and Other Streets Sewer—
To the Honorable the President and Common
Cozncil, City of St. Paul:
Gentlemen: In the matter of the reports of
the Board of Public Works, dated July 2, 1880.
and Aug. 6, 1889, on the construction of a sewer
nn Roble and other streets, together with the
etitiona for and the protest. aS.1-et Said ire
Board herewith respectfully return ,to papers
with the further reportthat said Board is still
of the opsalon that said improvement Is neces-
sary and proper, and therefore still adhere to
their report of July 2, 1889.
H. L. GORMAN, President
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
Sept 14, 1889.
Adopted, yeas 15, nays, Aid. Melody, 1.
(See Order to Board of Public Works.)
Payne Avenue Sidewalk—
The Board returns and reports in matter of
order approved Sept. 7, 1889, for construction o1
eight -foot wooden sidewalk on both sidesof
Payne avenue, from Maryland street to Jay
street, that Payne avenue does not connect
with Jay street.
Alderman of the Ward.
Alleys. Block 6, Edmund Rice's Second Addi
tion, Grading—
To the Honorable the President and Common
Council, City of Saint Paul:
Gentleman: The Board of Public Work.
herewith respectfully return your final order,
approved Aug. 29, 1889, for Braiding the alleys
is block six (6), Edmund Rice's Second addi-
tion to St. Paul, with the request that you an-
nul all proceedings had by your honorable
body in Said matter, for the reason that at a
hearing before hib Board a majority of the
osed to
said ersoimns provement, andresent no re a personappear d
and naked for same.
R. L. GORMAN, President.
W. F. Euwm, Clerk Board of Public Works.
Sept. 14, 1889.
Adopted and all proceedings had in said mat-
ter repealed and annulled.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Book, Cullen, Con
ley, Fisher, Gabon, Kavanagh, Lelthauser,
Mmes, Malady, Pratt, Sanborn, So. Itven,
Weber, Mr. Vice Presidemt 16.
Sewer Connection, Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 1,
Hopkins' Addition—
To the Honorable the President aad Common
Council, City of St. Paul:
Gentlemen: Inthe matter of the final order,
approved Sept. 7, 1889, to put in one sewer con-
neotion for lots 1, 2 and 8, Hopkins' idditfon,
herewith returned, the Hoard o1 Public Works
respectfully invites your attentlo to the fact
that the words "block t" have been om
and said Board therefore respectfully asks
your honorable body to annul Said order and to
pass a new final order, to read as follows, to -
wit: Put In one sewer connection for lots 1. Y,
3, In block 1,of Hopkins' addltlonto St. Paul.
A proper order Is herewith submitted for
your adoption. R. L. GORMAN, President.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
Sept. 17, 1889.
Adopted and said order, approved Sept. 7,
1889, repealed and annulled. _
Yeas—Aid. Bickel, Hlom, Bock, Cullen, Con
leyy, Fleher, Geban, Koaha,h, L. thsuser,
Mlnea, Malady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vice President -16.
Bunker Street Grading Contract—
The Board reports that it has awarded Thoe.
Linen the contract for grading Bunker Street,
from State street to Brown ave-
nue, he being the lowest -elm
ble and reaponslWe bidder therefor;
amount of bid, $4.162: bond in the aum of
SI.5a0 with John H. Sohiermana and Richard
Powers as sureties.
Said award taken up and approved by the
following vote:
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Book, Cullen, Con.
ley, Fisher, Gabon. Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Mmes, Melody, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vice President -16.
Of Committee on Ways and Meana—Ald.Ge-
han's Resolution for $10.000 Bonds, Park Pur
poses, Mary McManus' Rearrangement of
Block 22, In Olivier'. Addition and Banning
& Olivier's Addition to West St. Paul—
Committee recommends that sold resolution
be loid over until such time ne the advertise-
ment for the next issuance of bonds is decided
Preliminary Order for Sewer on Martin Street
and on Western Avenue—
Committee recommends passage of said
Adopted, (See order to Board of Public
Aid. Bock's Resolution for 820,000 Certificates
ofg Indebtedness—West Seventh Street Pav-
ingommittee offers and recommends adoption
Adopted. (See resolution.)
Of Committee on Fire Department — Aid.
Book's Resolution for Fire Alarm Boxes at
Jefferron and Colborne street. and Baafil
and Richmond streets.
Committee recommends adoption of resolu-
Adopted. (See resolution.)
Of Committee on Claims—Martha D. Bjork'e
Claim -8500 Damages—Lot 14, Robert Lewis'
Subdivision of Block 101), Lyman Dayton's
Committee recommends payment of 850.
Adopted and Corporation Attorney inetructd
to draw ordinance.
Richard Bamberger'. Claim—Damages—(lrad-
ing ff
Bualo Street—
Committee recommend. that said claim be
referred to Board of Public Works to report as
to damage. at next meeting of Council.
Frank Deal's Claim-815—Impounded Horse
Committee recommend. allowance.
Adopted. (See resolution.)
Of Committee on Streets, Severe aad Bridge,
—Selby Avenue WideI tng—Petition of J. L.
Forapaugh, aad
Protests of Chnrlea N. Cole-
man and Other. and Bacon & Coleman and
; Also OrderOthers l
for W idening Selby Avon,, from Dald. Sanborik'15 e
Street to Fairview Avoue—
Committee submits aad recommend. 'dop
tion of amended prelim teary order for widen-
ing Selby avenue, from Vfetorla street to Fairy
Adopted. (See record of Board of Public
M—Wisconsin CeIi-
mpany0 F. Wet 'F nig. Chief figmeer e
Letter Trapsmitted by City Engineer—
committee reports favorably upon said letter
said bridging and recommends
adoption of resolution dir ting Corporation
Attorney to draw up contract.
Adopted. (See resolution.)
Joseph Lfa.catfou CocratiaQuinlahior 11 rlghte to
sixth street, provided rights to other street.
be granted—
Committee recommends that said o m uid
cation be accepted and placed on ill e. r -
Adopted. Al...
Chris. H. SchnittgOr e d other.' protest
"-teat vacation of alley between blocks 2 and
a, Suburban Hills—
referrein td to Ald. Lethauaerhat .aid protest ba
Adopted. Al...
E. Kemvper'e petition for ape¢mg, grading and
brill g Fauq.ufer treat, between Green
Dte�avea us rind De Soto street—
Committeem coda that petition be re
ferred to Aid. Blow.
Adopted. Also,
William Esch's petition far vacation o[ part
of alley In block 3, o[ Humphreys .ddtfs anti
Committee commands that prayer o p
tioner be denied.
Alderman of the Ward.
W. H. Truesdale's Commuvic.tion Relative to
University Avenue Bridge, Submitted with
Favorable Report by City Engine
Code acceptance of said bridge. and recom-
m Corporation Attorney.
Communtcvtionof A. rt TCltlzav& Common
Joint Meeting Thlrt.
Council and Thomas Lowry—
c tre.emitting enpyth ft raid lotion—re-
it n
a 1 of Lrnoka from Sixth of accepted
d mean ate.
AIppted. on
AOL.dingMMayallaple d Others'
Protest Againal
Committee recommends that protest be ac
cepted end placed on dl e.
Albert Enderson's Petition for Appointment ae
Milk InsPeCWr-
Com itt recommends that petition be Sa
c . placed e
Henue J. Opening, ers Eto m—Damages—Dakota At
Committee recommends that action on th
whom petition be indefinite] st oned.
tI;d. Fr9Blocrme Shed natfor
jrvbic,South to Comlssi011 to edralof
Committee reports favorabBloc ly.
,f Committee on License—E. J. Peyer's Pett
tion for Pert. Z1PfjS
MeininkhauseerriBut her Li .... P TrarefeiN0. 50,
ed March 1. 1889—
Committee recommends that said transfer be
Adopted. —
If Committee on Ordinances and Public Ac-
counts—Reports of City Omcers—
CO Itt[ollowe examined
eport s ne
t 19 and AugustMdClerkof 88 etCMsaterPrMarkats Haltl
,u net.
cutJune, July, August, 1869; Poundmaeters
unlQ, Conway and Arnoldheal] for July and
,.gust, 1889.
if Committee on Gas—'amp"
Committee res IDmevds dZttt= of follow-
solutlons Ior
street lamps, etc.: Al d.
Neber's—gas into Rondo station: Aid. Gehan'+
-lamp on Aurora avenWue; Aid. Conley';—lamp.
N.acouta street and Ly court: Aid. eber'a
-lamp. Edmond and Grotto; Aid. Mmea's—
a p o Concord street; Aid. Miner's—lamp
In Dearborn street, and removal f lamp from
thwest corner. Dearborn End Goff avenue;
11d. Bock'.—removal of Inmos from Mellen
y estreat. etc., aad lamps o Goodrich and
.then streets; Ald. Gehaa's—lamp opposite
t theca corner lot 21, block 4. Rice's second
Adopted. (Seeresolutional
Leklgh Coal & Iron Compp y and Ohio Coal
Company's Petition for Pe iselov m Mvke
Approach from Western Avavuo Along
Southerly Side f LarCII Street to Their
Manperly Road Between Larch Street and
Committee repot. favorably.
Adopted. (See resolution.)
A. ordinance was read permitting George
M. Brack toonstruct two bay windows.
Fourth and St. Peter street..
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Cullen,
you. I6, and ordinance read second time and
passed. (See Ordinance No.
An ordinance was read permitting Bolen E.
Buck to erect bay window, Mfeeh.ha aad
...... stlreete.
Rules susp%ed an motion of Aid. Blom, yeas
16, and ordinance read second time and passed.
(See Ordinance No. 1,222.)
An ordinance was read -310.35 to Marga. S.
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Mines,
passeeas d 8nd ordinance read (See Ordinance No. 1,22'3.) time and
itting S. E. Daw
.on to rusnance n steam 9; read
aa see Third tree .
p pee a
Rules suspended oa motion of Aid. Conley,
yeas 16, and ordinance read second time sad
passed. (See Ordinance No 1,224.)
An ordinance was read permuting M. Chris-
tian Moeller to
Rmove frame building and brick
t .ales Suspended motion f Aid. Havas
ago, yens 16, and ordin once read second time
and passed. (See Ordinance No. I,' -)
An ordinance was read authorizing payment
of two judgments—Gustaf Sohneon and Lars
Rulesmnod IllMlnd
s,le, anordinance eian
gassed 26.)d. (Sae Ordinance No. 1,2
An ordinances was od—Independent Oil
Company to build oil tanks.
Rules suspended o motion of Aid, Mines,
yeas 16, and ordinance read second time and
An ordinanceread permitting Peter
Nelheusel to erect hay scales.
sueon of ARuledtimethaav hand read a sscond
p nssed.
An ordinance was read nes
tesan to build addition and remodel building,
Ner street.
Committee on Streets,
Br Al ..letionulasruotlug Commissioner, of
Health to remove nuisance. xiativg .t old Plow
Works, East Seventhe met
commissioner of Health.
By Aid. Blom—
e resolution n for solice patrol box at Decatul
Committee oa Police, g pssessmants for aide
A resolution refunding
,.,its on Bunker street, between Woodbury
and Oakdale vireete.
Committee on Street..
By Aid. Leithauser—
A resolution for gasoline lamps ov Minae
hub. Street, from East Se anth to AtlantL
Committee on Gas.
By Ald. Kay.aagh—
A r Itsllt lad lr stsoveCltiy EnnitaiLeridewall,
liRfor a period of six days after of
tic. directing laying of some, etc.
Aid Sanborn enved to refer resolution t,
Committee on Streets.
Lost; yeas, 7: na" 9.
The said roeolutlo. was thereuponadopted.
Yeas, 9; nays, 7.
By Aid. Blom— o
Meme only and Hyacinat et cth streets. crier c
Committee on Gas.
By Aid Ssnborn—
in an let eOltl
est comer of Evergreen and line lamVictorat ia sir et
and other cornern
Committee on Gas.
By Aid. Melady—
A resolution for gasoline ]amps at southesi
corner fred stre(
o[ Winslow avenue from northandof SIM!
and remotval of lamp
avenue d Prospect terrace to SIM!
corner o[ Stryker avenue and Prospect to
rac Committee on Gas.
y Ald. P Stt—
A resolution for ail lamps On Univeraity av-
Committee on Gas.
ly Aid. Minea— g
t once Prepare
a Plane and t pecldhe cattionan for
pare p the M(sstssfpppi river, from
Igah bridge across d eructing Lhe
adwoy to State atreot o
it p roar dh ,. gadvertisenfar sbidsforta..
r.tructio of piers, foundation sad substrun
Aid. Sanborn offered as abstitutesaidd
e lution solution referring m torr
(roadway bridge to Corporation Attary, with
oarto the ecticas in hes to Broadway" bridge ria .totitd reptnto
;ouncfl whoown. same.
Substitute adopted. (Seeresolution.)
The Vice President appoluted, pursuant to
olution adapted, the following oom
rittee to act with
similar committees of Board
A Education aad Chamber f C
le with reference 1, ane .ring Lhe meeting
�[ rthe National Educatloval Association
n t gh, S.nto born.i(3ehan. BtckeLld. Cullen, Kav
I Accepted.
The matter of tho vacation of allay in block
l5, F, law addition, running from Case at Oct
to Jenks streetcame an . advertised to be heard at thts
e cas
vt announced that or rt bjeatilres to . and the said prat'
pp sed vocation Id be heard prthis opos time.
No one appeared objecting to said ed va-
The atter of said cation of alley
in Fnrv,ow add1llO. vu thereupon
pasLPalso and ajnumea was
til TueS-
dcym Oct. 1, 1889, at e7: lI o'clock
o d referred in that
m '—tire' to the
corpotintion Attorney.
The .cation of treets, ters Of alley]», etc applications
o ai ve%po.j
paved and adjourned til Tuesday, Oct. 1,
1889, at 7:90 o'clock P. M.
F. o
Driscoll, Esq., s heard on boos][ of
citizens' committee
to the matter of street
Aid. Cullen moved that whoa the Council
djoarea it dj.ur. to Thursday,
pain.. the special order at that time to rbe the
n Ideration of street railway franchisee.
Adopted. —
Ordinances. -
The Common Council of the City o1 St. Paul do
ordain as follow': given and
Sectio. 1. Permission is hereby
granted unto George M. Brack to construct two
bay windows on the second and third starts. of
Fourth and St.. Peter etry brick building
ttfi situatc on
d 5, block 10. Rice & Irvine'S addition to St.
Paul. Said work to be done nder the Inspec-
tion and supervlston of the Inspector of Build
5 o. 2. Thi. ordinance Shall take effect- v d
be in force from and after it. passage and. Pub-
Y..e-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Boch, Cullen, Con-
ley, Fisher, Gehon, Kavanagh. Lefthauser,
M/nee, Malady Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan.
Weber, Mr. Vfee
Pansed Sept. 17. 1889.
Vice President of Counoll.
Approved Sept. 18. 1889.
Attest: TROS. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clark.
Sept. 23.
An Ordinance permitting Helen E. Ruck to
erect a bay window on a two-story frame
building as hereinafter specified.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
ordain as follows:
Section 1. Permission is hereby given and
granted unto Helen E. Buck to erect and put
in upon the Second story of that certain frame
builseventy-five five Leenow t of lots tbar wentylt on sevent(h27) and
thirty (80), in block $lateen (16), of Stinsen's
addition to 9L•Paul, being on the northeast
corner of Minnehaha and Jessie atreet, a bey
window which Shall not exceed two feet and
nine inches in width from the aide of Said build-
ing, and shall not exceed nine inches In width
over the line of Mianehaha atreet, the some to
be o aceirdonce with plane and youifloations
furnished to, approved by and under eupervis-
ton of the Inspector of Buildings of said city.
Seo. 2 Th le ordinance shell take effect and
be in force from and atter its publication.
V,,,-Ald. Bickel. Blom. Bock, Cullen, Con -
Vice President of Council.
Approved Sept. `61i.
6 1889.
Attest: THOS. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk.
Sept. W.
An Ordinance appropriating money to pay Mor-
gan S. Gray for services attending court as
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
ordain as fall we:
Section 1. That an order be drawn on the
of teninn, 3S 1favor 1 (41035, Sdolllars ioron
full comp
it.. of services and attendance
upon the District Court of Ramsey County o0
Lhe trial of an appeal from Lhe assessment and
condemnation of part of State street, in West
St Paul; said order to be delivered only upon
therebeingfiledwiththe City Comptroller e
proper receipt for said comic vi
Seo. 2. This ordinance Shall take effect and
be in force '-in-
rom and atter its pub""tlon.
Yeas-Ald. Bfekel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con
leyy. Fleher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Lefthauser
MIne0. Malady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan
Weber, Mr. Vice Preefdent-16.
Passed Sept. 17, 1869.
V foe President of Council.
Al,proved Sept. 18, 1989.
Attest: THOS. A. PRENDERGAST. City Clerk
Sept. 23.
In Ordinance permitting S. E. Dawson to run
steam pipes across Third street.
Che Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
i�nnd egrointed ae .ad
. EL heDaw on
excavations on Third street, he
sad Jackson streets. as 111 en
nnwn,. with steam DLD88 the Mer -
block 30.
st his sv
Seo. 27 -This -ordinance $hall take effect and
be In force from and after itspublloatio..
Yen Aid- Bickel, Blom, Book, Cullen. Con
lev, Ffeher, Gahan. Kavanagh, Lefthauser,
MIne0. Melady. Pratt, Ban ern, Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vice President -16.
Passed Sept. 17, 189A8.
Vice President
nt of of Council.
Approved Sept. 1
8, 1866.
Attest: Tn Os. A. PRENDERGABT, City Clerk.
Sept. 23.
An Ordinance permitting Mrs. Christian Moel
ler to move a frame building and brick
veneer the same.
TheCommon Council of the City of St. Paul
do ordain as follows:
Section 1. That a.thmlty aad permission fa
hereby given and granted to Mrs. Chrfatlan
Moeller to move the trams building situated o
the rear of the east half of lot 3 0[ block M.
Rice & Irvlae'e addltlon to St. Paul. to and
from said lot, endto the easterly one.half of lot
4, life.. b4, Rice & Irvine'$ addition to 66 Paul,
and plan. the same on the south aide of Wset
Fifth $tree" and brick veneer said building, all
of said work to be done under the super, sin.
of and as directed by the Building Inspector of
said city.
Sec. 2. This ordinance Shall take effect and
be in force from and after Its passage.
Yeas-Ald. Btekel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Cen-
leyy, Fisher. Gehan, Kavanagh, Lefthauser.
Mine0. Malady, Prat" San rn, Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vice Preefdent-16.
Passed Sept. 17, 1889.
Vice President off Council.
Approved Sept 18, 1889.
Attest: THOS, A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk.
Sept. ".S.
An Ordnance authorizing the payment of two
judgments against the City of St Paul. one
in favor of Gustaf Johnson, and one favor
of La" Paulson.
The Common Council of the City of SL Paul do
ordain as follows:
Section 1. That an order be drawn on the
City Treasurer in favor Frank O. Osborne, at.
torney of record for the parties plaintiff here-
Inafter mentioned for the respective
and their rs potrve p .ifirdjudgments, 1. phich aware
both entered ukpp of record in the
Second Judicial office of the lDistrict, of ton thehe i$24tIlt Court,
s in Brown
City oA. f D theirvor
eRsums, ainst t to- & JacksCase on's additlan.lso all Book, Con
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom,
One in favor of Gustaf Johan [or the num ley.MinFis Mr Gen.., Kavanagh a' Sullivan,
Ono s favor of Lore Paulson for Lhe sum of We ed, Sr Mr lce ept. 18,a1899. t18
$16. --
8-h in to be delivered only upon there
beog flied setisfotfons of said jH judgments In By Ald. Sullivan-
sald Court. In due form of law, nd erttfled Reolved. That the City Engineer n hereby
ogles thereof with the City Comptroller, directed to ascertain under wbose can
c Seo. 2. This oro nce s a take eQect and Marshall avenue bridge emssmgthe Mlsslsslppt
be in force from and atter its pass$ge. river Is at present, end to report the creme to
Yess-Aid. Bickel. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con- the Common Council as soon as convenient.
I a
IeT, S-AFishld .,ken. Kavanagh. Lefthauser. Also, edvII, what should be done towards Lhe
Web ar, Mr.lViee Pr eldent-neborn. Sullivan, fPsrtoppiait Large of Mbriage, 1f found that the city
Yeaa-Aid. B okel.Blom, Bork,Cullen, Conley,
Pass Sept. 17, 1888. Weber, Mr.
ANTHONY YOERG, JR., Fisher, Gehan, KevannRh� �iVaneuser, tnea,
Vice Free dent of Council. Melody, Pratt, Sanborn,
Approved Sept. 1& 1889.=Vice President. -18.
ROT A. SMITH. Mayor. Approved Sept. 18, 1889,
Attest: THOS. A. PRENDERGAST, Cityk.
Sept. 23. By All Leitbauser-
Resolved, That the City Engineer have e
Re$OlatiOne. avenue f, placedsomen In -t east aide of Dates
By Ald. Pratt -
Been _d, That the following plata, sa % YeaslaAid. Blokel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con
proved by the Flat Com veer, be and ta.he s'aneine Mine.,is Melody, Pratt,oll
anborn, Sullivan.
mended by the City Engineer,
are Dereby accepted by the Common Council o[ Weber Mr.App�oved SepLPI& ll�gnt-1&
III City of St. Paul: St, Paul,
Minnesota Transfer Addition, By Ald. WeDer-
Minn Thnt the City Engineer be In
Rearrangement of south % of blank 9. ButF Resolved,
terfleld Syndicate Addition No. 1, Ramsey struoted to build a crossing to cross Rondo
County, Minn. street at the corner I Rsvous street; ala, to
Yeas-A1d.Blckel, Blom, 13ook,CIthulser, ConMinley raise the crossings at Lhe junatfon of Latond
Fleher, Gobnn, KevamRhSulilva. Weber, Mr. and Arundel streets. Hook, Cullen,
Melody, Pratt, Sanborn, yeas -Aid. Bickel, Blom,
Vice President -10. Conley, Fisher, Gahan, Ksvanagh, Lefthauser,
Approved Sept. 1& 1889. Mines. Malady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Weber,Mr. Vice P18, 1i889¢t16.
By Aid. Weber- Approved
Reotved, That the grade of the following By Ald. Yoergg-
tre o and alley, p Indicate ofiles,Dand aSd s raec Resolved, That the Corporation Attorney be
Line on the accompanying pr r
ommended by the Cfty Engineer, be and the and he is hereby authorized end direed
Same are hereby adopted ss the established to draw up a contract, to ha executecloth
grade: the proper city omcials and by the Wiaconsln
Alley in block 24, Mnckubta & Marshall's ad- Central Rallwey Company, for the bridging of
dition, between Dale ad
wentam avenue to Mtssiesippi street in accordance witlit
the prop-
Stinon street, oattton aubmltted byy the chief engineer o IDs
Gaultier street. Bala cailwey amp
Yeas -Aid. Dfckei, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con- _
ley, Fisher,' Gehan, Kavanagh, Leitbaueer, Conley. Fisher.BGehnln, Knenagh,Lelthonaer,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Mines, Melody, Prett, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Mince, Malady,
Weber, Mr. Vice President -I6. Weber. Mr. Vice President -16.
Approved Sept. 18. 186'9. Approved Sept. 181889. -
Dy Aid. Pratt
Resolved, That the grade of Van Buren By Ald. Minea-
streeL from Wheeler avenue to Fry street, as Resolved. TDnt the Chief of Police be in
Pno1Yj°g Perry ce red and esurecomended by the from c the led talley in blocks remold of •Woodbury
C{ty Engineer, be nd the ams is hereby and Y "-"edit Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen,
adopted es Lha established grade. Sullivan,esci
IievaneRh, Lefthauser, Mines, Melody, Prstt. San horn,
Yens -Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con- Con1eY. Fisher, GeDan. Kavanagh, Lef auser,
ley, Fisher, Gehan, Sanborn. Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice Presldentl6.
Mines. Melady. Pratt, Approved Sept. 18, 1889.
Weber, Mr. Vice President -I6.
Approved Sept. 18, 1899. By Ald. Geban-
- Resolved, That the proper city aflcers be In*
By Ald. Minee-
Resolved, That the City Engineer be in- structed a City
t. alter the
on be
struoted to report all grades In Woodbury & tweeu the City of St. Paul and L. N. Scott
risers of Market Hall), so as to read two hun-
dred and fifty dollars per month instead of five
Yens-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Such, Cullen, Co-
ley, Fisher, Getup. Kavanagh, Lefthauser,
Minea, Melody, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mr.
Vice President -15.
Nays -Alda Sanborn -1.
Approved Sept. 18, 1889.
By Committee Ways and Means -
Resolved, That the proper city officers be
and they are hereby authorized and directed
to issue certificates of indebtnesa to the
amount of twenty thousand (82Q66(1) dollars.
one-third payable in one year, one third payable in two -
able In
three (3) years, withone-thirdearsand interestat he rate of six
(6) per cent per annum, payable semi-annually.
Said certificates ¢bull be issued 1. the follow-
ing o..ts, '&666.66 maturing in one
year from its date. 86,666.66 maturing in two
pears from its date,'6,66a.e8 maturing in three
years from its data. and each shall bear date of
of indebtedness s9. The hall be
..sitsit is sold °the°City
Treasur oto old in paying LDe Cost of the pave-
....,...., nnr. Seventh street. in the City of St.
approved Fob. 6, A. D. leen
Yese-Aid. Blokel, Blom, Bock,Cullen,Coniey.
Meladv. Pratt, SanborngSa ltvan� WeDer,i Mr.
Vice President -l6.
Approved Sept. 18, 1889.
By Ald. BlomTh-
Read, at the City Comptroller b1, and
he is hereby authorized and directed to incor
poste erection
the rex levy u pm the sum of '1,006
for se erection and equipment of a lire eng to
house on lot 7. block 8, 01 Yhilllps' addition to
the City of St. Paul, being located in the First
Word of said city, said engine hou,0 and equip
Commlesiobere°fMmC.n heir estimate. theBoard
1888. Fire
Yens-Ald. Bickel. Blom. Book, Callon, Can
ley, Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh. Leithausar.
Miner Melndy, Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan.
Weber,Mr. Vice PresidC.-I6.
Approved Sept. 18. 1889.
By Aid. Mmeh-
Resolved. That an order be drawn on the Cft1
Treasurer in favor of Frank Deal for the In
/ fifteen 015) dollars, said subeing balanei
dos him in full from sale by Poundm.ste.
Arnold of impounded horse. said horse being
the property of said Deal.
Cooley, isher. Gehan, K ""'lt;i ul Hen
Mine.. Melody. Pratt. Sanborn, Sulllvan,lVeb
Mr.Vice Pre,idon-16.
• °Approved Sept. 18, 1889.
By Aldi
1 Cdtt an order be drawn onto
, TD;
field. So'
e'ary of the Board rcr in favor
If n
WaterCommisslo ert
x the sum of one hundred and eighteen and
water pipes on Earl street, between Beech
nd Minnehaha streets, on account of change
f rade on said Earl street.
esisAid. Bickel, BKavann h Kavanagh, ser,
' Cullen Co.
ly. Fisher. Gehan, g
Veber Malady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Veber Mr Vice Approved Sept Pill. 1889nt-16.
ly Committee on License -
Resolved, That an order be drawn upon the
'ity Treasurer for the am If .e thousand
fl,0o()) dollars in favor of Christ Stahlman
growingCompany-to refund .mount paid by
Id com_ any for wholesale liquor license [or
he year 1888.
Y eas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con-
ary. Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Lefthauser,
Veber. Mr. iVice P e.iddani�l6. Pratt, Babbern, Sullivan,
Approved Sept. 18, 1889.
ly Aid
¢solved, That an order be drawn up.. LDC
wrey Treasurer r nty'-tive t&525)dollarthe s (
in favor ve of Johndred s B.
born -five hundred (8u001 dollnre as retain
r In the case of the City of St. Paul against the
't. Pavl City Railway GOmp any, .ntl twenty
'Vuaollare for money expended by a d
anbor. In said case for typewriting and print-
og, Also, that a order be drown on Lhe City
rreaeurerfor the further sum of five hundred
'8.500) dollars In favor of E. G. Rogers as re-
tainer in said case.
Yes -Alda Blokel, Blom. Back, Chile., Con-
ley, Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithausar,
Mines, Melody, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan.
Weber, Mr. Vice Preeident-16
Approved Sept. 18, 1889.
By Aid. Cullen-
Resoivd, By Lhe Common Council of the
City of St. Paul, That an order be drawn upon
the City Treasury In favor of George A. Bob. ,
or hI, assign, for the sum of one hundred and
eleven and 4&1(10'(5111.45) dollars, with interest.
top y judgment docketed In the District Court
o[ R "'y County, May "15. IPM, and included
n the to. levy collected In 11189. Said order to
Issue whenever n cer[ificatI of the Clerk of said
tlentdei°g°etsi lyCompro
Comptroller said itdmntl
By Aid. Bock -
Resolved. That the Board of Fire Commis
'j,ners be and locate and maintain fire I.rm brto
boxes are ruoted
at C.rnor
of Jefferson venue and Colborne street, .ad at
corner of Short, ad
Richmond streets.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Com
ley, Fisher, "'ban, Kavanagh, Leithascr,
Mines, Melndy. Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vice_to I . t -le.
ApPro ped, dept. ]tl, ISBB.
By Aid. Sanborn-
anborn- '
Resolved, That the matter of the Broadway
bridge be referred to the Corporat/on Attorney,
instructedwho is investigate
approaches t the Broadway brings anr
d report
to she Council at his earliest convenience who
owes the a.m..
Yeas-Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock, Cullen. Con-
ley, (3.1m., Kavanagh, Leith...e1, Mine., Mol-
dy, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr.
Vice Presidenirl5.
Nays-Ald. Fisher -l.
Approved Sept. iii, 1889.
By AidMines-
Reeoived, That the street oil lamp con-
tractor be instructed to erect and maintain a
lamp In front of the King Street M. E. Church.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen, Con
ley. Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh. Lefthauser,
Mines, Melndy, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vice Preside.-Ifl.
Approved Sept. 18, 1889.
By Ald. Gohan- Con
Resolved, That the oil Ism e c
d s, i, hereby instructed to re t and mal-'
twin ne oil lamp opposlle rtbcast ...nnei
lot 21, block 4. Rice's Second addition: 1
Jump fn front o[ IOL l', block Id, Dewey & Bass
Yeo.-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen. Con
ley, Fisher, Gehan, Kav nagh. Le"ih isei
Mines. Malady, Pratt Sanborn, Sullivan
Weber, Mr. ce Pr,al8tl9.1-
Approve -
By Aid. Bock -
Resolved, ih.t the gSol,rel l' -p Cor
traet9r is hereby instructed to ro
lamp .s follows:
Four on MCBOal. between Well Seventh an
Wilkin streets.
Thi ee on Leech, between Forbes avenue o0
Five on G..dr,., between Leech and Don
Three on Jefferson sveee, between Ric
mond and Erie.
T keabove Ism Ps from center of blocks al
locate the same, to u'R:
One lam th side Goodbue, bCtwel
Doueeman uad West Seventh streets.
Two lamp' Ond Erie, between Jefferson at
nue and Ca ase steer.
One lamp, south side St. Clair, between We',
and Alm street.
or an
laaceps onStew rt avenue, betwo
Warsaw dOil. v c .
One lamp northwest corner Victoria o
Bayard avenue.
Three lamps o Watson .,CaOC, betwe
View ed Milton streets.
Armstrong. between Victo
Two lamps on
n 'Milton streeec
Ove lamp on Logan. between Bay and Can
Yes -Aid. Bickel, RlKav BO Ih, Caplin.
le Fisher, Gehon, H
Miner Me'dy. Pratt, Sanborn, Su1hV
Weber. Mr.
By Aid it, That the s act Oil 1--P t
tractor be instructd to erect and
ea a Int.'.
mon the south side of Dearborn strhotin
iddle of block 106. West St. Paul proper.remove lamp from northwest corner of
ace the same
tsoutheast corner ovenot GoR and Dearborn
'eas-Ald*Bickel . Blom. Bock, Cullen, CO.-
Fisher, Gohan, Kavanagh. Leith .... I.
aeoMclady, Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan.
tber, Mr. Vice-Preeident-16.
,pproved Sept. 18, 1889.
Aid Mines -
2I structed o`erect and maintain 6 IumOP On
street, In the centerof block 71, West
nPaul proper.
teas -Alda Bickel, Blom, Rock, Cullen, Cop
�njFisher. Gahan, Kavanagh. Leithausar
iffcl dy.Pratt, Sanborn. Sullivan,Weber
, Vice President -I6.
tpproved Sept. 18, 1999.
, Ald. Weber-
Hesolved. That the gasolinelamp contractor
intend tied
roti stn:etamp on he corner of
Yetis-Ald. Bickel. Blom, Book, Cullen. Con-
y. Fisher. Cohan. Kavanagh. Lelth.user,
itI lP 1889
Te"y P,att,nt S au born. Sullivan.
ApproMved Sept. 18, .
v es Conley-
arebymr. Paul to erecta and l maintaght in
e go lap o the est aide sot Wscouta
reet, between Ninth and Tenth streets; also
as gas lamp I. Lyons court.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con
ry, Fisher. Gehan. Xaranni, Le itbauser.
RICO, Melody, Pratt. Seaborn. Sullivan,
Veber, Mr. Vice President -16.
Approved Sept. 18. 1889.
ly Ald. Gebmi
Resolved. Those I. St. instructed to ereeiand
sint'in one gas lamp n Aurora a e di-
ectly opposite lot l-'1• block 1, Central nPork
(ddition. "it
ley, F DerBGehan. KavaBack. Leithau1.l
(liner Melody Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan.WvbCl. Mr. Vice P
Approved SePt 18, 1889. lila
By AId. Weber-
Resolved. That the gas comp
lany be author
ized to place connections and gas into Rondo
street police station. Cov-
Y- ns Ald. Bickel, Blnm. Bock, Cullen,
I- Fisher. Gebnn. Kavanagh, Leilhn... r.
Mr Vice Pre. Identtt)Snnborn. Sullivan,Weber
Approved Sept. 19, 1889.
B WOer neerBy an act of tho Legi.l.ture
voting should c
greater n er [ban four hundred voters:
o d. whereas, quite a number of the precincts
of the City n[ SL foul contain re than four
hundred voters: and, whereas, it Is necessary
and proper to redistrkd. the City of St. Paul,
for voting Purposes tberefor. Resolved, that
committee of five be appointed an providing
o nance, redlatrletmggh he cit a ding
.boli contain .0 more thin fou hundr dvioters.
Rea.-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Hack, Cullen, Con
lev. Fisher, Gansu, Kavanagh, Leithauser,
M7nea, Malady, u
Pett, Suborn, Sullivan,
Webar, M i..r,sida t-10.
Approved Sept.
By Aid. Yoerg-
Resolved, Tt the contract between John
St ]Paul foruthe graA. ding of the St Paul ardner and the and
M�ndota road es erly corner sof called),
M, of Bann ingt&
O,livier's addition, at Annapolis street, In
southwesterly direction, about nine thousand
nine hundred and forty feet to the present St.
Paul aad Mendota road as now traaveled, and
attached tothe bondt this resolution, be andad Buni.the snmle
are hereby approved.
Yeas -Aid. Hlckel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con-
Mlnes, sM lady, Pratt, Ssnb r.. Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vice-Presldel_l6.
Approved Sept. IB 1889.
By Aid. Webe[-
Reaolved. That permission be given to the
Ohio Coal Compoylauld Lehigh
he line Cof heir
to build an apPr
property on south side of Larch street, from
Western avenue thence east to near the SL.
work to be under a p ry siostol City Engineer.
Yeas-Ald. ddBickel, Blom. Bock. Cullen, Con
ley. Fisher, Gahan, Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Mmes, M Indy, Pratt. Sanborn. Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Viae Presment-18.
Approved Sept. I8, 1889.
By Ald. W eber-
Resolved, Thnt the Board of Public Works
be instructed to annul all proceedings in tht
matter of construction of n ewer on Elfei,.
street, from Charles to Edmond street.
Yens-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen
Conley. Fisher, Gaha,
. Kavanagh, Leitbuusa,
Mine., Malady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan
Weber, Mr. Vice President -16.
Approved Sept. 18, 1W
By Atd Yoerg.-
Resolved, 'f'hat the Board of Public Work
ruse a sidewalk of Berea stone to be laid m
Wabnbha street and Filth street, in front o
the northerly
tj Pau
pet of. lots 1 and 2, a
bloYeas-Ald. Bickel. Blom. Sacs, Callon, Cor
ley, Fisher, Gabon, Kavanagh. Leithauser
Mines, Malady, Pett, Sanborn, Sullivan, Wet
er, Mr. Vice Preside. -16.
Approved Sept. 18, 1889
By A1d.YoerR-
Resolved, y st the Board a Public Work
be and hereby is directed to ruse n sidewal
Of Berea stone,
With the necessar
curb, to be laid in ,out o1 the following di
scribed property, to -wit:
On W abasha street, In front of the southerly
eventfive t lots 1 and2,iub1 ck 21, St Poul pro❑feet Of the er. 25 feet
Also on Fifth street, in front of lett- 3, 4 and
of block 21, St. Pant proper: and
Fourthstreet, in front of lots 9, 9 and 10, of
aid block 21, St. Paul proper.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Book. Cu11an, Con-
y, Fisher, Geban, Kavanagh, listII-so'
linea. Malady, Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan.
Veber, Mr. Approvedce &s1889.t-IB
3y Aid. K.vnnaSit
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
1n and 1s hereby acthorized to cause to be laid
ddewnik o1 hexagonal or aquare cement etcs
m the easterly side of Rioe street, between
allege avenue and Summit avenue without
lelay, under the supervision of the City Engf-
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con-
ey, Fisher, Gehnn. K.vnangh, LeitIIml _,
Kine., Malady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vice President -19.
Approved Sept. 18, 1889.
By Aid. Kavanagh -
Resolved, That the Board o[ Public Works
be and is hereby authorized to cause sidewalks
hexagonal o[ square Cement blocks 10 be
laid on Fifth street, between Robert and Jsok-
so. streets, wherevertbe same is needed to be
done, under the supervision of the City Engi-
neer, without unnecessary delay.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom. Hock. Cullen, Con*
ley, Fleheq Geh.n, Kavanagh, Lelthausor,
Mtnea. Malady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Weber. Mr. Vice Presidenir18.
Approved Sept. 18, 1889.
By Aid. Kavanagh -
Resolved, That the Board ofbe and " hereby Public Works
of Hexago..i or aqu.r0 cera wi block., to be
laid on arket street, btween Third and
Fourth street , to be done' the direction
of the City Engineer, at the earliest data pts
Yens-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Callen, Con-
Iey. Fisber, Gehsn, Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Mine., Melody, Pratt, Sanborn. Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vice Preaidevt-I8.
Approved Sept. 18, 1889.
By Aid. Kavanagh-
Hesolved. That the Board of Public Works
be and are hereby authorized to cause s eide
alk of hexagonal square cement atone t ba
laid on Exchangge street in trout of lot (1).
block (th It foe rIlS 'Of•thIlan, Ciy Engineer,
to be done
under the scab -a
ithout uanecess.ry delay.
Yens-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con
MeldyehSanborn,h. LeSullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vice Pratt,President-18.
Approved Sept. 19, 1889.
By Ald..1.v.nagh-
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
be and Is .ad to comic aid Ik
of hexagonal or aquare cement stone to be laid
in trent of lots 3 and 4, block 4, B.zille & Guer-
street addition
be donetunder the being supervision of est the
City Engineer, without any unnecessary delay.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen, Can -
ley, Fisher, Geban, Kavanagh, Letthauaer,
Mmes, Malady, Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan,
Pr ide
Approved Sept.. 18, 18W- -16.By Aid. Kavanagh -
Resolved, T❑nt the Board of Public genas
be "the to cuss sidewalk f hexa 1
block or
square cement stone to be laid lots n I a
westerly afdo of Ninth street In front o
8 and 9On to, mI. block (9), Bazille and Guerin's nd�
vislillov of Lhe City Ento gineer, wine lhouthuane as
wary delay.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con
leyy, Fisher, Geban, Kavanagh, Leithauser
Mlties, Malady. Pratt, Sanbam, Sullivan
.Sect l& sggent-16.
AppBy Ald, Snnborn-
Resolved, That the Board of Public Worki
cause to be constructed a cement block elle
walk, rutted Olong a part o said be same width as lock, olneths t aril
side of Dayton avenue, from Dole street t
has already street,
re said sidewnll
yyyeas-Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock.. Cullen, Cot
M 1nea,isMeldyeh Pratt,. Sanborn,LOSullivat
Weber, Mr. Vice President -10.
Approved Sept. I8, 1869.
By Ald. Sanborn-
Basolvedasti,Thettheorder to '--at ruat a woo
sa. treet be and hek on hanme t hedebyl repeals
thleonorth g. that
ater to cons Pleasant ravenuea ewalk from
sAlbans at sale
ame is hereby repealed. avenue, be end Ll
Yess-Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen. Co
Pratt, Ran, SuililLtitna, Weber, M
V ice President -18.
Approved Sept...
ept. 1& 1�9.
By Ald. Blom-
Reaolved. Thatthe Board Of Publlc War'
cause an eight -mot wooden sidownik to
Iaid on south aide of Minnehnhn street, fn
De Soto street to Rivoli street.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Collo.. C
le Fisher, Gabon, Kuv.nngh, Leitbaus
Weber, Mr. Vice Preaidet aneborn, Sullfv
Appeved Sept. 18,18W-
8,1889.By Ald. Sanbarn-
Revolved, That the Board of Public Wo
be nd it is hereby instructed to ca ss
wooden Sidewalk of the same width ns hs1
each side of it to be constructed in front of I
10 and it, block 2, Bryant Park. Float uddlt,
FY. -Aid. Bickel,Blomtuller, Nfnt
labor, Gabon. KavnnngDoeItCan
Presider Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber,
Approved Sept. 18,
Aid. Bock-
esolved, That the Board otPubII. Works ora
e ordered to construct an
walk on the south side ofiR oat
aot wood -
t Seventh
t, from Srhoffer street to VO✓tto nvenue,
h the necessary crosswalk.: also,beth
e of Logan stroet,from West Seventh street
3.y ate.t
-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen. Con-
eFisher, Ounce. Kavanagh, Leithauser,
.tea, Malady, Pett, Sanborn, Sullivan,
5ber. Mr. Vice President -I9.
,pproved Sept. 18, 1989.
Aid. Bock-
tesolved, That the Board of Public Works
.",as sidewalks. to be laid a5 follows:
)n both sides of James street, from Victoria
-eat to Lexington avenue.
)n both aides of Pallas street, from Victoria
'set to Plensaat .Vanes.
veuth street to Pleasant ' from West
)n South side of Grace street, from Colborne
Western avenue.
rest to Chicago.est side of Waste_
Milwaukee et & St r Paurom Grace
a to
de, with necessary crosswalthe above lks.
six feet
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen,
tueati MaladyGePrat , Sanborn LeSullt un,
7eber, Mr. Vice Presidents -18.
Approved Sept. 18, 1889•
y Aid. PratTf-
Resoived, the Board of Public Work.
trotteix d .es follows wooden sidewalks to be con,
On west aide o[ County read. from Langford
venue to Dooley .venue, in front o1 the Will -
am Pitt Murray school house.
On north side of Dooley avenue, from County
cad to'aymond.avenue; on south aide o[
crapp street, from Langford avenue to, Ray-
lounty road ond across DooleyaI nd Langford .vet
lues: on north side of Dooley avenue across
;aunty road and CDelmaford street.
Ym`_Ald. Bickel, Blam. Hock, Cullen, Con
icy, Fisher. Gehnn. Kavuagb. Leithauser.
Mine., Malady. Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vice President -18.
Approved, Sept. 18. 1889.
By AldiBlom-
Resolved. That the Board of:Puhlic Work.
cuss eight toot ode. sidewalks to be
Wllbteat to Marylandstreewith notes
Bary crosswalk..
Yeas-Ald. Blckel. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con-
ley. Fisher,
hnn. KevannKh, LeRb.aser,
Weber, Mr. V ice P esidentsl0 born, Sullivan.
APProvad Sept. lb, 1889.
By Aid. Mmea-
Resolved. That the Board f. of Public W hots
be Instructed of lay a sixffom sidewalkdle on both
todes of drown nuance �. do allnecessarYncrobainge.
Yeas -Aid. Bickel. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con
lay, Fisher, Gabon, Kavanagh, Laths ser,
Mines, Mcludy, Pratt, Sanbom, Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vice President -16. -
Approved Sept. 18, 1689.
By Ald. Leitbausnr-
2�exolvsd, Thnt the Board of Public Works
cause a 6 -foot wooden idewalk to be Inid on
the west side of Mendota street, Iro Ens[
Third street to Hudson avenue, except where
it Is already laid.
Yens-Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock, Cullen. Co-
IeS, Fisher, Gehan. Kuvxnugh, Leithauser,
Mineu, Mcludy, Pratt. Sanborn. Sullivan,
Wen- Air. Vico President -16.
Approved Sept. 18, 1889.
By Ald. IIIOm-
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
cause a four foot wide step to be built on Brad
ley street in front of York street.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel. Blom. Bock, Cullen, Con-
i , S bSllitWeberAnen,AeludyYrn[tnom,van
Mr. Vice ,
President -I6.
Approved Sept 18, 1659.
By Aid. ➢lom-
use o aipht-I.ot ao �hat the onrnide alk PubWic ork.
-Sc be on.
strolled on both side, of Geranium tree,.
from Edgerton Lrnet to Earl street, with aec�
.SSary crosswalks, except where already or
Y eas-Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen, Cool
beF M.I.0 huYiut Snoborn Ls Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vice Prusitlent-1G.
Approved Scpt I., I.o
By Aid. \Veber -
Resolved. That the Board of Public Works
builtson eab.intructstdside of to cause
9l Albo5ldetreet from
Carroll to Rondo street.
Yens-Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock,
Icy. Fisher, Goav, Kavanagh,
bilnea, Melady. Pratt Sanbom, Sullivan.
Weber, Mr. Vice President -iii.
Approved, Sept. 16. 188a.
13y lse Pratt-
Resolveat.d. That the Board of Public Work[
with all necessfeetary Cossingswooden dto be sidewalks,
as follows:
On both sides of Bnvless avenu., from Lang
ord park to the 5t. P.. M. & M. A'y, except ir.
Iro It of lots i, band 9, block 49 and lots 1 and 2
block t8.
On easterly side. of Gordon avenue, Car
ter av nue to side
ave and n north
erl¶side of Gordon v eIrom Logfort
to Langford park, except 1. front o
lot. 19, W and tlr, block M.
a5tle s avenue and SSide of Langford
fP. & N. P. R'.v u
Knapp ,tract, except In ,cont of lot, 10 and 14
block 41.
On easterly side of Logford Park place east
from Bayless ovenne to Klapp street, excep
in front of lots 3 suit 4, block 45, unit m trot c
lots 1, 2, 8 and 4, block 'k3: oft north ,Ids C
Knapp street, from Longford venue o Lou,
ford avenue, except [n font of lots 1, 2, 3, 14, 1:
16, I: and 18 of block 3i.
On south side of Langford avenue, Gordon
venue to County mad, except In front of late
3, 4 and 5, of block 38, and 1, 2 and 3, block
On northan side of Wheeler avenue, Bayless
veenuea and around curve o Kendrick, except
front of lets 4, 5 and 6, block 4i.
On north side of Kendrick street, Bayless to
taymond avenue.
On south side of Blake avenue
across Lang
ord park; on west side of Raymond in front of
,ublic square, corner Kendrick.
All in St. Anthony Park addition to SL Paul.
y,e s-Alld Gickel, BKavanngh, Letha
eines. Melady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Veber, Mr. Vice President. -16.
Approved Sept. 18, 1689.
3y Aid. SVeber-
Roselved, That the Board of Public Works
:ease an eight -foot Sidewalk (with necessary
:mssings) built on Grotto street, from. Carroll
.o Minnehaha street.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Book, Cullen, Con-
ey. Fisher. Geban, Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Llmea, Melody. Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
,Veber, Mr. Vico President -10.
Approved Sect. IS, 1889.
By Aid. Weber -
Resolved, Thm the Board or Public Work.
cause an eight foot sideothwalk (with necessary
Sttrreet, from Rondo built on sere t to Minnekaba stSid SS of St. reet
Yeas-Ald. I3ickel, Blom, Book, Cullen, Con
ley, Fisher, Gehan, Kavenagn, Leithauser,
Mmes, Melady. Pratt, Sanborn, SUBivsn,
Weber, Air. Viae President -16.
Approved Sept. 18, 1889.
B3' Aid. Prett-
Resolved. That the Board of Public Works
Cauca Crosswalks to be Constructed as follows:
On north .ids of Langford avenue. across
County road.
On south side of Dooley, aveaue,nc les County
On east side of County mad, across Dooley
On east side of Nourse street, across Gordon
and Blake avenues.
On west side of Ad. street, across Kendrick
On north side of Wheeler avenue, across
Bayless avenue.
Langford Pork lesplace east andintersectionavenue at west with
O. earth
alto of Wheeler avenue, across
Across Raymond .venue, rear the intelsec
Ito of Raymond and Wheeler avenues.
On north Side of Atty street, across Scudder
On east side of Scudder sveuue, across Ally
Yea,-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con-
ley, Fisher. Gehan, Kavanagh, Tue.,
Webs Mrs Vice Sanborn, Sullivan,
Approved Sept. iii, 188 9.
By Aid. Malady -
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
be and is hereby authorized to cause a six-foot
wooden sidewalk to be laid oa the south side of
Kentucky street, from Fenton to State streets.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, l3ock, Cullen, Can
ley, Fisher, Gehan, Kuva.agh Leithauser,
Mtnea, Melady, Pratt, Sanborn. Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vice Presidsn[r16.
Approved Sept. 18, 1898.
By Aid. Sullivan-
,asolvel, That the Board of Public Works
are hereby authorized to lay six-foot wooden
sidewalk n the east side of Merriam plate,
between St. Anthony avenue and to a cone¢
tion with sidewalk already laid.
Yens-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen. Con
ley, Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh. Leithauser.
Mine¢.Melndy,Prmt,Sanborn,Suliivan. Weber
Mr. Vice-Prosident-16.
Approved Sept. 18, 1869.
By Ald. Blom -
Resolved, That the Board of Public Work:
cause an eight -foot wooden sidewnik to bi
built o the both sides of P.v.e avenue, free
Maryland street to Ivy street.
Yens- Ald. Bickel. Blom. ]look, Cullen, Cor.
ley, Fisber, Gekan, Knva.ugh, L. thauset
Mines, Ateludy. Pratt, Sanborn. So Ivor
Weber, Mr. Vice Preside, -I6.
Approved Sept. 18. 1689
By Ald. Alom-
Resolved, That the Board of Public Wort
tru ted 6f both side. Of Ross Street,¢fro,
Edgerton street to Earl stect, with necess n
Yeas -Aid. Bickel,
Blom. Bock, Cullen, Ca
ley, Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh. Leithnuse
Mines, Melady, Pratt, Saaborn, So It,
W ober, AI d ViceSeptP B, si�d9enir16.
By A'%=.
ld. Sanboro-
It ie hereby ordered by the Common Coca
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of widening Selby ¢vent
from Victoria street to Fairview avenue, be a
the same is Public Works o invBoard
investigate gat and report:
First. Is this Improvement proper n
us ..... ry?
Second. Give the Council an
the ex01
half pense thereat, sad statewhether
cOiis to be aid
City Treasury tbefo a the contractus let tri 1
Third. Can real state to ba sed
Said improvement be found be.e6ted to 1
extent oI damages. costs and expenses use
sery m be. incurred therebyl
FourtbIe aucn improvement asked for ui
the Pettit or .ppIic.tion O[ the urea
ma) tty of the property to be a sed
such improvement.
Fifth. Send the Cou.cil a plan or prohl,
said in evement. ns required by law, if
report In favor of the some.
Sixth -Send the Council n properorder
rooting the work to be dose.
eas-Ald. 3ickel. Blom, Book, Cullen, Con -
Fisher. Geban. Kavanagh, Leithauser.
feu, Afelndy. Pratt, Sanborn. Sullivan,
her, Mr. Vine President -16.
pproved Sept. 18, 1889. '
Aid. WebySter-
reulby the Common Council
the City of
`hat the matter of constructing o sews: on
oils street, from llnle street to Western av
ie, and on Western avenue, from Martin
cat hereby ,referred Anthony
tov the Board ofbo ad e ac
irks to investigate and report:
irst. Is this improvement proper and neces
ieood. Give the Council an estimate of the
pens.,, anstate whether one -hal[ of
a casttheme is
the o be o tract islet to the Clty
id lrmprovement betfound b neat doto the
:teat of damages, costs and expense. aeces
ry to be incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such Improvement asked for
:on the petition or sP db atiou of the owners
majority of the property to be assexsed for
ich improvement"
Fifth. Sand the Council a Pian or Profile o[
fid lmprovemet, as required by law, If you
,port in favor of the come.
Sixtb. Send the Csuncfi a proper order It-
ictng the work to be done.
Y"eus-Aid. Bickel, ]3!Cm. Book' Cullen, Con
r. Bi y
M.b ahilaP t.uvanaSunbom, Sullivan,
Mr- Vi
APllmed SePLP16e16`t9.nt-18.
ly Aid. Letthuuser-
f it her b
City of SL. Paul by the Common Council
That the matter of Fr-n1BI alley betwCcnn
,locks 2 nod 9, of Suburban Hills nddiLton,
late. along. to Mound stree4 bo a d the
t'he Boar
Worksis htosinvestigr to tand report: d of Pub
First. Is this improvement proper sad nee
Second. Give the Council an estimate o[ the
expanse there.:. and scute whether oehnit of
the cost thereofTreasury before thescontract is letto DO dlto the City
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
Said improvement be found benefited to the
extent of damages, toots sad expenses as...
sal, to be Incurred thereby?
Fou rtb. Is such mpmvement askf the ed for
ata ma)ohl ntoif Therproperty to be assessed for
u.. improvement?
Filth. Send the Concll a plan or profile of
.aid immo orne.t, as required by law, if you
report In favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the d
Council a proper order di
clang the work to be one. Ye., -Aid. Bickel, Blom. Hock, Cullen, Con-
ley, Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Lelthaaser.
Mines, Afelady, Pratt. Sanbom. Sullivan,
Wo ed Sept Mr. Vice P18, 11899, tr-
By Aid. Gehan—
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of grading Courtland street,
Irom Lnke Como vnd Phalen avenue to North
city Ilona, be and the same 1 a hereby referretl
to the Board of Public Works to investigate
and report:
FirstIs this improvement proper and nec-
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof, sad state whether one-half o
the Dont thereof is to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Tbrd. Can real estate to be naseased for
said improvement be found benefited to the
extent of damagescosts and expenses nece.-
sary to be incurred thereby."
Fourth. Is such improvement asked for
apo the petition or application of the owner.
a majority of the property to be assessed
for each Improvement.o
Flit ",Send the Council a plan or profile of
laid improvement, as required by law, if Sou
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order
directing the work to be doe.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con-
ley, Fisher Gehan, Kavanagh, Lelthoser,
Mines, Melady, Pratt, S.nborn, Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vice President -16.
Approved Sept. 18. 1889.
By Aid. Lelthauser—
It is hereby ortlored by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the atter of gediug Frank street,
from Seventh treat to Gatti street, be and
la hereby referred to the Board
of Public Work. to Investigate and report:
First. Is this improvement proper and vso.
s.ry P
ePSecod. Give the Cc Unit an estimate of the
inpense thereof, and state whether on of
s coat thereof Is to be paid into rho City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be naseased for
said improvement be found benefited to the
extent of damages, costa end expenses neces.
nary [o be incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such improvement naked for
open the petition or application of the owners
01 s majority of the property to be assessed for
such Improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said improvement, ns required by law, If you
report 1n favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council n proper order di.
recttng the work to be done.
Yens—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con-
ley, Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Letthauser,
Mi.ea, Melody, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vice President -18.
Approved Sept. 18, 1889.
By Aid. Melody—
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter ofthe construction of a sewer
o Stryker avenue, from Delos street to Pros
pect terrace, together with the necessary catch
basins, be.d the same is hereby referred to
the Board of Public Works to Investigate and
Fire!. Is this improvement proper and nee-
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether one-half of
the coat thereof is to be paid into the City
Treasury before the Contract is let.
Third. Can real tate to be assessed for
said improvement be found to
to the ex
tent of damaqqus. costa and expenses necessary
to be incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such Improvement asked upon for
the petition or application of the owners of a
majority of the property to be assessed for
such improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council n plan or profile of
sold i Pra..ment, as required by law, if you
report In favor of the ser e.
Slxth. Sed the Council a proper order di
renting the work to be doe.
Yens—Aid. Blokel, Blom. Bock, Cullen, Con
ley, Fisher, Gehan,Kavanagh, Letthauser,
Mines, M elady,Pratt,Sanborn,Sullivan, Weber,
Mr. Vice President -16.
Approved Sept. 18, 1889.
By Aid. Bock—
It to hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of widening West Seventh
street. from Tuscarora street to Fort Snelling
bridge. to a uniform width of eighty feet, be
and the same Is hereby referred to the Board
of Public Works to Investigate and report:
First. Is this improvement proper and nee -
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and statewhether one-half of
the cost thereof is to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
said improvement be found benefited to the
extent of damages, coats and expenses Us—
my to be Incurred thereby. '
Fourth. Is such imHpravement eked for
upon the petition or appl initien of the owners
of u majority of the property to be assessed for
such Improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council n plan or profile of
said Improvement, as required by law, if you
report In favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di
,acting the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom. Book, Cullen, Con
ley, Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh. Letthauser,
Mines, Melady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vice President -16.
Approved Sept. 18, PIN.
By Aid. Melady— -
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council
a[ the Cit y of St. P.
That the matter or grading Gates street,
from State street toWoodbury, be and the
iame is hereby referred to the Board of Public
Works to investigate and report:
First. Is this improvement proper and nee
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
pense thereof. and state whether one-half of
;he cost thereof is to be paid into the City
rreasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be aa .... ad for
aid improvement be found benefited to the ex-
tent of damagges, costs and expenses necessary
robe mcurred thereby.
Fourth. Is such improvement ked for
pen the petiit. or applfcutton of the owners
o[ sjo ity of the property b be assessed for
u on improvement?
,old fim• Send the ent, Us trod by
pevemen equ y you
report In favor of snme.
Sixth. Send the Council a properorderdi-
recting the work to be done.
Ycas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Book, ('ullon, Con
ley, Fisher. Gehan, Ka—migh. Letthenser,
Mines, Melady, Pratt, Sanborn. Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vice President—lU.
Approved Sept. 18, 1889.
By Aid. Lelthau9er—
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of Sc. Poul:
That the matter of widening alley to a width
of forty feet between block:: add
'3, Suburban
Bills addition to St. Paul, be and the same is
hereby referred to the Board of Public Works
to investigate and report:
First. Is this improvement proper and nee
Second. Give the Council a. estimate of the
expense thereof• and state whether one half of
the cost thereof Is to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be aesessed for
said improvement be found benefited to the
extent of damages, costs and expenses neces
eary to be incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such nen tttto or applrove ication of the ownnt asked ers
amajorttS of the property to be assessed for
such improvement?
aid IFifmprovement, Send ement, as required Ulu law, profile e
port in favor of the same' y Sou re -
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di-
recting tae work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con-
ley, Fisher, Gehan, Kav,= Lefthnuser,
Mines, Malady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan.
Weber, Mr. Vice President -16
Approved Sept. 18, 1889.
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works dated Sept. ii, 1f 80
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the Clty of St. Paul:
That the Board o[ Public Warks of said City
of St. Paul cause the following Improvement to
be made. to -wit: nd construct . sewer
on Brontlway street.t.rfromade aThirteenth street to
Grove street, in said city, said grading and aetr-
ering to be done under one content
That said Board cause said work to be lot by
contract. as provided by law, without one halt
the estimated cost being first paid Into the City
Treasury. and after saidwork shall be Placed
under contract, said Board shall proceed with-
out delay to assess the amouat as .early ns
they can ascertain the same, which will be to
quired to pay the coat and necessary expenses
ofouch tmprovement upon the real estate to be
benefited by said improvement, na provided by
law; it being the opinion of, the Council that
real estate to be assessed for ruch Improve.
tment can be found bbenefited
' costa d expenses necessary to be Incurred
yYyens—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen, Con
J.Diines,ie Melody. aYrnKnvSanbornLeSulllvan.
Weber, Mr. Vice Preeiden1-16.
Approved Sept. .8, ldh9.
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Worke' dated Sept. lo, 1!189.
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Work. of the City
of St. Paul cause the following improvement
to be made, to wit: Op.., widen sad extend
Snelling avenue, from Randolph .treat to the
edgeofthe bluff near the Mississippiriver.
inking and condemning all the In. d, not .]ready
condemned or dedicated for publice, lying
within the lines of a street I'M feet wide, In .c
cordance with a survey and plat made under
the direction of the Board of Park Commte
sioners of the City of St. Paul, and as shown
on the plat or map of'aid survey oa file fa the
omce oI the City Engineer: also, open, widen
nd ex tend a street •'long the blu(I near the
Mississippi river, to be known as the Misets-
'ppf River boulevard, from the west line of
Yen, a & Lam m's addition In a scuthwmit�
arty tlirection to Weet Seventh street, m ac-
cordance with a survey and plat made under
the direction of the Board of Park Commis
sioners of the City of St. Paul, and as shown on
the plat or map of said survey on tile In the
office of the City Engineer. That said Board
shall proceed without delay to assess the
amount, as nearly as they can ascertain the
agsehi on will be required to pay the dam_
w,costs and necessary expenses of enoh M
provement upon the real estate to be benefited
by said Improvement. ¢ provided by law; it
Using the opinion of thesCounclI that real es -
tote to be aesessed for sock tmprovement ca.
be found benefited to the extent of the dam-
utl thereby.
e8'eeand xpenses necessary to be to
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom. Beck, Cullen. Con
ley, Fisher, Gabon, Kavanagh. Letthauser,
Mine¢, Melady, Pratt. Be nbom, Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vlee President --IB.
Approved Sept. 18, 1889.
In the matter of the report of the Board of Pub- '
lic Works dated Sept. 17, 1889.
It is hereby ordered by the Comm.. Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of sold City
of St. Paul cause the following; impprove meats
to be made, to -wit: Partially grade Hoyt ave
no e, from Concord street to the south city
That said Board cause said work to be let by
contract, as provided by law, without one-half
the estimated cost being first paid Into the City
Treasury, and utter said work shall be 11
under contract said Board shall proceed ith-
out delay to assess the amount s surly as
they can ascertain the some, which will be re-
qufed to paythe cost old necessary expenses
of each improvement upon the real estate to
be benefited by said Improvement, as provided
by law; it being the opinion of the Council
By Aid. Gebon—
It is hereby Ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of grading Courtland street,
from Lake Como and Phalen avenue to North
city limits, be and the same is hereby referred
to the Board of Public Works to Investigate
and report:
First. Is this improvement proper and nee
Second. Give the Council an estimate of in
expense thereof, and state whether one-half o
the cost thereof Is to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract Is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
said improvement be found benefited to the
extent of damages, costs and expenses neces.
nary to be incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such Improvement asked for
upon the Is
or application of the owners
of a majority of the property to be assessed
for such improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
.aid improvement, as required by law, If you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order
dlree'tiug the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Back, Cullen, Con.
ley, Fisher Gehan, Kavanagh, Lelthauser,
Mines,Malady, Pratt. Sanboro, Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vice President -16.
Approved Sept. 18. 1889.
By Aid. Llthauser—
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That theatter of grading Frank street,
from Seventh street to G.Uum street, be and
the same is hereby referred to the Board
of Public Works to Investigate and report:
First. Is this improvement proper and nec-
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether one-half of
the cost thereof Is to be paid Leto the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
.aid improvement be found benefited to the
extent of damages, costs and expenses neoes-
sary to be Incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such improvement asked for
upon the petition or application of the owe,-
of a majority of the property to be assessed for
such Improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council -plan or proal; of
a a lit improvement, as required by law, if you
report to favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di.
recting the work to be done.
Yens—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con-
ley, Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Lelthauser,
Mine,, Melay, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vice President -16.
Approved Sept. 18, 1889.
By Aid. Melady—
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter ofthe construction of , sewer
o Stryker avenue, from Deloa street [o Pros
pect terrace, together with the necessary catch
basins, be nd the same is hereby referred to
the Board of Public Works to investigate and
Fire!. Is this Improvement proper and nec-
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether one-half of
the cost thereof is to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract Is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
amid improvement be found benefited to the ex
tent of damages. costs and expenses necessary
to be incurred thereby?
FourthIe such Improvement asked upon for
the politico or
application of the owners of n
majority of the property to be assessed for
such Improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
improvement, as required by law, If you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order dl-
recng the wk to be done.
. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con
ley, .Fisher, Cohan, Kavanagh, Leithnuser,
M men, M elady, Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber,
Mr. Vice President -16.
Approved Sept. 18, 1889.
By Aid. Bock—
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of he Cityof St. Paul:
That the atter of widening West Seventh
street. from Tuscarora street to Fort Snelling
bridge. to a uniform width of eighty feet, be
and the same I hereby referred to the Board
of Public Works to Investigate and report:
First. Is thisimprovement proper andnec-
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expeuse thereof, and state whether one-half of
the cost thereof is to be paid into the City
Treasury before Lha contract Is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
said improvement be found benefited to the
extent of damages, costs and expenses moes-
sary to be incur!ec thereby?
Fourth. Is such impprovement asked for
upon the petition or applicatio. of the owners
n majority of the property to be assessed for
such improve meut?
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said improvement, as required by law, If you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order dl
recting the work to be done.
Yeas—Aid. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen, Con
le Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh. Leitbauser,
Mnea, Melndl', Pratt, Saaborc, Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vice President -16.
Approved Sept. 18, 1889.
By Aid. Melody—
It is herebyordered by Lhe Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of grading Gates street,
from State street to Woodbury, be and the
same 1s hereby referred to the Board of Public
Work. to investigate and report:
First. Is this Improvement proper and nee
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof. and state whether one half of
the cost thereof t6 W be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed f
said improvement be found benefited to the e
tent of damages, costs and expenses necessa
to be incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such improvement asked f
upon the pet(tian or oppllcntion of the owns
Of a majority of the property to be aesesaed 1
an on Improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council n plan or profile
said improvement, as required by law, if y,
report in favor of same.
Sixth. Send the Council a properorder,
recting the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen. Ce
Mines, FiaMelady, Pratt, none . Sullivs
Weber, Mr. Vice President -16.
Approved Sept. i8, 1889.
By Aid. Leithoueer—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Coca,
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of widening alley to . wid
of forty feet between block: add 8, Suburb,
Hills addition to St. Paul, be and the same
hereby referred to the Board of Public Wor
to far estigate and report:
First. Is this improvement proper and Of
ein ury?
Second. Give the Councll an estimate of t'',
expense thereof, and state whether one-half
the cost thereof is to be paid Into the Ci
Treasury before the contract IS let.
Third. Cm real estate to be assessed I
said improvement be found benefited tot
extent of damages, costs and expenses neci
sary to be incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such improvement asked I
upon the petition or application of the owm
a majority of the property to be assessed I
such improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or pprofile
said improvement, asrequired bylaw, if you',
port fn favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order
recting the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Cl
tehMelady, Pratt, Sanborn,LeSullive
Weber. Mr. Vice President -16
Approved Sept. I8, 1889.
In the matter of the report of the Board
Public Works dated Sept. 17, 1889.
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council
the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of said C
of St. Paul cause the following improvement
bemade, to -wit: Grade and construct a sea
on Broadwaystreet, from Thirteenth street
Grove etrom, In said city, said grading sad se
cling to be done under one contract.
That said Board cause said work to be let
contract, as provided biany law, without one h
Treasurythe estimated
and aftersald aorkpahall be aid law plm
under Contract, said Board .hall proceed wi
out delay to assess the amount as early
they can ascertain the same, which will be
quired to pay the cost and noce.,.ry expen
or such Improvement upon the real estate to
rovit, as few; it being the op nionaid ImC of the Connc led
real estate to be assessed for such improve.
nent can be found benefited to the extent of
;he cost and expenses necessary to be incurred
Yens—Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen, Coin
ey, Fisher. Gabon, Kavanagh, Lelthauser,
Biases Melody: Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan.
Weber, Mr. Viae Presidentr16.
Approved Sept. 18, 16h9.
[n the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works' dated Sept. 10, 1689.
A is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of the City
If St. Paul cause the following Improvement
3dgeofthe bluff near the Mississippi river.
;eking and condemning all the land, not already
.damned or dedicated for public use, lying
,v ]thin the lines of a street Ino feet wide, in ac-
;ordance with a survey and plat made under
;he direotfon of the Board of Park Commis-
,,,of the City of St. Paul, and as shown
3n the plat or mop of Bald survey on file in the
"n" "the
City Engineer; also, open, widen
and extend o street ^long the bluff near the
Mississippi river, to be known as the Mfsst.-
sippl Biver boulevard, from the west line of
Youngman & Lamm's addition i.. southwest-
erly it metlon to West Seventh street, in so.
cords nce with a survey and plot made under
he dim tion o1 the Board of Park Commis
stoners of the City of St. Paul, and as shown on
the plot or map of said surveyy on ale fa the
o®ce of the City Engineer. Tbut said Board
shall proceed without delay to es.ese the
amount, ms nenrlY as
they cam ascertain the
same, which will be required to pay the dam,
ages, costs and necessary expenses of Such Im-
provement upon the real estate to be benefited
by said improvement. as provided by law; it
being the opinion of the Council that real es.
tate to be assessed for such improvement can
be found benefited to the extent of the dam-
ages, costs suit expenses necessary to be in-
curred thereby.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel. Blom, Back. Cullen. Con-
ley, Fisher, Gabon, Kavanagh. Lelthauser,
Mines, Melady, Pratt. Sanborn. Bullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vice President -16.
Approved Sept. 18, 1889.
In the matter of the report of the Board of Pub-
lic Works dated Sept, 17, 1889.
It is
Cityef ordered
Pau by the Common Council Of
That the Board of Publlo Works of said City
of St. Paulcause the following; improvements
to be made, to -wit: Partially grade Hoyt eve
nue, from Concord street to the south city
That said Board cause said work to be let by
contract, as provided by law, without one-half
the estimated cost being first paid Into the Clty
Treasury, and after said work hall be placed
under contract said Board shall proceed with
out delay to ossa,, the ,mount ns early as
they can a.certl. the same, which will be re.
quired to pay the cost and necessary expenses
of such improvement upo. the real estate to
be benefited by said improvement, as provided
by law; it being the opinion of the Council
tbot realv'ria t 11, be found benefit is to be ted roothe el
pent of the cost nod expenses necessary Lo be
Incurred tbareb.y
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen. Con-
Minen,1lMchi yha Pr Ktt' Sanborn. Suiluvs.,
Weber, Mr. Vice President -16.
Approved Sept. 18, 1589.
of the Board of
la 1889,
Common Council of
That the Board of Public Works of the City
Saint Paul can" the followlnq improve
me. t 4o be made, to wit: Open, widen and ex-
tend Stewart avenue, from' the south line of
West End addition to St. Paul In a southwest
erly tlirectlon to a connection with West Sev-
enth street. taking and con huroung ail the load
Out already condemned or ded tested for o pub -
11, treat lying within the lines of Ixty..I.
(66) foot street, the center line of which street
.boll be astraight line wn from the toter
action of the center lin ref Ste w.rt avenue, in
West End addition, with the east and west quer
tween blocks four (i) and 11
the Intersection of the center
.nue, between Palisade a
embetw eco ... items -tlfteeen 11,
(beta) feet esterly m rn
on the east line of Hold section sixteen (16):
there. along the aid east and we 4 qui.,
ter Ilse of sold sectio. sixteen 1 ]8) to its inter-
with Weat Seventh street That said
Boord shall pr -..d without delay t,111111
the amount as nearly as they c.. ascertain the
ngesewhich will be required to pay the dam -
costs and necessary expenses of such im-
provement upon the real estate to be benefited
by sold improvement, as provided by law; It
being the opinion of the Council that real e..
tote to be asseseed for such improvement can
be foum
nd benefited to the extent of the da,
ages, costs and expenses necessary to be L-
curred thereby.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen, Con-
ley, Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Lefthauser,
Mines, Melody. Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vice President -16.
Approved Sept. 18, 1889.
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public. Works datedSept. 3. 1839.
It is hereby ordered by Com
Comon C ...
Oil Of
the City at St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of said City
of St. Paul cause the following Improvement
to be made, to wit: Put in one sewer covnee-
tion for lots I, : and 3, in block 1, of Hopkins'
addition to St. Paul, in said city.
That said Board cause said work to be let by as provided by law, without one-half
Tr a call coat bete flr.t p.fd Into the C'I ty
ry, ¢rad after said work shall be placed
under contract, said Board shell pre.—d with
t delay to ossa.. the amount, v ly a
theyean ascertain the .line, which will be r
qutred to pay the cost and necessary expenses
f such Improvement upon the real estate to be
benefited by said Improvement, ¢e provided by
Council t
law; it being the Opinion t the by
eel estate to be sea for such improve
ant can be found benefited to the a tent1
the cost and expenses necessary to be Incurred
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Com
ley. Fisher. Gehon. Kavanagh, Lefthauser,
Mine., Met mly. Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vice President -16.
Approved Sept. 18, 1889.
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works dated Sept. 17, 11149.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St, Pool:
That the Board of Public Works of said City
f St, Poul cause the following improvement W
be made. to
Construct a sewer on Robert
.tree,, from the end of thepp ent sewer at U.i
e ity avenue to the northrliva of lot 6. block
1, Lambert h Co.'s midition, In said city, to
gOther with the .s y catch bastes an
anholes. That sold Board cruse Wald work to
be let by contract, tlp Ovid d by law, without
the City 1're asury.afe d after .al,] erstk .hnllnbe
laced under contract sold Board shall prococd
lthouI delay to assess the amounr,as nearly as
they can ascertrin the s which will be re
quired to pay the cost and e, Oce. ry expenses
such improvement upon the rent esinte to be
benefited by said improvement, as provided by
law; it being the opinion f the C...Oil that
sal estate to he assessed
for such improve
e extent of
the cost andmeet an be tett,,,e. rie clo to to be incurred
expanses neceasory
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen, Con
Fisher. hf eladyoh PraLKarSangblor L1Sullivc,
t\'eber, Mr. Vice President —16.
Approved Sept. 18, 1W.
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works dated Sept. 17. 1889.
hereby orderPed
by the Common C ... oil of
the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of said City
of St. Paul cruse the following Improvement
to be made, to -wit: Pave Lyons court, in
said city, with cedar blocks andcurb
with wood. That said Board cause said
k to be let ithout one-hby contract, s pro
vlded by law, by the esti-
Into the City Tress
ury, and ft.r Bold ork shall be placed
under contract said Board shsll proceed
without elay to assess the amount, ae nearly
as they can ascertain the same, which will be
required to pay the cost and neces-
sary expenses of such improvement upon the
real to be benefited bysaid Improve
II L, as provided by law; it being the ophlbm
ofthe Conn ell that real estate to be s seseed
for such Improvement can be found benefited
to the. extent of the cost and expenses nec-
essary to be Incurred thereby.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Co.
ley, Fisher, Gehon, Kavanagh. Lefthauser,
Mines, Melady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vice President -16.
Approved Sept. IN, 18X9
In the matter of the report of the Berard of
Public Works dated Joly '_, t 11.
It Is hereby ordered by the I;onimov ('ouncit of
the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works o[ aid City
Yout cause the following improve
t to be de. to wit; Construct a cell or en
Roble street. frcm Boyt avcoce to State street:
sn Winifred . ireet.lrom A,dr,11 streot to State
treet: o 1'ovgress from liuvcro rt
street to S[ut, .[reef: o rat Concord street, fret,
Brown avenue to Stale at •.t: on Andrew
street, from Rubio Street tont"mitred street
on Brownvenae, from ltobio street
to Concord LL,treet; ell 141mt'rOft .frost,
from Roble street to Cnngt'e.s raters 1.
inti on Ada street, from It -tie street to
Congress street. In said city, together'Vitt the
nrS c•-trh-basins and anholes. �alA
Seating to fie dour tinder oneolit,act. '1'h at.
said Board cause su id work to ht• let by rent ruct
U1 provided by low, wilboul. one the esti.
mated cos[ being first Paid into [hn Cft.y ccll'Plans
outset llttd &i.'Ld shalI til. be 1 wuithot tndle:r
lay to asses the .moon;. a. nearly u, they con
stile. the sum •. which nh:atl be reel e-,1
to opaynthe cost 1611 vc ,,,.ry a "o, .=es o
¢ t t'cment, to elto of +1.: i Per
foot upon the real estate to be be-ellted by
• Id im Prot •rat. as Provided by law:
a eine it
beta tithe b, Inion of o—Olseoh fo0o in r I bell thaltr t1B,n elft
1.. be found benellttld to ",� x_u, of
per foot tew':ards lite cost and ex P''nses n:.t ,..
cry to be incurred thereby.
,s Yeas—Aid. Bickel, ilium, liocit. Collett, C`1ley. Fisher. Gahan, Nuvan:tgh, 1, ithunsc r.
Sf tile.. Pratt. Sanborn. SelPvan. \\"eller. Mr.
Vico Presi'llo,
Approved Sept. 1K. I. -i,
Iv the mutter of the report of ,he ..aro of Pub
tic \corks anted July
It I. herc¢y ordered by lbc ('emmon C'onnr.11 of
be Civy of St. 1'n:tl:
That the ]ioor'l of Pubbe "'Ilk' of Iho City
f St. Paul cause ih, inllewine 1!n'trovr,.00t ,o
be • de. to "it op, i. n'1den, : Iter ud c'
tend Sixth st reel , ; :feet. frcm the easterly-
licoor westerly ofthewie.ter) III', o: ifireo): sit reteI.
d atdu. sold Stxtb street, from Bas:thrl Gi
Brottdx'.y street, to said city. reademning rad
taking all that land, not already con dcmned or
dedicated for public It" except land and
properly.wined by corlhOoticnsi. lying within
the lines of a strip In feet wide, theother ly
line of which strip shall bell st raf ght line denten
fro the southeasterly o cr .1' 1'o ,mere ui]
and Sixth 'treat- to the no-tlionslerl\'corner
of lot 2, bl,ek 3,. Iiittaen's ade:itinn to St- Pool:
and also condemning amt takin_ I'll rt n land
r stet
for and brid.e
ge p.rPo-. i t'I
lyi.g wiik said lfncsuwnc,i I.1yco, porations:
Alio, condemning and -taking lo: f, block
tY'hituey and Stntth'x addition to tit. Pani, :fed
that miscellaneous strip of Iand lying I twee,
id lot 6 and Broad,,. -1111 .lora . triangular
piece of ]and".I.tled ,:ural ally' by Brea.lw'ay.
therly he ,r(berl'r line of tet e, hloclt 5,
Whitney -rad Smith -.s addition. pi,il-Od to
Broadway. and w'caterly by :a line drawl: from
the soutbw terly Cornerof hloclt lFiittson'S
addition. to n point in northerly line of said lot
fell ::t feet westerly Iroln wssterly line of Broad
tvay. for the purpose of tt'i iening Sixth street,
from Rosabel street to Broadway; in said
Board shall or,cecd wuh.ut delay to a e
ally as that c Loin
the nam,, which be required to pay the
damages, co Ltu nod ry c. entSea n bof su e
proveen Pon the real
ed by i i improve meat. as
r 11ded bylaw:
it beim; the opinion of the Council tblt reales
tate to be .ssesded fora such Improvement c
III felled benefited to the the die
oats and expense, re—easary to be in
erred thereby.
t yeas—Ald. I31Oliel. Blom. Bock. Cullen, Com
ley. Fisher. Gahan iiavanaCh- Lcitfmuser.
\tinea, lifelady, Prutt. Sanborn, Sullivan.
lVeber, Mr. Vice Plelide rat --16.
Approved Sept. IS, ISN!).
All . li:tt-.nugh moved to go into executive
,\fter nom, little spout -
tlm Council adjourned an ill Thursdav, Sept. ill.
biJ,, at ,::.n0'c lock p. m.
A:v' ttx'v Yeinitl'., J
Vice 1`re.sident of Council.
'1'itls. A. Pntttltl:A1'r. t'i,, Clerk.
Sr. PA1:,.. Sept. 1:.. Issu. 7::30 o'clock P. m.
Thr t'ouncd met Por -111 to adjourala int.
VPre.fdenl Ye.uI in the I'hair.
1'l Bock, 1'ulleo,
rally, h iSlt r, (;,hou, li:at':mugh, Leith; II -I.
Minta. Me,
ody. Prat. S1. been, Su:liv:to.
e P-.2d,nl-16.
u OuT OF BOAnb OY el -1,1e will -1.
t,uync Avenue (:rading-
1'[n iho l:um men Council of the City of St-
The Orldui of Public lVurlts h:tce had under
.lden COO the solution o order of the
Centeno Counclh :OPprCayt , A, I u. relative
11 o,,, a, t h o (' eat, t rand, hrvsig
tigm cd the tproponed. imurove mens:
tial; c.pei;tfully ',port tb that 11 i1ll;msite ext
••es: cry un, Proper:ed
1st thereof is },I. one half of which need
lint be paid into iho Clty Treasury before the
cntract is let: that real estate to be as
sed thereforran be fou Oil be a.tit ed to the
extent of the cost and expenses oecessnry to be
btcnrred thereby; that nuld imororement he
rant • sked for by n Petition of a majority
of the otrners Of property oto be sas-
sed tborefor. brat ac herewith d . pill.
profile of said tmnrovemenl, :and an order
r )'our adopt it. it tote desire us to make
the Improvetuetit.
Y,u , 1; nal', d.
,'e rk Board of Public
ublic idVo ork
S,pt. lull IHs9.
\deprud. ISee order, to Board of Pubtia
{Vorkn ,
The nii ,tial order w'a streot railway
fr:mcitiscmatter:;, but \ by amul%ous
enc thefouotvmX matters -re
token up: Payne avenue grading; I ssfs:
-;pili street grading: resOtutlons—wh•es
I neonduitol\ationul Subway Com MY: fr`Li,
I., flood. for Sammi[ .venue boulevard, ant
34,45(7 appropriation favor Ann Votliy and Kath-
Yeas—Ald. Conley. Mines, Melady, Yom,
and along the streets and avenues in the
Arkwright snreot to Marylaud street, which
erine Maely.
Mr. Chairman,,.
City of Saint Paul hereafter mentioned. to wit:
said line shell be completed and in operation
Nuys—Ald. Rickel. Blom. Bock. Cullen.
Fisher. Kuvanagb, Leithauser, Pratt, Seaborn,
One of said lines commencing on Fifth (5th)
on or before NOV. first (Incl. 1g770.
line at the Jntersectfon
rdin Iceiwas (d authorizing
An ordinance was read authorizing the Saint
to construct,
Sullivan.. Weber -11.
street at Wacouta street: thence on Fifth (5th1
thence on \VUDneha
Another commencing
of Seventh street I, tit street) and Maria ave -
Paul y
equip, maintain and operate sl rest railway
Ald. b'ish er moved to amend sold ordiwhetrc
to Wabanhd Sercet;
treet to University avenue: thence on Univers-
nut,; theuce on Muria avenue to Plum street:
lines in the City of Saint Paul
by strikingout the words ••ustrike or,"
fly avenue to the est limits of [he City of
thence on Plum street to Hastings avenue;
Rules suspended on motion of Ald. Sanborn.
the same occur in the fifth line f • •tion six
Saint Paul, which Rne shall be completed and
thence on Hastings avenue to street;
k: to in tell Irlound Park,
yeas Ili, and said ordunder, placed upon it+
Ic) of sold ordinance.
Adopted, y,us W.
in operation on or before the firs[ (1,11 day of
November. 9190.
thence oil arl street
[he llrst put of which line, to to Earl
second rending.
street, shall be completed and in operation on
The Vice President called Alt]. (lehan t, the
At(). Yoerg moved to :emend Said ordinance
Another line connecting with the University'
or before Nov. 1st, Plum, and the part, to.
Air. Mehady moved to umepd said orale once
by :tri icing nal the word either" and the
nords11,1 Gelo t vhere the same occur n the
.....0 line at the intersection of Ric, Street
d University avenue: thence on Rice Street
wit: from L•'arl street to Indian Ncuad Park,
or before Noe. Ist, 18'Jl.
be} striking ut the Xlth, si `yh :+tl (i
fourtecuth lupe of section sixteen I lel of st itl
"or [he
to Como avenue: thence on Como avenue to
Another line commencing at the Intersection
venth lines of section ,i lel of .aid incl i-
ord mance, and ul su the words above
the same oc Ilr in line tifteen
Front street, which line shall Ge completed and
mp day of
Robert Street and Fath ('tit) street; thonee
arise," where
sixteen 11¢1.
1 operation cion on or Defore the ricer
n Robert street to the Robert street bridge;
Ald. Sanborn moved its amendment to said
"I sunt Section
November, It}U0.
the ,ce ucr,sx the +nine and along South Bob
notion of Ald. 3:,bad}', that nxiU ordinance U,
Another line. being an extension of the Pomo
err street to Concord,a,street; [hence on Concord
by striking out the worJ.. — strike
Ye;a+—Adel. Rock, Conley, Fisher. Melody.
Ilse, commencing at the ntersec[iot•
Street to :t poli[ near Arthur Yen e.
�where the sameoccur it, the fifth line of
Yoerg-- 5.
of Como avenue and Front street: thence G)'
\nuthrr line commencing ❑ State street
0 6
ection six (til of said ordinance.
'aid amendment of Ald. Sanborn lost.
Naps—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Cullen, Kavanagh.
I.eiibite se r, Lilac LL, Pratt, Sanborn. Sullivan.
such route, S direct a practicable.
s ay be hereafters de,ignuted
where the Sume tmerseCts Concord street;
Year—Aid. Bickel, Cullen. ]iavanagh. tion
Weber, ill r. Chairmua-11.
by the Common Council through
thence on State stre.t to South Robert street;
South Robert -tree[ to Annapolis
born, Sellicun. Weber—,.
'There being no further amendments offered
Warrendale to Pomo Park. which iine Shall be
[hence on
Nays—Ald. 131om, Burk, Conl, }'. Fisher,
the l,couU reading of said ordinance ,;is
completed and In operation on or h,Yor, No
Leithsuser, Mineu, Meludy, Pratt. Yoerg. Mr'
II tom pieced.
vember first (Intl. 1897: proclol, that alt
Anotber line commencing ou WuGusha street
Chairman -10.
Alii. Cullen mot that the Ica be so far
tree[, to De so hereafter designated sd1J
line be severed before January I. Ilut, and if
where the .nine iuterxects.Sevont6 ;Sth) street:
tnanc, o W'ubasna +tree[ to the W
Aid. Yoerg mored as amendment to Said mo
se,ped .(I tl),titlic i-ea(lingof the zimended Sec-
said streets are not then sewered Suid line
10 Do
-trect bridge: thence across the same to D.-
tion of Ald. Melady that s' iU ordi
t(on of ,aid ordinance be taken as the third
shell be completed and iu operation within one
kora avenue; thence on Uakutn avenue [o Win
¢note be amended by Striking out
r,dUing oI said urditutnet.
year after the same are were J.
ifred street: thence on W inured
the words •'a stripe where -me occur in
Adopted, yeas 76, and the said ordill and• so
however, that said line shall be ex'
street to Ohio street; thenoe un
the fi[t6 line Of section six Ilii of ,a ld ordi-
nonce, and by inserting immediately after
ad the [bird time:.
req be V:c, President took the chair,
tended to Como Park assoon as the waters [
hio street to George: street:, thence on
George street to Smith avenue; thence on
word ••obstuote" in the Sixth line c i said sec
Aid. Sanborn Slicks in [ever of the Passage of
Lake Como shall be restored to their Leigh 1.
then th avenue to Accept, from. The three
tion six Iii) the words • with the. xc •ption of n
said urdiliance.
during the year ltfl5, whether sewers ere
constructed or not. but not earlier than Nov,,¢
X31 Inst num cd lines shall Ge completOn and i n
operation on or before NuV. 1st. 1+590.
Aid. Melody acre pled said : ntendtne ut of
The gars[ ion being upon the passage of sulci
ordlmtuev :mthoriziug the St. Paul City Rail
her Int, IgM.
Fifth (5th)
Amrther line commencing at the intersection
Aid. Yoerg, and a votetieing era on sail
uy ('omnno}- to construct, etc., street railway
Another title commencing oil
theuce o. Fifth [5th)
oI \V int Fred street and S[ry let ,van,,, thence
motion of Aid. Df,lady, :i• ,mended by AIeL
Yoerg, the Same was lost.
lines, the said ordinance was passel. (See Or
dinance No. 11.:;.)
street at Wacouta,treat;
streat to Wabash. street; thence on 1Vxbaxha
u Stryker avenue to Annnpolia street, which
imn shell be completed and to operation on or
YeaS—Ald. Conley. Fisher, Lei'llauser. Tier
street to Seventh (7t1) street; thence on Ser
f tod Fort Snelling bridge.
before Nov. Int, 1891.
says ]'.erg -5.
Ald. ('u Ileo ved that the Common
request the St. Paul City Railway Company' to
nth street to the
the whole of which line shall b, cum pleted and
Another line commencing t the intersection
N Aid. Bicltel, Blom.. Bock, Cullen, Kav-
restore Sixth streat and St. Peter street to
in operation on or befot•o November firs[ fisc),
of Cni versify avenue and Mice street; thence
It Mince, Pratt, Sanborn. Sellivnn.
their proper condition.
1891, but sofa line shall Ge completed and oper
u n Rice street to Meryl ad[avenue.
Weber. Mr. (.'hairman—Ii.
uted to Pleasant avenue by November i,[.
Another ane commend❑g at the intersection
Aid. Cullen moved to amendsaid ordinance by
Fred Driac•oll. Esq., was granted the privi.
of Tenth I bah i strcet and W❑bash. street;
striking out the word "January' vhere s tine
lege of the floor, and, anbehalfof she citizens
Another line commencing at the Intersection
thence .,u 'Tenth street to Rice street; thence
thence Ron
cents inthe first line o[ section four, sen 041
f SL Paul, thanked the Coancil for Its :tc54ion
of Jackson street and Fifth (5th) street: thence
on -
t Of street; -
on trice Street to St
Jo to llule street
t said ordinance, and in,cning in lieu thereof
; 1 ,ecu ring [he prrponed cupid transit.
on JeoBson atreec to Falrriew street ut itsinter-
the word -November.''
[hanks be
section Ith University uacnue ws[; theuce
Another line commencing intersection
.\Id. [tulle{[ moved that a vote of
Citizens' Com
on F,trvlew street to the intersection u[ the
of Locust street ❑fid Seventh Chh7 street:
Ald. Pullen moved to amend �aiJ ordinance in:mce
tendered the m mbers of the
mince and eoth ars for their service,
north lineof Pennsylva❑la avenue with Jack
thence on Jackson street to Sycn-
thence ua Locust street to Westminster Street;
thence on Westminster street to Lafayette
by strikin6� out the word •such"where same
in bringing about a settlement of the Ulittcul.
son street:
more street; thence on sycamore street
venue: hence, on Lafayette avenue to Collins
occurs in the elghte,nth lino of section secen
rtes attending the ..,let of street railway
Courtland street; thence ou l'ourtl and street
street: thence ou Collins street to Burr street;
teen (7.) of said ordinance and inserting to Ilea
franchises _
[o Maryland street, which line shalt be •om-
thence on }tart street to Mlnneh,h. street;
s its.
thereof the words
pleted u❑din operation on or before lite first
(.hence oil Minachuht street to Edgerton street;
Adopted, yeas
(1st) day of September, lrtia.
thonee on Edgerton street to Rowney street;
Re.ney Payne
Aid. Yoerg moved to :amend said ordinance
0. din:ao, s.
Provided, th.t if the grade neon any i�an of
thence on street to aveuue;
thence; Ydyne eveuuo to Sims street;thence
by inserting immedintel}• after the figures il!+1
sold tine shall exceed five per eat o t said
St ms street to Greenbrier avenue. and
where sumDeena 1n the ninety firs, (97) line of
action on, 11) of surd ordinance the following:
OleptvnzCe NO. 1:2. �.
An Ordin:an ce authorizing the Saln[ Yanl Cit}'
❑rat day of September, Il9L said Ilse shall be
ne[ructud and completed within tn'elre
theuce on (;to brim avenue to Maryland ave
cline commencing :tt [hc intersec[tun
}t:i(lwa)' Comp.n}' in c list net, equip. main
mo the [ter such Kradc snail be r laced to
nuthrr line beginningatthe intersection of
o[ llnkuta and Fairfieltl a •noes: [hence nn
twin operate street railway lines in the
not less than flue (5) per cent. or such greater
West Seventh street and Ramsey street;
Fairfield' avenue to Ohio street; thence on
Cit y of Saint Paul.
gr.d0 ns shall in shown to be practicable as
thence on Ramsey' street to Oakland avenue;
street to George street: thence on street
Smith to
The a Cpmmun Coe aril of the City of St. Paul
hereinafter provided.
thence on Oakland venue to Grand avenue;
to Smith avenue; thence on uvenne
floc be
to ordain as follows:
Ilse commencing ul h'ifth bith)
and thence on Grand avenue to Victoria street.
Annapolis street, which Shall completed
Ohio street is
Seetiun 1. Ther, is hereby granted to the
Wocouta street: thence on Fifth (3th)
Another line commencing at the internee
and fn oPumtion as s n us said
graded [o fou width...
Saint Paul" Itnalwny CamPauy, is e,-
street at
street to Hro.dwuy trent; thence on Brand
tion c[ Leziugtun avenue and Universlr.y,
Mr. Gllmnn, of Thomson Houston Compunp•
anal asst gas, the :authority, fight and privi
�,ge to build, equip. maintain and operate
B street to Mississippi street; these on
.area ue; thence ua Lexington avenue to
ytinnehuh. street; theuce on MimeI n is street
was heard ,s to practicsbilicy of sold line.
street railway linea. with single or double
MtaslsatpPl streat to York street; thence on
Yet street to aV entminster street; thence o❑
to Snclllug avenue; thenoe on Snelltng,venue
Said last mentioned motion of Aid. Yoerg
tracks, with all necessary sidetracks unit
Westminster street to Case street; thenco on
to Langford avenue; thonee on Lnnglord ave
1n St. Anthony Park, which
was lost.
switches, poles. wires. conduits and
Cane street to Arkwnght scree[; thence on
nue to County road
line 'ball be completed and in operation to
Lao gford avenue by Sept. let. este, d th, nG'
to the County -rood aforesattl
let, Ism.
Provided, hon-rver, that said i'ity' liaflx'aY
shall not be required to co -tract or
operu[e peep of said Itnc, w'Dere the grade of,
y of the streets on such line or Ives is more
than five per cent, unless it +hall be shown that
u line of ilwaY operas ed by'clect riHty +s .ae
os fully operated un 1 l 11 11,
udiUovs in other cit f
that on any part of such prolm, d line
2. The said Saint Padul, City Itatlwa.y
Company, its .hall
Dave the right to toperate saitd linustut railway
by cable, electric. Pneumutie or gas Power, :,t
the option of said company.
Provided. that n
locomotive or motor pro
pnlled by steam shall ever be used on said lie c+
f railw:,3' or n}' Gart thecae!. + or shall vn
power be employed on Said lion. or any p.rt
thereof, which phot be a pv Utic r Pri r+,te ani
or shall C. I be utc :n obdlti, ill. rvi-
tilde to the Property on said streets or else
Sec. a. The said Saint Paul City Railway
Company is hereb`granted authority and per
mission to eater ,Pan all Lh' is ubnru
mad and included n the route.. out,
or any o[ hem
to u ,)` n [ to and ret
to c6 ilw'a}�Itttrs and.
lou Place.
and secure the Poles, columns. x'iren, c ntluits
and up -, x'hicR muS UC re,lu,red iv the
Cocstructlon ' n[1 maintenance of said linen of
railway, and for operating in' sum'.
Provided, that the nPcrntiou of the
be ectc,l fm' the purpose
phir ' o aid Sr.. 1':,ul CIL>' I[vilwny Cumlony
foresaia, s c. hituminoua coal, unle,s
shall no[ burn n
the per
Slot o[ [he l' ('ouncil fs first
Avd provided, that if ' m' f said lines sh:,ll
r' tea by cable, all ordiumn-s or res -1
be ops to force. or heretofore d by the
tions n pa—ed
1'ommo CounCtl r gulating thein
and operutfo of cable lines to the City is G
tool, except where the
' ' sistmrz
with any of the proci.ion -me
shall apply on
Such cnbte lines.
Seo. 4. All pries erected un'le�heiut, drdi
notice shall bC of such size. . 3' k
material, and shall be placed at such pmnts on
the margin of the street side of the sidewalk,
or boulevard, and such diStoncCs apart netwcen
centers. us shall be designated byn he City En
gineer, and shall he crectod an said wires
[rung Lbereon under the supervision and sub-
ect to Lite inspection and ontrol of the ('it)'
Engineer. Plans oI s id Pelee, wires and up-
plioces shat! Ire submitted to the City Ev„t
andCer shall be approved by him bywritlev
certificate before the cnm • a e erected. Said
poles, wires, appltancea and structures snail be
built upon the most approves moth¢', sn as tt
interfere as little a, practicable with all othm
public u sof said streets, a d both ma rib
d wo kmoahip xhall be the best of [then
Class and kind.
Sec The co •Des nod c sed o
linea of railway shalthe.
be of the be •t mods �rt
stynle and const-'tlon, suitable for the safety
t e and comfort ( the pas,engdrs
pod sholl be comfor,bly heated during th
winter months, and whenever necesa;iry at ano
and ah all be properly lighted u I ren
tilated:. aad anvil hove painted n c..Spicuou,
part., thereof.'on signboards placed thereon. In
large slain letters. that the same maybe
I sec_ and read b' day and by night, the
outs r street., ole which the e e ore
Sec. li. The s[. C
y Roil way Com nen}.
.hall. Iron the time of thn tom Pletton ;nal Com.
ant cf the operation of a •y of.aia line.
�p�r not tm t!•u su c daring such hours oI cuch
1 1
the to be to'rated ore—ch
2hlI,0,hall lute the ' ling
alonc—id 1'mcs.
Pmyitied, that in case of the interposition of
an tniurmm
onntle I,ta Cle, the running r
v may be scope Itded for such time as ,hall
be[absolltelN required t overcome the some -
'he Common i'onac,i may regulate the Speed
t'Ihu , terd i, sold ar, so foral to
permitted for Amilar earl,
tic '
other ci tic-�.
rnSev, t. Tho sora Iincs f r Ilwnq are to be
ns trucicd'indoper,tted a herein Provided
on the estnblinhea grade of said trots. or on
that which shall b, established by the City of
St. Paul s,,, ton grade of Said streets.
Said comp.ny Shall raise or lower it. trucks.
Peat,. structures and appliances to conform to
eb;,ngu. that maty' hC m tt the grade I
u1t}-ur,:,id .t,eeln. at Dow nna exnera'.
henorrr Said,[reute arexallvully ordered to
begraded to such changes and saidcompony f1
ordered to
Sec, s 'Che track of said railway lines shall
of be eb•rat ed ahore the surface of the street.
nal shall he laid with the O. (:. isi is (.o .Iled�
ted o
or ueh other roils as shall Ue spire
dcrrd by the
Coutmil.on or as n
• Lo the c of said street. nand
ltirnct i':able enter
"tall be su e,l that carriages and vehicles can
,po and freely cross ,aid streets t any and
alt points thereof. with the least oDs[ructton
Provided, That no track, or part of a track.
shall be operated before the same ,hull bare
been inspected and approved by the Common
Connell of said city. I fier written notice by the
company of its comPletlon.
Sec n. The Saint Paul City Railway Com
ch of te
hoops, oiccnpied tibmy es lidolin ea mf railwry us
may lie between the rails of eucD track. and be
swaps the lines of double track. and for a
space of two feet outside of the track or tracks
cleaned and in Fund palr, and shltll canoe the
x" "n
q he removed soreas to afford a sof.
vobetructed passageway' for sleighs and
u': gens, within twenty four hours of the snow-
tallin cnrh instance, and it,e ePnirs nal the
reallnal of the snow .hall be done to the sntis
taction of'the Common Council, or such person
r persons Dave Supervision f the
streets of the l'il}So[ S:dnt Poul, and of the
cost ad expense of said company, and in Case
of any failure Comply with the above uro-
+_l,mns, the Cit, N:ngiveer shall cause such
w' [o De rmneved Ind the truck Rept in re
pat, ns aforesaid, and the expense thereof nhnil
be p, -gad to and collected from said Saint
Pan City Rai:way Company.
Sec. til. Who eoy now im PTO, emote, pa,
ing. repairing. plonking or rePlnnking. Igradiug
u'y xcepte Al. shall be ordered by be Com
e n I'm -cal on rny�r said streets. or parts of
m id, treats hereto entioued. the Said c
puny shnn in like -arms, sad with the same
materials, make such improvements. paving
repairing. Planking r r planking `grading
only excepted) on ' Ch Part,, of said s recto
may lie between the ran. of each track. and
between tiro lines
outsi detlh el track :m„ It for
where sold new improvements at."';", r [o' '
have bee v o red b` the l'mnmun Couvt�il
oforesaia, rn end i the u'. nm
pony ball. uftert caseric,ice •:,b . o,,he
('co m of Con nail of said c•ity'. regi"t i tu: kt•
oche new Improvement f _ of then the
s bo done on h- 1' f lr h'
City of ly l Pnul at t F -
ppave', oval the amount of s -d exptn+,. .chit it,
d by.t proper cut he ri„en o[ said Cny.
upon lice notice a in other c of assess
•nt. and the•tamount .1ed shall be
char,..ble to and P:da by cS:d$s ompaay.
Sec. it. The r mitmg of theDarn on :my wart.
of .aid lines of rmlwat', or either of tRcm, '
be Double [time rhe ('o}, at an)' tits albremoroneo+�Vv�
dry on account of repair., of streets or the
—action of �S war, m other public i
ants; and whenever i - be [,
at[ mat .. �
have anY truck taken uPtfo, [he pu rmose .aid, the same shah be Luken up :mtl rebid nt
the eximm,I of said Saint Paul i'it}• lioilw m"
The Chief noise cor of the Piro 1)epurtm ant
[ said city, or he Persmn x'ho for the time I,,
suemaY_be ting 'n h^ stead. n, t, Drapes
pere,, of the running of t he c a—^. said
f rotlw ay, or either of „rem. as he may
deem it nese. scary during any
In ca.e of fire o nth•_r Public neces.ity the
proper emcee or ,norer. of the city may cut Or
ll do .rid lir wironteolhe t11, lctn�r:Iia rl in t�sPntr
either u•f ilio,. and the pity or its enters �hnll
t thereby be liable t aid S:,int. Poul i'ity
Railway Company for Iain*' fo.,,.,. fiasco ge ro-
of l ees
for the cost' oT,mo the r e111coll¢' r�,p airs me ut
replacing the same.
Iiwa ec. 12. All cars running on said herr of
r ay, shall be used sly for t; "Ing
passe tigers. Including ofyllnnry baggage,
o atter sunset shall he proli 1Z mitis
signalIlgDts to be maintained In such coi,
and manner as
the Common Council may
rd di-
eor approve.
Sec. 18. The rate of fore for each Illlsa('ngeC
traveling on any of cold ones shall nut evice ed
h vo cents. inCluding ordinary baggage'
Provided, no fare shall be required fur a
child under five years of age, t,hit el'r."Cling
under the care of n older 111-On:
e son. ,In
Provided. That when the eam, at travels
Over two or mora streets nr lines there .hall be
but ono fare inr the whole dintanyo no troy.led.
Sen. l4. From, ml after the ISt nay of No
tuber. IsPo, Haid Saint Paul City R:llitvllL'
Company shall s' nsf- clictare k, :toy 1,tris
passenger who hese aid on of
paroled, or in be herenfrer nperlal—I by
Said Sntvt 1'uui ('It,' Itailw'ny' Conmanv. in the
(-sty of Suint Paul. which transfer cbecka.1call
entitle, the ii-e—ger so receiving the .:pre to
U conLingUotts I c i n any onnecting or,
pat,: g
oros,In_ 11" oper' eA. or to be hereaR rr aper
.led b ith•ainemalior any 1 their' power':: 1'�ms_
eery wit.
ah.. be entitled to re than n
transfer for one fare. and such transfer check
shall be used only by the person receiving the
e for n c ..sage. and shall be
I.ed upon the .ext r deps rttj on the cov-
ecling or Cn�.singui ne Ponwhich it is to be
c. 1 i. In alle s where any team or v fl
hie I,,hall meet onYecasaid lines of -
r eIth,-r of them. or shall be overtaken
b}�au}' car thereom such le:nn or vehicle shall
giro way to such car. No person shall ilfuliy
l l dela, or
y t rllut, h oder.
of n
If the
etin or her ,[st nl tins,. fg raway or track.a
�,laciag. ,l riving or s,ocome. or c ming to be
,dame. driven o upped a team,
'eh isle or
obstacle the vbraolcpon,
fthe' of aide lines 1 railway after
-notified bl the conductor or Pelson in
charge of a ,r hereon by the ringing of rho
r bell orotutIo-wise. And 'hoover shell
t';t Lntu any of the prot'isions of this snetiou
.hall upon ..miction thereof before the
Mun tet pas['curt of paid city, be punished by a
aloe of not more thnen one hundred (}mol dollars,
ver ],•sn th:,n fl re (.S) dollars.
Scc. In, The Saint Paul City RailtvvyComp any
.ol—ation of the prirnegen granted to it
� der this ordinance, hereby valves and or
viers all rights it n:ty stave heretofore
acquired to toy street e [ trucks, and operate
a the coon. upon any and all of the following
s[ reefs, to wit: }-
Dayton uv a Net,.,,avenue, Western
I from Nilson even,
,e to Summit aveuuc,
Sixth .[t t•t. hfinnith street,
.erect. Cedar street,
fromstreet. Eighth .erect Central a
fret, 1",,on street to rtUa tru street. Sher
burn v ",,on, from Roher[ trust to Park
eSnmmit at esu nal }•:est Summit
c iron, Rice atrectttna Robert street and
.yturorn u e from Robert street to Wabash.
act Forbes avenue from Exchange street to
In gins St reC I.
Provided, how -c, Or, that this waiver Shall
,utinuo and be in force for such a time only ca
lite City mf Saint Poul Shall nut grant or give to
ally other company or persons t
or he right to use
copy said exempted street, and —nim.,
or ony part thereof. for or by a railway of any
description, either inml the surface or below
or y enbnve Inc surfai•e of said streets and
a See. 17. Tho St Paul City Railway Company
pay to in, City
Treasurer, In ad vi uce. au
anI license oten tdollars for each and
or pry ct used by it on on tiny of said lines Of
The said Saint "nal City Rail"Y Company
.hall further tuty t^ the Cny Treasurer 1 the
Fei�ru,�of y io�IP aund onthe
the prat (let) MondaMonday of
Fcbrnary of each and every year thereafter
.uring ilia. cotinunnce of this franchise, in
siAeration of the PI monev eq ivalent to
iviloges her, granted
in not Company. a sun 1
tbn dllTerence between the amodnt of
the gen-
ral trues payable in each year by said m
pang neon Property ancensnry to the perones
of its lines of railway in said Ity, not including
I. said general taxes assessments for local Im
procements. and an amount equal to three (3)
seer centum Per annum on the gross earnings of
old company 1n each yen, upon all its lines of
rel lwi y fn the C'tty of Saint Paul.
Provided. That this provision shall be open
ative only during such years during the con-
. percenton tthe his fgross neernngs, when s shall hexceeid
such general taxes. ea s
It shall be the duty of saidcampuq-, through
One of its officers, to make annually a duly
verified statement of the gross earnings of nit
its lines of railway,beginning with the earnings
for the year ISPO, and to file the 'ams with the
Citird (3,11 Alan
day t
of J rmag of each end every yen,. begin
Bing with the year 1891.
Sec. 18. Th Common Council reserves :mJ
shall possess the right at any time, find from
j Ilme to time, after) an.I1t.11fY2, to order Lhc [•On
j traction and complation by' ,aid 1111Po
City Railway Comppany of any new line, o[ rail
way, or the extension of any present or future
CItY oIt'onnt l awlupon which selafiers sh:tt� itive
been constructed. and all lines o xrensions
so ordered ,,Unit be constructed 'fid - opera
tion within one year after such orders are.
Provided, That when such Over lines or "I
tensions are constructed all they pent lstons of
this ordinance shall apply thereto.
Sec. 19. If said Saint Paul City Ruilatly
j Company shall fail or neglect to complete,
I eq.
ip sad operate all of said lines of 11-Yt designated In section one (I ) of this urdfnance
within the time an
d in the manner herein
1 specified. r shall fall to comply with the pro
visions of this ordinunce, tben all rights ad
privileges hereby granted shall be foreiten to
1 the said City of Saint Paul.
Sec. -.10. Any violation of this ordmille
sball be, punished by a tine of not less than ° , 1
and not more than 5110 ), to be enforced and col-
lected in the same manner as othtr tines a d
penalties are enforced and collected under the
provisions of the City Charter.
Sec 21. The said Saint Paul City Railway
OMPuc,csoir1Ciablea1. sands city,, fars.11 damaad ge-. ex� on
tures, liabilitities and costs which may be in
curred by said city by reason of the c nstru '-
tion or maintenance of said lines of railway, or
any part thereof, or the operation thereof• or
by reason of the rights hereby grouted to suis
company, fid sold cmnpanV its successors and
assigns. ,,boll fully indemnify and save harm
less said city for all such damages. expend'
tures, loss and costs which may be so incurred.
The Saint Paul City Railway' Company shall.
efore railway.
laid lines ofmen executem of e a bond r tothe
City of Saint Paul' in
the penal sum of
one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000i
I o be approvedbythe Corporation Attorney' o'.
curd ,I, conditioned that the sold cOmPan}
will foithfullyobserveund properly Iiia
all the provisions of this ordinance, and that i'
will forever fndemnHy and save harmless tin
said City of St. Paul against and from all dim
pss. judgments. decrees, costs and expenses
which it, the said City of St. Paul, may- suffe
or which may be recovered agtt'nst it for or b;
realm, of, or growing out Of, or In any muaal
resulting from the passage of this ordinance, 0
anything connected therewith, or with the ex
ercise by said company of therights, power
and privileges hereby ranted and conferred
or from any act or acts f the said compan,
under or by virtue of the provisions hereof.
See. e.. If said Saint Final City Railway Com
,any desires to build, equip and operate said
ea of
railway in accordance with the pro
:�isions of this ordinance, it shall filewith the
,Ity Clerk. %ithin thirty im) days after the
assage and publicationo[ thus ordinance, its
rirlett acceplunt•e under its seal of the terms
and pro cvslens of this ordinance, and shall Is.
alibis said tmrol
ime execute to the city and deliver
to the City ('opller its bond in the sum of
i10ILOMl, to be approved by the Corporation At
Lori ey of s;tfil City of St. Poul. conditioned
Ili at if It shall fail or neglect to complete the
nstruclion of it of sail loos of railway. Ind
to have the same nquipfi and in operation in
accordance with the provisions of this di
1 once, and within the time hernia specified,
then it shall forfeit and pay unto the City of
S int Paul the sure of ono hundred thousand
IFIf/t(l'1 dollar.,, its liquidated damages.
Sec. s3. 'rhe said St. Paul City Rail', by
('B. pan Y. its successors and assigns, shall be
entitled 'o enjoy the rights d privileges
hereby' grpited fur the term of fifty (.5U) years
atter the passage and publication of this ordt
Sec. e14. Nothing fn this ordinance contained
shall hire the effect of t king away
w y rand Ping.
Ing :tip franchise+, ng
flogs,, grail ed to said company by any otheror
dins nce or other authority. whether as respects
the right to construct or maintain any railway
operate the nae e, or tlto Power to be uo-ed in
operating the sum e, or otherwise us mtay be
prescribed by such other ordinance Or euthnr-
Ilv. except as to tUe streets hereinbefore mem
tion ed in section le of this ordinance.
Sec. 2.;. This ordinance shall take effect and
be in force from and after its pub ""a'
its acceptance by said Saint Paul City Railway
proviany in the ded in section 2n of this ordit ance. er and wRhn the Lime
Prov '
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen. Com
fey. Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Lefthauscr,
Mines, Mclady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan.
\Veber, Mr. Vice President -16.
Passed Sept. 19, 1889.
Vice President of Council.
Approved Sept. 20, 1849.
Attest: TROs. A. PRENI)EnoAsT, City Clerk.
Sept 23
Ity Aln. Sunbby m'n-
Resolved, the Common Council of the City
of St. Poul, that the prop r city officers be, and
they are hereby ;tuthorfzed fid powered to
issue twenly `tiq thousand (32i,1x it dollars of
builds of the said City of St. Paul, fn denominm
tion of one thousand ($1,000) uch. said bonds
to bear date of the first day of Junwary, A. D.
189,1, with interest at the rate of four per Bent
(4 per cervi) pe annum, payab'e semi-annually
oohs (inaucial agenic}' of said ('ity of S.
[n the Pity of New York, principal payable an
the first day of January. A. D. IlLft being
thirty years from the date of issue "for the Im-
provement and maintenance of the boulevard
on Summit avenue." a, contemplated and an
Thorized by an act of the legislature f the
State of Minnesota. approved Apra 8, A. D.
1889. Said bonds shall be negotiated b. the
'4`ommfssion ors of the Interest and Shaking
Fund."and the proceeds ahull be placed 'oto I Third. quit real estate to be assessed far
the City Treasury to the credit of the .,City said improvement be found bed ene dito the ex
York Fund." for the purpose of i Bkiog +aid [not of damages, costs and expenses necessary
up -
improvement upon Summit o eau e. poo the toFo inh. dstu hImprovement asked for the accrued interest and Premimng upon Fourth.
bonds, if any, to the Interest and Sinking on the Pity oft tae applkrty to oheth ssessed to,
Fund. prop[
au •h improvement.
Yous-Aid. Blom, hook. l'ulicn. Fisher. Ge- Fifth. Scud the Counefl a plan or profile of
hen, Kollaluu,b, I.eilhauser. Pratt Sanborn, .aid improvement, as required by Inw, i[ you
Sullivan. \Veber. Mr. Vice Yresfoeut-v�. re.por[ in favor ofthe some. order di
Nips -Aid. Bicit,I. Minea, ilf cl:Bly-3. Sixth. Send the Council a proper
Approved Sept. '11, 1159. reefing the work to Ue dorso.
S"e¢I All. Bfekel, Blom. Bock. Cullen, Can -
ley. Fisher, Corona liavan:agh, Letthauser,
ByAld. Gehan- yl 1' d Pratt Sanborn. Sullfvnn,
Resolved. That a warrant be drawn In Ittvor
of Ann Veil ly and Kutherine Manly [or the sum
of forty -four hundredand tifty (ii.4:+o dollars.
with interest from July tu, Is"i, in i' }'Ment of
all that part not already dedicated I Dap town's 1
u'e at lot seven (� 1. black four III, o 3"
addition to SL Yaiil, Iylctg between the lines o['
u strip between Grove and Thirteenth Sl rents.
sixty ILMI feet wode. the southty es[erly line of
which strip shall beastruuz ilea drawn from
the easterly cornerof lot lit'[ l i), bioek ta'o (21.
Ely's udditfon to SL Yaul, to the'It ersectien
of the sou LheTl y' line of Genrestreet will, the
westerly line oI 13roadw ay, with the ' 'tel -c
m eats the
, and in ;atisfa it"
nofthe lung
men, ordered to be. entered b)' the dcoi-in of
the Dhsirlet ('curt of Ramscy t'ounl,v. tiled Sep-
tember li. 1814, In ua action int Paid ('aurt,tvhere-
'n Ann Veilly and Katherine Manly are aPoll
lants, find the City of St. 1,in , respon. len':
Bald tyarrunt [n U. delI,, red upon there Ueang
delivered :t decd of mitt premises. properly
ertified by the ('orporatfea Attorney, the said
land tieing Litten for tht•opening of Broadway
street, from Grove street to'1'hirteenth st
as confirnnel' US the tinned of PubBc Warks.
.duly '1ti, 1846. and that Inn resolution of the
Common l'Pill p . men�t fn �il :� [or ihesi. Le
thorizing.ihe Puy t ` sa
purpose, ishereby repeuled. e
to¢s_%oi. Bickel. Blom. Back. Cullco, Co.
1,,. Fisher. Gchan. Kavanagh, Lei[hanser,
Minea, Melady, Pratt, Sanborn. Sell ivan.
Weber. Mr. \'tee Preen dent -1u.
Approved Sept. Ye, 1589.
BY Ald. Gehan- p;uiy.
Resolved. t'at
the National Su'helI condo its,
arc hereby directed to place in
cording to the ir cont` e w quired 1 y'th the Ci ti et Yoh
Paul. the neoessury tvr
lice and Fire Department of tin: city.
Yeas-Ald.'Bickel, Blom, Buck, Cullen Con
le}'. Fisher, Gehan. li:acuuagh, Leithili
MY, Mehaly, Pri[t Sunhuni. Sullivan,
\V eller, Mr. \'ion PresineSt- 111.
Approved Sept1159-_
ley Ab`l Gehun-
It is hereby' ordered by the Coalmon Council
the City of St.
That the n tter oI grading \IissiaslPyi
Treet, from Maryland street to north city
limits, be a d the ..'tin is ltt•rebyn'referred
to the BOard of Pit I Works to i entiK,tte
and report.
First. ]s this imProyemem proper :red neces-
6 cond. Give the a otuncilITether one baliOf lol
expense thereof, an
thecoetthersof Treasury before the contrac isdle[nto tine CITY
idme,a, 6 a y.
Weber, Mn Vice President -16.
Approved Scpt. et), 1849.
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works Intel''Opt. 19. 184'1.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St Paul:
That. the Board of Public Works of said City
of St. pawl cause the following improvement
to be made, ,,,wit: Grude Payne avenue.
.from York .street to took street, in
said city: that said hoard [nese said work to
bele[ by contract, us provided bylaw, without
.rte half the estimated ,fist being firo[ paid into
Lite City Treasury. and otter said work Phall be
pinned wader contract sail Beard shall pend
wl tl101:t del'.I, to assess the amonBt. 'Ja nearly
is they can ascertain the some, which will be
required to 1ay'the cost mud necessary ex
crises of such imPrnvemeat upon the real es,
tate to be benetited b)'said tmprorement, fie
pro, filed by las': ft being the opinion of the
Council that real estate to be sesseit for
improvement can he found benefiled to
the extent of the"" :end expenses necessary
to be Incurred thereby. R1
Yeas -Aid. Bickel, 131om. Bock. Cullen. Com
I- Fisher. Gehan, Kavanagh. Leithouser,
llineo, Melady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
%Veto,. Mr. %'I" President -16.
Approved Sept.''n1, 1889.
ANTHONYPfit I f3C, var
Vice President et Council.
TROs. A. PRENDERGA1T, City' Clerk-
it.L'Rmr efeetlnir.
ST. PAVI. Cat. 1, 1&19.
in the ablent•.e of ,presiding officer the
('Ouncfl was called to order by the Clerk.
All'. Cullen teas elected chairman.
Yrosent. Ald. Bickel, Blom, Conley, Fisher.
Gehan, Letthauser. Minea. Melady, Yrott. Snm
born. Sullivan. Weller, Mr. Chairman --1:3.
Minutes of preceding meeting approved and
dispensed with.
From ties Honor The Mayor -Veto of Resolm
tion Instructing City En sue Per
Bits for Laying Stone or Cement Sidewalks
f ge of Ile ooution Directing Layfngfot Same,
etc. -
T the Honorable the President find Common
Co" tell of the City of St. Paul:
Gentlemen: I have the honor to return
herewith, without my approval, Ito;-
relating to stone or ement sidewalks. for the
reason that it is in direct mlatbdy of chapter
7. section 23, article 1, of the City Charter. I
append to and make a part of this report a
nication from the. City Engineer. and
alsoa letter from the Eureka Stene Company.
Very respectfully, etc.,
Htlnenx A. SYllxn, Magor.
Sept. 19, 1S89.
drod -1c red, yes s said resolution
as adopted The Bue,tlou v ising upon lite adoption of
con rary Outiwitltstnuding, he said J rose) urian
nut vonEl[ed
wY,ms. .
Noys-Aid. Bickel, Blom, Curley. Fisher,
ithPruni Sanborn, Sullivan, ,%Veber. Mr. Cho ry
Veto of Ordinance Authorizing Peter Ne ln,
set to Erect Bay Scales, sad Veto of Ordi
ounce Apt horifing Independent Oil CPmPim13
to Build Iron 'Danks- ,
To the Honorable the President and Common
Council o1 the City of Satnt Poul :
Gentlemen: Irespectfully return herewith.
without y dpprovul. orddlancm g antmg,
W Peter Ne iheusel tonerect add aintain
publo hay soul`s: also. un ordinance nuthorir.
the Independent ()ll (:ompany to bnfld two iron
tanks, You, hon rdblermotb body
as ed to am of
he contemplated cone tractions. %'cryoresnect
fully, etc.
R1111 -A. Syt txn, Mayor.
Sept. 194rr�t�1��� o.
AcceptA`_'o d vote by whicb said resolutt.v
was adoptedreconsidered, yeas 13.
The matters were thereupon referred to Core
re title on Streets.
From John Belting and Others-
Asklug Couvcil to approve action f Board of
Pub] Is Works in ordering opening Almuehah 1,
Francis, Third and Cmtw-ay streets to tx.t-
,rly city If mils.
Alderman of the Ward.
FromA. E. Osborne and Others -
Committee onWhGas?all street.
From J. H. Them-
transfer Lii..ser License N.. a;.
From Jeff. Mahner-
Asn'emission of $25
Commlttee on License.
one Paid.
From For Se �,to. of Waseca street, from Hobo, to
Committeeton Streets.
From Peter Neiheusel-
Huy ,galea bold, with F. \'an Der Borg old
nmitten oo Strects. .
From Catherine Burger -
Asking damn,,, by reason of i juries s -
tal¢ed by property -lot 13, FarwCl p, subd(t�i.-
ton block 91. Lymav Dayton'. additio¢-in
gradtmmgFrea amid, street.
Committee ou Streets.
From J. A. L. Wadell-
Asking to be retained as consulting engineer..
etc.. in matter of Sixth street bridge.
City J uginv'er and Committee on Streets.
(The Vice President here took the chair.)
From People's Ica Cotvpany and Others-
AskinX fur Pacing oL East Fourth street.
from Ubt d•way to the tunnel.
Board of Public Work,.
From G-t,el Br- & Cu.-
For transfer of 13 -her Liceuae No. 00.
Committee uv License.
From J. B. Chaney and Other.,-
. shlogCouncn to annul ' u nreeeedmB. to
,it, r of grading alley fn block rif, hluckubin
rd reh.11*1 addttmn.
Board of Public Works.
Fro¢Sj'itk`rnLrodge IY.. Brotherhood of Hxll-
InvitinR ('ouned to be present t u public
.ding at Armory building. Oct. 14, or.
si n of the sixth annual cont'. blind of Grand
Lodge B. R. B.
Accepted and placed on file.
From Northwestern Telephone Exchange Com
3\ts�l ng Permission to construct necessary
ondui is anon Fifth street, from Cedar to Alin
tut Atinnesol;t, from Fourth to Sixth;
Cedar. from Four:h to Seventh.
Comm itte` on Streets.
From George B`nz--
Proposing to Purchase lot N. block S, Terrace
Park addition.
Committee on Streets.
From James Middleton add Others-
As],mg for,hinge f grade on Fourth st-t.
between Terry ad
Gotziae streets.
Board of Public \Yorks.
From Cora A. Langton add Others -
For grading tied boule,iordivg Laurel avenue.
from Lexmft 1n to (-'love an( .
Board of Public Works.
From 5f. I:. ('empbell and Others-Forida gg
.."In, run, from pexin gto. to Cle-hino ind,Ash
Board of I;oldie Works.
I1t.1-Te of ('d TY dlet-n..
Of ('ity c.reprroller-Audit,
d Cluima, Vlz.-
St. Patti Sto It atop Com PvnY. �i0f1,lKI;
put ch Printing CommmY, .1,373.6": D. Romaley
A Son
. =12).1 o: St. Paul Book and Stationery
('nmp:tny. 3`!I2.(11; Ali r-ta. Smoke Consumer
Coml1ttm>'. t:t:5: i. Forrest<I. Estimate
oo71i•rt .ta,wniks. ISS9. .l:i.frLN.97: C. Noone
u usher. }:,timate No. 1. KradinX Iley. Chute
tiros. Uivl sten No. 2, 3101.5,1; E. J. Kirklaed, Es-
tima[. No. it and final. \Vestern nt'e ue ,ewer
system, 31 %N'2i: T. Linnen. I:.timate No. 4 and
)lout, Brading Bidwell acro [, eta.. fi.403; Kirk
land t StorkC)', Extim ate No.2 and final. Trout
Brook s,wer extensiov,ff27.i: Dale & Baum,ard
r. Estimate No. 1. grading St. Paul and Men-
dota road, :,to
D. L. Bi1Fin¢sloy. Estimate
1 and final, geradinR ,lief_
Ulock N, Torry'. ddlannI
P. Tantholt, Estimate NO. 2 and dnu1. gradrdg
bl:tria avenue, etc.. 3237: \fo A rthtir Bron., Esti_
mute No. 19 and unal, grading L,,b,, v
e, I.:.+Hwa.'+n: Sttoentnn & Linde ul.t. Estimate
N.. 2 and deal... with -.u., wr. i71: (;. E.
Sand..., Estimate filo. 2 and Intel , grading St.
Alban. street, 8341.75; F. W. SLso, 320:
Mathew , 50' li A o 6. Merrill,
34.1, : 3 P.
Loins. n. $i
Adamson. 33tr.M; G Blo SMulch. &3(370 goods.
&. Co.,, *31.15.Adam Decker .(r Draper 40 a 1
C Co., �11.41t
Great Western Band, liol: Second Regiment
Band,15e1I.Ifnnde. 3a:
W. J. Freoney. "' House of Gootl Shepherd,
31W.11: Merrill's Toilet Supply. $1.:51): A. A7t•-
Phnil. Fls: St. Paul Gas St company. �IU5.45
Jobbers' Union. 350.75: St. Paul Bubb
bb,r Com-
pany. 34: Robert Seeger. 3)).1:"2.)7_: Pfor
Pr • s comp v. 339; Niclt IZCim tinge r.. _neer
P. Shaw, 39; Leverooe and Dfesen bourg,34c,.4u:
First Regiment hand. T_':Al: Board
1 Water Commissioners, 3p1J 9_,; F'. J. Brio Rs.
, Is.11; Cold-, Rubber Comydn)', r'Y1.411
St. Paul Ons Light Company. 1174.1, Brown.
Treuc)• & Cn., .I.1.: People's ice C'o mpany.
x:re,, R. C. Corlt, .{'7.r>7.; H. P. Rugg & Co,
V5.46; North+vaatern Stamp LVorks. pouts:
Milos & Hni a. Xk1.7:r; Arthur J. Berildaume.
Vacnuvr Oil C;om Puny. Sll.�!: Robinson
Cary, 37!100: hfinneeotu Smoke Consumer
Company. 3450.11: Lehigh Coal & Iron Com
Pans. d:iu'1.73; St. Poul & Pacltic Coul Company.
11::7.15: hl a`ndlcr
tiros., I'll
; Mastleld & Sml
bury, Mort in& Straee. 11, I: Board of
Water Commissioners. Notes 13ros. &
Cutler.VolkszeitmR. Jos.
S3u.4., Frank Ford. 324.
Allowed and ordered paid by following vote:
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom. Cullen, Conley,
Fishor. Gehan, Lefthauser, Mine Melddy.
Pratt, Sanborn. Sullivan. Weber,a Mr. Vice
To Le Y' Estimate-
TheCity Comptroller eubmits tax i,yy esti for IM9.
Committees on Ways and "Means mrd Taxes.
Of Clay Treasurer -Report - Scl t. I to Sept.
LN, IM9.-
To the Hon. rablo the President and C.InmOr.
Coupe it of the City of St. fault
Ce it
the fell -mg report hf the to suiptstua(
disbursements of this out from Seld. 1, IK'n
to Sept. 26, 1889.
Redemption receipts......
City Clerk ........ ..... ...
34. �'1
Nunlc Palr Courts
St. Paul Public Library...
Buildmu Inspector...
Market Master .............
Poundage ..................
VucatinR Ices. . ...
.• 1x1
AtleanCe pn,jdculs:i4i
Interest Ov water bonds
lntereet.n deposits.. ..
Chica m.Aldwnukee and St.
IXKt 5x'1
Paul Railroad
Board of Public Work -
nepetrin, paved . tr.-.
Lcm.s. xnd P,rIttx. .....
A.aesnmant collccttnns....
'Ity orders Paid ......... . 1&17,M.83
'Ire DIP urtmentwarrants Ifi frL' AJ
paid.... - - ...
Muter Department war 2783070
is Paid .... ..
it. P:II Workhouse ,or ]W-62
rants paid..
it. Paul Publio Library
-85 .16
urrants paid........ .
il. Poul Park Com missim I,1Cfi.b`2
ors:-ar an'. paid....
�cw Cip,\Nrfi all rranis d Id..mrt .954.911
;edeemcdJ cerli ti al- of Il,452d27
merest coupons Puid
"I"ance payments on sew- W.or
'ity 7bonds redeem ed '�f•W
iBseeumem. af,bursc
eats ......... .... .... ;Iki,e71.15
13ulunc, on hand.. ... .....
_73.7.29.6:1 37:3,729.63
1'IINUI]'11)N OF I'UNI".
New Cily Hull and Court House 31W IiJ.5dx1
funds................ ...............
City funds .. . . ... ...... ........... 247,IA7.03
City Water Works ................... 9,^7.35
St. Paul Publio Library. .. 12,:" 111
Police Pension fund ... ....... ..... 2,6)2.76
wd.d. u. -Ii -b.
First Notional bunk, St. P:tut.... .. d'�jlti.7'3
Merchant. National bank. St. Paul.. 19,31W.37
Bonk of Minnesota, St. Paul..... :r7,lri7.4',
Nutt all German America, book. St. 313.04
1':iul .... .... .... Iflff27.61
Germantn Lank, St. Paul.. .. .....
St. Paul Nut tonal bank. St. Pnnl..... :ii,99tl.10
Commercial Nutionnl bunk. 8t. Maul. 19,04•!. i'J
Second `jetonal bank. St. Paui ..... 2n, 44.1..X',
Salines hank, St. Paul ............... .. .titeklm
YeoPle', otic k. St. Yanl.... ........... s.-.43
Seven Corners bank, St. Paul. 4.911
Capital bank. St. Paul .. .... ...... .. 10.1:11.411
\\'est Side bank, St. Paul ............. 17,:k:3 72
Scandinavian Aide ricae book. St. n127t;A
Paul ..................
Bank of Minnesota, St. Paul (rnterset Zsl'- 4 W
se-untl....... .... ..............
liespec ully submitted,
Glia tee Rxt& City Treasurer.
Sept.:?). 1649.
City Comptroller.
Ou Corporation Atto ley -City's Right to Ross
Street -
To theHonorable the President and Common
Council of the City of St. Y.1. :
Gentime- In response to a i'esolubon of
the Common Council dopred nt u regular
estm hem Sept. 5. b""* edudsting tlbe de-
partment to report the. este t f the right of
the d Edgeitonss t recto w' body µin Pu3ne avenue
a That the t us4ohtL'rl orlhil toss ouI and dedicated
gins y
is absolute and unim Paired.
I[ i, well known . fin, the Chicago. St. Paul.
At innenPolis &.Omaho. Railroad Company claim
to hay' oond.mind the whole of Haid street [or
railroad purposes, but We do not agree withthe
theimr IoccuputI. ore c saidaktrntd t i nlaw ul�
Reaps ctf
O. E.ully. s
HolatAN, Corporation Attorney.
Oct. 1, 1Si9.
Of CityThe Engineer-1•:stimuta—
s pplemtentaryglto eNo. 3 and tinul�W.b.shu
street bridge superstruoturen Keystone Bridge
CO., }11X1.
Committee on Claims.
Of Clerk of Municipal Court—
Report for September. IS89, with City '1'reas
u er's receipt .Leached for 4,3 ,S., I.
Committee on Ordinances and Public Ac-
Or Chief of Police—
Report for September, ls,41—total arrests,
5ts4: tines collected by Municipal Court,
committee on Ordinances and Public At•
Of Captain of Police—
Report for September. l6se—gas lamps not
lighted. 4; oil lamPS not lighted, 3112.
City Comptroller.
Willlama Street Curve—
The Board of Public iWork l of a have had under
consideration the resolution .racier of the COm
mon Council. approved Aug. S, loose. rel utive to
condemning so much of the south If) feet of lot
3 and a portion of lot 2, block 5, De Bow, Smith.
Risque and Williams' addition, for a street as
will be sefticient for a proper curve, and, hating
Investigated the proposed improvement:
Respectfully report that itis necessary and
proper to condemn a purl f lot 3, block 5, De
Bow. Smith. Risque and Williams' add'.tion to
St Paul. so us to make a sufficient
and proper
eve in Williams street at Saitl Point: that the
eslimmed expense thereof Is $19.; that real es
lute to be assessed therefor can be found ben
efited to the extent of the damages, costs and
expenses necessary to be Incurred thereby;
that said improvement is asked far Uy u Petr
tire. of a majority of the owners of propert}
to be assessed thetefer, and we herewith see.
a plan or profile of Said improvement, and lir
order for your adoption, If yen desire us to
make the Improvement.
Yeas, 3; nays, n.
JOHN C. QOiNHv. President pro tem.
W. F. EHwis, Clerk Board of Public t1"arks,
Sept. g 1889.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Publil
Mississippi Street Grading—
To the Compton Council of the City of St. Paul
The Board of Public Works have had omde
nsiderstion the resolution or order Of th1
Common Council. approved Sept. 20, IK89, redo
live to the grading of Mississippi Street, frond
Mnrlland treedvestig investigated ooiimmitovemnt1
nR n B proposed pr
Respectfully report cant said improve
meat is necessary and proper; the
one halt of
whichS.beeae xed eLnot iseof *9,,K]
onto the City Treasury Detore the contract is let
that real estate to be assessed therefor can o
found bene died to the extent of in
st and expense` irecess.mry to be incurred
hereby: that id mproveent ked
uPertty'p o`be assessed s th erof etor�1e add ^ here
xilh send a plan or ion a Profile of 'a Improve
vent, and an order for your adoption, if you
Iesire us to malts the improvement.
Yeas. 3: nap s. ll.
3 O., C. Q,T ,otv, President to tem.
W. F. EbI Wi N. Clerk Board of Public }Yorks.
Oct. I, ISso.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
1'ourtland Street Grading—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works have had ander
consideration the resolution or order of the
Common Council, approved Sept. Its 1889, rela
liveto the grading f Cod: 11 and street. from
Lake Como and Phalen avene to north city
Limits. and, having Investigated the Proposed
Been tfully report tent said impr ement is
necessary and proper: that th, estimated ex
Pease thereof is +I.,S " ops half of which
need not be paid into the City Treasury
before the contract is let: that real estate to
be assessed therefor can be found benefited to
the extent of the cost a d ex Penses necessor}'
o be mcnrred thereby; that said lm urovement
I, not asked for by a Petition of majorty
of the owners of n OPrty to be aese sun there
for, but t e herewith send a plan or profile of
aid improvement, and an order for your adop
tion, if you desire is to make the improvement.
JOHN C. Qulxav, President pro lent.
W. R Exw•IN, Clerk Board of Public Work..
Oct. I. IWiil.
Adopted. [Sec order to Board of Public
George :end Bidwell Streets Sewcr—
To the Common Council o[ the City of St. Yr ul:
Tlou.B.Ord of er
consideration then res utl nWorks or or or oftithe
Common Council, approved Sept. S, 1889, relative
I o the construction of a sewer.. George street
h•om Ohio Street to Woo,sca street, and, having
investigated •estigated the proposed improvement:
t2esP cl,to port thvertt i4Georgeustreetand
from Oki. street to Bidwell .street, and on Bid-
well street from George street t( LVinifred
stcei.together with the neecesary catch buSind
and muld"les. Sold severing to be done
under one contact; that the estimuted ex-
pense threat is $r it o, one holf of Which
need not be paid into the City Tress
ury before Lhe contract is let: that teal estate
to be assessed therefor can be trend benefited
to the extent of 44.5:A of the cost and expeuses
necessary to be incurred thereby:
balance (°4;[11) to be Paid out of in
Sewerage Bond Fmo l: that said improve
me,nt is not asked for by a petition of a mar
ity of the owners of property to be assessesed
therefor, but we herewith send and unn Plan or pro -
n if you desirro
e us to make theorderimaproi Improve
Yens, 3: says. O.
JOHN Qulxuv, President pro tem.
W. F. EnwiN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
Oct. 1, 1889.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
Stryker Avenue Sewer—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Iia A
The Board of Public Works have had nder
the resol.tion or Order of the
Comm.. Council. approved Sept. 1S, lays. rely
live to the construction of a sewer on Stryker
avenue, from Delos street to Prospect terracshis an e.
manholes,toether and, havi ng h thesl rove stiga ed lithe pro-
posed improvement:
Respectfully report that said improvement is
necessary and proper; that the estimated ex
p id into t e CityT onereasury befowhich
e the
obentractls let; that real e state to be a ped
therefor can be found benefited to the extent of
cost sad expenses necessary to be in carred the
theteby; that said improvement is not asked
for by a Petition oI n molarity of theoowners
f proneIty to De assessed therefor. but
herewith send a plan or profile of said In.
provement, and nn order [or your adoption, if
y e eselaenuJytsoo oke the Improvement.
JOHN C. Quisnv. President pro tem.
W. F. EnWIN, l;.lerk Board of Public Works.
Oct. 1, Ifi89.
Adopted. (See order to )lord of Public
Pennsylvania Avenue Grading—
To the Common Council of the City of St
Paul: had .nu
The Board of Public Works hove m
consideration the resolution or order of tat
Common CounclLapproved April 2l'isso,relativ(
to the grading of Pennsylvania street, frond
L'Orle.t street to Jackson street, and, having
investigated the proposed improvement:
Respectfully report that It is necessary atu
proper to grade Pennsylvia avenue from L"Ori
ent street to Jackson street;that the estimate;
expense threat is 818.1w. one half Of whicl
ed not De paid into the City'Treasury be tori
the contract is let; that real estate t
be assessed therefor can be found benefited I
the extent of the cost olid expenses nscel
stry to be incurred thereby; that Sald Improve
meat is not asked for by a petition of u mnsoi
ity Of the owners of property to be uso
therefor, but We herewith send a plan r Pro
order I,
file of said improvement,
r id11 s to make th
your adoption, you u
as, 4; nays. 0.
H. L. GOxntAN. Yresido tit.
W. F. EnwtN, Clerk Board of Public Work
Sept. I, Itl89.
Adopted. ISee rder to Board of Pohl
Martin Street and Western Avenue Sewer-
ewer-Tothe Comma Council of the City of St. Pau
The Board of Public Works have bud and
consideration the resolution or order of it
Comma Cuunc,,in. too, approvedortivirt 0, Sept. Is. ISS9, rel
a Sew
Live of from Dalelstreet to Western or Hoye,rt
and an Western avenue, from Martin street
St. Anthony avenue, and, buying inveatigut
the proposed improvement:
Respectfully report that said improveme
is necessary and proper, together with t
[sury catch busies and manholes, said
ing to be done under on ...tract' that
e estimuted expe..d thereof is 8d.M, one
1f of which need not be paid into the City
easury before the contract is let; that real
tate to be assessed therefur can be found
efited to the extent of the cost
d expenses necessary io be incurred thereby:
at said im r eat is nut asked foe by a
.ti[ion Of a majority of Lhe.x•nersof property
be assessed therefor
heemenh ..Sart
,plan or pro s it desire us to
for your adoption, you
,its the improvement.
Yeas, d; nays, II
JI1HN C. QL`3 NlIv. President pro tem.
W. F. EIIW:I. Clerk. Board of Public Works.
Oct. i. IBS9.
Adapted. (See order to Board of Public
tewart Ayenue Opening. Etc.—
'o the Honorable, the President and Common
Cauncfl. City of St. Paul:
Gentlemen: 'Phu Donrd of PuUlic Works
with ospecttutly return your final order,
pproved Sept. 18, 18,1), for the opening, widen
Ig an extension of Stewart avenue, from the
outh line of West End addition to SG Pant in
southwesterly directrb`hin a "...Sol to. With
Vest Seventh street, w qu
onul said deserbi,bindo f land the same
being dump ed and
eous oia
aken for said improvement, and ,aid Board
udly pass a correctully ed) finestal¢at orderrufor said in
A roper
1 tinal order is herewith submitted
or your adoptimt.
It. 4 Gox>it N, President.
W. F. EIIWIN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
Sept T' ItiR.l.
Adapted. enA Said final order approved Sept.
H. pain, repealed and annulled.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel. Blum, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan. Le thauser. Minea. Moiudy.
Peri Sun ern. Sullivan, Wobor, Mr. Vice
President -14.
(See order to Hoard of Public Works.)
Sixth Street Opening. Etc. —
To the Honorable the President and Common
Council, City of St. Paul:
Gentlemen: The Board of Public Worsts
herewith respectfully return your no ml order
IS widen
ung r aleier nq tund 1...sio bm Opening for the Sx street
Sixty" fect,from the easterly line of Commercial
Street to u point fifty feet westerly of the west-
erly It as of Bro.k street, i d the wideni
ng of
aid as
street,from Rosabel street to Broad
• street, with the request that you annul
t,id der. the same being erroneous: and said
Board also respectfully request that your hon
orable body Pass n new tHtal order fr said Im
or.vemeat, to sad as follows. to wit.: Opeo.
wiaen•fro`mrtn d e.tciudustfeet
erlls line sit Commst s cial
street to o point it, feet westerly lit the west
street from Brook eiriraeii o urouawaysi(teoi
A proper final order for said improvement i9
he submitted Rfir }osrna Ao� tIo QBidenl.
W. F. EIiwIN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
Sept. 25. 1889.
railroad purposes, but we do not agree with
them in the claim they make. and advise that
their occupation of said street Is unluwrul.
O. E. HOLHAN, Corporation Aitorney.
Oct. 1, IT.
Of City Engineer—Eslimate—
The City Engineer submits Estimtta No. 4.
supplementary to No. 3 and final. W I asha
street bridge superstructure. Keystone if ridge
Committee on Claims.
Of Clerk of Municipal Court—
Report for September, IWII. with City Treas-
urer's receipt attached for �4, ' I.
Committee on Ordinances and Public An
Or Chief of Police—
Report for September, 1KY:+--total a e,tn,
:{,4; flees collected by Md.idltal Court,
mems 80.
Committee on Ordinances and Public Ac
Of Captain of Police—
Report for September. IMV—gas lamns not
lighted. 4; oil lamps not lighted, m2.
City Comptroller.
-W (Blame Street Curve—
To the Common Council of the (.city tit St. Poul:
The Board of Public l5'otirk., hove had ander
consideration the resoluon or order Of the Com -
men Council. approved Aug. tl, Pee. telulive to
condemning so much of the south 10 feet of lot
3 and a portion of lot?, block 5, Be Bow, Smith.
Risque lad Williams' nddltion, fora tree[ as
will be sumci ant for proper curve, sad, having
Investigated the proposed improvement:
Respectfully report that it is necessary and
proper to condemn a port of lo[ 3, black 5, Ue
Itw. Smith. Risque unit Williams' addition to
StPaul, o as to make a sufficient and proper
do rve m Williams street at said point; that the
estimated expense thereof is threfr@lite; that real es
Cut,d toe he extent ofo theedamag......ifouben-
xpen cry to be incurred thereby;
that said Improvement is aIkC,I for by u peti-
tion of a majority
j ity of the owner.
of proper[}.
to be assessed therefor. rid tee herewith send
a Id(or profs to
d of said
prove'eel, and an
make thimprovement.
r o p if }'ou desire us to
Yea., 3: ray . p.
JOHN C. QoINrix. President pro tem.
W. F. Fa - N, Clerk Board of Public Work,.
W. 188 .
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
Mississippi Street Grading—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works have bad under
.sideration the resolution or order of the
Common Council. approved Sept. 20. Ims rely
tire to the grading of Mississippi street, from
Maryland street be north city limits. and, hav
ing Investigated the proposed improvement•
Respectfully, ,report that said improve
meet e.tfm.tedc eine a .thereof pier d .7M.
one half of which nsgeed not be pnld
into the City Tr...cry before the contract is let:
that real estate to be assessed therefor can e
found benefited to the extent of the.
cost and expenses necessary to be incurred
thereby: that said improvement is asked
for by it petition of a majority of the owners of
property to be assee,ed therefor, and here
with send a plan or profile of said improve
eut, and an order for your adoption, if you
desire us to matte the improvement.
Yeas. 3: nays, 0.
JOHN C, QL1s BY, President pro tern.
R'. F. Enwis. Clerk Board of Public Works.
Oct. 1, ]MO.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
Works. i
Courtland Street Grading—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works have had under
n std eralio the resolution or order of the
Common Council, approved Sept. 1K 18%, rela
tiveto the grading of Courtland street, from
Lake Como and Pilot
en avenue to north city
limits. and, having int cstigated the proposed
Respectfully report that said improvement is
necessary and pro or: that the estimated ex
pensthereof s ff]U,575, o e half f which
sed net be paid into the City Treasury
before the contract is let: that real estate to
be assessed therefor can be found benefited to
the extent of The cost and expenses nocessary
to be Incurred thereby; that said improvement
is not asked for by a petition of a majorty
t the owner, of property to he asepses there-
for, but we herewith send :t plan or profile. of
skid improveme02, and an order or your it op
tion, i[ you desire us t make the improvement.
Yo,, 3: naps, n.
JOHN (;. QI'1 NBY, President pro tent.
W. F. Edwi,, Clerk Boara of Public Works.
Oct. I..IK J.
P 1 (See order W Board of Public
George and Bidwell Streets Sewer—
'fothe Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works have hadnder
sideration the resolution o order of the
Common Council, approved Sept. i, IM9, relative
I?the construction u[ u ,ewer on Geor�Se street.
from Ohio street t0 LVasecn street, antl having
invest tcited the proposed Improvement:
Respectfully report that tt ig necessary and
prop to onstructa sewer n George et et,
Ohio street to Bidwell street, and on Bid
eB ,trees front George street to Winifred
cet.toether witbibeermy Catch baeiWs
and manholes, ';'in .ewring to be dope
ander one that ino a tfmated
pease thereof !s Q:,, ` on -half of which
need not be paid Int the City Treas-
ury before the contract islet; that real estate
to be assessed therefor can be found benefited
to the extent of44.550 of the cost and expenses
necessary tobe Incurred thereby; the
be ]an ee (ffl:ln) to he paid out of the
Sewerage Bond Fund: that old Improve
ant Is net asked for by a petition of n ajar
ity of the owners of pr it
to he assessed
therefor, but the herewith send a plan or pro
file of said improvement, and to order for your
adaption. if you desire us to mako the improve
s t.
Yens, 3: nays, U.
at i C. QprNBY, President pro tem.
b'. Eitw—, Clerk Board of Public Works.
Oct. I, Iris.
Adopted. (See order t0 Board of Public
Stryker Avenue Sewer—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
'Phe Board of Public Works hard had older
consideration the rexolation or order of the
Common Council, approved Sept. in. IM9. rely
tive to the construction of a sewer on Str}ker
avenue, from Delo, street to Prospect terrace.
together with the necessary catch basin. and
Wholes, and, having investigated the pro
posed improvement:
Respectful)y report that said improvement is
necessary and proper; that the estimated ex
pen se thereof Is$J.3;k2.:,0, one-half of which need
Writ be paid into the City Treasury before the
eontractis let: that real estate to be assessed
therefor can be found benefited to the extent of
cost and expenses necessary to bell curred the
thereby: that said improvement is not asked
for by a that
of a majorilV of thewn
of property to be assessed therefor, but wwe
herewith send a plus or profile of said im'
pro went, and an order for your adaption, if
you desire us to snake the improvement.
ens.s; nays, 0
Jou- C. QrONDY, President pro tem.
W. F. Edov -, Clerk Board of Public Warks.
Oct. 1, IW9.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
Pennsylvania Avenue Grading—
To the Common Council of the City of St.
The Board of Public Works have had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
Common Council,approved April 21,1".Ml.tive
W the grading of Pennsylvania street from
L'Orient a tree t to Jackson street, and, having
investigated the proposed improvement:
Respectfully report that it is necessary rid
proper to grade Penneylvia avenue.from L'Orii
Cut street to Jackson street: that the esti' std
expense thereof is ffItl.19U. one. -half of which
teed not be paid into the City Treasury Uefore
e outcast 1s let: that real esptteto
be assessed therefor Co. be found benefited to
to extent of to cast rid expense. neces-
sary to be incurred thereby; that said improve
ant is not asked for by a petition of u major
ity of the owners of property'to be a sled
therefor, but we herewith sod o plan sor pro-
fileof said improvement.
rind in order for
youradop tion, if you desire us to nuke the
imp- -eme[nat.
You.. 4: ys, U.
R. L. (:O n+fAN', President.
W. F. EnwiN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
Sept. 77, 1889.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
Martin Street and Western Avenue Sewer -
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works have had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
Common Connell, approved Sept. le, IKY9, rel.
rive t the construction of a I. on Martin
street, from Dale street to Western oven.¢
d on Western avenue. from Martin street to.
St. Anthony avenue, unit, haeinq Investigated
the proposed fm pro vereent:
Respectfully report that said improvement
is ne... sary sad proper, together with the
necessary catch -basins and manholes, said
sewering to be done under one contract; that
the estimated expense thereof is W. WS, one -
hal( of which need not be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract is let: that real
estate to be assessed therefor can be found
benefited to the extent of the ..It
and expenses necessary to be incurred thereby:
that said improvement is nut asked for by a
petition Of a majority of the owners of property
to be assessed therefor. but we herewith send
a plan or profile f said Improvement, and
an order for your adoption, if you desire us to
make the impro-nota[.
Yeas, s; nays. a
JOHN C. Q -Inv. President pro tem.
W. F. EnwiN. Clerk. Board of Public Works.
Oct. t, IBtl9.
Adopted. ISee order to Board of Public
Stewart Avenue Opening, Etc.—
o the Heno[abl e, the President and Common
City of St. Paul:
entlemen: The Board of Public Works
herewith respectfully return your final order,
approved Sept. Itl, IM9, for the Opening, widen
Ing and extension of Stewart avenue, from the
south line of West End addition to St. Paul in
a southwesterly direction to a connection with
West Seventh street, with the request that you
annul said order, the same being erroneous as
to description of land to be condemned and
taken for said improvement, and said Board
also respectfully req i t that your honorable
body pass a correct ( final order for said tin
A proper final order i, herewith submitted
for your adoption.
H. L. oardof-. President.
W. F. EitW t-. Clerk Board of Public Works.
Sept. moi, ItJI!i.
Adopted, lad said final order approved Sept.
Ig, 1Kh".1, repealed and annulled.
Yens—Ald. Bickel. Blom, Cullen. Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Leithauser. Mine:[. Melody.
Pratt. Sunburn, Sullivan. Weber. Mr. Vice
President -14.
(Sr, order to Board of Public Works.)
Sixth Street Opening. Etc. --
To the Honorable the Presidot and Common
Council, City of St. Paul:
Gentlemen: The Hoard of Public Work,
herewithespectfully return your final der
InpProt•ed Sept. IK
IWI!1, Sor the oPenng, widen
Ing. (tering suit exten. i s of 5ixmh street
sixty fee t, from the easterly has It Commercial
street to u point fifty feet westerly of the west
erly If us of Brook street, and the widening of
saitl Sixth streetfrom Rosabel street to Broad
way street, with the request that you annul
said order, the same being erroneous: and said
Board also respectfully req lest that your hon
cablembad' pass a as - antl order for said Im-
proveent, to read as follows. to wit: Open.
widen, alter and extend Sixth street sixty feet
wide, from the easterly line of Commercial
.street to t point fifty feet westerly of the west
,,Iy line of Brook street, and widen said Sixth
street from Rosui�eI street to Broadway street.
A proper final order for said improvement is
he rewlth submitted foryour adoption.
R. L. Goa HA-, Prneldenl.
W. F. EnwiN, Clerk Board Of Public Works.
Sept. 25, Visa.
Adopted, and said anal order approved Sept.
18. 1889, repealed and annulled.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel. Blom. Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Leithauser. Allen.. Melady,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivnn. Weber, Mr. Vice
President -14.
(See order to Board of Public Works.)
Sydney Street Grading—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works have had under
n sideration the r solution o der of the
Common Council, approved Aug• 29.18±9, rela-
tive to the gramag of Sydney street. from Bid.
to Chippewa avenue. and. having
investigated the proposed Improvement:
Respectfully report that it is necessary and
proper to grade Sidney street to a partial
grade between Bidwell street and Waseca
street, and to a full grade between Waseca
street and Chlppewa ,do ue; that the 'std
wsled uxpense thereof Is 59. u.9a, an half of
hich need not be paid into the City Treasury
before the contract is let; that real be
sseseed therefor can be found benefited to the
extent of the cost and expenses neccesury to
be incurred thereby: that said im0rovemevt
is not asked for by. petitroa ora jority oI
he ox' rs o1 property
to be ussesaed the, efor,
but we herewith nd plan or profile of sold
improvement, and un order for your adoption,
If you desire us to make tae Improvement.
Yeas. 4; nuys.0.
R. L. G011MAN, President.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
Sept. e"' 1889.
Alderman of the Ward.
Richard Bamberg's Petition—Dumages--Grad-
ing Buffalo Street:
To the Honorable the President and Common
Council of the Cl
of St. Paul.
Gentlemen: In the matter of the petition of
Richard Bamberg, which was referred to this
Board by your honorable body for report as to
amount of damage done to the property of said
Bamberg, the Board of Public Warks respect
fully return sold petition with the report that
they have examined sold property, and, in [belt
thenion, thesum of $25 and Is would recodamammend
to an apd
propriatiou of that amount. roco m n u
J. C. Qu—v, President pro tem.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
Oct. 1, 1889.
Alderman of the Ward.
Elfelt Street Sewer—
To the Honorable the President and Common
Council, City of St. Paul:
Gentlemen: In the matter of your resolu
Lion approved Sept. 18, 188:1, instructing this
Board to annul all proceedings in the matter of
constructing a sewer on Elfelt street, from
Charles street to Edmund street, the said
Board respectfullyrequest that your honorable
body return their report, dated Sept. 17, 1889,
m saidmatter,that they may act In accord-
ance with said resolution.
R. L. GORMAN. President.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
Sept. 25. 1889.
Alder... of the Ward.
St. Chair Street and Pleasant Avenue. Side-
To the Honorable the President and Common
Council, City of St. Paul—
Gentlemen: In thetier of your resolu
tree, approved Sept. ts, 1889, pe.h.g the
orders for wooden sidewalks on the south side
1 St. Clair street and the north side r
Pl.....t avenue, herewith returned. the Beard
of Public Works respectfully invite your atten-
tion to
the accompanying repobe rt of the City En
eer, from w
lk conlrac to rithad filnishedtthe
teme,truct otn
of said walks prior .the receipt of the above-
mentioned resolution.
N C. Qu-ity, President pro tem.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
Oct. I, 18P9.
Accepted and placed on ale.
Argyle Street Gradivg—
To the Honorable the President and Common
Connell. Cl:L}• of SL Paul:
(3e at lone¢The Board of Public Works
herewith respectfully return your preliminary
order, approved Sept. 7, IMP, for grad'
t, from Front street to A.I, road.
with the report this improvement is covered by
a anal order, approved August 8, uses.
E. L. ' I—s. President.
W. F. Enwta. Clerk Board of Public Works.
Sept. :M' 1289.
Alderman of the Ward.
Commercial Street Grading—
To the Com man Connell of the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works have had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
Common Council, approved May 22, IW, rela-
tive Io the grading of Commercial street, from
Fourth street to Plum street, and, having in-
vestigated the proposed improvement:.
Respectfully port that said improvement is
not necessary and proper, for the reason that
at a hearing before this Board in said matter a
majority of the property owners present and
Interested were opposed to said improvement.
Yeas, 4: nays, a.
R. L. Gan MAN. President.
W. F. ERIN. Clerk Board o1 Public Works.
Sept. 27. 1"'o.Adopted.
Alley Grading Contract, Block 24. Mackubin &
Marshall's Addition—
The Board reports that it has awarded Julius
E. Fitch the contract for grading the alley in
block 24, Mackubin , Marshall's addition. he
being the lowest reliable and responsible bid
der therefor; amount of bid. $.520: bond in the
um of 9110, with Charles Faber and Philip
Fabel as sureties.
A so
Fairview Avenue Grading Conic et—
The Board reports that it has awarded J. T.
Million the contract for grading Fairview a
"nue, from University avenue to Hewitt av-
enue. he being the lowest reliable and respon-
sible bidder therefor: amount of bid. 93.645;
bond in the sum of 9900, with Lane K. Since
and Walter S.
Morton as sureties,
Aurora Avenue and Beat Street Sewer Con-
The Board reports that is has awarded T. M.
Breen the contract for constructing it sewer on
Aurora avenue, from Western avenue to Dale
street. ane on Kent street from University .v
enue to Aurora avenue (under One—tur—ld
he being t nes lowest reliable and responsible bd-
der therefor: amount of bid. lel,5:i0: bond in the
sum of.4soo, with Francis Agnew and Charles I.
McCarthy as sureties.
Edmond Street Sewer Contract—
The Board reports that it has awarded Win.
Stockton and John Lindquist the contract for
constructing a sewer on Edmund street, from
Marion street to Elfelt stret, they being tho
lowest reliable and responsible bidder" there-
for; amount of bid. 51::99: bond in the sum of
f400. with Lorenz M(tseh and Henry Scharf-
bi1Bg as sureties.
Stinson Street Grading Cent cact—
The yBoard reports That rit hes ' rded Janes
i oma( thltl o nt eet air Wea a a ...norstreet.
he tion
:ng the lowest lettable a ds responsible bidder
cefor: n t t f bid. 5:159; bond iv he
m of Win with Chas. Clancy and E. Dicta -
aide as sureties.
Alley Paving Contract, Block 7I, Dayton & Ir-
vme's Addition—
The Board reports that it has awarded T.
M. Breen the conirnct for paving the alley in
block i 1, of Deytno RR Irvine's addition. with
cedar blocks, he being the lowest reliable
and responsible bidder therefor;amount of
bid, $489; bond in the sum of 9100, with Thos.
Grace and Chas. I. McCarthy assured—
s surdas.
Grace Street Craning Contract—
The Board reports that sit has aw"aided Ferdi
street Beer
Colbornetr treeac t to Westrn
nue. he being the lowest reliable and response
in hisz bond
theder sum of there for:
with Peter' Ke i
, Lno i Peter
Th -weld, as sureties,
Burr Street and Other Streets' Sewer Com
The Board reports that it has awarded Job.
W. Doherty the contract for constructing u
sewer on liurr .street. from M nnshub t street
to Fauquier street: thence on Fauquierstreet
to the right of way of the Chicago. St Yaul.
Minneapolis & Omaha Railway Company:
thence along the southerly ]me of said right of
way to Trout Brook: together with n essary
catch basins and manholes, said : ewering to
be done under nes conirnct. he iclog the low
est reliable and
responsible It der therefor;
amount of bid, $8.4•.?U; bond In the sum of $1.110,
with 3. R. Barton and F. W. Hadfield as sure
Van Buren Street Grading Contract—
The Board report" that it has awarded John
.hlher, the conirnct for grading Von Buren
street. from Fry street to Wheeler avenue, he
be lag the lowest reliable and responsible bid-
Jer the efor;mont ( bid9939: bead I. the
sum of 9250, with Patrick Keigher and Thomas
Manning OF sureties.
Randolph Street Griaim, Contrnol.—
The Board reports that it has awarded
Michael F. Duggan the ontract for grading
Randolph street from Hemline avenue to
Cleveland avenue, he being the lowest tellable
and re_oonsible bidder therefor: meant of bid.
c6,31); bond in the sum of $1.40). with Michael
F. Sweeney and T. F. Ryan as sureties.
Mackubin Street Grading Contract—
The Hoard reports that it has awarded Job.
Dale and Louis A. Bumgardner the contract
for grading Mackubin street, from Como ave
nue to Front street they belui� [be lowest recti
table d reponsible bidders therefor: amount
f bltl, ?784; bond in the sum of 9250, With Peter
Martin and John H. Doran as sureties.
Alley Paving Contract, Block 15, Whitney and
Smath'" Addition.—
The Board reports that it has nw.rd,d T. M.
Breen the contract or p.vlp the alley in Lloek
15. Whither and Smith's aditlon, from Frith
street to Wacoum street, with cedar blocks, he
being the lowest reliable and responsible bidder
therefor; amount of bid. 5875; bead In the sum
of $-W, with Francis Agnew and Charles 1.
McCarthy ns Burettes.
olive street Sewer Centract—
The Board reports that it has awarded W.
J. Prestonthe contract forconstructing asewer
on Clive- street, from the end of the present
sewer o. said street io Williams street, at u
point opposite the line between lots aad0
of block:', De Bow, Smith. Risque and Wili
isms addition to St. Paul, together with the
eCe...ry catch-breiiiiust— uad manholes, Le being
'beI, and
sconsible bidder
therefor; amountnof bid, N7eN bond In the sum
of 9189, with F. W. Hadfield and Matt Breen as
Jessamine Street Sewer Contract--
The Homd reports that
. it has awarded Won.
J. Preston the contract for constructing a sewer
on Jessamine street from Edgerton street to a
point half way between Bradley street, and
Jessie street. together with the necessary
cutch basins and ...holes, he being the lowest
reliableand re., ousible bidder therefor:
cunt of bid, 9',89; bond lathe sum of9190.with
F. W. Hadfield and Matt Breen as sureties.
Smith's Siubdivou. .Hlo ko 1.2. Stinsorth Half n. DI-
The Board reports that it has awarded Ch
Nortnemacher the contract for grading the
alley jn north half i i/ of Smith's subdivision
of block 12. Sir.son's divisum he being the
lowest reliable andesponsible bidder there-
for: amount of bid, $79; bead I. the sum of
$'t with John Boldthen and Peter Hort as
Portland Avenue Sewer Contract—
The Board reports that it has awarded Will-
iam J. Preston the contract for constructing a
sewer on Portland avenue, from Grotto street
to Avon street, together with the necessary
catch -basins and manholes, he being the lowest
reliable and responsible bidder therefor;
amount of bid.
Clio; bond in the sum of *11W,nth F. W. Hadfield and Matt Breen, as sure-
Mlnnehahn Street Grading Contract—
The Board reports that it has awarded J. T.
Million the contract for grading to a partial
grade Minnehaha street. from Snelling avenue
toPrior avenue. he being the lowest reliable
and responsible bidder therefor: amount of
bid. Q1,595; bond in the sum of 81;800, with Loan
K. Stone and Walter S, Morton as sureties.
Avon Street Grad mg Contracl—
The Board reports that it has awarded Ed.
Carleton the contract far gr ding Avon street,
from t
Laurel avenue to St. Clair street, he be
ing the lowest reliable and responsible bidder
therefor: amount f Uid. ,'11.3011; bond to the
sent of CBFJ, with Y f rlck Keigber and E. Mc-
Namee as sureties.
Prescott Street Sewer Contract—
The Board reports that It has awarded
Thomas M. Breen the contract for constructing
a sewer on Prescott street, from Oakdale ave
nue to Woodbury street, togetherwi[h the nee j
essary catch -basins and manholes, he being the
lowest reliable and responsible bidder therefor:
amount of bid, 2.2118: bond in the sum of 3600.
with Matt Breen and P. M. Hennessy as sure
Each of the ofregoing awards taken up sep t
r Lely and apprved by following vote:
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom. Cullen. Conley.
Fisher, Gehan, Leithauser. Mtnea. Melady
Pratt, Sanborn. Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice
President -14.
Estimates and Claims—
The Board transmits. approved by it, the fol
lowing estimates and claims. viz.:
Intimate No. 2 and final. Kent street paving,
WarreaSchnrf Asphalt Paving Company. 334'2;
Estimate No. 2 and final. Eagle .treat paving.
T. M. 13—n. 31,146. 8
5; Esttmnte N..' -,Rod
.. nod Real.
Virginia avenue sewer. W. J. Preston. $44:
Estimate No. 9, supplementary to No. 5 gad
final, Langford avenue grading, :k300: Estimate
No. 5 and final. Jessie street grading. J. Kace-
No.3 and final. Wheeler and tilt
grading. W. A. Dass— $P8; Es"ins
and if White Bear avenue gradin
Flall. ledN: Estimate No.
and Rn at.
venue grading, C. H. Tripp, 12F
Craig. wG. W. Merrill. 1W.
75 cents: K"vanai�h and ,Johnson, Lt'5
Livery and Doard ing Stables. 3R.
Committee on Claims
The Board reports four horses unlit for fire
service and asks authority to sell Same.
Committee on Fire Department.
The Hoard submits memorandum of
public street spaces unused by res
son of steep and impracticable grades.
and taken trequests
protect then iight, at of tofer on thecityin the
t'ommiBee an Streets.
Of Committee on Claims—John E. O•Brien's
Claim Vilk).45 Damages—Building at Nash
andMississippi Streets—
Committee recommends allowance f claim.
Adopted. and Corporation Attorney instruct
ed to draw ordinance.
Ald. Cullen's Resolution Ratifying Matt Leit
hauser's Contract with Board of Control—
Root Cellar at Almshouse—
Committee recommends adoption of resolu
Report not adopted, yeas 11, nays. Aid Yoerg
and Sanborn, 2.
Aid. Sanborn moved to reconsider said vote.
Adopted, yeas 1:1.
The mutter was thereupon laid over until
ext meeting.
Of Committee onOrdinances and Public Ae-
un[s—Report of Board of Control for Sep-
tember, ISS9—
Commiltee has examined and found said re
pan correct.
Of Aid. Melady—City Engineers Report as to
Proposed Cistern Opposite Douglas School—
Committee recommends adoption of said re
port to effect that cistern will coat about $700.
still recommends that City Clerk advertise for
bids. plans to be furnished by City Engineer.
Yens—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Cullen. Conley.
Fisher, Gehan. Leithauser. Minea, Meiady,
Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber. Mr. Vice
President -14.
'streets Of Aid. Weber—Wm. Eaeh's Petition for Vac.
No Lion of Part of Alley In Block 3, Humphrey',
O 002 Addition—
omweil, Committee recommends that said petition be
lathew referred back to Committee on Streets for u
atheis. hearing of Property owners interest -d.
'ullen's Adopted.
Of Aid. Hlom—E. Kamperti Petition for Open -
REPORT OF BOARD OF (:ONTROL. ing. Grading and Brldgingof Fauquier Street,
list ween Greenbrier Avenue and De Soto
Report for September. IBNR—total disburse- Street—
=ents, 13.450.W. Committees recommends that said petition
Committee on Ordinances and Public Ac- be referred to Hoard of Public Works.
counts. Adopted.
An ordinance was rend authorizing William
Dawson and John ug Rohrer to connect the
ewer running it'
hrough Iota 1.o t 9 and 7. block
2, Bthrer's addition. with Trout Brook sewer.
Rules suspended oil motion of Ald. Blom.
yens 14, and ordinance read a second time and
passed. (See Ordinance No. 1.2-1 .)
An ordinance was. ead to authorize Sarah
M. Barnes to erecta frame stable within
seventy feel of Marshall avenue.
Rules suspended on motion of.kid. Sullivan,
yea, 14, and ordinance read sermtd time and
pa,,sea. (See Ordinance No. L 2!1.,
An ordinance wit., read authorizing George
C. Pound to raise frame building.
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Minea,
peas 14, and ordinance renal second time. :aid
passed. (See Ordinance No, 1,230.1
An ordinance t read permitting Ellen
Anderson to construct two bay windows.
as 14,
Rales s 'pended oft motion of Aid. Blom.
and�ord,I.... read tsecond time and
passed. (See Ordinance No. 1,231.)
A.-dinance was rend authorizing Paul Mar
tin to place u frame and wood partition in
brick building.
Rules suspended o motion of Aid. Mine n.
yeas 14, and ordin:an a read se and tiro and
passed (See Ordlnapce No. 1.:-32.)
An ordinance was read permitting L. Schwa
be] to constrict bay windows.
Rules susp aided on motion of Aid. LVeber.
y ea, li. an".1 tint enc re• 1 savord time and
passed- ISee Ordinance No. 1.=i.)An ordinance was rend permitting William
and HenryEndicott to use sanitas or other all
proved anti%j phon traps. block 1„ St. Paul
Reles suspended on notion of Aid. Cullen.
yeas 14, ead ordinance read a sccond time and
passed (See Ordinance No. I,• H.)
An ordinance was read to refund to John
t3ottschummer T5D paid for butcher license.
Committee on License.
By Ald. Minea—
A resolution for lamp on southeast corner
Dearborn nntl Mas ice streets.
Committe on Gas.
By AId. Weber --
A resolution for lamp, on Edmund. Ellen
and ot�er stre, t,
Committee on Gas.
yAli Sa"born—
A resolution forlamp on Grand avenue. block
N. Summit Park addition.
Co man ittee an Cos.
By AId. 131nm—
A resolution for lamps on nort heat corn..
Cook and Cypress and other .treats.
Committee on Gas. '.
By Aid. Blom—
Aresat 11 for lamps at northea,t corner of
h:arl street and sr. Yaul K Duluth Railroad and
other streets.
Ccmmlttce on Gas.
By Aid. Weber—
A resolution for telephone box tit Lexington
and Front.
Committee on Police.
By Aid. Gehan—
A resolution authorizing Board of Fire Com-
missioners to sell [our horses.
Committee on Fire Department.
By Aid. Pratt—
A resolution for fire alarm box at Fairview
and Capitol avenues.
Committee on Fire Department.
By Aid. Pratt—
A resolution for lamps at Cromwell and Uni
varsity avenues. etc.
Committee on Gas.
By Aid. Gehan—
A resolution appointing Henry Galvin Ser
gear at Arm, of the Council, to date from May
I3, IN49.
Hy Aid. Leithauser—
A resolution for patrol box at Stillwater are
and Flandrastreet.
Committee on Police.
By old. Blom—
A resolution authorizing Board of Fire Com
:ssi ters to erect engine house on lot :, block
Phillipsaddition, etc
Committee on Fire. Department.
By Aid. Gehan—
A resolution permitting St. Paul City Rail
way Company to use the T rail on University
from Dale street to west city limits.
instead of the O. G. rail-
Aid.Alinea moved to refer said resolution In
Committee on Streets.
The question the reopen "rising wan the
adoption of said reset uticn, [he sa s not
Yeats—Aid. Conley, Gehan Sullivan, Mr. Vice
President -4.
Nays—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Cullen, Fisher,
Leithauser, Mince, Melady, Sanborn, Weber
The Vice President appointed. pursuant to
solution.adopted Sept. 17, 1889, the following
=tiles to submit " ordinance redistrict
[or election purposs
e, viz.:
Ald. Kavanagh, Sullivan, Conley. Leithaus-
er, Melody.
Aid. Sullivou n sed that a coittee of
n (;1 mamba retbe amm
ppointed by the presl
dent to unite with the reaoptian C =itteas Of
other organizations mine city in ur,.ngi.g and
tendering a reception to the member, of the
I nternatlon ll Congress, who will visit St. Paul
Oct. 24. 1.4,19 .
Adopted, yeas 13.
.lid. Cullen moved that when the Council ad-
journs it adjournntil Monday, Oct. _.'a"
0::11) p. m , the consideration o[ the tax levy for
is,!) to be the special order at that time.
Pursuant to advertisement of Cltye�Clerk bids
for coal an wood werereeiced and
opened from t
James Cleary:Griggs Brothers.
Vanderwarker 8t Acker. Pioneer Fuel Com
,any, Joe. Unwian , Sons, St. Paul and Pacific
Con) C'om Psay -
Committee on Public Building_, to tubulate
and •port on 5fondap, OCL 1&49, at 7:911
o'clock p. in.
P"S"'lt to advertisement of City Clerit
bids for lumber s ceived'. ,ad opened,
from Joan M¢rtio Lumber Company. Brennan
Lumber C !pally, D. M. Finlayson.
Libbey &. Co.
City Engineer to tabulate and report.
The mutter of Ilio vacation of C'lcar Strce:.,
in Donny Hill addition u, sed to be heard
on Tuesday, the loth dap vof Ipi'il, A. D. lose.
=postponed postponed and adjourned until this tim,
n for hearing, and the Vice President
aced that objections, ifany, to said Pro
posed vacation would how be heard. 'There
being no objections the resolution If zing the
"Joe ofopro,nises proposed to be s•a cited. and
the res adopt,
v' "'""u"
said pro . x er
thereupon doptudai Seer .'l uttem�Sie¢
The matter of the vacation of part of "Pli,
ant place," advertised tO be heard at this
time, came on for hearing, and the V ice Pre=f
den[ annomteed that objections, if any, would
be heard at this time. Thor. Being n hire
tions the r solution dxmg the valve of said
premises proposed no he vcrated and the reso-
lution ' flog the game ere thereupon
adopted. 1See resolutions.I
'PIO, Innttcrs of all other pending applications
(or v:srntion of streets, s. ,., s•.. ss e
postponed unit d1. torted until[ Tuesdvs>. the
IM), [fly of October. A. 1). lied[ alt 7::11 si rinck
p. m.
O di -111
OR-1—l'r. N
An Ordinance to • of blue William Dawson
and John M. Bohrer to c ect the sewer
ing through lots va 111, if re 1
seren 171, of block 111. (e), liohrer'sx ad�
dition, with the Trout 1-lik sewer,
Whereas, William Duwsnn and Joha M.
Bohrer have here) i ore co ns ract ell :
[ broughloisone (11, ]ive 151,six Int Bad seven
171,1 of LfioTrmit brool[Bohr tr's hdditiou, to m
n "h`
rats. by the c mitructinn O[ what t
knox'n ns the "Trout ]irook Fewer" system
the said outlet has beencut ort.
Now, therefore, the Common Council of the
City' of St. Paul du ordain as follows:
Section 1. Authority and prmis,ion is here
by given to William Dawson and John M.
Bohrer uact the s which to as
through lots one tll, live (s)sixr(a1 and seven
(i ), of block two f2). of Boh tar's addition. with
the Trout brook Sewer. until such time a, a
sewer may be constructed in an 1 through
Bokrer's court, u street lying be t,_rii aloe its
e (11tion tlo ibefmade Boll., theadtirccinouattf
the City Engineer. u¢1 t s
de C. .r This ord[mmce to he 1n fore, from
n spassage.
Yeas—Aid. Rickel. Ill.- Cullen, Conley,
Fisher. Gehan. Lellhauser, Mineu, Melody,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan. Webcr, Mr. Vwr
President -14.
Passed Oct. 1, IMJ
Vice President of Council.
Approved Oct. 3, IBBU.
ANTHONY YOEHG. JH.. Acting Mayor.
Attest: THOS. A. PRENDERGAST. City Clerk.
Oct. 7.
An Ordinance to authorize and permit Sural,
M. B—nes to orect and cooatruet a frame sta
ble within seventy feet of Marshall arente.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
ordain as follows:
Section 1. That pormission and authority is
[tetchy given, and the Building Inspector of
the City of Ft. Punt is hereby authorized, to
grant a permit to Sarah hereby
13 to to erect and
construct u frame stable, not to exceed 18 by 21
feet in size, upon the r end of Lot No. 3, in
Blocl: No. :, of Oakland Park addition to Said
city. and within 7., feet. of Marshall avenue, the
Buito be built under the direction of'th,
ling Inspector.
Sec. 2. This ordinance to be to force from and
afterits passage.
FisYe,e Aid. Ilickel, Blom. Cullen, Couley.
her,—GeRao, Leithauser, Mine::. Melndy.
Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vic,
President -14
Passed Oct. 1. IMt9.
V'loe President of Council.
Approved Oet.:t ISS9.
ANTIDINY YOERG. J... Acting Mayor.
Attest: THOS. A. PRCRI)EI-Ast. City Clerk.
Or, 7.
Onni NAN'CE NO. 1,ttio.
An Ordinance authorizing George C. Pound to
Then name baildi ng.
C ummon Cou notl of tae City of St. Paul do
ordain us follows:
Section 1. That authority unit permission in
hereby given and granted to Gcrge C. Pound
to raise the frame building situate on let bight
of block sixteen of Dell s addition to Well
int Paul, the distance of not exceeding titre,.
feet. All of sail work shall be under the super
vision n of the Ilallding inspector of said Iity.
Sec. 2. This ordinance shall tape effect and
be in torr. from and after He passage.
Yeas—Ald. Bichat. Blom. Callen, Conley.
Fisher. Gehan. Leithauser. Mines, Melady.
Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan. Weber, Mr. %'tet•
P:wsed Oc[. I.
Vice President of Council.
Approved Oct. 3. Ig:iJ.
Acting Mayor.
Alt est: Tlf OS. A. PItE NDERGAST. City Clerk.
Oct, 7.
An Ord nence permits ing Ellen Anderson .o
act two bay x iudows.
Thel('ommov Council of the City of St. Pull di,
ordain is follow e:
Section 1. Permission aad authority is he[e
by t given and grouted n to lilies Anderaon to
construe two buy windows o the [rout, o
Payne and Sims street, on the s nit
star)of trume building and jr—jertinge over
sidewalk not to exceed toren 111 b:et sltnntr
on lot ulnen (1:I end block twenty -sewn ('_ ).
Arlington Hili, addition to St. Paul: s c to
be constructed under supervision and msper
Ban o1 the Inspector of Buildings of said city.
Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and
be in force from and after its publication.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom. Cullen, Conley.
Flsher.Gehan,Leithauser, Minea,Melady,Pratt,
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice Presi-
dent -14.
Passed Oct. 1, 1889
Vice President of Council.
Approved Oct. 3, 1809.
ANTHONY YOERG, JR„ Acting Mayor,
Attest: THOS. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk.
Oct. T.
An Ordinance authorizing Paul Martin to place
frame and wood partition In n brick build
Tho Oommon Council of the City of St. Paul do
ordain as follows:
hereby Secting
van 1. Tsod pgra ted to Paul Martiermission and is
n to
erect, constructand place m the
building, No. 3100 Dakota avenue, a
partition across said build big from aide to side
and parallel with the front of said building and
about twenty-elaht feet therefrom; also to
front or said building buck to
inanition abovemen-
•.vpartition shall tend tn
ling of said building.
rdinance shall :oke effect and
and after its publication.
ratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice
Passed Oct. 1. 1889.
Vice President of Council.
Approved Oct. 3, 1889.
ANTHONY YOERG, JR., Acting Mayor.
Attest: THOS. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clark.
Oct. '.
ORDINANCE No. 1.23.9.
An Ordinance permitting L. Schwabel touon-
troct a bay window.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
ordain as follows:
Section 1. Permission and authority is here
by given and granted u to L. Schwabel to con
struct a certain projecting bay window on the
front of a two story brick veneer building on
the north side of Como avenue, the s me be-
ing on second story of said building and pro-
jecting over sidewalk about three (3) feet,
sttuate on part of lot seven (7), Moren's en-
largement of block thirty-two (32), La Fond
addition to St. Paul, same to be constructed
under the super ision and inspection of the In-
spector of Buildings of said City.
Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and
be in force from and after its passage and pub-
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Leltha... r.v Mine"
a. lM elVice, i
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,r.
President -14.
Passed Oct. 1. 1889.
Vice President of Council.
Approved Oct, 3, IM9.
ANTHONY YOERG, JR., Acting hlavor,
Attest: THOS. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk.
Oct. 7. ,
An Ordinance permitting Messrs. William
Endicott, Jr., and Henry Endicott to do cer-
tain plumbing in their new building.
The Common Council of Lite City of St, Paul
do ordain as follows:
Section 1. Permission is hereby granted and
given unto William Endicott, Jr., and Henry
Endicott to use sanitas, or other approved
anti -syphon traps, and to exlude s -cidled
back ventilation from the Plumbing system of
the building now in course of tion by the
said William Endicott, Jr., and Henry Endf
tt, located on property facing n Fourth,
Fifth and Robert streets. in block 17, in St.
Paul proper 1. said CHy of St. Paul.
Sec. S. This ordinance shall take effect and
be In force from and after its pubiicatbm.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Cullen, Conley.
Fisher, Gehan, Leithauser, Mines, Melndy,
Pratt, Weber, Mr, Vice President -12.
Nays—Ald, Sanborn, Sullivan—Y.
Passed Oct. 1, 1SS9.
Vice President of Council.
Approved Oct. 3, 1Mt9.
Acting Mayor.
Attest: THOS. A PRENDERGAST. City Clork.
Ites„intlo s.
By Aid. Pratt—
Resolved. That the following plIs, ns ap-
proved by the Platt Commission and hs recom-
o ded by the City Engineer, be and the same
hereby accepted by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
Haas and Wachentieimer's addition to the
City of St. Paul.
Thomas street addition to the City of St.
Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota.
Joseph P. Dysart's rearrangement of lots 1
d 2, block 23, Summit Park addition to St.
Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota.
Vernon addition to St. Paul, Ramsay County.
Summit Terrace. St, Paul. Ramsey County,
Yeas—Ald. Bickel. Blom, Cullen. Con
ley, Fisher, Goblin. Leithauser, Minea. Meladp,
Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice
President -14.
Approved Oct. 3, pea).
By Aid, Gehan—
Resolved, That the City Clerk be directed to
quest the St. Paul, Minneapolis h Manitoba
Railroad Company to erect lamps on Park ave
Yeon their rt RID of way.
n as—Ald. Bickel, Biom, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan. Leithauser. Mines, Melndy.
Yrntt. Sanborn, Sullivan, W,ber. Mr. -\"ice
President—I t.
Approved Oct. 3. Isso.
By Aid. Pratt—
Resolved, That the City Engineer
be and he is hereby instructed to report.
a gradc o • llcy., in blacks 65, Ifs, 7n. 77, 7S, 79,
80, Sl, tit and 83, of St. Anthony Park addition
to St. Paul.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan. Leithauser, Mines. Melody,
Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan. Weber, Mr. Vice
President -1
Approved Oct. 3, 1889.
By Aid. Gehan-
Resolved. That the City Engineer be and
hereby is directed to report to the Council at its
next meeting a proner grade for Fairview
street, as recently opened by the Board of Pub
lic Works, from University avenue to Pennsyl
canit. avenue. where a grade is not already es-
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Leithauser, Minea. Melady,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan. Weber, Mr. Vice
Approved Oct. 3. IM9.
By Ala. Letthauser-
Resolved, That the City Engineer cause two
c osswalks to be laid on both sides of Earl
street, 8mm the new sidewalk now laid to East
Seventh street.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Leithauser. Mmeu, Melody,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan. Weber, Mr. Vice
President -14.
,Approved Out. 3. 101.
By Aid. Blom -
Resolved, That the City Engineer cause
crosswalks to be laid across John street at
Olmsted street.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Leithauser, Minea, Melady.
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan. Weber. Mr. Vice
President -14.
Approved Oct. 3, 1899.
By Aid. Blom -
Resolved, That the City Engineer cause one
crosswalk to be laid across C.- street, on the
east side of Burr street.
One crosswalk to be laid across Case street,at
east aide of Clark street.
One crosswalk to be laid cross Case street,
on the east side of Westminster street.
One crosswalk to be laid across York street.
on the west side of Arkwright street.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Leitnaueer, Minea, Melody,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber. Mr. Vice
Approved Oct. 3, 1889.
By AId. Leithauser-
Resolved, That the City Engineer be and is
hereby authorized to cause nsay
ce across
walks to be laid at Forest and Birth streets
and at Hastings and Maple streets.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher' Gehan, Leithauser, Mines, Melody,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan. Weber, Mr. Vice
President -14.
Approved Oct. 3, 1899.
By Aid. Gehan-
Resolved, That the Committee on Public
Buildings be and they are hereby author -
zed to iineer .
he Marketo sefor a periodco
1eHan assistant • mmencing
Sept. 20, IM91 and until May 1, 1890, at a salary
not exceeding forty-five (45) dollars per month.
Yens-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Cullen.Conlev, Fish-
er, Gebra. Leithauser, Rican, Melady. Pratt,
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber. Mr. Vice President
Approved Oct. 3, 1889.
By Aid. Weber -
Resolved, That the gasoline lamp contractor
be authorized to remove the lamp on south
side of Martin street at corner Ravoux street
and place same on northeast corner of Summit
place and Martin street.
Yens-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Cullen, Conley,Fish
er. Gehan, Liethauser, Mines, Melody, Pratt,
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice Pmei
dent -14.
Approved Oct. 3, 1889.
By Aid. Melody -
Resolved. That the Street oil lamp con-
tractor be and is hereby instructed to place
and maintain one gasoline lamp on the north
east corner of Concord and Annapolis street..
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Cullen, Conley.
Fisher, Gehan,Leithauser, Mines, Melody,
Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice
President -14.
Approved Oct. 3. 1889
By Aid. Leithauser-
Resolved, That the city oil lamcontractor
have one lamp now on the south sidp e of East
Fourth street, near Maple, removed to the
north side of Dawson street, between Arcade
and Mendota streets.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel. Blom, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Leithauser, Mines, Melady.
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber. Mr. Vice
President -14.
Approved Oct. 3, 1889.
By AId. WDber-
Resolved, That the Saint Paul Gas Company
be Instructed to lay gas mains (at once) on
Carroll street, from Rice to Western avenue.
Teas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher. Gehan, Leithauser, Minea, Melody.
Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber Mr. Vice
President -14
Approved Oct. 3, 1889.
By Aid. Gehan-
Resolved, That the St. Paul Oas Light Com
pany be requested and directed to toy their gas
mains on Acker street, from Mississippi street,
or the terminus of gas mains on said street to
Courtland; thence on Courtland to Sycamore
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Cullen. Conley,
Fisher, Gehan. Leithauser, Minea, Moistly.
Sanborn, Sullivan. Weber, Mr. Vice
President -14.
Approved Oct. 3, 1889.
By Aid. Yoerg-
Resolved that the 13t.Paul Gas Light Company
be and is hereby instructed to lay gas mains
on Smith avenue, from the high bridge to
George street; on George street, from Smith
avenue to Dakota avenue, and to erect and
maintain gas lamps at the usual distances
Yea.-Ald. Bickel. Blom, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Leithauser. Minea. cMelady.
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice
President -14.
Approved Oct. 3, 1889.
By Aid. Cullen -
Resolved, That an order be drawn in favor of
the St. Paul Book and Stationery Company for
ten dollars and twenty-five cent. lilll._,1 to pay
Order No. 2 issued by School District No. 311,
Ramsey county, which district has been meet -
petaled into the City of St. Paul.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan. Leithauser, Minea, Melady,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice
President -14.
Approved Oct. 3, 1889.
By Aid. Sanborn -
Resolved, That an order be drajFn upon the
City Treasurer tot the sum of twenty -flee (4,_15)
dollars in favor of Lane K. Stone -being to r
fund amount erroneously paid into the City
Treasury by directionof Committee on Streets,
in the matter of vacation of port of Clear
street, in Denny Hill addition.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel. Blom. Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Leithauser, hitnen, Melody.
Pratt, S.nbom, Sullivan. Weber, Mr. Vice.
President -14.
Approved, Oct. 3, 1889.
By Ald. Weber -
Resolved, That an order be drawn in favor of
the Board of Control for the sum c1
being the city's 16 of the expenditure of said
Board for the month of September, 1889.
Yeas-Ald, Bickel, Blom, Cullen, Conley.
Fisher, Gehan, Leftbauser. Minea, Melady-,
Platt, Sanborn, Sullivan. Weber, Mr. Vico
President -14.
Approved Oct. 3, 1899.
Resolved, That an order be drawn in favor of
George L. Bigelow for the sum of one hundred
eventy eightand 76 10J Of'8,, 6) dollars.
being interest and costs accrued on Certiticntes
of Sal. Nos. 5,959, 5.960. 5,9111, 59G?, S, 11184 and
5.905, issued for the opening ofhfohawk ave
nue, the owner being entitled to damages o❑
the same.
Yens-Ald. Bickel, Blom,Cullen, Coo ley,Flsh-
at, Gehan, Leithauser, Minea, Melody, Pratt,'
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice Presi-
Approved Oct. 3, 1889
By Ald. Pratt -
Resolved, That permission is hereby grouted
to the St. Paul City Railway Company. In the
construction of their electric line on Unlver
.icy avenue, from Dale street to the wt city
limits, to place iron poles for supportinesg the
electric wires in the center or on the side of
said avenue, except along the approaches to
the bridge across the trnnefertrocks, under the
direction and to the approval of the City ED
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Cullen. Conley,
Fisher, Gahan, Leithauser, Minea, Melady.
Pratt, M
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, r. Vice
President -14.
Approved Oct. 3, 1889.
By Ald. Weber -
Resolved, That permission be given to S. and
J. H. Mayall"' construct a sewer on Elicit
street, from lot I2, block 11, Robinson and Van
Etten's addition, thence to connect with sewer
on Charles street. said work to be under the
supervision of City Engineer, said Mayall's to
pay the expense of engineering and inspection.
Yens-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Cullen, Conley.
Fisher, Gehan. Leithauser. Minea, Melody.
Pratt Sanborn. Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice
President -14.
Approved Oct. 3, 1389.
By Ald. Sanborn-
tVhereas, The Common Council of the City of
St. Paul, at a meeting held on the first day of
October, A. D. IM9, did adopt a resolution
vacating that portion of Pleasant place situ
ated between Pleasant avenue east of the west
line of lot twenty-four t21), in said block three
131. and east of the west line of lot seven (7),
said block four (4), where said west lines are
xtended so as to meet each other; said
blocks four (4) and three t3) being blocks three
18) and four (4) of J. C. Stout's additionto Sum-
mit Park, in St. Paul, olfi rota;
Therefore, be it resolved. That the value of
said premises so vacated as aforesaid be and
the same is hereby fixed at the sum of three
hundred dollars (4;kt)1. the said sum being not
less than a proportionate average value or the
property abutting uppn said premises so t
cated according to the assessment for taxation
for the year A. D. n898.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher. Gehan, Leithauser, Minea, Melody.
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice
Approved Oct. 3, 1889.
Whereas, Residents of the City of St. Paul,
Minn., being the majority of the owners of the
property ubutting upon and along the line of
Pleasant place, have petitioned the Common
Council of the City of St. Paul to vacate that
ouportion of said street or road known as Pleas
t place, situated adjucent to or between
block's three (3) and four (4) of J. C. Stout's
addition to Summit Park, in St. Paul, Minne
sots, and being located between Pleasant ave
nue east of the west line of lot twenty four (::1)
in said block three (3), and east of the west
line of lot seven (7),in said block four (4),when
said west lines are extended so us to meeteach
other. which said petition duly sets forth the
facts and reasons for said vacation. and was
duly accompanied by a plat tbereof as proposed
to be vacated, and,
Whereas, The Common Council, upon the
presenteditoration of said petition, deemed it ox -
ordered said petition to b eproceedetiled of record with
the City Clerk, and notice to be given by pub
licath- as provided by law, and
Whereas, Due notice by publication in the
official paper of sold city for tour weeke, cpm
acing an the twenty third
day of August A.
D. as,,. to the effect that said petition had been
filedwiththe City Clerk, stating in britt its
object, and that the some would be heard and
on asidered by the Common Council of the City
154 Paul on Tuesday, Lhe drat days I Oat
beta A. D. 1859, at 7:30 o'clock In the fternoot
rsaid dayy at the Council Chamber to the CSL]
of eaitl city, and
Whereas, At the time aad place last fore
said for the investigation s d co fderation o
such proposed vacation of aid "PI .... n
Common Council, after hearing 1
Persons interested, and being of the opiniol
that the a me is necessary d proper, am
that the py :requisites therefor have been com
plied withr
New. therefore, be iresolved, o l tha
pet of said street or mad know, Tas hat Pleasan
ih ee. (8)Land ton rj (4) of J. Ca"at to T Stout'-na dditioi
to Summit Park, in St. Paul. Minnesota, be
twee, Pleasant avenue east of the wet It,s c
lot twenty-Casof thfour
,as ,aid lobiock three) finis t
block fear ((4), when Road we tv line. a
tended t meet each other- as the rsam
p of record in the omce of the Restate
of Deeds in and for the County of Remael
Mian ... ta, be end the aame is hereby declare
Labe vacated and d _.
id petition,, and ae herel—bo �e ap..I..dor
a t
'Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Cullen, Cotyle!
Fisher, Gehan, Suilhivdn,.Webiere.. Cl.dc
Pratt, Sanborn,
Passed Oct. 1, 1889'ANTHONY YC, Jit..
Vice Presidentt of of Counctl.
Approved Oct. 3. ISM.
ANTHONY Y0'NO, Jit, Acting Mayor.
Attest: THOS. A. PItENDY.RGART, City Clerl
Oct. 7.
By Aid. SanDOm—
WIt sea, The Common Council o: the City
St. Paul, at a meeting held on the 1Rt day i
October, A. t 1889, did adopt u rose utlr
vnatmg that part o[t.e sixty (w00) feet wit
treat, running in nn seat ad eat dimCtI,
through Denny Hie edditlan to the City of S'
Paul,namd thereon and known as Clear etre,
which lies west o[ the west line of Payne av
ua d eat of tDe moat westerly bounden
line of said addition.
Therefore, De ft resolved, That the Value
aid pmteee an
revacated as aforesaid be a
a is hereby fixed at the s T t
not ,.70a the .su
Paid m being not lase than alpr
portlo.ate average value of the proatedperty ebt
tot a astaeeameaid nt for taxation for the year,
D. 1888.
Yeas—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Cullen, Conle
Fisher, Gehan, Leithauser. Mine0. Melatl
Prett, Sachem, Sullivan, Weber. Mr. Vi
President -14.
Approved Oct. 8, 1889
By Aid. Sanbom—
Whereas, Residents of the City of Sal
Paul, Minnesota. being the majority of I.
owners of the propertlear y abutting upon
alonddltlov to Saint
the line at C Paul, Lhave petI. ttio ed Ht
Common Council 01 the City of St. Paul to I
tate a pact of said attest, to
All that pi
of the slxty (60) feet wide street All
oat and west dt. ection through said Denny
3111 addition tot to City of St. Paul.a..d
hereon and knov n as Cleo, street, which lies
qest f the west line f Paye avevue Ia d
.t of the most westerly bo uv dory line of said
ddition, which said petition duly sets forth
he facts and reseons for sold vscatlon,and was
Idly accompanied by a plat thereof us propos
Id to be vacated.and,
ofeCommon s id p tition,u deemed it tex
�edie¢t that the matter be pro°eedRd wlth� rid
dared'aid petition to be filed of record ith
:be City Clerk d notice to be given by publi
I,tion as ptvided by Iaw, and,
Whereas, Due notice by publication in the
>Mcfal paper of said city forfour ke, c
acing n the flr'I day of March A. D. 1880,
m the effect that said petition bad been filed
wHb the City Clerk, stating in brief its object.
aad that t same would be heard and c,,Std
d by th Common Couvcll oI LDe CILyy f St.
Paul, o Tuesday, the 16th day o[ April, A. D.
Itttthe Council Chamber inLBthe°City HallaIi
sant city, and,
Where:& AL the Limo aad place last hove
designated for the mv..tigtion mud conaidem
tio. of such proposed vacation of said part of
.aid Clear street, as aforesaid, the Inv llgai
Lion and consideration thereat wee Postponed
til the 7th day of May, 1889, at 7:30 pw 111 m., and
thereafter from time to time, as more
fully appear by the o®sial proceedings of the
Common Conned. until the first day of Oct.
her, 1689, at 7:30 o'clock p. in., and,
Whereas. At the time and place last efore-
aaid for the investigation and onsidc-B.n of
such proposed vacetI, of said part of said
Clear street,.. aforesaid, Lhe Common Cou.clt,
atter hearing all perso.....crested,and being
of the opinion that the Rome is necessary and
proper, and that the prerequisites therefor
have all been complied with; now, therefore.
be it
Resolved, That all of said part o1 the Sixty
wesIt an
t dirsctloo through said street Denuyti Hlil CasLeddl
tion to the City of St. Paul, named thereon and
known as Clear street, which Ilea west of the
set line of Payyo .....nd e..I of the most
esterly bomdary B f said addition, as the
e appeara of and iv the omce of the
f Deeds m and for the County o[
Romsey, Minnesota, be nd the same la are
by decd orad to be vaCated end dts...tmued, as
asked for in said petition and as herein above
Yeas—Ald. Bickel. Blom, Cullen, Cr. onley,
Fi.her, Gehan, Le itbauserWMtie'a,MMeVi e,
Prmtt. Sanborn, Sullivan,
Pre 14.
Passed Oct. 1, 1889.
Vice President
ne of of Council. il.
Approved Oct. 8, 1669.
ANTHONY YOERG. Jit, A.U.& Mayor.
Attest: THOR. A. PRENDERGART. Vlty Clerk.
Oct. 7.
By Aid. Weber—
Resolved, That the order for the co.atruction
of a wooden sidewalk o. Grotto street, from
Carroll street to Minnehnha street, be sad the
0 is herebyamended to ad: Resolved,
Th., the Board of Public Work. euue a
s'dbt tf Grotto
. sidewalk street fromtObe Cumulliton etret to
Fuller tract, together with the necessary
Y.mi—Ald. Bickel, Blom. Cullen, Conley.
Fisher, Gehan, Leithauser, Mined. Melody,
Pratt, Sanborn. Sullivan, Wcber. Mr. Vice
Approved Oct.3. 1889.
By Aid. Weber—
Resolved, That the Board of Publligic Works
be h to annul he
matterolizad ement (orpn toned eitlnwalkton
north (.r east) vC.CCside of Riand Clce street, between
rr.....iLI. as ¢ul being .e°ec -I of building
improvement, in the spring.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel. Blom, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan., Mine., Melody,
Pratt, S.nborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice
President -14.
Approved Oct. 3, 18 -
By Ald. Kavanagh—
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
be and i, hereby authorized to ..—I the gra.-
its curbing and
aide elks on the north and
south sides of Seventh street, between Cedar
and Minnesota .treete.lo be repaired end set to
�1'nde, to be done under the supervlslon of the
fifty Engineer, without delay.
Yeas—Ald. Rickel. Blom, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan. Leith ... Or, Mine., Melody,
Pratt, Sanborn. Su Br... Weber. Mr. Vice
President -14
Approved Oct. 3. 1869.
By Ald. Geil..—
Reeoly' That the Board of Public Works
cause a stone Cement sidewalk, hexagonal or
square, to be laid o. Sherburne oven ,e
et,bl conform wHr'ith that already told. •Rice
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom. Culla.. Conley.
Fisher, Gehan, Leithauser. Mine., Melody,
Pratt, Sanborn. Sullivan, Weber. Mr. Vice
Approved. Oct. 3. 1859.
By AId. Sanbom--
and it is herebytdirected t con he Board of ,,uCtlict,, o� oaeo
sidewalk six feet wide on the .at side of
M.ekubin street. from Marshall ve a to
Iglehart street. Also that said Board a e a
:sing t be constructed and ai°tamed o
the north side of St. Clair atreet.nress Milton
Yeas—Ald. Bickel. Blo..Cullen Mines,
ley. Fisbe r, Gehan, Lelth.uscl
Malady, Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber.
Mr. Vice President -14.
Approved Oct. 3. IR89.
By Aid, Ynttt—
Reeolved, T kl� eeBoard of Public
be conntrveted OR followrk
on ...[snide of Raymond avenne,acro.a Brad
ford and Ellis street..
On south side Terrftrial read. acroee Ray-
On west side of Raymond, across University.
On eget side of Cromwell, across University.
On eat side of Wentworth
Ualveralt� avenue. in front of Mr. Chase?s, t
act ltb walk leading to Desnoyereta
On west aide Raymond, acro:: Robbins.
On east aide Raymond, dross Knapp.
On south aide Knapp, acroee Raymond.
On north side Dooley, acroee Raymond.
On west side Chelmsford, across Dooley.
On east side .f Knapp. across Langford.
On south side of ..ROrd. soros. Knapp.
0..outh side of Langford, aorose Gordon.
On east side of Gordon, acroee Carter.
Ov west side of County road, acro.. Carter.
O, south side of Long avenue, acroee Ray-
0. north aide of Territorial road, noose
On ..rth side of Manuel :treat, eons. Rob.
Acro.. Territorial road,on west line If Runt':
place -
Across Everett court at Routh and.
On north side of Territorial at intereection of
Ellis street and Hunt place.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel,Blom, Cullen, Cony.
Flaher, Gehan, Leithauser, Mmes. Maladyle,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan. Weber. Mr. Vice
President -14.
Approved Oct. 3, 1889.
By Aid. Pratt—
Resolved. That the Board of Public Works
cause Rix -feet woods. sidewalk. to be con-
structed, together with all necessary Ones -
On north side of Hampden avenue, from Brad-
ford street to Raymond avenue.
On south side of Dooroyevenue, from CheIMS
ford street to County d.
mond avenue Territorial
to Cromwell from Ray'
r eas8 do of Cromwell ven.I'
e,.ity L venue to Cudworth street.e, from IInt
On east side of Raymond ovonue, from Terri -
torfal road to Ellis street.
On north aide of Blake ay..ue, acroee Lung
ford Park.
O, north side of Robbins street, from Ray
mond avenue to Manvel street.
On north side of Long avenue, from alley in
block 130, St. Anthony Park, easterly to oonneet
with walk already laid.
On Routh aide of Capitol avenue. Alden to
Fairview avenue.
On both sides venue, .venue, Univerei-
y avenue
Three (8) plank walk.c.westefde of Chelms
ford. Doody avenue to Knapp Iuxcet.
Three ISampden3 (3)plankto WycliH street.
walks on west a Bradford.
Three (3) plank walks on south aide WycliH
street, Bradford to Tamer street.
A six feet walk on both side. of Mln.ehaha
street, from Snelling avenue to Prior avenue.
On ..rth aide Territorial read romwell av
enue-to west city limit., except lrCfront of lots
9, 10 and 11, block 78, St. Anthony Park, and
where walks are already laid.
A six-foot walk on West sfdet of Raymond
avenue. Manvel street to bridge.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom. Cullen, Conley.
Fisher, Gehan, Leithauser, Mine., N.I-gy.
Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice
President -14.
Approved Oct. 3, 1889.
By Aid. Mines—
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
be instructed to oth
sides of Midw uy avenuc, from Sidewalk
O: kdale avenue
to Brown avenue, sad all necessary crossings.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Cullen. Conley,
Fisher. Gehan, Leftouser, Ill.-, Mmmly,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice
President -14.
Approved Oct. 3, 1639.
By Aid'BIO.—
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
cause an eight -foot wooden sidewalk to be
constructed on both sides of Cook street, from
Forest street to Earl street, with necessary
cross walks.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Geban, Leitbuuser, Mfnea, 1lielady,
Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice
President -14.
Approved Oct. 3, 1889.
By Aid. Blom—
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
cause an eight foot wooden sidewalk to be con
structed on the south side f Whitall street,
from Payne
avenue to Westminster street,
with necessary crosswalks.
Yeas—Ald. Rickel, Blom,Cullen, Conley.Fish
Cr, Gehun. Leithauser. Mines. Me lady, Yrntt.
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber. Mr. Vice Pres:
dent -34.
Approved Oct. 3. 1889.
By Aid Leithauser—
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works be
and is hereby authorized to cause a St. foot
wooden sidewalk to be laid on the west side of
Hoffman avenue, from Conway street to Lizzie
Yeas—Ald. Bickel. BIom.Cullen, Conley,F'fsh-
or, Gehan, Leithauser. Mines. Malady Pratt,
Sunburn. Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President
Avprov Oct. 3, 1889.
By Aid Leithauser-
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
cause al; foot wooden Sidewalk to be laid on
the north
side of White Bear iufrom
Sevemh street to the west side fAmes ave
nue, with the necessary crosswalks.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Cullen. Conley,
Fisher, Gehau, Leilbanse,. Mloon, Mclady,
Yral [. Sanborn, Sullivuu, Weber, Mr. Vice
President -14.
Approved Oct. :3, 1WM1.
fly Aid. Gehan—
Resolved, That the final order for the con-
struction of a sewer on Viola, from Jackson
street to Cedar street, that was returned from
Board of Public Works to Alderman of the
district at the last regular meeting, be and the
,Same is hereby returned to the Board of Public
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Leithauser. Mine., Malady,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice
President -14.
Approved Oct. 2,1889.
Iiy Aid. Leithauser—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the order for the construction of a side
walk on the west aide of Maria avenue, be
tween Seventh street and North street, be and
the some is hereby rescinded.
Yeas—Aid. Bickel Blom, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Leithauser, Mines, Malady.
Pratt, Sanborn, Sulliva., Weber, Mr. Vice
President -14.
Approved Oat. 3, 1889.
By Aid. Blom—
It [s hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the Cityof St. Paul:
That the matter of the opening, grading and
bridging F.uquier street, between Greeabrler
venue and Payne avenue, be and the same 's
hereby referred to the Board of Public Works
to investigate and report:
First. Is this improvement proper and nee
See"I- Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whetherone-half
of the cost thereof is to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
said improvement be found benefited to the
extent of damages, costs and expenses neces-
sary to be incurred thereby`
Fourth. Is such Improvement asked for
upon the petition or application of the owners
of a majority of the property to be assessed for
such improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council a plan o profile of
said improvement. as required by law, if you
report In favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order at
recting the work to be done.
Yeas—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Cullen, Conley-,
Fisher, Gehan, Lelthauser, Afmsa, Molady.
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice
President -14.
Approved Oct. 3. 1889.
By Aid. Snorer%
It is hereby or by the Common Council
of the Clty of St. I'oui.
That the matter of obtaining • n easement
in land across and over the right of way of the
Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul ILniiway Com-
pany fora bridge and approaches, within the
limits of the lines of Grand avenue produced
acroSs the right of way of said railway eom
pang, bu me
the Board and the sahereby ereby referred to
of Public Works to investigate and
First. Is this improvement proper and nee
C co ry?
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and State whether one half
of the cost thereof is to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to beassessed for said
improvement be found benefited to the extent
of damages, costs and expenses accessory to
be incurred thereby`
Fourth. Is such Improvement asked for
upon the petition or application of the owners
of a majority of the property to be assessed for
such improvement':
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said improvement. as required by law, if you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council it proper order di-
recting the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald'Bickel , Blom, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Leithauser, Mine.. Melady,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan. Weber, Mr. Vice
President -14.
Approved Oct. & 1889.
By Aid. Pratt—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of condemning a. easement
on Hampden avenue, across the right of way of
the St. Pan], Minneapolis & Manitoba Railway,
be and the same is hereby referred to the Board
of Public Works to investigate and report:
First. Is this imprevement proper and nee-
Second. Give the Council a. estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether one half
of the cost thereof is to be paid let. the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate tube assessed for said
improvement be found benefited to the extent
of damages, costs and expenses necessary to
be incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such improvement -hsked for
upon the petition or application of the owners
of a majority of the property to be assessed for
such improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
Sold improvement. as required by law• if you
report in favor of the panic.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order df
recting the work to be done.
Yeas—Aid. Bickel. 131om. Cullc., Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Leithauser, Mmea, Malady.
Pratt, Sanborn, Sulliva.. Reber, hfr. Vice
President -14.
Approved, Oct. 3, ISS9.
By Aid. Gehau—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter o[ condemning an easement
in land for the construction of slopes for cuts
and tills upon real property abutting o Court-
land street, from Como and Lake Phalen ave
sametoist he herehYtreI, ity
dinto thee
Board ad tnue he
Public Works to investigate and report:
First. Is this improvement proper and nen
Second. tliwe the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof, ..,it state whether one half of
the cost thereof is to be put it into the City
preasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be isee sed for
8aidimprovement be found benefited to the
extent of damages, costs and expenses neces
Bary to be incurred thereby*
Fourth. Is such improvement asked for
upon the petition or application of the owners
of a majority of the property to be assessed for
such improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said Improvement, as required by law. if you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di-
recting the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Cullen, Conley.
Fisher. Gabon. Leithauser, Mines, Malady,
Pratt, e Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice
President -14.
Approved Oct. :3. 1889.
By Aid. Sullivan—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Connell
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of grading Ashland avenue,
between Lexington and Cleveland avenues, as
per tacbed,luest of r
be andthes mrtV eels reby referred to
the Board of Public Works to investigate and
First. Is this improvement proper and neces
Second. Give the Council an estimate Of the
expense thereof, and state whether one-halfof
the cost thereof is to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for Said
improvement be found benefited to the extent
of damages. osts and expenses necessary to
e incurred thereby.
Fourth. Is such improvement asked for on
onthe petition or application of the owners of
a majority of the property to be assessed for
such improvement,
Fifth. Send the Council a pian or profile of
said improvement, as required by law, If you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di
recting the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Pullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan. eithou.ner,N'LMine. Mr.VMalady
Pratt. Sanborn,
President -14.
_approved Oct. 3. IM U.
By Aid. Pratt—
It is bereby orderedby the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul: '
That the mntterof opening astreet along the
west city limits, from University avenue to the
right of way of the St. Paul & Northern Pacific
Railway, be and the ams I hereby rstarted
to the Board of Public Works to investigate
and report:
First. Is this improvement proper and
Second. Give the Council a. estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether one-half of
the cost thereof is to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for said
improvement be found benefited to the extent
of damages, coats and expenses necessary to be
incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such improvement asked for
upon the petition or application of the owners
f u majority of the property to be assessed
for such improvement.
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
.Said improvement, as requirea by low, if you
report in f.vor of the same,
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order,
directing the work to be deal.
Yeas—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan. Letthanser. Minta, Melady,
Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice
President -14.
Approved Oct. 3, 1889.
By Aid. Waber—
lt Is hereby ordered by the Common Coon
til of the City of St. Paul:
Thalia 0
halia0 matterof constructing
Virginia ane, be a nue, from Iglehart to University
mad the s e is hereby referred
to the Board of Public Works to investigate
and report:
First. Is this improvement proper and neces-
s¢Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
pause thereof, and state whether one-half of
the Bost thereof Is to be ppmid into the City
treasury before the coal-' is let,
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for said
Improvement be found benefited to the extent
f damages, costs and expenses necessary to
be. incurred thereby.
Fourth. Is such improveor applicationment asked for upon
.th.joriiytionof the propertyto Deass
sof r owners uch
Fifth- =the Council a pilin or profile of
aid impr .Same ' us required 3' you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth, Send the Council a proper order di-
recting the work to be done.
Yens—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan. Leithause, Mine., Melady,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber. Mr. Vice
President -14.A Apenproved Oct. 3, ISS9.
a Mile,—
ordered by the Common Council
of the of SL Paul:
the otter of gr¢divq Ottawa avenue,
from Cherokee avenue to the south city limits,
be and the ,am
is hereby referred to the
Board of Public Works to investigate and re
First. Is this improvement proper and nee
esSecond. Give the Council an estimate of the
e pause thereof, and s to whether one-half of
the cost thereof is to the paid into the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for said
provement be found benefited to the extent
damages, costs and expenses vSeessnry to be
incurred thereby'
Fourth. Is such improvement asked for upon
the petition r appttc ation f the owners of a
majority Oft property to be assessed for such
Fifth. Send the Council a plan o profile of
Said improvement, as required by law, if you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di-
recting Lite work to be do,P.
Yens—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Cullen. Conley,
Fisher, Geban, I.eithaueer. Minos, Melady,
Pratt. Sanborn Sullivan. Weber, Mr. Vice
Pre sident—l4.
APprov ed Oct. 3, ISS9.
By Aid. Pratt—
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of grading County road, from
Henden av enue to the est city lien
its, be and the same is hereby referred to
the Board of Public Works to investigate and
First. Is this improvement proper and nee
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expensethereof, and state whether one-half of
the cost thereof is to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
said improvement be foundbenefited to the
extent of damages, costs and expenses neces-
ary to be incurred thereby?
s Fourth. Is such improvement asked for
upon the petition or application of the owners
of a majority of the property to be assessed for
such improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said Improvement, as required by law, if you
report in lnvar of the same.
sting the work to be Send the Council n proper order di
r Y—a—Ald. Bickel, Blom. Cullen, Corley,
Fisher, Geban, Leithauser. Mineu. Melady,
Pratt. Ssuborn. Sullivan, \Veber, Mr. Vice
President -14.
Approved Oct. 3, 1R89.
By Ald. tGehe—
It I. hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City o[ St. Poul:
That the matter of grading alley in block ii,
Ed Rice's Third additiov. be ad the e e Is
hereby referred to the Board of Public Works
to investigate and report:
First. Ls this improvement proper and nee
e9 -
Second. Give the Council u estimate of the
pansethereof, and state whether one-half of
the cost thereof is to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Co. real state to be r one d for
weld improvement be found benefited to the ex-
tent of damages, a end expenses necessary
to hot carred thereby.
Fourth. Is such improvement asked for upon
the petition or application of the eve rs oI a
majority of the property to be assessed for such
tmFifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said Improvement, as required by law, if you
report in fovor of the, same.
Sixth, Send the Council n proper order di-
recting the work to be done:
Yeas—Ald. Bickel. Blom, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Leithauser• ABneu, Melady,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan. Weber, Mr. Vice
President -14.
Approved Oct. 3, 1889.
By Aid. Sanborn—
It is hereby ordered bV the Common Council
of the City of Bt. Paul:
That the matter o[ gradingg Lhe alley in block
three (3), Portland ddition to St. i nal. be
and the si a ie hereby referred to the Board
of Public Works to investigate and report:
First. Is this improvement proper and nee-
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expensthe cost thereof n edo state
paidther ntonhalf
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
said Improvement be found benefited to
the extent
of daas, costs, and expenses
necessary to be incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such improvement asked for
pen the Petition or application of the ow ars
of a majority of tae property to be assessed for
uch improvement
Such Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said improvement, as required by law, if you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send tbll proper order di
rection the work to done
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Culler, Conley,
Fisher, Gabon,Leith—Sr. Mines, Melody,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice
President -14
Approved Oct. 3. 1889.
By Aid. Gehan—
It la hereby ordered by the Common Council
01 the City of St. Paul:
That the matter ofchange of grade o
Fairview street, from Valley street to Arch
street: also the accessory changes on the cross
gtrreat. to ade on Fairvlewsstr et, becmd and Dthe ear fs
herebyreferred to the Board of Public Works
o investigate and report:
First. Is this improvement proper and nec-
Second. Give the Council a. estimate of the
thpease thereof, and state whether one half of
e cost thereof is W be a d into the City
Trenaury before the contract yard
s let.
od far
said improvement Can ret beerate to be found benefited to the ex-
tent of damaggeen costs and expenses necessary
be I.curred thereby?
Fourth. IS such me t eine L asked for upon
the petition . application of the owners oI
majority Oft
property W be assessed [or such
i Fifth. Send the Council nplan or profile of
said Improvement, ns required by low. if you
report in favor of the some.
Sixth. Sed the Council a proper order di-
recting the work to be done.
Yeas—Aid. , Leithau se, Mlniea, Melady
Fisher, Gehan, y,
Prost, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice
Approvedd Oct.O3, lb'39.
By Aid. Leithauser—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter o[ a change of Ronde on East.
Fourth street, from Terry street to Gotzle
street, : be and the same Is hereby referred
to the Board of Pubil0 Works to investigate
and report: -
First. Is this improvement proper and
n ?Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof and state whether one-half -half of
the cost thereof is to be paid into i the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be sensed for
sold improvement be found benefited to the
extent of damages. costs and expenses neces-
sary to be incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such improvement asked for
upon the petition or application of the owners
of a majority of the property to be assessed
for such improvement'
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
sold Improvement. as required by law, if you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a Proper order di-
recting the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Calle, Conley,
Fisher, Gehe, Leithauser, Miners, Melady.
Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice
President -14.
Approved Oct. $ 1889.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Pel:
That the atter o[ grading Laurel avenue.
between Lexington sad Cleveland avenues, as
per quest f pLroe arty homerrors hereto at-
thehBoard of Public Works to i vestigate and
First. Is this improvement proper and neo
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
e pensathe _at thereothereoff, and state whether ore -half of
Treasury before the conto tract 18laid Le.
eto the Clty
Third. Can real estate to be v d for
said Improvement be found bene died tothe ex-
f dereby. and expenses necessary
Fourth. IS such improvemt asked for upon
the petition or application
the o Pf a
sn] rtty of the property to be ossa led for
cL improvement?
Fifth. Sed the Council . plan r profile of
port in favorer the same. e uired by law, if you re-
Slxth, Send the Council a proper order di-
recting the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom. Cullen, Cooley.
Fisher, Gehan. Leithauser, Minea. Melady,
Pratt, 8...... Sullivan. Weber, Mr. Vt..
President -14.
Approved Oct. 3 1889.
Inthe matterofthe pport f the Board of
Public Works dated Oc.t. 1 1889.
It Ishereby ordered by the Common Council
the City of St. by
That the Board of Public Works of said City
St. Paul cause the following improvement
to be made, to -wit: Construct a ewer on
Stryker avenue, from Delos street to Prospect
terrace, In said city, together with the neces.
sary catch -basins and manholes.
That sold Board cause aid work to be let by
contract, as provided bylaw. without one-half
the estimated cost being first paid into the City
Treasury, and after said work shall be placed un-
der contract said Board shall proceed without
delay to assess the amount, as nearly as they
can ascertain the same, which will be required
to pay the cost and necessary exi
penses of such improvementupon the real
estate to be benefited by said improvement.
as provided by Isw; it being the
opinion of the Council that real
estate to be assessed for such improvement can
befound benefi[edtothe extent of the cost
and expenses necessary to be incurred thereby
Yeas—Alf). Bickel, Blom, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher. Gahan. Leithauser. Mines, Melody,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice
President -14-
A ppr.eed Oct. 3, 1889.
In the matterol the report of the Board of
Public Works dated Sept. 30. 1 &99.
It Is hereby ordered by the Comoro. Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of said City
ofSt. Paul cause the followingg improvement
to be made, to wit: Widen Walloons street.
insaid city, condemning and taking so much
of lot three (3), block five (5), De Bow, Sol fill.
Risque & Williams' addition to St. Paul, as lies
between trio present northerly line of said
Williams street and a curved line drawn with
a radius of three hundred (31x)) feet from the
southwesterly coraer of said lot three
13) to the southeasterly corner thea
of. That said Board shall pro-
ceed without delay to assess the amount, as
nearly as they can ascertain e .m.. which
will be required to pay the damages, costs and
ecessary expenses of such Improvement open
the real estate to be benefited by said Im-
provement, as provided by law: It being the
opinion of the Council that real estate to be
eased for such improvement .can be found
benefited to the extent of the damages, cost
and expenses necessary to be incurred thereby.
Yeas—Ald Bickel Blom, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher. Gehan, Leithomier. Mines, Melody,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice
President -14.
Approved Oct. 3, 1889.
Inthe matterof the report or the Board of Pub
Ito Works dated Jnly 22, Isla.
IL Is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
he City of I. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of the lcity
of St. Paul cause the following improvement
to be made, to-wlt: Open, widen, alter and
extend Sixth street tie feet wide, from the east-
erly line of Commercial street to a point W
feet westerly of the westerly line of Brook
street, and widen said Sixth street, from Rosa
bel to Broadway street, in said city, condemn-
-ng dud taking all that land, of already con
damned or dedtested for public use (except
land and property owned by corporations),
]'I.wwBith the Imes of a strip e9 feet wide,
the southerlyline of which strip shall boa
straight line drawn from the southeasterly car
nerof Commercial and Sixth streets to the
northeasterly corner of lot 2, block 37, Kittson's
addition to St. Paul; and also condemning in
taking an easement for street and bridge purd
n aid
owned nby 511 the
also, condemning and
demningan d
taking Iota, blocks, Whitney and Smith's ad-
dition to St. Paul, and that miscellaneous strip
of lund lying between said lot 8 and Broadway,
and also a triangular piece of land bounded
easterly by Broadway, southerly by northerly
line of lot if, block 5, Whitney & Smith's addi.
tine, produced to Broadway, surdesterly by a
line draw'. from the southwesterly corner of
block 29. Kittson'sddition, to a point In
northerly line of said lot 5, 24 feet westerly
from westerly line;ot Broadway, for the put
pass of
st eet to Broadayx street. ro
That saidBoa dshall
proceed without delay to assess the amount.
CO. ascertain the same,
which will be required to pay the damage.,Costs
and necessary expenses of such improvement
upon the real estate to be benefited by said
improvement, as provided by law; it being
the opinion of the Council that real estate to
be assessed for such improvement can be
found benefited to the extent of the damages.
costs and expenses necessary to be incurred
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Leithauser, Minea, Melody,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice
President -14.
Approved Oct. 3, INBk.
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works dated Oct I, 1889.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Work. of sold City
of St. Paul cause the following improvement
to be made, towit: Grade Idleisslppl street,
from Maryland street to the north city limit.,
in said city.
That said Beard cause said work to be let by
contract, as provided by law, without one -halt
mn[ed cost being tint paid into the
the ealiCity Treasury, and after said work shall be
placed under contract said Beard shall pro-
ceed without delay to ussess the amount, as
nearly us they can ascertain the same. which
will be required to pay the cost and necessn[y
expanses of such improvement upon the real
estate to be benefited by said Improvement, as
provided by law; It being the opinion of the
Council that real estate to be aesessed for such
improvement can be found benefited to the ex
tent of the cost and expenses necessary to be
incurrred thereby.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Calle., Conley.
Fisher, Gehan, Leithauser, Mines. Melody,
Pratt, Sothorn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice
President -14.
Approved Oct. 3 1889.
In the matter of tn. report of the Board o1
Public Works dated Oct. 1, fiW9.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of .,it City
of St. Paul cause the following improvement
to be made, to wit: Construct a sewer o
George street, from Ohio street to Bidwell
street. and n Bidwellstreet, from George
street to Wmifred .trust. in aidCity, together
with the necessary entch-bnslaa and msnholes,
said sewering to be done- under one contract.
That said Board cause said
work to be let by
contract, as provided by law, without one-half
the estimated Cost being first paid into the
City Treasury, and after said rk shall
be placed under contract aald Board
shall proceed without delay to ussess the
amount, as nearlyw
as they can ascer-
tain the same, whichill be, required
to pay the cost necessary
expenses of such improvement. to the e
tent of $1 .5 per foot, upon the real
estate to be benefited by said improvement,
as provided by law; it being the opinion
of the Council that real estate to be assessed for
such improvement can be found benefited to
the and extent a fnecessar to be ncurred thereber feet towards the y.
pens Y
Yeas—Aldo Bickel, Blom, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Lelthauaer, Minea, Malady,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan. Weber, Mr. Vico
President -14.
Approved Oct. 3, 1889
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works dated Oct. 1. IR49.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public W.rks of said City
of St. Paul cause the following improvement
to be made, to wit: Grade Courtland
street, from Lake Como and Phalen
avenue to the north city limits, In said
city. That said Board cause sold work to
be let by contract, as provided by law, without
one-half the estimated cost being first paid
into the City Treasury, and atter
sold work shall be placed under
Contract sold Board shall proceed with-
out delay to assess the amount, us early
es they con ascertain the same. which will
be required topay the cost and
necessary expenses of such improvement upon
the real estate to be benefited by said Im-
provement, as provided by law; it being the
opinion of the Council that real estate to be
assessed for such improvement eon b0 found
benefited to the extent oI the cost
and expenses necessary to be incurred
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan. I.etthouser Minea, Dielady,
Pratt, Sanborn, rSullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice
President -14
Approved Oct. 3, 1889.
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works dated Sept. 27, 18SO.
It is herebyordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works o1 said City
of St. Paul cause the following improvement to
be made, to -wit: Grade Pennsylvania avenue.
from L'Orient street to Jackson street, in said
city. That said Board muse said k to be
let by contract, as provided by Inw'.withoutone
half the estimated .at being first paid
into the Citi' 'Treasury, and after said work
shall be placed under co.eralt said Board shall
proceed without delay to assess the amount, as
arty .s they can asceri pin the s tehlch
will be required to pay the cost a.dane ¢ssnry
expenses of eeh im provement, upon the real
estate to be bell tlted by sued improt'oment, as
provided by law: it Doing the opinion of the
Council that real estate to be assessed for seen
improvement can be found benetited to the ex
tent of the cost and expeosce necessary to be
Incurred thereby.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Leithauser. Minea, Melody.
Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan, t\'fiber, Mr. Vise
President -14.
Approved Oct. 3; 1889.
In the matter of theeport f the Board of
Public Works dated Oct. 1, 1".
It is bereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of said City
of St. Paul cause the following improvement
tobe made, to w'it' Construct a sewer on
Martin street. from Dale street to Western
avenue. and on Western avortuo from Martin
street to St. Anthony avenue, in said city, to:
gether with the necessary catch basins and
manholes, said sewering to be done under one
That said Board cause said work to be let by
half the estmutedi-atbbeing first paid without Ine-
the City Treasury, and after said work shall be
eeedtd under contract Board said
without delay loa lesstheamounshall tas
nearly- as they can ascertain the same, which
will be required to pity the cost and necessary
expenses of such improvement upon the real
estate to be benefited by said improvement, as
provided by law; it being the opinion of the
Council that real sedlife to be for Such
improvement can befound benefited to the ex
tent of the cost and expenses necessary to be
incurred thereby.
Yens—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Cullen, Conley.
Fisher, Gehan. Leithauser, Minea, Melody,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice
President -14.
Apf r...d Oct. 3, 1689.
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works dated Sept. 19. 1889.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of the City
ofSt. Paul cause the followingimprovement
to be mode, to*wit: Open -id In and ex-
tend Stewart venue, from the south line of
West End addition to St. Paul in a outhwest-
erly direetiou to a connection with West Sev-
euth strect,taling and condemed.g ail the load
already Condemned
or dedicated fcrop u-
lie street lying within the lines of sixty-six
(do) foot street, the ceptor line of which street
shall be a straight line drawn from the Inter-
section of the center line of Stewart avenue, in
West End addi tion,with the east and west quay
er line oI section fourteen (14). township twee
L}' -eight (2gi, range twenty three (•6t), to the
intersection of the center line of the street
known as St owart ovenue,in C. W. Youngman's
Third addition, with the north line of said ad
dition, between blocks four (4) and five (5).
Also from the intersection of the center line of
Stewart avenue, between Palisade addition
and Youngman and Lamm's additio., with the
e tion lion b¢two en sections twenty-tw. (22)
and twenty one (21), of township twenty eight
I_4), range twenty-three ('2:B, to a point o. the
Cast and west quarter Zine of said ae¢tio. twen-
ty-one (21). at a distance of one thousand and
ten (1.010) feet westerly from the quarter cor-
ner on the, east line of said section twenty...
('S11; thence along the said east and west guar
ter lira of said section twenty
(2B [o its in-
tersection with West Seventh street. That said
Board shall proceed without delay to assess
the amount,as nea-ly as they can ascertain the
same, which will be required to pay the dam-
ages, costs and necessary expenses of such im-
provement upon the real estate to
be benefiteby said improvement, as
provided by law; it being the opinion of the
Council that real estate to be assessed for such
improvement can be found benefited to the ex-
tent of the damages, costs and expenses neces-
sary to be incurred thereby.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel. Blom. Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gabon, Leithauser, Mines, Melady,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice
President -14.
Approved Oct. 0 1889.
Adjourned until Monday, Oct. 7, 1889, at 7:80
o'clock p. in.
Vice idemtoI Council.
Adjourned Meeting.
ST. PAU" Oct. 7, 1889, 7:30 o'clock p. in.
The Council met pursuant to adjournment,
Vice President Yoerg in the chair.
Present-Ald. Bickel, Bock, Cullen, Fisher,
Gahan, Leithauser, Mines, Melody, Pratt,
Weber, Mr. Vice President -11.
Of Committees on Ways and Means and Taxes
-Tax Levy Estimate for the Year 1889-
To the Honorable me President and Common
Council of the City of Saint Paul:
Gentlemen: Your committee, to whom was
referred the City Comptroller's tax levy s',
m to or the year 1889, c acing tbe.reeeipts
....... exponditon., of the eity government [or
the r 1890, recommend the passage of thone
mpanymg resolution by your honorable body.
nxinq the tax levy to ver the same, and
Rich provides for the payment o[ all of tae city
bond. maturing In the year 1690 -making the
grand total tax levy for all purp.9es (including
the state, county and school levies) I. the tell-
ous assessment districts ane follows, viz.:
For the first Five Assessment Dis-
tricts ... ........ ..... .. ....18.00 mill:
For the Sixth Assessment District 1s) mole
Forthe Seventh Asseism nt District 15.70 mills
For the Eighth Assessment District. 17.10 mills
For the Ninth Assessment DistrlCt..15.70 mills
For the Tenth Assessment District.. 14.70 mill.
Very resP. ntfully,
Chairman of Committee on Ways and Means.
Chairman W Iof Committee on Taxes.
Oct. 7, 1889.
Adopted (See resolution.)
The said tax levy estimate above referred to
is as follows:
CITY OF ST. PAU" Minn., Oct. 1, 1889. (
To the Honorable President a d Common
Council ofLha City of Saint Paul:
Gentle m ea: The of tax levy es-
lmateforthe year 1888 presents 1n minute
detail all of t&
.tire eVd receiptsd ex-
penditure, of the city government far the year
1800, for which , tax levy is to be fixed by your
honorable body on or before the 8th day of Oo
tuber, instant.
The tax requirements for city purposes are
as follows, viz.:
Interest upon the boded debt .. .. (289,875
City bonds matunng in the year 1890... 102,125
General fund expenditures....... ..... 4W ODU
Ward fund expenditures ...... 288,000
W abashu street bridge rebuilding (bal-
once'of cost) ..... .................... 37,000
Total ................ ............... 81.092,OW
One hundred and twenty million (8120,000,000)
dollars assessed valuation of the real and per
sonal property within the carrppoo to limits of
the city, at nine and ten -hu, (9.10
milln each dollar. will realize ouemll ion
and ninety two thousand dollars (81.092,000).
which is the amount required for citypurposes.
The state, county and board of education tax
levies figure as follows, viz.:
State purposes, including the one (1) mill
fo th
tax for the increase le the urate school
fund required to be levied under .at of
1887 ...................... ..... ........ .... 2.90
County purposes. .................
Board of education, including one (1)
mill tax for new school buildings, also
the regular one mill (1) tax fixed by
statute ........... ...... ................. 4.00
I have reduced the estimate of the board of
education one half (�/,) ill, covering slaty
thousand (8&1,0(0) dollars, for new school bu.1
logs contemplated to be erected during the
able bear ody to a endorse, respectfully
as ask or fficienoy of the
schools will not be affected thereby.
The and total tax levy for all purposes, i
hiding State, County. Board of Education and
City purposes, will be as follow., viz:
For the First, Second, Third. Fourth and
FIRE s Assessment Districts...............1'6.90
Sixth Assessment District t ... ...........15.00
Seventh Assessment District .......... ..... 15.70
Eighth Assessment istricei.......: ......17.70
Ninth Assessment District ................. 15.70
Tenth Assessment District ................ .14.70
Very resppectfully, your obedient servant,
Joa11 W. ROCRE, City Comptroller.
To city bonds due in the year 1880,
.e follows. viz. -
To annual interest upon the bonded
debt for the year 1890, 8342,110.55
32,250.00 I
lees 8110,200.90 anus) interest
upon 88,390,000 of the bonded debt
No. 28 to No. 100, Inclu
issuedfor the purobaae and exten-
sion of the St. Pani Water Works,
s ofthe water
8281,95U v✓
Too Interestis
pon the following
city bonds issued in yenta 1688
and 1689, .ince last to. levy, viz. -
No. 101 to No.Inclu-
O 000, dated Decem II
r 1, 1888, a. 4S4 per I
nt.............n.. .. em.0.,. l
SS ins'
adJuly I.
834,00at dere July t,
1Ke at4 cot 861x!.90
No. 1,603 to No. 1,818, in
Five ,000, d •tints Au on I
8.00,0., dated August 1
1.1089. nib Per teat..... S1100..J
To city bonds due in the year 1880,
.e follows. viz. -
No. 21 to No. 25. lhelif
to By interest charged to
sive (8 per cents), due
January 4, 1890......
32,250.00 I
upon 813,500, 7 per Dent
bonds, issued 1n the
No. 28 to No. 100, Inclu
sive (8 per 'ants), due
February 1, 3890........
the oldtown of West
St. Paul. (new the Sixth
No. 101 to No.Inclu-
Ward) ................... 8945.00
sive (e per Dents), due
July 1. 1890 ..............
posits, eta....... ... - 5,810.55
No. 1,603 to No. 1,818, in
Total credit ...........
elusive (7 per cants),
due April 1, 1890........
ffi1�,000,(W .e::ed valuation of
real and personal estate, at 2.85
No. 1,620 and 1,621. (7 per
cents), due April I.IBW..
Total debit...........
to By interest charged to
Sixth Ward tax levy
Clerk of Board.... ...
upon 813,500, 7 per Dent
bonds, issued 1n the
e mounted Iteutev ani .
Nine e-geunts, I,0o, each
year 7878, under an act
of the Legfeleture for
funding the bonds of
Eight Resistant clerka,
the oldtown of West
St. Paul. (new the Sixth
Ward) ................... 8945.00
By interest upon City
Treasurer's bank de-
Incidental expenses.....
posits, eta....... ... - 5,810.55
Total credit ...........
Balance required tar the 'Interest.
d SIM., Fund". than. .....
ffi1�,000,(W .e::ed valuation of
real and personal estate, at 2.85
mills on each dollar, will re allze..
834Z _000.W
To Salaries, V.-
ayor.......... ..........
Mayor's Secretary.......
Seventeenaldermen, 8190
p year...........
City Crk................
City Clerk's assistant....
City Clerk's clerical force
City Treasurer, Including
clerk hire ...............
Corporation Attorney....
C10rkClark tion Attorney, [or
hire .............
Corporation Attorney's
first and second assist-
ants, 84,BOO.Ol each ... ..
City Comptroller .........
City Comptroller's chief
.lark ............
Cit Comptroller, for ad-
ditioal clerk hire... .
Two Jud gea of Municipal
Court, 4 070.90 earn....
Clerk of Muniolp it Court
Assistant Clerk of Monte -
mal (:curt........... .
Reporter, MItn lc l p al
Interpreter of Municipal
court .... ...... .... ....
Mark.Lmaster (as Sealer
of Weight, and Mea,
areaneer rat Mm ket....
imon at Market......
Janitor at Market........
81 030"00
1, 790.90
--- 847,57000
To Board of Public Work& Viz. -
Chieps e...... ry .........
Four members. 83'ODO
each ........ ...........
Clerk of Board.... ...
e mounted Iteutev ani .
Nine e-geunts, I,0o, each
Deputy Clerk of Boards..
Eight Resistant clerka,
61,440, 81,= 8720.BRG,
87x9, 84100, 1600, 8609.1...
Incidental expenses.....
To Building Inspector's
ment, Viz. -
Building Inspector.......
Deputy Building Inspec-
tor ........... .... .. ...
Clerk ......................
Four assistant Inspec.
Loch, 81,200, 1,000, '81,990,
81.000 .. '.................
One elevator inspector...
Two plumbin
Incidental expenses......
To Board of Health Department,
VIZ.: -
Commissioner of Health.
Assistant Commissioner
of Health....... .....
Eleven health lnapeet.-,
ch ................
884U ..........
One live stock inspector.
,meat inspectors, 8840
One watchman at 'day
....... ....
One watchman at '•night
dump•• .......... ........
Incidental expanses......
To Court House and City Hall (Main.
Mayor, tor, e),Vfz.-
eaomclo chair-
-an o[joint II
fit.."...... .ffi1..W
Six members of '•joint r
mitten,.. 8190 each
8600 ... J
an of u
Eleven j of building...
Eleven janitors, at 8&10
each ...... .............
6,6W 'M
Engineer. 81.900; AseSst-
nt Engineer, 8990......
ThreFours elevator m each.
m a
RM each ..... ....
One watchman..
Mo.......... 060.00
One renovator rases......
Incidental expunses......
repairs, etc)... ........
Total expenses.......
Lea, one half of U5,887 for
County f Ram.ey's
portion of cape......
To Police Department, Vlz.-
Chieps e...... ry .........
Senior captain
Three ptaine, 81,490
Sizolieutenavte, 81,200
............ ........
e mounted Iteutev ani .
Nine e-geunts, I,0o, each
9. 00100
One mounted sergeant...
Chief detective ...... ....
Four detectives, $1.200
City Cngineer ............
each .....................
One hundred and five pa-
rolmen, 19u1 each......
Nine patrolmen (mount-
ed), NOW each..........
Three patrolmen (acting
Three transitmen, 1,
each..... ........ ..
immidmasters), 1910
Seven draughtsmen, $1,-
Four men (assist -
aneting pounams
$840. 15110 ................
ter.)aA31M/ each... ......
One jailer .... .. ... ....
Four sub -station jailors,
$900 each..
One assistant to levelers,
$810 ...... ...........
Five drivers of patrol
wagons, $•WO each .... .
O e driver of prison van,
including team .... .....
Two policemen for aiu
I.ip.l Court,Shoo 111
Ov moan
ed), Municipal Court.-.
1, zoo.w
One mounted license In
spector......... ........
One superintendent po
One bookkeeper..........
One stenographer.....
lice patrol telegraph
Four clerks, $840, E840,
M20, $720 ...............
and ae.mtan1 ........
One Ilnemnn Police patrol
telegra- h ... ............
Dog catchers, including
provements, livery,etc.,
teams .......... ........
Mrs. Mary O'Connell,
w idowof murdered po-
Incidental expenses......
]icem an...... . ....
Incidental expenses. �...
To Engineering Department, Viz.—
City Cngineer ............
First Assistant Engineer
Five assistant engi
risers, $1,&10, $,-
Secretary ............... � �
Physician ................
500, $1,32U, $1,320 ......'..
Three transitmen, 1,
each..... ........ ..
Seven draughtsmen, $1,-
One foreman... .. ..
200. 3810, $641,
One night watchman.....
$840. 15110 ................
Five levelers, $1,2141, $l,
matron .... .........
Omcelnnitor. .... .......
2011, $1,020, $1,020. 31.020..
5,460.0 -
One assistant to levelers,
$810 ...... ...........
Nice rodm e-.','*' 20 each..
Twenty chainmen, KO
Stock and farness,
$00).00; repairing build
each ........ ...... ......
Two chainmeu, 8540 each.
Onephotographer (blue
grounds, ....
priat.) 148 :..............
One bookkeeper..........
One stenographer.....
Four clerks, $840, E840,
M20, $720 ...............
ICap ect.r. of the Con-
each ................ ....
struction of public im:
Chief Engineer ....
provements, livery,etc.,
Fire Warden (Chief En-
gineer) ........ ... ...
Two Assistant Fire War-
averaged.... ............
Incidental expenses......
Gross amount ........
Deduct the item charged
Secretary of Commfssioq
ere . .. . ...........
above forthe inspection
of the construction of
Superintendent oI Fire
public improvements,
etc., as the same is paid
Alarm Telegraph.....
by special assessments
Three operators of fire
upon the real estate
benefited. and not by
alarm telegraph,NM
each. . ........... ..
general taxation. .....
— 857,Bd7.00
To Saint Paul Workhouse,
Five commissioners (no
$ ,41 00
salary).... .
Superintendent ..........
Secretary ............... � �
Physician ................
1,000 W
One hall master..........
Fite guards, EWA Cecil
One foreman... .. ..
500. W
One night watchman.....
One cook and baker .....
Oneteamster ............
matron .... .........
Omcelnnitor. .... .......
Livtn): .... ...... ..........
Clothing .. ... ...... ....
Fuel and lights. .. ..
M edicines.furni-
ture and tells, 1,900.00;
insurance, $300........
Stock and farness,
$00).00; repairing build
eted In the Distr[ct Court of Ram-
'figs, 3-100 W: imp
grounds, ....
Incidental expenses.....
— f251000.00
To Fire Department, Viz:
Fico Commissioners, $100
each ................ ....
Chief Engineer ....
Fire Warden (Chief En-
gineer) ........ ... ...
Two Assistant Fire War-
dens.$I,LW each........
First Assistant Chief En-
gi neer........
Second Assistant Chief
E n gine a r.... . .. .....
Secretary of Commfssioq
ere . .. . ...........
Superintendent oI Fire
Alarm Telegraph.....
Three operators of fire
June 19, 1889, due June I
alarm telegraph,NM
each. . ........... ..
Two linemen of fire
alarm, 3900 each........
One master mechanic....
1, 5W.00
Two blacksmiths, $1,020
sufferers of Johnstown,
and SHO ............... .
Nine captains of engine
Interestupon certificates
companies. $1,044 each.
Nine lieutenants of no
ginecompanies. ....
Nine pipemen en of ongi engine
Light Co.
companies, $864 each...
Nine mpamen of engine
Companies $804 each...
lgm,pipemen of o fie
panles, 1744 eac ...
Nino pipemen I engine
companies, 31-84 each...
Nine engineers of fire
steamers, 81,014 each...
Nine stokers of lire
steamers, $WA each....
Four drivers of fire
steaers, S44 each....
Five drivers of fire
steamer... MM such ....
Nine drivers of hose
carriages, $804 each....
Seven lieutenants of
chemical engines, 8924
each ..... ..............
Seven pipemen of chemi
cal engines, $WA each..
Seven pipemen of chemi
cal engmes, 1804 each.. 5,633.00
One pipeman of chemical
Ferdinand Willi.., Certif
to No. 17, doted
$ ,41 00
pemen of chemi-
cal engmes, $644 each...
Seven drivers of chem
2,O 1. W
feels, s, $&M each..
Three= of Suppply
Hose No. 1, 1864, 5744,
$-M ............... ....
Six captains of hook and
its Insurance Company.
ladder companies,$1,004
Certificate No. IK dated
March •L', 18,,7, due
each ...............
seven Iteutenunts of
hook and ladder c Dmf
Feb. ou cil s lh 17.
Council March l7,.
N(nausea W.14 eakmen
book o d ladder CO..
pp fes. BNfH each.
Thirteen truckmenof
book d ladder Co.
Nine micm f hook
eted In the Distr[ct Court of Ram-
d ladder c rupan ies,
$744...h ... ............
Two drivers of hoop and
ladder trucks, $7,44
each .. ... ............
Three driversof book and
ladder trucks. $&M each
Two drivers of hook and
ladder trucks, $744 each
Total fire department
Ferdinand Willi.., Certif
to No. 17, doted
Salaries ...................
Fuel ......................
Feed ...................
Repairing engine houses.
Repairing apparatus .
Replacement of hoes....
Fi ntermsupplies......
Maintenance ......
24,076 .00
New engine house, to be 1
its Insurance Company.
erected upon lot 7,block
Certificate No. IK dated
March •L', 18,,7, due
3,o1 Phfllfpps' addition to
City of St. Paul, sad
March 25, 1890, "Act of
equipment of same, as
Feb. ou cil s lh 17.
Council March l7,.
P,r resolution of Com
mon Council, 6ept. 18,
887. co trutco
18118 .................
To transcripts ofudgmente (dock
eted In the Distr[ct Court of Ram-
sey County) viz.—
Catherine Walters, dock
d 32. 85.000eu ch, dated
eted Nov. 16. 1SSS.......
Michael Roche, docketed
Oct. 26, 1818.... ..
Maurice R. Woulff, dock
f lot 5, block 8. }
costo3 Irvme's mhl,
.ted Nov. 28, 1588......
Joseph R. Morrison, dock
eted Jan, 15. 1&49........
Clement, Nadell &, La
v elle, docketed Jan. 15,
lution of Council... .. 1
1 ... ..
W. C. Farrington. Car
Gustaf Johnson, ohnsohnso n, dock
.ted Jan. 1&39
r dock
Joseph R. Morrison, dock-
eted June 21, .
Works, dock
Work., dock
Caroline JB.uly
.ted July ll ]599.......
48 1.22
Otto Schell, docketed
••Ice Caruh•nl" or year
1888....... .. ..5.00(1.00
April 29, h389........ .
Charles W. 7 r doo
19, 1 ck-
eted Sept. 19, 1559......
Misr judgments)
June 19, 1889, due June I
ami t
for court Doers, from t
19, 1841, •'Act" of Feb.
Sept. 12, 1&8, to Sept.]
19, 1839. ..............
upon the above
Council June 19, 1889,
being for one hal[of
judgment. _............
--- 6,415.45
To certificates of indebtedness,
Issued for spacial purposes under
legislative acts. as follows, viz.:
Ferdinand Willi.., Certif
to No. 17, doted
March 25, 1887, due
March 25, 1890. Act of
Feb. 10, 1887,, resolution
of Council March 17,
1837, for "Dakota are
St. Pimprovement" ...
aul Real Estate TI- I
its Insurance Company.
Certificate No. IK dated
March •L', 18,,7, due
March 25, 1890, "Act of
Feb. ou cil s lh 17.
Council March l7,.
887. co trutco
o[or athe
tion [ ppron .
Third street bridge, I
olorrailroad tracks•'...
Robert A. Smith, Mayor.
Certificates Nos. 311, 31
d 32. 85.000eu ch, dated
Feb, L', 1887, due Feb.
12, 10), being one half
f lot 5, block 8. }
costo3 Irvme's mhl,
purchased of Murk
Costello under "Act" of
Feb. 10, 1887, and reso-
lution of Council... .. 1
W. C. Farrington. Car
tificate No. 86, dated
April3, 188& due April 3,
1890, , Am" of Feb. '22,
11387, resolulion of Coun-
cil March 22. 1(30.3", for
••Ice Caruh•nl" or year
1888....... .. ..5.00(1.00
Robert A. Smith, Mayor.(
Certificate Nff 4l dated
June 19, 1889, due June I
19, 1841, •'Act" of Feb.
22, 1887, esolufile of
Council June 19, 1889,
being for one hal[of
the appropriation m the
sufferers of Johnstown,
Pa ............ .. ... .. J
Interestupon certificates
of indebtedness ........
-- 858,995.00
To Miscellaneous, Viz:—
St. Paul Gas
Light Co.
puny'. Co.
tract.... .....$85,000.001
Roebert Seeg
lamp eo n -
tract.. .... ... 75,501.00 1
— 81---500,00
Almshouse and Hospital
for City's one third por.
tion of the cost of sup.
porting the poor, etc...
Printing and stationery..
Board of Water Commis
sioners,water for public
Improvement of public
parks (incidentals(.....
Public library............
General expenses (fuel,
election apenses, re.
pairing buildings, etc.,
etc ......... ....... ......
40,0W.00 8334,500.00
Gross debit of the
General Fund ...................81,008,200.00
Four detectives, $1,200
Inch .....................
One hundred and five pa-
trolmen, $9W each......
Nine patrolmen (mount-
Five commissioners (no
salary) .... ... .........
ed), $1,100 each..........
Three patrolmen (acting
poundmnstera), $900
ach........... .... ...
2,700. W
Four patrolmen (assist -
Out acting poundulns
cal eug es, 8884 each...
Is,.).M each... ......
One jailer .... ...... ....
Four sub -station jailors,
$9W each....... . ... .
Five drivers of patrol
wagons, $" each .... .
One driver of prison van,
policemen for Mu
Two pol
nfcipal Court, 1960 nth
policemen (dnsm -
ed), Municipal Court...
One mounted license fn
.p..t.r......... .....
1, 500.00
oneperfatenent p
lice patrol telegraph
and assistant ... ....
One lineman police patrol
telegra- h... ...........
Dog catchers, including
timed. .......... .......
Mrs, MaryO'Connell.
w fdowo[ ed urdered po.
)iceman ........... ....
300. W
Incidental expenses.....
benefited, and not by
general taxation. ...
To Engineering Department,
First Assistant Engineer
Five ...istant erg i
neon, $14A $1.680. $1,-
Five commissioners (no
salary) .... ... .........
507, $1,320. $1,320 ........
Three transitme¢, $1,200
each ..... ........ ..
Seven draughtsmen, $1,-
issued for special purposes under
]eglsla[fve acts, as follows, viz.:
200. $999, &".$840. 884U.
. .$.1.,0.
Five levgle1 11 1.00SM,8500
cal eug es, 8884 each...
200,$", 51,0211..
One aasistant to levelers,
a D..o
Twentchain men
Two chairmen, $90 each.
One pbotogrupher. (blue
prints) 84tlu.............
One bookkeeper..........
One stenographer.....
Four larks, $840, $640,
red, $'7'0 ............ ....
Inspectors of the con-
struction of public im,
pprovementa, livery,ete.,
ve raged ................
Incidental expenses......
Gross amount ........
Deduct the item char(£ad
above tombs inspection
Of the construction of
the same is Pald
by epeefal assessments
upon the real estate
$744 ............... ......
Six captains of hook and
benefited, and not by
general taxation. ...
--- 857,820.00
To Saint Paul Workhouse,
One pipeman of chemical
To certificates of Indebtedness,
Five commissioners (no
salary) .... ... .........
engine, $'144..... ......
Three pi pemen of ch ant
$ 744.00
issued for special purposes under
]eglsla[fve acts, as follows, viz.:
Superintend of ..........
M.010.00 ,
cal eug es, 8884 each...
Ferdinand Willi us, Certl[-
Seven drivers of chem
fend engines. $804 each..
..In No. 17, dated
March 25, 1887, due
Physician ........
One hall master..........
Three pipemen of Supply
March 25, 18-1. Act o[
Five guards, Sfi(19 each
Hose No. 1, Mill, 3'144,
Feb. 10, 1887, resolution
One foreman. '.... ... ..
One engineer .............
$744 ............... ......
Six captains of hook and
of Council March 17,
]tl87, for •'Dakotu ave.
One night watehmn.....
ladder evmpanie6,$1,044
nue improvement"
One cook and baker .....
One teamster ............
Seven lieutenants of
St. Paul Real Estate TI- I
tie Insurance Company,
One matron .... .........
hook and ladder com-
Certificate No. 18. dated
Office janitor... ..
paries, $924 each........
March 25, 1967, due
Living .... ...... ..........
Nineteen truckmen Of
March 25, 1tl90, of
Clothing .. .... ...... ....
hook and ladder core
Feb. 10, 18K, soluti
Fuel and lights...... ..
Fuel add light
2 500 00
ries 8864 each. ......
f Council March r
1887, for
.00; farad-
f,jetficineture and tools, MW.00;
truckmen of
hook and ladder com
the construe
tion of approaches to
insurance, 65W.00.......
panics, $604 each......
Third street bridge, I
Stock and harness,
Nine truckmen of hook
S3ga,o epalring buold-
and ladder companies,
Robert A. Smith, Mayor.?
mgu, improving
$744 each
Certificates Nos. 30, 31
grounds, $159.00.........
Two drivers of hook and
and 92, $5,0011 such. dated
Feb. 1116:, due Feb.
Incidental expe¢ses.....
trucks, X44
each .. ... .
72, 18-1, being one halt
To Fore Department, Viz.—
Three drlvere of hook and
cost 1 lot 5, block 8.
Fite Commissioners, $1W
ladder trucks. each
Rice '
Irvine's adrk
each ....
Two delvers of hook and
purchased of Mark
ladder trucks, $744 each
Castello under of
hi n
Fire Warden (Chief En�
FireEa den
TOT fire department
Feb. 10, ICC a d reso-
lotion o[ Council....... 1
ginger) ........ .........
Two Assistant Fire War-
Salturic .... ...... .......
W. C. Farrington. Cer-
tificate No. 36, dated
de¢s,S1; 00 each........
FUII........ .... ..........
April 3. 1868, due Apr113,
First Assistant Chief En-
Feed ....................
1890, Act" of Feb. 22,
i ser .............
Repairing engine houses.
resolution of Coun-
Second Assistant Cadet
Repairing apparatus
it March 22. 10888, for
Engineer.... .. .....
Replacement of hose....
"Ice Caruival" 1 year
Secretary of COmmiaslon-
alarm an pll0s......
Mulcte¢avee I .... .......
1 ba 'i..... .. ......
Robert A. Smith, hfnyar, j
Superintendent of Fire
New engine house, to be'�
No. tinted
Alarm Telegraph.....
erected upon lot 7,btock
JuneCerti19, I o.
June IB, 1688, due June
Three operators of fire
3,ot Phillips' ntlditioa to
19, 1801, •'qct" of Feb.
alarm telegraph, 81100
city o[ St. Paul, and
equipment 0I sa 0, a
22, Iet7, resolution of
Council June 1% 1689,
Two linemen of fire
purer eaolu[fon of Com-
being for onehalf f
alarm, $-b each........
on Council, Sept. 18, I
thou dation to the
One master mechanic....
Two blacksmiths, 1,020
................. ....
sufferers of Johnstown,
Pa .... ........ .. f
W5840........... s. .
To transcripts of judgments
... ..
Interest upon certificates
Nine aptams of engine
eted in the District Court
of Ram-
of indebtedness ......
mpanies, $1,144 f'ach.
Nine lieutenants of -
9ey Countyy) viz.
Catherine W lters, dock
To Miscellaneous, Vix:—'
glue companies. $924
ach.... ......
ted Nov. I d. 11355.......
Michael Roche, docketed
St. Paul Gus
Light Core -
Nice PipemaI [ engine
Oot. 28, 1888.... ..
compenies, 8864 eac4...
Maurice R. WouiQ, dock-
t... .885,000.001
Nine piPemen of nine
eted Nov. 1888...
Robert S
Robert ee
.$8(14 each...
Nine PiPem en Of ngglne
Joseph R. Morrison, dock
Oted Jim, 15, ]K49.... ....
lam gasoline n
ompenles, 3744 cacti...
Clemen Nadel) &. Ln-
tract......... 75,50t.00
Nine pxpemen f engine
v elle, ticketed Jan. 15,
_ 8160500,00
companies, 5284 each...
1889 ......................
Almshouse and HOIPIt aI
Nine engineers of Tire
Gustaf Johnson, dock.
for City's one third pan
steamers, $1,044 each...
Nine stokers eta fire
eted Jan. 24, 1889 ..
Joseph R. MOrrieon, dock-
tion of the cost of sup -
porting the poor, etc...
steamers, 3.'kN ch....
eted June 21, 1889.......
Printing and stationery..
Four drivers of ere
steamers, 1%1 each....
Caroline B. Works, dock-
eted July 5, 1889.......
Board of Water Commis
sioners,water for public
Five drivers of
ateamers. 8800 each ....
Y [
Otto Schell, docketed
APle 29.Jag... ..
purposes, payable...semi.
Y–"' ' """� '
Nine drivers of hose
Charles tick-
Improvement of public
carriages, Stew each....
aced pt19, 1669......
parks (Incidentalel.....
Seven lleutenanta f
chemical engines, 8IX24
Mieoetivneoue jsudgto Is)
for court ts, [ram
Pubite library............
Gen rel exPensee (fuel,
each ..... .. ........ .....
Sept. 12, 1&R3, to Sept.
Sevev Pipemev of chem)-
cal I es, $Wf each..
19, 1669...........
InteresttDe above
(ring bulldmil s, etc.,
t. ......... .............
40,000.00 &324,500.00
Seven p pemen of chead
cel engines, &3100 Such..
Gross debit of the
Genral Fund ...................$1,006,200.00
Credit -
By the Following General Fund
Be Other Tho. Tales,
Municipal Court receipts
for Cleveland, Douglae. Sibley,
Jackson, Webster, rman n
Market Ho..... ecelpta ..
Building Inspector's per -
Its .....................
Workhouse receipts.....
tracts .................... 8213,500.00
Three hundred d
eignhteye (30) Hit or n1I-
buildings for year 1910.. 14,85&89
t 81,0 each...
Dog licenses ..............
act of year 1889: ... 1
Dray, wagon, truck and
Miscellaneous licenses..
Other sources... .........
Total credit o1 the Gen-
Fire[ to Filth Iaclu:ive.
2.90 m113.
eral Fund .........................
4.00 mills
Balance required for the
2.90 mills
Food..... nsaeased ..... ....
swo'000,010 valuation [
real and personal initate, at 9.60
mills upon each dollar, will real-
18.90 milia
lze......... ... ...
To estimated account required for
Bpitnreet Cre ols°ln er treeie nna
.ewer., and let Ile canstMetlan of
street crossings, etc., etc ...... a -B° d•
4120,000,000 assessed of�
real and personal estate at 2.40
mills upon each dollar will re-
.gze...................... ........ 1 8588,000.00
To total Cost of replacing new iron
o. and stone suerstraure
f the Wabaeha street bridgeeover
the Mississippi river, from the
north shore to Raspbetry Island.. 81.59,50.00
By amount incllavyy.uded in
last year's tax . 4117,300.0)
By Chicago, Mil -auk.
a.d St. Paul ut Railroad
Wierd.ten lei h
By Chicago. Saint Paul
and Omaha Railroad I
company, received on
account of placing
pier ten feet south 1
ward ................ 5,000.00 8127.500.00
Balance required for "Wabasha
street bridge fund" ...... .... ..... W,OW.00
41.7A,IXI0,000 nsseaeed assessed valu j
¢tion of real end P. .1
at 0.25 m W s upon each dollar will 1
realize .......... ... ...... ........ ) 440,000.00
Recnpitulatlon of tax levy estimate, based
upon 4120,0(111,000, tax valuation of the real
and personal estate, viz. -
MRIs. Tax required
Interest and Sinking Fund,)
for8.'39.915 mtereet upon
the bonded debt, and for
the redemptlov o[ 4102.-
125.00 city Uond& metur-
mg 1n year 1890......... . , 2.85 8942,000.00
General Fuad, as per item-
ized statement... ... ..... 3.60 432,000.00
Ward Fund, as per item-
ized statement............ 2.40 YBB,OUD.0)
Wabasha Street Bridfel
Fund, for balance qu r- I
ed for rebuilding bridge
ao ss the Mlselstbrtbeiyypoi ria- I)}
Raspberry Island,, as per
itemized statement...... 0.25 30,000.00
Total for city purpoaes.....9.10 41,092,000.00
The tax levy will have to be fixed by '•asseas-
meet districts," eo 0.e to .--form with the tax
duplicate books in the bavde of the County
Auditor, owing to the ovetslght ip the le Wsia-
tive act of led:, changing some of the old and
boundaries by merging with them portions f
the territory exempt I. taxation for the eftYy
debt m the time of the annexation of the terri-
tory to the city, iz.:
For the First,vSecond, Th@d, Fourth and
Fifth As....ment Districts (covering all of the
Fourth and theFifth original
ords) First, Second, Third,
For Interest and Smkfng Fuad, to
pay Interest a d city bond. ma- }
n 1
te In year I800 ..... . 2.65 mills
Forr GGeneral Fund .................... 3.60 mills
For Ward Fund.... ............ 2.40 mills
For Wabash. Street Bridge Fund
(rebuilding)..-.. ..... 0.25 mills
Total for city purpose-.... ... - m111!
(Covering all o1 the property In the Sixth
t Na dityboM. uedtro
food bo.d! of the old town '7. Weat
St. Paul (now Sixth Ward)........ 0.10 to ]Is
For Interest Fund, for the propnr j
tum of 4206.'97.50 interest upon 54,
274,000 of city bonds issued since1i 175 mills
to city......
For General Fund ...... ............ ....3.60 mills
For Ward Food ..........................40 mills
For Wabasba Street Bridge Fund (re-
bulldingl................... ...0.25 mills
Total for city purpose..... ....... 8.10 mills
(Coveringall of the property In the orifi nal
Seventh Ward, being the territory from Rose
and Reserve Townships annexed to city in the
year 188 )
For Interest Fund, for proportion of
496interest upon 81,839,000`
city bonda lasuedunder legislative I
acts of years 1887 and 1889..........) 0.d5 mills
For General Fund....... ...............500inills
For Ward Fund ..... ................. 2.40 mills
For Wabasha Street Bridge Fund (re
building)..............................0.25 mills
Total for city purposes....... .....7.10 mills
t ertagelaer the d to city lie to. year I. "New Terri
interest fund .............. ........1.95 m1Ds
For general .,ad .... ........ .... .......500 mills
For ward food... .. ...22.40 mills
For Wabasha street bridge fund (re-
building)..............................0.25 mills
Total for city purposes............ 8.20 mills
(Covering all of the property in "New Terri '
tory B: ' located in Little Canada and McLean
townships, aunexed to city In the year 1@}5.1
For interest fund ... .... ...........0.85 mole
For generel fund ......................3.00 milia
For ward fund....
.. 2.40 mill:
For Wabaeha street bridge fund (re-
building) . ............... .. ..0.25 mills
Total for city purposes............... 10 mills
TOrriLO rivglocatedthe
la Aeaerrve fnndh MCI sen
townehiy' nn
pa, a axed to Lhe r.1[y in the year
For interest Lund .... ....... .......0.05 mule
For generel fund ............... .....8.00 mills
Forward fund ...... .. ....... ....2.40 mills
For Wabasha Street bridge fund (re
building) .... .... ....................0.25 mills
Total for city purposes........ .... 6.30 mills
To salaries .............. ............. 8340,000.00
Interest upon school bonds..... ... 41,250.00
Fuel........ .......... ....... 25.0 U.00
Printing, advertising and statlonery 8, 0011.0)
I ... ................................. 6000.00
Certificates of Indebtedness......... 25,000.00
General expenses (furniture, 801,001
repair. Sad mlecell.... us) ..
HeatinSandventilating coatrectal
for Cleveland, Douglae. Sibley,
Jackson, Webster, rman n
Movroe schools .............. ....
Schoolbuilding con-
tracts .................... 8213,500.00
Real estatep r has al for
newschool buildings... 31,641.11
Applicable upon school
buildings for year 1910.. 14,85&89
Less school bonds II
thorized by lBglelatf0e} 42Aooll0)
act of year 1889: ... 1
Amount required.... ... ... ....
Bytne following school revenues,
based upon 4120,001,000 assessed
valuation of teal and personal
estate, m realize the above amount
squired, viz.:
School purposes 1.011 mill
(:zed h➢ law/.......... 4120,000.00
School purpose. 2.59 mills
(to be fixed by Council) 300,000.00
School building 0.50 m111
(to be fixed by Council) 80,000.00
fetid 4.00 mills will realize 4480,000.00
School purpptnes (self
ted amount tram
State apportionment... 105,659.00
Tabulated statement of the and total tax
levies of the foregoingassessment districts,
based upon the estimate, includingg the levies
forstate, county, board f educatio. and city
purposes. viz.:
Fire[ to Filth Iaclu:ive.
2.90 m113.
2.00 mills
4.00 mills
9.10 mills
18.00 mills
Sixth. ...................
2.90 mills
2.00 mil-
S.ip mills
8.10 mill.
18.90 milia
Seventh .................
2.90 mills
2.00 mills
8.70 mill.
7.10 mule
15.70 mills
Eighth .. . ............
Ninth ....................
2.90 mills
2.80 mills
2.00 mills
200 Mille
4.00 mill.
%'a mills
8.20 mills
7.10 mills
17.10 mills
15.70 mills
Tenth ........... .......
2.90 mills
2.00 mills
8.50 mills
684) mill!
14.T mills
JOHN W. ROCHE, City Comptroller.
following were taken up by
mil man Ordinances -
An ordinance was read granting permission
and authority to certain parties to construct,
etc., street railway lines from east end of the
cable line on East Seventh street along cer-
into streets in the City of St. Paul, in the di-
rection of North St. Paul.
Committee on Streets.
ByAld. Pratt -
A resolution for lamps at Capitol and
Wheeler avenues, etc.
Committee on Gas.
By Aid. Pratt -
A preliminary order for grading Pascal ave
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
By Aid. Prstt-
A preliminary order for opening Pascal ave-
Adopted. (See Order to Board of Public
By Aid. Pratt -
Preliminary orders respectively for opening
Ellis street and gruding Aloe" avenue.
Adopted .(See order to Board of Public
Aid. Fisher moved that the leave of absence
of Aid. Hamm be extended for a period of two
The Vice President appointed, pursuant to
Aid. Sullivan's motion, adopted Oct. 1, 1889, the
following committee to unite with reception
committees of other organizations in the mty in
arranging a reception to the members of the In-
ternational Congress, who will visit St Paul
Oct. 24, `Z' viz.:
Aid. Sullivan, Cullen, Sanborn, Kavanagh.
Bickel, e Weber.
Acceptl ed..
By Committee on Ways and Meana and Com-
mittee on Taxes -
Resolved by the Common Cc ... il of the City
of Saint Paul, That the tax levy upon such dol-
lar of the assessed valuation of the real and
personal Sestate th
Saint Paul,Minneso a for ea of r 1 City of
year 1889, be
and is hereby fixed as follows, viz.:
For the First, Second, Third, Fourth and
Fifth Districts (covering all of the
VluTh e d Filth in the Wnal first, Second, Third,
For Interest Fund .................... 2.00 mills
For Redemlhloa of City Bond. due
year 1890...
For General Fun... d .. ........... ........... 3. 0.85W mills mill ............... s
For Ward Fund ....................... 2.40 in
For Wabash. Street Bridge Fuad... 0.25 mals
Total for City purpose........... 9.10 .Ills
For Board of Edcostlam for school
Lincluding one-half (X)
mill for the construction of new
school buildings ..................... 3.00 mills
Total .............................12.10 .Ills
For the Sixth Assessment District (covering
all of the property in the Sixth Ward), viz:
For Interest Fund .............. ... 1.85 mills
For General Fund... .............. 3.60 mills
For Ward Fund ..... ................. 2.40 mills
For Wabasha Street Bridge Fund... 0.25 mills
Total for City purposes.... _ ..... 8.10 mills
For Board of Education, for school
purposes, including one-half I%)
mill for the 'construction of new
school buildings ..................... 2.90 mills
Total ............................... i 1.00 mills
For the Seventh Assessment District (cover-
ing all of the property In the original Seventh
W ii dl being the territory from Rosa and Re.
serve Townships annexed to the City of Saint
Paul in the year 1885), viz.:
ForInterest Fund ....... ..............0.85 mills
For General Fund .....................8.80 mill.
For Ward Fund .............. .. ....2.40 mills
For Wabasha Street Bridge Fund....0.25 mills
Total for city purposes.. .........7.10 mills
For Board of Education, for school
purposes, including one-half (Y.) mill
for the construction of new school
buildings__ ....................... 2.70 mills
Total .... ..........................9.80 mill.
For the Eighth Assessment District (cover-
ing all of the property in -New Territory A,"
annexed to City of Saint Paul in the year IgM),
For Interest Fund........... ... 1 95 mills
For General Fund .................... 8.80 mill:
For Ward Fuad. ...t Bridge
2.40 mills
For Wabasha Street Bridge Fund... 0.25 mills
Total for city purposes............ 8.20 mills
For Board of Education, for school
purposes, including one-half (X)
mill for the conatmotlon of new
school buildings .......... .......... 3.00 mills
Total..............................11.20 mills
For the Ninth Assessment District (covering
all of the property, in "New Territory H." lo-
cated in Little Canada sad McLean Townships,
annexed to the City of Saint Paula the year
1885), viz.:
For Interest Fund.....................0.85 mills
For General Fund......................3.10 mill:
For Ward Fund.... .......... ......2.40 mill.
For Wabasha Street Bridge Fund ...0.25 mills
Total for city purposes. . .......... 7. 10 mills
For Board of Education, for school
purposes, inciudingone halt I%) mill
t r the construction of new school
building..............................2.70 mills
Total . . .9.80 mills
For the Tenth Assessment District(covering
all of the property in'•New Terrltory," located
In Reserve and McLean Townships,annexed to
City of St. Paul 1n the year 1887), viz.:
For Interest Fund ...................0.05 mill.
For General Fund .... ...............3. W mills
For Ward Fund...... ... ....2.40 mills
For Wabasha Street Bridge Fund..... 0.25 mills
Total for city purposes............ 8.30 mills
For Board of Education, for school
purposes, Including one half (yt)
milli for the construction of new
school buildings ......................2.50 mills
Total ........... .............. .....8.W mills
Yens-Ald. Bickel, Book, Cullen, Fisher, Ge -
ham, Leithauser, Mines, Malady, Pratt, Weber,
Mr. Vice President -11.
Approved Oct. 9. 1889.
By Aid. Pratt -
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of gradingg Pascal avenue,
from Charles street to Minnehaha street,
be and the same is hereby referred to the
Board of Public Works to Investigate and re.
First. Is this improvement proper and nee-
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether one-half of
the cost thereof is to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
said improvement be found benefited to the
extent of damages, costs and expenses neces-
sary to be incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such improvement asked for upon
p itio[ `rr pplication of the owners of a
property to be ...eased for
such Improve
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said improvement, as required by law, If you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di-
recting the work to be done.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel. Bock, Cullen, Fisher,
Gehs,, Leithauser. Mine,, Melody, Pratt,
Weber, Mr. Vice Preside.t-ll.
Approved Oct. 10, 1889.
By Aid. Pratt -
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
Of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of opening Pascal avenue to
full width, from University avenue to Charles
street, be and the same is hereby referred to
the Board of Public Works to Investigate and
First. Ie this improvement proper and neces-
Second. Give the Council a. esttmnte of the
expense thereof, and state whher one.h.lf of
the et
cost thereof is to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
said improvement be found benefited to the ex-
tent of damages, costs and expenses necessary
to be incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such improvement asked for
upon the petitlo, or application o/ the owners
of a majority a the property to beassessed for
such improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said improvement, as required by law, if you
report in favor oftbe same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order fit
recting the work to be done.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel. Bock, Cullen, Fisher,
Gab", Leithauser, Mfnea, Melody, Pratt,
Weber. Mr. Vice Preside.1-11.
Approved Oct. 10, 1889.
By Aid. Pratt -
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the atter of opening Ellis street, full
width, from Raymond avenue to Hersey street,
be and the same is hereby referred to the Board
of Public Works to investigate and report:
First. Is this Improvement proper and neo-
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether one-half of
the cost thereof is to be paid into. the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
amd Improvement be found benefited a the
extent of damages, costs and expenses neces-
sary to be Incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is suchp o ement asked for
upon the petition or application of the owners
of a majority o1 the property to be assessed for
such improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said improvement, as required by law, if you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order df
recting the work to be done.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Bock, Cullen, Fisher,
Gabon, Leithauser, Mines, Melody, Pratt,
Weber, Mr. Vice President -11.
Approved Oct. 10. 1889.
BiAid. Pratt -
t is hereby ordered by the Common Council
Of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of gradin& Albert avenue,
from University avenue to Minnehaha street,
be and the same is hereby referred to the
Board of Public Works to investigate and re-
First. Is this improvement proper and nec-
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof. and state whether one-half of
the cost thereof Is to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract Is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
said improvement be found benefited to the ex-
tent of damages. costa and expenses necessary
to be incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such improvement asked for
.DUD the petition or application of the owners
majority of the property to be assessed for
such improvement?
Fifa. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said Improvement, as required by law, if you
report in favor of same.
Sixth. Send the Council a properorderdi-
recting the work to be done.
Yeas- Aid. Bickel, Book, Cullen, Fisher,
Celiac . Leithauser, Maea. Malady, Pratt
Weber. Mr. Vice President -11.
Ap roved Oct. 10, 1189.
Ad urued.
Vice President of Council.
Regula! 51eetluR•
ST. PAUL, Oct. 15,18B9.
Vice President Yoerg in the chair.
Present-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Book, Culla,
,Conley, Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser
line, Melody, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mr.
Vice President -15.
Minutes of preceding meeting approved and
dispensed with.
To the Honorable the Common Council of the
city OfGentlemen: l have the honor of return Inge to
'you the re..lath- offered by Ald. Gehan. nd
Henry GM,I-ed by . Sergeant ..-Armn, honorable ee opt '.aaititut
man Council, for the following ren n: The
above appointment being a direct •],ludo oI
rert of section lo, page 19$ of the City Charter,
lating to the Police Department,
Rich reads as
follows: '-That
the Common Council shall have power
to orreduce Lhef cater' Sensat iini bell "Y Me- or efded for.
but shall not have power W increase the same,
or teats any other times r employment for
which a salary or compensation 1s to be paid
by said city:' Respectfully yours,
ANTHONY YOERG, JR, Acting Mayor.
Oct. 4, 1�9.
Accepted and vote reconsidered by which
said resolution was adopted.
Yen., 14.
The matter was thereupon referred to Com
ruittee on Police.
Commission Revoked and Driver Appointed.
To the Honorable, the Common Council at the
City of SL. Paul:
Gentlemen: I have the honor to Inform you
that, Dy lrtu0 of the power v sted in me, I
Dave this day revoked the oomml.slan of S. --
Waters, a driver at the Rondo Street Substa-
tion, on a charge of drunkeness, and have Lip
poll Johe Flannigan to be a patrolman In Lhe
Lht. Ro dto StrPauleet Subst tlonII.apatrolta agcont
s d Oak your advice sad aansent theroto. a
Respectfully submLLted,
ANTHONY YGERG, JR., Acting Mayo,
Oct 9, 1889.
spied, find said revocation of commission
of S. H. Waters and said appointment of John
Flannigan advised and consented to.
Yeas-Ald. BIom,Bock,Cullen,Coale))•, Gehan,
Kavanagh, M1I im Melody, Pratt, 3u111va.-10.
Naye-Aid. Blokel, Flehar, Leithauser, W eb-
From E. Rank -
For Permission to Transfer to Joseph R.
Kreidler Butcher License No. 96.
Committee on License.
From Louis Vfero.-
For No. 81 m B12iAroede StreeLStan W �er Belau- Licanee
Committee on License.
From Herbert Putnam, Secretary Minneapolis
Public clDrery-
Asking plea of ordinances at --,
City Clerk, to comply with request.
From A. S. Tallmadge, Secretary Chamber of
Commerce -
Transmitting copy of reaolutfa. adopted by
Chamber, 0.1. 14 .skin ICo.ncil to apnpropriate
ffiI0,000 to the guarantee fund to cid t defrey
ing ezy sea attend..t upon holding coaven-
tfon of National Educational Association 1. this
city in Julyy, 18M
Acceptsd. (See resolution for 65,000.)
From Andrew Irber-
Asking 8300 damages to property -lot 31 block.
17. Arlivg[on Hills dditio.-sused by defeat-
Ivesewer ov Case street.
Committee on Claims.
From Thin. Asking Council to annul further proceedings
tv matter of laying sidewalks in front of his
property fronting n Fourth, Waboet- and
Fifth street'.
Alderman of the ward
From Mary M. Rogers sad Others -
For the grading of Bock street, from Mary-
land avenue W Burne avenue.
Board of Public Works with order.
AcmSt. Paul e p[ vices�t f OrdinanRailwayces NCaroos. 1 201. 1,210,
d 1,227 -ane agreement under Ordi... im.
Nos. 1,201 and 1,210.
Corporation Attorney.
From C. A. W. Bahr-
ASkln torappointment as driver of patrol
for Rondo Street Station.
Alderman of the Ward.
Of City Comptroller -Audited Claims, viz.-
G. J. Symonds, Estimate No. 5, .ewer on JM
fereon nv .a'.tc., 84,210; G. J. Symonds, Eatt-
te No. 1, sewer on South Robert street, etc.,
$1,7W: G. J. Symonds, Estimate No. 1, ewer
n Selby avenue, $8,120: T. M. Breen, Estimate
No. 1, sewer on Aurora avenue, etc.. 4840: Dale
& Bum q rdner. Estimate No. 3, grading Whitall
street, 81,054; Thornton & Shaw, Estimate No.
2 gradl gg Poplar treat, $5111.50' G. Bolan, Es-
tfmate Cooper.No. 2, gratin MIl[on treat, 8785: Hse . J.
Lc., $1.785; Eureka toll Comnppg y� Eatlmate
NoA.cement sidewalks, 1889, 84,850x; J. Da lberg,
Estimate No. 1, grading Van Buren street, 6840:
McMullen & Morris, Estimate No. L sewer on
Mmrmhaha street, etc., $17,000; J. Cable, Earl
to No. 1, grading Capitol us 91,15; $1,275; J.
W. Maloney, Estimate No. i, dtag James
street, 62,125; W. J. Preston, Estimate No. 1,
ewer an Olive street,eta, $509.N.f. W. Maloney,
Estimate No. 5, gliding Victoria street, 81.054;
J. W. Maloney, Estimate No. 2, g ailing
Noe 2,
street, 4850; Cable & Chute. B
grading Territorial road, S833: W. J. Preston.
Estimate No. 2, Bew.r on L'Orient street,
$799: E. J. Kirkland, Estimate No. 12, L'Ortent
street sewersystem, 81&800: Lauer Bros.,
Estimate No. 1, stone sidewalks, 1889, $1,700:
H P. Rugg & Co., 8319.08; SL Paul Towel Ex-
chamie, to: Geo. D. Golan, 83.45; J. L. Henry,
C. E. Bardeen, Estimate No. 2, sewer on Law-
rence street, 8385.50; C. E. Sandeen. Estimate
No. 3, grading Fourth street, $1,616; W. A.
Davam Estimate No. 5, grading Daw...
treet, U...; J. T. Million, Estimate
No. 2, grading Dooley n erne etc. $2,040:
Stockton & Lindquist, Estimate No. 1, sewer
en Edmund street, $445; Thomas Reilly, Esti-
mate No. 7, Sprinkling District No. 2, 61,008 z
Thomos Reilly, Estimate No. 7, Sprinkling Dis-
trict No. 6. $1,642..5; T. K . Norton, Estimate
No. 7. Sprinklingg Dlstrlct No. 9, 8'241.53; O. W.
Fish, Estimate N . 2 and final, gradingg White
Hear avenue, a2g: W. J. Preston, Estimate
No. 2 sad final, sewer on Virginia avenue, 844;
C. H. Tripp, Estimate No. 2 end, gdi.g There are two punts of Killeen's addition an
Cromwell ovenue. V17: C. No...Mae r.reEsti- file in the once of the Register of Deeds of
mote No. •t and final, grading alley Chute Bros. Ramsey County.
Die aio¢ No. 2, 835. a0: T. M. Breen, Estimate The Plat tiled on May ]. 1852, b ... de block 80
No. 2 and dna', paving Eagle setae[, meth.&,; of that addition o¢ the south by the MISM sippI
to K Nonaugb, Endfie 1, 8, ding nmry {ver, on the east by Pine street, on the west
m doe 5 d final, grading Lung- by Hopkins' addition and on the north by Mar
ford vu 531x1; Georgg Mitsch, ffi1.55; kat Inow Broadway) street a d Water tra.Z
David Joseph, Eatim oto No. �, prinklfo in
District No. NB 61.W7.9s: Dnvfd Joseph. F�ati- According to thio plat Broadway terminatee
Mr. -
.to No, Vri.kling 'n Disinet No. 4, about twenty five feet south of Third .teeet.
$1,189.79; David Jose ph. Estimate No. 7, aprink- The plat filed o Dec. 1, 3854, dedicatee
ling in District No. 6511315: Thornton & Broadway street to the bank of the river It
Shaw, Estimate No. 6, sprinklingg in Diatrict then existed, and locates block 8o sae[ of the
No. Q 840.51; F. Porter. Estimate PI 1, grading street.
Stellar treat, 8297.:0. J. Forrestal, Estimate
No. 8, Ohio street we system. 87,480; J. W. That pof block 80 verset Third Street
Doherty. Estimate No. 2, sower on Irvin. ave owned
now d by the St. Paul, Mianeapo111 &
8ve $1,989: W. A. Darer.. Estimate No. 3 and Manitoba Railroad Company, and the portion
a1, grading Wheeler street, fess 6928: J. toward the river byy�the Chicago, Mllwaukee &
Kavanaugh, Estimate No. 5 and final, grading St. Paul Railroad l;ompany.
Jessie street, $1,580; Warren -Schur[ Aeph. The later plat of Kittson's addition Dae been
Pay. Company Estimate No. land final, paving
Kent street. ; J. Great, Estimate No. accepted and recognized by the owners of prop-
], grrding County road, etc., 82, 9'i 5: arty and sur,4.0, as the standard plat, end
.J. Dahlberg, Estimate No. 66 .ding Laura Broadway for a distance of at least 295 feet
avenue. 8340: Meloy &Dow. E timate No. 9. Soouth of the south line of Third street has been
sewer hi on Chatsworth street, etc., $3,060; T. Lin- hwe for d continuously used ae a public
nen, Estimate No. 2, grading St. Anthony ave- 8 ➢a eat man y ears.
nue, $L997.50; T. Limmn, Estimate No. 2. grad- I am of the opinion that the title to LD1 por-
ing Midway avenue, 8¢12.50: J. ClareY, Eat'- tion of Broadway last mentioned is good to the
mate No. 2, grading Cayuga street, $596: H. C. City of St. Pall and that it is now a politic
"no It
EItlmate No. 3, grading Cortland Street. -
a reet, 8850; L. E. Shepley, Estimate No. 1,
terms: Seventh
hi stet,huh, utheet, that Jan. 6, 1@0, the rJommon Council vBOetOd
grading s portion of Broadway comprised between
8884: J. T. Million, Estimate No. $, grading two points respectively, 206 and 830 Leet south of
Langford Park place. et.c., 63,485; J. T. Million. Third street, reserving the rigDt, however. of
E s if.
ate No. 2, grading York Lreet, $7P3.511; entering upon the part .Gated to construct
R. T. O'Connor- V 12.3J; St. Paul Rubber Co., sewers, or extending under the Surface works
$24; T. J. Brings, 63385; N. W. Fuel Co., $16; of improvement found necessary by the Coun-
St. Paul Book and Stationery Co..$112.91; Pre.- oil, sad building or rebuilding bridge or bridges
dergast Bros., %187.55; N. W_ Telephone Ex. over r along that part of Broadway so c
Co.. 451.IG: K. P. Cullen, 66; Mathew Craig, 820; Gated.
Edison Electric L. & P. Co.. Ne".. P. O'Grady, From all the facts at .-and I am of
$e: C. J. Thompson, 825: Kava.lugh & Soh.- Y
5.5; J. Kahlert, &2.35: M. F. the npinion that LDe title to that portion o[
Kennedy & Broa.. $:i2: Larkin & Broad ¢v street lying s th of the part eo va-
Smith, 67W: G. W. Merrill, 65:x. Joan Gated involve. aubataatially the a ques-
Matheis, 75 assts: G. J. Mitsch & Co., 6t4.U8; tions of law as are now being litigated In the
Geo. Mitsch. Mt Mark Costello. 850.27 N. W. tion brought by the C{tS .1St. Pani BagqHBmet
Photo. Co., $27: No Sea Bros. & Cutler. $12.05 The Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul Fsilroad
Prendergast Bros.. $'22.111 Qa1nDy & Abbott, Came any, which action was determined ad
$10.80; Robert Seeger, tk3 .W; Robert Seege rs ly to the City of SF Paul by our District
6109: St. Paul Gas Light Company, 83. 26; Curt d is now. pending In the Supram ,
St. Poul Pipe Cutting Company. 67'.20: J. A. Court of this ata[' on an appeal from that do_
Wflson & Son, $110; Ed. S. Boon, 81119.85: W. ciaion.
Beriandi&Co.. 528: Board of Water t'ommle- Imay properly'add that a feel confident
loners, 875.5i' Vanderwarkar & Acker, 82:1.83; that we will succeed to ohmining a reversal o[
W. H. Brown & Co., 85?; R. C. Clark, $6; M. A. that decision by the higher court.
Crowley. $100: Globe Publishing Company. 615;
T. Greely, 6;36.110; Geo. Mitsch, $11.65. I submit herewRh copies of rho material parte
of the two plot. of Kittson's addition, swell
Allowed and ordered paid by following vote: pint showing Lhe part of Broadway vacated
Yeas-Ald. BIMISL Blom, Bock. Cullen. Con- sod the nature of the improvements in that v4
ley, Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, cinity. Respectfully submitted,
Minea, Malady, Pratt. Sullivan. Weber, Mr.O. E. HOLMAN, Corporation Attorney.
Vice President -15. Oct. 1511889.
Of Corporation Attorney -John E. O'Brien'' Accepted and placed on file.
Claim for $390.45 -
The Corporation Attorney submits ordinance Of City Engin r -Bids for Lurcher -
for said amount. The City Engineer submits schedule of bids,
Adopted. (See Ordinance No. 1344.) with the reH t that the lowest bid is that of
the John Martin Lumber Company, for 849,550.
Al.., Adopted and said bid of John Martin Lumber
Company accepted, and proper city o®ler' in.
Title to Broadway. South of Third Street- structed to execute contract.
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: Yens-Ald. Bickel. Blom, Book, Cullen, Can.
I Gentlemen: In reference to the title to ley, Fisher. Goble, Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Broadway street, south of Third street, I Sub- Mines, Malady, Prete Sullivan, Weber, Mr,
mit the following report: Vice President -15.
Bids Mr Grand Avenue Bridge—
The (,`fly Engineer submits schedule of bids.
with report that bid of Rheaume & St. Pierre,
for 62,790.53 is the lowest,
Adopted and said bid of Rheaume and St.
Pierre accepted and proper city officers In
structed to execute contract.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con
ley, Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser.
Mines, Malady, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mr.
Vice President -15.
Bide for Abutment for Burr Street Bridge—
The City Engineer submits schedule of bids,
with report that the bid of Charles Stone for
6$389.49 is the lowest.
Adopted and said bid of Charles Stone ac.
cepted and proper city officers instructed to
execute contract.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con
ley, Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Mines, Malady, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mr.
Vice President—H.
George Benz's Proposition to Purchase Lot 8,
Block Q Terruce Park Addition—
The City Engineer recommends that said lot
be kept for park purposes.
J. A. L. Waddell's Proposition to Act a. Con-
sulting Engmeeq Etc—
The City Engineer reports that the services
of Mr. Waddell are not required, etc.
Accepted and placed on tile.
The City Engineer submits Estimate No. 2,
St. Paul and Mendota road grading, Dale &
Bumgardner, 61.020; Estimate No. I. Cliff
street fence, J. Rothwell. 6671.511.
Allowed and referred to Comptroller.
Yeas—Ald, Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Co-
ley, Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Mine., Malady Pratt, Sullivan. Weber, Mr.
Vice President -15.
Estimate No. 2 and Final, Cliff Street Fence,
J. Rothwell, 6126.99—
Committee on Claims.
Of Inspector of Buildings—
Report for September, 1689, With City Treas
urer'a race in attached for 6948.50.
Committee on Ordinances and Public Aa
Of Philip Arnold, Acting Poundm.ster—
Report for September, 1589, with City Treas-
u er'8 receipt attached for 6t0.
Committee on Ordinances and Public Ac-
Of John Conniff Acting Poundmaster—
Report for September, 1889, with Ci[y Treas
urer'a receipt attached for 6t5.
Committee on Ordinances and Public Ac-
Ferdinand Street Grading of—
To the Common Council the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works have had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
Common Council,approved September?, 1889,
relative to the grading of Amos street (for
merly Ferdinand street) between St. Anthony
ave at.d Rondo Street, in Merriam Park, aad,
having investigated the proposed improve-
Respectfully report that it is necessary and
proper to grade Ferdinand street, from St.
Anthony avenue to Road. street,
that the estimated expense thereof is 3990.
one-half of which need not be paid into
theCity Treasury before the contract
Islet ; that real estate to be assessed therefor
can be found benefited to the extent of the
cost and expenses necessary to be Incurred
thereby; that said improvement Is asked
for by a petition of a majority of the owners of
property to be assessed therefor, and we here-
with send a plan or profile of said improve-
ment, and an order for your adoption, if you
desire us to make the improvement.
Yeas, 8: Days, 0.
JOHN C. QIIINBY, President pro tem -
W. FEawtN, Clerk Board of Public Worka.
Oct. t. lwg.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
Case and Other Street Grading—
To the Common Council or the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works have had under
consideration the resolutions or orders of the
Common Council, approved April 19, 1889. rela
five to the grading of Case street, from Cort
land street to N. P. R. R. property: Jenks
street W Northern Pacific Railroad propertyy:
Lawson street, from Cortland street to
N. P.
R. R'property , and Cook street, from Cort
land street to N. P. R. R. property line,
and.having investigated the proposed improve
Respectfully report that it is necessary and
tothgeadeht Case street, from Courtland
strNorthern Pacific Railway Comof pany; t Jacks
street,from Courtland street to the right of way
of the St.Paul & Northern Pacific Railway
Company; Lawson street. from Courtland
treat to the right of way of the St. Paul &
Northern Pacific Railway company, and Cook
street, from Courtland street to the
right of ay of the St. Paul & Northern
Pacific Railway Company, Said grad
Ing m be done under one contract;
that the estimated expense thereof is
67,150, one-half of which need not be
paid into the City Treasury before the
contract is let; that real estate to be ...eased
therefor can be found benefited to the extent
of the cost and expenses necessary to be in
curred thereby; that said Improvement is not
asked for by a petition a of majority of the
owners of property to be assessed therefor, but
we herewith send a plan or profile of said im
prevenient, and an order for your adoption, if
you desire us to make the improvement.
Yens, 3; nays. 0.
R. L. GORMAN, President.
W. F. Eaw1N, Clerk Boars of Public Works.
Oot. 14. 1889.
Adopted. (See Order to Board of Public
Payne Avenue and Other Streets Grading—
To the Honorable the President and Comoro.
Council City"
ity of St. Paul:
Ge.tlemen: The Board of Public Works
herewith respectfully return your final order,
approved Sept. 20, 1889, for the grading of Payr
avenue, from York street to Cook street, W11
the request that you annul said order and site
soli Board to amend their report, dated Sep
19, 1889. in said matter, so as to read, that It
necessary and proper to grade Payne avenu
from York street to Cook street; Case stree
from a point 120 feet east of Payne avenue to
point 200 feet west of Payne avenue, and Sin
street, from a point 150 feet east of Payne av,
nueto a point 190 feet west of Payne av,
nue, Said grading to be done under one col
tract. and that the estimated expense there(
is 62,201, the City Engineer having recommem
ed that said report be thus amended on ai
count of the grade on Payne avenue
vn e harm
been changed since the grading of said Cas
and Sims street, and said Board also respec
full request your honorable body to pass a nei
final order, as amended, for said improvement
A proper final order for said improvement i
herewith submitted for your adoption.
JOHN C. QDINBY, President pro tem.
- W. F. E—N, Clerk Board of Public Worka
Oct. 11, 1889.
Adopted, and said final order *approved Sept
20, 1669, repealed and annulled.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con
ley, Fisher, Gabon. Kavanagh, Leithauser
Mines, Malady, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mr
Viae Pra.ide.t-15.
(See order to Board of Public Works.)
President and Common
loard of Public Works
and also the reports of the
3y and City Engineer in said
action is taken In Said -after.
JOHN C. IILNBY, President pro tem.
W. F. ERWH" lark Board of Public Works.
Oct. 11. 1639.
Committee on Streets.
Oakes Ames Judgment—Prosperity Avenue
To the Honorable the President and Common
Council, City of Se. Paul.
Gentlemen: In the matter of the judgment
of Oakes Ames against the City of St. Paul for
damages on account of land condemned and
taken for Sae client
and extension of Pros-
perity avenue, from ire present sou(berly
terminus to an Intersection with Phalen Lake
and White Bear road, the Board of Public
Works would respectfully report that property
cannot be found benefited sumclent to pay said
judgment. and said Board therefore recon
mend Lhat yourhonorable body annul all pro-
ceedings in said matter, the Corporation Attor-
ney having advised such action.
JOBN C. QUINBY. President pro tem.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
Oct. 3, 1869.
Alderman of the Ward.
People's Ice Company's Petition for Paving
East Fourth Street—
To the Honorable the President and Common
Council. City of St. Paul.
Gentlemen: In the matter of the petition of
the People's Ice Company and othere, asking
that East Fourth street, from Broadway to
tunnel, be paved, referred by your honorable
body to the Board of Public Works, the said
Board would respectfully report that the sea
son is now too far advanced to commence this
improvement this year, but that said matter
will be taken up, and the necessary Steps taken
to have said Improvement made, early in the
spring of the year ISW
JOHN C. QuiNBY, President yro tem.
W. F. ENWrN, Clerk Board of Pub Works.
Oct. Il, 1889.
Referred to Aid. Conley.
oorhbie the President and Common
City of St. Paul:
a.: The Board of Public Works
aspectfully return your preliminary
,oved Oct. 10, 1889, in the matter of
Its street to a full width, from Ray.
,all tale improvement is covered by a final or.
der, approved May 10, 1889, from your honor-
able body, which order reads as follows, to -wit:
Open, widen and extend Ellie street, between
the Territorial road and Hersey avenue; the
assessment for which improvement was -ppm -
firmed on Aug. 12, 1889.
R. L. GORMAN. President.
W. F. ERWIN. Clerk Board of Public Works.
Oct. 14, 181
Alderman of the Ward.
J. B Chaney and Others' Petition for Annulling
of all Proceedings to Matter of Grading Alley -'
Block 24, Mockubin and Marshall's
The Board returns said petition with the to
port that the contract for ggradlng the said alley
was on Sept.251&19, ewer ad to Julius E. Fitob,
which award was approved by Council Oct. 1,
1899, and the contractor is now proceeding with
said work.
W. P. McCormack and Others' petition for
Sidewalk on Robbins Street—
The Board refers said petition to Aid. Pratt,
Alderman of the Ward
In Matter of Contract for Grading Wilder Ave.
To the Honorable the President and Common
Council, City of St. Paul.
Gentlemen: The Assistant Corporation At-
torney has returned the award for the grading
if Wilder avenue, from Marshall avenue to
Summit avenue, to the Board of Public Works,
with the report that John A. Cameron, con.
'.ractor for said grading, cannot be found, and
hat said Cameron has failed to execute his
lnal bond; the said Board therefore herewith
spectfully return said award, togetherwith
ba report oI the A6elsta.t Corporation Attor.
ley -said matter, to your honorable body,
with the request that you reconsider your so -
thin of SL pt. 5, 1889, approving said award, and
that said papers be again returned to this
JOHN C. QUINDY, Presidentj1ro tem.
W. F. Exwlx, Clerk Board of Public Works.
Oct. 11, 1689.
Adopted, and vote by which said award was
c .firmed reconsidered.
Yeas—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con
ley, Fisber, Gahan, Kavanagh, Lelthauser.
Minna, Malady, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mr.
The tter woe thereupon recommitted to
Hoard 'mat
Sewer Connection—Hopkin'. Addition—Con-i,
The Board reports that it has awarded Will
Join Stockton end John Lindquist the contract
far putting in one sewer c action far lot 1, P
and " 1. block 1. of Hopkins' addition, they
being the lowest reliable and rapon,ible bidders
therefor; amount of bid, "; bond In the sum
f M with Lorenz Mitsch and Henry Scharff-
billig as sureties.
Fourteenth Street Grading Contract
Caro thaocovtrnci iofthat in hYourisettin (14111
awarded W. P.
street, from Canada g grading
to Broadway, he
being the lowest reliable and eep...f de bidder
therefor; amount of bid, 5130 bond In the sum
of 880, with Frank Rodent and T. H. Lintner as
Viola Street Sewer Contract—
The Board reports that it has ourniawarded August
on Viola street, fro. Jaokia u act fart,Iroatgto Cedar
.treat, together with the necessary catch baains
and manholes, he being the lowest reliable .:ad
ponible bidder therefor: .mount of bid, 5425;
bond in the sum of $125, with C. G. Menke and
Charles H. Gerber as sureties.
Lawton Street Improving Contract
The Board report. taut it has awardetl Tim-
othy Sweeney the contract for improving Law-
ton street, from Grand even., to Oakland
street, by ...
tructing a wooden stairway aad
grading ad sodding the balance of said Lawton
street to conform with baid stairway, he being
the lowest rellaDle d e po..this bidder
therefor; amount of bid, $1.5, bond in the
m of 1400, with Michael F. Sweeney and
Than. Ryan as sureties.
Robert Street Sewer Contract—
Thu Board report, that it h.. awarded Wm.
Stockton ad
Job. Lindquist the contract for
constructing a bower on
Robert street. from
the end of the present sewer at University ave.
nue to the north line of lot 6, block 1, Lambert
& Co.'s addition, together with the ...ess,ry
catch basins aad manhole., be being the low-
est tellable and Is.p0 sible bidder therefor;
amount f bid, a'L'4' bo.d I. the of 175,
witF. W. Hadfield and O. V. Ericson u
Roble and Other Streets Sewer Contract--
Tha Board reportethat ithas awarded James
Forrestal the Coatragt for constructing a sewer
on Roble street, from Hoyt avenue to State
street; Winifred street, from Andrew street to
State street; Congress street, from Banorolt
street to State street; Concord street, from
Brown avenue to State street; Andrew street,
from Roble street to Winifred street: Brown
from Robin street to Concord street:
Bancroft Street. from Roble street to Congress
street; Ada street, from Roble street to Con
grecs stract. to ether with the necessary
catch -basins and manholes, said sewering to
be done under one contract, he being the low-
est reliable and responsible bidder tberefor;
,meant of bid M,900: bond in the sum of $7.00c,
with Lorenz Mitach Intl J. G. Donnelly as
e Alan,
Delo, Street Sewer Contract—
The Board reports that it has awarded Jame,
He.... and N. C. Johnson the contract for ce,
etmg a sewer on Delo, street, from Hall
to Stryker avenue, they being the law
eliable and responsible bidesra therefor:
ant of bid, 41,227; bond in the a of f300,
F. W. Hadfield and S. J. Rice as sureties.
ed, Street GradIngConbtract-11, rasa a
Carleton the tract for gradings Mount Id,
street. from Rivoli street to De Soto street, he
beingg the lowest reliable d ap... this bid
der I erefor; amount of bid. 5700: bond 1n the
m of 1150, with Patrick Ktigher and E. Me
Names as sureties.
Lyons Court Puvtng Contract—
The Board reports that it has awarded
Lyon. u . with n ,d,'blockseLa for cpabtng
with wood,ne being the lowest reliable and To
sponsible bidder therefor: amount of bid, 1513:
bond fn the sum of also, with Matt Breen and
Francis Agnew as sureties.
University Avenue and Other Street, Sewer
TheBoard reports that It has awarded James
Forrextal the c..traet for constructing a sewer
on University avenue, from Ly.nhumtavenue
to Fa, sm lew avenue: o. Lynnhurat avenue
west, from Feronavenue to University ave-
nue; on Particle, avenue, from Prior avenue to
Fairview avenue; onBremer avenue, from Uni
versity avenue to W ultham avenue; on Prior
avenue, from Feronfa avenue to Carroll street:
on St. Anthony avenue, from Cleveland avenue
to Ferdinand street; Milwaukee avenue.
from Astoria avenue to Merriam place; on Me
elect place, from Milwaukee avenue to Prior
enue; on Ronda street. .rom Terni.,
Park avenue to Fairview avenue; an Carroll
street, from Wilder avenue to Fairview avenue:
on Iglebart street, from Cleveland avenue to
Fairview avenue; on Cleveland avenue, from
Power street to Marshall avenue; on Wilder
e, from St Anthony avenue to Iglebart
li st set: on Moore avenue, from Carroll .treat
to "'ti -ball ave. and on Marshall averse.
from Fairview avenue to the Mississippi river.
1. aid pity, to b.r with the necessary m..
holes old oateb basins, said lowering to be
done under one contract, he belbg the lowest
reliable; and responsible bidder iherefer:
amount of bid, 8107,000; bond in the sum of
180,Ou0, with Lorenz Mitach and J. G. Donnelly
as sureties.
Each of foregoing awards taken up separately
and approved by following vote:
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Book. Cullen, Con
lefFfsber. Gabon, Kavanagh. Lefthauser,
Muea, Melody, Pratt, Sullivan. Weber, Mr.
Vice President -15.
OffCommittee on Claims—Estimate No. 4, Sup
glebanStre t Bridge to t Superstructure, Key-
stone Bridge Company, $100—
Committee recommends that said estimate
be allowed and referred to Comptroller.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen. Con-
ey, Fisher, Gahan. Kavanagh. Leithauser,
Melody, Pr5. att, Sullivan. Weber,
Mr. Vice Preafda¢t —1
St. Paul Gas Light Company's Bill for 4119.70—
Committee recommends that said bill be re
ferred to Board of Fire Commissioner,.
Of Committee on Fire Department—Aid. Book's
Resolution for Fire Alarm Bates at Garfield
and Pleasant Avenues and Lee and West
Sevemh streets—
Committee recommends adoption of reso-
Adopted. (See resolution.)
Aid. Pratte resolution for a fire alarm bot
ct Fairview and Capitol avenues—
ommittee recommends adoption of reso-
Adopted. (See resolution.)
Aid. Gehan', r ..Latton authorizing Board of
Fire Commissioners to all
four hones—
Commlttee recommends adoption of "so
Adoptee (See resolution.)
Of Committee on Streets—Sherman St ret
Sewer. Etc—
To the Common Goal'
o whom was
r erred the Yovraic mina intOf tee Lhe Chicago,
Milwaukee I St. 1II Ruilwuy Company to the
City of Saint P.
containing a proposition to
construct a sewer on Sherman street aad other
etre eta provided the City of Saint Paul would
give them it. perpetual use for railway pur-
po.eaoretu"..nand her ,treat. located.,
the flat within the limits of their property,
have investrguted the same by a personal in
spection of the ground, and would o me d
that the proposition be accepted and that the
Co ordinaion nceAwhich Attorneybe
.forth, o draw u Determs of
theagreement. Respectfulll'submitted.
Oct le, 11ANTHONY YOERG, JR., Chairman.
Ordinances (Vetoed Dy Mayor Sept. In, ]1uie1
Authorizlpg Yater Nelheuael to
Erect Hay
Scales and Authorizing Independent Oil Com
Build Iron Took—
am i
It" reo, III of said
ordi... ces, amended
s us to form with
Mayor's veto, m
John Gras's Petition for Vacation of Part of
Dal. Street—
Ittee comm de laid petition favor-
ably upon payment of 1450 late City Tre..or,
d that said petition be filed of record with
City Clerk, and that City Clerk be Instructed to
give necessary publication noti:e.
Catherine Burger a Petition for Damages—Lot
Is, N`airel l's Su bd ivr.lo. f Block 91, Ly-
Dayton's Addition—Grading Fremont
Committee recommends that said petition be
referred to the Corporation Attorney and City
Report of the Board f Park Commissioners.
Relative to Street 8pacea Unused by Reason
f Steep and Impracticable Grades
Co amittee recommends that said report be.
referred to Corporation Attorney, with in.le-
tions to commence necessary proceedings to
claim p ... a..(o¢.n
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con
ley. Fisher, Gahan, Kavanaugh, Leithauser
Mines, Malady, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mr
Vice President 1
Sam Dearing's Petition For Vacation o
Waseca Street, From Roble to Georg(
Committee recommends that said petition bi
retumed,ss the same requires the slgnatureso',
the majority of owners of property abuttlnj
'aid street.
Ordinance Granting Permission and Author
BY to North St. Paul Railroud company to
Construct, etc., Street Railway Line from
East end of East Seventh Street Cable Line
Along Certain Streets in Direction of North
St. Paul—
Committee reports favorably on said ordi.
Adopted. (See ordinance No. 1246)
Resolution Refunding Assessments, Bunker
Street Sidewalks—
Commfttee recommends that said resolution
be referred to Alderman of district.
OfCommittee on Police—Ald. Blom's Resolu.
lution for Police Patrol Box at Decatur and
Bedford Streets—
Committee reports favorably.
Adopted. (See resolution.)
Oi Committee an Public Buildings, Etc.—Pro
pposale for Fuel—
CommitPa report the y the
proposal 01 Sc.
Paul and Pacific Coal Company contract
lowest, and
recommends the awarding of contr.ct to said
Adopted, and proper city officers instructed
to execute contract.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, (lock, Cullen, Con.
ley, Fisher. Gahan, Kavanagh. Lelthauser,
Mi... Malady, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber. Mr.
Vice President -15.
Of Committee on Gas—Lamps—
Commlttee recommends adoption of the fol
lowing resolutions:
Ald. Pratt's resolution for lamps on Univers
ity avenue, etc.; Aid. Malady's resolution for
lamps at southeast corner Winslow avenue and
Winifred street, etc.; Aid. Blom's resolution
for lamps ac Earl .treat and St. Paul & Duluth
Railroad and other streets: Aid. Blom's resolu
tion for lamps at De Soto and Cook streets,
etc.; Aid. Blom's resolution for lamps at Cook
and Cypress streets, ace.; Ald. flock's resolu-
'ton for lamp. on Goodrich avenue, etc.; Aid.
Lelthauser'eresolution for lamps on Minue-
haha street: Aid. Sunburn's resolution for
lamps at Evergreen and Victoria streets, eta.;
Aid. Conley'.
resolution for lamps
on Third street, etc.; Aid. Mtnea's
.solution forlamps at Louis. and Hall; resp
lution of Committee o. Gas for lamps a,
Brewster and Winter and other streets and
resolution of Committee on Gas (substitute
far Aid. Gabor'. resolution) I— lamps at Coy
uga and.Agate and other streats.
Adopted. (See resolutions.)
Adverse Report on Lamp Resolutions—
Committee reports adverse on Aid. Sauborn's
resolution far lamps on Summit avenue for
the reason that there are no houses on Sum-
mit avenue between Snelling ave and Chicago,
Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway bridge, and on
Aid. Lefthauser's resolution for lamps on New-
port avenue—the said lamps being unnecessary
at present.
Of Aid. Meludy—Resolation Refunding Assess-
ments for Sidewalks on Bunker Street, be
tween Woodbury and Oakdale—
Committee recommends adoption of resole
Adopted. (See resolution.)
Sydney Street Grading—
COM that the report of
the Board of Public Works in said matter, of
date Sept 28. 194'9. presented at meeting of
Council Oct. I, 1889, be adopted.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
Of Aid. Weber—Elfelt Street Sewer—
Committee refs s report of Board of Public
Works (dated and presented to Council Se
17, 1839), for construction of a sewer on Elfeltpt.
street, from Charles street to Edmund street,
to Council, with report that Board of Public
Works annul all proceedings to said matter.
Adopted, and all proceedings heretofore had
I. said matter repealed and annulled.
Yess—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Book, Cullen,
Fisher. Gahan, Kavanagh, Leith—tic, Mines.
Malady, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice Presi
Idem -14.
An ordinance was read granting Ernest D. L.
Mabon permission to alter frame building and
build addition.
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Gehan,
rens 14, and ordinance read second time and
passed. (See Ordinance No. 1,235.)
An ordinance was read permitting Aug. Jabal
to erect addition.
Rules suspended on motion, of Ald. Book,
Fees 14, and ordinance read second time cad
mssed. (See Ordinance No. 1, 286.)
An ordinance was read naming street line be
.weenblocks 1 aneli Bohrer's addition.
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Blom,
peas 14, and ordinance read second time and
)asked. (See Ordinance No. 1,232)
An ordinance was read permitting Pean.yl.
+aria Slate Co. to erect board fence.
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Gabon.
;ens 14, and ordinance read second time and
).ssed. (See Ordinance No. 1.238.)
An ordlrance was mad permitting Ellen
3ehan to remove wooden dwelling house and
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Gabon,
rens 14, and ordinance read second time and
)assed. (See Ordinance No. 1,239.)
An ordinance was read permitting the Inde
)eodent Oil Company to erect it
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Mine
eas 14, and ordinance read a second time an
Passed. (See Ordinance 1,24d.)
An ordinance was read permitting Marti
Camltsch to erect o brick.veneemd bullding.
Rules suspended on motion of AI(
Mines. gena, 14, and ordinance road .soon
ttmeandpassed. (See Ordinnt No. 1,241.)
An ordinance was read permitting Emma
A. Fink to construct o sewer on Mount All
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Gehai
yeas 14, and ordinance read second time an
Passed. (See Ordinance No. 1,212.)
An ordinance was read to amend Cretin—
No. 1,225—move frame building.
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Kavanagt
yeas 14, and ordinance d second time an
Passed. (See Odinance No. 1:219.)
An ordinance was read appropriating 9;96.4
for Jot n E..O' Brien.
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Gehac
yeas 14, end ordinance read second time ani
Passed. (See Ordinance No. 1,244.)
An ordinance was read appropriating 945 to
Caroline Burger.
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Mines
yeas 14, and ordinance read second time an(
passed. (See Ordinance No. 1.245.)
An ordinance was read permitting Nortl
Saint Paul A dremd Company t0 construct
etc., street railway lines from east cud Of th(
cable line on East Seventh street in direction
of North Saint Paul.
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Cullen,
yeas 14, and ordinance read second time and
passed. (See Ordinance No. 1,246.)
An ordinance was read to return 940 t0
Charles Eklund—bail forfeited.
Committee on Claims.
By Aid. Yoerg—
Reso:utton for 93,359.84 and interest favor C.
H. Benedict, attorney for John W. Martin.
Committee on Claims.
By Aid. Yoerg
Resolution W,.39 and interest favor Caroline
Committee on Claims.
By Ald. Yoerg—
A resolution for 9G 544.07 and interest favor
Anna E. Williams and C. S. Williams—judg
Committee On Claims.
By Aid. Blom—
A resolution tar erealarm boxes at Puy—
avenue and Magnolia street and other streets.
Committee on Fire Department
By Aid. Blom—
A resolution nuthortzing Corporation poor
nay to nod[y Chicago, St. Paul, Mi. coped &
Omaha R. R. Company to remove round house
Roes street.
Committee on Streets.
By Aid. Yoerg—
A resolution axing salary of police patrol
telegraph lineman at 970 per month atter Nov.
1, 1&9.
Committee on Police.
By Aid. Weber—
Resolution for lamp and gas .ai.s on St.
Anthony avenue, Hie to Dale.
Committee on Gas.
By Aid. Weber—
Resolution for lamps em Lexi.gton avenue,
Front to McKenty.
Committee on Gas.
By Aid. Mines—
A resolution for lamps—Bidwell aad London
and other streets.
Committee on Gas.
By Aid. Blom—
A resolution for lamps at Bradley and Rose
and other streets.
Committee on Gas.
By Aid. Blom—
Resolution for lamps at Arcade aad Hsu
thorne streets and other street..
Committee on Gas.
By Aid. Blom—
Resolution for lamps at Payne avenue and
Orange street and other streets.
Committee on Gas.
By Aid. Sullivan—
Resolution for lamps In Eleventh Word,"on
and other streets.
Comm ttee on Gas.
By Aid. Gehan—
Resolution for lamp on steps leading from
Canada to Mt. Airy street.
Committee on Gas.
Aid. Conleyas excused during report of
Committee on Gen.
Thequestion arising upon the matter of ap
Proprmt(ng money for ice carnival, Aid. Cullen
moved that persons representing the ice oami
vat be heard.
Adopted and Messrs. Van Slyke, Scheller,
Munn, Murrav and Morton Heard.
The question arising upon the matter of up
proptlanng 916.666 towards guarantee funtl n
matter of oonvention of National Educational
Association in this city to .7uly, 1890, Aid. Cul -
lea moved that persons representing Ai mat-
ter be heard.
Adopted and Messrs. Gilbert, Tnllmadge,
Bazzard and Peet heard.
Aid. Cullen offered a resolution, by which
;ommon Counoil agrees to guarantee the
)ayment of 910,600 or souch thereof as may
e the city's one-half of --lust expenses of
national Educational Assoalation convention.
A motion to refer said rcukdutlo. to Commit-
ee on Streets was lost.
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Fisher, Mines, Melody,
Veber, Mr. Vice President -8.
Nay.—Ald. Bickel. Hock. Cullen, Gehan. Ka
,nagh, Lelthauser. Pratt, Sullivan -8.
The question being upon the adoption of said
-solution, the same was lost.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Cuda., Gehan, Kavanagh.
.eithauser, Melody, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber
-9.—Ald. Blom, Bock, Fisher, Mines, Mr.
'ice President -5.
Aid. Cullen offered said resolution amended
to make amount guaranteed $5,066, on
The qquestion arising upon adoption of said
asolutfon as amended, the a -me was adopted.
Yeas 14.
The matter of change of grade on Park ave -
c. from Sherburne avenue to Arch street, ad-
ertlsed to be heard at this time, came up for
earing. Mr. P. O'Rega. was hoard I. favor of
lid proposed change of grade.
TheVice President announced that object
tions. if any, to said proposed change would
then be heard.
No one ppeared to oppose said proposed
Change, e¢d a -solution changing the grade on
Park avenue, from Sherburne avenue to Arch
street, was thereupon adopted.
The matter f the vacation of alley in
block 15, Falrt•Iaw addition, advertised
to be heard on Tuesday. Sept. 17. 1589,
and postponed and adjourned until Oct.15,
1849 (being in meantime referred to Corporntion
Attorney), came on for hearing. and the Vlee
President announced that objections, if any,
would be then heard to said proposed vacation.
No one appeared to oppose said proposed VIAc tion, and a esoluttell vacating said alley in
block 15, Fairview addition, between Jenks and
Case street, was thereupon adopted.
The matters of all pending applications for
-nation of street,, alleys. etc.,were postponed
tad adjourned until Tuesday, the 5th day oI
November. A. D. 18811, at ^:30 6 clock p. m., at
the Council Chamber in the City Hall.
Ald. Weber moved to reconsider action by
of driver of petrel wage. n of Charles Bahr eferred t Position
pa gun •xas
Adopted and said matter referred to Alder
man of the District.
The Vice President called Aid. Gabon to the
hairdurityg ding f anordinance permitting
North St. Ynut Railroad Cc
to Instruct
railway indirection of North St. Paul.
Pursuant to advertisement of City Clerk,
dated Sept. San, 1851, bids for abutment for Burr
street bridge were received from Kirkland &
Starke} Hugh M. Nevin, Thos. M. Breen and
Chas. Stone.
City Engineer to tabulate and report at this
Pur,uant to advertisement of City Clerk,
d,led Oct. 9. 168), bids for Grand avenue bridge
wererecwed from Aleck McDonald, Paul
Raft and Rhfaums & St. Pierre.
City Engineer to tabulate and report at this
t)rdl nen --
An Ordinance granting Ernest L. Mnbon p
on to alter and repair a frame building.
and to build an addition thereto.
The..Common..I. as followed of the City of St. Paul
Sectio, 1. That authorityand permission are
hereby given to Ernest L. Mnbon to alter and re-
pair it certain f-
building located at I West
Central avev fn said city, by raising the
se p two (2) feet, .... X. the root from
'hill g roof to ,...surd i covered
tar and gravel, and also to erect and rbuild an
adds tion thereto .V feet by 21 lost, with t., ad
gravel roof, aad veneer with brick the whole
building. Incluto makeding the addition asked for. and
d by the
¢Cove described aoI terata nal one addit n. Said
work to be done under the directionend super-
vision of the Inspector of Building, of said city
.ad In conformity with a operly Issued per
mit therefor issued from his omce.
Sec. 2. This ordl oincc shall take effect and
be in force from and after Its publication.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Book, Cullen,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mines,
Melady, Pratt, Sullivan. Weber, Mr. Vice
President -14.
Passed Oct. 1& 1889.
Vice President of Council.
Approved Oot. 10. 1899.
ANTRO NY YOERG. JR., Acting Mayor.
Attest: THOS. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk.
Oct. 21, 1889.
AnOrdinance granting permission to August
Jobst to erect an addition to his Blacksmith
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul
do ordain as follows:
Section 1. Th,t:nthority and permission is
hereby given to Atlgu.t Jobst to erect a frame
addition to his blacksmith shop, situated on
block 52. West St. Paul ppr per. aid addition
to be about 16XID feet a d 16 feet high. Th.
me to be built under the perviefon f the
Inspector of Building of said cIt,..= having
taken out a permit therefor as now provided
by ordlnan ce.
See. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and
be in force from and after Its publication.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen, Fish-
er, Gehan, Kavonsgh, Leithanser, Minna, Mel-
dallent--1 Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice Prost
Passed Oct. 15, PASS.
V ice President of Council.
Approved Oct. 16, Z.
ANTHONY YOERG, JR„ Acting Mayor.
Attest: THOS. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk.
Oct. 21.
An Ordinance naming the street line between
blocks one (1) aad two (2) of Bohrer's addi-
The . omfie follows:
Council of
of the City of St. Paul
Section 1. That that certain street running
d lying between blocks one (1) and two (2), of
Bohrer's additon to the City of St. Paul, be
and the same I. hereby named "Bohrer court."
Seo. 2. This ordinance shell take effect and
be in force from and after its publication.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen,
Fisher, Gehan. 1C.-HighV, Leitheueer, Mi...,,
Melody. Pratt. Sullivan, \eber, Mr. Vice Pres
idem -14.
Passed Oct. 15, 1889.
Vice President of Council.
Approved Oct. 16. 1689.
ANTHONY YOEI[G, JR., Acting Mayor.
Attest: THOS. A. PRENGERGAST• City Clark.
Oct. 21.
An Ordi..... to v th,ri,, the erection of ,
board fence along the north two-thirds (N. 7f )
of lot three (31, block ten (10), of St. Paul
TheCommon Council of the City of St. Paul
ordain a, follows:
see That and
hereby Riven to theathoritPs.nsYlvanla.rnallislon Slate Cow
pa,y to .,set a board fano. tell feet In height
along the north two-thirds (N. 16) of lot than
113), block ten (10), St. Paul proper, treating t
Sixth (8) street, and nest to and adjoining tl
New York Life Insurance Company's buildin
See. 2. This ordinance shall take .Beet ox
be in force from and after It'
, Gabs,. Kavanagh,l Lesage. ithauser, Mine
Melndy, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, •Mr. V,t
President -l4.
Passed Oct. 15, 1889.
Vice President of Council.
Approved Oct. 16, 1889.
21. THOS. A. PRENOERGAST, City Clerl
Oct.Oc. 21.
An Ordinance permitting Ellen Gehan to ri
move a wooden dwelling house and ham.
The Commoo Council ofthe City of St. Paul It
now sHuated of
of As
t, Iromhton eafd ala
'.y tl, of said d
i under the
of Buildings o
links effect t
Bock, Cullen
efthauser, Mines
.r. Mr. Vice Pres
Passed Oct. 16, 1889.
Vioe President of Council.
Approved Oct. 16, 1889.
ANTHONY YORRG, JR., Acting Mayor,
Attest: TROS. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk.
Oet, 21.
OHDINANCa NO. 1,2411.
Ordinance t authorize nod permit the In
dependet 011 Company to er.m ct and
Lain oLL tanks, sin
he Common Council ofthe City of St. Paul do
ardain as follows:
Section 1. That permissl.. and anthorlty Is
to aald
ee built and pllapcedhuuder covers. the II-
the cot cilneha11 antInc right
mote may require their removal.
Lal of said looks whenever
It the said Independent Oil Com.
we the right to store its and pe -
u ta to• said ta,ks.
a ordinance aball be In fora. from
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullea.
!she r Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mines,
.eladyy, Pratt. Svlllvan, Weber, Mr. Vice
side,: -14.
Passed Oct. 15, 1889.
Vl.c President of Council.
Approved Oct. 18. 1889.
ANTHONY YOERG, JR., Acti.g Mayor.
A[LeSt: THOS. A. PRSND.-Aar, City Clerk.
Oct. 21.
An Ordinance granting to Martin Camltsch per-
mission to erect and construct a brick ve
neared bullding.
The Common Council .,,be
City of St. Paul do
ordain as follows:
Section 1. That permission and authority is
be any granted to Martin Camitseh to erect
d construct on lot four (4), block sixty six
(66), of West St. Paul proper, a one-story brick
veneered building. 40.41 feet. said building and
the foundation thereof to be merely temporary
structures; and said work to be dean under
the direction and supervision of the Inspector
t Buildings, and In con [ormity with a properly
Issued it therefor issued from his omae.
Sec. 2.e This ordinance shall take effect and
be 1n force from and after its passage,
Yeas-Ald. BI
Fisher, Gehan,, avnnah,nLeithau Book,
Melody, Pratt. SU llivnn, Weber, Mr. Vice
Pre6l.en t-14
Passed Oct. 15, 1889.
VI. Presid ntt of .... it.
Appri ed Oct. 16, 1889.
Oct.Attest:21TNO& A. PRENDERGAST, City CI.Tk.
n. 21.
An Ordinance granting permission to Emma S.
A. Fink to construct a sewer on Mount Airy
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
ordain as follows:
Section 1. Permission is hereby given and
granted to Emma S. A. Fink to construct a
e on Mount Airy street. from the p e
western terminus of the sewer on said Moet
Airy street to a point fifty (50) feet ;westof said
terminus. Said sewer to benetted under
theepervision d direction rutf the City
Enygineer, and at the expense of said Emma S.
Sec. 2. This ordinance hall take effect and
fie In force from and after its passage.
Fisher, 6ehaoi Kavanagh. gBlom,
h. LeltBook Mtlue
tlnlody, Pratt. Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice
reaid. 4.
Passed Out. 15, IBS9.
Vice President of Council.
Approved Oct. 16. 1889.
Attest: THOS. A. PanNDExGAST. City Clerk.
Oct. 21. -
in Ordinance tome d an ottb.... 0 etttled
an ordi once, No. 1.:'25, to move a frame
bung,he Commoo Council of the City of St. Paul do
Ordain as follow.:
Section 1. Strike out the words, ".ad to the
saterloy half Sol lot 4, block 54, Rica & Ir
ddition to t. Paul, avd the same
n the with An of West Fl1th street,'• alter
Is Avoid.
i d. "from .aid lot.•• in the fourth .line after
to printed rdmnnce In enaction one, and 1,
;rt the following words- "And place the
Am n the o tC ids of West Sixth street,
lot ten (10), block four (4), Rice & Irvine's
Idltloo to St. Paul.,
See'be to force from an2. d it., it. l take effect and
BlompasBock, Cullen.
Yeas—Aid. Bickel,
Fisher, Gahan, Kavanagh. Lelar.
Vice0. Melody, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber,ber, Mr.
Vice President -14.
Pn.sed Oct. 15. 1889.
Vice President of Council.
Approved Oct. le, Pigs.
A NT8ONY YORRG, JR., Actin& Mayor.
Attest: THOS. A. PRENDERGA-, C1 ty Clerk.
An Ordinance appropriating beautyaad an
Torizi g ens herein. to drawnd. Pon the City
The .Common Council of the City of St. Paul
do ordain as follow.:
Section 1. That an order be drawn on the
City Treasurer of the City of St. Paul in favor
dt John E. O'Brien, for the of three hue
yad Bad nmmy and 4&100 (33911.45) dollars, in
full Satisfaction of all expenses, damage. aad
coats, by reason of the matters and things
stated and set forth m his petition presented
o this Council August 6, 1889, and referred to
the Committee on Claims, and by said commit-
tee recommended to be allowed. Said order
to be delivered only upon there being filed with
the City Comptroller a release a full for all
damages occasioned as in said petition alleged.
Be.. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and
be in force from and atter Its publication.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Culla.,
Fisher, Gabon, Kavanagh. Leithauaer, Mine.,
Melody, Pratt. Sullivan. bar, Mr. Vice Pres-
ident -14.
Passed Oct. 15, 1869.
Vice President of Council.
Approved Oct. 16, 1889.
ANTHONY YGERG, JR., Acting Mayor.
Attest: THOS. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk.
Oct. 21.
of St. Paul do
awn upon the
I. Burger for
L31 *is tdditIFeon to St.n
Paul by rose.n of Lou grading by the city of
Fremont street in front of said lot, [hereby
taking away the lateral support from thea...;
said order to be delivered only upon there be-
ing filed with the City Comptroller a release In
full forall damages occasioned a. aforesaid
Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and
be m fore. from and after its publication.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock, Cullen,
Fisher, Gene'. Kavanagh, Lelthauser, Mines,
Melody. Pratt, Builtvan, Weber, Mr. Vice
President -14.
Passed Oct. 15, 1889.
Vice President of Council.
Approved Oct. 16, Ig89.
, JR., Acting Mayor.
Attest: THOR A. PRENDERGAST. City Clerk.
Oct. 21.
OROINANCa NO. 1,246.
An Ordinance g a tinggL. mpertasir. d au-
thotlty to the North SPaul Railroad Com
street railway lines frto construct, omaintainerate and
m the east end of the
cable line on East Seventh street Stang car -
tam streo is in the City of S[. Paul, in the di
rection t North St. Paul.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
ordnf. as follow.:
Section 1. There is hereby granted to the
North St. Paul Railroad Company, its succes-
sors orassigns, for the period or term of fifty
years from the date or time of the passage of
this ordinance, the authority, right and privi-
lege to build, equip, m -Intel. and operate
street railway 11¢es,.Ah aingle or double tracks,
with all uecessary side trucks d awltohel,
pole., wires, conduits and appliances, com
mencing at or about the eastermos[ and of the
constructed cable line on East Seventh street,
in the City of St. Paul; thence extending on
said East Seventh etreet eastward to a point
at ornear Hazel avenue; thence extending
northward by connecting line into
Iaid Hazel venue; thence northward
n the direction of North St. Paul,
on said Hazel avenue, extended across the
right of way as at present located and in use
by the Chicago, St.Panl, Me¢enpolie & Omaha
Railway Company to some point north o1 .Old
right of way of said last named railway oom
pany, and to make the needful with
said street railway linea or tracks upon any in-
termediate or intersecting street or streets or
Sec. 2. The said lines of street railway hereby
authorized may be operated by electric, pneu.
matic or gas power, or by using steam as a mo�
Live power, where the by
emits steam Sod
smoke only in a noiseless manner, and to
scarcely perceptible degree; provided. that such
steam motor shall not be used on said line or
lines fat a longer period loan HILLS. years from
the date of the peelings of this
ordinance with.
out the ,pr, permission of the Comma.
L'ounoil of
aaltl city, and provided that no power
ahntl be employed on said line or lines, or any
part thereof, which shall be a public or a prti
vete nuisance, or aball constitute a. additional
servitude to the property on said streets or else
Provided, that in the operation of the plants.
to be erected for the purpose aforesaid, no
bituminous coal shall be used unless the per-
mission of the Common Council is first ob
Sec. 3. All poles created under this ordinance
shall be of such size, style, height and me
[oriel, and shall be placed at such points On the
margin of the street aide of the sidewalks or
boulevards, and n distances apart between
the centers, as shall be designated by the City
Engineer, and shall be erected and said wires
strung thereon under the supervision and sub-
ject to the inspection ad central of the City
, libleer. Plans of such poles, wires and ap-
pliances shall be submitted to the City En-
gineer, and shall be approved by him by writ.
ten certi¢ca[e before the same am erected.
Said poles, wire&appliances and structures
shall be built upon the most approved method,
so as to interfere as tittle as practicable with
all other public uses of said streets, and both
material and workmanship shall be the best of
their class and kind.
Be-. 4. The coaches sad am used o
n a
lines shall be of the beat modem style aad c
mn, a
tatlosuitable for the safety d
levee and comfort of the passengers, antl nt
be c be, heated during thand Whenever msiessay. win
Season, and Shall be properly lighted and v
Blated, and shall have painted on oou tplam
Parts thereof, on sign boards placed there.,
Plain letters, so that thea a may
roGAS or .treats Over which the name arelop
See. 5. The North St. Paul Railroad Cc
paRy, its Successors or assigns In interest, all
from the time of the completion and the co
mencement of the operation of any of .i
lines, operuta the same during Such hears
Sack day, snit Cause the car. to be operated
..on of said l,.a. with Such frequency ala sh
reasonably accommodate the truvelhng pub
along said linea;
Provided, that in case of the interposition
enc ]neurmountable b.tiolo, the running
cars may be suspended for such time as hi
absolutely required to overcome the same.
The Common Council may regulate the apes
for running said oars so far a. to conform
In other
the speed generally permitted for similar on
Be.. 6. The end line. of railway are to 7
constructed and operated as herein provide
Oil the established grade of sued etreet.,
or [
that which shall be established by the City
St. Paul as the grade of Bald Streets.
The North St. Peui Railroad Company.
aslg.s or.uceessars in interest, shall raise e
Bower the tracks, poste, structures aad
Hees to conform to Say change. that m
be made in the grade of nay of ani
.treat., at d
Pause, whenever said tret.outacSuudared Lilly
to be graded to such changes and it i
ordered to do .o.
Sec. 7. The track of .aid railway llnes an.
not be elevated o novo the surface o[ the stress
and shall be laid with Such rete as .hull be aI
or assbear as proof cd or created able tin comon o the center oflnal�
street., .,ad bull
be o laid tno, carriages nm
d tre It
at any and all point' thereof with thevehicles can easUy and freely rose ) least ob
structlon possible.
Provided, that no LISOk, or part
o[ a track
hall be operated before the a.mS shall h. k
been Inspected and approved by the Coamam
110[ said city after written notice of to
Seo. 8. The North St, Paul Railroad Co.
Deny, its assigns or Successors in interest
shall at all times keep so much of the e[reeti
oecuDled by Said linea oI reflway a. may lie be
tween the rails of each track, and between the
Set outside of the tres of double ack orlt Scka o -armed n d
in good repair, and shall cause the .now to be
removed 90 as to afford a sate end uad nobstruct-
weuty four hours offor the auowt 11 gnneachthin
atenoe, and the repoire end removal of the
now shall be done to the satisfaction of the
Common %oneB, of such person or parsons as
mayy have supervela. of tae streets of the City
of St. Pau4 and at the cost and exp...a of the
North St. Paul Railroad Company, [tin of
or sucaessom In interest, end I. ogee of any
failure to compiv with above Previsions, the
City Engineer shall cause such now re be ra-
ved and the track
kept In repair as
aforesaid, ad the pense thereof hall
be hanged to and collected from the
.alit North Saint Paul Railroad Company, Its
euccessom:or assigns In Interest.
Sec. 9. When any new lmprorments, pav-
ing, repairing, planking or replanking (grading
On Council on tory alsalbe ordered fd streets, try the Common
herein mentioned, the NorthrSt. Paul
Railroad Company, its MISlgns or successors in
Interest, shall, in like manner, and with the
Same materials, make such improvements.
Paving, repairing, planking orreplanking (grad-
ing only excepted) on ouch parts of said streets
as may lie betwet n the rolls of each track, and
betweenthe lines of double tracks, and for a
space of two feet outside the track or tracks
here said new improvements atoreanfd may
have been ordered by the Common Council
ofareaald: and in case the North Saint Paul
Railroad Company, Its assign. or—sasors in
interest, shall, after o llce bym the Common
C ncll ofsaid city, neglect to kin ouch new
improvements as toreaaid, the¢ the same may
be done under the direction of the City
of St.
Paul at the expense of said railroad company,
Ind the amount of said expense shall be as.
lessed by the proper authorities of Said city,
fpan hka notice as 1n other cases of assess.
ment, and the amount so ...eased shall be
chargeable to and paid by the North Saint
. Sul Railroad Company, Ita the
or succes
lots t¢ interest,
Sec. 1Q The running of the care on any part
,[ said line. of rid',, or either of them, may
.e Suspended by the Common Council for such
essential. [Iran as in., at 6.y time be Bces-
ary on account of repairs of streets or the con.
tructton of sewers or other public Improve
isms, an whenever it may be necessary to.
.ave any track taken up for the purpose .fore
id the same shall be taken up and relaid at
he expense oI said North St. Paul Railroad
'o OIRMY, fin assigns or successors In Interest.
The Chief Engineer of the Fire Department
I said city, or the person who for the time be -
19 may be acting person
also May order a sus
enaton of
the running of the care o. said lines
f railway, or either of them, as he may deem
necessary during any fire.
In case of fire or other public necessity the
roper .mean or omcero of the city may out or
III down any wires, poles, structures or appll-
ices used toot erste the oars on said lines, or
the' of them, and the city or its oMeem shall
it thereby be hoots to said owners for any
se or dSmage resulting from the suiting or
filling down thereof, nor for the costs or ex -
,..a of repairing or replacing the same.
Sec. 11. All care running O. said linea of rail.
ay shall be used only for carrying passengers,
eluding ordinary baggage- and, after sunset,
all be provided with signal be metn-
ined in such colors and mnnneras the Com -
in Council may direct or approve.
Sec. 12. The rate of (are for each passenger
iveling on Any of said linea shall not exceed
e cents, including ordinary baggage.
'mvtded, no fare shall be required for a child
der five yearn of age, while traveling under
care of an older person.
�;so. 13. In all cane—here Soy roam er ve-
le shall meet any or on said lines of rall.
y, or either of them, or shall be overtake.
Sec. 2. This ordinahe shall take effect and
be In force from and after its passage.
Yens—Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen,
Fisher, Gehan,Kavanagh. Leithauser,
Mine.. Melody. Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mr.
Vice President -14.
Passed Oct. 15, 1869.
Vice President of Council:
Approved Oct. 16, 1889.
ANTHONY YOERG, JR., Acting Mayor.
Attest: THOS. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk.
An Ordinance appropriating money and an
thorizing an order to be drawn upon the City
Treasurer, as hereinafter stated.
The Commoa Council of the City of St. Paul
do ordain as follows:
Section 1. That a order be drawn cm the
City Treasurer or the City of St. Paul in favor
of John E. O'Brien, for the sum of three hun-
dred and ninety and 45-100 ($`'{96.45) dollars, In
,.It Satisfaction of all expenses, damages and
Coat.. by reason f the matters and thing
stated and set forth f. his petition presented
to this Council A" at G, HW, Bad [erred to
the Commlttae on CIA and by said commit-
tee recommended to be allowed. Said rder
to be delivered only upon there being sled with
the City Comptroller n .lease In full for li
demaRes occaeloned as m eafd petition alleged.
Be.. 2. This ordinance shall take effect end
be in force from and after its publication.
Yeae—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cellon,
Fisher.Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mines,
Melody, Pratt, Sullivan. Weber, Mr. Vice Pres
P ...
ad Oct 15, 1889.
Viae Presidentnt of O[ Council. il.
Approved Oct. 18, 1669.
ANTHONY YOBRG. JR., Acting Mayer.
Attest: THOS. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clark.
Oct. 21.
An Ordinance appropriating money to pay
Caroline Burger for damages by
reason o[
grading by city of
Fremont street.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
ritaln as follows:
Section 1. That an order be drawn upon the
City Treasury m favor of Caroline Burger for
facthetion of alsure of l damageeust ..-five 51 ed bymm. heruas owner
..f i..r oftnen (re). block ninety L901. Ferrell'.
Paul. by reason or t.e gmetin s y tae ity of
Fremont street m front of aid lot, thereby
away the lateral support
from the acme;
said order to be delivered oly upon there be
lug filed with the City Comptroller a release in
full Ior all dam aoges ocenetoned as a[oresatd
Sec. 2. This alnnnce shall cake effect and
be in'fome from and after its nubltcation.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Hlom, Bock, Cullen,
Fisher, Gehan, KAY an.go. Leithauser, Min".Moistly. Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mr, Vice
President -14.
Passed Oct. I5, 1669.
Vice President of Council.
Approved OCL 16, 1889.
ANTHONY YOERO, JR.. Acting Mayor.
Attest: THOS. A. PRENDEHGAST. City Clerk.
Oct. 21.
An Ordinance antingg permission and au-
thority [o the g North St. PaulRailroad Core
street railway lines frto construct. otmthe easerate t endaoftthe
cable line on East Seventh street along cer-
tain streets in
the City of St. Paul, In the di-
rection or North St. Paul.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
ordain as follows:
Section 1. Theo Is hereby granted to the
North St. Paul Railroad Company, its auccea
sors or assigns. for the period or term of fifty
years from the date or time of the passage of
this ordinance, the authority, right and privi
lege to build, equip, maintain and operate
street railway llnes,wlth single or double tracks,
with all necessary side tracks and switches,
poles, wires, conduits and appliances, coin
mencing at or about the eastermost end of the
constructed cable line on East Seventh street,
In the City of St. Paul; thence extending on
said East Seventh street eastward to A point
at or near Hazel avenue; thence extending
northward bya Connecting line into
aid Hazel venue; thenceorthward
in the direction of North SL Paul,
on said Hazel avenue, extended across the
right of way a t present loeated and 1n e
by the Chicago, ea
St. Paul, Minnpolis &Omaha
Railway Company to some point north of 'Bald
right Bud toof way of said last named railway com
said street railway rack. up..
milway lines or tgsay 2
termem.te or Intersecting street or streets or
Sec. 2. The said linea of street railway hereby
authorized may be operated by electric, pneu
otic or gus power, or by using m team as a mo-
tive power, where the motor its Beam and
woke only Ina "noiseless manner, and to
scarcely perceptible degree; provided. that such
Loom motor shall not be used on said line or
lines for a longer period rho❑ fifteen yenta from
the date of the passage oI Lhis rdmnnce with-
al ea peas permta. f Lhe Gammon
[:ouncil of said city, and provided that.. power
.hall be employed on said line or lines, or any
vee an nuisance, or hshall
l constitute alic or . additional
servitude to the property c. said streets or alae
Provided, that In the operatio❑f the plants,
to be erected for the purpose foresafd, no
bituminous cool shall roe used a lees the per.
mission of the Common Council is first ob
Sec. 3. All poles erected under this ordinance
hall be of such sI.., style, height sad
Serial, and shall
st eel side [ Lhe sidewalksthemaror
boulevain rthe ds, and h distances &part between
the centers, as shall be deadrated by the City
strung thereonneer, aad ahall unde be
supervisiooand aaid wires
and sub-
ject to the inspection and Control of the City
Engineer. Plana of such pole., fres nd ap-
pliances shall besubmitted to the City EA.
gineer. Bud shall be approved by him by writ-
ten certificate before the same re Coated.
Said poles, wire& ❑ad structure.
hall be built upon the most approved method,
so as to interfere .s little as practicaDie with
all other public uses of said streets, and both
material and workmanship shall be the beet of
their rola. and kind.
Sec. 4. The coaches and care used on sail
lines shall he of the best modern style and con
etruetion, suitable for the safety and conven
is and comfort of the passengers, and shat
be comfortably heated during the winter
season Bpd shand ll be properly lightehenever d and veat e
tilated, and shall hove painted on conspicuom
Parts thereof, on sign boards placed thereonit
large, plain lettere, so that the same ay be
reatllly seen and read by day and Right, tit
route or streets over which the are oper
Sec. B. The North St. Paul Railroad Com.
paRy, its successors or east". m mtemet, shall
from the time of the completion and the Co.
me icement of the operation of any of said
lines, operate the Same during such hours of
each day, and cause the oars to be operated o
each of said lines with such frequency as shall
reasonably accommodate the [ravelling public
along aB1d Imes;
any insurmountable untable that I. a b.d.cle,e theerposl ung of
cars may be suspended for such time a sball
be absolutely required to overcome the same.
The Common CGuncil may regulate the speed
for running said Dare so far as to conform to
the speed generally permitted for similar e
in other cities. - ars
Seo. 6. The said linea of railway are o be
constructed and operated as herein provided
on the established grade of said street., or oa
that which shell be established by the City of
St. Paul fie the grade of said streets.
The North St. Paul Railroad Company, its
"asigns or successors I. i.t.m.L shall raise or
lower tb a tracks, posts, structures and a�pit-
a.... to Co.form to Ray cbang.. that y
be made in the grade of oI eUYtl
i treeta, at rte own oat y nod n
paned, whenever id streets Is it
d ed to be graded to such changes and 1t is
ordered to do .o.
Sec. 7. The track of said railway lines shall
not be elevated above Lne surface of the street,
and shall be laid with such mile as skull be ap-
proved or oroered by the Common Council, on
or as near as
to the neater of said
street., Bud shall be Be laid that earrings. ud
vehicles can easily and freely cross said streetat ans
stru¢tyton d all point. thereof with tae least oIs
Provfded, chat no track, or par[ o[ a track,
.all be oper&tetl hence the sameshall have
been inspected and approved by the Common
Council of said city after written notice of It.
Be. & The North SL Paul Railroad Com-
eall�attell rimae keele r auceea ra 1. interest.
by said lines of rallw y ¢s the trebc
Sween the rolls of each treat, and between•the
linea of double track, and for a apse of two
Ieat outside of the track or tracks cleaned nod
in good repair, and shall cane. the snow to be
removed so as o afford a and unobatruct-
ad tweuty-four hours oifor l the sleighs and
Ban enchthin
.tan.., d the repairs and removal of the
ow shall be done to the satisfaction of the
Common Counefl, or such person or persona fie
mayy have supervlsla. of the streets of the Ci[y
of St. Paul, and at the cost nod expense of the
North St. Paul Railroad Company, rte assigns
or successors In interest, and m ossa o[ any
failure o comply with a�'ove prov.....s, the
City Engineer shall cause inch snow to be re.
moved and the track kept in repair as
aforesaid, and the expense thereof shall
be charged to and collected from the
said North Saint Paul Railroad Company, Its
successors',or assigns in Interest.
Sec. 9. When any new improvempm& pav-
ing, repairing, planking or replanking (gradin
only excepted) shall be ordered by the Common
Council on any of said streets, or parts of said
street& herein mentioned, the North St. Paul
Railroad Company, its assigns or successor. in
interest, shell, m like manner, and with the
same materials, make such improvameata.
Paving, repairing, planking orreplanking(grad-
Ing only excepted) on such parts of said streets
as may lie betwetn the rail—f--lit—It , and
between the liacsot double traoka. fid for .
space of two feet outside the track or tracks
here said new improvemeata aforesaid my
have been ordered by the Common Cou.cll
aforesaid; and in case the North Saint Paul
Railroad Company, its -e.igns or succeasom 1n
interest, shall, [ter notice by he Common
Council of said city, neglect o make such now
unprovementa as atoresaid, then the same may
be done under the direction of the City of St.
Poul at the of said railroad .ompany,
and the amount of
said penes shall be as-
eeseed by Lhe proper authorities of said city,
upon like notice as I. other case. of assess-
ment, and the amount so assessed shall be
I hargeable to and paid by the North Sett
Paul Hailme, Compuuy, its aHelg.e or succes
sors In Interest.
Seo. lU The running of the Care on any pert
'f said line. of rallwu or elthar o[ them, may
is suspended by the Common Council for such
:easonuble time ate may at any time be neces-
Iary o uccount of repairs of street. or the Con -
trued on of sewers o other public improve-
ent& and whenever It maYy be necessary to
Lave any track taken up for she purpose afore -
id the same nkat) betaken up and laid t
be expense of said North St. Paul Railroad
mpuny, its assigns or successors In interest.
The Chief Engineer of the Fire Department
,f saltl city, or the person who for the time be.
ng may be acting i. his stead,may order a sue
tednsion of the running of the cars Be said lines
railway, or either of them, as he may deem
t ne.essary during any tire.
In case of fire or other public necessity the
r per omcer o om.ers of the city may out or
gull down any wires, poles, atrUatuea or epplf-
rces used o operate tae cera on'Bald lines, or
Leer of them, and the cites its omcem shall
not eeteby be liable to id owners for any
ullingddown thereof, 'or
formthe Costs-Attor ex-
sees of
repairing or replacing the same.
Sec. 11. All curerunning on said "nee o[ r&11
Uludlnll b�i�ped onblpy
carrying pa.seAn—
g o ry ggaim. Bud, after sunset
hall be provided with 91 al lingte,o be ....-
tined In such colors and manner as the Com -
eon Council may direct or approve.
Sec. 12. The rate of fare for each passenger
veling on my of said lines shell not exceed
eats, including ordinary baggage.
Provided, no fare shall be required for a Child
'der five years of age, while traveling under
e care of a. older person.
Seo. 13. In all cases where any team or ve-
cleshall meet any caro. said line..[.sil.
ty, or either of them, or shall be overtaken
by any car thereof, such team or vehicle shall
Blue way to such car. No person sball wtlitulIY
d unneossarily bstruct, hinder, delay or in-
terfere with the of
of a y or
the oars on either f sat d linea of rail -
Way or trucks by placing, driving r
xmpPln R. or causing to be placed or driven o
topped, any team, -Liele or obstacle or Lh/nR
In, upon, across, along nen the track f
'thea of said lines o[ rnilway after being noti-
.ed by the conductor person 1n charge of ¢
car areas by the ringing o[ rho car hell or
otDtirwise. Aad whoever shell violate any of
the pprevisions oI this ee-Biot shall. upon con-
vlotlon thereof before 'he Municiopal L'on_ of
s id city, ba puniebed by a no f of r0
ave (&5) d IT itred 1>~Igl) dollars, nor less than
Sec. 14. TDe NortD St. Paul Railroad Com-
pany, its resigns or sueceseors In interest, Shall
Pay to the City Treasurer, in advance, an a
anal license of ten (k10) dollars for each .nit
every car used by it on any of said Its.. of rail
Seo. 1G. If the North St. Paul Railroad Com-
pany,ire essfgne or euccessora m trite at. shall
fail or neglect to complete, equip and operate
the lines of railway designated m eectionone
(1) of this ordinance wit in one (D ye.r from
the time when said ordinance Shull Dave taken
ggrnnteffectedh shall) begforfeite to the said City ot, and privilees f
St. Paul.
Sec. 18. Any violation of this ordinance shall
be punished by a tine Of not less than diff r,ed
to be
and collected uhotnder tbeactire aprovtslo a of the City
Coma 17. Thee as
the North St. Pain Railroad
p.vy, gas or enecessors ghich m a, ex -
shall be liable to said it}• for all damn
pevditures, liabilities and costs the c may be
Incurred by Sefd city by reason o
Ile. end maintenance of eaid
linea of railway.
or any part thereof, or the operetlon
thereof, or by reason of the rights hereby
graaedlo said company: uad said company.
eseigna or Successors in interest, shill fully
Indemnify and save harmless enid city for v1
May beeso .on . ur TheoNorth St, Pani n
ro.d Comprny Rsasalgne or successors if in
tereet, ehrll, before the commencement o[ thi
Latest, hall. o[ Bald If nes of railway, execute i
... nr Cr. Paul in the IT sum O
)t this oNlnance, and that it will forever in
Paul ..,=and nsf um ail a mages, I7ldg ents
lecreea, s and ezpenaa which it, the sail
fSL red agntn,stIDet foarer. oro by reason o . o
growing out Of, or to any resulting fro.,
the passage of this ordinance, or anything car
netted therewith, or with the exercise by sad
hereeyioft a grnege
.is aind conferred, or front is. owers and rianl, or
or acts of the Bald company under or by v rtu
of the pruviaious hereol.
Sec. 18 This ordinance shall take effect upo
wIt rth the St (larkaul ofsaid o y its wrli�Tite. at
cc --ce of said ordinance
thirty days atter the publication of enid lord
Yeae-Ald. BlekeL Blom, Bock, Cullen, Fish -
Kavanagh. Letthauser, Mine.. Melady,
I. Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr. Chairman
Passed Oct. Is, 1899.
JOAN F. GHHAN, Chairman of council.
Approved Oct. le, 1899.
Attest: THOS. A. Pat- City (;10tk
Oct. 21.
ly Aid, Pratt -
Resolved. That the following plat -as approved
,ythe Plat Commfseton rad as recommended
y the City ..d the same 18 hereby
cepted b3' the Common Council of the City of
L. Paul:
Keefer Pork. SG Prul, Ramsey County,
Yeas -Aid. Bickel. Blom, Bock, Cullen Fish
.r, Gahan, Kavanagh, Leitb.user, Minea Mel
illy, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Viae Prea1-
lent -14.
Approved Oct. 16, 198D.
By Aid.
Resolved, That the City Engineer be and he
is hereby instructed to report o geode upon all
treete and avenues in Lhe do; riot bounded by
Undversfty, Fairview avenues, Tbomne an
Aldine streets.
Yens -Aid. Dickey, Blom, Bock. C.IIen,Fisher,
Gahan, Kavanagh. Lelth.uaer, Miner. Melady.
Pratt Sully van, Weber, Mr. Vice President -]4.
Approved Oct. I8. IdBB� '
By Atd. Gehan-
.asolved, That the City Engineer be and he
I. hereby dected 1. Ewing&. Chute's idditlitn Co St.IPaul, Minn.In 1,
Yeas-Ald. Bickel. Blom. Bock. Calle.,
Fisher.ShiBrun, Weber. Mr. Vic -loan
Melady, , PP -4
rart, tt,
dent -14.
Approved Oct. 19, 1889.
ByAid. M.nThat the City Engineer be directed
to prepare the plans and specificatlone for the
construction of the eu bstrmpurre of the pro.
posed bridge overthe MSeslssippi river Datween
=dBroadway aad State street, said plane end
1lcatlon % be made i. accordance wlththe
plan for a high bridge, and the City Clerk be
for is the c ..tractiondirected to said substrse for ucture
r n as the plans are preparedsu ae
soYeae-Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock,Cullen,Ffaber,
Ocher, Kavanagh, Letthauser' Mme., Melady
Pratt, Sullivan, eber,Mr. Vice Prestdent-14.
Approved Oct. 18, 1889.
By Aid . Conley-
Rasolved, Th.t the City Engineer to hereby
Instructed to prepare plans and specifleatione
for the suDetruoture and superatructton o[ an
Inc. bridNo sixty feet wide an Sixth street as
proposed to be opened between .Brook street
.ad Commercial street.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Fish
er. Gehan. Kavanagh, Letthauser, Minea. Mel-
ody, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice Prind
Approved Oct. la, 1889.
By Ald. Pratt -
Resolved. That the Pity Engineer be and he
I., hereby instructed tue-fel with the City l:n-
gtraighiSrlmg U -of
ticar Of 1 -By .venuwith e 'L theewest
city limits.
Y a: -Ald. Bickel. Blom. Bock. Cullen. Fish-
ed P er. Carlsti, Sullivan hrVeh,ratM rr MiceaPresi-
deut- /4.
Approved Oct. 16. isst.
BY Ald. Malady -
Resolved, That the City F.'gincer lie In
.,unclad to build a apprnach on the south ids
of Falrtleld a' a
x d Eva .tract, and fill a
water hole InE-street. between Fainc�id xv
entic still India,. aces ue. It
cost not to e
teed one hundred do]].-. .e
Yeae-Aid. Bickel, Blom,
Book, Cullen.
Melody. Pratt, Sullivan.gWeber,iMur. Viceres'
(dent -14.
Approved Oct. Ift, 1".
By Aid. Bock- I
Resolved That Cit
Yeas-Ald. Bicltel, Blom, Bock, Cullen
Fisk er. Gehan, Kurrum! , Leithouser, Minea
Melady. Pratt. SUIBvsn, Weber, Mr. Vice Preai-
Adopted Oct. le, isso.
13Y Aid. Bock-- ---_
Resolved, That the City Engineer le hereby
'netructed to repair.,tune sidewalk in front of
lot ,, blocks. Leech addition to St. Paul.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Fish.
er. Gehlm, Kavanagh. Letthauser, Minea, Mel-
ady, Pratt, Sullivan. Weber, Mr. Vice Presi-
Approved Oct. 1C,. Issil.
I3Y Aid. Carl -
hot Thot the City F:ngin Ser be and he
is hereby directed to Ina' u two plank sidewalk
n Bellevue venue (south lido), fromCanadastreet to Ashton street.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel. Blom. Bock. Cullen. Flsh-
III Y,eP Pratt, lSullivan. Webeh. r, Mr. umnat,V [eePrest-
i } Engineer is hereb3' n `tpi'roved Oct. le. li 49.
strutted to expend the sum of Tl1U dollars for ----
putting Omaha and Sturgis streets in passable By Aid. Cullen -
condition. Resolved, That the City Engineer be and he
YeuS-Ald. Bickel, Elam, Bock, Callen, Tehereby directed to use the curbing to be
Fisher, Gahan, Kavanagh. Leith ... ar, Aline n, [and the sidewalk laid with the same
Malady. Pratt, Sullivan. Weber. Mr. Vice tone on the south side of East Seventh street,
President -14. in front or Nos. G4 . d Wi; also to r et the
A Pproved Oct. l e, 1-. arbing n the rth xin" r East Seventh
street in front of,�11 s e1 Still c3.
-- Yeas Aid B'
By Aid. Bock -
I -t the
ise[rurteddto have all fences oIs hereby
ni [hereaet side of
West Seventh streat. between Ramsey and
Leach streets, removed tram off sidewalks.
Fisher. C than, H-lan.011, Lelithm,aer, Mine'.
Malady, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber„Mr. Vice
President -14.
Approved Oct. h;. 1M4.
By Ald. Meladv--
instrucllterlTo expand thefymi oIarr is tiny
Annapolis street In passable condition. between
Rush avenue and Delaware avenue.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel. Blum, Bock. Cullen,
Fisher, Gahan, Kavanach, Lelth:tu ser. hTmail.
Pratt, Sullivan, t{'she. r. Mr. \'ice
President -14.
Approved Oct. Ili. isst.
13Y Aid. (amen--
Resolved. That the City Engineer be in-
a[ructed to build a stslr on Banolt at reel,
from Concord street to Prescott streeret, the 0.
Pense not to exceed 3I_5.
Yeae-Ald. Bickel. Blom. Bulk. Cullen.
Fleher, Gehan, Kavanagh. Liethauser, Minea.
Malady, Pratt. Sullivan, Weber, M, Vice
President -14.
Approved Out. Ir,. IR4u.
By Ald,Blom--
the City Engineer be instruct
d to build cress walk an the west side of Ed
gerton and Magnolia Street.
Fisher. Gahan, K Kavanagh. l
. Leilbaueer, Mines.
M Study, Pratt. Sullivan, Weber, M, Vice
Prasidev t--14.
Approved Oct. In, IF1A.
By Ald. PrntL-
Resolved, That the City Attorney be and he is
mstruoted to take the necessary Steps
to dispossess all railway and other corpora-
tions of all streets and alleys now occupied by
said railway corporations. except such streets
nd alleys as are nocovered by ordinance.
,i w an
Yeas -Alit. Bickel. Blom, Bock. Cullen.
Fisher, Gahan, Kul ... gh, Iieithnuser, Minea,
Malady, Pratt, Sullivan. Weber, Mr. Vice
President -14.
Approved Oct. Ili, 188b1
113Y Aid. Gabon-
abon- -
Resolved, 'ph¢L the. City, Clark be and he Is
thereby did,
to advertise for bids forth.
construction of an egress for the Newmarket
Theater, according to the plane and Speelfl-
Cations on file in the office of Inspector of
Gahan, Ka<ssnngDeiLa lho narkMinen Melit
Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, sir. Vice Presfdent�l4:
Approved Oct. ill, issi.
By All]. Bickel -
Resolved, That the Committee on Public with the of the City En.
ginger• be requested to report tit the next reg
ular meeting of the Council, whether the Hest
floor of the
Market Hous. ca. be lowered so as
to make o level entrance with the fdewalk on
Seventh street. for the purpose of dividing
said first floor into storerooms which will rent
readily. and the city derive a better income
from said building than it does now.
Y ens -Aid. Bickel. Blom, Bock, Cu11en.Fish-
er,Gehan. Kovunagh, Leithauser, Mines, Mel--
ady, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice Prost
dent -14.
Approved Oct. 16, 1889.
By All. Blom-
Resolved,That the Board of Fire Commis
sioners be and they are hereby authorized to
construct and erect an engine house on lot 7 in
block 3, of Phillip's addltioh to the City of St.
Paul, and equip the ams with necessary up
paratus for a steam fire engine company as soon
as the necessary fund has been collecte.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen.
Fisher, Gabon, Kavanagh Llethauser. Mines,
Melody. Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice
President -14.
Approved Oct. 1G 1889. -
By Aid. Green -
Resolved, That the Board of Fire Commis
stoners be and they are hereby authorized to
sell at public action the four horses named In
their communication of title date; also to pur-
chase four horses In replace those condemned.
Yeos-Aid. Bickel, Biom, Bock. Cullen, Con
Mlnlehon Ka, LeithauserKavanagh
en,llIelady,Prott Sullivan,,
Vice President -15.
Approved Oct. Ili, IS89.
By Ald. Bock -
Resolved, That the hoard of Fire Commis
sioners are hereby instructed to erect and
maintain two fire alarm boxes. ns follows:
One at the corner of Garfield and Pleasant
One at the corner of Lee avenue and West
Seventh street.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen.
Fisher, Green. Revonu gh. Leithauser. Minna,
Melody, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mr.Vice Pres.
L Applored Oct. 16, IFF9_
By Aid. Pratt -
Resolved. That the board of Fire Commis
sioners be and they are hereby instructed tc
close a fire alarm box to be placed at the Inter
section of Fairview and Cupitol avenues.
Yeas -Aid. Slekel, Blom. Bock, Cullen, Con
ley, Fisher, Gahan, Kavanagh, Leithauser.
M 1nen. Melody. Pratt. Sullivan, Weber, Mr
Vice President -15.
Approved Oct. 16, 1889. .
By Ald. Prntt-
i Rol cls ad.patrol box,..- oinegons be place[
Yeas-Ald. Bickelill.. Bat lom, Bock, Cullen
Meady,MB an
GPmtt KSullivanage, Weber. Mr.
Mr.. Vic
Approved Oct. 16, 1989.
13YAid. Bock. --
Resolved, That the proper city official b
and he is hereby instructed to place police pa
trot box and telephone
At Smith and Goodltuestreet.
At Smvenue a
At Armstrong end Drake streets.
At West Seventh and View streets.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen,
'Isber. Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mlne¢,
delady, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice
Approved Oct. 16. 1889
1 lom-
Resol Aid.ed, That the City Engineer cause a
atur streetlbox to be and Bedfordstreet.
comer of De
ieher, Gahan, Kokgelpng Blom,
l LeithauseBookr, bilines,
4elady, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber. Mn Vice
'resident -14.
Approved Oct. 16. 1889 -
3y Ald. Mineo-
Resolved, That the street oil lump -.true for
e instructed to erect sad maintain lamps on
he following corners:
On the southeast corner of Louisa bad Hall.
On the northwest corner of Elizabeth and
On the northwest corner of Morton and Hall.
On the southeast corner of Page and Hall.
On the northwest corner of Curtice and Hall.
On the southeast corner of Dearborn and
id all rice.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Flsh-
er. Gabon. Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mines. Me
lady, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber. Mr. Vice Presi
dent -14.
Approved Oct. 16, 1889.
By Committee on Gss-
Resolved, 7'h at the Gasollneoil lamp con
tractor is hereby instmeted Lo remove oil
lamps on following streets, Lc.wit:
One lamp, northeast ccrner Brewster ¢led
Winter streets.
One lump, southwest corner Brewster and
Arch streets.
One lamp. 150 feet eastof Broweteron Win
One lamp, 150 feet west of Jackson on Winter.
One lamp. south aide Winter, between Brew
ster and Park avenue; and locate the some, to -
One lamp, southeast corner Park and Jesse
One lamp, southwest corner Park and Cook.
One lamp, northeast corner Park sad Mer
One lamp, northwest corner Sylvan and Mer.
one lamp, northwest Cotner Sylvan and Park.
Y"' -Aid. Bickel. Blom, Bock, Culleb. Leithn, Con
Mfee" Meiad , Pratt, Sullivan. Weber, Mr.
vice President -15.
Approved Oct. 16,18W.
BG Cum ria gluon Gse-Substitute for Aid.
el-nResolved, That the Gasoline Oil Contractor
he and he Is hereby authorized and instructed
to erect sad maintain gasoline lamps as fol-
One lamp northeast corner Cayuga sad Agate
One lamp southwest corner Agate and York
One Iamp northeast edtner Agate nod Cook ! Yens-Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con-
stmets. ley, Fisher. Gehau. Kavanagh, Lelthaueer,
One lamp southea,t corner Agate and Pop', Mines, Mclady, Pratt. Sullivan, Weber, Mr,
lar attests. Vioe President -15.
One lamp northwest corner Agate and Pop Approved Oct. 16, 1999.
lar streets.
One lamp northwest corner Agate and Case 133, Aid Blom -
Resolved. Tbat the gasoline lamp contractor
stOnes lamp southeast corner of Agate and be and he is hereby ordered to erect and main
Jenks streets. tain gasoline lamps, as follows:
One lamp northwest corner Agate and I_ One lamp on the northeast corner of Earl
street and St. Paul & Duluth Railroad.
son streets. ! One lamp on the southwest corner of Earl
One lump northwest corner Agate and Mag street and Wells street.
nolia streets. One lamp on the northeast corner of Earl
One lamp on York between Allots and Court street and fork street.
land streets. One lamp on the sent hwest corner of Earl
One lamp on Poplar between eco Agate and street antl S(msatrest.
Courtland streets. One lamp on the southwest corner of Earl
One lamp on Sycamore, between Rice and i street and Case street.
Park avenue. j One lamp on the southwest corner of Earl
Yeas-Ald. Bickel. Blom, Beck, Culler- Constreet and Jenks street.
ley, Fisher. Gabon, Kavanagh. Leithauser, ! ane lam on the southwest comer of Earl
Mines. Melody Pratt. Sullivnn. Weber, Mr.; p
Vice President -15. street and I.nw,on street.
Approved Oct. in. 'egg. One lamp on the southwest corner of Ear
street and gook Street.
One lamp on the northeast corner of Jenks
and DeSoto streets.
One, lamp on the southeast corner of Lawson
and DeSoto streets.
One lamp on the southeast corner of Cook
and DeSoto streets.
One Iamp on the northeast comer of West-
mioster and Lookout place.
One lamp on the northwest corner of West
minster and York streets.
Yens -Aid. Bickel. Blom. Bock, Cullen,
i Fisher, Gabon, Kavanagh, Leithauser.
i Minna, Melody, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber,
! Mr. Vice President -14.
! Approved Oct, iii. 1999.
By Aid. Bock -
Resolved. That the gasoline oil lamp con
tractor is hereby instructed to have every
other lamp on West Seventh street, from
Pleasant avenue to Fort Snelling bridge, dis-
continued. and he to notify City Engineer the
number of lamps.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Callen, Fish
er, Gahan, Kavanagh, Leithauser. M/sea, Mal-
ady, Pratt. Sullivan, Weber. Mr. Vire Presl-
.approved Oct. 14 little.
By Aid. Mines --
Resolved. That the street oil law peontractor
be instructed to erect and muintutn u tampion
the southeast comer of Stryker avenue led
Winifred street.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Fish-
Gehan, Kavanagh. Lethnuser. Minea, Mel
ady, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice Pr8s1
dent -14.
Approved Oct. 16. 1889.
By Aid. Pratt -
Resolved, That the city oil lamp contractor
cause oil lamps to be placed on University ave
nue as follows:
One (1) on north side of University avenue,
corner Ly'nnimrst avenue.
One (11 about Sill) feet east of Lynnhurst ave
nue on University.
Two lamps on Auburn avenue, between Prior
and Fairview.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, I.e.fthauser. Mines,
Melady, Pratt, Sullivan. Weber, Mr. Vice
President -14.
Approved Oct. 16, 1889.
By Ald. Melody -
Resolved, That the street oil lamp contractor
be and is hereby Instructed to place and main
thin one gasoline Ismp on southeast comer of
Winslow avenue and Winifred street.
Also, remove the lamp on the north end of
Stryker avenue and Prospect terrace to the
southeast corner of Stryker avenue and Plus
peat terrace.
By Ald. Blom -
Resolved, That the Rusoline Inmp contra
or he and he Is hereby ordered to erect and
maintain gasoline lamps, as follows:
One lamp o northeast comer of Be Soto
vtreet and Cook street. '
One lamp on the southwest corner of De Soto
street and Lawson street.
One lamp on the northeast corner of DeSoto
street and Jenks street.
One lamp In the middle of the block between
Pork street and White)] street on De Soto
street, on the west side.
One lamp southeast corner of Welds and
Whitall streets.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock, Cullen.
Fisher, Gehan Kuvanngh, Leithauser, Mines,
Malady, Pratt. Sullivan, Weber, Mr, Vice Pres -
dent. -14.
Approved Oct. Ill, I9'i9.
By Ald. Blom -
Resolved, That the gasoline lamp contractor
be and he Is hereby ordered to event and main
tain gasoline lamps as follows:
One lamp on the northeast comer of Cook
street and Cypress street.
One lamp on the southeast corner of Cook
street and Forest street.
One lamp on the southwest corner of Cook
street and Mendota street.
One lamp on the northeast corner of Cook
street and Jessie street.
Can Jump on the southeast corner of Cook
street and Bradley street.
One lamp on the southeast corner of Cook
street ¢ad Clark street.
One lump on the northwest corner of Cook
street and Arkwnght street.
One limp on the northeast corner of Cook
street dad McMenemy street.
One ]amp on the southwest corner of Mugno-
nn street and Mendota street.
One lamp on the northeast corner Of Magno-
Be street find Forest street.
One lump on the southwest corner of Magna
iia street and Cypress street.
Three lampsn Whitell street, between
Arcade and Weide.
One lamp northwest corner Westminster and
Cayuga street.
Two lamps on Westminster street bridge.
Yens-Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Co.
leype Fisher, Gehan. K.\•unit -,h,Leithauser,
M Melaay, Pratt. Sullivan, Webe. r. Mr.
Vice Yrinid0 t-1 �.
Approved Oct. IG. Ilee'.
By Aid. Bock --
2 1•`d That the gasoline all lamp crin
One atsentheast ce,, r Roebe Bad Victoria
One on Grand avenue to center of block 8,
Summit Park addition.
Yens-Ald. Bickel, Dlom, Bock. Cullen.
Fisher, Geban, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mince,
Malady, Pratt. Sullivan. Weber, Afr. Vice
President -14
Approved Oct. 111. 1519.
Resolved, ?`hat cttV oil lamp contractor be
hereby ordered to plane and maintain gasoline
lamps n Minnehaha street, from East Seventh
street to Frank street. ono lamp IP center of
each block.
Yens-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con-
ey. Fisher. Gehan. Kavanagh, Leith ausOr,
Minea, Melody, Pratt, Sullivun, Weber, Mr.
Voce President -15
Approved Oct. tri. 1889.
By Ald. Conley-
lieselved. 'That the St. Paul Gas Company
to erect and
be old o2` nereb;a�strae Tbird street• be
gas pa it
tween tV acoutn and
G d Sibley street, and
r inn and Goodhue strand ria one
n Sixth street betweev Rosnbol unit Ynoouto
1 eso tr. as street.
be instructed to remove oil lumps Yea= Ald Bickel. Blom. Bock, Cullen,
I ollo w s: Fisher, Gehan. I{avanagb. Leithau Mines.
Four n Goexiriell avenuc . b-11111 hest M11:tdy, Pratt. Sullivan, WOber, Mr. Vice Pres
Seventh and Wilkin strcets.jdcn 1-14.
Four on M,Bnot street. heiu'ee. West Sev Approved Oct. M. 181'9.
enth and Wilkin streets.
One, corner Colborne and Jefferson avenue.
Andlocate the same. to -wit: 13RA11v ed nTuat Pn ardor be drawn ..the
One at northeast corner Victoria Ind Arm- Cit}' Treasurer in favor of Lawler & Durment.
strong street, attorn cps f record for the plaintiff hereinafter
'Una at southwest corner Victoria :mit P:rince ed. forth, sum and amount hereinafter
street. specdilir in payment of certain judgment
One at northwest corner Milton and P11111 which was entered of record to the oO. of the
street. Clerk of the District (tort, Second Judicial
O.0 at
southeast corner Milton and James Distrie[. on Sept. 13. 15'3::. lit favor f Charles
street I lV. Jagger. Platnttiff. and against the said Clty
One nt southwest corner Ylensunt at eau of St. Paul. for the s and amount of tour
and James street. hundred and ttft}' on
thirty-seven hundredths
One at northwest corner Chatsworth and t='i51'1't dollars: s id or dor to be tlelivered only
James street. upon there being flied a 'ntisfactfon of said
One on south aide of Palace. between Milton ]udgmcnt in said court. in duc form of law, and
and Victoria. a certified copy thereof, with the City COMP-
Oneon south side of James, between Cbeets. troller.
th and Pleasant avenue. 1"ens-Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen, Fish
w one on south side of James, between Milton er, Gehan. Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mince. Met
and Victoria. I ady. Pratt. Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice Presi
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen, dent -14
Fisher, Gehan, Way, Leithauser, Aline., Approved Oct. IQ ]889.
Mel ,dp. Pratt, Sullivan, Weber. Mr. Vice
Peesla n¢nn li.
Ort tri- Poll)
By Ald. Snnborn-
Resolved, Thut the gasoline street lump co
tractor he and he Is hereby ited-cleu to erect
and maintain gasoline street lamps aL the fol-
lowing Points, to -wit:
ne tstreenorth
I est Comer of Evergrcenand
a astreettb West corner of Evergreen and
One at the southeast corner of Evergreen and
Chatsworth streets.
By Ald. Fisher -
Resolved. 'Ph at an order be drawn upon Lha
local improvement fund in favor of John B.
Hermann for the earn f one tbounand
six and 3111:0 ($I,W0:38) dollars, together
with interest thereon from the lbih day
August, ists, in full payment of that certain
judgment entered "PI,
p and
.perfected u1 Cord
n Jac ,nice o[ the Clark of the District Court.
Second Judicial District, State of Mire -iota,
n said date, in favor of said Jchn B. Hermnn
appellant, and against the City of St. Pani,
respondent, for the num of one thousand sixty
six and 38.]00 (61.6 .38) dollars. Said order tr
be deliveredonly Pon there being filed
the City Comptroller a certilicute of the satis-
faction of said judgment in said court in duc
form of law.
Years-Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen.
Flsher, Gehvtn. Kavanagh• Leithauser, Mi. ea.
Melody. Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice
President -14.
APProved Ocl. 10, 1889.
By Ald. A iaea-
Resoiv%. That an order be drawn upore the
City Tre usurer In favor of Propping & Mark
ham, attorneys of record for Sarah Wulff. is
payment of that certain judgment entered up
and perfected of recordin the office of the Clerk
of the District Court of Ramsey County. Minna
o[u, on the Pith day of September, IM!" it
favor of Sarah Wu1R and against in 1 City of
St. Pam. for tee sum of 6W.s, said order to be
for that sum: said order to be delivered my
apon there certinoate I. do.for. of tIn. satisfact unlee
said judgment of record in said District t. urt.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom Dock Callen
Flsher, Gahan, Kavanagh, Leith...... Minea.
Meladv, Pratt, Sullivun, Weber, Me. \'iQO
President -14.
Approved Oat. id. 11,49.
By Aid.
Gehan--That on order be drawn .n the
City 'Treasur,, for the sum of twelve and 31dOJ
d 0l tars 1n favor of Y H. Kelly. said amount
having been lrraneensly paid for) saring snow
from sidewalk on cast and west sties of block
M. Lyman Dayton., addition t St. Pun l• there
being nosidewalk thereon at that time.
Yens -Aid. Bickel. Blom. Bock. Cullen.
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh. Leithauser htinc a,
Malady. Pratt. Sullivan, \Veber, Jlr. Vice Pres-
Approved Oct. IG, 18!19.
By In. Minen-
Resolved by tho Common Council of the City
of St. Paul- State of Mipne>ota. 'That the
proPerrity omcer.4 be and they ilercby are
instructed to issue one hundred and nfty thou
rid dollars if! :A"11 of bonds of the City o1
St. Paul. to denmtna ring n o cLat fl- rate oars (r per
each. be ori an tin th, rate
of four per cont y per ile tiler ,ua, :. pn}-of
the Citgo St. Pa at [!to Finan ciull�l�gcncv of
the City o[ 6t. Foul in the City of New ]-ur4:.
Said bonds shall bear date of Jun. I, 1490, and
the principal thereof 'hall be PayaldO ou the
first day of January, A.D. 19! 1, being thirty f:kll
yeurs from the date oI issu c.
The proceeds of the sale Of said bods. or no
apo h thereof as obeli be acre.. to hall be
ed for the purpose of con st ntetiu� the piers
and foundations for n free -con bridge for
public use across the Misslssipni oriver. to con
Pact Broadway street on the east ,awith
state street on the west sine ov
f said r r, in
said City of St. Paul, as provided by theact of
the Legislature, approved Fcb. :::,. A. D. IMM.
.tided An act to nz
1 e the Common
a tho
Council o1 the City of St. Paul to issue the
bonds of said city for the construct tun of a free
•agon bridge for public use a cress the Missls-
. Ippi river. Said bonds shall be negotiated by
the Committee on Ways and Means of the City
of tit. Paul. and the proceeds thereof shall be
placed in the City Treasury to the credit of tae
Broadway bridge fund.
Yeas-Ald. Rickel. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Fish
er. Gehan. Kavanagh, Leithauser, Minea. Mel-
ody. Pratt, Sullivun, Weber, Mr. Vice Praea-
Approved Oct. 10, ISS9.
By Aid. Cll
uen- —
Resolred. That the Proper city o0leers of the
City of SL Paul be and they are hereby author
zed Pad directed to issue one certificate of in-
debted -se, payable to Robert A. Smith,
\I uynr. or order, for the sumf four hundred
rid fifty l?,W) dollars, payable in six months
from the date thereof, with interest not to ex
coed the rate of seven (7) per cent per annum,
payable semiannually, as authorized by subdi
x (n1 of section three (3) of an act enti-
tled "An net to amend the Charter of the City
of St. Paul and the a is riterrol.tary thereof,"
approved February t1, A. D. IIW,, said
being hereby aper, inted to 'd in defraying
the ezpcuse oP ntertu is In g i he me mb ars f
the Pon -American Congress in their contem-
p ated visit to in,, city.
Yeas -Ale!. Rickel. Blom. Beat,. Culle.,-
Fisher. Gehan. Kavanagh. L ithain er, Minen•
M,I.dy, Pratt. Sullivan, Weber, My Vice Pres
Approved Oct. IG, Issf).
By Ald. Cullen -
Resolve 1. That the Common Conned hereby
e to guarantee the p:ty[n eat of tae sum of
lhecthuusand dollar, for the purpose of the
hohlinyof the Nati onul Educ.tmeal eAssocia
tion [n 't. Paul in 1,390.
Yens -Aid. Bickel. Blom, Book. Cullen, Fish
er. (: ehnn. Kavanagh. Leithauser, Minea, alai
ddy. Pratt, Sttll Ivan, Weber. Mr. Vice,Presi-
Approved Oct. 16. 1889. -
13, Aid. Cullen -
Resolved. That the contract between Matt
Leith—er andthe Board of Control forth.
traction of a toot evllar at the Ramsey
County Almshouse, at a cost of 31;215, of 'bich
amount the county nays two thirds and the city
one third is hereby rutin Bd.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel. Blom. ]lock, Cullen,
Fisher, Gch:m, Kavanagh. Leith auser, Mine..
Melody Pratt. Sullivan, Weber -13.
Nays -Mr. Vice President -1.
.Approved Oct. Ali. 11S'9.-
By .lid. 'Well -
Wbereas. The St. Paul. Minneapolis & Muni
toba hallway Company, through its president,
JI r. James J. Hill. promised the Common Court -
cd of this city that a bridge should be con
slructed at Dale street across tae right of way
f said railway covtpany before the tlrst day of
And, whereas, The said railway, eomp¢ny has
neglected t0 build said bridge, in accordance
with its written agreement:
There fore,be it resolved, That the Committee
on Streets unit Bridges report to this Council
the reasons why the work 1 a not been done,
together withc _is a recommendation as to the
Papr.ul. Almic,polia &t Manitobu aken el
ailway said
del y to build the Dale street bridge t
Yeas -AW. Bickel, Blom, Back. Cullen, Fish-
er, Gabon, Kavanagh, Leithauser. Mine., Mel
ady. Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice Preid
Approved Oct. 16, I6e9.
By Aid. Weber -
Resolved, That on account of an error in pre
vious years In the method of making appoint
ments of
at such oppo[ tme ttstrol drivers. be i this dayYannulled.
and that the Mayor be instructed to make the
appointments for the position of patrol drivers
at tae tohe ffferent oharac[eriice reputa[lonuand c• pabilias be tpyee
Yeas -Aid.. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, ('oa
leyy Gehan, Kavanagh, Lefthauser, Mines, \fel-
ady Pratt, Sullivan, WOWH-19.
Nays-Ald. Fisher. Mr. Vice President -l.
Approved Oct. 16, 1tW9.
BY Aid. Weber -
Resolved, That Walter 19. Butler i, hereby
authorized to build, ut his own expense and
under the direction and supervision of the City
Engineer, n newer on Virginia avenue In front
of lot L, block 2, of F.Its t, Beriiheimer and
Arnold'. addition, being about IW feet north
erly Irom Aurora avenue, the cast of ngineer
F3. Hafter,ssil
oldtsewer oeconine hywithitsodhe ewer
now on Aurora .ren ut•.
Yeas -Aid. Bickel, Blom. Rack. Cullen, Fish-
er, Geban. Kavanagh, Leithauser. Minea, Mel
dy, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice Presl
dent -14.
Approved Oct. 16, 1889.
By Abi. Blom -
Whereas. Tie Common Council of the City of
St. Paul, nt . meeting held o. the 151h day of
October, A. D. 1859, did adopts resolution va.
IIIFairveatiniall of ew addition
Ito St Paul, blue between(Jenks
street end Case street, in said city; therefore
be it resolved, That the value of sold prem/aes
o vacated as ufor... ia be and the .ame is
hereby fixes at the sum of two hundred dollars
(>M100), Lhe eald sum being not less than o pro
port on at
average value of the property .but
ting up.. said premises so vacated according
o the aseeesment for taxation for, the year A
D. IdY
Yens-Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock, Cullen
Me ady, Pratt,eSullivan,Web-Mr. a, Kavanagh, eiMinea
ViceY es
Approved Oct. Ill. 1559,
By Aid. Blom -
Where... The owner. of the property but
"Been.n ad I51, Fair I wt addhe ition to St. Pau he,!
ppetltion.0 the Common Council of the City 0
St. Paul to vacate .11 of Bald alley as the same
existsin said block fifteen t15t. Fnirviewod
dition to St. Paul, between looks street n
Cassettes" in Tiaid city, which said petittoi
duly sets forth the facts and reasons for sak
vacation, and was duly accompanied by a pin
thereof as proposed o be vacated, and
Whereas, The Common Council, upon th
preeent +tion of Bald petition, deemed it Caped
eat that the matter be proceeded with an
ordered said petition to be filed of record wit
the City Clerk, and notice to be given by publ
cation, as provided by law, and
Whereas, Due notice by publication in the
official paper of said city for four weeks, Com-
mencing on the 6th day of August, A. D. 1889, to
the effect that said petition had been flied with
the City Clerk, stating in brief Its object, and
that the same would be heard and -cal
by the Common Councilof the City of St. Paul.
n Tuesday. the 17th day of September. A. D.
18sg,at 7:90 o'clock in the afternoon of said day,
at the Council Chamber in the City Ball of sold
City , and. aherea., at the time and
place las[ above designated far the
investigation arta consideration of
such proposed vacation of said alley, as
aforesaid. the inveatigation and consideration
thereof was postponed from time LO time, as
x•111 more fully appear by the official pro-
ceedings of the Common Council, until the 15th
day of October. Igs), and
sultlhforethe �i\iivestig0 TO and considertion of
u h proposed venation of said elle, us afore
"'t the Common Council, after hearing all
persons interested. pod being of hearing
that the same Is unse snary and proper, and that
the prerequlsl... therefor have In all respects
been fully complied with: now. therefol-be it
Resolved. That all of said alley in block
fifteen of Fairview addition to St. Paul, us the
same exists In said block, between Seeks
street and Case areal. in said city,as thesame
uppean of record in the office of the Register
of Deeds in and for the County of Ramsey,
Minnesota. be and the same Is hereby declared
to be vacated and discontinued, os asked for in
said petition and as herein above specified.
Y 'ided, thutlhe owner od dull' execute and
block 15, of Fairview addion, u y
cord a plat rearranging said block and de-
dicating far an alley a quantity of'unit equal
to that herehy vacated, na ruuntug tarough
the center of said block, from JCssie street to
Bradley street,in said city.
Yeas-A'd. Bickel, Blom. Rock, Calle.,
Fisher, GChan, Kavanagh, Leithauser. Minea,
Malady, Pratt. Sullivan, Weber. Mr. Vice Pre -
.ideal 14.
Passed Oct. Is, Ig69.
Vice President of Council.
Approved Oct. 16. 889.
ANTHONY YOERG. JR., Aoting Mayor.
THOS. A. PBENDER-ST, City Clerk.
Oct. 112.
Whereas. The I'am... C .... if of the City of
St. Paul heretofore ordered the Board of Pub-
lic Works to report whether. Change of grade
on Park .venue, Irom Sherburne avenue to Arch
street, in said city, as shown by a red line on
o Profile annexed to sold order, was necessary
and Proper. and whether real estate to be
sessed for sold improvement could be found
benefited to the extent of said Ithe damages and
costs and
hereas+ nrred nnre with said with Inaccord,the
Board of Public Werke did make u report to the
Common C....11 of date Sept. 3, 1889, recom.
mending said change of grade, and that prop
'rty could be found benefited to the extent of
the damages, costs and expenses nece.... y o
be in,
in making said change of grade as
aforesaid. and
Whereas, The Common Council of said city on
the 5th day o: September. 1669, adopted said re.
port and ordered the City Clerk to give the no
tice required by law, and
Whereas, The City Clerk gave notice in the
official paper of sold city, for three successive
weeks, twice In each week, that the Common
Council of said city would, an the 15th duv of
October, IM9, at T::M o'clock P. al., at the Coun-
eilChamber,in said city, coustdersurh proposed
change of grade, and
Whereas, At the time and place last desig
.ted for such proposed change of grade, the
Common Council, after hearing all persons
terested, and being of the opinion that the
same is necessary and proper; therefore be it
Resolved, That the grade of Park avenue,
from Sherburne avenue to Arch street. be and
the same is hereby changed to accordance with
the red line as shown on annexed profile, being
the same as referred to in all the proceedings
had in regard to said change; and be it further
Resolved, That this order and the profile rer,
resenting said change of gr de be referred to
the Board of Public Works, nd that
said Board shall proceed without an
assess the amount, as nearly as they ran ns
certain the same, which shall be required to
pay the dnmagos, coats and expenses of such
improvement upon the real estate to bebene
fited by said improvement... provided by law ; it
being the opinion of the Common Connell that
real estate to be assessed for such Improve.
ment can be found benefited to the extent of
the damages, costs and expenses necessary to
be Incurred thereby.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Minea,
Melody, Pratt, Sullivan. Weber. Mr. Vice
President -14.
Approved Oct. le, 18BU.
Resolved by the CommonCouncil of the
City of St. Paul, Minnesota, That the
ent tar sidewalks on Bunker , treet, in said
city, between Woodbury and Oakdale streets,
be and the same is hereby annulled and set
aside, and the same be paid line,, to owners.
Yens -Alda Bickel, Bion, Back, Callen,
Fisher, Gehan, Kayanagb. Leithauser, Minea,
Mel.dv. Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice Pres
Approved Oct. 16. 1569.
By Aid. Weber -
Resolved, That the Board of Public Work.
be instructed to annul proceedings in the mat
ter of . sewer on Virgiuia avenue, from Igle
hart to University avenue. the r s for an
nulling the same being on account of the'la[c.
ness of the season.
Yens-Ald. Blckel, Blom. Back, Cullen,:
Fisher. Cohan, Karunagh, Letthonest ' Minea.
Melody, Pratt. Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice
President -la.
Approved Oct. 15,'859.
By Aid. Kavanugh-
Besidead, Tha: the resolution passed by the
Common Council at II meeting held Sept. lT.
1699 outaorizing the Board of Public Works to
cause stone sidewalk to be laid o. Wabasha.
between Fourth and Fifth street, and on the
southerly side of Fifth, between St. Peter and
Wabubu street. be and the same is hereby re-
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Fish
er, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Minet, Mel-
ody, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice Presi-
dent -14.
Approved Oct. 16, 1889.
BY Ald. Kavanagh -
It esolvud, That the Board of Public Works
be and i, hereby aulhorized to Cause sidewalk
.)f hexagonal or square catnent steno to be
lai:! o -th side.. of F, ,lith (Sib) street, be-
t u�et-u \t.abu,ha and Jackson street; also on
the north sideof College avenue, between Third
and Sixth streets: also in frontal lot 6, block 2,
RiceS Irvine's addition to St. Paul, to be done
at once and under the supervision of the City
Yeas-Ai(t Biel el,Btom.flock.Cullen. Fisher,
Gehon. Kavanagh, Leithanser, 3linea, Melady,
Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. VicePresident-
Approved Oct. 16, 1559.
By Ald. Bock-
Resalved, That the Board of Public Works
cause stone cement sidewalks to be lald on
south side of Walnut street, between Ex
change and Irvine Park.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock, Cullen.
Fisher. Gehan, Kavanagh, Lelthauser• Mines,
Melody. Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice
Approved Oct. 16. 155.9. _
By Aid. Cullen -
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
be and he is hereby authorized to cause cement
sidewalks to be laid in front of the follow-
ing dcecriUed property: North side of Summit
avenue. tram the southwest corner of Portland
avenue running 1.13 feet west to Property of A.
C. Kidd.
Yens-Ald. Bickel. Blom. Bock, Cullen, Fish-
er, Gabon, Kavanagh, Leithanser, Minea,
Melody, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice
President -14.
Approved Oct. 16, 1659
By Ald. Kovanagh-
Resolved. That the Board of Public Works be
and is hereby authorized to cause sidewalk of
hexagonal or cement stone to be laid on the
easterly side of Rice street, between College
avenue and Summit avenue (except in front of
lot Il, block 54), Irvine's enlargement, to be
done ut once, and under the supervision of the
City Engineer.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen, Fish.
r, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Minea, Me -
lady. Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice Presi.
Approved Oct. 16, MS'J. r
By Aid. Pratt -
Resolved, That so much of a resolution as
relates to a sidewalk in front of lot & block 41,
St. Anthony Park. and Passed by this Council
Sept. 1T, and approved Sept. I8, 1859,
be and the Same is hereby annulled and
epea'ed: also in f..s.I of lot 8. block 751 St.
Anthony Park, far the reason those walks were
already laid prior to the passage of resolution.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom Bock, Cullen. Fish-
er, Celina, lKavanngh. Lefthauser. Minea,
Melody, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber. Mr. Vice
President -14.
Approved Oct. 16, 1889.
By Aid. Weber- ----
Reso'vea, That the Board of Public ttit`rEk.
cause an eight foot sidewalk (withcrossing)
pIld on Lexington avenue (east side), from
Front tOM
oKenty street. ._ , i
Yeas—Ald. Bickel. Blom. Bock. Cullen. Fish-
e,,Gebsn, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Miami. Mel
y, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice Prost.
dent -14.
Approved Oct. ie. IMO.
By Ald. Leithauser—
R hereby ordered to h..
ha.. of 1. -'art wooden
Sidewalk ...strutted on the Gust side of Bore
street, from Sixth street to Seventh street,
with then my crossw'ull[s.
Yeas.—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen, Flsh-
Gehun, Kavanagh. Leithauser, Afineu. Mel
adv. Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Af r. Vice Yreai
C Approved Oct. 1ti,1HNU.
By Ald. Weber --
Resolved. Thu[ the, Bou.,I of Yublie. [Yorks
eight -loot sidewalk placed ou soutb
side of Como from or u es't line of
lotf block 2, Nearo's ,d little to the east laud
of Como ve.. bridge.
Yens—Aid. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen. Nish
Gena.. Kuva...h, th
Leiauser, Afinea. Afel-
edy-. Pratt, Sullivan, Web,r. ht r. l"ic' Presi-
dent -14.
Approved Oct. ld. 1K u-
By Aid. Weber --
Resolved. That the Board of Public Works
eight -foot wooden ed -w will, laid (w':th
Sues any crossings) o est ' de If Miller
,it.. 02h, a wooden sidewalk is not already
]aid) from University ...nue to Lau rel even lie,
:dao an efo6t foot 'tlewalk (with as
ingsl est side of Fisk street (where a
sidewald is not already constructed, from Ur i_
versity "venue to Laurel avenue.
Ye Goblin, Ka vardckel,eh,m Leithou etre v, Fish
Al elady, Pratt. Sullivan, Weber, Alr.Vnce Pres -
den -14.
Approved Oct. Iii, 1889.
By Aid. Blom --
Resolved, That the Board f Public Works
cause a sixfoot wooden Sidewalk to be tom
tructed on the west side of Arcade Street, from
Maryland street to Como and Phalen avenues,
with necessary crosswalks.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock, Cullen.
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Minea,.
Melady. Pratt, Sullivan, [Veber. Mr. Vice
Approved Oct. la. IW..t.
Ald. Leithauer—
Reaolved, That Lhe Board of Public Works
a ix -foot wooden sidewalk to be luta on
the north aide of White Bear avenue, from S11
enth street to the west side of Ames nt enue,
with the necessary crossw-alkn.
Yeas—Ald. Bl ek el. Blom, Bock, Cullen,
Fisher, Gehou, Kul Sell Leithauser, Aiineu,
Melady, Pratt, Sullivan. Weber. Mr. Vice
Oct le, I8.49,
By Aid. Sullivan—
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
e hereby aatnoazea to co❑atret ix -
wooden sidewalk oil orth side ttof Carroll
street, between Snelling avenue and Fry
Yea,--lld. Bickel, Blom. Bonk, Cullen,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Letthanscr, Afire.,
Malady. Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice
Yre,ido n t-14.
Approved Oct. l e, 18hf9.
By Aid. Pratt —
Resolved. That the city sidewalk contractor
be and is hereby instructed to cause to be laid
'foot wooden sidex'alk on north
of let
:I:sb Wck W, St. Anthony Park, west of Manuel
Yeas—Aid. Bickel. Blom. Book, Cullen.
Fisher, Cohan, Kavanagh. Leithauser, Al lneu,
Malady, Pratt, Sullivan. Weber, Mr. Vice
President -14.
Approved Ort. in, Is'+iu.
By AI'L nock -
Resolved. That tine Board of Publie Work.,
vallis to be lour as follows:
clies On the east side of Chatsworth, iter.11 St.
Ou the Cant side of D ... emmi, across Goo,[ -
O. the cast side of Webster, across It..
On the north side of Randolph, aeross Well
nt lar.
fin the uorih side of West Sr,culh street.
ss Armstrong u
n Yens—Aid. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen. Fish-
Grh;in, Havana Rh. Ledhuuscr, Minea. Mel
adv, Pratt Sullivan, Weber. Mr. Vire Presl
dent -14
APpreved Oct. iii. 1M,l.
By Aid. Bockd,—
ResolveTbtt the Board ofPublic Works
cause sidewalks to be laid on the following
On north side of Ramsey street, from West
Seventh to Wilkin street.
On north side of Elm street, from Exchange
to Franklin .street.
On west Side f Webster street, from West
Seventh to Randolph Street, six feet wide.
Yea, Aid. Bickel. Blom, Bock, Cullen. Fish-
er, Gehan. Kavanagh, I.eIthuuser, Minea, Met
dy, Pratt, Sullivan, We her, her. Vice Prest-
Approvetl-Oct. le, I889.
By Aid. Sullivan.
Resolved, That the Board ofPublic Works
are hereby authorized to con truct six foot
mode, sidewalk on the south side of Marshall
c, from Amos street to the east line of lot
I6',Dllnck .1l. Merriam Pork, with' ss lk
s Amos street, on south side ofcro
a Yens—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Fish
er, Gehun, Kavanagh. Lcithanser, Minea.
Melady, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice Pres
Anrovcd Oct, la, ]MO.
By' Ald. Bock—
R solved, That the Board f Public Works
cause an e eight foot wooden eidew alk to be laid
on south side of Palace street, between Vim
toria and Milton street.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock. Cull ea. Fish -
Gehan. Kavanagh. Lefthaus,r. Atineu, Me
lady. Pratt, Sullivan, Weber. Air. Vice Presi
deaf -14.
A pp-led
16. INNS.
By Aid. G.hon—
It le hereby ordered b} the Commoo Comcil of
tic City of St. Pull:
That the matter .1 c o. tanto. of
.i acks . from Winter yeti I.
St., MI neapolel a Mau—"`Railroad
CroPerty line: [hence over n-,i.l "ilr„ad prop
•rt}' to Oti Courtland tient. be
Ina the same' isi hereby referred to the Itoard
u[ Public Worl:s to estigate ami rel It:
First Is this
impro ..meat proper and act
any r
esSoloed, Give the Cmuci. au "'I"te
of the
•spew the •mf, and state whet her � , halPt of
the cont thereof is to be P:iid into 1be ity
T....... ry before the contract "
'third. Can read «irate to be ,Santa+nl fo!.
aid be I- I be --ted tel it,,—
t of damages, coats ad cPcn. ue, � I ,
beincurrcd thereby'•
Fourth. Issue, tmlrolle cat asked for upon
the petition or application of t^, � - f :I
nonjor(Ly o[ the property to b, asst �svofor
itch improvement':
Fifth- Send the Council it pia. or profile of
aid in Provera ant. IS required by law. it you
report in I-- If the name.
Sixth. Se.d the C ... lit a proper order
llreoting tri. wont in he Sion'.
Yeas—Aid. Bickel, Blom. Bulk. Cullen. Fi,h
uGehan, Kuvannagh, Leithauser: Aline,, 1te1-
dy', Pratt, Sulli t'an. Wcber. Af r. Vice I'resi
dent -14.
Approved 0, t. Iii, 1-".
By Aid. \Veber—
It is hereby ordered by thv Common Council
Of the City of St. Paul:
That the ant ter of RrudtnR Minnchaha
street, from Pomo avenue to Bamline avenue.
and nd the same is hereby referred to the
Board of Public Works to investigate and
First. Is thi, improvement proper and n,(
eASecond. Givethe Council an estimate of4he
'sponse thereof. and state whether one hit of
the cont thereof is to be paid into the Coy Treas
ury before the contractis let.
Third. Co. real estate to be as lased for
aid impro ant be found benndted�to the ex
of dam �em s, costs and expC sen occe-it,
to be incuirt'd thereby`.
Fourth. Is such fmprovcm ant sked for up
. the petition or Opp l ic,[iou of the o of
majority of the Property to be asst ssed\for
Fifth. Send the Council a plea or protli1 of
S aid improvement, as required by Inw', i[ you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council :t proper order It -
ecting tho work to be done.
Yens—Ald. Bickel. Blom. Bock, Calle., Fish
Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mine,. Mel
adc, Pratt, Sullivan. Weber, Mr. Vice Presi-
Approved Oct. le, 1689.
B}• AId. Blom—
It is hereby ordered by the (•-name, Council
of the City of St. Paul.:
That the matter of opening. widening
Ind ez[en Ling lle Smto street. from Cnse street
to Mognoliu street taking and eondeming the
land ury to tale etxt}'siz -foot
street ntbetw'een then pointsamed, be
,ad the is hereby referred Lothe Bon rd
of Public Works to investigate and report:
b'irsi. is this improvetucnt proper antl m:ccs
on it. Ctve the Council a estinn ato of the
expense thereof,nd rti[tr. whether on, half
of tic lost thereof is to be paid at, the City
T, easur)• before the contract is let.
Third. Can realestate tobe assessed for said
improvement bo [eared
beneiltnd to Linc ex -
of LLuaait costs and expenses necessary
to be incurred thereby`
Forth. 1s soch nmprovement �xskod for
up„n ih' petition ov application of the owners
eta majority orthe Properly to be a Herd
'uch trop to,
cmc. t:•
Fifth. Send the Connell a plan or pro! fle of
iul loprovemeut, :t eouired by hxw, if you
report in favor or the sane.
Slztb. Send the Council a proper order di
g the work to be done.
Y- Aid. llickel, 'Well Book. Cullen.
F -her, Gcharl. Kavanagh, Leithauser, Minea.
Melady, Pratt, Sullivan. Weber, At r. Vm.
Approved Olt. ]a.IMD-
III All. Leith :tuner --
it is hereby ordered by the Common C... til
of the City of St. Paul:
'chat the matter of grading Mmneh aha street.
from Beek street to the easterly city limits, be
and the same is hereby referred to the Board
of Public Works to investigate and report:
First. Is this improvement proper and ❑uc
Second. Gino lbe Council an estimute of the
t•xpene thereof, nod state whether one half of
'he, cost thereof is to Inc pai[I into the City
'Treasury before rite a•ontract is tet.
Third. Can real estate to be --sed for
ca Inn pro['emen[ be found btlne died to Lisa
extcut of du mages, costs and expeusos neat.
to bu incurred thereby'
Fourth. Is such Improvement asked for
npoa the Petition or app Illation of the owner,
mnjornty o[ the property to be assessed for
ich impro cat`
`t I, Ib. Scndtthe Council u pita or profile o[
said improvement, as"aired by law, if you
report in favor of the s
Sixth. Send the Council n proper order di
acting the work to be done.
Yeai-- old. Bickel, ]l lam. Bock, Cullea. Fish
c r. (;,ban,
ish:chan, Kavnugb, Lmthauser, Mine,,. Mel-
"yI'ra[t, so n. \VCLer. hl r. Vire Yreai
e t-14.
Approved Oct. itis la49.
By Aid. Blom
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That rho [ter of opening, widening and
extending of Payne avenue, from Magnolia
street to Maryland avenue. taking and can.
demningtheland necess.ryto make a sixty`
six-foot street between the points named. be
and the same Is hereby referred to the Board
of Public Works to investigate and report.
First. Is this Improvementproper and ¢etas- i
Second. Give the Council and estimate of
the expense thereof, and state whether one.
half of the coat thereof is to be paid into the
City Treasury, before the contract is let.
Th rd. Can real estate to be assessed for
said improvement be found benefited to the ex-
tent of damages, costs and expenses necessary
to be incurred thereby?
Fourth. is such improvement asked for
upon the petition or application of the owners
of a majority of the property to be assessed for
such improvement`
Fifth. Send the Council a pian or profile of
sold improvement, as required by law, if you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di-
recting the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel. Blom. Bock, Cullen. Fish-
er. Gehan. Kavanagh Leithouser, Minna. Me
lady, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber. Mr. Vice Presi-
dent -14.
Approved Oct. 16, 1859.
BP Ald. 1'oerg—
It is ordered by the Common Council
of the Citysty of of St. Paul:
That the sixty-six
feel wide, and extending Joy
avenue, sixty-six feet wide, from Joy'e Second
addition a Lakeview, Seem
and rho same is here
Inreferred n the Board of Public Works to
Investigate and report.
First. Is this improvement proper and nee
Second. Give the Council a. estimate of
the, expense thereof, and state whether one
half of the cost thereof, is to be paid Into the
City Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
said improvement be found betelft. to teh
extent o1 damages. costs a.d expenses uet•ea
sary to be incurred thereby`
Fourth. Is such impr-inefit asked for upon
the petition or application of the owners of.
majority of the property to be assessed for
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or pro Nle of
said improvement, as required by law, if you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order dl
recting the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock. Cullen, Fish-
er. Gehan, Kavanagh. Leith bear,
Mr.ea, sial•
dy, Pratt. Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice Presi
Approved Oct. 1d, 18811.
By AId.Leithauser—
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council
o[ the City o1 St. Paul:
That the matter of grading Bock street. from
Maryland street to Burns avenue, be slid the
name is hereby referred to the Board of Pub.
tic Works to investigate and report:
First. Is this improvement proper and nee—
Second. Give the Council a. estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether one-half of
he cost thereof is to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
said improvement be found benefited to
the extent of damages.costs and
tsury to be incurred therebyr
Fourth. Is such improvement asked for
upon the petition or application of the owners
of a majority of the property to be assessed for
such improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said improvement, as required by law, if you
report in favor of the some.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di
ratting the work to be done.
Yens—Ald. Bickel, Bloni, Bock. Cullen,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser. Mine.,
Muted y, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice
President -14.
Approved Oct. 16. I884i.
By Aid. Pratt—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Pont:
That the mutter of grading Minnehaha street,
from Hemline to Lexington avenue, be ana the
same is hereby referred to the Board of Pub
lie Works to investigate and re.ort:
First. Is this improvement proper and nec-
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether one-half o
the cost thereof is to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
said Improvement be found benefited to the
extent of damages, costs and expenses neces-
anry to be Incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such improvement sked for
upon the petition or npp...tI.. of the owners
of am
majority of the property to be assessed
for such Improvement!
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said improvement, as required by law, if you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth.Send the Council a proper order
directing the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock. Cullen,
Fisher. Gehan, Kavanagh, Lelthauser, Minea.
hfelndy. Pr.t , Sullivan. Weber. Mr. Vice
President -14.
Approved Oct. 16. 1889.
In the matter of the reports of the Board of
Public Works dated Sept. 19, 1899, aad Oct.
11, 1859.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of said City
of St. Paul couse the following improvement
to be made, to -wit: Grade uy.e avenue,
from York street to Cook street; Case street,
from a point 120 feet east of Payne avenue to a
point 20(1 feet west of Payne avenue, and Sims
treet. from a point Irk feet east of Payne ar
enue to u point IW feet west of Payne avenue.
in said city, said grading to be done oder o.
That said board cause said work to be let by
ntract, as provided Dy law, without ane -half
the estimated cost bet.g first paid Into the City
Treasury, and after said work shall be placed
under contract said Board shall proceed
without delay to assess the amount, as
nearly as they can ascertain the same, which
will be required to pay the cost and
necessary expenses of such improvement upon
the real estate to be benefited by said improve
went, as provided by law; it being the opinion
of the Council that real estate to be assessed
for such improvement can be found benefited
to the extent of the cost and expenses nec-
essary to be incurred thereby.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel. Blom. Bock. Cullen, Coe
leyy. Fisher, Geban, Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Milieu, Malady, Pratt, Sulllvan, Weber. Mr.
Vice President --15.
Approved Oct 16, 1889.
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works dated Sept. 28, Ig81i.
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of said City
of St. the
cause the following improvement to
be'made, to -wit: Grade Sydney street to
partial grade, between Bidwell street and
Wusec. Street, and to a full grade. between
Waseca street and Chippewa avenue, in said
That said Board Cause astir work to be let by
contract. as provided by law, without one half
the estimated cost bei¢�5 firer paid into the City
Treasury. nod after maid work shall be placed
under contract, said Board shall proceed with
out delay to assess the amount as nearly as
they can ascertain the same, which will be to
(jutted to pay the cost and necessary expenses
of such improvement upon the real estate to be
be.ellted by s.iit improvement, as provided by
law; It being tl.e opinion of the Council that
real estate to be assessed for such improve
in ant can be found benefited to the extent of
the cost and expenses necessary to be incurred
Yens—Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock. Cullen, Fish-
er, Geban. Kavanagh. Leithauser, Mines, at
ady, Pratt, Sulllvan, Weher, Mr. Vice Presi.
dent -14.
Approved Oct, 16, 18811.
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works dated Oct. 14, 1819.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of sgld City
of St. Paul cause the following Improvements to
be made. to wit: Grade Case street, from Cort-
land street to the right of way of the St. Paul
and Northern Pacific Railway company; Jenks
street, from Cortland street to the right of way
of the St. Paul and Northern Pacific Railway
company; Lawson street, from Cortland street
to the right of way of the St. Paul and Northern
Pacific Railway company: and Cook street,
from Cortland street to the right of way of the
St. Paul and Norther. Pont fle Hallway coni
pany In said city, said grading to be done under
one contract.
That said Board cause said worst to
be let by contract, as provided by law, without
one-half the estimated cost being first paid into
the City Treasury, and after said work sball be
placed under contract said Board shall proceed
without delay to assess the amouni,as nearly as
they can ascertain the same, which will be re.
quired to pay the cost and necessary expenses
of such improvement upon the real estate to be
benefited by said Improvement, as provided by
law: it being the opinion of too Connell that
real estate to be assessed for such improve
ment can be found benefited to the extent of
the cost and expenses necessary to be Incurred
Yens—Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock. Cullen, Con-
ley, Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Mines. Malady, Pratt. Sullivan, Weber, Mr.
Vice President -15.
Approved Oct. 19, 1889.
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works dated Oct. 11, 1889.
I L Is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of said City
of St. Paul cause the following improvement
to be made, to -wit: Grade Ferdinand street,
from St. Anthony avenue to Rondo street, in
sold city.
That said Board cause said work to be
let by conlraet, as provided by law-, without
one-half the estimated cost being first paid
to the City Treasury, and atter said work
Shull be placed under contract said Board
shall proceed without delay to assess the
mount, as nearly • s they can ascertain
the sumo, which will be required to pity the
cost and .ecessary expenses of such im-
provement upon the real estate to be bene-
fited by said improvement, as provided by
low; It being the opinion of the Council that
real estate to be assessed for such Improve.
ant can be found benefited to the extent of
the cost and expenses necessary to be in-
curred thereby
Yens—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con-
ley. Fisher, Gehan. Kavanagh, Lefthauser,
Minea. Melody, Pratt. Sullivan. Weber, Mr.
Vice President -15.
Approved Oct. Ifi, 1889.
JOHN F. GEHAN. Chairman of Council.
speei.l yiertln-.
ST. PAUL, Oct. 81, 1889.
Present—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen,
Cohiey, Fisher. Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Miner. Sullivan—il.
Aid. Gehan was elected chairman.
From His Honor the Mayor—Call for the Meet
His Honor the Mayor called the meeting at
request of Aldermen Blom. Bock and Conley
for the transaction of general business.
There being only eleven members present,
and the greater part of the business to come
before the meeting requiring twelve votes, the
Council, on motion of Aid. Cullen, adjourned.
Chairman of Council.
R.Irulnr ai seting.
ST, PAUL, Nov. u, 1889.
Vice President Yoerg in the chair.
Present—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen,
nley, Fisher. Gabon. Leithouser, Minna, Mel-
ody, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr.
Vice President -45.
street to Maryland areae. taking and con
demising the land necessary to make a sixty-
six -foot street between the Points named. be
and the is hereby referred to the Beard
of Public Works to investigate led report.
First. Is this improvementproper and neees-
y Second. Give the Council ad estlmate of
the expense thereof,nd state whether one
half of the cost thereof is to be paid into the
City Treasury before the contract is let.
Thled. Can t
real estate to be sed for
.aid improvement De found benefited to the ex-
tent of damages, costs and expenses necessary
to be incurred thereby`
Fourth. is such improvement asked for
upon the petition or application of the o
oI a majority of the property to be assessed [or
such improvement.
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said improvement, as required by law, if you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di
recting the work to be done.
Yeax—Ald. Hickel, Blom, Hoek, Cullen. Fish
er. Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Minea. Me
lady, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber. Mr. Vice Presi-
dent -14.
Approved Oct. IG. Igtl9.
B}• Ala. Yerg— —
IL is hereebS ordered by the Common Council
the City of St. Paul:
Thatthomalterofopeninq ndextending JUS
an sixty-six feet wide. from Joy's Second
I ddition to Lakeview, be and the sore is here
by referred to the Board of Public Works to
investigate and report.
First. Is this Improvement proper and nee
esSecond. Give the Councilestimate of
the expense thereof, and state whether one
halt of the cost thereof is to be paid into the
City Treasury before the contract 1s let.
Third. Can real estate to be s 'sed for
.,,,it Imroveme,_.tent of be is and bepenses notes
to the
ary to be incurred thereby!
s Fourth. Is such impeovmeut asked for upon
the petition or application of the owner. f a
mjority of the property to be assessed for
,such improvement.
s ilit, as
tmprovernenh. Send the orequired uncil a I by a la profile ifYou you
report in favor of the s
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di
eating the work to be done.
r Yeas—Aid. Bickel, Blom. Bock. Calls.. Fish
e Gehan, Kavanagh. Leithauser, Minea. Nis,
tly, Pratt. Built,,,, tVeber. Mr. Vice Presi
dent -14
Approved Oct. pi, 1&s1.
By A1d.Leithnuser—
It la hereby ordered by the Common C.uncrl
eI the Citi o} St. Paul:
That the matter of grinbi n Bock streeI.t. Irem
" y referred Bull,
to the Bluicoard of Pub-
lic Worlts to Investigate and ort:
First. Is this improvement proper veces
Ituil .. estimaof the
espepsedthareof,tand state whether Dae half of
the frost thereof I., to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Cao real estate to be assessed for
said Improvement be found benefited to
the extent of damages.costs and exnensesnec-
esury to be incurred thereby'
Fourth. Is such improvement asked for
othe ownerspen thority of the propetrty to be assessed far
each iimproremenO
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or planta of
,old improvement. as grad by law, If you
report In favor of the saeie�
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order of
racting the work to be done.
Yete—Ald. Bickel, Blum. Bock. Cullen,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leith near. Mines,
Melody, Pratt. Sullivan. Weber, Mr. Vice
President -14.
Approved Oct. 111. hiss.
By Ald. Pratt—
It is he: eby ordered by the Common Council
1 the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of gelding Minnebaha street,
from Hemline to Lexington avenue, be and the
same is hereby referred to the Board of Pub
lie Worksto investigate and report:
First. Is this improvement proper and use
eaSecond. Give the Counml un eatirratu of the
p ... ethoreof, dstatewhethero.e-h.lfo-
the cost there,, is to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract 1, let.
Third. ('a real estate to be mete—ed for
said improvement be found benefited to the
extent of damages, casteand expenses neves
ry to be i... rred thereby.,
Fourtls. Is 'ueh improvement a sked for
'Pon the Is or application of tore o
f a m majority f the property to be ,,,eased
for such improvement.
Fifth. Send the Council . plan o profile of
.said improremen t, s req. iretl by lista, if yon
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order
directing the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock. Cullen,
Fisher. Geh.u, Kar, Leith ... er. Minea•
Malady. Pratt. Sullivan. Weber. Mr. Vice
Approved Oct. to. ]Rtes.
In the matter of the porta of the Board of
Public Works dated Sept. 19, Itis, sad Oct.
ll, Mll.
It 1, hereby ordered by the Comoro. Council
f the City of St. Pal'
That the Board of Public Works of said City
ofSt. Paul cause the following improvement
to be made, to -wit: Grade Payne .venue,
from York street to Cookstreet; Case street.
from u point 120 feet east of Payne avenI.uo to a
ptreet from to point Ise feet east of Payee
u point 139 feet west of Payae .
v said city. ,aid gradmg to be done Unde[vo 0
coact. Th at said board ....I sold work to be let by
nttact, un provided by Inw, without a -half
the estimated cost boloq first paid into the Clty
Treasury, ad after sold
,hail be placed
u der co tr.ct sold Board shall proceed
without dela' to ...eaa the as
nearly as they can. certain the same. which
will be requiredto pay the cost and
necessary expense, of such improvement upon
the real estate to be benefited by said improve
menL as provided by law; it being the opinion
f the Council that real estate to be assessed
for such improvement can be found benndted
to the extent of the cost d expenses etc
to ary to be incurred thereby.
yYyeas—Ald. Bickel. Blum. Bock. Culten, Coin
ill sMelady, PratSulli Kavanagh, n, Weber•Mr.
Vice Pre,ident-
Approved Oct le, IM9.
In the matter of the report of the Burd of
Public Worke dated Sept. 28 Ift).
IL Is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of said City
of St. Paul cause the following improvement to
be'made. to -wit: Grade Sydney street to a
Waseca street. area 10 all fu Bidwell de street
Waseca street and Chippewa grade.
in said
That said Board cause said work to be let by
ontract, as provided by law, without o.e.hnlf
the estimated cost heruit first Into the City
Treasury. u.d after said [k hall be placed
under ontract, said Board shall pro reed wh
t defy to assess the n lit
they can uncertain the name, which will be r
quired to pay the Dost androciseuiry ex Penne.
f such improvement upon the real estate to be
be. rented by set. improvement, as prov(ded by
law: it being tl.e opinion of the Council that
real estate to be ase s d for such improve
r ent can be found benefited to the a tent of
the cost unit expenses necessary to be me ... ed
d. Bickel,
lien. Back.
YGomm. lKavanagh BI eltbauser, Miinea. Mel
edy, Pratt• Sullivan, Weber. Mr. Vice Presi
dent -14.
Approved Oct. 10, IWQ.
Io the matter of the report of the B.evil of
Public Work. dated Oct. 14,=
It la herebv ordered by the Common Council
the City of St. Pal:
That the Board of Public Works of said City
f St. Paul cause fhe following improvements W
be made. to -wit: Grade Case street, from Cort-
land street to the right of way of the St. Paul
and Northern Puctne Rahway comp.ny; Janke
street, from Corrine it street to the right of way
of the St. Paul unit Northern Pacific Railway
o pony: Lawson street, from Cortland street
to the right of way of the St. Pal Northern
Pacific Railway company; and Cook street,
from Cortland street to the right of way o1 the
pt cin lsaid city, said grudgul III ing to be done under
That said Hord cause said work 1.
in holet e-botf the estimated cost b"' first paid Into
the City Treasury, lad after said k shall be
placed under contract said Hoard shall proceed
'ithout delay t, assess the amottnt,.s nearly ass
can ascertain the some,
which w111 be re
pqulred to pay the cost and necessary
f an.. improvement upon the real estate to be
benefited by said Improvement, as provided by
law; It being the opinion of the Council that
real estate to be mp ossed for such Improve-
ment can be found benefited to the extent of
the cost and expenses necessary to be incurred
Yeas—Ald. Bickel. Blom, Book. Cullen, Con-
ley, Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Mm so. Melody, Pratt. Sullivan, Weber, Mr.
Vice resident -15.
Approved Oct. Inc, leg9.
1n the matter of the report If the Board of
Public Works dated Oct. 11. ]tuts.
I C 1, hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of said City
f St. e
Paul cause the following Improvement
to ba made,to -wit: Grade Ferdinand street,
from St. Anthony avenue to Rondo street, in
,aid city.
That said Board cause said work to be
let by contract, as provided by law, without
onchalf the estimated cost being Orst paid
into the City Treasury, and atter said work
Mall be blared under contract said Board
shall proceed without delay to assess the
anum as nearly as they can ascertain
thesame, which will be required to pay the
cost and necessary expenses of such im-
provement upon the real estate to be bene-
fited by sato Improvement, as provided by
law: It be Ing the opinion of the Council that
real estate ro be assessed for aft h improve
rent can be found benefited to the extent of
the cost and expenses necessary W be in
c -
red therebyYuns—Ald. Bickel. Blom. Book, Cullen, Com
ley. Fisher.Geban. Kap.vagb, Leithauser,
Ait.e0, Melody, Pratt, Sullivan. Weber, Mr.
Vice President—I5.
Approved Oct. Ili. liM9.
Jon" F. Gan AN. Clodrmn. of Council.
Taos. A. Pna"nanGAs1. City Clerk.
.specs»I Al erten.
ST. PACl., Oct, al, IM9.
Present—Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock, Callen.
Colley, Fisher. Gehan, K.vnnagh, Leithauser,
Mine, Sullivan—ii.
Alit. Cohen was elected chat nus.
From His R ... r the Mayor—Call for the Meet
His Honer the Mayor called the -rating fit
request of Alderman Blom. Bock and Conley
for the transaction of general busin es.
There being only eleven embers `present,
and the greater port of the business
before the meeting requiring twelve votes, the
Council, on motion of Aid. Cullun, adjourned.
JOB" F. 0E 1s.
C•hairmun of Council.
•pros. A. PlisNDaitcwsT, Cit. Clerk.
K,2n�ar AIn✓ting-
ST. PAlel, Nov. s, te89.
Vice President Yen in the chair.
Present—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Book. Cullen,
nley, FSsher. GODa, Leithauser, MR.e a, Mel
ady, Sunburn, Sulliv... Weber, Mr.
Vice President--ls.
Minutes of preceding meeting approved and
From A. and
dispensed with.
Other. h venue.
or Res glade
Irom Dale .tree[ to allegon east side lot 6.
id -k a. Terrace Parti additl on.
Board of PabCc \Vents with order.
From His Honor, the Ma -r -Veto of Resole
From \1"m. 13yrne-
Far toebeuild boy window -Martin
tion forStone Cement Sidewalks on Pleasant
Avenue :md Sherman Street--
andGranted No 1,'521
'p� the Honorable the Common Co -mail of the
Cit , of I.Paul:
IS- Or1[narea
From 'Timothy Sweem,
Gentlemen: I have the honer to return to
you, without y signature, tho resolution it,
11-mrandum of agree meat for annulling of
ontract for impro,mn Lawton .treat, from
relation to sidewalk, on F'leus:tn[ avenue. a
for the reason that this ito .t ement has been
(:road to Oakland avenues.
Lao:Od of Public Works. ]See resolution. )
prolostad again.[ by :t mujoritS of the inter
Fmm Ceo. C. job-, and Othors-
,,led property owners, un.l because the Cit}'
1'rut esi ing a_•:tin+t proposed annulling of can
Emil forms me that the greater part of
treat for improvement of I.,, street.
the sidewalks i that loculilY are to good con
dition. Respectfully your,
hoard of Public. Works. (See resolution.)
Hlihtil<'I':\. SM Tit, Mayo C.
Oct. 19, 1899.
al;rOlrrs Ov (I'll Ot•FlCens.
Accepted, and trate bJ• wh ch said rowlutfon
utlopicd reconsidered. Peas 15.
Of City '1 -Surer--Report for October. ISSn-
sitar wa' thereupon cafe rra,l to the
Alderman of the district.
To the Honorable the President and Common
C.11 -t City Paul:
Ad%line, payments... on
atwer nssCS stnente.... ..
I❑t crest on wtt[er bonds...
Go"lrmen: I ;love the honor to submit to
From J. A. Ragin-
you the following report of the receipts and
Clifm51.8U-damagax to 173 street-
braukiag of curbing on Braid way street hill.
tlisbursMneatb of ;his olbca from Oct. I. ]rt4U,
to Oct.:P'. lsi9.
Commtttec on Cmtm..
From Mrs. Sarah O'Brien and Others-
AsktnK (or removal of sluughl cr house and!
Dli , llarmuml disburse
piggery situate Deur powerhouse of East Scc'
e th street cable 11.1.
Commissioner of Health.
once.. .
Redemption receipts... �..
em avenue to Lexington avenue, etc.
City Clerk..
From HenrS U. Refchow-
ClIy Witter \forks ........
if 911'.10
Resigna[iou us Cuustuble of the City of St.
Jf unicipal Court
Paul, w takr, ctteat im mediit sly uPou eleGiun
of successor.
St Youl Public Library. �.
Bnild tag inspector... ....
61, (W
848. fA
Accepted, yeas 15.
Younen;;e .... .. .... .... ....
From RG Iter. John Ireland and Thomas ('och
\- nesting ice.. ... .-. ...
ren, Jr.-
Acceptance of OrdinaCe No. 1:2172.
Ad%line, payments... on
atwer nssCS stnente.... ..
I❑t crest on wtt[er bonds...
3 .0X;2.511
Corporation Attorney..
sof on deposits.. .....
From the North St. Pant Railroad t' m1p:1n}--
I3oat•d of Public Worlts....
Acc,time ce of of lican ce No. 1.:48 and bond
Rep.n'ing paved streets.-.
(w'ithouI sureties) of said company antler said
Ald. Cchan. chairman .....
o dlnancC,
rCorlmraGotl Attorney.
Citi En glace[ .......... ....
j Ltt•en Sas :tntl nIlec ion.. .
A as tat lit collections. �..
From Robert C. Fisk and Olhurs-
Fur tate P' rtial grading of Rivolt street.
Board of Publfc Worst, with order. .. pts HL'ttsti]13N'Is.
From Julius A. Heinze and Others- (,ity ,real s paid
Asking that westerly line of street 1 Fire Department warrants
: nd sidewalk be moved to proper position.
Corporation Attorney and Cily Engineer.
1 laid ............. " r
I N'ntar Department w
From Wm. H. Amos. Secretary Warrendale
; ra t, paid .
lid Como Villas Citizuny Union--
ons lir
Sl. l'nu] \Workhouse w
For improvement of Lake ('a,.. riven -y
rt tS paid...........
Clommitt ce on Street,, City Engineer and;
St Poul Li orary warrants
ail .
l:orporation Attorney.
Park Commissioners' war
From W. '.Jones and Other,-
runts gold.....
l Neve Ci[y Hrul :tad Court
For removal 0l oUNtruction, it'om lir-11111Y.
w lits paid .
between Thirteenth and Grove streets.
Redeemed ccoup cnsp of
Alderman of the \V.r!1
From Sarah and Adolph Wol3- -
t f t cin • cam-
('ale interest coupons pate.
Ad ran ce payments on sew
1213,287 57
15,684 21
Claim for damages On accon.t o ) R
olled by city to change her pians aur building"
Cr nsseasments. .... ..
City bonds redeemed.....
lot in block 82, Lyman Day[on'N addition.
Ccrtt6emeS ofsale.........
Coreon Claims.
Dli , llarmuml disburse
From K. Donnelly and Others-_
menta ........ .... ....
For the widening lit ]tondo sire,;[, front West
lull"" on bund.. ... .....
em avenue to Lexington avenue, etc.
Board of Public Works.
CONDITION OF Fr,Nbs. 71.E Bell.;St. Paaul SanittationHCom any,8145;3M-
New CIC • Hall line Court Flouse Rol,inson & Cary, $12.16: St. Poul and PaO1dc
J COaI Comppany, 4473; Moyes Bras. & Cutler.
foods ................ .... ............ 351.rA6.47 55 cents: St. Paul Gas Light Company. ffi2I3.IY:
City funds.... _ ..... ..... ........... u3,7(W.20 ,I. D. Durn, &3; Jus. Vetal. 59 cents: W'm. Rod
City Wnler Works funds .............. 13,189.54 ger & Co.. 30.99'; Maendler Bros., 91.57: Noyes
St. Paul Public Library hinds....... 10.212 77 tiros. & Cutler, 44.x1; Math. Heck, &3.87; Onoi
Police Pension fend ... ..... .... ..... 3.119:,.H1 deal.] 011 Como. - 314.._'; Hartman "I.-
414o'l,r .70 lacmring GOmpan}'� 4x1.711: Northwestern Lime
Company. OZM; Mnrtln & Strane.313.12' North -
w• stern Stamp Works, 35.10; Bnzille Part-
wn,s.. uxvOslrrp. ridge. 151.M; Bmlyd of tVnl¢r Commissioners,
419!65: F. G, Draper & Co., 47.17: Geo. 3.
First National blink, St. Paul.... .. $IS,rr!2,R 5f it sch & Co., 4j at
J. P. Adamson,
Merchants' National bunk. St. Pnil.. 15,M31.K, 41!.03; Dispatch Printing Co•upany, ffi56:
Bank of Minnesota, St. Pnnl..... 12.673., Holmes Fuel & SnpP1Y Ca., 3-7.50: Wm Hogan.
"' .Bair .1. 51. Hogel:md. 45; J. C. Hanley Lime
National German American bink, SL Co.. 441; H. D. li.te,. M.6J; J. P. Gribben. Lum-
Paul .. 5ACA 44 bar Co., 4:;7.,3; Farwell. Ozmun, Kirk & Co.,
Germanin bank. St. Paul .. ..... 6.25!!,6 111"1 4H; Forrestal Bros,478.12; Donaldson, Ogg
St. Paul National bank. St. Pnnl..... ,.ti96.74 den & Cn., 44.88; P. G. Duggan, $10.60: J. H.
Commercial National bank. St. Purl. 7.510.46 de cover, St. P. By Co.,&33.10;H. M.
Second National batllt, St. Paul ..... 11,71H1:31 Crosby. 918.!10: Brnndl & U7x. 911;.63; G. M.
Suvmgs bauk, St. Paul ............... 14.24;.64 Iirwlc, 470.84: Anlericnn 5I'f'g iron Works Co..
People's bank. S[. Paul...... ..... J.N76.5:> J4.25; Jos. Spial, 4t'..:ib: House of Good
Seven Corners bunk, St. Paul. .... 4.lPA. 41' Shc herd, 321Hi.91: Die Volkzei
Capital bank. St. Paul ................ 4.1.,9.1:1 P
West Side balk, St. Paul ............. 3.;3scM14 lung. 9401.11; Frank Ford, &8:
Scandinavian Amerman bank. St. A. C. Schilling& Co., 7A cents: P. Stellar, 46;
Poul .... .. ...... .. .. ..... 8,645.5. F'. \V. Steeg,wi.rA: St. P:tul Hardware Company.
Bank °[Min nCsola, St. Paul ]interest 4-jeul; J. RotnwelL ;ilii: A. Rotator. H3.60; T.
neeoun[).... .. ...... .... .... ...... .. .. ,3,42S.;p Iteillc, $"' W;
Noyes. I3roS. & Cutler, 8542.32:
_ N. lb" Lime Cu., 4!1.75: A. MOD... Id, &Z;
41411.67.;!) 11a,ho f,ky Bros.. S5: DiaeadleT Bros.. 3185:
OCL. 3d, 1Mti9. Baker & Moffat, 928.05: Lauer Bros., 11kr7.39: J.
Respectfully submitted, F'. Linne & Co.. 3'VA.); Lindgren Bros., $14.20:
.-RDs. Rvis, City Treasurer. Lehigh Coal & Iran Co.. $31: J. Kahlert. &78.85;
City Comptroller. ti Kelly.41: Y. H. Ke11S Mere. Company, $14.40:
J. .I. Dunnienn, :87.IR1; K. P. Cullen, $12:
Of City Com troller-AuditCd Chtims, clz.-- 1!1'.9.3; Michael Sclmnoll. MAA: M. Mullane. 48:
J. Forrest Pl, Estimate No.2:in 0nal, pacing George J. Mitsch, fii:,0: bl. R. orris, lie, ffi. ED
Andrew ppolt, 414: Sam Edwards, $4; J. En
Jackson street. 42,o83: J. T. Mil lien. I,Jtlmnto gel 41:- Laveroos & Me,anbourg. $437: St.
No. :3 and final. grading fork street. i_!Its: W..1. Paul (:as Light Compan, 8ri4.70: G. F. Shaw.
Preston. Estimate No. fl and final. =ewer on i;.{ I. L. Henry, 3e.r4): H. T. O'Connor, $194.40:
L'Orienl Site". W..1. Preston. Estimate Nicol, ` Dean, '1!17.14: Z. W. Guion. 311.45:
No. ,and final. Clive and William Street sew'or, I James F. Angell. $2.5: Hogan & Healey. $4:
$113: J. F. Ff Lsell. Estimate No. 9 ..If anal, liwtrd of Witter Commissim ars, $91.4'3: Wye
grading Grand avenue. 11,145; J. Rothwell. E." koa, Seamans & Benedict. N.wl: Brennan Lum
timate No. 2 and final. Clan street lance. $i2G.9!i; bar company, 93,:B5.h�; N. W. Fuel Company.
Thornton J. Shut,. E,ltmale No. 3 arta llnai, t7n...S; Boeringer & Son.'Sd,li.9; N.\V. Telephone
grading Poplar st rest. 83:7: F. ('ancien, I:Stf- I:xchnnge COmmtny. 534AJ: Z5 iwch. 4114.01:
No. I, grudmg Arun N•.reet, 4 , 1: F. Carle St. Pool Itoolt .lid Sta[ionerS Complay,
ton, Estimate No. 4. grading Iglelit rt 1 $1,145: Frank J. R,ingS, 417:;.17: D. Ramaley &
[rest. S4r,7.rYJ: W. J. Pre Stun. EYtim:tte Son 31118;3 flit St. Paul Sanitation Company,
No. 1, Jessamine street se "lila: - ; Do.patch Feinting 1'omp:my' $1,Q`18.79.
.I. Cable. Estimate No. ", grodoor Capitol ,N. W. Telephone Exchange (:oniony. 77.98.
avenue. itra. 2d: T. Ltmian. I:stima!,'. No. ,and Allowed and orae ret] paid by the following
final, I,r.ling Prescott .street. 41;,: J. For trot e;
el. Estimate No. 1, Diving Crocus place. leas-Ald. Bickel. Blom, Dock, Cullen, Con
4.5,950; J. Forrestal, Estimate No. 6, woo den lay. Fisher. eltuI. Ladim ser, Miners. MOI -
sidewalks INN%. 2'_.'X)li.69:.1. W. Doherty. IN G
I N : dy. Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber. Mr.
timate NO I and final, sewer on Irvine are \'ice President -15.
eta-,+5^2.9, C. Nouncinncher. F volale 0I Co oration Attorney --
No. I, grading alley. Arth"s sabdfvf,lon. "".".!:+): P
T. Keough. Estimate No. I. ;!riding Moore Tho Corporal inn Attorney submits nit sec
even.a, 91.1211: J. ClaQey. F"Ineftle No. 1-. grad executed by .losrph Roth troll d bond of
n Churchill uvenue. is!i, T. 51. Breen, F:sli said Rothwell, with SYlvc>ter M. Curt' and
mate No. 1 and final, paying ;Rey, block 71. Hobert Walliseh as sureties -Cliff street fence.
Dayton & I -inn's .edition. 4rr31.75; Slid bond approved and proper city otifeers
Dale & Baumgardner, Estimate No. :i I directed to a 111te,uld coutr:tot.
and final, grading \YhDall 'treat, 317,;' Yeas -A Id. ]ticket. 131one. Bock, Cullen, Com
A. F. 111unko, Estimate No. I. sewer on Viola iep. Fisher. Gehun, Len tura-r. 5ff lea, Melody,
trees. $357; T. M. Breen. Estimate No. 1. 1 Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan. Weber, Mr. Vice
Paving Lyons court, 34.2.5: T. M. Breen. F.sti- Pr1 .;dent -1 ;.
mate No. 1, paring alley, block If Whitney & Of ('it J' I: ngineer-Bid. for Fire Cistern near
Smith's addition, 773!1.50: J. \\'. Maloney. E, rot Orleans and Stevens Streets-
tlmate No. li and final. grading Vi mf. st reel. Time Engineer reports baa of Gustav
$I,GU:i. rA; J. W. hl alonep, estimule No. " antl �Rumlow [or 97iti the lowest, and recommends
final, groom Palace street, 9401; L. E. Shop its acceptance.
ley, Estimate No. 2, pacing Seventh street, Adopted.
Said bid nccepted aad proper city omcer, i.
strutted to execute contrnc[ With said Gustav
Ramlow pursuant Bi said Did.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen. Coa
ley, Fisher, Gehan, Lelthauser, Minn., Memdy,
Pratt, Sanborn, Snllfvna, Weber, Mr. Vice
President -15.
Bid, for Arch Bridge on Mendota Road—
The City E.,I.e.c reports the bid of Charles
Stone for 85.361.74 the lowest, and recommends
Its acceptance.
Adopted, said bid of Charles Stone nccepted.
and proper city emcers Instructed to execute
rnc[ with said Stone pursuant to said bid.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con
ley, Fisher, Gahan, Lelthauser. Mine., Mel'
ady, Pratt. Sanborn, Sollivnn, - Weber, Mr.
Vice President -1.5.
Bids ThemC City
Engineer erePor a then bid of stile
the lowest, end recMount Vernon ommend C. iit nnceepRRIcfar0 z 16
Adopted, said bid of Mount Vernon Bridge
Company accepted, and proper city omcerin
stracted to execute contract with said COmP.iy
pursuant to said bid.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel,' HIom,Back, Cullen. Co.
ley, F/.IIer, GeD.n.. Leithauser. Mines. Mel-
ly, Pratt, Sanborn. Sullivan. Weber. Mr.
Vice President—I5.
BII. for -.III.. on Approach to University
Avenue Hr,d,., at
In by Minnesota Trans.
far Railway Compa% i9f89.8P—
The City Engl neer s bolt. said bill and ret
endo paym sot.
m Adopted. ISce resolution.)
Of Clerk ofMunicipal Court—
Report for October, 1896, with City Troesur
e receipt for$5'030.50.
Committee on Ordin once. and Public Ac
Of Chfet of Police—
Report for October, IBtl9—total [., 809:
flues collected biy Munieipol Court, 44.&97.75.
Committee o Ordbmncis end Public Ar
Of Captain of Police—
Report for October, 1889—gas Ism Ps not
lighted. 20: oil lamps not lighted. 199.
City Comptroller.
Of Poundmasters—
J. E. Conway, for September, 1889, and Oct,
ber,lgg9,with CA5 Treasurer a receipts attached
respectively for 840 and LW5.5:i; Phlllp Arnold.
for October, 1889, City Treasurer's eceipt for
M; John CunniB,Qfor October, 1899, City Trea,-
receipt for,.15.25.
m Committee on Ordinance. and Public Ac
Selby Avenue Wfdeniog—
To the Common Council f the City
St. Poul:
The Board of Public Work. have had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
Common Council. approvet. Sept. t& 1889, rela.
live to the of
Victoria street to �mi
toFairvfewnve.".,nBad, ham
Ing investigated the proposed Improvement:
Respectfully report Thur said improve
men, is necessary and proper; that
the estimated expense thereof is 475,990:
that real estate to be assessed therefor can .c
found benefited to the extent of the damages.
cost nod expenses neee.snry to be incurred
thoreby: that aaid Improvement i. not asked
for by a petition of a mojorlty of the owners of
pv party to be assessed therefor, but we here
meet,fth eeteend a plan mile, e, order or
you, adopti.111B If aidon, i 'mpy u
desire us to make the Improvement.
Yeas. 4; nays, 9.
R. L.n, President.
W. F. ERWIN. Clerk Board of of Public Works.
Nov. 4, 1859.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
Alley Grading, Block 6, E. Rice's Third Addi-
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Work, have had under
.sideration the resolution or order or the
Common Council, approved Oct. & 1888, rely
live to grading the.11ey In block & E. Rice's
Third addition, and, buying investigated the
proposed improvement:
Respectfully report Shot eald improvement Is
and proper; tho
at the timated ex-
pense thereof is &M. one-half of WDich
need not be paid tato the City
before the contract 1. let: that real estate to
be assessed therefor can be found benefited to
the extent of the cost and expenses necessary
to be Inourred thereby: that ,aid
Ifo Lemowoersmof by a petition
De m/sewed There y�
for, but we he—R. send o pla.sor profile of
Id improvement, and an order for your adopt
tion, it you desire us to make the Imurovemen[.
Yea., 4; any.'('.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Boars of Public Werke.
Adopted. f9ec order to Board of PnD11C
Langford Avenue Opening, Etc.—
To the Common Couneil ofthe City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works have had under
consideration the resolution ororder of the Com
elative to
on Co... 'spepro ad dext etooF' Inpo[Lnngford
theopemng,w g,ae
avenue, from Eustis street n or long the
semlen line to the west city limits, and, having
investigated the proposed improvement:
Respectfully report tbat It i. necessary and
proper to open, widen .ed eased L.egford
avenue, from the easterly line of block M. St.
Anthony Park addition to St. Paul, to
the est city limits: that the
estimated ..PC.a. thereof Ts 48,[x10; that real
estate to be assessed therefor can be Fouad ben
eflted to the extent ofthe
be data
a-go., costs and
red thereby'
that improvement i, not asked for by a
petition o[ n maihority of the owner of property
to be eased
ut we
or profile of taisaid r. bimprovement, and an
order for your adoption, If you desire us to
make the improvement.
Yeas, 4; nays, 0.
R. L. GORMAN. President.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
Oct. 31.188v.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
Easement Over Right of Way Chicago, Mil-
waukee &. St. Paul Railway Company.
for Bridge and Approaches.- Within Limits
of Lines of Grand Avenue, Produced, Etc.—
To the Common Council of the City of SA Paul:
The Board of Public Works have had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
Common Council, approved Oat. a. I'm. rela-
obtaining an easement fu land across
.ad over the right of we.ay of the Chicago. MII-
kee & St. Paul Rahway Company, for a
of mGrand menus, .thinthe
C..ef the
right of way of said railway company, and, bay
Inginvestigated the proposed improvement:
Respectfully report that said improvement
is necessary and proper; that the esti
mated expense thereof Is 425: that real
estate to be assessed thereof can befound
benefited to the extent of the anmuge:, cost
and expenses necessary to he incurred thereby;
that said improvement Is not asked for by a
petition of a majority ofthe owners of Property
be assessed therefor, but we herewith sena
plan or pro file of said Improvement, and
an der for your adoption, if you desire us to
make the improvement.
Yens, 3; nays, 0.
R. L. GORMAN, President.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
OCT. :.":, 113811.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
Fisher Street Opening—
To the Common Council of the City of St.
The Board of Public Works have had under
Coconsideration the resolution o order of the
mmon Council, .Qprovea J uIY 17. ]K99.rclair
to the open Ing
street, from Center
e ire et to Maryland .,rest, and. having Investl.
gated the proposed Improvement:
Respec trollyreport
that am Improve.
is n..C.sary d proper: that be estimated
expense thereof t:,ta.(xa; that real estate to be
as....ed therefor can be found benefited to the
extent of the demages.costs and expenses neces
sary to be ificurred thereby; that said Improve
cent Is not asked for by. petition of u mnjory
ity of the owners o[ property to ie na.en,ed
therefor, but we herewith send a pInn -
file of said Improvement.aud nu order p1,r
your adoption, if you de,l re us to matte the
Yeas, 3: nave. 0.
R. L. GO IAN, President.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
Oct. 2, I8b9.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
Arlington Street Grading—
To the Common Council of the City of Saint
The Board of Public Works have had under'
Consideration the resolution or order of the
Common Council, approved July. & 1889, rela
live to the grading of Arlington street, from
Payne avenue to Greenbrier avenue, to apar
tial grade and full width of thirty feet, and, hnv.
Ing investigated the proposed improvement:
Respectfully report that said improvement Is
necessary and proper: that the estimated ex-
pense thereof is 83.50, onehalf of which need
not be paid into the City Treasury before the
contract is let; that real estate to be assessed
therefor can be found benefited to the extent
of the cost and expenses necessary to be in
curred thereby; that suid improvement is
naked for by a petition of a majority of the
owners of property to be assessed therefor. and
we herewith send a plan r profile of said Int
prevenient, and an order for your adoption, if
you desire us to make the improvement.
Yeas, 3: Buys, 0.
R. L. GORMAN, President.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk. Board of Public Works.
Oct. 21, 1889.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
Hemline Avenue Opening, Etc.—
To the Common Councilor the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works have hadnder
consideration the resolution or order othe
Common Co..111. approved Dec. 19, IF&, rel.
nt'. to the opening, widening and extension
of Hamlineavenue, from Taylor avenue to the
Orth city limits, and, having Investigated the
proposed improvement:
Respectfully report that It is necessary and
proper to open, widen and extend Hamlme
avenue, between Taylor avenue and the earth
.try limits: that the estimated expense
thereof is 840.(Iq); that real estate to
be assessed therefor can be found ben
milted to the extent of the damage., costs and
exp..sce necessary to be Incurred thereby: that
std fmpr em t f:notasked for by a petition
of a majority or the owners of property to be ne
sed therefor, but we herewith send a plan
or profile of said improvement, and a nder
for your adoption, if you dealt. es to make the
Yeas. 4: nays, e.
R. L. GORMAN. Pre:Ideut.
W. F. ERWIN. Clerk Board of Public Works.
Oct. 31, 188 9.
Adapted. fSee order to Board of Public
Dawson Street Change of Grade—
To the Common Council of the City of St.
7'ha Board of Publlo Works have had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
Common Council, approved Aug. 8, 1889, rola.
i lve to a cb"ge of grade a. Dnw.on :treat,
between Duluth avenue one Atlantic street.
.tad, having i nvestigated the proposed Int
Re:pectfully report ,but sod improvement is proper, as indicates by the ed
linoeon [tie ac compa.jIng IT
that the esti
mated exnen8e thereof is 52.7; that real es.
tote to be assessed therefor Co. be found be.e-
flted to the extent of the damages,costs and ex.
penses necessary to be Incurred thereby; that
said Improv"I "t is asked for by a petltton are
maeorlty of the ow sere of pro arty to be as
eliedtheefit, and we herewith aad.plan or
ai rompr vement. if volt dealt,, to
the 1t.
Yens, 4; nate o.
R. L.GON, Pn;sident.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Boardd of of Public Werke.
Oct. 28, IS80.
nAdeceospte . unit Cilon .lurk Instructed to give
Charles Street Change of Gradc—
To the
The Board ofsPubliCounciWorks have .had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
tive oon hanged of grace tion t( buries tsar,,„[.
from Dunlop to Syndicate street, and,
havmg intextigulea the proposed improve
Respectfully report that it is ve •wary and
proper to change the grade oa l'harles street,
from Dunlap street to;Syndicate street, us indi-
ed by the red Ilse on the ¢eco pan}'Ing pro
His- that the estimated expense thereof is
tb.t realestate to be -111-rof
dtherefor can he found benefited to the exteut to
the damages, costs and expenses n c am
be incurred thereby; that said i,pm I ant
is not asked for by u petition of a •tjority of
the owners of proper[}' to be assessed therefor.
Of saj.d
mPovementberewilhf syou dea a sires o makethe I,
provement. stn
Yeas, 3: nays. 0.
R. L. and Of N. President.
W. F. ERWIN. Clerk Board o[ Public Works.
Oct. •L5, 18,,9.
Adopted, and Ci[y Clerk instructed to give
necessary publieatlon notice.
,,a ..rd Street Changc oit
f Grudc—
TTheeBourd of Public W.rksn ha e�ihad u tidier
consideration the res.l'It or order of thr
Common Council. aPproced M: y 10. 1850. tela”
tive to n change of grade on Concord street,
It,, Starkey street to Soutb Robert street.
and, hov, g 3n\estigated the proposed im
pro; cmeut:
Respectfully report that it is necessary and
proper to change the grade on Concorostivd rt rest.
,treeQeus Sindik uicd'bye Lite r dsintt on [beton
Kpr"til":'bat t he asitia[ ed axle,,. se
thereofis$J15: [b at real est Ito to be ass -sed
tle—lorcan he found reg
to tate extent of
the d;tm:mes, costs and expenses necessary to
be incurred thereb}': [hut said improvement ns
not asked [or bS a petition of a majority of the
owners of property to be assessed therefor.
but we herewith s rill u pian or pronlc of
said improvement. it you ac., to mak-t he
Peas. 4;na-s,0
R. L. Gldi]IA N, President.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Bard of Public Works.
Oct. 31, IRS9.
Adopted. and City Clark instructed to give
11ecessary publication notice.
Fairview, Valley and Dti. Air}' Streel" Change
of Grade—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works have hadsder
consideration the resolution or order of the
Common Council, approved Oct. & l8g8,
rclati;e to •hang,, of grade on Fairview.
stree[, from l'a11eY street to Atch street; i
the necessary changes n the eros streets to
rresPoud with the pro posed grade o Fair
virw street, and, having invex[iKu:ed the Pro
posed improvement:
espectfull}' report that it le necessary and
proper to change the grade on Fairview street,
from Valley street to Arch street: on
trttek sleet, from Jackson
Airy street[to traiWarren
ottani o Warren street, a indicated
by the red It t• on he ncompimying PPr files:
thn: the estimated cxpensethereof Io F:401p;
that real estate to be assessed therefor can
be found benefited to the extent of the
damages, costs and expenses necessary to
be Incurred thereby: that said Improve-
ent is fit usked for by a Petition of a
majority of the owners of Droperty to be e
ed therefor, but we herewith rid a
plan or Prattle Of said improvement. if you
desire to in ko the improvement.
Y t•as, 4: nuns...
R. L. GOR}IAN. President.
W. F. ERWIN, (•lark Board of Public Works.
Nov. 4, 1,,99.
\dopted, and City Clerk instructed to 911c
[aces. ar}- puhlicnt-al .Still.
Alley Opening, BIOcI[ 121. Lyman Dayton's Ali
To the Common Council of the Cityof St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works have had under
nsiderntion the resolution or order of the
Common �ounetl, approved Mdy Ib, IM9, rel%
Live to opening nn alley 40 feet wide through
block 1e, Lymuo Dayton's addition, and, having
investigated the Proposed improvement:
Respectfully report shut xatd'm to vast,,.[ is
not nese-ar}' and proper, tar the reason that
Cho ow'nrrI m jllrity sa aidtlmnpr.ecineproertnt. be
l e , oof PosaSo
Yeas. 4: nays. 0.
R. L. GOR>IAN, President.
LV. F. ERWIN. Clerk Board of Public Works.
Oct. ,I . 18sq.
Aldernan of the Word.
SellyA11111 G,'"I"g—
T the Hunoranle the President and Common
Council. ' of St. Paul.
Gentlemen: The 13uard of Public Works
herewith mspectfu llc transmit a communicate
tion from thu Engineer relative to the
jruiiing of Selby
I'venue, between Lexington
Ind Cle;elmtd avenues, to yethe.r with a r—du
ion n uid mutter, and said Board request
[hut ,and resolution be Passed byyourhon.r
ably body without dela}'—the widening of the
street, the co.structtan of R sewer and the
`onstru ction of the cable line rendeing the
R. and of . President.
tV. F. Lu—N. Clerk Board of Public Works.
Oat. ?li. I").
A1111 man of the Word.
White Bear Avenue Sidew'alk—
'1'o the Honorable the President and Common
(:minril, Citp .1 St. Paul.
Gentlemen: The Board of Public Works
herewith respectfully return Sour, order, up
proved Oct. 10, 1&19, to cause a six-foot woods.
Btdewalk to be laid on the north nide f White
ear avenue, from Seventh e: rest to the went
side of Ames avenu, for the rear.. that there
to no north side to this avenue.said avenue run
Ing north and Smith. The order for said Walk
should read cost or West side of White Bear
.venue, as the case may be.
It. L. GORMAN. President.
W. F. ERWIN. Clerk Board of Public Works.
Oct. W, 1839.
Alderman of [be [Yard.
Pennsyl;annt Avenue Change of Grade—
To the honorable the Prestdeat .rid Common
Council, City oI St. Paul.
Gentlemen: The Board of Public Works
herewith respectfully return your preliminary
order. appro l'ed June S. 18N9, In the matter of u
•hongg¢ of grade on Pen navl... i. avenue. f,am
isaippstreet to Jackson street (or at any
point with in said llmit.l. by request of Aid.
It. L. GI111MAN. President.
W. F. Ellwl N. Clerk lioord of Publ; Works.
Oct. 2s, issil.
Alderman or It. Word.
Alley Wide. Ing, Suburban Hills—
'TO the Honorable the President still Common
Council City of Suint Paul.
The Board of Public works herewith to
spectively return your preliminuryrder. ap
proved Sept. Is. ""in. in the matter of widening
alley to a width of forty feet. between blocks 2
and&Subarb.a Hills uddlth. to St. Paul,
lb the report that present width of sold alley
Is arty Ener. Your attention (s respectfully
invltea to the report of the City Engineer In
said mutter herewith transmitted.
It. L. G( It'
W. F. ERw1N. Clerk Hord of Public \forks,
Oct. 31. ]sop.
Alderman of the }curd.
Virginia Avenue Sewer—
To the Honorable the President and Common
Council, City of St. Paul.
Gentlemen: Pursuant to yourresoat alllution, ap
iui Kin thematter
n of constructing
a sewer on Virginia avenue, from Iglehart
street to University avenue, ow-ing to the late
ness of the season, the Board of Public Works
herewith respectfully return your preliminary
order. approved Oct. & IW39, to said matter.
R. L. GoRMAN. President.
W. F. EawtN, clerk Board of Public Works.
Oct. 2L, 1880.
Alderman of the Ward.
Elfelt Street Sewer—
'Po the Honorable the President and Common
Council, City of St. Paul.
Gentlemen: Pursuant to your resolution rip
p wed Sept. 1& 1". the Hoard of Public
`Yorks have this day annulled all proceedings
had by said Board to the mutter of constructing
a sewer on Ellett street, Irom Charles street to
Edmund street, and said Board herewith re
"Onttully return your preliminary order, ap-
proved Sept. ,, 1889, in said matter.
R. L. GORMAN. President.
W. F. ERWIN. Clerk Board of Public Works.
Oct. 22, 1".
Alderman of the Ward.
Selby A%crime Change of Grade and Bridge—
, To the honorable the President and Common
Council, City of St. Paid.
G ... lomen: The Board of Public Work.
have hull under consideration an order for a
change of grade on Selby avenue. between Sur
Rings avenue and Hemline avenue. which con.
templates a bridge crossing over the right of
ay of the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul
Railway Company. The board. upon mvesti
gotten. dad that the city hien msennom
cross said right of way within the lines of
Selby avenue; therefore It Ix useless for the
Board to further consider said change of grade
until an casement is obtained.
The Board would suggest that no order for
old casement be paxeed by your honorable
A Proper order is herewith submitted.
It. L. Gou—N. President.
W. F. Eli— Clerk Board of Public Works.
Nov. 4. 1Nett
.Vdermaa of the [card.
Payne. Avenue and Other Streets Grading Con-
The Board reports that it has warded John
Dile and Loafs A. Bumgardner thecontract for
grading Payne avenue train York street to
Conk street: Case street, from a point 120 feet
e t of Payne avenue to :a point %M feet west
of Ynyne avenue, still Sims street, from a point
150 feet east o[ Payne uvenuc to a point 190 feet
e tot Pavne .venue. ,,sill goding to be done
under one contract, they being the lowest to.
Mable and responsible bidden therefor; amount
of bid, [.'3.1011: bond in the sum of S7,0U. wfill Paul
Martin and Peter Martin as sureties.
Hatch and Orchard Streets Grading Contract -
The Board reports that It has awarded
Thomas Keough the contract for grading Hatch
street, between Lexington avenue and Victoria
street, and Orchnrd street. between Lexington
.venue RidVictoria street, said grading to be
done Under one contract. he being the lowest
reliable and responsible bidder therefor;
amount of bia, , 3.5; bond In the sum of 4io0.
With Daniel Donnelly and N. Grose as sureties
George and Bidwell Streets Sower Contract—
The Board reports that it has awarded James
Forrestal the contract for... situating a sower
on (:cargo street, from Ohio street to Bidwell .
street, and n Bidwell street, from George
street to Winifred street, together with
necessary catch -basins and manholes, sold sew
sting to be done under one contract, he being
the lowest reliable and resnonsible bidder
therefor: amount of bid. 11:1,390; pond in the
sum of 01,500, with J. P. Gribben and J. G. Don.
rally as sureties.
Broadway Grading and Sewering Contraet—
The Board reports that it has awarded Au-
gust F. Menke the contract for grading old
eonstruetiug a sewer oh Broadway street, from
Phirt....Il .treettq Grove street, said grading
and sewering to be done Under one oontraot,
as being LIl0 lowest reliable and responalbls
bidder [Ilerefor; amount of bid, 4842.00; bond id
the sum of V lO. with Charles G. Menke and
John Brandi as sureties.
Hoyt Avenue Grading Contract—
The Hoard reports that it has awarded
Michael Tracy the coal rnct for partially grad.
ing Hoyt avenue, from Concord street to the
south city limits, he being the lowest reliable
and responsible bidder therefor; amount 0'
bid. $3,110; bond in the sum of $550, with Peter
Tierney and A. Jobst as sureties.
Wilder Avenue Grading Contract—
The Board reports that it has aw.rded
Thomas Linnen the contract for grading
Wilder avenue, from Marshall .venue to Sum
mit avenue, he being the lowest reliable and
responsible bidder therefor: amount 1 bid,
$1,YvO. bond In the sum of $500' with James
Fenstermaker and J. L. Henry as sureties.
Oxford and Argyle Streets Grading Contruet—
The Bourd reports that it has •warded
Thomas Keoughthe contract for grad
ford street. from the north line of the right of
way of the St. Paul. Minneapolis & btanttoba
the StnvtO the south line o l'nul & Northern Pncifle Ruil�
way Company. :end Argyle treet, from Front
trees to tie right of way of the St. Paul &
Northern Yacitte Huilwuy Company, said grad
ing to be done tinder one contract, he being the
lowest reliable and respomvible bidder therefor;
amount of bid. .3,400; bond 1. the sum of 1-1111with Daniel Donnelly and N. Gross as sureties.
Hope Street Grading Contract—
Tne hoard reports that it has awarded Will.
A. Davern the contract for gradingg Hope street
to d full grade. from ?iImnehaha street to
grade. from
Frances street to East Fouprthtl treet. be being
the lowest reliable nd esponsible bidder
therefor; amount of bid. $6,689: bond in the sum
of 8"00. with Wm. Davern and Aug. Hammer
as sureties.
Each of the foregoing[owards taken up Sep
ar tely and approved b, following vote:
Yeas—Aid. Bickel, Htom, Bock, Calle.. Con
fey, FLsher. Grb n. Lett I ', Weber, -Vice
Pru[[, Sanborn, Soillvan,
President -15.
and ClaimS—
•d Transmits, approved bIthe fol
..,,,,..0 ane cialms. toa�lt: Estimate
td r)... nam, --v--"-'--
,0; E timate No. 2 and anal. Edmund street
'� oa & Lindquist, Estimate
No, grand anal, Jessamine street sewer, W. J.
Preston, 8714.50; Estimate No. I and anal,
Robert street sewer, Stockton & Lindqu 'It.
8214; Estimate No. I and final, sewer conn..
tions on lots 1, 2 and & block 1. Ho kine' addi.
tion, Stockton & Lindquist, 079 Esti-
mate No. 2 and anal. Viola street -ewer,
A. F. Menke, iij. E -timate No. " and
final. Lyons court paving, T. M. Hreen, 8110.50;
Estimate No. 2 and final, alley ptvofg,Hbllacnk
25, Whitney & Smith' -addition, T
$202.91; Estimate No.6 add final. Di
treet grading, W. A. Davern, 82, 9M; Est
No. 3 and anal, Iglehart Street gradin
Carleton, 8355.50; Estimate No.8 end
Cayug. street grading J. Claffey, 8818;
to No. 8 cad final. 6apito1 even.. qts
J. Cable, 83' roEstimate No. 2 and
grading allay in Arth's subdivision block
Dayton's addition. C. Nonnereaohor, d
Estimate No. 1 and anal, gradingg
In north half of Smith's __ subdt
W. Merrill, 83; C. C. SP
rill, $l5; Mathew Craii
Committee on Claims.
2Report for October, 1889—tota1 disburse-
ments, 89.541.35.
Committee on Ordinances and Public Ac-
counts. Also,
I. P. Wright's bill.
The Board [ransmite btll of !m P. Wright,
$214.75, city's ono -third, $71.59, expenses fie delo-
gate to of Corrections and
Charities at San Francisco and Portland.
Committee on Claims.
The Board asks for im crdinance provldi.g
In r the admittance of Fire Wordso. to bell
mggs for the purpose of examinstion, etc.
Corporution Attorney.
The Secretary of the Beard transmits o cop -
of resolution odoVted by Board Nov. 1, IBli9,
asking Council to inform Board whether or not
land beg been acquired around Lake Como,
pursuant to act of Legislature, approved April
17, 1889, for improving Lake Como, eta.
Committee on Stren Corporation Attorney
and City Engineer
Of Committee on Claims—Ed. S. Bean Sheriffs
Claim for Slg':20: St. Paul SanitatiOn Co.'s
bill for $114; The Dispatch Printing Co.'s
bill for $110.50—
mtey said bills D0 re-
Ior edtoCorporation A tornAdopted. Also,
old. Yoerg's Resolution. -81,544.07 for Anna E.
and C. S. Witlfams: 8887.89 for Coronae
fair JnoMnrof C. H. Benedict, Attorney
be referred to 1-Xdreton Attorney.
Adopted. Al...
Ordinance to Pay Charles Eklund 840—Bail
Committee recommends passage.
Adopted. (See Ordinance No.
Andrew Iber's claim for VOD—
that claim be re
ferred othe City Engineer
Claim o[ S. P. Folsom. Jr.. for>g?10.2(1. Balance
—Fourth Street Paving—
Committee reports ltdverse td said claim.
Adopted. —_
Of Committee on Ordinances and Public Ac
aunts—Reports Examined.
Committee has examined and I ... d correct
reportsof Board of Control for October, 1889:
of Inspector of Buildings for August, 1889, and
September, 1889: of Philip Arnold. Acting
Poundmaster, for September. 18tR and of John
Conniff, Acting Poundmaster, for September.
Of Aid. Gehan—Riobard Bamberg's Claim—
Damages Grading Buff.10 Street—
Committee reports said Bamberg damaged in
St 25, and recomin a pavment.
Adopted. (See resolution.)
An ordinance was read --M5 to Martha D.
lea suspended on motion of Ald. Minea,
yeas I5, and ordinance read second time ad
ISee Ordinance No. 1,247.)
An ordinance wasend permitting Noyes
Bros. & Cutler and Germania Bank to use
McClellan Trap ventilator
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Conley,
yeas 15, and ordinance rend Second time and
passed. (See ordinance No. 1.248.1
An ordinance was read permitting A. Stahl
to build addition to house on Riec street.
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Weber.
yeas 15, and ordlnonce rend second time toll
passed. (See Ordinance No. 1,249.)
An ordinance was read permlttinng A. Allen
to build a frame shed.
Rules suspended on motion of Ald. Cooley,
yaps 15, and ordinance read seeond time and
passed (See Ordinance 1,2511. i
An ordinance was rend permittiliDr. G. A.
Gotwald to put two bay windows into frame
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Blom
yen, 15, and ordinance r 1 Second time dad
pa..ed. (See Ordinance No. 1,251.)
An ordinance was read permitting Win.
Byrne to erect buy window.
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. \Yeller.
yens la Rod ordinance read sucond time and
passed. (See Ordinance No. I,'-)
An ordinance was read permitting W. Slat]:
man to"e" bey window.
Rules Suspended on motion of Aid. Leit-
h user, yeas 15, and ordi... neead second
time and passed. (See Ordinance No. 1.253.)
An ordinance was read—F30 to Hugh Bran
Rules suspended on motion of Aid Fisher,
yeas 15,
and ordinance read second time and
Passed. (See Ordinance No. l,tM.)
An ordinenco was rend '•ggranting to the
Northwestern Telepho.e ..It g0 Company
the right to lay conduits for undergrou.d
wires in the city of St. Paul."
Rules all ed on motion of Aid. Sanborn,
yen. reading said ordinance placed upon its sec
AW. Sanborn moved to amend said ordi-
nance by inserting Immediately after the word
•purpose in line 8 of section:, the words --and in
uch part of the streets or avenues as shall be
designated by such omcrr."
Adopted, Yeas 1,
Aid. Sanborn moved to amend said ordinance
by Inserting immediately after the word•'order"
in line Is of section 3 the words
••of hitt' and immediately after the word
"thereto" in
n said line Is the words
'Ind in easethey fail to comply with such
order the city may perform the work ordered
and the grantees will pay therefor."
Adopted, yens I5.
Aid. Fisher moved to amend said ordinance
by striking out word "thirty' In line 23 of see.
tion :4 and inserting in lien thereof the word
Adopted, yeas 15.
Aid. Sanborn moved to amend said ordinance
by inserting a new section, to be section 10, and
by changing the number of section 10 to No.
11, said new section No. 10 to be as follows:
•'Sec. 10. The Common Council of the said City
of St. Paul reserves the right to order the con-
struction and use bysaid grantees of not less
than 6,100 feet of additional conduits and wires
during each year after the year 1889 on sueh
Streets and nvenues as the Common Council
m ydeslgnatn. and Io the event of no.-com-
pllunce with any such order all rights hereby
granted shall be forfeited."
Adopted, yens 15.
The Second reading of said ordinance was
thereupon completed.
Aid. Cohen moved that Sold ordinance be
read the third time and put upon Its pnssag0—
reading of the amended sections to be taken
as the Said third reading.
Adopted, yens 15, and said ordinance so read
the third time.
The question being upon the passage of said
ordinance as amended the same was passed.
Yexs. i5.
By Ald. Yoerg—
R—Alition Instructing City Engineer to re-
move poles from streets, etc.
Adopted, yeas 10, nays 5.
By Aid. Lcitauser—
A resolution pn partially annulling proceedings
in matter of op tog etc., if Conway, Mlnne-
hdhs. Frances and Third streets.
Committee on Street S.
By Aid. Blom—
Resolution instructing City Engineer to build
temporary foot bridge on Burr street.
Committee on Streets.
By Aid. Melody—
Resolution instructing Superintendent of Po-
llee Patrol Telegraph to purchase .nd pl e
police patrol box at northeast cornor Oakdale
avenue and Annapolis streets.
Committee on Police.
By AId Blom --
Resolution for lamps at Maryland street and
Walsh ven., old other streets.
Committee on Gas.
By Aid. Bock—
Resolution for lamp—lot 3, Block 2, Beek and
Breckenridge's addition.
Committee on Gas.
By Aid. Leithauser—
Resolution for lamps at Ravine and Maple
streets and other streets.
Committee on Gas.
By Aldi Gahan-
ArRu s el ution
for llamp
pen Front street. between
Committee on Gas.
By Ald. Cehan-
Resolution for lump on St. Peter and Mortin
.t Cts.
Committee on Cos.
By Aid. Gehan-
Y'oRrk ei Cion for lamps other st[rc-or Coartio-I sad
Committee ov Gas.
By All. Sullivan-- Merriam Place. be
Resolution [or mmp e
twee. Prior and Milwaukee avenues.
Committee on Gas.
By Q4d. Melady-
R . oluti ov for l.tops on Stryker avenue, near
Delos street. on .. other streets.
Pumm tet to nlvertis ement of Cit, Clitr�d
duttd uOct. li, iN.U. bidfl
for the C sliuctton f a were, Hr0 r cistern
ar Corner OIIP.ons nil bterens .treat,. tram
Gustav R.mlow, Wm. 1. Preston. Robert
Cruiksbank. John AV. Doherty, Nets J. Ness.
City Engineer, to tabulate sad report at this
Pursuant to d1'rtisemept of City Clerk,
doted IH80, Uids Ior constructing 11 Pr
of bridg, on Durr street, across
outer strew[. were received from Lussig Brid Re
C Iroc tY cries. Penn Bridge Company. H. N.
Elmer. 11, H. Longtold, Olaf Hort, "It. Vernon
Bridge Company.
City Engineer, to tabulate and report at this
Ceti. g.
mea25 sae eadvertiseeceive Citr construe
on trued
Oct, 25, den Idde were received for es on hs
e wota en arch bridge and approaches on the
Menders [ossa. from Chas. Stone, Yuul H arty.
R can Will. t. Pierre. John g Doherty.
Rheaume & St. Pierre, H. H. Lnngaeld, Jas.
Mi,Naugh to..
City Envincer. to tabulate and report at this
Pursuant to dvertisementof Cfty Clerk.
dated ::e[ 25. 7289, bids for the construction of
exitan from Newmarket Theater were received
fCmand R.
opany W
St. Paul Foundry cl
mitLee on ynblte F3'uildings. City Prop
e toy' and Dl urkels
The matter of M. A. LubS s claim for 310}
mpounded-disallowed Seil i. 18W win
rcvon.itlerod and the same recommitted [oto
Committee on Claims.
Aid. Fisher nominated M. LV. French forth,
ef mr, of C..,tholc o the C IN of St. Paul, vice
Th call hotanda ,her
Far k lass, thbd e,IE
µotos of
a reset[ e.
Aid. Bickel, Blom. Bock. Cullen. Conley
I,isblr Gahan, Leithanser. Minea, Melody
,[tit[. Senile rn, Sellivan, Wwbet. Sf r. Vit•r
President -I5.
Dl. W. French having received all the vote:
cast. was thereupon duty declared appointer
Con,table of the C«y of St. Pani, vice Henry G
Reichow resigned.
Aid. Sanborn explained his negative vote of
Aid. Conley', resolution guaranteeing $10.110
or on ice palace. etc.. by saying that he would
of guarantee : Ib,iou personally.and that under
be lax' he could not, as an alderman, vote
y, this near, neat year's money. Lake
t The matter of iho vacation of St. Paul,
Phalen and Whitte Bear Lake
d, advertised be heard t
time, was postponed nd at 7:W ndjottrned until
tie Council Chamber In the City HOR. p m., in
for vocations of streets,atters of all enl joys, fele.., wereepost
ed uad adjourned until Toestl ay, Nov. 19,
Meat T, -W o'clock p. m. at the Council Cham -
n the City Hnit.
t the
The Vico President, during Blow
t di..nce permitting pbe North astern Tele-
xayx^ alledaA A. Selltvanyt totoy
ch. 1. sub
Ordl, ei nese.
An Orve dollars In favor of tMu Martha D. Bluethe am . nty.
The Common Council of to City of St. Paul
do ordain as follows:
CiSeeTr n, Th (or anorderbe d T tans my -Rhe
1$%5.01]) doll are fa favor of Martbo a D. Bjork,
sold sum to be in full c peneulon for a y
doll damages e....ibeit byand Mori
Bjork by reason of any injury by water LLrou or relessnes. oI the city to the basement
cellar of Ler house. located on Lot Number 14,
f Robert & Lewis' subdivision of Block Num
tiered I06, of Lymna Dayton's addition to the
Citry of St. Paul, and all injury to sat property
t forth bvibe petition [ aid gr
bs D.
Hjork, dated aha l5th day of Mup, Sn1d
der not to be delivered uattl there has been
ion of all claimsrojfa said celit in IU
Martba D
ejork. o
Sec. 2. This ordinance shell takeot and
be in force from and after its publication.
Ye..-AId. Bickel, Blom. Hock. MineaBell , Mel
ICS• Fisher. Gehay. Lei:hnuser,
dy. Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan. Weber, Mr.
Vice President -I5.
Passed Nov.:' 1889
ANTHONY Council. Vice Presidenttit ofo[ C Council.
Approved NOV. e, 1889.
Attest: THAs. A. PRENDERGAST. City Clerk.
Nov. 11. -
ORDINAls- No. 1,248.
A NoyestBrothers &.leaHer
to put lin suitandanile
the McClellan
tato for theventilator Ventilator albeit
owprescribed by or
ordain as Ioltlowe: of the City of St. Poul
Section 1. That the Germanla Bonknd
Nope., Brothers fi Cutler are hereby out
Ized to put In and use fn their respective build-
ings the McClellan Trap Ventilatoras a eub'
stitute for the ventilators Holy prescribed by
ordinance; said work to be done under the
supervision of the Inspector of Buildings.
See. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and
be in force from and after its publtoation.
Yens -Aid. Nickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen, Con
toy, Fisher, Gch:in. LORIT user. Milieu, Meludy.
Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber. Mr. Vice
President -15.
Passed Nov. 5, IWO.
Vice President of Council.
Approved Nov. e, 1899.
Attest: THOS. A PRENDERGAST. City Clerk.
Nov. 11.
ORBrxANCa No. 1,249.
AnO, a granting perm lesion to :\. Stahl
to build an addition io his house on Rlee
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
aafa as follows:
Section 1. Permission is hereby given and
anted to A. Stahl to build and erect v s
story frame addition, 22x24 feet, to the ren, of
his house. situated on lot :i, f block 'Iof Slw
iHn nad Breekmridge's addition to St. Paul.
Said addition to be bull[ u.ticr thw supen'ts ion
and direction of the Inspector of Buildings:
Sec. 2. This ordirimi- sit all take effect and
be in force from and after its publication.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel. Blom. Bock.CBBen, Conley.
Fisher, Gehan, Leith ... cr. Minea, Metals,
Pratt. Sanborn, Sulbvan. Weber. Mr. to,
Passed Nov .5, Visit.
AN .11.v Y.ERn, JR..
Vice Prtoodent of Council.
Approved Nov. 0, 1RHn.
Attest: THOS. A. PRE.-I-aT. City Clerk.
Nov. 0.
UIf Ul NANCE NO. 1.2511.
An Ordinance perm t[ti ng A. Allen to erect and
build an open trams shed.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
ordain as follows:
Section 1. That permission still authority le
hereby given and granted unto I.
Alle. to
build and erect on tot eleven ill), of block illus
r 9j, of Whitney R Smith's addition to St. Paid,
an pen wooden shed, [4x.91 fat and ]2 feet
high. all exposed portions to be covered with
iron; said shed to be used for storingexpress
wagons and deliver,, no said work to be
done under the supervision of the Inspector of
Sec. 2 This ordinanceshall lake off -I stud
be 1n force from and after its passage.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel. Blom. Bock. Cullen. Con
ley, Fisher, Gehan. Lefthuuser. Minea, Melody,
Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan. Weber. Mr. Vice
President -15.
P.esed Not-. A hills.
OY Y..., J...
\'ice President of Council.
Approved Nov. B. IHS¢.
Ron A. SMITH. Mayor.
Attest: TROs. A. YHEN..HCAsT. Cit, Clerk.
Nov. 11.
ORIII.ANl'.s: NO. 1:2.'d.
-In Ordimm- permitting Dr. G. A. Gotu'ald 1.
put two bay windows into n new frame build
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul d.
ord.t .s follows:
Scull- 1. Permission is hereby given and
granted unto Dr. G. A. Gotu•ald to put into the
corner and side of tet new frame building now
being erected by him upon the southeast car
Her of Payne avenue and Maryland streets, to
St. Yuul two bay
wind Be. The
said windows to be placed eve
n the corner nad the other midway o t Mary
land street, not less than twelve feet from the
gund "a to project not over two feet from
the building line: the same to be dean under
the supervision o[ the lnS pe ctor of Bull did ngs of
,arid city.
See. 2. This ordimmee shall tate effect and
be in force from and after Its publication.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel. Blau, Hock. Cullen. Con
ley. Fisher. Gahan, Leftbnuser, Mine., Mid
any. Prate Sanborn. Sullivan. Weber. Mr.
Vice President -15.
passed Nov..,. ]Nie.
AsT.11 v YO.H.. JR..
Vice President of Council.
Approved Nov. U. 18411.
Attest: THOS. A. PHENIIERGAST, City Clerk.
An Ordinance permitting William Byrne to
act . 0ay window' In the st nd story of n
w store building to be erected ad leered
.,I the southwest co f the intersec-
tion of Martin street with It ackobin s
TheCommon Council of the City oI St. Paul do
ordain as follows:
Section 1. Permission f, hereby given
granted unto William Byrne in erec1
and build
u b' y wf low on the he store
lding,-i. the secnd story thereof, of a store
huildingto be nr vied by hi , s: id William
Byrne, nad
located o. lot one (I I. block twelve
(12). Mackubtn ,Y-. M.r..h.11•,addition io St.
Prml. Said building to tit erected and ,f tested
.1. the .,On the est urnerof the intersection of
Martin street with Mackuhin street. Said bay
window to have -a projection from the side of
said main building of eighteen inches or there -
Said work to be under the supervision of the
Building Inspector of said City of St. Paul.
Sec.':. This ordinance shall take effect and
be In force from Red after its publicatf on.
Yana-Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock. Callen, Co.
ley. Fisher. Gehan. LeilLuuser. Mine.. Melody,
Pratt, Sanborn. Sullivan. Weber, Sir. Vico
Passed Nov. 5, ISS¢.
Vice President of Council.
Approved Nov. 0, IMM
test; 'PHOS. A. PRE-URGA,T, City Clerk.
Nov. 11. _-
OHntNANCE No. 1.=
An Ordinance permitting W. Stutgmun ec
to ert
bay window os herein deseribud.
The Common Council or the City of St. Paul do
rduin as follow.:
Section 1. Permission is hereby given to W.
Stutzmun to erect one boy window on tine see
and story of the premises of said LV. Stutzman.
situate on northeast seventy' night feet, block
e. of Lyman Dayton's addition, said window to
extend nlghteen (lg) inches oyer the street line
of it
Seventh street and to be constructed
under supervision of Inspector or Buildings.
Sec. 2. This ordinance sbn11 take effect and
be in force from and after its passage and pub-
Yens -Aid. Bickel, Blom, BookCullen, Con -
Pm Fisher,,Saaborn, Sullivan,Weber. ,rlir. Melody
President -15.
Passed Nov. 5, 1889.
\'ice President of Council.
Approved Nov. 6, 1889.
HOnEll A. SMITH, Mayor.
Attest: THOS. A. PHENDERGAmT. City Clerk.
Nov. 11.
An Ordinance uppmprfattng money and au-
thorizing an order drawn upon the City Treas
arer, ae hereinafter stated
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
ordain as follows:
Section I That an order be drawn on the.
Ctty Treasurer of the City of St. Paul In favor
f Hugh Brannon for the sum of thirty ($30)
dollars in full satisfaction of all expenses,
damages and corm by reason f the ratters
and things stated and set forth In the bill pre
merited to this Council Oct. 15, cd elerred to
the Committee on Claims, and by said commit
tee allowed. Said Order, to be delivered only
pan there being fled wifit'
h the City Comptrol
ler a release in fall for all damaged occasioned
a- 3n maid bill alleged.
See. 2. This effect
be In force fmmoand afters Islip blit tien. and
Yeas-Ald. Bickel. Blom.i Bock. Cullen Con
-e y, Fisher, Gbta. 1i`onus Vice
Pratt, Sanborn, Sul
President -1 5.
Passed Nov. 5. I.9.
\'fee President of Council.
Approved Nov. 6. 1889.
Ro-111 A. SMITH. Mayor.
Attest: THIN. A. PIMNDERGAST, ('fly Clerk.
Nov. H.
Alars to ance Char es Eklund. far return of
forty do
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul
do ordain as follows:
Section 1. That the City Treasurer is hereby
arborized and directed to return to Charles
Eklund. through his attorney, John H. Ives,
the m of forty dollars. the .mount of bail
famished in cash by him for his appearance nt
the Municipal Court on Oct. 14. 1889, the said
Eklund having by mistake foiled to appear at
forfeithattied and and sad ever to the City Treasurer.
Seo. 'L This act Miall take effect and be In
force from and after its publication.
Yens-Ald. Bickel. Alam, Bock, Cullen,
Conley. Fisher, Gehan Leithauser. Minea.
Meldy, Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan, 1Veber, Mr.
V Ice President -15.
Passed Noc. 5, 1869.
Vice President of Council.
Approved Nov. 6. 16tiN.
Attest: THOS. A. PHENDE.RGAST. City Clerk
Nov. 11.
3y Ald. Pratt-
ovedlbythe Plat CommisThat the sion, ad a. recom-
�ended her bythe
ccept do uiynthe Common the
d the City of Saint Paul.
James W. Heather's subdivision block 7,
Perrnce Park addition to St. Pau:, Minn.
Victoria Sud Lufond street addition to the
;ity of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minn.
J. M. Warner's addition to St. Paul. Minn.
J. C. Stout's Second addition to St. Paul,
E. C. Long's, rearratiFement of Part of block
College Place, Taylor s Division.
Atwater Street addition to the City of St.
: aul, Ramsey County, Minn.
Baker's addition to the City of St. Paul,
Ramsey County, Minn.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock Cullen. Con
Sy, Fisher. Gahan. Leltbauser, Mitten, Melady,
Pratt. Sanborn. Sullivan. Weber, Mr. Vice
President -15.
Approved Nov. 6. 1486--
13y Ald. Gehan-
Resolved, That the grade of 'he 1011-wIndicategg
Hreet between the points named. ns tndicntetl
by the red grade Ilne on the accompanying
profile, and aSecommended by the City
Engineer, be and the Same is he
ns the established grade:
Portland street, from Lake Como and Phulen
avenne to Minneapolis avenue.
Yeas -Aid. Bickel• Bio., Bock. Cullen, Con
ey, Fisher, Gahan. Lelthnueer, MinaMelady
Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Yoerg, Mr. Chair
man -15.
Approved Nov. 6, 1889.
By Ald, Sanborn -
Resolved, That the grade of Osceola avenue,
from Dunlap avenue to Lexingto
din avenue, es
bade by the red grade line on the
Punying prof le, and as recommended by the
City Engineer, be and the samn is hereby
adopted as the established grade.
Yeae-Ald. Bickel. Blom, Dock, Cullen Con-
PrutttsSanborn, Weber, Yoerg, Mr. Chair
man -15.
Approved Nov. 6. 1889.
Hy Aid. Pratt.
Resolved, That the grade of the alley In
blocks 78 and 0.5, St. Anthony Pnrk, between
Cromwell avenue and Manvel street, as indi-
cSu.d by the red gide line on the
Ing profile, andam recommended by the CAV
Engineer• be and the same is hereby adopted
am the established grade.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel Blom. Bock. Cullen, Con-
Iey. Fisher, Gehnn. Leithauser, Mines, Melady.
Pratt, Sanbom. Weber, Yoerg, Mr. Chir
man -15,
Approved, Nov. 6, 1899.
By Aldi Letthcser-
Rome ved, That the grade of Duluth avenue,
from Dawson street to Seventh street, as In
dicated by the red Kind. line on the accom-
partyingprofile. and as recommended by the
City Engineer, be and the same is hereby
adopted as the established grade.
Yens-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con-
ley, Fisher, Gabon, Leithauser, Mines, Melady,
Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Yoerg. Mr. Chairman
Approved Nov. 6, 1889.
By Aid. Lefthaumr-
Resolved, That the City Engineer be hereby
authorized to expend the sum of fifty dollars
to repair the Cottage Grove road, from Bums
avenue tothe city limits.
Yens-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen, Con-
ley, Fisher. Gehan.Leithauser, Mitten, Melody.
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice
President -15.
Approved Nov. 6, 1889.
By Aid. Bock -
Resolved, That the City Engineer Is hereby
instructed to expend the sum of 1100 to putting
Western avenue in passable condition.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock. Cullen, Con
ley. Fisher. Genun, Mines, Melady,
Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice
President -15.
Approved Nov. 6, 1889. -
By Aid. Bock -
Resolved, That the City Engineer Is hereby
Instructed to expend the sum of $IO9 in putting
Logan street In passable condition.
-Ald. Blekel, Blain. Bock, Cullen, Con
ley, Fisher, Gabon, Letthnneer, hllnen, Mel
ady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr.
Vice President 15.
Approved Nov. 6, 1889.
By Aid. Sullivan -
Resolved, That the City Engineer is here DY
instructed to report grades on Ashland and
Laurel avenues, between Lexington and Cleve-
Yeas -Aid. Bickel, Blom, Hock, Cullen, Coa-
ley Fisher, Gehnn, Leithauser, Minen. Mel:
ady, Pratt. Sunborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr.
Vice President -15.
Approved, Nov. 6, 1889.
By Aid. Gehnn-
Resolved, That the City Engineer be and he
Is hereby directed to lay a erosswtkover
Jackson street, north side of University ave
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Book, Cullen, Con-
ley, Fisher, Gehan, Leithauser. Mi.... Melady,
Pratt, Sanborn. Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice
President -1S
Approved Nov. 6. 1889.
By Ald. Lelthauser-
Resolved, That the City Engineer be hereby
ordered to have the sidewalk oa Mendota
street, from Margaret street to Hudson ave-
nue, placed on the correct line.
Yeae-Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Calle.,
Conley, Fisher, Gehnn. Leithauser• Minen,
Melady, Pratt Sanborn, Sullivan. Weber, Mr.
Vice President -15.
Approved Nov, 6, 1889.
By Aid. Geller -
Resolved That the Corporation Attorney be
od he is hereby directed to have .11 obstruc-
tion removed from Broadway, between Grove
street and Thirteenth street.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Co.-
es, Mel
ady. Piratt. Sanborn, Sullivan,ser' Weber, Mr.
Vice President -15.
Approved Nov. 6, 1889.
By Aid. Gch.n-
Resolved, That the City Clerk be and he is
hereby directed to advertise for bids for light
ing the gasoline street lamps of the city, com
mencing Jnn. 1, 1890. The bids to give the rate
for lighting for one, two and three years, bids
to be received till Tuesday. Dec. 3, 1886, at 3
o'clock P. in.
Y ens-Ald. Bickel, Blain, Bock. Cullen, Con-
ley. Fisher, Gehon,Leithauser, Millen, Malady,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice
President -15.
Approved Nov. 6. 1&99
By Aid. Flsher-
Resoled. That the Chief of Police be and he
is hereby instructed within ten days of the
ndoptiml of this resolution to remove all ob
structions on Wubasha street. between Fourth
d Fifth effects, and i. bunt Of the new
Germania Bank building, now in course of
of action, for the reason:
First -That the brisling machine and engine
in front of said new building and upon the skle-
w-Slk of said street is a public ad series, and
dangerous to the travel of the public at that
frequented street, as uceidents have and will
likely occur as long as maid engine is operated
at that point.
Second -That said part of aid tract has
been unnecessarily obstructed for more than
twelve months pant, u.d has been closed tothe
public travel for that length of time. and to the
injury of the business on said part of 117abasha
Resolved further, That the Chief of Police
also within said time ..use to be removed all
rubbish and building materials on said part of
Wubasha street and place said part of the
street to passable condition forth: travel for
the public, and that the Proper side walks may
there be laid.
Yeam-Ald. Hiegel, Blom. Bock, Cullen, Con
ley, Fisher. Gehnn. Leithauser, Melady,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber. Mr. Vice
President -14.
Nays-Ald. Mine. -1.
Approved Nov. 6, IQ
By Aid Yoerq
Resolved. Th t a warrant be drawn I. favor
of the Capitol Bank of St. Paul, Minnesota, for
the sum of eighteen hundred ($1,800) dollars,
with interest from FOC, 7, 1f47tl.' p.yment and
satisfaction of that certain judgment entered
and perfected of record in the office of the
Clerk Of the District Court of Ramsey Countv.
Minnesota, on said Nov. i, 1ttYg, in favor o1 V.
13. Parks, appellant, and ngninst the City of
Pani, respo.dent. for the said sum of eight -
ell hundred ($1,800) dollars. Said warrant to
te ,,,,,,ad onluon here beinled with
he City Comptroller a certificate of $the Clerk
of said court that said judgment has been sells -
Bed of record.
Yews-Ald. Bickel. Blom. Bock. Calico, Con
ley, Fisher. Gotten, Leltheuser. Mines, Melody.
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan. Weber. Mr. Vice
Perm, t -I5.
Approved Nov. u, IM9.
By Aid, Yoerg-
. That an order be drew, in favor or
the 9f P'ho sumonal Hauk.of of thretl thousvfnd elx ba ldred
Interest from De.ith
ad 4 WU W71 plymenit and wBat
II faotlon of that certal. judgment entered up
d pe [acted of ec tl in the omce of the
Clerk of the De,trlot Court of Ramsey County,
Minnesota, o. said Dec. W. dam. in favor of
William B. Barnes and Willi. It. Shaw, upper
,at. for the aim sof threl the e thou em eau a ueI. hunded
twenty, ae nen and 41-1W I:RUZ'.4L dollars. Sold
a [ to be delivered only uapon their beteg
mea with the (;try Comptroller judgment
he Clerk of sud court that said d t has
been satisfied of revord.
Yeas-Ald. Biellel. Bloat, Bock. Callen, Coll
ley, Fisher, Gehan. Lel[hauser. Mined. Melody,
Pratt. Sanborn. Sullivan. Wcber. Mr. Vice
President -15.
Approved Nov. G. 1889.
By Aid. Sullira.-
Resolved. That an order be draw. on the
11fty Treasurer i favor of the Minaesots
Transfer Railway Company in the sum of'1titl9.8U,
being the amount due 1n full for the cost of
the calling on the approach to the Itnlverslty
avenue bridge across the right of way of said
Minnesota Tell Railway Company.
Yens-Ald. Bickel, BIom,Bock.Culleu,Conley,
Fisher, Gehan. Letthauser. Minn., Melody,
Pratt Sanborn. Sullivan, Wooer, Mr. Vice
Pre, l dent -l.
Approved Nov. lis IMP.
By AId. Yoerg -
Resolved. That , warrantbe. drawn t favor
of the Merchants" Notional Bank f St. Paul.
Sgrexta, for the sum of two thou band five
hundred sixty =and n-100 (52.51S.al11 dollars.
with interest from June 5. less. in payme.t and
s,tisfat•tion of that certainjudgment entered
up and perfected of record in the omce of the
Clerk of the Distrlet Court of Ramsey County,
Minnesota, on said June 5, ISHIS. In favor of the
[Vest Side Real Estuto and Improvem cut Cmm
pupontlen[ll for l he sialit somThe
oftt . thousand
ve hundred maty-Ifce and Sit I.t (} 565. s91 do1
tars. Said warrant In be delivered only upon
there being filed with the City Comptroller a
certificate of Lite Clerlt of s ld court that said
judgment has been satielled of record.
Y ens-Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock.Cull en. Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Mine,, Melody,
Pratt, Sanborn. Sullivan. ]Veber, Mr. Vice
President -15.
Apprnred Nov. ti, 1".
By Aid. Mineu- -
Resolved, That Be order be drown ups. the
1'Ity Treasurer for the num of as ..1, ($,0)
,lettere in favor of Alt.ea Shattuck, Bald sum
being for bse
ast COaponB N-170,1 a¢d'Ig41;
ID coupon, saving bee. lost, aad baid Althea
Shattuck paving executed an umdavit as to the
loan of aid out pons.mand further o cuted a
pproper bond f denit c e
ditioned to sav
he lees the Citof St. )� ul from any loea by
reason of said coupon, being Presented for
Yeo,-Ald. Bickel. Hima Book. Culleo, Con
toy, Fisher, Gehan, L.ithauser, Mivea Melatly.
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mn Vice
Preldilmi -I5.
Approved Nov. 6, IW9.
By Aid. Gehen--
Resolved, That an order be drawn tell the
GhleyP` rfnhevere sum Ri[hard� Bum u er of r
twenty fiveu(IV51 dollars, la full payment and
front the grading of ref Buffaloclaio street damua, set slut
in the petition of ,aid Ric rd Bombergi bare -
order for be delito the Common Cvered upon the tiling x'1th the
City Comptroller of a proper receipt rolemdng
all such do mages.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel. Blom. Duck. Cullen. Con
Iny, Gehan, Malady, Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan.
Weber, Mr. Vice President -I_.
Nuys-Ald. Fisher. Leithouser. Minea-g.
Approved Nov. 6. IHHit.
By Ald. Weber-
Reeolved, That an order be drawn in favor of
the Board of Control for the s of 11,117.11,
befog the city's '•$ of the expenditure of said
board for the month of October, 1889.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel. Blom. Pock. Cullen, Con-
ley, Fteher, Oehan. Letthauser. Mine., Melody.
Pratt, Sanbom. Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vine
President -15.
Approved Not'. 6, IMP.
By Commltt,e o1 Ways and Means -
Resolved by the Common Councilor the City
f St. Paul, That n city orders be drawn upon the
City Tre..Uy. ggregn[i ag nine hundred and
sixty and 80 -IW ( dollars, h defray the in the reception of the pan -American
delegates, in favor of the follow-ingpartie%
HenrSE. ]Vetlelst. print)ng...... ... x.511
Pride. SfcGill & Co.. prl¢Ling.... ......... 11). (X)
A. S. Tallmadge, sundries.- .... ..... 29.86
Ii. P. Cullen. carriage.. .................... 115.W
J. B. Cook S Son, baggage... ............. SRW
George Siebert, music .... ... ............ 175.00
Ho el
rece pit..
itv.._„ 446.W
A. Brown, hack. ............. ...... .......' 1.511
R. L. Polk & Co.. directory 3.00)
Total .............................. 1si80.e6
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Book. Cullen. Cml
ley, Fisher, Gehan, Letthauser, Minn., Melady,
Pratt. Sanborn. Sullivan,, Weber Mr. Vice
Approved Nov. 6, 18H9.
By Aldi Cullc
esoved Uy file Common Council of the City
CI Saint Paul, That or ars H e drawn upon
pwatd upon [tie erroneous assesatae.t for a
elks on Buuker street, between Woodbury
and Oakdale -treats. suid as havg
been annulled and set aside ander a r ... lulli¢on
of the Common Council, approved Oct. Is. IM9.
Yens -Aid. Bickel. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con
ley. Fisher, Gehan. Leith ... er. Minea. Mel'
Illy. Pratt, Sanborn. Sullivan. Weber, Mr.
Vice President -15.
Approved Nov. 0, IH89.
13Aid. Conley -
Res lved. That x', hereby gu aru¢tee the up-
repriation of it, sum of ten thousand I10,obb
dollar. for the construction of11
ire palace in
Lhe CitS of St. Paul during the winter of IH9f1,
said npprop tattoo to env Il ex of it
luminattng ta, street, of nth. city during the
on]etas-Ald. Bickel. Blum. Buck, Cullen.
Conleyy. Fteher. Gehan. Lei[:t"I ve Mine.,
.or.tly. Pratt, Salli,'nn. tV abet, Mr.
Vice President -14.
Nays-Ald. Sanborn -1.
Approved Nov. 5, IH.V-
By Aid. Yoerg-
bnlResolfthe PoliceThat 0. s Patrond l Teleg r No,r.l�❑.Line
man .ball be seventy dollars Ii -,O) per month.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con-
ley. Fisher. Gehan. Letthauser, Minea, Mcludy,
Pratt, Sunburn, Sullivan, N',her. Mr. Vice,
President -15.
Approved Nov. 6, 18,1f.
By Ald. Conley--
Resoived. That the St Paul Gus Light Com-
pany be• and they are hereby. directed to dis
continue the electric lighting of the city pari[,
from and after the passage of this resolution.
Yens--Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen, Con
ley, Fl shot, Call,,. Liethnuser. Mlnea. Mcl
Vice rPratt,
Sa born. Sullivan. ]Veber. Mr.
Approvetl Nov, ll. IsH9.
By Aid. Geh,n-
Resolved, That the St. Paul Gas Company
he and they are heresy requested and directed
to lay their gas inn ins on Uuvnde street. from
Thirteenth to Fourteenth; also on Thirteentb
street. from Canada street t. Mississippi
Yens-Ald. Bickel. Blom,BPck.Culle..Co.ley.
Fisher. Gehan• Letthauser. Minea, Melody.
Pratt. Sanborn. Sullivan, {Veber. Mr. Vice,
President -15.
Approved Nov. o,
By Aid. Pratt -
Resolved. That the city oil lamp contract
or be and he is hereby instructed to cause oil
lamapu to be placed as follows: One o Gibbs
el at the entrance of the State Expert -
ental Farm School; asked for by the suller-
intondent of the Experiment station.
Yeas -Aid. Bickel, Blom. Moak, Cullen, Con
ley, Fisher, Gehan. Leithauser. Mines, Melody,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan. Weber. Mr. Vi -
President -15.
Approved Nov. 6, IM9.
By Aid. Bock- --
Resolved, That the gasoline oil lamp con
tractor is hereby instructed to remove every
other lamp on West Seventh street. from Par-
nell street to Fort Snelling Uridge. sad locate
ten lamps s follow,. balance of lamps to be
taken out of service:
Otlamp northeast tonic, of Chatsworth
.ad Joe. streets.
One lamp northeast [•peter of Lexington aad
Randolph street..
Three 1 ps o it
the eor r of Juno street,
between View and Milton.
One lump the corner of Palace, between
Toronto and Daly.
One lamp on the corner of Florence, between
Bay and Corton.
One -limit, luon thte
e a e- ,'.f Randolph 400 feet
est of Lexington. o
Orn lamp northwestlof Western a
and Chicago. Sl ilwaultee fi St. Paul
Railway tracks.
One lame 'th side of Grace, between
Ricmm,nd : d estern
Yens -Aid. Bickel, lilmo t Book. Cullen. Con
loySsher. Gehan. Lettnau scr, ]fined. Morally,
If. Sanbore, Sullivan. Weber, Mr. Vice
President -15.
Approved Nov. 6, lhst. -
By Aldi Cehen-
Resolved, That the Wisconsin Central Rail
way Company be requested to place a flagman
n their right of way at Como and Phalen eve.
nue. Resolved further. That the City Clerk
forward a copy of this resolution to the Wis-
nam Central Railway Contpmty.
c Yeas-Ald. Bickel. Blom. .."I" Cullen'
ley. ,,her. Oehnn. Leithauser. Mtnea, Malady,
Pratt, Sanborn. Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vfee
President -l5.
Approved Nov.., I& -J.
By Ald. Sanborn-
Whereaa Dr. Lawton, one of the owners of
property on the line of Lawton street, basre-
gluested that he c true[ for Improving the
mo and c nal fueling staio
rs theren be can
celed. and the contractor has. at his request,
presented an offer to r •llnqubdi and cancel his
contract for the sum of d1,_W, which is hereto
Resolved, That the Board of Public Work,
be and It is hereby renested to consider the
qlist of Dr. Lawton and the Proposition of
su d co tractor, together with the pryteat of
C3elorge C. Squ Cres aad
others, and to tfifarm the
Common Council whether• fn their opinion. It
would be wise to accept said proposition.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, HIom,Hoclt,Cullev. Conley
Fisher, Gehan. Lei thnu.e r. Minea, Malady,
Pratt, Santos, Bull ivnn. Wchat. Mr. Vice
President -15.
Approved Nov. d, 1Ssil.
By Aid. Bock-
Resolved,That he {{,r per meet, be and
Lh ey are hereby authorlaed and directed t01, siggnn
and seal the contract between Joseph Roth -
ell nod the City of St. Paul for the construc-
tion of a fence on Cliff street. and that the
bond submitted be and the same Is hereby tap.
Yeas -Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen, Com
ley. Fisher, Gehan. Leithauser. Mines, Mel
tly, Pratt. Sonborn, Sullivan. Weber, Mr,
Vice President -15.
Approved Nov. 6, Ifit
By Aid. Yoerg—
Resolved, That the Boar1 of Public Works
cause a crosswalk to be laid on the south std.
of Midway avenue, across Oakdale avenue.
Yens—Ald. Blckel,Blom,Hocit _all.., Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Leithauaer, Mine.. Mody,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. V.
Approved Nov. 6. 1889._
By Aid. Bock—
Resolved. That the Board of Public Works
cause crosswalks to be laid ns follows:
On north side of Palace, across Daly street.
On west side of View, across Juno street.
On north side of West Seventh, across Seel
ling aveoue.
On north side of Juno, across View street.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con-
ley, Fisher. Gehan. Leithauser. Mines. Malady.
Prat, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice
President -15.
Approved Nov, 6, 1869. —
By Aid. Leitbauser—
It lsbereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of grading Mmnehh
from Bock street to easterly city limits, be
and the same is hereby referred to the Board of
Public Works to investigate and report:
First. Is this improvement proper and nec-
Second. Give the Council an estimate et the
expense thereof, and state whether one -holt of
the cost thereof is to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract Is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
said Improvement be found benefited to the ex-
tent of damages, costs and expenses necessary
to be Incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such improvement asked for upon
the petition or application of the owners of a
ty of the property assessed far such Imo
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said Improvement, as required by law, if you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di-
recting the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock, Cullen.
Conley, Fisher, Gehan, Leithauser, Mines,
Meiady, Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber,
Mr. Vice President -15.
Approved Nov. 6. 1869.
By Aid. Sullivan—
It is hereby ordered by the Common ,,oundi
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of opening Laurel avenue.
from Lexington to Cleveland avenues, be and
the same is hereby referred to the Board of
Public Works to investigate and report:
First. Is this improvement proper and
Second. Give the Council a. estimate o1
the expense thereof, and state whether one-
half of the cost thereof is to be paid Into the
City Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be sseased for
said improvement be in ad
benefited to the
extent of damages. coats Bud expenses nece.
sary to be incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is soon Improvement asked for upon
the petition or application o1 the owners of a
majority of the property to be assessed for
Such improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said improvement ns required by law, if you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth—Send the Council a proper order di
recting the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel. Blom. Bock, Cullen, Con-
ley. Fisher. Gehan. Leithauaer, Mines. Melody
Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice
President -15.
Approved Nev. Q ISS9.
By Aid. Leithauser—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the Cit y o[ St. Paul:
That the matter of u chadee of grade on East
Seventh street, from Flnndrau street to White
Bear avenue, said grade not to exceed 3q per
cent, be and the me is hereby referred
to the Board of Publ,. Warks to investigate
First. Is this improvement proper and neces.
Second. Give the Council an estimate of tho
expensethereof, and state whether one half of
the cost thereof is to be Paid into the City
Treasury before the contract Is let.
Third. Can real estate to be .sseased for
said Improvement be found benefited to the ex
tent of dumages. costs and expenses necessary
to be incurred thereby,
Fourth. Is such improvementasked for up
on the petition or application of the owner' of
of the property to be assessed for
such improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council o plan or profile of
said improvement. as required by law, it you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di-
recting the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen, Co.
IS y. Fisher, Gehan.Lelthauser• Mines, Melody,
Pratt, Sanborn. Sullivan. Weber. Mr. Vice
President -15.
Approved Nov. 6. 1989
By Aid. Conley—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of change of grade of East
Sixth street, between Broadway and 011re
streets, be and the came 1s hereby referred to
the Board of Publlo Works to investigate a.d
First. Is this improvement proper and nee
Second. Give. the Council an estfmute ofthe
expense thereof, and state whether one-half of
the cost thereof is to be paid Into the City
Treasury before the be
Is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
said improvementbe found benefited to the
exteof of damages, costs and expenses neces-
sary to be incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such improvement asked for
upon the petition or oppil
catlo. of the owners
of .majority of the property to be assessed for
ouch improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said improvement, as required by law, if you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di-
recting the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con-
ley, Fisher, Gehan, Lelthauser, Mines. Me
lady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan. Weber, Mr.
Vice President -15.
Approved Nov. 6. 1669.
By Aid. Blom—
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council
Of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of a change of grade on Ark -
right street, from Case street to Cook street,
be and the same is hereby referred to the
Board of Public is
to investigate and to
First. Is this Improvement proper and nee
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and elate whether ..a half of
•he cost thereof is to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
said improvement be found benetlted to the
extent of damages, costs and expenses aeces
sary to be. Incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such improvement asked for
upon the petition or application of the owners
of a majority of the property to be assessed for
such improvement,
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
.aid Improvement, as required by law, if you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di-
recting the work to be bone.
Yeas—Ald. Blekel. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con-
ley, Fisher, Gehan, Leithauser, Mines, Melody,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice
President -15.
Approved Nov. 6, 1899.
By Aid. Mmea—
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of grading Stickney .ire of.
from Concord street to the South city limits, be
.ad the same is hereby referred to the Board
of Public Works to investigute aad report:
First. Is this improvement proper and nece.
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof. and state whether one-half of
the cost thereof is to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
.aid improvement be found benetlted to the
extent of damages, costs and expenses necce
S.ry to be incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such improvement asked for
upon the petition or application of the owners
opo majority of the property to be assessed
for ouch Improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said improvement, us required by law, if you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Stud the Council a proper order
directing the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Calle., Con
ley. Fisher, Gehan, Leithauser, Mines. Malady,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice
President -15.
Approved Nov. 6, 1669.
By Aid. Gebon—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Pani:
That the matter of condemning and taking
an easement for making slopes necessury for
grading Pennolvanla avenue, between Miasfs-
ippi and Jackson streets, be and the some Is
hereby referred to the Board of Public Works
to investigate and report:
First. Is this improvement proper and nec-
Second. Give the Council in estimate of the
expensetreof, and state whether one -halt of
the cost thehereof is to be putd Into the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
said improvement be found benefited to the
extent of damages. costs unit expenses need3.
nary to be incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is suchimprovement asked ter
upon the petition or application of the owners
of n mujnrlty of the property" to be assessed for
such Improvement,
Fifth. Send the Council plan or profile of
said improvement, as required bylaw,i[ you re-
port to favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council u proper order di-
recting the work to be done.
Yeas—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen, Con-
ley, Fisher, Gehan, Leithauser. Mines, Melody,
Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan. Weber, Mr, Vice
President -15.
Approved Nov. 6. ISS9.
By Md. Gehan—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of ...demni.g and taking
an easement for making slopes necessary for
grading E. Ride's Third
additiontto St. Paul, be and he alley in block tlihe same Is here
by referred to re Board of Public Works to
Investigate and Sport:
First. Is this Improvement proper and nec
Second. Give the Council un estimate of the
expense thereof. and state whether one-half of
the cost thereof Is to be Patti into the City
Treasury before the contract Is let.
Third. Can real estate to be ...steed for
said improvement be found benefited to the ex.
,,at of damages. costs and expenses necessary
to be incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such improvement asked for
upon the petition or application of the owners
of a majority of the property to be assessed for
each improvement,
Fifth. Send the Council u Plan or profile of
said improvement, as required by law, if you
report in favor of same.
Sixth. Send the Council a properorderdi.
recting the work to be done.
Yeas—Aid. Bickel, Blom, ]lock. Cullen, Con
ley, Fisher. Gehan, Leithauser, Mines, Mel
ady, Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan. Weber, Mr.
V toe President -15.
Approved Nov. 6, 1889.
By Aid. Leithauser—
It Is herebyordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of grading alley in block
25 of Gotzlun's rearrangement of Sl gel's addi.
tion be and the same Is hereby referred to the
Board of Public Work, to investigate and rt
First. Is this improv cement proper and nee
be ... y.
Second. Give the Council un estimate of'Im
expense thereof• and state whether one half of
the cost thereof is to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be mo, ... oil for
said improvement be found benefited to the
extent of damages. costs and expenses notes
ary to be incurred thereby`
Fourth. Is such improvement naked for uuoll
the petition or application of the o re of a
majority of the property to be assessed for
Fifth. Send the Conn. it a plan o profile of
said improvement, as required by law. if lett
report In favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council u proper order di
acting the work to be don a.
Yea.—Ald. Bickel. Blom, Book. Cullen. Can
Iey.Fisher. Gehnn, Leithnuser, Minea, Melody,
Pratt. Sanborn. Sullivan, Weber. Mr.Vice Pres -
dent—. i.
Approved Nov.., Isco
By Aid. Blom—
It Is hereby ordered by the Cancan l.'ouucll
of the City of St. Paul:
Thatthe matter of grading Rivoli street.
from Mi ... huh. street to Lafayette avenue to
II partial grade, and from Mmnehaha street to
:I point opposite lot a1. of block :i, of Warren
,,no Winslow's addition, be and the same i
hereby referred to the Board of Public Work,
to invega
stite and report:
First. Is this improvement Proper and nee
Second. Give the Council in estimate of the
e pence thereof, ad state whether .,I. half
I thea or
thereof is to be paid Into the City
Trials Ory before the contract Is le.
Third. Can real estate tin be a oil for
said impro ent be to
uutl benefit 1Z to the
en'of damages osis and expenses notes
v .ry to be Incurred thereby?
Fourth. Issuch improvement asked for upon
the Petition or upplieution of the o s r a
majority of the property to be assessed for
such Improvement`
Fifth. Send the Coonan a ➢ion urpro fife Of
.via improvement. as required by low', it you
report In I ... r of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council II proper order dl
reeling the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con
my.Fisher. Gehnn. Leithanser. Minna. Met
ody'. Pratt, Sanborn. Sullivan. \\'cher, Mr. Vice
President -15.
Approved NnV. n, Issil.
By Aid. Leillmuser-
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of grading East Sixth street.
from Commercial street to Marl. av eu be
and the same 1s hereby referred to the Board
of Publie-Wi rks to investigate and report:
First. Is this Improvement proper and nee
Second. hive the Cou.cil an estimate of the
expense thereof. and state whether one-half of
the cost thereof is to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
aid improvement be found benefited to the
extent of damages. costs and expenses neces
earl• to be incurred thereby
Fourth. Is such improvement asked for
Open the petition or application of the owners
of a majority of the property to be assessed for
such improvement'
Fifth. Send the Counell a plan or profile of
.aid improvement. as required by Iaw, if you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a Proper order dt
re cling the work to be done.
Y,a,,—Ala. ]ticket. Blom. Sees. Cullen,
Caney. Fisher. tinban, Leithnuser, \linea. Mel
ady, Pratl. Sanb,+nl, Sullivan. Weber. Ali.
Vire President -15.
ApPreced Nov. n. Isco
By Aid, S. Ill. --
It i, hereby ordered by the Comment Council
of the Cit, of St. Paul:
Th:tt the matter ofrom .hanging the grade of
on off lot V block 6, Terrace PaDole rk
n the aidark
, ddoi.n, be and the s o Ishereby referred to
the Board of Public We'll. to investigate and
Firs;. 1. 111- i —r ent proper and nee
t S .... Id. Give the an estimate of the
thereof, and stoic whether one httf of
the cost thereof as to be paid Into the Cfty
Treasury before the contract {s let.
Third. Call real estate to be neeessed for
aid improvement be found benefited to the ex
tent of damages. costs and expenses necessary
bs incurred thereby.
F'o urth. 1. such Improvement asked upon for
the pal ition or application of the ownere Of.
Iajorityo[ the property to be assessed for
uch Ila pmyemcnt`
Fifth. S,nd the Coancll a plan r profile Of
report Im favor these requl Oil by law. it You
Stith. Send the Council a properorderdi
reing the work to be do,,.
Y ens---tld. Diciest. Brom. Book, Culla..
pont ry-. F"isher. Gehnn, Lefthnuaer. Mlv en.
Mei adv. Pratt. Sanborn, Swlllva.. t\'eb or. Mr.
Vice President -15.
.l pprovel Nay f• 1,489.
By Ald. Sullivau—
It is hereby rdered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of opening Ashland a,vidue.
from Lexington to Cleveland avonuee. be and
Lite same is hereby referred to the Board of Pub-
lic Works to investigate ant report:
First. Is this improvement proper and net.
Second. Give the Council an estimate of
file expense thereof. and .tate whether one
half of the cost thereof is to be paid into the
City Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
said improvement be found benefited lathe
extent of dum,gc, osis oml expe Iscs nett.
sary to be incurred thereby-'
Fourth. Is such tmprovemcnt uskcd
upon the petition o application „f the owner
of a majority of the property to be a -1 -sled for
such fmprovement�
Fifth. Send the Council u pian or pro1B, of
said improvement, its required by- Into. if y'ou
report in favor of the sane.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di-
rectjng the work tobe done.
Yeo.—Ain. Bickel. Blom. Bork. Cullen. C11
ley. Fisher. Gehnn. Leithauser. Mine,. Mc•mdy.
Pratt, Sanborn. Sullivan. Wele-, :d I.
Approved Nov. u. IsB,
In them matter of the re rt of the hoard of
Public Works dated Oct. 3, It4'f1.
It 1. hereby ordered by the Common Cnlmeil of
the City of St. Paul.
That the Board of Public Work. of „aid laity
oI St. Paul cause the followinc impn,rem cut
to be made, to writ: Grade Arliaeton street to
I partial crude and fall width. tram Payne I,,
to Geu e,
renbrier oven in said city.
That .aid Board cause said v ork to be let by
ns provided by law. without n air
the estimal oil cost being first paid i to the City
Treasury, and after said work shall M1e placed
under contract sold Board shall arovecu wIN,
t delay to assess I , ant, � . � rely r
they ca a twin the sauce which teill1,
be r,
quired to pay the c and a expenses
of such improvement upon flue`[ a estate t
be benefited by said lm, --hien:, as provided
law; it being the opiate. of the Council that
of estate to be s •. s d for . b Improvo-
ent con be fountl bene ilted to the a tent f
the cost mad expense= necess..v to be incurred
Yeas -Ald. Bickel, Blum. Back. Cullen. Can
toy, Fisher. Gehnn. Leithao,or. Miner. Mclady,
Pratt, Sanborn. Sulitv:In, Well- Mr. \'Ice
Approved Nov. 11. Veto.
fu the mutter of the report of the Bonro of Pan
Ilc Works dated Oct. 21. issil
If I. hereoy ordered by the Common faun, it of
the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of public Works of the City
of St. Poulc,.,-the following impro..o,ac t I.
be to ode. to -wit Open. wid,. and ez en 1
Fisher street. from Center niece[ to Maryland
street. In said city, condemning and taking all
that, nIM,dy condemned or ++dire ted
for public use, lying within the lines of Fisher
street. in Lake View Addition No. I. St. Pont.
if produced ed south to Maryland .treat. Tbut sold
B ted shall pro ted without del by to
the om"In as
"art, as they
the some, which will be required to n�pay tthe
damages, costs and uceessary expenses of ,.!,h
improvement upon the real estate to be bear
filed by said tm provemeat, as provided bylnw:
It being the opinion of the Council that real es
tate to be assessed for such improvement eon
be found benefited to the extent of the dam-
ages. costs d expenses necessary to bo In
crted thereby.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel. Blom. Rock, Cullen Con
Is Fisher. Gehan, Leithapser. Mines, Mel
oily, Pratt, Sanborn. Sullivan. Weber. Mr
Vice Prosident-15.
Approved Nov. h. hent.
In the matter of the report of the of Board
Public Works dated Oct. St, 1889.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the Cttyof St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of the City
of St. Paul cause the following improvement
to be madto wit: Open, widen and extend
Longford e, venue. from the easterly line of
block 52. St. Anthony Park addition to St.
I Paul, to the west city limits, in said city, con-
demning and taking all that land, not already
condemned or dedicated for public use, be.
twee, the easterly line of said block 52 and the
section line between sect. ons 20 and 29, town
a'' range 23, lying within the lines of a strip 60
feet wide, the northerly line of which strip
shall De the noutherl�y line o[ the If
f wap
of the St. Paul & Iv Iothern Pacific Railway
gbt b[ wnyloud tho 6aelo city
ybetween limits lying
within the lines of , .strip d` feet file, the con
ter lot, of which strip shall be the eaetion line
between sections CV and 29, town 20. range 23,
11 of above described line being In the City f
S[. Paul. Minnesota. That said
Lit ,proceed without delay to assess the
am u which will beerequlrtheed to pay the 1 damthe
ugni+Isc costs and necessary expenses of such Ila
proved cut upon thetreal eststrovid o be
icing the oppul on of thesCou_ncil that real e
tate to be assessed for such impro nt e s
be found benefited to the extent of the dam
ace., costs and expenses necessary to be 1,
c re-
d therehv.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Beck, Cullen. Co..
ley, Flsber.Gehan. Leithnuser, Minea. Melody.
Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan. Weber, file. Vice
.,opr.c.d Nov. n. 1849.
In the matterof the report of the Board of Pub,
lie Works dated Oct. 28, 1889.
It is herebyordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Pool:
That the Board of Public Works of said City
of St. Paul au the followl ngimprovement
t be madeaft,
. to -wit: Grado the ]ley in block
.Ix le). E. Rice's Third addition to St. Paul, to
.aid city.
That sold Board cause said work to be let by
contract. as provided by law, without one-half
the estimnt-d cost being etst gold Into the City
Treasury antl offer ofd i[ shall bs ptosed
under contract sold Board shall pros esti with
theyout caty to 11. thmn liscoritim thea ea •which will be
gnired to pay the cost and necessary expenses
of such inter, a' out upon the sal e-to's to
be heveflied by said improvement, as provided
by law; It being the opinion f the Council
that real estate to be issessOd fat such fin
provemen: can be found benefited to the e
ant of the aunt and expenses necessary to be
incurred tbeteb,.
Yeas—Aid. Bickel. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con
ley, Fisher, Gahan, Lelthauser, Minea. Melody,
Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice
President -15.
Approved Nov. 9, 1894).
In 1110matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works doted Oct`
"', 1889.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
tau City of St. Paul:
That tho Board of Public Works of said City
of Saint Paul ..Use the following improve
ment to be made. to wit; Condemn and take
f e
wayofthe Chicago, Mil—ken
Milkennt in land across and o& 1St Phe aul
Railway Company for a bridge and approaches,
within the limits of the lines of Grand ¢canna
produced across the right of way of said • il-
way Company, in said city. That said Board shall
proceed without delay to assess the amount,
as nearly as they, can ascertain the same,
1h Job shall be required to pay the damages.
cores nail necessary expensebe . of such improve
went upon the real -'me on dad btiY low: it
said improvement s pr
being the opinion of the Council that real
estate to be assessed for such improvement
can be found benefited to the extent of the
damages, costs and expenses necessary to be
incurred thereby.
Yes—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen. Con
ley, Fisher. Gehnn, Le
ley Mine., Me-
lody, Print Sanborn, Sullivan. Weber, Mr.
Vice President -15.
Approved Nov. 6. 1989.
In the matter of the ,port of the Board of
Public Works dated Oct. 81. 1889.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of the City
o[ Saint Paul
cause the following Improve
meat to be made. to wit: OPen. widen and ex
and the north city limits �In said city,ocondemn
IHR and taking n1i that land not already con
de .ed or dedicated for public use (except
land and property belonging to corporu[ronsl,
lying within the lines of u etnp 70 feet wide.
the east line of which strip shall be aline :D
feet distant from and Parallel with the quarter
(+,q1 enation lineh stkins runnipq norlowth and south
also cthrouondemn and take an ease.MCr forne rest
pail bridge purposes 4n all the I¢ad IylnR within
Said Imes o d by corparat'ons B of the
above described load being in the City or St.
Paul, Minnesota
nt said Board
sit to iisse
the amount. as nearly t astheycan ascertnin ilio
same. which will be required to pay the dam
ages, costs and necessary expenses of such im
prevenient upon the real estate to be benefited
by said improvement, as provided by law; tit
being the opinion of the Council that real es-
tate to be ass
eesed for such improvement can
be found benefited to the extent of the Jam-
.ges,eosts and expenses necessary to be in-
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Book. Cullen, Con-
Sanborher.Gebn, SuR(van.sWeber, Mr. N too
President -13.
Approved Nov. 6, 1859.
In the matter of the report of the Bourd of
Public Works dated Nov. 4. 18.89.
It is hereby ordered Uy the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Norka of said City
of St. Paul cause the following Improvement
to be made, to -wit: Widen Selby avenue,
from Victoria street to FnirvJew avenue, in
not -11 that land
dal eudy condemeed or dedicad 1.111.ated for publle
use (except right of way of the Chicag, Mil.
Waukee & St. Paul Raiiwoy `mf" lyl.g
within the lines of strip eighty feet Wide, the
center line of which strip shall be the center
line of Selby avenue, as now opened, in the
City of St. Paul, Minnesota.
That said Board shall proceed without delay
to assess the amount. as nearly as they
can ascertain the same, which will be required
to pay the damages, costs and necessary ex.
oenses of such improvement upon the real as.
tate to be benefited by said Improvement, as
provided bylaw: It being the oproton of the
Council that real estate to be ibi ... ad for
such improvement can be found benefited to
the ei[ent of the damages. Costs and expenses
necessary to be Incurred thereby.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel. Blom, Book. Cullen, Con
ley, Fisher. Geban, Leltbauser, Mines, Malady.
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice
President -15. `
Approved Nov. 6. ]889.
Chnirmnn of Council.
Taos. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk.
fie Cubtr Meeting.
ST. PAUL, NOV. 19, 1889.
President Hamm m the chair.
Present—Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cu1len
Fishery, Gehan, K Sanborm SullivaLeitausn, Weber
7'oerg, Mr. President—t8.
Minutes of preceding meeting approved and
dispensed with.
From His Honor the Mayor—Veto of Ordinance
GrontinR Northwester, Telephone Exchange
Company the flight to Lay Conduits for Un
derground W[res—
To the Honorable the President a.d Common
Council of the City of St. Paul.
ethout I Y have
PPro alor to the roresoluturn here
phone¢ranti Exchangefranchise
Company,o for the fowes llowing
1st. It
i should ... manic a et.use construed
nothing in this or lueivC shall g construed os
¢the vCam...egCmmcilnIron
granting like privileges to those herein granted
to others 1n any street "
2d. No provision is made for the commence
ment of the construction of the conduits or
Similar provisions have been thought noes.
sary in the ordinaaoe gfvfng n franchise to the
Nall onal Subway Company.
Respem7BUY yours.
Nov. g 1889.
Accepted, and vote by which said ordinance
was passed reconsidered, yeas 16.
The gaestion thereupon arising uponthe Cas'
sage of Haid Ord......, the veto o1 the Mayor
to the contrary n.twi h. Ending, the said or-
d[nanee was notpnssed.
Yeo.—None.—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, 11.1
er. Geham Kavanagh, Lethauser Mines, Meh
dy, Pratt. Sanborn. Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg,
Mr. President -1G.
veto of resolution for removal of poles from
public highways, etc—
To the Honorable the President and Common
Council of the City of St. Paul:
Gentlemen: I have the honor to return
herewith without my approval the resolution
relating to the removal of "all poles of any
person cr eorporation from and oR the public
highway's of this city, excepting." etc., for the
that it appears to be too indefinite in
not naming any corporation acting in violation
of the law, and for the further reason that I
have no knowledge of any corporation using
our public highways in violation of any arch
nonce of the city. Very respectfully.
ROBERT A. SMrrn, Mayor.
Nov. 8. 1819.
Accepted, and vote by which said resolution
was adopted reconsidered.
Yeaa, 16.
The matter was thereupon referred to Com
minae on Streets.
Policemen Promoted and Appointed—
To the Honorable the President and Common
Council of the City of St. Paul.
Gentleman: You are respectfully informed
that the following promotion and appointments
In the regular police force have been made by
me to dare from the 1st Just, and I ask your
advice and consent thereto.
Patrolman Hans Williams, to be a moulted
Patrolman Charles L. Weed, to be a jailer.
Jailer Mirhacl Scannell, to be, patrolman.
Very respectfully.
Nov. e, 1889.
Accepted, and said promotions and appoint.
mentaadvised and consented to.
Yeas—Aid. Rickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen,
Fisher, Gehun, Kavanagh, Lefthauser, Mines,
Melady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber,
Yoerg, Mr. President -10.
From William Molkenbur—
Clatm—L21II.90—d—Res—grading Hall ave
Committee on Claims.
From John Steimmetz and Others—
Asking forlocation of an alley in center of
block 9, Mack chin & Marshall'a addition.
Board of Public Works, with order.
From A. S. Talimadge, Secretary Chamber of
Transmitting report of Committee on Streets,
Roads and Parks of said Chamber relative to
opening alleys through b,ocks in business porn
tion of the city.
Aid. Kavanagh.
From William Beriandi and Others—
Asking for restoration of property deeded to
the city in the matter of proposed levee In
Sixth Ward, etc.
Committee on Streets and Corporation At
From Milford W. French—
Bond and oath as constable.
Committee on Ways and Means.
From Herbert Putnam, Librarian Public
Thanking Council ond City Clerk for twenty
volumes St. Paul municipal documents.
Accepted and filed.
From A. C. Ekholm and Ol.bers—
Protesting against erection of barn at Hope
and Sixth streets.
Aid. Lefthauser and Inspeotorof Buildings.
From Mary Jane Larpenteur and Others—
Protesting against widening Rondo street,
from Western to Lexington avenues.
Board of Public Works.
From H. F. Stevens, Secretary pro tem. Board
of Park Commissioners—
Transmitting communication from Board of
Public Works relative to park assessments.
and requesting Council to issue bonds for park
Committee on Streets.
From Walter A. Brown—
For permission to store non -explosive fuel
Committee on Fire Department.
Of City Comptroller—Auafted Claims, Viz.:
G. W. Merrill, I%: Mathew Craig, 1131; M. F.
Duggan. Estimate No. 1, grading Randolph
street. 84,590: M. F. Sweeney, Estimate No. 1,
Lawton street improvement, 8880; J. Dahlberg,
Estimate No. 2, grading Van Buren street,
1497: T. Llnnam Estimate No. & grading St.
Anthony oven ue, 87,U:0: H. C. Huebner. Estl-
mnteNo.4, gradfsg Courtland street, 81,020;
J. T. Mllllon, Estimate No. 8, grading Dooley
avenue, etc., 81.360; J. T. M111ki Estimate No.
4_ grading Langford Park place. 8884; F. Boyer,
Estimate No. 1, grading Gr¢oe
street, 81,0'20: L. E. Shepley, Eetlmate
No. 3, paving Seventh street 811,475;
J. ClaRey Eetlmate No. Y, grading Churchill
avenue, 829750; J. W. Doherty, Estimate No.
1, sewer on Burr street, etc., F2,907; Stockton &
Lindquist, Estimate No. land final, sewer con-
nections on Brood way, 879; H. Hansen, Esti.
mate N, 6, supplementary to 5 and final,
sewer on Drake street, 350; F. Porter, Esti-
mate No. 2, greding Stellar street, 8459: E. J.
Kirkland. Estimate No. 13, L'Orient street
ewer system. 813,800; T. M. Breen, Estimate
No. 2, sewor on Aurora avenue, etc., 81.700: T.
M. Breen, Estimate No. 1, sewer on Prescott
street, 81,275; T. M. Breen, Estimate No. 2 and
final, pavip& Lyons court, 8110.50; T. M. Breen,
Estimate Be. '2 and Iln.l, paving alley, black
15, Whitney & 6mith's addition,
8202.91; H. J. Cooper, Estimate No.
0, grading Rose street. etc.. 81,860;
J. T. Million, Estimate No. I, grading Fairview
avenue• 81,530; Thomas Linnen, Estimate No.
1, grading Bu'her'
ker sreet 81,785; W. A. Dave-.
Estimate No 9 end final, rading Dawson
street, 8'2,938: Stockton & Lindquist, Eetlmate
No. 1 and final. sewer on Robert street, 8214;
Stockton & Lindquist Estimate No.2 and
final, sewer on Edmund street, 8849; E. Carle
ton, Eetlmate No. 8 and final, grading Iglehart
street, 4957 W; C. Nonnemacher, Est mate No.
2 and final, grodlnR alley In Arth's eubdivlston
840.50: C. Nonnemacher, Estimate No. 1 and
final, gradin gRalley in north y of Smith'. subdi
vision, 879; T. Keough, Estimate No. 5, grading
Selby avenue, N4 ; J. Claffey, Estimate No. 3
and final, grading Cayuga street, 8318;
P. Ta¢tbolt, Estimate No. 2 and final.
Minnehaha street8RbGSaymlnds, Estgq
ewer fenim.No.2, s..retb,&51.50;
J. Symonds. Estimate No. 8, sewer on Jeger-
son avenue. eto., 81,275: G. J. Symon%& Estl:
mate No. 2, sewor o. Selby ¢venue, 18,880; G.
J. Symonds. Estimate No. 9, sewer on South
Robert2nad final, a ltwer•cn Jessamineestreet
No 6174.50: W. J. Preston. Estimate No. 1, seweron
Portland avenue. 1425: Cable & Chute. Esli
to No. 3, grading Territorial road. 3191:
Cable &
street, $1 95.5Le Estimate
A. F� Thomas
enke. Estimate NO. 1,
!!,, ading and sewer on Broadway street, V-Vla
St. Paul Gas Light Company, 44.141.59;
mate No. 2 and final. sewer on
Viola street, 943! w
Dole & Aumgnrdoer,E.ti
mate No. 3. grading St. Paul ued Mendota road.
31.105; E. Carleton. Estimate No. 1. grading
Mount Ida sweet, 31.2.',: E. Carleton. Estimate
No. 2, grading Avon street. 91,0; Thornton &
Shaw. Estimate No. I, sewer on Tuscarora
street, 9510: Dale & Buregardner. Estimate No.
1, grading Mackubin street. 3Wi: .1. Cable.
Estimate No. 3 and Hnni• grading Capital are
no a. 6930: J. Grant. Estimate No. 2 grading
County road, 91,055; G. Bolan, Estimate
No. 3. grading Milton. slrect, VW.50;
F.ureku Stone Company. EsOmutc
N'a. 5 cement sidewalks. Don
aldsOn, Ogden & Co., 14.50; K. P. Cullen, 32;
M. Costello, M. W: C., M. & St. P. Ry, 381,70;
H. M. Crosby, 98.'11; Bocriager & Son.
3YQ.75: C. C. Sharp. Nk).35: St. Paul & Panido
Coal Cq..11.�3: neo. J. Mitsch, 311.05: St. Paul
__. ..,,4,,..,,.., tom. Alia riP Memulie❑&
No. 1, Roble street sewer y,tem,
Forrestal, Estimate No. 4, Ohio 'treat we
system. Qfi.C+it1: C. E. Snndoeu, Estimate 10. L
grding FourM street, d2,G95; .I. Dahlberg.
Estimate No. :i, ^r¢dfng Laura . n e w,
Board o[ Water Commissioners. 3117.511: Robin'
& Cary, `II I.:Y: H. P. Rugg & Co., fife;
Qulnby & Abbott, Y3; Northwestern Lime Com
puny, *7 1; Noyes Bros. & Cutler. 6'c_i.28: North-
estern Stampp Works. #5; Johu Martin Lum
bar Company, �F1,318.13; Man sin, Bros., 83ae:
Geo. MltseD, 31 Gt_5: S. R. McMasters. 38.19;
Lehigh Cool and Iron L'ompony, 3311 75: J. T.
Llano & Co., %.`_0; C. Lichtfuss, T2�' Y. H.
Kelly Mercantile Company, 39.1i0; J. Kahlert,
EW.2g; J. C. Hanley Llme Comaany, :*10.67; W.
Hogan. 310fJJ; Geo C. Harpsr, 19 � Theo.
Grluben Lumber Company.
Hamm, C1" 07 ; F. Beyer & Co., 812; E. Bouquet
& Co.. $11: J. S. Burris, 340: Brennan
Lumber. $1,249.81: Board a Fire Commission
ers, $40: C. H. Appleton, 3910: Averill. C¢rpo¢-
ter & Co., J5 -9.M; American Manufacturing
Co., 94&50; G. M. Bruck, J)U cants: Dux & Ull
$8.40: W. H. Farnham, 1`144: St. Paul
Hartiwvre Co., 691 .?JS: St. Paul Furniture Co.,
:Ni.20; Strong. Hackett Hardware Co., $
Wltllnms Globe \Vire Works, ,i?LBU; F¢rwe11.
Ozmun, Kirk & Co.. 399.0.1: Fitz
Gerald & Vuln \S0,Dlpv, 3 Bros.a .tN:
Shepley, 6l C- Pavy, 32.5.ei)Cr D. Ratuale &
Son, #9..".251 Creelman & Dickey. 342.50: Au y
Knutson. fffi0: Acme Electric Company.
E8.i5; Henry Boan. 1`18: Brown, Trehcy
Frenney. 3311; J. L.
Lutz, ff8,.5: Merrill s Toilet Supply, .11 : A. Mc
Phail, 313; J. Rothwell, >E:: Schmidt
N. Tlerve}•. 38; George Weilbreoht. ff5:
Fronk J. Brio Rs, i:i0.f2; Scribner Llbhey pony. at
Allowed and ordered paid by following vote:
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen,
Flaher, Gehan, KavannRb, Leithauaer, Mines,
YoergyMr Pcesidentbar8n. Sullivan. \Veber,
Park A--nienls—
To the Honorable l'rrMilcat unit Common
C_,cil of the City of Saint P❑ul-
G rtlemen: 1 received from the Boal'd of
Puulir Works. on the 15th last., two assess
men[ warrants, represeatin`g the Mohawk Park
dianso t Mlound lccatcParke in (so called) t located d WordMand In
oD Day
toti a bluff.
I withhold m}signature from these warrants
until your honorable body thorize the issue
othe city ovehuthoby the
I rte•assessdbalacesap
peebing in the warrants -
Mohawk Park will require an issue of $9,0011
city bonds, being one half of the total cost.
uAnuse Neils No. u5ae act, nPProvetl April 3, Ig611
1 Indian Mound Park will require an issue of
") W0 City bands, being
about t 1 C two -this (%) of
the total cost, neinthe leg s a ac o
pro, ed April 10, 1W9 (Senate Flle No. 8211.
Very respectfully.
City Comptroller.
Commeitree inn Streets rind Corporation At-
Of City Engineer --Mendota Road Bridge—
To the Common Coil- Cll:
Gentlemen: :1t the Wet session of the Leg
s:aturc 31 G,Ixq of hands were suthorizd to be
appropriated for bridges on the Mendota road,
In Dakota c sty. Previously ppropriations
had been made for the grading of said road.
At the time the order tv as ked for, for
authority to let the contract for the grading, It
s also intended that the order . hould cover
the bridging, but I find that the order does not
properly cover sold bridgiag. 1. order, how-
ever,that tiara might ba no delay in the exenu
tion of this work, bids fat erectingb twgo of the
Old saortsne oil this road ha a beene W.bmill. called forross
a received, and Will be presented to the Council
this evening.
As there is no assessment to be mode—the
work heing paid for by bonds—I do Dot see
that tiny harm can be done In opening ibeas
bids and making theewurde. I wixh, however,
to call your atte❑tlo❑ to tae ver.] ht that
there may be .o misunderstanding 1. the mat
,or. ResperlfullyL. W. RUNDLETT,
City Engineer.
Nov. 19, 19W
Accconted. and said bids ordered opened.
Bids for Iron Bridge on Mendota Road (City
Clerk's Advertisoment of Nov. It, IWO)—
The City Engineerreports the bid of Chicago
Bridge & Iron Company for ff10,M.34 the lowest.
nod recommend, hat the tract for con
atru cting said bridge he awarded to setd nom
Adopted. said contract awarded iaid yCo Chicago
directctl to ex cutte sold contract
It inners
Yens—Ald. Bickel. Blom. Hock. Cullen.
Fisher. Gehan,Malady. Su11iva.PWcbc,.. Yosm Mr. Pre.1
dent -14.
Also, Alao.
City ate No. 3, a submits, approved by him, Pym Street Opening, Pres
Estimate Charles
1, abutment for Burr street To the Honorable of the President and Common
bridge. Charles Stone, 32.720. Council. en. o[ St. Poul:
Allowed and referred to Comptroller. Gentlemen
res: The Board of Public Works
%her, Aid. , Kava, Blom, Book, Cullen, herewith Dec. 1 , 18 return your final order.
Fisher, Gahan, .born. Kavanagh, Lmn, Weser. Mora, approved Dec. on 1888, for the opening, widen
Meo males t. Sanborn. Sulilvan,Weber,Yoerg, Ing et lathe West of Pym street, from Eustis
Mr. Corporation
street u the went city limits, with the request
Of Contract
axe u Attorney— that you annul said order, and that your honor.
Contract executed on part ofn John Martin Die body pass an amended duel order a1 to
Lumber Company [or,lumber, and bond o1 said prevenient. of land to be taken for said Im
company, provement.
The Corporation Attorney submits sold ran- A proper final order for said Improvement Is
tract and bond. herewith submitted foryyour adoption.
Accepted. (See resolution.) R. L. GORMAN, President.
Contract Executed on Parr. of Paul &Poi
olid Coal Company for Fuel,el, BondW W. F. ERwm. Clerk Board of Public Works
and BOof July 11, 11189.
Said Company— Adopted. and said final order approved Dec.
The Corporation Attorney submits said eon- ember 19, 1889, repealed and annulled.
tract and bond. Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Fish
Acceptepd. 16ee lldlrestion.) er, Gehan, Kavanagh, LeRhauser, Mines, Mel -
Of Inspector r BulmingRe Report for tictober, d_v, Prat[, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg,
1899—Olty Treasurer's Receipt for 64s5— M President -78.
Committee on Ordinances and Public Ac �Gso order to Board of Public Works.)
Ridgewood Avenue and Other Streets Sew Matter of L'ompilog sad Printing Laws Relat
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: Ing to the Honrd—
The Board of Public Works have had under The Board ¢aka authority to have complletl'
vsideration the resolution or rear of the d printed all law. relating to the, Aaerd of
Common Council, approved Aug. 8, Iii89, relative Public Work..
to colatractltq sewer u Ridgaewood I Committee on Printing.
ave¢ue, from Victoria atreat to Milton treat:
on Milton street, from Ridgewood avcoueto Alas
Lealte avenue, and on Leslie avenue, from Vic Alley Grading Contract—Block a Finch's Adel
torla atreat to Oxford street. and, having
Investigated the proposed improvement: Tlilie'—
Respectfully report that it le eew,Od and The Boxrtl reports that It has awarded Ben
propertoconatruet o sewer Ridgewood are True the .tract tai gc to Ig the alley in
from Victoria street to- Milton street: on block a, ]o Fiv all's addition to St. Paul, he be -
Milton street, from Ridgewood avenue to Lau- ing the lowest reliable and r ponsible bidder
ml avenue: On Leslie avenue, from Victoria therefor: amount of bid, W95: res
to the sum
street to Oxford street; on St. Clair street,from df 380, With M. L. Bevans and W. H. Andrew
Milton street to Oxford street: on Evergreen ns sureties.
avenue, tram Milton street to Oxfordstmet: on The foregoing award approved by following
Osceola avenue, from Milton street to Avon vote:
street; on Fairmount avenue, from Milton yens—Ald. Blokel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Flah-
street to Avon street; on Goodrloh avenue, er, Gehan, Kavanagh, Lelihauser, Moe., Me-
[rom Milan street to Victer ia street; on Ll
lady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan. Weber, Yoerg.
cola avenue, from Milton street to Victoria Mr. President--Ia.
street: on Grand avenue, from Milton street to Also
Victoria street: no Summit avenue, from Ox-
ford street to Victoria street; on Ashland five- E.tlmates and Claima—
nue, from Oxford street to Avon street; on The Board transmits, appproved by It, the fol
Laurel avenue, [nom Oxford trust m Avon louring estimates and clatme, to -wit:
street, and on Holly avenue, from Victoria Ea0..te No.1 and Dn¢�I, radia
atreat to Avon street.toeether with the neces _.__ _ _.__ _ . __ �_�_ g.aHoyllh
wit. sea¢ a
provement, aad u
ou desire ue to make
Yea., 4; any'& 0.
R. L. GO-. President.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
Nov. 16 18. 9.
Adopted. (See order W Board of Public
Work. l
Nu, 2 and final, Burr street, eta.,
sewer. J. W. Doherty $468: Estimate
No. 4'and final. Laura avenue grading. J. Dahl-
berg, 695; Esttmale No. 2 and final. Croons
piaae paving. 7. Forrestal,
$block'_4. Mackubin
N I and final. alley B g'
ffi Sad dition. J. E. Fitch. $.5.20: Estt-
ma'e No, 2 and final, Mackubin street grading,
Dalel &eon cyto No.G inti final,sHnSitngs !o. i,
auepeta.improvoma.t, M,Arthur Bros.. 8.9, 11(q;
No. S and
out, Agate and Elk treat.
grading, Dale & Bu -,ardor. lbew; K. P. Cul
ISO $]•2: G. W. Merrill, 6a: Mathew Craig, #5:
Mataew- Craig, 310;Merrill. 615: Peter
Bless. 62.
Committe on Claims.
Ot Committee on uln's Claim for Daimagas—
gess Lymaah n Doyto¢ s
Committee recommends that said claim be
referred to Chairman. Corporantion Attorney
and City Engineer.
- Adopted.
M. A. Luby', Claim for 31�
Committee recommends allowance o[ claim.
Adopted and Corporation Attorney tnatrueted
to draw ordinance.
I. P. Wright'. Bill-471.58—
Committee recommends allowance.
—id. Bickel, Blom. Book. Callen.
Fisher, Gabon, Kavanagh Leithauser, Mines,
Melady, Prstt. Sanborn. Sullivan. Weber,
Yoerg. Mr. Prosident—Ifi.
John Mathel,' Claim—$10.86—
Committee recommends that claim be re-
ferred Is Judge Cory for more definite Informa-
J. A. Rins' Claim-6L1.�—
Cvmmagittee recommends that sold claim be
referred to the City Engineer.
Beory E. W edelstaedi's Claim--81.6.'r-Honda [or
Corporatloa Attorney—
Committee recommends that said claim be
disallowed—said god. not having been pur
chased from City Contractor.
Of Comittee on Streets. Sewers and Bridges—
Ordinance Permittoq. W. Matteson to Build
Addition, etc., 481 St. Peterstreet; Also, Pell
tion of Said Matteson in Said Matter.
Committee recommends. Indefinite postpone-
Resolution for temporary foot bridge On Hurr
Committee recommends adoption.
Adopted. I See resolution.) '
OC mmitlee Committee
ds Stop[lon of follow-
Iag resolutions for lamps: Aid. Blom'e—Brad.
Jay & Rose, etc.: Alin. BIt van's—Merriam
pplace; Aid. Book's—Lot 3, block 2, Beck &
Breakenrldgo's addition: Aid. Blom's—Arcade
a❑ Yawthorneork, etc. : Ald.Melady's—Stryker avenue.
etc : Aid. Geh.u'.—Front street:Aid. Built-
herspoon Street, Sir.: AI d. Gehun'.
t-SLsPnter d Martin: Aid. Lelthouser'e—•Ine and Maple, etc.; Alp —Payne
Id Orange. Ston.: Aid. Gehan's—steps from
to Lexington avenue; l'
Aid. Minessa B dwelrand
tonin. etc.
Adopted. (See resoludona.)
Of Aid, Sullivan—SelbvAvenue. Change of
Works Referredade tCommittee Nov.!,, IM
for brldFe preliminary orderight
of way Chicago, M ilwoukee& St. PauIR nilwny
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
An ordmnce was read granting Edward Ol-
son permission to build sewer on BroudWay.
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Geban,
yea,it . nays 5 and ord-n.O. a rend second time
and passed. (See Ordinure. No. 1.256.)
An ordinance was read appropriating money
totenof Muses G es dde....ed, InisttetrL[ of S.
en,,d on motion of Aldi Mises,
yeas 16, and ordinance read second tme and
phased. (See Ordinance No. 1,25,.)
An ordinance was read appropriating money
for Margaret Gordon.
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Mines,
yeas 10. and ordinance read second time and
passed. (See Ordinance No. 1;IM )
An ordinance was read permjtti.R M.rtin
Camitsch to increase site of building, etc.
Rules suspended o. motion of Aid. Melody.
yeas I6, and
diIm recd second time and
pnsaed. (See Ordinance No. 1,259.)
An ordinance was read toamend nrticle num
her 26 of the Municipal Code of St. Paul, en
tilled Fire Limits.
. ge yesuspended
µ'Be and o dl DDOea read second time
sad passed. (Seo Ordoonoa Na. 1,260.)
An ordinance was rend gracile, Charles
Mobery permission to connect with the Broad
way sewer Mrom southeast corner lot 2, Smith
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Gabon.
yens 14, and ordinnnee read second time and
passed. (See Ordinance N o. 1;261.)
An ordinance was read grontingto the North
wecter. Telephone Exchange Company the
right to 1av conduits for underground wires in
the City of St. Paul.
Aid. Cullen moved_to refer said ordf
nance to Committee on treets.
Aid. Yoerg moved os an amendment to said
motion that rules be Suspended, Said ordi.... a
read a second time suit put upon its passage.
Said amendment of Aid. Yoerg adopted.
Yeoye 13. Nnvs—Ald. Cullen, Minea, Me -
Said of Aid. Cullen as amended by
Aid. Yoerg was thereupon adopted.
Yeas 13. Nays—Ald. Cullen, Mines. Me
lady --8: and rules suspended and said ordi
nonce read a second time.
CAid a moved
M, ' o on Streetq refer sold ordtnnnca to
Lost. Yeas—Ald. Cullen, Minn., Melndy—:l.
NRys tri.
The question then being upon the passage of
Osaid ordinance, the samewas passed. (See
rd-n.oe No. 1,262.)
ordinance read
Brown toStorenonee,ploslt
ve fuel oil.
ling Walter A.
Committee on Fire Department.
An ordinance was read confirming Ordlnanoe
No. LW2—an ordinance grandng
and Thomas Cochran. Jr.. n street ridiway
Committee on Streets.
An ordinance was read —mending Ordinance
No. 1.101, an ordinance relating o fresh meet•
poultry, etc.
Comm lite. on License.
By Aid. Gehan—
Resolutlon for 66,W0 bonds—Westar. avenne
bridge, St. P., M. & M. Ry. Co.
Committee on Ways and Means.
By Aid. Cullen—
Resolutlon for 6100.000 bonds—bridges. etc.
Committee on Ways and Means.
By Aid. Geban—
Resolution for 69,000 bonds—park—Mary Ma
Manus' rearrangement, block 22, Olivier'8 addi.
tion, and Banning & Olivier's addition to West
St. Paul.
Committee on Streets.
Resolution appropriating money for Monad of
Levee Commissioners.
Committee on Streets.
By Aid. Melody.—
Resolutlon abandoning proceedinggs lit matter
oI levee along west bank of Mississipill river.
Committee on Streets and Corporation At
By Committee on Printing
Resolution instructing Committee on Print -
mg to ativertfse for bids for official printing
for year 1890.
Committee on Printing.
By Aid. Letthauser—
Resolutloo for W,000 bonds—park at Indian
Committee on Streets.
By Aid. Sanborn—
Resolution for Imps—Kenwood terrace.
Committee on Gas.
By Ald. Sanborn—
Resolution for lamps on St. Albans street,
Committee on Gas.
By Atd Bullivan—
Reaolutfon for lamps—University avenue and
Wheeler avenue, etc.
Committee on Gas.
By Aid. Cullen
A preliminary order for opening, etc., of Ron-
do street and St. Anthony avenue.
Aid. Weber moved to refer said order to AI-
derman of the Word.
Aid. Cullen moved oma amendment that said
orderbe passed.
Amendment lost.
Yeas, 5; nays. 9.
The question being upon Aid. Weber'. me
"o. to refer said order to Aide—.. of the
Ward, tea order was so referred.
Yee& 14.
Aid. Bickel moved that matter of lowering
first floor of Market House to level of side-
walkheretofore referred to Committee on
Public, to., be .referred to Com
lttee on Ways and Means, to report without
fall at neat meeting of Council.
Upon explanation by Chairman of Committee
on Public Buildings. etc., the Committee on
Public Bullaings, etc., was given further time
to report.
Pursuant to advertisement of City Clerk of
date gNov. 11, less, bid, for cro
oustructlon of In
reidived froompMorrl. B&Folle9 Chicago Bridge
and Iron Company. and Wrought Iron Bridge
City Engineer to tabulate and report at this
The matter of hearing on the proposed vacs
li tion of St. Paul. Lok, Phalen and Vhlta Bear
Luke road was postponed and adjourned until
Tuesday. Dec. ;i, ISH., at 7:30 o'clock p. in. at the
Council Chamber in the City Hall.
The matters of all pending applications for
vacation of streets, alleys, etc., were postponed
and adjourned until Tuesday. Dec. 3, 1868, at
7:80 o'clock p. m., at the Council Chamber in
the City Hall.
Late in themeeting Aid. Pratt wall eaou,etl
from further altendanca at the meeting.
An Ordinance grouting Edward Olson permis-
sion to build sewer on Broadway.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
ordain as follows:
Seotlon ]. The, permission and authority is
hereby granted to Edward Olson to construct
seweron Broadway, from the present terminus
of sold sewer at Fifteenth street to a point 50
feet north, all expense. of same to be paid by said
Olson and to be done under the direction of the
City Engineer.
Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be In effect from
from and after its passage.
Yens—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen,
Fisher, Gabon, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mines,
Melady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber.
Yoerg, Mr. President -10.
Passed Nov. 19, 1889.
WILLIAM HAMM. President of Council.
Approved Nov. 20, 1889.
Attest: THOS. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk.
Nov. 2.5. —
An Ordinance arrap riating money to pay claim
of Ido Gila, .dminlstratria of the estate of
Moaee Gles, deceased.
The Common Co 11 of the City of St. Paul
ordain "S'
Section 1. That an order be drown upon the
City Treasurer In favor of Mistress Ido Glee,
administratria often estate of Moses Gies, de.
ceased, for the sum of five hundred (6500) dol.
lars, said sum to be 1. full satiefootlon of all
claim or claims let dome against the City of
St. Paul byy reason of the of Moses Glee
hilst In I . employ of Said city, said order to
be delivered to said Ida Gla. only upon bar ez-
Set ting and Ming with the City Comptroller a
release in full of all Claim. for damages as
Sea 2. This ordinance Shall take effect and
be in force tram and after its publication.
Yens-Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen.
Fisher, Gahan. Kavanagh.Leithauser,fin
Melady, Pratt Sunburn, Sullivan, Weber,
Yoerg, Mr. President -16.
Passed Nov. H
19, 1889.
WM. AMM. President of -Council.
Approved Nov. 211, 1889.
Attest: THOS. A. PRENTIERGAST. City Clerk.
NTOv. 25.
An Ordinance appropriating money cto pay
claim of Margaret Gordon.
The Common Council of rho City of
St. Paul
do ordain as follows:
Section 1. That an order be drawn Blinn the
the sum Treasurer In favor of Maret Gordon for
of one hundred and nrev=tl a ($17,
delta- Said sum to be in full satisfaction of
all Claims for damages aI'. net the City of St.
Pact by reason of the alleged negligence of
aid city in constructing streets so as Lo con-
duct in destructive quantities water upon
ber promises, de.crtbed ds follows. to -wit:
Tke south halt of Lot number tneidea (19),
[ block No. two (2), ,B Crmk dmnk's Garden
Lola additlon to SL Paul.
The sold order to be delivered to suid Margaret
Gordon only upon her executing and filing adt
the City Comptroller . release in full of all
lmms for damnges ofore.aid, ane upon Lane
dismissal, without costs, Of . suit now pending
In the District Court of the Second Judical D1s
trict. wherein said Margaret Gordon is plaintiff
and the The City of St. Paul detendeat said
suit having been instituted for the purpose of
recoveri2. ng the liege¢ damages, as aforesaid.
Ili in fares fromandfor its pool can tonalitill take e[ and
Melody, Pratt Sanborn, Sullivan. Wooer.
Yoerg, Mr. President -16.
Passed Nov. 19, 1889.
W.. HAMM, President of Council.
Approved Nov. 2q1889
-A- SMITH, Mayor.
Attest: THOS. A. PRENDERGAST. City Clerk.
Nov. 25. _
ORDINANCE. NO. 1,2.59.
AI crease six of buildingaf assn erect
t heed o
ear of same. an ares a to
The Common Council of the City of St. Poul do
ordain as follows:
Section 1. That authority is hereby granted
unto Martin Camitch to increase the size of
kill building on lot 4, block 66, of WeSt St. Paul•
by adding .story thereto, and also to build and
erect a shed 14x2J feet add 16 feet high in the
rear of said building; all Bold work to be done
under the supervision and direction of .the In
Spector of Builaings.
Sec. 2. Thi. ord ".an sb.11 take direct .and
be In farce from and alter its publication _
Tg. alr. Preaddent-I6
Passed Nov. 19. 1659.
W M. HAMM. President of Couuril.
Approved Nov. 2a. 1889.
Attest: THOS. A. PRENDERGAST. City Clerk
Nov. M.
t Ordinance
Municipal CodeofSPaul, entitled
Fire Limits.
Phe Common Council of to City Of St. Paul do
ordain as follows:
Section One (1). Article number 26 of the
Municipal Code of St. Paul, entitled Fire
Limits. is hereby amended by riding the Rd -
[owing territory to said fire limits: In the VITT
and of section one (1) of sold article 26, and
atter .he words Sixth Ward. add the words
"Also the territory embracedwithintbe follow.
ing described boundary Shall constitute a part
of and be within the fire limits of the City of
St. Paul: Commencing at the Southerly line
of [Vest Sixth street where the same is inter
sected by Exchange street: thrice along the
icenter line of Exchange
tne of Want Ninth street; rthe ce et to lcenter
along the
enter line of West Ninth street to the present
fire limit lies at the Rt:erseotto- of West
Ninth and Franklin streets.
Sec. 2. This oramance Shull take effect on
and after Its publication.
Yeas -Aid. Blekel, Blom, Bock, Cullen,
Fisher. Gahan. Kavanaugh, Loithauser, Mihoo,
Melody, Pratt, Sanborn. Sullivan, Weber.
Yoerg, Mr. Presidents -/6. -
Passed Nov. 19,1889.
Wis. HAMM. President of Council.
Approved Nov..•.tt 1889.
Attest: THOS. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk.
Nov. 25. --
Amiisrdinanssion to conn ctting withChbelBes aroadway sewer
from the southeast cornerot lot 2, Smith $
Metcalfe addition to St. Paul.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul
do ordain as follows:
Seetion 1. Permission is hereby granted to
Charles Moberry, to construct o sewer in the al-
ley in block 4, Metcalf ffi Smith's sdditton.
Metcalfe addition to St. Pau.tclt comer oflin a cocnotion
with the Broadway cower, at ¢van 'lw expenas-
the work to be done under the dtroCO. So o
the satisfaction of the City Engineer.
See.12. This ordinance shall be in effect frons
and after its passage.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Book. Cullen,
Fisher. Geban. imea
Melody. Sullivan.Weber. Yoerg. Mrd TI'mid
dent -14.
Passed Nov. 19, 1819. W M. HAMM,
President of Council.
Approved Nov. 211, 1689. May
Attest: THGa. A. PRENDERGAST. City Clor.erk
IIRDIN ANCE No. 1,26'-.
phone Esoh mid, Com the Northwestern
conduits for Bnderground wire, in the
City of tit. Pmt1.
The Common Council of the City of St. Pont.
do ordain .. follow-:
Section 1. Perm(ssio. 1s hereby granted to
the Northwestern Telephone g Exchange lD ori
party, its successors and ase,
of twenty years from their acceptance under
this ordinance, to construct, maintain and re.
pair conduits or subways, with necessary man-
holes and service pipes, for the purpose of con-
ducting and distributing its telephone wires
upon the following streets, to -wit:
Upon East Fifth street, from the westerly
line of Cedar street to the easterly line of W a-
couta street, nd upon Cedar street, from the
southerly line of street to the northerly
line of Seventh street. Provided. That Both
ing herein contained shell be construed as
granting any exclusive privileges, or in any way
preventing the Common Council from granting
like privileges to those herein granted To oth-
er. in any street
Sec. 2. The main conduits or subways here-
in authorized shall be laid in streets and ave-
nues in a line parallel with the curb lines there.
of, and at such distance from the curbstone es
Shall not Interfere with water,gas and sewer
pipe. already insult streets and avenues: and
all Said conduits or subways shall be Ty
ructed under the supervision of the
Engineer of the City of St. Paul, or such other
nicer as may be designated by ordinance for
that purpose. and in Such part of the streets
or avenues as shall be designated by such oHl-
cer, and all plans and details of said conduit or
Subways in any street m the City of St. Pl
Shall be submitted and approved by cch o®on-
uer before any such conduct or subway sball be
lam. The grantees herein,
their euccessars or
assign-, shall commence the construction f
anon conduits or subways within sin months
from the cceptance of this ordlnnce, nand
shall Complete the construction thereof on the
et llU hereinabove named within one year of
such acceptance, or this franchise abull be null
and void.
Seo. 8. At least twenty-four hours before
'loading any street avenue or alley, or any
public place, the grantees hereto, their aua-
cessom and assigns s tall notify he proper
owners of said city In writing of such intention,
stating the place where, on the objects for
which such opening Is to be ade: nod anuli
die with the Cty Engineer of the City of St.
Paul a spur
plan shawl_ the location of such
onduft cad ma.hnles, wDtch olds shall be up -
proved by said Clay Engineer before rte opn-
mg of any atreet or atiny.
And in the opening and refilling of all the
a( openings made as aforesaid, and in the relay -
Tog of pavements and all other work necessary
pavements, Sidewalkstor grounds oa n equalltreat,y
good condition S hen disturbed, to aid
grantees herein, their successors and SeeiRns
or their contractor, scram or em loyees Shall
Oe Hader the supervlsion of the City Engineer
of y be he Cdesign t d fors That ch other o and,r Tol
Shallpurpose, a
eromptiy Som ply with any order of his In refer-
tDereto. and in case Old fail to amply
lt¢ anon order the city ..I, perform Lhe work
ordered, and the grantees ill pay therefor,
and .11 .1 said work Shull be done at the cost
at said grantees.
Nor hall any stree"11. lace be allowed to [amain ono pen n or en pub.
bared for a longer period than hall bedtlec e.
ary to execute the work for hicD the eam
Das Deena Opened; such period to no case to ex
.add =.e.
Dregmro the exerol.e allRod In casesa kill, as sre tn thhoe
laying or relaying of pavements or sidewalks
the said grantees their successors and moi.,
shall employ none but skilled workmen fain iter
with the execution of such work.
Sec. 4. In consideration of the privileges
herein granted, the grantees herela, their sue
cessurs and assigns shall, without Dost to the
City of St. Paul, pprovide space, draw in and
maintain and
h all wis, conductors and
conduits used in said system by the Said City of
St, Paul fortelegrupph ortelephoneor fire alarm
purposes, and in addition thereto continue to
furnish tree, twenty sets of telephones now
used by said city. and at halt rates for any ap
dittonnl number required.
See. S. That the Northwestern Telephone
Exchange Company shall construct Its under-
ground conduits of sufficient capacity to carry
all the present electrical wires of other cow
panics and its own wires, and provide for a.
increase of such wires to at least the extant of
onehundred per cent of all such wires at pros
cut m use, except electric light and power
wires. and Shakl curry Bch wires into its aon-
duits upon such terms and conditions as may
be agreed upon by the parties. or as may be its.
termined by arbitration us follows, viz: The
.did Northwestern Telephone Exchange Core -
puny shall designate one amitratr, any Com-
pany now existing, or to be hereafter created
or formed, desiring the use of any conduit, to
appoint soo[hor. Bad these two to dealggnnrite
the third, and the deolston of the majority o[
Such arbitratra as to the Terme and conditions
o t using the coaduftx shall be obligatory on
both pontes and shall const
ituto the terms and
conditions upon which such applying compan
les, other than electric LL91H and power oom-
panies, shall enter, use sod occupy such con-
dmts, but nothing herein contained shall
be construed as to compel the
Northwest era Telephone Exphange GoID-
panshdll be necessarsurrendy t h a-zin idale He own
business, and in no eveat to any company
using a and electric Durrant, which would
,.pair e emoiency of the service of the said
Northwestern Telephone EzcbanRe Company,
the question of interference to be decided by a
committee consisting of to City EnR neer.
Superintendent of Fire Alarm Telegraph and
such other poraoa as they may agree once
Sec. 6. Nothing in this ordinance .bail be so
construed as to absolve said grantees, their
successors or assigns, tram any legal liability
or proceedings to restrain or ¢bate any nuisance
arising Irom tae coneI nation or o,aretan of
said ...duct. or subwuys, nor from any liability
from t¢e negltgea.. oI the grauteet
their successors or aesigc,or their net
servants or employees In constructing
,ting Said subwuys, nor to render the
St. Paul!,.Dle to any person or col
opera innof suid conduce oresuCOewayt
hall protect ana save the ty
harmless from any suit or claim
damages arias..Irom oeiI negli oboe or oD._tI.nt of r
Sec. v. The grantee. horst¢, their ad ...... re
add passigns. stall athet all times be Object t and
St Paul now in force, ir that may be herelafter
passed, governing the use of and occupancy o
tons herein idcltpr_fdd, eands shoonlut comely wict
all police regulations now in or hereafter on
acted: and should said grantees. their succes
,or. or assigns at any time fail or refuse to be.,
and cy with any of the provisions hereat
ontaiped or h0 roafto ...acted, subject t0 the
limitations above, the. sold gr.ntees, tbrl'
successors and assigns shall forfeit all right
power end privtlegs. by this ordlne.ce granted
and conferred, and this franhtse shall be nut:
.ad void.
Seo. S. That before the construction of suit
condulte and suway.,, the grantees herei.,th ob
successors or assigns shell execute to the City
of St. Paul a bond In the sum of twenty thou
and (1110,000) dollars, conditioned that id
'grantees. their d assigns said
mdem ofbarmless a tot an ecus ..damn of St Pan 1
gn gen., cost e
e penom that "hal
m any way exult to the
oily from the laying, relaying a using of said
conduits or manholes or the wires therein.
Said bond Shall be signed by two or more good
and Sufficient sureties to be a..roved by the
i8e m0 g[epLee9 . creta, tneir successors
or assign.. shall within thirty day. after notice
of said resolution has been served upon the
proper officer or person in charge of the con-
struction or operation of said conduits
or subways, file bond with
Sec and sufficient
-,old aurettees, tas helrv.ucces..ra
d assigns shall .,. thirty 1301 day. from
the pose age and apprecut o[ tis orilln.nce file
with the City Clerk, an neceptance, 1. writing,
of the terms and conditions here!. named,
which written acceptance shall be In such form
nen may De eatlsfactory to the corporation AL-
tom0y, who .hall indorse thereon his apptovnl
r me form thereon, and this
rdi'once shall
have noffect until au n n pprune be died
with the City
Clerk as are
Seo. 10. The Common Council of the said
Cityof It. Paul reserves the right to order the
..traction and use by eafd g_.is_ of not
leas than 6,000 feet of additional coldu/tis and
when during each year actor the year 1889, on
..Hh may deaf d avec a the Common
Lace witng nate and in the eventof n
beraby such order. all rights
y grated shall be forfmted.
See. 11. This ordinance shall take effect and
be In force from and after its passage and ap
Yea. -Aid. Blckcl, Blom. Book, Fl.ber,
Gehen, Kavanagh, Lelthauer, Pmt',
Sullivan, tYeber, Yoergg, Mr. I;_ -def -13.
Na,_Akl Calle, I1inea, Melady.,
Passed Nov. 19, 1889.
WM. HAMM, President of Council.
Approved Nov. 20, 18lig.
RORER' A. SMITn, Mayor.
Attest: THOS. A. PRENDERGAST. City Clark.
Nov. 25.
By Ald. Yoerg-
681olved, That the following plate, as ap-
proved by the Plat Commission and as recom-
mended bythe City Engineer, be and the same
arhereby accepted by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
Rearrangement of Kenwood terrace, Ramsey
county, Minn.
Clerke's Fourth addition to St. Paul.
Watson's Division D.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen.
Fisher, Gehan. Kavanagh, Leith ... Or, Mi....
Pratt, Sunborn: Sullivan, Weber.
Yoerg. Mr. President -16.
Approved Nov. !A 1889.
B' Ald. Satin -
lved. That the grade of the alley (n block
3, ode line o.dthedition, nen IndicatedProale the ed
rea ended bytheCityyEngieer. be and
in, same fen hereby adopted as the est be
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen,
Fisher, Goblin. Leithauser, Mme a,
Melady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber,
Yoerg. Mr. President -16.
Approved Nov. et. 1866.
By Ald. Geun- -
Resolved,bTent the grndoa of the following
streets between the pints named, as indicated
by the red grade line o the accompanying
profiles, and Are-co
ended by the City En-
gineer, be and the. me are hereby adopted ..
the established grades:
Cook street. between Cortland street and
the St. Paul nd Northern Pacific right of way.
Lawson street. between Contend street and
the St. Paul and Northern Pacific right of way.
Case street. between Cortland street and the
St. Paul and Northern Pacific right of way.
Jenks street. between Cortland street and
the St. Paul and Northern Pacific right of way.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock, Cullen,
Fisher. Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mines.
Melody, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber,
Yoerg, Mr. Prosident-la.
Approved Nov. 2e, 1669.
By Ald. Letthauser-
e dered to re Katt the g adCity Engineer Newon street.hereby
r per era Newton
Yen.-Ald. Blekel, Blom a Bock, Cullen.
Fisher. Cohan. Kavanagh. Leithauser, Min-,
Melady. Pratt, Sanborn. Sullivan, Weber,
Yoerg, Mr. President -16.
Approved Nov. 20, 1889.
By Aid. Blom -
Resolved. That the City Engineer be and he
is hereby instructed to build a temporary foot
bridge on Burr street, to accommodate the
foot traffic on said street till the regular bridge
Is but It.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Lelthauser, Mine&
Melody. Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber,
Yoerg, Mr. President -16.
Abproved Nov 20. 1889.
By Aid. Weber -
Resolved. That the Commissioner of Health
be reel ..led to analyze the foe or waterer
Round or Nigger lake, to report the analysim
tiereof at how itthe nextcompar me ith gthet city water, and
as to its tineas orrnofltuese for family use.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock. Cullen,
Fisher, Cohen, Kavanagh. Leithauser, Mines,
Meludy. Pratt.Saaborn Sullivan. Weber.Yoerg,
Mr. Presidet-1G.
Approved Nov. 20, IWI9.
By Aid. Melody -
Resolved, Tb at the Superintdnt
enef Fire
Alarm Telegraph is hereby instructed to pur
chase one fire alarm box. and place the same
on southeast corner of Midway and Oakdale
Yeas -Aid. Bickel. Blom. Bock. Cullen,
Fisher, Deleon, Kavanagh, Letthnu , M1nea,
Melody, Pratt, Sanborn. Sullivan, Weber,
Yoerg, Mr. President -16.
Approved Nov. 221), 1889.
By Aid. Gehan-
Resolved, That the proper city omenrs be,
and they are hereby au thorized and directed to
sign ant execute the contract between the St.
Paul and Pacific Coal Company and the City of
St. Paul, for the furnlshf.g of fast, which said
.tract for
date Nov. 1.1. 1189. And that
the bondof said St. Paul and Pacific Coal Co.
parry, submitted with the said contract, bead
the same is hereby approved.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock, Cullen,Fisher,
Gehn. Kavanagh. Leithauser, Mine.. Meladv.
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber. Yoerg, Mr.
Approved Nov. 20, 161.
By Aid. Yoergg-
Resolved,That the proper city officers be, sad
they are hereby authorized to Sign and exe
auto the contract between the John Martin
Lumber Company and the CitY of St. Paul for
furnishing lumber, which said ...true, bear.
date Nov. 8, IH'B, and that the bond f said
John Marlin Lumber Company submitted with
said contract be, and the sa a is hereby ap
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh. Leithauser. Mines,
Melady, Pratt, Sanbom, Sullivan, Weber,
Yoerg. Mr. President -Is.
Approved Nov. 20, 1886.
By Aid. Weber -
Resolved, That J. E. Williams iS hereby an
tbortzed and permitted to build at his ow
u ex
pones, sad under the direction of the City
Engl ser. private .ewer to drain lots 1s and
of block 23, Mackubin & Marshall's addition,
said private sewer to connect with the Roads
street sewer.
Yens-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen.
Fisher. Gobs.. Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mines,
Melady. Pratt, S..her., Sullivan, Weber.
Yoerg. Mr. President -16.
Approved Nov. 20, 1889.
By Ald. Weber -
Resolved, That the Workhouse Commission
ere be directed to cause all prisoners dis-
charged at the workhouse to be brought before
the Chief of Police for further investigation es
to their future Intentions. and Said prisoners
to receive the necessary ]...lure, and in case of
said term of
Imprisonment theeComre minetonereiration fbe authorized
to q1r. tee .....nary ower to the Chief, ex
pinining the reasons therefor.
Yems ,Am. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen, Fish-
er. Gehan. Knvnagh, Leithauser. Mel
ally. Pratt, Sanborn. Sullivan. Weber, Yoerg.
Mr. Prestd t-16.
Approved Nov. 29, 1889.
By Aid. Meladv-
Resolved, That uutbority le hemby_giren
e two of the old spans of the W ban
street bridge In the construction of the proposed
bridge on the Mendota road.
Yens-Ald. Bickel. Hlom. Hock, Cue.,
Fisher. Gehen, Kavanagh. Leltheuser. ll
Malady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan. Weber.
Yoerg, Mr. President -16.
Approved Nov. 20. 1889.
Aid. Cullen -
Resolved, That an order be drawn in favor of
George Refs, City Treasurer- for the sum of
sfxtysix and 82-Iro (496.82 -Ice) dollars forthe re.
demption of the following descriptions of prop-
erty b bio .g to the 1[y n.d old for taxes.
Northerly 41feet of loyt, 1. 2 ens a. and
2 and 3,
35. offeet fCharleertveldo'81 s nuDd'.vlslon
f blrok 85, Arlington Hills nddllfon: also
block 30: lot 6, block 16: lot 4, block 30, Dun -
well & Spencers addition to West St. Paul, and
lot 4, block 54, West St. Paul proper.
Also that an order be drawn In favor of the
estate of J. C. Becht for the sum of ninety.
he mdem ptiod 61 n0of� Corti deans Noe&9 being 1 sued
against lot 42, block 18. Soils... Brown & Ram.
ey'.. addition to St. Paul, erroneously sold for
the sewer on Warsaw street. from Rudolph
street to Grace street.
Also that an order be drawn In favor of Har-
riet Prescott for he sum of nine hundred forty-
eight and 49 -IW ($9411.491001 dollars, said order
to be appli¢d O Iy I, the redemptton of COMM -
tea No. fills end No. ei:, Issue d [or s sewer on
Dakota avenue against a part of block W. Rob-
ertson's addition, and lots I. 2. 3. 4 and 5, block
13,,West SL. Paul=er. Thla city order is
only to be Issued Harriet Preacott'a first
paying Into the City Treasurys the original
u t of the assessments for r and
Works, as on dcorrection
o 11 others ss the Ho L due Pu011c
paid. o a n ..roman or on
Yeas-Ald Bickel. Blom, Book, Cullen. Fish
c Gehn, Kavanagh. Leithauser. Mines, Mel-
ody, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr. President
Approved Nov. 20. 1889. -
By Aid. Gabon -
Resolved. That the St. Paul Gas Light Com
pany be and they ari hereby directed to plane
and maintain one gas min on the southwest
comer of St. Peter and Martin streets.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock. Cullen,
Fisher, Gehan. Kavanagh, Leithauser, Minea,
Melody. Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber.
Yoerg, Mr. Presideni
Approved Nov. 20, 1889.
By Aid. Bickel -
Resolved, That St. Paul Gas Light Com.
pony be requested to erect and maintain two
gas light lamps 1n front to the entrance of Ore.
tin hall on Fort street.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen, Fish.
at. Gehan, Kavans�rh, Letthauser. Mines,
Malady, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg. Mr. Preel.
dent -14.
Approved Nov. 20, 1889.
By Aid. Leithauser-
Resolved, That the city oil lamp contractor
be hereby ordered to dace and maintain oil
lamps in the following places: One on the corner
of Euclid and Hoffman avenues, and one in the
middle of the block on Bollman arcane, be
tween Third and Conway and one In the middle
of the block on Beirut- avenue, between
Euclid street and Hudson avenue.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, BI.m,B..k,C.11e.. Fisher,
Gabon, Kaman h. Letthauser, Mines, Malady,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr.
President -16.
Approved Nov. 20, 1889.
By Ald. Leitbauser-
Resolved, That the city oil lamp contractor
behereby ordered to place and maintain two
oil lamps on MI nabobs street. between Walsh
street and Arcade street.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Letthauser, Mines,
Malady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber,
Yoerg, Mr. Pres,
Approved Nov. 20, 18.89.
By Aid. Mi.
Resolved, That the street oil lamp contractor
be instructed to erect and maintain lamps on
the following comers:
One on southeast corner of Bidwell and
Loulea at eats.
One on the northwest comer of Bidwell and
Elizabeth streets.
One on the southwest corner of Bidwell and
Baker streets.
One on the northwest career of Bidwell find
Martin streets.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock. Cullen,
Fisher, Gabon,, Leithauser, Mine.,
Melody, Pratt. Seaborn, Sullivan. Weber,
Yoerg, Mr. Presme"We
Approved Nov. 20, 1889.
By Aid. Weber- -�
Resolved, That the gasoline contractor be
uthorizod to place lamp. at Each corner on
Lexington avenue, from Front to McKenty
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock. Cullen,
Fisher, Geben, Kavanagh, Lelthnuser, Mi. ea,
Malady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan. Weber,
Yoerg, Mr. President -16.
Approved Nov. 21). IM9.
By Aid. Gabon -
Resolved. That the gasoline contractor be
and ha Is hereby directed to place and tim-
Lain one gasoline lamp on steps (midway) lead.
Ing from Canada street to Mount Atry street.
continuation of Linden street.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel,Blom. Bock, Cullen.Fisher,
Gehan, Ksvanagh, Lelthaueer, Mtnea, Malady,
Pratt, Sanbom, Sullivan, Weber. Yoerg. Mr.
Approved Nov. 20.188D.
By Aid. Blom -
Resolved, That the gasoline lamp contractor
be and he 18 hereby ordered to ergot and main
tain gasoline lamps, as follaws:
One lamp on the northwest corner of Payne
avenue and Orange street.
One lamp on the northeast carver of Payne
avenue and Hyacinth street.
One lamp on the southwest corner of Payne
avenue and Ivy street.
One lamp on the northwest comer of Payne
avenue and Clear street.
One lamp on the southwest comer of Payne
avenue and Cottage street.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanaggb, Letthauser, Minna,
Melady.Pratt,Sanborn, Sullfvan.Waber,Yoerg,
Mr, President -16.
Approved Nov. 20. 18tH.
By Aid. Leithauser-
Resolved. That the city oil lamp contractor
is hereby ordered to plaoe find maintain oil
lamps on the following places: One on the cor
ner of Ravine and Maple.
One on Ravine, between Bates and Maple,
One on Reaney street, between Arcade and
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Fish
er. Gabon. Kavanagh Leithauser, Mines, Mel-
dy, Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan. {Veber, Yoerg:
Mr. Preside.t-16.
Approved Nov. 20. 1".
By Aid. Sullivan- ---
Resolved, That the city oil lamp contractor
be Instructed to erect and maintain street
lamps on the following streets in the Eleventh
ward: TIIm on Witherepoon street, between
Rutger and Saint Clair streets, two on Laura
avenue, between St. Anthony sad Feroda
avenues, and two between University avenue
and Feronia avenue, on Prior avenue.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Book, Cullen.
Fisher, Gabon, Kavanagh, Letthauser, Mines,
Mclady, Pratt, Sachem, Sullivan. Weber.
Yoerg, Mr. President -16.
Approved, Nov. 20, 1889.
By Aid. Gehao-
Resolved, That the oil lamp contractor be
and he Is hereby directed 10 erect and main -
late o.. it
lamp on north side of Front street.
midway between A mndie and Mackubin street.
Yeee-Aid. Bickel, Blom, Book, Cullen,
Fisher, Gabon, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mi a&,
Malady. Prstt, Sanbom, Sullivan, Weber.
Yeerg, Mr. President -l6.
Approved Nov. ito. 1889.
By Aid. Malady -
Resolved, That street oil lamp contractor
be and Is hereby Instructed to place and main
tum one gasoline lamp on the west side of
Stryker avenue sixty teat South of the comer
of Delos.
Also. one in the middle of the block on the
Southaide of Prospect terrace, between Hall
nveaue and Stryker avenue.
Also, one In the middle of the block on south
Side of Prospect terrace, between Stryker ave
nue and Winslow avenue.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen
Fisher, Gabon, Kavanagh, Lefthausor, Mines
Malady, Pratt, Sash-, Sullivan. Weber
Yoerg, Mr. President -I6
Approved Nov. SM 1889.
By Ald. Gahen-
Resolved, That the oil lamp contractor be.
and 1s hereby directed to place soil maintain
oil lamps as follows, to wit;
One on southeast to Cortland and York
One on southeast corner Cortland and Pop
lar Streets.
One on mouth ... I comer Certified sad
Lawson streets.
One on southeast corner Cortland and Cook
One on southeast career Cortland and Mug
nolle Streets.
One on southeast corner Cortland and des
gamine street..
One on southeast corner Cortland and Rose
One on southeast corner Cortland and Ger.
anium streets.
Yea.-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen,
Fisher, Gabon. Kavaengh, Leithauser Ml=.
Malady, Pratt, Sanborn. Sullivan, . Weber.
Yoerg, Mr. President -16
Approved Nov. 20, 1".
By Aid. Blom -
Resolved, That the gasoline lamp contractor
be, and he is hereby ordered to erect and
maintain gasoline lamp' Ss follows:
One lamp on the southwest career of Arcade
street and Hawthorne street.
One lamp on the son 'boost corner of Arcade
street and Orange Street.
One ]stop on the southwest corner o1 Arcade
street and Hyacinth street.
One lamp on the southeast corner of Arcade
street and Ivy street,
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cohen,
Fisher, Gabon, K.vasagh. Lenbauser, Mmes,
Malady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber,
Yoerg, Mr, President -16.
Approved Nov. 20, IMP.
By Aid. Bock-
Re..lved, That the St. Paul Gas Light Co.
Panycnuse a gas lamp to be erected in front of
ot 8, block 2, Beek & Breckearidga's addition,
Slid to maintain the same.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Book, Culls.,
Fleher, Gahm., Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mines,
Melody, Pratt, S.nborn, Sullivan. Weber,
Yoerg. Mr. Prealdent-16.
Approved Nov. 20.18N
Byy Ald. SUlllvan-
Resolved, That the .treat oil I.-
authorized to erect find maintain .1.11. ll lamp
on Merriam place, on south side, m center of
block, between Prior and Milwaukee avenues.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen, Fish.
or, Galion. Kavanagh, Letthauser. Mines, Mel
ady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber. Yoerg,
Mr. Pros1dent-16.
Approved Nov. 20, 1689.
Resolved. That the gasoline lamp contractor
be and he is hemDy ordered to erect and main
rein gasoline Ifimps, es follows:
One lamp on the northeast comer of Bradley
street and Rose Street.
One lamp on the southwest corner of Bradley
street and Maryland street.
One lump on the southwest comer of Bradley
street and Hawthorne street.
Yeas -Aldo Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen,
Fisher, Gehan, Kuvasagh. Letthauser, Mines.
Malady, Pratt, Sansom, Sullivan, Weber,
Yoerg, Mr. President -m.
Approved Nov. 20, 1889.
By Ald. Leithsuser-
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works
be hereby ordered to modify the contract for
thengradingofEast Fourth street, so as to con
it hproposed change of grade be
Tarry street and Gotzlnn street, on said
East Fourth street.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen.
Fisher, Gabon, Kavanagh. Letthauser, Mines,
Malady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber.
Yoerg, Mr. President -16.
Approved Nov. M 1889.
By Aid. Sullivan -
Resolved 'That the Board of Public Works
are hereby authorized to construct crosswalks
on the following streets and alleys: Across
Iley on west side of Wheeler avenue, between
University and Shieldsavenues; across alley
n north side of Shields avenue, between
Wheeler and Beacon avenue.: across Beacon
.venue on north side of Shields avenue.
Yeas -Aldo Bickel, Blom. Book. Cullen.
Fisher, Gebnn, Kavanagh, Letthauser, Mmes,
Malady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber,
Yoerg, Mr. President --Id.
Approved Nov. 2b, 1864.
By Aid. W eber-
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
Of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter.( opening nn allay through
block 9, Maokubl. & Marshall's addition, from
Mackubin to Kent street, be and the same is
hereby referred to the Board of Public Works
to investigate and report:
First. is this Improvement proper and
Second. Give the Council an estimate oftbe
expense thereat, sad state whether one-half of
the cost thereof f. to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract Is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for said
Itoprovement be found benef ted to the extent
of damage ,ats and expenses necessary to be
Incurred thecoreby!
Fourth. Is such improvement asked for
upon the petition or application of the owners
of a majority of the property to be assessed
for such Improvement!
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said Inprovement, as requires by law, if you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order
directing the,work to be done.
Yeas -Aid. Bickel. Blom, Bock Cullen, Fisher,
3ehnn, Kavanagh, Lelthnuser MInen, Malady,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan. Weber, Yoerg, Mr.
Pres llent-16.
Approved Nov. 20, 1889.
8y Aid. Leithauser-
Ithis hereby ordered by the Common Council
1te City of St. Paul:
That the matter of grading Fisher street,
'roto Maryland avenue to east city limits, be
,ad the Same t, bereby referred to the Board
of Public \Yorks to investigate and report:
First. Is this improvement proper and nee-
Sary? Second.Give the Council an estimate of the
¢zpen.I there of, sad sinn
e whether o -half of
the cost thereof is to be paid into th, City
Tre... ry before the contract Is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
sato Improvement be Lound benefited to the
extent of dam age., co.tsand expenses neves
.ary to be Incurred thereby?
Fourth. I. such provement .ked for
upon the petition or application of the owners
of a majority of the property to be assessed for
such Improvement`
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
.aid Improvement, Be required by law, if you
report in favor of the same.
Six lb. Send the Council a proper order di
recting the work to be done.
Yen.—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen,
Fisher, Gehon. Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mine.,
Melody, Pratt. Sunburn, Sullivan. Weber,
Yoerg, Mr. President—Is.
Approved Nov. 20. 1889.
By Aid. Mmen—
It 1s hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St Paul:
Th fit the matter of opening, widening and exi
tending Plato avS.0 s, between Hubert tree[
d Cu star (late Clay street) in Baxille &
Robert's addition, through that part of the
athwest !y or Soutwast ±v of section ., town
iB. range '.Y. south of the Orth line of Plato
avenue, 1f ztended tv t sad p 1h f the
south line of the same If extended west, and
east of the east line of Custer street, be and the
same Is hereby referred to the Board of Pub-
lic Works to investigate and report:
Fist. Is this improvement proper and neves
Second. Givethe Council an estimate of the
pease thereof, and state whether one-half of
the cost thereof t, to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract is 1St.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
,aid improvement be found benefited to the ex-
tent of damage& coats and expenses necessary
be incurred thereby?
Fourth. I. such Imppr ems t eked for
con the petition or .ppllrty a of Lha oIS
of a mpjoriI, of the property to be assessed for
such improvement'
Fifth. Send the Council apish or profile of
said Improvement, as required by law. If you
repoIn favor ofthe same.
Sixth. Send the Council , proper order ld
recting the work to be done.
r Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Book, Cullen, Fish-
er, Gehan, Kavanagh. Leithenee, Mines, Met
ady, Pratt Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber. Yoerg,
Mr. President -18.
Approved Nov. 20, 1889.
By Aid. Sullivan—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the mutter of condemning and taking
an easement for bodge purposes, ¢cross that
Kof the right of way of the Chicago, Milwau.
kee & St. Paul Railway Company, lying
within the lines of Selby avenue produced
hereby referred to the Board of Public Works
toestignte and report:
First. Is this improvement proper and no,
Second. Give the Coumoil an estimate of the
the cost thereof lsthereofntos be p tate wheid t"to the olf f
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed to,-
or,aid Improvement be found benefited o the
extent of
sad ezpe.... .....
my to be Incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such mpprovement sked for
upon the petition or app`fcation of the owe
of a majority of the property to be assessed for
such improvement.
Flfth. Send the Council o plan or profile of
said Improvement. as required by law, if you
report m favor of the some.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order dt
recting the work to be done.
Yens—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen, Fish
er, Gehuu, Kavanagh, Leithauser. Mines, Mei
arty, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan Weber. Yoerg,
Mr. President -16.
Aproved Nov. x0, 18W
B Itis hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of SL Paul:
That the matter ofstectfngapproaches
tI the SelbS avthe Chenue brfdpa a se the right of
t. Paul
Railway Company, be MilS
d the Same IS hereby
referred to the Board of Public, Worts to I,
estigal. uad report.
First. Is this improvement proper and nee-
o ry
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
o[ he costtheteof 1s t state
paid into the City
Treasury- before the contract is let.
. Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
said Improvement be found benefited to the
extent of damages. costs and expenses nares
eery to be incutrad thereby.
Fourth. Is such Improvement asked for upon
the petition or applicntlon of the owners of a
majority of the property to be assessed for
such improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
sold improvement, are required by law, If you
report ip favor o[ the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di.
recting the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullet,
Fisher,Gehan. Kavanagh, Lelthauser, Mmes,
Melody, Sullivan. Weber, Yoerg. Mr. Pree1-
Approved Nov. 20, IM9.
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works dated Dec. 18, 1888.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
f tc City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of the City
of St. Paul cause the following Improvement
to be made, to -wit: Open, widen and extend
Pvm Street, from Eustis street to west city
limits in sold city, condemning and taking all
tb at land not already condemned or dedicated
for public use, between the center line of Eus-
tis street and the east line (produced north) of
,out, mumesoia; inat ant. neuro stmt pro-
ceed witbout delay to
nese.. the amount. as
.early as )bey can a.certm. the same, which
will be required to pay the damages, costs
and necessary expenses of such improvement
upon the real estate to be benefited by said Im-
provement, as provided by law; it being the
f the Council that real estate to be
assessed for such improvement ... be found
benefited to the extent of the damages, oasts
unit expenses n.cees y to be Incurred there-
Yeas—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen,
Fisher Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mmeu,
Melody. Pratt Sanborn. Sullivan. Weber,
Yoerg, Mr. Pra. demtr18.
Approved Nov. 20, 1889.
In the matter of to reHort f the Board of
Public Works doted t�ov. I8. 1889.
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council
Board of Public Works of said City
roe the following impvement
to. wit: Construct o
from Victoria street to
et: on Milton .treat, from Ridge -
,e to Laurel avenue: o. Leslie E^e-
St. Clair street, from Milton streetto Oxford
street; on Evergreen n , from Milton
street to Oxford street; onOsceola n nue.
frem Milton street to Avon Street, on v Fair
mount a , from Milton street to Avon
street: on Goodrich avenue, from Milton street
to Victoria street: on L"c.l. avenue, from
Milton street to Victoria street; on Grand ave-
nue, from Milton street to Victoria street; on
train Summit avenue, fm Oxford street to Vat
ria street' on Ashlandn nue from Oxford
street to Avon street; on Lou—l a e. from
Osford street to Avon street, and on Holly awed
nue, from Victoria street to Acott street, 1. suld
city, together with then ary catch basins
nodmanholes. said severing to be done under
one contract. That said Board cnu.e
said work to be let by contra .8
provided by law. without nen half
the estimated cost betas first [paid
into the City Treasury, and after said work
shall be placed under contract.aid Board shall
proceed without delay to assess the amount, as
nearly es Ihey can u....1, n the same, which
will be required to pay the coat and necessary
expenses of such improvement, upon the real
estate to be benefited by said improvement, as
provided bylaw: it being the opinion of the
Council that real estate to be assessed for such
tearovement an be Mt of the cost and expensesnecesnd saryo the be
¢x nceed W t e be
incurred thereby.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock. Cullen.
Fisher, Gehon, K.--gin,Leith... a, Mines.
Melody. Pratt, Ssnborn. Sullivan, Weber.
Yoerg, y1r. Presdentr-le.
A ➢cployed ISH9.
President C Council.
Tilos. Y.
OS. A. PRNUExGA.T, City Clerk. k.
-pec-l.1 Meeting
ST. PAUL. Nov.;N. 1889,
President Hamm in the chair.
Present—Ald. Blom, Book, Cullen. Kavn
nagh, Leithauser, Mines, Pratt. Sullivan.
Weber. Mr. President -10.
From His Honor the Mayor—Call for the Meet
To the President and Common Council of the
City of St. Paul:
Gentlemen: I am informed that the Mayor
and City Council of Montreal w til be here
either on Sunday or Mondnymorping next and
I suggest that your honorable body -.its Such
ureparationu for their reception n may be
deemed proper m v of
the atatingni.ned
character of these expected guests.
Respectfully yours,
Nov. 80. 1880.
Aid. Cullen moved that Council meet the said
delegatlon In a body and tender them drive
bout the city, end that committee of three
be appointed to make the necessary arrange
Yeas—Ad. Blom. Book, Cullen. Kavanagh,
L=,dm fir, Mlneu. Pratt, S,Illvan, Weber, Mr,
The Pre Aid. thereupon appointed as ad
Aid. Cullen, Kavanagh and Weber.
The Counell then adjourned.
HAMyi. .T, Cit C a Council.
TROs. A. PRENnsROAST, City Clerk.
Regular mociing.
ST. PeU4 Dec. 3, 1889.
Vice President Yoerg in the ell It,
Present—A1d.Bickel, Blom,Boek, Cullen, Con-
ley. Fisher, Gehan. Kavanagh, Lelthauser,
Mines, Malady. P[SIM Sanborn, Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vice President -18.
Minutes of preceding meeting approved and
dispensed with.
From His Honor the Mayor—Policeman Be.
To the Honorable the President and Common
Councii.of the City of St. Paul.
Gentlemen: City of you
that I have removed Patrolman George B.
Leyde from the police force for insubordination
unit neglect of duty upon charges duly pre-
ferred by his superior officer, Lieut. Murphv,
nod end chargee appearing to me fully sub
stentlated upon 1, 1.
thereof. HIS in-
subordination consisted In leaving the City after
leave had been refused him, and his neglect of
duty was in failing to report at roll call on the
evening of Wednesday, Nov. 27, 1889. For the
above causes, and for further reaaons not f-
fiefallyinvestigated, and which the Honorable
Council may, if they please, examine into, I
have made the above removal,and ask your ad
vice and consent thereto. Respectfully yours,
Nov. 3J, 1889.
Accepted and said removal advised and con
rented to.
Yeas-AliLBickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen. Conley,
Fisher, Gabon, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mines,
Malady. Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan. Weber. Mr.
Vice President -16.
Policeman Appointed -
The Honorable President and Common Council
of the City of St. Paul.
Gentlemen: I have the honor to inform you
that I have this day appoint William H.
Cogin m be a patrolman, to �, the vacancy
caused by the removal of George. B. Leyde
from the police force. Respectfully,
Nov.;lp, 1889.
Accepted and said appointment advised and
consented to.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Col
ley, Fisher, Geban. Kavanaugh. Leithauser,
Mines,, Melndy, Pratt, Sanbam, Built'..,
Weber, Mr. Vice President -S8.
From Patrick Harry -
Claim for damages to property caused by
grading of York. Sims and Case streets.
Committee on Claims.
From Noah St its -
Bond as Market Master, with Patrick Norris
and John H. Moritz as curettes.
Committee on Ways and Means.
Of City Treasurer -Report for Novemb.01i.I f1-
To the Honorable the President sad Common
Council. City of St. Paul:
Gentlemen: I have the bettor to submit to
y on the and
disbursements ilof thing s oort of the r
office from N- 1.1889,
to Nov. 30, 1899,
13 lance.. ........ .......... 220,676.79
Redemption receipts......
City Clerk ........ ..... ..
St. Paul workhouse........
City Water Works ........
Municipal Court ..........
St. Paul Public Library...
Building Inspector... ....
KM 00
Poundage ..................
Advance P.ymenta ort
sewer assessments.... ..
Interest on water bonds...
0,758. 45
Intereston deposits.. ..
Repairing paved streets...
259 821
Certificates of sale.... ..
Certificatesof indebted-
ness ....... ..... ... ...
County Treasurer. Ramsey
county... ....... -
County Treasurer, Dakota
county ....................
Licenses sad permlte......
Aaeeaamant Collemions....
City orders paid ...... ... 8167,544.94
Fire Department warrants
pofd......... .............. 17,9°.8.18
Water Department war-
nt. paid.... ..... 88,409.0.9
St. Paul Workhouse war
rants paid ................ 3,655.95
St. Paul Library warrants
paid ....................... 1.090.81
Park Commissioners' war
rants paid.. ........ .... 590'2.41
New City Hall and Court
House warrants paid ... 21,836.64
Certificates of sale re
deemed ................. tM801.47
City interest coupons paid. 4,347.5o
Advance payments on sew
er assessment s........... 684.06
City bonds redeemed..... 10,500.00
Disbursements in assess
ant colleettons......... 376.0D
Mfscell.... us disburse-
ments ........... .... .... 541.21
Balance on hand.. ........ 151,89&84
N51,458.06 $451.458.06
New City Hall and Court House
funds. ............. .. .. $26.711.98
City funds.. .... ........... ........... 103.175.57
City Water Works funds .............. 9,313.73
St. Paul Public Li ... brary funds....9.250.03
Police Pension fund... ..... 3,435.54
First National bank, St. Paul........ $22,93&23
Merchants' National bank. St. Paul.. 30.8813.29
Bank of Minnesota, St. Paul......... 36,769.39
National German -American bank, St.
Paul ............ ........... .... 5,(170.76
Germania bank. St. Paul ............. 9,456.68
St. Paul National ba.k, St, Paul..... 6,718.20
Commercial National bank, St. Paul. ',549.81
Second National bank, St. Paul ..... 1.920.26
Savings bank, St. Paul ............... 23.808.82
People's bank, S.
Paul............. 1.326.30
Seven Camara bank, St. Paul.. ....... 4,958.05
Capital bank, St. Paul ................ 1,669.72
bleat Side bank, St. Paul.1,397.27
Scandinavian -American bank,.St.
Paul .................. ........ ..... 8,538.16
Respectfully submitted,
GEORGE REIS, City Tre .... er.
Nov. s0. 1889.
City Comptroller.
Of City Comptroller -Audited Claims, Viz.:
Thornton & Shaw, EstimateNo. 7. Sprinkhnq
District No. 8, $34.23: T. R, ly. Estimate No. B.
Sprinkling District No. 2. $1.010.19; D. Joseph,
Ear imate No. 8. Sprinkling District No. S. SI,
45017: D. Joseph, Estimate No. 8, Sprinkling
District No. 4. $990.62; D. Josepph. Estimate No.
8, Sprinkling District No. 5. 6492.74: T. Reilly.
Estimate No, 8. Sprl.kB. District No, 6. M,395,48: T. K. Norio., Estimate No.8, Sprinkling
District No. 9. $913.11: Cable& Chute, Estimate
No. %grading Thomas street. $139,50: W. J.
Preston, Estimate No. 1, sewer on Portland
avenue, $446.50; Lauer Bros., Estimate
No.2, alone sidewalks, 1869, $$914;
J. W. Maloney, Estimate No. 1, grading Pege
street, 62,805; J. Cla¢ey, Estimate No. 1, grad-
ing Stinson street, $742.50; J. W. Maloney. Es -
ti ante No. 2, grading James street, $840: J.
Forrestal, Estimate No. 1, sewer on George
street, etc.. RM; T. Linnan, Estimate No. 3
end final, grading Midway .,cane, $4`2'.50; J.
W. Doherty, Estimate No. 2 and too, sewer
on Burr street, etc.. 5403; G. J. Symonds, Esti-
mate No. 8 and final, sewer on South Robert
street,$9•ao.50: G.J.Symonde. Estimate No.:i and
final, sewer on Roble street, 8437.01; Thornton
R Shaw. Estimate No. 3 and final. sewer on
Mackubin street, $104.96: JS T, Million;
Estimate No. 4 and final. grad.
ing Dooley avenue etc., 8750; A.
Ginglea Estimate No. 3 and final, grading
Rondo street, 63!3.85: Dale & Bumgardner,
Estimate No. 2 and final. gradin Muckubin
.treat, $121: Dale S Bumg.rdner. Estim.t. No.
St. Paul
Uazdle ..
ry, A3.67t
H. E. Wedelstaedt, 88 cents: John Do '11n:
$115.20; N. S. Beardsley, $50; Noah Sinks, $4:
Martin Dreis, $410.25: Levemos S Mesenbourg,
(868.20; Boeringer 6 Son,59; E. Bouquet 1, Co.,
$11.08: Joseph Spiel, $37.15; Dfe Volk"UtuRg,
$178.48: Mathew Craig, $15: G. W. Merrill, 621'
Peter Bice& $2: K, P. Cullen, $12: N. W. Fuel,
$16.80, Wm. Berlandi, $121: Robert Seeger,
$&806: St. Paul Book and Stationery Cowpony,
$114.87:oPrinting Company. 45777(1; D.
Romsley, " d, SSon. . 899.55; St. Paul & PacificConi Company. $118.889.
Allowed and ordered paid by following vote:
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen,
Conley, Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Mines, Malady, Pratt. Sanborn, Sulllva..
Weber, Mr. Vice President -16.
Of City Engineer -Broadway Bridge -Plane for
Foundation, Including Abutments and for
preaches -
The Engineer submits said plans and asks
that the Ctty Clerk be instructed to advertise
for bide as soon as the detailed plans can be
Accepted. (See resolution.)
J. A. Raging' Claim for Damages -
To the Common Council
Gentlemen: In regard to the claim of J. A.
Rngins. referred to me. I would report: That
Broadway, from Thirteenth to Mt Airy, was
graded In the year 1880 and that pmper stone
gutters were provided to carry of thewater:
that no sidewalk was laid on the west side of
Broadway, from Valley to Mt.Airy streets: that
In driving over the gutters above the property
occupied by Ragins the sto.a gutter was in.
jured and the material forming the sidewalk
bed cutout; that during a heavy storm water
ran over the gutter, cut through the sidewalk
bed and ran down and into the basement of
Mr. Ragins' house and did Injure the furniture.
though as to the exact amount I have no means
of ascertaining: neither can Ireport In regard
to the liability of the city antler the circum
stances. The Isola, however. are ns repre-
sented above. Reapp etfully submitted.
L. W. RUNDLETT. City Engineer.
Nov. 29, 1859.
Committee on C4alms.
Andrew Irber's Claim for Damages -
To the Common Council.
Gentlemen: In regard to the claim of An-
drew Irber for damage topmperly, 10,80, block
17. Arlington Hills. I would report: In the can.
stmction of what is known as the Payne Ave
nue system of sewers, a catch basin was put In
on the northeast comer of Case and Greenbrier
streets: that the work was done late in the
fall, and in the spring the red clay filling which
W.s put In about the catch basin settled, and
the water, instead of running into the catch
basin, ran Into the foundation of the building of
Mr. Irber; that on this account it was neces-
sary to repair the wall on the side of the build
ing at a cost of t'28; and the owner claims that
will be necessary to repair the front of the
foundation, at about the some cost: the build-
ing Itself does not appear to have been Injured
materially. The work at this time was in the
hands of the contractor (the work not havin
been completed, although the contract expiredg
Nov. 15, 18881. ad it uppears to me that be
would be liable, under the t.".w,.g clause in
the specifications:
" It 'au , demtood that the whole of the work
under this contract is to be done at thecan-
Iranian's risk, and he Is to assume the re%on
sibiltty and risk of all dumuge to the work or
to the property on the line of said work which
may be occasioned by floods, backwater, cav
Ing of the street, settling of the foundations of
buildings, or from an other cause whatever."
Respectfully submitted,
L. W. RUNDLETT. City Engineer.
Nov. 29, 1889.
Committee on Clat-
Selby Avenue Bridge-Chloago. Mil-
;tes akt
St. Paul ailway Company -
To the Common Council.
Gentlemen: Underresolutio.of your hon-
orable body, approved May 22, 1889, I as in
Situated to prepare pinns.nd apeclficatlons for
a bridge over the right of way of the Chicago.
Milwaukee St. Paul Railway at Selby ave
nue, with a roadway of forty feet and two ten.
toot aidewnike.
It appears to be the desire of the property
owners that the bridge shall be Constructed of
lees width, In order to occupy as small a apace
as possible in the center of the street. leaving
room for driveway on each side: also, that
the approaches shall be of Iron trestle, Instead t
of In earth embankment.
I would therefore recommend that the order
b Do to the
Board olf Pu ¢
Public Works to construct aew Breathe bridge
with a thirty -two -teat roadway and two six feet
w Iks, together with the necessary approaches,
¢nd that each Ponlon of the bridge bond fund
a may tleem adats¢ble be appropriated for
the Covatrncion of Lois bridge a d approaches,
the remaivdei to be raised by assessment.
I estimate the coat of the bridge to be .. *42.000
And of the ppro-h— ...... ........... 3&000
Making a total of . .......... .... ... $80,000
As neer as I can ascertain, after consultation
with the City Comptroller, them will be left of
the Bratq Bond Fund now' uthorixed to be
llreadvnmPProPr�lu0. Leto path.' thekmouder
A at the Present Alm e. aor .n
Respectfully submitted,
L. W. RpNDLETT. City Engineer.
Nov. 3Q 1&39.
Accepted: preliminary order adopted (see
order to Board of Public Works), and so h
Cf said
reori Warelut d Monne d, refered to
Y. an
Of Corporation Attorney—contract for sub.
[rueture oI Burr Street Bridge—
The Corpoation Attorney sub mltB , Id
tract, executed by Charlet Stone, and the bond
or said Stone under Laid contract.
Accepted (see resolution,.
Contract for- wooden even bridge and ¢p-
a hes on Mendota ""it—
Phe he-,
orporutton Attorv.y ubm its e d o
of said sto.. order
said es all Ce and tTt. bond
Accepted (see resolution).
Of Clerk of Municipal Court—
ReBortfor November, 18, with CityjTreas-
ceipt for
u Committee cOrdinance, and Public Ac
Of Chief of Police—
Report for November, 1899; total arrests 521;
collected by Mnolcipal Court, S3,:i4fi.
Committee o. Ordinances and Public Aa
count.. Alan,
Report of forage purchased by Police Depart.
meat for six months ending Nov. 30. 1889.
Committee on Police.
Of Captain of Poltce—
ReportforNov.IEt89, 11 lamps not lighted
1M, gas lamps not lighted, a.
City Comptroller.
Of Commissioner of Health—W.,Cr of Round
or Nagger Lake—AnalysLs—
The Commlasloner of Health submits a copy
f sale. Georetpge Weitbrecht', report of¢nalysis
"This water has too large an amou.t of cbin-
rine for a good drinking tetter. 'Phe amount of
ia, however, is not too larva. I should
say teat the water Is suspicious in its char -
111— 1,
a ter.'•
Referred to Aid. Weber.
Of .John Conniff, Acting Poundmaster—
Report for November, 1889—City Treasurer s
ml �
mitteeon Ordinances and Public A,
Easement for Bridge. C., M. $ St. P. RS—SeI-
by Avenue Preduced—
TThe the
Board of Paull. Works havehad
nxlderation the resolution or order of the
Com n Council, approved Nov. at 1889, rela-
tive to the c,ndem,i,g and taking an easement
for bridge purposes, cess that part of the
IgDt of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee
Paul Railway company, g% within the lines
of Selby avenue produced ''*”aid right of
way, and, having invests gated the proposed im-
Respactfuilty report that said improvement Ln
that s t e estimated prit
pens. (Wo feet
Is 1 &1;
thatal tate to be a e sed therefor
n be found benefited to the sextant Of the
damages, c to d pensee accessary
to be
mourredstheroby; that cam improvement
1s not asked for by . petition of a m lorty
f the owners of property to be assn.¢. there-
for, but we herewith Bend a plan or profile of
aid improvemeut, and nn order for your adop
it.., if you dealt. us to make the improvement.
Yo. B, 4; naye, 0.
R. L. GORo.- of P President.
W. F. Eltwix. Clerk Boars o[ Public Works.
. (
Work -
All'. ;ed. Ser order UI Board of PUDlIc
vast Seventh Street Widening—
To the Common Council of the City of St.
The Hoard of Public Works have had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
Common Council, approved Set. 1& 1889, rely
fromtTua tb'arolraeatreett Fort Bne111nh bridge,
to a uniform width of eighty feet, and, having
Investigated the proposed improvement:
Respectfully deport that said Improvoment
le necessary enproper: that the estimated
expense thereof is dfi0.I& shot real estate to be
assessed therefor Can be found benefited to the
extent of the damage&costa and penses necee-
levy to be incurred thereby: that exsaid Improve
antis not asked for by it pCtitio. of . major-
ity of the owners of property to be aaseesed
therefor, but we herewith send a plan or p o
file of said Improvement, nad an order for
your adoption, if you desire ne to make the
Yens, 4; Balls, 0.
R. L. , President.
W. . ERWIN, Clerk Boardand of of Public Works.
Deo. & leas.
Adopted. (See order to Hoard of Public
Cortland Street SI -pea
To the Common Council of the City Of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works have had under
consideration the resolution rr der of the
Common Council, approved Oct. & 1889, rela-
tive to condemning an easement in land for the
onstruction of slopes for cute and ml. upon
real property abutting on Cortland street, from
Como and Lake Phalen avenue to the north
limits, and, having Investigated the pro.
posed improVemeat:
Respectfully repoart that It i, no ... sarty, nad
and adjoining
d take n ea e t c
i g and op the line o[ Cortland
street from Lake Como and Phalen avenue to
the north city limits, Be ..... ry for making
lopes for cute sad fills ono sad o e -half to one.
I n gradings Id Cortland street. in accordance
a tun hereto attached, a copy o[ which is
on file plan
oma. of Bald Board: that the let
ated expense thereof is *25; that real estate to
be assessed
therefor be found be
anted Lo the exteiayt of the damages, c tx d
id imeps ne met 1 to b asked for by,
of . majority 0"he owners of propertyto be ns
sessed therefor, ¢ but we herewith d a plan
orprefileof stud Improvement, and a ,order
for your ndoptlon, if you desire us to make the
]]'' s, 4; nays, 0.
W.No F..2 , 1889. Clerk Board of Public Works.
Nov, 21, 1889.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
A loo.
To pthe Common . Street n Council o[ the City of St.
The Boad of Public Work, have had nd,r
consideration the re, detioa r oder of the
CommonCouncil. approved Sept. 7. I999, rela.
Live to a change of grade on Hope street, lrom
Sixth street to East Fourth street, and, having
Investigated the proposed improvement:
Respectfully report that said improvement in
nocessa nad proper between Sisth street antl
East Fourth ,trees, as indicated by the red line
n aha "comp
nnytng Profile; tet the e,timtted
expe.e0 thereof is NOO: that real Bate" to be as
sessed therefor can be found benehtd to the
extent of the damages, costs uad expenses eses nee
ry to be incurred thereby' that Id im-
provement is not asked for by . petition of a
n7tonty of the owners f pmpertvt be s-
ed tDerefor, but we herewith send piny
—profile of said improvement. If you desire
to make the Improvoment.
Yens, 4; nays, 0.
R. L. OORMAN, President.
W. F. ERWIN. Clerk Board of Public Works.
Dec. 8, 1889.
Adopted, and City Clerk instructed to give
,a ..... ry publication ..ties.
Minnehaha Street Change of Grade—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Boad of Public Works have had under
nafderatinn the resolution or order of the
Common Connell approved Aug. 22.1889, rela
Alva to a change of grade on Mlnnebahs street,
from Prior yen us to Capitol avenue, and
having investigated the proposed improvement:
Re,pactfully report that said impr vement 1s
ry and proper, as indicated by the red
Ile on the Il-repany'ng prodle: that the set'
ed expense thereof 1s t25; that real estate
to be assessed therefor call be found benefited
to the extent of the damages, Cost. and expea�
.try to be Incurred thereby: that said
Improvement Is not asked for by . petition of a
majority of the owners of property to be as.
sessed therefor, but we herewith send a plan
or profile of said Improvement. if you desire to
make the Improvement.
Yeas. 4; peye, u.
LV. F. EnWIN, Clank Boo dt of P blit,Works.
Nov. 21, 1889.
Adopted and City Clerk lustruc[ed to give
ecce publication notice.
Selby Avon.. Change of Grade—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works hation the ,solution orve bad under
nn Council, approved Aug.o& 1899,rder Irela-
Lila too change of grade Selby a nue
Bad having fnve,tlgated the prop ..ed ¢im-
la peCesxarylandport that eafd improvement
From Hamlin. avenue to the C,Uat line'
oft he
fight of way of the Chicao. Milwaukee& St.
Paul Railway company, and from the west line
of Ba d right of way to Saratoganvenu to a
width of aixty (e)l feet, antl for ftp ha..s for
proposed bridge to a width of forty (4,) feet.
tram u point 4I5 foal west o[ west Itve of Hem-
line avenue. to east lino of 3aid righta,
and f-om the w2,t line of said right If
way to u
pot 445 feet east of east line of Saratga ave
e• the center Be, of xaid forty, (4e) feet to be
thtem ar It.. .1 xaid Selbv t.nue. .B ball
¢ herewltnsenan planor pronie Ci x iatm
provement. It you desire to make theimprove-
mYeas, 4; note. O.R.
L. Grd ofIN.P President.
Dec.:?,F. ERWIN, Clerk Hoard or Public Works.
Adopted. uad City Clerk instructed to glue
necessary publication notice.
Hemline Avenue Opening, Etc.—
To the Honorable the President and Common
Council City of St. Paul.
Gentlemen: The B..d of Public Works
herewithespectfullyretur. your anal order,
approved Nov. O, ISS9, for the oPaid.g, widening
d extension of Hamline tivenue, between
Taylor avenue and the north city limits, with
the report that it is not neeesaary to make eafd
condemnation, for the reason that
the Corpora
eAttorney has
said Blaisa legalroaonth line of id Hamllnove
Us. from Tnyipr ¢venue to the Center of Sec-
tion L. Township 2(i. Range "—i. the Inyingout of
which read was in
II respects .... um .ted
by the Town Supert•isre of Rose Town In the
year IRV.
The report of the Corporation Attorney. and
the certificate of the Town Clerk of Rose Town.
in said matter, are herewith transmitted.
R. L. GORMAN. President.
W. F. ERWIN. Clerk Hoard of Public Work..
Nov. 29, 1889.
Alderman of the Ward.
Harry Caldwell and others' ?mtest against
grad ng Hope street.
The Board transmits said protest for turther
instructions, the Board "having no jurisdlc-
Committee on Streets.
Ferdinand street grading contract—
The Hoard reports that (thus awarded Thomas
Linnan the contractfor grading Ferdinand
street from St. Anthony avenue to Rondo
street, he being the only bidder and his bid
being reasonable, and he being reliable and
responsible; amount of bid, 804J; bond in the
sum of 42(IO, with J. A. Schlermann and J. Fens
temaker as sureties.
Said award approved by following vote:
Yeas—Ald. Blom, Hock. Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Mines a.elady.
Pratt. Sanborn Sullivan, Weber. Mr. Vice
President -14.
Noy.—Ald. Bluk eland Leith ... er-2.
Jenks street grading contract—
The Board reports that it his.
awarded John
Dale and Louis A. Bumgardner the contract
for grading Jenks street,from Mlseisstppi street
to Earl street, they being the lowest reliable
and responsible bidders therofor; amount of
bid, 42.,976; bond In the sum of 44,'xq. with
George Marti and Peter Martin as sure tie..
Committee on Streets.
Lawson Street Grading Contract—
The Board report. that It has awarded
Charles E. Sandeen the contract for grading
Lawson street.frem Mississippi street to Earle
street, he being thelowest reliable and re-
sponsible bidder therefor: amount of bid
S11,f195; bond In the sum .f ff2.40. with Adolph
Hloan and Andrew Peterson as snrrtie=.
Committee on Streets.
Estimate. Tad Claim.—
The Board transmits, approved by it, the
following estimates and claims, to wit:
Estimate No.9 and final, Sprinkling District
No. 2, T. Refily, 41.25.0; E.Llmate No. 9 cad
(Boni. Sprl.kiing Dietr No, 6. T. Reilly,
_,om"I: Es haute No. 4 and final, Seventh
street paving, L. E. Shepley, 89,60.97; Esti-
mate No. 3 and final, Lawrence street sewer.
C. E. Sand en. 469.50: Estimate No. 9 and
final, Spri.kling District No.
toe, 8328.28: Estimate No. 9 a1
ling District No. 3. D. Joseph,
mate No. 9 and final, S
ig. J.
Estimate No. 3 and i
ie sewer. W. J. Preston, 8(
and final. atone sidewalks
Lauer Bros., 4687,88; K. P. Cullen, IS- Mathew
Craig, 910; Mathew Craig, 410; G. W. Merrill,
415; G. W. Merrill, 415.
Committee on Claims.
Report for November, I899—Total Disburse
menta, 82,910.31.
Committee on Ordinances and Public Ac
Electric Light and Other Wires—
To the Honorable President and Common
Council of the City of St. Paul:
Gentlemen: The•Bonrd of Fire Commission-
ers again call the attention of your honorable
body to the necessity of early action for the
removal of all wires from the business streets
of our city. Great difficulty is experienced at
fires, especially In the erection of ladders, on
account of telegraph, telephone and electric
light wires, which have become so numerous
as to form in some localities un almost impene-
trable network, causing delays which at times
seem disastrous to the working. of the de-
partment. Lovs of life will result from these
delays, such as betel some of the Inmates
of the late Tribune building, of Mlnneopolis,
less something be done to remove them.
The following locations are the most dangerous
In the ci y: N'abasha from Fourth street to
Jackson. On the south aide o} Fourth street
thereare one hundred and twenty (123)
wires, and on the north aide seventy-eight (78)
fres. Seventh street (south side) Pee thirty
1301 electric light wires. North side of Seventh
street there are twenty (".A) electric light wires.
Third street, from Cedar to Sibley: Fourth
street. from Wabasha to Wacoum: Fifth street,
from Cedar to Jackson: Seventh street, from
Wabasha to Rosabel; Robert street. from
Fourth to Fifth; Jackson street, from Third to
Seventh streets. The above locations are right
in the business district. In some of the above
localities it would be Impossible to erect our
extension ladders or the water tower until
the wires that [rose andreorose the
wires that cross and reoroes the
streets were out, the electric
wires being considerably larger than others
cannot be cut by our appliances, therefore they
are di.amrous, we recommend that an ord T
nonce 1, pn..ed ie
shall require electric light
and other companies to properly insure the
safety of buildings into which their wires run
by proper insulation and switch or out -cute,
so as to enable the current to ne out out in case
of fire.
We urge that some action be taken by your
honorable body in these matters as we think
their importance demands.
Respectfully submitted,
By Order of the Board,
J. C. PRENDERGAST, Vice President.
Wit. O'GORMAN. Secretary.
Dec. 3, 1989.
Committee on Streets.
Workhouse Prisoners—
The Board through its president, George
Wells Lamson, submit.. reoort on resolution
of Council, approved Nov. 0, 1889, relative to
discharge of workhouse prisoners, and asks
Council's attention to ayylnion of Corporation
Attorney to effect that Coun.D. has
no juris.
diction In the matter.
Aid. Weber.
The Board repports through Its Seem
tor9 pro tem., H. F. Stevens, a propo
.hien of Hoa Samuel Mayall, with
e.clutionsof Board, in matter of proposed
park—Ashton and Sherburne'. addition.
Committee on Parks.
Of Committee on Ways and Means—Bond of
Milford W. French as Constable_
Thecommittee approves said boud.
Adopted, and Bald bond approved.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Book, Cullen, C.n-
leyy,� Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Lelthauser,
M1nBe, Malady. Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. VloePmaident-18.
Aid. Gehan'B Resolution for 88,000 Honda—Act
up Say.
Oakland and Otherved March iSt Streets—
to 6ev-
Committee recommend the adoption of
Adopted. (See resolution.)
Aid. Cullen's Resolution for 410,000 Bonds—
Act Approved April 1889—Hrldgee.
Committee recommends adoption of resolu.
Adopted. (See resolution.)
Of Committee on Clstme—Board of Water Com-
missioners' Claim Ior 429,2'73,83—
Committee recommend. that said claim be
referred to Corporation Attorney and City ED
Charles E. Fairchild's Claim for 4120—Expert
Committee recommends allowance of said
claim at 65 per day—total, 440.
Adopted (See resolution.)
William MolkenbUeS Claim -8211.0 Damages
—Grading Hall Avenue—
Committee recommends that claim be re-
ferred to City Engineer for report.
Vanderwarker and Acker's Claim for 86.25—
Committee recommends that said claim be
Adopted, yeas 15; nay& Aid. Melody 1.
Of Committee on Streets. Sewers and Rridnan—
Resolution Approprlawng Money for Board of
Levee Commiss oners—
Committee eoommenda Lh.t 9BId resolution
be accepted and placed on file.
St. Anthony Park Company's Petition for Va
catlo. of Part of TeInter Avenue—
ComMittee recommends that said petition be
filed of record with City Clerk, that Troyer of
petitioners be granted upon ppayment of sum of
JTJ tato City Treasury. provided that the piece
marked yellow (sa mop showing same
fueled to petition) be dedicated to the public
use, and that City Clerk be instructed to give
Adopted publleatlon notice.
Aid. Leithausera Resolution for 40,000 Bonds
—Park at Indian Mounds—
Committee report favorably.
Ordinance Confirming Ordinance No. I.OX—an
Ordinance Granting John Ireland and Thom-
as Cochran, Jr., a street railway franchise.
Committee reports favorably.
Adopted. (See Ordinance o. 1,970.)
Ordinance granting C., M. & St. P. By. Co.
Use of Streets, Rice & Irvine's Addition, etc.
Committee reports favorably.
Maple Street Grading Contract, from East
Seventh Street to Greenbrier Avenue—
Committee reports favorably the award of
said oontraot to Jas. Claffey for 4139.
Adopted. and said award approved.
Yeaa—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con.
ley, Fisher, Gabon, Kavanagh, Lelthanser,
Mines, Melody. Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vloe Prealdent-16.
Boulevard—Lake Como—
The Commltt on Street& to whom was re-
ferred the resolution of the Board of Park
Commissioners, respectfully report that the
Committee has no knowledge of any land hav
ing been acquired by the city for a boulevard
around the shore of Lake Como; neither can
they Informyour honorable body what action
the Board of Park Commiasionee may be
authorized to take for the carrying out of said
Adopted. Chairman Committee on Streets.
Of Committee on Public Buildings, Eta.—Mar,
: Your committee, to whom was
Bettor of lowering the floor of the
e and converting the same into
report that they do not mink the
.ge could be made under an ex -
CO: that there are leases In con.
the building Which Would reader
to make the change et Lhepeaent
should recomme.d that further
of the matter be postpponed until
ve run out and the Duildf.g is
Deo. 3, 1889.
Accepted and placed on file.
Bids for ExitFrom Newmarket Theater—
Committee reeomme.ds that bid of South
Park Bolt and Bridge Works (R. Wellisch) for
Barry Caldwell and others' protest against
grad ng Hope Street
The Board transmits said protest for further
Instructlona, the Board -having no jurisdic
Committee on Streets.
Ferdinand street grading contract -
The Bouts reports that it has awarded Thomas
Linnan the contract for grading Ferdinand
street from St. Anthony avenue to Rondo
beet. he being the all, bidder nad his bid
being reusonnble, and be being tellable and
espo.slble; a cunt of bid, 884U; bond in the
t m f fV, with J. A. Schiermann and J. Fens
t,maker as suretie,.
Said award approved by following vote:
Peas—Ald. Blom, Bock. Collen. Conley.
Fisher, Gen.., He—,
agh, Mine., 5,elady.
Pratt, Sanborn Sullivan. Weber. Mr. Vice
Prestdent-14. -
Nayl—Ald. Bickel and Leithniiser-2.
Jenks street gradingcontrnct—
The lio.rd reports tnet
it has n 'nrded Job.
Dale sad Louis A. Bumgardner the contract
or grading Jenks street, from Mississippi street
to Earl street, they being the lowest reliable
d responsible bidders therefor; nmoant of
Dm, 12U.g, f,; bond In me of IL-Wo
4; tp. with
George Marti and Peter Martin as .sure ties.
Committee OVtreets.
Lawson Street Grading Contract—
The Board reports that It has awarded
Charles E. Saudeen the contract for grading
Lawson street. from Mississippi street to Earle
street, he being the lowest reliable and re
sponsible bidder tberefor: amount of bid,
5I I,I.K,: bond in the sum of 1'.4(10. with Adolph
Blom and Andrew Peterson as �ureti"
Committee on Street,
Estimate, and Claims—
'Phe Board transmits. approved by it. the
following-timetes and claims, t 'I[:
Estimate No.9 and final. Sprint ling District
No. t, T. Reilly, 11.�•S.i41: Estimate No. 9 d
ilial. Sprinkling District No, ii. T. Reilly,
2.Ua_. 11: F.e imate No. 4 u d flail. Seventh
street Paving. L. E. She Pley. 19.0'}1.9;; F.sti
N . 3 and fiv.l, Lawrence s •t s
C. F. Banco— �f).50: ESUmutett N.K.9 wand
anal, Sprinkling District No. 9. T. Nor
ton, 8328.23; Estimate No. 9 and anal. Spri.k-
ltng District No. 3, D. Joseph, SI sU7..14; Esti-
,No. 9 nad rival, Sprinkling Dis
trice No. D.Joseph, 1729.70; Estimate
No. 9 nad final, SO'inkling District
No. 4. D. Joseph, 11,465.10: Estimate N..:l and
le lewell
W. J.
and net. atone
Lauer Bros., 8&97,88; K. P. Cullen, 88; Mathew
Craig. 810; Mathew Craig. 819: G. W. Merrill.
815: G. W. Merrill, 815.
Committee on Claims.
Report for November. 1689—Total Disburse
eats. 8&8100^1.
Committee Ordinances and Public Ac
Electric Light and Other Wires—
To the Honorable President and Common
C .... it of the City of St. Paul:
Gentlemen: The Board of Fire Commission
cr,again ,It the attention of your honorable
bomypm the necessity of e- ly action for the
vel of all wires from the business streets
of our city. Great difficulty is experienced at
Hres, esDecillly in he erection of ladders. on
ant of telegraph, telephone and electric
light wires, which have become so numerous
ua to form in some localities nn almost tmpene-
treble network, causing delays which at times
sem disastrousto the w' filings of the de
partment. Loss of life will result from these
delays, such as betel some of the inmates
of Inc late Tribune building, of Minneapolis,
Mess something be done to remove them.
The following locations are the most dangerous
in the ci y: it abasha, from Fourth street to
Jackson. On the south side of Fourth street
thereare one hundred Rud twenty (123)
wires, and on the north side seventy eight (B)
wires. Seventh street (south Sion) has thirty
(30) electric light wires. North aide of Seventh
street there are twenty i`5n electric light wires.
Tbird street. from Cedar to Sibley: Fourth
street, from Wabasha to Wacouta: Fifth street.
from Cedar to Jackson: Seventh street, from
Wabash. to Rescued; Robert street. from
Fourth to Fifth: Jackson at... t, tram Third to
Seventh streets. Thenbnve looatlons are
In the business district. In some of the above
locant les 1t would be impossible to erect our
extension ladders or the water tower until
that erose pfand
.vtreeta the aiecielos Rgbt
wires being co nsiderably larger than other,
vt be at by our epppli ..e , therefore the
e d bdOd_u Is w end that a rdr
ce beldi—ed thatshallrequire electric light
and Other companies to properly insure the
sorely of buildings lv[o wb(ch their wires ran
by proper in imbie on and switch or cut-outs.
as to enable the current to fie at out in case
of bre.
We gr, thot some .cilia be taken by your
1. Importance body
idetmandst.ttera ns we thin
their k
Respectfully submitted,
By Order of the Board,
J. C. P ...... GAST. Vice President.
Wit. O'G... A.. Seeman—
Dec. 3, Dis ,
Committee .n Streets.
Workhouse Prisoner,—
The Bo.rdW ells Lamson. submits fit Moore ORnrpresidet', Genion
dischar ell, Opp
rro kho ., prisoners, , and a Rice
gr, o or p 0. ev u
Council's attention to oyinton of Co n oratiol
Attorney to effect that Council has o, juris
diction in the matter.
Ald. Weber.
The Board reports through its Sects
tory pro tem., H. F. Stevens, . propo
aition of Hon. Samuel Mayall, wftt
resolutionsof Board, in matter of propose[
park Ashton and Sherburne's addition.
Committee on Parks.
Of Committee on Ways and Meana—Bond o1
Milford W. French as Constable—
The committee approves said bond.
Adopted, and said bond approved.
Y.._Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con -
le EYeher, Gehay. Kavanagh, Letthauser,
Min o, Malady. Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. VfoePresidentr-18.
Aid. Gehan's Resolution for 18,000 Honds—Act
approved March 5, 1889, in Relation to Sev.
enth. Oakland and Other Streeta—
C mmittee recommend the adoption of
Adopted. (See resolution.)
Aid. Cullen's Resolution for 110i Bonds—
Aot Approved April 3 1889—Bridges.
Committee recommends adoption of resolu
Adopted. (See resolution.)
Of Committee on Claims—BO.rd of WaterCom-
missioners' Claim for 129,873.83—
Committee recommends that said claim be
referred to Corporation Attorney and City En
Charles E. Fairchild's Claim for 1120—Expert—
Committee recommends allowance of said
claim at ($ per day—total, 140.
Adopted. (See resolution.)
William Molkenbur's Claim -8211.00 Damages
—Grading Hall Avenue—
GOR.ferred W City Engirecon er for remendspo" claim be re
Vanderwarker and Aoker's Claim for 86.25—
Committee ecommead. that said claim be
Adopted, yeas 15; Days, Aid. Melody 1.
pp Also,
RLeveelem Appr.iotner, g Money for Board of
be eooepte0 and placed on file said resolution
St. Anthony Park Company's Petition for Va.
tion of Part of Talntet Aveuue—
Committee recommend. that said petltio. be
flied of record with City Clerk, that prayer of
gtitioner, be granted upon payment of sum of
into City Treasury. provided that the tees
marked inched to petition) be ddedic ted. tosame the public
use, end that City Clerk be instructed to give
Decessary publication notice.
Aid. Letthauser a Resolution for 8'[0,000 Bonds
—Park at Indian Mounds—
Committee report favorably.
Ordinance Confirming Ordinance No. 4892—an
Ordinance Granting John Ireland and Thomas -
Coinmlte -pi rietreetfavorablwey tr.nohtee.
Adopted. (See Ordinance No. 4'210.)
Ordinance granting C., M. & SIP. Ry. CoUse of .
reports favorably.Hire & . Addition. etc.
Recom mftted.
Maple Street Grading Contract, from East
Seventh Street to Greenbrier Avenue—
Committee reports favorably the award of
said contract to Jas. Clagey for ES&
Adopted. and said award approved.
Yens—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Co.
ley, Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Mine., Melody, Prnt4 Saundra, Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vice President—I8.
Boulevard—Lake Como—
The Committ ou Streets, to whom was to
terred the resolution of the Board of Park
Commissioners, respectfully report that the
land h.v
inn beeltee n acquired by knowledge theclfor y boulevard
round the shore ofLake Come; neither can
they inform your honorable body what notion
the Board of Park Commissioners may
authorized to lake for the carrying out of said
Chairman Committee on Streets.
Of Committee on Public Buildings, Etc.—Mar
ad the matter ocommittee.
to wring Lh aur of the
st House nad converting the same into
Id report that they do not mink the
sed change couitl be made under we
1f0./Mx); that there fie leases 1. wiIn th
the building which would render
s this to make the change
at the present
and we should recommend thot further
leration of the matter be postponed until
es haverno out and the building is
in the hands of the city.
Dec. 3, 1889.
Accepted Ind placed on file.
Bids for Exit From Newmarket Th—ter—
Committee c mends that bid of South
Park Holt and Bridge Works HL Welliaeb). for
MWIstheloerest, and recommends that th9i
o tractfor said exit be awarded said companl,
and that the proper city officers execute said
Yeas -Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con-
ley, Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Mines, Malady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vice President -16.
Of Committee on Ordinances and Public Ae-
unts--Reports Examined -
Committee bas examined and found correct
reports as follows:
Board of Control for November. 1889: Clerk
of Municipal Court and Chief of Police for Sep
tember and October. 1889; Inspector of Sulld-
Inge for October, 1889; P rid asters Cunn1ff
and Arnold for October, 1889, and Penndmnete[
Conway for September and October, 1888.
Ordinances -
An ordinance was read npp,op,iati.g money
for John B. Herman -judgment.
Rule, suspended on motion of Aid. Fisher,
yeas 16, sad ordinance read second time and
passed, (See Ordinance No. 1,26X)
An ordinance was read permitting John A.
Harris to erect frame shed.
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Fisher,
yeas 16. andordinance read second time and
passed. (See Ordinance No. 1,264.)
An ordinance was read repealing Ordinance
No. 1,161.
Rules suspended o. motion of Aid. Kave-
nagb%arcs, if, nays, Aid. Leitbauser. i -and
ordinance read second time rind passed. (See
Ordinance No, 1,20.)
A. ordinance was read permitting Daniel
Kavanagh and others to remove a frame build.
Rule, suspended on motion of Aid. Kava-
nagh -yea,, lfi-and ordinance read second time
and passed. (See Ordinance No. 1,266).
An ordinance was read relating to admission
of fire wardens into bufldi,ga, etc.
,u.p..ded o. motion of Aid. Gehan-
yeas, 16 -rad ordinance read second time and
Passed. (See Ordinance No. 1,267.)
An ordinance was read amending section 2,
article 28, Municipal Code -Fire W at an..
Rules ,uspended on rdhlancamotion of Aid. Gehan-
p.ssed. (See Ordinance Noread I'M second time and
AD ordinance was read repealing Ordinance
No. 855.
Rules Suspended on motion of Aid. Weber,
yeas 16, and ordinance read second time and
passed. (See Ordinande 1,269.)
An ordinance was read permitting St. Paul
White Lend and Oil Company to erect frame
building for Storing oils.
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Minea,
yeas l& and ordinance read second time and
By Aid. S.nboro-
$e..ho m for&1 --Selby avenue bridge,
Chicago, a
Milwukee & St. Paul Railway Com
mittee on Ways and Menne.
13Ald. Gehan-
Resolutlon 91,324.91 -Estate of John Wag
Committee on Ways and Means.
Gy Aid. Minea-
Resolution for fire alarm boxes, Stryker rve
and Page streets, etc.
Committee on Fire Department.
3y Aid. Lefthauser-
Resolution for public ..also at City Market.
Committee on Public Buildings, etc.
Resolutions for Lamps -
Aid. Weber. Chatsworth street, etc.; Aid.
Melndy, Stryker avenue; Aid. Leithauser,
et End Conway st Teets; Aid. Pratt, Crom
well avenue, etc.; Ald. Mines. Stryker avenue
tadDearborn streets; Aid. Mesal,, Hall .ve-
tus and Prospect terrace; Aid. Blom. Decatur
street; Aid. elody, ,t,ire betw. Dakota
avenue and PMrospect terrace; Aleed. Blom, Rose
ind Welds and other streets; Aid. Golan., Jes.
amine and Park; Aid. Blom. Jessie and
Geranium streets.
Committee on Gas.
Thehearing in the matter of
the proposed vacation of St. Paul,
Lake Phalen and White Bear Lake road,
was postponed and adjourned until Tuesday.
Dec. 17. 1889, at 7:30 o'clock p. m., at the Court
oil Chamber in the City Hall.
The hearing in matters of all pending appli
cations for vacations of streets, alleys, are.,
were postponed and adjourned until Tuesday,
Dec. 17, 1889, at 7:30o'cloekp. M., at the Coun.
cil Chamber in the City Hall.
Pursuant to advertisement of City
Clerk, dated Nov. 15, 1889, pro-
werels for received fro. Chc.tteret iOg Company, Mm.
nesota Street Lighting Company. Patrick But-
ter, Robert Seeger. Frank McGarry, Henry
Committee on Gas to tabulate and report
An Ordinance appropriating money to pay a
judgment ngatnst the City of St. Paul.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul
do ordain as follows:
Section 1. That an order be drawn upon the
local improvement fund, In favor of John B.
Herman, forthe sum of one thousand and sixty-
sixand3S.100 (!1,086.:8) dollar., together with
interest therso. from the loth day o[ August,
1888, to full payment of the' certain j dgment
entered up and perfected of record in the office
of the Clerk of the District Court, Second Ju
dicial District, Ramsey County. State of Min-
nesota, on said date, in favor of Theodore En.
gelb-let, against the City of SG Paul, for the
sum of one thousand sixty-six and 38-100
(61,000.38) dollars, and being 1n payment of all
that port of lot eleven (11) of block two (2) of
Dayton's addition to St. Paul, lying between
the preset east line of Mississippi street and a
line commencing on the north line of Grove
street, at a point 9.38 feet easterly from said
east It's
of Mississippi street, and race it
in a
direct line to the southeast corner of Nash and
Mississippi streets, and being property taken
by the City of St. Paul in proceedings for the
opening, widening and extension of afiS.lasippI
street, as confirmed by the Board of Publlic
Works of said city, Jae. 3,188" .
Said order to be delivered only upon there
being filed with the Ciry Comptroller o .acrid.
rate of the satlsfoction of saidjudgment in said
court in due form of law, and also a deed to the
city of said real estate, and
certified by the
Corporation Attorney.
Seo. 2. That that certain resolution of th,
Common Council, approved Oct. 19, 1889, author
Ixfng the payment f the m of 61,066.38 tr
Joh. B- Hermann, be and the same is herebl
Sec. & This ordinance shall take effect out
be in force from and after its pa=sage and pub
Yeas -Aldo Bickel, Blom, Book, Cullen, Can
ley, Fisher, Gehan. Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Minea, Melody, Pratt, Santoro, SLLBIVan,
Weber, Mr. Vice President -16.
Passed Dec. & 1689.
Vice President of Council.
Approved Dec. 4, 1889.
Attest: THOS. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk.
Dec. 9.
An ordinance permitting John A. Harris to
erect a frame barn.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
ordain as follows:
Section1. That permission is hereby given
to John A. Harris to erect a one and one half
story frame barn on the east half of the east
half of lots 3 rind 9, block 3& of Auerbach &
Hand's addltine to the Clty o[ St. Paul, accord-
ing to plat on file 1n Registers office, Ramsey
county. Said work shall be done under the
supervision of and as directed by the Budding
Inspector of said city.
Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and
be In force from and after Its publication.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con-
leyy, Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh. Leithauser,
Minea, Melody, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Weber. Mr, Vice President -16.
Passed Dec. & 1889.
Vice President of
Approved Dec. 4. 1889.
Attest: THOS. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk.
Dec. 9.
An Ordinance repe.img ordinance number
el.... hundred and one (1,101). passed Feb
ruary 19, 1889, and approved February 10, I.S.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
Section 1. Ordinance number eleven hundred
"done (1,101), passed February 19, 1889, uad
approved February 20, 1889, is hereby repealed.
Sec. 2. This ordin... a shall take effect and
be in force from and after Its passage and pub.
Yeas-Ald.Bickel, Blom, Book, Cullen, Con-
ley, Gabon, Kavanagh, Minea, Malady, Pratt,
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice Presi.
dent -14.
Nays-Ald. Fisher and�Leithauser-2.
Passed Dec. & 1889.
Vice President of Council.
Approved Dec. 4, 1889.
Attest: THOS. A PRENDERGAST. City Clerk.
Dec. 9.
An Ordinance granting permission to Daniel
Kavanagh, Annie Kavanagh, Emma Have
agh and Mrs. Mary Candice to remove a
frame building.
The Common Council of the City O1St, Paul do
ordain as follows:
Sectton 1. That permission and authority is
hereby ggiven and granted to Daniet Kavanagh.
.4 mie Kavanagh, Emma Kavmngh and Mrs.
Mary Condlon to move that certain frame
building situate partly on the east one-half of
lot four, of block three, and on lot one, block
& ofRoberts & Randall's addition to St. Paul,
westerly so that the same shall be wholly
within the boundary of the east one-half of
said lot four.
Seo. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and
be in force from and after its passage and pub
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con-
ley, Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Minea, Malady, Pratt, Be. born, Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vice President -16.
Passed Dec. & 1889.
Vice President of Council,
Approved Dec. 4, 1889.
Attest; THOS. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk,
Dec. 9. _-
An Ordinance prescribing certain dutiesof
owner, or occupauts of buildings, etc., with
reference to thu admission of Fire Wardens.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
ordain as follows;
Section 1. That any person or corporation,
Dein. the owner or occupant of any
bulldi¢g, lot. yard or ==
in ,aid city who
shall refuse admission to the Chief Fire
Warden or any of the Fire Wardens or Deputy
Fire Wardens in his or their official capacity
into his, her or its house, building, lot, yard or
premises as aforesaid, between sunrise and
sunset of any week day, for the putimes of
making such examination ee said 0M.ers may
think proper In the prosecution of their legal
duties, is guilty o1 a misdemeanor, and upon
conviction thereof shall be fined In a sum not
exceeding one hundred (6100) dollars, or im-
grieoned [
or a period not exceeding ninety
See. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and
be in force from and after its passage and pub.
Yeae-Ald. Bi k.e1,Blom,Bock,Cullee. Conlev,
Fisher, Gehan, Kovnnagh. Leithauser, Mme
dy, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber,
Mr. Vice Preeideat-16
Passed Dec. & 1889.
Vice President of Council,
Approved Dec. 4, 1889.
Attest: THOS. A. PRENDERGAST, City CieTk,
Dec. 9.
An Ordinance amending section a of article 28
of the Municipal Code, entitled "Fire Were.
e Comon Council of the City of St. Paul do
ordain as follow.:
Section 1. That section 2 of article 28 of the
Municipal Code of 1884 be amended by inserting
between the words "warden" an in," m the
Bret alae of said section, the following: or any
firewarden or deputy fire warden of the City of
St. Paul."
Seo. 2. This ordinance shall take effect nad
be m force from and after its passage and pub-
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con-
ley, Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Mine.,Melody, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vice President -16.
Passed Dec. 3, 1889.
Vice President of Council.
Approved Dec. 4, 1889.
Attest: Taos. A. PRENDERGAST, Citv Clerk.
Dec. 9.
An Ordinance repealing Ordinance No. SM.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul
do ordainae follows:
Section 1. That Ordina.oeNo. 855, entltled
"An Ordinance extending the fire limits o[ the
City of St. Paul be and the same is hereby re.
See. 2. This ordinance shall take effect sad
be in force from and atter it. publication.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Book, Cullen, Con-
ley. Fisher, Gehan, Kav... gh. Leithauser,
Mines, Melody, Pratt, Sa.born, Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vicjsc dent -16.
Passed Dec. 3, 18139.
Vice President of Counctl.
Approved Dec. 4, 1589.
ROBERT A. SazrrH,Mayor.
Attest: THOS. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk.
Dec. 9.
.... co.firming Ordinance Numbei
[titled 'An Ordinance granting per
to John Ireland and Thomas Coch
to constructt,, egoaip, maintain ani
Certain BxperlID tnl ele..r' 'tree'
linea." approved August 9U, 1669, ani
s Cochran= Jre said
John Ireland ani
n l;ounc. of the City of St. Paul di
m follows: there is estio[
1. Whereas, a qtr
the o1 Jobn Ireland apt
of said ordinance are hereby re ed, ex-
cept that further acceptance by the said
John Ireland and Said Thom.. Cochran, Jr.,
hereof or of said Ordinance No. 1," is re
Seo. 2. This ordinance shall take effect
from and after its publication.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Book, Cullen, Con
ley, Fisher, Gehan. Kavanagh, Lel.thauser,
Mines, Melody, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vice President -16.
Passed Dec. 3, 1868
Vice Presidentnt of of CounclL
Approved Dec. 4, 1889.
Attest: THOS. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk.
Dec. 9.
If Resolutions.
By Aid. Pratt -
Resolved, That the following plate as bp*
proved by the Plat Commlealon, sad as recon.
mended by the City Engineer, be and the same
ate hereby accepted by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
Peter Tbauwald's addition to St. Paul.
Homestead addition to the City of SC Paul,
Ramsey County, Minn.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, COD
ley, Fieheq Gehan, Xavenagh, Lettnauser,
Mtne. Malady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vice Prealdent-16.
Approved Dec. 4, 1889.
By Ald. Mclady-
Reeoived. That the grade of Hoyt avenue
as indicated by the red line o. the accompany-
ing pprofile be sad is hemly adopted as the es
tablished grade between Annapolis street an
Concord street.
Yana-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen, Con
I¢y3, Fisher. Gehan, Kavanagh. Letthnuaer.
M, Melndy, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vice President -16.
Approved Dec. 4, 1889.
By Aid. Cooley -
Resolved, That the plans of the substructure
of the Broadway bridge, as submitted by the
City Engineer, be a d are hereby approved,
and the City Clerk is directed to ad ertiae for
bids for the construction of sold eub.tructu..
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Book, Cullen, Con-
ley, Fisher, Gabon, Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Mmea, Melody, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan.
Webar, Mr. Viae President -16.
Approved Dec. 4, 1889
BY Aid. Cullen-
Raselved, That the pproper city meet¢ be
and they are hereby outhorized to sig and ex
conte Ire contrast betwee. Charles Stone a.d
the City of St. Paul for the construction of a
oden arca bridgeaakota co and pp -ah,,,
* said
Mendota road, y' wd that the
retract bears date Nov. 20, IS88, an
bond of said Charles Stone, Submitted with the
said contract, be and the same ie hereby ap
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Hock, Cullen, Cop-
Mloan. IMalady,,e Pratt, a Sanborn, aSullivan.
Weber, Mr. Vice President -10.
Approved Dec. 4, 1889
By Ald. Cullen -
Resolved. That the proper city omcer. be
.ad they are hereby instructed to Sign and axe
cute the contract between Charles Stone and
the City of St. Paul for the coaetructiao of
the sub structure of the Burr Street bridge
across Fauqulerstreet, inthe City of St. Paul,
which said contract beam date Nay. S, 1689, and
that the hood of said Charles Stone aubmiued
with said contract be and the gams is hereby
Ydas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con
ley, Fiaber, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leltli ser,
Mmea, Malady, Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan,
Weber. Mr. Vice President -16.
Approved Dec. 4, 1899.
By Aid. Pratt -
Resolved, That the city oil lamp contractor
be and he Is hereby instructed to rearrange
certain oil lamps in the Tenth Ward under di.
rection of the Bids-.. of the district. Said
rearrangement Is necessary from the fact that
that the street contractors did not replace the
lamps in the proper place..
Yeas -Aid. Hickal, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con.
leyy. Fisher, Conan, Kavanagh, Lelthau+er,
inea. Melody, Pratt, Sonbom, Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vice President -1&
Approved Dec. 4, 1669.
By Aid. Weber -
Resolved that an order be drawn in favor of
the Board of Control for the sum of ffi1,2;0.]0,
being the city'. % or the expenditure of said
Hoard during the month of November, ItS9.
Yeas -Alt. Bickel, Blom, Look, Cullen, Con-
ley, Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Lelthauser.
Mmea, Melady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vice President -16
Approved Dec. 4. 1689.
By Aid. Mine. -
Resolved, That an order be drawn upon the
City Treasury in favor of W. S. Fullerton, M.D.,
for the sum of fifty (8501 dollars in payment of
services rendered by said Fullerton as an of
Fart witness on behalf of the City of St. Paul
. the trial of the Co.. of Samuel C. Ray vs.
The City of St. Paul, pursuant to the report of
the Committee on Claims.
Said order to be delivered upon there being
filed with the CityComptroller a receipt in full
for the services so rendered.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen,
Conley, Fisher, Gabon. Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Me lady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Webe, Mr. Vice President -16.
Approved Dec. 4, 7889.
By Aid. Mines -
Resolved. That an order be drawn on the
City Treasurer in favor of Charles Fairchild for
the sum of forty (NO) dollars In payment of the
eervlces rendered by said Fairchild s witness
on behalf of the City of St. Paul in the trial of
before the District Court of Ramsey
Claims pursuant W the report of the Commit-
Said urder to be delivered only up.. there
being filed with the City Comptroller a receipt
in full for the services so rendered.
Yea.-Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen, Coo-
li'iaeP,-bom,, Sulvan,Weber, Mr.VcePe
[deal, -15.
Nays -Alda Kava.ngh-1.
Approved Dec.4, 1889.
By Aid. Cullen-
Resolvedby the Common Council of the City
of St. Paul, That the proper city oMoore are
hereby authorized and ems
hundred thousand ($100,900
the City of St. Paul, in c
thousand dollars ($1,010) e
bear date of the Ist day of
with Interest at rate teo f
on the Is
rty years
for the
v .n set.
owered to issue one
dollars of bonds of
:nomination of one
ch, said bonds to
January, A. D. 1890.
four per cent (4 per
e i annually at the
Of St. Paul in the
Xat the said
day of January, A.
the date of issue
-action of bridges,
" as of
the lere gislatuf
shall be placed into the City Treasury for the
p editing as thertal accruedinterest InddispremiLive act,
g premiums,
if any, to the '•Interest Fund."
Deas -Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con
ley, Fisber. Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Mines, Melody Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vice President- 16.
Approved Dec. 4, 1889.
By Alli'lel
Dy the Common Council of the City
of SL Paul. That the proper city M.em are
herebv authorized and empowered to issue six
thousand (.%.DTInt dollars of bonds of
the City
f Paul, in denomination
of one thousand dollars ($1,000) each,
said bonds to bear date of the first day of Jan-
uary A. D. 1890, with interest at the rate of four
percent (4per cant) per annum, payable eem4
anutin, at the .nanciot agency of the City of
Saint Pnul, In the City of New York, principal
payable .t the said financial gency on the
first day of January A. D. IUD, beteg thirty
years from the date of issue of said bonds, for
account of the city's portion of the coat in for
struction of a bridge o. Western avenue, in
id Lilly, over the right
o[ way of the inlet
Paul, Minneanyolis & Manitoba Rnllw0" as con
templated and e thorized by an a t of the
Legislature of the State of MHWesots, entitled,
"An AOL in Relation to Seventh Street (74b),
Oakland and other streets," approved March
5. A. D. 1885.
Said bonds shall be negotiated by the "Com.
missioners of the Interest and Sinking Fund,"
and the proceeds shall be placed into the -it
treasury for the purposes as required by cid
legislative act, crediting the accrued interest
and premiums, if any, to the --Interest Fund."
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Book, Cullen, Con.
ley. Fisher. Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Minen, Malady, Pratt,Saaborn, So liven, Weber,
Mr. Vice Presidentr16.
Approved Dec. 4, 1889.
By Aid. Weber and Sullivan -
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the matter ofopne.l.g, wldening and
oxtsnding Ra
ondo street d St. Anthony ave
e, from Western avenue to Snelling a entre.
Lo a width not less seventylx (76) feet(Rondo
street to its ]traction with St. Anthony avenue, west on St. AnWoay avenue) be and
me same is hereby referred to the Board of
Public Work, to Investigate and report:
First. I.
this improvement proper and ties
Give Lhe Corncil an esti0�ute of the
fere vheth a=cne -halt of
sof. ie to ne paid fat. the City
Blore the e.Mraet 1. let.
n real estate to be nsses.ed for
lenient be found benefited to the ex.
ages. costs and expenses necessary
red thereby°
Is such Impmvemt asked for upon
I or application of the owner. of a
the property to be ...eased for
Badthe Council a plan r profile of
r of the enmeequfred by law, i[ you re
end the Council a proper order di.
work to be done.
d Rinkel Bl.m. Bock. Cullen. Con -
ley, F'.
Mi an,
er. Mr.
By Aid. Sanborn
It I. hereby ordered by the Common Connell
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of constructing a bridge and
approaches acro.. Lhe right of way of the Chi-
cago,Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Com-
p th the neces'hesary E dingline of y on avenue. Selby tavenner
betweenbe R mlile d the slam same is r reby ratefn red to
the Board of Public Works to invea tigate and
First. Is this improvement proper and necea
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether one-half of
the cost thereof 1s to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for said
improvement be found benefited to the extent
of damages. costs and expenses necessary to
be Incurred tberoby?
Fourth. Is such improvement asked for up.
onthe petition or application of the owners of
a majority of the property to be assessed for
such Improvement?
Filth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said improvement, as required by law, 1f you
report to favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di.
recting the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con-
ley. Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Minea, Melndy, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vice President_l6.
Approved Dec. 4. 1889.
By Aid. Geban—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the mutter of grading Park avenue,
from Sherburne avenue to Arch street, be and
the same is hereby referred to the Board of
Public Works to investigate and report:
First. Is this improvement proper and nec-
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether one-half of
the cost thereof is to be paid into the City
Treasurybefore the contract Is let.
Third. Can mal estate to be assessed for
said improvement be found benefited to the ex-
tent of damages, coats and expenses necessary
to be Incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such Improvement Baked for open
thethalertlyhe property orapplication
to be assessed for such
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said improvement, is required by law, It you
report in favor o[ the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di-
recting the work to be done.
Yens—Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Callen, Co.
ley. Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser,
Minea. Melody, Yratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Weber, Mr. Vice President -16,
Approved Dec. 4, 1889.
By Aid. Gehan—
It I. hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of grading Fairview street
from Fifteenth street to Pennsylma vi avenue,
be and the same is hereby referred in the
Board of Public Work. to investigate sad re-
First. Is this improvement proper and nec-
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether one -halt of
the cost thereof is to be paid Into the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can mal eatate to be -.eased for said
Improvement be found benefited to the extent
mI damages, costs and expenses necessary to be
curred thereby r
Fourth. Ie such imp= nthe.—Ors
asked for uoPon
Lhe petition r m f the p rs f
jority of the propert to be asacssad for an
Fifth. Send the Council aplan or profile of
said improvement, as required by taw,•if you
reportIn favor of the Same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di.
recting the work to be done.
Yens—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen
Conley, Flsher,Gehan, Kavanaugh, Lelthalltuser,
Mines, Melody. Pratt, Sanborn, 6u
Weber, Mr. Vice President—t6.
Approved Dec. 4, 1889.
By Ald. Mclady—
IL is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
matter of grading the alley In block
seven (y), W.dbury & Case addition, from
Howard street to Woodbury street• be aad the
Same is hereby referred to the Board of Publlo
Works to investigate and report:
First. Is this improvement proper and nec-
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether one-half of
the cost thereof is to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be ...eased for
said improvement be found benefited to
the extent of damages, coats, and expense.
necessary to be incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is 110 1.p ovement asked for
upon the petition or applloatlon o[ the owners
of a majority of the property to be
assessed for
.... improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said intprovement, as required by law, it you
report in favor of the Same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order d1
,acting the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock.Cullen,Conley,
Fisher, Gehan. Kavanagh, Lelthauser, Mines,
Melody, Pratt. Sucborn. Sullivan, Weber, Mr.
Vice President -10. 4
Approved Dec. 4,1889-
,1889_In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works dated Dec. 3, 1889.
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of the City
ofSt. Pam cause the following improvement
to be made, to wit: Widen West Seventh
mt to a Tuscarora street to Fort Svrin width of eling bridge.
m said city.con=Ing and tktng ml that land
between Tuscarora street and Fort Snelling
bridge, not already condemned or dedicated
for public use, lying within the lines of Strip
eighty feet wide, the Center Ime o[ which
strip she
be the center line o[ West
Seventb street now opened. That.
said Board shall proceed without delay to asses.
the amount, as nearly as they can ascer.
tain the same, which will a required
to pay the damages, costs and necessary ex-
penses of such I, To
at upon the real
estate to be benefited y said improvement, as
provided by law; it being the opinion of the
Council that real estate to be assessed for
such improvement can be found benefited to
the extent of the damages, costs and expenses
necessary to be incurred thereby.
Book, b.Cuuen, Co.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom,
I nea,ishMeladfha Pra Kavanagh. Sanborn, eith
Weber, Dir. Vice President -16. Sullivan,
Approved Dec. 4, 1889.
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works dated Nov. 21, 1889.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of the City
of St. Paul cause the following Improvement
to be made, to -wit: Condemn and take an
easement on the land djofningand on the line
of Cortlaud streetfrom Lake Como aad Phalen
avenue to the norih city limit., in said city. nen
essary to make, the slopes in grading said Cort-
land street, said slopes extending one and one.
It If fly,) feet on said lead for every foot out or
filled on said Cortland street. in said grading.
.and in accordance with a plan attached to the
report of the Board of Public Works of date of
Nov. 21, 1889, to this Council, a copy of which
pofflee of said
Board. laniw That on file
in Boa d shall proceed
without delay to nsseas the amount, as nearly
as they can ascert.m the same. which will be
required to pay the damages, costs and nee"
sary expenses of such Improvement upon the
real estate to be benefited by said improve-
ment, as provided by law; it being the optnlon
of the Council that real estate to be assessed
for such improvement can be found benefited
to the extent of the damages, costs and ex.
penses necessary to be incurred thereby.
Yen.—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con.
Is, Fisher. Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser.
Mine., Melody, Pratt, e.aborn, Sullivan,
Weber,Mr. Vice President -18.
Approved Dec. 4, 1889
In the matter of theeport of the Board of
Public Works dated Dec. 2, 1889.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
.1 the City .f St Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of City
of St. Paul cause the following Improvement to
be made, to wit: Condemn and take an ..a9-
ment sixty (69) feet wide. for bridge purposes,
across that part of the right f y f the
Chicago, Milwaukee &. SL Paul Railway Com-
pady, lying within the Imes f Selby avenue
producedsaid right of way,
In said city-
ity �rBThai said Board ¢null pro
aced without delay to assess the .mount, as
nearly as they can ascertain the same, which
will be required to pay the damages, costa and
necessary expenses of such improve.
set upon the ant eatate to be
benefited by aid improvement, as pro
Ided by law: it being the opinion of the
Council that real estate to be assessed for such
Improvement can be found benefited to the ex-
tent of the damages, coats and expenses nec-
essary to be incurred thereby.
Yana—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Book, Cullen, Con-
ey, Fisher. Gehan. Kavanagh, Liethauser,
Minea. Malady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan.
Weber. Mr. Vice Provident -16.
Vice President of Council.
Regular Meeting.
ST. PA Dec. li, 1889.
President Hamm in the chair.
Present—Aid. Bickel, Blom. Book, Cullen,
Conley, Gehan, Kavanagh, Lelthauser, Mines,
Melody, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr.
President -15.
Minutes of preceding meeting approved and
dispensed with.
From His Honor, the Mayor—Veto of Ordi-
nance Authorizing the St. Paul White Lead
and Oil Company to Erect Frame BufldIng
for Storing OILS, Dunwell & Spencer's Addl
To the Honorable President aad Common
Council of the City of St. Phul.
Gentleman: I have the
h ... It. return here
with, without my approval, the ordinance au-
tborizing the St. Paul White Lead and Oil
Company to erect a flame building in Dunweu
d Spencer's addition to West St. Paul, for
the reason that the business Is egarded as ex.
tra hazardous and for the additional reason
that there is no provision made in said ordi.
nance for the removal of the buildingg when-
ever It may be deemed necessary for I. a safe
ty of the people m the locality designated in
said ordinance. Respectfully yours,
Dec. 6, 1889
Accepted and vote by which said ordinance
passed reconsidered. Yeas, 15.
The question then being upon the passage of
said ordinance, the veto of the Mayor to the
contrary notwithstanding, the said ordinance
was nt p.seed.
Nays—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con-
ley, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mines,
Malady, Pratt, Sullivan. Weber. Yoerg, Mr.
President -15.
From W. H. K nowiton and Others—
For vacation of old roads on northwest % of
southwest 4 of section 26, town 29, range 22.
Committee on Streets.
From Charles Lauer and Others—
For the vacation of a portion of Richmond
No. 4 End,paving Seventh street, 19,620.97:
J. Forrestal. Estimate No. 5, Ohio street sewer
system, 12,975; J. Forrestal, Estimate No. 2,
Committee on Streets.
From Nels J. Ness—
sewer on Georg street, etc.. 8595; A. F.Manke.
Estimate No. 2, grading and sewer on Broad
way, 8425; J. Clartey, Estimate No. 3, grading
Claim for 8434.09 damages—rook removed,
etc.—block 84. West St. Paul proper.
Churchill avenue, 8187; J. Clartey, Estimate
Committee on Claims.
No. 1, grading Maple street, $110.50t J. T. Mill -
From A. Marks and Others—
ton. Estimate No. 1, grading Minuebaha street,
02u- T.Asking
reduction of second hand store
Bunker str eit. 8595; Te Linnan. Estimate No
Committee on License.
1,grading Ferdinand street. 1425; T. K. Norton,
Estimate No. Sand final. Sprinkling District
From Reinhold Kretschman and Another—
No. 9, 8528.23; J. Forrestal, Estimate No.
For permission to build and maintain skating
2. Robfe street sewer system, 1&995;
rink on Mississippi river east of line of Robert
F. Beyer, Estimate No. 2, grading Grace street,
Committee on Streets.
82M; G. J. Symonds, Estimate No. 3, sewer on
Selby avenue, 84,250; G J. Symonds, Estimate
From Northwestern Telephone Exchange
No. 7, sewer o JeIIersoa avenue, etc., viii;
McMullen & Morris, Estimate No.3, Mfnnehsha
Asking extension of time in which to accept
Estimate No. 2. grading street,
Ordinance No. 1,262.
Granted. (See Ordinance No. 1,271.)
Eureka Stone Co., Estimate No. 6, cement
sidewalks, 1889,82,652: Moloy & Dow, Estimate
From Sarah Wulf—
No. 40, sewer on Chatsworth street. etc., 8425;
Claim-17.028—damages to property, block 82,
J. Forrestal, Estimate Na. 8,wooden aidewalks,
Lyman Dayton's addition.
1889. 84,017.87; E. J. Kirkland, Estimate No. 14,
Committee on Streets.
L'Orient street sewer system, *&&V;
E. Carleton, Estimate No. 3, and line],
From Carl Weber and Another—
Asking for grading of Winter street, from
9a dieen, Estimate No.and final,, Law -
Rice street to Jackson street.
Board of Public Work..
rence street sewer. 859.50; T. Reilly, Estimate
No. 9 and final, Sprinkling District No.
From Library Board of Minneapolis—
11,225.60: T. Reilly, Estimate No. 9 and final.
Inviting Council to openingof Public Library
.Sprinkling District No. 6. $2,062.11; George
Building Dec. 18. 1889.
Reis. City Treasurer, 13.990.80; F. C. Murray,
Accepted and filed.
8198.30; Leveroos & Mesenhourg, 1529.60; W. H.
From A. S. Tallmadge, Secretary Chamber of
Farnham, 886.40: William E. O'Brien, 187.40;
Hannan, 1.95: Henry.
T. P. Grace, 887.40: John
WeyL 172'95; W. Mortensen. 1182.70: Paul
Transmitting copies of resolutions adopted
J. A.
G. Wood, 872,95: Robert Erwin, 1124.60; W. F.
by Chamber Dec. 16, 1889, asking for appoint-
mens of an oMeer whose duty will be the super-
ed x25.
Allowed and ordered paid by the following
vision. Inspection, etc., of electric wires.
Committee on Streets.
Yeas, Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen,
From J. h and Other Citizens on
Conley, Gahan. Kavanagh,, Leber, fir.
n .....—
Arlington t E.—
Asking that Engine Pay ie avenue, tom m s
sidewalk on west side Payne avenue, from Sims
Mines, Melody, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mr.
President -14.d.
Nays—Aid. Yoerg-1
street to Cook street.
Of City
Ac.cp (See resolution.)
The Cfty Engineer submits Estimate No. 2
From r—
and final, Burr street bridge substructure,
Forcorrection oI assessment, etc., newer on
Olive street.
Board of Public Works.
Charles Stone, 1814.78.
Committee on Claims.
From Geo. F. Woolsey and Others—
F.rvscStiOB of alley in block 15 Fairview
Estimate No. 4, St. Paul and Mendota Aosit
addition, running from north to south through
Grading, Dale & Bumgardner, 8850—
aald block, and from Case street to Jenks
Allowed and referred to Comptroller.
.treat. ,
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen,
Committe on Streets.
Conley Geban, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mines,
Malady, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr.
President -15,
Of Inspector of Buildings—
Of City Comptroller—Audited Claims, Viz.:
r Retpt attached trt for mbar, ,City Treasurer'.
D. Joseph, Eattmate No. 9 and final, Sprinkl
ling Dietrtct No. 4,81,965.70;D. Joseph, Estimate
No.9pad tlnal,Sprinkflog DiatrI, No. 5, 1728.'V;
Committee on Ordinances and Public Ae
D. Joseph, Eattmate No. 9 antl final, Sprinkling
District No W. J. Preston, Esti
mate No. 3 and flual, sewer on Portland avenue,
Prior Avenue Opening, Etc.—
:U3.50;Lauer Bros.. Estimate No. 3 and final.
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
sidewalks (atone) 1889,$637.86; Cable & Chute,
Estimate No. 4 and final, grading Thomas
The Board of Public Works have had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
street, 8656.50; J. Clartey, Estimate No. 2 and
final, gradi.g Sti.Son street. &238.50; J. W.
Common Council, approved Feb. 20,1%9, rely
Live to the opening, widening and extension of
Maloney. Estimate No. 3 and final, grading
Prior avenue, from the northwest corner of
James street, 8035; C. L. Strobel, Estimate No.
10, supolementsry to 9 and final, High bridge
Midway Heights addition to the north right of
way of the St. P. and N. P. R'y, aad, having
snbatIn lure, 1451.02; L. E Shepley, Estimate
Investigated tbe;pmposed improvement: ,
Respectfully report that it is necessary and
proper to open, widen and extend Prior ave
nue. from Prior avenue, as existing between
Levering's Factory. Warehouse and Transfer
property and Midway Heights, 3t. Paul. to a
connection with Prior avenue, as existing in St.
Anthony Park, St. Paul; that the estimated
expense thereof is 88,000; that real estate to be
assessed therefor can be found benefited to
the extent of the damage., cost and expenses
necessary to be Incurred tberebv; that said
improvement 1s not asked for by a petition of
a majority of the owners of property to be
assessed therefor, but we herewith send a
plan or profile of said improvement, and an
order for your adoption, if you desire us to
make the improvement
Yeah, 4: nays. 0
R. L. GORMAN, President.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Works
Dec. 9, 1889.
Adopted. (See Order to Board of Public
Selby Avenue Briage (C., M. & St. P. Ry.) and
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works have bad under
consideration the resolution or order of the
Common Council, approved Dec. 4, 1889, rela-
tive to constructing bridge and approaches
across tfie right of Way of Lhe Chicago, Mil-
waukee & St. Paul Railway Company along
the line of Selby avenue, together with the
necessary grading Oa Selby avenue between
Hamline avenue and Saratoga a .nue, aad,
having Investigated the proposed Improve-
Respectfully report that said improvement is
necessary and proper; that the estimated ex-
pense thereof Is 830,0(10, one-half of which need
act be paid Into the Cit. Treasury before the
contract Is let; that real estate to be assessed
therefor can be found benefited to the extent
of 860,000 of the cost and expenses necessary
to be Incurred thereby: the balonce (820,-
000) to be paid out of the bridge
bond fund; that said improvement is not
asked for by a petition of a majority ofthe
own era of property to be assessed therefor, but
we herewith send a plan or profile of said im
provement, and an order for your adoption, 1f
you desire us to make the improvement.
Yeas, 4; nays"'
R. L. GORMAN. President.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Works,
Dec. 17, 1880.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
Hampden Park Filling, Grading and Improve
To the Common Council of the City of St, Paul:
The Board of Public Works have had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
Common Council, approved May 10. 1889, rela-
tive to filling and gradin& Hampden park, and,
having investigated the proposed improve
Respectfully report that it is necessary and
and proper to fill, grade and Improve tfampdeI
park: that the estimated expense Ihereol I. o[ which need not be paid into the
City Treasury before the contract is let;
that real estate to be assessed therefor round benefited to the eate.t Of Lhe
cost and expenses necessary to be Incurred
thereby; that said Improvement is not
asked for by a petition of a majority of the
owners of property to be assessed therefor, but
we herewith send a plan or profile of said im-
provement, and an order for your adoption, if
you desire us to make the Improvement
Yens, 4: nays, 0.
R. L. GORMAN, President.
W. F. ERWIN. Clerk Board of Public Works,
Deo. 9, 1889.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
Langford Pork Filling. Grading and Improve
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works have had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
Common Council, approved Feb. 241, 1889, rela-
tive to lnproving Langford and Hampden
parka, and, having investigated the proposed
Respectully report that it is necessary and
proper tot
grade and improve
Langford park; that the estimated ex -
penes thereof Is 119,800: one-half of which
not be paid into the City Treasury before
the contract is let; that real estate to be
assessed therefor can be f...d benefited to the
extent of the cost and expenses necessary to be
Incurred thereby: that Said Improvement is
not askedfor by a petition of a majority of the
owners of property to be assessed therefor,
but we herewith send a plan or profile of said
mprovement, and an order for your adoption,
if youdesim us to make the improvement.
Yens, 4; Buys. 0.
R. L. GORMAN, President.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
Dec. 9, 1879.
Adopted. (See order to Board of Public
Goodrich Avenue Change of Grade—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Board of Public Works have had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
Common Council, approved Nov. 6, 1889,
relative to a change of grade on Goodrich ave.
us, from Dole street to the alley on the east
of lot 6, block 6, Terrace Park addition, spit,
having investigated the proposed improve.
Respectfully report that said Improvement
ie.ecessary end proper,as millcated by the
red line on the accompanying profile; that the
estimated expense thereof is 125: that real
estate to be assessed therefor can be found
benetlted to Lhe extent of the damages, costs
and incurred
thereby; eteses necessary to e
that said fme
pmvemIs asked
for by a petition of a majority of the own.
era of proerty to be assessed therefor, and
We herewith send a plan or pmflle of said im-
provement, if you desire to make the Improve
You% 4; nays. 0.
R. L. GORMAN, President.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk board of Public Works.
Dec. 12, ISS9.
Adopted, and City Clerk instructed to give
necessary publication notice.
Alley Opening—A. Gotzmn's Subdivision Block
107, Lyman Dayton's Addition—
o the Honorable the President and Common
Council, City of St. Paul:
Gentlemen: In the matter of the open -
8 j
of n alley 16 feet wide through
A Gotzlan's subdivision of black IOi
L'msn Dayton's addition to St.
Paul [ Fo est street to Cypress street, the
Board of Public Works beg leave to report as
& Pursuant89said Board m.A. and cfinal ompleted -Arne
e t of benefit.. damages, costs and
pe nee. for said provem cut. That there wax
petition of the fmowners ofthe property abut
ting 'I'd
Imbrovement, presenting 6W feat
va majorltyi .king for sold opening. There Is
now filed with said Board a protest of the -
era property abutting id improvement
611 feet and asking that the open
Ing be abandoned. By the request of the sign-
said protest, aid Board subit he
above said
for your conniderattov m
and ask tfor
furter instruction. In sold matter.
R. L. GOR. AN. President.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Iud of Public Works.
Dec. 12. 1889.
Alderman of the Ward.
John Dahlberg'. Claim for Work Done on
Wilder Avenue—
To the Honorable the President and Common
t. Poul.
Council. Cl�y of Sen.Gentlee Board f Publlc Works
herewith respectfully transmit a claim Of Job.
Dahlberg for work done on Wilder avenue.
Whila said Dahlberg may have no legal lnim
against the city. Yet Iv equity thin Board minks
that provision should be made for tDe payment
of said claim, said Dahlberg having been al-
lowed by the proper authorities to enter upon
said Wilder avenue under the snipp-ithm that
the contract for grading said tVilder avenue
had been entered into. therefore the Board e
speotful ly recommend the payment of said
R. L. G u President.
W. F. ERWIN. Clerk Board
of of Public Works.
Dec. 17. e9.
Committee on Claims.
Broadway Grading—
To the Honorable Tke President and Comm..
Coit. oil City of St. Poul.
Gentlemen: The Board or Public Works
herewith respectfully return your "nal
order,approved Sept. 7 1886, in the
matter of gracing Broadway,, ir.m Grove
street to Thirteenth street, with the re
port that said improvement is covered by a
"nal order from your honorable body, approved
Sept. 18. 1889, and that sold improvement 1s now
antler contract.
R. L. GORMAN. President.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
Dec.., 1839.
Alderman of the Ward.
Lawton Street Improvement—
To the Honorable the President and Common
Council. City of St. Paul.
Gentlemen: The Board of Public Works
herewith respectfully return your resolution,
approved Nov. 6, 1689, requesting this Board to
consider the request of Dr. Lawton to 0--001
the contract for imBroving Lawton street and
the proposition of the contractor to relinquish
and cancel said contract for the sum of $1,200,
and also the protest of George C. Squires d
others against canceling said contract—with
to rep rt that this Board gave this matter
Immediate attention upon the receipt of said
resolution and went out end viewed the inn
provement, but, on finding the work se, far ad -
i -need, eaid Board did not deem It proper [o
make any recommendation in said matter.
R. L. GOB M AN, President.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
Dec. 16. 1889.
Committee on Streets.
Suburban Avenue Opening—
To the Honorable, the President and Common
Council, City of St. Paul:
Gentlemen: The Board of Public Works
herewith respectfully return your proliminary
order, approved Sept. 7. 1889, 1. be
of opening Suburban a ue from Mound
:treatI It
id Board is inlh owrmukin with tsesxment under
a final order !rom your ghaoorable body. ap
pato ved Jnn. 17. 1889, for the opening. wmevmg
d extension of Suburban ave..e,fr.m Mound
street to the east city It Its.
R. L. G.E.—President.
W. F. EBwIN. Clerk Board of Pubii. Works.
Dec. 9. 1tkID.._'
Aiderm-, - to Ward.
Carl and Fredericke W eber's Petition for Grad
Ing Winter street, from Rice Street to Jackson
The Board Transmits Said Petition.
Board of Public Works.
Estimates and Claims—
The Board transmits, approved by it. the
following estimates and claims, to -wit: Esti-
mate No. 5,upplement.ry to No.4 and final,
tone sidewalks contract. 19% Lauer Bros.,
Estimats No. 7 e d final, id.—Ila;
(cement) contract 1869, Eureka Stone Co..
1,51.25; Estimate No. 2. supplementary to No.
1 n d final. Third street sewer, T. Reilly, 925:
Estimate No. 3, sup.lementary to No. 2 and
ftnal. Bantll street,Stooklor &Lindquist,
$25: Estimate No. 3, sup.,ementary to No. 2
and final, Edmund street sewer, W. J. Pres
ton. $25: Estimate No. 8 supplementary to No.
No. r4
No. 4 at
j final,
Berrieford, 890; Lstimate No. II sun -
to No. 10 and final. Lexington ave -
Estimate No. 4 supplementary to No. 3 and
final, Beaumont and Proble streets sewer,
T. Reilly, VWz Nicola and Dean, $i 26.
Committee on Claims.
Fire Alarm Box—
The Board transmits with a favorable recon
mendation a request of SL Paul Apartment
House Company for fire alarm box at Selby
and Western avenues.
Alderman of the Ward.
Of Committee on Ways and Means—Selby Ave -
To the ommon Council of the City of Stt.. Paul:
Gentlemen: Your committee, [c whom w s
referrart M.'0080
d the Ccompanying resolution setting
the constructionhorf thhiedgeelbbond euud aria e, fit e
tfu 11 be leave ful to rr I avenue ge,re
spec y g port:
n of
the Dbridge fund is found toibe ash follows, viz
Bridge fund overdrawn ......... ....... $IG,423.55
Bridges now under construction—
Barr street ....... ... ........ 89,481.59
Grand venue .............. .2,790.53
Mendota road ........... .... 15,O.A.00
Estimates for bridges which moat
of constructed before the issuance
of further bonds can beauthorized:
Mconsi 'entree[, over Wis
cuqu:e Central .er St.. a $B4O00.W
Fanqu lu street over St. Paul
Duluth Railroad.......... 3,000.00
Lexington avenue,over Mani-
tols Ratlway............... 9,000.00
Como avenue, over Manitoba
Railway..... ........ ....25,000.00
— 843,000.00
Making a total of. ................... 896,695.67
already used, being used and necessary for
the construction of bridges out of the proceed -
from the sale of $100,000 of bonds now being ad-
vertised, and the issuance of 86,IX16 certificates
of indebtedness authorized by legislative act,
approved March 5. 1885.
Leaving a balance to the credit of the bridge
fund of only $19,8u4.33.
In view of to results of the examination
d the pressing needs of other portions of the
In the construction of bridges, your com.
mittee do not feel warranted in recommending
the setting -per[ of more tan $211,000 to aid I.
the construction of the Selby .,son. bridge.
and would recommend that theresolutio. be
bo amended as to rend 820,000 instead of 940,-
000. Respectfully,
O. O. CDLLEN, Chairman.
Dec. 17, 1869.
Adopted. (See resolution.)
Selby Avenue Bridge—Chicago. Milwaukee &.
St. Paul Railway—
Relative to City Engineer's communication
(of data Nov. 30, 1869) Committee o ll. Cou.-
.il'e attention to Immediately foregoing to
Bond of Noah Sinks as Market Master—
Committee approves old bond.
Adopted and eaid
bond approved.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen,
Conley, Gabon, Kavanagh, Lelthauser, Mines,
Melody, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mi,
President -15.
Aid. Gehan's Resolution, $1,324.91 for Estate of
John Wagner—
Committee recommends adoption of said res
Adopted. (See resolution.)
Of Committee on Fire Department Aid.
Minea's Resolution for Fire Alarm Boxes,
Stryker avenue and Page Street. Etc.—
Committee recommends adoption of said rem
Adopted. (See resolution.)
Of Committee on Claims, J. A. Ragin's Claim,
Committee recommends allowance of maim
at 825.
Adopted. (See Ordinance No. 1,273.)
Theodore Ramm's Claim, 850 Damages, Phalen
Creek Sewer—
Committee recommend$ passage of an ordi.
e for 850.
Adopted. (See Ordinance No. 1,27 .51.
Patrick Barry's Claim for Damages—Grading
York. Sims and Case streets—
Committee recommends that said claim be
referred to City Engineer to investigate and
Of Committee on Streets. Sewers and Bridges
—Lawson Street Grading Contract—
The Committee recommends that award to
Charles E. Sandeen of said contract for grad-
ing Lawson street, from Mississippi street to
Earl street, $11,985, be approved.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Book. Cullen, Con-
ley, Gahan, Kavanagh. Leitbauser, Mmen. Mel
ady, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Years, Mr. Prest. 15.
Jenks Street Grading C.ntraCt—
Committee reCoMmonds that award of said
contract to John Dale and Louis A. Bumgurd-
ner for grading Jenks street, from Mississippi
street to Earl street-410.876—be approved,
Yens—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock,Cullen, Conley,
Gahm, Kavanagh, Lelthauser. Mines, Malady,
Pratt, Sullivan. Wshot, Yoerg. Mr. Preeldent
Harry Caldwell and Others' Protest Against
Grading Hopeies e m ads that same be se.
cepted and placed on ale.
Ald. Letthauser's Resobitfon—Partially An.
u1l lntt Proceeding in Matter f Opening.
E[o., t Conway. Miauehaha, Frances and
Third Streets—
Committe recommends adoption of said reso-
Adopted. (See resolution.)
Of Committee on Printing—Matter of Compil.
Ing and Printing Laws Relating to Hoard of
Public Works—
Committee recommends that three hundred
copies of said compilation be printed.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen,
Conley, Gehan, Kavanagh. Leithauser, Mines,
Melody, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg. Mr.
President -15.
Resolution of Committee on Printing, Instruct.
ingSaid Committee to Advertise For Bids
For Official
Printing For Year 1890—
Committee recommends adoption of said res-
olution amended to read thatCity Clerk, e.
stead of Committee on Printing, be instructed
to advertise for bids.
Adopted and said resolution, as so amended,
adopted. (See resolution.)
Of Committee on GaS—Gasoline Street Light
Ing Bida—
Your committee
,to whom was referred the
bids for street lighting with gasoline Lampe.
respectfully report as follRo .: That it is the
Optnlou of the committee that all the bids be
rejected as being too high, inasmuch as the
Minnesota Street Lighting Co. from all appear-
ance having made a clerical error, which is Co..
eiderably lower than the next higher bid, there.
fore we deem it neither wise nor proper nor to
the beat interest of the city to recommend the
award of a contract for lighting to any other
bidder. and respectfully recommend that the
City Clerk be instructed to readvertise for bids.
to be opened at the next regular meeting of the
Common Council. W Bocx,
Chairman Committee on Gas.
The following is a schedule of said bids:
Names of
Bidders. '2 —
9a w'p
21.0 29. O 04 19 20 19.W �11 11,11 f9eWlf[ee I81.IXi
*Lamps and posts to be furnished free dur.
Ing contract, but at price stated should city de
sire to purchase.
Aid Yoerg moved the adoption of said re.
Aid. Sullivan moved as an amendment that
contract far said street lighting be awarded to
the lowest bidder, the Chester Oil Co.
Aid. Kavanagh moved as an amendment
that said contract be awarded to Patrick But
;.der for three years.
'Aid Sullivan withdrew his said motion to
"amed nand moved as an amendment that said
contract be awarded to Patrick Butler for one
AI d. Cullen moved a an amendment
that said contract be awarded to the Chester
Oil Company for three years upon the furbish -
ishing by said company of sumotent security
for performance of contract.
The question being upon Aid. Culle is said
amendment the same was not adopted.
Yeas—Ald. Cullen, Minea, Pratt, Weber -4.
Nays—Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Conley,
Gehan. Kavanagh, Letthauser. Melody, Suilr-
vanYoerg Mr. President -11.
Aid. Cullen moved as amendment that said
bide be referred back to Committee on Gas to
tabulate and report at an adjourned meeting of
Yeas—Ald. Cullen. Letthauser, Mines, Pratt,
Sullivan. Weber -6.
Nays—Ald. Bickel. Blom. Bock. Conley,
Gehan, Kavanagh. Malady, Yoerg, Mr. Presl-
The question beingg upon Aid. Sullivan'' said
amendment—Patriot Butler for one year—the
same was not adopted.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Bock. Geban, Kavanagh,
Minea, Melody, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber—B.
Nays—Ald. Blom, Cullen,Conley, Leithauser,.
Yoerg, Mr. President -6.
The question then being upon Aid. Kav-
a.agh'e nmeadment—Patrick Butler for three
same was not adopted.
Yens—Ald. Bickel, Bock, Gehu¢, Kavanagh,
Melady, Pratt, Sullivan -7.
Nays—Ald. Blom, Cullen. Conley. Leithauser,
Weber, Yoerg, Mr. Presiden".
The questionthen being upon Aid. YoergS
original motion to adopt the Said report of
Committee on Gas. the motion was adopted.
Yens—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Hook, Conley,
Leith ... er, Sullivan. Yoerg. Mr. President -8
Nays—Ald. Cullen, Gohan, Kavanagh,
Mines, Melaay, Pratt, Weber -7
Resolutions for Lamps—
Committee recommends adoption of follow-
ing resolutions for lamps: Aid. Yoerg's—Ra
vine street, etc.: Aid. Bock's—N abater street;
Aid. Leithauser's—Burlington Heights: Aid.
Melad.S'g—Stain between Dakota avenue and
Prospect Terrace.
Adopted. (See resolutions.)
Of Committee on Parke—Board of Perk Com-
missioners' Report Recommending Purchase
of Late and Land for a Public Park la A..
ton ffi Sherburne's Addition, Etc.—Hon.
Samuel M.y.11—
Commltteerecommends acceptance and ap
proval of said report, and recommends that
Council ask the next Legislature for an act
authorizing the purchase of said land and lots
for park purposes.
The question being upon the adoption of said
report of Committee on Parke, there were:
Yess—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Conley, Ge.
ban, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mines, Melody,
Mr. President -10.
Nava—Ald. Cullen. Pratt, Sullivan, Weber,
Yoerg 5.
The Chair decided said report adopts t.
Aid. Yoerg appealed from thedeolefon of the
The Chair was Sustained.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Conley, Ge -
he.. Kavanagh, Leithauser. Mines Melady-9.
Noy.—Ald. Cullen, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber,
An ordinance was read amending section 9
of Ordinance No. 1,262, granting the Northwest,
ern Telephone Exchange Company the right to
lay ...duh! s.
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Kava
naggh. yeas 15, and ordinance read second time
and passed. (See Ordinance No. 1,271. )
An ordinance was read relating to payment
of salaries of city officers and city employees.
Rules suspended on motion of Al Cullen,
yeas 15, and ordinance read Second ,time a¢d
passed. (See ordinance No. 1,272.)
An ordinance was rood -53.5 for J. A. Ragin.
Rules suspended on motion of AidMines,
yeas 15, and ordinance read second time and
passed. (See ordinance No. 1,273.)
An ordinancewas read authorizing John
Genets to erect wooden building.
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Kava
nagh, yeas 15, and ordinance eno
d second time
and passed. (See ordinance No. 1,274. )
An ordinance was read -5,58) for Theo. Hamm.
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Conley,
yeas 15, and ordinance read second time and
passed. (See Ordinance No. 1
An ordinance was read perm.rt5
g Reinhold
Kretchman and August Schlaear to eoustruct
and maintain skating rink on Mississippi
Committee on Streets.
An ordinance was read appropriating money
to pay judgment of Helen Allison.
Committee on Claims.
An ordinance as read repealing section one
of Ordinance No.w54, passed February 27, 1871,
as amended by Ordinance No. 301, approved
Sept. 20, 1832.
Committee on Ord(nanances and Public Ac-
An ordinance was read permitting St. Paul
White Lead and Oil Company to erect frame
building, Dunwell and Spencer's addition, tot
Storing oil, etc.
Committee on Ordinances and Public Ac-
By Aid. Cullen --
A resolution preventing the receiving pro-
posal. for labor, mnterinl, supplies, etc., from
any persona living or doing business outside
the corporate limits of the City of St. Paul.
Indefinitely postponed.
Yeas 12.
Nays—Ald. Cullen, Gehan and Weber -l.
Ryy AId. Prett—
Resotutlon [or 600 feet steam fire engine hose
for St. Anthony Park district.
Committee on Fire Department.
By Aid. Bock—
Resolutlon for steomer and hose cart. No. 5
Chemical House.
Committee on Fire Department.
By Aid. Mines—
Resolution for lot somewhere west of Ob to
street for engine house.
Committee ou Fire Department.
Resolutions for lamps as follows: Ald. Me
lady—Delos street, etc.; Ald. Pratt—Bayless
avenue, to.; Aid. Gehan—Volley and Warren,
etc.; Aid. Weber—Marion street.
Committee on Gas.
Pursuant to advertisement of City Clerk (of
date Dec. 7, 1889), propossls for Substructure
orappf es and bridge across Mississippi
rlveq from Broadway to State street, were re-
ceived from:
John D. Moran, Ring ffi Tobin, Kirkland ffi
Starkey, Hugh M. Nevin, Sherwood Sather
landffi Co., McSfullen ffi Morris, Charles Lauer,
McArthurMorris l, Foley, J. A. Green.
One of said bide was received at 8:10 o'clock
p. in., on Dec. 17. 1889, the time fixed for receiv.
ng said bids having expired at 3 o'clock p. in.
on said day.
On mo:ton of Aid. Pratt the said delayed bid
was accepted and opened.
The said bids were referred to the City Engi
neer to tabulate and report,
The matters of changes of grades on Dow
on street, between Duluth avenue and At-
lantic street; on Charles street. from Dunlap
street to Syndicate strmt; On Concord street
between Starkey street ad South Robert
street; on Fairview street, from Valley street
to Arch'ireet; on Valley street, from Jackson
street to Warren street. and on Mt. Airy street,
from Fairview street to Warren street—sd-
vertised to be heard t this time—came
on for hearing, and the President announced
that objections if any to said proposed changes
of grades would then be heard. No one appear-
ing to oppose said proposed cbanges of grades,
resolutions changing said grades as aforesaid
were adopted. (See reset u twns.)
The hearing in the matter of tae vanati�a of
St. Paul, Lake Phalen and White Bt or jyake
road postponed and laid over until th,s ,.ime,
was further postponed and ]std over until
Tuesday, Jan. 7,189U. at 7:Ji) o'clock P. m., at
the Council Chamber in the City Hall.
An Ordinance to amend section 9 of Ordinance
No. 1,26.1, entitled -An ordinance granting to
the Northwestern Talephene Exchange Com-
pany the right to Icy conduits for under.
ground ire. in the City of St. Paul," ap-
proved Nov. 20, 1889.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul
do ordain as follows:
Section 1. That section 9 of Ordinance No.
1.262, entitled, "An ordinance granting to the
Northwestern 'Telephone Exchange Company
the right to lay council. for underground whole
I.the City of St. Paul," approved Nov. 20,
1689, be and the same ha hereby amended b
StriRmg out the words "thirty (30) days},
wherever the same oocur In said section and
Insert in lieu thereof the words '-sixty (W)
Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take street and
be in force from and after Its passage and ap-
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con
ley, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Minea,
Melady Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr,
President -15.
Passed Dec, 17, 1889.
WM. HAMM, President of Council.
Approved Dec. 18, 1889.
Attest: THOS A. PRENDERGAST. City Clark.
Dec. 24.
An Ordinance in relation to the Pay. Out of the
salaries of city officers and employees of the
City of St. Paul.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
Bain as follows:
Section 1. That the City Clerk o1 the City of
St. Paul is hereby authorized and directed to
draw orders on the City Treasury of the City of
St. Paul on the first day of each and every
month for payment of
the snI ri, of all city
omcers and employees of the Clty of St. Paul.
The orders shall be drawn upon pay rolls fur-
inah[ a by
theach tl same ent of inhave been allowed end
audited by the City Comptroller.
Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and
be In force from and atter its passage.
a ss C lien, Con-
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom,
ley. Gehan. Kavanagh. Leithauser. Minea, Me-
lody, Pratt, Sullivans Weber. Yoerg, Mr.
Passed Dec. 17, 1889.
We. HAMM, President of Council.
Approved Dec. 18, 1869.
No.— A. SMITH, Mayor.
Attest: THOS. A. PRENDERGAST. City Clerk.
Dec. 24.
An Ordinance appropriating money for and di-
to report Ban Committee
ei Claim.. 825, pursuant
The Common Councilof the City of St. Paul
do .,dela as follows:
Scott.. 1. That as order be drawn u o the
City Tr ... ury of St. Paul In favor of J. A.
Re¢I, for the sum of 6Y5, in full compe,sntion
for and Satisfaction o[J. A. I agtd'. leim and
demand against the City of SL Paul for dam-
ges caused to house No. 175 Valley street, by
breaking of curbing on the Broadway street
hIllas by the report of the Committee o
Claims to the Common Council of date the 17th
day of December, A. D. 1689, will mo a fully
ppear; said order to be delivered ly Upon
tiling with the City Comptroller full and ab-
solute receipts to the city In satisfaction of
said claim or demand.
Seo. 2. This ordinance ¢bell take effect and
be In force from and after Its publication.
Yeae-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con"
Is y, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Minea,
Melady, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr.
President -15.
Passed Dec. 17, 1889.
Wis. HAMM, President of Council.
Approved Dec. 1& 1889.
Attest: THOMAS A. PREN.... A-, City Clerk.
D a.. 24.
A -Ordinance to authorize and
Genets to erect and maintain a Wooden build
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
ordain as follow.:
Section 1. Authority and permission is here-
by given Lo Soho Ganols to erect and amtain
wooden building, twenty feet by twelve feet
In size, one story in height, in the rear o[ the
frame building numbered 610 Robert street, the
me -atto be dove under the supervision of the
Building Inspector.
Sec. 2 This ordinance to be In force from
and after its passage.
Ye,s-AId.BIckeI,BIOod Bock.Cullen Conley.
Gehan. Kavanagh, ebtrauYeore Miners, Melady,
Pratt. Sullivan, g. Mr. PrOel-
Passed Deo. 17. 1889.
WM. HAMM, President of Council.
Approved Dec. 1& 1889.
Attest: THOS. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clark.
Dec. 24.
An Ordinance Theo. Hamm forpdamragtesgb money of the
traction of the Phalen creek sewer.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
ordain as follows:
Section 1. That an order be drawn on the
CRmy 'treasurer in favor of Theo. ftamm for
of it, dollars i259) m full satisfaction e
all damages sustained by bim as the owner of
the property known as Hamm's Brewery, on
account of the construction of the Pesten
reek sewer during the winter of,l&889, as set
forth in the attachedr elease and receipt: said
der to be tlellveredonly upon there baItq
filed with the City Comptroller s release m full
for ell damage. occasioned as aforesaid.
Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect
be 1n force from d after its publication.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Book. Cullen, Co.
ley, Geban, Kavanagh, Le,
Mines, Met.
dy. Pratt, Sullivan. Weber, Yoerg, Mn
President -15.
�M M. Preeldent of Council.
Approved Dec. 18, 1889.
ROis H A. SMTTB, May
. A[te.t: THOS. A. P......DABT, City Clerk.
Dec. 24.
By Aid. Pratt -
Resolved. That the following plata, as ap-
proved by Pint Commissio. p
a d reoom
mended by the City Engineer, be and the same
are hereby accepted by the Common Counofl
of the City of St. Paul:
Ford Place, St. Poul. Ramsey County, Minn.
Schneider, Younqq ffi Morneette's subdivision
of lot 4 of block 8 of Baltic Paul North Out
S u.
mmit Terrace addition No. 2 to St. Paul,
Yen.-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen,
Conley, Gehan. Kavanagh, Leithauser, Minea,
Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr.
President -15.
Approved Dec. 18, 1889.
By 1.d, Cohen-
That the City e Engineer be and he
la hereby directed to a rad. the and re
strune nextsregular
atrMarket meetinH
struction of a scaleouse, for the
a ose of weighing all coal and feed bought by
Y-Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Calif.. Co..
Ci¢hen. Kavanagh, LWh...
St. Minn., Me -
lady, Pratc, Sullivan, g. Mr.
President -15.
Approved Dec. 1& 1889.
By Aid. Gehan-
Resolved, That the City o Engineer be and he
i ideewalk on directed
and weet aaide tructof Broadway,
from Grove street to Thirteenth street.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock.. Cullen. Con.
Iey, Genas, Knvns agh. Leithauser, Mines, Me -
lady, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr.
Approved Dec. 18, 1889.
By Aid. Blom -
Resolved, That the City Engineer be and he
Ed -
I. hereby instructed to lay a crosswalk on Ed-
gerton street, east aide of Jaasamine street.
Yeae-Ald. Bickel, BlomBock, Cullen,
Conley, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leith,auser. Minea,
Melody, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr.
Approved Dec. 18, ISIS.,
By Aid. Leith
Resolved. That the City Engineer be hereby
authorized to have two crosswalks placed
across Forest street at the intersection of
Francis street.
Yeas.-Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock. Cullen, Con-
tey, Gehan, Kavanagh. Leithauser, Mines, Mel-
ady, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg. Mr. Proat-
Approved Dec. 18, 1859.
By Aid. Blom -
Resolved. That City Engineer be instructed
to notify the c. -tractors. Dale b Bu. .1
to ¢place the ,it,
on west ide of Payne
between Case street and Cook street,
good order.
Y as-Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock. Cullen,
ConleMelody. G.Pratt, RSulltvan Weber,t Yoavanae Rf Mr.
Approve. Dec. 1& 1889.
By Aid. Melady-
Resolved, That the City Engineer to hereby
instructed to build a temporary two plank walk
on the east side of South Robert Street, from
George street to Concord Sttreet.Cullen. Con-
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock,
Con -
ICY, Gehnn, Kavanagh, Leithauser Mines,
Melody, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr.
President -15.
Approved Dec. 18, 1889.
By Committee on Printing -
Resolved. That the City Clerk be and fa here-
hyfnstructed to advertise for bids for the om-
cial printing for the year 1890, in daily news.
paper published 1n the Cit, of St. Paul.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen,
Conley. Gehan, Kavnnogh. Leithauser, Minea.
Melady, Pratt. Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr.
President -15.
Approved Dec. 18. 1889.
B&AIA Book -
Resolved, That the Board of Fire Commis
sinners is hereby Instructed to purchase and
two fire ne boo box at cornxes. as follows:
er Randolph and West
Seventh Streets. a
One box at corner of Milton and Randolph
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Hock, Cullen. Con-
t dyel
.GehanKavanagh. Lelthan,
Pratt, Sullivan, W ber, Yoerg,MMinesr. Frost -
dent -15.
Approved Dec. 18, 1889.
By Ald. Mfnea-
Resolved, That the Board of Fire Commis-
siociers be instructed W place fire alarm boxes
on the to"Owi g corners
Odeon On the f Stryker avenue and
Onege cm the corner of Sydney street and
Cherokee avenue.
Oneon the corner of Belvidere street and
Oak Baleaven
On on
corner ner of Concord and Arthur
One on the corner of Winona street and Da-
kota avenue.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con-
ley. Gehan, Kavanagh. Leithauser, Mines,
Melody, Pt a.t, Sullivan. Weber, Yoerg, Mr.
Pres d
Approved Dec. Is. 1889.
By Aid. Bock -
c i is hO t hat tructedlto erect land meivCan*
tractor rhereby ins
at, oil lamps s follows:
Ortc lamp,sidef Webster, between
West Seventh and James
One lamp, e t side of Webster, between
James and Randolph.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock. Cullen. Con-
ley, Gehan, Kavanagh- Leithauser, Mines, Mel
d. n .., Weber. Yoerg, Mr. Prost"
ent -15.
Approved Dec. 18, 1889.
By Ald.
Resolved, That the ge..It..lamp contractor
be and he Is hereby instructed to plane gasoline
t the following places, to-. Onn op"
posit¢ the dividing line between lots I2 and 13,
and one opsppo.ite lot Zu, Burlingg[., Heights.
St. Paul; is o oppoe, the tlepot nt ofd
B-11, to, Heights.
Yeae-Aid. Bickel, Blom. Bock. Cullen, Con"
ley, Gabon, Ka ... sigh, Leithauser, Mmes, Me -
lady, Pratt. Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr.
Approved Dec. 1& IBM
By Aid. Book -
Resolved. That the g ... line oil local, co.
tractoris hereby instructed to erect and main-
tain oil lamps as follows:
One lamp corner James and Oneida streets.
One lamn corner James and Erle streets.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Book, Cullen, Con-
ley, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leitntuaer, Minea,
Milady, Pratt. Sullivan, Weber. Yoerg, Mr.
Approved Dec. 18, 1889.
By Aid. Yoerg-
Resolved. That the gasoline contractor be
and he is hereby instructed to erect and main"
Lain two gasoline lamps as follows:
One at the foot of Ravine street. on Hoffman
a Ove on and
the corner of Conway street and Hof"
man avenue.
Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con-
ley, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mines,
Melady, PraR, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr,
President. -15.
Approved Dec. M 1889.
By Aid. Lefthauser-
RBaolved. That the city oil lamp contractor
bS hereby ordered to place and amtain on
oil lamp on the northeast corner of Forest and
Yeas-Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock, Cullen,
Conley, Gehan, Kavanaggh, Leithauser,
Mince, Melody, Pratt, Sullivn., Weber,
Yoerg. Mr. President -15.
Approved Dec. 18, 1889.
By Aid. Malady -
Resolved, That the street ell lamp contract
or be instructed to place and meintaln ono gg
,line lamp on the head of the second tillast ght
of the stairs between Dakota avenue and
Prospect terrakce.
Yeas -Ad. Bicel. Blom, Bock, Cutlet, Co-
ley. Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mines, Mel"
Presld0¢1 i, Sullivan. Weber, Yoerg. Mr.
Approved Dec. 18. 1889,
By Aid. Kavanagh—
Resolved, That orders be drawn on the City
Treasury for services of members of Board of
Abatement as follows:
Anthony Yoerg, Jr., 7 days at 18... ........ 621.00
O. O. Cullen. 7 days at t,4 .................. 21.00
Jos. Mines, 7 days at 88 .................... .21.00
Jno. F. Gabon . 4 days at $3 ..................12.00
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Back. Cullen, Con
ley, Geban. Kavanagh, Lelth....n Mlnea.
Malady. Pratt. Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr.
President -15.
Approved Dec. tft 1899.
Hy Aid. Geban—
Resolved, That a refunding order be drawn in
fav or of
thirteen the estate of JohnWagner for the sum
f irteen hundred twenty-four and 91.100
f$1,324.91) dollars, being interest and pentT
ties accrued upon CsrtitlC.te of Sale N.S. 2,398
and 2.8b9. issuedpon two miscellaneous de.
cripttona of ]and In
Hume of John Wagner, ly-
ing on both sides of Seventh street, the same
having been old for thepaving of Seventh
atreet,sald ordertoissue cnly bathe original
in ttof said assessment„810,haS been igd.
Into the Tretaury by the estate of John Wag-
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom,Hock, Cullen,
Conley, Chun Kavanagh, Lelthauser, -Inc.,
Malady, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr.
President -15.
Approved Dec. 18, 1889.
Hy Ald. Mclndy—
,.solved, Thnt the sum of 8200 be and I.
hereby epproprIal:d forthepurpose of put
chasing twenty ruattC vase. for the parks of
the city, at a coat not to exceed $10 each.
Yeas—Aid. Bickel. Hloin Bock, Cullen.
Conley, Gahan, Kavanagh, Leithaueer, Mmea,
Melady, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr.
Approved Dec. 18, 1889.
By Ald. Sanborn—
Resolved. That the amount of twenty then.
sand dollars (820,000) be and is hereby appropri.
aced and set apart from the Bridge Bond Fund
for the construction of the proposed Selby eve
nue bridge across the right of way of the Chi-
cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company.
Yeas—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen,
Conley, Geban, Kavanagh, Liethausen Mine.,
Melody,, Built,.., Weber, Yoerg, Mr.
Approved Dec. 1g, 1889.
Wnerea& The Common Council of the City Of
St. Paul heretofore ordered the Board f Pub.
lic Works to report whether a change of grade
on Charles
et, from Do.lap street to Syndi-
cate street, in said city, as shown by ared line o.
a profile annexed to said order, was necessary
sad proper. ed whether real estate to be as-
for said imind em¢nt could be found
benefited to the extent of damages and
Costs to be Incurred by'aid improvement, and
Whereas, In accordance with said order, the
Board of Public W orka did laket, report to the
Common Council of data Oct. 25, IBBU, recom-
m..ding.chege o[ grade on Charles street,
from Dunlop street to Scndicute street, and
that property could be =rate
to the
exte.t o1 damages, caste and erpen8e'
necessary m be Incurred in making said change
of grate as aforesaid, and
Whereas. The Common Council of enId city on
the 5th
do y of November. 1889, adopted eafd re-
port and ordered the City Clerk to give the no-
des required by law, an
Whereas. The City Clerk gave notice 1n the
official paper of said city, for three successive
weeks, twice in each week, that the Common
Council of said city would, on the 17th day of
December, 1889, at 7 :30 o'clock pp. m., of the Coun-
cil Chamber,in said city, conelder such proposed
.house of grade, and
Whereas, At the time and place last desig
noted for such proposed cb.age of grade, the
Common Council, after hearing all persons in.
forested, and being of the opinion that the
same is necessary and proper: therefore be it
Resolved, That the grade of Charles street.
from Dunlap street to Syndicatestreet, be and
the same is hereby changed in accordance with
the red line as shown on annexed profile, being
the same as referred to in all the proceedings
had in regard to said change: and be it further
Resolved, That this order and the profile rep-
resenting said change of grade be referred to
the Board of Public Works, and that
said Board shall proceed without delay to
assess the amount, as nearly as they canas-
cettom the same, which shall be required to
pmprovemthe me nt upon the renaestate to be f sue
fited by e'td improvement,a9 provided by law: it
bemuthe opinion of the Common Council that
real estate to be assessed mr soon i preve�
ment can be found benefited to the extent o1
the damages, costs and expenses necessary to
be Incurred thereby.
Yeas—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Hock, Cullen, Con
ley, Geban, Kavanagh, Lelthauser, M1nea„
Melady, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr.
President -15.
- Approved Dec. 18, 1889.
Whereas, the CommonCouncil of the City of
c. t. Paul heretofore ordered the Board o2
Public Warks to report whether a change Of
grade on Dawson street, between Duluth ave-
nue and Atlantic street, in eaid .fly, as shown
by a red !me on a profile annexed to said orden
was necessary and proper, and whether real
estate to be ssessed for said improvement
could be found benefited to the extent of dam
ages Had costa to be incurred by said Improve-
ment; and
Whereas. in accordance with said order, the
Board of Public Works did make report to
the Common Council of date Out. 28, IBBu. Mn
o mend mg said change o1 grade as aforesaid,
and th.t property could be found benefited to
the extent of damages, costa and expenses neo
essary to be Incurred In making said change of
grade as aforesaid; and
Whereas, the Common Council of said city
on the 5th day of November• 1889, adapted said
report and ordered the City Clerk to give the
notice required by law: and
Whereas, the City Clerk gave notice in the
olloinl paper of sold clty for three successive
weeks, twice In each week, that the
Council of said city would, on the 17th day o1
December. 1889, at 7:39 o'clock p. m., at the
Council Chamber, m said city, consider such
propp sed change of grade; and
t'her"', A'the time and place last desig
noted for sue Proposed change of grade, Lhe
Common Council, atter hearing all persona fn.
terested, and being o[ the opinion that the
same is n..ess'r_v and proper;
Therefore, be it resolved Thst the grade of
Dawaon 'treat, between Duluth avenue and
Atlantic street, be and the 'oma is hereby
changed in accordance with the red line as
shown on the annexed profile, being the same
as referred to in all the proceedings had in re-
gard to said change; and be it further
Resolved, That this order and the profile
representing said change of grade be referred
to the Board of Public Works, sad
that said Board shall proceed without delay
to assess the amount, al
nearly a8 they
can ascertain the same,which shall be required
to pay the damages, coats and ex.
penses of such improvement upon the real es-
tate to be benefited by said improvement, as
mon Councill that real estate tonion of the be assessed for
such Improvement can be found benefited to
the extent of the damages, costs and expenses
necessary to be incurred thereby.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen,
Conley, Geban, Kavanagh, Lelthauser, Mined,
Melady, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr.
Approved Dec. 18, 1889.
Whereas, The Common Council of the City of
St. Paul heretofore ordered the Board of Pub.
llo Works to report whether a change of grade
on Fairview street, from Valley street to Arch
street, also the necessary changes on the
cross streets to correspond with the proposed
grade on Fairview street, to said city, as shown
by red linea on profiles annexed to said order.
were necessary and proper, add whetherreal
estate to be assessed for said improvement
could be found benefited to the extent of dam
ages and coats to be Incurred by said improve
meats; and
Whereas, In accordance with said order, the
Board of -Public Works did make a report to
the Common Council of date Nov.,. 1889, rec-
ommendinga change of grade on Fairview
street, from Valley street to Arch Street; oo
Valley street, from Jackson street to Warren
air at and on Mt. Airy street, from Fairview
street to Warren street, add that property
could be found benefited to the extent of dam-
ngee, costa add expenses necessary to be In.
curred 1. making said changes of grade as
aforesaid; and
Whereas, The Common Council of sold city
5th day of November, 1889, adopted said
report sad ordered the City
Clerk to give the
notice required by law; and
Whereas, The City Clerk gave notice in the
official paper of said city, for three successive
weeks, twice In each week, that the Comm..
Council of said city would, on the 17th day of
December, 1889, at 7:80 o'clock p. in., at the
Council Chamber 1nsaid city. consider such
proposed changes of grade; and
Whereas, At the time and place last desig.
noted tot such proposed Changes of grade, the -
Common Council, after hearing all perao.a In
forested, and being of the opinion that the same
are necessary and proper;
Therefore. be it resolved, That the grades of
Fairview street, from Valley street to Arch
street; of Valley street, from Jack so. street to
Warren street, and of Mt. Airy street, from
Fairview street to W arra. street, be and the
same are hereby changed in accordance with
the red 11111 as shown on the annexed profiles,
being the same a1 referred to It all the pro-
ceedings had in regard to said changes; and be
It further
Resolved, That this order add the profile
representingsaid change. of grade be referred
to the Board of Publlo Works, and that said
Board shall proceed wtthout delay to assess
the amount, as nearly as they can ascertain the
same, which shall be required to pay the dam.
ages, coats and expenses of such improvements
upon the real estate to be benefited by said
improvements, as provided by law• It being the -
opinion of the Common Council that real estate
to be assessed for such improvements can be
found benefited to the extent of the damages,
costs and expenses necessary to be incurred
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock,r, Cullen,
Conley, Geban, Kavanagh, u
Melody, Pratt, Sullivan. Weber, Yogrg, Mr.
Approved Dec. 18, 1889.
Whereas, The Common Council of the City of
St. Paul heretofore ordered the Board of Pub-
lic Works to report whether a chege of grade
on Concord air from Starkey street to South
Roble street, in said city, as shown by a red
Itna on aprofile annexed to said order, was
n'cessary and proper, and whether real estate
to be assessed for said improvement could be
found benefited to the extent of damages and
costs to be incurred by .aid improvement;
Whereas, In accordance with said order, the
Board of Public Works did make a reportto
the Common Council of date Oct. St. 1889,
recommending a changeof grade on Co.cord
street, between Starkey
street and South
Robert etrCCt,..d tbat property could be found
benefited to the extent of damages, costs and
expenses necessary to be incurred in making
said change of grade as aforesaid; and
Whereas, The Common Coanafl of
Bald cityy
on the 51h day of November. 1819• adopted
report and ordered the City Clerk to give the
notice required by law; and
Whereas, The City Clerk gave notice 1n the
official paper of said city, for three successive
weeks, twice each In week, that the Common
Council of said city would, on the 17th day of
December, 1889• at 7:30 o'clock P. in., at the
Council Chamber, in said city, consider such
proposed change of grade: and
Whereas, At the time ed place lastdeelg-
noted for no proposed of grade, the
Common Cou.CIL after hearing all persons in.
terested, and being of the opinion that the
same is necessary and proper;
Therefore, be it resolved, That the grade of
Concord street, between Starkey street and
South Robert street. be and the same Is here-
by changed to accordance with the red line as
shown on theannexed profile, being the imine
as referred to 1n ell the proceedings had is re-
gard to said change; and be it further
Resolved. That this order and the profile
representing said change of
grade be referred
to the Board of Publlo Work., ed
that sold Board shall proceed without delay to
assess the amount• as nearly as they can as.
certain the same, which shall be required to
pay the
damages, costs and expenses of such
Improvement upon the real estate to be bene-
fited by said improvement• as provided by law,
it being the opinion of the Common Council
that real estate to be assessed for such im
prevenient can be found benefited tothe ex
Leet of the damages, costa and expenaea nec.
essary to be incurred thereby.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen. Con-
ey. Gelid., Kavanagh, Leithaueer, Mines,
By Aid. Kava.agh—
Resolvd, That orders be drawn on the City
Treasury for services of members of Board of
Abatement a follows:
Anthony Yoerg, Jr., i days at 83...........821.00
O. O. Cullen. 7 days of Zi .................. 21.00
Joe. Minn.. 7 days at 83 .......... ........ .21.00
s at M
J Ye s A d.nBickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen, Con
frytady.ePatt. Sullivan, Weber, uYoe rg,1 Mr,
President -15.
Approved Dec. 18, 1899.
By Ad. Gehan—
Resolved. That a refunding order be drawn in
favor of the estate of Job. Wage- for the sum
f thirteen hundredtwenly four led 91 IW
'81,3.°4.91) dollars, befog ,'liters., arid
tles.ecrued apo. Carl a us of Sale Nos. 2,318
and 2.3.9. issued port two tstelmnemi. de-
ecriptlons of lana ill uene o[ John Wagner, ly-
Ing on both sides of Seventh street, the same
having been sold for the paving of Seventh
street, oNer to issue oniy hen the origina
.mountaid al
as been paid
into the Treasury bysthenes:ttate hf Job. Wag
nor. Yee—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen,
CooleMelady,GPratt, Sulll van, Weber. Yoerg Mr.
Approved Dec. 18, 1889.
By Ald. Melady—
Resolved, Thut the Sam of 8200 be aIId is
8 tvpreaty�.tedpfor the foruLtieae ofPnrar
it f
the city, at a cost not to exceed?tpekch Culla.
Cnley, GahAk`an, Kavalnagh,OYea' Leith.usnr, Mmeu,
Melady, Pratt, Sullivan. Weber, Yoerg, Mr.
Approved Dec. 18, 1889
By Ald. Savboa—
Resolved. That the Amount 01 twenty thou
e d dollars ($20.000) be sad I. hereby appropti
steel end set apart from the Bridge Hond Fuvd
for the construction of the proposed Selby .lie
a 0 bridge across the right of way of
Lhe Chi -
o. Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company.
e—Aid. Hfelt Blain, Book, Cullen,
Conley, Gahan;,Ka, LiethausOr, Mine.,
Moldy, Sullivan. Weber, Yoerg. Mr.
Approved Dec. 18, 1889,
W nr..e, The Common Council of the City of
St. Paul heretofore ordered the Board f Pub
Ito Works to report whether. change of grade
on Charles street, from Dunlap stYat to
Cete street. In sad city, us Showa D d lin
approfile nnexed to sad order, was neo snry
Proper. and whether rel estate o be .eased for said improvement co Id be found
to the a tent of damages
Cost. R be Incurred by Said provement. and
co`Vhereas, In accord ... with said order, the
Board of Public LV ork. did make a report to the
Comding a change of Rrde Oct.on Charnels street,
from Dunlap e t [o Syndicate [rest, 8vd
that property could be found benefited to the
extent acsts and d cense
aecessofodaman making sexphanges
of rade as aforesaid, and
herIas, The Common Council of said city on
the 5th daof ted aid re -
Port and order d the City Cler°k togive the no
ties required by law, and
Whereas, The City Clerk gave notice in the
omcial paper of said city, for three s ¢..sive
eeks, twice in each week.
onthe the 17th day t .
council of said citywould,
December, 1889, at 7 :30 o'clock p. m.,at the Coun-
oil Chnmber,in said city, consider such proposed
change of grade, and
Whereas, AL the time and place last desig
atetl for such prop.sed change o1 grade, the
Common Council, after hearing all per...
terested,and being of the opinion that the
me is nece-ary and proper: therefore be it
so Reeolved. That the grode o[ Charles 'front,
from Dualao street to Svedicate street, be and
the same is hereby changed in accordance with
the red line as shown on annexed profile, being
the same as referred to in all the proceedings
had in regard to said change: a.d be R further
Rsologsaidchangeofat this dgrad. bereferred too
thee4Bloard of Public Works, and that
said Board shall proceed without delay to
assess the amount, as nearly as they Ian as-
certain the same, which shall be required In
Pay the damages, costs and expenses of such
improvement upon the real estate to be bene-
fited by said improvementas provided by law; it
gt he op inion of the Common Council that
real estate to be • ss d for s h improve
e t Co. be found benefited to the extent of
be incurges. coste'retand expe.uea.ecessaryo
Yeas—Ald. Dicke', Blom, Bock, Culla, Con-
ley, Gabon, Kavanagh, Lalth... I,. Mine.,.
Malady, Pratt- Sullivan. Weber, Yoerg, Mr.
President -15.
Approved Dec. 18.1&19.
Whereas, the Common Council of the City of
Pt. Paul heretofore ordered the Board of
Public Works to report whether . ch.nge of
grade on Dawson street, between Duluth are
and Atlantic street, in ¢aid city, es shown
was red if,, on a profile annexed to nnid order.
and Proper, a d whether cool
estate [ossbey s d for.Said Improvement
Quid be
costs to nn curredzed to hb extent
ages and y saidprove-
mW here... in accordance with Said order, the
Board of Public
be Common Council of diate Oct. 28 188j.reprec
om mending said chane a of grade aforesaid,
and that property co Id be found benefited to
the extent of damages, coats and expenses nee-
ry to be Incurred !n making thong. of
grade as aforesaid: aced
Wheel, the Common Council of Bald city,
on e the alitd rQered the ciiyi nadopted veethe
report an
Howie¢ req�uireh pby iltaw clerk ¢ave notion In the
December. 1889, at 7:30 0'clock p. m., a
Council Chamber, 1. .did city, consider each
prop sed ebange of grode; end
Whereas. At the time d place Inst deslg
nted for seen proposed change of grade,
Common Council, after hearing all persons in-
terested.and being f the pinion tDat the
same is necessary na prop
Therefore, be It resolved, That he
grade f
Dawson street, between Duluth avenue and
Atlantic street, be and the lama is hereby
changed in accordance with the red line as
shown on the annexed profile, being the same
as referred to in all the proceedings had in re
gard to said change; sad be it further
Resolved, That this order a d the profile
representing said change of grade be referred
o the Board of Public Works, and
that said Board shall proceed without delay
to assess the amount, as nearly as 'heli
can ascertain the same,whtch ¢bucostsll be requlred
ex -
pens s o[ such Improvement uponand
the eal ea
tate to be benefited by said improvement, as
provided Council thattre testate tomb¢ ass¢ setl f
mon or
such Improvement can be found benefited to
the extent of the damages. costa and expenses
necessary to be Incurred thereby.
Yeas—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen,
Conley, Gehnn, Kavanagh, Leitbauser, Mines.
Malady, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr.
Approved Dec. 18, 1889.
Whereas, The Common Council of the City of
St. Paul heretofore ordered the Board of Pub
lie Works to report whether a change of grade
on Fairview street, from Valley street to Arch
street; also the necessary changes
on the
atteet?to correspond with the proposed
grade on ;to
street, in said city, as shown
by retl linea on pprrofile, ova xed to said order.
estate to be ay d assessed forr and whether real
ove mat
Could be found to benefited to the extant of tlam
ages and costa to be incurred by said improve
ts; and
Whereas, In accordance withstd order, the
Board of Public Works did makearert to
the Common Council of date Nov.4. mc
° hg tr t grade vfew
trea, fromo Arch treat; no
Valley street, from Jackson street to Warren
street, and on Mt. Airy street, from Fuirvi ew
Street to Warren that property
could be found benefited to the extent of dam
age.,sed 1st.making and
expenses ne cessary to be in:
afore a aid ch ranges or grade ns
Whereas, The Common Council [ 'aid city
n the 6th da oI November, 1889, adopted Bald
notice requtr d by law;ait and or Cred he Clta Clerk to ¢toe the
Whereas. The City Clerk gave ..Lice In the
official paper of paid cite, for three s cede lve
eoks, twice 1n each week, that the .Common
Council of said city would, on the 17th day t
December, 1889, at 7:30 'clock P.
at the
Council Chamber in said city, consider such
proposed changes of grade; and °
Whereas, At the time and place last desig
—ed for such proposed changes of grade, the
omm Council,
after hearing all persons In
teres dp, and bei
sang of the opinion that the same
are¢ec rory end proper;
Therefore. be itresolved. That the grades of
Fnirvlew street, from Valley Street to Arch
of Valley street, from Jackson street to
warren Street, and of Mt. Airy street. from
Fairview street to Warren street, be and the
ma are hereby changed in accordance with
the red Imes as shown on theo.e d profiles,
beinngg Be same ae rreeferrea Lom¢ elglea hantl be
eedin had In regard to said Chan
It further
Resolved, That this order and the profiles
representing said changes of grade be referred
to the Board of Public Works, and that said
Bard shall proceed wig out delay to assess
the amount, as nearlyasthey c certain the
which shall be required t ay the d.m-
ages, costs and expenses of such provemnts
upon the real estate to be benefited bye id
improvements, as provided by law, it being the
opinion of the Common Council that real estate
to be assessed fors such improvements can be
found benefited to the extent of the damages,
Sts end expenses necessary to be incurred
Conley, Cohan, Kavanagh, LBook, oithauser, Mine%
Moistly, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr.
President -15.
Approved Dec. 18, 1889.
Whereas, The Comm.. Council of the City of
St. Paul heretofore ordered the Board of Pub.
lic Works to report whether a change of gfide
on Concord street from Starkey street to South
Roble street, In sold cityed. as shown bye red
line on a profile annexto aid order, w
necessary and proper, and whether real estate
to be assessed for said improvement could be
found benefited to the extent f damages sad
o to to be incurred by said improvement;
Whereas. In accords.— with said order, the
Board of Public Works did make a portto
the Common Council of date Oct. 91. 1889,
recommending a change of grade on Concord
streebetwee. Starkey street and South
Robe t street.and that plop=,,,.cold be found
benefited to the extent of s, coats and
expenses necessary to be Incurred in making
sold change of grade as aforeapie; and
Whereas. The Common Council of said RT
on the 5th day o[ November. 1889, adopted said
report and ordered the City Clerk to give the
n floe required by law; cad
Whereas, The City Clerk gave notice 1n the
opal t Paper of id cite, for throe successive
.eke twice each in week, that the Common
Decemmber, 18891 of . city7:30 'cloclrthe 17th day of
p. m., lit the
Council Chamber, In said; city, oonsld¢r s b
proposed change of grade: and
Wherea., At the t]me end placelastdeVg-
ated for such proposed change f grode, the
after It R Per s i.-
terestedn, end being f the plot..
lot. that the
e is necessary and proper;
s Therefore, be it resolved. That the grade of
Concord street, between Starkey street and
South Robert street. be and the same Is here.
bechangedtin accordance he annexed profile being the red e sam
ne as
lerred to 1,
all the proceedtngs had In re'g.rd to said chance: and be it further ��J
Resolved. That his order a d tab profile
representing and change of grade forced
the; Boars f Public ks, and
that Sale Board shall proceed ;*Gout delay to
assess the amount, as nearly us they can as-
certainthe the same, which hall be required to
and I.
ilmorovemnent upon theIost I.le state to be be en
tlted by said i mprovemont. as Provided by law,
it being the pinion of [be Common Council
that real estate to be asseused for such ]in
prevenient can be found benefited to the ex
feet of the damages, costs and expenses nee.
essary to be incurred thereby.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Book, Cullen. Con-
ley. Gehnn, Kavanagh, Lelthauser, Mines,
Melody, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr.
Approved Dec. 18, 1889.
-Resolved, by the Common Council of the City
of St- Paul, That tecta.. order. of the Common
Council of the City of St. Paul, approved Jan.
17, A. D. 1889, regarding the opening, widening
and exondog of Conley. Mlnnehaha and
Frances streets, from Bock street (if produced
north and south) and Third street from Tell
street to the oast city limits of the City Of St.
Paul, be annulled so far as the same relate to
the opening, widening and extending o1 the
.aid streets, except Mlnnehaha street, further
than White Bear avenu
and it is hereby or
dared tataid Common
Cou cilliand olf the .aid proceehe ding
Public Works
concerning sold assessments be and the same
are hereby annulled, so far as the same relate
to the opening, widening and extending of the
.aid Third, Frances and Conway streets be
ycod Lhe said White Bear avenue, and the said
Hoard of Public Works 1. directed to proceed
said et eats opening,
hereinbefore described and ntthe
o the
.aid White Bear avenue,
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con-
laeh,1.dyGPrnt K Sullivan, er Weber,Yoerg. Mr.
President -15.
Approved Deo. 18, 1889.
By Ald. vd
P. att—
Resol, That the Hoard e. Public Works
cause ouch side
of L laid as follows:
On south aide o[ Langford, across KnartF
atreetat east and wort ends (St. Anthony Part
On east side of Gordo., across Carter ave
On north side of Kendrick. street, .creel
On east side of Knapp. across Langford, a
southwest corner of block 44, SP Anthony Parl
On north side of Bourne avenue, across Kes
ton street.
O. north side of Atty street, across Raymom
yYeas—Ald. Mickel. BIO.., Hook, Cullen, Con
lady Pratt SulliraG.haa, Ka q Weber, Yoerg Mrs Pres!
dent -15.
Approved Dec. 18, 1889.
Byy Ald. Bk—
Resoivoaed, That the Board of Public Work
cause crosswalks to be lard fie follows:
On both sides of Erle serines Jame. .tree,
one on James across Erie, one on east side t
Erie across Cascade.
Yeas—Aid. Bickel. Blom Bock, Cullen, Cox
ley, Gehan, Karaite. h, Letthauser, Moet
Moody, Pratt, Bull van, Weber, Yoerg, M
President -15.
Approved Dec. 18, 1889,
By Ald. Blom—
It is hereby ortlered by the Common CO --c
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of constructing a .ewt
upon the following streets:
Weide avenue, from Maryland street to Lav
son street.
Lawson street, from Weide avenue to Arcade
Arcade street from Lawson street to Phalen
A Is; on York street, from Weide avenue to
.made street.
Sims street, from Weide avenue to Arcade
Case street, from Welds avenue to Arcade
Jenks street, from Walsh street to Arcade
Cook street, from Greenbrier avenue to At.
ads street.
Magnolia street from Greenbrier avenue to
;ypress street.
Jessamine street from Greenbier avenue
o Mendota street.
Geranium street, from Greenbrier avenue to
dendota street.
Rase street from Greenbrier avenue to At.
:ade street.
Maryland street, from Greenbrier avenue to
Mendota street; and
Greenbrier avenue, from Je.s.mine street to
Maryls.d street, be and the same is hereby re.
tetrad to the Board of Public Works to investi.
gate and report:
First. Is this improvement proper and nec.
aas y?
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether one-half of
the cost thereof Is to be paid riot. the City
Treasury before the contract Is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
said Improvement be found benefited to the ex-
tent of damages, costs and expenses necessary
o red be Incurthereby?
Fourth. Is such improvement asked for upon
themajoritylof the nor property assessed for such Sm-
Fifth. Send the Council a plan orprofile of
said Improvement, as required by law, tt you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order dl
renting the work to be done.
id. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen•
hie ady Gera[[, KSulllves, Weber,th.[Yoerg,[ Mr.
President -15.
Approved Dec. 18. 1889.
B_ Aid. Lelthauser—
reby the Common Council
of theCity
That the matter of condemning an easement
fad lMo Margaret
net eels. treatbees d the isameats
hereby referred to the Board of Public Werke
investigate and report:
First. Is this improvement proper and nee
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
the one
thereof Is to epaiheher dtoto the.City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
said improvement be found benefited to the
extent of damages, costa and eapaces neces-
sary to be Incurred thereby?
Fourth. I. such Improvement .eked for
upon the petition or npBlloatfan of the owners
of a majority Of the property to be assessed for
such improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said Improvement, as required by law, if you
r S
report in favor of the same.
ixth. Send the Council a proper order di.
recting the work to be done.
Yens—Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen,
Conley, Gehan, Kavanagh, Lelthauser, Mines,
Malady, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, YOer¢, Mr,
President -15.
Approved D.a. 18, 1889.
By Aid. Leithauser—
It 1s hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of grading Beech, from
Atlantic to White Bear avenue,be and the same
Is hereby referred to the Board of Public
Works to investigate and report:
First. Is this Improvement proper and neo-
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof. and state whether one-half of
the cost thereof is to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract Is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
said improvement be found benefited to the ea
tent of damages. costs and expenses necessary
to be incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such improvement asked for
upon the petition or application of the owners
of a majority of the property to be assessed for
such Improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said improvement, as required by law, if you
report in favor of same.
Sixth. Send the Council a properorderdi-
mating the work to be done.
Yens—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Back, Cullen, Con-
ley, Gehan, Kavanagh .Letthauser, Mines,
Melady, Pratt, Sullivan. Weber, Yoerg, Mr.
President -15.
Approved Dec. 1& 1889.
By Aid. Blom—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of grading Burr Street, be.
street and Minuebaha street, tocorres-
gond with the changed grade of said street
e and the same is hereby referre�
o the Board of Public Works to investigate
and report.
First. Is this improvement proper and nates
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether one-half of
the coat thereof is o be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract Is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
said Improvement be found benefited to the ex-
tent of damages, casts and expenses necessary
to be incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such Improvement asked for up-
on the petition or application of the owners of
a majjority of the property to be assessed for
such lmprovemant?
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said improvement, as required by law, it you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order dl -
noting the work to be done.
Yeas—Aid. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen,
Conley, Gehan. Kavanagh, Letthauser, Mines,
Meld;, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber. Yoerg, Mr.
President -15.
Aypr.% ileo. 1& 1889.
By Aid. Lelthauser—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Poul:
That the matter of 0 ... tructi.g . sewer on
Rope street, from Sixth street to East Fourth
street be and the same is hereby referred to
the Board of Public Works to investigate and
First. Is this improvement proper and nec-
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof. and state whether one-half of
the cost thereof is to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract Is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for
said improvement be found benedied to the
extent of damages, coats and expenses neces-
eery to be incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such mprovement asked for
upon the petition or application of the owners
of a majority of the property to be assessed for
each improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said improvement, as required by law, if you
report in favorof the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di.
recting the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen Con-
ley, Gillian, Kavanagh,, mines.
Melady, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr.
President -15
Approved Dec. 18. 1889.
By Aid, Baok—
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council
Of the City of St. Paul:
That the matterof constructing a seweron
Banfil street, from Cousin- street to Smith
avenue, be and the same is hereby referred to
the Board of Public Works to investigate and
First. Is this improvement proper and use.
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense tbereof, and state whether one-half
of the cost thereof is to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can realestate to be assessed for
said Improvement be found benefited to the
extent of damages, costs and expenses neces-
sary to be incurred thereby4
Fourth. Is such improvement asked for upon
the petition or application of the owners of a
majority of the property to be assessed for
such Improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council . plan or profile of
said Improvement, fie equlred by law, if you
report in favor of the some.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di-
recting the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Callen, Con-
ley, Gabon, Kavanagh, Letthauser, Mines,
Melady, Pratt, Sullivan. Weber, Yoerg, 19,
President -15.
Approved Dec. 1& 1889.
By Aid. Couley—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Counat
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of a change of ifrado._pn
Sixth street from Broadwayy o John street;
Pine street from Fifth to Soventh and Ol{ye
street, from Fifth Lo Seventh, be an
is Works to inv t tlfr6isb of Pablia
Fiat. Is this Improvement proper and net
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether one -hall of
the cost thereof Is to De paid roto the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Thirdp' Can real state to be nseaeaed for
saientent be und benefited to the 0.
tent omd mvages. costs and expenses necessary
to be Incurred thereby?
Fourth. Is such Improvement asked upon for
the petition or application of the owners of a
majority of the property to be assessed for
such improvement?
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
said improvement, as required bylaw, if you
report In favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order di.
reefing the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Btckel, Blom. Bock, Cullen,
ConMelPratt, Sullivan, Weber, Yo
erg, y, G, , erg,Mr.
Approved Dec. IB, 1899.
By Aid. Weber—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the Clty of St. Pout:
That the matter of f Change of grade on Hiair
street, betwee. Oxford street and d on
avenue to correspond with stsbllshed gr a of
Leslogto. avenue,be snd the same f e hereby re
[erred to the Board o[ Publfo Works to inves-
tigate and reporr:
Fiat. -Is this improvement proper sad am,
Second. Give the Council an estimate of the
pense thereof, and state whether one-half of
Trecosttb'asury befobermre tI.he contract Is lee`. Lhe City
Third. Can real estate to be .eased for
said improvement be found benefited to the
extent of damages, costs a.d expenses neces
saryto beincurred thereby?
Fourth. Is upon the petition or applicationImprovement
f tb. ownea
of a majority of the property to be assessed for
such improvementP
Fifth. Send the Counclln plan of p, ifle U
said improvement, as required by law, if you
report in favor of the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order dl.
recting the work to be doe.
Yeas—Aid. Rickel. Blom. Bock, Cullen, Con-
ley. Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mines,
Malady. Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr.
President -15.
Approved Dec. 18, 1989,
I Iso Wmatteroforke dated Dthe reply, or1j f the Board of Pub-
Itt. CITY ro of rders by the Common Council of
The, the Board of Pnet to Works of said City
of SL. Paul cause the following Improvement
to be ode, town: Construct abridge and
approaches acroea the right f way of thep r.5
c go, Milwaukee & St. Poul Rai:wey Com
.long the line ogr.dintb
.OBTg nen d.Ib ogsether tube
Lh ee ,c ... line ave
a and Saratoga oav
nue, in said city.
That said Board cause said work to be let by
contract, as provided by I.w, without o e -hall
the estimated cost being first paid into the City
7reasury,and after said work abell be placed on -
ler contract said Board shall proceed without
telay to assess the amount, as nearly as they
:an ascertain the same, which will be required
o pay the cost and necessary ex-
e—ce of such improvement upyon the real
tstate to be benefited by said 'InProvemeut,
1. provided by law; leas the num of
eil,000 to be paid out of the bridge bond fund;
batbeing the realestate toOpinion
be assessed Of tfor such im-
,rovement can be found benefited to the ex.
,cut of the cost and expenses necessary to
to Incurred thereby, less the sum to be paid by
,ends as aforesaid.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom. Book, Cullen,
`onlay, Gabon, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mines.
Nelndy, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr.
Approved Dec. 18, 1889.
matter of thereport
of the Board of
Public Work. the De- 9, 1889.
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the Clty of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Worke of the City
Of St. Paul cause the following Improvement to
be mode, to.wlt' Open, wIdea sad exte.d
Prior nve.ue, tram Prior avenue as existing
between LoVering's Factoq,� Warebous0 d
Transfer property aad Mldd ay Height' aSt.
Paul, to a connection with Prior
Peul.10fa eeeM
feting In St. Anthony Park,
Ci'y. �ondemgp>mvedd or dedicated atfornpublic
line of section: townin..a-X .••..
feet east from then rtheaet coast t over
orgy. St6Peul; thenceln a iced tire to rtLe
outhwesterly corner of black 1 j,, St. Anthony
Park, St. Paul; ale' Condemn sad take an
nt for.treet or bridge purposes in all
the land lying within .aid line. ed by cor
partitions: all of the above described land
said Bbeinat
tiardsh.1" the cit1 pro .edwfthout delay toMinnesota. assess
the amount, m; ne.rly as they can a .... tat.
the some, wmch will be required to p y the
damages, costs and necessary ex
.... of such
fit head -
Improvement by aid Improvomon ent,las provI. toided by lawto be ;
It being the opinion of the Council that real as -
late to be be rovement can
found benefited fto the exteor such nt of the dam
age' costs and expenses necessary to be in.
curved thereby.
Yeas—Aid. Rickel, HIOID. Hock, Cullen, Con-
ley. Gehan, Kev.nvgh, Leithaueer. Mine'
Malady, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr.
Approved Dec. 18. 1889.
I Ifo a matterork oft , ratuirtAthe Board of Pub.
t1, to_3 by the Common Co imil of
Ciyf 6t
That the Board of Publfo Werke of aid City
of %o
t. Paul cause the in
improve Bmdpden� patrk,Fin 88 a city.
That .aid Board oauee said work to
be let by contract. as provided by law, without
Pratt,Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg. Mr. Press•
-half the timaled cost being first paid
one �'
into the City Treasury, and after
dent -15.
Approved Dec. 18. I&S9.
said work shall be placed under
President Council.
contract said Board shall proceed with
out delay to assess the amount, as nearly
tCu. ll Alts, of
THOS. A. n EnDERGAST, City Clerk.
they c u ascertain the same, which will
be required to Pay the Cost Ind
necessary expenses of such 3m Provemot uPo
b, sold t 1
(nl Meeting.
Spec g.
the real state to he benefited
as by law: it being the
ST. PAUL. DO,. 21, 1889.
provement, provided
opinion of'the Council that real estoto to be
President Humm in the chair.
, seed for such improvement can be found
- Present Aid. Bickel. 131om. Cullen, Conley.
benefited to the extent of the cost
and expen,es necessary to be incurred
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mlnea,
Melody. l': eber, Yoerg• Mr. President—IN.
From Ills Bonor the T1uy'or—Call for the Meet-
Yeas—Aid. Mickel, filo-. 13oclt, Cullen,
onlev, Gehan, fill, amigh. Leithauscr, cu,
\\Veber. Yoerg. Mr.
Ills Honor the Mayor called the meeting It
M,l .dy. Pratt, Sullivan,
the request of Aid. Bamm, Mlnol and Gehan
Approved Dec. IH. 3H89.
for the transaction of such business as might
me before it.
In the Matter of t.n report of the Board ofIt F.PI HI'rs 11" CITY ol" CEIts.
Public, Works dal cd Dec. 9. IMP. 0,1 It' Iompt,ollcr, Audited Claims, Vfz Prem
It i, hereby ordered by the Common Council of a firceu. Estimate No. Estimate No. 3.
the City of St. Paul: colt,treet.':05: '1'. M. Breen,
,rhIt the board of Pohlic Works of sold City sewer on Aurora avenue, etc., 3:135: T. Sweeney,
of St. Paul cause The following improvement I• stinmte No. " Lawton street improvvment,
to Ile
made, to wit: Fill, grade nail improve rS:;I.:sT:.1. T. Million, L•'st 3m ate No. gr¢Jing
Ltmgford park. In avid mils. Fairview avenue. ,145; D do & Bumgnrdnor,
That said Board cum a laid work to be let by E:stlmate No. 1. gr!2(m Payne ovens,, etc.,
contract, as provided by tau'. without one h'if }ids: C. Cralf. Estimate No. 1, grading alloy 1r.
the e,timuted cost being that paid late the block 1, .l. C. Stout's udditlon, 31'_".i.2i.
be pho-dsur allunder eontracttd,hill Bowork ard
shall proceed witbouttQelay to s the
ant, nearly a. the,, I s
thea m which "11 benrcnuircd
tXn PUS .thee est and nt s,.iy
c pence. [ .such improvement upon the real
estate to nIm benefited by said im Provemevt,
os Provided by law: it being the opinion
f the Council that real ebtate to be � .•ansa air
ch Improvement can be found benefited to
the e. tent f the cost and expenses no
to be incurred thereby.
Yea,—Ali Bickel, Blom, 13oek. Cullen, Selady.
Gehan, Kavanagh, Leith—cr, Mine U, y.
y following vote.
Cullen. Conley.
Ilhauser, Minea,
v v i'I rate 5
The C[vtitM: ogtoecr sObmt,, hedele showing
of said bids, with the ecommenda-
ii n Mn c,It roet for :aid so tistnm'. ore be
anted to 5lessr.. Kirkland and Starltey.thelr
bid o134f.fiALSJ being the lowest
dopted- (Seo re'olut3on.)
The following is the schedule of bids above
referred to.
Estimates and Claims—
The Board transmits approved by It the fol-
lowing estimates and clatme, to -wit:
Estimate No. 1 and final, Fourteenth street
grading, W. P. Card, $130; Estimate No. 4 and
..I, Churchill avenue grading, J. Claffey,
1147.50; Evans Bros., $10.550; W. N. Carey &
Son, 1969.55.
Committee on Clalms.
Mississippi River Boulevard Exte..lon—
Board transmits a plan and a copy of
resolution adopted king ford prellinae11
Deo. 20, s
, de to Beard of Public Works in the matter
f --Mississippi River Boulevard E.ten.ion,
from So eR Ing avenue to Toronto etreeL"
Committee off Streets.
By Ald. Mines—
Resolution for lamp front of 264 Concord
Committee on Gas.
Aid. Leithauser moved the reconsideration
of vote of Dec. 17, 1889. by which was adopted
the resolution instructing the Cfty Clerk to d.
vertise for bids for oiHcial printl.P for year A.
D. 1890.
Adopted, yeas 11, aaye. Aid. Weber, 1, and
said vote reconsidered: whereupon Aid. Weber
movedthat said resolution be referred to Com-
mittee on Printing.
By Aid. Leith.user—
A resolution as follows:
Resolved, That the City of St. Paul pay for
its public printing the price of forty cents per
inch forthe first Insertion of .11 printed matter,
and twent�elght cents per inch for the second
.ad all s bsequent lnsertione of all prated
mutter for tDe year commenofag a January,
A. D. 1890, and that all such printed matter
shall be set up and printed in nonpareil type.
Resolved further. That at the Drat meeting
of the City Council in the year A. D. 1&U, a city
printer be elected to do the city printing on the
terms an re set forth, from those who shall on
or be the first meeting of the City
on the 7th day of January, A. D. 11 file with
the City Clerk a written notice of their willing.
.ase to accept the position of city printer on
the terms above stated, accompanied with .
bond, with two sureties .ad fn the an- of five
thousand dollars, that they wLl, f elected, en-
ter into a contract to do the printing upon the
said terms, and faithfully perform the same.
Aid. Weber moved to refer said reetilutlo. to
Committee on Printing.
Lost—Yeas 6, nays 6.
The question arising upon the adoption of
said resolution, the game was apt adopted.
Yeas- Aid. Conley, Gehan, Kavanagh, Lelt
Dnuaer, Malady, Mr. Presidea"
Nsye—Aid. Bfckel, BIOm, Cullen, Fisher,
Mines, Weber, Yoerg-7—Ald. Yoerg, who had
sot been pi ¢sent dura. preceding votes, being
now present and voting.
Aid. Gehan moved reconsideration of last-
mentioned vote.
The said last mentioned resolution was
thereupon referred to Committee on Printing.
Ald. Cullen offered the following suggestion:
At — per running inch for the araC inser-
tion and — per Inch for each subsequent
Insertion. it being understood, for the purpose
of measurement, that the meaning of at ... Ing
Inch is that the space actually covered by he
',ype shall be one Inch in depth and thirteen
l er
de etoodhat the Common Coca.
ltor eoin valent; it I nserves
'AB right in all cases to designate the size of
,he type to be used, but whien must not be
urger than brevier nor smaller than agate.
Committee on Printing.
Sy Ald. Weber—
z dtolved placerat Torthe City pine streega condition ineer be aor
travel, comment lug ai Gualtler street; thence r
about 350 feet, said expanse not to exceed
Y eas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Cullen, Conley,
Melady,Weber, Yoerg a Mr. Presidenttd 1
Approved Dec. 26, 1888.
By Ald. Meady—
Resolved, TD.L the Gas Light Company be
and is hereby instructed to place and maintain
the lamps on the Main spun of the Wabasha
street bridge as before located on the old span
without un.ecessury delay.
Yea.—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mines,
Moistly, Weber Yoerg, Mr. President -13
Approved Dec. 26, 1889.
By Ald. Gehan— --
Resolved, That the contract for the con
air on
of the .abstractors of the .o called
Broadway Drltlge be or
Is hereby awarded
to Messrs. Kirkland a d Starkey, end [he
proper city o®cars are directed to prepare
the necessary contract.
Yen.—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Cullen, 'Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mines,
Malady, Weber, Yoerg, Mr,
Approved Dec. 26, 1889.
By Aid. Blom—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of change of grade on Jenks
street, between "rest
'ad Clark
street, aI.. s change of grade on L.W son street,
between McMenemv street and Clark street,
be and the same is hereby referred to the Board
of Public Works W inv Ig... and report:
First. Is this improvement proper and nec-
Second. Give the Councd an estimate of
the expense thereof, and state whethero'.qne.
half of the cost thereof is
to be
paid int�(.he
City Treasury before the contr.ct is let.
Third. Can real astute to be assessed [�r
said improvement be found be.efited Loth.
extent of, cots ..d neces.
eery to be incurred thereby!
Fourth. Is such improvement asked for
apon the petition or application of the owners
o[ a majority of the property to be assessed for
such improvement!
Fifth. Send the Council a plan or profile of
.aid lmprorement, as required by law, If you
report In favor o[ the same.
Sixth. Send the Council a proper order dl
resting the work to be done.
Yens—Ala. Bickel, Blom, Calle., Conley.
Fisher, Geh.n. K.vanagqh, Leith.user, Mlnea,
Melody, Weber, Yoerg, Mr. President -13.
Approved Der.. 20. 1888
M. BERM, President Connell.
special Meeting.
ST. PAU4 Dec. 28, 11389.
President Hamm in the chair.
Present—Alit Bickel, Blom, Book, Cullen,
Conley. Fisher, Kavanagh, Minel, Moistly,
Pratt, Sanborn Weber, Yoerg,
Mr. President
From His Honor he Mayor --Call for the
Hie Honor the Mayor called the meeting at
request of Aid Bock, Mines and Melady for
the purpose of consideri.g matterof city print-
ing for the year A. D. 16M and such other bush
nese as might come before the meeting.
Of City Engineer—Seventh Street Sewer.
To the Common Council—
Gentlemen: When the Seventh street
.ewer was bull-- between Seven corners and
RaHamsey street (In 1879), the a drook ran oui
a distance of several hundred feet between
these pointe and temporary timbers were put
bt to support the roof of the to ej. The fire-
ters hove now Partinlly decayed, so as to ren-
der the tunnel dangerous, and should be re
newed with permanent brick work.
It Imate the ccSt Of
orkls very difficult of this nature,, w it sib necessarily slow
..d tedious, and great care has to be taken to
prevent any cave-tn or we dent. I think, how
ever, that th. would be omewh ere
bout @2,500 to put it a proper be Holes, and
I would recommend [hat the work be do.e biy
days' lebot with the. me to city force, snit that m -
materth.ritlalende go ahead rch hethe work, Re
ayect[ully submitted,
L. W. RUNDLETT, City Engineer.
Dec,24, 1889.
of ffeeet abutting t pon theeer improveto oment number
and Common
� mlttee on Printing,
to whom wa-
•the resolution Instructing the City
advertise for official city printing for
rade that theme 'saidaCtye
in daily
Crk ebpin
W advertise for propoeaIs for poblieh
ever nature, required by law i
the .Metal paper of Lhe city;
used to be nonpareil.
The City Clerk Is hereby further directed I
furnish to each bidder a .ample copy iH. of th
hrtn Der otttimes each norms of otice Isal nic required to
published by law, for the i.formation of tb
No bid will be entertained Uriythe Commo
oless[ advelrti.ements whoeei [o bins are furnte.ish.
by the City Clerk, from type et uby the bl(
der In he exact form Io whicC bep oled .1 tb
propoeea t
o tof ehach dvertieem°contt[orhetohlnumbi
if insertions of the advertisement -I required
Iy law, computed at the offered price per Inch;
,he said copies accompanying the bid accepted
�Ipalpartlof he sbe ame. Endhed totno b he llstu der such con
tract shall be allowed t be paid it the adver-
asement shall be displayed orspread outto any
;eater length than is exampled in the
Ipecimens attached to said ...tract; nor In
,,use said advertisement -hall be crowded Into
leas space than shown by such samples. The
Common Council, however, reserves the right
in direct the form of advertisements the
hall bee paidall for at pro rotaoccu:s prices ch t
fixed in the contract.
Said proposals t be receivedand opened by
the President of the Common Council In the
presence of that body at a regular meeting of
the Common Council. to be held on Tuesday,
Jan. 7, 1890, at i :30o'clock p. m.
The Common Council reserves the right to
reject any and all bide.
All such bids shall be accompanied by a bond
in the Able sure[i sin gu*Hiar 'teein-Rhg thetwo tai hful
performance of controot if awarded
Dec. 2& 1889.
The question being upon he adoption of said
report, said report was not adopted.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Cullen, Mmes,
Weber, Yoerg—tl.
Melady.,"Lid. B'auburn l Mr FP esidse ttv—a&nngh.
Aid. Lelthauser's resolution Ila ngg pprice to be
paitl for city printing• and pro g for the
designation of City Printer for A. D. 189U—
Committee reports adverse.
adotioD reporThethe.ialdrepeinortwas ¢of adopted. of -.Id
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Cullen, Mines,
Weber, Yoerg—..
Nays—Aid. Bock, Conley. Fisher, Kavanagh.
Moldy, Pratt, Sanborn. Mr. President -8.
The said resolution we. thereupon adopted.
(See resolution.)
A Resolution authoriri. Clt.Y,, E. e[...n to
pw ha a ne.....ry motor
with brick the sower between Seven Cor
ners and Ramsey street—
City Engineer to report number .f teat
abutting upon the improvement.
By Ald. Pratt^
rovedlbytheDPl trit hCommlaslon, end -nen reco-P-
mended by the Cl t Engineer, b and the ..Me
re hereby accepted by the Common Council of
the city of St. Paul:
Prescott's addition to St. Paul; being a Dlat
of rearrangement of block W, block 12 end
Bart of block 15, d ..ted terrace and
treats of West St. Poul Prop e -
Hatermn.n'. second daH orto sin. Pout.
Lionitto Hyde u.d I1R I.. of Lot
ll . nddl-
Iey,eFleDer.IKsvaangblMirs, Meldy,krcnPratt.
Sanborn, Weber, Yoerg. Mr. Presldent�l9.
Approved Dec. $0, I&V.
i, •
1 S 0
!J •
- Tas Pioaasa Passe COMPANY.
MAYOR, - - - -
- - - - GEORGE REIS.
- - - JOHN W. ROCHE.
- - - O. E. HOLMAN.
- - - - L. W. RUNDLETT.
- - - HENRY F. HOYT, bf. D.
- - - - - WAL PLATTE.
- - - - JOHN CLARK'
JAILER, - - - -
- - - - - - - O. O. CULLEN.
.- - - - - JOSEPH MINEA.
CLERK, _ _
- - - - - JOHN COPELAND.
- - - - - - FRED W. BOTT.
- - - - - - P. CONLEY.
- - - - - - O. O. CULLEN.
- - - - - WALTER H. SANBORN.
- - - - - - JOHN F. GEHAN.
- - - - - D. Al. SULLIVAN.
A PAox,
Peox. American Mnnufacturlag Co., grade portico and
Aamold,1ma, driver, Margaret street station... 287 erect building on laves..............................180, 181
Abbot[, Dr. E. J., order favor of .......................... 203 American Manufacturing Co., levee privileges.... 185
AbboU, Dr................... 2iQ Ames, Angler................................................... 347
Abbot, W. P ..................................................... 235 Ames, Angler, Havel Park................................. 836
Accap�anee of Ordinance No. 1430, dL Paul Clty Ames, F)eLLer.................................................... 409
Railway Cc .................................................... 964 Ames, W m. L ........ ............ ---.-..............288, 336, 348 -
Acker street (across Elk street) crosswalk ........... 120 Amm,,Wm. L. and others, petition ..................... $01
Acker street, plank walk from, to O. 80..........................................287, 288, 842.
Acker street (on Cortland street), crosswalk....... 120 Ancient Ordm Hibernism, rent of room', mar
esker street line, contlnuenca .......................937, X47 kat house.. - a•
.................................................._ 297 +:
Actions, recovery of real pro Percy.................456, 460 Aneker -Arthur B., city and sourly nhyeiclen,
Ada place, new ................................................. 428 ambulance for tramportetloa of eict............_ 288
Ade street, ehavge of name :............................... 428 Aneker, 'Zoe
money order............................... 96
eda place, cbevged from Ada etreeL.................. 427 Avdemov, Geo., a pointed dog catcher............... 198
Ada.treet, chapgqad to Ada place ........................ 927 Andemon A. C., Jpudgmens...-.......................342546
Ad. 'G..
buildivg, marble and lila work.. 47 And street sidewalk .................................... 825
Aeberli Jacob, and others, petltfon.................... 109 Animals impounding,ordinau-sunendtng Oral-
Ales, bharlee N .............................................„ 165 moss, lo-,----endi----.•--rdin--............ 93
Alabama street grade.._...................................30, 80 Anlmale, im..... ng,amandivg Ordinance No.
Albemarle street grade...........................913. 969, 878 419................. ... 366
. . ............'---'-'---... ,g...-...--"•-
wlbemarle'treet grading_ .....................19X, 230, 294 Animals, impounding o.. amending Ordlnanco -
Albemarle, Martou and other atreets, gra ng No. 419 ............................................. �........... 371 s
Albemarle and Rice etreafe, alleyway between, Animals, l�epection of ...................................... 275 1
�radl�g................ 166 Anita and Covcord etroete election plane, lair- c
Albertavevaegrade........._..........................266,X02 teonthdle[rlet� .Ik.ward................-.......-...118
Albert evevue gradingg................................_.247 341 Anlfa street crosswalk.........................._......169, 405
elbion avenue (now Kremer street), vacatlon of Ann Arbor street gmd..................... 964, 461
Part oL....................................................93, 96,97 Annapolis avd other atresia, pollee patrol horse
Alden etluaro croeewalkn....................................205 andtelephonea....... ....................... .... 61 ,,t
Alden equaro sidewalk.......................................203 Annapollaatreet and Oakdale avenue,Cherokee
Aldermev sworn iv ........................................... 208 and Smith avenue, pollee patrol horse and
Aldfneav e(ou Van Baran)crosswalks....--... 139 telephones .................... .78, 81
Blaine street croeewalkn................................... 191 Avatett,Joe,Janitorcentral poil«aatto� 509.915. 841
All.., George G, : ial pollee duty .................. 287 Appointmovt and bend, clerk of n avioipal
ADleon Helen. udgmeat, payla6.....................L 9 court-....... ............................. ...... ................. 920
A711wa, Helen, Judgment, money ordlnanco........ 12 AppproprL It" Midway aewer system, cromple-
Amb'e edditloR blocks 77, 18 avd 19 ...............3 4,.86 tlon of Jemee Forrestal.................................. 480
b'e addition, lot a block 19 ........................... 88 APProPrtation Midway sewer syetom................. 468
Amb's addltlon, bloc(ra 17, 19 and 18-----------------• 11 Appropriation ($6,000) Dakota sad m............ 105 ,
Amb's additlon, block 19 .................................. 104 Approprlatlov money, illustrating court house ^.
Amb eddltlon, blocks 17 to I9 ......................... 104 ane city ball............. ............:..... 48 -
Ambvlanoe treaeportatiou of sick .................... 288 Approprlatlov, eld of Beath Dakota eatyeren..... 87
Amending brdivanco No. 919, impounding ant- Arbor street grceding....................................... 389 F -y
mala ......................... .. ......................_ i71 Arbor:trees ..................................280( 354, 448 .
Amending Ord i mmee No. 419, impounding ani- Arbuckle, F. M., constable, oath avd
male............................................................_ 386 proved....-..................................................... 214 _.n.
American 18'11 Telephone Co., j;Z department Arbuckle, Francis M.,covefable eizth ward,elec-
contract ........................ 269 tlon of................ .......172, 178
Amarlcan Mao.factart.g Co ............................. 288 Arbuckle, Francl. M-, oath avd bond.- mbl.. 198
Am:rican Mannfacturing Co., petitbI................ 186 ermde'treat alley nroeewalk............................ 201
Arcade street alley caving,damages, killi.g of
horse, Fred A. Dinsmore .................. lill ........ 464
Arcade street, change of grade .......................... 451
Arcadestreet, co atructlo¢ o} sewer ................... 132
Arcade and Jessamine streets, fire alarm box..... 31
Arcade street, No. 912, election place eighth
trlet, Haat ward ........................................ sees. 11"
Arcade street eewei.......76, 158, 171,336, 351 391, 441
Arcade and Sm" .tree[., ctaime property �am-
aged..................................................228, 252, 320
Arcade Weide, York and Sime -trusts, alley
bounded by, grade .......................................... 362
Arch street change of gmda...........46, 92, 98, 281, 480
Arch street (0. Jackson street) croeawalk......120, 141
Area and area walla ......................................... 298
Areae, ezcevatio. of, Fifth and Robert etree15, 117
Area wall, Hlll and Ontario etreels.... _111, 202, 209
Argyle and Cross avenue crosswalks ................. 261
Arq7le street sidewalk.................................401, 494
Arkwright street change of grade.............
....... ......2Q 92, 99
Arkwright street grade................................268, 269
Arkwright utreet gradlag................................. 262
Arkwright street Rrading contract ..................... Se.
Arkwright street(on LAfayyetto avanue)eroeawedk 163
Arkwright .treat (soros. (9emutu. street) croae-
walk............................................................. 120
Arkwright street croaswalk ............................... 65
Arkwright street, p -able condition ................. 234
Arkwright atreet eIdewalk......._67, 299, 948, $66, 435
Arkwright street eprlNlingg ............................. 237
Arlington additioa,blcek No. 27, alley grad¢..... 302
Arlington addition block No. 26, alley grade..... 802
Arllngmn Hills addition block 80, alley grade.... 824
Arlington Hills, Weide% subdivision, block 25,
alley grade Noe. 1, 2 and 9 ........................404, 905
Arlington Hj119, Weide'. aubdlvision, block 27,
alley grade..................................404, 465, 479, 486
Arlington HDI- addition, block 278s11e grade_.. 46
Arlington HID: addition, block 64, alley grade... 972
Arlington Hllle adtit le, block 7b, alley grade... 274
Aril glum Mile addition, block 15 (private), al-
leygrading .................................................... 134
Arlington Hills additlon,block 15,aile grading.. 148
Arlington Hllla, block 25, alley Brading, stag-
nantwater ................ sees.............................. 252
Arlington HDI- addition, block 26,alley gradingg 268
Arlington HDl.:dditio.,blockll6,notlo I.serl
for duraping ground ...................................... 50
Arlington Hill.addithm,block N0.14,t'Pay
avenue sewer ............................................... ne 897.
Arlington Hills citizen.'e titian ....................... 36
Arlington Hills Citizens nion.....................72, 176
Arlln¢tan Hills Citizens U¢loa, Phalen creek
bridge ...................................................... 396, 398
Arlington street grads.......sixt...district,four... 200
Armory H,.frecto d plece,eizth district,tourth
ward.........................:.................................... 118
Arrives, Abraham....................................._.275,296
Arrivee Abraham, claim detention of property.. 246
Arundel street grading .....................109, 132, 292
ndel Itreet sidewalk...............................299, 942
A andel street aldewal$, d�amnges, Vierling sees.: 478
agree .............
Amndel street aprinkling.................................. I.
Amndel.treet, discontinued.......246 261
Asbury avenue cros:walka...............:................236
Asbury avenue opening ..................................... 307
Asbury avenue opening etc .........................358, 380
Asbury and Hewitt avenues, election place, Oret
diet at, Leath ward ..................................... 119
Aahiand avenue grade..................................447, 63
Ashland avenue oppeeninR, etc, ch,...................57, 70
Ashland avenue eidews lk. ............................343 411
Aahla.d and other streets, Bawer, award
toof contract. ................................................... 138
Ashland and Snelling avenues, election place,
third district, eleventh ward ......................... 119
Ashton & Sherburue's addition, lot 11, block 20,
election place, sixth district, ninth ward........ 119
Ashton & Sherburne's addition, lot. 7,12, 14, 15,
16, 17 and 19, refunding aseee.ment................ 116
Assessment, annulling of, redemption property
erroneously sold veto .................................... 184
Asaesement,annulllng,stonesidewalk,lots 6 and 7,
black, Leech's additio.................................. 16]
Asaesement (erroneous), Territorial road grad-
Ing,refun lug order ....................................... 165
Aeeeeument, error, Belle street .ewer, refundl.g
order ................ .........................pool .......
.. 69
enin ..
Broadwa o
Assessments, refupding, y P ���
Assesemenfs, refunding of Broadway open ng... 77
Aeeeeemente, Park, refund(ng money---••••-•••- 871
Aasesumente, park, refunding order. ................. 364
A.eesement (eaceaeive), partial grading, Ran- 117
dolph.tree[ ................... _........................... .
Asse.ament, ,by avenue bridge ...................... 270
As.eaement, vacation, Fast Seventh at- pav-
ing, Terry's addition, Che.. Mattes n..en Ineer, 898
Assistant corporation attorney, c y g
report, bill 829,273.89 allowed.......Ito,..38,1 1, 79
Atwater street gmde....284, 889, 404, dib, 938, 471, 486
Atwaterstreet g luling..........:......................311, 424
Atwater and Gaultier street .ewer .................... 48
Atty street (across Raymond avenue) arces-
walk.............. ....................................... 127
Arty and Blake atreete (across Bayteee avenue)
crosswalks..................................................... 100
Auburn avenue (on Fairview) crosswalk............ 189
Auctioneer license, rebate, etc .............................. 28
Auctioneer license, rebate ............ .................... _ 61
Auctioneer's license No. 27, transfer .................. 887
Auctioneer license transfer ............................. 426
Audited claims, 4, d, 18,4261,78h?'
8, 42 66, 78 88,110, 186, 166,
175,188, 223, 247, 270, 28, 815, �87445,464,465,
4845; 864; 66, 478
Auditorium, market house, changes ............... . 898
Auditorium, market booee .............................
Aurom avenue, construction o[ balceny.......11b, 117
Aurora avenue sidewalk...............................276, $17
A.atrian, J ...................................................... 224
A.tamn and other etxaete grade ......................
Autumn :treat grade ....................................
An 84
atrset, ohanged to Ivy stree..................
. .t ,••••. 149
Avon street grading .......................
Avon street ggrrading.......................................... 260
Avon street aide and crone walks ....................... 199
Avon street sidewalks ...................................... 191
Ayers, Margaret, and 0them, petition ................. 109
Azotine Dfanufacturing Co ................................. 296
Awtlae Me, .....urng Co., Claim ..................... 321
ne Manufacturing CN., collection garbage,
April 16 to June 16 proppoval ........................... 87
Azotf.e Manufacturing Co., collection of gar-
bage, %ro 1 of contract and bond ................ 122
Azotine Manufacturing Co., contract, garbage..... 59
Azotine Manufacturing Cc
.,contract for removal
garbage etc ..................................................... 73
Awtlne 6{anufacturinq Co., committee appoint-
ed to investigate on sauce ............................... 322
Azotine Marc,. turf"g-,dellveryofgazbageto 31
Azoti.e hianufacturiug Co., colieetion, etc., gar-
bage, execution of contract ............................. 110
Azotf.e Manufacturing Co., delivery to of dead
anim ale ......................................................... 122
Atoll- Manufacturing Co.,.extemdon of time
granted.. ............ .............................. I........... 314
Awtine Manufacturing Co., extension of time
(nuteance)..............................................�.... R98
Awtine Manufachrri.g Co., Investigation.......... 198
Azotine I4anufaeturlog., orders favor of......_.... 200
Azotine Manufacturing Co., order favor of, Jane
1, 1890.............................sees........................» 181
Awtine Manufacturng Co., proposal collection
garbage........................................................ 114
Awtine ManufacturingCo., prevent picture of
work............................................................ 88
Arotine Manufacturing Co., proposal collection,
.to., night it, to., etc .......................... ... 48
Awtine Manufacturing Co., plant fordlslweltion
of dead animals, to ....................................... 57
Awtine Manufacturing Co., nuisance, report of
epeeist cemmittee.......................................... 427
Awtine ManufacturingCo., nuisance ................ 275
Azotlne Manufacturing 279
Awtine Manufacturing Co., nuisance, Itc.,abate-
ment............................................................. 288
Azotine Manufacturing Co., nuisance, abate.
extension of time ................................ 322
Azotine Works, removal...... . ............................. 246
a 7
k Tmmfer Co. warrant I n Cevor of 123
Babcock -Drs e ,
Bacon and others ................... ......... 218
Baer M. remove frame buildin .................. ... 61
Baer, H. hl ....................................................... 63
Baer, N. hf...................................................... 63
Batt forfeited, - MeSay............sees.................... 417
Hai] forfeited, Nellie Goven ............................... 161
Bailey, E. H ..................................................... 44
Bailiff aPPofnted, Frank Horn ........................... 387
Bailiff removed, John Patterson ....................... 387
Baker street sewer.......................................129, 2:9
Baker school sidewalk, St. Anthony Park 276. 328
Baker street sidewalk sees.............................254, 30G
Balcoulea ru
(2) constction of ...........................^' 1611
Balcony, construction oI. Iota 7 and 8, block
Ewing & Chuteb addition...............................117
Balconyy Aurora avenue, construction of............ 1:5
Balcenfes (2), aruction, Iota 1 and 3 Ewing &
Chute's 8utd(vision; Iota 6 and 7, block 1,
Leech's addition..............................I............. 162
Baldwin strestchange of grade .....................351, 391
Bands, park coucerte contracts ...................198, 205
Band stand, Finch, fan Slyck &Co.'s claim_...... 426
Banfil & Do.aman etreete,aleetton placeseveah
dl -talc[, fifth ward ......................................... 118
Banfil street sewer, repairing, Western avenue
to West Seventh street.. ................ .............. 14
Banfil street sewer, rep alring ..........................19, 35
Banfil street sewer,enl.rgiag,repainng eentmet 6
Bilotti -treat eprinkling..................................... 166
Banholwr, Wm., alderman, election o[..........172, 373
Banholzer, Nm, alderman, sworn in ................. 208
Bank., city In. I, deposits, advertise for propo-
sale................................................................ 484
Banning & Olivier 'a addition, West St. Paul,
block ' C"_ ................................................85. 159
Bannin & Olivier's addition, Weat St. Paul,
black '�C." le,ee gradingg.................................. 103
Banning -& Olivier a addition, park ................... 179
Barclay street new .................. .. ...60, 401
Barber, Wm., butcher license No. 9 transferred.. 202
Barney, Norton & Kinggseley's addition, lots 8, 9
and 10, block 2, erectloa, eta, bay windows.... 107
13.mum J. A ..................................295, 815, 865, 426
Barr, P. '., viee president St. P. C. By. Co..72, 92,
105, 198, 337
Ban, P. F ........................................ ........ ...... . 158
Ban, P. F., vice president .................................. 337
Ban, P. F., vice presides[ 8t. P. C. Ry. Co......... 105
Ban, P. F., vlee president ................................ 198
Barry, Petrick ................................._.............. 255
Barteau, W.T., additlos lot 1, refunding order.. 187
Bartesu W.T., addition, eeaeaameut, refundi.g
order, Elmira M. Cady .................................... 179
Bartesu block (No. 114 Smith avenue), election
piece, seventh dfetrict, fourth ward ................ 318
eartuach, Ernst, and others, protest .................... 56
e, JJobb WW.,eandteooth,eamn.o...........................
Bea+, Jacob W., estate of, Martha D. Base ezecn-
refunding order......................................116
Bam,f. W ............................................ ........861
Barn, MarthaD., executrix estate Jacob W. Baca,
deceased refunding order ............................. 116
D 887
Bees MartSa .................»..............................
Haeeford, E. P ................................................... 64
B. avenue crosvwelk...........:....................... 236
Bates avenue, No. 207,election place,aecond dls-
trieL second ward....................... ................... 117
Bates avenue, signs on lamps........................ 109, 142
Bates avenue............................. 267
IIateham A. P. order favor o[ ........................... 203
Beards, K, order 1. favor oe.....,:..................... 137
Bauer, George, claim. damagessees:...................... 66
Bku.t, George...........................:.................X52, 265
Bauer, Georgge, approPrtation.....................:....... 269
Bayard, F. L ............................::....................... 289
Bayard avenue grade ........................................ 186
Bayless avenue bridle................... .. ............. 464
Bayless a anG. N. Ry., election place,
fourth d=,,
istrict, ward ............................. 119
Bayless and Raymond avo.ue bridges ............... 481
Bayless avenue (on Atty and Blake streets) croas-
walke......................................................... 100
Bayless avenue (oil Kendrick etreeI) crosswalk... 100
Bazille A Roberts' additfo., Waet St. I... ,
ward levee etc., grading.........,_ .................... 137
13-ille & Im6e Is addition, bleat St. Paul, levee,
etc., grading through ...................................... 153 ,
Barilla & Roberta' addition, alley, rebuilding
atalrwey........................................................ g0
Bnzille &Roberta' addition, Neet fit. Paul.......... 00
Beach street extension, order partially annulled 100
Beacon agenue side and -roes walk ................... 126
Bann, Fd.S., aheriH claim ........................ 59, 73, 276
Bean, Ed: &, candidate ................................... 388
Beaumont and ]3.dford Itreeta, election place,
third dfetrict, first ward .......................... sees.. 117
Beaumont street paving ........................238, 422, 937
Beaumont street sewer. 1 46, 156, 172, 232
Sesnppre & Kelly's addRion, Owen's eubdi-
vlelon certificate of elle, redemption .............. 295
Becker, �. J, nwney order ...........................249 29T
Becker, 6, J:......n............................................ Sol
Beckhoefer, B. G., et al. ,udgment.................342, 346
Bedford and Beauman streets, electron place,
third district, first ward
................................ 117
Bedford and Decatur streets, pollee patrol box
lelephone ..................................................:.... 494
Bed font street paving ......................238, 422, 437, 444
Beech (Beach) street extension, order partially
annulled....................................................... too
Beech street extension..................................178, 201
Beech street Cromwalk...................................... 303
Beech street grading, patition.......................... 134
Beech street ggrading....................................150, 228
Belfeld's subdivteion, block 1, alley opening....... 148
Bell street sewer, refunding order ................... 59
Bell, Chas. N., payment o[ judgment ..............- 24
Bell, M. J., reg��ter of deeds .............................. 417
Belle street sidewalk_...................................299, 849
Belle street sewer, error in eeeeneme.t, refund-
ingorder ....................................................... 65
Bellevue avenue change of grade .......... .. .
Belmont street grading ..................................... 261
Bellows street extension, in Deu of Waseeaetreet
_cutIa.......................................................... 174
Bellow: street le 10, ..b..loc....k ...o..f .. We ....lso....n, .... King ....... 201
Bellows eLreet
& Stevens' addition to Weat Bt. Paul ............... 231
Belle, ri.ging o[ court house and city ha1L........ 855
Belvidere street and Oakdale seance approach... 405
Belvidere street (serosa Concord) croeewalk........ 141
Bellevue ave.ue, change of es»_ .................. 987
Belvidere.treet, construction o[eewer, proteet..» 109
Belviderestreet grade ........................................ 258
Belvidere street grading end sidewalk .............. 228
HeMdere street opening, etc., land taken for, 96
money order ............................................. sees
Belvidere street$, 261
Belvidere street sidewalk.............................865, %I
Belviderestreet.ldewalk cromwaikn................. 108
Beach and Cedar etreeta, ieme o[ property (C., BE
P., M. & O. Ry. Co)....................................449, 484
Bergman, Solomon and others protest ........... _56, 77
Ber holtz's rearrangement"A......................... 846
Berkey Peter...................................................397
Berlanbi, Wm., restoration o[ property, .1zth
wear levee.....................sees..»........................ 201
Bernardino addition .......................................... 846
Arcade street alley,vamages, killing f
Loren, Fred A.Dinsmore................................ 454
Arcade street, change of grade .......................... 451
Arcade etreel, conetructlen of sewer ................... 132
Arcade and Jessamine streets, fire alarm box..... 31
Arcade street, No. 912, election place eighth
trict, first ward ..
............................................ 117
cade and s e e etrete,6claims prol3e y Ida,'911,
n 441
aged.................................................223, 252, 320
Arcade Weide, York and Sime streets, alley
bounded by.grade.......................................... 36^_
Arab street change of grade ...... ..... 41 92, 9A, 281, 480
Arab street (on Jackson street) croaswa1k......120, 141
Area and area walls. ............ ............. _98
Areae, excavation of, Fifth and Robert streets...
115, 117
Area Wall, Hlll and Ontario etreeta........19. .... 203
Argyle and Cruse avenue crosswalks ................. 261
Argyle street sidewalk ................ . 401, 434
Ar -right street change o. grade.............20, 92, 99
Arkwrlght street grade........... 268, 269
drkwright streetg,allyg ............................... 262
drkwright street Rreding ..outcast ..................... 294
Arkwrig.It etreat(oa Lafayette ,smm)crosswalk 163
Arkwright street (across Geradum street) croas-
walk.............................................................. 120
Arkwright street erose -alk ............................... 405
Arkwright street, passable condition ................. 2g4
Arkwrtght street aidewalk........_67, 299, 3t8, 366, 435
Arkwright street eprinklivgg... ..... ........ ....... 237
Arlington addition, block No. 27, alley grade...... 302
Arling'tov w d.tq�,{S11m, l7oock 908allar ¢rade:::. 824
rade.................... .. 04. 405, 479. 486
in Hills addl Bon, blocklock5, b, alloy grade..... 435
in Hill, addition, block 27, alley grade.... 461
in Hills addition, black 64, alley grade... 472
+n Hill. addition, block 25, alley grade... 274
+v Hills addition,block 15 (private), al-
adinq............................_..................... 1X9
+n Hill, additiori,block 15,slley grading.. 198
to Hills, block ?S, alley grading, atag-
water.................................................. 252
In HBI. addition, block 25, alley grndi vg 263
+n Hill, addltion, blockll6, not m be u
mIn ground ...................................... 50
a it eadditiov,block No.l4, tap Payne
enewer ................................................. 847
InHill. ciHune' =III
etition....................... 96
ov HBI. Citizens Union .................... 72, 176
In Hills Citizens Union, Phalen creek
s..................................................... 336, 398
street Brads..................................1 200
Hall.election place,.ixth dhc rict,fourth
.. 118
Abraham.......... .............._..............275, 296
Abraham, claim detention of property.. 246
1 street gradingg�.. .................109, 132, 292
1 street sidewalk .............................296, 942
I street eidewOlk, damages, Vieriing ...... 417
1 street eldewalk, damages ..................... 478
1 street .prinkhng... ill- ..tinn...........246, 1fi6
1 street, eprivklleg diecontivued.......246, 261
cr walks................................236
avenue nee
a openingj� .................. .... 307
avenue opening etc................lace...368, 380
d Hewrtt avenue., election place, flat
t. tenth ward................................447 119
f avenue grade..................................447. 453
1 avenue o1ppeesin ,ate., etc...................�67, 70
1 arenue and othkm atreete, m- ower,{ 411
I avenue
Bract................................................... 138
1 and Snelling avenue,, election place,
district, eleventh ward ......................... 119
& Sberburve'e addltion, lot 11, block 20,
on place, sixth district, ninth ward........ 119
Ashton & Sherburne's addition, lots 7, 12, 14, 15, 116
16, 17 and 19, refunding mOsec meat ................
Assessment, annulling of, redemption property
erroneously sold, veto .................................... 134
Aseessment,annulnng,etovcid ewaIk,loI 6nn17, 161
block, Leech's addition .............................. .
Assessment (erroneous), Territorial road grad-
ing, refunding order.........c.... we.......funding ........... 165
Assessment, error, Belle street sewer, re
order.. .............. .... ....................................... 59
Assessments, refunding, Broadway opening..... 66
Aaeeesmente, refunding of+ Broadway opeumg... 77
A.eesnumia, park, rein ndmg mosey. ..........^ X71
Park, ref ladiim;orders.....g'........ 364
xcsive rtn' div Ran-
dolph street.
I .. a iii
treet...._.............................. 117
Ase eamem, vencafion, Ea=t Seventh street pav-
ing, Terry's addition, Ch.. Mattson,......398
Assistant corporation y, y
report, bill ff29,273.83 allowed ......................... 73
Atwater street grade.....284, 389, 404, 416, 438, 471, 486
Atwater street grading.................................Sll, 924
Atwater and Gaultier street eeweg-anus ..roes. 48
Atty street (across Raymond )
walk............................................................. 127
Arty end Blake streets (across Bayless avenue)
Auburn avenue (on Fairview) crosswalk............ 139
Auctioneer ]leenee, rebate, etc .............................. 28
Auctioneer 1lcense, rebate .................................. 61
Auctioneer's license No.27, tnmfer.................. 397
Anctionaer lacerrs,nramrer .............................. 426
Audited claims, 4, 5,18, 42411, 73, 88,110, 136, 156,
176, 198, 223, 247, 270, 28�, 315, 997, 48 ' �4, 466, 478
Auditorium, market bouse, change .................... 298
Av ore vs..., construction of balwn 115, 117
Aurora avenue sidewalk...............................276, X27
AustrianJ ....................................................... 22S
Autumn and other streets grade ....................... 338
Autumn street grade ...................................... 397
Autumn etvl;%% hanged to Ivy street ............... 427
Avon street grading ....................... .. 2b0
Avon street grading .......................................
Avon street side end crone walks ....................... 189
Avon street sidewalks ...................................... 191
Aycra Margaret, and mbere,-tltt................... 109
Azotine➢fanufac[uring Co ................................. 296
Azotine Dfavufaoturing Co., claim ..................... 321
Azotine Manufacturing Co., collection garbage,
April 16 to June 15 Propposal .......................... 87
Azotine Manufacturing Co., collection of gar-
bage, ep1�,oval of contract and bond ................ 171
n..,..t.,e x(�n.,f.nrn-,, r enntract. earbaae..... 59
Co., committee appoint -
+ones ..............................- 322
r ..dellrery of earbage to 31
eta, ger- 110
-•animal - -
s............................................ of t.. a 122
Azotine 5favufacturivg Co.,.ea[enslon of time
granted........................................................ 314
Awtl ne Me Co., extension of time
(nuisance)..................................................... 298
Arotine Manumetnring Co., investigation......... 196
Azotine Manufacturlic ertlen favor of............ 200
Azotine Manufacturing Co., order favor of, June
Aaotine Mavufacturing Co-, proposal
garbage....................................... ............... 114
Awtine 5(anufacturing Co., present picture of
works........................................................ .
Arotine Mavufacturlor Co., proposal collection,
etc., night soil, etc.. etc ................................... 48
Arctic, Manufacturing Co.,plaut fordisposition
of dead avlmale,ste....................................... 57
PAGE, Pecs.
Aaotine Manufacturing Co., nuisance, report of Bates avenue, signs on lamps ........................109, 142
special committee .......................................... 427 Bates avenue roadway...... ............................. 267
Azotine 5lnnufacturing Co., nuisance ................ 275 Itateham A. P.
order furor of........................... 203
Arotine Manu factoring Co., .Tissues, etc........... 279 Bxutley 'E., order in furor of
............................ 1B7
Awtine Manufacturing Co., nuisance, etc.,abate- xauer, Uteorge, claim, damages.. ......................... 66
ment............................................................ 28S I Bauer: George............................................_'152, 255
Aaotine Manu[acturiug Co., nuisance, abate- Mauer, Geor e,appropriation ............................. 259
menq extension of time ...... ..................:....._ Ilayard, F. ..................................................... 269
Azotdne Werke, removal .................................... 216 Bayard avenue grade........................................ 186
xxylees avenue bridg............................ ............ 464
B Bayless avenue and G. N. Ry., election place,
fourth Shi rict, teeth ward ............................ 119
s Babcock -Drake Transfer Co.,warrant lu favor of 1F3 Bayless and Raymond avenue bridges ............... 481
B"Ov&Coleman, and other,... Bayless avenue(onAttyandBlakestreeta)cross-
Baer, M., rewlive frame building ..................... 61 walks...................................................... 100
Baer, ii. M.on................................................... G3 Ilxyless avenue (on %endrfek street) crosswalk... 100
Baur, {V. Af.................. _.................................. 6:1
B.izille & Rebmvzz addition West St. Paul, sixth
for[sited,.................................... 41-
word levee, etc.. grading................................. 137
Bail forfeited, Nellie Goren ................................ IRI 13u Ic., & Roberts' addition, Nest St. Paul, levee,
Bailiy, etc., Grading through ...................................... 153
ff appointed, Frank Harn.�......................... 3R� Itazille & Roberta' addltion, alley, rebuilding
Bailiffremoved,John Patlenoc....................... 38" ......... 80
Baker street sewer.......................................110, 2:9 ! llnzil le &Roberta' addltion, Nest St. Paul.......... 85
Baker school sidewalk, St. Anthony Park...:276, 328 reach street nxtevsion, order partially anvttlled 100
Baker street sidewalk .................................254, 300 Bcacov Oreo ue aide and cross walk .................... 126
Balcouiea (2) covstructiov of ............... Bean, Ed. sheriff claim........................59, 73, 275
Balcon troctiou of, late 7 ]f I Bann, Ed. S., ..andli{ate ................. ..... 398
g and 8, block b-oniont and Bedford at reels, eleetion place,
Ewi 7 & Chutt's addition ............. o ?� 11- third district, firet ward.................................. 117
Balcon Aurora ancone, constriction f............ l.�
Ral-mm (2), er toll, lots 1 and 3 Ewing & llcaumovt street paving ........................238, 422, 437
Chute's aold ivision
; lots 6 and 7, mock . Renumon[ street sewer....................14G, 156, 172, 232
Leech's addition ............................................ 102 Iteaupre & Kelly's addition, Owen's subdi-
Baldwivstreetchangeofgrade_...................351,3911 vision certificate+of sale, rednmpti0 n...... ........
Bends, park coimcrte, contract,. 205 Becker, �. J., money order ................ ...........249, 297
Band stood, Fl -h, Van Slyck & Co.', claim........ 426 pecker, S, J ...................... -................. ........... 301
Banfil & Dousman streets,electiov pince,sev,uth Beckhoefer, B. G., et al. judgment .................342, 346
district, fifth wand .......................................... 113 Bedford and Beaumont streets, election place,
Banfil street sewer, repairing, western avenue third district, first ward ................................ 117
to West %ventb street ................... ............. 14 Bedford and Decatur streets, police patrol box
Ban81 street sewer, re� iris ......... telephone...................................................... 484
pun g.. givg,repaizing con Bedford street paving ......................238, 41_', 437, 494
Ban e[reet enure kklin n tract IGfi'I Beech !Beach) street extension, order partially
Baoholzer, Wm., alderma , election 0(..........172, 173 annulled....................................................... 100
Baoholzer, Wm. Iderman, avow fn ................. 208 Beech street extension ............ ......................178, 201
Backe, city furIa deposits, advertise for propo- Reeeh street crosswalk ...................................... 303
eats ..................................................... _........ 4&1 Beech street grading, petdtiov............ ............. . 134
Baveing & Olivier', addition Went St. Paul, .Beech street ggrading....................................150, 228
block •' C.. .............. .. .. .................... is 159 Belf, A subtltrielon, block 1, alley openlvg....... 148
Barrio & 011vier'e addition, Neat St. Paul, Bell street sewer, ymew, v order ...................... 59
Wool•�C:' levee grading .................................. IN Bell, Chas. N., Payment olgiudgment................ 24
Hanning & Olivier'e addition, Perk ................... 179 Bell, M. J., re later of donde.............................. 417
Barclay street new....................................400, 401 Belle street.1 walk..........._.......................299, 349
Barber, Wm., butcher license No. 9 transferred.. 202 Belle arrest ae error to asaesament, refund -
Barney, Norton & %Ingelay's addition, lot, 8, 9 ing order ....................................................... 86
and 1U, block 2, erection, etc., bay windowe..... ]a7 Bellevue avenue change of grade.. 379
Barnum J. A ..................................246, 915. 855, 426 Belmont street grading.................................... 251
Barr, P.'F., vice president St. P. C. By. Co..72' 92, Bellows street exteneton, in lieu of Wessex street
105, 198, 3X7 vaoati........................................................... 174
Barr, P. F ........................................................ 155 BOlowe street extension .................................... 201
Barr, P. F., vice president.....................337 Bellows street extension, block 2 of Nelson, King
Aar,, P. F., vice preslden[ 6t. P. C. Ry. Co......... 106 &. 9teveoa' addition to Went 8t. Paul ............... 231
Barr, P. F., vice president ................................. 199 Bella, ringing of court house and city hall......... 355
Barry, Patrick .................................................. 255 Belvidere street and Oakdale avenue approach... 405
BnAssoc, W. T., addition lot 1, refunding order.. 187 _ videre street (across Concord) crosswalk........ 141
=eau W. T., addition, assessment, refunding Bellevue avenue, change of grade._ .................... 387
.m-,Elec, M.0adv....................................179 Belvidere street, construction of sewer, protest.... 109
4 Smith avenue), election
q mucin waw ................ 118
there, protestj .......... 56
of, and other,,petition...... 77
there ............................... 56
of, Martha D. Base execu-
r..................................... 116
..................................... 361
estate Jacob N. Bass,
order ............................. 116
....................................... 387
.. 461
else.....: .........................e,,,die, 236
,election place,aecond dis-
....................... ................. 117
Belvidere arrest grade ....................................... 258
Belvidere street grading and sidewalk ............... 223
Belvidere street opening, etc., lead taken for,
Belveyorder ................................................. 96
idere street newer.................................108, 251
Belvidere street eldewalk.............................963, 495
Belvidere street sidewalk croeawalkn................. 108
Beach and Cedar streak, )ease of property (C., St.
P., M. A. O. Ry. Cq)....................................449. 464
Bergman Solomon and others proteet.............el 7]
rearrangement "Ar ........................ 948
Berkey. Peter ................................................... 337
Berlandi, Wm., restoration of property, sixth
ward levee ..................................................... 20L
Bernardino additlon......................................... 946
Berrybill k Davldeo°'e rearrangement of block
3,of Nlvin it k Do.. ..'s addition to Hol-
comba'e ad Itiov...............
Beteber, Charles and Frederick C. E..........,155, 165
Bickel, Wm. F ............................................ .
Bids, advertising Sixth street bridge.. ................ 81
Bide, job pr in tingg Contract ,etc ......:................... -8
Bide, street lightiugtgesosubetructure, city engi• 22
Bids ,Sixth street bon ge,
neer t° tabulate bids, etc ............................... 115
Bide, summary of Sixth street bridge, ,ubstruc-
.......................... ...... 1I3
tore.............................. addition
Bidwell's addition, Went St. caul, part of lot B,
damages, move➢
.. 66
Bidwell s ndditioe, West St. Paul, part of lot 12, 56
condemned, ate .............................................
Bidwell street culvert, .......... 338
Bidwell street sidewalk....................W4, 306, 401, 9 O
Bidwell street, walk scram....
Blelenerg, Hermann, alderman, election of.l]2, 173
Bfelenbarg, Hermann, alderman, sworn in.......... 208
Blgford, M. A ..................................................
rade............................................ 905
Birch street g w ter
on W.
rest o
m boar
f a
Jude g
B p,
o m
Bituminous coal, use of,St. Paul City Raflwa 270
Co................................................................ 820
Blackwell, Joseph R .......................... ...............
Blackwell, Joseph R.,justica of the peace, tenth
ud eleventh wardsR......................:...........172 li3
Blackwell, Joseph and
bond, justice
the peace, tenth and eleventh wards ............... 270
Blair street crosswalk ........ .............................. 191
Blelr street Sacvoas Gaultier) crosswalk .............. 163
Blair (en Fatr..w) Cron.ewalk........................... 139
Blair street (e roes Fairview) Cro . Ik............ 139
c ss +a
Blatt street, obstructions, removal of ................. 278
Blair atract grade ............................................. 348
Blake and Atty streets (stress Bayleae averse) 100
Blase, Theo. E.; Petition.................................ce 109
Blatz, al. Brewing Co., erect beer depot on levo
482, 483
Blasius, Michael.........................................464, 482
Bletcher, d. D., agent Great NOrthern Railway
Line,and others.......................................223, 253
Blomberg, Carl J., claim ............................60, 71, 180
Blomberg, Carl J .......................... ...................
Blomberg, Carl J., De Soto street grading, dam- ]gi
agee........................................................... 234
Board of abatement, order favor Of .....................
I Board of abatement, members appointed............ 216
Board of control annual report, iranentianion of
by mayor ...................................... 1
Berard of ontrol, report December, 1889 ............. C
Board of control, report January, 1890, e
....a 4f
r amined.....trol........... ........ary,...... .........
Board of enrol, report January, 1890 ................ 9i
{ c rt February'
ebruar leen, ez-
s Board of Control, pee y,
..... 7f
.mined, etc ..............................................
Board of Control, report February, 1890..........- 71
Board Of control, report Dfarch; 1890 .................. 114
Board of control, reportAPrtl, 1890 ................... 16(
Board of control, reT+ort April, 1890, exmnined... 16(
May 1890...........
f ontro
1 re rt y.
Board o c
Bo , W
one 1890 ......................
t Board of control, report J
Board of Control, report for July, I890 ............... 291
Board of control, report for August, 1890 ............. 347
Board of control, report for September, 1890........ 39E
_ Board of covtrol report for Gc"her,1890............ 441
Bos dof ontrol, Board of Ourreporrtf r March, 1890, ez-, 11th'46f
s I l:
Board of control, report for June, 1890,ezaT fined 251
�- Board ofcontrol report [or July, 1890,eaamined 29.
Board of ontro), report examined ..................... 461
Board of covtrol, sportexamined..................... 11
Boardofcontrol r'Portfar Anguett1890,eanmined 84:
Board of COnliO), report!!!Tinsa ..................... 441
3oatd of covtrol, retort ex amined........nditur
Soard of control, Duey order, expenditures.
Febreary, 1890 ............................................. 82
Board o[ covtrol, mousy order..... 11, 50, 122, 165,
,05,269,303 '
05,259,303, 347, 408, 451, 4]4
Board of contcol,Lake Gervale cyclone,nRerere.. 319
Board of county commissioners of Ramsey couu-
ty,transfercounty . interest le Marshall ave-
nue bridge to city o[ fit. Pau1.....................180, 184
Board of education, and others, petition............ 87
Board of education, annual report, transmission
. 109
of by mayor...:............................for Sear ..
Board ofeduratton, report,eatimete for end- 295
ing Juve 30, 1891 ........................................... 48
Board of education, leans cert,!." bonds, acLlon
criticised ...................................... I, t,. 216
d ..........
Board of a utilization, membere apPoin......"'
Board of urc ommlaab ners, regnircmenta or
fire departmefire comtulasiovere, re telephone
B Conlneecting fire dep-rcente 6t. Pau) avd Mcn-
Board lis................................eport, fi......... ._ 77
ort fir
e .lam
of Ore e.,I
iselovere, rep
bonzes Selby and
Neatern avenues ..................
Board of See commtsaionere, report, fire alarm
bozee................. 91
Board of fire 'ommieeiones, annual
transmission o[ 'fob mayor .............................. 109
Board of fire commisetoners, report, estimate Cor
year ending Septent I-l89t ........................... 295
Board of fire commi"'Ol;sea, report ................... 385
Board of fire Commieeloners, to equip lite saving
corps............................................................. 1-9
Board of fire comml..lonera, insure property- •• 841
Board of bre comm'- 0. re, ivvitatton to Coun-
cil to fire engine teat ....................................... 179
Board of fire coot mslonere,member apPolnled.. 1
HOnrd of fire commisaionen, purchase of lend... 65
BoardoC fire commiseiones, purhase of lot, 59, 79, 81
Board oC fire commiasiovers, Bale of nine boson. 95
Board of boatital commins[onene, report ............. 47
Beard of park commissioners, report..........47, 61, 160
Board of park commlasionere, report, bonds E50,-
000 parks ....................................................... 77
Board of park commisel.cor., report, lamance
o[ bonds ........................................................ 92
Boark of park commissioners, ar keons control o[
Board of land asparkcommart of aei nenterreaCOMmitto of, pati- 51
tion.............................................................. I.
Board of park commisaionere............................ 841
Board of public works, aonusl report, mayor's
comMo nice[won............................................ 109
Board of public works, purchase and erect two
drinking fountain. ......................................... 254
Board of manages Mlneaota state reform
school............................................ ...... ........ 66
Board of rcgenta, unlverelty of Minnesota, and 155
Board of water caderno ieanen,•report, bos,la...... 21
Board of water co issiones, report, bon da, 77
6'00,Card,009, water works ...................................
BoerdofwntercMord to ers,band�tVi1,,amOB. 23
Board oC water Commi.elones, order favor of
(Payne avenue water mainsnere)........................... 254
Board of water commleslo, order favor of, 3o3
Board of water comeciasi... sap
, pointment 01 162
W. A. Somers, engineer .............................
Board of water commisiones, right of wey,
Overton avenue.. ........................................... 81
Board of workhouse dirotos, member ap-
pointed ............................. .......................87, 105
Bock street opening, Burns avnue to Dllnne- Ib
baba .trot.................................................58
Bock street opening....... ....................
nonel. A.e373
rect trametiaddition to barn, 482, 483
Bohler,Anna,claim damagee,defective sidewalk. 200
' Bolder, Anna, petition, personal damages........... if
Bohn Manufacturing Co ................................... 44
Boiler, be, etc., erection Lyman Uaytov e
additi.Et........................................................ fi
Bolter. Samuel, remission of fine, petition........ 1:
Bond dzotive Mavufncturing Co., remornl of
garbage, etc ........................................... i
Bond and appointment clerk of municipal court. 3:
Bond and oath, clerk of municipal court............ 41
Bond and oath, as cone!able ............................. 24
Bond (olHcial city engineer ............................. I
Bond and Data, of August F. Menke, constable,
tipproved........................................................ 1'
Bond (o�ci61), of inspector of buildings, ap-
proved.......................................................... i
Bond, William B. Dean, member board of water
couttru..muere...........................................t 76, if
Bond, contract Pioneer Press Co., as city prtvter. ]
Boud, juatice of peace, teeth avd eleventh
nerds ........................................................
....... 3:
Bond (omcl.l), clerk board of public works........ f
Bond, o'tyc treesurer. ...................................:...... 3;
Bond,oB 1, city f.rensurer .............................. 2i
m ter Wm. Platte......... 11.. 11
. 24
Bond market
Bond � market master. .......................
....254 320 3:
Bond, 610,W0, job Prtvting contract._ ................ 4
Bonds, faeuance of certain, '
Chou of board of
education criticised ........................................ 4
Bonds, $150,000, increasing se -Cage fund.......... 1
Sonde. 555.000. iron bridge. Sixth street ............. '
try para muu..........................
tr........................................... 1
park Indian mounds, Dayton'.
blit park, Mary McManus, ro-
lock 22 in Olivier'. addition and
Ivier's addition, West St. Paul... 1
,sue of. narks ............................
Bonds, 5100,000, board venter commisstones....... r
Bonds, 8100,000, extending venter works............ '
Bonds, 3100,000, extending, etc., water'
Bonds, $100,000, extension, etc., oC water work... e
Rona., SIoo,00o issuance of, water works.......... .
Bonda, 645,W0, fVeet 8t. Paul levee improvemnt. 9
Bonds, bridgge, 550,000 ...................................... 85
Bonds, Slzth street bridge.. C
Bonds, 850,000, Sllth sLrot br[dge...................... 7
Bond, 120 000, Robert6oger .............................
Bott, Frederick W., alderumn, election Of..... 172,127
Bot', F. W„ Ald., swam in........... 2C
Solt, Aid., excused frmn further attendance at
the meeting............ 32
Boulevard landI.. Aditlon No. 3, condemn!vg certain
landin........diti :... N................m................. 7
Boulevard street
bri 3, purposes.
. easa-
Boulnt rd and and bridge purposes.......... on- 7
evard end Summit' avenue, west eml, Coo -
Cert., Contract ......... T C ............................. 11
Boulevard, park, useof.. rail ono UllvereltyaveIC
.......................iver it c.
re[t .................. 10
Boulevard, space, University avenue
Boulevard, Univers ty avenue...t..ce',- ...............1 30
Bourne avenue (.°roes Kitteon atrot,Terd'orial
road) crosswalk ............................................. 12
Bourne avenue, opening, CEO. .......................... 67, 14
Bourne and Carter avenue.,openiuqq, etc............ 15
Boyd, Walter, aecretary jolbt commlttee, money
arder............................................................. 6
Boyd Walter B., secretary ................................ 19
Bratiturn, G. A., M. D ...................................426 46
Bradburn, Gorgge A., DL D., servios rendered
pollee o®cer, Pe[exon.................................... 48
Bradford atrect, grade adapted ........................... 70
Bradley, R. W. H., secretary, pro tem., (ward
parkaomninsiones........................................ 28
Badley street approach ................................... 45
Bradley street crosswalk ........................ 120, 373, 405
Bradley atreat fence ........................................_ 347
Hrndley't=t' peeingg .................... ..238, 422
Bradley atrcetsid.w TIE......279, _-", 343, 350, 4122,, 483
Bradley and North streets, ¢lectin' piece, second
district, first ward .......................................... 117
Bradley and York strentssteps....................... �. 817
Rraml, Josef ................................................... 174
Brand street grading ........................ 288
Brand street grade ............................. ............ 303
Breen, Thomas M ............................................ 159
Bremer, {Vm. F ...........................................160, 161
Bremer street, parte of, vseatiov................93, 96, 97
Bremer street and Lyuehunt avnue, parte of,
vacation, John G. Hinkel, et al., petlt!ou........_ -21
B an '1'hoe. A., eppotried janitor central po-
leen ,
licetarn....., ........inte.....Ecet... .. 887
Brewster avenue avd We'fig adet pond, 3 _4 369, 458
Seawater avenue change of igrnde ...............4],92, 98
Brleklaying, mft'r sewer system, Paulson h
Conrad. Y¢ colla ..................... ..................... 446
Bridge, Broadway, aubstrucGtre, inj unction. _.... 450
Bridge, Hroadwny, booms, etc ....................... 466, 472
Bride Burr street modify ! unction ............... 472
Bridge, y, y nJ
Bridge Burr etre¢[......
.....I99 233
Bridge, Burr street o.. tracks C., fit. P., M. & O.
Ry.............................................................. 235
Bridge, Butternut etrot.................................... 437
Bridging and grading Butternut street .............. 425
Bridge, Como avevue....32, 180, 337, 357, 905, 929, 450
Bridge, Daie street approaches ......................202, 220
Brid , Grove street serosa right of way fit. P. ,k
N. 1'. and St. P. M. t M.
Rys.....lans................ 64
Bridge, Grove aa� Eighth street plans ................ 378
Bridge, Grove and Eighth fightstreet ...nest............_. 468
Bridge, Grove Burr and 1'stghti etrote.............. 56
Bridge, Greenbrier avenue ................................ 417
Bridge, Hamllne erenue.:277, 281, 289, A57, 314,927, 479
Bridge, Hemline avenue, approach .................... 429
Bridge, Hemline avenue, approach, advertise
Corbids ......................................................... 472
Bridge, Hemlineavenue,,, tract ..................... 467
Bridge, Hamllne avenue, filling and grading
northapproach ............................................. 468
Bridge, IIamline avenue, Chen. Stone contract... 476
Bridge, Hamllne avenue, summary of bide.,....... 421
Bridge, Jessamine street .............. ... ....244, 361, 457
Bridge, Jeesaminostreet, pl dd N. P. Ry............ 324
Bridging Jes reiea street, and grading .............. 927
Bridging Jeaeamineetreet, and grading cantset 294
Brideog Lexington avenue, fit. P., 31. E M. Ry... 50
Bridge, Lexington avenue, across Great Northern
Ry............................................................24G, 259
Bridge Leaington avenue.............................336 957
Bridge, Lezington avnue, omplltion of........... 454
Bridge, Maria avenue, opening, etc.................... 317
Bridge, Marfa avenue o Edge
rtes street on-
damning easement ......................................... 101
Bridge, Mendota read, estimate .......................... 57
Bridge, Mendota road, contract .......................... 32
Bridge, Mississippi aired, pplane...........:............. 271
Bridge, Mla.luippi street, Wlacov'in Ccutral Co. x47
..... 305
Hridga, Dlieeleeippi street, bide .....................
Bridge, M11*Ieaippi atreat................................... 883
t onlract...................
Brtd a Misfa.l iatree c
g PP
1 ieeieel I eLreet C
Contract Chae. 6
Bridge,. t
BrtdpeC., M. h 9t. P. Ry.eeeemant !croee
rightof way. ................................................39, 90
Bridge, ('., D[. h St. P. By ................................. 82
Bridge, Pascal oven°e...................................... 494
Bridge, Payne avenue, over fit. P., M. k O. Ry... 72
Bridge, Phalen creek.............................336, 398, 912
Artdge, m
Ralbond and Bayles, avenues, ............. 464
Bridge, Sey avenue Heroes C., M. & P. Ry.,
and approaches .............................................. 334
Bridge, Selby avnue, as...'meet....................... 270
Bridge, Selby avenue, amending Hanel order....... 322
Bridge, Selby evenue......................................... 297
Bridge, Selby avenue, bonds ............................. 364
Bridgqe, Selby avenue, acroea right of way C., M.
k St. P. By. Co. .......................... ..............b9, 76
,substructure, plans accepted,
a tract .................................
substructure contract............
PAcs: 1
34^_ Broome, W-, order, Lawton street improve-
Bridge, Selby avenue, 850,000 ..........................P
320 meat........................................................342-344
Hrid eta, Se1bS avenue, petftiov ...................
Bridging Selby avenue, and grading..................
307 Broome, Nm., refunding money, corporation
Bridge, Sixth street. abutment ...........................
34i attorney's report...........................................
Ind con
.0 hst-eture. modifictation-I- 42
Arfdge, Sisth street, bonds ........ ........................
319 Hrousou a addition, set aside �wer assessment...
Badge, Sixth street, sube-eturo.....................'
Bridge, Sixth street, substructure, I,
Brown, Au t ........................
ertfsing Rue "" " . .....""'
C. J.,clty clerk of Wimlpeg.............
.. .387
................................. g
far bidsixth..stre......... .. 81 Brown,
4, Brown
Bridge, Six street, auperetreicture..310,
3580 Brown ntenUe side talk.... ......................
.149, 228
4UI, 429
360,E 448
34i, 357, 409 Arown and Concord atreets, Nest aide,
Brid anellin
gen,' g sten�� ........................421,
427, 442 patrol box and tele hone...............................
Bridge, St. Clair street...._ .........._
Bridge, tVebmha street, paving ....................
, yop �•ninq........
201, 2U4' Rrowu S Jackson's a iitiov, aIle .. stationery,
Bridge Wabasha arrear, repave and replauk ..... ]81 Brown,TmacySCo.,jo6 printing a°
.. 62
Brill, t,.. H.,.....,he .. ............. 9 tr........rred3, 20- Arown, Treacy & Co., bid, job printing, contract,
Briller C. H. butcher license ...9transferred... �0= � Proposal .................................................. ..
Brings,John. butcher license Na. 69 transferred '02, etc........................................'...............ntract,
55, 61, SS' rirownsoc, Ralph..............................................
Broadway Dredge................................44,
Broadway brid gen................ ......................A
55, fl, 88 Rruggeman, Leo C......................sed,... 174
472. Brn eman, I.eo C., fine imposed, pa
Broadway bridge, booms, etc........................466,
I_ 8R
, court............................................................
Broadway bridge, construction ..................
Broadway bridge, construction, St. P.,
' "....
Bru Leo fine refunded. atunicipal
M. E 51. ggeman,
R. R ...........................................................
Broadway br'dge, construction .......................
.. 38: Court..................................... .......................
Arunsov's addition, Grote street sewer ..............
39' Bruvson's addition, lot 11,-olbst....341,
Broadway bridge,_ mdructton, etc., tong tee, 1_
''Brunson's addition, raise building ..............
...... 48
Broadway bridge, construction, dnnmgae,
144 Brunswick hotel................................................
ofelai........... ...... .......................
Broadway bridge, Griggs S Foster ....................
139, Brunswick hotel, build Iwrch............................
Broadwa brid e, letter {V. G. Collins
............... 1,
Bryant, Edward R.... .... .... ............. ................
Aryanl, J. E................................................223,
Broadway bndg drf tion .................
roadway bridge, modify tcjiicc...........
B ➢ ge, p
........... 561
Buchner, A._moTnni ................ ....... .......�...�....
n.._b.,a. e
,substructure, plans accepted,
a tract .................................
substructure contract............
ebstlucture estimate............
substructure, injunction.........
substructure, estimate............
at betrueture ..........................
Ind con
.0 hst-eture. modifictation-I- 42
Broadway bridge, substructure, modifying con-
tract.............................................................. 78
Broadway, canetruct[on conduits, etc ................ 121
Broadway, change...................5^_, i5
Broadwayy change of grade, cronAruction Broad-
wayDrtdgen........................................ ............ 144
Broadway opening, refunding asseameuls.....56, 77
ll-.dw.y penning, redemption of certificate
10981, etc ....................................................... 66
Broadway street opening, resfeesemeut, m un,( -
Ing money paid.. ............................... I 11, 183
Broadway street opening, reassessment, refnnd-
fngordere....................................................... 116
Broadwayy a�re�t, Na.587,electioo place,eight.1 dls-
trlct, third ward ............................................. 118
Broadway grading and sewertng, estimate......._ 135
Broadway newer, eztamd.n of outlet .................. 64
Broadway, State street bridge, substructure, con- 19
Broadway street epriokllnR................................ 192
Broadway (ou Fourteenth street), crosswalk...... 141
Broadway sidewalk e. ...... .... 140, 161, 191, 217, 254, 306
Broadway and To.-th streets, pollee patrol box
and telephone .............................................. 31
Fourtllatreet and HoBman avenue,
damages ........................... ....... 458
Broken steps, Fourth street and Hod'man ove-
nue............................................................... 364
Brooklad addition lot 1, block 20, lot 6, block
l7, blocks 17 1. 20 ).cluetoe............................ M
Brooklynd addition, blocks 17,
g, 19, 20........... 88
Brooklynd addition, blocks li l0 211 ................... 10i
Brooklynd addition, block 20,redempt[on general
taaee.............................................................. 2.34
Brook. Cyrus.............................................336, 364
Brookejde addition, block 1, alley grade........ 388, 413
Broom, Wm ..................................................... 315
Broome, Wm., warrant ...................................... 375
Broome, .W m. aad IMnagre E ..............................11
nucau,.u.e .moo....... ........... .......
redemption -t lots, money ordar................387, 66
Ruechner, Catherine...................................387, 426
Buford street eldewalk..................................... 935
ection .....
.of,Concord street............78
Building ((((frame), erection of ............................ 138
Building (frame,, construction of ....................... 160
Building frame), removal... .......................115, 116
Building, protection of, lot 7, block 4, Dayton's
additlon........................................................ 160
Buildings, permits for removal .......................... 371
Bad dings, removal permits .............................. 365
Aunker street sidewalk 276, 828, 365, 366 433 435
Burgess, F. C., justice of the peace, oath and fond 214
approve d .................................................... .
Burge., F. C., jmtice oCpeace ........................... 110
Burgess, Freak C., justice oC the peace, election
of...........................................................172, 173
Bargee, F. C.,oath and band ju rice at the peace 198
Burgas street grmi`e' .28f, 389, 4U4, 416, 498, 4i 1, 485
Burges, Topping sad Atwater atreets grade...... 288
Burgeea street grading................................311, 924
Burke, John, attendance o[ C. L. McCann.... 338, 449
Buena avenue opening, etc............................338, 863
Burne street opening, etc ................................... 197
Burne, Jas. H_ ................................................. 297
Burns, H. county delegate A. O. H......246, 275
Burne, Stephen lame market house basement.... 187
Bun street bridge.................................199, 233,235
Burr street bridge,eubetructure, estimates......... 9
Bun street bridge, superstructure, contract........ 6
Hurrstrest bridge,aupg trncture,estimate 57, 88, 135
Bun street bridge, sulk t-eture bovd,contract 13
Burr street change of grade, Geo. C. Harper,order 466
favorof ........................................................
Burr street,
construction of sewer ...................... 130
Barr street croeinR....................................... 267
Burr street crosswalk ........................................ 67
Burr street gradin¢.......................................74. 86
Bun street grading, award of co.traot............... 138
Burr street opening... ...............................•.•.....• 476
Burr and Case streets, police Patrol Dox ............. 482
Burr, Walter T .................................................. 172
Bushman, Fred ................................................. 116
Bush" & Bushnell ......._................................ 454
Bushnell k Bushnell, and -there, petltf0........... 87
Bushnell, Wm.)f.............................................. 198
Bushnell, Nm. M., chalrmao census committee. 417
Bus.jaegar, Chris, gardener Central Park........... 142
Cees street opening, etc .....................................
Butcher, C.Tyson.................... :.... ... ..... .......
246, 275
CePitol addition...............................................
l;npitol avenue (across Fairview) crosswalk.......
Butcher llreuse..................................................
Butcher license, No. 125 ....................................
Capitol "'calls grade 115, 131, 242, 273, 285, 302,
Butcher license refunded.............................A58,
Capitol avenue sad Ireland street grade.............
Capitol Ireland and Hubbard streets
Butcher license, No. 8, transfer ...........................
grad ulg........................................... ..............
Butclierlimuse,No. transfer ...........................3211
Butcher license, No. 133, transfer. ..........
Capitol avenue opening....................................
Butcher license, No. 69, transfer ........................
Capitol and Sneiling avenue fountain...............
Botcher license, No. 9G, transfer...................201,
Capitol and other streets grading, petitlov
Captain report lamps December, 1859 .....
Buteber license, No. 136, transfer .........................
fe, Mo..ler._
Captain of police, re{wrt Inmpe, January, 1890.....
Butcher liieen e, ran g
Ira m.
..... 364 Captain of police, report February, 1890 ..............
Butcher license, No. 78, transfer, petition...........
Captain of police, report March, 1990, lamps not
Butcher license, No. 55, tranefer.......................
Butcher license transfer, No. 99, to Balthasar
Captain of police, report April, IA70, lamps.........
Butcher license transfer, Chas. linward..............
CBPtain of police, repirt for Jinp, 1990.............
Captain of police, report for Jane, 3890...............
Butcher license [ransfer, Stanek k Co'
199 Captain of polka, report for Jnly, 1590...............
for August, 1890......:.....
Butcher license, No. 59 transfer .........................01
Butcher license, No. 99, transfer ........................
Captain of police, report
275 Captafu of police, report for September, 1890..,...
Cor October, 1890........:..
Butcher license, No. 96, transfer ........................
444 Capmfn of police, report
88 Captain of police, report for November, 1890......
Butcher license, No. 59, trans far .......................
Butcher license, No. 2, transter..........................
270 ,Card &Bowe, attorneSs, payment of judgment...
Butcher License, No. 'u0, lrnn sfer........................
202 I Cardoso Furvi W re and Auction Co., trunst'ernuc-
BotBorder license, er license tN0969rt=sfer..�........._..
tioneer's license, No. ..................................
n2, Cardozo Furniture and Auction Co ....................426
Butcher license, Na. 9, transfer .........................
2Carlson, Chas. A., warrant..................................
Butcher Ilcense, No.57, transfar. .........................
tt Bros. A
Carolhere, .................... ...........................
201 .
Carpenter, Warren ...........................................
,,,her license traveler to D� E. Kiefer. �.�......
�_�_ Carpenter lookout, Summit avenue Intl Ramsey
letter er,
v street, election place, second district, seventh
r h_mc transfer to D. F Liefer............
]i '
25'd ward..............................................................
Carpenter park ................................. ..........46,.
Butcher license, No. Isi8t trnnefer .....................
364 Carpenter park, land taken as pan of ..............
Butcher license transfer, No. 55, G. H. Ordmmn
Carpenter park sidewalk.............................288,
306 ..
to J. Mac9ueen h Co.... ...................................
337 Carroll street easement across right of way
M. h St. P. By. Co
Butcher license transfer, No. 99, B. Hiller to An- ......................................36,
337 Carroll street, No. 215, elactfon Place, second d(s-
ton Wendel ....................................................
Hutcher license, No. 133, transfer l0 1004
tract eighth ward...........................................118
Carroll property street bridge..................
Seventh street ..............................................
Butcher license transfer, No. 108, to Joseph
Carroll street sewer.....................................31,
Butcher license, No, 133, treacle. .......................
Carter street (on Cordon avenue) crosswalk ......
Carter avenue (on Gordon) crosswalk................
Butcher license, No. 112, trj<nefer....................... 155
Elwell... 482
Carter aveuue (on county road) croeawalk..........
Carter avenue grade
Butcher license, No. 8, transfer to John
license, No. 116, transfer to G. A. Plum-
Carter avenue grading ......................................
Carter avenue opening, ek.................... ...._67,
Butler, J. S., bid lamp........................
Carter avenue .7
Bourne avenues opening, etc.............
Butler, Patrick bid lamps ................................. 3
Butterfield, F. petition transfer butcher lf-
Carter and
Case street, No.511, election place, fiBit district,
cense: No. 78 ..................................................
Butterfield syndicate ......................................
first ward......................................................
Case and Missisa pi street. fire alarm bo:...31,
Butterfield syndicate, addition No. 2, Ramsey
Cmc street and avenue change o[ grade,
county, mi.... ..............................................
Butternut street Bridge
Oscar Haglund's claim...................................
Case street and Payne avenue change of grade
Butternut street grading and bridge ..................
223, 253,
Case street grading contract.............................
Bye, Lena ........................................................
Byrne, James A........ .......................................
Case street cromwa]k.........................................
Case street sewer 68 70 71 76.114, 132, 133, 158,
Cees street opening, etc .....................................
m emment for change of grade.... 174
hangs of grade...33, 4a, 92, 97,
181, 201
=treat, Dame changed to ...............
changed to, ordinance.........
prinkling ........................
..... 265
i., refunding order ................
i i 9, 187
meek, in to to council.........
uy, monument, firemen ...............
let onsewalk ..............................
• rt of love e. ...........
201, 219
vd t. Jn.............223, 233, 2s7
Itien, blocks 3 to6 ivcluelve..e4, 89, IW
h. refunding ordI..................
342, 343
V., shade trees destroyed ..............
V_ .................................................
ave entreat catchbmina................. 259
iitteenth street police patrol boa
election .............................
m 171, 176, 196, 200, 232, 257„ 441
Cees street opening, etc .....................................
Case strcet opening, eto.....................................
Casecad Burr, etresda pollee patrol box ..............
Calle street (across Edgerton) crosswalk ..............
Case street sidewalk. ..............................67,191 433
Cortnd street and
Case street slopes between la
right oC way of N. P. A R ..............................
14 _
Case street alopes...........................................44,
Cascade street obetnmtione..................
......... ... 347
Ceecede street, remove obstructione....................
Casey, Patrlek ................
Cashman I ell; killing..:aminniinn claim......... zs2
Catcbbmjne Canada and Grove atreets......
........ 259
Cat chbmin, Goodrich aveone............................
Catchbmiv southeast corner Goodrich and Gar-
field avenues .................................................. 186
Cattle running at large................... ................ 174
Cattle herding ordivavice, amendment ................
Cattle herding ordivauce, boo odary..................
Cayuga street sidewalk....... .......... .....
. ..... 299, 349
ease 0, et'.. 121
lease of property (C.,
49, 454
action place, fiRh dia-
elec[Lov place, ninth
._.................... .............. 45118
.................. .
s (Fourth and Mi-
........................ 356
ratr d of totiltio , bond. 91
Cenaus, Wm. M. Bush.etl, enatrman, Commua,-
cation...........................................41 i, 418, 41'9, 420
C t 1 a and Wabash. street election
of sale, redemption,block4,Eastville
of Bale, redemption, block 10, Wina-
dit io a ................................................ 235
s of sale, redemption, block S8, Subnr-
e additionI........................................ 235
.o cc,mm........... 336
of commerce, private work done by
Nelson .....................cost...... lighting 388
of commerce, reduce cost of lighting
......................................................... 388
Clark, warrant ........................ 375
,arpevtmir, re[unding money paid for
..........aur .......................................... 25
,arnenteur. .alition ............................_ 18
en ra
place second district ninth ward..........
election place, sixth district, eighth ward....... 119
Central avenue sidew¢I�..................:..........?54,
Charles street gr¢ding.................................108, 268
Central park concerts, contrea t ..........................
Charles street sewer........ 53, 91, 113, 130, 135, 154, 200
Central park, electric light .. .............................
Charles street sidewalk..... .. .. ....... 251, 290, 30G, 350
Central perk, gardevnr aplt.inted .......................
Central park, open air concerts,proposal.........
Chatsworth313, 363, 390, 415
Ch.tsworthetreet grading•--�����.1'95, 250, 291, 329
Central police station, appoiv tment police patrol
Chatsworth street ggrading...... 148, 152, IST, 171, 231
Chatsworth ton Leslie a venue
telegraph operator..........................................482
Central pollee station, driver patrol wagon Rp-
neeUoo...................... .................................
Churchill avenue grading, formerly Humpstead
and.111 streets and
gradlvg......................................................... 227
Chatsworth 134
Central polico statiotijanilor.........341, 364, 371,
street gelling, petition .................
Chatsworth street sddition, Plat accepted.......... 162
Central police station, police patrol operator......
Chatsworth street opening, etc ........................... 264
CertlficateNo. 10981,erroneouslyiesued,redeeep-
Chat: w street opening, etc ...........................382
Chatsworth streetalieningg, etc........... 358
Certi6cateNo. 11806,erronoaely issued, redemp-
tion, money order ..........................................
Chatsworth ...............................
Chatsworth street sidewalk...............................434
CertificatesofIndebtedness, 510,000, 1......I of.
Charlton street change of grade .......................... 207
Certificates of indebtedness, to ad... ce icier-
Bata oC city ......................... ...........................
Charlton.ires chap go of grads ......................... 322
Charlton street change of grade........................ 327
Corti Beat Is of indebtedness, 86,000, construction
Chelton street change of grade .......................... 268
Western avenue bridge ...................................
Certificate of indebtedness, 88,000, building, etc.,
Chalton evenueg e........................................
Chalton avenue grade ....................................... 244
Mendota mad.
Chelton avevue grade....................................... 302
Certificate of indebtednea, 85,000, Dakotu auF
City comptroller's report ...................................
Chelton avenue grading .................................... 152
Ch toavenue gradlyp,........................ ........... 226
Corti deals of lndebt nd e'.s, $1,000 .......................
Certificate of sale, redemption .... ......................
Chelton street crosswalk....................................
Chelton a venue aidewalk..................................433
Go .a- city treasurer, notary fees ................
Certificates of sale, city treasurer, notary tees,
Chelton avenue sidewalk................................... 401
Chemical engine house, No. 5, purchase of Gro
C. F. Framhein...............................................458
Corti 6cste of sale No. 9491, 1 nterest, oto, there. o,
City and county physician, payment of .ince
rent, ate ........................................................
1 enginefor.......... ......................................... . 31
-g-cit e
Cherokee a ad Smith. tee, Oakdale ave vu
money order.......No..8008.....8010..redI..... ......
I nvd A. napolia street, polico patrol bozos and
C2rtiticatea of sale No,. to A010, redemptiuv,
telephones ................................................... 76
� Cherokee and Smith avenue., Oakdvle avevue
money order ...................................................
Certificate No. 1466, erroneously issued etc., re-
and Annapolis street, police patrol boxes and
demptipn, money order .....................
born'. resolution ...........................................
telcV one..................... .... .......... ........ ..... ..... 81
Certifio osrNos. 13038 and 13039, redemption of,
i. Cherokee avenue sewer ......................................
Cherry street roadwa to Eaet Seventh street ..... 267
(:ertifieate No. 2465, leaned, redemp-
City engineer, oSiee contingent fund ................
Cherry street eidewal e 322
ereneouel p
tion, money order ..........................................
Cherry street aid .walk....................................... 376
C•enific.te No. 8344, erroneously issued, ridemp-
City engineer, ...............
City engineer, ofcial bond ................................
Chestnut street, No. 341, election place, second
money order.,,, ...... .
district, fifth ward........................ 118
� telegraph 221
rtificate No. 10174, Issued in error, redemption,
Chestnut.trect, messenger and pules-
Chestnut street depot, pollee patrol box and tele -
money order. .................................................
Certificate No. 1765, erroneously isaued, rI cuip-
phone............................................................ 31
tion, move order ..........................................
Chestnut:treet sidewalk..................................327
walks 139
Certificate No. 9351, erroneously issued,redemp-
tion, monoy order ..........................................
Chestnut .t rot side and cress ..................
Chester Oil Co., bid, lam ............ 3
Certificates Noe. 11220,11222, 11223, penalties on
Interest, money order ....................... .....
Chestnut street sidewalk ....................................
Chestnut street 203
Certificate of sale No. 1877, erroneously issued,
redemption money order ................................
Chestnut street, removal of obstruction.............
Chicago avenue, opening, etc............................. 230
Certificate. o1` :ale, redemption ..........................
Certificates of sale, redemption, block 23, Oak-
Chicago avenue sidewalk...... .......................... 121
Chicago avenue aprinklivgg................. I.............. 192
vale perk ....................................................
Certificatesof salejedemp, on, lot 6, Owen'. sub-
Chicago Bridge and Iron Co..............................
Chicago Badge end It Co .............................. 135
division of Beau pre I Kelly's addition...........
Certificate of Bale, redemption ............................
Chicago Bridge and Iron Co., contract ...............
Chicago Badge and len Co., contract, Mendota
Certificates of. sale, redemption .........................
road bride......................... .................. 19
Certificate of sale, redemption, block 18, Robert
Chicago Bridge and Iron CO., estimate, wooden
& Randall'.addition.......................................
Certificates of sale, redemption, block 41, Sum-
arch bridge and Mendota road....................... 67
Chicago, M. & St. P. Ry. Co., bridge, etc., acro:.
mit Park addition..........................................235
right of way, contract............ ..... 59
Chicago, 11. & St. P. Ry., bridge on right of way. 165
Certificate: Noe. 12200, 12206, 12207, 12199, erro-
neeusly issued, redemption .............................
Chicago, M. & St. P. Ry. Co., Broadway bridge... 38
Chicago, M. & St. P. Ry. Co., condemni ug ease-
ment across right of wayy .............................. 71
Chicago, It. & St. P. Ry. Co , condemn in g e
m. t for street and bridge purposes ...roes
r{ght of way ............................................. ..... ie
M. h St. P. Rv. Co., condemning ease-
ment acro.. right of we oC............................ 103
Cbicago, 11. & St. P. Ry. C, .,right of wap, -1
ment across ................................................... 40
Chicago, M. & St. P. Ry. Co., right of waS, eeae-
ment.............................................................. 36
Chicago, M. h St. P. Ry. Co., right of way, ease-
mentacro.. ................................................... 39
Cbicago, M. & fit. P. Hy. Co., right of way, ease-
ment.cres................ .................................... 39
Chico I, It. & St. P. Ry. Co., Grand avenue
bridge over right of way of contract ............ 19
Chicago, M. & St. P. Ry. Co., fetter of W. G. Col-
lins, Broadway bridge.. ................................. 17
Chicago, M. & St. P. Ry. Co., relinqut.bmevt of
rights in re, construction Broadway bridge...... 37
Chicago,.M. &%P. Ry. Co., bridge across right
of way. Selby ones ne, contract ....................... 76
Chicago, 11. & St. P. Ry., amending final order
Selbyavenue bridge ........................................322
Chic I. M. & St. P. Ry. Co., Selby nveuue
bridge and ap roaches ......................... .. 3?0
Chicago, Df. & t. P. Ry., Selby avenue bridge
.vd approaches..............e .................. ......
Chicago,. & St. P. 334
RT-, Sslby avevue bridge.... 354
Chicago, Df.& St. P. Ry.,Selbv nveuue bridge.... 342
Chicago, N. & St. P. Ry., St. Clair stmt bridge... 4'21
Chicago, M. & St. P. Ry. CO., S[. Clair street
bridge,...........................................!air ......... 442
Chicago,9f.&SI.P. Ity. Co.,St. Clalrstreet bridge 427
Chiogo, M. & St. P. Ry, Sherman street eewer
and veeetion..................... :,... .........
.............. 427
Chicago,Co.;ilse of streets, Rio
,P< Irvine's addition, etc ......::........................... 458
Cbicago, M. & St. P. Ry. Co., right of way, ose-
meut, Igglehart street ..................................... 36
Chicago, It. P., M. & O. Ry. Co., lease, Cedar and
Bench streets ................................................ 454
St. P., M. & O. Ry., and Burr strceL
bridg........ ................................................... 235
Chicago, Ity. C.., Burr street
br(dge.................. C ...................'and 199
Ch tcago, St. P., M. & O. Ry. Co., lease, Gdnr and
Bench streets ................................................ 449
Chicago, St. P., M. h O. Ry. Co., ley track, Fee-
qulerstreet .................................................. 218
Chicago, St. P., M. & O. By.
lease, Seeoud -
.treet.....................................ay .................. 446
Chicago, St. P., ,lf. & O. Ry. Co., ley track., Feu-
yynierstreet .................................................. 201
Chicago, St. P.,F'au-
qqnler street ............................................ .... 196
Chicago, St. P., M. & 0. Ry., and Payne even is
brldge........................................................... 176
Chica o, St. P. & K. C. Ry. Co., spur tracks, West
St. Paul.....................................................459, 468
Chief of police, clerk 6zing salary af..............*1. 216
Chi" of polio, cond'.agent fund, order favor oL. 18i
Chief, of pollee, employ errand boy .................... 23
Chief of llo, employment of errand bays oto.. 4l
Chief ofdpolice, remove obstructions, Cascade
et- t ..................................... I..................... 347
Chief of police, remove old sawmill, West side
Items. 137
Chief of ponce, annual report, transmission of,
by mayor ...:...................................................
Chief of police, report December, 1889 ................ 6
Chief of police, report January, 18'90 ................. 44
Chief of police, report February, 1894 ................. 73
Chief of police, report March, 1890, arrests, fine... 112
Chief of police, report April, 1390, fines, arrest.... 156
Chief of police, report for D[sy, 1890 ................... 199
Chief of pollee, report for June, 1890 .................. 272
Chief of
police, report for July, 1890 ................... 289
Chief of Police' - t for August, 1890........._ ... 338
Chief of police, rr,r%for September, 1890......... 389
Chief of police, report Cor October, 1890 ..............
Chief o[ police, report for November, 1890...........
Chief of police, report examioed........................
Chief of police, report for January and February,
1690, exnndned, etc .................._...... .............
Chle( of police, report ezam l gad ........................
:1,of police,report for ➢I., 1890, examined...
Chie(oC police, report for June, 1890, examined..
Chief of iw Bce, report for July, 1890, ezamine d..
Chief of police, report ezamiued........................
Ch'[teals., E. & ...............................................
Christ inn & Co., build Porcl[............................
Church of S[. Johv,school buildivg.,cewercon
neetion..................................................... .
Church .[fits Johu, school buildings, sewercou-
neeUoo...................... .................................
Churchill avenue grading, formerly Humpstead
street, claim Fred Rex ....................................
Churchill avenue, formerly Hampstead street,
grading, damages .........................................
Churchill avenge, formerly Hampstead street,
grading. damages ...........................................
Churchill atrect sidewalk ...................................
Churchill street sidewalk...... .........................
Chute Bros.' division, No. 8, St. Paul, let 15,
erection of frame stable ..................................
Cistern, fire, sIzth ward ....................................
City clerk, annual report, transmission of by
City clerk, report of itcensea issued .vel market
.use receipts ......................... ..............
City clerk, report of license issued and market
house receipts, 1889 ......................................
City c utp iter, o mumcation eight hour
day, Alde an ][eNamee's resolution .............
City comptroller's taz levy, estimate ................
City comptroller's tax levy, ..................
City omptroller's tax levy ................................
City comptroller's report ...................................
City comptroller's report, Bromidadway bridge........
City comcourvptroller's en�ra{ eport,t-racrisaion of
bymayor .....................................................
City and county hospital, marble and tile work..
City and county physidav,rent of office............
City and county physician, payment of .ince
rent, ate ........................................................
City and county physieian'e'in" rent ...............
CILy ad ..county physician's ofi ce rev[ ...............
City end county physician's office reit, L. Mua-
City, division roto election map...........
CRF employee, eight Lour day, Alderman Me-
Nameeb re.olutioo........................................
City employes, eight hour day, Alderman San-
born'. resolution ...........................................
City engineer, contingent fund ..........................
City engineer, office expenses, contingent fund...
City engineer, office contingent fund, appropria-
City engineer, oSiee contingent fund ................
City engineer, contingent .grad ..........................
City englneer, cont.. .nt fund .........................
letter �eadway bridge
City engineer, ...............
City engineer, ofcial bond ................................
City engineer, order favor of. ............................
City engineer, pa roll for May, 1890 ..................
CHy eagineer and assistant orpova..on attorney,
report, bill M,273.83 allowed ..........................
City engineer, report.... ....................................
City engineer, report Broad waybridge
City engineer, annus report, may wmmuoi-
City funds, depoeita advertising for �roposale...
City hall and court steam heating...........
City hoapltal, estimate ................................ .....
City laborers, etc., redaction boars of labor........
City officer, election of.................................172,
City park fund, 825,000 bond. .............................
City printer, election .........................................
xii IS
City Printer, election, 1890...111...........1 ................ ^_
Clifton street grade................................955, 377, 437
Ci printer Pioneer Press Co. contrast, hood...
Clifton street grading ......................................
Clinton street sprinkling .................................. 192
City of St. )Saul assumes all rests-ibiIRy of
the tcanster oC
Clough, Col. W. P. letter................................37, 88
Maiahall avenue bridge, upon
same from count y..........................................
Co.,, weighin arab selling ................................ 109
City treasurer's bond .........................................
City tremi-r'scertificatee of sale, notary fees...
Coal and woo bids.......futu...........rdi................
Cochran, Thos. Jr., acceptance of ordinance....... 6
Jr., of ordinance
Cl,y trmeurer'e certificates ofsale, notary fees...
Cochran, Thomas acceptance
City treasurer, certificate of sale, notary fees....
order. Richmond street
Cochran,Thomas,communication .................87, 18
City treasurer, money
(Jody, Margaret..........................................:187, 321
City treasurer, od cial bond ....... ................1111.
Cody, Margaret, claim, detective sidewalk, SYce-
City treasurer, report Dceeu- r, 1889 ...................9,
City treasurer, report February, 1890 ..................
more street ...... .... .......... 1..11 ..................... 1...
Cody, Margaret, warrant..............................300, 401
City treasurer, annual repot[, transmission of
Cott', Martin, assistant pouud...ter................. Stili
by mayor ....................... ....i ........................
City treasurer, report March, 1890 ......................
Cokes (Joan AJ, edditioa [o doSt. Pants........... dis
Colborne street, No. 283, elect[¢n p!nce, pith die- 118
Ci[y treasurer, report for April, 1890 ..................
report for May 1890 ........... ........
lriet, fifth wa sprinkling- 166
Colborne street, s klinR-..................1........
City treasurer,
City treasurer, report from .tune let, 1890, to
Coleman & B q. and ofhere ............................ 223
College Marehall divleion, plata................ 303
June 28th, 1890 ....................... 1111.. ........
June let to June 28th,
C¢Ilina, IV G. letter, Broadway bodge, M. .
City treasurer report
1890, refetreti
St. P. R}'. Co..................... ........................... 17
City treasurer, report for July, 1890 ...................
Colonnade building (Tenth and St. Peter streets),
lection elghtU dlatrict, fourth ward...... 118
City treasurer, report far August, 1890 .............
for Angus[, 1890
Colorado street stairs......................................... 4'L9
City treasurer, report ...............
City treasurer, report for September, 1890...........
.......................... 39
Colorado street sewer............ '
City treasurer, report for October, 1890 ...............
for November, 1890..........
Colorado and South Robert streets sewer............
Commercial street grade..............................215, 331
City treasurer, report
board works
Commercial street grading .......................3, 163, 283
Claims, report of of public ............
Claims end account., committee =led .........
coin ial and Fourth streets grading ............. 385
supply.... 385
Clark and York streets, etc., Ore boxes.....
Commercial and Fourth streets, water
Clark street grade.............................................412
3I. D., went, Iota I3 and 12, block
Commercial street slopes..................... ............. .339
Commisaianer of health, report, garbage, etc...... 57
Clark, rearran
50, Rico & Irvine's eddi[ion........................387,
Commissioner o[ health, refuse notice............... 253
Committee (special oppointed, Broad way bridge 62
Clark, M. D., rearnngemeot, Dayton & Irvine's
Committee (epecia�, modlfintion of contract,
addition (Rice & Irvine)................... ............ .
Clark, \[. D .....................................................
Broadway ridge, substructure....................... 67
Committee, claims and accounts, appointed...... 209
Clark, W. \V ...............................................3.5:3,
Committee, fire department, appointed.............. 209
Cleary, James, fuel......................................467,
Clerk, chlefofpoliee, ❑zing rotary oC........._2t6,
Committee, gars and water, a p).poointed................. 209
Clerks and judges of election (May 6, 1890), bill.
Committee, license, appointed ..........................
Committee, leglelatlon, appointed...................... 209
ordered paid ..................................................
Cleveland elecLlon place, yrs[ district,
Committee, ordinance. and public account., ap•
eleventhward ...... .........................................119
Cleveland 348,
pointed......................................................... 209
Committee, parka, app¢inted............................. 209
avenue grade .........................924,
Cleveland avenue radio . 81, 101, 157,
Committee, police, appointed ............................. 209
Cleveland avenue 69, 70, 177, 400, 415,
Committee, printing, appointed... .........................
buildinge, city property and
419, 458,
Cleveland sod Wabash avenues, sewer ................
Committee, public
markets, appointed................ ....................... 209
Committee, streets, sewer and bridges, ap-
Cleveland avenue, sidewalk, crosawalks.............
Cleveland avenue; sidewalk .......... .............._234,
......................................................... R09
lweadt 209
Clerk of municipal court, appointment and
Commi[tce, taws, appointed ..............................
Committee, ways and Menne, appointed............ 209
bond .........................................................247,
Clerk of municipal court, hood aad oath............
Committee, workhouse appoin[ed..................... 209
Como dlota 27, 16,18 and 2......... 70
Clerk of municipal court, report December, 1889
Clerk of municipal court, report January, 1890...
Clerk of munielpal court, report February 1890.
addition, parts
Como addition...........................................1111.. 471
Como avenue, bridge approaches ....................... 32
Clerk of muolcipal court, report March, 1890......
'Como avenue bridge ..........:.......337, 357, 405, 429, 460
: bridge over G. N. By. petition...... 134
Clerk of municipal court, report April, 1890.......
May, 1890.........
Como avenue
Como avenue, Egao's tiger store, election place
Clerk of muolcipal court, report
Clerk court, report far Pune, 1890...
twelRh dfetnct, eighth wsrd......................... 119
of municipal
Clerk of municipal court, report far July, 1890...
Como avenue and Front street sidewalk, petition 174
Clerk of municipal court, report for August, 1890.
Co...venue,change of grade..S4,i1R, 181, 189,360,439
Clerk of municipal court, report for September,
Como avenue grade........................................80,
Como avenue, opening, etc .................... 33,57,70,309
Clerk of municipal court;report for October,1890.
for November,
Como avenue to old State road, opening, ate.,
street between810
Clerk of municipal court, report
1 Como avenue, planting and proteeting shade and
Clerk of munletpal court, annual report, torso-
ornamental tram..........: ................................. 829
I Como (on Gaultier),cromwalk................. 163
mission of by mayor ......................................
Clerk of of court, report examined.........
Como avenue sidewalk ...........................ROS, 322, 376
Clerk ofmunicipalcourt,reponJauuary and Feb.
Como avenue viaduct, SG P. & N. P. R. R........47, 61
Como boulevard and Chatsworth strait nrom-
rusty 1890, ezamined, etc .............................
Clerk to orusiciPal court, report examined.........
walk ...........1 .............111......................135......0. 164
Clerk of municipal court, report for May, 1890,
ezamived............ ..........................................
Como park, special police o�cer............135, 160. 163
Como Park, el>mial PpOolfceman isted ............ 198
1Varrendale Cltlzetly Union,
Clerk municipal court, report examined .............
Clerk municipal court,report July,t890iesam --- 3?I
Gomo villas and
Petition, etc .......... ....................18, 174, 208, 288
Clerk of municipal court, report examined.........
Common council, members, joint committee....... 209
Common council, sto ndinge-n ittees...............
Comstock, I. G ................................................
Concerts (open-air), First Regiment Rand, sp-
propriatton......................................... I..........
Concerts iopen-air), Lafayette and Irvine parks,
Concerts, parks, contract ...................................
Concerts, Rice park, proposal of First Regiment
Concerts Sopan-air), Summit and Central parka,
Co. I d street, change o[ grade ........................
Concord and Anita streets, election piece, thir-
teenth district, eiztb ward ..............................
Concord street, erection of buildius oa..............
Concord arrest, erection of building on ..............
Concord and Brown etre8te, police patrol lws find
Concord street, eprinkliag ...........................146,
Concord street crosswalk ...................................
Concord street, or Congress, crosswalk ...............
Concord street (on Belvidere) crosswalk ..............
Concord street sidewalk...............................299
Condit, A. D., and others, protest, erection of
r...... ....................
.1296.......... ............. . 185
of, dmlgnatlon at
87, 114
.,w F..nhwnoe Co. 121.201
of time, N.W. Telephone
...................................468, 471
Telephone Exchange
Conduits for wires, rtgat [o tay...................ot, 11 t
Conduits, underground wires ..........................t0, 47
Congress street, ehaoge of gnde............iii 818, 432
Congress:tr��t grsdtoq................................
. .......... ....150, 227
Congress street (West) to be made pusahie........ 168
Congress .treat aewer............................291, 299, 308
Congress:[rest and Wlnalow avenue cower........ 362
Congreve street (across Concord) cromwelk......... 141
Congressmen aid passage of bill, construction of
Broadwayy bridg:, etc ....111.....1 ...................... 122
, E ....................................
Cooklln..........255, 302
Conklin, H. E., remove frame barn ..................... 258
Conklin, H. E., move frame barn and erect addi-
tion............................................................... 298
Cooley, P1ladtwrnicnkkw, na_lddeermann,ele
ction . o
tlwey, ..t.......... ......1.7..2.., 21078
(ave niabsenc...................3
roved...................................................... 1
able, band.........................d .................... 320
.able, Farrell, oath and bond .. ion,...... est 245
able vacancy of office of election, August
Males, oaths
............................................. 110
.abim, oaths cud bonds .............................. 198
agent food, city angio
f ee
agent Nad, chief o Police ....................... 137
.ngent fund, corporation attorney's odice... 31
agent claim, Gngge &Foster, Broadway
........................................................... 139
act [or building kitchen, etc., city hospital 341
,act., Broadway bridge ..........................1111 39
rant, substructure Broadway bridge, mode- 67
,Lion, etc. .........................I .......................
,ay, James E., removed poll -scum ............. 174
'ay strait, azcluded from order aprinkllag
RrletNo. 2 ................................................. 166
gay street grading, Petition far ................... 34
'%7: street grading ......................................
street opening, etc., Bock (Produced
is east city Ilmite...................................7, 8
ray and other streets, open til, to ............. 47
'a7 street oponiog, etc., reaolutfon repeal- 48
resolution to annul orders .......................
,.I street sewer....................................168, 229
, John W., promoted captain of police........ 222
etnet grading, contract ............................. 291
street sewer.................76, 132, 156, 171, 232, 441
street (across Edgerton) crosswalk ............. 164
street sidewalk ....................................... 216
street, slopes between Cortland street aad
it of way of N. P. It. It. ........................ -.- 14
street slopes..........................................45, 55
and, Johu, alderman, election of 172 178
laud's, alderman, resolution Passable mail
ween McMenemy and Mi.LsiippI streets.... 289
laud, John, alderman, sworn in .................. 208
Henry \V., judge of municipal court,else-
a of.......173
dck, Leon A., patrolman, resigned ............. i
ing Clay Worts, election place, ninth dls-
,t, ward .......................................... 116
attorney, leave of absence ............... 64
oration ettoroey, cuatiaKaent food .............. 261
nrd wr nr nf.................. 205
Burr and Eighth streets ................................. 66
Corporation attorney, annual report..... ............. 109
Corpontioo attorney, report .........................1111. 271
Cortland street No. 994, election place, tenth dis-
trict, ninth ward ..................................... 119
Cortland and Jessamine streets, fire alarm box
187, 204
Cortland street (across Acker)c ro-[ilk............ 120
Cortland (Courtland)) street grading ................... 69
Cortland street, acutL terminus of, building of
fen".. .........................'.................................. 80
Cosgrove, Engebor, payment of judgment.......... 24
Costello, alderman, leave of absence ................... 432
Costello, Mark, appointed member board work-
house directon............................................... 87
Costello, Mark, alderman, slectisn of............112, 173
coatello. John. Pcundmmter, seeLisnt............... 166
an. 7, 1890 ....................... 1
-10,1890 ....................... 17
...21 1
.21, 1890 ..................... 17
b, 4, 1890 ....................... 40
sb. c 189U. ................... 65
ftah 4,1890 ................... 72
daroU 18,1890 .................. 87
.pr. 11 1890 ....................... 109
fpr. 16, 1890 ..................... 134
say 6, ..................... 166
day 20,, 1890 1890 ..................... 172
,y 24, 11" ....................... 196
: y
June 3 3,, 1890 1800 .................. 198
3 1890 ........................... 208
lune 17, 1890 .................... 221
July 1, 1890., .................... 248
my 9, 1890 ....................... 268
l l 9. 1890 0 .................... 268
July 16, 1890 .................... 269
ly 18, 1890 ...................... 286
Aug. 6, ]890 ..................... 287
q. 11, 1890 ..................... 316
lug. ] 9, 1890.., .............. 815
g. 25, 1890 ......::............. 335
Sept. 2, 11890 ................... 335
Sept. 1 . 1890 .................... 385
ig, Sept. I8, 1890 ............... 382
apt. 3701,
0, 1890 ..................... 383
oct. 7, 1890 ...................... 387
yet. 10, 1890 ....................... 417
Oct. 21, 1890 ..................... 417
t. 31, 1890 ....................... 44'1
Nov. 4, 1890 ..................... 443
................. 44S
890 ..................... 454
Dec. 2, 1890 ....................... 464
=.d16, 1890 ..................... 478
sng ........................... 115
ended ............................ 122
unintion........................ 87
eztensloa ..................... 128
.....186 243, 350, 361 863
. avenue, gra lug. ........- 138
...................................... 225
((aero,, Langford aveeue), r,-swalk. I.
(caro:. Carter and Doswell eecuuea) 167
.................................... I ............ .
(on Lao�Kford avenue) oroeewelk..... 767
o. Dooley avenue) oroe.walk......... 187
sidewalk..................................lel, 21a
sod city hall belle .................•......... 355
and City hail, illustrating, -pp 50 50
• -• house bulMing Illusuatlan
cly................ ...................
y hall, stet- haa......
-dl11tt o tract .....................
i. A. Currie ..........................
toot ..........
leelselPPi rlvor,gradinK
and 92
. ............
me .:...:...::...::. ...
C. {V. Walter................4aV,
.... 114
Ing, etc..... -.240, 40, 476,
4X0, 4111
i� i[y onglnwr'.report.......
i1 c
. Ilii, 't18
,net of Park, .NNropr.ixtlov I
.................... 134 i
d............ ......................................
..ddI a waterlog ....................
street croaewalk ...........................
street ep my OW...................68,
141, 850
14G, 150
street eldewal ......... ... .........:365,
n O aisermvow, election...........17".,
J., alder au, a ry f ......... ..toot
O., elected of coon............
- 8
7 sten "vsame .............................
err n
u), ditch, Ot[o avenue ...............
'ho,noting poundmeeter,appolntroent
mtepp..oo.......................................... . 105
j0�90�t,ted. 266
rovdmeater report fort.luve
,a-dreaster, report for geptember, 889
......................... ...........................
tuvdmaetar report [or October, 1890...
nndmeater, report eraml.ed.......rl
J.W.,'ob prl.Wn proposal.......... 62
J. W., Gid,job vtivg contract... 78
A.. lode-ant.......toot...........................
DabltwrR, John, claim................................9, 21, 61
Dahlberg, Joh., claim, appropriation of money 63
Dshl'.yy��Toho 5f ............................................... 172
Dally Ploncer Prose, elected o.,1.1 newspaper... 2
Dakota avcnuo, . ............................. Bo
Dakou avenue, name charged- ........ .. ... 98
D.koI. avenue, name changed to South Waba-
.he aerect...................................................... 9252
Dakota avenue, Part
aqq damaR�•••^ 192
Dakota avenue, Win Ing ......................
Dakota a...... widening, claim for damages 41, 59
Daketa avenue, widening ... 262
Dakotas relief committee, report ......................... 88
Dakota soft¢ren................................................ 93
Dakota a eullerers,, c0e0r0tific.W soft. ivdebtedne.. 105
DalekBumgardner.......................N111.......... b- 5
Data to Kedt street., alley gr ding, \fichel'eeub-
de :tree, block 5, p in a division...........202, 317
Dale street bridge approaches .......................202, 220
Dale street brldgg T po,ed ..............••.••..•.•.•••.. 48
Uale street 6t. 1'e 31r h 1 Ry. Co. bridge.......... 18
Dale and F:dmunb. etreete, election place,elghth
dietriet,eighth ward.....................................119
Dole street, number 9B election place, seventh
district, aev..ih nerJ.................................... 1l8
Dale street croesweik....................................... 259
Dei. street eide-11,it .........205, 238, R81, T79, 4U1, 484
Daly street grading....................................228, Y87
Dnmagee, cation for, John J. Rice ..................... 87
Damages, cl ."I fel Uskota avenue widnning..., 89
Damages, Churchill avenue 8gradfng.................. 88
Damages: block 4, Eaetvllle }ielghW addltlon...... 184
Damages, Fairvlew nannne opening ................... 68
Damages, grading Churchill avenu.. ..............
Damage,, A. G,;"Inn'e rearrangement Sig
addition Iwtltlon.......................................... 50
D...gex, N.ry to dwelling, etc., overflowing 188
water......................................................... .
Damage., I.Jurlce to swelling, etc., overflowing 109
nunmge., Juba Slnlloy............................:.......... 1137
Uatnuges t"hnr.e,notic¢of tial m, J. A. S(c.4uley ]A4
Damages, noticu of ulalm, Bro.dway bridge....... 184
D... notice of elalm,obstructfous, Fourth 72
Damages, Ott" avenue, opening, money order ... 88
Umnagex, overflowing alar, house Fairvlew
uddltlo u.............._ ......................................... 77
DemnBes, petition, J. A. Ale A,dey..............••..... 114
D:,mago., personal 1 njurlee,Putltlon,An na Buhler. 134
11ameK NPee o,.Ilujurle.,Elisabeth Sweet,af-
ro i .tion of money 64
PNr x toot .. ... .......................g
gce to well, A. Go,shm'. rearrangement, BI- 77
g, 4'e ad dl«ov................................................. 68
Damages, water overflowi.g block 12, Fairvlew
Damage,,, Whitall street, change of grade,mouey 66
order................. ...... ............................
Dm drew, C. M. k Co., butcher license, rot 9,
transferred .................................................. 202
Davicleov, Cathertve.......................................... 77
De,leleon, Catherine, claim, damages .................
D.m.I,o,, Catherine, money order...... 78
Davieleon, Catherine, money ordl,ance.............. 79
Danleleem Catherine, petition, damages ............. 69
Davie, C. 'E::::::::::
....................................................... 155
Davis O. E ....................................................... 417
D.A son W. F ................................................. 235
Dawson )�ilchnel, werravt................................. 875
Daweoula rearra.gsmear block 29, Lyman Day -
addition. lot 1 damages .......................
......... ....... R0
Dawson etrcet extens(on............................. ]78,
Dawson .treat sewer...........282, 817, 850, 858, 981, 892
Day's labor, eight hove, acting mayor's -mmv-
vloation....................................................... 386
Dayton eveoue, No. 984, electio. place, first dle-
trirt, seventh ward ........................................ 118
Dayton avenue sewer, petition for..., 8»,177
892, 478
Dayton ave,"e(accuse Snell700
ing neeue)cross-
Deytanavenue aide end croe, welt................... 126
Dayton avenue eldew.Ik.......18R, 288, 286, 271, 401, 436
Dayton's addition, A. Got.1.1 eubdlvlelo.
block 78, alley grade ....................................... 824
D%to,'e It *.1 lot 7,..b 4, projection of
builds ng.................................................160 180
Dayton's bluff, Indian Mc..d. park, 820,606 96
Do,de.....................................1.................. .
Dayton & Irvine's eddit.on, IoW 6,7
and e
block 70, Inclose and.mprove Walnutntreet, l8t, 201
Dayton'. (Lyman) add.tio", block 101, Stiveoi'!e
e lbdlv.elon, alley grade.._ ......:...................:. 258
Dayto.'e(Lyma.) addition, Gotnfan'e subdlvle-
ion, block 78, aIle] da ...........................270, 288
Dayton'. Lyma, ad Itto,...........................
.................. .:...
Dayton's (Lyman) addition, Gotzian'e subdivW
ton, block 76, alley ............................^:r 88I
Dayton's (Lyma,) addition, detention of proq
any ....................................................R48, 276, 296
Dayton's ) dditlon, block 82, damages... 10
Dayton's (LymanLyman addlWon, block 41,ehaugts Iv,
Doll tante etc ....................................... toot....... . 61
ayton's (�.yman
) Willon, lots 4 to Ie, block 41,
oil taints, -skiing ahavgea Iv, etc .................... 64
Dead e,In" c b"tl,g,contract...................... lie
Dead animals, zemoving contrast ...................... 188
Dead animal., etc., estlmatee, Azo[l,a 11aeu-
1¢cturleg Co ................................................... 181
Dodd animals, coliactl.g' etc•, award of c.ntrnc[. 12.2
Dead animals, garbage, etc., ARotine Manufactur-
ingR Co's. plant .............................................. 57
Do..animal., etc., ate., propo.ala for collection,
ale.................................................................. 48
Dead animal., etc., colleotlo., to ....................... 69
Deed animals, oleo, eollactlov, ole., U,I,In........ 60
Dead anhnale, col is tlaK, prolweale, contract...... 114
Deau ff in. B., bond, water commissioner..... 176, 188
Deaule`t :.) .-.d addltlon, block 6, alloy olwn-
...I W, 391
'ciM1111 9 and State streets, election Mace, elghWt
,Ilei t, .irlh ward ........................................ 118
Dearing, tlam, petition vacaling Waxtca street,
.1c., I.....................................174, 231
Dearing, gam petits.. ........................... ........... 201
De Iiow Bmrth, 111.yua & William.' xddltion,
block �, grades of alleys to be reported............ 141
Decatur street paving .......................... 2:39, 422, 437
Decoration day,etc...._................................. ... 190
Dehu, Christfan................................................ 246
Ilelaney & O'Co 's ,laugh ter bouts. removal.. 246
Dell wood. IaceuQ a ding a d opening......... • 1'J4, 887
Dene:em ken �iee vice ..............................
Dense smoke nuisance, Noyee Broe. & Cutler's
PruLeet ............. toot. .......... ....................... 426
DepoaiW, city mean, aayertiee for pmPoaale toot. 484
Derby day, holiday......................................278, 280
-cringer'. rearrangement, 30
Da Jute street gr ............................... 360
De Soto street live ,damages ........................ 181
De Solo etrcet oPenivg, e[c.............................. 162
De Soto street, opening and wlaauing, petition
for................................................................. 87
De Soto street
opening and widening ................ 229
De Soto street retalnlnR wall ............................. 432
De Soto street sidewalk...............................352, 360
De Sotostreet, walk acro- ................................. 94
De Soto street (0n Mt. Ida) crosswalk ................. 163
De Soto street (on Mlmehaha) crosswalk..... 352. 163
De Soto y,Jo .lopes.............................2146,.352, 380
Devinney; John..............................stat on 2.. 297
Devitt, Michael driver Hondo etrcet station ..4 287
Dewey, Bass & �itohrer'e saditlon, IoW 12,11 14,
18 and 20, block I6 .......................................... Ill
Dewey, Job, J., petlliou.................................... 201
Diamond Jo Live steamers........................toot.... 198
Diamond Jo Lt.. .samara and St. Louis, ,
Paul k Mlvnenpolie Packet Co., rs,t of were-
houee ¢comedo o, levee ................................... 180
o and to public levee............................ 181
d Jo Line steamers and St. Louie, St.
k Minneapolis Packet Co, lease ............... 187
an ` -C E. money order ........................... 82
!h W m., and nth titlon......165, 201, 233
•rs fine rami« toot ............ .....198, R38
............................................. 454
CLFreae., wWarmvt..................................... 875
Go............ .......J, ..............287
r Printing Co., co pr, t ng, v ............... 2
Printing CCo.,bid,i Job p ppooralon 82
Printing .. bid, Job Pr vtlug con -
...................................................... 78
east of fair grounds and west of Como
cattle running at large ........................... 174
or -[Fart Ottoevevue, making............ 94
Wm. K., erecting bulldl,6.••................ 78,79
Dobmer, I.e...Ll J, derman, election of......172,173
L hear, L. J., nldermaal., .w.r. 1. .....................
Dobner, Aid., appointed committee o. gas...........
Dobmer, L. J., sed W iek,, W. G ...... ...................
Doehne,George, claim ......................................
Doehve, George, order Lvor o( ..........................
Doehne, George, petition .................................
184, etc., appointment of flve special
P., icemen.... .................................................. 114
Dot census, mem appol.ted................................ 198
DoLerty. A. Al.. auctlou..r. Ilceoee rob¢te. etc..R:t, 81
-y Warren ...........................................
r, John, order favor of ............................
r, . W ...................................................
1 S8
f, I'., claim ............................................
r, Patrlet, money order ...........................
yy� ofeew-contract.........
Der...d, refunding order ......................
IlurneN, warrant favor L ......................
J.mas, police , resin a d ...................
James, po�lccman, resigned ...................
de ..................................... 878
nveu u County road) oroeewalk... 107
a and Kenton etrcet de .............
vo m 1 Keeton street eldewalk........
avenue eta
�.. R. peWtfon............... ................. :.,1
utas) K ................................................
a4, 202
o, ChrJJ., alderman, eleutlon .1.....172,
C. , ¢lderntnn, sworn i. ...................
1 avevuc(o. Cou.ty road) croe. walk.......
-1.1 W ................................................
.. ____trot__- -
Narasstreet................................................ .. 18
Douglas street and For
avenue catch ce'.. .. 94
Doueman and Banal etreete, olect)on place, aev-
enth dfetrlet filth ward els,.. police
Doueman and :.ave E.. streets, pollee patrol box
telephone ................................. .......dg,-....- 81
Drake, A. P., and others, payment of d menta.. 92
u g
Drake, A. P.movey order,payment o I. on
Drake, E. F., remove frame building .................. 285
Drake, J. R ...................................................... 356
Drake, J. H., jesperits pavement, Third end Sib-
le7Streets ..................................................... 375
Drew, George .................... ......................... 172
Dries, Martin, expert printer, tabulated state-
,act,- o
,act,reppoort.................................................. 77
Drinking fouetalne, B. of P. W., purchase and
erect two (2) ................................................... 254
Drinking fountain, St A,thuny Perk............III, 824
Drinking fountain, 6velllvg and Capitol sve-
nuea .......................................................821, 824
Drlxoil, Frederick; Tr., job p=,g proP•e•1...... 62
Drlecoll� F., Jr., jab printing contract, eW...77, 7X
8-, 98
Dr Ilan 1, F., ... claim, health department eup- 458
Driver Duca, street .ts[lov .....M
268, 237, 287
Driver Margaret street ata ilo,...............281, 237, 287
Driver Rondo atvaet etatl.. ...................258, 257, 287
Driveway off Oakdale avenue to Loy street...... 155
Duca, street substation, driver patrol wagon ep-
poI n ted ........................................................ 1
Duces street station, driver....................25ft, 28T, 287
Duca, etroet station, Jaller....................253, 257, 287
Duca, street substation, sewer and gas tonne-
[tom............................................................. 347
Duces etrcet subatat ion, ntov¢e.......................... !OA
Dudley and Raymo,d nrevuee, gradlvg............ 249
Dudley sheet, vacation part of.................M. 216, 221
Dufree.e, A„ mfundlnR order ........................... 116
Duke street sidewalk....................................366, 933
Duke street sprinkling ..................................... 166
Duluth avenue grade.....................199, 2U8, 258, 269
Duluth avenue gnding...............................187, 153
Duluth avenue sidewalk ................................... 434
F. �.
j r
avi INDEX.
Eight hours dny'e labor, Aldermen Sullivan,
Eleventh dletrle[s, olection•pincae 1t9
Etri', th ardlltl treete:elodfon place, fifth die. 118 <
Damping Rrounde.................................._. .. .336
Dumpin • round, certain land not to be used for
fits reeoluuon..................................................... S65
bridge 468
Eleventh ward, redfetric electI.ion purposes.. >a
Evergreen e e ue and oche create Bawer,
Dunlap, lC. D., warrant ............................... .. -
Wt 1, Llock 6, Rosedale
875 Eighth street .........................................
d l
elutrco- •le 165
El.,fie epeeial 104
Ewlog dc�tChute'contract ddltlon, tole 7 and e, block 2, 1
Dunn, Thoe„ euLdlviRfon
park ..................................... .................
trackf loop...'.....•....
t trio Y FS 6' ..........
"ll 1 IRttL street,
Eighth sprint Ing... 192
po cemen to ant ea Pouodmmter.meat
Eleventh and tenth wards, eewero, *b It to
conetruo,loo of balcony................................. 1t7
lots. 7, block
Dunweil h Bpeuccr'e addltlit ntorl-g o1L.... iU, 23, 24 street . ...............-..............
29.....85, 8d, 104 Eighth ,trot, attest railway............• 160
aongrmatlon aeeeesment, etc ........................... 8
Ewlog 6: Chute's suMlvlelon, and
1, Leech's addition, lou t and e, erectloa two
Dunweil A Spencer's addition, Lluck
addition, redewptluu
L•'ighth street, St. Poul Clty hallway Co.'x loop,
Eleventh and Leath wards, eeweraf, land
nl ht Boll contrect......... 122
balconies ........ ........ ................. .............. ...... 182
Dunwdl h Spencer's
geaerai taxi , Llock 18 ....................................
.....o..... I80
234 xupplumuntal ordluaucn.............. . .
Eighth Klttaon streste, election place, fourth
Elileon, H. F., ewerdl- gg B
Ellleou, A., collection nlght Roll, contract........... 114
Ewing h Chute's addition, block I, alley vacs,
322, 928
Durack, P. h Co ............... ............................
IBS and
t{,, 118
1.55 Jletrlet, third waN...,,,...'lec
Ellison, B., aollecJlon deal ealmals, wntrut...... Il4
Eschenge and Walnut streets, pollen Petrol W:
Duraek, P. h Co., receiver of, petitlnn................
k Co., oQ connnuulcatlon......
l'o'n jw'r'.,,'s
155 Eighth ward, redbtriding, electl.n purlastro..... YO
Ellleoo, H. F., collection dosd animate, award of
Durack, P. rcoeiver
Dvorak, Frank..................................................5
Elghlh went. thirteen dlxtrlde, olectlou Vlecee
con[rent........................................... ,
Ell bon, 1, F., collecting dl,h,, mals, contrnat 170
E:Icy, Geo. J.......... ..........................................887
Dwyer, P. V., bid, Iampe...................................
Llock 2, P. V.
S asit...............................................118,119
ElHhth ward, purchaea of right of wey,,xa9,
F,zjrert�print�inreport LMc ammittoe on printing. 62
Dwyor, P. V. rmrrnngamsnt
460 ntrcet gradin ............................. .. 141
Ellison; B, F., contrec[g animate
vaults, cesefaule................ 188
F,zlenslo0 0(t mo, Azotfoe Manu factoring 314
Dyer, B. H ............................... ...........'....... �.....
246 Eisenmenger, Fred........................................... 842
Eleenmengor, J. F..............................,............
and aa.o03.tonte privy
ectio eoil,•202,
F,x- 818
Dynamite, powder houaee................................
Elswlrth, Peter ..... .......................................... x16
Ellsworth avtF.inure cimnge of namnenight
Eztawilon of t(utg Northweetem Telephone
Co.............................................. 488 `
Eleanor street groge...:...................................... 186
Elm (acroee Fren�tllo cronewelt........................ 101
and DIuM) crone-
change ......
Elk street (on Acker) cronewelke ...................... 120
Elm atreot (be a.
Eagle arrack, meeeenger ,ad telegraph poles........
Earl end HaetlnBe etrcete, electlim place, fret
221 Election of city o®care...............................17R, 178
Election dlelr ate map of...................67, 78, 1U8, 888
for 116, 117
F,Imer, H. N................................................887, 409
Feber,P-ul, market mastor, nominale4L............ 209
................. s ecee
district, second ward ................ .. 117 Election, purposes ctig a�,............2
croeefng flagtven..............12, 44 Election purpoeee radLtricting c ty for ......22, •13, 26
Elm erg &o8[orrleon'e rearrea ement of art of
Ffir0a it avenue and Mose, street, a attloa place,.
Orel district, elzth ward................................, f18
Esrl street railroad
Earl aad lfeetfnge avenue, re�larm box..........
187 26,0,28,29,80,10.5.233,821, 564, 3G6, 400
Tdacalester Park .................................... ..... •
Elmer h ktonleon's rearrangement of part of
Feirlield avenue, change of grade..............52, 75,144
..... .... .....
Earl arrest croeewatk ....................... . ..
288 Election, redistrictin cit committee appoint-
q.„• y,,,,,,,,,,,
Sfacaleeter Park, grade ,trtete, Et. Paul Title
Falrfleld avenue efdewelk.. ................,,.,,.. .299, 11B
Earl street, ezcluded from order, sprinkling
••• . ....
ed ....................... .............
166 Election dletrlet, redfetricting city, ordinance
Insurance and Trust Co................................. 385
Falnnounl ave nue, new.............,.....,.....ave. ..... 428
from Owasco avenue. 427
dleMct No. 2 ..................................................
N rinklin ..........................237
amended..... ..................................................392
F,Iwe1l,Jno.,buteLer licence No. B,tenefer......... 41H
Falnnou nt even tie sower,,..,,,,..,,....,.......,,,,,,....,152
Fri e. P 6. ...........
Earl street eprinkling, protset...........................
.....................4U2, 449
287 Election, voting pieces............ 441
88 Election, signs for voting Places......................
Ely'e 1, Johon,lote 27 and 2H, block.................. 66
Fnlrmount ave aewar raicmptlon ef certifi-
Earl .tree, widening ........................................
of way C., Df. 8 8t. Y. Hy.
Election, May 8,1890, polling places, blue ordered
Encampment 3. A. R., use of market hail......... 478
y Is y order ..............
ante erroneonsl od, sone
Fairnroent avenue eewer................201i, 216, 217, 251
Easement acroee right
Co..............................................86, 89. 90, 70,
Prior (G. N. By. Co.)-......•••.•
71 aid............................................................. 181
p Po p ........187,457
391 Election, Pont, llinR lecee................
Endicottattest, Brute adopted............ _.............
EmPilbracht, Charles..............................23,41,48,49
of contract.. ..........................7................... 158
Feement avenue
Eaetvllle)tieighte addition, block 4, dameRes......
184 Election, judgge. ani clerks, Mey 6, 1890, bills
Engine, fire, house, oreclion, money order.........
F,ngine house, erection. polo[ between Broadway
Fairmount place aewar..........................RR4, 242, 285
damages to,
Ftoa, 6.8 ........................................................
464 ordered paid.,................................................
163 Election, judges sad clerks, salary.................... 449
end John streets, 6eveoth street end 5lfeels-
Fairview addition, lot 12, block 12,
Eton eS.
3RY Election, judges ................... ........................... 888
afPPl river.................................................... 9
overif.winR water.......................................77,
block 15, alley vacntlon, Co..
EconomyStento Heat Co., of streets, etc............
Works, of contract to..
59 Election, judges, appointment ........................... 4u0
Engine house, vicinity Dale and Ellen rree!.!
to..... 9
Fairvtcw addition,
Doeltne's elafm............................................ 200
' =
Edge Moor Bridgge award
Edgerton .treat (on Cave) or....................
164 Elecllou, udgee ePPotnted................................. 409
DIa], appoiated......122, 12:64, 124
erection, chemical engine No. 5, tr¢nsfer
EnRtne(chemical)heuse, No. 5, Randolph street,
ln, 1,la
Fairview addition, block l5, alleyy vacation._ 79,93, 84
Edgerton street (on Cook) croaswalk..................
Geranium) crosswalk.........
164 Election, 1890 Judges
]64 Election, canveee o�vo[ee.................................. li2
a I ....... 9
p g nes.................... ............
Fairview addition, block 15, niley vacation, re-
funding money 134
Fdgerton street on
on Roae)croeewatk..................
s it
ie4 Elcotfon May, 1890, Prohlbitfon tfeket, refund-
Engine houxe, Phillips' addition, estimates,
Fairview ndditlon, Llock 15, alley Case street to
Edgerton street
Edgerton street Slme) cru ..................
164 fag order........................................................ 185
164 Election, storage of material for use of.............. 446
money orders, etc............................... .........
Engine house, purchase of lot for....................... 115
Janke street, vacnt(nn........................I........... 9
blank 12, alley 436
Edgerton street (on York) croaewalk.................
Edgerton street sewer system, estimate ..............
114 Electric Rghta, Rice, 6ummit, Irvine, Central, -
Engine house,purebass In, ..or near Broadway. 59
of land............ G.i
Fairview addition, grad.`.,,,,,,,,, , ,.
Fairview addition, Irinck 12, damages................. 56
Edgerton street sidewalk ...................................
495 Smith an Lafayette Parka............................ 142 I
167 Electric lights, dlecontinuance of........... 449, 469, 472
Engin. house, erecttnn, Pttrchese
Engine house No. 4, Tenth and Broadway streets,
Fairview addition, block 14, alleT, grade............. 413
on.................... 417
iw'nitllnq ...............................
Edgerton street
to Payne avenue, alley QradinR•
417 Electrlc Bghting and motor power, right to use
as 1................................................................. 9
Fairview heights, police protect
Fairview avenue Rrade....................386, 4tM, 444, 453
Edgerton street
Edgerton street to Diana avenue, bridge, con-
certain streets.......................................61, 92, 116
Engineer market house eleckeel........................,..
house, resignation, nominee.... 1.5G
Fairview avenue grading ......69, 110, 128, IoW
damning ea,ement..........................................
Edgerton andArkwrlghtetreet,powderanddyna-
101 Electric light meet, Rice and Wabeeha streets.....
Electric line,ala................ .297
bridge 405, 429
Engineer market
English street, catchLaetn .............................405
Errand lay for chief of police, veto.................... 41
Fairview avenge opening, County road..... ........ 138
mus houaea ........... ..
53, 178, 238,
406 Electric linea, avenue ..............
293 Electric lines Como avenue bridge, G. N. By.
Frdenber ger, B., Letcher license No. 57, trnnefer Y01
-venue o g, pe gm,
Fairview penin nettles, 3ama ,,
order.... 611 ,
, ,
Edmund street sewer ............:...........
Edmund and Dale etreeta, election place, eighth
Co„et ......................... 451
Eriokson, John E.,refundingorder..................1
Fairview avenue opening.................................. 128 ;'-
district, eighth word ..........................
Electric linea, eztonsion of time....................347, 44S
119 nri.9,ten,,.,,--,,..ofti.
Oakland 3611
Grand and
Erle street crosswalk........................................
Fch'e warehonee, Mlnnehahe street, election
Fairview avenue alk.,......... ............. 191
Egan'- cigar stare Como ahverne, clectfon lace,
119 I Electric lion, aad
av,,. um,
'Electric lines Gmnd end Oakland nvenuea,
place, ninth district, eighth ward ................... 119
Fairview avenne (nn Blair) crosswalk............... 739
6w It street) crosswalk.. 139
Fair,le avenue (on 1) a
thirteenth dretr�ct, eight
Eggers,Henry..................... .............................
S00 service dealSed............................................. 270
Fs Martha Sf., order favor of. .......................
;John, „ 134
Fafry ew avenue (.n an -ren crosswalk...... 167
Eggger., Henry, SlLley street cave .......................
297 Electric Ilnee, Oakland and Grand avenues,
Fp Petition... .................................
Etnab_it, Jahn D.......................................135, 160
Fairview avenue la. Auburn crosswalk...... 1R9
-, -
pnnkling ............................
F.[chenwald street,Is
EigLt hours day's star, acting mayor's mmmu-
205 Letter service.................................................
1 Electric hoes, Oakland avenue Ilse, run care,
. r
Estate of Jecoh %V. Bass, and others, petition...... 77
135, 17fi, 214, 224, 271,
Fairview ¢venue (on Minnehaha crosswalk ..... 167
Fairview avenue (across Blair, Thomas and Van
nfcation................... .
335 e[c.............,.................................................. 409
` 409
fine, Snelling avenue bridge
Estimates, city engineer...
289, 316, 338, 357, 423, 455
Buren) crosswalks.......................................... 139
Eight Louts day's labor, city comptroller's sum.
ght ho day's labor,
I Electric .................
838 � Electric removal of, St. Peter and Sizth
Estimates and clnims...8, 21, 69, 77, 91, 114, 159,
Fairviow avenne (on Capitol) crosswalk............
tis ...w.
••""""'" " " """
labor, a com-
„.................... 494
streets .................................. .. . .
179, 200, 216, 23R, 162, 274, 295, 319, 387, 341,
Fairview street plank walk..............:.................
Fairview avenue sidewalks 792, 216
Eight hours day's city comptroller
mumeatfon on Alderman McNmanse 'a reeolu- Electric power house, Hill and Ontario stream,
3113, 392, 426, 449, 457, 467, 468,
Broadway bridge• of............ 11t
Fairview avenne side and erose walk...........126, 16l
316 water pipe......................................................
Ftimatea, payment,
Ftimatea, Broadway end other br(dges.............. 67
Fairview street, free haul of Band, notice.,,........ 94
Eight hours day's labor, Alderman Gehan'e taco-
Electric power etatlon.......................................
S83 Electric railway eztenefon, Front street.............. 287
Estimates, gra engine house, Phillips' additfoa,
Fairview street grade...................................RO, 188
Fairview street 164, 252
lotion .............. .. . .......................................
Eight bourn day's labor, Alderman M-Namco'e Electric railway lines extension of. ................... 842
of certain
money orders, etc..............................................
FA at,, 0aa1, city hospital............................... SI
Fairview street .loPse.............. 158, 170
reeolu[ion.............................:........................ 884 Electric wires, orbldding use pole.,
dayy'�- labor, Alderman McNamee'e limits............................................................ 200
F thnatee, monthly, Azotfoe Maoufacturlag Ca.. 191
Ferm nroduce, ppoultry, etc., peddlers................. -
Farrell, James H..,.......................................246 N.
Eight hours
resolution, 17y cents .....................................
400 Elled street, chaOHe of name......................,,115, 117
Est, maw, to:levy.......................................963,
Farrell, James H„ election of 172, 173
Elght hour, day's labor, mayor's communication Ellen street, election place, seventh thatrict,
Ethel street sewer........................................808,
Eustis, Fred................................................. 454
Farrington avenue culvert................................ 405
and ren.lotion ............................ ................
labor, Aldermen
417 eighth word ...............................
Ellen .tree[, lamp poet, sign changed .................. 14t
F.aslie street opening, etc................................. 67
Farrington avenue grade .................................. 404
avo0ue, eprinkling.......................... 412
ESgbt hoop dayy's resolution of
Sanborn end McNemea...................................
218 Ellen street, elde and crone walks.....,,..chos.,.of iR8
Euetle attack openlnR and Tarrltorlai road grad-
Fauquler elreet, to put to passable coadltlon..... 824
Eight Loon day's labor, Aldermen Banborn'e
Ellen and Grotto etreeta, vicinity of, pttrehme of
in ,gR refundlmf order .......................................
Eaa-2 street eldewak....................................... 12T
Fwquler street, spur track. .......................... 160,161
resolution ......................................................
298 lot, engine house............................................
� r
ani INDEX.
lln niping grounds .......................... ...... 11
Dumpin �rouvd, certain laud u -t to lee used for 5
Dunlap,. U., warrent ...................................... 375
Dunn, Thos., s"W 11I.,u n lot 1, Llock 6, Rosedale
park..................................... ................. 346
Dunwell ,\ Spencer's addition, storing ui1.....10, ^^_34
Dunwell &Spencer's addition, block 29.....85, 88, 104
Dunwell& 1pence.'. addition, redemption
general Lazes. biock 16 .................................... 234
Durack, P. & Co.- ........................................... 165
Durack, P. & Co., receiver ot, petition ................ 155
Durflck, P. & Co., rtreeiver of, contmuuicatiov...... 155
Dvorak, Frank ............................................ ..... 255
Dwyer, P. V.. Lilt, huuvps......:........................... 3
Dwyer, P. V, era gemnnt block 2, P. V.
Dayer's adr(ition........................................... 450
Dyer, S. H ........................................................ 246
Dynamite, powder houses ................................ 406
Eagle street, messenger and telegraph poles......- 221
Earl find Haetinga streets, eleetlou pl¢ce, neat
district. second wind ..................................... 117
Earl street ra'Imad croaein fla m .... ...... 12, 44
m l ..
Earl and tJ.-..w avenue, Ore alarm box.......... 187
Earl street crosswalk.................der,.................. 166
Earl street, excluded from order. sprinkling
district.................................................. 166
Earl street eprinkling...................................... 237
Earl :tree[ apnnkling, Proteat........................... 268
Earl street widening .......................................
Easement across right of way C., M. A St. P. Ry.
Co...............................................36, 99, 10, 70, 11
F emevt Prior avenue (G. N. Ay. Co.)..........^• 391
Ftvllle eights addition, block 4, damages...... 46
Eaton, S. S.- ....................................................
Eaton street sidewalk ....................................... 163
Economy Steam Heat Co., of streets, etc............ 322
Edge Moor Bridgge Works, award o[ contract lo.. 69
Edgerton street (on Csae) crosswalk .................. 164
Edgerton street tan Cook) crosswalk.. .................. 164
Edgerton street (on Gevavfut�)wc alk......... 164
Edqe ton vtreet on Roae) e * alk..w.............. 164
Edgerton street ov Sime) c walk .................. 164
Edg.rton street ov York) croeew Ik................. 164
Edgerton street eider ],,..Lein, estimate.............. 41345
Edgerton street sidewalk ................................
Edgerton :,,.ttreet apeinkling ............................... 167
t Pa re a alley RredinR. 417
hours day'. labor, Alderman Sullivan'.
. 365
street bridge .......................................... 466
and Grove streets, bridge playa ............... 373
treet'elayink ietvgle track "loop __._ 192
st Prin ...
street, strcro[
rid way alms-...--....-.��������������� 160
street, St. I'nul City Railway Co.'s loop,
,,it Killeen streets, election Place, fourth
jet, thirdword. ...................................... its
w d, redstricting, election purposes..... 29
ward, thirteen districts, election 11 cue
listed ...............................................118, 119
a d, mirell", of right of way, Rice
w r
Igradin .........................................130. t9l
tenger, J,r d .......................................... 342
ggr J. F ............................................ 42G
Ilibar....._ .......................................... 315
r street grade .......................................... 166
nt (o Acker) crosew¢]ks................ .... 120
f itp otscera......................_...__.1i2, 173
iv district, map of...................67, 78, 108, 383
fizivg pieces (or holdingg.. ........ 116, 117
:.I. purposes. redl�trlcling ciya for......22I L3, 26
n _ie1i 4.366. 400
... 233
t, redistricting city, ordinance
............. ...............................402,
or voting places .......................141
1890, polling places,bills ordered
mite houses ...........
61, 113, 236,
oiling ler
i an , Dfey-6,1898,•-bila,
.......IIar.....a Int ........................
and clerk., ea lery....................
appointment ...........................
filled .................................
app -lilted .................................
890 Judges appointed ......122.
. .......................
123, 124
............................- 165
.e f............ 446
o T
r Irvine, Central, 142 I
e of.... A49 469, 472 /
Electric lighting and motor power, right to use
Edgerton o ➢ avenue, brid
Edgerton street to Dlaria ge, con-
certain etreete................ 61, 92, 115
...........'-'-- sire
and Wabash.. streets..... 426
Edgerton and Arkwrightstree[,Podderanddyna-
Electric line,etc...............................................297
405, 429
mite houses ...........
61, 113, 236,
406 Electric lines, Como avenue bridge ..............
avenue Lnit ,-
293 Electrle Ifnes Como Re. G. N. R
Edmund street sewer ........................
Edmund and Date streets, election place, eighth
Co., etm,gtben........ .......................... . 451
11 Electric linea, .,Weston of time....................34i, 443
district, eighth ward ......................................
elt'etion lace,
Electr[c Ilne, Oakland and Grand
tig .........
d'sLrt t�ID eighth ward
119 Electric linea Grand and Oakland avenues,
corvbe don Lyed..............................................270
linea, Oakland and Grand avenues,
ESgere,Hevey,Stbley .tree[cave.......................
better service................................................. 398
Eicbenwald street, sprinkling ............................
Eight hours day'. labor, acting mayor'. c-mmu-
Electric hues, Oakland avenue line, cars,
.icatfo............. .335
Eight hours day's labor, citT comptroller's win-
etc ....................... ....................
ge .................
Electric live, l avenue brld 409
St- Peter and Slzth
innateetioa ....................................................
, relli va
Electric poles, removed of,
.... 484
Eight blurs day's labor, city comptroller's core-
Alderman DScNam-'. meet'
s treats ....................................
Electric power house, Hill and Ontario atreeu,
urtication ov
water piPe...................................................... 375
Eight been day's labor, Alderman Gehan's reso-
Eiec[ric ]rower station .......................................
Electric railway ezmneion, Front atrwt............�
Eight boors day'. labor, Aid.-.. McNamee'.
Electric railway lines, ealenaion oL................... 342
Electric wlrea,forbiddi.g nae of poles,
limit. 200
P'ght homes dayy'�. labor, Alderman McNamee'.
17y cents
Ellen street, change of name........................115,117
rewlution, .....................................
Eighthours day'a labor, mayor's communication
Ellen street, election place, seventh district,
and resolution ................................................
eighth ward..................................................
Eight hours day'. labor, resolution of Aldermen
Ellen street, lamp poet, sign changed .................. 14l
Ellen street, aide and ernes walks..................... 126
6anborn end McNamee .................. ...........
day's labor, Alderman 6anborn'e
Ellen sed 13rotto.treets, vicinity of, purchase of
Eight hours
lot, engine house.......................................... 116
four districts, election Places
adietricting, election purposes.. 30
Ah wards. appolvtment epeclal
:t m P dmaeter.......... ........ 164
'th_wards, ,ewes, objection to
sesamevt. etc ........................... 3
ti v..da ss dance bond fu.d..40. 41
Ellison, B., collection, contract........... IN
Ellison, B., trollectlon dead animals, CO-"-'...... 114
E! cal, B. IP., collection dead avitvals, award of
coottact......................................................... 122
Eliiwv, B. F., collectivg dead an' ale, contract, 176
Ellison, B. F., removing ni�ht Boll, etc.. covtrwt. 176
Ellleov, B. F., covtreet re -m, dean animate
ad covmnta privy vaults, cesslrools................ 188 j
Ellison, B. F., propoenl, collection night soil, etc. 48
Ellsworth avenue hang. of nama...............201, 119
Elfin (acro. b-rav(CIi.) croa.walk........................ 101
Eschen e
ane Blow c
Elm street (between g ) roes -
walkH ....................................................387, lot
Elmer, H. ward...........................................387. 409
Elmer, Howard son,.............................. Part..o 155
Elmer, &Morri'rearrangement of part oC
Dfacaleater, Park ................."int................... 385
Elmer & Dfo Park,
rearravgeutent o1 part o[
Insura cer Park, grade atrecte, 51. Paul Title
Insurance and True[ Cu ................................. 381
Elwell, Jno., butcher license No. 8, transfer......... 46{
Elwell, John ..................................................... 48'2's addition, lots 27 and 28, block 2 ................. 66
Encampment G. A. R., use of market hall......... 478
Endicott street, grade adopted ........................... 162
EogelbreehI, Charles..............................2:i, 41, 4A, 49
Engine, re, house, erectinmey
o, onorder......... 165
"'I"' Jo
streets,Sevenfh street and. Misais
aippiriver.. .................................................. 9
Engine house, vicinity Dale and Ellen streets,
erection, chemical engine No. 5, transfer to..... 9
Engine (chemical) house, No. 5, Randolph street,
purchase ..Btve.................... 9
Engine house, Phillips' addition, estimates, 56
money o'itets, etc ............................... .........
F•-ngive be
Engine house,puvch,.e lotonov neer Broadway. 59
Engine house, erection, purchase of land............ 6.5
Evginehouse No.4,TeuW and Bwadwaystreets,
Engineer market house elected .......................•.. Ififi
Eogivcer market house, resigvati-n, nominee.... 156
English beet, catchbaein .............................. 44
Errand boy (or chief of police, veto ...................
E vienLerger, B., butcher license No,57, transfer 201
I;riekson, John E., refu.di.g order .................. 116
Erie.treet croa.walk ....................................... 4.51
Esch's warehouse, Dllnnehaha street, election
place, ninth district, eighth ward ................... 119
Evpey,,hr, Di.,n._. favor-.. .................... 134
Espy, John, Petition.. .
E. h.
Jo h. D .............. .......................135, ]fin
Estate of Jacob IV. Bass, and others, Pett tion...... i7
Estimates, city e.glneer...1S.i, 176, 214, 224, 271,
289, 316, -a' 357, 422, 455
Esfim.tee and chime...., 21, 59, 77, 91, 114, 159, e
179, 200, 216, 232, 252, 274, 295, 319, 397, 341,
363, 99'2, 426, 449, 457, 467, 468, 431
Estimates, Broadway bridge, payment of............ 6,
utimatea, Broadway and other bridges .............. 57
Estimates, fire engine house. Phillips' addttiov,
p y ordure, etc .............................................. 96
o e
P timate, final. city hospital ............................... AI
Estimates, econthfy,Awtf ve Manufacturing (:o.. 1B1
Eetheam, tnz lav 463, 393
y ........................................
Etbel street cower........................................309, 362
Eustis, Fred ................................................... 454
Eustis street opening, etc ................................ 67
Eustis street opening and Tersitor1.1 road grad-
in refundinRorder....................................... 158
Enc d etrlet,Idewalk....................................... 127
Eva and Plato streets, election Dlace, 0ilh dao -
telerd ............... ............... .118
waavenue and other ....este, aewer,-
award of contract ......................................... IBe
Ewineg &Chute's addition, lot, 7 and 8, bluck 2,
con tructiov of balcony ................................. 117
Ewlvg & Chute', subdivision, lots 6 and 7, block
1, Leech a addition, lots 1 and 3, erection two
balconies.................................................... 162
Ewing & Chute', addition, block 1, alley vaca-
tiom..................................................24G, 322, 326
Exchange and Walnut street., police patrol hoz
telephois.. ................................ ; .......... ...... 31
Exley, (:w. J ......................
........................ 837
Expert,employment of by committee o. printing. 62
F.zpert Printer, report,etc................................. 77
Extension of time, Axotine Dfanufacturing
Extension -(time, J. J. O'Leary &Sons .....:....... 813
Eat ... too of time, N.rthweetern Telephone E.
chargeCe.............................................. ...... 468
Faber, Paul, market master, nominated ............. 209
Fairfield ¢venue and Moses street, election place,
neat dietrld, eixlh ward ............................._ - 118
Fairfield avenue, change of grade..............52, 75, 194
Fairfield avenue sidewalk .. ....................... .299, 949
FvirmollnL .....:new'
...... .............................. 428
Fairmount avenue,changed from Owasco avenue. 427
Fairmount avenue aewer ................................... 152
Fairmount avenue sewer, redemption of certi6-
cafe erroneously Issued, money order .............. 66
Faimlonnt avenue sewer................206, 216, 2t7, 251
Fafm cunt arcnue andother streete, sewer,award
If contract.. ... ... ............................ .... 138
Fairmount. Plsm sewer..........................224,242, 293
Fairview addition, lot 12, block 12, damages to,
overflowing water...................................... i7, 190
Fairview aadition,block 15, alley vacation, Geo.
1loehne's claim. .. . ..... ........ ..... 200
Fairview addition, block 15, alley,acation ...79, 83, 84
Fairview addition, block 15, alley vacation, rv- ,
funding money .......................................... 134
Fairview additmn, block 15, alley Ca.e street to
.ranks street, vacation .................... 9
Fairview addition, ble, k 12, alley grade............ 436
Fairview addition, block 12, damage. ................. 5G
F¢ireiew addition, block 14, aide, gr aria ............. 418
Fatrvlew heights, pollee Protection .................... 417
Fairriewavenue grade....................386, 414, 446, 453
Fatrvlew ..revue grading...... 69, 110, 128, 54,
231,136, 249I, 426
Fairview avenue --ening, County aad............. 138
Fairview avenue pening, penalties, damages, 66
flyorder................ .............................
Fairview avenue 8li¢v Igg ............................128
Fairview avenue ew.sw. If ........................... 191
Fairview ave it tie (on Bl mr)croesw Ik............... 139
Fairview uvea-. ( n Thomas etreet)cr139
Fairview avenue fee Van Buren) crowalk...... 167
Fairview ¢venae (serosa Anburv) cro w Ik...... 139
Fairview avenue (on Min nehaha c -..walk ..... 167
Fairview avenue (.cross Blair, Thomas and Van
Buren) crosswalks .......................................... 139
Fairview er, ntte (on CaPttol) crosswalk............ 167
Fairview street Plank walk ............................... 119
Fairview avenue sidewalk, ....................189, 192, 216
Fairview avenue side and cross walk........... 126, 161
Fairview street, free haul oC sand, n -lice........... 94
Fatrvlew streetgraae............................:......50, 186
Fairview street grading .........................13G, 131, 252
Fairview street alone............................147, 158, 170
Farm Produce, ppooultry, eta, peddlers ................. 162
Farsell, James H ..........................................245, 320
Farrell, Jemee H., constable, election of........172, 173
Farrington avenue culvort................................ 405
Farrington avenue Brads . ................................. 404
Farrington avenue, 8priokling .......................... 412
Fauquier street, to put in passable condition..... $24
Fauquler street, spur track...........................160,161
avi INDEX.
Earl street rat roe gg
Earl and I#antings avenue, fire a arm box..........
PAt:s. PAoa.
E!%solution, day's labor, Alderman Sullivan's
Dumping gr ............
Dnm ' grounds ................_.......... ...
Dumping ground, certain triad not to be used
for .50
375 Eighth street bridge..........................................
Dunlap, li. D., warrent ......................................
Dunn, Thos., anbdivlsion lot 1, block 6, Itoeedale I Eighth and Grove etr ts. bridge plans ...............
Eighth street, layiu single track " loup ............
park ........ ........ ............... .... ..................346
Dunwell &Spencer's addition, storing ui1.....10, 23, 24 Eighth street sprink�inq...... ...........................
88, 104' Eighth strce[,street roil1way ..............................
Dunwell & S dditfou, block 29.....85,
pencrr's a
Eighth street, St. Paul City Railway Co.'s I..I"
Dunwell & Spencer's addition,
taxes, block l6 ....................................
.. I80
Durack, P. & Co..........._ ................ ..................
Eich, and Eittsontstreets, else' ionplace,fvurth
16- Fight
155 district, third ward...................................
.... 11g
Durack, P. & Co., receiver af, pal on ................
& Co., receiver of, commuuwatfov....., 155 Eighth ward, redistricting, electfon purpal Y9
Durack, P.
Dvorak, Frank ...........................................: ..... 2551
Dwyer,P.ranbid,lamps ............................... .... 3
block 2, P. V.
Eighth werl, tbirteen dial hbc, election places
abdiliihad ........... 119
Eighth word, purchase o[ right of way, Rice
Dwyer, P.rearrangement
Dw add'tion...........................................
gar's t
street gradlnR.........................................139,
Dyer, S. H ............. ..........................................
ger, FFII'eedd
Eisenmenger, J. F............................................
Dynamite, Powder sea ................................
Efawirth, ater................................................315
street grade ..........................................
Eagle.,vGc messenger and telegraph poles........
Elk street (o Acker) crosswalks ............. .......- 120
Flection o cltj o&cera................................172, 173
t n
Election district. map of...................67, 78, 108, 383
Earl and Hastings .treat¢, election place,
district, second ward .....................................
'1 d croastn If man.. ............12,
Election, fining places for bolding...............
Election purposes, redistricting city for ......22,
115. 117
29, 25
Earl street rat roe gg
Earl and I#antings avenue, fire a arm box..........
Earl street crosswalk .........................................
Earl street, excluded !Yom order,-pri.kiing
districtNo. 2 ................................................
Earl street aprinkling......................................
Earl street spri kung, Protest ..........................
Earl street wiaentng ......................... ..............
Ease ant across right of way C., Df. & St. Y. Iiyy.
Ca...............................................36, 99. 40. 70,
Easement, Prior avenue (G. N. RS• CoJ-^•-•--^
Eastville Heights addition, block 4, damages......
Eamn,......................... I..............................
Eaton¢treat aidewalk.......................................
Economy Steam Heat Co., of atreeta, etc............
Edge Moor Bridgge Works, award of contract lo..
Cane) rosewalk
Edgerton street (a. ..................
Edgerton street (on Cook) m walk ..................
Edgerton atrect o Geranium) c osswalk.........
Edgerton street on Roae) rras,walk..................
Edgerton street on Slms) crosswalk ..................
Edgerton street on York) crosswalk .................
Edgerton street newer syystem, e -timate ..............
Edgerton street sprinkling ...............................
Edgerton street to Payne avenue, alley RRradin..
Edgerton street to Maria avenue,bridge,can-
demnfng easement .........................................
Edgerton and Ark wright street,powder and dyna-
mitehouses ..................................................
., �." .,.."t. newer ... .....:............
26, Y7, Y8, 29, 30, 105, 23.4, 321, 364, 3G6, 400
Election, redistricting city, committee appoint-
ed.................................................................. 235
Election district, redistricting city, ordinance
amendedil. ....t ............................................ 332
Election, voting Places........aces...................402, 449
Election, alga- for vot[og placesces, bills ordered 141
Electloe, May 6,1390, polling. ....., bills ordered
paid............................................................ 161
Election, rent, polling places ........................187, 457
Election, judge¢ and clerka, Dfey 6, 1890, bills
ordered paid .................................................. 161
Election, judges and clerks,salary .................... 449
Election. udges................... ..............i ........... 983
Election„judge¢, appointment .......................... 410
Election, Judges appointed ................................. 409
Election, Nay, 1890 Judges appointed....A22 i2:i, 124
F.Imti.n canvass of vat se .................................. li2
142 /
472 /
ing and motorpower, right to use
s,ts.......................................61, 92, 115
meet, Rice and Wabsaka ¢treat¢..... 426
etc............................................... 297
,Como avenue bridg....... 405, 429
!,IComo avenue bridge, G. N. Ry' 451
Edmund snit Dale streets, election place, eights
w.,icstrong, Bass ensi.....oftim ....................347
Electric linea, extension of time....................347, 443
district, ei bah ward .....................................
Egan'¢ cigar store Como avenue, election place,
Electric line, Oakland and Grand avenues.....321, 365
Electric lines Grand.rid Oakland avenues,
thirteenth district, eighth ward .......pia
service doubSed..................... ....... ................. 270
Eggers.Henry..................... .300
......... """""
Eggers, Henry, 6tbley street cave ......................
Electric Imes, Oakland and Grnd avenues,
Emhenwald street, epi.klieg ............................
Eight hours day's labor, acting mayor's commu-
better service.............................................. -„
Electric Iles, Oakland avenue Has, run care,
nmation................................ ............ .......... ..I
ete.............................. .......... ........ ............... 409
Electric line, Snellit, avenue bridge ................. 409
Eight hours da ;'e labor, city comptroller's sow-
Electric Poles, removal of, St. Peter and Sloth
Eight hours day's labor, city comptroller's com-
o. Alderman M,,Namee's resola-
etreate............................................................ 484
Electric power house, Hill and Ontario streets,
water pipe...................................................... 375
Eight hours day'a Iabor,Aldermaa Gaban'e vaso-
Electric power station ....................................... 356
Electric railway ezteneion, Front street............. 287
Eight hours day's Tabor, Alderman NeNemec's
Electric railway lines eatenslon of .................... 342
of certain
Electric wires, forbidding use poles,
Eight hoar, da 'e labor, Alderman NeNamec's
Ellen street, change of name. ....................... 115, 117
resolution , 77 can[e.....................................
Eighthoure day'. lamr,mayor'e communication
Ellen street, cleat!.¢ place, seventh district,
and resolution ................................................
Eiggbt hours day's labor, resolution of Alderme.
eighth ward................... I ............... ...............
Ellen street, lamp post, erg. changed .................. 14t
6anhor. and a aNamee.................. ................
Eight bourn day's labor, Alderman Sanborn',
Ellen street, side and cross walks.....................
Ellen and Grotto streets, vicinity of, Perth- O
lot, engine house..............,........................... 115
PA. .
Eleventh ward, four districts, election pieces
established.................................................... 119
Eleventh ward, rediatrtating, election purposes.. 30
Eleventh and tenth wards. appoi.tmnt special
policeman to act u pau.dmseter................... 164
Eleventh and tenth wards, sewers, objection to
onfirmation waseamnt, etc .......................... 3
Eleventh and tenth wards, sewerage bond fund.AO, 41
Ellison, B. F., awarding night Boll contract......... 122
Ellison, B., collection night eoll, contract........... 114
Ellison, B., collection dead animals, contract...... 114
FJ fee B. F., collection dead animals, award of 122
contract. ...........:.......................................
Ellison, B. F., collecting dead anlmale, contract. 176
Ellison, B. F., removing night -oil, etc.. contract. 176
Ellison, B. F., contract r moving dead
rid co.tenta privy iault,esonpvilsht soil, etc. 188
Ellsworth avenue changroof voice ................202, 118
film (across Fran�Clin) c sawal k ........................ 101
Elm street (between Exchange and Blufl) cross-
walk............................................................. 101
Elmer, H. N ................................................387. 409
Eimer, Howard N ............................................ 155
Ebner & Morrison's rearrangement of part of
Mmudester Park ............................... .... 385
Elmer & Morrison's r rangmnent of part of
Macaleeter Park, grade -tree!., St. 1'eul Title
Insurance and Trust ('o ..............:...... ........... 385
Elwell, Jno.,buteher license No. 8, transfer......... 464
Folwell,John...................................:........... ...... 482
Ely's addition, late 27 and ^-8, block 2 ................. 66
ent . A. R., use of market hall......... 478
Endicott street, grade adopted............ .............. 162
Evgelbrecht, Churl ..............................23, 41, 49,649
Engine, 5re, Louse, erection, money order......... 165
F,. nine hon -e, erection, point between Broadway
d John streets,Seventh street and Missis-
-tpi l river ......... ......... ........... ...... I................ 9
Engine house, vicinity Dale rid Ellen streets,
erection, chemical ongine No. 5, trnnsfer to..... 9
Engine (chemical) house, No. 5, Randolph etrtet,
engine..................... .............. 9
F.nglne house, Phflltps' addition, estimates,
money orders, etc ................................ _........ 96
Engine house, ptrchase of lot for ....................... 115
Engine house,purchase iotonornear Broadway. 59
Engine house, erectinn, purchase of land............ GS
Engine house No. 4,'rwh ad Broadway street s,
Engineer market hones elected..: 156
E.¢ina" market house, reaignalfon, nominee.... 156
English etrcot, catebbe¢iv ............................... 405
Errand boy for chief of police, veto .................... 41
Erdenberger, B., but cher license No. 57, trnnsfer 201
Erickson, John E., refunding order .................. 116
Erie street erasewalk........................................ 451
Esch'- warehouse, Minnehahn street, electfon
place, ninth district, eighth ward ................... 119
E pay, Dlarth¢ M., easier favor or
.................. 188
Espy. John, Petitiov...................................... 134
Estabrook, John D ......................................135, 160
Estate of Jacob SV. Bass, and others, petition...... 77
Estimates, city eng(neer...135, 17f, 214, 224, 271,
289, 316, 338, 357, 421, 455
Estimates and claims... e, 21, 59, 77, 91, 114, 159,
179, 200, 216, 232, 152, 274, 295, 8I9, 337, 341,
3G3, 392, 426, 449, 457, 467, 468, 491
Estimates, Broadway bridge, payment Of............ 6
Fathi ates, Broadway and other bridge- .............. 57
Estimate,, fire engine house, Phillipa' add Blow,
money orders, etc .............................................. 96
Estimate, final, city A.ti.a J;...nuft........og Co. 81
Estimate, monthly, Axotine Manufacturing Co.. 181
Estimate, tea lav 483, 393
Ethel , Fre .ewer........................................308, 362
Eustis, Fred ........................................... ........ 454
F.astis street opening, etc .................................. 67
Eustf- street opening and Terrltoriel road grad-
inRR rein ndt.¢order....................................... 158
E¢cifd streetsidewalk.. ................................. 127
Eva and Plato street-, ¢lectin place, fifth dis-
trict, sixth ward ............................................ 118
Evergreen avenue and other streets, sewer,
award of contract. ..... ................... ............... IN
Ewing & Chute's addition, Iota 7 and 8, block 2,
construction of balcony ................................. 117
Ewing & Chute's subdivision, late 6 and 7, block
1, Leech's addition, lots I and 3, erection two
be]- les ...................................................... 162
Ewing & Chute's addition, block I, alley vacs•
tion..................................................24G, 322, 326
Exchange and Walnut atreete, pollee patrol be
telephone..................................................... 37
Exley, Geo. J ......................... .................... 937
Ezpert,emplayment o[ bycommittee on printing. 62
Expert printer, report, etc ................................. 77
Extension of time, Axotine Manufacturing Co... 314
Extension of time, J. J. O'Leary & Sons ............. 315
Extension of time, Northweetem Telephone Ea -
changeCo....................F....................... ...... 468
Faber, Paul, market master, nomna
ited............. 209
Fairfield avenue and Moses street, election place,
first district, sixth ward ................................ 118
Fairfield avenue, change of grade..............52, 76,144
Fairfield avenuesidewalk ......................... .299, 349
Fairmount avenue, new ...... ............................. 428
Fat rmou nt avenue,changed from Owasco avenue. 427
Fairmount avenue sewer ................................... 152
Fairmount avenue sewer, redemption of """-
nate erroneously issued, moey order .............. 6G
Fal....... avenue sewer. ........ n......... 206,215,217,251
Fairnmun[ avenue and otherstrests;-ewer,award
of contract.. .............................................. 138
Fairmount place sewer. ......................... 224,242, 295
Fairview addition, lot 12, block 12, damages to,
verllowing water.......................................77, 180
Fwl ew addition, block 15, alley vacation, Geo.
Doehne's claim ............................................ We
Fairview addition, block 15, alleyy vacation.. 79, 83, 84
Fairview addition, black 15, alley vacation, re-
funding money .......................................... 134
Fairview additmn, block 15, alley Case street Lo
Jenks street, vacatton..................................... 9
Fairview nddh ion, block 12, alley grade............ 436
Fairview addition, block 12, damages ................ SG
Fntcvtew addil loo, block 14, alley grade ............. 413
Fal rvlew heights, police protection .................... 417
Fairview avenue grade ...................3if,.4n4, 446, 453
Fairview avenue grading...... 69, 110, 128, 136, 154,
231,249, 426
Fairview avenue Opening, County road ............. 138
Fairview avenue opening, penalties, damages,
moneyorder .................................................. 6G
Fairview avenin olxning ............................128
Fairview avenue crosswalks ......................::.... 191
Fairview avenue (on Blair) crosswalk ............... 139
Fairvlew avenue (on Thomas street) crosswalk.. 139
Fairview avenue(a- Van Buren) crosswalk...... 167
Fairview avenue (across Anburo) crosswalk...... 139
Fairview avenue (a. Minnehahn) crosswalk ..... 167
Fairview avenue (across Blair, Thomas and Van
Buren) crosswalks .......................................... 139
Fairview avenue (on Capitol) croeawalk............ 167
Fairview street Plank walk ..............:................ 119
Fit rviev avenue sidewalks ...................139, 192, 216
Fairview avenue aide and cross walk ........... 126, 161
Fairview street, free haul of sand, notice........... 94
Fairview street grads...................................i0, 186
Fairview street iredio.......................... 136, 1.54, 252
Fairview street-lor................
dlere...., 147, 158, 170
Farm produce, you try, etc., ped
Farrell, James H ..........................................245, 320
Farrell, James H., constable, election of........172, 173
Farrington avenue culvert ................................ 405
Farrl.gton avenue grade .................................. 404
F.rriagto. ave.ue, sprinklieg.......................... 412
Fauquier street, to put in passable condition..... 924
Fauqufer street, spur track ...........................160, 161
our Ctlon ut, p^•^"• __
net....................................... 347
de ado ¢ted ............................. 80
rocky treats, election place,
dzth waN_............II,y.b1..d. 118
approach from to .11ey, block
Antho.y avenue and Rondo 120
walk ............................. 376
,war ...................................
Iver, operation o(............ - ]S9
r [c.,
,i river, licence to
.... _.., 190
t Media avenue, electiou Place• 117
mord ...................... 1 ..
Pa. .
Fire alarm box, Rutgers and Ambevat aventlea.. 187
h ........ 262
Fire alarm box wl
Fire elan. 1roz, southwest corner Selby and
Western avenues .................... -
Fie alarm Ons, trorver Sneili.g and Grand ave-
nues............................ient..............1 Llan for Sy
Fire alarm bores, ineuit ad acallat a
FFire alarm ire alarm box, uS m 'ore and Jackson streets, 187
10 21, 81
Fire alarm bozea,17111¢"sty avenue and other
23. 179
ta............ e 3 of alvat-
F'Ire alarm box, IJnive"ft a °• 187
y veno n pp yy
[arm D[l.oeaota Tralafer Railway a Lincoln
Fire alarm boz, Victoria street .. ..........61, 81
alen ue.............................. 78
Fire alarm box, Western and Selby
Fimp la yr bores, Winifred a d Cambridge
d Wl.ifrsd- end Bancroft streets._.- 186
til........................ 79
u dem.ed... 364
ppoointed............. 209
.gine b......Sev-
Ln street-,
Iver ................... 9
,gine holes, money 165
ren lr•.a,.t"•` ---" --- ppartment, en No. 9, Tenth and
fth and Jackson atresia, Police Patrol as sa.. 3l FIB[ a,fwey gine n,.se 4
..... .......otic ................. streets. sell..... ..... -
telePLova............... lice t 1 box 187
IRh and Mivneeota streets,
police Pa ro .. 31 Fire department, tment, im eavivndroai ve ........����----- 864
and tele Lone...............................iboz and
8 Ps""f life eavmg
ba5ha streets, f,oiice pat. 31 fire depnrlmeat, organlzallon, etC.,o leo
lRL and PIVa .......
..... I .....................
telephone..................ea-ev and telegraph carps.............. hese Int vicinity Date and
Ifth (West) street, gar 221 Fire department,¢ uceret ev Rive Louse, chemical
............ .................. .. ..•.. 27 Ellen etre!.. 9
Rheward ttdietricting for election pulpa 18 .e9 engine No. S, traoefer m ....... � .- "eevly
IRh told foutcen tli-fritts, election
p 113 Fire department, requiremum o[ life g 9
.". ................................. -9 epar......................................
e bt li-hed.. , change f grado........................ 318 i
'lftcev[h street, c ge ° . , ,112,133, 200 Fire e tmevt, sale of nine - raceconed ....vas'.......
'IReenth street sewer.... "x,.�gvavt
'illi. up lore end streets. ata [water.........n'.� Firedep¢rtment,:aleo[ninecudemved no�ea TT
II111vg in Iota, eta., upper Hats ......................... 1 Fire de r meat.. St. Paul end ]111n.eapolle, ,
'illmore avenue end 1toLert street, clecti°° Pu tele hovlc covnect'ov............... 77
,.... 118 headquarte", P r
laces, give rue, etc., ninth wnrd �. 1]9
pp third diefrt.. eizth word ................
7111more avenue, thanRe ofgrad..............22,'9,1031,Fire evRiaehourcheseotPPeratus, to ... _.,.. on T
, 1
etc., fire e 8 , tits 5�
rill.ore avenue gradtv8:"""waN 31
levee, avenue, pe
gill,,ore avenue and atzth ]59 Flfo engine ou-as 1 l stolon
award of contrace.......................................... for erect o> ¢wosvea�ke't Theatre, eonslrurI.I.0 73
kiln 92
Fillmore avenue, ePrin B-- "" Fire escal
Ffll.ore avenue and South lVabaeha street, de 4� Fire "� Pe. H elle' geO Ninaaer No.433.61, 114, 116
festive sidewalk, damage,. ""."'' Fire
Flllmore(EasG and South lVabasha st leets, detec- 33] Firemen, dcteaacd purchasehtwof two moo 77
tiveeid...its............................................... Firemu's relief fund, Pnrc
Final orSers,o Pumg, etc,SUUurben arenue. Par- 67 melt ............ ...... .......... ................................. 77
dally avvnlied.............................................
1 Ilk ,F Co ............. ....................... 426 I Firemen'1 rotlou f oma St�Anth oy Park di-triet 166
Finch, Van S ilk sl court, Ches. linden......:.... 181 Fire, pro t
Fine paid, mora P court, Arthur Stan- I FirFIro works appropriation ...........................283, 825
Fine refunded, municipal ,,.,_I6, 219 pnrpoeea..25, 26
ton ........................... .
.174, 2t8l Fi ret war d, nine districts, election Places 454
Fine refunded, municf�al coat., Chas. Linden... 219 Flret wars, redletrictivg for e re Son 117
Fine refunded, Leo. C.
...........................454, 462 First National Bank .................der .................... 1'/'-
Flue refunded,mullcipal court ........................ 2n'1� lie, ........... ........
Finn arenue grade...........
. ............... 321
1 strreta...81, lig ,First Presb .lien church, trustees, remove 324
Fire alarm box, Arcade and Jessamine streets... 81 '� First Nnl tonal Ban , mo .
Fire alknu box, (.ase and MisssaipP
vection with Minneapolis 165 First Presbyters Baod,lPro�posal` onserts, Rice 110
Fire alarm box,s, Clark and fork streets, etc... GI Church a;... .
Fire alarm system, con k .................................................: .....
Fire alarm hex, Cortl¢nd and Jessamine-tre87; 204 Fip.r lie! air concerto, »ppro-
187 First Regiment Band open
Fire star,, box, F.arl and fiostings aysuues......' ton ........................................................ 139
rand SSa Iia ave- First Re Iment Rand............
Fire alarm box, Forest and Cook streets............ 17 pnu 1 t Banda, contract, mu-
F1rn alarm box, Greenbrier goo 81 Firv[ an Second Reg men 189
etc in ks ...................roar98
noes ......................................................... 189 First Regiment Band, Park concerts ...........,... 1
Fire slur. boz, to athm Chan a¢At, ade el reels .. 179 Per
Fire alarm box, y.e avenues 31, lig First Reglmentl its. Park fro°,¢rte, eoptrac6.�� 196
Fire alarm boz,Magn°lies and Greenbrier ave- Fish, etc., ped 172
Fire alarm boz, kfarylavd ................ ]79 Fish. John R....................t witness [Cie............ 21
noes......................................yve avenues... t79 Fiah, John B., clNm,exper
Fire alarm box, bisryla.d and Pa john .................................................
Fire alarm boxes, midway district...........
.,, ngp, 296 Fisher, . o
Fire alarm box, veer Robert A. Smith-chul..... 121 Fisher, Susan A., and ,there, pro s ..............
Fisher and Magnolia street opening. ................. 287
Fisher street opening, atc....265, 292, 313, 330, 352,
390, 416, 480
Fisk street sewer. ..................................377, 392, 475
Ftek, Robe" C .................................................. 287
Fiske, J. W., order favor of, Hampden park
fanotato....................................................... 408
Fitzgerald, EL A .................._.... 270, 297, 315, 361, 364
Fitzgerald M. W., chairman ... ................... 388
Fls��men 1�lseensin Central Railway crossing,
bfcMe.emstreet.......................................... 81
Flagman Early street ctveaiag_............... 44
Flavdrsu, Charles R, alder..., election of...I Y, 1]:4
Fandrau, C. E., atderma., sworn f. .................. 208
Fl..drau, a ldol�..,...ueed from acting, rnm-276
Itteeoa gee ................................................
Flavdrau strcetr w n me ................................ 482
rte a
Fl.ndrau street sidewalks............................343, 411
Flendrau street aad Stillwater ave.0 ., police
trot box and telephone .................:::............ 31
Fl ral treat ma e_--. ................................._.. 8.47
Floral e4aet ggrad..................... 302, ey, ma. 472
Fiore.. addition, corrected, plat accep[ed........: 141
Fogelberg, Joh., and others, Petition ................. 109
Foley. Pat, order favor oL................................ 188
Folsom, Simeon P ........................:.................... 29c
Foleom,abuaon P.,chdro Indefiniml postponed 322
Folsom, Simeon P., claim, legal services ............. 29c
Folsom, Simeon P.,claim................................... 41
Folsom, Simeon P ............................................. 2]0
Forage report, endl.g Ju.e 1, 1890 ..................... Rl.
Forage report t, evdmg Nov. 30, 1890 ................... 467
Forbes s , No. 206, election place, listh
district. fifth d ........................................ 118
Forbes, Robert Ider.................... ............... 2 "
Forest and Coo stream, Ire alarm trot............ 179
Forest street -ewer ................... .....i6, 200, 246, 29fi
Forest street lower, I. B. Livsmd....................... 21.9
Forest end other street, sewer ................. i0, 114, 133
Forest street public ..e war, Covnecf lou school
bu i Id I n gs....................................................... 78
Forest street sewer, emmactom-1 buildings 79
Forest street nod Phale. creek sewer assessment,
rel let ((Bohn xfanufacturivg Company) .......... 444
Forrestal c.vtract, pay roll mLdway sewer eye -
tem.............. ... .... .... 421
Forrest.! Bros.' co.tract, midway cewer "`TT',
Forrestal James, ,idtvay -ewe system, Panl-
n r
n h (lovrad, laborer-' pay ro11...446, 449, 4.58, 460
Forreatal, James, stone crush era .................... 11 180
Forrestal, .Tames, bis Sixth street bridge.......1 l 1, 111
Forrestal, James ................................................ 9l
Forrestal,, modify coot lace .................... 348
Forrestal, James, appropnntion, midway sewer
comPleton .L .....................................430
Forrestal,, midway sewer system, labor -
roll........................... ... .. 6..........4,4
James, midway sower system, pay
.. 430
Willis., bid, lamps ........................
All-, and another, notice of claim.... 134
nes................................................... 235
pec grade ............................................
et grading.. ..........................
set, broken step, etc ...........................
eet (East) extension ...........................
let and Hoffman avenue,
broken step. 364
-let and Hoffman avenue,
"Job. Malloy ...........................A58,
broken step
as'),tree[ exte.el.......................
.at ".d.........lo........ ...................
rest obatructle. notice
7P, 't01
of claim for
Fourth and Commercial atreets, water supply..... 886
Fourth and Commercial atresia, grade ............... 886
Fourth and Washin¢ton streets (Metropolitan
Hotel), election place, fi" district, fourth
ward................ _ _........................................ Ila
Fourth ward, eleven districts, election places es -
Lab l ished....................................................... 118
Fourth word, redistricting for election purposes
26, 27
Fourth and John streets, police patrol box and
.ne.................................................... 31
Fourth avd Robert atrts, police patrol box and
telepphone ...... _.................. .... ... p. ... .. al
Fonr[h .3,h-
.. .. ......
avd Wacouta ...reef., police patrol bas
Fmorlos tP street, �h..................... ............. _.... 31
of ode ..................... 281
F'ou utas. street Res
ed m ordlvaoee..10 12
am ,
Fluvial., 5ae11ing and Capt[ol.......................... 324
Fountain, Park place park ............. ........... 180
Fountain, Hampden perk............................233, 259
Fountain, dri nktvR. ivmreect R. Hamvdav
nue, Hampd ymov ave
1�lace avd Re
St. Anthony Park... pa , pa .... ......... ¢nue. 298
Fouvtaln, Park pplace park, petltiov .............._.. 165
Fou. talo, drinking, public use .......................... 803
Fouvtaln, drinking, Bvellivg.and Cepltol are-
...298� :321
F untain, drinking, St. Anthony Park......... 321, 324
Fou v mins, dri vk Ing ....................................:..... 297
Fou.tafna, drink a, B. of P. W. purchase, and
erecttwo ....................................................... 254
Fro races street, chge of grad, .......................... 451
Frances stye t o9.m"etc., Bock street, Pro-
duced 1111th Is east city limit ......................... 7,8
Fr..e ball, to erect ........................ 4a
Frame building, rem el of ...........................61, 6S
Frame building, permissic. to raise ................... 48
Frame builds.RR�� permisalon m move .................. 49
Fra,uheim, C. F ................................................. 355
F-rohelm, C. F., notary fees, treasurer's .Ifice.
398, 458
Fmmbeim, C. F., notary feel, city treasurer's
office............................................................ 398
Frank streetgradinR.......................................... 229
Fravkli. attest, serosa Irvine park drive,croes-
walk.................................................... .. .... IN
Franklin strcet, on north aide Irvine perk drive,
Franklin streef.`............._.).............................. ]Ol
across Elm crosswalk .............. 101
Franklin arrest, messenger avd telegraph
poles ............................... ..
grad "8 .........................87, 102, 137, ISS
Fred street Vavlvg tautsect........................... 251
Fred street nidewa{k........................299, 349, 401, 433
Frederica avenue grade .............................. 259
Fremont street extension .......................100, 178, 205
Fremont street ae war..ble ............................... o 476
con -table, death of, vacancy of
flee..................................... .... ................... 110
Friedrich, C. E., and Botcher, Charles ................ 287
Front to Wayzata between Rice and Albemarle
streets, block 2, iVside's rearrangement Paist's
outlo[e, alley grading ...................................... 317
�'. Front and Gnnitier streets (milk depot), election
place, twelfth district eighth wnrd................. 119
Front street, Rauder's All . election place, elev-
enth district, eighth ward .............................. 119
Front street, electric R.e., ezte.slo. of 287, 342
Frontstreet, constreet sewer ........................... 312
Front strcet and Lezingmn avenue sewer ......... 288
Front street arosewalks...................................... 412
Front street sidewalk ............................ 203, 254, 306
Front street and Como avenue sidewalk, peit-
tio............................................................... 174
Frost, Newton R ............................................... 172
Fry street grading .................................... 147, 231
Fry and Roy streem grade ................................. 325
Fuel, James Cleary, uvtract ........................467, 474
Fuller street,election place, fourth district, eighth
ward_.......................................................... 118
Fuller street-ower.........53, 137, 3151 330, 339, 353, 384
........................ 172
Galvin. Christian F ................
Galvl., Henry, serge.... -at -arm., aommou coun-
sfkc,o"I........................................254, 920, 322, 894
Ganyaw, Annie A., sod others, petition........... 134
Garbage, Azotine Manufacturing Company's pro- 114
GarbageDida........................................... ....... b9
Garbage, ocllectlon of, etc., contract, bide.......... 3t
Garbage, collection, July, 1890 .................. ... 296
Garbs e, collection of, April 15 m Joee i Azo- 87
tine�iamufacturing Compar y'a propo
Garbage, collection ager APrll 1, 1890, S.. Paul
Sanitation ComPenT..... .....................W.....
Garhage, collection, els., executing contract....... IIO
Garbage, collection, St. Paul Sanitation C --Pe. 114
ay,e prapoeal................................
Garb.,e, collection of, etc., approval of contract
andboad....................................................... 122
Garbage dead animate, etc., Plaut of Azotine 57'
,,anu,acturing Com ct.rt...
pony ...:.................
Garbage,etc.,estiamtes Azotine 1lnvufaclurivg
........................ 181
Company ................ � 1 for collection, ate... 48
Garbage, etc., etc., Propose a 73
i Garbage, etc., removal of, drab of contract.....'.. M
GarbsFu, Upper Levee t1.ta.......................... 2-1, 166
Garfield ac'n`e sprinkling...'. ""..buildin 315
Garland's trunk f.ctory, pro es , re g 23
Gas, reducing P'r l sraland street and Walsh
avenue .............................
Gee, resolution fur, llamldee avenue .................
Gas, resolution for, Woodward avenue.............. 61
Gas and aswer connections, Ducast street sulk
station...'or,........n'tt.e slr'it...................
Gas end water, committee appointed ................ 2U9
Gaealine lumps, resolution fo , referred ............. 4 3
Gasoline street, hghtmg Lids, opeuing...........--
Gales et reef grads ............................. 15U, 157,
Gales street grading ............................14
Gates atreel grading and sidewalk, Pel ition 41 i, 494
street sidewalk ........................
Geiger, Augustus F ............................... elea,,ioIt 173
Gaultier and Front streets (milk depot), electiom
place, twelfth district, eighth ward ................. 119
Gaultier street grade........s -.a•con,truct sewer.... 106
Gaultier street, permission
Gault;ee= airy (acrossrCowa avenue) crosswalk... 1f8
Gaultier street (an IIlslr street) crosswalk.......... 163
Gaultier street sidevnlk............................. ^76, 32'
Gehnn, John F., alderman, eleclion of...........172, 173
(ieb.n, John F., alderman, sworn lu..................-08
................ i74
Geiseel, Charles ................................
George alrcet aewsr.............130, 22•l_it.. 27-312M,
Goo 3l9
George etreet and hall nvenne e
ninth dielrict, sixth ward.. ....... .. .. _.... 11
Georgestreet(on Goff.v'nue)C[oaswalk........�_.� 14
George street crosswalk ..................................... 27
Geneva etreet crosewnik...................................• 22
Gcraaium rd Ross grading ........ .......... �em tion
Geranium and Rose str,el,`rgrra mover der....- 6
of certificate issued y or
Geranium street opening, ste............... '139, 232, 44
Geranium street sewer.........78, 132, 158,
Gen. street(",Arkwrightstreel)croaewalk 12
Geranium street (across Edgerton) crosewalL-...... 1
Geranium street eidewalks........299, 343,349, 411, 4
Gerlach's carpenter shop No.266 University ave-
nue, election place, filth district, eighth we, 11
German Luthem. cemetery, plat accepted.......... 14
Germania Ba.k.............cry,........ lace............... 46
(}ermanla Back building, Corner lamp post, 11-
luminated mortar......................................48' 2
Germania Life Insurance Company, permimion
to use McLellan trap ventilamr..................
Gibbs avenue gradt.g,petition for ..................... 1
Gibbs avenue improvement........_ ...................... 1
I it
Gibbs or nue
Gibb. avenue sidewalk 8 .................................. 2
................................. Pax.
'rilbert, Caea................ ............... 159
lingiee, Alexander ....................t ofcoeta....458, 459
;odfrey, Wm. J. ex rel., payma°,
;off avenue grebe......................................447. 454
;off avenue grading...................................288, 811
;off avenue (acroea Georgej crosswalk ............... 141
:oforth & Sherwood'. rearrangement Riverdale
139, 140
addition, block 4 .?per 1ion o[ ferry .........
Faodhue atreetaprinklfo . 166
g..: ............................
avenue, catch bast. ............................. 186
ioodrich avenue, change of grade..................79, 82
ioodrich avenue (on Leech street) erase 197,k243, 26
ioodrich avenue gra „226, 294
ioodrich avenue grading...... ......
ioodrich avenue, perwi.sion to gred e.............. 166
ioodrich avenue and other streets sewer, award
ofcontract.. ................................................... 138
Goodrich avenue sprin it ...................._...... lfil
Go«Irich ane Garf old avenues, colchbaein......... 186
Goraon nyenna (a'ro'a ca a at,_,)
°o nue) crosswalk 127
(ionto,,,,venue (o. Raywov
Gorman avenue grase....................................... 274
Gorman avenue`peni.g, etc.. g. -9 ..•..^ae 150
Gorman avenue opening and g
Gotzian's rearrangement block 25, alley gra , 49
Gotzian's rearrangement Sigel'. addition block
25, alley gmding.....'emeot block 107,2Lymeo 363
Golzian's (A.) rearrang , , 294
, a"on'e a aitfon, alley opening ...................
Golzian's ( -I ",'I's am" Sigel'a additio., 59
damages, Petition ........................................
Uotzinm'e (A.) rearraug`ment Sigel'g addition,
dewe're to we ll ............. I............................. 78
Golzian'e (A.) rearmngewent S1gel'8 addition,
block 22, dnwegea to well ............................ 41, 9
Golzian's (A.) rearrangement Sfgel'a additfon,
lot 7, block 22 ................................ •
Gotzian's ren ,,,,gement f Sigel'. addition,
r o
r din lilli.g int 30, black 7 ...................... 309
g . g or
Gotzwn's rearrangement, block 3, Sigel'. addi•
tion, stagnant water ............................ ......... 282
Gc,iau'a subdivision, Klock 76, L. Dayton's ad-
dition, allay grad........................270, 283, 324, 318
Coven, Nellie ..................................................
(lovers, Nellie, hail forfeit d .............................. 181
Gouachemmer, John, money order .................... 143
Grace, .James, woney order .............................. 82
(:race, Thomas, bond...................................198, 205
Grace street sfdewalk..............161, 216,232,254,9382
Grand avenue bridge .................................... .
Grand avenue -(across OxfaN atreel) crosswalk... 100
Grand avenal, grade adopted ........................... 119
l;rnnd avenne, grass plat, carl.g far 87, 177, 196
G ra.d ave,,.e opening, el e ..........................
Grand eveoue (through Macalester Park) open•
8 lag, et..................... ............................... 128
1 Grand avenue sidewalk .........................401, 433, 435
e I Grand .
5 Grand and Oakland avenues, election Place,
8 Grand a ad tOakla.d seventh avenuess electric I1ne,..270, lig
6 297, 321,365,398
4 Grand avenue and other streets sewer, award of
1. contract................................................"oth... 138
0 Grund avenue, Ridgewood avenue and other
64 .......................299, 297
street. sewerllin ............ t .
Grand and Snelling. 5re alarm box ................... 808
34 Grand Opera Hauae Patch .................................. 286
Grant, Joh.................................................... 196
8 Grant, John, occupy Part of levee ................201, 219
1 Grant, John, and Cameron, Th..............221, 23:7, 257
4 Grant Jobn, and Cameron,nae of levee,
aixtitward ................................................... 268
53 Green plot, Grand aveeue, caring for .... 87 161, 165
Great Northern By. Cu. to Acker air eet, pieuk
55 Grest Northern Ry. and Bayle, avenue, election
63 place, fourth 119
O5 Great Northern Ry. bridge over Como ave...,
261 petition .........................................................184
Great Nortbern By. Co., Camo avenue bridge 180 429
Great Northern By., Como avenue bridge,
strengthsa ................................................405, 450
Great Northera By. Line, Como, Snelling and
Le Irigto. avenue bridgee.............................. 357
Great Northern Ry. Line and others, cattle herd-
ing and amendment - ...........................248. 263
Great Northern RT• Co., Dale street approach..20'2, 720
Great Northern Ry. Co., Hamiine even,,, bridge
277, 283, 189, 427, 467, 475, 479
Great Northern By. Co., construct bridge, Lex-
ington avenue ............... .............246, 2.i9, 836, 454
Great Northern Ry Pascal avenue bridge......... 444
Great Northern Railway Co., easement, Prior
avenne...................................................828, 391
Great Northern Railway, Snellingavenue bri5d47ge
, 409
Great Western Band ...................................... 180
Great Western Bond,""' air "T"", proposal 87
Great Wester. Band, park concerts, cont mel,189, 205
Great Western Band,park concerts .................... 198
Greenbrier avenue bridge...............n p............. 417
Greenbrier avevu s, No. 1076, eleclion pl
enth district first ward ................................. 117
Greenbrier ani Merrland xve.a., lire d.rnr
Itox ................................................... _......... M
Greenbrier avenue grading .. ..... .... ........... 148, 266
Greenbrier avenue (part of), change of name
from............................................................ 10, 12
Greenbrier avenue sewer 76, 132, 1:75, 171, 232, 4H
Greenbrier avenueeprinkling.......................... 167
Greenbrier av'nne and Wclln street grading...... '249
Grieman,Stephea,policeman........... ............t 22^_
Gritting, Frank B., et al., judgmen[...............:t12, 846
Griggs,,.y W., and ..other, notice of 134
Grigg, & F•oster, contingent claim, Broadway
bridge........................................................... 139
Grigg,, John W. Jr ..............._........................ 172
Grogan, James, � ruwned .......................337, 364, 4i8
Gro Ran, Thames and Katie...................3:t i, 3114, 458
Grotto et rest, change of gmde.........4I i, 427, 14!I, 45'2
Grotto street grade ........................' -70, 284, 389, 416
Grotto st reel, forme bur° ................................. 41
Grotto atreel, permission to move from, bailding 49
Grotto street, permission to erect frame barn.... 48
Grotto and Men streets (vicinity of), purchase
of tat, engine house ....................................... 115
Grotto street sidewalk,...............................:Y13, 412
Grove street bridge ....................................... 466
Grove .ad Eighth street, bridge, plane ............. 373
Grove, I,arrand 1'Ighth street, bridge .............. 56
Grove street, .ben,, of house numbers, name of
street changed ib .....................................- ... 94
Grove ,treat paving...............................240, 261, 268
Grove street retaining wall ............ ....._......364, 374
Grove street sewer .......................287, 309, 359, 382
Grove street sprinklinK ....- 192
Grove and Tent
lrerance streets, police palmi
box and telephone .......................................... 31
Groveland add it loin, pint acceptgl...................... 49
and park concerts .................................. 139
Growert Bros., butcher license. No. 69, tramsfer.. 202
Guertin', addition to city of St. Peal, plats....... 302
Guinn, Joseph, jailer Ducae etreet substation,
epppointetl..................................................... 1
Gulon, %Ito ...................................................... 1
Gutkeecht, F ................................................... 288
Hoage, Mr ........................... ....:..................
.... . 427
Haa,' addition, platHtxepted.............................
Hackett, C. W .........................._...........298,
901, 409
Hagenbruck, F., and Lange, H. F .................22.1,
Hague .revue grede..............................258,
253, 275, 296
813, 963
Hague eveoue grading .....................................
Can 8v0oue eewer.................81fi,
Hall avenue grade, damages.... �....................
929, 399, 354, 984
. 4b1
Hall avenue sewer .........................101,
135, 155, 2-A
Hell avenue and George street, election place,
ninth district, sixth ward ............................... 118
Hall avenue and 5forron street, election place,
eleventh district, sixth ward_ ........................ 118
Hall R., per A. D. Condit and others, erection
of {tarn, protest........................................223, 253
Hall, Samuel E., attorney, money orders............ 166
Hallowell, E M. k Co...................................821, 323
Hemline avenue bridge 277, 283, 289, 841, 8.57,
37,1 427, 4i9
Ham avenue bridge, Charles Stone, coutmet. 475
Hamlive avenue bridge, summary lof bids........... 421
Hamiine avenue bridge, approach .... ...... .. ... 429
Hemline avenue bridge, approach, aavertlae for
bids.....................................1......................... 472
Hemline eveoue bridge, approach, filling.......... 466
Hemline avenue crosswalk ............................... 43U
Hamlive avenue casewent................................ 283
Hamiine avenue gmdfnq...:.........................151, 231
ll arline Park,fire prolecUou..................... .... 457
Hamiine av'.ue opening, etc........_ 134, 2J5, 357, 381
liamline avenue side.v cross walk..... ..... ..... 161
Hamlin, nvenne sidealk .....................216,234, 279
Hone I a Citizens w
Unio..................................... 141
liamlive Citizens Union hall, W,sley avenue,
election place, second district, tenth ward...... 119
Flamm, Theodore...........: ................................. 417
Hamm,Theo., lay ktrack .......................196, 201, 218
Hamra, Wm., thana o[ cannot) ........................ 205
lf,mpdcn avenue, city engineer to report grade
of... ............. _...................... ...............
Ilampden avenue crosswalks ............................. 205
He,. ,, . avenue, resolution for gas.. ............... 61
Hemplen park, appropriation of money for...... 139
llampde. park, founml.................................. 259
Hampden park, fatntain,ord'er favor J.W. Fiske 408
Hapden park, ti Ping, etc., contract .................. 47
Ilampden and ""'.ad ,,venues, elec[iov place,
third district, tenth ward .... ....................... 119
Hampstead (now Churchill avenue) grating,
damnFFes...................................................83, 114
Hencar - street grade ...................................... 392
Hansen,.i°m,s..............................................76, 90'
Hansen, James N., et al., award to, sewer con-
tract.............................................................. 114
Il"'on, Louis, and others, petition ................... 134
1 teq,,fes,Flor,.co:lf.,payment ofjudg, cut 24
Harper, George C ..................................139, 160, 161
Harper, George G, order favor of (Burr suet
change of grade) ............................................ 456
-1 arper, George C , order favor of ...................... 461
Harper, Stephen J., money order .....................
Harper'. Weekly, illuelmtion court house and
hall building ........ ...... .... ........._.........47, 48
Harper', Weekly, Illustrating, appropriation of 50
Harrison avenue.sprinklin ................I*............. 166
pun8 ...............................
Hart, Wm., jailer :lfargaret etreet etnt[a............ 287
Harvester eveoue grad ............................303, 484
avepue Reding ................................. 113
Ilealstt, 11.ry 1., fYnme barn ............................ 454
Hooting' and F.arl atresia, election place, fire.
didrlet, asco°d ward....................................t 117
Hastings avenue extension ....... .................178, 201
Hastings avenue extension, order partially an-
nulled........................................................... 100
Hee[inga avenae grade ..........................202, 220, 247 °venue aide and erose walks. .............. 161
Hastings avenue ddewalks............127, ]82, 217, 236
Hest4nRe a, sprinkling ................., 237, 287
Heating. avenue, nkiingdiscontinued........... 192
Hastings med.. .......................................
ad................................................ 936
Hatch street grade ......................................373, 379
Hatch etreet O;d ing, oto.............................424, 489
Hawthorne etreet grade,.................................... 802
Haymarket, dlavctm able practices ............ ..18, 48
Hay scales, A. N. Peltier .................................. 288
Hay ..alas, Mlnn,heha street ...............842, 398, 409
Hay, weighing, etc., enforcement of ordinance... 48
Havel avenue grade....f..................................... 847
Havel Park, division No. 5 ................................. 258
PA -E. de..................540. 364
336 Holcombe'. addition, alley gradin mtest..""" 815
zel park, division No. 6, plata....................... 302 Holcombe's addition, alley
.rel Park .................................................427 gg
1 Park division No. 4 ............. ............427, 450 Holcombe's addition, Iota 15, 16, filo 2, Permis-
re ".ion m move frame building ........................0
alth department, a areuendtnry Urdinep a"'�o. 160 golly avenue and other street.. sewer, award of 188
ialth department, 6 ........180, 185 . ••. •..••..••.•...•..•...•. 322
c. -tract ............................
y ¢vacua sidewalk .........................361, 482.483
109 ............................ y...... 478 }loll
attorney for Samuel C. Rn
3C2, 409 Holmau, O. E, rporation attorney, letter......... 87
:.the J. W ........................................66. 409 Holmen. }... ........... attorney, contingent
;,the, Place grade ..................................... 261
g 409 fund ...........................................................
;abler eubdlvieiov,block 7, Terrace Park addle Holmau, - -, corporation
tion, alley grade ............................................. porn ➢,
,,........ 246 Holman,...I:..cot tion attorne leave of ab- 05
sber, J., a ... hill, J.. erect...... .. dow.....321, 323
..Ler, J., and Thill, J., erect Lay win Sante .................... f Static
.._. ......Sl, 203
......................123. 258 Holmau. O. E., money o de......................., 181, 190 '
ef[y,F. A. stye ................... .......:...7, 16. 295
eiuemann ..tree[, change of name .................... 482 Hope street, change o gra
..............19. 33
elger, Charles E., and ollrers, pelitaen.. _t ......ti. 105 Hope etreate surver s.loPes�....-. •....•..•......... 142
elmets, purchase of 200 for Pollice par men .. y gar ark .................. .
'1 ... ,,..,,...... 323 hope, Henr deter Rice pp .,405, 409
elps, IVt livor ...................... _ , 321 Hopkins' addition, Llock 2, el1eY grade.:- t
sips, WJliam, and No➢cs, D. R ..................... rest ed Patrolman, aPCwtn - 55
. •... meet to fill unease of ....................................
endnekson, A. P............ 3 21 59, 77 78, 252, 257 Hopping, n ter, g
endrickeon,another........................ 1:15 h J. H. m nay ordinance........................ 115
endrickdbv, E. A., c"m munication.......�58 4.i9 481 }lureish� Joh¢ H, re unding order veto .............. 134
enneas))', David J.,Judgmeet...341, 343, pp 1 t d ......................... SB-
levrp, H. J..avid. J -,j .............................. .... I Aorn. Frank, Buse o, leve v e
lcmT, era Christian ....................................... 8 Horne A Dai1Z, use of lever...
of'ud "" x.:::.322, 344
}�• r,,,,,,,8i7, 362 ilornsby, Marta A, Pay -.en J gmen
lerschel street opening etc.....:.... 51
lersee avenue, grades. pitted.Wej.-gr-a- cs. t-. �Iiorees coudetmtd,fire departtnueentt sale of..77, 92,364
Jersey 6 Woolsey addition, street grades to be
ee�orted ...........................lett .. ............. 141 lIoraes condemnee, lire department.....
[swat and Asbury avenues election place, first 719 i Hurrse kll� A.
claimC. iofrNo,iooal Lice Stock
Iva. 1
di.trict, tenth want ....................... JOG, 429 Co................._........ ... ...... ......ti .......�.......e
" 162 Ifones, co.demned, ante of, pure ase o
Iewitt avenue crossn-aik............... on ,
Iewitt avevue grading ..................................... .......
Cewitt avevue grade..... ......274,2811 Iwlica petrol service ............................... ]
' 4fi, 438 Horses, 1' patrol service, sale end Prirchme
Cewitt 470
ave.o. opevf n{{;;. e[c.............149, ^:i.,'! Iw ice 121
Iewitt avenue (furmerly 1'i1lsLury errant) clan- of two bones ....................... g........
... ... ..................... 4'!3 Honnell, IV tut TK baunld frame dwellin d 4G9, 114
InK, etc ............................... tioaPltal Iruildin d contract, approve
Ieydentaedt, F. �'. wart nL............ ............. Ila tracts. etc.............................. Sal
a d.......... _. 1W, Hospital, city, con
Iinwatha Fark nddition, Pttn v ..................288
Hiawatha Park addition Nn. 2, St. Paul, Ra.ee3 18611 Hospital, cuy, Taylor -Craig Corporation 903
county. Jllivv:........................................... aLulldip ......289
dvavice aReut.......................... 1;4 j }{.spiral, city. war K..-......-.........•.... .. .
HIRh, Gavin D., n ll ................ 20'!, 203 1 llospiral com.issionen, rclwri, 21
dill and Ontario at reels, area wall ,. 341
Hill and Ontario street", area wall, St. Plot City ]93 Ho"Intal commi'sion, report ..................."' ... 1
Hoeft commis";' ..................._.. _.. icbr..
R Co .................................................... 275 Hospital purl -ser, vacatlon part of Richm Bp
Hiller, Aallha cher been"e, No. 99......._ ............. 337 ¢tract fur.........................................: -- "-'133, 276
Hiller, B., butcher .................... 337 Hotel runners....................................233, 246, 253
Hiller. H ..................................... .
HMI's ndd(tloo, block 3, a11eS Brade..'_70, 263, :124, Hotel runner Ireenaes ..........................
339, 353 Howard. Chart 'ae end erose walks .............. R88� 126
Hinkel, Jacob, appointed special policeman Co- I Howard Park, a 115, 117, 464
mo Park ............. ... .......................................198}foward,Wor.E............................. ...
A 3okel, Jacob, order favor of .....:......... .... ........ 424 Howes T J order io fi otr of.,_tun... ., 1�
Hinkel, John G. and others, P 16
Hinkel, pound. aster, report for May, 1890........ 199 Hvyt'a out Iota, north 30 feet, 10[23, condemning,
... 338 Hubbard street grad e ... ..... ........................ .115, 131
H inkei, Pouudmeater,report .T urea 18'0 ............. 24i Jenks street oPevlvg.................................
H Intel, poundtvester, report for August, 1890.. Hubbold'It-' drug. Petition ........... ..
pours title- for. 87
lit"kat' dmaetrr' report for 6eptm Ler,1890 389 old
and Ireland atreete end Capitol avevue
Aivkel oundmaeler, report for November, 1890 46] Hubbard and Irel r users grading, pe
•P examined ...... RIG, 4(w Hu ..................227
undmasler, report radio .........................:.......... ]'1 288 244
Hinkel, Po rk tat g R ,,,....246 266, 2 ,
t 1'
too P ........ ,
amt¢ a
ra am "aeon east -e .ewer - Is
' thl H 7u
tel a c" 62 .......
in 1 ....
accepted ......................................... ge o gra
............................172, 179 I Hudson avenue, Chan ................... 278
Hinkeve, H.....5 'and others, petitio....... .......... 87 Hudaov avenue grade............trac..
Hinkem }leer216 275 296 Huebner H. C., award of contract to...._.......... 39
""" Humboldt school, removal or..
Hiahon,'P. W.....................order.
Hitchcock, Cheater,-.ovey Payment f 93 Hueemavv,Henry, paymevtof judgment........... 24
judgment .............. tot judgment ............ 24
...................................... er.................. 118
Hoffman avenue, broken step, etc ...................... 337 Hmemavn. John, Psyme .. ,302, 347
Hoffman avenue and Fourth street, broken step 364 Hush{ nt,h ee },IarK yredro funding o
Hoffman nvevue and Fourth street, broken step, 460 Had, Park additiooblock S,Liedirmsenn`eeub-
damages . John Meloy......."..... '�roeswalk 121 divfslon, lata 9 ad� 10, all..y vacatlon-288, 565, 378
Hoffman avevue (aeroee Plum atreet)v and Hade Ar. -Il -'el -et d eUth ward levee, eta, grading,
Hoffm¢v'e grocery .mre, Wase, t -rum-„ .......... ... 139
wa......................... • - ...-.89, 10:3
Martie arra¢[, election place, third district,
.1chth ward .................................................. 118 Hyde street grading............
Hoffman nvevue ppgpening, eta'....."":.::. 359. 265
Hogpan, Patrick pffmac J.... i� 287 818, 568. SIS
Holtwmbet'e add tion, block IS. aityoend inserts al -448 is he anus gCddSng ..........••..•.....••.••.•....230,las
tee •...dn __._.......... 108, 109, 120, 131, 141, 225, 219 Idabo, Neersaks and Kansan etreeW gradin6 "••-
Ife, Walter, chairman...........P........0............. . 387
Iglehart street, C., M, & St. P. Ry. Co., right 3Gof 40
7. ease -.act ............................................
wa c..eswalk.. 100
Iglehart street (across Laura avevue)
Iglehart attest newer............s w..........5i, 9'2, 93, 475
Iglehart street, aide and crone wniks ................. I. Iglehart street eidewalk..................191', [33, 279, 434
Illutulvated mortar, Germania back building,
""or ]amp Post......................................I. 223
Illumiue, mortar W. S. 13r111, use of lamp poet 253
I llmulvntfon, state Ilett ....................... ;3,3U, 1:2, 335
mnstratipgmcrourt house and city halt, arper'.
Weeklyy, ovey apPropriatiov ........ .. 48
Im elle No. avimale92, 93, 233,%30r2 amending ordi-
nae No. 419........91, 93, 181, l A3, 233, 253, 25],
197,300.842, 341, Sit
Impeunaiug animals ................................... ..... 297
Im Pounding normels......................................... 3G5
Impounded cows, E. A. Currie .......................... 3W
Impou.ded crows, petition ................................. 246
Indian mound., Dayton'. Bluff Park, 520,oW
booda.......................................................... 95
I'thane vvep"e_sprinkling ............................... 19'1
Ingereoll's ad ton, lot I, block.,soilremoved. 3G4
Ingersoll's ¢daiti.v, lot 1, block 5 ................28" 320
Inger.nll's (D.W.) rearrange -.ant, ldock.. 1, 2, ani
7 D. IV. I geraoll's agditiI................... 21fi, 219
IngereoN's (D. N.) addition, blocks 1, 2, and ,,
and alleys vacation ............................. ......... 56
Ings-ir.(b. W.) addition, blocks l,'1 and 7, and
alleys and Morton Place, vacatiot�i,, Petition..... 92
Ingmso�I's (D. W.) reddition, vacatlon, Morton ^
ce. alc.....:....................... _33
t¢genol.. (D. W J addition, vacation ............... 233
Impaction of a¢imale to be .Iaughterod for food 2
_-_ .,
Ivspectiov of animels....................................� r•i5
Ivspectiov 'W', commuuication................... .,1
Ivspecti.v of milk, ordionote........................... 2.i:i
I.spectlov of milk ............................................
Inapec[or oC buildings, election and ten, of
office.......................... ..................... 1, 2, 10, I
Inspector of buildings, annual report, tram
misaton of by .-y.,.-.................................: 109
Iva for of buildings, report December, lAA9,
Official bond a tppmved....................... I_ 89 ....... is
I"Pectorofbulbdinga, report Jnnrrary, 1890....... RA
Ioapector of buildin ge, report
Ioapector of buildlvge, report March. 1890.......... 15G
Inspector of buildings, report April 189 0............ t7G
Inspector of build l ug', report ['r 5{ay, 1390....... 247
Io mr of r' rt for Jule 189 ...... 33.4
pec gs, repot y,
Inspector of mlid Lugs, report for Augmt, 1890.... 3A9
InalA;cmr of buildioge, report [or Septa-.bor,1s90 44fi
turn build(ngs, report for Octoper, 456
Inspector of buildings, report ...mined. ale...... 22
Iveopector of bu hHo.., pp t December, 188,
d January, 1890, czemtved, etc .................... 115
u a.d
rt for Febr a
Inspp for of bniWiv�, po ry
Msrcb, 189^. ezam ned........ a ...................202. 180
Ioapector of but Id S. report aznull ned...._202, RiG
Ina -...tor of bu itdiugs, report for Juve, 1890, ex- 721
Inapecmr of buildivga, report examined........... 400
Iuepeetor electric wires, city ¢ngioear...............
Impactor of lamp., aPPolyted............................
lnep¢emr of live ock..........:............................252
Imurance, 5re depaet
rtense ment .............................. 341
Intelligence once, licNo. 2, traoefer.......... 61
Tvteree' fund, BMS,1Zj, M„ring remiive
rest. 95
'mo'e uturr........................ �..
leave.., aPPlicettovs and
ion .............. condition
.......... 289
paava- rnnditfon........... 825
Ireland, John, acceptance of ordinance .............. 6
Ireland, John, acceptance of ordinance, -P 13 .......................................................... 13
Ireland street grade ........................24^-'27' , 283, 302
Ireland street and Capitol avanu6 grade............ 841
Ireland street grading•• --••••.•'.'••••••......""'..115, 131'
Irelsnd and other streets grading, petition for... 87
Ireland and Hubbard atreete and Capitol avenue
grading......'e.c;P........................................... 227
Ireland avenue open( uR•-- - - 480
In'ine'e addition, tot 6, block 198, assessment
over 'd retundi.gorder ............................ 65
Irvine's I ition, bleat St. Paul, lot 6, block 198,
error i" assessment, refunding order ............... b9
Irvine'. enlargemevl, Rlce A. Irvine's addition,
aIle, to be surveyed ....................................... 16S
Irvine's eulargemevt, use of atlosls, C., St- P-&
aft Ry. Co ...................................................... 458
Irvin We ootina, move barn onto ........................ 142
Iwine park, gardener ....................................
Irvine park. concerts .................................... 87, 115
Irvine park. drive bm Franklin street) cro.s-
walk........................................................100, 101
Irvine park drive (on Walnut street) etc -
walk.......................................................100, lot
Irvine park, electric light..... eta ................... .I 142
[rebel and South Robert atreete, election !ince, 118
.evevlh district, sixth ward ..
Islana park changed
............... street................. 427
Ivy street, eLeoged from South street ................. 427
Ivy etr,,t,,I,,,,d from Autumn street............ 427
Ivy street grading........................................240, 251
Ivy street opening, etc... ........................265, 423, 437
Jackson elreel,cbange of grade -,211,, 240, 2G4, 310, 981
Jvckwn street ( ro Arch roes alk.........120, 141
¢c sa
,Tacks.. Street Fish Co., yet Ito n .......................
Jack,,. and Fifth strecta, police Patrol
box and
Jacks.. and Sycamore streets, election
3nth district, ninth wa............
...... . .. 119
.Tacks'. and Syycamore etr,ets, Ore
alarm b....... 31
.lugger, Chas. IV., Judgment ...........................1,
.Tatler appointed ..........................................
Jailor nominated ...................... :........................
Jailer, Ducal street station....... ...........253,
257, 28]
.Taller, Margaret street station ...............253,
257, 287
sailer, Prior avenue Police amtion.........321,
323, 355
257, 287
.jailer, Rondostreet ....................253,
Janitor, -...I police atation.........341,
364, 371, 987
Ivnsen, SfrX S., frame bu ihUng......................... am
JeaPerite pavemevt,Third and Sibley atreete .336, 876
Jefleraon avenue tiros.walk ..::....................._....
feffenov avevue Rrnde..............
Jefferson street oPeving, etc .............................
.lank. street, change of g i det.................20.
92, 292
sat rest grading, con lac ...................
.treat to
tree[ o tr-c g, ate., Ark r g
[enemy street ................................. .... ' 16
.treat .ewe[...............76, 132, 158, 171, 232, 441
.tree, sidewalk ..........................401, 433, 435
¢twat ¢lanes. between Mississippi and _
Jenks atrcet
JensmpePw ew,.r.v.........a14
right of wt of.tPRR
.Tette street elope......................45, b4, 169, 278. 284
Jensen, Henry ................................................... S56
Jeseamive street bridge .........................324 861, 437
Jessamine street (acroas Edgerton) trosswa(k..... 164
Jeaeamtoe street, ebauge of grad .., Mo, 441
7 ..
Jeeeamlue street grade.......... 277, 861, 436, 448, 4b7
Jessamine street grading a.d bridging -.227, 244, 294
Jesea elm, street sewer..... 76, 192, 158, 171, 189,
191, 232, MI
Jeseamite and Aroade street., fire ..Iarm box..31, 179
Job printing, books, etc ................................. ... by
Job prlvli.g, eta, sot"' -t bond_..................89, 136
Job printing, etc.. Prup.. s ...........................62, 77
ssiv INDEX.
PA o"
..................... 270, 3OU Karker, Joseph T., clerk board o f public work., 88
John, Peter. 29 cd!16.1 bond ..................................................
job,, Peter, bay 373 Kern Michael .......................... 246.275, 29
gardener............................ 14
Anne, crosswalk17
i John and Fourth 1 - P.
co P 31 Kerwin helper park
too ...........................................................
. ... .... ....................2
0 uaon,
Ye"On =W"no)n,=utranneda�V",�,' `vc',`u`e`gr�4� . M
jo 42
Co ad E. 246 Keston :.A. Whitaker
tv'6a,;ie� L,:::. Kesion (Kenton) street ad Dool, an ... side. ig
Jo 6
Johnson, Ch.. A., ..d Notch, '252, 320 walk .............. 1thos4: ........ ....... * ..... ..... 480
1, contract, hospital build- 361,
Johnson, Clarence H4 Off
fog ......... .... ......... .... .... ... 172
2 Kiefer, Andrew 1L .................... .... . .. ...... .... 21,7
Jlbl:"-LG't' A.'jfng'�t,ft'jfi . . ..... .... ....... 477 Kisf'A I.....................................................
.. .......... ..... ..... .. .. ......... 427
on _dsk ad,p! �t,or..468,
�76, go Kiefer.
Job 114 k 427
Johnson, N. C ...... ..... .. ...... for
Johns..., N. C., et .1., ...,d of sewer contract.. 172 Kiefer, 1). E., butcher license refunded. .458, 459, o` -r ..................................
288 Kiefer, D. E., licenses Nos. 4 and 10 revoked....... 245
John"'" Ilob.,so -1-ked ....... ............ 27,,, �9
Joint �i:9 Kiefer, D. . ties
. steam . . . K ",*, lob., .I others, petition .................... 159
1_1:v ............... 321
Joint court house city , _.�.,ob. .............................
heat ....
...... ........................ 387
1031 Kilb.r., L. � .... .... .............. 8
Jones, Dr. Talbot, order f-1 o' . . ... .... ..... .�-23 King street grade .................... ;!7 "
.rd ..... . W ..................................G 1. 0, 320, f� 4%
Jordan, itubert, refunding or( er.......................116Kiustreet slopes..................................
Joel!., Fred, get _c, , ol bb and Lafayette ............ 143
c�* ............................................4 1 Ift '": Ed 1 lj:: 1215
parka 14,4 K _ land 1w -rd bid '�i
joy avwme 711T"t .._,� I _ tract.......................
jol._.c. s a. mg ki it E J 't a substructure Br . on 99
judg,fdccti--,Mfa�l, t. If
k. .ills
r i ' ; lwar . d J . . t ..•
.......... ........ ........ ...
ad another, street
161 Kuktand, I im
Judges of electron i; ............ ........ 4U11, 409 K ...................4'2, 88, 91, 135,156
- , - - - ... "I
Judges and clerks, election, story ". I Kirkland & Starkey. bid, award of contract, Sixth 11,
Judges of election, Relln" list 312 trect bridge sik.bstructure .......... ............ . . d.. 38
Judgments, city, 11-Yni-n' " .. .......... 23, 'ra" ', o� KikI..d Star -sy, Broadway bridge
.921, d
it,f,A. P. DrRkeandolhe , so Broad
"it is. "a - ' -k, p.yuic- t -1. Ki k it Starkey, estimate, Broat wa - y..
,od�,uuutt�' C'.�e�`nr Bit., 93 .11,r 1,idges ...................... ....... .. ... G17
,,-easy rder..................................... Kirkland & Starkey, P -Y -c -t of estimates.........I
t,.c.roer,,r, land c,oulene . 9 61 Kirkpatrick 1' 8 .. . ........ ............... . .......... 355
y h,, '2'1'
order, etc .... ..... ... ... .. Kitchen,
etc' c;n6�_�t for but �Idl
Kvshtner, Paul, payment, 1�6 K,tts.., a addition, block 23,1
in -y order............................................[ley paving.........
rade ....
'Q.t, Louis L, Brosso vs.l,d it 311: .1
j.d, 66 Kia..:, litjo.: block alley paving 322645
City, a, a di, n
der K t-" addition, alloy Paring - ... ........... 318
�"b"s.. dl o
of, money tt�,ou:s " coal
j udgnient,Mary Spencer, payment u k
order.............. ............. ............ 9'1 ......... 202,218
no. a 2" 4M addition, construct '"it ' r"."'
Juno. �r"","od,'," of g c,
net r .. ............ ........ .... .
'dealers, regulation of 482 .......... Pere
.. .... !�.r.o'." 20
Ju uk
Justice of the peace, g addition, operate railroad tracks cross- 322
.r.d . I ljti�
e of l.arp` and e"'uh w log Si.thstr.t I ..... .................................
Justice r, Kit o" tuldition, lot 8, block 4, erection, etc.,
d �i, lb5
K of tebh, prohibited9 .
Central Imu-
ht of tmcke, o ........................254. 333
K 297 ny's r
1:1.': M. 27U Go on street coal sheds, Silver Cres 214
8 1 CoalCo..........................................................
1 'Uo "2 37 1 a ...................... d 352
Kansas u-eng ............................
..... 1 11 l'o' street,
x .... s -s- gradiog ................. .............................313, 363,
294 K , fle'ot'l.. place, third
K end Idaho streets grading 193 1vf,.t.third I., ......... . ** 112
eb it' ' t Ki wt V" 11 ........ . .. 19
street, election Idmis, o ev- 119 1 Ki'taon and Eighth streets, elect 118
enth d.............................t
K. district, el
_,ti.come 23, fit district,
t �strmt irdiward.... � police patrol box and
Ki son . rd
iiav,Nugh'. addition, erection of w ... house 78, 79 telephone ................ .. .................................... 31
Kavau,ugh's addition, lots 11, 12, permission to 72 1 36
!.LJ.,.h, 0111, on to
....... ....
sforage buildings ....... ......... 364
c I .................. .. 383, 121
. ............................................................................... .... o'. -p 66
Keil, 11' Ch 1, 1 Norah ............... MI' 287 K I
aC,urti ou"
.0 �l . onse
............. ......... I
181, 182 Knapp
K,11,1h,,�: Hun,1.Alj.,,dgt .......... walk..
.!f.rd avenue) cr
........... Langford ....... ............... ii ..
nin '. frame building 115, 116 street e
Kendrick street (-crone Bayless avenue) ones- too Knepp street (on Langford avenue and - )
..... .......... 189
walk . ... ........................ ......... I ..................... .olk ................ ............ i��
K 8 3o3 Kg f avenue, elect place, eighth
............. 28 . L. hall, park
Kent street to Dale
ii;xti�fle�'jud lag, Michel'' 317 K=1'rilt6nialth C_....... ...............
Ini"No" block 1. 1�1e'"I%n dllbd�.0 ........ ............. 16o
ut �'
loop place,
K.oblb, W va ...... in
Kent ad Is. B... at . ...... I beetlog riant.. ................ too
district, eighth ward 19 Knobloch, '�t- difine.t. and condemned,
i ..... ............ Ks Koerner, Carl k. H.Ju
Keaton :1 ad 'g, .................................. 96
,.nWn street
':00le"y' ,emm gr"'
t .d D avenue
sidewalk.........355 MO-" .......... ........
Kentucky and Fenton streets, election Place, Kohl & Middleton't, mune..: in ... gor of, - 55
mission of five..................... ......... .................
fourth district, sixth ward ...........sees ...............
Lab�r, eight he1,", , I
ay, city lab
orers, etc......... 139
Nam'e's rsolutio . ... .............. 301
Ltlon., eight hour &Y,
S inborn's
Luhour of Aid,,
n,.Paul.— and McNamee
..................... 23:1
Laborers, do,., No e'
Labonns,eigilt hourday, city comptroller', com-
munication on Aidenarm MoN,Guec'. 11sohl-
tion......... ..... ..... ... - 316
Leight hour day, Alderman Geh.u's
-.hill . . ........................ I ............................. 383
Laborer,. eight hour...}, mayor's coun,unicii-
tton and rosolution ................................ ..... .. 417
Laborers, eight hour day, Alderman SU wim'. -
Laborer clgii
�o.. a r s of t 7 c 0 for,0 lie 8 c 0 in n it;-
Laborers (city), etc., rldU�tlon b.,- t,
of labor..... 115, James Forrestal, midway sewer -y s-'
Pay co"' . .... . . ...... * * . sewer
' 421
L.I.wre, at contr.act, midway ..
La ,ere' pay roll, Paulson A Conrad, midway
.. ........ 449
midway sewer Byste. I.
r systemP474
Forrestal...... roll,.. !
Laborers' pay Wll,�o'�--I-pros.'coutract. mid-
way G,iist . . .................................. 478
L, Bross', Loll',um"'Y 66
-'.'.its avenue
(acro.. Ar crosswalk. 163
Lafayette vo.uo o ... ..... ..... I .............. 347
Lafayette prk:g,,trbo1,h, .................
,,,,t,: square,
p,,,, ,-air o .. rl,,prlpol,l 1,
LulayeH p.o..rtg contract ................... 115
L`Joa, George 11, Furnishingin '" 223
IFond'. addition, IM 1, 21113
i. .............................................
Lake Como and Phalan avenue grading..191,2',
!2Z�� 294
Lake Gervais, cyclone.. *.......................:142*...242
Lake cyclone, iQ666M4
Lek G ---Is: y,1o,:,Gterr...............297
G_2eye0..erets, board of control,
Lake G. bme
itulcrX, A I
-.I pr.,ri.ti
Lake Pepin disaster, memorial ...............
KolodzieJ, Simon, bay window ......................449,
K'hm", Phil " .' t ofii
.are, order.................................................
Kr, - , .. . ..................
.... 370
K�.'.-". di,hd� :.,..O..,,.d ii.f.Rice
street garden lots ........... 258
''_ ..................
K__ Weasel, �u�erif transfer............
Krara & Neubauer ...................................... I......
KraraA Neubauer, butcher license, transfer
3: 7
Krar,enbubl, Fran L., petition.................. 72
license, No. 96. transfer. 201
,_ ,,r, Jos. I , butcher
Kreiger,A. C., ekilled................................
. 252
Kreiger, A. C., horse killed, Nat'l Liv Stock
In -
.U -..o Co.,. claim: ........................
Krieger, A., claim, killing .........................
Kn ,, Paul
r" ............
ruling rdl
Henry, refunding
Lampe,Artindro., street ..................
Krueger, Henry refund , na,ossule,tiloud..
Krueger'. (P,ml�, bdm.1,1,1 I"giug Mendota street
Kutch man,
Knowlton, W. H. and others, petition ..............
1,o.P:: Beaconavenue......................................
Lrmip, Bar.. and St. Anthony --s, rem
Kutzky, 11 .........................................................
Lab�r, eight he1,", , I
ay, city lab
orers, etc......... 139
Nam'e's rsolutio . ... .............. 301
Ltlon., eight hour &Y,
S inborn's
Luhour of Aid,,
n,.Paul.— and McNamee
..................... 23:1
Laborers, do,., No e'
Labonns,eigilt hourday, city comptroller', com-
munication on Aidenarm MoN,Guec'. 11sohl-
tion......... ..... ..... ... - 316
Leight hour day, Alderman Geh.u's
-.hill . . ........................ I ............................. 383
Laborer,. eight hour...}, mayor's coun,unicii-
tton and rosolution ................................ ..... .. 417
Laborers, eight hour day, Alderman SU wim'. -
Laborer clgii
�o.. a r s of t 7 c 0 for,0 lie 8 c 0 in n it;-
Laborers (city), etc., rldU�tlon b.,- t,
of labor..... 115, James Forrestal, midway sewer -y s-'
Pay co"' . .... . . ...... * * . sewer
' 421
L.I.wre, at contr.act, midway ..
La ,ere' pay roll, Paulson A Conrad, midway
.. ........ 449
midway sewer Byste. I.
r systemP474
Forrestal...... roll,.. !
Laborers' pay Wll,�o'�--I-pros.'coutract. mid-
way G,iist . . .................................. 478
L, Bross', Loll',um"'Y 66
-'.'.its avenue
(acro.. Ar crosswalk. 163
Lafayette vo.uo o ... ..... ..... I .............. 347
Lafayette prk:g,,trbo1,h, .................
,,,,t,: square,
p,,,, ,-air o .. rl,,prlpol,l 1,
LulayeH p.o..rtg contract ................... 115
L`Joa, George 11, Furnishingin '" 223
IFond'. addition, IM 1, 21113
i. .............................................
Lake Como and Phalan avenue grading..191,2',
!2Z�� 294
Lake Gervais, cyclone.. *.......................:142*...242
Lake cyclone, iQ666M4
Lek G ---Is: y,1o,:,Gterr...............297
G_2eye0..erets, board of control,
Lake G. bme
itulcrX, A I
-.I pr.,ri.ti
Lake Pepin disaster, memorial ...............
Lako 'tr t t t I amble condition............
84 89
Larnpny�a .ddFtfo,.,`32
Lamprey'. addition, blacks
Lamprey'. additi............................................
LI -111 1191 W., member board workhouse
directors, death of, vacancy111,d..
'p:: Abell and 1�ok,t"`.:::
.- .d Gr..,,. streets...::: .. .........
!Abell and Jessamine streets ..................
Abell ....................
Lamps,Abell and Ron streets, etc 233,2f3,
LawPa, Acker street ..........................................
l .d it, .....................
Lamp, A,,*,r,,Cortland -.
Lmop.,A_...dStillwater streets ..................
Lamps, A. and Smith avenue .................
Lamps Arcade it Jessamine streets ...............
Lampe,Artindro., street ..................
164, 482
Lampe,Atwater it,, .................... 142,364,
L..PAurora. it Idnitubbi streets. ....... -.A00,
400, 469
Lamps, Aurora avenue ......................................
Lamp, Avon nod St. Clair street., etc
Lamp Aou street ..........
1,o.P:: Beaconavenue......................................
Lrmip, Bar.. and St. Anthony --s, rem
-vol 164
I Bancroft 11111t
61, 474
Ip':: Bancroft street
Lamps, B
Lamps (street), Bates avenue, "9"
Belmont "I Smith avenue
Lamps, gl,vostreet................................
. 202
I in p th"Been, ,`e'et .........................
111, 204
�u Bid I and Delos tursits ........... 3615.
400, 407
Lump, 1,jr :t ylrglpi. .....e
L_lBr'r. Vincent's church
Lam Ps, Blair and ,kod,atreeis........459,469,
Lamp, kiernhefiner'naddition ...........................
L, up,.Na.street 342, 459,
469, 472
........... ..............................
Law P,Rn. way ...............................................
B dw,,d11
Lot,,,,wine, Broadway
!.,,! 31
treo'.... . .. .
.ipid street...........!
Lamps, Brown and Bunke,treet'. ...254
,364, 374
Lamps, Bunker IIixl�sivcola.......................
Lamps Bo,rstoest ......................................40
Lamps: report December, 1889, captain of police G
Lamps report
L.;'.Pp: .., lighted, captain of police report, Feb-
ru.ry, 1890...• .......................... j ......................
March, 1890..................................................
Lamps "C.' lighted, report cnptMn of police
Lamps, n . ........
2"' 9
La,,p,CRrroll ....j
Lamps, Case street................................204,
,�.P.: C,,,,d, on ,r,, I,Itl
** 9
79, 30
Lamps, Cayuga street, etc ..............................
Lamps, Charles street........................................
toe 1.1d free,
CCb, ad -M-
Lamps gw.r'b and . Kenty�.trect
4M, 407
Lamps, Chatsworth street and 'NI c nty venue
Slyke avenue
.,p is 'to"
e andstarier
: p:: CChhlceaa,Oo aavenueWalterct.�.216,
253, 259
Lamps, Chicago avenue and Ede street .............
Lamps, Ch cat avenue and ward
Lampe, Churchill avenue ..................................
l,p,landlnd Dayton venues..............4o6
Lmol.�.�rand Mi..eb.h. street.. ............
I-mp,�.H4 Concord street.....................:..92,
Lamp., Cook street ............................................
Lamps C ......................................
Lamps: Crlomdostree'
.mw.1 ..............................
Lampe, Cuw" ...........
Cudworth street .....
Lamps, or
Lamps, Dale and Edmund- ...............................
INDEX. xxvii
161) P between Its addition and Missiti-
Charles.. ..............374
Lamps Jeasurnift- And Sylvan street. ...............
(1mr,mi-on street . ... ..22
Lamp avenue, etc ............ ..............
Lamp: Prior avenue, entrance St. Mary's
........ 56
church Ap I or, Brading ................ -.......r.............
Lamps, Dale and ............ j�
Lamp,, Dale and hitrti. tv.ct,-.r-t ..............298.
Lamps: Jessie and ........ .
Lamp missend llmrhud Are . te ...................
139, ngf, an ge.b
164 La
2;. t I addition, block 3..................84,
Lamp,, Dale street, adverse rap ...........
Lamp: and Ross streets...........................
'ton avenues...................
Prior and Chalton
Lamp r C&
2'199 Large t I addition Ir k 49
annulling additional
Lampe, Dale 111t,,
139, 233, 2M
Lamps, Kenwood
La.,:' avenues ....................
g roe )c I 1 167
La "go. ,,nue(,n
t etc .......... ...............
D t
and Indiana avenue, a
Kjo�, ml Smith
Fl..dr.0 tre.ts..:::
Lamp, Vvior avenue, Odd .0 t at
ce g too
no, (I.
and A La., Its,
Lamps, k1rior avenue a t
Lampe, Daniel street
115, 400, 4G,
Lamps, La _,_ and
L_�. intes
Lamp,, Posey and Hil
micc le
Lang a, Iss up
'7g to
'11 ... ............ . 1391�
Lamps, Dayton venue and Amos street............
Lamp. ............................
Lam . , -
Lamps, Posey and Pennock211'
o: 'r, walk ...................... .......
114 Langford avenue . .. . .. ...... .... 191
1 and Fairview ...............
D.,to. ayton nod V`..Xw .'e.G
..Pp., :
Lamp, St. Albans street, etc........................160,
a walk 139
or .. us
....... . 374 1 d avenue cd
I�'.-.Pp'�: avenues...................
Le.j.g.. and cros1'.'v(mu. ............
Van 3 1
4 7,,,
Lamps, Alba .....
p and Id
LTOP;Idt: AnthonyAnt ony an avenues,
.......... . ........... 205
no crosswalks.............,...............
Lou J. d .�c kd,,.r.
L.mpp�s: D:,r`0n' and Wild- li�'c
L do, , tu,.,,d
top, I.I. ag ............
t 42
........................ !r
Gu e
L 2' .4
Lamp Dayton .............
y" 202,
.... 4117
2 3 3 4 0 0,
Lampe, Louis street, remove..............................
L -p, St. Clair and Cliff -t -
t..164, 25+,279,9001+2],969,913,jr4
St. Clair Arccat
7' lf,"I=d vcG'G ......... ... 213,261,276, 1�21
Lamps: Decol u Irre
. . . .. . . 142 i
b�a Oset...,
Lamps, Lookout place a
4DO, 406
Letup, ..........139,
and Aei6o,
La- 8, Clair an 11, 1
lot Langford street, alley, block er-sw.11, I 1
Lamp, Delos strect...� ...................
Douglas and turgrsstrcet5. ..........
La_.P,"L1y'�'ek."=1`!' ...............
cup :C fir and Crow streets........................
L.W., d
1 p�'rrk
Lamp, o , between West
Lamp, Duke street,
'. is
AcKenty and
steps, St. Clair and Stcw.r tvcsta....
2� Langford d p g
........... 425
curb tr,t and Jefferson avenue
Lamp,, d
Lampe, 'a',".' 't
4 o6
to ps, Seventh and Si�t , streets ..................
Ilogr= park, grading ............
474 P r
'Tg L -gr -d ,, k gra d improving, I�
Lampe, Duke and �d,
La. ......................
Na goo
P,: in true
14�, 2.4
L,Ilp:. Seventh .................
Sherburne vs..... .........
.... 387
..... 2 N c.t,.n 'cation
ps to street, r c
Edgerton and streets.
276, 07
Lamps, Magnolia street and Park avcnuaj9,A
469, 473
=p, Sbields and Bar- streets . .........
.. 4 ..gfurd park, grading, modift of
8" 8
L pa, Edward and .....................
"1 27
Lamp: blagcl�i, and Sylls, tre 0. et ..............
le avenue....................
Shields andone............
... .4
4731 L tract v r act,
a rd rd 11, ruproving, award of cont
C ,th street',
F noda
Lamps Edmund a"
cup id..lto . avc... ..............
23 142
Lamps, b"21d_g..................................r'
�I, - - 9
254,276, 2,8 . .... . .. .. ...............
Lamp "cho wall t.. ........
Eighth strcct� .....
.1 %44
M .... in and mo,w. street ...........
364� 3744
A mps: S Inis street.. ................
p Smith avenue and Page
14 L a " 9 lo r 'Uh 289
frame in
Lamp, .................
Lampe c er........... .
365 :406', 406
Lampe, Manville 'trce`V.ii' .........
to' A
Lar Per Is r�.IA
up: SuAth avenue and George street 48, I� is
Lamp, & addition...................................233
,a.p,:F':,k.-.-d_B'.l1.Iostr is .. .......... ..
........ .... 4,1,1
195'14-' ,
lu;�, l.ri.. ircul ...................................
... ::.
Ls -p:. 181,
202,2104, 3'........... 2
p. L green
d other street .............
:, M.rlGst sheds.......................................
4 go
Standard ...... .......... ............
473 Land ice. "i" red .............. 174
up v . . . ... ........ ..........
,joup:: Ellis streetto
I in street ...... 322,
clud A�,rkub
400, 4 6
:._ps: Stoic ... I page street, ..................
............. 173 L..dcrd ale: James w., appointed pol ic'man:.174 21
't"de""'i ... ................
I �2
�M11. set .............. ...... .. ..........
ort r
I on .. - ............
1, and Oakdale It r' ' .....
...... 4691 473 1 Mr .......... .. . ... . .. . .. .. ..... 4,7
Lamp ount avenue
I6U, 165
Lamps. Marshall and Laura avenues,
' 47g
'-':"p 'Ze . d cmlce�*
war, oil. , .......................
279 auer, L�b.flcl, and ...........
r, -t vs, petiti
drain..................... 386
lay d
Letups, Fairviewavenue....... .......
1. Snelling avenues...449,46!)�
Mr�I,.,,1r1cmGl 1,3,n,,1,1b
11 mppe: gtere., and S.M111 claoues.
473 lives., pilre
If"' too
407 Laura -e-G, (11 Iglehart street) crosswalk
Lams Fairviewre-le
259, 400, 406
L. M." t I avenues..
202. 204
Lamp,, StIllwitter avenue ...............
...... 4
-us id, ...................... ........ .... 34
Fairview el s
Nf,ryiand and Welde Street
'L-c."p" "' neon street
I - opening, etc ............ 67, 71 ' 103
1 rri, on avenue, remove....
L. �s, Ilaryl-d street...l . .......
La-,,)sS,�r Stryker Dearborn street
142 Laurel a-nue,ewer ... 378, 3911, , 448
an ter
• 2u4
La laryl,nd and Abel strast..:...............
Jess.mica stt ...............
1— Summit Place, r aw c r_ ........................
278 Laurel avenue wol other , -G. ewer, award of
I r, '.and Stillwater street..
L' Ile,dota and
fit,.. and F,cl res ...................
l"Gap,8ye..-re street......................................4'
I ........
Lawes Is .. n ort, ,d I in 5 9
,or ea. Wi I,
M n.rh.h. eIr Lgt 298,3
le�. 374
_pSsy%.y GdlS,.i�11� r
I1_P 14� Llofei R26'
a � remove or
.. ,
e[ reel ......................... ............................ 2 . _53
Tamps, Forest street ................... l8l, '.2.: 2,2'1
L. sj�esie.ippi And Geranium streets
Mis,j�sIpid street, etc ....... ..
490 406
"7': 430
Lavelle. .,c 3
:: 400, 407 Lawler & Dj,,,.r�.1n01j,j,ud9-c-t . ...... ...... ..... 4 84
or c'u.., rcdgred� .......... 211
410, ,d
street or 1.9,e
Lataps, Miasis,,it, set b
�; 11
fp,Th.. as street, etc .............. . -
n ce p
..161.202, 204 1 _on
64 Lawrence Are et (near R.t signs on
La.' p" Forest ,, jrs�,rvc
Gpi _c
Lamp, Moore .. Do'
last, avenue
Lamp rntilydl��Un,b Bar.. street.........
street bunfe� .... . ............ .................. ........ log
Lamps, Fourth streett
rteenth etre[,remove
M - a. d Smith avenue,
a ...........
Lamp: or e mi
Lamps upper flat., removal, etc .................
16 Lawson t rest, than of gr z
La I.
th ast RIce ".%.,
.1reel- 1W
and .1c.G
Lamp, V.1)., st_ . .............
3 Lawson trent gr,di,g. corar se
Lawson (Merrill) street opening, etc................... 21 7
Lamps, Fourteenth Itre
%mps Valley and 1
1 2
41 4 street
atrest.�e .1.r.lvc!
Gr.l.gro- 11olgh raa-il ... ......... ....... ..............
Pa, Vav
Slyke Churchill cl��
07 L. Ir., r, 232
LImpB: F
mop . ...... .. . .
............. 29S
Lamp, new T,rnerd. .............
Orleans B, ..............
.. ..
411)), 407
1,,.p,, V., and
Lampe ' ' a
.......... IM,
............ 427 Lawson 441
1 1'43.3
Lamps, Front street .........................................
. 14
d M "ll, street" It,
Lamp, Orleans an 0s
Lamps: Victoria
............ 21� Lawson I reel,
r 41 4172
sidewalks.................... ... I
Fay and Territorialp..............
407, ,il,�
Lamps, Reaney street . ..................
Lagipp�,jg%j"hj, , ot"h%r,mll� ....................
278 an
459 Laws.. street slopes, bel I n..Mbis MID -.:P
Lamp:, (,..line), bids, ,e.Ing ...
, ,",h .....
':,y and
Lam a (;go i . . ve ......................
400, 407 Earl streets ............. !..7, 16
L'_P'Card street ...
I'd streets
I�M.p e.c an E; 'gibilt
Lamps, Walker avenue,
�t Cortland street
31 L.... Arest slope., ewcall
Garfield I .. ..
: G
Lamp. e
Lamps, Gc.c.- street
Lamp., olutV,8 for, referred ...... . ....
d Wayzata street,
LLmp. '1V11'._-'nv`.rdcer, elly-7
............ P. -in
233,276, 278 and right of 2.'
Lamp, George and Ohio- str*..,.,.".,::�:::::::::..*.'.'i.i�,
,,.;".PP,., ......... .
Lamps: removed, Warsaw4
. Go street ._
233 Lawson Jenks street elopes..........................
Lamps, Geo**and Scolt av nu"
4 ' s
142, 407
Lmups, Roble strout and avenue 419,469,
4 3
46G L n Albert Id., payment fjudgment..........
142, 204 3s8
I ,is
j Mm pp,,,G a
Lamps)GuoTr`ll :tr."L::::::" ..........
.............. 204
Robb, u, in e a rects, reccovs, of
L S c
Rose ,act ..............................
1 mops. Webster strest...
278 La improvement ..............................
treat improv ement, refunding order..... 315
Grace end Richmond avenue
449,4G9, 44,73
La up: Ro street and G b far venue
Lamps, wricei- avcu,,,T.'.*.*-,-.,.,.,:p:.
its tr��bt
411 Lawton
ot (communication
407 Lawton s!r7btI,cmpworks)...................................o,,,r
LampLampeavenue . ............
Gle street 4539
. ...........................
d ahth trestar . ....... ... ....
W,ld, treala
........ 31
Lamp., Wh-I., ..dO �ctohs.
board P 1 0
Lamp, i,1h'rero%1 , v,r,ity 1� d of lots old for ble
P:: =cic�,e
us and Delos
L=p or Hall avenue
street g
Lamp . .. .............
;a .d "facconcl. Att�; . ..............
..... 164
r ve rue, etc
Mil, 4W, 1107 1, act, a l h) addition, Its
walk,, redemption, m111Y ordinance.............
,,a and Delos street 253 2,9
Lampe, Halt -ve-c. and South Wa as a ..... .....
b 419
Lamp, Page and 0 rhat __--.-. ............
L. -.m -Wilkin- t ................ -
, I tv po street.......................................
1 trooL..
59 446
Lease, C., St. P., ��&&O- R!- CO-, Second street
Cedar and
Lamp:, avenue
Lamp.' Harapd.. park ......................................4304
Lamps: Harvester ave...
401,469, 473
459, 1
Lampe Page tree and2
LA -1p pgka.n.d.otr.,ad,t roe ...... . .............. 144�
1, on Sycamore street, etc....
Park 1 5
Lampe lIr.g_1d.1,1i111
. . se .....
La to W 1 S it , v:t
P.: Georg.
74 Lease, C., St. P., Ry. Co..
.............. 454
.. ....... 473 Bunch "res's ................ ........ • . 64
trect.. 482 L- of 'b""'Imen 62
Imre HaetinG,
pa, ga Lampe, Harvester and SI "b"',rastv=:::-
Lamp, Park, at Park ove,ue,,to ......... ..............
Payne ventee......................................
Lamps, W 1 Leave absence'
Lamp, Woodbury end street ..................... 12 of 296. 297, 301
Lamp.. Indiana ,coca and Don ZI
Lamp Payne or ,
...161, 180
Lamp: Woodbury and Annapolis street ........... . 2.3 Les, .....................
142 Lee, order................................
La. 3.1, 4100. 407,
P.' re
L �r or venue and Ar
lt� : Ily?
Lamp, Woodward
�, d
. .......... 41627
413 off470
Lam .1
p is.. and W=
c trcc
st.". n 'trect. ............. ...
a., as
York and Mississippi -traw"'
4 0� sold for eido-
ddilt.., nee portion of I-ra In
Lamps, j. c-. a........................'Y16,
40Q. 4'
4.?!: 4
1, Par.; ...... a.
L11p P-1, P.1itir %njjdfj� ...........
Z%ol,r for trost or I.;:,
406 Leech's
84 walk.,ptl . . ............... ..........
Lamps, jacks street ...................
....... ....
Lampe, Jessam 11 street ..
142,204� 4.30
L r a corner,
-p � i��
Lexington Lecch.,ddltI.r,I,t,G,,d7,b on
twee, a
Tf saAccame-t 161
La p. j ...I...Ind Abell at ree . ..................
ilium noensure
Lamps, Proble street .. .......................... 1., 40, 11a
condemning, Laurel opening, ete. 103 ton, sidewalk .............................
Lmp,:J=i?ir1d53d Park avenue ...................
j 1
auctioneer's license,27, tn.e(er......
Leech street (across Goodrich avenue) crosswalk 126
& Dealauriers, use of levee, eizth w481
uctioncer. transfer ..............................
Lefebvre 483
b i4
butcher, No. 125 ....................................
Le Favre & Dealaners, move fame fga 4138
- Legal services, claim for .................................... 41
appointed ...................... 209
LeRtsla[iov committee
Lehmeev, fax
butcher, No. 108, Krara &Neubauer
Leib, M.J....................................................2]0, 2
ellban er.............................................. 337
butcher, No. 13s, to No, 1004 West Sev-
Lelh, M ............................................................
Leilme'John and ofhere................................18, 48
John2> , 296'
Leither, (Luther) ........................198,
LelthamerI Matt ............................................... 172
Lemke, E F., Boulevard addition ...................... 450
Leslie avenue, Chatsworth and Milton streete.... 2'2,
Leslie avenue grading ....................... .......156.17'-1
butcher, No.99, tronater........................
botcher, No. 99, [ranefer ........................
built,,,, transfer, 9tavek h Co ..............
Leslie arcane .. ........................245,2,4, fGt
Leslie arcane opening ......................... .............'
Leslie aveoue an it other st reete newer, award of .
hutcher,No.13:1, transfer [o Weal Kra. 321
butcher, No77, transfer ................ .
..................... 13+
butcher,nater of........... ......
Lour, slathim...................................................
. roach ............... ................
Le,ee aIann-
Levee Birt. h word. privileges, American .
License, butcher, transfer, NI SS,G. H. Ordmenn
factunn C ._ g o 1 IS � I85
License, butcher, transfer, No. 99, B. Hiller to
Levtre,Val Blatz lirewivg Co.. erect beer depot on
Licensecommittee Appointed ...........................
levee ................................ ort,............ f,,r
evee orstreei.condemning curt,do land fur,..84, 1n1
IRvee, \Vest side, abandouinR Prvice dings... ..
Licensee issued, etc.,
I.icenees issued, and market house receipts 1889,
Ler e. [Vest side, Innd condi .next ...................
si.Paul,orde.lull"d dmnn ed_482'483
I,icenea, intelligence o0ice, No.2, transfer.........
tions and bonds, when
Levee, West 00
IRvee, sixth word, reconvey lands ...................... 201
Levee sixth ward, resmrat ion of Pmltert y.........
Levee Crxnchisea,em., Diamond .To Line steamers
Licevse, meat taro of paid
License, Ireddlers............... ...............................
Lie.... s, peddle., corman-i tion ....................
and St. Louis, St. Paul &Minneapolis Packet
Licenses, peddle meat ......................................
LicenseniurPby,unenrned ...............................
Co......................................................... _.
tV st aide gra
IRvee e 9 4G4
.A 091191 � I 5.
din 9 1
zlhwa in sic.,grwnrrl Odin
I v ,street i rind Fra R... jjic': 8.5
i -es, 0 i:i7
Licensee, 1¢89, rebatee for 1890, money .niers.....
Leree ixlh wood and
c, a
Thos. Cxm-
Gra avast gradingan,-
Leree, sixth ward, John Grant and
License revoked, De E. K tfer�etan..................
'on., ................... ..................
Levee, Nest St. Pani, improvemenLq,.500 bonds. 95
Licenses, saloon, S. Robert, petition not to grant
IR,ee (sixth ward), Kloes Manufacturing
useof ................................................
word I e h \toil ............42;.469, 470
IRrce f stzth ) R
Levee We. St. Paul), Lefebvre & Deslnnriers,
[[asciport inn .......... ................................482, 4A:i
Levee a er), notice to cease dumping refuse.... 25{
Levee (sixth ward), .....pansy of, Vailey Iron
'-]9' 253
Levee (sixth ward), occupancy of ................ 196
IRvee (West SL PAuI), ordinanceodgmenL... ... 342
Levee (Nest side), Petition for "Panty out-
aide limits to be graded ................................. 198
Levee, ublto n •e of lame........
i.evee )p Ve st.i e 8 A 9c.
' drawn....... 42i
ee Wes t St. pool, warrants to be
IRv ,
253 2.i4 3i`
Levy, I ..................................... ........... ,
Levy, tax, eelimaliock alley25(
Lswis' addition, alley grading
,ele.........t n
Lewis' second addition, block 9, alley Brading
270, 2P4, 35f
Lewis' addid.o, lot 27, block 4, sidewalk, re-
demption of certificate erroneously issued,
maneyorder................................. ............... fit
Essington avenue bad ¢ ................246, 259, 336, 35'.
IRzin Rton avenue bri�ge, completion nt........... 4.t
bridging St. P., M. & nf. Ry.. SI
Lexington avenue,
Lexington avenue, change of grade.. 254, 2si
Lexiagto.avenue, erection of fire engine house,
etc................................................................ 1
Lexington. ue line, extenelon of time.......... 34
Laxf. too a nae line e :tension of tiine.....337, 34
R 's
v nue rade .............................. a 90 4 1
zlv ton a e
Le R
R fi
Lexington .venue din estimate .................
Rn g.
Lexington avenue, construct sewer ...................
sidewalk 32
LezinRto. avenue .........................276,
Lezington aveoue and Front street ................... 2A
lion e.r.... u
IL,eyds, John, elected engineer market
License, auctioneer, No.155, rebels ........... 23, 61, 15
ell se, botcher, No. 35,[ransfer........................
butcher, Merriam Park, transfer,
auctioneer's license,27, tn.e(er......
uctioncer. transfer ..............................
butcher, No. 125 ....................................
Kiefer, Uus vmd...............................427
butcher,refunded D, E. Kiefer .............
buteher, le .tied ................................
butcher, No. 108, Krara &Neubauer
ellban er.............................................. 337
butcher, No. 13s, to No, 1004 West Sev-
butcher,No.59,[tanefer........................ as
T2S, P97
butcher,rarefie r ....... .................3,
butcher, No. is, transfer, petitiow.........
butcher, No. 116, traveler ......................
butcher, No.99, tronater........................
botcher, No. 99, [ranefer ........................
built,,,, transfer, 9tavek h Co ..............
butcher, [ran,fe r, Chm. Howard ............
hutcher,No.13:1, transfer [o Weal Kra. 321
butcher, No77, transfer ................ .
butcher, No.. 6u, transfer .......................
butcher,nater of........... ......
Ntrao. 107 ....................
ell se, botcher, No. 35,[ransfer........................
butcher, Merriam Park, transfer,
es to LLr-
No. 132 ....... .... ................................
'.icense, butcher, No. 59, lrnnafer.......................
',icense, butcher, No. 50, transfer ...:...................
se, butcher, No. 69, transfer .......................
.icense, butcher, !1, transfer .........................
beleber, No. 9G, [rflnsfe ........................
License, botcher, No. :t1, Iran.fer......................�
Licevse, butcher, No. 57, tra ul
(.icense, Lutcher, tr.. efer t.. Nitt Bros. ft Co._�
License, butcher, trxnafar.................................
No. 9G, Rravafer
License, butcher, .......................
License, butcher, No. 132, Merriam Park, trnus.
For .......................
5, transfer .......................
Licevse, Lutcher, Nn. '2",r'.
License, butcher, No. 2, transfer.......G.-A........ -
No. 116, transfer to G. A. Plum-
License, butcher,
License, Lutcher, No. 8, transfer to John Elwell..
License, butcher, No. 96, transfer .......................
(.icensebuteher, No. B, tr...for........................
No. 133
License,, butcher, ,transfer ......................
ense, hatcher, No. 99,transfer ........................:i64
(,icense, botcher, No. 1(18,transfer......................
License, butcher, transfer, NI SS,G. H. Ordmenn
to J. M"""ean & Co .......................................
License, butcher, transfer, No. 99, B. Hiller to
Licensecommittee Appointed ...........................
nl of5e special pe m po lice
do etc. , appointment
Licevse,, q, . 164
ro ..
o e�uiioo:.........
�. ��failnre , P
Licenses I 2 46
Licenses, hotel runne.......erk'....epor.
city clerk's report ..............
Licensee issued, etc.,
I.icenees issued, and market house receipts 1889,
report city clerk ...........................................
I,icenea, intelligence o0ice, No.2, transfer.........
tions and bonds, when
License, liquor, app
License, liquor, when paid .................................
License, meat peeddling, revoked .......................
mooey, for............
Licevse, meat taro of paid
License, Ireddlers............... ...............................
Lie.... s, peddle., corman-i tion ....................
Licenses, peddle meat ......................................
LicenseniurPby,unenrned ...............................
Lieene,. -railroad runners, refunded, P. Mur-
4 58 459
Lilly. ...................................
h ..
Y - or Pat-
Licene, railroad runner, protest, Polar
rick) Murphy ........................ ........... ............
License, railroad ticket broker, rebate 1889.......
Licensee, 1¢89, rebatee for 1890, money .niers.....
rebates cityy Jerk ..................
garmy pit it f. .....................
Llcenee,reN.dlnrepo net
License revoked, De E. K tfer�etan..................
Licenses, saloon, S. Robert, petition not to grant
License, sewer conneetioes, redeem .................... 9v1
,c.=:theatrical, Panorama building .............. 65
Lichtenberg, Isaac, tnmfer butcher license, No.
9............................................................ $8, 201
Life eavioq crorpe, orga.izati.. of, etc ............... I6U
Life saving corps ............................................... 179
Life saying corps fire department ..................... 187
Lighting city and streets ................................... x2,
Lf coin avenue crosswalk ....................::::...... 475
Lincoln avenue statement ................................... 436
Lionel., avenue grade...................216, 217, '27], 30l
Cineole e 8 ding ... ................. 15i, 16], 170
Lincoln avenue grading, contract ..................... 295
Livcol. avenue gradi.g,contract...................... Ste
Livcol....... . Pacing sad gndivg................ 155
Lincoln avenue, donis5lon to grade ................. 166
Livcol. avenue avd Victoria street, police .loon
box....................................................189, 16e. 16s
Lincoln ¢,sells and Victoria street, pollee patrol
box............................................................ 364
Lincoln and Victoria street, police patrol It,z.... 374
Lincoln a Otto Victoria
street eleclloe
h w rd. �.
. li8
Ince e
i •hili district seven[ a
P b
t fire slam[
and Sletoris street, Lincoln c...ue 81
hozetc .........................................................
Little 1. aveoue and other streets sewer, award
ofcootract.................................................... 138
Lncoln park, assessment.............................335, 364
Lincoln park driveway ...................................... 267
Lincoln terrace ............................................... 372
Linde., Charles, fine paid, munici
pal conn........ 181
Linden street (across Lit. Airy street) cronawalk 12u
rade... fine.............nici......cou
Linden streetg
Linder, Chas., refund fine paid municipal court
LW, 219
lots 9
and 10, block 3
'G- 3""� Siff
Hvde Park addition, a11eS vacation... 3 0,
Liudly Daniel E., appointed.............................35.5
Liv.taJ Ingeborg B ..................................... '24G, 19i3
Lfuslad, I.geborg B., claim. 273
Linwood place grading..-.••••••.....-.•lu'2, 1:17, 153, 4'26
Liquor license %pplicatione and bonds, when
............................................................. 472
Liquor licenses, when paid ................................ 485
ill's addi-
n block 1 .
[ton, lot 9, .old for rases, money order............ 66
Litt, Jacob.. ....... ..... .
Litt, Jacob, erect
erect poles................................_276, 286
Lit tis,J, Binsp..ctor, cla...........ervi........, 21,..... 315
Livestock inspector, claim fur moneys.l-d 2t, e, 77
Livestock lespector, services, mosey ordinxucu 78
Livery stable .................................................. 10:i
Livery stables, erection of...........................'202, 210
Livery stable, Pine and EastTeuth streets, con-
etruc 56
tion protest... .. ........
Liven stable, East Tc...........
nth street...........
429 nue rode ...............................
Lavin oto. ave
L1 on aveoue opening, etc., damab
es to LLr-
et. I
talo land, money order lk.........................140,
tre avenue sidewalk ..................
.140 187
Lizzie meet sidewalk ......................... 299, 349, 960
Lockey's addition, block 5, gndi.g alley in. ..85, 250
Lockwood, Frank N ...................... I..................
Locust and Seventh streets, police patrol box 31
Loewe,E., refunding order .............. .................
nan street side and cruse walks .....................
Logan street sidewalk.................................191,
Logan street, vacation part of ............................
Lo ao etroet widening...........
.33 , 57, 342 70
Lohman, J. t4 ................................................
Lobman J. W., hay scales ...........................898,
Lumen udbrandj .....................
........ 112
Lo. g, E. C., end others, petition ........................
mhere,.. etit
Longfield, H. H ..............................................
Lorient and Thirteenth streets, election place,
fourth district, ninth ward .............. ........ 119
L'Orient etreetrovemenl, Dooding of cellars 94
L'0, t laying two -plank walk .............. 94
L'Orient and snit. Airy streets, election place,
fifth district, ninth ward ...............................
Lookout place crosswalks ................................. 406
sewer..........................61, b8, 71, 114
=koill ii a1way..........
peLCtyR.�pany.......... A... 131
Peter and others, petition ................... 184
to street, {4 o. 290 (PorieeB broom factory),
election place, fi1L d trio, eighth ward......... 1I8
wry, Thos ..................................................... 448
Lowry, Thos., president .................................... 337
Luby, M. A., appropriation of money for, ordi-
.encs........................................................ 11
Lucy street sad Oakdale avenue, approach M be
built.............................................................. 163
Luella avenue grade .......................................... 347
Lumber bid,, advertise for ............................... 460
Lumber, bids received ....................................... 469
Lumber, bid, or..
Lundstrum. N. P ............................................... 2W
Lutber, John (Lei[her)...................................... 296
Ly.nhu.t avenue sewer .....................
............. 61
Ly,vbu.t sed ley aveoue gr ora .................. 364
Lyunhu rat and OakOakley avenues, grit maeae-
cut Union Park ......................................
tree[ arta of
Ly mhu rot aveoue and Bremer . p ,
veva.., John e, Flinkel et al. petition .... 96, 2l
Lyon lou avenue, parte of, vacation .......93, 96, 97
court and Sibley street newer, estimate..... 91
Lyons, \addition move buddings lej grading
............ 276
Lyto.'s addition, block 3, alley grading ............ 330
McAuley, ALby L., Payment otjndgmenL.......... 24
nicAule)', J. d ................................................... 256
appropriation ........................ .. 253
V cAnley, d. 2.., clmc, horse fnlliait into wan-
hole............................................................. 252
nlcAuley, J. n., petition, dmuages to home........ 134
McArthur, Archibald, jusit- of the peace, sixth
ward, election of.......................................172 173
McArthur, Archibald, oath and bond, justice of
the peace ............................. ......... 198
............ .
McArthur, justice of the peace, oath no bond
'aP11. ved ......................... ........... I .... ............. 214
trill or, Fred A., and Winter, E. IV., by
Theo. E. Parker, attorney .............................. 288
McArthur Bros ................................................. 59
meBoal street sidewalks and crossings ............... 161
McRout street sidewalk.... ................'LIfi, 231, 254, 306
nlcClung, Ilarrison T ........................................ 246
nleClung's subdivision, block fig, Brown &Jack --
son's addition.. .............................................. 404
NeClure, James, construct Cr¢me bnrn.....i5i, 358, 460
nlcl'atfeny, J. J., oni................................. 24.5, 320
nfeCalfert James J. order ......................
....342 345
urke............� 449
attendance Jahn B
of vs C. I..
harlea I. erect
forme buildin ...13.a 140
AlcCnrth C g
John C. gal g..nt........
.................. � 787
McCarthy, Jo
McDonnel, Patrick, it.
jus ice o ........................ 928
McDoo f.. Petrick lt.,juetice of the peace, elec-
tionof ............................................. until.. rid 173
P. R, justice oC the peace, oath and
bond approved .................. .. ......................... 214
oh o, money order ........................... 66
McGuire Fra.els............................................. 172
McKay, Aanh and James .................................. 417
McKay, Sarah and James, bail forfeited............ 449
McLean avenue extension, order partially an-
eu l led............................................................ 100
Mclean avenue extension............................178, 201
Mclean avenue grade...................................266, 350
McLean avenue grading..................186, 153, 248, 294
McLellan, J. nf.........................ssio ...... u
. 337
v vtflator rmieston
b uae_.46 49
nfeLellen trapp pe
Mc usoigal, \V p1eA........ �................................� 172
McMaaigal, F. R, mooey order ....................:..... 166
McManus, Mary, rearrangement block 22, Oli-
vler'e addition, and Banning&Olivier'. addl-
tio. to West SL Paul............................:..160, 179
McMartin, W. H. R .......................................... 172
McMene ly street grade 30, 280, 379, 389, 392, 416
McMenemy street grading•.- ""..250, 287 D
McMenemy street, railway Browing, flagman.... 475
MIM may street slopes ...................................
McMillan, J. T ................................................. 135 7
McMillan, J. T., rebuild Packing house 201, 365 s
McMillan, J. T., mpealing Pena
McMilla'-O'Leary Blaugbier house, nuisance..... 254 t
McAfullen&Horne, bid, Slzth street bridge..) 11, 115 i
MacNamara, John G ..........................................
McNamara J. H ...............................................343 7
McNamee, K, bid. lampps........----
........................ .
McNamee, Richard S, alderman, election of.172, 173
McNamee, R. 8., alderman, sworn iv .................. 208
McVeigh. P. P. Jr ........................................... 355
Haeales[er Par(C, grade streets, St. Paul'PitleIn-
ntre andTruet Co....................s1.e .......
'- Macelester Park,Grand avenue, oPenia atton����. 196
Mecele.ter Park, err 315 a32 84W 94'2i c43U, 431, 412
Machines Park, Vernon t sem,., eidervalk .... 160
Machlnee (road), use ou e r 253
Mackubin street grading, a -saes? taseessmenG 160
Mackubin street grading, refunding
Mackubin street, removal of obstructions........... 164
Mackubin dr. bfamhall'e addition, alley opening.. 115
Maekubiv & Marsh.11'a addition, block 9, a11Y0 1S3
open'vg ............h ......
Afackublu & DLarshall's additio to reset f grade 1' 94
block 25, alley, city engineer por
Mackubin & Marshall a addition, bl..flk 131¢1149 223
gridin ............
g ......................
Mackubin & Marshall's additkn, block, alley. 134
gradlu8. Petits.. .......................... ..
Mackubin & Marshall's addition, block 25, alloy
grade ............. .......186, 245
Mackubin & Marshall', additio t, lots 16, 11966' 433
20, 39, 30, block 2G, side..Ik.................
Macqucev, J. A Co ............. 337
Macgveen J.i& Co., butcher slemenis,r liraneon's 364
Madden, Sen ue , sower ass. ^fig, 269
addition......................................... ...... _
Afaguolia street, construction o[ sewer ............... 132
Magnolia street grade ....................................... 91
Magnolia street div
gra g ................
bf.gnotta street opening, Rfce street to Agate 15
_, M ............................`........69,103,330,390, 415
Magnolia street oPening, a c........-
Afagvoha street a er.. i2, 156, 1,1, 232, ZrO, 292, 44]
Magnolia end Fisher streets o`ening.�alarm l iY
"In Il I. street and Payne avenue, fire
box................................................... '11 31,
Magnolia and Ries slreets,eleetion Piace,efev- 119
.nth district, ninth ward ..............................
Mahner, deft .................................................... 256
Mahnor,aPPrPof altos .............................. '
Idaboer, Jeff, fine tit[ed................................ 201
Afaloney, John tV............................................. 159
Malloy, Sohn..............................................:t1i, 9C,4
M.IaS, Johu, claim, Calling efl broken steP....453, 960
Thomas. ........................................... 94
Afaloy, Thomas, aw2rd of !ewer contract........... 135
Afanke, A. F........, co.........e, deet; ... ...........
Menke, Auguel P., conslntrle, election of..110,1 12,1 73
Mavke, A. F., oath avd bond, constable .............. ]99
Afanke. A. F., constable, oath sad hood ep-
iproves ................... _.....................................214
,I,, c, August F., constable, oath and 6ovd
1 Merle,l.oafa H., payor ant ofjudgment.............. 21
Af ann, Frederick R ......................................... 17:
Manemin avenue, change of grade........:!68,322, 321
Af anomia street, change of grade ................. ... 20'
Af ansnra roof, e...lroetmn 11 is ....... ...........160, I6'.
Manure, etc., dumping grounas......................... 33,
Mavvel adevue, city eogiveer to report grade of.. 6
ala .................................
Afa e
. � , � stirs,.........
ria oft
tat r
d he
nn at
air li
Afalr(elecll from order, sprinkling
p t ave ave, excluded
district No. 2 ................................................ 16
arat street
Margaret street,
crosswalk• ......... ...............349,47
rgeret street, eztBmiGn, order partially En-
d...,.ulle...................................................... 100
rgaret street extenelon.............................178, 201
rgeret street, police stn[lon, leri.. place,
Rh dietrlet, second ward..
rgaret street station, driver.. ............. 2.53, 257, 287
rgeret street station, jailer...............253, 257, 287
rgeret street sewer......................282, 290, 314, 363
1 avenue b hl e, opening.etc..................... 317
ria ¢venue open ng, elc.....831, 940, SSS,3Y1, 414, 451
ria avenue, on Short street, Crowwalk............ 110
,ria avevue Paving.......................151, 248, 2G7, 819
.ria avenue eld¢walk................................140, 191
,r e, sprinkling d'scontlnued............... 192
to avenue,
,ria avenue to Fdgeilon street bridge,co'-
lemning ¢saemens.....:................... .............. 101
iria avenue sad Fl .treat, election place,
.bird district, second ward .......................... 117
n street grade..............................313, 363, 973
triov Street grading...........................193, 230, 294
krion street sewer ......................................... 50
arivn, Albemarle and other mresta, grading._.. 174
a ionampl Charles etreets(Rosenthal'egr dery),
arksrt,(ieofr., proposal icollecilov, e[a,olght 119
sol], etc .........................................................
arks. grounds erection scale .......................... 108
arketa, sheds, roar sections of city, purchase o[
land, etc ........................................................ 65
arket hall free for state encamp vt (3. A. R.. 478
arkeL halt, rent January and February, 1690,
re rt of market master ............... .135
arket hall, rents, November, December, 1889, 73
`` rt ................. .....
arks[ hall,,1 90, 247
arket hall, rent November avd Dceember,i890,
reppoort examined, etc ....................................... 115
Market hall, rent September and October, report
ax am i n ed ........................... R........................ 48
Parket house, auditorium ................................. 398
larket bla, changing .................................... 298
larket house, engineer el realI.atio............nee-. 156
larket house, engiveer'a reelg¢niton, nominee.. 150
[arks[ house, renll, George lf.L s Furnishing 275
house, lease,Burns ............................. x87
Parket house, lee, renewal
l o[ rooms ............... 222
(nrket house, police bozea, etc ........................ 22
larket house, police y¢trot box and telephone... 31
barker house and other locations, pollee boxes
and telephones ............................................... 10
darket house, receipts and l;oense. issued, 1889,
retort city clerk ........................ ......... ..... ..1— 5
darket house, reeei Pts, etc., city clerk's report... 22
darket house, rent of rooms, A. O. li............... 297
1[arket house, senles.......................................... 5
darket house and site, Bale of, e'c.................6i, 65
Narket hoose, theatrical purposes, L. N. Scott... 430
Narket master appointed ................................. 209
Narket nmster, bond ....................247, 254, 320, 325
Narket master nominated ................................. 209
'larket nmster, report of market hall, rent for
Afaroh and April . 247
5larket master, report November
Sl arkeL master, repo rt November and December,
1889, market boll rent examined, etc ............... /lb
Market master, reins, report examlved.............. 48
Market master, report market hall rent, Jav-
ry .nd Fe1; report
................................. 195
Market master, report m kat hall rents, No-
trer and December, 1889 ............................ 73
Market master, re reat of market hall......... 19
Morket privileges, sidewalks rent, Market,Waah-
inn and other
street ................................
in z5a
Market teams, Air, t for month ................... ai
Market theatre, rent for months Juna, July and
August to be 81011 ........................ .................. 189 -
Market street, speakers' stand, National Educ.-
ttonal Awoclation.......................................... 5&
Afarkoe, R59
. J .......... ............... j........................
Mamball's addition, West St. Paul,grading of
Marshall's addition, Went 6t. Paul, elzth ward
levee, etc., grading .......................................... 187
Marshall'. addition, Wait 6t. Paul, Nater street
and levee grading throng h ............................. 159
Marshall avenue bridge (portion o[),ocare of 18 1
Marshall avenue bridge, transfer f right of
count to alt 87
yy ................................................
Marshall avenue brtdge, county's tuterest trans-
ferred to city of St. Paul ..........................190, 185
Marshall avenue sewer....................... .... .51, 348, 475
Marshall avenue sidewalk... 315, 343, 401, 411, 412, 493
Marshall averse sprinkling ................:.............. 166
MBIr(y all avenue,transfer of county'. iutereet to 160
Martin street a ... 109 154, 170 215, 475
Martinni, Pater build sewer ... .. r .................2706{ 277
Martin street, change of grade; redemption
Mcartln0etreet,No�. 107, eleBEiondplace,twelRh die- 68
trim ninth ward ............................................. 119
Martin street and Western avenue, construction
of .ewer, award of contract, bond ................... 91
Martin treet and Nester' avenue, election
.. 118
J1jplace, third dfatrlet, eighth ward....,,r.......
Maretin, CreE. adVirginiaisrelief avenue sew,ttce Dai 158
kola suffeter......................._comm!............. 93
Maryland avenue grade ................................... 336
Maryla'd street grade ..........................348, 409, 484
Maryland sand [Greenbrier 17, 'u1es, fire 7llarm� 441
av a
be.. . .......... I................. 31
Marylandavevue eldewalk..........................199 949
Maryland street and Payne avenue, police Pa[r.i 482
boz.......................:.................................. .
Maryland and Payne avenue, fire nI.rm bog...... 179
Maryland street and Walsh avevue, el c., resole- fit
tion for gg ....
M.o., J. A .............. ............
................. �........ 397
Mariana . Chas ...............................................
Mattoon Chas., awesement vacation, Terry's ad-
dition........................................................... 399
Malta, Evert P ................................................ 172
Maury street grading...................................GB, 179
Max field & Seabu ry......................................297, 301
Mayor, contingent food ................................... 347
Mayor'. 209
Mayall, James li., to raise frame building..... 181,182
Mayall, Samuel............................................66, 166
Mentlicereturn of Gummy paid for .............. tis
peddling, licBase revoked.....
Mead, Warren II., attorney, money order........... 12
Mechanics, etc., city, eight hours day lalwr........ 139
M esker. Stf llm an...ty .........
Meier, E. J., money onler ........................66, 188, 235
Meininghaus, Chas .......................................... 270
3III.I'kbauser & Erickson, butcher license, No.
50, lmnafar........:........................................9, 202
Meininkhauaer & Ziff, butcherlicense, tri'afcr... 202
Melady, .lames, alderman, election of............ 172,173
Melady. Jules, alderman, sworn fn ..................... 208
Mendota road, bol )ding, etc. .'rtifleme of indebt-
cdness............................. ............................ m
Mendota road, iron bridge and appr...he,, con- 19
tract........................................................... .
Meadane road, iron bridge, estimate...............57, 135
Mendota road, iron bridge..............................33, 88
Me dots ro a'wodode arch tirid]74, LAItuaLe No.2 8s
ge, es
Mendota road, wooden arch bridge, estimate...... 135
Mendota street (on East Fourth street) croes-
walk .................... cres.......................................
.. 120
walk ................................
.. 261
Mendota street croas 296, 921
Mendota street, than of line.. 246, Kr 27 e
Mendota street line, change of, Paul Reneger..... 398
Mendota street line, mistake ..................233, 252, 298
Mendota'treat line moving .............................
Afendota etrcet grade ........................................ 290
1fe'dora street grids, shade trees destroyed..... 275
.......246 296 318
Mendori street gradin6..... ....... ..... ,
Mendota street sidewalk, moving ...................... 198
Hendota street eldewalk, moving, damages........ 23S
Mendota street sidewalk ................................... 296
5ferehante National Bank ...........................188, 259'
Merriam Park, second addition, side and cross
walks, Iota 7 and e, block 4 .............................. 126
Merriam Park, fourth addition, lot one, block
one, election place_ ........................................ 119
Merriam Park, butcher license, No. 132, trans-
fer.................................................................. 258
A[erriam Parkfire protectlo........................... 457
Merriam Park,, sewer system, extension of main
Isewer ........................................ I................... 18-
Merrfam Park side and crow walk .............. ..... 126
Merriam place (on Milwaukee avenue) erose
walk............................................................ 120-
Merriam place sewer.... ......... . 51
Merrick & Flagg order favor of ...................._.. 188
Merrill, D. D., chairman National Educational
Association committeewoumittm ................................... 420
Merrill, O. W., claim.....................................A7, 114
Merrill street grading, petition for ..................... 109
Merrill etre:[ opening ....................................... 127
Aferrill's toilet supply, claim ............................. 114
Message, me or'eibac..........diti........11ey....rad
Mesae1& yEechbach's addition, alley grade,
blockthree .................................................... 346
Metcalf & SmIth" addition, lot .1ma-wcd...... 408
Metropolitan Hotel, election place, first di.trict,
fourthward.. ................ .. ........................ . 118
Metropolitan Opera House Coare., excavation of
91, 94
ea araC C.
construct bay windows, •Sou h Bobs 355
> ,
ereruse[ ..................................................... 482
Meyers, J. A., . extension
Meyers, J. A., extension of term, Iwun..... r,
tenth waM........................ favor
of...... ................... 489
Meyers, J. A., order favor rt f ................ er,189 485
Afeyers, poundmaster, report for September, 1890 389
Meyers, poundmwter, report examined ............. 400
Meyers poundmaster, report for August, 1890.... 338
A[ichae�, Theo. and Joseph, construction of hal-
........... 117
Mechanics and latwror' (city), reduction hours
oflabore........................................................ 115
AHchaud Bros,refundivg money paid (or license 25
Afielm.d, Charles ............................................. 315
Aifchn.d, Charles Fi.......................................... 172
Michels, B., rearrangement, south one-half o[
block 2,Smitli'e subdivision, Stineov's dlvis-
I... "I. "'"I 2, alloy grade adopted ...................... AO
Mlchel's, B., rearrangement, 7 and loulh
one -belt block 2, Smith'a antdiriblock sion, Stine..
�. a:..,.:,... ..nav o.n,tiro......:................... ...... 81.8fi. 159
�sdlviaion (block L), alley g ading...-�'139
e aide and cress walk. ............. . 191
e sldew.Ik............................192, 223'
a¢vena prinkli.g
streete ..
red ing redemption :r Bema-
ualy wttea, money order............ 66
avenuesprinkliog..•........................1]4, 192
avenue, sprinkling disconuvuea......zza, 296
dlstr,.t.G_ alarm boxev.....................
Heights, Afinvahaha streeq gmdfog,
v..........................................y,............ 481
Height+., shade =..t.daged............... 464
Heights, street o be reported--... 141
.............. 400-
altltii INDEX.
BimasomenL '-
Mldway sewer eyetem, ..ewer an-
nulled......... ey ......, tip ................................ 221
Midway sewer system, annul
exim......Wit . r 468
Midway newer system, aaam awes:slant, wilder
ave.lie...............hem,..bril......i,g,............ J, 202
Midway Conra eewer eyyetem, brleklayi. Paulson &
Conrad, pay ro14.................. u. r' ................... 446
Mldway sewer. system, W. P. Hurray's commu-
nicathm......................................................... 417
Midway sewer eyetem, completl0. of, Jame: For-
restal, approPrlattov ........................... I........... 430
Midway saw:;:ha: ForIltal contract.......... 415
Midway ¢ewer eysrew, Forrestal Bros'. contract. 478
Midway eewer system, pay toile, James Forree-
id ................yste...,Pa;..........................430, 474
Midway eewer eyetem, Forrestal contract, pay
roll.............................................................. 421
Mldway sewer eyetem, laborers' pnT roil............ 458
Mldway eewer eyetem, laborers' payroll, Paul-
son k Conrad...........................................260, 449
Milford Btreet park improvenmvl....................... 341
Mllham, E. H ................................................... 325
Milk, Inspection of.................................223, 253, 27,5
Hill, layi.q aide track to .................................... 139
Mill street, grading ....................... .....85, 89, 103
Will street and sixth ward levee, els., grading,
and ofcontract .......................... _...........- 159
Miller, la=W:. .............................................. 172
Miller, Elizabeth . ....................
Miller Btreet sidewalk..................................401, 434
Hi]lion,...................................................... 138
Millen and Randolph tree[,, election place,
founeemh district, lifth ward ........................ 118
Melon ¢Deet grade ........................vs, 21-,, 245, "1 4
M.Iton etraet ggrading...................................... 168
Stilton and Clmtsworlh streets and Leslie
..a, sled Bred ing................................................... 227
Milton stivet, opening slid grading .................... 1.5.51
Millon street, ppark improvement ....................... 315
Millon and otll or
etn;els, eewer, award of con-
tr a c t ............................. -... ..................... 138
Diilwm,kee avemte (across place) erose
a I k ........................................................... 12
Aliiwaukes avenue eelver.................................. 51
A]inea, H........ ........454, 482
Aliuea, Joseph, alderman, election of............ 1]2 1 i3
A]inea, Joseph, elected vice president oC connci{ 2oA
Al i neo, .Ioseph, aldermen, swore i. .......... ........ 206
At iuen, P., repair barn................................342, 345
Mi ""chat,,street bridge ........................ 139
Ali coolish. street bridge, St. P. & D. It It. Co.... 140
Alionebalia street (across Simpson avenue)cross
walk.............................................................. 108
Afinnehaha street crosswalk............126, 181, 19'2, 303
Mommhaha street (across De Soto) crosswalk...... ]63
. iluuehaha Btreet ac sa Fairview
wait..... 167
(( )rasa
Alinnehahn street (chani, o arenue) 163
Minnehahu street, change, elect I.. .............181, 189
Minnehahu street, wNo.ord
725, sleetfou place, eizth
district, second word h'...w................election 118
Ali nnehnhn street, l:sch'e warehouse, election
�Ince, ninth district, eighth ward .................... 119
Minnehnha street Ilse ezte.stov .. lima..... 437, 347
Afinnehaha street gret{e........... trec..............18E, 267
Minnehahu:tree[ grade, shade trees damaged48, 464
Mirmehaha streetgreding_i3,86, I12, 132, 138, 24A,
251,319, 481
Afinnehaha street, No. 725, hay acales.....342, 398, 409
Minnehah. street ope.tng, etc.....................242, 249
Afinnehaha street opening, resolution repealing
resolution to annul orders .............................. 48
Minnehahu sad other streete, ope.!.I, eta........ 48
Mln.ehaha street
opening, Bock street produced
south to city 1.mita..................................7, e etre., sldeweiks..182, 236, 276, 299, 328, 349
Mtn.ehaha street sprinkling ........................... 167
Mioneapolls-St. Paul, connection ere alarm
eyetem........................................ jd .......... 165 state reform school, board of man-
agesof ......................................................... 66
Minnesota Street Lighting Co'e. bid, ]amps........ 3
Light[.g Co, return of bond to 44
Fifth etreeta, police patrol be.
.............................................. at
tele ph Pat as............338,449, I.,
far ilway Co ...................... 18
¢for Hallway (kr., Unlverelty
¢neapP[ante ............................. 8
fer W., bridge acroen right of
be used ................................... 107
Duese street station .............. 287
boulevard d ........................... .
c(x•. addition, grading ¢oa
menIver, eketin.••••••............••••............ 92
Al laelaelppi river, ekaa., Ante, Louie Johnso.59: 468
Allseise.ppl river, skating rink, C. H. Paradere..... 469
MleaiveipPi street huege.................................... 347
Mhod.a.Ppt ¢treat bridge, Eisen wiea(nem cen-
tral Co ............................................. 365
Mi:af::.ppl street Lrldge, bide ............................. 383
31 alsnipp! :tree', bridge, contract, Chas. Stone.. 472
Alimissippl Btreat bridge, contract ...................... 467
+iw.j::jy°1i;ireri 11Nd 'tPvlis000aio ceoC-i co: ail
D[Issieeippl street, No. 512, election place, flat
dtstrlet. first ward .......................................... 117
M.ea.aslppi street, No. 664, election place, fourth
district, first ward .......................................... 117
ASiss(eeiPPi :treat grade.................................80, 258
AlissieaiPpi street grading, contract................... 76
Missi,slppt end Cese s[reeta, fire alarm box......... 31
Aliaetssip pt at
opening................................. 337
Mississippi and Williams streete, police patrol
box and telephone .......................................... 81
MMississippi street, reassessment ........ ................. 411
ississippi street: No. 817, ecnlee........................ 325
Mieaisslppi street eewer .........................309, 362, 393
M(ss.ZI, st rest sidewalk ...........................299, 349
Atm, i ippi street wide.hi , e ee ent.159,321, 425
Slitsch, Geo., erect frame �m'Idiogs�u ...342, 345
Munch, George, raise frawe building. �........ . 331, 32%
Modification of contract, Laogfrd Park grading 481
Diodificatlon of contract, t,. a eewer sstem. 400
Modification of Tiw
nth Sc,"y
y neS e contract,
redia ford art....... e
F.................. 4 '
Mogler,ney, city
&po..... .......... .. .270, 297
Money, city deposits, advertise for proposals...... 484
Afoney Inlets, cartsin.................................... 24, 25
Money order, O. E. Holman ............................... 31
Mousy order: itig, ordinance
n certificate: ................ 23
AI(ney, refunding, ordinance.....petition............ 23
A[ontgomery, Hugh and others, petition........... 87
ute, prem',, money orders.......rern....... 143
Afomtmenls, purchme of two, deceased firemen... 77
Moore, J. K .................................................464, 981
Monte avenue eewer......................................... 61
If-- aven... ide and cross walk ..................... 126
Moore atreet,cha ge of name ...................... 900, 401.
Moore, Charles A., and others, petit... ............. 135
\fnon, Daniel I,.ppo..led member board work-
house direct Ire ..................... ...:.................... 105
............................... 200
Moran,.7ahn D., petitia..................................... 155
Mora., John D., warrant ................................... 203
More.: Job. D. warrant, Third street grade...... 202
Afonarity'e addition, block t ......................89, 89, 104
M"b" Joh. H., warrant in favor of .................. 183
Morrie, Charles A. F., commu,icatlo............... 3
Morris and Foley, bid, Sixth etrest bridge_.... 111, 115
Morrie.,, J. H., order in favor of ...................... 203
h(orrison, John H., rerelver, etc ........................ 166
Morrison, John H., receiver, petition ................. 166
Aforrls.n, Jos. R.,in de
Morton,treetand Hall avenue, election place,
eleventh district sixth ward........... 118
Dlorton place, gra e....... eres........ddit.............. 476
Morton place, D. W. I.gereoll'e addition, vaca-
thin. .............................................................. 236
Mormu place and blocks 1, 2 and 7, D. W Inger-
eoli's addition and alleys, vtmalfon, p:tltio..... 92
Morton place, etc., vacatfo............................56, 233
Mosesstreet sad Fairfield avevue,election Pince,
fire, district, sixth ward ...............................
Motors, electric, right to use streets for ..............
Afouod street sewer ................... -I, I. 859, 382,
Mound street eprinkii.f..............................rzfi0,
Mount Airy street (oo Linde, atreeD) cr alk.
Mount Airy street o er Warren) r n walk........
]if at Airy street, change of Inds, ............
Mount Ally and L'Orlen streete, elect(.. Place,
fiRh district, ninth ward ...............................
Dfut Airy Street¢prink11ug ............................
Mount Ida street nl ewnik................... .............
Af aunt Ida street (across De Soto) crosswalk......
Mount Ida street side and cross walks ...............
Mount Ida street sprinkling ............................
Mount Vernon Bridge Co ........... ...............6, 89,
At out Vernon Bridge
or e
e Co,estimate , treat
Mount Vernon Bridge
fo totsd policeman appointed, Prior avenue sta-
ti. n...............................................................
Muhlenbruch, D.,mouey refunded, reaex ,,,7,t,
MullgoAndrew............... ............. ...............:9,
Mallave, Aftchael................................. .... ...
Mullane, Norah, and Keil, Ch -let .....................
AtInch, A ........................................................
Munch, A., East Fifth street paving ............. 275,
Alunicipa! court, fine, H'. A. Dillnl av .................
Alunici,a! curl, fine rsfunded.........................
Dlunicfpalcourt, Inves[Ig bra of records, etc.,
report of c.mmltte..........................
Municipal court, remitting five, F. A. Dlllman_.
Murphy, Bridget, money order ..........................
Murphy, Yeler..................................................
Sfurphy, Peter, lice..¢ refnvded..................458,
Afurphy, P., license revoked .................... .
Murphy, Peter (or Patrick), railroad runner,
license, ppratest..............................................
Murray, . P ............. ........r ........f
Murray h lPoodru tl; attorney's order Cavor of...
Musser, W. C., psyiu', [ of judgment .................
Af..saner,L................ ......- .......................
Mussetter, L., c(ty and county physician's our,
rent..................................................198, 202,
1 ... ..............
Dfuesettar L. , P.ym out, caiw........ ,
Myrtle street grading ................................. .
Napier, Joh. ,,77udgmect................................ 276,277
Nash street a{Jowell...................................233, 2;9
National Building and Loin Society...... ............ 454
National Educatimul Association,appropnat.on
ofnmriy fer................................................1o, 11
Nation.) F.ducati(nal Association, order favor of. 278
National Educational Association, communica-
tion of D. D. Ater rill, cbalrman....................... 420
Neil...I Educational Aesociation,communica-
it.. of S.Sha'm secretary 420
Nati...I Educational Association, epeakcr-
etaud on Market street ............................... .. 259
Natural Live Stock I... nace Co ......................
Natio..I Live Stock Ivsur... a Cn., claim, ....l-
ingof horse ................................................ 138
National Stock Insurance Co.;.'claim......... 252
Nebraska nv.vue grade ..........................313, 363, 3i3
Nebraska avenue grading..............................230, 294
Nebraska, Kansas and Idaho streete grading...... 193
Neill street sidewalk................................67, 76, 128
Nelson, A. N., order favorof .............................. 234
Nelson, Andrew, private work done .................. 388
Nelson, Frederick ........................................:... 172
Nelson, Nel P., appo(nted dog catcher ............... I's
We m. Pauling,warrant favor of ................ ..... ]83
Nese. Nets J ..................................................... 180
Ness, N.
J., claim, damegea ............................. 9
Neubauer Joseph, butcher, transfer...337, 364
Neumen,S H., payment ofjudgm.nt................ 24
Nevin, A. M., bid, Sixth street bridge ................. III
Nevin, H. M., Sixth street bridge ....................... 115
Non h,
¢ Theatre, construction of it- escape.. 73
Theatre, fire escape, coutrect.......,.. 81
Co.'s store, elecilau ],Ince, tenth
vdward .......................................... IIB
homes Dl .......................*,*,,.............. 172
feu Jac ........................................... 249
H........................................... 172
r street opovingo etc ....................436, 448
u Direct, award f ............................. 122
etc., col lecttuv, etc ........................... 69
etc., col lac b., etc ............................. 80
collection of, etc., contract, bide........ 31
collection, proposals contract............ 114
ale., etc., proposals i,rt collection, els 48
eta, removing, covtracl.................... 176
Pauliue, money order ...................... 66
d thirteen districts, election places
d. ................................................... 119
7, division of, election pu rpa.e:........... 106
J, Lie engine house, apparel,,, etc..... 87
J, red.stricti,g, election purpo,es...29 30
Fort atrects, Police petrol box and
e..... .... ........ .........:.......................... 81
Robert ntraetn, police patrol box and
e..................................................... 81
t eprb.kb.g.................................... 192
her, Charfe,q and of contract to:..... 59
�as. L. andJohmom, Chas. A........223, 320
. C., a{elm, e[enogrepher.................... 252
limits road between-AleSfevrmy and
�ut atres- eastible cbnd it n ............. 234
district, first ward...............: ...................... 117
North street paving......................................238, 422
North atreet, Ieying crosswalk on ....................... 84
Norris, Patrick .................................................. 91
Norris, AI r. .......... 427
Northern Pacific By., Pascal avenue bridge........ 441
Northern Pacific Ry., easement, Oxford street... 424
Northern Pacific Ry., Jessamine :trent bridge,
pians ... ............. ..............- ............
................ 324
North St YauI R. R. Co.,perwiesfoe to by lreake,
T reR................................................
... ......... BI
North St. Paul R. R. C ....... pta.ce of ordinance
and bond ............... 6
NorthSt Y¢ul R. R. Co.,acceptance of ordinance,
.lad bond. approved ....................................... 13
Norwegian Lutheran churtb, other parties,
money orders etc ........... ............
Norwegian Lut+taro. church, money order....... 66
Norwegian Lutheran ch arch, and (liter parties,
ey order, redemption certificate ............... 48
Northwestern Telephone Exchange Co . ............ .. 10
Northwestern Telephone exchange Co. 255
Northwestern Telephone Exchange Co., accept-
auce of ordinance, conduits ............................ 135
Northwestern Telephone Excbange Co., accept-
ance of Ordinance No.1296 .............................. 72
Northwestenl Telephone Exchange Co., blll...... 47
Nortbwesler. Telephone Exchange Co., petition,
oaadult......................................................... 114
Northwestern Telephone Exchange Co., cov-
etruct conduits, etc ........................................ 121
Northwestern Telephone Exchange Co., commu-
nication............_............... I......... .............. 3
Northwestern Telephone Exchange Co., conduits
47, 61, 62, 200, 201
Northwestern Telephone Exchange Co., oxten-
slon of time.......................................444. 468, 471
Northwestern Telephone Exchange Co., petition 87
Northwestern Telephone Exchange Co., to erect
woodenabed ................................................. 253
Northwestern Shot h Lead Co., and others, pro-
test........... ............................ I .............. .......... 56
Notary fees, city treasurer's certificates of sale
855,398, 458
Note (85,000), state fair, illumination, money
order.................................................. .. 122
Notice, claim, daroages to horse, McAuley 134
Nouree "t"reat, fit Anthony Park, block 41, grade
adopted......................................................... 162
xxxiv INDEX.
P.u:E. i PACE.
Noyes, D. R.__ ............................................... 3'13 Oakville park, block 23, certificates of sale re-
Noyea.U.R•, and lielps,tl.m ...........................3'21 demetinm...................................................... 235
Noyes Bros. & Cutler, petition............ 17, 24, 357, a.6 Obstructions al (Fourth etreet),laninges caused by,
Noyes Bros. & Cutler, permission to erect truce 2s notice trial on ............................................... 72
\agent street siaewniks..................... ........'s{3, 411 OLstr[mtionI (>InckaLiv street), removal ............ 164
Numbers changed, houses on Grove street......... 94 on',
maim al of, Chestnut street........... 64
Molinaro, alley grading iu block lmunded by airway................................... ... 18
\Veils, arcade, 1"ark and Sims streets........... 268 Obstructions, stairways, coy engineer's depart-
Nnieance,AzotineNanuLcturing Conipanv...... 279 nlen................................................ ............ 48
Nuisance, Azotine Manufacturing Company, ex- Ob,lructions, wood, etc., removal of, Westmin-
tensmnoflime.............. .... ster street................................................ .... 64
.......................... .
Nuie-ce,abating,Awtine March, Com- Ocea. street grading .......... .................109, 129, 318
pan y.............................................................. 322 OlR cinl newspaper fur 1890................................. 2
Nuisance, Azotine M.. ...ecturi ng Company, re- Official publication, maps, election d i at ricts....... 78
core 1 commitlee.._........................... 427 ^ O. G." rails, tis' of......................................... 107
pot p.eI. .,_„ 38i .Ohio street, on Roble, crosswalk ......................
Nuisance. dense smoke.. _............................. lal
Nvisav,I Mcillillan-O'Leary slaughter house.... ?54 Ohio street, No. 546, election plece,tenfh district,
Nuisance, J. J. O'Leary l Sona, extension of sixth ward ................................................. .. 118
time.............................................................. 298 Ohio street grade .........................................195, 363
Nushka club, build toboggan slide ..................... 10 Ohio street grndtng.. ..............................151, 176, 319
, Ohio street, on IVinfred street, plank crossing... 120
U 1. Ohio street sewer, redemption of certificates
erroneously fssnod, money orde•r..................... 66
O'Brien, C. D ................................................... 61 Ohio street sidewalk....................................401, 433
O'Brien, MI. A., Lid Six[h street bridg.......... 111, 115 Oil, boiling, etc., Dunwell d Spencer's addition, 24
O'Brien, T. U .................................................... 41 West St. Paul ............................................ .
O'Connell, Daniel, destitute condi[ inn of tam- - Oil shell, sixth ward, protest ............................. 337
. 198, 201 Oil abed,, sixth ward, removal ........................... 337
""""""............................... ...... 2J6 Oil larks and Luildings, block 11, Lyman Day
O'Counore,Henry......:................................• 398 ton's addition, make char
O'Connors, Henry, claim, trespass ................ gas Oi................... ... 64
O'Connor, R. T., money order ........................... 66 'Oil tanks, etc., making changes in..................... 64
O'Halloran k Mury'hS. ^.....A2i, 428 1 Old y hall, election place, second district,
v ni 1 fourth ward .................................................. 118
O'Lear-, J. J. S Sons, extension of time.
O'Leary.h Sons, nuisance, extension of time...... 98 Old reserve town houeG6nellinnvenue, electto.
O'Lear J. J. S Sol,., tevalon of time granted, 3t5 place, fourth district elevent� ward ............... 119
O Loam J. J. , Pneki.g eetabliI on at: -' Old roads on ..'w o e. w. %, section 26, town
On. ...........................................I........... ship 29, range 22, vacation............p'nb........... 9
O'Leary, John .J. h Sons, removal of packing es- 246 Old state road to Como avenue, opening, etc.
tablishment.......................................... r street between............................ Olivier
O'Leary -McMillan slaughter imnst � nuisance.. 33 �'1 Olivier', addition and Banning
,l Olivier's addi-
0 LearS, Thoa., build frame add¢ o tion, West St. Paul,park................................. 179
O'Leary, Thos ................................................... 234 Olive street, change of grede......_46, M, 100, 230, 304
O'ilfeara,Jnmes,and E. T.Atw.,ter,arderfavort, 189 Olive street grade... .. ........ ......
Oakdale ...ume A...P. is street, Cherokee Olive street grade and sewer ............................. 363
and Smith -omms, pol tee patrol boxes and Olive ,treetgradingn.d sewering ................290, 291
telephones.................................................... 78, 81 Olive street paving ......................................?66, 293
Oakdale and other streets, police patrol lwxes '�. Olive street sewer.................................238, 314, 374
and telephones ............................... Olive street sewer, etc., Catherine Bulliner',
Oakdale avenue and Belvidere sheet, approach. 4051 claim ...........................................................426
Oakdale avenue, driveway leading off .............. 155' Olive street sewer, assessment, relief of............ 387
' vepainng.............................. 80 Olive street sewer, assessments refunded............ 374
Oakdale arenue 'Olive street sewer, aeseseme.1 (A. Buchner) over -
Oakdale avenue driveway .............................. 1
Oakdale dri .,uI l} 234
drd Lucy Met,
Woo............. 2331 paid..............................................................441
OakdnleavenuenodLucy,beet,appraac. [..ire 163 Olive ands mersetitrets,po........atro..........n m2
but it
..............................stre.t, election
1 Olive and Somerset streeta,palice patrol hoz and
Oakdale avenue n.1 Page street, election place, telephone .........stye tli, election
.......plac....second 3t
twelf[h district, sixth ward ........................... 118 Olive and Sixth etreem, election place, second
Oakdale avt.ue.nd Curd. street, fire alarm dlstrtcl, third ward ....................................... 118
box changedfrom.......................................... 139 Olson, Andrew 0............................................... 172
Oakdale ave. le sidewalk..............................216. 261 Olson, Erick...................................................... 172
Oakdale avenue side and cross waike.................. 126 Omaha Railroad, Earl streeteroasl.g, Ragman... 12
Oaks,'e addition ............................................. 450 one1do'treat (serosa 6l. CIaU) crosswalk........... 167
Oakland cemetery, movnmente, fireme.............. t43 i meld. aireeI croaswslk...............................261, 306
Oakland cemetery, sidewaik..................216, 261, 374 Ontario and Hili streets, area wall, 6t. Paul City
Oakland and Grand avenues, election place, Railway Co ................... ...........198
third district, seventh ward .......................... 118 Ontario and Hill streets, area wall...............202, 203
Oakland a.d Grand avenue electric line......29i, 365 Ontario street'ewer.........................237,318, 332, 384
Oakland and Grand ¢revue electric line, better Ontario street, water pipe, electric power house, 375
lac -lee ................................ ........................ 398 Hill street..............................
treet................... ..................
Oakland arenue electric live, rata ...................... 409 Opera house (nem), plans, etc............................. 55
Oakland and Grand nvenueselectric line, service 32_1 OPevatorl superi.te.dent Italics patrol ............... 299
Oakland and Grad avenues electric line,service Oppenheim, Anael...........................................427
doubled ................... ............................ 270 Oppenheim, A.ael erect bay window................. 428
....... hes, rads ..........._. 315 Orange street gra�e.......................................rd, 347
Oakley and LSnnhurst avenues -grading, Union o3 Orchard street opening, etc .................... 311, 423, 438
O¢kv[Ita Pnrk addition, block 1,, alley grade Orchard street and grading .................• 337
Oakville Park addition, block 16, alley gr 'I-
Onlemann, G. H ....... ...... ..........................
ate, 366, 448 Ordeman., G. H., butcher licensr, transfer......... 364
Oakville Park addition. block 16, alley Rrade to Ordinance emendel, Its{toimdI animals.......... 181
be reported .................................................... 120 brdimm,climendingOrdinancel.o.419,imPound-
Oakville Park addition, alley grade .................... 361 I ing animals................................................... 92
I\DES. xxxv
Ordinance No. 13[22 a ccepled,American Mal-
ORDINANCES PAsat:..tan P1�m.taHED-Ctnt'd,
factoring Cc ....................... '. ...... 2SS
Grdinancen and Public are ouuis, cou4mi,,,* -
Fountain street, ch:mpe from Treble street..... 12
Germania l;ompany,MlcLella.
test)vtiiftr.... ,ea
trap ventilator............................. ...... .....
Ordinance repealing ordinance, railroads, etc.....
Grant, John,use of terns ...............................
Ordinance relr•nling section 1, Ordinance No. 53. .2
Ordinance Ile\, mfu¢ding money paid ander..... 23Greenbrier
Grant, John, use Pan of Icvee....... ............
"'"", c"""" to Cable avenue..
ORUINANCEs I'Asseu Axu I'c nt.lStien.-
Gri fag, Frank It.,onlnr......... ........ .............9{6
Hackett, C. W., erect area ..............................
Abbott, Dr. t;. J., order .................................
Hullotwell, E. M. ,t Co., order..........................
Adn street, elan gel to Ada place ...................
H. on T mi I,. •, lay spur track.. s..................
Allison, IlenrY........ ...... .........................
Harper, Goo. C., Iny aper track.......................
American Mlu'fg Cn. see portion of levee.........
A udersou, :1. C., or[ler.............'.....................:346
Hanueguies, Flore-e M ................................
tiealth depnrHuont, rules and regulations......
Babcock-Druko Transfer Co., order....._....._-...
IfeLer, J. .E .7. TLIII, erect bay window............
Barr, N'. M .................................. .................
Barry, Patrick,judgment ...............................
2Ieiumuann street, changed to Flood all street
Heudrickeo ra A. P., order..............................
Bass, Martha U., executrix, order ....................
Hennessy, llavid ,l., order ........................:543,
Bateham, A. P., order ....................................
Bauer, Geof order ..........................................
Hill street, are., wall......................................
linen, ck, Chester, judgment ........................
pod iuson, L. A., erect frame building.:
Becker, S. J., order........................................:i01
f[olcom Li s.addiliuu, frame barn....................
Ifolmev order...........................................
Ibnckhoefer, B. G., order.
-Bell, Chas. N ..................................................
Ilorne .I Danz, use Pmt of levee.....................
'I I,; i, Maria:1..........................................
Blafz, Val, erect frame building ....................
Horsnelll, Will. T., erect frame dwelling...........
Blom Lerg l.'arl J., order.
1�'m. F., froom
Howard, W ni. exexv.,te areas.....................
Itowerd.Wni. E., build
Bremer, erect smile ................
Broadway, opening reassessment, Wanting
orders ........................................... 115, 153, 300
luvnel, Robert street...
Huse mann, Jno. and Henry... ..............
Hasten, Mfary, order......................................
Broome, Won., order...
Illumination, state rair...................................
Bruggemao, LI.:. C,order...................... .:..215
Bru tison'a addilfn, frame building, ),it act
Inipoundiug animal,,amtnaivg OrdinanceNo.
41'9 ................................93,183,257,31x,,:345, 371
Mullane ................................ I ....... .......... -
Inspector of,buildings, election andter mofof-
Buchner, A., orde........................ .................. 441 -
Buildings, iuspector,eleetion an ltermofoffice 11,
lice. ............... ....... .......I ................ ............ 11
Inspector of buildiugs, issue permits in certain
Bas 1,order....................................
116 1
Caulcr'7nue, chnn pu m Greenbrier avenue 3=
Cell[ero. Thomas, nae t of levee..........emi • 12
Jailer appointed, Ducal street substation........
Jailer appointed, Mar arst street I, litaliou...
Campbell, laugh, older .............................:
Card S Rowe, Eagebor Cosgrove ...................
Juiler apl�ni ¢ted, Ronda street substation.......
Jailer appointed, Priar avenuesubstation.....;
Casey,Jnhn............................................ .....
24 i
Ja4lerapp.imed, Ccu[r.l p.Im station.......:.;.
Cameron, Thomas, use of levee ........................2219
Jansen Mrs S,crectframebuilding .... ...........
Chase h Lrl,pet aur .......................................
Chico o, St P., ill. & O. Ry. Co., to IaS spur
25 1
Job., ileler, erect Lav windows........... .......
Jones, Dr. Talbot, or .................................
. 3011
Johveon Louis, construct skating rink..........
Jordan„�ames lV.,
Christian & Co., erect porch .......... ...........
Church of St. Jab., connect building with
Jordan, Robert, order ..................................
sewer ....................... I...................
Kelliher, Harriet A.,judgment..............
Conduits, Northwestern Telephone E:chau
Kelly, P. }I., move frame building ..................
Cody,:\Sararet,order....... ... .................... K?4011
Aittso blocky stable.........
1 move rams aro....... ...........
Conklin, II. E., more frame barn and erect - .
iej Simon, wind
C J, Simon, erect bay window .f..... of.
Lake order
Lake Gervnie cyclone auif ..... order favorof..
lashc.,'Jno. i. and W.................................
Cosgrove, Ingebor..........................................
24 I
Lawton .filbert\I..........................................
Carrie, E. A., order ........................................
Dahlberg, John .............................................
Lee, Budget, order......................................... h Iiofl', use part o. levee...........................
Dakota avenue changed to South Wabash,
Le Febvre h Deslanriers, use part of levee.....:.
Lauf, M.thfsa,judgment. ..................... ..........
Danielson, Catherine (order favor of ).............
Levee [Vest St. Paul, orders favor of owners of
Diamond Ja Line steamers nae of levee.........
Dixon, Win. K., build dwelling
Levy, L., covetruct cesspool............................
Dolan, Bernard, order...............................11fi,
License, money rerunsled...............................2
Drake, A. P.,Judgment............_....................
Linder, Chas., order........................................
Dufresne, A., order ......................................
Dvorak, h'ran k,judgment .............................
Litt, Jacob, erect porch corner Sixth and St.
Peter streets................................................
Eggs... ti..ry, covelnwt cave in bluff under
Livery stables, relative to erection of..............
Sibley street ................................................
Livery stable rep.iri vg of.............................
redistricting city ...........................
Election, redistricting (Nay election) .............
we, '1
uby, 51. A..:.................................................
ElectrlcaI wires, Northwestern Telephone Ex-
62 V
Lyo.s Maurice, move frame buildings............
McA.�ey, Abby ]..........................................
ChanCom nit,_ ........................
ge pony, con
Ellen street changed to Sherburne ¢revue......117'.
Ellsworth avenneohanged toSyndicateavenue
DfcAuley, J. A.,order......................................256
McCafferty,Jame, J.,order ..........................345
Evgelbrecht, Cha, ..........................................
McCarthy. Cha'. I., erect frame Luildink:........
Erickson, John E., order ..............................
Film'" rstreet, ,Pur track ........................ISI,
51eClure, James, build frame barn..................
McDonnell,Patrick.lodgment.............. ........,
Fnu,1¢ler and Rowney etreets,spnr tracks........
McLellan trap ventilator, Gerninnia Lire In-
Firelimits, defining, amending Ordinance No.
116 '
surance Co ..................................................
MRhrm , Jeff, order.........................................
First Presbyterian church, remove church......
Maloy, John, order .........................................
xxxvi INDEX.
INDE\. xxxvii
I'Ans:. I PAG..
0—SASC7. PAs— -11 P-i.[sn —am'd. Park, ebncerts, Decoration day, etc., hand, mn-
Woolworth, Clara, order.................... .......... ... 11fi aiccontracls.................
{Yorks, Caroline B., order ..................... ....... 34G I arkcancers .........•••........
t , Groveland park ................ 189
Wulff, Sarah, order ........................................ 299 Parke, lohe it lnuauce of electric lights........ 149,
Zwi,k Bros.y, Ni 4 Co ........................................... 2..5 4Ii9. 472
Zwickey,Nicholas........................................ 24 Park fuml,appropriatiou from Pre,pect Terrace
park...... .. I22
Organization of council .................................... 10.5 Park bird, aPpropriatiou from.......................... 1+3
OaLorue, Frank O., attorney' ................ ... ....... 131 Park ground ens' or Crown hill and bet ween
Osceola¢mnue,ehnngeof grad e.24ri,417, 1'l7,9t9, 4:�y1 Oaklandand Pie... ut n,e dca, appropriation. 134
Oeceol¢ avenue aewer......................131, , 15+,I'xrks, inmroa'eruen[, etc., bonds '21, u. etc........ 95
Oettrola air-, ower 19G !'ark, lidIn. mounds, IJay touts blot', �20,U11
Osceola avenue and other streets, sewer, award bonds .................................................. -
If contract ........ """"" 95
138 ark im pro}...... triangular piece ofgrou...
Osceola and P' ll—, t avenues sewer,.... ct ... R.5_ Crocus hill .................................................... 202
Usriiw¢Id, Andreas, petit ion .............................. I8 Park, improve grounds east of Crocus hill.......... 253
Ostmav, JuLu L, move} order ............... ........... fiF Park judgments, refund money......................... 3;1
Ott um, Anton, apt"tinted mount d par rolmnn.. S5' Parks, I.mlrel avenue, 5t. Alhn,a street, carn-
O[1s,A.(:.,juJgrnent................... .............2; 6, 2�� atrubtiov of iron fe.Ve_.................. 1_^I
('hes. R., d ...............
ju gment................. ...34R, 34G Parka, men.I 1,1.Ied to care for........................ 1a2
Ottawa avenue div
gee g ....................4:5, ,i J, 159, ].'i6 Pnrk, Al iltord strcel improvement.............. u
Ottawa street din .......... public, ]i¢ry McAlan"s, renrrnn " 3P
bra g. 5N, 6Y ['xrk. gement,
...r ..................
Otto avenue, making ditcL box cul cert ............. OJ block 22 in Oliyier's addition nod Banning S
Otto avenue opening, etc ......... .................... 434 Olivier'a addition, {Pest St. Paul, bonds......... 160
Otto avenue ..._ 611 Park, pu hfie, purchase of laud In Summit court
Ott", .penin+ lock ages, umney order......
sll b, plod. block tU.. Lyman llayton's for ............... ..................... .......................... 105
addition, Plat accepted .sn Park pu olt-, =, transfer of certain property fur... 59
Outlet, lot lu, block .....c
t1,Brun.oe's addition... 311 Parks, pan inglnpluy onesion................. 1+3
Overton avenue, boa of of venter commissioeera, Park tad 1; uivenitc avenues, election Pince,
right of avay .....ang ,�I seventhdistrict, mirth 'aid .................... . 119
Owasco vacuo., change of name........ 4'15 Pa 1, l'n iversi ty nv.n ue, St. Paul City H}'. to
Owaeeo avenue. changed to Fairmou n[ arenne... +'.i boulevard s ;nee, e!c....................................... 107
Owen's vlLdiriaino, lot f., of Renu pre .k Belly's Pnrk, flaklaua1and I';enannt av nes, park iru-
addilion,—iideatcs of sale adorn .c•n
piton.......... 2'i:. Prvrvenlent ...... _........... ..................... 202
Oxford street, clean • f 'r o " "'
8e n grade....................25.•I, :114 Parks, \V. A. Vun Sirke care of.............. .. 334
Oxforl street (on (;rand avenue; crosswalk 1 i Pmk dace
arrest casement........... """ I pork Jria'eway, paying. ?'29, i5L:i:�7,:ir1,21t
................... ...... 4:4!� Park Idaca drirex'ay,newer............................. '_'ll
Orford street Rrndiog ........................... 128, 19:.!d Park Platt park, fountni n, petition ................. 155
Oxford street openi ve etc.............................312. 4'_'4 Pnrk place bark, foo"twin......... ......................... 180
Oxford act Cross venue crosswalk ...................261 Park place north,driveway, sewer..........,......... 293
Park place park, paving dei vewny ..................... 169
P Park place perk, pacing carriage way, is tition... 155
Parker, C. fl ........... .. ............ .. 417
Pacific street grading......., it?, I:33, 432 Parker, Then. i;., attorney for E. W. Winter and
Packing buns., upper lett. .2; 1, 2;5 Fred A. M rArthur......... 28R
Packing nod renduriug .........................
estabiis hn,.nt, not to rv� Pa rid,,C.l l.,aka,lewun k,Jllsaissippiriv'cr... nig, 177
build.Fretilio"................................................ 12:i 1'nrtrI gestree[ idewalks...................._...... _ 136
Page at reef side and .
a crosswalks ........................ 1_G Pascal avenue bridge........ .................. ...... 4J1
Page stree[aidewalka..... ........ ...'2s4, 3Ur'. Pascal avenue Reading ................... __ _250
Page street and Q.kdnlo nvemle, el eel ion place, Pascal avenue open
twelfth district, sixth ward......... g .............. 31U, . �50, t 451
I18 Pascal avenue sideaa'nig.......................59...:_.. , 318
PnFi.• and \Voodhury streets, fire nlartn ha.c I'nttersan, .iul�n, hniliR, renmved....................... 387
c clgeal tn........... ................139 Pn„erson, John. n•hmdin g order............._.........392
Pahl. E. G., et ni., Judgment .......................:ill, 346 Pattersou,.Tohn, warrant................................... 4n8
st's ontlots, 1Votde's rearrangeme ni, block '_', Patterson, It. E..........
Ile} grade ................................................... 334 Patrolman 0-11..511 a Ppoimed...................... --
a 5
Pnlmea. Geo Alf,
...I................ ... Im Pnulxon .lc Conrail, brieki.ying, midway s
Palmqulst, Alf build addilionnl slow ............... 3"^ - saver
Pnlmriulet, Alf, r a i sv=tent, pay rolls .............................. .... 446
ord i,nnce, Im'Id' dd"tion.. rmllsan ,h tem, laborers' pay rau;.mfiiway, .erinessi ......o,c f ....ertaiD 342 sewer ace.. r .lames , wood lnl......... lk., ++9 +58
Panorama building, penllrsaian to nae for cervi, Paved streel, ardlnance, wooden sideayniks........ 180
amusements .................... .. ......... .... 55 Paviicek, AEike................. ........................ ......... 223
Perk assessments, report pork annmisaimrera..... 364 Payne avenue bride r_.. .............. 176
e .................
'ark :isse•tsmet4ts, refunding on le rs................... 361 Payne nyc,ue, new iron bridge over St. P., N. ,¢
Pnrk uaseasmen4.rehl nd coney 371 U. railway ...................... ..., 72
Park secoue, chn !, fI, d.. S 414' P o.ny •nu a and Case sire.,, ch 6 f g le,
Park aye on grad _ , 1 41 i, 44 + 3 U. car Flaf1lun l's claim. 275
Park nvemle, l:r Rlt f I 1 I 11 le c' - I Payne aye ue and Case street, change of grad e.
place, eighth distant, north ward ............ .. 119 _.53, _296
Park Gonda , i.,su00) _..... - P d (. [ t 1 g f g le,
Perks bonds, tsar f 5) U �n 1 n 223
Park r—ol. i.. I a 1 cane and Case al rt'et, pot ice patrol l ax,
Park, boulevard. ... .. ... -
............. use art tau on L'un'ersiq' ave- tclelmne....................................... 484
ane ........._ _....._... ms rayn,"a ycnnn, oat r��euannfa�wer..........._..... ]so
I'a rk enoimi»sionrr's report, park aases.ameol>... 364 P•3yne avenue, NV. 8y4, el ecrion place, Birth alts -
Park= enc olrl ice 1 p d. yt, f rat ward 117
Park f. .. Pane as eau., \n Iflf 1 a pit,,,, cloth
Pnrk- P hl )gf t I .. .. 41 dlstr+c[. hra'w'arl ... ... ...lit
Purl, 321 Payne avenue to Edgerton .tree,, ll,y g -ling.. 417
Pnrks(�r lbhr), claim far e:+re ;C....................,p 59 Payne arenne and Magnolia strew a,fire alarin
Park=, cunc.n s, "nuln't ..........11.5, I2'1, 199, 1'Jjj�, 2k.5 box...... ...........21, 31
PAssgn Axn PL'nblsui-n—Cbnt'd.
OR—A\'— PA—It is. Pubt.I H -n—Qi d'd.
Afarshall nvcoue bridge--f—ed to eby......
hobs, August, erect frame building ................
"ariin, P 4er, construct sewer ........................
Ito, bschild, J. V., coustruc[ newer...................
Afax & Se.Lu w, order ............ .................
Mayall, .lacca 11., raise frau. dwelling...........
Howe,.Tuhu.................................. .................
Hyan, .I. J., use Lu ilJing fur stable puriwaea...
Macke Louis 11 ............................................
Mead, ZY. H„ attorney .................................
Ryan, Thomas J. A Co., wove frame building.,
Ryder, Merrill...............................................
Aletropolu.. Opera house Co., c.¢.vale areas.
St..Iuhn'schurch, connect building with sewer
. Jficl,aud Bras ............................... .... ..........
Alichel,'rheudora and Joseph, erect balcony....
St. I.auis 5t. 1'uul A Jliuneapol is Picket Co.,
use of �evice................... ................... .. 183
31 's, Peter, repair frmuo Lxru............ .........
St. Yaul Ci,y R.ilw.y Ca., co ustruct
.Ilionehaha street bridge, St. Yaul 3 ("doth
Ify. Co. pap one-half cost ...........................
.. 140
Eigh,h and other streets ............................. 184
Su i'xul City ltellw¢y Co., extension of time,
Mississi ori ricer nkuting riot.......
�. 477
electric lines'
Afitsch,iGeorge, erect frame add i tion .. ............
St.Paul City Railway C..,erect telepiw ic.1 s469
AlllscL, Geo., raise frame building ..................:i'!:t
St. Yaul City lfailwa)) Cu., use of'r rail...........
I lliI" Ia N.,
1ltoore si ree,,chxnged to I;arciay st rest ......-...
Moran, John Ir., nater ....................................
`` Paul Cu erect bo l l d in g.... .
t. Paul Co., Puy one-half
Du"nh Htr-1
3! It,. John Ii., order ..................... ....
Morrison, J. ll.,order.................................
It b
cost "f Jl Miun ha street bridge...................
St. Ynol,,v Alionealwlis Jfesseuger Co,tuaiu
Jlorri.broos.D order ..................... ............
tato teleldm it r er..,etc..............................
S.msvn, .back, ,order.....................................
• Mullane, Michaci ......................... ..................
Savings bank,ordcr............... ........ ...............346
Murphy, Peter. order ........................ _.... _..:
Schafer, El—I "judgment........................_.
Musser, \V. C ................................................
No" ier, ,7u'duorder.......................................
... u...b
Syhell, pito, order............... .................
V.hiingen,John. construc[fra. Gory............
National l:ducationai-Association, ¢ppropriat-
ing 8'.WU.......................................... ... ... ...
`cliwuun, .f uta,judgment. .................... ......
rcitueidar,henry, erect frame addition..........
N.I.ron, Paulin., order ....................................
Neun�au, ...........................
Seiter,t\'n:.Y'........................ ......................
Nutt hwesteru 'I'eleylmue Erchclge Ca., con-
d nit............ ....... _
....... ............................
•'diet, Win. F., order..................................'_'4,
SLilliug, If. C., order .............. ... ..........
:t 6
Notie ....tern 'Telephone IixcLange Co., erect
Sibley, Henry H., ns[nlct mansard roof......
shed ........................:............. ....................
Northwester,Teleph... E—le— ve Co., eaten-
Silver Crcrek.t Alorrie Coal C..,urect coal sheds 2113
Sixth street sidewalk, Elizabeth S.eet's claim 64
cion oftime ........ ..............
N,Ses Tiros. .k Cotler. fence ............. .............
Sci11,, Susan W-1 al., order..........................
Spencer. IJa 51..........................................
Slrenttr,.Sfary,jodgivant. .......... ..................
Smclard aril Cir., u-1 tauka... .......A................
9 3
O'Learr,'1'hos., build fruwe aJdil ion ..............
Untnriu,Q-4, area wall .................................
fair illumine,Io,...................................
Oppenheim, Arad, erect Lay windows............
S,utz, Nincenz,judgmen[.............. ...............
Otis, Cha.. E., order ..................................
quarry ................
Eunstrom, Jalnl, y ac nils}
Utis, A.l;., x,taruey,order, ..............................2771;
S.nnbew,E,erect Ley .tido.....................
Owasco aycuue,cltenf,.ed ,o Fainuou it avenue 12,4
Swe,.•t, Efizabeth.............................................
Tn51ur, Sanmel S.,
I'alrniluisb:\If., Luibl additioval story ............
j Park ansessmeota, refund urden.....................:i71
order.............. ...
Thou wald, Peter, ever,, two balconies..............
1 91
1'nnnelee, C'. H., conal rim, skating rink..,.......
'1'h it 1, J. .l. J. Heuer, erect bar aviudoay............
Patrol driver, Rondo street subatatioe
Yat rot wagon, driver, Docas street sobs,. b—
3'hirJ street, chnngeof grade, dam.ges............
Toboggan slide, Nushka club .........................
P,vol wagon, driver, Margaret street subs,,-
tion... ............................................. ......
I reacy, Avnie,order.......................................116
Tachida, Mlchael,'udgmen ...........................
Peddlers, relative to anieuding Ordinance No.
49'J .................. .............. .............. __..........
Union Park Pon. , J1. A. Luby''a claim..........
University .'sone sidewalk., nobibitiog lay-
Pierce, S. L., assignee Abbie L. McAuley.........
Pierce, S. I.., order ................................... 459,
ing of .........................................................
Vnliey 1 rot Works, use of levee......................
Police farce, shield .........................................
Poling places established .....:.... .. 117,
Valley Iron Workn, use part of lever:...............
.. V.•uldnll Clement, order .................................
I'rebie street, changed to Pmt —in reel:.......
Prentice, Julia M., el J., order .......................
Propping & Markhanb John Netter ...............
v.n Slyke, Wm. A., order ..............................
\'ernou ,venue, changed from Witherspoon
A)loins,a'trate fere'..................
Voges, Henry, order.......................................
Quiet'Ltulann,Pete ...................
Q '
Voting places estnLliehad.......................... 117,
Aauscly .....Y.h bold!aor oL.......................
344 ',
Wagner I.ou la................................................
Welch, 'J. M.,judgment...................................'255
r Rm[i.b r Purposes ...............
Redislr'ctin p loci'..
Weller,Jno.................................... .... ........
Itodisio,dfi,.u,c i[ lac i p I ts, amcvdmg
gc S.e
\test Publishing Co.,'erect warehouse...........
SL Paulbuildingproper, Ass.cifrom, troyili .. .
Iiedisi nesting, election
Its t ytricttcn = city, election p 1891o).__
ur rosea ..............
g Ion p I
W -t
\Vest St. Paul proper, frame b¢_..., N. M.
Hoer .....
Render, l9. ...................................................d
Remier, Wm.,
72 '�
West side levee order favor owners
e .
White Lend h Gil Co., frame building............
Hex, Frelerick,order.......................... ..........
N'llcoz, F.., rude r. .... ..........._................... ........116
Reynolde. Reynolds ....................................256,
Rmhter, Frederick, orda.. ..............................
\Vllder....... grndinR�Jno. Dahlberg'a claim
Wilgus, A. B.,yudgmee[.................................
Robenaon, NO , Judgn [ . ............
Rabinson.i C.ry .o...
W sic Cental Co. co .true[ railroad
t k c
.erne. Sixth end otheret recta .. .333
a Cbrid Co., 1, .... budd[ng with
ThirdRobinstreet ..
W th spoon nvcoue, changed to Vernon ave-
...... ......
Rothe, Bridget A., aduuntstratrix, order favor
{Vanden sidewalks, avenu prohihititg laying of on
ting lays
University avenue.......................................
INDE\. xxxvii
I'Ans:. I PAG..
0—SASC7. PAs— -11 P-i.[sn —am'd. Park, ebncerts, Decoration day, etc., hand, mn-
Woolworth, Clara, order.................... .......... ... 11fi aiccontracls.................
{Yorks, Caroline B., order ..................... ....... 34G I arkcancers .........•••........
t , Groveland park ................ 189
Wulff, Sarah, order ........................................ 299 Parke, lohe it lnuauce of electric lights........ 149,
Zwi,k Bros.y, Ni 4 Co ........................................... 2..5 4Ii9. 472
Zwickey,Nicholas........................................ 24 Park fuml,appropriatiou from Pre,pect Terrace
park...... .. I22
Organization of council .................................... 10.5 Park bird, aPpropriatiou from.......................... 1+3
OaLorue, Frank O., attorney' ................ ... ....... 131 Park ground ens' or Crown hill and bet ween
Osceola¢mnue,ehnngeof grad e.24ri,417, 1'l7,9t9, 4:�y1 Oaklandand Pie... ut n,e dca, appropriation. 134
Oeceol¢ avenue aewer......................131, , 15+,I'xrks, inmroa'eruen[, etc., bonds '21, u. etc........ 95
Oettrola air-, ower 19G !'ark, lidIn. mounds, IJay touts blot', �20,U11
Osceola avenue and other streets, sewer, award bonds .................................................. -
If contract ........ """"" 95
138 ark im pro}...... triangular piece ofgrou...
Osceola and P' ll—, t avenues sewer,.... ct ... R.5_ Crocus hill .................................................... 202
Usriiw¢Id, Andreas, petit ion .............................. I8 Park, improve grounds east of Crocus hill.......... 253
Ostmav, JuLu L, move} order ............... ........... fiF Park judgments, refund money......................... 3;1
Ott um, Anton, apt"tinted mount d par rolmnn.. S5' Parks, I.mlrel avenue, 5t. Alhn,a street, carn-
O[1s,A.(:.,juJgrnent................... .............2; 6, 2�� atrubtiov of iron fe.Ve_.................. 1_^I
('hes. R., d ...............
ju gment................. ...34R, 34G Parka, men.I 1,1.Ied to care for........................ 1a2
Ottawa avenue div
gee g ....................4:5, ,i J, 159, ].'i6 Pnrk, Al iltord strcel improvement.............. u
Ottawa street din .......... public, ]i¢ry McAlan"s, renrrnn " 3P
bra g. 5N, 6Y ['xrk. gement,
...r ..................
Otto avenue, making ditcL box cul cert ............. OJ block 22 in Oliyier's addition nod Banning S
Otto avenue opening, etc ......... .................... 434 Olivier'a addition, {Pest St. Paul, bonds......... 160
Otto avenue ..._ 611 Park, pu hfie, purchase of laud In Summit court
Ott", .penin+ lock ages, umney order......
sll b, plod. block tU.. Lyman llayton's for ............... ..................... .......................... 105
addition, Plat accepted .sn Park pu olt-, =, transfer of certain property fur... 59
Outlet, lot lu, block .....c
t1,Brun.oe's addition... 311 Parks, pan inglnpluy onesion................. 1+3
Overton avenue, boa of of venter commissioeera, Park tad 1; uivenitc avenues, election Pince,
right of avay .....ang ,�I seventhdistrict, mirth 'aid .................... . 119
Owasco vacuo., change of name........ 4'15 Pa 1, l'n iversi ty nv.n ue, St. Paul City H}'. to
Owaeeo avenue. changed to Fairmou n[ arenne... +'.i boulevard s ;nee, e!c....................................... 107
Owen's vlLdiriaino, lot f., of Renu pre .k Belly's Pnrk, flaklaua1and I';enannt av nes, park iru-
addilion,—iideatcs of sale adorn .c•n
piton.......... 2'i:. Prvrvenlent ...... _........... ..................... 202
Oxford street, clean • f 'r o " "'
8e n grade....................25.•I, :114 Parks, \V. A. Vun Sirke care of.............. .. 334
Oxforl street (on (;rand avenue; crosswalk 1 i Pmk dace
arrest casement........... """ I pork Jria'eway, paying. ?'29, i5L:i:�7,:ir1,21t
................... ...... 4:4!� Park Idaca drirex'ay,newer............................. '_'ll
Orford street Rrndiog ........................... 128, 19:.!d Park Platt park, fountni n, petition ................. 155
Oxford street openi ve etc.............................312. 4'_'4 Pnrk place bark, foo"twin......... ......................... 180
Oxford act Cross venue crosswalk ...................261 Park place north,driveway, sewer..........,......... 293
Park place park, paving dei vewny ..................... 169
P Park place perk, pacing carriage way, is tition... 155
Parker, C. fl ........... .. ............ .. 417
Pacific street grading......., it?, I:33, 432 Parker, Then. i;., attorney for E. W. Winter and
Packing buns., upper lett. .2; 1, 2;5 Fred A. M rArthur......... 28R
Packing nod renduriug .........................
estabiis hn,.nt, not to rv� Pa rid,,C.l l.,aka,lewun k,Jllsaissippiriv'cr... nig, 177
build.Fretilio"................................................ 12:i 1'nrtrI gestree[ idewalks...................._...... _ 136
Page at reef side and .
a crosswalks ........................ 1_G Pascal avenue bridge........ .................. ...... 4J1
Page stree[aidewalka..... ........ ...'2s4, 3Ur'. Pascal avenue Reading ................... __ _250
Page street and Q.kdnlo nvemle, el eel ion place, Pascal avenue open
twelfth district, sixth ward......... g .............. 31U, . �50, t 451
I18 Pascal avenue sideaa'nig.......................59...:_.. , 318
PnFi.• and \Voodhury streets, fire nlartn ha.c I'nttersan, .iul�n, hniliR, renmved....................... 387
c clgeal tn........... ................139 Pn„erson, John. n•hmdin g order............._.........392
Pahl. E. G., et ni., Judgment .......................:ill, 346 Pattersou,.Tohn, warrant................................... 4n8
st's ontlots, 1Votde's rearrangeme ni, block '_', Patterson, It. E..........
Ile} grade ................................................... 334 Patrolman 0-11..511 a Ppoimed...................... --
a 5
Pnlmea. Geo Alf,
...I................ ... Im Pnulxon .lc Conrail, brieki.ying, midway s
Palmqulst, Alf build addilionnl slow ............... 3"^ - saver
Pnlmriulet, Alf, r a i sv=tent, pay rolls .............................. .... 446
ord i,nnce, Im'Id' dd"tion.. rmllsan ,h tem, laborers' pay rau;.mfiiway, .erinessi ......o,c f ....ertaiD 342 sewer ace.. r .lames , wood lnl......... lk., ++9 +58
Panorama building, penllrsaian to nae for cervi, Paved streel, ardlnance, wooden sideayniks........ 180
amusements .................... .. ......... .... 55 Paviicek, AEike................. ........................ ......... 223
Perk assessments, report pork annmisaimrera..... 364 Payne avenue bride r_.. .............. 176
e .................
'ark :isse•tsmet4ts, refunding on le rs................... 361 Payne nyc,ue, new iron bridge over St. P., N. ,¢
Pnrk uaseasmen4.rehl nd coney 371 U. railway ...................... ..., 72
Park secoue, chn !, fI, d.. S 414' P o.ny •nu a and Case sire.,, ch 6 f g le,
Park aye on grad _ , 1 41 i, 44 + 3 U. car Flaf1lun l's claim. 275
Park nvemle, l:r Rlt f I 1 I 11 le c' - I Payne aye ue and Case street, change of grad e.
place, eighth distant, north ward ............ .. 119 _.53, _296
Park Gonda , i.,su00) _..... - P d (. [ t 1 g f g le,
Perks bonds, tsar f 5) U �n 1 n 223
Park r—ol. i.. I a 1 cane and Case al rt'et, pot ice patrol l ax,
Park, boulevard. ... .. ... -
............. use art tau on L'un'ersiq' ave- tclelmne....................................... 484
ane ........._ _....._... ms rayn,"a ycnnn, oat r��euannfa�wer..........._..... ]so
I'a rk enoimi»sionrr's report, park aases.ameol>... 364 P•3yne avenue, NV. 8y4, el ecrion place, Birth alts -
Park= enc olrl ice 1 p d. yt, f rat ward 117
Park f. .. Pane as eau., \n Iflf 1 a pit,,,, cloth
Pnrk- P hl )gf t I .. .. 41 dlstr+c[. hra'w'arl ... ... ...lit
Purl, 321 Payne avenue to Edgerton .tree,, ll,y g -ling.. 417
Pnrks(�r lbhr), claim far e:+re ;C....................,p 59 Payne arenne and Magnolia strew a,fire alarin
Park=, cunc.n s, "nuln't ..........11.5, I2'1, 199, 1'Jjj�, 2k.5 box...... ...........21, 31
INDEX. xasvii
O AS. Pvnt.[snan—Lbnt'J.
1'ark,concerts, Becomtion day, etc., LaoJ, mn-
Marshall avenue bridge t ranefe..ed to ciily�
t�. 184
Augusta, erect frame building..—�ri......
Woolworth, CI.. an, order ................ 116
ark contracts... ..
Martin, Peter, construct sewer ..........
.. %7r
Itothsebrll,J. V., couetruct sewer..
Warks, Caroline B„ order
I ark concert, perk ... 789
Maxfield .t 5eabury,order ..............................
ltowe,.luhu............................................. ..s—
Yet.. Sarah, order........................_.............. 299
tulancaof , ..
Parks, liscontiuuauce o[ electric Ilghte........149,
c lights
igh s
Mayall, James If., raise (rave dwelling...........
Ryan, J. J., use building Wr stable purposes...
Verxa Bros. ,CC'o........................................... 2.i
469, 472
Mauke Louis IL............................................
f<yan, .F Cu., move risme building..
lwitkey, Nicholas— ....... ............... ...... ......... 24
1'a'k fund, approprintlou from Prospect Terrace
Meal,(5'.H.,all or�e ... .........................
Metropolitan Opera Boase Co., excavate
1 f
.... ... 12
areas. u4
St. John's chs tell, connect building with sewer
Park..................... ..... ..............................132 -
Organization of council.................................. ^OA Park fund, a
- pproprinlion from .............. 143
Michaud Bros...............................................
St. Louis Jt. Paul .F JliuveapoBs Packet Cu.,
._,,,, . ..
Osborne, Frank 0.,attorney............................. I:iJ I Perk ro rid east el' Crocus hill and between
B u
Michel,'fheodore and .IosePh, erect balcony....
use of arae............. .. ....cuus[ruc[ �rro....
gee f •inde.:14f,41-, 11-,419, i5_r Oakland mrd Pleasant 0r les, to 134
Alines, I'eler, re tali fnur.e barn..............
31 n
........ 3C
St. Paul Cit Railway' Co.,
y P
avenue sewer......6..............131,136.154 177 Parks, improvement, etc., Gond s ?'15,(100, ell........ 95
Alinuchalia street bridge, St. 1'xul &Duluth
Eighth and other stnret ....................... ......
Osceola street. sewer.......................................... 196 Park, Indian mounds, Dayton's Shill', $10,000
U . Co. pa), one-half cost ..............................
Mississippi river s at Ing rink .......................477,
St. Paul City Railway Co., extension of time, ��
electric lines............................................
avenue and other streets, server, award I bonds............................................................ 95
Ofeoutraet...................... ............. ................. 138. Park tm wo amen[, triangular p[eceorgr [rid,
Mitsch, Gtvrrge, erect frame uddit iou...............:i
S[. Paul City Rail, ay Co., erect tele] one poles 469
Osceola and ['lens ant avenues sewer, covtract ... 251 Crocus hill............... ���� 0
Ali[sch,Oea., rise frame buildin•..................x3'23
St. CityRidlw'a)' Co., use ofTrxil...........
Paul lav, building
tJseh Wald,:Urdreac,petition.................. le'Park,i
............ n prove grounds cast of Crocus hill......... 253
Ostman, John L, I �........
Afoore street, changed to ISarclx)-s[ne[ ..........
Moran, Johnlay.,order
Sl. Curling l'lu erect ..............
St. Paul Duroit Railway Co., one-halt
moue)' order........................ II Pnrkju Igments, re(nnd runner.... .. 371
Ostru m, Anton, apiurinted mounted Parka, � -
Moritz, Johu H., order.................................
.. 193
.k pay
cost of MiDnchahx street brie •
patrolman.. 5.5' Laurestreet'
t set. co
Olis, A. G.,'udgment .................................176, 277 s[rubl:on citron feucebt Albnna s r n•• 121
Morrison, I. If., order .................................
•r i
_ 3
St. Paul .\ Minneapolis Messenger Co, mein.
Orfs, Chea. , judgment..............................341, 34fr Parks, men eliff.yed to care for.................. �. �... 142
: !
Morrison, Jos. It., order..................... ............
Ain hlenbruch, D.,order................ ...................
tail teleplmne wires, etc..............................
Sxuseu„Iuseph, order.....................................256
avenue gading..,............... ...45, 54, 159, ]96 Pnrk, MlltnrJ street inrpr..cement.................... 3I5
Ottawa street Brading...................................53, 03 Park, public, Mary McMa us, rearrange t
Mullane,Michael ......................... ..................
Say Ings hank,order.......................................346
Otto avenue, nrakingditch box culreri. ............ 94 block 2_ in Olivier's addition end Banuiogn S,
Murphy, Peter, order ...........................
... . 4i'J
Schaller EI u t ell.........................
a aur,) g u ..
Otto:aeon etc....
e opening, ..................... ... 48n Olicier's addition, West St. Paul, bonds......... 160
tt t
{ ,
Musser, 1V. C....................._.........................
Napier, order.......,ociatni.............riat.
1.' �
Schell, order...................................
4hilh •cn, Jobn,covstnrct frmue barn...........:346
arenue olxxnin •, damages, money order... tin Park, blit,
6 .. P t .purchase of land In S... 1. court
Otto's snbdicisblock lOS,L �
3'mau l/aytou's I'or......... ..:... ..............................per?...Dor... 105
11 t
National Lduuational Associa....*_ pproPriat-
`cnneidc ,judgment ............................
atlettion, ,
¢0 Park proper
cerfnin ty for... 5A
trrlwscF In •prnleer
.................... ..........
Ing S2,Pitill ..... ..
......... 'SI
.�chueidr, Henry,!It frame adJitiun..........
� -
0, bloccepted......................
Outlet, lot III, block 11, Rnmson's addition �...... 3ll Parka cf
,Pullin i ..143
Nen Panl4na. order....................................
Schoch, A......................................................
Seiler, R'm. P..._.
Overton avenue, board of water contmissfovers, Park enties, elects........
and L'ttiversilc avenues, election place,
right of way
i ' 1
Nen J. 1................ ..............................
Nonhwesteru Telephone l:acbaugc Co., con- 1,
ear.................__........ 4
Scher, lI I F.,order..................................'?4,346
..............if n .....__.......... .. 119
mance avenue, ch an •e of ......... .. SI e c th distil
O g name................ ..421 Pnrk, Universitfl rd
Clt$ Ry. to
. 6^
Shilling, II. C., order....................... ......
... ..
Owasco arenue, chau 1 to Painnou nt avenue... 427 boulevard slut”, 107
Northwester. Telephone Exchange Co.,
Schley, lleury 11., construct mansard roof......
Owens subdivision, lot f, of Beaupre ,k Kelly's Turk, Oaklamand Peasant "critics,furs im-
shed............-............................................ 255 I
Exchange Co.,
Silvcr C'reek@ Morris Coal Co., erect coal sheds 218
Sixth Elizabeth S w M
edllition, rertlficmvs of sale redewptimr........... ''1xi:i procemenl .................... ......................202
Osford street chat ll
Northwestern 1'elepbune eaten-
ayes of tiara..ulle.......................................
street sidewalk, eet's claim
Smit., Susan W. et al., order..........................
rge of grade.....................1R.v, :112 I arks, 11. Vau SI ke care of................. ... 3.34
Oxford s r S
tett (on Grand arenue! crosswalk ....... lOm Pnrk place park driveway, prtvg.?••19,3:51.3;7,3,81,421
Noyes Bros. .F Cutler, fence..............
bill enter, IJa 11...... ....... .......
P ........................
O.v foal et rest easement..... .............. .................. 4:19 Park place dace wnyseweretit....................... 241
{ I
Nuuhkx Club, toboggan slide..........................
Spenccr,'11lil ,judgment........... ...................
Oxfrrd street I:1;, 22H Park place pArk, fountain, Petition........ . 1.95
tl'7I¢Iloran ,4 Al ur rlr '. more barn..................
btaudurd aril Cu„ oil[anks............................
Orford street opening, etc............... ......... .........................
.............3I2, 424 1 . place bark, fountain 180
Ox Lord
' j I
0:1. "ry,Thus., build1,addition..............
Ontario st tact, arca wall.................................
Slunton, Arthur, order..............................
State fair iliumiuution.......... ................. ........
and Cross avenue crosswalk................... 261 Park place north, driveway, sev,or............. 29:3
,Park Ince ........
P Park, paving 169
„,. '
Pen )
Op heiru, Ansel, erect ba' windows............
.. gmen
Lutz, Ninceni,j 1 t ...............
P Park lace k, ,siege w,,, pct...........
p Par paving carriage war, ]xxtition ... 155
Otis, Chas. E., order...................................
Srtnstrom„iohu, gwvey serosa alley................
, q crus... Ile
Pacific Ili
d. l:., nl[oaey, order................
2, i
Swanbery, E, erect Lay window....................
street grading......................... _.. II?, 18.3, 231 Parker, Theo, E., attorney' for E. W. Winter and
^"t I
Owasco avenue,chan4rc,d to Fainummta�nnue
Sweet, weet, Elizabeth.............................................
Taylor, Samuel S„ order..
upper levte ......... ......27I, ^_75 Fred A. Me:\rthnr............
Pecking and rendering = l ..._ 28A
esfabl i_hment,
b! tS �.
ParkaseesC.If.,,ostrucorden .....................
.... ......
not to re- Prmiee,C.11.,skxtin k,][ississi r m
build. re gTr IP r 160, 77
itition............................................... 1fi5 1'rtrid estreat sidervalkc............. �.... river
Page TiI
Parmelee, C. 1L, construes xkuti ug rink..........
Patrol raxgnn, driver, P.ondo sir et subslolfov
47 i
Thill, J. S J. Heber, erect bay window............
, J.
'Third street, change of grade, damages............
street side and cross walks....................... 126 Pascal bridge.............................. . 441
Page street sidewalks..... ............ .254, 306 Pascal avenuegrading.
Patrol isogon, envoi, Uucas street smbstation. 2--
Pstrut wagon, driver, Margaret st rest s"bsta-
Toboggan slide, Nushka club .........................
•1'reacy, Annie, order
l If,
Page street and Oakdale even ue, election place, Pascal avenue Peniu.,..........310, 357 0, 444, 452
twelfth district, sixth ere...................... 119 Pascal
• (
lion.... .. .. .. .. . 257
Techida, Aficheel, 'udgment...........................
... avenue srdewalk........................ . ....:199, 349
Pit c and Woodbury streets, fire efarru Ixrx Patterson, Jnhn bailiff, remred........ .... ...397
�7 r'
Peddler.., relative to ..arcading Ordinance
No. I
Uuiou Park poll. , M. A. Luhy's claim..........
Uui lay-
................................................. 139 Pnt terson, John, refunding order....................... 3'J'?
hl, E. G., et ai., judgment
Pierce, S. L., Assignee Abbie L. AfcAuley.........
versify arenue mdewalks, prohibiting
log of................................... 1....................
...... ... .. ...:t l?, 346 Patterson, John, warrant................................... 408
Paisl's outlols, 11'cide's rearrangement, block _', Pnl terson, It. F.............. .................... 409
lilt '
Pierce, S. I.., order.................................
Police force, shield
4 J, 4'0
l l
Valley Iron Works, use of leaven.....................
\'alley Iron 11'orke, use of lcvW..............
”. -;
aIle y Brads.................................................... 354 Patrolman (mon nt cd) nPtroint ed....................... 55
Palmea, Geer e............................................ ?46 Pmtlnon
Poling places established .......:...............117,
Inndall Clemcut,order.................................
dt Conad, bricklaying, mid ray ..=trt
Pnlmgniet, Alf, build addilionnl stun-............... 3'!? =rctmn,
Treble street, cpauged to l'uunlain stree[........
Van Slyke, Will. A., orae'..............................
pay rolls......
PnlmquIn, Alf, ordlrun,,, bile additional P11. 1.1n k Conrad, la1.0, pip 'e�, 446
roll, 'It'a
Prentice, .tali.. M.,'et al., order ......................
Vernon avenue, changed from Witherspoon
stet y.................... ..... 342 sewer system, James Forrestal...........2fi0, 449, i59
Propping Markham, John Wolter...............
avenue................................... ....................
In s,iOl t....................
brtildivg, peartssion tonne fur ceriniu Paye.=tree[,ordinance, wooden sidewalks......... 180
Puefmann,Antoine,operate Perry ..................
Quist, PeterIt ..........................................
... Y
Voges, Henry, order.......................................970
Votin 1 ccs ¢stall ished ....................... 117,
g p a ..
bort ....................................:.... on
P¢rk assessments, re ""._- 55. Paviieek, Mike... -_
park cmomissimners..... 3fi4 Payne eeenne bridge•...176
Rnntse ty, order favor oL.......................
y coon
Rauscher,.toaeph, Solid bay
Wagcer Lolls................................................
1Velch, f. AL,
...................... .... .......
Pa assessments, refunding osiers................... 3m1 Payne , M. �A:
yne arenue, new iron bridge over St. P., . f t
Park assessments, refund money......................
Welter, Jno
371 U. railway................ .........e..................... i2
Park renue change of
city, electron
g ci - purposes..............
• •....•..• •...•. ••...••••..•.
SVest Publishing Co.,crect warehouse............
grade...... _.....""'
Park avenue ......'O4, 414: Payne avenue and Cnse street. change of grade,
West St. Paul Building Association.................
......................_'281,41x3,446,,4581 Oscar Haglund's claim........ ................. ..275
Park avenue, Knights .orf Lollar hall, election Payne avenue and Cnsesireet,chnngeofga�le,
Its s�lrictce.......v
[ g, election (1tav,lg9u)....... .......
.. 25
West St, and proper, fame building, W. M.
place, eighth district, ninth ward................... ] 19 '1.53, ^_96
P k r
1 ends (?50,0001............ '
Redistricting city, e ec [on or c. ...............
....................... ..
WestSI.levee der favor land.....
..................... Par'ne avenue and Cnse street, change of gide,
Parka bond '-
s issue of vO nl ems
aide or owners of
White LeadA bll Co., frame building.. .........
_ ,01..... 77 aes.. ...and .223
Park fronds. ... ... .. IJ I 'ne avenue enJC e t f plc lz
Res, F'da"fck,order..................................256
WII x, F., order.... .........116
Park, boulevard,useof!'rail onL -t telephone . 484
Reynolds&Reynolds....... .............. .........
.. 25.
1V Id Dahlberg'e claim
Payne uveuue, .,130
c rurmis.sion '
Richter, Frederick, order.........................
Robertson, Nels, juJgmevt..
.... 116
.. 428
a,A. B., .grgding,Jno.
W Igoe, A. B.,yudgmen[.....oust.....................
Wisconsin Central Co., conelruct railroad
Park . No. 924etnmefsc
f t Irk ... ant... 364 Payny sten e, No. A24, elect ton 1 I 11 lts-
r'r s, contra lilac ist 7 ... 1IJ tar <t, first. Hard ..
G €
Robinson S Carv... ..........
tracks across Sixthand other streets.....I
"ark (.. .. .. Poll" venue, No IsOf 1 o pct ij�lt7
Park 11
F ?
Robinson h (:ori• Co, to connect buildingtill
Third street bridge ..... ....
.... 402
Witherspoonavenue, changed to Vernon eve-
nue... ................5.........................
(P 1 r g f t 1 ... 41 hstnct, fiat marl117
Park 1. 1II I i ... Til P sae avenue to F1 iron rear I7. I 417
Roche, Bndgct A., adminrstratnx, order favor
Woodev sidewalks, prohibiting laylvg of on
.=t g g..
Park' (P 1 I 1 I - f .( .. ... 59 Payne avenue and Ingnolia err Ilarm
of ... ... ..................................
... .. 346
U 1
:versify avenue........... .........
icens,c [set....... 11, 12_, I99, 198,'l.r Lox. h ], 31
nA.a. l Paea.
Payne ¢revue and Mi ryland street,police patrol Pive street, change of'grade........................ 230, Soy
box....... ..............
459, I82, {8; Pioneer press, daily, ale otitis!......Paper...
Loud...................... 2
PaSue avenue oiwniug, ete............._2.>:1,
272, 2 2, 447 pioneer Press Co., 11,coun
{22, 4:i7 Pioneer press GO., comwunication.................. ... _
Pa 'ne nrenue .............233,
Payne are.nenreultove all uLstacle�......
"^5 I'ienecr Press C,- -r- bond seeityprbill, . 17
\t'. P
PaSue...... sex er.............................
.'..•� Ytoncer Press,
.........."' 2, widwav se wcr system,
3x71 \Ioev"Rcl
Payne ¢venue, sewer pap ...............
Pa)'ne avenue crosswalks ..............
E-lcation...Buil............. cies...
-... 3"_5 Pioneer Rrni F.s[ate suit lloildiug Society,
���-�l������ ����
of northwest
Pay ne xrevue(all, Minuehxba)crosswalk..
,4,2111 subdivision of one -hof
o ^ -
25f 296 mw -quarter of section 2't, tow. _,, range "-!
Pn.-ne nrenue water nuun......dcr f....__.... .. 3U2
Parne avenue v -.ter [ani ns, Osler .near LoaN or platy........_ ...._ ...................... ...............
water emuu,i.sinner..............'ys,................. 275 Pluve accepted. Broadway L... su
P.p roil, InLOre rs, widway serer .est............... 429 etc........................................... ... place, fi...... di fr7
389 Plato Fara st reef s, elect inn die
Pay mlls, street and sewer furce....................3:fA,
natue, change
of house triol, sixtL ............................................ Ild
Pearl street, chvuge el'
94 Phu. o,enfn ,etc ........................ ........ 230
........... 1 g
vuuiVers ............. ................
I'cddler, arue[idatorS ONinauce, Urdirtance
No. 1'1.rte,\Villin.................................................. 3211.
vominxted......... 209
11,0 Pl.tte, Will. J., wnrket ru aster,
Plattc, \Vm. J., elected warkel master_............. 207,
PedJle r., ordiunnce def nine,etc........................
245 Platte, Wm.,mu,Lnrid................d... ..........254. 247
Peddlers'! tcenees, coruwuntc¢tion....................
PttldiiuK license revoked .....................
............ 245 �., Platte, Wm., wark,•t master, bond...............254, 3^_5
Petl'er, \\gym., appointed pouudmaster, tenth and
eleventh wnrds.............................................. 1HA
Pelham street croclanik................................... 350
Peltier. A. N ..................... a ..... li................. .. 288
1'eh ler, A. N., build snit o{rare.¢ scales .............. 30;
Peltier A. M ....................6 ......Sea............`.... 325
Penus_ lvania avenue, change of grade 20,
2118, 360, 440
Pennslyeauia avenue grade ................ 348, 385, 398
Pennsylvania avenue grading, board of public
works to burry the matter,
atter ............................ 6i
P..vLPylvavis avenue grading suspended till
for Cher orders from council ........................... 191
Pmlteylvania avenue grading end slopes....... .. 58
Penbsylvanm avenue slopes, bettveeu L'Oru,
suit Jackson streets.....................................6, 1G
Pennsvlvaniu Slate Cu ............... "
Pennsplvnnia Slate Cn, contract 88
W,id.�........ 47
Personal injuries (Elizabeth S.veet), niove3
ordinance .............. ... ....... .... ............ 61
Personal :¢!Odea (Elizateth Sweet), approllm
tion ofn:Ouxy................................................ 041
Penn its tO remove butIdmga ........................ MI 371
PeteleqPh.........._...._....__ ............................ 174
Peters, H. L ....................................................252
Peters, H. I.. elstn[........................................41, 59
Peterson & Anderou.................................. ^45, 275
PetersonJoheov, n P ............................................. 3:s6 I
Peterson,, ice officer, services rendered........... 64'
demo 4
Peterson, �
Peterson, police....., exam r .mins, killing Neil
Cashman ................. rmilu,?...... 1i ............... 252',
Peterson, officer I. Rrdbur-it 1,1in............. 426
Peteraov, .lohn P., Phalen creek bridge .............. 398
Pet re, L. D. and others, petition ....................... 134
Pewter, J.". B .............. ... ................. 1]"
Phnlev .souk a opening, wid eui o g, or .................
398, 433
Phalen crack smi Forest street se asses
in,nt, relief (Bohn Manufacturing Company) 444
Phalen creek valley sewer....... 68, 74,, 86, 17P, 251, 479
addition, lot ],block.1 a sine house,
estimates, worry oNer................................. 96
Physletav, city nvd county, payment office
rent, etc .................... .............................. I. 161
Phyaiclam city and county, out of off ce........... 160 I
Picha, Joseph.................................3M!nr, 364, 464
Picha, Jo...b, additional real, election pur-
poaes............................................................ 187
Pierce, S. L., attorney, jadgment..................469, 470
fierce, 5. L., aeeignec, payment o[ judgment...... 24
Pi nit's addition ................................ I............. 277
Pl�lsbury street grading..............................241, 31 i 1
Pillsbury street open:¢g.................................... 307
Pillsburystreetf... r Hewittanenue) onening.etc 4231
Pine Iw es, with cedar poles (Fourth and Min-
rps otastreets)................................................ 356
Pine poles replaced with cedar poles .................. 458
Pine and Efghtb etreefs, election place, fifth
district, third wa Nd .............. 118
Arrgholti s rearrangement' :A.. .......................
Beruardiuc addilum.....................................
Boulevanl nddilimp.......................................
Berrybill & Davidson', rearrangement of block
3, of Nin iq;.v A's addition to Hol-
Butterfeld Spudicate addition, No.2, Rameey
uuty, Mlon.............................................
Cadditio.. ....................
hatth street addition. ............................
Coke'.,Johv A.,additbm to the City of St. Paul
College place, T arsliall's division ...................
Coout addition ........... ..................... :............
Devoi.', Thomas, subdivision, lot 1, block 6,
471 ,
346 Fr
RosedallPark .............................................
' ....
Deringe s rearrangement, pted................
Dore'.. addition ...................... .......
flP. V., rearrangement block 2, P. V.
Iiwyer's additiov.................. ..... .........
F.In-.l at rrison's rearrangement of part of
Nlatmester Park.........................................:SPS
Florence addition, corrected .......................
German Lntherav cemetcry........................_.
Groveland addition .......................................
Guertin', addition to city of St. Paul .............
Haas' addition ..............................................
hazePark, division No.4........................42],
iiazell park, division No. 5 .............................
isle, No. fi
Hazel Park, div ..............................
Iliawatha Park, addition No. 2, St. Paul, Row-
coonly, Mtnn........................... ...........
Hillal's third amendment to l; uiou Park.......
111-th. park vddition................................
I¢canon!l'. D. W., rearrangement, blocks 1, 2
.nit 1 D. W. Ingeroll'a add Ill.. ..................
IngnroSl'e, D. W., rearrangement, blocks 1, 2
7, D.,V I.geroll', addition ..................
I.lead park addition .............................._.....
grana division of Iota B, 9, 10 nvd 11, all of
Rice atreetgardellota................ ................
Lewke's, E. F., boulevard addition ..................
Lincoln terrace ........................ ...................
DfcCluns s subdivision, block, 69 Brown A
Jackson', additlo.......................................
Oakey's addition .......................... ...1
Otto'.. subdivision, lot I5, Llock 105, Lyman
Dnylov a additiov, accepted .......:................
Pigott's addition ............................................
Ramsey's, Anne E., addition, enlargement of
Rameey terrace ............................................
Rearrangement blocks 62, 67 and 68, and fol 1,
block, 75T,Anthony Park ..........................
Riverside Park, fi rat addRlon.......................
St. John's wood ............................................
Schickler's, On. H. addition. ............ . .... .....
Scarfs place..... .............................................
Smith Taylor's subdivision ......................
avenue terrace._ .............................
P,,h. pioneer
T"Ielivislml of
F[he3' of ..'lowing est t
su o nor o nor
coedit 22, township 29, range 2'_' ............ .. 302
ti uiverity euWiriaiov, lot*. 1, 2, 3 and P, Hyde
Park...................dil i.................................. 4112
Warroru,ersity View eddit lou ............................ 12
R'511 ..... J. Z[., second additiov to St. Paul,
Sinn,',a................................................... 186
Webster's addition .............. _................._.-36 I62
Pleasant avenue, change of grude ... ...... 199,
254, 269, 305
Pleasant avemte grade ................................. i90, 416
Pleasant .nonan sewer..........................1 77, 196
Pleasant avenue sewer, enlarging,
enlarging, etc ................ 35
Pleasant avenue sewer, enlarging, etc., award
of covtrxet, bond. ... ...
Pleasn¢te e sewer, repairing, Third street
to Ioi It
half way between Walnut and Cie.-
,in_.,.ae� t
ie. - avenue lower, ..e-.... nig....................... 19
pair: ng .................
Pleasant and Osceola avenues seweroco. met..... 25^_
Plow street (ov Iiotfwan avenue) cr sawfllk....... 121
Plow street sidewalk...................................323, 376
Plumruer, G A .............................................. - 454
Point Douglas street, extension, order partially
... a l i ed ........................................................ 100
Point Do""' atr..I existed 1. ....................178, 201
Point Douglas road ........................................... 33G
Poisoning,J. W.Jordon..................................... 270
Poisoning, claim, Jae. V. JoWI........................ 320
Ponce,committee appointed_ ............................ 209
Police department, additional policemen, ap-
rintment...................................................... 254
Pollee department, American Bell Telephone
Co.,contract............. .................................. .. 259
Police department, jailers and patrol wagon
drivers, appointment ...................................... 253
Police departmev[, purchase of 200 helmets [or... 95
Police 335
Police force, badges .......................................... 10
Police force, hedges changed ............................ 1
Police force, bad.c., ord:sante......................... 11
Police force, badges, purchase ................... .. 13
Police headquarter, reps ..... ..................`23, 32
Police officer (special), Como park................IM, i64
Police oIII- Como nark ................................... 160
Policepatrol box, Bedford and Dec¢teretreets,
teleph o v e ....................................................... 481
Police patrol box, Burr and Case e[reeta............. 482
P01ice h.., Front and Lexington, place tele
Police patrol box, Lincoln ave,me ¢ad Victoria
e[ vee L....................ncoi.. .......342, ll, 37;
Police alarm box, Lincoln .novae an Victoria
street................................................139, Ian, 16.5
Poll- boxes andtelephones,market house,and
other locations ............. ................................ to
Police boxes, ato., o market house.......................22
Police patrol hoz and telephone, Minnesota
and Fitch lpelota............,,......... ale 31
Police patrol boxes and telepbnn I.r Oakdale
ave.uo and Avvapolls street, Cherokee ane, 81
mith avenues .................
Police petrol boxes and telephones, Oakdale
even and other street. ................................ 61
Police patrol box telephone, Payne avenue,
Case street .................................................... 484
Police patrol box, Payne avenue and Maryland
street .................. ............ ...................459, 482, 484
Police patrol boxes and telephone., purchase
and location of ............................................... of,
Police petrol hos and telephone, purchase of, 31
Police patrol service, Bale and purchase of two
boresatro...ser,vice, ale c ...............orses, 121
Pollee patrol h..e e,saleoC condemned hots...,
purchase of horse ........................................... 160
Police patrol telegraph op eratot...................16.5 459
Police Patrol telegraph operator, for cevtraJ
atanon............................ ............................. 48^
Police Patrol wagon driver ................ :
Police pension fund, board of tnra[ee, report .... 2
Police protection Fairview Heights ................ 417
Police et.[lon, IJ.'on Park, name changed to
Prior aveimc.................................................. 235
Police station, central, janitor ............................ 315
Policeman aPP.roped..._.............................. 1: 5, 2'12
Policeman appointed, Mans Aawold, driver........ 2&i
Policemc. appointed, Georse C. Allen.. -... _.-..... 28]
Policemen appot.[ed, dog census ........................ 198
Policewen, special, Ore, appointment, dos cep -
bus. etc .....................___................. 4
policeman appointed, 1[icbnel Devitt, driver..... '2tl7
Police'an up,.:n ted, StepLen Grieivan............. 222
i'olicemu. ppointed,\'I Hart, jailor .............. 287
Policeman appointed, Valentine Iirusewaki........ 287'
I'olicmuan appointed, Jemee \\'. Lauderdale... 174, 216
Police,uan aappointed, Jolts C. McCarthy............ Si
Policeman pput need, Joseph A. Meyers............ 245
Policeman a,'pei aped, Jobn 1llvor,Jailer............ 287
Policeman appointed, Ifevr, G. RrlQbOW........... 287
Polic nppoin[td, state fair grounds............ 278
Yolicewan aPPoiuted, Peter S, ' t3 -- •• 387
I'olice[nnu rtppoivted, Peter Schieber................. 287
Polimmnn aploioted, Charles Truax.._ ............. 174
Policowan appointed, Michael Tecliida, jailer..... 287
Po met.. appointed, William F. Twohy, patrel-
man........................................................ I.... 287
Policean appointed, Albert Weaternhagen,
drirer......................................................... 287
pulicerc an appointed, mounted policeman, Prior
avenue station .............................................. 482
Policeman (special), appointment to act as pound -
mas to 164
mast ....
Policeman appointed, ponndster, tenth and
eleventh watde............................................. 234
Police appointwent, Jailer, Prier avenue police
elatfon ........................................................... 321
Policemen romoted.....................................222
Policeman promoted,Sexton.....;....................... 237
Policeman rule oved, Janre, E. Conway .:............ 174
Policeman removed, R -w. Hoenck..................... 222
Policeman resigned, James Donlin ................... 287
Policeman resigned,J. C. Lauderdale ...:............. 174
Policeman resign
ed, F•. L. LawIlrence.................. 287
Policeman resigned, Gen. W. l aFener ............... 387
Policeman resigned, Fred Tegeler...................... 287
Poles, electric wires, forbidding ase of, cermin
limits ........................................................... 200
1'oles, etc., electric wires, prohibition of use........ 23
Polling booths, etc., constru etim[ Of .................... 64
Polling Place,. rentelect[.. ............................... 187
Polling places, election May 6, 1890, bills ordered
paid.............................................................. If I
poplar street aide... ka ..........................140, 191, 433
Perch, Brunswick Hotel__ .............................. 372
Porfer'e broom factory, No. 290 Lonie street,
election place, first district, eighth ward......... 118
Portland addition, block 3,a11eS Rradivq..l5fi, 172, 319
Portland addition, lots 1 and "block 13, tempo-
r¢ry sewer, constnmtio. of ............................ 93
Pothen,lfenry .I., dr ver Of wagon, central
station, appointed ......................................... 1
Poultry, farm Produce, etc., peddier.................. 102
Poundmaster (acting), appointment of unki-
ant............................................................... 105
Pouvdm.sterappointed, tenth end cleventL
ward. ....................... ........_......
Ponndmaster, appointment of special policeman
toact as ......................................................... 164
Poundmaster assists's................................ 1G6
Poundmaster �nnnlif, report for April, 1A90....... 177
Pou vdwaeler Cunn(ff, report for June, 1890........' 272
Poundmaster Cuvniff, report for July, 1890........ 290
Pouhdmaster Cunnid, report for September,
1890............ ...................... ........... .................. 389
Poundmaster Ctoniff, report for October, 1890... 456
Poundmnster Conniff, reports examined 22, 202
Pnce. Pnce.
Pouodmaster Conniff, report for June, 1890 ,
ex- Public buildings, city property, and markets,
amined............................................ . .. 297 committee appointed .................................. ...209
Pound. st-Cunniff, report fur July, 1890, ex- Public levee, St. Paul, Diamond Jo Line steam - ................................ I........................ 321 ors and St. L. St. V. M. Packet Co.'s fran-
Pound easter Hinkel, report fur Ma , 1890......... 199 chfe s, casement,, etc ..................................... 181
Pouvdmaeter 11 it, rep ort fur Junc, 7890......... 247 Public levee, use of le as ....................................199
You nd master 1l inked, re port for July, 1890......... x90 Public library, St. Paul,annual report, trausmie•
Pouodmaster Hinkel, report for August, 1390..... 338 oleo of b)• mayor ............................................ 109
Pouodmaster Hinkel, report for September, Pnhlic parka, care of ......................................... 321
1890.......................................................... 389 Public park Mary McMa'ue' rrarrangcntent
Pon d,,ter Hinkel,report for November,IS90.. 467 block 22, 0 irier's addition, West St. Paul........ 179
P... (roster Hinkel, report for Ma y, 1890, ex- Public 'nirks,W.A. Van Slyke, care of ............. 334
aniived..........................................................233 Pugh, ................................................. ...... 109,287
Poundmaster Hinkel, report for July, ]990, ex• Ru nam hSecoq order favor of .......................... 188
seined..........................................................321 Pym street grade..........................................2.58,274
Poundmaster Il inked, report exawined.........2:6, 400 Pym street grading.................................G9, 157, 171
Pouodmaster 5[eyere, report for .'it
I a Iy, i N!10......... 2'90
Poundmaster ]foyers, report fur Angust, 189...... 338 Q
Poundmaster Meyers, report for September, ctinsn.i esnhdlvision, [,lock
1890............................................................... 389 Qnnrry,scrom alley„
Poundmaster Meyers, report for July,/390, ex- 3,Stimn.,13-ti 3 Ramsay',. addition....IG0,i81,M
m.. hned........................................................ 321 Quehl, Paul ... ............ ....._............................... 172
Poundmaster D[eTere, report examined .............. 400 [ Quist, Peter M., payment o17judgment................ 24
Poundmaster tenth ward, J. A. Me Ter, exlen- '
report fur May, 1590......... ?69 R
Pound tester Truax,
report for May, 1890......... 197 [tl mad ticket broker license, Ne.?9, rebate 1889 72
elo.o tltne...................................................i
no,,, master
Poundwteo,l Truax, report for .)uly, 18!10.......... '190 1,.'!] r..d, etc., ordinance repenting onR tel ce..... 180
Poundmaster Truax, report for August, 1590...... 3'58 Railroad runner's license refunded, [',ter Mnr-
Poundmas[er Truax, report for Septentlrer, 1590.:189 j phy...........................................................458, 459
I - - Rnit venter pipe, etc., perm lssnon to tae ............... 49
Itentals',J,H., jnb pruning l!rofnetl..........con 62
Poundmaster Truax, re vert for October, ]89u.....
Poundmaster Truax, report for Nrrrctiber, 1890. 4fi,
Poindnta,ier Truax, report for Ma), 1890, ex 233' Ramaloy, J. H., biJ, protest, 1 printing
amined...... tract, ate ......................... I .......... ........... ........ 78
Ramaley's (Jur. preperiy for tee of mar -
Pam ed. ... r Trans, report fi.. Junc, 1890. ex- 9, )rentof
..... katteams......................ion,......d'ai....... ee.'15{
Poindmaster Tninz, report Julp, 1890, exawiued 3'21 Rams, 's Anne Ii.) addition, condemning ter-
. .................. _ Ramsey
relrort examined ............... gnu rain Isn't in............................................... 7n, 7l
Powder and dynamite houses, re moral oL........ 406 Rxmsey's (Avon li.) addlt ion, en lnrgenlent of...... 258
Pratt, aldernlxn, excused frow meeting .............. 7v Ituweey county, care of 3farahall avenue bridge. 156
Preble street (part oi), change of name fronr.....10, 12 Hornsey street • od Summit event election
Prendorga,t, JI. !{., u,e of wa.1, t hall, U. A. It.. 478 place, second district, seventh wad ............... 118
Prendergast, 7 -homes :l., thanks o[ council......... 205 Itamsey street paying ................... .................. 147
Prentice, Julia M., et 11., jud anent, .............. 342-346 Itsnisey street and Seven corners, sewer, brick
Pres street sprinkling ........................._...... IG6 lining............................................................ 21
Preston,tV.J.................................................... 9I Ramsey st reef, Seven confers, ,ewer between..... 5
President of ant veil, election nf........................ 2u.9, Itnmsey street sidewalks............. ..216,231, 254, 306
Prince, John S., aunt others, pet itiov.................. R7 Ramsey street sidewalks innd crossing,............... I61
Printing, committee appointed ..........................209 lionseystrest and Summit avenue, Carpenter
Printing (.job], contract,bond ............................. 9G' park.............................................................. 46
Fri.11, flab 1, etc., Proposals ................. ......... 0'2 Ra.ueey terrace............................. .................. 258
P' '11'
IJobl, proposals, tabulated statement... 77 Itantlow,Guel.r................................................613
Printing Ijnbj, tabulated statenteut,etc ............. 78 Ranchwarter,Christ,transfer of butcher license 155
PPrior re-, rior avenue gmdirrtgt, G. N. Ry. Cc............328. 391 Randolph street, change of grade.. .l i9, 199, 2,
...102, 260, 269, 361, 305
Prior nvenue grading, bridge, balance due, Randolph street, No. 919 (corner Milton) 'Ioc-
meney wnrrnnt........................................... 165 tion dace, fourteenth district, fifth want ...... 118
Prier avenue opening...309, 423, 431, 447, 453, 4G7, 4711 Rendu I :tree[ grade ....................................... 416
Prior avenue opening and grading, peti[lon for... 87 Randolph street grade.....................258, 386, 890, 416
Prior nrenue ponce station, jailer ..................... 323 Randolph street grinding:.................................. 425
Prior avenue police etation,jaller ap1sihmed...... 355 Itaudolph street grading, land erroneously sold,
Prior avenne police station, appointment of I tanner ordinance......... 1........
nvninbxl pnlicemun...................................... 412' Randolph street grading, money ordin............ 115
ovens,ewer......................................... 34s Randolph street, partial grading, exceas in us-
. eessmevt, measy order ................................. Ilfi
Prig vrenne aidewxlk cross .rniks. • . _.. _. 299, 349 Randolph street, permission to grade ................. I66
Prirrr xycnue, >[erri.9m Pork. election place, sec- Randolph street opening, etc........................5s, 71
and dist rico, elrrenth ward ............................ 119 Randolph street widening...........................396, 425
Private streets surrou cell ng block 6l,Sl.Anohony (tank,E ...........................................................444
Park ............... ..._.... ^"3, 244, 297 [tank, F., butcher license, No. 96, tran:fer.....201, 458
...... .. ..__. Rxnkia,Andrew............................................... 1i2
Prohibit inn party ticket (flap, 189u, elect.on),re-
fun�iim4 order .................... ........................ 16:i ItxnneT'e, etbRviei.n Linrk 2, xllev grading...... 20
Prepp' ,[ Jlarkhanr, attorney,, payment of Runner's (I[. Jf.) subltivialnn, block 2, St insnti s
judgtucnt.................................................... 24 division, [,lock 11, alley grads...........,,....... 387, 448
port linnnev's eobdivision, alley gredn ret nhlisbrrl._.. 12
Pro[',ioter. re, nswick hotel, build It ......... 395
Prn.pect rorrnce ,idenynl In ........... ..36.E 429 It nn i'e (1[. JI )si bdivisinn, "t nso '+din
Prnspcvt t«rrace park, itnprovcnlent, al,prnpria-, Iotsel l to 15, block 'L,chnnge of vrndr• ie rcnrtof 110
l inn fano park fund ................................... 122 Ranney's (If. JI.) subdivlslen, Nuck l 1. Slin-We
Protest against nxl,n ion oftime, street rellwny A44 division. ,]ler Krading and chs, goof grade..... 113
line................_........................................... It,
nnep', lI1. JI.) •u'dI vision. block 11. St i neon's
Poetf.,an,A n tai.,, license to keep ferry, et c.. 139 140 di,kion, nllc. in Mork 2, change of grade ...... 129
INDEX. xli
P n...
Pnce.'s (H. M.) subdivision, block I I, Stinson'.
Reis, George, city treasurer, money order, Rich -
g gra 254
� mond street vacation ....................
Itanney's(H. M.) Subdivision, Stinson's div(sum
meyoder ..............................
iReis ,George , e'
alley rade.............................................0, 4, 384
1 Reis, George, treasurer, police pension fund, re -
.easy s (H. !f.) subdiviaiov of block 11, sit.-
son's division, alley, change ofggrade............... 260
Relf, Richard ...................................................
Rannev's (H. 3L) block 2, an lot Ivis1on, block 11,
Relf, Richard, and others, petition ....................
Stinsou's addition, alley change of grade......... 177
Raspberry island, erectiono[ curling rink...482, 483
Remler, Wm., judgment ................... I ............. .
Remove telegraph poles from alley on Tenth
Staten's carpenter site , No. 215 Carroll street,
street ........................ ...................................
election place, ascan district, eighth wad...... 118
Removing teles, N. W. Tel, Exchange Co.,extcn-
Rauscher, Joseph, permission to build bay win-
door ..........................................................105, 1071
sI.. of t[me.................................................
Rent, voting places ...................................... 449,
Ray and Fry street, grade, 31-5
Reports, annual, city officers, transmission of by
Ray, Samuel C.,judgment................................. 41 A
mayor.......................... ...............................109
Rarmond avenue bridge .................................... 464
Reserve Ina., Investwent and Improvement Co.,
Raimond and Bayles avenues bridges ............... 481
and others, petition........................................
Raymond nvenue crosswalk ........................... 485
Raymond avenue (acres, Gordon avenue) cross-
Rex, appropriation ... ...............................
Rex, Fral, cllaim............... ..............................252
Raymond avenue ass University) crosswalk.. 100
ymen (scion
Rex, Fred, tition........................................98,
reef) crosswalk..
refund], ng money pail for
avenues, IecDao I
nnd and =-A pace,
license .............................. .._.
d'strlct,lte(nth wtard.t 719
Rhesume, OdelonLs,
Raimond tire.a. grxde.................21, 217 302, 314
Rhesume h St. Pierre, Grand avenue bridge
Raymond avenue grading ................................ 170
contract........................................... ...........
Raymond and Dudley avenues, grading............ 219
Raymond avenue sidewalk ...................[ A^_, R3fi, 434
Rhesume & S . Pierre, Grand areaue bridge,
itmate.................................................. .......
Raymond avenue (parte of), etc., vacallon...9, 56,
John W ................................................
216, 221
I{hode., Win, petition ...... .... ......................... ...
Raymond place grade............................358, 378,
Rice, Jolie J., petition, settlement of action.......
Rice, Sohn J., set [tome'[ of action for damages,
place grndivg ............................. _^4n
heal property, recovery of ......... ..............�A55, 4fi0
personal injuries .......................................
Raney and Pauyuierstreets,lracks,Theo. Minto[ 218
Riee's(E.) first addition, refunding order to S.
Reaney and F¢uquier streets, tracks. ........... 201
J. Becker ................. -................... I................
Rraney street crosswalk_ ................................ 303
Rearrangement blocks 62, 67, 68 and Int I, block
Rice's (F.) first addil ion, block 9, Iota 22 and 23,
retaining wall (Ile Soto el reM) .....................
-5 St. Anthony Park .................................... 346
R«assessment Aroadwaystreet opeving, refund-
Rice's (E.) first addition, lots ^_2 and 23, block 9,
eldewalk ........................................................
ing moneys ........ .....................................115, IIG',
Rice's (h:.) firs[ addition, block 9, lute 22 and 23,
Reassessment Mississippi street ....................... 411
el ones (De Soto at rest)..................
."ba"'Rce.... (IA89) for 189n, money orders... 61
Rice's (F,.) first addition, lots 22 and 23, block n,
Iturovery of real property ...........................455, 460
grades. slopes. etc.....................................3sx,
Reds.1 loo of lot 9, block 6, Rice d Irvine's
addilton ........................................................3741
Rice's (tidmunit) fourth addition, block 2, alb"y
grade.............. .. 2x4.378,429.446,453
Redemption certificates, money orders.... ........... 48
i Rice's (E.) second addition, block 7, alley grade
Redenrplien certificates, money orders, Nor-
_gm. Litbcrnn church and others ............... 59
Redistricting city for election purpeees.22, 23.25,
Rice h Irvine's addition, lot 5, block 28..............
i Rice h Irvine's addition, block 63, alley to bs
?fi,27,28,?0,:50,105, ^.x3,235, A'21, 332, 3d4, 3fifi, 363, 400
Redlin •er,17der. dug 198
eurveyai ............................ .. ............. ..
Rice fi Irvine's addition, block 21, lots 5, 6 and
appointed catcher............
Reed, �.thr.p 11 ...............................................172
7, Hill and Ontario strect,,area wall...............
Refunding money paid, Rroedway street Orion.
Rice &Irvine's addition, block 21, lots and
ing renesessm«nos........................... .... tsi
.. .....
; build :[ren waditi............................... .
Refunding money, Aroadway street reassess-
Ric, ,4 Iain«'s ndditinn, block 50, Into 11 and 11,
..cuts ........................ ... ............ 1.93
Refundi money, kaseeasmente............. ,
M. D. Clark's rv•nrrangem«int of..............,397,
lr. ....ndd.tinn,lot 9,block 7,erection
Refunding order, assessment overpaid, lot G,
of shet.............................. ...........................
block 198, Irvine's nddiHon ........................... GS
Rice. h Irving s additian, pots 5, 6, T, binck 21,
Refunding order, Jetemixh Sullivan .................. 59
Refuse, contract removing ................................. Ifi5
electric power housr., water pi{w................. ..
Rice A Irvine's billion, to build frame addi-
Register of deed's olfiee, changes in inner walls. 121
lion. E. �. I.arpenteil r ............................. .....
Register of deal s, M. D. Clark's rearrmtgement,
Dayton .4 Irvine's addition, Rice E Irvine ..... 417
Rice .k Iry ine'a ndditinn, late 5,6,7, block 21,
c.nnert with Mississippi river ......................
Reichew, henry G. polite.tan.......................... 222
Rice h Irvine's addition, black 47, pipe drain,
Itschow, i[enri G., apecixl police dol r .............. 2A7
i.aucr 1{nos......................................... ........
Reinner, (lostar............................ .... ................ 41
Reif leq G 49
Ri,,, & Irvine's addition, lot 9, block 6, redemp-
Reilly, Thomas, ...........................................97, 738
... .... ....._.......... ..
.a .............. bl.
Rlce,k Irvine's ndditinn, lot 9, block r,, cement
Reilly, Thomas, biJ. lamps....... .... .. 3
sidewalk ...................................... 1.... ..'
r.. d t.....
Reilli, Thomas, wooden sidewalk nwaniwl [n..... 9t
Rice & [nylon's xddition, use of streets, C.,
Reilly, Thomas, Ridgewood nvenue, and other
St. P. Ry. Co .................................................
st rests,sewer,................................................307
Rice Park,concert,, rInflect .... ....... ........ .....115
Reim, George.i................................................. 315
Reins, Gen. J., Milford street park ..................... 341
of First Regiment
Rice perk, ceneerts, proposal g
Reinter, It m_ ...........................................270, 872
]tics park concerts. Aug. L. Tilleman's clab u.....
Reimer. R'm., oder.............11............................ 86.5
Rice pork, electric light......:............................
Reimer, R'nt, claim city engineer's report......... 338
Rice park, gardener nppni nttd .......................
Rei3, George ..................................................... 320
Ricc and Albemarle streets, al leywny between,
P.ei9,(:ecrge,ritvtrea.lrcr•clectinnof.......... 172, 1731
grading .........................................................
Reis, George, city treasurer, order favor of......... 188
Rice street (on Wayzata) crosswalk,
INDEX. .; INDEX. xljii
_ P,,ol,.. Pet: s.
Rice and Magnolia ,[mels, election Place, elev- I Robertson, Nels, judgment ............................... 428
.... ........... 119 Robie slreet,chan f de........................ 287, 466
en[h district, vlvlli ward ................ Be o gra
Rice & Wabash. street¢, s1-lrtc light moat... .. 426 ROP etre¢[ grade.......................................'_'87, 49,
Rice street, Vills, addition, street grades to be H.
street grading .................................... -39, 9_
retained ................. 80 Robie street :ewer system,stem .......... . _ul
n ! .ow-
P.lce street, grad i. .noun. s........ right
.......way. 59 Robie street sewer system, Protest ga est
Rice .tree[, grndinR, Purchase of right o[ way. pleHon........................................................... l;
eiKbth ward............................................1'39. 14l Robie street croaswxlk.......................... ............ 430
Rice street fn .433,.129, 25l Robie street (across Ohio) eroaswalk.................. 141
Pat " 435 1. Robinson & Cary Co., money appropriation,
Rice st Yeet sidewalk .......................4U7, 433, 434,
Rica,trcef cementccican, sidewalk ..................... danvagas.............................
115 Robimou & Cary Co., connect bn(Idivg......._400, 40'-'
Rice street ..dins, sireetwall din to 184 ltobivsoit & Cary Co., petition, Third street grad-
grading ............... .. 193
R'ehmo„a atrt>e[ aitt ins. damagea.........._.............._.....-__........... r
i gra g ...................... 249
Richwood street Rrade.. ........ 4&5 Robinnoo & Cnry, d¢wagee.... ........................... 23
Rich mons street, nssable conditlov.............450, 460 Roche, Rridgct A., judgment....................
3 2. 346
Richmond street (Pportiu'on, vacatiov...9, 79, 80, S:t Roche, .Toho W., cromlotroller, election ¢[..172 and 173
Richmond sires[ (Part of), ..¢cat ion, value li xed. 9:t Roche, :1llchael, avd there,judRwents.............. 322
Richmond street (Part of), vacation, money war Rochette, Stephen tuoneyy order .....................59, 66
ram ............... ...................................... 82 ' Il.cers, Edward �., Stierla, Elle¢, etc................. 248
or- Rohe, \u • . 160
Ricliwond street (Part of), vacatiov, money g...................'"'..........I...........••••....
der, etc .............. 9G Rohe, A. oat, erect frame build!"g..............380, 184
Richter, }'rederick, money ordi"ance................ Its Rolfer'a a ditto.., lo[ 13, block 75.............. .. .
Richter, Frederick, ukoney order....................S2, 116 Rol fer's as ditto", lot 13, block 75, -pons tHen-
Itidgewood avenue and other streets, construe- I ry O'Connor) ....................... ................. .......... 398
n;on of sewer.......... ; ; Romer, F. J...... 21
.... ............................... g o wa C.,
Rtgewood avevue xnd other street¢ sewera......61, I R.
¢tree[, eaeemevt acroea ri bt f T, 39
^_49, 307 Mi & St. P. Ry. Co ...............
eewer, RM
d t line better service ....................... 400
Rid Rewood avenue avd other streets
award of con[ tact .......................................... 138
Ridgewood and Grand avenues sewers, contract
and covetruction....................._.................... 297
Ridgewood park additl.n, alley grading........... 194
Ridgewood Park addition, block 5, alley grading 267
Ridgewood Park addition, block 6, alley grade... 30'2
R!dgewood Park ad itl,,,, block 5, n11ea' grade... 302
Ridgewood Park addition, e11eT oPeni n6Rtc...l7+, 248
Rieger, C. H........ .. 321
Rieger, C. H., transfer o[ bu !cher license ........... 155
Ringing of court house an
d city hell bells.......... 355
River street sidewalk..................................322, 37G
Riverside Park, first addition, plata.................. 302
Rivoli street grading .........................................
Rlvoii atrect grade .......................................... 19.5
Rivoli street, change of grade ............ _2S7, 308
Road machines ........................................... 1;6 186
Road north city Bothe, beta¢... 1 Menewy ani
\ItaeiseiPPi streets. Passable condition .............. ^-34
Robert (South street sewer ................... 10'2, 13], 241
RobertNober' (S'outh) strnth eet,
to C. F.iMeyer, construct bay 293
windows....................................................... 4-
Robert(South) street, police station, sewer and
gas connections ........................................... 347
Robert (South) treet and Isabel t -t, eloetion
.bice, seventh district, slat It ward .................. 118
Reber[ etreet)remo•el otf2ens'tree6 ttttracks, So
etc ................................. ire ..... brie
Robert street, removal of street rnilwaT tracks,
tc......................................... 9^_
Robert street tunnel ....................................... 464
Robert street tunnel, "'m. E. How.. ............... 469
Robert elract, conatrus[ing conduits, etc............ 121
Robert street, No. 511, Sheri: hutiding, election
place, tenth dirriet, fourth word .................... 118
Robert street and Fillmore avenue,election Place,
third district, sixth word .............................. 118
Robert and Bixtb arrears, election place, fourth
district, fourth ward ...................................... Its
Robert d Twelfi.h ireeta, election place,
an s
at .... th district, fourth ward ....................... 118
excavation of a
Robert and Fifth ¢treats, ex
115, 117
Robert and Fourth streets, police patrol box ami
telephone...:............................................... 31
Bob.. and Ninth at-ta, Police patrol tax and
tele.hone...................................... I S, ,......... 31
Robert and Randall'¢ addition block I8, certifi-
cate of sale, redemption ................................. 235
Rondo street opening,efc.................:..........._20, 35
Rondo street sewer.......................................51, 475
Rondo street rdewalk...............................264, 306
Rondo st set statin..,
Bond. ala :t station, jailer....................253, 257, 287
Rondo sty act widening. ....... ...... 448
Rosebe! t tree[ (west and¢ of), between Eighth
and Ninth etre¢[¢, election place, seventh die- 118
trict, third ward ...........................................
Reaabei at rest eprinkling. ..................."'.....192
Bose street (across Edgerton) croaewalk............. 164
Rose street Brading ....................................•••.... 228
R.- and Earl streets grading, dawages, block 9,
Eastville Heights add!tion .............................. 134
Rose and Geranium atr,,Wgr,di.g, redemption
of cera! e.'., in error, money order...... 66
hose street openivRR etc ........................ .39, 290, X13
Rose street rdew..l6................... ............299, 319
Rosendale Park, Grand avevue opening, etc....... 196
Rosa street eewer.........................................8.55, S7S
Rosenthal, A., butcher. licenas, No. 59, trams -
fer................................................................. 201
Rosenthal, A., transfer to of botcher Bceme, No.
59 ........ ........................... ...................... 88
Rosenthal', grocery, Marion and Charles strafe,
election place, ,lath district, eighth ward....... 119
Roeenlhal, A., fine remit led ............................. 201
Rosenthal, A., petition, remission of fine.. 3
Rose street sewer.................76, 132, 158, 171, 232, 441
Ro,sberg, Ernst.. .......... .........
... 864
Runeberg, Ernst protect grading alley, block 1S,
Llolrnmb's addition ........................................ 340
Rothschild, Joseph Valentine ........................92, 93
10. 11
RIig6, G. P ...........................................270,
RnRg, H. P. & Co., c!atm...................................:458
Rule (council) No. 31 a ending ........................
Rule lcouncll rule.) No. 31, amended....
.............. 122
Ruvdlett, L.W., city enpelveer, oaltal
bond...... 88
Rutgers and Amherst a noes, fire alarm box... 187
herb avevue grade ........................................... 347
Ryan, John C., and others, petit!.. .................... 87
Ryan, J. J.. nee building. .........................
...365 372
� 246
Ryan, M. P .................................................
Ryan. StePhan.............................................
Ryan, Stephen, eeeletnPt Pou vd...... ...:...........
Ryan, Thos. J. & Co ..........................................
Ityau, Tho.. J., (trema barn ................................
Ryder, Merrill, refunding money paid
for H-
ST. Pas
. 0
St. Anthony avenue opening, els.............:.... tie 20
St. Anthovy avenue sewer, assesantevt nvuuiled 221
S[. Anthony avenue aewer.....51, 53, 14H, 225, 243,
295, 343, 475
St. Anthony avevue and Fuller atrect -ewereye. 137
St. Anthony avenue newer (m(dwa): sewer .ys-
teml.h.............................l cr...... elks .......... 232
St. A.. I uny avenue side and cross walks.......n 126
S[..\nt bony avenue and Summit place skating
riuntho....................d S............ place skating 464
St. Anthony avenue and Summit place ¢kering
rink. protest ................................................... 482
8t. Aur Novy avenue wideoinK.........•_'L0, 3i
St. Amhun, Furn i[0re Co., and others ............... 56
8t.:\ ut Irony Pnrk, alleys, etc ............................. 56
Sl. Anthony Park addition, block 61, alley
,1. Anlloc
Anthony ".dc
North, bks 4.-i, 36, 3], 44, 4�
9A nt f ons ;P¢rke I Rrmla to ck 38 ale iejrade adopted. 16
Bt. Anthovy Park, blocks 3.i, 4433, alley grades
to be reported ............................................ 163
SC. :lvnhuvy Park, Llock 41, alley rade adopted. 16'1
BL tot hon, Park, block {l, alley to wenn mtS-
m,d avt.ce and R..,, atrect, grade adopted.. 162
fit. Anthovy Park, alley, block 61, grade....... 358 380
St. Anthony Park, block 66, alleyy grade ndopeet{ fill
St. Anthony Park, alleys in blue 77, 79, 41 nd
38, grades to be reported ............................... 120
St. Anthony Park district, protection from fire... 56
St. Anthovy Park Co ........................................ SG
St. Anthony Park Co., petition ........................... 9
St. Anthony Park, block :i9, erection of barn or
shed. preleat................................................ 253
SL Anthovy Park, block 39, erect!," of barn,
St. Anthony Park, eatnblishiog grade on private
fret. black 61 ............................................... 294
St. Avthony Park, grade, privet. street sur-
r,,,divg block 61 ......................................... 223
S[. Anthovy Park, street grading, block No. 61... 307
BL Ant bony Pnrk, establlahlvg grade on Prlv¢[e
etre¢[,. block 61 ............................................. 297
St. Anthony Park, 324
St. Anthony Park, Lire protection ..... ........... 457
St. Anthony Park, block 27, grading ¢x tension
oI co� my road ................... ,11L...l,,k ....., 67, 129
S[. Avthony Park, re75 .... ..... block¢ 62, 67,
68, and lot I, block a ...................eb.. ,........... 346
St. Anthovy Park, sidewalk (Baker school)........ 276
St. Anthony Pmk, block 39, Iota 15, 16, 17, etog-
vant water, fill ................ ..............2U2, 220
St. Anthony Park, block 30, surplus dirt............ 375
St. A nl bevy Park, vacatiov, alleys ..................... 216
St. Anthony Park, block 41, alley vacation, pant
of ..................................................316, 355, 426
St. Anthony Park, alley vecntlon, lot B, block 41.. 295
6t.:\Ibees street grade..............270, 284, 399, 416, 431
St. All, .. street and Laurel avenue, parks, Iron
fence............................................................. 121
St. Aibnns atrect eewer...................................... 475
St. Albave street sprinkling .... ..... ....... ....... 166
St. Aubiv, J. B., certificate of hale, redemption... 303
St. Clair street bridge, C., M. & St. P""" 421
St. Clair street bridge..... ....................427, 942
St. Clair idreet,vn !sof rade........................ 195
St. Clair street (In
Ovelda) crosswalk ............... 167
St. Clair street gra divg.........75, 160, 172, 231, 295, 297
8t. Clair street Rr�de......................................... 197
St. Clair and ot5er at-.. eewer, award of cov-
tracL............................................................. 138
SL Clair street ePripkiln.....................�............ 166
St. Clair street eldewafk..............................3G6, 433
St Johne wood, ptat mcep
ted ............................ 49
St. Louis dnaQQatlon......................................... 196
St. Louis, SL Pmsd 1. Mln"eapolie Pocket Co. and
Diamond Jo Ilse ¢[¢amara, petition ................. 134
St. LOnis, 8l. Paul & Minneapolis Packet Co. and
Diamond Jo It.. ateamerb franchises, ea.e-
menta, etc., public levee............................181, 1S3
St. Louis, St. Paul & Minneapolis Packet Co. and
Diamond Jo It.. reamers, lease ...................... 187
St. Louis, St. Paul & Minnea lis Packet Co....... 198
SL Paul .71V ter House flre alarm box,
Selby avd Werery avenues.. iA
SL Paul Brick )fnnufa.turivg Co.,..rade certain
land........ Bric 11 ..................... Co., pal............... 56
SL Paul Brick )l aeufacturin6 Co.,....!tion........ 92
St. Paul city By. Central .... ........................ 444
St. Paul city Rty Co..............................337, 355, 3G5
St. Paul City. Co., acceptance of Ordivnn ce
No.]313.....................cep ......................ane 156
SL Paul City Ity. Co., acceptance of Ordinance
No. 1227, aP ov d ................... ........ l3
lfirr a .......0 di
Bt. Paul 0 Ry. Co., accept...... of OrdI,nu.e
No. Il City .................................... .. .... 4G4
St. Paul City Ry. Co., ac prance of ordinance
avd agreement, approved....... c ...._........nes 13
SL Paul Citree en Cu.,...e avice o, ordinances
and agreemeat.Co..........w all. Hi ll............tari. G
9t. Paul City Ry. Co., area wall Hill avd Ontario
Streets ........... .......................................COmecc..nica. 198
St. Paul City By. Cu., P. F. IIarr'e cowwuvica-
ti,a................Co..0......_.arke...............ere' 155
St. Paul City Ry. ltr .. .I Parker and others'
requea[ for better service ov wee[ Seveulh
[.City.By. Co.,.. all
St. Paul City By. Cbetter aervlce, University
avenue line_...........:.................................38;, 400
St. Poul City By. Co., com Dletiov of street r 11-'
y linea....................................................ra... 4{{
S[, Paul City By. Co., covatruct, etc., street -it 181
any line loop ............. .... .....................
St. Paul City Ry. Co., electric potter house, water
P4Pe............................................................. 57.5
St. foul Cfiy Ry. Co., erect tclepvone poles,
il avenue ....................................... yy ..469
St. Paul City Ity. Co., extension of thout-. ..... 449
St. Paul Clty Ry. Co., extension of time, electric
........................................................... 440
St. Paul City RT. Co., railway on Eighth street... 16
St. Paul City Ity. C..'a loop, Eighth et reef, Sul.
plemen t nl loop .................. ....... ... I80
......... .
fit. Paul City Ry. Co.,....lice to rue care (Oak-
land avenue).....0..................erta............. for 409
St. Poul City gfty.round ...,net neo certain land for
dumping Rrouvd................... .......... :............ .
SL Paul Citi XS. Co., rdinance authoilaing to
[,tinct, equip, w total.. avd operdte...reet
r Paul It By. city.........etwe.........cks, ........ 184
St. Paul City By. Co., pave between tracks, West
Se v e n l h, t tee t .............................................. 121
St. Paul City Ity. Co., petition .......................... 321
St. Paltl City By. Co., regulating use of ))I umin-
ouscoal___ . 276
St. Paul City By. Co., remove snow from street
crossingRs, etc ............................................... 3G
St. Paul Clty By. Co., removal of tracks on Rob.
en et rest, ate. .......................................
92, 114
StPaul City By. Co., strict Performance of con-
i pI't............................................................. 400
St. PauI Illy Ry. Co., use of'• T" tall on Uviver-
s'ty avenue, boulvevard apace, ale .............. a'. 107
St. iPaul City Ry. Co., aT" rail, .............. .......... 105
St, Paul Curling Club, erect rink on Raspberry
irand.....................................................482, 483
St. Pan Daily Newa Publishing Co., communica-
tion....... ... 2
8LPaul &. Duluth freight yards, water supply
vicinity of .................................................... 385
8t. Paul ... Duluth R. R. Co., Greenbrier avevue
bridge...................................................... as, 417
Bt. Paul At Duluth R. R. Co., Mvnehaha street
St.bridg139 Paul &Duluth R. R. Co., 6finvehaha street
br(dge ............................... .......................ial,st!... 140
Paul hLrv(ture (:..., nee o.. certain .. 92,
2 41
electric li htiv etc ...................... ,
g R, , /
St. Paul Gas Light Co..... tree..... t,......... .ding 320
Bt. Psu] Gee Light Co., streets, etc., conducting
steam heal or steam power ............................. 298
aliv INDEX. M INDEX. x11
St. Paul Gas Light Co., increasing, etc., works, St. Paul Title Insurance & Trost Co., Macalesler 325
protest ............. ...
St. Paul Gas Light Co., rebuild, etc., works, pro-
77 Pnrk, vacation..................... .....................
St. Yaul White Lead .t Oil Co............................ 23
Lead & Oil Co., erect frame Lulld-
................ ...........................
................ .
56 St. P,ul While
SL Paul & K. C. Ry. Co., lay spur tracks, West
to , storin& oil .........:......... a.........................
WhitLent. Oil Co.,
464 '�, St.
ton to
St..... L........inio,......W*h .... I*or .........
St. 1'xnt Lake Phaieu &White IIenr Lake rueJ,
ore oil, ....
store oil, etc..s... .A
Isadore A......
vacation, hearing .......................
St. Paul, Lake Phalen ad White Rear rood, v1.-
23 St. Pierre, .......... ........... ...........
St. Peter and Sixth streets, electric and
-tion .........................................................10,3"-- Phone Pales, removal.....................................484
bridge.... 38 St. Pear street messenger xnd telegraph
Iwles.... 221
St. Peal, Al. Ry. Co., Rroad way .
St.Put,Dl..t M. Ry. Broadway bridge,con-
'.St. Paler and Tenth streets (C0lonnade builJiug),
t ,,,, .......:i i, 3.v,
strut[ on ...
39 elr�ltou place, eighth district, fourth
ward...... 118
' y' 6
panPaul M:
4d St. Peter seed Tilton streets, election place,
SL & O. fty., crotsbiod fing�
y., g,
man........... ........................ .... .. ..............
district, ninth ward ....................................
44 $
St. P., Al. & 0. Rv., Payne avenue bridge............
St. Pani, M. k Jf. By. Co., bridge, Grove, Rurr
Sabbath, close enloons, sixth ward ....................
IEightlt streets ......................................
5f Snfranek,John................................................
Sage, V. A., and others, protest ..........................
SL Paul, Al. & if. fly. Co„ Proceedings against,
Grove street.........
64 Sage, V. A .........................................................
Lridge across right of way,
St. Yaul, Jf. M. By. Co., Grove and Eighth
Seventh street (West), No. 388, election place,
fifth district, fifth ward .......... -i .............. -
Sahtry of clerk of chief of police ...... .................
streets bridge ...................................:...........
St. Paul, \f, Co., HnmIIan avenue
3.57 I
Saloon licenses, South Robert street, petition not
to gr.nt........................................................ 55
Saloons, sixth ward, petition to close on Sab-
Lridge.................... .............
St. i anl,M.k M. By. Co., bridging Lexington
1 Lath- .................................................
Sanhoe, Walter H., xidenuan, election
...... .. 56
of....l i2, t73
avenue .......................................................
St. Pnu1.:1f. ,t DI. Ry'., Lridge over right of way,
Se}•mour F. A., money warrant ........................
Shandorf, Adam,appointed dog catcher............
Sanborn, \Vetter H., nldennan, aworn tin........_o
W. It., elected letupornry chairman
Western avenue .........................................
Sl. Pa'I &Minneapolis Jtessenger h Telephone
council .........._......................................
... 208
Co., struts d<signnneJ..............................202,
Sand,"free haul;' Fairview street, notice.........
Gustav P 172
St. Paul & Minveapolis Messenger ,t Telephone
Cn.,eecr,construct xnd maintain wireswithin
Sandberg, ...........................................
Samlea, Charles E ............................................138
the cit ... ..... ......
st. Pntd & uinm�aneua Siel.engr ;t Telephone
'to -o",
sanlnro� ace.,trantrnalrieae r'1Fipenie,No.27. 3s7
Co., right toconstruct wlepl o ocand telegraph
San=orae, June C ..............................................
Sausen, Joseph ..............
253. 256
wires..... ........... .........
................................ .2,51
St. Pon] ,C lfinneapolis Messenger & Telephone
Sausen, 7oseph nPprnpritwn..... ...................
Co., erection, etc., telegraph, etc., wires .....
Sanssn's (,insepit)cleiro..........4...................._....233
........ _ 46
I. Pant and Meitdata road, gradin g, csttmnte....
Sf. Poul & V. P. It. R. Co., bridge over right of
Savings Rnnk 54 Paul,judgment ..................:342,
... ........
5 nP ....
S . Peul & Nfllh It. R �CoBCLridge, Grove, Rnrr
Scale, market grounds, erection .........................
Scidea, market Louse, cost ..............................
A. Peltier...
and Eighthsroars........................................_
Sen le., ............ ...........................304,
ScLxx f,Joseyl�
St. Paul .t N. P. It. R. Co., pmttsslings aKa
bridge across right of way, Grove at rest..........
St. Paul C N. P. It. R. Co., Grove and Fighth
Sphall'rr, Eleanor ..............................................
Scbou Lel, George J ............................................
..mels bible e• ..............................................3
Scheirer street grad e..........................- ...........
61. Poul k N, P, R. R. Cn., Jessamine street
Schell, Onto, judgment................................342,
b r i , I e, �........... ..................
Schiekler'e (Geo. II.) addition, Plat necepted. ..... an
SL Paul .t N. P. K. K. Co., Raymond and
Sch i lhgen„John, Brut trams hani.................342,
avenues ............................................
St. Paul ,e �. I'. it. R. Co., remove bridges, Bay-
Schilling, Gm............, .....................................
Schilling, 11. C.................................275,
296, 297, 800
mond and Boyles, avenues .........................
St. Pon] & N, P. It, It. Co., right of why, Case
Schilling, IL C, claims, dateroion of property.... 240
. .........................
sleet slopes .................. .....
Schlear, A¢aust......... ..............................181
Sclilalter, llenry, additional rent, election pur-
St. Pass] & N. P. It. R. Co., Grove street retaining
wall ............... ....
St. Paul & N. P. R. It. Co., rigLt of way, sewer...
. 474
Poses ............ ..... I .............. ...... ......................
Scltle.ty, Peter, patrolmmr, appointed.....
............. 387
: B.............................sews
St. Paul & N. P. R. P.., visduct over Co mo avenue
Schlei., Adolph .................................................
St. Poll [ley
Sphnmus, Anna .................................................
Schniidl, Jnhn II., and others, protest................
Proper, gmda ...............................
St. Poul "rn"e r, excrnvation of arcus .................
Scholl,lnar, VVni.....,.....................................333,
St. Poul proper, election "Ince, lhini district,
Sebn,uler, William, li reworks ........................... 326
He A., frame addit ion...342, :376
fourth -rd". ...............................................
St. Paul proper, alley paving..... 134, 1.52,?^ -6, ^_t4,
Schneider, try erect
Schnrh, A., refunding alone- paid for license.....
386,:191, 415,
SL Pnnl "enure, nllev opening ........248, 277, 340,
School buildings, Church of St. John, sewer
neplion........................................ I.................
Scholl builAings, fire alarm boa..........._........
con -
St. Paul Public librn,r, ennnal report, iranemis.
lion of by mnvnrt
Scbool buildings, Snow k \litter's snbdiviaion,
St. Peal Snnilati0n ....................... .........
I.ytu:tn Dnvtun'e addition. block 99................
St. Ym�l Sanitation Co, proposal, collection gar-
Schorns[eio„Wro.,judgment .............................
binge....................... ...............................
Schulz, II.........................................................
St. Plot van. talion Co., garbage cont rapt, release
Schurmeier, R. ..........................................
Scho dueler's Seventh street addition,
blm.•k ?,
.................... .
elninl ..... .. ..... .. ...
St. Paul Srlr„"I 1'u rnitue C'o., use streets for
alley grading ........................................
Sthunneter'. Seventh strut aaditimt,nlley
I7a, 17
grade 464
electric lieluiug,err•..................... ..................
St. P.'I 'rale lnsuranee.t Trust Co, ate...........
Scharmeb,N Seventh street addition,
Week 1,
St. Paul Title Insnrane, & Trust. Co., grade
streets. F:harr 0[orrison , rearntngement of
a lley npentag and grading ..................
I Schurmcier's Seventh street nil clition,
.. . 194
block 1,
part of )l aealrsler Park .................................
alley opening, etc. ......................................
P -M
k 2 aIle
Schurmeier & Evans' addition, bloc y
grade..................................355, Si 7, 391, 4u4, 416
Schurmeter & Evans' addition, block 2, alley
slolxa................................................414, 456, 464
Schutte, S., eetat e, petition ................................. 56
Schweitzer, Philip, promoted lieutenant of po-
it c e............................................................. 222
Scott, A. L., general manager. .......................355, 467
lett, A. L., superintendeur .............................. 444
Scott, L. N., market hall ................................... 430
Scott, L. N., market theatre rent, June, July and
August. _............. .
...........gfo r...aver ......are,..
Scudder avenue (across Langford avenue), cross- 139
Scudder avenue crosswalks ..........................191, 205
SesrlaPlace...................................................... 277
Second-hand deters, regulation of. .................... 482
Second Regiment Baal- 180
Second Regiment Baud, contract musts in
parks. .................... ....................................... 189
Second Regiment Ban J, open air concerts, pro-
posal........................................................... 87
Second Regiment Rand, Pnrk concerts, cont rapt 205
Second Regiment Band, park concerts ............... 198
Second street sprinkling .................................. 237
Second ward, tenth alst"et, elution places
established .............................................Ili, 118
Second ward, redistricting for order election purposes 26
Secretary of joint coninl sof s0.treet lighting tun- G5
Seeger, Robert, approve g
tract............................................................. 6.5
Seeger, Robert, bid lam pe .................................. 3
Seeger, Robert, contract ................................. 44
Seeger, Robert, gasolme street lighting, contract 61
Seeger, Robert, street IigLting, cont met ............. 22
Seeger, RoLerl, street lighting contract, approved 48
Seguin, F. ' perwisaton to construct sewer...... 50
Seibert, George .............................................. 87
Seibe., George, music in parka .......................... 180
Seibert: George, contract, park concerts ............. 1^-2
Seibert, Genre, music at park+, cronlract........... 189
Suter, lVro. F., et al,juJgment ....................342, 346
Setter, Wm. IF., payment ofijudgment................. 24
Seitz, Ernest ..................................................... 172
Selby avenue bridge, assessment ..................370, 297
Selby ¢venue bridge, amending final ordr......... 322
Selby avenue bridge. &50,Ono ............................... 312
Selby avenue bridge, bonds ................................ 354
Selby avenue brit ge,lontract........................... 59
Selby avenue Lridge, etc., Petition ...................... 320
Selby avevue bridge, and approaches 1.11011 C., 334
M. & St............................................. .
Selby .venae Lridge, across right of why of C.,
5I. k St. P. Ry. Cu. etc., contract ..................... 76
avenue cable I
Seib Selby venue (acres, SaoI i 6
ng avenue),two cress-
wnike............................................................ 100
Selby avenue, change of grade......................181, 190
Selby avenue, No. 486, election place, fourth
dtetrict, seventh ward ................................... 118
Selby avenue, No. 491, election place, fifth dis-
trict. seventh wnrJ....................................... 118
Selnv n.enua No.621, election place, sixth dis-
trfct, seventh ward ........................................ 118
Selby avenue gen I rtj, etc., contract ................... 76
Selby avenue gradi og and hrld ging .....-n 307
Selby n
aveoa grading, lntereet and penalty on
certain lots, money enter..
Selby and Western avenues, re alarm box........ 78
Selby aad Western avenues, southwest corner,
fire alarm be. ............................................... el
Selbyavenue Paving- ........•......32:t, 239, 272, 285
Selbyavenue paving, contract ............................ 295
Selby avenue, telephone pole ....................... 464
Selby avenue, telephone poles,St.Paul City By.
Co............................................................... 469 caulappointed, council chamber..... 32O
s fo
Sergeant-at-armr council meetings, salary
$.5 per night.......- ......................................... 322
Seventh street (East) catch -basin ....................... 40.5
Seventh street (East), change of grade .. ........... 251
Seventh street (East) grade., ...............................
Seventh street (Feet), penusaion to grade..........
Seventh street (Feet), Partial grading ................
Seventhstreet (East), No. 1IW election place,
Seventh evil )ousman streets, Pot ice patrol box
andtelephone ...............................................
seventh district, second ward .......................
Seventh street (Fes[) paslug ..............................
6eventh street (East) paving, contract, reiwburse-
Seventh street Improvninent,i ameot rrefund-
went, money lost ............................................
Seventh street (East) paring, contract, petition,
Seventh street (East) paving, contract ................
Seventh street (East) paving, Chas. Mattson's
established..... ..................... .................... ..
Seven corners and Ramsey street sewer, brick
assessment, vacation, Tarr% addition............
Seventh (Est) aad Bradley strects, permission
to raise building.. ................................. .........
Seventh street (Ei st) sewer, lowerinand reLuild-
ing............................................g 402, 456, 468,
Seventh street (Feet), widening, petition for......
Seventh street (East), widening ......... :...............
Seventh street (Wesq, No. 254, election place,
first district, fiffth ward ...................................
Seventh street ([Vest), No. 266, election place,
Sewere, contractor's license refunded ..................
third district, fifth ward.. . ...................
Seventh street (West), No. 388, election place,
fifth district, fifth ward .......... -i .............. -
Seventh street (Neat), No. 603, elution place,
Seventh tweet (R'esry, No. rz•2, mectton puce,
ninth dstreetL, fifth want.......................lac 118
Seventh tweet SVVest), No. 848, elution place,
eleventh eetnet, fifth ward.....elec.......... place, 116
Seventh street (West), No. 1019, election place,
twelfth district, fifth ward .............................. 118
Seventh street (West), No. 1146, election place,
thirteenth diatrtet, fifth word .....................•. 118
Seventh street (Nal)grade............163, 150, 312, 392
Seventh street (Neat) grading .......................193, 291
xretn arrear (West), pairng batween track...... 121
6eventhletrceH (Nest) par
n , In ad erroneously
sold, certificate, money order .......................... 82
Seventh street (West) improvement, refunding
order, N. Wilwer......................................199, 220
Seventh strut (West) redempttan lots Bold for
sidewalk., money ordinance .........................
Seventh street (VS'eet), widening. protest..........
Seventh street (Weil), widening, etc .............
Seventh and Locu,t streets, Police patrol box
and telephone ...........................................
Seventh evil )ousman streets, Pot ice patrol box
andtelephone ...............................................
Save rith er and telegrapholes
Seventh street Improvninent,i ameot rrefund-
Seventh street sewer, repairing............33, 41, 54,
114 ,� •.
Seventh street sidewalk .....................................
Seventh went redistricting, election purpose....
Seventh ward, eight districts, election Places
established..... ..................... .................... ..
Seven corners and Ramsey street sewer, brick
ItninR................................................... ........
Seven corners, Ramsey street, sewer between.....
Sewerage bond fund ..................... ..............40,
Sewerage fund, increasing bonds $150,000...........
Sewer and gas connections, Do-. tweet substa-
tion................................. .......................
Sewer connections, license redeemed ..................
Sewere, contractor's license refunded ..................
Sawer (ptdlc) conn actor., s16at naming........
Sewer (public) connection, school huilainge,
Snow & Miller's subdivision, block 99, Lyman
Dayton's addition .... ....................................
Hezlon,Edward, promoted sergeant of police.....
Sexton, promoted Policeman ..............................
Seymour, Frank A ............................ ...........
Se}•mour F. A., money warrant ........................
Shandorf, Adam,appointed dog catcher............
Shamed, C. K., sewer on Jessamine street...........
finer", c. o rima ............................................
Shea, wooden, etc., construction of, Lyman Day-
ton's addition ................................................
Sheds, for market purposes, purchase O1 land......
I'w,:n_ i n,rose Iw] Pnv
s. street erimi crosswalk..........,. 164
Sherburne aye nue fountvin................................ 2'8 S' ( R )
Sixth ward levee, ITorne h Danz Co„ nee of.... 2
Sherburne avnvue, Inwp Inst, sign changed........ 141 Sfiu, atrcet sewer......],, 76, t'x , 135, 138, til, 200, 44l
ti, v evber 51ent Co. hmcher license ir...for. 1x4
n g 6
Special co uwittees, ot'....Is ......................
Sixth ward levere, Kloes ➢[uniifacturing Co., use
Sherburne uveniie, paws of Ellen street changed Siuiel, 1'ravk... ................................................... 444
11 i Sinie 1, F'., butch¢[ license, fila. 9G, transfer......... 458
Spencer, Ida M.. Payment ofj.dgntent..............
Spencer, Mary, woyey order, p:rywent of judg-
of............................................................ ..
Sixth ward levee, F. J. Kloea 5fanufacLuring Co. 426
6Lerwav sl rest, sewer extevsiou .......................:ie7 Sinks, Nouh, market waster, nwvinated........... 209
head.. ............................................................ 91
Sprinkling District No. 3, award of contract,
bond. .......................................................... 91
Sixth ward Inver, land condemned..................... 3L.
levee, Lee lIofl............................ 4'17
Sherma. street and Smith evevue, elec[iov place, Sinks, Noah, rent of market side valks...............:t15
district, fifth ward , 118 Sixth st[cet bridge xbutrueu[............................ 34]
Sprinkling District No. 5, award of crontract,
Sixth ward .t
Sixth weN levee, use Portion of, Lee .l I1,117.469, 470
fourth ......................P."
Shemiov street sewer275, 263 Sixth street Lridge Loads................................... 92
Sixth ward levee, occupancy' of Ly Valley Iron
Shennav street, sewer and vacntiun....... ........... 4'? Six tlistazt bridge, S55,UW bunds...................... YS
issuflvee Loads fur el
ll'arks............................................. .............. 219
Sixth levee, rueonvev lands................... 10, 200
.... ul' .............
`I I I y i .. Sia[L street Lridge,
�,.,.....86, 114 Sixth street bridge contract, corpor¢thin attar-
Si,it, ward levee, restore[{ov 201
Shepley, Louis L., and, others, i
Ed. S. Deno litll73 ney n report................................... ................ 135
Sixth word oil sheds .............. ..........................
Sheri0, ................................59,
SLerin building (N o. 511 Hobert street), election Sixth street bridge substructure, bide received.... 115
Skating rink, Mississippi river.......................10, 459
place, tenth district, fourth ward ................... 118 Sixth street bridge substructure, advertising for
Skataug rink, 5lissinsippi rev r, Imuis Joh yang -,
4 4i
shirt., S., secretary National Educational A.- bid................................................................ 81
420 Sixth street bridge nubstructure, bid ............ 111
Sprinkling District No. 2, Conway street
eluded from order ........................................
Skating rink, Mississippi river, C. Ii. Par all
dation..................... ........ .....................
" C substructure, 1 of
Sherwood, Sutherland h Co., bid Slzth street j Siarh street bridge pProvu
. 327
46 2
bridge...................................................... 11i, 115 coverace...,,,......................,.,,..,.,................... 143
Sherwood, Sntherlavd h Co ............... ............... 427 Sixth street brid a subs[nicturn........................ 318
Sprinkling CvlLorve street .. . .................. I...........
Sprinkling Chicago a v ruse .............. ........
Sprinkling dlecontiuued, xaria at sane...... _.....�
Skating rink protest..................... ..................
Skating rink, Summit place end St. Anthony
Shields avenue aide end crass walk ......... ........ 126 Sixth street bri�ge, hands.............................. 7' 3
avenue........................... ........................
lots 8 13, block G,
Short street (across Maria avenue) crosswalk...... 120 1 Sixth street bridge superstructure ...310, 339, 354, 360,
Spri.kl ng District No. 2 ..................................
Sprinklng dPburbu.s, cerrecti........................
Skidmore .t Cnssidy's park, to
order................_ G6
Slmgard Edwl.............. ............. ....... ........... .. 336 38u, 448
interest and penalty, uwvey
house, 3. T. AiI.jilla. repealing
Sibley, I{e.ry H ..........................................160, 162 Sixth sl}set, change of grad.......................'29,
Siticy, Henry ft., 155 Sixth and Cedar streets, election place, fifth des-
6prinklmg District No. ,Earl street excluded
permit.......................................................... 365
Sibley street, cave In of hint[ ...................... 297 trict, fourth ward.......................................... 118
Swilh, Fredarick......................................._275, 296
detention of 246
Sibley street, constmc[iov, etc., conduits............ 121 Sixth attest, armory hall, election place, sixth
district, fourth ward 118
Smith, Frederick, claim, property..
Smith, Robert A., mayor............... ............ ... 8
Sibley else and Lyons court eerier, estimate.... 91 .................. .....
Sibley (east side), Smith park election Sixth and Kittaon streets, election Placa, third
Sprinkling Greenbrier evevue ...........................
Sprly kling Goodrich avenue .............................
Smith, Robert A., mayor, commuvicatto,, veto
heat district, third ward ....................... 118 district third ward................... .................... 118
St ey street puving.......................................... 292 Sixth an rJ Olive idrosis, election place, second
Smith, Robert A., certificate o[ indebtedness
Sibleyavd Tht rd st reeta,y asPerite pavemenle.356, 375 district, third ward ....................................... 118
Sixth [[ober[ fourth
(u W6), Dakota sufferers....... .........................
Swil{i, Robert A., savor, election uf.............1i 2, li3
Sidewalks, moewlivg rule No. 31.........., 115 and stmt¢, election phme,
Sldawaikn (,,went bloeks), award of contract, district, fourth want.........._..... _..........._..... 118
Sprinkling Midway avenue ..........................174,
Sprinkling M:.unt Ida it........................167,
81. th, Robert n, school, fire alarm bo: ............. 1^_I
bond.............................................................. 91 Sixth and 6t. Peter streets, electric and tele-
Siuith Siiean lV. etjudgwen[...................342-34G
and 95
Si dewalke (stone), award oC covtrnct, bead......... ]59 phone poles, removal ...................................... 484
Sprinkling District No. 1, Maple- venue
cluded from order ...... ..... ..............-
Smith Forbes avenues, catch Lasin..............
hange 'Lo6, RGA, 3^_'L, 31G
Sidewalks (stove or ,¢went), Iayl.R, covtrnct..... 78 Sixth street grade ............................................. 373
Leech's SixtL street, Private alley way, high fence......... 1 i
--- 192
Smith a....... of KKrade........
Smith evevue, No. 114 (Rnrteau blk), election
Sidewalk (stone) h- 6, 7, block 5, addi-
tion, annulling ass,semens ............................ 161 Sixth street olwatvg redemption of certificates
Sprinkllug See.od Areet................................
place, seventh district, fourth ward,...,..,.....,.., 11g
Shennav election
Sidewalk (wooden), ordinance, pavedstreetI...... 180 erronceusly Iee,ie�, money order ..................... fib
Sixth ion74
ave -
Suiith avenue and street,
fifth district, fifth word....................... 118
Sidereal walk. (wooden), award of contract, bund..... 91 street newer, recuystrucl ....................69,
be laid Sixth street sewer, reLu Being, etc., aw'aN of
Sul ith nvevue, sewer lcaticste ............................ 9l
Sidewalks (wooden), not to on Payed
.treets........................................................... 160 contrace......................................................... 114
Smith avenue. side and cross walks.........:......... 126
Oakdale avenue
Side track to, mill, laying oP............................... 139 Sixth street sewer, rebuilding and lowering....... 86
Sixth street ¢tepee......
Snitch and Cherokee avenues,
and Avvapolan etre.[, Police Patrol boxes
8ldney s[ reel, cliavge of Hrede .......................181,190 ................_..................127
Sadney 50 6iath street xtdetvalk.............................322, 376, 1
... ... ..... .. e, 81
and telephones........... .... ......., .... . ]
nireet grade ..........................................
Sidney stmt grading, award of rnvtrnc[, hood... 90 Sixth street, railroad tracks to cross .................. 3L'2
Sixth [rack,, Wiscovsa, Cev-
Smith park, east eitle SiLlcy street, election
fire[ district, third ward.,..,........,......... 118
Sidney street sidewalk..........- ........................... 349 and other .tresis,
Sidewalk, dawngges, ,,Ad Vierli.g................... 976 tent Co., crossiv�............................................ 333
Sixth Vieconsin Central Company's
6wl[h Park, electric light ................................ 142
Smith appointed........................ 142
Sign,eroetion of ............................................... 23 stmt, etc.,
Sign, cLenged lamp post, F.Ilen ¢tract Sherburne [reek right . . .. .......................................... 254
141 S(z[h stmt, Wiecov,i.Ce.tral Cumpnny, right
park, gardener
Snrlth h Taylor................................................ 365
Sm'th h Taylor, and others, peon I53
i .............
Signs, stmt(amps, Raters avenue..................IW, 142 to construct nod operate railroad tracks......... 29]
6m(thhTeylor'e subdivision,plot accepted....... 49
Bros. Cutler'¢ 426
Sign, perwlseiov to place ov bnildivg..............48, 49 Steib nvd SL Peter atmts, poles for opera house. 276
Smoke, douse, Noyes .F protest....
Smoke, 3S7
Sign, placing on building, veto of ordlnavice...... 41 Sixth street (East),ezcaretlonotareen,Mntropoli-
.............Rm .
Sagan for voting places ....................................... 141 tan Opera House Co................... 92
Snelling and Ashland avenues, election place,
Sigel'¢ addition, block 25, A. Gotzi.n'e rearr¢ngo- Sixth street, excavation of arena. Metropoli[nn
thlod diet eleventh ward .......................... 119
bridge..................337, :N7, 35i, 409
meal, alley grade............................................243 Opera 14ouee Co............................................. 91
veiling avenue
Capitol avenues, fou.,.I v 324
SIReI'e addition, Gotziav'e rearrangement, block Slzth stmt (h:aet) grading ...........................112, 133
25 alley srade................................................ 363 Sixth weN, clHze.s' petition to close ¢,two, on
polling and ... ..........
vellivg evevue crosswalk (on Dayton avevueeY. IOU
................. ........ ................... 5G�
Sige)', addition, lot 30, block 7, Gotziav'e rear- Sabbath .............................................
uelli.g evevue (on Selby avenue), c
r�.... 100
re gement, grading or filling ........................ 309 Saath ward, Concord street, em[lon of bulldi.g 79
Sixth ward division of election 105
} �
walks............................................... .....
vellivg avenue electrin live completion of........ 409
Bigel'e addition, block 3, Gotziav'e rearrang6- purpose...........
water 282 Sixth ward, thirteen distracts, startle, Places
nailing nvevue line, ¢:tens{o. of time........33], 34i
meet, emgnavt ......................................
Bim Creek h Morris Coal Co„ erect coal establi,had.................................................... I18
vellivg and Grand av -va. fire alarm lwx....... 303
.beds..................................................202, 214, 218 Sixth ward, rediatrictivg, electtov PurPoaee........ 28
Silver Creek h \[orris Corel Co., erect omce Slxlh wood, fire Gistern, co. tract. ...................... 6
.siting avenue onenf.g and grading. Petition...
,citing avenbe oPe.inR and gradi.R......... �.--- 152
................ .
building and shod .......................................... 254 Sixlh ward, tare ci.ter................... .. IS
petit. avenue, old reserve [own house, elec-
tion ace, fourth district, eleventh word......... 119
6imcoe atrcetgrad¢.........................359, 373, 381, 385 Sloth nerd levee, American Dtnfg. Co., to grade
Porto. and ere,t buildi.g Chemo.............. .. 161
yelling..... Isewar....................................... 18
.Simmers,Karl ..............._............... .. .172
Simpson ...... (ac ,Mi,nehaha.tmt;,crosa- Sixtb wood levee, America, Mnfg. Co., privl-
eider, Samuel P ............ ..... ... .... ......... .
walk. .. ........................................... ...... I08 le es.............................................................. 185
Simpeoo evevue grade.....................314, 404, 468, 4& Slzt� ward tensa, American Dinfg, Co., grade
� vow h 5[iller'e subdivinton block 9Y, L➢mxn
.Dayton's 19
h 1ltiller's aubdivi sten block 99, Lyman
Simpson avenue grading............151, 22A, 246, 263, 290 portion nvd erect buildingo.-...v ee....r........ 180
Sampson to Univer- Sixth weN levee, grade ..................................... 4"
Da➢to.'. addition, school buildings, sewerco.-
mic grgdi.g,
si[y avenue ............... 151 Sixth wird levee. grade adopted...............-.......... 119
.................................. .
275, 285 Sixth ward levee, 153
''n-..................._ ]A
vow, removal from street crosainga, etc.............. 36
Simpson avenue opening, etc..................2", grading..............................89,
Sims, Weide, Arcade end York streets, alley Sla[h ward, stmt or levee iv, greding............85, ]03
mars, W. A., engineer board of water commis-
boundedby,gradeSixth ward levee,ele.,grading,awallof contract 159
a toners...........................................................252
Sim. and A -de etrcc-dmu,gas.................... X23 Sixth w.N levee and ,t,r street R,radmg........ 137
merset and Olive streets, Police patrol box and
Sams xnd Arcade sl reels, einmagex, Property..252, 30_0 Sixth ward levee, John Grant, and Thos.
Sims street sewer, contract ................................. 232 on......................................................223,'133, 253
nth Dakota au Rerere, way.r', cosmn.leation. e]
South street, changed to Ivy street...................
ti, v evber 51ent Co. hmcher license ir...for. 1x4
n g 6
Special co uwittees, ot'....Is ......................
se .1police duty. George C. Alley ..................
Special police duty, Henry G. Reichuw..............
Spencer, Ida M.. Payment ofj.dgntent..............
Spencer, Mary, woyey order, p:rywent of judg-
iuerel........................................................... 93
Spicer, Grant (:. ................................................ 17_
Sprinkling llietrici Nc. ".and of contract,
head.. ............................................................ 91
Sprinkling District No. 3, award of contract,
bond. .......................................................... 91
Sprinkling District No. 4, award of co.tnmt,
ond...... .. ................ .. ........
Sprinkling District No. 5, award of crontract,
bond. ...........................
Sprivklang District No. 6, award of contract,
Sprinkling District No. i, award of contract.....
Sprinkling District No. B,award of contract,bond
Sprinkling District No. 9, awarding contracts,
Sprinkling llistrict No. 10, award of contract,
................................................... ..........
Sprinkling A -del street .................................
Sprinkling Arundel street, discontinued...........
Sprinkling Arkwright
Sprinkling Bnntil streestreet, ..................... ........
t............. .......................
Sprinkling Broadway street ................... ..........
Sprinkling Coveord atrcet................................
Sprinkling District No. 2, Conway street
eluded from order ........................................
Sprinkling Con,ord street ............... ...............
. 327
Sprtvklivg contractors ewploy more teaws.,.202,
Spri nkltng Ci Ioban street ..................................
Sprinkling CvlLorve street .. . .................. I...........
Sprinkling Chicago a v ruse .............. ........
Sprinkling dlecontiuued, xaria at sane...... _.....�
.. 192
SVrinkllug diacontivued, Arn ,del street .............
Sprinkling duce. tin ued, 5ltdw,y avenue.....223,
Sprl,kl mg, diacuntin ued, Hast tags evevue..........
Sprinkling Distract No, 1 ...................................
Sprinkling Dlatnct No. 3, 18W ............................
Spri.kl ng District No. 2 ..................................
Sprinklng dPburbu.s, cerrecti........................
.... 118
Sprinkling districts Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5,6,3, 9.........124,
SPrinkli.g Dako[s avenue ..................................
Sprfvklivg Duke atrcet......................................
Sprinkling I:dgertov street .........................
.... 167
6prinklmg District No. ,Earl street excluded
S,rmklang Earl stmt ......................................
Sprinkling Elggh lh street ....................................
Sprinkling FIII
v r ... ............................
Sprinkling Gartleld evevue...........
Sprinkling Greenbrier evevue ...........................
Sprly kling Goodrich avenue .............................
6Prinkling Goodhue street ................................
Sprivklang Grove street ....................................
Sprtvklivg Harrison ¢venue ..... ........................
Spranklivg Hmtiml avenue .........................166,
Spriyklivg ppr test Hastings nvevue........ .........
Sprtvklivg avenue ................................
Sprinkling KI,_ street ................................_
SPrivkling Lookout nixes ...........:....................
Sprinkling Marshall avenue .............................
Sprinkling Midway avenue ..........................174,
Sprinkling M:.unt Ida it........................167,
Spri.kl logMeld treat ................................
Sprinkling 11 Jan. n ...........................]G7
Sprivklang Protest, Macliignn ktxe¢6.................
Sprinkling District No. 1, Maple- venue
cluded from order ...... ..... ..............-
ex -
SprinklingNinth street ........................ :.
Sprinkling Olivc etre¢L....................................
--- 192
Sprinkling Prescott street .................................
Sprivkl in, R-lu,l ateeat..................................
Sprinkllug See.od Areet................................
.. 237
Sprinkling mc friar grow ads, streets end
..I., vicinity of........... ....................... .........
ave -
xlviii INDEX.
Sprinkling St. Albans street
i Peca.
Sprinkling Sf. Clair street ..............................
street grading ................. ............. , 467 424
StiCkvey street stupes...........................46'1, 4Gi, 476
Sprinkling street .........................
Sprinkling Viola et rest .................... ...........I..
... 197
61 erle, Elise and others, petition................... 17, 135
Stierle, Elise, Rogers, E. H., stat..................... . 246
Sprinkling Neslern crenae ..........................192,
; 307
Stillwater avenue and Flandrau street, police
Sprinkling WesDufns[er'IreeL ..........................
Patrol box and LelePhone.... ..................... ..... 31
SpninkBug W[Iliasm street ................................
Sprinkling Fast R'l rifted street ........................
Strneon, Brown & Hamsey's addition, block 30... 117
S[icaon, Brown& Ramsey', addition, lots 7 to 12 82
Sprinkling York street_...............................167,
Spur track, Fauquier street .........................160,
6tineon, Brown & Ramsey'. addition, lo[ 6, block
14, steam heatinpleat..............................160, 180
Squires, Geo. C., and others, petition .................
Stinson', divieio.g, H. M. Ranney'e subdivision,
Stable, lot e, block 4, %itt'on'e addition,
I alley, chat&e of grIlike ................. 177
tion, elc.,of prohibited..............................93,105
Stinson'a divraion, block S, Michele euWivielo.,
Stehle (frames, l"etio, of ................................ 160
Stable (frame), erection, University avenue and
block 2, alley grade........................................ 262
Sti.son's division, B. Nuchal', subdivision, alley
Stables, livery, erection of..............................
Stagnant water, ai ley grading, block 25, Arliug-
Stull', division, H. M. Ranney's eubdirisiov,
alley grade ..................... .. 384, 387, 448
.............. .
ton Hills ........................................................
Stineon's eulxiivision, block 3, 6ticson, Brown
Stagnant water nuisance, alley gradiug in
3 bun nded byEVeide, Arcade, York slid
Itamsey's addi[Inn.......................................... 160
Still- 'esubdivision,block 3, St[nson, Brown
IGrmsey's addition, quarrying across a11eT .161, 162
t` Stagnate water, filling up Iota and streets..........
Stineon's eublivisiov, block 103, Lyman Day-
? Stagnant water, lot 30, block 7, Gotaian's
ton's addition, alley tradek ........................ 258
2 r%gement of Sigel's addition ..........................309
Stins,n's subdivision, block 96, L. Dayton's ad-
{Stag water, lots 15, 10 and 17, block 39, St,
( Anthony Park..........................................Y02, 2201
ditiou, alley grads .......................................... 346
Stinson street grade. .................. ...........389, 416, 484
rt Stagnant waren,upperlevee❑a.s............2G7,271,
Stinson street sidewalks............................:..140, 192
Stairways and other obstructions ......................
Stockton & Lindquist.....:................................. 91
} 6lairwa-as, obstruction, city engineer's repot.. 48
Stairways, rebuilding, alley, Bazid. &Roberta'
Chu 11 .................................. 9,7G, 88, 135, 427
Stone, Charles, bid Sixth street bridge..........,111, i15
Slone, C.estimate, wooden arch bridge Mee-
,; Standard Oil Co..............................................61,
Standing committees, common council ...............
data road..................................................... 57
6tone,Chas., Hemline avenue bridge ......421, 467, 475
$ Stanek & C. ....................................... ...288,
Sinaloa, Arthur, bail forfeited for Nellie Goven.
. 321
Stone,Chaa.,3fisdicdppistreet bridge, contract.467,472
Stone, C. R. assistant building inspector............ 464
Start,., Arthur, tine refunded m u n i c
i pa 1
Stone crusher, James Forrestal .......................... 180
n: court.......................................................216,
+ Scanlon, Arthur, petition ..................................
Stone crusher, sole of........................................ 156
Stone or cement sidewalks, laying, contract....... 78
Star, Charles M., refunding order ..................
158, 165
Smrage buildings, perwiasion Lo erect storage
6tariba, John, warrant ...................................375'
buildings,%avanaugh rulditfon..................... 72
Starkey, Albert H ..............................................
Stout, J. C..................................................417,445
Starkey, A. R., contract, substructure Broadway
Stoves, Bale of, Duces street e,,b station ............. 408
,t4, bridge ............................. ...... ........................
Streele, a11eTs, etc., action for recovery of........... 460
Albert R., bid Sixth street bridge........
Street and bridge Purposes condemning ease-
tarkey;AlbertIt,nd ¢antherSizth street
rontract135 !
mens across rightofway of C., MSt. P. Rybridgo
.................. ...........................
tarkey, A. It., et al.,contract ...........................
Co.............................................. 103
Strt-ets,sewers and bridge;,commit[-appointed 209
tarkey, James, claim ...... .............................. 41
.� State encampment, G. A. R., free ase of market
Sl rests, filling up, stagnant water...................... 284
Street force, ei ht hair dav, ma
g - 'Sot's comwuni-
_ Stcto far, band stand, Finch, Van SI ck &
cation and resolution........... 417
Street force, eight hours day, A11. McNamee'.
taenialion. Ill/ rents...................................... 400
State fair, committee appointed .............
State fair gr,nnds, policemen appointed............
Street force, eig�rt hour law, acting mayor's
communication .............................................. 335
Since fair, illumination, 1889.
.3, 30
Street force eight hours day, Alderman Sulli-
State fair, lila min et ion, money order. .................
State fair, Third and otheratreets, illumination.
van's resolution ............................................. 365
Strmtn.dsewer forces,citycompLroller'scom-
State street, ehnnge of grade .......................... 145
St¢le olid Dearborn street., electioa place, eighth
mn.1-tion on Alderman Me amee's resolu-
Lion, eight hour day........................................316
district, sixth ward ......... ..............................
118 ,Street
and sewer force pay rolls........................ 389
6tetionleret books and ldl old rob oss walks ........................
Street and sewer force, eight, hours day's labor,
T 1 Printing .....................
Stationery, etc.,proposal....................................
city comptroller'. communication.................. 838
Street or levee, certain land tor.. 84, 104
Steam heal or sterna power ...........................298,
Street or levee In sixth ward, grading................ 85
Steam heating andelectric light conduit, Robert
Street or levee, sizlh ward, grading ...............89, 103
etre et ...... ................ .............................464, 469
Steam healing plant, lot 6, block 14, 6tineon,
Street lighting, band...........:......---.................... 44 e
Street lighting, electr(eity,ale........................... 32
Brown & RamseT'e addition .........................
Street lighting (6asolire) bids........................... 2R
Steam heating plant, P.rcbase of IaL.................
Street lighting (gasoline) contract.............44, 48, 61
Steam fire engine test .....................................
Street lighting co.tracL (gnoline), approval of... 65
Stem regulation, court Imus. ......................:270,276,
Street opening, sectio.. 2, 11,114 and 23, tow.28,
Steps, York to Bradley streets ........................
_ Stephen, Arthur, Jr .................... ..................90,
range 22................. .. ..... .. 197
e ..Me .
Streets designated, St. Paul & Minneapolis Dtes-
6renger, Gen. W ................................................
.anger and Telephone Co................................. 220
Stevens street crosswalk ..................... ..
Street railway lines........................................... 400
' avenue 1, all........ ..... 409
Street railway lines, St. P. City By. Co., accept -
ride A., warrant,......
henberg A.,warrant........... ...................375
sore ofnrdinnnee No. 1227, approved.............. 13
Street railway, F LidIstreet.............................160
lion.._ .................... _.................. I............
Stickney street grade.. ............. .... 101, 242,
... 303
373, 448
'Street railway Imes, extension of Ime, c,mple-
tion of. ..................... .................. .................. 449
Street railway lines, loop., .... .................... .
oop........................... i , 181
Street railway lines, protest against extension
oftime ......................................................... 444
Street railway tracks, completion of .................. 444
Street sprinkling contractors to employ more
teams.......................................................202, 220
Street sprinkling, vicinity stale fair ground's...... 278
Streets (paved), wooden eldewalks not to be laid
o......P........................................................... 160
Stryker avenue, construction of sewer, award of
contract, bond ............................................... 91
Stryker avenue sewer. ..................................... 350
Sturgis street std. and cross walks ..................... 139
Sturgis street e(dewillks.................................... 191
Stutz, Nincevx,j udgaevt............. .................... 428
Suburban avenue oPevieg, etc., Mound street
to east city limits ................ ...................." ' 7,8
Suburban avenue opening, etc.:: ................... 178, 201
Suburbnv avevue opening, ate., final orders par-
tially annulled ............................................... G7
Suburban hills, alley Rradfng.....195, 253, 290,:114, 426
Suburban hills addition, block 33, certificate of
sale, redemption ............................................. 235
Suburban hills, blocks 32 and 33, grnding DIc-
Lean ¢venue, through .......................... .
Suburban hills, St. Paul, McLean avenue grad-
-Ing ....................................... ........................ 136
Sutleren, Lake Gervais cyclone....................236, 237
Softeners in South Dakota, mayor's mullounica-.
immit avenue boulevard, sewer ....................... 160
mit avenue boulevard, concerts, contract..... 115
rami[ avenue and Ramsey etre..., Carpenter
park, ............................................................. .
aitarenneand Ramsey strest,election place,
aecoud district, seventh ward .....w ......... b. .. 118
mit and Macalester ave... fire alarm box 187
rmmit avenue grade. ........ ......... .............. ..... 206
lmmft avenue and other streets sower, award
of contractcor ..................................................... 138
immit avenue se....229
wer.............................., 485
rmmit avenue sidewalk .......... 197, 288, 306, 366, 435
immit ¢venue terrace, Pints .......................... 1 302
emit (South) are ue grade.....186, lA7 198 273, 286
n n
mrmit court, purchase of land in, public park.. 105
emit place, opening, etc......... live ..--.....kung 32'J
rmmit place and St.Anthonystatue skating
..............A64, 482
omit park, black 5, alley grade.... all. ..... ode 414
immit park addition, block 15, alley grade
373, 409
immit park addition, block 16, alley grade
377, 422, 436
immit park addition, block 26, alley Rrnde
.f3, 258, 481
lmmit perk addition, certificates of sale, o-
open air concerts, proposal...........
co carte, contract .......:................
electric light ................................
gardener appointed ...................... 142
i ............. 160.161, 162 l
it police patrol telegrapL, purchase
�tpolice patrol, operator. ..............
d police telegraph, annual
re rt,
i of by claynr ..............................
lock 30, St. A.thony Park,
use of.. 375
n. J ............................................
T„ and others, petition ..................
arles nding ordinanceJ., refu........
bay window .................................
.......................................287, 320, 364
,thy, contract ..............................
thy..............................91, 367, 425, 481
,thy, .& Co., surplus rt., ..............
- PArn.
Sweeney, Timothy, Mississippi street grading,
contract awarded to ...................................... 76
Sweeney',, (Timothy), modification of contract
grading Langford park ................
Sweet, I:liznbelli...... _ ............................287, 364, 321
Sweet, P•.lizabeth, damages, personal injuries,
aPpropriaLion of money ............................... 64
Sweet, Elizabeth, personal injuries, money ordi-
nance......................................... ......... :........ 61
Sweet, George A., drow,I,g..................297, 321, 364
SwiH's ubdivieion lots to, ll, Sn11W &'s
outlots, lot 13, temporary sewer, constru tion
of.................................................................. 93
Sycamore and Jackson streets, election place,
clothdistrict cloth ward ............................. 119
Sycamore cad .tackson streets, fire alarm boxes
10, 21, 31
Sycamore street (across Sylvan street) crosswalk. 120
Sy "ore strtreL, defective sidewalk, ILlnrgaret
Coy..................................................287, 398, 401
Sycamore street, defective sidewalk .................... 821
sycamore street grade ....................................... 404
Sydney street, change of grade.......................34, 90
Sydney street sidewalk...........................299,401, 435
Sydney street slopes .......................................... I. Sylvan street, chango of grade .......................207, 480
Sylvan street (on Sycamore) crosswalk ............... 120
Sylvanstreet improvewenl................................ 120
Sylvan street aidewalk.................................120, 411
Symonds h Nilson, order favor ot...................... 188
Syndicate 111111111 91111 ................................355, 377
Sy ndicall urenue, new came........................202, 218
Syndic ate avenue, opening, etc .......................... 855
T rail, permission to use S. P. CUy By. Co........ 72
T rail tracks, hyla¢ of, {.. St. P. R. R. On........... 81
T roti, St. Pant City Railway Co ......................... lab
T rails, use of on University avenue ................ 92
'I' rail, use of on University avenue .............. 105, 107
Teinter avenue, part of, vacation................79, 82, 83
Tallmadge, A. K . ............................................. 136
Tallmadge, A. S., secretary ............................... 388
Tallwadge A.S.,secretary chamberof commerce,
communication ........................................ 9
Tallmadge, A. S., secretary chamber of com-
nrcrrener,................................... Ainated.oast...............88, 174
Tanner, W. A., nominated for constable ............. 110
Tanner, Willi.. o enin....cle ............................... 172
Tatum avevue opening, etc.......nsion................ 328
um avevue opening
eatension............... 42.5
Taxes, committee npPointed .............................. 209
Tax levy estimate..................................383, 393, 408
Tax levy estimate, 1891,Included in,
purchase of lot .............................................. 81
T- levy estimate, 1890,ete,S25,000 included 1... 79
Taxes 1888 refunded, lots 8 to 30, block 3, Whit-
hit -
¢ y & Smith's addition ................................... 82
Taylor, 1: %. and others, petition ...................... 134
Taylor, H. % ..................................................... 180
Taylor, Samuel S., warrant favor of .................... 183
Tay]onCraig Corporation, city hospital .............. 289
Taylor -Craig Corporation, city hospital, ward,
butlding contract ........................................... 303
Taylor -Craig forporation, contract, kitchen, etc.,
city hosppital................................................... 341
Te .ler, FYed, policeman, resigned ..................... 287
Te�egraphpoles, Fourth and Minamota streets... 449
Telegraph and
telephone wires, right to con-
att7uct.......................................................... Iso
Telegrapphand telephone wire', erection, etc., St,
Paul do Idinneapol!a Telepho.e Co .................. 139
Telegraph poles, removal of, alley on Tenth
street.................................................... Sixth .. 460
Telephone Poles, removal of, 6t. Peter a... Sixth
street. ............role ................... St.
Telephone d telegraph Ire.., SG Paul and
MimeapoHe Messenger, Telegraph &Telephone
.r.i.g......................c- 185
Telephone and telegraph, right to construct
wires............................................................ 180
3dviii INDE.X. 0 INDEX. Mlix
Sprinkling St. Albans street .............................
grading.................................... 224
Sprinkling stC]a net
street ...................... 117� I
ng Victoria
a ::41.2.
St!erie, I and It era, tition .......... ... 135
le, Elise, Rogers, E. ff., �246
Sprinkling ; Viol stract......
,I '::='.
ri �k ling Waal-
91 307
1 Stieretc...........................
1 Stillwater avenue and Flandr.0 street, police
Sprinkling Wes at. res t
1 sire box an telephone............................... 3 1
rinkli,g Williams street
Brownaddition, block ll.
fit 117
8 1ri.t :�York .tWinifred
Sthia..: I R..Iydlitio.: Tots ,toj;8
Rmasy'..dd thin1., 6, block
Spar true, Fmiquier street .........
::.1:160, 161
14, steam c.I,'Is...... .....................$0
Stirami's division, H. Id. faunt's subdivision,
1b c: let S ak , , ts.addition,
11�y, change of trade .................................... 177
tion, etc., prohibited...... ....2,
Stehle erection of........... ..............
.. 161
Stindivision, luck 5. Michel'. s.bdi,i.hin,
block 2,.ygrxd........................ .. ............. 262
I bfrom erection, University vou"I'd
Sti, odjvision, B. 31jchel'a subdi,Woa alley
Grotto ----.................
F'ning....................................... .... 426
It livcry, c1mmof ...... 219
Stagnant or, alley grading, block 25, Ar!I'-
St.....s division, H. M. Rimmy'. imbdi,"mn:$,ago.
........................................884,'8 418
ton ah, .............. .............''
Stagnant water nuisance, alley gr.di.jbn
.. .252
Ittnsey's addition..........................................160
bounded by Voids, Arcade, York and Sims
I Stinson's subdivision, block 3, Stinson,Brown
streets ....................................... ' " *
... t water, filling up lots ad streets..........
::::::::: 2111
R,,,,,', iallill ...... rryi.g . Rltey..161. 162
Stirs 'I . is an, block 111. Lyman Day-
Stag water, lot 30, block 7,GoWim
I ..?,,i.ddit=v.,j.y ,ad, ............................. 258
of addition ...........................309
di -
1 Sit...... -bilivisio., lack 96, L. Dayton's ad-
SI.,g .. I water, Iota 15,16 a 17, block
A.,I..y P rk ..................... .............
202, 220
dikes, .11cy grace .......................................... 346
Saim seet grud............ 38 9 416 , 484
Stinson e. .... ..........,
S,,g..itwater, upperIt- flats......... -.267,271, 275
'Iw.lka .............................. 140, IV1h
tnon street
St.'r wIY8and .,her bstravlkms ................
-r ,ti`'acity engineer's r le
�1lharlc................................9, 76,88,135, 427
Sa rebuilding, alley, B F!bclt-:
addition ...... .......................... t
Io ---M,115
Stone, C.,estimate,wooden relbridge Men-
rd Oil C. .................... ...
committees, common council .............
61, GI
d.t. road............................ 57
Sto,,Cbw., H,adb- avenue b,f4�::.:::tfi-'I'kC...........
Stanton,r her bail 11, is
.4.. 18
SnC1 'Mississippi street bridge, contra,t467,472
Stone,C. Itassistant building 1mipoet-............ 464
F,an'. Arthur, rcf..ddai-elp.1 I Stone crasher, James Forrestal 1,,
court ................................................ .-.21a, 219 1 It- crusher, ;,of................ 56
.Stanton, Arthur, petition ..-........................
Star, Charles ord r ..........
18 Stan, 11 cement sidewalks, laying, -at...t78
158, 115 SI.r.,c buildings, permission'rect'go
Sarib.''-`n, ran, ...............375bufldhg.,T.
Starkey, Albert .......... ............ 143 It,,,, ::::.:::::117,411
Starkey, A. R., contract, substructure BroadwayScores, in on 408
bridge ..... .................. -- ......
..... 39
Strccbs de a or recovery
Albert It., bid Sixth bridge........
Starkey, It
I I-
Sir -cot �rldg�' put"po-se 8 c.a`d`mrmd`.'
h S.
Starkey Albert It, an another, Sixth
contract . .........
across �:nl or? right of way of It,
. .. .... ......... . .... ........ .... ............. I oa
rkey , al., contract.
Streets, -on and bridges,normal tee appointed 209
Starkey, A 2sechdat ...... .........................
.... 41
Ive, 'fli go P, stagnant -tent 284
, te,enca"Iment, G. A. R., free use of market
hour day, mayor'scommuni . -
, ial ....... ...........
Stain fair, ban�stiaml,Fi ne'h'
cation and naolit tion ........................ ........... 417
Street force, d, Id a It I 1
claim. ................... ..................... ...............
::, 426
'ti at a ...... .. : . . . . 400
, , led
State fair, ""t!ePolicemen'!
'State late grounds appoints
322, 111
2, 8
cis w,
..... .... ....... hour 11 tatitig..mayor's3M
in nica u.. .-
State fair, illoadmill-, 1889
23 30
Street force, eight hour, day, Alderman SuIll-
I a fair, ilh:
112 1
van's resmi . . ............................................ 365
Staler, 3M I
fiar_ of gr.a.dei-74. 5
"Ve 1, change
Street sever forces, city comptroller's com.
iona, Aldermen McNamee',I r,
StateandDearl, ntr-1"ce't;. eighth
district, sixth ward....... . ... I ....................
:4 1mau'da
tion, day.................................. at 6
Streetr'" .. 389
State troct, aid, and or...1.1k.................
St.t...y: book.andj.b printing.....................
ad sewer Grace, , n day ].bar,
,it comptroller's "mm"hiton MS
Stationery, cle.,proposal.................. ...........
Steam beat or tem, ............ ....
298, 322
Street orcondemning Id land for.. 104
r. 1 9 . . . .......... 8.5
Street or grading................
Steam ami.c."tric
heating 46 1
street........... ....... ... 9
cal or IsTes 11 ,,it, grad 9 103
Sr e 1 44
t t lighting: jo�Ia
S -,,, h��ting plant, bit 6, black 14, Sti-s-i.,
Street, electricity, cc ................. .......... 32 ✓
.raw. fzu-y'� addition ........................
Sba.- beat, ng p h, It, P11111as, It lot- .... ..........
'I g (gasoline) �id... ................... ...... 22
S-11 lighting (gasoline)contract............ 44, 48, 61
Steam fire engine test ............... .. .........
St'eM�s, raga�g
ti.o. rt II -1.......................2]0,14
Strect lighting em,ir-I (gasoline), approval of 65
11 o n 28,
a.. -, and 23
Ste B
St. th W, ............. ..... ......
.147 a.' ......... ... .......... .... 197
91 St -b, designated.''
I gr, 'co.
St. 'eas (. ................................. ..............
to street cr--lk ......... ....... ........ ..........
421 1 -ig- and Telephone
4-21 .1 rest railway lines..................................... 4'Wo
Sle-1 ",cote imdifl.a, block 1, 11c, grade.....
tretch b:,
an A., v, or_a,
4%a Si-,,.v line, 81. P. City Ry. Co., accept-
f-dhmo- 1.. In7, "p -ed 13
St-wheml,erg, Arth.rrtificiii-f-le
Street nij-.;, Eivb1h -1 , . no
,ton......................................................... , Sir- a i hill, --i- of
Stii,k-, street grade .......................101,4,4,8 tion of.. ........................... ............... - 449
Street railway Ifirms, loop ................................. IS
Street railway lines, protest against extension
of time
dj� ...................... ... .... - ............. .......... 444
Street railway track, completion of ................. 444
Street sprinkling contractors to employ more
t . . I .................................. 111! 121
Street sprinkling, vicinitf, state fail gromla�'
Streets (payed), wooden a dewalks not to be laid
................ ............................................ 160
Stryker avenue,I construction of sewer, award of
contract, bon ............................................... 91
Stryker avenue sewerSturgis Street aide and ..................
Sturgis street sidewalks..........S,.NJficX"'
Suburban are o Ilm�� etc., Mound street
to east city limits ........................................... 7,8
Suburban avenue Opening, etc......................178, r. 201
Suburbanavenue 1" 11 0 n par-
annulled ............ 1. 67
811-111 hills, alley grId�,
Saimrim..11s addition,
certificate of
..],, -dem If I . ............................................. 2.35
Suburban hills,blocks 32 and 33, grading Mc-
Leanthrough .................................... 153
Suburban hills, St. Pon], McLean verim grad-
-;:.... ................................ 116
S.,tec., ft�a 'r'ac10as. - -.286, 287
S,flenn in MLL Dakota,
tio................................................................ 17
6" rapo 't 0 .'a.
u, Do k.1. i'fl '-if.. I f- 172, 1
lic I, n an'
Sullies., D Id. adderactin --
I Mv..,Jsimu1.h, -funding 625
avenue boulevard, sewer ............ 160
Summit ar,ame bimle-rd, contract 115
Surmai avenue and R.
street, Cortical -
park.................................. . * 47
Sam -, lRamsey
` -t'c -cc'
=h y street,......
t �d ......... . l' 118
.=%Idtsir�a end
Summit and Maralester avenues, fire alarm box 187
11"ItnitgrId .................. .............. ..... 206
Summit avenue
and other street, sewer, award
of Contract........ ............................ IN
Summit avenue sewer ....................... 4M
Summit avenue sidewalk .......... 197,288,306,366, 415
S:;111!t avenue I I%Ptal
a ...................
........ 302
lll117 ll1173,21l
chase of I n,.bilip.rk.. It,
Summit pi.,: .iI 'h, ................................. 329
Summit place and St. Anthony avenue skating
rick .........................................................464, 464, 482
Summit park, block 5, aIle}' grade ..................... 414
Summit park addition, Jeck 15, alley grade
Summit park addition, dock 16, Ile 373, 387, 409
M- 4M [M
Summit park addition, block 26, alley 4-d�'
163,258, 481
Summit park addition, certificates of sale,-
do10. .................................... . ................ 235
Summit 1111: , , air
proposal........._ 87
Sampk'Mr., contract IIS
Summit park, .1 e
light ............ 142
Inumnit park Vcne,appointed............_........ 142
Sandstrom, John
Sup.ri.tmideMpolle.p.triA to grap
'applies ......................................................... 2In
, cop
,atorl.,..o..p. -a..t...............e..........
. 219098
Saprtoart ponce
Igaph,anuual r!rt:
S. IT cdiob k N,St Anthony P.rk,..o.f. 35
J ...................................... =3
Suthmeler, C -L, aad other ,
'p,,titio ................... IM
3uthmeler, Charles J., 16
Window ................................. 298
_w .......................................-87, 320, 964
Sweeney, Timothy
Mississippi ippi .tr..t.grading,
contract awards to .................. ..
8voon '., (Tigetby,"'th.ofc..'r�
9d'.lerdI�v ............................ 482
Sweet, Mx...............................::..287, 364, 321
Sweet, 01-1,Ih damage.,�iInjuries,
.ppr,ati..jfrom., ..............
Sweet, Elisabeth, persomil injuries, money rdi-
Sweece ...
............. 61
11u;,,Aj,drowrl, 364
S ,ftIn,,,�bea
outlets, lot 13, temporary sewer, emistral-thm
of......... .. ..................................................... 93
.kaon '[recta,
.f.lh disrfti.t,wm-d
Sycamore ander
streets, fire alarm boxeg
--'s "' "
Sycamore street (across `7d-�trles�crosswalk. I 20
Sycamore street, defectliveylval ewalk, Margaret
Cody ..................................................287, 398, 401
Sycamore street, defectivesidewal it.. ............ 321
0- "' ,.......................................
S;2.T, street' ctlgrade404
of grace ................. ii....3,1 90
Sydney street sidewalk . .....
2 9,401, 435
Sydney street slopes.. 103
Sylvan atrect, If grateM
Sylvan street (.' I ' 'or' rose 120
Syl-,drcat iujiry=oV ............................... 120
Sylvan street at ewalk .................................1^-0, 411
Sytoond-t Nikim,ordcr favor188
Syndicate, 377
Syndicate Syndicate ,e,,,, opening, enmt tc
2022, 218
L ........................ 355
T rail, peon !,,io, to use St. p ply R
I1cks,I.,i.Xof, T.St. R. R. I
T -fl, St. Paul CI Railway Co ......................... 1,,5
T rails,,, of,, IV, iveralty avenue ................. 92
'f rail, use of,, University ,a " us ...............t05,
mer avenue,
part of, .1. 107
T 9,82, 93
. ............ .............. . .. ...... M6
T. .... ..
.............. 388
T.11:,,adg11-8,,smtarychamberof commerce,
to,in . . , ft
cation......................... ........ ... 9
T.Il..dgc, A. S., scon-y chamber �j' -.-
merce .........................................................88, 174
Tanner, W. A., nominated forconstable. .. ...... 110
Tourist, William E ............................................ 172
Tahmior no p,"!,,, ctr-��,.� ........................ 328
.I opening
and nsiort. ......... ... 425
Taxes, conamittts, appointed .............................. 209
Tax 1_7 estimate..................................383, 3�93, 408
To, levy estimate,
1891. -25,,uc(in,
p"r`b-' If 'a' .........
* * * . ........... .... 81
Tox levy tm-1d1890,ctc.,$25,000 Included 79
Taxes 1889 refunded, lots 8 to 10, block 3, What -
"y& Smith's addition................................... 82
Taylor, H. K. and othen, petition ...................... 134
.......... ..................... IN
T.ylfavor of .................... I"
Taylor -Craig C ra
otti!1,, h-o'.1p'l LI, 289
e. ........................ word,
Taylor -Craig
ho 341
T c ej
_er, Fred policeman, resigned 287,
'it 449
street ISO
Telegraph and telephone wires erection, etc., St.
Paul & bilmi Telephone
Corection,""I's To a 139
Telegraph notes, removal of, all- on Tenth
.... ....... 460
ne poles, removal f, SUFeiWrand gfiih
....................... I ..................... ........ 48-1
m ad telegraph wires, St. Paul ad
,.WJis�jaa,,,gvr,T,Icgr,ph&T,I,p ...
any, p go ..........
......... IN
_ .it t.l,gv.pb, right 10
.................. ........ . .......... I 1 180
yjbF i
Telephone connecting St. Paul mad A[inveapolis
Ore dram -cat.................... %
c ..
Tclephove avd patrol Loxes, poli0Hce, port hesesad
locaito n ............. ...... 31
T.9 ranee street, election place,tbirS district. 119
vi h wars .....................
., Tetuperance and Grove streets, police patrol box 31
andtete],hone._............................. ..............
Tum,se strut, Is
+le court grade ................. .........454, ,61Telt tat]is Aug grade ................ 60
Tennessee durst, grade adol. 80
Tenth street, alley, remove letter npalt poles......... 460
Tomb street, messenger xad telae ph poles...... 221
Tenth street and Broadway, police patrol box
and t dcphoe a ... ...................... ... ... 31
Tooth street a ren.. &i2, 1-211
jTevtli (East) street, Imadrtctcan frame livery 56
stable......................................................... .
Tenth and Cnlnr streets, election plate, 18
district fourth word .......................................
Tenth and eleventh words, appointment special
pollcwnan to act as ponndmaster.........._........ IG4
Teatll ward, four districts, election places stsh-
..................... 119
Tenth word, redistrictingg, elects ov purposes...... 30
Tenth and elevcntli wards, sewerage Lond fun4V, 41
Tenth and eleventh ward sewers, aasessmeni,
con�munilluIon.............................................. 22
j Tenth and eleventh wants sewers, uLjcct"it
1 continuation of assessate.0, It ......................
Terber, It ......................................................... 117
1 Terrane court, Suwndt court, P°Elle park........... 10.5
Terrace park addition, Ilealher'I euldivision,
` black 7, alley grado....................................... 109
Terrace parkaddttion, lot 8, block A,sold ortaxes, GG
redemption........................ t..........................
Terrace park addition, sale of, Cie. ..................... 338
Terrace streeteresswalk...................................105
Terrace street sidewalk ................................' -'99, 205
i Territorial road crosswalks .............. ..............
t Territorial road (on Brown avenue) crosswalk... 127
s Territorial road, grading, erroneona assessment, 165
' rImgdingorder .............................. .......... ..
Territorial road grading and Eustis etreet open- 158
ing,refunding oiler .................................
Territorial road vacation .................................. 201
Terry's addition, rual assellsntent, vacations... 337
Terry'saddition, •est Seventh street paving as-
ecasntent, vacation, Chns. Alanson ........... ........ 398
Terry and Fonrth streets, damages to property,
water........................................................... 6G
Thauwald, Peter .................. . 160, IG2
.................... .
f Thein J. li.,butcher license No. 51 transferred... 201
The Daily Pioneer Press, contract as city
printer .......... Real ....tate.... nd _.. ......... Soelety, I
The divisiornur norh%or �orthtading
s0 Y4sect on
su s
2n T. 29. n y, platy ...................................... 30:
Thielen, Henry, EIA, Temps ............................_ 3
Thilt, J. nod Heber„i., erect Lay window......321, 32E
Third street assessment, refund, henry Sroeger 20i
Third sl rest bridge ,coaveIt building, Robinson
CaryCc ......................................................... 40:
Third slnret bridge, horse killed, claim..
Third street eltanget of grade, damages..............23, T
Third slrereF Condition ..................................... 17
Thiol .street, No. 151-I56, construction of man-
` Bard roof ................................................... di.. 1G:
Third street, No. 801, election place, ourth dis-
trio, second ward .......................................... 11'
Third street, No. 1087, election place, eighth
i district, smond ward ........ .... ......_........... .....
. 11t
( Tit ird etreet grade. ................ ...........202,281
i Tldrd street grade, order favor John D. Ilioran.
I Third street grade and walling, Jolon D. \[oral's
cla i ni........................................................... 201
Third street grade and surfacing ................. 26`2, 40
'Third street grading .......................................... 24
1 Third street grading ......................................... 24
Third street gradin ....:k, I6
Thirdel reef, grading and walling, balance due
for, Petition ................................................... 155
Third street grading, damages, Robinson, Cary
kCw....................... e.t'i................................. 17
Third street gradingg''er etre t for ...................... 17
Third street and nth atreete, grading, refuvd-
Ingordivance................................................ 139
Third and other atreete, IIIumlvatloo nppropria-
iton............................................................... 335
Third etreet messenger avd Lelegr'Ph poles...._.. 221
Third etreet opening, etc., Tell .trent to east city
limits........................................................... 7,8
Third etreet openingg, resolution repealing reso-
lution to annul ordera.................181, 201, 240, 2D3
Third .tree[ paving ..........................
Tbird and Sibley streets, lastxri[e pavement 375
Third and Exchange street., permission W place
sign............................................................ 49
Third and Littson streets, poke patrol box and
telephone..................................................... 3l
Third and Washington streets, police patrol Lox
andudaphone.:............................................. 31
Third ward, redistricting for election purposes.. 26
Tit ird street, sorfacio 272, 286
Third street viadut uildivgofrailivg............ 121
Third ward, eight' �ietricis, electionplaces es-
tablished...................................................... 118
Thirteenth and L'Orient streets, election place,
fourth district ninth ward .......................
............ 119
Thirteenth and �avada streets, Police l Iwz
and telepbone.....................................order, 31
Thirteenth street sprlvkling, refunding 392
John Patterson ..................... ......................
Thorn street grade.................................365, 373. 467
Thomas street, side and erose walks ................... 127
Thomas street crosswalk .................................. 191
Thomas street (across Fairview) croiiwalk......... 139
Thornton & Shaw..........................................90, 159
Thornton .k Shaw, contract ............................... 37
Thornton h Shaw, award o(aprinklins contract 114
Thornton & ShaThornton w, sprinkling Districtg No. 10, 115
award of contract ........................................... 113
Tierney, Peter ................................................... 223
Tfltoa and Sts Peter etreeIs' 1`71.ionopoce, first 149
district ninth ward ....................... ............... 1t9
Todd, Wilbur M .............................................. 172
Toensing, May0 otice ofel". for damages........ 72
Toilet apply 'a) 'e) claim.. ................... 114
Topping etreet grade....284, 389, 414 404, 416, 438, 471, 485
Tapping street gradin&•••••••••- .....................311, 424
Topping, Atwater and Burgess;treats grading... 288
Torbert, Oliver H. and anouher, petition ............. 87
Torbert, Oliver H., Petitio'--I
............................... 115
Tracks (railroad),'• T" rail, layfug of, N. St. P. R1
e ..................
Treaty, Atrs. Annie, refunding order ................. 110
Treater. Geo. C .................................. .............. 485
Trlan alar strip of land, Carpenter park ...46, 47, 51
Trout�rooit sewer exonsion, estimate ............... 91
Trout brook sewer, filling ................................ 429
Truax, Charles, aPPool pol[ceman................. 174
Truax, Charles, poundmaater, assistant ............. 16G
Truax, poundmeater, report for May, 1890.......... 199
Truax, poundma9ter, report for Junu, 1690......... 2ii
Truax, poundmaster, report for Aug st, 1890...... ,9
Truaz, poundmasor, report for September 189D. 389
Truaz, you ndmaster, report for October, 1lS90..... 446
Tran,, poundnoaster, report for November, 1890. 467
. ..._..__ __.._a......,e..e„v.i._.minad............... 490
Trustees First Presbyterian church, remove
church edifice ..
Tschida, Afichael, JJailer Rondo etreet station......
Tschida, AliChael,J ldgwent...............................
Michael, and others, judgment............
Tunnel, Robert street ........................................
Tusc¢rora arenue grade...............................186,
Tuscarora avenue grading .......:.........................
carora street grading.............................168,
To a'
Tuscarora street sewer .......................................
Tuscarora street sewer, lots sold in error for,
money oat r.. 'aewer, refunding order, '- " 66
Tuscarora street assess
a et reef sewer, refunding order............ 18-
Tuacaror. etreet redemptionlots,
hoave rearraagemem, Moore's addition, money
Order............................................................ 59
Twin City safety Ore escapee ...................... 269, 296
Twin City rue". special iwliceman, Geo. C. Allen 211]
T=John, Jr.,judge of mu mcipal cour[,elec-
tiooof..............................................172 and 173
Twohy, Wit IInto F., patrolman .......- ................ 287
Tynan, Wm., gardener,Summit and Irvineparks 142
Underground wires, conduits, N. W. Tel. Exe.
Co................................... ............................. 200
Underwood, Eugene, Jr., and others, pct ition...8i, 110
Union Perk, easeaements, refunding .................. 3fi4
Inion Park,etreet, grading assessment .............. 297
Union Park, etreet g.ding................................ 3G7
Union Park, street gradmg,assesentent relief...... 270
Union Pnrk, Rradiu¢ assesewent ....................... 315
Union Park, Hinkel's third mmmdwent to, plat
aeopted....................................................... IG2
I_n non Park, Prioravenue, election place, u-11
district, Its -nth Prior=,
Union Park, vacation parts of, Lynnhurst avenue
and Broom street ........................................ -96, 97
Union street opening, etc ..................... 310, 467, 477
University even ueboulevard ............................ 105
University avenue boulevard apace, ate., use of
Trail on ....................................................... 107
Univcraityavenue bridge, acceptance ................. 6
1'nive By are
nue bridge, accepted ............ .... 13
1`niversity areata (on R6yloond), crossx•alk....... an
,Toiveva y over and croeswnik;..................... 12G
University avenue croaawalks ............................. 205
University ave nue, No. 266, Gerlaeh's carpedter
election place, fi flh district, eighth ward..
University xad
Park avenues, election place,
seventh district, ninth ward.. ........................ i19
University aveoue and Grotto street, erection of
frame stable ................................................... lit
University avenue and other streets, fire alarm
la,............................................................... 23
university avenue, etc., Ore alarm boxes............ ti9
l7nivcrsity aveoue line, better , use toe.... rail ..387, 400
I'nirereity nvenae, resurfacing, use of is rail on .. 92
University avenue and other streets sewers,
final order, amending, etc ............................... 3
University avenue sewer.. ......... ......... 18
University avenue sewer, and other streets.
40, 41
li nivernily avenue sea•er..............................51, :t48
University avenue sewer, petition for ................ fit
Uvirenity avenue eidex'alk ......27f, 3-2A, 37f, 401, 434
U ni varsity avenue,tement sidewalks ............... .. ]15
University avenin, cement sidewalk, veto........... 184
UnlversllS avenue, prohibiting laying vroaden
aide.alk.................................................181, 182
University avenue, useof"T" rails ................... 10.5
University avenue, St. Paul C(ty Ry. Co., use "T"
rail.............................................................. 72
University of Minnesom, board of regents and
others, petition ............................................. 7.55
U.1vcaity subdivision, lots 1, 2, 3 and 8, Hyde
Park........................................................... 407
University View addition, plot ........................... 12
Upper flats, filling in, etc ................................... a4n
Upper levee Bate, etc., stagnant water....267, 271, 275
Vacation alley, block 1, Ewing & Chute'saddi-
tion............................ .........'246, 322. 826
Vacation alley, block 15, Fairview addition..... 9,
83, 79
Vacation alley, block 15, Fairview addition, re.
funding money ............................................... 134
P -le
Vacation alley, block 15, Fairviewaddition, value.
fixed ................................ . 84
Vacation of alley, block 15, Fairview edditiov,
Geo. Doehne's clot to
....................................... 200
Vacation alleyy, lots 9 and 10, block 3 Linde-
maan s subdtvisi n, lly Se Park additiov._298,
0 366, 375, 376
Vacation of alley, St. Anthony Park..56, 216, 221,
245, 31 355, 425
\'.cativo alley, West St. Pact Rlod Esta e &
IrOT roeent'ut Sv OB,ate's addition No. l.....21, 143
Vacation alley, Nest St. Paul Real hate and
I mprovmnent Syndicate's dditiou No. 1, par
ing station.. ....... ..... ....... ..............:. 481
...... t m..
V m part of Albion avenue (tow Breer
Vannt ) p t fB . "I
t... .�... 93, 96, s7
V11. up of Dudley street.............56, 216, 221
Vacation blocks 1, 2 mud 7, D. W. Ing orsoll's
addition, and alloys .................................116, 9a_
Vacation I.ogan slret'1, port of ...................... .... 355
Vacation part of nhu rst a vemle............93, 9f, 97
Vocation naris of Lvnnhuretaveoae and Brenner
street, John G, I[inkel, et nl-, Iretitiom............. 21
V.-ima Alacnleslet Park streets and n1leys..... 3'25
Vacation streets and alleys, Macalester Park
Vacation streets and alleys to Alaealsster Park
400, 430,431, 442
Vacation Morton place ..................
\'meati on parts of Ra)'wond nvenae, etc............ SG
Vacation Rayround avenue, portion of.........216� 2'11
Vaculon Moron place, etc., D. W. Ingers.11%
ndditiou .............................. ....................23:1, 235
Va..Uon Al orlon place, D. W. Ingersoll's addi-
tiov,resolntion fi zing caline ...........................236
Vacation old roads on n. m. ?, of e. wJ f, vee 26,
tp. 20, r. 22 ......... ...... ............................. ... - 9
Vncatoan part oC Iticltmnnd at reet........... 9, 79, 80, &3
Vacation part of Itichnwnd street, looney order 96
Vvemton part of Richumnd street, value fixed_. 83
Vacation pard of Richnood streeet, money wary
rant.... ..... _........ -- .............................. .. 82
Vacation St. Paas, Lake Phalen and White hear
lake road .................... .... .. 32
...halo, I, .
Vaeetina St. Poul, Lake Phalen and White ]Mar
lake road, hearing .......................................... 23
vaeation St. Paul, Wks Phalen amt While Bear
lake toad, hearing postponed and adjourned 10
Vtormion'lemon sl rout nod sOwer ................ 12i
VaeationTainter avenue (part of)........... 79, 82, A
Vacation Territorial road .............. ................. 201
Vacation Waseca street, etI.: .....201, 231
Vacation Waseca street and extnnsieo of Bel -
Iowastreet ...................................................... 171
Vacation Woodbury & Case rtaddition, Te alley ..... 4
Vacmlon of assessments, partial, Terry's nddi-
tinn, Ir..............................................111,..01, 1.t7
Valley Ian Works ...............................196, 201, 257
Vullev Iron Worke(John Grant and Tbos. Cnm-
n)......................................................223, 233
Valley Iron \Vorkat occupy part of levee ............. 219
Valley street, 11 -tom place, thirteenth district,
ninthword ................._................................. 179
Van Ito rev street (across Aldine) crasetvalke...... 709
Van Burc
n etreet two) erose
walks.. . .................
Van Ruren street (on oss F low) crosswalk lk.... 139
Van Buren street (across Fairview) crosswalk.... 167
Van Buren at reef crosswalks...ctio...plac...lenth 191
Van Buren and Fent sorest, election place, twilh
dist Port,citree a•and............................ . 381 IID
Van Buren street si,Indewalk
etc........ 139, &39, 3AI, 4.52
Van Rn ren street sidewalk ............. 39, 192, 299, :NB
Vandnlin etreet grade adopted ........................_, il9
Vondnll, ('.dement,.lodgment .........................:cL, 34G
Von Slyke, W. A., claim, care public parka......41, 59
yVon Slyke, Nei. A., aldern.n, election of.....171 1i3
Slyke, \V ni. A., alderman, sworn in ............. 208
Vnn Slyke, Wm. A ................_............... 321, 322, 334
Vernon nvenae, name changed to..................48, 49
Vernon avenue sidewalk ..................:.....126, 181, 236
Pert:. Paul!.
Veto, eight hours day's work ............................ 335 Wagner, L.....................................................61, 64
Veto, eight hours, Alderman Gehan's resolution. 3.95 Wagner property, Sixth street bridge ................. 73
Veto, em o �ment errand bo far chief of olive 41 '.
P S Y P Walnut street imp-sineut.............Vete............... 201
l.b. 335: Walnut street (across Irvine park drive) cross•
it olbrecht
Veto, avec China. to
ege 'alk... ............................. ...............too, 101
place sign on building .................................... 41 {Valnut street, Iota 6, 7 and 8, Dayton S Irvine's
etc, ordinance g ... tiv8 C., M. SSL P. lty. Co. addition, inclose ad improve . ................... 181
par s o nit. e's ..... 222 Wnlnut street closing, etc., proteat.................... 2411
Veto,gm y 1. Horcish
John ILdilla.......... 132
Velmej. .Soodlaner, grading assessment, lot 22,
Walnut and /i:chnnge..tree..., police Patrol hoz
telephone.......'................................................ 31
block Bt Woodland park, Alackubin street....... 174
Walsh ave.ue grading ....................................... 319
Veto, U.irenity avenue sewer and other streets
40, 41
Nnlsh avenue grade .......................................... 282
Walshavenue .ad ]laryland street, etc., resolu-
Veto, cement sidewalks, Rice street, University
tion forges ........................................
ave❑zee........................................................... 134
R'alsh, R. A., secretary Ramsey county delega-
Viaduct, St. P. S N. P. R. Il„ Como a venue....... 47, GI
Viaduct, Thirdstreet, building ofr.fl.g........... 121
tion in leglelatnre........................................... 478
W'alsb avenueslopes..........................................237
Vice president ofcommil, election of .................. 208
Walsh avenue sidewalk.................................... 434
Victoria street crosswalk .................................... 4.70
Victoria street and Lincoln avenue, election
\Vatter, A., and others, �elltiov....................... 87
Waller, ti., andf twaterhers, nole .............................. 120
place, eighth district, seventh ward .............. 118
Walton sl rest sewer ......... ........................... 51, 58, 71
Victoria street and ]:Leola avenue, Bre alarm
boz..........................................................61, 81
W'Ito❑ street sewer, award of contract .............. 114
}falter etrect a pproach....................... .............. 472
Viclorla street grading.................................116, ^-50
Waltham, armee crosswalk................................ 461
Victor,. streetopening a❑d grading .................. 288
Walther,B.G., and Others, petition.................. 155
Victoria street opening, etc .............................. 311
Ward building,ctty hospital.............................. 289
Victoria ad Lincoln streets police patrol boxes.:i74'
VI wria street sewer. .............................31;,362,3:52
Ware J. I.., suit others ...................................... 105
'h' L, ete.,conetruction of, Lyman
Victoria etre[, covslruct sewer .......................... '307
Da, ton's addition.......................................... 64
Victoria e.reet sprinkling.................................197
Warihoase, erection of, Kavanagh•s addition.... 78
Victoria street,between St. Clair street
{Varehuuas 11�ortn'I erection, lot.. ll, 1'f, Kava-
Pleasantava❑zee, toboggan slide ..................... 111
.. .................117,478
Vierling,'s adJition.................................. . ;
.......... 9
Warehouse and certain ground lease, St. Lou I,,
Vlerov Lewis, butcher license, No. 31, trans-
SLP.nlShlinaeapulis Packet CO.,ctc.,petitbm 134
farteti........................................................... 202
Warehouse .,•rounds,rent.levee.......................... 180
View street (on \Vntson eve❑ue) crosswalk......... 126
W'urner's (J. MJ second addition to Bt. Paul,
V Iola street sidewnl k ...................................203, 261
Viola street sprinkling ....................................... 19'2
Warner, fire commissioner, appointed... t
Virginia avenue sewer ...................................... 109
}{'.tact, lteubea,communieetion....................... 1A
Virginia avenue and Martin street sewer...... 136, 158
\Varner, l{7ebaNaon S Lawrence, attorneys....... 937
Voges, henry, judgwent..............................469, 470
Votes, canvass, alection.................................... 172
Warren street, change o[ grade.......................... ILL
Warren street,c' Ml. Airy) crosswalk................ ml
Voting places, etc.,conetnnetion oL.................... 64
Warren street, plank walk......................... 119
oting Plecee,elecCion.......................................402
Warrendale Citizens Union and Como villas ...... 288
Voting places, election, rent .........................449, 457
W'n'hington end Fifth etreels, old city hall,
Votlag pieces, signs for ..................................... 141
election place, second district, fourth ward...... 118
Washington street, messenger and telegraph
. W
Polea..................................... .... 221
................. .
IV hi and Third streets, police patrol box
W.bash avenue, construct sewer ........................ f9
and teleph ............................................... 31
Wahash and Cleveland avenues sewer ............... 90
R'asecn street, vacatioa and exte❑sion of............ 1-4
Wabash avevue sewer .............. 400, 415, 444, 44'J,
4..5 475
Nnbnsha street bridgO paying_ "01, 2oaIR'a(egovcrHowing,damages..............................
\Vase'cn street vacnlioa....................................... 201
}Vater conuutssioner's bo.d, Wm. R..Desm...... ........ 176
..... ......... _.
Wxbasha street bridge,repave and replmik......... IRI
}Vater, overflowing, damages, block 12, Fairview
Wabash. elnet bridge ro.dwa)'ravivg.............. 1;G
liddition..................... ... ............................ 56, 77
}Vnbasha (Scutt en (ant)--ts,de-
d cih
\Vater, Overflowing, ditch and box culvert, Otto
I Phe
eidewa k�Josc(�h Pivlin......................... .',64
{Vebasha street (. nuth), claim, defective aide-
avenue........................................................ .. 94
11'at a r, overflowing, injury to dwelli❑g, etc,
walk........................................... ...... ........... 3t:i I
Wabash. (South :mit F'illwore (East) etreetc, dc-
dnumges.....................:.......................... 102. 13R
{Vater street grading .........................AS, 12, 103, 1,53
fective si dowa�ks........em".........................337, 414
Wait- street avd Central .venue, elt•Cliou
\Vater street sidewalk.....:.................................. 4:34
.Vater street and sixth ward, levee grading......_ 137
place, second district, ninth ward ................... 119
W.ter stroet uud ..ixtli ward, levee grading,
Wabash.. street (South), No. 143, election place,
second diatrict,aixth ward..............................118
award of contract ........................................... 1.59
R'nter works, issue of 81W000 bonds..............._ 77
\Vubesha street (South), No. 398, election place,
Water tvorka, eztension of; 8100,000 bond s........79, el
sixth dislriat, sizlb w¢rd............................. n1:
\Vater works, extend4ng,honde,etc................... 7i
street. masse. ter and tel p p 1
..gra b les ^_.1
Wnbangeatrcet(South). name of Dakma avenue
Water supply, vicinity o[ St. P. S D. freight
changed to ..................................................
W'abashaandl•�Bhstrsets, policepatrol boa tole-°, U3'
IVatkins. W. T., and other.,, petition................. 155
Watson, J. J 198, 201
phone........................................................... 31
\Vntson nvenne (serosa View street) crosswalk.... 126
nvenne sewer, contract approved......... 461
We onto .,tree. west sada election I
( ) e t p flee, sixth
Watson nvenne Opening ...:.............. ... .. 205
Watterson, C. W. and :}. N. Cralghend269
district, .bird ward ...................... ......... 713
Ways and means committee n ppA,iutcd............... 209
and Fourth streets, Police I
telepho❑e....................................................... 31
IV,, zatn to Front between Rice and :1lbemarle,
block 2, W'eide'a rearrangement, Paist's out.
coutastreet sidewalk.............................739 192
W ••,
Intl elle rndin ............
yR R ..............................317
agOar C. lI , r
....................... _ 3
} Y •ser, John '
\{ ... ixt a street (across se Rice air t
•t mss
(co r
ee c ..elk..... 108
e orale t
r favor 6 b....... 188 }t ey�er, Ce
.......................................................... 444
Weber, C., more hat- ........................:...... ...... 478
Wcher, Carl and
Weber, F. aad Carl ........................................... 269
Weber, Fredericka ............................................ 4fN
Web�'ter's addition, plat accepted ....................... if!
Weide, Arcade, York and Sint"!
ims sl rests, alley
I'.gnule............._.... !................... 362
Weide ave❑ue crosswalk .................................. 405
Weide avenue grade .......................................... 441
Weide avenue gradi vq................. i6, ]32, 158, 171, 427,
WOkle, Joseph R., Petition................_............87, 175
Weide are... sewer .............. 76, 158, 171, 191, 427, 441,
Weide avenue, construction of sewer ................. 132
Weide and other streets, construction of sewer... 114
Weide .venue sewer and grading, contract......... 232
Weide avenue slopes ......................................... 206
Weide', rearrangement, Palst's out lots, alley
grading......................................................... 317
Weide'I reerrevgemeul, block 2, Paist's out lots,
alleygrade . ..... ........................... ................. 384
Weid,'.. rearrnngemeut of Paist's out lots, block
2, alto grade......!! ......................... 331
Wei de's reurrangewont of Pant's out lots, block
2, alley grade........... _..I........... .. 324
................. .
W2, aIle grading
ant of I'utst's out Iota, block
2, alley grading ............... ............. . 167
....................... .
\Vcide's nnbdivieion, block 27, Arlington Mille,
alley grade ivi .. ......... .. ... 104
..obit!vision, block 25, Arlington ]{ills
addition, alley grade, Nos. I, 2 ruin gto....Ili] 405
{V dditI s,,alle gra block 27, Arlingloa hills
,o ,',ou, alley grade,i,,,, blo............rliv....... +05
\CH ill. (.7. !t.) subdivision, block 27, Arlington
Rills addition, alley Reade ................ ...ding- 486
Weide's (.losePh R.) subdivision, block 27,,Arling-
bou Hi He addition, alley grading ..................... 44
Nelch, Ben))'., butcher license, No. B, transfer...... 4f,4
Welch, C. D ...................................................... 174
Welch, J. M ...................................................... 255
Welch's saloon license, revoke .......................... 270
Welke, Rudolph, Cha'. Widhnlm, etc ............... 288
Well. block 22, A. Golzlav's re.rr.ngmeut, Sigel'I
addition........................................ _............... 79
Well, Jmm�gc to, A. Gotzian's rea rnrrnngme"
Siegel'..additn............................................. i8
cofd7o....?..,...\... ........ i.......
Gotzan'sWell, desnitni:ctioonn of,, loamagelck ..
agcy cul, Sigel'¢ addition ....................... __
re.rrn i ,�
W'cllisch, R, enol tact, Lire esenl�e....................... i3
\Vellixh, 1{.. Contrnc[....................................... 1I
Wells, Ga'' F' ............................................... 172
Walls street, Change of
Well. street grade ................ I. ........ ................. 413
Wells It- grading.......... _ .............5:5, 112, 266, 425
{Vol Ls stre.1 (Partial) grading ............rmling...... 133
\V ells street and G teen brier .-poo grading...... 242
\{'ells streo
t. slopes......... f j............ t ................. 132
WcIter..-I John, Pa -10I, ufjudgweut.................. 24
{Venzel, Anton, butcher license, tranafer............:t64
W,,]'X Anton........... .... ......... .:S:t]
\Vestey n e .e, Ifawlioe Citizens in hall,
election place, second district, teeth
West St I'nul, blocknD;'..ciat a.. joiy... ........ 454
Rest St Paul Building Association, payment Of
IudRm e.t................................................... 2
\Vest .Sl. Paul levee, improremen1,:15,000 bonds. 95
W"es't St. Paul levee. I.nd condemned .................. 322
West St.Paul levee,L febv re ,C Dealnurieres, use
of por[iov.................... .................. ........4A2 .18:1
West St. Peal levlevee, orders, land eondemned..482, 483
West St. Paul ee, ordin.nee, drawing war-
rants...................................................312, 487
Wes;. St Paul levee, warrants to be drawn......... 421
West St. Paul proper (parts oft, block G, and
lots t. Paul Proper,
t 1, k k 77,7 rection
er 9G
West St P � i
Paul Iro er to I block 7, crect'oi of
1 P ,
buildi❑ .. 79
}Vest S.. Paul proper partsf), lot =k72, ,
redemption of, Certificate of sale ously
issued, money order ..,.................................... 66 I
West St. Paul proper, lot 1, block 17, removal of
frame building ................. ........................ . 63
Nest St. Paul prober, block ;5 ,lot 8, remove ob.
et ructions...................................................... 450
West St. Paul proper, block 36, lot S,replace
sidewalk ....................................................... 450
Neat Sl. Paul proper, rock removed. .................. lot
{Vest St. Paul Renl Estate at i Improvement
Syndicittomi idea No.3, blocks 16, 41.........84, 39
{Year St. Paul Beal Estate and Improvement
Syndicate addition No. 4, blocks 53, 54....... 81, 101
Nest St. Paul heal Estate and Improventevt
Syndicate addition No. 1, vacation of alley...... 21
}Vest St. Paul IlealMate mea Improvement
Syndicate additI." No. 1, blocks 3 and 4, al-
leys, vacation...........................................143, 144
West St. Pall Real Estate and Improvement
Syndicate addition No. 1, pumping station,
alley, vacation ....................... I...................... 481
{Vest St. P:llll, spur tracks, C., St. P. S K. C. Ity.
cc....................................................459, 464, 4G8
Nest Pn bushing Co., erect warehouse.. .............. 7S.
{Vest I'Lbliahing Co., erection portable ware-
houses........................................................... 79
West 1',I, Ishmg Co., communiestion, pern e-
siov to erect storage buildings ........................ 72
West side levee ..................... ....._............. ..BR, 811
West side levee, ah0ndonlug proceedings............ '101
West side levee gm de ...................... ................ 456
West Side Lend and Cottage Co.'s tilock 36, sub-
division of Brown and Jackson's addition, al-
ley opening........ ........................................... 308
West, innvenne bridge, Iver right of way St. P.,
aft S ]f. R. It., Certilieates of indebtedness...... 6-
Western .venue cmwwalk................................. 472
Western ovenueend 5fat tin street, election place,
third district eighth ward .............................. 118
Western and �cIby ovet-,southwest corner,
fire alarm box ............................. .................. BI
Western avenue, passable road ........................... 373'
{\'astern avenue ¢ewer, 1 ...................153, 226, 244, 274
Western avenue and Martin street, construction
of sewer, a,,aN of emitract, bond .................... 91
{Veslern avenue, extension system ti.-to,
imat e ............................................................ 97
Western I ......III and cross walks .................. 127
Western avenue sidewalk ,it crossings ............. 161
W,,tern avenue sidewalk ................ 2"' 231, 254, 306
Western avenue sprinkling ..........................192, 307
Western Union Telegraph Co... .............. ...... 356
Western L''niou Telegraph Co., cedar poles for
iacP01ee ............................... ............... 449, 451
Weslern Whecler Reflector Co., bid, lamps._._... 3
Weste.rnitagcn, Albert, driver, Ducas street sta-
iton............................................................... 287
Westinghouse, G. E .......................................... 444
Westminster c,,mwalk............................. 40n
W-minAer etr,,I, removal of weed,et C........... 64
W,-ni-It-et rest newer.... ....... ... ......51,51,71, 114
Westminster st eel.cprinkliug .......................... 23]
Wharlo., A., and others, petition ...................... 1fi5
Wheel,, r ..... e, e- toting, .,'a"'
pviug. etc ............ :cs
Wheeler street opening, el........................57, 71, MIt
%Vitro Or avenue side and cross walk....................126
Wheeler, R-1, B ................................. ............ 235
Whitaker, 1:. A. and Johnsen, A. E. A C............ 315
Whitall street, change of grade, damage,, money
rder...._........... 66
W :i1streetcrosswalk.................................. 421
While Bear aveuuc grading...................135, 1511, 2511
White Beer avenue, laying crosswalk on, and
alley crossing.:................................................94
White, Thomas ...............
............................... GI
R'bitehorne, G. A.- ..-............................................... '!gA
Whit ncy S cin it h's addn'1", lot 3, block 14........ 70
{V b it ley .0 Smith's addition, block 7, alley
• end ........... ...................................
....207 258 292
4 3 block 14
\V hitnI d c lilt b'e addition lot
erection Incl
it house, money orders............0 tG5
\\'hitn .. S Smith's additiov, construction of
fence............................................................. 2+
p-". P
, gWh troy & Smith', addition, lot 3, block 14. Fur-
I"=' , ...................................... i
chase or.. ,','' '' . .i. 81 W.Z. ........................................,7 61
W ldt my & 9mithmadditi,lot,�ci i,
Walter, A, and others ....................................... 41
taxes 1888 ,f,,,,dd ............................ 82 Wolter e .........................
W�hjit',Rerc& block *i 'a d 4,
Smith', addition, lot 3, bl W d: toward 1:::.::: ............................ .... .2
ftem, building .................................116 iWood ba,t ..... . .................................... .. 233
Whltn,'s subWdirlsion, move arno of............ 464 Wood, Robert, driveway leading elf Oakdale
Wick., W. G ' and Li J.
D"biter i ... . 246 avenue ........................................................... 180
W ld hot. C'...Welk e ' "ad ol�dl, etc
........... 288 Wood, Robert
and others, petition.. ................... 155
.., order
.. .... .................. 116 Wood and coal bids ................................... 426
Wi c�-' refunding 0 e
Wild",,trith-st H............................................112
. ..... ..... 112 11�lcddgstreet gg..ddc ........................ 313,363, 373
'evies 'cl at in or work
0 . ....................
. . ....... i ,
Wilder I f . , , Woodbridge street
.............. 193,230, 294
John Dahlberg's claim far work
WmmJbuvy&C.m'm.ddlt'1"0v, ock 7, alley grade
. c . . _ .. ... .... .......................
. . . . ........... . lt I!& W3
Wilder -nomeress-.1k ...... ................ ...... 233, 279 W, & Came's addition, block 7, all _,,
Wilder-siousgriolirig,tom,ey rdi ... 61 mulatted................................ . ............. ...... so
Wl der .-uc grading, claim far work sz; Wpd vy &. Co.'. addition, black 7, allay grad -
......51 212 avenue _or ...... ... .................... .... 51, .
c7s, 212 Woodbury
. ......... 224
Wilder cry I Immm, add in", , r -i 117
' deravenue
re c:ccr:n 'd I I "d 22 t W.��_ idd.widism, _� Of emmly 1. bond 9 1
Wilder avenue .- (midway mews, system) 2:12 Wood,,, sidewalk, ordinance paved estremw 180
Wilgus, A. B., judgments .......... 211 Wod-.,ld;wmk1md1d1,iv-mHy 1111bill, 182
d or too. b141
Wilfi.m, A. B ........................ . 255 W k 2, alley grade,
Williams, fury license, Mississippi river, trans- adopted... ................. ............................ so, 80
forrz ........... ............................... I .......... 140 Woodland Park addition, block 8, alley paving... 406
Williams and Mississippi strects, police pat ral Woodland Park , lot 22, block 8, gradlogamem,
Im. tind telephone., ................ ................. .1 1 meet -P ......... ....................... .............. 253
Williams., prickling ........................ . :::::: 167 Woodland Park, lot 22, block 8, refunding asse-
Wi or. N., mosession. at refunded, Seventh street men[ ..................... ........ ..•160
impro_m"t .. .... ......... ........................... 202, 220 Woodland Paddiii* a i',*ti l'2',b'1'�'k 10, Mets,
WiPalk.... ..................... ............. .............. 197, 236
Whu,�V;,. ref, ndi.g order .................... .. . .. "9 "Nand Park sidewalk ........... ..... . .............. 322
real (--or State street) crosswalk 120 W,
Winifred ad Bonereft strcmfs, fte l,rm 1 160 Woodruff, W. W ................................................ 4,14
and Cambridgestreets, fir, 1-m be, 160 Woodward resolution for gas ................. 61
Wicifood street me
.. ........... ........... 276, 32o, 3c2 ci At .4, .1
Wi, , I ........ *,,** .......... ... 229 W _�Xp;�rl�j�c
.11 "d..................
it, mile I
I d street
F') constructing ,,,r .......... 129 W..IfO.c.r .......... .......... . .. . .. ... .....
Winifred -i)-w-.m1P, petition................
i ;:r
street 'le
rdill-I . .................. 271 Woolworth, end ; 0
Wl.mlp.% 6jr ...... ..... ling ..................... - 192order.................... 116
j j.. 347 Workhouse, board of directors, member, p -
Winslow'. addition, block to, -rillica"0 sale,
iZ rcd,e,noptl . . .................................................... . 235 Wp.......................................................... 87
cirkhmeus em"T"t"' 'Ppoin 2M
Winslow avenue grade ............ ................. 312 Works, Caroline B. judgment. 34fi
Wins ow avenue grading lW,1il.22 211,212: ................. 427
Wr right,
. . ........ ...................
,1N Wright: ffii:, judgment ....................................461
Winslow avenue,,nIf S:r.h, ................................. ..... 275, 299
Wits 0. reel ;',' , imin
%lff. claim, domino, es ............................. 10
Winslow �7462b!79,486 Wu I fF, Sarah, clai an s, detention of property... 246
,F ndAlcArtior, -re y so. Wulff, Smrith,.ulorbey ................................297
I,'. Parka, attorney .......................................Wif street grade setup ........... 162
Winter street, change of grade., 7 WCo street, 120
Winter street grmh, Rice street to Jackson Wyoming .1 rmdji�
Carl and FrederickaWeber's petition... 8
W , I at r,trftt,,d 13m-,ster,v,n,,,,po,d,dm,n- y
ng James Groganand
.......................................... 458
nomrstreolism Brewster avenne,pmol. 3G4 ..................................... . ....... 156
a :::::�33.7., "" Yer.a
r. refunding tooter paid for license
Vi IZ'A'g'h t"ITI . . protest ...................... 61 Yo,rg, aid mean, leave or absence...................... 62
Wl':'t`to conduits
11 'it'to "Y-rg- jr:th ofcou
ncil ........................ 205
Wr�d,r. I5 York, Weide, Arcade
St.. streets, si
Wl-e- tr otion
conduits, etc., for, N. W. Tel bounded bygrrdjj� ........ ..............................362
E-bI........................ 121 York
58, 70�71, 76, 114, 158, 201), 441
Wire:, electric, etc ............................................ 23 York street sewer, award ofocontract.................. 114
Wisconsin Cen[rfll Company ........................297, 322 York street, coustruction of sewer ............132, 133
Wisconsin Cc Co., Mississippi street bridge York street, sewer contract ............ .... .. .. ...... 232
Co.,I 341,347, 467, 472 York trust ....................................67, 405
Wisconsin Central Jissims!pp d street bridge, York street. (across Edgerton) crosswalk............ 164
bids .............................................................. 365 York street sidewalks .................................. 140, 191
Wisconsin Central Railway Co., Bagman........._. 81 York a sprinkling ............... .. ......... 167, 237
,it York =rmlmy streets,
WhIlumd" Centralright construct track. is, Act ................ 347
Co.,%je hj.0
men addition 254 Young & Lightner, attorney.........454
Wisconsin Central tracks across St. h an
Wether street: .................. . ..... ....................... 333 z
,ther.poo. -mote, asons cl,,,,d ............... 48, 49
Witness reem, Dr. E. J. Abbott .......... ................. 202 Z,ickey, Nicholas, payment ofjudgment ........... 24
of rue
111. TH. 1-11
Regular Meeting
ST. PAUL, Jan. 7, 1890.
President Hamm In the chalr.
ent—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cu11en,Con-
lePresy, Fisher, Gehan, Kavaogh. Lsithauaer,
Mina. Mclady, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Toerg,
Mr. President -16.
Mlnutes of preceding meeting approved and
disepased with.
moved that council proceed to
111, n 1¢pecfor of buildings and a city
yrinter immediately after the reading of com-
in atlons it to the mayor.
From His Honor the Mayor—Policemen ap-
To the Honorable Presfdent and Common Coun-
cil of the City of St. Paul.
Gentlemen: I have the honor to inform
You that I have made the following appolnt-
nente In the regular police force of the city to
date from the first instant, and I ask your ad-
vice and consent thereto:
Henry J. Pothen, to be a driver of patrol
wagonat central police station, vice Patrick J.
Cesey, resigned;
Joseph Gulon to be jailer at Duces street eub-
etatiou. vice Zeuo W. Gnio¢, resigned; and
James Donlin to be patrolman, vice Leou A.
Cormick, resigned. Yours respectfully,
Roeser A. Sarirn, Mayor.
Jan. 7, 1880.
Accepted and said appointments advised and
conxnted to.
Yens--Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen,
Conley. Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, lthauser,
11lmea, Melady, Pratt. Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg,
Air. President -16.
Member Board of Fire Commissioners ap.
To the Honorable President andCommonCoun-
cll of the City of St. Paul.
Gentlemen: I hereby informn Warner you that I have
member of the
board of fire oointed mmiseionere to succeed himself
ndserve as firs*commissioner until January
1st, 1893.
Asking your consent to the above appoint-
ment, I remain, respectfully yours,
Romenr A. Svrsn, Mayor.
Jan. 7, 1890.
Accepted and said appointment advised and
consented to.
Yeas—Ald, Bickel, Blom, Bock-, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Geban, Kavanagh, Lefthauser,Mines,
Melady, Pratt. Sullivan, Weber,Yoemg, Mr. l res-
Ch from star to shield for police force—
Tothe Honorable President and Common We..
clI of the City of St. Paul.
Gentlemen: I desire to call your attention to
munlestiou of the chief of police, trana-
mltted hemwith, in relation to a change of the
badge of the poI'm force of this city from a star
Lo a shield. The neceesityfor this change Is fully
demonstrated In the communication of the chief
hereinbefore mentioned. We are informed that
hundreds of pereone (unauthorlred by law) are
wanring.tare eimflar to those worn bythepofice
force of this city. We thereforerecommend that
the common council pane an ordinance in com- The matter of election of city printer for 1894
pmlmnce with the request of the chief of police, being In order, Aid. Sullivan moved that th,
along the penalty sufficiently severe to prevent Dally Pioneer Pres, the newepaper which I,
persona outside of the regular force from coo- printed and publishe8 under that name in thb
terfeRMS the badge. Youre respectfully, city of St. Paul every week day m the year, b,
ROBERT A. Smra, Mayor.d la hereby de hooted by the common coup
Jan. 7, 1890. dl f the city of St. Paul the official pp per o
Accepted. (list ordinance No. 1281). said clay for the year 1890 and not11 It. sue
hall be designated; 1. whichneween
Also; shell be published dungy said time, all purpdi
Police Pension Fund- na ces and other procce a .. and matters re
To the Honorable the President Bud Common quimd by the lawn of the State of Minnesota
Council of the City of St. Pauli Loothleodt➢ns of thd Dy-mwaf ordinance charter o or laws es.
Gevtieme,: The board of trustees of the pony tions a d to of the common coave8 of LhL
lice pension loud make the fon_, sg report: city, to be published ID any public news
RxelPPta (nee report of treasurer at- Adcpred. Paper.
tachetl).......................................... $81,911 74 Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Disburssments................................... .............. Fisher, Gahan, Kavanagh, Lelthauser, Mlnea,
Respectfully submitted.Malady, Pratt. Sullivan. Weber. Yoerg, Mr.
ROBERT A. Setrnr, Cheiemen. pae,(deu�18.
Jen. 6, 1890. The dared duly sleeted theoneer clay as, tb eta he city
To the Honorebte R. A. limit].. Eeq., Chairman of St. Paul for the year A. D. 1890, poreont to
l the Committee of the poilce pension fund. a Id motion.
Dear Slr: I have the bout Lo submit to yon Whereupon Aid. Sullivan moved that the-cor.
the tollowing roport of the condition o[ the yo- poratlon attorney be, and he hereby 1.,
lice penafn rod for retfrg. Policemen and the strutted to
widows d children of policamnn killed while Prepare a contract
= between the
In actual performance of police duty, created by Pce i.u_ company, the prop fetors of the
t the leglelacure, 1889. (House Flla Daily Plouret Passe, and the city of eG Paul,
No. 910. bodying theroln the Pr.""'oe of the ro Iv
tion of Aid. Lelthausse 1n regard to public
uyaEiPre. yrintmg for the year 1890, approved Den 80,
Fines d tee, Municipal 1889, Bud the offer of said Tha Pioncer Press
Curt. May. 188............ $7,622 18 company thereunder, and Such furtber pro -
Flues d fee, Municipal vl,tone
fie ase contained In thecontraet between
Court, June, 1889.........: 4,7811 68 the said propdetorn of .aid newspaper Bnd said
Fines and tee, Municipal city, ss avidevced by ,aid reeolutloa std ,aid
Curt• July, 1889........... 3,95890
offer thereunder and the action of the common
Fines and fee! Municipal council in designstlnq Bald newspaper sa the
Court, dT..t, 18819...... 6,111 90 city ehsllwbe made fortheyew 1890, and until
f.r said
Fines and fees Munldpal Its,urceeeore shall be deshruated.
Coli a Baptember, 1889. 4,168 21 And rust he pressnt such contract, signed b
Fines d face Municipal said dater, in du i T
Court, October. 1889..... 6,130 60 prop p Icete, for the approval
Fina Rod fee! Municipal of the common council at its next regular meet -
Court, November, 18 89. 8,697 18 Ing.
Fines and tees Municipal And that the amount of the bond which !hall
Wart, December. 1889.. 8,462 07 be given by Bald propdetore OBI laid newspaper,
conditioned for the [nttbtul pertormauce of said
Total .......................... $97,817 43 contract• shah be the sum of twenty-five thou.
Police pension fund, lel r cent.........$3,7SI 74 ..Add dollars.
ppee av
January 2d, 1890, FIuse lmpossd Adopted.
upon policemen ................................ 18000 Yo -Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Callen,
Conley. Fsher, Gehan, Kavanagh. Leithaueer,
Total............................................$8,911 74 lilnea, Melady. Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg,
Respectfully submitted, Mr. President -18.
TreBeurer p Ilce pension fund. cosuwBnlcenMu (Continued).
Accepted ad placed on file. From Pioneer Press Compeny-
The matter of elecling ins f build. a ppllcetlou, pure
to Ald. Leitha,eer'e
t have
togs being in order, Aid. Weber nominated for the Dally Plonear Press dnlgnated'89 fie the ofli f.1
said office Gates A. Johnsou. newspaper of Wald nity for Teat 1890; also bond
Aid.Gates A. Joh son the pmoved Be aresent Incumnbenthat In sumbe Frederick of Driscoll " J'w" A. WDeelocic and
elected for the term of two year, pursuant to Accepted.
.romance No. 1,277.
Aid. Weber accepted said amendment. From the Dispatch Printf,: Compsny-
There beihe no other nominations the quee- Notiflcado, of wlllini�eeW to accept, pursuant
printer for the
tion was upon the election of Gates A. Johnson to Aid. Leithausthe per's resolution (approved Dee.
AJob... oreeelvI.eed he vote. o��� nnd Gates year 1R9110. 1�; also bond of made o,ition of m allyin$6.000,
Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Callen, Conley, wlth Frederick P. Wright Bud Philip Reilley >ss
Fisher, Gahan, Kava¢egh, Leltbatuier, Mlnea, ,uretlea
Malady, Pratt , Sullivan, Weber, YOerg, Mr. Accepted.
Out.. A. Johnson was thereupon declared From the Saint Paul Daily News Publishing
duly elected inspector of buildings of the city Company-
oi Saint Pan) for the term of two years, and un- Notification of willingness to aces the poet•
LS the election and qualification of his successor. tion of official paper of city for t pt -tblel our
,cent. per inch for first and nineteen cents per
From Northwestern Telephone Exchange Com
Inch for eubeequent lneertlone; also, bond In
of $6.000, with J. W. Cunningham and H.
C mplafnfug of severity of some of the pro.
D. Brown ea -miles.
visions of ordma No. 1.262 (relating to cot-
tlulta) d submitting for consideration of
c ndl a form of ordinance as a substitute.
(The above three communications were read
just before the election of a cityprinter.)
Committee on streets.
From A. P. Hendrickson-
From Citizen. of the Eleventh Ward -
Ob=ecting to c flrmation of sasessment for
Claim for $490, services performed live
etock Inspector. Joe to December, 1889, In-
trove m Tenth and Eleventh wards Bud snbmft-
Sept. 7res,]889, forlution d order ,pro
and other Streets. sewer y avenue
ono claims.
Committee on streets.
From Charles A. P. Morrie-
From A. Rosenthal -
Announcing himself fie a candidate for office of
Aaking for $60 -amount of fine paid.
Committee on Homes,
Accepted and laced on file.
Aid. Pratt moved that the order of business
Rom Malainkhemser Bud Zipf-
lam -paraded "ad the 61de for gasoline street
P"pureuaut to advertleement of city clack
For yarmleelon to transfer to Mll llkhauser
dated Dec. 281, 1889, be opened.
.and ENo.rickson butcher license No., 60 to be used
Committee ou859 tSeventh
a nth Street.
The said bide were thereupon*izened and were
Y follows.
E. McNamee ..............................
Henry hlelen ...........................
Cheater 011 C ............................
�Wllilam Forrestal ....................
ThomeS Re111Y......ting.
Welter street Lighting C....Co..
Western Wheeler Reflector Co..
1.A1 1-R
1.30 7-18
J. S. eT
BuBtlei ............................
Patrick Butler.. ..................
Robert Seeger
1.70 6-12
ocat-11 Rua removing lamps for one year, 90 cease: relocating and removing
]amps for two years, 80 cents; relocating and removlug ]amps for three yearn, 60
tAll poste and lamps to become property of city at expiration of contract, we re-
earvlug all attachments furnished and to be removed at our expense.
anA poets and lamps shall Immediately become Dr party of eftynbut all burners
d attachments to become the property of said P. V. Dwyer t expleation of
Aid.YB rg moved that said bide be referred to bursements of this office from Dec. let, 1889, to
committee on gas.
Aid. Bock moved ee an amendment that said nsclol m.
bide•be referred to committee on gee, Rod that
-be. council adjourns 1t adjour, uvtfl I Dee 80th, 1889.
Friday, Balance ................ $]61,888.84
Jan. 30. 1890, at 7:80 o'clock p. m., and that
Committee on sae report upon Wild bide at said Redemption mxlpte..... 29,410.65
Ioretned mes. City clerk ...................... (368.80
Leet. St. Paul workhouse...... 680.27
Munldpal Court e.......... 8 48'L.07
Yesa-Ald. Bickel, Bock, Cullen, Fisher, SulR- 84. Paul puDllc Ifbra `
van, weber 6. Buudfn ins ry" 69.02
Na Ald. Blom, Conley Gahan, %ava,.{m, gyro degertm uC��._..,,, 620 97
Laithysuaar, Mfoea, Malady. Pratt, Yoerg, Mr. Pond"
..................... 12.60
Prealdent-10. Advance
payment on
The eald bide were thereupop referred to tom- sewer Resessment... water 418.70
Taittee on gas• mtereds o water _
bonnie ........................ 7.017.60
REPORTS or tTty oys7clrae. Interest ou depoeite..... 278.88
Rep along paved streets 288.67
OI City Treasurer - Report for December, AldermenOeDanchafr-
18119. - mea .......................... 37.09 f..
Mi." laneoue receipt... 6,900.90
To ,tDe Aoagg;ahlW .toe ,Prasldapt and commgq Llceus" Bad permits... 1.191.66
CpmlcII of.(Jle i]ty Of.Bt. pall]. Assessments Collections 66,467.49
gagemen I ,liltve t honor ,to submit to
jh She IoIIgyeltglepo2,gf,the.teWpte and Qts- 4206,649.01
City orders paid...........
Water department
warrants paid...........
Fire department war-
, rantspald......_..........
6L. P.W workhouse
warrants paid...........
St. Paul public library
warrants paid...........
Park commieslon
warrants paid...........
N. C. H. & C. house
Redeemed certificate of
.We paid............ ..
29 793.6
Interest coupons paid..
Advance payment oil
sewer assessments
Mfe eellaneon. a., W..
Balance on baled..........
87'945 0
New city hall and court
house funde...............$16,917.11
City fonds .................... 68.697.93
City water works.......... 1,046.04
St. Paul public library 7,80'1.92
Police pension funds.... 8,781.74
Fire., National Bank,
6t. P. ....................$21,326.76
Merchants' NMI ... I
Bank, St. YauL......... 9,947.86
Bank of Minnesota, St.
Peal .......................... 4.206.19
Nimn Bank, Bank, fit. Paul... � 6,081.06
Germania Bank, St.
St. Paul National Bank,
6t. Paul.,j 6,728.47
Commercial National
Bank, Bt. Paul.......... 6,669.13
Second Bank,
St. Paul ............. ......
.. 1,824.51
38v1vge Bank, St. Paul.. 13,880.28
Peoples' Bank, St. Paul 1,829.88
Seven Coruers Bank,
St. Paul ..................... 4,966.87
Capital Bank, St. Paul. 1,673.66
West Side Bank, St.
Yaul ......................... 1,400.11
Bunnk,k, St. Paul........... 3,666.81
T otal...................... $87, 945.01
Respectfully Submitted,
Dec. 30, 1889. City Treasurer.
City Comptroller.
Of Olty Comptrolleral udlt1d clalnea, viz:
John Martin Lumber Compa.y, $1,108.18;
Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Co., $181.40; N, W.
Stamp Works, $1.10; Robl.soa &Cary, $7.72;
Rush & GBdmeyer, $2.16: H. P.
$38; St. Paid Hardware Co., $68.99; American
M. af.eturing Co., $49.60; F. G. Draper
11.86; Noyes Brae.
Cutler, $6.36; lluncauson
Stockton & Lindquist, Estimate No. 4, Supple- Should the common Council desire that an ns-
mreet, to ; 8, d final, sewer Seventh I .eesment be made l.r the proposed Improve-
qtreet, $100: R.. Forrestal, Estimate No. ment, it will be urceesary to send n order to
, Supplementary to No. 3, and 8na1, Her the board of public works to let the work -by
Mnndota street, $50; Tboruton & Shaw, Esti- contract. Respectfully submitted.
mate No. 2, sewer on Tuscarora street, $1,020; L. W. RRNDI.F.IT,
Thornton & Shaw, Estimate No. 8, and final. W.
R EnuErr, .
spdnkiing district No. 8, $49.80: J. Hanson. Jan. 8, 1889.
Estimate No. 2, sewer on Delos street, $484.50; Committee on streets.
J.IHansou, Estimate No. 1, sewer on Deloastmet,
$195.50; E. J. Kirkland, Estimate No. 16, aad Also,
final, L'Orient street sewer•, $29,311.63; Eoreka
Stone Cb., Estimate No. 7, and enol, cement Aid. Gehnu'e resolution directing city engtucer
stdew.lke, 3295325-W J. Preston, Estimate to —It -l- cost of constructin scales at
No. e, Supplementary to No. 2, and final, Ed. market house— g
unci street sewer, $25; G. Moline, Estimate The cit p
No. 3, Supplementary to No. 2, and final. sewer with twentngincer reports coat of scales, set u
Lincoln avenue, $26; J. Kavanagh. Estimate y -two feet platform. weighing boob
No. 6, Supplementary to No. 6, and final, grad- team and wagon, capacity ten tons, $250; scale
Ing Jessie street, $80; W, C. DohertyEsti- with shorter platform, same capacity, weighing
mate No. 4, Supplementary to No. 8, and', oWy wagon, about $200; eacavatl%, and put -
Smith avenue sewer, $25; T. Linnan, Estimate ting 1n f .undatio., about $90 additional in
No. 4, and final, grading 6t, Anthonyy avenue, either case.
$986; J. Caffey, Estimate d0.4, aad final, grad- Accepted and placed on file.
Ing Churchill avenue, $147.60; W. P. Card, Esti-
mate No. 1, and final, grading FnurteeGib Also,
street, $130: Robert Seeger, $0,608.68; A. Mc- Eatimate.—
Phall, $10.50. The city engineer submits Estimate N..B, xad
Allowed and ordered paid by following vote: final, St. Paul and Mendota road grading, Dale
& tnigardner, $1,020.02.
IeAll- 11 1,1. Blom, Bock. Cullen, Conley, Comuefttee on clid_. -
Fleher, Gehen, Kavanagh,, Mine.- The city engineer submits Estimate No. 6, St.
Melady, Pratt, Sullivan. Weber, Yoerg, Mr. Press- pnul and Mendota road
dent -16. grading, Dale & Bum.
' gardner, $1,088.
Of City Engineer—Contingent fund— Allowed and referred to comptroller by follow -
The city engineer aubmlts statement of office tug vote:
-contiage t fund, showing balance on hand $8.28, yeas—Aid. Blekel, Blom, Bock, Chelan, Coale
and sake further aDpropriatlon of E60. Flaher, Gahan, Hamm, Kavana h Leithauser.
Accepted. (Seeresolution.) Minea, Melady, Pratt, Sulllvnn; Mr. Vim Pres -
Also, inept -16.
(The foregoing reports of the city engineer
Resolution authorizing city engineer to put- were presented and read after the reading of the
chase necessary material, stn, to Ime with brick report of board o} public works.)
the sewer between Seven Corners and Ramsey Of C1ty Clerk—Report of licensee Issued and
street— Market house receipts In 1889—
To the Common Council. - To the Honorable, the President and Common
Gentlemen: In refereum to the repairs to the Council of the City of St. Paul—Gentlemen:
Seventh street sewer, which was reported by me I bane the honor to ecbmit herewith a state-
ae necesaary lu the commnnicatlOR to your bon- meat showing the number of licenses Issued In
.table body on December 24th, and whi.b.w.' and through this office for the year ending De -
referred back to me to report the number of fcet cember 81, 1889. And also a statement o1 the
abutting opo. the improvement, I would sub- .her
of market house rent. for the im* pe-
mlt the tollowing: clod as follows: _
The sand rock first save out In the roof at a Liquor liceneee............a885,000.00
Point .about 90 feet east of the east line of Patvnbrokere............... 2,000.00
Chestnut street; from this point to the east line Auctloncere................. 1,800.00
of 6hnto elves
t (where the .and rock again R. R. ticket broke...... 750.00
became solid) le .distance of 980 feet; of this Employment office
total distance there were 280 feet scattered (male) .....................
.aloe$g at different placva, where no timbedag was Employment office Ge-
regaired, leaving a distance of 660 feet where we male) ........................ 175.00
were Obi, to put lu timbers to support R. R. runners ............... 700.00
the roof; tLe work was let in the fall of 1878 Second -band stores..... 500.00
and was tlone lulu$ the winter M 1878-79, the Butchers ...................... 6,960.OU
contract being;ora sewerfrum Eagle street to Ped°lets (vehicles)...... 1,860,00
McBaal street. There wee apppropvb for this Peddlers (foot)............ 760.00
sewer $7.600 of sewer bontle, and the meaees- Hotel runners .............. 190.00
ant made on the property wee at the rate of Street and cable cars... 840.00
31.25 per foot. Two -horse vehicles...... 1,040.00
Hacks ......................... 690.00
.O.e-hotae vehicles....... 966.00
The timbers have already been in ten years, Cabs ........................... 166.00
and have commenced to
decay; and a. the Huck and cab drivers.. 170.00
ewer, during heavy rain storms, runs near]yy Dog (male, $6,779.96;
lull, they era IfaDle [o be washed out, to wide h female, $897.A0)...... 6,877.86
calls the arrest would undoubtedly cave In and Miscellaneous .............. 1,621.00
A large amount of damage be done. ---$413,428.85
City orders paid...........
Waterde P.rtmeut
err me paid...........
Vice deportment war-
St. Pa w rkhousc
to paid...........
St. Paul public library
warrant. Paid...........
Park commission
,w is paid...........
H. & C. bouse
wa ant. paid...........
Redeemed certificate of
sale paid ....................
Interest cbupons paid..
Advance payment oil
ewer assessments
Mie ce llaneo us dls.
bur -agents paid........
Balance on band..........
New city hall and court
nonce funds...............81a
City funds ....................
CYty water work........... 1,046.04
t. Paul public library 7,602.92
Police pension funds....
First National Bank,
SL. Paul ....................$21.32..7:
Jterchants' National
Bank, St. Paul..........
Bauk of Minne.ot., St.
Paul .............. ............
NationnlGarmnu-A mer-
Ican Bank, St. Paul...
- 6.081.0'5
Germ.nia Bank, St.
8[. Paul National Bauk,
St. Paul
Bank , St. Paul..........
Second National Bank,
St. Paul ....................
'avingi Bank, St. Yaul..
I'eoplw', St. Paul
S Corners Bnnk,
't Paul ... ...........aul:
Capital Bank, St. P.ul.
West 61da Bank, Sc.
Paul ..........................
1, 400.11
�c. ndinavian A merican
Bank, St. Paul...........
Total.. _..$87,946.01
CI..R.E Rei.,
City Treasurer
ay. $34,76: S'
$288.77; At. J.
D-30188 at.
City Comptroller. at
Ot Clty Comptroller -Audited claims, viz: Al
John Martin Lumber Company, $1,306.]8; to
1, WorksOzmuu,
Stamp , $1.10; Robin
Sson & Cary. $7,72; to
$18Rus& GRdmeyer, g2.i6; H. P. Rugg & Co., $2
$18; 6L. Paul Hardware Co., $63.99; American to
Manutecturhlg Co., $49,60; F. G. Draper & Co., tui
$1.36; Noyes Bros. &Cutler, $6.36; Duncanson to
1: A.
nnaulw, $25; R. T.
5.70: Matbev Craig, SM G.
" Mark Costello, $88.6'2; C. I
S0; Merrill'. Toilet Supply Cpm -
P. Callen, $93; Board of water
$37.90; D. Ram
nley & Son,
n Cera 'Tel. Ecebange. Co.-
Frank J. Bring., $161.44;
5164.20; St. Pan, Book and
pmll-, $131.99: Wyckoff, Sea-
$1U4.6U; Evans.tos..$10.50;
& Son, 8300.75; J. D.
e No. a, final, grading Erle
J. Forrestal, Eetlmate No.
ide,val ks, 1889, $16,448.02:
timate No. 2, grading Randolph
ploy & Dow, Eecimate No. 11
on Chatsworth and. other
30; G. Bol
No. 4
Milton .treat, $692.60; Lauer
No. SAOpplementary to No. 4,.
ddee, 1888, 5190.20; Me -
Stockton &Lindquist, p'etiruata No. 4. Supple-IShould the common council desire that mt .r.-
d final,
en[nry Lo No. ss, nr r Seventh see..ent be made for the proposed improre-
.trect, 8100; R., Forrestal, Eetimnte No. n[, IL rill be
4. Supplementary to No. 8, and final, w the board f public seorkeo let the workr•bv
Yendota.treet, 860; Thornton & Sbnw. Esti ontract. Respectfully submitted.
tr No. 2, sewer on Tusexrore street, 81,020; L. t s Rtivvl.R:rr,
Thornton & Shaw, E.tfmate No. 8. and final, c City Engineer.
d sprinkling dlstrlet No. 8, $49.30: J. Hanson, .Tan. 8, 1889.
Estimate No. 2, sewer on Delos street, $484.60; Committee on streets.
.7.IHa..... Estimate No. 1, sewer ou Delos street,
$196.60' E. J. Kirkland, Estimate No. 15, and
final, L'Orient stmreet sewer' $29,811.63; Eureka Also
Stone Co., Estimate No. 7,d flnal, went Aid. Gehan's resolution directing city euglu.r
sidewalk., 82.868.26; W. J. Yreeton. Estimate to scertaln cost of constructing scales at
No. 3, Supplementary to No. 2, and Hua), Ed. market house-
muud treat sewer, $26; G. Molius, Estimate The cl P
No. 3, Supplementary to No. 2, and final. sewer ty eng(neer reporie cost o[ ecalee, Ret u
on Llncolu avenue, $26; J. Kavanagh. Estimate with bventy-two feet platform. weighing both
No. 6, Supplementary to No. 5, and flue), grad- team and wagon, capacity ten tone, $260; scale
ivg Jessie street, $30; W. C. Doherty, Esti- with ehorter,platI1% same capacity, weighing
mate No. 4, Supplementary to NO. 3, and final, my n'agon, bout $200; eacaveltng a rd nn -
Smith avenue cewer. S25; T. I.innan, Estimate ting In foundation, about $90 additional in
No. 4, and final, ¢t•adinR St, Anthony ig either case.
$13 J. claif Eetimnte Nu. 4, and flval, grad- Accepted and placed on flle.
ing Churchill avenue, $147.50; W. P. Card. Estl-
mate No. 1, nd final, grading Fourteenth Also,
street, $130; Robert Seeger, $6,608.68; A. Mc-
Phail, $10.60. Eetimates-
The city Paul
submits Estimate No. 1, and
Allowed and ordered paid by following vote: float, St. Pau] sed en02. road grading, Dole
Eumnittec r, onjus..oz.
Seas -Aid, Bickel, Blom, Sock, Cullen,;onlay, Commlttea ov claims. -
Mel -d, ce aft, Kavanagh, Leitharg, M Mines- The City englncer submits Estimate No. 5, St.
Melxdy. Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Yoexg, Ml Presi- Pau] and Mendota road
dent -16. j gradinE, Dale & Bunt-
gardner, $1,088.
Of City Engiveer-Coutlugent fund- Allowed and referred to comptroller by follow
e.Riveer et bmi[e statement of olflce ing vote:
court, g t fund, showing balance on hand $8.23, yens -Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Coale
and asks further approprlatfon of 860. y,
Accepted. (See reeolutiov.) Fisher, Gehan, Hamm, Kavanagh, Lelthauser,
'dines, Melody, Pratt, Sunivan, Dir, Vice Pres -
Also, Ment -16.
(The forrgolnR porta of the city engineer
Resolution authorizing Ity engineer to ere Presented and read after the rending of the
chase neceesar el report of board at public works.)
the sewer betweennSeven C'.ruers rand rRamrsey Of City Clerk -Report at licenses issued and
street- Market house receipts m 1880-
To the Common Council. To the Honorable, the President and Common
Gentlemen: In reference to the repairs to the Council of the City of St. Paul -Gentlemen:
.nth street sewer, which we. reported by me Council
the the
to scbmlt berewith a atate-
et ceseary lu the commnnlcation to your non- m !.boxing the umber of licensee Issued in
r ble body on December 24th, and 'hicb.x'ae and through this ofliee for the years.
rel back to me to report the number of feet cember 31, 1889. And also a statement of the
abutting upon the improvement, I would sub- receiptsof market house rents for the same pe -
mit the lollox'Iug: rlod as follow.:
The sand rock first esus out in the roof at Liquor licenses............ 8:386; 100.00
point about 80 feet east of the east line of Pawnbrokers ............... 2,000.00 .
Chestnut street; from this point to the east file Auctioncere................. 1,809.00
of Sherman street (where the Band rock again R. R. ticket tlrokerR..... 760.00
became solid) is a distanceof 930 feet; of this Employment ofliee
total If there x'erl 280 feet scattered (male).• .................... aC0.00
.long at different places, where no timbering x'ae Emmpn1oyment oce (fe- 176.00
regreired, leaving a dist... of 660 feet where we R. R. runnere...�.......... 700.00
obliged ti o• put 1n timbers to s tpport Second-hand store...... 600.00
the roof; the k we. let in the fall o[ 1878 Butchers ...................... fi, 960.00
and was done during the winter of 1878-79, the Butchers (vehicles)...... 1,8611.0(1
contract beingfor a sewer fru. Engle street to Ped Peddlers (toot)............ 760.00
NCBoaI street. There was appropriated for this Hotel Peddlers
............... 190.00
sewer $7,500 of sewer bands, and the eases.- Street and cable caro... 840.00
eat made on the property was at the race at
81.26 per foot. Two-bHeck.oree vehicles...... 1,040.00
Hacks ......................... 6PO.OU
The timbers have already been to ten 'Ona -burse vehicles....... 966.00
yyears. Cube ........................... 166.00
and have commenced to decay; and es the Heck and cab drivetx.. 170.00
ewer, during heavy rain etoc.S, runs nearly Dog (mala, 86,779.86;
full, they are liable to be washed out, in which female, $897.90)...... 0,677.85
case the street would undoubtedly cave in end Miscelmorous.............. 1,621.00
a large amount of damage be done. --$413,423.86
MARHfiT aoueE Recen+ra.
1 Inside proper ............. $6,889.60
Ontdde, farmers, etc... 2,812.80
� I"I $8,502.10
The foregoing market receipts do not include
market hall rents which were collected by the
market master.
TR06. A. PRExDERGAeT, City Clerk.
Jan. 7, 1890.
Committee o° ordinancee and public ac—ts,
License Rebates—
The city clerk submits report of persona hold -
Ing Bceuses for year 1888 and entitled to re-
ej l bate for year 1890.
mittee o° license.
�. 1 Of Corporxtlon Attorney—Contract executed
bvMouut Vernon Bridb company for construe
S' Lion of sunetytr
- acture of Burr street bridge—
s The corporation attorney submits said con-
Accepted. (See resolution.)
-•f� Also,
Acceptance by John Ireland and Thos. Coch-
ji' ran, Jr., of oedluance No. 1202—
The corporation attorney report. said ac
ceptance sufficient add in proper form.
Accepted. (gee resolution.)
11;k'I Also,
Acceptance by the North St. Paul Railroad
company of Ordinance No. 1240, and bond of
said company—
T1 e corporation attorney aporia said ne-
i ceptance suffident, and said bond in proper
and duly executed.
Accepted. (See resolution.)
Acceptance by the Saint Paul City Railway
company o[ Ordlnanbe No. 1227—
�, The corporation a duly xseuMl said .y a.
thea in per form, duly executed end fully su-
thorized by the board M direutore of said tom-
I 1
Accepted. (bee resolntiou.)
Acceptance by the Saint Paul City Railway
IIS company of Ordinance. Nos. 1201 and 1210
A 160,
Acceptance of Univereity Avenue Bridge, built by
Minnesota Transfer Railway company under
proposition of May 16, 1888—
The corporation attorney submit. form of.
resolution for said acceptance.
Accepted. (See resolution.)
Contract executed by Gustav Ramlow for con.
truction of fire chiteru In Sixth Ward—
The corporation attorney submits said con-
Accepted. (See resolution.)
Of Clerk of Municipal Court—
Rep t for December, 1889—City treasurer's
receipt for $3,369.62.
coCommittee on ordinances Bud public ac-
Of Chief of Police—
Report for December, 1889—Total arreats.
600; flues collected by municipal court, $3,025.
Committee oil ordinance. and public ac-
Of Captain of Police—
Report for December, 1889—Oil lamps not
lighted, 320; gas lamps not lighted, 31.
City comptroller.
a was
soca at the d- abmeeting, j cued from further attend-
Penneylvanfa avenue slopes—
In the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The board of public woke have had under
s:ndderation the resolution or order of the
:omMon council, approved Nov. e, 1889, rata.
ive to condemning and taking an easement for
g Investigated the proposed
rt that It 1s neceeeary sad
an take an easement la the
mnaylvania avenue, betwee°
Jackk m street, nexesarvto
1 for cut and flu l6 in m- RA
F��+ae �+ grace on ale m theomce rf clic
In the office of one andthe city e(n(gineerm;assld lootDyee and
or every foot of cut oonebr fllll netlndlcated oonaalda the
and agreement of said company— play of Bald dopes attached to
eafd report. and
To the Honorable the
President and Common to be filed 1n the office o[ said board; that the
Council el the City of St. Paul. eefmated expense thereof 1. $50; that real a..
Gentlemen: With respect to the acceptance by Late to be a..efieed therefor can be bland bene-
Lhe esint Paul
CYty Railway company of Ordf- flied to the extent of the damages, coats and
nancea NO. 1201 sed 1210, both relative to xpe)see neeeesary to be "'or"damn ih costs that
the extension of rho Selby avenue cable line, s°ld improvement ie not asked for by a petition
which was refernd to this depnrtmnnt, we ad- o[ a ma orlty of the owners o[ pro
vise that the acceptance of said ordinance. filed assessed therefor, but we herewith emend splau
to be
with the city clerk Sept. 23, 1889, is fu proper or profile he said im
form and correctly executed, add that the ec- provement, and an order
ceptance was duly authorized by the board of for your adoption, If you desire us to make the
dlrectore of eaid company at a meati) held Imp rovement.
Sept. 20. 1889,a copyot the resolution adapted Yeas, 8; nays, 1 (Mr. (Iulnbyl.
by the board of dir.etors being attached to the W. F. Eaw•IN, Clerk ;f the Braid of 'resi Public
acceptance, also the agreement of said company Works.
to comply with the couditioue of said ordinance, Jen. 7, ] 890.
alar filed with the city clerk Sept. 23, 1880, 1. (adopted. See order to board of public
in proper form and legally executed, and fe fully Rorke.)
authorized by the above named resvlutlon.
Enclosed herewith ie a form of resolution ap- Also,
proving of acceptance aid agreement. Janke Street Openlvq, etc.—
Reepectfullyy To the Common Connell of the CYty of St. Paul:
O. E, o.OLHAN, Corporation Attorney. The board of public work.hxvehad under con -
Jan. i 1880, sideration Lhe maolution or order of the com-
Accepted. (bee reeolutlon.) mon council, approved Dec. 30, 1889, relative -
to the openine, widening and extension of Jenks
street, Dom Arkwright street to McMenemy
street, taking and condemning all the land Dot
already dedicated for street purposes that may
be necessary for a ttreet sixty feet wide between
the points named, and. having investigated the
Proposed improvement:
Respectfully report that said Improvement Is
necessary and proper, that the estimated ex-
pense thereof is $2,500, that read estate to be
assessed therefor call be found belled ted to the
extent of the damages, costs and expenses
necessary to be incurred thereby; that said im-
provement fs not asked for by a petition of a
majorlty of the rwnere of pr party to be as-
sessed therefor, but we herewith send a plan or
profile f e id Irnprovmnent, and an order for
your adoption, if you desire ua to make the Im-
Yeas, 3; Bays, 1 (lir. Starkey).
R. L. GoaxA.N, President.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk of the Board of Public
Jan. 7, 1890.
Adopted. (See order to board of public
Hope Street Sewer—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The board of public works have bad under
consideration the resolution or order of the
mmod council, approved December 18. 1889.
relative to the construction of a sewer on Hope
street, from Sixth street to East Fourth street,
and, having Investigated the proposed Improve-
ReS )tidy report that said imyrovement is
and proper, together with the neces-
aryeatch-basins and manholes; that theesti-
mated expense thereof is $9'23, one-half of
Which need not be paid into the city treasury
before the contract le let; that real estate to be
asseased therefor can be found benefited to the
extent of the cyst and e.yi nae. necessary to be
Incurred thereby; Llist Bald improvement fa not
asked for by a petition of a jorlty of the
owners of by to be assessed therefor, but
we herewith land aplan or profile of said
provement, and an order for your adoption, if
you desire us to make the improvement.
Yens, 4, )aye 0.
R. L. Golm,—, President.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
Jau. 7, 1890.
Adopted. (See order to board of public
Jenks street slopea—
To the Common Council of the city of St. Paul:
The board of publicworks have had under
consideration the solution or order of the
on co.couBell, Bpproced Dec. 30, 188fl, re -
tive to condemning au easement in lands for t e
construction of Bic pea for the necessary cut or
811 upon the real pproperty abutting o Jenks
street, between Mlsel-1 I street and Earl street.
that maybe ce required in the grading of aald
.treat In aceordanwith the established grade,
and, having investigated the proposed improve -
Respectfully report that it Is necessary and
proper to condemn and take an easement In the
land abutting on Jenks street, between Missis.
alppf street and Earl street, necessary to con-
struct the slope. for cuts and fill. ingrading.aid
Jenks street, between eafd streets, to the estab-
lished grade thereof, as shown by the profile of
Bald grade on file li the office of the register of
deeds In and for Ramsey county, and in the of-
fice of the city engineer; said elopes to extbnd
one and one-balf (1,J)eet on said land for every
foot of cut or fill as dleated on theplan of said
slopes attached to said report, and to be filed In
the o®ce of said board; that the estimated ex-
pense thereof 1. $1.250; that real estate be
amassed therefor ca. be found be noted to the
extent of the damages, costs and expenses neces-
sary to be incurred thereby; that said improve-
ment Is not asked for by a petition of a major.
ity of the owners ofproperty to be assessed
therefor, but tt'e herewith send a plan or profile
of said Improvement add nn order for your
adoption, if you desire us to make the Improve-
Yam 4, nays O,
R. 1.. GORMAN, President.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk of the Board of Public
Jan. 7, 1890.
Adopted. (See order to board of public works.)
Lawson street slopes—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The board of public works have had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
common councilapproved Dec. 80, 1889, rela-
tive to condemning an easement in lanae for the
construction of slopes for the necessary cut ar
811 upon the real pp operty abutting on I.awern
street, between D(lealaelppi street and Earl
street, that may be required in the grading of
said street to accordance with the established
grade, and, having investigated the proposed im-
report that it is necessary and
lemu and take an easement in the
on Lawson street, between MI. -
and Earl at I, necessary to con -
we for cute aDff fills In grading Bald
Lawson Street between said streets to the es-
tablished grade thereof 16 shown by the profile
t .aid grade on file In the office of theregister of
dceds In and for Ramsey county and in the of.
fice of the city engineer, said to pea to extend
u and one-half f 11S) feet on Said fee
for every
foot of cut or fill, a. Indicated on the plan of
said Slopes attached to said port, and to be
filed in the office of said board that the estl-
matedexpeneethereofla$1,000; thatreales[a[e
to be ace eyes therefor can be found benefited to
the extent of the damages, coats and expenses
necessary to be Incurred thereby; that eafd im-
provement 1s
not asked for by. petition of a
majority of the owners of property to be ae-
sessed therefor, but we herewith Bend a plan or
profile of said improvement, and an order for
your adoption, If you desire us to make the im-
Yeas 4, nays 0.
R. L. GORAIAN, President.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk of the Board of Public
Jan. 7, 1890.
Adopted. (See order to board of public
Conway, Minnehaha and Other Street. Opening,
ro the Honorable the President and Common
Council, City of St. Paul
Gentlemen: The board of public works re-
spectfully return herewith the m8olmIon of Aid.
Gelthaueer, approved Dec. 18, 1889, relative to
rmodification of certain street open; ugh in his free, n , that the board [
eriot, and Des lease to submit be tollowi ng can 'or be inauem-ea In their omcpialdutlen by
report. u h n re vel lettere; d that 11 he wlehce to
Und r final orders of the common conte,,, ¢ g� 7lmproven,ent be must do so ofIICMUy,
proved Jan. 17, 1889, the board ceetled t t by personal lettere.
without un ace sa ry delay, Lo If it be the desire of the,ommov counell that for the opening of Conway, Nlnuehahe the board llul the pgocedbm� in the matter
and France, e[ tai from Bock street (if vv - of u pend 9g Suburbav a the- the board
south) to the east city limis, and Third o ld re pecthdly ask for further luettvetinns
treat, from Tell street to the east city limits. iv said matter.
be. asessements came up and were completed BY order Board of Public R'orks.
II motion the uo use o�dcrsd'5sud eu'id otitxe wenre W' F. Fawn-, ClerkRHOa d P bile WOrkePreside n t.
given at quite an expense to the city. The following is a topy-of letter aCComPauylrsg
On the 28th doy [August, 1889, a pernonnl foregolvg communicatlov:
letter was received by tea Donrd from Ald. telt- To the BOOM, his the Board of Public Works of
haueer, e,king Lhat the above-named streets be the City of St. Yaul.
pesed. A copy of this letter wan trans• Gentlemen: In the matter of the o�enin
to Cho co ou c w,ctl Aug. 27, 1889, @,d ng and extending of Suburban H, wad
nekin f
or firth e. fro
g er inetr C
tie fu the
matte and etC east
Intrad to, and mm before the council at the Peetfully submitthatthat the same I.u'nvecea..
etfns Lela pt. G. 1889, and tuna referred to tuexpedieI xud premature, and would pect-
tha alderman of the abarict. fully an."that the said street be not opened. Ite-
The board adjourned the matter of the c spectfully, Dlwrr. LErrnAuears,
firma of these n dem is from time to [Note—Presented [o the board of p Dllc woegy
council. u t l October
fro,, t o mon by Chrbtimt "I"Meyer. Jan. lith, 1390.]
council. until October 7t., 1889, at which time Committee o„ streets.
the ea]a asseasmeute trete o Timed, the board
thinking that the con cal deelred fomite no fur- .11s-,
that fustnmtfona; and said a este were Catl d Fmdericke {yeber'e Petition
tition [oz aa -
turned over to the city treasurer for Rection, in
m',",d r .treat, from Rice [rest to Jacks,,
he hie gave„ (-n November ]9thL,18 89) the et—
finalnotice that the hey was �u ttreasury The board mtume said petition with report
to pay damages. On December • 0th, 1889, be- The before 'L re
to s proper, ti grade Whiter
inellm au the city treasurer had sec d Judg- street it will be uocesanry to change Lhe title on
bt d , fly- closed up the t ttere, the aid street so as to correspond with gt
oard received the resolution of Ald. Leltbt haer Middled on Park avenue. grade eetab-
referred to. Alderman of the Ward.
The board f public works have no epeclel Also,
interest in the peeing of the above uam d
atrcets, nor do the)- want the common council, E.timates and Claim.—
or any one, to think that the} are pusidug these The board transmits, approved by it, the fol-
openhng.. Theym rt
to the council that the lotting estimates and claims, [o -wit:
of the same or iniolnr dad necessary, and are still acp"di ate NO. and
ll. I.' n, $2.245.4 d other
The board think that it is net ahoutuc them 111 -For etas'nS4,922. d final, �;;i ESNmateeNo. 7 m up-
die curtsey, and tint 1c la uubueinesalike for elementary to No. a and flnal, Irvine avenue,
alderman to interfere personally with tbeir {Valuut atreet and Yleaeant avenue g,
proceeds-gs: and 1t appears to them as though Thornton &Shaw, 530e. Estimate No�x sunp-
uhe were trying to relieve himself of any blame plemeutary to No. G autl Anal, Ed rton atreet
ud put. it all -poll the board. If an alderman tier system, P. Doherty, .600.28; Estimate
wishes to stop n impro".c-t he should do in, No. 0, euppieme-Cary to No. 6 and final, Rondo
olHcially, and thea 1f there is any blame at.
trnet ]IDprOvement, L. A, Rnmgartlnar, $G0;
ruched let it fall where is belongs, and not upon Estimate No. 4.
,tbodv who are trying to carry out their oihclal Ilial, Toronto tree[pb weertary to Ivo. 8 nna
y' Estimate No. I, Hoyte 'uu'a Hnuaen, $1G;
If Lhe conned still desire Lo abandon the o ell- gt'ading, D[.
Tracy, 8425: Keay $res., 58.40; C. Liell e.
g of said .treats the board have no the Oen - 512.50; G. W. Nerrlll. $]5: Mathew Craig,
mhatecer to the proper steps beans Laken to $lo; AmeHe— Nanufautering Co., $28.25;
do so. Abbot t -l1. ,dug Co., S18; HoerlCo.. $ Sn,
The board n'ould respectfully beg leave to fn- $24 95; Cullen's Livery, ,, B e V. Dwyer d
therm Broa, $29.45; J. G. Duggan, $lo,SG; lis C. Har
port that Lhe, now have an der of the Per, 87.'10; Y. H. Kelly .Dfereautile Co., $9.00;
nal approved January 17[h'1889' Jobn Alsrtin Lumber Compwny, $848.83;
to ossCOMMa Suburbev avenue, from Mound street to Warta & Daleing, 112.05; C. Thomas, .4.40; St.
tbn 't city Haid. and have gone Loa great Paul Hardware Co., $9.52; L. E. Shappley, $39;
deal of trouble ad exxppe,en tot foe y Tato aid St. Paul Furniture Co., .7.06; F. W. 8[eeg,
order by Making$15.80; RObmson & Cary Co., $; F Northweat-
mg; that said assessmenteceme up for confirms- n Stamp Work., S1.G0; No}ea Htos. &Cutler,
tion on the nth
day of January, 1890, and at 51.41;,$08.'25; Menill'atos. Cutler, that time Alderman Leithnser again luterfere. 3G; Larkin & Smith, 20 b; Lehigh Coal h
u..Othertb the proceedings of the board by sending In Iron Co., $8.76- Mathew Czafg; 58: Merril]'s
er.oual letter that LhJ. Im- collet pply, g3; G. W. Nerrlll, IS Mathew
eroveme Lbe t made, a copy of which ]atter Craig. S6; jl W. Nerrlll, $8; Mathew Q'aig, $18;
hereto attached G. W. h[errill, 527,50; Mathew Craig, S6: G. W.
II Aid. Letthauser can be a Lnn Nerrlll, $a; Mathew (,Tal., $5; Northwestern
]ettets of this kind, he may tie welluuderstnnd, IiC.mmiit$ee0on cfafine.
nwo-our OF B1110
The board f co [rolubmita it. report in
December, 1889. Total Bleb ureemeuts, $4
n l
I oa
u ittee on ordinances and publicaccount!
a..."ar OF ..A..,ONEna.
Requirements of fire department -
171 theHonorable President and Con mo,
hell of the City of St. Paul.
Gildsmen: The board of fire commiedoner
l�nve had under epactal c eitleretfon the prey
e„t atoll requ,reme.te f the fire department
and we respectfully mq nest your honorable bod;
order the f
olartne ad
be made t
. additions and in
.e D
o de artmeu
force of thiscity:P
1st. To Myrannize ale put in service a 110
igen, t driver and three life saving nets; e
timate cost, 81,000. s
2d. To secure alfa, erect a bulla,.. thereon
at some point between Broadway to .lob,
treets and Seventh street and the Mieebeipp
riverclass'steamp am and
egice in
btoscee comemin a Hret
[lank has Dee. m and
by themboard Iv
hear annual portaetor the past three years.
yfore protectt11 Is n tied by the Jo bbl,, dl,
tract. The number of latae bneineee houses
omprbed within this district induce us to nine
creatingolYour fids lnorablle body the necessity of the
:td. To e11 the present No- 4 engine house
and Broadway strreeteallich efort ghee corner othatm -a
nefder the location dangerous cam account of
the great liabllicy of accidents which may occur
to the children attending ,r,,kll, school,
which I.
located ppmd. thio engine houas.
The proceeds realized from sale of this property
an be applied coward payment of the ugert -
n'aY plant.
4th. TO purchase a second eine steam fire
engine and equip the dame and place it in service
t chemical engine house No. 5, located on Ran-
doiph street (West Seventh street district).
•mdhElleustreets, -eet am bultldiug tbemofn and
transfer Chemical engine N,. G from Randolph
trees and place it In service therein, thereby
giving pprotection to this rapidly growing dis-
trlet. Estfm ate c t se f ierean be,.
ended 825,000, based upon the supppoei-
,tou that the board aecure site for Brosdw' y
theep now Dave ,u view, which would be
Lbout et to the city; othetwl8e $20,000 to
be added to above eemate oftl$25,000.
ResPectfully submitted, by order of the Board.
REueex WAaN£n,
W,LLtnnf O'G0rs,IAN, Secretary. Pre9ldent.
Jail. a, 1890.
Committee on fire department.
Of Committee on claims—John Dahlberg'. claim
for work done on Wilder avenue—
Committee recommends that said claim he re-
ierred to corporation attorney and city en-
Estimate No. 2 and final, substructure t Burr,
trees bride, Charles Stone. $814.78
Committee o sends that aid olelm ba
allowed and referred�to city comptroller.
Fisher, Geh'n Itmm-tlCevanagh.ILeitbauser,
Nlnea, \Ielad y-, Pratt, Sullivan, I1[t. Vice Preel-
Ordinance to pay judgment of Helen Allleon—
('ommlttm xoom meuda passage,
Adopted. (Fee Ordluance No. 1,234.)
CInim of
.T. Nee
e for 43
8 it dam
CommitteereCo Corporation
a [bat Bald claim be re-
ferred to corporatfen attorvey and city said -
m Atlopted. —
Of Committee on streets, sewers d bridges—
W. H. Knowlton and -there' petition lorvacn-
tlon of old roads on uwy, of ewh of section aG,
commi 8tzex-I)Orfa said ,.Commit—
r lid ommende that, --.a not
be reb d
back to petit;oners.
Charles Lauer and other.' petition for vacs
Committee -PRichmond
ortsinvorably tree d reeom-
nds that said petition be, ofm;eodrd with
the city clerk slid that city clerk be instructed
to give neces$ary publication.
Geo. F. Woolley and Others' petition for vaca-
tion of alley in bink15, b airview addition,
n, hag from north to south through said
block, and frim Case street to Jenks street—
Committee reportafnv gablynd recommends
that said petition be fl f record with the city
clerk, and that the city Irk glve'the necessary
publication notice.
St. Anthony Perk eompany'a petition [or vaca-
tion of portion of Raymond avenue, etc.
Committee recommend. the gr—.IngUs of prayer
of said petition upon the mpsyment of 8800 into
"ty treasury, and o de Lbat Id peti-
tion be filed of record witD the city clerk. and
that the city clerk give the necessity publioa-
Lfou notice.
u fotiou of A. S
Also, T.11 -adv., cmtaty
Ch mber Commerce, relative to appointment
C1 inepec[oe of electric wires—
00he es rec ends that for the p -sent
,he city engineer be iustructed LO sips vise and
u pect the piecing f II electric lighting and
,they —re and that the or ratio. attorney
In.tructed to draft n ordinance to govern
he same.
leas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Call.., Cou-
eyoFfaher, Gahan, Hamm, Kavanagh, Ieft-
eer, Mine&, Malady, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr.
'Ice 1-resideut-15.
An ordinance providing for the election of a
building luspector and deeming his term of
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
ordain as follows:
Section 1. That at the Bret regular meeting
in January. 1890, and ever
y two years there-
after, the commoncoyrucII .hall elect one person,
.ho .hail be a prsetleel architect and sanitary
as Inspector of buildings whose term of
office shad be two years and until his-meaeor
is elected and qualified.
Sm. 2. That ordinance No. 608 entitled "An
ordinance to amend section one of ordinance
No. 840, approved Jung '26th, 1883;' null all
other ord(uances Rnd parts of ordinances i d la
. intent with the provisions of this ordluance are
hereby repealed.
Seo. :3. This ordinance shall take effect and
be In force from and after its passage.
Yem-A ld, Bickel, Blom, Bock, Conley, Fleher,
Gahan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mlusa, Melady,
Pratt. Sullivan, Weber. Yoem Mr. President.
Passed Jan. 7,1890.
WM. HAmm, President of Council.
Approved Jan. 7, 1x90.
Attest: THos. A. PRENDERGAST. Oty Clerk.
Jan. 13.
ORDtnevcE o. 1,278.
An ordinance appropriating money to pay the
claim of M. A Luby.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul
do ordain as follows:
Section 1. That an order be drawn upon the
city treasurer for the sum of ten dollars in favor
If M. A. Luby id payment of and to refund to
him the amount paid by him to redeem stock
of his which bad been Impounded fu the Union
Park pound, as appears by his communication
to the common council of date Aug. 19, 1889.
Said order to be delivered out y upon his sling
.fill the city comptroller a receipt lu full of said
Sea 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be
in force from and after its passage.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Pieter. Gahm, Hamm, Kxv.uaRh, Lefthenser,
Mines, Melody, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice Pres-
Passed Jan. 7, 1890.
A)t-oNv YOERa, JA, Vim President of Council.
Approved Jan. 8, 1890.
Attest: Taos. A. PaENOEno-T. City Clerk.
Jan. 18.
ORDLVANCE No. 1,279.
An ordinance appropriating two thousand dol.
Jars to the National Education Association.
The Common Council of the City o1 St. Paul do
Belled. as follows:
Sentio. 1. That an order be drawn upon the
city treasurer in favor of the National Eduw-
tton Association for the sum of two thousand
(;2,000) dollars, payahle out of the food of
timidly thousand dollars authorized by an act
of the legislature, approved February 22d,
See.2. This ordinanceshall take effect .and be -
in force from and atter Its pubilcption. -
Fleher, Gehan IHammioKs anagh. IL ithaueer-
Minea. Me!ady, Pratt, Sullivan. Mr. Ym Pres-
Panned Jan. 7, 1890.
A-IONv YoERG, JR., Vice President of Council.
Approved Jan. 8, 1890.
RO.E'r A. 6MITH, Mayor.
Attest: Tims. A. P.ENDERGAar, Ci Ly Clerk.
Jan. 18.
ORDINANCE No. 1.280. �!
An ordinance granting John Rowe permission t
move certain Imine buildings.
The Common Council of the City of fit. Paul do !
ordain u follows: l�
Section 1. That permfeslon ad authority
are hereby gl a and R anted to John Rowe to
move a cerl1hl frame building situate upon the
s et end of the following described real estate in
the city of St. Paul, to -wit:
Commencing on the north side of Seventh
treat 1. 'aid city of St. Paul. t a point eighty
'80) feet, eight soil 11-100 at
from the
ortheast corner of Seventh and Minnesota
streets in said city, running tbenm northerly
parallel to said Minnesota street for `y -'even
feet and four and 9-10 inches: thence n eeterly
parallel Haab Minnesota strth reet; il
thence southerlyoil
the east line of Minnesota street to the north
erly line of Seventh street, Bud thence on the
northerly line of Seventh street cc place of be.
$loin, threefeet west on said real estate: all
of said work shall bedons under the supervision
and direction of the building Inspector of said
S"'2. This ordinance hail take effect and
be in force from and after Its passage.
Yesa-Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Crdlen; Conley,.
Fisher. Gehau, Hamm, Kavanagh, Lelthall T:
Minna, Melody, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice Pres-
Passed Jan. 7, 1890.
AN'T.oNv YOERG, JR.. Vice President of Council.
Approved Jan. 8, 1890.
ROBERT A. Small, Mayor.
Attest: Tuo.. A. PRENDERGAEr, City Clerk.
Jan. 13.
ORDINANCE No. 1,281.
An ordinance relating to the pollee force of the
city aIS
St. Paul.
The Common Councli of the City of 9t. Paul do
ordain as follows:
Section 1. That each ember of the police
tor% of Lhe city of St. Paul shall be required to
ear a shield the form and size of which shall be
designated by the mayor sad chief of police.
Sec. 2. That it alias be unlawful for any per-
son whomacever to wear fn the city of Saint
Paul a shield 1n any manner resembling the
shield designated to be worn by the policemen
of this city, and whosoever - shield In
any manner resembling the shield designated to
be orn by the policemneof this city shall be
guilwty of a misdemexuor and upon conviction
thereof shall be lined in n sum not lees than
five dollars or more than one hundred dol-
Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and
be In forfrom and alter its publication.
Yea'-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Back, Cullen, Conley,.
Fleher, Gehan. Kavanagh, Leithauser: Mines,
Claim of Sarah Walt, $1.028 damages to prop.
Rules suspended oil motto. of Aid Conley-,
Yea, 14, any, Aid. •Bickel and Fisher 2, xnd
arty. block 82, Lyman Dayton', Addition-
ordinance ad eecond time and passed. (bee.
makes an adverse report.
ordlnauce No. 1,281.)
Ann was read changing the name of
part of Pistils street to Fundtaln
Lawton $treat Improvement-
Committee recommends that the
Rules suspended on motfon oI Ald. Hamm,
tion of board of public w ks I i id matter,
Yexs and ordinance ad second time and
passed. (bee ordluance No. 1,282.)
referred to committee Dec. 17,1889sbe accepted An ordinance was read changing the name
anti placed on Bic.
part of Greenbrier avenue to Cable avenue.
Rales sU,Be,,ded on motion of Ali]. Sullivan.
Yeas 15, and
Ordinance g
permictin Reinhold Kretchma- and
Au $chloer
ordinance rend second time and
pxseeit. (See ordinance No. 1,288.)
m est to ongtruct Bud maintain
skating rink oil Mississippi river- An ordinance was read directing city officers
Coisreconvey to grantors lauds heretofore con -
of opinion LWtt commit hnB ❑o veyed to the city -Sixth ward levee.
authority to permit the
construction of a kat-
ing rink on 3ilaslseippi river. Committee on streets.
hordinance well read granting Northwestern
Teleppone Exchange
company the right to lay
conrl1,its for underground
Of Committee oil ordinances ud public c- Committee nu streets.
counts-Ordina lien permitting St. Paul White
By Ald. Conley -
Lend and Oil Com pmiy to erect frame building, Reeointion for pollee boxes and telephoneDuns
i 8 Spencer's
addition, for storing oil,
et market house and other locations.
Commlttce on police.
Committee r omend' that s id ordinance By Aid. Gehan-
De referred to alderm
man of the ward.
Resolution for Bre alarm boxes at Sycamore.
Rod Jackson streets.
Committee on fire department.
Report of board of control examined-
By Ald. Cullen -
committee has examlued and found cor-
reet said report.
Resolution authorizing mayor to appoint an
f.Bpeetor of lamps.
Committee on gag.
By Aid. Lelthauser-
Of Committee nn gas-Ald. Leithauser's resolu.
Resolution for lamp on Euclid street.
tion for lamps on Newport avenue-
Committee recommends adoption
Committee on gas.
The hearing
of said reso-
In the matter of proposed vac..
tion of St, Paul, Lake Phalen White
Adopted. (See resolution.)
and Bear
lake road was poetpnned and
adjourned until
Tuesday, Jan. 21, A. D. 1890, at 7:30
ci m'
Immedletely before the reading of the report
An ordinance was read g the Nushks,
of the board of publle works the president called
Vice President Yoerg
club permission to buildrntiu
toboggan elide.
to the chair.
Rule' su'pended an motion of Ald. Kavanagh.
Yen- an d ordfumce ad second time nail
passed. (Sen ordi-m No. 1,276.)
Ald. Bickel moved,immedintely after the read-
ing o1 commmdcntfons from themayor, that the
Or of business
be eo tar suspended ne [o
allow the rending of an ordlnauce providing for
Au ordinance granting the Nuhka Club of Saint
the election of an inspector of bulidings and de.
Paul permission to build a toboggan elide.
fining his term of ofilce.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
Adopted, yeas 16, and said ordinance read.
Rules susppeended on motion of Ald.1'oerg, yeas
ordain a. follows:
Section 1. Permission 1. hereby given sad
16, and ortlfnance rend second time xnd passed.
granted to the Nunhka Club of Safut Paul to
(See ordinance No. 1,277.)
build a toboggan slide on the idewalk on the
An ordmam was read -y[. A. Lub side of Victoria street, between 9c. Clair
Rules suepeuded on motioil of Aids ][htea.
Yeas 15, d ordfnauce
' lde to be erected underethe unsaid city. Said
1.1 n di.
read nd time and
paaeed. (See ordinance No. 1.,278.)
reetio. of the building iue pe nod
for of theof
An ordinance was read approprie, ig $2,000
St. Paul slid to be removed a ore March
15th, 1890.
for National Educational A..ociatiou.
Sea 2. This ordinance shall take effect and
Rules susppended on motfon of AId. Rickel, Tees
be in force from and atter Ila passage.
15, add ordlnmce read second time and passed
(See ordinance No. 1,279.)
Yeas-Ald. Bickel,. Bid., Bock, Cullen, Corley,
An ordinance was read permitting John Rowe
Genn, Hamm, KBvmmgh, Lefthaueeggr,
Minea' M.lady, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice PreBf-
to move frame buildings.
deur-1G. .
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Kavanagh,
Pueeed Jan. 7, 1890.
Y15. and ordinmce read second time and
A'Ipp, Y iOERG, JR., Vice President of Council.
pll'sed. (See ordinance No. 1,280.)
Approved Jm. 8, 1890.
An ordinance was read relating to shield' for
police force.
Attest Tuns. A. PReNDEHOERT A.Tf Clty ero.
.lou. I8.
An ordinance providing for the election of a
building luspector and deeming his term of
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
ordain as follows:
Section 1. That at the Bret regular meeting
in January. 1890, and ever
y two years there-
after, the commoncoyrucII .hall elect one person,
.ho .hail be a prsetleel architect and sanitary
as Inspector of buildings whose term of
office shad be two years and until his-meaeor
is elected and qualified.
Sm. 2. That ordinance No. 608 entitled "An
ordinance to amend section one of ordinance
No. 840, approved Jung '26th, 1883;' null all
other ord(uances Rnd parts of ordinances i d la
. intent with the provisions of this ordluance are
hereby repealed.
Seo. :3. This ordinance shall take effect and
be In force from and after its passage.
Yem-A ld, Bickel, Blom, Bock, Conley, Fleher,
Gahan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mlusa, Melady,
Pratt. Sullivan, Weber. Yoem Mr. President.
Passed Jan. 7,1890.
WM. HAmm, President of Council.
Approved Jan. 7, 1x90.
Attest: THos. A. PRENDERGAST. Oty Clerk.
Jan. 13.
ORDtnevcE o. 1,278.
An ordinance appropriating money to pay the
claim of M. A Luby.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul
do ordain as follows:
Section 1. That an order be drawn upon the
city treasurer for the sum of ten dollars in favor
If M. A. Luby id payment of and to refund to
him the amount paid by him to redeem stock
of his which bad been Impounded fu the Union
Park pound, as appears by his communication
to the common council of date Aug. 19, 1889.
Said order to be delivered out y upon his sling
.fill the city comptroller a receipt lu full of said
Sea 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be
in force from and after its passage.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Pieter. Gahm, Hamm, Kxv.uaRh, Lefthenser,
Mines, Melody, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice Pres-
Passed Jan. 7, 1890.
A)t-oNv YOERa, JA, Vim President of Council.
Approved Jan. 8, 1890.
Attest: Taos. A. PaENOEno-T. City Clerk.
Jan. 18.
ORDLVANCE No. 1,279.
An ordinance appropriating two thousand dol.
Jars to the National Education Association.
The Common Council of the City o1 St. Paul do
Belled. as follows:
Sentio. 1. That an order be drawn upon the
city treasurer in favor of the National Eduw-
tton Association for the sum of two thousand
(;2,000) dollars, payahle out of the food of
timidly thousand dollars authorized by an act
of the legislature, approved February 22d,
See.2. This ordinanceshall take effect .and be -
in force from and atter Its pubilcption. -
Fleher, Gehan IHammioKs anagh. IL ithaueer-
Minea. Me!ady, Pratt, Sullivan. Mr. Ym Pres-
Panned Jan. 7, 1890.
A-IONv YoERG, JR., Vice President of Council.
Approved Jan. 8, 1890.
RO.E'r A. 6MITH, Mayor.
Attest: Tims. A. P.ENDERGAar, Ci Ly Clerk.
Jan. 18.
ORDINANCE No. 1.280. �!
An ordinance granting John Rowe permission t
move certain Imine buildings.
The Common Council of the City of fit. Paul do !
ordain u follows: l�
Section 1. That permfeslon ad authority
are hereby gl a and R anted to John Rowe to
move a cerl1hl frame building situate upon the
s et end of the following described real estate in
the city of St. Paul, to -wit:
Commencing on the north side of Seventh
treat 1. 'aid city of St. Paul. t a point eighty
'80) feet, eight soil 11-100 at
from the
ortheast corner of Seventh and Minnesota
streets in said city, running tbenm northerly
parallel to said Minnesota street for `y -'even
feet and four and 9-10 inches: thence n eeterly
parallel Haab Minnesota strth reet; il
thence southerlyoil
the east line of Minnesota street to the north
erly line of Seventh street, Bud thence on the
northerly line of Seventh street cc place of be.
$loin, threefeet west on said real estate: all
of said work shall bedons under the supervision
and direction of the building Inspector of said
S"'2. This ordinance hail take effect and
be in force from and after Its passage.
Yesa-Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Crdlen; Conley,.
Fisher. Gehau, Hamm, Kavanagh, Lelthall T:
Minna, Melody, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice Pres-
Passed Jan. 7, 1890.
AN'T.oNv YOERG, JR.. Vice President of Council.
Approved Jan. 8, 1890.
ROBERT A. Small, Mayor.
Attest: Tuo.. A. PRENDERGAEr, City Clerk.
Jan. 13.
ORDINANCE No. 1,281.
An ordinance relating to the pollee force of the
city aIS
St. Paul.
The Common Councli of the City of 9t. Paul do
ordain as follows:
Section 1. That each ember of the police
tor% of Lhe city of St. Paul shall be required to
ear a shield the form and size of which shall be
designated by the mayor sad chief of police.
Sec. 2. That it alias be unlawful for any per-
son whomacever to wear fn the city of Saint
Paul a shield 1n any manner resembling the
shield designated to be worn by the policemen
of this city, and whosoever - shield In
any manner resembling the shield designated to
be orn by the policemneof this city shall be
guilwty of a misdemexuor and upon conviction
thereof shall be lined in n sum not lees than
five dollars or more than one hundred dol-
Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and
be In forfrom and alter its publication.
Yea'-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Back, Cullen, Conley,.
Fleher, Gehan. Kavanagh, Leithauser: Mines,
Melady, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, ]berg, Mr. f that certain judgment entered t red per.
Freemen' J... feeted of record In the ofilm of the clerk of the
Passed Jnn. m 1890. district court of Ramsey count,'. Minnesota,
ail: , isii President of Council. n the 14th day of December, 188' In favor of
Approved Jau. 8, RASO, Helen A 11lsou, and against the (1 code 9 of 8t... of
Attest: Tues. A. PnENua'Imea'r,[[Cliy Cleyr•L. anm he9a1[i111order90 be delivered oto be f saftl
Jan. Iri, NuARRment being satisfied of record, ands tran-
crlpt thereof being filed In the ofllre of the city
OIt DINANCE N0. 1,2N2, comptroller.
A❑ ordfuallm changing the name of n art of Sec• 2. This ordinance 81.11 take effect and
Prable street In the Second ward of this city to ba III force from and after Its passage.
Lbat of Nountaru xtreet. Yeftx—Aid. Hlekel. Blom, Dock, Cullen, Conley,
The Common Council of the Cltyof Snlnt Pauido Fl.hOr, Gehml, Hamm, Kavanagh, 7,eithauxer,
Sectio as follows: Afb'eD, Malady, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice Preal.
Section 1. That ail [Imt pert of the street dent -76.
baro' f
0 ore knew,,
Preble st
rest In the8
ward o!
the cit
of Bul
d Pxs
sed Jnn.
Y ret Paul
which lies be A
V 1'OF.
1 no Jn.
ween Mn .Vice �
Marla even President lie suU the ant of Council.Approved
fs kaolin an thea water power rexarv.tfon In Ronanr A. ex'n1, Ma
Irvine's second ddltfon to the it of .ain't Attest: Tnos. A. R.... itA. S city Clerk.
Paul. be chg "d to and llereafterehall belt nown .Tan. 113.
e, deal led Fountain street.
Bec. 2. That all Ordinances and parte of ordl-nari--
cel contravening this oren ience are hereby Resolutions.
Rpa 7M.
Sec. 0. Thin rd Inance shall take effect from By pld. l'nere—
n defterid_Pttbllcatfon' R"lived. That thePollowmg p,st,esa
Yeas—Aid. Blekel, Blom, Bock. Cullen, Conley, b - the If
c Imlxsion and P�rnoved
Flxher, Gahan, Bnmm. K.v... h, I.efthauaer, y a recommended
Mlnen. Melody, Pratt,SUllivnv, Mr. Vice Prcid. by Lhe city enggiIn r,be sand Ithe nam a le heroby
dcm_f1 . ptad by tree eco council f the cyte of
Passed Jan. 7 1880. 6t ] n 1.
AN N -y YOEIin,Jn., Vice President of Counctl. University View addition to St. Paul, Minn.
me. A. 1800. Fisher, Gehem,d. Hafmm�Kavvenni �Leit2mer,
Attest; Time. A. Yu..'mc. ser al y Cjeilc r' Aflnen, Melody, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice PVmi-
Jnn. ]ri. dear -1 .,
Approved Jan. 8, 1890.
Olm "..'eE No. 1,288. —
An ordinance changing the mime of port ( By Aid. Suilivan—
Greenbrier avenue 1n' the Second ward of title Resolved, That the Reade of the alley In H. M.
city to that of Cable ¢venue. Itnnney'e sub. [ 8. f Hlock Il, 8t'naon's
'The Common Comtcll of the City of Bt. Paul do DIV as Indicated by the d fired. line the
duln nn follows: the I[ anyf R profile, and as recommended by
Section 1. That all that pxrt of the avenue a Y en I -c. be d chn .ams !e hereby
heretofore known Gmnbrfer Venue In Lite adopted Be the establish
etl grade.
Necoud word of thin city, which lies between Yeas—Ald. Hlekel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, ['.onlay,
Ret Save
nth stmt rend Atinnehaha stmt In Fisher, Gehnn, Hamm. Kavnne6h, Lelthnuser,
thin city. I,e changed to 'snd hereafter n1mu be Mineu, Alelady, prat', Sullivan, Mr. Vice PmI.
I'-. rend sailed Cable avenue. dent—I6.
Bec. 2. That all ordlnnncex and partsof ordl- Approved Jan. 8, 1A00.
ant ravening s
repaeated. thiurdluance xre hereby
Sea:, This ordinance ehnll take effect Irom B lielolved1t6That the city lark ratify the
and alter its publlcntluu. proper odicere of the Omaha rallo.dl to breve n
Yeas—A Id. Bickel,
Blom. BOck, Cullen, Conley "aRmmr placed ret the eroeeing of Ear] stmt.
Fisher, Gehmr,, Kay.n., Lelthau...:
Miuen, Mel.dy, Pratt, Sullivan, Df r. Vice Pre I- 1 sae—.Utl. Blekel, Blom, Bock, Callen, Coal—
t-76. Fleher, Gahan, Hamm, Knv.naga, 7.elthanner,
Passed Jan. 7, 18911.=illnen, ](.lady, Pratt, Bulllvan, Mr. Vice Prael-
.Anmoxr 7'osnc, Jn.,VicePreeidentof Conncil. dent -16.
APProved Jmr. 8, ,Sao. Approved Jan. 8, 1890.
Attest:TDP.. A. ROBEter A. r,er
Jan. 13. er apecity Clerk. By Aid. Hamm—
1nR rutted oto caulicca notice to Pbief e served npoherebu
ORDINA:tCE NO. 3,2$4, IIll persons .1m. butifness re vires the taking
.1n' ordinance pproprinting money to out of u license, that milers Bald license le taken
judgment of Helen Allison Pay a o c prior to rhe first day of February no they
St. Paul. against the Clty of ill a prosecuted 7n' the manner provided by -
To Common Council of the City of St. Paul do Ia1'esa—Aid. Hickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, CDNey,
ordain ae follows: Fisher, Crehan, Hamm, KavaDagh, Lelth¢Ilser,
Section LIT
an order b , drawn upon the Aflnen, Malady, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice pree4
city treasury in favor of Warren H. Afend, at- dent -16.
¢dense of record for Helen Allison, in payment Approved ,Ian. 8, 1890,
By Aid. Conley-
Resolved, Toot the chief of police be slid he
hereby authorized to purchase the nece...r
shields to be worn by the police force to tuk
the place of the star now wont by cam force an
as recommended by the mayor: the design (
said shields to be such an shall be fixed upon b
the mayor and chlef of police.
Yeasx Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, (sullen, Conley
Fleher Gahan, Kavanagh, Lelthauser, billies
Mel Y% Yrutt, Sullivan, Weber, 1'oerg, Mi
Approved Jan. 8, 1890.
BY Ald. Lelthauxer—
Ree ved That th
e cit all lam
tn�JJ Y i con live I
1. hei+Ab ordered to lace and maintain retain rive of
lam on Newport avenue between the
u(H ghwood and
Burlington Heights.
Flxher,—Gehnnf k.], Blom,
Bock, Cullen, Conley
d?liennea, Melad,'. Pratt, fiulliven. Dl r. Vice Pmi
Approved Jan. 8, 1800.
Resolved, That the proper city OM-- be ❑n'2
they aro hereby ❑nthorlted to elfin sad ..-.0
the contract between the Mount Veroon Bridge
Com paoY end the dry of fisint Paul for the
c oetructlon of the uFeretructure o[ the Bun
stmt beldtr-tbe—ge aerone h arqulr street, which con
the bead of a aid Mount VernhonBBridge com
esmesubmitted with a id co.troct be end the
hereby approved.
Flher, Gehnn, Bickel,
He on, KavnoeEh,ulLelt Beer,
Mfnea, Memtly, Y(ntt, Sullivan, A(r. Vtce Yreei-
Approved Jan. 8, 1800.
11thelived 'lbn[ the proper cit • olllcers he .red
thole ntam h tby ween
Gustav R I w and the
city of St. Paul for the cmitructfon of a tire
vl'Well in the Sixth ward, which contract bears
,lam Dec. 14. 1880, and that the bond of
nu'dGustav 11""ow, %bmltted with Bald con.
tract, be and the name In hereby approved.
F ober, Gehul Hlflulm mlo JCevnuokhulLelthuulseay=,
)tinea, Malady, Trutt, SuIlfvat, I'll Vice Prexl-
Approved Jan. 8, 1890.
By Ald. Weber—
tr be drawn in favor
h board Resolved, That t
f control for .the um of $1,382.32f'
being the chi's one-third of Lhe expenditure 0
said board for the month of December, 1889.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom• Bock, Cullesh Len, Conley,
I es, Malady, Prat[, •Su111vaX M•r. Vice Prexlj
dent -16.
Approved Jan. S, 1890.
By Aid. Gehau-
3[esOlved, That an order be drawn on the
In treasurer in favor of the city engineer for
the sum of fifty ($60) dollars, tc be used as a
contingent land for o8ice expenses.
Yeas—Aid. Blekel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Flsheq Gehan, Hamm, Kavanagh, Lelthauaer,
Miuen, Melody, Pratt, SuWvan, Mr. Vice Preef-
Approved Jan. 8, 1890.
By Aid. Sullivan—
Resolved, That the bridge built by the Minne-
sota Transfer Ballivay companyy on University
venue In said city over the true a of said com-
pany where the said fruits erose said Univers.
Icyavenue, In accordance with . proposition
made by said company and aex:epted by the
common conned Muy ]6, 1888, be snd the said
bridge Is I—byseraptad.
Yens—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
'll hIt, Gahan. Hamm, Kavanagh, ultba,user.
Mines, Malady, Yratt, Sulllv¢n, Mr. Vice Pf:es1-
Approved Jan. 8, 1890.
Resolved Th.t the
nax 'slice of the
P North
8t. Paul
Rnllroed companyy, bearing date Oct.
80, 1889; and flied 1. the omce of the city clerk
Nov. 1, 1889, accepting ordinance, No. 1,240,
herebvvad Olt, pproved 9, 1880, be sad the eart, Ie
Aur, that the bond of saki company given pg r•
aoc to section 17 01 sem ordlu.nce, and p-
p ed by the oorporatloa tt.-eV Nov. 1,
1889, and flied with the city clrk Nov. 1, 1889,,
be and the same le bereby approved.
Fisher. GehaufaHammf�Kuvana('ILaithsulaer,
Mine., Malady, Pratt, 9ulllv.n, Mr. Vice Pml-
Approved Jam- 8, 1890.
Resolved, That the ❑cceps.ytnure of the Saint
[ember 23d,1889.and filed w 6 the city I.rdate k
6eptember '1 I'd. 3888, accept'"" ordinance No.
1227, titled "1n' ordluance, the
Saint Paul City Railway company to construct,
,Inip, Intal" d rte street .ilwnp
knee m the city of ""lot Paul" be and the same
Is hereby approved.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel. Blom. Bock, len, Conley.
Sinner, Geh.n, Ifxmm, Kavanagh, I" th.user,
1[Inen, Afelndy, Pratt, HulllVnn, AIr. Vice Pzeld
lent -16.
Approved Jan. 8, 1890.
Iw..IVed. That the !lc7ptance Ireland
cud Thumun Cochran, Jr., bearing date Novem-
.,r I.c, 1R89, rend /11ed with the cityy clerk Na-
ber :red. 1880, pting di co No.
1202, nVrov;d Atanata80th, 3889, be and the
nme i. hh reby approved.
Y.aa—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
•N.her, Gehnn, Kavanagh,, Mi....
delady, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, AIr.Pres-
Approved Jan. 8, 1800.
Resolved, That the acceptance of the 8apmpt
3. 1889 d hied with compthe city clerk Sept. 28,
889, accenting ordinance No. 1201, approved
,ug. 30, 1889, and ordinance No. 1210, as ap-
,roved Sept. 7, 1889, be and the same is hereby
Al,,,, that the ag=,, of said company to.
amly with
the proWefo.. and condltione of
aid ordinances. which agreement beats date
ept. 28, 1889, and filed wlththe city clerk
ept. 23, 1889, be and the same In hereby ap-
9eherr,, GelhanlHaimm. Kavanagh, Lelth.1%,.
Mluen, Malady, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice Pres
dent -15.
Approved Jan. 8, 1890.
BY Aid. Gebon—
It Its hereby ordered by the Common Com
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of condemning an eam
in selands for the construction of slope. for
necessarycut or fill upon thereat pro etyab
thithegon Cook right of wwtreet ayy ofbthe Northern Pacific
road, that may be required In the grading
said street in accordance with the establish
tbooard of public de, be and the
workesame i to hereby
mvereferred to yetlgete and
First. Is this Improvement proper and a
Second. Give the council an estimate of t
e:pease thereof, and state whether one-half
the cost themol ie to be ppaid Into the city tr
ury before the contract 1s let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for ea
1. rovemeat be found benefited to the ex
ten damages, costs and expenses necessary to
incurred thereby?
FOVI- such Improvement,
tt asked owners of
majority of the property to h assessed for an
Fifth. Send the council a Ian or pprofile
aald improvement, as required by law, if you
port in favor of thesame.
Sixth. Send the council a proper order direr
ing the work to be done.
Fieher,Ald Gehani Hemml�Ruve negh�L lthau1.
Mmen, Malady, Prato Sullivan, Mr, Vice Proof
dent tsee
Approved Jan. 8, 1890.
By Aid. Gahan—
It Is hereby ordered bythe Common Council o
the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of condemningan eaeementln
Lands for be conetruc[lo. of elopes pfor the nec-
t�gronuCaset or fllstr et betiveen the l(grtlnrtytreet
.and the right of nay of the Northern p,.t"c
railroad, that may be requlMd 1n the �.ding
omfa.daid etreet,ln accordance with the etabllebed
board of publiceis works toenvestd to the
lregate and re -
First. le this improvement proper and nmM.
Second. Give the council a eatimate of the
ex amitthereof, and tate whether one-halfof
rte cost thereof fe to h pold into ten city Lreee-
ury before the contract le let.
Third. Can coal estate to be assessed for said
fmprovement hal est benefited to the extent of
dam coeFe and expenses necessary to be In-
curred thereby?
Fourth. Is such Improvement asked for upon
the petition or application of the owners of a
majority of tea property to be assessed for such
Fifth. Bend the council a Ian or profile of
said IreDrovement, de required by taw, if you xe-
-port mfavor of the same.
Sixth. Send the council n proper order direct-
ing the work to be done.
Fisher Gets., Gets., "Llnm,KavBook anaghulLetithau Conley
Minea, Malady, Pratt, Sullivan, Mi. Vice Proof,
Approved Jan. 8, 1890.
out By Aid. Bock—the —
m4 It le beret ordered by the Common Council
and of the Cltv of St. Paul:
ail- That the matter of rep iring the sewer OR
Of Hanfil street, from Western avenue to West 6ev-
ed .nth street, be and the same la bereby referreQ
the to the board of public works to investigate and
re- .Port:
Flret. Is this Improvement proper and came.
- asry.
Second. Give the council au estimate of Lhe
he erpenm thengf, and state whether one halt of
of the cost a the c le to be paid foto the city trans-
_ ury before the contract is let.
sae Third. Can real estate to h Tse it for Bald
Id improvement be found to
to the extent
tent of damages, costa and azpensee accessary to be
h Incurred thereby?
Fourth. is such 1mprovementoaked for uppojr
petition or appllcatfon of the owners p[ �a
oa majority of the property to be assessed for an
ha Improvement?
Fifth., Send the councB a plan or profile of
Bald improvement, as requiredlabylaw,ifyoun-
t Port In favor of the same.
re- Sixth. Send the council a propeturder dlreet-
ing Lhe work Lo be done.
t- Yeas—Ald. Blekel, Blom. Book, Cu9eu, Conley,
Fisher, Geban, He uld Kavanagh, Lelthauset,
Minea, Malady, Pratt, 8ulllvaa, Mr. Vice Proof,
Approved Jan. 8, 1890.
By Aid. Gehan—
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
f That the matter of condemtdng an easement
abutfor the construction on of slopeyerlot the
ting on LJenksor ilstreet between Coe It apt
clficerail road, that may be required in Lhe grad-
ingg of said street, In accordance with tea e.tsb-
hehed acute, hand the same f. hereby referred
to the board of public works to Investigate and
First. Is this improvement proper and name.
Second. Give the council an estimate of the
apensa thereof, and .tete whether one -telt of
the coat thereof m to be whet into the City
Treasury before rte contract f. It.
Third. Can reel estate to he aseeeeed fpr .aid
Improvement h found benefited to the eateato[
demegee coat and expeases necessary to be In-
curred thereby?
Fourth. Is such Ireppzovempn asked lornpan
the petitbn or apphaatfon of the owaete of a
majority of the Property to be assessed for abet
Filth. Send the couudl a plan or Po81e of
said improvement, an required by law, If you
report In favor of the same.
Blxth. Send the councilIL properorder,diMet.
Ing the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conlel
Fisher, Gahan, Hamm, Kavanagh,
Minea. Melody, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice Pres.
dent -15.
Approved Jan. 8, 1890.
By Aid. Gehan—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council o
the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of condemning an easemen
in lends for the construction of elopes for the
necessary cut or fill upon the real propertf
abutting on Lawson street, between (:ortlan<
street and the right of way of the Northern Pa
ceflc Boele"d that may be required in the grad
Ing of said street, in accordance with the stab
llobed grade, be and the same hi herebyy referre(
to the board of public work. to lavoid to enc
First. Its this improvement proper and maces
Second. Give the council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether one-half o,,
the cost thereof is to be paid into the City Trona
my before the contract ie let.
Third. Gan teal estate to be asseseed for said
improvement be found benefited to the extend
Of damages, were and expenses necessary to be
metered thereby?
Fourths le ouch emprovemmt'.eked for upon
the petition or appllcatlon of the owners of e
majority of the property to be assessed for suet
Fifth. Send the council a plan or profile of
said improvement, as required by few, it you re-
port In favor of Lhe same.
Sixth. Bend the council a proper order di.
recting the work to be done.
Yeas—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen,Conley,
M.ber, Gahan, Hamm, Kavanagh, Leithaaaer,
Minea, Malady, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice Pres-
ident- 15.
Approved Jan. 8, 1890.
By Aid. Gabon—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of the opening of Magnolla
street from Rice street to Agate to a width of 60
feet, or the present uidth of said Magnolia street
between Rice ad sylvan, be and the same is
hereby referredto the board of public works to
Investigate and report:
First. Is this improvement proper and neces.
Second. Give the council en estimate of the
erpenee thereof, and tate whether one-half of
tta coat thereof is to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third. Can real estate to be assessed for said
improvement be found benefited to theextent of
damages. coats and expenses necessary to be in-
curred thereby?
Fourth. Is such Improvement asked for upon
the petftlon or application of the owners or a
majority of rte property to be assessed for such
Fifth. Send the council u plan or profile of
Geld improvement, as required by law, if you re-
port in favor of the same.
Btzth. Bend the council a proper order direct-
to the
a.—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Cooley,
FiehGahan, Hamm. Kavmisgh, Lefthauser,
Minea, Malady, Pratt, Sullivan, bit. Vice Proof—
Approved Jan. 8, 1890.
By Aid. Bock—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
Of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of pairing the sewer on
Pleasant avenue, from Third street to a point
balf-way between Walnut sad Chestnut street..
be and the same Is hereby referred to the board
of public works to lnveattgate and -port;
First. Is this Improvement proper and name.
Second. Give thiscouncil an estimate of the
expense thereof, and .tate whether one-half of
the cost thereof is to be paid into the City Trea.-
ury before the contract le let.
Third. Can teal estate to be a.eessed for said
Improvement be found benefited to the extent
of damages, costs and expense. neceesary to be
Incurred Lherebyl
Fourth. I. such improvement asked forupon
the petitle- or application f the owners of a
majority of the property to be assessed for such
Fifth. Send the council a plan or profile of
said improvement, a. required by law, if you re-
port in favor of the same.
III= Send the council a proper orderdlrect-
ing thework to be done.
FiYeats--Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
eher, Gahan, Hamma
. Kavnagh, Leithauser,
Minea, Malady, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice Preel-
Approved Jan. S. 1890.
By Aid. Leftbauser—
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the CYty of fit. Paul:
That the matter of opening Book street from
Burns avenue to Minnehaba street be and the
came is bereby referredto the board of public
works to investigate and report:
First—Is this Improvement proper and nems-
Second—Give the council an estimate of the
pence thereof, and state whether one-half of
;he cost thereof is to be paid into the city Mesa-
rry before the contract is let.
Third—Can real estate to be asseased for said
overnent be found
iad to
mraae . co is ander se nessaent of
wrred thereby? ry to ba ln-
Fourth—I. such improvement asked for
t on the petition or application of the owners
1f a mejodty of the property to bt aeaseaed for
inch Improvement?
Fifth—fiend the conndl a plan or profile of
aid Improvement, as
required by Isw, If you re.
vert in favor of the same.
Sixth—Send the council a prewar order dlreet-
ag the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Hock.4lrlI-. Conley,
inter; Gabon, Hamm, RavanaRh Tell aveer,
Rinea, Malady, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr: ;Vjpe Treel-
Approved Jan. 8, 1890.
In the inata•r of the report of the Board of Pub- board shall
Ile \Vorks datetl Jan. 71n, 1890, Proceed without delay to assess the
lc Is hereby ordered by the Common Council of sarhe,wbich wias ll To uired to an scedurn the
the Cl Ty of St. Paul: Costs and necessary a P .the damages
That the board of public works of the city of ment u on the real estate be benefitedlImprove'
St. Paul, caube the following Impr vemenc to 1mp ovemI thent, as Ysaid
t made, to -wit: Open, [video and extend Jenks opltdou f Provided by law, eft being the
scree*, beSacen Arkwright street and McNlenom the couuCil that rex crate to ba
street, In bald city, coademnln y assessed for e h provement can be found
north thirt ) e a taking cite benefited to the exte�Ic of the damagea,coste and
St.tPa 1. y (30 feet of lot 23, Ho t'e Out lots, expenses necessary to be incurred therebp.
they clay to atsness the id board
.mo Out Pao nearlytas Yeas—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
they tau ascertain the same. whlcb wll] be re- Fisher, Gahan, Hamm, Kavanagh, Leithauser,
yuiced to
pay the damages, coats and necessary !\fine», Melady, Pratt, Sulhvati. air. Vice Presi-
eaPeusss of such Improvement upon the real es- dant-16.
tate to be beneflted by said Improvement, as Approved Jan, 8, I8fl0.
Counrro"tle If
at real estetelaw; It i to baeethe pnsad forfthe
lmpmvementcan befound bene11tetl totrl re
Bent of the damages. costs and-e,pensee nceee- In the matter f the report of the board o
ary to be incurred thereby. Public works dated Jan. 7, 1890.
]yeas—Ald. Bickel, Hlom, Bock, Ca]Ien, Cotyle at le hereby ordered by the Common Council off
Fleher, Gahan, Hamm, Keva.agh, Lelthause�, the CYty of St. Paul:
](Inc», Melady, Pratt, 9.111 van, Mr. Vice p[es1_ That the board of public works of the City of
dent -16. Bt. Paul cause the following improvement to be
Approved Jan. R, 1890. P.
Lo-Mt: Condemn d take a. easement
betweethen Lland abutting
ting o pd nT ylvanla avenue,
eCknon street, in
city. neoeseaty Lo eanetruct the Elope for
In the matter of the report of the Board of Pub- cute aad Alla In grading -aid PenneylVanla ave-
I1c Works dated Jan. 7th, 1890. nue between Bald treats to the established
Ie le hereby ordered by the Common CO..c11 of grade thereof, ae shown ge Cdby the profile of said
the CYth nP St. Pant: - In mud forasd Ramsey countythe
audr�in the oA{ a of
That the board of public woowingrks o[ said city of the city engineer, Bald elopes to extend one and
St. Pter of deed.
biaul caus,ite the toll true, lmprovrmeut to one -halt (1K) feet on e»id land tot every toot of
reets(rom Sixth street to cEast Fourth Hope sewer slo or Ail, as lndlcated on Lhe plan of said
I n Seld city, together with the iecessar Pes attached to said report and to be filed In
basins and manholes. That said board mum the olflce of said homed; that Bald board shall
said work to be let by contrnee, ns provltlod b llrocI without delay Lo assess the amount, es
law, \rl[hont one-half the em, Id cost being w711rbe utt ey can Certai t1, came, which
fleet pad foto the city Lreaeury, and after said ._.ear, eapenees of eathe
ch damages, coat cud
k ehel] be pluced under contract, eafd board the real estate to Pmvement upon
amours .hallrt8eed ea[='thouct delay to assess the tent, ne provltlod Dy lnwfltftb ie nsaid g the o opinion
ti s y can ascertain the Of the council that real estate to be aeeessped for
e hi esndlI be requured t0 pay the cost and ex
be provement can be (o m I beaeAted to the
eceaeary pensee f a ❑ improvement pox eetfee...
of t Dee damages, oats and
Lhe teal eatxce to be beaelited id d by said Improve- n exyeueea
of thincele conici v that real estate it be
Oe ahe esesved for ary to incurred thereby.
l-ens—Aid. Bickel, Blom, L. Cullen: Conley,
ucb Improvement can be found beueeted to the Fisher, Gahan, Hamm, Kavanagh, Leithauser,
extent of the st aad expenses necessary to he Mine` , led,, Pratt, Suulvan, ]fr. Vice Presi-
incurred Hereby. cease deur-16.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conies, Apor.ved Jan. 8, 1800.
Flsher, Gehun, Hamm, Kaveuugh, Leithauser,
dens», Melady, Yratt, Sullivan, -ice I.— lu the m iter f the report of the Board of
dent 16.
Approved .Inn. R, 1890. I Is hereby or-8dated Jan. 7, 1890.
Lbe CYL y ordered by the Common Council of
y of St. Paul:
That the board of public work. of the City of
In the otter of the port i the Board of made, tO wdte the
.Ialse uw aid take sone "tt tent
Works dated Jan. 7, ` 800. the land buttin
to be
It is
hereby ordered by the ;omen U''ouucfl of Miasiselppi street agd Ea 01, 1 ntrceiintA,bri el ny
LThe GYty f Rt. Paul:
bat tae bo"d f Uublic works of the city of Alle 1,m Heading en1A°j ^k6ea al�pes Mor cute a d
St. Paul cause the tnlf,,..,u..y ._.
meat shown by the proAle of said grade on Ale fn thwcce
t c ce of the register of deeds In and for Ramsey
City CInn[y and 1. the omce of the city e
and cad elopes to *,tend one and one-half (1y lcet
bald nn a id land for every toot of tui or All, ae Sndf-
rated epor on d t pian of eafd elope' attached toebld
ce of port add to bn Aled in thtpmCe o[ laid board.
1lmty That said board shall
and I
'aid ptedrobemen npoa the enmal r
Y Id improvemt, Mt
law: It being the -Pinion of the Council that real cour[cxicenoxs.
tate to be Assessed for such improvement can
be found benefited to the extent of the damages, From His Honor, the Mayor—
costs nerd expenses necessary to be incurred Broudnny Bridge—Letter of %V. G. Collins, as -
thereby. elst3uc general perintendent Cldcago, Mill
lyres—:Ud. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen. Conley. [vaukee S St. Paul Rulln'n)- Company.
Fisher, Gahan. Hamm, h'avanagh, Leithauser, To the President and Common Council of the
Mies. Melady, Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Vice ]?_ei- City of St. Paul:
dent -16.
Approved Jan. 8, 1890. Gentlemen: Your attr.tlon fe respectfully
adjounted. called to the cumntuuicntion of 1V G. Collins,
ARrnour Voe Br., Ja., Vice President of Council R iS tI—t general su peri a tc.dent of the Cacxgo,
Taos. A. PRexnEtta.tBT, CYci (:lark. II{iwnu kee & St. Pnul rail\ray, herewith sub-
mitted, h, T,,111tion to the proposed Broadway
bridge. to OIL——at[me in the premises as you
clay dorm advamble.
Special Meeting. ' I \t o\ ]d say in this con.ectfon that the ea e
o0icer bus since to mc, mollfciallp, that his
ST. P.t U[„ Jan. 10, 1890. ,ud •• no iu tenticu to obstruct the building
President Hnmtn in the choir. of the Brod in brides, but that his mad be[d ea
Yrreent—Aid. Hickel, Qrlle u, Conley. Fisher, snit pending for the fee f rtan property on
Gahan, Kavanagh. Lsit,, ,ser, ]linea, Pratt, [he line of ISroudwu}-; and that they gave this,
Sullivan. \Veber, YoetS. Mr. Yresideuc-13. ,notice sot w y to prejudice their
lun"sni[.o" ]- as nours m respectany h0, y.
21. 18flU. ROnE4r A. SmYra, Mayor,
. �
From His Honor, the mayor—Call for the I CCepted.
I7'he'-Moiling is the letter of 1V. G- Collins
Honor, the may -or, ended the meeting for I gbove referred to:
the purpose of having ratified and confirmed the,
contract between the city of Suint Puna Id i Messrs. richt rt A. Smith, the Mayor, and L. N.
"ThehDaily Ploncer Press" as city printer for Runt
e year A. D. 1890. Yauitlett,\the City- Engineer of the City of St.
t, [inn.
Accepted. Gentlemeli: Referring to the propos
= ed.
REPORTS OF CITY OFFICER*: "BTOldN"Ry Bridge," ao called, across the \fis-
sippt river, I have to say and insist, on behalf
u1 the Chicago, \1(I\cuukce & St. Paul Railway
Of Corporation Attorney—Contr.ct, city cunmlue�tp, that ail brad bet.'* S the grounds of
printer— the Inion Depot company and cold river, which
The corporation attorney submits contract, I lies beeuxrn the silo lines of Broadway street
m ted lythe Pioneer I'm— Company, for city nsiderrd ua prod need southward tothe[v.ters
i riming for year A. U. 11,90, and the bond of of snld r r. the exclusively Drivate prop -
n i compul[y in 526,,I n-ith J,aePh A. Nbee- arty o[ suid ruilyvnV cum pan y: that the same le
lock spr Frederick Driscoll as euretiee, l; object t, n et some t whatever imI favor of
Accepted. (See resolution.) :o 1 city, or of the `mbnc; t;mt suid street has
o legal t•xme tence \ 01dn, upon, over or u
naso[. the some. or uny port thereof, and tbat without
cnmiemm�tfon or [he a me OP eaid raml.
Resolved, That the props cfty n�cers be and \ny eo nPuuy-, the CYty- of cS t.sPaul has, or cult
the ore hereby uutnorize, to `m'ltnre no right or uu[hori [)- wDntet•er to con-
tbecontract between the Pioneer YresavCom- sLroct oraid laud. t uiutuin uny bridge upon or over
Pony and the yeor 1x90 �w im!ch contract be 'The said ruilwey company, therefore, hereby
iprinting for the objects cud `\rotests nguinet the construction of
me the Stu day of J,,ivary. 1890, and that I nn}' bridge mpon or over suid Innd. \yer}- re
he bond of Id The Yiomrr Press Com.pnny- spec[fulI pours,
'ubmi tted with aid Contract be, and the some'
Is hereby aPproced. \V. G. COt-t-ixe,
,,,,Assistant General Superintendent
e]'eas—Aid. Bi kel C Ilan ey. Fisher, .. d, 1690.
G hon K von ugh, LmthauserC \lineae, Yrutt, C.mC. tee on streets.
Sullivan, \Veber, ]-,erg. Mr. President -13.
�PProved Tan. 10, 1890. From Flies Stierie wed Otheea—
Ifourmmed. h'or the grading of Conway or Third street.
Nei. H u7A.r, President o[ Council. Board of Public ,'orbs.
Tnoe. A. PnExvenawsT, City Clerk.
From Robinson & Cary Company—
__ Asking 52,930 damages—'Phir[l street grading.
Grouted. (See No. 1,289.1
Regular Mooring. From Noyes Bros, A: Cutler—
ST. 21, 1890. For perm1' ion to erect a high fence iuelo'ing
President Hamm In the chwir. private nlleywuy on Sixth street.
Present—Aid. Bickel, Aloin. Bock, Cullen, Con- Grunted. (See ordl,,,,- No- 1, 2SS.J
ley. Gehx., K....... Le{tuauser, \tinea, Ile pYom V. A. Saga and Othere—
dy, Pratt, Su9ivnn, Naber,\Ir. Yrest- ymtesting against completion of Roble street
Idem utas 1Y.rem until a connection can be made
Minutes of preceding meeting approved and w"th the Mississippi river, etc-
dispen d with. ICo
2 mmlttee on streets.
From E. C. Long alld Others—
ain sewer of the Als-Ill.
Park systemt be extended along the line of Cm
verafty avenue to Snelling avenue; tbenm nortl
on Snelling avenue to Mlnnebaha street.
Committee on streets.
From Arthur Stanton—
A.kfng for return of $100 deposits d with clerk
of municipal court as security for appearance of
Nellie Goven.
Committee on police.
From Audreae Oechwaid—
Asking council to take such measures as will
expedite the COnetructlon of a bridge t the
tracks of St. Y., DI. & Dl. By. Co. and Dale
Committee on etreete. '
From John Leinen and Others—
Asking for all ordinance wbich will prevent
disreputaDiaprnctrcea at hay market.
Committee on sc=eets.
From Thomas Cochran and Reuben Warner—
RuLka of withdrawal from auctioneer bond
Anthony Al. Dougherty.
Committee oil liause.
From Como Villas and IN'arrendale Citizens'
Trnsmltting copy of resolution adopted by
said union Dec. 6, 1859, asking for hose, boss
reel and hooding for same nt Lexington avenue,
near Northern Pacific railway tracks.
Committee on fire department.
From Jackson Street Fish Company—Chase
Aekfug for return of money paid for meat If.
OI City Comptroller—Au Ifted claims, viz.:
S Shan E
e No. 3 eexer
Tuscarora street iJ.
3 . St et Hauser
r Estimate
No -
3 e
rr On Delos street, Sri07; J. Grout,
80; F. W. Steeg, 816.80; St. Paul
Co., 89.62; St. Paul Furniture Co.,
ter Bros., 832_ Larkin & Smith 20
Kenny Bros.. $3.40; P. H. Kelly Bleree
RB.BO; J. G. Duggn. Sl O.fi6; G. C. Harp
Paul G. Wood, 842..4; R'. F. Enefn.
R. Erwin, 592.80; W. H. Farnham,
A. W. Mortensen, $106.60; H. J. \Veyl
W. P. O'Brien: 860.60; John Hannan,
T. P. Grace, $50.80; W ckoff, Seamam
dict, $62.50; E. M. Hallowell k. co
$36.75ySt. Paul Book&Stationery l;o ,, 582.98;
St. Paul Gas Light Co., $'-0.957.99.
Allowed and ordered paid by the following
Yens—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Callen, Conley,
Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, )linea, ilfelady,
Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Me President.
Ot City Engineer—Stairways and OtherObstruc-
To the Common Council:
Gentlemen: Oil June 14, 1889, In accordance
writh the request of year honorubie body, I aeut
you u 71st showing webers the streets were ab-
structed by stairways or other projections, and
I wins further instructed by your honorable body
to "Ty
tif � c
c ro rc
S owners where
V ON Y e these ob-
existed to owners
e the
tour months. '
phis Lns been done, but little; 6
T. Millin N s 3, grading county rand, 5 ich m IIOy, attention hoe been gtvea to the notice,: to
T. Million, Estimate No. 2, madina Miuuehnha e , few in.tauces, where new Sidewvalks were
street, 8936; Dnle & Bnmgurdner, Estimate No. Inidr, the old etairwrays we
removed; In ¢few
1, grading Jenks street. S1,020. S. E. Sendeen, case, the property owners hove en commmn-
EStimate No. 1, grading Lawson street, 8680; cutious saying that they were willing to remove
T, I.inua I Estimate No. 1, grading Wilder the obstructions when their leases orreutals ran
¢venue, 8340; J. Rousso, Estimate No. 4, out; but fu the mnjorlty of cases no atteutlon
supplemeut¢ry to No. 3 and final, sewer on 'hntver hon Deen pard to the notice, and I
Toronto street, $25; Thornton & Shx c, Esti- doubt very much 1[ anything can ballot e, unless
mute No. supplementary to ar No. li and final, I legui1 proceedings
COdl lrrgl them to emovedthag obetruc-
S moods, 11rvICe Estimatt el No. 830 and Gflnnl, Mous and openings. Respectfully submitted.
war on JeRereon avenue, 82,24:3.40; L. W. Ruxnt.Err, City Engineer.
B. True, Eetime. No. 1, grading alley block 6, 'i, Jnn. 21, 1890.
Finch's addition, $170: J. Forrestal, Estimate j Committee on streets.
No. 6 and final, Ohio Street saller system. $4,-
822.13; L. A. Bumgurdner, Estimate No. 8, Also,
upplementary to No. 5 and final, Rondo street \
560; ld. Tracy, Estimate No. 1 Marshall Avenue br
grading Hoyt avenue, $425; P. Doherty, EL - To the (:ommoLLCbvnC1l:
mate No, 6, Supplementary to No. 5, and final.
Edgerton street sewer, $600.28; Dale aad Bum- Getttleme4r: � Relative to the resolution by
ginner, Estimate No. 0 and final, grading Dlen- Aid. Sullivan, that the city engineer is
dna road, $1.020.02: America. Manufacturing hereby direetd to ascertain under whose
•ompsay. $28.25; Abbott Downing Company, control the Marshal avenue bridge, crossing
413; Northwestern Lfine Company, $IOR.80; the D[iaelssippi river, Is at present, 1 would
P. V. Dwyer Broe.. $29.46; K. P. Cullen, Say'but I tied on Investigaclon that, are per [he
437; Boeringer & Sou, g24.9fi; R. Crulk- enclosed communication recehed from the city
shank, $100; C. 0i tfuse, $12.60; engineer of Minuespolfs. the county of Hennephr
N. W. Stamp Works, 81.60;]all Coal & Iron has turued over to the city of Dtinneapolls the
"o., $8.76; G. hfltech, $83.26; Noyes Bros. & care o[ their portion of the bridge; and that at
lrtler, $1.41; Robinson &Cary Co., $64; L. E. the present time, the care of the portion of the
bridge In Ramsey county Is still in the hands of
the county commlaeloners.
Repecttally submitted.
0. L. W. RuxnuErr,
City Engineer.
Jan. 21, 1891
dldermaaoF she -ward: -- - ,
The city engineer submits Estimate No. 1,
Grand a .nue brings, Rheuume & 81. Pierre,
Allowed and referred to comptroller bytollow-
Ing vote:
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Gebun, Kavanagh. Lelthauser, M1nea, Malady,
Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Yosrg, ,dr.he President
Of Corporation Attorney—Contract. Grand
venue Dritlge over right of way C., M. & St. P.
Ry. compsuy—
The corporation. attorney submits said Con-
tract executed by said Rheanme & St. Pierre.
Accepted. (See resolution.)
Contract, iron bridge and approaches, on Men.
dota road in Dakota county—
The corporation attorney submits Said con-
tract, executed by the Chicago Bridge mud Iron
Accepted. (See resolution.)
Contract, substructure of bridge over \lfsels.
sippl river. Broadway to Stat Street—
The corporation attorney submits draft of.
said contract.
Aid. Yoerg moved to refer Said mattrto com-
mittee on Streets.
Aid. Cullen
moved consisting
d mattrbe referred
ton committee, orror ti of Aid. Minattorney,
t, co ler
Conley sod the co[ u at .Pau to Railway with the Chicago. ]tto snide & St. Paul Railway
company I. relative to said company's alleged
Tight. t the premises.
Aid. Cullen moved that when council adjounre
it adjourn until Friday. Jan. 24, 1890, at 7:30
o clock p. m. to hear the report of said last
mentioned committee.
Ald. Toerg declined to serve oil said committee,
mid on motion of Aid Cullen Aid Melody was
tire toon council, o ,palrl,. the eeried er on Pleas n89av Slue
from Third street to a point half way between
. Walnut and Chestnut Streets, and having inves-
tigated th a proposed Improvement:
Respectfully report that it is necessary and
proper to enlarge and repair the sewer on Pless.
avenue, from Third Street to a point half
way between Walnut Street and Chestnut
street; that the estimated expense thereof Is
8460, one -hull of which need not be paid into
the cityreld treasury before the contract is let;
thatfound benefited to estate to the extent of then Cost and
exp. nes neceesnry o be incurred thereby; that
Said improvrment I� not naked for Dy a petition
o[ a ma]'ority of the tomer. of property to be
aeaeaeed therefor, but we herewith Send a plan
or profile of said Improvement, nd an order for
your adoption, if you desire as to make the im-
Yea., 3; nay., 0.
W. F. ERwtx, Clerk Board of Public Wodrjts.
Jan. 20, 1890.
Adopted. (See order to board of public
work.. )
Banfil Street Sewer—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The board of public works have had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
common council, approved Jan. 8, 1890, Fela-
Ifve to repairing the sewer on Banfll Street, from
Western ¢venue to tt'es' Seventh Street, and,
having investigated the proposed improvement:
Respectfully report that It is necessary and
proper to enlarge and repair thb sewer on Banfil
Street, from Western n •arms to West Seventh
treat: that the estimated expense thereof In
5460, one-half of wbichneed
t be p¢Id Into
the city treasury before the contract ie le[: that
estate to
be asses
sed therefor can be f
to the extent of
cost Slid e
enese necessary to be !1
e Incurred thereby: that
n(11 improvement is not waked for by a peti-
tion of a majority of the paters of property in
be assessed tberefor, bot we herewith send ¢plan
or profile of said improvement, often an order for
your adoption if
you desire us tp make the Im-
Yeas, 8; nays, 0.
R. L. GORMAN, President.
W. F. ERwIN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
Jan. 2I, 1890.
Adopted. (see order to board of public
substituted oil said committee for Aid. Yoerg. Hope Street Slopes—
Of Market Maet er—Rent of Mehket Dall— To the Common Council of the Cityof St. Paul:
The market master submits reThe board of publlc vorkn have had under
port of col!m- consideratlot [he resolution or order of the
tion; of market hall rent for September and Oc- common commll, approved Dec. 1N, 1889, rela-
tober, 1889 --city treasurer's receipt attached tive to condemning an easement for slopes on
for $600. Hope street, between Minnehaha and Margaret
Committee on ordinances and public accounts. Streets, and, having Investigated the proposed
Pleasant Avenue Sewer—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The board of public works bava had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
Respectfully report that it is necessaryy and
props to condemn and take an easement in the
]and abutting on Hope street between Minne.
haha street and
nsMargaret street, necessary to
cotruct the elopes [or cute and fills fn grading
Said Hope street, between Bald streets, to the
established grade thereof, as shown by the profile
From E. C. Long and Others— Shepley. $39; F. W. Steeg, 516.80; St. Paul
Asking that the molt scue, of the Dterrlam Hardware Co., 59.52; St. Paul Furniture Co.,
Park system be extended along the line of Uni- $765; Laner Bros.. $32: Lark(. &Smith 20
versify avenue to Snelling avenue; thence north mote; C. TDomae, $4,40; Warta & Dith 2 :
on Snelling avenue ee MinnehaD. street. 532.05; John Martin Lumber Co., $843.83;
Committee on streets. Kenny Bros.. $3.40; P. H. Kelly Meeantlle Co.,
From Arthur Stanton— $9.60; J. G. Duggan, $10 G. C. Harper, $7.21);
Paul G. Wood, 542.1.'t; W P ISnrin. $120.94;
Asking for return of 5100 deted with clerk R. Erwin, $92.30; ''. H. Farnham, $51.20;
1 municipal court as security Zrfoappearance of A. W. dfortensen. ¢106.00; H. J.''eyl, x42,24;
Nellie moven. W. P. O'Brien: $50,60; JoHannan,
Joh. 842.24,
Committee on pollen. T. P. Grace, $50.60; Wyckoff, Seamans & Bete -
From Andreae Oechwald— dict, $52.50; E. Al. Hallowell & Co., $9.50;
Asklug cou.Pit to take such measures as will Bet,
an Lumber $4' 75; St. Yaulp Ic Co.76 g12.G ;
expedite the construction of a bridge t the Yaul Saultutfo. Co., S84.G0; John Rogers, Jr.
tracks of St. Y., M. &• M. R}•. Co. and Dnle &Bros., $`100; Henry R. tVurthhtgton. $30,90;
treet. J. L. Henry, 5$ Rakhson & Hemmuvny,
Committee oil streets. S20U; Frank Ford, $24; Schmitt &
From John Lefnen and Others— Son, S6.06; W. C. Severna, 330;
Aeking for an ordinance which w1I1 prevent T�O.0 nnoere 8188 UO;AwInLhewl Craig, $65.'00;
disreputable practices at Day market. G. W. N imr,, $8 3. 60 Mathewerrill's Toilet Supply,
Committm on ,[testa. S8; Japan 7Yu Co:, 524.80; Fronk J. Rrin,s,
From TDomas Cochran and Reub,n'Varner— $36.75; St. Paul Book&9[aLtoner}-Co., 582.96;
Noilm of t'Ithdrnu'al Irom auctioneer Loud St. Poul Gas Light Co., $20,967.99.
of Anthony M. Dougherty.
Committee o. limuse.Allo tred and ordered paid by the followIng
From Como Villas and Warrendale Citizens'
runam Yens—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Boek, Call—' Conley,
Transmltting copy of resolution adopted by Gehan, Kava.agh, Lelthau or. )linea, Dteludy,
Bald union Dec. 6, 18A9, asking for hose, hose Pratt, Sullivan, Weber. Yoerg, ]Ir. President.
reel and building for same at Lexington avenue, -16.
near Northern Pacific railway track..
Committee on fire department.
From Jackson Street Fish Company—Chase & Of City Engineer—Stairways and OtherObstruc-
Larppeenteur— tious—
Asking for return of money paid for meat h- To the Common Council:
Accepted. with the ren: oil June 14our , 1889rtf, i 1 accordance
n Ifst sbuwiu ywhe a tthe Stlreets b.dLre sutb-
Uu R
ucted by stafrvnye of other proJectlons, and
OI City Comptroller—Audited claims, viz.:
't was further instructed by} -our honorable body
Thornton & Shxw Estimate No. 3. Sewer o t[ructinoin the Prod rtyr° a 11 the ate the,, hilt
'Tux ror street. 31,105; J. Iixusen, Estimate s ex remove me tv
No. 3, seller on Delos street, F:;67; J. mrxut four months. This hes been done, but o little: it
J;atimnte No. 9, gradin¢ catty road, 37(.5; .1. y. attention hall been given to the tices: in
T'. 11111111/ Estimate 1u. 2, gradin¢ Dlinnehah» few' instsnnms. where n side,valks were
treat. F936; Dale & BumFnrdner, Estimate 10. hada. the old tnlrtraye ",,a re ved; in a few
1, grading Jen kn grading
51,020; S. E. Sand— ea the property owners have seat c
Estimate 10. 1. gradin Lxw'son street xtfons saying that the tedlin
g Sd80; y were R to remtan-
1 Linn e,, 0;J.-Entimxte No. . 1, grndfng '•Ilder t e bstn1hahe when their leasee 110 att'a rs.
out but En
n .340; J. Hmisen. Estimate No. 4, LDe majority of Can" no [[eutlou
Supplementary to No. 3 and final, sewer 'h.tever Dae been peen to then figs. and I
Toronto Street, 326; Thornton & I air, Eeti� doubt very much if anything can bedone, unless
mete No. 7-Ttlen 11 in
, aupplementnty to N1. 0 and Huai, legal proceeding,in e, re cothem tommenced egahtst the
Symotud,. IrEstimatet ei Noy. 8:iU0:nd mdual' Hous and ops Ings. Respectfullysubmitedruc-
Jefferson avenue, aS2,243.40; j L. W, RnxnLt- c, City Engineer.
B `True, Estimate NO. 1, grading alley block 6, Jan. 21, 1890.
Finch's addition, $170: J. Forrestal, Estimate Committee on Streets.
No. 0 and final, Ohio Street setrer System, $4—
922.13; L. A. Butlgurdner, Estim.te No. G, Also
uppiementary to No. 5 and flnsl, Rondo ,treat
improvement S50; M. Tecy, Estimate No. 1 Marshall Avenue br \
grading Hoyt avenue, 5425; P, Doherty, F.sL?�
male No. 0, supplementary [a No, 6, and 9Rn1, To the Commou:Couneil:
Edgerton street sewer, 5600.28; Dale and Bum- GeutlenleR: Relative to the resolution by
gardner, Estimate No. 6 and final, grading Men- Aid. 8ullivam that the cit}- engineer IS
dota road, 31.020.02; America. Manufacturing hereby directed to ascertai. under whose
ompxny, $2A.26; Abbott Downing Company, control Thep Marshal venue bridge, roe 1nR
313; Northtreatern Lime Compan}•. $103.x0; the btlaefeslpl river, ie at present I we is
P. Y. Uttryer Be.... 329.45; K. P. Callen, soy that I flntl on Invee[Igatlon hot e p r the
587; Boeringer & Sou,; R. Crulk- evclo,etl communicatlon celved from stile city
bank, $100; C. Llchtfuae, 532.60; vgineer u[ Minuenpolie. the county of Hennepin
N. W. Stamp Werke, 53.60; Lehi¢h Coal & Iron has turned over to thn city of Mlnnenp lie the
C'o., 88.76; G. Mltsch. Sa3.26; Noyes Bros. & m of their portion of the bridge; and Lhat t
Cutler, $1.41; Robinson & Cary Co., $54; L. E. the present time, the care oP the porton If the
bridge In Ramsey county Is still In the hands of
the county eommlesionere.
Repectfully submitted.
City Engineer.
Jan. 21, 1890. -,. of the ward. -
The city engineer submits Estimate No. 1,
Grand avenue bridge, Itheaume & St. Plerre,
Allowed and referred to comptroller byfollow-
lug vote:
Yr=Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Geban, Kavanagh. Lelthauser, \tine., Melady,
Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, D[r. President
Of Corporation
avenue Dnd
ridge overrightof way C, N. & St. P.
The orporation ttorney submits Id coa-
tract executed by said Rheaume I' St. Pierre.
Accepted. (See resolution.)
Contract. iron bridge and approaches, on Men-
dot.road fn Dakota county—
The corporation attorney submits Said con.
tract, executed by the Chicago Bridge and Iron
Accepted. (See resolution.)
Contract substructure of bridge over M eals-
sfppi river, Broadway to Stare Sirmt—
The corporation attorney submits draft of
said conteet.
A Id. yoerg moved to refer said matter to com-
mtttee OR streets.
Aid. Cullen mowed thatsnid mntterbe referred
to a committee, consisting of Aid. N ....
(Carley and the c p ration attorney, c
with the Chicago. Mll ,..keg& S[. Poul Railway
pany relative to said company's alleged
rights in the premises.
Ald. Cullen moved that when council adjourns
it adjourn until Friday. Jan. 24. 1890, at 7:30
o'clock p� m. to hear the report of said fast
et tinned Committee.
nun toptea.
Ald. Yoerg declined to serve o. said committee,
and on motion of Aid. Cullen Alr%Malady was
Substituted o. said committee for Id. 7•oerg.
Of Market Master—Rent of Msfrkst hall—
The market .,-for submits report of coll -
tions of market hall rent for September and Oc-
tober, 1889—city treasurer's receipt attached
for $500.
Committee on ordivances and public amounts.
Pleasant Avenue Sewer—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The board of public � ks have bad nder
coasidera[lou the reaolutlon or order of the,
I common council, approved Jan. 8, 1890, rela-
tive to rep Irl,, the sewer on Pleasant venue
from Third street to a point half way between
,Walnut and Chestnut streets- and having inves.
tigated the proposed improvement_
Respectfully report that it Is necessary and
pmper [o enlarge and repair the sewer on Pleas
a -
nt avenue, from Third street to a point half
street; between that the4alnut street estimated a and Chestnut
of Is
expense thereof Is
file c one-half of which tend c n r paid into
the city treasury before sse contract 1s let;
that real estate to t assessed therefor can be
found ss crena to the extent of the cost and
p nes necessary,yo be incurred thereby; that
said improvement ib not asked for by a petition
of a ma7orlty of the owner, of property to be
assessed tberefor, but the herewith ,end a plan
or profile of said Improvement, and an order for
Y.- adoption, if you desire us to make the Im.
Yens, 3; nays, 0.
R. L. 60.1 s-, President.
W. F. Ell . Clerk Board of Public Works
Jan. 2 -
0. 189 0.
Adopted. (See order to board of public
w orke.)
Banfil Street Sewer—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The board of public w rke have had under
consideration the trsolt[10 1 or order of the
common cou»cil, approved Jan. 8, 1890, rels-
tfve to repairing she server on Ban1i1 street, from
Western avenue to West Seventh street, and,
having Investigated the proposed Improvement:
Respectfully report that it is necessary and
proper to enlarge and repair th2 sewer on Banfil
street from Wester n e ue to West Seventh
street: that the astimated expense thereof Is
5460, that
of which sed not
be paid Into
the city treasury before the contract fe let: that
al estate to be as,es,.d therefor Can be found
benefited to the extent of the cost end e
said ' acce—ey to be Innen red for bby; that
as y pe
tion of a mnjlritS of the otvnere of property to
be aeeeeeed therefor, bot —herewith send a plan
r profile of said inopuotemeot, and an order for
adoption if v dextra on to make the Im-
nays, 0.
R. L. Goayuv, President.
Enwix-90, .Li
erk Board of Public Works.
Jan. 18
Adopted. (See order to board of public
Hope Street Slopes—
To the Common Council of the Cityof St. Paul:
The board of public works have had under.
consideration the resolution o order f the.
common council, approved Dec.r18, IABP, rela-
tive to condemning an easement (or slopes on
Rope street, between Minnehaha and Margaret
streets, and, having Investigated the proposed
Repsepectinily eport that It In necessary and
er d sbattingd oil Haoptake
sheet between Mmneasement In a
,aha street and
Dlargaret street, necessary to
mtetruct the elopes for cute and eels In Sending
ieid Hopa street, between Said Streets, to the
- bllshedgemde thereof, a, Shown by the profile
of said larade on flie to the office of the register of $76, one-half of n'bich need not be paid into the
deed. iu d for Ramsey county, and it, the of- city treasury before the contract isle[: [hat real
ace of the city engineer: said elopes to extend state to be assessed therefor can be found t real
, one andcue-hal[ (1,) icer ou said Innd for every flted to the extent of the cost and expense. neves-
. toot of cut ortill ae dicated on the plan of said nary to be Incurred thereby; that said improve -
slopes attached to this retort and to be filed in ment Is not asked for by a petition of a major.
the of les of said board: that the estimated ex- Ity of the owners of property to be sseesed
aaperalssee thereof Is $25; that real estate to be therefor. but . herewith
litIsto therefor can be found benefited to the profile O[ said Improvement ndda a o der for
extent o[ the damages, costs and expenses necea- your adoption if you desire us to make the Im-
sacycu to e lucurred [hereby; that said improve- prover.
went 1.. ?t asked for by a petition of a major- Tens, 3; Wase, D. ity of the owners of Property to be assessed R. L. GonxnN, President.
therefor, but we herewith end a plan or profile W F. Enwly. Clerk Board of Public Work..
of d I ovement, and an der for your Jnu. 20, 1890.
adop.Cut,t onmit you desire us [o make the improve-
ent. Adopted. (See order to board of public
myeas 8, nays 0,works.)
R. L. GORid-, President. Also,
ALF. ERwiN. Clerk Board of Public Works, Arkwtigltt Street Change of Grade -
Jan. 10, 1890. To Lhe Common Council of the City of
St. Poul:
"Adopted. (gee order to board of public a The board of ubllc a' rk6 have had under
tsiderati on the resolution or order of the con-
' not c cit, app oven ixOV, ti, 168fl, relative to
Also. Case .telt to Cook etreetT. v anka dhhahtneet, from
Rondo Street Opening, etc., and St. Anthonyated the proposed l streetprovand, g investi-
"Acenue Widening 1 g' y
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: Respeettully report that said Improvement is
The board of eceesnry ¢lid proper s indicated by the red`
public works have hod under ]hie oil [he accompanying profile; that the
consideration the resolution or order of the estimated expense thereof is $60; that real
common council, app ( ved Dec. 4, 1889, rela- estate to be assessed therefor can be found
Ove to the opening, u-fd(ning and extension of benefited to the extent of the damages, costs
Rondo street and St. lnthouy avenue, from nd expenses necessary to be Incurred there -
Western venue to Sueiling avenue, to a width by; that said improvement is naked for by a
not less the seventy-six (70) feet (It.0 I e[reet petntiou of ft majority of the on
o[ prop -
to Its junction with St. 2
avenue, thence erty to be assessed therefor, and the herewith
west , St. Anthony ave one), and having hives- send u plan or profile of said improvement
• tigated the proposed improvement: if Sou desire to make the improvement.
Teas :3,, nays 0.
p Respectfully report that is is send I ansary and R. L. Canuax, President.
from Wee tern avenueetoo nelu[erset(otion elt r St. \V. F. ERwty, Clerk of Board of Public Works.
Anthony nveuue, between Dunlap and Gt•iists Jan. 20, 1890.
streets, and to widen St. Antnoay avenue, from Adopted and city clerk instructed to give -
said intersection to Snelling av nue' that the necessary publication notice.
- eatlmated expense thereof b $40,000; that
real estate to bs assessed therefor con be found
benefited to the extent of the damages, coots Also. '
and expenses necessary to be lucurred thereby; Jenks Street Change of Gradt_
that said improvement is a..ed for by a To the Common Council of the Cit
petition of n mnjorlcy of the owuers of y of St. Paul:
pro P- The board of public tvorke have had under
erty to be ¢sseesed therefor, slid we herewith Considenard the resolution or order o[ the
,coon plea or profile of said improvement, and common council, approved Dec. 26, 1889. rela-
nn rder fol your adoption, ret you desire us tiro to a change o[
to make the improvement. cweeu Dle\lenem grade of Teske street, be.
Yeas 3, Buys 0, having investigated Lhe t and Clark street, and,
R. L. Goa>I.LN, President. Proposed improvement:
W. F. ERsIN, Clerk Board of Public Works. Respectfully report that said Improvement is
Jinn. 20, 1890. necescary and proper between McMeuemy street
p (See order to board of public streemid t laskindi ateap by thedred li eon the ace
Ado ted. north in
works.) compare yiug profile; chat the estimated expense
thereof is 51,860; thnc real estate to be assessed
Also. therefor can betound benefited to the extent of
the damagee, cost. and expenses necessary to be
Alley Grading, Block 2, Rnney's Addition- incurred thereby; that said improvement Is not
To the l;ommon Council of Lhe City of SL. Paul: asked for by a petition o[ w majority of the
The board of Dublic tvorke have -fStoe lie e�lch roeptdrtya to lien R.fms,l% therefor, but
sideration the resolution or order of the common P profile of sold Im-
council, approved Sept. 7, 1889, relative to grad- pr -count, It you desire to make the Improve -
fog n alley fu block 2, Rainey, addition, and, meat.
having investigated the proposed improvement: Yeas 3, nays 0. R. L. (30fiolf-, President.
F. ERwIF, Clerk of Board of Pu Ile Works.
Respectfully report that it is necessary and J¢n. 20, 1890.
proper to grade the alley iu block 2, H. Dl. Ratt-
ney's subdiv Von of block 11, 3t Be
Adopted and city clerk Instructed to give
8t. Paul; that the estimated expense thereof is necessary publication notice.
Lawson Street Change of Grade -
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The board of public works have had under
consideration the resolution or order of thecom-
mon council, approved Dec. 20. 1889 relative
to a chauge of grade on Lowson street, between
meMenemy street ¢red Clark street, and, having
investigated the proposed improvement:
Respectfully report that said improvement is
necesexry and proper between )IcNleuemy street
and Clark street, produced Co rth from (:ase
street as I heeled by the red line it the nc-
compa log profile: that the ee fteated expense
thereof is $400; that real state to be ne,eesed'
therefor tau be fouad benefited to the extent of
the damages, costs nod expenses necessa y to be
thereby; thateafd improvement :.asked
for by repetition of a t uinrity of thow
e of
property to I assessed iherefoe, and ,, here-
with a id n plan or profile of said Improvement,'..
if you desire to make the improvement.
Peas, 3; Days, O.
R. o d of P N. President.
W. F. F,nwtx. Clerk of Board of Public Works.
Jnn. 20,'N90.
Adopted n d city clerk instructed to give
necessary publication notice.
Estimates and Claims -
The board transmits, approved by it, the fol-
lowing estimates and claims, to -wit:
Estimate No. 4 and line], 'Tuscarora street
sewer, Thornton k Shaw, $1,928.90; Estimate
No. 7, supplementary to No. 0nd final, If Off -
man avenue sewer, I .-I h Joil usoll, 52,)0:
Estimate No. 0, supplementary to No. 5 end
heal. Hoffinsa ave m and Clermont street
ewer, (:. J. Symonds, $400; Estimate No. 4
fpfi final, Belts street sewer, J. Hansen, $165;
}timate No. 4. .npplementary to Na. 3 nd
final, Goodrich a .nue. server, P. Doherty, $60;
Estimate No. 3, supplementary to No. 2 and
final. Fuller street sewer, G. Moline, $25; Eati-
ace No. 3, supplementary to No. 2 red final,
Preble street su l Jlifinehaha street sewer, R.
Forrestal, Son; Estimate No. 3, snpplemeutary
to , . 2 and final, Jay street. sewer, Y. Doherty,
$75; Mathew Craig, 57.60; G. N. Merrill, $10.
Committee on claims.
Bombe -
The board of water commies...."., through its
secretary, transmits a copy of resolution ad."
•d by maid board Jan. 11, 1890, axking for the
Issue of $100,000 bonds, ppt aunt to an act of
the legiapd .1 prove1. 19, 1859.
Committee on streets.
Estimate -
The hospital commission transmits, approved
by ret limton.,
No. 11 antl final, odministra-
tton bnilding, city hospital, Pal., Romer, $7;
Allowed and referred to city comptroller by
following vote:
Tens-Ald. Bickel,- Blom, Bock, Cullen,
Conley, Gehan, Kavansch, Minea,
Melady. Pratt, Sullivan. Weber,Yoerg, Mr. Presi-
dent -16.
REFOate OF 6r. m.- CO](>nTTEE..
Of Committee on Fire Department -
Aid. Bock's resolution directing board of fire
commaisioners to purchase engine for service
at Chemical E:ngiue House No. 5, on Randolph
Committee recommends the adoptfol of said
Adopted. (See resolution.)
Resolutions for fire alarm boxes-Ald. Gehan: s.
Sycamore and .Jacksonstreets; AId. Blom's,
Payne avmiue and M"go
O,ia streets, etc.-
Colo.ittee recommends the adoption of said
Adopted. (See resolutinaa)
Of Committee on Claims -
John B. Fish's claim for $200, expert witness
tee., ctc.-
Committee recommends that said claim be
referred to corporation attorney.
John Dahlberg', claim, work done on Wilder
Committee recommends payment.
Adopted, and corporation attorney instructed
to dram ordiusuce.
A.P. Hendrickson'. claim for $490, services a.
live stock Inspectar-
Committee recommends allowance of said
The said report of committee was not
Yeas-Ald. Bickel. Callen, Cooley. Gehan.
Mines, Melady, Pratt, Mr. President.
Nays -Aid. Blom. Bock, Kavanagh, LeR-
h t.ser, Sullivan, Weber, Toerg-7.
On motion of Aid. Geba. said last mentioned
,at was reconsidered.
The said claim wan thereupon recommitted to
Committee all Clatnne.
Of Committee on Streets, Sewers and Bridgee-
Mi..l.sippi Iver boulevard -final order al
board of public w.=referred to committee
Sept. 17, 1889, red report of board of park
comm lssiouers referred to committee Dec. 21,
1889 -
Committee reports adversely.
Resolution authorizing eityengineer to pumhase
n cessary material, ctc., to line "it It
the sewer between Seven Corue rs and Ramsey
street -
Committee recommends passage of preliminary
order for said improvement.
Adopted. (See order to board of publieworks.)
John G. Hinkel and at
her' I petition for vacs.
tion of portions of Lynnhurst avenue and Bre-
er strect-
Comittee recommends said petition favor
tbly, that the city cierka be ivecructed to Ov
Publication 'lot,,,nad that Laid pet
be filed of record with the city clerk.
iVm. Rhodes' petition for vacation of alley in
block 3 of West St. Paul Real Estate and Inv-
ent Syndicate Addition No. I -
Committee recommends V titfon.favorably.
.hat the cityclerkbe instructed togivenecess ary-
yoblication notice. Rud that said petition be
Hled of mord with the city clerk.
Communication of citizens of Tenth and
Eleventh wards and resolution, relative to
confirmation t nsseeamente, etc., m
for sewers
III Tenth and Eleventh Wards, referred to co-
mitteeJan. 7, 1890-
Committee ports favorably with following
[ $75.000, heresaid aplace
mount appears fel m lotion -
Yeas -13, nays Aid. Callen and Pratt -2.
The said resolution as amended was there-
upon adopted.
O cion four (ttee on police boxesland teaephouee sateMar-
ket house and other locatlone-
Committee recommends adoption of saidceso-
Adopted. (Bee resolution.)
Of oColi mittt e oil
lex rdin d�s and publicc-Repac-
Committee be. exslinned and found correct
reports as follows:
Inspector of buildings for November, 88
clerk of municipal court for November and De-
mber, 1x89: loaf of police for November and
December, 1889, and Poi n lumeter CunuiH for
November, 1889.
Also, ,
Orninance repealiHR section 1, of ordinance No.
-,Passed Feb. 27, 1871, as atom dad b� or
dinance No. 3U3, approved Sept.'0, 185.
(erre I to commit tee onset eetsid ordinnntt
recommend that the city attorney be instructed
;o draw up the necessary contract. Respect-
'ully, W. Bocg, Chairman.
Committee on G as.
Adopted and corporation attorney instructed
to draw contract.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen,
Coaleyy Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Tinea,.
Melody. Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr.
President -16.
Resolutions for lamps-Ald. Blom'e, Jessie and
Geranium streets, etc.; Aid. Gen Valley
and Warren streets, eto.-
Committes recommends adoption of said reso-
Adopted. (Seereeolutimis.l
Of Committee on redistricting the city for
lection purpose'-ordn"'ina-
Committee reports an ordnce redistricting
the city, together with a plat showing plan of
Adopted. (See ordinance No. 1,290.)
Of Committee to Investigate, files. records, etc.,
of municipal court
To tit Honorable the Common Council of the
[city of St. Paul.
Gentlemen: We, your committee to whom
we. mfeued the tommuuicutlon of H. W. Cory,
municipal judge, of date May 21, IS 9. asking
an ""'tigatiou of the'•recorda, books, Hies nud
transactions of the municipal Court for the peat
[our years." re'pecttuily report:
At ornim
IV .PFlhurray, your ofCorporation
ppieced \IS. R. V. Pratt to examine all records,
Also, b oks, files, etc., of the municipal court, and
after a careful nud thorough examtuatiou of the
City clerk's report of licensee Issued and market meorde of the municipal court, work house. city
bonne receipts m the tear 1889- treasury. and reports Oil Hle in the city clerk''
Committee pts in the a that - I report be nice, i's
Hnd time the records n d books have
referred to city comptroller. been well and carefully kept, and by moat eHl-
Adopted. tient help.
• lfoneye have been received as follows:
of Committee on gas -bids for gasoline street t881m1J Lite co January, civil wad 613,440.65
lightinc-is 470.69
Your ommittee, to whom fuss referred the 1886, civil and criminal .................. Y4,
dlHerent bids for lighting the streets and public 1x88, cic(1 nud 'rim incl .................. 32,986.79{9
highways by gasoline, beg to submit the follow- ! 1889. to Julie I, civil and trfminal. 30.026.29
ing report: 1 Year. 2 Yenre. 3 Yenta.
E. MCNsin .................818.00 817.10 516.80 All of witch has been turned Into city treae-
Henry Thielen.............. 17.25 10.92 lC>.OR'
Cheater Oil L'o.............. 10.50 1d.60 16.20 ury.
William Forms iii 21.60 19.20 10.20+icipal
I[ has been the custom of the annul -.Jt court
Thomas ReillY... fight. 20.16 19.08 16.26 In the past to release prisoners It es ea,
Minnesota Street Light- and this recedent was followed by the Present
Ing Co ......................... 16.44 16.60 14.'02 pa Ju
We my,, Wheeler Re- cmun ry, 1 judges, and is still or custom.
fleeting Co.._ ............. 15.74 16.07 16.67 Former o[lrte kept no record o[ by prieon-
P. V. Dwyer .................. 16.60 16.00 SG.00 . cry,
released, but such a record has recently
J. S. Butler ................... 20.15 20.46 10.00 been adopted• and a complete record Is now be -
P. Butler ...................... 16.9ti I5.90 16.8} lug kept.
R. Seeger ....................... 13.92 7.1.16 11.40 The number of releasee follow:
Robert Seeger. being the lowest bidder it INBo._........................................................... 90-
tbree-yenr contract. ane ciiittee r m nd 1x86 ..... .......................................................791
that the o act be awarded Lo him for three 1887..............................................................186
yenta at therate
of 81�per IntnP Mr year. 188x..............................................................231
be to furnish street lamps d Poets complete; 18x8.............................................................. 64
also to remove and replace nil lnmpe ordered
by the eoidied free of eha[ge. The committee Total .......................................................781
Recommended by the mayor, corpora-
tion attorney and others ...................... 110
Paid flnes and were released ................... 307
Released without recommendation.......... 814
Total amount of lines remitted, four years.i1,363
In closing this report it is due the olflcere of
the mtmicipal court to say that theyhave at all
times aceoxled us free access to the records and
assisted us ht every possible way.
We submit herewith lists of all prisoners re-
leased, with date of same.
W. BocH, Chairman Special Committee,
Accepted and placed on file.
Of Aid. Melody -
Ordinance permitting St. Paul IW
Lead & Oil
Dun -
well & lly to r'ect bui do,gfor storingoils, Dun -
Committee recommends passage of said ordi-
Adopted. (See ordinance No. 1,285.)
& n ordinance
ler to high tenip�.rmitting Noyes Bros.
yea, ld, i orinvadeo dLim an
pa -ed (See orditnncc No1.286.)
An ordinaitcu was read authorizing payment
of certain judgments.
Rules su'peuded on motion of Ald. Hamm,
yens 1.1, slid od.auread ecoud time and
passed. (See ordinauce No. 1, tl87.)
Alordinance furs read refunding money paid
by parties under ordinance No 1,101, approved
Feb. 20, 1889.
Roles snepend"I on motion of Aid. Cullen,
ine and
yeas lo, and ordin
ante rend second t1
passed. (See ordinance No. 1.288.)
Al ordinance urns rend -82,9.0 dnmage'-
Robi n sou & Cary -East Third street change of
Rules sn'pended on motion of Aid. Y oerg. yens
16, and ordinauce rend 9e-Ild time and passed.
(See nrdiuunce No. 1,289.)
Ait ordinance was read redistricting the city
for election purposes.
Rules carpe. tided on Motion
otioud fund auxen,yea.
15, nml ordd n e re n Passe
(Bac ordimince No. 1.290.)
An ordinmtce was read permitting Chas. En-
gelbrecht to erect sign oil building.
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Karaungh.
yeas 14, and ordinance read second time and
An ordinance was read -56,000 for illumina-
tion, state fair, 1889.
2u11sdeminnof Aid.elaleut
yeas 14,
-ad coutim
Au ordinance w'as ad prnvlding in
of bmidom formerly known a, Rumbold
Co ittes o public buildings to investigate
cost of removal ami report at nest regular meet
ing of council.
An orlinance was read forbidding, after July
1, 1890, the use of poles, brackets, etc., within
certain territory, for support of wires conduct-
ing electricity.
Committee on streets.
By Ald. Sullivan -
Resolution for fire alarm boxes on University
avenue and other streets.
Committee on fire department.
By Aid. Cunen-
ktesolutlon for 8100,000 bonde-board .1 1.
ter commiseloners.
Committee oil streets.
By Aid. Rillen-
Resolutlon allowing the 8100 r bate on A. M.
Doherty's auctioneer license No. 155, to be ap-
plied on for R90m%h & Johnson's auctioneer
Committee on license.
A resolution approving contract between E.
J. Kirkland and A. R. Starkey and the city for
construction of Broadway bridge substructure.
Referred to special committee above men-
tioned, cIaudstmg of Aid. Mines, Melody, Conley
and corporntfon attorney.
Resolutions for lamps as follows:
By Aid Leithauser, Eaet Fourth street; by
Ald. Sullivan, on Prior avenue and In front of
Odd Fellows'
antl hall;
I)auYei streelt etc.: by AIdltAll-
Ind-ygcoruer Woodbury nud Annapolis treats;
by Ald. Gehan. Manitoba uv nue' y Aid. Lon,
ltanser, Ensc Fourth street, from Mendota to
! Atlantic.
Committee on gas.
By Ald. Weher-
Resolution instructing committee on streets to
take steps toward reducing the price of gas, etc.,
cOAled by Bove
t1. Hock n d to refer said resolution to
comillfttes oil gas.
Yens-Ald. Bock Gehan, Kavanagh, Mines,
Mr, President -5.
The sold res lution was thereupon adopted.
(See resolution.)
By Aid. Gehnu-
Itesolu[ion for repairs at police headquarters.
By Ald. Culien-
fnllebtedn xis undersue of act ofslegislaiture certificates
Feb. 22, 1887.
Resolution authorizing chief of Police to em -
'd boy.
The matter of rro oeed vacation of St. Paul,
Lake Yhnlen xml WPite Besr lake road, adver-
tised to be heard on 'puZIa Nay. 6, 1889, d
7:80 o'clock p. m., and postponed and adjoarued
anuli ant annou cedeon thatforbearing-obt]'eettoo- Rlan}V to
said proposed vacation wo Id lir heard. No
appenrinqutonbject to ttngidanidpose ova
ea -
tion, so tura road was
Tto,he president called Vies Presfdeat YIPM to
the chair during reading of an ordinance td-
Humboldt school. 11 o building formerly known as
0MAN.INCE No. 1.285.
The Common Council of the City of St. Pull do
ordnin as follows:
ze tion 1. That the St. Paul White Led &
Oil Co. be and they ot re hereby permittesixd to
act ¢one-etoryfrn mebu;Idlagapon l 161.
block fifteen (15), of Oil swell S Spen addi-
timl to West Sc. Panl.and to nfntnfu the same
and to carry n the bD.stness of ,tong andboll
itu,eed oils and makfng nud storing maxed
paint dr}-ers.
Sec. 2. The common council resen-e the right
to repeal this ordius a at .anytime, amd snould
tbey do ,e, the said ._t. Paul "hue Lend e 1.
Cil. 'hall rem ve the buildf n, Idlo[
within thirty Clays nicer tiotice has been given
the said contoany of each repeal.
Sec. 3. This ordimatice all.] take effect and
be fn force front and after its passage.
]-ens-Aid. Bickel. Blain, Bock. Cooley, Gehxn,
I}nntm, Kavnnngh. LeltbnllSer, \linea. Uelndy,
Yrnct. all I Weber. 131r.\ -ice President -14.
Yn,ned Jan. 21, 1891).
ANTUONY ]OF.IM, Ju.. VIce Pre -Went of Council.
Approved Jun. 22, 1890.
Attest: TIIOS. A. P-NDERG"T. City Clerk.
Jan. 27.
OnntvANCE No. 1,286.
An ordinmtee aurIA g Noyes Bros. & Cut-
ler to construtlto
ct, u high fence.
The Common Connell of the City of St. Paul do
ordain as follows:
Section 1. That Satherity is hereby given to
Bron. & Cutler [,construct and mnfutnia
u fence eight feet high [o luclose [he pnvntenllep-
ray on •S1x[h street in the re
xc o[ the bU141bu ,
a on
on lots 7, 6 and D bf block 7 of Whitney
& Smith•' addition to St. Patti.
Said fence shall he vo l,tracted ut der the au-
pervision ofnd as directed by the building in-
spector of said city.
Sec. 2to
repeal thtis ocdiouttace lit nnl}rtitneces Lhe right
See 3. Thin ordinance shall take effect and
be to force from acid niter its Passage.
7 -Sas -:\Id. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Couley,Gehan,
Hmm�1, Knvsnugh, Leithnueer, Blfnea. Bfelady,
Pratt, Sullivan. Weber, Mr. Vice President -14.
Passed .Tats. 21, 1891).
A_,,,,r y...., J!<., Vfce President of Council.
Approved Jan. -_
ROBE1r A. SlHTU. Mayor.
Attest: TRO-. A. PR s6ERG.}ar, City Clerk.
Jan. 27.
Ofims,,xc. No. 1,287.
An ordinance authorizing the payment of cer-
tain judsmeuts u Millet the city of St. P.W.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
ordtn us fell ou-s:
Section 1. That orders be drawn upon the
city treasurer as follow:
One It, favor ill Henry Husemann and John
Husematln for tit,; sun of SG 10.05, in full pay'
enc -f ¢judgment rendered nguiust rite cityof
St. Paul ill fx ver of said Iluselnall for the sum
of 8349.05 Sept. 80. 1889.
One in favor of .fohu H. Lashells and Win.
Lashells for the sum of 518, in full payment of a
7u fat lir -femtceaid Lae ae Is lot the stttm of 5154 Oct.
1, 1889.
One to favor of Nicholls Zw1ckey for the sum
of SIG9.47, to full payment 5f thatYnul fudgment
re tWered ngninst the City of St. tit favor
of said Zwickey for the sum of $169.17 Oct. 4,
11mS in favor of Ida 1I. Spencer for Ibe stem of
S15.:17, in full ppnymeut of that judgment ren-
dered ngninst lite itY of 8t. Pau! ill favor of
ltd Spencer for the sunt of 815:77. Oct. 16,
One in favor of Charles N. Bell for the entn of
516.57, I. full payment of that judgmentreu-
dcrefl against the ciCS of -It. Paul i 1
Said Bell for said Sum of 516.57 Oct. 16, I81".
One in favor of Wm. F. Setter and R-. C.
Blusser for the s of $50, in full payment of
that judgment ret dared agaln,t the city of St.
T. .,III
is favor of said Seier& Niusserfol the sum
of 850 Dec. 6, 189.8
One in Invor of JohnCn'ey for the sum of S•70,
In t
full payment ent of that judgment r tdered
'coal list the city of St. Paul In in said Ca Say
for the sum of $50 Nov. 25, 1889.
One 1. favor of S. L.L. PIPTCP, a-'lgnee Of Ahby
meut ofuthatfj11gmell or tha lremieed�againsttfthe lCity
of St. Ynul It1 favor o[ said B1cAuley for the sum
of $179.8 2 Dec. 11, 1880.
One In favor lit Marla A. 1lornsbv for the sum
of $81.40, fit full payment of [hat judgment ren-
dered ngatust the cityof St. Pet ht favor of slid
Hornsby for the sum of $31.40 Dec. 11, 1889.
One Su favor of the Nest St. Paul Building as-
Clatim, for the SUM of $16.60, In tali paymetlt
sf that judgment rendered'gainer the city r, S[.
Paul lu Invor of said bulldingaesochttlovfor the
so.of $1G.61 Dec. 14, 1889.
rec0ne ord (it foe p ngebor Cosgro e. forof Card & Bolle, a[bernu}ns of
$42dcr.65, a full tb paymentol of that judgment mn-
Cosgrove for tthe eSam of $42.05 Jan.. 21. 1890.d
O, ofltrecord of JohnpWelter.ffor the mttorf
.'22S.75, la full payment of that judgment rren-
again Sc he cityof St. Pat to faun' of slid
Welter Jan. 2l, 1890, for the sum of $228.75.
One in favor of Albert 11. Lawton for the sum
of one hundred and seventy-two and 50.100
($172.56) dollars, i6 lull payment of that judg-
e it rederrrl nctnst the city of St. Paul fn Ia-
in zr f said Lawton for the sum of 5172.50 Jan,
18 )0
ne to favor of Peter M. Quiet for the sum of
seventy-one and 5d-100 (1 ,(l) dollars, i I full
payment of that certain judgment rendered
In, i std sunt June 21,181 Iit favor of said Quist
One in favorof Florence M.}IarmeRuies forthe
of sixty-eight and 56-100 (868.rf1) dollars.
tfull payment of that judgment tendered
.,.fast the city- of St. Paul in favor of said Har-
tneguies for said Sum June 21, 1889.
One In favor of Louis IT.
Ala k,d.11-11.for
th uni of
f1(cv-five td 68 -IOU
city of pachic1St Paul Iut of that" fagvorttof saftlered Nlnnke for sa. list id
sum June 21, 1889.
One in favor of J. H. Neuman for the sum of
ofuety-seven slid 68-100 ($97.68) dollars, in
full payment of that certain judgment rendered
builr t he city of 1881. Paul in favor of said
NcuuA[I end which
offeredold in lit the oof [he Clark of th
per ec e
ti'trict court of Ramsey county. annussell.
Said orders to be deliverednl.vpoli a id
judements being satisfied In the tfice of the
fierk led tuft ltel officert and of the City cntroller.reof being
City can
Sec. 2-
This ordinance Shall take effect andbe
Iv force from and atter it. passage.
Ysae-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Conley.Gehnn,
Hamm, KnvavnFh. Leithnueer, Bill., 11cmd y,
Pratt. SullivanI Weber. Mr. \•ice Preside"[ -1-k.
Passed Jan. 21. 18Do'
ANrn-NY YOEUG, Jn.. vice President of Council.
plu, vc 1890.
n d Tan Z 'Robin A. Slant. Mayor.
Attest: Thos. A. PRFNDER-St. laky Clerk.
Jan. 27.
ORDINANCE No. 1,288.
Aa ordinance to refund to ttrtain per'ons
Money paid for license n der ordhtauce No.
1,101, approved Feb. 20, 1889.
The Common Connell of the City of St. Paul do
Section 1. That Orders be drawn ou the city
tre""y u' follow' 111 favor [ the following
paild parties, to refund to said artfe, money
for ]comae ler ordinnneo �o. 1.IUI. nn -
7 roved Feb. 20, 188h, sold ordlnunce No. 1,161
having been repealed by ordinance No. 1,265•
approved Dec. 4, 1889;
Reynolds & Reynolds....................................550
M1c 111 layder................................................ GO
Ch.. Ind Lin,utem................................... 500
A. Schoch ..................................................... u
ler.. Bro'. & co ......................................_. r,6
michlmd Bros ................................................ 50
b0 ee force from and after (teail take effect and
Yea --Aid. Bich 1, Blom, Bock. Call U.
Gehnn, Kavanagh. Lcithnus-er, Nih nJ'resident
Pratt, Sullivan, Weber. Y.,M,
Pissed Tan. ,f. 1890.
\Yy[. H.\\]\I, President of Council.
Approved Jan. 22. ODF.R1890.T A. c}lien, Mayor.
t1 TIf09. A. PRENDERGAaT, leafy Clerk,
Jnu. 2 i.
ORDis.\NCE No. 1,289.
An ordinsnee appropriating to Robinson &
Cary company 52.930 in payment of dUm-
ages "a dad them for chuni of grade on
East Third street.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
ordain as follows:
Section 1. That a warrant be drawn upon
the Cary Cmtrev'uretor11 thefavor
u l fthe
two thRobinson
tine hundred anti thirty (82.9:10.00) dollars ht
full payment of damages awarded by the board
of public works of the cloy of St. Paul for change
of grade on Third street, from a Point fifty (50)
feet east of the east Ilue o[Locust street to Com-
mercial street. fu accordance with an order of
the co n I'llimil of the city of SL Pnul of
Nov. 3, 18855, nn confirmed Jun. fi, 1888, to the
following descrlbed real estate, [o -reit:
Commencing on the somtherl}• line of Fourth
street at a point where quarter-eectiou line ron-
ufng north ud south through section 82. town
29, rat, Re 22, lilt a"
said s ttherly lfte of
Fourth treat: thence a therlt thence n- o
quarter (R,) section line 117ufeet;
w=to a point on [he eotttherly line f
Fourth street 40 feet westerly from the place of
begimnim; thence a tsterly 4u feet to ba ailing,
being fn St. Pant, Mimtesora
A d to lot one (1) ex appt westerly thirty Six
and 0-30 (31}.1}) feet cute f of Bnw'son's
tioll m 8 pg flock 29, Lyurnu Dayton's
Said order to be delivered upon there being
filed with the city controller a mttipt in full for
said damages.
This ordinance shall take Hent and
be�in force front and after its publication.
l -ens -Aid. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Gehnn, Knvnnxgh, Leichnn'er, .-limen, sldent}
Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, ]-crit,
1 Passed Jan. 21. 18fl0.
'_'t}I Aly, President of Council.
Approved .Jnu. 22. 1890.
Ro.1.1 A. E}Irrtl, Dfayor.
Attest: Thos. A. PRENDEnoser, City Clerk.
Jan. 27.
On u-sce, No. 1,200
An ordinance redistricting the city for slec-
tlnn purposes.
The Common council of the City of St. Paul
doordain ns follows:
Section 1.
It- wAnn.
The First ward is hereby divided foto nine (9)
election districts, US fell-"-:
Che First election district shall be.. bounded as
f Motes, v'z.: t'otmn,neing at the point where
the center intent .11u,s ssipPI Street intersects the
center nter llineoffGrove
ct tea the Pointlong
tate center line of Grote Street Intersect, the cen-
ter lice o[ the right M way of the St. Paul, B(in-
neapolis & AI.Mtobn a;lway; thence torth-
westerly along the idCenterline of said right
of tray to a point o[ intersection with the center
Ian of LIfa}•ecte avenue: thence sonthwesteely
long said center line of Lafayette avenne to its
ppoint f ittersectioh Mth the center line of
\Vnverly place, produced easterly: thence "est-
erly along the center line of Waverly place to
center line of Joint street; thence north on the
through blocks one (1) a dne ofjoinistreet, to the nt" o ter (2) of the
of said addition;
to LP use street: it tries w�e,ta the tt n
the Center line of Nasb Street to Its intersection
with \lississi11tpistreet: thence south oil said
!er,lilge of \lississippi stet to the place of
1 e
The Second election district in Said ward
shall consist of all that Portion of said "'nrd ly-
ing east of the said First election district, and
South of n line which is the tenter line of Lafay-
ette avenue. from Its point of intersection with
the center line of the right of u'ay of the St.
Paul, Blluuenpolis & Bla itobu railroad,
running thence northwesterly to the point
of Intersection of said center line of I.afuy-
ette avenue with the center line of t:olllus
street thence easterly along the [eater line
In straight line to thepllins eight of way Ofthe86
Paul & Duluth railroad.
All that ynrthm of said ward lying south of
the center Ifne of Mllmafl aha street, .stet of the
St. Paul. center M Inneapo11ns; of the 9 g&L Omtl6norallroa�il�.
the 8th. Paul, Mlpoll olle & Afanitoba rallway
and north of the Second election district shall
coustltute the Third election district of said
All that portion of maid ward lying south of
the center Ifne of Minnehsha street, west of the
Third eI.thm district. and north of the First
etituion III te het Fourth hereinlection rdistricttaof said
ward. e
All that Fortlon of said ward lying north of
the center Line of 3finnehahs stmt, west of the
of the
center licenter ne ofle Maryland et a t, shall cot, and nstitute
the Fifth election district of sold war..
All that portion of amid ward which Is bound-
ed by the center line. f Edgerton street, 81ms
street. Arcade street the right of way of the St.
Paul & Duluth railroad and 3linnehaha street,
shall constitute the Sixth election district of
said ..rd.
All that portion of said [ward bounded on the
north by the center line of Maryland street, on
the east by the center ]Ine of Arcade street on
the south by the center line of Simm street, and
oc theweet bythe ranter Ifne of Edgerton street,
shall constitute the seventh election diBrief, at
amid ward.
All that portion of said ward lying west of the
center line of Arcade street, and south of the
ceuter ]iue of .11 -viand street, shall constitute
the Eighth election district of said ward.
All the remainder of Paid ward lying north of
the center line of Maryland street, shall cousti-
tute the Ninth election district of said ward.
PF.t0xll nALLD.
The Second ward is hereby divided into ten
(10) election districts, as follows:
All that 7ortion of said ward lying south of
thewest o[ hecenter
erste Iin—iter Inc. of s of Englishnatmt anrch d F' nd
lieh street extended south in B m[rtght Line to
the Mfs.ieafppl river shall couatiyute the F1rat
election district of eaidwit rd.
All that(.ortion of std [surd lying north of
the center has of F'luto street west of the center
]file of ,[Bile street innd south of the center Ifue
of East Third street shall constitute the Second
election district of said ward.
All that portion of said rd lying
north of the center line of Eaat Third street,
,rest of the center lie of 31aple street and soutll
oI the center line of East Seventh street, he
constitute the Third election district of said
All that portion oI aid ward which, ties
erly of the .for
line of 3feple stmt, an
of the ranter lines of East Seventh and 3llnne-
haha etreeI. .at of the tenter line of Forest
stmt, unit north of the ceuter line of Birch
rtrmt shall constitute the Fourth e:ectlon ills-
lifet of said ..,it. ,
All that iinortion of said ward lytuq eolith of
the crater I('te of Minnehabs street and north of
the muter ]file of East Seventh street, shall con•
rtltute the Fifth election district of said ward.
All that portion of said ward lying north of
the mater flue of bihwebnha street xud west of
the ranter Ila. of Mendota street shall coati.
late the Sixth election district of amid ward.
All that ortlon of said ward lying north of
the center Pne of Muuehaha street east of the
center line of Meudota street and west Of file
miler line of English street, shall constitute the
seventh election district of said wxfd.
All that portion of ward lying south of
the tinter line of Mlnnehaha atreet east of Lha
center line of Forest treat, west of the ea
line of English street and north of the center line.
of Birch street shall constitute the Eighth elec-
tion district of said ward.
All that portion of ofd ward lying east of the
center line of English street, xad north of he
center line of Birch street, from English street
to the Hudson road, and north of the center
of the Hudson rod Iron Birch street east-
ly to the ityy limits, shall constitute the
Ninth election it of said ward.
All the remaining portion of sad ward abalt
con.tftute the Tenth election district of said
ralit. w•.1ND.
The Third ward is hereby divided into eight
,8) election districts, as follow.:
All that portion of said ward lying mouth of
the ceuter ne of Stith street and west of the
center line of Broadway, shall constitute the
First election district of amid ward.
All that portion of said ward lying south of
the center line of East Seventh street. east of
line of (ine John Broadwaysstreet. hall and ostituteweat f the Secothe nd
election district of said ward.
All that portion f Paid need lying south of
the center ne of East Seventh treat and east
f the center line of John street shall constitute,
tine Third election district oI -aid ward.
All that portion of std ward lying north of
the Center Ilse of Eaat Seventh street, and east
the Fonrtlt B
telletn�tlon diece Jonrict of amid treat x•ard �stitu[e
All that portion of said ward lying west of the
center lice of Joltn street. north o1 the center
street and east of the
ter li a of Broadway, shallconstitute he Fifth
eleetfou district of said ward.
All that pportion of said [ward lying Pont6 of
the center Ifue of Eighth street, north of the can-
at Bo dvay, shall con titute tht Sixth street and e Sixth elecof t
tion district of said ward.
Alithat portion of the remainder of said ward
lyhtg "eat of the center line of Broadway, north
of the center line of Eighth street• and south rat
the center hne�oI Tenth atreec, .hall coustftntr
the seventh election district of said ward.
All of the remaining portion of said ward shall
constitute the Eighth election district of std
Fovaru Wlmi.
The Fourth ward is herebydivfded into eleven
(11)districts, as follows:
A1 that portion of Paid ward lying south of
the center Ione of West Fifth street, east of the
Ili nteriline Wiwh�ngtonstreet
street shall cotutltu ecenter
Flat election d strict of said ward.
All that portion of said ward lying south of
the center line of West geventh street. sat of
the center ne of Washington streetand west of
the .for
If11ne of Webus a street shall rnntf•
tute the Second election district of said word.
All that portion of said weird lying south of
the muter Ifne of East Fifth treat and e..t of
the center line of Wabaeha trcet shall cnustl-
tute the Third election district of said ward.
All that portion of said ward lying north of
e center Ifne a1 E
hat Fifth street, south of the
center line of Eighth street and e.atof thecenter
line of Minnesota street, shall constitute the
Fourth election district of said ward.
All that portion of said ward lying north of
the center Ione of East Fifth mtmt, west 1 the
center line of Minnesota street, south of the
center line of Eighth street and east of the cen.
ter title of Wabashn street• shall constitute the
Fifth election district of said ward.
All that portion of said ward lying north of
the ceuter line of West Fifth street, andmouth of
the center 11ne of West Ninth street, and east of
the center Ifne of Fort street, which is bounded
oil the Wabasha t by
fromine hIts point of too,h is the terLine of
actic n
with the center line of West Ninth street to i[.
point of in[enreectlon with the canter Into of [Vest
Seventh street; thence wee[erty along the center
line of West Seventh street to its point o[ inter-
section with the center nasal Washington street;
thence southerly along said muter ne of Wash-
fugton street to its pniut of inlitersection with the
center line of West Fiftn street, mind constitute
the Sixth election district of said ward.
The Seventh election district of Paid ward
shawhich Ilea consIst of to the westthat
a line describedsaid
as fol-
Commencing t a point where the esn.
Snnmmit avenue,ne of itive tth ncesorect u heaelterly alorng s of
yn -snit
ter line of Rice street to the center line of
West Tenth street, thence southeasterly along
enter line of West Tenth to Its pollit of
intersection with the center If., of Fort street,
thence southerly along said nter line of Fort
street to the southwestern boundary of Paid
All tbat portion f Ptd ward which lies west
the center 1,11, of Wabash- street, north of
thecenter line of West Ninth street, and east of
the Seventh election district lest hereinbefore
described shall constitute the eighth electfou dis-
trict of Paid ward.
All that portion of said ward bounded on the
north by the center line of Eleventh street, on
the south nythe center line of Eighth str-t,eud
on the east by the center line of Minnesota
stmt, and on the west by the center Ifue of Wn-
basha street, .hall constitute the Ninth elecn
district of said ward.
All that portion of amid word lying south of
be mtter I Jus of centerili a of Eight 1 street, and east of cell -
ter line of Minnesota street, shall c.ratitut, the
Tenth election district of maid nerd.
All the remaining Portion f Paid ward lying
north of the anter Ifue of of
street and
uout of the Waliamlim street. .titute he ElPereventhf election district of shall aid
Firrif wAgn.
The Fifth ward Is hereby divided Into fourteen
(14) election districts, "follows:
All chat ortlon of said ward lying south of
the center Ina at West gevetithstreet and eastof
16e center line of Walnut stmt, ehal� constitute
the First election district idea ward.
All that Fortiori of said ward lying north o1
the ranter Ifue of West Seventh street, and east
of thecenter line of Walnut street, shall consti-
tute the Second election district of said ward.
All that portion of said ward lying mouth of
the center Pue of West Seventh street, wort of
the said First election dlatrliet, Beat of the cen-
ter line M Wllkh.Odrichn streetnds, and north of the canter
line foline (rm the c urereline of eilWiakldit street east
the 3[femissfppl elver, shell constitute the Titled
election dlatrlct of amid ward.
All that ortlon o1 said [card lying north of
the center Pne of West Seventh street, nest of
the center line of Walnut street, and north of
the center Ile of Ramsey etreec -hall con-tl-
fare the Fourth elcth>n dlatrlet of gold ward.
The Fifth election district of maid ward shall
consist of all that portion of avid ward which is
bounded am follott'a: Commem, ., at the center
line of Neat 6eventh street at fns ppppk Int o1 Inter -
deed n ortherly the center
1thenncee of Wit auhteesnterlyt pro-
Ilo g
said center line of West Seventh street to Its
point of intersection with the ceuter line of
oodrfch avenue, thence easterly along mid ceu-
ter line o4Goodrlch mesons to thecenter line of
Smith avenue, thence southerly along the ceuter
line of Smith avenue to the Missiaaipppt river,
thence northeasterly along the 3lla.ismlppf river
to a point where he center line of
ins extruded ton straight line east would touch
said river, thenca westerly along id center Ifne
of Goodrich eyeas extended ate aforesaid to the
rater line of Wilkin street. thence Part erly
along the center line of Wilkin street to the place
of beiduutnit
All that Portion of Paid ward lying west of the
enter line of West Seventh etreec, month 11 the
center )file of Itamsey streetrend n rth of the
ceuter line of Goodrich avenue •hall on-titute
the Sixth election district of said ward.
The Seventh election 11.trlet of said ward
shall consist of all that portion thereof which is
of tutersectfoan lot the tenter ]it,,ilof a tot Se%, ith
street with the center line of Goodricllt
h avenue,
thence mouthn'esterly along said center line of
\Neat Seventh :cmo the rater line of West-
eru avenue, thencce sotutherly along said center
line of Western avenue, andlWestern an
vue ex.
tended month In a straight ine to the 311gmissippi
river, thence nortbea-terly tong the 31issisaiInd
nover I rtherly along the center line ofavenue, thence
Smith a sane
t soterl} along tine center Ifof I o.ueltof Goodriclhave
nue to the place of beginning.
All thatp portion of said ward lying nn he
west aide f the ceuter aline of West
street. mouth of the center line of Goodrich ave-
n.nd north of the iter line f St. Clafr
ate et, Plait couatltnte the Eighth election dis-
trict of said ward.
All that Portion of said 'wed lying mouth of
the center ane of w'esc
vents street west of
the center line of Neetorn eavenu.. and Wearer.
avenue extended south fn a straight line to the
Dlhsaissippi river, and east of the center line of The Fourth election district shall consist 1
Duke street. and Duke street extended south in all that portion of said ward which Iles to the
a straight line to the lffeshedi,pl river, shall con- east of a line described as follows: Beginning on
Ninth the Ninelection district of said ward. the center line of Concord treet, at the south-
ern boundary of the ward, thence northwesterly
All that portion of said ward which isbounded along said center HIS of Concord street to the
by the center liuee of St. Clair street, West ScV- r liter line of Ada street, thence northerly along
enth treet and Toronto avenue, hall .Iti- the center lice of Ada street. Ind fro..
Lute the tenth election district of said ward. sae Cithe y railrot of ad, to toil aCpointowhere tiPaulle Ean
All that portion of said ward which lies wrest line of Ada street extended in a straight line
of the center line of Duke xtmt, from West Bev- would intersect with the center line of Fenton
e th street south to the Nihnn-ippi river, north street, thence northerly along the center line of
,f the Mississippi river, and bounded o" the Fenton street to the Mississippi ricer.
`thSetere the cnorthm,ter HimIftDrnke t trlee9 extat Iended oint All that portion of said Lvard which la bound-
do.monthInnstrai ht line, t ouch the an n the Orth by the Tided lection district
6 don he east by the Fourth lection district.
is. of ri er: theuce north long said a ter as hernia described, on the south by the right of
l this of Drake street. and make elm f extended tray of the Cht lie w, St. Paul & Fanae Cot. ralh
aforesaid to the center line of Randolph d. t street.
ee . h west atitu center Ilwe oPSouth
¢tint; thence wehe along the center Ifne o[ Ran- Aobert street, shall constitute the Fifth election
dolph street to the center line [ West Seventh afatrlet t said Lvard.
street; thence nnrheasterly along the neer All th at portion of said ward bounded on the
]hie of \fest Seventh S rest t0 the center line of north be [lie center Ilne f Chicago n � to On
Duke trees. Shall ustitute the F.lerenth rlec- the ,s by the ter line of S utile Ro bert
thou district of said �tard. - Stmte, on he eocth by the center Ifne of Isabel
All that portion f said ward bomtded on the Street, and on the ,reef by the First election dim-
by the center line of T.rOut. ¢venue,.. the trio a. herein described, hall constitute the
north by the center Ilam of St.Clair stmet,onthe Sixth election district of said ward.
n est but the eenter line of Victoria eemt, and on All that portion of said ward which is bounded
the So h by the center lone of West Seve th on the north by [he Fifth lection district, and.
Street, Shall constitute the Twelfth election di,- n,r the east by the Fourth election district, n.
trio of said ward. herelu described, he oath by the center
lines f George and Concord Streets, and on the
All of the remaining portion of Sa'd ward not west by the center It,, of South Robert street.
hereinbeto re described which lies to the a. til of
Shull covstitut, the Seventh election district of
the center line of West Seventh atreetrhall co - Said ward.
_etitute the Thirteenth election district o[ mala All that porcfonof said wardwhlch is bounded
x ard. by the center linea of Concord stmt, South Rob-
.halic,nlthe ,titnte the Fourteenth electionortion If et EigStreethth el Lioand Pd sairs rict offeaid wnrdu.citute the
of said ward. All that portion of Staid ward which la bounded
sura". by the center lines of Isabel, South Robert,
Louisa and Bidwell Streets Shall constitute he
The Sixth word ins herebv divided Into twelve f i I d
(12) election districts, n f.IloIf -
The First election district of aid ward Shall
consist of all that portio" of what has neecto-
ton been know" s he First election diStdct of
said ward, which lies west of a line described as
follows: Commencing .I the center Ifne of D�-
kota avenue at ita point of intersection with the
center line of Isabel street, thence northerly
along aid slat Chain fetDakota
a o t henceiu` to th,
emo ¢long said center line f Channel ,trees to it.
WI' -
point of In tersectfon t dth the centerline of
{4a] -
ter Stmt, thence northerly along the center line
of Walter street to the MbieleAfTi river.
All that portion of said ward which lies north
Of the seater line .f Chicago avenne, east of the
First election district, s last hereinbefore dr -
scribed , and ce t f the center line of South
Robert at reef, shall con,titute the Second elec-
tion district of said ward.
Ninth electron d Sir et o I t war .
All that pnrtfon of said award lying south of
the eirst election district as first hereinbefore
described, and wet of the center line of Bidwell
reet,Shall constitute the Tenth electio, dis-
trict of said ward.
All that
portion of said ward which ]fes south
of the center !hm Of L.ldsa Street, and between
the center lines of Bidwell and South Robert
dtreet., shall constitute the Eleventh election
istrict of .aid ward.
All tle mmalni» g portion of said ward bounded
ou Lhe north by the center line of Page street,
on the cost by the center line of Concord street,
and on the west by the center line of South Rob -
t street, shall constitute the Twelfth election
district of said ward.
The Seventh Lvard Is hereby divided into eight
All that portion of s¢Id ward which lies east lS) elecciou districts. - follow.:
the center line of South Robert street, west of All that portion of said ward lying north of
the center line of Fenton street and north of a' the center line Of Selby avenue and east of he
line which is the ter line of Chicago avenne, i center line of Arundel street.,
consticuta the
from its p -lot
f f.tersectoo" crib the center First election district of Sa(d tv.rd.
line of South Rnber[ street, easterly to its point All that Portion of said cord 1Sing south f
o b «.center lin.o(Stntexteeet. the centee Linen Selby avenne. nod cast of the
theuce .out hely along the center line of State centee line o: Arundel Street, from Selby avenu
street to the Ler Itne of St. Lawrence street, to the center line of Summit avenue, and east o[
then.. easterly long the center Ilii. of St. Lntr- the hill
Summit It dvenue to [h11 It, efro, terhlineeI
to the center line of Fenlon .trect,ter
a hall constitute the Third election district of I Pleasant avenue, Shall .am re
Said ward. election district of eaid ward.
All that portion of said ward lying South of
the center line of Summit avenue ti,l between
the center lines of Lawton and Victoria streets.
shall constitute he Third election district of
said ward.
The Fourth election district of said ward shall
be bounded on the north by file center ]fns of
Selby avenue, on the south by the center line of
8ummit venue, on the east by thn center lite
of Arundel street, and on the west by the center
if.. of Dale street.
All that portion of said ward lying north of
the fencer line of Selby avenue, treat of the cen-
ter line of Arundel street and east f the center
line of Dale street shall c ... tltute the Fifth elle
tion district of Said ward.
ocAll that porcf on of said ward lying ,,at of the
veer ]me of Dale street and north of the center
line of Selby a shall ¢etitute the Sixth
election district of said trard�
All that ortion f said ward lying South of
the center P of Selbyavenne, crest oI the cert
ter I1nn of Dnla stmt nn 1 north o[ the center
line of Summit avenne abell constitute
the Sev-
enth election district of Said w'.rd.
All that portion of said wnrtl lying south of
the Center line f Summit nvei tie nd w t of
the center line of Victoria stmt Shall constitute
the Eighth eleeciou district of Said ward.
• " The Eighth wardis thereby divided into thir-
teen (1S) districts, as follow'.:
All that portion ofid ward lying south of
file center Ince of Carroll street, shag constitutethe Firet election dl.t rlet of said ward.
All that portion of a id ward lying north of
the center lie of Carroll Street, east of the cen-
t I,
eter live of Western ¢venue and South of the cen
ter Ifne of flartia Stmt, shnli constitute the
Second eleetion district of ealdw.rd.
All that portion of said ward lying west of the
centee line of Western aveoue told south of file
canter line of Martin street shall constitute the
Third election district of said ward.
All that portion of said ward lying th of
the center lone of ,Iartill Street, es thec -
ter line of Western avenue, mild uth of the
center Him of University- avenue .hall constitute
the Fourth election district of said ward.
All hat portion of said ward lying north M
the enter line of Martin Stmt, east of the emn.
ter tf Weatera of
centerlineof C,overeoty-eavenueiSouth h
hall constitute
the Fifth election district of said Lvard.
All that portion of said ward lying north of
the center hne of Cuivereoty avenue, east of the
center line of Western ncenue. d couch of the
centerline of Edmund street shall ...etitute the
Sixth election district of Said trod.
All that orIletion of said ward lying north of
cente of the
eliene �of Wester. avenof ue and ven exotuto of the
centre line of Charles street, .hall constitute he
Seventh election district of said ward.
All that portion of said ward lying north of
he center line of Charles street, west of the cen-
ter line of Western a 'eine, a td south of the cen-
ter It,, f Lefond Street. shelf constitute the
Eighth election district of said ward.
All that Portion of .aid ward lying east of the
muter line of Western .,San',
venu north of the cen-
ter line of the'.
o[ witty of he St. Puu11 l,e/fin-
p�lis S Manitoba .droad„phall constitute
he Muth election district of said ward.
All that portion of said ward lybu, inset of it,.
ter line ir hof Lafone of �ndtStreet and south of the lcenter
line of Minnehuha street, shall constitute the
Tenth election district of enid ward.
All that portion of said ward lying east of the
center line of Western avenue. north of the cen-
ter line of he right of tray of he St. Paul, Min-
neapolis & llanftob. railroad and south of the
center tine of Front street shall constitute he
Eleventh election district of said ward.
All that portion of said ward lying north f
the center 1",e of Front street and e,,at of the
center line of Western avenue, Irom Front street
to file north city limit, .bull contitute the
Twelfth election district o[ said V.
sof tl remaining
center g]I portion
oof tMLtnel nom street cling
eat of the anter line of W-lern ii me, shall
titute the Thirteenth electiondistrictof
said ward.
The Niuh ward Isbell be divided into eleven
election districts, a. hollow's:
,,All het po tion o[ anIII hard lying to he west
of the center Ifne of Wubneba street, from S un-
First els e to iectrie of t iebm ward.
constitute lithe
All that portion of the said W.rd lying to the
,Setof the center line of W.bnahn street, outh
of the center line of University avenue and "let
to he center lone of J.""
Son Street, 'I )I
tute the Second election diecrict of said ,Wed.
All hat portion o[nid Lvard lying to cite
of the center lone of Jar son street, south
of the center line of University avenue id lite t
of the center hos of C.nndu .treet hull c —ti.
Cute tante
election di.triet of avid trod.
The Fourth election district of.aidwunl shall
couaof all that portion thereof which L
b t is[¢ the west
y the
of la-
ade streetoil theort bythe following
described line, v12.: Commencing on the center
Ilne of Quiver. i ty mve"ue t thepotnc where it
of tersects the center li ue o[ Canadatree t.
.fail theuce iver Sitnortheasterc toly .long sl 'd center line
I -
w}• ¢thence northwesterly ealong the cente of er .line
of Broadway to the center line of Mount Airy
If outicAiry street tolthe 6the center line.[ l
e.[ Mulsis-
.ippo Street.
ConsFifth of itch el -two all thatd district ¢rd i
tion thereof of which s
bounded as follows, VIZ.: Commencing on the
center line of Jackson stmt at its polut of in-
tersectlon with the center line of University ave
We, thence northwesterly along enid center line
of Jackson stmt to the center line of Fairview
treet; thenee i ortberly along the center line of
Fairview• Street to t center III of J no haha
Street; theuce ea.t,rly along he center lin. of
lluaud ha Stmt totheceuter lineof Misnlssinpi
street; thence southerly along Lhe centre 11ne of
Mis.iesippi street to the center line of Mount
Airy Stmt; thence westerly along the center line
of 3[ounc Airy street co the center line of Broad-
; thence S.=—`tens atong the center line
oc tyieondway to the ce ter hne of Unlverafty
it” oe, thence southwesterly tong the center
f University avenue to the place of begin-
All that Portion of said ward lying north th t
the center If,,, of University avenue, eastof
center line of Brewster avenue, south of the cen-
terline of Minnehah. street and set of the
Fifth election district as herein described, shall
constitute the Sixth election district of said
All that portion of the said Ward lying north
Of the center line of Cniver.ity avenue, south of
the center line of Minnehaha street ad west of
the center line of Brewster avenue, shall consti-
tute the Seventh election district of said ward.
All thatportiou of said ward lying north of
the ceuter line of Minnehaha Street, south of the
center line of Manitoba avenue and west of the
ceuter line of SS'l•.a Street, -11-11 constitute the
Eighth election district of said ward.
All that portion of said ward Which lies to the
orth of
the moreof i lr 1 lvan at
ne teofrMin ehaha Street a nd south of
the center line of Lawpon street, from Sylvan to
Cortland street, and .oath of the center line of
Cayuga street, from Cortland to Mississippi
street,.hull constitute the Ninth election district
of said ward.
All that portion of the said Ward lying north
of the center line of Cayuga street and east of
the center lice of Cortland Street, shall constitute
the Tenth election district of said ward. -
All the remaining pot•tion of said lard entll
constitute the Eleventh election district of said
TEx'T. W.I.D.
The Tenth ward is bereby divided into four
elettfon districts, es follows:
All that portion of surd ward lying east of the
center line of Snelling ave rue, shall constitute
the First election district of snid ward.
All that portion of said ward lying west of the
ceuter line of Snelling avenue. and cast of the
cater line of Prior avenue shall constitute the
Second election district of said Ward.
All tiler portion of sold ward West of Prior
avenue and south of the right of way of the St.
Yatil, Mimteapohs C Manitoba railway, shah
the Third election district of said
All the remaining portion of said vnrd shall
constitute the Fourth election district of said
The Eleventh ward is hereby divided Into four
election districts, as follows:
All that portion of said ward lying west of the
center line of Cleveland avenue and north of the
center line of Summit .venue, shall Constitute
the First election district of said hard.
All that portion ofthe said -rd which ll44•s
Boat of the center line of Cleveland avenue, norl0
[ the center line of Summit avenue, from Clnce-
land to Hersebel avenue and north of the cen-
ter line of Marshall oven lie, from Hereeliel ave -
""'in Su"b"' avenue, and west of the center
line of Snelling avenue, fromUniversity avenue
to Marshall avenue, and west of the ceuter line
Of Herschel nennhall constitute fro. M-shalithe a8moud
eummic venuue, e
lection distri[L Of said ward.
All of the remaining portion of said Ward, not
Included fn the First and Second election dis.
tricts as herein described, which has north Of the
center line of RandolDh street and Raudoiyh
street extended west 3n a straight line to til
Mfssisaippl river. shall constitute the Third
election district of said ward.
All of the remaining Donlon. of said ward
shall constitute the Fourth election district of
said ward.
SEc. 2. This ordin-est. bei. force from and
after its passage, slid allwdinances and parts
of ordinances Incoeietent herewith are hereby
Yeas -Alda Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conlev,
Gehan, Kavanagh. Lefthauser, aline., Melady,
Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Yomg, Mr. President
Passed Jan. 21, 1890.
W'x. HnM>C President of Commit.
Approved Jan. 22, 1890.
Attest: THOS. A. PRENDERG.I.T, City Clerk.
Jan. 27. -
O.m.-t. No. 1,291.
An ordinanceappropriating five th.... ad dol -
late to pay for flluminntlug the city during the
State Fair to 1889.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
ordain as follows:
SECnoN 1. That a warrant be drawn upo n
the city treasurer payable out of the Innd p -
vided by the issuance of certificates of fndebted-
uear to subdivision sixth of section
three pof a n act entitled "An act to amend til®
harter of thecity of St. Paul, and theactsamen-
de[ory thereof," approved Feb. 2.2, A. D. 1887,
in favor of Hobert A. 'Stith, mayor, for the Bum
of live f the expenses shicti7ed 0indflluminati0. ofiit
city during the Slate B`a1r in 1889.
SEc. 2. This ordinance Shall take effect and
be fn force from and alter its passage.
Peas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Conley, Gehan,
Ha in,
Sullivan,1tWeber, Air. ice Pre.fdentr14.
Passed Jan. 21, 1890.
ASTnoNS' YOF.HG, in., Vice President of Council.
Approved .inn. 22, 1890.
Attest: Tilos. A. PRe1.Eft. tsT, City Clerk.
Jan 30.
Reno lutinn..
By Aid. Pratt- '
Resolved,That the following plat,as approved
by the plxt tom mie.lon, and as recommended
by the cit' engineer, be and the same to hereby
Be pled by the common council of the city of
St. Paul.
Derhtger'e .arrangement of lots 17, 18, 19 .
and 20, block 1, of Sylvan Heights, St. Paul
Peas-Ald. Rickel, Blom, Bock, Conley, Gehan,
Hamm, Knvnnagh, Lefthauser, Mines, Melady,
Pratt, Sullivan, \Veber, Mr. Vice President -14.
Approved Jan. 2, 1800.
By Aid 11111dy-
Resolved, that the grade of McMenemy street,
rout Maryland street, to Minneapolis avenue, ae
indicated by the red grade line on the accom-
city}en�neerflbe sand thea me is
herebnd as y
a. the eetabl1.hed grade.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel. Bhim, Bock, Conley, Gehan,
Hamm. Kavanagh, Lefthauser, Miners, dlelady,
Prate, 6ulllvsiy Weber, Mr. Vice President -14.
Approved Jan. 22, 1890.
By Aid. Bock -
Resolved, That the city clerk be and is hereby
strutted to advertise for bids until Feb. 4,
189n, for theeollection and disposal of night soil
for the period of one, two or three years, to be
removed outside of city limits.
Also, for bids for thecollection and removal of
garbage for the period of one. two or threeyears.
the garbage collected to be delivered at the work.
of Azotiue Manufacturing compatly.
Also, for bide for the collection olid removal of
dead animals for the period of one, two or three
years facturmg comdeliveredi. or ato i place satisfactory to
common colmc 1.
Contract to go into effect June 15, 1890.
Peas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Couley, Gehan,
Hamm, Kavanagh, Leichauser, Mines, Mandy,
Pratt. Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President -14.
Approved Jan. 22, 1890.
By Aid. Gehan-
ResolvedThat the honorable the board of
fire commissioners be and they Sr. berebv in-
structed toplace atthe southeast corner of
sycamore slid Jackson streets, one fire alarm
Peas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Gehan, K ..... gh, Leith.user, Jlinew, Malady
Y1nit, Sulllcnn, Weber, Yoerg, Mr. Presf-
Approved Jan. 22, 1890.
By Aid. Bock -
Resolved, That the board of fire commission.
rS be and they are bereby directed to purebnse
second sI- steam tire engine and ey 1p the
salue andplace it in service at Chemical Engine
House No. F, on Randolph street.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Gehan, Kavanagh. Lefthauser. }linea, Mend}',
Pratt, Su111vxn,K'eber,I'oerg, Mr. President -16.
Approved Jan. 22, 1890.
By Aid, Bit.,
Resolved,That the board of fire tom missiouers
be, and theyre hereby luerructed to locate
.lid me]Rt.iu fire alarm Loxes a. follow'.:
One fire alarm box ou the corner of Payne ave-
pnd Magnolia street- one fire alarm box on
rte corner of Maryland and Greenbrier avenins,
Jlie fire alarm box un the et ricer of Arcade and
essamine streets. one fire lar. box on the
corner of Case still Mississippi street..
Yens -Alda Bickel, Blom, Bock, C'ullen,Conley,
Gehan, Kavanagh. Lefthauser, Mines., Melody.
Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr. Presldent-
.Approved Jan. 22, 1890.
By Ald. Gehan-
Re s ilved, That the gasoline contractor be and
h is hereby directed to place gasoline lamps as
follow e:
One on northeast corner Valley and Warren,
oe In middle of block between Valley
and War-
ren oil Valley, one on sou rheas[ corner of Acker
and Cortland, one lu hldle of block ou By-
morestreet between Rim street and Sylvan, one
D1nTylend, orthewst corner M Abel, line
lamp oil water fountain, Broadway and Mhude-
ippc one on Broadway between Thirteenth and
Grove, center of block.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Culls.,
Conley, Gehan, Kavanagh, Lefthauser, Mines,
Melody, Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr.
President -15.
Approved Jan. 22, 1890. .
By Ald. Blom -
Resolved, That the gasolinelamp contractor
be and he Is hereby ordered to erect slid main -
Win gasoline letups as follow'.:
One lamp on the northwest corner of Jessie
street and Geranium street, one lamp on the
northeast corner of Jessie street and hose street,
one lamp on the southweateornerof Jessie street
and Maryland street, one lamp on the northeast
corner of Rose street and Weide street, one lamp
on the southwest corner of Rose street and
Walsh street, one lump on the northeast corner
of Rose street and (;reenbrier, one lamp fn front
of lot 2, block 2. Bernheimer'e addition.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Gehan, K.vauagh, Lelthan r, Hines, Melady,
Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Yomg, Mr. President
Approved Jan. 22, 1890.
By Aid. Conley -
Resolved, That the superintendent of police
patrol telegraph be and he le -hereby authorized
to purchase. pollee patrol box and tel'Idmae,
and place the same at the intersection oFlan-
dmau street and Stillwater avenue, illthe Sec-
ond ward of the city of St. Paul.
Yens-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Conley, Gehan,
Hamm. Kavanagh, Leithaueer, )linea, Malady,
Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President -14.
Approved Jan. 22, 1890.
By Aid. Conley
Resolved, Tl> t the superintendent o[ Police
patrol telegraph be and he is hereby nuthorim
instructed to purchase and place police
boxes .c the I.R.Wing locations. and to plahe
telephones therein:
Market house; Minnesota and Fifthstreets;
Fourth and Robert treate; Fifth .lid Jackson
streets: Ninth and Robert streets: Fourth and
Wncoutn .treets: Tenth street and Broedwxy;
Seventh xntt Locust treem: Fourth fid John
streets: Fitch and Wabash& street.: MlBsfssippi
and William streets: Third and We Illogic"
streets; Olive slid Somerset streets; Thirteenth
and Canada streets; Third and Kittaon streets;
Grove and Temperancetreets: Chestnut street
depw: Exchange and Wsaint streets; Seventh
and Dousmanstreets; Brown end Concord
street. lWest Bide); Ninth and Fort streets.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen. Conley,
Gehan, Kavanagh. Lefthauser, bit ties, Melody,
Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Yomg, Mr. President --
Approved Jan. 22, 1890.
By Aid. Yoerg-
Resolved. That the proper Ricers be author-
ized to draw tut order uppon the city treasurer in
man U?
Ivor of O. E. Holr the i1m of two hun-
dred (5200) dollars, to housed a. a contingent
fund in the corporation attorney's office.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock,Conicy,Gehnn,
Hamm, Kavanagh, Lefthauser. \linea. Melady,
Pratt, Sullivan, Weiler, Dir. Vme President -14.
Approved Jan. 22, }890.
By Aid. Cullen -
Resolved, That the proper city officers are
hereby authorized and instructed to issue and
cutecertificates ' f lsbtedness to the
am tit of ten thousand (SIn,000) dOImM,PaY-
ble in one year from and after the let day o
February, , A. D. 1890, with
interest at the rote
of pix (e) per ce,t per a um, payable mi-
Ily. said c ttificntes brine rtboriud un-
dtr the sixth (0th) ubdivisfo l of section 3 of an
tic[ to amend the charter o[ the city of St. Paul,
d the is mandatory taereof, approved
Feb. 22. 1887, for each purpose as the common
co.ncil might deem ptoper to adesa- the later -
este of the city.
Peas—Ald. Biekel. Blom, Bock, Conley, Gelau
Hemm, Kn...a b, Leithauser, Dlloea, Meln'I
Pratt, Sullivan, Reber, Mr. Vice President�l4.
Approved Jan. 22, 1890.
By AId. Weber—
Resotved. That the committee steps streets be
ted to take the nacres y to reduce
the plile of gas, nittee to repor tot he councetc.[ consumed by the city, sad
fi, they also to
hethm it is advisable or not to light the
cityreport,, by Iec[rlcity or other methods to bring
this redwctma, the same as now being
s a Ea tern titles; theof rmams committee also
story report wheth
er or opecltiou s rte -
to bring about this red—lb- or change (o
m shod of 1lghtiug
Yen.—Ald. Biekel, Blom. Bock, Cullen. Conley,
Kavanagh, Leithauser, Dtineu, Atelady, Pratt
Sullivan, 55'eber, Yoetx, Mr. President -14.
Nays—Ald. Gehan-1.
Approved Jan. 22, 1890.
By Aid. Gehan—
Resolved, That the committee on publicbuild-
ings be
the}' are hereby instructed to make
some repairs at police headquarters, cleaning,
papeering, etc.
' .as—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Conley, Geha-n,
Hamm. Kavanagh. Lefthauser, Dlinen, DfeladI
Yrntt, Sullivan, \Veber. Mr. Vice Preeldent-14.
Approved Jau. 22, 1890.
Resolved. That the co trect between the Chi-
cago Bildge and Iron companstructionny and the cit ut
St.dY PP for [bite ces ath eMeud-O, roadof all rin Dakoell ta
...ty be lad the same tis hereby approved, and
the proper city o�cere ¢ hereby authorized
.ad directed to execute 'aid
contract on behalf
of the city of St. Paul.
Yews—Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock, Chile-' Conley,
Geha", Kitvnnagh, Leithauser, Millea, Dlelady',
Pratt, Sullivan, \Veber, Y-Oerg, Mr. President -
Approved Jan. 22, 1890.
Resolved, That the contract but,,-. Odelon
L. 'tlteaume and Isadore A. St. Pierre aad the
city of St. Paul for the construction of a wood -
no }lows truss bridge .,Or the right of way of
the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railwaycom-
-ptany os Grand avenue ananot thecity
be and the
.dicers a hereby approved. Id
and directed to
e to said contract on the part of the city of
Ste Paul.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley.
Gehnn, Kavanagh. Leithauser, Mitten, Malady,
Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg. Mr. President -
Approved Jan. 22, 1890.
Whereas. Residents of the city of St. Paul,
Minn., being the sole owners of the property
batting upon aud long the line of St. Pad -
Luke Phalen and White Bear lake road, have
petitioned the e.-. u Ill of the City or
St. Paul to lmalleeaid St. Paul, Lake Phalen
rid White Bear lake road, which said petition
dueya seta forth oe [acts end reasons for said
ad thereot xe proptas osed to be vacated:[ed alld y a Plat
Whereas. The common coullell. upon the y -
aotion o[ enid petieiov, deemed It expedient
chat the matter bei proceeded with and dared
said petition to be filed of record with the city
clerk, and n iJce t0 be given by publication ae
provided by law; and
Whereas. Due notice by p blleation was give,
in the oilicfal PIP" of said city for four weeks,
ing t the 20th Aayeof September, 1.
U. 1889eto the effect that said petition had
been filed with the city,- clerk, stating in brief its
I Ujnect, lad that the s me would be beard and
i dared by the common council of the city of
St. Ynul, on Tuesday Lhe Gtn day of Novem-
ber. A. U. 1889, at 7:30 o'clock In the afternoon
f said day, at the council chamber In the city
hall of said city-; and
Wnevens, At the time rid place last above
n o[ ee enfor file ;vsug`ioioa a,tdlti uad,ra-
proposed investigation
ti or of su theclerid stn i romllou
thereof was postponed natal the 19th day of No-
vember, 1889, at 7::3U p. m., and thereafter
from time tot,
as will more fully appear by
the official proceedings of the Common council,
until the 2lst day of Jmmstry, 1890; and
Wher ns, At the time and place last aforesaid,
for the investigation rid consideration of such
proposed vacation 01 said rend, the Common
council after hearing all persons Interested, slid
being of the op' tion that the same '- n ssary
od proper, a d that the prerequisites --0 -
have all been conlpiied with; veto, oerefore, be it
B-olved. That all of aid St. Paul, Lake
phalappear, aril Wht in ?tiar lake the office of dila, register of
Itp• d. f i o record for the county of Ramsey, :limn.,
be and the same i. hereby declared be v -
,,ted lad distend"cell as asked for in laid
petit! on
etit!on and ns berelnebove apelafled.
Yes—Aid. Bickel, Blom. Back. C--lley, `eban,
Hamm, Kev.'agh, Leithauser, y-.
Pratt. Sailivan. Weber, Mr. Vice Presldeut-14.
Pa ... d Jan. 21, 1890.
AStao,Y YOEaG, Jit., Vice President of Council.
Approved Jun. =2 Ross— A. Sault, Mayor.
Attent: Taos. A. PRE\n81tuA.T, City Clerk.
Jan. 27.
By- Aid. Weber—
It Is he
rehy ordered by the Common Council of
he City of St. Paul:
That the matter of the construction of the
Bary approaches
held on Como nve-
nece.e t the right f yv tc of the St. Paul &
erd.reed to
Nortue n Pacific Railroad pany be rid the
work,toinvestile. and reprtboard of public
s First—Is this Improvement proper and neces-
Second—Give the council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether one-half of
the cost thereof is to be paid into the city
treasury before the contract is let.
Third—Can1 estate to be assessed for said
Improvemeut be found benefited to the extent of
'a- costa
1n urvead LherebyT d expenses neoe6eary to be
the petition or apptlentlon of oe ked for upon
ej dry of the property to be asseasetl for auch
Fifth—Send the council plan or profile of
...,IImprovement, ae required bylaw, If you re-
port 1n favor of the
Sixth—Seed the could] a proper order direct,
1v9 the work to be dour.
Hamm Kava tngh, Lefitiau°ee°r lfines,GM l�
ds, Pratt, Sulliv. , Weber, Mr. Vice P-.]-
d Appro . B Ald. Prstt—
AFProvedJan.22, 1890. Ityfs hereby dared b
o[ the City o[ 9t. Paul: y the CUmmov Councff
By Aid. \Veber— That the amt of a opeving and
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Commit wndeniug \V heeler avenue easter yy trnoum its pre--
ot the City of St. Paul: t terminus to Sotellfvg avenue be d tin same
That the matter of penin is hereby refrrred o Lbe board of publle }sorke
tend(vg Como v nue from g, widening end to investigate and report:
South at to nFfrst—Ia Iiia Improvement proper and n
Lake Como and Phalen parole at Logan street; —.-
nd also the }videning of Ligan atrret from Lake s rYT
Como d Phalen ave to Alimeapoh- I Second --Give the counetl a timate O[ the
be end the sem 1s Hereby ferrel a pen -a thereof, and state whether o half t
to the board of publle works to Investigate and the cost thereof to to be paid IntotheCity
report: Trenamy before the contract le let.
First—Is this Improvement proper and neves- Third—Cart e I eetnW Lo be aseeeced for eflid
Bary? improvement be found benefited otheesteut of
Second—Give the council an estimate of the curred therehyes, co p ud expense, necessary to be In -
expense thereof, and state whether one-half of
the cost thereot is to be paid into the Clty the ourth—Ia such Improvement naked for upon
Treasury before the contract f. let. opett[fon or npplfeattou f the owners of
Third—Can real estate to be assessed for said imaIr.11 I the property to be assessed for such
'.'.',,be al
found benefited to the extent of p en t.
damages, csad expeuae8 necessary to be In. FlIth—Send the council a plan or profile of
curred thereby? said improvement, as required by law, if you re-
-Fourth—Is auch imppr vement port In favor of the same.
trite petit[", s xI. r.-1 a tas afore of n D1 th—Saud the counelI a proper order direct-
ajorftey o7 tlterpro{erty to be assessed for such Ing the work to be done.
mprov meat'! Yeas—Aid. Rickel, Blom, Bock, Cooley
is if;�-9mtd the couucrntl 1 pr file of Tfehladty P etc�SUllivanHµ eberftDlru Vlee\Pree1-
o Provemef t, vs gaired bylnw,ff you dent --14.
report in favor of the e¢me.
Sixth—Send the councfl a proper order direct- el pproved Jan. 22, 1890.
ing the work to be done.
Yeas—Aid Bi k 1 RI
ffamjority of the property to
provemeut? be sasestwd for such
,Fifth—Send the covncf plan or profile of
s d improvement, ae reqired by law if you re-
Sixth—Send in favor of the same.;
Sixth—Send the council A proper order df-
reetmg the work to be one.
Yeas—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cooley, Gehuu,
Pratt, Sullivan,KaWheber�Mr.�Vi Preea I I_,
Approved Jan. 22, 1890.
Ifemm K vxnnah, I,eithauBaerkM elaYTleletly By Aid. Hamm—
Pratt, Sullivan, Weber. DIr. Vice President—]4. It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council
Approved Jaa. 22, 1890. of the City of St. Paul:
By Committee o4-6treeta—
It f. hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. P.
street newer between Third etiree 6 ado Shermatt n
the boardaof public ,works toe Investigate and
n fret—Is this improvement proper and neces-
e y?
Second—Give the council an timate f the
e Pelee thereof, and tate hether on
e-6u1f of
the coat the la to be pnldvintotheCityTreae-
ury before the Contract le let.
Third—Can real estate to be assessed for said
Improvement be found benefited to the extent
oI damages, Caste and expenses necesanry to be
incurred thereby?
Fourth—Is such improvement asked for upon
the potation or appllcn atloof the owners of &I
That the matter of a change of grade on Cable
avenue be and fee
Pee boa d of publ ceworks o tnve talat. and re -
red to
aFiiT re-
First—Is this improvement proper and necee-
s 6econd—Give the council n h.e CtmaW f the
theuse be
cost thereof ie to
be paid into [he City Tmahalf sf
wry before the contract is let.
Thad—Can real estate to be sear'e'd for paid
f chip emetic be touud benefited to the extent
ages, costa pad expen_a nocreanry to be
incurred tbereby?
Fourth—Is each ImV�r e t asked for upon
the "petition or up call
the owners of a
mal rtty of the property to be asseased for such
Improvement? l ap
said lilmp S vement, the °aeuregluired lay Iaw, an or u oflle of
in favor of the -ame. On
Sixth—Send the council a proper order direct,
ing the work to be done.
he snme is hereby referred to the board of pu
Ic works to five -hat's and report:
Fust—is this improvement proper and necea-
Sec e d
hese\of,ti1e d he
taw whether( one-half of
pen e
:he cost thereof is to he paid into the city trens-
iry before the contract is let.
ppi ovemevt be Iound benefited to the extent of
1a age coats and expenses necessary to be in-
mrred Ili "by?
Fourth—Is euch Improvement asked for upon
majority ]of the property to ibe are es ed for such
Fifth—Send the council a hart or profile of
said improvement, as required by law, ,p you re-
port in favor of the same.
Sixth—Send the council a proper order direct-
ing the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Gehan, Kavanagh. Lefthu
aser, Mines. Melody,
Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, oerg, Nr. President
Approved Jan. 22, 1890.
By Aid. Lefthsueer—
It us hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the (Icy of St. Paul:
That the matter oudmg Conw.y street
the same lis i ereby« e ,r'eed to theboard ore put-
lie works to investigat , slid report:
First—le this fmpro• emeut proper and nee -
Second—Give the council an estimate f the
expense thereof, and state whether one-half of
the cost thereof is to be paid into the city treas-
ury before the contract I. let.
Third—Can real estate to be assessed for said
imovement be found bened to the extent o
damages. costs and a pensesflnecessary to be int
curred thereby?
Fourth—Is such improvement asked for up n
the pith of tion he proper" to be asses ed fotr euch
F.Eth—Send the council a plan w profile of
Ifni favor of the same required by law, if You re-
Sfxth—Send the Inuit . proper order direct-
ing the work to be donis.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen,Conley,
Gehun, Xnvauagh, Leitbauser. Niece, Nelady,.
Pratt.Sullivan,Webe clg, Mr. President 1
Approved Jan. 22, 1890.
In the matter of the report of the Board of Pub,
lle Works dated Jan. 20, 1890.
It us hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of Sr. Pnith
That the board o[ ublic works of said city
be made,
to -wit: t:ul e G odthe a thensillypla block two
(2), H. Af. Ranney's subdivision of block 11.
Stinson's dlcislon, in said city.
That said board cane said work to be let by
contract, are provided by law, without one -ball
the estimate cost .eing first paid into the
city treasury, and after exid work hall be .-
placed under contract enid board shall pr
ceed without delay to see -lis the amount,
are nearly as they can ascertain the same,
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Conley, Geban,
Hamm: Kavmiagh, Leitbauser, Alfvea, Aleladp.
Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Air. Vice Presfdeut-14.
Approved Jan. 22, 1890.
By Aid. Nelady—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Connell of
>{, the City of St. Paul:
the matter of a'bangs of grade. on _t:
etas', from Bidwell street to W __ street,
be sad the same I. hereby referred to the board
of public works to investigate and report:
First—le this improvement Proper and neces-
Second—Give the council nn estimate of the
expense thereof, ¢nd state whether one-hwlt of
the cost thereof is to be paid into the city treas-
ury before the contract is let.
Third—Can real estate to be nsseesed for said
dammee�costs and ext be p bases nece Bad to ry to be in
carred thereby?
Fourth -1s such improvement asked for
upon the petition or application of the ow.ere
07 majority of the property to b: assessed for
such improvement?
Ffth—Send the con -11 re
epolby w,• if you erofile t
said improvement, as requi
port in favor of the same.
Sixth—Send the council a proper order direct-
ing the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Conley,Gehnn,
Hamm, Kavanagh, Leitbauser, Aline", A(elndy,
Pratt, Sullivan, Weber, Mr. Vice President -14.
Approved Jan. 22, 1890.
By Aid. Weber—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That to matter of change th'the constgrade on Como
avenue so as to conform with ruction
f npproache- sad bridge over the northern
ffeerred to the boafirtaid,rd of public e and the swork-s toame is einvyestf-
gate and report:
Fietr—Is this Improvement proper and uecee-
Second—Give the council an estimate of the
expellee [Leen(, and state whether one-half of
the cost thereof ie co be paid foto the city treas-
ury before the contract is ret.
hird—Can real estate to be assessed for said
omland f demagesucosto the extent
is and eams
pscsed necessary to he
incurred thereby?
Fourth—titioIs eOf
ach improveplicationment asked for upon
majority orf the prolierty to betassesed for th each
Fifth—Send the council n plan or profile of
,aid improvement, na requlred b Iaw, If you re-
port fn favor o[ th" fin,
Sixth—Send the council a proper order dl Met
ing the work to be done.
Yeas—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Coley, Gehan.
Hamm, Xavanxgh. Lefthauser, Mme¢, Melatly.
Pratt. Sullivan, Weber, Dir. Yice President—lh,
Approved Jan. 22, 1590.
By Aid- Leithauser—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Co.ncll o'.
the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of grading East Third streel
from Earl street to White Bear ii-oue be .nt
libichose will be required to ppay the cost and Pratt, Suflfvalr, \Caber, Yoerg, Nr: President
necessary expenses of such improvement upon —15.
the real astute to be benefited by exid improve- Approved
Jnn. 22, 1800.
mens. as provided by law; it being the opinion
cf the council that real estnie to be assessed for
euch improvement can be found benefited to the
of the costs and expenses necessary to he In the matter of the report of the Board of Pub.
incurred ld. Bic. lrc \Yorks dated Jau. 20, 1890.
Peas --Aid. Bickel, Blom, Back, Cullen, Conley, Is fs hereby ordered by the Common Couucll of
Gehun. Xnvauagh, Lsrthauser, Afineu. Ne- the Cicy of St. Paul: lady, Yrutt, Sullivan, Weber, ]".erg, Mr. Prest- That the board of public works of said city of
dent -16. St. Paul cause the following fm
Approved Jan. 22, 1890. brovement to
e [de, to -wit: Enlarge and reppair the sewer
on Pleasant "'sone, from Pidr+l street [o
point half way between \VuLluI street and
In the matter of the report of the Board of Chestnut street fn said city.
Public Works. dated Jan. Ili, 18I That loud board c"use said work to be let try
It is
ordered by the Common Council of contnmt, ns provitled by I.
n7thout u e -hal[
the Clty of St. Paul: the estimated cost being Bret paid Lilo the city
That the board of public works of the city of treasury, and utter snud work hull be tUaced
St. Paul cause the following improvement to be under contract, stud board ah¢11 proceed aced
made, to -wit: Condemn d cake sit easement OIIt delay to assess the amount, n nrly a
n the land abutting wr Hope street, between they can n erc+nln the same, which wijl bee.
Mlnuehahn street sad Afnrgnret street, in send ,,If to pay [he Cost and ,a,., ary expenses
and neceeerad it construct the slopes for cube f such improvement upon the reryl esGtte co be
and fills lugr"ding said Hope street, between said beielited by said improvement, rte provided by
streets to flu esthbliahed grade thereof, s 1aty. It being the opinion of the colinci] that real
11191" by the prpB',e of eufd grade on Ifle in the tate to be assessed for such Improvement cal.
office of the register of deeds in and for Ramsey be found benefited to the extent of the cost
county and in the otfiae of th. city engineer: expenses necessary to be in Cu reed thereby.
said slopes to extend one and one-half (11¢) tee[ 1"ens—Aid. }nickel, Blom, Boct, Cullen, Conley,
Oil said land [or every foot o[ cut or fill, au iudf- Geh¢n, Kacann;rh. I.eithatser, >linele Nelady,
sated on the plan of sand slopes attached tosnitl Pratt, Suliicau, Webec, loerg, )[r. PcesiUeut
effort and to
be filed in the cfiice'd said board. —16.
Phatsald board -hail proceed w'fthont delay to Approved Jan. 22, 1S90.
assess the amount, ll- all y na they can aseet-
[nin the same, whfch false be required to pay
the —
damxges, costs and necessary expenses f such
mprovement upon the rent estate to be blue- In the matter of the report of the Board of
fiteU by exid improvement, na provided by Public Works dated Jnn. Y0, 1800. C----
Inw: a being
opinion of the couu'd that real It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
-Lata to he as -seed for such improvement can the City of S[. Ynnl:
. found benefited to the extent of the damages. That the hoard of public works of the cityof
costa and expenses use
salary to be incurred St. Paul cane this follotvivg im71rovemem to be -
thereby. mode, to-wft: Open, widen aid extend Rondo
Yeas—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Rock, Callen, Coale •,-v'rerc, from «'eslerin nvenne to an intersection
Gehan, Kavarmgh. Leithauser, Nines, Atelad}-, t th St�:t u[honv avenue, between Buul¢V and
Pratt, Sulitvau, tVeber, Yoe, Afr. 'de 'It
Griggs Greets, and widen Sb. Anthony -nue
—10. from said intersection to Snelling oven rte in said
Approved Jan. 22, 1800. city, condemning and taking the tollow-
lug described Inud, to -wit: The north ten
— (l0) feet o[ blocks 17 end 18, north
& Marshall's Addition, the north Afackten (30)
I. the matter of the report of the Board of I -t of block 2, 1Vlis m's Rearrangement t )
Public Work. dated Jau. 20, 1890. \facknbfu\f&rMnrshalSe Addition; n; Itheock 27.
it is hereby ordered by the Common Council o[
the City of St. Paul: ten (10) feet of block 24, Alsckubi. & Marshall's
That the board o[ pnbllc works o[ said city of ditionteurn, the
d7 t' nn� At��the oortheten 10)
St. Paul
CnUee the (011owinR Improvement [o
be made, to -wit: Enlarge and repair the sewer ieec of Llocks 8 and 4, 11 ' Bickel's subdivision
on Bailiff street, from tt, and
a West of lot 2, Smith & Lotc's Outlot., the north ten
Seventh street, In said city. (10) leer f blocks 8, 7, 8 and u', Edwin lleaus'
3Seeond addition; also illi that Inud, not already
That said board cause said work to be let by w thlnmtthe linea of a scripisevenirytaiuse.
(74) (eeC
contract, are ro\7ded by law, without one-half wide, between Victor]. and Chnteteorth street.,
the esttmated cost being fire, paid fill. the city tLe -with line of which strip shall ben ]Ina feu
treasury, and after said work shall be placed (10) feet -oath of and parallel with the preens
under contract, said board shall proceed with. south line of Ronda street between .aid
out delay to assess the amount s nearly are "leo the orth ten 10 l its'
they can nacertain the same ii hill, will be re- nerve aubdlviaVon; (the f or
f V.rl
qutred to pay the cost and necessary expertsea block 2, Cinmmin'- addition; the north tea (10)
such improvement upon the real estate to be feet of lots S to 10, inclusive. Buei &- Nacknbin's
benefited By enid Improvement, as provided by Outlote: also all that land not already con -
law; it being Lhe opinion
o[ the council that real demned or dedlented [or -public u -e, lying with(.
estate [o be ne.pased for euch improvement can the lies. of a -tri sevent
I e found benefited to the -stent of tho cost and ttveen the east floe of Lexington) ,veuuees d
expenses nece-eery to be incurred thereby. Pascal avenue, the south Ifne of which strip
Yens --Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley, of aLexingcun d veuveTt n (10)ifeensouth of Ithll
Gehun, Xnvauagh, Lefthauser, Nines, Nelady, soutn live of Rondo street, to a point In the
west line of Grigg+ street, ten (10) feet south of
the eo th has of St. Anthony avenue; thence
in a direct line to the n rthesst Corner
of block 4, J. F. Ei.enmeilger'e Second addition;
leo all that land not bead}' condemned o
dedieated for public use, I,,all nitlibi the lines of
,ev ty-six (76) feet wide, between the
center line of Pascal avenue and the eget It.. of
Snelling avenue, the center lift¢ oI vbich strip
,ball be Lhe center line of St. Anthony avenue
as now existing between said ppoints. All Of the I
bo eDd seeribs so[a. laud being iu the cityPauof St.
That said board shall proceed rdthout de-
l�n to es, thea untw, ly as they
cert. the Sam hlc6 will be requires
to pay p he damages, coats
bad ass aye -
f t h improvement upon
there 1 ce-
Late Lo be benefited by said imp—lan it, oas
provided by law; it being the pinion of the
council that real estate to be assessed for such
improvement can be toothed beaeeM1'ted to the ex-
tent of Lbe damages, co an pensee necea-
ry to be inenrrea therepr,
e Yeas—Ald, Bickel, Blom.-ock,Cullen, Conley,
Geha, Kavnvagh. Leithattser, Tline.. I,fe!ndy,
Pratt, Suit t van. weber, Yoerg. Me- President
Approved Joe. 22, 1890.
Adjourned until 1`riday. Jan. 24, 1890, at
7:30 o'eloek P. m.
ANTHONY Tuon.OA. PRE vnenont.r City Clerk -
.aid railway Company: that the estimated ex-
pels. , thereof la 510; that real estate to be as-
aessed therefor can be found benefited to the
exte.t of the damages, oste a d expenses
necessary to be Incurred thereby; t68t emit im-
mrovement le not asked for by s Petition of a
ajoritTT o[ the owns o[ propertny to be se-
pre d cher tor, but we herewith d a)o�inf-
ofile of said improvement, avd an
adoption, if you desire us to make the no -
p Yeas e3t \'Y
R. L. be Boa, President.
W. F. EnwiN, Clerk of the Board of Public
J-20,1990.Adopted. (See (See order toboard of public works.)
Easement—Within lineaf Road. .treat—Chi-
rxgo, Milwaukee & St. Paul raflw.y right of
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The board of public works Dave tad under
eonaideration the resolution or rder f the
council. approved Dec. 30, le8A9, re
tit, hoc nu -.. e m t for c arta
.. ..e ,,...,..,ms .mss - rh,bt of way of the
p npe�to
1Chiccago, 11
for attest
Adjourned Meeting. I ri iiwn} company; that the estimated a.'
. nae
1 thereot is $10; that 1 estate Lo be ..-.ed
ST. PARL, Jan. 24, 1890. therefor can be found bee cft d to the extent of
The council met putsvaut Lo ndjour4, 189 the d.mnges. cosus and expo es necessary to be
President Hamm Iv the chair. d thereby; that said tmpmovement is cot
Present—Aldo Bickel, Blom, Bock, C1dle., Con- asked for by n petitle. of a fority o[ the
le3-. Haber, . Bickel
Kavanagh, Leithabeer, owvem of Pro Party to be eases. d therefor. but
y, Pratt, S uboru,5;dlvn it Weber, a herewith d s pian or Profile ( sulci 1nj
Yoetg. AI r. Prnsideut-17. prow m tit, and nu rd r for your adoPtiou, f(
you deelre us to to ke the improvement.
co�tttuNtc,rrm�.. R. L. GonateN, President.
From Job,, E. Kjellberg and other citizens of W- F, 1:nwiN.
Arlington Hills—t. Clerk o[ the Board of Public Works.
t- .Ian. 20, 1890.
Aekibe oompened Lo cul CRytRe lltvay hvv ,ldopted. (aeeorder to board of public worka.)
street crossings una alloys' c s ow
City emducer to carry out provisions of the
cut in
of the
Easement—Within lines of Carroll street—C.
M, & St. P. R -Y. Co. right of e,ay—
"ro the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The board of "lb'iework. have bad under
consideration the resolution o order of the
common council, approved Dec• 30.1889, rela-
tive to columning I ettthe j,ht of sway of the
bridge purposes r m-
CDica¢o, bltlwaukee &oS t. Paul Railway
y y withty the lines Of Carroll street, and. hav-
ing investigated the proposed improvement:
p psis Ito...drum tndtit tan
ait Is
gement in
land acttoes andit_ over toe rightcf way of thepgni-
foretreet and bridge purposes andPact r for the nn-
attrtction of sypceromDee within the linea o[ Cat-
ro11 street prod. d across the right of way of I
Easement—Within lines Of Iglehart street—C.,
M. & St. P. Ry. right of rvay—
To the Common CoubciI of the City of St. Paul:
The board of public work. have had Ruder
consideration the resolution or order of the
common council, ap proved Dec. 30, 1889, TO a-
tiye to condemning en me L for street and
bridge Purep , —to.. the right f rvay of the
Chicago, ti fll(vnukee 8 St. Paul Railway com-
.......... ... .. o luau nr T¢lehart street. and,
it is necessary
ke ane t in -
right of way of the
Poul Railrv� f r the.
at.v%hm the lines f
Bc t
aesseessed therefor can be round bevefltd to the
extent of the damage. cote and expnueee rte I
e en to be iveurreit thereby: that said improve -
m t is notasked for bye petition of a majority
of the owners of property W be as.essed their
for, but we herewith send a plan or prodle (
said improwe seat, and an order for your adol
tion, if you desire as to make the Improvement
Yeas, 3. N.Y., O.
E- L. GO—AN, Ptesident.
ERwns, Clerk
W. F. Board of Public Works
20, 1890.
Adopted- (See order to board of pubo
Janke and Lawson streets slopea—
To the Honorable the President aad Comma
Council of the City of St. Paul.
Gentlemen: The board of public works here
with peCtfu11, return your final orders. ap
ment or890, for
tndem in of and
e .din¢ Jenks street
.ad Lawson street•re
peccively between Mississippi street and Ear
t, with the inquest that your honorabb
body modify said orders by eeimlmtigthat pan
ea(it Jeuke and Larvaon treat. between MC
bfenemy and Be Soto stints, for the reason that
a ch g of grade (s pending between Bald point,
n said Jeuke and Lawson streets.
O Proper flan] orders tot said Impmvemente an
herewith submitted for your adoption.
R. L. Gun+tAN, President.
W. F. F-rsw(v, Clerk Board of Public Work,.
Jan. 23. 1890.
Adopted ad aid final orders approved Jan.
8, 1890 modified quested. (See orders tc
boardof public work..)
Tuscarora street sewer—
To the Honorable the President Rod Common
-Council of the City of St. Patti.
Gentlemen: The board of public works here-
rt•inh re,Pectfully submit for your npProvul .
tract between Thornton & Shxwandthecity
of St. Paul for doing additional work in the cmt-
-action of thew'er on T•usexrora street, be-
n Chatsworth feet and Pleneant avenue.
Said contract has been executed ou the part of
,aid Thornton & Shaw.
This additional work was .used by unfore-
wateobatacles by reueon of lurg quant(Lles of
r met with In the excavation for ,aid ,ewer,
R, L. G_,
oa _ , President.
W. P. Eu—, Clerk Board of Public works.
aaoi al ss eontrnec approved. pprovetl, and proper
slip oPocera directed [o exee.te same.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen, Conle
Fisher, Gahan, Kavanagh, I,,Itba,,.r. Minesy,,
T[elady, Pratt, Sanborn, Slllifvan, Weber, Ycerg,
Mr. Presfdeut-17.
Of committee apppointed Jan. 21, 1890, consist -
ting f Aid. IImea, Melady. Conley and cor-
poration attorney, to confer with railroad
Comps. nee relative to -.1 it companies' .11md
righ Property necessary for construction
of Broadway bridge serosa Mississippi el—c—
The ep...ilon attorney, on behalf
f id
mmiloss, male tbal report to the effect
that the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Pail r(til-
ay had offered, nat 'joint meeting of said ape-
clal are ad ad the committee on streets, to
relinquish it. tights In the premises Inexchsal
for the use of certain street., but that the proPO-
Intion had not been accepted.
The corporation attorney, ou behalf of Said
Special committee, snbtnita also the following
COL W- P. Clough, Vice President.
Dear Sir: The common council of the city
Of St. Poul appointed a special comamittee con-
fetinigi t Lteesre. Mmes, Conley d hlaMelody,
to aecert1m the position of thn confS' 14' Minned-
polls &.Maultoba Railroad company regaramg
the con-atruction of the gBroadway bridge.
f it edia, question., andnat Mr. Hill'. ditsetion
the matter Is reaPectfully referred to you for
consideration and advice.
pFn D
First—Does oes y ur company claim to own any
Be b f the land lying itbtn the lines f
to the river,tnnd, If eo,how
Ib clrestaimed, ad
will the company attempt to top the covstruc-
tion f the Broadway bride on the disputed
land by injunction or otherirtse?
Second—Doe your c party claim that the
trttetion of the bridge, and the ha. ce of
grade of, BioadtvaS for the ft poen rt king
the approaches, will tl.mngo Its p rty, antl 1f
o, to what approximate extent?
a Third—Will the SL Paul, Afffiaca olin & Mn
tobw Railroad Company enter 'oto n contract
't(h the mty of St. Paul gr.n[Ing the city the
right to enter upon the disputed land, and eo.-
struct and maintain the bridge, without thepay-
nt of any comp
s... thin to the company for
the right, to be so granted, tin co tract to pro-
vide also that the company ralinqut,hes no chasm
for de,m.gev, if any, occasioned by the Proposed
chnni(e of grade, aadthat neither
p tty waives
any rights or claim, to the land to disp tie; o
:1,1 Iancomi1��any cannot enter into such an agree -
tit, will It enter into any agreement permictlitg
the city to construct ud maintul. the bet
(tad if so, what will be the �robabietermaot such
.n ns—re.ot. Respectfully,
0. E. Hot -1—, Corporation .attorney.
Jnit. 2{, 13.0,
The following i%Col. Clough's reply:
Mr. 0. E. Holman, City Attorney of St. Paul. -
Dear Sir: I have the honor to reply to your
letter of this date, relating to the proposed
Broadway bridge, as hollow's:
First—The Manitoba com Pan}-clalma to own,.
and does own. through purchnee ads
years since, all the land which would be included
between the lines of Broadway, if extended
Southward from Third street, lying south of the
center line of what was designmted upon the
recorded plats f Kitteon's addition as Water
street, incl n rth of the nortbern boundary line
if the union depot company's property.
Second--Tht. compp ty does claim, what moat
to mauifeer to any disinterested,intullige It
it a mere glance, that it.
property would the very
really, and, 11 some highly important respect.,
parabty damaged bytheeonstruction of each
In the flret epnaer--, such a bridggee with an ap-
onceIne of Prince street, and risingIntend to the height of
enty feet or ri.t the north line of Third
treat, would to usly injure this om-
anO9's n office building, lately finished at
t of amore than 5300,000, by obstruct -
r¢ aooea. to Its inner court, opening
oil Broadway, to and from which the large
amount of supplies handled in the building
is han!ed by team, and, still more, by obstruct
the light and vastly increasing the amoun
of dust and noise on the Broadway side of th
Agn i, that part of the structure extending
south from Third street would seriously impair
ing the use of this company's very expensive
terminal facilities, which use, for the good not
only of thin company, but of evervinhabitaut of
the city who does any freight or passenger busi-
ness with this company, or vvfth the other Com-
pauues accommodated for their tralfic on this
comPttuy's grounds, ought to be as free and no.
I mpeded ns possible. The spaces available for
terminals within the cfty are, from the irrem,
]¢r topography of the plain, excessively limited
LS- nature. Already, and with existing volumes
of business, they +are inconveniently crowded.
Still there will
be room enough for along time in
the future it they can be left unhsmpered by ar-
tificial obstructions.
Every squ¢re rod, hideed
every square yard, of geou td lucluded within the
railroad territory I.
precious. Cramped rermi-
nals mean greater delays fit handling traffic and
higher cost of handling it. In thelntensecomps-
t1tion betvyeen places at the present time, that
place trill be sure to get the business, and couse-
trafoyto atleastexpense.which
ARsthe business of te to handle he
country, under existing ra0wayeonditfons. is on
'heels, and is a. re to center at the places
.having the beat, and consequently the cheapest,
ail terminal facilities as Is teeter to flow by the
line of the least resistance.
Every obstruction put upon the freest use by
the companies of the very moderate spaces
m-aflable for their ase in St. Pxui la tax and
handicap upon the trade capacity of the city for
all time. A ma of bridge piers lid supports
i R eroea the grounds of the companies
from Third street to the river would mmensely
Increase the difficulties of the thousandsof train
movements already necessary to be made up
sad down across the space which such a bridge
would Cover, ever}• day In the year.
Furthermore, and by no means of least conse-
q eats, such bridge would effectually destroy
the river harbor of the city. The draft of a contr¢et with ilfessrs. Kirkland
& Starkey for construction of substructure of
Broadway bridge across Mississippi river was
Ald. Sanborn offered as a substftutef-fiction
i said contract a resolution directing the city
eugl ser to causeone
of the piers of said bridge
to be constructed forthwith on that part of
Broadway claimed by St. Paul, Minneapolis &
Manitoba Railroad company, and another of
said piers port property claimed by Chicago.
Milwaukee & St. Paul railway, within lilies of
Said resolution lost.
Yens—Ald. Bickel, Cullen, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Weber, Yoerg—w.
Says—Ald. Blom, Bock, Conley, Fisher, Gehan,
Kavanagh, Lefthauser, Minea, Melody, Pratt,
Mr. P—al at -11.
By Aid. Conley—
A resolution declaring the claim of St. Paul,
Minneapolis & Manitoba Railway company to
property necessary for constructfon of Broad-
way bridge unfounded and unjust, that any pre.
tense by said company to precept the erection
of said bridge is deservlug o[ censure, and that It
is the sense of council that the construction of
navigable water at this point will be of high ,fit -
'fly and value to its transportation system. But
w':th the proposed Broadway bridge it would be
t a'crthle•s.
Third—In view of [chat has' been suggested
e above, the formal statement ".old hardly be
needed that this company should feel itself coni-
hItelled to resist the construction of such a bridge
by all means available, and that it could not
consent to any compromise permitting the it
to go on under any conditions.
The feeling of this company, and of its presf-
deut and all its other officers, toward progress
in this city need not be xPp es ed here. It is
ell known already. The \Ixnitoba compnuy
hue, I think, by far the largest fixed property
interests and is the lalgest employer of labor ht
the inty-, and consequently the largest stake In
eta welfare.
Besides. It is one of the largest. If not the lar-
gest, owner of lands ..the south aide of the
river fu West St. Paul in the line of the proposed
cork. If real estate valuea shha
old be cut
In thatdirectfon by the building of this bridge,
this cont party would be one of the greatest gam.
an In that way.
But the true interests of this company, like
the true Interests of the town. Ile elsewhere, that
is to say, inreserving intact Its railway Terrill.t nls and facilities, and the harbor in front of the
In view of the foregoing it is hardly necessary
to discuss the utility of the proposed bridge
when built. A careful count of the people living
between the proposed end of the bridge in West
St. Paul an
a point half tea} to the end of the
Robert street bydge. which would cover all the
people to be bell red. would show that less [ban
)0 people, men, ivolimn and children, live lathe
locality named. ]'ours reepecthilly,
W. P. CT, Von,
n2d Vice President.
Jn. 2-L 1890.
Th river may seem of small consequence at
the ]+resent moment, but this it was which firs[
If= this point a atrade center. In a short'
time fn the future the importnuce of the river to
the business of the town might to a larg_d egree
return; but with uch a bridge set it in the
er}' midst of the harbor, and but a few hundred
feet distant from other barrfersof thesante sort,
what prudeut steamboat man would think of
risking his craft, if of u size to be of use commer-
cially, Inside it`
The policy of his company, end of its pmsf-
deut, has atwaysbeea to kespboth the ricer mrd
rail access to it wide open. Thus company's ter-
inal grounds formerly extended to the ricer
bank, from Sibieystee t almoat to to
brat k.
Ic sold to [he C"pion Depot company and to the
hlllwnukes & St. Paul Railroad company the
ate%1l now o mrd by those compmiies be-
tween the limits named. Ili the deeds on.
y'ng the property this company. with a fore-
sight whose wisdom I ¢m will be
cognized by all intelligent citizens; took care to
have inserted provisions securing for this Com -
loan y, slid all others at any time using Its facili-
ties, the right, for all time to come, to free rail
access to the river lending. This Company ex-
pects that the con
between ire rails and
said bridge be proceeded anth without delay an
that contract be let accordingly.
Aid. Sanborn moved to amend said resolutio
by striking out the portion thereof declaring th
.tion of said St. Paul, Minneapolis & Moulton
Railn'ay company deserving of censure.
The said resolution as so amended was there
upon adopted. (See resolution.)
By Aid. Conley—
Resolved by the common council of the city e
St. Paul. That the St. Paul, MluuneapoIts
& Mani
toba Railway company, having given no asseu
to the co..tructlon of the bridge across the Mis
sissippi river now in course of construction b�
the city of Sc. Paul, that tee deem n uch cote
sent is necessary; that the claim of said rallroat
tunfounded and unjust; that the land to b.
k Is only such qu itity a.wouid be coceret
by the foundation and construction of a pedes
tai pier for the construction of such bridge.
Resolved further, That it is the lease of this
body that work on the constructfon of salt
bridge pro•eed without delay, and that con
tracts bs let accordingly.
Yeas—Aid. Bickel, Bio, Bock, Cullen, Conley.
Fisher Gaham
n, -Kavanagh, Lefthnuser, Mfuen.
Melady, Pratt. Sauboru, Sullivan, Weber, Ynerg,
Mr. President -17.
Approved Jan. 25, 1890
Resolved, That the contract between E. J.
Kirkland and A. R. Starkey and the city of St.
Paul for the construction of the substructure of
the bridge cross the Miss] ssipeI rivet at St.
Paul, from Broadway atreet to state street, be
sad the same fie hereby approved, and the pproper
city officers are hereby authorized and directed
to execute said contract on beha{f of the city of
St. Paul.
Yeas—Aid. Blom, Conley, Fisher, Gehan, Kav-
mragh, Lefthnuser. Militia, Melady, Pratt, Sulli.
van. Weber, Mr. Presfddent-12.
ToY.—Ald. Bickel, Bock, Cullen, Sanborn,
1 oerg-5.
Approved Jan. 25, 1890.
By Aid. Weber—
lt is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of grading ail alley from
Arundel to Mnekubin atreet, in block 2, Michel's
subdivision of Schmlt's subdfvi.lon of S[inson'a
division (or bounded by Blair and 1'an Buren
streets) a and the eat a is hereby re@rsed to
the board of public works to investigate and re-
First—Is this improvement proper and neces-
Second—Give the council all estimate of the
expert sthereof, sad tate whether one -hail of
the cossC thereof is to be paid into the city Trans.
ury before the contract is let.
Third—Cast real estate to be assessed for said
1 f provement be Lound to
to the extent
incurred [wrest s, costs and expenses necessary to be
fourth—I. each improvement asked for upon
petition or application of the owners of s
majority of the property to be assessed for such
Flith—Send the council a plan or Profile of
said improvement, as required by law, if you re,
port in favor of the same.
Sixth—send the council a proper order direct.
ing the work to be done.
Yeas— Aid. Fisher, G,hau icKeavanagh, LeRnaulser, Mluea,
Melody, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber.Yoerg,
Mr. President -17.
Approved Jan. _5, 1890.
In the mutter of the report of the board ofapub-
hc works dated Jan. 20, 1890.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the CYty o[ St. Paul:
That the board of public works of the city of
9c. Paul cion. the the following improvement to be
mode, to -reit: Condemn n d take xn ensement
in land across and over theright of way of be
Chicago, Militaukee & St. Paul Railway company
for atreet nd bridge purposes nod for the coit-
truction of approaches, within the linea of Ron-
do street plod need acroas the right of pray of
said rallw'a}• compnuy In said city.
That saidboard shall proceed without delay
to assess the amount as nearly as theycanxacer-
tafu the same, which will be required to pay the
damages, costaand necessary expenses of such
improvement upon the real estate to be bene-
fited by said improvement, as provided by law;
It being the opinion of the council that real
estate to be ns . sed for such fmprovemeut can
be found benefited to the extentof the damages,
costs and expenses necessary to be incurred
Yea_'Id. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gahan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mlnea,
Malady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg,
Mr. President -17.
Approved Jan. 25, 1890.
'"t" matter of the report of the board of pub.
lic works dated Jan. 20, 1890.
It is hereby.ordered by the Common Council of
the city of St. Paul:
That the board of public works of the city of
it. Paul cause the folloivtng Improves at it to be
node, to -wit: Condemn and take an easement In
mud across and over the right of way of the Chi.
:ago, Mil wait le & St. Paul Railway company
or street and bridge purposes and for the con-
itruction of approaches, %Rbfn the line. of Car-
•oll .treat produced across the right of way of
id railway company In said city.
That said board shall proceed without delay
xasess the amomit, ae nearly as they eon as-
ertain the same, which will be required to pay
he damages. costs and necessary expenses of
ucb improvement upon real estate to be bene.
Iced by said improvement, ae provided by law:
I befog the opinion of the nC
ouncil that real
state to be assessed for such improvement can
.a found benefited to the extent of the damages,
oats and expenses necessary to be Incurred
Yens—Al d. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
'].her, Gehan, Kavanagh, I.efthauser, Mine.,
Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Voerg,
Ir. President -1 7.
Approved Jan. 25, 1890.
it the matterof the report of the board of pub.
He work. dated Jnn. 20, 1890.
[ is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the city of St. Paul:
That the board of public works of the city of
t. Paul cause the following Improvement to be
made, td wit: Condemn and take an
eproge anal over the right of way of t
Chicago, Milwaukee alt St Paul Railway co
pany for street sad bridge purposes, and tot t
conetructlon of approaches, within the ]Ines
lfebart street produced across the right of w.
2 eafd railway company In said city.
That said board shah proceed wl'bout del,
to asseas the amount, ae nearly ae they can ee
.. rtafn the same which will be required to pa
the damages, coats and u cessma expenses
Such imp ve .t upon the real eetaty to b
benefited by eaftl improvement, ee provided D
law; It being the opinion of the eouudl that re
tate to be assessed for .n�h be
be found benefited to the extent of the damage
thereby ad expense. necessary to be meurre
Teas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Clrllen, Conley
Flahan Geha", Kavanagh, Lelthauser, Mine.
Malady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Ycerg
Mr. President -17.
Approved Jan. 25,1890.
In the matter of the repPorts of the board o
Public works dated Jen. 7, 1890, and Jan. 28,
It is hereby ordered by the common council o
the city of St. Paul:
That the board of "bill works of ibe city of
SG Paul cause the following improvement to be
Imade, to wit: Condemn and take au easement
n the land abutting I Jenks street between
3lf.vissippi street and McMenemy Street, sad be-
tween De Soto street and Earl street, In said
city. necessary to construct the slopes for cuts
aad fill. in grediug .aid Jenks street between
.aid eto. to the establlehed grade thereof, as
shown by the profile of eafd grade on file in the
1.- of the .later of deed, in and for Ramey
aloe tyro .d Lead In a office odf tbechxlf (g1!i) feet old
said land for everyfootof cut or fill, n6 umdicated
o. the plan of aid elopes attached to said re-
port, and to be filed In the office of said board.
That said board shall proceed althout delay
to asses. the amount, ae ally as they can se -
rt on the same. which mein De required to pany
the damagex, coat and o eery expeaeea f
ch p ve . upon Lhen el estate to be
benefited by said improvement, a. provided by
]ew: it being the opinion of the counell that real
tate to be a.._.s l lot such improvement can
be fcost, nd benefited to the exte� [f the
damage, neceea
Yeas—Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
F1,hen Geban. Kavanagh, Lelthaneer, Mfuea,
Malady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg,
Mr. Prenlden t-17.
Approved Jan. 25, 1890.
In the tier of the .porta of the board of
public work. dated J... 7, 1890, aad Jan. 2:1,
It i, hereby ordered by the common council of
the dtY of St. Pan]:.p
t 'be board of
t. Paul cause the follow'fing improvement to be
cede, to wit: Condemn and take an easement
In the land chord �Ig on Lawson street, between
Tfleel.,lpn1 street and McMenemy street. and be-
tween De Soto street and Earl street, In said
cltd�fn to a adj� construct the .lopes for cut,
an g eafd Lawson street, betwee.
men said streetg, to the established grade thereof as,
he chow, by the profile of eafd grade on file fn the
Com office of the reglsdir of deed.ln`and for Ramsey
be county and in the .11100 of the dry engineer;
of Bald slopes to extend one aad oncbalf
y on Said land for every foot of cut or1811t§e
Indicated on the plan of said .lope- attached to
said report and to be filed m the office of eaid
That Bald board hall proceed without delay
to anseae the amount ax neatly Aldred
ern se-
e certain the same, which will be required to pay
n the damages, cont ane n eapeneee f
h improvement upon the real estate to of
benefited by sold Improvement, en provided by
d law; it being the opinion of tae cou.dl that real
be foo d baeflted to theeased lete'. tent df thr_ve data.gee
costa end expeases necessary to he hicurretl
Ye..—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Callen,Conley,
Fisher, Geban, %nvaragh, Leithauser, Mines,
Malady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,Weber, Yoerg,
3tr. Presid_ 17.
A➢proved Jan. 25, 1890.
} Adlour.ed.
WM. HAMM, President of Council.
Timm. A. P.E.....e r, City Clerk.
R.g.1sr Meeting.
ST, PA".., Feb- 4, 1890,
President Hamnt fn the chair.
Yreeent—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen, Con-
ley, Fisaer, Gehan, Leithauser, Malady, Pratt,
unborn, Sullf van, Weber, Ycerg, Mr. Preslde.t
371nutes of
ith. preceding meetings approved and
din Muer, w
From Ilia Honor the Mayor— Vet o of resolutions
endl g final order, approved Sept. 7, 1889,
or syr on University avenue and other
Tothe President and Common Council of the
,Sty cf St. Paul.
Gentlemen. I have the Uonor to return here-
tHth, ithout my approval, the r tion iv
regard to the construction of a solun f:ni-
e utY even,,, for the following t son The
art of the legislature f 1889. section 1, pro.
wide. for the ae f bonds for sewerage, d
asidewhich sum shall be expended
the Tenth and Eleventh ward. of the city of
St. Paul.
\ow', oder Lhe ren lotion, 868,000 of the
$75.U11. ix Proposed to beexpended on the main
-hich .vera a little over
distance of the proposed continuation f the
main and nearly all fu the Eleventh ward. We
submit that this is an unfair division, end not
aboh es Is warranted by the act of the le� lature
ve referred to.
if It is the Intention of the common council to
.Deproprate the whole of the $75,000 to this
yntem of .ewe. age in the Tenth aad Eleventh
that Is,he. r be oo .tr
,accordiug to Ithe Cost of uotlontoj
the present sewer with the contemplated exten-
con°Lngtioeavith the efty engineer he
me the
present contreated mala
will cost more than two•tl lyds of the contem- The said resolution wag thereupon referred to
Plated extension, gay $6'0,000 in the Eleventh the committee on police.
ward and $20,000 for the Tenth ward.
If the engineer fe correct in his estimate the Also,
division named would not be objectionable, and
would complywith cue eplrit of the l,w. Fora Veto of ordinance permitting Chas, Engelbrech ,
further reeeon (or withholding
mapprover to to place a sign on his building—
'the are reepecttullyy referred to av To the Honorable President aadCommonCoun-
dimu.e of the common counell, passed April ell of St. Paul.
18, 1882, of which section 1 read. a6 follows: Gentlemen: I herewith return to you without
The common counml of the dry}� of BL. Paul do yy pp vvnl an ordinance granting Charles E. -
,rd in
Ordinance i�0. 288. •'Sec. gme'brecht permieefon to glace _-3f alga on hie build-
That fort purpose of equslizivg the coat of iv "for Lha reason Lbut 7gpe of this charaMer
f within the ity f St. w ]d be dangerous to I1fe during Lbe
Paul, the board of p bl lc works are authorirad, 'In', euce o[ blgD -lode. I( it le especially de -
in the making of all future assessments for the 'ted I would uggest that the rdlnauce ba
construction of sewers, to limit the same to e e dad a that t provide that the sign be
$1.76 per }rant foot upon all abutting property; placed on the building under the inspection and
the cost and eapeuae of y server m excess of direction o[ the building luapectdr. Yours re -
81.76 per front loot, ae tore.aid, to be cold epecttully, RouEar A. Sxtmt, Mayor
out of the sewerage bond fund of said city, ex. Jnn. 27, 1800.
cep, as otherwise ordered by common council."
Under this ordinance, for the past eight years. Accepted, and on motion of Aid. Yoerg vote
the board of public works, where lateral sewers by winch said ordinance passed reconsidered.
been built under the same contract with yeas, 15.
the main sewer, have assessed the lateral -"-
e ' The said ordinance was thereupon referred to
at tine rate of $1.76 per flout foot and the Dal- P
nce of the contract price bas been paid out of Ald, Kavanagh.
the sewerage bond fund. Aid. Yoem moved to reconsider action by
The only possible way out of this dilemma,that which said F.ngelbrecht ordinance was referred
occurs to me, is for the common council to make to Ald. Kavau.all.
quitable division of the sewerage bond fund Adopted ad aid ordinance referred to Ala.
of the Te and p'leventh wards, avd direct the Bickel.
board of Mae works to reassess for the lateral
Bewers, which would relieve the people along the .From Catherine Danielson—
line of the laterals. Along the line of the main, Asking $60 damagee; destruction of well; lot
s I understand it, there can be no relief. The 7, block 22, A. Gotziau'e resrrengement of
law is imperative. Slgel'a addition.
They most be assessed $1.75 per running foot Committee on claim..
on each side of the mci..
From W. A. Van Sl ke—
Reapeetfully Sours. Y
Roneaa A. Slat, Claim—$:i,600—xervice. In cerilg for paid
Jan. 27, 1890. Mayor. park, and axe of horse avd buggy, June ii, 1884,
to Jan. 1, 1890.
Accepted. and vote by whfeh said resolution Committee on claims.
adopted recwtsidered oa mo tion of Aid. From Simeon P. Folsom -
8 Yeas 15. Claim of $2.900:legal services.
Mr. T. D. O'Brien was heard in behalf of the Committee on claims.
solution. From James Sts keyy—
reAld. Pratt moved to mend aid resol III— ,Iaim of $400; Star
by Inserting the figurn. S6L, 000 In place o[ the Committee on claims.
figures $08,000 -hem same occur is said reeolu- From H. I. Peters— damage.; Dakota avenue mviden-
Yeas—Aid. ,lnlen, Leithauser, Pratt -8. in g.
gay.—]2. Committee nn Jaime.
The question then being opo the adoption d From A. Wolter nod Others—
es'd r solution. the v to of the yrn., to the Asking permission to grade to a partial grade
contrary act withetavdiog. the saitd ..lotion t their own expense East Seventh treat front
was adopted. (See resolution., White
e Be (See rres to east )city limits.
Also, From Gustav Relfler wad 3f. A. Blgme
r. 3 too mf evolution authorizing chief of Police PL side oflGrotto ston to reet betweenaMarshall and
To the Hon cable President
and Common Conn. ll ytov aveuuen.
III of the City of St. Paul. Granted. (See ord! ... Is No. 1,294.)
Gppentlemen: I herewith return, without my
pplatmattof en err, anid boy, for&the to tht
each officer le nutb,riwd by the city charter.
Respectfully Yours,
Jan. 27, 1890. Ro... I A. S,ors, Mayor.
Accepted. and vote by which said resolution
I.Badopted reconsidered on motion of Aid.
Y Yeas -16.
REPORm of Cary OFFICElm,
3f City Treasurer—Report for January, 1800
Po the Honorable the Pre.ideat and Common
Council of the City of fit. Paul:
Gentlemen—I have the boner to submit to
,ole,cre—tehe ljaof thlx omcet(romof a Jare aary 1,1890,
:.J .... ey al. 1890:
'i aECElrxs.
Commercial National part, nml the alt}• of St. Paul, of the second
Bank, St. Paul........-, 23,4911.60
The city engineer also states that it will not
part, for the emed ted.. of the substructure of
S -.lot National Bank,
be necessary to coudemti- any propertyfor the
;, City boitrls ...................._64,927.81
a ppi r e ,
bridge across the Mississippi ii r from
St. Paul..................... 10,308.26 Broadway to State
purpose of constructing said bridge or its ap-
1; Dtunicipal court............ 2,393.10
street, were nceiced by me
YeOiliBS Buuk. Sc. Paul.. 28,130.00 on the 29th ultimo, for signature niad filing in
Preaches, null flint there is some Property in
dispute located between the \Iiexieaippi
Market muster ............. 500.00
p e's 13nuk, St. Paul 8,328.15. my office.
ri ver nud
Third street, but the corporation has
Cty clerk ...................... 90.00
Vacating fees
Seven Corners Bang,
c oo The im Gait sections of the le I Live n t
Paul.................... a
already given his opinion to the council on this
( ................ 15.00
nterest on water
-t. l0,fi14.__ Por gi:
Capital Bank, St. Paul. 9,489.22 relating g to t he
j bond :............ ............ 5,857.30
sritpii bridge,il rovide as folloA 67,
W'eet Side Batik, St.
Corporation AttorneyHolmanclaims that the
1 W"seer depnr[ment....... 11i,0170.00
Paul.......................... 11,631.2:3 Section 1. That the comm c nail of the
Pro erty iti dispute to the City of Saint
Redemption receipts..... 32,453.26
Partlai redemption
city of St. Paul. by two third, vote, i an-
flank, St. -Poul. 3,501.87
Paul, therefore condzmuatfon proceedings .ill
ceipts........................ 4,626.31
.......... thorized to issue hoods to the amount of two
Dank of Minnesots, hundred
riot , uecesenry.
Repainng paved eveets 6540:1
thousand ($200,000) dollars for n free
St. Paul, interest ac- bridge
The large majority people
authorizing 4theoconstruction
Police pension fund...... 13-.00
wagon across the Mississippi river, from
Count ......................... 10,367.8:3 the toot of Broadway, etc.,
Msly 1. 1888, of
„i St. Yaul public library: 74.14
this Broad—j- brill Re requi as that the grade of
:) Fire department........... 60.00
Total ....................$241,800.03 $241,800.03 Section :3. The common council of the city of
all streets null s
approaches hall be established
Park commissioners..... 16.00
St. Paul shall have the supervision of the con-
before t is contract o contracts are let. This
Interest on deposits..... 137.72
Respectfully submitted, structfou of said bridge. etc., etc.
majority vote is sacred.
Licenses and permits,
GEORGE REIS, Section 4. "That it shall be the duty of the
I find bytheexamination that ullof thestreets
.1` etc.............................. 29,627.00
- Assessment collections. 144,863.92
City Treasurer. common council of the City of St. Paul, before
Jan. 31, ]890.
affected th mby are located in West St. Paul
the contract or contracts, for the construction
City Comperuher.
(Sixth card), and there are stone on the Broad.
Total reCeipttl......$fi0f1,3Q4.60
of said bridge are let, to cause the establishment
of the grade of all streets intersected by or run-
way side of the Mississippi river.
to or from said bridge and its a > r a hes."
Of city Comptroller—Audited claims, viz.: t ng g 7 P o
The following are the streets affected, viz.:
' - Dtssonseateuxe.
P. Doherty. Estimate No. 4,eupplementaryte etc., etc. This section also authorizes and
and Tennessee streets quire the
p condemn anY
No. 3 and final, xetver on Goodrich avenue, 360; powers the common council to
grades to be
o esc.bifshed, which eon be tjulektp
I City orders paid........... $190,665.02
J. llohercy. Exclmate No. 3, su 1 meutnry to Property necessary to be taken for the purpose
PP a of co istructf g the said bridge or it, a apr seches,
accomDb'dird et any meeting of the council after
Fire depnrtmeuc war-
rantspaid.................. 20,346.6,5
2 and final, sewer on Say street, 575; G. J.
Symonds, Estimate No, 4, supplementary but, does not in anyway make it the my of the
pplementary to council to do so before letting the contrnet or
en $laser reports the profiles of the grades to
the cotmcll for ado tion.
Water depart mens
warrant: paid.....en 1 16,586.27
No 5 a floral. sewer oa Hoffman venue, $400;
R. Forrestal, Estimate No. 4, supplementary to contracts, ae it does only in the exec of the es-
supe meet ryto
Fairfield nud Filmore avenues require slight
St. Paul workhouse
tablishment of street grades.
No. 2 and final. sewer on Pre,
rha¢ce oI grades. No action has been com-
meuced: Lull proceedings are necessary.
warrants paid........... 3,45423
- St. Paul library
Hansen & Johnson, Eettmate No. 7, supple- Section 6
pp requires that before the common
re 1,
�o No. 6 and &nal,
warrants paid........... 1,639.20
sewer n Hoffman cou0c(I shall issue the bards Lhe question shun
avenue, $200; G. Moline, Estimate No. :f, sup- be submitted to the vote of the People at the
street; from Fairfield avenue to levee,
requires a chance of grade. The common coon-
: Park commissioners'
to No. 2 and final, sewer on Faller general spring election of May 1, 1888, etc., etc.-
ell, acting it good lalth, seat the Preliminary
. rrants Paid........... 1,831.70
treat, 815; J. Hauseu, F.etlmate No.4 and tine],
order to the board of public works Feb. 7, 1889;
Interest coupon: paid.. 81,tlu2.60
eeaver on Delos street, Si66: Thoroton @Shaw, people voted upon the question a[ said
board of Public works referred 1t to city engineer
New city hall and court
Estimate No. 4 end final, sewer on Tuscarora election held _,Jayt, 1888, resulting as inflow's,
Feb. 15, 1889; city engineer reported proltlee to
;. house warrants paid 1,067.60
Redeemed wtiflcates of
Street, 31,928.95: A. E. Mall ren, 3332.50; viz.:
>[eyera &• Co., $8.95;Die VPlkzeftunB, 81,208.'20; Y . ....................................................7.285 votes
the board of public works Jul 18, 1889, for the
P p
said State street change of grade. No further
sale ........................... 28,285.28
Thos. Greeley. 349.50; Scribner, Libbey & Co., No.....................................................4,-61 votes
action take since, rte the matter hall been pend -
Partial redeemed cer-
8147.50; Brown, Treaty & Co., $42; Houa, of
Ing o decislon as to whether the bridge should be
tificates of sale.......... 3,935.04
Good Shepherd, $81. 78: Joe. Spiel, 327.16; Majority in favor of bridge... 3,224 votes
a high or low one- The "high" having been
Advance payments on
Server ussesemence..... 627.90
Adam Decker & Co., fl4 conte; M. F. Kennedy
& Bros., $150; Nick Refmrfuger, The only issue of city bonds up to the
ado ted, It is probable that the board of public
City bonds redeemed.... 2,750.00
$14.70; Au present
Roetile, & 8ou, S7; H y, gust time, as authorized h the 1 te, and
.gen & Henl $8.60; y pop" ar vo
w } report to common
council.w ill Immediate]
Certificates of sale....... 11,173.95
Leverooe &• Meseobourg, $406.80; h1•nnk Ford, under vote of ]4 me hers o[ the common
]Ilscellaneous ............... 8,679.33
$56; St. Paul Gas Light CO., $266.75; St. Paul council for the c-structlon of the Broadway
I nm informed that the oat of establishing
+: Balance on band.......... 241,800.03
Braes Works, $33.28; C. C. Sharp, $0.80; Weed bridge, amounts to 5150,000, bearing date of
the grades of each of the above streets affected
& Lawrence, 3200; St. Paul & Pacific Coal Co., January 1, 1890, to mature January 1, 1920,
WIN not exceed two hundred (200) dollars, and
Total ...................$609,364.60 $609,364.60
$320.14; Chae. pYiend & Son, $20.80; (30 years) 4 per cent.
that all of the owners of property affected are
Martin S. Straus, $16. 5; Maxfield &Sea I fthat $the with Corporation At[orner Hol-
S4.10; Ed lsou
trilling and ready to Riye the altyy of St. Paul ab-
soluterelemecilmi, nYandall
CO\DIl'IOY OF t•uvus.
Electric Light Co., 818.76; man that the fleet legislative act, approved
F. G. Draper & Co., 311; George J. Micech & CO., "687,
claims, real
Inary,ior damages arising from thee,tabliahmeuc
New city hall and court house fund
March 7, ie in oo way or tan Inco.-
3Q; \lath. 538.62: Noyes Broe. & Cutler, ' n nee
afstent the Feb. 25,
of the grade of said streets, they feeling that the
City [nod ........................................ 214,417.47
ptuc with second act of 1889, and
$1.17; Sy, Pnul Gne Lfght Co., 5364,20; St. Paul Lhat BBid second or last act w•a: wholly enacted
`k PaclflC al Co., $849.85; V. R. Benham,815;
great benefit in every instance to their property
by the construction of the said Broadw'sybridge
City water works.. 1,458.77
St. Paul Public library ................... 6.037.86
for the purpose of increasing the nppropriatiou
Robinso - Cur}' Co., $4.61; Board of Water o[ city bonds to $45x.000, being $150,000 more
will be far greater than anY Poexibin damage.
Such being the be
, penelon Lunde ....................... 4,161.06
$25.80; J. L. Mott Iron Works,
gii0; Mathew Craig, $7.60; G. W. Mer- than authorized by the tint act of March 7,
case, matcere can soon pel,
rill, $IO; 3, Pam Book d: S[a-
tionery Co.. $53.61; Pioneer Pres, Co.,$220.71); In letter
In the meantime, the opera re ting the
answer to my of 31st ultimo to City
D. Ramaley & Son, $2,099.35; Merril l', Toilet Engqneer Rundlect, n co)),y of which is hereto ret-
Sappply, $4; Dispatch
coutract will be on file in my of m, but my sig.
nature will be withheld until the matters are
Printing Co., 8444.39; Lathed. the engineer replies that the grades have
Joh Dcu lin, 3133.50; N. 11. Tel. Eachange Co., been established on all streets that will iti any I
perfected, which con be accomplished through
diligence before the contractors (should theyint-
Fleet National Bank,
841.76; Frank J. Brings, 870.27. ay be affected by constructing Lha Broadway
'led OF tom meutt to operate) would be en-
St. Paul ....................620,280.65
Allowed and ordered paid by follotviug vote: bridge (so es, led) and its np$roaches, except
titled to receive [he Fleet or second estimate for
Merchants' National
Yeas—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, CDllen, Conley. Alabama and Tennessee etieets m West St. Paul;
Work and mnterinl pie'edinto the acnmture.
Bank. St. Paul .......... 25,930.16
Fisher, Gehan, Lefthauser, Melody, Pratt, San- and that on the east, or Broadwav aide of the
Then no law will be violated and the Purpose of
Bank of Minnesota, St.
Paul .......................... 28,410.25
bore, Sullivan. weber, Yoerg. Mr. President -16. river, no ch,,t, avhl be required on any of the
uitereecting streets. Broadlea}• being eighty (BO)
the sacred majority vote tit the peoide i¢
authorizing and requiring the construcUno of
Also, feet wide, no change ail1 be required iti the side-
Id Broadway bridge will be completely hil-
ican Batik, St. Paul... 17,794.88
e the
Broadway Bridge— walk:, etc. The solid a proach of the bridge
Germania Batik, St.
To the Honorable, the President ad Common near Prince street will of yorcupyet
Very respectfully.
Paul .......................... 19,215.60
Council of the City of Sc. Paul: four (34) feet o[ the center of the street. State
Your obedient servant,
St. Paul Nation al Bank,
Gentlemen: The street grade will require to be changed from Fair-
papers mpresenting a con- field
Jmin W'. RocHE,
St. Paul.14,242.17 tract
avenue to the levee, also Filmore and Fair-
between Klrklan & Starkey, of the first field
City Comptroller.
Feb. 4, 1890.
°- -Co fp cipty englimeR letter to cityeomptron-
er raI&tf" to the Broadway bridge:
Mri. John W. Roche, City Coiaptroilar—I>car
Sir: In reply to yours of Jau. 81, Inquiring I f
the grades o} an the streets intersected by or
arming to or from the Bmadway (so called)
bridge and Its approaches, which Is proposed to
be c...tractsd noose the MiasieRtppi river from
the foot of Broadway street if extended, Lo the
loot of State street in West St. Paul if extended,
are permanently established or will any change
of grade be necessary? If .o, please name street
or streets."
Also to the question:
"Will It be necessary for the common council
to condemn any properteya to be taken for the
purpose of constructing id bridge or it. up.
proaches! It.. please state location."
Grades have been established oil nil street.
that will 1. airy way be affected by con.tructing
the Broadway bridge (.o -called) and Iia sp-
proache., ex -pt Alabam. and Tennessee street.
in West St.
On the east, or Broadway aide
of the river no change of grade will berequiredon
any intersecting streets. Broadway belml B0 ret
t 'de uo change whatever will be required !n the
idewalks, and there will be a sufficient driveway
for the passage of vehicles outside of each of the
The bridge will be of autficlent height to pas.
over Third stress and part of the structure be-
yond will be trestle work, and the solid approach
ear Prince street will ouly occupy about thirty.
four feet of the ceuter of the street.
State street grade tvlll require tc be changed
from Fairfield avenue to go,
he levee; also N flmom
and a II
L charg. n Fairfieldordered OR. The
e gh g
change of ode bas
stree, from F Fairfield .,,.am 1. held pending of . to -
aver, but the matter has been held dbe ie or
cisco, d to whether the bridge should be high or
low, and the change has not yet been completed.
IL will of be necessary to condemn any prop-
erty for the purpose f on tructing enid bpdge
It. approaches. Them 1. some property se
dispute between the Mi.ei.sinp. river and Third
street but the corporation attor.ey hen already
given his opinion to the comm.. council on this
point. Very truly yours,
L. W. RnN9LE1T,
City Engideer.
Feb. 1, 1890.
Received and placed on file.
Of Corporation Attorney—Contract with Rob -
t Seeger for gaeolfne street lighting—
The corporation attorney submit. said con.
tract with the report that former contract ex -
pared Uec. 37, 1889, and bymutuel arrmusin est
present contract beam date Feb. 1, 1890.
Aid. Gahan offered five amendments to said
ti present contract.
The eafd amendments, together said pms-
cut contract, were referred W committee o
Of City Clerk—Fiagman, Earl street o inq,
Chicago, St. Paul, Minueapolfa & Omaha Rail -
The city clerk submit. c umeation from
W. A. Scott general .uperinteudent Chicago, St.
Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway company.
iv(orming city clerk that resolntiov Of council o[
Jay. 7, 1890, pro siding for a flagman t crow
i.. of Earl .tient, has been complied with.
Accepted aad placed on fife.
E. H. Bailey's communication—
clerk has xrtxived a communication
from E. . Bailey aakiftg fttr zetvrn of bond of
Marmara Street LLthting company In sum of
$2,000 with James W. Raymond and Everett
H. Badly as surectes, filed with RasoBne lighting
proposal of said company, dated Jan. 7, 3890.
Accepted, and city clerk instme[ed to retom
said bond, and In similar casae to return their
bonds to unsuccessful bidders, subsequent to.
approval of contract.
Of Clerk of Municipal Court—
Report for Jan., 1890—City treasurer's re-
ceipt for S'2,711.85.
Committee on ordinances and public ac-
Of Chief of Police—
RePort for Jan.. 1890—Total arrests 342,
finescollected by ..,,let .1 court $2,-111.
Committee ou ordinances and public ac-
Of Captain of Pollce—
Report for Jan., 1890—Gas lamps not lighted
64: oil lamps not lighted 182.
City comptroller. -
Came street slope
To the Common Council of the City of St.Paul;
The board of public works have had under
Considers If on the resolution or order of the
common council
approved Jan. 8, IS90,-I'-
"" to coudetmm�6 nn easement in hurls for the
co..tructfon of elopes for the necessary cut-T.If
poli there I property abutting o Came street
between Copland .treat and the ight o[ way o[
the Northern Pacific ailroad that may be re-
quired in the grading of said .greet In accord aRce
with the eatabl.. ed grade. and havhtg l ivemtt-
and3ros abutthig r to r mfr Case Btrtake
eet betan xeeeneCort.
streetand the right f t y of the S,.
au] and Northern Yaclfic Railway
']-rites fosaid 'It deflll. 3�i to onstruct the
: Case
tract between Bvi(i pointe t0 the eet.Ali bed
;rade thereof, a. shown by the profile of eaid
:rade .n file in the .ill- of rbe register of deeds
n and for Ramsey county and In the office of
ctity euglneer; maid slopes to extend one and
me -half (1!z) feet on said land for every foot of
.for fill, lie Indicated on the plan of said elopes
.ttachrd to this report and to be flied in the
Ilfice of said board: that the estimated expense
hereof i. $20; that theme] estate to be assessed
herefor can be found benefited to the extent of
he damages, costa and espe m necessary to be
leurred thereby; that .aid iniproveme.t fs not
eked for bya petition of a unip tyof the own -
r. ofwR send aOpl be or profile of said imltrove-
but we
ret, and a der for your adoption, if you
teire u. to make the improvement.
Yeas, 3; nays 0.
B. L. Gorman, President.
W. F. Enwu, Clerk Board of Public Works.
Feb. 4, 1800.
Adopted. (Ste order to board of public
aventh Street Sewer Repairing—
the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The board of yynblic a ke have had nder
n eideration the resolution or order of Lha
common council, approved JR.. 22, 1890, rela-
tive to repairing the Seventh street sewer, be-
tween Third street and Sherman street, and
having investigated the pproposed improvement:
Respectfully report th t said imppr ve eut
is necessary and proper; that the est mated ex
Pon" thereof Is 1,3.000, one-half of which .end
of be paid Into the city treasury before the
contract Is I.
that real estate to be rwased
therefor can be found benefited to the extent of
fifty f50) mom per front foot f the cost and
expenses neiieseery to be incurred thereby; (the
pr000rtY having heretofore been assessed one
foot of the orTicu l cost of said sewer) the Ind.
lance to be paid out of the sewerage bond fund;
that said improvement Is not asked for by a pe-
tition of a majority of the owner. of property to
he therefor, but we herewith send aplan
or profile t said improvement, aad an order
for your adoption, if you desire us to make the
im]spraeove8; eat.
nn Ye, 0.
R. L. of Public
W. Feb.F.E, 189 Clerk Board of Public Works.
eb4, 1890.
Adopted. (bee order to board of public
Lawson street Blopee—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The board of public works have had under
,consideration the resolution or order of the
common council, approved Jain. 8, 1890, rela-
tive to condemning an easement in muds for the
construction of slope. for the necessary cut or
fill upo the real pr P ty abutting LawsmF
street between Cortland street slid the right of
Uy of the Northern Pacific railroad, that may
lv avn0-1 in the eradi— of said xt—t f, ar-
i that ie Is u arp n d
and take an eaeemeut in the
un oil street, between Cort -
right of way of the St. Paul
Itis Rnilavna- enmoanv in said
by the profile of said grade on file In the -nice of
the re6'ster of deeds hl sad for Rnmeey county,
.ad In the office of the city engineer, said slopes
to extend one and one-half (INz feet on said land
for everytootofeutorfill, aein�icatedonthepla�
of said slopes attached to this report, and to be
filed in the office of sof d board; that theestimated
expense thereof is $100; that the real estate
to be a.seased therefor can be found benefited to
the extent of the damages, coots mud expenses
necessary to be incurred thereby: that said fm-
pr.vement Is not asked for by a petition of a
of the owners Of
Property to be a
messed therefor. but we heren'ith lid a plan o
profile Ofsaid improvement, and ¢ rder for
your RdoPtlon, i[ you desire as to make the im-
p YeaB..,, I.
R. L. Golf IA , President.
W. F. Elor-, Clerk of the Board of Public
Feb. 4, 3890.
w AdkopGd. (See order to board of public
or ) Also,
0"a"" avenue 'di'
To the Common Conncfl .f the City of St. Paul:
The board of public work. have bad under con.
eid...tic the resolution order of the com.
mon council, approved Oct r8, 1880, relative W
the grading of Ottawa avenue from Cherokee
avenue to the Routh city limits,. and having in.
vestigated the proposed improvement:
Respecthtll report that said im
nee 11.ey and p at mated
at ea el.
thereof ie $4 7UOt one-half ottiwhi h need
not be paid into the cltytreasury before Lhecon-
tract Is let; that real estate to be assessed there.
for can be found benefited to the extent of the
no a and expenses neceseary !o be lectured
thereby, that said Improvement ie not asked for
by a petition of a majority of the owners of
a been sessemed therefor, but we here.
p profile of said improvement
sada order for your adoption, ff you desire us,
to make the improvement
Yeas 4, nays O.
R. L. Go..—, President.
W. F. Eawrn, Clerk Board of Public Works.
Jan. 30, 1890.
Adopted. (See order to board of public
Cook street .10 R_ the Common Comical of the City of St. Paul:
The board of public a ks have had t cider
consideration the man
lution o order of the
common council, approved Jan. 8, 1890, re!.tfve
to condemning u easement in lands for the
conetructimi of slopes for the necessary cut or fill
upon the real property nb,,tti,, ou Cook street,
between Cortland 9[reeL and the right of way of
the Northern Pacific railroad, that may be re-
quired in the gradl.g of said street fn accord-
" lee
" tri the established grade, Old, having In-
vestigated the proposed improvement
Ree oetfully retort that it Is nem ry and
Pp condemn and take an ement 1, the
m�d abutting on .Cook tTt..betw-. Cort-.
laud street and
right of way ofpp the St Paul
& Northern
hconsttuct Lhe .loait. foir cuts
andfllla ieenr}din id Cook street, between said
pointe, tog the a established grade thereof, e
how, by the profile of
id grade on file in the
omceof the register of fired. in ad for Rnmeey
linty and fu the office of the city engineer:
said slopes to extend one and one-balf (1Yi) feet
ou said Iand for every foot of cut or fill, as indi-
cated on the plan of said slopes attached to this
report, and to be filed In the office of said board:
that the estimated ex use thereof is 820; that
the real estate to fie asaesmed therefor ca. be
I ... d benefited to the egtent of Lhe damages,
coat. and expense. neceeeary to be Incurred
thereby; that said improvement le tot asked
for by a pet"''' of a majority
of the ownem
of A spndtn tlabe r Profile
of enld Improvement,ssesifed bue ace here -
and an ordep for your adoption, if you
desire u
to make the improvement.
You. 3, any. 0.
R. L. Gonsux. President.
W. F. ERWIv, Clerk of Board of Public Works.
Feb. 4, 1890.
Adopted. (See orderto board of public works.)
Jenks street
To the Common Connell of the City of St. Paul:
The sl,busti board Of have
f the-mi -
mi --
oncouncil, approved Jan 8, 1890, relative to
demning e. easement 1v lands for the co
etruetio. of lopes for the necessary cut or fill
poo be real Property abutting on Jenks street
between Cortland street and the right of way of
the Northern Pacific railroad that may be re
gained in the grading of said street, iu ccord
once with the established grade. rad Navin
investigated the proposed improvement:
Respectfully report that it is necessary air(
p per to condemn and take an eusemeut in th,
land abutting on Jenks street between C'ortlanf
street and the right of way of the St. Paul 8
North ern Padiflc'Railway company in anid city
ry to construct the slopes and Illi,
I. grading said Jenks street betweene. ppoilit[
to theestablished grade thereof, lie shown by the
Profile of id grade ou file 'n the .thee of the
Zter of deed. in and for Ramsey county, slid
f the o.- or
Lhe efty giueet; said IOP, to
extend one nhd one-bol[(l!?) feet ou sold land for
very foot of cut or fin, aadicated on the Plan
of said elopes attached to this report, ant
tl be
filed la the omce of id board; that the metl-
to the expensedh thereforJO, I, be found state
sured to thenextent of the damages, co is and
expense. necessary to be incurred thereby; that
eard improvement is not Rsked for by a petftfon
of a ma]'ority of the owners of property to be
assessed therefor, but we herewith send a Char
Your addoptionof ,lif your desireov Us make tan he
p vement.
Yeas, 3; nays, 0.
R. L. GomLtx, President,
W. F. EwiN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
Feb. 4, 1840.
Adopted. (See order to board of public
nooks.) Also.
Triangular strip of land—Ramsey street and
Summit nveuue—Carpenter Park—
TotheCommon Council otthe City of St.Paul—
Gentlemen: Th. board o[ public works re,
spent I]]
11 your trention to a resolution
passed by the d of park c nmissiouers on
a boar
the 3d day of Februar)-, 1890, rind to a resolu-
tion submitted with this communication.
The recorded plat of Carpenter Park seems to
indicate an intention to include in that park a
triangular In
of land at the intersect.. of
Ramsey street and Summit n , now owned
by the City of St. Paul, but the resolution passed
try the park board in its terms does not include
this piece of land in the boundaries of the park.
taAs to this matter
we feel
rerthat such an uncer.
Calory ex 6 any proceedings we
benefits, and may iu�volve considerab eeroull is of aand ue. n
neoesearyexpense to the general fund of the city.
For these reasons we have naked the park
board to pass the resolution in question, and
would respectfully ask the common council to
give its assent to the action of the park Com-
mesioiters by passing the accompanying resolu-
tion without reference to any committee.
Feb. 4, 1890.
report that ft a necessary and proper to change
ou Are street between the west Ilne of
Rice street and the east Ila, of Jackson street,
us cated bythered line on the accompanying
profile; that II estimated expense thereof Is
F3,1 m that re
eat, Lte to be assessed therefor
uu be found blueflted to the extent of the dam-
ages, costa lid xpenees necessary to be in-
curred thereby; that said itla'Tovement 1s not
asked for his ➢'titfun of majority of nthe
of property to be assessed therefor, but
we beteni h send plan or prod'
of sold but
prove ant, if You desire to ke the improve
mye"' 3; nays, 0.
W. F. Eswim, Clerk Boa d of Public Works.
Feb. 4, 18.0.
Adouted slid city clerk Instructed to give use-
sary publication notice.
Cable oceans change if grade—
To the Common Co
To of the City of St. Paul:
The board of public works have bad under
consideration the -solution or order of the
common council, approved Jan. 22, 1800, rela-
tive to a change of grade on Cable avenue, Itnd,
II -1-1 fag iuvestigared the proposed improvement:
Respectfully report that It
ecessary and
pproper to Change the grade on Ct.ble Leena,,
betweeu Mfniishaha street and iltlargaret
street, as indicated by the red line on
the nccompxnying profile; dist the estimated
expense thereof is $20; that real estate
to be sse-sed therefor can be found bene-
fited to the xtent of the damages, costs Bud C. -
pet es necessary to be incurred the
said improvement is not asked for bye petition
a majority of the onmen of property to be
eseased therelar, but twe herewith send a plan
of said improvemeut, if you desire to
make the improvement.
Yeas. 8; nays, 0.
R. L. GOR?LLN, President.
ERwiN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
Feb. 4. 1890.
Adopted .'I City
clerk instructed to give
necessary publication notice.
Olive street change of grade—
p0 the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The board of public works have had under
;oasideration the resoltItiml or order of the
numotl council, ap roved Aug. 8, 1889, relative
a change of grade on Olive street, betweeu
2evusylvanln Bond" a point 800 feet mouth
:hereof; and, having fuvestigated the proposed
. spectfully report that it is necessary and
,roper to chance. the grade on Olive street, be-
tveen Pewtaylvauin even ,ue nd a pofut 800
set south of said Penneylvanle, avenue, as iudf-
file; that the estimated expense thereof fs
R. L. G.R.—N, President. $100; that 1 estate to be assessed therefor
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Works. earl be found benefited to the extent of the dam -
Adopted. tSee resolution.) ages, costs and xpenses necespary tombs In-
curred thereby: that said bnprovement le asked
Also, for by a petition of a majority of the owners of
Arch street change of grade— Property to bA assessed therefor, aad we bere-
with send a plan or profile of meld improvement,
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: if you desire to make the improvement.
The board of public works have hadnder Yeas, 4; nays, 0.
consideration the solution or order of the R. L. GoRBAN, President.
common council, ayroved April , 1887, relay W. F. ER -N, Clerk Board of Public Works.
five to the change , grade on Arch street from Jan. 24, 1890.
treet to
Jackson street, and having Ines- Adopted and city clerk instructed to give
tigamd the proposed Improvement respectfully necessary publication notice.
Bteweter avenue change of grade—
To the Common Council of the City of at. Paul:
The board of public works have bad under
consideration the resolution or order of the
common council, approved Aug. 23, 1888, mla-
five to a change of grade on Brewster avenue,
from Viola street to Arch street, and, having In-
vestigated the proposed improvement:
ge laureport
grade on Bre w.[er avenue,
between the mouth Itue of Como avenue ad the
north me of Ater, street, mis indicated by the
red line n the a ' ➢anying Profile; that the
estimated a-pla.: thereof ns Sr -1.5; that real
set.. to be assessed therefor can be found ben-
efited to the extent of the damages, cost, and
eB[t at
d Imes r la not asked ow-rfor tberob e I th
Otlla ma they of the o of p platy to be
meed therefor, but nee herewith lid a plan
or profile of said improvement, if you desire to
make the improvement.
Yeas, 3; Days, O.
R. L. GOa \fAN, President.
W. F. EewiN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
Feb. 4, 1890.
Adopted and city clerk instructed to give nec.
essary publication notice.
Winter street change of grade—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Pan]:
The board of public works have had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
common council, approved Aug. 23, 1888, rela-
tive to a change of grade oil Winter street, from
Rice street to Jackson street, and having inves-
tigated the proposed improvement:
Respectfully report that it i necessary and
proper to change the grade on Winter street, be.
tween the east line of Rice street and the east
line of Jackson street, as indicated by the red
line on the accompanying profll,. that the seti-
matedexpeuse thereof is$1,400; that real estate
to be assessed therefor can befound bem-fited to
the extent of the damages, costs and expenses
necessary to be incurred thereby; that said Im-''i
provement I not asked for by a petition of a
majority of the ownersof propertyto be assessed
therefor, but we herewith send a plan or profile
of said improvement, It you desire to make the
as, 3
Ye; Days, O.
R. L. GoiuIAN, President.
W. F. ED— Clerk Board of Public Works.
Feb. 4, 1890.
Adopted and city clerk instructed to give
necessary publication notice.
Contract for filling, grading and improving
Hampden Park—
The board report. that it has awarded Tim-
othy Sweeney Lhe contract for filling, grading
and improving Hampden Park. he being the
lowest reliable and responsible bidder therefor;
amount of bid, $4,875; bond in the sum of
$1,000 with Michael F. Sweeney and Thomas
Ryan as sureties.
Said award approved by following vote:
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Coney,
Fisher. Gehan, Leithauser, Melody, Pratt, San-
born, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, 3r: Pmsident-16.
Tin board tra -wit: ,approved by it, the [ol-
lowing. Meer, . $wit:
G. W. urea on
clam G. W. Merrill. $10.
Committee ou clnlma.
mRe sort for January. 1890, tote] disburse -
Comm tmon85. ordinnncesand publicace outs.
Triangular strip of land. Summit avenue and
Ramsey street, Carpenter Park.
The board trxusmlte Copy f re olutiott
adopted by board Feb. 3, 1890, declaring,sub-
oect to consent of council, said strip to be a part
t Carpenter Park, etc.
Accepted. (Seereport of board of public worksn,
presented t this meeting, and the resolutio
Viaduct over St. Paul & Northern Pacific Rail-
road at Como avenue—
The board transmits copy of resolution
adopted by board Jan. :31. 1890, approving of
the project of said viaduct.
Alderman of the ward.
R.PORT OF ..A.. OF R'sn' TAL C."'I sel0NEa9.
Contract and toad, Pennsylvania Slate com-
pnnv, marble and the work, administration
b 'Idiug, city and county hospital—
The board transmits said contract and said
bond fu $1,60i 0with Rudolph Schiffman and
William Berlaudas sureties.
Said contract and said bond approved by fol-
lowing vote:
Yeas—Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock. Cullen, Conley,
Fisher. Geltan, Leithauser. Mel¢If Pratt, San-
born, Sullivan, Weber, Yocrg, Mr. President
Of Committee on Ways and Means—
Resolution appropriating $100 towards paying
lot illustrating in Harper's Weekly the court
house and city all
Committee recommends adoption of said reso.
Adopted. (Seeresolutto..)
Of Committee on Claims --
Bill of Northwestern Telephone Exchange com-
pany for $3, telephone service for captain of
Committee recommends disallowance of said
bill and suggests that said company give in
formation as to tehst twenty telephones are
furnished free to the city.
Adopted. —
Of Committee on Streets, Sewers and Bridges—
Ordinance granting Northwestern TelephoneEx-
change company the right to lay co.d.%for
underground nitem—
The majority of the committee, consisting of
Ald. Sanborn, Kavanagh, Gahan, Blom and
Pratt, favorably reoommerde said ordinance.
A minority of committee, consisting of Aid.
Rdlen and Yoerg, makes an adverse report on
s id ordinance.
Thesaid ordinance was recommitted to Com-
mittee on streets.
City engineer's report relative to stairways and
other obstructions -
Committee recommends that the council In
atruct the corporation attorney to notify
owners of said obstructions to have same re-
moved within sixty days and to take necessary
steps to compel the removal of said ob.truc-
Adopted. '
Coo way, Mlnnehaha and other streets, open.
Ing, etc. -
Committee to whom was referred (Jan. 7,
1890) communication of board of public works
Eand Aid. Lefthemser's -solution, relative to
said Openings, etc„ returns same without recom.
Aid. Weber'. resolution (approved Oct. 18,
3889), asking committee on streets,etc.,Lo e
titer t ighL ndl w'hy proposed Dcd street bridge
vay of Sc. Paul. Dlinnenpol1. &
Dlanitoba Raliway company, hue not been
built, etc. -
Committee recommends that sa,d resolution
be referred to corporation attorney and city
John Leinen and others' petition for an ordl.
naocewhlchw•fll prevent disreputable practices
at hay market --
Committee recommends that council instruct
the chief of notice to have the -iflue nce relative
to the weighing of hay and other produce prop-
erly eNorced.
Of Committee on Ordinances and Public Ac-
counts -Reports examiued-
Committee has examined and found correct
port of market master, rents of Market hall
for September and October, 1889: also report of
board of control for January, 1890.
Of Aid. Bickel-OCdfnnce granting Chas. Engel-
breeht pennle.lon to place alga on bulldiug-
Committee.ubmiteand mommend. passage
of said ordinance emended so Be to conform
with the suggestions of the veto of this honor,
the mayor.
Adopted. (See ordinance No. 1,296.)
Ordinances -
An ordinance was read permitting Michael
Mullane to raise _!.tory- frae building.
Rules petided on motion of Aid. Blom,
yen. 16, and ordinance read second time and
pae.ed. (See ordlnaace No. 1,291.))
An ordinatiee w d changing n ma of
Witherspoon avenue to Vernon avenue. a
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Sullivan
and ordinance ad and time an
nordfn8noerwaenced permittingg Germaum
Life In.urnce a mp ny to use &to ell, trap
tllator In their new bntlding.
v Rules .u.pended a motion of Ald. Weber.
yeas 16, and ordinsm. read second time and
passed. (Bee ordinate No. 1,298.)
An ordinance rues read permitting G. Reitler
to er frame barn on Grotto street.
Rnlee aueoended on motion of Aid. Sanborn,
Yeas 16, and ordinance ad second time Bud
passed. (See ordinance No. 1,294.) •
An ordinance waa read permitting Charles
Eagelbrecht to place id
on Uullding.
Rules suepeuded on otic. Aid. Bickel, yeas
1 m
6, anordinand second time and passed.
( d ceSee ordinance No.rea1,296.)
By Aid. Cullen -
Resolution appropriating 6100 toward paying
for Illustrating the court house and city hall
building in Harper'. Weekly.
Committee on ways and means.
BAld. Yoerg-
aolutfon repeef"g -solutio'a approved Deo.
] 8, 1889, purporting to partlally annul certalu
orders approved Jan. 17, 1869, [or the opening.
etc., of Cmiwa - MiuueBalt and Third streets,
except Dflnnehaha street.
Indefinitely postponed.
Yeea-18. Nays-Ald. Cullen sad Leithauser
Resolution approving tract with Robert
Seeger f gasoline stmt lighting, etc.
Committee on streets.
]'eon -Aid. Bickel, Blom, Cullen. Fisher, Ge.
hRn, Letitia set. Pratt, Sanborn, Weber -9.
Nays-Ald. Bock, Conley, Malady, Sullivan,
Toerg, lir. President -e.
Resolutions for Lam es -By Aid. Gehan,bPark
avenue and Sycamore tree[, etc.; y Aid. Me.
lady. Smith avenue and George stmt, etc.
Committee on gas.
Resolution for orders favor Norwegian Luth.
eran church for S52 (redemption certificates)
mm' other parties.
Committee on ways and means.
By Aid. W.ber-
Prellminary order for sewer on Atwater and
anitier stints.
Committee on ways and mens.
Aid. Yoergtrae grated permission to make
tad made remarks erlticis'
ug the action of the
rd of education relative to the Issue of cer.
:min bonds.
Pursuant to advertisement of cityclerk,dated
Fn. 28, 1890, proposals for collection and die.
Ioaition of ulght Roil, garbaggee and dead animals
,,ere received from B. F. Ellleou, Azotine Diauu-
acturing company and George Marken, Jr.
Cityengineer to tabulates ad -port to
officeon street., and committee on streets to
hen report to council.
Anordinance permitting Michael Mullane to
rIse a one-story frame building, 20x60 feet in
ize, about ten feet.
The Common Council of the Cltyof Saint Paul do
rdafn as follow.:
Section 1. Permi.slon is hereby granted and
the oBut.
e- tory bframeMullane
buildingr iltuated o root
twelve (12), block eleven (11), of Brunson a ad.
dltfon to
St. Paul, on Lhe corner of East Be,
f. tv a ty (20 feet b dIly street. Sold buiidtnngg
y Y (60) feet In nee, and
the roof ie to be raised one story, or about -n
See 2. This ordinance shall take effect and
be in tome from and after its publication.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gahan, Lelthauser, Melad}}•, Pratt, San-
born, Snllfvan,Weber, Yoe=, Mr. Yre.idenh16,
Posed Feb. 4, 1890.
Wet. HAMM. President of Council.
Approved Feb. 6, 1890.
ROBERT A. SMnu. Mayor.
Attest: TROs. A. PREe EROABT, City Clerk.
Feb. 10.
ORniNANCE No. 1,292.
An Ordiname changing the mime of Wither-
spoon avenue.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
ordain as follows:
Section 1. That the name of Witherspoon
avenue in Macalestrr Park addition and hicGof-
Pit Midway addition be and hereby Is changed
to Vernon avenue.
Ser. 2. This ordinance shall be in effect from
and after Its pas.age.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock, Cullen.Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Lefthauser, Melady, Pratt, San-
born, Ba111van,Waber, Yoerg, Mr. President -16.
Passed Feb, 4, 1890.
WM. HAMM, President. t Council.
Approved Feb. 6, 1890.
ROBERT A. SMn•N, Mayor.
Attest: Too.. A. PRENDERGAST, City (.7erk.
Feb. 10.
ORDWAKCE No. 1,298.
An Ordinance permitting the Germania Life In-
surance company of New York to use the
McLellan Trap Ventilator, nd to. nee 24 -
ounce cpppee rainwater pipe in their new
building In Bt. Paul.
The Common Council of the City of 8t. Paul do
ordain as follow.:
to DI eGsemnm Lh7 .mancruileste Com any of New
York to use the McLellan trRpventilator in
the). new building at the corner of ecorth and
Wit -of% streets in
St. Patti. as a enbmitute
Yor ventilator. now terescrlbed by ordfnnnee, and
to Bae 24 -ounce copper rainwater pipe to said
buifding lustee. of extra heavy as now pro -
0 ribed by ordinance.
Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take eff.•et and be
in to- from and after Its publication.
.gr, Get Bickel, Blom, Bork, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Lefthauser, Melady. Pratt, Ban.
born, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr. Presldaut-
Passed Feb. 4, 1890.
WM. HAMM, President of Council.
Approved Feb. 6, 18911.
Atte. t: Teo.. A. PBeBDEtmin, City Clerk.
Feb. 10.
OetnN cc No. 1,294.
An Ordinance permitting G. Reffler to cmc
trema barn.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
ordam tie follow.:
Section 1. Permission is hereby granted to G.
Rattler to erect a frame barn, 18x24 lest, on the
ease side of Grotto street between Marshall Rve.
cue and Dayton avenue on lots 16 and 16,
block 2, of Holcombe's addition to St. Paull,
sixty feet from the line of Grotto street.
Sec. 2. This ordinnum shall take effect Bud
be in force after Its passage.
Peas-Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock. Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehim. Leithanser. Melody, Pratt, San -
bon,, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr. President -
Ynssetl Feb. 4, 16911,
Wet.President of Council.
Approved Feb. 6,, 189 189 11[.
Roamar A. SMTTn Mayor.
Attest: Txos. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk.
Feb. 10.
An Ordinance grant{ng Charles Engelbrecht
permission to plain sign on building.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
ordain as follows:
Section 1. That permisslon Is he-byglveu to
Charles Eiigelbrn•ht ttip, place a eigti upon hie ono-
tory frame building, located at the corner of
Third (Sd) stet and Exchange street In said
city. ScId nfregn to be about four feet [vide and to
exteim the whole length of said building, thelower
edge of said also to net upon the roof of said
building: and the whole to be constructed under
the supervision and to the satisfaction of the
building Inspector.
Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and
be In fora from and after Its publication.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fi.her. Geffen. Lelth an_ Melady, Pratt, San-
born, Sullivan, Weber, Yoe g, Mr. President -16.
Passed Feb. 4. 1890.
WM. HAMM. President of Council.
Approved Feb. 6, 1890.
ROBERT A. SM =, Mayor.
Attest: Time. A. Pl eaDEaGAer, City Clerk.
Feb. 10.
Haeolatloae. .
By Aid. Pratt -
Resolved, That the following plate, as ap-
proved by the plat commie.iou, and as recom.
mended by rho citme
y rnghieer, be and the sa
hneby acepted I the common council of
the city of St. Pnnl:
GFnveland addition to 8t. Pani, Minnesota:
Haas' edit if.,, to the elty of St. Paul, Minn.,
Ramsey county Smith & Taylor's subdivision
of int.8 and 4. Mork 16. Beaup- &lly . add.
to St. Paul; St. John's Wood, St. Pail, Romany
county. Minn.
Yea.-Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan. Lntnauser. Melady. Pratt, Sim.
Su111van.Weber, Yoerg, Mr. Pmefdent-16.
Approved Feb. 6, 1890.
By Aid. Lelthaueer-
Re.nlved, That the grade of the alley In bk
tri. Gotxlan'e rearrangement. of Sige% additlocion,
between Earl .trent and Tell street, ae ludloat d
by the rnt grade
ade line on the aaompanj,En pro-
file, and recti ended by the City engineer,
be and the name le hereby adopted as the eetab-
hehed grade.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Bock, Cullen,(onley, Fleher,
Gehan, Ia`ithanser. Melady. Pratt, Sanborn,
Bnllivati. Weber. Y__. Dir. P-nident-14.
Nay-Ald. 1 ickel-1.
Approved Feb. 6, 1890.
By Ald. Mclxdy-
Beeo ved, That the grade of the alley In block
7, Woodbury and knees addition, between Her.
vard and Woodbury streets, M tndk atnd by the
red grade line on the acCompanytug profile, sad
as recommended by the City euglneer, be and the
mai herebyadopted as the e.t.blildgrade.
Ye Aid. Flnher, GeharBl Letthxl¢aer Malady (Pratt, San-
burn, BuOlva.,Wcber,Ycerg, u President -
By Approved Feb. 6, 1890.
By Ald. Gehan-
Reeolved, That the grade of Fairview street,
from Fifteenth stress to Valiey street, xs mdl-
ted by the red grade ]me a, the aceompauy-
gmo, beroulaaodt he same a ft,mb� by the cony the
established ¢rear.1-111
Y adopted ae the
Fisher Gehun1iLeIthaBllm user, M IxdpwPrsttt sere-
Dorn, BnlRvau, Weber, Ycerg, Mr. Ptesldent-
Approved Feb. 6, 1890.
By Aid. Mciady-
That the grade of Sidney street,
from Chippewa avenue to Cherokee avenue, as
IiCullen t,nFer, Gen...Leeuseei. My, EtSan.'
born, Sullivan, Weber Y-rg, Mr. Preeldent-16.
Approved Feb. 6. 1d9U.
By Aid. Blom -
Resolved, That the city engl r be and be fe
hereby matrucred to n tlI the at. Paul Cltg
Railway company o denier from making
dumping ground, of Block No. In, Arllugton
Hill, addition.
Fisher, G 6an,ICLefth,luser, Mel.:.,( IlenyCBnn-
born, 3ulllvau. Weber,Yoerg, Mr. Preatdentr-16.
Approved Feb. 6, 181iU.
By Aid. Weber -
Resolved. That the corporation attorney DB
requested to luvestlgete and, report [o the topn-
.1 the question of legality, whether the ral/way
Com a y or the city o[ Bt. Paul are required Lo
bul,d the bring, on Laxilyttoµ avmun ovectha
St. Paul, Minnenpolis. Maul,¢,. railroad.
Yeas -Alt. Bickel, Blom, Bock, 1eu,Cobley,
Fishers Gahan, LeIthx._r: Mewdy, Pratt, Sao.
born. Sulliven,Weber, Yoerg, Mr. Presldeut-16.
ApprovSd Feb. 6, 1890.
indite by the red grade Ilne em the accompa- By Aid. Yoerg-
nytug profile, and u recommended by the city Resolved. That the city clerk be and be Is
engineer, be and the same Ie hereby atop ted as hereby mecructed to adver[i�e for proposalsaor
the established grade. supplying all the depnrtmenta rend omcea of the
Yens -Aid. Blit Rio-, Bock, Callen, Coley, city of Sc. Pam vdt all the job printing, books
Fisher, Gsb", t thauwr: Milady, Pratt, Ben- sad stationery required icor, the use of said de-
boru. Smllvnn, Weber. Yoerg, Dir. Yreeldent-16. Dnrtmeuts and offices for the etusutug year.
Approved Feb. 6, 1890. Yees-Ald. Bickel. Blom. Bock, Cullen, Cooley,
Fisher, Gehwt, Lemhaueer. Melady, Pratt, San -
By Aid. Pratt- born, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr. President
Resolved. That the grwde o[ the alley In block -16'
St. et. Anthony Pnrit au wdtcated by the red Approved Feb. 6, 1890.
live on the ttceompanyl g profile, as
recommended by the city engineer, be and the By Ald. Weber-
fe hereby adopted the established Resolved. Teat an order be drawn In favor of
grade. tbe. board of control for the earn of 81,778.81,
Yeue-Aid. Bickel, Blom. Bock. Callen, Con- being tee city's nue-third of the expenditures of
ley. Fisher, Gemtµ, Lelthnuser, Melody, Pratt, Bald _Ai dor she mooch of January, 1890.
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Ycetg, Mr. President Teas --Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Wlleu, Conley,
Ftsber, G,bau, Leith.user, Melody, Pratt,
{ Approved Feb. 6, 1890. 8..botn, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr. President
_ -16.
$9 Aid. Sanborn -
Approved Feb. 6, 1890.
Resolved, That the city enidncer be and he Is g Ald. Cullen -
hereby lugtructed to report a suitablegrade for Resolved, That there is hereby apppropriated
the allry in block 2, Woodland Park Addition the sum of Sion, that amount belug oue•hslf
to fit. Paul. the amount authorized by the joint eIty hall and
Yeas -Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley, court house Committee to Illustrate the court
Fixher, GeheC, Lelthenser. Melody, Pratt, Sau- boom and city ball building In Harper'. Weekly.
born, Sullivan. Weber, Yoerg, Mr- President -16. Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Culled, Waley,
Approved Feb. 6, 1890. Fisher, Gehan, Lelthauser, Melody, Pratt, San-
_ �gm, Sullivan, Weber, Yoe g, Mr. Presldeut-
BAld. Yoeut-
esoived, Thu
tt the city engineer is hereby In.
structed to prepare a ptoper profile for estan.
llahlug the ggrraxde on street, from State
street to Wyaudotteiumrt.
Y. an-Ald. Bickel, I loin, Bock. (Wien, Waley,
Fisher. Gehan, Leithauner, Jlelady, Yratt. Sau-
be _, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr. Prealdent-16.
Approved Feb. 6, 1890.
By Aid. Yoerg-
Rrsolved, That the City engineer 1. hereby 1.
structed to report a proper profile for estabileh-
Ing the grade on Tennessee street.
Approved Feb. 6, 1890.
Bp Ald. Weber-
Reeolved That Mr. F. %. Sequ'n be and here-
by I. I_.
perml�.,. to cosetr A at his own
,,Pon,and Coder the direction of the city en-
gineer a sewer on Mario street to drain lots 1,
2 and 13 of block 29 of La Fond's addition.
All expense of engincering and inspection to be
pald roto the City treasury by said Seguin.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Lelthauser. Melady, Pratt, San.
born, Sullivan,Weber,Yoerg, Mr. Preeident-16.
Approved Feb. 6, 1890.
rnwr.auaritm yr _i
By Aid. Ix tbauser-
Resolved, That permieelon be red Ls hereb;
g1Veu to A. Wolter, B. F. Selm-eler and C. W
Horn to grade East Se-ntb street to . pnrtm
ggr[aB�de from White Rear avenue to the ea c cit
I71¢Its. under the direction of the city sugmeei
said e.
id Wolternand others and eaid'pera Cys pa;
the costs of all engineering -.and trope:
Yeas -Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley
Flshrr, Gehan. Lelthauner, Malady, Pratt. Ban
born, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr.
Approved Feb. 6, 1890
Whereas, the board of ppark commiselonets o
the pity of fit. Yaul, on ttf. Sd day of Februnry
1890, �eased the (allowing resolution:
Resolved, 'Chet the board of park commie
.loners, subject to the consent of the common
"nued of the city of St. Paul, hereby a mw
control and goverumeut of all chat piece of lane
and public place desewlbed as follow.:
A triangular piece of land beginning on IN
aontherly line of Snmmlt avenue distant West
erly Cornhundred
r d e p(100 of land m the uorthesat
y granted and edit
veyed by James C. Burbank sad Evely. S. Bur
bank, his wife to Warren Carpenter, by or
dated Oct. 17. 1878, recorded In the olnce of
to etes:te.• t.ence a8
wrtherly twenty (M feet Lo
thenly lit . etrnight line elxty-
(89.2j fcet to the point of begin.
That said land Is hereby declared to be and Is
designsted and named - apart of Carpenter
Park, eco called, to sold tlty, that a copy of this
resolution be certified to the Bald common
Council, and that Its consent hereto and ap-
proval hereof be respectfully requested.
Therefore be It resolved, That the common
council of the ('It) bf tlt. Pout hereby emteents
to and approves the action of the boatel of
park commissions" in assuming Control and
govdrnmeht of that piece of land and DDnbl1.
Iylam to eafd -...soon described, and m detlar-
mg, design.ting and naming the same as . part
of Carpenter Park. ao called, and hereby rotl-
fiea a.d ednflrmg the action of said =Tlashm.
erg as provided in said resolution In all m.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock, tallen,Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Lelthauser, Melody, Pratt, Sett-'
born, Sullivan, Weber. Ymdg, Mr. Pre eident-
Approved Feb. 5, 1890.
Resolved, the final order and resolution
of the common council approved Sept. 7, 1889,
telatfve to the report of the of public
works dated Aug 13, 1889, in regard to the con-
struction of a sealer o University avenue, from',
rent WMMUN l.'UUDIUIL. 51
other streets, be and thesa ne avenue to ip hereby.. .and
y emended
eco as to read as follows: '
It le hereby ordered by the Common Council int
the City of St. Paul:
That the board of public works of said 1ty.o[
Bt. Ynul, catue the Iofiowl �tmepro veme¢t to be
made, to -wit: Construct a w on
e, from Lyndhuret avenue to Fxirafew
on Lyndhurst eveuuo west, from Fero-
rue to University revenue; on Feronin
avenue, from Prior avenue to Fairvinw
avenue; on Bremer avenue, from Uhi-
verelty avenue to Waltham avenue; on
or venue, from Fermi. .-,,as to
C-111 treet; on fit. A.thony a'..
e, from
Cleveland avenue W Ferdluand ,tr rF,;n Mt6
rue to Fairview .1 ...; on [ClevelandavenPC'
from Power street to Marshall avenue: on Wllden
avenue, from St. Anthony oven- to IRlehart
street; on Moore avenue, from Carroll street to
Mareball avenue, and oil Marshall avenue. from
Fairvlew avenue to the Mlasleaippl river, In exid
clty. together with the ecesearyy catch-badne
an manholes, said eetvering to be den. under
one contract.
That said board cause Bald work to be let by
coutract, -provided by law• without ojl, h,b
the a.tim and coat be OR first paid Into the city
treasury, and alter said work .ball be placed On -
der contract aold board shall proceed• without
delay, to Lhe amon¢t, till ae they
n sacertxm the same, tvmeh will, be required,
In azhea of $08.000 appropriated to alA m Lbe
netrltetten of eaid re from the sa
bold fund, to paythe cost and Iteee.saryeeix--
t. be be-flted rose d improv tbertsaecepro-
vide. bylaw, it being the opinion of the Coon..
that real estate to be aseeneed for such Improve-
ment Can be found benefited to the extent that
the cost and expenses neare.-Y to be i'neutted
thereby shall exceed the gum of 808,000.
Yeau-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock,Cullen. Witley,
Gehan, Kavanagh. Lelthmnmr, Minea• Malady,
Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr. Presldenhl4, e
Nays -Aid. Pratt -1.
Adopted Jan. 21, 1890.
Vetoed Jan. 27, 18911,
R096ar A. SMtra, Mayor.
Reconsidered Feb. 4, 1890-Y.-jil.
Adopted Feb. 4, 1890, Lhe veto of the mayor
to the contrary notwitheter dlog. by the follow-
ln vote:
Yens -Alt. Hlom, Hock, Cullen, Coley, Flehrr,
G0,=, Leithauaer, Melad,. Sanborn, Sullivan,
Weber, Yoerg. Mr. President -18.
Nays-Ald. Bickel, Pratt -2.
By Aid. Blom -
It is hereby ordered by the Commo Conn.
Of Lhe City of St. Paul:
That the matter of constructlnRe,sewerop the
following streets: Walton street from Trout
Brook to York street, on York street from Mls-
tfestppi street to Weret.miuster street, on Weet-
muster street from York street to street,
Lookout place from Weetmlaster street to
1rk=,Iu street be and the same 1s hereby K-
erted to the board of public works to ihve4ti.
into and report:
First -Is this Improvement proper and neees
Second -Give the council an estimate of th
expense thereof, and tate whether one-half o
the coat thereof is to br p id into the city treas
ury beloce the contract is let.
Third--Cau real estate to be assessed for sal
Improvement be found benefited to theextent o
da mages, costa and expenses necessary to be In
carred thereby? '
Fourth -Is such .pro Cut asked fo
upon tl.e ppetition or appdenti.. of for owners
of r mnJority of the property to b; assessed for
each improvement?
F.Ith-Send the comma a plan or profile o
said Improvement, sal required by law, if yon re
Pon In favor of the same.
Sixth -Send the council a proper order direct
ung the work to be done.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Co. Y.
Fisher. Gehan, Leftha y. Alelmiy, Pratt. San-
born, Sullivan. Weber, Ioerg, Mr. President -
Approved Feb. 5, 1890.
it By Aid. Yosig-
I It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That ti matter of change of grade C. Fair-
field averme from State street to Robertson
street be and the same fe hereby referre., to the
board of public works to luve.tigate and report:
Fleet -le this improvement proper and ueces-
Second --Give the councli an estimate of the
ezpeuea threent and state whether one-baLL of
the coat thereof Is to be paid Into the city treus-
Cry before the coutract is is
Third -Can real estate to be Rammed for said
Improvement be found benefited to the extent
of damages, costa and expenaes necessary to be
incurred therebyT
Fourth - Is such improvement asked for upon
the petition or appliestion of Lhe owners of n
majority n[ Lhe property to be assessed for each
Fifth- Send the council a plan Joe profile of
laid ins rovement, ae required by aw, 11 you re-
p. tin favor of the same.
Sixth -Send the council a proper order deect-
ing the work to be done.
1'eas-Ald. Blekel,, Bock.Culleu, Conley,
Fisher. Gehan, Lelthauser, Melody, Pcatt. Bnn-
born, Sullivan, Weber. Yuen;, Mr. President -
Approved Feb. 6, 189 V.
By Aid. Yoerg-
it is hereby ordmed by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of change of grade on Fill-
more a.......nm State street to South Robert
street be and Lhe same is hereby referred to toe
boarq of publleworka to Investigate and report:
First -le this Improvement proper -and neces-
Smoud-Give the Council a. timate h the
expense thereof, and tate "'tether one, of
thereof is
to be paid Into the city in"-
ury before the contract is let.
Third -Can real estate to be assessed for said
improvement be lound benefited to the exmnt of
cure a costs and expenses necessary to be in thereby?
e I Fourth -la such fmprovement asked for upon
f the petition or application of the owners of a
majority of the property to be asmaeed for inch
d Fifth -Send the councils lan or profile of
f said improvement, as required by law, B you -
port in favor of the same.
Sixth -Send the council a proper order direct -
Ing the work to be done.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom. BICkal Vern, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Lei'hauser, Malady, Pratt, Sau-
1 born. blhdvan, Weber.Yoerg, Mr.President-I5.
Approved Feb. 6, 1890.
BY Aid. Weber-
Itie hereby ordered by the Common Council
of ti,e "'Y of St. Paul:
That the matter of constructing a sewer on
Eumhud street from Elfelt to Arundel and from
Macknldn to Dale street be and the t'
hereby referred to the board of public works to
luvrstigate and report:
First -Is this improvement proper and neces-
Second -Give the council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether one-half of
the coat thereof Is to be paid Into the city Irmo-
ury before the contract Is let.
Third -Can rear estate tommsed for said
improvement be iound bene red to the extentof
damag, a, coats and expenses necessary to be in.
curred thereby?
Fourth -Is such improvement asked for upon
the petition or up do. of the owners of .
in city of the property to be 8mmfsRed for such
Fath -Send the council a plan or pprofile of
said improvement. Re required by law, 1f you re-
port fu laver of the asme.
Sixth-Seud the council a proper order direct-
ing the work to be done.
Yese-Ald. Bickel. Blom. Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Lei'hauser, Melady, Pratt, San -
horn, Sullivan, Weber, Yomg,Mc. Ptealdent-16.
Approved Feb. 5,189a).
By Aid. Ycerg-
It I. hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. P.
That the matter of making such change of
grade on Broadway street, from the Mlaalasippi
river to Prince street. t. may be rendered neces-
sary by the eopetrurtfml of the Beoadway
bridge Cao called) and approach be Intl the asme
to hereby ,It
to the board of public works
to investigate end report:
Firet-Ie this Improvement proper and neces-
SeCond-Give the council an estimate of the
expen-e thereof, and state whrtf a , ....half of
the coat thereof le to be paid into tbeCityTm"-
ury before the coutrart I. let.
Third -Can real estate to be assessed for said
Improvement be found benefited to the extent
1 damages, coats and expeuses marmeary to be
incurred thereby?
Fourth -Is such irebbrovement asked for upon
the petition or appI cation of the owurrs of .
mnJority of the property to be amassed for such
Fifth -Send the council a plan or profile of
said improvement, as required by law, 11 you re-
port In favor of the same.
Blxth-dead the council a proper order direct -
Ing the work to be done.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Lelthauser, Melad , Pratt, San-
born, Sullivxn.Weber,Ycerg, Mr. President -15.
Approved Feb. 5, 1890.
By Aid. Melndy-
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of grading Ottawa street,
from Cherokee to Annapolis 'tree' be and the
same Is hereby referred to the board of public
work' to investigate and report:
First -I9 this improvement proper and neces-
Second -Give the council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether one-half of
the cost thereof ie to be paid Into the City
Treasury before the contract Is let.
Third -Can real estate to be masseed for said
improvement be found benefited to the extentol
damage',coat.+ and expenses necessary to be in-
curred thereby?
Fourth -Is such o
Improvement aided forupu
the petition or app leatio. of the o,
seere of
ajority of the property to be asseed for such
Fifth -Send the council a plan or profile of
said improvement, as required by law, if you
report in favor of the name.
Sixth -Send the council a proper order direct-
ing the work to be done.
Yeas-Ald. Bucket, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con-
ley. Fisher. Gehan, Lelthauser, Idelady, Pratt,
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr. President
Approved Feb. 5, 1.90.
By Aid. Blom- —
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council pf
the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of opening and grading Wells
street from Edgerton street to Areade street be
and the same Is hereby referred to the board of
public works to investigate and report:
Pint -Is this Improvement proper and neces-
Second -Give the council an estimate of the
expanse thereof, and state whether one-half of
the co+t thereof Is to be paid Into theCityTrrm-
ury before the contract is let.
Third -Can real estate to be assessed for said
improvement be found benefited to the extehc
of damages, conte and expenses necessary to be
Incurred thereby?
Fourth -Is such Improvement asked for upon
the petition or application of the owners of
majority of the property to be aaseseed for such
Fifth -Send the council a plan or profile of
meldImprovement, as required by law, If you m
In favor of the same.
Sixth -Send the council a proper order di-
recting the work to be done.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock,Cnllen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan. Lelthauser, Melady. Pratt, San -
Dora, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr. Preeident-
Approved Feb. 5, 189U.
By Aid. Weber -
It to hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That thematter of constructing a newer on
Charles street, from Rice to Marlon street, and
from Arundel ro Dale street, be and the acme Is
hereby referred to the board of public works to
Investigate and report:
First -Is this improvement proper and necea
Second -Give the council an eatim�to of the
expense thereof. and state whether olre-hal[ f
the cost thereof is to be paid into the City
Treasury before the contract is let.
Third -Can rest estate to be aaeessed for said
improvement bn found benefited to theextent of
damages. costs and expenses necessary to be in-
curred thereby?
Fourth -Is such improvement asked for upon
the petltien or appll-tio. of the owners of a
maJnrfty of the property to be assessed for such
Fifth -Send the couucll a plan or profile of
eafd fmprovement, as required by Inw, if you re-
port in favor of the same.
sixth -Send the council a proper order direct-
ing the work to be done.
Yea.-Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock. Cullen, Conley,
Further, Crhnn, Leithauser, Memdy, Pratt, San-
born. Sullivah. weber. Yoerg. Mr. President -15.
Approved Feb. 5, 1890.
By AId. Weber -
It i+ hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of Constructing. sewer on
Fu ler street, from Mackubin to Dale street, and
i St. Anthony avenue. from Meckubi r to Dale
street. be and the same fe hereby refer d to the
board of public works to Investigate and report.
First -Is this improvement proper and neces--
Second -Glue the couucll .n estimate of the
expense thereof, and tate whether one -ball of
the cost thereof is to be paid into the city treas-
ury before the contract Is let.
Third -Can rent estate to be ..sensed for said
Improvement be found benefited to the extent
of dnmaaes, cost' and expenses necessary to be
incurred thereby. -
Fourtb-Is such Improvement asked for upon
the raditon or application of the' Came -'
majority of the property to be assessed for such
Fifth -Send the council a plan or profile of
sr Id
improvement, sa required by law, if you re-
port In favor of the same.
Sixth -tend the council a proper order direct -
Ing the work to be done.
Yeas Aid. Bickel. Blom, Boca, CUIIeu,Conley, .
Flater. Gehan, Lefthauser, Melady, Pratt, 3an-
barn, Sullivan, Weber. Ycerg. Mr. President -16.
Approved Feb. S. 1890.
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public W rks dated Feb. 4, 1890.
It to hereby ordered by the Common Council of.
the City of St. Paul:
That the board ofp obits works of the city of.
St. Paul sauce he following improvement to be
made, to. wit: Condemn and take mu easement
In the land abutting on Lawson street, between
.I t'
Cortland street and the right of way of the fit. o[ the St. Pau] &Northern PaciAc RailwayF
Paul &Northern Pacific Railway in
they can facertain the same, which will be ra
tom any, company, in said cityy. necamary, to construct
said city necessary to construct the elopes for the slopes I'or cute In
quirod to pay 46n cogen and neceseac expenses
Improvement, fifty
Hv Ald. Minea—
it Mi
rid 11118 gradingsaid
cute and 011e in faaal¢g Bald Lext+on street, be. Case street, between Bald pointe, Lthe taD-
twean said
of such to the extent of (6U)
cs per twat toot upon the estate to be
\yh Jarob Litt hoe prepared and sub.
acted to the Inspector bufldlnp the
PofuW, to the steddlshea fired. llebed grade thereof, am shown by the proflln of
the of, we shown. by theyyrotile of aafd
be,by said Improvement provided by
of of city
of 8L. PBuI plane d peclAGat,ng. fora ¢ew
grade on Id grade on file In the oAlee of Ili. register of
Ale in the of the ttgteWr of deeds ih nndtor deeds In and far
law (the proprKy having haretoforo been u-
.I f r
opera house to be amcted in said city, on the
Bald Rwmsa count and fn
Ramsey county, alfa in tb•- office of the city en- Lha o>8ce of the ei[ en neer Haid elo
sn�eed per }root foot of the original coat
1t bah the loud of the coon-
corner of Weet Sixth and 9t: Peter etreeW, which
d I a to
elQger: Bald slo pe@ to extend one and one -halt extend one and oue Lelt (1K) feet oa said land
(1 )feet
of said sewn.; o
dl that roal estate to Ue aeapeRsed for such im•
Bald plane have been duly approved by said
X ori seta land tot every loot of cut or !or every toot of cut or fill, ae Indicwtnd on the
Il, as Indicated on the O[
provement can be found benefited to the extant
o.tildfup inspector and a bulldfng permlQy sued
th,•reon to erect said opera house in accordance
plan Bald slopes ate ,plan of Bald lopes trached to aid report.
Cached to said report, and .beHled In tea o>fice andto be filed 1¢
of Alty (60) cents per front foot toward the
therewith; and
of sofa board. the o1Hce of said board.
That said board shall proceed without
coat and expenses ecessary to be mearred
Whereas, 6aid Litt, owinR to the delay in
yIetmR Die contracts sod urranRemevts wiry
said board shall proceed without to asses the amount w pearlyy
delayLO gasses tDe amount ee nearly as Lhay [Day ecertam the same high
can rah+
Yeas—Ald. BlvkeL Blom, Bock, fUllea. Coalev,
Flakier. Gehan, Leithsueet, Mnlatly. Pratt, San-
buflde fe of re dy to beds the a tlon of
id lg house for x period of from fOor to
the .. wbfch will be required will be required to pay the damafies, coat read
to paythe damxgam,c t and neemaaryexpensee eceeeaty expenses [such Improvement upon
Dorn, Sullivan. Webee, Yoerjt. Mr.
Approved Feb. S. 1890.
W. weeks this date, and In the mennilme
is deslroum oftlllR Preaenzln the t orama
Of such Imyyrovement upon the real estate to be the real estate to be beueeted by said improvo-
bulldinR o Bald premleea for t poo-
Op Bald Improvement, as provided by merit. ae provided by law: IE being Lha opinion
law: 1E belvg the opfufon of the council of the council that to be
poses, to-wtt: rtxln thletlo, Ry=meri d
egneatrfan ezbibitfove; therefore, be 1t
that mal real eetata mseemsed tar
tate to be aesaeaed for much improvement can such Improvement eon be found benefli ed to the
In tiro matter of the port of the Board of
Reeaired. Test when the Bald structure now
lie found benefited to the extent of the dem- extent of the dmmsges, coats and ez pensee necea-
Public Works dated Feb. 4', 1891,
n Id premiss, end known the panorama
tahgr�boet and --pensee necessary to be Iucarred eery to be Incurred therebv.-
It,te hereby ordered by the Common Council ut
tba city f St. Paul:
building, shall have been --it formuch last
usmed exhlbitlon. to theftapproval of the In.
- Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen, Conley,That
the board of ppub7ge works of the city of
epector of bulldfng,, that amid Litt be allowed,
]-sea-Aid. Hfekel, Hlom, Bock, C]illen, Coale Ffeher. Gepgn Lmtheueer, Malady, Pm
8t. Paul cause the tollowing lmprovemeut to be
�rmitted, and le hereby granted permiaaion to
Gehan, Lelthaueer. Melad Pretq Eau- Sanborn, SWllven, We Yoerg, Mr. PteeldenC
born, 6ulliven, Weber.]'oerg, Ptesldent-16. —16'
ads, to -wit: Good— wad tyke an a ant
educt each exbibitione for a period of two
k /or
Approvetl Feb. 6, 1890. Approved'Fate: 6, 1890.
1v ton Isud mbuttivR n Cook mtmet between
f rtlnrid atand Lhe riRbt of way of the 8t.
months. on w days only, pay, under a
regular theatrical Ilrenee which a, propost, to
Peel & Northern Pacific Rallwwy company m
meld city eery co c Cruet the elope- f1e
take out forthwith for his maid opera house Are.
above named.
In the matter of Lhe report of the Board of Pub- In the matter f the o t of the Board of
Public Noel's dated Jeu. SU,
cute and alio In gradhlg enid(:ook street
said polo W to the established itrade chemo!, ue
•ens—Aid. Bickel. Blom, [lillen. Conley, Fleher,
lit Work. daG-d Feb. 4. 1890. 1890:
Is le h"_b b
shn by the Droflle of bald grade on Ale fn the
GeDar,. Kavxn ugh. Mine., Melody, Scull -
v WoeDer, YomrR. Mr. President�l4.
y ord+red y the Common Co[ nc'.1 Of It le hereby ordered by the Common Council Ot
the lits nl St. Pani: the City
ofiof the register of deeds in and tot• Ramsey
Appp d Feb. 1, 1890.
of St. Pauli
That the Doar t of p biic work. of the city o[
ty, and in the n8len of thecit yenglneer, said
seopea to -tend n a. d one-half feet ou
That the board of publlc xlrke of said city of
St. Paul the followluN imp8ovemcuta to St. Paul rause the (ollowlu fm
be made, to Condemn
a id land for everrytoot of cut or All, ae mdfoated
]VM. HwMM, President of Council.
Trios. A. Ptn xpeaower. CYC Clerk.
-wit: ud ke B provemevt to be
merit lu the lead buttfug on Jenks street, be- ode. to wit: Grade Ottawa avenue from (leo-
on the plan of d lopes ttaahmd to said re-
port, and to De alae 1n the ofA. a of amid board.
cwceu Cortland .reset and the r1Rht of way of xveuue to Cha south city limits In eald
tha St. Paul &Northern city.
That board delay
Pacific Itnilway even-
pauy, hi eaia city, necea,ary to construct the
elopes for cute and Alla fn gradh said Janke That said board cause said work to be let by
,aid shall proceed without
to mese a t amount, res nearly as then cxir as-
certain the same, which will be requlrod to pay
Regular Meeting.
ms provided by law, wit front one -halt
street, between maid points to the tnbllshed the estimated coat befog first
the damage., eo,t and necessary expnneee of
fit. PAOL. Feb. 18, 1890.
President Hamm in the chair.
grade Cheroot. as ,howu by Lhe Droflle p gw( paid into the city
treasury, and after said work hall be
uch (mprovemnnc upon the real estate to i
Pmernt—pfd. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con -
grade on Ale In the omce of the regtater deed placed
on and for Ramsey under contract, said board ,hall proceed with•
beueflteg by avid lmprocement. ae provided by
law; it being the opinllu of the council that real
ley, Fimher, Gehan, Kavm+mgb. Leltheoser. Ma
county, and hi the o®ce of
the efty enRlveer' mala elopes to a -Lena one aria t delaymto asBese the amount, nearly e9
Etiey ran will
state to be slimmed for much Improvement can
Ind V, Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Poem. Mr. Preaf-
...h If ncertxin the s e wmCb be re-
(1!57 reef op aid lana for -vary foot of quired to pay the cunt and iecermary mapenees
t or fill,ae Indicated on the plan of geld elopes
found benefited to the extent of the ammag-..
coat ad expenses necessary to be incurred
Mlnutea t preceding mmRinge approved and
to t such Improvement upon tbn mal estate to pe
aria to be tiled lv the beneAted b
Chet band
dlepensed with.
y g y
ofllce a maid board. ala impprovement, ae provided b
law, it being the opinloilof the council but real
Ye Aid. Blekel, Blom, Boch, Cullen. Conley.
That said board shall proceed without dela state to be assessed for such fmpvcred amt can
Fisher. Gehan. Lefthatlser, Malady, Pratt, San.
to a y be found benefited to the extent of the cost and
the amount a a they tau
born, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr. President—
From Him Honor the payor—Policeman ap-
Nearly expenses necessary to be Incurred thereby.
lah, 111 e qulroa to
id the es.
ora le lidera
To ilia Honorable Promident and Common Coua-
paypay th cot an r
the aamromges, coat and area sry eapeu Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. CYill ,Conley,
f such impp t upon the real estate [o be her, Gehan, Leichatreer, Melody, Pratt,
Approved Feb. 6, 1890.
A W rued.
of the fit.
MI of
Gent 7 have the honor to Inform
itmmiefit fiav-
Dy eafd tmprovemeiit, as provided by born, 9u8ivau, Weber, Yen:it, Mr. President
Wst. HAMM, Preeident of Council.
nen: you
that t Dave appointed Anton Oscrum s mounted
law; IL be,af the opinivn of Lhe counc0 that real —16,
Tom. A. Pttgxnenower, Cfty Clerk.
of the regular police force of Lhie citT
estate to be assessed for such improvement can Approved Feb. 6, 1890.
1n the place of Officer Hopping. resigned, and eek
be lound benefited to the extent of the damages,
We and
your consent thereto.
expenses neceaYmry to be tutu—a
special Meeting.
You. reapeetlully.
In the matter of the report of the Board of
R0Pecti A. 6Mtre, Mayor.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley. Publle W --arks da[ea Feb. 4, 1890: -
fir. Pam., Feb. 0, 1890.
Feb. 78. 1890.
Fisher. Gehan, Ltiteber,
San. It t. hereby ordered by the Common Council of
born. Sullivan.
president Hamm In the chair.
Blom, Callen, Conley,
Accepted and said appointment advised and
oe sided
Weber, Yoerg, Mr. PresidenTellt-16. the City o[ St. Paul: -
Approved Feb. 6, 1890.
pmsrml—Ald:, Blekel,
Fi,her, Qchan, Kavanagh. Mines. Melady, Pratt,
Yemn—Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock, Cbllen, Couiey,
That the board of pp blit works of sold city of
Sullivan, Weber. Yoerg, Mr. President -14.
Fisher,Gehan. Kavanagh, Lefthauaer, Melxdy,
St. Paul cause the following lmprovemeut to be
Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Yoerg, Mr. President -
In the matter the report of the Board of mxde. to -wit-. Rep' Ir the sewer on Seventh
ed treat, between Third street and Sherman street
Public Works dated b 4, Commonjn maid cit
L is hereby ordemd by cbe ComnSou Council of 1•'
Hia Honor the Mayor�;all for the
Petitions to licensee on South
theof 9t. P. That said board cause said work to be ]et byy
That the board of Public works of the city
-Hla honoe the }} r ailed the tl¢R for
relative saloon
Robert street and doeiwgof edoon. on Sabbath
of nttaci, ae provided by law• without e.halt
§t- Paul cause the following improvement to be the estimated coat bane fleet aid into the city
trade, to -wit: Condemn anti cake
the purpose of aldrrinR matter. relative to
the proposed Broadway brldge.
day 1n Slxtb ward—
'I%e Hon. President and C mmon Council of St.
nn easement cromeury, and atter said oris shall ba ]xced
11pp Cha land abutting on Casa street, between under contract, as board shall
The council thereupon went into esecucivn
Gentlemen: I hens the bonded trenemftheto-
proceetl w(6h-
rt and street and the right of way out delay to asseea the amount ae pearly ae
with a petition of the citizens South Robert
street, asking the common council not to gnat
saloon licenses to the parties in Bald pathic
named, and at the points Indicated.
Also a petition of citizens of the Sixth war -
asking In said petidonthat thesaloonsbe close
In said Sixth ward on the Sabbath day, purse
tut to the provision of the state law.
All of which le respectfully submitted for yot
consideration. Roeser A. Bxtru, Mayor.
Feb. 18, 1890.
Accepted, and said petitions referred to cod
mittee on license -
From St. Paul Brick Manufacturing company -
Asking permission to grade and fill at Its ow
expense, d use for mauntucturiug pu para fe
a fixed period, a certain strip of land s�tt re bt
tween Cox's addition nod the Mississippi rival
Mr. R J. Markov was heard In support offill
Committee on streets.
From S. Sebutte estate—
For permission to conatruet frame livery ate
ble north side East Tenth street, between Broad
way and Pine streets.
Committee on flee department.
From Susan A. Fisher andothers—
Pruteating agalnet the granting of perml..(o,
for coustru tion of frame livery stable at Pin
unit East Tenth streets.
Committee on fire department.
From Solomon Bergman and others—
Prolesting against the granting of permissiot
to the et. Pam Gas company to or re
bulla their works• etc.
Committee on streets.
From Carl J. Blomberg
Cialm for teliefdam.ges to dwelling house by
reason of verfiowing watet—lot 12, block 12,
Fairview addition.
Committee on claims
From estate of Jacob W. Base and others—
Asking for refunding of amounts paid for as-
sessments paid—Broadway Opening.
Committee on claim..
From Ernst Bartuech and others_
Protesting against the widening of West Sev-
enth street.
Board of public works.
From George Boost—
C].Im-5250 damages to properby corner
Terry and Fourth streets by reason o[ overflow.
I.., water.
Committee on "alma.
From St. Anthony Park Company—
For the vacs tion of parts of Dudley street,
Raymond avenue, alleys, etc., is 8G Anthony
City clerk instructed to file said petition of
record and to give necessary, publication notice.
From St. Anthony Furniture Co. and othem—
For p oteet1, from fire In the fit. Anthony
Park district.
Committee on fire department.
From Northwestern Shot sad Lead Company
and others--
Protestl.g against widening West Seventh
Board of public works.
From the Board of Managers of the Minnesota
State Reform School—
For vacation of btlini one (1), two (2) and
Seven (7) f D. W Ingersoll'8 addltlOu to the
city of Sc. Paul, together with the alleys therein
and that street or pubhe way therein described
Committee on streets.
REPon'[e OF crsx OFF1cEaa.
mptrollm—Audited claim.,
n, 8167.60; J. G. Duggan. $18.40;
:& Son, 829.46;_ John Bell & Son,
Water Commissioners. $29.90; Brown, Treace
& CO., 89; J. H. Sehurmeleq $848; St. Paul
Rook & Stationery Co.. $898.97; Pioneer Press
2. N. Bell, $287.60. - --
Allowed and ordered paid by following vote:
Yeas—Alit. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen,Conley,
Fisher. Cohen. Kavanagh., Melaly,
Pratt, Sanborn, Weber. Yoerg, Mr. Preeldent—
)f Corponttlon Attorney—Bridge—Grove, Burr
and Eighth streeta—
The corporation attorney submit. correspond -
between himself and St. Paul &Northern
?he a fic R.Ilwa company and fit. Paul, Mime-
ppolie & Dfnttitoba railway relative to Ald.
loe19" resolution, approved July 8, 1889, 1n-
tructing corporation attorney to notify said.
alw y companies to proceed to build said
Bridge, etc.
Accepted. (See resolution.)
If City Engineer—Broadway Brfdge--
TO the Common ouncil:
Gentlemen: After consultation with Lhagov-
rnment engineers Bud others Interested.:. elver
.vig.ttou at St. Paul. I -am forced to the con-
usiou that the ceee it plane for co.etructing.
he Bro.dway brfeg would not be approved by
re aec ntary of war, for the following reasons:
Sufficient head room Is not allowed at the od-
•ance to the harbor on the west side at high
And there Is not sufficient height under the
:at span on the east side of the fuer for the,
triage of a steamboat towing a raft.
The bridge as planned Is. with theexceptlon of
�e channel span, a deck brldge—that Is the
.dway Is placed .n the top chord. By r.(eing.
me of the river piers and making the bridge a,
rough bridge (that Is, the roadway on the
lower chord) these objections can be avoided.
The cost of this change 1 would estimate at
about $YO,BOO. This change fe shown more
dearly in Plat No. 1, herewith eabmltted.
After a careful consideration. however, of the
whole question. I find that on account of this
additional cost in the masonry that I ran cou-
etmet a bridge having only three .pads instead
of four, and with only two piers In the river in-
stead of three, which will give still greater feclll-
Use for navigation and place the question of the
acceptance of the bridge beyond a doubt• at an
additional cost. for the whole structure, of
about $6.000 more thou Plan No. 1; but the
masonry alone will not exceed $19.000 above
the present contract. This design Is Indicated in
Plan No. 2. also herewith submitted, and would
give a much more Imposing structure.
Believing that this additional amount would
be well expended. I would recommend that
this second plan be adopted a. far as the river
pierare concerned, and tb.t the neceselary
modification be made to the contract forthe
construction of the substructure to cover the
additional amount of work required.
The cost of either structure as contemplated
will not exceed the appropriation of $860,000.
and the grade of the roadway wBI not be mate-
riaily changed.
Respectfully submitted.
L. W. RUNDLM, City Engineer.
Feb. 18. 1890.
Accepted. (See resolution.)
The city engineer snbmtts Estimate No, 1,
Broxdwny ¢ridge enbn[ructnre, Kirkland &
Starkey, 84.250; Be, street bridge .uperutruc•
tore. Mount Vernon Bridge company. 54,25¢;
Iron bridge, Mendota road" Dakota county, Chi.
cago Arld¢n and Iron company $1,275: Mendo-
ta road, wooden arch bridge, Dakota county, C.
Stone. $1,020.
Allowed and referred to comptroller by the
following vote:
Ye.s—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan. Kavanagh, Leltbauser, Melody,
Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Yoerg, Mr. President
—15. —
Of Commissioner of Health—Azotine Manufa
curing company, garbage, dead animwl,,ete.—
At mquo.t f committee ou claims the com-
mfesioner of health reports that the plant of
said company tot disposition of Ra ul,. and
was completed and operated on
andafter Jan. 1, 1890, in fulfillment of con•
Committee on dal me.
Ashland Avenue opening, etc.—
To the Common Council oI the City of St. Paul:
The board of public w rke have bad under
consideration the resolucton or order f the
common council, approved Nov. 8, 1889, rela-
tive to the opening of Ashland avenue from
Lexington to Cleveland avenues, and having in-
vestigated the proposed Imp rovemen[:
Reapecttu:ly report Lhet it I. necessary and
properto open,widrn and extend Ashland avenue,
between Lexington avenue add Snelling avenue;
that the estimated expense thereof it $6,000;
that real estate to be assessed therefor curt be
found benefited to the extent of the damages
cost. Bud rxperaiees necessary to be Inenrrvd
thereby: that id Improvement 1. nut asked
for by a at
of a ma)arlty of the owners
o[ property to be assessed therefor, but we
bere vith send a plan or profile of said Improve-
ent, and an order for your adoption, f you
desire us to make the Improvement.
Yeas 4, nays 0.
R L. Grd of P President.
Fe F. b. S, 189, Clerk of Board of Public Works.
Adopts, 1890.
Adopted. (See order to board o1 pubhe
venue oplint.g. etc.—
Common Council of the City of St. Paul_
hard of Dublic works have had under
ration the moolutionororderof the com-
uucil, approven Nov. 8, 1889, relative to•
t Ingot Laurel ¢venue, from Lexington to
id avenues, and, having investigated the
Respectfully report that it is necessary and
proper to open, widen nod extend Lan -1 ave -
un between Lexington avenue and SneBlug ave-
nue; that the estimated expense thereof Is ll L-
ho0; that real estate to beaaseseed therefor can
be found benefited to the extent of the dumagrs,
costs and expenses necessary to
be incurred
thereby; that said Improvement ie notaslied far
by a pstiftou of a majority of the owners of
the property ase d: therefor, but we he witb
send a plan or profile of until improvement,
and an order for your adoption, 1f you desire
us to make the Improvement.
Yeas 4, nays O.
R. L. GoxetAN, President.
W. F. EnwiN, Clerk of Board of Public Works.
Feb. 18, 1890.
Adopted. is order to board of public
Como avenue opening, etc., and Logan street
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The board of public works have had under
consideration the resolution or orde, of the
common council, approved Jan. 22. 1880, rels-
tive to the opening, widening and exleh.lon of
Como avenue from South street to Como
and Phalen avenue at Logan street; ale. the
widening of Logen street, from Lake Como and
Phalen ¢venue to D[lunexpolis avenue, and hav-
fngg Investigated the proposed improvement:
Respectfully report that said Improvement la
necessary and proper; that t(10; thathe estimated a-
real estate to be
�see.edfille hereforlcon
""' be found benefited to the
earent of the dam ages, cost. and expe.ass,occ-
eseary to be incurred thereby; LhataBld Im-
provement is not -led for by a petition of a
majorityy of the owners of property to be as-
seseed therefor, but. we herewith send a p1.n or
profile of said improvement, and an order tor.
yyour adoption, i you desire us to make the
1mp rovemrnL. -
Yeas 4. nays O.
R. L. God President.
FW.eb. F. 8, 189, Clerk of Beard of of Public Works.
Adopted 18(Sm order to board of public
works -1
Wbeeler street opening, etc.—
T. the Common Council of the Cityof St. Padl:
The board of public works be- had under ec n -
sideration the resolution ororder of the commo.
council, app oved Jan. 22, 1890, relative to the
opening, widening and extension of Wheeler aver
nue eeaterly Iron Ina Dress nt lerminua to 8uell-
Ing venue, end, having Investigated the pro-
posed Improvement:
street, asking the common a 0 toot to gran,
F9 saloon licenses to the parties in acid pstitto[
ed. and at the polnnr Indicated.
n Also a petition f citin nt of the Sixth ward
In said petition that the ea to one be closet
t,. in eafJ Sixth war on the Sabbath day, pureu
iq the provinlon Of Clio state law.
�i All of which is respectfully aubmitted for you,
t sideration. Boa- A. Blame, Mayor.
c Fnb. 18, 1890.
Accepted and said pstitfovreferred to can
mltte. on Ije cenes.
I4� From St. Paul Brick M-nufacturing company-
Aekiug permfesiou to grade and fill at its owe
ppee d ge 1or manpur
nfactarlogposea for
(,.� a fixed period• a certain "strip of land situate be
twaev 1qi a addition. and ilia Mlsai'eippi river.
J. Markoe-was heard In support of the
Committee on street..
t. From S. Sebutm estm-
Foe permiavion to construct frame livery ate.
his north sideEast Tenth street, between BLo-d-
;; I way said Pine streets.
I,• , Committee on fire department.
fit Prom Susan A. Fisher and others-
Prutesting against the granting of permissio
forcoustru tion of frame livery lit. Is at Pitts
and Eaet Tavth streets.
Committee on fire department.
' From Solomon Bergman andthers-
'� Protesting against the granting of permission
to the St. Pau, Gas company to iucreme or re-
build their works, etc.
?( Committee on streets.
- From Carl J. Blomberg -
Claim for telfef-damages to dwelling house by
¢son of flowing water -lot 12, block 12,
Fairview addition.
Committee o1) claim.
From estate of Jacob W. Bass and others -
Ing forrefunding of amounts paid for as-
ents pnld-Broadway opeviug
e Committee o clWms.
From Ernst BOand others--
] Protesting against the widening of West Sev-
-� a th street.
Board of public works.
From George Bnuer-
Claim-8250 damage. to property c
o lid Fourthsre
tete by -main of overflow-'
Committee oo claims.
From St. Anthony Perk Company -
For the vasa tion f parts of Dudley street,
Pymoud oven e, alleys, etc., 11) St. Anthony
Ci=y clerk instructed to file Id petitlou of
veto d and to give necessary publication notice.
From fit. Anthony Fundtum Co. and others -
For PProtection from fire In the St. Anthony
Park dlstrict-
Committee on fire department.
From Northwestern Shot and Lead Company
d athere-
Protesting against widening West Seventh
Board of public works.
From the Board of Managers of the Minnesota
State Reform School -
For vacation f blocks tie (1), taro 2 d
nevem (7) f D. W Ingersoll'¢ addlMo. (to Lhe
city o[ fit. Pall, together with the alleys therein
street 1)r publiow
way therein described
m'• Morton Pace."
Committee on streets.
Allowed and s-Alordered paid by following vote:
Yead. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Corney,
Fisher. Gehau, Kavanagh Lelthauser, Malady.
Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Yoerg, Mt-, Prestdent-
Of : Corpp tion Attorney -Bridge -Grove, Burr
Td Elghth streets-
hecorporation attorney submits cormspond-
between htm'el[ and 8t. Paul & Northern
Pacific Railway company and Bt. Paul, Mhun -
polle 'k Dlanitoba railway Iative to Aid.
Yoerg's resolution, ap 8roved .Iuly B, 7889s, 1n-
structing corporatlon ttorney to t Lily' 1d
iiway c Id said
bridge, tote m psoles to proceed to bui
Accepted. (Seeresolution.)
Of City Engineer -Broadway Bridge-
T tithe Common
Gentlemen: Atter consultation with thegov-
et t englneere and others Itotertretedla river
navigatl- Wl Bt. Pani. I'am forced to the con-
Musion 6e Broadw yte D brfdge wo Pa t°crib g proled Dg
the secretary of war, for the following -aeon: y
Sufficient head room Is not allowed at the ea-
nce to the harbor on the west side at high
And there le not sufficient height under the .
)ret span on the t side of the Iver for tho-
ege of a steamboat towing a raft.
r The bridge m planned Is, with thaexception'o['
he channel pen, a deck bridge -that la Lha
adway Is placed on the top shoed. By taJeing.
hem of the river piers and making the bridge �-
hrough bridge (that Is, the road Way on the
lower chord) these objections canbe avoided.
The cot of this chliongo, I would
timate at
about $80.000. This ch le shown more
dearly in Plan No. i, herewith a bmitted.-
After a eu-nd Ideration.lhuwever, of the
addoltlonal "'.In the find mlasonry that rivcan f this
struct a bridge having only three o
pace Instead
f lour, and with only two vleve In the river in-
trad of three, which will gl astill greater tacili-
tles for naviono d place the inestiln of the
ace<man- of the bridge beyond a doubt. at an
Believing that this Gadd IfiWilal amount would
be well pe"I d. I w Itl that
this second Olan be ad 8pted, m }nr methe rive
miere re t nada, Ird Choc alio n a y
odi8eatlon.ber de I.
the contract for the
construction of the substructure to cover the
additional'manor of work
The cost of either structure• ae contemphlted
will not exceed the appropriation of $350,000,
d the grade of the roadway will not be mate-
rially cho .
Respectfully submitted.
L. W. RUNnr.srr, City Engineer.
Feb. 18, 1890.
Accepted. (See resolution.)
Est 1m Ctes-
The ity $,neer a bmlts Estimate No. 1
Broadway hrfdgn nnbetructurs. Kirkland 8
Starkey. $4,•160; Burr street bridge superstruc
Lure, Mount Vernon Bridge company, 54,2611,
Iron bridge, Mendota road, Dakota county, Chi
earn Bride sad Iron company. $1,275;
1, a county,
to road, wooden arch bridge, y,
Stour. *1.020.
Allowed n d referred to comptroller by the
following vote:
Yeas-Ald. Diekej, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley
Fisher, Gehau. Kavanagh, Leithauaer, Melody
Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Yoerg, Mr. Preeldeul
Of Columnist over of Health -Motile M...fat,
Luring company, garbage, dead animal...W.-
At request f committee on claims the corm
mlesioner of health reportg that the Plaut o'.
de1d compmty for disfloeitiou f garbage and
ad aw o was, com ,'tea a operated or
and after Jo. 1, 1890, to fulfillment of -n
Committee on claims.
B -Po -r - aOAln OF PtmL10 w0 -Ea.
Ashland Avenue opening, etc. -
To the Common Council of the
City of fit. Paul
The boats of public w rks have had oder
conelderatfon the resolution or rder
common ouncll, apporoved Nov. 0, 18R9, tela
ties to the pnnluR f A.hlsnd ae to.
Lexington [n Cleveland avrnuea, and ehaving In
veetigated the proposed I.p-vement:
pp Be.pecttu:ly report that it ie necessary -n
D.Lweern d Ashland avenue
Iroiiugt Pden I unxaad 9nellitig ox -nue
that the eetimaieit expense thereof t. $6,909
that real estate to be seed therefor can Is
found benefited to the extent of the damage.
Coat. and a pensee necessary to be incurret
thereby; that mid Improvement la 1)t mkei.
for by a petition of a majodrity of the owns,
of property to be mseesetherefor, but e'(
herewith send a plan or profile of geld Ire t ro-
e t. and an 1" lar von, adoption. Pt °von
deelre us to make the Improvement.
Yeas 4, nays O, R. L. Goeazex. President.
W. F. Enwrx. Clerk of Board of Public Worke-
Feb. 18. 1890.
Ad. pted. ee (Sorder to board of public
wor ) Al...
Laurel avenue open n e[0.-
To the Common Coundl of the City of St Paul:
The boar of utile w rka have had
maton under
coiderithe re.olutionor-derof the eom-
Go cil, ayyuureed Nov. a, 1889, relative to
he _ppeer iaagot L 1'vn,tue.lrom I.exlugt to
Cleveland and, having investigated the
proposed Imrro emelt:
PXlie9pectfullp report that IC Is eceeaary and
open, widen and extend Lanrel ave -
c between Lexington avenue and thereof
ug ave-
thatthelestate oexpense ed the is$1L-
e f; that real estate to be tent ed therefor can
be found benefited to the extent of the dumagre.
to and expanse. uace..ary to be incnrrea
thereby; that .aid improvement /s not asked for
by a petition of a ajority of the owners of
the propertv assessed therefor, but we herewith
send a Plan Tr
ProflIs of said improvement,
.ltd an order for your adoption, it you desire
us to make the improvement.
Yeas 4, nays O.
R. L.GoBnlnx, President.
W. F. F.nwty, Clerk of Board of Public Works.
Feb. 18, 1890.
Adopted. (See order to board of public,
works. )
Como opening,
n nue etc., and Logan street
To the Comm- Counefl of the City of St. Paul:
The der
onaiderotiovotheu relisolutfoe or orderhave hold futhe
c council, approved Jan. 22. 1890, relso
five to the op -Ing, ldeniag and exteusionof
Como avenue from South .,me to Lake Como
and Phalen avenue at (ro w, a st ;also Como the d
widening of Logan gmeet,
Phalen avenue to fill, ]I'
avenue, and h v-
fugg Investigated the propoced ImprovemenF
Reilpectfully report that said maparovement I.
y and proper thus the timated z-
pmeuee thereof Is $6,6110; that real eatn[e to be
'eased therefor can be found beveftted to the
extBvt of the damages, toe[' nd aspen seg neC-
ry to be incurred thereby; that ofd Ire
'rovemeut is not asked for by a petition of a
-.J..t of the 1)e of propererty to be sa
tuaeeed therefor, but.we herewith nd a plan or
an oder for
vroflle�ontioui iaid [ our-deslmrovment.ans to mt ke the
Yeas 4, nays 0. R. L. GotittAx, President.
W. F. EawIN. Clerk of BOM tit Public Worke-
Feb. 18, 1890.
Adopted. (See order to board of public
Wheeler .treat opening, etc.-
TThe hoed of puDllctworke have tied uof sderpconl000e
slderationtheresolutiovOrorderof.the comma.
until, app Oved Jan. 'l2, 1891), relative to the
opening, widening and extenal- of Wheeler ave-
nue easterly from It. present termfnu. to Smell. -
Ing avenue, and, having investigated the pro-
posed improvement:
Re$Pm"uBy report that it Is necessaryy and
proper to open, widen and extend Wheeler
frost, from Fairview avenue to Snellfug ave
nue; that the estimated expense thereof is $12;
000; that real estate to be assessed Lheretor can
be found benefited to the eaten[ of the damages
8te and eapenaes necessary Isar,
thereby; that said improvement la not asked for
by a petition of a majority of the owners of
prone ty to bo assessed therefor. but we herewith
sen a plan or profile of said lmprovemant, and
an, order for your adoption If you desire us to
make the Improvement,
Yeas, 4; nays, O.
R. L. Goaxwx, President.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Boartl of Public Work..
Feb. 18, 1890.
Adopted. (See order to board of public
Randolph street opening, em—
To the Common Council of the City of fit. Paul:
The board of public works have had under
consideration the resolution r order of the
common council. approved July 8, 1889, rela-
tive to the widenlug of Randolph street, from
Hnmhne avenue to the M1Raiaslppl river, to a
width of eighty feet. and, Ipng pi
river, to a
the proposed Improvement:
Respectfully report that 1t la necessary and
'Re"Itteighty 8n1) lest aide, from Hsalllm, ave-
nue toro- the M..sieslpppl river; that the estimated
espouse thereof is &47,760; that real aerate to be
aasesoed therefor can h found benefited to the
extent of the damages,rusts and expen_i.
rn necee-
eary to be lucamd thereby; that s,dd lmprove-
tmt is not naked for by ' petltlon of a major-
ity of the ownere of property to h assessed
therefor. but we ber"' send a plan or profile
of said Improvement, and an order for your
adoption, if you dealre as
to make the improve -
Yeas 4, nays O.
R. L. GORMAN, President.
W. F. ERWIN. Clerk of Board of Public Works.
Feb. 18, 1890.
Adopted. (See order to board of public
w.rke. )
Walton and other street. sewer
To the Common Council of the City of 6t. Paul:
The board of public works have bad under
consideration the man ution or order of the
common council, approved Feb. 6th, 1890, role -
t1 -1 athe construction of n erweron the follow-
ingstreets: Wei[oni acme[, from Trout Brook
to York street: on York attest. from Mresie.ippi
street to Weetmineter street; on Westminster
atreet. from York street to Cees street: ou Look -
our Piave, from W'eatmIDster atmet to Ark.
wright street, and having Investigated th! pro.
posed lmprove.eiit: '
Respectfully report that it Ie neceseaty and
proper to construct a sewer on Welton street,
from Trout Brook to York street; on York
street, from Walton street to Weatmhn.ter'
Street; on Westminster street. from York street
to Case street; on Loojtout Place, from Wrnt-
imas r arrest to Ar no ` t street, and on =t
street, from Westminster street to. point 1'fe
teat east of the east Iloe of said Westminster
street, together with the necessary eaten basiva
and mausolea; Bald eewering to be done under
one contract; that the estimated eapametbereof
Is S4.463.60, one-half of which need.not be paid
into the city treasury before the contract Is let;
found c all ed to0 be the exl� of thetherefor
t and
expenses necessary to be Incurred thereby; that
Bald improvement 1s not asked for by a petition
Of a majority of the owmere of property to h
assessed therefor, but we herewith amid . plan
or profile of laid Improvement, and auooder for
Your adoption, B you desire us to make the Im-
Yeas, 8; nay., 1 (Mr. Horrigau).
R. L. GouMex. President.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk of Board of Public Worker
Feb. 18, 1890.
Aid, Sanborn moved to reler said report to
committee on streets.
Yesa—Ald. Bock, Kavanagh, Melody, da.hnr
Nays, 11.
The .aid repport was thereupon adopted.
Yea. 14, Hays AId. Sanbpen, 1.
Adopted. (ace order to board of public
Y1 ... ylvama avenue. grading and slopes—
To the Honorable the Preeide.t and Common
Council, City of fit. Paul:
Gentlemen: The bo.rd of public works would
respectfully report that they hva a final order
peJa by your honorable, body on the 7th day
o[ Jan.,
A. U. ]890, for the -condemnation of
sloppee off Pennsylvania avenue, between
L'llrlent Greet and Jac son street, and have
made t. is asae.emeut for the cams, , lab came
tpp r confirmation on the 14th day of Feb.,
9nfo. at which time the board'. attention
Hsu colied to the fact that a or.O.ltlon has
teen made to the common couircir to transfer
honorable body an o�tha yyroptiety.of graydiug
and improving Bald PennRylvanfa avenue while
the proposition In the matter of a park Is pond.
If the improvement of said Pennsylvania ave-
nue, 1. proceeded with them will be a cut througa
theproppeerty contemplated for a park, the deep-
est cut being about forty fast.
The ble, respectfully eek for further lnstruo
prone in the matter of said "radius and elope
R. L. Gon—N, President.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk of Board of Public Works.
Feb. 14, 1890.
Aid.—.. of the, ward.
Bock Atreet O{,+entng-
To the Common Council, City of fit. Paul:
Gentlemen: The board o! public work, here-
with mepecttulb return pour preliminary. order.
Bock street,ttrof�a Burns veno otter of to Mlmutehrabs,
with Lhe report that sold b.ar4 has a
Final order. approved May 17, 1888, wblab cov-
ers this improvement.
R. L. GORMAN. President.
W. F. ERWIN. Clark Board of Public Worlu.
Feb. 14. 1880.
Alderman of the district.
Ottawa Street Grading—
To the qo ismon Council, City of Bt. Pmt':
Gentlemen: The board of public work. here-
with respectfullyy- ret urn yyour prellminary order,
approved Fab. 6, 1880, iI the matter of grading
Ottawa street, from Cherokee to Annapolis
ease" with the report that this Improvement s
covered by a Final order approved Feb. 6, 1890.
R. L. G.a AN. President.
W. F. Entre. Clerk Board of Public Works.
Feb. 10, 1890.
Alderman of the ward.
Refunding Order. Jeremiah Sullivan, Belle
Street Sewer—
To th Honorable, the President and Common
Counlcb, city of St. Paul:
Gentlemen: The board of ublic works re-
apecttullyy request your honorable body to cause
a refunding order to be drawn upon the city
treasury for the .nm of $62.60 in favor of Jere-
miah Sol,,,.n'owner of lot 6, block 198. Ir-
viae's addition to West et. Paul. the said sum
being the amount overpaid by said owner on
account of error 1n the memament against said
lot a for the construction of a sewer on Belle
arrest from I'harlton street to rue Mississippi
river (Ohio and other streete.ewer.)
R. L. Go President
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk of Board of Public Works.
Feb. 7. 1890.
Adopted. (See resolution.)
Selby Avenue Bridge Contract, C., DL &fit.
P. By. Co.—
The board reports that it has awarded the
Edge Moor Bridge works the contract for the
construction of an iron bridge and app-Rches
arrow the right of way of the Chicago, Mliwau-
it- & St. Paul Rafly y compmiy along the line
of Selby avenue, said bridge works being the
lowest reliable adrespponsible bblder them.
for, amount of bid, $8f).0," in the
sum of x14,000, with Albert 8che8er and F. R.
Well as, eured.a.
Courtland Street Grading Contract—
The board reports that it has awarded Chao.
Nonnemaeher the contract for gradlug Court-
land street. from Lake Como and Phalenave-
nue to the north city limits, he being the lowest
reliable sad ponsible bidder therefor; amount
of bid.-3$,4ITresbond in the sum of $1,71) I, with
John Roldthen nod Peter Bott as surstles.
Rice Street Grading Contract—
The board reports that It has awarded B. C.
Huebner the contract for grading Riceateert,
from Marylandstreet to north rity limits, he
being the lowest reliable and reapo..ibin bidder
tberefor; amount of bid, 814,770; bond in the
sum of $8,000, with Chas. F. Huebner and Chas.
H. Sehnitwer as, sur ties.
Each of the. foregoing awards taken up Reps-
rately and approved by the followhig vote:
Yeaa—Ald. raker, Biom, Bock, Callen, Cooley,
Fisher, Gehan, Keyann h, Leithauser, Melady,
Pratt, Sanborn, Weber,Yoerg, Mr. President -16:
The board transmits approved by It the fol-
Iowing estimate. to -wit:
Estimate No. 12, second supplementary to
Estimate No. 10 and final, Lexington avenue
grading north line of Warrendale additio. to
Otto avenue, McArthur Bros., 8800.
Committee on claims.
Engine House—
The board sake authority to purchase a lot
on or pear Broadway, south of Savanth street,
to emet thereon an engine house and to equip
the same --estimated coat, $60,000.
Accepted. (See resolution.)
Committee on Ways and Means—Resolutlom
for orders favor Norwegian Lutheran church
for 962 (redemption certificates) and other
Committee recommend passage.
Adopted. (Sae resolution.)
Of Committee on Claims—A. P. Hendrickson's
—ClaIM,$490lervlces ere live stock luspec-
Committee recommends that city clerk notify
Aid. Yoery and Sullivan to be presenn t with wit-
uesaea at. mxt meeting of committee oa alim —
in matter of said claim. -
AdoPted an$ claim recommitted to committee
on claims.
H. I. Peter's—Claim—$700 damages—Dakota
avenue widening—
Committee recommends tha said claim be re-
ferred to committee consletfnQ of city engineer,
Aid. Bock, Melody and corpo.'•ation attorney—
subject to coli of corporation attorney.
Catherine Danlel.on's Petition -860 damages—
A. aott'an's rearrangemeut 81ege1's addition.
Committee recommends that said petition be
referred to city engineer.
W. A. Va. Slyke'. public
Comm lttm recommends payment and submits
Ed. S. Bean, Sheriff's Clalm 878.89—
Committee recommends that said claim be re-
ferred to corporation attorney.
Aid. Bock's revelation for order favbr Stephen
Rochette for 828.06—redem ptlon of lots, Buck -
beat'. rearrangement Moore's addltimi—Tusca-
rora street sewer—
Committee recommends adoption of reso'u.
(See resolution.)
Of Committee on Streets. Sewers, and Bridges
— bfds—
The committee recommends that
for term of one year be awarded to the Azotine
Mannlacturlug company for collection and re-
moval of garbage In ere.rdance with its bid of
31 I.Ols, per year, made pursuant to adgertise-
ment of city clerk, dated Jan. 28, 1890.
and .aid contract awarded saidcom-
pany ad corporation attorney instructed to
draw up nece.asry contract.
1'eae—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher,'Gehan, Ka gh, Leithauser, Melady,
Pratt, Sanborn, Weber. Yonrlt Mr. A ldeat
The committee on streets submitted the fol-
lowing tante prepared by t'ha city eud.eer, and
ask far further time to report os, bride for col-
lretlon and disposition of uight..11 and dead
GI 6 B ., -oN eEpOca _
w=w—w woo vw.+v atv..vt��m��
a amg��
U oa
22 Ut
k. ai
YE, Fri
;4 Pi
ohm ° s
d d
Z zo �y
o o „
GI 6 B ., -oN eEpOca _
w=w—w woo vw.+v atv..vt��m��
a amg��
U oa
22 Ut
•On a basis of . popul.tiov of 176,000. .
}B1d of Dao. Markert for 3 calls per week, assuming num
24,000, the bid will be $38.696.00 per annum.
k. ai
;4 Pi
d d
Z zo �y
o o „
Pi PI < r
•On a basis of . popul.tiov of 176,000. .
}B1d of Dao. Markert for 3 calls per week, assuming num
24,000, the bid will be $38.696.00 per annum.
k. ai
;4 Pi
.lar of dwellhtge in city to be
Byy A1d. Sas born— as required by law, conditioned ?or the faithful
'Re ,)lead. That the chief of ,),)lice be and he 1s paerform.bce of the contract and the paymevtof
heady direeted to cause all be tructions to be 11 claims for Tabor and material.
removed from Chesclml street, between Pleasant Yeas—Ald. Rickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen, Conley,
a d Smith avenue. Fisher, Gahan, Kavauagh, Leithxtiaer, Malady,
Yeas—Attl. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Yoerg, Mr. Pteeldant
Conle}}--, Fisher, Gahan, Kavauagh, Leithauser, —16.
Melady. Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Yoerg. DIr.
Pxeidett —16. Approved Feb. 19, 1890.
Approved Feb. 19, 1890.
_ By the Committee Ways and Meava—
By Ald. Blom— Resolved by the common council of the city of
Resolved, -Phattbechief of pollee be.nd hereby St. Paul, That the prop rcltyomcers ax hereby
1 Instructed to causethe od now piled on t thorfzed and directed to issue tRicatn of
Westminster street, between Westmiustr street Indebtedness to theem-mu, ot eight thousand
brid¢a and Whltx.11 street. to be removed with- (80001 dollars. payd, In two from Its
out delay. and said street
to be kept clear of date, with interest. at the rate of s a (87 par cent
euYh obstrwetton. _the tutu_. per xn t p. able i -annually. Th
exs—AldBickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, ds ottenid tidcate shall be placed III=
Fisher, Gehau. Kavauagh, Lelthauser, city t_asuty for the purpose for "to aid in
Melady, Pratt, Sauboru, Weber, Yoerg, Mr. dnOdi o grading a d construction of the Man-
Presldentrl5. dot. road " thdrized by an act of the leg -
Approved Feb. 19, 1890. islature of the State- of DBnnesots, approved
blarch 7, 1887.
— Yee—.41d. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
By Aid. Gehan— Fisher. Gahan. Kavauagh. Lelthxusar. Melady,
Resolved. That the board of fire commission. Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Yoerg, Mr. PmaLdenV—
cre and they are hereby authorized to pur-
chase slot or parcel of land on r near Broad- Approved F,b. 10, 1890.
way, south of Seventh street. and to errt an en- —
gha house thereon, and to equip the came, the By Committee Ways and lfeans—
cost of the whole not to exceed the sum of fifty Resolved by the common council of the city of
thousand ($50,000.0,)) dollnre. St. Paul, d by the proper ntyomcern ate hereby
Yeas—Aid. Bickel. Blom. Bock. Cullen, (:onlay, xnthorized and directed to Issue certifieares [
Flaher, 0ehan. , Were ¢M1. em. Inset. Melady, fndebte�f ness to the am...t of six thousand
Pratt, Sanborn, \Vader. Yoerg. Sir. President. (xSa,onD) dollars. payaDla in n (]), t,vo (2)
Approved Feb. 19, 1890. nd three yearn from their date of Issue, ivequal
ppro o uta of two thousand dollars each; with in-
_ t vest at the rate of a1x ((tt0= per taut percon
By Aid. Weber— Payable ridge on Western ovevue iu eald citrucNo Lhe
Resolved,That the committee on public build- fight of way of the St. Paul, Minna,polht &
Ings and city enghmbr' be metructed to take the Atnnitobn Railroad company, as authorized by
ry stepp t once and report whether they mt act of the ie¢lalatu_ of the Stam o[ Mintte-
"Iry"' to dispose of the p_aeut soca, approved !1[x_h 6, A. D. 1886.
market house and etre by sale or [o tilize it Ye"—.Aid. Rickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen, Conley,
for other public purpaosea, or to lease it (or tom- Fisher, Gehan. Kavanagh, Letthemser, Melady,
merefed enterprises; aid c nmdtt�c be also tn- Pratt, Saubbrn, Weber, Yoerg, Mr. Prealdast—
structed to take action t nee and repot, 16.
to the advisability of buyl.q al aerate aoa Approved Feb. 19, 1890.
buildblgsheds thereon for market purposes. to
accommodate the people 1n tour (4) sections of —
the city, viz., one market in the eastern portion By Ald. Lefthauser—
of the city, one in the Sixth ward, one (u the Resolved, That an order be drawn Is favor of
Fifth ward, near the uptown bride;, one fn the Walter Boyd for the order
f fifty dollars, that
western portion of the city. In the vicinity of amount being one-half the out allowed
Universtty avenue and Dale street, the amount him for services as secretary a the joint coed
of real estate necessary not to exceed 300 feet him for on kher one street fu each loon fly, Yexa—Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock. Cullen, COule
the sheds to be so built .s to give ample Prot_ T.
tion from rain and the heat of the sun. Fisher. Gahan, Kavanagh. IRlthauser, Melady
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock.Cuilen, Conley, Pratt, Sanborn,Weber.Yoetg, Mr. Pveeldest-16.
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauaer, Dl;lady. Approved Feb. 19, 1880,
Pratt, Ssnborn,Wetw Josrg,lifr. President -15.
Approved Feb. 19, 1890. Resolved, That a refunding order be drawn
Don the city treasury nt Mor
of Jeremiah Sul-
- livan, owner of lot 6, block 198. Irvine's addl-
Resolved, That the contract between Itobert tion to West St. Paul, for the sum of fifty-Lwo
Sceger d the city of St. Paul bearing date dollars and fifty cents ($52.50), the ;std cum
Feb. 1,a1R911, and provldinq for the lighting of being the amount overpaid by a fid ,)tenet on
the gasoline (amps of the city, be and the w ant of error In assessment against cab; IOL e,
is hereby approved- and the proper city o0icere for Lhe construction of a sewer on Balls street,
are hereby authorized and Jr—I to execute from Cheri— street to the Mississippi river
the Bald contract in behalf,( the Cityof St. Paul (Ohfo and other armete sewer).
Resolved further, That b, love 'aid
coutraot is Yeaa—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Callen,Covley,
delivered to said Robe rt Seeger he be required to Fisher. Gehan, Kavanagh. Leithauaer, Malady,
gI bond iu the m of twenty housand Pratt. Semburn, Weber, Mr. Prealdaut-16.
($20,000) dollars, with sureties to be approved Approved Feb. 19, 1890.
c Ea
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*On a basis of a population of 175.000. .
}Bid of 0eo. Markers for 8 calls per week, assuming nut
24,000, the bid will be $58,696.00 per annum.
aha sm
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*On a basis of a population of 175.000. .
}Bid of 0eo. Markers for 8 calls per week, assuming nut
24,000, the bid will be $58,696.00 per annum.
aha sm
w < ww�ACU�W
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a'7 Rl
r of dwellings in city to be
BitedSanborn- as required by law, conditioned lot the faithful
Haolved. That the chief of police be and he is performance of the contract and the paymentef
hereby dlret,"d to cause all obstructions to be all claims for labor and material.
removed from Chestnut street, between Pleasant yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen, Conley,
avenue and Smith avenue. Fisher, Gahan, %avauegh, Lelthxuser, Melady,
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Pratt, 6anborn, Weber, Yoerg, Mr. President
e lopp. Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Lelthxuser, -16.
Melady. Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Yoerg, DIr. Approved Feb. 19, 1890.
President -15.
Approved Feb. 19, 1890. -
- By the Committee Ways and Means -
By Ald- Blom- Resolved by the common council of the city of
Resolved,-Phatthechfetof police beand hereby St. Paul, That the proprreityofcern arehereby
1s instructed to cause the vood new
piled on uthnrized ¢1)d directed to issue a certlflcstn of
Westminster street, between Westminster street htdabtednesa in the amount of eight thousand
bridge and Whitall street. to be removed with. (88.000) dollars, payable in two years from its
out delay, and said street to De kept clear of dace, with interest. at the rate of s x (8 Ppoor cent
such obstructions to the future. per unarm, payable semi-annually. �he pro-
Yese-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen. ceede of s¢Id certiflcale shall bs placed In the
Conley. Fisher, Gehnu. Kavanagh, Leithuuser, city treasury for the purpose for •to aid 1n
Malady, Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Yoerg, Air. b1) lding• grayling and construction of the Men -
Pre eldent-15. doth road." as authorized by an act of the leg -
Approved Feb. 19, 1890. Islature f the State of Minnesota, approved
March 7, 1887.
— Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
By Aid. Geban- Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh. Lefthauser. Malady,
Resolved. That the board of ere commission- Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Yoerg, Mr. Pr ------
em be and they are hereby authorized to pur-
chase a lot or Darcel of Innd on r near Broad- Approved Feb. 19, 1890.
way, oath of Seventh street, and to erect an en- —
gine boom thereon, and to equip the same, the By Committee Ways and )feans-
coat of'the whole not to exceed the sum of fifty Resolved by the common council of the city of
thousand ($60,000.01)) dollars. St. Paul, Thnt the proper cityo®cars are hereby
Yeas -Aid. Bickel. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley, ntnorized and directed to issue certl9catee of
Fisher, Gehan. Kavanagh, Leith all"'. Ydelady, indebtednxss to the amount, of six thousand
Pratt. Sanborn, Weber: Yoerg, Mr. President. (56,000) dollars, payable in one (]), ttvo (2)
-15. nail three yearn from thelr data of Issue, 1. .1
Approved Feb. 19, 1880. mounts of two thousand dollars each, with in.
— terest at the race of six (6) per cent per annum,
payable semi-annually, ftor the construction of
By Aid. Webs[- briAge on Western avenue In said eftyover the
Resolved, That the committee on public build- right of way of the St. Paul, Miummi olla &
Ings and city engineer be instructed to take the Manitoba Railroad company, as authorized by
necessary stepps t once and report whether they an act of the leeislature of the State of Minus -
think It advisable to dispose of the present soca, approved March 5, A. 0. 1886.
market house and site by sale or to utilize it Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen, Conley,
for other public purposes, or to lease it for tom- Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Lelthxueer. Melady,
martial enterprises.
Bald commits -e he also in. Pratt, Saubbrn, Naber, Yoerg, Mr. President-
strueted to Lake action at once and report xe 16
Lo the advisability o[ buying ttnlI ex nits and Approved Feb. 19, 1890.
building sheds thereon for market purposes, to
accommodate the people in four (4) sections of —
the city, viz.. one market in the eastern portion By ,kid, Leithauser-
of the city, one in the Sixth ward, one In the Resolved, That an order be drawn In favor of
Fifth tva[d, near the 1)p -town bridge, one in the kValter Boyd for the enm of flay dollars, that
western portion of the clty. in the vicinity of amount being one-half the mount allowed
University avenue and Dale street, the amount him for services as secretary of the joint com-
of real estate necessary not to exceed701 feet mit[ee.
frontage on either to street in each loe. It,,
the sheds to be so buiit as to give ample protee. Yeas-Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock. Cullen, Conley,
tion from rain and the heat of the sun. Fisher. Gehan, Kavanagh. Lelthauser, Melady,
Yana-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley, Pratt, Sanborn, Weber.Yoerg, Mr. President -16.
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanasggh, Lefthauser, Melady, Approved Feb. 10, 1890. `
Pratt, Sanborn, Weber,Yoerg, Mr. Prmidenl-15. —
Approved Feb. 19, 1890. Resolved, That a refunding order be drawn
Pon the city treasury ut favor of Jemmlah Sol-
owner 1)t lot 8, block t98, Irvine's addl-
Resolved, That the contract between Robert tion to West St. Paul, for the sum of fifty-two
Seeger d the city of St. Paul bearing date dollars and fifty cents (862.60) the Id sum
Feb. 1, 1B9n, and provlding for the lighting of beiagthe ¢mount overpaid by a fid mvner on ac•
the gasoline lamps of the city, be and the same count of error in neseesmnut against ewh; lot 6,
1e hereby approved, and the proper city officers
for the construction of a sewer on Sells street,
are hereby authorized and direcced to execute from Charlton street to the Mississippi river
the aid contract In behalfof thetlty of St. Paul. (Ohio sad other streets sewer).
Resolved further, That b+tom said eontrect is Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, (Wlen.Coatey,
delivered to said Robert Seeger he be required to F(eher, Gehan, Kav wagh. Leithaueer, Melady,
give a bond in the um of twenty thousand Pratt,Sanborn,Weber,Yoerg,Mr.Presfdent-I6.
($'10,0006) dollars, with sureties to be approved Approved Feb. 19, 1890.
BW. Bock—
ved, That an order be drawn in favor of
dollars( and five cents). bele for the sure Of We
for the en_
dsmprlon of face a. to, 11. 12, block 4. and lot,
M 60 7, 8, id k . . kbar t , renrrnuarment .f
Mo ra•, addition, sold In error for sewer on Tus-
carora street. "
Yens—Aid. Blekel. Blom. Bock. Cullen. Conley,
Fisher, Gehan. Kavangh. Leith.ueer. Afelady,
Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Yoerg, Mr. President -
yApproved Feb. 19, 1890. -
B Be�ived'I That an order be drawn in favor of
Geo.eBels, city treasurer, (or the sum of 382.97
(eighty-two dollars and ninety-seven cents), be-
iqg for the redemption of lot 9, Litchfleld's .ub-
III hon of block 1, Medill's addition, sold for
general taxes, the said propertybelongiuR to the
cl yeas—AId. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con)ey,
FrlsSanboGebanrn. Webersh. , Yoerg, life. PreB deudtr
Approved Feb. 19, 1890.
Resolved, That an order be drawn in favor of
L th ch rch f x the sum of
arty two (the Now862!10) dnllare [or the 'Is.
Id lYrtiflcate No.'30,981, a neo ,sly i"""
fust the :net j5 of lot _-I andrlot 28, block 2,
Elyy a addition, for the opening of Broadway,
as it property having been paid for before aIle.
Also, That an order be drawn In fnvor t
6 mull MnyslI for the s m of two hundred
Also, That an order be drawn In (aver of Pam-
Ilne Nhmluger for file , m of one nod 28100
(81.28) dollars, for the redempttou of certificate
No. 8,914, a runeously sold for the sewer on
Fairmount avenue.
Also, That an order be drawn In favor .PJobn
DlcOrath for the sum of two and 86.100 (82.Be)
go.,tlfleatc No. 11,
do"aiasued'or erroneodaly for they reading ot Mid.
way avenue.
t Also, That an order be drawn In favor o[Brld-
1 Mir an
88.891 t I dol Infos, being amouam nt of redemprumtof
certibcflte No. 1,786, erroneously issued far the
opening of Sixth street.
Al... That an der be drawn In favor f
Thomas Lee for fittttu and 77-1U0 (816.77)
d Ilars, being f,r the demption of cettlflcate
No. 2.46E erroneouslyt..ued for change of grads
on Martin street.
Also, That an order be drawn In favor .1
Patrick Doherty for the sum of eighteen and
8430n 0316.84) dollars, being Interest and
penalty n lots S. 9. 10. 11, 12 and 18, block
8, Skidmore d Caesldy's Park, for the gradl09
of Selby avenue, being entitled to money on the
same improvement.
Also, That an order be drawn leu favor of
Stephen J. Harper for the. sum of tour and
86-1uO (84.861 dollars, being for the redemption
of -at to o. 10.174, issued in error for the
grading of Roes end Geranium street..
Also, That an order be drawn m favor ed E.
J. Meier,( Ll,n sum of mal
, hundred and [orty-
td'8N-l0oo(8141.69) dollars, berg amount
of redemption P certificate f sale No. 1,877
is,ved against part of lot 8, block 72, Weat 8t.
Paul proper, erroneously issued.
fxty-three and 44-100 (3263.44), being
interest and Penalties uverued for the opening .t I'ene—Aid. Bickel. Blom. Leitlimo-r. Met.dV.
F.irvfew avenue, he being entitled to damages Fisher. Geh.n. Kavanagh,
ov the same i &prrovement. Pratt. Sanborn, Weber, Yoe g, Mr. Preeldeh
Also. That order be dr.avn in favor of 16. 1890, i
George Refs, city treasurer, for the of forty- APProved Feb. 19,
five d a-lUo (346.09) dol mrs, befog for the —
redemption of lot 8, block S. Terrace Park . d By Ald. Yoerg—
ditlou, id 1 t belo„ging to the Ci [y an Wherese, the board of public works 'Bowed
having been sold for Lases. Louie La Hrose. ae the owner of all the easterly
Also, That an order be drawn fn favor of the rorty feet oI lot 8, of Bidwell's Aditiou to West
estate of Jame, W. Heather for the um of .t. Paul. Ias within the If. -of Livingston avef
levan and 62-100 (sit.6't) ll i rs, being Or a -Ste."', fug between block. 16 ,d Ie,
the redempi(on of rtldcabcs Nos. 1'x.038 and nue Paul proper, pro�luo-d south to south
13 lIfl9. or the npenfng of Otto avenue, Defog en- city limits, damges to Bald property by treason
titled to damages ou the lame improvement. of the opening, widening and extending o[Livmg-
Also, Thet an order be drawn in favor o: R. T. atoll avenue the aum of $2,400; sort,
O'Cui rf the s of -v teen d 20.100 Whereas, Said L 1 La Brueae ou ➢peal to
(E17.20) doilnre, (being for the dempHon f Lha AI.trlct (nnrt O[nftamaeyy duty aid ver
Iflcotee Nos. ] 2,200, 12,206, 1'2,'tu7 d s judgmentt, docketed in idsc rt, for the sum
12,199, erroneotiely issued for sewer on OD]o of 84,824 on May 14, 1889; and, n
street. Wberes.. There hes been paid aid ludg-
Also, Th.. n order be drawn in favor f meat. thn ell of 82,400 by reeolu ina o!! the
Job, 1. Gstmannfor the sum of fifteen ad 60- common council approved Jnne 8, 1888,
100 ($
16.661 doll. r,, being penalties on interest Therefore be 1t solved, That an order be
ed for c age ll -
of grade on WhitnlI attest on drawn the City Lrea.urer 1. favor of aid
terertlfic,ates Noe. 11,2'20. 11,222 d 11,228, he Louis La Bros.: for the aum of twenty-two Kure
bel,gentithsl to damages on enmefmprovement- dred twenty-four and 8100 (82,224.08) dollars
Also, That an order in favor f Jus. Sea for Ith i„tereet from May 14. its t¢ payment of
the balance dun on said j dgament. S.iIf oder
tDe sum of twenty, and 16 -IOU (320.1 b) dollars, hml not Issue ,til full tisfactlon f Bald
being lot the rndempti,n of certificate.1? 9,3ri1. o dgment has been filed In Lhe ,flits of the clerk
ecroneouely issued rig 1oL27,block 4, Lnals' f sed court and a- '1 :4
copy thereat in the
addition for sidewalks. Office of the city comptroller. Con -
Also, That a ,odes be drawn In fnvor of J. Yeas—AId. 81ckel, Blom, B7k,, ullll, Me-
Kuna+oh for the a o[ fourteen nA 77-lOn ]ey yFiel,er. Gehan., Mr. Pree1
(ce3f 4.77) dollars, being for the redemption o[' ]ad Pratt, 3nnborn, Weber, Yoerg,
t'Uflcate No. 1, 466, fanned C tilic.mdy,.oid for dent -16.
rbavge 0
[ grade on Martin street. I Approved Feb. 19, 3890.
By Aid. Hamm—
Wherees, The wards of the city of St. Paul
have been divided into election districts by or -
III.— NO. 1.290, approved Jan. 22, 1890,
pursuant to section 2, ch nter 8, General Laws
of Minnesota for A. D. 1889; be 1t
Resolved, That the common couu it of said
city publIsh Lhe Bald division by making a map
t each division, pursuant to Bald section 2; be
It further
Resolved, That the oty engineer and city
clerk have made and presented to the common
armml at Its i t regular meeting a m¢p in ac-
cordance with the provisions of this resolution.
Yeas—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Corley,
Fisher, Gehan. Kavaugb, Ldth.user, MCI ady.
Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Yoerg, Mr. President! -,
Approved Feb. 19, 1890.
By Ald. GehanT—
Resolved, hrt the plane marked No. 2, as
bmittea by the Ity a,,,,-,, be acre➢ted nn
the plane for the eubetruc[ure of the Broatlwny.
bridge across the AlbausiJ fol Iver, within the
limits a, indicated by s31l plan; and theta
special committee of three, together 'Ith the
corporation attorney ort the city eugIut-r, be
appointed by the President to port to the
um11 the necee.. modificathm. re-
quired to be mad, it, the contract for the eon-
tmetio, of the substructure of the Broadway
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock, (.WIcIl,Comey,
Fisher, Gehan. Kavanagh, LAthauser, D[el,tly,
Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Yoerg, Mr. President -
Approved Feb. 10, 1890.
By Ald. Left tlau cr—
ha comm,, council of the it
Resolved, y t City
of St. Yau„ that certain filled ordrre of the con.-
ucll of the city of St. Paul to the board
of public works of said city paeced Jan. 16, A.
D. 1889, ap r sed Jan. i7. A. D. 1889, r�g.rd
full the upea all, widening and estouahrg of 6ub-
Oau ue, Iron. Mouvtl t:-eet to
limas or the city I St. Paul, be a, d the
re hereby ...iniad and recalled ao far as
Lhe — relate to the opal fuss videning and ex -
reading of .aid v , ,further than White
Bear avenue; and it 1. bereby rtleved that .11
theProceeding. of the .ala common Connell and
of the said baud ofpublic "orka oucersi is
.aid .sea t be .0 I the same re bereby .n-
nulled�avd the said orders recalled eo (ar xe the'
late to the,ppaaufng, widem,eg and estend-
II t
fuag of the itl tluburbau v u -beyond [hal
pp Id White Bear even ue, and the emd board of
i.. Iwid nine aria ezie dine f fhe en.idhe ,pnu
as o._I.b.._ described tothaid White Bear
.V'""" Ye a—Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock. (sues, Camey.
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, 1.eith..mlarr. Malady.
Pratt, aubor,. Weber, You,,
Mr. President—
Approved Feb. 19, 1890.
By AId. Gebau—
d they ' Thathehrebyo directed
d�redu to workstinu„
t or gradl,g of Pe.lnelylvamssbe vr,le,
as directed byo-dere (looking tow'arA such 1m.
prcvement or grading), sentheretofore by this
council to said board of public works.
Yens—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, CuAen, Conley,
Flsher, lichen, Kavanagh, Leitbauser, Malady,
Pratt, Weber. Yoerg. Mr. President -14.
Nays—Aid. Sa.uburn-1.
Approved Feb. 19, 1890.
By Aid. Hemm—
Res.lved. That the board of public ark,
cause en eight (8) foot odea nitlnwalk to be
constructed. toconfurm to tbeestabltshed grade,
est able of Neill street, between Seventh and
Eighth streets, such sidewalk to be coustructed
.iter April 1, 1890.
Yeua—Ald. Sicked, Blom, Bock, Cullen. Conley,
Fisher, Gehan. Kavanagh. Leithauedr, Malady
Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Yoerg, Mr. President-
Approved Feb. 19, 1890.
By Ald. Blom—
Resoled, That the board of public orka
walk, to be ImA o the following
atreeta: 011e C a.w.ik on south side of .Burr
street end York street; one croaswaik ou west
side of Arkwright and C-1 street.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Buck, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh. Leithauser, Malady,
Pratt, 6ai,boru, Weer. Yoerg, Mr. Presldeut-
Approved Feb. 19, 1890.
By Md. Pratt—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the city of St. Paul:
That Lhe matter of penins, widening and ex-
teunh cEustis ity limits[ bet from and thesame
is it
fesrred the board of public work to faveatt-
g.te and report: _
First—I. this improvement proper pad a--
Second—Glee the council a catimatn of the
e pens: thereof, and -half of
treasury beforesthe contract ieet
ltato uthn City
Third—Can real estate tp be aaseseed for said
improvement be found benefited to the extent
[ ..mages, costa sad expe.sea necessary a
sry to be
incurred thereby?
Fourth—Is such improvement naked for upon
the de((tion application of the n ere of
nj ty of the property to be recessed Ir such
Fifth—Sena the council a pian n yy.0flle of
said improvement. as required by law, If
port fu favor of the same.
. Sixth—Send the couuc9 a proper order di
ng the work to be done. -
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bott, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher. Urban. Kavanagh. Malady,
Pratt. Sanborn, Weber, Yoerg, Mr. Presidenh
1 15 1
Approved Feb. 19, 1890.
By Aid. Pratt—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the city of St. Paul:
That the matter of opening. wldehina and ea-
tending Carter and Boum, avenues from Eustla
to west city Ilmile be ad the same fe
b v s l re�t�dd to
th i board of public. works to
Br Por
First -Ts this improvement proper and neces-
Second -Give the council an estimate of the
the c�oe thereof[ is to be paid intraw o the city er tlean�
my before the contract le let.
Third -Can real estate to be assessed for said
improvement be found benefited to the extent
of damages, costs and expenses necessary to be
incurred thereby?
Fomth-Is such Improvement asked for upon
the petltlon or epFlication of the owners f a
majority of the property to he assessed for such
Fifth -Send the council a plan or profile of
said improvement, as required bylaw, if you re-
port 1n favor of the same.
Sixth -¢end the council a proper order direct -
Ing the work to be done.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel. Blom, Butt, Callen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithxuser, Melady,
Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, 1-oerg, Mr. President -
Approved Feb. 19, 1890.
By Ald. Pratt --
It ie hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the Ci , of 8t. Paul:
That the matter of opeaIm, widening asci ex-
tending Cudworth street tram Eustis street
westward be and the same is hereby rrferted to
the board of public works to investigate and re-
First -Ie this improvement proper and neces-
Second -Give the council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether a -hull of
the coat thereof is
to be paid Into the city trens-
ary before the contract Is let.,
Third -Can real estate to be assessed for said
fmprovement be found benefited to theextent of
damages. cost. and expenses necessary to be in-
eurred thereby.
Fourth -Is such improvement asked for upon
the petition or application of the owners of a
majority of the property to be assessed for such
Fifth -Send the Council a plan or profile of
said improvement, as required by law, if you re-
portIn avor of the same.
Sixth -Send the council a proper order direct -
Ing the work to be done.
Yeao--Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con.
ley, Fisher, elmii, Kavanagh, I,eithaueer,
Malady, Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Yoerg, Mr.
Approved Feb. 19, 1890.
By Aid. Hamm -
It is hereby orde the Common Council of
the City of 8 Pa
That the tter of constructing asewer In the
Phalen c valley, betwcen Minnehahn Greet
and Far t street terminus o[ thepresent sewer,
be an hes"me ie hereby referred to tae board
o lie work. to investigate and report:
First -Is this Improvement proper and neces-
Becond-Give the council as estimate of the
expense thereof, and state hether one-half of
the coat thereof is to be Paid into the city
trawary before the contract fs let.
Third -Can real estate to be assessed for said
improvement be found benefited to theextent of
dumases, cost! and expenses necessary to be In-
curred thereby?
Fourth -Is such Improvement naked for neon
the [petition or application of the owner. f a
[m�pity of the property to be assessed for such
FIItb-Send the councila plan or profile of
said Imp rocement, as regaired by law, t[ you re-
port In favor of toe same.
Sixth -Send the council a proper order direct -
lug the work to be done.
Yens -Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher. Gehan, Kavanagh. Lefthauser, Melady,
Pratt, Sanborn, Weber. Yoerg, Mr. Pwaidentr-
Approved Feb. 19, 1890.
By Aid. Leithauser-
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
Tb at the matter of wide Ing Ear street 80
feet wide from Mound street to Lake Phnleo be
nd the same is hereby referred to the board
of public works to investigate and report:
First -Is this improvement proper and nmBe-
Second -Give the council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and elate whether one-balf of
the cost thereof is to be paid Into the city
treasury before the contract is let.
Third -Can real estate to be ...eased for said
improvement be found benefited to the extent of
damages, costa and expenses necessary to be In-
curred thereby?
Fourth -I. such improvement asked for upon
the petition or application f the owner. of ❑
maturity of the property to be a..essed for ouch
Fifth -Send the council a plan or profile of
said improvement, as required by law, if you m.
port in favor of the same.
Sixth -Send -the council a proper order direct-
ing the work to be done.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, ConTi ey;
Fisher. Genu.. K.vanagh, l.eithauser, hleledy,
Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Yoerg, Mr. President -
Approved Feb. 19, 1890.
By Aid Lefthauser-
It is
hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of grading Maury street from
Bates avenue to Cable avenue be and the same
is hereby referred to the board of public works
to investigate and report:
First -Is this improvement proper and neces-
Second -Give the council an estimate of the
expense therecf. and tate whether nue-half of
the cost thereof is to be p.ld into the city treas-
ury before the contract i let.
Third -Can real estate to be assessed for said
improvement be found benefited to the extent
of damages, costa and expenses necessary to be
incurred thereby? t
Fourth -Is such improvement asked "IUP"
the petition r application of the owners of a
majority othe procerty to be accessed for such
Fifth -Send the council a plan or profile of
said improvement, ae requiredby law, If you re-
port In favor of the same.
Sixth -Pend the council a proper order direct.
log the work to be done.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen,Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Melad.,
Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Yoerg, Mr. President -
Approved Feb. 19, 1890.
By Aid. Pratt -
IL is hereby Ordered by the Common Council of
the City ti St. Paul:
That the matter o[ grading Fairview avenue
from Hewitt avenue to Lanciord avenue be and
the same is hereby referred to the board of pub-
lic works, to investigate and report:
First -Ie this improvement proper and nameeary?
Second -Give the council anest-mate of the
expense thereof, and state whether -one-half of
the cost thereof Ie to be paid Into the city treas-
ury before the contract is let.
Third -Can real estate to be aeseesed for said
improvement be found benefited to the extent of
damages, cost. and expenses necessary to be in-
curred thereby?
Fourth -Is such improvement. asked for upon
the petition or sppdcsti0" of the owl cmc a
majority of the property to be assessed for such
Fifth -Send the council a plan or profile of
said improvement, as required bylaw, If you
report In favor of the same.
Sixth -Send the council a proper order direct-
ing the work to be done.
Yeas--Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Cooley,
Fisher_ Gehan. Kavanagh. Lei[hxuser, Me.ady,
Pratt, Sanborn, Weber. Yoerg, Mr. Pt. But
Aproved Feb. 19, 1890.
By Aid. Pratt -
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the sty of St. Paul:
That the matter ofirrading Carter avenue from
county mad to Eustla street be and the ie
hereby referred to the board of public works to
investigate andreport:
First -Is this improvement proper and neces-
Second -Give the council an estimate of the
eaprnse thereof, and tate whether one-half of
the cost thereof iB to be paid into the city free. -
dry below the contract is let.
Third -Cas real estate to be assessed for said
Improvement be found benefited to theextent of
damages, costs and expense..—B..ry to be re-
curred thereby?
Improvement asked for upon
the petition or application of the owners of a
majority of the property to be assessed for such
Fifth -Send the council aplan or pprofile ofsaid
Improvement, as required bylaw, if you report
in favor of the same.
Sixth -Send the council a proper order direct -
Ing the work to be do...
Ysas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen, Conlev,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Lefthauser, Melady,
Pratt, Sanborn, \Veber, Yoerg, Mr. President
Approved Feb. 19, 1890.
By Aid. Pratt -
IL Ie hereby ordered by the ,Common Council of
the Cit o7 St. Paul:
That the matter of grading Pym street from
Eustla street to "'.city limits be and the same
Is hereby referred to the board of public works
to investigate and report:
Fleet -Is this improvement proper and nems-
Second -Give the councll an estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether one-half of
the cost thereof la to be paid Into the city treas-
ury before the contract is let.
Third -Can real estate to be assessed for said
improvement be foetid benefited to theextent of
damages. costa and expenses necessary to be in -
carried thereby?
Fourth -Is such fmprovement asked for upon
the petition or applientloI, of the owners of .
majority of the property to be assessed for such
Fifth -Send the council a plan or profile of
said fmprovement, as required by law, If
you re-
port 1n favor of the same.
Sixth -Send the council a proper order direct-
ing the some to be done.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen. Conley,
Fleher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Lefthauser, Melady,
Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Yoerg, Mr. Yresideot�
Approved Feb. 19, 1890.
By Aid.
It +s hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of reconstructing the sewer
on Sixth street, between Robert street and Min.
sots. street, be and the same is hereby referred
to the board of public works to Investigate and
First -Is this Improvement proper and neces-
Second -Give the council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether one-half of
the coat thereof is to be pnidtfuco the city treas-
ury before the contract ie let.
Third -Can real estate to be assessed for said -
improvement be found benefited to the extentof
damages, costs and expenses necessary to be in-
curred thereby.
Fourth -Is such improvement asked for upon
the petition or application of the owners of a
majority of the property to be assessed for such
Fifth -Send the council a plan or profile of Bald
ire�r�vement, m required by law, If
you report
in Iavor of the same.
Sixth -Send the council a proper order direct-
ing the work to be done.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher. Gehan. Kavanagn, Lefthas, Melady,
Pratt, Sanbom,Weber,Yoerg, Mr. President -16.
Approved Feb. 19, 1800.
By Aid. Pratt -
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of constructing a sewer on
Cleveland avenue, from Rondo street to Univer-
ity avenue, and on Wabash avenue, from Cl eve.
land avenue to Montgomery street, be and the
same is hereby referead to the board of public
works to Investigate and report.
j First -Is this Improvement proper and necee- I
expectured hereof,the antlo state ahe herr one-halfthe
gory? the cost thereof le to bep ld Into the city Lreao-
Second -Give the council am estimate of the ury before the contract le let.
expense there», and tate whether one-half Of terse- coat the
is to be paid Into the city [rens- Third -Can real estate to be assessed for said
my before the emitract .let. 11mProvemeut be found benefited to the extent
Third -Can real estate to be assessed for said f damages. cost. and expenses necessary to be
Improvement be found benefited to tic extent of hic u'red thereby. /
dametgr ,costs and expenses necessary [o be fu- Fourth-ls such Improvement asked for upon
cerrea thereby. the f�etitlpn ar hpp;ltation of the ownsm of a
pour. -I. .,tell Improvement asked for upon map rhy of the property to be assented for such
Improvement? the petition or app ropert t t the owners Il a P yy
majority of the property [o br assessed for Hoch RedNattt�pnevemeut, Hnirequlrediby law. If You profile
lmprovemeut? tin favor of the name.
Fifth -Send the council n Inn r profile of P Sixth -Send the council u proper order direct-
' said improvement. its req fie by Ian', tl you re- i»g the work to be dune. p
port In favor of the same. FYI,
Bickel Blom, Bock. Cullen, Cooley,
Sixth -Send the council a proper order direct- loner, Urban. Kavanagh, Leltha l"Ic. Mole dv,
log the work to be done. Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Ycerg, Mr. President--
Yexr-Aid. Bickel. Blom, Bock, Cullen. Conley, 16,
Fisher, Geban, Kelvin mb, Lelthi user, Melody, Approved Feb. 19, 1880.
Pratt. Sanborn, Weber, Yoerg, Mr. President-
. ]u.
Approved Feb. 19, 1800.
By Aid. Blom- r
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of 8t. Paul:
That the matter of conetruethis a
he touowmg -,reefs: Forest -t rest. from PPe oirn
reek to flim- street: Siena treet. Irom Forest
street to Arcade street; York street, Irom p'ore,I
street [v Arend. street: Cane .I rest, from F rest
tent to Arcade street, be tad the ea me Ilihere
by relerred to the board of public works to In -
ie t,sate aad report:
Fire( -I. this improvement proper and neces-
pensetlthereof, and state. lw'hetherimatehalft If
the coat thereof is to be paid Iuto the city treas.
. ury before the contract is let.
Third -Call real estate to be assessed for said
Improvement be found benefited to the exteutol
dnmems, costa and expenses to be Incurred
Fourtb-Is such Improvement a -ked for upon
the petition or apPlicatiun of the owners of a
majority otthe property to be assessed for such
Fdth-Send thecouncil a plan or prof ieofaaid
improv= of [he its gtime. required by law, If you report
the council a proper order direct-
ing the work to be done.
Yens-Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bork,
Co ley,
Fisher. Gebsn, Kavanagh,Leit.e Pre:Iden,
Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Yoerg, i
-1 G.
Approved Feb. 19, 1890.
By Aid. Sullivan -
IC is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of S0. Paul:
,bat the matter(oof� H iru ting a Row- n
velaud avenue,innorth
the south llneot the right on way of the Chicago.
lillwankee d St. Paul Iway, b and the same
J. hereby referred to the board of Public work:
to lnvesaigate, and report:
First -I: this improvement proper and neem-
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Work-, dated Feb. 18, 1890,
It I. hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the board of public works of said city of
St?Psnl cause th�ter,rr following Improvement to be
made. c heti vce I L"m , .11
uuetsud 11 endo
eveon n ore In sold eft,, couJemnfu t aad taking all
1 g alreuue not nIm between dTi co odemt eduor deddi Cried
for p »blit u -e (except laud . property owned
eh all be the tenter line of Asblaua avenue
Oil existing in Auna R. Rx sey' van Itlon to St.
Paul, produced est to Snelfiug avenue, also
IemilmW taken seaeneut for street a d
bridge purposes Croat the light of ay of the
Dlllwaitkes and St. Paul is Iw'ay earn
pall» (short line) I% Ing within the lines of Ash-
land avenue in Boulevard Addition No. 8, pro-
duced c, aterly across said right of way, being in
the city of St. Paul, lfluneeota.
That Bald board shall proceed without delay to
assess the amount, as nearly a, they can as 1,
t,in the same, which will be requited to pay the
damages, costa and ,,res airy expensc, of such
improvement anon Lhe real tate to he bene-
"Ited by told Improvement, as provided by
law: it befog the upiufon of the council that real
tate to he assessed for such Imprnvt•most eau
be found benefited
11e pensete the extentecesenry Lothe dincurred
thereby.i ex u
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen. Conley,
Fi-her, Geban, Kavanagh, Lelthauser, Melody.
Pr,tt, Sanborn, Weber. Yoerg, Mr. President
Approved Feb. 19. 1890.
In the matter f the port of the Board of
Public Work, anted Feb. 18, 18 90.
It I, hereby ordered by the Common Conceit of
the [Sty of St. Paul:
That the board of ppublic work, of Bald city of
St. Paul enue, the to mg fmprovemeat W be
mnae, u, -wk: open. wmen », a xwua tomo
e. from Hoath street to Lake Como said
Phalen avenue• and widen Lognal tweet, (Tem
Lake Como and Phalen overarm to Milan eaPoll8
avenue. In said city, condemning and taking all
that land between South street and Lake Como
and Phalen avenue not alreadyy condemned or
dedicated for pubic use, lyu,g within the lilies of
a strip Ixty-six (66) feet .vide, the westerly line
of which strip shall be line drawn from the
northeast corner of block 4, Como Heights ad.
dition, to the southeetr corner of block 'l6,
Como addition; alsothe 'eeerly-liteen (alt)
test of lots 27. 16, la and 2. of Como addition,
being 1n the city of St. Paul, Minnesota.
That said board shall proceed without is,
lay to assess the amount, nearly as they
n ascertain the same, which will be required
to pay the tlameges, costa and necessary, I..
of such improvement upon the real es-
tate to be benefited by said improvement, as
provided by law; 1t befog the opinion of the
council that real estate to be associated for such
improvement can be found benefited to the ex.
teut of the damage., costa and expense. nrcee-
sary to be lncurrea thereby.
catohbasltls and maaboles, said flowering to be
done under one contract.
That Raid board cause said work to be let by
contract. his Provided by law, without one -halt
the estimate, cost being than, paid Into the
city treasury, and atter said work shall be
placed under contract said board shall pro-
ceed without delay to assess the amount,
as nearly as they can ascertain' the same,
which will be required to ay the caste and
scow airy expouses of such Pmprovement upon
the real estate to be benefited by gold improve-
ment, as provided by law; It being the opinion
o/ rue conical that real estate to be assessed for
such lntprovement eau be found benefited to
the extent of the costs and expenses necessary
to be Incurred thereby.
Yeug-Abd. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Coney,
Flakier, l:ehan, Kavanagh, Lelhauser, lfelady,
Pratt, Weber, Yare,, lir. Yco. deal -14.
Nays-Ald. Sanborn -1.
Approved Feb. 19, 1890.
Yeas-Ald. Blekel, Blom, Aock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher. Gabon, Kavanagh, Lelthauser. Me!ady In the matter of the report of the Board of
Pratt, Sanborn. Weber, Yoerg. Mr. President Public Works dated Feb. 18, 1890.
-16. It le hereby ordered by the Common Council of
Approved Feb. 19, 1890. the city of St. Paul:
That the board of ublle works of the city of
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works dated Feb. 18, 1890.
Ir le hereby ordered by the Common Council
of Th the the boar. Paul
ittoI public work, of said city of
St. Paul cause the pallowing Improvement to be
,rade, to -"':
open. wldsn and exrend Wheeler
tmet,from Fairview avenue to Snelling avenue,
in id sky, demising end taking II that
lana between Fulrview ..venue arm Suellir gave-
I.I.ot already condemned or dedicated par
Public nee, lid ng with a the lines of a strip eixty-
(6n) feet wide, the north ane ofwhich
shall be 190 feet south of and parallel with the
nth nae of the right of way of the St. Paul &
Northern Pacific Railway company m the city
of St. Paul. Mlnne-ata.
That said board shall proceed without delay
to naseesthe amount as neanyas theycan aacer-
talu the same, which will be required to pay the
damages, caste and necessary expenses of Such
i p vement upon the rex, estate to be bene-
Oted by said improvement. as provided by law';
It being the opfuiou of the toroth that real
estate to be aseeaslot t such improvement can
be found benefited to the extentof the damage",
cost. aad expenses necreeary to be incurred
Yea=-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con-
ley. Fisher, Gahan, Kavanagh. Leith.
Medy, Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, ]oerg, .lir.
President -16.
d pproved Feb. 19, 1890. -"
9t. Paul causo the following improvement to be
made, to aft: OLpp1�ru, widen and extend Laurel
6ventuI. c lim'"Id
tf Pc; exingtou avenue and Snelling
that Tend between Lexingtoncondemtatvenue andand lt9 ."
mg avcuae not already condemned or dedicated
(oi pis "I, use (except land .lid oroirecry owned
ai ty- ix (66) feet wide, the center line of which
strip shall be the center line of Laurel avenue as
iwtingg in Annn B. R m:2}V'n addition to 9t.
Pan l betu'ceu Lexington a Ile aad Dunlap
street. produced west to Snelling a also
damn and take an ewsement for street and
bridge purpose, across the right of way of the
Chicago. Milwaukee 6 St. Paul Railway com-
pany (Short Lhm)- lying within the lines f
Laurel venue fu Boulevard Addition No. S,
produced easterly acro-» said right of way, be-
ing in the city of St. Paul, Minnesota.
That said boned shall proceLhed without delay
to assess the amount, ass nearly as ey can certain the same, which will be required to pay
the damages, costs and necessary e. peones f
such lm ocement upon the real estate to be
benefitrlPby said improvement, at provided by
law: ibelug the opinion of the council that real
t�ta tobe assessed for each improvement can
be found benefited to the extent of the damages,
costsand expenses necessary to be incurred
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen, Conley,
Fisher. Gahan. Kavanagh, Lefthuuser, Melody,
Pratt, Sanborn. Weber. Yoerg, Mr. President -
Approved Feb. 19.1890.
In the matter of theP
ebort f the Board of
Public Works dated F. 18, 1890.
It thereby ordered by the Common Council of In the tter of the report of the Board of
the city of 8t. Pail: Public Works dated Feb. 18, 1890.
That the board of public works of said city of It 1. hereby ordered by the Common council of
St. Paul cause the loll for as Improvement to be the city If It. Paul:
made, to -wit: Construct a ee or n Walton That ahe board of. public worka of said city of
street, from Trout brook to York stress, vii St. Pail effuse the follo•rins improvement to be
�rrfOLetreetµfrom ml�ster street fromaltma street to Yorkl t -ter rest street eighty (8to wit- iifcet wide, from Han and extend m�il
to Caws street. on Lookout place from Weft- u. to the 11 iwwiwwippi Iver In IJ C. Con-
Inster street to Arkwrlght st rent andoil
a Case demning and taking all that land between Ham-
fCteet ham Westminster street to a pMnt 178 Ilse avennrand th, xf.,din 1pppi rl- not already
eet ML of the clue of said Wrstmlpster condemned or dedicated (or public 191 g
street in sold city together with the necessary I within the linea of n strip eighty (80) feet telae,
[[ 1
the center line of which strip. hall be theeastand
weletto mltl, ran 23azter �iv Lhescit sections 11.9 and 8,
eota; thatga boarAeballp o«ea wPtheu dlme-
to assess the amount as nearly as they can a. -
certain the same, which will be required to pay
the damage., costs and nsessnIry expenees of
improvement upon the real estate to be
benefited by said Imprnvemnut. ae provided by
Inw; rt belug the opinion of the couvcll that real
tate to be aaeessed for such ul ,.meat ca
be found benefited to the extent of the damages,
cost, and expenses necenearS to be incurred
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Gillen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehnn, Kavanagh Leithauser, Mel.dy,
Pratt, Sanborn, Weber,Yoerg, Mr. President -15.
Approved Feb. 19, 1890.
Adjourned -
Wier. HAMM, President of Council.
Taos. A. PRENnas.Asr, City Clerk.
Regular bleating.
Sr. PAUL, March 4, 1890.
In the absence of the ppresident and vice prest-
dent, the council was m. tied to order by the city
Pre,eut—Alda Biekel, Blom, Bock. Cullen,
Fisher. Gehnn, Kavanagh, 'tinea, Melady, Pratt,
Sanborn. Sullivan, Wether -13.
Aid. Weber was elected chairman.
Minutes of precedi.g meeting approved and
dispensed with-
c._UE t.A1•tov,.
From Northwestern Telephone Exchange Com.
Acceptance of ordnance No. 1,290—an ordi-
Hance granting the Northwester. Telephoi.e Ex-
change 'ompnay the right to Inv conduit, Ior
underground •free in the city of St. Paul—ap-
proved Feb. 19, 1890.
Corporation attorney.
From May Toensing—
Notice of claim for damages caused by ob-
sbt.etions on Idew.1k—aorta'lila at Fourth
etteet, between Franklin and Exchange streets.
Corporation attorney.
From Weet Publishing Company—
Fur permission to erect on lots 11 and 12,
addition, two buildings for storage
Grated. (See Ordinance No. 1,302.)
From le F. Barr, vice president St. Paul City
Rallw,y Compwry—
For permisalmt to use a'•T" rail for track on
University avenue from Dale street to city limits.
Committee oil street,.
From Arlingto. Hill, Citirens' Union—
Transmitting copy of reeolution adopted by
said union Feb. 6, 1890. addreassed to city en-
gineci and board at publiework,, relativeto new
on bridge on Payne avenue over St. P., M.
O. ralltvay.
City engineer.
From Frank L. Krayenbuhl—
BalBill ce......................5241,800.03
Municipal court............ 4,86ri.00
Poundage .....................
(7ty Clerk ......................
Sc. Paul public work-
Fire department war.
rants paid ..................
house .........................
tees ................
Interest on water
bontls ........................
8, 769.x6
Water dePar[men[.......
Redemption receipts.....
Repairing pit", streets
Police peuq]on food......
St. Paul public library.
Inrlifl ou depostts.....
C..,f, ares of sale........
Certlflcatea of mile Led.
Interest coupons paid..
StPaul City Rntlway
Co ..............................
Eureka Stone Cc..........
Lim... sad permlt.....241,964.00
Assessment collections.
Cityorders paid...........
Fire department war.
rants paid ..................
18, 875.19
Water department
ra is paid._.......-
St. Paul workhouse
warrants p id...........
8L. Paul pubhc library
warr.ute paid...........
Park commissioners'
warrant. paid...........
Interest coupons paid..
city hx I and court
he _.-t. paid
Redceractim ificatee of
,ale ............................
21, 698.63
Advance payments on
sewer assseamen......
City bonds redeemed....
Miscellaneous disburse.
meats ........................
Balance on bond..........
Total ...................$599,981.82
New city hall and court house fund $15,746.88
Lit, funds.. 167,880.85
City water works ............................. 4,987.69
"t. Paul public library ................... 4,678.67
Police penelon funds ....................... 4.801.85
Asking rebate ou railroad ticket broker license First National Bank, fit. Paul........
No. 28, forthe year 1889. D[erehsute' National Bank. St. Paul
i Committee on license. Bank of Minnesota, fit. Paul..........
National German -American Bank,
Of City Treasurer—Report for February, 1890— Germania $xnk, St. Paw ..............
St. Paul National Sauk, St. Pani...
To the Honorable President and Common Commercial National Bank, St.
Council of the City of St. Paul: P.UIeE.......................................sass
Gentlemen—I have the hd:Eor to submit to Second National Bank, St. Paul....
you the folio .ling report of the receipts and die- Savings Bank. St. Paul ....................
burments of this office from Feb. 1, 1890, toPeople'. Bank, St. Paul .................
Feb. 27,1890: BeveD Coruer. Bank, fit. Paul.........
30 609.74
Capital bank, St. Pal) ..................... 0,49,;.35 Of Axnivtnnt Corporation Attorney and City
\Peat Sid, bank, St. Paul ................ 9,8711.46 Engineer -13111-529, 278.S:i—referred Dec. S,
Scandinavian -American bank, St. 11889— ttt[orne)) nail city
Pau] _ ........................................... 8.731.09 rn linear re lout E, a .r.tI E a t Haid bill.
Bank of \linnesotn, St. Paul, in- g'
teres, account....... ...... .sass.-........... 2,040.06 Adopted and Hair] bill allowed.
1'ed-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, l;ullen. Fisher,
Total.........................................5197,003.44 (eb.n, Kx,anugh. >finen. Melody, Sanborn,
kesl'ecthEllp su0tnitted. .St liiran, Mr. c'hwrmau--12.
(:.once ke-Is, 'If IIty haldneer—Si<th street bridge bonds—
City Treasurer. To the Comnwn E'ouuell:
Feb. 27, 1890. ,gel tlet,e,I: In eleordnnee with c ur 'der of
comptroller. Oct. lu, 1880, 7 ,e d herewith phiu. [or the sub -
Of City Comptroller—:ludited claims, c' ,t tact arc of the Si Yth street badge. :\s the to
('ash, Soo; K. P. ('ullen, SuG; Prendergast tel cost f the bridee n'Ill be ItUProximately
Bros, 59,:30; R.Ib t Seeger, 5:3, 761).1;0; Ad,n,i 51 it 1,0()0 lin'l bunds Only al thorl:.ed for
Decker & Co., 511"; I)ie \'olkuituug, 5310.71;; S,i11.IJn1) the bulmn•e willehave to be xiez ] b33 -
P. J. Giesen, 590: Leveronn A•. \lesen e,urg, ' s`('"u ant: ami the supetvtrueturewill, accord -
8685; Iionse o[ good She771I d 5!)•5.19: the rbttrter, have to be let by the board
Guion, ); .Joseph Svirl, tl .1; .Tames H. oP public t' rrk.+. ]int as the cost of the sub.
Davl118on. 5180:55; I,. \t. itundlett. 5145: J. L. 'tract un• n'lli probably n.t e.1-11 -325,000 this
Henry. S; C. A. Dunn, $300;.x. L. Hertz, 54.20, cont tact add be let by the common eou.cil,
P. C. Lutz, $-: )lerrill's Toilet Supply, 51.50: Prot"hied the bontls are authorized.
John Mtttheis. 519.38; Azotine )]fg. Co., S2,5011;
The right of tcttr for this bridge ane been con-
Pf,hse, Press Company, 5725.21; Board of denlnerl I,y-tile h( rd of pubhc tock., but the
Water( 5'1-15: St. Put) S:unletloll 1 rc nun not nslet been paiA i Ito the city
mp 52011.0(1: Geo. latera. S21i(L'25; treasury: enuee,pwutl}' the bend taken has not
)• barn ] far: but aq the railroad tom , hien
Jan S ll use . Paul ; 6 -right, Burrett ip Sill- all what ie known as the 1'orrlol a.d
'eil1pc21.25�rt. I':tul G v I.ignt Colnpan) wn xcepc
\vu v,• ,
\I 90 11' \- I' I' 1'fl' 4 1 I t'o q•I't les 1 think , ant. len
SL .4 Fim•h, an S„ck A n., S ,. , IDtrry I tl tangent
Frazier, 51.00: hoard cif N%'6 ter Cnlnnris'ioller*. Prol,al�ll- be mode with these Parties to allow
S737.41i; Y. k. 11tian nl. 50.511: BnAlle & Pn r- the work to go nu. In t1Ee menntinle, provision
trill 511. i11: Wit. Paul 1rurlllt are Cum pull,. SII UIII,I be nn,dr for the issue of the boml, that
539.00; Nle'fill's e, Seaburr, 52.1 ), i'. A.1). N"pil: Withorizrd. -
115; L P. Adamson. 524.82: BGLiEIsorE l l'ary err i;ey,ecth.11y Snbn)tted.
Compunv. X2.!10; l'. H. \\'illi:rms, Sll.S7: Muth L. \l'. lit'l'u Le -rt.
Heck, Xu..6: Di \patch Printing 1'nmPnliy ll:n•c114. 1:i0n. ('sty Engineer.
515.7;; Martin & .trale,811.25: St. Paul & (eepterL � r•solutioul.
P1lci he foal I'omp;tuy. 55 l 90.71 Ediso Electric Of 111 1',El
tnr of 131lilding,—
Light 1'onlpliny. 51,581: Well,, 13. Boyd. Report for Dcceln Lcr. 1889: city treasurer,
850.00; 1). h,9uale) I. Soll,S091.76; Northwest- ecelpt attached 1018520.50.
•rn Telephone Ext•hallge I ,inpanN. SIMI.1 7: St. annaltl ui� o lliniut told public ac -
Paul hook & Stntfon .11Nno,x296.80: St. Pnld .omit -1.
& Pu,hi• Coal (tnrrp,ny, x802.0.1: Frank J. Al"'.
Brings, I 0.1: 11. M. slaw t11 Print Ing CnIIr-
pany, 11352.,,1 ,t. Paul Towel b:xchunge, 55.1111; 1 rflici;,1 boml ,nth Robert P. Lewis, Jason W.
T. F. Nicholl, S -„ 1111: \Ica\rt liar('n„ia-r and P:It rick T. Ka,amlWi n.. xllreties—
❑ntc No. 12. swvlml Snpplenlentar, to Nr,. 11, Inid bald and the thervGa approved.
t I d final. grading Lexingl all avec a• 53011.On: 1"cn,—.1 ..I. Iti,k,•1. I3.nnI. ]3ock, I'll lieu, 1;ehun,
ltheamur ami SI. I'iern•, eseinmte Nn. 2 rinul, llinea, llr:ad}-. Pratt, Sunburn. Sulliyu u. lir.
-Grund avenue bridge. 1.I38a 19: Kirkland & I'huirlll:, Il -1 i.
Stuckey. estinmtr No. l Broad u',ly bridg,• ,Elly Int, 1,•rk "t l kill,, pal I'nurl—
structure, 7N!In; sit)' [Ix•:,nlit'et'9
All uu'e t ami ordered pairs by fallowing vote: reipt attached `,r $:3,9;32. 0.
-ion,—.3bt 73irkrl. Il lone. 13ock. Pullen, Fisher, r I"1nunttrc of or, litl:nn.•e :old public al
Gelum` Ka,init,>I inen. llch,d y. Pratt, San ousts.
bort, Sullivan, \I r. l'Inlhinnn—I8. Palice-
11f ,\s'Si Stnrit 1'arporatioll AltOrney—I)rnft nY I{epnrt I, rr Irel,rn:lry. 1390. '1'04:11
Cont tact n -ah .\urtim• lf.11l nfuctll ring 0,nlp:E y:ilii: tine. cnn,`rtcd tl,y nnmicipal
fur collection ami l -al of gurbaue. etc. Commitrt•e II rlinu mss nu,l I public ill
Thr ul,i,tant t0rp0rntion adorm-},Ilhi
said draft.,lm] :Ileo f„1'111 Of'e„ 1I[i„tl forI:E pt:, iii 0t 1'„hc,•—
xl of .aid a attract. k,•pnrt Ior F,l: n'y, 1890, „ I,nu{a not
prof , If 'ht,•.I,ca.. Lan PS nal lid hted.120.
(bnmrittee 0I Streit+. l0 iia it 1111 nEnt 0f bond Ill ptroilr•r.
pursuit,;[ to Haid en lltracI. (If 31 aI'k,'t \Ll,ter
Aiw I; 1rt of rent lA I rrket lull int November
Draft of t mtract cilli It. W,11 1I for ud �1c mbe I�`,Sif: 6h treasn rc r', e,-'eiPtill-
of lire .Sea , fOr Newmarket thrtltt•,t II taclx•d inn' S Slnil
Thr Ssfsttnit , lrportttinu att„roec submit„ IBlitte .IE n Iimtme, itiel public ac -
said drtdt of cuutrtet. .aunts-.
Ae epted. (Sec re,olntinnl.
Al It EI'nitT nF le),111I1 0h' I'f:11L1(: MIR—
Bili-870.89—of Ed S. Itenn. ,peri ff— )fill I ha stn•rt grading,
Sanenrpont[ion utturllev rrc 1 u-''I'o Elle
4:. I „II I'nmreii of [he IIty of St. Paul:
ends allowxnle of said bill (referred Frb. 18, 'fie ba 1rd ,1f mblic 'o,h. hate had miler
18901. sideration the resolution ,r on let of the
Adopted. :old said claim rtilowe,l. Icil, uppl•uyed GrC� 111. I"D. rehi
Yeas—Aid. 13ickel. Blom, Bock. 0illerl. Fl,nei. it,, llI,1ltthelllgra+ling of mi EEI,” ria +[rest, from
Gehnn. Kava Hasa, )fine., Naiad,. Pratt. San- lDtlulille avernle tG I.exillgt oil n,e ue ami hav-
born. Sullivan, lir. Chaireinn-1. I. ,ve,tigate,l the proposed improvement:
Respectfully report that said Improvement i
necessary and propy that the estimated ea
pause -thereof $8,580, one-half of which nee(
not be paid into the city treasury before the con
tract ie ]et; that real estate to be assessed there
for can be found benefited to the extent of tb,
cost and expenses necessary to be Incur(
tbereby; that said Improvement Is not ask -e(
for by a petition of a majority of the owner.
of pro rty to be assessed therefor, but we here
Witcut. and an order r profile of said Inrove
for your adoption, If yon
desire us to make the Improvement.
Yea. 4; nays O.
R. L. GoRm N, President.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
March 3, 1890.
Adopted. (See order to board of publi(
Pbalen CYeek Valley Sewer—
To the Common Council of the CYty of St. Paul:
The board of public works have had under
consideration the resolution r order of the
common council, approved Feb. 19, 1890, Va-
tive to constructingg a sewer in the Phalem creek
valley, between Mlnnehaha street and Forest
street terminus of the present sewer, and, hiev.
i%in the proposed improvement:
Respectfully report that it is necessary and
proper to construct a sewer In the Phalen creek
lley, between Minnebaha street and Duchess
street, together with the necessary catch basins
d manholes, that the estimated pane,
tbereof i. $78,:100, one -halt of which g d not
be paid into the city trey Bury before nthe con.
tract is let; that 1 ..'ate to be assessed
therefor can be found banal ited to the extent of
-11111 p cement ie not asked for by. petition
of. majority of the owners of y operty to be as.
sensed therefor, but we herewith send a plan or
profile Of s id improvement. anl en order for
adoption, if you desire u. to make the Im-
Yea., 4; nay., O.
R. L. Geus AN, President.
W. F. EawiN. Clerk of Board of Public Works.
]larch 3, 1890.
Adopted. (See order to board of public works.)
Sixth Strect Sewer R-ionifeuetion—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The board f public works have had under
consideration the resolution or rderf the
Common council, approved Feb. 19. 1890. rebs.
n1c i. ,I aI arca
lower the sewer o ..Ixth
stmt to a fadat 7: feet
e f Robert tet, that
thereofl. 0623.50,onr
not be Haid Into he
tate to beassessedtherefor. iibetoml,dbenefited
to the extent of the test and expencea
cry o be inenrred thereby; chat .aid lm-
mroverleut 1. not asked
by a petition of
s)ority .[the owners of property to be asseesed
therefor. but we herewith seed n plan or profile
of said Irepprovement, and a. order for your
adoption, if you desire us to make the improve-
Yeas, 4: nay., 0.
R. L. GonMwN, President.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
March 3, 1890.
Adopted. (See order to board of public•
urr street grading—
the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
he board of public works havehad undersideration the resolution or order of the:
let; that real estateto be aeeeaeed tberefor can
be found benefited to the extent of the-
... t
he•coat and pensee necessary to be Incurred.
thereby; that said lmprel cat is
of asked for
by a petition of n malorlty of the owners of
prop,rty to beassesaaeedd therefor, but we herewlth.
send a plan .r proflle of said
Improvement, and
an order for your adoption, if you desire us to,
make the improvement.
Yea. 4, nays 0.
R. L. GORMAN, President.
Clerk of the Board o1 Public Works.
March 3, 1890.
Adopted. (See order to board of public -
Alley grading, B. Michel's Rearrangement Smith's.
Subdivision, Sit ... il a Division.
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:.
The board of public works have had under
consideration the resolution or oorder f the
ou cuncll, approved Jan. 1890, -1-
live tograil", n alley from Arundel to Mac.
kubre stmt, 1.
block 2, Michel'. eubdivleion of
Shmits libdlylidon, of Stinson's division (or
boundedbyBlair and Van Buren streets), and.
having investigated the p -posed improvement:.
Respectfully report that It IN
nete.sary and.
proper ca' grade Iley fn B. Mlchel'e ar-
angement. of block 7, and south , of block• 2 of
Smith's subdivision of Stinson`. division, St.
Paul, from Arondel stmt to Mackubin etreet,.
between Blair and Van Buren stets; that the
estimated expense thereof is $446.40, one-half
of which need not ba paid into the city. treasury
before the eoutract Is let,real
tate to
be seed therefor can be found benefited
to the extent f the cost nd expenses'
scary to be incurred thereby; that .aid
improvement I. asked for by a pet"'emof a
mla,ese ytherefor, and wthe e hereof wlch�eelnd a plan
for Prude do tion,ill you deeeire, and all ue to make the
Yrovrm P You
rep e,t.
1 Was, 4: nay., O.
R. L. G..MAN. President.
W. F. F,.W,, Clerk Board of Public Works.
Feb. 27, 1800.
Adopted. ,gee order to board of public work..).
State stmt change of, grade—
". the Common Connell of the City of St. Paul:
The board of public work. have had under'
:oueWeration the molution ororder of thecom-
mon council, approved Feb. 7, 1890, relative to
t change of grade on State stmt, from Fairfield
Ivenue to the Dlielibla ppi elver, end having In-
;estigated the proposed improvement:
Respectfully report that said improvement is
necessary and proper from the Miselssippl river -
o Kentucky stmt, as indicated by the red line -
m the accompanying profile; that the estimated
expense thereof is 84,000; that real setab
to be assessed therefor can befound ben
efited to the extent of the damages
coat and expenses necessary to be Incurt
thereby, that said Improvemeut fe not.eked fol
by petition of a majority of the owners o
property to be assessed therefor, but we be-
with send a plmn or profile of said improvement.
B yea desire to make the Improvement.
Y ua 4, nays 0.
R. L. d of Pu , President.
M F. 4, 189 Clerk Board o[ Public Works.
March }, 1890.
Adopted, and the city clerk instructed to give
necessary publication notice.
Hudson avenue Change of grade—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The board of public works have had under
conslderaflow the resolution or order of the
common council, approved Sept. 7, 1889, rela-
tive to a change o grade on Hudson avenue,
from Mendota street o Forest street, and, bav-
Ing inceetigated the propoeed,mpr.vemc.t:
Respectfully report chat Bald imp --lent I.
necessary and proper Indicate by the red
line on the acComPanyl g proflle that the esti-
mated expense thereofl Is 525; that 1 ..tate
to be assessed therefor can be found benefited to
the extent of the damage., costs and expense.
necessary to be Incurred thereby; that said Im-
provement 1s not asked for bypetition of a
aJority of Lhe owners of proparty to be as-
se.eed therefor, but we herewith send a plan or
pro le of said improvement.
If you desire to
make the improvement.
Yeas, 3; nays, 1 (Mr. President).
R. L. Go.n N, President.
W. F. ERWIN. Clerk Board of Public Works.
March 4, 1890.
Adopted, ami city clerk instructed to eve nee-
esenry publication notice.
Fairfield Avenue Change of Grade—
To the Common Council ofthe City of St. Paul:
The board of F�ubllc Works have had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
common council, al+proved Feb. 5,1890, relative
to a change4bf grad on Fairfield avenue, from
State stmt to Robertson stmt, and having in.
l,tigated the pr"oeed Improvement:
Aeepectfully port that said Improvement is
ecesei ry and proper, as indicated by the red
line on the accompanying pr file; that the esti.
mated expense thereof i. 81,000; that real es.
tate to be assessed therefor can be found bem-
fited to the extent of the damages, coats and
that d n� eanry to Incur
tueaed toe thereby,
petition of a majority of the owners of property
o be as d therefor, but we herewith .end
pl to me a an or the Improv Improvement, R you de -
Yeas 4, naye O. ave n
R. L. Go—.. President
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
March 4, 1890.
Adopted, and city Clerk instructed to give
.__y publication notice.
Broadway Stmt Change of Grade—
To the Common Coundl A the City of St. Paul:
The board of public works have had nder
consideration the resolution ororder of the
common council, approved Feb. 5, 1890, rela-
tive to each change oI grade on Broadway stmt,
from the Aflesleeippl river to Prince street, ae
may be rendered necessary by the construction
of theBroadway bridge (so-called) and p-
proach, and, having Investigated the proposed
Improvement: -
Respectfully report that said improvemet 18
nessary and proper between the Mi.s�sixt
river and Prince ecmt, to a width of fort 4490
feet fn the center of said Broadway street, as in-
dleated by the red line on the accompanying
proflle; that the estimated expense thereof is
$100, that reale tate to be assessed therefor
Carl be found benefited to the extent of the dam-
th mbye ctob. incurred
hat anlit ts and mprs v meat ie not asked for
by a peticfou of a majority of Lhe aware of prop-
erty to be assessed therefor, but we herewith
send a plan or proflle of said improvement, fl
you desire to make the improvement.
Yeas, 4; nays, U.
R. L. Go.m N. President.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
March 4, 1890,
Adopted, and city clerk instructed to give nec-
essary publleatfon notice.
Fillmore Avenue Change of Gretle—
To tha Common Council
of the 'I y of St. Paul:
The board of public works have had under,
consideration the resolution or order of the
common couudl, approved Feb. 5, 1890, relative
to change of grade .n Fillmore avmme, from
State street to South Robert street, and, havSng
investigated the proposed Iia Memeu:L
Respectfully report that said mprovemeut Is
necessary end proper from State. street to the
center of Roberts. street, as fudicnted by the
d Ible on the x ompanying profile: that
the estimated expense thereof is 81,000;
that real estate o be assessed therefor
can b,e found benepfieted to the extent of Lhe dam-
t6erebyethacd11 1m necessary to belhcurd
for by a petition of I ovement f. not asked
majority of the owners of
property to be assessed therefor, but we here.
with send a plan or proflle of said Improvement,
It you desire to make the improvement.
Was, 4; neye, 0.
R. L. Goam,eN, President.
W, F. ERWIN. Clerk Board of Public Works.
March 4, 1890.
Adopted, and city clerk instructed to give nee,
cesseery publicatiounotic.
6t. ClairStmt Gradfng—
To the Common Coundl of the City of St. Paul:
The board of public works have had der
consideration the resolution or order of the
common council approved Aprfl 4, 1889,rel-
ative to the grad{ng of St. Clair stmt, from Lex-
ington avenne to Snelling avenue, and having
Ouse thereof Ie S5,n9R.6U, one-halfof which need
t De paid ono the city treasury before the
niracc 1s let!,
et that 1 estate to be assessed -
%erefor can be found benefited o the extent of
:he cost and canp a ueceesary to be recurred
:hereby; that ssld irepp ovemnnt le not asked for -
Iy .petition o[ amalorlty of Lhe owners o4 prop-
• ty to be see d Ihereforubut at a hearing
=re sed board a latgeretBe ber of property
ere intemted and re n ntin6 about 2,500
eec, appeared and eeked for said Improvement
Ind we herewith send a plan or profile o[ eal�
mprovement, and an order for your adoption,
[youdestreusto make the improvement.
Yeas 4, nays 0.
R. L. GOEMAN, President.
W. F. ERWIN. Clerk Board of Public Works.
Feb. 21, 1890.
Adopted—Yeas 13.
Aid. Sullivan moved to reconsider.
Respectfully report that said Improvement is
necessary and ppr per that the estimated e
parse thereof le 88,680, one-balf of which need
=be paid Intothe city treasury before the con
for can benefited be fou. d beto to ext lard of [he
cost and xpen"e. nemesary to be foncurrea
thereby, that Bald improvement ie tasked
by a petition of a majority of the owners
• of property to be assesoed tbe%for, but we here
with send a plan or Profile of said 1m one
lent, and nn order for your adoption, O you
desire as to make the improvemeut.
Yeas 4; nay" 0.
R. L. GoRxrwx, President.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Woks.
March 3, 1890.
Adopted. (See order to board of public
Pbedr. Creek Valley Sewer—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The board of public works have bad under
consideration the resolution order f the
commwl council, approved Febr 19, 1890, rel -
tive to constructingg a sewer in the Yhalen creek
valley, lad cen M urehnhe etrost and Forest
- street fermho. of the present sewer, and, bav-
Ingg investigated the proposed improvement:
Respectfully report that it i. nary and
p oypeer, to construct a sewer in the Phalen creek
valley, between Mh nehaha street and But es.
atrmt, together with the neceseary catchbaelus
d anhol re, that the r tjmated pe
thereof 1" 878,300, one-half of which nee,i not
he paid into the city treasury before the con-
e tract 1" let; tat real a"tate to be assessed
therefor can be found benefltd to the extrt of
84.882.60 of the coats and expeness neme.ary
s sed
your a
ge bond fund; that
or asked for by petition
f pp ops ty to be as-
e herewit send arn laor
'ovement. and an der for
on desire us to make the lm -
Yeas, 4; ueye, O.
- R. L. Gim—N, President.
W. F. ERWIN. Clerk of Board of Public Works.
)larch 8, 1890.
Adopted. (See orderto board of public work..)
Sixth Street Sewer Recon.trimtlon—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The board f public works have had under
conalderation the resolution or order of the
common council, appproved Feb. 19, ISflO, rain
to-construct the sewer on Sixth street,
between Robert street and Minnesota street,
and having investigated the proposed Improve-
Respectfullyport that It is necessary and
proper to rebuild and lower the sewer on Sixth
street, from Minnesota street to a point 77 feet
West from the west line of Robert street, that
estimated expense thereof fk 8023.60, one
half of which need not be paid into the city
treasury before the contract fs let; that real es -
rate to be assessed thereforcan beiund benefited
to the extent of the cost and expenses
necessary to be incurred [hereby; that said im-
provement is not naked for by petition of a
major, ty of the owners of property to be assessed
therefor. but we herewith send a plan or profile
of salll Improvement, and an order for your
adoption, it you desire as to make the improve-
mYeas, 4: nays, O.
R. L. G.R.—N, President.
W. F. Enw, Clerk Board of Public Works.
March 3, 7890.
Adopted- (See order to board of public,
Burr street grading—
To to Common Council of the city Of St. Paul:
The board f public ks beve bad nder-
conelderattov the ole... nr rder of the:
common co il, app ved Dec. 18, 1889, rele,
tive to the grading of Hurr street, between Whit -
id, street and iIhmehaha street, to correspond
by a petition of a inorlty of the owners f
p�oPrty to be ��sesa terefor,butweherewlth
d u plan or profile of eafd improvement, and
nrder for your adoption, if you desire us to+
m ke the improvement.
Yeas 4, nays 0.
R. L. Gon—N, President.
W. F. Rswni,
Clerk of the Board of Public Works.
March 3, 1890 -
Adopted. (See order to board of public -
Alley grading. B. Michel', Rearrangement Smith's.
Subdivision, Stineon'e Division.
To the Common Couv�11 of the City of St. Paul:.
The board f public Works have had under
nslderatlon the es 0 bill. ororder f the
co ncllaapproved Jan. 25, 1890, rela.-
It— to grading n Iley from Arundel to Disc--
Shmltst mbdlviellouk f Stih eon's division
Ov of
bounded by Blair d Van Buren streets), and.
hovlug investigated the p posed lmpmvement:-
Respectfuily report that it la necessary and.
proper to grade an
aIle in B. MI hel's ar-
rangement. of block 7, andsouth ,% of blok 2 or
Smith's subdivision of Stinson's division, St.
Paul, from Arundel street to Mackubin street,.
Letween Blair and Van Buren streets; that the
,.Hosted expense thereof is 6446.40, one-half
of w'Mch need not b,1 paid Into the city treasury
before the contract la let, real estate to
besed therefor can be fownd benefited
to ilea extent of the coat andexpenaes-
necessary to be incurred thereby; that said
Improvement is .1 theasked ownersfor by a petftfonof s
asssoieose d therefor, and we herewit n nd a plan
rproflle f a id improvement, and an order
for your adoption, if you desire us to make the
1 see, 4; nays, 0.
R. L. GouMAN. President.
W. F. ERM Clerk Board of Public Works.
Feb. 27, 1890.
Adopted. iSce order to board ofpublic worka.).
State street change of grade—
ro the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The bond of public works have had under
:...ideration the resolution ororder of thee6m-
non council. ap roved Feb. 7, Mild, relative to.
i change o7 grade on State street, from Fairfield
tvenue to tiff,
river, and having fn-
mIdigitted the proposed Improvement:
Respectfully report that eafd improvement is
Iece.enry and proper from the Mississippi river
I Kentucky street, as indicated by the red line -
m the accompanying prri le; that the wtimsted
expense thereof is 84,000; that al stat,
to be assessed therefor befound ben
stied to the extent of uthe damage.
""ad sparse. n-cee.ary to be incurret
thereby. that said improvement i. notesked fm
by a petition [Hebmajodty f the own- of
property to be d therefor, but we here
with .end a plan or profile of .aid improvement
R you desire to make the Improvement.
Yens 4, nays 0.
R. L. Go—, President.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Work..
March 4, 1890.
Adopted, and the city clerk Instructed to give
necessary publication notice.
Hudson avenue changgee oI ggrrads—
TO the COmmoll COnInC1101 Lhe City of St. Pani:
The board of public works have had older
....ideration the resolution pop order of the
common council, of droovv oSeHt. 7, 1889, rue,
Live to a chnv f
from Mendotastreet to Forest .frost, and, hav-
Ingg investigated the proposedlmprovement:
Reepmtfoil, reportLhat asid Impp ve eat I.
necessary and proper indicate
,lrby the d
line on the eccompanving profile; that the e.ti-
matd expense thereon i. 825; that real estate
to be assessed thereir can be found benefited to
the extent of the damages, costa and ezpeuses
necessary to be incurred thereby; that Bald lm-
provemeyynt 11 not asked for by a petition of a
th reforof h but wers e be_
rewithpeeerad tobe p"'Ie.=
profile of said Improvement. 1f you deelre to
make the
Yeau, 3 , any.,v1 Improvement.
R. L. Gcoi—N, President.
W. F. Enwm, Clerk Board of Public Works.
March 4, 1890.
Adopted, and city clerk instructed to give am.
eesury publication notice.
Fairfield Avenue Change of Grade—
To to Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The board of publle works have had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
common council, approved Feb. 5,1890, relative
to a ebangetd grad on Fairfield avenue,from
State street to Robertson street, and having In-
necesenry and proper, ae indieated by the red
line oil
the accompanying profile; that the red -
mated exppeeuse thereof is 81,000; that real e
tate to be a..eesed therefor can be found bene-
fited to the extent of the damages, costs and
expenses ecesttary LO be lucurred thereby;
tbat eafd jmpmvement 1. not asked for by a
petition of a mai "Ityof the owmeIs of property
t be assessed therefor, but we 7th send
plan or profile of said Improvement, R you de-
sire to make the improvement.
Yeas 4, nays O.
R. L. GORMAN, President.
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
March 4, 1890.
Adopted, and city clerk instructed to give
necessary publication notice.
Broadway Street Change of Grade—
To Lhe Common Could l of the City of St. Paul:
The board of public works have had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
common council,p roved Feb. S, 1890, rela-
tive to such change of.9radeon Broadwaystreet,
from the Mississippi ppi river to Prince street, as
may be tendered necessary by the construction
of theBroadway bridge (so-called) and ap-
proach, and, having investigated the proposed
P—pecytfully report that said lmprovemeptyto
necessarriver and Prince strea of
eeet. Loreen the a Width ofkfortye(40)
feet i the mater of said Broadway street, as In-
dh:atd by the red line the accompanoying
p file; that the estimated expe�i.e the f fe
5100, that real tate to be ea d therefor
can bCfound benefited to the extent of the dam-
aged, coats and a uses necessaryto be incurred
thereby; L mt said improvement is not asked for
by a petition of a majority of the owers of prop
arty to be assessed therefor, but we herewith
send planprofile of said improvement, R
You desire to make to improvement.
Yeas, 4; nays, O.
R. L. 60—N. President -
W. F. ERWIN, Clerk Board of Public Works.
Mamb 4, 189n.
Adopted, and city clerk instructed to give nec-
essary publication notice.
Fillmore Avenue Change of Grnde—
To the Common t:o=dl of the City of St. Paul:
The board of public works have had under
[he resolution or order of the
common council, approved Feb. 5, 1890, relative
to a change of grade on Fillmore avenue, from
Stare street to&outh MIT street, and. having
investigated theproposed improvement
Respectfully pot that sold improvement f.
net Bary and 1 roper from 'tate street to the
center of Rohertsnn street.
.. indicated by the
d Ilne on the accompanying profile: Ihat
the e.tho.—I expense thereof f. 51,000;
that real estate to be assessed therefor
nn be found benefit tted to the extent of the dam-
Lherebyethatdel,l Improvement ie to be ie curry
for by a petition of a jorlty of the owners of
property to be assessed therefor, but we here-
Ith send a plan or profile of said improvement,
1f you desire to make the improvement.
Yeas, 4; buys, 0.
R. L. GORNIAN, President.
W, F. ERWIN. Clerk Board of Public Works.
March 4, 1890.
Adopted, and city clerk Instructed to give neo-
m.sary publication notic.
St. Clair Street Grading—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The board of public works have had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
�Re�pectfully�reporL that eafd Improvement is
and pease thereex-
o[ Ie �6 N88�606one--half o[the twhlc6 need
not be paid Into the city treasury before the
contract is let; that real estate to be assessed
therefor can be found benefited to the extent of
the cost and expenses necessary to be incurred
thereby; that said impprovement fa not asked for
by a petition of amajorftyofthe ownersof prop-
erty to be assessed therefor, but at s hearing
before said board a large number of property
owners Interested and re resenting about 2,600
fret, appeared and asked for said improvement
snd we herewith send a plan or profile of sa1�
Improvement, and an order for your adoption,
If you desirous to make the improvement.
Yeas ,.a,
R. L. G.—N, President.
W. F. ERWL4, Clerk Board of Public Works.
Feb. 21d—, 1890.
AdoptePeas 13,
Aid. Sullivan moved to reconsider.
Adopted -yeas 12 -and ,told re port mud !,r
posed final order relative to said gentling III St.
(,lair street referred to tnealderman of the ward,
to report at the next regular meeting of the
Forest of Other Streets Sewer -
To the lommon council of the CSty of Si. Yn d
The boats of public works base had [oder
consideration. t1is resolution or order f the
common council, approved Neb. 18, 189J). ara-
ble to the construction of it sew,
o1 the fol-
lowing streets: Forest street, fromPhaleuc,,ek
to .- hb i street; Sim;+ street, front Forest street to
Arcade street; fork street, from Forest street
to Arcade street; ('usestreet'
fn,ln Purest
street to Areade street, and, having bn .tigated
the proposed improvement:
p Respecthill}' report that it is r ec'esaiy and
froger to construct a sea er on ForeSt street.
Yhalen creek to [:ase street: oa Signs street,
from Arade street to F'ores[ Street: oil i'ork
street, from Areu[le street to Forest street, and
u twee street, frau, Arcade Street to Forest
street, together wfth the a ary cutch) sins
and manholes, said selg werhtos be dune l oder
one contract: that the ttli f., 11 expel,se there-
ofis S23,;!7:i, one-half of which heed not be
pard into the citytreuxut•y before the contract is
let;that •al estate �rtt be ......ed therefor
n Ire found bemilte[I ts+the
extent of $13 ,
f ther•o t `and - 'pen ' necesSnFp 11
1 incurred tl+tete tines 7uhuil.g (510,-
140) to be Amid out sewerage hong' fluid:
that said imirrovelne t' ' t- nslcetl for by I
petition[ of a mnjorit}' he owners Of prolerty
to be assessed therefor, but we herewith seal n
plan profile of at, imo1'son, ,mad am
order for your to dupt;eu,p [ you desire ut to
make the imlrrovenlent.
ye -s4' any. d.
It. I,. GentVAx', President.
W. F. 1':nwlx, perk Board of Public Works'.
March I. 1 Mu,
Uttmmitee oa streets.
Weide avenue and other street, sewer and
from Weide avenue to Arude street; on .Jenks
.street, fron, Walth avenue to Arcade street; on
look street, from Greenbrier avenue to Arcade
street; on Mounolia street. from (:reerlbrfer ave -
1e t0 Cypress street; oil Geralllium street, from
)fenrlota street to Forest street: Oil Jessamine
'tree t, from Mendota street to ('Ypres. street;
mrlRose street, from Areade street to Forest
eet: on Maryland street, from Mendota street
t,r F "'t street; of Gceenbriee avenue, from
JI•ss n Ill street to }I nryland street: and also
to grade Weide avenue, from Maryland street to
1fells and
'tree[:."fit severinggrading W be
dour uudec <t,e c•outr.tet: thattheestfmatelcx-
pen sr thereof is $ 70,I:SS.DO, to wit: for '.sneers,
aGr,05u.00: fur grading. 54.00200: ons -half of
w'hi .b need not be paid ;ate the city ,treasure
before the runtract fa let; that real estate to be
assessed therefor Can be found benefited by
the extent of 16:3,575.25 of cost and expenses
lece'sary to he incurred thereby; the balance
(S i,U79.75) t11 be pllfl rut of the sewerage
knurl fond: that said improvement is not asked
for I,y ,a I,etition ut n aJority of clue owners o[
property to be n seed therefor, but we here -
11 it 1, scud ,t plan or profile of said imprevemenS,
lot order• for your adoption, if you desitw its
to nuke the improvement.
1 Cas, -I; nay', 0.
It, L. GOanf.rv, President.
W. F. I:rswlx•, Clerk Board of Public Works.
M:lrch-1, 1Sb0.
C'onl unit t(•e on stt'eet'.
.Neill Street Sidevalk-
To rhe Ito lorable the President Call C'Oulnlon•
('o nail, ('its of St. Puul:
(;eu 11,11, : The board W public work' here-
I•ieb! 1D,11f)uulf it tIt, C. tr timn of auli1Oved
toot wooden sidewalk ou the nest side of Neill
street, between leyenth and Eighth streta.[vith
the report Clint tile,, is as vet 110 contract for
.sidewalks, lad lar under the Iaw, each walks
Only bile ordered bet„•eett the 1st day of
.LprO and the Ist day of November of each
Weld` hyena• grnding- - R. L. Geian ax,p idents
To the Common Council of the City of St. pard; \V. F. b:luvls, Cl k Bond of YwbHc \Yorks.
The board of public 'orks have lad under Aldernwn Of the nerd.
consideration the r solution u order o[ the ; Also.
common council, approce(1 Drc. 15, 1889, ,,ht- B;anfilt- street sewer erlinrgiu�' • repairing
ti to the c.met ctlon of n .e frverm upon the mn[nu•p
following Streets: Weide avenuoMaryhill The board reports that it hue awarded .7amee -
street to Lawson street; Lawson street, from P
Weide avenue to Arcade street; Areade street, Ff'rnsen and.N. C. Johnson th` contract for e -
from Lawson street to PhnJell creek: also, on larging and repxleing the sewer on 13uufil street,
York street, from Weide vetme to Arcade front Western avenue to West Seventh Greet,
scree[: Slnls street. from Weide ave , a to .\r- theybe.ingthelowestrelhlbleaudresponsiblebid-
cade street; G>_.e street, from Weide stye to to 'tern therefor; nn o fit o[ bid, 5474; Loud iI, the
Amade stecet:.Jenks street, from walsll Iletreet 'n n of 5150, w'i[i1 tit
D. and George
to Arcade Street: (took street, from Greenbrier F.il3enz nil sumtien.
a Venue to Areade street; }fllgliOli,l Street, from Also
Greenbrier avenue tO Cypta.s street; Jessa nnlue \lisais.ippi street grnding
.trmt, from Greenbrier ,ryenne Lo )Ieadota 'Phe boort re1�orta Llist it lout awarded Thn-
street: I:eralninrn et,eet, from Greenb[fer aVe,m¢ OtIIV Streeney the '011tiRCt far grading Mie.i9-
to }Ientlota street; ROS, xUreet, I— , (:reeobrfer [;phi street, from Marybuld'Luer to notch Cley
avenue to Amalie street: Afarylaad street. from lianits, hr being the luw'ent reliable fid "sonsl-
Greenbrier ovenue to Meadota street; Green- ble bidder therefor; amount.[ bid, 41;Id ,,'bond
brier avenue, from Jessamine street to Maryland' in .um of 52,000, I'll", It chael F. Sweeney and
street; and, having investigated the proposed Thomas Ryan as . Oetes.
Improvement: also,
Respectfully report that it is s ary and
proper to orate let a se ya n \Veide even Contract-Snb.truCture f bridge along line
from Maryland street �tor Lawson street; oil f Selbyy 1 n os. right of way Chicago,
Lawson street, from \Veide avenue to Areade yDlwaukeet S: St. Paul Aatlway comPaI and
street; on Areade street, from Lawson street to Selby avenue gr`
ds I
Phalen creek; on York street, from Weide ale- The board report.ha
" tt It imsawarde(ICharles
line to Areade street; on Sims street
, from Stone the
for construction f sub-
Welde avenue to Arcade street; on Case street, structure of bridge across the right of any of
the Chicago, \lih,ankee & St. Paul It llwny, Rater \t'orks-
Compalty along [he line of Selby a . fie, to- IunninitO, reeu,nnneuds olopcion of said reso.
gether wlith the ue(•e'tary gnuding of Selby n In that.
nue between lD,mlite avenue and .Vlracog'+ave .idulard. (See resolution).
he being the lowest reliable xnd napolnsi bin Of ('onlmittee on Ciwin,s- Petition of estate
bill( therefor; and unt of bid. 521.575: band of Jneob 1V. &,ss and others for refunding of
in slam of $5.060'. with Oliver Crusbv and ams pili,[ for ns essn,ents for Broadway
Charles Joy a. su et O
s. pro"unu-
Each of the foregoing a,nards taken up `elta-' ('Ommittee rs•olntnend, that said petition be
r+ tely and np1,roved by the tollOw'rllg vote: refrrreo to yorporatimn attorney and city en-
Yens-Ald. Rickel. Blom, Boek, Cullen. Fisher, Binet.,.
Gehan. Kavanagh, \linen, Mol ady, Pratt, Sat- ,ldopted.
bora, Sullivan,\Ir. Chuirnnat-13. I Also,
Estfmates mrd ClaintS-
The board tr,0lsruits, approved by it, the fol -
lowing sell nn ates nal (']ulto-w'i t:
R'timntr No. 7. suppleawut:ary to No. U nm]
final, \'letori,a sDeet nal .Ieffrrsoll venue
Malay & Dow', 1200: H.Onute 1No. :i,
st[pplennentn ry to No. 2 and final. Marha av -
54xn,i .North street , It. Forrestal:
5.29; Estill is No. -1. supplementaryto \0.14
and final, Sixth Street Ser, .\. F. Mankr, S25:
Estimate No. s, supplementary t0 No. 2 and
final. ]tire street sewer, T. Reilly. 1-11 Escinacr
.N0. :3, xupplrinrutary t0 No. 2 ml final, 3Daple
street sewer. P. Dolled v, 550: Et timate No. N,
supplementary io NO. 2 al ,1 fins,[. ('hiengo scioer, R. Forrest 1. $17-i; I•:.tian[e No. :3.
enplAtan,ntarvtoNo. 2 and fiall.l'
onlv+ly Street
sewer, A. F. M�tnke, 52. F:'[inuxte N0.
plemeutary t0 No. '2 and fin:[, Thiel street
sewer. J. W. Doherty, 525; Hstfnlate No.:3..up-
n,lementar- to No. 2 nal fill, 1, Units street
r, J. \j', Doherty, 5+2,: G. W. Merrill, tc•20;
}bathe,• Craig, 510: G. W. ]ferrill. 55; Meet')'s
toilet ass: St. Paul Hardware company,
Conimittee on (dorms:
necmm OF ssuem, ars [o11inal.
Report for February, 1590, total disburse-
ment', 5.01:3.96.
( flttee On ordm+n(es and public accounts.
Connecting by telephone lire department heal
T:a ter. of St. Pail Sud }liunenpolis .
he board asks antho'hy to Sake said conn
oection. ,
llittle on fire department.
yfoauinents for deyeased firemen
Carl J. Rlombery' claim for relief -damage.
to dwelli,lg honSe-overfiowiug water -lot 1
Muck 12. FainuddiOon-
C'onnnl[tee reconulueuds that said claim be re-
fermd to co : ration attorney and city eugi-
I athel la. Danielson'' claim-S,W d:araagex-
de,i ruetinn of well -Int
- block 2
_. A. Got Aitn'.
cla atiteat Sigel'' addition-1eo[tee
rrc ends the Iuryaeol of 540
as fall Sntisbu•thai Of said claire.
a Adopted. See l)rdin,auce NO.
\. 1'. liedriekson'S hint for 5490, services
ns Ifye stark inepertor-
ronunivre recuuuuends
,all t,Wl claim be al-
lowed it. full.
Of romaittae'ou Streets, Sewers Irnd Bridges -
AM. Sanborn', resolution repea0ug final Order
fo, eouum sn R
stretion of ewer oil + ave -
one Other streets, approved Nov. 20,
C'ontmittee recolnnlerWs that said resolution
be defeated. ,
Solomon liertmal and others, petition pro-
testing alishw[ the gesturing of permission to the
St. Paul I:RS c rain ptnuy to Increase or rebuild
their works, etr-
Coniouttee r r ern ills that the prayer of
. aid I,etithat bedellfed.
s .[dopted.
The board ask. that S2.Oa0, a u' to the Of (',,inuattee on Printing -Proposals for Job
' lit of the dream's relief brill, lZ applied t0
'bee Oat
'he purchasf to nounintents.
Printing, etc. -
Iom mite, submits tabulated statement of
Committee on lite department.
proposals for rob printing. etc., (Pursuant to ad -
cCrts`meut of etre clerk of date Feb. 10, 1890),
Horses enndrmine,l-
prepared by Martie Il -I' the expert printer
bwo'd asks authority t., sell Idle (on -
1•rnlPlOyrd by the committee; and mnunf[tee rec-
demnrd fire lorsrk
n neuls dart the contract for said jour princ-
C'ontmittee ort fire department.
„g, etc., be uw-arae,[ F. Driscoll, 1r., he Cin,gtlle
low'ext kidder, areor ling to the report o[ said
.ORTOF n0•\itn OF w-\T.R l'I rT.1r 101.104.
Tet following is the report and tabulated
TI a sec•retury of the board tens out' copy of
'thele, of 'aid expert I Anter.
exon nn tion adopter[ by lr, v,rel. Inn. 11. 1S00.a'k-;70
the ['lain San oF, ,mud ('ono mittre On Print.
in'Iot' is.ate fit S1OOi1011 betld'-water works.
Gentlewen-I beaky hand )'Oa , y a.
committee ern wn}'' an arenas.
expert printer. 111 t 1 [hill tree I
mRa-ORT OF nOAnn Or \.ork eon 11SHIOUF.H..
took the same annount of work [or Il the bids
nt ofrw
fit the prices stated 0 each bid, so there could
The secretary Of the board transmit, (•Opy of
not be any dispute: and as the tabulated state-
tooIntidu , doptr,I by board ch. 2i, ISDO, fink-
, t 'how'' [lout F. D Ixco11. J s the lowest
leg isxue of hoods -parks.
nCo rnnliltes on woos. and Inca,'.
bidder + w'hole. ,vhlcit is respectfully submit.
ted. See Ehibit ":t.'•
n soars OF -1.1arxc, I ,,,-lnrreee.
Yours very respectfully.
M tarix DrI.M.
.0f Committee San Ways allot Menus- I
H., : rt Printer for the Committee.
Resolution-S1ou,000 bonds -Extending, etc.,
March -1, 1840.
"EEa1Hlr A."
Tabulated statement showingthe different bids,
figuring on nonpareil type, with the same amount
o or on all:
Committee reports that In its opinion "no
modiflcxtlon is nor t,'y, as the work Is to be
done under a classlficatfon of prices, nail the es-
timate of quantities N only given as xp he se-
Yeux-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Fisher,
G ehan. Kavntagh, Mines, Al_1dy, Pratt, San-
borL Sullivan, Mr. Chxirnan-13.
Of Aid. Sanborn -
Board of fire co missionary re om.
tdtuK ]option It lotion for lire ]arm
Lox at felby nod {{'extern wvmulea, asked for by
St. Paul Apartment House ('oalgay-
eamialttee r-ceommemtx adoonow of a,dd re
tion. so
Adopted (See Isol utiou-)
Clot LLLAxEous.
_ I Ordln Unces-
'c _ e An rdiusno, ttt 1. reml-840 for Cilthnrfne
Danielson, dumagesto well, A. Got,ma's rear.
Kemnt. Siscl's addition.
!-- - -=^- y4s.les susneuded on motlou of Aid. illinea,
ti yet., . ' n Monate read a nd time and
passed. (See ordinance \o. 1,301.)
or - An onlinutee was read authorizing {Pest Pub -
R t o erect
act wnretouaea-Knvn-
n h'., wilt
ales upended teflon of all. Geltin,
1� .
nl ori'
- _ - _ - - nil -mal tints and
- = I pnHscvl. � (See ordinnn ills :i02•o
An ordluanen i,as rend autl�ori'i ng Willfum K.
roi =-t 'Dixon to eret•t iwo-stet}- brick I'e teemd building
of concord lures t.
"Ile xus'reall, oa motion of Al . Mines. !
'yens, 12, ar 1 ordinmtee rend second time and
Passed. (.vee ordinance No. 1.303.)
= - An ordintnt'e waE read pernlittfltg the Church
r- f S[. John o[ et. Ynul to taut t the school
This statement xhowx•t"at F. Driscoll, Jr., bu(]ding ou lots 19 nail 20, Ston h addition, lowest bidder on the whole work. is division Lick 99, I.cnum Uaptoii x ddition,
J. H. linmalec entered text with the public sewer "" Forest street.
x I,ro against the Rides suspended on mo a or
Ald. Mines,
nu riling of x id i tract Sto 1-. Driscoll, Jr., as, 12, and ordinance rent second time and
d submittedue tabulated t,Itemenc to show pas.el. (See ordiuxnre No. 1,30.1.)
that he (Bungle}') w'xs the lo,rext bidder. {n ordin.,I wax tad -$400 to A. P. Hen -
Aid. Bickel moved that the whole matter be dricksm-xer}dms as live stock inspector.
referred back to committee on printing. I Rules suspended on tion of Ahl. Gehnn,
Aid. Saubom moved as an amendment W said peas 11, trays Aid. Ft.her, Sulhvalt-2, and
last mentions
1 motion that the Sit,( report report of ordinance read second time d lost. yeas 10,
the committee on printing be adopted and the nays Ald. Fisher, BsnbonL Sullivan 4.
contract for said job printing, etc., awarded F. Afd. Geban moved to reconelder said last mea-
. Driscoll, Jr. tioned cote.
Adopted. Adopted -peas 12, nay. Ahf. Sullivaiu-1.
Yells-Afd. Blom, Cullen. Ffxher, Gehnn, Kay {Id. Gahan i vel to r (rr said n dfnance
anagh Mines, Melody, Pratt, Smlbort BuIll. (8490 to A. P. Hendrickson) to conunittes on
van, Mr. Chairman -11. I clafn..
Nays-Ald. Bickel and Bock, 2. Adopted. v 11. onyx Aid. Cullen, Sullivan
-2. and city clerk
forpo- �'.. Solivan,Sa,iboruxnd Fieheetobepmsd to eoatuelxt
Rce patrol fbo es and oteelephio resit atitOakdale'meeting of c•onttnitiee on claims.
v t d Anuapolis street, and at ('hero kce I By AI+1. Kavanagh -
ad d 6miHt avemwx- A xointton llo,rmg property n, were the
Cc _,tllolutj'a se recommend. the adoption of said spricilege of letting the contract for,layhtR of
mAdopted tone or cement sidewalk. to ny hereon the)
Adopted. (Fee resolution.) t y desire for the period of ala (6) day. from
and after the time of the ordering of said side.
Of Committee or Ordinance. and Pub I'
Ac. "'alk laid, etc.
counts -Report of board of control examined- Loot.
The committee has examined and found or {ens -Aid. Bickel, Blom, Geh,Ot, Kavanagh,
rect report of board of control for February-, Pratt, Balli van -0.
1890. Nays -Aid. Bock, ('adieu. Fisher, Mines, Me -
Adopted. lady, Sanborn. Mr. C'Itgirntan-7.
RF.POHT OF SPECIAL ('O?IytITTEEa. By Aid. Saltburn -
Of """'Ittee appointed Feb. 18, 1890, to slid publication A resolution f off division ofn•Ity into election
consider matter of modifying contract for sub- districts, according to ordinance No. 1290 and
structure of Broadway bridge. ou account of pursuant to sec 2, chap. 3, Gen. Laws Minn.,
change of plan- 1889.
Laid over till next regular meeting of council.
Yeas-Ald. Blom, Cullen, Geban. Kavanagh,
Mines, Melody. Sullivan, Nr. Chairman -S.
Irapa \ld. Bickel, Bock. Rafter, fi.. .I-1.
Reaolncione for lumps: By \Id. luehnn. laay-
gg treet, etc.; by Ald. Weber, Blair street and
C....=% Iu gas.
By All.0 II -
etA rvatero
ti�f- $100,000 tiandx-extending,
committee on ways and means.
BA retion
Aid 1{t confirming the porchaae from An-
-dreiv Muler by board of ffre commiasin` ra for
.$20,000 of lot 3, block la, Wbituey .CA .. mfth'.
ddition, and 3' block
city comptroller to I,, -
clods said sum of $25,000 in tax levy estimate
for 1890, etc.
Nays-Ald. Bicke1-1.
Ald. Gehnn to of rod to teconeider said last-
. tied vote.
Mr. Fire Commissioner Paul Martinmas heard
t of the resolution.
upon s• (d last-mentioned solution was there-
vPo ,looted. (Fee resolutiop-) .
During leading s, oPratt in regard to elec-
tion district maps, Al d. a mea iens excused from
further nttettdnnce at the meeting.
The i ntte of the proposed arc tions
of a portion of Richmond atrect, of the alley fn
block 15. Fairview +addition, and of a part of
Tainter avenue, advertised to be heard at this
time, came on for hearing. and the chairman an-
notmced that objections, if any to as](, pro-
posed vtuations, would be heard. No one ap-
mt one to of evucnti t to afdnnd oresolution, d{afixing
value of premises to he ascated, fn sabl matters,
w adopted. (See reaolutionx.l
The mafter of proposed 111x1191 of grade oft
G ootlrich _,pus
front Dale at
to the ]ley
o the east side of lot (i, block li, "retrace Park
addltiop, advertised to be heard t this if ane,
came t for hewing. and the chairman an-
nounl that objections, if ly, to aid
posed change of grade „o uid be heard. No one
appearing to oppose enid proposed change of
grade, a reaolntuon hnuging the grade on Good-
ich avenue from Uale street to the alley on the
cast aide I, lot d, block 0, Teance Pnrk ."ddi-
tion, was adopted. (Sec resolution.)
Oam.A No. 1,301
A ordinal m approprfxting mousy for ad
dire LhtFntheo yment to (7ttherine Danielson
f the f forty (40) dollars, pursuant
to report of committee of claims.
The Common Council of the (sty of St. Paul do
rdai I es follows:
Section 1. That an order be draw,, upon the
-City Treasury of St. Paul hi tnvor of Catherine
Danlelsmt for the .um of forty (40) dollars, in
full co]alinher
., derm-dreation fagedor nst thsellyoodf St on �fPan]
for the destruction of her welt on lot 7, f block
22, of A. Gotzinn's reangeme[It of Sige]'s
addition to St. Paul. according to the recorded
plat thereof, etc., its by the report of the com-
ittee on claims to the common council of date
the 3rd day of March. A. D., 1890, ,till more
sully appear; said order to be delivered Ill
,upon her filing wltb the citycomptrol]er.full and
' absolute receipts to the city In satisfaction of
said claim or demand.
Sec. 2. This ordinance. shall take effect and
h , in force from and atter its publication.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Fisher
es ,
Gehnn, Kavanagh, MinMalady, Sanborn,
SUI11vstL Mr. Chafrnyan.-12.
Pxs.ed March4, 1890.
HEvnv WEDErt. Chairman o[ Council.
6.Rom,Ox A. S\nTH, Mayor.
Attest: Ti -i- A. PnENDERCAar, Clt)-Clerk.
March 10.
Ordinance No, 1,302.
An onlf wolo, authorizing the West Publishing
c mora+y to erect porusbxr
le wehotvves on lone
lac t d twelve of Knvatutgh's +ulditiou to
St. Paul.
The CommonCouncil of the City o1 St. Paul do
ordain as follows:
tion 1. That p,rmfs.lon nod nnthority 1s
hereby g(ven and granted auto the West Pub-
w.retg comp ulty to erect Lwo one-story portable
w Inoses on lots eleven and twelve of Kavan-
aRh's udditlmr to St. Paul. Ea •h of aid build
Ill. to be tweuay feet In Width by eigh hyo feet in
length nil sh 11 be constructed f w 1 and
eocredx with Iron n all sides, and shall have
coalQition gravel o fs.
Allpof said wok shall be done under the aa.
pp r inion o, and x shall be directed by the
bmldtu� inepei-'t or of sats city.
2. This or Ill , ttt hall take effect and
be`f iii force from and after Its passage.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen, Fisher,
Gehnn. Kavanagh, Mines, Melody, Pratt, San.
bortSullivan. Mr. Clmirman-13.
Passed March .1, 1890.
HExmv WEnErt, Chairman of Council.
Approved }birch u, 1890.
Roaear A. S-rn, Mayor.
Attest: Time. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk.
March 10.
ORDIs, I, No. 1,303.
An ordinanc, to anthorize the construction f
a two-story brick veneered store and dwell -
Ing on Concord street M the Sixth w'acd.
The Common Council of the city of St. Paul do
rdnln as follows:
Section 1. Authority- is hereby granted to
R'm. K. Dixon to build u two-story briek
eared store and dwelling on the caster] � side
of Cintcord street on lot amber one (1), lock
mr bar seventy -tete (71), West St. Paul Proper,
id bulidiug to he about 88 feet wide, 58 feet
deep. and shall be con.tructed under the III -
tion and im & rviemn of the inspector of build
IIIg1a-udon This ord-rath1peo halllttakea effect on
and alter its Passage.
Yene-Ald. Rickel, Blom, Bock, Callen, Fisher,
Gahan Kavanagh, Afinea, Melody, Sanborn,
Sullivan. Mr. Chairman -12.
Paaad March 4. 1890.
HENRY W - En. Chairman of Council.
Appro-ed March o, 1890.
Roaear A. S>nnr, diaper.
Atmet: Taos. A. PaExDEaa.tsT, City Clerk,
March 10.
,11- No. 1,804.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
ordain an follows:
Section 1. Permission is by this ordinance
granted to the Chumh of St. John. of St. Paul,
Minn., to connect the school building situate
B, Ald. Blom-
Resolved,'1'luat the city clerk notify the pro
officers of the 1% scon,ln C-tral Itail-ty om-
pany to place a f ailiu n at the crossing of Me-
Menemy Street.
Yens -Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cellon. Fisher,
(;elms, Kavanagh, Mine., \[clad}-, Pratt. San-
born. Sullivan, Mr. ('hairman- 1:5.
Approved March 5, 1890
]ens-Ald. Bickel, Bloin. Bork. ( ellen, Fisher,B}• All], cnnborut-
Gehnn, Kavanagh. Minta, M,lady, Sanborn Resolved, 'Chat the North 5[. Haul Railroad
Sullivan, Mr. Chairman -12. ('ontpany be turd said company is hereb}- (x•c-
Approved Mufx•h 5, 1890. mined ty bp- its traeka, to be counnvcteal under
ornifnnn•e of the said rfty of S[. Paul. No. 1.246,
• By Ald. Kavanagh- 'ith T rail of the usual putterit, and that such
Resolved, That the ritvcterk i+ hereb}-nuthur- Trail be and the an me is !torch}- approved for
ized to advertise for bids for the eensT•uctiouu of the pnrpow•S afurewld.
the sa bt amt ore of the vi_th street brirlti ,1n Ymui-:\Id. Bickel, Blots, Buck, Pullen. Fisher,
ordntce avfth the III I, furnished by the cat}' Gehua, Kxvatnagh. 3linea, 3felad}-, Yeat[, SRIl-
engineer. hurt,. Sullivan, Ar. (I an -1:3.
limas-Ahl. Bickel, Blom, Beck. ('u9mn. Fisher, Approvwl Maarch 5, 1890.
Gehan, Kuvmngh, \li-s. 3,ebady, Pratt, Sun- I }3}' Aid. Kavanagh -
born, Sullivan, Mr. Chairs -1:3. Itesolyed. That the niatter of the i -fiance of
Appro-d Mnrcla 5, 1890. the bonds for the Sixth street badge is hereby
Resolved, That flat snperintenlrnt of pulite reh•rred to clue cornnit[te on acct }-n and mr;aus.
1'cna-Aid. Bickel Blots Bock. Cullen. Fisher
patrol teleiraph ix hereby instructed to Our_'(:eluon. K:a,+a naph, Minot., 31eJud c. Yrntt,
'hal. t o I 1 (e ( t I 1 rev, to 'k.", lots[ 1 n rn, Sullivan. Mr. ('frau nuun 1 t-
foll () at tl r uF 0xale o Still] Al,preved 3lnrrlu 5, iri90
and -\I aa( oil street tt turner of (.he k
a'en e t 1 mats ; also to place t I 13":\Id Kna+nnng!u-
pho e If a ole 1 T ,resolved by the tutamen Collncl of the cit, of
Peas -,{IJ. Birkri, itlom, Bork. Pullen, Wisher, St. Paul, tltnt the Purchase of lot n oered,
Gehnn. Karuaagh. \tinea, Mebtdy, Sauuboruu', three (:S r. inn block tam s, fourteen (191.
Sullivan, Mr. Ph;In, man -l..
Approved ]parch .',, 1x90, \vhitnry & Smith's : Iditiou to the cit, of St.
}>nul, from .\odt- Meier. by the board of fire
By Aid, Sanborn-- 1 -1 -one- for the nut n of twenty-five
11-1 efl, That Bre board of fire cc th-luld (S2., Mmldollnrx,ia hereby confirmed,
ers be and they are hereby uuthorl-I ml,l re- nn i It shell be thrdutyof thecftycontptrsller to
guested to eunstrn•t and u+ nintoin as fin• Ilxrtn i u.l ode the wail s n M tartar. - five• thofer to
box, with the n--sa y sou Colon', on n e of dollars uud interest sin his tax levy estfnoate for
the corners of Victoria Street and Liu+eolit ua_ Line year Mill; provided, that the sad .\nd-,
em e, Maier gives to the City of St. Haul a I,erfcct avar-
Yeas-Ald. Bickel. Blom. Bock, Pullen. Fisher. rarity !rel of the staid (roperty, flee nal clear
Gehnn. Kavanagh, }linen, Nelad", Sanborn, of 1' 1' In•uuntbr;ann•s. mn� +pproyed by the eor-
van, Mr. Chnfrmun-12, puratiou attorney of the City of St. Poul. The
Approved Mnrvh 5. 1890. wnl Sana of twenty -d vethuusxnd IR25,0oU1 dnl-
barsshallbearint-,st nt the rate of seven l7)
By All]. Sxubon+- per cent per nonan, Is,::
paid, from the dial, of
alar as , iroa'+al o[ the xaaid deed by the aid ror-
Resulved,T1 at heyar hereby
, a lirerennnissi"rt-� ti�nxtturnney. Theciterouutptrolleri.s here by
ern 1e and the -:are herrL a u h n 'r
a t a .rd +n 1 1
t uctrvl .n d uutl e l t I t tl I sum
recced to erect mud uuu.alnTOn a her alarm ho [ f t Vent} five fill1 ($2o,0110)dollarsto
the southwest corner of """ mart \Venter ti tl •r as tab the rix a lint n t tl ..eon
lues. as t orticable, after tt o v s have 1 pull
]'ens -,\id. inckel, III I, Rock, tlllen, FI 1 t [ the may treasury. from for g trr.l Tax set
Gehnn. Knt;nagh, Mines, Melaady, Snanboran'-ul clement of .funs. 1891, and it shall br aloe lea}-
liyan, ,fr. d March 5. 1 _. of tin• City clerk to dntav Ru order upon aIle City
Approved \both 5. 1890, de:initry for the nnaoant so audited by the cfty
By Aid. (Ylllrn- tnl'ean-{Id. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen. Fisher,
Resolved. That the right of way of the hoard ;. Gchan, Kavanagh, Slf lea, \felady. Sanborn,
o[ [voter cen0nissionrrs, from Mississippi street Sullivan. Nr. Phafr-oz,12.
at a'>uint about 15[1 (tet north of Maryland ;{ppruved March 5. 18911.
their it on" .l. \V. lnasri Garden Lots,
Bxwsou's Luke ('ono mal Phalen ,\venue addi- }iv Ald. Pulleu-
tion. Gnrne-v Park. Gamey Il igldru; Yaark :uud Itesuived, by the coon mon conuril of alae city
Merrill'- Ilivision of Rfre Street {'inns. to pmol)- of St. Paul, State of Minnesota: '['list the 1-1,
' g station of s+ld board, shall be known xs city (Ilfre•rS un• hereby Instructed to Issue
Overton -„nue. one hnnlred thousand IS100,0(101 do:]ams of
]'eau -A Id. Rickel, Blom, Bock, Pullen, Fisher , bonen of the city of St Paul m denomifiatfonn
Gehnn, Kavanagh, 311-•x. 3lelady, Sanborn, of our thousand dollare ouch, ben ring date of
Suldvnn )it. Chairman- '
'', \ R • 1 1890,
890 xud htterext a[ the rate of •I
1 a
Approved }Iamb 5.1890. per cent per gent , if,, ble semi-annwlly at
ti tun nctnl York,
y i the cit" of St. Paul in the
Resolved, That the St. Paul bean -eat' B. ]Vel-' city
of New Pork, principal payable on the 1st
233 and the Doce'" of A.1). 1l bearing,nproviding
the'riayofs. toi- the four
cxtcadiromthe date
forday of t ructI her, A. B. 1880, and 11 -fling of fens¢, for• the purpose of e. tending. enlarging
for the cont ruc[lou Sell fire, es -v
to the Newnta rket theatelrnru(sfo <f filed he I an• ,at�orirzd L he Va'ntt of theslegfnlatureloi the
and the matte is hereby approved.nnd the proper State of . .11, ed
-111 29, 1889.
city officers, are hereby ""horFtad and directed Said bonds shill be negotiate(1'and mold by the
to execute said "by on behalf of the city of committee un wnye
mad ne nm o[ the common
St. Paul. conneil of the city of St. Paul, and the proceed
- +
1 j
on lots 19 mid 20 of Sso, & }filter's subdivision BS' a!,]. Snuuboru-
of block 99 if Lynota 1rx-vton's
ad(lition to St. Resolved, That the Ktade of [he alley in block
Paul, aaith the public sealer on Forest
street. 2. R'oorlland Park addition, us indicated by the
said connection to cr +as lots 19, 1 ;and 18 of red Ifne indicated t
grade on the :mcompnn
extd block, chr property ut said church. xnrl Susie] : s recommended
by the city eugdneer, be and the
to be done under the supervision of the ne is hereby
engineer, saYea
efty ado ,ted ns tlue esTtblished
uud all costs of call, ,ring sell in- ¢rade.
sl ec 1011 to be paid by said chw.cit, `-Ail. Bickel Blom, Bock, Cullen. Fisher,
.'ec. 2. This ordin:ue, sl+ull take effect :and be nullie:i.++hlr. fat �Uxh•nnaftitten_ ]Ieludy. Southern,
in force Irons std after. its ],u hlirutiou.
,\pyre led ll+arelu ;,, 18[1!1.
]'errs -Alf]. Bickel. ltluu+n. Bock, "d", Fisher,
Gehnn, K",'I lteimi}', .Cflnborn.
Spllivan. 3(r. f'huimnan-1.. ByAld Sanborn- -
Possed lfnn•h Renolyed, Tlmt tlue eity engineer he and he is
Hf:x-far \\'encu, r'luairman of ('euncfi. heresy rrrinested to report tt suits hie rade
:\pproced \,:arch for the
alley fn block 25 of )Ineknbin & Uar-
,instar:\. S111Tx, 3fa,cl- "hall's addiTtm to .St. Paul.
Attest: Taus.]-c'+as-.\Id.
.a. Ha-nFno.a Sr, City 11,rk. Bickel, Iil.m. Bork, Cullen, Fisher,
3lnrClt ]0. (:elnnru. Knvnmauh.
\fines, 3Ie1nJ )-, Pratt, San-
bonn. Sullivan. 31 r. c7mh:uoI, -1:3.
aESOLC't10\'m. Approved March 5. 18!10.
By Aid. Pratt- -
Resolved, 'Chat fire felloVvfng plug+, as }iy .\ld. 1i'rbrr-
mroced ly the phrt oonuniston, sal a Kcsolced.'thatchrcityengineerheaudishrre-
l •
ended be the city eugiuerr. Le xud tlu�i ome
dire ,ted to report to oar c• coundl
are hereby I,rr,per a.nades for
nc,rirtrd by the cotnfoun council of [he staeets In Ricenotreet Vfl-
the city of St. I•:aui: Inn addition to I. Haul.
O[t<i s s If(11,fsiou of lot It, of ]'ens -:\Id. Bickel, Blom, Bock Cull
Otto's ru. Fisher,
divisia Grha+
u of block f - K:acxua • \ '
I Ju of I.ynun kla, .Baru if
u llu r elude
tan'. , ..
s.\ Safub
} Addi- at
tion to St. Yaul. Sullivan,SlliMr. Ph.ainnan-12. '
Geo, B. Schickler's :addition to the City of St. Approved 3fxreh 5, 1890.
Paul, Rn nasty c•oautt}-, )tion.
]'Cas -,\Id. Bickel, Rlont, Bock, Puu lien. Fisher By Al,d \felady-
G Viva Knvamagh, Minta.-Nehedy, , ,n+ Renulae•d, That the city 3I hereby in-
l'h:airmnu-12: bora, } elkd
r. oeeraie
't"to rebuild Stairway ,ley between
Approved \Iat b 5, 18ti, lou I 10
and 11, ,,lock ], R+a zine & Robert's-
__ :cadith,n, cost not to exeerd the num of 5100.
By Ald. Slelady- ]'Sas-:aid. Bickel, Rloriu. Sock. ('.lien, Fisher,
Gebxu, lin van:aglu. Mfue:a' \felady, .Sanborn,
Itesolced, Tbnt the
streets, betaerun the poi[' tx of ned ta, hulicate�l \Ipruovr�lr3fure1ur5� 1890
by [ %,
le red r-rnde lines on the 11 pro-
files, and
as recon urenlyd by the may engineer' --
be and [he su nr
are li-eb" adopted um the B}' .\Id. +;rh>au-
established [mode: I ]resolved. That the city engineer be and he is
Tennessee street, from State hereby
to (Hester streets. directed to lay a two -plunk walk frena
Al.bmm� street. from State to C4temter •k(-kcr street to Great
streets. I Northern Rxilavn}- Com-
I'enton stt•eet.fro.t'rexaax to mu trre[s. P+��n}' x rd to build feme
.alxbn a at the southern ter-
Yeas -.\Id. Stickel, Blom, Bock. Cuaileuu, Fisher, t 'tis cat Porti od
Gehnn. Knvan.glu. Mfmmo. 3lelad}', San bot. 1 Y"+as-.{I i. Bake] Bluan 73
Sullivan, Mr. Cha' ark- Callmt, Fisher,
Scams lig \' Mrlady,
Approved \Larch 5, 18!10. sit lil-a n, Mr. Clmirmanittea, Smtborn,.
A , >"d Mar•
I In'( cIt 5 18911
B. � ..
.aid. Weber- 5 \e>er-
Re Sole r
el ' 1'h> at chr grade of [he fullonuhg Bt- .aid. ]feiudy-
streecs and alley, Let ween-ahe points n ted, an Itesolyed.'I']tiat the eft}-etgdnrer be instructed
dedicated by the red grade line tnca;om-
on the to hnye a. cresswalk laid o. the Sort It side of
P. Iv prolilee. seal an •ommen]ed by the 0xkutx uvrnue
� nal aeroes Ridavell sa Cert.
city en 1t1,c;,bran,lthewame(are herebpnrliap[edi Yras-Alrl. Rir•.kel, Blonn, Buck. 11 t,
as the
rstabli. I, grates: Gehnn, Kavumagh. )tiaras. )]clad)-, Sanborn.
Como avenue, tram llnrylaud street to but S Sulliv:0+, 31 nagh.
' '
r, nn-
Como \'ilhas: aIle y' 12.
m bb•-.
1 B { -
rh•' \
cls as •( \
( re r- I per ,c 1 o, I89u
rangqenisio of .larch .
half block 2, Smith's
f South
enbdiyisiofn f .'tinwan's division, between ; Bc('nllen-
3lneknbin mad
,\Conde] streets.
-Kid. Bickel, Blum, Bock, Cullen. Fisher, j kenolvrd. That the tnayor ane city clerk of
0 hoes ugh, mi -i, llelady, S'nl+burn, the cit}' of St. Paul be and they rife hereby au-
8ulh-., Mr. -12. I thunzed nnU directed for and in Lhe mime of said
� I
Approved March e, 1890. cityuch to `unn a Petition for the vacation of so.
oftichuO Satre[ in .. city as lies be -
taveern the line
By Aid. Blom- south of ,,fellerltoter street c..
alae ol Vaexten(ied Itenst1Pnnd
of Jefferson JBaryland
f, That the grade of 3lississlppi tree[, nal»
Street t,! Luke Cono and Yh¢len tion of soldstreet 210 and IT)
10-"I feet �n 1 p
avenue, us iudicnted 1)the red grade li eugtb,.
on both side+. u( which th
the me a cit • ofS
ora ,nn ' t Yn
} vtng 3 ul own.
ofii• s
V Sud nnmmeide�d i
seer nal 'Caples property for hoxpfTal purposes,
by the city engineer, be and the s Ise ie hereby noon for which it
.m the established Kende. psrpoxes also neral. said por-
� [ion of sold Richmond street.
Yeas -Aid. Blekel, Alom, Bock, Cohen,
Fisher, ]ells-Ald. Bickel, Blnn, Bock, Cullen, Fisher,.
Gehnn, KuvannKir Mines, Melody. A.nboru, hehan, Kavanagh, i)11nen,
Aelxdy. Pratt, San -
Mr,furehma 8flo. ,bona. Sullivan, lir.. Chairman -]8.
Ap},roved 3lnn•h 5. 1890.
Approved 3lnreh 5,.1890.
B, Ald. Blom-
Resolved,'1'luat the city clerk notify the pro
officers of the 1% scon,ln C-tral Itail-ty om-
pany to place a f ailiu n at the crossing of Me-
Menemy Street.
Yens -Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cellon. Fisher,
(;elms, Kavanagh, Mine., \[clad}-, Pratt. San-
born. Sullivan, Mr. ('hairman- 1:5.
Approved March 5, 1890
]ens-Ald. Bickel, Bloin. Bork. ( ellen, Fisher,B}• All], cnnborut-
Gehnn, Kavanagh. Minta, M,lady, Sanborn Resolved, 'Chat the North 5[. Haul Railroad
Sullivan, Mr. Chairman -12. ('ontpany be turd said company is hereb}- (x•c-
Approved Mufx•h 5, 1890. mined ty bp- its traeka, to be counnvcteal under
ornifnnn•e of the said rfty of S[. Paul. No. 1.246,
• By Ald. Kavanagh- 'ith T rail of the usual putterit, and that such
Resolved, That the ritvcterk i+ hereb}-nuthur- Trail be and the an me is !torch}- approved for
ized to advertise for bids for the eensT•uctiouu of the pnrpow•S afurewld.
the sa bt amt ore of the vi_th street brirlti ,1n Ymui-:\Id. Bickel, Blots, Buck, Pullen. Fisher,
ordntce avfth the III I, furnished by the cat}' Gehua, Kxvatnagh. 3linea, 3felad}-, Yeat[, SRIl-
engineer. hurt,. Sullivan, Ar. (I an -1:3.
limas-Ahl. Bickel, Blom, Beck. ('u9mn. Fisher, Approvwl Maarch 5, 1890.
Gehan, Kuvmngh, \li-s. 3,ebady, Pratt, Sun- I }3}' Aid. Kavanagh -
born, Sullivan, Mr. Chairs -1:3. Itesolyed. That the niatter of the i -fiance of
Appro-d Mnrcla 5, 1890. the bonds for the Sixth street badge is hereby
Resolved, That flat snperintenlrnt of pulite reh•rred to clue cornnit[te on acct }-n and mr;aus.
1'cna-Aid. Bickel Blots Bock. Cullen. Fisher
patrol teleiraph ix hereby instructed to Our_'(:eluon. K:a,+a naph, Minot., 31eJud c. Yrntt,
'hal. t o I 1 (e ( t I 1 rev, to 'k.", lots[ 1 n rn, Sullivan. Mr. ('frau nuun 1 t-
foll () at tl r uF 0xale o Still] Al,preved 3lnrrlu 5, iri90
and -\I aa( oil street tt turner of (.he k
a'en e t 1 mats ; also to place t I 13":\Id Kna+nnng!u-
pho e If a ole 1 T ,resolved by the tutamen Collncl of the cit, of
Peas -,{IJ. Birkri, itlom, Bork. Pullen, Wisher, St. Paul, tltnt the Purchase of lot n oered,
Gehnn. Karuaagh. \tinea, Mebtdy, Sauuboruu', three (:S r. inn block tam s, fourteen (191.
Sullivan, Mr. Ph;In, man -l..
Approved ]parch .',, 1x90, \vhitnry & Smith's : Iditiou to the cit, of St.
}>nul, from .\odt- Meier. by the board of fire
By Aid, Sanborn-- 1 -1 -one- for the nut n of twenty-five
11-1 efl, That Bre board of fire cc th-luld (S2., Mmldollnrx,ia hereby confirmed,
ers be and they are hereby uuthorl-I ml,l re- nn i It shell be thrdutyof thecftycontptrsller to
guested to eunstrn•t and u+ nintoin as fin• Ilxrtn i u.l ode the wail s n M tartar. - five• thofer to
box, with the n--sa y sou Colon', on n e of dollars uud interest sin his tax levy estfnoate for
the corners of Victoria Street and Liu+eolit ua_ Line year Mill; provided, that the sad .\nd-,
em e, Maier gives to the City of St. Haul a I,erfcct avar-
Yeas-Ald. Bickel. Blom. Bock, Pullen. Fisher. rarity !rel of the staid (roperty, flee nal clear
Gehnn. Kavanagh, }linen, Nelad", Sanborn, of 1' 1' In•uuntbr;ann•s. mn� +pproyed by the eor-
van, Mr. Chnfrmun-12, puratiou attorney of the City of St. Poul. The
Approved Mnrvh 5. 1890. wnl Sana of twenty -d vethuusxnd IR25,0oU1 dnl-
barsshallbearint-,st nt the rate of seven l7)
By All]. Sxubon+- per cent per nonan, Is,::
paid, from the dial, of
alar as , iroa'+al o[ the xaaid deed by the aid ror-
Resulved,T1 at heyar hereby
, a lirerennnissi"rt-� ti�nxtturnney. Theciterouutptrolleri.s here by
ern 1e and the -:are herrL a u h n 'r
a t a .rd +n 1 1
t uctrvl .n d uutl e l t I t tl I sum
recced to erect mud uuu.alnTOn a her alarm ho [ f t Vent} five fill1 ($2o,0110)dollarsto
the southwest corner of """ mart \Venter ti tl •r as tab the rix a lint n t tl ..eon
lues. as t orticable, after tt o v s have 1 pull
]'ens -,\id. inckel, III I, Rock, tlllen, FI 1 t [ the may treasury. from for g trr.l Tax set
Gehnn. Knt;nagh, Mines, Melaady, Snanboran'-ul clement of .funs. 1891, and it shall br aloe lea}-
liyan, ,fr. d March 5. 1 _. of tin• City clerk to dntav Ru order upon aIle City
Approved \both 5. 1890, de:initry for the nnaoant so audited by the cfty
By Aid. (Ylllrn- tnl'ean-{Id. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen. Fisher,
Resolved. That the right of way of the hoard ;. Gchan, Kavanagh, Slf lea, \felady. Sanborn,
o[ [voter cen0nissionrrs, from Mississippi street Sullivan. Nr. Phafr-oz,12.
at a'>uint about 15[1 (tet north of Maryland ;{ppruved March 5. 18911.
their it on" .l. \V. lnasri Garden Lots,
Bxwsou's Luke ('ono mal Phalen ,\venue addi- }iv Ald. Pulleu-
tion. Gnrne-v Park. Gamey Il igldru; Yaark :uud Itesuived, by the coon mon conuril of alae city
Merrill'- Ilivision of Rfre Street {'inns. to pmol)- of St. Paul, State of Minnesota: '['list the 1-1,
' g station of s+ld board, shall be known xs city (Ilfre•rS un• hereby Instructed to Issue
Overton -„nue. one hnnlred thousand IS100,0(101 do:]ams of
]'eau -A Id. Rickel, Blom, Bock, Pullen, Fisher , bonen of the city of St Paul m denomifiatfonn
Gehnn, Kavanagh, 311-•x. 3lelady, Sanborn, of our thousand dollare ouch, ben ring date of
Suldvnn )it. Chairman- '
'', \ R • 1 1890,
890 xud htterext a[ the rate of •I
1 a
Approved }Iamb 5.1890. per cent per gent , if,, ble semi-annwlly at
ti tun nctnl York,
y i the cit" of St. Paul in the
Resolved, That the St. Paul bean -eat' B. ]Vel-' city
of New Pork, principal payable on the 1st
233 and the Doce'" of A.1). 1l bearing,nproviding
the'riayofs. toi- the four
cxtcadiromthe date
forday of t ructI her, A. B. 1880, and 11 -fling of fens¢, for• the purpose of e. tending. enlarging
for the cont ruc[lou Sell fire, es -v
to the Newnta rket theatelrnru(sfo <f filed he I an• ,at�orirzd L he Va'ntt of theslegfnlatureloi the
and the matte is hereby approved.nnd the proper State of . .11, ed
-111 29, 1889.
city officers, are hereby ""horFtad and directed Said bonds shill be negotiate(1'and mold by the
to execute said "by on behalf of the city of committee un wnye
mad ne nm o[ the common
St. Paul. conneil of the city of St. Paul, and the proceed
thereof shall be placed fn the city treasury, o
Bald cltyto the Credit Of the board of watercOta
mloadollerx Of Bald city.
G haat xavumathAld e1N n1ea,1'31sho y, Sembon1.Kul
Bloon. Mr. Cholrma t-12.
Approved 5(xreh IS. I N00.
By nm. xnvamadl_ —
cltHYYrtrea«u ter far tll�e ratan rr(t P•114� t, Inl%nvor .iii
C. F., IKekennnh Internal! o 1', F.. Dlekerntnn a
portion of the taxes ahl LY elm or nut Iota K, 9
to At or I Punt, chat th if a�ttazex of 1NKK� thelltlrld
bum bcf..R clw Tt opordonutr, ..hurl• to Iw Anna
y ter snorer •Ignt tent of said ants, deeded to
'the dial Sept. ] 2, ]KKK. Kurd arise to hu drliv.
Bred only Orion rl Dekxnnan filing fn aha
of the citycmnptptroller it retwlpt In maid full for xnfd
Yeux \Id. I11Ckri, Main. Bork, Cullen. Fisher,
Gehun, Kavnututh, 111nefi, lileluol •, Pratt, Still.born, Sul II hu, 11r, VI Irnuut-111.
Approved March 6, 18wt
Hy Ald. Cullen— —
Reaolre . That the proper otllex•re of the city
Of Kt. I', I ha aarl tl...v
to draw it rant upon the treasury of Raid
CICY lu to ,r f aearge Re1x, city treawurer, for
trensthe nry fortheva elution of Bot much oaf o812
math 11, oftreel• \elderlloferyetreetlleztenes tied twext-
-IY andhe
the north flue f .Teflernon a
tender] c—Urly and wexterlp ns required thy, the
provisions of fill Act of the legislator, of the
State of NII nuesotn. poved .Iarrh 20, A. D.,
889, relating to the vomatlon of publicstreets
I'd gro ladmm maid city. which s 1)t is hereby
flied as the vultte of maid prem(xex 7n' -I, to
be vatextell ax xf,Zmald.
G halt,Kmlool h,l]linen, Ie1xJ3'. Prntt iPa t�
born, Sullivan, Sar. ('hxtrn-11 —18.
Approved lbarch 5, 1890.
By Aid. Cfillet— —
J R. I;trate for the soat an ul of serder re ]teen dloIIA_ stet 1
90 Its ($17.011), being intere"tanPenalty ou
rtiflcate f "ale 9491, ie ed agad in at Inc 6,
block 28, Rice S�tvhie's addition_ a roneoualy
olooll it
^k Rihter for
A 94 tent. (S1
certiflcntes of
e, 1..,led .—It
oalnon, erro.
H liexhlved, that an order be drawn fn favor of
the board 0' control for the aunt of x1,871.32,
being the efty'Boae-thlyd of the expendlture of
said board for the month of February, 1A90Yomt—Al
Gran. Kav I to Dlm, t I or ,uPrntt Fisher,6..1
.torn, Sullivan, 5[1) Chnlrnlxn-18.
Approved ]larch 5, 1All(
'9a 1)6 Paul hehi'etotore orde
red the boar 1 of pitb.
Re works to report whether a change of grade on
the east aide off lot A,f black street
Terry PAZ
addition, ht Bald city, ¢s shown by n red line on
a prone annexed to maid order. was ary,
nor mepdrfor r. lid whether al tate tt� be ae•
could be found bea-
ntaA to the extent Of damagam and costs to be
by in1dwaImprovement; il:uia order, one
board of pnLllc works Aid aka u report to the
c'mmnn uncll, of dnG! Darenbar 12, 18,19,
recommmdlnR to shaltNa of Kratha. aforesaid:
t I that prot,ertY enubl b - found Wacil—I to
the extent of damage.. mats nud exttwnaem traces•
ru•y, o be incurred I', maklag sold chnnor. of
Knde us nforemald; and
whereas, The common 1Oa..e9 of s,lm city, on
the 17th I By of D 4•ember, 1KK0, al opted Id
report ,ordered the city clerk to givu Lha
notue required by haw; ,all
Wherea., Theelty clerk gavu antics In the of.
floral paper of Bald city, for three marcem,d Ve
wr•ekx. twice lu each week, that thecotmnolt conn•
ell of .'old city would. oh the Ath day of 1fA -h,
1890, fit 7:750 Nclock t, m., at the couuc•11 Cham•
her Ill auto] city, calls] a1, much proposed change
of grnde; snort
1Yhere..., At thetJme and phu•e IustdexllmateC
for sunt proposed ehnnRn of grade, the common
eomadl. after hearing all Iterating Interested, and
belug of the o1dNou that the Bartle Is necessary
and proper; therefore, be it
Resolver' That thegrade of Goodrich avenue,
lot 1,,.Iblock [S. 'YerruOe1e P l kotaddltlone beide d
elle Med fine wx arrtowoit_,I
Rthe lnnuezed profile, De
In. the same as referred to In all the pro
hold lu regard to Bald chnugo; and be It fur-
Resolved, Thac the order and the profile ren-
t tltog avid change u( Krade he referred to the
board f public %arks, and that a Id board
aha0 p ly u d,rfetyha. out delu}rtoW the "ame,at Mch
+hall be ter3 aired to pay the dam les, costs and
expense of such 1 en t upon the real em!
late to be benetiteri by aid Improvement, as
pro.ided by lax, It bring the opinion of the
mm council that real state to be asxesxed
'he anchbtto the t em, can be (none] benefited to
a(ees, mate and ezpe
ary to be incurred thereby. axes
t Yeas—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Fisher,
:Chau, Kx.'n"I" Mlnea. 5(elad Y, Pratt, San -
Sullivan Air. Cmdrmna—]n.
t Approved Sfarch 5, 1890.
]a hP Basbeii. Residents ofthe sole x'the
en city tote St. Paull,,
nue. h1 Haid cit ave petitioned the mon
titian or f id T later E. ve,, to
dexrlbvacateed us the (oi-
lown, to wit: Commencing at the northeasterly
corner of block 61, runang thence north i6.s deg.
16 min. %ext 2110 feet, thence n curve to the
left with a radio. of 268 6-10 feet, a distance of
I1 9-30 feet, thence eonth o]8 dart Ol man. east
10 feet] of place ofth'tbeginnih 29 deg sat turn- pe- "st
ng, N'hiC
duly metro forth the fact. and reasons for maid va-
c tion, and wa. duly accompnuled by a plat
thereof am proposed to hi vacated, and
Whereas, The common c uncll, upon the pp
septation of aaid petltlou, deemed Pt exp " t
that the mutter be Itrreeded with and ordered
enid petition to be flied of record x'Ith the city
clerk, and notice to be given by publicatl0 as
provided by law; and
.:..,. - _. -.. .-. I .•.T1) g .::-
and wax
cared �neadhY s
upon,V;' -
R it Itd.-d
with tio;i10
tty publlcatlon
four weeks,, ary. A. D.
warrenm, At cite time unci pinrro bast nforexuld. 1Ku0, to the etln t ural anlA •petltloil hatd been
'for the IltvextiWatlon and ,at,, laratlmt f much IIIcA tvlth ter cltY clerk, stntlu�f 1)l brief Its ob-
po1111— vm•nti-a f snlrl t'rurrlons of Tflater IIa•t Aad that the wuna wnuid ate heard rout con-
onur ns
'IF 11'
aha a n'll after Idered by the rnmmmt emuuil of [he cit)• of At, fienrlug all pewntlm Iltbmrmtrri, na[nA I,cf..g of the Jhud nn 't'ufis.. Y. the 4...illy of \barn. A. D.
•opbdnn that the slum Is fie x nr5• nuA prctirer. I lKno, act 7:Ito ti elaok In chc uftetnhe, r. f old
1)d that the erre. ulBltrBx therefnr have all d..y fit the rounail cbalubtr lu ala• c•ItY buil of
been compiled u'fth; now. therar1re be 1t xa h clb', nud
Itesnlved. natt all of a..ld Tainter avenue rte- t\Nherets, At the time and place last nfurexnld,
Berthed its followm, to alt; at the for the lm•estigntlon and coltsldenatlnn (such
northeasterly eorlter of black llfty-nue (51), prollm "I vtmndou of said trtlon of .ofd Rich•
ruralhtK thence north 90 deg, tor, min, west cava mood street 1)x nforeanld, t�te calnmou commli,
htlalreA (Y/l0) feet: [rentor oa n curve to the left to
he"'hat all pon"Ins Interested curd being of
with.. ntdfnm of two luun1, 1 f1It5''three f. -]O the rt.....I t that the anrt;e Ix tccetisxry lord
feet Il rllmtnncr t( leve.. 9-10 t I 1 n l0) fret; :Porn rr. and that the mercryulBltex therefnr have
thence mouth 118 deg.!)1 Asia. east two huttdted' all taea t•nm7pp'lleo] wftln naw, therfore, be 1t
twe,war tell (11) feet tun tplaretrad tLeglmil tg, nx45 t tike mtroet raxell.llrx irehceehat a the much
an I I Ih,, T eller.
Llama n Brea% of record ItI the allies of the t•rgla- rifer street extended l,eateril)', and the north
ter of rfeeda in and for the count}y• of Ibunma•y, Ilue of .leifersou uveme extaurled easterly and
Minn.. ba and the s1) 1)e Is hereby rieclared to be westerly, being a portion of said street,two hull-
vacated nud dbcnntinuet] as caked for fu multi dred tet 10-101) (21a 10-1110) ( t in length, xx
petition and m herela abovr x7 •sed. the name ayq t or record ill
the once of the
Y n Aid. .Bickel. Blom. }Suck, l;ulleu, blither. reyimter of 3Xdarmla m 1,l for the manor of Ram-
cen�n. K,t.• "A"ld' 'IIlttea. I eladr. Pratt San- r ]unnemont. b1, ami me stun la �arrbv de.
borrb Sl r. ('hxirutau—IA. i rlareJ o hr vnrxted land dlsemltin ued -asked
Passed 11ur,-h 4, 1890. for in stud petltlolI and eA Itereitt above xpet'lfled.
t}evav Wim.a. ('halt...... of Council. 1"ens—Ali. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullet Fisher,
Approved MOM, 6, 1891). I (;cha n. Knvntuach. 1littea, SlrlxdY. Pratt, 5en-
ituaear A. 5 t , Sfayor. b1, St 171'x1) Sar. ('hatrmnn-18.
Mutsu[: Tana. A. Puma oaawnxr� Cfty Clerk, Pit I \1x1,111 1, 1890.
March ]0. BexllY WEn:n, ('hnirman of Council.
:\Pprovrd Slnrch 6. ]AAO.
Wherenx, the Commas ('o uucll le the h (l of B near RGA. ST. Cit Clerk.
S Int Paul. et n nleetinK held on the fourth dully \hest: Tawe. .\. Pnax)enaner. CYty Clerk.
of Slarch, A. Il. 1890,,,d adopt a reeolOtfon v \[arch 111.
[h1It the Portion of 'fnlutur avenue in maid ci[p
described ' fpllot m, to tel I.
('o ulmelcing fit the Whe ens, The enm c 1 of theefty of St.
or[henaterly r of Block 111. running thence Px 1)l, 1)t n meeting held cont the fourth day of
ortad deg. left ,. to
:00 feet. thence on a SIArch, :\. 71. 1891), did adopt a reeolntion va.
to the left with n n,,T11" of 21)8 6-]O fret CxtiaK xo muter of Richmond xt—, fix Iles be-
-carve dlatnure o[ 11 0 ]U feet, theirs south aR deg. ,twee.. the south Ilse of \iederhofer meet ez-
Ol min. east 212 1-10 feet, thence mouth 29 deg. tended wextetl •and the north line of Jeaereon
45 minutes %vest 10 feet to Pixce of held n Nng; I avenue a tended easterly 1)d x' f Jef befog
therefore be it te tilted, tent fire .'aloe of xnfd pinion o! said mtreet tt, hundred ten 10-100
mess also] a ted -a n .1 add be allyl the same 11210.10) lost In length; tbereforebe It resolved,
ie hereby fixed at the num of eeveutp-Ove dollntre i oat the slue o[ Bald premises o vacated as
(876), the maid an m helIg n t less titan a ro aforesaid be And the same is hereby fixed 1)t the
portionnte average value of the property' abut- m f twelve hundred fifty -tette 84-100 dollars
ting upon said premixes so vacated ncs:ording to (81.26A.N41, the said Bum being not lees titan
the ax.eemment for taxation for
the velar A. ll. proportlonu[e a' rage value of Lhe ropert))-
1888. batting u)mu maid premises eo vne te�tAccort7-
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bork, Gallen. Fisher, lug to the nexemmmeut for taxation for the Year
Gehan, Kavanagh, 111nea, 1lelady, Pratt, San- A. D. 1888.
born, Sullivan. 11r. Chainnun-1K. Yeas—Aad. Bickel, Blom, Bork, Cullen. Maher,
Approved )larch 6, 1800. ('.ehnn, Kavmlmtil, Ulnen. I elmly, Pratt, San-
III— Sullivan, Sar. C'hto rmmt-38.
Whereas, Remldents of the city of Saint Paul, Approved ]larch 5, 1890.
1571nnesota, belag the majority of the owners of
the p operty'abutti upon 1)d ¢long the fine I Whereas, The majority of the of i , reaid.
( Richmond street. in Auld 6I' have petitioned fag In St. Yetul, At onexota, fine
a o1R rty
the comntnt e0tnwtl of the city of SL Paul to va- butting 1)P au a along the Ifo the ter Ileo
beto so inch of Id 1130--nd street fix I(eB nerelnafter described have petitioned the com.
tween the
nth d tee \lerle line r street e n n t ncil (the (:Icy of St Paul to •ac to
tended westerly and the Hoath Ilse of Jefferson the" matting from north to south through
avenue extendedI easterly and w terly. being a bock fifteen (15), of Fairview addition to the
Portion of xnfd street, two hundred ten City o[ 8t. Paul, and from Cane street to Janke
30-190 (21U 10-100) feet in length, which said street, which maid wtition duly sets forth the
petition duly arta forth the facts suit reasons for facts and reasous, for said vacation, and was
:ia of the West e t
St. Paul heal Nunt
Estate and Im-
ent Syndicate Addition pray"ln t oil .umber 4,
blocfair 47 and 46 of the. West dSt.ic Paul Ileal i n-
LNte told Int nroyrath ]f Syndicate Addition
\umber t to t51r south line f the city at An-
iva„nits street be and the sante is hereby referred
to file b
oarlo[ ,aL11•\
report: bap
1 t \o[kn Cu investigate and.
1' first Iv this hapro\entent proper and times.
Second—Give the c
ovae n -timate of the
alf of
the�e'am,ost thereof in tof. beLate
aid \ilntohthe eityne-latress.
cry before the contract is let.
'I'lard—(in real estate to be nssensed for said
improvement be fou -td benefited to the exteatof
damages• costs and expenses necessary to be in -
['ed thereby?
Fourth—Is e'uch 'lnprmenlent naked for upon.
the petition or application of the ow' ere of a
nnjonty of the property to he assessed for such
fth Ciest:'
seaii the council 11 pinlu nr l,rofile of
maid nnpro\'enaeut, ns required L. lou-, iF you re-
port in favor of the swine.
.'til—Send the conucil n proper order direct-
ing the work to be done.
1"ens—.[ll. Bickel. Bloat, Bock, Cullen. Fisher,
1; chat:. Knvaungh, }linea, }lelad)', Snilborlr, Sn1-
I.—al, Mr. Clour nan-12.
Approved March 5, 1890.
By Ald. Mcllidy—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the (tiny of Sc. Pant:
'That the nnatter of raking and condenlni]g for-
ntreet or levee all that ]and not nlreacty con-
denilerl or dedicated, lying between the \Ifsete-
sippf racer and n line dem:ribed as follows:
Commencing it the northwest earlier of lot 0,
block 19, Alnb's addition, thence running fit a
nth'atterly direction along the uortherl\• lines
of blocks 19, 17 nail 18, of said Anlli n ad(lition;
tile]"" in a straight line to the northerly corner
of block :1, of Luageyin's TI rd
addition: thence
V,iiS the northeastern v line of blocks 3, 2 and 1,
(f rid Lnngevfu's Third xdditfou, fwd along the
northeasterly lime of blocks 17, I8 and 82, of
Lamprey.'n additlou to St. Paul to the south
Ifne of said addition, be sadthe same is hereby
referred to the board of publfc works to I ,v-ti-
n to and report:
aFirst—Is this fmproventent proper and neces-
,ri•nail— ,ive the camel] n . thnate of the
-pease thereof, alta tate whether -half of
'.he cont thereof Into be paid into the City Tmas-
ry before the contract Is let.
a 'Third—Gnne 1 estate to be assessed for said
nprovement be found benefited to the extent of
Ixnlagr,:, costs and exla•nsen necessary to be ]it-
'urred thereby?
such f lli—veme It asked for upon.
[ ap,,lcatiwl of the owners of a
e prols'rty to be assessed for such
the conucil lan or profile of-
nt, an requiredpLy haw, if you re.
If the same.
the council n proper order direct -
be done.
lickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen. Fisher,
cold, )linea, elady. Sanborn,
By Ald. }felady— --
t is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the 1 Ytv of St. Paul:
That filematter of taking and coudemtdng for
street or levee all
that Inud not already con,
demised or dedicated, 15la • betw-cen the Miosis-', By Ald. Velody—
.lppf rlver and a line detu•rited nn follow',: Conn- It Is hereby ordered by the Conation Council
ting at the northows,t corner of lot 1, block • of the Citv of St. Paul:
20,Brooklya l ad(lltion, theuce in a straight Ilse That the matter, of grading to the established
northeasterly along the out 11 Zine of the. alley grade nod to :a width of 50 fret on ton the so-
blocks 17, 18, 19 and 20 of Brooklpnd rolled laver or street t the Sixth ward and
addition to the northeast corner of lot a, block Water street beginning at Starkey street, thence
17, Brooklynd addition: thence in a straight running In a noetlmawterly directiou through
line to the center of the alley which runs through 1 Banzille& Robert's addition to West St. Paul and
block 29 athe east liar of Ilulovell A Spencer's through Mamladl's addition to hest St. Paul
addition: thence fn a straight Ifne in nu easterly to Stair st tart. be eu 1 the sante is hereby re-
direction to the northwest corner of lot d, block farted to the Lmrrd of public works to fnvesti.
19, Anlb's addition, be and the s is hereby gate and report:
referred to the board of public works to fu. Flrnt—Is this improvenlmw proper and neces-
te aid report: ary
Ffrat—isthis fmproventent proper and nares- s Seen l—Give the council tw et! at, of the
sorry'.• a xpense thereof, and
state whether one-half of
Second—Give the council nn estimate of the the east thereof is to be puna flat( the city tress
es snne thereof, at,(] state whether one-half of
F urs before the rent roti a le[.
the cost thereof in t a be pled into the city trews- 'fined—liva rent estate to fi ed to
for said
urs before the contract is let. o tprov'entent be fauna pease ed ve the extent
Third—Can treat estate to be assessed the
for said of dm tIl conte and expenses netessury to be
i danunieut be s and 2lefiexpenses
ce the extent . incurred r ba act
In changes. costs and expenses necessary to be Fourth—ba Hoch improvement asked for sport
Incurred 1 thereby'.' the petition or property
to a the swarm of a
Fourth—is ouch iinpm\'rment asked for upon imijat of the proper[}'to be unnensed for such
the petition or application of the owl nl a fa pruvenamt:'
majority of the property to be assesnedrfor such Flftl—Saud the council a {:inn or Profile of
improvement:' said improvement,
reclnired Ly In\r, if yml [e-
Fifch—Send [he council a plan refile of port fn txvor of the same.
ant I,] f lapro—n—t, as required by la w� �f you re- Sixth—Send the council at proper order direct-
1 work to be done.
cixthfaSmad taellcoencil a proper order direct- e man- inlehr Ald. ]ticket. Blow,, hock. Call-, Fisher:
hlg the work to 1, Inc.dGchnu. Kavanagh. Minea, )lelady, Sanborn,
rens—A Id. Bickel, Blown, Bock. 1'uilrn. Fisher, Sullivan. Mr. Chumnan-12.
Gehxll, Kavanagh, )0nen. Melady. Sun—n. Approved Ilarch 5, 1890.
Sullivan. Mr. Chainnmc-1L. _
Approved )larch 5, 1890. By :11d. Velmly—
It is hereby ordered by the C,rtttnaon Council
the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of grading Curtice street,
By Abd. yleboy— frown South Robert to ('once 1 street, be and
It is hereby ordered by the aoinnron Cowacil of the "ane is hereby referred to the board of pub -
the (ity of St. Paul: lie works to hcvestigace and report:
That tae nwitter f grading to the estublished First—Is this fin proventent proper and neces-
fpadle and to a n -fifth of fifty feet on top, the no_ sur}':'
called lane or street in the Sixth a' i vl, coin- ercond—Give the council nn estinmte of the
naming at
the asst Ilm• of block "C" of Running a "panne thereof, and state whether one-half of
A Olfvfer's additioll to West St. haul, thence f a the cont thereof fn to be pull into the city
a northeanter!y direction •Hong the linen of the trenc"1rr before [he coNtri"t is let.
said street or levw, and Water street to the 1]- '1'Idr,l�':0: real estate to br nnsessed for said
tersectiun of Fillmore avenue, ua Fillmore av- inaprovenlrllt he+found benefited to the extent of
ue to an Intersection with Myrtle ntlY•et, and damugen, cast.:out expenses I" 'airy to be in.
nt rest northwesterly to an iutersec•tlon t red thereby
with VIII street, and still street northeasterly to �ulh'ourt]t—Is such Improvement asked for upon
Starkey street. be unit the n is hereby re- the pet inion or apidleatioa of the owners of a
Leered to the board of public works to fnvesti- rnnjorty of the property to be assessedforsuch
gate and report: in procem"ut :'
First—Is this hcala—coeut proper and ureas- I+ifth—Bead the council n plan o profile of
ear}" said inner \-rnwa L, nn leIf tired I)y law, if you
Secuail—Give the council an stilum a of the report in favor of the s
expense thereof, and state whether one-half of Sixth—Saud the council at proper order di -
the cost thereof is to be {arid into the city [rens- metlup the [cork to be done.
u y before the contract is let. Teas—Ald. Rickel, Blo a. Bock, fallen. Fisher,
Third—Can real estate to be assessed for maid Gehau, Kav:ulagh, }linen. Melody, Sanborn,
proveme it be ftmad leaefdted to the extent of Suhivan, Mr. (*)airman -12.
damages, costs an
expenses necessary to be lis-' Approved \[arch 5. 1890.
curred thereby"' —
Fourth—Is such improvement asked for npora BY AbI. Grhan—
the petitfou or application d the a rs of it It fs hereby ordered by the Cbntinon Council
nalof the property to be assessed for such I of t11e (its of St. Pn1!j
fmproventent". T! t the'tatter ([ grmling alley ha block
Fifth—Send the conucil n. plan or profile of I.ockey's addition, be wall the mune is here
said improvement, an required by late. if you re- referred to the bon rd of public works to investi-
port In favor of the scone. gut" and repo
Sixth—Sd the council a properorder direct- First—In trt:
hw lnlprocentent proper and neecs-
ing the work to be done. nary".
1 5—Aid. Bickel, Ill..., Bock, Cullen' Fisher. � 8eroad—Give the cunei{ n i estimate of the
Gehan, Kavanagh, 'lines. Melady, Funborn, 1 expense thereof, and state whether one -halt of
Sullivan, Mr. Chairman -12. the cost thereof is to be paid into the city treas-
Approved March 5, 1890. cry before the contract Is let.
duly necomptaled by x plat thereof us propose•
to be vacated, unci
Whereas, The tansies conned, upon the >r
mentation f n c
o nil cetNi u
( . d rated axn
1 1t eaea
that file nattier be proceeded th and omen•
said etlti ] 1 •c
P o to ,e flint of or 1 with the -at
clerk amt twiner to b• ee
o i riven Lt' publication t u a
provided law, an
Whereas, lice
0tv by
c the l pap Sold four mee
inn paper of said city for four uerxe
e]ef]g on the clay of Ju]uiary, :1. 1.
1890, il the antic•[ duct wild l,etitfon hila Leel
filed \\'nth the city clerk, stating ill Lrlet its nf,
jest, and that [he "lateolld be heard all,
considered by cceun
the ocfl of the (it,
of St. Paul on 711esdayl'the 4th day of MarchA.
I). 1891), at 7::30 o'clock Ian the afternoon o
said day, tat the council ctmmfber f file city hal
of saidcity. wild
Whereas, At the at file and place Inst aforeuth
for the investigation and c ..... deratfon of sn(1
proposed \' cation of said ns afore"til
the cnmuloin '."'a ncil, after heading 11 e
interested, and of the opiaiu a t4lI, [h�
name is necesnarc and proper. loot that the pre
reyufsites therefor hove elf been complied with
no", therefore, be it
.., I
R , all of said alley canning h'on
esolved, meet
north to til through block fifteen u
o i"t P n ,
the City of St. Paul, :ul,
fr.. (!a st, to
from lase street to Jenks street, nn the atone
of relrord it, fit, o1y1cY• of r•fdster n
deeds fu and for said county of Ramsey, \linne
nota, be ami the atone is hereby declared to Is,
vacated and discontinued as its ked for in goad
petftfo] amt rte hereia ab- specified.
�'1 I
Teas—:lld. Bickel. iilmq Ruck. t'ullell, 7•'isher.
Gahan, Kavanagh, )linen, Mcludy, Pratt, Sat,
horn, Sulli\-nn. Mr. Cl atiramc-1:5.
Pxss'ed \larch 4, 1890.
If.' a'Wt:l .1. 1'lallli'Ina11 of Cnllnt•il.
Approved Varch 5, 189,1.
Rol—T A. }IlTll, Mayor.
Attest: Taos. .1. Pulm-n :.l.t. Il[y Clerk.
March 10.
� I
\Therein. The e•( u mmnc m•il of that ' e eof
6t. 1'nul, 'cc nx•
ueting oil the �Ith
'way or 3 ar•h. A. B. 1890, did adopt
y j r
xohftioa l "sting the :lies run -
ntng (ram north to+'Hoath through bini•k fif[teu
(15) cd Fa Eno, uddffioll to the city or St. Paul,
and frontCare street to Jenks street. Therefore
premises xo
be It resolved. That the value of Haidvacated
s� f
fixed nc
at tl:rtsa of'two uuml reld Bohn mal
Haid Hum Leiag a t lens than n proportion-
ate xyernge vxlae (f the propertyabntting apes
raid premises su rnwGrd, according to the la..
es eat for taxation for the _aur A. 0. 1888.
1 is —Bickel, Bhu.. Ro(.- year Ic, Pfnher,
fiction. Ka\'linugh, Vines, I elnd}•, Pratt, Sxn-
horn, Sullivan, Mr. CIn drn:m-18.
Approved March 6, 189".
'IFI i
It Is hereby ordered by the ennmlmr council of
the city of St. Paul:
That the an iter of taking and c wit,laning
for nstreet or levee all that Inml not i(ready
condemned or declfrateci lying het ween the Mfs-
sissfppi river and n line devcribcd it, follows:
Cmnmenc•ing at the southeasterly teeter of
R2 of Lamprey's addition, thence running
fu a southerly direction along the a terlp lice
of blocks 1, 2, 3, 4, I, old pi of liunpbe 's adds-
tion: thence running in a straight Inn1Jp to the
corner of block 1, \forlLLriLld'N adal-
tion: the mm�ing along the east liar of said
block 1, Dl orinrity'e LLdditioN,:rud blocks 54 and j
:ia of the West e t
St. Paul heal Nunt
Estate and Im-
ent Syndicate Addition pray"ln t oil .umber 4,
blocfair 47 and 46 of the. West dSt.ic Paul Ileal i n-
LNte told Int nroyrath ]f Syndicate Addition
\umber t to t51r south line f the city at An-
iva„nits street be and the sante is hereby referred
to file b
oarlo[ ,aL11•\
report: bap
1 t \o[kn Cu investigate and.
1' first Iv this hapro\entent proper and times.
Second—Give the c
ovae n -timate of the
alf of
the�e'am,ost thereof in tof. beLate
aid \ilntohthe eityne-latress.
cry before the contract is let.
'I'lard—(in real estate to be nssensed for said
improvement be fou -td benefited to the exteatof
damages• costs and expenses necessary to be in -
['ed thereby?
Fourth—Is e'uch 'lnprmenlent naked for upon.
the petition or application of the ow' ere of a
nnjonty of the property to he assessed for such
fth Ciest:'
seaii the council 11 pinlu nr l,rofile of
maid nnpro\'enaeut, ns required L. lou-, iF you re-
port in favor of the swine.
.'til—Send the conucil n proper order direct-
ing the work to be done.
1"ens—.[ll. Bickel. Bloat, Bock, Cullen. Fisher,
1; chat:. Knvaungh, }linea, }lelad)', Snilborlr, Sn1-
I.—al, Mr. Clour nan-12.
Approved March 5, 1890.
By Ald. Mcllidy—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the (tiny of Sc. Pant:
'That the nnatter of raking and condenlni]g for-
ntreet or levee all that ]and not nlreacty con-
denilerl or dedicated, lying between the \Ifsete-
sippf racer and n line dem:ribed as follows:
Commencing it the northwest earlier of lot 0,
block 19, Alnb's addition, thence running fit a
nth'atterly direction along the uortherl\• lines
of blocks 19, 17 nail 18, of said Anlli n ad(lition;
tile]"" in a straight line to the northerly corner
of block :1, of Luageyin's TI rd
addition: thence
V,iiS the northeastern v line of blocks 3, 2 and 1,
(f rid Lnngevfu's Third xdditfou, fwd along the
northeasterly lime of blocks 17, I8 and 82, of
Lamprey.'n additlou to St. Paul to the south
Ifne of said addition, be sadthe same is hereby
referred to the board of publfc works to I ,v-ti-
n to and report:
aFirst—Is this fmproventent proper and neces-
,ri•nail— ,ive the camel] n . thnate of the
-pease thereof, alta tate whether -half of
'.he cont thereof Into be paid into the City Tmas-
ry before the contract Is let.
a 'Third—Gnne 1 estate to be assessed for said
nprovement be found benefited to the extent of
Ixnlagr,:, costs and exla•nsen necessary to be ]it-
'urred thereby?
such f lli—veme It asked for upon.
[ ap,,lcatiwl of the owners of a
e prols'rty to be assessed for such
the conucil lan or profile of-
nt, an requiredpLy haw, if you re.
If the same.
the council n proper order direct -
be done.
lickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen. Fisher,
cold, )linea, elady. Sanborn,
By Ald. }felady— --
t is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the 1 Ytv of St. Paul:
That filematter of taking and coudemtdng for
street or levee all
that Inud not already con,
demised or dedicated, 15la • betw-cen the Miosis-', By Ald. Velody—
.lppf rlver and a line detu•rited nn follow',: Conn- It Is hereby ordered by the Conation Council
ting at the northows,t corner of lot 1, block • of the Citv of St. Paul:
20,Brooklya l ad(lltion, theuce in a straight Ilse That the matter, of grading to the established
northeasterly along the out 11 Zine of the. alley grade nod to :a width of 50 fret on ton the so-
blocks 17, 18, 19 and 20 of Brooklpnd rolled laver or street t the Sixth ward and
addition to the northeast corner of lot a, block Water street beginning at Starkey street, thence
17, Brooklynd addition: thence in a straight running In a noetlmawterly directiou through
line to the center of the alley which runs through 1 Banzille& Robert's addition to West St. Paul and
block 29 athe east liar of Ilulovell A Spencer's through Mamladl's addition to hest St. Paul
addition: thence fn a straight Ifne in nu easterly to Stair st tart. be eu 1 the sante is hereby re-
direction to the northwest corner of lot d, block farted to the Lmrrd of public works to fnvesti.
19, Anlb's addition, be and the s is hereby gate and report:
referred to the board of public works to fu. Flrnt—Is this improvenlmw proper and neces-
te aid report: ary
Ffrat—isthis fmproventent proper and nares- s Seen l—Give the council tw et! at, of the
sorry'.• a xpense thereof, and
state whether one-half of
Second—Give the council nn estimate of the the east thereof is to be puna flat( the city tress
es snne thereof, at,(] state whether one-half of
F urs before the rent roti a le[.
the cost thereof in t a be pled into the city trews- 'fined—liva rent estate to fi ed to
for said
urs before the contract is let. o tprov'entent be fauna pease ed ve the extent
Third—Can treat estate to be assessed the
for said of dm tIl conte and expenses netessury to be
i danunieut be s and 2lefiexpenses
ce the extent . incurred r ba act
In changes. costs and expenses necessary to be Fourth—ba Hoch improvement asked for sport
Incurred 1 thereby'.' the petition or property
to a the swarm of a
Fourth—is ouch iinpm\'rment asked for upon imijat of the proper[}'to be unnensed for such
the petition or application of the owl nl a fa pruvenamt:'
majority of the property to be assesnedrfor such Flftl—Saud the council a {:inn or Profile of
improvement:' said improvement,
reclnired Ly In\r, if yml [e-
Fifch—Send [he council a plan refile of port fn txvor of the same.
ant I,] f lapro—n—t, as required by la w� �f you re- Sixth—Send the council at proper order direct-
1 work to be done.
cixthfaSmad taellcoencil a proper order direct- e man- inlehr Ald. ]ticket. Blow,, hock. Call-, Fisher:
hlg the work to 1, Inc.dGchnu. Kavanagh. Minea, )lelady, Sanborn,
rens—A Id. Bickel, Blown, Bock. 1'uilrn. Fisher, Sullivan. Mr. Chumnan-12.
Gehxll, Kavanagh, )0nen. Melady. Sun—n. Approved Ilarch 5, 1890.
Sullivan. Mr. Chainnmc-1L. _
Approved )larch 5, 1890. By :11d. Velmly—
It is hereby ordered by the C,rtttnaon Council
the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of grading Curtice street,
By Abd. yleboy— frown South Robert to ('once 1 street, be and
It is hereby ordered by the aoinnron Cowacil of the "ane is hereby referred to the board of pub -
the (ity of St. Paul: lie works to hcvestigace and report:
That tae nwitter f grading to the estublished First—Is this fin proventent proper and neces-
fpadle and to a n -fifth of fifty feet on top, the no_ sur}':'
called lane or street in the Sixth a' i vl, coin- ercond—Give the council nn estinmte of the
naming at
the asst Ilm• of block "C" of Running a "panne thereof, and state whether one-half of
A Olfvfer's additioll to West St. haul, thence f a the cont thereof fn to be pull into the city
a northeanter!y direction •Hong the linen of the trenc"1rr before [he coNtri"t is let.
said street or levw, and Water street to the 1]- '1'Idr,l�':0: real estate to br nnsessed for said
tersectiun of Fillmore avenue, ua Fillmore av- inaprovenlrllt he+found benefited to the extent of
ue to an Intersection with Myrtle ntlY•et, and damugen, cast.:out expenses I" 'airy to be in.
nt rest northwesterly to an iutersec•tlon t red thereby
with VIII street, and still street northeasterly to �ulh'ourt]t—Is such Improvement asked for upon
Starkey street. be unit the n is hereby re- the pet inion or apidleatioa of the owners of a
Leered to the board of public works to fnvesti- rnnjorty of the property to be assessedforsuch
gate and report: in procem"ut :'
First—Is this hcala—coeut proper and ureas- I+ifth—Bead the council n plan o profile of
ear}" said inner \-rnwa L, nn leIf tired I)y law, if you
Secuail—Give the council an stilum a of the report in favor of the s
expense thereof, and state whether one-half of Sixth—Saud the council at proper order di -
the cost thereof is to be {arid into the city [rens- metlup the [cork to be done.
u y before the contract is let. Teas—Ald. Rickel, Blo a. Bock, fallen. Fisher,
Third—Can real estate to be assessed for maid Gehau, Kav:ulagh, }linen. Melody, Sanborn,
proveme it be ftmad leaefdted to the extent of Suhivan, Mr. (*)airman -12.
damages, costs an
expenses necessary to be lis-' Approved \[arch 5. 1890.
curred thereby"' —
Fourth—Is such improvement asked for npora BY AbI. Grhan—
the petitfou or application d the a rs of it It fs hereby ordered by the Cbntinon Council
nalof the property to be assessed for such I of t11e (its of St. Pn1!j
fmproventent". T! t the'tatter ([ grmling alley ha block
Fifth—Send the conucil n. plan or profile of I.ockey's addition, be wall the mune is here
said improvement, an required by late. if you re- referred to the bon rd of public works to investi-
port In favor of the scone. gut" and repo
Sixth—Sd the council a properorder direct- First—In trt:
hw lnlprocentent proper and neecs-
ing the work to be done. nary".
1 5—Aid. Bickel, Ill..., Bock, Cullen' Fisher. � 8eroad—Give the cunei{ n i estimate of the
Gehan, Kavanagh, 'lines. Melady, Funborn, 1 expense thereof, and state whether one -halt of
Sullivan, Mr. Chairman -12. the cost thereof is to be paid into the city treas-
Approved March 5, 1890. cry before the contract Is let.
Third -;an 1 Sainte to be assesed lot Bald In the matter f the report f the board of
improvement be found benefited to the extent public work. dated Mamh 8, 1890.
I d ages, ousts Bud expenses necessary to be IC fe hereby ordered by the Common Council
hmurred —.1s one of the City o[ et. Paul:
Fourth—IS e h Improvement asked for upon That the board of pub9 wo ks o[ Bald Clty
the petition or application of the ofBe_ t I t fit. Paul u the Poll I'viwoi p ve t to-
1 tit �ol tba property to be (or Such be de to wit: Cgnetmcta a i, the Pbale
I pp n T ka valley, betwcev Min r paha street and.
Fltth—fiend the council plan or pprofile of
Duchem .tweet, 1n SWd Icy, together with the
Said im r vein t, as requlred by law, R you re n ry catch bnahre and manholes.
P Sixtthe
h Send the counc9 s That said board cause Said work to be let by
ing the work co be done. proper order direct- c ncract, as Provided by ]aw, without one -hall
Y the estimated cost being 8rot paid into the city
Gehav, K ldgBlcke., Blom, Rock,, Be., Fleher, ttearury,and nL-r id k Shall be placed
Mr. Che.lrtnx.vMii2.' Melad 6anbom, Sul- under coutrect aid board Shall proceed with -
Approved Mamb 5, 1890. t delay to the amount ly as
they can BSeertalu the Sa e, which will be re-
ot euC improvement, Lo the extent o[ $1.76 Jeer
foot upon the real estate to be benefited by said
In the matter of the report of the board of pub- Improvement, as provided by law; It being the
works dated Feb. 27, 1890. opiulon of the council that real estate to be ae.
IL is hereby ordered by the Common (:onnell of sed for ouch Improvement can be found ben-
f tae t.Yty f St. Paul: flied Lo the extent of $1.75 per foot towards
Thnt the board of public works of said city of the coat and x ent o $aces to be Incurred
fit. Paul cause the Ralowing Impp c b be thereby.
made. to wit: Gmde av alley in E.Michel's re- ]'eas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Fisher,
augemnt of block 7, and South y/f f block Gahan. Kavanagh, M1neB, Melody, Pratt, San-
t, of Smith'. SUDdlvleion of 6tlnson S division, Dom, Sullivan, Mr. Chairman -18.
St. Paul, from Arundel street to Maekubin Approved March b• 1890.
Street, between Blair and Van Buren Streets, 1,
said city.
That said bt. asoard cause Bald work to be let bconllh-y
the t¢stimated co t bel'. fi paldD into the city Iv the matter I the port t the board o[
treasury, and alter re,
hell be laced p blit worYsdated March. 8. 1890.
under contract, acid board .ball ppr' with- It I. heIreb, ordered by the Common U-nau of-
t delay to e. the amount. iy as the _ ty !fit. Paul:
they cart ascertain the S which will be reThat the bo..d of ublie works o'saldclty of
gulred to pBoy the cost and e, aces ry expense. St. Paul cat Be the (olio owing ]inv enc to be
[ such im Dr m urove ant, estate W be made,
Hemline avenue rto eLexh gtonnehAhav nue ht said
bea Street from
n. It by vain Impp meat, Beaprovided by fity
law: It being the opinion of the coundl bat reW That arm board aid work to be let by
Late to be assessed for such Improvement amt "tract, ae provided bylaw, without .-half
be found benefited to the extent of the coat nna I the eatimet<tl c t being first paid into the City
expee ueee ry Lo be lacurred themby. treasury, and after k shall be pltuxd
Y Aad. BiBickel, Blom, Bock, y, pr , Fisher, der contract said board Sba11 proceed without
Gahan, Kavaua8h, Dllnea, Melody, Pratt, San- I delay to aeBeae the amount, es 1 y
bum, Sullivan, lfr. Chairman -18. y ae the
Approved March 5, 1890. ran ascertain the Lame, which willberequlred
Ito pay the cost and neeeesary expenses of
' such m ovement upon the real estate to be
benefited by Bald Imp ovemeut, ae provided by
In the matter of the port of the board of ;law: IL belssg the opinion of Lhe comtcil that real
public works dated March 8, 1890, tate to be assessed for such Improvement can
It the hereby ordered by the Common Council of m' found benefited to the extent of the
be City of St. Paul: cost and expenses nereseary to he Incurred
That the board of public works of said city of thereby.
I. Paul "use be following improvement to be I Yeas—Aid. Bickel. Blom, Bock, ChlIs. Fisher,
ode, to wit: Rebuild and lower the sewer on Gahan, Kavanagh, Mlnea. Melady, Pratt, Sant
Sixth Street, from Minnesota Street to a pOtnt bum, 8ulllvau, Mr. Chairman I. 77 feet west from the west line of Robert Street Approved March b, 18B0.
In said city.
That aid
pros ided by lad cause, id without work to im let
estimate oo t being first paid into th11e In the matter f the port I the board of
dry treasury, and after
aid work hall be publle, works dated report
placed der contract, surd board shall pro- It is berebyoordered by the Common Council of
delay co a9eeea tae "'um"
the 1I f I.
which will as be. they ascertain the a I That the board of Public ke o[ Said city of
reyuired to pe { the cost m� St. Paul cavae be to lowing impr meat to be
e ry ISPeveee of nth impp v t upon ode, to wit: Grade Burr at— between Wbit.
real ..tate to be benefited b said Improve- all ,treat and Mlmtehaha street 1. eBid d%
e t, as provided by late; It being the oplamn That Bald board cause Bald work to be let byy
of the nundl that real estate to be assessed for contract as provided by law without one haK
such Improvement can be found benefited to the the estimated coat being first paid Into the city
.tent dltthe hereb et and expenses necessary to be treasury and after Said work shell be 1 d an
y� der contract sold board shall proceed without
Yeas—Aid. Hlekel, Hlom, Bock, Cullen, Fisher, delay to --a the amount ly Lbe
Gehsn Kavanagh, Mina, Melody, Pratt, San- rtaln the sins, whfe�t w111 be requlred to
nom, roved 12 Lir. Chairman -18. my the cost and Rees grp expenses of such
Approved March 5,1880. ,improvement upon the re 1 set. to be bene -
7flted by Said Imnpr v men , as provfded by law; to enacted hil -if, Bud I ask your advice and
It being the opinion of the council that 1 is, oneeut thereto.
tate to be esaeesed for such Improvement can be Very respectfully yours,
found benefited brryythe extent f the cost yaynd c ROBEar A. Sm . Mayor.
exPeneeeAld. Blekel, Blom, Incurred
theFlsher, 'March 18, 1890.
Gab—' Kava.egh, Minna, Malady, Pratt. Bau- Acce➢ted and said appointment advised and
born, SWllven, Mr. Chairman -19. c rented to.
ANAAN r..rZ aMemh 6, 1890. oYeaS Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, fl lhm, Conley.
Fisher, Gebau, Leitbaueer, Mlnea, Dfelady,
HEnny WEBER. (,hat=— of Council. Pratt, Mr. Uhalrman-12.
To... A. PRE ..... A-, City Clerk. From EugeBeFor the etUnderwood, Jrr.tq.S, and others-
- from Summit.vegnueao Rattdolph Street.11 Prior tons,
Board of public work. with order.
Aegalar Maeting. From Hu.b Mont¢ ry and others—
For opt Itrg and wideviug f I,S Soto Streat.
9r. Pwnt„ Dlareh 18, 1890. Board of pubg works, with order.
the absence of the DD ldent and vice pree]- From John C. Ryes end Others—
dent the comcil was ca led to
order by the city For a se University al Sone between.
dark' Jack -.on and C...da attests.
Pbesent—Aid. B1eke1, Blom, Bock, Gltllev, Board of Public works.
Coale Fleher Gahan, Leithaueer, Mmes, Me- From H. Hlukene and Otaere—
ledyy Pratt,-.w..b.•el Sullivan -19. AS, nig for fire i gine house, fire apparatus,.
Ald. Sanborn woe elected chairman. etc.. In Ninth ward.
Minute. of preceding meeting approved and Board of fire commiselo.eve.
dfapeveed with. From John S. Prince Bud Othera—
coxtMoBmwnoNe. eking counell to assume in behalf of the city
the permanent cam of the Sea plot Proposed
From HL Honor the M.yor—Snfferela in Bo be made by the petitioner. betwceo rape of
South bakota— LCommitteaodstrcerits. in. upon Grand avenue..
To Lhe Honorable the President and common From George selberat
Council of the C]ty of 9t. Paul:
Gentlemen—A delegatlou of Ieadtng citizens Proposing In behalf of the Gma' Western band
f the State of Sonb Dakota, handed by Gov, t Cfurnioeh weekly open-W�,• ce. to dormgg -
Meilette, waited u o a short time ego end the ht thntral rl Sox emit Ys[ks utor
Bekaa thea the c LY me . again eaten. to I m r m
-` `_•_•_ P of 9t. Paul
of ud-
r d
tion flnanelally "uw acing m ane same conal -
I am aeeured by Gov. Mellet[e bat unless ma-
teri.l aid is furnished they will be drive. from
their homes, and will have to depend upon the
charity of the world.
This picture may Seem overdrawn, but
while It may not be the exact language
t the delegailou is is 1n Substance the same. 1,
the peat our city has never beau appealed to in
vela. We
have always fumlehed materiel aid,
no matter how remote the state. Ourneighbors
now ask Be for help I their great dlstreae. We
.nab aekofd the common coundl to
e tend o them ae, in their ophtlon,
k - the mergenay demantle. 6ubdi,bdo. a of Sec-
` ' as,iso , Iff th, e�Co"tnt noir"Cooue(1 to ey-
prlate $20.000 each year to meet nncingendee
f this character. Ten dollars of thle
load has Iresay been appropdeted for the
year 1890, leaving. balancef $10,000 unap.
proPrted. Youre respeerfully,
March 18, 1890. Ross- A. S—, Mayor.
Committee on ways Bud means.
Member St. Pant Board of Workhouse 11h-t -
ore ayyppointed—
To the Ho o= a _fSPresident and CommonCoun-
Gewlhnu uitl bave ba honor to lnmrm you
that I have apV Inwd Mark Costello a member
f the board i oSt. Paul workhouse directnre,
for the period of flue yearn from the 14th Im 4'
Offerl%services of Second Regiment band for
oftceu evening concerts in Lafayette and Irvine
Parke for 8750, etc.
(:ommiI. on p.rke.
From Jan. J. Rice_
Asking $500 in Settlement of action for $10,-
000 pemineg In district court—damage. for in--
Jurie. caused by falling Ou eldewalk t
1887. ss Dec.
Committee on chg"b".
F Proppo 11 t otlne oofllect ga begs for ons year from.
April 16, 1890, IRStead of June 15. 18 0.
Committee me Street..
From Bushnell & Bushnell and others--
For grading f Cleveland avenue, from Sum-
mit avenue South to Otto avenue.
Board of =works with order.
From Notthwe.tern Telephone Exchange
Aaking that certain Streets be designated for
construction of condufte.
Cmmittee on .tree"..
From board of education Bend othere—
For grading of Fred street, from Burr street.
board of covy commimmmre, � IIamse'p
11[areb 17, 1890, transferring.
to city
(fit. Yaul ..his [ eaid county to
Marshall avenue bridge, provided said city shall
m mtaln Bala bridge.
Corporado. Attorney.
From A. Walter and otbers—
For the widening of East Seventh street from.
len ecrcec to east c
Phaity limps.
Board of Public works with order.
From Oliver H. Torbert and Joseph R. Wdde—
For grading of Capitol, Ireland and Hubbard.
Alderman of the ward.
Fran Fred Be.- ifual, sewer o1, ]haple .fast, 85,4: R. Forrestal,
Asking 8800 denlugex-grading churchlll ave- Eaiimnte \o, ri, up(,lemeet, S ; i �,. 2 and
nue (formerly Huln ,stead street). o.
final, sewer on ]talo xveaue, etc.. 815.29; R.
Committee on clams. Nur�extal, Estimate \o. u, snppiementxec to
From Louis E. Sherrdey and oillero- No. _and final. sewer on ('hiCago avenue. to
AekhiR to be reinlbursrrl on account of money A. F. Shlnke, F.ciunate No. t, supplemeutury to
lost hn the •ontrnct
or paving East n tenth Vo. ri uud llnal, asn" ore Sixth scrret. 8'2'0; A.F.
stress from Romsey to Tuscur-ro street. a )tanks, }:ntimute No. fl, snpplenlen[ar}• to No. 2
rC'omnoittee o1, claim.. lid ninon. sewer of Conn'wy start, R25: }(uloy S
F otn A. S. Tallmadge, .-mt.ry chamber soon- lloa-, };.timate Na. 7, el' I
Terre- pp emencary to No. 13
eammlittiu • copy 1 lid flual, sewer o1, Victoria street, etc., $200; J.
6 1 Y of report to said chamber Forrestal, Extirpate NO. S. Roble tree[ ewer
of Dakota relict Mlullittee; Also py of rex.- system, 5860; J. \V. Doherty-, Estimate No. 8.
lotion ado ted Slarch 17, 1891,, a -I.g appro- sxpplemen ary to No. 'r + 1,d thall, sewer on
pets cion .t SOMOO to be eywaly distribute( be- flops start. 825; .1. \V. Doherty. Estimate No.
tw"' N-rih mod South Usskotu. ;
C'ammfttee o1, wa •s atld mamas. i, xuDylemeutary to No. 2 and filial, newer on
> 'Phi, I street. 82'0.
From the St. Paul sanitation Conllnny- -Allowed slid orderer) ),.fd by the following
Offering t. release its fights for collection 1,i Vote. garbage after April 15, 1890. Peas -.lid. Bickel, More, Bork, ('nlleu. Conley,
Conllnittee-u xtreete. Fisher, Uehan, l.eitbxuxer, _19ill'nell, ]renally,
From Isaac Lirhteubcrg- Pratt. Slr. C'huirnona-12.
For pemdsxf-n t. trnash r to A. I[oxenlla[I ()f l,'. t•ponati.0 icul- e .
Butcher I tee, st,oil No. se. t'-ntnacc with Frederick Dri.coil, .Ir., for job
Conoonittee on license. priutfag, etc., and bond.
From :tz.tiue }[antu(acen'inng Coulpwn}'- Tae corporatloa xt[orltey submits said con.
- Pre.entfl:g 1, cture of narks of said company. trect for ppprovnl. auul the bond o[ sold Dris-
Accept, d. cull, Pureuant to said contract.
From .Ioaeph T. Kerkee- Accepted (see resolatfult).
Bund n n SI IN) n. clerk of board .f public Uf City Eugfaeer-Estlmatew--
'orks, with K. T. O'l'onl�ur and B. \'xlo.en lie t'he city ogiueer submits Estimate No. 2,
en `reties. Burr street LridRe sul,erxtnwtnre, J[ntnnt \'er-
-air) bond and sureties approved by fall.,,big non Bridge compal0•, 8562.50: Esthnate No. r
vole: . oadn'ey bridge, Kirkland 6 Starke}'. 86,164.-
. yeas-Ald. Bickel. Main. Bock. cu!len, Con- 5l': Estimate No. 2, wooden •( •h bridge, Sea-
ley, Fleli1e. Gehon, Lefthilu,er. Min-, lelady, !docs tuud, C. Stone, den I:stl mate No. '1,
Pratt, suint.: an, S]le Chains au -1%t. Mendota rand, iron bridge. Chicago Bridge and
Froll L. R'. Itnud lett- Iron compmoy. 81,062-0. in :::1,000 as city engineer. with Win. S Id aces alloned aid referred to comp.
Rhodes uud .7ohu J. wnt.ou 1,e sureties. troller.
Suicl bond and sureties approved by [ollon'iug : yeas-Ald. Rickel, Blom, Bork, Cullen. Con.
yore: ley, }'faker, Gehau. I.eithuuxer. Stiuen, Melody,
]-el's-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con- . Yee,tt. Sullf Gd S(r. (:hufn ser. t.
Fisher. Gehxlo. I,eicia�.nser, )liue:l, Mehaly, 0f IasPector of Buildings ---
Pratt. Sullivan, Mr. Chuirm:an-1:1. r Report for Januar}'• 18
90 -_City trensurrr'e
ItEPOIITx UI ('ITY O4'4'It'Eltb. a1.
011anlpt ittaeehn ord(naneeslead pabllcacc•Otnits.
Of City I Iaptroller-audited Cblfms, viz:- nisroar or no.crsu oe i -Fal-' wotxs
Will. 7irrluxdf R Co.. 58: 11oerfae- &Son,,
.. 828: N. 1t'. Foe] Co.. 58.75: 11rauk.1. Brings, R'e,,sideLevee-
521.50; _Nat'l Erlucxtiouxl ans't , gla0: Martin To the Common Comlcil u!", [he City of I. Maul:
llreis. e:i0; Pioneer Press Cn., g1fi.48: ('ins. L. The board of I I'll, k. Iluve hnI antler
Weed, $:t.:iri: :'ouch Perk BOB lel Bridge eouslduratioq she resole t fun .r order of the
Works, 87%34.[8; T. H. ..cla raa,wr Wagono Cb.. cononnon counocil. uppr.ved SOareh 5, 189D, reln-
S_;.\V. J. Freuaey. 812: .1.s. Spiel, S9; Sl. It, ti ve to the taking a[,d totdemnittg for a street
Sluruane, 5:3.55; Domddxo11,0gden S Gu..S(3.41; or levee all that hold .or already contemned or
M. J. Rall, 58.76; Roam .f Water Conmr'e, dedicated, lviug between 'file Mississippi river
Sri,.,5; Slathew Craig, gla: l;. \V, ill n line Described 1,x follows: Connmencing at
Merrill, erri: D. Itamale}• k Soln, the northwest earlier o[ lot le block 20. Brook -
89,i.74: Merrill's Toilet �u pply, 56.60 dyad addl[iou, tions, ill u straight line north -
t. Paul k flture company, S2t1.60; St. 1'a(il e wterly long the ..lath lice f the iley
Rubber pally, 85.60; H. p. Rugg Sr too., through block. ] 7, 18, 19 and 20 0( Brooklynd
521,1, Poreadergast Bros., 81.20; Nicol. rh dditi ll to the 17, 115. 1) corner o[ Int 6, block
Deal', 5. K. SCS(xxters. 89; Noyes ]true. h 17, Brooklynd addition; thea,, i; straight
Cutler, 80.12: ,Iallnn Mxrtiu Lunlbercompuny line to the c, ter [ tine Ikllevt which stns
S28i;.28; Slumldler Brun., 81.50; (:. Sfntxch through block 29 at the east tall of Dulon'ell 8
S07.67; y(nshoGky Be- $7.25; Keuuy Bros. Speacer'e 1 ldicion: thence inn la straight flue in
$11.24; C. Koch S Brox., 546; William ]toga[, aft easier])• direction to the nnorthwext lorll r of
gfl0.70; FitzgeralU .@ \'x1, 8oelett, 511.10; J. G. lot 5, block 19, Amb'. illi Ginn, and having in-
Dugguu, 840.55; F. G. Draper S Co.. v tlgated the Pro beerlxitn r n
6; P. V. Dn P P o'encut:
'ver & Brox., 8U.7G; Ilu.x. eltespectfully report that said improvement is
S L' lot] I 028.60: K. P. Callen, c:i5.6U; nec,ssury and proper -hat the estimate,] ex.
St. Pxnl Book and Stationery ,mpnn}•. 6
$388.94; ISO,
Beau, sheriff. 5161.a2�a52. pease there.( is 82 ,UOo: that re:d eaf to to he
e-nnove parry. 546.95; St. Pa
company, S 7,828.01; d. Forrestal, ]
1, Stldu'ay district sewer system,
Reilly, l" hours No. 3, snppl ,Telt
lid final, :waver on Kice Btreet, 550:
Estimate No. fl, sunph nlentury to
seed therefor eau be faced be winced to the
extent of thedamages, costs slid
necessary to be Incurred thereby; that said ime
provement fa amt asked for by a petition of a
majority of the owuere of property- to be as-
sessed therefor, but n'e herenrth send a plan or
:ofile of said hnprovement, slid all order for
your adoption. If you desire us to make the Im. carred thereby; that said Improvement fa not
prpvemenc. asked for by a petition of majority of the
ase 4, nays O. ownlem of property' to be assessed therefor. but
R. L. Goa t-, Pre.ident. Is he,,, t Id a pill' or profile Of said I --
J. T. K.... . provement. and all der for Y.
edofitiOn, ((
Clerkof Board of YnLllc \Yorks. you desire us to nooks the improvement.
Sfnreh 18, 1890. yeas 4, mays 0.
Adopted (ere order to board of aublic works). It. L. G-11.1, President.
Also, J. T. KEaana.
Clerk Board of. Public \Yorks.
West Side Levee- - March 18, 1890.
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: Adopted. (See order to board of public
'Phe board of public works have had under works.)
consideration the meolutlou or order of the Also,
common council, approved Shah 5, 1890, vela- gixth - Levee Grading -
live to the taking lid condemuing for a street To the Common ('ouncll of the Cit
Grading -
or Iecre all that loud not already condemned -or Thr board of !bloc works have hof ¢dt under
dedicated Iyfng betn'een floe Mi.aisslppl Ayer read public
a Ione described as follow.: consideration the resolution or order of the
Contract icing at the southeasterly comer of common council, approved March 5, 1890, rela.
block 82 of Lamprey's addition, [benerunning 11"e to grali[,g to the estubllshed grade and to
Jo A s therly dimetfon along the easterly line lith of Hfty feet on top. the so-called levre or
of blocks 1, 2, ri, 4, 5 and 6 of Campbell's adds- trees in the Sixth ward, connneuciugst the east
tion: thence ruundng to etreight title to the line fill
--c' of Bunning 8 Olivfer's addition
northeast corner of block 1, }tordarity's addi- to West St. Paul, theme foo a northeasterly di.
tion; thence unning aloof the east line of
slid reeciol .loan the lilies of the said street or levee,
block 1, Morlarity's addition, null blocks l'4 and and ]Muter etrest to the intersection of Fillmore
Sri of the West St. Paul Real Estate and Iia- avenue, sown Fillmore .venae to all intersec•tlou
pp L Sy-udlcat' Addition Number 4, and `4dth ]Iyrtle street. sad Slyctie street notin'est-
blocksl47 and 40 of the West St. Paul Its.] Es. erly to sit fntereeetdmt It'ith }till street, and Sltll
tote and lmlto�ruvement Syndicate Addition tet northeasterly to Starkey x[ree[,nnl. huv-
Number H, to the south ]file of the city t Au- hweog investigated the proposed improvement:
nupolis street: and having 111-tigated the Pru. Hespe, fully report that it is necesaury and
pox, improvement: proper to g de to the established grade the eo-
Respectfull}• report that Bald improvement is culled levee or amort in the S1,1th ward: ('are.
necexsssry nod proper; that th • -- I me "it.'
1,t the ea.c line I block ••C'." Bnnuin
7 I e xchnnted ex )llvier'e addlthn, t. \Vent St. Paul: thence h a
yense thereof is 525,000; that realestateto be ortheasterl dlrrction anon
assessed therefor call be found benefited to the I Y g the lines ofthesafd
extent of the damages, costs slid expenses nee- street or le,e and Water street to the iotersec-
snry to be incurred thereby: that said im. tlou of Fillmore avenue, old Fillmore avenue to
prorcment ie not asked for by a pe[itiou of u an
intersection with Hyde street: thence a th-
majurity of the o avers of to be ns- creterly on Hyde street to the south ]hie of the
therefor, Dornase herewith send u plan or levee: thence northeasterly long the levee to
Profile of said improvement, and an order for S(fll street, theure nor[beaeterly on Still street
Your adoption, I[ you desire us to make the Iia- to Starkey street; that theestimated expense
provement, thereof is 3:i 7.800, one-half of which need nut
]'eua, 4; nays, 0. be paid into the city treasury before the con.
R. L. Go- -s, Presidentis let: that real estate to benssessed there -
J. T. KERRER, 10r can be fouled benefited t0 the extent Of one.
Clerk of Board of Public Works. half of the cost and exrPeress 1 -awry to be in -
18, 1890. carred thereby; the balance to be paid from a
Adopted- (See order to board of public works). bond food; that said iia rovement os not asked
for by a petition of n ma orfty of the on'nere of
oleo, Property to be .seer, therefor, but we he, -
West Side Levee- with seed a plan or profile of said improvement,
n,d ann order for •our lid
} o tion 1t -o1, desire To the (bm . I p e us
eau Council o[ the City of St, Paul. to make the improvement. }
The board of public works have had outer ]ens, 4; any., 0.
consideration the resolution or order , the R. L. Gonuev, P -)dent.
common council, approved March G, 1890, Tela- J. T. KERKER.
tiye to the taking and condemuiug for a street I Clerk of Board of Public tyores.
or levee ail that laud not already condemned or Starch 18, 1890.
dedicated, lylug between the S[ine(selpPI raver' Adopted. (ben order to board of' public
and a line described as follows: work..)
Commencing at the northwest corner of lot 6, Also,
block 19. Amb:q addltlon, thence running in a SI it
and 1,
mg the
of said to Itloniti and hnvluon to St. g in eel to tlgn[ed Ithe
proposed lmprovemenc:
Respectfully report that said improvement is
1 asary and proper; that the estimai
ed expense thereof le $15,000; that
al estate to be aaseseed therefor can
be found benefited to the extent of the dam-
ages, costa and expenses necessary to he in-
agno s Street Operirg, Etc. -
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The board of public works have had under
consideration the nesolutiol or order of the
coon council, approved JaS. 1890. mla-
tlmmn. , to the opening of S(agn.lia street, from
Rice street to Agate, to a rndth of sixty Leet,
or thepresent width of. aid Stagnolfa street, be-
tween Rice and Sylvan, and, having investigated
the proposed improvement:
Respectfully report •that it !s eceesary e d
proper to -pen, widen end extend MAguaB.d
street, between Cortland street and Abell street;
that the estimated expense thereof le $2,500;
that real estate to be assessed therefor cal' be
found benefited to the extent of the damages,
costs and expenses necessary to be incurred
Front Fred Res— tfnal, newer ov Maple all"t, 360: It. Forrestal,
Asking 3500 damxgen—grading ('hurchlll n Rstinut[e No. it, r yplenteun[rr to Vin. 1 m d
v (fornrerl l' Hrnt reread street). final, newer, on yl aux x , etc„ 845.29; R.
Committee ou cin us. Furmx[ul, I;ntimnte No, v:f istemplemeutxry to
From Louis K Fhelfirley slid others— No. '� lid flnnl. sewer un ('hlceio avenue. S7:S;
s eking to be reinibu sed n int of n 1. F. \[nuke, Eetiuuttr No. i, xupplementary to
o tin the contract for {rnvinK oEnst seventh No. 3 xud final, newer on Si.xtlt street, S25; A.F.
street front oil gy to Tuscarora street. a \Tanks, Estimate No. 3, snpplenlentery to No. 2
r ommftcee oil
ciainm' nud Iiunl. sewer Du Conway Greet, S2b; Moloy 2
N' om A. S. 7'alhnudge, necreRfry chamber tom- Uott', N;stioults No. 7, supplementary to No. li
Meme— uu(1 fitml, sewer on Vietonu streel., etc., S200; J.
TrxnxtnittiuR eDpy O( report to said chum ilei Forrestal, Estimate Nu. 8. Roble street f lm Ota [relief con r ([tee; also PS of veno- ayn[ei11, $569: J. W. I}oher[}-, Eetintute No�y3r
lotion arlif S }[arclni 17, 18N0, eking p rru- supplementary to No.prittion 2 e ni final, nelrer
L �n North ltud l"000o rte eq 11 13' be- nape street, $2.5: J. \Y. Uohert}•, N:stimate No.
South UakoRt, R, supplementary to No, 2 ;nud filial, server on
Committer on ways and nim+us, Third street. $2,5.
From the S. t, it w ys and C'— Allowed and ordered paid by the following
Offering to release its rights fur eullecciuu of vote:
garbage after Aprif lir, 189o. ]la —
I s AId. Bickel, Blom Bork.
Connnitter on
streets, Fixher, Gelnun. I.eltlumner, c _alien. Conley,
Front Inluu ^ncntenbera— Pn ti. fr. CYtuinnun-1'2. Miuen, 3[eluAly,
perm 'i r to Lr.nefer to -1. Ruaeuthal lIf Curporntiolr :ttturuey—
Butcher Lianas -No. 9. Puntntet with Frederick Driscoll. Jr., for job
Connnittee on license, j printing, etc., and bond.
Front .liotins Nianufacturing Comp,u v— 1'lm corporation nttonley submit said cmr-
Prexcutfng picture of works of said i unjutny. tract for xppro\'ai, and the burl of said laid
Aceeptrd. eoll, pursuant co xuid uni11 lit,.
From Joneuh T. Kerker— Arcepced (see meolucfun).
Bond 3..000 lis deck Of hoard If pol.11c 1 Of (.lty EnKiueer—I:ntimutes--
orka, t ull R. T. O'l'^rnnor and If. \'ubnmr a The ty lglneer nubmfts Entilmite N^. 2,
eu, aid Load and sureties approved by folluw'inn 1 l tlirr [Met LridLL , allperstrueture, ,N oust \'ems
cote: K 1 n lirldge conn y. 56'2.:10, Encinmte No. 2,
Teas—: Braulw'rty bridge, Kirklnntl L S42rke}', SO,l
tld. Bickel. Bloat, hock, Pullen, t;tnt- � 'U: En I, life wooden •h bridge. Mmp
le Y. Fisher, Gel:,tlr, Lei[b,rrnnee. \Ibe,a. }lelad y. 1 doth r lid
[t, Sullivan, yl r. Cbrtirinarl—l:t. ^ r.. St<�ne, 84'Lo; N;xtimnte 10. '�
Front L. W. IOrodlett— \leudotu rnaA. Arun bridge. ('Idnnigu }fridge ,std
Hood i - Iran compel[)', .1.o62.6u.
•ny- e1rF n -e with \Vm.: ti: fd esnmuten allowed nud refermd to comp-
RhodenanlJohnrf.\Vatsoo,tsrs sties. troller.
rid Good nod sureties ulrpruvey by f011owine 1 Vut.—Ald. Ilickel, Blom, pock, Cu hell. l;on-
YY.e' 11Y. Fixher, (;shin, Leithati- , \lines, 31elady,
]'ells—Aid. Bickel, {ilia. Bork, Pullen, t'on- Pnitt, Sullivan, ]Ir, Chawou'u—l8.
ley. Fisher. Oehnn, Leitlna user, Mioea. ]Ielud Y. if las{rector of puildiugs--
I'r;tit..�ulinv:ut, \I r. ('huirnua—l:t. lbl,_ ]or ,Na ....rd .. 35P11 -Cull treanumr's
i[tt mfrs lit arilotr[n F:us. rel ohm little rm oohmm�len(rrtudt blit are. nits.
Of City Pun r{,trol ler—Awdited l'I,tinrrn, v i net o
\Vat. Bedundi .F Co.. 85: Itueringerl X Shu. lir nf' uut¢u os r tuna. w ouxx
Ltl: N. W. Fuel C'o.. SS. ib: Frank J. Brings. j west Side Leven' -
8'21 -0: Nat'l Educatiunal ,t. "' 8100; Barbet .. 'Pu [he Cannon l'ounril of the Pfty of St. Paul:
Dmfs, 3:tU; I'fmicer I'resx Po., nS10.43; 1 fine. L. The board of l,nrblir work, hove had under
]Need. .:SO: S 1th P`1 rk 13olt id Bridge co isideratiou the resolution or Order of the
\Yorks. s734.18: J. IS.-Ouirlutir \Ytmun PO., m t •11. aporuved \lurch 5, 1590, mlu-
S1, noo e, S:I. J. 1a D ,unto-, �0 •, sit rl, 3h; yl. it. Live rto elle txkioK curd cuudemmoK for a street
6 1 C CO..S0.41; or levee all that Innd Dot already condemned or
31. T. pe`I. 58.75; po."i of \\'liter Cmnmr's, dedicated, lyhng between the \I issinsippi n
S:3i.l b: .(.strew' Craig. S10; G. \V. and file.
Merrill. S2< D. 100x,ley S v u detribed lis (uliuwn: CoInmeuclntlit
3i15. 71: _11' -firs TuOes 1, • °1r• the northwest roarer of Tot 1, block .n. Brook -
St. Pum Furniture ` IrP } S6-- lyud add rtfon, Chelate I.
star fart line uor[h-
Rubber v c mo; 1 St. gg 'k.
. Co., r .tellyy' Iona the stn tit line • the Illy
aPany, S6.5n; I'LP.ltu S"Co.. [hrouglr bloclw 17. 18. 19 and' 10 of Brooklyud
521.90: Ynmaen;etne prua„ 51.20; Nicol- S ddinort to the n^r[hexs[ corner f lot U, block
Peso, 96u' S. R. )Ir\lasterx. 3U: Noyes pros. .l 1 i. 1—oklynd addition: ebeoce m straight
Cutler, Sri.12; ,lobar \fartfu Lwm :' nompun: , lior t the ee ter t the .Ileo which r
3255.28: \luevdler pian., 31.50; l:. y(itnch throueb block 29lit [Id slant line -01 Duliw'runs
50267; >RislwMky pros. X7.26: h'enny Brox. sbeuc r. a iditfmr: eheuce iu n straight live in
SI1.22; l'. Koch 3 Bron., 8-I b: tVllliam IfognlI t [evil direetfon to the northwest conte, of
$80,70: Fitr�erald h \'av G.
fit,I 811.10; J. G. lot 6, block 19, Anib's dditiou, and hulling iu-
Duggull, 34 Ioly N•, G. Dntper d Co., . Batted the proposed[illip—leleent:
Z6: P. P. uwyer x Br_.,30.7.: Drt.x. aiiexpra•tndl}'report[alis std i
fi fillmath 6.18.60; K. Y, Cullen, S:M.60; y and improvement is
St. 1'.rrl Bouk end Stntimtery cumpxn y, nttx x, Prober 'nut the estimated ex -
3135.94; Ed S. Seen,
R, 5161.42; St. Paul nxnexsehereof ie 52 ,11d11: that xi tate to be
Flnrdlrnre contptut,', 5.16.96; St. Yaul l: ns Li •tit d therefor eau e, thin is benefited to the
tom 6 extent lit the damages, costs
a 1 expenses
puny, S chatriNbrrestnl, Estimate So. t my to be incurred thereby; Ehxt said im-
1, illy, Est district wen s}'stem, $2,126; T. pro}emmlt is not askeri for b}' n petition of a
.ad final,
Estimate No. le slt_10" 1ntary it 'e 1 to ljorit}}- of the owners or p ope • it to be l-
aud final, newer oit Itice litres[, S60: P. Doherty, ses- th refor, but we herewith .mrd n plan or
Eetimnte No. 3,
sit opienwutary to No. 2 and 1) ofile of said Improvement, and a1 order for
your adoption. If you desire us to make the Im- curced thereby; that said improvement pIs not
asked.[or by n Iretitfort of.e majority of the
yens 4. nava O. o f-p[O1er[}' to De n seed therefor, but
R. L. G. --s, President. weherewithsend n `[len or profile of sad Im-
T. T. KClerk provement: and all •der for your n.1 aid I If
Clerk of Board of Public workx. you desire I. Io auks the I ,Your . I .
Murch 18, (tee
or Yens 4, any. 0.
Adopted (see order Al board of Public work.). R. L. Gunxe:v, President.
Also, T. T. Keaiers,
Clerk Board of. Public \Yorks.
Meet Side Levee— March 18, 1890.
To the Common Council of the C'Ity of St. Paul: Adopted. (Ser order to board of public
The hoard of public w kn have had under f ork,.) ,
consideration the resolutton or order f the { Also,
collueon comlejl, apprOved )Ruch u, 1800�rela- Sixth R•nrd Levee Gradin
rive tot he taking and condemning for a street Grading—
level all that laud not already condemned or To the ('Dorman Council f the L'i[}• of St. Paul
dedicated lying between the )tlaeieelppl rivet xud c The board of public a rk. have had under
n Ifne described as follow.: on.lderntfon the resolution order of the
Commencing at the no theasterly corner of c anon co moil, xpproved \Inr�h 6,r18U0, rela-
block 32 07 Lantpre}'e addition, thencenmo ng tire to RnuOng to t11, established grade slid to
In a . therly direction along the easterly line a width of Hl tee[ on top, file so-called levee or
I blocks 1, 2, :1, 4, b and 6 of Campbell's add(- freer in the sixth w'nrd, a'o ntmenciugat the east
ion; thence rnnnning 'n straight line to the line of block --C - of Bull," g $ pliaier'e addition
rthenxt corner Of block 1, Moriarity's adds- to West St. Paul, thence ire n northensterlc- df-
tfon: thence running long the east line of Sabi re dour along the lines of the sald.trset
or levee,
block 1 \(orinr(ty's add( tion, nnA blocks u4 and u1d \ eu ler street to the intersectlult of N'lllmore
6a of the [Vest St. I'aui ileal Estate and Im- - ' ' d 1 rllulore nvenm to IIs iotrerv. stria.
pp lit Sy-mlicnte .\daftlon \umber 4, and ei[Ir Myrtle dote" cool Myrtle seat bwtbuI
blocks 47 and dd Of the \Vest St. Paul Item Es- erl}' to 1n ltersec[iort with \fill et rest, and fill
ntid lot .r eat Syndicate Addition street northeasterly to Stnrke}- strest, and. huv-
Nuutber:,I to t�1e auuth line of the city at An- ins investigated the pronos 1 intprovenlem:
1ny illi street: and having luvestigated rho pro- RI -111 -t
Pro- repo 2 that it in in sn v and
posed improvement: Pn^Der to grade to Lhe e.teblinhedrGr'ude file so-
report that ..II improvement le I tt Iled levee or lit rest its the Sixth .,rd: Pont-
a y and prober: that the .bunted ex r ndng at the east line of block •-C," pemdng &
Nese thereofis S25,110p; chat [ealeestxte [o hn Olivfer'n xddr[lon [^ \Vest S[. 1'nm: thence i1r a
sed Lherelor can be found beneH_I to the 'tori benxte[ll' direction along the hues o[nre sxid
of the dvmetRen, c is and s{reuses sec- "tat or levee ¢od Water street to the inte-se-
e s.ry to be Incurred [hereby; that said its- tion of Fllhnore nveuus, and Fill— aveane to
mroy tent of asked for by. petition f ¢ n lorreecti oil iflt Hyde street; thence n erb-
ujurlty of the orale f 11rr ops ty to rte e.- tested}}- on FI yds street to the south line of the
d therefor, but w'e Iterevrith send a plan oe levee; thence nocthane[erly along the levee to
profile of s itl Improvement, and an der Poi Mill street, theme northeasterly on Nilil street
your adoption, If you denim us to make the 'or to .Starkey .[tee[: that thn .[inured a Pence
Provemer t. thereof ix S:1 i.8O0, ane -Tait of which, need nut
]'sus, 4; nays, 0. be prod Into Lhc city treasury before the con-
A. L. Gomes. PreelaenL tinct is let: that real estate to is
neeensed there -
J. T. K...... for cxu be found benefited to the extent of o e
Clerk of Board of Public \Perks. half of the met ¢lid exfa esu � ssnry to be 1n-
\fnrch 18, 1590. a [beret} the balance to be paid from a
Adopted. (See orderto board of public works). bond fund; that said 1m r ten nc rs not asked
for b}- n petition of ¢majority of the owners of
Alen, wlt, � d Ian .case. a thete(b , but we hers -
]\vest Snle Levee— . P profile of said Improvement,
ro till Common Council of the CYcy of 8t, Paul: and ria order for your adoption, if you desire us
- s board of public work. have had under
,uI tion the resolution o order of the
cotita 11 approved )Iamh 5, 1800, repo
g .riacot aemuing mr a xtreec
e 11 that laud ellemned or
nvited, lying betweelot rendy cond
n the Miesiesippl nv
x line dearelbed as follow.: er
n Ivgg at Lhenorthwest comer of lot 6,
k 19, Am D's additlou, thence running In a
arta aaving Investigated the
proposed improvement:
Iteepectfully report that said improvement is
essary and proper; that the es[imaL
ed expense thereof is 816,000; that
real estate to be assessed therefor can
be found benefited to the extent of the dam-
age., costs and expenses necessary to be 1.
JTR. L. GO -TA"-, President.
. . Kaniex.
Clerk of Board of Public Worse'l1800.
Akopt.Pted. d. (Sen order to board of public
)Ingnolin Street OPenmR. Etc.
To the Common public
oP the CYty oP St. Paul:
The board of public works have hadconsiderrider
...Mo. you the approved r der f ens
Llys to the Opp, approved 31` Jnn. 8r 1890. rela-
hireItresttoor __ofAgi�tegto a sid,Ndthltafs sixty feettrue,
tr'eeIt lice slid Sylvan, and, having "earoollinveetlgxted -
the proposed improvement:
Respectfully report that It le necessary a d
proper to open, widen and stead Magttolta
street, between Cortland street and Abell street;
that the estimated ezpeuse thereof is S2.600;
that real estate to be aeaessed therefor tau he
found beneflted to the extent of the d.mages
costs and expenses necessary to be Incurred
thereby; that said improvement I. not asked Respectfully report that it ix neaesary and
for by a petition of a mxlority of the ow'uere proper to construct a sewer oI C'le essay ave -
of property to be assessed, therefor, but we here- nue, from Power street to Myrtle avenue, Billione_
nitro send a plan or profile of sold Jup ave- Wabash avenue, from Cleveland avenue Lo
meat, and au order for your ¢dnptfon, ifYouMonigomerY stmt, toRetrier rich the necenenry
desire us to mike the improvement. catch basher and mnuholes, eaiU sehe n to he
y�ae, 4; nu}•s, 0. done ander one contract; the health commle-
R. L. GenN.aN, president. 8loner huving advised said board Nlnt'er
M F. 10, 18 Clerk Ifonrrl of PaLOc Works. ISusnnitnry ncceaafty; thus theestimnte, expenee
3I�n•h 10, 1HDU. thereof 18 R4,050, nue-halt of whloln need ant be
or Ad,
(bee order to board of publle ll foto the city treusney beforethe contrnetfa
Alan fell tont real estate to be therefor can
4r found benefited to file extent o7 the coat aunt
Lalrel avenue o, file 1, etc.— ex d 1111p uecement to et lnturred thereby; Lhut
1'o the FtOnorable, the PreSLhnt and ('Onnoicn eu�d im rtovement le not u.keri for by a petltiou
l'ouuell City of Ht. Yuul; W aninjorlt>• of the owners off rutrerty to Le ue-
uithl�respectfull llaretur l of pubilc tvorkx here. e` Vii, o(euld Improvement,bt111 se- hi uo orderlor
y your final order, a I. 1'
1 1 Feb. lU, 1 f I for the opening. rddeu)Ilg your nd.ptlml, It you denlre its to make the Im.
Le. extension of I,uurel 'avenue, Lennon Prouleut.
Lexln8tml avenue nud Huelll]t,g nveuue, Yeus •1, nay. o.
with the rempient that your houornble R. L. Gomm1N, President.
holy unroll old order nurl Ilio" ld J. T. Ksmaen. Clerk Iiourd ut Public Works.
btnu•d to amend Its report !toted Feb. 18, 1 HUO, Mnr•h 15, 1800.
lin x11 1 ,1. ter, no in to rend filet It IS nece!"In • Alderman of the ward,
old 11121, to opml, widen old extend I,luuel Also,
nveuue, Let ween Lexh,gton nveDne find F air%'lew
even t>Y, and .old board n:S. nSpectfully reyuent Mal"biu and Marshall'e addition, ulleyolren.
thfit you porn n ueu' final order. am unlenled, 1ng—
for.niU imprm
oveent To the Common C,,nncli of the City of St. Paul:
A pro ter fluid order for major onprovement 18 The board of pub0c works have had under
herewitf suLuUtted far your ndoptto¢. conslderutiou the remoluilnll Or order of thecunl-
R. I,. Goual.iN. Preniden [. toldp 111 11gell ap7.roved Nor. 20, 1HHU, rrlu[Ivc
II•. F. Iiavrx. (ler k Bourd Of Public IVOrke, aIle), through block D. Nj k ibis
March 18. 18110. e," Mnrnhnll'I nd,,1.1 from Mackubtu Street
\dopteU. Said order npt,roved Feb. 10, ]Seer tLieut Street, nand having lnventlgnted the pru-
repenled and nnnulle,l iron! xalU Laird ulloued to I' ed ImprovemeloP:
au,encl Its said report dated Feb. 18, 18110, nn K spertfullp rep t tont said improvement f.
teyuente 1. (See order to board o[ publle naeesury out proper, tout the ntlmu[ed
"or -S.) r Penne thereof I. 81,000, tont reel Lute to s.
Also. unsessed therefor can be found benestat to the
Sydney street change of grade— extent of the nud damages, ,St ex )«'ones Decrs-
T the Con,ulo"(. uuejl of the CIL • of c spry to be Incurred thereby: that Solid finprove LMenl of publle eo kS imie hold Pander Inept Ix ,. elf fur by n petition Of n ntaJorlty of
e -I.. I erootioil the _..anon ! order of the the ownerS oft roper[}' to Le atnme.Sad therefor,
'.')I nolI "n"i'll, oppruvetl Jour 22, 150), rel,- old we herm`Ith end a 11,lul, or
tIve to oo chuuge of gnlde on Sydney street, from hupruvement, uu4 nn uraler for yuurfndoptlon,
Iadwrll Street w \Vu Seco mtrea•t, and, huvm loo- If you Uesire in t. make the Impr.cwnruL
ventluah•d the pr.ponell hnprucruu,]tIc: g }roan, d; nay., 0.
Ih•Sprctfully report that it IS 72. P,. 7
n•ecx. I . 1 ,!nit e
r I tit.
ar r .F
to . li¢w c 2' •
chn11 .
rt o
I ht rat Bo
R ,a. a
Ir < and
R a, S• of AL
1 Il
due • t \Vu
Sir ,•
> > ret
1 I \
!roto the center Idle of ]!,well nlrvet to 1{'llnec,I -fureh 12, ],flu. ,
street, un lnllrutrd L>• the red lice oil the I c- .11de1•n11n11 of thr ".a 'I'-
omnpuuyhlR ,roflle, that the rmthnntrd ex prune ,\ISM
thereof IS 821;; that ""I set" ty 10 Le uSSrsme'l
thrr'dnr (11111 be fuuuU benelltm, to the extent of N rrinklhlR Ulmtrlct NO. 8 t'nutrnut—
the JuunlReS. costs nud rxpeuxen uevrSSur • to t�,, Irmlyd reports that It hex uu'u,h.•d .%rtlulr
3 Htephen,.Ir., thmeoutr11(1t for nprinklingg Dlstrlct
nwthe lurttrred thereby': that skid Imprrra'n110t In No. H tlurbl8 nvunun of IHUO. he LaltlR uric lOwroxt
11.ked for by a petltiou Mf u uulJontyy of the rullnhic nud responsible blddcrthu,4or; nmault
wnern of rupurfy to be omnennrd therrfnr, Irut
we hereu'lt�I Seol n plan or p,urk. Of null Rn, °f id, N7 ants per neck per 1001aet; 4 rents
pr.arinca 11 you dent's to nuake the Ito ,rove• per[' ovurlund Iron week per 100 fat: bond hl file
+neat. I unl of 813,0071, with h'rrrl F„ Dfeuchum and will.
YIRS, d; 1 ye, U. lam S. Gregory ax xuretles,
lin I,. GOItx1.1N, PrenlrleuL Also,
T. KERREIb Clerk linin, Of Public Works. Contract for enlurglug and repairing sewer on
)In rch 18, I'd el Plel.Sunt avenle —
Adopted, uuU city Berk nxtructcd to glue Dec. The board report. front it has awarded James
eXsnry puldlcntfon natio• Hunmeu aid N. ('. Johnson the contract for en -
.11.o, Inrglug and repalrlug the sewer on Plen.alt Rip
and Wab¢Sh nveuue. sewer— ]title from 4'h rd Stmt to a point half wnv be.
To the Commml Council of the City of et. Paul: belle
n8 the Ilnot owent rYlleLle anand dhirre.tponeible Lhddern
'foe Lonrd of public works have had under therefor; amount of bid, 8640: bond In the sum
couSklenation the rleolutfon or order of the of 8160, with Andrew Borkluud and Rasmus
common council, approved Feb. 1U, 1880, rel¢- Ha on as sureties. tive to the construction of a sewer ou C7eve1¢nd
avenue, from Rondo street se UnWerelt' ave- Also,
nue, and on Wabash avenue, from Cleveland Sidney Street Grading Contract—
avenue to Montgomery street, and, having lu• The board myods that It has awardedThorn-
vestlgnted the proposed Improvement: ton and Shaw the contract for grading Sidney
street to a partial grade between Bidwell etre
old Waseca Stmt, and to a full grade betu•et
Waseca street Sud Chippewa xvenne, they bell
the Iowest reliable xndrespomo blebfdder, trier
for; amount of bid, 54,440; bund in the sum .
81,200, with Wfllmon R. Marshall old W. I
Mend ns eurettem,
I,nnRford Park Improving C'ontrxct—
Thel ourd reports that It has awarded Tin
.till' Sheeny tine routnu•t for 0111nR. Rnldln
mod'it. r vhlB l,nnRford Pnrk, he being the
e.t rel1ubl,, and renponslble bidder theretolou
'runout of old, SIS,n00; In the .uta of em
700, with MJch Set
F. Sweeny uud'1'hmnu. liS'u.
fin nurelf...
Cele fit Block HWewulk. C'rr itract—
'1'he bo ar I report. that It boom uwxrdeui.Fame
£u rest'! the contrlu.•t for the cnnetruo
etln, re
InyluR and repafriug of such cement block side
talks as may Le urdrred bulli, relaid or repnlre,
Icy the •onI loon a tlucll from the 1st do yy 0
April, A. 1). 1800, to the 1st day 1 Nuvmnber
A. 0. 1800, he Leltlg the 101re8t reliable and re
mpon.,ible bidder tlien•for; total nm mut of bit
, ,, 1182.50; bMud ho `he num of 85,000 with T
Kenny ami (;e.,ge >f in nuretien.
,rinkling District No. 5 Contra ar
T ,, board reports that it law nwnrUe, Jnmer
Forrest. the to,orect torsprinkliug 0lstrict No,
u luring Lite season of 1800. fie being the lowest
relhuble and responsible bldder therefor: amount
of Lid 80.20 per week per 100 feet: 80.00 pe,
•• haul her week r 100 feet: build fu the suit,
Mt SR 1100, w-ith T. Kenny old George \!lunch as
8`,rinkling, Dietrlet Nu. 2, Coutrnt—
',he board reports that It hex awvtrded Jo S
FOrren,d Litec,Rtrnjt for prluklh,g Dixtelct
Nu. •t durinq st n.on cr1800, he being the lowent
rellxble nud em .I
ble bidder therem,; amo0nt
of bid, K0.29, utek pet • 100 fan•[: SG,00 per
a•rrhnul per 1vicek Per lu0(crt; Loud hl tris nolo
M88p00, with T. Kerry nud Oeorge 311teel, in
H ,rinklig
n, Irint rlrt NM, ;1, COutrlact—
n board rel rig that It has nwn,led Pat-
rick Norris the contract for Ile prinkling Dlmtrlut
NO. 11 during neuxni of 18110, bcIul1tt the IOtrent
relhthle find renpoll.lble Ladder tharefOr; 10nouut
of Lid, 80.281i per week per 100 feet; 80.o0 per
per Werk ire, lou feat; Laud loo the sum
of SN,000, with Kdwnrd McMann and Patrick
KelRlter ux xuretlen.
At no,
Stryker Avenue Seaer Cmil,- t—
') hour, reportstlntIin
rias-arderl The.,,.
Meloy the coaract for file soon[ntetion of n
sewer ml Stryker Deine Imo llI. on Stmt to
Prospect terrace, together lrftn I. on cutch-
bnnfus and manholes, be Lel�R the lowest relln•
his alit responsible bidder thereto,; amount of
Ltd, 81,178: bond loo the Sum of 8250, with A.
0. Powell nud George 31. Maley out suretle..
Martin Street and Western Avenue Sewer
The board reports that It has awarded Will.
lam J. Preston the contract for the construction
of a sewer on Martin stmt from Dale street to
Western avenue, and on Western avenue from
Martiu street to St. Anthony avenue, together
pithseas g - catch basin. and manholes,
said sewer(nto be done under one contract, he
being the lowest reliable nud r ponefble bidder
[herrfor. amount of bid, S6,f14D; bondln the sum
of 51.100, pith Frank S. Osbulg and S. P,
Spates ole sureties.
SprinklluR District NO, 4, Contract—
'rile bound reports that It line awarded .Tames
Furrental the contract for Sprinkling District
No. y. during the seaman of 18D0. he Ireing the
I.em.t reliable it I re.ji-.11, Iddder therefor;
mount of bid, 80.201i per !week Per 100 feet:
SO.1)0 per overhaul Per !reek per 100 feet: bond
In till Still' of S3,000. w'ICh T. Kenny and George
)lltmch us Sureties.
�,rinklhlg District No. 0, Cootract—
le board ,•port. that It hex awarded Arthur
'tephtnl, .i r., the contract for sprlukllnx Ulxtrlat
No. D durinRR Season of 1FM0, he being the
louent relhallle find re.pousible boder therefor;
nln011ut of lr1U, 50.;:112 per n•ek per 100 feet;
SO.ud im•r orerhuul Der week ter 100, feet; Lund
In the un of 58,000, uith Srred E. Meacham
nal tt'lIlium S. Gregory ns sure[le..
p,Inkling, DCxtrlet No, 6, Contreet—
The board reports that f t han ulvurded Thomas
Reilly' the contract for Sprinkling listrlet No. 13
luring mea -11 of 1800, he being the lowest re-
Iluble old i—ponslble bidder therefor: a, oust
of bid, 50.281.1 per week 7, 100 feet; $0.00 per
overhaul per week per 100 feet: told fn the sl,m
of S3,000 with A. D. \fete., and George \Iltsch
Wooden Sidewalk. Cont,act-
7'he Lonna reports that It hex awarded'! lianas
Ite•IlI the cont role., for the construction, lay.
ug and repairing of such wrooden .IdewulkS ae
env be ordered built, reluld or repaired by [lin
rou0no11 conned from the lxt day
I890, to the Imt day' f NOremLer. A. Il..
1811 r loo• Ir
e111R the !.went reliable ,not ,• poppxl-
rl c I�Iddrr therefor; a II I,d MI bid, I oil or
�lt l.tolwr 1, N0,I)O per
Illcll; •xenvunal or
mbuukmens, NO,60. ler c16ic ) rd: eLryotu
'notL•0 sidewalk. (10.00 per lineal fMet; hued 10
he nem ,.f 8fiur with A. D. )!cite., unl
i •Mate )11(xcll
Pxu•h .I uric'oraryfulug u"Inds token n) xepn•
'It" ly old up ,roved UY 1. Ile t vein:
1'eaX—Aid. �llekei, Illom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
'Ixher, Guinan, I,dthnuxer. Jlfueu, Malady,
'rntt, 8ullivuu, Mr. Civalrmlan-1 ii.
]'Still isx—
L'he Bourd trnsmit"approved by It the fol.
rwinpp e'stimittel, to wit:
Est fu tte No. 10, mupplemeutary t0 No. 0 and
Il ill, IV enter., love I, xtannl on .}'shun of See.
., 11, J. Kirkland 8:30(k estimate No. it, sup.
Irinrntury t. Nu.
1W, 11]tIul, Sibley Street nud
3•mlx rmlrt rlclrrr, W, .1. 1'rex[ml S1H.711; ral-
�ntc No. N, supplementary to No. Y and 0ua1,
math avenue newer, Stockton & Llndqulmt 810;
tlinete No. 71, supplementaryy to No. 2 and
au], Charles Street newer, J. \V. Doherty 825;
timate Nn. 8, supplementary to No. 2 unit
old, Trout Brook exte]tiaou sewer, Kirkland &
;arkey $25.
Committee on claim..
Fire alarm bo—
The board of flue commleslonern Submits a
mmunlcatlon relative to the fact that the ap•
eug ention for fire alarm boxes ordered is
Committee, on fire department.
xERomas OF 8TANDN'c COyCiI _a.
Of Committee on Ways and Means -Sixth at,,
bridge bonde-
COIR re olutlon authorizing
Ifleauancme of Six[hosptit u AT
dchild. (See re.olutiou.)
Park bonds -Report of board of park commis
loners making $60,OOti-
Commltte, reports as follow.:
'In the matter of the .'Rhin reaolu[Ian, the
board of park commissioner. hea".e,,,, irlentl)
misconstrueda,1 .119 euthorizing the L.nance of $SU0o to',
the Improver ti rad nln[enance of parks,
t'hfch rends: 'Provided, however, [hat nn mote
than 8'16,(100 of aid bond. anuli be n.u;a ,,,
to all xubmlttthe acc`omr+an}iva reeolutlour
bvthorizing the issuance of 8Y+i,0011
onrlx. a,. tax recn,,e 1", 8 5, that tit" be
\do tea. 0, 0. CULLEN, Cludlan n.
P (See rex Intlon.)
Of Committee 7 Fire Department-Hor.ex
` Ccaman al receinnnenl. that the board of fire
con lem"ued boars nun eA Indcto
„mnicntlon o[
board of 4th lust
Adopted. (Fee resolution.i
(n oarfaindttes on Streets, Sewers sad Brldgea-
Bhool'a r, titin, of for ,.,ers atlon of bloeka 1 and '1
and 7 0l D. W. lugersull'a xddl[fon and alley.
and 31orton place_
tiondlor uoCOmIttle u theaP }'menmends u eto tt eacity ttasf-
ury of 8160, that .aid petition be filed of record
with the city clerk and city clerk give necessary
publication notice.
Ordinance granting St. Paul School Furniture
company the right to , rtnin streets for
of furnishing electric 11Rhtiug and elac-
trC motor recommends
Committee I'd said ord mll=lgere
A t•.cepted -I'd said ordinance. ad the fleet
o[ St. Paul Brick dna Dlanufactur-
Ing comexny for and
upermission for
ml grade and all t-
its own expense end use form inufotn atpup of Pur -
eitt ate betty re,a oYs edditioni and r'1Ii sleslppi '
rive- "" Ifteexubinit. and ndxadoptlon
of resolution pureuxnt to said petit,on. I
Alderman Of
the card and orporatlon at-
Petition of P. F. Barr, vice I
City Rail lay c mean}•, }or president SI.II
Permission to u ,i
T" rnlla on n ulversity nveuue [nom Dale street
to .ext city Iimics-
Commtt a submit. dna ems. the e
po sage of n o dluamce puteunnt to amid peri- o
Accepted and said ordinance read the first R
Rule. suspended m tion o[ Ald. Cullen, a
yeas 12, nays, Ald. Flsner, 1, and said ordmarm e
placed upon Its aid reaming.
Aid. Pratt moved to amend the second subdh
t" 1-11 of sen ctioone of amid ordia-ce by adding
thereto the following:
"The amid railroad company t-
reenrtace the
maid street .o ms to conform to the new cross
ee tion required by this ordwance."
Said amendment ado oed; yeas .l
The second ding f said ordinance was
thereupon completed, and aid ordinance. on
maif.. f Ald. Sleiadc, I.1d o r until next
mcecitonat,re39 of council to o der to vllow property
to be heard; yen. 8; nayys, Aid. Conley,
Gahan, Pratt, Built,... Mr. Chairman -6,
I Ordineucex-
An ordhmnce R -as read probibiting erection or
repp iring of stable on lot 8 . block 4. Klttson's
Rules 8,u.spended and ordinance read second
time td J
An-a%RR1' x �a rend permitting Njetropoit.
tell Or,- Hans¢ compunyto excavate ureas nn
East Sixth street.
Rules (,ender) o motion of Aid. Bickel.
yen. 113, noail ordinxuae recta second time and
nve,me to South
su.lamr]ed o,
An-ordlamim was real] gr ]tang-)
granting permission to
Joseph .,let In I Rothschild tre to construct tem-
porary sewer ht lglrhart street.
Rules ..attended on motion of Aid. Gehan,
}•rue 1:1, and ordinance read second time mad
passed. (See ordinance No, 1, nmol
An ordinance was read amending rdina-
No. 419, entitled "An ordinance iu relation to
I fl.tal Ing ntmal." nad the ordinances,
n , datory thereof.
Itulea suspended on motto. Df Ald. Letthaueer,
yens I:4, nnd o linnno, read second time and
phased. (See ordinance No. 1,808.)
By Al If. Geh.n-
Resolution requesting St. Paul C7t}• Rafltvay
o pany to remove its trucks on Robert atreet.
',e[w'eea Fifth and Seventh attests, or to subeti-.
[e other rails.
Committee on Street -
esolutions for ]sopa es fo]""' By Ald.
ill,rex, front of No. 20.1 Concottl street; by Ald.
ifelndy. Chicago nveuue end F,tl ward street,
,y Aid. Gahm, Atngnolfa and Sylvan etteete,
2c.: by Aid. n. Atwater stree,
. etc.
rommtties oa cna-
The matters of the toiloall
wlyg change. of street
r dems.uuadvertised to be beard at this time .rare
Arkwrtght etreet,[eom Canestreet
oke treat, between JlcAfeuen
'talk street, produced n rth t.
a-mistreet, betc'eevoDlh -
lark street, produced north it,
rad the eennaet.tlft"mt,e o[ JaeekeonRestettm
n e, between Mlmenann street
[ Comoreareenuea and the`tnorth
ice t; LVreet mZr aat_nd t hetace Lthi
In street; OI/ve street. between
e.ncl a point 300Ifeet south
•Insula avenue- In flch aro
rnomced Lhat ob]ectioma. 11 any
poaeJ change of grade, •ould then be heard. Iota 10 and 11 of Smith S Loft's Out Lota; and
` pltexri„g to object to exitl proposed to connect the dwellluge on nnid Iota ,with said
bongs. of grades cesolutions res g tIv Iy,hrmg- temVpornry sewer. The said Joseph {-+Dentine
in6 the gr dem on said streets as aforesaid were Rothachlid to pap all xpen.ea-o! said work. to-
udoptrrl. fere reeolutlons.i gather with Lhe cos[ If engineering and Inspec-
Tue matter of proposed vaemtion of portions tion, and to Depoait with the city tteanocer the
or Ly,tnhurat arenas and Bremer street, form- sum o! 91.26 per from foot for [he property
rl}' known us Albion avenue. advertised to be c n •Leel, ns provides by Onlin¢uce No. rty
heard at this time, cum, on for hearing• I o8ec�2. This ortllnauce shall be In force from
The chairman ant ouieerl tint bJections to rat d after lt. p o din.
said proposed vuextion would thea he beard; no s -Aid. iZ'ke'l, Binm. Bock. Cullen, Coale)•,
olle appearing to oppose sit'
avncntlon. n rtroo- Fisher, Gehl I,eithauet•r, AfineI Alebidy,
'It -11 ementing amid portions .f Lyuuhurat ave-' Pratt, Sullivan, AIr. Chuinmmm-]ii.
u. and Bremer street. and a resolution flxfag Passed March 18, 1890.
nine ofH
e, ID py
remiers aCRted were adopte{{'
d. i ALTEit . S.t N•uou.. Clialinotn of Council.
(See reaoluttiolis.) Approved AlLLtclt 39, 1890.
Mr. C. F.. Marvin. chairman a Ioh,t relfrf mar ROBERT A. Sarva, Mayo
mittee chamber omenta an)' ) Lbeni union, I ,\[teat: Tilos. A. P/tEall-1 IRT. CI Clerk.
11 heard in behalf of Dxknt. auNrrer.. March 24.
Al11. Cil moved Hutt hien council does ad- I _
Jon rn, it adjourn until 7:80 p. m. Saturday,
311-11 '12. 181111. ORDINANCE No, 1,307.
An .rdloano, changing the name of Dakota ave.
r I. st a[h Wabash. street.
The C'om.0 Conudl of the city of St. Pmol do
1:106. o `richt un Inlluws:
[fou 1-TluIt all of that a -en a heretofore
An or Iluance nuthorirlug the Payment of cel k min x `+°k;+tut ♦ ue i,n the .St [h ward of
Lain Jadgmea to almust the c } , et. t I - the ,It v of. . t. F I be chumwd to and I,.reaftrr
The C.m,n.0 C.uucdl of the CYty .( et. P. shall Ix• known and called South \\'abasia
do ordain n. follow.: street.
"e"b" I. That order. be drawn a ori the Sec. 2 -Tint[ all ordlnnncex and parts .f -
ity tr,m-rer a. fol tons: p dine a lle,11 contrxv-Ing this ordhmnce are hereby
toOne („ 30) dollars. ll A. P. Drake for the su t o(i I I' 3 -This shall take effect and be
�ut i(sde reae t t n11 its, tof stN f Vunl J1, ht ! etre iron +,, d uftcr Its 1--ge and lrubuca-
hivor of Hail Drnke for sail sum of thirty (830) [lute.
dolhira, )larch 7, 1890, {'Flslres-,\Id. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, ('orale}•,
ane in favor of Mary Speueer for the sum of Pra Gehxn. 7,eitC ufl r, -13. Afeladg
thirtmu suit 6G-100 (81 Y.o0)) Jolhirx, iu full Pnt[t., 8ullivun, AIr. l'hairnuo-13.
payment f a judgment renlererl ngal.f t the Ynssed }(u,rn 78. 1890.
•ity of St. P -DI it, btv.r of snit Alan' Sltenrer [{'ALTs -n 11. SA-RIN' Chairman of Council.
for the said sum .f thirteenxnd 60-100 (S18.E0) '\pproved )larch. 1 u, 1890., Nov, 1, 1888. Rou"r-A. SSnni, Al.yor.
tine in favor f Chester Bitclteock for the sum Attest: Time. v[. A.T, City Clerk.
pf thirteen (Buil d.linta, in fug payutent [ 31alcd1 24.
tne It rend ted anat the city of Sc. Paul
h favor of sail Hitchcock for the surd sum of
thirteen dollars, March 11, 1889. LIImI\.\xCE aro. 1;108.
All .f .bleb judgments we entered ,\n ordhmnce to emend Ordinance No. 419. en-
trfe •ted of ret rt to the s ce of ate cleric of tilled "An O dju:uae n, relation to h»pow:a-
he district court f Ramsey count}-, Miune- lug anlmhls, and the orJinttuces nmendntor
sofa' I thereof. y
'aid .niers to sn delivered alp upon e+ id The (;on,nnon Co nuell of the City of St. Paul do
Jn„lgmevts being
.at ed n the .mice f the I ordain .follow.:
clerk f the said art and certificates thereof a •tion 1. Tint rection two (2) n[ Orrliu:tnce'
n Bled inn the .alta .f the city • 5me troller. No. 419, esti .title,
••Au rdiu.nce i, r letio,n to
2. This onlinnnre shall tanks beet mrd ]m pounding vim is." he. sora dad by adding
be to force from sad after he passage. I [Hereto and including therein the following: de-
1'eax-A Id. IIlckel, Blom, Bock, Cullen. Conley, cribed territory w'itldu [he li,u its of "" c:nty of
Fisher. Gahm,, I,eithauser, )Iir,ea, A[elndy, Pratt, jut Ysn,l, [. wit:
S.Iltvnu. `Ir. I;Insirman
-l:i. t'omn,enciug rat the i.tursec[lon of tVhite Be"
Yusseel _fnrrl"8, 1 s. told E-1, Fevencl, street. iIIIid city. and
n FI. �. 'hsirmnn of Counc•11. I I-olle
einingut+hence east .n [he seater line of };test
.)I.proved }tun:h ]v, 18x0. r each at neat to the easterly II of the City cf
It.aertT A..S5 Alnpor. I Saint Paal, at [he tnteraectfon of eats he s
,)t test: Taos. A. YaENuersc�eT� laity Clerk. .nth street Dud the east line o1 section tweu[y-
}f1,mh 24.
ofCabl street
No. laps.
I'd Mnt t
e .ouch""
A. nnlinence granting ae,n dsefon to construct
line f Arch
Ism 11-ary newer.
The Common
eat line of
rdain followsuntil of the City of St. Paul do
oa. :
is of Jack:
Srr-r, N 1. Authorltp is by this rd innate
n yl
rf euid Penn-
granted to .Joseph A'aleatine Both.eht [u c
a temporary server t. Iglehart treeto(n
(rout of lot" 1 and 2 of block 13 f Portlsnl
0 such pro-
. but ion, and lot 13 of Swift', subdtvlt of
the i t
tn: nh
.. `dpi 'to�meile cast It p and
of am-
ttootill n.rtheasitte of ersaid
to the enort north
co nerlof am-
said township nnd r tt Re;
[he north line of id am, ion
IlltTterxectdon of file St. Paul
right of w.y; thence sm,th-
,easterly .longn'hi, ensterly Ifne of "" right of BY Aid. Geh.n—
of seed ilroad to the intersection of At
Itexoived, That the itY e.gtaeer is beelby
Ixeaale street fn slid cit)'; thence uranin along the an[h orfret) to make sac") •h11191, in the hou:re
mer Ifne of .\tinaic street t the intor�ectioa nlbers o a (:rove xtnet, Let„'een Broad o'eY
of [1,e` oath Ifo` of the ad" °f t, xy 1,l the (:hi- I.
.Tarkson n[evet, as n v be render ,i
c nu, tet. in sold
,ft". noels at: Gmahn Bain'x l' eLl-chxngnF the ma)neafrom l'.
co luny nae said c 'hence as 3- along le naxYea— 1 to gee e.
'aid soathcrly ]fnevof said right °f „'1,y to [hetfn- Fin ear ted. Bickel, Bin,n, Bock. (1a71e11, l'onley,
terxec[ion of "shite ".I...... I, 1 Gehan. I,eitmauser. 3fu,ea, \felady,
th-ee xouth along the center liue of ex5.t• I IVIhtte Y.]r1, tt,rSallet-uu, Air. chxit•tnxn—Ili
Baur ncenne to the place of befdniling. 'all` owed Murch 19, 1890.
Ser. ?. This ordinance shall take effect and
be in force from x1,(1 niter itn passage.
Y ler. GBickel, I3Ion1. Bock, ('oiled", Cbedet-, Ay AM. Gehme—
Fisher,Gehan.Leithnnser, }fine., MeluUy'. Yrxtt, Resolved. That tile ocity engineer he and he is
Se Incxn. 3I1. ('halt x1,-13. It rebs directed to xt .1,d p1, blish notice f .
Passed March 18, 1830. "it- Lai" of saa� from Fetrv'iew street, be-
tt'-s bTen H. S.I-1-111, Chairman of Council. Ill— Cnivernity avenue and Palley street.
Approved Sfureh 19, 1890. F'year� (;ehim,keI, Bl nisei c �lplll,u, Conley,
Ron1:u, A. £Vii.., Mayor. Pratt. Sullivan,, r. Chairman -111
Attest: Taos.:". Ynexuenc.+st. City Clerk.
Match 24. -Approved \larch ]9, 1890.
flrsutx•Aat'e No. 1309, BY Ald. Bock— -
-t:, orrllnn(ioni ermitting the \fetrnpolitme0 ,e bnnecolve 1, 1'h t ;he 'ty engineer r ,etch
vote a 1 r1, innbuilt ,follows: ()1,e 1,t xouth„ext
st sixth streets to axon areas upon corner Smith aven a 1,d Fotbes avenue; one
The Common Council oftlie City of St. Paul do Ili ,northeast comerofDouglas ami Forbes ave -
o le`in as follmrs:, Yens—Ald. Bickel, Bloat, Bock, Cullen, Con-
: tilt,, . Permission is hereby Riven null ley, Fisher, Gehan, Leithnnser, J[inea. \[,lulu.
gran Leri to the \tetropolitau Opera Horse Pratt, Sullivan, ll, Chafrmnn-1:3.
c mpxny to excavate n on the soutb side Approved March 19, Chairman—la.
of .e xth street in front, and for x distance equal
to their width, of lots numbered tour 14) and —
five (.SI iu block numbered It
ill) of St- ByAld.ItockPal—
I—o' ,ra idrout frontttthe lie of sold block into Resolved, That the city engineer cause a ditch
to be built ou bt[o avenue, bet u'eeu Pleasant
id Si.vtlt street a distuuce not to exceed eleven aveliale and Chats,corth street; also ll Loc cul-
(11)feet. v rt on Otto arcane, between Chatsworth and
Said )letropclitnu Opera House company is tCest cel nth streets, to drain
"o e"otec•t the pavement on s id street, and o' rflow' of venter from side acreetvroperty from
ant iu as n xcnvnte,l, to Imre puce- Yens --Aire. Bickel. Bioni, Bock. Cullen. Conley,
good —nditiou xe it uotc ix. S:id Fisher, Gehan, Letthauser. \I(nea. \[,lady,
L,�`,':atfoa to be made under the eupen'islon of Pratt, Sulllvnl. yfr. Chuirntan
ar•itr engineer ae d ii necordaule „tth the _1pproced \larch 19, ll
linneirns otsafd city 11, rehation to e-•
tions in streets, and the rules and regulntt c of By Ake. Gehan— —
the board of pilbbe a-orks in relatlou hereto. Resolved, That the city engineer ne and he is
Sec•. 2 Phis dinnuce ball take elect and nearby directed to 1.}• a taco -plank walk on
be to farce from nod after its publicatl°m I.'Ortent street, ,vest eine, from Nash street to
Peas—Aid. Afckel, Busu, Bock, (idle.., feladj, \!ou»t Airy.
Fisher, Gehan, I Chauser, \Iinea, \fainly, I - \-ens—gid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Cllatrman-13. Fisher, Gehan, LSitbaaiser, Millen, \lelady,
Yxssed if 18, 1590. i Pratt, Sullivan, Air. ('hainnau-13.
""'.a Approved
m S•Ssmnav, C'hatrman of fbamcil. Approved March 19, 1890.
Approved ]Ixrch 19, 1890.
Attest: Taos. A. PneaoencnsTiCitw Clerk. Bc Aid, Blom—
March 24. Reso]red, That the city engineer he instructed^rioxe. \o llxve n laid oil the south side of
By AM. Sanborn— orth street end ,"cross De Soto street.
Resolved. That she city engineer be Hurl he is ]'Sas—Aid. Afckel, Blom, Bock, C'nllen, Conley,
hereby instructed to rel)(rt Fisher, Gehan, Lei[hauser, \Iinea, Malady,
tele Lep In block tweny-five of°]Iac6"adt PA tt' Sullivan, Mr.
19h 11890..-13.
Dlnrshull's addition to "Vest St. Pall, _
Fish,1'eus—Aid. Bickel, Blom, nock, Cullen, Coale}'. By Aid. Leithxuser—
Prat[r (;,ban, I. Mr� Chafrmnn a. `I13ea. \felwd}', 'ItPsolred, That the city engineer be and hereby
Approved March 19, 1890. fe dimlle •ted co lac crosswalk mf the west aide of
B}',11d Gehan— (tile nortth aide of Ames atenueom East eincludi including renth Street
Resolved, That the city engineer be and he Is the alley crosainga.
hereby d(rected to put L'Orieut from Nnsh Fiyhets GAidehanickLekh me Boertl�eoen Conley,
street to Mount Airy-) fu such condition as to, 3nllivan, AIr. Chairman -19.
provide r3gaList flooding o/ cellnts, said improve-
ment not to cost more than fluty dollars. ; CFProved Mareh 19, 1800.
]'Sas—Aid. Bickel, Blom. Bock CLllen, Conley,
Ffeher. Gehan, Leithnuser, Mines, Afelady. By Ald. Blom—
Pratt,Su,SdM.Mr.Chairman-18. Resolved,Thatthe gasoline lam cc tracto
Approved March 19, 1890. I be and is hereby Instructed to place a lamp a
the oattheast conger of Payne avenue en,
\lar}Phmd strret.
Aad that said cootcac[or ha 11,11 he is hereb;
athodud and directed to -la- he lam.
'itmned at the loath.. -eat ro 61 of P.,a, are
lineed Maryland street to the north,,'est cor
of said Ileal, and strret.
'feta—All. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Callen, ('onler
Fisher, GelI..; Leithnnser, Miners, Melody
Pratt, Sullivan, Mr.Chnirman—l8.
Approved }larch 19, 1890.
By -till. Gehmn— —
lo"ob"(1. That the board of fire commissioners
rs be ad they e} are hereby authorized t1 sell
the minefioll-ung unlined horses (all ): which
condemned by said emnmi.aionere): Bap horse
named Fly, bay horse named Pete, grey mare
named Emma, bay mitre nramed K"tr, bloc
horse nsa�n d Jeff, grey- horse mould Ned, gra
horse named Charley, bay- lloree lnaued Jerry,
nay horse named Muager.
Peas—Aid. Bickel, Blmn, Bock, Cullen, conley.
Fisher, Gehan, Leit hauler, Mine., Melady, Pratt,
Sullivan, (hn ir!"a-13.
Approved \larch 19, 1890.
By Ahl. Conley—
Itesolverl, That the committee ou police be
1,d it ix hereby authorized to purchase t,"
hundred 1200) helmets for the use of the police
d,�,artmeirt of itw envy.
w—Ald. Iltckel, Blam, Bock, Cullen, Coale}•,
Fisher, Gehan, Leithnuser, \linea, \lelady, Pratt,
Sullivan, Mr. Chairman. -13.
Approved March 19, 1x90.
By Ald. \fine.—
Aenolced, That the proper city n�cers be and
they are hereby n Ithortred, empowered and li-
r •ted to iseue aad negotiate bonds of the City
of .Saint Piaui to the norm" of forty -fl,, than
-1,d dollars (8-4u,0001,tu 1,c-rdnure with and
bsy t'i rtue of an :tet of the Irgielatn re of the State of
Dlinnesota, npproled Apl'i12 t,A.D. 1889, ends led
'• An :e et •ta[hori. ,:, the city f Saint Yaul to
ee bonds toe the purpose of tntprordug the
gest tit. Pall levee is the Iffy of)lin-
sota." Said bolids shall be of the d—adna-
tion of one thoasimd dollars each, with interest
-upon. attached, and shall be payable thirty
years after their date, with interest at the rate
of font per crit per nnnnm, payable semi-annu-
ally 1,t the fianncial agency oI [he ('icy of St.
Paul in the city of New 1-ork. Said bonds shall
bear date the first day of yfay, 11,90, null shall
be negotiated by the commissioners of the later -
inld staking fund, and the proceeds Shall be
placed Into the city treuenryfor the Purposes as
regnfred by sial, legislative net,—ditfng the ao
cruel interest and premium. it any, to the "lu-
terext fluid."
Peas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehnu, Leithnuser, \(ilea, Melody-. Pratt,
Sullivan -12.
Nays—Ile. C'halrman-1.
Approved Match 19, 1890.
By Aid. Lefthauser—
Resolved, By tt, , common council of the city
f St. Paul, that the proper cit}- oth"" are
hereby uthorzfed and powered to iseue
Meaty thousand dollars (520,000) of
bonds of
the city of St. Paul, in denomination f one
thousand dollars (S 1,000) each, said bonds to
bear date of the first day of May, A. D. 1890,
with interest at the rate of four per cent (4 per
cent) Ver annum, payable semi -Sam -ley at the
8nnnaflaI agency of the city of St. Pau] in the
Illy of Nen' fork, princinnel payable at the said
tima)citd agency on tl)e flrn't of \(a> A. Ij.
Ia20, hMo' teal rte-3"earn from the fete of ixs12
at the Indion fill oun is f.11 Dv� ton ��In:l:ff, tlo the
ed ns 11 Public park for xoid cite, as c•ontent-
plated nod authorized by all net of the lefnsl:a-
tore of [he St me of Mfnnesot. (Slant, File No.
6'21). approved :tprll 10, A. D. 1889. Said
bone shill be negotiated fly- the "commiesion-
ere of the internxt. 1,d int in,..,,,,a •� �.,, ,,.
A "e Placed ill file dtv tre:tsaary to
the "city park fund." crediting the
'cwt and -premium, if any, to the•'in-
okine, mull."
Bickel. Blom, Bock, Callen, Conley,
m1,, LeIthpuser, ylinea, Mclady',
k" Approved id. Mo 19, 1890.
Y Ac Alrlrn xn
Iteno red, lie the a council of the city
of 1i_ Polttll Unitdtile Pcoe�er city' hirers are
ta'rerinv-fi Vcthousond (&21,,000) dollars of bonds
of the city ofSt. Paul ill dennmfnntion of one
thousaml (41,000) each. Said bm:ds to bear
date o[ the first day of May, A. D. 1590, with
interest :it the rate of mor (9) per ceut per au -
n 1, payable send-annax", 1,t the financial
Ygency..(the vitt- of St" Paul to tlne Cit}- of Kew
ork, principal payable at the -aid finaneiul
sy;ens•.y on the lirst scup of )In}', A. D. 1920, be.
(:. 01 years from the date of issue of
said bonds. 'for
the lm�rovement and nminte-
uauce of )) liblfc parks,' as couteniplat,d and
nnthorfzerl hy- an a^t of the leFisinture of the
State of Minnesota (House File So. 956), ap--
leoved :tpril 3. A. D. 1889. SRI( bonds shall
Lh negotix ted b}• the "Com miselmices of the in.
terest and .siakiug fund." :ind the proceeds stud)
be placed into the cit.. Ltt'nsur}' to the credit of
the "rift' park food." crediting the prefninilte
in d.'- -ed, ff nay to the "intetest
Peas—:17d. Bickel, Blom, Bock, ('alien, ('nnley,
Fischer. Gehan, Leithnnser, Mines, yfelady, Pratt,
Sullfv,oe, Ill. Chair mu I-1;1,
Approved _
larch tfl, 1890.
By Ald. Call-- —
Resolced, By file common enoin it cf the cit} -of
Clint Pant, Lhat the,Pro)Ser city olflrcrs nrehere-
by authorized and empowered to 'sue tifty-er-
thousand (S56.onn) dollars of bonds of the
city of Saint 11 1]. fu denomination of one
thousand (S1,)00) each, said bonds to hear
date of the first rlav of May, A. D. 1800, n'ith
interest 1,t the rate of four (4) per cent, pee nn-
nunl, paSable .wen i- nnuall}- 1,t the flmmcinl
Ke�i,�]'ork,the city lof Saint Ynul in the city of
yrincipnl payable at the sni 1 fi:inn-
i 1 agency on [he first day of )Lay, A. D. 1120.
being thirty (30) years from the dote 1,t issue of
d bonds. "for the 10, strua•.tion of all Iron
bridge on Sixth street, at a point where said
street erose. Brook et rest to a point wheresaid
Sixth street crosses Commercial street," .con-
templated and authorized Ly ..n act of the LPg-
islnture of the State of >[iuneeota (Hoose File
No. 956), approved April 3. A. D. 1889. Said
bonds shall be negotiated by the "commission-
ers of interest and sinking fund," and the pro-
ceed. shall be placed into the cit- treasurS for
the purpose ns required by said lebdsintive act,
crediting Lhe accrued interest and premiums, iP
any, to the "interest Fund." -
]'eas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Callen, Conley,
Ffeher, Gehan, Lefthauser, Mine., lIel.f :
Pratt, Sullivan, Air. Chairman -13.
Approved March 19, 1890.
By Aid. Cu11en— p
Resolved, BY the Common Council of the city ng and
So SouthRobertyttteepaend DoH ave_
Saint Paul, that the p } per, ly-
they are hereby authorplzeod Band Officers
m, o ered to Southh line of Bebe south ro ere etteet fu iishall
ve ll•a be
Issue one hundred and fifty thousand (5150,- tion to {{'est St. Pau]
000) dollars of bonds of the city of Saint Paul,
iu denomination of one thousand Property. Produced through said
each, enid bonds to bear d¢teS1f00ti) first Said amount °iso to be in satisfaction of that
day of MayA. D. 1800, w'ethtoofInterest at the certain Judgment entered up and
rete of four' (d) lit d�er annum, °m f the clerk of the district Court of Hr<�ttleys
Of -Saint Paulnually at the flnnncin1 agency of the dtV 1 cunni y-, )(hmesota. on the 29th day of April
Of Saint Paul m the city of New Fork, print,,- I t 8 h�ator the sum f $717.16, In all action
pwl pa}•able on the first, da}•of \taY- A. D. ]020, inK Pending upon appeal !Hain ethe proceed -
being thirty years frau the date of ,ssne, for the aid (BI, iderepe fleet, `1n'hrim�pin enid Cua"'Zo�
purpose of t pan, lag the se rage fund of sill Koerner 1s rappel; and the cit
city of Faint Pnui ab Cartel �'I eted mut author- respondent.
izrd by chat, certain act of the leids1 it'd of the Fair y of St. Paul is
Fe th of Minnesota, entitled ••An act to xuthur- I 1 ordger to he delivered only upon said judg-
1r, tee city of Ft, Ynul ttbal
o issue bonds to In- clerk of still] court, ami ail,
r,, ,, cthe of the oath
Aplf,e the s,. 18 9 fund, etc., etc," n1,proved metlou thereof being iledch,rthe oRie ofryce of Lhe
April 8, A. D. 1880, F+dd bomlx shell „be lie- comptroller, and uppons deed of isle IamIH being
gotlnted by the mmisslouers of the Intelsat dellvared Ir, xnid city d °f the city
° Irl ImkirlK fate," slid the prom rin Hhnll be 'car ,arutlon athl a tb.,Properly certified by the
Placed Into the Lit treasury fur setcertige par- ! }rax—,\Irl. Dlckd, j,. Rock, Cullen
P credl[hlg the accrued In[eresi and ! FlghIT, Gehnn. Lelthausegylutea' Afelndy, Pratt,
pren,lmna, 11 uup, to the ••Interest Fund." COnIey,
Peas—.Ud• B1, el, Blom, Iioek, (•ellen, eNliv°u, \fn C'huirnum-18.
Coale}y•, FIsheq Gehnn, Lrlth¢user. \Ilnen, APProved Murch 19, 1890,
Jfe1, Pratt. 8ulllvnm, \[r. Cuni.Cr. . 8.
.\pproved \Inre 19, 1800, I;exWved, Thnt elle contract Detweeu Freder-
Ick Drlbcoll, dr., xud the city of St. Paul for the
BY AM. Cul 13 doing of the Job printing of the tic
ItexOlved. I3y the common rouncll IYearlug date \Ixrah 11, 1800, of St. Paul,
of St. Y°ul butt orders diall be Irnwofuthe cit}• 1ile. 1 m•e, (n] proved, and the bs and the isms
or, treasury far the amount f any ex[limnte o[Itemise to caecum sold Contract on}thelPnrt
r entimntex whenever nlor of by the board of Re ivrd, That the bond of
fire rolnmlxHionem ht invor of the caltrnetor (lir the mltliful I,erformnncr
the enidnr houxa• hi "lit" of a retior nPoi tet hn the sunt n S7) 10,000. '1
le iia
lot 7eblork 8, 1'Itllliop's addiron to F[. Yetul, xsld cion LrlCt, be tins ,010, submltmA with
tehenevI, there ix n ey to the city tMilsory Proved the linin y up -
d' for the Pu,rr;o • [nrl after tine quid o ie_hereb
estimates have been nurl''md by city tom P- j h'1Hher C:eh+an•Leithnuser. }!blies. ]trine
troller. 1'en,\ld. Rickel, Rlom, Rock, C'ulleir, (:Onley,
fens --Aid. 13fekel, Blom, Bock, i'ullrn. Conley, Sulllt-+ut, Me [ lixinnnn-1:1. 3•Pratt,
Fisher, Gehnn.In•ithnneer.}lineaj-j, \felttd} Pratt, '\ )proved }lurch 19, 1890.
Approved Mm -ch 19, 1890, ti'inereas, The maJority- of tie ow'nem resident
tithlo tine clic of Ft. Paul, Minn., si the
By ,\Id. C,ilen— roperty on theIiine at I,y'nuhurs[
avenue and
Resolved, That an order be drawn on the city �3remer street, formerly kuonn xs Albion ❑ve-
trensurerfor the sum of fifteen +te. Int Uttion Park• Ramsey GGoul,ty, Minn.,
('1In dollars In have petitioned the common cotfincil of the city
favor, of 1. B. {ncker, said slim hnvinK been
r is by said Ancker in behalf of the cif - of St. Paul to vacate eCrtuhl portio"V therelu-
Paul for the costa in matter of vacation of part ffer described) of s°Id Lynuhumt nue and
of Ridor th" street. i3mmer street, formerly know'ti as Albion ave-
Su1-ens—,\Id. Bickel, Dlo111 Bock, Cullen, Conley, lit e, f F Cnion Ynrk. RwmseY of sty, )I(nn.,
III , (:ehnn, Lelthaaser Mip which id petitioh aulV sots forth the facts and
Sullh'ait, \I r. l'hnirnum— ea, 3lrlad}'. Pratt, reneone for said tion1e lid was it APProved \lattb 1D. 1800. g.
it,!,. b,- a plot tltereo[ Y accom-
ted: + d proposed to be va-
.._ al{'he.v„�
I'l sorder be drawn on the city that the matter be irocerled�j"hua„j xpeNea
Invor of Carl F. 11. Koerner for tl�e x aft] I'etitfon to be Med i rn rd n"alt the] cft3
It hundred efghhty-three un 1 six- cdark, ami aotito to be •euc b3' publication tie
t - (S3,8A:i.lo) rlalinrx, and in- pmviderl Dy ]raw; as rt
sixtII1. xix (Son0.00) dtotiwrx tyhereax. Iiue stilts u'ae given by publication
12, LASS, 1 Lith later t""' iu the ofilcln7 Peeper of x Id city for four weeks'
lsecenteeu and sexteelt-hlmri', no commeuceng ob the 7th day of February,
:dines from April 2n, 1RRn, fu ° -- 18110• to the e((ect that said
fallo%'iug deaC•ribed Innd take i h” idled with the dry clerk, stating ilii filon l, is ob-
wi Bull and exteuHlon ai lfeh•ble It r ct, and that the slime would be heard and con-
avenue abd Son Idered by the common „ell of the city of St,
city of
St. Paul, nH courynned Oct. at 7:80 o'clock In the afternoon of said day at
Plotl, on Tueedny, the 18tin day lit ](nmh, 1890,
a thirty (ecu of that partof IOt the COMIC]] chamber ht the city hall Of said chat
nddi[lou to West St. Paul, Ida and
torous nvwme' In West St. Paul «hereaa, Atthe time and place last aforesaid,
Iced eoutherl}•, !ppar the Investigation lid conaiderutlon of such
tt part not already condemned or hunts savenue rscNnd Bremen street the common
public use of lack ••G" am Partials of Lyua-
1 °flats council atter hearin • all
6 persons intimated, and
being of the opinlou that the same Is necessary said premises so vacated as aforesaid bend
lid prr, slid that the prerequisites therefor the samdred e is hereby flied at the sum of t%o hun
he Nve ota thereforecombpllied,lvit lived, That all that beinganti leas hamllaars, (5220) the said sum
part of said Lynnhumt avenue bounded on the valuof the Proporcionnte average
north by the southerlyline of Universityproperty- abut[iu9 upon said prem-
.° the Nest by the easterly line of lot 55,)nnd Iscotaxire related
the according to tits seasment for
on the east by a line drawn from a year A. D. 1888.
point I the Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Hock, Cullen, Conley,
eneterlc line of said lot 165 eighty (80) feet Fisher, Celtan,. Lelthauser, \linen. Me:ady,
,ortherly from the southeast Corner of said Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Chmrmnn-18.
lot 155 to n point on Lite utherly line of Approved Murch 19, 1890.
L'niverany avenue. xo that enid line thus drawn R hereas, The common council of the city of
shn1l t,e ac right angles with said southerly line St. Paul heretofore ordered the board of public
off snia Clnlvemit}• nveuue: also x11 that p+trc o[ ke to report whether a cmutiEr of gentle o
s Id Lpnuhurst livetins bomnded o,t the north C¢hle u ue in said city ee shown b}- n red IWe
by the southerly ills of Cnlvereity nvenue.ou the on a profile mmexed to xnid ordeq u'ns uecee-
east by the westerly flue of lot 8n, and on the xery and pruPer, arid whether rent ]estate to he
west by a line described us follows: 1111leed for aabj improvement cou]es be !tote
Cosines Ing lit the southeast cooter beueNted [o the extent of damages and Coate to
11 lot 156; thence n rtherly long De Incurred by said improvement; and
the easterly Ione M lisle lot 150, elgllty' {{'Helena, hl necor In. trltit bold order, the
(80) feet; thence enstedY tine parallel to the bar I of public works did .1 -'in s cop rt to the
sputherly line of Cnty Cidty nveuue to the point' cmnmm� enunrll f date Feb. •1, recom-
of hltersoldlan %'fill the 'esteriy litre of Int 811, , mending n change of grade ou (labia ,, I ,n be-
xnld point of futerHretlou hduu the place 11 he- I tu'ce% 3 Ifinehahn xtreo[ mid 11, Cru street,
ginning of Ills Ilnr t° be desclbed: thence Ct n nod that prOi'ertY could be fonlid benefl ted to
Not drnu'utill
l lnnto theelytlnru„t[Jnitglewltyitheexf I the extent of dumnges, coats and ex pruxex neceb-
x Iltherly Iiue of uidi,Universityiuvmlue, nil Ills grnAetue Ile
iextWdil nm1]In rnnkdng sold III ig. of
Love LeluK In Union Park, Monsey county, I tti cercus. The common council of Haid cit.}•, on
y(Innesotn' the 4th day of Februnr 1890, ndaPtud sn 111 re-
.\Iso,all[hnt Pnrtomaidilremeretraettor,neri' port old ordered theycityclerktoadvetheno-
known as ,\Islas livensline of , hOnmdsd on the north I LinvellLe, allce cegWrerl b}' inw'; lid
lieby twesttabrltlx �yexst"11- line of lot 77. ,,11 on Irl heron••, TheeRclty clerk gavenotice ext the off]
the exit Ly n Iiue dran'u from paper 1 11e1 c"y, for titres Ion
Igbt (781 free In,terle b”. tient, 1t, art er of said d l n' need for isle]irlt�y Iron lel koti the
lAt ha�ltay OC
cv- of lint the CC I
lot 77, o,i the easterly Iiue of e1 Ili lot 77, to u )hamh. 1890, lit 7::30 o'clock p. m.. ut rho Coun-
Poiut oil the southerly Iiue f Cnlvetslty ave- c 1 chamber, in sed 1 city, consider such proposed
nue so that s id Ifni, thus lyfins shall be lit change of grade; and
""'rjgll, angles trltit sn'd southerly line of sxi't L'i If
R'hua4,�ll.\t the time and place last designated
n1lB_n,er,,tM,!t,l lnri>tlerly•ko thatsp Albiart ni +ve Icor 1�i1, Iteche archmeand erode, the c
e� bounds of then(')rill by [he oath- Doing of Llte opinion tnK sill p .moue atereiecrls atpud
cel}' line o[ Cnlvemity avenue a Llte j and "'
per. Ilia[ the snntn ib -sury
east by the westerly lute of lot 71, and on the Therefore, be It r sole 1, tit the grade of
lit x ]�nintlon the ensateriv ihtelof lott7 insNveut3g j }Ixrgaret street be nn Intl canoe )slherel �nchmned
fight ! i8) feet from the suuthrnst Goner of sold un xmordnncr with the red lime na shon'a on [he
neterilnmitllurea along said ensso,y line; thence nmeved profile, being the scone xs referred to in
Parallel to the southerly Icor of I all the proceedings haCl in reined to xnid change,
niyemitp uVeltlte [o the po1uL r intersectl011 uttd be it fttrtiter
th the westerly line of lot 71, said point of in- Resolved, That this order line] the profile rep-
tersectfon belay the pha•e of beginning of the line bet ting said chnbge of grade be referred to the
to be described: lie
to n point on the south- board of 'ublle t
rlv lin - Ira a to I shall [ v rks, slid that said board
Ire lit ri ht Ctti -ers"y lit int e,sso r n Proceavl tith out dela co exe v Ills
iiee ogles -I[h 'd utherly line of sumo a t. n vt Ii, they a nxcertain the
id C'nlvemlty avenue, all le
iu L-ufon Yark, ¢me, bleb shall be req WrcA to pay the dxm-
oRnmsey county, llinnexota, as the bnme npPex,x' ages, costa nm1 expensex or such iinprovemeut
record in tCO11„licerot the ,cr,•istrr of deeds In I upon Lhe mal saints to be benefited by xnid h�-
n , 1 fur tits ty- ( ifum;:a•y. yfmneaotu. be proventen t, ns provided A}• Inw. it being Ills
and tie "Ime are hereby declared to be vxcnmd pinion of the common council that m 1 estate
nxa dieconti,mra nH xxkrd
in enid prt{t1on, to le xxesxrd roe xh intprovrim•ni c n be
n 1 ns here(% above xl'er{mrd, found bexeii ted lito the extent or the dnmxgrs, e —.\Id. Bickel. Bloat. Bock. Cullen, Conley, c stx and expenses necesanry to be incurred
Fisher, (.ehnn, Lr.•Ithuuaer. }linea. Milady, thereby.
Prntt, d 31t uh }[r. 8ijO. a+n-13. fens—Aid. Bickel, Blgm, Bock, Cullen, Corday,
Ynxneri \Inrrh 1R, 18470. Fleher, rehan. I,elthmixer, >Ihtea, Melody,
1{-n1.7Eu H. S.txnonv. Chnlrnan of Council. Preto Sullivnu, yfr. ['halrmnn-18.
Approve d March 19, 189(1. Approved )(arch 19. 1890.
.IT A. Furnt, Mayor.
Attest: Tues. lion"' Yxy;vnexo.1-1. CYty Clerk.
)(arch 2d. Whereas, The common com,ll of the elty of
St. Patti beret 0lore arlemd the board of pubile
lChemns. [he commgon rouncll of the dry of n•orkx to report whether a rhnuge of Krmle on
Mnn•h�ud �aUnlriSlgtdldu aldopt wd oil hir solutfonyvxt Winter st reeL,cl }; ns shonnat amd Iur ou to
en[Ing Certain portions of Lynnhltrxt avenue ptreet int x d ] it
profile xnneved to said order, tvax newileary and
slid homer Htreet, formerly kuow'n tie AMC,, pproPrr, nod whether real stain to be naeessed
¢venue, axed portions vucnte I being more for said improvement could be found benefited
pxrtimnxrly described in safe resolution. to the ectent of dnmagee and costa to be f,-
or- be 1t resolved, That the value of c r- by said Improvement; and
Wher Lr
a', nmoninnce nit 1, said order, the chainber, m.cuid It
public uorks did make n repot- to ' c Y, musider much
Como, off the chane ( proposed
Fell. 4, 180., _,no- \There e ate; and
In couuctl f 11
sees, costs and expenses of such imprncement on n
If{'.• �'-
a t'1' t' Re of Rr d on \\'inter strep•, be. sltcll
anid Irlrtce designated for
profile altuexed to said order, as neces-
upon the real estate to be 6eneHterl by said im- maty and
{voposettl) hxing�
the oxt line of Rire street and the east couucl1. after hAm in • all u grade• the conunml
c•kso et t, in that property could being of the
b f d [hat Ise zi-Filtis reecee
1'rocemen[, na provided by Inw, it tieing the
,1 ,na council that real estate
proper, not whether real estate to be
H ped for s¢Itl improyemeut cottd be found
benefited to the damath�s
opinfon x111
",',,filed to ihr sheat qdamage'. ! d proper, �� Y
Pca ars netesancy to he lacurred ,u �+ �1`hrttfore, Be it re
m k1n1, wad change
see edC for
- Improvement cru, Ae
found Ae fated to [he extent of the damages
extent of nd casts to
be (nenrred A Y u i 1uAagrn,ch eut 1 d
\\'hercxs. In 1 with said order, the
of grnAn nm aforeu+id: t nd Brc cater avenue betweel'ctllr
\\'herena, 7`he cnnunun of
stn and expenses neaessury Co De incutttti
Ann rd of PU AIic wotkm did make ttPnrt to the
,44,� 1'
""hillsofith line Como
"hal iI of ,+aid cit r, oil u +nd the north Ifne of ,t tch nisei be not
r the ith tb,)- of 1'ebninrl-. 1]890, adopted aril(] re-
]'ens—Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock, (',Allen. Conley,
Ann,ail of date of Jnu. 211, 189(1,—.A,,-
aldinR change
Pu rt ai,d ortlercd the cit }-clerk to gine the notice ttdtlhie a,savl ollnt thge
Fisher, 'chan,I,eithxnser, 1fii,ex, lfelsdy, Pratt,
t n of grade on Tanks airs[, be-
t �een >Icllenemy
oub� Ilett alaluexedl+uce flleiil,
by lulu;. and :the saute as referred herp
Sol] icxtl, 1te Chnirmru,-13.
st[ev,t and Cinrit street, pro-
north frmn Case street,
, -, to in nil thel,roPmd(np
cscy cl C1k gave ttice fn the er- fur tied
agar[ to said change, xnl be Ct further
flcbai paper f aid t} -,-Int three
Approved March 19. 1890.
xnd that property
Id Ae found benefittot he extent of dxm-
I)' t
x .v
eek-. [nice a e6 w •k, that the �t es a thlRrnluldich- file ttp-
\Vherens, The
ages,cost' and expenses sec 111'to be int lined
un •il of axil ntre- dzahe referred
tv, uroum , the 18tledav of bort] of to the
Arch, 1890, and
Cont An 1cil of the city of
,c [. Y:aul heretofore ordered [the hotted
: ,aging axfd c•hal'y of grade ns r,ftn•esnid: and
t\\'berrxs, 'Che
1 j-,
at1.30i n'cloc 1 , at the coal'- 8h ifl Public w' rkn, that soil board
cal Proceed without delay to
I ch¢mber. in said city, -
of puA-
lie ,'orks to report w1,ethe a change of -soda on
eonunon colna•il of said city. on
the 21st 11x3' of Jnnunry, 1300, adopted srtirl re -
uI x
cu,sadertsuch propovrd o as the
Clmilge.f grade; Ild nuouut, xs Clearly ns Chep cell ns""nin
Lawson street, between 1lclfenem stret•t ant
Pur[ rued orderetl the cit}•clerk to (.•ice the notice
l•. '+
Whereas, At toe time find phare last desi Lrunc, n'hiCli shill be requloie stn Ual' the dam-
Clark street, ill said City xE Nhowu by n red line
ar,l nire,l by In 1v: nd
naA•d for such prop sed chits of g" lies, costs and ex reaN f ila�rrovclnll'tntt
ge grade, the
on n profile annexed to anid order, was netts-
\Choreas, q'he city clerk gave notice in the o0] -
nYron the real estate to be benefi [ed
common conical, atter hearing all persons lnten p ovement. ne y a
sated, and being of the opinion it
eery purl proper, slid whet her reel estate to he
nsaessed for said im Procemeut could be (.,Anel
clad p aper of said City, for than successive weeks,
twice in each week, that the common council of
Ing the
tIt the same is opinlml of the common comicI that real
necresrtr}-amt proper, h ba me'
benefited t til
covhenaii`•s till(] costs to
s•+i7 cit l'tcAA nil ;he 18th my .f 1h+mh. 1890,
Therefore, he it msolced, That the to ease for such aspen eon be
1Vlnter laid
s aid im P t• and
\V11eaena. ]n
nt 7.30 o c•lur k P. C at the -nasty t•hnrnlrer 1n
- r
street, between the Past jan, f Ith., st,•ee[ ' eO1•tte eeCed to tilde[ extent of the damn R°-'
n expenses emmmnt}- to Ae lucurred
Ilse of Tneksolr street, be 1
necordxnce with said order, the
exuvcl to°rl.s did nn+ka + Port to Idle
s:dA city,coneitlersucIt
td Proposed Chnll¢e of grade;
�I� {
e is ,e,rt tl a [hereby.
sa(I tin
tl"A it 1 f date Jun _U,
\Vherens, .at [he time n.nd place lupi rleeignnted
line ae nhowv ", the to redlproHle tAeiuR Fise—Aid.. Bickel. BI om, Bock, n"lh" Conley,
spas Lei
nR n change of Rrnde L.usnn street,
Aetueeu 1Ic11enem} t t and Clark
ear ,hue vrPoin chxR ge of Reade, the common
onucli Iter hearing 11 'ons
,he nv (erred co 1,,t: ,If r -ni thauser }fine-, Melody,
f Bard to info hod Pratt•rovelivuss Ali Chnlrmnn.
street Pru
(]aced 1 t1, from 1. treat, nl tl,nc
t r
1 e fulrrented, and
Acing of the opinfou Lhnt the nAna,
aaid thou 13.
soived. That thinguxierdlued therther App a 17 h 19, ]890.
1 pe,
tt coup be flim,' be -stated the extent of lain
1s At'. _ry
nd rm,p,r
change o[ PmHlerc __
onrd of blh, eth Isaidt ll-hereas,
ants 'I'd es tenses nevesxnry to be inc,lr-
rcklinCmuklu 6 ani change of Ade us
.+fore, tie It Re-oiyerl, Thnt [he• grade of
JeuFn street, between 31c}IenPml'
nud ],, not at l na d The common n ll •il of the cit}- of
e nnllu Droceenl without delay to sen ,3ri.orPr-+nI heretofore ordered the hoard of
n s [he - r A to
„ 1 6 uforcsnld;
rt lt'berena, The common councit of said city'. nn
street and
;.lark street, Produced , rth from case street,
he +old [hr same fs hereby ch:arnad in accordance
he an rcp rt whether n change of grurPlrtbon
lith shnil bee certain the -{rch offset, from Bice
the 21st deny of ,ixnn+ry, 1x00. ado Pled anid
"',[h t11e red line ns sl,ou'n -,A tl,e ++1lnexed Pro -
agesecr street to Jnekmon street,
o-te audeexpenee- sn *1� i ljrmc +input ryes(] city- as shown by a red line on n
t and ordered the city- clerk to Rive the
noltim required by Inw;
hie• being the acme na referred to in nIl the pro.
xedingN had in
in profile
the real state to be benefited[ by said fin- C ed to anid order,ll'ea necessnr}'and Proper,
pr. as and whether
Whereas, 1 he city ch,r], gave notice in the of-
regart to said change, and be it
yinent. provided by inw, it bring the rent estate to be Hsaessetl for said
oP ikon of the common council that 1p1Provehrent could be found
`tial n ret of lid w t3' for three Nil cessive
Resnh•ed. That this orderand the rofile rrpae-
to rngl state benefi [ed to the es-
sal -1-1 for such improcemroc teat of damages and costs
eeks, tivice m eneh eek, that the common
ntfng said change of grade he referred to the
can be to be hlcumed byaaid
foamy beuefi`ed to the rite, of the do mages, improvement;If, and
' Penses necee-nrY
n •11 of said city, would on the 18th te+}- of
oat V, 1ri90, x[ 7:30 o'clock P. n,., at the cuun-
board f,ublic works,and thatsaid board shall
! pmCead u'ithou[ delay to aaeess the amount, Al.
therebyttd to be incurred ;boa%rd of ngbiic orks r]tid make Bare order, the
chamber, iu said riry, couslder such props —d
' a l3' ns they eon nit—taln the s which
Pnrt to the
]'sae :ltd. Rlekel, Rlonl, Rock Culien, Coale}- tonlmoa couucfl of date Feb.4, 1890,recommend-
change of grade and
\Vherens, Atthe
shall be required to pay the damages, costs slid
Gehml. Lei[imuserI lfinen. 1fe1,ad • fog¢ almuim of grademn Arch street between
time and place ]list desfg'
mated for
expenses of such inlpr.-Ac ant upo11 the real
e` j1
Yratt, Eullican, 1Ir. ('ha",Alan 13. y leen[ line of Rim street and the east line of Jack-
Approved Murch sal
such propoard ch:nlex of grade, the
eonunon council. -[ter heuriug all iu-
eaht2' to be beuelited 6}- anid improvement, ae
Vwn-ided be Isle, it being the opiuinu the
street, and that
19, 1890, property could be found
benefited to the
terested, m1d being of the opinion that the same
of Com-
It'n1t comlcll that real entnte t. be w:sea-ed for
extent of dnalaWs, costs and ex-
peones often-nn'to 1>e incurred m making said
i 'rs`++r3' till(] Proper.
is, be It resolved That the
uch improvement can be found benefited to the
extent of the dont-gee,
R'h,ream, The comm runcil of the cite of CI Wt emus, The commoe at
8t Fuul heretofore t11dof
grade f
5 Lawson street betueeu cllenemy stere and
cost --ml expenses items.
y to lA incurred thereby -
sal(] city, qty
ordered [he board of puAllc the 4th day o[ Februn
orbs [o report nhether a r}•, 189u,
'V -t
Clark street protlunced , ch Irom Cutsa• io t
:ltd. Bickel. Blum, Bock. Cutler, Conley,
change of ode adopted .pfd m-
Brewster ncenue from Vfoln to Amli street fu mymred gyFjtettdnth i city cler6 to glue the notice
and the sxine hereby chai 1, i 1.
-4; c. with the red line as Nhoun o t1,
Flakier, C,ehan, Leithiluser, Alines lfelady,
Pratt. Sulliv+,n, 1[r. Chnirmnu-13.
As ,it
city- pryi ho3riC by n red Ifne on a profit, an \Vherex-, The city clerk
nate(] to A order,
profile, being the name as referred to in tail the
Approved 11am1, 19. 1890.
wxv necessary and�frroper, ficilJ gave notice 1n the of
1 whether teal entnte to be aseesseri (or c�cee' for three successive1
f c rliage had in regard to crud chnuge, and
t further
\\-osteon 'Phe Common -[meal of the city
y+'d t er6 ,ltrylire each
lmprocement could be found beuelited to the un fl of k� the o,nm
extent dam
Resolved, Tl,at this order and the profile rep
et Ynnl heretofore ordered the board f
o public
of said cit
-gem and costs to be taco y. x'otiid a the 18th da} t
b3' ld nnprovemeut, n,1d reed 1lnreh. 1890, ac 7:30 o'clock
sting said change of grade be (erred Lu the
orks to c whether a Chan
1 repot Re o[ grade on
p n. nt the co i-
\Vherens, to nmordance with said ober, nI said city, consider such
d of p Atle works and that said board
right street, fmanr Case Ntreet to Cook
scmet, ill sili city a- holvn by line
order, the I chan,aa
board of Public works did make n re ge grade; Alud proposed
pro sed vittlont 1111,+3' to r, -ass the
amount, ns nearly as they •an nvcertuin the
a red on n
f .file annexed to said order, las necessary
eotmcil of date Feb. 4, 18901 roc me j netedetor sl' At then time and Place last dce ig.
mending a change of
same, Svhtch skull be requiredtopay the dual-
tan I m)perN and whether real exists to be aa-
grade on Bmu'ster venue ! common couucfl Pnfter hearing ejj of grade, the
between the south line .f Como avemae and the j r1ing Persons
lg�s1. costa xnd expeuees t such imprsuvemont
the real raf=fia m be Aeuefited by i 1 1
asst(] for aid improvement could te�atonnd
benefited to the extent of damages and is to
eated, and being of the or
north line o[ Amh etrmc, and that tt thatt saline is
could be found
pro ve ant, ne p led by I +l, It being the
b i ed by sold improvement; and
benefited to to the extent o3'
damages, Thetttore�t be It -solved,
Opinion of the c 1110`i co acil that real estate
\i•hore ,;, In amordar— with said order, the
That the grade of
costs and expenses necessary to be int Amb street between the
carred fn making said Ifne
to be assessed for c6 improvement cnu be
bonny of Public works did make n report `o [he
change of west o[ Rice street
Said and grade n- atom- an] the east line of Jackson
found benefited to the ex[eut of the aanages,
common covucil of date Jen. 20, 1890, �eCom-
street be and the
Whereas. The common council line ace
c°-ts and expenses necessary -o be (ncnrrerl
.tending -I chauee of grade as aforesaid, olid
ty tout[ be found benefited
of said city. on • red with the
Lhe 4th day f February, ns Aol a on the unsexed being
ec'xt Prop to the
tent u( damages, costs
report and oraered Lhe city r,8,%01, -.AJ oppted said the same as referred to fn all profile,
pproceedings had in
Fishers, Bf,k I, BI—, Boc`(1t alllen`Coatldev,
x and expenses ueceseary
to be lucurred hl making said Chnuge of sa
gilts chs uo-
[lee required bylaw: and regu.rd to said clones, and be It further
Pratt, Sullivan, 11r. Chairman—]3.
aforeanid: and
Where as the city clerk gave notice ll' the offi. Remolved. That this order and the profile re -
tial Paper of
Approved Mnreh 19, 1890.
\Vherens, The common council of vald city,
sold cit for three successive weeks, boreardiuog(sald change of grade be referred to the
twice 1n each week, [�at the tiublic orks, and Lhat
on the 21st day of Jan., 1890, At.ted said re-
common c.unefl of eha.11 said board
said city, would on the 18th day of Dtareh,
R'geress. The common council of the city
y n} ties
Port and ordered the city clerk to the no.
required by laly; end
amomaPrns oearlldt nett-they¢can
an 7:SU o'clock P- m,, at the councl] Same, whl.b the
8�. Paul heretofore ordered the board lie panne
Whereas. The city clerk gave notice 1,C the
Shag required to pay the dam-
rks t. report xllether a rhrtuge of ode on o01c1n1
paper of said city, for three successive
tenet, between Mea how,, street sad weeks, twice In eneh week, that the common
Clark etrre0. in anid city, es nhowu by a red line council of Bald city would, on the 18th day of
:. ��k, .. ,fess;, :'7f ; 5+,' `S3•yrt 9j'P'�t.. fix;'+".to- t ,
{ i
dl chamber lit at 7:80 i anneals each pro coxed game, which shall be required to
change of P tin dem-
) _. I
j' } ;, I
grade: and Pay
gas, costa and expellee. of such mprovement
Whereas, At the time And place Inst deal
upon the real estate to be benefited by
ted for
d /
n- sold
such proposed change of urai]e, the cam- opinion of the
mm, eoundll. alter hearing n jon of LLN provided law, It being the
Second—Gfve the counen An estimate of the
xpeuxe thereof and "tate
common coundl
Al] rersouelnWreNt�ed, le
uul Leing nl the i e ¢Nsucthat real estate
oplufo,l that the some IN necee-
sol ry
Ali,1 found be, afited tfo the a tetlt thced¢can be
ref re, r I. costs
file contract IN Iet.
Third—tun real estate to heFlith
a cud expenxex necexsnry to be lucurr
resolved. Tont the grA1n of thereby, era
Ark A•rl street, (run
_ , ...
(jams Atreet to Cook )'ens—Aid. ]peke
Ira curl the Nome is hereby chnn of L Alom, Bock f.
1 hl lu irn,
'.. t,. A
Our, r nc-
cordunce with g Conley
the rnrl 11 GebAl,
sexed profile, being wnme xhorvn on Lhe All- Ytttt, Sullivan, Nr1Chu„xer, 3jlnen, )(�l�dy,
$, .7�
the nx referred I A Irmuu—ln.
all the pflilth ugx find 6, regard to skid PDroved 36anh IU, 1S(1U,
a e,
Aul be It further chmiue,
;,I ,. .. .�{,
I'hnt [hill orlh r [old the pro 011• rc'')• 13yhelthnumt•r—
',Itblg Nnld chnuae ofueNule be referred Itonolved by
to tla. the common emu,el
LolleI Ill hhr work., nod that null Irunrd .Imp ! nl XL Lurl that certain
I of Ito city
1 )
prmeuu Without Arta}' to II'M N til• ,anile luau emu,c�l of frau the Coln•
molly nx thsY nut, uA I, the city of NL Pn71I
()( Mt1111C,
Xixth—Scud tam couucll ¢ proper order direct.
eon u.<x�rtd❑ the ns I f,f halo work. to tam Lonrd
Nhull Ira rnquirtd to •tit un", whlf h rk. of the nnl4 ally of St. P
m ,
> e dntnnueN, cuNt" nod i axxed April Ath, A. 1, 11X7, A r ........^ui
eM pens. of a,", inn ,roverm•lt 7th, A. U, A nl�
apo' the real 1117, djnrthlu the extenA
tate to le I Ilt'l �ryy nail hu moven Len' %yenta. I I I lou o �iL-
S'' ,,.,(j.,
nnr ufut UouglnNN. Rremo'q ]:u.t
prrrvlderi by lux'. it N Nig the I' ,jl lust, an Fourth,Auw•A
('Ut,l,llmll'(lllrlell of if, '11,3114nfIlrCE
{ kill i
tl,rlL rnlll C.t11t1!Lfrl ale I,MML•NM['fl aoll 4,allfli•llell Ntreet.(r.m
llele res•
for Nurll,u,provemeut
P t,IL -ells' ler' ttrilllllI,
t. LhC I.Ilxt f.ILy
van beele tI LC'ellte(1 t.
the extent of
Ihnitx, nun nano t efq�rored
-dunutaen, IGth,
,the coax nod expenxto llcrll117ttd 1p1M'
A. L, 1X17, n
11, veNnry to be Incurre I tiereb)•. dfrcc•tb.g
•` n '
fens—,t1A. Bickel, Alou,, Aot•k, t.ulien. 1'onley, 11117, F;he III, III, t•xtpenxlon o(Hunt-
F'INhela Uehnu, hien nveuue, be alit the
Nuala are hereby re -
belt linllxet, -ca, 3leludy, exiled nnr! unuullerL No Glr us the xnl
fa the
S'lllvnu. 11 r. C'Iwurmnu-1n. d
provide for the extrnd,o .,it...
the NL
Approved 31nreh 19, 1190. [her Chau W lute ]icor a' far street (ul-
1\'hrrenn. The c -- 1'e..—Ald. Alekel. AI
ommon eo o,n, Hock
St Pnul nasal of the city I'lnher,Uehnn,
j R f,.IG
n(I Lelthnuner, )[Ines 3(ellnlr :Conley,
heretofore ordered the board of public Sulllvnu, 3fr. u,inrrnnu—iR. dy, Pratt,
rkN to report
whether a change of urnde ml Approved 3ttrch 19. 18U0.
Olive Ntrtrt, between Pvmi.Yly'¢I'lu
3 i
n e nod _
uuh thereof, in NdtcltY u" BY
eho�intl,Yrnl red Lae
�: i r
of Alri, Sullivan—
der, wax necrcNarY and Profilenuuevait. said or -I Ald-
led that uhe bo
of public "Irks are
....... to Le assessed forleNl lm pruvement could I hereby nutnliorizrd to construct
be found
I .'�I
o.. snake In
be.a,,L d to the extent of dune).
coats to Le ueurred L 's bee and oolson�is "t. One Across Snelling xcenu
! pd I
in a
lu,yrruvemeut: m,d tit side of 1)A, ton. Two a 4,N Shelli e
\Ybrreus, lu necordri sane w, Loth sides
boo eefd
F �f (.
of order, the of Selbyvro ne Hero n
public n.rFs dal maks x p.rc t. the Una
I,uurn oceans ou uort6 xIlia o[ lglehurt
eommou council of dntr
across Uxtord N star
Tun. Y4. ]1hU, revom- ave. ole. [rest on youth nide of Unlnd
memiiu. n chnnRe of grade
7 ,•; ilk
n Glive.trtet, Le- _
twee¢ Penuaid pin nl Aid a polat Suofeet [ FL Blom, Dock, C'u0eu, Conley,
south of said Petinsvivn,iin
her, GehnAlekel,
uveliue, And that
pruner could Le found Lenelted to Yrntt, S I• Lefthuuser, All ea. 3felndy,
ullicnn. Nr.
of donut the extent Chnirm,m—
gen, eosin gait expenses ,i •rx.nry• to Le 1 Approved )Larch 1D, 1 r l:i.
In making su(d
e nn afore.
sold: and —_
an change of gradatt—
Lvhereus, The cmm�ruu council of said alt>>-. I' Iiee 1t "d
the 4th Any of FeLrmtry'. ISO dprThr [ [he boor d
jP' j'
I - Iiiliia'
adopted sold re- cause yro.den of publle work.
port Hud urdemd the dt •Berk to •Ire tuenotice' lowIDR places: 11aNN "niks to be tail at the fol
reyulred Ly lute: and y F
,fig s ti
fidxl paler of y gave uotlre In the If- varsity nt h e
ial ren'. The d[ clerk west xRle of Rn}vnond nveuue nerals Cnf-
xn,d Ilt1'. fur
then xuccexxive On .net nide of Gordon nveuue
weeks. taken In uch wtrk. tbnt tie
connnon uvcuue. across Carter
Gamlen ref ,add la[}• Inmd ,nl ole Ixclt In nr on w
3fareft, 11m1,
nc :ill i,. the couu¢Il[ath�n- i uveuneext "Ide of county road nerOA. Langford
Ler, hi edit latus conxbler
ournde: sur, propAxeA cLunae I flu east Nide of Knapp mtreet
1 f
ncroes Lan
R'hereaN• AL the tlmv Hud place Inst dehig. a0ulnfirth
anted for
allies of H4lkeand At -
xueh propo.ed change of uruatt he Ibtymond Avenue. ty N[reetx nenrxx
can"nmou vonuelf After he,
rlu gall perxmtN hoer- On ,myth side of Kendrick street
ext«d. mid Ix•Iwu of the oplulu' that the
I, r . j
Anulc Ix nem. avenue, Imroxe Any.
nta•t• 1113' And I,ropet•. _
1'hrre/urv. Le It remolvcd. Thbt the are, of Flxleier, 't' -Ml. IIne¢'t�ulle,l, (:onlay,
Olive Nteet. Lehcee' Peunm))•Ivnnul
1` I
avenue mad 1uIIhBu. 3fr. ChuirmNn— ,. le lnd Y, Pratt,
u point nUU feet mouth o snarl Yeunxylvlu,ix In.
nyv,- 1
he Nu me In hereby changed Int Ppr.ved Nnreh ]0, 1100.
with the red linens xhowv nu
,roll! the AA. --
1 e, Lela th H•Alrl.l
u e 3 iock—
the r Aarne nm referred to IA;:II
P .nrdh,gA Incl lu regard to Axid chm,uc. rued
Le II further public works
eroxxwulk. tot he 1¢ulronrdtlf sones
I wane Nhis
It••nolyrd. That thin order'ud[hepronle of Frnnkllnl
I Ili
b.,it;' g repre- Pnrk drive. Ntreec Herons Irvina
"flit chile a of .roll be referred [o the
shall ° PALllc " old that send Lonrd On "ext Nide of Frnuklln
itjioAt us'ens the Park delve. street +lerosN Irvine
amuuntroceecl, "it
4,N On
t ¢N they north nide of \ "Alar. street across Irvine _
a rl Y aNcertaln the PArY delve.
On Mouth side of Walnut street across Irvine a width of eighty feet be and the same s beret,y
Park drive.
On west side of Frnuklht street serosa Elm
referred to the board of public works t.1 luvextl•
On north nide of Elm street between Exchange
gate report:
F9ri t—le this improvement proper and Acree-
and Bluff. or
Oil north nide of Irvine Park drive across
Second—Gfve the counen An estimate of the
xpeuxe thereof and "tate
Franklin street,
YenN—Ald. Bickel. Blom, hock, ['titian, Conley,
whether one-half of
the cost thereof Iis to, gold foto the city tre¢.-
Neludy, Pratt.
file contract IN Iet.
Third—tun real estate to heFlith
uffivr, l Mir Mfra n—I;Jflnna,
31r, arab u , IN9 •
Appeared !lurch 10, I1D0,
nxxexxed for sold
inq)mvee)ellt be found benellted to tam extent of
dmnagex, com I; and expeu.e" Ilecen.ary to be it:.
carted thereby?
By' Ald. Sullivan—
It Ix herebyFmlrth—ix
orrlrroA by the C'armm�u
sash Imprnventnnt nuked for upon
L'amdl u(
the (:fly of St, Paul;
the petition or uppllcntlou r t [fin uwuen of n
nutjlMty of the property to bol fileahswn for of A
the rmttter of arndlug (.9svebwd Avenue I
Ie) rruvr I It7
flue) Sumintt uvcuue to 0 i11 xtrwd (petlttnu
uttuched) be nod tits
l�lfth—Xenia the council It don or pprof le of
x11111[' IN hereby referred
to t11C board of public works to Invext�gate nod
Ansi] improvement, 'IN required by law, If you re.
irnvL III IIIYUr Lle
rn earl
()( Mt1111C,
Xixth—Scud tam couucll ¢ proper order direct.
.... Itl t1nIN Ito prrO Veml•Ilt prtOlMr null IIeM'N-
Ing LII[• Mork to be d ov.
1.11co e
the cost
rmrn—uta lea rntxts to be assessed for en
f nprovement he fuual benefited to the extent
do' and expeusex necessary to Le 1
curred thereby?
Fotit IN
such such improvement asked f(
upon the petition or .,Jimtion o[ the ow ole
. x.h of the property to be usNeNNed I(
w•h Impp r.ovement
Fifth—Send the council a plan or p ofile s
solid improvement, A , required by law, it you -,
port III favor of the same.
Sixth -Send thecouncil n proper order dire.
big the work to be 1 e
Y,,M —Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen. Coaled
Fisher, Gr`,anf7,eich u rt3llnea, Nelxdy,Pnat
Ry Aid. 3linea—
It Ix hereby ordered by the Common Couadl c
the C9ty of St. Paul:
That the matter of grading Stickneyy stere
from Concord street to the mouth city UMI N bs
And the enme IN he
refernd to the board o
public work. to i,ventiwte and report.
F'ir.t—I. this fmprovement proper and rices
e.nd—Give the council nn eaima[e of tit
expense thereof, and Atu[e all
esti one hall of
the coin thereof Is to hepp W lot. the city teens.
lir before Lhe contract IN let.
h nlrovelnent be fofor atidd
A I hetle0be 1 to Lto be he ezrent of
damages cont. mid expenxex neceo the it be In-
curred LlierebyT
the petition or A plles much ntlm1 of the ked for c wnerx otos
majority of the Property to be aAsesxed fur such
F lfth—Semi the council s Ian or Profile of
said Improvement, AN requirefl by law, if you rn-
port In favor of the.ame.
Sixth—Send the couacdl n proper order direct-
hlg the work to be done.
Yeas—Ali]. Bickel, 13 can Bock, Cullen, Costley,
FlNher, Gehnn� Lelthaueer. Nh,ea, Nelndy, Pratt,
c,•nn.e,. _ _ ____
By Aid. Lelthauser—
Ic IN hereby ordered by the Common Council ofthe 1
That 7tthef matter sof widening East Seventh ,
street, from Phalen mtlrec to east alty Ifmlte, to 1.
Aovk, 1elad ,
Ninon, 3lelud)', Pratt,Yrutt
,\prproved Jtlrch 19. 1100.
liy ,lid Lefthnuxer—
Ic in hereby ordered by the common Council of
[he city of St. 1'uul
That the matter of coudemulnng nn enurement
far u bridge to a read from )lolls nveuue to
Edgerton vtreet, be Anel the eoln,e le herebyrefer-
red to the board of public work. to III vr.tlgate
Irirsc Is this ]mprovmnent grope: nod neces-
Nn y?
Second Give the council a, etinnte of the
e pens. thereof, nod state , Nether one half of
the cost thereof ,s to be paid into the ally treus-
u Tti rd—Cauere I estate toetbe aesessed for said
improvement be found benefited [U the extent of
damages, costs Hud expeusee ueceenury to be fu-
currefl [hereby?
Fourth Is such fmprovement asked for upon
the petition or application of the owners of a
majority of the property to he ssseused for such
Iule ovenieuc7
F fifth—Send the council a plan r profile of
sold Ie)ffrr.veAtI"I M; required by law, 1f you M.
port in mvor of the Game.
Sixth—Send the council A proper order direct.
fit the work to be done.
Fishers, eh BlckLul 6A,nerR,uc311i alen•3felady,
L'natL 6ullivnu. 31r. Chn rale. 11.
Approved 3fnn:h 10. 119"
By Aid. 3finea—
It IN bell ordered by the Common Council
of the , ty of St. Aral: -
H IThat
er on
from t7 Construction
—,of a to Winifred
and the name 1. hereby referred Lo the
board of ntblic work. to Inveaiglue u11 report:
First-- [file Improvement proper nnd ueceG-
t 8ryicoe llanc f the estate an aimate of the
!xpenne thereof, uuA state whether one
:he cont thereof IN to be ald foto the city treas.
myy before the contruct lr let,
'1'hfrd—Cali real estate to be Assessed for Bald
mprovemeut be found benefited to the extent of
Ismuge roxts and expenses me ,M, to W In.
.red ttiereby7
u]ro Inh—lm such Ie)pprovement Asked for upon
he petition or application of the ."eve of n
At,orlty of the property to be axseuied for such
Fifth—Se d thecoureeffs plea or profile of Bald
nPFrovement, as, required by ]4,w. It you lapse
vol of the same. -
'-t ':ri {p:.`X.
��.; .-.� YJ.'! k .'aL3,�73y Alt'. °`ie'ty.�''rvt!';l'V'{ S,E�'•7j?a+J.'�Y�
S1xth—gena the council a
m the proper prier anect-
work to be spas. mhira can real excite co ba
Ala. Blckel, Blom, improvement
Bock. Cullen, be found benefited tpceijte ext4tgjip[
IeY, Fleher, Gehnn. Lenaanser, mines,
dn- darn oto
Ald. ]felnd}•—
i i
Mel autl expenses
tt, Sullivan Mr. Cha/rman-18 Y, cur4 d LAe necessary t0 be Itt.
res ens
Approved Mnmh 19, F
IC is herebyo otaerod by the Common Comcll of
the City [ St. Paul.
moreheaill ntraectlon of Fillmore avenue, and Flll-
to httetroectlon 11th Hyde
1890. til h improvement naked for
the ti
That the matter of co demon,
street; thence .a.esterlty on Hyde street 20
tion or upon
BY Aid. Blom— peof aPpllcatl on or the o f g,
It is hereby ordered b t }ort the property to be ae=cdBoiseucL
Y the Com 1
an sem
in land, for the construction [slopes. for the
Y cut or HIl uspou Lhe real
t the south line of the levee; hence northexaterly
nlon Stile levee to \[III street: th'u's tle— rl,
the Cit ei e,
o' pr sc Pum: n cpnncu or i,.tli n_seua the
Tlist h
nbuttin y between Bidwell
a Ip n \Illi street to Starkey street, is said
file latter of gratling Fred street, from saia t t ' ouucil a plan o roHle of
Burr street Lost to t tth as req ofred by
stmet nEd C`hfppe nvettuet•that m y lie
in the
- Tnnt anid board Cattse anid work to be, ]et b)•
the aIle • ou F Port to lnvde Inn, tt You re-
1 the Stine.
d the sx me fa hereby reterrra Re hof S1xth—Seng
squired grading t anid street, In accord
with the established grade from Chi
c ntrnet, s+ provided ny law, without oe-hal[
to board
p Fltc s s to int'eetignte Hurl nlPott: iOF they k to he 1 uecll a proper order dl
w 1 the improvement
' ' to {Vnseca treat, and partial grade
from \Vasecx
the eatimxted mac being Hn+c pp�ld into the city
treasutry, and after safA woYk xhall be Laced
b _
s :
Prol+ec and Ices- 2s—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock• Cullen,
to Bidwell street. be and the same
I. hereby- referred to the board
def contract said board hill pp nu-
P oceetlow'thons
Second h Give Conley,
l;ehal^ Leithauaer, \linea, Malady,
'ouucil t t timate of fila Prat[, SnBi ae
expense thereof, Mr. Chafrmnn-1:3.
of public works to
to lovestigate and -port; delay, to-Welt pf thea ,t t,
a rly lie they sy to ..certain
all ,
xvd tote vhether ole-half of 'lPProved Match 19, 1890.
i he cost [Hereof is to ben
F t-1s this improvement CtheOe a w•hhh,h
Proper and ueces-'i wi=1 l+e eyulred ppay the t Ind n
id into the city tress-
try before the contract ie jet. --
n S - pease. of ich impIrovement poo the
S and—Give the council n
B .
) Ald. Blom—
Third—{`xn real estate to be
estimate f the real eatu[e to be benefi[ei3 by. Haid improve-
expense thereof, and state vhether one-bnif
improvement bet seseaaed for said Itfs hereby' ordered by the Common
benefited to the the
of damages,
Cont thereof is to be Paid into the city treas
meat, ,ta pro2'Ided by law, the Halxnca co be
from e
_ {
1l }
extent city of St PnW Council of
to rred thereby? and eapensea necessary That
y before the contract is let.
pxirt a fund, It befog the opinion
the , aft that
I, !
to be the m,t t[er of o
Fourth—la Doe S to etre¢[, w'Idettougtlte
Tmrd—Can real carate to be assessed for said
real ca tate to be assessed for
each improvement eon be Found benefited
e ich i from Brn atlatdd
or upon
ty [thee
dama Zen enc be found ben Ated to the extent of
to the
extent of a-hedf of the cost and expenses
nvd I
ma ori If rope,ty oumef
fecred to the bfonrd of
the Proi+er[}' to be en'otks1etoel by re-
ren herebt and expenses ttecens try to be I,,-
my to be hwure d thereby.
{l'ortte1 ei nsaessed for such gate and report:
Fftth Finn—Is
such improvement asked for u
F ieher, 1 eh Leitlhxuaer,
s tut t111s im
s }
a 1 1 Lt toil Pl:ttt or provemcnt proper and
to \Itiuem, feJndy Pratt,
the Petition r nVPhxtiono[ the o sera o[n' c Iltt ail—I1.
P o t t, ne reyuirea L law, if yo teret
pot u[ fat or of the } the
imajont) o[ the proper[)' to be assessed such
Nn} s Ur. Chairman-1. -
�... l'•.
same. tonsil an satin ate a[ Lhe
expznre thereof, xud tate
51sth—tend the council
Fifth—Send the
{ ved \
PPro [xmh t9, 1890.
It the work to be done. Proper order direct- the cost LhereM ,n to be whether one-halt of
council plan o Profile of
saia lin Provemeut, ua re:luimd Ly law, ie
nrY beforethe contract In jeid the city [rens-
Peas—.{Id. Bickel, Biom, Bock, Cullen t.
Fisher, 'P!—Can
you re-
port in favor of the n,tnte.
In the matter of the ports of the Board of
Gehnn, Lei[h+tuse ,}fin a { 2
.. tlhya a re t1 estate Lo be asnesned for said
\Ir Ch lelad}•, Pratt, `IWroli •ement
Public Works doted Feb. 18, 18911, slid \fsrrh
Sixth—Send the council a proper order ,Brett- l:t, 18D0.
mrnoul I:3. see found benefited to the extent o[
; 19, 1890, sial cost and expenses
AAid. 'ed
thework to be done.
fess ,lid. Bickel. Blom Bock, Clillen. Corney, It iv hereby ordered by the Common Council
11 accessary t0 be I,
\f,ttrn— red chet•ebyo
a— Fourth—Ie
1'Isher, t.ehan. Lei[Ita Ire yfinen, y[emdy,, the tlty of St. Paul:
Itsuch hnprovmimc eked for upon
It i here11Y 111scr l by the L'Ommon Pe[i`loit or
That the board of p11111(1 works of .the city of
Yratt, Suilicau. )I r. Chuirmnn-13. Sr. Paul cause the following
Council con applfceltlon Of the o in f n
f the Ci[y of ,ct. Poul: Iorit - of file property co
7'hnt the
hnpr eat to be
.{Pproved Murch 19, 18110. nn:i o
dude, t0 wit: Open. Imso extend Laurel
matttr t conntnictfon of n server pit nn proves `ant: be nascesedttor such
L11e tour yLee` treat, from Fnir9eld n Filth d Lhe epuuctl
By \Id Suflft•an s, Dtun--.a-exingtott and Fair-
It is hereb}- ordered by the 1 w�ttye •, 1 c,ty ondemn've
a plan
111 ni of cue brlage tn:tt' o eO°e 1O ami 1 rr n turtle oe
Lint s ('it}'railroad [tired by ]at
minmon councilor and taking
lie "t}• pt St. Paul: a that Inmi befw n irxingtpit n attd
tr:wks. he Hud thensonelttn P C Cln fn vo the sn me , tf you re
herehy referred to file board tl Send
Y'hnt the matter of grading Prior avenue from E' not, x rend}' ndemned u
Summit i tic,
htM of Publfe works to 1 tilt council a pro
and report' 1, th k to %done. per order direct.
lit sone to litstreet (pre[iti t ted for phbl(c ase, (except land prol -
tnlhed) be the ty owned by blic'I
essnn-. proper and
ill t Is this baprovetaent P lens--Aid. Blckel, Blom, 13
and tV ltd
some here11y (erred to ntione), lying ill n the
of public works to investlgute � lines Of n. r`rip sixty-nix (Ux) feet wide, the �ern-
� �'�
uec F,"'er, Gahan, Leithnuser, \thiel, Sl111 Y,
it C7tIIen, (`°nley,
Setrond—Give the conuril an Yrntt. Sullivan,
rerortitra turd
11 ter line of 'Itch strip shall' be the center ]file of
\lr. Chafrmnn—i:J.
z t i whether
e Pease thereof t1r1 x a e zsthnm1s of tine .{pprovad.1Lurch 19,
tilts bar)..ventent proper and Ices- H'tturel avenue nn exintfug Auna. B. Itamsey's
n dditmn to Pn 11etween
half f ]890.
cont thereof to to be paid oto the city
trensurp before the routrnet
.est. of, I.enngtpn uveuue
ec olid Giv the c um•tl a stintate f tl 1 Uuuinl fast, produced west to Fairview
State whether
,J1111 i
In let. 13y '{ld. Sulliaau—
Third--(',til real est to to be amassed
e Taal,, thereof, and pile-hilt of "t :1 In0 Condemn uad face an eusemrat for
the set ,�nrl 11ridge
npom,,,. lit for earl
found beueH ted to theextent
IttheiiCl[\hof a�ePxt
3 the Common
spot thennof is to be paid into file city rens- `' Pure tw acrossthe right of
ury before `f is is let. 3 hicgo, \tillwinikce &
a of Connell of
linnn I
gas. rusts and ex +sown neresnnry to be (u- T int the matter of o
curmrl thereby? penhlg Prior
.'t. Yaul l{ail-
rc nhuta
Thi 1—Ina real estate to be xnesseri for snirl n'u) l f t y (short Iine) I) fug within the Biles
mprovemant be [Saud beneficed of Lane, - e. fn Boulev-nnl
r7 fir
avenue Front
encu liew,,
meuta.ked for taehedi)t bavtt�d hatreet
Lite pelf flop or appilention Ps (pretletaoett
to the extent of Addition No. 3,
do mages. costs and expenses necessary to be (n. to St. L'1tui. „roduced cunterl}' to sn said right
0 of Lhe o peon at-
ilio of the wu a het L
pard of publte
n•drthercbp^ of t a --, Lasing i1, the 91tp of St. Poul, Minn.
imy �roPerty to ha assessed for Port work. to ty tignte and re�
Ith—Send [he c ncil p1 n
e r Hle s
hryi-7 t—Is this improvement Proper and
til—In each improvement asks foe upon Thn x d board hill pr d uftlmut rieiay
the retiti oil r to aneess the lit u 1 as-
tnlsnt}- of the Prppliirtyl,,, be assessed tforasuch +'c 'n the na nenwhich &illzibe}rey ulreil "a thry tots
- '�
p Proymnent, of nares-
by cowl, if
rut In favor of the some. You S and--Give the Hell
re'ixth—Send Otate
, Fiftn—Send
the ds-OWI,cost. and a Y exPettee \
I,a estimate of the
the connen a Pro a Vence thereof, and 11 Nether o
Ing the work to be Per order direct- the cost themof
the council plan o pprofile of
said improvement. ua reyulred by ]awms.l 1f
tt upon tIe real estate to be
b °fife 1 11}'2 said ]in na nrovlded by
none. t. to fa ppaid Into the city(rela�
l-els—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock,
u Third re the epntrnet 1s
You re-
Port fu favor of the an
Ila - It being the opinion of the council that
Cullen, CO_Ie ]et.
Ftahet•, Gahan, Leithmger, y. I Cnn mal estate to He
Yratt. .,If
Sixth—Send the council a proper order direct.
ins the work to be done.
reai estate to be assessed for such improvement
can be found benefited to
assessed for said
Illean, ]Ir. Chafrmnn �Ittieu, \tel,tdv, Improtemeut ht found benefi and to the
Approved I3' damages,
Yeae"--Ald. Bfekel, Blom, Bo1k,
the eaten' of the Gam-
gee, costa mud expenses ueceannry to be incurred
al jt '
Murch 19, 1890. evmnt of
costs and expenses necesgar
By k Sa¢ et n'ed thereby, y co be tu-
bort(— Fonrch—Is
i,`ullen, Coriley.
Fisher, Gehnn, Leithnuser, ]tinea, Melxdy, I
Pratt, Sullivan, Mr. Chairman-13.
7-eas—:{Id. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Culieu,
such inrprovement asked for upon
It to hereby ordeind be the Common
the petltlort or applicatidn
APProved March 19, 1890.
Fisher, Gahan, Leithnuser. 3lfnea \[.lady,
Lha t7ty of Council of the owners lira
Pauli pt maJprity of the property [o be
That the
In the matter of there
Pratt, Eulln'mi, )Ir. Chairman 13.
Approved March
a aseesaed tot• such
matter of gradh}6 Lluwood place imffth ement.
be ¢lid the
ort. of the Board of
Punlic R'orks dated )[arch 18, 1800.
19, 1890.
same 1s hereby inferred Lo theJ.Send the council a Ian or
board of publte works raid improvement,
It is hereby ordered by Lha Common Cotmefl of
In Lne
y^i{ -
to fnvestfgate and report: I port as reyulmd by law, ifryou m�
a this improvement 1 avor
the CYty of St P¢ul:
matter o[ there ort of the Board of
Pub11c {v'orks dated \I¢reli 10th, 3890.
eary�� proper ¢lid necea- or the same.
Sixth Scud the council
That the board o[ public works of the city of It
Et. Paul sauce the following
ie hereby prdemd by the common couucB of
, ',
the council n CtmSate of the in]'tas work to bn done. pr°per order direst-
expense thereof, whether
lmprovemeut to
be mode, to-wit: Grade to the establixhed
the Mty of St. Paul:
and state lid' Bickel, Blom, Bpck18 pen, Coale
the cost thereof is to be lie-halt of Fisher, Gahan,
the so-called levee or street In the Sixth ward, St.
the board of ��ubllc works of said city of
Paul 'sues the follow6 im
paid Into the cit trees- Leithnuser,
ttrp before the coutrect I. let. Mlnear Mel Y
Y• Pratt, Sullivaq 11fr. Chnirmm— adY
commencing c the east line of bock "C," Ban. made,
ting g Olivier'.
tg provemcnt to be
20 wit: Ones, w/den and extend \laguolla
Approved March 19, 1890.
1Irl 1,ddjtjon to West St. Paul:
tri t,between Cprtland street (IAbel street,
]In. of the said t eet or levee aannd Water street thirty
en, and t ing the
feet .1 of the
southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of south line of the alley throw&&h blocks 17, 18.1 g
.salon inn town ?9, range 2., in the city of St. and 20 0[ Brooklynd atlditlou to the nothenac
Paul, i said
Ina. corner of 'lot 6, block 17, Brook] d
That said board shall proceed without delay thence in a straight line to the center of one
yn ddltfon;
to assess the amounts nearly ae they cxu s- ]ley which runs through block 2B at tin east
certain the same which \illi be reyufred to pay Ilse of Dunwell ,L• Spencer's atbe saw;
the damage., costs Rnd eceesary ex uses t thence In a straight line In an teed}'
such imp y said t upon the sal estate to be direction to the northwest corner of lot a block
benefited by said improvement, s provided by 19, Amb's addition: thence north slung the \rest
law; it being til¢ opinion of the council that reel line of said Amb'e henmadditilor produced to the
state to be ssessed }or such Improvement eon I esis.ippi river; thence along the westerly he
o toned eeefl en to the extent of the damages. southery bank of said river to the westerly nae
coats nd xpenees necessary to be incurred of BroOklimit addition, produced to said i•Iver;
• thereby. thence -lOng
Peas—Add. Bickel. Blom, Bock, C{illen, Conley, tion ton ismd west line of Brooklynd inne
Fisher,Gahan, Leithnuser, lliues, Melody, Yratt, rota. ling, Sn the city of 6[. Paul,-Minne
Sullivan, 1Ir. Chairman -18.
Approved March 19, 1890. That said board .ball proceed without delay
to arses. cbe amount, ae nearly tI the can
ascertain the same, which [illi be required to pay
the damages, coat. and ecessary expenses of
such imP vement upon the real astute to be
In the matter of the report [ the board of I benefited bysaid improvement, s provided he
yyunlie \corks dated Starch 18, 1890. law'; It being the ophdon of the council that real
It is hereby ordered by the corm b. council at state to be isseeeed for such lm
the city of St. Paul: be found benefited ted to the esteitt of teeda ,t g .
That the nosed of public works of aid It of I costs and expenses necessary to be incurred
I. Paui cause the following inittrovement to be I to reby.
made, to ,.it, Condemn and tike for x street ori 1 -las' --Add. Bickel, Blom, Hock, (.7illen, Conlr}-,
• levee, all that laud not dread} covdenuled Eisner, C;,be,, Lefthe r, -flea, Alelady,
dedlcutud, lying within the following deeceibed Pratt, Sullivan—]2.
Ilnea, to \cit Says-1Ir. C'nafnn i —1.
Commencing at the south- steriv turner t Approved March 19, 1890.
rev's addition, n tiled I
bee r n the nvlu%in matter
x so of til
pp b nth- e re
erly direc[fan along to esterly- line of blocks 1, Public R'arks dated 1(nrc•IP 18, 189(i.e Board o[
2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of C.mphell'8 addition; thence It is hereby ordered by the Common Commit of
nmtiing In R strmgtc ]foe to the torts- j the City of S[. Paul:
east corner of block 1, I'll to ndditiol That the board of ;ub
sjo, fine of t. F tic wocke of said city of
block L )toriargty's at ice lou,a nr [blocks 54 amid St. Paul cause the following Impprovements to
of the [7 ne made, to wit: condemn and take, for u street
n68ovement{heysndette Addt�tlon Sumberal Elitatc il4 ata; oedecile,all aIthill thend not ] followingddescrf ed
blocks 47 and 46 of the \vest St. Real Ks. dedi ated, lying
tote nd Improvement Syndicate Adltttiou liner, to tit: Cnmmencing at the northweet
Number 8, to the south line of the city at An- cooler of lo[g bin blocksoothe steriv diirdeletlan
thence unpin
napoli�street; thence east along sold city limits long the northerly ifnea of block. 19. 17 atilt
direction o the fs/lose, R tihe f westerly an k of sold revel 18 of said Amb's udd}tl corner in a str3igof
to the north Rae o[ section t town 28, range 22; dale to the lortherl
I vo tp esterly' ]file of blvn. Third iocks 3 teen d 1. o alongce eahl
1n the city o St. thence acst Paul Mf-tleaotasect oil e to beginning, Lingeviit's Third addition, and along the
That said board shall proceed \\ithout delay I Llmr nmpc'esy'er nddlciov toflne of ld St. 18 and
the north
to ePPeB9 the RIDUU-L a. ❑esti}88 theyeallascer-
tafn the same, whim will be required to pay the I Iine of section nine (9), Lown 28, range 22;
damages, costa and necessary expense. of such thence cast along said eectian Iine to the Mla-
flted by
upon the real estate to be bene- eiesiPPf river: thence in a ortherip directlou
y enid Improvement, ae pruylded bylaw; along the westerly- bank of said dr." 'd to t7 e
It being the opinion of the council that real teat Ilse o[ Amb's dlticion
estate to be nesessed for such 1m Missieai 1 prodvcger tto s81d
befound benefited Lo the ezteP of ethetidam- Brieofenid Amn's(xddf f11uth blow dwest
ager, cost and expenses necessary to be incurred city of St. Paul, Mhme.ota, egmal-9, 1n the
thereby. Teat said board shall
leas—Add. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cul sit. Conley, delay to assess the amount aedneariho�
Fisher, Gehi-12. Leithauser, 3D lea. Melady,Pratt, they call aacertala the rsme, whfch will be re-
Sulllven—l2- ex feed to pay the damage., costa and accessary
Nays—Mr. Chairman -1. expenses of such Improvement upon the real es -
Approved March 19, 1890. tate to be benefited by said improvement, s
on vededha, real ' it
tutu to b Iasse sed for(slleb
In the matter of the report f [he Board o} Improteroent tau be found benedted to the ex.
Bent of the damages, costa and expenses neces-
Public Works, dated 11nreh I8, 1890: Y to be Joe= thereby.
It fh hereby ordered by Lbe Common Commil of F1.her�Gehau'ckLeitBhaueeB,oc \Ii�ue]a n -� ady,
the City of 6t. Paul:
That ti aboard of lmblfe work9'at said tlty'of Prays S'it. l.{imgn—l-
8t. Paul, cause the
following improvement to be A roved March 1D, 18.
made, to wit: Condemn alld take, for a sires, 77pp��
or levee, all that land not alrendycoudemned or sL 7 80 o'tlockntll Saturday, March 22, 1890,
dedicated, lying within the following dese[fed p' m.
to wit: Commencing at the northwest W—rsit H. SAYnOBY,
corner o[ lot 1, block 20, Hrooklynd addltloa, Teo.. A. pnsnaeaaner,Chairman of Council.
thence in a straight line northeasterly along the
City Clerk. _
Adjourned 3feetlnW. An ord(nence was read
Sr. P.lut•, M-11, 22, 1890. Rauscher to build be permfttillg Joseph
The council -let pursuant to adjoin,., Q Rules suspended oil I, Ind.,,,
Of Aid. Weber,
President Hamm in the chair. yene^37, and ordnance read second time and
2. The proprietor, owner or lessee of s
sale or livery
Of Ordinauco PRx.ed
stable that ow at:ullt. o enid
lot 8, block 2, Kittsan's addition,fs hereby
by the Common
Conncll of Lilo City of vt. Yaal at Its
Ilibited tante building o repairing any xtable
ituated and lot, sod
,feeHeld on 11 seen 1 g, 1890.
n \ersous, fir
a o anon y;ol ill e F rtt ar
ate all' of [he
} pto-
i of
of t s o
this onlim upon a
ally court havmce shall,
fined in thereof, be
sum noremonre
So. i,:i 10.
.the of not leasisthanoten
them ane hundred dollars.
An Ordivnnce prohibiting the erection, con-
shall take effect and be in
fon•. uud
[ruction or ceps l ring of astable ou lot 3,
from afactter It Pn..enge.
4, Kittsaddition to the city of St
G ban Led. Bickel, Blom, Bock, ComPY. Fisher,
thauser, Mines,
The Common Council of the City d St. Paul do
Melady, Pratt, Mr.
ordmn ae follows:
SecnoY 1. q'bat the inspectOr of buildines 1e I
ya—Add. Cullen, Sullivnu-2.
I.� ld Marrhnsam
hereby prohibited from granting any permit for
x9iChnirman of Council.
rection or repairing of y sal livery
March 19, 1890.
or any otter stable on lot 8, block 4,
R..exv A. Sstn'tl, Mayor. '
attest: Taos.
addition to the city of tlt. Land. I
A. Pnexnnnaesx, ('ity Clerk.
}larch 29.
O. 1,'L9U ent1CIP(1, "a- -1lin ince reale tr'IC[mg IOre [H'Pit Ann\cit 88 the rlr6L eleetloll mettle[ Of
the city for election purposes," approved Jnn. said ward which ]fee west of a line described as
189u, follows: C'ommencingon theceOtetline of Dakota
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Melady, avenue et f[s oinc of lntersectfon with the
yeas 17, and ordinance read second time and center Ifue of ]label street, thence northerly
paseetl. (See Onlinmlce So. 1,311.) along said center line of Dakotan ini ti the
,toouthea`t quarter of the n rthwe.t quarter of h Ilue of the slley through block. 17. 18. ]9
clow x0, tows, ?0, rnvge 21, in the city of et. sndt2ll o[ Brooklynd atlditiou to the ne; 18, 9
Paul, Dlinue.ota. corner of'lot a, block 17, Brooklynd additiov;
That acid hoard shall proceed without delay thence itt a straight Ilse to the center of the
t"I'l, 111
Adjourned .11eetln¢. An ordinance
Rauscher t� build bay ad permitting Joseph
The council met pnrst all [� nd onriumen[.0 Rules suspended ,, tin otic �'
President Hamm in the chair. l Sena 17, and rdinance sd n of Aid' Wermer,
Present—A7d. Dicke]. Hlom, Bock, Cullen, (bn- Passed. (bee Ordinance -a see t,d time d
]es,, Fisher, Geham Eav',cwnlo ,11thaueer, \fines, Au onlfnxuto n'ua rend authorizing the St.
Malady, Pratt, Saubon Sill Nvan, Weber, Yoerg, Pat' CSty Raflweey company to ase s '•T" rail
\Ir. President -17. o L-nive_,y ns, uuefrore Dale street to west
coxa city halite.
Rule. pealed o motion of Ald. Fisher,
F lti orkhtou`e �Dlrectorafy ,o of teU ter Board of Seasl7, amt�snld ordinance placed upon its
1P .crowd reading.
To the Honorable President and Common Couu- did. Fisher moved to amend said ordhialtce by
cif of the City of St. Paul: strlTif out Lhe word 'allele" where the same oc-
Ge i tlevi m I have the hnuor to inform you carefa [he title of said ordinance and wherever
that I hate appointed DattleI H. Moon mem- the same oceure In Bald ordin 'lee, and inserting
to fl ..a x% iicxuaerl tbythe death of Georlholuse orge 1rtAletl thereof
the moved rto amelutgjcoufd motion of
\V. Lamson, and (ask your advice antl consent Ald. Ffeher and 'd amend Saidordinanceby
to the said appointment. striking out the tcord'•D¢le ,where the same oc-
Very madsectfnlly yours, cuts, In the title of avid ordinance and w•herseve
March 22, 1800, R1.Ear A. Slum, Mayor. -nine oscura I. suid ordinance and inserting in
Ileo thereof the word ••\'Ictoria."
Accepted and said appointment advised and AId. Fisher accepted said ¢mendment o[ Ald.
consented to. Cullen. mid said Fion of AId. Fisher a
Teas—Aid. Biekel. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley, at t dad b3. AId. Gillies adopted—yen`, 17. e o
Fisher, Gehfln. Raa• ,'). D, LeiWunrer, \ffuen, tl It 1'cerg moved to nmeuA said ordinance byy
illelaA}•. Pratt, .enDot Su0lvnn, Weber, t ting after the w'o d "company," in tovrttr
]'oerg, \It. Presidentres a live of second subdivision of section owe (1) f
Ftom (le Crge C. Squires and others— `std ordinance, the n' rde "mid 6x11 for such
A"king ncil to Purchase r public Park time ex common couvcfl Fetmita the Doulevnrd
![he triangular Puce of ground iu
..So aintain and keep the :nme to gootl mvtlit]ov,
• ort," being n rearrar gement of Terrawe._ — the ns other Parke are kept."
b ut six uten[hs a —petitioner. to Pay owe- Adopted. 3'enx, 17.
If the p Dase moue lea) a Y. I Ald. ]-oar¢ moved to cbmi nme d said ordinance
Fr..J.�. oVire slid otbersenna. d of said ot�h mice to No uti ttheh u dons rtin tn¢
Relative to boulevard oil University nv<nue. •tion to be o- 4, «Ring 11 fo]lou e:
C'ommi[tee boulevard
���ec tion 4. If suid compxvy shall tai. to coin
From P. F. Barr• vice president St. Paul Cty pa U' with the provislona of tide rdivance then
Railwnycompan)'— 11 rights acquired hereunder `bn71 be forfeited."
Transmltting substitute rdinance for the or- Adopted• peal 17.
dlnauce relating to •'T" rail mi U'nivernity ave- The second .ding ( e id o dinance t
nue (laic aver at last regular meeting of council thereupon coin plleted "ad fd rdhmucs t d
sill . L regular ting, so that ptopert)- the third time
and passed. ($ee
holders might 1Ste heard). Ortliunuce No. 1,919.)r
AccaJJppppppted. (.¢e ordinance No. III Ald. 1Vebee—
FAakil'g forCt �otOp isGtn[s� \futheat lgff ( Resolution for lump. ou Ellen end other
topphew R •alt, from April, lo, 38flU, to Ikc. 1 streets.
189() } C'ommittae on gas•
By A d. Melnly—
C'ommittce oil police. A) Iintinnr}}• order for grading Winslow ave-
aEronre to, erwx'nt�n cou>rrTTEE9. ue from city limits [o Prospect terrace.
Of Committee on Ways and Means—llakot¢ set. n Committee on streets.
TGenti—co: tertu thoeong6 ns, xt(gatlon off Ordlunnces.
e Commo
lite facts set forth fit Lite communicutlone of hie
honor the mayor and the chairman of the Joint Oftenli.11--cE No. 1,911.
mealls mliefcommittee. the committee un nays and An Ordmnnce ding linalas No. 1,200,
t of Id recoutmend the appropriation ofentitled All indivauce redistricting the CYty
35,0()0 to be aqua divided between the Slate" ter lection purposes," approved Jan. 22.
and South Dnkta. nod ce be weed un- 1800
der the directions of the nt por fn relieving the I The Common COmlefl of the City of St. Paul do
,.at. of the dlstresxel to said states; x d here rdnin as follows: -
all-jill submit ¢ ms0lstfon uthonxing the iesu Section 1. The `lath subdfWsion Of section 1
ice of tiffs tea of indebtednena for that i o[ ordfuunce \o. 1,100, so i's fled '•:1n r rd(nnuce
antoant. Respectfully, tell-trletnal the s1'4'
t(or election purposes,"
O. O. Cnnx.e�-, PPtoved Jnn. 22, 1800, be nod the -nme Is
('hnirntxn C'omm(ttae \t'xys and Means. hereby amended so as to rend as follow..
March 22, 1800.
Adopted. (See resolution). SIXTH WARD.
xTstEr.r...eons. The Sixth ward Is hereby divided into thirteen
Ordinances— (13 election distrleta, ns tollowa
An ordinance n reed g The First electiou district of id ward .ball
No. 1,20() entitled.•'an urdb n le, redistricting fore beennsisfk..12.1 -p UetIon'Irst ele11 has ction dish jretoo`
the city for election purpose-," approved Jnn. said ward which Ilea weint ,st of a Line de-crlbed as
yeu;1800. follnus: Commencing em wethecenline sof Dakin.
a117,aa suspended oil
mail nco dd timeandcentersulls ]file oat rf Imbal atreat, hut.. ntorIT 'I'.
passed. (See Ordmmtce No. 1,911.) ¢long said center line of Dakota ¢veous to the
n and tare, Tor a street Adjourned until Saturday, March 22, 1800
or all that that land not elreadycondemned or at 7:80 o'clock m. '
dedicated, lying uitbin the ealow'ing described;,a H. SANHOItN,
lines, to wit: Commencing at the northwest Chairman of (:Quill..
corner of lot 1, block 20, Brooklynd Tnos.
addition, A. Paehnsaawsr,
thence in a straight line northeasterly along the City Clerk.
Adjourned .11eetln¢. An ordinance
Rauscher t� build bay ad permitting Joseph
The council met pnrst all [� nd onriumen[.0 Rules suspended ,, tin otic �'
President Hamm in the chair. l Sena 17, and rdinance sd n of Aid' Wermer,
Present—A7d. Dicke]. Hlom, Bock, Cullen, (bn- Passed. (bee Ordinance -a see t,d time d
]es,, Fisher, Geham Eav',cwnlo ,11thaueer, \fines, Au onlfnxuto n'ua rend authorizing the St.
Malady, Pratt, Saubon Sill Nvan, Weber, Yoerg, Pat' CSty Raflweey company to ase s '•T" rail
\Ir. President -17. o L-nive_,y ns, uuefrore Dale street to west
coxa city halite.
Rule. pealed o motion of Ald. Fisher,
F lti orkhtou`e �Dlrectorafy ,o of teU ter Board of Seasl7, amt�snld ordinance placed upon its
1P .crowd reading.
To the Honorable President and Common Couu- did. Fisher moved to amend said ordhialtce by
cif of the City of St. Paul: strlTif out Lhe word 'allele" where the same oc-
Ge i tlevi m I have the hnuor to inform you carefa [he title of said ordinance and wherever
that I hate appointed DattleI H. Moon mem- the same oceure In Bald ordin 'lee, and inserting
to fl ..a x% iicxuaerl tbythe death of Georlholuse orge 1rtAletl thereof
the moved rto amelutgjcoufd motion of
\V. Lamson, and (ask your advice antl consent Ald. Ffeher and 'd amend Saidordinanceby
to the said appointment. striking out the tcord'•D¢le ,where the same oc-
Very madsectfnlly yours, cuts, In the title of avid ordinance and w•herseve
March 22, 1800, R1.Ear A. Slum, Mayor. -nine oscura I. suid ordinance and inserting in
Ileo thereof the word ••\'Ictoria."
Accepted and said appointment advised and AId. Fisher accepted said ¢mendment o[ Ald.
consented to. Cullen. mid said Fion of AId. Fisher a
Teas—Aid. Biekel. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley, at t dad b3. AId. Gillies adopted—yen`, 17. e o
Fisher, Gehfln. Raa• ,'). D, LeiWunrer, \ffuen, tl It 1'cerg moved to nmeuA said ordinance byy
illelaA}•. Pratt, .enDot Su0lvnn, Weber, t ting after the w'o d "company," in tovrttr
]'oerg, \It. Presidentres a live of second subdivision of section owe (1) f
Ftom (le Crge C. Squires and others— `std ordinance, the n' rde "mid 6x11 for such
A"king ncil to Purchase r public Park time ex common couvcfl Fetmita the Doulevnrd
![he triangular Puce of ground iu
..So aintain and keep the :nme to gootl mvtlit]ov,
• ort," being n rearrar gement of Terrawe._ — the ns other Parke are kept."
b ut six uten[hs a —petitioner. to Pay owe- Adopted. 3'enx, 17.
If the p Dase moue lea) a Y. I Ald. ]-oar¢ moved to cbmi nme d said ordinance
Fr..J.�. oVire slid otbersenna. d of said ot�h mice to No uti ttheh u dons rtin tn¢
Relative to boulevard oil University nv<nue. •tion to be o- 4, «Ring 11 fo]lou e:
C'ommi[tee boulevard
���ec tion 4. If suid compxvy shall tai. to coin
From P. F. Barr• vice president St. Paul Cty pa U' with the provislona of tide rdivance then
Railwnycompan)'— 11 rights acquired hereunder `bn71 be forfeited."
Transmltting substitute rdinance for the or- Adopted• peal 17.
dlnauce relating to •'T" rail mi U'nivernity ave- The second .ding ( e id o dinance t
nue (laic aver at last regular meeting of council thereupon coin plleted "ad fd rdhmucs t d
sill . L regular ting, so that ptopert)- the third time
and passed. ($ee
holders might 1Ste heard). Ortliunuce No. 1,919.)r
AccaJJppppppted. (.¢e ordinance No. III Ald. 1Vebee—
FAakil'g forCt �otOp isGtn[s� \futheat lgff ( Resolution for lump. ou Ellen end other
topphew R •alt, from April, lo, 38flU, to Ikc. 1 streets.
189() } C'ommittae on gas•
By A d. Melnly—
C'ommittce oil police. A) Iintinnr}}• order for grading Winslow ave-
aEronre to, erwx'nt�n cou>rrTTEE9. ue from city limits [o Prospect terrace.
Of Committee on Ways and Means—llakot¢ set. n Committee on streets.
TGenti—co: tertu thoeong6 ns, xt(gatlon off Ordlunnces.
e Commo
lite facts set forth fit Lite communicutlone of hie
honor the mayor and the chairman of the Joint Oftenli.11--cE No. 1,911.
mealls mliefcommittee. the committee un nays and An Ordmnnce ding linalas No. 1,200,
t of Id recoutmend the appropriation ofentitled All indivauce redistricting the CYty
35,0()0 to be aqua divided between the Slate" ter lection purposes," approved Jan. 22.
and South Dnkta. nod ce be weed un- 1800
der the directions of the nt por fn relieving the I The Common COmlefl of the City of St. Paul do
,.at. of the dlstresxel to said states; x d here rdnin as follows: -
all-jill submit ¢ ms0lstfon uthonxing the iesu Section 1. The `lath subdfWsion Of section 1
ice of tiffs tea of indebtednena for that i o[ ordfuunce \o. 1,100, so i's fled '•:1n r rd(nnuce
antoant. Respectfully, tell-trletnal the s1'4'
t(or election purposes,"
O. O. Cnnx.e�-, PPtoved Jnn. 22, 1800, be nod the -nme Is
('hnirntxn C'omm(ttae \t'xys and Means. hereby amended so as to rend as follow..
March 22, 1800.
Adopted. (See resolution). SIXTH WARD.
xTstEr.r...eons. The Sixth ward Is hereby divided into thirteen
Ordinances— (13 election distrleta, ns tollowa
An ordinance n reed g The First electiou district of id ward .ball
No. 1,20() entitled.•'an urdb n le, redistricting fore beennsisfk..12.1 -p UetIon'Irst ele11 has ction dish jretoo`
the city for election purpose-," approved Jnn. said ward which Ilea weint ,st of a Line de-crlbed as
yeu;1800. follnus: Commencing em wethecenline sof Dakin.
a117,aa suspended oil
mail nco dd timeandcentersulls ]file oat rf Imbal atreat, hut.. ntorIT 'I'.
passed. (See Ordmmtce No. 1,911.) ¢long said center line of Dakota ¢veous to the
center line of Channel street; thence xresterly
aloe said
center line of Channel el street to its
.int of inters ti
ec ol, with the
p center line o}
`{'alter street; t
hence northerly along the center
line of Wolter street to the atppl river.
All center
t portion of said wardord wwhich lies north
of the line district, Chicago avenue, eget of the
first election estofthe Inst keine of ore South
west of the center lion of Sontn
Robert street, shall constitute the Second election
dletrlctmaid Hard.
The third election dletrlct of said ward shall
ConIIe8 at of 11 that center
portion OI said ward which
Robert lies east t the center line 1 South Robert
street, went of the centre line is State street. and
north of the center line of Chicago avenue from
it. point of .street, easterly
with the Marc, los of
Robert street, easterly to its point of in-
If- east of the cel
north of thecenter
east and west In a
All that portion,
on the north bt• th
along said right of wayto the center line of Delos
street produced east and went in a etraigh4line.
Sec. '2. The t
[ninth subdivi 1
s on of sect on i
hemsaid Ordinance No.. to T be and the same ie
hereby amended so es to tend are follows:
The Ninth sward is hereby divided Into thirtcen
election districts, as follows:
All that portion of said ward lying to the west
of the center line of Wabasha street and south
of the center line of central avenlne shall coveti-
tute the Fant election district of eald ward.
All that portion of the said ward lying to the
east of the center line of Wabashn street, south
of the center line of UHiveref1, avenue and west
of the center ,as
of Jack.on street, shall consti-
tute the Second election district of said ward.
All that portion of said ward lying to the east
of the center line of Jackson street, south of the
line of Volvermlty avenue and west of the
rater line of Canada street shall constitute the
Third election district of avid ward.
The Fourth election district of said ward shall
on e set oy the r'ourtn election diecrtej n bountlea n the teem by the center line of Can -
described, on the south by the right of ado street, and on the north by the following
way of the Chicago, ot. Paul & Kansafl City rail- described line, viz.: Commencing off the center
road, and on thewest bythecenter ]far of South line of University avenue at the ppoint where it
Robert etree[, shall cortatifew the Fifth election intersects the center foe of Canada street, rnH-
dietrict of said ward. I'll thence I I heuxterly along said center ]file
All that portion of said sward bounded on the of l: niverslty avenue to the center Ifne of Broad -
north by the center line of Chicago xvrmne, on w n .. thence ourthtweeterly along the ceoter line
the east b}• the center Ifne of on, 0, Hobert of Broadway to the center line of Minot Airy
street, on the south by the center Ilse of Isabel street; theuce easterly along the said center llue
reet. and on the west b the First election dls- f Mount . ry street to the center line of Mfmis-
trier a herein described, shell constitute the ippi ,vtrert.
Stith election district of said ward.
s_ The Fffth lection disMet of Hid ward shall
All that portion of said word which is bounded consist of all [hut portion thereof which is
ou the north by the Fifth election district, and bounded as follows:
on the east by the Fourth lection district, as Commencing oil the center line of Canada
herein described, on the south by the center lines ; street rat it, point of intersection with the center
Of George and Concord etreete. and on the west line o[ _I vernitp nvenue; thence uorthwesterly
by the center I,Ile of South Robert street, shall along said center line of Canada street to the
constitute the Seventh election district of amid 'center hoe of \'alley street; theuce westerly to
center line f
o I,w of street thence,
All that portion f said
e race northerly
o ward which is bound- ion • to
1o ti e center icon of Llnd u
e street produced
ed b the center lines P
y Reage Concord street, South Minto rad youth to the center line of
Robert street mud Pagestreet shall constitute Miner line street; theuce steely long the
the Eighth election district of said hard. ceuter nor of 3lhnuehnha to the ce ter line f
All [hat portion of said ward which is bound-Alississippi street: [hence southerly along the
ed by the Bier
lines of Isabel, South Robert center line of Mlesiss(ppi street [o the center line
Louisa and Bidwell streets shall constitute the of \fount Air}•attest; theuce tresterly long the
Ninth election district of said ward. rater hoe
f Mount Airy arrear to the ceuter
All that portion of
said ward Toff eoutb of line of Broadway street; the southeasterly
the First election district as first bereinbefore dV along the center Ifne of Broadway street to the
scribed, and west of the center line of Bidwell center ]file of Unlvetsity avenue: thence mouth
treet, aball constitute the Tenth election dfs- westerly along th6 center Ifne of Univer.ity ave-
trict of said ward. • nue to the place of beginning.
All that portion of said ward which Iiee south All that portion bell. twxrd lying north of
of the center Ilse of I,oui.n atreet. and betu=h, the ceuter line of Cnlverstty avenue, east of the
the center lines of Bfdxell unn1 South Robert center line of Brewster avenue, south of the III -
streets, shall .nstltute the Eleventh election ter fine f Mlnnehnba street and west of the
district of said ward. I Thirteenth electi.n district as herein demcTtbed
All the remaining Portion of sold card,
bound- shall constitute the Sixth election district of
ed on the north by the muter line of Page street, maid ward.
ou the east by the ceuter line of Concord street, I All that portion of the said wardlyhng north of
and on the west by the ceuter line of South Rob- the centerline of Univereity avenue, south of the
rt street, shall constitute the Twelfth election center line of dfinuehahn street and est of the
district of said ward. 'center line of Brewster venue, shall constitute
The Thirteenth election district shall consist the Seventh election district of said ward.
of all that portion of the Sixth ward which ]fell All that Portion of said ward lying north of
south of the Fourth district as he
refnbefore de- the center ]i d
Me c Dtoba xhn e
rent, south of the
scribed and east of a line d described crlbed uta follows: center line \
1 e of Manitoba avenue and west of the
Beginning er the center line of Concord arrear at renter line of Sylvan street, .hall constitute the
the southern bounds of the ward: tbence ElRbth election dletrlct of said ward.
orthwesterly along salt center line of C.ucord All that portion of said sward which Iles to the
street Lo [lie center line of Ada street; thence east of the center, llue of Sylvan street, north of
northerly along the center line of Ada street the center Ifne of Bfinueh V. street and south of
& the
right of way of the Chicago, Ht. Paul the center Ifne of Lowson street, from Sylvan to
CftY railroad; thence northw'eeterlp Cortland street, and south of the ceuter line of
Cayuga street, from Cortland to Mississippi The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
street all
all coos
e ,loth
of said ward. as follows:
All that portion of the said ward 1 Section is That the St. Paul City Rahway
lying north company 0 hereby authorized weight
Illy and use -
of the center line of Cayuga street and cant i- ' rail dstotle y of not lees weight than forty -
the Miller the line of Cortland [met, shall cone[I- flyepou street to the,on Universityavenuefrom
tote the Tenth election district of said ward. \'Ictorix street to the west city limits in the city
.hall consist of h all cethat porton oftion district f said ward Of over. duamoxe l. except
right ofgeea and
appof the roaches
atrelch Iles west of et snag Orth offhe s line described lie follows ilter ]file ofrad Ii�e ots f tosfer mer ra9way1. ou snldIn hUulveretty avenue
whew It is intersected bat the y the center Ifne of Mnnline of RiM t lmits, as aprovided u thatt Mrtaln torndlnaucei of
toDa avenue, [hence easterly along the center the city of SL. Paul entitled "An ordluance au -
line of Manitoba avenue to the center line of 8y1. thorizfttg the St. Paul Railway co spill"allto eoM-
Snn etrcet, et to t north along the center line of etruct, equipp, maintain and perste arrear
.ylvan flEreet to the center Ihne of eB"Onstreet, way lines In the city of St. Paul," approved
thence east along the tenter hon of Lawson Sept. 20, 1889, and am hereinafter provided,
street [o the ceuter Ilse of Cortland street. namely;
The Twelfth election dletrlct hall consist of First—Tbnt the right to lay and use the "T"
all that portion of said ward lydng xeet of the rail on said University avenue as aforesaid ah,.n
ceuter line of Wabasha street .;a .,..... ,.
center. .. --. The
f all
the FI
the Laking effect of th
provided, and that at
Years, or at any time
east or cue sixth election district es herein de- x�ay company NII cremove I, He BaldS . old Univeraftty
scribed, north of Lhe center line of Unlcersity xveuue the•'T"raRelaid thereonunderthis ordl-
v ue and mouth of [he center hoe of Monne- Rance, and put In place thereof and thereafter
hnhe street. use on maid avenue the "O. G." rails (so-called),
Sec. 3, This ordlnauce hall take effect and an Beovidetl by aeeciou eight (8) oc maid
be in force trim and after ita and pub. ordinance, approved Sept. 20, 1888, or such
Ifention. other rail. as .hall be hereafter n
Team—Aid. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen, Conley, common coupcil of said city, approved by the
Fisher, Gehan, Racanagh. f cithauser, Mines, Second—
Mela<ly, Pratt, Sanborn, 6ullican. Weber, ]'.erg, boulevard nTshat Bald aihvay company shall
31r. President -17. pacetwenty-Ave (L6 feet in width,
Passed 3tamh 22, 1890. the center line of which apace shall be the center
War[. H4oxf, President of Council. line of Uufversit •avenue, and shall od said
Approved March 2}• 1890, f axxld compxnyon the outs�dandfoil sha 1 torw uchhtlme are
Attest: TRU.. A. PxesDROBEencpsT, C1A. 6y -\Gierke common councll
permits the boulevard, main-
3fumh 31. tutu andthe keesanp the same in good cou-
and ditio[[shall plonk nlloththepamtreet 1ecruspet
OaDta-puce .: o. 1,312. lugs of aid University avenue in a proper man -
An o Her at a
ordinaries the ti
nntfn me of
Jose the lu
R h Ruus h u f
Joseph c er }'i . the t
r Hill- R racks
mlo these
n to bol gr ou and
Id ba � x'' .hall
3 mf the
ion in Cheep the mala and
m -
The Common llouuell of the (;ity of 6t. Paul do nngx in good condition for the crossing and re -
ordain are follows: cr.em 119 of ordinary vehicles.
Section I.
That permisslou fe hereby glvmn I Third—Whenever it ire deemed necessary by
and granted to Joseph Rauscher to build, erect . the common council of the city of 3t. Poul to
and nor
oifit.i I a bay window o I hie buildfri Pave slid otherwise improve the aid t. Paul
situate on the corner of Front and Jfuriml nvenue the said company .nail put o granite
street- ou the west thirty feet of Iota 8, 9 and I curbfug on the outer hues of sold boulevard, and
10, of block 2, of Barney Norton & Kingele}•'s shall pave said street crossings with the same
ddltion to St. Paul, the bottom of aid wo- kind a pavement umed in the pavement of said
dow to be on a level With file
floor of the eecoud nvenue, and .hall thereafter keep. the name In xe
story- of said building and to extend over the good u condition as the reef f said avenue
sidewalk Hot to exceed tour (4) feet, and the shall be.
direct of the bbuiltuilds g in. he furfur enld cltfor and fire 2. When said boon uvIde shall -hull behave n been Ppeecc constructed are hereiHit
Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and luniui for any person or peruone of engaged In
be In force from and after its publication. the maintenance of said boulevard and tallrond,
]'ears--Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, to ride, drive or 'alk over maid boufevard 1n
Conley, Ffsher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Lefthaumer, auch manlier nm to interfere with the keeping of
Weer Malady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, the mama in paupper condition, and tbe-amerulem
Weber, ]'.erg, 3 - President -17. governing t f otectlon of other boulevards
Passed Marsh 22, 1890. and parks In sa d city .hall be applicable to the
Wm. Hp t, President of Council, same.
Approved 3fareh 24, 1890. Sec. 3. Before this ordinance shall be of any
ROBERT A. Smuts, Mayor. force or effect the Heid compare}• shall aces t the
Attest: TR
ue. A. Px r melte b
e. veno film w
pmt. city 5 ice the
lAerk. g ret dark
Y of Bald
RPt Ism
ata Y
reh 81.
n xe [an
ce thereof
p e in
, gree to carr
e y out
all the matter and thogm herein contained.
ORDntANCE NO. 1,313. Sec. 4. If said company shall fall to Comply
with the provislous of this ordlnauce thea all
An ordinance authorizlag Lhe 80. Paul City Rab- right- acquired hereunder.haI be forfeited.
s company to Jey and use a "T" rail on Sec, 6. Tile ordinance eha11 tale effect and
Uu versity avenue from N' His
street to the be In force from and atter Its publication and
=•amt city halt. in the operation of its fluid acceptance by said Company am pr vided o sec-
aflway Iinsm on Uulvermity avenue. Lion three (8) of this ordlnauce. P
esae-Aid. Bickel, Blom, Boek, Cullen, Conley, into election dixtrlete, pursuant to eecclov 2,
Fisher Gehun. Kavanagh, Leitbauaer, Dltnea. ..niter 8, General Law, of ]lines.,. for A. D.
MeladY. Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, ]fins, xud to Ordinan« NO. 1200, approved
Ycetg, Dir. Prerldent B7 Jnn 22, 1A00.
Paeaed M
arch 22
That th
xx,t.t rerentea wicn
. Preaidev Lhia
t of Council. C1.
-i xnd mark pp y1++
sed DI ed Ex61D1
ipso Orel 24 t a " b
. 18A0. and th
me is hof
reD xtlo
➢ ted ne [h
ROBERTp show
A. ♦ In the
Smons, DI - uP R
e}or. divlalov
I el
Attest: T -O.. A. PaEaDERaa.i, CYty Clerk. exld Ordhiance ..\o� 12910, district,
amt dedeb for Dyy
March 81• na \u.a1811, n Y Oraf-
Sproved }Larch 24, 1800, ¢nd
as are
pp )aroyl a for byy- aaid section 2, of
BY Aid. S born neeoutmove. h iter-. G ern] Lawe of ]fluneaotx for A. D.
Resolved that the elt y, ogl r be Instructed 1880.
to rnpp rt s pproper ggr ae for the alley In block Year, Alb. Bickel, Hlom, Hock, Cullen, Conley,
18, Holcombe'b nddltiov to SL. Paul. Fisher, (:elan, KsvawaRh, Let[hnueer. Mined,
ady, Yeas --A1 Y. ntt Svn
d. Blekel Dom Sull
Blom 1\nn W
Bock C ober ]"
alien Cnnl oe
ey Ur. P
Fie reeiden
Ger, Gehnn, Kavanagh, Lefn, Weber,
]fined, p t�17.
Nelatly, Pratt, Sanboni. Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, I PProved March 24, 1R00
Mr. President 17.
Approved :[arch 24. 1890. I Ac Ald. Dlelarly- -
Resolved. That the "oared of public tvorkx be
B -- xnd I. ne
} 11d. weber reby instructed to c [o De laid a
Resolved that the city a oginrer be fnatnicted six foot I .den afaewnik on
and th
to place a eroaaavxlk ov a, th side of Wayzata atde f Beicidere direst, from South Robert
ate«t co eros. Rice a[ree[. netteteuc^ Oekdxle avnv as, together with [be
]ens-AId. Bickel. Blom. Hock, Cullen, Con1eC, y croaaavalks.
Fisher, Gahan, KavannRh, iLeichanser, Dlineie, Yens -Aid. Bickel, -Blom, Bock, Cul]ea, Conley.
Dfeladp, Prate, Sanborn. Sull,vuu, Weber,Yne i;,, Gehau, Kavanagh, Leithxusar. DlI.e.:
DIr Preai
dent --1 -[clad
7. Pratt 8
y. inbornS
, Weber T
A .erg,
owed If Ur. Pre i
Ppr eb 24. 18 n a deet -17
8 .
A r
-- Pp owed M¢
mb 24 18
Hy Ald. canna 90.
Resolved that the city engin r be and he Is By Aid. Pract-
herebdi ie
Y d to h
ere c
scale at Resolvetl
P that Lne
b P the on the It,
rket ia� ads to be da i bo rd f Public -arks be
Y comm t p Rnn[ed And they pare hereby instructed to emi
thr, that the cost of rketa, halltide exceed 11 odea walk to be mitl n Lhe nll et side of
ine hundred dollars, one'Bull of -hien ,hall be Yeas-mollA1d.iiBlekel� BlonB�n$ocknota Gullet, Con -
paid ll' the city and the other ova-nnlf to be ley, Fisher, Gehnn, Knvanegh, Leitneueer,
prtld by the county. j \linea, Malady, Pratt, S¢nborn, Sulhvau,
Yeas Ald. Bickel, Hlom, Rock, Cullen, Gahan, Weber, YMein Mr. P Pratt,
KavnvaRn, 7.elthaueer, )tinea, Melody, Pratt, Approved Mareh 24. 1880.
1 7
Weber, ]-.erg, Mr. Preeltlent-18. _
ays-Aid. Conley, Fisher, Sanborn, Sullivan By Ald. Nelady-
Approved March 24. 1890 It f, heresy ordered by the Common Council
f the City of fit. Paul:
By Ald. Cullen- _. That the matter of con-trneting a sewRr oil
Resolved, By the comm.. council of the City Boutlh Robert strest be anak
d the same fat hereby
.f St. Paul, that the proper city .f i«re aro referred to the board of
hereby nuthouzed and directed to Issue «r tlRate and rep ort: publlc work. to I.ves-
Robere A in Smith,
ma , payable to the order of Flnet-Is this Improvement proper and noose.
Robert A. Sml[h, pot, for tri, ,um of Xye a yl
.housand (Su,000) dollars, xt}-able In ttto years Second -Give the Coyne'] timate f the
itx date of Issue, with �ntereept } t the rate Pease thereof, and state arhether ne hall t
if six (6)
as nail or cent ozed nb}ntim bdlvlxlmBesiucend- th(e) Lrerteury beforethereof 1. to be In old i -Lo the city
,r sect, Feb.three A. ). the amended charter, p Third -Can 1 estate Lo De ..I Bell for raid
r - d e 22, A. ll. 1887. Said rtiflca[e le Improvement be found benefited Lo the extent of
i reby authorized to Le issued for the Purpose damage,, costs and expenses ne«scary to be
,f Id 1n the relief of Cite people in \ort- and hBcurred thereby?
nth Dakota, and the city clerk le hereby fu- Fourth -le such impr sem Bt naked for
trotted to draw an order up the city tre- the petition
titlon appilca.tion ( the oavnern uo on
R - h, favor of Robert A. Smith, m%)or, for Bethe ] i eynof the properOY to be asseseea for such
sum of live thousand (S6!,00) tlollnrs after imp nt?
he same ha. been audited by thee cy comptro11, Flith-Send the couBell plan or profile of
r. The m[entlou le that the said sum shall be .md improvement, ne required Dy law, if you re -
iv( h eq�ually between the s Id \orth and port ht fuvor of the aame.
oath Desoto, ora, as resated In the petition. Sixth -Send the council a proper order direct-
Ald. Bickel, aloin, Hock, Cullen, ('[alai', inR the work to be done.
lecher, gild, IlavannRh, Leithnuaer, Mtnea, Yea»-AId. Bickel, Biom, Bock, Cullen, Coil_
lady. Pratt, Savhorn Ralllvna
+ors. .vr inevt�l7. Yllnea, D(elad Pratt, Sa nbotn, Su111van. Weber,
Approved, \fnreh 24, 1800. I ]'oetg, DIt. Pie�sldent-17
BY Aid. SanbornApproved March 24, 1890.
-Whereas, the Common Council by resolution By Ald. {Veber -
and ci Feb, 18, 1890,'nate noted elite city engin«r It
i, hereby of is red by the Common Council of
yacletk tonh�ave it d presented to the c!ty- of St. Paul:
map ah.,
_mel t its tin. of March -4, 1800, a That the matter of gradin Charles
map show1ng Lhe divlah_ of the City
it of SF P R etnt from
➢ auI I Du O.p to Syndicate street be and the same 1.
hereby fettedturethe board of Public ttorlta FI(Lh-Sena [alae coquicireldn by,aoV profile of Bald
to first -'gate and port: Brea I impr b
Fleet -le this Improvemenc proper and u In fn O4 Put( ane same. If You report
Six or
h 9e
s Second Glt- ad
e the mBcll a
uta au � r o
estlma Props rder
Le of the direct -
In to
se the ork Bi be
ex Pen reor a„a none.
mate ..
ne 6ulf �
of gg
the cot ch r-Ald. Bi
thereof is ckel BI
to be m H
aid h Bork, Cul]
pp Bto the n Con
urp before the contract le let. city meas Flaher, Gehau, . nvanagh, Leithaueer, .\Huey,
Third -Can real estate to be aeeesaed for said Dtr� 1'arleuiaenPe.ttt,-S�nbornI Sullivan, Weber, berg,
dnmrovementtbe found benefited to the extent of r. v e March 24, 1890.
C aRe„ecby: and expenses ne«exary to De Ar1P a Or
Fourth le such Improvement asked for u Iixxnt. President of Council.
the petitfo» r application ( the oarnera of a Tons. A. Pae�nenawsr, Cyt, Clerk.
'ori[ - of th
ma) y
e Property to -_
i Y be assessed rnr
tin ,coy
�1tL a Ra
b Send alar
the e s sena
neo a
len � g•
edict Im
Pmvemevc a
F rofile ^(
aired b -
reg lar if - Sr. P
port In favor of the name. y ) ou re- I .tut, April 1, 1890.
"'ixth Send the council a President Hamm Il, the chafe
inti the w ori, to he tloi,e. Proper order r3irect- Present -Aid. Bickel, Blnm, Rock, Cullen, Con-
] 1
h -net ,
AI Leltha
a Hekel
. sock. Cullen, ('.slay, 1 Mehtay.Yrati, Sanborn. Sullivan. R'eUer.
Ftaher, Gehun, 1C snub. I Letihxuser, Dlfneu, Y m \lr. Of
prCled 1 i
clad S. Pratt. unborn. SulBv-u, Weber, ' DDnntes t pmviceditig meeting approved and
]"cerg, Mr. Preaiaene 17. aispetlsedyfi w,th.
Anpro red ]larch 24, la9U.
By Aid. Sanbonm From xis Honor the\.]fa}'or--Annual Reports
It is hereby orde,cvl by the Common Council of Tel tli OfAcen-
the City of St. Paul: I , Hon.rahie President and Co.-.,, Com, -
C1 -
t ofS
7' c. Pouf
hat the
matter I
of grndl
the of Hohn Iwr, addR,ont[o st tI'I'd i�b.Od.nd hetreew'fth tithe collo aingtl ofBcixlot to tra,ismlt
s.the same is hereby farted to [he hoard of year 1889. vlz.: Ports for the
nblic t
P w eke to , ,relitigate diad report: City clerk, cltycomptro'Ier. corporation ccun-
ncer.t-le this improvement proper ail necee +el. board of education, Inspector of buildhn;s,
a -Give she nnMl u I board of fire coimnisemo_.•, superint enaent of
pe tltareof, udrn tate the estimate t 1 flit] ['Nerlkoec [elMi ph, Chief of Police. city treasurer•
the coat thereof iv to bep id ilii' the `( t ' St. Pouliot[ i Ipal contt, board of control and
u y before the contract is let. public library.
Third Can real estate to be ^res d for aaid cit brut peer st. of the board f public avorka sad
n tprovemenc be [oiv,d benefited to the extent Brill be l�iromptly Irahsmltted �henfile
[ (1-11,x9,-, costs and expenses nees.a.ey to be
incurred thereby? Respectfully,
Fourth -Is such Improvement asked for upon I Ronear A. SMlra,
the lietitlon or application of the owner- of n \yell 1, 18A0. Mayor.
mJoritY of the property to be assessed for such C'wnmittee 10 punting.
im ovement?
hgitth—Send the council a len From Theo. E. Blase-
-aid improvement• as requhed by or profile
y lu re' ) Asking to have proper -treat 81911- }�Igosd on
Port in favor of the same. stn t on Ritter venue (formerly I, ren« "
Sixth—Send the council n proper nyder direct- Committee on
ing the work to be done. From A, pug- gn--
Y Alit Bickel• Blom, Bock, Cyilleu, Conley Transmitting oopy f .MIR 'Ile ppit sed by
Flaher, Geh an, Kavanagh, Lelthaueer. Mliiea. c i 11 [ Dllnnennoifa relatit-e to
Mel adv. Pratt, Sm, ora, Sullivxu, {Veber, Ycetg, neighing nna eejnvg of [Coal, nna suggesqug Lhe
DIA President arch p-senec of a similar ordmR`,!'
Approved Match 24. 3880. Coaludt= ov public btldings. etc.
Hy Ald. Weber- Front Max n'elernbend-
It fa hereb Asking damages-h,Jury to dwelling and barn
y ordered by the Common Council of by reaaou of overfiow-ing water.
the Cit}That h• of 6t. Paul: Committee on claims.
Martin street fromrVl,ginia LoOf rWeatery sewer on I From Jacob Aeberll and othere-
eod Ian oil VI avenue. For tht grading of Arundel .int. from Mmne-
onao.cnc o ;;a the same ie nefretstigateTred h Board of public works.iwith order.
to the board of public works to lnvestlgnte and From national Live Stock Insurance com.
re art: on.
First -Is this Improvement proper and nee- pCluylm of $300 -killing of A. C. Krieget's bores
eB6ecynd Glve the council timate of the o Commitate,non Claim..
pease thermt, and tate '6ether o ,-half of From J.nn B. Schmidt and othere-
the cost If eo(ia r be id lnyo the cit}• tree, I Protesting against conetructlou o[ a r on
yy before the contract fe let. Belvidere int. ewe
tt Third -{;au bm&I estate to be asaeseed for aaid Alderman of the ward.
i f dump went De found benefited to the extent From Charles E. Heiger and others -
Ree. coats and ex},etisea necessary Lo be
Fot the opening and g of }ferrXl street.
incurred thereby? gradin
Fourth -Is s ch Im p Hoard of publlc works with order.
the Provement naked for n on From .if
at,, Fogelberg and othere-
iRtitlon or npplleatlmt t the o ere of a For the ading of Ocean int.
aJ city or the property to be aeseseed (or each Board o�public works with order.
rovement" From Matgaeste Ayers and other--
r•af�zP*n lit tx°t .,Rf
an7J ,r.+ "tl,�.:•:t;.ra
E81H ar?rt`x""'
•?.. , r�
,•-3- ?• " (4 •.�,"A{-1
ya �"„c.., W.x F -(G;ti^.'
�•4. �.
l- I,
!. ��:
For change of grade In rear of lots 11, 12, 13,�•}
14 and 15, block 2, H. Bt. Ranney. subdiv'fslon CONDITION OF FUNDS.
T, 41
Stinson'. dIvbdGn. New' elty hall sad court h-GS1 fund. Sib 407.62
Hoard of public works with order.City lauds
Corporation attorney 8abiBits '[,flit Of Said I
I �_•y'^.; 4:�^
_ _ _
1' ;I
........ .. .. .... ........ .. .. 224,u t0.tl1
FYnm Eugene Gnderw oad. Jr., nnrl others- tity water Works ............................ 3,978.78
For Lhe ot�eningg Rod grading of Fairview ave- St. Paul public If Beery
nue from
Acce l[ed draft n( contract
I approved and
Proper city oflit•e. instructed to execute sled
•; i'
.................:.. 3,688.18
Marshall to Otto avenue. Pn11ce peuslou fund ..........:.... 4,908.14
Board of public ."""'
; _
works with orders.
From F. C. Burgess, 1ustfce of the peace- Total.........................................ley,
fens -Aid. Rkkel, Blom. Buck, Pullen, ('ou-
Fiaher, Gehan, Kavanaggh, Lei[hxuseq
C� `o
eounMlo vacancy In offitr of con- 3222.183,Y4
stable, ca sed by death Al.
)Ilam, Melody, Pratt. SRnl).ru, Bullh'Du,
- -
of W. French.
tVeber, lbs rit. Mr. I'mSideDt-17.
Counml proceeded to election of constable to ..\femhaFIrSt ute�NatlonalBxnkBank, St. 85t. Puui 3yp;�g
fill above mentioned
Of City Englaear-Bids forcoustructiml of cub-
struc[nre of sixth Street bridge.
i : i
i _ _
vxwncy, Bank of Dtlnuesotn. St. Paul............ 20,981.87
Alf]. Weber and !linea were appointed tellers, National
The citj,GSjG_, Sabmft, Sriredale mW reports
German -American BRIIk,
August R. Menke and W. A. Tanner having St. Peal ................
nominated to fill cold vacancy
the Gid of Kirkland fi .'[x ,key, for 317,n82.:i 1,
the lowest bidders, and rac•ommendS that
Jx _ar�yo e
there Were Germntda Bank, St. Paul ................ 20,70H.47
sixteen votes cast, of which Au sc F. \taukem Et. Pani National Hank, 8t. Paul....
ceived ten and W.
rant for c truc•[Imt i xnid xube[n5c[ure be
awarded said KIrkhuld E
A. Tanner sl� Commercial 21,007.97
National Bank, St,
+ '
of thn ed j
ca et kvaS '[stir redo sheeted cmi- Second NatlonslBnuk, Bt.
stable of the
Said contract awarded wild Kirkland l
SRvin PnW....... 17,223.69
city of St. Paul, to fill the urea- ge BRnk, 6t. Poul ..................... 18,246.90
Alred term of if. W, French, deceased- People's
St andcorrycontnt at
Y. d orporntlou attorney instructed
FT m P. L. Kleist- Bank,St. Pani .................... 12; 385,88
t I
The tollowmg is said e,-hedule:
ou behalf of FIrSt Regiment bandto Sapital Haug St IPuil.. Pfl���,,,,,,,;,;
glue concerts in
- -- .
=gc= ^c
- f
Rice Yark. West Side Bank, S[. Paul......—
C'ommfctee ou parka. 12,913,04
^'c -v-
Seandlna\dnn-American Bank •St.
REPORTS OF Cay OFFICERS. Paul .............................................
-_ --
CI[y Trentlnrer-Re BRnk OI !Ih)uerwta, Interest ac-
To port for Starch, 1890-
'TP Z ,
count ........................................... 8.877.41
the Honorable t7p`aGtsnd Common COUH-
MI the City of St. Pout.
- :.::
I _
Oeollowi n re have the a you Retlpecttully gut)mltted, ••• ”"8262,109.24
the following report of the receipts
I -•
;.� aye
7IPtS IDId i h
and disburse-
In of thio otRce IT— March 1, 1890, to GEORGE REI., City Treasurer.
March 81, 1890: March
�'= '� ° `O
31. 1880.
Recetpts- City C'omPtrollel�
Bamnce ..................3107,603.44 Of city comptroller --A udtted claims, viz:
County Pioneer
E °
- -
treasurer..... 190,819.94 Press, 3328.40; D. Rainaley S Son,
Municrpnl court........ 3,047,90 5443.88; Frank J. Bringe, 873.40; 9t. Paul
Market master......... Book 3 Stationery Co.. 8111 90; St. Paul d:
BAld(ng 1ntll,ec[or.... 761.00 Pacific Coal Co.. 8280.'08; A. MCPhafl, 818.10;
City clerk .................. B30.U0 Kirxlxnd &9tsrkey, ESC. No. B, euPP. to Ro.2
Interest on water earl final. Tr out Brook sewer. 526; E.
J, Kfrk-
bonds ................... 6 765.46 Inn'[, Est. No. 10, sup. to No. 9 and final, West-
Water department... era svenne sewer
28,018.88 Svetem, 8300; W. J. Preston,
Redemption receipts. 17,080.85 Est, SO 3, 8np to -No. 2 and final,
P =' = = = :
sewer ou Slb-
Vacating tees............ 1,843,34 IeY street, $18.70; Stockton 8 Lirdgnls[e Eet-
St. PnW No. 3, No.
-7, = v,=
V x _
public II- 2 and. final, sewer on ith
cane,Klrklnnd &Starkey $8,78250: F
ep. "8.
Interest on deposits. 318.95 Robert Seeger, 38,724.80: C. H,
=°�� °'
' -
oou._ox ^
I yl
8 Williams, 15107;
Liceusesand permits, tVm. Rodger 6 Co., 88.32; H. P. Ru k Co ,
board of 30.00;MaxfleldkSeabury,84.10;
s e T 'x
-- ��-
\ferry'. Toilet
Public SR Ply,$ 1.60: E. B. Bi
wrork....... 21.8 00 rBe, 811.26; A. E. SeI kler,
License..... 19,674.00 310; Gro, N. Hillman, $28,80;
............... St. Paul
$'tI... collet Cardozo Brothers, 884.60; Sills.
. ..
tine. .... 112,089.01 g.
d Hale, 34,36; Azocine Dtt Co., $1,260; Wm.
])ieburSemeuts- Berlandf 3 CO., $48; Frank Ford, $18; A. E-
v -o
City orders paid....... \(ellgreu, $17.60; E. Bout net 8 Co, $]: per
Fire departmentnRn 3222,311.72 Wnud rev, 844; H. 9I. Sto EPrinting
�• ,y
x cxe
paid .. Geo. J. Muse kCo.. 848.82: Hnesey Bntterp
Rater drpn •tmenc Co., 39; JOS, Spiel, 584.80 Leveroos 8 Dteson
w ,nuts bona, 8187.0(;
J. W. Doherty. Est. No. 8,
paid....... 29,090.68 up. to 2, end final,
6" Pxul 'orkhouse 1,
sewer ou Charlee .treat, $26:1
sewer Out $32.82; J. A. Mc-
board of waters n
'a auris paid,...... 2,624.42
R ti
Nt. Paul parr 11- 8 l aLight C'o.,g238.82;-
Dounld. 88.76; St. Ya"84."254
braxy I Maxfield d
xrranttl Sesbury, 84.26; Robinson d• Cary
paid ....................... Co.. 87.29; Lauer Hros., 822.06; A. O.
Park comms-esfoners' 1,070.(38 3800; Dliles 8• Hale, Si.lO; 3fnrtln4-'-
wnrrxnts 312; Maendler
tBros., 536.70; F1nch, Van Slyck
Inh1F'T1 1 aid..,.,.• L,087.32 fi ('n.. 83,32; Au((nnest Schilling, gg1, F. C. Draper
ponspnd 23,870.On @ Co.,
$43.46; Edleon Electric Light C'o.,323.20.
efcy hall and Allowed and ordered
conn house war- paid by the tollowing
rants paid ............. vote:
Redeemed certlficatea i02.R8 1-eas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, CoWey,
of gale Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh,
-_ --•
.................... Lelthanser, 3linea,
City Boras redeemed. -17,847.84 Malady. Pratt, Sanborn,Sol hvan.
., ^,
Weber, Yoerg,
Miscellaneous dis- 4.000.00 Mr. President -17.
bnrsementg...... ..... Of Corporation Attoe rep-C'onttnct With Azo-
Balance on hand...... 1,113.18 t1ne.JlanufactnrinR ompany,
v Kirkland
S Starkey
re the lows.[
far callectiou
252,183.24 and removal of garbage for one penrpul tion
'Rd I would
reconinend tnnt the contract be
Total, .....$678,b2R.27 loll nd advrrtlsement o[ cl[p clerk, dated
° awarded to them.
Jai. 28, 1880.
L. W. Rc.m—,
City Engineer.
tv metre are
benefited to
`i 'i aemtt ll nl
epecttuulS report that said improvement 1s
pence thereof ie 131 9IShat the one-hnB of lwhi h need
Ill be puld into the city treasury before the
tiereforrcall be found be lelitedttn the
b "Taint of
thereb}the t; that snide in Pro coca[ Is noteeelked fetor
by C, I,etition Of n majority f the ou're. of
,rt 'i t0 be aeNexxed [hr.1 r, but we here-
rlth send a peau or profile of said improvement,
and an order for 'car .(]option, if you desire lie
to muke the imppr ememt.
4, tmv. O. O\
J. T.
R. L. Goal s, President.
Clerk B,ll
Clerk B Ard of Public Works.
March 28, 1590.
Adopted (See order to board of public works).
Pacific Street GraAin.—
the TTheBonntmofmPubiicil\}'orks 1 .1 the 1.110 It d under Paul.
tslderntion the resolution r ler f the
com[ha gr- hnK11 o� IPacinc \ ti eta fRB. Forest
street to H
ester 't
met, xml h
.tin int- .
g esti .tea
—poled im ,r
Resliea�tbiily [port ttll
tbat it Is xnry and
Prof to grmle Peelnc street. nfront Forest
[rest to H-xtluga nrem1e' that the a timnted
ex penxe thereat ix 34,710, ne-hnlf of 'hich
trot be p,dd into [he rite tree -try before
the contrn<t is let, th.1 re 1 estate to be ,
rC,sed therefor can be found benetitr•[I to the
tett f the at
and e i ex et wry to be
o x tt exa
[eked for
1 tbeieb S: reit a �dtim,t o -mnent is trot
o -a petition of n loris)- of [he
of i
,ert - hi lie use
on Irl ) ekes d
therefor. but
lie herec th . and x plan or pro ole f entd im-
oro cut and an r der for your ado prion, if
�e.'re ms to make the no
J. T KFakex, R, I, -
. GuR[wn•,
Clerk of the Board of Atbllc Works
March 31, 1A90.
Adoptee (See order to board of F.bit, work,).
Fifteenth Street Sea sir--
Co the Common Connr11 of tete CYty of St, Paul:
The board f pubifc t �ork. have had later
o tsfderittion the _e_ 'It
ration r rder f the
rte to the eto nI.txtructbta of ,. tee...>80.:.18v9
—"or Iola >
ar3' catch bx.�ux
'hlch oer�tu
of be
city Of the owr era o[ rojmrt to be asaee,ed t'ee[he contract to 1• to as-
]p p _ d therefor can be foI tmasHI d to the ea-
thetetor. and we berewitlt 3emixpixnor pronle o[ tent of the
Hud expensed peCe3aary
-aid improvement, and ae order for your ndop- to be incurred
thereby: tint said that e-
Llan, if you desire us to make [he im eat ix not asked
Protement, for by a petition of a
e„ .(..,. ],rax. 4: nave, o. areal or he o\tvetre of -
'Gonv.tx, therefor; Aut xe herewitho.enrl a to be aexe e d
I J. T. KF,REEN, t said i; Pan or profile
•j PreeldenG provement and xnor3crf.ryouradop-
Clerk Board of Public ]Forks. tion, if you desire us to make the Improvement.
1 �I Dtan:h 27, 1890. ]'ea. 8, buys U
Adopted (Ste order tob-1 of public n'orke.) R. L. GoRxtwn,
}i''•[ �' o, J. T. Kedges-, President.
t )! Dlinnshaha Street Grading— Clerk of the Board of Public Work..
ll�x' To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: March 20, 1890.
situ The board of public weeks have had under Adopted (gee order to board of public works).
con.lderatfon flit resolution or order of the Ali.
cotnmOn council, approved Noc. O, 1589, rela- Como Avenue Change i. Grade—
t•„- Live [o the grxding of Mitlu Jim street, from To the Common C....11 of Lite CYty of St, Paul:
Bock .[Leet to easterly rite ".It.:.nd hnviu The board of public [cork. have had under
mveetigated the proposed intprocement: g I consideration the reaolutlon
or order of the
t ve tote chats it approved Jan. 22, 1890, tela property ave hItetested unauimOusly pro -
o grade on Como avenue so as tented 41.1.131 .and improvement.
to conform with the construction of appro4ehe. ]'sae 9, nays 0. -
and bridge over the Norlhent Pacific railroad, R. L. GoawwS, President.
and having investigated the proposed improve- J. T. K...R.
mento Clerk Board of Public Works.
RetimetfuRy report that It is necessary and March 31, 1890.
proper to change the 8r de n Como -reline be- Adapted,
ttrren Rock street and Grotto treat. produced Also.
from Front street, as iudbared by the red Gradin
line wt the accompanying profile: that the esti- g and change of grade—Alley, block 2,
n tete expense thereof l4 8600, that rent estate H. \t. Rnuney'a sutalMelon of mock 11, Stmsot's
tobeassessed therefor c.It be found benefited to d1radoo—
the extent of the damages, costs rad exneaseN To the Honor.ble President and Common Couu-
ry to be incurred therst, ' that said im- 11, City of gt. Paul:
proce� .Eit I. not asked for by t},etitiotr of n Gentlemen—Tete board of public work. re-
tnJorlty of the owners r props ,y to be a.- Pectlml}erbeg leave to report that U,suant to
eA therefor, but we hereaith se d x plan or K.1u1 Ordd pproved Jen. 2_, 1891), the board
profile of said lmpuot-etnrttt. if you desire to udrerti,ed for and received bide for grad-
in ke the i �proventen[. g the -Illy in block ta'o 12), H. \f. Ranney-'a
]'eta 4, n 1'x 0, subdivision f block il. Stili.-t's di\dxiom St.
R. L. Goarr[s, President. Paul, which bids -re'o t the 17th Inst. laid
J. T. KEnaen, Overto this day, t, -he,, sale bid. were "red
Clerk of the Board of Public Works. uni ordered returned to the respective bidders,
March 27, 1890 for the reason that a large number of property
Adopted. , re Irate
and cit - rented n
I clerk Inc red before
} irxcrea co i nee xnia boar
give e lie d
ex. ml
dry ubncatlon presented a m[itm
r -armee.
1 .eaten a ori
f [he re �re K t muj tv
proper[)- on the line f enid alley, asking
.rloli that the gntde on said , n o be ch-ngcat
to con-
Har\-ex[er Avenue Grading— form to red Ilne x. xhott'n on - prolile -trached
Tu tem oar(] oa Council of [he C1CY of St. Paul: to sa(A petition, which reD[lon ml profile are
The board of pan,,, w' rkx have had stilet herewith respectfully trauxmi[ted to Your hatt-
conxlderu0on the revolution or order f the or bee boda.ttlth the reRnest thatn Ilmimny�
Heil. approved 11oy 30, 1888, rel-- rder tors Id ch¢nKe o[ Rraae be px.. d Hud r
t� et t'
tlteu grading of Hnrve,rer avenue front (erred tO this lo:tra. A proper Preliminary
Phalen street to White Bear .t-enue.exnd. hxv. -Mer for x.m improvement 13 hereu'Ith nubnttt-
ing investigated the ptopoaed improvement: ted for }-our -riot that.
Rex 'fully F,rc } ort that
said improvement ix R. L. mIOf -
prot•em � PresiAent.
tot uerexxary avd proper xt thea time, not being J. T. ICersrsen. Clerk Board of 1'uLllc ]]'orks.
petitfoued none. }larch _O, IR90.
]'ens, 4; ps. O. Adopted. (See order to board of public
R. L. GOR>I.ts, President. a'orkn,)
J T. ICEnn ER, Also,
Clerkf the Board of Public Work.0.. Sprinkling—Dfxtric[No. 1—
the ward. To the Honorable, the Preefdent and C:ommou
Also, �cuncli (Ity of St. Paul:
F-dmwnd street sewer Ge tlemen The board of Public tvorkk,
To the Common Counrll of the Cit}- of 3[. Paul: specttull) bell leave [o retn,- L that in accord.
[ w t thetlith (sections 2 and Y, chapter 7, of an t'
mbl(c t rkx h-ve had under egil tare of Minnesota, eating to street
coneidern[lon thee resolutlou rder f the pprinkling m the city f St. Paul.
aril, approved Feb. 6, 1890, tela- 3lnrch 1, 1817,the+lid box rd have HEWded Baia
siva to the construction o[ sewer on Fammmacity
into sprinknag districts. and .ave adver-
t, from FIfelt to :]rand.) .tree[, nnA from tiled Ltvice for olds forxuch nprinkRnR as may be
,feel nbiu to Dale street; and, buying la -esti- ordered by }-our honor.Hie body during the eea-
gnted the 1ftt posed font \ tt: n if.
0 in Sprinkling Uixtrlet No. 1, which
o spectflt ley report that, -lied Improvement ix district compuipe. the extreme e, de— pardon
n t nereexnry at d proper attire time, for the f the city [h of :'e tli treat. Under he
on that at a hearing Ae(ore a fd boxnl in first xdvertlxement one nfa of 32.60 per week ppee matrern large majorltj of the ,rope ty lU0(eet Hud $1 l,eroverhaul per week per 100 cut
rs httereeted protested egalast sa1t3 int- ra ived, which bid w-. reited ee being too
provement. high s d that under the second adverraement
]'sus 4, ua}-e 0. n nide fore id PrinkllnR rr received, and
R. L. G.R 1.*, deal. that unless otherwise Instructed by your honor•
J. T. K. R.
able body, no madvertieemeut for said sprink-
tlerk of the Board of Public Work., I I,as trill be made by said board,
Motch a I, 1890. R. L. Gunntws, President.
Adopted. J. T, KE.....
Also, Clerk Board of Public Woake.
Charles street sewer— Adopted.
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: Also,
The board of public works have had under Sprinkling. District No. 10, Contract—
consideration the reaolutfon or order of the The board -par. that it h:.awarded Thorn -
common council approved Feb, b, 18A0, rel.- I [ou 3 Shaw the co.1tract Ior epdukling d(etrlet
Live to Cha construction of a sewer on Charles Ro. 10 during season of 1890, they being the
street from Rice to Marlon street olid from only bidders, and their Md briuRrensounble and
Arundel to Dale street: and, having investigated I reliable and they being ouelbie; mount of
Ili proposed Improvement: bid. 80.,0 per week per lois feet; 30.30 perover.
eepeetrully re ort that said improvement is haul t k ppeer 100 feet: bond In the sum o[
n a necessary and Pproper at this time, for the 33,01)0 rwtth li'm. R. }Iatehall and Warren H.
son that at a heating before said board the I ?fend as sureties.
Of Inspection of Building: Report for Febr
1800; city tma suss"a receipt attached f
Committee ou ordinances and public account
Of C9erk of "itCourt — I{eport f1
.[arch, 1800—City treasurer'. receipt nttacho
for 3:3,134.40.
C'OtC ittee Otl OrdulflllCYN IIoilpublic 8mount
Of Chief Folic
�• I"
Of —Report for Jfumh, IAOu
Total amst., 407: fines collected b)- muulclp,
Mort, 32.8'25.
Committee ont rdivall— slid public ae`coutb
Of Captain of Polftr—Report
for \faren, 1S9
--Gua Ism ,e not lighted, 13o: O Ix
lighted, 6:so. mpa nc
City Comptroller.
ot, P'.., wo....
Fast Sixth Street GrndiuR—
To the Common Conacfl of the City of St. Paul
The board of public works hit -had uncle
ablera I. the r solwtbm order o[th
dell, approved �o�r0 1A89 re
tide to the gradhmg of East Sixth street.Mfr Ia
(ommehini siren[ t0 \Iari� a\ -eine, nil, burial
fnvesti ate(]
R the repro poeed improceutenc:
Re Pott that said (m 1•
Xpx•tnmRY provement
y a d propr that the a+[minted e
Pse thereof ix 3.,78ti, ode -half of ahhh n
of be paid into the city t__f, f Ixfore the
�I ;•���
ontru t I, let hat enI ,.stn to to be a lied
tit �fouml t
refer n be ben f extsex
e ire d [u the t[ of
the ost�tt nae expenses
,try to be
Snrurira is t
thereby: that xf a tmc,rm--of
r[ i(.
f 21'
ask the
ed for I. ape[iti be s - —f the efo the bill
therefor, bat we
rat of pro n,erty to be ttI,
.� j•i,.
-H c
se d n plan or profile of -a-
a order (or
a yoor.dOpit if You
desire up
us to mike the Sm pror-emett.
]-ens 4, any. C.
T. KE .., R. L. Gox ,
.- 1,---
` f
Clerk of the Boar tl OI Public ]F of
Al rite.
. -It 1 '
re 1 18. 1890
Adopted (see order to board of public .'orks)
]}'ells a AL o,
tree, Grading
the Comm 11 (ouncml of the (.1t}- f : t. Pam.
Gourd o! punl lc works hove -had
Dobe oder
a drrntian hu resnlutto, order of the
9 �1a4
„,7 1:-
tL:1fPl 'ii
comm- couucll, npp—ed ten 6 1890,re1n-
trove to the opemag nil grading of Wells sheet
,tont Bagertoalstreet to _t Pendr -flyer. and nnv-
tv metre are
benefited to
`i 'i aemtt ll nl
epecttuulS report that said improvement 1s
pence thereof ie 131 9IShat the one-hnB of lwhi h need
Ill be puld into the city treasury before the
tiereforrcall be found be lelitedttn the
b "Taint of
thereb}the t; that snide in Pro coca[ Is noteeelked fetor
by C, I,etition Of n majority f the ou're. of
,rt 'i t0 be aeNexxed [hr.1 r, but we here-
rlth send a peau or profile of said improvement,
and an order for 'car .(]option, if you desire lie
to muke the imppr ememt.
4, tmv. O. O\
J. T.
R. L. Goal s, President.
Clerk B,ll
Clerk B Ard of Public Works.
March 28, 1590.
Adopted (See order to board of public works).
Pacific Street GraAin.—
the TTheBonntmofmPubiicil\}'orks 1 .1 the 1.110 It d under Paul.
tslderntion the resolution r ler f the
com[ha gr- hnK11 o� IPacinc \ ti eta fRB. Forest
street to H
ester 't
met, xml h
.tin int- .
g esti .tea
—poled im ,r
Resliea�tbiily [port ttll
tbat it Is xnry and
Prof to grmle Peelnc street. nfront Forest
[rest to H-xtluga nrem1e' that the a timnted
ex penxe thereat ix 34,710, ne-hnlf of 'hich
trot be p,dd into [he rite tree -try before
the contrn<t is let, th.1 re 1 estate to be ,
rC,sed therefor can be found benetitr•[I to the
tett f the at
and e i ex et wry to be
o x tt exa
[eked for
1 tbeieb S: reit a �dtim,t o -mnent is trot
o -a petition of n loris)- of [he
of i
,ert - hi lie use
on Irl ) ekes d
therefor. but
lie herec th . and x plan or pro ole f entd im-
oro cut and an r der for your ado prion, if
�e.'re ms to make the no
J. T KFakex, R, I, -
. GuR[wn•,
Clerk of the Board of Atbllc Works
March 31, 1A90.
Adoptee (See order to board of F.bit, work,).
Fifteenth Street Sea sir--
Co the Common Connr11 of tete CYty of St, Paul:
The board f pubifc t �ork. have had later
o tsfderittion the _e_ 'It
ration r rder f the
rte to the eto nI.txtructbta of ,. tee...>80.:.18v9
—"or Iola >
ar3' catch bx.�ux
'hlch oer�tu
of be
city Of the owr era o[ rojmrt to be asaee,ed t'ee[he contract to 1• to as-
]p p _ d therefor can be foI tmasHI d to the ea-
thetetor. and we berewitlt 3emixpixnor pronle o[ tent of the
Hud expensed peCe3aary
-aid improvement, and ae order for your ndop- to be incurred
thereby: tint said that e-
Llan, if you desire us to make [he im eat ix not asked
Protement, for by a petition of a
e„ .(..,. ],rax. 4: nave, o. areal or he o\tvetre of -
'Gonv.tx, therefor; Aut xe herewitho.enrl a to be aexe e d
I J. T. KF,REEN, t said i; Pan or profile
•j PreeldenG provement and xnor3crf.ryouradop-
Clerk Board of Public ]Forks. tion, if you desire us to make the Improvement.
1 �I Dtan:h 27, 1890. ]'ea. 8, buys U
Adopted (Ste order tob-1 of public n'orke.) R. L. GoRxtwn,
}i''•[ �' o, J. T. Kedges-, President.
t )! Dlinnshaha Street Grading— Clerk of the Board of Public Work..
ll�x' To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: March 20, 1890.
situ The board of public weeks have had under Adopted (gee order to board of public works).
con.lderatfon flit resolution or order of the Ali.
cotnmOn council, approved Noc. O, 1589, rela- Como Avenue Change i. Grade—
t•„- Live [o the grxding of Mitlu Jim street, from To the Common C....11 of Lite CYty of St, Paul:
Bock .[Leet to easterly rite ".It.:.nd hnviu The board of public [cork. have had under
mveetigated the proposed intprocement: g I consideration the reaolutlon
or order of the
t ve tote chats it approved Jan. 22, 1890, tela property ave hItetested unauimOusly pro -
o grade on Como avenue so as tented 41.1.131 .and improvement.
to conform with the construction of appro4ehe. ]'sae 9, nays 0. -
and bridge over the Norlhent Pacific railroad, R. L. GoawwS, President.
and having investigated the proposed improve- J. T. K...R.
mento Clerk Board of Public Works.
RetimetfuRy report that It is necessary and March 31, 1890.
proper to change the 8r de n Como -reline be- Adapted,
ttrren Rock street and Grotto treat. produced Also.
from Front street, as iudbared by the red Gradin
line wt the accompanying profile: that the esti- g and change of grade—Alley, block 2,
n tete expense thereof l4 8600, that rent estate H. \t. Rnuney'a sutalMelon of mock 11, Stmsot's
tobeassessed therefor c.It be found benefited to d1radoo—
the extent of the damages, costs rad exneaseN To the Honor.ble President and Common Couu-
ry to be incurred therst, ' that said im- 11, City of gt. Paul:
proce� .Eit I. not asked for by t},etitiotr of n Gentlemen—Tete board of public work. re-
tnJorlty of the owners r props ,y to be a.- Pectlml}erbeg leave to report that U,suant to
eA therefor, but we hereaith se d x plan or K.1u1 Ordd pproved Jen. 2_, 1891), the board
profile of said lmpuot-etnrttt. if you desire to udrerti,ed for and received bide for grad-
in ke the i �proventen[. g the -Illy in block ta'o 12), H. \f. Ranney-'a
]'eta 4, n 1'x 0, subdivision f block il. Stili.-t's di\dxiom St.
R. L. Goarr[s, President. Paul, which bids -re'o t the 17th Inst. laid
J. T. KEnaen, Overto this day, t, -he,, sale bid. were "red
Clerk of the Board of Public Works. uni ordered returned to the respective bidders,
March 27, 1890 for the reason that a large number of property
Adopted. , re Irate
and cit - rented n
I clerk Inc red before
} irxcrea co i nee xnia boar
give e lie d
ex. ml
dry ubncatlon presented a m[itm
r -armee.
1 .eaten a ori
f [he re �re K t muj tv
proper[)- on the line f enid alley, asking
.rloli that the gntde on said , n o be ch-ngcat
to con-
Har\-ex[er Avenue Grading— form to red Ilne x. xhott'n on - prolile -trached
Tu tem oar(] oa Council of [he C1CY of St. Paul: to sa(A petition, which reD[lon ml profile are
The board of pan,,, w' rkx have had stilet herewith respectfully trauxmi[ted to Your hatt-
conxlderu0on the revolution or order f the or bee boda.ttlth the reRnest thatn Ilmimny�
Heil. approved 11oy 30, 1888, rel-- rder tors Id ch¢nKe o[ Rraae be px.. d Hud r
t� et t'
tlteu grading of Hnrve,rer avenue front (erred tO this lo:tra. A proper Preliminary
Phalen street to White Bear .t-enue.exnd. hxv. -Mer for x.m improvement 13 hereu'Ith nubnttt-
ing investigated the ptopoaed improvement: ted for }-our -riot that.
Rex 'fully F,rc } ort that
said improvement ix R. L. mIOf -
prot•em � PresiAent.
tot uerexxary avd proper xt thea time, not being J. T. ICersrsen. Clerk Board of 1'uLllc ]]'orks.
petitfoued none. }larch _O, IR90.
]'ens, 4; ps. O. Adopted. (See order to board of public
R. L. GOR>I.ts, President. a'orkn,)
J T. ICEnn ER, Also,
Clerkf the Board of Public Work.0.. Sprinkling—Dfxtric[No. 1—
the ward. To the Honorable, the Preefdent and C:ommou
Also, �cuncli (Ity of St. Paul:
F-dmwnd street sewer Ge tlemen The board of Public tvorkk,
To the Common Counrll of the Cit}- of 3[. Paul: specttull) bell leave [o retn,- L that in accord.
[ w t thetlith (sections 2 and Y, chapter 7, of an t'
mbl(c t rkx h-ve had under egil tare of Minnesota, eating to street
coneidern[lon thee resolutlou rder f the pprinkling m the city f St. Paul.
aril, approved Feb. 6, 1890, tela- 3lnrch 1, 1817,the+lid box rd have HEWded Baia
siva to the construction o[ sewer on Fammmacity
into sprinknag districts. and .ave adver-
t, from FIfelt to :]rand.) .tree[, nnA from tiled Ltvice for olds forxuch nprinkRnR as may be
,feel nbiu to Dale street; and, buying la -esti- ordered by }-our honor.Hie body during the eea-
gnted the 1ftt posed font \ tt: n if.
0 in Sprinkling Uixtrlet No. 1, which
o spectflt ley report that, -lied Improvement ix district compuipe. the extreme e, de— pardon
n t nereexnry at d proper attire time, for the f the city [h of :'e tli treat. Under he
on that at a hearing Ae(ore a fd boxnl in first xdvertlxement one nfa of 32.60 per week ppee matrern large majorltj of the ,rope ty lU0(eet Hud $1 l,eroverhaul per week per 100 cut
rs httereeted protested egalast sa1t3 int- ra ived, which bid w-. reited ee being too
provement. high s d that under the second adverraement
]'sus 4, ua}-e 0. n nide fore id PrinkllnR rr received, and
R. L. G.R 1.*, deal. that unless otherwise Instructed by your honor•
J. T. K. R.
able body, no madvertieemeut for said sprink-
tlerk of the Board of Public Work., I I,as trill be made by said board,
Motch a I, 1890. R. L. Gunntws, President.
Adopted. J. T, KE.....
Also, Clerk Board of Public Woake.
Charles street sewer— Adopted.
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: Also,
The board of public works have had under Sprinkling. District No. 10, Contract—
consideration the reaolutfon or order of the The board -par. that it h:.awarded Thorn -
common council approved Feb, b, 18A0, rel.- I [ou 3 Shaw the co.1tract Ior epdukling d(etrlet
Live to Cha construction of a sewer on Charles Ro. 10 during season of 1890, they being the
street from Rice to Marlon street olid from only bidders, and their Md briuRrensounble and
Arundel to Dale street: and, having investigated I reliable and they being ouelbie; mount of
Ili proposed Improvement: bid. 80.,0 per week per lois feet; 30.30 perover.
eepeetrully re ort that said improvement is haul t k ppeer 100 feet: bond In the sum o[
n a necessary and Pproper at this time, for the 33,01)0 rwtth li'm. R. }Iatehall and Warren H.
son that at a heating before said board the I ?fend as sureties.
Of Inspection of Buildings—Report for Feint
NY, 1890; city- treasurer's -mipt attached to
les slid
pubu Jlic ancon
Of ort fo
DfamClerk1890 f City treasurer's umecipt{eat ache
for 58,184.4(1
Committee ouordinicia- and public aceounte
Of C1def of Yollce—Report for Dla"ll ]A9u
Total arreets, 407; flues collected by mumcip.
court, $2,828.
Committee on ordinances and public aecomats
Of Captain of Polio—Report for March 189(
—Gus las not lighted, 135; oil lamps no
lighted, 5150m.
City Comptroller.
xeportr oe nonan or ...Ur woxgs.
East Sixth Street Grading—
To tae Common C'Omicil of the City of St. Paul
a boanl of public works have had a idea
consideration the resolution or order of the
ton111101n COIn1Ci1, approved NOy 6, 1889, rela-
tye to the grxd(ng of Exec Sixth street. from
Commen•iat etreet to llarfu nwenue, and, hnvwg
imcestigated the peoposerl improvement:
Renpecti11 ld report that said improvement is
ueteasury anproper; [lint the estimated ev
pease thereof is 88,780, one-half of which need
not be paid into the city treasury before the
contract Is let: t
thereforciw be fouudbenefited to the ecteut of
the costs and expenses necesenry to be
incurred thereby; that sn(d improvement is not
asked for b}- n pettfou of 1 mejorityof the own-
- of pproperty to be assessed therefor. but ire
herenith lid a plan or profile of said Improve -
a an
cut d an order for your adoption. it you
desire us to make the improvement.
]-ens 4, nays 0.
J. T. KERKER. R L. President.
Clerk of the Board lit Pablfe tt O,Pr.
Stem 1 28, 1890.
Adopted (see order to board of public works).
Wens Street Grading—
To the C'om rinn Council of the Citp f St. Paul:
The board of public works have ohad under
con.ideraton the real 1 101, o order of the
common council, approved Feb. 5, 189(1, '1. -
fromto Lhe opening and grading of Wells street
from Edmi tan street to .blade street, and hay.
Ing investigated the proposed (mprovement:
Respectfully report that i[ is necessary and
prolrer to grade N'ells street, ton partial grade
from Edgerton street to Arcade street; that the
estinhated expense thereof '. S8,o73, cue -holt of
which neer] not be paid into the city treasurer
beforethe contract hs let; that real estate to
be assessed tbemlor can be found benefited to
the extent of the costs slid xpea— t ec-
eary to be incurmd thereby; tit said im-
"city of i'be ot Iswners of sked orproliert ptoby ebe l assessed
therefor, ander herewith lends plan or profileof
said improvement, nail nn order for uadop-
tion, if you desire us to make the (mpprooverment.
Yeas, 4; nays, 0.
J. T. KERKEn, R. L. Goaaas,
Clerk Board of Public Wo ksPldent.
March 27, 1890.
Adopted (See order to board of public works.)
Alinnehuha Street Grading—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
•Dhe board o[ public works have had under
commaua coulldlh,approved -Nov. e r 1889 frame
Live to the grading of Mhnnehaha street, from
Bock street [o imeterlyelty limits; and having
investigated tate proposed improvement: 1
Resp, %11u p report that said Improvement is
and proper; that the estimated e
not pe hereof is 511,945, one-haR o[ which need
paid Into the city treasury before the
contract is let; that real estate to be assessed
therefor can be found benefited to the extent of
file cost amt exp' was neee.sary to be incurred
thereby-; that said fmproveutent is not asked for
by a p'tttioll of a n ajority I the ow nets of
property t0 be esees 1 there/or, but we here
with send x phut or profile of sold improvement,
and an order for pour adoption, If you dewire us
to make the improvement.
Yeae 4, nays O.
Goarntx, President.
Clerk Board of Public Works.
�1x mh
28. 18911.
Adopted (See order to board of public works).
Pacific Street Grad
To the Common Council of 'he City of St Paul:
The Board of Public• ]1 orks have had under
of the
con non lily nlc Ilue 1 resolution rl Ang. 22,1889, relative
to the grad; g 0� POclfic street from Forest
street to Hester street, xnd, haylaginvestigated
the proposers ho--n—it,
Resis,etfuily report that it IS necessary and
proper to grade Pacific street, from Forest
street to Hastings oven lie: that the est mated
neerltnot I lereof is 84.710, one-half of which
the coutract(tisirlett; thate ctreals yes[ to ttotreasry belasbeos.
sed therefor call be found benefited to the
eaevtcat of the cost mod exlhens11 n-11,ry to be
d thereby; that smd fmp1,10,_ ant i. Roc
insked for by a petition of x n jorne o[ the
ew ere of property to be assessed therefor, but
e herewith send a plan or protle of said im-
jrovemeut and au order for your adoption, If
ou desire as to make the improvement.
Yeas 4, tiny. 0.
T. T. K
R. L. Goal.,
Cljerkerk o. of the Board o[ PuPresident.
blic Work.-
Dlnmhel, 1890.Adopted. (See order to board of public works).
Fifteenth Street Also,
To the ( ommon ('ounMl of the City of St. Paul:
Th board of pnhlic t cirks have had under
conehdrratWn the resOlutlon or order of the
common council, approved Feb. 20, 1890, rela-
tive to the construction of a sewer on Fifteenth
street, from Jackson street to Canada street. and.
roper, togetner with the
sary catch baa I. and nmuholea; that theneces-
mated I' -
thereof is 82,000; one-half of
which neer) not be paid intothe city treaeurybe-
fore the contract is let: thatYeal estate to be as-
x•ssedtherefor can b' found benefited to. the ex-
tent of the c•o.t slid xpeuses tir��ceeee.nry
;o be incurred thereby; that said IaHprove-
nent le not asked for by x petition of a ma-
ority Of Lhr owner. of property to be assessed
therefor: but we herewith send n plan or profile
If said improvennent and all orderforyoaradop-
ton, it you desire us to make the Improvement.
Yeas A'nays 0.
R. L. Goit—ti,
J. T. KERKER, - President.
('lark of the Board of Public Worka.
March 20, 1890.
Adopted (See order to board of public works).
Coal. Avenue Change of Grade—
'o the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The board Of public works have had under
Ong Iteration the re.olutiou or order of the
common council approved Jan. 22, 1890, tela.
till to a Chan o grdile on Como ac
to conform wi ge
auue so lie
th the lou the
coon of a ronchee
and bridge over the Northern Pacied Improv,, v,
and haling investigated the proposed improve
liespectfully ttipor[ that it is necessary d
proper to change the gr de inn Como avenue abe.
tween Rock street slid Grottostreet'
north from Front street, as Indicated by the red
line on the accompanying profile: that the esti-
mated expense thereof Is 8500, that real estate
to be assessed therefor can be found benefited to
the extent o[ the damages, costa and excesses
necessary to be incurred thereby; that said im-
provement is not asked for by rpetltion of n
, , it}} oI the owners f pr�ppe ty to be ae-
sesseri tllercfor. but ale In-wltll Bend plan or
pr lfle of said impaocemeut. if you desire to
0 oke the improvement.
r ]'ens 4 'my.
R. L. Goll>t.tx. President.
T. KemaER,
CIerK of the Board of Public Work,.
Blarch 27, 1890
Adop-4ed, and city clerk instructed to give iiK-
essury publication notice.
Harvest- Avenue Grading—
Tothe ctoo mn Council of the City of St. Paul:
The board of public works (lave had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
common council. approved ]lay lU, 1888, rela-
tive to the grading of Harvester avenue from
Phalen st rel[ to R'hfte
Bear avenue. xad, hav-
ing illy tigated the proposed hmn cement:
Hespectfit. report that said improvement
not ueceasary and proper at this time, not beiisng
petitioned tor.
]'las, 4; uups, 0.
J. T. KR. L. Goats—, President.
Clerk of the Board of Pubile tPorka.
March a 1890.
Alderman of the wird.
Edmund street sewer—
To the Common Council of the Cty of St. Paul:
The board of public works have had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
common council, approved Feb. 5, 1890. rela-
tive to the constructlou of sewer nn Hollandstreet, from Elicit to Aruudel street, and front
lfackubin to Dale street; and, having Investi.
gated the pp oposed fn rovement:
Respect ally report that said Improvement is
not necessary and proper t this time, for the
reason that at a hearing betore id board In
sat d matter a large majority of the aBOPe ty
owners interested protested again.[ id Im-
provement. ,
Yeas 4, nays 0.
J. T. KERREA, R. L. Go—N. President.
clerk of the Board of Public ]Forks.
Momh 31, 1890.
Charles street arma—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The board of public works have had under
consideration the resolution ororder of the
common couuell approved Feb. 5, 1890, rela-
tive to tha construction of a sewer on Charles
street from Rice to Marion treat and from
Arundel to Dale street: and, having Investigated
the proposed Improvement:
Respectfully repport that said Improvement le
necessary and proper at this time. for the
reason that at a bearing before said board the
property owners Interested unanimously pro-
] -las against said
R. L. GORrtAx, President.
Clerk Board of Public Works.
Adopted. 1890.
Grading and change of grade—Alley, block 2,
H. )1. Rna''Y"subdivisionof block 11, Stineoll's
To the Honorable President mud Common Couu-
., City of SL Paul.
Gentlemen—The board of public works re-
epectfully beg leave to report that pareunnt to
}roar order, approved Jan. 22, 1890, the board
have advertised for and received bilis for grad
ing the alley in block two (2), H. 3f. Runney s
so ldi iafou f block 11. Stinson'. division, St.
Paul, which bids were on the 17th hast. laid
to thls day, rwhe,, said bids w rejected
slid ordered
recurved to the respective bidders,
for the reason that a large number of property
ow hers interested apppeared before said board
of dl presented site[Itoli representing. monjority
property o,I file line of aand alley, asking
that the grade ou sold i Ile}' be changed to con-
form to red lit xs shown on a proline attached
to said pxtltion, which petition and profile are
herewith respectfully Iransmitt'd to your limo-
orable body. With the request that n preliminary
rder for said change of grade be p I— mud re-
ferred to this board. A proper preliminary
order for said improvement Is herewith submit.
ted for your adoption.
It. L. Goajlax. President.
J. T. KERKER. Clerk Board of Public Works.
}larch 20, 1890.
Adopted. (Sce order to board of putflle
Sprinkling—District No. 1—
To the Honorable, the President and Common
Council City of St. Paul:
Gentlemen—The board of public works m
spectfully beg leave to report that bt amord-
note with sections 2 and :i, chapter 1 of , act
I the legislature of Idinne.ota, celathalg to street
sp riakiing lu the city [ S[. Paul, pproved
\[mini 1, 1887, the .said board have Ii ve .said
city into sprinkling districts, and have adver.
tsed twice for bids forsuch sprinkling its may be
1UOfeetand$lperoverhaulper%vekperlOOf t
mo received, n•hfch bid was rejected a. being tow
: d that under the second advertisement
bidsfor said sprinkling tvere received, and
that unless otherwise instructed by your honor.
able body, no readvertlaement for said sprink-
ling will be made by said board.
R. L. Guatt.wK, President.
Clerk Board of Public Works.
Sprinkling District No. 10, Contract—
The board rep.&. that It hasaweirded Thorn-
ton & Shaw the contract for eprinkling district
�o. 10 during season t 1890, they being the
lnly bidders, and their bid behugreasonable and
,liable and they beI. respouaible: amount of
aid, 80., 0 per week per 100 Leet: 80.3Mp�erover
ui Frer week per 100 feet: bond in tN4Aum of
58,000 with .R. 5
ar9hall and Warren H.
goad as sureties.
Walton and Other Streets Sewer Contract- Of Committee on C1alms�Tohn J. Rice's
The board reoorta that it hes awarded James tion -85001n settlement of action for810.000'
Hansen and N. a Johns n
o i the contract for the Committee recommends [hnc xs(d Litton be
strueciok t e. sewer on et'. oil treat, from referred to corporation attorney ai d city an -
Trout brook to Pork tree[; on Pork street, gi '
from Walton street to Weatnh(neter street: on ildaFded.
Westminster Street, from Pork street to Case Also,
street; on Lookout Place, from Westminster Fred 'Rex petition -$800.(.,.P -
on ,din
street to Arkw-rtght acme[, and Case street, C,mmhill acenne (formed t )
from Wes[minater street to a 173 feet east 3" sad a me[ g
of the east line of said Westminster street, to. Com ittee recommends that said petition be
Retherwith the n(ceesary catch basins and man (erred to corporation attorney and city en
holes, said se,vedng to be done [der ne con. 4duptrd.
tract. they being the lowest reliable d resl,on- Alsn
Rile mddem therefore; amount of bid, 8x.77.: Louts E. Shepley and Others, petition asking
bond ho the sum of $1,000, With Aadre}v BJork- to be reimbursed -East Seventh street
hind and R.smus Hanson ae sureties. paving
contract tract.
COmmfeteer. -cavi nd. that said Petition be
Seventh Street Sewer Rep fring Contract.- referred to City engineer and corporation at -
board mPor' haat It h......rded Patrick Lorne}.
Dohertty the the contract for rep it ,,. the sewer Adopted. Pon r_
street. between Third treat and
Sherman street. he being the ]oweet reliable d OI Committee on Streets. Sewers and Brldgea-
ap.neible bidder there ore: n nt f bid. Proposals for collection of dead nnimals-
84.487; bond in the f 51,800, with Jae. Committee recommends that contract be
Cleary and Phil F.bel .. auretiea, awarded to B. Ellison for term of one year.
A] So,
Adopted. (See resolution.)
Sixth Street Sewer Contract- Al...
The board report. that it hnc awarded Proposals for collection of night .oil -
as Malo}- the contract for rebuilding and lower- Committee recommende that contract be
Ing the newer n .sixth street, from Minnesota awarded B. Ellison for term of three years, he
street Lo a point seventy-seven feet rues[ from [o ntrnieh the dump according to his proposal
the west line of Robert street, he being the lon'est presented to count l Feb. 18, 1890.
reliable and responsible bidder therefor; amount Adopted. (See resolution,)
of bid, $673; band in the sum of $120, with A. Ala.,
O. Powell and Andrew Anderson as sureties. Azotfne Manufectudugeompany's-proposal to
Also, collect garbage for one year from April real
t ,
Sprinkling District No. 7 Contract- instead of June 16, ] 6911 -
The board report, that fthn. awarded Thorn- Committee reports favorably. -
ton & Shaw the contract for ,Prfnkhng Dtst rlet Adopted.
No. 7 during season of 1890, they being the only Also.
bidders and their bid being reasonable and mlla- St. Paid Sanitation companS'spropo..I to re- •-
bre ad they being reap.uslble: aunt of bid, lease its rights for collection of garbage after
$0.05•Per week Per 100 feet. 80.`16 per overhuui April 15, 1890 -
per week per ]00 feet; bond in the said of SA,- Committee reports favorably.
000, frith ], R. Mxrahnll And W. H. ]feed ae Adopted. _
tie.. Also,
s Each of the foregoing Ards taken -up sepa- Notthweateni Te]ephntie Exchange company's
,Leis and aP Proved be fcll.wlag vote: Petition ,eking that teen in streets be deslguet-
7•ena-Alvis Bickel, Blom, Bock. Callen. C'on7rY, ed for couduita-
Committee mommends that n
FR.her, Gehnn, Kavanagh, livau,uebe Mines, -raver o[ petl-
Mclady, PraY[, Sanborn, 5itllivnn, Weber, ]-oetg, boner be gra ted ax rtmended.
Mr.Yreeftlent-17. I Adopted. (Sevres lution.)
Also, UAl so.
mates and claims- Aid, liehau's resolution -Treating St. Paul
(lt}• A Tway company to remove its track. o
The board transmiu approved by It the fol- " Rnben street, etc.- n
lowing estimuten and claim., to wit: C'm Inattee rceommends that said resolu'fon
p:ettmate No. 7, sato, d.uPpementar}- [o N.. be referred Lo St. Pani City Rulix'nY company.
5 and final. EdFett.n street mer v[em, Y. Adopted.
Dobrrty. S2DA,2.: Mathew (rang. S3; t:. R'- Also.
Merrill, 8t0; Mathew CCxiR, 37.00: C'. C. SbarP. Reff.,ort board putrlic tr rk.•and final order
$8.70: ('. C. Shar,h . +54; (:. ]V. ]ferrlil, S3: relative to construction of newer on Weide -
marrill'x Toilet euPp]n'. 8:1 are and otherstreet, (referred March 4, 1890)-
Committee on claim .. liCommittee M ,,- favorably.
FORT OF ngASP OF c.\Tao L. I A\d pted. (. order to board of public
The board et bmits ft'
tx report for 1(ntth, 1390- I ":
rk,) peso.
total expenditures. 84.048.88. Report board public , k. and final order
Commht[1 on ordluanms and P Bbl.. accounts. se"
, Forest and other streets (referred,
AL ..0 M,. ,ov \larch 4. 1890),-
Ho.PRxl buinlivi;H emmtrs<tT a - ('.m mlt[ee reports (nrornbl}-.
The commisxion s, bmlt. c ntrxct with Clnr- .Adopted. (See order to board of public'
ace H.Johnson, architect, relxtiveto sold Doild- arks.)
cdo,_ contract Also,
PProved by follotefng vote: `t 0rdinnnce mending section 1 0[ Ordlnanca
]'San -Alvis Bickel, Blom, Bock. 1ldlen, ('O„ ley, No. 43.firelimit.-
Fisher. Gehan, Ksvanagh, Lefthauser, Mfnen.l Comndttee report. said ordinance I-orably
Melody. Pratt, Ssnborn, Smin-xn.\Crier, rcerg. I s ended.
Mr. Presldent�l7. Adopted. (.tee Ordinance No. 1,310.)
Of Committee oil Ordinaucea and Public At
counts. -Reports examined -
Committee has examined and found or -
reports -Board of control, Merril,. 1890; htsprc
tion of bnfldhng., December, 1889, and January -
1890: clerk municipal cond, January and Feb
n ary, 1830; chi'[ of police. January d Feb
nary, 1890; market master, market hull mut
November anted December, 1889.
Of Aid. Weber -Oliver H. Torbert andJoseph
R. Weide's petition for evading Cupltol, Ire
Innd ...I Hubbard atresia--
Committee report, fayora Dl}•.
Adopted, (See order to board of public
vork.. )
A] woo
Report board pnbiic rke and final order,
lllie}• opening Mackubin mid Marshall's addi-
C'ommft[ee reP�.r[. favorably.
ad ,,. order to board of Public
Ordinances -
An ordinance was read refunding money paid
on reasseements opening Broadway street from
Grove to Thirteenth street.
Rules suapended r motion f Ald. Ge-
hitn, yen. 16, and ordinance read -,,ad tide
modpassed face ord(nauce No. 1,314).
An ordinance was read permitting P.:3. Kelly
to remove frame building.
Rules suepepded on motion of Aid, Gillen,
Seas 16, and ordinance read second time and
passed (see adhimice No. 1,815)
Alordinance was rend-�R20ii favor Frederick
Richter -Randolph .trerl�grading.
Rulespended out =to,, of Aid. ]Veber,
yeas 17, and ordinance n 1 second time and
P An ordi amts waa.h rend• 1,9 7)
1. _
Howard to excavate areas oil Robertlanid Fifth
Rile. ammended o motion of Aid. Cullen,
yea, 18, and said ordinance placed nn second
re,}1d1'oerg aced to amevd Bald o linance by
'triking out the words figures and '•eleven (11)
feet" 1n the tenth Ifue of .[,•tion 1, and_.lieu
n the
eleventh line of sectlon 1, sad Ineertlug In lieu
thereof t be words "eight feet from the Proper[ ,
Aid. ualen moved to am n 1 said ordinsuce
by andInsertingnl ilev
thereof the word. -,from
[he toperty line."
The ..cond ,ding of . Id o dholace n
thereupon completed, and id ,di,,,,- read
the third time mended and paesed. (See
o Ilnance
An .rdinaure n'ae read changing name of Ellen
etA moreet to tto btobrefer Said av"[ordinance to commit-
tee on street. w... lost. '
fess 8, asys 8.
The rules sere thea xn pended motimi f
Aid. Weber. yens 10, and sit
id ordinanceread
second_ time and Passed. (bee ordln.nce No.
An ordinance was rend authorfAug Theodore
end Joseph Michael to ....tract balcony-Au-
aRviese. i Pended m, motion of Aid. Fisher,
yea. 17, end or llnence sad Second time and
passed. li dfn u- Sas read Hxfug2Op to f hold-
ing election to election dintnc[s of avid city.
Rules suspended, yeas 16, and ordinance rend
second time and Pealed. (See ordinance No.
The ordinance granting St. Paul Furniture
Ompany right to -use certain streets for furnish-
ing electric lightingnd electric motor power
(mad first time )larch 18, 1860) was take. up
and read sec.nd time.
The question being upon the passage of said
Mlnea, Me-
4. Mr. President -7
xnthorizing pnmhase of lot for en -
in vicinity of Ellen and Grotto street..
n fire department.
bar -
,n for cement sidewalk on both s Idea
avenue, from Rice street to Kent
Itmolatlon for cement sidewalk crest side Rice
etmet, from Summit to Como avenues.
By Aired.
$50 for J. H. Horelsh, treriempp[ton
lot, In Leach', addition, sold for sidewalks on
West Seventh et_t.
By Ahl. Sanborn-
Reaolutlon amending Rule No. 31, of council
es, by adding chines relative to side walks.
By' Aid. Fteher-
A resolution "that on and after flay 1, 18£10,
the hours of labor shall be mducedtoefght hours
per fay for all mechanics and I..borere employed
by the city."
Committee on streets to report at next meet-
ing of the council.
Resolutions far
lamps ns toliowro: By
Aid. Gehmt. park xt Yark avenue, t/etween 8penmore
nd Lyton streets, ere.; by Aid. Sullivan, Day-
ton Rad Wilder aveunes, etc.; by AId, Melody, .
south we.t corner Daniels street anti Indiana av-
autommmittee un Fas.
Resole tion fnstructhog,committee on parks to
Ppp nicracc for cet', Rim Centra],
- Is, Summit Parke, amt L -fa} -Stu .quare.
and west end Summit acenne boulevard.
t'am. me on Park.. • -
Pursuant to Ivertisement of city Jerk f
fat¢ \torch 20, 189(1, bide were ived for the
ustruetion o[ the substructure of Sixth Street
r, to tabulate slid report at this
on gas w'u. instructed to report at
of emin"I all ....I "a u d Rea
tlydf... ce..
OR.IN- 1- No. 1,31.4
An 0,dinnum smborixin. the refuudl„g of cer-
tell, money. Paid ore the reaes meat for the
.Peafng of Broadway street, from Grove street
to Thirteenth street.
The C'omm.n Council of the City .1 St. Paul do
ordxf„ x. follow'.:
Aettlnl 1. -That wit -on. be draw,, upon the . Passed April 1, 1800.
r[mtmedr for ftheavors of t1le nmx hfro.- A WN. BASIN. President of Council.
paste their names, to rnlund to said {,mesons Approved April 8, 18911.
RODFUT A. Amfill, kayor.
the amotRitn paid by them on the reaxnesxmelt Attest: Tons. A. PRENUCHOA,T, City Clerk.
for the oQehltg of Broadway street, frit. Grove April 7.
street to rhlrtnnth street -the sold nmxexnmttrtI
haring been held unnuthorirrd by the Jln[rlct OnulxAxcr. No. 1,810.
court of Rami%) musty .O fur as Ithff dis the
property on %ill rh said amounts were Auld, maid An orJiue,,rz to amend Sectio[ 1 of Olalluaace
warrants to be drawn nn follows: No. 433, entitled ^.ln ordlnaune to define the
One lu favor of Dfartha D. Baan, executrix of Are ]imps of the city of St. Paul."
the estate f Jacob W. Bass, deceased, for the The Common C'auudl of the City of et. Paul do
num of 843.10, being the amounts esse oo Int, ordan, ¢b follow.:
30 slid 17 of block 19, of deuton d• Hherbu 0,. Sectio,, 1. That 8eetlou one (1) of ordinance
addltiou. No. 488, article 20 of the )lunlclpal Code Of the
One in favor of A. Dufresne for the num f City of St. Paul, be slid the mane 1. hereby
810• being the I>nomft paid on
lot 19 of Wald a»feuded se follows:
block 19. Strike out all after the word "eastward" fa
One in
of Clara R-oolworth for the num the twenty-seventh line of said infdctpnl code
of 809, being the nmouut paid o» lot, 14 slid o9i P ge 806 up to slid including tahe words
16 of Bald block 19. lath ward" ht the fourth line of ge Y07 of
One in favor of Dir.. Alu le Treacy for the sum mail nluulcipai code ofd Elmer- in Sleu thereof
863, being the nnmuuc Axid mf lot 7 of said the following:
block 19. -••to the Point of begluntn8: thence from said
One in favor of Bernard DOW, for the eum of I ohtt to a southerly th tio11 long the east
$20.'00, being the amount Pa Ili su the north- ane of South Robert street until it strikes the
went one-fourth oP lot 12 of ms{d block 19. east line o: Eaton avenue bmw called South
One in incur of Mrs. )Illy' Hushes tar the , Robert street); thence continuing oil the east
s»m of SFO, being the wnouut ppaid ou lot 12, of : line of .fid South Robert treat north
the curb
block 16, of Dewey. Buns C Itohre ', addittoa i line of Concord street. Lifetime northwe.terll'
One in favor of Robert Jor(lou for the mum of along the mouth line of Conconl street to the
88fi, 1 f t the Ina.mi paid o» lots 13 and 14, st Ilue of Livingston nveuue; [lance uortheriy
of eaid block In. I c long the east litre of .,,"Jab. to» nveuue to the
One In favor of E. Wilcox for the anm of Alli, channel of the )flsmixel )IN river It the paint
befog the amount Pul,] oil Int 18, except th, where ealrl line bill Intersect the Bre Iimit line
wee 86l7 feet thereof, of said binak ]6. runuhlg along the channel of .aid river. thence
Oue iu favor of Johu F.. Fricke -on for the sum eneterly along lad, chnnuel fire Ihi to the
86 $24,
f etlofhlotthe omonot ''»d(1 on the westerly illntrfctf loocik. seven teen (t17)hxn 1 c r. from maid
Itteen (18)
Oue in f.vgr of 11. 1 oeuec fort' the xnm til Ot Bnzllle & Robert.' addltiou to Went St.
812.60, being [he nmouut pldyl on the vest one. Paul; ul.o, beginning at n point In the chan-
haif of lot 20, of .aid block 16. .fel of the-11andm.lpf, river e,=
One In favor of Fred Bush am, /or [he cum of E heard street would, If extended, flltersect
Al2.6u, being the amount paid mf the east one, i with the fire Iimlt Ilse In meld channel, thence
r iTb .,..It le deliverer] mfly' upon
there being "" with [he city E•ongstroller re-
I ,I(ee T the O,,[n Mlle oI Chminllel street; thence
bloeg the south Ihle of chnnuel street m the
Eel's. for the amounts xo paal.
ue,t Ifne of South Walla xha street. thence mouth!
Sec. 2. Thin , df lance hall take effect and
be In force from and after Its passage and
eneterly slung the webs Hur of South Wabash.
street to the south Ilbe of Isabel street; thence
cation, pull-
robe to the east Ifne of South l4ababha; thence
Yeas -Aid Rickel. Rlom, Aock, C'ullrn, ('onlay.
narthwrmterly along the cant line of South Wa-
Flxher. Gehan. Lefthnuxer, )(Ines, )lelndy. Pratt.
bash¢ street to the channel of xafd Dflxsfx,lppl
Sanborn, Sullivan, Wesel•, 1•oerg, )fr. Presl.
deet -10.
river at a point where awd fine will hltereect the
fire limit line running ¢louq toe channel of "aid
Passed April 1, 1890.
\Vv. HAxx.
river; thence westerlyy along xafd channel are
Ilmfc to the
Pnrbident of Connells
Approved Apri18, 1x90.
place of hegR.d g lent mentioned.
Sec. `2. A ordinances contrary to or con-
Ronenr A. Sxtrn. )fayor.
flitting with the pprovl.Ions of thfe ordloabce
Attest; T9oe, A. PHESDEROAar, City Clerk.
nu't expedaliy Ordinances No. 819 and No. 1022
April 7.
re hereby repealed.
Sec. 8. Th1x ordinance shall take
ORmx.>xce No. 1,316.
effect and
be lu force from and atter its publlcatlon.
An ordinance granting to P. H. Kelly permission
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock. CLBen, Conley,
to move a trams building.
The Common Council of the City of S[. Paul do
Fisher, Geban., D[htea. D[elady,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Ycerg, Mr.
chin ae follows:
Section 1. That authority bad permission is
Pasted April 1, 1890.
hereby granted to P. H. Kelly to remove the
Will. HAm>I, President of Council.
frame bulldlug situated on Lhe rear end of lot 3,
Approved April 8, 1890.
block 11, Whitney & Smith's toditiou, off the
land recently condemned sinfully,
RORFRr A. S>InR, Mayor.
Attest: THo8.
for back on to
held -lot. Said work ahall be done under the so-
A. PRFxu-Oa , Clty Clerk.
April 7.
pe-f-fi l of, and as directed by, [he building In-
apector of maid cit)).
ORD.A.cF No. 1,317.
Sec. 2. This ordinance shalt takeeffect and be
inforce from an er Its
The Commo'itn Council of the City of St. Pew do
Yena-Ald. Bielie [[Blom. Bloekc Cullen. Conley,
Ff. ler, Gahan,
Section 1. f0That mf order be drawn upon the
Lelthnuser, )fines, Neledy, city treasury fu favor of Frederlek Richter, toe,
Pratt• Sanborn• Suntan, \Veber, Yoerg, Dir. the
President -16. I
bum of two hundred mud sixty dollars.
(8260.00), to cover the excess In the assessment
mrtlal grading of Randolrah street, b
aster fleet all(] Toron o avenue, 1
block 80, sti noon, Brown & Ramsey'
to St. Paul, nuld property hair,,g bre
n ¢ In1i, hl plate of a partial grade
This ordinance sball take effect anr
force from still after its pnxmageBirksl
r,G h.n,K Blom. Rock. Cullen, C'or.
'raft, Sanborn, Sullivan,\Veber, Yoens
Passed April 1, 1890.
W>T. Irl -'r, President of Council.
Approved April 8, 1890.
Ron- A. S>mrm, )labor.
Attest: THOS. A. PIE\DERDAar, City Clerk.
April 7.
Offla-11. No. 1318.
Permitting William E Howard to excavat
areas on Robert and Fifth streets.
The common council of the city of St. Paul it,
ordain am follows:
Section 1. Permiselon fs heresy [duan apl
granted unto William E. Howard Lo excavat
area, on thee set side of Robert street for a its
tance of one hundred, two,,d onehalf (102
feet southerly from thesouth line of Fifth etree
adjacent to the west ]file of block numberel
se enteen (171 of St. Paul proy,er, xecording t<
the recorded plat thereof• mud also on the aoutl
side of Fifth street for a distance of onehund-
four and flftv-four hllndrMth. riOn- m,
»orth line of swirl block, .old arms to exteni
Ont front the lines of said block into said street,
renlrectively a distance not to exceed eleven if I;
Said William E. Howard 1. to protect the
pavement Oilmid street. and when xxid .rear
are excavated to leave pavement In as good
eonditlon nn it now bi Said excavation to be
madeunder the supervision of the dry engineer
and in accordance with the ardimancee of sell
III, in relation to excavations In streets and the
rules and regulations of the board of public
,corks In relation thereto.
Sec. 2. This ordlmume shall take effect and
Nay.--Ald. Yoerg-1.
P ... ed April 1, 1800.
W>I. HA>t>r, President of Council.
Approved April 8, 1890,
Ro,,FRT A. Small, Mayor.
Attest: Tuns. A. Pxexoeaunar, City Clerk.
April 7,
OunnAxce No. 1,319.
An ordinance changing the name of Ellen street
to Sherburne avenue.
The Common C'ouneif of the City of St. Paul do
ordain ns follows:
..Section 1. That all that street heretofore
known as Ellen Street, 1n the Eighth and Tenth
wards of the city of S[. Paul, bechanged to end
hereafter Shall be known aS Sherburne avenue.
See. 2. That Ill ordinances and art. f or-
dinances contravening this ordl.d Parts
Sec. 3. Thi. ordinance shall take effect and
be in force from mid after its passage and pub -
limit it.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Callen, Conley,
Sit, mr. ti. Kavanagh, Lefthatuer, )tinea, Pratt,
8 aborWeber, YOM -12.
dNayb4 Ald.Geban, Melxdy, Sullivan, Mr. Prea-
Passed April 1. 1800.
\t'>t. HA>uL President of Coum;ll.
Approved April N, 1800.
ROMERT A. g>OTH, 31. or.
Attest: Tune. A. YuexuenoAxT, City Clerk.
\pril 7.
OtmtxnxcF No. 1,820.
An rdinnnceauthorizing Theodore and Jo.
" d, Dllchuel to coux[nld r balcony ml a
building ou Aurora avenue, between Wabnxha
slid St. Peter street..
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
dale as follows:
Section 1. That permission and authority are
hereby glean and granted to Theodore end Jo-
seph third
c]toconsthe th bwtony rthesecond
d third stones of the three-story .Hubuildings oors
they are about 2,o fngon those ppate,m ad of lots
7 end 8 of block _ of Ewhlg, & CTute'n addition,
lying sonthwrxterly of NJ, ba asha treat. Said
balcony to he twenty feet m length sad to Pro-
jeet over the property line three feet, and to be
constructed on the Zecf said bulldlug faeJng oil
Aurora avenue.
Said work shell be done under the supervision
of and sb cllrected by the building inspector of
bac.Th(b ordinance itake effect and
be In for2. ce from and atter itsts passage mid publl-
G h.n. Le as • B
k. Mins, )lelnd�nn, Pratt,
Sullivsn, \Veber, 1'oerg. Mr. President -14.
Nay d. Conley, Sanborn -2.
Paase,l April 1, 1890.
W.M. 11A>I>I. President of Council.
Approved April 8, 1890.
ROIIF.ItT A. Sulin. )layor.
Attest Tnom. A. PIIFBDER»A.T, City Clerk.
April 7,
ORWNAIW No, 1,821.
An ordinance to establish and flx the places of
holding thelection. In all the election Jls-
tricts of the C` v of fit. Paw.
rhe Common Council of the City of St. Paw
,to rdaln am follows:
Section 1. All general, mu,,Idpnl and m ht
Iectionx in the several elee[lou district. of .bid
ty xludl be held in maid district. at the follow -
ug place.:
First Ward -
The First election dimtrict of the First ward
It 612 )n.mle.lppl street.
The Secondelection district of the First ward
It moutlo_t curlier Bradley alio North xt-tm.
The Third election district of the First ward
t nortb,-t corner Bedford and Benunlmlt
The Fourth electlondlstrict of the First ward
I No. 664 Mhod.efppf street.
The Fifth eleetiou district of the First ward
t 611 Came street.
The Sixth election district of the First ward
t 824 Puybe aceuur.
The Seventh election dfstrictof the First ward
t 1076 Greenbrier avenue.
The Eighth election district of the First ward
Areade street.
The Ninth election district of the First ward
L 1,I I Payne avenue.
Aec011tf \Pard -
The First election district of the Second ward
t corner Earl and Hastings streets.
The Second election district of the Second
2 rd at 207 Bates avenue.
The Third election district of the Second ward
corner Fifth street and )Carla avenue.
The Fourth election district of the Second
srd at 804 East Third street.
The Fifth election district of the Second wardThe
at Margaret street
Ninh election district of the Fifth ward at
police station.
The Sixth elecciop district of the Second ward
722 West Seventh street.
The Tenth election district of the Fifth
at 72o'[innehuha street.
ward at
287 Colborne street.
The Seventh election district of the Second
ward at 1104 East Seventh street.
The Eleventh election district of the Fifth ward
The Eighth election district of the Second ward
at 848 West Seventh xtmt.
The Twelfth election district of the Fifth
at 1087 East Third street.
The Ninth eleMiou district of the Second ward
at 1018 Nest Seventh street.
The Thirteenth
at Corning works.
election district of the Fifth
war at 1146 West Seventh street.
h e c
The Tenth elecciou dlatrict of the Second ward
at Newport &'Co.'s
The Fourteenth election district of the Fifth
Third Ward—
ward at 919 Randolph street, toner of Milton
TheFirer election district of the Third ward at
Sixth Ward—
.fill Park. east aide of Sibley street between
The First election district of the Sixth ward at
and Sixth streets.
The Second election district of the Third [card
northwest corner of Moses street and Fairfield
at northwest corner Olive and Sixth streets.
The Third election district of the Third ward
The Second election dletrict of the Sixth ward
atNo. 148 Sauth Wabash.
000east side of Kittaon, corner of Sixth, No.
The Third election district 011ie Sixth ward
r urin election dletrict of the Third until
at west aide Kittson, corner Eighth street.
The at, orhfftheast Iconr Pit, ad Eighth tle im[e�rd ar
The Sixth election district of the Third ward
At wee[ side Wacout. stmt, betteeeu Sixth and
Seventh streets.
The Seventh elrtiou district of the Third
ward at vest side of Rosabel, between Eighth
and Ninth 8tmta.
The Eighth' election district of the Third ward
at No. 587 Broadway stmt.
Fourth Ward—
The at Metrorepriitau hotel,l it h" tt con ertFourh
h ward
at d Washln¢ton stints.
The S d election district of the Fourth
wnrd ut Old Ci Hall, comer Washfindon and
Fifth stmt,.
The Third election district of the Fourth ward
at north side Fourth stmt, between Cedar and
Minnesota stints, lot 10, block 19. St. Paul
The Fourth election district of the Fourth
ward at uorthweet corner Robert and Sixth
The Fifth election dletrict of the Fourth ward
nt northwest corner Cedar and Sixth stmt..
The Sixth election district of the Fourth ward
at Armory hall, south side Sixth stmt, one
t of Exchange stmt.
w The Seventh lection df.trlet of the Fourth
v d at No. 114 Smith nveuue, Barte.0 block.
The Eighth election district of the Fourth
a d at Colonnade building, northsaxt c
St. Peter and Tenth streets. orner
The Ninth election district of the Fourth ward
at southensc corer tkdar and Tenth stmt..
The Tenth election district f the Fourtb
tt She
Theard ttEleve Eleventh election . 511 Robert tt district ofithe Fourtb
urd at northwest corner Robert and Twelfth
'ce Flret election district of the Fifth ward at
254 1V eat Seventh street.
The second election district of the Fifth ward
at 841 Chestnut etlset.
The Third election dlatrict of the Fifth ward
a West Seventh street.
The Fourth election district of the Fifth ward
at so thweet corner Smith avenue and Sharma
The Fifth election district of the Fifth ward at
888 West Seventh stmt.
The 81xth election df.trtt of the Fifth ward at
206 Faroe, nveuue.
The Seventh electio district of the Fifth ward
at southwest comer Douama and Bnnfil streets.
The Eighth election district of the Fifth ward t
at 503 gest Seventh street.
at southeast corner Robert stmt sad Fillmore
d election
district of tSixth ward
at l orthe et corner Fe, t nad Ketucky
stmt.. a
The Fifth election district of the Sixth ward at
northeast comer Pinto and Eva stints.
The Sixth election district of the Sixth ward
at No. 89R South Wabash. street.
h election
at sot theastcorner SouthRobertobert stmt and
Isabel stmt,
at nloring e.t corner State end of
The Ninth election dietrlc[s of the Sixth ward
at northeast comer George tint and Hall ave
The Tenth lection district of the Sixth ward
No. 546 Ohio stmt, .m
f oGeorge stmt
The Eleventh election district o[ the
ward at southwest corner Morton .tint and
IIall avenue.
The at ouhealsthcon corner Oakdale election Oaistrict of the and
stmt, avenuea ana
The Thirteenth election district of the Sixth
wan at northwest corner Concord and Anita
Seventh Ward -
The First election district of the Seventh ward
It No. 964 Dn}eton avenue.
Th vd 1 tion district of the Seventh
and at Carpenter Lookout, at corner Summit
a The Thirdd Ramsey street.
election district of the Seventh
d at cher Oakland and Grand avenue..
tv The Fourth election district of the Seventh
w arc at No. 486 The Fifth election district of the Seventh ward
at No. 49] Selby nveuue.
The Siath electlondiatrict of the Seventh ward
It No. 621 Selby ave...
The Seventh bctlml dletrict of the Seventh
w m
d at No. 99 Dale street.
Tne Eighth election district of the Seventh
wirdat southwest corner of Lincoln avenue
and Victoria street.
at HoHn
The F
wnrd on
of the Eighth ward
?90 Lords street.
sof the Eighth ward
, 215 Carroll street,
of the Eighth ward
west caner Western
trict of the Eighth
y between Western
of the Eigghhth waN
No. 206-Uhlvetsity
The Sixth election district of the Eighth wnrd IThe Third lection dletrict of the Eleventh
at Rosenthai's grgxry,uorthtreet corner'tnrion xrd at southeast toner Ashland and Snelling
8 d Charles Attests.a -s t .
. The Seventh election district of the Eighth The Fourth election district of the Eleventh
rd on Ellen street, between Dlackubhl and ward at old Reserve townhouse, Snelling.venus,
Sent streets. near corner Randolph street.
The Eighth election district of the Eighth ward Sec. 2. All din'h iucmheistei with the
It he Nfa t ower Edmund and Dale streets. provisions of this ordlnancenre hereby repeated.
The h's warshoclActii district of the Eighth ward Sec. 3. This ordinance take effect from
C Each'e x•arehottse, 'tinuehaha street hear and after Icep
mo avenue, 7'eae—Aid. BlekelgBlom, Bock, Cullen. Cauley,
The Tenth election district of the Eighth ward Fisher, Gcban, Leithem. , Mine., Malady,
At southwest corner Kent and Van Buren Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Yining, Mr-
streete. President -16.
The •erd acl Kau er eeventh 1ha111Frotnctict s[mof the c near Eighth
Passed April v j800,t Pmideut of Cotmcll.
tier street. Approved April 2, 1890.
The Twelfth electlou district of the Eighth R....r A. Satrr,
^ard at milk depot northwest cone, Front and Attest: Time. A. PRenneaoear, Cix,'[ayor.
ty Clerk.
Gaultier stmt.. April 7
The Thirteenth Election district of he Eighth
n d at E au's cigar store, Coln. .,,suite, N. P, RESOL—ON'S.
R. R. crowing. By Aid. Pratt—
Ninth Ward— Resolved, that the following plat, he approved
The First election district of the Ninth ward by he plat commfwfon and ae mommeudrd by
at southeast corner Tilton and fit. Peter etreete. the city engineer, be and the a e is hereby
The Second election distrlct of he Nluth wnrd cepted by the comm°. councli of the city of St.
t northeast corner Central avenue and R'nba- Pxiil.
aha stmt. Atawatha Park addition to the city of St.
The Third election district of the Ninth wnrd Paul, R_Insey corm[}•, Minn.'
an Temperate stmt, west side, between Grove Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blare, Bock, Cul leu, Conley,
and Thirtoeuth stmt,. Fisher, Geha 1, Kavnungli. Lelchnnwr, 'fiuea,
The Fourth election district of the Ninth ward 3felady, Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber Yoe ,
at southeast corner L'Ortnt and Thirteenth Mr. President -17.
strata' Approved April n, 1890.
'Lhe Fifth election district of the - bith wnrd By AId. Sulllvau—
at northeast over ]fount Airy and L'Orient
stmt.. Resohed, That the grade of Grand avenue.
The Sixth election district of the Ninth ward ret h'Om Clevstand avenue to Fairview avenue, as
lot il, block 20, A.hton &Sherburne'. addition. indicated by the red grade III
n the atcom-
TheSeventh election district o[ the Ninh wnrd Panying profile and as recommended by the city
at northwest corner Park and University ave- a g neer, be and the same Is hereby adopted as
the e.Gtbll.hed grade.
lairs. The Eighth election district of Lite Ninth wnrd �-ens—Aid. Rickrl, Blom, Bock, Cullen. Conley,
at K. of L. hall, Park avenue, between Lytoit Fisher. Gehxn, Kucxuagh, Letthnuser, Dlinen,
..db Sycamore street.. Meludy, Pratt, Satlborn, Sullivau,lVeber, Yoerg,
Te Nf ith election district of the Ninth wnrd 'Ir. President—17.
xt southeast corner Jackson and Sycamore Approved April 3, 1890.
streets. _
Th Tenth election district of the Ninth wnrd By .\Id. Prntt—
n The Hi veuthC.rtnand elect ouet. district of the Niuth I Re.eived, That the grade of V.od.h a street,
»xrtl n[ boutheust corner Rlce and Magoon from Citive lty nveuue to .\nburu a
[rets. ugvo indicated by the red pride Ilse on the oto -
The Twelfth elrtiou dletrict of the Nluth award Pnnylug profile. xt d ,eco waded by the
It No. 107'tertiu street. 1tS enbdueer, be and the ..maria hereby adopted
The Thlrtrnh elrtiou district o[ the Ninth a the c.t_bl.Ahed grade.
rd on Valley, south side, between l'aadn and ens—Aid. Bickrl, Blom, Bock,
en. Conley,
Warren etreete. Fisher, Gahan, Kavanagh, Lelthnuwt, Mine_,
Tenth Ward— 'lel.
lel Ay, Pratt, Sanhor. Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg,
The First election dletrict of the Tenth wad Approved ovedtA ] 7
at Asbury and Hewitt xvsaac. r I pr prtl 8. 1690.
The Second election district of the Tenth ward
at Hamlin, Cltimns' Union hall—vFesley avenue By Aid. Meletd}•—
near Snellfn6. Resolved, That the grade of theievee 'n the
The Third election district of the Tenth ward Sixth w.rd, from the east line of lot "C" of Ban-
at engine house lot,corner Raymondand Hamp- ping & Olivier'm addition to the section line be-
ew 11111t."M tweet Sections 6 and 7, as Indicated by the red
The Fourth election district of the Tenth ward grade ]nue on the accompanying proele and as
at Bayless avenue and Great Northern railway, mommeuded by the icy engineer. be and the
near S[. Anthony Park station. sa fs hereby adopted [he established
Eleventh Ward— grude.
The First enectiondietrict of the Eleventh ward Ffeher, Aid. B c sl vlB tagghH Lefthxulwi; Minnes,
on west aide Cleveland nveuue between Chicago, D{,lady, Pratt, 8anboru, Sullivan, {Veber, l'oerg,
Milwaukee & St. Paul Short Liue and St. An-
thony avenue—lot 1, block 1, Merriam Park Df r. Pros ed April
Fourth addition. Approved April 8, 1890.
The Second election district of the Eleventh —
'ard t p 11ce aubetatl ., m, Prior avenue, be- By Al'I""
. GehaOup land ¢wad FerovI. avenues, lit Union Resolved. That the citay engineer be and he is
Park' hereby directed to Jay two -plank walk on
By Aid. Blom—
Resolved, That the city engineer be instructe,
I o have crosswalks laid zee tollo}ce: Onof th
west Side of Ark, 'right street and act.'. Gcra
fum Street; one crosswalk to be laid across
Bradley street h, the center of the block be
twcen Beaumont stmt avd Minnehnhu stmt.
Fisher, Gruen. Kuv,anagh BL ithuuser, mi,ea,
Malady, Pratt, Saaflnborn, Sullivan, Weber,Y-rg, Mr. Pm.ident-17.
Approved April 3, 1890.
By Ald. Sullivan— —
Resol -ed, That the city engineer is hereby au-
thorized to make safe approach from Ferdinand
stmt to alley in block 9 between 84. Anthony
avenue and Rondo stmt, rye expenditure not
to exceed fifty dollars; also to construct side-
walk on east side of Cleveland avenue, between
Laurel and Summit avenues, withereesary
cross -walks and eroeS-walk on ecathi side of
Milwukee H,Idyenas Heroes Merriam Pi
FishnIever, Gehan.SK—maighA L ith alser,CMin
i l,
Melady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Yoe
Mr. Mr. President—l7.
Approved April :3. 1890.
B Ald. Leithauser—
Resolved, That the city engincer be hereby
ordered to have . cross -[calk laid oli the north
Side of Short stmt across Marla avenue.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Bloat, Bock, Callen, Cooley,
Fisher. Gehnn, Kavmmgh, Lefthauaer, Min4a,
Melady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Yoem,
Mr. President -17.
Approved April 3, 1890.
By AId. Melady—
Resolved, Thnt the city engineer be and is
hereby instructed to report a g ode ou tVyomfog
stmt 'r in
South Robert to Livingeton even e.
Yeas—Aid. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen. Conley,.
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Letthauser, Mines,
Melady, Yr.,t, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg,
Mr. President -17.
Approved April 3, 1890.
B - Ald. JI,•Iady
Resolved. That the city euglneer be instructed
to fill a water hole on Walter stmt, between
Indiana avenue ad Chicago avenue, at a cost
not to exceed $100.
Peas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Calleu, Conley,
F9sher, Gehan, Kavanaggh, Lelthauser, Mfnea,
Mel.dy, Pratt, Sanborv, Su9lvnn, Weber,Yoerg,
]I r. Pre.idevt 17.
Approved April 3, 1890.
By Ald. \Ieladv—
d, Phal the cityekkducer-a instructed
cause f it laid a plank crosa-walk on the
west . o e t\'iuttitred stmt, corner Id State.
Also, one plank crossing , South side of Wfu-
tdfred flerose Ohlo stmt nt end of stmt rail-
++ 11eas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Calleu, Conley,
Fisher, Gehnn, Kacevflgh. Leithanaer, \Ifuea,
)felady, Pratt, Sanborn,,,%Blvan, Weber,Yoerg,
Mr. Preside11L--17.
:t pproved April 3, 1890.
By Aid. Pratt—
Resolved, That the city engineer be d he is
bereby instruct¢" to report gr des on
big alleys "'St*
Ant hovy Park. Iv blocks 77,
7a. t1 lad 38. -
Fisher Geha Bickel. Blom,
Lelthauser, �Mhten'
Malady, Pratt, Sanborn, Su]Iivan,Weber, Yom,
Approved April 8, 1890.
By Aid. Geban—
Zbsoived, That the city engineer be and he is
hereby directed to Placecense walks as follows:
One crossing Elk stmt, northide f Acker
street; one crossing Acker, east side of f'ortlati
one crossing Arch. side of Jackson; one
crosid-9 Sylvan, south side f Sycamore; one
cr _119 Acker, east side of Elk; one crossing
Linden, north side of Mount Airy; ova croeehtg
Mount Airy, east side of Linden.
Peas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Uillen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Bi "" gh,Lrithattser,Mhtea,\[e-
lady, Pratt, Saubor1 Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg,
Mr. Preafdent-17.
Approved April 3, 1890,
By Aid. Sanborn—
Resolved, That the city engineer be and he is
ieteby instructed to rayon a suitable geode for
the alley in block.l3, of Holcontbds addition to
Bt. Paul.
Peas—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Ffaher, Gahan. Kavanagh,Lelthauser.Mlnea,}le-
lady, Pratt, �nnborv, Sullivan, Welar, Yoerg,-
Mr. Pmsideut-17. 1
Approved April 3, 1890.
Y Aid. Biom—
Resolved, That the city engineer be and he is
yreb htetrneted to report u oyer graIe for
to alley lit block 1 q of Oakville Park additlou
y the city of St. Pani.
Yens—Aldo Bickeh Blom, Aock, Cullen, Conley,
fisher, Gahan, h-¢vaugh,Lithaser,3finen,Me-
dy, Yrat[, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg,
r. Presidentrl7.
Approved April 3, 18b0.
P Aid. Lei[bmacr—
Resolved, That the city engincer be hereby- or -
red to lay a cross walk on the north side of
cot Fourth stmt, across Mendota street.
Fisher Ghan Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen, Conley, Pratt, .Smtborn. $Ullican, Weber, 1'oerg, JIr.
Melady, Pratt, SunborniSulliveann,, Neber,Y:'rg: P ApprovedlAprll 3, 1890.
Mr. President -17
Approved oved April 3. 1890.
B lid. Leithiol a ]%Alo. S uh rtt—
R lved, That themmmitmeen Parke be and
Th the cityy enogtu be Hereby ori they are hereby authorized td n traded to
dere" to lay a cross +talk the east aide of cu a gets pi ire iron frnce to be constructed and
Hleusn-SAldeBickelc Alom Bock, Cullen, Conley, Intuited oil the stmt sides of the parks at
the corners of Laurel stoma and St: Albans
Fisher G
a h .L[
Leith eat it
g Haase 4 ' nn ex
.Lae user
¢ tot t
o excee
Mie a szo6
ul• Pr
¢tt Sx
3. shorn
an {V Sas--Al pe
eber,l'oerg, d. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Calleu, Conley,
Jr. President -l7. Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Lelthauser, Mines.
Approved April 8, 1g90. Meta Pratt, $unborn, $ulllv.n, A'eber, Yoerg,
-- 3Ir. Prrsldcut-1,
By Aid. Melady— Approved April :3, 1890.—
Resolved. That the city, en!!�� ser be instructed
to {{dace a two -plank sidewalk on the south aide
of ('hicago'r-l"", bmarea Evastmt and Eaton BS' Aid. C'onley—
street. Resolved, That the comtnitteeon police bee ld
Peas—Aid. Blekel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley, Lliey- are hereby' instructed to sell or cause to be
- Fisher, Gehnn, Kavanagh, Lelthauser, 111nea, sold the two he—.usthat are now In the police
ylelady, Pratt, sail bora, Sullivan, Weber,Ycerg, patrol servire d fit for duty, and to Pur -
Mr PreuW mt 17. base tr+'o horses in place thereof for an(d eerv-
Approved Apri18, 1890. i Ye Ald Bickel, Blom, Beck, Cullen, Conley,
By AId. Lelthauser— Fisher. Gehan, Kavanagh. I,eitbauset, Mines,
Resolved that the city englncer is hereby In- Melody, Pratt S nborn. Sullivan, \Veber, Yoerg
trurng to cause a'clle, r Ming f Hatched Mr.Pre.ideut-l7.
flooring to be built oil both sides of the Third `t PProved April 3, 1890.
fi1met viaduct garotteeat the frightening of homesthethe smoke of By Ald. Callen—Joe —
F,Ye. Ald. Resolved, Thu[ the otnt city hall and court
fens—Ala. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Colley, house committee be anr� Is hereby authorized [o
Fisher, Gahan, Kavanagh, Lelthauser, Mines, make each chaagee m the inner walls of the udice
+Iniad a Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber,Yocrg, of regt.ter of deeds as amy be dcemed uece.e.ry.
Mr. Prestaent-17.
Approved April 3, 1890. 1'rna—Aid. Bfekel, Blom, Bock, Callen, Conley,
_ Fleher, Geha.. Kavanagh, Lith.11-r, Mme.,
Melady, Pratt, Sanborn, So ]Iran Weber,
ReSollved that the ¢asoline lamp contractor be AfApproved Aprlil 3, 1890.
bereby ordered to place and malutnin two gas _
Ilse lumps on Euclid stmt between Hoffmuu By Ald. Rock—
s' d Marla avenue. Resolved, That the 8t. Paul City Railway
+l'e rue --Aid. Bickel; Blom, Bock, Qillen. Coley. c
Fisher, Gahan, Kavanagh, Leithaueer, \linea, °nip ny be and they are hereby IuetnuteA to
Melady, Pratt, Seaborn, Sullivan, Weber, p+n-e between their rails and between theirtrack-s
1'oerg, Mr. Preident—l7. with granite blocks without n no,ceseary delay,
Approved At
3, 1890. on West Seventh street, between Richmond
_ stmt and Tuscaror. street.
By Aid. Melnd _ ]Ff "ems—old. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Callen, Conley,
Resolved that street oil
III to contractor be (e nd"hery, P nit, 8mtbort79ul1 van {Veber, l'oerg,
and is hereby instructed to remove the lamp on Mr. Preefdent-17.
the center of the crussingon southeast corner Approved April 3, 1890.
of Robie and State and put the same it, the _
fees pAld. Blekel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley, Resolved, That the tight and permission Is
Fisher, Gehnn, Kavanagh, Lefthansea ]Ihteu, h reby granted to the. Kor[hwes[erna Teletphone
)leludy, Yratt, Snnbont. Sullivan. Weber. ]'cerg, F,xchmtge anu� ny, Its eneceseoro zed igns,
\Ir. President -17. to cuustruct. nln[aln and Aerate conduits or
APproved April 3, 1890. subway- with n tw, mmi-hole. Slid service
pipes aufHclent for the ptrrpoee , f conducting
Ry Ald. Melody— and rfistrihuttng Its wares upon and through the
Resoh-ed, That the street oil lam contractor toliowhtg stmt., to wit: On Cedar street from
is hereby Instructed to Pince slid maintain Second trot to Seventh,street, Fifth Street
e gasoline lampp on the northwest corner of irom Cedar tut to Broada%, Robert street
\Vtoodbury and Page stmt. from Fourth stmt to Seventh amt, Sihle)-
1'ens—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Back, Cullen, Coale •, it
from Third street to seventh street, Hud
Fisher, Gahan. Iiacanngh, thau."' Minea, Broadway froni Third stmt to Seventh street.
Melady. Pratt, ,Saoboni. 3ullivmt, Weber. ]'oerg, ''ill of said work of constructing said conduits to
)tr. President—!,. be under the supervision and subjcet to the 1
Approred April 3, 189u
. pe d"'
of tlw city engineer, and In conformity
_ xith the provisions of Ordinance No. 1,2w;
By Ald. Gehan— pad
Resolved, That the fire Commissioners be and a Yep
the} -are hereby directed to place one fire alarm ley, F
hnx near Hobert A. 8mtth school. \Imes,
]'ea.—AId. Blekel, Btom, Rock, Cullen, Conley, 1'oetg,
F'ishrr, Gehnn, Lelthauser, Mines, :1lelady, Ali 9
Feb. 18, 1890, approcea Feb. t9, 1890,
ubl(ehed Feb. 24, 1890.
ne>-AId. Blekel, Blom, Bock, Callen, Cor-
Warns st, et, West Side, from Arch tree, t
! I
Mount Alry: also a two-plauk walk on Fnirv!e
street from Mount Alr>-stet to \'alley stmt.
ilt 1' F
Yens—Ald. Bickel, Blorem, Bock, Callen, Coale}
Fisher, Gets.,
Lelthauser, Mines, Melody
Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, 111
President -16.
Approved April 3, 18 0.
By Ald. Gehnn
Resolved, That
the city engineer be and lie i,
hereby Instructed to
repair or improve Sylvat
stmt, said improvement to cost not more than
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley
q. 1
i! ..
Fisher '
. Gehmt Kncaua h Leithuuser \Ila
.fele" Pratt
y. Sanborn Sullfvnu eye
l"App, Approved Aprils .1890
APFroved April 8, 1890.
By Aid. Gehmi-
fir, ?
ResMved, That the city engf uee, be aad he Is
directed to lay tNo plank sidewalk on
Sylvan street, \5'est side, lrom sycamore to
Rose street.
Yens—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gahan. Lithunsr,Mines �felnay.
Prntt. Sioito,a, Sullivan, \Veber, Yoerg, Mr.
Pre.tdent 18.
' ,
Approved April 3, 1890.
By Aid. Blom—
Resolved, That the city engineer be instructe,
I o have crosswalks laid zee tollo}ce: Onof th
west Side of Ark, 'right street and act.'. Gcra
fum Street; one crosswalk to be laid across
Bradley street h, the center of the block be
twcen Beaumont stmt avd Minnehnhu stmt.
Fisher, Gruen. Kuv,anagh BL ithuuser, mi,ea,
Malady, Pratt, Saaflnborn, Sullivan, Weber,Y-rg, Mr. Pm.ident-17.
Approved April 3, 1890.
By Ald. Sullivan— —
Resol -ed, That the city engineer is hereby au-
thorized to make safe approach from Ferdinand
stmt to alley in block 9 between 84. Anthony
avenue and Rondo stmt, rye expenditure not
to exceed fifty dollars; also to construct side-
walk on east side of Cleveland avenue, between
Laurel and Summit avenues, withereesary
cross -walks and eroeS-walk on ecathi side of
Milwukee H,Idyenas Heroes Merriam Pi
FishnIever, Gehan.SK—maighA L ith alser,CMin
i l,
Melady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Yoe
Mr. Mr. President—l7.
Approved April :3. 1890.
B Ald. Leithauser—
Resolved, That the city engincer be hereby
ordered to have . cross -[calk laid oli the north
Side of Short stmt across Marla avenue.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Bloat, Bock, Callen, Cooley,
Fisher. Gehnn, Kavmmgh, Lefthauaer, Min4a,
Melady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Yoem,
Mr. President -17.
Approved April 3, 1890.
By AId. Melady—
Resolved, Thnt the city engineer be and is
hereby instructed to report a g ode ou tVyomfog
stmt 'r in
South Robert to Livingeton even e.
Yeas—Aid. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen. Conley,.
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Letthauser, Mines,
Melady, Yr.,t, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg,
Mr. President -17.
Approved April 3, 1890.
B - Ald. JI,•Iady
Resolved. That the city euglneer be instructed
to fill a water hole on Walter stmt, between
Indiana avenue ad Chicago avenue, at a cost
not to exceed $100.
Peas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Calleu, Conley,
F9sher, Gehan, Kavanaggh, Lelthauser, Mfnea,
Mel.dy, Pratt, Sanborv, Su9lvnn, Weber,Yoerg,
]I r. Pre.idevt 17.
Approved April 3, 1890.
By Ald. \Ieladv—
d, Phal the cityekkducer-a instructed
cause f it laid a plank crosa-walk on the
west . o e t\'iuttitred stmt, corner Id State.
Also, one plank crossing , South side of Wfu-
tdfred flerose Ohlo stmt nt end of stmt rail-
++ 11eas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Calleu, Conley,
Fisher, Gehnn, Kacevflgh. Leithanaer, \Ifuea,
)felady, Pratt, Sanborn,,,%Blvan, Weber,Yoerg,
Mr. Preside11L--17.
:t pproved April 3, 1890.
By Aid. Pratt—
Resolved, That the city engineer be d he is
bereby instruct¢" to report gr des on
big alleys "'St*
Ant hovy Park. Iv blocks 77,
7a. t1 lad 38. -
Fisher Geha Bickel. Blom,
Lelthauser, �Mhten'
Malady, Pratt, Sanborn, Su]Iivan,Weber, Yom,
Approved April 8, 1890.
By Aid. Geban—
Zbsoived, That the city engineer be and he is
hereby directed to Placecense walks as follows:
One crossing Elk stmt, northide f Acker
street; one crossing Acker, east side of f'ortlati
one crossing Arch. side of Jackson; one
crosid-9 Sylvan, south side f Sycamore; one
cr _119 Acker, east side of Elk; one crossing
Linden, north side of Mount Airy; ova croeehtg
Mount Airy, east side of Linden.
Peas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Uillen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Bi "" gh,Lrithattser,Mhtea,\[e-
lady, Pratt, Saubor1 Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg,
Mr. Preafdent-17.
Approved April 3, 1890,
By Aid. Sanborn—
Resolved, That the city engineer be and he is
ieteby instructed to rayon a suitable geode for
the alley in block.l3, of Holcontbds addition to
Bt. Paul.
Peas—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Ffaher, Gahan. Kavanagh,Lelthauser.Mlnea,}le-
lady, Pratt, �nnborv, Sullivan, Welar, Yoerg,-
Mr. Pmsideut-17. 1
Approved April 3, 1890.
Y Aid. Biom—
Resolved, That the city engineer be and he is
yreb htetrneted to report u oyer graIe for
to alley lit block 1 q of Oakville Park additlou
y the city of St. Pani.
Yens—Aldo Bickeh Blom, Aock, Cullen, Conley,
fisher, Gahan, h-¢vaugh,Lithaser,3finen,Me-
dy, Yrat[, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg,
r. Presidentrl7.
Approved April 3, 18b0.
P Aid. Lei[bmacr—
Resolved, That the city engincer be hereby- or -
red to lay a cross walk on the north side of
cot Fourth stmt, across Mendota street.
Fisher Ghan Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen, Conley, Pratt, .Smtborn. $Ullican, Weber, 1'oerg, JIr.
Melady, Pratt, SunborniSulliveann,, Neber,Y:'rg: P ApprovedlAprll 3, 1890.
Mr. President -17
Approved oved April 3. 1890.
B lid. Leithiol a ]%Alo. S uh rtt—
R lved, That themmmitmeen Parke be and
Th the cityy enogtu be Hereby ori they are hereby authorized td n traded to
dere" to lay a cross +talk the east aide of cu a gets pi ire iron frnce to be constructed and
Hleusn-SAldeBickelc Alom Bock, Cullen, Conley, Intuited oil the stmt sides of the parks at
the corners of Laurel stoma and St: Albans
Fisher G
a h .L[
Leith eat it
g Haase 4 ' nn ex
.Lae user
¢ tot t
o excee
Mie a szo6
ul• Pr
¢tt Sx
3. shorn
an {V Sas--Al pe
eber,l'oerg, d. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Calleu, Conley,
Jr. President -l7. Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Lelthauser, Mines.
Approved April 8, 1g90. Meta Pratt, $unborn, $ulllv.n, A'eber, Yoerg,
-- 3Ir. Prrsldcut-1,
By Aid. Melady— Approved April :3, 1890.—
Resolved. That the city, en!!�� ser be instructed
to {{dace a two -plank sidewalk on the south aide
of ('hicago'r-l"", bmarea Evastmt and Eaton BS' Aid. C'onley—
street. Resolved, That the comtnitteeon police bee ld
Peas—Aid. Blekel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley, Lliey- are hereby' instructed to sell or cause to be
- Fisher, Gehnn, Kavanagh, Lelthauser, 111nea, sold the two he—.usthat are now In the police
ylelady, Pratt, sail bora, Sullivan, Weber,Ycerg, patrol servire d fit for duty, and to Pur -
Mr PreuW mt 17. base tr+'o horses in place thereof for an(d eerv-
Approved Apri18, 1890. i Ye Ald Bickel, Blom, Beck, Cullen, Conley,
By AId. Lelthauser— Fisher. Gehan, Kavanagh. I,eitbauset, Mines,
Resolved that the city englncer is hereby In- Melody, Pratt S nborn. Sullivan, \Veber, Yoerg
trurng to cause a'clle, r Ming f Hatched Mr.Pre.ideut-l7.
flooring to be built oil both sides of the Third `t PProved April 3, 1890.
fi1met viaduct garotteeat the frightening of homesthethe smoke of By Ald. Callen—Joe —
F,Ye. Ald. Resolved, Thu[ the otnt city hall and court
fens—Ala. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Colley, house committee be anr� Is hereby authorized [o
Fisher, Gahan, Kavanagh, Lelthauser, Mines, make each chaagee m the inner walls of the udice
+Iniad a Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber,Yocrg, of regt.ter of deeds as amy be dcemed uece.e.ry.
Mr. Prestaent-17.
Approved April 3, 1890. 1'rna—Aid. Bfekel, Blom, Bock, Callen, Conley,
_ Fleher, Geha.. Kavanagh, Lith.11-r, Mme.,
Melady, Pratt, Sanborn, So ]Iran Weber,
ReSollved that the ¢asoline lamp contractor be AfApproved Aprlil 3, 1890.
bereby ordered to place and malutnin two gas _
Ilse lumps on Euclid stmt between Hoffmuu By Ald. Rock—
s' d Marla avenue. Resolved, That the 8t. Paul City Railway
+l'e rue --Aid. Bickel; Blom, Bock, Qillen. Coley. c
Fisher, Gahan, Kavanagh, Leithaueer, \linea, °nip ny be and they are hereby IuetnuteA to
Melady, Pratt, Seaborn, Sullivan, Weber, p+n-e between their rails and between theirtrack-s
1'oerg, Mr. Preident—l7. with granite blocks without n no,ceseary delay,
Approved At
3, 1890. on West Seventh street, between Richmond
_ stmt and Tuscaror. street.
By Aid. Melnd _ ]Ff "ems—old. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Callen, Conley,
Resolved that street oil
III to contractor be (e nd"hery, P nit, 8mtbort79ul1 van {Veber, l'oerg,
and is hereby instructed to remove the lamp on Mr. Preefdent-17.
the center of the crussingon southeast corner Approved April 3, 1890.
of Robie and State and put the same it, the _
fees pAld. Blekel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley, Resolved, That the tight and permission Is
Fisher, Gehnn, Kavanagh, Lefthansea ]Ihteu, h reby granted to the. Kor[hwes[erna Teletphone
)leludy, Yratt, Snnbont. Sullivan. Weber. ]'cerg, F,xchmtge anu� ny, Its eneceseoro zed igns,
\Ir. President -17. to cuustruct. nln[aln and Aerate conduits or
APproved April 3, 1890. subway- with n tw, mmi-hole. Slid service
pipes aufHclent for the ptrrpoee , f conducting
Ry Ald. Melody— and rfistrihuttng Its wares upon and through the
Resoh-ed, That the street oil lam contractor toliowhtg stmt., to wit: On Cedar street from
is hereby Instructed to Pince slid maintain Second trot to Seventh,street, Fifth Street
e gasoline lampp on the northwest corner of irom Cedar tut to Broada%, Robert street
\Vtoodbury and Page stmt. from Fourth stmt to Seventh amt, Sihle)-
1'ens—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Back, Cullen, Coale •, it
from Third street to seventh street, Hud
Fisher, Gahan. Iiacanngh, thau."' Minea, Broadway froni Third stmt to Seventh street.
Melady. Pratt, ,Saoboni. 3ullivmt, Weber. ]'oerg, ''ill of said work of constructing said conduits to
)tr. President—!,. be under the supervision and subjcet to the 1
Approred April 3, 189u
. pe d"'
of tlw city engineer, and In conformity
_ xith the provisions of Ordinance No. 1,2w;
By Ald. Gehan— pad
Resolved, That the fire Commissioners be and a Yep
the} -are hereby directed to place one fire alarm ley, F
hnx near Hobert A. 8mtth school. \Imes,
]'ea.—AId. Blekel, Btom, Rock, Cullen, Conley, 1'oetg,
F'ishrr, Gehnn, Lelthauser, Mines, :1lelady, Ali 9
Feb. 18, 1890, approcea Feb. t9, 1890,
ubl(ehed Feb. 24, 1890.
ne>-AId. Blekel, Blom, Bock, Callen, Cor-
By Aid. Jfeladp—
Resolved by the common council of the city of F Fhert, (,'eltold -m n,eKaviixgh. 7,eithaser, en tJli�ien,
St. o Pan), s That Our eeuatasaud representatives Jlelxdy, Prat t, Sanborn, Sullivxu, \Veber, ]'oerg,
in Congress from thin state ore renpec•thdiv urged ,I r. preo,drut-17.
to aid i proruritai the passage of the bill now Approved April :3, 1800.
ppeeudiug�before congress for the coustruC•tiou of . _
bri(IM over the llleninsippi riverfn the City of St. B}' Committee oil
and kt10\cit ns file Bmudwsy bridge. lienolved,'That the contract for LIIP C•olleC•tion
Be it further enol veA.''hut the c ty clerk be I; of dead saininlx and delivery of the sane to the
and in hereby lustnicted to fun\'nrd to a ch of I Azotine JDtnufat•turinK Contt�an 5• be and the
or senators aid r,Iovsentutfvrs ill congress +ui s ti a is hereby aw,trderl to B. F. Ebfnon in ac.
otifcial copy of these solutions without delay, c rdtulce with rhe propoxnl hereto attached, uud
1'rux—Aid. Bickel, rilOm, Bock, Cullen, t'onle}-, the corporation xttonie}- is heresy luntructed
Fisher, Gehnn. Knvo.agh. Leftlmuser, Jlfaea, to draw up the necessary contract and ..built
Jfelady. Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, ' the name to the common council for approval. Aprileut-17. Y-sae—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, C.Llle'i, Colney,
:{ppr0ved April :i, 1890. Fixher, Gehan, Kuvaungh, Leitbauser. llinen,
' Mehtdp, Ynttt, sxnborn, Sullivan, Weber, Y-oerg,
By,{Id. Jlehtdy'— -- Jtr. Yrealdentt, Sa
liesOlved. That the sum of 81,600, or as much Approved April 8, 1890.
thereof ax m y be i ecexsn y, be appropriated
out of the nark- fund for building aretuminq wall Resolved, That the contract between the
xi d otbe,107 impr%,JJa prospeC•t 1'errnce park.' Azogtine Jlauufacturing company ud the city
Tens—.{Id. Bickel, Blom, Buck, Cullen, Coale}• of t. Pnnl, Learing date the is[ day of April,
Fisher, Gehnn, Kavanagh. Lefthauser, Jliuea, A.D. 1890, n d provlding for the collection
Melody, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, and rentoval of the garbage Of the city, acid the
Y.Cm, Mr. President -17. bond of $11,000 ProvideU by said •Ontpltt y,
Approved April :t, iN90. be and [he name are hereby approved, and the
city officers ere hereby reb xu[hori
Y zed uud
By Aid. (lilies— 1 to execute said contract Ill behalf of
RexoD-ed, hsc nn order be draw's u n the I ; he city of St. pool, \rhes the St. Paul Sunitn-
•ity treasurer m favor of the Flrnt \u[iontd tion compavy has given a release of nap claims
bank for the sum of one hnmirsd and necen ty- t may have by rennoa t ion contract ith the
and 8:1-100 (5170.83) Ctollars, In yid ! of city for the Conec[ion of garbage, sn(d release to
Interest on the uotr of $6,000 gl crit for r one b approved by the corporutlon attorney.
Y Yeas—AId. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
1t•statd for the illumination of the citte fair.y during Flsher, Gehan, Kavanagh, I,eithnuse I' Mlnen,
corder lfeler'y, Pratt, Sanbont, Sullivan, Weber, Y'oerg,
i der to of delivered only upon the JI r. Preelde1, 17.
the "Ity o I troller therefor being tiled fn the otlfce of Approved April 3, 1890.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley, —
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithaussr, 3t1. ca,
3elady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sallies., Weber,Y-oerg,
Mr. Prexident-17.
Approved April 3, 1890.
By Aid. Weber—
Itenolved, That an order be drawn in favor of
the board of control for the sum of $1,599.62,
being the city's one-third of the expenditum of
s d board for"' month of \larch, 1890.
Y"eae—Ald. Bickel, V1'om, f;',IT Cullen, Coale}•,
Fisher, Oehuit, ICnvw.,, ,I Lelthxuser, .linea,
Mrladp, Pratt, Salbuni, Sullivan, weber, Yoerg,
J1 r. Preside.
Approved Aprfl.3, 1890,
By Aid. Mslatly—
Rosm Into
w,th George Sulart for ohlnnshinct tic
the city with
thin """"go
veing 'nacerts very week, to be held in
the parks hereafter designated by the committee
on ,urkx end that
t the ant of $2,200 be the
r_a4asutfon xlibned for said aeries of con.
Fisher, Gem., Kxcamgli, Lei[halser, Jliuea,
,,,lady. Pratt, Sanborn. Suliivnn, Weber, Y'oerg,
Mr. President, 17.
Approved April ;L 1890.
By Committee on Streets—
Resolved, That the contract for the collection
AixX oxnl of night it I"e and the sn a iq
hereby warded to B. F. Ellison 1. sec dunce
the proposal hereto ,it ed, xudC•or-
uorat fon attorney Is hereby in atructed to drew
pthe necessary contract and submit the s
to the common counsel for approval. a
BY Aid. Sanborn—
Resolved, That Rule 81 of the council rules be
Hoed by ridding thereto: ••And all final
orders for slde[valka hereafter Introduced Into
the city council shall lay over until the second
regular council meeting atter their Introduction
before they are passed. and hall lmmedcately
after their introduction be published in the pro-
ceedings of the common comtcll as proposed
Ft$h r,,Gehan,ek Lelthaliser, Jliuea, Cullen,
Pratt, Sauborn, Sullivan, Weber, Ycerg, 31 r.
President -16.
Resolved. That the following persons be and
they are hereby appohired
judges for the eneuiug
City elec[iou to be held May 0th, 1890, viz:
Flit9'r \PARD.
First District --Gustave A. Knauft, John J.
Miller, Morris H. Flaroheim.
F.Cr.a District—August Johnson,' Edward F.
Krahmer. TJlos. J. lfullane.
Third District --August Ekblad, M. Carl Schuler,
3fiC•hael 31
Fourth District—Edwin R. Stifle, John Wha,
le-. Olof G. ]Nilson.
Fifth District—Toni] Copellimijames O'Brien,
Louis Job .... I
Sixth Dfntrict—Rexil Shane, John Getman,
J be re nth lligtrictr—Jae. E. Froiaeth, Peter Jlvel-
e John E. Kjellberg.
Figur Dlstrict—John Sandell, Gregory P.
`iuthDlei r-i•t—Jax. IT. Johnson, Henry
3oucher, U. A. laouber
necOxo w.nm.
First District—Fred Aichele, Fred Bonn, Sher.
roan S. Wntkinx. -
Second District—James Dillon, Richard.Erdeu-
burger. Fred 1{'. Lolimun.
Third I 1nD yet—Peter B.C. Feed. Knuuft,
James Y. Kell p.
Fourth Dixtrict—Adolph Schlitz, Ira Eg21es-
ton, .Jaliles Farrell.
Fifth District --('has. Lied men, Jacob Heck,
Theo. E. Bht.x,•.
Sixth District—:lutist Passavant, Peter,
Kelm, John Sonstrom.
Seventh District—Chas. B. Wilgus, Janes Bed -
bury, Alfred Flournoy.
Eighth District—Steven McDonough, Win.
Wakefield. Nichols. WdI\rer.
\frith Dfxtrict—Eda.rd J. Hetlfeld, Frank W.
Hadfield, Henry J. C.31-klntonh.
Te It i District—Olver S. Hagerman, John
O'Connor, J. Bailey Jett.
iHian WARD.
First District—Adolph H. Simon, Grier M.Orr,
Hamlet W. Ih vis.
Second District—Emanuel Good, Chas.Grew'e,
Jnxou W. Waft.
Third District—Henry Bojee, Jas. Carroll, Jr.,
Fourtr, h HDistrict—\els andel]
ern,xn T
rot. ,. I
Fit Distriet—CurrollJ. Heady, C. F. Sunbft,
1Vilnon Il, Wright.
Sixth District—Henn• A. Davis, Jas. Murray,
Pasco Pollock.
Seventh 1)noriet—Frank C. Dentno. James
3tocrixon. 3lichnel J. O'Brlen.
Righth District—Henry S. Temple, Johq G.
Daub, Edward P. Wade.
.John F. He
\lath Dix
11nrk T. C.
Tenth Ills
King. Thos.
abs, Jnmes
ci Eighth District --los. " 11019111, Chas. A.
Frank Nhith DistrlctVljsnn E. Dodge, Peter Bielen,
Frank Hummer.
Tenth District—Alfred G. F,arnshn\v, Christo
F.leventh e. District-{{'Im. T. Barton, Ch...
Mitchell, Gustaf Schultz
Twelfth Dintrfct—Anton B tlenn, Robert A.
Jones, Fred -line weber.
Thirteenth District—Leo Bruggemau, Jensehr
11. Slieire. Jon. M.chovits.
Fourteenth District—Willard G. Thorp, Win,
it. Carter, Patrick R. Smith.
stmt WAnu.
First DistrictGottfriedHeimbnek, Benjamin
llfueu. Gilbert Tessler.
hanCioud District-�Tnmes P. Mullvehfll, :\bra-
Schuman, Jotin C'. 1lcCntthy.
Third District—John J. Ityan, Joseph Guion,
William Leyde.
Fourth Distrito—][ichnel C'onuots, Sohn Nor.
man. Jr...John Sandrovsky.
Fifth District—Emil Regale, Rudolph Bonn,
Lower W'.n.cht.
SLvth ills '
telco—JLLCoh BOhrer, Henry J. Peters
Gecle di Di.t,j '
.h ty, Piet—Michael D. Carroll, Morris
P Efgh[ht Df ntr et—Eugene) J[eG hire, Adnnl Hehis,
Frank Go—
Moth District—Ammst Jobst, Morgan S.Grey,
John BnrC•h.
Tenth Districts—Henry F. Pieper, Alfred Soren -
e . William L. Quhm.
oEleventIt Dixtrict—Andrew' Schlitz, Francis if.
Arbuckle, Georgy Wells.
Twelfth District—Joseph Smith, Willi.. Ill.
Andrew's, Otis H. of Hrfiry,n.
Thirteenth Dlstrict—Thomne Tracy, Joseph
:l nstett, august Ad. I.
{Clan. Steele, Aug. Hammer,
—Chas. C. Fairchild, Richard
First Distriet—Charles H. Manship, George W.
I. Christian.
-Henry J. Strouse, Pat J. Can-
Jloore, Fri H. .Tudnon.
Second District—William 11. Bushnell. William
—Stephen J. Ahern, Owen Jful-
H. Fnruhxm. Job. D. Miller.
''hirrJ Uintrict—{Vniter Holcombe, Russell R.
-win. H. Hopson, Geo. W.
Durr, Chnrlen .7. A. 3forris.
Fourth Dlstrict—Arthur E. Clark, Intim L.
Toho Y. Burch, Albert Spangen.
31a -'I, Milton G. Brown.
Fifth Dixtrict—Riles D. LibbeS', Daniel IV.Law-
---Is¢nc Lincoht, Jos. P. Frye,
]e`, Henry IWthechild.
•izth District—Rdwnrd H. Turner, YVIRInm R.
Burton, E(it, F. Beck.
Jos, T. Kerker, Jos. S. Horst,
Seventh Dlstvfet—George W. Merrill, John J.
Williams. Nni-ry H. Young.
Tohll Kerwin, James O'Brien,
Eighth DintdC', sbton Peabody, Lee Hall,
Isaac H. Price.
I D. Williams, Chas. C.
C. Miles, John For.
First District—Chns. T. Cardigan, Christian N.
Blakely, Nicholas Kraemer.
and District—winm
. E. Sansoe, Jae, A.
Ritchie. Nicholas Hardy.
Third District—Walter Ife. win. Cornea. Rob-
ert A. Ringwnld.
Fourth Dfs,rfet—Cyto J. Thompson, Watren
77. Jlead, Alfred B. Bracket.
Fifth In aeric[—Henry Schlatter, G7arenca R.
G crdner. Joe. Hoeg.
Ix,h Dfntrict—HURh JI. \evine,Johu H. Hore-
fati, win. Noonan.
verill Dlstnet--Cbes. L. Funk, Will. J.
wemple, Patrick H. Thorutou.
ElanrR HARD.
Firer It—Andrew Defiel, William J. Lux,
J �hn Mailer..
ofd District—Mard. Drefs,Joha G. Petter,
Al her, Halft. .
Thiel Dl'111 a �Toelnh B. Chaney, Thomas
Caulfield,Wfliixin H. 3fead.
Fourth District—Tames Dcatho . William
B}Tnes, Oscar C. Lonegren,
Fifth District—John C. Haupt, August Marks,
A ugusc Jackson
Sxth Distriet—Geo. Gerlach, Enoch 1I. Hallo -
\v 1i, i.e. Roxenthal.
Seventh Distriet—Otto Nagel, Fred Schu-
fa•her, Almon v. rinrringer.
Eighth District—Henry (;. Sachet,, Peter Red.
unser. Geo. Geruch.
\Stith Dlstrict—Alex. Nicholl, Will. Each, Jar
cob Lun ommumer.
Tenth District—Wm. P. Hilliard, Chaa. Ph
buck, Pred. Beyer.
Eleventh Distrlcd `Velter \118011, Wm. Di
re ,Charles Haroke. -
Twelfth District—Henry Hoffman, Job
i. Ad .
%ranolph Schneppmfller.
Tmrteentit Dintrlct—l,•has, A. Wallittgtorf
Johu P. Wall,
Henry Beauties
.Is- WARD.
First District—Thos. Reilly, Robert Lnhrsen
Wm. Marko-.
Second District—John Klein, Lewis L. 31a+
Geo. E. Norton.
Third District—Wm. Murphy, Wm. Roche
Ludwig Thlelen.
Fourth District—Tom J. Brady, Wm. G
Jonee, Frank Werriek.
FDth District-3fartin Maher, Wm. Mc
Teague. Johu Reclean.
Sixth District—Tastes Corsican, Walter Gib
bon, Wm. Stockton.
Seve'IthDistrict—Ed Fox, Cha, Slaake,
Frank Ellis.
Eighth District—Ed L. Murphy, Chs.. J. Carl.
Al Henke.
Ninth Di.trlct—ThD.. G—ly, David Fitzger.
aid, Geo. Sheire.
Tenth District—Wm. J. Gleason, James Galla.
gher, Jan. H. Rothwell
Eleventh D{strfet—Henry Hinea, John Hig-
1. �Twelfth ll strfet—Rudolph Vollmer, Jos, 3le-
GThirteeuthe Distr •ta Bernard Dolan, Chea.
Johnson, John Donlln.
First Dintrlct—Chas. L. Inhibited., Tiru. J.
Heard, Edward H. Wood.
Second District—bring W. Harper, Christ.
Beudickeon, Johu 1'omtg.
Third Distth,tlHerbert N. Stephenson, Jos.
Chambers, Daniel H. Hunt.
Fourth District—Albert 31. Alden, A. Dayton
Condit, Jame. H. Southall.
--RT. WAD..
First Dintrlct—Ezra A. tipham, William Wy-
to oTfu a W: T
Sec d Diatriet 4Her J. Brainerd, Ferd.
W. Root; Tbomtta B. Prince.
Third District—Thoma. Melliuley. Job, D.
Rattermarin, Cltrtis 31. Churchill.
Fourth DhArict—Peter Bohland, Carl Koenig.
Morrie A�Luby.
Fisheer, Gleh ni, Kavarm¢t,B Leithauser, 3[hteu,
Melady,Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Welter,
Yoerg, 31r. President -17,
Approved April 2, 1890.
Resolved, That the board of public works
cause the following streets to be sprinkled dur-
ing the sprinkling season of 1890:
D.rrmer No. 2.
Third street bridge, from Locust street to
Ce{al street.
Third treat, from Commercial street to 3raple
Fourth street, from Brook street to end of in,-
nel Duluth railroad.
Fourth street, from Staple street to 280 feet
west oP Maria avenue.
Fifth street, from Staple street to 280 feet
West of 31-i. avenue.
Sixth street, from 475 feet west of 31arla ave-
nue to Arcade street.
ilSeventh street, from Brook street to Duluth
I e Conway street. from Hoffman evemreto Maple
Euclid nvevue. (corn Hoffman avenue 160 feet
aHopki s Itre-eta from vellBradley street to Do
Sofa street.
Ida street.tree(, from Lafayette avenue to 31t.
Collin- street, from Lafayette avenue to Bed-
' ford street.
Beaumont at. street -treat, from Payne avenue to De
S Alb—chaha street,from Seventh street to Burr
[tease}- street, from Set enth street to Edger
on street.
Fauquler I.street, from Greenbrier avenue to
F Rossostreet, from Seventh street to Earl
Decatur street, from Bedford street to Beau-
motot street.
11 f an avenue. from Seventh street to C7er-
3ff a avers e, from Che
street. cry street to North
Bates avenue, from Plum street to Seventh
3fapie avenue, from Seventh street to Hudson
stBurr street, from Woodward avenue to lkorth
Lata}• tte avenue,, from NortherooPuci9eCase tran11-
road to Call ,a
Bradley street, from Seventh street to North
atArrcade street, from Seventh street to Slms
Bedford, from North to 3finnehaha.
Payne, from Beaumont to Case.
Greenbrier, from It "11,1 co Fauquler.
Greenbrier, from Seventh to 3l,trg et.
Preble, from Beaumont to 3finnehaha.
Desoto, from Lafayette to 311urehuha.
North, from Desoto to Bedford.
North, from Marla to Seventh.
3llsslselppp , from Cayuga to Case,
Hudson, fr m Hoffmann to Cypress.
Earl from Seventh [o Ices heyCher.
liffeall 11
EdWrl u, from Decatur tro Marylend.
District No. ---
Third, from Jackson to Locust.
Fourth, from Jackson to Brook.
Filch, from J,=k to ilroadway.
Fifth, from Pine to 75 feet east of Kittla n.
Sixth, from Jackson to Klaxon.
Seventh, from Jackson to Brook.
Eighth, from Jackson to 190 feet eget of Neill.
Nmth, from Jacks.. to Neill.
Tenth, from Jackson to Lafayette.
Grove, from Jackson to Neill.
Thirteenth, from Jackson to Pine.
Fourteenth, from Jackson to Broadway.
I'ilteenth, from Jackson to Broadway.
Spruce, from Sibley to Canada.
Spruce, from Broadway to Pine.
;.orris, from Canada to TempPeerance.
\'ret Slyke Court, from Bro-dw y to Olive.
Acker, from 3fissi-eippl to .7eckaon.
\Vaodward. from John to Edge of bluff.
FoIn r t, from John to Pine.
Olmstead, from John to Pine.
Jackson, from Levee to Sycamore.
Temperance, from Eighth to Nintb.
Temperance, from Tenth to Tbirteemb.
Sibley, from Levee to Norris_
Il road Spruce. Thomsa
son, from Ramsey to Pleant.
;h to 3'¢llIley. Dougl ,from Recollect to Goodrich.
road [o Tenth. Western, from Seventto 175 feet a th f
ilroad to Grove.
Broadway, from Thirteenth to \"nils}.
L'Orient, frmn Thirteenth to \ash.
Pine, from Sixth to Williams.
Olive, from Sixth to 25 feet south of Penn.
JohnWestminster. ster,fromotfront Lafayette to rntload
Lafayette, from Grove to Brook.
Waverly Plate from Westminster to John.
Locust, from Fourth to Grove.
WIRIus, from Fourth to Grove.
Neill, from Fourth to Grove.
Mlsniexl' from Fourth to Seventh.
to C¢y uga Pt' from north end Manitoba brides
Sflneleslppl, from Grove to 300 feet north of
3llseiesippi street bridge.
3fouroa iPlace, Zen Grove to l'oodlwea,
VallNasey, from froom Jackson to Brontlw x3".
Dtetrl,•t No. 4—
Third, from Jackson to Summit.
Fourth, from ,Tuck son to Seventh.
Fifth, from Jackson to 1'htrvl.
SeveSixtnth, finalJilhe,eou to Third.
n lo
liithEightb(om Jackson to S`ml[haulvenrie.
Tenth, from Jackson to Rite.
Eleventh, from Jackson to Cedar.
Twelfth, from Jackson tli Cedar.
Thirteenth, from Jackson to Robert.
Fourteenth, from Jmksoa to Itobrrt.
Exchan6's, from (ed.r to Third.
Pleasant, from Third to sixth.
College, from Third [o (edar.
Summit, Irom best line of Third to Robert.
St. 17x1r. ou o
Pleasant, from Third to Western avenue.
Seventh, from Third to Vyctorin.
Exchange. from Eaaggle toRaims, W{Ikin.
Franklin, from Eagle to Elm.
Forbesyn nue f Irokmn Wilkin to Douglas
31CVBoalirfromPW Ikin tork; to iDouglaa.
Goodrich, from Weetero to 420 feet east of
Smith a vent
Elm, (romrFxcha11ge to edge of bluff.
Doueman, from West Seventh to Von Mbtden.
District No. 0—
Oakland, from Ramsey to Summit.
Grmid, from Lawton to Victoria.
Portland, from Dude to d. Albans.
Dale, from Summit to 3latrehall.
Carroll, from Rice to Da:e.`
Rondo, from Rice to Dale.
Lincoln, from Oakland to St. Albans.
Floral, from Summit to Grxn d.
.to. west Rue o, Third to 250 feet
im nnle to Grotto.
from Western to St. Albnus.
n Man to St. Albans.
ret Ashland to Charles. -
In Summit to It.
n Summit to Selby.
fromSummit to Unl-eralty.
from Lmr-1 fn ('m—
rrington, from Summit to Unfv .Rv.
Nelson. from Summit tc Western.
St.:lnth ony, front Rles t0 Did,
Slartin, from Rice to Dude.
Faller, frmn RI, to Dale
Iglebart, from Wabasha to ft.e.
Tilton, from
Aurora, Prom Rice to Dale.
Wnbnaha to Rice.
Central, from Robert to kine.
Louis. From Nelson to Faller.
Starket alley, Irom ll'abnehn to .St. peter.
it Place from Davt on to Fltller.
Arundel from Holly to Cnivernttp.
Anrorn, from \Vxbashrt to Rice.
Flleu frvnt Kice to D¢ie.
fore Robert to Rice.
Sherburne, from Rare to 270 feet east o[ Cedar.
(�hetrlI from Rite to Doie.
tidmvnd from Ince to \•Ircinm.
`I111, Third to Wn.hiimt I
d, from Nxb¢shn to Cedar.
Clfrom lose to \'Ictoria.
Como ¢venue from It elto Uxie.
smith hvenite, from Third to College.
3l ackubiri from summit to Chxrle6.
Fort, from Seventh to Tenth.
Franklin, from Third to Nlutb.
Dayton from Third 200 feet west of Sum -
1,from Third to Seve,th.
Da tots from \-irginm to Artmdei.
ret. from Hill to Eagle.
3farkec, from Third
37nrshtdl from \Ventern to St. Albans.
to ,S'I. Peter.
St. Peter, from Third to Cidverslty.
\\ mif ed street from Dakota avenue to Ohio
Wabasha, from Bridge to Rice.
Dakota avenue to Winifred.
Cedar. from Seconal to Co.,,.
District No. 8—
Minnesota, from Second to East Summit.
Robert. from
University from Victoria to Lexington.
north end of bridge to Jackson.
Site, from Tenth to Front.
Ilarlmi from Univernity to Charles.
Eagle, from Seventh to railroad.
District No. 9—
Park avenue, from 3lxrtht to Anrorn.
Central Park
Robert street bridge.
ate[, from Summit [o Central,
Ceatral Park trent, from summit to Central,
nth Robert from xouth end of bridgeto Cou-
Brewreter avenue, U,liver.ity to Como.
3fartin, from Rice to Pnrk_
Concord from Isabel to Rnncroft.
State fro m Concord to 460 feet south of Con -
District No. 5—
Chestnut. from Pleasant to levee.
Dakota from Wabn.ha bridire to Congress.
Walnut,from Pleasant to 1 -his Park drive.
Imabel from Dakota to ('ole wd.
Sherman, from Pleasant to 176 feet south of
leis airfield from . tate to 200 feet west of Dmt-
from Sherman to 210 feet south
Flllmore from State to Dakota.
.lkin of
FLeech, f
Leech, from Ram ey to Goodrich.
Wabash. street bridge.
('-agrees from Concord to Ada.
Frni[h avenue, from Third [o Cliff.
Yens—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Callen, Con{ey,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Sills,
Melady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weuer,Yoerg, By Ald, Bock—
Me. Prevent -77. Iteaolced. That the board of public ,cork,
Approved April 3, 1800. me e oSw valks to be Inid nn follo,cs: On east
n. Sullivan— ide of I:eeeit street across Goodrich a)'rnue; .a
Resolved. That the board 1,F blit' storks am and llS side �, Goodrich Oven n e, bet,ceen Leech
1'Ir - llortlln side of Wa,mon
hereby .n u,orfzea r. t.n.traet no.dro wide- ,tyemne .tr.xm cfr I Srreet.
walks ,efts llrces-ii-e im. stalks. nu the follon- ]'vas—Ail. Rickel, Ifio,u, Bnek, Pullen, ('ante}-,
g street, iu Merriam Park. Oil ,vest .IIIc or Fisher. Oehnn. Knvnnugll, Leith. neer. ]tinea.
MOOM avenue, front Marshal :,vele I • to h;,, 11 }lelml}-, Trutt. S;u blin1. Sullivtnl, \{'eLer,Yoerg,
avenue; on the north Rideof Mlytoll from Moom ! Vr. PIc.Nlent-17.
avenue to Cleveland; o Orth side of Uaytou Appruyrd April 3. 1891,
in front f lotsnt I a.l S. block d, }ler- !
rinnllPI'll •2nd addition. 1 11, Ald. Minea—
Yeas—Ald. Bfekel, BI, Ruck. Cullen, Conley, Itmoivru, 7'hnt the hon rel of ,nhlic ,corks be
Gehnu. K:,, Le It rouser. Jfinea. Ve- fust rutted to h1,)- a ix -foot wi,�el, a1 both
lady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, \Veber, Yoerg, x
Mr. President—17. sides of Sndt1, ayellue, from Pherokee „)'cube (o
Approved April 3, 1890 the South City limit R. and ail uet•esw, n' er.nue in
Yeas—Ald. Bickel• 111on1, 11ack, Pnnlien, P.ntey,
By Ald. Pratt— Fisher, /; ehxn. Kavanugh. Leinmul— Jliuen,
Rsoived, 1'Lxt the board of public „'arks br McLuly, Yrxtt, Fanborn. Sulii,'un,Yoerg,
and they are hereby instructe,l to cause three I _ r. President -1 i.
]link ,exlks to Le bud on east slid test she, of Approved April 3, 1894).
Street, togetheor u -nue, r n�itb 1 scene ry crurc vtaulks1; and i B5• Ald. Conley—
„dth •roses stalks on .,ill side o[ Milluelluha Ite.olveI!1,
, Tint the board o[ public leorks be
.1,d Chelton streets acmes Yriur nveulle. and they- Orr here,}' inxttuctetl to cause to Lr
]'ens—And. Illckel, Rlom. Murk, PI1Ilen, ('ottlep, ":1 :m eigbt 18) (nut Soden xidenalk to !;rade
Fisher, Gehnu, sit me, Maa,,n,Melad,,Pnrtt, ou clic ,vest side of Neill street, Let peen .Seventh
Sanbonr, Sullivan. Weber, ]'oerg, At r. President � ar 1 Eighth Streets.
—16. }-ens—AId. Bickel. Blom, Bock. ('unlet. Conley.
Approved April 3, 1890. FL Iter, (;'hen. Ksynungh. I.eitha
Jfehndy, Pratt, Snuborn, Sullivan, Web -r. Yoerg,
ByesolalAidWeber— \1 r. Yresirlent—l7.
Ilewolred, That ante word n[ anl,tic works be .\pproved April 3, 1890.
riLnrirerl to wuntru¢ git f -t 1.odn. ! nits necessar} r I I tl des By Ald. Sullivan— —
o( F,Ilen street, (rola Cha(cn-ort, to (, ri
gs R
Street e6olcel TI
rot the bo
Ord of to
bit „arks
1 are
Peas Ab v aurhorire(
1 Bickel, I 7 to c
. R ono Bock" P nntruct s
c .ulnen C' ,,elks n
ante -
Fisher G S[rert
ehnu Kay ug b 11, Iio„u r
n •h l r 1 f'nrk ,
11 F ,, \ ,i[h n
Iinex. ,ear}• cr.s:n,nikS on streets and alleys On "est
Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan, ]Vehir, ]'.erg,
JfA President it side of ]{'heeler avenuebetueeu Sldellm and a al.
Approved April :3, 7890. erelty uyenue,. evtept where „ulkn have al -
f Yi �j
ready been laid. On next bide of Beucnu nve-
By Abl. Sullivan— Ilue from Sh(eldx to lni_imfcv avenue, except
P j sl'
Timt the hoard of pu bl(c norks ix "here nslkS have already I—I. Lud. Oil east
\ xuthorirxu in eon .tract x wooden aide- lith'eraitp
,:r ! • G•
n\venuscexceptl aIle elw,u kxeltre nail;
1,e Ik on the north SI'le of St. AuthonI,- uvea.,, On north side n( Shields
•V {••
uvC, u
(„eels Fnedhuu 1,t Fturvleu a,enuen with C nue I ley I`
t'alkw center f block to Fairvit•st t On
• 1
]'eau - x east
!nide of F1dn'iem rveune to St. Authouv u—nie.
yldoBit•kvl, 711om; Bock, (]1llen, C'ouiey,
• 1jl a II
Fisher.C,.Ico, lk on north Side of Shfeldn uveniue aerone
Gehnu, KnyxnaRh. I.en[ha user, ]bora, Fnlr, len n ('rossp'xlk
Jtrb„I5. Pn,ct. Sanborn.
a dd
u uxt nine of
Sulll, nu, \Veber,loerg, F'unrvle,r avenue b l"InverSlty avenue.
Air 11-ildent-17.
j P
APproled April 3, 1800. U•oSS„alk on ,Best Suleof Bea \ I . e
avenue. And troy Ik side
of ]{"heeler avenue across L'm,emity
By Ali]. Sullivan— Ocrnnle.
Rsolced, ]"ens All. Bickel, Blom. Bot k, Cullen, l'olnley,
1'b' the hoard of public works b, Fisher, (;shall. Killon h. I, JBue,,,
to construct
ant rucc ,rooden side- Melody. Pratt, SnnnLora. Bulli , all• W bee. Yoerg,
ndks on east mile of \"croon , Let
L?:(,". ,• ;I�-
r. ween Jlr. Ynsideut—
Its[ r stmt and Sc. Chile stmC� in111 Jtncnlsmr Approved 17•
ggee I pt ed April 3, 1800.
t���3 a�• �; ;��
Ald. Bickel. Illonl Bock. CVlleu. Conley,
j.. '.1�'_
Jtel¢II c avtmagh. Leithutlsc•r, Jfinea. By Aid. Melndy—
k. I.� .
Y ntt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, ]oerg, Resolved, That the board of Public norks are
DI r. Pre (II t-17. her inx[ructed Lu cxuxr Lo Le nail A.,-fyot
1t ;i;. { +:
Approved April 3. 1890. ..odea aldest,dk on east nn,l amt cede of stn re
M1 �:
street, from Oakdale u,enue to South Robert
BY Ald. Jtelndy— stmt together
oath the
Resolved, 'rhat the Laird f Public ,corks Peen—And. Bickel, Blinn, Bock, Chllell, ('onlry,
enure . foot Fisher,
' iC �['
xI I, ,rooden sile,cnik to be built on Gehnu, Kilvuu..h, Leltllxltaer, Jtiuea,
the South rile of Y.4 Stmt, front Onkdxle Ove- Jleladp. Pratt, S.nbonn, .Sullivan, \1"eLrr, ]'.erg,
nue to WooLury street, with the ea nw,ry cross J[r President 17.
,c Ikx Approved
: Apr .1 3, 1890.
Yeas—Anel Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher Ge. lan; , Kavanagh, I.elthauaer, Jliuen, By Ald. Jtelndy—
Melady. Pratt, Snuborn,
Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Rebolve( . That the board of public works am
Mr. Pnde It -17. I
i!I j:1
..:, a .'..
hereby Instructed to cans, to Ire Inid I, six-foot
Approved April 8, 1890. ,voodeu sidewalk on the neat side of Oakdale
avenue, from State street to Annapolis, together I the cost thereof is to be paid into the city tress-
nith the nesxnary croemllalks, ury hefom the Contract is let.
yen.—A)d. Bickel, Blom. Bock, ('ulnen• ('mdey, 'Third—('esu real estate to be asxesed for said
Fisher, (ishan, Karal:ngh. T.eithnuser. Minei, fmpro,'enleut be found beneficed to the extent of
Jtelndy, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, dunlags. c•orts and expeuxeS uecesna ry to be i11 -
Mr. President -17.
A 1,13, 1890. curred thereby..
I Fourth—te uctl iniprovenient asked for upon
the ]rctitiull or application of the a •tv r [
By Aid. Lefthau6er— nnionty of the property to Le-seemedforsuch
Resolved, That the board of public a.,ks ilnl�rocen t:'
cause „n eightfoot mnodeu wide,,,,Ik to be Con- Fifth—Scud [he council n plan or profile of
strutted on rhe north side of Euclid Street, from nafd hol—eement. as re,iuired Ly tan, ;f yon m-
Ccl,resa street to Eari street. port ill avor f the sante.
] cam—AId. Iiiekel. Rl.ln, Bock. Cullen, Conley, Sixth—Fend the council a proper order direct -
Fisher, Grhau, Kny:ul:lgll. I.eithause, Miles, Irl. the ,cork to be done.
Velndy, Pratt. Sou born. Sulhvlun. \{"e Ler. Yoerg, Yen.—.\l,l. Bitkrl. Blom, Bock, l'nllcn, ('ropey,
All. Presiment-17. Fisher. Gehan. Kavanagh. belt llallmer, )fine.,
Approved :April 3, 1890. Jlr11ml Pratt, Fanuony Snllicun. Weber,
Yuen;. Jf r. PreIn'Ili--17.
By Ald. Lefthaumer— APP -1111 April 3,189..
Itexolved. "'hat the board of Public norks 1,
he'eby ordered to In— an .•i ht -foot unodell .\Id. Celuw— —
ide„nik olid ou both By lues of Iixxtinge x,•enue It -e hereby urdered by (he C'otnnlon Council of
from Forest street to lim[cr street. _ the :'ity of St. Paul:
her. Gehx11,'Kiisansgh"I.elithanser, tM bui , Phut ante uu,tter of Fill, from
. Ricetint npenlnR b \Ier
Melmdv. Pratt, Smtbonl. Sullivan, IN ober, Yoerg,I . fn n unlirnnn u1dt11 , wxty feet
J(r. ,mmidrllt-17. Le. all'1 till.anle is hereby referred to the board
Approved April 3, 1890. of Pa bltc ,cork, ", Investigate told report:
_— First -1. rule improvement proper uud Items -
By All]. ]{'cher— �). rod—(:i,'r the eann,ril nu .timate of the
Resolved, That the board r Pnhlh• n, rks be e"Ianxe thereof. anal state v t, Cirr one-half off of
iuxtructe,l to mase an
rig,[-f.ot ide,valk, null the cont thereof fx to at paid into the city alt o
neectenry er ,juum. to be luid an Tholmw.treet, ury Lefnre the f I't o Il is let.
Oil bath Sides• from Dale to ('Ir ""Orth st nets. 'Third-- iiii real carate to be ns. me 1 for amid
]'saes—.\Id. Bickel. Blom, Bock, Cullen. Conies, imPmsenletlt lbs fouul bellelite:i to the extent
Ft,her, Gehan. Kavanagh. I:eltlm n.w•r, Jlluen, of du mage,, rest. Sud exprnnSee d to illr5' to be
Jtelndy, Pratt, Sunburn, Puilivan, {Veber', ]berg mcurrcd thereby"
S wlch i 1
t, r cemel,r
k f
P . upon
Approved n
A ,1,18 18110
tt aril '
(lou n
I ,hca [non of
1,P tl
I fa
I rlty .fibs ,
Fac Ald Pratt I I rnvenleut: 1 roPert} to Len 1 forSuch
Resolved that the bOaml of Public w ark Ile I dill—Send the council a plat o profile 1,t
old they are hereby loot meted t. c. ane •1,w aid iu,provenI, It, . re
Ly law, 1f you.
stalks to be Inid le follo,rs: uutlln.idet Atty re\,',rt in fr-or of theme.
fit met aeras It.ymoud ,,,,Inc. xth Send the euuncll a Properurderdimet-
West Side of Bay111011d avenue, across Gordon i ng the,1'ork t. be dont•.
avenue. ]'sax—.\Id. ]9eke•1, ISio1n. Bock. Collett. (holey,
North side Bounle .venae nerome Keston Fisher, ,,ehnu, t.elthauser J[inrx. Jleladv,
street across T-ruto inn r
brook's. tr aunt near C 7.. Hol. 1tt Sallhunl, Sullivan, t{".bet, Yoetg Jli.
reendent I I.
]'ras--ARI Bit Rlont. Bock. Callen. (b1, I \i Proved _% Pell 3, 1890-
Flnher, reh:ul. Kavausgh. 1.elthaumer, Vin
Melody, Pratt, .w,nbo n. Sullivan, Weber. r1, g:
Vr. Pmaidrnt. 17 BY kill, I.rnhauser
Approved April 3, 1890. It is herr l,y ordered I the Coul In on Council of
the City of �[ Paul :
Rc Aid. \\-rise— That the matter of condemning an a omen lent
• ill lands for lite conatrucuou of sb,pemn for the
Resolved that tlml,aard of Public „orkm Ile' a—s.ary t11t n r till upon) the reeu I,mperI
a1 lionized to muxtrurc all eight- foot u'uoden nblti (iing all FLct11 est reef, between ('ommerclu]
Sidewalk with necessary eros ' 1gx nu the nest Rtner aunt .Jl:n•b, avenue, that lilac Le mquirld
Ill of Western ncenoe, from, Rondo to l'niveea- Ili the grading of said street, nu utt•ordullee „nth
ity eae A the emG,Llixlled grade there., betneenl tl,e
Yeas—And. Bickel, Blom, Bock, C7111en. Cooney, unnerl, be mud the wane fn hereby referred totiihe
Fisher. Gehnu, Kavanagh. I,el[ Vines, !board of Public „arks co hlvstigxte and r�
M,holy, Pratt. Snuborn, Sullfvau,R'eber. Yoerg, pert:
Mr.Prexi,leut 17 F xt—h'
im 1
Approved April 3, 18911. ) , proVe1ne11t proper it occes-
• and l:l retbe council an estimate f the
Bc AI(L Coale)) tae thereof, nml aO1te 'tether one half of
iw Hereby Ordered by the C'ommou 1'onncil of the cost thereat ix to be yald`Into the city turas.
the iSty of St. Put,: ury- Lefors the contract Ix let.
That the matter of grading ¢Ileo it1 block 33. Third ( an real estate to be axsxeseld for said
Ittxon'm addition, be and thew 1 e Ix hereby t nprocemel t h, found benefited to the extent of
(erred to the board of public ,.,km to invests dnnlugen, (asp. stud exi,rllsrb Inecefix.ry to be ia-
gate mid report: cu •rod there,)^.
First 11 this improvement proper and utters- Fourth—Is such improvement asked for upon
Story? the petition or npplicntiolt of the owner. of a
Second—give the eau1c11 t 1 stimnie o[ the majority of the property to, be assessed for such
expelrse thereof, slid State whether one -halt of lm procerncln
aFifth—Bend the council plan r profile of hereb3- referred to the board of blit Scor
s Id Improvement, as requlmd by ]nw, If you re-' rot bfl gate and re Pn ks to
port in furor of the same. First—Is this lrnort:
:- Sixth—Send the council a proper order direct- provement proper and nets
i:. Ing the work to be done. vaQ s -
Y a
it. Bickel, Alcm, Bock, CUlien, Coale cud—Give the council a Lunate of fila
Fisher. Gahan. Kxvuuasn. L"itbaueer. }tinea. stns' the dont tl ereo(ls to be
iuto�the clt -lain of
lad Y. Pratt. Sanborn, eu llivan, Weber Y-rg ury before the contract fns let.
"r. President Aril Third—Can real estate to be assessed for said
APFroed April 8, 1890. improvement be found henefired to the extent of
Hy Ild. Sanborn— damagt's. costs and expeases eccsaary to be in -
It is "ser ornered by the Common Council of I cm,theF Fouetitrth.—Is ereby. -
f. the Citi, of St. Paul: Is sncll improvement asked for upon
That tmatter oI gr¢ding Ox(urd street, majority of tf a p�toperty to be ¢slsessedlfor such
from St. ClClsir street to Grmt "venue, 6e and improvement:
Lhe same is hereby referred to the board of Fifth—Seed the council plan ar profile of
Public works to htvest(gure and report: said improveI. I as required by Lttr, if you re-
First—te this lmprocemeut proper cad tteces- port in favor of the same.
en8 lid—Give the council n et til Send the council a proper order direct-
stimnte of the Ina the Strork to be done
the net tl ere�l is tot bent kltt"It,h the city trees.- I Fisher. (:ehmtB, iKat mtagh, HS ei[he tsar, ]fines.
nt'lI since the contract is+let.
h ird—Can \felady. P att, Sanborn, BUllivau. Weber, Yoerg,.
+ 1 estate to be assessed for said j \tr. Preeldmtt
improvement be found benellied to tl
trod to extent of Approved April 8, 1A90.
expenare necessary to be fu- _
fell ten Procemeat eked for n B3' A I d Pratt—
applicxtfon of the opener. ofon I It ie hereby ordered by the Common Council oI
property to be ossa -ed for such the cit)- of St. Paul:
That [Its matter o[ Rad Ing extension of coun-
he _ma rI a punt o rofile of t))' o at, Irom Ln,=.",l avec"" to Knxppetreet,
t t, as required by Inti,, 1, }'ou re- I Lht uqh block A 7, St..lnehony Pxrk, be and the
the same. um s hereby referred to the board of pnbho
o'"dI a Prot'rr order direct- s, is to investigate and report:
bedone. Firer—ls this Improvement proper and acres-
•kel, Blots. Bock. "filen, Conley. I Bary?
K.v umc',, Mines, Second—r:five the council n thante of the
Sanborn. Su1liv:ut, Weber, a pence thereol, and tate whether -half of
dent -77. the coat thereof is to be paL1 into the Mty
it :i, 1890. crensat}' before the contract f. let.
Tnfta—t:an 1
estate to be assessed for eat {
By Aid. Suavan— imProvement henfonm{benefited to the
It Is hereby d dam ostn extent of
red by the and ex Lea n
Common pen ecessar • t
t Council t eget 3 o be in -
the Cit - � o r'ted chereb ?
3 of to Paul: o Y
nTl at the matter n(o of such fmprovemeut asked in upon
to ifn,F (,rand a'r of t aucri v;��e:°ieiereitrc be ,tIII'A peltla„ i appheattlan f the a of a.
avenue to \Ixcedexter u Ie be lin �ro�tente�� he Property to be ausessed (ormanch
flvd the e , t. here63' Aoard
rt : -
ferrel [o the of F�Ifth—Send'the c til a
Pubhe n I.ks to tnvestlR-is sed report. said improvement. {�lau or proRle of
Fitrot—Is this hnproveme^t P avem lit, list+required
by law, if you re
s y." proper and necee- port la favor of the same.
�t k ; f•
ll-Scrork l the o
the eouucil nn fl a proper ceder direet-
estimate of the Ineth bs �e
expense thereof, ami tate tehether o ,e -half of 1'eaa—Aid. 73ickei, Brom, Bock. ('ellen, Conley.
the cost [hereof is to be Pafd Into the city tress- Fisner, Gahan, Leititauser,
ur3' before the
qj�+y S
\linen, :lfeiad
coutrnct is IeL Pratt, amt boa B 'til Y'
Thiel—Can real estate to be assessed for said I President-10fin. \Veber, 1'cerg, Mr.
riamaRee� eo to and lid heuented to the extent of Approved April 8, 1890.
cu dgel"rreby? •xpenaes neCrssnrp to be In- r
: y
1 '#
B .
Fo Is such im 3 Ald. Sullivnu— —�
I for neon It is hereby ordered by the Common
the petition or appllextion met ttl
C v
Council of
naJnri[p of [he property to be asses edtforssudh It til Cityy of St. Puld;
hnprovemeu['? That the matter f opening Fairview avenue
Pubrahxll to Otto avenne be and the same
the council a plan or rofile of
aid Improvement,
impro ant, ns regmred b -leve ie bereby referred to the. board of public works
lu } ' "you re-
Port favor of the ednte co inveslgnre and report:
31xt11—Fend [be council s prover, order d/rest- Lararsr, is tills lmprovement proper and aces-
inF the work to Le one. I
l (P I _
Yens—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Callen. Coale Gfve the conncil an estimate of the
Fisher, Gahan. Kavana¢h, Leltnnuser. \Ifnrx, I
Me1Ad}•, cont
the thereof to be aid ih tobe
Pratt, Sx"boa, Sulltca11, Weber, ]'oro p theocitp treas�
Ali, President -17. fns' cry before the Contract is let.
Approved April B, 1890. ThIM—Can roal estate to be essesned for said
fmprovemeut be found benefited
{� t
to,the extent of
By Aid Sullivan — ddmuge Cost.?and expenses necea9ary to be le-
It 1. hereby a therey.
ordered by the common 9oune
til City of Sr Paul: it of Is such imp ov t t asked for
That then otter f RrxdinR Fill few a then Petition npplirntloneof the o ( e
lrgm \fatxhell to Otto avenue 1 of the Property to be
be Mad the Lama fns Im Cie} assessed for each
pro ant.
Fifth—Send the conueil aflan or profile of to con}orm to red line as sho3a op the attached
a I improvement, as reyuired b}- lfl I. If you re. pro_ le, rte __,I the e e is hernby refermf to
port 1n favorof the same. the board of pull
u mit works to (n t{ to end
..ixt h—send the councll n proper order direct- rt: Yes ea
I— che.vork to le doze. :DYrst—le this lmprovement pro
fens—.old. Bickel. Blom. Bock, Cullen, Conley, s ry-? per and neces-
Fisher, Gahan, Kavanagh, Leithanser, .Joe , Second—01ve [he conueil an estimate of the
Me 111", Pnttt, Satboa, Sullivan, \Veber, I!_rg, expense thereof, and state whether one-half of
"r. President -17.
Approved April B, 1800. the cost thereof is to paid into the city tread of
before the Contract is let.
By Aid. Weber— impro ement be found Third—Call C"'I estate benetltedntoethesed far
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of of dtymages, costs and expenses necreseary to be
the Cyt}- of St. Paul of
That the matter of paving Rice street from F rth—le such fmtro anent asked or upon
Como avenne to Front scree[ he And the same is file Petition r appl cation of the oxmers of a
hereby referred to the board o[ public works to majority of the property to be easensed for such
.tiFare sad report: I tat vemeyt?
utFirst—ls in:
lmprocemeut proper end asses- ff
e p
eu send lmprovement, as trequlredpby law, 1t yo fero�
the colmcil n estimate of Llte Pertt favorof the same.
e penes thereof, xad tate ahe[her one -hall of ixth—Send the conncil n proper order dlreet-
the cost thereof is to be paid futo the city hens- f F'thte wont to be d
or y before the coutrnct is let. l .—Aid. Bkke/, Hlom, Bock, Cullen, Coney,
Third—farm real estate to toe ns v d for said F'fuher. Cohan, Kavanagh, Lefthauser, ,lives,
i uproventent be fo,md henefited to tits extent of "elsd" Pratt. Sxnbam, 9ullf van, Weser, Yoetlt,
du mage., costo, and necewary to he In- \Ir. Pie Tent --17.
to d thereby? .l,Pr_sd April 3, 1890.
Fourth—Ie such int+F` vet eat asked for upon
the oetltma o ppll • ti oat If --
t J rtcY of tete property to b"'heeeaea for Id By .Id. "Mads—
lit:' IC is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
Its plfill—se r m1 the c Pp t rofile of the lYty et et. Paul:
sum improvement. as required by la.w°ii you re- That the matter of LuiWine a se r r n last
po t t tacos of the same. \Vfnif d. fro Concord to State, the +olid fila
Sixth—Seed the couftcii n proper order direct- an is h= Y !erred to the hoard of public
fnF the work to he Bonn. eks t L hate sad rep art:
fens—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Back, Callen, CauleY. s �FI-1 I. this improvement proper slid n
Fisher,KncauaKh, I.efthuuset: Mine+". n ecee-
"elady. Pratt, Sanboa. Sullh-un. We ler, ]"oetg, Sewed—Glue the council at estimate F the
"r. President -17. a,_
-prtmse [hrrwf, and tate vhether -half oP
Approved April 3, 1800. the cost Lhereo[ is to be P, iIf Inco the cit
cry before the contract le let.
By AM. �' I estate to be assessed lar said
Third—Can ren
It Is hares}eamidered by •the Common Council of lnil'rovmnwt be found benefited to the extent o1
the laity of st Pnul dl1enxb'e, cost. amt expense. to be Incurred
That the m tier of ,on truel,tK x Fourth is such 'Prov
Axker treat, from Cherokee ave me to Ohio em n[ aek� 1 for uopon
'treat, rte and the .,ale to hereby referred to the I tax Petit or nipill anon f the (iy
board of tComm works to Inve.IRate mid report. improvement?.
the p p ty to he assessed+for each
Fbet la this ""provement proper add ueces- n P ovemelt?.
sary? k fifth—Send the conncil a plan or Pit""
rofile of
hecond—Glc" Llt.I rounel, a t estimate f Lite said Improvement as
required by Iso', if you re-
s I,eui:e therert, xud tn[e xltether oto belt of Port In !acne of the same.
the cost Lhereo[ to t, be paid into the c1t • Crean befit—geed the conntll n peoper order direct-
or} before the con[rnc[ Is let. } Liu the "or
to he done
Thi vemet real estateoand to be assessed for said FtsLer. Gehn IficKacxnagh �I Pdthnuack 'III lifelr \Ilea,
nmagesuc btsfaud exlene tetuetesear}tlto"he �Iclady. Pm n SAuborn, "n C, nn, Weber, Yoerg,
to rred Iheteb}-! f President
Fourth—Is such improvement asked for apo APproi,ed Ai,ru A. IS9o.
the pet(tlml ons apPlicnlo" [ the on'ners of :
naJorit}-,f the property to be xsaeseed for such By :{Id. Lelthatser—
unent ut"
I• labs Seal the councll ))then or p I`tfleelt"[ yof `rlered by the Comment Counetl of
cud Improvement, xs requ e, by laty, tlrafile of 3 t. Paul:
Port to inI or of thesame. you re That she mutter of Frnding Ocean street from
.1I.xth—Send the council a ro e3•rnth street to Harvester avenue be lid the
ing the work to le done. p ler order direct- s tI is hereby remrred to the board -of Public
YeAv—.{Id. B(ete
kel. Blom, Bock, Callen, Conley. tt+F ikrst—Ie chis tiro{ cot�emelpit rt:
Fisher, Gehmt. Kncanagh, I sit muse,, \linen, sary,
proper aad
"lad>•, Pratt, ,allboa, eulllva I \VeLer, ]'oerg, Ser•ond—Gfve the council an .timate of tha
)Ir. F'resldent 17,
e'I_se thereof, and Wte whether sue halt of
.i pproved April 3, t A90, the cost thereof 1s to be pall into the City LreaL-
__ I u bei re the contract le let.
It beech S ordered the Common Council i `!hied—C'an 1 esa,e to be aeseased for said
['It he City of St. Azul: Pr •meat be found benefited to the extent of
Th t the matter of n hence f cin co is and "Penees cecessxry to be in -
ley II, black tw-o 121. H. \1. jolu de on the Ltd tf�eree xn
vision of h:oek 11, S[in I s I)ielslbn, Et. Pa.
l, thF Peti Ion o, cuppliCst(on oi`tasked ; e� f a,
..III I. --Send the council a plan or profile of hereby referred to the board of public lvorks to
provement, as required by law•, if you fuveatlgnre and report:
port in favor of the same.
Sixth—Send the council a proper order direct- sarp��la chin improvement proper and neces-
ing the n•nrk t i be done. Second—Glue the council mi estimate of the
Peas—Aid. Rickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley, 'expense thereof, and stere vhe[her one-half of
Fisher. Orhau, Kavanagh, Lrithaueer, Miuen_le- I the cost thereof is to be Id into the city Lreas-
Mr. Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivnu, Weber, 1'oerg, . shy before the contract is ]et.
Mr. President -17. Thlnl—
Approved April 8, 1890. C'nn real eatate to be assessed for said
1 1procement be found beneflred to the extent d
By AId. Sanborn— 'damages, costa and expellees necescarp to be hl -
It ie hereby ordered by the Common Council of ¢ Fourth—is redly
the Cft))• of St. Paul: the petition orluppilcationm felt
odnmre for poll
TI nc th matter of gradhlg Oxt0n1 treat. 'majority of the property to be assessed ." such
them St. Clair treat to Grxml avenue, be and I fair ovement?for
the came is hereby referred to the board of I Ilfth—Send the council plan or profile of
public works to Investigate and report: said improvement. as required by law, if you re-
Fired—le this improvement proper and necee- j port iii favor o[ the same.
ssty? Sixth—Bead the council n
Second—Give. the council n estimate of the fine the 11 rk to be doneCkcI . Proper order direct_
the con[ tl creat i8 tel be ut ldlllot. the city tree of
IFI her Gehau iKava lagh,BLock, Cullen,
u y before the coutri ct silet.
Third—i;nn real estate to be assessed for said I afr�aYeeai,lmtt-Smd) n, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg,,
dal,rovemeut be found beaelited to the extent of A, costs and expenses necessary to be in. Approved April J, 1890.
curre tllereb{ �—
Fourth— Is such Improvement asked for neon By Ald Pratt—
• the petition r xppiicudio,I of the owners of It Is hereby ordered by the Common Conncli of
majority of the property to he asse-ld for such the city of St. Paul:
air rovement? yThat the matter of grading extension of coun-
Fifth hotted the counce n plan 0, profile of through block Lon gf Anthony n1e t knbe un ti he
said iiql, Hent, as required by tau'. If You re- }
Port hI Fnvo of the same. sum! is l,erehy referred to the board of public
Beath—Send the council a peeper order direct- w rice to Investigate and report:
the work to be done. Fret—Is this improvemeut proper and neves-
Bickel, on Ilk- Bobillck. Callen, (holey, sary?
..\felady, CSP wit t, l Snnbr,xrgiil ISuili� u,e1 Welber, Second—a five the councll n eatimete of the
1"oe expense thereof, and alma whether one-half of
rR, air. president -77, the cost thereof In is he 7,aid Into the city
Approved April 3, 1890. treason- before the contract is let.
Third—Can real eedxte to be assessed for sal 3
BY Aid. Sullivan— impros "Ivement be found benefiteJ to the extent of
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of aurred therebycOsts laud expanses neceeaury to be In_
the City of aSt. Paul: Fourther
That the matter if Posing, widening a 1 ex- the ]a x111f or 11 fmprovemeut asked for upon
tending Grnvd avenue ch rough }Incalester lPark, majority of the propeecatrtyito betthe aas.led for such
from Fairview avenue to alxrxirstrr avenue be ful�,rocement?
and the some le hereby} referred to the board of I' fifth—Send the council a plan or profile of
Public n'orke to incestiKate and report: said Improvement, xa requ(red by low, if
Fhat—Isthis improvemeut proper and necee- ort I f You re-
sary? p u aver of the exme.
Sensed --Geon the council an estimate f the Inaithe work io be dmle.ii a proper order direct.
expense thereof, surf tate ,•hether ane -half of Yexs—Ald: Ific Biom, Bock. Cullen, Conley,
the cost thereof Is to be pid foto the city tress- Fisher, Gehnn, Leithauser, Mines, M0 day.
ury before the contract Is' let. Pratt, SaubOni, Sulilvau, Reber, Yoetg, air.
Third—Con real astute to be assessed for xnid 1'resldent-10.
improvement be fonud benefited to the extent of Approved April 8, 1890.
damages, costs and expellses necessary to be Ill.
carred thereby.v—�
Fourth—Ia auch improvement asked for n on By Ald. Sullivan—
the petition or application f the o,vuers of s It is hereby- ordered by the Common Council of
majority- of the property to be usaessed for such ill¢ fity- of St. Poul: 1
ovement? That the matter t -Peine Fafrvleu' s cone
Fifth—.tend the councll , plan or profile o1 from afnrohnil to Otto avenue be and the came
avid em provement, as regwred bylaw, if you re- is hereby referred to [he board of public works
port in river of the same. to inces[lgate and report:
Sixth—Send the co unci: a proper order direct. Flrat—Ia this Improvement proper and neces-
in _the work to be done. anry?
Bickel, Riom, Bock, Callen, C•onle •, Sscond—Give the council en estimate of the
Fisher, Gehen, Kavana¢h. Lefthnnser, )fine,}+, I expemse [hereof, and state whether one-half of
a[elad}•. Pratt, Sanborn, 8ulllvsn, Reber, ]'oe the coat thereof Is to be paid into the city treas-
Mr.President-17. rG ury before the contract a ler.
A Pproved April 8, 1890. Thevl—Can real eatate ro be meace sed for said
_ fmprovemeut be found benefited lathe extent of
By AId. SilRivan — d r= s, costs and expenses necessary to be Iu-
IL Is hereby ordered by the common Council of citFoourtheje such Improvement asked for u0pon
the City of St. Poul:
That the r fitter o[ grading elan th- aveine majtheor Li}iof the Prollarteon f the o,vneri 7
from Mnishnll to Otto svenne island the smile is improvement. property to be assessed for such
Fifth proved the council n pl n or Profile of to conform to red Ilse ns ahonn, on the attached
said improve as _,P b}• In w, if you re- profile, he and the came is hereby referred to
Po in favor of the sante. the Lonrd of Public works to investigate and
S,xth—Send the council a proper order direct- re rt:
Ing the work to be done. Ffrst—Is this Improvement
1'ems .AJd. Bickel, Blom. Hock, Cullen, Conley, sary? Proper nod neces-
Fisher, Gehen. Kavaungh. Leithauser, a[Inex. Second—Give the council ail estimate of the
Meladr, Pmt[,Smlbnrn, Sollivxn. \Veber, 1"nerg, sxpease. thereof, and scute x•hether one -hal[ of
Nr. prove April . the cost thereof 1s to pxfd Into the city one-half
-�PProved Ap,gl R, 1890 before the contract is let.
B5' Ald. Weber— -- in Third—Can real estate to be assessed for said
It is hereb f p onemeut be found behefited to the extent
y rdered b - the Common Council
of ages, coals and expeuaee to
to be
the City of St. Paul: f , Cubed thereby?
tae matter of paving Rile street from Fonrtb—Is such improvemnnt asked for upon
C mo avenue to Front street be and the same is the Petition or sp,lmuinn of the owners of a
hereby referred to the board of public works to majority of the property to be assessed for such
lovest]gate and report: i ,(, ovemeilt?
First—Is this improvement proper and necee. I u+' fifth—Send the council a plan or profile of
said fm rovement. ns required by law, If you re.
Second—(: eve the council anestimate
of the Pn t Iii favor of the same.
expense. thereof, and state vbether one-hnit of Sixth—Send the council a proper order direct-
ulre coat thereof Is [o be poli into the city treae- lllg [he wort- to be done.
p before the contract is let. \¢+,-s—Aid. Bickel,. Blom, Bock, Cidlen,CoNey,
Third—gall real estate to t,e eseseed for said Wisher, Gahan, Kavanagh, Lefthnuser. )Boca,
improvemeut be found benef tedato the extent of alelndy. Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, ]'sate,
damages, costs and expenses nerressury to be in- air. President -17.
thereh3". approved Apr118, 1890.
Fourth—Is such fmprnvrinent asked for upon _
th, p,t,,lou or uppliCxtfoll f the overs of n
n )ority M the property to be assessed for ouch B} Ald. Melady—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
IiiFlf[b—'send the cotntrll plan or rofile nt the City et St. Paul:
said improvement, as req nireJ by hr,c, it you re- Thxt the matter of bu11d1nK n eeu,�r o Ellet
port In favor of the sunle. R'inifred, from Concord to State, Iw and the
Sixth—Bead the conuell a proper order direct- saute is hereby referred to the t,oxed of pnbilo
ing the work to be done. works to Investigate and report:
Yeas—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley, s I"''—Is this Improvement proper and necee-
Fisher, Gehnn. Ka vat xgh, Leithauser, }ffnea. °ry:
\lelxdy, Prn[t, Snnbnnl. Sulihnul. Weller, ]"sere, `econd—Give the eounefl au a timate of the
Ur. Preeiri"It-17. expense thereof, ni,d tate Nether one-half o[
Approved April R, 1800. the Cost thereof is to he paid Into the city [rens-
_ ury Ilefore the COlitrxet le let.
By Ald. Yoe[g— impiroven>eult be foeunI benefited teethe extent o
It is hereby „rdered b} -•the Common Council of j
the City of St. ter o lam by? costs and expeusee to be incurred
That the matter of crokes,tfnR a sereer mi thereby'
Biker treat, from l'hernkee nvem,e to Ohio Fourth—Iasnchlmprovemeutasked forupon
treat, be xnd [he same is hereby referred [o the I the petition or nppllCatino [ the n ro of a
b ad f nlbllc works to investigate and re ,ort: majority the property to be easesaedi+(or each
Fis� im r
t la this improvement proper +aid uecrs- I e mend?.
sary? F iftll—Send the conncil plan or rofile of
Second—Gh-e the council x 1 stbnutc of the said improvement, mi required by law, �( you re -
expense thereof ,uul tate vhether ole -half of P `tin favor st the same.
the cost thereof is to be paid into the cit • tress- lath—Saud the conncil a proper order dSrect-
ury before the contract Is let. - y InK the work to be done.
'ph(rrl—Can real ex+ate to he nasessed for xnid ]sxs—Aid' BlCkel, Blnm, Bock, Cllilen, Conley,
improvement be found benefited to the extent \lel Hely. Pre+tt. Sw ,uboru gh„IL-nlnhWel,er, ]'stere,
of Jamuges, costs and exlmn_ Bury to be }Ir.
,ncurred thereby? neves Preshleut-17.
Fourth—Is such imProven,ent ked for upo '(Pproved April R, 1899.
or application f the owners of
jority of the property to be asecesed for each By Aid. Lelthnuser—
improvement:' It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
Fifth—Send the council a Ian or profile of the City of 9t. Yaul:
olI improvement, ns re,IUitY��by Ix w, if you re- Thu[ the nuitter o[Krnding Ocean street from
port in ""or of the same. Seventh street [o Aun-ester nce,Ine be and the
nth—Send the Council u Proper order direct- cam!.,t,(, hereby referred to the board of public
Ing the work to Ire done. r kInvestigate and report:
1'exs—,1.d. Bickel, Blom, BOC', Callen, Con1eY, i First—Is this improvement proper and neces-
FLhrr, Gehnn, Kavanagh. I:eltheuser. afinen, anry^
Melndc, Pratt, Sanborn, Sol., .I \Veber,YoC.: Second—Give the conitefl an timate of [he
Presedeut-17. expellee thereof, and Lute che[her sun -halt of
Approved April 8, 1Soo. the cost thereof fe to I pall into the city et of
or before the contnlct fa let.
It Is hereby ordered nc the Common Council Improvement be
rei 1 estate of t e assessed toe said
f the ('icy of St. Anil: be found benefited to the extent o[
That the im,tter of a chance of damages, costs and expenses nereass ry to be In-
v!do "I binvk oro (2). II. 31. mall els onbdl- ciiFourthrred eCle Hoch improve.
vision o[ bock 11, Sti,lsoil's hlvision, St. Paul, the petition ut npplialooft the od„versupo'
",'-i 1j.4 7S♦:
Fifth -Send the enouurnec, plan r pmflle of he referred
,�-•'Ii f
to the boned of publle u'orka to
provement. yuired by law, it you re- lave-tignte and rePrt
p rt to favor of the name.
�I '�
Frrat-la toil Im
Stzth Seud the council a proper order direct ptrement proper and n aces
Ing the sacec'oud-Glue
'7 it E4
work to bedone I
the cuuncll a
Yeas -•{Irl. R�ekel, Blom, Bock. Cullen, Conle3. •- estimate of the
Flesher. Gehnn, Ka vxnxgh, Leu hnuerr \ - ezpeuse thereof, and s[nte vehetaer of
Ihten.}le I the colt thereof On to be ld
lad Y. Prutc. S horn, 8ullh'nn, till of
the city
\Veber, ]'nein, u y before the contract le let
Mr. YrestJent-17
APpro red Aprfl 9, 1890. Thlrtl-inn real estate to he aveessed for maid
_ be found fxneflted to the extent o[
By AItl. Sanborn- drag mgrs, co is nntl expenaea necessary to be of
It fw 40, oMe red I, • ed thereby?
} the Common C.'ouncfI of Fourth -Is x tch I "pro ant asked (or
the Clc}- of St. Paul: Lhe �appIleatfou upon
That the matter o[ Petltie of the o
reading C"zfnrd street. m crit of a
from St. I it property for
to he naeemmed
tenet to Grand u n be nnJ imjtroaeinef such
the came Is hereby other" Gourd
'.� ;� t
Lute ranitid to of F](ih-Semi the c Hell a plan o
Public a arks co lnveati report: avid i"n of r profile of
Firm[-ls provement. Hat
- 3
tbf. improvement reyWred by Iamv, 17 you re-
proper and necem- i Ptcrt ht "I orof the xan"e.
oud-Glue the c Hell t" --lath-Fend the couucll a proper order direct-
e nu stlm to of the inl the vv ork to br
, Anne
pence thereof, ni d tote "fhethero a -halt of ! ]'en.e-Aid. Bickel. Blom. Buck. Cullen, Cou!ey-.
cchice areal 1s to be P.fd tutu
before the the'I" t -ax- Flaher. (:ehxn. Kavanagh. _ch to
t•ontrxct user, 3finea.
I. let Jlelad Y. Pratt, Snnboru,
Sullivan. \Veber,
I entute to be r:exemned for nnlJ 1Ir. _.I,e xt-17.
lmprovemeoc he fo
" heoefite, [u till extent of Approved Aprd a, IA90.
tlxmugen, canto cud expexa- necemellry- i
to be in- _
et red tberebv^ By
Aid Prntt-
the ticona ar cili�ptplicut. oft the owners I It In hereby
`]I k _ ' •
n oil off w onlered by the Common Council of
rl the proi,ert}- to he nnmerstrd fur Lhe cit}}• of .c[. Paul:
tJ a}met antic
tc? That the matter of Rrxding ex[enaiou of coun-
cud the coonc0 x phm o �roflle of I tY tonJ. from LnniQonl avenue to Knapp
V " j•
sa1J "m`rrovement. nes requited by iu"r, It }'uu re- through block 87, St. Anthony Park, be and the
port in 4uco
of the some. a hereby referred to the board of public
Sixth -Send tide council Sa rka to Inveael
a proper order dlteet- to and re ,ort:
the work to bedone. Firet-Ia title (n f
ggeery? itoprormnenc
proper and times-
Aid. Hickel, Blom. Bock. ("dr.. Cbnie •,
Gahan, Kavuhngh, Leithxuaep Nhten, . gond-l:1ve the council an estimate of the
Dfeltuly. Yrx[t, Sxnbnrit.
��i '•i
Sulllrno, Wetter, expense thereof, and state whether cue -half of
]'oetg, \Ir. President -1 i.[he cost thereol is to he into
' - II 4
treasury before tit Pxld the city
Approved :{yell 8, 1890, e t ontract le I.
Third -CO. real extxte to be assessed for eai I
BY Aid. Sullivan- f tprovemen[ be
' [
tuna, benefited to the eztent o[
damages, costs and ezpeumet, necessury to be ht
It fe hereby ordered by the Common Council
:', •"-
the CYt • o[ St- P of thereb ! -
That the matter Fotu•th-Im such fmpruve
of pet (n Ilut asked for upon
feuding Grand avenue tl"rough }tiitceftlengrez tpnik� these o tition r ph ..I(the
o ern of a.
ew•ra eau to \Ixruleater u 'eau J ty of thor,e properly to be aa.esaedttor
agf '7,
., he ma such
mid the n n hereby referrers [o [br board of ]"Ikilth _,vine SeIId the c cfi n
p hien a orks to "n ceetlgnte nod report. ea1t7 yen I t of
First -Is this im t'u° t, t or profile
Provement as required by law, if you
a m., proper and necee- port it [nvor of the same. re-
_ II K:� �
Second-C:icn the con 'left nn extimnte f the log thew k to be douecll a proper order direct-
• pause thereof, and mote whether o to -half of 1'exe--Ar Blektheel, ll Bock `
the oat [hereof lx to he pm id into the
city frena- Fisher Gahan, Le Lhnayer, \I(nen�ef1 .Ielady,
u }' before the coutr.tet is let. Prnit. Fait
Cior. Sullivan, Weser, Voetg, 3Ir.
u rmxl eaGtte to be nnaexeeJ (or Hold Yea pf'rit
I¢ -clow- be found
.J 4
be.oelited to the eztent o[ A owed A
in Ren. cox[- mud a les o ppr ind A. 1890.
xpeu recax r y to b
rred e 3 e 1n-
[he reb +
1m Ry Aid. ivnn- •
provement asked for
the tits-Issuch
the Detry[It,ou or b
upon It Ia hereby ordered by the Comment Council of
( the ov "era of n he fit>>- of St Paul:
prodn y to •
ltnprovemeut �e property to be nsaesned<for such Thnt tit mnt[er o[ opening Fairview•
a enue
Filth-Sendv the council t lam or �roflle of from }Intahnll to Otto avenue bn and the sumo
Hid lm 1 hereby
provement, am required lave, if referred to the board of ubilc work.
port Ltli1 hen co -ant )'mt re- tc Inveatfgxte and p
^ i¢
d thele rePurt:
f St S t oun p rider if FK rs.-1- tblelmproaemcut
1. a pro e t 'c" sary+ ` proper atttl necea-
ug the work be
W donee
Hickel, Blom, Bock, Second -Give the
F]'en.-Aid. gtlleu (-Dole coon n nn estimate of tit
ete Gehen. Kavnnn¢h. Lelthnuser. NineH.
esh7d,cost hernof
)ql 1k
Me Pre lulu the cit_h.
I I 1 ,Pratt, 9x nborn, Sullivan, Wiener, loetg, p
in to be ttetayf
Mr. President -17. ry before the let.
contract to
Approved April 8. 1890. Thiol -Con teal estate co be eaeeaeed (or
improvement be found I,enenbe [o the extent of
Hy Aid S tlllvan dameT
�::f J
- colt.'aad expenses necessary to be 1n-
'-tl thet+eny.
It Is hsrebv ordered by the common [Fourth-ln
(til ., p
the efty of St. Paul: until of such im Provement a.ked for upon
f ` 7
That then iter 0f grading Fa(rviear avemte the petition or nppifentian of the oarners o[ x
Irgm )far.hal, to Otto unit
aft city of the
j� i
property to be assessed for each
avenue be std [he lanais mp ovement?
}IT t.
Fifth-Sendroventhe council i�I n r Profile o[ to conform to red line me rhe'- on the attached
x f t P t, sx tequirerl by Ia v, If you re profile, be a a the e e Im hereby tcferred oto
Port t o t%the same. lathe boors of Puhnc works to Inyentigxta d
Lh V the council a proper order direct rei`ort: t
tug the k [o be done. FY rat�le thfe improvement
1 {Id. Blekel, Blom. Brk. Cullen, Conley, yp Proper and nme m.
Flaher, Gehnn, `n ,ou dl, L bio,:e , \tine-, I sSecoud Glve the c u 11 itmxte of the
]leis dv, Pratt, Sru"bnrn, Su nivxu. Weber, ]went, p me thereof, thI etnte whether o boil o[
President it rhe coat thereof Is to paid nw the city ttea if of
Approved April A, ]890. before the con", la let.
Third -Cats 1 es[xce to be nxeenxed for laid
BS Ali]. 1{'eber improvement be found beneflteA to the a taut
It is hereby o`t. P,! by the Common Council of I f dam°gore• costa utttl ezpeuaes neceaanry to Ire
he dry of �c. Ynnl iun,rted thereby"
That the matter of pnvinB Rice xtreet from Fourth -Is sucnh Imppr e L aek�d 'or
Como avenue to Front street Le and the mane ix Lite o edition r pnlimtirtmof the
hereby to tired to the hoard of public vrorkx to fnaJ r`ty of the Property to be seae.aeit for such
ll,,1- s to 1. im} ro anent ec ..'d hot -Sena the council o
r Proper and n t t. x requlredpb➢ 1¢vv, profile of
oud--cave the council I e[Imute of the P art in lanae t the
mane 1f you [ro-
e pence thereof, and �tnce vhether o -boll of lath -Send the coulla a proper order dlreot-
the coat thereof 1n to l,e pnbl lot, the efty treaa in tnh-e work to be done.
u •before the coutrncd Ix let. �- -A lel. Eckel, Blom, Bnek, Callen, Gouley,
1'hirrl-Cru real estate to be m d fur cal, Flaher. Cehun. Kavnrtngh, Leithnuw±r, \finer,
im 2,gem. .the found bettellin-t cr extent of \lemric. Pratt. Sxnborv. Sullivan, R'ehery ]'cent,
d.magea. contra and expenxes n url' cu !»• In- }Ir. 1proved c 17
thereny' t ask :\Pproved April 8, lADO.
uF efitit is much un Prorrnwut Baked for of w
the Petit. Ir uroPert-t bOf e Lite ow nu --
m jonty�nf the property [o be nnaesued for ouch H}• yid. Sfelxdy-
vp nt". IC in hereby ordered by the Common Conn Ml of
tidTHIc.Send tide council pplan or profile of the City 11 St. Paul.
said improvement, am roynired by law. it you re-
"'!',It the matter of bn11KIIPg a newer on p:nst
port in favor 0f the -nice, w'inllreJ. from Concord to Sante, be and the
Siz[h-Seud the cuuncll a proper order direct- ware f- hereby referred to the board of d the
Ing the stuck to Bl be dnue, kw to hn'estygute and report:
1'eus-,{Id. Blckrl. Blom, Bnek, Cullen, Conley, et t��`„r'-t-la this improvement proper and lie_.
Fi.hmr, Gehnn, lia3 unugh. Leftllmtwer, )It con, Give the cuuncll nn timate .1t -the
}[ehtdy. Pratt, Snnbonl. Sullivan. Weber, Yo ry
Slr. President -17. ( Ise thereof, and tate ahether one-half oP
Approved .{Aril :i, 7A90. the coat thereof Is co be paid into the city [rens-
_- cry bI ce the contract le let.
By Ald. 1'oerg- Third -Gun real estate to be asseeeed for sLol�d�
It is hereby rdered by the Common C'ooncil of ihminxuremmutLse fou d be'mm.plialto to the luI, It d
ZTye Cue of St Ynul. therm oe mt
alert the met [ter of r tatrneting t ,, I ? c
B beet, from Cherokee a - a retie Fou tit (. much improvement sake, tar upon
treed. , and the name I. hereby referred to [hp I nta pori tion or application t the o. ( ¢
board' of ,ublic works to In rrntlgute and report: I inri[y Lhe property to bn t"(or Hoch
Ft`irat-)'n this ,mprovement prnyxr, ni„ ate 1 II�� rvemen('.
n y:' uFuclt SelaI the conncll plan r p oflle o[
a n[7 Give [he conncll
nate [ fire I solei Improvent n[, nes reynire[7 by Inr ifr y'ou re-
ar tl t In (nv
e<yret� reef P r of [h
nd a
etre wit e
e half of
he cn <th
t thereof ix to be pend into the lit Creme- S S , the cotlmm� a pro Per ceder direct-
- Lefore the contract ie let. S" ice the work to be dnue.
�� 1`hir,-Curt real ex rate to be r x-eJ for -milt }"rax -Aid. Blckei, Blnm. Bock. Cttlle�t. Conley,
t tprov-anent It fonad be". me led to the eztent F1,4, lY. Prsmtt..SKtbon>. land,
h�lllartheher, ]'orerg,
of arced th enntn and exy,enses ar}- to be }I r. P_bb nt-17.
w roc [Hereby` necean Approved A
Fo Ortb-I. v,h impro cement ked for upo mrd A, 7890.
the petitlml or
xpphprtmn [ ear onmero of
majority Of the property to be assessed for suet By Ald. 7:eithnuaer-
tl�i(Lh-arffd'if council o rofile of Ittbe tdtP Sot �t6 Paluby the Common Co..ell of
xuI impmvean, xx reyulre�"by lu w, if you re Tltnt Lite mutter of Knulmg Gcean -treat from
Port in favor of thra:nne. entreat to Hurvexter uvenne millet f the
.-th-Fend the council a proper order direct. emu 1. hereby referred to [he board ,d public
tcnrk [o he lune. r of to lncestl(tn[e and report: -
]'e 'b` BIrk,]. Blom, Bulk, Callen, C,onle}•, m•Firat--I. title improceme ,t proper Hud necew l}j3/
Fisher, Geh an, Kna nnxgh, Lefchau-er, \linen, - 7
Neladv. Pr¢[t, nborn. Sullivan \{ eber.]'oerg, mFerond Glve the council n tlmnte ( the
}I r. prove April
. e'I:enae thereof, sod Lute 'bather one hal( he
Approved .{pill 9, t A90. the colt thereof is to be paid Into the In [renof
__ cry before the contract 1. let
it fa hereby ordered c the Common Conner fliprocement f e found bettelI ed be . t.-,] for aid
State to
of rhe C'i[v of St. Pnnl. I damage coscx and ezpenees necessary to be fn -
I «ytttlt the
lun•kt [ten t,r(C 21. tHry)1Q,anneu�a snbdl ! at, thereby°
ybitun of bock 11, SrhlsotI m Rlvisfon�et. Paul, theeti ton Fourth-IaO1teImprovemetnt asked for upon
P application f the Dau_ of a
majority of the property to be assessed for site
Imp ovement'.'
p fifth—Send the council a plan orprofile of sai
Emprovemeut. as required by data, it you repor
Su favor of the same.
Sixth—Fend the council a proper order direcl
ing the work to be done
Peas—:1111. Bickel, Blom.. Bock, Cullen, C'oole)
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Lei[hauser, Mines
Afeludy, Pratt, Sanboru, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerf
Mr. PresideutLlT
Approved April 3, 1890.
By Ald. Yoetg—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council o
"hut he fnntler of constructing n
George etrest, from Ohio street to Stnith =_`ul
be, and the sante is hereby referred to the hoar,
of )?first—ublic works to investigate and report:
p Is this improvement proper and neces
Stroud—Give the council an estimate of the
expense thereof. and state nether one -cult o
the cost thereof is to be paid into the city tree+
rc before the contract is let.
u Third—Can real estate to be nssessed for snit
unprovenient be found benefited to the txtem
of damages, costs and expenses necessary to bi
" reed thereby?
Fourth—Is such improvement asked for opo;
the petition or applicationf the owners o[ +
Imajority of the property- to be assessed for sttcl
inpro yeute It.
Fifth—Scud the council a Thin or protile o'.
ad improvement, us mquim by len-, of you re
port it,favorof the same.
Sixth—Fend the •Qtlllc•.d n proper order di
r •ting the work to be done.
1';+as--Apel. Bickel, Blo,n. Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gellun, Kavnmmla, Lefthauser, Alf h,a
Melody, Pratt. Salihorn, Sullivan, Weber,
Yoerg, )fir. President -1 7.
Approver[ April 3, 1890.
By Aid. Blom—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council o3
the C.ty of St. Paul:
That the matter of construct iisear;;
o i Case street, from Bo -street to 176 feet east
of \Vestnlfaster street, he e111d Lite saltieb llereby-
referred to It)isboned of public' works to fuvestl-
g F,A—Is tilisot C improvement proper and neces-
Second—Give the Council an estimate fit.,
e pence thereof, and state whether one-half Of
the cost thereof fs to be paid into the city
treasury before the contract is let.
Third—Caul real estate to be +assessed forsold
,in, —eneot be found benefited to the extent
Of dol nnges. cost and expenses necessary to be
mcor—I thereby.
Fourth—]s such felprovenient asked for upon
the petition or application of the ot,mrs of a
majority of the property to be assessed for such
Sm ,roventeut:'
Fifth—Send the. Council a len or profile of
said iniprocenlent, as requiref by In,%, if y-ou re-
port in favor of the same.
Sixth—Send the ('ounefl a prover order Ilrect-
Jim the to rk to be clone.
Peas—Aid. Mickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fidler. (;,ban, Kavanaugh, Leithaaser, little.,
D(thrdy. Pratt. Sanborn, Sulhvan,ll.cber, ].t"
Mr. presf holt-17.
Appro,ed April 3, 1890.
By :1111. W,ber—
It is hereby hr I d by the common council of
the mty of St. Paul:
That the matter of constructing a sewenoii
Charles street, from Bice to Dfaron street, be
and the same is hereby referred to the board of
public rnrks to investigate and report:
First—ds this Improvement proper and ii s-
thu y?
;second --Give the council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and state p'hether ole -half of
the cost thereof is to be paid into the city these.
ury before the contract is let.
Tpfrd—Can real estate to be assessed for snfd
daunngexrtco is andeiit be leixpenslesi ted es the extent
f� f
tuned thereby. necescan
Fourth—Is such improvement ask d for upon
the petition or application of the ow ers of n
najpnt, of the property to be assessed for each
lnppl nthP hot the .....fila plan orprotile of snfd
f mlanyemeut, as required by late, 1 you report in
fetor of the same,
SS. th—Send the council a proper order direct-
ing the work to be done.
Yeas—Aid. Bickel, Blom. Bock, C1111en, ('onlay,
Fisher(;,hall Kevin. gh, Lefthanser. }linen,
Meiadl. , Pratt, Snliborn, Sullivan, Weber, Yost%,
Dir. President -17.
Adopted April 3, 1890.
By Ald. i3lom—
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
tine Ot - of St. Paul:
That t e matter of constructing a sewer oil
Payne u, erne, from Jessamine street to Mary -
laud stcc t be, and rite same is hereby- referred
to the board of public works to favesticate ul d
re[First. Is this lmprovenlent proper and na-
d. Give the council all estimate of the
expensethereof, and state whether one-half of
the cost thereof is to "'T
id into the city tress.
r • before the contract is let.
u 'Third. Call real estate to be assessed for said
improvement be found benefited to the extent
f the damages, costs and expenses necessary to
be Incurred thereby".
Fourth. ds such innp ovement. asked for upon
the pite of or application of the .titers of it
oo rthe property to be assessed for such
Fifth. Send the a null a plea rp ofile of
said improvement its required by land, Ifyoure-
port in ho
of the so
Sixth. Send the council a proper order direct,
fug the nark to be done.
]seas—Ald. Bickel, Blond, Bock, Callen, Colliey,
Fisher, Gehan, Ka inigh, Leithauser. )linea,
Afelady, Pratt, Sbo
anrn, Sullivan, Weber, Yoelg,
AI r. President -17.
Approved April 3, 1890.
By Ald. i.eithaneer--
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Patel:
That the matter of a change of grade on Hud-
nue, from hates avenue to Mendota
trx,t ybe and the sane is hereby referred to the
h nl of public rnrks to investigate and report:
First—Is [cls fmproyYment proper and ❑eten-
s Bond—Give the council an estimate of the
lenge thereof, and state whether one-half of
;he cost thereof is to be pad Into the city tress.
- before the Contract is l
Third—Call real "late to be assessed for still
ip ovement be found benefited to the extent of
young costs and expenses lu—searyYo be in-
:arred Heathy?
Fourth—le such improventeut asked for upon
:he petition or application of the owners of a
majority of the property to be assessed for such
f fifth—Send the council it plan or profile of
said inlprovemeut, nn reuui-I by In,, if you re-
port ho favor of the saute.
Sixth—Send the council a proper older direct -
the tate u-ork to be (1one.
Y—Ald. nickel, Bloat. Bock. Cullen. Cooley,
Fisher„ Gehau, K11,11111191). I.eithanser. Miner.
Afelld S. Pratt, snnborn. Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg.
Air. President -17.
Approved April 3, 1890.
By All]. Afelnly—
It is hereby ordered by the 'con"on Colutcil of
the city of St. Poul:
That the matter of RradhigWias]ovavenue,
front Pruspeet Terence to i'o It
ice elevel. be and
the pante is hereby referred to the hoard of pub-
lic works to nlvestigute ninl report:
First—le this holoruveulent ],tepee and uccss-
oml—pity tie c um•11 n n estimate of the
exi-as, thereof. and state \shetber n e -hal[ of
the cost it,, reof isto be paid into the City treas-
- before tie contract is let.
'Gill fine Ceettealnd tothit ll to thforsaidim-
protement ])e [ouo,l benefited to the extent of
d>umage+, costs +ctrl —en—nee;scary to be in -
red thereby:•
c•allronrt It—Is such 'm pritement asked for upon
the petition or opplicatfoit o
f [lie o\- her, hi e
writ)' of tilt property to be assessed for such
1 rovement:•
Iifth—Send the c nrfl a plprofile of
nil in provement. as reyuired an byn law, i[ you
niort in favor of the sante.
sixth—Send the conm,il n proper order direct-
ing the work to be dam.
\'Pas—Aid. Bickel. I- :lune. Bock, Cu11e11,1
n ta
Fisher. i;elthKiamach. I.PitI user. )tinea,
Alrlxd}•. pe"tt, Satborl, Sullivan, \Veber, 1'oerg,
president -17.
:1 ,proved .t pri13, 1890.
By Aid. Sanborn—
It is hereby order - I by the 1011,innn council of
the city of St. Pin]:
That the mat+j•r of gradi,ic tilt alley- in block
twenty -it v, \I arkjibiit A >nrsh;dl's ndddt]nn, be
atltl the pi n c is hereby reh•rrPd in the board of
publie work. to investigate and report:
s First—]s this fntprnyenlept proper and neCes-
ias-id—Give the r0111101 all -thante of the
expense thereof. nal state whether one-half of
i t thereof is to be pail foto the city it I., ry
before the Contract is let.
Third—Can real estate to be asseabed for said
fmprove,nent he found benefited to the extent of
doulagex. Costs Gild expPuper neves,'-at•y- to. be In-
curred thereby'.'
Fourth—Is sne'i improvement a+ked for upon
the petition o' application of the owne,•s of a
t tiority of the property to be asses -1 for such
I•'ilth—Sen theconnr0o plan or profile of said
� •i L.
It, regpired by lute, if you report
1t1f1a �or iof the same.
Ki. [h—Fend the c'oln•il a proper order dit•ect-
ing the \,ark to be done.
Peas—Ald. Bickel. Bloni. Bock. Cullen. Conley,
Fiber, Grlam. Knvnnngh. Leitbauscr. Aline+[
Melody. Pratt. Saubori, Sullivan, Weller,
Yue,e, Me. President -17.
Appr 111 April:1, 1890.
By Ald. sanbori-
It I, hereby ordered by the culunlon couucfl of
the lefty of St. Paul:
TI til- ,natter of grading the alley in block
13 of Holcombe's addItbo to St. Patel for and
the same is hereby referred to the ])ward of pub -
• works to investigate ani report:
Fiest—Is this inlprovemeut proper and imess-
groond_,;ive the thereof. and store C n'1 eiwhether fC
er one-half of the
the ex-
c,,It thereof is to he paid into the city treasury
beton thecontract is Ira t -
'pho vet leen lt:d ;sante n be assessed for snfd
fmpr,a,, cot be found benefited the extent of
'JuninRes, Cods and ex pensee necessary to be bt-
u red thereby'
t Fourth --I snob improvement asked fur upon
the petition o,r a......ation f the o" i is if a
nit o it Iver of the property- to be naveswd for such
u'I, I m
Fitt])—F•nd the-Iololn ppan or profile of paid
mfavor of
as required by loos, if you retort
I.. hath- of the pit me.
sixth—Send the Council a proper order direct-
ing the \cork to be done.
MeetsAllo. Bickel. Blom, Bock. Collell('mice,
Fisher.. Gehau, lnlbonngh, Sullivan,owe. )linen.
Mr Pre Pratt, Snnbonl. livan, \\'cher, l'uerK.
Mr. proved it— it
Approved April 3, 18911.
11, .1111. Fanborn— it ]s hereby ordere,l he the conlntnn coin Cil of
the cit, of It Poul : That the mntterof rnu-
strut, g u censer pin llsceuln nein ie. [;unit
Pl;n,att uveitic to .\con street, be n id cite
sa ]s hereby- r4rrred to the hoard of public
arks to in-stan to aid report:
First—In this ilnprovenent proper and —es-
crrOtutleeot. nlieidCcint el ,t
ex1lPtlle mute hnlfthof
-p-ea- s
the crest thcrYol Is to be paid\into the city trens-
tir before the Contract is let.
Thir,l—Can real estate be assessed for Inid int-
provenent be 10,11111 benefited to the extent of
danage,. Costs and expenses necessary to be fil-
vu red thereby?
Fourth—Is such finproventeut n.sked for upop
tie peti[iI or nPpliratiw, f th; ow re of n
najority of the l�ruperty to be assessed for such
imoro,e I,nt:'
nlil of
Fitt 1,—Stmt the council to lihua o tt e
said improvement. as r;,(aired by late, Itryou re-
port in mvor of the unapt.
s . th—Seat the.euun•it a prop- order direct -
hi the \cork to be done.
Yens—.\I.1, llfckel. Illwn. Bock. culh,n. Conley,
Fisher, (;chain, Kuynuagh, Leiumuser, Millen,
Altlady, Pratt. Sanborn, sulllvan,Weber, Yoerg,
M.. P—bleal-17
Approved APrfl :i. 1890.
Ily Ald. Pratt—
It fs hereby ordered by the Common Connell of
the CS cc n( St. Maul:
Tho[ the matter f grading Capitol acme,
Irelatnl nn11 Hnbhar,lstreets recut Bain he ave-
nueeast -'rly to I-exingtoll (nrehmpnnfed by n.
batit st nl of lite lediclturks LO i,1vrxtfKstr laud report:
Irirst—�s nthis inlprovemeut proper and 11—s-
coactherive the I , atl al esio,r e d the
expense thereof n,1d state ])ether weyt v of
the t•hpt thereof fs tp he paid into the City tren,-
u v before the cont-vt is let.
Third—Ca, real estate to be assessed for said
idu t,\rovrment be found benefited to the extent of
,ages, costs slid expenses necessary to be in-
curred therehy"
Fourth—ls sue]) improvement asked for up t
the petition or application of the owe"', of a
majority of the property to be assessed for such In the matter of the repport of the board of
improvement? public works dated M.reh 4th, 1890, it is here-
Fifth—Fend the council aplan orproflle of said by ordered by the common counell of the city of
im11)rovement, ax required by ]a,' if you report St. Paul:
1 I Inv r of the same. Thar the board of public works of said city of
i. th—Send the council a proper order direct- j St. Paul cause the following improvement to M
inp the work to be done. made. to wit: Construct a sewer on Weide
Fill Inc. Gelan,icKalel,v nngh RL,Itb.lser, \tinea, Lxti bran streetyfrom sWfeide nvr trsou ue to
reet; on
)felady, Pratt Sanborn, Sullivan, Reber, Yoerg, street: on Arcade street, from Lawson street to
Mr. President -1 7. Phalen creek; on fork street from Weide ave-
AFproved April 3. 1890. to Arcade tree! on Sima street. from
_ funds aurone co arcade street nn i;xas t—f,
By Aid. Blom— I from %% id,.venue [o Arenas stmt o , Jenks
It I, hereby ordered b the Common Council of trot, from Walsh avenue to Arcade st t; n
the CYty of St. Paul:
Cook stmt, from Greenbrier avenue to Arend.
That the matter of condemning an et a ,t .t reef, dfu�olln et o t from Gmnbrler ave -
fn land. for the r , traction of slothe npes afornthe li \fend tuyatmt treet; Forest street: n street.
orcessF W on stmt from Mendota trot to cypress street;
It uttiarg}• cut \VeIII
Ilstir , t' between] Edgerton on stmt from Arcade street to F.reat
ret rest and Arcade stmt that may he re, ,dred stmt; o Maryland stmt from Mevdota stmt
in the grading of said Wells stmt be d Lhe o Forex! [ret a d Greenbrier avenue.
a - reby referred to the board of public from Jeasnmine stmt to �I.ryylxnd fret: and
ni,, _,. f le 111p alot report grade Weide avenue, from M6r 1 d stmt to
it Fiat—Ie this provemeut proper and I -- I )Yells street in said city, said set ering and grad-
eBSecond— ti Ing to be done under one contract.
Give the council a timate of Tbat said board cause said work to be let by
e prase thereof. xud tete wnether one-half o['. utrnec, P ovided by lar , without oto -half
I; Cost thereof I. to be paid into the city tread- the estlmets cost being Bret paid into file city
wry before floe co„>uct is let- treasury. and after said work hall be placed
im bird—C 1 tate to be losessed f—sild I and contract. said board shall proceed- velth-
de„Prrovemeut be found benefited a the extent of t ,[ delay to usxe.e the a int ly as
I costs and expensee me ,.r}- to be in. the3recmr .ac: rtnin Lhe enm1. ot which will rbc as
c d thereb}-'.' li d to pay Lhe costa mrd n aro expenses
Fourih—le such improvement aso `d for• topou arch gradin IInpon the text estate to be bene -
the petition or applicutlon f the f fired thereby: and to the extent f $1.75 pe
Ironmajorityof tithe property to be assee.ed tot such fo ,t trona the rent state to be benefited by
Fifth—Send the co ,act] a plan o pprofile o[ enid s v r as provided by law; it bef„g the
said improvement xs squired by Ixt,, If you
If �X�nion e t the 'on"”' that
real .tate-to be
Port in favor of the same. ed fpr said sewer enn be found neneficed
Sizth—Bead the council a proper order dirmt-Ito the a tent of 81.75 per foot toward. the
htg the work to be done. osis end ezpesnnaen n e n- to be incurred
ens—Aid. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Q,IIe,,. Conley, Ixr a vises neve ererY, d too the ,cu eennt of the ...t and
Fisher. Gahan, xxvxnngh. Leith. I , \tinea, 1nF nary t M h d for id d-
)felad Pratt Sanborn, Sullivnu, \Veber, )'oerg, )wens—All. Bickel, Blom. Boek. C alien, Conley,
Mr. President. I,. Fisher, "ehnn, Kavanagh, Lelthn neer, :t3inea,
Approved April 3, 3880. )felady, Pn,tt 8anb.rr,, Sullivan, \Veber, )-.erg,
Me YresPro tt,
By Aid. \Veber— Approved April 3, 1880.
fs hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the (Yty of St. Pan]
That the matter f gradin` Arundel stmt. In the atter f the part of the board of
from yfinneAaha to c, a ne, be red the ppublic work. dated ylnrchre 8, 1890.
same�s h reby referred to tM board of pub,i•: 1[ is hereb}-.xlered Uy rite Common C. Intel'
of k Lo investigate nod report: the Uty- of SL. Paul:
First—le this hnprovemeit proper and neces- Gle C the board of "act. bile works of said city of
s }• St. Paul muse the folloxing improvement to be
Second—Give the couucll a estimate of the made, to ltit: Crude Mhtnehaba street from
expense thereof, and state whether one-half of Bock street to the easterly city limits fu said
the cost thereof is to be paid into the city tread- city.
trey before the contract is let. That said- board reties said work to be let by
Third—Can rent aerate to be assessed for said contract, ae provided by law, with
improvement he found benefited to the extent of the estimated cost befng'ret ppaid into the city
damages, coats and expenses necessary to be iu- L usury, nd after said work hull bs Idaced
c nrI thereby! under con tract, said board shall proceedwith.
F urth—Is sutah improvement asked for upon out delay to assess the amount as early as
the petition or pplicatlolt f the owners f s they scan ascertain the same, which will be re-
txJori[y of the Pro perty to be assessed Tor such qulred to pay the coat and ttecessar
im�r ovement' P such im Yexoenses
itth—Send the c t ell plan r pro'Ie o[ benefited bprovement upon Lhe rend setste to be
Imlr `ovem t t, ns re aired bre Inn, ft y said improvement as provided by
t q y roc reoorc law: it Ming I m opinion of the council that rnal
in of the same. tate to be assessed Por such ImPtovem eat can
Send the eonneil a proper order direct- be found ben... to the extent of them send
Ing the work to be done. a pensee necessary Lo be Incurred thereby.
1 Cas —Alda n, Ka Blom. Bock, (l,llev, Conley, xYea.—Ald. Bteke] Blom, Bock, (4tlI'll, Conley,
Fisher. Gehan, Kxv-nn,vgh. Leithauser, Bl Inca, I Fisher, Gehan. Kavntylgh,. Lelthauser, \linea
!lfelx,ly, Yrntt Sanbon,, Stt]llvnn,Weber, 1'oerg, )tel ady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan. Weber,
]Ir. Pratt,
Ycerg, ylr. President -17.
Approve April 8, 1890. Approved April 3, 1890.
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works dated March 28, 1890.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the Cityy of St. Pan]:
That tl,e board of rublic works of said city of
St. Paniamble, to use the foli
lowing improvement to improvement to
Grade Fast Sixth street front
Commercial street to J[nrin avenue, in said
That said board muse said work to be ]et by
contract ne provider] by heal without one -hint
the estimated coat befog flrst '"I"t Into the city
treasury,and after said work shall be i. 1 un-
etheamouroard tas nearly
eorl yy� as hout
certain the same, whleh will be required
myp of
the cost ip ethereal e�tas.ten to be
benefi'.ed b - saidtimprovement as
provided by
laws: it being the ol,],dnn of the couucll that ren,
tate to be assessed for such Improvement can
be found benefited to the extent of the cost and
Approved April 3. 1890
In the matter of the ort of the board of
Itublic works dated Marchp20, 1890.
is hereby o ordered by it,, Common Council of
the (it
yy f St. Paul:
That tre board of p bllc works of said city of
St. Ynul arose the following improvemevt't. be
lade, to It: Construct se ser , Fifteenth
nitres[, from Jackson stmt to G.nada stmt, I.
said city, together with the necessary catch
basin, and muholes.
That sold boardn e.aid work to be let by
contract as provided by lavr,withonc ode -half the
as n �ithiehiiwillyM
cost m .,I
t upon the real e
y sary
said improvement ns I
Approved April 3, 1890
In the matter of the Mort,of the Board of
Public Works dated %lareO 4, 1890.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the Cytyy of St. Paul:
That the board of public works ot�nid city
of St. Paul cause the following in `.rovement to
be made, to wit: Construct n set r on Forest
street, front Phalen C k to Case street: oil
Sims street, from Arcade street to Forest street:
on fork street, from Arcade street to Forest
tit, aro on Case stager, Dom Arcade street to
Forest street, Ineaid city, to rethrr tt'tth thenec•-
Catelibusins and mil oles, said sewering
to be done under one contract.
That said board cause said work to be let by
.tract, ns ovided by law, x'ItImut o e -half
the eetfmaterl c st being first paid Into the City
irensurY, entl after ,d v k shall ne pplaced
,older contract, ,ala boars shall proceed without
("I"y to n+seas Lhe u e ly ¢s then j
tarn the me�b'htch wilt be qulred
to pnv the yoste sad necessary ezb of
Improvement to the extene [ i s1.75 per
foot upon the real estate to be bene-
fited b}- said improvement, as provided by law:
it being the opinion of the cwmell that real es.
tate to M assessed for such improvement enn be
found brvefited to rue extent 0f $1.75 per foot
tow'urds the costs aid expenses uecticary to be
incurred thereb➢.
-eas—Ald. Bickel, Blont Bock, Cullen, Cooley,
F'is ace, Gerbil, Kavanagh, Leitha me. Mine.,
Melud", Pratt Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber. Yoerg,
J[r. President -17.
Approved April 8. 1890.
Iv the matter of the of tha Board of
Public Work. dated 11=2. 1880.
It I. hersbytord,-,] by the l;o,nmpn C ..elf of
the City f St. Paul:
That the bw,rd of pub,tc teorks o[ said C(ty
If St. Paul cause the following improvement
to be made. to tett: Open n alleythrough
block 9, Mackubf I S yfnr.hall's additl on, from
\Ixckuhf„ street to Krnt stmt, in said city,
i demufng and flaking tile,ou[h seven and oac-
hulf feet of lots 1 to ]5, 1nc:usiv-e, aid oleo [he
rtb seven and one-Imlt fret of lot. 16 io 30 in-
clusive, 11 m block 9. Muckubin 6 Mar-
ehnll'e addition to St. Paid: that said board
,hall proceed at rlel:ry to ¢caress the amount
lyas, they call sr etalu the same, which
aillMrequired topay thedamage,,co,tsandnee-
ry e. peaaea f , en Improvement upon the
to be benefited by said imn.rovem-1,
ear moll that reall tt� tate t ),brae oil asse,sedoil
fot Isthh
niprovaneut cunebe toned LeneSted to the such
teat of the dmm�pes _cost. and expenses necFe-
a. Approved April 3, 1890
In the m after f the report of the Board of
Pubnc Work' dated March 27,1890.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
<Yty of 8t. Paul:
1•hat the board of ppuhlic works of the city f
St: Paul cause the foli-wing improvement to be
made, to wit: "rude Nelle stmt to ,partial
grade, from Edgerton —t to Arcade stmt, h,
saki elty
That said board cause auld work to be let by
retract u, ovided by law, without one-half
the eetimntetl eo t being first ppaid into the city
treasury, and niter e.fd o k hall lye placed
cute delay contract. to assails th—ramai[Par-soc,ear,ym
they ren nscer[nin thea me, which IIIIabe re-
quited to pay the cost and necessary ex Pe lms of
1 p veal t upon the real s ate to be
benefited by said improvement, as provided by
few; It being the opium if
of the council that real
state to be assessed for each improvement can
be found benefited to the extent of the coat and
I.riu s. neces.nry to be incurred thereby.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Biotn, Bock, CYtllem Gouley,
Fisher, Gehan, Rx anxgh. Lsith fuser, ]fines,
Mel.dy, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber,Yoem,
Mr. President -1 7.
Approved April 8, 1890.
In the matter of the re.p ort of the Board of
Public Work. dated Mare181, 1890.
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
u,e,Yt}}� f St. Paul�:�'
St. Paul cause theof Ilo�irfwork,
Itnprov said
self [o -Le
made, to wit Grade Pacific street .from For.
set stmt to Guerin- avenue m said city.
That said board cause said work to be let by
contract as provided by law', without one-half
the extnmted cost being first paid Bit. the city
Comnittaw on clnlms.
[reason•. Rud aftersuld w.rk shall be rr laved un-
der contract said board shnll ithout
From J. A. 31 Auley--
delay to uses. the unnonut as nearly xx they call
Asking for 8:118 damages sustained by remeon
of horse falling Into
ascertain the same, tridch will berequired to pay
not nhole.
Committee on clnlms.
so thel 'net Bit uetessnry expenses f
From .I. A. }fc. I ey—
s said I upon the real estate to be
[ed said as by
Notice of claim for dnmeges—horse falling into
Is I ng pbB.oyement, provided
la W; it being the oplmon Of the cOIIOCII flat real
Corporntloln Attorney.
estate to be assessed for such improvement can
found benefitednecessary
F pm L. D. metre end others—
to the extent "f the cost and
ezPeuxes ecessary to be incurred thereby
For opening slid grading of Chatsworth street
fr m Llmrel
1 i+a—Aid. Bickel. Blom, Bock, (:ellen, Conley,
to Goodrich avenues.
};rued of public works with order.
Flsher. Gehan, Kavnnugh, Lefthnuser, Mineu,
I Fr.. Ile" Losklel and othere-
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullfvan,Weber, Yoerg,
President. -17.
For the grading of alley hI block 25 of Ill. -
Approved April :1, 1890.
un & ]lnrsall's addition.
Board of
Adl Orued.
yublic works with order.
From F. E. Rutterfield—
WX HAMM, President of Council.
Taos. A. PBexntiac.+sr,
For permission to transfer to Spnngei+berg
City [;leek.
]fent company Beecher License No. 78, issued
March 19, 1690.
Regular Meeting.
Committee on license.
8r. Paul., April 15, 1590.
Vice President
From John Espy -
For paving alley in Block No. 12, St. Paul
Poen; in the chair.
Present—Aid. 6ickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, CO"`
Board of pnblie works with order.
]e}•, Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithnuser,
From St. Louis, St. Paul d- lliuneapOlis Packet.
Dtineu, )felady, Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Mr. I
company and Ida mood Jo line e
ie, President -15.
F'or thirty y ars ]ease of unrehouse hereto-
or preceding meeting approved and
fore occupied by them and ground lyytta, between
said warehouse and southerly raliron(1 track,.
From His Honor, the Mayor—Veto rd sola-
extending from Jackson to Sibley stn t..
Connmittee on streets.
tion prodding for refwlUhng sco to John H.
From Reserve Lona, Inveatmeat and Improve.
To the iHonorable President and Common Colin-
hent company and others—
For the opening and grading of Hamlin,
e.1 of the (Cry of St. Yaul:
,Due from Summit avenue to Randolph street.[
Grntlmned: f herewith retarn without my
approval the resolution providingtor therefund-
Board of public works with order.
From Chauncey W. Griggs and Addison Foster—
ing of the i nm of 950 to John H. 111-1sh for the
Notify!", mayor d common council of a
of certain property sold in error, for claim for S150,000 dxmub_ if
the Broadway
the reasonthat no assessment of this nature hue bridge and approach are constructed pur,u-
ever Leen paid. If the owner wishes the assess-
en[ nnnulle,j, the roper course for him to
nit to prcwent,inns.
Board of public works.
pursue !s to apply to tae board of public works.
Flom F'rxn O. Osborne, attorney for Sibeon.
suggest that the matter be referred
to the committee on streets for further invest!-
1 -Cry
Relating to damnn,g a to premises—flock 4
Setion, respectfully, Eas[vBle Heights addition—Roes and Earl
R.B.-A. Satan, Afa}•or. streets gradin,.
pril 8, 1890.
Accettpted, and vote by which said reeoluti0
was ai]opted reconsidered. Yen•,, 15
The matter was thereupon referred to com-
mittee oil streets.
Resolntions for cement sia.walks on Rice
Greet mad Cudel,mity avenue—
To the 4coornble President and Common Coun-
cil of the CYty of St. Pau!:
n [urelthe tWo resolutlonordering cettb it ineu[ tilde
walks ou parte of Rice street and U-1-mity av-
enue, because I have received a numerously
alg"ed protest xgninst said improvement from
resident p opera}• ow"era 'long the Ilne of the
proposeOl Improvement, and I also return said
reso Iltions at the pedal request of the alder-
man o[ that district. 'cry respectfully.
Ru a.- A. bCnITH, 3facrr.
April 8, IS 0.
Accepted, and vote by which said resolutions
em adopted reconsidered, yeas 15.
rep The matters re thereuponn referred to the
alderman of the district.
From George Doehne—
Asking for refunding of 8200 paid for cncatfon
f alley In•blocit 15, Fairview addld...
(Committee oil claims.
From Anna Bohler—
Asking 8500 personal damages sustained by
re ---I of de@et(ce sidewalk.
Louie H .11 Claims'
muen and others—
" alley in blocksl6 Ar1nFtonde ¢H IJs isdditlonr covii cpeaee
Board of public arork. with order.
From .logos[ F. 3t¢nke
Oath and bond rex c,",table with WI111Nm
Rn rm mr anti Charles Fallen as sureties.
Accepted nud sntd bond approved by follow -
ng vote:
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Ffaher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Lelthanier, \tinea,
Meln y, Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Mr. Vice Pre,i-
in t-15.
From C. J. Suthmeler and others—
For grading f Beech street, from English
to White Bear avenue.
Board of public works with order.
From Russell R. Doer and othem—
Asking appropriation of 81,500, or so much
there.!e t may -.a necessary, to improve as It '
park the triangular p(ece Id grmtnd east of Cro.
cus Hill and between Oaklandand Pleasant .,e—
Committee on parks.
From Ip. Traylor and others—
For Construction right of new bridge he Como ace.
title o'er right of way of Great Northern railway.
ma on streets.
From Annie A.
For and sidewalk .,I G
trt,.b l State street and Concord etxeet.Hoardof pub,
with order.
F•r.... American }lamf—taring company— I ( \llowe,l nal referred to city comptroller by
Askingg r,, n iestoi I, l.r ten a followlug vote:
,,,,, l( . "It wi I,tii,liniitstol,egru,,Iolot[hr fens—\I,1. Bickel, III—, Bock. Call,.,
••west sid, lore•." etc. Conley, Fisher, I.:rlu+n, Kavunngh, Leithuwu•r,'
t'Oinmittr -ou streets. Ulinat. 31,1 11 Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Mr.
Freon 1?. Stirrle and ntlw ti.— \'ice -President -15.
.\wklnlK for Lite grading of White Rear nreune, Also,
it I ills H"lls("h rout to East Seventh street.
Board of public works with order. Estimate No..'], Burr street brijlge 51.52 tnic-
FromChas.A.}f.ore unci others— �,[are.}lou.htl'rrnou BriUge UompnlY,sLo20.G1;
For Opening and grueling of Snelling +ac me Estinnnte NO. 3, Broadway grading and sewer -
it Montreal avenue southwurd to WestrSev- �, fug. A. F. Unlike, 51:37.50.
cath street. Committee on claims.
Board of public works with order. Of Market NInst,r—
Front E. A. Hendrickson + nil John P. Esta- Report market hall rent for January and
brook, committee of board park commfs,nott- February. 1890—city treasurer's eelld, 5500.
Comms Lice on ordinances and public ncrounts.
A+king for police officer for special service in; RRPoer of HOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS.
Como Park. ! H 11 avenue sewer—
Committee on police. To the Common Councl of the My of St. Paul:
-The board of public Works have had under
REPORr, OF C. v .F•FICF",. l.,deratio. tlm res duLlolt or Order Of the
rr common couucil,approved}lnrch19,1890,re1x-
Of City Compit oller—aedited claims, viz.: live to the construction a sewer on Hull lave -
F. (:. Draper & Co.. 5113.71; De (:on & C.., tine, from Isabel street to Winifred street, and,
52.20; J. Bennett, 815.40; Uerrill's Toilet Sup -1 huviug Investigated the proposed improvement:
ply, $:i; Fnank J. Brings. S7.4S; 7. L. Hear}-, Respectfully report that said mprovemenc is
8; Die Voikszeltung, 860(1.22; Allen & C'o., nmessnry'2(i pr.,r r, together With the twces-
82.50; Il. \L Snnyth Prluting company, —, -3 catch baefns and manholes: that the es-
K"ere iCdv I, Cbitteuden,$10.50; Df. J. Bell, S9.13o; timated expense thereof is 81,825, one-half of
A. Roedler & Son, 819.50; P. Hogan, 811.25; Inch need not be paid into the city tmasory
Pearce &•Jones, 82 158.59: N. W. Tcl. Ex. Co., before the contract ix et; that real estate
886:50; P. C. Lutz, ell: St. Paul Furniture ! to be assessed therefor cnu be fraud benefited to
c pmpmy. 8201: J. 31. 'Tierney. 82; J. V. John- the extent of the cost and expenses necessary
ton. 50.60: It. T. O'Connor, 5195.15; \latheu' to be incurred thereby-: that said improvement
Craig, 810.50; G. W. Uerrdi. s13: C. C'. Fharp, 7, not asked for by a petition of n majority of
86_.70: Pioneer Press Co., 5849.11; \fork C'.e- the owners of prop,•rt}- to be assessed therefor.
telly. 817.78; A. Jobst, 89.25: Joseph Gulon, bait lie herewith send atplan or profile o[ raid
62.94: James Ken-ley,s$20.30: Henry V. Aileu improvement. anti rel o •ter for your adoption,
& CO., 832.90: Ed Ryan, 894.9'5; James if you desire lie to make the improvement.
echooumnker, 5112: House of the Good Shep- yeas 4, nays 0.
heal. 8192.94; St. Paul Book & Stationery CO., R. L. Go"atas, President.
rd of water commissioners,
tel Gas Light Co., 57.809.71: P:
No. 7, 2d suppl. to Est. No, o
Brton street sewer eyetem,
ethnnh & Co., 840.
tiered paid by following rote:
ckel, Blom. Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Kavanagh. I.ei[hnuaer, tinea,
Sanborn, Weber, Ur. Vice Pm.i-
n Attorney—Sixth street bridge
The coyµ oration attorney nbmits draft of
ontrnet 'ith Edward J. Kirkland a d Albert
R. Starkey for construction of Sixth street
bridge, from Brook street to near Hoffman ave-
rt Accepted. (See resolution.)
Acceptance by Northwestern Telephone Ex.
•Mange compm, of Ordinance No. 1296—con-
duity—approved Feb. 19, 1890—
The c utfon attorney teturits approved
by him Wil. d dereptame.
lerepted and tiled.
Ot Clty Eng1
neer-1'o"tingent Ftmd.
The city engineer submits statement of Office
cOmi"gent fund and asks further appropriation
of 850.
Accepted. (See resolution.)
The city engineer submits approved by him—
No. 8, \feurlota road wooden arch
bridge, C. Stone, $765.00: Estimate No. 3,
Broadw.y bridge xubliteut-re, Kirkland &
Starkey. 88,797.50; Estimate No. 3, Mend. -
road iron bridge, Chicago Bridge and Iron com.
puny, 5637.00.
J. T, KR.KR..
Clerk of the Board of Public W.,]ol.
April 3, 1890.
Adopted. (See order to board of public
Charles street sewer—
To the Common council of the City of St. Paul
The board f• public works have fill (I under
Consideration the resolution or order of the
common council, approved April 8, 1890, mlB-
five to the constructlon of a sewer oil Charles
street, from Rice to Marion street, and having
Invest ted the proposed .'—t' oil
utRespectfully report that aald Improvement
ix ,—,,,ry d props together, witthe
e Itry catch basins and manholes, thencom-
missioner of health having reported to said
board that the same is a sanitarynecessity;
that the estimated expense thereof is
$958, o ,-half of which red not be paid
Into the city treasury before the contract fa let;
that real estate to be assessed therefor can be
foundbenefited to the exteut of the cost and ex.
penses accessary to ba incurred thereby; that
said fmprocemen[ is not asked for by n petition
of a majority of the Owners of property to be
assessed therefor, but Is asked for by a peti-
tion of a large number of (dent owners - f
uroheretx herewith scud the of said Rimprovemenc. and
p profile of id fin -
inclement, and an der l.r your adoption,
6 you desire us to make the Improvement.
Yeas 4, nays 0.
R. L. GOR]IAN, President.
J. T. K ... e ,
Clerk of the Hoard of Public Works.
A ell 14, 1890.
Adopted. (Sec order to board of public works.)
Also, 1e-helf of Which need not be paid into the city
Fairview scans grading-
trexsu ry before the contract s let; that real
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: estate [o be assessed therefor can be found beu-
The board of public Works have had under efited to the extent of the cost and expen,s
consideration the resolution r order of the necessary to be incurred thereby; that said im.
common council, approved April 3, 1890, rela- I provemeut is not asked for by a petition f a
five to the grading f Fairview v Cue, front i majority of the owners of pro Party to be an-
Marehall to Otto avenue, and h.,J.g luvestlgut- sensed therefor, but the herewltll send n plan o
M the proposed Improvement: profile th s fd 1m r
Respectfully port that it Is n Bary and your adoption, R jou desire s. to make ifor
sproper to made Fairview a nue from Mur- 1,rovemnt.
hall avenue to Otto tenet: that the timnt- I yeas 4, nays 0.
11 xpenee thereof fe 88,921), one-half f R L. GoaxOtx, Prealdent.
'lith sed not be paid Soto the citytreasuryI J. T. REagER,
before the c trat•L Is let' that real tate to Clerk of the Board of Public Works.
be sled therefor an Abe found benefited tprll 14, 1890.
necessurthe tent f the cost and xpense,' Adapted, (Secorder to board of publiellorks.)
onp y to be . 18 ked ed therey; that a id
maajjorftemeft the oked too by a petition of st Alan,
of property t0 be McLean aveune grading-
ar profile h [ n ]A howe
1vecieft, aad'a n p,'ec TTheeboard of publlefl 4o ke Clave had under
for rourm option, it Y.o t. Pent:
imp ant you desire un to mnk'e [he consideration the resolution rder f tae
yeah 4, nay. O. C1 nm Vu council. p{,roved April 7, 1887, rela-
R. L. Gonunx, ptesldeut. %ldl.,g f McLean street from HOR-
J. T. KEftaEn, . e to of street, and, having inve.-
Clerk of the Board of Public Worse, ti s I d the pproposed improvement'
April I .1890. pecttully roport that it is eceseary and
e ll CL
AdOpted. (See order to board of public works.) nveine to er to nn lntersectfon with the street kno m
Also, ns Hasthlge avenue or the old Hastings road,
Osceola avenue sewer- unuing through blocks fie and 32, Suburban
To tae Common Council of the Gity of St. Paul: I o Ibis, St. Paul; that the estimated expense thete-
cotlaThe board of public works have find under hnio tae e$ty treaeur �f efotre Cele contractb.petl
ideratfon tine rexolution r ler of the that real estate to be ae.esaed therefor can be
If Lo theconatrl c1 on If y prll 3, 1890, rein- � (Quad benefited to the extent of the cost ander-
avenue, from Pleasant avenue to Avon stt' et, Zuees necessary to he incurred thereby; Last
and, having investigated the proposed hn rove. said improvement is not asked for bby a petf-
front: p tion of a major,[}y of the owners nt property to
Respectfullyreportthat Bald lmomve- I assessed theretormbut ie a.k'ed for boy M ti-
ne sa a xad� proper, togetaher ti°tt of x large u bee f (dent "' L� ntl
avid tae nate ray [clr basins d `+ Ia'rty un the Ifne of said Ito�
v a holes: that he timated a pease there- eo ezma„th sends' plan or proofliC of said 1m-
[ le 83,'211, mte-hmf of Winch need [tot beg aid I t oder for p
Pr t and
into the lefty treasury before the contract n let; I y ]'eab 4 onyx make the lmj,rovem nt. [fou, R
that real estate to be 'ssaessed therefor tau be
found bnedred to the xtent of the r st nd R. L. Gon.t.yx, President.
Yen- 1 y to be incurred thereby; that •T. T. KRo
. x1d lmpovetnent ig not naked for by a Itfon Clerk f the Board of publle Works.
of a J city of the owners of Pet AVril 13, 1890.
as e�tl tlrere(or, bac we herew'f h aedts pin Adopted. (See order to board of pubhew'orks.)
r profile of s id Improve -wi and a
for =ooVrtadoption, if you deaire un to make the Also
Y eaa 4, 0. Fairview street grad
T the Common Counefl of the f7ty o[ St Paul:
R. L. GOl mAx, President. Th bo had nd r
J. T. K K t cousid...that then rel of Often. or O. 1[
Clerk of the Hoard of Public Works. nil, aPP d Dec. 4, 1889, rely
April 14, 1.89n. til' ro°the grutl111g of Fmrview stmt, Irom FIf-
J9..pted. (Bee order to board of public th stmt to Palne�lvasdn avenue, and Fif-
') ng Int nen f' ted the pr poa li lmprovemeut:
Also, Iles Pt'cttully port that said Improt-emeat
dlarciu street anti \Y tis inanity sewer- is neece,ary and proy that the ert`mnted
To the Common Commit of Cha Cita fat, peal: tpiot hetheldof is $rS, )ly't One- ryb°iote[ne oni,-
na er d of publle tion o ha 6 d alder tractla let; that real estate to be assessed there-
tto Id nation -the resolution or orderof thecom- for rain be found benefited to the extent of tae
o tie conxLruethu. odnylatth o4� Inrltin streets b�.� that Bald o ptestae
from y; Pe Ve .arytobemenrredIII
1b'nfa to Western ntld Can on petition of a tnujorlt m nt is not asked for be- a
\ reiw; n fr U ,varsity- to Rondo to be assessed [herefor.ylIh but �e nherewi h eendta
Lreet: and.havinginvestigated the proposed Can
improvement P r profile [ id Improvement and
B Pe tfully rnport that .aid Im y - d riot your udgptfon, if you dealm Ile to make
n y and pro �e i111 cement t. the improvement.
per, together with the acres- yeas 40"m
nay O.
.our bec+atetierbaslns and nuholea, said snx'ering
tract the commfe.fotter of J. T. KE...a. R'L. Goauxx, PresSdent.
that health +haven) .[°Nope rted tot said board C'h el of the Board of Public Work..
that theheeWmated 1 Cary n -..It Aprli 14, 189tt,
Pease thereof I. K89388, Adopted. (Seeordertoboard of publirl-rks.)
Sixth ward levee and Water street grading -
To the Common Council of the CRY of St. Pau
The board of public Works have had until
consideration the ml,olutlon 0, order of It
tineon council, approved March 6, 1890, rel
to grading to Lha establlalted grade and t
Width of fifty tent on top, the _.ged levee c
etreet In the Sixth ward and Water street, b,
ginuing at Starkey street; thence rum,.
u tingg In
theuaterly direction through Hxzllle ,
Roberts' addition to West St. Paul and throng
?fatal all's addltloa to Weet St. Paul to Stat
ort that It
e to top width of ANY
u t In
or street in the Sixth ward, fro.
\Vest St. yPnult°a theta tar 11 timatedtR"pe t'
thereof is $18,300, one -hall of which need nut
be pald into the city treasury before the con
tract is let; that real estate to be assessed there
for stn be found benefited to the extent
of the cost and expenses necessary to be in
carred thereby; that s id improvement I. not
u kedforbyapetitlou ofamajorl ty of the
of property to be assessed therefor, but w'e here
lith send a plan or profile of aald Improvement,
and an order for your adoption, if you desire us
to make the improvement.
yeua 4, nay. O.
R. L. Gou,v ,, President.
Clerk of the Board of Public Work..
d,. 189ee order to board of
w'orks.) public
Duluth aveuve gradinso, og
To the Common Council f Lhe CYty of SL. Paul:
The board of pubic w' rk9 have bad Inder
-onaideratton the resolution of Order of the
until, ppeo ed Sept. 7, 1889, Ia-
_i a to tithe gritd iag t Duluth .vein from
th street o Ener Fourth street' mea. hnv-
ng lnvestbm-d the proposed foup ut:
Vectfully report tint it lee
r°ear to grade Duluth • 1 t from East
th street to Dawson street; that the ell.
expense thereof f. $4,750, one-half of
r oy a pennon of a jority of the owners of
Nrr c Y to be miceased therefor, .nd , hem-
ita Weand nd ary'lan or profile ofinta improvea.ment
u to make the iffor your adoption, if you deefre
Yeea 4. 1 Provement.
aye 0.
J. T. RE....' R.L.Gmult ,Pmudent.
Clerk of the Board of Public Works.
April 14. 1890,
Adopted. (See order to board of public works.)
Linw'ooalace A]so,
To the Common Council of the Clty of SL. Paul:
The board of Public works bare had under
c ... Ideratlon the resolution r rder I the
common latheto oun R pp ved yfamh 19, 1890,
ading I.Inw'ootl place, .nd 890.
ing invsethmo, the propo.ed Improvement
lecestRe.O tf ¢I' d report that said improvement ie
per; that the timated ex-
nf -I Wldeh need
ot be paid( into 1. l'thee 'city treasury before the
contract is let; that real estate to be as.
sessed thereforcan be found benefited to the
extent of the cost ad xpensee necessary
to be incurred thereb
y; that said improve.
e t is not asked for o y . petition of a
mlllrityy f the owners f property to be as.
d therefor, but 11 herewith send oplm o
profile of Bald lmprovemenc, and an dee for
your adoption, it you desire us to make the 1m-
Yeas 4, inly, O.
R. L.
J. T. GO -at , President.
Clerk of the Board of Public \Norse
April 14, 1890.
Adopted. (See ordeAls bard of public vrorka.)
Fred street grading -
To the Common Council of the Cl't}- o[ SL. Paul:
The Doard of public w rks Gave had oder
consideration the resolution o der [ the
common council, approved March
tc the $redid$ of Fred street, from Burr
atreeI east to the alley ou Fred street and, hav-
ing Investigated the proposed improvement:
Respectfully re ort that it 1s necessary and
proper to grade Fred street, from Burr street to
If West line of!at Io, 1ryFne'e addition of out,
lots to St. P. I. roar r e ___
Isnllet�uthat a eat} t tate o before shed therefor
u be found benefited to these tent of the
cost nd xpOrt I recasary to be incherid
thereby; that said improvement la not asked
for a Petition of a majority of the owmere
u[ In, o�nrty to be aeo seed therefor,abi t we hoe e-
'ietht 1 a pat
olan profile o1 slid Im11�
deelre Ile t rtler
0 ske file lmy r anal.. I[ you
yea, 4, Illy., O. Provement.
J. T. KEnKEA, R. L. Goaxux, President.
Clerk of the Board of Public Work..
A rfl 14, 1890.
yf A OPted. (See order to board of public
or )
Fuller street and St Anthony _
It he Common Council of the CYtyeof tSt Pnul:
The board
publ(c w' rk. have had ander
naideratfon the resolution or orderf the
,common council, approved Feb. 5, 1891% rela-
ive to the construction Of sewer .. Fuller
street from Mackubi to Daclibieet and
-[. Anthony- -one, from Meckubm to DWe
street and, haviugvvestlgated the proposed
FFitee pectfully report that laid improvement f,
1 t necessary y and proper t this time, for the
[has at a hearing before laid board In
wid matter tone M the PrOPer° yens ism
int interested were iu favor f id improve
meas 4, nay. 0.
J. T. Kent.... R. L. Goal-, President.
Clerk of the Board of Public Works.
Ap) 2, 1890.
A opted.
South Robert street sewer-
Lhe Common lull] of the City- of St. Pam:
neideelstiou tae mfs°o1u91 oor order of hunder
c time[
'on council, approved March 19, 1890, -1-
to the construction 1 enue South
.bestreet, from Fairfield vto north
Id of the bridge that crosses the Kansas City
Also,ie-half of which need not be paid into the city
Fairview avenue grading— I treasury before ,is contract Is let; that real
To the Common Council of the City of St, Paul: I estate to be assessed therefor can be found bell.
The hoard of public works have had under efited to the extent of the cost and expeua
onsideration the resolution o order of he's necessary to be incurred thereby; that said I—
commou council, approved April 3, 1890, min- Provement is not Raked for by a petition of n
Live to the grading of Fairview avenue, frommajority of the owners of property to be ..-
Marshall to Otto avenue, and havim, Investigat- SII sssed therefor, but we herewith send a plan or
ed the proposed improvement: profile of Raid improvement, and an orderfor
R_Pectfuliy report that it is neressary and your adoption, if you desire us to make the I..
proper to ¢rade Fairview avenue. from alar-Provement.
shall avenue to Otto street: that the stimat- ]ens 4, Days 0.
edxpenee thereof is $8,920, one-half of R. L. G.Un R, President.
which need Dot be paid Into the city treasury J. T. KERKER,
before the contract is let; that real tate to Clerk of the Board of Public Works.
be assessed therefor can be found benefited 1 April 14, 1890.
to the extent of the cost and expenses! Adopted. (See ordertoboardof puphrIorks.)
necessary to be incurred thereby; that said Al...
Improvement is asked for by a petition of s
majority of the owners of property to be DIII,ean "venae grading—
assessed therefor, and we herelvith send a plan To the Commdn Council of Cha CYty,of St. Paul:
.or profile f said improvement, and as order The board of public co ks have had under
your adopton, it you desire us to make the consideration the olutlon or order of the
Impprovement. common comwil, appp oved April 7, 1887, rela-
Yeas 4,
11 eye O. Live to gr.dhlg of DlcLean street, from Hoff
R. L. GonaAS, President, tan ¢,suis to of
street, and, h.,ing inves-
J. T. KE..... tlgated the proposed imlirovement:
Clerk of the Board of Public Works, Reapstfu proposed
report that 1t is nsesenry and
April 14, 1890. pnroper to grade McLean avenue, from Hoffman
Adopted. (See order to board of public works.) venue to an Intersection with the street known
Also, as Hastings avenue or the old Hastings road,
Osttola avenue sewerls unnog through blocks 33 and 32, Suburban
Hills, St. Paul: that the estimated ..,pease there -
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: of is SS ' Pa ,one halt of which nsd not be paid
The board of public worka have had under into the city treasury before the contract 1s let;
consideration he resolution rder of the that real site to be assessed therefor tau he
common council, approved April �, 1890, tela- found beneflted to he extent ofthe cost andex-
five to the construction of a sewer on Onxeola pensee necessary to be incurred thereby; that
avenue, from Pleasant avenue to Avon street, said Improvement fes of asked for b ; that
and, having Investigated the proposed Improve- ;tion o(n majorityy o[ the owners Of pto' penrtp to
meet: be it of and herefor, but le asked far by petl-
Respecttully report hat said Improve- [on of n large number (resident owner of
meat IR necessary and prop together pr ;arty a [h line of said dp If to o"Ient, and
with the necessary catch basins and neon erewit6 send a plan or profile of said (m-
anholes: that Lha estimated expense there- I provement, end an order for your adoption, R
of is 53,211, one-half of which nsd not be paid you desire Its to make the Improvement.
into the city, treasury before the contract is let; I Ye" 4, nays 0.
that real stte to be -assessed therefor call be R. L. GOR>[AR, President.
found benefited to the extent of the cos[ and J. T. KERxe.,
ani lin s necesanry mre
to be uurd hereby: that Clerk of the Board Of Public Works.
off a majorit sot the owners oft .,lot asked
bye petition April 11, 1890.
Y pro rtto be Adopted. ( See order to board of public works.)
asssaed therefor, bac we herelvith send . pian
or profile of said improvement, and In order Aleo
for your adoption, If you desire ua to make the
Imerovement. Fairview etreetgresdmp—
]e.s 4. neye 0. To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
R. L. GOa —, President. 'fir board of public w' rks have had under
J. T. K..KER, coUsiderntiml the olntfon or order t the
Clerk of the Board of Public Works. common council, approved Dec. 4, 1889, refs.
April 14, 1890. Lice to the grading of Fairview street, from Fif.
Adopted. (See order to board of public tenth street to Peansylvaua avenue. and hay.
works.) Ing Instigated the proposed improvement:
Al... Is nescess thl�fsud port t t said improvement
3[¢rtiD street and \'irtd Dia oven sewer— } Props •hat the eltlmnted I..
To the Common Counci(of the CYt of dt. Paul: no[ lxtpa dlf In nto tl ecOlty troasurytbefoof re [he I'll ith
The board o[ public works ha had under tract is le[; that re.I state to be assessed there-
c0nsideration the resolution or orderof thecom- for .it be found benefited to the extent of the
o council, approved Mnmh 24, 1890, relative at andexpenss necessary tobefncurredibere-
to the construction of a server on }tonin street, by: hat said Impr 0""" 1'
is not asked for b}- n
from Virgi.i. to Western avenue, and also ou petition of a majority of the ownere o/
pope tp
Vfrginia avenue, from fiolveraity to Rondo to be amemed therefor. but we herewith send a
street; and, having Investigated the proposed plan or profile of said Improvement, and an
improvement: order for your adoption, if you desire us to make
Respectfully report Chet acid imp ocement is the improvement.
nete96ary and proper, t0gethd, w th the nares- Peas 4, nay. 0.
nary catch baaf is and manholes, said sewering R -L. Go..—, President.
to be under one contract, the commissioner of J. T. K.R.E..
health having reported to said boardperk of the Board of Public
that the name Is a salnit.ry necessity; April 14I890.
that e estimatedexpense thereof 1s $8,388, Adopted. (See order to board of public works.)
Sirth wnrd levee and Water street grading—
To the Common Council of the [Yty of St. Paul:
The board of public works have had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
common council, approved March o, 1890, rela-
tive to grading to the established grade and to
width of fifty feet on top, the so -culled levee or
street in the Sixth ,.,itand Will— street. be.
ginning at Starkey street; hence running In a
orthssaterly direction through Bxzflle &
Roberts' addition to West St. Pau] and through
Marshall'saddition to West Sc. Paul to State
street, and, having investigated the proposed im-
Respectfully report that it is necessary and
proper to grade to a top width of fifty feet the
o -called levee or street in the Sixth ward, from
Starkey street to Eaton avenue- through Bazille
& Roberts' addition to West St. Paul; and also
that part of the so-called levee formerly known
nn Water street, from Eaton avenue to State
street, through Marshall's addition to
Nest St. Paul; that the estimated
a pease
thereof is 918,800, one-half of which nsd nut
be paid Into the city treasury before the con-
tract In let; that real estate to beasse-ed the—
be found benefited to the extent
of the thereby;t hat oafd tmesasary- to be in-
curredorb provement is not
y a petition of a majority of the owners
p operty to be nesessed therefor, but we here-
with Read . plan or profileof said improvement,
and all order for your adoptioll, If you desire un
to make the Improvement.
Pena 4, nays 0.
R. L. GORUAR, President.
Clerk of the Board of Public Worxs.
April 11, 1890.
Adopted. (Sea order to board of public
Al 0,
Duluth avenue gradual—
To the Common Council of the CYty of St. Paul:
The board of public works have had under
conaiderxtm. the resolution or order of the
mmon council, approved Sept. 7, 1889, -Is-
ifve to the grading of Duluth avenue, from
Seventh street to East Fourth street, and, hav-
ing investigated the proposed Is
Respectfully port that it is necessary nd
proper to grade Duluth avenue from East
cenh street to Dawson street; that the esti.
mated expense thereof is $4,750, one -halt of
which need not be paid into the city treasury
before the contract is let: that real estate to be
assessed therefor can be found benefited to the
extent of coat and expenses necessary to be o-
curred thereby; that said Improvement Is naked
for by a petlt7ou of a majority of the owners of
property to be assessed the and we here-
with Read appian or profile of said improvement,
and an . er for your adoption, it you desire
UK to make the Improvement.
Yeas 4. unys O.
J. T. KERKER, R.L.Goe. wx, President.
Clerk of the Board of Public Works.
April 18911,
Adopteded . (Ss order to board of public works.)
To e Common Council of the qty of ad Paul:
The board of public ,tike have had under
commons con the p lotion r order [ the
common council, p ri v o Marek 19, 1890,
relative to grading Linwood place, and .
Ing ovsfully dtheproposedimprovement:
Respectfully report that said improvement is
necessary and proper; that the estimated ex-
not be paid nse f into Is l the city tren)3urye-half of lbefore hich n he
contract 1s let: that real estate to be as-
sessed therefor can be found benefited to the
extent of the cost mal expenses necessary
to be Incurred thereby: that said Improve-
ent la n t askedforof
. petition of a
m ajjoeft'', f the 1 f p operty to be as -
.d tl'melor, but ire herelvith Read a plan or
profile of said improvement, and all order for
your adoption, if you desire us [O make the Im-
Yeas 4, nays 0.
R. L. GORx x, President.
gerkof he B ... dot -Public Works.
April 14, 1890.
Adopted. (See order to board of public works.)
Fred street grading—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The board of public works have had under
consideration the xesolution or order of the
common council, approved March 19, 1890.rela-
live to the grading of Fred treet, from Burr
street Inst to the alley ou Fred street, mid, hav-
ing Invesdga[ed the proposed Improvement:
Respectfully reFp ort that it I6 —Int ry ad
the w west lineoflot 15, Irvine so addition o otto
lots to St. Paul; that the estimated expense
thereof Is 9343; one-half of hich reed
paid into the city treasury before he contract
Is let: that real estate to be itencesed therefor
can be found beinfiWd to the extent of the
cost and expenses necessary to be incurred
thereby; Llmt said Improvement is of asked
for by a petition of a majority of the owners
of property to be assessed therefor, but w'e here.
anti ce d a Plan o profile of said impprove-
ent, nsd an order for your adoption, if you
desire us to make the improvement.
Peas 4, unys, O.
T. T.
R. L. G.. s, President.
Clerk of he Board of Public Works.
April 1890.
Adopted.ed. (Ss order to board of public
Fuller street and St. Anthony .,calls sew•er—
To the Common Council of Lha City of SL Paul:
The board c public works have hn� under
consideration the resolution or order of the
common council, approved Feb. 5, 1890, rela-
tive tothe construction of . newer
on Fuller
street, from Mackubin to Dale street, and on
St. Anthony avenue, from Mackubin to Dale
street, and, having Investigated the proposed
RRee pectfully report that anid improvement is
not nsseary and prope'before
at this time, for the
reason that at a hearing before said board In
said matter none of the property owners pres-
ent interested were in favor of said improve
Y g 4, nays O.
J. T. KERKER, R. L. G.-., President.
Clerk of the Board of Public Works.
Apel] • 1890.
Adoptee d.
South Robert street sewer—
To the Common Council of the qty ofd Paul:
The board of public worne have had under
the resolutionM order of the coco-
on counii, approved March we ton relh
five r thet'fro construction l a sewer on Borth
Robert street, from t Fill
venue to north
end of the bridge that crosses the Kausae qty
railroad tracks, and have investigated the pro- Milton attest to Victoria street; Summit ave -
posed Improvement:u from Oxford street to Victoria street Ash.
, Respectfully report that said Improvement Is land avenue, from Oxford street to Avon street;
not necessary and proper at this time, for the Lanni avenu,. from Oxford street to Avon
mason that the same is not asked for by any of street; Holly avenue, from Victoria street to
the owners of the property to be aseessed there- Avon street: together with the necessary man -
for. holes and catch basins, said sewering to bs done
Yeas 4, nays 0. under one contract, be being the lowest reliable
R. L. GO..An, President. and responsible bidder therefor; amount of bid,
J. T. KEngEn, $42,700; bond in the sum of $16,0011, with J. P.
Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Gribbe. and J. G. Donnelly as sureties.
AP 11 3, 1890. Al...
Alderman of the district. Burr street grading contract—
Also, The board reportsthat it hasawarded Charles
Fairview avenue otPeonIng—count}• read— E. Snvdeen the contract for grading Burr street
To th¢ Honorable, I ePrel, dent and Common between Whithall street and Minnehaha street,
Council of the Clt • of St. Paul: he being the lowest reliable and responsible bid -
Gentlemen: The board of public works here- der therefor; amount of bid, 8786; bond in the
with mspeetfully returo your PLviinary order m of $200, with Adolph Blom and Andrew
I. the mutter of opening Fairview almvenue, from Peterson as sureties.
Marshall avenue to Otto avenue, with the re- Each of Lha foregoing awards, taken up sepa-
port that what is now known as Fairview ace- rately and approved by- the followh,g vote:
nue, was opened m 1882 by the county commie- Yens—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Co.-
sloners ae pert of the county road, and it is the ley, Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh,Leithauser, Mines,
opinion of the corporation attorney that the Malady, Pratt, Sanborn. Weber, Dir. Vim P-1-
Is legal]}- opened. dent -15.
R. L. GORMAN, President. Alio,
J. T. KEREER. Claims—
Clerk of the Board of Public Works. The board transmits, approved by it, the fol -
April 11. 1890. lowing claims. to wit:
Alderman of the ward. G. W. Merrill, $0; Mathew Craig $6; Mathew
AIS.. Craig, 85; G. W. Merrill, $6; G. V. 0. Ferris d•
Sprinkling districts—eorrection— C._ $23.08; Wleconsf. Red Preaeed Brick om-
To the Honorable, the President and Common PP �. $144; Wart- & Delsfng, $4.66; Wright
Council of the CILS of 9t. Paul: Ba t[ & Stillwell, fru ceuts; C. J. Thomson,
Gentlemen: The board of public works hem. 850; F. W. 9teeg, . 2; Scribner-Libbeycompany.
wlth reepect(ull}• return yule order approved 824,64; Schnell & Krank, 60 ants; St. Paul
.APriI e, ] 890 to cause certain streets i. Syria k- Hardware company, $x0.27: St. Paul Furniture
:int Dletrien No.. 2. 3.4, 5, 8. 8 and 9 to be Mmpmly, $12.26; Ptacaek & Zikmuud.
u rinkled during the season of 1890, for corvec- 31.10; Pioneer Pmsx mpavy, $2.85;
pp Nicol. & Dean. $88.26; Noyes. Btos.
t W.Jultecd street quoted as being In District No� Cinlet, $6.20; N. J. Nees, 88.87: G. Mitach,
6 hound be 1n District No. 9. 896.86; G. J. Mitech, $2686; Michaud Aros.,
llakota avenue quoted as in the eame district 85 cents' Jlerrlll'e 'pullet Pply. $3.75: John
.hould be taken out, being provided for 1. DI.- Martin Lumber company. $4, 48.70; Ll"dekea,
trs,t No. 9. Warner & Schurme[er, $186.64: Kenny Hr.s.,
Marlon street looted as being in District No. $1.92; P. H. Kelly Metcantile comp vy819.20;
8 should be in District No. 6, and Dakota e • - B. F. Knanft & Co.. 8711.10; lett. $46.01;
nue In District No. 9 should mad from Wabash, A. Jobst, $98.85; Johnson Broe. & I.00mis.S8B;
bridge to Whiffeffect. instead of from Wa- William Hogau,$55.60: Hadfield Coal nail Lime
bsxba bridge to ['ongreax xtreee. •ompany, $16: P. HauTm & Son. $1T Grlppr�
R. L. Gou.—S, President Co.PF & Co.. 85 cent.; J. Y. Gribben L. -bei•
J. T. KERR£A, companyy $411: GoodSe-r Rubber company, SO;
Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Fitzgerald &Van Soelen, $2.85; G. M. Eddy &
April 10, 1890. ('O., $D; Donxidsou, Ogden & Co., $8.63; P. V.
Corpora toil attorney. Dwyer & Broe., 8]!10; J. G. Duggan, $107.20;
Al.o, R. C. Clark, S8; ll[Ileu's livery, $82; M. Costello.
Minnehaha street Brading contract— $31; Bazille & Partridge, $2; Brown, Treecy &
The board xoports that it has awarded J. T. Co.. &4; Boeringer &Son. 833.90; E. Bouquet
Million the oto for grading Minnehaha & Co•• $2.40; American Manufacturing com-
atreec from Hemline avenue to Leaing[ov - Patty. $:x4.75; R. Ashworth, $301.15.
nue, he bein6 the loueet reliable and mspon Ible Committee on claims.
bidder therefor; amount of bid, $2.5. Done In BEPORrS OF .rwrnrvo coMMrrrEES.
the Sum of $3.000 with Lane K. Stone and Of Committee on i:lafms—National Live Stock
Walter S. Morton as sureties. Insurance company's claim
—$.400—killing of
Also, A. C. Kreiger'. horse on Third street bridge—
Ridgewood avenue and other streets Sew r feted Lotcorporation ds attorneyad
ciaal ;tbe rn
contract— a l� n n y a. c yen
The board mportsthat it has a, rded Thos.
Reply the contract for n.tructt.R a salver [Adopted.
Ridgewood nue from Victoria street Ahm,
to Mil tot, street: Milton street from Ridgewood Max Feiersbend'e pp Litton as king damages—
to Lauml ave,,,e; LesHe av , from mjurytodwellingandb 1— verfiolri.Rwster.—
Victoria street to oxford street: St. Clair street Committee recommends that said petltfov be
from Milton street to Oxford street: Evergreen m ferred to corporation attorney and city an-
e, from Milton street to Oxford street; 0e-
mola avenue, from Milton street to Avon .tree[ Adopted.
Fairmount avenue, from Milton street to Avon nt[eceLLwveots.
treat; Goodrich avenue, from Milton street to Ordinal—
street to VcoriVictoria a Lit rreelt; Grand avenue, from Mfrom McC.rthynto erect a frame building�g Charles I.
Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Cullen,
yens 15, and ordinance read second time and
passed. (See rdinance No. 1,322).
An ordinance was read granting limilm to An-
toine Puetmann to operate ferry across Missis-
stppFriver from block 4. Goforth & Sherwood's
rearrangement. Riverdale addition, to section
14, township
e 28, range 23.
15, alad ordinance mad motion
tim.e ad k-, yeas
An ordinance was mad defining co df un-
der which St. Pani & Duluth Railroad company
piasforone-half cost of Minnehaba street
Rules suepended on motion of Aid. Sanborn,
yeas 10, and ordinance read Second time and
An ordinance was read autborizingrefunding
to Henry Krueger amount paid upon a.sessment
or grading East Third and otherstrmts.
Committee on claims.
An ordinance was read authorizing St. Paul
and M.mumpolls Messenger and Telephone com-
pany to erect, construct and maintain telegraph
.ad telepphone wires.
mmittee. on. Streets.
ByCoAId. ti —
Resolution permitting George C. Harper to
lay xjdetrock to Ms mill along north side of
hi and yrooeerty, commenclug exit of De Soto etreec
r fug Fauq nice street between De Soto
and Burr street., etc.
Committee On streets.
By Aid. Flaher—
Resolutimq along of ht hours a day's labor
after flay 1,1890, for all mecha.lcs and labor.
em employed by city.
CommRtes on street..
By Aid. Sauboro—
Reaolution for pollee alarm box at northeast
c er Lfacoln avenue and Victoria elre n.
Committee on pollee.
By Aid. Mostly
Rrsolution for change of fire star- box from
OakdaOreat to
le avenue and Crtim .tPage and
Board of fire commisslouem.
By Aid. Mclady—
Reaolutiou pPoroppriatmg 8760 for pen air
coC s
art, to ben n by First Regiment band.
ettee Oa purrs.
By Aid. Pratt—
Resolution for 82,000; for Hampden park
($7,00) and Langford ➢ark ($1,600).
Committee on parks.
Resolutions for lamps as follows: By Aid.
Sullivan, Prior avenue, at entranm to St. Mary's
h—li; by Aid. Melody, cornerOrle-ne .nd
Morton .treat etc.; by' Ald. Conley, Eighth street;
by AId. Melody, corner George and Ohio etreete;
by AId. Weber, Dale trees: by Aid. Sanborn,
Fatrmountaveuue; by Aid. Sanboro,,corner St.
C'latr and Avon scree[., W.
Commit tte on os.
Ald Sanborn d to reconsider action by
which contingent claim for 3160.0110 of Grigg.
& Foster—Brondway br(dge—was mferrd to
c rPor.cion attorney.
Adopted, and said claim referred to board of
PtAld. \Veber moved to recon81dervote by which
toaexPPdee�dt$76 to 1pvti5o tnlr•fight in' city throteer
each Inud Iu Eighth ward as may be necessary for
traveling pudlic to gain entrance to 'fly'=.
ity, on at-
omut of mt ulplatd grading of Rice .tenet.
tb of Ry limit..
n AdoPtd.
Aid. weber m ... d tod .aid solution
by striking therefrom then figure. •'76" and fu -
Adopted, and said resolution as amended
adopted. - (See resolution).
The vice president called Aid. Sanborn to the
hair during the reading of ordinances and reso-
.— 20, 1890,
By Aid. Sanborn—
Resolved, That the board of public works be,
and it is hereby inerructed to construct and
maintain a wooden sidewalk, six feet in width,
with roper
oil the north side Igleharer t[ street ¢front
Victoria street to Lexfugton avenue.
By Aid. Sanborn—
Resolved, That the board of public works be.
and it Is hereby Instructed to construct wooden
sidewalks, six feet in width, with proper cross-
,• Ike across all mterveniug etreeta, oil both
ides of Avon street, from St. Clair street to
Laurel avenue, except when. sidewalks are
already laid themon.
By Ald. Santo—
£ olved. That the board of public works be.
and it Is hereby instructed to construct wooden
eftlewalke, six feet In width. with proper cross -
Ike across all intervening streets, on both
sides f Avon street, from St. re
Clair stet to
Laurel ii[ [ exmpe where sidewalk. are
already laidthemon.
By Ald. Sanborn—
ftesoived, That the board of public works be,
and it is hereby Instructed to construct and
maintain a wooden sidewalk six feet in width
with proper cros lk. r all intervening
treata on the north side of ieiehnrt street, from
,Victoria street to Lexington avenue.
By Ald. Couley— p
instn cited to ea,,- n held of 1 block wsidewak
to be laid on the east side
Waoouta street,
from Seventh street to Elglfth Street.
By Aid. Bock—
Reeolred. That the board of public works
c sidewalks to be laid o Mliowing tracts.
with necessary- crosswalks: On the northsideof
Chestnut, from West Seventh to Pleasant ave-
nue, eight feetwide; on north side of Logan
strut from Ba yy about 150 feet est, six fent
wide: fonr-plank walk on north and south sides
of Stn[•gis street, from Douglas to Garfield
tree[ .n north aide of Michigan avenue, from
Duke to Toronto avenue, six feet wide.
By Aid. Pratt— —
Resolved, q'hnt tnsshe board o p blle works
atiss tide of 1 Langford a walks �ro be la1B on south
eat—and serosa the alley In block N88eamte
street: on west side of Scudder aceta. Langford
a south side of Thomas, acroas Fair-
ieenus uth side Blair across F»irview; on both
f Va. Buren it Aldine; on both .idea
of Aldine serosa Vnn Buren; on west side of Fatr-
,few . Auburn; o et side of Fairview
toss Blair, Thouas a=d van Buren.
By AId. Pratt—
Resolved, That the board of public work. be
and thev am hereby metructed to c six -fee[
ooden idewnik. fo be vyl.eed »use follows:
On west aide of Fairview , Univcrwity to
Auburn; o eset side of Fair a nu 6 to
rsity to on
Buren: n both sae. Van Buren
street, from Fry to Aldine.
By Ald. Malady -
Resolved, That the city engineer be instructed
to ]ay a two -plank sidewalk on the west side of
Livingston avenue, between George and Dear.
born streets.
Bld. Weber-
Re,olved, that the board of public works be
tln,le,etea to cause n 'ght-foot sidewalk- with
m StIa- street (on
Loth aides) from nGG'aultferdto Western avenue.
av d i th Rt the board Of public work, cause
ix -foot wooden sidewalk to be laid on both
sides of Maria avenue from Lizzlestreetto Bate,
By Aid. Gehan-
Resolved, that the city sidewalk contractor he
Rod is hereby directed to build or lay an eight -
foot sidewalk on both sides of York tenet and
on both elder of Poplar street from Cortland to
Northern Pacifle Railroad company', property
line; also on both sides of Broadway Irom Grove
to Thirteenth street. -
An ordinance permitting Charles .I McCarthy
to erect a frame building.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
ordain as follow'.:
S..., 1. That pe,mlI Afon be and le hereby
given to Child's I. McCarthy to e t n
tory open shed, twelve feet In width, eightfeet
high In rear and twelve feet high in front, had
sixty feet long. Of wood• upon the north Ihre of
Lot No. 9, Block No. 7, Rice & Irvine's addition
to St. Paul, and in the rear of the aw'elling
house of said McCarthy.
Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and
be in force from and after its passage.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavuagb, Leithauser, Minea,
Melody, Pratt, Weber, Yoerg, Mr. Chairman -
Passed April 15, 1890.
W -ER H. S-lica 1, Chairman of Council.
Approved April 16, 1890.
ROny.RT A. SMITH, Mayor.
Attest: Tilos. A. PRENDERGAwr. City Clerk.
April 22. -
An Ordinance granting a license to Antoine
Past.-. to keepp, maintain slid operate d
ferry Across the DliselmipppI river from block 4
of Goforth & Sherwood's rearrangement of
Riverdale Addition to St. Paul, In Dakota
county, Minn., to section 14. township 28,
range 28, situate In St. Paul, Minn., and Deg-
ulating the chargee therefor.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
ordain as follow.:
SEcTON 1. That license 1, hereby granted to
Antoine Pus tmun and his ase ga. for the period
of fiveyeam from date of the approval of this
ordinance, t, keep, maintain and operate a
ferry for the transportation for hire of paeaen
gem, vehicles and teams across the Mississippi
river from block 4 of Goforth & Sherw'ood's m-
rrangement of Riverdale addition to St. Paul,
I. Dakota C.
I' Minn., to section 14. town -
All 28, range 23, sttnate In St. Paul, Mhm.,
.ofd location being the same as that formerly
used by one Williams.
SEo. 2. The charge foreach passenger over the
age of six years on and across such ferry shall
not exceed the sum of five more; for each ve-
hicle and team, 25 cents.
SEC. 3. The common council reserves the
right to modify or repeal this ordfuance at any
Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect andbe in torte from and ""U"
tter it, pa,.aRe.
Yeas--Ald. Bickel, Blom, Dock. Cullen, Conley,
nater, Geban. Lelthau,er. Minea, Malady,
Pratt; Weber, Yoerg, Mr. Chairman -14.
Nays-Ald. Kavanagh -1.
Passed April 15, 1890.
WAL H. SAN.- Chairman of Connell.
Approved April 16, 1890.
Ron- A. SMnx, Mayor.
Attest: THOS. A. PRENDERGa9T, City Clerk.
April 22.
ORDINANCE No. 1,424.
An ordinance defining the conditions under
'Chien the St. Paul & Duluth Railroad comyyany
pays for one-half the cost of the Mlnnehaha
street bridge Reross their right-of-way.
Whereas. An Agreement nowexists and is In
force bet
the St. Paul & Duluth Railroad
company_ And the city of St. Paul, whereby Said
railroad company agrees to construct a,
bridges and abutments thereto across their
forth in said agreement; and conditions, all set
\Vhereee, A suit has already bees commenced
in the ourts to determine whether or not a
lawful street exists either in whole or in part
e. the rlaht-of-r-1 of the said St. Paul
Duluth Ibdiroad company at Minnehaha street;
Whereas, A bridge hall already been con-
structed -rose the said right-of-way of the St.
Paul & Duluth Railroad company on the line of
Minnebaha street, at a cost of $21,443.40; and
Whereas. The said railroad company la will-
1ng to pay into the city treasury the sum I
$10,721.70, being one -hail the cost of said
bridge under the followina co lditio.e, namelyy:
That if the suit flow before the court ahall
decide that Dlfnnehalia street did, or does, exist
.s ayy full width street acrossyfor t, their right-of-way,
Pr -
I. tthehe'leIII - 'it bet •sen the St. Paul & Duluth
Railroad company and the city of fit. Paul.
if the court shall decide that there le a legal
street for one -halt the width, the money ad.
aced Abell accrue to the City
of St. Paul: nud
In Case the -,let shall decide that no legal
treet exists, the city of St. Paul shall refund
to the said ailroad company the sum Ad-
nnmal-v, $10,721.70;
Now. therefore, the common council of thecity
of St. Paul do ordain as follows:
Section 1. That the city treasurer shall re-
ceive the said $10,721.70, one-half the cost of
the said bridge under the conditions above men-
tioned• and that in cries the court shall deter-
mine that no legal street exists where said bridge
Is built, the city comptro11 .1 hereby uthorized
to undit, and the pToperclty ofitcere are directed
to draw nn order on the city treasurer for the
sum of $10,721.70 1.
favor of the St. Paul &
Duluth Railroad company, and the city trA.A.
urer 1. hereby authorized [o pay sold sum to
.aid railroad company on preeentatlon of said
order. Said order to be drawn d delivered
only Cruller s certified Cn them oyyfllef a,ith flnnl • cit omdecree ud
j dement in said suit, by which it le determined
that no street exists at the above-mentioned
Sec. 2. This ordfuance shall take effect au
be fn force Irons and atter It. passage.
Yeas -Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conic
Fisher, Gahan, Kavanagh, Lefthauser Mine
Malady, Pratt, Weber, Yoerg, Mr. Chairma
Passed April 15, 1890.
WAL. H. `;ANDORN. Chairman of Council.
Approved April ]6. 189,1.
RGnEitT .1. C\11TH, Mayor.
Attest: Taos. A. YR .NDERGaAT, Clty Clerk.
April 2G.
By Aldesol Prntt-
Resolved that the Loll owh,g plate ,a enppr.,ed
the plat commission aha us recommended b
the city engineer. O of the city
plea by -the common rDm,e,n of ins city o
S all 1.
German Lutheran (Cemetery, St. Paul. Milm
Flocente addition, to St. Paul: corrected plat.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom,Bock, Calle. Corley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kevin,, Igi li.,j, r, Mine,,
Melody, Pratt. Sanborn, \\'ober, JIr. \'ice Praet-
Approved April 16, 1899.
By Aid. Sanbont-
Resolved, That the grade of the alley it i block
18, St. Alb ns addition, between Dale street
gr d e line
Albans e[reet,as indicated by the red
grade rine on the accompanying a ro a and hAs
recommended by the city' engineer, l, and the
e ie hereby ad lted xe the eetxb,ehed Rrntle.
e Yeae-Aid. Blekel. Blom, Bock, C1dler., t'onley,
Mielndy, Prx[t, S'nubor \Veber,l'DI .e.'ceMtneaul,
Approved April 16, 1890.
By Aid. Gehau-
ReAolved, That the grade of the alley in block
5. Lewis addition, betwcen Park vepue and
Sylvan street, all Indicated by the red grade line
ou the acrompuying it file
,and aA recommend.
ed by the city engineer, be and the same is here.
by adopted as the established grade.
Yeas-Ald. Blckei. Blom. Bock. Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh. Lefthauaer, Dlinc.,
Dfelady, Pratt, Sanborn, Weber. Mr. Vice Pmsl-
Approved April 16, 1890.
By Aid. Dfelady- -
Resolved, Th t the grade of Cultic•, street
from South Robert street to Concord sheet, As
indicates, by the d grade line on the uocom-,
panying profile, and as re,o ended by the
city engineer, he and the same Is heraby adopted
as the estnbll,hed grade.
Yeas-Ald. BI I,
Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Lelthuser, Minea.
Melody, Pratt, Suborn, Weber, Mr. Vice Presf-
Approved April 16, 1890.
By Aid. Blom- -
Resolved, That the cityeligincer be and hereby
Is requested to report a proper grade for the
alley. iu block 6 if Be Bou•, Smith, Risque &
Williams addition.
Yeua-Ald. Bickel, Biom, Bock, CLHAD Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Rev.uagh, Leithauaer, ..Jr.,
Melody, Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Dir. Vice Presl-
Approved April 16, 1800.
By Aid. Pratt -
Resolved, That the city engineer be instructed
to report eludes on all treats in Herseyy
Woolsey addition between Hemline and Lex ing.
a ton avenues: al.o t all street. in Midway
Heights addition. Asked for by Hamlin Citi.
zeas' Uulon.
fees -Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
ii Fisher, Gehafl,Karanagh, Leithauser, Minea,
Dfelady, Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Mr. Vine Presi-
dent -15.
Approved April 16. 1890.
BY Aid. Weber -
Resolved, that the city engineer be instructed
to espentl a sum not to exceed $200 to pay for
a right Of 11 Y through each mad 1. the Eighth
Card 'N".
a may be ueceasary [or the traveliu npub-
1. Inc to gnhi entrance into the city o o t of
y thew ..tempinte
f north o City ,mita
3 grading of Rice ,trees
Yeas -Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Callen, Conley,
FlAher,Gehan,h"nvxnngh,LeithRUSer,Millen, Me-
lady, Pratt. Weber,
]'oats, Mr. Chairman -15.
Approved April 16, 1890.
By Aid. Weber-
Reeolved, That the city engineer be fnstructed
to cause the ionic Ellen street on the lamp posses
to beeball d to Sherburne avenue, In the Eighth
and Tenth", ards.
AIS., to renumber the street if thought expe.
di -t.
Yeas -Aid. Bicker. Blom. Bock, Cullen, Corley,
Fisher, Gehan, liavanugh, Lelthauser, Minea. Die.
lady, Pratt, Snnbont. Weber, Mr. \'ice Preei-
dent 16.
Approved April 16, 1890.
By Aid. Dlelndyy-
Resolved, 'Ph t the city engineer be and Is
hereby Instrnc[ed to have trues-x'alke laid in the
tollOwmg Places:
One plank ss -walk on south aide Roble
street, across Ohio Atrmt.
One plank To
Amu, on east aide oLGoff av-
enue, rose
One plank cross walk on west side of Congress
street, across (Concord.
One plank cross walk on the east side of Bel.
vid, across Concord.
fess-Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen, Gouley.
Fisher, Gehan,. Kavanagh Leithnuaer, Minea.
Dfelady, Pratt, Sanborn, \Veber, Dlr. Vice Pres-
Approved April 16, 1890.
By Aid. Gehnn-
Resotved, That the city engineer be and he is
hereby directed to lay crosswalks over the fol-
lowing streets:
One over Jackson, north side of Arch;
One over Broadway, north side of Fourteenth
One over Warren, north side of Mount Airy.
YeRa-Ald, Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen. Conley,
Fisher, Gehan. Kavuagh,Lefthauser, Minea, Me.
lady. Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Mr. Vice Presi-
dent -46.
Approved April 16, 1890.
By Aid. Bickel-
Reaolved, That the city clerk be and Is beleby
instructed to prepare and plate n sign in front
of each voting preefuct m thecity before the 22nd
inet., which shall state the number of precinct
and ward, with the followl words:
•'Voters of this prednet t'eldster and vote here."
Yeas -Aid. BIC'el, Blom. Bock, (,'ellen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, LelthAuser, Minea,
Dfelady, Pratt, Sanborn. Weber, Mr. Vice Presi-
dent -15.
Approved April 16, 1890.
By Aid. Leithauser— By Aid. Malady-
Resolved, That the �1_'lb1`hb"`P
Resolved, Tb.t the Street oil lampcontractor
be hereb urdered Lo Seee ro r is a on bein[ru dP Pe gu e[e to lace and malap Caingasoline
the gasp insIme oneaveue.comeslows:One lampouthe southwest
—dBo erof Smith avenue and George street; one
Fishers Gahan, K.vaegLeithaueeq DBnea, lamp on the southwest corner of Smith avenue
Malady, Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Mr. Vice P—I., and Page street; one lame on the southwest
denC—l6. corner of Page and Ottawa; on north aide of
Approved April 16, 1890. Delos, between Hail and Dakota; one on west
_ side of Stryker, south of Colorado.
By Ald. Blom— Yeas—Ald. Blekel,Blom, Bock. Cullen, Gouley,
Resolved, That Lhe gasoline lam contractor Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithnucer, Mines,
P Nielady, Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Mr. Vice Presl.
be and he is hereby ordered to erect and mabt' dent -16.
talo gasoline Tamp. One lamp on the north Side I Approved April 18, 1890.
of Woodward avenue bet the
and Burr street.
Yeas — Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, By Aid. Minea—
Conley, Fl Sher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser. Resolved, That the street oil lamp contractor
Mlnea, Malady, Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, air. be Vuetructed to erect and maintahl an oil lamp
Vice President -16. on the northx est comer of Stryker venue and
Approved April 16, 1890. Dearborn street; one In trout of 264 Concord
BS Aid. Weber— Yeaa—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con-
ILLy, Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Min -
Resolved, That the gasoline eontractor be It, e , D[eladv. Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Dir. Vice
to place gasoline I'mpe and Ilght the Preeldent-16.
same at following places: One at each c ner Approved April 16, 1890.
and one in h block on Ellen street, from
Orottn u Chatsworth street, and eat each By Aid, Sanborn—
corner and one In each block on Ellen Street, Resolved, That the St. PaW Gas Light com-
from. Chatsworth to Lexington avenue; also poop be and it is hereby dimted to light and
place one at each comer and two Ri each block maintain tour street lights upon the street gas
on Charles and Edmund Streets, from Grotto lamps erected on the Streets to the "Rearrange-
Vl Chatsworth street; also one in front of St. meat of Kenwood Terrace."
Vincent church on Blair freer; one on Dfariml Yeas—Aid. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen, Conley,
street, between Ellen to Charles. Fisher, Gena i Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mines,
Yess—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen, Conley, lielndy, Pratt, Saubom, Veber, Mr. Vice Pleat -
Fisher, Gehan Kavanagh, Lelthanser, Mine., dent -16.
Malady, Pratt, 6anbom. {Veber, Mr. Tice Pres' Approved April 16, 1890.
deur t6.
Approved April 16, 1890. By Aid. Culled—
By Aid. Leithauser— Resolved, That the St. Paul Gee Light "in
uy be and la herebyy directed to light Rlce, 6um-
Resolved, That Lhe lly oil I'm
p c it— or It. Irvine, Central, Smith and Late yette Parka
be hereby ordetad to p1Rce and maintain two oil with electrlclty from and after the t8ch Inst.
]amps ov EnSt Fourth Street, between Maria Yena—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Hock, Cullen, Conley,
and Hates avenues; one on east Side of Euclid. Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mine.,
between Hoffman and Maria avenues. Malady, Pratt, Satborn, Weber, Mr. Vice PreSi-
Yeea—Aid. Bickel. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley, dent -16.
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, I.elthauser, Mines, Approved April 18, 1890.
Meh lY, Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Mr. Vice Prest-
dent-16. BUd. —
Approved April 16, 3890. H1{rsojveed, That the St. Paul Gas Light tom.
— bany be and is hereby instructed to erect and
By Aid. Geha.u— mafntdm two gas lumps on met, side of the ea -
Resolved, That the gaSolinecontrsctpr be end t...ce to the new Turner hall oil Franklina
he /s hereby directed to place one lamp on Mani- street, between Sixth sad Ninth Streets.
robs arenas, midway between Park avenue and Yeaa—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Rice street; ISO.
on Southwest corner Sylvan Fisher, Gehall, KavanaghLelthauser, Mine.,
Street and Manitoba avenue. Melady, Pratt. Weber, Mr. Vice President -14.
Seas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley. Nays Aid. Sanbom-1.
Fleher, Gehan, Kilvahagh, Leithauser, Mines, Approved April 16, 1890.
Malady, Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Mr. Vice Preal.
dent -16.
Approved April 18, 1890. By Aid. Gehan—
Resolved. That the St. Paul .Gas company be
and they are hereby directed to remove gas lamp
By Aid. Gehan— n Jackson street east aide of Viola street to
Reaoly d, That the gasolinecontractor be cold northeast corner Jackson and Warren Streets.
he le hereby dltcr:[ed to place gasoline lamps ae Yeas—Aid. Blekel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Gouley,
follows: Ove on eh of the folloxivR treats Fisher, Genan, Kavanagh, Leithnuaer, Dime.,
(midway between park ace a d Sylvan): Malady, Pratt, Sanuorn, Weber, Mr. 'I-
ire Prea-
Atwater street, Lydell street nWmnlppeegg Btreec. ideal--lfi.
Ma Atobaetreet, W.xstastreet,I,i[chfield street, APlfroved April 18, ]A90.
Front freer, Lawson street, d[eg.nolia street,
JeSsamine, street. Geranium street, Roae street. By Commlttee on Parks—
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley, Resolved, That the committee ou parka besad
Plainer, Geh.n, Kavanagh, Le1thauser, Mine., they are hereby authorized to employ Chris
Malady, Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Mr. Vice Presl. Bueejaegar for Central Park, William Tynan for
den�l6. I Itvtue and Summit parka, Henry Ho for Rice
Approved April 76. 1890. Park, Fred Joslht for Smith and LafayetW
Parks, and M. Kerid. for helper, to take care of
Said parks r during the
coming cess
6 ou at a .alary
p g
of 860 month, commencing jrtApril en e
and end -
fug Oct. ] 6, eby and that the city engineer es
and he is hereby instructed to place said names
on hie IS pa oil.
Yeas—Aid. }Slckel, Blom, Bock,'Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gahan, Kavanagh, Lelthauser, Mme.,
Dld"Y, Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Mr. Vice Presi.
dent -16.
Approved April Ili, 1890.
Resolved, That the draft of contract submit-
ted by the corporation attorney, between Ed -
rd J. Kirkland and Albert R. Starkey and the
(Sty o[ St. Paul, for the construction of the sub.
structure of the bridge ca Sixth street, from
Brook street to near Hoffman avenue, In tue
City of St. Paul, be and the same Is hereby up
proved, and the proper city o®cere are dbrcted
to execute the same on behalf of the city of St.
Fisher, Geh.n,t Man -h, Lie thavlaeer, Mh ee,
Melody. Pratt, 6anbom. Weber, Mr. Vice Preei-
Approved April 16, 1890.
By Aid. Culleu—
Resolved, By the common council of the city
of St. Paul, That orders be drawn upon the city
treasury, to an amount not exceeding the sum of
twenty -Six hundred dollars (82,60 0), whenever
bill. are allowed by the board f fire eommis-
sloners and after the same have beau audtnd by
the city comptroller, for furnishing and setting
up two monuments, to be located upon lots
owned by said city, In Oakland and Calvary
cemeterles. Sold amounts Shall be charged to
the flremen'e relief fund.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
FLher,Gehan, Kavanagh. Leithauser, NflueR,
MSI.dY, Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Mr. Vice Pneai-
Approved Aepil 16, 1890.
By Aid. Sanbern—
Resolved, That an order be dram on the city
treasury, in favor o[ the ity mtgineer, for the
m f fifty (860) dollars, to be used n. an office
continget fund for current expeneen.
Yese—Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock, Qnllen Conley,
Fisher, Gehan Kavanagh, Leithauser, Dtinea,
Meladv, Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Mr. Vice Presi-
Approved April 16, 1890.
By Committee on License—
tro¢svatan o
drawn a the
uryn favor of Joh nc
Gottsebammer for
fifty (8 60) dollars, to refund to him amount
paid for butcher license No. 126, for yye 1889.
Fisher. GehaBlekglavalteghB it. CuuanMineConles,
Melody Pratt. 6anbom, Weber, Mr. jr,Vice Pre.t-
d Ap 16.
Approved April 18, 1800.
By Committee on Parks—
Resolved. That the of two thousand dol-
lars. or as much thereof as is deemed uecesesry,
be and the same IS hereby appropriated ut of
the park fund for the purpose of placingg the See.
eral Park'
of the city in proper condifind for
the summer Season, said money to be expended
under the directloo of the committee ret ended
Yeas—Aid. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen. Conley,
Fisher, Geha.,, Leltbaueer, Mines,
Malady, Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Mr. Vice Presj-
Approved April 16, 1890.
Whereas, The owaets n[ the r art abuctf
u on and alp
the line of the
Proper,, Y ng
ne a aIle end ortt
Y on
of alley nvrelnafter particularly described sad
hereby vacated, have petitioned the common
council of the city of St. Paul to vacate the alley
nd portion of alley lying east of lots [our (4),
Ile (6), six (6), seven (7), eight (8), nine (9 and
Len (lfl), and Uetween lots three (8) sod elevs.
(11), all of block three (8) In West St. Paul
Real Estate and Imp ovemeut SyndcaW Addi-
tion No. one (1) and between Bunker and Page
Streets and west of State street m opened illag-
onally across blocks three (8) and tour (4) oI
said addltfon,whlch Said petition duty sets forth
the facts and reasons for said vacation, and
w• w duly accompanied by a plat thereof m pro-
posed to be vacated: and
Whereaa, The common council, upon the pre
ceutathm of Said Petition, deemed It expedient '
that the matter be oce led with d ordered
Said petltian to be filed of record with the city
dark, and notice to be given by publication as
P Wheretiedea Yllue notice was green by Dubiication
I" the official opaper o[ aid city, for tour week.,
commencing the 8th day of March, A. D.
1890, to the effect that said petition had been
filed with the city clerk, Stating in brief it. ob-
ject, and that the same would be heard and con-
Sldered by the common council of the cityy of St.
Paul, on Tuneday, Lhe 16th day of Apr11.A. D.
1890, at 7:80 o'clock In the afternoon of Said
day, at the council chamber in the city hall of
Bald city; and
Whereas, At the time and place lase aforesaid,
for the investtaath a and cnnsideratmv Of —el,
Ytlon o1 Send alley antl portion of
]reparticularlydeScrlbedthe com-
tet or hearing all persons inter.
f the opinion that the same Is
groper, and chat the prerequl.itea
11 Ween complied with
re Be It Resolved, TIn t all of
fi)rtii3 (6) alley lying
efght (8j,
(]0) and between Iota three (8)
of block them(8) In West St.
Addition No. one (1), and between Bunker and
Page kald streeyyts and west of State street, as owned
of Sadditiona ss bloc. thesam athree (8) and f )
ppears of
menour (rd
in tfle office o f the register of deeds In and for
the county of Ramsey, Minn., bead It t same
I. hereby declared to be vacated and dlacontin-
lied m asked for In said petition and as herein
above epecifled.
Yeas—Aid. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen; Conley,
Flatter, Gehan, Kavanagh. Leithauser, Mines,
Melody, Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Mr.' V)ce Pmai-
Peeved AV1 16, 1890.
ANraoxv Yoeno, JR
., Vice President of Council.
Approved April 18, 1890.
Attest: Tens. A P... . Ag.
oAAer.eYip Clerk.
April 2.2. —
Whereas the common council of the city of 8t.
Pau].at.. eeting held on the flftcenth day of
p il,A. D. 1890e elle and 'did adopt a resolutloggu vacatf
loge four (4 ), five (6)� eixon o(b) f a�eyevenn(7) eelght
(8), nine (9) sad ten (10), and between lot.
three (8) and eleven (1]) of block three (8) in
West St. Paul Real Estate. and Improvement
gyudleate Addition No. One (1), and between
By. Aid. Leithaueer-
Re lved, That the gas lloa lamp contract<
be Hereby A.ordered to pplace the proper Gigue a
tee gsao 'nen lam on Bwtee aveuue.
FI herd Gc._- liaveuagL BLe thaulaee r, Minei
Melody, Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Mr. VIce Pres
Approved April 18, 1890.
By Aid. Blom-
Resoly mcontrcts
erect end mallbeandheieherbodeop
taln gasoline tamp. On
of We Iamp on the north aid
oodward nue, between Bradley stree
and Burratreet.
Yeas - Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Culler
Conley, Fisher, Gehan, K ...
nigh, Leithauee[
Mine., Malady, Pratt, Rauborn, Weber, Dfr
Vfce Preetdet-16.
Approved April 16, 1890.
By Aid. Weber- gasoline
etr Cted to'plhacet gasoline lumpsntr tcit Ilght tor be th,
=eat following places. One at ouch
and one in each block on Ellen street, Iron
Grotto to Chatsworth
d street, ana at encl
corner and one In each block on Ellen street
from, Chatsworth td Lexington avenue; alst
place one at each comer and two in each bl-I
onCh.rlea and Edmund streets, from Grottc
to Chatsworth street; also one in front Of St.
Vincent church on Blair street; one on Motion
street, betwcen Elie. Gua Charles,
Fisher, Gehan lc Kai anegLB Le7thnaeetr, Jftneyi,
Malady, Pratt, Sanborn. Weber, Dir. Vice Pres,
Approved April 10, 1890.
By Aid. Lethaueer-
be hereb,d. That the city oil lamp contract.
faro y oroelYd to pace and matntn two oil
and Bates averm s:trth on east aide t Euclid,
ween Atari&
between Hoffman and Maria even a -o
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Gallen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leith. ser: Mf.ea,
Malady. Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Mr. Vice Presi-
dent -15.
Approved April 19. 1890.
By Aid. Gahan- -
Reeolved, Thnt the gasolinecontractor be and
he fen hereby directed to place one lamp on
toba avenue, midway between Park aveuue and
]lice attest; Iso one on southwest comer Sylvan
street and Meniroba avenue.
ee�r, Gehan,t K vahngh-BII'llhamar, TH-au,
Malady, Pratt, Banbom, Weber, Dir. Vice Preei-
dan 16.
Approved April 16. 1890.
By Aid. Gehan-
Res olved. That the gasulinecontractor be and
he Is hereby directed to place gasoline lamps as
follows: One on eacil of the followl.g streets
(midway between Park avenue and Sylvan):
Atwater street. Lyydon street, Winnippeegg street.
Manl[obastreet, Wazata street, II,,Itc6field street,
Front street, Lawson street, Ditch . street,
Teae.mine street. Geranium street, Rose street.
Yeas -Aid. Blekel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Flher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leltb.uaan Mines,
Malady, Pratt, Banborin Weber, Mr. Vice Preel-
Approved April 18, 1890.
By Aid. Mclady-
Reaolved, That the street oil lamp contractor
i be lnetrueted W place and mamtafn gasoline
to rnee as follows: One ]amp on the southwest
r of Smith avenue and George streetvo
lamp on the southwest corner of 6mfth enue
and Page street; n Inmpo on the southwest
Corner of Page and Ottawa;
north side of
Delos, between Hall a Dakota; one on west
Bid, of Stryker, south of Colorado.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen, Gouley,
Fisheq Ga
dent -15. han, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mine,
Malady, Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, .lir. Vice Preal-
Approved April 38, 1890.
By Aid. Dlinen-
Resolved, That the street oil lamp contractor
be instructed to erect and maintain an oil lamp
the northwest corner of Stryoker venue and
Dearborn etmet; one In trout f 284 .,.cord
Yees-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Gulleu, Coa-
le}-. Fisher, Gehall Kavanagh, Lelthauaer, Mln-
e.. Distad,, Pratt, Seaborn, Weber. D[r. Vice
Approved April 19, 18A0.
By Ald. Sanborn- -
Resolved, That the St. Paul Gas Light com-
pany be and It ie hereby directed to light and
aikilln four street lights upon the street gas
lamp- erected on the streets In the ••Rearrange
meat of Kenwood Terrace."
Fisher, Gehaut, %eavmlaamghB Leithau-er, Mlnea,
Melody, Pratt, 9nuborn, Weher, lir. Vice Preaf-
Approved April 16, 1890.
By Aid. Cult
Resolved, That the St. Paul Ga- Light compa-
ny be and Is hereby tlrscald to fight Rlce, 6um-
It. Irvine, ('antral, smith and Lamy tte Park.
with eleetriclty from and after the 18th Inst.
Fisher, Ge an, Kavanagh.
Lefthauaeter, Mme,
Malady, Pratt, Saubom, Weber, Dfr. Vice Pre:ai-
Approved April 16, 1890.
Byy Ald. Bickel-
Reaolved, That the St. Paul Gas Light com-
bany be and 1. hereby Instructed to erect and
maintalu two gas lamps on sell, side of the en-
trance to the new Turner hall on Frankli.
street, between Sixth and Ninth streets.
Yeal-Ald. Bill
Fisher, Gehan,, Kaca,! BLeR-mulleer, �D he.
Malady, Pratt. Weber, li Vim President -14.
Hays--.Ud. Banbom-].
Approved April 18, 1890.
By Aid. Gehmf-
Resolved. That the St. Paul Gas company be
and theyare hereby directed to remove gas lamp
nr Jackson street east side of Viola street to
r rtheast corner Jackson and Warren. street-.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh Lefthauser, Mlnea,
dated,, Pratt, Sanoorn, Weber, Mr. Vice Prea-
dent Ifi.
Approved April 16. 1990.
3 Committee on Parks-
Reeolved, Tbat the committee ou parka be and
hey are herebyy uthorixed to employ Chris
Susefaegar for (k fret Park, William Tynan for
wine and Summit Parke, Henry Ho for Hice
'ark, Fled Joelin for Smith and Lafayette:
Parke, and M. Hernia for helper, to take care of
said park. mm
during the co, aeaeou at a seta
fug Oct.�ril 20 and at
15, 1890, and the the dry engineer be
and he Is hereby Instructed to place said names
f hie monthlyy pay ll.
Bickel, Blom, Bock, (,Ellen, Conley,
Fisher, Gahan, Kavanagh, Letthaucer, Miuea,
Melad y, Pratt, 6auborn, Weber, Afr Vice Pxeal-
Approved April 1G. 1890.
Resolved, That the draft of contract ..limit
ted by the corporation ttomey, between Ed
ward J. Kirkland and Albert R. Starkey and th,
(City of St. Paul, for the eonsteuctton of the sub
structure of the bridge on Sixthstreet,1tton
Brook street ro near Hoffman itue, n tin
City of St. Paul, be a.nd the same to bereby up
provedto Pa�ecutea.tthehsam, on behalfmof the c duct
y of St.
Fisher, Geh.n,t Kava :alb. Leeithnuuer Aftosa,
Melody. Pratt, Sanborn. Weber, Mr. Vice Push
dent -15.
Approved April 16, 1890.
By Aid. Cullen-
R'Olved, By the common conntil of the city
of 6t. Paul, Thac orders be dawn upon the city
treasury, to an amount not exceeding the tram of
twenty-six hundred dollars (32,00(j), whenever
bills are llowed by the board of fire commfs-
sfonas and after the same have been nudimd by
the city comptroller, for furulshing and .ectiag
up "-b"""'
wo mo nts, to be located p.. lots
by sold elty� In Oakland nd Calvary
owned m aerlea. Said me shall be charged to
the Bremen's relief fund.
Yea. -Aid Bickel, Blom, Bock'h G Fix, Cullen, Conley,
Malady, Pratt, Bonbon eberithlr. Vt0 Pree1-
ligh. Le
dent -l6.
Approved Arpil 19, 1890.
By Aid. Sanbcrn-
Resolved, That an order be drawn on the city
treasury, fn favor of the city engineer, for the
sum of fifty (850) dollars. to be used as ono®ce
continget fund for current expenses.
Ye Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Gouley,
Fisher, Gehau, Kav... gh. LettI=, Mines,
),clad,, Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Dtr.
dent -Iris Vice Presl-
Approved April 16, 1890.
By Committee on Liceuse-
Reso)ved That an order be drawn on the city
treneur� in favor of John Gotts,.'ammer for
fifty (300) AldBoil... to refund to him amount
for butcher Roes- No. 126, for es 1889.
Fisher,e-Geh.Bic Ka al. luamghB Lelt au�eenr, Mines,
Malady, Pratt. Saubom, Weber, Mr. Vice Ptesf-
Approved April 16, 1890.
By Commlttce on Parks -
Resolved. That the sum of two thousand dol-
lars. or as much thereof as Is deemed necessary,
be and the same Is hereby appropriated out of
the park fund for the purpose of plating the sev-
eral parks of the city in proper condition for
the summer season, said money to be expended
antler the direction of the
committee int parks.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen. Coale,,
Fisher, Gehan, K.vanagh, Lelthauser, Mines,
Melody. Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Mr. Vice Preel-
Appprovfrov -
ed April 18, 1890.
of lots
111, all of block three (8) 1.Westfit. Pau]
aI Estate and Imp veme.t 6yndlcate Addt-
tion No. one (1) and between Hunker a d Pnge
etreete and West of State street as ed it g-
Ily es blocks three (3)
ur (4) of
eatd additton,which said petition duuy seta forth
the facts and tees a for said tion, and
was duly accompanied by a plat thereof a. pro.
p Wh rreas, Tht=
common council, upon the Ppre-
sentation of laid petition, deemed It esopedle t
[hat the matter be oceded with and dared
clerk and noti toff be given brecoypubl catwith ion an
providased by law; and
Where, I'll, notice was given by Publtco.tion
hr the of tial paper of said city for four weeks,
commenting on the 8th day of March, A. D.
1890, to the effect that :aid petition had been
filed with the city clerk, etatl.g in brief its ob-
fect, and tbnt the same would beheard and con-
sidered Dy the common council of the cityy of fit.
Paul, on Tuesday, the 15th day of Apr11.A. D.
1890, at 7:50 0.6 'it in the afternoon of 'at
daylai,, c1t the council chamber In the city hall of
Whereea. At the time andplace last aforesaid,
for the investigation and ennalderation of each
ry and proper, and chs
thereto: have all been compm
Now Therefore Ire it Resor
said alley and portion of aIle}
tour (4), five (fi),ix p;), se
nine S9) and ten (10 and bet,
even (t 1) of bo
and elck three
Addition No. one
Page street. and
diagonally aero
of said addition,
In the office f
the county of Ra
,led ked to
r root of State street, as opened
sa block. three (R) and four (4)
as the aame . peaty o[ recorrdd
the register of deeds In and for
rnsey, ste-r' bead the same
red to be vacated and dlacontln-
r In said petition and as herein
at. Blom. Bock, Cullen, Conley,
:evnnagh. Lelthauser, Mlnea,
Malady, Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Mr. Vice Preel-
April 15, 1890.
Arrmoxv Yoeao, J..• Vim President of Council.
Approved April 16, 1890.
I,,- A. SMerh, Mayor.
Attest: Thos. A. P. Dltao;-, CSty Clerk.
April 22.
Whereas the common council of the city of St.
Paul. at a meeting held on the fifteenth day of
April, A. D. 1880. did adopt a reaolutton vaet-
1. the alley and portion o[ alley Iyingg east of
Iota four (41. five (6), elx (b), seven (7), eight
(8), due (9) and ten (10), and between )ora
three I. and eleven WI ) ed block three (8) in
West St. Paul Re.1 ata4...d Iiayrovement
Syndicate Addttlon No. One (1), and between
Bunker and Page streets and went of State street
an opened diagonally across blocks three (8)
and four (4) of said addition.
Therefore be it resolved, that the value of said
premise. .o vacated ea aforesaid be and the
same "hereby fixed at the sum of three hundred
dollars (89U0), [he sand sum being not less than
a proportionate average value of the property
abutting upon said pre lees
eo vacated accord
Ing to the an.essment for taxation for the year
A. D. 1888.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gebau, Kavmragh, Lelthauseq Minea,
Dfelady, Pratt, Saubom, Naber, Mr. Vice Pres1-
Approved April 16, 1890.
W nereas, The common council of the city of
st. Paul heretofore ordered the board of puulic
works to report whethbr a change of grade on
Fairfield avenue, from State street to Robert-
son street, In amd city, as shown by a red If..
o profile annexed to said order, was neces-
y proper, and whether real estate to be
assessed for said Improvement could be found
benefited to
extent o[ damages and coats to
be Incurred by aaId Improvement; and
Whereon, In accordance with said order, the
board of public work. did make a report to the
common coy 1890, recom-
ell of date March, 4,
mending sold improvement, and that property
could be found benefited to the extent of dam-
gea, idn" and expense. neceseaq•to be Incurred
reek.. s.ld change of grade as afore.afd; and
, The common council of said cityy on
the 4th dart of March. 1800, adoppted sold re-
port and orlered the cltyderk to X.
re ured by law; and
Whereas, The city clerk gave notion In the o®•
dal paper of .aid cit7%for three successive weeks,
twice fe each week, that the common council of
said cltywoIII on the 16th day of Apml, 1890,
at 7:80 O'ciock p, Be.. at the council chamber In
said elty, conelderuch proposed change of grade;
Whereas, At the time and place last designated
for such proposed change of grade, the common
council, after hearing all person, ntereeted, aad
being of the oplulon that the same le necessary
and propper
Therefore, Be IL Resolved, That the Mode of
Fairfield avenue, from State street to Robert-
o atreec, be and the same Is hereby changed
in accordance with the red lion a..howm on the
annexed praue,dieing the same ee referred to iu
aR the proceedings had fn regard to said change,
Resolved, That thinorderand the pproflle repre-
senting said change of grade be reterred to the
board of public works, and that.ald board .hail
proceed without delay to assess the amount, as
nearly ee they can auc a the same, which
shall be reqqulred to pay the damages, Coate and
expenses of such Improveme.t upon the real
estate co be Ireuefited by old improvement, an
Provided by )aw, it being the opinion of the com-
mon tour l that real estate to be aseenesI for
each itcan be found benefited to the
extent of the damage., Coate and expenses It
sary to be Incurred theeas—Aldreby.
Fisher, C hnrp,Rex I8gh. Leftauseer Nneo,
Melady, Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Dtr. Vice Pree-
Approved April 16, 1890.
Whereas, The common Council of the city of
t. Paul heretofore to ort ordered the board of publlc
works repwhether a eb¢ I. of . in on
Rudecn avenue, from FOre.t street to Mendota
street, In .aid city ue .how,, by a red line'
on a profile annexed to .aid order, was accent.
eery and proper, and whether real estate to be
assessed for said improvement could be found
benefited to the extent of damages and costs to
be incurred by said Improvement; and
Wnereae, In accordance with said order, the
board of public works did make a rep rt to the
common council of date March 4, 1890, reco d-
mendingg a change of grade on Hudson avenue
from Dlendota street to Forest street, and
that property could be found benefited to
the extent of Uamagee,costs and expenses neeee-
sary to be Incurred in making said change of
grade as aforesaid; and
Whereas. The common council of said dtyy o
Lhe 4tb day of M -ch, 1890, adopted ..idn
port and ordered the city clerk to give the no-
tice required bylaw; and
Whereas, The city clerk g_avenotice in the o®-
e [nice in said
oh ciweeek that ththree e ive
council of said city would on the15th day of
April, 1890, at 7:80 o'clock p m., at the coun-
cil chamber, lu said city, consider such proposed
change of grade; ped
Whereas, At the time end place last designated
for ouch proposed.bange of grade, the commou
council, atter hearing all persona Interested, and
being of the oplulon that the name ie necessary
and proper, -
Them ore, be It resolved, That the grade of
Hudson avenue, from Dten 1, street to
Forest street, bn and Lha same le hereby Chun
In uceordance with the red line an shown on the
annexed profile, being the same as referred to In
all Lhe p oeeedlnw had In regard to said change,
and be ft further
That this order and the proflle rep-
reeehtinx said change of grade be referred to the
board of public works, and that said board
shall" proceed without delay to assess the
amount, as nearly an they can ascertain the
same, which shall be required to pay the dam-
provemen0. as provided. by law, it being the
pinion of the common council that real estate
to be amassed for such improvement can be
found benefited h the extent of the damages,
cost. and expenses necessary to be fncurred
Y=a Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehao, Kavanagh Lelthauser, Dfinea,
Melady. Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Mr. Vice Presl-
Approved April 16, 1890.
Whereas, The common council of the city of
Paublrereto"r ordered the board of public
works to report whether each a change of grade
on Broadway street, from the Misslselppi river
to Prluce street, ae may be rendered ¢ece.s.ry
by the con.tructlon of the Broadway bridge (so-
called) and approach, n said City by
a red line on a proflle annexed to said order,
was necessary and proper, and whether real
estate to be ""'I'd for aid improvement
could be found benefited to the extent of dam-
ages and costa to be incurred by Bald Improve-
ment; and
Whereas, in I e rdwme with said order, the
board of publlc works did make a repport to the
common CovncfI of date Mande 4, 1890, recom-
mending said ire ovement between the Mieals-
slppi river and l?rince street to a width ct forty
(40) feet n the center of said Broad"., street.
and that yroperty could be found benefited to
the extent of damages, cost. and ex nee. necea-
arr to he no rr.d n making .aid change of
bade -0 afomauld; and
Whereas, The common conmeil of said city,
nn he 4th day of March, 1890, adoited Haid re.
port and ordered the city clerk to give the no.
tice regalred by law; and
Whereas, The city clerk gave notice In the
official paper of said City, for three successive
weeks, twice in each week, that the common
council of said city would, on the 16th day of
A dl, 1890, at 7:80 o'clock D m., at the conn.
cil chamber In said city, consider such proposed
change of grade; and
Whereas, At the time and place Inst designa-
ted for such proposed change of grade. the com-
mon council, atter hearing all personeinterested,
and being of the opinion that the same is neces-
Therefore, be it resolved. That he grade of
Broadway street between the Mississippi river
and Prince street he and the name Is hereby
changed to a width of forty (40) feet in the cen-
ter of said Broadway street, In accordance
with the red line as shown on the annexed
profile, being the sameax referred to in
all the proceedings had in regard to said change,
and be It further
Resolved. That this order andthe proflle rep-
meentiug said change of grade be referred to the
board It public works, and that said board shall
proceed without delay to asne.s the amount, ae
ar%a. thev can taln the same, which
shall be mqulred to ppay the damages, costs and
expenses of such ireprovemeut upon the real
estate to be benefited by said Improvement. as
ce mal -
Approved April 16, 1890.
Whereas, The common council of the city of
9t. Paul heretofore oedered the board of public
eels to report whether a Change of grade ,I
State street, from Fafrfleldavenue to the Miasl.-
11pp] rlvar, In naldclty, an shown by. rod Ilse on .
profile umexed to aald order, was neceee.ry and
proper, and whether real estate to be assessed
[or aaid improvement could be found benefited
to the extent of damages and costs to be In-
curred by said fmprovemeut; end
Whereas, I. accordance with said order, the
board of
public works gild make s rep ; to the
common council of dote March 4, 1890, recom-
mending a change of grade on State street, from
the Mississippi river to Kentucky street, and
that property could be toned benefited to the
extent of damages, covin and expenses necessary
to be incurred fn making said change of grade an
sfores.1d; a d
Whereas, The common council of naid city, on
the 41h day of March, 1890, adopted id re-
port and ordered the city clerk- to give thenotice
req aired by law; a d
Whereas, The cityy clerk gave notice fu the ot-
flcial paper of enid city, for three --.I-
weeks. twice In each week, that the common
Council of Haid city, would on the 16th day of
April, 1890, et 7:80 o'clock p. m., at the coun-
cil chamber. In said city, consider such proposed
change of grade; and
Wherea., At the time d place lent desig-
nated lor
. such proposed change of grads, the
common council, after hearing all person. Inter-
ested, and being of the opinion that the same le
necessary and proper.
T6eretore, Is It revolved, That the grade of
State street, from the Mlvsl.afppi river to Ken-
tucky areae[, be end the wares Is hereby changed
In accordance with the red Ihm u shown on the
annexed proflle, being the name a. referred to
in all proceedings had In regard to said change,
and he It further
Resolved, That this order and the prodle rep.
resenting said change of grade be referred to the
board of public works, and that @aid board
shall proceed without delay to eaeevx the
mount, as nearlyan they can ascertain the
same, which shall berequired toay the dam-
ages, costs and expenses of such Improvement
upon the real estate to be benefited by said im-
provement, as provided by law, It being the
opinion of the common council that real estate
to be a sewed for such Improvement can be
found benefited to the extent of the damages.
costa and expenses necessary to be incurred
Yea Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Geban, Kavanagh, Lsithuumr, 31 ea.
Melady, Pratt. Sanborn. Weber, Mr. Vice Presi-
dent -16.
Approved April 16, 1890.
Whereas, The common council of the city of
St. Paul heretofore ordered the board of '' ublle
;orks to report whether a change of gra`fs on
Fillmore avenue from state street to South
Robert street in sold city an shownby
'n regi line o. x Profile
annexed to said
order, was necessary and proper. and
whether real estate to be assessed for s id
improvement could be found benefited to the
extent of damages and '.eo its to be incumd
by said Improvement; and
Whereas, In accordance with said order, the
has of public works did make a port to the
common eomnull of date March 4. 189U, recom-
mending said Improvement from state street to
the center of Robertson stmt, and that
property could be found benefited to the extent
of damages, costs and expnnee. necessary to W
Incurred Ip making said change of grade as aides.
.aid; and
Whereas, The common council of said city on
the 1111,y of lintel 1890, adopted said re-
port and ordetsi the city clerk to give the notice
re aired by law: ad
Whereas the city clerk gave notice In the om-
Val paper of sold city for thrce.ucce.nive weeks,
twice in each week, that the common council of
said city, would on the 16th day of April,
1890, ml 7:30 o'clock p- M.,
at the council
chamber, In said city, Co.sider such proposed
change of grade: and
Where. At
the time and place ]net designated
for such proposed change of grade, the common
council. atter hearing all persona interested and
being of the opinion that the same Is necessary
and pro r,
Therefore, Be it resolved, that the grade of
Flilmore avenue from State street to the center
of changed Anon etreet rdance lth the ad e d ire aIn here e
Showa o. theero one', profile, being the cam
referred to In all the proceedings had in regard
to said Change and be PL further
Resolved, That this order and the proflle rep-
resenting sold change of grade be referred to the
board of publlc works, and that said board
shall proceed without delay ro aeeeea the
amount, a. nearly as tbey can ascertain the
same, which shall be required to pay the dam-
age-, Coate end expenses of uch Ire .-meat
npon the reel estate to be benefited by such Im-
provement. as provided by law, it being the
opinion of the common Council that real estate
to be ease d for such Improvement eon Ix
round benefited to the extent of the damngnv
conte and expenxee necessary to be Inc1f=2
Year --Aid. Bickel, Blom, Hock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehao, Kavanagh, Lelth.aver, Minea,
Melody, Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Mr. Vice Prem
Approved April 16, 1890.
Resolved, That the board of public works
cause the following streets to be sprinkled dur•
big the sprinkling season of 1890.
Third street from Tsekson to List.
Fourth street from Jackson to Brook.
Fifth stmt from Jackson to BroadwV;tteon.
Fifth stmt from Plne 76 feet east of %
Sixth stmt from Jackson to Kitteon.
Seventh stmt from Jackson to Brook.
Eighth stmt from Jackson 190 feet east of
Ninth street from Jackson to Neill.
Tenth street from Jackson to Lafayette.
Grove stmt from Jack -on to Neill.
Thirteenth stmt from J,cksou to Pine.
Fourteenth stmt from Jackson to B mdw,y.
Fifteenth stmt from Jackson to Broadway.
Spruce stmt 'to""'
bley o Canada
Spruce stmt from Bro.d%y o
Norris stmt from Canada to Temperance.
Van Slyke Court from Broadway to 011ve.
Acker stmt from Mississitfil to Jackson.
Woodward stmt from Job to edge of blulf.
I Somerset stmt Irom John to Plne.
Olmsted stmt from John to Yine.
Jackson street Irom Levee to Sy cn I,,
Temper.uce stmt from Eighth to Niuth.
Temperance stmt from Tenth to Thirteenth.
Sibley stmt from Levee to Norris.
Ws outa street from railroad to Sperm.
Canada stmt Irom Ninth to Valley.
Rosabel street. from Railroad to Eighth.
Broadway stmt from Railroad to Grove.
Broadway stmt from Thirteenth to Valley.
L'Orleut stmt from Thirteenth o Nash.
Pine street from Sixth to WIIllame.
Olive street from Sixth to twenty -if- feet
Westminster stmt from Lafayette to railroad
Lafayette avenue from Grove to Brook
Waverlyplace from Westminster to John.
from Fou
Locust strth to Efgho.
Wlllius stmt from Fourth to Grove.
Neill street from Fourth to Grove.
Klttson stmt from Fourth to Seventh.
Mississippi stmt from north end Manitoba
bridge to C.Yuga.
1111-imippl stmt from Grove to 800 featnort.i
lesfesippl street bridge.
Madison stmt from Grove to Woodward.
Monroe place from Grove to Woodward.
Nash stmt from Mississippi to Plus.
Valley street from Jackson to Broadway.
Yens—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher. Gehl
eh au.Kavanagh. Leithauser, Mines,
Malady, Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Mr. Vast Prest-
Approved April 16, 1890.
BURI. Pratt_
Re9olveI , That the preliminary order for the
the on�eynfug of Carteravreuue and Bouprueorder
avetu e,
19.1890 hbe and the same are her, council —it eby anuu l a
id revealed. and the board of public work- ie
hereby req uesred to discontinue all proceedings
1n the matter of these openlugs.
Yeas --.41d. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Conley, Cullen,
Fisher, Gahan, %�v�negh, Lelthauser, Mines,
Malady, Pratt, S..boto, \Veber, Mr. Vice Prml.
Approved April 16, 1890,
By Aid. Mclady—
Resolved, That the board t public work.
cause Concord street to be sprinkled from Ban-
moft street to Andrew street.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gahan, K.vanagh, Lefthaussr, Mine.,
Malady, Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Mr. Vice Presi-
dent --16.
Approved April 16, 1890.
By Aid. Weber—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the city of St. Paul:
That the matter of grad(ng Victoria from IInl-
erelty to Mtunebaha street be and the same Is
meet, to the board of public works to
imveet lgatacid report:
,__I: this improvement proper and a—.
s Seeo,d—Glue the council an estimate of the
e pence thereof, and tate whether one-half of
the coat thereof Is to be paid into the city tress -
ugbefore the contract is let.
Third --C n real estate to be assessed for said
improvement be found benefited o the extent
f damagr ,coats and expenses necessary o be
incanted thereby?
Fourth—IN, such Improvement asked for upon
the o titian or application of the ownere of a
of the property to be assessed for such
Fifth—bend the council a plan or pprofile of
said imyrovement, as -qulred by law, 1I you re-
port in fa f the same.
Sixth—Semi the council a proper order dimt-
Ing the work to be done.
Y Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen, Conley,
Fisher Geha-, Ravi nagh, Leithauser, Mine.,
Dlelady, Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Mr. Vice Presf-
Approved April 16, 1890.
By Aid. Sullivan—
It is hereby,ottlered by the Common Council
I the City of fit. Paul:
That the matte[ at grading Roy stmt, from
University avenue to St. Anthouy a i e, be
and the same Is hereby referred to the board
of �nblle works to Investigate and report:
F ret—Is this Improvement proper and neces-
8 condomlive the coa... timate of the
e pease thereof, and state vhe4her one-haR o[
the cost theist fe to be PPnidtiute the city ire of
ury before the cron,_ is let.
imThird—Cau real estate o be amerced for said
pro of be found benefited to the extent of
damage coats and expenses necessary o be hi -
Fourth—ls such Irey rovement asked for upon
the petition or appilrstion of the owners of a
Ire pj rltey of the property to be assessed tar each
Fift°i; —.cut,
the con,nn a plan ar Profile of
pold I.rt lis favor of the same aired by law, R you re-
Sixth—Send the council proper order direct-
ing the work to be done.
Y Ald. Blckel, Blom, Bock, Callen, Conley,
Fisher, Gahan, Kave.nash. Leithauser, Mine...
Melody, Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Mr. Vim Presi-
Approved Ap
By Aid. Blom—
It ie hereby or
If the City of S
That the ma
3umout street
.rd acute, be
nil 16, 1890.
dared by the Common Council
eater of construction of sewer on
, between Edgerton and Red -
and the same is hereby referred
totheboard of public works to investigate and Fiftb—Send the council DI,n or profile of
repor t --Ie ails improvement said improvement, as required by law, If you re.
N proper and neves- port in favor of the came.
sary') Sixth—Send the council a proper order direct-
Second—Give the council an estimate of the Ing the work to be done.
expense thereof, and state whether one -halt of ]' a Ald. Blckel, Blom, Bock, Cullen. Conley,
the cost thereof is to be paid into the city Fisher, Gehan Kavanagh, Lefthauser, Minea,
treasury hlydCunbefore LDI estate to bco tract e tete Mehu]for said dent—] 6Prntt. Sunburn, Weber, Mr. Vice Presl-
prow ment be (oI . benefited tothe extent of Approved April 36, 1890.
damageso to and expenses necessary to be In -
our themby7 —
Fourth—Is such Improvement asked for Upon By Aid. Gehan—
the petition r application of the ownere of a It is herebyy rdered Dy the Common Council
majority of the property to be assessed for such of the City of St. Paul:
1 e nt? Thal th tterof coudemidne an easement
Fifth—Send the ,,"'it plan o pr file of 1 the land .butt) -g on Fairview stmt, listween
id i provement, a tremuired by law, if you Valley stmt and Pennsylvania ave, -
pp rt in favor of the sa y to construct the elopes for cuts arid fill- ft
reStxth—Send the til n proper order di- Rradine as FairWew tor,,, between s id
ting the work to be done. streets be mid the same In hereby referred to the
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen, Conley, board of public works to investigate dna report:
Fisher. Gahan, Kavanagh, Lei hauler, Mines. FI 1-18 this improvement proper and neces-
Melady, Pratt, Sanborn. Weber, Mr. Vice Pres-
ident -16. ssSeeond—Give the council an estimate of the
Approved April 16. 1890. expense thereof, and state whether one-half of
_ the coat thereof Is to be pp id Into the city t---
By Aid. Sulllven— u y before the contract is let.
Third -:an real estate to be assessed for said
It is he of . . daul: by the Common Council of Improvement be found Deneflted to the exteut of
the city [. Paul: damage cots and expenses necessary to be I -
That the mutter of grndlugg F1-yLreet from curretl thereby?
University avenue to St. Auth i y be ttd the Fourth—le such ireppr went asked for upon
am i hereby referred to the board of public the titian t app"—tlou of the owmere of a
t, lnvestf rete and report: 1oriLeymof the property to be aeeeseed for
work. Firer—ls this provement proper sad aces. irepp tT
esSeeoud—Give the nil a estimate f the Ina
thecouncil a plan or proflleof sold
expense thereof, and elate whether o,is -halt of Irepr ve t, as required by law. 1I you report
the coat thereof Is to be id Into the cit treas- hi favor of the exec.
Pt+ y Sixth—Send the council s Proper order direct -
'0 the contract Is let. Ing [he work [o be done.
Thirdmenu real estate ne be assessed for Bald yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen, Con -
improvement be found benefited to the extent of Icy Ffeher, Gehmt, Kavansgn, Lelthauser,
erred theerebyT0.nd expeneea necessary to be in- Miuea, Melsdy, Pratt, Sunburn Weber, Air. Vice
Fourth—Is such Improvement asked for upon P- idem --16.
the petitlon r applleati on f the owners Of,
'Approved April 16, 1890.
.lorltp of the property to he assessed for such
Impp a nt? —
Fitth—Send the council a plan or pprofile of By Aid. Kavanagh—
said Improvement. as required by law, ft you re- It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council
port In favor of the same. of the City of SL Paul:
Slxth—Send the council a proper order direct- The the matter of ape ing an alley In block
ing thhwork to be done. (11), St. Paul Proper, Deaym.a. at Sixth stmt
Y Alit. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Celle-, Conie.y, nd runuhig soutaierly two hundred and ten
Ffeher, Gehmi, Kavanagh, Lnithaucer, Mhien, feet, tskiug pis is of tote (e)re rd (14) f e id
Melsdy, Pratt, Sanborn. Weber, \[r. \'ice Presl- block be and the same Is h by referred to the
dent -16. board o7 public works to iuvestiaate and report.
Approved April 18. 1R80 First—Is thls fmprovemeut proper .nd nems -
a T
By Bock— s Second—Glue the council an estimate of the
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council expence thereof. and tate whether one -halt of
of the City of St. Paul:. the coat th-eteof 1s to be p Id unto the city treae-
That the atter a paving Ramsey stmt, urphberoa C.nereal tee ate to
be eeeeseed for said
from Wem Seventh stmt to Garfield stmt. pro- 1
ducednorth, with ceder blocks and granite curb- improvement be touud benefited to the extent of
Ing, be and the a e le hereby referred to the damages, costa .nd expenses necese.ry to be In-
board of Public works to Investigate and report: curved thereby?
FIs'— this Improvement proper and neves- Fourth—ls such improvement .eked for upon
sary?the o 'Itlon or application f the o [
Second—Give the coutwil timate f the aJ city of the property o be neeeaced f uck
inpause thereof, and tate whether one-half of ImProvemeutT
s cost thereof is to De paid Into the city treas. Fifth—fiend the council peen o Ste of
before the contract ix let. e.ld improvement, as tequlred by I.w, If you m-
Third—Can real estate to be assessed for said port In favor of the same.
Improvement be found benefited to the extent of Sixth—Send the council a proper order direct -
dams geere
costs and expenses necessary to be In- Ing the work to be done. -
curred theby? Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fourth -11 such improvement asked for upon Fisher, Gahan, Leitl au am. Mine.. Me -
the petftlon or application o[ the ownere of a lady, Pratt, Sanbont, Weber, Mr. Vice President
mslerity of the property to be assessed for such —16.
-improvement? Approved April 16, 1890.
Malady, Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Mr. Vice Pres
Approved April 16, 1890.
Resolved, That the board of public work,
cause the following streets to be sprinkled dur
ing the sprinkling season of 1890.
u—itict Ao. 6,
Third street from Tack.— to Locust.
Fourth street from Jackson to Brook.
Fifth :treat from Jackson to Broadway.
Fifth street from Pins 76 fast .at of Kitteou.
Sixth street from Jackson to Klttson.
Seventh street from Jackson to Brook.
Eighth street from Jackson 190 feet east of
Ninth street from Jackson to Neill.
Tenth street from Jackson to Lafayette.
Grove street from Jackson to Neill.
Thirteenth street from Jackson to Pine.
Fourteenth street from Jmksou to Broadway.
Fifteenth street from Jackson to Broadway.
Spruce rucs street from Sibley to .nada.
Norrix treat from Canada to Tem Ina
Van Slyke Court from Broadway to Olive.
Acker trees from to Jackson.
Woodward street from from Jot
11 to edge of bluff.
Somerset street from John to Pine.
O ekso. street from John to Sycamore. Jackson street from Levee h Sycamore.
Temperance street from Eighth to Ninth.
Temperance street from Tenth to Thirteenth?
Canada street from Ninth to Valley.
Rosabel at. wt, from Railroad to Efabth.
Broadway street from Railroad to Grove.
Broadway street from Thirteenth to Valley.
L'Orient street from Thirteenth to Nash.
Pine street from Sixth to Williams.
Olive street from Sixth to twenty-five feet
south o1 Pennsylvania avenue.
John Street from Fourth to Williams.
Westminster street from Lafayette to railroad
Lafayette avenue from Grove to Brook
Waverly place from Westminster to John.
Locust street from Fourth to Eighth.
W'illius street from Fourth to Grove.
Neill street from Fourth to Grove.
Kittson street from Fourth to Seventh.
Mississippi street from north end Manitoba
brldge to Ca uga.
Mississippi streetfrom Grove to 800 teetnortS
of Pennsyylvania.
Mlaefsaip d street bridge.
Madison steeetfrom Grove to Woodward.
\lonroe place from Grove to Woodward.
Nash street from Mississippi to Pfue.
Valley street from Jackson to Broadway.
Tens—Alda Bickel, Blom, Bock, alien, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan. Kavanagh, Lefthauser, Minea,
Melady, Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Mr. Vice Press -
dent -16.
Approved April 10, 1890.
By Aid. Pratt—
Reeolved, That the preliminary order [or the
opening of Cudworth street, also the order for
the opening of Curter avenue and Bourne avenue,
19e1 e90. be and the samelare h —itreproved Feb.
by annulled
nit repealed. and the board of public t-orke fa
hereby requested [n dfecontlnue all proceedings
1n the matter of these openings.
Yeas--.Ud. Bickel, Blom, Back, Conley, Cullen,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Lelchauser, Mines,
Melady, Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Mr. Vice Presl.
dent -18
Approved April 16, 1890.
By Aid. Malady—
Resolved, That the board ofpublle work.
cause Concord street to be aprfnkM from Bar-
croft street to Andrew street.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Geban, Kavanagh. Leithauser, Minea,
Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Air. Vice Prmi-
Approved April 111, 1890.
By Ald. Weber—
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the city of St. Patti:
That the matter of grading Victoria from Cal-
:Marty to llfuaehaha street be and the Is
hereby referred to the board of public works to
Investigate and report:
First—Ia this improvement proper and neces-
Second—Glue the council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and Lata whether one- ire of
the coat thereof le to be paid Into the city treaa-
ury before the contract Is let.
Third—an real estate to be assessed for Bald
Improvement he found benefited to the extent
of dam costs
incurred hereby? and expenses necessary to be
Fourth—Is such improvement asked for upon
the petition or application of the owners of a
majority of the property to be ammeed for such
Im rovement?
)IRh—Send the couudl n plan or profile of
;fir fm rovement, ae reyufred by law, If you m
port fn favor of the same.
Sixth --Send the council a proper order direct.
Ing the work to be done.
Y as—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen, Conley,
Fisher. -'ehan, Kavanagh, Lelthaueeq lfinea,
Melady, Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Mr. Vice Presi-
Approved April 16, 1890.
By Aid. Sullivan—
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of 9t. Paul:
That the matter of grading Roy street, from
University avenue [n St. Anthony avenue, ac the same la hereby referred to the board
of , blle works to Investigate and report:
FI t—Is this Improvement proper sad neas-
Second—Cave the council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and state i hether om,half of
the cost thereof Leto be paid Into the elty treas-
ury before the contract Is let.
Third—Cau real estate to be assessed for aaid
improvement he found benefited W the extent of
damages coats and expenses necessary to be In-
curred thereby?
Fourth -1' Inch impro ement asked -tor upon
[he petition or appllcatiou of the owners of s
.Jori cymof the property to be assessed for such
imp ut?
'win "t? the council a plan or profile of
Bald improvement, na required by Iaw, if you re-
port In favor of the same.
Sixth—Send the council a proper order direct-
ing the work to be done.
Yeas—Alda Blekel, Blom, Back, Culfen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Le.tbauser, Miami.
Melady, Prstt, S..born, Weber, Mr. Vice Prmi-
Approved April 16, 1890.
By Ald. Hlom—
It re hereby ordered by the Common Council
d the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of construction of Bower on
3eaumout street, between Edgerton nd Bed-
ard streets, be and the same ie hereby refernd
to the board of public works to investigate and
Fleet --Ie this improvement proper and neces-
Second Give [ council an estimate a the
nthereof, and
d state whether one-half of
tewee rot thereof is to be painto the city
treasury before the contract le let.
Third—Con real estate toa be arse heti for said
improvement be bond expenses
s the extent of
damage costa and ezpenaes necessary to be In-
curred thereby? '
Fourth—le such improvemeat asked for upon
the petit
i0. r appBeniton of the owners of a
majority of the property to be assessed for such
Fifth—Send the council a plan or profile of
said Improvement, Be required by Iaw, if you
re Ort is favor of the same.
Sixth—Send the council a proper order di-
recting the work to be done.
Yens—Aid. Bickel, Blom. Bock. Cullen, Conley,
Fisher. Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Minea,
Me lady, Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Mr. Vice Pres.
Approved April 16. 1890.
By Aid. Sullivan— —
It Is herebyordeerd by the Common Council of
tbecity of St. Paul:
That the matter of grading Fry street from
University avenue to St. Anthony be and the
same is hereby referredto the board of public
works to Investigate
and report:
Firet—la this improvement proper and neces.
Smoud—Give the council an estimate ofthe
expense thereof, and state whether one-half of
the coat thereof is to be paid into the city treas.
ury before the contract is let.
Third—Can real earn te to be aseessed for aaid
improvement be found benefited to the extent of
damages, costa and expenses nerve—ey to be in-
curred thereby?
Fourth—Is such improvement asked for upon
the petition or appllcatiou of the openers of a
majority of the property to be assessed for such
imp ovement?
Fifth—Bend the council a plan or pprofile of
said 'inp rovement, as required by Iaw, if you re-
port in fa or of the same.
Sixth—Send the coup fl a proper order direct-
ing the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavnnagb, Leithauser. Mh,ea,
Melady, Pratt, Sanborn. Weber, . r. \'ice Presl-
Approved April 16. 1890
By Aid. Bock—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:.
That the atter of paving Ramsey street,
from Wet Seventh street to Garfield street, pro-
ducednorth, with cedar be
and granite curb-
ing, be d the name ie hereby referred to the
board of public work, to lowed¢ate '"d=
nd report:
Firet—Is this improvement proper and necea-
Second—Give the council an estimate of the
expense thereof, anti este •hether ,half of
the cost thereof la to tate
hit. the city tm-.
before the contract Is let.
Third—Can real estate to he amerced for mid
am�gyere costa nduenx benefited to the extent of
carred thereby'. expenses necessary to be In-
Fourth—Ie such Improvement asked for upon
the psi ftle. or application of the owners of a
ma of the property to be" eased for such
Fifth—Send the council a plan or pmille of
fid Improvement, as required by law, If you re.
ort in favor of the same.
Sixth—Send the council a proper order direct -
g the work to be done.
Yeas—Aid. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen, Conley,
fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Lelthaume , Minea,
elady, Pratt. Sanborn, Weber, Mr. Vice Presf-
Approved Aprfl 16, 1890.
By Ald.Gehan—
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of condemning an easement
In the land abutting on Fairview street, between
Valley street and Pennsylvania avenue, necea-
s y to construct the elopes for cuts and fill. in
gradin¢ said Fairview stree,, between
[mets be and the same is hereby referred to the
board of public works to Investigate ane report:
Fir t— s this improvement proper and neces-
Second --Give the council an estimate of the
expense thereof• and Matehether one -halt of
the coat thereof Is to be paid into the city treas-
reas-u y before the contract Is let.
Third—Can real estate to be —d for said
improvement be fonnd benefited to the extent of
damages, costs and expenses necessary to be in-
curred thereby?
Fourth—Is such finvrovement asked for upon
the petition or application of Che era of a
majority of the property to he flams.2 far such
imp -e ant?
Fifth—fiend the council a plan or profile of said
improvement, Be required by law. i1 you report
a favor of the same.
Sixth—Send the council a proper order direct-
ing the work to be done.
yma Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con -
le}•, Fisher, Gehmi, Kavanagh, Leithauser,
\flue., Melady, Pratt, Sanborn, Cher, Mr. Vice
Approved April 16, 1890.
By Ald. Kavanagh—
It ie hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
That the matter of opening an alley In block
(Il), Bt. Paul proper, t,egiuuing at 61xIh'tree'
asci running eoutlberly two hunndred and ten
feet, taking purt, of lot' (B) d (14) of said
block be and the same fe hereby referred to the
board of public works to invetigate and report.
First—Ie this improvement proper and neces.
aaSryecond--Glve the council an estimate of the
e pens, thereof. and state whether one-half of
the cast thereof Is to bep Id into the city treas-
ury before the contract Is let.
Third—Can real estate to be assessed for said
ImDravement be fauud benefited to the extent of
damages, costa asci expenses necessary to be In-
:urred thereby?
Fourth—ls such Improvement asked for upon
the petitlon or applfca.tlon of the owners of a
m Jority of the property to be fl:eessed for each
Fifth—Send the council aplan or p oflle of
,aid improvement; Cue required by law, if you re-
port fn favor of the same.
Sixtb—Send the council s proper order direct -
.he work to be done.
Y —Aid. Bickel, Blom, Back, Cullen, Coal%
EYdher, an, Kavanagh,Lalthauser. Minea. f,
ady, Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Mr. glee President
Approved April 16, 1890.
ordered by the Common Coin:
..g .. reenuner avev
from I ore [x re to lVellq treat be id t
same Is herby referred to the board of pub
mks to fnerthente and report:
ttaFiret—Ie this hnpmvement proper and nea
s ..d_ Lhe ouncil a timate of t
e pease hereof, and tate rhetlter -hall
the coat thereof hs to be id into the city tree
y before the On
id let.
. Third—Cay nein estate to be se'sed for sn
Improvement be fomed benefited to the extent
darned [hexes +and expel—a necessary to be
tyo Fourth—Is such improvement ked h
petition r pplition of the
each majority of the property to be assessed h
Fifth—fiend the council a plan oflle
.ail Improvement, .. regtdred by law, it you -i
port In favor of the a¢me.
Sixth- Send the council a proper order dlrm
Ing the work to be done.
frbher, GehntBi,IlKng,1.ImgA Bl,, C\floe£
Malady, Yratc, Sanborn, Weber, Air. {'ice Pxx.
dent -16.
APProved April 16, 1890.
By Aid. Blom—
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Couucl
o[ the City of fit. Paoul:
That the matter f grading the alley lu blocl
15, Arlington Hills Addition to SF Pnuh be
twee. Edgerton street and Payne avenue, beam
the anme is hereby referred to the board of pub
he works to investigate and report:
First— Ie this Im provementproper and us,.
s Secoud—Give the council an estimate of the
e pence thereof, and Lute whether one -halt of
the cost thereo( fe to De paid into the city trees
ary before Lhe Contract 1s let.
Third --Can real estate to be sensed for said
lmof araomement be found beneficed to the extent
tnoutred C . cos T ts and expenses necessary to be
Fourth—le such improvement asked for uopon
or application f the o i
J rite' of the property to be essessedllor such
1rover nt?fth_ o
Send the council plait Profile of
said improvement, ne req Wred by lax, profile
Port in favor of the enme.
Sixth—Sond the council a proper order dnCCt.
Ing the work to be done.
Fisher Geha Bi Kalva.egh,L eitltu�tla"' Mines,
Malady, Pratt, Sanborn, {Faber, Jtr. Vice ._a, -
_I ad 5.
Approved April 16. 1.890.
By Aid. Sanborn—
is hereby o dered by the Common Council
the City of St. Paul:
from Leurelthe•tot G.Ocirfi,li aVTxtesx�oertnd the
same i. hereby referred to the ward of public
works to investigate and report:
First—ta this improvement
eproper and nrces- 1
Second --Give the conned an estimate of the e
expense thereof, and tate hether one -halt of 1
the cost thereof is to be p id linto the city treas-
ury before the contract o let. j
Third—Cunt al estate to be sb`_cd for said
Improvement be found be.eflted to the extent 1
o, d= ages, costa and expenses ary to be
I I b d theragU. .eceea
Malady, Pratt, Sanborn. Weber, Mr. Vice Pre.i-
Seeond—Ghve the ,a.—
Fourth—is s ch improvement asked for Pon
the petition or appllcati
dent -15.
Approved April 16, 1890.
a panne thereo(, and tate hether one -halt
bep Into
nv of the rs (
Im joritymof ane property to be aaeeasedfor such
the cost thereo[ le to /d the City treas-
u y before the covtraet ie let.
Fifth—Send the council plan or pprofile
By Aid. Weber—
Third—Call real estate to be seed for said
Improvement l,r found benefited to the
said improvement as required by Isw, if you x-
port in favor of the
It is herby ordered by the Commdn Council
of the CYty of It rP.W:
ezreut of
damages, costa and expenaea n ary to he fu
Sixth—Send the council a proper order dicot-
That the after of grading Avon street, from
c d thereby?
FourthTle such improvement naked for up
Ing the work to be done.
Peas—Aid. Blekel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
turorn to Minneheha street, be and filo anme in
1lereaLy referred to the Doatth of public ,or to
the tido.. or application f Lna of rn [
majority f property to be assessed for such
Fisher, Gehnn, Kavanagh., Mleam.
.11elndy. Pratt, Sanbon:. Weber,
Ligate and report:
First -1e this improvement proper and nee-
im P
Mr. Vice Preai-
dent -16.
Approved April 16, 1890.
Second—Give the council n timate f the
—Send the council plan or proNle of
q 1d tmprovement, ¢s require by law, tf you re -
In facor the
a pen thereof, and state whether n half of
port of same.
St.' fiend the council .proper order direct-
By Aid. Weber—
the coat thereof Is to be paid into the city
treasury before the contract fe let.
mg the rk to be done.
Yeas—.Ude o b el, Blom, Bock. CWlen, COWey,
It la hereby ordered by the Common Council
--Can real eat„re to be asesesed for said
Improvement be found benefited to theextent o
Fisher, Gahan, Kavanagh, DBnea,
ot the CJo[ St. Pane
That the matter of constructing a server
damage., costs and ex pensee necessary to be in
dlelndy Prnct, Sanborn, Weber, Mr. Vice Presl-
dent -15.
SL Anthony a enue, from Mi ckubht to Dale
carred thereby?
Fourtherr such improvement asked for
Approved April 16, 1890..
stmt, he and the same fe herb • referred to the
the petition or application of the otnnere o(a
of VpvAlic works to Invest gate and report:
Firat—Ia this tmprovement proper and n aces-
rity of the property to be assessed for
By Aid. Pratt—
ear) -f
IL le herby ordered by the Common Council
Second—Give the council t estimate of the
the council a plan or profile of
said improvement, as required by law, ht
of the CYty of St
ezpenee thereof, and state whet at one -belt of
the eon thereof le to be paid Into the city trees-
re ort In favor of the same.
That the matter of opening and extending of
Hewitt avenue, from Aldine to andextending
view (naked
ary before Lhe contract is let.
the council a proper order direct.
fug elle be
for by Hamlfne CYtiveti s onion) be and the same
Tbitd�an reel estate to be assessed for said
work to done.
]' —Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, C—ley,
1. hreby- referred to the board of public works
Improvement be found benefited to the extent
ot damages, costs and n—.at to be
Fisher, Gahan, Kncanegh, I.eltitauaer,Minea,]le-
to investig.te and report:
Firer—Is this imDrocement proper and neces-
mcurred thereby?
lady, Pratt, Sanborn, (Veber, air. Vice President
. nr}.,.ond—Give
Fourth—Is such im�pr ems tt eked for
Approved April 16, 1890.
the council alienate of the
petition r nppllcatiou of the n re [
Is property to be asaea.edtfor each
a pease tnereM, ane tte one-half of
the cost thereof fe to be id Into the cit trans-
Fifth—Send the council pplau or
BY Aid. Sanborn—
y before the contract ilet.
u Third—Can real estate to be ssessed for said
profile of
said imppr gement, as required by law, if you re-
v y
It 1. hereby ordered by the Common Council
the City St. Paul:
improvement be found benefited [o theextent of
P_ in to f the anme.
of of
That the matter of grading the alley to block
damages, costs and expenses neces.nry to be 1n-
the council a pro
lug the work to be tlone. Per order direct-
25 0[ S[xckubin R \Isxhall'a ddItlon to St.
c d thereby.
•Fourth—ia anti improvement nskad for upon
] as—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, ('nileu, Coale
Paul be and the sum fe herby referred to Lhe
board of to investigate
the petition r aPPlicntion [ Lhe owners of a
Fisher, Gehnn, Kavanagh. Leitbauser, Mins.,
Melody, prate, Sanborn. Weber, Mr. Vice Presi-
dent -16.
public wrorka and re
t, -
this improvement proper and neces(
n yl
j ttynof the property to be asseaeed for such
imFftth—Send the council lav o yroflle of
p r
Approved April 16, 18A0.
Second—Lica the council v estimate of the
said 1m L, ae required b laty, [
provemen y 1 you re -
In favor
expense thereof, and tate whether one-half of
pon of the same.
Sixth—Scud the council a proper order direct,
By Aid. Reber—
It is herby ordered by the Common Council
cost thereof fa to be paid into the city treae-
u y beforethe contract is
Third—Can re 1 --"t -be to assessed for said
Ing the work to be done.
]sae—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gahan, Kavanagh. Leithaueer, \linea,
I the CYty of 8[. PaW:
Improvement be found benefited to the extent of
Slelady. Yrntt, Sanborn, Weber, Mr. \'ice Pxai-
That the matter t opening av alley in block
1, Beifleld's subdnvlelou, from Gushier street,
dataagt'. -oatsand expgttses necessary to be In-
carred [hereby.
Approved April 16. 1890.
thence went ao ne to conform with alley already
Fouetb—ts such improgement eked for upon
opened in the same blocl- be nd the same is
hereb),referred to the board of public works to
the petition or application f the owners of n
majority of the property to be meassed [or such
By Aid. Meladv—
.tigate and report:
1 p •e nt?
It is hereby ordered by the Comment Council
this Improvement proper and name-
1 ary?
Fifth=Send the council a plan u proflle of
said impr nem by law,
of the CYty of St. Paul:
That the Bro%%
Second—Glue the council n timate o[ the
nt asrequired If youre-
port In fano f the q Ue.
matter of ggrraading
from Congressete t to Winifred. be ant(�I2 1,11p1
pease thereof, and tate whether one -halt of
Sixth—Send the council a proper order direct-
is hereby referred to the board of publftl works
:he cost thereof i8 to be paid alto the city trees-
Ing the work to be done.
to Investigate and report:
try before the contract I.let.
Yes,Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen. Conley.
FireC—le this improvement proper and .—a-
Thinl—Can real estate to be a.. sed for said
be found benefited to the extent of
Fisher, Gahan, Kavanagh, Leithuuser, Mme.,
Melady, Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Mr. Vice Pres-
e y T
•Second—Give the council an eatlmate f the
ages. costs and expenses necessary La be In-
expense thereof, and, state t hether o e -half of
urxd [hereby?
Approved April, 16, 1890.
the net thereof la to be pald into the city Izeas-
.itch Improvement asked for upon
he petition or appli tion of the owners of a
ary before the contract Is let.
Third —Can real estate to be assessed for said
s jorit)- of the pr`.pc Y to be assessed for each
BY A Id. Miner—
improvement be found benefited to the extent of
pp ovement?
hYf[h—Scold the council a or
It Is hemby ordered by the Common Council
of the (Pty St. Ynui:
damage cost and expenses necessary to be in-
plan pprofile of
aid impprovement, a. required by law, ]f You re-
That the matter of change of grade on Concord
curre,i thereby 7
Fourth—Is such improvement asked for upon
ort iu [avor of the same.
street, from Hoyt street to 'here Harvard
the Brio" or application of the owners of a
Sixth—Send the council a proper order direct-
street would inwith Concord street, be
j rltynof the property to be a_s.eesed for such
ip the work to be dour.
and the samehe hereby referred to the board
imp a Hent?
Aid. Blekel, Blom, Hock, Cullen, Conley,
Isher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Lelthauser, Mines,
of CuDltc works to inveedga[e and report:
k irsf—Ie this tmprovement
Fitch—Send file council plan o 1.ro61e of
im�r by law, If
proper and nems.
said nem n[. as required you re.
port in a \'or of the same.
,.Sixth—Send the council a proper order direct- 8eeond—Glue the council an estimate of the
g the work to be done. a pehse tlrereof, and tate whether one-half of
Yeas—Aid. Blckei, Blom, Hock, Cnlien. C'anley, the coat thereof is to be paid lath the tits treas-
Fisher, Gahan, Kavanagh, Lelthaueer. Mines, ury before the contract Is let.
Malady, Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, dlr. Vice Prean- Third—l:Rn real estate to be assessed for Bald
dent—i6. Improvement be found benc8tell to the extent of
Approved April 36, 1890. damages costa and expenses necessary o be in.
If cy?
By Ald. Melady— Fourth —I. such Improvement asked for upon
It le hereby ordered by the Common Comm11 the Petitfou or application t the ownierr o[
of the CYty of St. Paul: majority of the property to be assessed for such
That the atter of grading Congress street, fire ¢ovement.
the Bancroft street to Browa avenue, be and Flfth—Send the couneilapplanor profile of said
the same Is
hereby ferrel to the board of �n move of samas e. required by law, It you report
public orks to iuveetigate end report. v r
FI 1,
this Improvement proper and necee- Sixth—Send the council a proper order direct.
sary'1 ingthe work to be done.
Second—Give the council estimate of the Yeas—Aid. Bickel, Blom, tick, Cullen, Conley,
expense thereof, and state -bather one -holt of Fisher, Gchan, Kavanagh. Leithauser, Mines,
the cost thereof is to be 'd into the city tress- Dlelndy, Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Dir. Vivre Pree1-
ury before the contract fe let. dent -15.
Third—Can real estate to be ri-mined for said Approved March 16, 1890
i nprovement be found benefited to the extent of —
damages, costs and expenses .eceeeary to be In- By :thl Lmthauser—
cu—it thereby? It is hereby ordered by [he Commo¢ Couucll
Fourth—Is such Improvement naked for upon of the CYty of So Paul:
the petition or nppllcatfon of the owners oP a That the matter of grading Beecb street,
maJorlty o[ the property to be assessed for such from Englletl avenue to White Bear x anus, be
tmpprovement7 and the same is hereD f
Fifth—Send the council a plan or profile o[ public works to f¢ves f ate Bred reo the board of
said improvement ae required by law, if you re- First—le this ire Improvement Port:
port I. favor of the same. saryv P Proper and necea-
Sixth—Send the council a properorder direct- Second—Gtte the council an estimate of the
work to be done. expense thereof. and state hether one-half of
Fisher Gelhan,icI Bickel,
gh �y Lelorktheulaer, Mix c.. file cost thmeof is to be paid into the city treae-
Mclady, Pratt. Sanborn, \Veber, Mr. Vice Yrea- °ry before the contract ns let.
idem -16. Third—Can real estate to be assessed forsaid
Approved April 16, 1890. improvement be found benefited to the extent
of damages, costs and expenses necessary to be
Incurred thereby?
By Aid. Leithauser— Fourth—Is such fmprevement asked for upon
It to hby ordered by the Common Council u
the petition or application of the owners f a
of the Clmatt
That thereor
ty oI St. Paul: majority of the property to be d for such
e er of grading White Bear ave- improvement?
be imesod the same is herebyfrom Hudson road o to awed to Seventhstreet,
board irepirovemefit res rfth—Serld the cequlilcedil wbj�wlax you rep rt
oP public works to investigate and report: in favor of the same.
Flirt—Is this Improvement proper and nates- gSlxtb—Send the couned a proper order direct.
eaSecond—Give the council n estimate of the Itll'tas—lle ItAld Bickel, Blom, Bocl-, Cltllen, Currey,
ork to be done.
expense thereof• and tate whether one-half of Fisher Geha1, Kacalagh,Lelthauxer,Minen,Me-
the cost thereof is to be paid faro the city treas- lady, Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Mr. Vice President
ury before the contract 1e let. —16.
Third—Can real estate to be assessed for said Approved April 16, 1890.
Improvement be fonud benefited to the extent of '
damages, costs and ezpenees necessary to be In- —
curred thereby?FouBy Ald. Dfelady—
the peal ion or apph—Is such lic tions ottthes onwore otos 1f ie hereby ordered by the Common Cmmeil
ma'ont - of the y of the City o7 St. Paul:
] 3 Propert to be assessed for such That the matter of opening and grading Gor-
1mn ovement. men avenue, from Congress cmc to the south
Fifth—S nd the council a plan or nroflle of clip Ihnits, be sad the some fe hereby referred to
avid Improvement ns required by-law, f you re- the board of public works to investigate and re-
port in favor
of the same. port;
Sixth—Send the council a proper order direct- First—Is this Improvement proper and neem.
but the work to be done. sary
Yeas—Aid. Blekel, Blom, Hock, Cullen, Coulee. Second—Give the council estimate of the
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Dtthen. expense thereof. and state if
one-half of
Melady, Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Mr. Vice Prod- The coat thereof Is o be paid Into the city treae-
dent-1 fi. ury before the contract is let.
Approved April 16, 1890. Third—Can rent estate to be assessed for said
By Aid. Dfelady— improvement be found benefited to Lhe extent
of damages, costs and expenses necessary [o be
ie hereby- ordered by the Common Council Incurred thereby-.
of the city of fit. Paul: Fourth—Is such Improvement naked for upon
That the matter of grading (latex stmt, be- the petition or application of the owners of
twee. State d Concord. be and the same ie i jorite oP the property to be assessed for such
hereby (erred to the board of public works Irep ri meat?
to fr`t_Isve-tigto and report: Fifth—Send thecouncila planar profile of said
sftry. t—Ie this Improvement proper fired neces- Improvement, wa required by law, if you report
in favor of the same.
Sixth—Send the council a proper order dlreet-
ing the work to be done.
Yeaa—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen, Conley
Heber, Gehan, Kavanagh. Leltbaueer, Dllnea,
Dfelady, Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Mr. Vice Pre..
Approved April 19, 1890.
By Aid. Dfelady—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
o[ the
of St. Paul:
That the matter of grading Oblo treat, from
Isabel treat to AnnapoB.• street, be and the
same is hereby referred to the board of public
works to investigate and report:
First—Is this improvement proper and neces-
saS ,ond—Give the council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and state hether one -halt of
the cost thereof is to be paid into the city treas-
ury before the contract Is let.
Third—Can real estate to be assessed for said
Improvement be found benefited to the extent of
damage costs and expenses necessary to be fu-
curred thereby?
Fourth—la such improvement asked for upon
Lhe petition r npplicntfon of the ownere of
ijority of the property to be assessed for such
mp ovement?
N Ifth—God the council plait or profile of
said improvement, as required by law, If you re-
p ort in or
of the same.
S,.th—Gad the council a proper order dlr st-
ing the work to be done.
Peas—Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Dfelady, Pratt,,
att, SanborGehunn, Weber, Mr. aVim DPree1-
dent -16.
Approved April 16, 1890.
By Aid. Leithauser—
It la hereby orderded by the ommon Cflum"i
of the Lie
St. Paul:
That th matter f pavhig Maria avenue,
from North street to Bates avenue, be and the
same is hereby referred to the board of public
works to investigateand report:
First—Is this Improvement proper and nems-
Second—Give the council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether one -halt of
the cost thereof Is to be paid into the city I—
my before the contract 1s let.
lm for sai
Flroveneut be found benefited ox mill eate to be sthee stent ofd
damages, costs and expenses necessary to be fit -
cursed thereby?
Fourth -18 such improvement asked for upon
the petition or application of the onnlers of x
imnro ty of the property to be assessed for each
Fifth—Send the council a plan orp roflle of eaitl
improvement, as
Mqulmd by law, if you report
cof the fultne.
hr--6rnd the ouncli a
cli aork to be done. proper order dlmt-
the Yeas—Aid. Bickel. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh. Lent lancer, \fines,
Meladp, Pratt, Snuboni, Weber, Mr. Vire Presl-
d ut-16.
Approved April 16, 1890.
By Aid Pratt— —
It Is hereby ordered by the Cgmmon Council
of the CYty of St. Paul:
That the matter of grading Hamline avenue,
from Summit avenue to Randolph street be and
and the same is hereby referred to the board of
public works to Investigate and report:
First—ta this improvement proper and necee-
Second —Give the council n estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether one-half the
cost thereof is to be paid into the city treasury
before the contract is let.
Third—Can real eatetetobeassessedforead
it dama¢eancos[s found benefited to the extent
Incurred th Mbv:' and expenses necessary to be
Fourth—Is such Improvement asked for upon
the petition r application of the owners of a
majority of the property to be assessed for such
I m�lrovelnent".
N fifth—Send thecounell a gplen or flle of said
improvement, as required by law, Iroyou report
III favor of the same.
Sixth—Send the council a proper order direct-
bngtnework to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
telndS. PrattS uborneR'eberi DSrUMinch.
dent -16.
Approved April 16, 1890. -
BV Aid. Pratt— —
It ie hereby oMered by [he Common Council
of the CYLy- of fit. Paul:
Tlmt thematter of grading 81 p o 1 avenue
from M latehahs to f;nivereity (nel-ed for by
Horrible Citlzenx' union), be read the same is
hereby referred to the board of public works to
Investigate and report:
First—Is this this Improvement proper and
Second—Give the council an estimate of the
expense thereof, slid state whetber one-half of
the cost thereof Is to be paid Into the city treas.
ury before the contracts let
Third—Cal real estate to be assessed for said
improvement he found benefited to the extent of
ages, costs and expenses uec-thiry to he in.
curred thereby?
Foulth—Is such improvement asked for upon
the petition r application of the owners of s
maJorffy of the property to be the
for such
imp romeut?
11ftb—bend the council a pito or proflle of
said Improvement. a. requhed by law, if you of
Dort in favor of the same.
Sixth—Send the council a proper order direct.
ing the work to be done.
Yens—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh. Leithanaer, D[inen,
Nelady, Pratt Sanborn.
Weber, 6. Mr. Vim Presi-
dent- 1
Approved April 16, 1890.
By Aid. Pratt—
tt is hereby ordered by the Common Co ... 11
of the City
of St. Paul:
That the matter of grading Simpson avenue
from Tayler avenue to right of wayGtreatNortb-
ern railway leading to Hamline atetloI (naked
for by Hamline CYth"""' union) li and the same
le hereby referred to the board of public works
to Investigate and report:
First—le this improvement proper and necee-
Second—Ghe the council ane timate of the
cuxfe thereof, and w
cost thereof is to be paid Into te hthe cityhtreasf
u y before the contract 1. let.
Third—Can real estate to be aaaesaed for said
,rep meat be found benefited to the extent of
fa costa and expense. neceesnry to be If,.
rth—Is each improvement asked for Imo.
;he petition or application of the .11news of
najority of the property to be assessed for such
Fifth—Send the council plan or profile of
'I'd by law, if
lin proveml
nth attest, ae per petition of yroreperty 'old. -
6ts�aetrequittvl you re-
ttaCDetl. be acid the le he by referred to
the board of public works to mveatigate
Sixth �end the council A Proper order direct.
ing the work to be done.
] Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Callen, Conley,
port: re-
F`iret. Ie this improvement proper and aeces-
Fisher, Geban, Kav—.gb. Lelth:wser, Mines,
,is ady, Pratt, Suborn, Weber, Mr. Vice Press-
Second. Give the council m timate f the
dent -16.
Approved April 16, 1890.
a Pause thereof, and tate 'hether o e -Half of
the coat thereof ie to be paid Int. the city ;__f
By Aid. Pratt—
the contract I. let.
ur bird. C'.n Heal a tate be eessed for said
Improvement be found benefited t.
It ismhereby ordered by the Common Council
the extent of
damages, costs Hud expenses necessary to be In
�t the City o[ St. Pauli
That the matter of grading Chel[on avenue,
c tl thereby-?
Fourth. is such 1n[provement naked for ,Ppov
um PriortoFairview aveutte �Ppetitlon to be
+fir t in to board) be, end the a is hereby re-
the petition or appllntto. of the o f A
ai rfty of the roperty to be assessed for
Crto the board of public works to fnveot-
re and report:
First—is this improvement
o improvements
FhBth. Send the council ]n roflle of
said im
proper nd nates-
Drovement, ra required by latgrif you ra-
port m favor of the same.
Second—Give thC`OmICB lesti.m. of the ex -Sixth.
Send the Council A proper order df-
ieuse thereof, and state whether .,,-hall of the
o t thereof i. to be paid info the city treasury
ting the work to be done.
Veal—Aid. Bickel. Blom, Bock, "Be"' Conley-,
fore the contract is let.
Fisher, Gahan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mine.,
Third—Can I estate to be asseseed for said
.,rovenaMt be found benefited to the extent of
Dleladv. Pratt, Snuborn, Weber, Mr. Vice Presf-
dent --16.
'mages, costs and expenses necessary to be ht-
ured thereby.
Fourtb—Ia such improvement asked for upon
Approved April 16, 1890.
the Petition or Application of the owners of
majority of tthe pro Petry to be assessed for such
pZ�ith—vSend the council Fdnn o �roflle of
se,IJ improvement, as require) by Iaw, tf you re -
Port fu favor of the e,,Ms.
N�Ith—Seud the council u proper order direct-
tbe Celt to be done.
Mld:XIckel, Blom. Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fh-her. Gehaii, Kava.. gh, Lelthsaee )linen,
\telady. Pratt,
Sanborn, Weber, Mr. \'Ice Presl-
Approved April 16, 1890.
BY Aid. Weber `
It Is hereby dered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
"'hat the matter of grading Chatsxnrth street,
from Carroll street to Miunehaha street, be An
We same Is hereby referred to the board b pub-
Ilc works to investigate and report:
First—Is this improvement proper and neces.
aaSeecOnd—Give the council an estimate of the
pmtee thereof, And state whether one-half of
the cost thereof Is to be Paid into the city tec -
n y before the contract is let.
Thfrd—Can real estate to be assessed for said
'mprovement be found benefited to the extent of
damages, Coate end expenses necessary to be In.
curretl therapy'!
Fourth—Is such Improvement risked for upon
the petition or application f the aaners of
Majority of the property to be assessed for each
i Filth—Send the council A plan or profile of
said improvement, As inquired by Iaw, If you re -
Port in favor of the name.
Sixth—Send the council a proper order direct-
ing the work to be done.
1 ell—Aid. Bickel, Blom. Bock. Cullen, Co ley,
Fisher, Gehnn, Kavanagh, Lelthv.—, Mines,
Mel+ul1 Pratt, Suborn, Weher, Mr. \ice Presi.
do —16.
Approved April 16, 1890.
By Aid. Sullivan—
ullivan— t
IC is hereby ordered by the Common Conelf
of the C7ty of St. Paul: i
That Lhe matter of opening and grading Snell- d
ing avenue, from Montreal avenue to West Sev c
By Aid. Kavanagh—
avas oagh—
It is bersby dered by the Common Council
of the Cit, of st. Paul:
That the matter of ppa 'Ing the alley known ae
No. 2 ➢lock 10. 12, St. yPniIf p per. be And the
a Is hereby referred to the board of public
mks to inveatleate and -Part:
Work. Fl__Ie this Improvement proper end ne s.
asSccona--Glve the council a timate f the
sense thereof, and state whether o -half of
the cost thereof to to be paid Into the City treas-
ury before the contract is let.
Third—Can mel estate to I,assessed for .aid
improvementmbe ound benefited to the extent of
a d therests expenses .cannery to be In-
c Fourth—Ie nth improvement naked for upon
the petition or nppllntiov f the owners of a
lmpj oveinef the property to be assessed for such
Fiortfth—Seud the council A pin or profile of
paid Ira ,vement, r of theAs required by law, If you re-
xth- S nd the Council n pro
Ing the work to be dove. Per order
Ffaber, Geb.n..i Kavaulegh, Let4hsuIh" Dtinea,
Melody. Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Mc IIc, Presi-
Approved April 16, 1890.
By Aid. Sanborn—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
oI the city of St. Paul:
That c matter of
Fstructing a sewer on
airmount av nue, fro mtAvon strceteast to the
utit terminus of Grotto street, the ndhe e the name le herer .. aid street
releered to the board of public work. to I., bl-
lrst ute a frep
this Improvement Proper and neces-
sejond—e:ive the csveil a setimte aof the
pence thereof, and tate whether of e-1 aIf of
he cost them,( la to be paid Into the city Lmas-
ut bird—Can mm
estateract toet_be --used for said
mprovement be found
benefited to the extent of
urred thereby? is and expenses necessary to be In -
Fourth—Is such Improvement asked for up,
the petition or epplicaton f the o f
of the propertY to be aeeeeaed for .0
[Pita-3end the council Applezy pprofile
said impprovem ut, as requizetl by Ink, if you r
p— S xthf 8 nd the col or of the ucll e
mgl the work to be done. Proper order dire[
Flnher GeheAidn,IKevaningh. I�ej paoieer,Conic
Malady, Pratt, Sanborn, Weher. Mr. Vice P—
.t t 1ppro6ved April 16, 1890.
By Aid. Weber— —
lt Is hereby ordered by the Common Count
of the city of St. Pact:
That tPact:m otter of on trotting a sewer o
Western . from Martin to i=,t itynvi
e ire and the surae Is berebyy referred to th
board of bile work. to InveStige[e a.d report
Flzsst—le [Die improvement proper end n
e $ant end—Give the conch a timate [ th
expense thereof, and state whether -hull o
the cost them( Is to be paiinto the ,,Ie trans
u Thlled—Can teal estate t 1,let.
o be ..messed (or sai<
I (pdmmvement be found benefited to the r A.1,
ages, coats end expevees neoaseary to M
FourtD—le rush improvemntmm
ked form up oz
the petltlon or pplicatlon [ [bee ( e
.JWt of the property to be ..messed for net
1 lrlffih—firnd2the councils plan r proflln of
pId Improvement, fie required by law, B you
Se81x`th—fiend the LirounClI A
1v Lha work to be done. proper order direct
Flaher, GebenDiCKavanngh• Le tLause]ai Mlnea,
Malady, Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Dir. VicePreel-
Approved April 16, leg.
In the matter f the port of the board of
worksdated April ld, 18110.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Couflcll of
the City of et. Paul:
That the board of DDubllc work. of said city of
Bt. Paul cause the following i
mprovement to be
made, to wit: Grade Duluth avenue from East
Seventh street to Dawson street, in laid city.
That said board cause id work to be let by
tract, ae rovlded by how, without one-half
the estimated coat being first paid Into the city
treasury, and after said work .hall be placed
delay tat
under o assess the Mount, as,tract so d board proceed as tb
can ascertain the same which will be requited
to guy the cost and necessary ezpenaee of
such Improvement upon the al estate to be
benefited by aid imps v t, ae provided by
law:,It being the opinion of the conch that mal
beta"and1. benefitedd (toar e the mots, tmof the
Cost thereby end expenses ne[•¢eoary to be Incurred
Fisher Geh..,ICKeVsuouth, Lelthaul.eer, a[laea,
Melady, Pratt,'Inborn. {{'cher, Bit. Vice Preat-
Approved April 16, 1890.
In the matter of the -Poll t the board of
Public trorke dated Aptit 14, 1890.
It le hereby ordered by the Common Council
of thellty of St.
the board of public 41orks of said City
a Iuthe following imp[rovemenet to
e, to afse t: Grade Linwood piece in Aid
said Can- amid
t b
:m, ftUrevlded by lax without onlk to be e -hail
.ted Coat being Heat paid Into the city
ontract, staid board shall r slid work.pals ed placed
ly two aeeeea thea Meant proceed jylth-
rtain the a e, which will is; rn
o Day the Coate and nemesa.v o.......oe.
Approved April 18, 1890
n the matter of chap port f the board- of
g11. ISIBt.
t Is n reyby ordereddated ADy Agri]
Co moo Council of
the That tbI heard of Of St. Paul:
public works of said city of
Bt. Pani cease the following lm e t to be
made. to wit: Grade to A top width of fifty (60)
feet the -Bed Is— or street 1. the Sixth
Lsroo HaziD"&k RODert'e ndsdlEaton
St Paul; and ala Lnat part of the ' ..—tied
levee or street, m Eaton formerly known as Water �trevtteggtt,h,
Diarsball's add lt uvent to WestState
fit. Peall, 1n` saki
That said PDoerd caurye said work u be ]et,Oub
bre teatltmated roostrdheing law.
fiLd paid[Into the
:ILY tmeaury, cost
atter Id work half be
plated der tract, said board.hail iprPro-
xed without delay to LbI. e t,
which swill be they
to P 91 the cost"
ry expenses of eaeh IM?P meat upon
.he mel estate to be benefited b said Improve-
s t, as
yrovlded by law; it being the opbiloti
d Lhe council that mal estate to ba assessed for
Itch Improvement can be found benefited to the
stent of the cost and expenses necessary to be
-tuned thereby.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Boek, Cullen, Conley,
lelady GPhratt, Sanborn Wsbert{'IceDtlue i_
ell 15.
Approved April 16,1890.
In the matter o[ the port of the Board of
Dllc Work -e dated April 11, 1890
Is hereppby ordered by the Common Council of
the That board oof St. 11pp i blit works of Bald city of
1,P aul the foliowing 1myrovement to
ode, to -wit: Grade MCI, a froze
oRman ave a to i intersections with the
t knowniias Hneiings the old
astt. road, =%. through nblocka 88 and
8uburDn HlB., St. Paul, i a id city.
That said board cause itl k to be let b
ntrt, As provided by Inw, yyithout one-baB
e estimated cost being first paid into the city
des, ` c• a Lraact eCImidd board h hall placed
front delay, to a thea Ant. ae
11`Ibe r quhed to hpeCertlin tort
end nhecea-
rl eat Lento be belieflted b9 said jmov the
met, as pp ovided ey tau•, it being the opinion o'.
the council that real estate to be assessed fol
such improvement can be found benefited to the
extent of the cost and expenses necear
ssy to be
Incurred the -by. •-
Yes.=Ald. Blekel, Blom, Bock,
Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Lelthauaer, Mines,
Malady, Pratt, ennboa, Weber, Dir. Vice Prml-
Approved April 10, 1890.
In the matter of the report of the board of
Itishlerebyrordere by theat' Aril 14
common council of
the city of St, Paul:
That the board of public orks of said cfty of
6t. Paul cause the following improvement to be
ade, to wit:- Grade Fairview street, from Fif-
teenth street to Pennsylvania avenue, In said
m That said board cause said work to be let by
contract as rovfded by law without one halt
the eetlWated cost being first paftlinto the Lity
tre.e1. and after said work- shall be placed un-
der contract said board shall proceed without
delay to assess the amount, 88 early as they
can.acertahr the same, which will be requiredto
Pthe cost and necessary expenses of such
fmprovement upon the mal estate to be bene-
fited by said Ire rovement, as provided by law:
It being the opinion of the council that real es-
tate to be for Bch improvement can be
found benefited to the extent of .the cost and
xpenses necessary to be Incurred therebyp..
e Yeas --Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, GoNey,-
F(eher,. Gahan, Kavanagh, Lelthauser, Mfnea,
d endy, Pratt. Sanborn, Weber, Mr. Vice PreCi-
det 16.,
Approved April 16, 1690.
1 In the matter of the -port of the board of pub-
lic work. dated UrR 14, 1890.
}� IL le hereby ordered by the Common Council. of
the City of S4 Paul:
11 That Lhe board of ppublic work. of said city of
pl- - 6t. Paul cause the following Improvement to be
made. to wit: Construct a sewer on Martin
I street, from Vitetnla avenue to Western avenue,
ad on \'Irldnla avenue from University avenue
to Rondo street, in sal � city, together with the
necessary catch basins sad manholea, said
sewering to be done under one contract.
That Bald board cause said work to be let by
contract, as provided by law, without one -halt
the estimated cost b.,,b first paid Into Lhe City
treasury, and alter said work hall be placed
under con tract, said board shall proobC wlth-
out delay to was the amount, ae early as
they can , the some, which will be re-
qid to p.y the coat and necessary expense.
of such IrepTo- not upon the real estate to be
beneflmd Ey .aid irep ovement, as provided by
law; It being the opinion of the council that real
estate to be aeseseed for such ireprovement can
be found benefited to the extent o[ the coat and
eapeneee necessary to be incurred thereby.
Yeas—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Lefthaveer, Mnea,
Melady, Pratt. Sanborn. Weber. Mr. Vice Pref-
dsn 15.
Approved April 18, 1890.
In t.e matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works dated April 14, 1.90.
It is hereby ordered by the common council ad !
the city of St. Paul:
That the board of ppubife works of said city of 1
St. Paul cause the following Improvement to be w
ade, to eft: ConeLrllCt a war on Charles
atmet, from Alce street to Mario. street In bald
City, together with the neoebary catch basins
.nd manhole.. I
That said board cause said work to be let by
contract, as provided by law, without one-half
the estimated cost being first paid Into the city
treasury, and after said work shall be placed
under contract, said board shall proceed without
delay to assess the amouut asnearlyas they can
ascertain the same, which will be required to
Pay Iethe cost and necessary expenses of
such provemnt upon the real estate to be
benefited by said fmprovement, a. provided by
lw; it being the op(nion of the council that real
tate to be neeeeaed for such Improvement can
be found beneficed to the extent of the cost and
ansa' necessary [o be inrred thereby.
FI her, Geha,irAavaImgb BcuLelthaulaer, e.
Df new,
Dfelady, Yratc, Sanborn, \Veber, Mr. Vice Presi-
dent. -16.
Approved April 19, 1890.
In the matter of the report of the, board of
public works dated April 14, 189,
Itis hereby ordered by the Commou Counee of
That the board of public works of said city of
St. Pau] cause the following Improvement to be
made, to wit: Construct a sewer cot Oamolo av-
enue. from Pleasant avenue to Avon street in
By -
said efty, together with the necessary catch ba-
Bne and manholes.
That said board cause said work to be let by
contract, es rovlded by law, without one -halt
the eet(mated coat being gest paid into the city
treasury. and after said work ehaR lx placed
order contract. said board shall proceed with-
out delay to assess the amount as early ae
they can aecgrtain Lhe same, which will be m-
qulied [o pay the coat and necessary expenses of
each 1m rovement upon the mal estate to be
benefited by said Improvement, as provided by
law; it being The
of the council that
can be found benefited to the extent of the
coats and expenses necessary to be incurred
Yeas—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Geha., Kavanaugh, Leitbauaer, DDriea,
Melody, Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Mr. Vice Presi-
dent -16.
Approved April 16, 1890.
In the matter of the -port of the board of pub-
Ifc work. dated April 14, 1890.
It Is hereby ordered by the common comlcil of
the city of SL Paul:
That the board of public works of said city of
St. Paul cause the followingg Improvement to be
made, to wit: Grade Fe.lrview .venue, from
Dfa-hall .venue to Otto street, in Bald city,
That said board mum .aid work t0 be let by
contract, as provided by law, without one-h.lI
the estimated cost being "ret paid Into the city
ireasury, and after said work .hall -X=
e laced
under contract, said board shall prometl with -
wt delay to ail the amount as nearly as they
an asoBrtaln the same, which x111 be -quit
:o p.y the coat and necessary expenses of such
in tate to be be.,
it d by said Improvementeas provided by I.wv
t being the opinion of the council that rear
,state to be a.seseed for each improvement con
le found benefited to the extent of the coat and
Pensee necessary to be Incurred thereby.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
�feber, Gehap, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mine.,
Melody, Praet, Sanborn, Weber, Mr. Vice Presi-
Approved April 16. 1890.
In the matter of the reportof the board of
aid works, dated April 8, 1890.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of hauser, Melody, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullh'nn;
the C1ty- of St. Paul: Weber. YoeGt, DIr. Preeid, Sanborn,
That the board of Pnbllc works of aid city of Minutes of preceding meeting approved and
St. Patel cause the following fmprovement to be dispensed with,
made. to wit: Construct a er on Hall ave-
nue,from Isabel street to Whdfred street in said coanmNlnATtoNe.
city, together with the necessary catch basins
and manholes. From W. T. Watkins and others—
That said board cause said work to be let by For the coustructian f a sewer on Dayton
contract, as provided by law, without one-half avenue, between Cleveland sad Fairview ave
the estimated cost bels flrat PPaid into the cit Hues.
treasury, and atter said work ahall be placed uny Board of pnbilc wrorke with order.
der contract, said board sball proceed without From IS G- Walther and others--
delsy to assess the amount as arty as they F r gradlug alleyway situate between Rice,
can necertafn the s which will be required and Albemarle street, from Front to Wayaata
to pay the cost and necessary expenses of street.
ch improvement upon the real estate to be Board of public works with order.
Deueit by said Improvement, as provided by From A. R' rton rend others—
law; ft befog the opinion o[ the council that real For opeuiug and Brading of Dolton street;
estate to be assessed for such improvement can from Leumi avenue to Fairmont.
be found beuall d to the extent of the coat and Board of public works with. order.
expenses necessary to be incurred thereby. From Smith & Taylor and Othere—
eas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,- For opening and grading of Llucol� avenue,
Fisher, o;hRP, Kavanagh,, Mlnea, from Lexington avenue to Sne"ng avenue.
lel¢dy, Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Mr. Vice Pres1- Board of publ" works with order.
dent -16. FromWm. Diederlch and othets—
Approved April 10, 1890. Asking couucil not to allow J. T. McMillan to
rebuild that yarn of hie pack -f ig and rendering
In the matter of the report of the board of establishment which was burned a few week.
public works dated April 14, 1890, since, etc.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of Committee on streets.
the City of St. Paul: From P. F. Barr, Vice President St. Paul City'
That the board of Public works of said City of Railway Company—
St. Paul cause the following Improvement to be Submitting dndt of en ordtnnnce uupplemen-
made, to wit: Grade Fred street, mom Burr tad to Ordnance No. 1227, gfving St. Paul qty.
street to the wear line of lot 16, Irvine's adds- Railway company authority LO lay s single
tion of Outlote to Sc. Paul, in said city. [rack with connections on Eighth street, from
That said board cause said work to be let by Robert street to Waba.h. street, for the par-
contract, as provided by law, without one-half pose of constructing a •loop."
the estimate cost being fi-t paid Into the cit Committee on street..
t-asury, and after said work shall be plseed un
der contract said board .hall proceed withou
delay to assess the amount as ii-rlyas theyca
ascertain the same, which x111 be required t
pay the cost and necessa eape.Bm of such
provement upon the mal estate to be bens-
by said improvemet, as provided by
law: It being the .pial.. pf the council that mal
state to be assessed for such improvement can
be found benefited to the extent of the cost and
a euros necessary to be incurred themby.
e "Bas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Boek, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh Lelthauser, Mlnea,
ody. Pratt, Sanborn, Weber, Dir. Vice Pmsi-
Approved April 16, 1890.
\'Joe President of CounCil,
TRO.. A. PREt.... A.T,City CIBrk. hairman t (;OIInClI.
Regular Meeting.
President Hamm in theST. hair' May 6, 1890.
Pratt, ,en6W7hvd. an, Weber, Bloerg, Mr. FisheP efdent
The council adjourned, without traneacting
n y busiuess, until Tbu-day, May 8, 1890, at
7:30 o'clock p, m.
AdJourned Meeting,
The council met pursuant to adjournment at
7:80 o'clockA.
President H mm in the chair.
M.e.t—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen,
Conley, Fisher, Gehan, K .... agb, Leit-
y From Robert Wood end the—
Asking for a driveway leading o" Oakdale are,
n nae to Lucy street.
on streets.
From Henry H. Sibley and the board of regents
of the University of Mintimota—
MFor gra dlug of Gibbs avenue one block north'
Lana Christ Bauch wvarter—�
For permission to transfer to C. H. Rieger
Butcher License No. 112, issued April 3, 1890.
a w r,.o,.aleam due ou flnal estimate
for grad .g and wrallfng Third street. -
Commfttee on claims.
From Honorable' C. K. Davis, S. G. Comstock
Rillbefore conte 1"�� r' n-l.cive to
gto a restive to Brosdwa bridge;
d promising to old n the passage o[ Lhe meas-
Accented and placed on file.
From Samuel Bolter, manager Kohl & Middle -
ton's museum—
Asking that flue of 825 be remitted.
Committee on police.
From Rfchard Reif and othera-
- big for a red.rblocknaving on Lhe carriage
way on the south aide of Park Plaoe Park,
Board of public works with order.
From Richard Reif and othere—
For. fountain In P.
Place Perk.
Committee on parks.
From Job. H. Morrison, receiver P. Durack &
Transmitting copy of order In matter of .Toho
B. Morrison ss-ceiver of Patrick Durack and
William F. Bickel, partnea ae P.
Duree & Co.,
7e. City of St. Paul, substituting Howard N. El-
met as defendant In said matter.and directing
that said city deposit $2,798.'29 with Frank A.
From St. Paul City Railway company—
Acceptance of Ordinance No. 1,818, approved
March 24, 1890.
Corporation attorney.
Fom C'herIca F. YeaRer—
Reslgnatlon gincer of market house, to
take effect May 1, 1890.
Aid. Qrllen nominated John Leyde for position
of endneer of market house, vice Charles F.
Aid. Cullen moved that the city clerk cast the
ballot of council for John Leyde as engineer of
the market hoose of said city. vice Charles F.
Yeager, resigned.
The city clerk thereupon cast sixteen vote.
for John Leyde as engineer of the market house
and said John Leyde was declared duty elected
engineer of the market house of said city, vice
Charles F. Yeager, reelgoed. -.
a oRr OF em oFFIcE
a}di oreeomtmounicat tmr y—DI. ted at m to traysg
/ole council March 17, 1890) relative to Mareball
e bridge—
a The corporation attotpey eubmit8 draft of an
ordl ty for the ctmg d mo iub banm ion of Rf meld
bridge. are e o
Committee on streets.
Of City efagit.cer recoto . Crusher—
The cit ds that nn offer of
8-100 for atone mueher pumhused eight yearn
ago Dn accepted.
C'omrig on streets.
Estlin to
The city erid,cer submit, I:Ntlmate No.4,
Broadway bridge substructure, Kirkland S
Starkey. $5.440.
Allowed nud referred to comptroller.
Yens—Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock. Cnilen. C'otiley.
Fisher, Gehnn. Kavanagh,I.el[huuset, ylelad y,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr.
Of Inspector of Build—Report for March,
1890; city treasumpl
rer's receipt for $838.69.
Committee on ordinances and public ae-
C Of Cjerk of Municipal Court—Report for April,
7890; city treasurer's receipt for 82,836.50.
Committee ov ordinances and public Re,
roof Chief of PoII e- Report for April, 1800: to -
lad .—is. 44
0: lima collected by municipal
court, B2.481.90 Committee on ordinances and public ac-
Of Captain of Police—Report for April, 1890;
gas lamps not lighted, 23; 611 lamps not lighted,
City comptroller.
Portland Addition, Block 8, Alley Grading—
To the Common Conned of the City of St. Paul:
The board of public work. have had under
consideration the resolution ororderof the eom-
mon council approved Oct. 8, 1888, relative to
grading the alley iu block three (8), Portland
addition to St. Paul, and, having inveati-
gated the Proposed improvement:
Respectfully -Dort that said Improvement 1s
necessary and propPse that the estimated ex-
onee thereof fs $87.50, one -Dail of which need
t be paid lnto the city trrasury before the
Contract 1s let; that 1 .estate to be-
sessed therefor can be found benefited to the
extent of the mat and pensee -r, to be incurred thereby tDI said ]mprove-
tt 1, asked for by a pet tion of a majorityy of
he owners of prap. y to be assessed tberefor,
Bud we herewith d a plan or profile of said
improvement, and an order for your adoption,
R you d4 7 us. to make the Improvement.
Yea., 4; nays, 0.
A. L. rd of AR, 11. Work..
J. T. K8$EEB, Clerk Board of Publle Works.
Adopted (See
order board of public works.)
Tn the Commonon Co Council of the City of lit. Paul:
Live to tbe_ cov.traction of s sewer on Beau-
tstreet, bedwhavEi
ford.t—t, n ng Investigated the pro-
posed sPepectfully re!grt that said imsthat the eprovement is
pe ae in
thereo tin $647, one-half of whtch need not
ben paid into the city treseury beforeLhe con-
tract is let: that mal estate to be assessed there -
far ta b found benefited to the ebe In. -
n ufrthe
thereby: thute aid impro emelt Is no[ asked
for by a petition of a majority of the but owners
of property' to be assessed therefor, e
herewith ad . plan or profile of said fmppove-
=:,t,anunto o order fain your adoption. i[You
lean 4, ones O. provemen
R. L. GonxAN, President.
J.T. KenKER.
Clerk Board of Public Works.
][ay 8, 1890.
Adopted. (See order to board of public
work. Al.o,
Leslie Aven ne Gradio —
To the l:om�n on Councif of the City of St. Paul:
The board of public work. have had under
consideration the resolution o order f the
rmon council approved Juner'"' 1889, rel.-
the to the grading of mile avenue from Vic-
toria street to Leaingtou avenue, and, having
investigated the proposed Improvement:
R—peCt[ullly report that said Improvement is
y d pps that the estimated
e thereoro
f fe $4,988, one half of which need
of be paid into the city Lreeauryee be
fore the contract is let; that real tate
to be assessed therefor can be found so.. led
to the extent of the ...t a d exosruaes
awry to be fieurred thereby: that said im.
mro emelt 1s asked for by petition f a
j eftY of the owners of property to nbe Be.
p ofi etc said Improvement, and an rNernfar
your adoptlou, if you desire to make the im-
Yeas 4, nays 0.
R. L. GORMAN, President.
Clerk of the Board of Public Works.
April 22, 1890.
Adopted. (Bee order to board of public
Pym Street Grading—
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The board of pubdc orke have had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
common council, approved Fab. 19, 1890, reta-
.ve to the grading f Pym street from Eustis
street to west efty limits, and having fnvmti-
gated they posed Improvement:
Respectfully report that Bald fmptovement 1s
eceasary d props that the estimated
f of whib
not be paid /vto Dhe2 dry vLrenealury before nthe
erect fe let; that real estate to be assessed
therefor caul be zfpouend benefited to the extent of
the coat and am lmntovement 1e no be
Incasked fo
Lhe- v: that s
plane r pr*111 of r said Improve ento nd senan
a n
tderforyonr adoption, if you desire us [o make
theimprovement."} nays Ot.
J. T.
R. L. GORUAR, President.
Qerk of the Board of Public Works.
May 8, 1890.
Adopted. (See order to board of public
Gates Street Grading—
To the Common Council of the City of 8t. Paul:
The board of public works have had
benefitate W DO asxreeed therefor can besx1f�eound
ted to the erten of the cost and eat ss
eceseary to De incurred thereby; that ear
movemeorityvt fe of asked for by a petition of a
exceed therefor, but bg A largeof the owners of pl property
said imp we herewith and
send a porderla r for Byour
adoptiov, If Tau desire us to make the Improve-
Yana, 4; ways, O.
R. L. Goa. w, President.
J. T.
Clerk of the Boats of Public Works.
May8, 1890.
Adopted (Bee order to board of public works).
At -Chatsworth Street Grling—
To the Common Council of the 6'. o[ St. Pani:
The boardt public works have had under
onslderatan ithe resoluion or Order of the
tthedmapopf oCvAt18s, t]re8e8t0,, rela
h from
Laurel to Goodrich avevue, sad, having mveett-
Rted the pp Improvement:
eapeettul1, sport that it ll ry and
P=.Lo grade Chatsworth street from Laurel
v to Goodrich avenue; that the sell
mated penes thereof Is $1,980, one-half of
which used not be paid hrtothe city treaeurybe-
fore the contract Is let; that real teYate to be Is.
emsed therefor can be found benefited to the ea -
teat of the cost and expenses necessary
to be Incurred thereby; that. said Improve-
ment to asked for by a petition of a major-
ity of the owners of pproperty to be assessed
therefor; Bud we herewith send a plan or profile
of said improvement and an orderforyouradop-
tion, if you desire us W make the improvement.
Ye- 4, By.
R. L. Go—,, President.
Clerk of the Board of Public Works.
May 8, 189.
Adopted. (b0ee order to board of public works.)
Cleveland Avenue Grading—
TTh oard of PubllcRWork. have held under
Los eontract '18 let; tnac real estate to ba
sessed therefor can be found benefited to the
stent of the coat and ezpen.e.:xttre ry to be
incurred thereby; that improvement fe
asked for byrn petition f a jorlty of Lhe
re [ p a rrty t1 be assessed therefor, and
we herewith d s plan or profile
t said im-
provement and an order for your adoption, if
you desire ne to make the improvement.
Yeas 4, ways O.
R. L. Gonawx, President.
J. T. K Jerk o) the Board of Public Works.
A pted. (See order to board of public work.).
Lincoln Avenue Grading—
To-the CommonCouncil of the Qty of 8t. Paul:
'rbc board of public w rk. have had under
nefderutlon the -solution of .der f the
--mov council, app ved Sept. T, 1889, m-
tive to the gradlnR of Lincoln avenue, from Fair-
view avenue to QevsIRud; Rod having mvestign-
'see coat and ezpensee neceam Lo !>e Incurred
,bereby; that said improvement la asked for
ly a petition of a majority .of the owners of
n'operty to be aeeeesed therefor, and we here-
with send a plan or proflie of said Improvement.
and an order for your adoption, if you desire us
to make the Improvement.
Yeas, 4; nays, O.
R. L. Gonu.rN, President.
J. T. KE R,
Clark ofthe Board of Public Works.
May 6,(See
Adopted (bee order to board of public work.).
Fairview Street Slope. -
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:
The board of public works have had under
consideration the resolution or order of the
common council, approved April 16, 1890, rein,
Live to condemning an easement for slopes on
•spectfully report that 1t 1s necessary and
per to condemn and take au easement In the
1 nbutting on Fairview street, Letwes. Jack-
etreet. and Penusplvania avenue, In said
eceeeary to construct the eiopm for cuts
Alla In grading said Fairview street, between
I street., to the established grade thereof. as
wn by the profile of sell Frrade on file In
office of the register of deeds 1n and for Ram -
county, sad 1n the a1ce of the cit}• englucer:
I .lopes to extend one and our -half (115) Leet
Id land for every foot of cut or 811, as In!
on Lbe plan of sold elol'a attached to
report, and to be filed In the office of asld
can be found benefited to the extent of the dam-
ages, costs and expenses necessary to be in-
curred thereby; that said Improvement is not
asked for bye petition of a mxlority of the Own-
ers of property to be meme therefor, but wro
herewith send a plan r 9{�-.tile of said tin to
meat, and nn order �Flyour adoption, f1 you
desire as to make the Improvement.
Yeas, 4; nay-, 0.
flR. L. GmuuN, President.
J. T. K...
Clerk lerk
of the Board of Public Works.
.fay 8, 1890.
Adopted. (See order to board of public works.)
Martin Street and Virginia Avenue Sewer -
To the Honorable, the President and Common
ed April 16,
. Bever on
on Virginia avenue,from
oudo street, underone
;est that you annul -aid
;ard to amend It. rep
.ewer on Martin street, front Virginia to We -L
ern avenue, at an e-tlmated expense of 1140""
the at"I"d _port having beer made under a
mieappreheneion of fact., and for the further
reason that. large majorit of, the property
owners interested have this day filed a written
P rotest against the conatrnctiou of .ewer ou
aforeBefd Virgiula avenue; and saidboardalso
respectfully _qquest your honorable boilsy to
pees s new final order, as amended, for sal d Im-
A Draper Anal order for said fmprovemeut 1.
herewith submitted for your adoption.
R L. Gim-, President,
J. T. Clerk BKi-E,
Clerk 1 Board Public Works.
April 22, 189U.
Adopted Said order,pproved A ril 16,
1890, repealed end annulled, and said board
(lowed to amend Its said report dated April
14, 1890, e. requested.
(See order to board of public works.)
Weide Avenue and Other Street. Sewer and
Weide Avenue Grading-
ro the Honorable the President and Common
Council, City of StPaul, Gentlemen:
The board of public works herewith return the
final order, approved April 8, 1890, for con-
structing a sewer on Welds avenue and other
streets and for grading Weide avenue, from
Maryland street to Wells street, said grading
and severing to be done under one contract,
with the request that you allow said bgard to
amend Its report dated March 4, 1890, said re-
Vort being erroneous and not mode a. fnteuded.
The amended report should read as follows, to
Construct a sewer on-
W'elde avenue, from .Iaryland street [o Lew-
eou street; Lawson street, from Walde avenue
to Arend.street; Arcadetreat, from Lawson
street to Phalan creek; York street, from Welds
avenue to Arcade street: filmsatreet, from 'old
svenue to Arcade street; Case street. from Walde
avenue to Arcade street; Jenks street. from
Walsh avenue to Amade street; Cook street,
from Greenbrier avenue to Arcade street; .lag-
nolla stieet, from Gmenbrler avenue to Cypress
street: Geranium street, from Greenbrier avenue
to Forest-t{eet; Jessamine street, from Green.
brier avenue to Cypme street; Rose street. from
Greenbrier avenue to Forestatreet: Maryland
street. from Greenbrier avenue to Forest street,
"'-land street to Well, street, in aald mtp,
eafd grading and ee ring to be done niter one
contract, the estimated ezpe a ie the same s-
-tatcd in _port of =he. 1890, to wit: Sewer.
$66,666; grading, $4,000.
The said board further reque-t that You
an,the said order approved Apri18, 1890,
and pace n new order forsaid Improvement a.
A proper final order for said Improvement is
herewith submitted.
R. L. Goum. v, President.
Clerk Board of Public Works.,
May 6, 1880.
Adapted: Said order, approved A Aril B, 1890,
repealed and annulled, and said board (lowed
to amend its -said _port dated March 4, 1890,
order to board of public works).
Refunding Order -Chas. .1. Stan -Territorial
Road Gradin, and Eustis Street Opening -
To the Honorable, the President sad Common
Council, City of fit. Paul:
Gentlemeu-Tho board of nubile works m
gpecthillyy request your honorable body to cause
_funding order to be drawn upon the city
[_nearer for the sum of $17.85 1n favor of
Charles .1. Starr, owner o1 the following de-
=1bedproperty,toult: ,Comms.cI.g.timvth-
xeet y, of southwest y of section 29, town 29,
range 28, running then_ north 45C.9 feet to
south side of Territorial road: thence north 57
degrees 86 minutes eat along Bald road 492.8
I, et; thence south 266 8 feet; thence eoutheust-
erly parallel with University avenue 297 feet:
thence due south 808.2 feet to south line of said
northwest of southwest y of -fit .sotto. 29;
thence seat� along said south line 159.8 feet to
beginning, being m St. Paul, Mume-ot.," the
said sum beingthe amount ocerpald by said Also,
a. account of said pproperty being over- B. Michel' s reanxugemcut block 7 and south 15
ssemed, under misappreh lon of facts, for block 2, Smith's aubdivlslon, Stinson's dlvl--
tbe grading of the Territorial n road from Ray- Ion, all ailing contract -
d suet ue to the west city limits, a part of The boa arts that It ban awarded Alex -
said property having been taken for the opening oder Gluglea the contract for gradlug an alley
of Eustis street. 1n B. .11chel's rear -agement of block 7 suit
H. L. GOR31AN, President. south ,'S of block 2, of smith's subdivision of
J. T. KEREER, Stinson'e division, from Arundel street to Mac -
Clerk Board of Public Works. kubh; street, between Blair and Van Buten
April 21, 1890. streets, he being the lowest reliable, and respon-
Grauted. (See resolution.) Bible bidder therefor: amount of bld',$290; bond
1n the sum of 860• with Patrick Kelgbm and E.
Also, McNamee a- sureties.
Cudworth street opening, etc., and Carter and Also,
Bourne avenues openhap- Sloth ward levee grading contract -
To the Honorable the President and Common The board reports that it has awarded Thorn -
Council, City of St. Paul: ton d Shaw the contract for Fadiug to the ea -
Gentlemen -Pursuant to your resolution app- tablfshed grade the so-called levee or atract In
µroved April 16th, 1890, the board of public the Sixth ward commencing at the east line of
orke have dl.coutfnued all proceedings in the block "C, ' Banning & OIIv1eY-s addition to West
atter of the opening, widening and ¢.tension St. Paul; thence in a northeasterly direction
Of Cudworth et_,Jrom Eustis s,reetwestward along the lines of the said street or levee and
and oleo In the matter of opening Carter and W¢ter street to the intersection of FOlmore ave -
Bourne avenues, from East,. street to her city nue, and Fillmore venue to an Intersection
smite, and eafd board herewith respectfully re- with Hyde street; thence northwesterly on Hyde
turn to your honorable body Lhe p_Ifminary street to the south ]foe of the levee• thence
orders, approved February 19th, 1890, in Bald northeasterly along the levee to
Mllf street;
matters. thence northeasterly on M11I street to Starkey
. R. L. GoRmAN, President. street; they being the lowest reliable sad re.pon•
J. T. KEngEn, -this bidders therefor, amount of bid, 881,900;
Clerk of the Board of Public Works. bondIn the sum of 89.000. with Will Is H. Mar-
Aypill 22, 1890, shall sad Warren H. Mead as sumtle.. -
Alderman of the district. Also.
Alan, Ottawa,pvenue Grading Contract-
ontractThe board reports that it bas awarded
John Klement and others' petition -reassess- John W. Maloney the contract for gradlug Ot-
n aft, 1,11-1salppi street widening-- taws avenue from Cherokee avenue to the south
To the Honorable, the President and Common city limits, be being Lhe lowest reliable and m
Council -City of 9t. Paul: aDone161e bidder therefor; amount t bid, S4'
board of public works here- 600; bond in the sum of $1,000, with Maurice
respectfully transmit the ppeetition of John P. Moriarity and Michael J. Dlaloney as sure
Kiernen and othe-, asking _llef In the matter ties.
of s _aseesaUum, for the xidening of Mfsel.eippi Each of the foregoing award. taken up eeps-
street, between Broadway and Nosh street. rarely and app ov ed by the folloxl ,g vote:
Thi. -...meat grows out of the acts of per Yeas -Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
twin parties placing their fences lu Lhe street, Fisher, Gehan, Leithauser, Jlelad, Pratt,
ore than twenty (20) Scare ag 1, ae will be seen Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, .Ir. Pres1-
by the council proceedings of April 22, 1872, dent -15.
and by certain suite Lhat have been in.tltuted Al..,
In the district court since.
The property owners have paid assessments Estimates soil Claims --
for Lhi. widening, but the courts have rendered The buard transmits approved by it the fol-
judetneute for additional amounts, to cover lowing estimate. sad claim., to -wit:
which the board 1. now considering a teaesese- Estimate No. 2 and final, Banfll .treat .ewer,
meat, but 1e in doubt n. to the )ustice of pladng adHarifn and Johnson, stree$49.t
; Estimate No, 2
an additional burden upo¢tbe pproperty owns_; n, anal, .fount Ida street grading, E. L'arte.
and would thereto_ reepeeUully recommend Lon, 8276; Estimate' No. 8, supplementary to
that you send this petition to some committee, for 2 and final. Viols street sewer. 811.51; E.
the end that eoltl petltlone_ may De heard, timate No. e, supplementary to No: 1 and final,
and each relief granted
in your opinion they Robert at reet sewer, 6toe t and Lindqquist,
may be entitled to. $10; Entimn_ No. 8, supplementary to No. 2
R. L. G.muf . Preafdeut. mid floe], Jessamine street sewer, W. J. Preston,
J. T. KEREER. 826; Estimate No. e, supplementary to No. 2
Clerk of the Board of Public Works. d Anal, Edmund .Lisa aaDDwer, Stockton and
April 21, 1890. Llndquiat, 826; Estimate No. 8, supplementary
Committee on streets. to No. 2 and anal,. Temperance stet sewer. (1.
Mollne, $26; Estimate ho. $, supplementary to
Also. No. 2 and final, Virginia avenue sewer,
W. J.
Preston, $20• Estimate No. 4
Stone sidewalks contract- suppleme¢tarryy to No. Q sad final L'Orlent
The board reports that it has awarded Thom. street sewer, W J. Preston, $25; Estimate No.
as.f. Breen the contract forco¢gtructlon,miay- 8, supplementary to No. 2 and final, Olive and
inq and m airing such stone sidewalks as
ivay Williams streets wer, W. J. Pre.ton„$26; El-
be ordered built, _]aid of _Dyyafred by the cam- time No.4, sup tem ,,tart' to Nyo. 8. and final,
Lhe flrB day of November,mon council from the rat d1890, heri beingOlb* ,to 1ap31tbbnva J oWrpoherty, $2& Estimate No08
lowest _liable end reapon-Ibis bidder the_for, :'$id -final, Serdlnand
street grading. T. Lfanan,
total amount of bid. $14,878; bond m the Bum $104,bO; Estimate No. 2 and Baal, M.
of 86,000, with P. M. Hennessy and Cliarlea 7. .Finast grading. J. Clafiey, $27.60; Estimate No.
McCarthy u eu_tle.. 4' sad anal, Greve serest wading, $286; Eetl-
ate No. 5 and final, county road I CAI J
Grant, $1,108.88; Minnesota Transer F1
Smith shop, $26.05; St. Paul, Mlnneapolle d
Manitoba railway. $9.60; O. W. Merrill. $16',
Mathew Craig, 88; G. W. Merrill, 815; Mathew
Craig, $10; Merrill's Toilet Supply, $8.
Committee on claims.
The board oenbmits its report for April, 1896
—total disbursements, $4,706.69.
Committee an ordinances, Bud public Be
Rent of office
of City and County Physician—
The board sake uthority to pay L. Mu�-
yter $800 for rent of omce of city and county
Joint Court house end City hall Committee.
Summit Avenue Boulevard Sewer—
The board asks council to construct sewer
on Summit avenue boulevard, from Snelling ave-
nue to the Misef.-,p "
,pi river•
Alderman of the Tiitrfet.
Steam Heating Plant—Purchase of Lot—
The hospital commlwlan asks that an order
be drawn on the dry treasurer for $2,700 In
favor of WIIIIam Knobloch to Dumha.e lot 0,
block 14 Stinson, Brown & Be—y'e addltlon,
upon which to not a steam heating plant.
Committee on etmIS.
.-Em OF "A.... C.
Committee on Pollen—Communication of
E. A. Hendrickson and John D. Eetabrook,
committee board of park commil4oners, asking
for police omme at Como Park—
Co 4ffl mporte favorably.
Adopted. (bee resolution.)
Sale of condemned hoes and purchase of
ons, police patrol servfce—
Committee has sold two horsee for $109 and
porch ed two homes for $450.
Aid. Sanborn'. resolution for police alarm
box at northeast corner Lincoln venue and
Victor,. etmt—
Commlttee reports favorably.
Adopted. (Ben resolution.)
Of CommitteeOrdi...e Rod Public AC-
Counts—Repoof bm
board of control for April,
Committee has examined and found Said re-
port Aopted.
Coml[ Porte Tao eebPy followlrrg reaolu-
tlone for lamps:
Ald B—borne—Bt. Albans street, tc Ald.
Sanborn's—Fairmount ue; Aid.
—Prior e, etc.; Aid. Conley'.—Eighth
Street; Al,ie eanbornb St. Claim and Avon
etmts, etc.
Adopted. (Bee -Solution..)
Es,.— o Coamrrr-Fa.
from Aid. R II1van—et. Claim street grading.
Committeee recd meendsg assage o
in said matter. passage o[ dual order
Adopted. (See order to board of public
AD ordinance was read authorizing George C.
Harper to Jay a spur track along and across
Farquler street.
Rules sueP.nded on motion of Aid. Blom, yeas
16, and ordinance read second time and passed.
(Bee Ordinance No. 1,825).
An ordfnauce was
read permittfug William F.
Bremer to erect hams stable.
Rules Pstided on motion of Aid. Weber
16, and ordlnauce mad Second time and
P An ordinance was mad Ordinance o. permitting Henry H.
perm g
Bl Ru to construct a mansard roof.
Rules Suspenordinance
on d se on of Aidtime
Bock, yea.
(S and ordinance mad second time and passed.
(Bee Ordinance No. 1,827).
An ordinance was mad authorizing John Sun -
Strom to quarry acro.' alleyy In Btlnson'e eub-
sddltlo , block 8, Stinson, Brown & Rameey's
Rules ore nonce on Second
of me Beek, yeas
18, and ordinance mad second time unci passed.
> was mad autborizing Peter
tract two balConles.
=d on motion of Ald. Back, yeas
ce read second time and passed.
%E 1rea
enSlrg Ordinance
Aid Lelthaucer,
An Oram.nce was reademitting Aug Robe
to east a one-story Name ullding.
Committee on streets,
An ordinance wee mad soreppLhlg propposltlon
board of comity commfesionem of Ramee
county tr.n.f.rring to city of St. Paul Bald
county's lntereut fn Merehall avenue bridge.
An ordinance was read supp glemental to Ordi-
nance No. 1,227. %vinq 8t. P ul City Railwayy
comp— y right to boil and operate stmt rSdT
way on K2 b stmt. from Robert to Wabasb.
Committee on stmt..
An ordinance ,vas read authorizing pprojectlo.
1 xtaond story of bufldtug o. lot 7, block 4,
Dayton's aaditdon.
Committee on Sime".
was mad to amend ordinance
g to health department,
arohibitiug laying of
�. anmd Pa streets.
r flre alarm box at Winnnred
Streets, and one at Wlnvltred
rlringg board a( flee c la-
equlp and put In xtvlca a
o wagon, two hone. and
for 89,000 bond. for puo
quleitfon f Mary McMrpose ro-
of block 22 In Olivier's addition
d Oliviers additions to West 8t.
to wens Rod
By Aid. polen— By Aid. Leithauser—
Resolutlon allowing claim of L. Mussetter In Resolved Treat the board of public works be
amount of $800 for ten months' office not for hereby ordered to construct anofght-foot
office of city and county physician, and author- wooden sidewalk on the south side of Hastings
firing board of control to rent a suitable office avenue from Mound street to Forest Street,
for said city and county physician. with the necessary Crosswalks.
Joint court house and city hail Committee. - By Aid. Bock—
Resolution directingg board of public work. to BVId. Pratt—
] the atone .tdetralk- assessment ode Resolved, That the board - Of public work.
against part. of lots 6 and 7, block 5, Leech's Cause elx-toot ooden sidewalks to be laid on
addition. east aide of Fairview avenue, from Capitol ave -
Committee o. streets. nue to Van Burenstreet; also oil weat side of
Resolutions for lamp' as follows: Hemline avenue, from Miumbaha street to
By Aid. Sanborn, steps of Lawton Street; by University avenue, except where walk' am
Aid. Pratt, Ellie .tract; by Aid. Weber, on already laid and with neorseary crosswalk'; on
Thomas street, etc, and to annul additional west aide of county road from Langford avenue
order for lamps on Dale street from Univerefty to Doswell avenue. All except where walks am
to Minnehaha; by Aid. Blom, Payne avenue and already laid.
Arlington stmt. —
Committee on gas. By AId. Blom—
Ald. Sanborn moved to monslder vote by Resolved, That the board of publfc works
which was lost a resolution directi.g Committee Cause a six-foot wooden sidewalk to be laid an
on parks to care !or grass plat to be Constructed both sides of )fount Ida street, from De Sato
on Gra d avenue. Stmt to Rivol. Stmt, with necessary eroas-
Adopted, and mid vote. reconsidered.
The said resolution was thereupon adopted. —
wAid. Bock moved to 81eh was referred to committee on streetstion he Ordinances.
ordinanceauthorising John Sumtrom to quarry ORDINANCE No. 1,825.
Cee alley f. Btinso.'e s bdivlslou. block 6, An ordinance authorizing Geo C. Har to
Stinson, Brown & Ramsey. s idltlon, George per
Ado ted, lay Spur track along and aeroxx Farquler
The tidies were thereupon suspended mo- street,
tion of Aid. Bock, yeas 16, and ofd ordinance The common council of the city of St. Paul do
mad Second time and passed (ase ordinance No. ordain as follows:
1.828). Section 1, That permfaSfon and authority Is
The council ordered Bid the oldie o! Judges hereby given and granted to George C. Harper
Rod clerks o1 electfan (yMay 6, 1580) In the .um to lay, use end operate a spur track along tide
of $21 each, amounting In the eggmgate to across Farquler tet In the dty of St. Paul,
f11,28G; epnod ordered paid the bole for use of Mlnn., rhes exld crack to commence au the line
su of $1G eeeh8 places at safe election 1n the D[Inueapol1. & UmBbs liullWN CO on s d whpo-
Yeas—Ald. Bleksl, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley, alta block 12 of Sti.eon'e RA
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Lelthauser, Melody, run thenceeasterly and southeasterly so Be to
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, r.. connect with lot 2 of block 18 of aid addition
p,e.tdmwl- on the northern boundary line thereof near the
planked end mplanked end keppt In such condi-
from be
]UNE 8, 1880.
tion as .ball time to time ordered and
dieted b]' the City engineer of eaid city.
Byy Ald. Sanborn—
Bell. Sanborn—
That the board o/ abide work' be
Sec• 2• The Common council reserves the
rlgbt to repeal tole ord1'iom Rod direct the re -
and It W hereby lnetrncted co. constrnet and
monad of .old track at any time.
m intafn a sidewalk elght feet In wfath, on the
torth .Ide of Crocus avenue Iron LTocue place
Bec. 8. TbleordBeall take effect soil be
In Setae from and after It. passage.
the northeast corner of lot 4, West Crocco
Hy Ald. Bock—
Yeas--Ald. Blekel, Blom Bock LlRbe., Cooley,
Ffeher, Gahan, Eavanagil, Lelttrauser, Me] Y,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr.
Resolved that the board of public works cause
wood sidewalks to be IafQ on the followln¢
Pealed MaY 8, 1890.
WM. HAMM, President of Council.
stmt.: O. both efdee of MCBO.I tram. WOkf.
Approved May 9, 1890.
to W—Seventh; on both titles of Ramsey from
Pleasant to West Seventh:.bovs eight feet wide;
BOB— A.'Br1mn.-Mayor
Attest: T.... A. P—S ROAer. Cltv Cleric.
t Side of Wesmen avenue from Grace .tet
fo CElrago M9waull- - Bt. Paul raRway tracks;
May 14.
on north .tea o[ Greece horq western a to
Colbarne.tmt, with necessary Craeeing, to be
al. feet wide•
An ordinance permitting Wm. F. Bremerto erect
By Ald. GeM1en—
frame stable.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
an gh
B i Lf othattheboardofwoaden eid,walkpl. Ibe Conetruucted
l�tlon 1. toThat be and fs Demby
both efdei at Broadway street from Grove
attest to Thirteenth .treat.
Lo Wm. F. Bremer to erecta hame.table 20
80 feet In sins, one .red Ove -half .torics high, on
lot 16, Chute Be...' DIIW.n No. 8, 1n the city
By Ald. Genan—
of $t. Paul, Minn., on the Corner of U.Ivemlty
Resolved, That the sidewalk contractor be
d hell hereby dieted W t tr.ct an eight-
enue and Grotto stmt, 15 feet from line of
Grotto Stmt and on the alley In Said division.
foot sidewalk toboth aide. of Cook stmt from
Rice to Sylvan.
Ben. 2. Thle ordinance ebsll tekeeffect and be
in foe from and atter Its
Yeas-Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock. Cullen, Conle
Fisher, Gehan, n
Kavaagh, Lelthaueer, D =11y
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Y'oerg, Dir
President -1G.
P, May S, 1890.
Wan HAnnt. President of Council.
Approved May P. IB90.
OBER, A. Sorra, Ma
Attest: Txos. A. PRENDERneer, CYty Clerk
May 14.
An ordinance granting permission to Henry H
Sibley to construct a Mansard roof.
Thr Common Council of the City of St. Paul dl
ordain as follows:
Section 1. That per ilselon be and Is Demby
glean to Henry H.. Ibley to erect and coue[rud
a mansard roof forty-nine feet in front and four
tmu feet high and about twenty feet in depth or
the building known as Nos. 164 and 166 East
Third street, Bald root to be covered with elate
and galvanized Jr...
Sec. _. This ordiv¢nce shall take effect and
be in force from and after Its passage.
Yeas -Aldo Bickel, Blom, Bock, CL1Ieu, Conley,
Fisher. Gehan, Kavanagh, Lelthaueer. I .tly,
Pratt.Sanborn, Sulllyau, Weber, Ycexg, Mr.
Passed May 8, 18 0.
Wm. HADnt, President Of Council.
Approved May 9, 1890.
RODERr A. Slurs. Mayor.
Attest: TDO.. A. PRENDERGAST, City- Clerk.
May 14. -
ORDINANCE No. 1,328.
An urdivance authorizing John Simstrom to
quarry acro.. the alley in Stineoti s subdi-
-talon of block three (3) of Still Brown &
Aamsey'. addition to St. Paul.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
ordain as follow.:
That autbority and permission Is
hereby given and irritated unto john Snnstrnm
vision of and as lllaidirected by the city engineer -mla -I none utmer file of
.aid city.
S.C. 2. That said permission and authority
granted for Lhe period of three menthe from
the date of the approval of Lhis ordinance, and
Only upon the condition that within the laid
ninety days the said John Sunstrom .loll m
place the laid alley In as good condition as the
same now is.
Sec. 3. This ordinance ball take effect and
be in force from and atter its publication.
Ye. -Aid. Blckel, Blom, Bock, Cullea, Cooley,
Fisher, Kavanagh,, Melady, Pratt,
Sanborn, Sullivan. Weber,Y'osrg. Mr. President
NeY.-Ald. Gehan-1.
Passed May 8, 1890.
Wee. HA.., President of Council.
Approved May 9, 1890.
R...- A. Same, Dl lyor.
Time. A. PxENDERoesr, City Clerk.
May 14.
An Ordinance authorizing Peter Thauwald to
construct two Dal Conte...
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do
Ordain a. follows:
ction 1. That Peter Tbauwald is
authorized xnd embowered to c hereby
e[rnet 1n ..:r second tory ,thebuilding he f.
now Iconstrue Ing on the east one-half of lot one
(I) and that part of lot three (3 ) of Ewin¢ &
l Cues. All .f Bald 'Ork hall be done
.der the supervision of and ae directed by the
building inspector of said city.
Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and
he in force from and after its passage and publi.
Yea.-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh,'sithauser, Malady,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr.
President -16.
Passed Dlay 8, 1890.
Will. HAmxt, President of Council.
Approved May 9, 1890.
RoxERr A. Sana, Mayor.
Attest: TRos. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk.
May 14.
An ordinance to amendordinance No. 499, IT
titled "An ordinance in relation to paddler.,"
approved AprR 23, 1886.
The Common Council of the City of 6t. Pau] do
rdam as follows:
Section 1.Section 1 of Ordinance No. 499 Is
hem.p ameaded to read as fell.,.: Every per.
eon who shill sell or offer for sale, barter or ex.
Change any farm produce, Voultry, fish or other
goods, wares or merchandise, eacepting fresh
meats, weighing less Lhan one quarter, traveling
from place Lo place, in. upon and along Lhe
streets of this city, .hall be deemed peddler,
d 1t shall not be lawful for any suchperson or
personx to exercise their calling without fitst
having obtained a license.
See. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and
Passed Ma 8, 1890.
Wal HADIDI, President of Council.
Approved May e, 1890.
RODEnt A. Sam'R, Mayor.
Attest: Tons. A. PRENDF.NGAM. City Clerk.
Map 14.
By Aid. Pratt
Resolved that the following plata, as approved
sy the plat commission and ae reoommendedby
;he city engineer, be and the same am hereby
tccepted by Lhe common Commit of the city of
3t. Paul:
Webster addition to tha city of St. Paul.
Hiukel's third amendment to to. Park.
Chatsworth street addition to the city of St.
2aul, Ramsey county: Minn.
Yeas -Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen. Cooley,
7isher, Geban, Kavanagh, Lelthaueer,
gelady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Ycerg,
dz. President -1 e.
Approved May 9. 1890.
ly Aid. Pratt -
Resolved that the grades of the following
treet. and alleys, between the point. named, as
Ddicated by the red grade lines on the -map -
.ping profiles, and as recommended by the city
ngineer, be and the same am hereby adopted as
he established grades:
Alley in block 41, St. Anthony Park, running
orth and south, between Blake avenue and the
right of way of the St. Paul & Northern Paciffe
Alley in block 41, St. Autbouy Park, running
,sat and west, between NO.- street and Lang-
ford Park pac
8a8nd KnAnhony Park, betwen
Noume street, from W. E. alley in block 41,
St. Anthonystreet
ark, to Gordon avenue.
Bradford treet, from Hampden avenue to
Endicott street.
Endicott street, from Wycllff street to Hersey
.R'ycllff street, from Endicott street to Hersey
Hersey avenue, from Ellis street to Endicott
Tens-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Rock, Cullen,Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Dtelmly,
Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Ycerg, Mr.
President -16.
Approved May 9, 1890.
By Aid. Pratt
Resolved. That the city engineer be andhe is
hereby instroeted to report a grade for the alley
I. Block 46, St. Anthony Park north, also 1.
Block. 36, 37, 44. 46, 47, 48 and 49, same ad-
dition: also In Blocks 36, 44 and 38, St. Antho-
T see -Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Lelthauser, Melady,
Pratt, Sanborn. Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr.
President -16.
Approved May 9. 1890.
B} Aid. Bock -
Resolved, That the city engineer report a
grade on West Seventh street, from Tuscarora
avenue to Fort Snelling bridge.
Yens- Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehry , Kavanagp Lelthaueer, Melady,
Pratt. Sanborn, Sulllvau, Weber, Ycerg, Mr.
Approved May 9, 1890
Saxborn- -
Re.olved, That the city engineer be and he Is
hereby Instructed to report a grade for the alley
In Block 26 of Summit Park addltlon.
Yeas-AId. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh,, Melady,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr.
Approved, May 9, 1890.
Hy Ald. Bock -
Resolved, That the City
engineer. without d,
Esurvey and mark the boundary lines of the
alley running northeanmrly through block 68 of
Rice & Irvine's addition and Irvine's enlarge.
ment of Rice & Irvine's addition, from Smith
avenue to the township line at the northeasterly
sad of said alley.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen, Con
ley, Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Lelthaueer
Melady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg
Mr. President -l6.
Approved May 9. 1890.
By Aid. Melady-
Resolved. That the city englneer he and Ie
hereby instructed to build an approach on the
east side of Oakdale avenue and Lucy street at
not to exceed SGO.
Yeas -Aldo Bfekel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Lelthauser, Melady,
Pratt, Sanborn , Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr.
Approved Dtay 9, 1890.
By Aid. MCI1dy-
Resolved, That the city engame be and is
herebtc lnstnteted to expend the sum of 8200, or
b them.( as la messary, to
place West
Congress street In s pB sable condition. Reber,
Gehan. Kavanegh'LeitbaueeorkMalady,
Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg. D[r. Pmeiaent-14.
Nsy-s-Ald. ]Iev, Sanborn -2.
Approved If, , 0, 189.
Bit=in That the city engineer is bereby I.-
strneted to expend a sum of money not to ea- .
Coed two hundred (200) dollars In the Improve-
ment of Gibbs avenue, from Buford avenue
northward toward the north city limits, with
the request that said Improvement be made as
early as.pos.Ible this season.
Yeas -Aid. Bickel. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Lelthauser, Malady,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr.
President-] 6.
Approved May 9, 1890.
By Aid. Weber- '
Resolved, That the city engineer be Instructed
to place cross walks (two) to erose Van Bumn
street at Virginia ave"as
Al.. One t0 G.ultlar no eOnth aide Of
Blair street.
Also one to cross Como avenue on west side
of Gsolder.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley.
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Lelthauser, Melady,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr.
President -1 6.
Approved May 9, 1890.
By Ald. Blom -
Resolved, That the city aneer be instructed
to have Crosswalks laid as fo lows:
One crosswalk on south aide of Mhashaha
street, across Be Soto street.
One cre eswalk an east aide of Be Soto street,
across DRnnehaha street.
One crosswalk on north aide of Mt. Ida street.
across Be Soto attest.
One crosswalk on the east side of Payne ave-
nue, --a. Minuehnh , street.
One crosswalk on the north side of Lafayette
across Arkwright street.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Callen, Cooley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Melady,
Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber Yoerg, Dir.
President -16.
Approved May 9, 1890.
By Aid. Dlelady-
Resolved that the city engineer be and Is here-
by Instructed to construct a plank cross walk
on Concord street, on the west side of Anita
Yeas -Aldo Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leitbsueer. Me,
ldS. act"
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber,
Ycerg, Mr. President -16.
Approved May 9, 1890.
By Aid. Malady-
Resolvsd that the city engineer be instructed
lay .two-Dlsnk aide walk an the east side of
Eaton street, between Plato avenue and Florida
Yeas -Aldo Bickel, Blom, Back, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagb, Leithattser, Melady,
Pratt Sanborn, Sullivan,- Weber, Ycerg, Mr.
Approved May 9 1890.
By Aid. Blom -
Resolved that the city engincer be Instructed
to have cross walks laid as follows:
Onemoss walk on the north side of York
street, across Edgerton street.
One moss walk on the south aide of Sime
street, across Edgerton street.
One moss walk on the south side of Case
street, across Edgerton street. p
One moss walk on the north side of Cook
street, across Edgerton street.
One mole walk on the northside of Jessamine
street, across Edgerton street.
One moss walk on the north side of Geranium
street, across Edgerton street.
Onecross walk on the north side of Rose
street, across Edgerton street.
Yeas-Ald. B1oke1, Blom, Back, Cullen, Cou]eY,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Lelthaneer, ]1Selady,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr.
President -18.
Approved May 9, 1890.
%m mayor of St. Paul be and
wbose, teem forthwith
of ofliee hall not
if three (3) month' from and
Aointment, and the solar, of
not of exceed the sum of ee
per month, the duties of said
to be the takl.g of the dog
the ollemlon of the price of
e malleo¢¢ In the Motors of
to ave a
of Veld
of hie duty as much special police.
Bickel, Blom, Bock, C»llen, Conley,
n, Kavanagh, Leithm, Melady,
rn, Sullies., Weber,]Jcerg, Mr.
Say 9, 1890.
By Ald. Cullen -
Resolved, That the mayor of the city be and
I. hereby authozlxed to appofut a Ponce officer
for the term of six months who !h be assigned
to special service In Como Park; salary to be
the same ass larpatrolma..
Yea -Ald. BI�1 Blom, Bock, Girlie¢, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Le.tbaueer, Melsdy, Pratt, San-
bom, Sohval . bar, Yoerg, Mr. President -15.
Approved May 9, 1890.
BY Aid. 8ulllvan-
Re.olved, That bra honor, the mayor. is bere-
by autborlued to appofut a.cedal policeman to
actae.pound meeter In the 7'e th and-Ei"'at"
atde m -May 15 to'Nov. Y,'_O It the
salary now paid fo rvicea o[ I1ke character.
FI her, Gehavie%avanl agh, Leitheueenr,MelnaA9,
Pratt, Sanborn, BUlavan, Weber, Ycerg Mr.
President -18.
Approved May 9, 1890.
By Aid. Sanborn -
Resolved. That the chief of ,yonce be and he
1. hereby inetmcted to Muae all obstructions to
be removed from Mackubin street, between Mar-
sballavenue and Carrol street.
Yeas -Aid. Blekel, Blom, Bock, Gitlin. Conley,
Fish., Gehan, %ay.negh, Lelthaucer, Melady,
Pratt, fianbom. Sullivan, Weber, Ycerg, Mr.
Approved May 9, 1890.
By Committee on Gas -
Resolved. That the gasoline oil lamp con-
tractor is bereby Instructed to remove 30 oil
lamps on the upper Bate and place the same to
wit: One lamp, northwest comer Douglas and
Sturgis streets; a lamp, Armstrong between
West Seventh and View; one lamp, east of Duke
between West Seventh and Jefferson avenue; one
lamp, northwest corner Chlcago and Edward;
one lamp, northwest corner Chicago and Hyde;
one lamp, southeast corner George and Ohio;
ne lamp, nonb-.t corner Orleans and Morton;
one lamp, northwest corner .anomia and
Morton; one lamp,'outheaet comer Page and
Manomin; one lamp, soutbeast comer Page
and Orleans.
]sena--Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan,, Leithauser, Me-
S[Y,Preal" Sanborn. Sullivan. Weber, Yoerg,
Approved May 9, 1890.
By Aid. Sanbom-
Resolved, That the gasoline street Ismp con-
tractor be and he le hereby directed end in-
etrncted to erect and street liable an
-St. Albans street, at a dretanm of 150 feet
apart, from Pleasant avenue to Fairmount ave-
nue; also,ane In the middle of each black on
Avon street, hon Holly avenue to Fairmount
nnue also one on the comer of Toronto ve-
ue and Michigan avenue.
Y- -Ald. Bickel, Blom, Back, Cullen, Conley.
Fisher. Gehan, Rule, r.
Pratt Sanborn, 6uBivan,
Presidnt-10. Weber, Yoerg, Mr.
Approved May 9, 1890.
By Aid. Sullivan- Tamp
Reaofved, That the street light'
tl oil
contractor be authorlhed to erect and ..Intel¢
on the east side of Prior avenue, between Car-
roll and Iglehart streets, 1n center of black, at
entmuce to St. Mary a church, one lamp; one at
northwest comer Moose and Day -ton; one at
eutheast corner University and Bacon street;
one at southeast comer Wheeler and Uoveasity.
Also remove lamp at corner Bacon and St. An-
thony and St. Anthony and Wbeeler and place
the same, to wit: One lamp at theorre shields
and Bao.; one lamp at the comer Shields and
FI her. Gahan, nBi R Bickel,
Lelt�aueeer, MCe nerdy,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber. ]' a g, Mr.
,Approved May 9. 1899.the gaeo
r r�be sold be. le levelyyy diree foaemi Jump
naivtatn gasoline street lights u follows: One
>v the -beast corn of St. (lairs d Avov
,treats: o t an the southeare
st cower of St. Claim
d Crow
'streets; one the north side of St.
Maim street half way between Crow street and
Victoria street.
Yeas--Ald. Bickel, Blom, Back, Cu11en.Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Lelthauser, Melady,
Pratt, Saubom, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr.
?resident -16.
Approved May 9, 1890.
3y Aid. Conley -
Resolved that the St. Paul Gas company pince
and maintain one gas lamp on the mouth side
t Eighth street, between Locust street and
Villlue street.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithaumr, Melady,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr.
President -16.
Approved May 9, 1890.
By Ald. Sanborn -
Resolved that the 8t. Paul Gas Light company
be and it is hereby Instructed to erect and main-
tain a gas light on the north side of Fairmount
avenue, at a point 210 feet west, of fit. Albans
Teas -Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavagb, Leltbauenr, Mela-
dyy Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,SWeber, Yoerg,
Approved May 9, 1890.
By Ald. Ssnborn-
Itesolved that the committee on pollen be and
they are hereby authorized nd dleer:ted to
erect had blamiafu police alarm box at the
northeast corner of Lincoln avenue and Vic-
toria street.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen. Conley,
Haber Gehan,, Dfelady,PMtt, 8e n -
hem. Julllvan, Weber, Yoerg,Mr. President -15.
Approved May 9, 1890.
By 10d. SanDom-
Reeolved, That thecommlttee on parksbe end
they ere hereby directed to core for end keep iv
proper condition the grass for
to be an
etrncted by the property owners between the
=Jim of the street railway electric line, on Grand
venue, from Oakland avenue
to the Mimis'Ippl
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Conley, Gehan,
Kavanagh, Lelthauser, Pratt, Sanborn, eoR-
. weber. Mr. President -la.
v Nays-Ald. Cullen, Fisher, Dfelady, Y'cerg-4.
Approved May 9, 1890.
Bp Ald. Sanborn-
Reeolved, That the committee on parka and
the common council be and they sre hem
to Musa Crocus Park, on the side hill,
between Crocus avenue and Pleasant avenue, to
be sodded and watered, so that the gree. in the
endwill grow.
Yeas -Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leith aMr, Dfelady,
Pratt, Sanborn. Sullivan, Weber. Yomp Mr.
President -16.
Approved May 9, 1890.
Biteeoiv d. That the board of brecommissioners
be and they am hereby oftcouttectfvo Lha Rry
with the necessarywark g
alarm system o[ this clip with the Bre depart-
ent al Minneapolis, ere asked for 1. their com-
m tendon of Bf e.rch 4, 1890.
]seas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock Cnllev, Coniey,
Fisher, an, Kavanagh, Leltasuser, Dfelady,
Pratt. Sanborn, ,.he Yoexg, Mr.
President -16.
Approved May 9, 1890.
Resolved, That a refunding order for the sum
of seventeen dollars and thirty-five cents
(817.35),b draum upon the city treasurer in
( vor of Charles M. Star, owner of the following
described property, to -wit: -Commencing at
northwest quarter of southwest quarter of me.
tion 29,town 29,rouge28,rmn in thrice.orth
450.9 feet to south side of territorial mad;
thence north 57 deg. 36 min. west along said
road 492.6 feet; thence south 256.6 feet; thence
southeasterly parallel with University avenue
29.7 feet; thence south 808.2 feet to south line
of said northwest quarter of southwestquarter
of said section 29; thence east along said south
Jim 159.8 feet to beginning, being in St. Paul
Minnesota"-eald owner havl cg vtr .id said
amount o account of lu assessment
dinof the ter-
rltorlst said erfor the al ro dptrom Raymond a nue to west
doy Smite.
Yese-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Coney,
Fleber, Gehan, Leithatmer, Malady, Pe
Sullivan, Weber. Yoerg, Mr. President -
Approved May 9, 1890.
By Ald. Cnllen-
Resolved, By Lhe ommo. council of the airy
Pnul, ttreC orders -shalt be drawn upon
the city treasufor the amount of any eatl-
matee when alfory w'd by the board of flee om-
mieefoners, in favor of the contractor of the
new engine house In course of construction aeon
lot 8, black 14, Whitney & Smith'. addition,
whenever there Is money in the city treasury ap-
plicabsaid estl-
m test have been afor the udited by tthe hdty comp-
Yeas-Ald, Bickel, Blom, Back, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Lelthauser, Melady,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Ycerg, Mr.
President -18.
Approved May 9, 1890.
By Aid. Weber -
Resolved, That an order be drawn in favor of
the board of control for the sum of $1,585.19,
being the city's X f the expendltum of said
boats for the month of April, 1890.
Yeas--Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, (,lel len, Coley,
Fisher, Gehan, Lelthauser, Melady, Pratt, San -
hem, eu111van,Weber, Ycerg, Mr. President -15.
Approved May 9, 1890.
By Aid. Ham.-
Resolvetreasmerd In That
favor of�F. R. McManlgal foer be drawn on therdthe
m of five dollars, to return y paid Into
the said treasury by Lhe Proid 'Ion pparty for
the placingg of the name Poll
N. Akers
upon the election ticket May 6, 1890, said Ak-
era' name hams having been subsequently with-
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley
Fisher. Gehan, Kavanagb, Leithauser, Melady
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr.
Approved May 9, 1890.
at a warrant be drawn upon the
In favor of F. A. Seymour tar the
u-nd sevenbundred and ninety
.100(52,798.29) dollars 1. full
dance due oncontractforthegrad.
from St. Anthonyavenue to
t -t, d tion. gg tmetiov of
rtkee &a,tthe
a ht of waway
'y of St. Paul, ere dltected by"..
I.triet court of Romney countyy,
an action tbereln pendlo 'herein
Ison, as receiver of Patrick Durack
'. Bickel, partnere a. P, Durack &
f and the city of I.
Paul is de-
Appril 5th, 1890.
fickel, Blom, Bock, Culla, Conley,
,, Kavanagh,- Leithan"r, Mdady
ru, Sullivan, Weber, Ycerg, Mr.
my 9, 1890.
Aid. Conley—
olved, That an order be draxm upon th,
reasurer In favor of Samuel E. Hall, attor
f record for Philirriat Krahmer, for th,
of three hander nfnety-nine and 57
S399.57 dollars, in full payment of that
ant rendered against the city of St. Paul
in favor of Philippe,, Krahmer April 2,
In an action pealing in the district court
eey county Mfvnesot,.
I order to be delivemd onlyupno said j dg -
being satisfied of record In the omce of the
[ said court ntl a Uficate of said sat -
ion being flied In the office of the citycomp-
e—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Callen, Conley,
r, Geba,, K.vavagh, Leithauser, Melody,
Sanborn, Suifivau, Weber, Ycerg, Mr.
lent -16.
.roved May 9, 1890.
By Ald. Conley—
Resolved, That the followlpg poundm netemb
e.e.iatant. ae follows: John CuniH
boys, Steven Ryan and Martin Goff, at S40 aced
per month; John Costello, one boy at $4( pe:
per month; Charles Truax, one man at Sri pe:
hexpv th, the term of office of id modslente ti
Lbe pe B d`oef slBxiomonthe. y
Y...—Al Bock, Callen. Coale
Fisher, Gehan, Lelthnuser, Mel *dr, PPiaft. S�
born, Bullivan, Weber, Yoexg, en
Approved May 9, 1890.
By Ald. We
Resolved, That Samuel Mayall fa hereby
authorized to construct a sewer at his own ex-
pense on Gr uitfestreetr street from the present sew
to] be constructed l%drrothe direction of
the city a Biose- and in accordancewith plane
and ,peeiflcations to be made by him, with each
catch basins and mavhole.s he may regmre,
the expense of engineering and in.pection to be
paidros by Baid A[aSall.
1'cAb' Bfckel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithanser, Melady,
Pratt, Bonham, Sullivan, Weber, Ycerg, Mr.
President -16.
Approved May 9, 1890.
By Aid. Sullivan—
Resolved, That Archbtehoo Ireland be and he
ie hereby permitted to grade Goodrich and Lin-
coln avenues from Cleveland avenue lest to the
river, the same to be done in accordance with
Yeaa—Ams Bin
Blom. Bock t}Cal en Con-
ley, Fisher, Gehan, Kavauagh. Leithauser,
Melady, Pratt, Sanborn. Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg,
Mr. Presfdent_L6.
Approved May 9, 1800.
By Aid. Sullivan—
Resolved, That Archbishop Ireland and Ru.
dolph Knsphide be and they are hereby per-
mitted to grade Randolph at tweet from
Cleveland avenue to the river, said street pass.
through. their own land, all Ito be done in
accordancewith the profile on file in the ofpce
of the city engineer.
Yeas—Ald. Bfckel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fleher, Gehan. Kavanagh, Lelthamar, Melady,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Ycerg, Mr.
Preaf lent -16.
Approved May 9, 1890.
By Ald. Weber—
Resolved, Tour the board of public works
use St. Albans street sprinkled from Carroll to
Rol id. street.
Fisher, Gehan, Lefftheascr, Back. Cullen.
Pratt, Slao-
born, .Sullivnu, Weber.,i Bare, \[r. Pmsidant-16.
Approved May 9, 1 0.
By Ald. Weber— .
Resolved, That the board f public works
Arundel acreet Qrlvkled from University
to Sherburne avenue (Llleu street).
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh Lethaulser, Malady,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr.
President -30.
Approved May 9, 1890.
By Ald. Leithauser—
Resolved, That the order for Sprinkling Dis.
trict Fo. 3 be so amended as to zAm from
spprink-Iing Con,vay street from Maria avenue to
Ho I. . venue, Maple av ue from Third
street to Hastin� avenue, and Earl eters, from
Farquler street to RT.o2 street.
Yc.e—Aid. BI el B
clr , Iom Bock Cullen, MelCon l
Fisher, fusion,, Kavanagh, Leithaucer,ady,
Pratt. Seaborn, 8ulllvao, Weber, Ycerg, Mr.
Approved May 9, 1890.
By Ald. Sanborn—
Aesolved, That the Board of public works be
and la hen by Instructed to cause Marshall ,ve-
ue to be sprinkled from St. Albans street to
Grotto acnct.
Yeas—Alda Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Lelthauser, Melady,
Pratt, Sanborn, 6ullivem Weber, Yoerg, Mr.
President -16.
Approved May 9, 1890.
By Aid. Bock—
Resolved, Thet the board of public work,
;ease the following streets to
be sprinkled:
Banfil street, from Smith avenue to Western
t Ggodhue, from CIH to Duke street.
Colborne, from West Seventh to Superior.
Harrison avenue, from Douglas to Garfield
Garfleld, from Goodrich to Pleasant avenue.
St. Coir, from West Seventh to Duke.
Dnnke, from Weet Seventh to St. Clair.
1-eas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Callen, Conley.
�isber, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithaueer, Melady,
batt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr.
.'resident -16.
Approved May 9, 1890.
ly Aid. Leftbauaer—
Ro.ol ed, That the board of public work, be
ereby ordered to cause Hastings avenue to be
prfnkled from Bates avenue to Maple avenue.
1•eas—Ald. Hickel, Blom, Bock, Cuflen, Conley,
Ysher, Gehan. Kavanagh, I.eftbauser, Me-
tdyPresidentllalorn, Sullivan, Weber, Yomg,
Approved May 9, 1890.
y Ald. Melady—
Resolved, That the board of public works be
nd are hereby instructed to baa., Prescott
t ,priukled from Oakdale avo.-ve
ell street
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Callen, Conley,
Fisher, Usti—Kavanagh, Leithsuser, Melady,
Pratt, Sanbo,rn. Sullivan. Weber, Yoerg, Mr.
President -16.
Approved May 9, 1890.
By Aid. Bock— —
Resolved. That the board of public works
walks to be luld n the following
street: one no went side of Oneida, across St.
Y. —Aid. Bickel. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Cooley,
Fisher, Gahan, Kavanagh, Lefthauser, Melody,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr.
President -16.
Approved May 9, 1890.
By Aid. Pratt—
Resolved, That the board of public works
cause erose walk. to be laid as follow.: On
we.t aide of county road across Carter and Doe.
well avenues, across Doswell avenue at or near
the west line of lot 12, block 27, near Stryker
seminary; out s e on south side of Capitol avenue,
south elle of Minnehaha street and south id
Van Buren street, all accose Falrvlew avenue; on
north .ids of Langf rd .nue across Coun.e
Coud, on north aide of Dooly avenue acro
nty ro.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Callen, Conley,
Planer, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithxnser. ]lelady,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Ycerg, Mr.
Presiden— 6.
Approved May 9, 1890.
B Alod. Sanborn—
'ed —
I, That the board of public work. be
and it is Hereby Instructed to se Goodrich
tivenuc to be eprinklyd, between Uxle street and
the alley Ju.t east of the reafde¢ce of John D.
Yeas—Ald. Biekel, Blom, Bock, Ruler, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leith.useq Melady,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr.
President -16.
Approved May 9, 1890.
By Aid. Blom—
Resolved, That the board of public work, be
instructed to notify the ,,prinking contractor to
-rio them ouch end of gd L, from Beaumont street
Berton street bridge.
Yeas—kld. Bickel, Blom, Bock C,11,,, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh. Leitfiauser, Afelady,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivnu, Weber, 1'cerg, Afr.
President -18.
Approved May 9, 1890.
By Ald Blom—
Aesolved, Thnt Lhe board of public work. be
instructed to notify the .prinl-Ifng contractor to
sprinkle William street, from Pinestreet to Olive
Yeas—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock. Cullen, Conley,
Fleher, Geban, Kavanagh, Leithauaer, Melady,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sulllivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr.
President -16.
Approved May 9, 1890.
By Aid. Blom—
Resolved. That the board of public works
cause the following streets to be aprinkled dur-
ing the sprinkling season of 1890, to wit:
Greenbrfar avenue, from York street to Mary -
]and street;
York street, from Payne avenue to Greenbrier
Peas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Qtllen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, LeIthauser, Sfnlady,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Ynerg, Mr.Pme-
Approved May 9 1890
By Ald. Blom—
Resolved, That the board of public tvorks be
tustructed to notify thespriukllug contractor to
have the following streetssprinkled: fo sprinkle
Minnehahn street from De Soto street to Burr
treet; also to sprinkle Mount Ida street from
De Soto to Rivol, street.
yeas—A Id. Bickel, Blom, Boek Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gahan. Kavanagh. Ltithaueer, Malady,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, weber, Ycerg, Mr. Pme-
Approved May 9. 1890.
By Aid. Leithauser—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the matter ofgrading Feat Third street,
from Earl street to e t city limn., be and the
same ii hereby referred to the board of public
works co investigate and report:
First—la this Improvement proper and nec-
eass ry7
Second—Give the council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and tate whether one-half of
tbe coat thereof Is to beaid 1¢ h
to the cit treas.
p Y
ur before the contract to let.
Third—Cmn real estate to be assessed for said
improvement be found benefited to the extent
f da ages. coats and expenses necessary to be
1 rred thereieU-7
Fourth—le such Improvement asked for upon
the o tition or nppllcatfon of
the em of a
ImmppJ Ityoot the property to he assessed for such
Fi[thc Send the council "a lanorproflle ofsedd
b you report
In Fvvo r of [he ea squired y law, I[
Sixth- Send the council a proper order direct
fng the work to be done.
Y m—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Lelthauser, Melady.
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr. Pres
Approved May 9, 1890.
By Aid. Lefthauser—
ltis hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City cf St. Paul•
That the matter of grading Commercial street
from Third street to Cnuw11 atreet, be and the
same is hereby
ferrel to the board of public
works to investifate and report:
Firet—Ie this improvement proper and races.
a r1•?
Second—Give the council an estimate of the
expense thereof,nd tate whether h,lt of
the coat them.[ 1s to be Id Into the city items.
ury before the contract Palet.
Third—Can real estate to be assessed for said
[inp ovement be found bevefited to the extent
. danmges, cost. and expenses necessary to be
Incurred thereby.
Fourth—Is such Improvement asked for uyyon
the petition or application of the owners of a
ma]ority of the property to be assessed for such
Fimfth—Send the council a plan or proNle of
said improvement, as required by law, I you re.
port in favor of the same.
Sixth —Send the council a proper order direct-
irectIng the work to be done.
Yeas—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauaer, Meladv,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Ycerg, Air. Pres -
'dent -16.
Approved May 9. 1890.
By Aid. Weber—
'eo r—
It Is heresy ordered by the Common Council
f the CYty of St. Paul:
That the matter of grading an alley from
grout street to Wayretta street, between Rice
and Albemarle streets (in block 2, Welds's rear.
rangement of Pa1st's out lots) be and the same
is hereby referred to the board of public works
to investigate and report:
First—le this Improvement proper and neces-
Second—Give the council an estimate of the
expense thereof, and state whether one-half of
Lha coat thereof Is to be paid Into the city
treasury before the Contract fele[.
Third—Can real estate to be assessed for said
improvement be fond benefited to the extent of
damages, costa end expenses necessary to be
incurred thereby?
Fourth—Is such improvement asked for upon
the petition or application of the owners of
Joripy. of the property to be assessed lor. such
Fifth—Send the council a plan ar prOf"
Paid lmProvement, .e required by law, ,1 you re-
port in favor of the same.
Sixth—Send the council a proper order dimt-
Ing the work to be done.
Yeas—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Can.
Approved May 9, 1890
By Ald. eulllvn—
It is hereby ordered by the common council of
the elty of 8t. Paul:
That Lhe matter of construction of sewer on
Dayton avenue, bet ween Fairview rid Cleveland
avenues, patltton attached, be end the same Is
hereby referred to the board of public works
to investigateand report:
Flrehis this improvement proper and a--
—Give the council an estimate of the
thereof, and beats whether one-half of
the cost the
coat thereof le to ba id tato the city treee-
tu before the contract to ]et.
Third—Can real eatute to be assessed for said
Improvement be }ound benefited tothe extent of
damagescosta and expenses necessary to be
carred thereby'
Fourth—]e such Improvement asked for upon
the jorftylOf the pron or oppe ty to be e.sescation of thosed foownersuch
I 'vement?
Fifth—bend the countll plan or yyrofile of
said improvement, a. required by ]a x, it you re-
port in favor of the as e.
Sixth—Send Lha council a proper order dicot.
the work Lo be done.
Yeas—Aid. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fieher, Gahan, %avanagh, LeltImu"s,. Malady,
Pratt Sanborn, 8ulHeart, Weber, N .. Dir.
PreeI en 16.
Approved May 9, 1890.
by the common tonsil of
That the matter of grad-
Laureel avenue to Fair.
them o ka to InvMtf-
a ce hereby re-
vement proper and meas-
Seeond—Give the council an estimate of the
expense tbereof, and tate whether one-half of
the coat thereof is to be paid into the city tcean-
ury before the contract ie let.
Third—Can real estate to be assessed for said
improvement be found benefited to the extent of
damages, cost. and expenses necessary to be in-
curred thereby?
Fourth—Ie such impatvement asked for upon
the petition or appliciroon of the owuere of a
majority of the property to be assessed for such
imps ovemeut?
Fifth—Send the council a plan or profile of
said Improvement, as required by law, If you Ora
port In favor of the same.
Sixth—Send the council a proper order direct.
Ing the work to be done.
Yeas—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Cooley,
Fieher, Gahan, Kavas Lelthauser, Ma-
lady, Pratt, Sanborn, 8 Ivan, Weber, Y ccg,
Mr. Paeeident—ld.
Approved May 9, 1890.
By Aid. Sock—
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the City of Sit. Paul:
-That the atter of grading Foster street
from Bsy to Canton stmt ba rid the same is
herebyreferred to the board of public works to
Investigate and report:
First—Ie this Improvement proper and necee-
Second --Give the council an estimate of the
expense thereof and state whether one-half of
the coat thereof is to be paidlnto the city treas-
ury before Lha contract 191et.
Third—Can real estate to be assessed for said
improvement be fond benefited to the extent of
damireee, costa rid expenses necessary to be In.
curred thereby?
Fourtb—]a such Improvement asked for upon
the petition or application of the owners of a
majority of the property to be aeeeeeed for such
Fifth—Bend the council apin oryrofileof said
IreDrovemeat, as requited bylaw, if you report
In favor of the same.
Sixth—Send the council a proper order direct,
Ing the work to be done.
Fishheerr. GehanickKC agh,ceLef hauler. M,,
lady, Pratt, 8nborn, Snlliven,Waber,Ycerg,
Mr. President -16.
Approved May 9, 1890.
By Ald. Lefthnuser—
[L is hereby ordered by the common council of
the city of 8t. Paul:
That the matter of constructing a sewer on
yy stmt, from Marla to Commerclal
stmt[ be and the same is hereby referred to the
,used o/ publfe works to fnvestlgate ad=:
First—le this Improvement proper and neces-
Second—Give the council an estimate of the
sx t 7 thereof, and ,tate whether one -halt of
!oat thereof 1,J
be paid Into the city treasury
fore the contract to let.
Third—Can real estate to he assented for said
provement be found benefited to the extent of
lamagea aceta and eapeusee necessary to be in-
oach �
be petition opetition applicatl thinofthekoa ere of a
n jority .!Xe property to be-asmssed for such
pp ovemedv!
Fitth—Seuithe,couneilaplan or profile of said
reproet t, as required by law, If you report
o favor of the same.
Sixth—Send the council a proper order direct -
ng the wo k to be done.
all—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen. Conley,
`Isher, Gehan, Karen . Leltbsuser, 3lelndy,
,ratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Y erg, Mr.
Approved May 9, 1890.
By Ald. Bock—
t la hereby ordered by the common council of
the City of St. Paul:
That the mutter f grading Tuscarora stmt,
:ore 3111to 1 to Hand is avenue be and the same
I. hereby referred to the board of public work. Third—Canrealestatetobeaesessedforsaldlm-
to investigate and report: provement be found benefited to the extent of
Fie.t—Is this Improvement proper and neces. damaR costs and exceuses necessary to be In-
eary'! curt" thereby?
exond--c;ive the council au estimate of the ea- Fourth—Is such improvement asked for upon
pease thereof, and state whether one-half of the I the petition or application of the o nets of a
coat thereof 1s [o be paid into the city treasury majority of the property to be assessed for such
before the emrtract is let. improvement?
Tbird—Can real estate to be assmPPd for said h ifth—Send the co mell s pin or profile of
improvement be found benefited to the extent of said improvement, as required by ]aw, It you
ages, costs rid exlensee necessary to In- report in favor of the same.
carred thereby? Sixth—Send the co,mrll a proper order direct-
Fnnrth—.e ap improvement staked for upon 11g the work to he done.
the petition or xppitcation of the o m of a 1' ns—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, tl,llen, Colley,
majority of the property to be asnessedlrfor such Fisher, Gehxn. Kave.nxgh, Leithxnser.3lelndy,
Julprovement? Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, l'cerg, Sirs Pres-
Fifth—Send the council a plan or profile of said i ident-10.
1m rovement, as required by law, If you report Approved May 9, 1890.
in Inc r of the same.
.'fxth—Send the tunnel a proper Order dicot- I —
ing the ,vork to be done. By Ald. Kxvaungh-
1 s—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bask, I;alien, i'nnley. 1[ is hereby orllredby the Common C'oun�il nI
Fieher, Gehxn, K¢vanegh, Le,thuuner, 3feln.iy, the CYty f St. Paul:
sPratt, Sanborn, Sulllvmr, tYrler, l'nmg, Mr. Pre- Thatthematter of pavingthedri vew¢yin P¢rk
ident—lu. Place Park with cedar block be and the same is
Approved May 9, 1R90. hereby referred to the board of
investigate and report: p°bile `works to
By Aid. Blom— Firet—la this improvement proper not necea-
It ,s hereby ordered by the Con,mai Council eery?
CYty of 9t. Paul: Smond—Give the council an timate of the
easTh t the matter of condemning and taking nu a pease thereof, and tate hether one-half of
neat fn the land abutting on Lawson stmt, the coat thereof is to be pelt Into the city treae.
becwcen MCMeuemy stmt and Clark tort, ury before the contract fa let.
pro dum d north from t:as, street, in s ids city, Th(rd—Can real eetsle to be aeeePned for said
that y be required [o construct the elopes for i provement he
found benefited to the extent of
c to and nlltl fu grading Bald Lawson treat to damages costs ¢rid expenses necessary to be I, -
hereby referred to the board of public works to Fourthere such Improvement asked for
Investigate and react[: the petition or application of the ow,ere �] t e
First—]s this improvement proper and nates- majority of the property to be ¢ssesard for each
sarv? ire emenc?
Second---<;lve the rouncll no estimate f the Aitl —Saud the council plan or ronle of
expellee thereof, and tate whether one-half of said improvement, xn -"limit
n council
. bylaw, �f you re -
the cost thereof is to be pp Id into the city trees- port in favor of [he same.
ury before the contract le let. Sixth—Seed the council a proper order direct-
ThIM—Can real enters to be xxseneed for aid prig the work to be done.
Improvement be found benefited Wthe extent of Yeae—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
l r ages, costs and expenses necessary to be In- pyahsr, Gahan, Kavanagh, Lefthaussr, Malady,
carred thereby? Pratt, Sanborn. Sullia-an, Weber, 1'oerg, Mr.
Fourth—Is each 1m rovement asked for upon Pmfdeut—i d.
the petition or application of the owner. of Approved May 9, iR90
majority of the property to be useeesed toe such
Ire},rovement? —
FYfth—Send the council a ylan or profile of By Aid. Sullivan—
mid irepprovement, as required by law, if you m- It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council
port fn fa or of the mine. of the City of St. Paul:
Sixth—Send the council a proper order direct- That the matter of grading Lincoln avenue
'n the work to be done. from Lexington avenue to Rnellingg a nue (po-
Y ea—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Back, (Aillen. Conley, If 10. attached) be and the same le hereby Oro-
Fisher,_ Gehan,. Kavanagh, Leith user, 3[o- }erred to the board of public works to 1 tf
Approved May 9, 1890.
By Aid. Blom— —
It ,s hereby ordered by the common council of
the city of St. Paul:
That the matter o(condemniug sad taking an
eatement in the Iaad abutting Jenks
stmt, between AleMmremy stmt and Clark
stmt, produced northerly from Calle stmt, In
said city to construct the tltopes for
cuts and fills in ggr ding said Jenks stmt to the
I bliehed rude thereof, be and the aame le
hereby referred to the board of public works to
inve.tigste and report:
Firer—la this improvement proper and nece,-
cond—Give the council timate f the
thee oat thereonse f fe to be and paid Intohthe city htrless.
ury before the contract 1s let.
rives -
gate and report:
Ffret—le this Improvement proper and neces-
sSeecond—Give the council so estimate of the
e pens, [hereof, rid tate whether one-half of
the coat thereof is to bep Id into the city treas-
ury before the contract ?aid.
Third—Can real estate to be assessed for said
Imp ovemeut be found benefited to the extent of
damages coats and expenses necessary to be In-
� rred thereby?
-Fourth-1. such Improvement asked for upon
:hejorittf of tor
he pplicatfon f the owners of
y } Property to be assessed for such
n ovement?
Fifth—Send the council a plan or proflle of
aid Ireprovement, an required by law, 1f you re-
sortIn favorof the same.
Sixtb—Send the council a proper order dicot.
ng the work to be done.
Year—Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock, Callen, Conley,
`letter, Gehan, Kavanagh, Lelthauser, Melady,
Pratt, Snub— Sullivan, Weber, Y..N• -Mr. grade thereof shown by the profile. of aid
In the matter of the repo L f the board of
That the board of Pub9e rks o[ said city
Pxaldeut-18. gr ads ou file in the calm of the register of dcsetla
May 9, 1890. In sad for Ramsey county and in the office of
y elft works dated May 8 1890.
Pt is hereby by the Common Council
Paul a the following fmprovemevt
the cit • engineer, said elopes to extend one and
befeet for
o ordered of
the Cit t St. Palo-
to be made, touwit: Grade Cleveland veli ue
from Summit ell to Otto ven 1n id
By Aid. Pratt— ne-h on said land ever)• foot of
Council cU[ or till lndinted ou the plea of said slopes
That the board of public works of said city of
8t. Paul cause the [o9owhtg Improvement be
city; that said board said work to be let
It is hereby ordered by the Common of
SG Paul: attached to aid port, and to be filed 1n the
ade, to wit: Grade Pym street from Eustis
by co tract, ae pmvided by law. without oma
haR the
the City
y o f
That the matter o[ grading Ru mond eau omce of said board.
street to west city limits iv said arty.
estimated Coat be fins first opaitl into the
city treasury, and atter said k shall be
from Langfo d avenue to Ru[ord a en be. and That said board shall pr It without delay
That said board u Bald work to be let by
placed under contract, Bald board shall proceed
the some is hereby referred to the board of pub- to ureses the nmo L es ly ns they can as-
rtalR the same which wdl ebe required to
tract, ae provided by lew,without one-half the
without delay to assess the amount as ly ae
lie works to investigate and report. pay
Flrnt. Is this improvement proper and sec- thedamages, Cost and n -sen expenses f
estimated coetbe lid rstapa dInto the cf[}• treas-
uta•, and atter said r shall be placed der
they can a rtafn the same, which will be x-
to pap the coat and necessary expenses of
y, such 11 ,it upon there 1 estate to
contract, said board shall proceed without licitly
ch improvemnt upon thereat estate to be be.
Give the council m timate of the benefitted by an Improvemnc, ns provided by
it being
to sasses cbe amount as nearly ae they can as.
filed by said improvement, as provided by law:
Cpence thereof, and tate whether one-half of law, the opltdou M the couuell that regi
the cost thereof is to be pp id tato the city tress- tate to be aeeessed for each improvemnt can
be found damage.,
certain the same, hich mill be required to
Pay the coat and necessary expenses of
being the opinfon of the cotmcll that real es-
tare to be aseeseetl for each tmprovement can be
wry before the contract is let. to the extent of the coat and
Third. Call real estate to be assessed for sold expense. nem'bary to be Incurred thereby.
h Improvement upon Lhe xal estate to be
benefited by aafd improvement, ea provided by
found benefited to the extent of the Coat and
e s v to be incurred thereby. '
ice t be found bettefl ted to the extent ]ens-Ail. RICL 1. Blom. Bock. Cullen. Conley.
law; it being the opinfon of the council that real
Ald. Blekel, Blom, Bock, Callen, Coale
77 y.
f the damagee- costs mud expenses necessary to Ffeher. Geban, L ebanser, A[elad t Pratt, San-imp
be innrred thereby'! born, Sullivan. Weber, 1'oerg, Mr. President-
tate to be assessed for nuoh ice can
be found benefited to Lhe extent of the cost and
,Fisher, Gahan, Leithauser, Malady, Pratt, San-
bora, Sulillen, Weber, Yoetg, Dir. Pre lidnt-
Four[h. Is such improvement asked for upon 16.
the petition or application of the o of Approved May 9, 1890.
7 s a y to be incurred thereby.
'Elan-Aid. Hlekel, Blom, BOCk, Cltlleu, Conley,
Approved May 9, 1590.
majority of the property to be assessed for such
Fisher. Geban, Leithauser, Melody, Pratt, San-
a i` nt? In the matter of the report [ the Board of
bOm, 9u91van, Weber, Y-M. Mr. President.-1 n.
May 9, 18A0.
k fifth. ..entl the c veil a plan or pp oHle of Yublic Warks dated Aiay 6, 1890.
improvement nit requixd by law, i(ryou re-
She matter of the report of the board o[
public works dated Map A, 1890.
Bald It i hereby ordexvl by the Common Council of
porthi [e`en of the same. the Cit)• of St. Paul:
In the matter of Lhe re rte f the board t
It Is herebyo ordered by the Common Connell of
Sixth. d the council a Proper order dim[, 6
hag to be done. That [ e board o[ public works City of
public works dated Max 4, 1b90 and May 6,
the City f St. Pa W:
That board
the work
Peas-Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley. St. Paul cause the following lm{� meat to be
Grade Lincoln
It fa hereby ordered by the Common Council of
[I18 of pUbliC works of tlaid City of
St. Pau] cause the tollowlµglmprovement to be
IIIade, to ,it: avenue, roommade,
Ffeher, l:ehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser. Me- Fairview to Cleveland In id
to. wit: Grade Chatsworth street, from
lady. Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan. Weber. Ycerg, avenue avenue.
Thatboard of ublie works of said cit
V y of
St. Paul
Laurel avenue to Goodrich avenue, inaafd city.
Mr. Pxsident--18.
Approved May N, 18H0. That said board cause said w k to be let b
nose the fol owing improvements to be
made, to wit: Construct o sewer on Walde eve-
That aafd board ceune said work to be let b
P by
contract provided by lafirsw, without a-half
e, from Maryland street to Lawson treat:
fibs eetim,u[ed Co.,
.cdb Into the city
By :Illi. Lelthnuser- treasury,and after aafcoilt d work eha0lbeolnced un
Itis hereby .misted by the Common Counefl of p
Lawson treat, from Weide avenue to Areeda
street; Arcade street, from Lawson street toon
treasury, and aContractfter said work hall be placed
der contract said board shall proceed without
Lhe City of St. Paul: delay to asaese the amount m nearly ae they
Phalan creek; York street, from Weideavenueto
out delay to siiesedtbeasmount ea nearl�tas
That the matter of grading alley In block 1 0( can ascertain the same, which will be requimd
Areade street; Sime street, from Weide avenue
to Areada street; Case Welde
they can ascartaill the same, which will be re-
Schu inefer's Seventh Street addition from Hop to Pty the coat and embsary expenses 7
street, from ave-
nun to Accede stmt; Janke street, from Walsh
quired topay the cost and necessary expenses
.stmt to Axade street be and the same is hereA such lice ovement a the real estate to be
Pr you
to Invest p
avenue to Arcade stmt; Cook street, from
of nth fmprovemevt upon the real estate to be
benefited •said
referred to the board of silt works -
p° I beneh' by said improvement, as provided by
gate nail report:
Greeubrler avenue to Arcade stmt: Af I
b ice
) provemeont, se{�rovlded by
law; IC being the n f the Cil that
law': Itbeing [he ophim of the nuucll that real
Firs[-In this improvemnt proper and umetc ! tate to be neseeeed for nth ice c can
treet, from Gmnbrier avenue to C ypme stmt:
Geranium from
rent estate to Un s.essed for such Improve-
be found benefited to the ezteutot the coat and
stmt, Greeubrler avenue to For-
eat stmt; Jessamine from Greenbrier
nt can be found benefited to tell
xtet of
the council an timate t the
e pease thereof, and state whether one-balof expee1ses rY to be incurred thereby.
street, av-
lie to Cypress street; Rose stmt, from Green-
the cost and expenses necessary to be incurred
1 s-Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
the cost thereof is to be pale into the city Fisher. Gehau, Lefthauber, Melody, Pratt, San-
brier avenue Lo Forest attest; DIa i d '[rest,
Yeas-Ald. Bickel. Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
treasury before the contract born, Sullivan. tVeber,Yorrg. Mr. Yrn+idenC-tfi-
Greenbrier avenue to Forest street; d
Greenbrier avenue, from Jessamine
Third-Can real to be assessed (oCscsaid Approved May 9, 1890.
street to Ma-
ryland street; and grade Weide avenue from Me-
Sanborn Sullivan, Weber. Yoerg, Mr. Prepd President
on provement be found benefited ce the .tent
of danmiies, costand expenses necessary to be
ryland etrcet to Wella stmt, in said cit y: said
Approved May 9, 1890.
incurred thereby. In the matter of the reports of the board of
bewaring and grading to be done one contract.
Fourth-Is such improvement asked for upon Public works dated April 14, 1890, and April
'. Y2, 1890.
That said board muse said work to be let by
contract, as rovided by law,
the petition or application of the o-I- of s
(o be for each I[ Is hereby ordered oS the Common Council of
without one-half
the estimated coat oafng fire[ paid into the city
the Iter of the report o[ the board of
public works dated May 8, 1890.
majority of the nroPerty xaseeRed
imFF:rovement" the City of St. Paul:
treasury, and atter enid work hall be placed
It Is hereby- ordered by the Common Council of
Flith-Send the council u �Ixn or profile of Th t the board of publlc works of aid city f
St. Paul cause the fo io wing improvemnt to be
under tout act, Bald board shall proceed with-
out dela to assess the amount
the (.7tye [ 9t. Paul:
ml t fern. if
ice puovemfithe ,y you to nada o wit: Construct a we oa Martin
portff i
inn y yes they, which will be xquired io
St board of p bliC w rP of snatm city
St. Paul enure the following Ice ro et is to
txet, from \'Irgl is a to Western avenue,
SI th-Send the aouncll n ptouer order dicer- s
in together switht rhe negro cry arch
toe an ecessary expenses 'd such
pay thecosts
be made, to -wit: Grade Gores street, from State
lug the work to be dol mr. said city,
leas-Ald. Bickel, Blom. Bock. Cullen, Conley-, basion and a hole'.
That board work to be let by
grading upcn the real tate to be benefited
thereby, end to Lhe extent of $1.768 rtoo[ upon
be benefited
stmt to Curtix street, in aaid City.
That said board cause ' id work to be.let by
Fisher, Gahan, Kavnuagh, Lelthanaer, Melody, said muse said
Sullivan, R-seer. 1'cerg, Dlr. -. Contract. es pro, by lain, without cue-halt
the xal estate to by a Id sewercontract,
provided by law; It being Lhe opmiou of then
as provlded by law, withoutone-half
the estimate do t bemBg first
Pratt, tI.J.Sanborn, the eatims[eIt coat ben first Into the city
council that teal estate to be assessed for said
Y, and net
treasury, said work balltbe himuzd
Approced May H, 189(1. treasury, and atter ba d •or shall be placed
sewer inn be found benefited to Lhe extent of
under contract aafd board ehatl proceed without
and •ontract, bald board shall proceed with-
$1.76 per foot towards the costs and expenses
delay to assess the atgouµt as early as[bey
t delayto asses' the amount as early as
In the mutter f the port f the Board of they call ascertain the same, which will be re-
necessary to be incurred for mid sewer, and to
the extent of the coat and exnenee. necea'ary to
can tell the same, w4ch will be required to
pay the coat soli nmesesat•y� expnsea of Im-
pWorks doted M. 8, 1890. quired to pay the coat and (ems cry exce I-
be incurred for said grading.
v e t upon the re 1 estate to be benefited
It is hereby ordered by the Co nniou Council of [each improvemeut upon the mal acinic to be
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
by Raid Improvement ae provided bylaw; it
the Cityof St. Paul: benefited by said Improvement, as provided by
Fisher. Geban. Leithauser, Dfelady, Pratt, Ban•
being the opiufon of the covnall that real estate
That the board of publlc w rke of the city of lam'; it being the opinfon obthe council that real
born. Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg Mr. President-
to be assessed for such tmprovement Can be
8t. Paid cause the following Improvemnts to be estate to be assessed for such Improvement can
found benefited to the extent of the coat and
made, to-uit: C ondemu and take an easement be found benefited to the extent of the coat and
Approved May 9, 1890.
eapenaes necessary to be incurred thereby.
Iv the land abutting on Fp.Irview street, be. expenses necessary to be incurred thereby.
tween Jackson street and Pennsylvania ave- 1 a Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Callen, Conley,
fitnecessary to construct the Fisher, Gehau. Lelthaus,r, Malady, Pratt, San-
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Work. dated Dtay 8, 1890.
Yeas-Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehea, LeIll rouser, MelUdy, Pratt,
nue. aafd city,
'lopes for cuts and figs In grading said Fairview born, Sullivan. Weber. Yoerg, Mr. President-16.
It ie hereby ordered by the Common Council of
Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg- Dtr. Presf-
stmt, between said streets to the established Approved Dfey 9, 1890.
the City of St. Paul
Approved May 9, 1890.
In the matter of the reppot of the Board of In the matter of the report of the board of
PubRe Work, dated May 7. 1800, nolle works dated Feb. 21, 1890.
hereby ordered by the Common Council of PL Is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
the qt of St. Pauli the City of St. Paul:
That the board of public. works o1 ,add city That the board 01 publle works of said city of
Paul cause the t.Rowin¢ Improvement to St. Paul, cruse the tollowlug improvement to be
be made, to wit: Grade the s11ry 1 block three made, to wit; Grade et. Bair street, from Lex -
8 rtl and addition to St.
t Panl In said cit . to ton avenue to Snelling
( 1 Po y R g avenue In said b city.
That said board came slaw work .. be let a I That said board Cause said work to be let by
contract, a, cost bel by law, without one-half contract,the estimate
ase Prot bei by rsw, without o e -half
the eetlmeted coat beingg first paid Into the city the estimated cost being first Pali into the city
. treasury, and after Id work ,hall ire ppl— treasury, and atter said work hall be placed
haAar contract, said board shall proceedwithotit under contract,mald board shall prooeeAwith-
di lay to assess the amount ns nearly as they out delay to assns the amount . uearlp as
can ascertain the same, which will be regqtI m they call ascertain the same, which 0.111 be
to pay the cost and neoessnry expense, of such ! quired to pay the Dost curl necewary pause.
1m eovemeut u at the real estate to be bene- of such 1m rovement u ou the real e.
p P P P
tate to be
fib e Id Ire eovemeut n rovfded b law- ]ren flied h • sal h
ted s p e d n rovement els rovlAed
it being the opinion of the counPll that real - l Inw; It being the oPli�fon of the pro
tate co be assessed for such Intpruvement cap be real estate to ire assessed for such Improvement
found benefited to the extent of the cost and can be found benefited to the extent of the cost
ex euses necessary to be incurred thereb}-. uud exlronsee nemsxary to Ire Incurred thereby.
?e Aid. Bickel, Rlom, Atrek, Cullen, Conley, Yeah -Add. Rickel, Blom, Acek, fYlllen, Conley,
Fisher, Gehan, Lelthnuxer, )leladyy, Pratt, San Fisher, C,ehun, Kavanagh, Lelthx9xer, Me -
born, Sullivan, Weber. Yoerg,Mr. Yresldeut-16. lady, Pratt, Sanborn, SuiB n. Weber, Ynem,
Approved May 0, 1800. Mr. Pre -30.
Approved Dlay 1), 1890.
In the matter of the report of the board of Adjourned.
Pubiic works, dated April '12, 1890: W.u. 11-Ol6 President of Council.
L 1s hereby ordered by the Comment Council of Tnos. A. PaeNORWIANr, City Clerk.
the Cit
yy of St. Paul:
That tie board al pubilc works nl said dt> of l Regular Meeting.
Paul, cause the following improvement to tea Sr. Pent., May YU, Itl9(i.
made, to wit: Grade Leslie avenue. from Vic- President If... fu the chair.
torts. street to Lexington avenue. In enfd city. Present-Ald. Rickel, Blum, Bock. Cullen, "o
That said board cause said work to be !st byy ley, Fisher. 1lehan, Lelthauser. Miutul Pratt,
contract, as provided by mw, without one -hall 1 SHuborn, Sullivan, Weber, YomrF, Mr. President
the estimated cost belug first paid Into the city -16.
treeaury, and alter said worst shall be PlaoeA 111nuteu of prea411n¢ meeting approved and
inkier contract, ealdboardshallproceea w thous a,M"'ed with.
delay to a„ess the amount ax nearly as they CANVAM of Vo .
can ascertain the same, which will be required to The president stated that the first bnsmess In
pay the frost and necessary expenses of such lm- order would be the canvas. of votes cast at the
pyrovement upon the real estate to be benefited general city election held In the city of fit. Paul
by said impprovement, as provided by law; Ic on Tuesday, the 6th day of May, A. D. 1890.
bring the opinion of the council that real estate The dip clerk announced that theeleetlou m
to be sassed for such Improvement t be turne of said election for the F, th el -Mo. the.
sound benefiBmsted to the ezteut of the cost and ex- trtct of the Ninth ward of said city had been
pe} _Add B4c4e1 Bu n. Bock, Cullen, Conley, fincurred therelov.el the ballot boxMMI l said o. felectf oil° ri a
Fisher, Gehan, Lelthauser, \lclariy, Pratt, Bnn- district.
born, Sullivan, Weber. Yoerg, Mr. President -16. Whereasp n the council directed the qty Berk
Approved May 9. 1890. to open the Id ballot hos nd take there-
from the Wald returns for the ,aid Birth
In the matter of the re Tort of the board of dlxtrict oft the Ninth ward, which the city clerk
Public work dated May 8, 1890. then and hele did in the presence of But coun-
L Is hereby ordered by the Common Council of l cid.
the City of St. Paul: The city deck announced further that he had
That the board of ppublic wort, of said city of been informed by the dudi!ee of lection for the
6t. Paul cense tbefollowing It to be Eleventh election Aietrict of [he Eighth ward of
made, to wit: Construct a sewer on Beaumont amid city that both coplea of the returns of said
street, between Edgerton street and Bettor , election for maid Eleventh district had been
street in ,add an .
That said board cause Bald work to be let b and oriotf Ramsey county led with the county
contract, a, Provided by law, without one-half Whereupou the council directed the city clerk
the eetlmnted cost hem
g first opalA Into the city to inquest the .ala con tl- auditor to bring to
treasury, and after said n k shall be laced the council the said envelope contalnitttgg the said
under contract, said board shall Proceed with- election returns for said Eleventh dietrlct.
out delay to asses, the amount as nearly as The said county auditor thereupon Drought
the can aecertnld the same 'h
y . which will be re-' to the conneii the Bald envNope, uud thea uud
qufred the coat and necessary xtHmee, there at the regntret of said council opened maid
t such improvement upon the rent estate to be e v lope in thepresence of old ceuudl, and In
benefited by ,aid Improvement, .e pro Ided by the Gresen< of maid ....Incl' dc'
h•ered to the city
iaw; It being the opinion of the council that teal derlc one of the two copies of the said election
estate to be assessed for much improvement c p ovement Can returns found In said envelope.
be found benefited to thef
extent to t o the cost The city clerk thereupon ti no for al that the
and ex n,es neceewtrt• to be Incurred h
pe - c t ereb}•. electlon returns cit 'aid
election for all the elec.I
Yeas -Add. Aickel, Blom, Bock, Chlllen. Conley, tion district, of said city were in his pnesesefon.
Fl.ber, Gehan, Leltbauser. Meted)) Pratt, San. and the council grocer It41 to canvass the votes
born, EutlWan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr. President east at said election of May It.
1890. -
-15. The following table .home the -.Oil .1 said
Approved May 9, 1890, can,._
tint.... ...
2, I ..................
t I ...............1
l ..
Nth ...
t l .......... .'
h ..
t c ..
n7. I
Nth r!I................I
1-t ..
7,tl 1
fh I
Atli I
inn I
it 1
1 t I
i I
rtl I
th Nth .. ....
9th I
I )In
14th ......
10 I
111 I
611 .. .. I
1111 I
if, l .....I
/ tl ... .I
113th......... ...1.
d _ 1
5th I
t t.
6tt I
tl I
x,h .
r1 nth
5th . I•
Sth .I:
Ith I'
7 tth
1711 li
t t I
' 4th l
lme ... I
R lin
iJ 11'11 I'II11
N 71;!1
101 211:1
21 r4..
g:t 2xA
17 111 Ixli
1. lr! III!1
21 Ihl Ili
77 In71 702
16 n,I 7177'7
I'1 l II II -I
t 1 !IH
1} 1i I I!I
;y Ix
7 7'I 6fl
0 1't Sri
x7 7R
2 71. A•
]If ]R.4: 113
4 I nl 77
02 62
2 i 1 77
I . 1111.5
n 1 x6
i t 1 11 1n3,
I s1 l i! 121
27 C 1'
R" h14
3 111
{ 7 � I1
(I ri l 54
f nt 66
] AI !
6 SI 1
. Ir 4N
•.II Ix. 111
2f 111' it%,
1 ,0
7 i' 117
A 1 9 Inn
17. 11471 7:ij
1 xx !iJ
I) 1=
1:1 V;7 lµ7
ll 7 7,
t A.i
171 1111. 961
11 111 Irl
16 11 _j A4.i
117. M i
11 l i0 1
2 x: 7-
47 1 I i 1:417
14 ::.I o 1
r 1nn1. 117:
1781 (1:4, I'
II Ix. 'Sell
101 11;' 77,
II 111.4. IUII
l0111 7r;
4 5A 12
n 61 1A
8 r 1 71
6 7Il 6:0
r r7', 411
1 17' A4
4 2 ]1;
N 7
1 n: :31
L. Ix' 2:
11 16!11 l.n
...................... ........
1 i
....! .Ili
1 t
I 112
1 11:4
Cil 1
................. ..............
7 If
1 1
1 illi
7 0
r 1
L. .
4 n
I 18
t 1
.......... ....................1
... 24
1 1
1 {
, .,
. J7
1 h
d .................. .......
111 7
a... .. ..
d.. ..
r1,.., ..
Al... ..
d... ...
a .. .....
.. IA
... deli
.. ....
.... 117
I ... ....
% �
th . ..l
I i i>
l4 it
th.. ...
.h..... ......
; 66
h.. ....
.h.. ....
1 t 1
,h... ....
9 i
.. ......
D i
.. i,.
.... ...
1 61
] 12
.. .....
] 1'47
(' 14.
I l (
1 O
7 1
2' 01
7 114
-ai 8
1: 1
. ... ....
.. .....
ri 81
6 411
1 _'-
4 Bit
1 131
.. -.. - ...
. ......
7S 2%,
7 2 Yi
... ...
I 71
1 0
:4 r
_ I I
II 1
+r .41 11
3 7-2
11 r
Ij tot
1 2
I y3 9.:
]4 61
R 713
3 86
2 R-1
.. .....
1 0�
A t
1 84
... .....
I 1:1
... ...
4 19
... ...
7A ...
........... ........... .....
........ .... ......... .....
11; til
.................... .......
7 n
......... ..
I b..167
, 1
6 R.
tl.. ...
tl .. ...
2 1 1
9 go
7; 67
,2 97
nl.. _.
11 16_1
111 117
11 116
t h.. ...
.. 111
I; 11
2. 18
1 ... ....
.. 111:4,
71 r
r Ifni
1 13A
11 9.11
1..:. ..
1A1. I11!I
1.... .........
it 1211
107 l�
lI I
16 1141
r, 11181
2 I
fl. 1171
12" 7
t', A»I
1 t I'll
i f
12 0.
48 111,
1:1 60
0 11:7'
11 113
.. ..
O 61
7' 46
10 06
13 45
711 911i
, IN
7 lur'
21' lit
2_ 117
21 S2
'1, ria
22 71
2 rill
... ...
91 6r
0� 62
... ...
1 it
6, 7r'
7 8S
]0 71)1
9 S3
10', 47'
7 M:
]101H11;27I11 1'
tx x
12d 7
6 �
29 719,
6 tl
7 71
7 M1O
1 i
1 t
l'i 6'
M1 211
17 1 9]I,1
4 ItL12-1
tl:_ .........
•1, ...
111' :111
1. 18'
141 31•11
134 1,10201
11597,106'2 9631 1118011 13'1,9866,10
R lin
iJ 11'11 I'II11
N 71;!1
101 211:1
21 r4..
g:t 2xA
17 111 Ixli
1. lr! III!1
21 Ihl Ili
77 In71 702
16 n,I 7177'7
I'1 l II II -I
t 1 !IH
1} 1i I I!I
;y Ix
7 7'I 6fl
0 1't Sri
x7 7R
2 71. A•
]If ]R.4: 113
4 I nl 77
02 62
2 i 1 77
I . 1111.5
n 1 x6
i t 1 11 1n3,
I s1 l i! 121
27 C 1'
R" h14
3 111
{ 7 � I1
(I ri l 54
f nt 66
] AI !
6 SI 1
. Ir 4N
•.II Ix. 111
2f 111' it%,
1 ,0
7 i' 117
A 1 9 Inn
17. 11471 7:ij
1 xx !iJ
I) 1=
1:1 V;7 lµ7
ll 7 7,
t A.i
171 1111. 961
11 111 Irl
16 11 _j A4.i
117. M i
11 l i0 1
2 x: 7-
47 1 I i 1:417
14 ::.I o 1
r 1nn1. 117:
1781 (1:4, I'
II Ix. 'Sell
101 11;' 77,
II 111.4. IUII
l0111 7r;
4 5A 12
n 61 1A
8 r 1 71
6 7Il 6:0
r r7', 411
1 17' A4
4 2 ]1;
N 7
1 n: :31
L. Ix' 2:
11 16!11 l.n
In the matter of
repport t the Board of In the matter of the repot
Hay 7, 1x90. o Ip _bile works dated Feb. 21,
y the (bmmon Council 1 It Is hereby ordered by the
I: the City of St. Pan]:
publlc worke of Bald tits That the board of public t
tollow'in 1,m rovement to St. Paul, cause the followful
,de the alley 1n block three made, to wit: Grade St. C1i
the board of
on Council of
of said city of
ovement to be
+set, from Lex -
tinder contract, said board shall proceed without under contract, said board shall proceed with -
delay to assess the amount .s as'
rly as they t delay to a sere the amount a nearly as
can ascertain the me, which will be regI im. they can ascertain the as e, which will be re
to pay the cost and ecessary eapeneee o[ ch , qulred to pxy the Dost and receaear expenses
Improvement upon the a] estate to be bene- f each Improvement upon the teat a tato to be
fited by said Improvement, as provided by law; benefited by said improvement, us provided by
it being the opinm. of the cotmcil that real es- ,law; it being the opinion of the council that
tate to be assessed for such lmpr ve ant caabe tea] estate to be xaeeased for sur. Improvement
found benefited to the extent t the cost ud can be found benefited to the eatenc of the coat
expenses necessary to he Incurred thereby. and expensYea—Aldes necessary to be incurred thereby.
Fissheer, Geban,icke, Leithauser, Back, Cullen,
Prat San}-! Fishe,,. GetBickel., ceLeithauser,oaNie.
born, Sullivan, Weber. Yoerg, Mr. Preetdent-15. l lady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan. Weber, Y oerg,
Approved May 9, 1890. I Air. Preeldent16.
In Ins master o[ she Appproved May 9, 1590.
port 1 the b dot Adjourned
public works, dated April 2l, 1890: Wn 11—M, President of Council.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of Too,. A. PRENnERGAW, City Clerk.
the pty N St. Paul:
That tie board of pp blit works of said city of Regular Meeting.
Bt. Paul, cause the tolls lag b`prove -cut to be ST. PAIIL, lfay 20, 1890.
made, to wAt: Grade Leelie aeu from Vlc- President Hamm In the chair.
torts, street to Lexington avenue, In said city. Present—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con-
Tbaff..�aid board cause said work to be .et byy ley, her, Gahan, _.thauser, Minen, Pratt,
contrabc, se arovided by law, xithoat one-half Sanborn, Sullivan, Weller, Tcetg, Mr. Presl dent
the estimated cost being first pald luto the city 1 —15.
treasury, and atter said work shall be laced Minutes of preceding meeting approved and
under contract, saidboardahallproceed without dispensed with.
delay to assess the amount as nearly Aa Lhey CANVA:: OF VME,.
can ascertain the enure, which will be required to The president stated that the first business ht
pay the cost and necessary expenses of such ]m- order would be the Canvass of votes east at the
provement upon the real estate to be benefited geueral city election held In the city of St. Paul
by eatd Impprovement, as provided by law; It OCT.
the fith day of May, A. D. 1890.
being the opinlon of the m provided
that real estate The city Clerk a.nolmced that the election me
to be assessed for such Improvement can be turns of said election for the Eighth election d1e-
found benefited to the extent of the coat and ex- trlct of the Ninth ward of said city had bee.
pensee necessary to be Incurred therebv. laced by the Judges of election for said df. Hot
1'eae—Ald. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Cullen, (buley, In the ballot box used at said electio. in Bald
Fisher, Gehan, I.eithauser, Malady, Pratt, San- district.
born, Sullivan, Weber, Ynerg, Mr. PreBblent-16. Whereupon the Council directed the efcy clerk
Approved May 9. 1880. to open the id bu]Iot box and take there-
from the Id returns for the old EI¢.th
In the matter f the ret of the board of district of the Ninth ward, which the city clerk
ppublic work dated Mey.8, 1890. then and there did In the pressure of enid coun-
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of cit.
the CYty of St. Paul: The city clerk announced further that he had
That the board of public work, of said city of been Informed by the Judges of election for the
St. Paul canes the following Improvements to De I Elevet�tlon district of [he Eight. ward of
made, to wit: Construct a sewer on Beaumont id y that both copies of the return.+ of said
street, between Edgerton street and Bedford 1 election for said Eleventh district bad been
street, in said city. placed I I the envelope filed with the county
That said board cause said work to he let b auditor of Ramsey county.
contract, as provided by law, without one -halt 1 Whereupon the council directed the city clerk
the estimated cost being first ppald into the city : to request the :aid county auditor to bring to
treasury „and atter said rork shall be laced 'the council the said envelope containing the said
under contract, said board shall proceed with- election returns for said Elevehth district.
out delay to assess the amount as nearly a: The said county auditor thereupon brought
they can ascerta117 the same, which will be re- to the council the said envelope, and thea and
qulred to,pay the coat and necessary expenses there at the request of said Council opened said
of such Improvement upon the real eatste to be envelope In the presence of said conudl, and in
benefited by said improvement, as provided by j the presence of enid council delivered to=
law; it being the opinlon of the council Lhat real clerk one of the two copies of the said election
estate to be assessed for such Improvement can returns found In said envelope.
be found benefited to the extent of the cost The city clerk thereupon announced that the
and expense, necessary to be incurred thereb
y. election returns of said
election for ell the elee-
Yeas—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, CYilten, Comely', tion districts, of eaid city were In his, possession,
Fisher, Gehan, Lelthauser. Nleladyy-- Pratt, 9n - and the council proceeded to canvass the votes
born, Sulliva., Weber, Yoerg, Mr. President 'cast at said election of May' «, 1890.
—15. The following table shows the result of said
Approved May 9, 1890. canvas,:
1st.... ...
R d ..................
4th ................
8th ................
I at.... ................
d.... ...........
4d...... 5555. _5555
4 to
Rin ... .._ ..
7th ....
7th .............
9th... ..
1 ntn... ... ....
4th ................
7th ..............
7th ..............]:
9th ..............{
i st............'r:..
I th.............
4 tI........ _ ;....
6th ...............
7th .................
7th .. ..
8th... ...
9th..... .
kith ...
I1 th
1st. ... ....
211 ..................
: S t h ................'
4th ................
1 t h ............. ...
Rt h ................1
9th ................I
lith 5555. ..........
lith ............. ...
12th ................
1 R t h ................
1 1 th................
1 at ...... .........
211 ..................1
:td ................ 1
t t h ................
5tht h ................
f1, t h ................
7th ...............
9th ................ I
9th ........... ....I
1 uh................
I/18th ................
/ lst.................1
Rd. I
nth I
6th . ... ..I
h ..
7tl .. ... .. ...I
9t1 .. ... .I
] t I
1 I
41 .. ..I
4th � ..I
h..... .
8th:]:: .
17th ... .. ..I
h. 5555 .t
12th..... .I
let.. ...r
8d........__...... I.
6th................ :
lith ................ ]
11th:. II
2d.................. '
8d.................. '
le t................I •
let ................ ]
2d ................. it
8d ................. 1
9z 41 82' W
79 ] r, 1261
IIIf s,!1 113:11
12 1 10:1,1 11'1
91 fir, '206
88 6:4 106 RI
n.t r,5 Y70 7,
KS I8 1811 77
l 161 921 2(1
S'2 7i go 31
i« I 911 ]:1.1
Sol IF. ll= 1:,:1
,O 211 '1011 11�+
R7 17 lilt R:
Rn l6 ion. 1131
'01 irk 1:171; 1,11
it l sl
151 4. 511 1+.
))9 t fit! In
II , SI 11
+.1 1 So iii
8:4 11 8!1 ILS
{l1, 8 .�I 1,iS
9'2 101 S'_ fl2
t0 1., 1.4_ ]:511
)4 6 1 ) 1211
'9 31, !I0 1G1.I
�I! FiCi I'4li
iii' 21 1:121 1 i
1L 7' 11 II ')16
su 1o, 11L; kir,
i 1-I1
' 1 1
11, (7 06
Go Gd
Ori IIIO 11.51
8U 13 78 11"
R!) 511 134'j .I.
9 R9' 4s,
Oil' r, 11.1. 714
16, 2 7111, !16
171 7 las 1,-1
181 a" 92 117
21 4 8u ibu
I 4. I I _
fill 2 2 6_
%ail8 42 1,9
3 72 166
$ 96 lI's
7R 111;,
1111 3 A6 1.5
RR 17l
47 1 81 1.1
Fi 40 113
.... 19 1,551
7n 46 :1
)0 5555. 6 65 1P 1
99 « 1 P9
)7 6 full 1'19
0:5 24 124 8`1,
74 _ Fi.S
68 2 (Y 29
72 5 71
tG 9 ]:i 1
4 16 1911 1 6
411 6 7:t
)7 1:., 1117 11 n
:S 121 .17 q.�.
J f 11, bl'
I r l 1�' SI Su
7I 2 19 13
2'1 F 1 11191 .15
11 ` 1 S71v
9' 11. 101 1:iii
114 ]11!1
01 16 114 77:
o' .� ]n9 tut
it91 1 SS ()'4
a x9 is9
R l:t 111 Int
9 4R'. 14:5 111,
la 1..o ,13
fl ll 1Gt 141
Ii III GG 92.
4r218 7 11)6 1.9'..
111:12 10349
... .........._......._i
5555 ..
............. ...................I
.......... _....................
1 x
gid ...........................
1d ................. ............
ffi _..
-. ..
Id ...........
rd ................ 5555...
.5555. 1-1'
...1� ]nR
] 12
td ................
td ...
1 _
1 ................
1........... .. ...................
.. 102
1 ............. ...
1 ............. ................
f .......................
1 ..................... _.........i
5555. 1110
th ..............................
th...... ..... .... ..............
� 1 :
th ............ ... ........
_.... 1 1.4'j
... '119
1,1 9n
1 i8l
th........... ..................
• :12
1 a l
th.. 5555..
5555 �..
ch ._
gh 5555...
th .....
.. ]02
1 11,
5555 .......................
.. 94
33 :
1171 1
Gnl 11
1901 L
.......... ..................
721 1
................... _.
.. ............
.......... ..._
ii i
1 1
............... ..............
5555 . .............. ............
5555 .. ....................
73 5555...
............ .................
......... ...................
.............. 55555555...
... ........... 5555..
1,11.........._ .. .... .........
1 1
9n 1
1 77
93. ..
tl 5555.
5 R4
( i
t ..
1 2
11 13
SII' 71
V0 is
1025 11
'1 5555._
5555 201111
1291 20
991 14
1 ..._.
1 206'
94 21
143 11
... _..
1 7
116. 11
61. Ill
5555.. 471
9:'' 4
.................. .........
1141 7
21, 821 11
:i' 6:11 6
.. ...
7 5, 14
R 761. 14
. 5555
1 rib 1'1
10 47i 7
11, 791, 10
:a Fill 4
].. Rl 8
............. ...............
'21 70'' 4'.
5555... 5555 ..............
621 126.
]0 71
G 41
rtit.. ................._
4 26
13 16nj
1Lh...... ....................
161 :i4
If h ..........................
]i 1R
11021,1311I10l01'111u97, lOGY;9631, 1118(
9z 41 82' W
79 ] r, 1261
IIIf s,!1 113:11
12 1 10:1,1 11'1
91 fir, '206
88 6:4 106 RI
n.t r,5 Y70 7,
KS I8 1811 77
l 161 921 2(1
S'2 7i go 31
i« I 911 ]:1.1
Sol IF. ll= 1:,:1
,O 211 '1011 11�+
R7 17 lilt R:
Rn l6 ion. 1131
'01 irk 1:171; 1,11
it l sl
151 4. 511 1+.
))9 t fit! In
II , SI 11
+.1 1 So iii
8:4 11 8!1 ILS
{l1, 8 .�I 1,iS
9'2 101 S'_ fl2
t0 1., 1.4_ ]:511
)4 6 1 ) 1211
'9 31, !I0 1G1.I
�I! FiCi I'4li
iii' 21 1:121 1 i
1L 7' 11 II ')16
su 1o, 11L; kir,
i 1-I1
' 1 1
11, (7 06
Go Gd
Ori IIIO 11.51
8U 13 78 11"
R!) 511 134'j .I.
9 R9' 4s,
Oil' r, 11.1. 714
16, 2 7111, !16
171 7 las 1,-1
181 a" 92 117
21 4 8u ibu
I 4. I I _
fill 2 2 6_
%ail8 42 1,9
3 72 166
$ 96 lI's
7R 111;,
1111 3 A6 1.5
RR 17l
47 1 81 1.1
Fi 40 113
.... 19 1,551
7n 46 :1
)0 5555. 6 65 1P 1
99 « 1 P9
)7 6 full 1'19
0:5 24 124 8`1,
74 _ Fi.S
68 2 (Y 29
72 5 71
tG 9 ]:i 1
4 16 1911 1 6
411 6 7:t
)7 1:., 1117 11 n
:S 121 .17 q.�.
J f 11, bl'
I r l 1�' SI Su
7I 2 19 13
2'1 F 1 11191 .15
11 ` 1 S71v
9' 11. 101 1:iii
114 ]11!1
01 16 114 77:
o' .� ]n9 tut
it91 1 SS ()'4
a x9 is9
R l:t 111 Int
9 4R'. 14:5 111,
la 1..o ,13
fl ll 1Gt 141
Ii III GG 92.
4r218 7 11)6 1.9'..
111:12 10349
;LEC viorT, MAY 67 A_ D_
JuNtirea of thr Yrarr. I•llistim of _ Constables.
µ I ��
-the —ed
_: I = Intlt
Y .�,
_ = < - S - '�
_ _
�I -y1
I L.
- 1 I
1 1 -
- -
i I
I _
i 1
1 171 19
1% i .II .-- .1. ..
I.. 75:11 8111 lIn 111 ..:I... X.11 x111 111, l; 11. ....
I:i 17 IRI 1110 1412 !111
1'LUI 78 121 I(.. .... .. '. .. .,, .I� .'.. .. .. -.. .�.
.. 1011 !19 11i7 1!,11 .. 111_1 971 7G 1,l 114 ....
3F 11,2 1+n 711 lh1 ]1,11
12 ]]RI Ns 111 9u na
1621111 la 11 4:,11 ...... .. .'' ....... .. ... ..I '�T
112 7v IL A. .:.... ... _... .. ....:.I. '.. .. .. .....:.
.. _ .....
.. .. - _ .. _ .....
.. 7) 7X1
1`371 lAn 171 1!12
•:_: 170'. 772 109 17} 1R7
211.1 1,91 21R 1,' ... ....1 ... ............ ..1,. .... 1. .....
]R1 72 1971 (i7' .... ... ..j .. '........ . .. ...... �. .....I......I .. .....
71 2101 1821 ..I 911 ]Ail 19411.......
.. S. h2 Y9:i 2 71 ......I 871 821 27.1 2741 .....
1 , •�71 27.;
2117 ° ... .. ...
91 _11 ]11
... .. ,�... 721 74 182 11 SI .... 72 1iRl 1Rr ]il ....
91 ]:r:, I/iU 171,
1x71 18 tl ... .... .... ..1. .. .... .......
..... ..
.. ... ...
.. _ ...
9�II 711 ?OI 2/ 11
12 x X 11 h l 8:3 Sil
- 0 5(ij .....1 __... .... .. .. ..
.. '..
8 8' ::�)
....I n3 (37 711
- u7 091 79
l . 41 11 .. _....'. .... .. ...I
11.1 :In R- }11'11 _
... ...
.. .
121 11111 111:1 1711 1111 n rr7
1:1 I,n' li 1 li7 71
^ 1271 11911 IIn 111 7111:
... .... ..I. -
19.{1 .... ...lnl 50 1 4 _...... '. ..
.. I...
11 121. .. .
Itl I % ]7-1 1221 I!It ]1381. .....
111j 7011 170 l i.t 1 i' 1!11;
LIiO .. 11 lll:t7 I { 1 ' ........ ......
_.. - _ _ ..
1+I 111111(1!11 !111 fl1 ..
1 11 '` •1.t �I !17 ]0.;
t-. 11 111 1
1211..... .. 111 74 11-.. i1,.... ...... .. .:I. 1.. .' ..
... 1..
... 921 1x 1X11 ]071
11:11 li[17::1 lr;l 1071 It .
1 8X !1-I
l:t].... ... ....1x7 UL : 1,n _ ... ...... i...
.. ... ...
.- I 15
.... .. ... 9 ... .. 111_:1 Rxl 1NR
]1011)t1 ..
O:i 1 1
l' 1 i 0'
1d fl 11
.. ..
1... _ .. .
1 fl LN
1cj i iY iil ...
11 li 111 ]:t
is :...
1 11 1 11,
" 11.1 {111 all 5 lir 1111
- ...
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79 9H 621 11 K1 111!{1 full 70 'it" nL
...I.... ..I .. 791 71 Il. .4 1 i. K7 771 7R 5,81 4451 1:42
. .. .. ]l7 113 8711 11:41 11451111. 4s 5" 1KI 5,2. I!)S
., 1. _. 1. .. 101 x1! li lii 1 Its Ji 911 711- 11411:18
.. rill I I it n 1 ,- lilt ol); N 51, 11
.. 17 51 fij 1 1 7' ,21 67 1,111 . 89
I{ 111 1,3 71 I I' 71 ,!l� 1A 681 I{x 811
... I. ..I 11'111 118 I r 11 1111 I!1. 135 1411
.. -9 nlfj 1 1' l l - Rx! 791 1111 11,x1. ...
i1 28I ^1 1£11
' ... ._.._ ,.. of 1 10o 111 .' .. 77 Wo 110 1191 ..
•1 I,,1 7:1 it,. .._. .. t6 1 1 41.41 1021._..
Tal 1 K1 x41
.. 111 r ..
IS i I IS 1 S lil I 11:41 123'._
17 to
71 11.1 7 1 711 h5 Ix', I I 7.1 So! loll n ..
114 117 14 H 197 11!1 11
129 113 18 ]4 1 li 122, 111 11 ...... 1 i 111 lllsl 1114 ...
100 124 9 4'. .. ..... ... ]nil 1111 l IA'. 111 .... ., 106 1201 10X1 101 ...
174 110 1r 11 '. ... 112 lsh' K1' 1 .._ .. 7711 26111 911 011 ..
117 10 1; 1 .. :: 1 ) .... .1071 1301 411 77 ......
203 1211 10 _1S .. ln7 1'U 111 ... 1911 21:41 12::1 1201 ...
]RD 91 8 C, ... .. 1-I1 1I 111 x ....: 141 14%1 771 701.. ...
208 76 lA 91 ... .. lflri 14'1 h6, 1 _.. 26:4 221 NAI 911. ....
114 1201 4M1 t6 .. ... ... .I 1131 l ix. I tfll 111 .. Ill 1211 1213 120`........
71 M18 12 7. ..... 771 K11. 1 1 .� 7 7H� 1,21 -7... ..
1011, 1 1 11111, 1 1 ..... 1 1 1 1 ill 1081 1 1'21
78 158 A 4 .. .. .. .... .
....,,, ....• 811 Ill' t Kr A,! 711 71.
nn u n .., .... 9u;
•...... ..... ... 171 C1 _. 361 4; 12: ; II ... .' si I6i 4al 4-0L. .....
,, ,,... .. ... 1931 8U 91. ... 11111 111 92 9 ... 117. 1141 111 871... ...
001104 2_ .. .... 721 17, 114 1... 71S1 7.41 1121 1141.......
„ 1211 7M1 Y'1 ... .. 11X1 101' s4 7:; .... 100! 161 X01 NSrI.. .....
... ..� . 6H 17 A .. .. ri41 li:f 111 r 4 If 1 5,1111 1,111 m1 ........
.. .. .... - 1301 fi. riYl........
...:, , .. 192 OAI li .. :.:.. 1211 1271 171 51 125 1
.. .. ... .. 1 .:. 7142 71 (r l... .. ..... Its] 1:12 72 1. .... 171111 7:12 1{411 17111.......
... ... 141 71111 Il .... ... I:i3 ]214 7!11 f .. 1:171 12X'. 77' 731........
'... ..
so 41{ 1.41 .. '� 1'71 Iii IDI 1 ... 0 1111 491 M181........
1111 77 U 1370 tai 741 % ..... 971 11-:4 71 76 .. .....
,6 4411 1 .. ... 181 rix 111 1 .. 41 rlil 441 4i ........
r . ..
121 181 1111'137 116 4711 11411 111 Ill! 1 ) i {'i 421 421 771 711' ,,,,..
xi Kt xl
.. I Itri I 1. I6 r ri0 4i 67 7111.......
„ � ]IIII 1121 7241 114111.......
1011 6+r 7 .. HS, x9 119 fl 71' 1111 s71 1;1{1 711....
2.7 43 7.. lx 22 :it;! 13' .... )f,'. '2:41 'ltl 7111 M1ril.
........ ... :I I .. .... ...... 144 Na il' 1'74 11 7 11 74 Hr 'lA 201..
... ....., „. .. ... 1110 lriil 9u 91 1391 I IIS 1 1
41 9 8911 ail r 861 tall •411 401........
. ..1. .. 1 ... .. Y.S 1 :til i 1 16 1 ..I L '141 X21 161 111.......
_ -
117-13113-7811611571135300511251330299 73211311110'66, 106_118Ju1,U !6,1172.,9641 41.3110.102110_14 105S12110214:9187!9105 1205
S-tt.rleg vote., 29.
In the matte
Pubic Worker
It Is hereby on
the (At
y t 8
That the boa
I St. Paul Mu
be made, to pd,
(il), Portland,
'1T'hat fluid bo
contract, xe ppr
the estlmxted.0
treasury, and i
nader contract
delay to a.-
cana -,let. t'
to pay the coal
impeovio.-t t
filed by said In
It being the oph
late found i be '�
expep recede
x-A Id. BI
Fisher, GehBa,
born, eulllvap,'
Approved k[e
In the matter
ilHite works, do
t 1, hereby cord,
the (ity f Bt,
That tie boat
8t. Paul, eansaa
ads, to t:
Lona stmt Ctrs
That said Dos
Contract, as yrc
ire... ry.aa d all
dAer contract,.
elayy to__ th
Pay the -at Bat
rovement Upon
befn8 Ne said opiplppon
lif r a benefited I
Fishers Gehua,I
born, Snlllvxn,
A I'P_rd MBy
In the matter
yuWic work date
It 1. hereby- ors,
the(Ity (Sit]
That Lhe boar,
St. Paul can,eett
made, to wdt:o
It: bet, n
street, In ealA cit
That said flow
contract,as prpI
the eatlmated �c6
tresaury, and 'et
out delay
t dat
they awn a.terte
of euSI ll l.pavespay Cit
benefited by Haid
law; It he
being t
tae to be as
be fiou d beved0
and expense, aft
Yeas-Ald. RkA
Fisher, Gehan;L
born, Sulllyarr;"
-I u.
Approved May
W hereupon the preaideut env --aced flanu
t Romb- term of two ye,n from and atter the first Tuea-
t .\. emitb, havlug melved the hiebeet - day of June. A. D. 1890.
bee of voles cast for mayor of surd city t exld The president announced that Walter H. San-
elec[lon of ]lay n, IH9U, was duly elected mayor horn having received the highest number of
f unlit cit))- (or the teen of two years Irom ad
c tee cast for alderman of the Seven th rd of
after the flat Tuesday of June, A. D. 1800. said city s,. said elecilon of A[a 6th, 1890, was
The president annouutrd that John W. Ruche. duly elected
of the c th w d of
having received the highest number of votes raet said city for the term of two yearn from and aft -
for city Compptroller of said city at said election er the Nrat Tuesday of June, A. D. 1890.
of \Iny 1i. IR1 teas duly- elected city comp- The president announced that Hermann Bie-
trollerof said dtylor the term of two
years from Ile
having received the hlgheat number of
and after the first Tuesday o1 Julie. A. D. 1890. votes, cent for alderman of the Eighth ward of
The president x -need that George Rel,, �said city at said election of May 6th, I S, was
hacinKmrlveA the highest number -f votes cunt dui))- leered Idermau ai the Eighth ward f
(or city treasurer of .slit city at said election of avid cit)• for the term at two year, from and sit
6, 1890, was duly rieeted city treasurer of er the first Tuesday of June, A. D. 1890.
s id cit)- for the teen of two yearn from and The president aurouuced that John F Geh-
after the first Tuesday of.lune, A. D. 1890. having received the higghest number of votes cast
The president nrnuounted that Henry \t'. Cory, for alderman -(the \lath ward of said efts nt
h suing cecelrei the higbest number of votes cast said
election of May 6th, 1890. wait duly eiEQ`ILd
(or judge of mnulci purl court of xald city at s id I ald,rn a o[ the \loth w rel of said city [or ll%
election f tiny- if, 1800, Was duly- elected judge lama of tiro yeah from Had after the first Tues -
f n nDlelpai r art f aid clip for the Leon of day Of June. A. D, 1890.
I.- 1'en rs Irom and after tris Hort Tuesday of The president a -need that Leonard J.
June, A. D. 1890. lloburr lacing rerelved the hfgl st umber of
The president u u d that John Twoby, v tea cult for aldenvuu of the Tenth ward of
J r., hx -i1u8 received [I, rhfghest u n ober of votes Haid city at said election l May 6, 189U; was
[ for J dge of tnuNcipnl art fol Id city at "Illy reefed WiDautn of the Tenth ward of
ca d election of ,u 6, 1890, was duly ehv.•ted said city for the term n! two pears from and
fudge of mil de, pal court f sold clic for the atter the first Tuesday of Juue, A. 1', 1890,
term of tour peen from and alter the flat Tues- The president announced Lhat Deniiia� AI. Sol_
Aay of Juue, A. D. 1890. lira- having rived the highest h nnber of
The president sur n d that Charles R. votes, cast for alderman f the Ele)'enth d
Finndrxu, Mark Costello, tVi0lsm A. \'an 81yke. , f said city at aid election f \[ny 6, 1890,
William Bainholner. Jo�rph \lines d Blcherd w duly elected alderman Of the hie ward
8. )Ic\xmce, havlug Ived the big
num- of said city for the term of two yeare from and
her of voter cast for lderinet at large of aid atter the first Tneaday of June, A. D. 1890.
rity Ireted aIderme atr said el -ti- ofmrge of 6. 1890, id city forrthe Donne pre,lident a having reeeleed the,hat bighesttnek G,rMe'
term of two yeara from and after the first Tues_
'. votes cast for justice of the pence of U.
day of June, A. D. 18911. t said election of Map 6, 1890. was duly elected
The president ani -noted the John Copeland, Justice of the Isaac, for the dietrlet 1pmg east of
navin8 received the highest number Of vMesclwt \Yabs.ha It. In Wald pity, for the term of
for alderman of the First ward of said city at two years from and after the first Tuesday of
said election of )Ia1' Ii, 1890, wm, duly elected I June, A. D. 1890.
alderman of the First ward of -fit arty for the The president announced that Frank -C. Bur -
term of two Sexn from suit after the first Tues. I gess having recalled the highest number of voted
dap of June. A. D. ]ADO. t for juatice of the peace of said city t , id
Toe =!41, m s n n d that Frederick W. election of May 6. 1890, was duly elected rustics
Boit, 1Ived nthe higbest mixt of t the peace for the district lying west f aba-
votes .nut for Warman of the Strood werA of ohs stmt. In said City for the term of t years
id city at said election of May n, 1890, wee � from and after the flat Tuesday of June, A. D.
daly- elected aldermen of the Second ward of 1890.
id my for the term of two pears from and The president announced that Archibald Bic -
after the first Tcesday of June. A. D. 1891). t 1 Anbur, having received the hlgheat n Det of
The president annnuneed that Patrick Conley v.- cast for Justice o[ the pe to the Sixth
having Ived the higbest nun ler of •ores ward of W city t said eleetlon of May 6•
est for alderman of the ThiM ward of .old city 1890. was duly elected )untice of the yeace for
at said election of May 13, 1890, was duly- elected the Sl xth ward of the said city for the term of
alderman of the Third ward of said city for the two pears froth and after the first Tuesday of
term of two years from and after the first Tues. Jane. A. D. 1890.
day of June, A. D. 1890. - The preeldent announced that Joseph R.
'I'tne resident -aced that 0rbw 0. (Ill- Blackwell. havlug received the highest number of
leu having received ,the highest number of votes vote, cast for jmittce Olathe
ppeeace for the Tenth
a.I for alderman of the Fourth ward of said'. and Eleventh ward. of eafdcitpnt said electionot
city at said election t May 6. 1 Silo. was duly I May 6. 1890• was duly eie•ted'u.tice of the P.see
alderman Ot the Fourth wart of Bald city : for the Tenth uuA Eleventh nrde f l id city
for the term of two fears from and after the' for file term of two yeah from and after the
first Tuesslay of Jnne, A. D. 1890, first Tuesday of Juue, A. D. 1890.
The ne,ldent enn un-ei that Chnstnpher J. I The president announced that James H. Fur-
Dornifen having -1vecl the highest Dumber of rell, havine received the highest number of voles
votes cast for alderman of the Fifth ward of st for constable of said city at said election of
said city at .lid election 1 Map 6. 1890• was Hap 6, 1800, was duly elected constable of said
dulc elected alderman of the Fifth word of ,aid city- for the term of it%o year. from and after the
city for the term if two yeah from slid after Hunt Tursday of Julie. A. D. 1890.
the first To lay !Jun,. A. 11. ]890. The 1-sidelit announced that Aaguat F.
The prealde0t nn0-unced that James Meludy Henke, having received the highest number of
he, fug received the high eat numixrof votes cunt votes cast for constable of said city at said .1ce-
for alderman of the sixth wxM of said city lit I tion of Map 6, 1890. was duly' elected constable
e Id eleetiOn of Hay 6th, 1890, w duly elected of quid city for it,, ten, of two Years from avd
aldenaxo of the 81xth ward of said city for the after the Ifni Tuesday of June, A. D. 189-.
' ! Mullen & Morrie, Estimate No. 4, xten-
I t The president announced that Francis\I.Ar-i From Warren Carpenter and others- arvmrlov of Fun•oa. t I pion of M(nnehann xtmtsetversystem,$11,Ci46:
;. Cockle,having received.the.h(ghest number of For alley opening in Ridgewood Park addf- New cityball and court house fund. 515,04%3.5. Thornton&Shaw,Estimate No.1,paving bum-
;. votes cast for constable for the Sixth ward of I tion. City funds....................................... 131,71:3.44 mit lace,$935;J. 1 O"reatal,Estimate No.4
said city at said election of May 6,1891),was Aoard of yyublic works,with order. City water works............................ 1,431'" Roble street sewer system, Su,035;
duly elected constable for the Sixth ward of said From Sam 1)earing- St.Paul public library.................... 2,522.111 Reilly.Estimate No.1,.Sprink1iug District,
city for the term of two years from and after the For the vacation of Waseca street between Police pension fund......................... 5,179.87 31,294.60;Jnmes Forrestal,Estimate
first Tuesday of June,A.D.1890. George and Roble streets and the extension of sprinkling in District No.5,5397.34;James FI{`dpQpr-
coatxtomcnrioxe. Bellows street to lieu of said vacation. Total.........................................3156,889.94 rests].F.n[fnmte No.t,sPrinkling in District n,
From His Honor the Mayor- Committee on streets. wash a.rostren. 4,S"'Fsth" Pstrick Norris.Estimate No.CC1ll
Veto of ordinance refu¢dingto Charles J.Stith- From Leo C.Bruggeman- piret National Bank,St.Paul......... 311,:54490 trinkling fn District No.4,$700.43; T.}Ialoy,
?I melee the assessment r pnld o¢lot 2,Block 8, Asking to have refunded to him$50 flue fm- Merchants'National Bank,St.Pant 113,518.87 �stfmxte No. 1,xewer on Stryker
We Bland Park,for grading>fackubin tmt-
TO HonornDle Preya 'and Common Cogq- posed by municipal court. Bank of M%nrsotu,St.Paul............ 12,218.78 $652.60; T.MaloS, Estimate No.1,sewer n
"cii➢q�pot the City of St.Paul: Committee on claims. National German-American Bank, Sixth street,S:i91; M.F.Daggs+.EstiT.mate No.
w Gentlemen: I hive the honor to return here- From Josef Brand and others- fit.Paul........................................ 11,,472.:51 4.Brading Randolph street,3440;J.ct
]t without y signature the ordinance re- l:ermanin Bxnk,SY.Pau{................ 12,12091 kettmace No.l,graatng Minnehaha ecmt.R 1,445;
to ng being J. 9utltmeier,the um of For two-plank sidewalk on Old Mendota road' S[.Paul National Runk,St.Paul.-.. 14,315.15 T.Sweeney,Entinmte No.1,grading Hampden
` s from FsirOeld avenue to the oil hill].
S .41 being the assessment paid o t lot 22, Resolution Introduced for passage June 17, Commerelal National Bank, Sc. Park,31,020; C.E.finndeen,Estimate No.2,
lick 8,Woodland Par for grading Mackubin P Pau{........................................... 15,928.39 grading Lawson scree L, 8680; H. C. Heebner,
street; and I recommend LhaL[he matter be re.
18fl0. Second National Bnnk,5t.Paul....... 10,701.99 Estimate Nn.1,Brading Rice street,91,10'0;W. .
(erred LO the COmmlLLee Om tmLa LO be]n- REPORS3 OF CRY OFFICERS. Savillfls Bftitk,AL.Paul..................... 71
.221).,11. A.Davern.F.stlmate No.1,grading Hope street,
vestigated as to the merits of said claim. Very People's Bnnk,6L.Paul................... 7,%598.70 51,700: T.Sweeney, Estimate NO.1, grading
respectfully, Of City Treasurer-Report for April,1890- Seven Corners Bank,St.Parol.......... 7,708.59 MisaisxiF.Dt street.31,27ri H.C.Huebner,F.sti-
Rowear A.Slurs,M.Y3r• To the Honorable President and Common Coun- Capital Bank,St.Palin.................... 7,608,92 ate So. mdiuK Cortland trot,53,020;
May 1:3,1890. it of the City of St.Paul: West Aide Bank,St.Paul................ A,:t711.01 T.t Reilly, Estimate NO. 1, Ridgewood avenue
Accepted and vote by which avid ordinance Gentlemen-1 have the honortosubmit to you Scandinavian-American Bank, St. se ver system,81,700;G.J.Symonds,Estimate
was passed reconsidered,yetis 14,and said or- the following reportof the receipts anddiaburen Paul.......................................... 0.5,:9.07 No.4,xewer on Se1bS
avenge,82,500: Tames
menta of this office from A ell 1,1890,to Bank of Minnesota, Interest
- dinance referred to the committee on claims. P se- Forrestal,Estimate So.1,aprinkling in Dixtrfet
Also, Apnl 29,1890: count........................................... 1,514.0:1 No.2,$709.88:Arthur StePheus,Estimate No.
1 Policemen appointed- Receipts- 1,ld klieg In District No. 9,5:118.50;
�.' To the Honorable President and Common Coun- Balance....................3252,103.24 Total.........................................5166,889.'.14 St_Pxul Sanitntfon company,$200;
Of of the t9Ly of St.Paul: \fold hit]court fines RexpeettullY xuhmitted, Manufacturing company, $916.60: R.L.Polk
Gentlemen: 1 have the horror to inform and/ x................. 2,727.36
(;.oho.Rem,(1tv Treasurer. &co..S6:H.G.Neal,$24;Merrill's Toilet Sup-
w you that I have made the following ap- Market hall rent...... 500.00 April,29,IWO). play, R79.ri0: U.itumuley&Aon. $246.90: St!
polntmente and I ask Your advice and consent Building Inspector's - City comptroller. I sol Furnitu+r compae-v,534:F.
Khacld coal
thereto.viz.: seen........................ 369.60 Of City gomptri, -Audt[ed claims,viz.: lid Ltme�omlI,attY,322o0;H.F.Knauft&Co.,
James W.Lauderdale to be a patrolmen,vice City clerk.. 720.00 Stockton&Lindquist,Estimate No.3,supple- 317L66; G.)IVtxch. 5251.23; Dwyer
{ J.C.Lstideraxle.resigned,and C'hnrles Truax '[.Pani workhouse.. 48.21 metitary to No.2 and final,sewer on Edmund Bros.81.90;G.J-Mit ach&Co„5109.90;Noyes
i to be a ratrolman to act as poundrion tcr,vice Vacating fees............ 415.00 street.825: Stockton & Liit,pf t, 1,thunts Brox.&Ciltler,$26.84; Kenny Brox., SG2.17;
Jnmes E.Conway,removed.]'outs resp[s:ttuily, Interest on water No.2,supplementary to 1 and Ctual,sewer on W..T.Preston, Estimate No.4,'Ori,c men[ary
Roaeur A.Sarva.-`favor. bond.................... 25,062.50 Robert street,$10;W..J.I' tOtl,Estimate So. to No.:i and fiiutl,xewer on I.'(7nent street,
21),1890. Water department 2,supplementary to No.,and final,xewernu Jes- S26: W.J.Preston. Extimxte No.:i, xupple-
Accepted and said appointment of Charles receipts.................. 97,'119.8:1 samine street,52ri;A. N, \[alike,Eatiinate So. ntentary to No.2 and flnml, sewer on O ive
Truax advised and consented to. Redemptto0 receipts. 14.112.6!) 3,supplementarytI No.2 and filial,sewer On Vfo-'I street, etc., 5'15; T. W. Doherty. Extf-
]'eas-Aid-Bfekel,Blom,Bock,Cullen,Conley', Pxrt.redemption re- lastree[,R11.Gt;Y..Chrleton,Eminate No.2 and nate NO. 4, wpplementxry. co No. 3
Fisher, Gehnu,Lefthauaer, Mines,Pratt.&+n ceipts..................... 1,728.60 Anal,trading}fount Ids street, S'17ri; Hu.usen'mud Iitml, server ou Irvine nvrime, 325;
born,Sullivaa,Weber,Voerg, fr.Preshleut-15. Adv. pavtoruts on &Johnson,Estimate No. 2 and finN,sewer ors Thomas Hewitt. 3'1: Ben77hmia Knrta k, $2;
�a cand appointment of Innes W.Lauderdale sew' a smente. ]57.50 Bnnfll street. 349.60; A.F.)funks,Eethnn[e William Kendall.S2;John Kjellberg, 32:Math
e ansa. turd -
referred to committee on police. Repairing pnv«d No.3 slid final,grading ec-r on Broad- Deke,52;.iohu X.Davidson.S2;Beruurd Phil-
From A.S.Tallmit secretary chamber of tom- resets................... 599.56 telly,8137.50;Mount\ern( Bridge"' p.ld: Iipa, 32 Marin.irodge, 32;.P.d. O'Brien.S2;
x w -.}tiller,2;
coerce- Lift ry fines............ 59.88 Estimate So. :i and floss], Burr stmt Hurry Baugh,.•,J J.MM:mre,R'2: 510;
Transmitting report of committee on streets, Fire department re- bridge, $1.520.51; J. Cla9ey, Eetimnte E. Gndbnngh, $1.50; charley Hnrpke, 7
roads and ppnrke of acid chamber relative to eon- ce�Pt x..................... 1,'101.50 to. 2 and final; }D+ple xi rest Krxd-'}fart denxeu,52:WillhOn Sgrdmau.
clition of'filed street,from Broadway to rail- Interrxc on deposits. y 4 OA R• 527.50; T. I.lnnnn, kxtimxte So. Montgomery.510:W..T.Preston,Estimate No.
oat]bridge. C'ertificatex rtf Hole.... -!,1(16.47 :i mud!inn],Krndf uK Ferdinn nJ street.5104.,11); :3,xupp e:nenfxrV tg No.2 and tinttl,xt•arr on
but tee on streets. chief of poise... .. ]99.00 -
F.Bey Extiuuute So.I.nudfinul,gradlnK Gnus \iwi 1 eiuie. ,.1 �, )Inline, e-timnt,
From Christian Meyer and others- Licensee and pennita. 22,039 00 treat, 5285;J Grant, Estimate So.5 t t0 i sunplentei�tary to Nn and
s +t newer Cam t stmt, c1 i
Asking council to recall order sent to board of.Axeexxmrg[x collet- amyl,miiding county road,31.109.33;T. 1,111 flood, on Peru ice
public works for risking the assesament for tioua...................... 64,320.09 nun,Estimate No. 2, 8rxdt,Wdder avenue, .\nes,Crerar & Company.,'489:,; J..J.Ken-
' change of grade on Cable avenge. 1)isbroreemeutx- _ he Y, 'Connor,38fl:Y. t'. Lutz
0690; T. Linuna. F:.-timate No. t.Kending
('omtmttee r street.-. City oulers paid....... 5785,166.81 Bunker street, ilU;-Thornton & Show, F'si i- 519.20;l E. Mellgren, 32; House Of f,
111 From ('limo Vlllxn ++lid Warrendale Utizens' Fire depart meat war- t to So.t,grndiuK SYduey street, 51,147...0,'Ahepherd, 520Ct.f):T; ]l. F. Kennedy &Rroe.,
litiinn- rntttx paid............. 21).724.82 J.Forrestal,Estimate No.2, Midway district SSO,5.Donin0:J.1..Henry,215;.7.J.Watson, Sii.AO;
criion ication addressed to Ala Weber ask- \Pater drpsrtment w r nyncein.539,125:C.E.tarsiers,Estimate c.F.Ynych,3165:Breorre'Gnreue.3a.6U:M.
ing sidewalk on Como avenue and Front street. i rn is{a+d....... 99,818.82 No.e7,grndh+g Burr street.$297.60;M.Tracy, S. \Vebber, 566.71; Echl9mnn&So��. s6.90;
' Board of publlc works. St,sPaul w rkhouse F:etimnte No.2.grading Hoyt-coue, 51.[721 ,70seph It M.
I-oi a SR.78. C. H. Treaante, --
From.dories Gfi,work n +uta Pxid.use 2.632.89 P. Dohert}',F:stinuaty No. 1, sayy r repair on�5-89.20;\l.Costello,578.20;Brown.']'maty&
For xpriuk Ing
Midway avenue from Oakdale S[.seism] library Seventh street,21,550;T.c ceeuey h:xtlim+te. Co., 512: St. Paul Hardw'nre ('o.,
Harvard stmt. w rxntnpxid........ 1,103.75 No. 1, grading I.angfordt Park, 31,1)20: R3C..3Ci; John 13. Waschenberger, 8761.10; •
Granted. (Seeresolution.) Pnrkrcominiselohers' C.Notmentncher,Estimate No.1,l;2ading Cort-�Geome\C.Stdcrr,3146.15;K.f'.C'ull'h'st10.60;
•.�� From Ph.Peteler and otos.) wsrrants Id....... '1,677.19 laud stmt.31.'1 ifi;.7.T.)I{Iiion,Extimnte No.:Scribner-Libbey Co., 5981.1)0: cheater Of.
[o the running at large of cattle in Interret coo{,Ona Paid 8,91L.60 4,grading Fairview avenue.R7A9:J.T.Million,I Co..S3.5U;Kavanagh&Johnson 13t&:}I.Mayer,
_i district east id scute fair grounds and west of Redeemed,rthicntca F tfmnte di n,Mihnehnga xtreet,S9age Smith Yriutiug('o..315;}Inrqun rvlt&}I n}er,
('Ono Park,etc. of sale.................... 12,101.94 J.W.Maloney. Eytmmte So.A,gradfitg Pxge'321'0;('harles Deller, S4A: N. Hardy. 1(
Committee on t ublic buildings,etc. Part.redeemed ter- street.5'1,12r;W.J.Preston, Eytlmste No.1, Edward Lynch,5102;John }ft(auley,560:I(;,.
From C.D.Welch nd others- fill Ates of sale...... 2,088.98 sewer on Martin treat,etc.,31,955; c.E.Sx¢-'�.N..4ndernou,S:S 1.26:E..T.Mor It c,317.60:C ;
For grading of Alhentarle, Marion std other Adv, 1)Rymeuts on dean, Estimate No. 5 grndiuK Fourth stmt, C.13erkntun&A c -; J.JGiltius�•tt917 50;�G.
atmts. sew' assessments. 87.50 $1, 0;Hansen & J.0 uson,Estimate No.1, Fred\V. Boit.
Board of public works,with orders. Miscellaneous dis- Walton street sewer system,53.540;J. For- F.AhaOS;(%4:Miles&.Hale,R35.5U;I'..T.Giesen.
From Gavin D.High,ndvxnce agent- buraemeute........... 767.98 rests].Estimate
No.R,xewer on George street,,5115.09;C'.H.\Vilbxmx,S3A:Der Wanderer,530:
Extending to council sit invitation to vleft Balance oa hand...... 156,889.94 etc.,S1,5A0;Hansen &.John.-on, F:xthnate So. Wemot[.Howard&co., 8255.W.Leonard.
- •'California on Wheels." 1, sewer on Pleasant avenue, $l 19.50; }Ic- ntnn, Kirk &Vo.,SIA.09; C.W.T.eounrd,7r>
Accepted. Total $480.362.05 8480,362.00
-.,. <,..,;, ,;..,."`";cam'--,,- :..:5�'°�M .s• �' ,3"+a'•'[<$ .z.� ."-s... r �„�,s-- 's�1 to
Mail- & \I,orf., Estimate No. +, xten-
f The resident announced that Francis ll.Ar-'From Wntrtn Csr Ler and othewa- covnmoe or t•uena. - 1346; -
hucklePb.' received the.hl number oI Fot elle pen sb-of llfunehxna streetsewerxya[em.811,
'. ghest y opening In Ridgewood Park add]- New city Hall and court houa>e land. 816,0+:5.62 Thornton&Shoo',Rstlmnte No.1.pnvl all
tea cast for countable for the Sixth wird o(I tion. IYty 1.11 ....................................... 1:41,71:4.4+ ft ll��]nce.S9N6;J. Forreatxi,F-atfmnte No.4,
old city at salA ellet lon f ]lay 0,189n,was Hoard of Arft works,ankh order. lYty w ter rks............................ 1.4N 1.811 Ilobie treet leaver system. 80,0:35;Th
dtil lected constable for the Sixth ward of said Ftom Gam 4)earin ¢ wo
y e g- 8t.Paul pnblle Ilbrxty.................... 2.52'2.N1 Rrill'.Es[imatn No.1.Sprinklfng ltistrlct No.O,
I city for the term n}two yenta from and after the For the vacation of Waseca street between P011ce pe..f oft tend........................ fi,178..7 SI 3h4.6U:James Forrestal,
}•:atltnate No.1,
first Tuesday of June.A.B.1890. George and Roble street.and the extension of
- coautpYu'nnoxe. Bellows street In Ileo of said vacation. $ Total................... ....8156.8801.94 'PrittklftlR 1n llixtrlct No.6.SN97.134;James For-
) Committee on.tresis. tel,F.xthnate No.I,xprinkltnR fn I1lstrict No.
From His H for the lin•or- ° wtiet0:neposrsen• 4,83,006.04: Yxtrlek \orris.Estimate
Veto o}ordlnnuce refuvdin oto(barley J.Such- From Leo C.Hrueeeman- First National Hank,St.Paul......... $11,1148.015 trinkling 1n.1barlet No.A•8790.+3; T.11.10y,
ter the re enc Paid lot 22,belock S, Merthants'National Hank,et.Putti Ili,115.S7 xt7mxte No. 1.sews on Stryker o'
i Wood]avd Park,for gradlug lfatkubin treat- Asking to have refunded to him 860 flue Im- nett n
To the Honorable President and Common Co.A7 Posed by municipal court. Bank of Hiunesotn,lit.1'uul............ 12.218.78 SGii 2.50; T.Moloy. Hstimn[e No.1.seavet .�
11 oft
f the CYty of fit.pawl: Committee on claims. N`tionnI (.erman-American Bank, Rlxth street,8891; 3L,EICf--illi"
-- Gentlemen I hwve the honor to return here- Frorn Jose[Hraml avd others- ..t.Pani........................................ 1 ri 172.81 N.Reading Randolph street,SV40;J.T.lfilllon,
with without ny signature the o dlnavice re- For tw•o-lank sidewalk on old Mendota road C:erntwnfa Bwnk,St.Paul............... 12.1213.01 F'etimat,No.I,gra a Nlnnehxealing
[undI. to Cbarlex J. Surc Cher,the u f P St.Pani National Rank,St.Pnui.... 14,315.15 T.Sweeney,Estimate nd 1,Rrnding Hampdeu
i g e m o from F.11[fleld avenue to the.11 mill. 't 9,
• $87.41 being the neeesament paid on lot 2'3, Resolution Introduced for passage June 17, Commercial National Bank, St, TP. 81,020; C.1's.Bnndeen,Ls lmnte o
-' block S.Woodland Park•for grading llnckubiv 1890 Paul............... 16,9Y8.N9 Rrad` Lawson street.
.ORP, H. C. Hnebtter,
tree[; and 1 recommend that the matter be re- Second National Bank,St.Poul....... 10,701.99 F:stimnte 1..1,grndf ng Rice street,S1,l OG;W.
felled to the c mtttee beets to be in- tcerkar 1 c f• - S,vmgs Bank.St.Paul..................... 31,220.55 A.Davent.Estimate No.1,St. Ing HOP.street,
estiaa[ed as to the merits of tsald claim. Very e o rsy oe teas .0 Bank,Bank,St.Poul................... 7,N98.7n RI,7U0: T.Sween.)•. E.Limxte No,1, Krad(ng
respectfully, O[CY[S Treasurer-Reportior Apell,1590- .ev t Cornets Bmtk,St.Yaul.......... 70R.8A llinnissi PD1 street.$1,276:1}.l:.Huebner.F:et1-
RoeeIT A.Slu..,Ma u. To the Honorable President and Common Coun- CaTyit.l Hmtk,St.Poul.................... 7,G8A.92 u No- 5,ggrrading Cortluud tree[,51,0200
y r t.Poul................ 7:588.02 T.Reilly, Ystitnxte No. 1, Ridgewood uvenu
lies 13,1890. ell of the CYty of St-Paul: W t Side Bank,Fa.
Accepted and vote by which said Geutlemen-1 have the honorte submit to you S_adfnavim>- P",-P", Bank, St. Newer system,81,700; ".82,ds,Estimate
ordina_7 the fadl-;he rt of the tttei to and disburse- Paul....................... on Selby •eat ,82,56 J.-
' e Passed ouafdered,y'exe 13,end aid or- R repo ........... e,5,if1.137 No.+.sewer O T
( aafl m s meats PP ... .......
T dinouce referred to the committee ou claims. _ of this oHfce from APelf 1,1890,to Bnnk of l(lttnesotn, interest xc F'orresial.Estimuv No.I,-n rluklfoR in T)ixtrict
Also, 'A'It 1890: covet........................................... l,i>t+.ON l�eprf k08.8R:ht rt 0lstrieihet11,E9i alta No;
Policemen appointed- Receipts- koa
yq� To the Honorable President and Common Coun- Hall..or....................8262,163.24 Total........................................$155,889-Ilt ,l rani Stion a
to c )•.82(10; L.tole
q" '1 of the(Yty of St.Paul: Uunictpal court fine, Respectfully subutlttrr}, ].Co.,S;H.(.Neal,$•, 8910.09: o L.Yolk
f Geutlemen: I have the honor to inform and tees. ............. 2,727.36 GrOnO t:Rata.IYtV Treaxnrer.,86;H.1:.Neal,R2+;Nerrill's Toilet Sup-
j� you that I have made the following ap- Market hall rent...... 000.00 April,29.1891). ppix 11519- tvrc['oamatey&Sou, $24fi.90: St.
,y7IIII, polntmente and I eek your advice and consent Bnilding inspector's (Yty tom Piroller- Y u pang•;B. Kna'H foal
5i.. thereto.viz.: fees........................ A09.60 Of CYtY t:omptroller-Attdttrd elxlms.viz.: td L(me tom u}.'22.60:R.F..'.Dwyer Co.,
James W.Landerlele to be u patrolman,vice City clerk.................. 720.00 Stockton&.Lindquist.Eetitne[e No.A,enPPle- 5.171.,$: (:.3 G.
J.Nl .261.23: 9 ;
Charles Truax et.Pnnl workhouse.. 48.21 meutxr-to NO.2 and flual, ret cot Edmund Bros. CutI G.C7..84; &C .B Sex
to be a patrolmtut to net a.pouudmaster,vice VoepI g fees............ 316.00 street.826; Stockton & Lindquist, Eatin3nte est u..>b SM; KN . Bros.. 502.17;
. .1 James E.Conway,removed.Yours respectfully, Interest on water No.2,supplementary co 1 and Hnnl,sewer on W.J. :1.111 v, oul.Se to No.Italy,.supplementary
rI R09ERr A.S)9TH,.[ayor, bonds.................. 25,0/32.60 Robert street,8]U;W.,T.k'reaeon,Eetimnta No. t0 No.3 nd ]hml.Sewer on I.'Orient street.
\Say 2U,1890. Water department eupplemeutary[o\o..andflnai,sew'erou Jes- 826; W.•7.Preston• Estimate No.53, supple-
4 Accepted and-Said appointment of Charles m•eipts.................. 87,273.8:{ exmine street.826:A. F. l[auke,F:etllnnte No. mentary to No.2 and 9nwl, ae3wer on O five
Truax advised and consented to. !Retlrmp[Iml ret 1pce. 13,112.99 3,.uDPlententnryto No.Yxudilnal,sewer on\'lo-�I street. etc., $2Yu i. W. Unhrr[}•, Eati-
Teen-Ald.Bickel,Blom,Bock,Cullen,Conley, Pxrt.redemption m-
lastreet,$;E.USrletou,Entimwte No.2nnd twte No. -1,,p PPlementary to No. N
Fisher, Gehxn,Lef[hauxer, \tinea,Pratt.Rxn c'eiptx..................... ],729.90 9na1•grnliltg\fount Ida street,$275; Hu9sen and Ilnxl, sewer oft Irvine avenue,
Horn RUllicxn,Weber,Yoerg,)Ir.President-ln. Ad,. paymeuts on &Johnson,Estimate No. 2 and 9nn1,sewer u Thomas Hen'fc[. 82: Ben nmin Kar[xk. 82;
Said x} of James W.Lauderdale sew w sments. 157.50 Banfll .tree(, 8.10.50; A.F.Man e.F%thnate Wllllum lieudxll,.2;.iohn jellbetl{.R2;l[ath
e saes
[mrd Ph1-
a.} referred t committee on pollee. Repairing pec«d %la,and final,grading.X and sewer on Brood- Ueke,$Y;.John X.Hxvldson,S2;Ber ,
From A.B.Tnilmxdge,secretary chamber 0f tom- irests................... 699.50 way,SiN7.G0:Vont[Vernon Bridge-lip.ny.'lipe, 82:Martin•Tudge, V'Hrten.82;
coerce- Library lines............ 59.88 FintonaW No. :t euA 9iiu1, Hurt street!}lorry llcClnre,$2:.J,lfeintres 5'l:
j Transmlttingreport of committerm-treets, F'1re dep¢rtme�t re- bridge,> 81,,120.61: .7. Cht9ey, Eetintate,H. Gndbnugh, Willi Charles n.. 10: S
�. roads and PPerks of said chsntberrelatier[o con- C•etpts..................... 1,307.60 No. _ 10td final, lisp], street grad llatt.Jeitsen,82;\W.Ian N-down..
,fina J.B.
diads,o('fhinl street,from Broadway t0 tall- Interest On de Tp is iN.09 Ing, $'l i.i f1; T. Iain nn, Hntitnnte No. IImHRomer'•,8131;W.I.Presh,n,Hstinmte No.
d brldW. C'erli'll I-of ole.... 7,400.47 SS n to final,sending Fenlinn uJ s[reet.'1M.F11; N. P J e t[nre•[n Nn.2 xuA Mellor,
sower on
1 on
t Com ml[tee on streets. ('Itis[of pollee.......... 199.00 F.Beyer.E.Ino to No.+,onrl linxl•Krnding Gram:\'Irgl �oe ant R1U; li ohne. >hmate
F r Christian lleyrt wad [hers- Llce nd pen Its. 22,ON8.00 tree[. 8285;J. •emit, Estimate NO.6 to Nn. 't'sewr pplentettharY oto N0 1
° o nsrs s < .nt
a xn,
A sklnq conncll to ret>,,,order iseut to board of .\saesxmentx collet- if mil,grwtinK conntY road.41.109 533,T. Lin-'Hnnl, r on 'Crn I'erance x[reet. 8.26:
! public works for conking the a.xesymeat for times...................... 94,A20.08 non.Eetlmnce No. 2,ar,,AlIS Wader xvettne. .\nee.Crerar & Company.512:i(P, .T..7.Ken-
( change of}.ude on Cable avenue. I)Ixbursemetits- 8080: T. LImtnu. F'x[Imate No. .t,gntrilttK'tied Y.Rf1,16; R.T.(1'(:onuor,$60:P. ('. Lutz
.Jl; Committee on xtreetx. Ilty terriers paid....... SI86,16G.81 Ranker street,951 U;Thornton &Shaw. Est'-I,Sheph,;A- F. let 0, 8'1: House ( Gn0(j
From Como VIB.. leu[ Warrendale CRAwnti Fire Aepnrt meat war- It to No.L grmRuS BYdno,stmt.$1.147•r>0; Shepherd, X2013.11.i; lf. F. Kennedy &Bros.•
I'nina-- rants put d............. 20,724.82 J.Forrestal.Estlntittn No.2. if idavny diet net I R8U6.D0:J.I,.Heury,tI6;.7..7.\Vatxou,-5(1.90;
1 otvmunlcxtion addressed to Aid.Weber ask- t\'o[er lrla0't meat ew vstent.811..125:C.E.8muleeu,F:xclnwtte ('F'.P'sch.Sl mi:Brewrrn'G.-tte. tel U0;ll.
Ing sidewalk on Como nvenne and Front street. w n is IA....... 89,818.82 Noel.¢rnAfnK iturr street,8'3017.50;M.]racy. N. Webl)er.P.ifi. Schfflmxn&8 613.90:
nr Fetimnte No.2.Rnu11nR HOYL x RL0'3U: .Joseph Ilotharell, .8.70: C. H.Ot\\',
Beard of pu Allc works. St.oPon]w kbonse vase .
1 tt From charley Gelxsel- w nits Vnid....... 2.532.89 �. DOhrrl) 6ntimnte Nn. 1, xe t .pair on .2811.20;ll.Iloatello,875.20;Btoarn,Trrncy&
For xprlitk Ing Alf avenue from Oakdale St.'nrPx ul library eventh stmt.$2.,150;7 Sareeney,c F:e[imnte Co., 812: 81. Poul Hardware [:o.,
-nue to Hnranrlf street. w rants paid........ 1,10A.7G No. 1, Rrndltlg Langford Park, $1,1120; 836.5513; John B. Weychenberger, $7G 1.1 U;
aaGranted. (See reyolutlott.)
Park ntspai overs' ('.Nottuemxch er,Hall I, No.t,sending fort- Geome W.fitenger,8746.16;K.1'.('nlle,82+0.51
ii4 From to Pe(S er and [hers- "orrantx paid....... 1,977.19 InnA ntreet.51.276;.J.'P.)f llllou.Kntimwte No. Scrlbnervl.IbbeY Co., SR81.Iiii: Chester OII
4 1. Relative to the running et lar(te of cattle In Interest coupons paid 8,N 13.60 :i,grndittg F'nirvlew nvenne.8709:.7.7'.Mflllon. Co..SiLSU;Ksvututgh&Johnxmt,89.95:H.ll.
dlxtrlet ens[of state fair tTrOnmin and west o! Redeemed tertiflcatea Ex[Imn[a Nn.%t.F adios lllhnehxha ntreet,8935; Sm)-th Yrinting Co..$iii:llxrqux alt&lhtyer;
Pomo Park.etc. of..le................1.1. 12,101.94 J.\V.llnioney, F:stltn ate No.1S,grading Pulte $'3.3i>;Citnrles Iteller, R5;0: N. fLa rel)', R'32fi;
Committee on public buihltags,etc. Per[. redeemed ter- street.82.1.16:\V.J.Yres[on, Estimate Lynch,$102;John m'(Sol,)'.
From C.B.Welch and others- - tiflcates of anle...... 2,088.98 warn Martie tree[.etc.,81.96,1; C.E.Rnn- \V.Autlersou,831.'36:E..T.Murch)'.$17.60;0;
! For Sending of Albemarle,Marlon and other Adv. Cra}-meu is on deer, Estimate No. 5 gnu9ng Fourth stmt, C.Herkmun&Scots,504:J.O.\ervnis,.62.010;
.�.a etm[e, n' a sees sots. 87.60 81,'110;Hansen & .iohus0n,Extinmte No.1. Fred\V. Hatt, 8211;a J.Glltlnsn, Rl i.fi0;G.
I .. Board o(pttbiic w'orka,'with ord,rs. lllxcellanemtxm dls- \Nalfon stmt wet system,.1.5N9;.7. For- F.ehsw,814;lilies&lisle.%:3:>.6t1;Y..1.(:ieeen.
11l,{i. From(:'vin B.High.ttdaxnce lucent- bttrsements.... .. 767.88 hrotal,Estimate On 1:urge street, 8115.(38;(',li.\\'1lltamx,$ii R:Iter Nnuderer.
'.1 Extending to out ell an incitation to visit Bxlnnce on hand...... 1G6,R89.94 ,tea.Rl.b:t0;1i¢nsen &J.hnson. Estlm are No. \Veno[[.Hoaru rd&CO.. 8255.40: Furaw,ll,flz-
•'C'alltornla on Wheels." -� i, sense on Pleasant avenue, 8778.60; )(c- tont, Kirk & 1'O.,819.98; ('.W.i.eonnrA,76
Accepted. Total......8480.302.00 $480,302.00 `
73 ,7
lw, a,l xt nt<tj :k'"'.`y `<' ♦ .U+ + _ S t,tw L "S.,
v} i cents: William Hogan,83.10: Hennessy Bros., To the Common Couucll: provemen[and an order for your adoption It Respectfully repport that It fs necessary and
Agnew&Cox,$t00:J.Kahlert.$51.05;SObin- Gen[lemeu-I herewith return the reeolutlon you dealm us to make the Improvement. pproper to grade Rivoli street to n pa�e�al grade,
sou-Cary Co., $11.75: C..SL P.,DI.&O.Ry., f the Arlington Hills Citiz,is'union relative to leas,4;nays,0. from Mlnuehahastreet to a point 900 fret south
$14.40;N.W.Stamp Works,15 routs: Forces. building x new irou bridge on Payne avenue. I R.L.GoRstus,President. of said Mlunehaha street;that the estimated ex•
I tai Hrox.,810;Erie City Foundry,830;Warder, also enclose x later from Dir.E.W'.Winter,gen- T.KERKER, Ouse thereof t.81.:165. one-halt of which need
Bushnell&6 emner Co.,30 cents: Dux&Cll- e 1 manager of the Chicago,fit.Paul,ilfl.nexp- Clerk of the Board of Public Works. t be paiit into thecfty treasury before
the cou-
: un,$9.75;J.L.Hertz,50 cents;St.Paul Rub- oils&Omaha Railroad company lu reply to May_U,1880. tract is let;that ani estate to be eaeessed there-
I. bar co.,$:i.7f.;C.Thomas,64 mote: P.H.Kel- commuulca[tou[sent him relnth•e to the same, Adopted(See order to board of public Works.) for can he found benefited to the extent
of the
ly Hercmrtfle Co.. $19.20; Pioneer Yaps! ad wonle report that the Pa}ne avepue bridge Also. coat and expenses neremaryto be Incurred there-
g304.flR; Sc.Paul Book&Stationery Co.,I Lin good condition for nother year's travel, Grand Avenue Opening.etc.- by:that said improvement Is not asked for by
¢petition of a majority of the owners of prop-
( $268.42: St.Paul&Pacific Coal Co.,$158.49; and,to consideration of the contemplated im- To the Common Council of chr(Yty of St.Paul: arty to bn assea!wd therefor,but we Herewith
1 E.Bmsefu Red Pressed Brick company,$1115.20:..provenients which the raflreoad c.mpxuy intend The board of Public works have pad ander send 1 or .file of sold improvement,BI
a R.B.aayuet&Co.,8'1.40:R.Ashw•or[h,8101.15: to make;I think the Cast ter might lie over for a put pr
? - Griggs.l'ool�er&C..,85 cents; Donaldson,Og- another year,particularly as Mr.Winter,acting consideration the resolution or order of the and all der for your adop[iou,it
you desire
ten& 58.63: J.Kahlert,$46.51:A.Jobst,!for the Oumhu Rallwny company,has always common couUmll,epprocrd Ap April 3,1890.rela- a to make the improvement.
$98.:35:.tohuson Bros.&Loomis,835:P.Hnu-;carried Ont his promises in I stili to bridging Grative d the peeing.widening d exteusfon m a7'eua,4: a ya,O.
4 Pers&Son,g17:Michaud Bros.,RS cents:G.W. int bdr pall 116erai manner. Grand yaa`aee through al-testa 11 tend R.L.GORyte.,President.
G.Ferris & Co..$23.08:Sel ell &Kr k.50 Respectfully submitted, Fairview nue to il[acalester revue, i, J.T.Keakeat,
having investigated the proposed improvement: l'lerk u[the Board of Public Works.
tea tP;F.W.Steeg.812: "'light,Barrett&Still-' L.W.RcIru,:rr,CRY Emiffie,r. Respeetlnlly report ort that said improvement D[ay 2U,1890.
• ,- w 11,40 mats; C.J. Thomxou,grin;Pcacuk& April].1890. Ix a emesnry ad Proper, that the ci Ado [ed P )
'Likmnnd,Rt.10;John Dlnrttn Lumbercompany. Accepted still placed on file. p (see order to board of public works.
$7.065.6:3: Nicola & Dean. $87.89: los. mated axle, thea., fa 380,000; that
Al... foul Pbene t0
be aaarsxed therefor can be -
Pmn( g-t B; file Vol.02;Ei[u Be.,,,8770.20: found benefited to the extent t, the item- Osceola avenue and Pleasant avenue Cweer
St.Paul at Bros.. 02;Ed R.B 898.47: {Vnbashu S[rmt Bridge R.ndwsy-
6c.Paul Gas high[Co.,('o.,88.1136.0$; F. Knauft, The city engineer rrcommetds that the road- ages,costa and rxpI, necessary Lo be incurred To the Honorable,the ul;IGen l
and Common
$1.50;F.:\.Barbenn.$1.3,0; Arthur Stephen, w¢y of is itbnehu atm,bridge,from end of n thereby; that said improvement Is not asked Council•CYIY of Rt.Paul;I
i 83;W.F.Smith.83; Adam Fhxndori.31; W. r rt to west side,be paved with font-Inch pine [or by x Petition of x l.riry•of ane owners o[ The boanl.f Public works herewith respect,
H.he Lang,81.50;A.G.dbott. 81.50; A. E. bl.eks. µropertv to be xssesard therefor,nut yrs barn orlt a const.action ofa8p�oyeroil Osceola 8me1-
Carter,50 cents:John Costello,$8:\t•. H. An Committee on streets.Alit.)linea and Aid. 'ith scald u plan or profit«of said improvement, o
Bell,$2;Martin Burt-,S2`T.Ru S'l: Jae. ye¢d.• and an order for your adoption.If you desire as the,from Pleasant avenue to Avon street,with
Picha,82;Win.Dean,$2:Simon Riede,g2:Jo- } Also, to make the Improvement. would have not auric[rtheaistructed as sald board therefore
mph Sladek,32;McCarthy&Donnelly, ¢22.50; Road Machines Yeae 4,nays U. o _
C.C Sharp.$11.46.Corlirs,Chapman&�llrake, The cit•en neer recommends R.L.Gonw.tS,Prealdent. request that you llow them to amend their
$22.50'I,,,$11., ;'Odie&Schurman 842.49; y gf ee purchase of J.T.Neta... 11orc of.\prat 14. 1890,s,as to recede that It fa
p Q 2.50;1,Abbott,3261.&3;G.ill.Red-&Co.. [w.road machines Clerk of the Board of Public Works necessary and to construct N on
Sb;Fit } Amepted(see resolution). Mav 19.1890. Osceola avenue, from Avon street co Pleasant
•, Fitzgerald &{'au Sceleu.82 85, St.Peal,I uvenu
Minueapoll. & Mauitob. railway, 89.60- R. Adopted.ISm.rderto board of public works), e,and on Pieaannt'avenue,from Osceol
Also. nue
to St.Albans street,estimated expense
Seeger,88,728.40; Northwestern Telephone Ex Eatimn[es- Al... 33,211-No bonds uulred.
k change Company,841.75;Bohn Manufacturing The city engineer submits the following esti- Case street sewer- A 1>roper final order for said improvement,ae
Ifcompany,86.50;Leverooa&Dfeaenbotrg,8410: mates: To the Common Council of the City of St.Paul: amended,is herewith submitted for your adop-
John Dooliu.$115.50;Schmitt& Sou,$2.90; Estimate No.4,Mendota road,wooden arch The board of public works have had under tion.
Charles L.Weed, $6.58: A.McPhail,822.05- bridge,C.Stone,$1,190; Eatima[e No.2,Selb consideration the resolutionororderef thecom- R.L.GORat.f\,Preside.t.
Goodyear Rubber company,$44.45;P.J.Hogan Y mon council,approved April:i, 1&90, relative
Co.,$45:F. G.Dra avenue bridge substructure,C.Stone,$5.526; J.T.KERKFIC Clerk Board of Public Works. ,I°
7, per&l'e.,&34.50:Boer Estimate No. 4, Meudotx road,Irou bridge, to the cmastructlon of a sewer on Case list, Mev 20,1&90. 1
t 'ger&Fon,841.45;Japau Teaeompa.y.$R4.45: Cbtcag.Bridge and Iron company,82.295: Es- from Burr street[0 175 east of Wextminstnr Adopted.said oNer.a Proved April 16.1890,
T. Greely,$137; N.J. Ncas,86.37:Bazills& street, and,having invest) ted the proposed p
l Partridge.R2:R.C.Ciark,88;K.P.Clallen,832; tinea No. I, bre cistern opposite Douglas g• rem slat xud unulled and said board allowed to I
ecbool,near Stevens and Orleans streets. G. improvement: lid Its nald port of April 14,1890,as to
Lindekea.Warner&Schurmefer,8130.23:W'm. Ramlow.5663. Respectfully report that is is necessary and yurated-Yeas lv -I
h. Hogan,$ni5.60;Meeudler Hros..3147;St.Paul Allowed and referral to comptroller by fol- proper co.conetruct n sever on Cate street,from (See order t0 board of public
i:. Fur¢i[ure Co.. 33.45,W'artn&Delxiug,$4.65; lowing vote: Burr stent to a point 178 fee[east..(West- Alao.
J. C. HaNey Lfine Co.,$155,Frank J.Brings, Yeas Ald.Bickel,Blom,Bock,Callen.Conley, rimso r etreet,iogetherwlththe neceaParycatch-
.� $96.25;Baker&Moffat, $.43.85:J.P.Gribben Fisher.Gehan, Hamm. Lefthatimr,Mine.,Sul- basinaand manholes;ebstcbeestimated expense Change of 7 de, 1! block,2,H.M.Rsnney's
Lumber Co.,$68.20;Board of Water Commis- thereof is 32,000,one-half M which need not bn SnbdH-laion,block 11,Stinsoai a UiyiPion-
sioners,$226.25;American ilfnnufecturin ('o., livan,[Veber,Mr.Vi a Prof- �port ppaidlato the city treasury'before the contract is To the Common Connell of the City of St.Pau,:
..' ffi113;G W.Merrill,$49.50;Mathew Ctafg.SuR: Of Inspector of Bnildin -Report for April, ]et:that real estate to be aseeseed therefor can be The board of puhlic vo ke have
had under
J. G. Uu�an,88&4.80: Win. Berlandi&Co., 189q city treasurer's race pt for 31,183. found benefited to the extant of the coat and ex• consideration the resolution or order
of the
8265 CLmmund oa ordinances and pnbia•accounte' Hees nemsear to be hmurrred thereby;that ommon council,approved Aril 3,1890.m a-
Allow'ed and ordered paid by lined. vote: Of
Pound. ter
Report for April, Bald ice rovement to not asked for by a titfon Live to.change of grade on the Ile}-In block
1',90,cit treasurer's receipt for$]f3. P
Ye¢s-Ald.Bickel,Blom,Bock,Cullen.(.'Onley, Comuaittm fou ordluenctw and public accounts, of¢majority at the owners,but ie asked for b}• two(2)[. Rwnnay'x subdivision
of block
Fleher,Gehnu Leithxuser Mines.Pra[t,Senborn, a large number of actual residents,owners.t 11,Stinson'.it list St.Paul,and,having In
'�4 I Sulit n, Wel>r,Y erg,Mr.President-15. props ty to be assessed therefor.and we here- vestig.ted the proposed Improvement:
))l i U,l:orporation
with B. with send a pian ar Profile of said lrepravemeut, Respectfully report that sold improvement le
F.F.Illxon-Coltectlng dead animate- ..t'ou'r foe.o.nto of rc..e....I. lid an order for Y.ur adoption,it Yrnt desire lie necessary mad proper, ne indicated by the
}#7 The corporx[I. tt aey submits a draft of Ohio stent grading- to make the Improvement. 1 line on the accompanying profile: that
said contract for ap`aroval. To the Common Council of the(Sty of Sc.Paul: Yeas 4,nays O. the estimated expense thereof Is $100;
tjl Accepted(see axolutlon). The board of public works have had under 11.L.G. ,,S•,President. tb¢t the real estate to be assessed therefor can
Alpo, coasiderntton the resolution or order.t thecom- J.T.RF.RKER,Clerk Board of Public Works. be found beneficed to the extent of the damages,
Contract with B.F.Ellison-Removing tight mon,n council approved April 16,1890,relative Dlxv 12,1890. coats and pensee neesmary- to be henrred
!!!a • soil,etc- Loathe grading of Ohto street from Isabel street Adopted lace order to board of public works). thereby;that alit 1mrpn-reeut is asked for
e corporanon attoruev submits draft of to Auuapohs street,and having I,veetigated the by a petition f a ma7orRy f the owners of
aid mutruct. p Posed improvement: Also, property to be assessed therefor,Hud we here-.
` Accepted(See resolution). RenprcUuil_rep.rt that Said Improvement is RicNi street grading- nth send.plan and profile f said improve-
;.� Also, nemssnry and Proper,that the stimated e- To the Common Council of the City of St.Paul: went,I[you
Aesire to make the improveme.t.
Hotel.f William B.Dean, ember board of pens,thea.(is 85,445,one-half of which need The humid of public works had under Yea.4,nays 0.
venter .uhhed.uers, vim Judson W.Bishop, not be paid into the city treasury-before the innAder.tlon the resolution ororderof the core- R.L.Gonal.c1•.President. -
t resigned-n c utract is let:that all estate to be a sed o council,approved Nov. 6. 1889,relative J.T.EERIER. a
1 Tne corp.rnti.0 attorney submit.,sand bond, tb,mf.r can be found benefited to the ex- to the grading of Rivoli street,from ill tnuehah. Clerk of the Board of Public Rorke.
slid reports same properly executed. tent of the coat std expense. necessary to street to I,afayette avenue, ton partial grade. M 112.1890.
Accepted(ere resolution). be incurred thereby:that Pnid improvement in and from Dfh hehaba street to a point oppppsite Adopted,ane city clerk instructed to give pee-
l(( Of CI[y Engineer-Arlington Hill,
Citizens' not asked for by x petition of n majority of the lot R1,block 9,Warren& WIunl.w's ddirich, emary publication active.
( union's uetition for nese iron bridge on Pnpne n aero t property unsessed therefor,but and,having Investigated the proposed improve- Alao.
1'• avenue over C.,St P.,31.&U.R.It.tracks- we here it to send a plan or pr.tile of said Ice- meat: Dxyt.n avenue
and Cleveland avenue sewer--
ttt 1
To the Common Council of the City of St.Paul: report that the city engineer bas reported to Also, vicinity of Cortland, Acker and Sycamore
The board public w rks have had under
board that the levels have not pet been run Refunding order,Elmira M.Cady,Tuscarorastreet hexing been referred by your honorable
j consideration-ft he resolution or order of the in this alley,and also that it pee m from the treet sewer— body to this hoe d,we beg leave to report that
j common council,approved \fay 9.1890,rela- Petition attached to said order that the pro* To the Honorable,the President and Common after a fall investigation t [his matter
we are
Live to the const ctfo of a sewer on Ds}8ton ercy o rx 'nterexteA desire lrermie.Ion to Councfi,Clty of St.Paul—Gentlemen: of the opinion that it would not be exl>eft
lent at
a Pvern e,between Fairview and Cleveland - pude said alley at their oxen expense:the said The hoard of public works re.pectfullp request I present to ercommend the
granting id id Peti- ;
i - nutty. and, having investigated the proposed board therefore return said order oil petition pour honorable body to cause x rebinding order tion,but for the purpose of,glvrnq
better pro-
s p-cut. to your honorable body In order that you may for the um 1eleven dollars and sixty-five Lection to the district asked for in said petition
1 Respectfully report that it is necessary and take such action as may be deemed proper in cents( tie drawn upon the city trees- a recommend that authority be granted this
props to construct a sewer on Dayton avenne, said matter. ret in favor of Elmira)I.Cady,owner of lot 1, board to purcha3le a..:tje,hose w nx and the
fro Fairview avenue to Cleveland avenue,and R.L.Gney1AN.President. W.T.Barteau'e addition to,6[.Paul,theo\said neceesPry pen ins company
fully equip the same and
on Cleveland avenue. from Dayton avenue to J.T.KERKER, sum being the amount overpaid by 1d organire an Rine a Icente and place IL for
Dlarshall avenue,together with the necessary aClerk of the Hoard of Public Works. on account ofsaidlot 1 beingoverwsxexsed for the duty in engine house Ixn[eA on Front
catch basic.and manhcles.x..1d sewerfvg to lie \fay_0,1890. construction of a sewer on Tuscarora street, 'bleb aa'e believe will give then ecexKaty incise-
' j done under one contract:that the estimated ex- Aldermat.of the ward. from Chatsworth street to West Seventh street, cion t0[he district petitioned for. 'Par coat
1 once thereof is 54,9(Nl,one-half f which need Also, (CButeworth and Tusenrorx streets),owing to a bnve equipment would be 59.000. The board
n c ten paid Into the city treasury before the con- Phalen Creek valley sewer— mlBag prehension as toeton[age of said property
)' have also had ander consideration the locating
't r tract is let;that real estate to be aseensed there- To the Honorable the President and Common one 1d Tuscarora street. of fire alarm boxes as asked for by resolutions
for can be found benefited to the extent of the ('punell,qt of St.Paul—Gentlemen: R.L.l:.—.1.President. e--sit by your honorable boder viz.: At the
t.ndexl—sex u sary-tobsfncurredthere- In the matter f Sour podholoarry o der,-P- J. l KERKER, of Case and\Ilesixsippl etam[s,)Gnprolia
by:that aanf imlJrrr c ms n[Is not asked for l x proved Fen.8.1888.for repoR of condemning Clerk of the Board of Public Work,. and Payne avenues.11,ry ool d Greenbrier
.a pe[itlonr of w majority of the owners of profrerLS n e meat 20 feet wide,for thepinrpose of con- }fey 15.189o. u x d Jessamine and Arcade,tm[tt.all
to b,assessed therefor,but we herewith send a etrnetin rd n xintainfn hi seater aloe Adopted. (See reeoli tion). being inn••Arlington Hlils District" We [
3 plan r profile [a Id improvement, and tae valley of Phalen creek,fgromrDuchees street to AleO, the oPlulmi the req l i siting o [ thin section do
• d—for, or adoption,if you desire us to make Levet th ettceet,Lhe board of pnbllc a orke - At street gradin¢— t.. and a the s,—tlng fm[hon'n her- f
the improvement. upectfully beg leave to report that the i eceselty T the('ommott Council of the Cit)• f St.Paul: Donee, 1 ImCtlully nn lid that
' 1"exs 4,naps O f neh condemnation le obrlatetl.the Pertles The board of public w- k,hate tot oder I boxes be piacrd as lollowe: One on the con ,
i R.L.G...—s,President. -Ing the property 'Inch the Proposed nsideratfon he resolution or order of Lhe o[][ar�land and Pxylne avenue.and one on the
J.T.KEnaea, �er ill pas,havhl uer+eed to give the city au c on coo til•xPproced February 19tD,3890, r f Fovea i and Cook streets.
' :lerk of the Board of Public Work,. me t for he m lntenaatt 1 id er, lxtive co the grading of 3billay stmt•Iront roRexPeC:thill-submitted,-G order of the
?fa}-2n,189(1. mid said board therefore turn ids order to B.—.,so, to Cable ve re,a d having In
Alderman o[the aa'xrd. Tour honorable body,together with gmmentx [iR.teA
Id im(r men[: llny'10,1890.
Also, f afom,,Id parties lu the matter of f—1 aid v RexMinify r rt tint eideimpro-ement I, Committee on ways and me9ns.
eco rora stmt grading— meat,for your consideration•and afor such of e a y d Proper at thin time,the d nt-rnttts u —Nnixt c }rrEex�t.
T the Common Council of the City of St.Paul:li action xe mx)'bed ed proper for the imme- b ung no Impr r lie new apo if
,tent,an oyt n
Th board
of m41ic n' ke have had oder diate execntfon of said ilgrei, of
the Part three-fourths of the owners of the p rty to (if Committee sou Way. oil Meme—Aid.
onsidenation tg_.olutiou or Mer 1 the'i,of the rdt v. be as.en,sed being oPPOxetl[o said grading. Melfi dy'x sof utI— for 59,000 bond.—xc-
c or{{,rovedtA90, la- ]'oar xtten tion ie also els•Ctlully invited to yens 4,nays o. qufeftlon)farµ)[c)lavua reitrrxugenren'block
f Lice to the gradings f Tit carom .tree[, from'the report of the city engineer lir .aid matter, K.L.Goxata v',President. 21.011a-fer'x ddicionn t d lid 011-
street to Ham line v nue, and, having�which Is herewith transmitted. J.T.KEaaEnt, vler'n ndrtition to West St.Paul.for a public
i investigated the Proposed ipP co eat: R.I..GORNIAN.President. Clerk of the Huard of Public\Yorks.I pork—
in ri "tree momnnerrda ado [ion of.aid res-
,Illy rerort that exidofmprocemen[is J.T.KEngex, >faY 14,1A90. nn P
not nece...ry all,1 Proper at this time,the a I- Clerk of the Board of Public\York.. Adopted- oiu[ion. -
,i ldneer hxa-lug reported to.aid board that sato May 20.1890. Al.u, Acter,tcd. mo and n:r Ys be
.treat is not open Det ween said pofn[s. AdoPterl atA proper wry officers di recterl to F 6tima[es and Claim.— Ald.1 ved that the oyes x
,'eu s,4:no s.0. scute—1, agmements. The board transmit.approved by it the f l- c Iietl ora[he question of adopting said resolnr-
} I;x ]o,ill estimate.amiclaims` [ion.
R.L.Go--, Aieu.
7 - J.T.}:ensEni, Yresident. cuburbnn:avenne 1r�big.ate.,\ICI.e+irr ave Estimate No.o ami unxl,lylcun avenue Rr.d- Ald.\line.nruyed a.amendment Io refer swirl
Clerk of the BoxM of Public\4'orke. lie,Hastings xcenue?Point UouRlas,F-renrmrl, Ing. T. Keough, £1,272;Estimate No." ud solution to cumvuictee on Par4 x.
]8110. Rant Fourth, Duwsonn, \Iatt;itret uud l3eecln dna],Sisth s t n ser building.T.][aloy, reAmei dmenc Inst.
i Altlernuur of the wt d. utreetn eztenslons— £4.114:Estimate No.4aand final,Ytrora avenne l'euy}Aid. Bickel, l:onley. Fisher, i;ehnn,
Also. To the Honorable the Pmtllent amt 1 omoonl d Keut street sewer. T. Al.Breen.5549.18: \Duca,Air.President—d. .alien. I.eithmrxer,
Alley gr',fine,block Schunneier's seventh Council oI the Cit-of St.Paul: Estimate No. supplementary to No.4,mad Say's—Aid.Blom• Bock,
8tr•-et ndrlitiou— r ntlemen: In the matter M lotions final,t'h nrchill.avenue grmling.J.C'IaRey.$GO: ci llicnlr,\Veber,i'oerR-7.
your re.r.
Yi tion of said
3 Tu the Homrr.bie,the Yre.iden[ and(omniorr renla'nti rely npproced February 10, n90.and Estfmute So.a and final.Wilder xy grad- The gite.tiunn Ireiuq upon the xAuP
vii.Cite of et.Yaul.f.ntlemen: \lurch 311,lin I rt Iume and mnllloo the Or s—T.I.i-t
nan 8180;Esti ace No.:i sand fital, solm the.aid re.oiutiorn was lot.doe ted.
44 n the matt Sour pelf m(nary n der a Prov d Jarr1117,1A8s1,for the pening• Pt-tmt.ewer,T.\t.Bmrr.RD:i.4 Y;E.- reY1sa Bickel• Cont— F•i.her, —hall,
roved}bay-9.r1890,Int gra+img alley In block widening and extenelon of Su Lurbnn na-emre from timate N-`.:a and'ton stmt Improve- ]line',}Ir.Ytenld11—`-
p ;ellen. Lellbanner.
11 2,of Schurmeler'.Seventh S[mt addition,from )found stmt to east city limits;.leo[he ordere er T..'w'eeney,8422:T4:F'xtima[e No.4 and -1.y. Ali Blom. Brnk, C
Hope stmt to Meade stmt,the board of p b- pp--cd April 7.1887,for the ezteuelon of,Ic- final=Fairview �n grading.I.J. T.Million, Sullivan,Weber,Yoetg-7.
{ Inc I rks respectfnfl)•beg lean to ride rt th¢t L ii Poi t Inouglns,Fremont East Sfiol,Estimate x No.trl t d rfi na,1 oriR and I -j—
jy the illy engineer hnx P rtetl t0 Id board Fourth.Dawson. \largamt au 1 Beech treets. Bidwell st mts sewer,J.Fn ental,5.145,('. :. (if Conn ittee o n Nit+. Ue mrtmeut
that th—is no allev nn obi block Y,but that from their present eastern Leon tots to the east Sh n,p.8.9n. (if Co"jItt"utlon for fire shoo boxes on
j there 1,.,,alley ill blockxI of said addition,bat c(tl-limits.Hent Wino[he order pproced April Committee on claims. [-ntvemi[y.+nvnrue,e[e.—
} that euid alley does not n through to Arcade 37,1887,for the elniiler zteu.fon of Hastings in—sr or noxi n os't lir.aovr-nirwnox arss. Cunnantee r,oli nebde adoption
of sail I`—
` -
it„t [rest,and xniA DoaM therefore ret s id or- aver le+ fnr:ur said dl-Pr -ids for the es- c a¢unfire eu sites[—r Innlfotr.
!� der to your honor.ble body for such action ae tension of s id stents further than R'hf[e lies inn Adopted..(See resolution.)
may be deemed The board tuvites Council to attend a Gst of
£, Proper In said matter. e rue,the aboard of public works respectfully Also,
H. t R.L.6011MtA.President. beg leave toreort that the cor oration attor- new fire engine built by Waterous Engine Works
j(y i J.T Kexgex, p p of F[.Pauli 111d. Gehati x resolution authorizing board of
Clerk of the Board of Public Works. ue}•has advlced.aid board that ea(d renolutioua firecomndesioners to equip life-exYing co1Ts—
# 1usu9icie It for the purposes intended.and Accepted. p
Aldennsu of the wool. p e \iso, Commitee recommeltds+uloption of anidrexo-
xaid board therefore return Id eoluttone to lu[wn.
t Alsn, •oar hoirorn Dlr burl:for such action ns mx-be H.Hlnkene and of here peti[(un for fire engine
T Alley din bock 1 a,Arifv ton Hills uddl- deemed in said matters. ) hoose,fire a rue,arc..In Ninth a 1: ❑re Adopted. (See resolution.).
'• gra g, R Ir proper pPxrx
i tion— Yc [[eution Ie ettfnlly Invited to the alarm boxes at Case still \lissi sipl,and other Of Cnmuiktee un Claims—Louts E.Shepley and
To the Honorable the President and c'omroou opinion of the torpor rt�on attorney contained tmete—
Counefl.(rty of At.Paul—(:eutlern fn the communication here-aith transmitted. To the Honorable President slid tbmmon other.,'petitim3 asking to be retmbur.nd on
lu the mutter of poor reliminnr•order,a - R.I..tiORM.\N.Yrexidrnt, louncfl of the City of St.Paul: ccnou 4t of n oieY lost 1n contract for Paving
e ) F gentlemen The petition of H.Hinke s and F t Seventh street,from Ramsey to pueca-
` a d APr,I 30.1890 fo grading the alley t J T.REBNe,n' other eftirz s of the Nfnth taard askingorthe
5( block 1..Arml6tolI Hill, ldilo, to St Paul. Clerk of the Board OI Publte\Yorks. erection of an engine hovxe and necessary aP uli-snakes an adverse report.
�) Letweev Edgerton street and Payne c nue,the \lay'12.1890 tu.for fire,evgirie company nn the Adopted.
board of Public wurke respect tally Degeleaye to tumm fit,ant 1-- Par
-. ..• - -; �i s »Nhn.t'g y [ ':h r""m"tra .j10
{ Atso. Also, 111ELLAxEou.. $2,166.66-monthly estimates--garbage and
N" J. Nees' claim 84:14 09 rock removed, City Engineer's Report- Ordmslux. dead G...Is.
Wes[St.Paul proper- Recommending that offer of James Forrestal An ordinance was read permitting James H. Committee on streets.
Committee nnakm an adverse report. of 8400 for city atone crusher be accepted. Mayall to raise frame dwelling. By Ald.Sanborn-
Adopted. Committee reports favorably. Rules uspended ou motion of Aid. Cullen, Resolution permitting iter of lots 6,
Ala° Adopted. yeas 13,and ordinance read aZild time and 7 and 8, block 70, Dayton &
Carl J. Blomberg'.dslm-damages-overflow- Al.., passed. (See ordinance No.1,331.) Irvine's addition, to enclose d t
fng water-lot 12, block 12, Fairview hddf- An ordinance was read ronfbittug laying of Improve at his own expense the east limit of
tion- Report of hospltxl oche purchionase
asking prim
or32'700 p
( Committee recommend.payment of 816(1 a. for bWnilock
I{w block, purchase price of lot wooden sidewalksand
Da St eta. r[Ity avenue, be- Walnut street between extended
we avenue and
f full aatbdactfoo of said claim. 6,block 14,Stinson,Brown&Ramsey'.adds- twee¢Rice end llale e[renta. south line e said Iota extended we.twnrdlp.
Adopted. (See Ordinance No.1,334.) tion,steam heating plant- Rules sus Vended on motion of Aid. Weber, Committee on streets.
_ Committee reports that council hasno author- yeas 13,and ordfuance read second time and By Aid.I.eithauser- -
Ity to coutrxct a del[or lases certiflcatra of in- passed. (See ordinance No.11332.) Resolution directing board of public works to
Of committee on streets,-were and bridges- deb[ednesS for An ordinance was read pproprinting money mtlrrn order for change of grade wn Cable ave- 3-
OrdiuxnmgrantingSt. Paul & Dfinnea 0llS Pnreheee of estate.
Dleaeen d Telephone
ele hone con P Adopted. to Pmy judgment favor of Harriet A.Kelliher. nue.
ger un p pane the right to A{so. Rules suspended on motion of Ald. Gehau, Committee on e[rvets.
onstnnet telegraph and[elephoue wires- - yeas 13,and o dlnauce read Second time and B Ald.3tiuex- -
�[ z•
Commit' recommends Pax.a a of snbstitnte Ordinance thorizbng projection of second BV .
j g 6 passed. (See ordinxum No.1,333. Reeoluti°n inatrncting city engineer to rePlank
ordinanm. story of building,lot 7,bloc"4,Dayton'.addi- An ordinance ras read-8160 for Carl J. and repave Wnbashn street bridge from end of
Adopted. tiO1- Rlomben[-damages,De Soto street grading. new part to West
Al... Comnnittee makes an adverse report. Rule,suspended On motion M AW.]linen. Comndttee on streets.Aid.\Deem and Melody o.-..
Ordhnauce Permitting August Rohe to erect Adopted. yeas 13,xad ordinance time and By Ald.Conley
tranne building. `tib°' - Passed. (See Prdlnance No.1,334.) Preliminary order for paving 'filed street,
Committee recommend.passage of said ordf- Petition of Robert Wood and others for driveway p An ordinance was read refunding certafu from Broadway xad Third Street bridge.
¢ante, leading off Onkdnle avenue to Lucy street- moueva paid nn ree,sesament for opening Broad- Committee on.fasts.
Adopted. (See Ordinance No.1,388.) Committee recommends that said prtitlon be way street,from Grove street to Thirteenth Resolutions for lamps as follows: By Aid.
b"- Ain°, referred to nldennnn Oi the district. Geban, Bellevue avenue, etc.; by Aid. Left-
Ordinance sup lemental to ordinance 1YYi,I P street. O1
p Ado ted. R lea.uepended n motion of Aid. Genal, Hauser,Forrest street; by Aid.Pratt.Snelling
giving St.Paul City Railway company riot to
Also, yeas 13,and ordinance read Second time Had avenue.
build and pe to street aflway oil Eighth Ordinance re ling section 1 of Ordinance No. passed. (See ordlnnnce No.I,8ri6.) Committee on gas.
street,from Boner[to Wal as street,fora 64,passed Feb.27,]871,as amended by Orth- An ordinance was rend s ¢ding section 2 of The matters of change of geodes o4 Ho{se
•'loop- Hance No.301.appeored Sept.20,1882. o dinance No.419-impounding admals. street.between Sixth Street and Rn at Fourth
Comnnttce recommends passage of substitute Committee mikes an adverse rePOrt. rRules suspended on ootton of Aid. Genan, street; oil 3[iunehxnn street, from Prior to
ordinan[r. I Adopted. yeas 13,and ordinance read Second time and Capitol avenue: oo Selby avenue,from HSmRne
.� Adopted. (See Ordinance No.1,839.) Aleo, passed. (See Prdlnence No.1,836.) avenue to aat line of right of way. of
Also. Ordinance prohibiting laying of wooden Side- Au ordinance was read granting Diamond Jo Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway
Ordinance accepting propp eition of board of walks n paved Streets- Lin steamers aoQ St.Louts.St.Paul&Mime- company, eta: ou Sidney Street, from
co city commlSelonere of Ramseycountp trans. Committee makes an adverse report. ampolls Packet company certain franchises,ease- the center Ifue of Bidwell xtreetto Waseca
ferring to city of St.Paul countc s interest in Adopted. eats,etc., In and to the public levee In St. on Como avenue,between Rock street and Grot.
Marshall avenue bridge- Paul. tO S[reet,produred north from Frout street,ad.
Committee recommends passage. Rules suspended on motion of, vertlsed to be heard at thla time,were taken rip
Adopted. (See Ordinance No.1,340.) Of Committeeon Ordinances and Public Accounts yeas 14,and ordtumim read Second time and separately,sod in each case the vice President
Also, -Reports examined- passed. (See ordlua:No.1,337.) nnouucecl that objections,If any,to said pro-
' Ordinance amending Ordinance No. R09,re- Committee ties examined and found correct An ordinance was read Supplementsl to ordl- posed changes of Stmt grades,would then
hiring[o the health department.- report.of IHS{wrtor of buildings for February, ace No.1,227euLitled-'•nu ordinance author- heard
Committee recommends ass 1890,and\larch.1R90. izing the Saint Paul City Railway company,to No one appearing to oppose said proposed
j Adopted. (See Ordinance No.11,341.) Adopted. construct,etc.,street railway lines'-Rup. changes of street grades.reeolutlone respectively
Also, Rules suspended Ou motion of Ald. Cullen, changing the grades o°sold etttete,a.aforesaid
J Ordinance granting American Manufacturing Of Committee on GS.-Aid.Blom's resolution for yeas 14,and ordntnauce xd Second time and were adopCad. 1•�ee rsa0 Itioun.)
company the privilege to gradeportfon otleves 1. north...I corner Payne avenue and Ar- passed. (See ordinance No.1.389.) Immediately before the canvass o[votes for
f-Slzth ward and erect building thereon- fln9ton street- An rdinall was rend pp'•¢ting American justices of the peace,Aid. Sanborn moved that
Committee recommends passage of said or- Committee recommends adoption of resole- Manutnecurin¢ comppany Prlcllege to grade n the matter of canvassing the V.IS for justice
dlnauce as..ended. [ion. portion of levee In 91xth ward.¢d erect 1-113149 the peace be relerxd to a commlttea oneletito
Adopted. (gee ordfuance No.1.842.) Adopted. (Seeresolution.) °n same. of corporation attor-ey,and three aldErmen,to
J Also, Rules euapended ou motion °I Aid.Gahan, report result to couudl at a later day.
} Petition of the Diamond Jo line eteamern xnd yens 14,and ordinance d second time and After debate apou the quretfon Aid.Sate
the St. LOUItl St. Paul and TltnneapollS Of Commftt4e on Parks-Richard Relf hurl Oth- passed. (See ordinance No.1,342.) horn withdrew Said othm,and the canvass Of
Packet Co.,for lease of warehouse grounds on petition for fountain Dn Park Plae Park- An ordinance was read FProyrixtiug 8100 votes for justices of the peace wall Proceeded'
j levee- Committee makes an adverse report. for Arthur Stanton, ball forfeited for appear with.
The mnittee on street.,to Whom was re. Adulated. ce of Nellie Govan. Rules suspended on mo- During the ting Aid.Sanborn and Aid.
- termd the petition of the Diamond,to line steam- Also, tion of skid.CoWey,yeas I:i,and ordinance mad P art were xcused from further attendaum at
I. j ars,and he St. Louis, St.Paul
&Alinnespolie Park concerts,Decoration dap,etc.- second time and lost. the meet)nnsgy.
Packet Co., for leave of warehouse grounds on To the Common Council of the City of St.Paul: Yeas,11;nays,Aid.Blom and 31 r.Vice Pres- The Paeatdeut called Vice President Yoerg
public levee,respectfully report that they have Gentlemen: ident-2. the tial during the meeting.
had the matter under consideration,and ret- The committee on parks reapectfally recon- Vote by which said ordinance wine lost recon- Aid.Cmlen moved that when council adjourns
ommead that the prayer of [he petition be mend that the reaolntfon authorizing acont-1, .idered,yeas 18,and enid ordinance referred to it adjourn until Tuesday,June 3, 1890,
at 2
granted by the passage of the he pets spying with George Seibert for music rn the parks be committee on police., o'clock P.
!ffffff .solution and execution of the accompany(ng repealed,and that the sum of twenty-two limn- An ordinance was reed mppropriatlnF 826 for Adopted.
} lease and passage of the accompanying ordf- dred and fifty(82,260)dollars be equally die- Chao.Linden,line paid to mun dpal court. PROPOSED SIDEWALK RESOLUTIONS FOR
Hance, trlbuted between the Great Western and First Rules Su needed on motion of Aid. Blom Ju:vF.17,1890.
Adopted. (See solution and ordinance No. and Second Regiment hand. for concert.iu g AId.3[ioex-
je yeas 13,and Ordinance mad second time an y
}7 1,38 7). be hereafter deafgnoted In the con- lost. Resolved, That the board of Public
j tracts to be made bet%tmn the managers of said
Also, bannds and the city.and further recommend in Yeas,Ill;nays,Aid.Fisher and Cullen-2. instructed to lay a tan,Plenk aldew•alk ou the
H.K.Txy-lor cud others' petition for construe- lieu of the.flrst concert tO be given by each of Vote by whfcb Said ordhmum was lost recon- north aide of the old 3lendota road
tram Fair-
tion of new bridge ou Como avenue over right said bands,flat their Services be contributed eidered,yeas 13,end said onllnance referred to field avenue to the oil mill.
of why of Great Northern railway- on Decoration day,andthe amount of said con- committee on elst na.
Committee recommends thin c•Orp.-Ann at credited toward the price charged the. By Aid.Genan-
tornep correspond with Great Northern Railway mxnagerS of the exercise.on said day. .•Resolution a nthoriznng Proper city officers to By Ald.Sulnvani-
i comp }•and report at next relndar meeting of
RespectfullS draw order to favor of Azptine 3lenutacturing Resolved'fbat Lee board of public works m �-
eoonclL I .T7_s JON.NIISEA. company for 81,708.83 on June 1,1890,God on sidewalk
authorized to construct six-foot wooden
4 Adopted. Adopted. the first day of each succeeding month id walk on west side of Vernon avenne,be-
1 t �
�«ra' r..•r':R :.yc. 5_:'- pF:srzFv� s'•;•?g., a.g1 IJ,^wS+Oji' z t x... y. x'•
t ween RULg¢r atmC and ac.C181r stmt,❑t yIBC• thereof,be fined In s m [IIOt less than ORmNANCE No.1,33 5. ORDINANCE NO.1,337.
.]ester Park. twenty-8 ve or more than n eohundred dollars. An ordinance authorizing the funding of cec- Au ordinance granting to the Diamond Jo line
Sec.2. This ordinance shall tyke effect and Lain money.paid OR the re ,esement for the steamers,and to the St-Louis,St.Paul&Min-
By Aid Sullivan- be 1n force from avtl atter Its passage. opening of Broadway street,from Grove street eneapoll,Packet company,certain franchises,
Resolved,That the board of public works re Yeae-Ald.Bickel,Blom,Bock,Culleu,Conley, to Thirteenth street. is and' tvilcges pons in and to the
hereby authorized to construct.Ix-foot wooden Gehav, Leithaitser, Minna, Sullivan, Weber, The Common Council of the City of St.Paul do ubli,levee in the city of St.Pant
sidewalk an south side of llayton avenue,en Gahan Af Lelteemser-12. ordain as follows: T6e Common CII
O[Lhe City of St.Paul do
twcen Fairview avenue and Amo.stmt, x d In Nays-Aid.NYe6er-1. Ssctlon 1. That warren[s be draxv upon the ordain as follows: j
i front o[lot.8,4,5 and(I, block 11, Merriam Passed Mai'20,1890. city treasurer in favor of the petnone heremntter Section 1. That there le hereby greeted to
Park Second nddltion, M.HAAfM,President of Councils named for the respective sums act opposite their the Ilmniond Jo line teamere,and to the St.
Approved May 21,1890. es to refund to said persons the amounts Louis, St. Paul&- Minneapolis Packet Com-
.'i ! aid by them on the reassessment for the open peep,their successors and ans(gte,the right to
By Ald.Pratt- R RIERII A.SAnrx.Mayor. p
Resolved, That the board } public works Attest: TROs.A.PRENDEROAer.(Ary Clerk. P g o[Broadway stmt,from Grove .treat to the nee by them respectively a the following:
cause a six-foot wooden sidewalk to be con- May 20. Thiruen[bus�mt,the Bald assessments having scribed premises,situated In said city,to it:
.eructed on the north side of Minnellaha street, been held thorired by the district court o[ Commencing t point on the east line of
.V Rothsay county.o far as it affects the property Jackson stmt 'here the same intersects the
from Snelling avenue to Hamllne avenue. Also ORDINANCE No.1,333. onwhich Bald amounts were paid,said warrants low water mark of the Mississippi river, thence
th side of Minnehnhestreet,from Snelling An Ordinance apyroprlat[ng ey to pay to be drawn ae folio
easterly down said river[o the resterly lion of
to Prior avenue- Lain Indgmevt .met tee city of St.Paul One fu moor o[ the Babcock-Drake Transfer Sibley stmt: thence northerly along sold went-
iv favor o[Harriet A.Kelliher. company for the nu of 8118.60,beteg the rfy line of.S'ibley stmt to x point twenty(_O)
By Aid.Le+thauser The Common Council of the city of St.Paul do gm ata paid on lot 8 t block lie and the feet south o[ the southerly railroad.rick ex
Resolved,That the board t ublic w arks be ordain as follow,; therly one-halt(N',)of lot 9 of block 19,of tending from Sibley t0 Jackson at
the Ire
h b)e• rde d to u eu eight-too[ 'o den Section 1. That nn order be drawn upon the A,btou&9herb e' ddl ion[o St.Paul. westerly and parallel with the live of said '
ab ew lk to be laid coq both itlea of Huntivge airy treasurer 1n favor of Afar,.Murray& One In favor of Paulfna Nelson for the sum of utherly railroad track to the e t line
al entre,from Hester stmt to Pxc[fle avenue. Woodruff,attorneys ( o d for Harriet A. 822.00,befog the amount yyald on the easterly Jacknov tint; then=itherly along the east
Kelliher,(or the sum of flfteendoilare end twelve one-half(E S)of the v rth¢1 one-halt(N y)of Ifbe of Jackson stmt to the place of ming,
cents(816.12)ht payment of a certain judgm L lot 11 of block 19 of said addition. hereon id packet companies have hereto
33y Aid.Pratt- movered by said Hamlet A.Kelliher In the die One in favor of John H.Morltx for the sum o1 fore erected avd are now occupeaying[belr steam
Resolved, That the board of Public w rke trict court of Ramsey c CY against the city o[ 822.60,being the amount paid on the weaterly boat a house, but id right r.
to be built and maintained six-foot St.Paul,and exteml n d e rfected of mord in n M1alf(W�)of the one-halt(N!y)of anted lu the following prop tion d allot- -
wooden sidewalk ou She wee(nide of Raymond tile ince [Lhe clerk of 1tl dintriCt court on lot 11 of block 19 of said.drd+tion. enc, to it: Ta the aid Diamxnd Jo If
from CYylworth stmt Lo Elbe lint, the 30th day of April,1890. One in favor of Bernard Dolan for the num of ntearrmrs,the sterly 100 feet f the premise.
together with the necelisary croeew'xikx• Said order shall be dellveted Duly upon there $20.60,being the amount paid on the north- above described and to said St.Louis,Bt.Paul
beingflied with the city Compptroll.r a certificate westerly one-quarter(ntv, of lot 12,of block &Hinueapolis Packet company, the w'esterl
By Aid.Blom- in de form of the sadslactfon of Said judgment 19 of said addition. ) 200 feet of said premises,for and during the in I
Resolved,That the board of publlc works be Of record in said court. One in in
of Samuel S.Taylor for the um term of thirty(80)Tears,from and after the let
Instructed to lay a sixdoot wooden sidewalk on Sec.2. This ordinance to take effect and be f$18.25.sero the amount paid ou lot 18 of day O[June,1890.
both a(dex of Partridge street,fromBarrstreet. in tom from and atter Its publication. block 19 of sold addition. Sec.2.Said Packet company .hall pay -
to Bradley stmt,with necessary crosswalks. Yea.-Aid.Bickel,Blom,Bock,Callen,Conley, Said warrants shall be delivered only upon mut for tLe Dove ntionad premises s fol-
_ Fisher, Getum Hamm, Leftbeueer, D[inea, there being Bled with the city comptroller re- lotva: Said Dfamond,Jo Steamboat line the sum
Ordinances. Sullivan,Weber,Mr.Vice Preeldentrl8. celpte for the amounts so paid. of thirty-thin dollars and thirty-thin Cents
I Passed May 20,1890. Bac,2. This ordinaltce shall take effect and ($33.3iS11 ppeer anttunt,and the said St.Louts,St.
OUDINANrE No.1,831. ANraosY YoERO.Jr..Vice President of Council. be in fom from and after Its passage and pub. Yaut&\lino It 'IePacket company the sum Of I.
The Common Council of the City of St. Paul Approved May 21,1890. ifcatfon. sixty-six dollars and sixty-eta cents (800.05)
do ordain as follows: Roe.-A.S.- Mayor. Yeas-Ald.Bickel,Blom,Bock. ,.Ilen,Cooley}, o r annum,above sums to he paYeble ut the.
Section 1.
Permission a d authority fb bete- Attest: Taos.A.PRRNnesaAsr.City Clerk. Fisher,(ishan,Hamm,Lefthxuser,Mines,Su111- mee of the city trea.urer In Geld city of St.Pani
by given and graedauto Jame,H.
31 Y.11 to May 1.1. ,Weber,Mr.Vice Pmidev[-13. n the 1st day of June ate h e tl ry Yeur
raise that rtafn ne- d-half-story-story tram, v Passed May 20,1890. during the term a(omeW,and no rbulldinga vow
3} dwelltug ituatcd of lot a6, block 2, Rim& AxrxoNv 1'oeaa,.JR.,Yice President of Council. o hereafter emted upon veldpremises%either -I
addition to St. Paul. about-two feet ORDINANCE No. 1,334. Approved\fay 21,1S80. f said packet compnuiea,their eut'reeaore or xs- f
from the ground ]or the purports of putting An Ordlnnuce appropriating y+or and d+- Ronexr A.3Mrrx,)Inpor. slims,shall be removed therefrom eo long a.any
rating thep t dr d m Cari J.Blomberg.,the i {
p{ thereunder a brisk(ounde[lon,sold work Lo be ha Attest: Taos.A.PRENDERcaer,City-Clerk. re t.ball be due and unpaid. J
y. sum of one undred and fifty dollars,pursuant Sec.3.The bulldin Cnudiv 1d
done under the yyee felon cud fuepec[lon of to report of committee of claim,. >faY 20. qs R upov.a
the lnepet[or of building. The Common council of the City p ibe.,and say and ell buildings herentter so!
Sec.2. This ordhn m hal] take effect d ydaht as fonoun y of St.Paul do OxmvANc.No.1,83.1. ]steed or emted thereon shall be need only for
he in force from and after it,passage and publl- Au Ordinance antendtvg section 2 f Otdinan¢e the transportation and it...fer of good..w'area,
}} Section I. That a order be drawv upov the y per'ona,and hr way used I:
Carl... Ity treasury of B4 Paul in favor of Carl J. No.419,entitled"An ordinance 7n relation to erchendise and
Yeas-Aid.Bickel,Blom.Bock.Cullen,Conley, glomberg for the sum of ne hundred and flay impounding animal.." for purposes of trade by any Person or persona
Fi.her, Gehan, Leltha'tser, Aline,, Sullivan, dollars,in fml peneatlon for d satfslea- The Common Comre11ol the City of St.Pnuldo con ecRd with said packet companies,or
Weber.Y-Mr.Pomid nn[-13. ordain as follows: agents. aert ants. a rPloves. successors or as
Passed\lay 20,1890. [lost of s 1d Carl J.BlOonttS•tg's lslm nd de- Section 1. That tion 2 of Ordinance No. sign'. area or I,
pfj} W.r.HAatAe.President n[Council. d a(ielnst the city ( 8[.Yaof for damage
tl. Approved May 21,1590. Ione to lot twelve of block twelve,Fairview ad- 419.dinentitledimnl.ordinance
and the a relation1.bemby SII-PO No rod., I'pat ompaarreei�their
on Ru R. A.Sxrrx.Mn dltlon to St.Paul,caused by m king to Pau m g u zine trans rted bH• old eec c I
yor. a fd lot in the grading of Ue S to street to 0eid a dad by adding to the territory now lvclud- igus,or belonging to them nbnll
l At.t:'i A.A.PaENneaaA.r.City Clerk. d within the limit, a braced within said or be allowed to be or remain iv said w rehouse or
May 26 ,x city, by the report of the o mittee,on- dinxnce,the following described tlietrlet of the the buildings vow or bereaftererected upov said
Imine to the common council of data the 19th premises fora longer txNod than furtycight
i day of Dlay,A.D.1890,will m re lolly appear, city of St.Ynul,to wit: hon,,ex IrtMve of Sunday.wltbout pa t of
Onurv.-CE No.1,332. sold order to be delivered lay`tpnn hl.Bifog All tont por, I of the Ninth wad of the city ymen
j A. rdo ore prohibiting the laying f wooden with the city comptroller full dabsolute re. of St.Paul lying south of Maryland stmt and A reasonable charge therefor tO
said parties of
aldewalke on Cniver.i[p sv.nue beCtreen Rice ipte to the on in a.tlametlon of said claim or rot now included within the territory embraced and part respectively, att rding
to the por-
Lreet and Uale'treet. demand. [d set'[lon 2, tion of the premises no occupied:but any tray-
} The Common Council o[[he CY[y of S[.Paul do Sec.2. This ordivaere aM1al]take effect and Irt Sec.2. This ordinance hall take etlect and s8en oboat coming to the oftyy
f nSt.Paul with u
t oo.
rdain a.foligt " be+n tom from and after its publication be 1u futte Irom aad after its publicatlov. trgg hen[heels.hail o be y safe and a to
c tfon I. That it 1s hereb declared to be un- Yeas-Ald.Bickel,Blom.Bock.Cullen,Co ley Yeaa-Aid.Bickel,Blom.Bock,call-Conley, cern t place elsewhere the public levee to
jj y Fiaber Gehau, Hemm.LeltM1euaer.Mluen,Sul- 1 rd a c1 dlsa'hurge rgt between the west side
lawful and 8 ntiedemeanor for any person,firm, Fisher,Gehan.Hamm.Lerthauser,Mfne.,Sullo-
[ion to lay It wooden side- van,Weber.Dir.Vice President-13. livpan,Weber.AI r.Y'ce Pre.Ident-l:i. (Robert treat and the t side.of Sibley -
i �t sik
li tGro lace Un_mlt-wee- Funxl May 2o,tae+'. lg9o. ofRobert
hall be allowed to discharge
cargo and
( y r p y ANrxoxr YOERa,Jn.,{'itr President of Council, pas gx free of chnegs at the moat coavenicat
re between RIre stmt and Du]e stmt,without ANTIONI'Yneaa.JR.,Vice President of Couunell. 1880. point upon said premises or the warehouse now
} Drat obtelning permission of the common coon- Approved May 21.1590. Approved May 21•Roeear A.S.wtrx,Aleyor, hsm.tter a Led [hereon during its Use as
Of so to do,and y on firm,company or Ron ERr A.SMr x,Afayor. Attest: Taos.A.PnENnena A.r.City Clerk. such w.rehouse by sold potties of the second '
.�. s Of tion who shall violate any of the proyis- Attest: Taos.A.P N-DE..A...City Clerk. May 20 part,nubJect to the same ulee'and regulations
lona of this ordinnnre, .bull,upon con 1cOov M.y 20. Y
,trY;:,-' •a• moi„ r ,.,��, #�. ,'
,-'' ,� ��``�•�•cy°i' sr�y,w',,''•,G'q yq'�a ...,*. r'K�5; .„rV n,
=1 '
I as govern said packet com.anles above named, Yeas Ald.Bickel,Blom,Bock•,Cullen.Conleyy', city Lake all the responsibility of maintaining Tho=common Council of the CYty
of St.Paul do
_f. and mo tar as the same can be reamon.bly dour Fisher,Gehau,Leithauser, Miuea,Pratt,Sulll- said bridge,
j without prejudice to the proper use of said van,Weber,Yoe g,Me President-14. And Whereas,The City of St.Paul is willing Section 1. That permission and authority is
premises by said packet companies, their Mc, Passed Mayy 20,1890, to have transferred to 1t said bridge under the hereby ven and granted to the Americafor tln
TVcessors and assign.. Wu.Hwnx.President of Council. conditions named fu mala resolution,now there- Y are torg company to glade
o, Occupy
Sec.5.Said city of St.Paul shall have,and It Approved May 21,1890. tore. rdp a-I
DerebS reserves the right to enforce ail 1tB police ROBERT A.Shots,Mayor. The Common Council of the City of St.Paul do to-:be 1A1l of tote 1'2.R,4 and 5.block 2,B.-
"o": ""'I'
over,in and to said warehouse dun Attest: Taos A.Pne.Npexonsr,Cy[y CYerk. Ordain as follow.:
3 I ing the continuance of said term. )Ix 26. - Section I. That the CYty of St.Paul hereby zllle&Roberta'additou,net Included within the
Sec.6 It shall De the duty of said packet con[ y ae.umes all res onsibilit of memteiniug id strip fifty feet wide lying north and en ---.p.r-:
paules.their succ --and a.ealgn.,io keep the Marshall avenue bridge named in said resolution allel with the couch boundary line of the levee.
app roaches to said warehouse during the period OaxnINANCE No.1,480. u on the tranaler of the eafd bridge to the City seem 2. That permiselou and authority is
t i An ordinance pplemental to Ordinance-No. p hereby given slid granted to the American Man.
o [a occupancy by them both from the land of SL.Paul.
and water Bide este and secure nc all times for `•117,entltled'•.All authorizing the SST'2. The or.,...ce.hall take effect and be WRCturinR com any to move thelrtoundry
! the free egre.e sad Ingress t ..t Paul CYty Railway company to construe[, p
n peromn.and each 1n force from autl ager Its p Dlicatlon.,_ ing now locettee o¢the Roberts'ad rly part of lot 4,
Vehicles as may be necexeery to tncilltag the de-I 'pap, maintain Id rate street railway Book,Ru1en,-Conley. block 2,Bazille 5r e'addition.In a north-
osit,delle and transfer f lines in the city of St.Paul,"approved Septem- tg8��d•>'� •Hlom,- I y
j P ry o goods,n•xrem, Fisher Gahan,Leithsueer, Hines,Yratt,SW 1- eel direction,and to De located on the.lees o[
Der 2O,1889. Imtd de.crlbad in.merlon 1;also that.aid Amer-
I erehandise and passengers to and from their van,Weber,1'cetg,Mfr.Pmsideut-14.
.The Common Council of the lyty o[ E[.Paul lean Manufacturing oom any be allowed to in-
boats and said warehouse,free of all toll.,as- Passed r,Y 20,1ri90. p
I do ordain as follows: `.•_, ••A>t>t;president ot-t7otlneih cmase the size of said building,making the build•
eesemen[e,wharfage or charges. Section I. There fe nerebv Rranted to the St. ing when enlarged 60x160 long. Conscracton
• at any time eiMnrr of sold steamboat p oved)lay 21,1890.
companies or Innes shoultl have their res lective Paul CYty Rxilwny company,its aucce.m..slid -=pr ftoDc.T<1_.E>ttrR,)tayor: of the building to be the assn as the one to
Part.of said warehouse full of freight.slid teal-I IR e,to a n[horltY• right and privilege to
i bufldn e i ip, iutxin and operate avel
s Iine of At4a.t: Taos.A.PRERnERaAet.CYGY Clerk• loo,,.Wd Duiding to betbullt olWiat fibs th direr-
' endrxrlly have use for more room,end the other street callers with single truck on&1 ht street, 6' tions and according trill lnetnrctione of the
111 Ior aide have apace room not in use, then y g 6 ORDINANCE No.1.441.
either may,under such cirenmetaurea, be nl- In the city of St. Paul, from Robert street to
Wxbxehs street, with an ❑eae.sarp.witches, An Ordinance to amend Ordinance No.809,en- building inspector of said city.
M lowed to unload on or lu ash other's part on ole.,hires,conduit. n titled'•A.Ordinance preeedbing rules and Sec.4. This ordinance shall not take effect or
such,reasonable Lerma a.they may agree u 4S pPiixnces over and regulations for the Health Dep rtment of the be in force until the American Manufacturing
but in come storme or rain shall make It nepcen- along maid,- of sa1aE lith street as Drovided Clty of 6t.Paul;'a ved July 22nd,1887. company expre.mly agree and bind themselves
eery to,either f Wald Ives to secure a their lu ea d Ordinance Na.1,227. The Common Council op Lhe CYt• of St.Paul do by bond under seal,with two.urete.approved
1'u be used D the said St.Paul Clt•Rnllha f y by toe city attorney,in con.ideraZou of the 1 j
treightn before delivery to the owner or con-I y y y ordain e9 follow.:
company h1 the operation of iia.lets.lit street sage of this ordinance to remove said build- j
ai efguee then each hall have this temporary railway liue.,as.--loop upon a heli all of the section 1. Section 61 of Ordinance No.809. n at.the ezoyration of ten ears
and w indent-
if privilege without change to either, terra of yWd com n enterin that 11
seem 8. The rights a.d lvfr Ps Y g portiou of entitled 'An Ordinance prescribing rule. and i g I.
9 pr egex act no- the city of et.Paul.hall he run,a:cepting under regulations for the Health Department of the nils the meld city o[6L.Paul against any losses
q „ler this ordinance shall not De transferred or as-I clreumstancee which should reader running city of 6t.Pani,"is hereby amended eo ae to land mages caused by their
oceu ny to said
{ Igned to any person or eompxny without first I thereon 1m acticable wtd exce ting fn the awe read ae follows,to nit: -
i 111 obtaluinq the cou.eut of
said common council. pr P Every tenement,dw'elil.g house.lodidng house seem 4. This ordinance eh.11 be in force and
I seem 9. All bWldlu and 1-rehouses that of cable lines.
_ Rs and hotel hall provide and mal
-ntain...rope effect from and after its publication and ac-
may hereafter be erected ou eafd remises shall M--' bald ordhtance No. 1,127 shall ap- and suitable receptacles for receiving garba�ge ceptance by.xfd company.
be couetrne[rd In a neat, ub.t.nlal and work- PIM-eafd Iine of sold railway in thl.oNiunnce x•hich receptacles -hall eoumisc of tvatertIXj Yam--Ald.Blekel Blom.Bock,Cmllen,Conley,
manlike mxmmr and Lo the wtlsfectlon of said pedlied,and said fit. Paul qty Ralhray com- Fleher,Gahan,Lelt('inueer,Mine., Pratt, 8.1 l-
council. Puny shall, x'ith respect to the constntetfon, vemsels not too 1.7'for convenient bandlfug�
Bea.l0. unciThis ordinance shall not be con- quipping,mafaalning and operatfu said line and shall be placed by the occupants o!each an,Weber,Ycerq,Mr.Preeldent�l4.
mined to limit or restrict the owero of the com- entitled to like pe Rp �g buildings at point on the remisem most Be- Passed Mayy 20,1890.
P powers. rlghte and rivil ceeeible[o the peroo.m collect jig the garbage Wx.HAAN.President of Council
mon eounell Ire they are rescribed h1 the them- n rtrorided inaatd Ordinance No.1,127 and GnrD hall De construed to mean kitchen Approved May 21,1890.
jj p be muel(or to Lhr llmltations, coudltlons and age Ronzwr A.extra,Mayor.
ty-second and Lwenty-third subdlelmlons of sec- pprovle or
of said Ordinance 1,1'17,except as offal and other refuse matter composed of either Attest: Taos.A.PRERDERaes'r.Cytv Clerk.
tion R,chapter 4,of the charterof the city of 81. herein otherwise provided or nscessarll lira animal or vegetable-ubacances.
Ysui,approved Mnreh G, 1874,If sold Cowell y P-e. Houenholdere and others who offer garbage to May 28.
shall deem It necessary for the public good. Plfe c.If.
Zinc.R. The meld Iine hereto lie removed shall not be permitted to mix with
11. All ardlnanoes nud parte of ordl- provided ehnfl st ft dirt, table, toues,sticks of good or other ORotNANce No.1.843.
naneex or lexolutfo.s co.flictin with the term. completed and equipped on or before the first
g day of November,1890. euDBUrncee fore)p1 to Ice
of this ordiunnce are hereb•re sled. No arson mh.11 cause or permit garbage to be An Ordinance to authorize the St.Paul and
Sec.12. The terms and Nrovl lour of this or, Sec4. This ordf mem shall tike effect throwPl or scattered im street.,alleys or on va- Minneapolis Messenger and Tele hone Company
dlnance shall be aueep[ed 1n writing by mid com- from wid after Ire publlattion and Its ncceptanoe to erect,construct and malntatn telegra�h and
paules within thrrtyy days alter lta publlextion.I by.aid St.Paul C tY K.11wny company In wrlC- qo Cleo,ement or lodging house tibr any portion telephone wires within the city
of St. out in
sec.1R. Thle oMl.ance shall take effect from Inn,executed by i[e,1renldyut or Wee prekldrnt
J and after Its publlettlon ad acceptance in d Hied with the clerkk of meld Mty hithln thirty Lhereol.hall De used am a place of stornge�e the State of MR
. i wrlcing by Bald packet ion ale.. days atter the publlcatlon of sold ordhtance, any cambuatible nide or any erticle den The Common Council of the city of fit.Paul
i Yeas-Aid.Blekel,Hlom,Bock,C I eu,Carle leas-Aid.Bickel,Blom,Bock,Cullen,Cogley, ons or detrimental [o health, nor shall mry do ordain 1.follows:
Y, Fleher,l:ehnn, I.eithauser, Mlluea,Yrett,8.111- Dorsa,cow,calf,swhne,pig,.beep or goat be kept Section 1. Authority la'
herelF� given and
j Fisher.Gehau,, Mfinyw, Prat[,Nul- in each house. granted to the 6t.Paul and Minneapolis Mee-
I Auy person who violates,neglects or refuses .eager and Telephone Company to erect,con-
Ihan,Weber,Y-g-18, van,Weber,Ycerg,)Ir.President-74.
f Mr.President excused from Tot in Passed Ma•20,189 U. to comply with n of the provfalona 1 this strnct and maintain telegraph and telephone
Passed)[ay 20.1890. g >1.H.v>uI,President of Council' section.hall be subject to a fine not xceerling wilts over end n1ouR all..bile street.curl((wb-
Wx.Hwx>I,President of C'ouncll. Approved May 21,1890. one hundred(8100;dollars nor Isms than twen- I1c allegro In the city of St.Paul,county of R.-
Approved May'21,1890. ROBERT A.S-TR.Mayor. t five 826 dollars for each offense,to flier ey,and State of Mlnne.otu,herei.atter drs-
ROREHT A.SAmx,Mayor. \jatY lji TrOx. A.PnExueuanmT,City('fee-. ge iRssred,sad u rm.nch other and further public
with the cost.o[proeecutiou. p
Atiemt: Tape.A.YaeBOERDAsr,City Clerk. Sec.2. This ordlna.ce-hall take effect and streets and said city of St.Paul,as
May 26. be in tome from and atter ft.publication the Common Council of said cit may hereafter
1 GRDINANCE,No.1,84U. Yraa-Aid.Bickel,Biom,Bock,Cullen,CoWey, designate, upon ppoles or build u� that y
{i Am ordinance accepting the propoeltlml f the Fisher,Gahan. Leitnauser,Mines. Prs[t,bulli- ow or hereafter beconetrnctea and maintained
ORDINANCE No. 1,448, board of county commismlouera of Ram.e ,Weber,Yceeg,Mr.P--dent-14. In aid city,by any,peroon or corporation,by
{ The Common Couucfl o[the City of St.Paul du y lid with tine consent of the person or corporx-
county,State t )tin lesota.transferring to v Ywsed May 2U,1890.
E I ordain m follows: the(70y of It.
Ysul all the Interemt. t aid Wx.HAa i,President of Council. 't'o.owning ar said poles or build '
3 section 1. Permission is hereby give. ad county In Dud to the Mfarshall avenue bridge. Approved May 21•RoeERT A.S>urx,Mayor. egm'ec.2. That much to be
laid and con-
to Aug.Rohe co erect a om etory frame Wheless,The Board of County Commi.afonere i
buf13 IS ug.on lot 6,block 4,Rice dt Irvine'. of the Count of Ramal Attest: Taos.A.Pu_NDERuwmr,City Clerk. traded upon such pales aMemse-gre a by said
County y,Stateof Min.esota, vt.Paul and Mfnnea ohs MBb meter and Tele-
nddit op to St.Paul,Irontln on Sizth street,
t 1.1-1.119 of sold board held Mtrreh 17, Hay 26, ORDINANCE No.1,842. Done Company shall be uDJect to the acme
said building to be under the all rvielon of the 1R9 ,adpted a resolution as follows: p
nmpector of buildings. "Resolved,That all the rights and interests of An ordinance granting the American Manutac- laws and ordinances regulating the laying and
[ I t n I Ramsey co.ty 11,aad to the Dlarohnll a mune Luring company privilege to grade a Portion of maintainingg of telegraph,tele.o.e,or electric
i I Sec.2. This ordinance hall take eRect ei d bridge,be aria[he same am hereby transferred the levee in the sixth word and erect.abuild- wires,ht axid city of St.Paul,which
may now
be in force from and atter its ase In n same. malar or which may hereWter be passed Dy the
j passage. to the City of St.Paul,provided: That the Raid g o n
I 1
1 cy, (k �°.>, '^'�L''1 '`''�*'pr..�y�$ a^.!,:..e Y�"�,:,,C Fr rt!.;� e,M°J;. .�F� _ '4'yr :a^'..f�y.,...-:. • .
+3{ Common Council of the city of 6t.Paul;aad By Aid.Sanborn- Blom
d further,that henever the Common Resolved,That the�ede of the elle In block Yeas-Aid.Bicker,muss Bock,Cullen.Conte
l o[ id city of 9t. Paul y order 26 of Mackubin & H Aid.Weber- yy
-I y olved.That'be dry enq(neer be instructed Ffeher,Gahan,Lelthaueer, Dtinea.Pratt,Bulli-
the same co be done,said wires shall be b D[arehall'e addition,from to lace crone-walk to cross Mimehaha a[ van,Weber,YoeB.J[r.Yreeldent-14.
the 8t. Paul and Minneapolis D(esaengersg�d and monde lice one thetaceom mdlca[ed by the janetio.of Como and Farrington. Approved May 21,1890.
Telephone Cmnpauy,placed under Panying proflle,and Yeas-Aid.Bfekel,Blom,Bock,Culen,Gouley,
ground fu as recommended by the city eugmeer,be sad the Fisher.Gahan, Lei[haueer, DBnea,Pratt,Sulil- Resolved,That the proper o(Acers of the city
the maturer d according to the directions same fs hereby adopted as the established ado. van,Weber,Yoerg,Mr.Preeldent-14. of St.Paul be and they am herebyy autborlaed
preacdbed by said Common Coundi. yeas-Aid.Bickel,Blom,Bock,Cullen, p roved Dfay 21,1890. and directed to execute and deliver in triplicate
' y pp a lease to the Diamond Jo Line Steamers ani
Sec.S. That the fo8oxdng stunts are hereby Fisher.Gehan.Ldthauser. Dtinea, Pratt,Bulli-
deeienin sfor the lean ng of aald wires,as pro- v.,Weber,Ycexg,Mr.President-14.
aided 1n cion f this ord]nauce,to-wit: Approved Dlay 21,1890. By Aid.Malady the 9t.Louis, St.P. & Toneap yi Packet
` From 21 West Fifth street to Wabash street; Resolved,Thnt the city engineer be instructed company,according to the Bock.Cullen,
C ldy, d
thence north on the seat side of Web_..street By Aid Gehan- to lay atwo-plank sidewalk on the west aide of Yeas-Aid.Bickel,Blom,Bock,Cullen.Conley,
Sevcuth street;thence eget on the north aide Resolved,That Lha Livingston avenue,between George and Dear Fisher,Gehnn,Leithauser. Jlhrea,Pratt,8u f- p
grade of FWrvlew attest, born stmt', van,\Veber,goer¢ 19.
of Seventh street to Olive street:thence west on from Arch stmt to Pennsylvania avenue,ae In- _
Mr.President excused1,18 from voting.
the south side of Seventh stmt Lo Jackson cleated b the red Yeas-Aid.Bickel,Blom,Bock,Cullen,Conley,
f y grade line on the accompany- Fleher,Gehan, Hamm,Leithnueer.Dtinea.Sul- Approved Dfay 21,1890.
street; thence on the east Hf( of Jackauu street lags proflle,and ae recommended by the city en- Fish Weber.Mr.Vice President-18. Hyy''aid.Gahan-
to Fffth street:thence from Fifth street to Sib- gincer,be and the same Is hereby adopted as the AvemApproved May 21,1890. Resolved,That the proper city olflcere De and
Is stmt; chso. south on Sibley street to estabnehed grade. _
1 Fourth street;thence west➢u Fonrth street to Yees-Aid.Hlekel, Blom,Bock, Cullen,Co.- they are hereby autborfred to execute a lease on
j' Minnesota street; the
ouch ur Minnesota By Aid.Mel,y-
ley, Fisher, Gehan, Lelthauser.Dime.,Pratt,
etregt to Third street; thence west o.Third 6ullEvan,Weber,Ycerg,D[r.Pmideuc-14. Resolved,Thet the chis[of slice be Instructed Dehalt of the cty of, Paul,between said city
street to Cedar stmt;thence north on Ceder Approved May 21,1890, to order the removal of the old saw mill on the and Stephen Burne,/or that part of the base•
1 street to Fifth street;thence west on Fifth street Hv Aid.Ruck- West Side L, the same la necessary on meat under the Jtarket Douse nota used as n cee-
to 21 West Fifth attest,the plflce of beginning. account of the bu{Idi. of said levee. tauraut for the term of two yenta from June
Sec.4. This ordinance shall be In force from Reeulved,That the grade of Weet Beventh - Yere Aid.Bickel,Blom.Bock,Cullen,Conley, 1,1890,at the present rental.
jand after Its passage, tree[ from Otto stmt to the Fort Snelling Fisher.Gehan, Leithauser, Mirea,Pratt,Sulli- Yeas AId.Bickel,Blom,Bock,Culler,Conley.
Yeas Ald. Bickel,Blom,Bock,Cullen.Con- bridge,as indicated by the red Fisher, Gehan,LeltAir.hauPr, idslit Pratt, Sul•
grade Ilse On the van,WeDet,yoerg,Jf r.Yreeident-14. llvan,Weber,Y•cet8.D[r.Pmident-14.
ley, Fleher,Gehml,Leitheueer, Mines,Pratt, ccompauying proflle,and as recommended by Approved May 21,1890. Approved May 21.1890.
Sullivan,Weber,Yoerk,Mr.Preafdent�l4. the s1tY engineer, be red the same fs hereby pp y
j Passed May 20,1890. adopted Mae the eetabllebed grade. Hy AId.Weber-
WM.HAMM,President of Council. Tens-Ald. Bickel, Blom,Bock, Cullen,Con- Resolved,Thet the auperiutendent of police By Aid.Conte)•-
. Approved May 21,1890. ley, Fleher,Grheu, Lelthauser,Mines, Prnct, tel aph be htetructed[o place a telephone m Resolved.That an order be drawn on the
' R-6Ear A.Smite.Mayor. Sullivan,.Weber,Year b[r.Pteeident-14. po,,ce boa ac corner of Front aad Lexington treasury In favor of John Clark for the sum of
i Attest: -1pproxed May 21,1890. 8200,to be need as n contingent fund In the of-
avenue.I May 29os.A.PixzxneaoAer,City Clerk. BY Ald Bock- yeas Ald.Bickel.Blom,Bock,Cullen,Conlel•. Ace of the chief of police.
Reaolved,That the dry engineer report grades Fleher.Gehan. Leithauser, Dfinea,Pratt,Sul(- Yeah-Aid.Backe,Blom, Bock, Cullen, Con-
on following streeme: Tuscarora avenue,from van,Weber,Y.erg.Mr.President-14. lay. Fisher,Gehan,Lelthsaeer, Mines,Pratt,
Pleasant avenue to Hemline avenue; Foster Approved May 21.1890. Su111van,Weber.Yoerg,Mr.President
aeao[-trrt0n street,from B. avenue to Canton; 6ebeHer Approved May 21,1890.
Resolved, That the following�la[a. ae ap- sticet,from Stewart avenuet.Halullne;Bayard By Ald.Blom-
)) { pmroved by the plat comtnt 1% d ae redom- avenue.from Vletoria to Hamllne; Chatsworth lteeolved,That the gasoline lamp contractor By slolveBd,sThat n order be
drawn u on the
ended by the city engtttcez,be and the asmeare stmt,from West Seventh to Pleasant avenue; be and hs to hereby ordered to erect end mein- Rs Leo pD
hereby accepts by the common coundl of the Otto avenue, from Butternut to Hemline: tam gasoline lamps.Ove tamp the northeuet city treasurer,one for the sum of d oust m)r the
P comer o[Paine avenue and A Iingcon street. lace In f...r of Henry 6chmttec,au
f dry I ec.Par Eleanor stmt,from West Seventh to Hemline: Yeav-Aid.Bickel,Blom,Bock.Cullen,Corleyy, of ten (10) dollars in favor o[ Joseph
' 1 John A.Coke's Addition to St.Pa W. South Summft avenue,from St.Clair to Mont- Fleher.Gehan.Hamm,Leftbaueer,Miuea,Bulli- Pieha,both being for addltlonau compensation
real avenue. n Weber,DI r.V Ice Pmident-1S. for nee of bulldinge for election P paean.
Butterfield Syndicate Addltlou No.2,Ramseyeas-Aid.Bickel.Blom.Bock.Cullen,Cooleyy, v p ed Mey`Ll,1890. Yeas-Aid.Bickel,Blom.Bock,Cullen,Cooleyy,
county,Minn. Fleher,Gehan.Lefthauser,Dtinea, Pratt, 3-111- pprov Fisher,Gehau,Leltbaraer,M1vea,Ymtt,8WR-
{ Hl.wathe Park Addition No.2,8t.Paul,Rem- Weber,Yce
sey comtt„Mlm. tg,Mr.Pre91de-[-14. ,Weber,Yay 2 ,1 Preeldent-14.
7.M.Warner's Second Addition to 8t.Paul, y Approved May 21,1890. By A I Leftbaueer-
y Revolved,Thet the board of flee cominmul n- Approved May'21,1890.
+f Minn- rs be hereby ordered to place and afntein s
i Ald.Bickel,Blom,Bock,Cullen,COWey, By All.Mines- Are alarm box at the to
of Earl and Haet- Resolved,That a refunding order for Lhe sum
Ffeher, Gehan, Leith.uscr, Mines, 9ulRyan, Resolved,Tbst the city engineer be instructed in ve o1 levan dollsrs d platy-Ave to(811.86)
Weber,Ycexg.Mr.Preeld¢nt-18. to establish a grade un Gates stmt,from South yea Aid.Bicker,Blom,Bnek.(.'-flan,Conley, De drawn apoa the dry treasury I.
favor of EI-
Approved May 21,1890. Robert stmt to Hoyt avenue. Fisher,Gehan.Lefthauser,Mfnea, Pratt,6-111- ire M.Cady,owner of lot 1.W.T.Berteau's
Yeas-Ald.Bickel,Blom,Bock,Cullen,Conley, van.Weber,Yoerg,Dir.Pmident-14. addition to St.Paul,the said sum being[he
i By Ald.Lelchaueer- Fisher.Gehan,Letthauser,Dtinea, Pratt.8-111- p owed bley 21.1890, oust overpaid
by paid owner on account of
I van Weber,Yoerg,Mr.President-14. PPr -- said lot 1,being overs reeed,owing to a mieap-
Resolved,That the giad�o[Mfnnehahaetmt, ppproved May 21,1880. B Ald.Sulllven- prehension na to frontage of a Id property,for
from Bock stmt to the east city limits,as In- solved,That the board of Are commisalou-
! dlcated by the red grade line on the accompany. the c mMmetion of sewer on Tuscarora stmt,
P y- Hy AId.SufliTan- eta he authorized to place fire alarm boles In from Chatsworth n ret to West Seventhstmt
Ing proflle.and as mommen by by Lhe city eu- Rosolved,That the cit a the folioxing purees: O is on Uvlvetulty avenue
gfneer,be and the same le hereb ado ted ae the y engineer be and!a (Chatsworth and Tuscarora streets sewer).
y P hereby l.etmcted to purchase two road ma at end of pmctorm of Minnesota Transfer Rail- yeae-Atd.Bickel,Blom,Bock,Cullen,Cooleyy,
established grade. chlnea for use on the stunts of the city,at a coat waycompany;one on Snelling avenue et cornerot Fisher,Gehan,Leitheuaer,M1nea. Pratt,Sull1-
Yeas-AId.Bickel,Hlom,Boek,Cullen,Cooley, not to ezceed 8480 for the two. Grand avenue;one on Summit avenue et corner van.Weber,,ne Mr.Pmfdent-14.
Fleher,Gehan,Lelthaiteer,Mmea,Pratt,bulli- of McAllister avenue,and one on,coomer of Rut-
l van,Webe,Yost&Mr.President-14.
yesa-Aid.Hlekel,Blom,Bock,Cullen,Conley, Approved May 21,1890.
j Approved May 21,1890. Fisher,Gehan,Hamm. Lelchauser, Dfluee,9 W- gars and Amheest venues;one corner of
2 ice Presidenhl8. Cortland and Jeesamine stints. By plc.Cullen-
Approved May_l.1890. Pees-Aid.Blckei,Blom,Bock,CUlien,C-dey. yolced by cue common commit of the city
i Byy Ald.Pratt- Fleher, Geban,Leitaauser, Dfinea,Pratt,6-111- t 8t.Paul,That the nproper city oflicere are
g gReeolved,That the grade o[county road from By Aid.Bock- nun,Weber,Ycerg,Dir.Presidents-l4- hereby authorized d inetmc[ed to fesun and {
;f pp stmt to Langt rd avenue,as indicated Resolved,That the city engineer Cauca catch- Approved May 21,1890, execute,a certificate of Indebtedness in the sum
f by the red grade Bve an the accompanytnceg pro- basin to be built at the southeast comer of Gar- B pfd.Gehnn- of Ave thousand(86,000)dolgare,payaD[co
Ale,end as recommended by the.ftyP:A De field and Goodrich ave...;also one m center of R¢eolved,That the board of fire comm[sston- order of Robert A.Smith, yor,m two years
-' % d the same ie hereby a+l pled the eetab- block on Goodrich avenue,south aide of street ra be and they axe hereby authorized Lo organ- Isom its date of issue.wltD interest
at the ate
lfehed grade. between Garfield aad Western avenue. qu p,and t In service a life saving corps, of six(6)pe ce t per annum,psyable i-an-
Yeae-Aid.Blckal Dlom,Bock,Lyttas,(gnleyy, Yeas-Aid.Bickel,Blom,Hock,Callan,Cooleyy, ire(stirs of ov wagon,two Doreen.and the u ally. ieproceeds.1 eafd cern fleate shall be
Fleher.Gehan,Leitbaveer,Mines, Pratt, 9ullf- Fisher,Gehan, Leithnassr,Mine.,Pratt,6ulll- ne.eseary app atue to fully egcomthhe same as placed In the city tmaeury toe the Durpose
Weber,Ycam,Mr.Pmldent-14. Weber,Yoetg,Mr.President-14. mommended by them In their uWeatton gra, req the mtereete of the sit d the dry
van.Aproved May 21,1890, clerk is hereby authorized to draw city orders
y Approved Dfey'21,1890. .t Jan.3.1890.
i f
nos $w
at 4 - E - - -.
s 7 & R 41P_
:'^ rk
G -�7
` 8t.Paul d George Seibert for Blc in the Whep cetThe It clerk gave notice in the [- i
rayon t Y treasury for all vouchers ere whenever el- Ight cents(&'1.38)erroneouslyy aeeeeeed for lot Im'Burin the uin season be and the ficial of aid dty. for three
lowed b the committee of wa a and means suit 1,block 11,E.B.Arnold•-addlthe,erroneouely par g g weeks,twice in each eek, that the common i
aspp ved by the mayor,for the dlebu-.cut of neeessed for the newer on Martin atttet. a la hereby repealed. -
e 1d eum or,for any portion thereof, after the Ale.,that an order be drawuln favor of Ge�rge Reeol ved,lurcher. Thar contracts be entettd co Seil of said city would on the
20tD dray o[ 1 have Leen audited byy the city comptroller. Doahne for the sum of twenty-two do and d into between the city and th,Gvc t,e_tem avd Ma 1890,at 7:30.'clock p.m.,at the
said certiOCate of indebted arse befng a thorized tblrty-two cents ($22.82,Dem ltiea and First and Second Regiment bands,rand for the chamber,in . dtv.comilder such proposed
der chs lath (0th) eubdivleion o[ section f tercet on lite 1,2,8, block 16&Fafrvlew sum of seven hundred sod fifty(760 dollar., change of grade;unitad
i] three(8)M an act to.mead the charter of the addition,erroneously sold for the grading of for concerto[o begiven by said band.�uthtgthe Whereas,At tPi Posed ha6Pla
of grade ethe J`
dty o 3t. and the acts amendatory there- Jessie Greet. summer season,the parka and dates to be deals- noted for each ge
of,approved Feb.22,Itl87. common council after hearing all persona inter-
' A180 that an order be drawn in favor noted in acid contract.. P
j Tees-Aid.Bickel,Blom,Bock,Cullen,Coleyy, of James O'Meara and E. T. Atwater Yeas--Aid.Bickel,Blom,Bock,Callen,Conleyy, este.d.and being of the o iuf0n that the same fe
j Fisher.Gahan,Ld[haueer,Mli a Pratt, eulll-'tnr the -um f nine[ two dollars and Flaher.Gahan,Leltheuenr,DBnea, Pratt, Sulll- n Theretorenbe it resolved, That the grade o[
can,Weber.Df r.Prealdent-13. thirty cents($92.30),being for the redem thin van,Weber,Y-cerg,Mr.Preeidant-14. Como avenue between Rock street-ad
/ Nays-Aid.]'OeIg-1. of certificate.of sale Noe. 18,176, 13.176p 18,. Approved Dlay•21,1890. to street,Produced north from Front street,
Approved May 21,1890. 177 suit•2,438 Issued against'Iota A0, 31, 82, be and the s Ie hereby chanced
j 1 _ Llock 1,Wee[mineter addition,and lot A,block Byy Ald.Gahan cordance with the
red If
ae shown on the an
j By clod'CNlev 8,Eaton & alk. oa'e addition,a oneouel R c-ed file,bels the nmm�as referred to in ail
Re Ived That an order be drawn in favor of y olved.That the t to be paid by L.N.
George Me,airy trew'urer,for the e f o ^old for sldewalk¢eeeeamente,havivR been pmd - Scott for the Newmarket theater duties the the➢rooeedfuge ha8iu resard to said change.and
1 tt ne tw;re, nth,o[June.July d August,A.D.1890, it further pro ptt-
i huvdred and eev8.38),ght dollars and Lhlrty- Also thn'.e n order be drawn in favor of T.J. ba and the is hereby flxetl at the sum of n solved.That thiso order and the
file m
tg6[cents (6178.88), being Amon t paid for Howse for LF=Bum of el Peen tlollars gl8 )Pete�mon
{ redemption from general taxes on the fo11ow1nR to Martha D3.$e forte a Bum of}ori dollars one hundttd dollure(81001 oath. L(u id change f grade De tt[eired to the
j yroperly belonging to the City of 8[.Paul,viz., 0 �y y Resolved further,Thut a 1 lutlun6 hemto- R na
!{ 1 lots 9,e,'!,0 and 6,block 30,and lot, 1,2,8 (94 )' being eats aid twice In error (.re Passed fncovelBtent ith Lhe ereovieione of boats of public work,, d that
Bafd board
Upon lot 8,block 7,Marshal'e addltfov, ad lot thio reeolutlon be and the roma bexby of BDmo)i n➢r d witho�t delay to a6 LDe
l and 4,block 9U,llnnn'ell'e addition,having been 8, lieid'e r t, a IT thny Can aettrtafn the
ly sold for Lases. ngemeut of Part of block 27 pealed. same,which hallbem9lif ed to y the dam-
Dfarehall'e addiction,asaeaoed for a than of Peas-Ald.Bickel,Blom,Bock,Callen,Coulee,
erroneous Ahm,that an order be drawn 1n lavor of E.J. grade on State street, from levee to 6giiee•n Fisheq Gahan,I<eithauser,Dfinea, Yrxtt, Sulli- •costa and expenses of
such P provement
I Meier for the sum of forte-nine dollars and van,Weber,Yo. .Dlr.President-14. upon the real estate to be benefited by said 1m-
i Lhlrty cents, ($49.30)), befog for Lhe nd street' procement, as provided by law, it being the
i' dem Lion o[certificate.NOe.t.g or 17,827, Also that an order be drawn in favor of the Approved May 1,1890. opinion of the common comrdl that real estate
•� Merchants'National Bank for the oum of tortto 1>e saeessed (or such 1mp0rovement can be
7,9 O,7,971,issued against lots t,2,3,4,block five dollars($46),belug for the redemption of By Committee on Parka- found rime d to the extent ( the damages,
tiE.Rice's of Misi adto at,erroneously Bold for certificate of sale No.8 900,8,907,8,908 and Resolved,That three concerts be given during
the grading of Dtiealoaipppi street. costa and expenses necessary to be incurred y
Also,that an otder be drawn for the sum of A,A09,erroueovely issued against lite 14, 16, the musical season of 1890,viz., one in June, thereby.
three dollars end Lhlrty cents(iVi.AO),In favor 18,17,block-1,College Place,West division,for one fu July and one hr August,fn Groveland ]"ens-Aid.Bickel,Blom,Bock,Callen,Conley,
of the Merchants'National bank.being for the the grading of Wesley avenue. park,at the end of the Grand.avenue electric Fisher,Gehan,Hnmm.Lelthavaer,Mluea,6u1LL-
Yene-Aid.Most],Blom,Bock,Cullen,Conley, line,by either of the bands chosen by(the city van, her,Mr.Vice Presideat-l8.
redemption of certificate No.6,969,erroneously Flsher,Gehan,Lelthauser, Dfinea, Pratt,Sull1- council,and date of concert to be t b the
issued against lot 8,block 1A,Banning&Oliver'e y Approved May 21,1890.
addltfon far the opening of Mohawk avenue. i Weber,]"oars,Mr.Preeldenir14. Committee on p ke. The Common counefl of the city of
1 v Approved May 21,1890. Yens-Aid.Blake),Blom,Bock,Cullen,Conley,
Also,that an order be drawn In favor of E.J. Whereas,
i Meier for the sum of six dollars a d fltc (x Fisher.Gehan. Lefthaumr, Mfnea, Pratt,8u(- 6t pawl beretolore dared the board of pub-
cente($8.60),being(or the redemption of yCer- Resolved,That the draft of contract submit- iivan,Weber,Yoerg,Mr.Preafdeutrl4. If
w.rk-a to report whether a change of grade on
{ tlficate2,228,erroneovely issued against ted by the corporation attorney between B.F. Approved May 21,1890. If innehaha street,from Prior avenue to CaP1-
lot 7,block 6,Daweo.'e addition,for sewer on thin on and the city 0f 6t.Paul for the collet- toil avenue,In said city,as shown by a red IIns
Ohio street. tion and removal of the contents of profile annexed to said order,was nece--
pr(vy By Ald.Blom- On o
Also,drat an order be drawn In favor of vaults, cesspool., etc. bearing date May 16 Ree Ived, That permi_h`ie hereby given to .asry and proper,and whether real state to
Symonds&Nllsou for the sum of three tlollars 1890,be and the some le hereby approved and' C.R.Sharood to build at his own exile.e a is se
for said improvement could be found
1 j j and fifteen ceate($8.16), being for assesBmeut the proper city o®cera are hereby directed to sewer on Jessamine street,from the end of the beaeflted to the safest
of damages and cost-to
for sidewalks erroneous y aoseseed on lot 16, execute sold contract on the part of the cit•0f present eeaer westerly to Bradley street,said be Incurred by snid Improvement;and
block 8, Drake's rearrangement,and lot 2U, SL.Paul. y work to bs done under Lhe direction of the city Whereas.In accordance with said order,Gh
{ block 9,Rice's First addition. ]"ens-Aid.Bickel,Hlom,Bock,Cullen,Conleyy, engineer,and nil expenses of enfineering and in- board of public works Blit make a
1ePort to the
I Also,that an Order be drawn in favor of John Fisheq Gehan,Hamm,Lelthaueer,Mines,6ulB- apection to Le id by Bald C.h.Sharood. c.mmon council of date Nov.21,1889,recom-
i Doberty for the sum of fourteen doilare and see- van,\Veber,Dir,Vice 1800. at-13. Yeas-Aid.Bickel,Blom,Bock,Cullen.Conley, mending aid cnt,snit Lhnt proper-
:• I thin II-cent.(814.78) being for the redemp- APptoveit\fay 21,1 er.l Fisher.Gehan.Leith.uaer.Mines,Pratt,Sul t could be-found benefited to the extent of dam-
ntion of late 11,12,18,block 2,Rice's Third ad- van,Weber,Yoerg, Mr.Preeldent-14. ossa,costa and ex➢e see necessary to be Incur-
illtlon,errmteouslysold forthe grading of Poplar Resolved,That the draft of contract submit- Approved May?il,1890. red In making said change o[grade as aforeaald:
avd Cortlnud streets. ted by
the corporation aEtoruey Letween B.F.
Also,that an order be drawn In favor of John .bi n nod the cit of St.Paul for the caner- Whereas.The common council of thn city of a Whereas,The common council of sold
Wagner fur the nm ( i teen dollars and tion and removal of dead animals,Learing date fit.Paul heretofore ordered the board of blit the Sd day f December,1889,adopted avid
ei¢hty cents SS18.SU),being interest and penal- May 16,1890,be and the same Is hereby
j tluslynamcel aBed1.
corona davl�g`loptlo�n venue.errone- mc[ed to excuse said contract on the works to reran rt whether s change f ggrraede on report and ordered[he city clerk to give the
-' o � proper city officer¢ m heretiy Como a venue so as, to conform with the no[Ice requlThebeiclaclerk gave notice in the ot-
au ortler be drawn in favor of Pat the cit of:G Paul. Part of construction [ ppro t hes nit abridge ove1 WhereP r y
the Northern Pueffic railroad In Id ficial paper of .alit city,for threw ouccesefon
Foley for the sum of eeventesn dollars and sev. ]'easy-Ald.Bickel,Blom,Bock,Cullen,Conleyy, abowu by a red line one profile annexed to said or- weeks,twice ht ash week, that
the common
silty cents($17.70)for the grading of Decatur Fisheq Cehan,Hamm,Ldthauenr,Mines,6uR1- der.was necessary and roper,and whether real conncfl of said ciLS.would on the 20th day
street,being erroneouel}-asses-ed agnlnst lot 4, cera,I her,)f r.Vice Pme)deat-III, estate to be asseo+ed for eafd tm rovemeut could May,lAAO,at 7:30 o dock p.m.,at the conn-
�, ,I block 8,Irvine's Feconrl ddltion. Approved May 21,1890. be found benefited to the extent of damages and ell chamber,in said city,consider such proposed
fV Aiso,that an order be drnw•n in favor Ot Der-
,tf rick&Flags for the eum of one it and nine- costa to be Incurred by said improcemeut;and change of grade:and
ty-nine cents ($1.98),being interest and penal- Resolved,Thati the bond of William B.Dean Whereas,In accordance with sold order,the tVhereae,At the time and place last
ties on lot is (51- A,Birmingham addition,for bearing`late May 19,loud given for the faithful board of Public works did make a report to the sated[or such pproposed Bring
of grade,Lhe
grading Raymond avenue. discharge of hie duties ae a member of the board common council Of date March 27,1890,recon- common conucll,after hearing all persona in•
fff ,j Also,tbut an order be drawn 1❑favor of Put- °(water commiaeionere Ot the city id fit.Paul, mending a change of grade on Camo avenue teres[ed,ami being of the ophdon[sat
the same
dollars a d-oixt n 1 ht ars floor$�0.r f Pat 11 and the acme le hereby approved. y between Rock street and Grotto street,produced fe n,em'fo and Proper;
yy.g n Yeas-Aid.Blekel,Blom,Bock,Cullen,Coale north from Front street,and that Property Therefore,be 1t olt I That the grade of
ppeenaltlee uud interest paid t.o. Iota 11 and 12, Fisher,Geheu, Hamm,Leithauaer,Mines,Sul- could Ix found benefited t. the extent of Difnuehann street,from Prior avenue to
Slick 4,COliege park,and lot 6,block 06,St. llvan,Weber,Dir.Vice President-IR. damages,coats sad exlunsea necessary to be rat-,avenue,be rand the earns Insie hereby
changed In
Anthony Ynrk add... being rroueously as- APProved May 21,1890. curved in making said change of grade xa afore- see a ed profile,Laitb,ng the same as referred to he
1 seed for the grading of 6t.Anthony avenue and sold:sad n
} 'I other streets. By
Committee on Parka- Whereas.The commof onl.council o(sald city,on all the ceedlu�had in regard to said change;
1 1 Also that n order be drawn in favor of E. Resolved, That the resolu[lon authorizing a report uud ordered thdcity clerk Logi I algesi Plea Thut his order and the
profits rep-
Bantley for the sum of three dollars and thirty- contract to be entered Into between the city of ties required by)raw;and (resenting said change of grade be referred to the
' I.
ty �� _ _. `^ r!t;W#�.e`�t 'g-2,�. $ i"s..x�, t „1��$ •-i,a - � - ti ,r;y
board of pubticorks,mid that said board street.In said cit the center line of said fortT(30)feet to be the Y'eee—Aid.Bickel,Blom,Bock,Cullen.Conleyy,
shall proceed without delay to assess the y,ae a red line on Ceptor line of said Selby avenue,and that prop- Fleher,Gehan,Lefthauser, Millen, Pratt,9u11i•
amomlt,as n arty m they can ascertain the andflle fro Hexed to said order,tuna necessary erty could be found benefited to the extent of van.Heber.]'cerg,Mr.President-14.
same,which shall be required to p Per,and whether mal estate to ae- damegee,costs and expenses necessary to ba in- Approved Dley 21,1890.
j � pay the dam- sewed[or said Improvement could be found carred iu making said change of grade ae afore- l
f ages,costs and expense.of such Improvement ent benefited to the extent of damages and costa Lo By Aid.Gehan—
upon the real estate to be benefited by said im-I be Incurred by said fmprovemmt;and
provement,ae pronded by law,it being the tVbereae,In accordance with Bald order,the sn1d;'nnd
opinion of the common councll that real estate board of pnbhe works did make a report to the Whemae,The common council of said eft.on Resolved,That the board of public works
be {
the ed day of Decemher,1889,adopted sold re- and they are hereby directed Lo suspend Pro• 1
to he amea,cd for such Improvement can be I common coundl of date Dtareh 18,1880,res port and ordered the city dark to give the no- cesl�untf In hfurthe orde matter ers Irolmgtheeconiicilan
t-! costs mfound id eflted to the extent of the dmnagea, 0 mending a change of grade on 9Sdney street, Lice required by late:and avenue
Whereas,The dt}•clerk ave notice in the otH- ]'sae—Aid. Bickel, Blom, Bock, Mtlleu,
i ( j thereby, expenses necessary �o be incurred is%'mtthae t�nth line of Bidwell street to Waseca dal paper of said clty,forthrm eug.e 1ve weeks, Conley, Fleher. Gahan,
Leithnueer. M1nea,
( Yeas—Ald.Heckel,Hlom,Bock.C.11en,Conley. Hied to the extent of
dameeuld be tonna bene- twice 1n eachcek,tbut the common council of Pratt,9ullfvan,Weber,Ycerg,Mr.Pmaidenir-14.
Fleher,Gehan,H. Lelthaueer,3llnea,6u111- Hes.coats d - said c1tT,would on the 20th day of Dfay,1880, Approved May'21,189U.
van,Weber,Mr.Vice Preeld.ur-13. Change of(grsade as aforesdtl ra ad Bid mating eafd at 7:30 o'clock t the council chamber,In
Approved May 21,1890. I Whereas.The common coundl at eafd city'on P m,sa i
said city. consider such proposed change of gy pfd.6anborn—
_ .add !2eeolved,That the board of pubBc works be
Whereas,The common council of the city f port theleanddorYdered the city dark topgive Lhae no- grails;and
6t.Paul heretofore ordered the board of ublic Lice required rd law;aitd Whereas,AC the time and place last designated I and It Is hereby matructed to construct nd
p far such proposed.bangs o[gradO,Lhe common malnLShr a wooden sidewalk,six Leet it,width,
worts to report
whether a change of grade On! Whereas,Tna city dark gave notice in the ot- council,after hearing sll persons lntemsted,and with pruner crusawnike Over e11 intervening
Hope street,from Sixth street to East Fourth. ficial paper of said city for three succeeefve being of the opinion that the same Is ueceesary ptmeta ou Lhe north aide of Iglehart.treat,from
street,1n eafd city as ehotm by a red line on a weeks,twice 1n each week,that the common Victoria street to Lezfngcon avenue.
and proppeer; ]-fes—pfd- Bickel Blom, Beck, Ctdlen,
profile annexed to said Order,—ne-Saary and cpunml of said city would,on the 20th day o[ Therefore,be it solved,That the grade of Fleher, Gehan, Hamm, I.elthaueer,
j roper,and whether real estate to be sseseed Mal',1880,at 7:30 o'clock P.m.,at[he council Selby xvmine from Haml(ge xvenue to east line Conley,
for said improvement could be found benefited chnmher,In Id clty,conelder such o need f the right of way of the Ch.=.,,[U,v.akee k Mines,6ullivnn,Weber.Mr.Vice President.—IS
to the extent f damages and costs to be in.I chance of grade;and PrP St.Paul Ratlwny company.and'tom the west Appeoved Df ay 21,1890.
carred by said Improvement;and tVherea-s, At the time and pin.ce Ise[ dealg- line of said right of tvxy to Saratoga avenue,to
Whereas,In accordance with said order,the I nated for each proposed change of grade the a width of sixty(90)feet,and for proaches BY Ald 6nnborn—
board of nubile works did make areg pe='t inter- for a proposed bridge to.width of Forty(40) Resolved that the board of public works be,
pert to the,common council,after hearing all feet,hom a point 316 feet west of the t 'me of Idew I.l,”teeth ntu e I to with Sproper coo e-
CommOn cOaacii oldest Dee.8,1880,recommend esced,and befog of the opinion that[he Lime]. ad It
Ing aebange t grad eon Hope street between sixth I nece.enry'and proper, Hamllne avenue to east Ifne of said right of way a w w
etreetcond Eesc Fourth ac t.and that prop. 'Therefore, be is resolved,That the grade of and from the west line of Said rlaht of way to a .nik,across all low"I t" streets
t both tl t
y Wd be found benefi a extent of 6Tdney street,from the center line of Bidwell point 436 feet east of east Ifne of Saratoga ave- fides of Avon street,from Bt. (;]air street
damegee,cost.and ex ansae tile a cent rcelf erofraflld ilby n}ei ue)be feetend the Laurel avenue,except whew sidewalks ere e1-
p rt'to f re- street to ng e I street, a and the same fa ready laid thereon.
snored in making Bald change a as afore hereby changed In accordance with the red Ilse same is hereby changed In xceoMauce ith the Yeas—41d.Bickel,Blom Bock,Cullen,Conley,
said;and as shown on[he annexed profile,being the same Fisher,Gehan,Hamm,Le{chauser, Mhiea, eW-
Y Whereas,The common counefl of eafd cit}•,on
referred to I.
ail the proceedings had In m- red line ae shown on the annexed profile,befog liven.Weber,Mr.Vice'Sit,la;�'
F the 3d day of December,1889,ado td sxid re- Bard to said than Lhe same as referred to In all the proceedings Ovad DlMr'L 1,1890.
p ge;and be Itafurther profile rep- had in regard to.Hid change: and be It further Appr
port and ordered the city clerk to give the notice Resolved,Thnt this onler nd the
reqquired by law;and resenting said change of grade be th errevl to the Resolved,That this order and the profile re
R'herexa,The city clerk gave notice In the of- board of public i or", and that said board resenthi amid change of grade be referred to the
t fidal paper of said city,for three successive!shall board of Public orks,and that said board By All].Lefthauser—
I proceed xithout delay to assess the Resolved,That the board of Uhl.
Bar both
weeks,twice in each seek,that the common amodnc, ax early ax they Can ascertain the Shalll proceed 'IlhonL de ay too aa,eee the llww
council of said dry,would n the 2uch day of came,which shall be reyulred to the dam- int,.a nearly as they am,tam the Ix-foot wooden Sidewalk ro o -
Dia)-,1890,at 7:30 o clock pp the con- ages,conte d expenses f such pay
same,which shall berequlredco paythe damages, sides of Marin avenue from Ll
uie Street to Rates
chamber,in said dry,cons'r.
such proposed upon the real estate to be benefited by sxid Ire- coats and ezpensex of such improvement upon
a .nue.
Yeas—.Ud.Bickel,Blom,BOCk,0dlen.Conle ,
change of grade; vd ,provement, a provided by ]ew,it being Lbe the reN eetet to be benefited by sold Improve- Ytr vice Preafdent�-13, yy
ant,Be Provided by law,it being the opinion F/.her,Gehan,Hnmm,i.eithxueer,Dlfnew,Sulll- Y
Whereas, AL the time d Place last de,ig- opinion or the common council that real.stat of the common counefl that real es[xt to be as- yen W'etxr,. i
uatd for Such proposed hangs of grade.the I to be a ed for ch Improvement can be
} Common council,after hearing x11 persons inter- found benefited to the extent of the damages aced for such Improvement Call be found bene- d Dfe•21,1890.
Approve )
sete,sa all being of the opinion that the same is colts and expenses necessary to he incurred flied co the extent of the damage,,costs and
[o be incurred thereby. _
n Theretore�be it resolved,That the thereby. expenses 11d.Bickel,1,Blom,Bock.Wlen.Conley' R Re.lolved,Thnt the board of public works cause
made of Yeas—Aid.Rlekel,Blom,Bock,(.Elle.,Conleyy, Fisher,Gehan.Hamm.Leicit Ser, )linea,S.ul- sidewalks to be laid ou fo!lowing streets,with
Hope, ,trees between Sixth treet d Eaat'Fisher.Gehan,Hamm,Leithanser,Mines,Sulli- Hvan,Weber,31 r.Vice President-13. nece,eary croxewnike:
Fourth street be and the rams i.hereby changed van,Weber,31r.Vice PresldenL-13.
in accordance with the red line as showy on the Approved May 21,1890. Approved May 21,1890. On the north side of Chestnut from West Sev-
tnexed profile,being the same na referred to in entlI to Pleasant avenue,eight feet wide.
all the proceedings had In regard to Said change; Whereas,the coannou coundl of thecity of St. On north.ids of Logan street from Bay,about
d be it further Paul heretofore ordered the board of public B•Ald.Gehan— 160 feet west,eiz Leet wide.
ReSohed,That this order and the prefile rep- works to report whether a change of grade on Resolved.That the city Sidewalk contractor Four-plank wWk on north and south side.of
1 resenting Said change of grade be interred to[he:Selby avenue in said city ne Shown by the Int be and he ie hereby directed to build or]ay an StuOur street from Douglna
Lo Garfield street.
Stall proceed
of public works,and that sxldsboard and Petltfon amompanp/ng Id order xud sa al ht-foot sidewalk on both aides of fork street Ott north side of Mich 9"avenue from Duke
proofed without delay to
ease, [he line on a profile annexed to eafd nd on both Bides of Poplar street from Cort- to Toronto avenue,six feet wide.
amount,as nearly they Co. certain the order,was necresxry and proper,and whether land to I:orthern Pnciflc Ra(Iroad company YexS—Aid.Btekel,Blom.Bock,CiiHen,Conleyy,
same,which Shall be required to pa}•the dant-'real estate to be lsessed for sxid improve- �mr o line,also on bock sides a Broadway Fisher,Gehan,Humin.I.elthause1 Minex,Sulli-
ages,costa and expenses f such Ireprovement!meat rotild be fonud benefltd to the extent of h OGrove to Thirteenth Street. ,Weber,Mr.Vice President-13.-
Pon the real eatnt to be ben l b axed I.-Ida Cnll n.Cooley, y A owed May
o ve a t,as provided by law,1t 'tg the mages t,d Cost,to be incurred by ,Wd im- y n,—Ald.B7 -Cl,Biom.Boal-, ulliPr
i - ore men FiShcr,Gahaa,Hamm.I.eithaueer.Mine., By Ald.1?ratt�
f pi of the common council that're�alteet.te prWherca,,In accord..with said order;the au.\l'eDer,Dtr.Yice Yreeident-13That the Doped f pp Dlic t Data
t to be ce d for such Improvement ens be board oI pert blit work,did make a rt to the v Approved Dlay 21,189.. Resolved dei walks to be-laid
found benefited to the extent the li wages, co"ainn nc11 f date Dec.2,1889,earn.- - Cause 1, 7de rdrossw a aero„Knappn,treetseo,
theC.Bir and expense. u ease rre g a change of grade on Selby eilue fromside
( ]-axe—Ald.Bickel,Blom,Bock,pills t,i.onle Hemline avenue to the east line of the right of "'t Lend,andt,Ida of Scudderin Dlock 9ang[ord
y, way of the Chicago,Milwaukee A St.Paul 1in11- By Am.Blom—
.) I! Fleher,Gehan,Hamm. Lei[h+xuser, Dllnea.SW- y company,and[rum the west line f aid Ite,olved.That the final rd-r of the coincon for cotistruc- street,on was
liven,Weber,3I r.Vice Prt eldeut-19. right of way to Saratoga .nue to a width of nelll aappro,ed M. 9, and ther a On xo South ids o/ Thnmaa iwtose Faire ew.
Approved May 21,1890. sixty(do)ffeeet.end for ?pr..Ch,. for x pro- Lst u f Weide av nue
Whereas,The Common council of the City of poireeit 316 Leeto t a aid h'oft Ilrtyof30 xmline ave- and the Nun e,Is hereby..ended by B th Lide Alnir acrde9 Fairview.b
both idea
Pxnl heretofore Ordered the board of pu AHc nue to east Ilse of said right of strikingout the ala"Jeesemine street from f\'an Buren acr�ee .\Id1ne,on tbeitdh��dFg,=t
work to repo t e Ord r change of grade on I the weec line f Bald right of teat',[o al .in Greenbrier avenue to Cypress stomal."and snD- v ed'"acorea Vnn Bu on exetw ids
of Fairview
s. Sydney Street,from Bidwell Street to Wxeeca 446 feet east Of feet d ri oI f %,ay Rx avenue, ecltnthtg in lieu[hereof the w de'Je,Samine i atones Auburn: -
atmeth7olo Greenbrier avenue to Forest Street.' across Blair.TDOma9 end Van Buren. e
3 sr .- ;.r x,.va--;.� .J,ss "�Pft..`� 'f ,�X'&-.r^. .`..tit:.'" a'�+'?'€�+`.:. *Y+rKn,e,- FL �•' t -C::? d.YF. '1 -. ��. .�? °-, _ 7: a moi. p..,.,
i LFA..
Yeas-Ald.Bickel,Blom,Book.Cullen,Conleyy, Fisher,Gahan,Lefthauser, Mine.,Pratt,Sniff- Fifth-Send the council a hm or profile of as necessary, be and the name Is hereby
Fisher.Gehan.Hamm,Leitheuser,Miuen,8ull1- van,\Veber,Ycerg,Mr.Preefdent-14. amid ire required by law,it you re- referred to the board of public works to luvesti-
van,Weber,Mr.Vice Prtreldent�l8. yy
Approved Jlxy 21,1880. Approved May 21,1880, part lu tx f the,ams. gate and report:
- 91zth-Send the coundl a proper order dims- First-le this improvement proper and vecee-
i Hy Aid.Gahan- ing the work to be do". s
By Aid.Pratt- Resolved,That the board ofpublle workecause ]' Ald.Bfekel,Blom,Bock,Cullen.Coulely•, Ba-y; -.._ethe c r it t timate of the
Re.olvetl.That the board of public works be the It of streets to be sprinkled during the Fisher,Gehan, Lelthauser,1lhtea,Pratt,Sulll- expense thereof,and otste hether rue_-bat[o[
y and they are hereby instructed to cause six-feet eeseos of 1890: vs..Weber,Y.cM'JIr.President-14. the coat thereof Is to be paid into the city treae-
A raced May if 1890. ury before the contract is let.
wooden eldewalke to Ie ple.�d as follows: On Broadway,from trove street to Thirteenth PP y Third-Jan real estate to be swarmed for said
eat side of Fairview avenue,University[o A n street. ire
i n n d(ount Ai street,from Jlfeeleai i street to y Ald.Bock- improvement be found benefited to the extent of
bola;; o met side of Fairview a ue,Uni- B damage.,costs and ex nes ecess.ry to be I.-
1'•� (ty to Vail Boren: a both sides Veit Aures Mount
atmet. pp jt le hereby ordered by the Common Cluneal of damns
li street,from Fry to Aldlue. Olive street, from twenty-flue feet south of the Otthat Smg.Paul: improvement up
tt Penns Ivanfa to Penne Ica d.avenue. That the tier of grading West Seventy the petition or nPPlication of the owners of
i f I ]'era-AId.Bickel,Blom.Hock,Cullen.Conley, Yloln street.from Jackson street to Brewster atrert from Tuscarora avenue to Fort Snelling
Fisher.Gehan,Hamm,Let thauser, men.Sulli
I. van,Weber,Jfr.Vice President 18. venue bridge be and the same is hereby referred to the ��mpl o><tem the property to ba easeeeed far such
j Approved May 21,1890. t]'etw-Ald.Bickel,Blom,Bock,Cullen,Conley, board of public worka to investigate and reFlith-Seed the coundl a plan or profile o[
i Fisher Gehan,Lelthaueer, Jf7nea,Pratt,Sri - feed it
i n,Weber,Yoerg.J[r.President-14, port' P ve
I By Aid.Conley v Approved May
21,1880. First le this improvement proper and necea- P ca�n favor of the acme u by Inw, you re-
Re.. -,That the board of D blas w ks bP .Second-Glue the council at a timate of the ixth Send the council a proper order dlreCt-
lnetructed to cause u hexagonal block sidewalk By AId.Conley a pease thereof,and tate hether one-half of InH the work to be done. Hock,Cullen,i'ouley,
' t to be laid on the east ids f Wacouta street, Resolved.That the board t public L•a the cont thereof fa to be id into the city Irene- Fisher Left..""
Lelhauaer, bit-.. Pratt, Sul-
from Seventh attest to Eighth street. cause the following streets to be sprinkled duc- PP
ury before the contract as let.
ii Fens--AId.Hickel,Blom,Bock,(Titles,Conley,
fag the season of 189.: Third-fan real estate to be aessesved for said liven,\Veber,Yoerg,DIr.Preefdent�l4.
Fisher.Gehan,Hamm,Leith user,Mines,Su111- Grove street,from Neill street to Kittso. Improvement be found benefited to the extent of Approved May 21,1890.
99 van,Weber,Mr.Vice P...Ideut.-19. street. damn costs cud expenses necessary to be 1s- _
i Appcoved May 2,1,1890. ge
n l doth street,from Grove a rest to of street. carred thereby?
} Rlghth street,from 180 feet east of Neill to Fourth-Ie.[c Qimpprovemenat ked for upon I By
By Aid.Weber- Klttnov street. • the o Llfion pplicutlon [the oxfar o[a It fa hereby ordered by Lhe Con.non Counefl of
1 Resolved,That the board of publfe works he Kittson street,from Seventh street to Grove i ai tenths property to be assessed for aucb rite Clty ad matter
anetructed I_cnu.e all eight-foot idewnik,with street. p i L? That the iter of Reading Albemarle and
,�, Ixced oil
f Stlueov street, Aoeabel street,from Eighth street to Tenth imFitth-Send the council plan t Vmflle of D[arlon areae[., from Lake Como d Phalen
p street. said Improvement,as reyu(red by late,if you re-I venue to Jllnnespoll,avenue;also Wood bridr
(nonbotu afdebj from Gaultier to Western av Yeas-Aid.Bickel,Hlom,Back,Culleu,CoaleYy -
Teas--Aid.Bfekel,-Blom Bock,Cullen,c nayys, Fisher,Gehan.Leitbxlom, Mlnem, Pratt,Sulli- port in favor of the same, der direct- least,from Nebraska to Minneapolis.venue,
Fisher.Gehnv,Hamm,Lefthauser,Mines,Shill- Slxtb-Send the council a proper or Race Street villas be,end same Is hereby ferred
Weber,]'oerg.Mr.Preeldenti-14. ingg the work to be dove. to tae board of pa,a worka to mvestigme and
u Weber,Jfr.Vfm President.18. n,Approved May 21,1890. Y ns-Aid.Bickel,Hlom,Bock,Cullen,t:onleyy. p
Approved M.y 21,1890, Fisher.- Leithxueer, Innen,Pratt, SullI- reF�trtet�Is this Improvement proper and neces-
! By Aid.J[lnea- van,Aproved Mny 21,1890, satlecovd-f:lve the council timate of the
By Aid.Pratt- Resolved,That the board at public work.
Resolved.That the board t publlc work. the season f of ire,street, sprfukled during a pec a thereof,and tate vin
one-half of
den be Iaftl o i the north (Aivton street,from Concord
street to Color- BY Ald'Sa bam the L thfareereof le to be id into the city
' side of Mhvtehahe street actors 9ue11f IL is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of t Third,Can real estate rt be
]assessed for Bald
bury, Hampson, Pascal, Holter, Sheldon a East Winifred street,from Concord street to the tYty of 9t.Paul:
Hemllue avenues. That the matter of f,red., Oxford street, improvement De towuf benefited to the extent of
it Also on north side of Mlnnehahe street serosa State Dakota avenue,from Con from St.Clair street to Grand avenue,be and damages,costs and expenses necessary to be in-
Fry,Aldine,Wheeler, Fairview,Cap to Tatum Fred area[. Congress street to Wfd• the same as hereby referred to the board of pub- curred therebv'1
and Prior, Fillmore avenue,from Edward street to Da- Ile works to investigate and report: Fourth-In Hoch improvement asked for upoon
Yeas-Aid.Bickel,Blom,Bork,Cullen.Conley, kota avenue. 1'Irst-Ia this improvement proper and neves- majority off the propertylto be Boe.sed for such
{ Fleher,(:ehnn. f a
Leithauaer. Mlnem.Rett,Sulli- Indiana avenue,from Edward street to Dakota eery"
van,Weber,Ycerg,Air.Presldest-14. Second-Gfve the council .n estimate of the improvement.
Approved,May 21,1890. avenue. expeuse thereof,and state"he
one-half of Fifth-Send the cosnMl a pian or profile of
t Chicago avesue,from Edward street to Dakota Lhe cont thereat le to be paid into the city trona- said ireprovement,as required by law,1/you re-
] avenue. ury before the contract Is let. port in favor of the same.
1t By Aid.Lefthauser- Yeav-Aid.Bickel,Hiam,Bock,Cullen,Coale,y Third_!C.nreal
estate to be assessed tar said Sixth-Send the council.proper order direct
Resolved,That the board a[Public works bs Filter, Gehan,Leitheuser,M1nea,Pratt,Su9t- improvement be found benefited to the extent Ing the work to be done.
'i hereby ordered to di.contlime pr1.k11ug Ha.t- v t•Weber,1'cet[(.Jtr.1'resfdent-14. f damage.,costs end expenses necessary to be Yea Aid.Hickel,Blom,Bock,Cullen,Conley,
1I htgs avenue from Bates venue to Dlaple street, Approved May 21,1880. Incurcell thereby? Fi,her,. Gehan. Leithar. Dfln t Pratt,
and Marta avenue from Cherry to Hates avenue. Fourth-le aucb ireprovement asked for upon Sullicen,Weber,]'cetg.Me.President-14.
Yeas-Aid.Blchel,Blom,$ock,Cullen,Conlep By Ald.Malady- the Petition or application of the owners of a Approved Jley 21,1890.
Fisher. Gehmi,Lelthan. M1nea, Pratt,8.111- It is hereby ordered by the Comma.Council of m.Joritp of the property to be assessed for such
�I van,Weber,]'oerg,Mr.president-14. the City f St.Paul: ire, vement? gl-AId,]Veber-
Approved May 21,1890. That the matter of a change of grade on Cos- Fifth-Send the council .plan or profile o[
r4' By Ald.Melody- peso street,from State street to Anita street,be
said i provement, as required by la%,rf you It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
i a d Is hereby referred to the board rep rt In favor of the same. the Cita•of St.Paul:
of ubife n•orks to tuves[igate and report: Sixth-Send the council.properorderdlrect That the matter of�adinR Lake Como and
Resolvdd,That the board of public works be pp 1n Lhe work to be done. Phalen avenue,Nebrask.,Kansas and Idaho
to have Midway avenue sprinkled First-le this Improvement proper and neces- g
from Oakdale avenue to Harvard street. eery! Yeas-AId.Bickel,Blom,Hock-,Callen.Corneyy, sir rte,from Rice street to Gnaltler street, be
Second-Give the council n estimate of the Fleher,Gehan.Lefthauser,Minea, Pratt, Sulli- and the same le hereby referred to the board of
F Fisher.Gehan,I.efthnuser, Dfinea, Pratt,Bulli- a pease thereof,and tote whether one-halt o[ van,Weber.YoerR•Jlr.President-14. publfe works to investigate and
IV,Ir.1'cerg,J[r.Prealdent-14, the cost thereat is to be paid into the city trees- Approved May 21,1880. Firs[-Is this Imprbvement proper and ueces
I Approved May 21,1890. u y before the contract as let. Baty.
Third Can real estate to he assessed for Bald By Ald.Bock- Second-Give the council an estimate of the
B Ald Bock- Improvement be found beneflted to the extent of It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of expense thereof,and tate ,ether one-halt of
I '[ damages,costs and expenses necessary to b o in- the City of St.Pxui: the cast
thereat be paid Into the city treas-
solved,Tbat tae board Of Public works curred thereby? y That the matter of widening West Seventh I ury before the contract is let.
SI cause Weateru avenue,from Emma trees to Fourth-Is such ire rovement asked for u ou street from\'few street to Tuscarora ssvenue, Third-Can rent estate to be assessed for
Goodrich avenue,to be sprinkled; al.o MICBf- in petition 1.application of the owners of condemning end inking seven tee[ o[ground Improvement be found benefited to the extent
tttlll i Ik gar.treat,from West Seventh to Duke street. ma]ority of the property to be assessed for such from those lots No. 89 ad
40 of block No.7, damages,costs and expenses necessary to be In
Yeas--Ali.Bfekel,Blom,Bock,Wllen,Conley, improvement" t
Clark addition to 6t. Paul,or as muco curred thereby?
+!! I
l ,
Fourth—Is such Improvement naked for upon By Ave Leithausr—
• t the petition or application of the owners of a It is hereby ordered by the Common Coundl of Fourth—Ia such improvement asked for upon That the matter of grading Chatsworth
majority of the property to be assessed for each [he C7ty of 3t.Paul: the petition or application of the ow•ners'of a from West Seventh streereferred t to Pleasant avenue,he
lmp emmc? majority of the property to be assessed for such anbltc works to be eatlgate and treport:bonxd of
I p That the matter of opening and grading Del- mprovemen[?
j- FI(th—Send the coundl plan or profile of wood place from Margaret street to table ave- Fifth—fiend the council a plan oflle of public
this Improvement proper and neces-
said improvement,as required by law,if you re- nue be and the same is herebyreferred to the pp
! port in favor of the same. board of said improvement,as required by law,itrYou xe- eaSmond—Give the coundl an estimate of the
Sixth—Send the council a proper order direct- port: Public works to Investigate and m port in favor of the same.
in the work to be done. First—Ie thle Im Improvement Sixth—Send the council a proper order direct- expense thereof,and state whether one-half of
Ink p proper slid ne al. fu the work to be done. the cost thereof is to be paid into the city trees
]'ae—Aid.Bickel,Blom.Bock,Cullen,Conley. enry? ]'Sas—Aid.Blekel,Blom.Bock,Cullen,Conley, ury before the contract fe let.
t r Said
Fisher,Gehan,Lefthaueer,Mial left, Sullt- Second—Ghe the council¢ estimate f the Irlsher.Geban, Leithauser, Mfnea.Pratt,Sul- i Tphord--C t be fon real und benefited to theass"a
xote ttof
+ P Vail.Weber,]'erg,Mr.Presldmtt�ld. ezpenm thereof,and tate Nether one-half o[ I{van.Weber,]oerg.Mr.Presldent-14• lmP.r s.eosts and expenses ares.-to be m- ,
Approved May'll,1890, the coat thereof le to he Approved Dlap Yl,18911. curredtherebl't
7' paid m[o the city trees- p
ij ury before the contract is let.
By Aid.Bock— Third—Can real estate to be assessed for said Fourth—Ie each 1m rovement asked for upon
It ie hereby odered y the Common Council improvement be found benefited to the extent of By Aid.Hamm— the petition or application of the owners°[a.
{ ajority of the property to be assessed forsuch
of the Cit
of 3t.Paul: d.p=s,costs and expenses necessary to be in. It is hereby ordered GS the Common Council°f Im rovement?
That the matter of carred thereby. the CYty of 5&.Paul: g{tth—Bend the council a plan or profile of said
"7 l opening and ec of lan g Fourth—Is such improvement asked for upon That th a matter of grading alleyy between
alley throu¢h[hat
eceof land be- p application of the owners of s blocks 2 nd 8,Suburban Hills atidltion,be, lmpruve.ent,as required by law,ff you report 1n
I; Pt the ettclon or
F?„ 2weenStr-0&r ilimet and l.ombardavenue,from
{ the easterly Ilne of block five 6 to the weeterl mainri[y of the property to be assessed for such tween Mound a d Maln etreete,be nd the favor of the anme,
( f y Imp ement? same ie hereby referred to the board of publle 61x26—Send the coundl a proper order direst-
_] S lion of block sic(0],Ridgewood Park a%Itlou, ,� works to inveetigaa and report: { the work to be done.
So ns to have a contluuotua elle from)Niton Fkth—Send the council¢plan or mflle Rf said pr ae—Aid.Bickel,Blom,Bock,Ctillen,Conte
4 street to Rid o imp ovemeut,as required by law,if you First—Is this improvement oper and necee-
i Ridgewood avenue,be and the same lu favor of the same. port eery". Ftsber Gehsu,Lelthausr,Mines,Pratt, Sul
is hereby.reterred to the board o[public works ii
to Investigate and re ort: Sixtb—Send the council a proper order direct- Second—G ce the conncfl sen estimate of Lha ]Ir.President—4.
((( vmt,]l]eber,Ycerg,.
Ing the work-to be done. expeus thef.and state Nether one-half of Appoved May 21,1890.
e�.rnst—Is this improvement proper and neves- Peas—Ald.Blekel,Bh.lom,Bock,Cullen,Conley, the colt tD t IS to be paid Into the city treas-
ad Second—Give the council an estimate of the Fisher,Gehan,LeltMr. r,Mines, Pratt, Sul- Third—Can reAI es ale to be assessed for said In the matter f the report of the board
E expense thereof,and etxte whether one-half of Iivnn,Weber.1'cerg,Mr.President-14. ublic works dated May 20.1890:
the coat thereof fS to
paid into the city trea.sury Approved May 2t,1890. improvement be found beneflted to the extent of p
before the contract is let. damages,coats and expenses necessary to be Pt is hereby ordered by Lhe Common Council of
Third—Can al estate to be aesasd for sem By Ald.Leithnusr— incnrnd thereby? the C7ty of 3t.Paul:P \)
improvement be found benefited to the extent Itthe Ctty of ydetedtey the Common Council of Fonrtb—le such Improvement naked for upon °ITh t theaul board the t Ilowing improventdRt
t°• 1
t of damages,costs and j the petition or application f the of t rs f n made,to wit:Grade Ohio street,Iromeabel f-+
expense necessary to be That the atter of o enl¢ and majority the property to be assessed for such street to Annapolis street,in enld city. {{
Incurred thereby. P g giading Lha jml�rovement?.
Fourth—Is such impprovement asked for u np elle,Du block 1,of Schurmeler's Seventh Street Fl(th—Send the council plan or profile of I That said board cause said work
to Ue1et by
the petition or appticxtion of the as lot of a re erireld tot he board of publbe midle works Lost vest Bald improvement,ne required by law,It you re- contract,¢a provided
by Inw,without one' dlf.
majority of the property-to be aesesd for such
Pp ntv Knte and report: port 1n favor of the some. to
estimated cost being fleet peed into the City'
t FI[th a Send the
Plan profile of Firs[—Is els improvement proper turd uecee- Sixth—
Send the con¢cil a proper oder direct- treasury,and atter ealrl 'ork hall De pmia+ebd
said improvem u t,as required by la.F.P you re- asryt nd—"ve ingg the work to be done. I ander contract,geld board ehnll proceed w'
ort In favor of the same. Gt ae council M timate o[the ]'eas—Ald.Bickel,Bio.,Bock,Cullen,Conley, out delay to assess theamot.t ae nearly as they -<
!+ Rfxth—Send [he council a e pens thereof,and tate Nether one-half of Fisher,Gehan. Leithewsr, Dlnuea, Pratt,Sul can astrtaln the ams which will be required
ing the work to Ue done. Proper order direct- the coat thereof Is to be paid Into the city trena live.,Weber,]'oerg,Dfr. President-14. .ppay Lhe coat and eceeeary expenses
of such
]'ane—Aid.Bicker,Blom,Bock,Cullen,Coale}}• ury-before the contract ie let. Approved May 21,1890' {mprovementupon the real estate Lobe beneficed
( Heber. Gehan,Lelthausr,Mck. ile., Sttl11- hirci—Can real estate to be assessed for Said by eafd improvement,ae provided by law';it
} t Weber, ,Lei,Mr.President-14. Improvement be found benefited to the extent By Ald.Bock— being the opl¢ton of[u a coundl that nt cad be
May 21,1890. of damages,costs and expense necessary to he It is bereby ordered by the Common Council of to be esessed o t such
improvement be
incurred thereby? the City of St.Paul: toned benefited to the extent of the cost and e.-
St be
improvement asked for upon That the matter of a change of grade on Ft. penes necessary to he inctrrred thereby.
I# By Aid.Blom— ae petition er appifcatlon of the owners pt a Crufr street,from 6tl fret east fro.the easterly Yeas—Ald.Bickel.Blom,Bock,Cullen.Conley,.
majority of Lbe property to be the for such side of Ridgewood avenue to Lexhatton avenue. Fisher,Gehan.I,eithanse,Dltnea, Pratt, San-
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council of Improvement'?
the(Yty of SL Yaul: Fp be and the same Is hereby referred to the board born,Sullivan,Weber,]�oerg,Mr.President-16.
6 Thnt the matter pi n change of grMle on Wails sxielft li—S vementcoou til a pI °r p}.flle of of Public w•orke to Investigate and preport: ApPr°ved May•t 1,1890.
etreec,from Ps Pro qu red U law,1t ou re- First—Is this Improvement ro er and neves- c of the board of
avenue er Edgerton street of port In fatror of theexme, erecond—Give the
conncll s estimate
f the In the matter M the
mid the s e t hereby [erred to the board of Sixth—Fend the council a proper oder direct- s B pp
public works to investigate and report: alB the work to be done. thereof.and tate t'bether one-half of public w ks dated May 2(f,1590.
't Firoi—Is ibis Improvement proper and nems- 1'a Ald.Bickel,Blom,Bock,Culieu,Conley, the coat thereof is to be?aid Into the city trees- It Is hereby ordered by the
Como¢Coancll of
nary' Fisher, Gehan,Leithausr,Mfnea,Yatt,Sulli• ury before the contract 1s let. of the CItY°f Fc.Yanl'
1• Becond�h'e the council an estimate of the van,Weller.1'cerg,Mr.President—l4.
expena thereof,and La[e whether one-half of A Tblyd—l;an real estate to he assesed for eafd That the board of Pnblic works of said city of
s the cost thereof IS to be paid Into the city trees- pproved May 21,1890, ImProyemeut be found beneflted to the extent St.Paul taus the folloxdnq Improvement to be
ry before the contract Is et. Weber— f da.ages,coR's
end expenses necessary to be .s ee,,0 M, "aha at
lreetr to ao p0""'00
u ird—Can real estate to be¢sassed for na(d It lbs hereby o ordered b the Common Council of Incurred thereby" gr
} y Fourththe such Improvement Baked for uopon feet south of sold Minnebahs street,In said cityYy
--pr m meat be found benefited to the extent of the CYt o[fit.Yaul: the petition or appIt, thin f the owuuers !a That said bond calls eafd wlthoutt nethalt
1 u da ages costs and ez y g an whey In ill,block e]orl[y of the Vro t [o be aesssed for each I coucract,an rovided Uy law,
'.t• curve thereby? penes necesexry to De In- .That the matter of orpenin r y the estimate(,as cost ser b fleet ppaid into the dip
Fourth—IS such Improvement naked torn on widthonl6 fate be a ddtheiim to same is herebyto� impprovement? ¢ p
Fifth—Send the counetl a Ian or profile of treasury,and after eafd w•or shall Ue Aloud
the petition or application of the owners of a (erred to the board of public works to inest(- eafd im rovement,es required by law',1t You re: under •ontruct,said board shall
roceed with-
r,majoty-of the property to be assessed for Such gate and report: p P
. f Imp ovement7 port In favor of the same. out dein,to assess the amount wl nearly sea
Fifth—Send the council pian or rofite of First—Is thin i.Provement o 9izth—Bend tee council a proper order dl- they can asartnht the same,which will Us re-
t eery Pr per and neces- reccin the work to be done. qulred to pay the cost and necessary exiKneea
said Improvement,ae regmred b1'Ian',I[you re- Second�ive the council¢ estimate of the Yeae—AId.Blekel,Blom.Bock,Cullen,Conley of xuch improvemett[ Aon the real-.state
to be
t port in favor o[the same. ] y vlded by
1{{{ I Sixth—Fend the councf:a e pens thereof,and tate v Nether o to-half of Fleber,(:Shan, Lelthanser, IDuea,Pratt,Sulll- beneflted by sold improvement,ns pro
Ink the work to be done. Proper order direct the cost thereof a co be paid Into the city trees- an.Weber,]'oerg.Dl r.President�74. law;It befog the opinion of LDe
council[hat real
ler ] ury before the contre,^t{a let. v Approved Df ay 21.1890. I estate to be neaneed for each improvement can
na—AId.Bickel,Blom,Bock,Cullen,Conley, Third—Can real estate to be as essed for said be touva beneflted to the extent of vile cost and
Fisher,Gehan.Lel[hauser, Mlnea. Pratt, Sul- improvement lue found beneflted to the extent o[ B Aid.Bock— Sas ueaseary to Ue Incurred thereby.
limn.Weber,Yoerg,Dtr.President-14. dam o cs and expenee�t ncceeeary to be Du- It fa hereby ordered by the Common
council of fees—AId.Bickel,Blom,Bock,Cullen,Conley,
age I Fisher,Gehan,Lefthausr,
Mines,Pratt, Fan-
{� Approved Dlny 21,1890. carred thereby? the City of St.Yatil:
�1 y -
- w r '�:L• .r<�tt'`:._'§ �e�::,.�i'e�y„ .� rh4"5-.�c `' L,- 'x °'try.•c 4•�§'te.P�.T '�e2.,,.,, t"t•F
33 4 p p
it" j I born,Sullivan,Weber,Yoerg,br,.President-16. out dela to assess the amountas near) the y Fn eatd ire t,as required by lax•,if you re-
iiiin 1 ApEroved fay 21,1890. le Iron w'nrke, vllege Lo use and oceu➢Y Por- Fifth p-Send Lne council Ian or roflle o[
t e can-11.taiu the same,wblch will be regUlred Li Lion of levee in Dizth ward. Port in to sere[the same.
8 I Lbe matter of the port. ( the board of paovthe�oteu son ueeesea 09xpansee of such lm- Committee ou streets. I Si th WSend the coundl a proper order dlrecb
P the real Late to be benefited Ing the k to be done. Coale
I ublh works dated May 19, on, I .old Improvement,as provided by Inw;It be- paopoeED srnawwix F•oa rwaewa L yEh Basezd Mloes;[e1sd,,SaaboruKsuill�avn,
IL fa hereby-ordered by the Common Connell of mg the opinion of the council that real estate to SUNS 1.1,1890.v E Weber,D[r.Prealdeuu-11.
Lhe CYty oI St.Paul: be"wased for such Improvement can Ire found
That the board of public works of said city of Denefl[ed to the extent o[the Coat and eapeuees By Ald.'suborn- Approved 8t.Paul c nee the following improvement to be
nece.sary to bsmcurred thereby. Resolved,That Lhe board of public rka be A d Dlay 81,1890.
j made,to wit: Ocen, Iden ud extend.,and
BoeL-,Cullen,Conten, and It to hereby directed to construct and main
1 avenue through bfacateafee Park,from Fairview Flsber,Geban, Leltheueer, Mlvea,Pratt,San- cafn a cement block efdewalk on the west aide of By Aid.Bock- proueo
1 en a to M le9ter avenue In said city,ny,eon- born,6ulif Weber,Ioceg,DIr.Pxsldent-16. lot 12,block 70.Woodlantl Park addition. That,as lu order to true[the
1 damning sad taking all that land of Irexdy Apppp d iltay 21,1890. electric rnllway on Randolph street it Is cee-
1 damned r dedicated for public use,IA,' AdJourned until Tuesda June 3d,1890,at 2 eCoLura ol. tory to Chan the grade of said Rnudolph
within the lives t Grand avenue In Rosedale o'clook p.m. y, fefi s venue a
Park,St.Paul,produced east to Dfacnleater ave- AnrnoNv Yo&too,Ja., wtreet, from Summit to oath to Chata-
ill{ n By Ald.Sanborn- y engineer
That said board shall toe Vice President of Council. Resolved,That the cit be and he is rte street;
proceed without dela Taos.A.PSENDERo T,City Clerk. hereby Inetrueted to cause n deavalk -Owing of Therefore,IL(s Hereby ordered that the mtot-
to as9ese tee amount es nearly toe they Lne alley betwcen the lot of Edward H. Cutler ter o[n change of grade ov Randolph wilt t,
i Certain the same.which will be rethey a pay I Otis on the both side of from Summit u south to Chatsworth
j the damages,coats and v a Special Meeti.,. d Mre. George
ch improvement areya eapensee f Summit avenue to be
paved with s on
cedar blocks. Lhe croseog trecte,be and thesametory Is hereby re,
ov the 1 estate to be St.PeU7,May 24,1890. Yens-Aid. Bock, l;ullen,Conley,K b�loaen' (erred to Lhe board of public works to mveetl-
benefited by said imp t, ided b I.eithonest, Mmea,Dlelady,Sanborn, gate and report:
- law;it being the opinion of Lbe council that real President Hamm 1n the chap. Weber,Dir.Presfdent_ll. F'rei�le this Improvement proper and nece.-
tete to be assessed(o au h improvement eav Present-Aid.Blek-el,Blom,Bock,Cullen,Con- Approved May Sl,1890.
J be found beneflted to the safest of the derma ley,Kavanagh,Mines, Pratt. 8uhlvav,Weber, s
y (
cost and eapevses umessary to be Inc and Mr.President-11. aSeeoad-Give the council a estimate f the
thereby. con cwTloNs. By pid.8avbarn- expense thereof,and Late whether One o[
From His Honor the Mayor-Call for the meet- Resolved,That the vote by which the preliml= the coat thereat is to be paid=the
city creae-
Ywn-Ald.Bickel.Blom,Bock.Cyilleu,Conley, hig- u y before the contract Is]et.
Fisher,Gahan,Lelthauser. ]floes, Pratt, Snn-
His honor,the mayor,called the mcetln nary order far the grading of St.CYair street
horn,Sullivan,Weber,Ycerg,Mr.President-16. such DueWese toe wi ht g for from H[tv feet east o['5 ood avenue to Lea- Third-Can real estate to be assessed for Bald
Approved Dlny 21,J1890. g properly come before the �ngton avenue was passed tw reconeideted. Improvement be found beueflcd to the extent of
council. Yeas-pid.Bock, Cullen, Conley,Kavanagh.I damages,costs and expenses necessary to be I.
Accepted. Leftbauser, Mwea.Malady,6aaborv,Sullivan, cured thereby.
In the matter of the-b.,t t the board of netE NEono. Weber,Mr.President-11. Fourth-Is such improvement naked for upon
ppublic work.dated May 12,1890. Aid.Kavanagh mo d that a committee of Approved May 31,1890. the petition or application f the owner,!of a
Ic ie hereby ordered by the Common Council of the members of couucfl present at this meeting D majority enof the property to be assessed for such
5 the CYty of 6c.Paul: be appointed to meet on fiunday evening(26th
sl That the board of ppubllc works of said city of Inst.)a delegation from St.Louis coneieth, of By Ald.Bock- 1 Fifth-9end the council a plan or profile of
Pt.Paul cause the foilowiug improvemeu[to be members of the upper and lower House of[hat Reaolved,That an order passed at Inst meeting said Improvement,a.required bylaw,If
you re-
made,to nit: Couatruct a sewer on Cage street, city, the harbor commlesfomn, and sanitary o[the council for a change of grade oI.Ht.Clair port In favor of the same.
+I from Burr start to a point 178 feet east n[ of&ter,who are to vieft 9t.Paul for the ppurpose street from Ridgewood avenue to Lexington av- B1xth-fiend the council a
proper order direct•
Westminster street, In said city,together with f lnvesttgatingg the
Atotine works for disposal be d the same Is hereby pealed and an- 1ng the work to be done. Kavanagh,
the neoesenr r age; id committee to inform said dela- nnlletl. Y . 6avCoolboiv, Sullivan.
y catchbaelnesand work to . of gab Yeas-Aid, gook, Cullen,Conley,Kavanagh, Leltnaveer,][Inca,Malady,
Tnat said board cause id k to be let by Ballon that the common council will drive the Dllnea, MehWy,Sanborn,Sullivan, Weber lir. 7'reslden[-11.
contract,as rovlded by said
without one-half delegetlon about the CI[y on Diondav,etc. Leithau6er,
the estimated coat being first pu(d Into the city Adopted. Weber, Mr.President-11. Approved May 29,1890.
treasury,and after said work .,all
he Ixced Adjourned.. Approved May 31,1890.
under contract,said board shall proceed with- War.Hwf]?resident of Council. By kid.Leithauser-
J�I out delay to sasses the amount toe nearlyasthey Taos.A.P-NDEadwsr,City Clerk. Bp pfd,Sanborn- It hereby ordered by the Common Council
can ascertain the.oma which x111 Ire required co Resolved, Thxt the board f public rk. of theaClt}•of St.Pau: treat along
Paythecoat and eceeanry expenses of such Ire- a
yy ut,Pon the real estate Lo be bevefite,f Bpeclal Meeting. se the totloxiug treats to be F�inkled,to- That th tier f penmg a B
tkby Bald improvnmement,as provided by lax" it ST.Pw ol.,May 28,1890. it: Victoria street, from Summit ave to the east aide of sections?1 11,14,and 23,town-
s J' Dewg the opinion of Lhe council teat mal estate President Hamm in the chair. - O eceola avenue:Goodrich avenue,from Milton nip 28,range 22,be and the same is hereby
EK to ba e d for eu h Impr emevt can be Present-Ald.Bock,l,}iJJen.Conley,Kavanagn, street eget to Lale street. y. nB gate anto d the curd of public work's to fuvesti-
found benefited to the extent of the coat and ex- Lei[haaser,Dnnen. Melody, Sanborn,Swlivan, Yeas-Al Bock, (.lrllen. Coarrle Kavas h, Provemen
'��. Penaes necessary to be incurred thereby. Weber,Mr.Preafdee��r[-11. Leithauuer, Minea,Melody, born,Sullivan, Firat_Is Lula int t proper and neces-
t- 7-eas-Ald.Bickel,Blom,Bock,Cullen,Coale co'I oNs. Weber, Dtr.President11. tory! o '
From H(s Huuur,thew➢In Approved�f uy 31,1B9n- I s udtnere0[fnetl Lntet 'hetherma[e half DI
Y Fisher,c:ehau,Lelthaueer, .fines, Prxrt,SLS Yot-i 1 for the o e-
born,Sullivan, Weber, Ybeeg, DIr.President- m tbig. a Ireuee
lo. His Hanot,the Mayor,sailed the mating for By pid.Lefthauser- the cost thereof la Lo be pp id Into the city feasts-
May 21,1890. the transaction of such business a might IC is hereb ordered by the Common Counei]of yy before the contract fe Iet.
.} R; properly come before the council. s m the CYty of�[.Paul: Tblyd--Cuu mal estate to be assessed for said
Accepted. That the matter of opening and extending improvement be fovud benefited to the extent of
N� In the matter of the reports of the board of From Palley Iron works,Johu Grant and Burns avenue,from Kennard street to Lhe east damages,costs and expenses necessary
to be in•
yublic 'arks dated April 14th, 1890, May Thomas Cameron.
20th,78b0. For city limits,be and the some is Hereby relerred carnd thereby?
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council o[ Sixth Permission to occupy porfon of levee In to the board of public works to investigate and Fourth-le such Improvement asked
for upon
.[ 4 the City of 9t.Paul: ward myyor; the petition or spillleatlon of the owners of a
That the board of public works of sold cit of Committee on streets. Firi this Improvement proper and neces- majority of the property to be assessed for such
SG Paid cause the following works
of said
ty[o Ord(naucee-xnscet.(.1Neone, earY'' irnPProvement?
' 1!lith-Send the council a len or roflle of
t t .be made,to wit: Construct a newer on Osceola An ordhience was read Second-Give the council nn estimate o(the p p
17grnntl Chic o,St. ex ase thereof,and state x'l stb one-halt of said improvetneut,toe required bylaw,if you re-
avnue,from Avon street to Pleasant avenue, Paul,Dlinneapoils and Owuha Railway tom- the cost thereof is to be paid into the city trees- port fn/nvor of[he same. proper order
ane t� on Pleasaut avenue,from Osceola avenue g Sixth-fiend the comtcil a
to SL.Albans street,la said city,together with uortherl3h eight feet lot Fauqule street,ae c.among ury before the contract Is let.
the necessary-catchbneme and manholes, said Committee on streets. Tnlyd-C t be(oP9vd benefited to ih exienL od ing tn�wa'a ancek�Cvlien, Conley.Kavanagh,
ee'erllig to be done under refs contract. An ordinance was read n tbZld Theodore damrag a caeca and expenses necessary to ire 1n- Leifhau Mines.Dlemdyy, emboru,Sullivan,
yp That said board cause ofd work Lo be let by Hamm to lay a Webe i DIr. Presldent�ll.
#' provided by Inw,witbout one-half and Rn to l etra spur track across Fauquier curreourthereby.
¢ the estimated coat being first aid Into the city Committee to streets F th-le scicah improvemeent asked for upon Ay owed May 31,1890.
E n the ta+titfou ppllcation f the owners of a Adlourned.War.1Iw>nt.President of Council. +.
t F treasury, and atter said work shall be placed An ordlDanca was read granting John Grant majority of the property to be assessed for such Taos.A.PaEvnnasvr,City Clerk.
a ander contract,said board shall proceed with- and Thomas Cameron,co-partners as the Val. improvement? I�
x - r+, e,. ._::. s .,.-> i^t f $`w�,yy.".a+ '� ;rp`'g"• �i,. Ali Qf - Fn P s "Jts,. .�,� r •a F Va'd
• i Adjourned Meeting. From Walter B. Boyd,accletary otnt court The corporation attorneysubmfts said bonds. Wty, to
of the following described prop•
e ST.PAUL,June 3,1890,2 o'clock p.m. bouse and city hal]committee—L.�[ussetter's Accepted. (See resolution.) arty, Lo vii: •'Cwnmencing m outheaeterly
The council met pursuant to adjournment. claim of $300 rent of city and county physt- Of City E iginmr—Burr street bridge— corner of M.
ret and Siouan etrgare thence
g President Hamm in the chair. clan's office— The city engineer transmit.letter of Charles easterly along[he outthsoutline of'Margaret street
7 Preeeut�Ald.Bickel,Blom,Bock,Cullen,Co.- Secreta Bo d transmits co f resolution W.John.on,chief engineer Chicago, St. Paul, 86.8 Leet:thence south at fight angles
92.4 feet
79 ley, Gehan, Kavanagh, Leithauser, Mlnea, adopted by said comml[tee Map 90,1890,rela- Minneapolis & Omaha Rahway company,re- to easterly line oI Sinnen street;tltn�ce
Malady, Pratt, 9mrbom, Sullivan, Weber, Live to allowance of said clslm.y questing formai acceptance of Burr street e�terlyyy a,�,., easterly ilea o[8iune.street 120
Yoerg,Mr.President-16. Accepted. ( ee resolution.) bridge. feet to,"said sum befog the ount 1
couAtpxmATtoae. From Jobu Leither— Committee on streets. overpaid by eaidowner on aceo.ut of said prop- ,l
His Honor,the Mayor—Special police- Claim for damages—$30—moving Mendota Of Chief of Police—Report for DIaF 1890—Ar- arty beluR overeeteased$8.78 for the Seventh
men appointed Lo take dog ceneu.,etc.—Special street sidewalk. rests.403;Xnee collected by municipal court, street improvement,81.80 for sewer on Seventh
ilcemau appointed to act as poundmas[er— Committee on sialine. $2,042, street,end 51.40 for wooden sidewalks o1885),
Patrolman for Como Para From Joseph Saueen— Committee on ordinances and public Be- nen street,east aide(Estimate No.6(E timate
To the Honorable Presidentand Common Coun- Clslm for$400 dame and on Dfargaret street,south aide (Estimate
ell qt-yhe City of St.Paul: Dtendota stmt line. �' mistake 1.locating counts. No.5 of 1886).
9 Also, R.L.GOR]L1x,President.
Gentlemen: I have the honor to inform you Committee on claims. Forage report for at.months,ending June 1,
that,pureuaDt to molutloaa passed by your From F.Ill'
1890, showdng amount of forage purchased J.T.KeageR,
honorable body on May 8.1890,I have made Asking that flne—$i6,municipal court—be re. and consumed by police department, Be fol- May 20,I rk.f the Board of Public Rorke.
the following appointments,Bud ask your nd- ml[ted. low.:
Venand consent thereto,viz.: Asa ial ollce- Committee on ollce. Oats rehased............................1,10o bushels (See reaolutlon.)
en to collect dog tar and dispose op unlicensed From P.F.Ben,vlce president St.Paul Cit OBte consumed............................1,064 bu.hel. Also,
doge, Nsle P.Nelson, .iohn F.Qrrtis, Adam Railxay company— y Bran purchased...........................2,880 Duahele RandalyD Street Change of Grwle—
j Shandorf,George Anderson and Peter Redlinger, 1Yansmlt[mg draft of ordinance for arca wall Besn consumed............................1,990 Duahele To the Common Council
of the Clty of St.Paul:
see policeman to act s.poundmaster in —Hill and Ontario street.. Feed purchased............................ 600 buahele The board of public ks have had under
the Tenth and Eleventh •xrds fr Disy 10 to Granted. (See Ordinance No.1,346.) Feed cousumed............................. 600 buahele counldera[ion the resolution or order
of the
' .to Nov.1,189U,William PeXer.and also Jacob Hay purchased............................ 201: tone common council,Dpproved May 29,1890,rela-
Hinkel a patrolman for the term of eta months, REPO8IB OF CrrY DFFrcE.s. Hay COIIBBIDed............................ 18'1, Lona Live to a change of grade on Randolph street,
f' Designed to special service in Como Park. Of CYty Comptroller—Audited Ciaima,viz.: OX mens purchased..................... 275 bushel. from Summit avenue south
to Chatsworth
Very respectfully, J.Forrestal,e.tlmat,No.4 id final,..war oil meal consumed....................... 275 bushels street,together with the necessary chg ngea on
Rosser A.Smrra,Mayor. on George street,$445; T.DI.Breen,Estimate Corn meal purchased................... 16 bushels 'bee er as 8ttrreerovemd, having invest) ted the
s May 27,1890. No.8 and deal, newer on Preacott street, Corn meal consumed.................... 15,c proposed Respectfullyimp report that it fe necessary and
9I Accepted,and said appoiutmmrts advised and $303.48;T.Lhman,Estimate No.8 and final, Committee on police.
Consented to. gradin Wilder venue,8180; J.ClaHay,Eet1• Ot Captat�of Police—Report for May,1890— proper to change the grade on Randolph street,
-'� 1 One lam a not lighted 13,ot1 lamps not lighted between the west line of Summit avenue oath
( Yeas—Aid.Bickel,Biom,Bock,Cullen,Conley, mate h o.6,eupPlemeutary to¢,and flew,grad- P ig and Chatsworth street,ea indicated by the rad
Gehan, Kavanngb,Leithaueer,Dtinea,Dfelsdy, Ing Churchill avenue,$60;T.DI.Breen,Eatlmats 280. flue u the Becompae g profile;that the cat
Pratt. Sanborn,Sullivan,Weber,Yoerg,Mr.- No.4 and flual.sewer on Aurora avenue,etc., Clc- comptroller. yi p
President-16. gG49.18; T.Meloy,Estimate No.2 and Xnel, O} Poundma.ter Truax—Report for May, muted ezpense thereof ie$8.000;that mal Also, sewer ou Sl
zth street,$4.84;T.Keou ,Est1- 1890; city treasurer'.recel is attached for tate to he assessed therefor can be found beue-
Weill of Daniel O'Comiell,ez-poltceman�J. mate No.0 sed Xat grading Selby avenue,$1,• $42.83. p flied to[he extent of the dsmagee,coats --it
J.Watson's communication— 272: T. Sweeney, Eetimste No.9 and Anal, Committee on ordinances and public accounts. eapenese necee.ary Loh incurred thereby;that
To Lbs Honorable President and Common Coun- Lwwton street improvement, $422.64; J.T. O} Poundmaeter Jacob Hlukel—Report for said.improvement ie not asked for by a petition
ell of the City of 9t.Paul—Gentleman: Million, Estimate No. 4 and Xnal, grad- May. 1890; city treasurer s receipt attached a me t erefor,hbutwxa here11 withpeeend s plan
I desire to call your attention to Las
he comm.- fug Fall vie, venue, $661; R. T. for SSO.
-I Mention herewith transmitted referring to the
O'Connor, $724.80; Josepph Guion, Committee on ordlna__om and public accounts. Bnd profile of said improvement,If you desire to
destitute condition of th family o[the late $6.04, board of water commiealonere,828.60; make the improvement.
Daniel O'Connell,formerly a patrolman on our House of Good Bhe herd.$169.60;Bt.Paul Book REPORT oe TBE BOARD oe PUBUC Woaae. Yeas 8,nays 0. R.L.Gose[A.x,Preeident.
police fom,xmi to eek that youtake.uch action &Stationery cordpany,$108.62;Brown Trea Duluth avenue grading—
ln the matter as you may deem proper In the &Co.,$60.80; D. Ramal.y & Son, $770.84 To the Honorable the President and Common J.T.KE`I rlc of the Board of Publle Works.
•, premise.. Very renpeettully, Wm.R.Dena&Co.,$61;West St.Paul Time., Couucil of the City of St.Paul:
} tf YE TA.Sllirn,Mayor. 822.80;N.W.Stamp Works,826:Der Wanderor, Gentlemen: The board of Public works here- Juue 2,1890.
Mey 28,1890.p Win Northwestern Chronicle02, if, , $20; Die Volk- with reepecc[ul] return the flue, order. p Adopted and city clerk Instructed to give neo-
From Diattee Onmond d JO Lf a Stecsmrms and fit.Louis, 8216.84;Auguatue Knutson.$8Oncer 8 sJ.J.Dimud: nue xffrgomroved pSevenril th street0. to
Dawson etpreec wltn Iv eaeary publiFstion uoAlao.
r St.Paul and Dfinneapolle Packet Comp.0 1- g.iamond Jo .;3107.2GJ il.P.Js.915.25; E.KeStrged, th "0'
idnbo butto ammduftasaid report dated April and Pleasant Change of Grade—(Randolph
Acceptance got Ordinance Nn. 1ine,R87— 14,1590,m Bald matter so
sa to read that t fe To the Common Council of the City o}St.Paul:
t nLouiS.St.Paul&Minneapolis Packet com- 84.807'67;Acme nE]ectrlc companchina y, $2 68L F�r%.
1+ a P necessary and proper to grade Duluth venue, The boats of public works have had under
# pang certain 1r 111biees,etc.,public]eves. Peyer,814.60;
Friend & Son, $27.60; from[be right m way of the Cbieago,Bt.Pani, consideration the resolution or 9,18901 tbecom-
G� Acceppted and filed. Frank Ford,$208;James 8choonmeker,$18R; Minneapolis& Omaha Rariway company Lo mon council,approved blay 29,1890,relative
From Fmnele M.Arbuckle— P.V.D.vyer,$2;St.Paul&PBciflC Coal com- Dawson street st au timnted ezpenae of it, S a change of grade on Randolph.tint,[mm
I. Oath and bond ass constable o} Sixth ward, pp ny,$17.60;G.W.Anderson,886; Merrtll's 990,end said board oleo req Beet thwt you pass Bummlc avenue south to Chatsworth
$1,000;A.G.Wedge and George Rau,suretles Toilet$u ly,$4.60;9t.Paul 8anitation cam- anew Xnal order,ae amended,for said improve- gather with the necessary changes on the erose
pp street.,and having investigated the proposed
Corporation attorney. play,8104;Azotiue Manufacturing tom an meet.
From A.F.Macke— 81.260;C. C. Sharp, 810.96; Robert eeeecy, R.L.GomuAN.President. Impprovement:
i, Respectfully report that It Is neesamey and
Oath and bond Be constable of said city, 88,770.40;fit.Paul Dally Newe.879.80. J.T.KEarcen, p gqrr
$1,000;J.B.Dow and William Bauholter,sure. Allowed and ordered paid by the following Clerk of the Board o[Public Works. hom ono etre�t toeJ&mee streetaall indicated
- wee• vote: May 24,1890.
Corporation attorney. Yeas—Ald.Bickel,Blom,Bock,Cullen,Conley. Adopted,Bald order,spVroveAprll 16,1890, by the red line on the accompanying to e;
i From F.C.Hurpees— Gehan, Kavanagh,LeiLhBueer, Mines,Malady repealed and annulled and Bald board&IIOTe' that the estimated expenee thereof is 51,000;
�! Oath d bond ae Justice of hatmal estate to
the peace—$2,000 Pratt, Sanborn Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, My: to emend Its said report dated April 14, 16 B0, r can be
found benefited to the arhe es—of h the
Diathels and Hugh C.Donnelly,as.u- President-16. Be mill, ted.
rotfee. Of Corporation Attorney—Contract for park Ye- 16. stn and expenses necessary to n incurred
Corporation attorney. concerts— (Bee order to board of public work..) thereby;that said improvement is of asked
From Archibald Matrthur� The corporation attorney submits draft o[ Also, Wr by a petition o[s majority of the owners of
E Oath end be.,[Be justiceof thepewce for SI cth contract with Great Western,Frret Refmdin order—N. WXwer—Seventh attest property to be Sas it T therefor,but we here
J.CuDen,Aaehel G.
Kedge end Second R<$ment �p ovement,etc.— with send a plea and profile of said improve-
fj, and James McArthur as sureties. during.easo o m89t0 bands for park concerts To the Honorable the President and Co.ormmon meet,i[yon desire Lo make the Improvement.
7F, Corporation attorney. Accepted. (See resolution.) Cou,,II of be City of St.PDuTh.board 0pL• Be
3,nays O. R.L.Gosmex,President.
fl re
Fmm Wm.M.Bushnell
Bud Others— Also, apecttuentlllyy a"T'
uest=0.1.0.rable body to canoe J.T.KEaeEx,
For upening and grading of Summit avenue'Bond of Thomas Grace,member board of water a refunding order of $6.93 to be Clerk of the Board o[Public Works. _
south fromSL.Clair.treat to Randolph stmt.I commlealonere,56,000,with C.D.GlIX)lan and drawn upon the city trtasurer fu favor of N. June 2.1890.
j Board o[public works with order. Thomas A.Prendergast as sureties.
� 1
, _ .. -1"1 •�n$ +` l;
g- Also,
{ Adopted and city clerk instructed to Also,
- necessary publication notice. give Teas—Aid.Bickel,Blom,Bock,Cullen,Coale Board of public works're
on Suburban av-
Gehau,Lelthauser,\flues,Milady,Pmt,,Sia- William Dlederich and others' tltion asksug enue ore Ing,etc.;MaLeA.. Astlno avenues. -
At.. born,Sullivan,Weber,l'oerg,Mr.prssident—l6- council not to allow J.T.Mc illan to rebufltl point Uouglan, Fremont,Eget Fourth,Daw--
a 1 Leamgtou Avenue Change of Grade(Randolph Also, part of packing and rendering establishment— on,Margaret and Beech Streets eatenefons— `Y
St— Eetimatee and Claims— Commltree recommends that said petition be Committee recommends that said report be
To thelOm on Couudl of the City of St.Paul The board transmlte,approved by it,the}ol- referred to Ald.Dorniden. laid over.
The board of public works have had under lowing eet(matea and claims,to wit: Adopted. Adopted. Also
i consideration the resolution o order of the Martin Craig,86; G,W.Merrill,$10;Neruill's Alen,
common council,approved Nay 29,189,rel a- Toilet SUDp1Y,88. Ordinance granting John Grant and Thomas
rive to a change of grade on Aaadolph street, Committee on claims. Ald.Melady'e resolution abandoning proceed- Cameron, cn-artners as Valley It..Works,
! from Summit avenue south to Chatsworth n¢poea of¢os¢n oe coxr¢or,. Ings In matter of levee along west Dank of Mie- pdvliege to nae and on:upy portion of levee
street,together with the ecessary changes on The board submits its pport for Ma 1890. too I Pi river Sixth ward fora faundry—
�� the cro s streets,and,having Investigated the Total expeudlturee.$4,U48.76. y, Committee recommends that said resolutiou �minittee reports favorably.
proposed improvement: Commtree on ordinances and public accounts. be referred to Aid.Dorufden. Adopted,and ordinance peened.
HeepxtlWlyareport that it Is necessary and ae o.ta F er rx. i are
i proper[o hh age the grade on Lexig.n ave- Of Committee o t --S'Clim. TnnnrtD. Dtoran'B Adopted. Also,
Yeas,18. plso,
nes between Nettleton ve and he north lafm$77.66, balance,grading ad walling
Ilse [ Semen arrest, ae htdtca[ed b the Tb t77-55,
°i street track Fnuqufer and Re.ney
4 d line on the aceomna yin prodleb by
Committee recommended allowance of claim Broadway and T61rd street b hldrRe etrnet from Ordinance authorizinog Theodore Hnmm ea Isy
YI i the estimated expense- there.( le iS1,000 at$72. Committee recommends that said order be re- Committee report,favorably.
that ai Entex to be nbce d therefor Adopted. (ice OrdlnenceNo.1,844.) ferred to Aid.Banholrer.
can be found bene9[ed to the extent o[the dam- Adopted. Adopted,and ordinance passed.
ngee,cosis avd erpe ,nocees ryy to be incurred George Doehne'e tlal Al for funding tens,18.
thereby;that,aid improvement ie tot asked for paid for va.en[lon of alley In b]k 16,Fa/r Al...AIeO Also,
by a petition ot�a ma7orlty of the preps. o[ few addition— NortDweetern Telephone Exchange company's Ordinance Rrantfug Chicago,6G Paul,Dfinneap-
5 A property to be aessed therefor but ire here- Committee makes an edveree report. o plaint ag.f� Ordlnauw No.1.2.2( - olie&Omaha RailwaT company r16Dt Lo lay a
with ee d a plana dpro Ble of said improvement Adopted. ]sting to condulte),etc.— track on part of Fauquier.tree[—
if ypu desire to make the improvement. Committee recommends that said communlce, Committee reports(avoraDly.
YY Also, Adopted,and ordinance passed.
F� a,,a;nay,,U. Leo C.Br",onimn'e claim for$50 fine Imposed floe be referred to Ald.Bort, yeas,18.
A.L.Gotrwev,President. by municipal court. Adopted. Also,
J. Ulam lttee rep rte facorablY• Also, Ordinance granting Cmcago, Milwaukee& St.
^I Clerk of the Board of Public Worxs. Adopted. Bald ormnanre eased, g's pe Pnul Railway',in try
nee of certain ppArte o[
4 June 2,1890. n P yeas 16. Sam Ileadn tltion for ,cation of Weaeea certain atrcete iv Rice&Irvine',addltlou,and
Adopted and city clerk instructed to Also, street and extension of Bellows etreet�
e.savy publlcatlon n tice. give eC Ordinance authorizing refun�ing to Hemp Committee me ds that said artly in Irvine's enlargement—
i °Alan Kroeger emownt paid assess L Third reternd to board of public works. (; Ittee reports ixvorably.
nd other streets-- Adopted. Adopted,and ordinance passed.
Fo The
and Ocher Streets Sewer Contract— Committee makes an adverse report. Also, Yeas 16;nays,Aid.Kavanagh,1.
The board reports t, t It or co stru Walter Adopted. At is
A1dIDMieties and Ald-
C.Doherty the contract for etructfov ( Also, V.A.Sflge d others' protest against com- Of committee or, tAt is,
rl } sewer o Poorest street Ptom Yhalen creek to I pans Bohler'e claim, $600 damages—defective pletlon of Roble street sewer system,etc.— \felndyy,city evglveer's
d.tlon ami
Case street, Sime street from Arcade street o mends that said feet be's re,t,,—,n
relative to paving
( stile
Committee Pro
to Forest street,on York eraser from Arcade
'- tree[to Forest street,and on Case street from Committee makes—.dvetee report. To
and pl.ced on Ale. W...a ib,street beldge—
Adopted. Adopted. Also Commitree reports favorably.
Arcade freer to Forest treat,together with Al.., Adopted.,
ecessar catch..ales and manholes,said sew- Omifn.nce a William Berlandi and other.'petition skin for
y (Sen resolution.)
.ring Lob done le ad re contract, ev being to municipal
$2a for Charles Linder restoration of P operty deeded to city In m.t-
the lowest reliable antl p nslDle bidder there- —fine PPnld to muulcipai court ter of Proposed levee in SixeD x'atd,ote,— O{C.mmitLee on Pollee--Communiccotlon of
sg1 for;amount of bid, $12.478; bond t the sum C.mem ttce recommends that said ordinance Committee recommends teat said petition be honor,t.e yon,tt Ynsmlttlug
j o1$3,000,with John Kenny and Phll Panel as cep ced'
sureties. Adopted. referred to Aid.Mines. tion of J.J.W.tsou I.Wva to condition of
t] Also, Report not adopted and matter referred to family of Daniel O'Connell,deceased,formerly -I
15i Fifteenth Street Sewer G retract— corporation attorney polive o0icer— I -
�, The board reports that It has awarded Walter O1 C'ommittce on Street.,Sewers ad Bridges— Also, Com Ittee recommend. that the matter be
C.Doherty the c tract for c tetructlon of Ordinance directing city pincers to r a y Ald.Sanborn's olucfon permitting ox'ner of leered to the board of trustees of police
.sews Fffteenth street from Jaekeon street to grantors lands heretofore conveyed to the 1 is U,i and 8,block 70,Dayton & Irvlvea' { Canada.street,together with nece..ary
ward levee— ddition,to
enclose and improve east half of Adopted.
basins and manholes,he being the lowest retia- Committee recommends that said ordinance Walnut etreet,etc.—
ble and respponsible bidder therefor,amount of be re[erred to corporation attorney. Committee recommends that said revolution Ot Committee on Idceuse—Jeff Nahner'e petition
III{{{ b Adopted, be referred to incoming committee on streets. asking to have remitted$25 fine paid-
-' bid,8810; and fu the sum of 3200,with O.V. Committee repmrta favorably.
Ericson and Philip Reilly as'sureties. Also'
Adopted. Also Adopted and .tter referred to corporstlon
Aieo, Ordinance granting North western Telephone attorney to draw ordin....
Arllogto.Street Grading Contract— Exchange company the right Lo lay a epbona John J.Dewey and others'petition for vecatlon Aleo,
The board reports that It has awarded Peter for undergepnnd wires— (part of territorial road— Isaac Licbtenberg'e petition for permission to t
t Tantholt the contract for grading Arlington Committee recommends that said ordinance Committee recommends that said petition be transfer to A.Roaenth.l butcher license
street to a partial grade and full width from be referred to Aid.DIcN.mce. referred to Ald.Dobner. 69—
Payne avenue to Greenbrier venue,he bel, Adopted. Adopted.
}J, I Committee reports favorably.
}; the lowest reliable and responsible bidder them- Also, Al... Adopted.
for:amount of bid,$893:b nd in the sum of Ald.Gehen'e resolution authorizing proper city Cprlstlan Meyer a d others' tltion asking Al-,
8100,with A.Andereou and N.C.Johnson as officers to draw order favor Azotine Nann- council to recall order-at mt e t oar d of publlc A.Rosenthal's petition asking$50 fine
facturhng Company for$1,708.83 n June 1, w ke for making assess nl for change o[ Committee makes.v adverse report-
Al. 1890,and$2,188.66 on flret day of e h enc- made on Cable avenue— Adopted.
jjj!! {4r Charles Street Setovir Contract— Aing t ontD�stimatea—garbage end deal Committee reCommeuda tb.t m id petition be Also,The board rdp to=act—
has awarded Pat- animals n )aid over. E.Rank's petition for permission to transfer to
rick Doherty the contract for
con,tructlou of Committee recommends that Bald resolution pdo ted. Joseph H.%reldler butcher lic—se No.96—
}> I war on CDaries street from Rice street to K ri- be referred to Aid.Flandtaa. p Also, Committee teporte favorably.
s n treat together with ssary catch.seine Recommlt[ed. Ald.Lelthauser's resol.tion directing the Doavd Adopted. Also,
j and mair�olse,he being the lowest tellable and Also, of public works to return order for change of J.H.Thein',petiti__At
n for tran'ar to B.Eiden-
sDonalble bidder therefor,amount of bid,$766; Ordinance forblddfug within certwin limits tree Reade on Cable avenue— _
bond in the sum of$200,with Phil Fabel and of poles,etc.,for electric wince— Committee teeommenda that card reeolutto. (.oml�mltte utep trts Bvo It.- 7
Jas.Ch of de sureties. Committee recommends that said Ord]..nce be ledd aver. Adopted.
Each of the fo ved bR ,,, taken up sap- be referred to Ald.Blelenbe
arately and approved by the following v,te: Adopted. B Adopted
3 ., :. ,. - r ;.'•31 /at'r.:. - rtM;y 'ti' ,s..{; M; X('N,lir,a:<w?e' p1'7r.'T''-ti' d7' ra; 5 Y f'P,: n3' :y9 ."£t S S t t>{T
Al.., w'cELLANEo¢e. lution for sidewalks•'on the north aide of Chart. Yeas-AId.Bickel,Blom.Bock,Gillen,Conley, -
Lo¢le Vleron'e petition for transfer to 912 Ar- Ordlnancee- nut,from West seventh to Pleasant Avenue. Gehan,Kavanagh,Lelthaueer, MmeA,Malady,
% cads street of butcher Ito—No.81- An ordinance was read-$72 for John D. eight feet wlda Pratt,Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr.
Committee reports favorably. Moran,Third street grading. 'Ou nor h aide of Logan Street from Rev. Presidentrl8.
Adopted. Rules euepended on motion of Aid. Mines, about 160 feet w'eec,six feet wade. Passed June 8,1890.
t Also, yeas 18,And said ordinances mad second time "Four-plank walk on ngrth and eouth aides of Wx.HAst.,President of Council.
C.M.Dendrow&Co.'s ppeetition for traneter to and passed. (See Ordinance No.1,844.) Sturgis street,from llouglae to Garfield street. Approved June 6,'89o.. 'U
C.H.Brilter and Wi am Barber of butcher If- An ordinance was read-expert wit.—fees far •'On north aide of Michigun avenue,from Duke Attest: O.O.G, ..Acting Mayor.
cense No.9,to be used at 488 State street- Dr.E.J.Abbott and otbera iu re Samuel G Ray to Toronto avenue,six feet wide." - TaaS.A.PRENDEsaaSr.City Gyerk.
Committee reports favorably, and James Dillon against the city of 6t.Paul. Adopted, and said voted reconsidered- June).
Adopted. Rules uspended n motion of Ald. Mines, yeas 18.
i i I Also. yens 18,and Said ordinanceread Second time Aid.Bock moved to amend aahi resolution eo
` Mefninkhaueer&ZI Ise petition for transfer to and passed. (See Ordinance No.1846.) 89 to mad ••south"instead of "north" aide of OearnevcE No.1,846.
.+•� ! Mefninkhauser& rickaon of butcher license An ord[uance was mad permitting owners of Chestnut And"south"instead of"north"aide
No.60,to be used et 869 Eget Seventh street luta 6,a and 7,In block 21,of Rlce&Irvine's of Logan street. An ordinance paving Lhe tees of expert witnesses
Committee reports favorably. addition,to build area wall'(6 IT and Ontario Adopted. 1n the case'of 6 moan C.Ray and James DR-
"�- Adopted. Street.)for nae of electric power station. Yeas-Ald.Bickel,Blom,Bock,Gtlllen,C.Ney, ion against the city of St.Paul.
Al.., Rules suspended,yeas lfl,and said ordinance Gehan,Kavanagh,Lefthaueer,Mlnea,Dfelady, The Common Council of the City of St.Paul do
s mad second time And passed. (See,ordinance Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Y' rg,Dir. ordain as follow.: '
ff Growart Broe.'&Co.'e petition for transfer to No.1848.) President-18.
! John Brings of botcher 1lcense No.69-
Committee reports favorably. An ordinAnm was mad in relation to erection The action by which was*tarred to board of Section 1. That orders be drawn upon the
Adopted. o[]n ord'cables. • yyubllc works the Litton-If
[Como V111a.and city Lreneume in favor of the hereinafter-named
• p
Rules .bended on motion of Aid.Pratt Warrendale Cytlzens' union for sidewNks ou persons for the Bums set opposite their respec
yeas 16,and ordinance mad Second time and both sides Como avenue,from Dfauitoba rail- rive names,to compensate them for services
passed, way bridge to Northern e.from
railway crossing, rendered as experts in the eases of Samuel C.
Of Committee on-Ordinances And Public Ac- An ordinance wall read changing name of Elle- and on Front street,from Como avenue to Rnv against The City of St.Paul and Jame'Dil-
Lrouuts. Report'examined- worth Avenue to 6yndleate avenue. Chatsworth Street.was reconsidered and said Ion against The City of St.PAUI:
Committee Dee examined and found correct Rules suspended on motlon of Aid.Bock,yeas petition referred to the sldermnn of the ward. One in favor of Dr.E.J.Abbott for the
following reports: Soard of control,Msy.1890; 18,and ordinance mad second time and pneaad. Yeas 18. of$26 for proleesional Services rendered in the
lnelRator o[ bulldiugx, April, 1890;clerk of An ordinance wall mad permitting Silver Creak case of Samuel C.Ray against The City of 8t.
t� muulclpal court,March and April• 1800;chief &Dforde Coni company to ems frame coal shed Paul.
_ Of pOI1Ce,Dlaxh alld April,1890;maTkOL mac- .Morris
1,2,7 and f3,black 21,KILteOn'' eddl• PWP06ED SIDE RESOLUTIONS FOR PABadOE One In favor of Dr.Talbot Jones for the slim
ter,market hAll mut ter January and Februa. tion. xDLr 1,1890. of$60 for expert testimonyy In the case of James
.Nf ry,1890;Pol u lmn*ter Conniff for April,1890. Rules Suspended on motion of Aid. ColeyDillon agalnxt'rha Oty of St.Paul.
1 f7 Adopted. yeas I8,and ordinance mad Second time una By ResoAidlved,
ed,TnaSanborn-iced [teeoivnd,Tnat the board of ppublic works ion One lu favor of J.H.Morrison for the of
P And It I. hereby instructed to omnstraet a $60 for Services rendemd as=hydrnullc
Of Committee on Gas-Lamps-Commfttce res Au ordinance wall read refunding$60 fine paid cement block eldawalk elz fedi wide aI the east eugh see In the case of James Dlllou ugalflat
ommends adoption of following resolution* In municipal court. side of DAIS.trent from Selby avenue south one GYty of fit.Paul,and
for lumps: Rule.suspended,yeas 16,and ordinance read hundred and fifty teat. one In favor of A.P.Bateham for of
AId. duuborn'*, Lawton Street stepp*; Aid. second tlma null paxxeA• 510for a*ex rt wJtnesr In the clue of
Pratt's,XnnllinR avenue•Ald.Blom's,DlnrylunU Re*olatlon refundln $0.98 to N,Wllwar,over• Pe
strcot;Ald.(:oti{ey's,Fifth rltrent;AIA.I,rlthnu• a*seumm t for Haven stnwtimproYament.-td, 8y Atd:Gehan- Jamas Dillon aµulnet The City of Xt,Paul,
seeb,Forcxt xtmK;AId, FLsmm's, MDwohuhn Adoppted, finxulvad,Thnt the efdownik contractor be gulA order*to be drown only upon thoro bdng
strcatc AId.Weber's 1'homns street,etc.;AIA. ISy Ahl,gulilvan- end he Is herbyy Alrnctad W lay nu dµht•foot glad with tins Ldty comptroller Proper recnlpts _.
sock's GurOeld anlf Goodrich-treats;AId.Gs• l.solutlo I reryttesting board of public works sidewalk on north olde of Viola street from Rice for the Same.
hens*,�tlellovue,avenue etc. to annul assessmaut for s sewer tet Weldor live- street to Park avenue. Sec.2. This ordinance s1+s�Ilt-Ydske ect and
Adopted. (Sue rexolOtl.. nue,etc.,etc.,(Midway sower contruct.) be In force from and after its yubll✓tg n.'
Alan, Ad.Pted, By Ald.Pratt- Yeaa-AId.Blekel,Iflom,Bock,Cullen,Conley,
Lamps-Adverse report- By AId.Weber- Rceolved,That the board of public works Gehan, Kavanagh,Lefthauear,Minas,afeladyy„
Committee makes an advereemport on follow. Solutio¢Inetructing city en¢¢11¢cer to finish on
a etz•loot woods¢eldawalk to be built oust Smlbonn, Sullivan. Weber, Yoarg, Mr.
in resolutions: approaches to Dale Street brld¢e over Great nod mnhltalned on the north aide of Langford preeiaent-18.
Ald.Blom'',Decnturetreet;Aid.Blomb Mary- Northern railroad,(Manitoba),etc. Avenue from Gibbs avenue to Xnelling avenue Passed June 8,1890.
street and Walsh avenue,ate.;Aid. W eber's, Adopted. also on r.t side of Gibbs Avenue on east and Was HAntsf.President of Council.
Dale Street. Bye Cullen- of Alden Square. Approved June 6,1890.
Adopted. Resolution deepsting additional streets for
wires of St. Paul and MlunenpolleS messenger
O.O.COLLEN,Acting Mayor.
and Telephone company pursuant t0 Ordin- onaD NCE', Attest: Tao*.A.PftENDEeaABr,City Clerk.
Of Committee on Parke-R¢seell R.Do-sad once No.1,848. June 9.
.there'petition and Aid.Sanbern's resolution Adop Led. ORDINANCE No.1,844.
��. relative to imXroving m+a park the triangular By Ald.Leithaueer-
plemof ground east of Crocus Hill and between Resolution for grading of Hastings Avenue. An ordfnanm appropriating money for and OgDmANcE No.1,846.
}t' Oakland and Pleasant avenues. Adappted, directing tM1e payment to John D.Moran o[the
{ Cgmmitteereporte that Ito
Said matter By Ald.GVllen- sum of$72,pursuant to report of committee of The Common Council of the City of 6t.PAN do
to city engineer to report to council. Tha said pay one-third of$800 claim of claims• ordain AS follows:
port of the engineer le lie follows: L.Mueeecter mut of ince f city d county The common council of the city of St.PAul do Section 1. Permission fa hereby granted to
dY}y To the Common Council: phyemlan and authorizing board of control to ordain ns follows: owners lots NOB.
Gentlemen-In regard to the matter of the Ire- rout an office for?aid physician. Section 1. That tta order be drawn a on the 110 0[Rica&flrvine's AddR"ndto the city.t St.
rovement of the triangular piece of ground be- Ado ted. city treasury of St.Paul In favor of John U. Paul to construct an ams under the &`
t - pp pp Moran for the sum of $72 fn full compensation
'r twsen Oakland and Pleasant venues,Beat of gy Ald.Pratt- on H8lstreetin fron'ofsaidlow 6,6 and 7,and on
Crocus Hill,referred to me by the committee on Resolution Instructing commissioner of for and satisfaction of said John D.Moran''
parka,I beg to swbmtt the following: D:aith to sues owners of lots 16,18 e.nd 17, claim anddemand against the dry t St. Paul Ontario street in front a[said lot Seven (7)for
45 c o o the use of an electric Dower station,naw in the
Estimated coat of the proposed imps ve- block 89.St.Anthony Park North,to 811 chem, for balance due o his contract for grading
n or other buildings
meat,including a retalil l wall long Bald lots being partly covered with Stagnant Third street from Commerdnl street to Maple course of erection thA`o,
t� street and other Streets,as by the report of the which may be them on erected,Said limn wail to
f the bottom of the slope.........................87,600 water. committee on claims to the common council of extend along Said HIR street and on said OR-
Estimated cont, without the retaining Adoppted.
wall.. ........... ..$6,000 By Ald.Weber- date the erd day of June,A.D.,1890,well more tAid street ll front of raid tote.the outside,of
1' •• '' '•'""" fully appear,said order to be delivered outs Aid ems wail to De not farther than eight eet
Reapeettully submitted, Re.alutf.n lnatructmg city engineer to notify »port his filing with the city comptroller,full from the property line;the sidewalk to be laid
L.W.RmImL rr, street sprinkling contractors to employ mon "said
receipts to the city In satisfaction over said area secuml7 on Iron beams to the
j City Engineer. teams.etc. satisfaction of the city engineer.
;" 1I May 29,1890. ' Adopted. of said claim or demand.
+rc, The matter well recommitted to committee on Aid.Bock moved to reconsider vote of May section f2.orce
a frohism
ordinance ishalltake effect Sec.2. This And
ter shell take enact and
f! i parks. 120,1890,by which wall passed Aid.Bock'.neo- and be In force(mm and after its PubScatlon. De 1n force from and atter its publication.
e ��i iDiy
4 I e
r r ,.,t-, wr^-• ,. ,,, _.._
1{ G� 06
Yew-Aid.Bickel,Blom,Bock,Conley,Q211en, gold,the city clerk,for the pid,emcient,and
' Yeee--Aid.Bickel,Blom,Bock,Cullen,Con1eT. Yeew-Aid.Bickel,Blom,Bock,Cullen,Conley, GeLan, gnvenagh,LettDaueer,Miner,Melody, courteous n in which ha hes dlechsrged
Malad Oehen,Kavanagh.Lelthaeum Mlnea,Melady, Pratt BnDbom, eullivau, Wetxr, Ycerg, Df r. Lha duties of hie omce. .'Conley'Gehan.Ravanegh,Lelthauxer, Mines,
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber,Yoerg, r prealdenf nbo Yeas-Aid.Bickel,Blom.Bock,Cullen, y.
t;l prntt Savbom, Bulllvan, Weber,Yo g. Preetdevt-18. Gehan,Knvanugh Leitba.ser,Musa,Dfel ady.
l� Pteefdent-18. p ed Junn B,1980. Approved June 6,1890. Sullivan, Weber.Yce19, D[r.
dddi peeeed Juve 8,1690. pprov Pratt: l-la.Sanborn,
W_ A.
890. Pmxldent of Council. By Ald.Kavanagh- Preppy red J
Approved June 6,1890. By Ald.HWm- A red June 6,1890.
O.O.(.at.cEN,Acting Mayor. Rex Ived,That the gaeolfne lamp contractor Revolved,Thst sn order be drawv o the city pprov.
treaaarer for the num f two
i , I Attest: Tl1De.A.P.ENDE.a Aar.City Clerk. be nud be le hereby ordered to erect and a u- dollar+ In favoe of O.E.Holman,corpor.tfon Av Aid.Leitbanner-
June B. Lain ganoilne]amyl a foliotve: One lamyP n tly,ae a contingent fund foe payment of Resolved. That the relimfnary der for
f the wetit side of Edgerton vtreat�betx'een Dfluno- witnenx flex and court conte. v
hshn street and]lenneys tmet; lamp on the Ynue-AId.Bickel,Rlom,Bock,Culleo,Conley, oPeolltg and grading Go woo
Place be hereby
nt.&OL incl. south xfde of Minueba vtreet,between Edger- Gehsu. Kavanagh.i.eltheusec. Mirex,Dlel.yy xuttulled.
I Hy Ald.Affnen- ton street end Hedlord street. Prstt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Ycerg,DIr. Yeas--Aid.Rickel,Aloin,Rock,Gallen,Conley,
t Fie olved,'Phut Lfie city engineer be and a year"Ata.Bickel Blom,Bock Wllen.Conley, ytuxldeut-16. Gehan,Knrnmwh, Leltbnunnr,Dlfnes,Dfnlady,
r i
hereby Instructed to lank slid ave the Wa- Approved roved June G,1800. Pratt 6uubom, Sulllven,Webrr, 1'oetg. air.
y p Gehan,Kavanagh.Sullivan,tiger Tinea, Dle, M I p PApprove',J
basha street bridge from the end oI the new part Pratt, Sanborn, ulllva {Sieber,Ycerg. Mr. Approved June G,1800.
tothe west xldn. Pro ddenhl0. By Ald.Weber.
Yeas-AIA.Bickel,Blom,Bock,Cullen,Conley. Approved June 6,1890. Resolved,Ths[an order be drawn w favor n1
i Gehan,Lelthauser, DlfneaJ Dtelwly,Pratt Sen- the board of control for the sum of 9l,8hT.9l, Hy AId.Prnttr-
born, Sullivan. Weber, ]cerg,Dlr.Preetdent.- gy pid.Lelthatlser- being the elty's one-third of the ezpnndlture o/ ItenoNad,That.the ifoard of public work.
. lg, Rnoived,Thnt the city oil lamp contractor gold boar!for Lbe month of 3fay.1890. rause croxnwulkx to be bunt int Lhe west side of
Approved June 6,1890. be hereby ordered to plain and maintain one yegs-pid.Bickel,Blom,Bock,Cullen•Conley, Gibbs avenue ncroxe Langford and Pratt live•
_ oil lamp on the west gide of Forest street,be• Gehan,SK L.a;uausee lflnen,Mehuly, ones,also acroxe Pratt.avenuo at west end of
By Ald.Gehan- twee"FrettioDt street and East Fourth street. Prsth Sanborn, tlulilvan, Weber, Ycerg, Mr. Alden.gmtre;also across Hervey aveuue at Ill.
Resolved,Thst[he Ore commleafonere be end Yens-Aid.Bickel,Blom,Sock,Cullen,Ml 7, Ptr•sldent-10. terxuctfon o} Hampden avenue, south xfde;
the hereby directed to piece line(1)fl, Geban,Kavanagh [Afthauaer,Mina,Metedy, Approved June G,1890. xc x Ffersey avenue,north xfde of Terrltorlal
y n Pratt Sanborn, Sullivan.Weber, Ycerg. Dir. r nd:also ncrtBe UulvnrxltY avenue ac west end
farm hoz(In accordance with their commuvl- prexidevt�l8, ge,mynas Longford
Man of Feb.11,1890)et the Corner of(:ortland Approved June 6,1880. Resolved, Thnt [hn contract herring date of Is-Ivo t mid.of f9cudder and Booth side of
and Jessamine etreete. DfaS 26, 1890, between the (irent Wextem vel a Lex
Blom,Back,Cullen,Conley, band,the Firot Iteldntent baud and the Brcnnd Langford mroxx Scudder. Coale
d1 Yeas-Aid.Blekel, g Ald.Hamm- t Dnnd e d the R of St.Paul sub 1'euw-Ahl.Blekel,Blom,Bock,Cullen, y.
i Kevan Leitheueer,Mfuea,Malady y gasoline b the coy tion Ltoruey be and the Gehan, Kavanagh,Lefthaueer Dflnee,Alludy,
Gehan, ugh. ),cere Mr. Revolved.That the line contractor be in-
' Pratt, 6mborn, Bulllvan, Weber, etmeted to glace and mtain a gasoline lamp a Is tvaeby approved,and he epr�pnr ity Pmtt.9mboru, Sullivan, Weber. Yoerg, Me-
President-10. Dftnnehah ppoelte lot'L4,block 4,Borup e®cern are hereby a thoilmd to x to Lhe President-10. -
Approved Ju 6.1890. &Payee's addltlov. eon Lhe Part of the city. Approved June 6,1890.
Yeas--Aid.Blekel,Blom•Bock,Cullen,Conley, aYem-Aid.Bickel,Blom,Hock,Cullen,Conley,
$y Ald.Cooleyy_ Gob..,Kavanagh,Lelthi user,Mi....Melody, Gehan•Kavanagh,Leithsuxer,Dliueo.Dlelady. By Ald.l.elth.nser-
1 Resolved,Thot the 6GPaul Gas Light company Sullivan.Weber, Yoerg. Mr. Pratt, S.nvorn,Snlliv¢vt Weber, Y org, Mr. 11 olved,That the board of pn,s street
to be
)' I. causes
Has lamp to be placed on the south emu President-16. prett re,�l0. hereby ordered to cause Eicheawald street to be
of Fifth street,Detwee.AOsabel and Wmoutn. Approved June 6,1890. Approved June 6,1890. epriukled from Seventh street to Sixth street.
YeaB--Aid.Bickel,e.R Bock.Cullen,Co.].y, Yeas- Blekel,Blom,Bock,(,alien,Conley,
Gehan• Kld.Bic el Leim,Bocker,Cullen,
Melody, Hy Ald.Weber- Resolved.That the bond of Thomas Grace no Gehan,Kavanagh.Lefthxuser, Dfeht Ire
Pratt, Kavana, , LeiSullivan, Weber, Ycetg,Ill. Resolved,That the gaeoBne lamp contractor ber of the board of i'ter commleetrnter.¢ Pratt, S.nbor., Snlllvan,Weber, Ycerg,
? P,,tt, Sanborn,
be authorized to plxce'lampe on Thomas.treat, bearing date the 23d day of aMay.A.D.1890,In Preeident-16. -
Approved June 6,1690. mh comet and one 1n the cevter o[each the sum of 68,660 be¢vd the name is hereby lip- Approved June B,1890.
blockutrom Grotto to Chatew•orth treete;a pro Ved.
- one on o th aide oI the alley be- yeas-Ald.Bickel,Aloin,Bock,Cullen,Conley, By plfl.Hamm-
( Hy Ald.9enborn- twee"Marlon and Gaultler street-; also four Gehav,Kavanagh, Letthauxer,Mine¢.�felatly solved, Th¢t the board 1 public w ke e
! Res .Smed, That the St.Paul Gas Light com- lamp.on Sit rbume avenue (Ellen street),be- Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber. Yoerg, Dir. cruse Cable¢venue to be sprinkled
from Dlor- ^
any be and ft fs hereby Instructed to erect eLd twee"Lexington and Griggs. Prenident�l6. goret.treat to s point 200 feet north of clime. ,.
i aintafv a street gno lamp light on the etepa of
Yeae-Aid.Bickel,Blom,Bock,Cullen,Conley Approved June 6,1890. 1 ene__Ald.Bickel•Blom.Bock,(.alien,Conley,
Lawton street,about half way from the foot to Gehan, Kavanagh Lefthauaer, ]linea.Melady, Gehan. Kavanagh.LeithouWe Mine%,Melady, y
the bead thereof. Pratt.Sanborn, Sullivan,Weber, Y-M, Mr. By Aldi.Bock- Pratt. 6.nborn, 6uIliv... Weber,Ycetg, Dlr. 41d
Yana-Aid.Bickel,Blom.Bock,Cullen,Conley, Prexldr.-16. Reaolved, That the thank.of the common pre.ident-1f{.
} Gehan,Kavnumh,Leltm,B( ,Mine.. Meladv, Approved June 6,1890. until re hereby extended to Hon. William t d June 6.1890.
Pratt, KavatSanborn, Sullivan,Weber, Yoerg,Mr. Hamm for the able, co"rteono and fmpartlal pprov. I
' President-l6. By Ald.Hock- manner In which he has discharged his duties aB
I Approved Juno 6,1890. Resolved•That the gasoline oil Inmp con- president of the common cnunefl. By Aid.Bock-
tractor place a lamp on Garfield ettcet,between of Ald. Bickel, Blom, Buck,Cullen,Con- IL fs hereby ordeced by the Common Council
Goodrich and Sturgle; oa Goodrich,between ley, Gehan, Kavanagh, Letthauaer, Mines, td the Clty of St.Pn91:
By Ald.Pratt- Garfield and Went Seventh atrents. Melady, Pmtt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, That the matter of grading Tuscn¢vora avenue
Resolved,That the city oil lamp contractor yogis-p)d-Bickel,Blom.Bock,Cullen,Conley, Y'cetg-ie.Mr.Pre.ldcut not voting. from Milton treat to Pleasant .nue, and
be and be Ia hereby
Instructed to place d Gehan, Kxv".'Lb.Leithauser,Mines,Melady, p owed June 6,1890. from Lex:nRtnn avenue co Hamlin"
i Mi. ppr and the same fs hereby referred to.'he board of
s maintain one gaeol ne oil lamp on the east side prett, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber,Yoerg. -- works to'e
it and reort:
of Snelling avenue at the center line of block 8, President-l8. BV'Id.Bock- public
Hamllue 01st. Approved June 6,1890. Resolved,That the thanks of the common 'First-Is this thf.Improveme"t proper and
}ftlYeas-Aid.Btekel,Blom,Bock,Cullen,Conley, ceunMl are hereby ¢:Leaded to Vice President nece.enry7
ff Gehan,Rsvanagh,Leftbauser, Mfnea,Melady, $ pid.Gehan- Hou.A.1'uerg Jr.,for his careful, prompt and Second-Give the cnunefl extimnte of the
Pratt, Sanborn, 6ulRvnn, Weber,Ycetg, Mr. e Ived,That the gasoline contractor be and painstaking discharge of hie duties us vice prnsi- pemte thereof,and tate nether one
Prenfdent-l0. be le hereby directedto erect and maintain lamps dent of the commo.council. the cost thereof bn Id foto the May r sae-
{4 j Approved June 6,1890. esfollowa:Two on Bellevueavenun,betweenJeck- Y'eua-Aid.Bickel,Blom.Bock,Callen,Conley, urs before the contract fe let.
( } .int end Canada streets:two on Genossee street, Gehan.Kavanagh, Lelchstieer,Dffnes,Dfelndy. Chlrl-Can real estate to be¢eeenned for said
• { !
BOd.Blom- between HUHaIo and Mladeelppl streets;line on Pratt,eanhem.Sullivan,Weber,Mr.1?eesident Improvemevt be found bemflted to the extent at
1 Resolved,That Lbe gesollna lamp contractor Case street,betwcen Courtland and Agate; one -16.Ald.1'oerg not vo[In& damages costa and ezpmeee necenxary to be In-
be and he le hereby ordered to erect and mal.- on Lawson street.between Courtland and Agate: Approved June S.1890. furred therehy4
Lal gasoline lamps as!ollowa: I one on Cookstrcet,between Courtland endAgate• Foutltl" suchimprovementheked}orupon
One lamp on the northeast comae of Mazy- one on.1 n11 street,between Courtland ett� By Ald.Weber- the petition or appllcntlon f the owners of a
( lend street and the avenue. Agate;one on MaBoolle street,be Court- Heeolved, The, the thanks of the common ma
)ority of the property to be eeseneed for such
One lamp on the southx'est c0rllee of Mary twee and Agate; one on Jeeeamine street,be- council are hereby extended Co Thomas Prendar- ImprovementT
land street and Weide street. twee"Courtland and Agate. -
s gi
�� Fy majority of the property to be assessed for such That the matter of a change of grade on Byl-
'9 Fifth-Send the council s plan or profile of That the matter of constructing s sewer on 1m rovement? van street,from Winter street to Arch street,be
sold Improvement,as required by law,if you re- Fairmont avenue,from 8t.Albans street to ='-Send the council a plan or profileof said sad the same fe hereby referred to the board
l ➢ort in favor of the same. Dale street,be and the same Is hereby referred improvement,as required by law,it you[sport public works to hiv stlgnte and report:
.� Sixth-Send the council a proper order direct- to the board of public works to investigate and First-Is this improvement proper and nates-'
in the work to be done. re ort: fa--or of the some.
11 q p Sixth-Send the councils proper order direct- eery?
1 I� Yeas-Ald.Btekel,Blom,Bock,Cullen,Conley, MD -Is flits Improvement proper and neces- Ing Lhe work to be done. Second-Give the council an estimate of the
Gahan,Kavanagh.Leithaueer,Mines,Malady, earyT Yeas-Aid.Bickel,Blom,Bock,Cullen,Con- xpense thereof,and state hether one-half o[
Ii Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber,Yoerg, Mr. Second-Give the council an estimate of the ley, Gebau, Kavanagh,Leitbauser,Mines,Me- the coat Lhereot is to be laid into
the city tmea-
,, 999q
sident-16. xpense thereof,and state whether one-Dalf of lady, Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,Weber,Yoem ury before the contract le let.
e Approved June 6,1890. the coat thereof fe to be paid into the city treas. Mr.President-18. Third-Can real estate to bs assessed for t of
ury before t the contract ie id Approved June 6,1890. improvement be found benefited to the erten[of
By Ald.Malady- Third-Can real estate to be asessecd for said damages,costes and expenses necessary to be in.
i I It Is bereby ordered by the Common Coundi Improvement be found benefited to the extent of carred thereby?
of the City of St.Paul: damaffes,costs and eapmreee necessary to be in- By Ald.Conley- Fourth-la such Improvement caked for upon
yry� That the matter of change o[grade on Smith carred thereby? IL is hereby ordered by the Common Council the petition or application of the owmen of e
7' avenue, from ter of Glia street a Wyoming Fourth-Ie such Improvement asked for upon of the City of St.Paul: majority of the property to be senesced for such
�. street be and the same le bereby referred to the the petition or application of the owners of a That thn atter of paving alley in block re vement?
' board of public works to investigate and report: ma Imp of the . perty to he assessed for je'lwarebyerye rred to i�botard of public nd the
orks Fifth-Send the eouncll a plan w profile of
First-le this improvement proper and neces- e�c6h Improvement. said improvement,ns required by law,It you re-
sm y? }fifth-Send the council a plan or profile of to investigate and report; ort in favor o/the same.
Second-Give the council n estimate of the sa/d Improvement,as required by law,if you re- First-Ie this improvement proper and neces- p Sixth-Send the eouncll a proper order direct-
ex as thereof,and tate hether one-halt of port in favor of the same. Ing the work m be done.
the coat thereof is to be pald Into the city treas- Sixth-Send the council a proper order d1• sa5ryecond-Give the council an estimate of the ,.chAid.Bickel,Blom.Bock,Cullen,Couley,
cry before the contract to let. rating the work to be done. eapense thereof,and state iv ether one-haff of Gehen, Kavanagh,Leithauser,Minea,Melody,
Tbfrd-Can real estate to be aleeased for said Yeae-Aid.Bickel,Blom,Bock,Cullen,Conley, the coat thereof ie to be p fd into the city Lroas- Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan. Weber,
Improvement be found benefited to the extent of Gahan,Ravauagb. Lei[Dauser,Minea,Melml ury before the contract a let. president-18.
aid damages,costa ane expeneea necessary to be 1n. Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,Weber,Yoerg, Mr. Third-Can real estate to be assessed for Bahl Approved June o,1890.
carred thereby. President--16. improve,cos be toned benefited to the extent of
Fourth1.such improvement asked for upon Approved June 5,1890. damegea,coats and expenses necessary to be I. By Aid-Dfelad
the petition or application of the owners of carred therebyT y-
majonty of the property to be assessed for each By Ald.Bock- Fourth-Is such improvement asked}or uopon It ie Hereby ordered by the Common Council
't� 1m vemeuc7 the petition or application f the Owners f of the City of SL Paul:
_ Fitch-Send the council s plan or pprofile of It hi bereby ordered by the Common Council majority of theproperty Lo be assesesd for Inch Thst the matter of a change
of grade on
said Improvement,se required bylaw,I[you re- 01 tbn C7ty of St.Paul: Improvement? Manom{n avenue,from Annapolis street of Wy-
ort in favor at the same. That ilia matter of grading Watson avenue Fifth-Send the council a Ian or profile of oming street,be unci the enure is hereby referred
D from Pleasant avenue to Hemline avenue be said impmvement,as required by law,1I you rr to the board of public works to mvestfgate and
Sixth-fiend the couuc{t a proper order dimif and the same le Hereby referred to the board of ort In favor of the same. re oat:
Ing the work to be done. public works to investigate and report: port
the council a proper order direct- in-Is this improvement proper and neves-
` j Yeas-Ald.Bickel,Blom,Bock.Cullen,Conley, Ftrst�Is this Improvement proper and necea- tog the work to be done. s y?
,f Gahan,Kavanagh,Leithsuser, Dlinea, Meladv, Bury Yeas-Aid.Bickel,Blom,Bock,Cullen,Couley, at,
the council an estimate of the
{3{ Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, Mr. Second-Give the council au estimate of the Gehnn, Kavanagh.Lelthaueer.Dtmea.Dtelady, a pease thereof.and state 'hether
one-balf of
'I. President-16. a pence thereof.and state whether one-half of Pratt, Sanborn, 6ullivan, Weber,Yoerg Mr. the cost theeeot,ie to be paid tato the city Lreae-
Approved June 5,1890.
=cost[hereof is to be paid into the city trees- Pmeident-16. ury before the contract 181st.
i By Ald.Blom- ury before the contract la let. Approved June 5,1890. Third-Can real estate to be assessed for eafd
a It is hereby orderded by the Common Couucll Third-Can real estate to be assessed for said imppto"ement be found benefited to the extent
a. improvement be found benefited to the extent of damages,costs and expenses necessary to be
of the C7ty of fit.Paul: peiire By Aid.Gehan-
f That the matter of condemnining and tak- f damages,costs and expenses necessary to be tis bereby ordered by the Common Council incurred thereby?
g on Incurred therebv7 Fourth-Is such improvement asked for upon
Ing an easement in the land abuttin Weide of the City of SL.Paul:
I venue, between Wells street and DSaryland Fourcb-Is such improvement asked for upon That the matter of a change of grade on the petition or appllcatfon of the Owners e
street fn said city.necessary to construct elopes the petition or application f the owners of s Pennsylvania the avenue Iron Rice street to Park s]orfty of the property to be eeseased
for such 1
! for eding said Weide avenue[o the estsbliahed majority of the property to be assessed for such avenue,be and the acme 1s bereby terredto the irepp ovement?
hn ovement? Fitffi-Bead the councilaplan or profile ofsald
tYY grade thereof,be and the same le hereby referred giftn-Send the councila plan or profile of said board of public works to investigate and re- fm rovement,na required by
law,it you report
-4 1 to the board of public works to luvestigate and Irepr a nt,ae required by von report port In Savor of the same.
M repPort: in la same,of the same. First-Is this improvement proper and neces- Sixth-Send the council a proper order dlrect-
First-Is this improvement proper and neves- Sixth-Saud the council a proper order direct- earyT ing the work to bedone.
eery. tug the work to be done. Second-Give the council an estimate of Lhe Y.cas-Aid.Bickel,Blom,Bock,Cufbm,Conley,
Second-Give the council an estimate of the Yeas-Aid.Bickel,Blom,Bock,Cullen.Conley xpense thereof,and state hether one-half of Gahan,Kavanagh.Leithsuser.Minea.Malady,
eapense thereof,and state whether one-hal[of Gahan, Kavanagh.Leltheueer,Minea,Dfelady, the coat thereof is to be paid Into the city tress- Pratt, Sanborn, Snllivan, Weber,Yoerg,Mr,
M the coat thereof le to be aid into the city frees- ur before the contract is let. — '
P Pratt, Ssoborn, 9nl1(vsn: Weber,Yoerg, Mr. y Prealdent-18.
my before the contract is let. president-16. Third-Can real estate to be assessed for said Approved June 5,1890.
} Third-Can real estate to be assessed for said improvement be found benefited to the extent of PPr
1 A roved June G,1AB0.
�:(f itprocemeut be found benefited to the extant of PP damages,coats and expeueee necessary to be In-
damages,conte and expenses necessary to be.1 carred thereby? By Ald.Melady-
�" cursed thereby? By Ald.Bock- Fourth-ls each ire�rovement asked for upon It le hereby ordered by the Common Council
j Fourth-Is Inch ire rovement asked for upon It le hereby ordered by the Common Council the petition or application of the owners of s o[Lhe CYty of 9t.Pani:
f f x the petition r applScatlon o[the o re of a of the C'Ity of St.Paul: majority of the property to he assessed for such That the matter of change of grade on Churl-
ji jority of the property to be assessed for such Thnt the matter of grading Summit avenue {repy ovementl ton stmt,from Annapolis attest to Wyoming
1 improvemeut'1 Doth,from Sc.CI
stmt to Randolph arrest. Fifth-Send the council plan or profile of stmt,be and the some Is her"
refer ed[o the
Fitch-Send the council n plan or profile o[sald and the eats is bereby referred to the board said 1m ovement,as required by law,R you re- board o[pub'It works to Investigate end
report: v
ire rovement,as required by law,ft you report of pp bile works to Investigate sna report: rt fu favor of the same. First-Is thio improvement proper and necee-
Fhat_le this improvement proper and neuro- P°
1.Savor of the same. eery Siath-Send the commfl a propee order dicot- earyT
Sixth-Send Lhe councils proper order direct- ing the work to be done. Second--Give the council an estimate of the
Second-Give the council en etlmete of the
1 Y the work to be done. Yeee-Aid.Bickel.Blom,Bock,Cullen,Conley, expense thereof,and state whether one-Dag o
Yeas-Aid.H1cke1,Blom,Bnck,Cullen,Conley, expense thereof,and state hltber one-half of Gehen, Kavanagh, I.elthsuser, Minea, Me- the coat thereof le to be paid into the city tress-
l' 3 the co t thereof 1s to be id into the city tmha-
Gehnn, Kavanagh,Lelthaueer.Minae,Malady, lady,Pratt,Sanborn.6ullivan.Weber, Ycerg, my before Lha contract fe let.
Pratt,Snubom, Sullivan, Weber,Y,Meeg, Mr. ury before the contract s let. �,preelden1S18. Tnlrd-Can real estate cI be assessed for Bald
Presideut�l8. Th -Can real estate to be esaessed for said Approved June 6.1890. Improvement be found benefl[ed to the erten[
Approved June 6,1890. Improvement be found benefited to the extent of of damages,costs and expenses necessary to be
da.m costs and expenses necessary to be in- B pfd.Gehnn- incurred thereby?
j BY Aid.Sanborn- curry thereby? It fe Dereb ordered by LDe Common Council Fourth-Ie such improvement asked for uppon
It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council Fourth-Is such ireprovement asked for upon y the Litton or application of the owners of a
of the City of St.Paul: the petition or appllcatfon of the owners of a of the City o[St.Paul: pe
j ;
�a�,>sv,';,-t�,ax - � - "�":,i"iz�':,' "a"`r.k •er ^moi 2^�" n ",'.�-t`r._ asii�x r'�L"�� L .. ��:�v m- _,.fin *�;'`°rt,.tri" �-:;'-:�°7"�z£:�:'
i' 200
ff ! The election of market master being In order, to to the omtnand ceu h 1 asuvb info he
majority�of the property Lo Da assessed foe each It 1s hereboy ordered by the Common Council of AId.Mines dminated Willlem J.Plate for tion uCi e e m res
1m LT o the CILy f St.Paw: ay deem advavtaReaua to the city,"we think,
.l Fifth—Send the council plau ytofile of That the board o[Fub8c works of said city of -ince of market meater. Is I.
jj said improvement,as requl by law,if you ten St Paul cause the following improvement to De Aid. Flandrau n hated Paul Faber for ins t of ourt=1,'.aod termt tbd oleo the
�. port 1n fao f the same. wit: Grade Duluth e e from the o18ce of market master. nn co ng
j 1}
Sixth—Saud the Council s proper order direct) right of wap of the Chicago.8L.PaN,Mmuexpo- Aid.8ulllvan nominated Noah Sinks for-ince of aP=1C=I fence in munidpai aHaftv,�lt
tag the work to be done. lie&Omaha Railway companyto Dawso,etrmt of market master. pe
Y AId.Rickel,Biom,Bock.Cullen,Conley. In said city. There being no the, orainatlan+Lhe p e bu be well n briefly and each
oftlt review the
11 '� Gahan,Kavanagh.Leitnaveer.Siivea,2Ielady, That Bald board a id work to be let by dent appointed Aid.Sullivan end Lfinea as Cell Dus�te o(ine sally°a°arms the
Daeft ybr dvepda>�
' Pratt, Sanborn, 6ulliva,,Weber, Ycerg, Mr. ntr.ct,as r-vtdednby law•without one-hell a Where, the muncli ro •eded to Dailot(or offer [or Sour sidernti-n arch suggeetlovs
President-18. Lhe estimated c t being fleet ppaid Into the city p�
Approved June 6,1890. treasury,and after id o k hall be placed -face of market master with Lhe following result_ vtl recommendatlone in o pinfou w-wd
under contract,said board shall d with- Votes east,18; f filch William ['lane re Delfh�the fest iv[fin'11"'.v.,utl1 bcealY on f
Hy Aid.Gehav— t dela gto assess Chn a_oeun11 esu a ly as fved 12 votes: Paul Faber received 2 voice; flvantlal depression nthe country. Not-
hereby rdemd by the Common Council they'el.
ecertaso the which will bn Noon Sink.ternlved 2 vo es witbetxndl hat(act.our 4 per ce t tu`-a
of the City of 6t.'Paul:
qu ited to Paye the cost and necee.ary eapeveee of Wm.Polette having[eceived tDemoigheat n eo
TDst the matter of the Dance of geode on ch ling nt vDon Lha nl est-te to bn bar of as,tee t for ffice t kat ter have readil err t a hadd thenumber of collas
II Jacnot
kson street,between Arch street d Syca- Devefltetl by 1d imp ova t,ne pr vided by 5 tleclared dal elected market master of sold r Dulldlnms[atist{ce,ean
stmt,be nod the same ie�herebyy (erred law:it being the opl"ton of the council that reai ityy for the evealu�term. t
°f I
tmomo the board of public works to e,`mt1g.te and tate to be.-sewed for such Improvement can c Tb election o[j 11e being In order Aid.Mines etmmtde,�ek�alkx,etc., silo)Lhe
a.oh of 1888.
be Lound beueflted to the exteut of the coat and n ina[ed Toe.Ansett notiminat of jwle a Prove the
reFf rt. Is this improvement proper and nates- a to be Incurred thereby. There being no other imatione,and Aid. thGood sorder krikelle which.u fortvna ely,city;
4 I ezpet eAIn Sick i,Blom,Bock,Cullen.Conley, 6ullivan deda[oubalioLDforgolRcele [ thet8rr with c ered during ng Car
year,end winch at one time
! �6ryecoad—Give the council t timate of the Gellhxn,Leithouser,Hinson Jielady,Pratt,Bau- dl protea o Ia threatened serious coneequ,n=was,thanks to
tDereot, nd tatehetheF e-hnit of b rn.Sullivan,Weber. 7-cetg, Mr. President— the following result: n
f the cont thereof Is Lo be p id into theocity trexs- 16. Votes cast,11, of t'hicD Joe.Anstett received thegood�O acne abort durationce Itm—ked el
my before ere contract le let. de-
Approved June 6,1890. 16 votes end Joe.Spiel received 1 vote. u bo few xets of Inwlesanesa,no property was de-
Thira—Can real estate to be assesaed for said Joe.Anatett havluB recelvedehe highest 9 duo fines
1m t be found benefited to the extent The dent 1 t d Aid.Bickel,SullivanDer of votes rust fax o19ce of j Iter was tleclxred incl d but few arreee were made,an
i provemen prem atom n e duly elected jailer of said city for the enswng
damages,costs and expeuaes necessary to be and Sanborn a Ittee to wait upon his During the Paet Seor e---alve street car lran-
it incurred thereby? he
cbe mxpor,and ask him whether not eTha pmident announced the tollowing stand- chiees have been granted,an favorable[arms to
-;{ Fourth—Is such Improvement asked for upon he had any tur[Der commuulca[ton to make toor
the petition r application o[the of re nt a the council. ia��smind Ueans—s A1d�Flsndrauto9anbom, tD p ctomPany no 111 tded heee�iranchises juetfof the flstreet
majority of Lhe property to be assessed for each Thereuppon sold committee waited upon hie yy the belief that Nov.1st of[he present year will
emevt? honor, [he ayor, n d having turned re- Coate llo.a
Fifth—gond Lhe council plau or profile of ported[hat the mayor Dad no further co mu- Cims d Accounts—Aid.3flnea, Costello, witness the completion o!the greater portion he
Sullivan,lBanholzer,Copeland, Dobner. Flan- the wrork c temPlated,our citizens enjoying
s I said 1m rovement,as required by law,H you re- ¢tion to make to the coimcil except to thank r pfd frau i Ctionsfea from the center of the
II port in favor of the same. the council for the courtsaies extended towards drau. d a closer commuNoa
Si,th—Send the council a Fire De artment—Aid. Sanborn,Van Slyyke, city to all directions,an
A I proper order direct- him during the Letm of the couucll. B{elenberg D.m tie ,Bott,3lcNan er Dt11, 13V with our enerprieing slater city.
Sng the work to be done. Nhereupon the Common council adjoumed S[taete,Sewers and Bridges—Atd.Gehav, Sul- In the upper portion of the city,nod spanning
C Yeas—Ald.Bickel,Blom,Bock,Cullen,Conley, slue die. ]ivan, Sanborn. Flandrau, Bfelenberg,Miuea, the Tfjse(ge1pP`river from bluff to bluff,there
Gahan, Kavanagh,Lelthauger,DSlnea,Dfelady, Wm.HA3fx,President of Council:
has been completed a mil¢brig t bridge. 'lhe
Pratt,Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber,Yoerg, DIr. THUS.A.PH NDERUAW City Clerk. Boit. Cop land. necessltS for Chia up-town bridge,and tae earl-
Presidentl 16. Taxes—Aid.Dornlden.Dobner, pee
Approved June 6,18A0. Printing—AId.Metiamee,Bott,Sullivan. o",features and Conditions
ne id diecueaiedi for the
Otganlzatlon. Police—Ald.Conley,Copeland,Gahan,Jielady tion,have neer ye, a
past twenty-five years. Satisfied of the needs of
By Aid.Gehav— Sr.PAUL,June 8,1890. and President o[Council. the district and of the eminent ptopnety of the
Herebyordered by the Common Council 3feeting called to order ut 7:80 clock p.m. License—Aid.Boit,McNamee,Conley. prof g y
of the Cit i St.Paul: b the city clerk, when Lhe followiu aldermen Public Buildingx.L.YLy Property ana 3farketa et.I nave eucmded msec an c-the de
v o Y g 1 d,Costello. the tructntro indicated,afar having deuced
That the matter the change f grade on appeared and took the oath of office: —Aid.Bielevbee,Cope an
Oxlmances d Public Acconne—Alda Be.- dit l..the poet six genre all my enetRisa to its
Pennsylvania ave ue between Jacks,,street AId.William Bavholrer.Hetrmanu Blelenberg, pllehmeve. Notwithstanding the )verse
d 3[t.Vernon stmt,be and the some is berth Frederick W.Butt,Patrick Conley,Johu Copo- holzer,Dorvlden,Bohner.
i' Gas and Water—Aid.Melad Flandrau. Cam NlAr sin heaved upon me in regard to it during
referred yo the board of public works to Invest- land,Orlan O.Cullen,Leonard J.Dobner,CYtrle- y' the t campaign,I veg-rd it as the greatest
gate and port: topher n Dorvlden,Charles E.Flandrau,John lay. San- eccompB.hment of y Ilia;and In comi"g years
FIret�Ie this improvement proper and vecee- F.Gehav,Richard 6. 3lc:jsmee.Jumee 3[elady, Park.—Aid.Van Slyke,Malady,Dobver, the le of St.Paul will appreciate the wisdom
r I Eecond—Give the council o timate t the Jo ph Mines, Walter H.S abut..Berme M- holWsr.khouee Id han,sBi,lloen Do'nldev, Van of theca dertakhta- It-Pens up for settlement
6ulllvon,William A.Van Slyke-18. 0.
the most basad(-)residence Portion of our city
expense thereof.and-late whether one-half of .ala.Sanborn waselec[ea emporary chairman Slyyke.�
the coat thereof is to be paid Into the city treas- and omit unced that first business In order would Legislation—Aid. Dobner. Flandrau, Ban- do°&�to open the road to Dlelidocagwhich
i; my before the contract is le[. be the election of s preeideut of council. Dolor, Sullivan, Sanborn, Van Slyke, COPe- convect with this bridge, gives ue
TDird—Can real estate to be asseseed for said Ald.Van Slyke nomfu l Aid.Cullen for the land.
tmprovement be found benefited[o the extent-t office of president of council. Aid.Conley.Mines a d Van Slyke,the three beautifw and attractive drlvewnyy in the city,
damage co t.and necessary to be in AId.Sullivan moved that the dry tlerk cast Dere to p sent the Common council o besides Insuring a commerce with Lhls city
mamr,d therebyT Lha ballot of coundl for Ald.Qrllen for preeldent Lae joint commutes of have charge of the Iley [ the Minnesnto Iver which bee
777 Fourth Is such improvement ked (or of a allot the Completed new Court house vtl city Dnll, heretofore bcen diverted I.another dlmttou.
pon the petition or application
of the owners Adopted unanimously. provided(or by an act of Lhe leglelature of 311n-
• of w majority of the property to be assessed for Wherenium the cit}•clerk east flftcen ballots neeat&,approved April 18, 1889, being hoose F1NAPcon
-t ( each Improvement?. for Aid.Culled for preeideut of council. file No.1,218,"An act to amend as act entitled
Fifth—Send the council a lou or profile of Thereupon Aid. L'ullen w s declared dN 'An act In relation to the erection of publlr. We approach Lhe question of finance with m
Bald impr vein nt,ae regNred by law,1[you m elected pP eal.m of coulm (or the avenin ac buildings or tae use at thecit f Saint Paul and lucth ou.for the reason that.d differ
r iY_1jLtyy
4 port In favor of Alda Cullen having take,the cnalr,Aid.Gehau the county of Ramaev,upon ybloek twenty(20) with our
of ourellgas to the be eeeity
Sixth—Send the couvc8 n proper order direct t ominated Aid. Miuea for vice president o/ of Saint Paul props.known es the court house =toyOthers
of n eturther (Onus of dry
jj Ing Lhe work to be done. coo dl. the sold city-1 Saint Paul."' bonds after the prew!nt year. Our bonded dent
-2 1 Y Ald.Bickel,Blom,Bock.Cullen.Conley, Ald.Sanborn moved that City Clerk at the Appointments concurred 1n. at t,Including city.board f duration,
Geba,,%avanagh.I.eitDauaer, Miuea,3felady, ballot of co nc8 for Aid.]linea(or Wce pml- cowtmncs'none. d couvty boade•amounts to 89.8n•I.800.and
Pratt BauDorn, Sullivan,Weber, Yoexg, Mr. deet of council. From His Honor the Nayor—Message— the further Issue,trader the set of 1889,amount-
7fy "4S P+'m`Ident-18. Adopted unanfin.-Iy
Approved June S.1880. ,Whereupon the cloy clerk Diet fifteen ballots 3r.Pam.,
Mtvn.,June 8,1890. 1n to 8479,000.00•Defog added to inn present
[ fur Aid.Minea for vice president of council. To the 8oaornbin Lhn Paesident end Common d b�as,$9 7156 80Uke the total bonded ln-
t c-
In the matter of the ports o[the board of Thereupon Aid. Dunes was declared duly Coundl 01 the Uty of St.Paul:
pyublic works dates April 14th,1880,and May sleeted vice president of coursed for the emstling Gentlemen on the efty charter flies no There was proba�lp a necessity
for the une
24th, p term. Pre certain alma for the mayor to communl- tion of tate large debt,on account of our mnr�
1 i 1890.
f �
-,:,; •,,.,.-}�•,�•^ .Y=-�• �....u��, ,;' >+'r r0r,�'ti2';- tp :"f'�"'�t?.e� �,.•8'. Ns r, TIM,1,r �k2• k 1.r t`�1:{: .. ni P e +C ��;-
s I>
t yeloas growth, demanding large outlays to •'Considerable baa been said relative to the The value of fire department property is Stiff- the health in.peetore Bled m the health
keep pace with It, In our opinion, that none• debt of cities exceeding the•5 per cent limit of mated at $617,167.60. The e:nditu-s,for 871 complaints of violation of the health
efty no longer exists;we ax feet•approaching assessed valuation of property.' This 6 thn past year have amounted Lo 8224,701.21, senses;in 3889 but 480 such COMP
thd to were
i the danger Domt,aid ought to Roll shalt- Our can[Ilm1t'does not a ly:to Bt.Paul.•Ta being 884,821.76 lees It an
for he
pruvEoue recorded,a decrease o[ 60 per sant over Lhe
total valuation of real Bud r4onal ro rt natural 1m reeefoa C1iaP each Ilmftntion ro• year. The commiexionare report that a spirit previous year, showing decided increase
amounts to 8127,000,000 for 1889,and the ra duwe in thepmiLds of men le that cities are pro
of harmonyprevaf7e throughout the department, cleanlinesti 1n each of the dietrtcta.
assessment for 7860 will,In our oplulon,reduce eolutel flnancleli eeetrre,but it le my opinion insuring good discipyline; Lhey also tipesk 1n During the yysat Tear the k[erz,or
I this sum greatly. IC ie Lroe Lhat our bonds ate atter having given the matter the most cnrettc� very high terms of t❑e all of the force tem for the di.poeitlon of garbage
and dead an8
eagerly sought after and commands handsome thought,duringg my any y-eare 1n u18ee,that by Chief Jacksons ]our attention fn respect- male has been put in practical use and
premium,and x•111,no doubt,continue to,even such s restriction will generally pr•we calami- fully Invited to the recommandatloue of the eatie(actorily.
though our m.ebteduees should be increased to tone,as It is natural for titles In issuing bonds comm iaefonere,and we ask your favorable Cou-
a a� $12,000,000. I submit this question to you ae under it to Inflate the aggregate Demand value- BideratlOn OI¢. 9IIILDINO mBPFxTOI t the able
business men: Ought a city of 200.000 inhab- Limn of property for the purpose of paying for The eupnrintendent of the fire alarm telegraph your attention ie called to the
able and intee-
_ Rent. and sn assessment roll of $123,000,- -junket.representing no assets. reports the number of fire alarmb for the year eetiug report of the fuepectorot buildings
for the
„ UOO increase its debt and burden Its Laapnyare "tach issue of Lhe bonded debt of Bt.Paul 1888 to have been 410. This branch o[ the year 1889,showing the number of
bufidfug per
Imply because le filet-cissa sod will
was issued dlmetly under special I elation,be- Service has used during the Sear 126 poleti and mita issued to have been thirty-eaves h�ndcaU
continue sol ing the true policy,plating a tom fete check ten m11ea of wire,and hes pplead two tulles of Bud fift-six,inti the coat of buildings 87,988--
We would therefore recommend to the com- and 0mft upon the power to lesue bonds or fn. floe-wire cable In the Net nal Subway com- 498. The repport eetimntee the coat n the bulbi-
'' mon council,that our Indebtedness be not hr- crease the debt,giving citirena and taxpayers pany'n conduit. laser enec[ed during said year,Including city and
•• creased for at levet two yearn. At the end o[ the opportunity to consider the necessity. burba to be 814,078,060.611. We quote from
that time we can determine beyond question .!B,comparing the bonded debt of cities like wougao.... his re ort: Some Idea can be formed of'Lha
whether our needs will necessitate a further in- St.Pani,limited m the ower to issue by - extenP of buildingg improvement.for which pets
create. our
would ill recommend fu annual 9t. 1 p We invite your attention to the-Port Of the It.were Issued during the year 1886 on eaam-
egtelative acts,with the debt of the cities workhouse commlaelo.ere for the year 1889,
;I tax levy of of leant one mlll on the dollar for a Issuing bond, under the live per cent limit of showing the moat eeonomical and beet business mation of the record.of this
oillce,where it w01
smkmg food,for the purpose of gradually ea- assessed valuation of propect 1t x111 be read. management of any department of the city.We appear that the actual aggregate frontage
e those building.,lineal measurement,will,reach
tfagu(Shing our public debt. We submit and fly noticed that the cities like St.Paul are nota Iron said report: "A reference [o the
-) •a make a part of this report a communication blessed with large assets ae offset to their tabular statement marked 'Ledger Balances,' fourteen and three-fourths miles,equivaent
y dated iSny 23d, 1890, from the city debt,wills the'flea per cent limit clue.'are involving figures to.he amount of 801,147.10, one continuous line of buildings from
the court
com troller,addressed to the mayor, on the the reverse.owmg to the h.bft of issuing bonds house fu 6t.YaW to Rice lake." The mapector
71 D will show that,including re Hire,Improvements, has failed to report the rec�ipto and eapendf-
BnBuciel outlook,which reads as follows: haphazardly, through their municipal govern- Bad all other outlayy the Pnat(tutlon has coat tures of his o%ce.without which the
report le
•'CDD1PraDLLEn'9 OFFICE,t.TLY lidl.L, ID¢Dte, {VIL]]011t giving dtlmnti asci taxp ayere the city$1,146.98,
that is,there has been paid
at of Sc.Paul,.fay 281,1890,) the opportunity to consider the necessity,re- tato the treasury 89,720.00 d credited with Incomplete.
"Hon.Robert A.Smith,Mayor,D_r Sir: so tlhg 1n excessive tsxation and befogg tom- labor 820,280.00, mnkbtg ..0,001.20; 'bile ♦—
i p "The present bonded debt [the(,lty of St. palled to issue bonds under peculiar he.dinge for them has been drnwu from the treasury 881: ao.+aD of cuaraoL.
Paul amount. to
$7.212.840. That ut the the purpose of concealment In providing for the 140.68,the difference,$1,145.86,being ageii I The report of the board of control Ea fall,able
of education amounts to $850,000. paayment of a portiothis
n of the current expenses, the wockhouee." and exhaustive,and well worthy Lhe enrelul ex-
board United total,$8,062,840. rid other things of their city governments, -- amination of the couhcll- The expenses of city.
"The certificates of indebtedness issued for which makes their taxation extremely distress- BOARD OF WATER COMnlaatots"Z board are borne equally by the county and city.
1' al city purpOng amount. to $248,000. Ing, particularly In time.of busigess depme- The report of the water board,the moat 1m• The expenses of the board for the year 1889,ae
of indebtedness of the board of Moin portant brnhch of our city government,.bows shown by the report,am ne follow.:
.1 education,amounting to 8661,000,were Issued "One of the verp tn+eat mistake.vlewe In the the number of new service connection. put In Iioapital ................821.004.60
i; for school expenses In anticipation of the col- financial mnnngement of moat cities 1s 1n the during the year to have Leen 1,818,air increase 'Alm.houee.. ..... ......
... 10,890.61
1; lection of Lha Laze.levied In advance for the telae practice of taztng property annually for a of 000 over last year. The to rvice can- Outside aid(exclusive of mmateb
purpose,are not considered 1n any other Light, •sinking fund' for the redemption of bond.. Sections are re orred 9,062,of which 4.721 are hospital or almshouse)...................
} tbau theoretical debts, The city cortiflcaten No sinking fundc.0 be mated without dlxtrese- on low,and 4,>P81 are ou high cervices 6Warlee... ........................................
are also theoretical debts. Ing taxpayers—it mean. sore taxation,lases- There are now in use 1A71 flre hydrants and pa jydilagi� ..................... 620.86
+� '•The city assets are conservatively estimated cantly,while nt the same rime no avldance can 188 eprinklm hydrants. There were 8,miles
at 89,600,000,and those of the board of educes- be pProduced whereby the bonded debt,of such of water mains laid during the year,thus mak- Total.,........................................
rima t $2,500,000;making the nulled Santa cities have been reduced,but on the contrary Ing s total of 100 miles OI water mains 1.cer•
$12,000.000. have beets Increased In a much g enter vice. It 1.entimated that 21 1.11. of Sm he The gentleman In charge of the city hosPltal
There Is 82,860,000 of the city debt represeub proportion than the debt of the dtyof 8t.Paul, will be laid dudng the present Sear. At the and ximxhouce Ib s bigg hearted,ho.ext,cape•
ing the purebnse and extension of the water- whose trite pollcy has been for.averal years to umping etatlone 704 Lops of cowl have been ble, and skillful physician,po...ced
of such
works(S61n,000 for the pumhace,asci 87,860,- Issue no Gonda whatever for the redemption of need:66&461, .gallons of water pnmprd, courteous, uimdng ways,cud la no decided
an 1
000 for the extension). bonds,but levy a direst tax asci year covering making a daily average of 1,804,900 gallon.. entbuxmet on the subject Of el nt end costly
"If a city hnvin an assessed valuation of the amountof bands due 1n the f yearn box ritale,•that he bean an ordhmry legislator.
e B B➢ear, Serious apprehension hex been felt by many
}{ $125,000,000,and whose bonded debt Is 80,- for I.Stance: The$102,000 city bode due file of our dtirane as ro the aufil,, of our water en Bete all the appr.riafions be
no for
26(7,000,bel ng 5 per cent of said valuation, 5 ear(1890)will be redeemed out of Lha fazes eu ply. To allay any team fn that direction we hospital purposm;and 11 we had a
large surplus
any astieta,and bearing 7 per cent In- levied Is.t year(1889). Thi.Polley reduceti the p t
quote from Lhe report of the engineer: "Assam' mm bitionrin the di,;e 11th,icated be given i 1Il
- �- f tercet annually,amounting to$487,600,pays- debt,while the'•alnking tocol[' ollay would not. fn as s tact that forty square miler of drainage
his,promptly when due,fa con- '•Another happy wn.lderatPon of the debt of bee duan 8,000.000 gallon.of water dally dor- awing;but,ae we have a depleted treasury,and
1 sidered in the flunncial world as havfug a'gilt. St.Paul father theannual intent for taxation ]886,then,render the a me conditlone end Bs x'e shall have to"cut the
garment to an(t the
�? (; edged'credit,Lhen what months the nencial l..urpds7nply email, amou.tmg to only 8248, ]Ike cireumstantes goveruingnthe additional 184 cloth;' further appropriations
should be
etendmg of the city of St.Paul,whose bond 525. 5,an requiring lee.then two(2)milia on agaare miles ut drainage ground now tsp�d by atoPPedW
debt 1.$7,212,840,reresendu a shade under each dollar of the assessed valuation to pay IL, the new linea of work,would give an add tional There as a prupriated by the
S1j ( EI B per cent of the neseeced on,and large resuitfng In no distress. Also that in Co.the au ly Of SO,000,f70U gallons.making an sggre- leglelature oP7887,for
hosDitel.. 860,000.00
i •! waste,and whom annus,Interest 1.only 8668,- people should become extremely atriotle to
gape of 44.000,000 of gallons dally; the cha�tic- By;Lgl legislature of 1889:for hos- 100,000.00
fi 7^ a 726.66,pare semi-ennuslly,promptly when due completely pay the whole bonded debt,It 1t were rer of the whole country being nearly alike fn p
tilt r (8110,200 of x'bich le gad( of the revenue. possible to call it, the.Et would take less than contour end dotted over with forty sparkling
(} of the waterworks,and the balance of 8248,- thirty(80) ills tae on each dollar of the as- ]ekes,contnlnfug en area of 10,'1110 scree.or Total.........................................816
i{{ r,• 1' 626.66 by direct Laxation upon Lhe aebeeeeble ae.e¢d valuation.each year,for Lwo years,Lo 25 a unre miles of •star." Asaummg these We would m:ommeud to Lha leglelstive
com- �
yroperty), makmg the debt of the city of St. a 1t." fl )Cee to be correct,there will be Plenty of wa- mlttee of the common council,tont,when chis
s i3 1 V.O In Lbe comparison,eq ivelent to 88,478,- p y tem[for a long time W come:and as to the qunlc- fund fe exhausted,po further approprlatlohe be
i�. 986,without considering her assets,a".hada ty of water used lu Bt.Ysul twenty year.'of nee made in that dinctlon for Route years to come.
f S! over 8 per cent oftbe sassed valuation,which FIRE DEPAROKear. have demonstrated its Purity.
ie coneervadvely estimated at about 60 Yourattentfon lecalled to theable report of Lhe _ PoucE DeesarxE vr.
I cent of the actual cash value,but la coneidering fire depI the partment�nn of the most a®tient arms aEstmt DErearatErrr. The depertm¢nt of police comes more directly
the t( nothing,sole assets d Lha fin odan tendlag of Lhe cit of ltb osses by Biro during theic service. hyesr departmentis 888 to aagg(reI��p.ggoete The
report of the commfeafanec of health under rep obcervatfnn then any other depart
uneurpasced by any other city 1n the 8294,096.60,wtiile the pp opertyy eo Jeoperdlzed shows a lower death rate then Say efty to[he meat of the city,and we take greet Pride
in the
country;which I.fully ehatalned by the large carried an insurance of 81,088,990. The fossae country,with cue exception—toe Angeles,Cel, e0idency of tits branch of the clip
—Bud the
jjj premium received upon the thirty-year 4 per by fire during theyenr 1888 were halt a mlblon of This speaks volumes for the ch, pure Considering the smallness a the
force end the
11 •; water and proper sewerage of ons city.-m 1888 large aro.of country to be Patrolled,it Is ez-
i E cent bonds recently sold. dollars more than Is here reported.
t I
i -,t w Ott.� t.` °y; s pts:,, x x,Yk, a a s w• a� vt
j celled by no ollce force In the country. The re- the eapectatlon of t least tweet flue ...8914,888.00 "Under the present few the tan for sewerage
1! y- yeas$ Receipts........ .. ...... ...•.-.• 908.188.28 the m ee canssot exceed 81.76 Per front foot.
port of the chief places the number v[mea of as addltfonal iovgevlty which may be devoted to Dfabureemeute... 88 :tae remnlnder Of the coat,H Svy,being paid out
�das et 189,as follows: the active duties of life,voluntarily Ila him- S re of Lhe eewernge bo¢tl food. The result ie Lhat ;
t •'Ove chief.4 captains.7 Ileutenante,1 mount call of Chia iat'v end retiree w pevalov of Balance on hand:.................. 217.72 µ.hen meiss sewers am ordered
without the ISL- --
of dates 81!'00 per annum. It beahot8d live to the tlma Total estimated value of Il eehool 82 268 126 ernls.and the full amount allowed by law ie
y ova
ed;10 eetgeauts,1 mounted;I chief I¢dlcated,be will have drawn from the dry bu9dlnea estate.turv(Lu
Liven.4 detectives,1'10 patrolmen.1 anted: Cased on the property frontage,the balance De-
: l llceuse collector,1 pstrolmnn detailed at roc- LreasurS 826,000,for which of one iota of ser- sic....... ofd out of Lhe mud, the lateral we In
p�orntlon attorney's oface,1 patrolman detailed shall have been rendered. Most termly Total number Of puplle admitted.... 16.416 th P ems dietriet are afterwards built
at a
eight Jailor at astral tatl",6 drivers oI tae imm�tton of the law t old seem to be sub- Average number n[Vupfls mirolled.. 12,471 the
i trot x'aten,S jailer=and tome bailiRn." We vertetl in icer operation:and w old •ors- Avereee daily attendance................ lO,461 out�le�r cath i'gt3i Iro t foot,e
e thetavcee
while the bene-
• �uote mrther Frnm the report of the chic[: "The end that the Veginlative committee of the tom. No bar of teachem employed.......-. fits to be derived from the laterals
are equal to
t creeahtg growth f the populxtlon and the m council ba the law so emended zee to pre- Thera rt he Res that'Doufd e made in the teoae derived from the sins. And I would
large Lerntory In Lhe Idence portion of the elude other than its rational application. law gg er Ing the board of ducntion which .ugliest tbst our charter ba so mended
As to
dty�now prseticellS without polite protection. otild be of pest benefit to the board flnan- requlm.uniform rate of taxation 'benever S
n hates an increace f of less than fifty vEFwaxntyar o Id e=peciallY call the attention µsr Is b"It-a d 1[ war should cost]sae
vatrolmeu.although twice that number could be deny.
legielntiva the ueceeslty of Lhnn this nmouut the balance should be ver dited
•5 sed to advmitxge." We oncu iu the xrdom- It there lea department in Chia city entitled to change In the law governing the fa=un et school to the sewerage bond fund. I
thlee y the
1�. datlov of Lhe chief in relntionr[o the increase universal ecm r dation,it 1.the one presided that aueh bonds may be 1=aued rd dl- taastfon would be equal and
much o Id
(the force,not.o much for the protection Of overaud managed by the present corporation St- tic¢of the common council d eaedRo d bv' eceomPliehed with the=ewe ata bond
the Iivea and pro f those O[ one ftimns [on,ey-. Tbls official entered tapou he duties of the proper city 0®rare,edvetiiead.end old b- and greater benefits would result
Lo the general
ce¢trallyareside¢t,Be for the ddaion,l me position on the Prat dna f Julys,1889,a Lhe pr per th,ntl,S of tae city and the pro- public trite the game expenditure of v➢"
Security to be felt by our peoeple 1n the suburb= young man,inezperiencetl in Ncip 1 Hairs, •ede plsced to the credit of Bald board.
In seeing a police ofacer In the
h ]Orality yet he at once reduced the tom in his offlte d aoean oe LlEawar nF,Foar.
The report adds further' "St, ,should be brought to the discharge of fast duties S detet'mi- Fpatic womo`
AA taken at ase earls a daW as noeal le loosing to end ability that deserved a d �{•e cull attentio¢Lo tae Public Library
1 the a ectlou locution of building to be v i s er tlented;and, Sees in f 1ta toll charge o[pub- 90 r over
5 sed ns police eeadquer[em. The present Du11d- xotwithetauding the labor In pmparingp Mn cases a cevl so-a do t all orders for public mprove- Dor[.ahoxii,g a very pest improvement
ing le entirely inndequete for the purposes need, f a Tial in the courts,he Das personal)Cnttend- Ii ante ori tate with the comment council. The former yenm s the ivcreese
t the o bar o/
#. zed the«it oma ...r no re - 9t to c - e t,e meetfn�of tae common nuc o iL back to the coon- tr tr u.,Rod t.o a great ddition to th donne
5 11 a humnII Deinim m,buts al dlagrnCe CU the teen.,+[recta,committee O Claims.COmm(Ltee Coard Dne the powerovem¢n[a are not neCeean bar nn Dook%. CmD Ipta
city' o u public onuts, board o[ education and it that mrand ithat ray cannot be mond the year,813,795.60;number ever
inert yea
, [
i We agree with the chic[,Lbat It I.not my a Doerd of public worke. or Deo %N'J fly benefitM to warrent the im- lmrntY•21.693•'let hhloSe a n r Year o
7 diep.ce to the city but athu men to confine iu We quote from his port: •'From July 1, v eve-and the council aan return the.,net 3,x81 volumes: the whole u bar
en entitled
lis nIf,.with vermin and with no w-ay to send- 1889,to Dre.N 1,1889—the Reef ala nthe Of 1 them t0 d'Ince January 1,1889 which titled the
tests them,human beings, is and female. yterm—twenty-six dmm�ge auitswerediapoeed $ger three-fourths'irate anal 1>eldre 236. r
make the Improvement s ked Ser. The onl h The nal ere of this kf¢stitutlov to Itlzena
RufltY of petty offenses. The bulidluR is old and I.mvolviug in the aggregate the sum of 8102,- re oprOr IY chargeable to this board n well De[veneumd DY the foregolne
sten.and its s itary condition in of uch a 39S.4S. The tj dgmevte recoveteq in thece its o .j dgi¢ent in the ae=eesment of damages ca - aid antl a nragem east hould
character is likely t any time to bored n net rated to the num of 82,12a.02,being about antl benefits to property;a d this IIIHerence of and e e y ou o u
,I nestilence.nEvery grand Joey,for years, has 2tper ceac of the total sued tor." j ant Dae aiwsZ btnined and will continue inv 11 It rby the c nen end r People
y oudemned,I.the atrong�st d most emmhatic The services o[such an o1Scer are InvalurtDle Lo do ao. The o y-means xe have to 'rt r�Ve have briefly repeated in this
m e ate the
la utuage,this Featllential deo! TDe co m t to the city. �peproximn[ely tale aseesam ts,1=the appoint- =bµect,already reported to the c udl ith a
it here the➢ower, nd ught to ex lee it, w t of m n f known Probit;our judgment,
co vie of Imprtle"o" the a 11.1 ties
of remedy n this end. We o Id themfom p Itlone of this kind.which, Judgment, et]nR opo you m[he leglalatives$ody of the
1j m end that your honorable Dody nt once BOARD or enticwnax. hes been done. ity; u d we hope you will ..refully ins in
s take posaension of the property now occupied bT Iv order Lo give you come idea f the vast detail the report,OI the vacioas deapartme¢te,
q the water board;transfer LDat board to com- This arm of our city eovernment has been Lan u L o[ISDor lormed by Chia Dnartl,we ,or t x ting abuses,and doPtre
{{ odiou,quarters in the new court house and subject of mom adverse criticism LDan l y oth- nmd give you oniyi�the f011owmg,w'hieD includes �r,wCiwlan�iYp¢eationa contained
in the yy rte
f 1 cite hall.taking the rooms now Deco mfed by tits a .\fl claesee Ot our citizens to be im- glal ea[imstea 1 OR contracts,Che et o[en- t m to be for the
best general futeo-•
chief of police and detectives,nod re 'ing the Pressed the idea of o ething adically V...-ling and Inspection.and the services of the may see
y fatter to their n c quarters when the name oug in the management of the school board. : aeWe have made such recommendvtion:ns the
et wT
shell have
been prepared to receive them. Iron Never has them been mom unjust and uncalledMlles. Costing• various needs seem to juetlfy,and we deem 1t
qt 111 cells could be placed fu this building.male and Ser criticism on a body of men,a majority of streets opened,widened, our dot to Invite tae attention of youth onor-
7d. female departments separated,and,also,a asp- whom am among our best and moat succ..1 yy
eta.,-.....pone,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,il 8129,751 4-a able boi1Y to[hose made by zee two Yenm ago, '
crate department provided for tae incarcera- buefnese men.One or two members of the board Easements for slopes,etc.. 8 2,046 80 for the conditfou.upon which each recommend-
37 '1 floe of Dung people
ec le guilty of offenses not nal. —to put it mildly—have bee:' Indisemet,and,
} d� y P Pe Grading streets and slleys.58 481.8p8 08 atious were made still exist.
1t p
It was mtderstood that when the new court Probablyhave given rise to the cry of eatrsva- 9,787 68 I „�ou atteiltiOR Is also celled to the 1m-
�` house acid cit .hall was completed the water gnnen on the part of the board. They have Changes of street grades...11
y 810,129 46 ortsnce of a hamudog the utmost care In the
board should have uartrrs therein,and[hem B Sewers covstructed...........18.8
q been extravagant in the name sense that other 1'88,627 86 consideration and grantiv of nmv franchisee.
Is no earthly on why the should not. In de ar[menta of the city save been eatravagent. Streets payed................... 9
y mas v Y y Bnd bol]c........................... 478,882 17 In this period of meeaanical lnventlon d an-
iip erg uo ere and cor-
S 9 Lhe present ftB see condition of the dtyy-Lhe Afl the de of[he city,neve been o growth. Street grin I'g.. [rrtre.. 1.6 ter alae mmerotte tmmpte are ma
fotegolog play seems to be the only nvnllable a Ilea to keep pace with 1[s darfui growth, fi0 64,289 19 p o y l
to secure s prol'sr location for a ceutrsi d now,in the time of general depression they, fittest epnnklivg............... ,4 a07 el Dorntton'to eecnre n bt=which invnrlebl
33' see It
i Stone end cement walks-..2 - volve the htteteah t Lhe great mea d
tltltl police station. with ocher¢.moat reduce expenses .alarlen o[ Wooden sldeweiks............66.8 116,930 06 i'
We would Invite the attention of your honor- tenchem In some of the departments,H they Parke 278,22A 66 not infrequently happeue that In the pavurge
able Dody to tee Iaw in relation to the retire amen too lntge,.heufd De mduced to reasonable et eatrtion f the asp injustice is dove ll large
amounta; 11 extravagant o 768 09 Proportion zee the population Too much cars. t
1 Fj ment of poifce officers and Patrolmen. In our a Rant demands for hooka, Total................. .......82,39', therefore.cannot ba eaemleed by the
council In J
j.� ophilo this law riouelS W=In[erPre[ed,or, stationery ata.abould cease.and upmty requl- 1 d o Il cI sea of thi. atter. In the g ting of etnluaRt and
11!!!! dicall +That Its o tion im altions of all kinds be reduced to tee mlmum. The street force P gYi?e d for Lha y�ar a tenaive(rnncnises I Lnink some
meultaut ben-
;1: ` y wroug. pare p see an We have examined with s good deal f satin- afnrennnce wok hse tees sn end - eflt should accrue for
city in the form o}s
htjuetice upon the tax-ppaying ptutnac¢in�P�tent, f tion the report,of the boned of education three hundred and tweet C-seven m. a
Irom the tact that a noli".=R stI him- d the Det f Case 1n fns or a percentaeggee f their pose earuinga."
it of its pdvilegee after the completion o[ Rod its superintendent of achoof:, end we enty-six ratet---eia d and general wear hesbeenOur relations ttdth Lhe members
eighteen yeani service. There Is no stipulation fully aatleled,from of atendpofvt oI getl- ages,Sen in council have been ate very in ndlywent and Coo-
( " Il as to age in its compilation. The spirit vd in- ecce,that our o ople should feel a groat Pride fn 8288,87ri.89. yy appointment r tooffice
tent of its creation wan to provide for[nose ot- the Mtciency f the :Tatem adopted by Lase The able mpvrt of tae dty anglueer contain: dial character. Eve app
{f - flcers w'ho might De,aper long and It
ser- board add the able corps o[tenchere mployed ch that fa tntereatin d Im rtant for Lne dunng Lhe last two years nae been Covflrmed,
�I vice.removed without uvfficient cause,and,aueh to manage the=drools. Thn Doerd has
iv ire mformatlon.1 the coundl. Weo old Ilk¢to t d evesm removal ayproved. We hope suer m-
ehould beco itb.nlpacftated for active service to mtary an%.bleb honest and pslvataking �- gmvote at len b from the reaport•If pace per- fatfon. ay continue with the present
by reason of eqe or$hysicnl di.ebfllcy. Araaefu end in ire euperivtendeof of schools au able ftted. We 1¢Wte our ttevtlovato Lhe fol- end t��W trastlon of the afmlre
of our
point: An omcer t the pollee edticator and a gavial,courteous gentleman. lowing pareRra,h Iat,1, to eexerP.rnge Inti a �tno Ronaar A.dates,
tDe prime of his manhood and possessing every .From the report of the boats d Its trans, which ehould meat your hearty ugMte Y• ]ItsyOn
requisite of heslth and bodily vigor to juatify umr the tollotvlog figure.ere reproduced: view Lo Lhe remedial meeeume evggaeteS:
j � a
*.k%i7Ttrs, '�*�=t.a F.b"�'+Yk rear
1 { Accepted and referred W committee on ways WHERE DEPOS=D. said improvement is not asked for by a petition ReaPectmllY_e D111Wn street,from.La rhe,aver
and means. First National bank........................ $27,819.66 of s majority.f the owners of PProperty W be uroper to gtrsd
• R --; From Silver Creek and Morris Coal company- assessed therefor but we herewith sends plan us,W Fa rmuout ave¢ue:that the estimated
For SilverpermiCreek
to amt coal scales on R ny- Merchants'National bank............... 20,508.79 or profile of aalrl improvement,and en order expense thereof Is 64,000,one-halt of which need
Bank of Minuesota.......................... 41.516.24 for your adoption,if you desire ue to make the not be paid into the city treasury before the con-
street. National German-American bank... 18,818.84 jmpprovement. tract Islet;that real estate to be assessed there-
: Committee on strata. Gennsufa bank............................... 15,620.88 Yeas,8;nays.0. for can be found benefited W the extent of the
i REPOBn.of mrr OFFECERs.
St.Paul National bank.............. .. 18.230.28 Joax C.Qmxaz,President pro tem. coat and expenses ¢aim'ovary to be incurred
Commercial Nasional bank............. 12,107.49 J.T.REMT- thereby; thxc said Ira ovrment Is. asked
f ,• � r
Of City Treasurer—Report,from May 1,1890,to Second National bank...................... 14,497.70 Clerk of the Board of Public Works. for Dy a petition of s ma ority
of the oxvers
MaY 29,1890,Inclusive- Savings bxuk................................... 49,877.28 June 3,1885. of property to la therefor,and we here-
•1+' To the Honorable the President and Common People's Dank--•--...-.•-•••......••.•• • . 8.408.38 All,ted. (see order to board of public went mud aplan or,profile
of said lmproen
= - Couucll of the City of 6t.Paul: Seven Corners bank......................... 8.096.64 worksP meat,wed an order for your—lit.o¢,it you
Geuucil of th have the honor W submit to Capital bank.................................. 3,801.97 Also desire us W make the improvement.
you the following report of the receipts and d1s- Weet 61de bank................................ 4,891.88 Yeas,3;nays,0.
a'4 burssmente of thle office from May 1,1890,to Scandinavian-American bank.......... 28,472.47 Bing Street Grading—
Jo¢x C.Qw+ez,President pro tem.
May 29,1890 Inclusive: Bank of Minnesota.......................... . To the Common Council of the City of St.Pant J.T.%FREES,
Interest account............................. 1,614.58 The board of public works have had ueder (,jerk of the Board of Public Works.
4" Ema-lt.1g• cO`dderatlou thereeolutionororder of the cam- June 8,1890.
• 1 Balance....................$166,689.9} Total.........................................8263,470.80 mon council, approved JuIY 8,1889,relative Ado led. (Bee order
to board of public
t County treneurer...... 50,000.05 Respectfully eubmftted. to the grading a XInR stmt,from Ohlo street works.)
Municipal court........ 2,401.90 GEoa.e REie, to Cherokee avenue,and,having lnveetigated Also.Municipal
34 00 City Treasurer.. the proposed improvement: Fairmount Avenne Sewer-
Poun ng mepeccor.... 2,019.60 D[ay 29,1890. Respectfully report that it is ¢eceesB and To the Common Counci]of Lha City o[St,Paul.
City clerk................. 820.00 City Controller. proper [o rade %Ing stmt,from Cherokee The board of public works have tail unthe
6t.PaW workhouse.. 2,086.26 Of it tion Attorney-O(Acial Boii•!s- avenue to Bidwell ecxeec;that the estimated ax- consideration the resolutlon or order o[ the
.j, Interest on water The corporation attomny returns approved penes thereof fe$3,641.26,one-haR of which common a cons,approved April 16,189(1,cele'
6,768.46 as to form bonds and oaths of Frank C.Bur- sed not be paid into the city treasury.before Live to the construction of wast on the pre sent
Water department... 42,650.00 g�es,,tform of the ace Patrick R.McDonnell, the contract 1s let; that real estate to De es- avenue,from Avon stmt east to the present
Redemption receipts. 47,267.18 Justice of the peace.Arehibald McArthur.Justice sassed therefor can be found benefited to terminus of the sewer on said street at shout
Adv. payments on of Lhe ace for the Sixth w d;A.F.Menke, the extent of the coat end expenses necessary Grotto treat,and,having investigated the prq•
. ar to be incurred thereby;that said improvement posed improvement:
sewer assessment.. 86.00 constable.and Francis M. Arbuckle,constable Is not asked for by a petition of a majority of Respectfully report that It 18 necessary and
Repair Ing p s veil for the Sixth ward. the ownemof pproperty W be assessed therefor, proper to conetruct s sewer on Falrmounp
strain................... 29.54 Accepted,and said bonds Bud sureties thereon but we hereaYtb send s plan or profile of said avenue,from Avon street to Grotto street,to-
Pol1ce penefon}and... 10.00 apQroved. improvement,and an order.for your adoption, then with the neceeeary catch basins sail men-
'.•� Library Anes............ 79.48 leas-Aid.Banbolzer, Blelenberg. Butt,(:o¢- ge
Fire department....... 62.40 ley,Copeland,Dobner,Dornlden,Flwdrau.Oe- If You desire us,to make the Improvement. boles:that the.estimated expense thereof is
1 Park comnifesfouer.. 6.76 ban,JfcNamea,�felady. Mines,
Sanborn,6u13- Yeas,3;nays 0; 8840,one-half of which need not be pati into
JOHN C.QmxBz,President pro tem. the city treasury before the contract fe lac;LhBL
Interest on deposits. 250.15 van,Van Slyke,Mr.Preefdentr-16. J.T.R""R, real estate to be assessed therefor cost
a found
Certificates of elle.... 1,Y88.78 Of City Evg eer—Pa roll for May,1890— Clerk of the Board of Public Worlu+. benefited to the extent of the coat and ex-
B. Stanley, in-. ® The city engineer submits hispayro6 for May, June 8,1890. penI, necessary W be Incurred thereby;that
a peetor.................. 16.00 7880—total,88,951.89. Adopted.(Sea order Lo board of public works). aid improvement le noc.eked mr bh a petition
6t.Paul&Duiuth R. Allowed and ordered paid. of a mnloriny of the owners o1 property to be
R.Co..................... 10,721.70 Yeas-Ald.Banholmr. Bielenberg, Butt,COs- Ale°, asseema therefor,but we herewith send s plan
f: Diamond Jo Line..... 5.00 ley.Copeland,Dobner, Dorniden,Flandrau.Ge- I.Incoln Avenue Grading- or profile of said Improvement,a d as order
`i Licensee and permits. 14,6113.06 ban,l(eNamee,Melody, Mlnea, 9auborn,Bulli- To the=on Council of Cha city of 8L.Paul: (or your adoption,if you deals ua to make
Asmeement dolled- van,Van Slyke,Mr.President-l6. The of public works have had under Improvement.
k tions..................... 188,667.68 Also, donefderatlon the mOlutton°r order Of the yeas,8;nays,O.
t DieaUna-EEN,re. Estimates- common council,approved May e, 1880,relef Joax C.Qtmasz,President pro tem.
The city elneer submits Estimate No.6, Live to the grading oPLincoln avenue,from Lex- J.T.REREEa,
1 I City orders paid....... $150,602.94 Mendota road wooden arch bridge,C storm, fngton avenue to Snellingg avenue,aad.having Clerk of Lhe Board of Pubic Works.
Fire dep.rtm'nt war- 81.020. fuveetlgated the proDoeed improvement: June 3,1890.
rilme aid............. 18,925.21 Allowed and referred to comptroller. Reepectfullyroport Chet eafd Improvement 18 Adopted. (gee order W board of public
,r Wafer department Yeas-Ald.Beaholur, Bielenbetg ndrr Co.
- ache.yand props,that theestlmsted expanse works.)
1 arrant.paid........ 42,597.40 ley,Co land,Dobner,Dornideu,Flandrau,Ge- ttereofte 84,987,Oue-half o[which need not be Al...
St. Paul .rkbouee tan,McNamee,Me1Bdy, Minea, Sanborn,Bulli- paid luno the city treasury before Lhe contractfe Commercial Stmt Grading-
• warrants paid....... 1,844.84 an,Van Slyke,Mr,President—l6• Iet;shat real estate to be assessed therefor can To Lha Common CounrSt at the City of fit.Pani:
6c.Paul library wee- Of(,'jerk.f MunlelDal CourO-Report for May, be found benefited W the extent o[the cost and Tie board o1 public work. have had under paid.............. 1,212.93 1890-Ulty Teeaaurer'e Receipt Attached for ezpeaeea necessary W bs incurred thereby;that conafderatlon the xsolutlon or order.[the com-
7I Park dommiselovere' $2,325.50. Bald impprovement Is asked for Dy petition mon council,approved May 9,1890,relative
1 A warrants paid....... 8,689.76 Committee on ordinances andpublfc accounts. of a ma)ority of the.wnere of property W be to the grading. Commercial tra6 from Th1rd
Iuterest c o u p ou s assessed therefor and wa herewith send s plan stmt to Conway street,and.having lavesti-
!•; paid...................... 15.00 —0-OF noA1tD OF PIIBLIC woRee. or profile of sNd improvement,and an orderfor gated the proposed improvement:proven
Redeemed certifleatee Reymond Aven a Gradi your adoption,V you desire ue W make Lha 1m- Respectmlly roport that said im j
J 1 of sale: 48,822.48 Y lig— not necessary sad proper,far the reason the.
IF, To the Common Council of the City of et.Paul:
provement. Hot ud meat of said board,safd street should
G •� Adv. payments on The boara of public works, have bad under Yeas,e;nays,O. 1 g
sewer Basem—Eite. 73'60 consideration the resoblit Winn ororder of the win• JON C.QOR'IBy,President pro tem. be ailed the entire length and not any one
I Miscellaneous die mon council,up roved Map e,1890,relative to J.T.XEeRER, bloc�by itself.
1 buraements............ 3,817.26 pp Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Yeas,8;nays.0.
'1' Balance on hand...... 253,470.85 the grading of Ra end avenue,kora Langford JOHN C.Qmxaz,President pro tem.
1' v avenue to Bufona avenue,and,having fnvestl- June 8.1890.
Total..................8626,271.66—$626,271.68 Bated the propoaed improvement: Adopted.(See order to board o[public works) J.T.%Eegee,
Red thtdutly report that It Ie necessary andlerk of the Board of Public Works.
. to grade Raymond avenue,from Lang- Al...Aleo. June 3,18 0.
CONDITION OF FONDS. pr Miltov.trent Grading— Alderman of the ward.
lord avenue W Dudley avenue,said avenue be- To the Common Council of the City o}Bt.Paul: Also.
IjI i i New Cltyhall and court house fund..$16,048.52 Ing the t1h ughfh. eE, lugtotheststsagricult- The board of public works have tad under MartinStreetSewerContract—
e I City fun ...........:........................... the contract
280,274.98 al college: that the eetlmBred zpenea conaiderxtion the reeolutlou or order of the The board reports that 1t hoe warded Will.
City water works............................ 1,884.40 thereof le$4,250,one-haR of which aced not be
p sw
.Bt.Yau111Drary........:..................... 1,888.84 old InW Lhe clty treasury before the contract Is Lomthe grading columilot bfiltond street from Laufrel for conetructfon
of a°.e er onuf Martin street,
{ 1 Police pension fund........................ 6,428.08 Pet;Lhatresl estate W be axseseed Lterefor can be avenue to Fairmont avenue,and,having Invest from Virginia even.. in
Weetern avenue,to
I found benefited W the extent of the coat Bud Beed the proposed lmprovemeut: getter with necessary catch basme and man-
y + ' 8268,470.80 expenses necessary to be incurred thereby;that B
p �4
r,.,,« ,ra. r„.,cn-3 % `fit`" a a.v rsY., ' u2;:. '; ca:H 'z:,ft .y .x.{''t'3'✓� ,� .� :k• # ~>',=?x,r- 4
i� � F•4
r l bales;they being the lowest tellable end reepae; B Aid.edhsThat the board of public works Yeas-Ald.Banholur,Bfelenberg Bott, Con treasury,and after Said u k shall
be placed
_ Bible bidders therefor; amount of bid,S8 lk to ISS,Co land,Dobner.Dorniden, Flandrau,Ge- under contract,said board shall proceed with.
- i bond in Lhe um of 3100 with Lorenz Mltsch w_dte off Oefklaadl cemetery,from f8ycamorea van,McNamee, Malady, deAlinen,Sanborn,S,ulli t delay to assess the amount is nearly
and Henry Scharf[bililg ae sureties. van,Van Slyke,Mr.President-16. the can ascertain the same.which will be re-
Bald award approved b following vote: street o Merrill street- Approved June 5,1890. egtul d t°pay Lhe colt and necessary expenses of
yeas--Ald,Banholur, felenbe BOtt,Con- ch improvement,upou therexl estate to be ben-
,,. rrgg RESOLMON& By Aid.Leithauser eflted by aald fin r uc,ae provided by law;
ley,Copeland.Dobner.D;rdden.Flandra 61rG11� Resolved,That the board of public works be it being the opinion of the council that real ell-
ban Mchamee,Melody,.tinea,Sanborn, ByyRReeAssjol ed,That the
Is hereby ordered to construct an eight-foot wood- tate to be asSegsed for such improvement can
"I van,Van Slyke,Mr.Presida"t-16. herby totcattalse all obs ructi°nst to en sidewalk on the south side of Hestia ave. be found benefited o the extent of the cost and
Also, nue,from Mound stmt to Forest street,with eTtlees necenary to be Incurred thereby.
i r Pstimetee and Claims- removed kom the lines of Blair street from the neceaeary crosswalks. ]axe-Aid.Banholur. Bielenberg, Bort,Con-
The board transmits-proved by it the follow• Clg�orn Street to its present easterly terminus.
1ng estimates and claims,to wit: Yeas-Ald.Banbalur,Bielenberg.Bort,Coa- Yeas-Ald.Banholur,Bielenberg, Bolt, Con- ley,Copeland,Dobner,Domiden, Flxndrnu,Ge-
_:7. E cimaw No.2 and flual.alley gr-ding,block ley, t,opecaud, Do her. Dornideu. blos�drDe�_ ley,Copeland,Uobner. Domiden,Flandrau,Ge- hen,McNamee, MeludY, Mines,Sanborn,8ulll-
j J.C.stout's 2'aaddtloo,G.Grafi.32d•75;Eetl GeDan,
M¢laay,Mm¢a,San hen,3f\amee.3[eladS. Mmen, Snnboru,Suilf- v ,Van Slyke,Mr.President-18.
Le No.S d flvai, Summit pplace p Ing. liven,Vau S'lai,Mr.Prealdenfr-18, van.Vau SIy6e,\Ir.1'resitlent I8. Approved June 6,1890.
Thornton A Shaw,5582.60;,5180.76. Approved June S.1890. Approved.lune 5,18A0.
' Committee on clafma. In the hiatter f the port of the board of
caritraetor baBy Aid-Blom- FF,ublic work!,dated June 3.18A0, -
f BrANnrao ebnrffirtaEa Resolved,Thatd t�hcerendldeowalk stmet nn e1Rht- Resolved. That the board 1 public w' rk. It is hereby ordered by the Common C'mmcil of
`.i sEPoiire op d De le hereby n can v ix-foot wooden sidewalk to ire]aid on he Cit}} St.Paul:
0I Committee Police-Ap➢ointment of toot wooden eidewslk ou both sides o[ Cook both 'Idea of Mount Ida nt t,from De Soto That ttzeuboard of(rubit,work,of said Cityof
James IV.Lauderdale se patrolman- ,treat,from Rice to Sylvan etrwet. ,treat to Rivoli atre�t,with uece„nry cro,s St.Pzanl cause lbs following zmp"will nt to De
i Committee r-led" Dat ea13 appoint' Yaae-Aid.Banholur.Blelenbetg, Bolt,Con- walk.. a*le, t "'t Grad,Raymond a eau from
L be advised and c n ted Lo. ley Co land, Dobner, Domiden, Flandrxu, Yeae-Ald.Banholur,Btelenbe Bolt, Coo Lzangford avenue to Dudley avenue b,aafA czty-
mAdopted. Blelenbe Bott,Con- Gehay.McNamee.Malady,Miuea.Sanbnm,Sul- Icy,<'{�reland Dobner.Domiden, Flandrau,t.e Thut-ld board c.D- old work to be let Dy
Yea,-Ald.Bnnboizer, �t� ]Ivan,Van Slyke.Mr.Preeldent�l8. hen,wfe\amee,\lelndy. Nfloeii.Sanborn,Sulli- c utract,zra FF rodded by law, without to-halt
i ley,Cnpelnnd,Dobner,Domiden,Flandrau.Ga- Oved June 6,1890. am Vnn Slyke,Mr.Pre idevt 11.,n [he e,timutezt co t being 9ratOpaN into the city
Dan,McNamee,Malady,Mlvea, Sanborn, 6u111- APPr v
van,Van Slyke,Mr.Pmaldent-18. Approved Juue 5,1890. treaeury, nal after d work hall De placed
Also, BY Ald.Cullen- Sanborn mNer contract,said board shall proceed a
Ordinance rending$100 t°Arthur Stanton, Resolved,That Aid.Sullivan,DIY:ea, a tt delay to n , the n t a. a ly
fine paid to tuuici�al court. end GeDan be and they re hereby leered'to By Aid.tagh Bn- they mut ascertain the same,o which will be
Committee recom ends passage o rve bo',-. t the board t Resolved. ']hat the board Of p,blit work. they c to Pay the coat and aces rp expeneee
I* sante. 1 Bald-rd nuua;hlLio and board bntement for Lhe Sanetrc etgh[-loot wooden sidrn'alk to be con- f n h im}rrovemeut,uoVon Lhe rent astute to be
Adopted,and said ordinance passed. year 1890 dun Hl their auccesaora Hotelecn- Urove tree tto 1 hothiirteexth strrof et..ay Street,from benefited by avid impr
t,as provided Dy
yeas,18. Yeas-Ajd�Bmtholur,BieleuDerR, law:1t being the opinion of thenouncil that real
' ley, Copeland. Dobner, Dornideu, Flandrau, Yeas-Aid. Bmtholzer. Bielevbezg,Butt,Con- tate to be uese,aed for Hoch improvement can
Gehav,MPVNN ince,Dlelady,Mines,Sanborn,Sul- ley,Copeland,Uobner. I)onndeu.Flxndrnu,Ge- be found henefited to the extent of the coat and
haw,M\amee.>lelnd Su ary to be incurred thereby.
I - MIBCELrd1tEODa. noon,Van Slyke,Mr.President-10. ,Van Slyke,\Ir.Preeidfettt-l0�nbonL 111- pe sea t
Ordinances- d Llvg Thomas Approved J ue 5,1890. ¢a1'etes-Aid. Bnuholzer.Blelenberg,Bolt,Con-
An ordinance wa gran 1 Approved June,,r,1890. ley, Copeho d. Uobner. Dornideu, Fleoldrnu,
O'Leary permi,sJob to build a frame addition- By Ald.Ruck- Mb an.
61zth street. Resolved.That the board t public oke In the matter o[the report of the board of livnv,\'un Slyke,\Ir.Yresidevt-10.
Cummittee on fire department. d Sidewalk'to lx laid following nnbnc works dated./m:e 3.1890. Approved.lboe 5,1890.
1 $y Ald.Conley- Streets: Ov both side,of McBoN,from Wilkin IL f,here",o`dared by the t biloon Council f
Ren.Cion,uthOrizing snperfn[endeutpolice to Weat Seventh: both sides of Ramsey.from the llty t:t.Ynul:
patrol telegraph to purchase certain aupplle,. Pleasant to Went SeventD,above eight icet wide; That the board of trublic w'nrka of said city of In the matter of the report of
the board of
Committee on poltw. on wee ids pf Western s e D•om Grace t.Paul cuune the fol owing oop--wienc to ba poll"'works dated-lane 4,1890.
By Ald.(:onlay- salary of clerk of chief Of street to f.".coago,llinwaukee&SLfe,:on lwe..- t de,to wit: urnde Lhtcnln t mze from Lea- It fn heretry ordered Dy the Common
Council of ,i
olution Haing acka m eh side o[ Green inR[on nv+nue Lo Snelling avenue h1 said city. the City ail S.t.1'zaul:
police ut 51,200 utter June 1,1890. t venue LotColborne treat,with eee'sary eros,- c That Bald board cause s id wok to be let by Thnt Che"°ural of�ubLLc works of,aid(Yty
Committee ou w.y.and mean'. Ing,to be wiz feet wide. bte-1,un I,ovided by law,without ane-half St.Paul curve the following improvement to lx
} B Ald.Malady- nen Yeas-Ald.B,nbOlme. Bfelenberg. Bott,Con- the e,tinrx[e,l c t tieing Hrct paid into cne auoi rade,to wit: rude R.R etneec,from t:hero-
lotion for lamp corner CNCagO avenue ley Coy land, Dobner, Domiden, Flandrau, treruanry,and after..A work Shaft be Fdnced un- kee,venue to Ridwvll street,in aid city-
':�. and Walter etceet. Gehan,DfcNamee,MeladS.Mlues.S_b--.SN- der contract.said board'hall pr-d without P That said board muse said work ou De let by
it[¢e on gas. u Yvan.Van Slyke,Mr.Pteeideu[-18. dein,to saner,the xm t io nrlS s they utrzact,as y ovided Dy inw,without
o e-half
$ywAld.Conte)-- Approved Jutta 6,3890. env main the
same,which will be regztlred to the esthnaced r st being Hrat paid into the city
1 t. k! Resulutioa zucepLlnR plat of D.W. Ivgera-1 pay the cost and t Setae ry expenac,a such Im- treasury.and after id o k hell be Plrtced
t rearrnngemevt°t Dlocke 1,Y and 7 0[D.V7.In- By Ald Pr-tt- p I I upon tl:e real estate to be benefited unser contract,.aid board Shall proceed tth-
i i gereoLL addition to 6[.P.N.Dflnn. geeolved,Th-L the board o[ public rke ity sold improvement,na provided by law;it De-I t delay co ane the am t Due nearly
Adopted. cause ell-foot wooden sidewalks to De laid on ing the opinion of the council that rent estate to Lhey cun'nacerta.the same,which
will be re
I The matter Of the
v_at,..of po,t,..a f eastsideof Fairview avenue,from Ca eitoe ve- be assessed for such no I. agent can be found guired to pay the cost and necessary expenses
Du Il y treat,Raymond ve and lleys In ue t Van Bure street;'.leo,on vet ids of benefitted to the extent of the cost and expenses t such improvement,upon the rent estate
to be
l SL.Anthony Park,etc.,advertised to bn heard -inline avenue,from]ltfnnebaha street t°Unl- neceseary to be incurred thereby. benefited fry Bald improvement,u,Provided
' ; i at this
Lime,Cama up fop hearing,and the pies- vereit, avenue,except where walks are-ire-dp Yeas-Ald.Bwlholur, Bieleup tg, Bolt,Con. law;it being the=i for
of the council that real
I,C I ]dent salm, ced that ob]ectione,1f any,to Said
III o i sed vacation would be heard. 1Nd,with necessary rr..,w.lks;on west Side of ley, CoCopeland, Dobner, Dorn den, Flxndrnu, estate to be assessed for such hnprovement
}_ I� W p county road,from Lara or avenue to Doswell Gehan,McNamee,Melady.)tinea,Sanborn,Sul- be found benefited to the extent of the cost and
1 No one appearing to objet Vaso said epropoeed -venue,all except where walk's are already]ald. liven,Van Slyke,Mr.President-16. expenses necessary to be Incurred thereby.
vacation,etc.,a resolution uStlug, ta,said 'Y 'on.Benholzer, BieISO berg, Bott,Con• Approved Juue 5,1890. a Ald.Banholur,Bielenberg, Botr, Con-
,, 5 I<j ,I premises and a Souluthm fixing values of ley. Coppeeland, Dobner, DorNden, FI-wale-u, ley. Coppeeland, Uobner, Doridden, Flandrau,
1 rI: I premises so vacated,etc.,wets adopted. Gehan,D[cPlsmee,Me]edT.Mines•Sanborn,Sd• ♦ In the matter of the report t the board of ('Shan,McNamee,Melody,Miuea,Sanborn,Sul-
Yeas,16. liven,Van Slyke,Mr.Preaid- 16. liven,Van Slyke,Jlr.President-16.
I ppprovwl Sone 6,1890. ppublic works dated Juue A,lldh Approved June 5,1890.
It la bereft ordered by the Common Council of
pIlOPO¢ED smEWALx RE.OLcrl0Ne FOS PAs8A0E the City of St Paul:
av1.x 1,1890. B AId.Sanborn- That the board of Public works of said eft, f In the matter of the report of the board of
$y Ald.Malady- gasolved.TDat the board of public works be St.Paul cause the following improvement to be public works dated June 8,1890.
i Be Ived,TD.L the board of public works be an
d It i,hnmDT
to Liner d made.Lo wit: Grade Milton Street.from Laurel It I,hereby ordered by the Common Council of
., d is hereby"Id"M
to Pause to be 1Nd mafntaly a sidewalk fight feet u,width�Pitt a to to Fairmwtut avenue in said city. the CYty of SF Paul:
s oot w..densidewalk ov==11ieatde°t Oak- north side of Groot¢ a e e Wcet��� C That said board cau,e said work to be let by That the board of pnblic w'orka of said
city of
dale avenue, y ntruct,ae pp ovided b•lain,without o ehxlt St.Paul cause the to]lowing improvement to De
. from Prescott Street so Midwa to the northeast comer o[t lot tour, the estimated act he us first paid into the city made,to wit: Construct a sewer on Fairmount
HRl B.
avenue. 15
�3 ,I
7w f+
{F r
li 218
n to
!i avenue,from Avon street to Grotto cu
t bat the 811 section
Creek d•LDforrta�oal comion Is epny�o erect ven to said city of
thence Hacro s Faroyyuter be III force froim and atter Its publication.
'1 aid city,together.-fill the necesaa y street between said block 50 of Arlington Hfile Yeas-Ald.Blom,Bock,ConleyGehan.Kava-
together shed.for the purppo8 of b Ocie 27oof dditfon to St.Paul and binek-3 t Borup& neigh, Lelthanaer, Mines, Dtelay, Pratt,flan--:
." egmoand manholes. a Pnyne's edition to St. Paul: thence across born,Sullivan.We.her,Ycerg,Mr.Presidntr14.
That said board case avid xro it to be let by thereto,on lots 1.2,7
cootrnet,ss pmvtded by law,without one-hell Kittsoui a addition to St.Paul,the acme to be Resney street Decween bl.eke 1 and S id Bree Pays-JAid.uli Bickel.Cullen-2.
the estimated coat being fire`paid into the Clty not over 40 feet In width by not over 200 feet In & Payne'¢adddlclon to St. Pnl. field track Passed June 3,1880.
the a nim and atter said work shall be laced length and not over 20 feet(n height. shall be laid, looked and replaked ad keppt WA[.HAa President of Council.
contract,said board shall proceed fth- A11 of sand work shall be done underthRepeC-1
esuper- in each codition shall from time to time be Approved June 5,1890.
!1 out delay to assess the amount me nearly as vision and ua directed by the buildil g permit ordered and directed by the city engineer of said O.O.CULLEN*,Acting Dfftyor.
they can ascertain the same,[aitch will be re of laid elty after obtatnfng a city of 8[.Paul. Attest: TBoe.A.PaeNDEacAaT,LYty Clerk.
`;j• 'I quired to pay the coat and mleosary expenses therefor. Sec.2. The common council reservestheright June 11. -
. of such.mprovemnt,upon the real estate to be Sec-2. This ordinance shall take effect lad be to repe¢1 this ordinance and direct the removal
ji benefited by said improvement as provided by Iu force from and after its passage, of said track at any time upon thirty days' ORDINANCE No.1,954.
{' law:it being the opinion of the council that real Yeas-Aid.Bickel,Blom,Bock,Cullen,Conley, notice to the Bald Tbeodon Hamm. An drdinance a
estate to weed for ouch improvemrut can Gehan, Kavanagh,Leitha.11,Minea,Dielady, See-g. TM1Ie ordinance shall take effect end appropriating one )iundred
's found benefited to the extent of the coat and Pratt.Sanborn, Sulllvan, Weber, Ycerg.D[r. be in force from and after its publiratioa (5100)dollars In payment of the claim
of Aa
Yeas-Ald.Bickel,Rlom.Bock,CUilen,Conley, thur Stanton-
rose.necessaryy to be incurred thereby- President-18. Gehan,Kavanagh, Leith¢user,Dlinea.Dlelady, The common coocil of the city of St.Paul do
Teas-:fid.Banh.lxer,Bielenberg, Bott, Con- Passed Jun�B.A9Mn[president of Counctl. prat`, Sanborn,Sullivan, Weber,Yoerg, Dlr, ordain ae fntlows:
{ i ley, Cop land, Dobner, Dornide�n D rn S3il Approved June 5'0.
CUOLLEN,Acting Mayor. President-10, Section 1 That a warrant be drawn upon the
Gehn, 1cNemee,Mrlady.Dlinea,. Passed Jwte f3,7R90. city treasury in favor t Arthur SIR for
Yvan,Vail Slyke,Mr.President-16. Attesr: Txoe. '.PRENDERGAST,City Clerk. WA1.HAM-,President of Council, the sum of one hundred(8100)dollars to refund
Approved June 5,1800. June 11. Approved June 5 1890. [o nim xo(d amount deposited by him with the
A o-sit, 0.0.COL.'.Acting Mayor. clerk of the muutciP 1 court Oct.15'1889'
S O.0.cut.N,President of Council. the'epPr ranee of Nellie Govan to answer a
Taos.A.PttENUEn.ABT,L7[$Clerk. mmNANCE No.1,850. AL[ea[: THUG.A.PaEEDEH.AXr,Git}'l:lerk. CtIdn91 Ch¢
! , An Ordinance gratin¢to the Chicago,St.Paul, June 11. - rge,and by said clerk paid into the .
II ORDINANCE No.1,347. Dtiu neapolle d Omaba Railwsy tom any the city treasury.
pp ORmNAxce.No.1.342. Said order CO be delivered only upon said
r s II An ordinance refunding money to Leo C. right to lay a track on a port of Feuquter An ordio Ines 1n relation to the erectio of Stanton filing with the city
comptroller a re-
street. livery-stables. ce�et for said sum.
The Common Council of the City of St.Paul The Common Council of the city of St.Paul do The Common Council of the city of 5t.Paul do c.2-This ordinance shall take effect
fl - ordian as follows: be in force from and atter its passage.
do ordain¢a[olloa's: tiou 1.foThere a hereby granted to the
section I. That an order be d'aw'n on the Chtngo,St.Psul, P Section 1. That the inspector of buillifnge ix Yeas-:11d. Banholxer,Rlelenberg,Bott,Con-
lfinnea .lis -Omaha Rall-
'I city treasurer In/svor of Leo C.BrugReman for way compay,its snaeasors and soigne,the hereby pmhibined from granting any perm`[for le}'• Copeland, Dobner. Dornidnn,
the sum of 350 to refund to h ,the amoot of f;rhnn..Wand,
a flue imposed on him by the munfcipsl court of fight to lay and extend one track at ns railway the erection of any livery.sole or other stable. Yvan.Can Slyke.Mr.Preeideat-iii.
upon and along the northerly 8 feet of Fauquser r may building used for the storage of ice,front-
the city of 8t.Poul on the 8th OaY of D[s}•, street,in said etty.from s connection with its Ing on any street r within eeventy-five feet passed June:i 1880.
1887. present m.e[gout truck opposite the inter- thereof unless a mafority of the owners or oau- O.0.Cc[.LEN,Preadent of Council.
Said money to he paid only on tM1ere being section of the northerly Ifue of amd F angular sots of[he Ironton in the block nchere said Inc- Approved June 5,1890.
flied with the city comptroller¢proper reset t street with the west Ill of F.d rton street, ad ery,axle or other stable,or building used for the 0.'0.CULLEN,Acting Mayor.
for Lhe same. extending w'esteilyto theeast 1 ue of Burr street, storage of Ice,is to be built, and n t BID fly of At
Sec,2- This ordinance shall take effect and the owners and occupants of the frontage in the Tons.A.Paevneacaer,City Clerk.
tx in tome from ad atter•its publintion- in said dry:and to nae nd operate the some June 11.
Yeas-A1d.Bickel,Blom,Bock,Clullen.Conley, for rnfhvay purposes,subject to the ree[rictious block on the opposite wide f thr treat where
Kavanagh, I.eltbnuser,Mmea Dfelsdy, the same fa to b built,shall have first signed a
Gehan, hernie.fter named. tillon m favor of the erection thereof,without 13•Aid'Cooley-
j Sec.2. The atoreesid gnat to made upon the RPee 1 s
Pratt, 8abonL 9ullfvan, \\'ober, 1'oerg,Dir, firet having submitted [he pplicutioo thereof Rrsolved. That the foilox'Ing plat, n ap-
president-iii. ex rens condttiou that the said track eo per- to the common council and by it appro+'rd;Afro- Pro['ed by the at commission and as recom-
Passed Juue S,1890. Ivg lac lit est forbe uuiloedi2B for tt'ompca ID.ofrom ithe sided that this ordinance shall ppl only to neoded by the coy en¢fueer,be and the
mame is
\y A HAatx,President of Council. y hereby aces t I b thr common conncll of the
Approved June 5,1890. line of said railway,and for no ether purpose. the Tenth and Eleventh wards of said city. I'rf y
C.p C'Uu.EN,Acting Mayor.or. Sec.3. There fe hereby expressly reserved to Sec.2. That Ordinance No. 795, approved city of St.Paul:
y said common co, Oil
the rfght to revoke,modify July 2i,1887,so tar as the name Ia inronsist- D.\y.Ingersoli's rearrangement of blocks 1,2
Attest: Taos.A.PaevuEacAeT,City Clerk, sun emend the ggrrant herein made,and to require ent with the provisions of this ordinance be mrd snit 7 of D.R. Ingersoll addition
to St.Paul,
June l 1. the track hrreln ct he ]. I be moved,changed the same is hereby repealed. Minn.
Yens-Abl.Banhol;Br.131eleuberg, Bott. Cou-
li OntreacE 10.1,348. or taken away entirely upon nue month's notice be i�force Irnom a�dnnftecer it Publl otioshall take se[and ley. Co,ehnud. Dohuer, Oonniden,
z Yeas-Ald.Bickel,Blom,Bork,Cnlleu,Conley, Gahm. �IcNmnee,Dfelady,Dllnen,Sanborn.Sul-
'. An Ordinance changing the name o[Ellsworth to Bald 4coThlsttordinnnce eh all take effect and Gehan, Kavanagh. I,eithnnser,)fines,Malady, Iivmu.\uu Slyke.Mr.President-10.
�. avenue to SyD ic¢te avenue. Approved done 5,1880.
{, The Common Council of the CYL}-o[St.Paul do be in force from and after Itsock C¢tiou. _ ,0,('111.LF.N.Preeldent of Council.
ordain ns follows: Yeas-Ald.Bickel,Blom,BOc6-,Voiotia,Cortley, Pratt, 5-16. , Sullivan.ucmt,\yebet, 1'oetg, DIr. Prove -
' i Section 1.That the name of Ellsx'orth avenue Gehan.Kavanagh, Le no
Dlinea,Moldy, PPasaedtJm one., 1890. Timm.A.Yneavenc.+er,City Clerk.
in the Fifth ward I.Bald city,be and the same Pratt, Sanborn, So I' Reber, 1•oeFg, Dir. \V w.IfA>tat.President of Council.
1' ie hereby changed to Syndicate avenue. President-18. Approved June e.1890.
R'3,HAstnt.President of Council. O.0.CCLLEN,Acting Mayor.
111 Sec.ll This ordmnce shall take¢Rett and be Passed Jae S,1890. OnIns.'s E No.3,35;.
_�.. in forts from and after 1te publintlan. Attest: Time.A POENnennAsr,Pity Clerk. .1n Ordinal,
granting unto John Grant and
Bickel,Blom,Bock,ll`ilelen,DColnad Approved JuneP.01g9CbELLICH Acting Dfayor. Juue 11. Thomnx Cameron.'co-partners as The Valley
i Gehan,Kavanagh.Leith ansa', Dlr. Attest: Taos.A.PaennescweT,CYty Clerk. Iron Works,privilege to oar and occupy x por-
Pratt, Sanborn, Sullivan,Reber,1'oerg, June 11. ORDINANCE No.1,R5:i. tion of the levee in the Sixth wsrd of the city
'president'-18. .- An.rdlnanm approprintiug to Chas.Linder the of St.Paul.and to erect end matncnio build-
' {! pa:seed Juna 3,1880. is Hatual um o[tn'eaty-H re do11ere ings oil the same and carry on the business of
,afj1 ,I W>[.HwAnx.President o[coocil. ORDINANCE No.1,351. a foundry and workm¢in metals thereon.
Approved June 5,1890. Ava�atep�Itrackhacro eg Far uter a d Re ney Tordain as follow.: of the City of S[.Poul do The Cbmmon Council of the 7ty of St.Paul do
777777 O.0
O.CV LLEN,Acting 3dRyor. q Eeccion 1. That a warrant be drown upon', ordain:
Attest: Twos.A.PuesneRnwar,CYty Clerk. etreeta h the city of St.Pal. the city treasury for the um of twenty-flvn Section 1. That permission end authority to
June I L The Common Council of the City of St.Paul do (825)dollars bn favor of Chas.Linder to refund hereby given and grxnced unto John Grant mud
ordain as tollow's:
ORDINANCE No.1,349. Section 1. That ppm feel..and authority Is to said Linder a fine of said amount paid co the Thomas Cameron,co-partners as The\'alley
f An ordinance permitting Silver Creek&Dlorris herebygiven and grated to Theodore Hamm to clerk of the in pal court fu satls[ac[lon of a from Works,to use and ocenpy
the full thBperi-
Coal company to erect a frame coal shed o lay,useadopBmm aepurtra 1,across Farquter April l6 1890 sed Pon said Linder by said court proil�fll of f ten[htt9 o dinence.Wram
from[manumetn in¢puP-
F Minn.,the said truck to commence on the line Sid warrant to be deliaered upon them being poses,that portion of the levee and laud fn the
lots 1,2,7 and 8,of block 21,o[Kittson's tree[and Reaney stress fn the city of St Paul, filed with the city comptroller a proper receipt Sixth ward of the city of St.Paul,as
i addition. tic Paul.
j The Common Counctl Of the City of St.Paul do Minneapolis St Omaha I Railway company,
op for said emonmL �That tract or parcel of land sicunted.n the city
I ordain se follows:
f �
1 a�!
� 5 r. ' "'°.',d`a'y , ✓ "'" _ dl L .
i' constructed along the streets,alley.and public day at the council chamber In the city hall of
of St.Paul and county of Ramsey,described as By Ald.Weber-
I follows,to wit: Resolved.That the city engineer be authorized ylaces of Bald city,the following street.are enid city,and
nn(ng on the east line of Cuaur street,efz- to finish the¢Reproaches to the Dslestl iet bridge hereby deslgllated as additional streets upon Whereas.At the time and place aforesaid,for
tK(so)feet northerly from ttbe,swfd city hence[ fat micetoba xflroad).Ina.mnch tasern t a railroadroad(com- Beq hsaidim;tithe omce of said oat mo laid and tny,No1.211 Puosnd vaealloihav
and than.consideration at
x end
the levee in said all
sixth puny p o n u
r Ilei with r aid levee line to t of the epenaaai ofthethe o sop to be on lected of the hence sang St.Peter street to
oGtFoarth street; peroyons mteres[ed,xudnbefng•of t e opinio. after iu that y
easterly and p 1 block three(8). t
it L line 1 tat four(4)o puny- thence et u t Fourth treat to Wxbnxhx the same Ix necessary e d pr aper.and ill at the
&Rol>erts'xddl[1on;thence u rtherly en}eha�AV as•nB[ftakicl'oal com Gl+llen Conde �prerequlsiten therefor have II beau complied
along the said easterly Ilse of cid lot(our (4) Alom,Bock, S. treat; thence south v n \Vabashe stmt to
Oehnu,Ka nasi,Left heusere\f lass. Melad C, Third treat: thence+est on Thi d street to
pod d to the ylisnlssippp❑i neer. thence along exnborn. Sullivan.W her, Ycetg, �f Weahingt n tree[;[hence soxth on Washington \rix-,therefore,be it -
the back oflf id dumd o Liteo,esferliof l0 8 Pse Iden[-10. stmt to Eagle street; thence north Exyyla Reeolved.Phut all of said Dudley street,as is
ter stmt, pro southerly a street to Ftnn Llin street; [haute t F-2fht north of w line Ilei to, slid 88.8 feet north
the easurly]tile of Ouster stmt,to the point of Approved June G,1890. street to Chestnut street;thence north on Cheat. from,the.outlilline allot e(1).¢lock eevev-
Il begisuing,which property n. herein descr.bed nut street to Seventh,street; thence exec o tom, (76: also that oar[a Raymond a .
forms part of the a.-ce,ed levee in the Sixth By Afd,Pratt- Seventh street to St.Pour at re
thence north m I i Jth[he rtM1 west rot lot
ward ot St.Paul. Bet d,That the health officer of the city of on St.Peter stmt to Tenth tat- thence east one(I)j bloc vsevency five(75) +hfch Ill.east
c. 'L. That permission .,,it authority le St.Paul be and be fe hereby inetrucud to cause on Tenth street h Wit ushe, street; thence of n line parallel to,and 88 feet from,the
-� hereby given anti granted untondohn Grant and the frop arty owners f lot.15,18 and 17,of south ore R'abasha street to FIf[6 street,to the center line cd Raymoltd v nue
as the said line
Thomas oCa Cameron, co-partnere as The V-ley ),tock 9D,St.Anthony Park 811 them, lace of beglnninR,being No. 21 West 'the
to rect, construct slid main- the same being partly covered with staguant p ppeumit. the recorded plat of St. Anthony
,I Iron said PremI nn street,St.Paul. Provided,ho+vever,that tna Park,and extendingto a
Point on the west IJne
Lain frame bill age upon water and beisgoHr+elve to the residents in that priviliges hereby granted are subject co the con- of bloc,sixty-two (82) of St.Anthony Park
for tree hl their bUsi.'ea of s foundry neighborhood. ditione,raindations and test-tetious provider]]n 18,feet southerly from the northwest corner of
d yens-Aid.Bickel,B)oe,Bock-,(Aillen,Conley, .aid Ordlnwnce\o.l.A4g nud snail not be taken .aid block e(zty-Liao 92-said center of Rn
sad working in "I"i , xnd also ouch l (.ehan,Leitbauser.Dliuen, Pratt.gfl°- ( ) y
m` ditione to each buIldinlSa and sit engine and ]tole Mr. President to confer any other or greeter rights or pnvl- and avenue being 88 feet west from the rest
4 born.Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg, legee than are contained in said ordinance. line of lot one (11, hlock seventy-flue (75).
boiler house and each outhouses•and other _36. ]'sae-.old.Bickel,Short,Bock,Chile.,Conley, From a stone monument on said line S9 feet
4 li .cructnree ria maytbtheir eaidyb cifiri e,n-11 said Apnroted June 6,1890. Gahan,Kwaxnxgh.Lefthnueer, ylluen, Malady. tees and at richt aisles to the northwest
g 1� the carrying untl Prxtc.Sxnhom, Sulllrnn, Weber, Yoerg. 3I r. I f enid lot one (1), Nve n75),
iJ I�I building¢ °n o[hoSures snndesiructure�nlleto be By illd.cu11en- President-lf. sold[renter hue curves to the right by n r dice
S boiler house. )le.Ived,By the common council of the city Approved June 5,1890. of 28d.G feet,n distance of":t;3 feet;tltenee on a
fbuilt Under the dlrectlotte and necordin�to the of St.Paul,that a certain claim of L.Mateletter
I inCtructtiion ytuent o[ball cILS(trete Lherefor.t .id n [he of t of 8800 for ter,months'office ntrnight Zine a distance of 240 feet:thevce ore a
'!The y aft pit lie to the left bye dine of 149.2 feet a d(s-
�I mom bullAln Oto ceVebylei ht}(180)Least n re°t for jhe office of the city red county
.it or By Aid Sullivan- I Lance of 10.1 feet to a store monument 88 feet
enelone: Forty( ) R iuu,be and the same(a herebxy ullo+vedornend or Resolved,That the board of public kw le went from the west line of block xi,ty-two(62):
�! port one and hit Part two toriex high.and the dared to be paid. [o the a teat of -bird hambyoreques[ed to anmil the wnsesxment for n alio so mxcb of the whey ndJncent to.xnd
d boi',er ho"se to ye eixteeu(16)feet by thereof. B the c t it of he city er St.Anthony avenue.from Wilder ave- easterly of,block sixtpcignt(n8),at d IyiuR be-
thirty(gill feet,oils at., higgh. Resolved, y common sou ue Ln Clevelnud xv nud nlsu he apex twee¢Haiti block Ixtyclght (88)lit d the right
Sec 4. No rights ncquire.l under thio ordf- 1St.Paul,that the board of control o[[he bald went for n sewer ore a\VIIAer avenue.from Power of wav of the St.Paul d: Northern Pxciflc
ce shall be ttxnsierred to any other Petxon city nud county he and the exld banrd is hereby street to St.Anthon))-¢venue.and to deduct he road rix Ilex between the northwest corner
of lot �y
{ I I orPu ration•uclees the o e t of the cont- authorized to rent a euftabie office for the nee ret p ret f for said k from ill, contract thirteen(I:il,block sl.t
i ht(°8))and Heresy
i _u 11 be I7 ret obtained.fns I the city and county pphyalclau of the enid cit- f fotothe c Detraction of tse�ven in enid etreetawud .venae.said cion of said alley[Imadeecribs
mf�cc'! This from rditx-a- hall take fur Its pub]ratio Rett end [.Pnnl,Ie n euicnble and central location,and fo�ther�,known as Lha Jlldwxy r contract. including 1U, 0 ayuere
feet; Iso the¢lieu be-
'� be ire force (cite¢.Doidey, the enid board 1,Hereby euthorlmd to contract d to amend id contrxet by striking lot tweev lots nlueteeu (]9) lid tx'enty(26) t
Yeas-Ald.Bickel,Blom,Hoek, fur the Payment of the rental for the some. therefrom the have mentioned tions of said sold blocL sixty-eight-(aBJ, Including 1,800
Gehnn,Kavanagh,l,`Rthuuser,Mines,]lelady.I Yeas-p 1d.Blekel,Blom,Bock,Cullen,Conley, 73[.Anthony e t d Wilder uvetilte. Hgitnre fee[:total in alley, 17.800 square feet,
H Pratt. Sanborn, Sullivan, Weber, Yoerg,Mr' (:ehnn, Kuvanxgh,Lefthaueer,Mines.\lelady: Yeas-Alrl.Alekele,Blom,Bock,['"Ilan,Donley,- the same apl,,m rd record In tl,.O.a of the
Ptait, Sanborn, Suitiv.a,Weber, yoerg, M Gehan, Kavanagh, I.eltbnuxer.Jllneu.\felnd 'register M deeds In and for the count
6 .1 President-16. Preeldeetrl6. Y.! y of Ram.
i li Passed Suue 3,1890. Approved Juve 5,]890. Pratt, random, Sullivan,\Veber, 1'oerg,.81r.i y Minnesota, he and the an fn hereby du
W>t.HAnn.President of fbuncll' Pmadent-10. lured to be vacated and dfacoutinued as asked
June,5,1800. \n-or Approved June G,1890. :for In said Petition and as herein above spact.
O.O.l;nl,_. Ae[In¢ f 1 fieri. 0
I. I' Attest: Tllox.A.Yttexnat s,+xr,(YtY Clerk. Reeolred,That a funding order for the sum -_ + Iu,olveA,Farther that pennf.sfon 1,hereby
3 .Imre I'L. r PrRI dollen A nmetY-three cents(.0,98 b. when,
{ l Irnxn upon the fry treaxnrer In favor o�ti. {Phereax, The )�rrlt}•.f the o - Id' enid Ire[Il loners[o •bungs[tort portion
\Vllwer,owner of etbo(ollnwiaR Aexenbed propp- dant It, the Its�•of it.Paul,Minnesota,of th- of the private ntifr"xA Iley marked in blas In
f AY Ald.7.efthauner enRlncer ire hereb•
a rig to- R:"Commear'd" at he so ens;t u re pr-l"'e"y xbutdt`-upon 1 ulm{g the Ilse ret 7tdam Dc Pun Yhui oto PPes alley and mentis{
IteaolveA,That thecity ) e of Mxegnrei wltA Sinner streets;thence the tresis u d alley,,pit tl., f which aro Jrom Dudley trcec to tilt alley a north of
l� xtnlcuA to have Hnxtnip a ue graded to the `•u ugly atoug the south Ifne of)/
hereby viva[ed.have Pstltlonad the com ion blocks U2 nal i{8,8t.Antlloil)'Y"rk,bN•tiis,
i C ntabllaheA.rale/roto 1 a:lllcna le to lfilnta jjfYa feet:thence south at right oides D2,4 feet council of the city of St.Yuul[o rucautpurtlone Ins the curve of said
alley.treidm{it{g 'Iib the
Donla to eaaterly llne of 8lnnen street:th north- f Dudley street.Raymond t ane 1 wlleT,. ur of I1111 3,stmt,from tet taliue of
a Yern,-AId.Rickel.If1om.Bock.Du Ran.\f.clayy surly bitp ennuri)•line of Slnneu1'LU berelnnf[er mil Iratticulariy denenbed, d 15114.7 feet to a recur radius of 4115.5
55 Cehnn, Kxvutuxlh,Lelthuu Wefwrin YiXB. yf r. feet totlr'yatnnin':'i the Heid sutn irer`rR at .1
have Pe[Itloned for is'nnlsxlnn to •hoose the lbxw-AIA. Runhniret, Blelenbeti{.Boit,Con-
}jYrett.Sanborn. 8ulllvnn, overlrt[.)yaws owner o I portion of file pavan IlwuY alley Iterefnufur-ley Cots•Inml. Ilobner, Dornlden. Fia all.a.
as I_,
➢e rel Rover-esne,xeA 8%4.7h for the Rev- ro➢nrtlenlwrlY denentrod,which said Petition l;ehan,Mc\.[nee,Malady?linea.Sanbum,cul•
APpruvnl June 5,1890. a.,,street fmprovemrtt,81.80 for the newer nn duly¢nets forth [hr turfs nnrl all for nalA flval,Vtut Slyke,\Ir.Ptronident-1D.
I Seventh stmt and gl.•10 for wooden sidewalks tion,and •lie Allly minted by x plat' Passed Jan.1S.1500.
�fln Slnnen street,exit aide(Estimate No.5 of thereof nap sed to Iro vcaeuted;and 0.0-lbt•t-nv President of(:ouncll.
{� By Ald,[Veber- yy 1 Ire Instructed IBSLJ,wad oc ylxtanret street.south olds(Heti- Whcrew.'fire am Ine11.t.p�on them, Approved.tunerf.1880,
s Resolved,Thxt the nYlfng c�nt,trncton to eft-i mace No.5 of 1881{z Alom,Bot tatlon la acid l.etltlott,deemed it xped�mi e.O.I;ut.t-sx-,Acting Mayor.
to notifythe slrret s1' t eax-AIA. Bicke, k. Cullen.Con- that the motor ire pr re 11 wlth x d tared Atteat:Tu...A.1•.......A I.YLY Clerk.
f c ca. Momms ht xxch I f.trict.where nprm ley.Gahan.Lefhnuxer, Mlhen, Me1eW Y.Pratt, x Irl Iretl[lon to Ire Tiled n[t erd with the city June 2i.
't R�agg needed. peelullOs on *Pave Sanborn,Sullfvnn,Weber,Ycetg,Mr.Yrextdent clerk d rice to ire given by pubflcatlon,as
l txeeu,ant)to see to the n Itaol having 1r p IdeA by law;an 1 W heteas.the Common Counrn o1 the CYty of
1 rce aur from Approved June G,I8U(r. Whereas.Dua notice was given•n by publlcatfon SG Paui, ret a meeting field on the third day o[
I I �etler fucllf[In[o distribute mom in the omefel paper is I, give for foist weeks. .Tune. A.D.]SDC,did ad
a resod ution
r` each sprinkling wwgnm ve the fn, better commencin o
The engineer a1,o Lauf ltorx eon the 26th day of April,A. U. c ting n 6 of Dudle;•strtet as tx north of
1 ivstructlone not to low ' go faster BY e i[-C le d,Prat; 1890,to the effect that aid Petition sad been sa It h,praDel to and 88.8.set north from the
than x walk. Blom Bock Cullen,Conley. Iv ordaece 1th Ordinance No. 1.948, filed with Lhe city clerk.etwting in brie(Its oblast. +nth life of lot one(1),block seventy-five(75);
Ge gtxe-pfd.Bickel, hetetolort 1 by tM1e common council of the and thwt Lha name wo cod b,heard wad conafd iso that part of Raymond nue, begin 1.
nvnnwgb.L thea dlinea.yfelaly, ➢aeee< d by the common c1i of ha city of St. wl[6 the "'t now
comer of lot one(1),bloc
ti , edllvuu, Weber,Yoetg,Mr. city hf St.Paul,,ranting the Su Paul end Mln- Paul."n Tuedwy,the 8A day of .7 u.a,A D. v my five(751,which Iles east of Ifne
f Pratt, .aob rn I polis]Ieseenger and Tele hone tombD y[be 189U,an
7:30'o'clock in the afternoon of Bald ¢tial to and 9:f feet from the center 1�a of Ray-
{} I ptrsldent-19. right to place wires upon poles and buildinge
4 1 Approved Jime 5,1890. -
NIordinances I would respectfully urge your honor- REPonr.OF CITY oencsas.
e �g mond avenue as the said line appear.In the re- None of the conditions referred to,I am in- able body to take such immediate action in the Of City Comptroller-audited
claim.,viz.: .
yi corded pent of St.Anthmy Park,and extending formed,have bee coin lied with.and we with- premisee as the urgency of the c.. demands. P.Norri.,Estimate No.2,sprinkling District
p Very respectfully, ROBERT A.SMITa, No. 3, $844.10; T. Relfly,.Estimate No. 2,
'�j to s point on the wet line of block sixty-two hold our.fguature for the furtM1erreaao.thatthe Mayor.. crinkling fu District No. 8,51,448.83; A.
(82) of St. Anthony Park,185 feet.outherly ordinance grants a perpetual see of nil the streets Jnne 17,1890. Stephen.Jr.,Estimate No.2,sprinkling District
block hom the northwest corner of aid .venuebel sixty- sultlog interest ed tottour opinion a sufficient the city. Very'reepectfuRyre Accepted and said matters referred to
commit- gra 9.$352.Ottawa
J.en Maloney,Estimate No. i-
two (62)(said center of Raymond ROIJEW A.SnRH,Mayor. tee on streets. grading Ottawa avenue,9680:'A. Ginglea,Esti-
111 33 feet west from the west line of lot one (1), June 10 1890 From Bacon&Coleman and other.- mate No 1,qr dingalley,Michel's rearrangement,
block seventy-five(75)- $912.60: T.Swceney,Estimate No.1,grading
From f stop.monument on said line 33 feet Accepted u.d vote by which said ordinance For aving of Selby avenue between St.Albans;�Ds.i.eippl street,88,077;Dale&•Bumgardner,
west assd at right angles to the northwest tor- pnesed,reconsidered-Yeas,18. Eaiimate No.9, grading Payne venue, etc.,
nee of said lot one(li,block eeveuty-Hdinedof committee on streets s thereupon referred to theBoard o/pulillc u eke,Bath order. 81,966;Dale 8• HumRardner. Estimate No.3,
-: i• cencer line curves to the right by a Also From M.H.Woodward and others- u i¢ading Jenks street,53,266.60:W. C'.Doherty,
288 6 feet, a distance of 233 feet;tbence°On For establishing grade on private street sur. Estimate No. 1,newer on Fifteenth street,
1qE ntralght line a distance of 240 feet;thence Police Forex-Change.- rounding block B I,St.Auch°ny Park,etc. j 8888.60: G. Graff. Estimate No. 2
g, }i� curve to the left by R radius of 146.2 feet,a die- To the Honorable Preeldent and Common Com- Board of public works,with order. r and final grading alley
in block
t� �S Lance of 102 feet w a stone mouumeesst 33 feet cel 01 tM1e(Yty M St.Paul. From George C.Kulepel end others- 1 J. C. Stony. addition, $24.75;
est Isom the west line of block slaty-two(82): Gentlemen: I have the honor to I.toem you For grading and sidewalk on Belvedere treat Thornton & Shaw, Eetlmate No. 1,apnnk-
j also eo much o[the alley adjacent to and north- that 1 have made the following chancres in the between Hoyt avenue and Concord street. Ifug 113 District No. 7, 827.72;
Thornton &
{ iip easterly t block sixty-e1Rht(88)and lying be- T, It. police to and heroby respectfully eek Committee on streets. Shaw. District No. I, priukling District
6 tweeu said block sixty-eight(88)and the right I your advice and consent mento: Fr J.E.Brl'xni� No.10,85'2.98:Thornton& Shaw. Estimate
6 twee.of
8t.Paul&Norttern Y.cificrallroed 1 have moved Yx[rohnan Willlxm HoenrY Fol et•mfbalon to transfer to D. E. Kiefer No.1,grading West Side levee, 82,125;�horn-
as IO'wles between the northwest corner of lot thtr- Iroro the police form for neglect of duty,upon b.tcher license. ton&Shaw,Estimate No. 2,grading ..yduny
teen (18), block eixty�ight III ) and If
I c1,ar ,peci�rredg cedes n rllLave-me andapp..ted Committee on license. street,$1,232.60;Thornton&Shaw,F.s[tmate
a, lots
acid portio.01 said alley tit a described me cid From F.Hagenbruck and H.F.Lange- No.3,9na1.paving Swmmit pence, S66'1.60;T.
main 18,u0U square feet;also the alley be- Rte hen Grieroan to t, a patrolman of the req- For ppeermlaeion to transfer butcher license to Nweeney, Estimate No. 2, grading Langford
twmn lots t meteea (19l and tw'e.ty('l0)of ulaipolice torte to fill the vacancy caused by the C.H.Weg tier. Park, R2,38U; T. Sweeney I?enmate No.2,
said blocdt sixty tght (88a tncludl"' 1,800�above removal. Very re.pecttully Committee on license. grading Hampden Purk,S1,A6.;C E.Sandcen,
�4 .quare fcec;L°tal in alley 11,800.quare tint. Itonem A.SmtrH,Mayor. From F.p.Hefty- Estimate No.3,gr.ding Lawson street,¢1 630;
l 'f Therefore be it resolved, That the value of June 17,1890. For permfeslon to transfer butcher license to C.E.Sundeen, Estimate No. 2,grading Bt.•r
�(h said premises so vacated s aforesaid be and Accel,ted and said changes advised nod Co.- Witt Bros.&Co. j street,$365.50:Hansen&Johnson, Eetimat6
the$ams Is hereby fixed t the sum of flue .anted co. Committee on Ilcense. No.2,Walton street sewer system, 51,874.60;
n hundred sad eigbtY-cue dollars, (5681); the C Yaae-Aid. H.nholur, Hieienberg. Conley, From Peter Tierney and otbere- \oyes Broe.&Uttler,¢153.27;George Rele,city
` 1'y said sum being .of less tb., u pr.p.rtwuate Copeland, (:.stall., Dobner, Dorufden, Flen- For the di.couthm(ng of sprinkling of Midway!treasurer,82.ASn.22: boar.]o[water
Y. average value of the property abutting upn° drnu,Geheu,McNamee.\teledy,rHaeu,Sapoorn, aveme. stoners,886.83:G.Mi[ech,851.A0;F.G.Drape.
"d avid Premises eo vacated amordfug to the ns-,Sullivan.1'1313 Slyky,Mr.Presldeut-18. Grpnted. (See resolution.) & ss $420.28: Foca&Co.. 828.93; Pioneer
'seaamerit for taxation for the Tear A.D.1888. From J.Austrian- Press
co pony,5188.1u;J.Forrestal,Estimate
Yea.-Alda Banholzer,BieleuberR, Hort,Con-:i Also. Communication. addressed to Aid. Dobner, No.5.Robte etreet.aewersytem,35.100;J.For-
ley, Coppeeland, Dobner, Im,TddCU. Flandrau• policemen Promoted and AppolntedEll,to mwer
II - Gtric
ahan.McNnmm,lleladY,Mines,SanoOr-,Sullf-'To the Honorable President and Common CO.- relomnmlttepe onellee.Re.aces y te1mFR1i2,750;T.Forrestal.E Estimate No.2,
,Van Slyke,Nr.President-lila cif of the City of St.Paul. From George(I'll.Laine Furnishing Company- sprinkling in District No. 2,5847.113; J.For-
.; v Approved Jnne f',,1890. Gentlemen:. You sre .,,UIf Nlly informed pro..]tion to rent Market house for Bfteen creta],Estimate No.2,sprinkling in District No.
O.O.CBLLE.,President of Council. that I Lave made Lhe tollow•Ing p.motions and P 4, ¢1,746.78; J.Forreet.l, Estimate No. 2
Taos.A.Pe.neacA.,City Clerk. ��o'Itmeuts in the regular police force to date years.Committee on public buildin R
f t the fat Inst.. and I ask your advice and From Valley Iron Works (J�ohu Grant and Jpnn Pireatos. Df Estimate o \0.3 2.8.098.W=
Regular�teetlnC. consent thereto.viv.: Martin street and Western avenue,$935;
Lieut.John W.Cook to be captain,vice Job. pokims(camerollinB of Ordinance No.1,365, til Tracy,Estimate No.3,grading HOYt avenue,
ST.PAUL,June 1 7,1890. H.Bresette,re lgned; and nakl. for uanother crdi.nbce covering au R 5 C.Nonuemacher,Estlmate No._,grading
(8 President Callen I.the eM1air. Sergeant Philip Schweftur to beDeu[enant,vim other des asking
of property. Corti rid street,31,446;J.T Million,Estimate
Present-Ald. Ranholver, Bielenbe,, Bott,I.,Cook.promoted,
:gt Con1eY, Copeland.Co.[e11, Dobner, Do widen, S htat eitxema p omoard tedSexto; ad Hobe cergeant,G. il w From A i Bletche agent Great Northern rail- T�)HllitunaE timinte
Noh 2.s grading]\I13lnuehsha
Flendrau,6]]rasa U u rime lelsd Preodent to be PatroLnan,vice Sexton,promoted. Very any line and others- street.5897; H. C. Huebner,Estimate No.2,.
Sanborn, full, RosenT A.SmtTH, For nmentlment to cattle herding ordinance, grading Rice street,¢1,870;LV.A.Uavern,Esti-
t -17, •.ecce y Mayor. covering district bounded by Great Northern ate No. 2, grading Hope tmet,$1,020;T.
MM THnnfes of preceding meeting approved and t Ttttte 17 1890. railway, Western avenue. Front and Dale Keough,Estimate No.1,grading Oxford street,
s i dfnpeueed with. etc.,$969:T.Keough,Estimate No.1,grading
cox3aUrrw.Ano.s. Atxrpced and said promotion. end slid ap- etComemittce on streets. Hatch street, ¢748;P.Doheny,Estimate No.
From His Honor,the yf.yor-Vetoof ordinance pofutment advised and consented to. 2,seteer on Seventh street.51.268: )Ic\tulle.&
- grmtinq Chmxgo. Milwaukee&St.Pani Rafl- ]'sae-Aid. Banholur, BlelenberR. Conley, From Oecnr HnRlmd- _ Morris,Estimate No.5,Mlnnebnha street sewer
way comnanp use of certain parts of certain Copeland,Costello,Dobner,D;eaaSnnborna Sulk -chan(tge ot4grtade,Pa)�envenue and Ca e s rent system. $10,826; T. Malloy. Estimate No.2,
II9 streets Partly,m Rice&Irvine'.add t end Gehnn Dfc\since.MeladY� l'ommittee on treats. w r on Rtryker avenue, 1127.50: T Reilly,
r 1 9q
partly In Irvine'.enlargem t Ifv.n,Van Slyke,Dir.Preatdent.-18. Frout It.Hall per A.D.Condit and others- Fstiniate No 2, Ridgwenod venue ewer
To LM1e Hmorable the Preodent and(ommou Al... Protesting against erection of a barn or shed evetem, 56 015; 0. J. Symonds,us Estimate
Council of the city of ht.Patti: on block 39,St.Anthony Park. No. of Selby yen $860:
i Gentleme_We return without our ale ature Communications of Dalry and Food Commis- ('ommlttce on streets. .Toho Balis&e Ron,$180.30; Forrestal Broe.,
t 4! ,Iiii "An ordinanm granting to the Chicago.Jtllwau- stoner Ives and Health Commissioner Hoyt,and From N.P.Luudstrmn- - $68.45:J. G. Dnggau. $28.1b:.T.Duncanson,
kce &St. Paul Rnilw•a s company the use uF ordLtnncee relatbebIg to Inspection of roilkend en-
certain arts of certain treat.;'&c..for the (male about to be slaughtered for food- For grading of lluly street,between Jefferson 583.80:W.N.Carey&Son,S54:N.c Telephone
p avenue and Grace street. Exchsnge Co..$41.75:J. L. Henry, R2;J.H.
Tijj reason that the ordinance practica,ly vacate. To the Honorable Lha Yresideut and Common Board of public works with order. Schurmefer Wagon Co.,$8:Azotine )lnnulsU•
certain .treat. therein name],and 1.(n direct Gentloineu�I have the ho.ortto trunemit here- From Charles A.Johnson and Charles L.Nor. Luring('o..8916.88:P. C. Lutz, $8.80;M.R.
-f din-
violation of"An net to amend section eight(8) red by the health de- din- Jturnane.8'27 40:St.Paul& Pacific Coal Co.,
i t - of chapter four(4)of the charter of the::Ity of with an ordluathe crepe spd Sime streets. Hhge.813.10;St.Paul Furniture Co..$22.75; revlbedto Dec.flrst(lsc)1884."which pparcment andmiesloo col health,and
dDol Daf Asking d.mages-Injuries to property,Arcade 824.41:St. Paul Towel Exchange•38.E. H.
said amendment provides that in the vacation 1r.Hoyt,tom J. Committee on claims. Joseph Spiel, $43.17;A.Jobst. $97.76; Mer-
) of streets and alleys do such ration or dis- and Food Commle.lone�Warren Ives I nonis From W.S.Belli- ill's Toilet Suppply, 58.76; Mathew Craig,
l emtinuance aM1ait be ordered by the common I tion tbereto;the Purpo For permission to use lamp post at Germania $19;G.1V.MerNll,839.50:Foca&['o.,362.96;
t # council except opo.[he petitfo.of the To to regulate the inspection at milk Bold to eon- beak building corner,(or illuminsted mortar. M. B. McClellan, 898.16;
Niles&Hale, 39;
` co the ownero of property through •hich the I eumere In this city. Also an ordhtance 8nd tom- Committee On gibs Foos&('o.,810.50;Maxfield&Seabury,$4.10;
afros or portions thereof sought to 4e vacated mmtfcation hom the ams depaet too relatin¢ From Mike Pavbcek and.there- Rdieon Electric Light and Power Co.,918.96;
1' .slat;asci turtherprovide.that•'no such vacn- to the inepectlon°t animals about to be elaugL- Protesting against sprinkling Michigan street. M.Lh.Heck,$.4.12; Maendler Bros.,$3.75;C.
rim shill be valid mttfl the valor of the prem- tared for food In this cpit i. e matters Alderman of the ward. H.Williams,$5.75;Noyes Bros.&•Cutler,40c.
fees so v...d sball have bee.deposited L3 the soughteto be regulw of ated bytthe abovehmentioned
I�. city treasurY."
ki T l
„r ,::. <. .,, .... ,.,,� ` ''•Far .+4..J`.7. ,a .,+.-.`' ..;y„^+- ''"i"'.'�-(ata';"i':. fAipelt,vsr»r, ”: "'`�• ,� t dam'._'
bla lan In,
-tin S Strane36.50:St.Paul&Pacific Coal for by a pet'llon of s malority of the owners et LI a to the consitrilett ,I os.neran�Fairm�Fairmount ler for youroadoptlun,if yfile of
said ou desire us to rovement and an make .
i Co., 81:6.04:Si.tPaul Goa Light Co.,3208.87; property to be aesexne therefor,but we here- avenue, from St. Albans street to D,le street, the Improvemeut,
f J.C.Hanley Lime Co.,358;T.Refliv.Estimate with Send a plan and profile of Said rn�rova-
Ill N'. 2, wooden sidewalks. 1890, 55,061.76; meat,and an order for your adoption. t you maflt honing Investigated the Proposed improve- Yeas,8;any.,0.QUINDY,President pro
Thornton&Shsx•,Estfmate No.'L,.paving Sum- desire us to make the Improvement. Respectfully report that it Is m;ee,sary and J.T.KERXER,
�j mit place, $2.184.50;C. Stone, Estimate No. 'Peas.3:»uys,O. J.C.Qpm nv, p oper to construct n newer oil Fairmount Clerk of the Board of Public Works.
ri.Dfeudo[u Bond n'ooden b bridge.31.020: ppro, place•from St.Albano treet to Dale street,to- June 6,1590.
W Illfant Berlundl&Co..5:19.50:R.C.C7nrk,3fl; J.T.Clerk of the Board of Public W'ork.. gg then with the nem„n ranch basin,and man. Adapted. (See order to board of public
} E.Bouquet&Co..81.1 ;Rrowu,Trem•y&Co. holes,thnt the estime[ed expe""thereof Is 3540, works.)
$10:American ]f anufacturlug company.Si40: June 9,1890.
Boeringer & Son,36'7:R.Aehwortb,i100.2G; Adopted(See orderAo oLoard of Public works). treayurllyubeforl.the contract Is let:that rehnlciee Ibunty Road Grading Also,
+ � Goodyear Rubber •o pony.340;Chicago.Sc. tete to bn ,sassed therefor can be found bene- To the Common Cotmcil of the(Pty of S[.Paul:
I Paul.3tinnexpolis& Omaha r ilirny,314.40: Woodbury&Cnse'a Addition,alley grndmg, fitted to the exteuc of the c t molexpenses The board of Public works have had under
Fair Dtorxe&Co..5316;Ablico,t-D'wnutg blxk 7n I, lution or to act:—
compnnY,5760:%caRo, Burlin &North- TTheeboardnof public shelve had un der PDovem nt las i»t asked for thataidtt� cots mon commllhnppro ed APrll fid 1A9Y0,rela-
ern railway.$55.92:Ween tt,Howard &Co., o o Solt rder of the
t m hrou -.
84.50;Guitermen Broe.. 52.60;Jcbn 3tartin co»slderation[he rexolntion or order of the core malority of the o•nets of Property to be us- rive to the grading exteKnapnslon of count
� Lumber crompnnv.S=.681.42;Anker &SloHat, mo :null, a Proved Dec. 4, 1889.r lathe seised therefor,but)' herew"?i ,end Plan of from Lw,St.Anthony to Park.
Knapp street,t gh
Maendler Brox.. 3.152: Scribner- to grudiag the alley In block even 17),Wood- s Id improvement and au Drier for}roar edoP- block:i 7,St.Anthony Yark, d,having incee-
34.30; bur &Cwae'a addltiou,from HOwnrd street to tion,If you desire ns to make the itnprovenient. tholted the rr ropoeed Improvement. s
i Libby cornyy y, 8.348.89: H. P R•uRR& Y ]'sex.8;nn O, ReaPetthtlly report that it Iv n ry and
LibCo. 60 test KallY,obian$1 4 .89:eomDany.8_1.92' ]Voodbury street,and.having IuventV¢iited the )•J;C.(.—,President pro tom. proper to grade county road from Langfo d ap-
j Nicol,&De, $29.92,St.Pani Foundry com Prof Iced Impro Potent' prose J.T.Kaa¢ea, a to Knx t+ Lreet: that
the timated ex-
'F Prey d?Brick
Bros c4n.Nntfoutal Pniut n I+es }•nttld proper tongrude deet said t flay in block k Clerk of the Board of Public Work, se thent,� 3470,—hall of which need nut
,.` o pnn7•.Si7: �.'e x j ]Voodbnr &Cxse'n Addltlon to St. June 17,1890. 1 e pefd Into the any treasury before the con-
Worke.3862.73c HJ.W-.E1ad Held S2li: Heid d 1 ) y Adopted. S order to board of public tract idler;that real es[xte to be assessed thee-
' WO"k%egen,88 4U T.Kehler[,314 46: ][sate Paul.Irom Harvard feast[o Wood try w ( m for can be found benefited to the extent of the
3 Bulortl &Bnnren,819.On; G.J.3lltach&Co., e.that the estimated ex�uxe[hereof is 840, orkn.) Alxo c bt nd e.prefixes necexxary to he Incurred
892.:[0:K.P.Cullen.812.50:, rthae+[er,Fuel one halt,1"hlch need n'1 Pnid into the itty thereby:that aid lmmrovement is not naked
mpany.Si: W'ycknH. Semm�ttx& }3enedfet. to ory before the cen[raet In Int [hut real - St.Anthony-:\names Sewer— I for ny a petition of a majority o[the owners of
1$ $G.63:N,r1T."steno Stamp W-ork,.75 cent,:F. title to be e, 1-11 therefor cox be round To h C'ni,iott Council of the City-of St.Paul: ,fro Pe[p to ha iw 1 therefor,bnt.,'e
!� J.Lime&Co.. S.S.l O: P.H.K II)- Dfereautlle Hted to toelre1 cenrreor
the thereby;1""1 eXid trim- 'the board of yublic 'o k, have had ode[ tith nd a':!"",do
dun ad profile of aid hn{hove•
company.89 60.Kenny Brox..85:B.Kn,uft h tietrexsnry a cO.ShIlt-I I the reSolution der f the tet t,and n der for your adoption,11 you
Co.$8.85,C.C.Sharp,360.i 6, Fowble&Fitz. )nrocemcut Is not asked nor by a petition Ota Common commit,approved.\pelf 16�18911,rein dea_Ire its to make the improvement.
iaforlt3•of the otenets 1 property to be ve- the to the cotwt tmc•Lton of x xe,er o I St AD
3 Allowed and ordered paid by following vote, x,-s d therefor,but we here,It It Sendta plan and tbony avenue,from 3lackubiu street to line ]axe,fl:nx x,0.
file of said Imorovmnettt,and at order for trees,and,having Inventlgated [he Sed J.C.Qmvnv,President pro tem.
Yeee—Aid.Buholzer.BlelII,d, .ConIeY,Cope- pro propo J.T.Kennan,
bb,el .Dorniden,Flet rnu,Ge- your adoption,It you desire us to make the fm- improvement. Clerk of the Board of Public Works.
has,JicNamee,3[elndy,Stlnen, Sanborn, Sulli- prowemeut. Respectfully reour[that said improvement Ix Jnne 6,1890.
t Van Slyke.31r.President-16, ]ens, necessary and ppr per,together,ith the tease,- Adopted, (tee order to board of public
1 J.C.Qnyay.President pro tem. eery cutch basin,¢nil manholes: the[the esti- warkg
Of Cit”Engineer—F.xtlmntex ed b7• J.T.K"R¢na. )
The city engineer tranxmltS, approv Clerk of the gourd of Public Works. ranted pe»ne thereof in 52,100•ot—hit of Also,
him.the following estimates,to nit: which need not be pald luno the city treasury George Street Sewer—
Estimate No.1,Sixth street bridge substrle. June 12,1890. before the Contract is let;that real eatate to be To the Common Council of the City of St.
turn.Kirkland&Starke}•,82.'210;Estimate No. Adopted.(See orderto board of public S�orks') ilswaited therefor call be found benefited to the paid:
A {Ix5,Iron bridge, Dlendota road. C'htcago Bridge Also, extent of the cost and exppeenses necessary to be The board of public works have had under
5 and Iron company, 8fl,2:U; Estimate No. ]. Gotzixn's RexrranRement, Sigel's ndditton, incurred thereby:that INd Improvement is not consideratlon the rexolutlou or order
of the
Selby avenue bridge sup+t's[ructum. Edge— alley RradlnR,block 26— asked foe by a petition of n majority of tete ,• moon council,xpproced April Y.1890,rels-
Bridge Work,,817,OUo;Eatimnte No.3. Selby To the Common Council of the City'f 9t.Paul: atvnete of property to be emeee,ed therefor.but tjFe to the construction of a 'er on George
3y, avenue bridge st bntructure, C. Stone. 82.550: The board of public works have had under at a hearing before Bald board a number of treet, from Ohio Smith avenue,and
N'.5.Broudty"b ble substructure, tniderncion the solution or der of the oro arty own rx intereaced appeared n d asked hi .ittg In vex[Ignted the proposed Improvemeut:
Kirkland&Starkey.85,295.50. no Stile nP'troved Nov.6;1889,tela- [ Id Imu rotemeut,and,'e herewith send a R-pectlally report that said Improvement 1s .
lPi Allowed and referred[u com`aroller. flue oto grcnrlln oxlle� block 25 of l,ot1ho"I re- Plan of e W liap—rob,ta and x order for t oma xrp Sud proper together with the
Yen, Bnnholzer,Bieleni.erg Bott.Conley rrungement I S 3e1'x ddition. and, hiving your adoption,if you desire,,to make the Im- a ry fish basins and mnuholee, that the
-,kid.} Copeland,Costello.Dobner.lloniiden,F laude:,' jnveetiguted[he proposed inn vement: Drovemeut. Omitted expense thereof 1, 81,908, one-half
y `1 iI Gahan.Sle\wmee,3lelu ly._3tivev,Sanbnra,Sul- R,Ipectinlly report that ea d itnel�rocemettt _ 1enn.Y.;nay-,,u. t,'hich need lot be?aid Into the city treasury
I ?y' liven,Sian 81Ykr,Jtr.Ptraident—1 i. - ry and p neer,that the timated a J.C.Qnixnr.President pro tem. before the contract Int t:th nt reel cerate to be
it Its Ate.• Dpee a hemol ix 51-27,ane-bait of,'hich need not J.T. leagea. e..—.ed therefor can be fumed benefited to the
i . 4': Contingent fund— fiat c�t¢fd into he c ty treasury before the on Ciera of the...rd'f Public]Yorks. ,tent of the coxtitnd e=i,ea nema,ary t' be
The city engineer xubmite statement of office t la let:that al ,,tate to De.—Seed June]2.1890. Incurred thereby;that,aid improv.meat is not
17 genl fund ani nxl:n Yur[her xpproprintion therefor can Defomtd benefited totbe extent of Adopted.(eee order to board pnblicirorkx). Sked forbyutietitionofmm�Joritynf[heowners.
of i$100 the cont mud expenxea nemeaary to he Incurred Alxo but upon pereounl appil—tion of S.vv mbar of
J � Accepted(see re,olutlott), hereby,that,aid fnnprovemev[ieuot asked for [dent on rn f propeRy [o he nes d -
33 thereby;
petition of n Jority of the ocvu of Holcomb,', Addition. Alley (radln4. Block therefor rendt,heariiftsnidtim said boartd;wehere-
l pe ty to be tolmased t a bear _ ems an
nu'e rt tit tr woaaa lug hefore Said board a i mber f rope To the Common Council If the City f St.Paul: order for ayour adopt fonPrl[c you desire»e to
n nt oe noA - n interested appeared and a ked f std Th board of puhlle it rks hwve had under n ke the nap ems t.
Street Grading prtyvement,we herewith[feud a Plan and pro- considerat inn Lite reeoln thin or order otthe com- n]'ens 3,¢nye O.
To the Common{Connell of the City of St,Paul: file of,Sid Improvement,and So order for your moa council,approved April 3,1890,relatl ve to J.C.Qmxnv,President pro tem.
The board of oiblic,Corks have older connsid- adoption,It You desire ua to make the improve- landing the alley in block 18 of Holcombe's ad J.'p.Ke-aaEn,
ration the resolution or order f the co Ston ut ditiou,and.having fnveatigated the proposed Clerk of the Board of Pubii;Works.
couvml,approve t 3lnreh 19.1890,relative to tet 7'ene,3,any,U. p Juste 14,1890.
Lhe grndiuR of S[Ickne" treat,from Concord J(Qc•1\al•,Prexfdent pro tem. IteBpecttully report that eeld]mparnvement le Adopted. (See order to F•oard of Public
street to the south city limits,and.having In- J.T.K a .t necesenry m d pr per:nihwt the timated ex- Work -
IUU� ve tigated the propoeed Iniparovement: (Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Dense thereto i,8165,o,-half of hill need not s) Ale',
t' lee epectfully report that ufd improvement In ,Title 18.1890. rose
into the city tressurybeforethee—traet 3litekuDln$:llxtahnll'e Addition—Alias Gted-
r� nem+ y and proper: that the timated - Adopted isee order to Board of Public Works). to let:that real estate to be esexxed therefor li>g,Block 15.
ons,thereof i,Sfl 860,one half of which need Also n be found benefited to the extent f the To the Common Connell If the City of SL Paul:
t fine p Id Into the city treneury before the can
and asps nece,xar)to be Incurred[bare The booed of p bile t eke he,.had- liar
Steed i,let: tbnt ai estate to be a,aeeeed Falrmount Place Sawer— by;that xxid tmpro e t le not asked for bye coneideratlou the solution der under
therefor ten be round benefitedto the eaten[of To the Common Council of the(Pty of St.Paul: p�eetition 5f a malority of the owner,of pr�perte c m n'u c d April
Y rbc coat and eapensea nemxnary to be incurred The board of PUDIIc w rka bane had ude, to lx assessed therefor,but we herewltb d rive to gradiiiR the alley in block
I I i thereby.that,aid Improvemeut t v c eaked co,tderntiop the re,olutl'n or order of the
I. V
t �PP7
£91$`vX J, LW' f t- "+a2`} 'H.`,)`i: ✓.,�y °F +SM ,app
a N;v �e at•r ,1, 'e 3" .F.. , ,..r;!'4 ,bifi+: a:q v` { +•. `':.zH€ A, 1 t_ i'•= ^,v X, rt<w
•N.;, f comment council, roved June 5,1590,rela- plan and profile of said Improvement and an or- w
Martin S Strang,$8.60:fit.Paid&Pacific Coal for by a petition of a majority of the oxmera oL aP�
f o t to W aeseexed therefor,but we het6t tive to the construct app
a saw'eron Fairmount, der for your adoption,R you desire us to moire t
Co..8136.04:St.Pani Gas Llgbt Co..$208.87: µr per y Improvement.
-� J.C.Hanley Lime Co..858:T.Reilly,Estimate i[h eend a plan nod profile of aid hnprovet' and,[havinginvestii;ated the proposed improve- t Peas,8;usye�0.
No. 2, w'oodeu sldexelks, 1880, 85,061 76; rat,and an order for your adoption, t yoi¢ meat: J.C.Qmxa}•,President pro tem.
Thoroton S Shaw,Fstimate No.2,paving Bum- desire us to make the ImpmvemenG y Reapectlully report that it le necessary and J.T.KRagRx,
mit place, $2,18.1.50;C. Stone,Estimate No. 'Teas,3,tiny$,0. J.C.Qotntay, proper to construct a sewer nu Fairmount Clerk of the Board of Public Works.
5.Dfeudota Road wooden arch badge.$1,020' J.T.KeRRea. President pro tem. Place.from St.Albano Street to Dale street,to-
o- Jnne R,1880. '.
William lierinvdl S Co,539.60;R.C.C1arL-.53; Berk of the Board of Public Works. Rgeetber with the necessary catch basins and man Adopted. (See order to board of public
I E.Bouquet 8 Co.81.20:Brown,Treaty C Co., holes that the estimated expensethereotis$540. works)
n til ' $10;American Dtanufacturing cot pan Y.S40. June to (See one-half of which need not be paid Into the city Also,
Boertnlier & Sou,$G"�:K.Ashworth,$100.2'5; Adopted(See order to board of public works). treasury before Lite Contract la let:Lis real Couu[y Road Grading—
• Gooof St.Paul:
dyear Rubber omPan}'.$40;C6icego,Sc.
At... to
Paul,Dfluuexpolis& Omaha r Iltt uS.$14.40 Woodbury S Caer.'e Addition,alley grading, fitted to the assessed
xtee t therefor
rthe coo t i1and exjwn, s TThe'boardofpublics of works hatile ve had under p;•,
Fairbank,Dforse&-Co..8115;Abbott Downing block 7to of—
companY�875o:Chicago. BULIil-Igoward &sirth Co., Tothe
of Public totrkeeL a had[ Pdelr Pnovement lee in Lt nnkedlorbS+ttnetitinidoifna cunsiderntoutucilhapP",ansa anriisa 1890,tre1a0
II, 'ern rallw uy.$55.92;N•emot u conty ownem c ntmon y `fN
84,50;Gui[ermen Bros., 82.50;Jobs] Dlartiu consideration the resoludtilolo rd$ relative mslod tlteorefore 1 tic+we herenich rtyid opmnaot from L.
s�e ng
to KuoHp street,through
Lumber compauv,$'2,681.42;Baker &Dloffat, m until, a Prove prow
$4.30; Diaendler Bros.. 8252; Scribner. to grsding the alley in block seven(7),Wood- old lm ement and an uMer for[)-our adop- block 37,Srthe i.Anthony park, d,having Inves-
Libby co[npxnR 8348.89; H. P. Rugg E bury&Case's addition,from Howard street to tt ion.if y,otdaesf;Be to make the itnVrovement. tt Ree+eeaPallr re ariosed l that itt lsttt�ecesssry
co.,GO cis;Robinson n Cary company,821.92; Woodbury street,and,having Investigated the S L
Nicola& Dean,829.9_:SG Paul Foundry tom- Proposed hnprovement: J.C.Quix9v,President pro tent. Propel to Krtide county rood fromLangfordex-
enue to Knap t street; that the estimated ea-
pony,$39.60;Nolan Bros.,S40;N feconsin Red Reapectfull}}•report Lhat sa(d improcet[rcnt is J.T.hEClerk RKER'of the Board of Public Works. ppence thereo[�s 470,one-halt of which
need not
pressed Brick eompany,877: National PatDt necessaryand proper to grsde the alley ill block J...17,1880. he paid into the city treasury before the con- "
Worl-e,836Y.i3; F.N'.Hadfield,826; Held& van(7)Woodbury &Case's Addition to St. Ado t d. Public cruet is le[;thatreal estate Lo be assessed[hate- YY
i Grueohxf[en,$8.40; J.Kahlert,$14. D[xst Paul,from Harvard street to Woodbury ve- works a (See order to board of for can be found benefited to the extent of the
Buford&Burwell,518.60: t..J.Alit &Co., nue:that the estimated e.rense thereof is$40, ) Also cost nod xpen necessary to be incurred
$92 40;K.P.Cullen.$12.50:Northwestern Fuel our half of which need not paid into.the city thereby:that aaid hnprovement ie not asked {'
company.92.80; $7; Wyckoff, Semm�ns& Benedict, treasury before the contract Is let;that real es- St.Anthony Avenue Server— I for by x petition of a majority of the owners
$5.63;Nortbweetern Scamp Works,75,111t s;F. ince to be eseased the for cal be..foundpebe..- To[fi Common Council of the f lip of fit.Peal: property to be nesessed therefor,but.we
J.Linne&Co, $5.10: P.H.Kell) ercantile Hced to the eatent- t e cost
sLt and exidttims 'The board of public works have had under with scud a Plnu and profile tit said It�f�rove•
j company.59.00;Keuuy Bros.,$5:B.Kneutt& htcore, 3. a considerutfon the resolution r alar [ [he e+t,and nn order for your adoption.It you
Co..83.85:l;.C.Shur➢.560.76, Fow'ble&•Fitz. ntrovement is not asked for by x Petition of s c mmou c u tcil,approved April 16.1890,rely dewire tie to make the Improvetneut.
$3 50. nYa7aorit}•of the owners of-property to ire ae Live to that c iu+truction of x sewer on St.An' ]'sae,3:nu-.,0.
Allowed and ordered paRl by tollotnug vote: . d thh rotor,but we herewith.end u plan and thony avenue,from\fackubiu street to Dale J.('.Qui—,President Pro tem.
Tens old.Banholzer.BielenberR.Conley,C➢pe profile ofesnid Wnrovement,uud nu +rder for street,and,having hiveetigated the Proposed J.T.KeiutRa,
• laud.Costello.Dobner.Dorniden,Flandrau,Ge- your adoption,Wynn desire tie to make the Im- impprovement, Clerk of the Board of Public Works. ++`
baa,DtcN genes,\[eladY,Difneu, Fanborn, Sulli pmv�meut. Respect[u11Y report that said ImProvemeut is Juue G.1890. - r`
t Vau Slpke,DIr.President-1G. Yeas,s...vs.0, pro necessary and proper,together with the t�rn Adopted. (See order to board of public
Of City Engineer—Estimates J.C..Qmf;ay.President tem. Bary catch basins and mnnholea: that the esti- x orks.)
I" The city engineer transmits, approved by J.T.KeaaeR. mated xpease thereof le$2.100,one halt of Also,
j! hien,the following eatimatee,to wit; Clerk of the Board of Public Works. which used not be Paid into the city treasury George Street Sewer—
Estimate No.1,Sixth street bridge ID Is June 12,1890. before the contract is let;that res to be To the Common Council of [he City of 9t.
tum,Kirkland&Starkey,82210;Estimate No. Adopted.(See orderto board of public tenrke.) assessed therefor call be found'benefitL•'i1 to the pBut. fs
+ 6,Iron bridge, Mendota rood. Chicago Bridge Also, extent of the con[unci ex reuses necessary to be The board of public works have had tinder
and Iron contpnnv, $3,230; Estimate No. ]., Gotzian'a Rearrnngemeut, Sigel'. ndditiov, incurred thereby:that na]d improvement Is not consideration the resolution or order of the
Selby avenue bridge superstructure, Edgemore alley grading,block Y6— asked toh by a petition of a maiority of the
common council,.approved April 8,1890,tela• it
I Bridjre]V orke,517,000,Estimate No. 3, Selby To the aC-1111110-i ,block
Utumfl of the City of St.Paul: otvnere of property to la+aseeesed thherefor,but tive to the construction of a ver on George
venue bridge st b.trneture, C Stone. 32,660: The board of Public works have had oder _ at a hearing before said board a number of street,from Ohio street,to Smith avenue,and
F.stimnte No.5,Broadwuy bridge substructure, c nsideratfon the resolwtfott or order of the property owners iuteresced appeared unci naked paving Investigated the proposed improvement.
Kirkland&Starkey,85,295.50. o c until, PP r ved Nov 6,1SA9,rel$- P r sold Improvement,and we herewith send s Respecthtlly report that said improvement fs
9 tl Allowed xud referttd to enmtt[troller. Live co Rrxdin oxlle�in block 25 of Gotzlati a re- Plan f e id improvement and w rder for necessary and proper together
with the aces-
'�� Peas—Aid Banitolzer,Bielenl,erg Bolt.Conley, arrangement f S gel's addition. and, haul.. your adoption,ft you desire its to make the Im- s ry tch basins and mauholea,
that the w
Copeland.Costello.Dobner,Uontideu.Flaudrnu' Investigated the proposed imp t'emen[: ➢rovement. timated expense thereo[ is 81,968, one-half
Gahan DfeNnmee,Jfelxd}-,Dhnea.Sanborn,Sul Respect[nlly report chat said olntePntt ement is ]'eels,R;nay.,u. f which need not be
DDaid foto the city treasury fM
liven,]'an Slyke,%fr.President-1 i. ary and pproper,that the estimated ex- J.C.Quixuv,President pro tem. before the coutr+tet in jet:that real estate to be c?
Also, secee thereof is groper.
of which need not J.T.Keagea, assessed therefor can be found benefited to the
Condo tit fund— pe Clerl[of the Board of Public Works.
Be herr pal I into the city treasury before the coo- xtenc of the cost unci expennee necessary to be
The City engi ser sunntita.tutement of ofTce J e 1l,1R90.
tract le le[;[hat reel estate to be assessed incurred thereby;that said improv.meat Isnot
it I!yyyp- coitingetit fund and asks prthet'appropriation tberelor can bthat r benefited to the extent of Adopted.(See order toboardof pubhcw'orke). kedforbyapetlt[onotnmaJorityuftbeot
of$10Uted(see resolution). the cost end expenses necessary to be incurred Also rut upon Personal application tit x number of
et p thereby;that aaid lmprnveas Isnot asked for idem owners of property to be assessed
I� by a petition of n majority of the owuere of Holcombe's Addition,Alley Grading, Block therefor tit n henrbig before aaid board;we an
kg Iia property to be asesssed therefor.but ata hear- 13— with send a plan of sold improvement, unci an
Repoa7 01•soan9 n]•pcuuc woags. lug before enid board a number of property To the Common Council 0f the City of St.Paul: order for your adoption, if you desire its to
St"n Street Gradin— owners interested appeared and asked for aaid The board of public works have had under make the Improvement.
ll'sB improvement:we herewith eend a plan end pro- consideration the resolutlun or order otthecom- Yeels 3,nays 0.
To the Contmov Council of the City of St.Paul: file of enid improvement,and an order for your moo council,approved April 3,1890,relative to J.C.QmRnv.President pro Lem.
The board of ppublic works have ander consfd' adoption.IC you desire tie to make the improve- grading the aIle}•In Alock 1R of Hulcomlr's to J.T.Keagen. �-
eration the resolutiojt or order f the common n n[ dicton,and,having Investigated the proposed Clerk of the Board of Public Works. i
I council,approve t Mareh 19,1890,relative to tyeae,3;nay.•O f p ovement: June 13,1890.
+I the gradingg oP S[ickney street,from Concord J.C Qul' y,President pro tem. Iteepecttully report that said improvement in Adopted. (Seu order to Board of Public
street to th south city Ifnd[s,and.having in- J.T.Reagan, neo[reearyreand proper: that the estimated ex- Wurks.)
...ligated the proposed im erovement. Clerk of the Board of Public Works. ppeenes,thereof le 8165,one-half of which need not Also,
Respectfully report that aid(merovrment is June 13.18A0 be paid into the city treasury before thecontracc D(ackubin&Diurshall'e Addition—Alley Grad- 3 3
�I l necessary and➢roper: that the a timated ea- Adopted lees order to Board of Public Works). ie let:that real estate to be ssessed therefor log,Biock 25.
=sty is S8.81i0,one-half of which need Also can be found benefited to the extent f the To[he Common Cotmcil of the City of St.Paul:
• not be paid into the clip treasury before the cost and expen necessary to bef icurredtbere- The board of public works have had under
contract ie tet: that rent estate to be aseeeaed Fairmount Place Sewer— by;that said improvement is not asked for bye The
the resolutlun order of the
thereto can be found benefited to the eatent of To tae Common Council of the lity of St.Paul: tltioI of n majority of the owners of property common council,app owed April 10,1890.reis-
h i the coat and expenses necessary to be Incurred The board of public works have had under to be.see. d therefor,but we herewith Saud a five to grading the alley In block
thereby;that said improvement is not asked consideration the reeolutiou or order of the
, al'sr t$ yy,,,_ n
b '
A t' having investigated Also, provement,and an order for your adoption,6 mine street,from Rice arrest to DlieelI rd etreet ;:�•
Ir Marshall's addition,and, 6t.Paul Prolkr—Allen�o.'l,Paving— you desire ua to make the improvement. with the request that you annul said order,anti G
Li Lha Proposed improvement: -yeas,8;nn O. that said board be allowed tonmm d their
h that
it Is
Respeetfully report that said Improvement is To Me Common Coundl of the C'lty of ec.Paul: Qmnax,President pro tem. dated July 18,1889,so ns to d that es la
�) necessary and report that the estimated ex- The board o1 Fubllc works hsvehad undereon- J T%Farren necessary and proper to grade and bridge Jeeaa-
NN passe thereat Pa 8040,one-half of which need sideration then solution or rder of th Active Clerk o1 the Board of Public Works. mine strcet,[rom Rice atteet to idleeleslppi
street, ,y
11 note herd into the city.,,of
before thetas- mon council,a proved.{Aril 10,1890,rn a nd enid board also reapect[ully request.your
Il June t,1890.
tract is let;that mal estate to be assessed there- to paving the ey,known ea I:o.2,block 12, Adopted. (See order to Board of Public honorable body to pass s new Ansi order,as
fox can be found benefited to the extent of the St. '"' groper,nnd,having Inceetigated the Work..) amended.for asld Improvement. -
coat nd expenses necessary to be incurred Deed improvement: Also A proper final order fore id Improvement Is
thereby,that aid imtprovement fs not asked v Rceeasl>eeytglly pPoper that�Lti ncedar improve,
cka ethat Lawson(�Ierri9)Stmet Opening,etc.— hemxith submitted(or your adoption.
by a petition of a orfty of the wnem etdd To the Common Couucll of the CYty of 5t.Paul: J.C.Qoixay,Iresident pro tem.
Dut fa petitioned for by a�srge number of actual the estimat expense themof to 5617,one-halt The board of public works have had under J.T.Kaxaea,
•'�� afdeut owners of p operty to be aeseseed there- oP'which need not be pntd Into the city treasury coneideratfou the resolution or order of the Clerk of the Board
of Public Works.
tor,and we herewith send a plea and profile of before the contract is let;that real aetsto to be common council,appLroved April a,1890,rela- June 30,1890.
said improvement,and an order for your adop- assessed therefor can be found beseflted Lo the Live to the opening f Merrill street,from Rice +Adopted,said order,approved wag.S.1889,
;• tion,If you desire ne to make the improvement. ..tent of the coat nnd expenses necessary to be
yeas,9;..Ys'a incurred thereby: that said f&provement fe street to SSlvan treat,to n uniform width of repealed and annulled,and aid board allowed
J.C.Quuar,President pro tem. asked for Dy a Petition of a )orlty of the i.ty feet,and havi➢g investigated the proposed to amgenndte It said report dared July 10,1889,
�• J.T.Kt:altay, d.
owmera o[P�nrty to b¢assessed tberefoc,and imp ovemem: a Yeas, 17. (See order to board of public
Clerk of the Board of Public Works. we hems nth and sn glider for v��=leddoaiion,ii Respectfully 'port that it is necessary
June G,1890. Prove P and pa aper to open,widen and extend Law- works.) Also
Adopted. (bee order to board of public desire
as t.make the improvement. son Lreet (formerly Merrill street), be-
9 works.) Aleo, yeas,a;nays,O. tween R(ce street and Sylvan treat;that the Leslie Avenue.Chatsworth and Milton Streets
. Gurnee
Street GrxamR J.C.Reiner,President pro tem. estimated expense the] fe$2,600:that reel Gr-
di l
'I To Lhe Common Council of the City of St.Paul: J.T.I.sagea. estate to he assessed therefor can be found bets- To the Honorable,the President and Common
The board of public t•orks have had under Clerk of the Board of Public Works. eared to the extent of the damages,costa and Connell of the Citc of St.Poul:
consideration the resolution.,or order of theca'- Jtme 6,1890. pe see necessarymnl to be incurred thereby:that Gentlemen: The board of publle works Dere
ll I mon council approved Mw'h ri, 1890, relative Adopted. (See osier to board otpublic warke.) said improvement fe not asked for by a petition with I" The
Il the final order a sheaved
to r council
of(ltrtfee street,trom'Luth Rob- Also, of a majority but by a large number of the own- j�fay 9,1890,for the Brading of Leslie en e,
art etiQet[o Concord street,and having th Rob- re of property to be assessed therefor,and we-from Victoria street to Lexington venue; all,
Western Avenue Saxer— herewith send a 1 t asid Im rovement,and the final order, ppro!I May 9, 1890, for
gated the proposed Improvement: To rhe Commai Council of the City of St.Paul: an order for your adoption.if you desire us to grading Chatsworth street,from Laurel avenue
8 REspeetfully report that said improvement The Donrd of public works have had der make the improvement. to Goodrich avenue;and also the Anal order,
is necessarc and proper;that the etlmated x- consideration the resolution or order of the yeas,3; eye.n, approved June 6,1890,for the grading of Mil-
pense thereof ie 811 22',t; nrhalt u[which need common council,nPproved April 16,1890,rela- J.C.Qm.ey,PreeWent pro tem. ton street, from Laurel avenue to Fairmount
not be paid into the city treasury before the con- live to the conetrnotion of a,ewer on Western J.T.K.—.., nv-nue,with the request that you vi 1 aid
I tract 1s let;that real estate to be assessed there- n e,from notion
to Universit venue, Cierk of the Board of Public Works. orders nnd allow said board to amend their re-
n for can be found benefited to the exteae t ad.having Investigated the proposed improve- June 0,1890. ports listed respectively Aprit 22,1890,May B,
I, Lfie cost
and a pentte' nttesanry to be stege d Adopted.(See order to boardof public works.) 1890,and June a,189u:so ea to read that 1t Is
I Incurred thereby:thwt said improvement is not _=`pectfullY report that it fe n ary an Also, ry nnd proper to Ipxde Leslie avenue,
ked for by am thiol,but .Pau it 0 1 aP- tom t&i construct w saver on Western avenue, Capitol Avenue.Ireland and Hubbard Streets from Vlctoeia'trom to Le.ingten avenue,Chvt b
eSfcation of a—seed
t the ow ofaproP- Po Martin street to University ave i e,m- Grudlvg— wv rth street,from Luttrel xvevun to Goodrich
tS to be d therefor,at hearing before nether with the necessary catch bnslns wed man- T the Common Council o[Lfie City of 6t.Paul: and Milton street,from Laurel
said nxelom
board;w8eherewith send a Plan a d profile no es:that the tfmated pens' tbwereof le The board of public work,have had nder CL eFairmount nvei avid RriWing to be don
f enid im➢rovement,and au der for your sl,lul,one-half of which need not be p Id Into nsideratfov the resolution o rder f the 'wider one contract a d said boanl also res-
( i adoption,1f Sou denim us to make the Improve- the city treasury before the contend is let:that Common conn 1,approved APOI 3,1890.tela- peetfiilly renuest}'our
honorable body Lo➢Aga
t. e,estate to be assessed thetefne caii be founds Live to the grading [ Capitol ave lie,f'lanv ew ane]order,ae nmevded,for said Improve-
mYeas 4;u os,0. benefited to the extent of the coat wed ezpe and Hubbard street, from Hsmline en rn nt.
a- R.L.Gos>twv.president. 11Peeysary to De Incurred thereby:that. aid 1m easterly to Lexington,and,having investigated .t pro r final order for said im r vement is
J.T.Kansas. ip—esmevt Is not asked for by a petition of a S
Clerk of the Board o[P.M.Works. majority of Lfie woeve of Property to De ae Lfie proposed Improvement. i s Derexith submitted for j-v, to yant p
June,la,1890. d therefor,Dnt we berexith d a plan of ,Ar to gr report that a lei e ry and T.C.Qunvuy,President pro tem.
Adopted. (See order of board of Public ealA Improvement,and art order for your ndnp- proper to grade Capitol nvei v,Ireland treat T.T.KClerk
Workel. Also. tion.R you deaf'us to make the improvement. a Hubbard treat on avenue,
s from Ham- Clerk of the Board lit Public Works.
J Ch¢ltou Avenue Grading— yeas,3;nays.0. line avenue to Lezington avenue.said grading to June 1 i,1890.
To the Common Council of the City of St.pau1: J,C.Qclnsy,President pro tem; be done under one contract;that the estimated Adopted and said anal orders approved May
The board of public works have had under J.T.KeaBisa, a opense thereof is 87,200,one-hilt of which need 0.189u,nnd said final order approved June 6,
1 )
consideration the ricoworks a order of the Clerk of the Board of Public Works. n t De paid Into the city treasury before the 1890,'pexied nnd annulled,and said board t-
common Bonet approved April t0,der o tela- Julie 0,1890. contract>d let;that real .tate to be aeseased lowed to amend as n qnested their said rep rts
Lice to the grading of Chalton itcenu.from Print therefor taut be found benefited to the extent of dated respectively A, 22,1890,3fay 8,% "\
Adopted. (Bee order to board of public the cont and expenses necessary to be incurred and June 3,1890. �exe,17.
to Fairview avenue,and,having Investigated works.). thereby;that said improvement 1s not inked (gee order to board of public works.)
the proposed Improvement: Also, for by a petition of a nia)ority of the owners, Also,
Ree ecthilly report Lhat ft Is necessary and but u on personal apPlicatiou of a large num-
Goodrlch Avenue Graduig— P
stop i to grade Chelton avenue, from Prior bar o[ dual resident owners of property to be Congress Street Grading—
tt t Fnfrvfew avenue,that the estimated TThe Roard o(ipublfcworkshavehaduoderrcon eesesaed therefor,at a bearing before said board, 7'o the Common Caunefl of the
City of gt.Paul:
eapenee the of is 8784,one-psi(of which n e aiderxrioii the resolution or order of the Com- and we herewith send a plan and profile of said The board of publfe w rka have
had ander
not be perrl Into the cl tyetmasury before th n Cnunctl,aPi roved Se➢tember 7th, 1889, lmpro ement,and an order for your adoption, conalderation the approna,luved
n orders of the
contrnet f'let;that 1 [ate to be wseeeeM mjative to the grading of Goodrich avenue from 1[you desire tis Lo make the improvement. common
c9,approved Julie 8,1889,and
I I therefor can be foundreben<flted to the extent of yeas,3;rw, 0. April to'1890,relative to the grading of CI
the coat and espeneee neceeeary to be incurred Fairviewgaavenue to Al�inprovement havmghivee- J.('.Qmnav,Pre'ldent pro tem. green street,from Cambr(dge (Bancroft street/
I, thereby;that Id Improvement 1s not asked ti [ed the y`oreose tm-t to Brown avenue,and hsvinginvestlgated
1 1 toe b unfits of w pr.vrityof tbeowners o[ asps t1n1: port that it ry and J.T.Kayneµ,
to,b property to De a saegeed tnerefor,but a bene- Asea�r to grade Goodrich avenue,from Fnlrview (,lark of the Board of PUDIic Works. the proposed Improvement: p�rovemev
e to Cleveland 'that the estimated June]}•1890. R'.nr—'fuliy report that Bald im stated
with send n pint and profile of 'o imnrov-e- ve thereof Ix 1fa,01'J.00,one halt o[ bich Adopted. (See order to board of public of necessary and proper[or the
i) ant,and an or lector your aAoption,it you de iixeed of becpaid into the city treasury before works.) 1n the report of the city engineer herewith Lrsve-
,B1l este us to make the improvement. the teat ie fat; tbnc 1 estate to be Also, initted.
Y-ass,3.va7e,tO.Qvivay.President pro tem. assessed therefor ran
be found benaflLM to the Te,eamive Street Grndivg and Hr odglv¢— yews.3,nays.O. president tem.
stent of the cos[And expenses neceseax9 to be To the Honorable,the President a d Common J 1.Qmvav, pro
Y' J.T.K.—_' rred thereby: that xafd se.a amentvls not Conned of the Cit o[St.Paul: J.T.Keaasn,
(,'lark of the Board of public Works. Inc.In ked(or by a petition of a I_" f the Gentlemen. The Board of public works hereClerk of Lfie Board of Pnhlic Works.
June 10.1890. re ( ty to De eaaeesed tberefor but . wlth apectfully turn the final order, ap- June led 1890.
rs{ Adopted. (See order to the board of public xe herewi h send a pian and profile of said im- proved Aug.8,1889,for the grading of Jesea- Adopted.
,d.r ..SN:t�'-'f'•'-i`'s+.�r,r•'.. F .c ;z--M 777-- : .__ a'3 g'..A, .'�..t' '�• ';s"'=":. ,S -sr3,'r'r`23.'fix,}4t...: `"+e r' =',
Also, Aleo, common council, ap moved April 3,1890,rela- y
q, Also, Simpson Avenue GrAlso, Frank Street Grading- the to the construct of a sewer on East Win-
Winslow Avenue Grulso, To the Common Counetl of the
Q[p of 6t.Pani: ,(red street,from Concord street to 9[ate street,
To the t w Avenue
Council of Ins Ch,y of St.Paul. To the Common Council t the City of Saint The board of public 'orke have had under and,having investigated the proposed Improve-
The board t yPblfc 'P ks have had under Paul: coualderstfov the resolution or der of the LOW:
1 noaaidrratlon the resolution o rder [the The board of public works have had under common col-61. approved Aug.22,1888,rela- pect(ully report that said improvement
nc 1 upPmceA April H,1890,relx- c nsideration the resolntton rder t Lbe five Lo the Reading f Prank street,from Ener not necesenry and pproper t Chia time.for
Live toottthe grading f \ylnsloiv ave from common veil,approved Apr11r18,1890;repro Seventh street to Go Ps street,and,having in reason that at a❑enrlug before sero board
Prospect Terrace to('vrtice street,and,having Live to the grading of SlmPsou avenue aatl vestlga[ed thn proposed improvement: large majority of the owners f the property to
iucee[tgatetl the proposed Imp men[: AflPnehnha .reset to Cuivereity eveune, Reapectto ly reportthat Paid Improvemeut is be aexeseed protested against the proposed tm-
j 1teaPecttully report,bat said mProvement is having investigated the ProPao••ed Improvement: not neceaea[y and{toyer L this time,
for the
no[necessary a d}'roper at this time,for the RespectfullS report Lhat aid improvement I. xasou that at a hearing before Bald board,all yeas 3;nays O.
non that at hearing before said board a not necessary d proper at this Line,for the persona pre ant Interested were opposed to the J.C.QmvaY,President po cam
" - large majority of the ownere of the propertyiw re r that the city a neer has reported en proposed improvement. J.T.KEIutEa,Clerk of inn Board [ Pub1fC
Id board that said v u fe not open between yens,3;Paye,O Works.
be assessed x'ere opposed to the proposed i l olverefty avenue and Charles street. J.C.Quwnc,President pro tem. JuneAdopted.14,1800.
t provemeat yews,3;na-v.,0. J.T.KEREEx,
�. yeas,3;naps,0. J.C.QUINHY,President pro tem. Alan,
J.C.QmvaY,President pro tem. Clrrl of the Board o[Public Works. Baker Street Sewer
i; J.T KERKEH, J.T.KERKER, June 12.1890.
Clerk ut the IIoard o[Public\Yorks. Clerk of the Boark of Public Works. Adopted. To the Common Council of the City of St.Paul:
•I June Cls loft. June 7,1890. Also, The board of public x'orks have had under
'p Adopted. Adopted. Also. Summit Avenue Sewer- consideration the resolution or order of the core-
Adopted. Seventh Street Widening- To the Common Council of the city of St.Paul: mon council,approved April 3, 1890,relative
Ala., To the Common Council Of the CRY of St.Paul:
g. Brown Avenue Grading- The board of public work"hate had uulee Com- to the construction of a sewer on Baker ,Leet,
i,K To the Common f bunch of the Qty of St.Paul: The board Of
public works dove had under sideration the resolution or order of the cpm- from Cherokee avenue to Ohio street,and,hav-
The board of public works have had under consideration the resolution or order of the mon council,apuroved Dec. 19, 1888, relative (uR investigated the proposed 1m rovement
cousfderntion the rexolutton or order of theeme- common council,approved May 21,1890,relA- to the cone[ructwn of a sewer on Summit ace- Respectfully report that said improvement
•i mon council,approved Aril 10,1890, relative Live to the widening of West Seventh street,from Snellin avenue westward to 3f i.-I not necessary and proper at this time
for the
e,from Congress \'lew street to Tuscarora avenue.condemning nue,from g
,l to the grading o raxtt "imus,
sleslppi ricer,and,having investigated the pro- reason that at a hearing before said board a8
1 street to Winifred street,and,having investlgat- `Iola tyylnnR��noPblockou 7�C7e k'e addition posed improvement: the
Peraone present interested were opposed to <
ed the proposed Improvement: ee Respectfully report that said improvement Is the proposed improvement.
Respectfully report that said improvement is to 3c.Paul,or as much as urs,Pari,haw- not necessary and proper rid
tune. yeas,3;nays,U.
r not necessary end proper at[file time. for the inR incest(gated the proposed improvement: yeas,3,nays,0 J.C.Qolvnv,President pro tem.
reason that at a hearing before said board 11 Reapectlully report that said provemeat ie J.C.QmNHY,President pro tern. J.AeT.k of the,
persons present interested were opposed to the not necesaarp and proper nc this time J.T.KERKEx, Clerk of the Board of Public Works.
Deed improvement. yeas 3,Pays O Clerk of the Board of Public Works. June 14.1890.
1,. Prop J.C.QwN.v,Pm.Ident Por tem. Jane 8,1580. Adopted.
]Yeas,4;Pape 0. d
i R.L.Gox.leN.Piesldent. J.T.KEHK£R,(.jerk of the Boar t Public Adopted. Also, 4 Also,
_l ( J.T.KENKEII, Works. Be Soto Buret Opening and Nideuing- Conway Street=-1e,
- I,J Clerk o[the Board of Yublic\York". June 10.1880. To the Cammou Council o[the CYty of St.Pani: To the Common Councll of the(tits of St.Paul:
June 13,1890. Adopted. The board of public works have had under The board f Public works have had under
1 Adopted. IlPO' conalderation the reaomtlon or order of the consideration the resolution or order of thecom-
Also, Gernnivm Street Grading- common council,approved March fifth,1890, ion Councll,approved dfav 9,1890,relative to
Oxford Street Grading- To the common Cowled a[the City of 9L.Paulo relative to the opening slid widening of De Sow the construction of a sewer on
Conway street,
r tt ij To the Common Council of the City of 6t.Pau]: The board of public works have had under street,from Brainerd avenue to the north city from\farts avenue to
Commercial street,and
The board of public trorke have had under consideration the reeolufion or order of the limit.,and,having investigated the proposed having iuveacigeted the proposed improvement:
consideration the Reolution or order of the common council,approved APr1119,18tl9,rel"- iinprovemeut: Respectfully report that maid improvement is
,i common council,approved\fay 21.1890,rola- t(ve to the grading of Geranium arrest,from Respectfully report that said Improvement ie not necessary and Proper t this time, for
!. :f Live is the grading rf Oxford street,from St. Rice street to Mississippi street,and having in- not necessary aud roper st this time on nc- reason that.a
large majority of the owners of
Clair street [o Grand avenue,Pari,Pacing In- veetigsted the propo.e improvement: count o[the opPoaltPon manifested by the prop- the property to be assessed are opposed to the
'4 vestigated the proposed improvement: Resfiecttnlly report that raid improvement is arty owmex at former hearing before said construction of enid sewer.
Respectfully report that`Pid improvement 1. not necessary and proper at this time,for the board In said atter. yeas,:I;nays,O. -
333 not necessary and Proper at thea rime,for the reason that anti street ie not open full width yeas 3,nays 0. .1.C.QwaaY,President pro tem.
t I reason that at n hearing before said board none between Sylvnu street and the right of way of J.C.QUINnY,President pro tem. J.T.KEaKER,
(. of the property be aase.xed appeared the St.Paul and Northern Pacide Railway com- J.T.KERKEIt, Uerk of the Board of Public W'Prke.
1. fn
is of the proposed improvement. parry. Clerk Board of Public Works. June 10,1890.
Yeats,3;nuYx,n. Yeu..S;nays•O. June U,1890. Adopted.
J.C.QL'INPY,President Pro tem. J.C,QUw'aY,President P[O Lem, AQOPfed• Also
! J.T.REItKEH. J.T.KERKEa. Also, Payne Avenue Ssw•er-
it444 Clerk nt the Board of PubllC Works. Clerk of Boars of Publle Works. Perk Yisre Pnrk Driveway Paving- To the Common Council of the Qty of St.Paul:
�.i June 14.1690. Tune 1 i.1880. To the Common Council of the City of St.
Paul: The board of Publle t. rkn have had under
Adopted. Adopted. The board of blit work.have had under rowlderation the resolution or der of tom•
I • Also Ahm, c Th,Imaion theurasolutf n or order f the mon a loll approved April H. 1880, relative
Rose Street Grading- Beech Street Grading- common conned,approved)fa 9 1890,relative to[he constructlan of a sewer ou Paylleaverme
To the Common('onnMl of the Qty of Bt. Pani: To the Common Councll of the Clty of 6t.Pawl: to paving Lhe driveway in Purk Ylxce Ynrk with from Jexxumine street to Dfnrylxud
The LoarA of rublic works have find under The board of public Deka have had under cedar blocks,and,having investigated the pro• baying Investigated the proposed Improvement:
t I�li Cousideratfoi rifle rexolubon'or order of the consideration the resolution or°rder of the posy[tin cuvement Re.pecttuliy report that xeid Improvement le
common council,approved April Ipth, 1889, common council,aPproved April 16 1800.reIM Respectfully report that said Improvement is not uea'essery Rud Proper at thlx time,for the
relative to the gtarling of Roxe street,Imo Rloe Live to the gRrrading o1 Beech sties t,from English not necessary and pro(mr at this time,for the reason that PC x hearing
before said board none of
street, to Dlixeixxipyi street,and, having lu- eveune to Wht[e}year avenue. rod,having ln• reason that no sewer fine been constructed the Prolrerty owners to bn esxesxed ayyeaxd
vestige[ed the propoxed Imyrovement: vestllPlted the Proposed Im(rrovemenC along the driveway In aid Park Placa Park. favor of the proposed lmyrovennant.
tl Heapectlully report that Bald Improvemeut le Respectfully report that Bald Improvement le yeas 8;(lays 11 Yeas 8;nays 0.
not necewlnry e1W Prajrer at this time, tar the not necessary and proper at this time,tot the ,T,O,(jutvfiY,President pro tem. J.C.QOrvnv,President pro tem.
reason that sn1r1 street Ix not oppeen fldi width lesson that at a hearing before opeamibooed a J.T.KExaen, J.T.KEnRF.H,
between sylvan street and the right t way of mnjurRp of the ornters of the:prolxrty to be Clerk of the Board of Public Wnrke, Clerk of the Board of Public Works.
- the Bt.Paul d Northern Pnefdc Hallway com- assessed were opposed to the proposed improve- June 11,1890. June Id.1tl80.
pan>,. merit. Adopted. Adopted.
,I yens,3;Payr,0. Yeas,4:hays,0. Also, Also,
�I J C.QUINBY,President pro[em. R.L.Goax.tx,President. Eget Winifred Street Sewer- sixth Street[,'hotge of Ornde-
J.T Reaaea, J.T.KERKEH. To the Common Councll of the Qty of St.Paul: To the Common C'ovnci]of the City of tit.Paul:
Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Cierk of the Board of Public Works. The board of public w ke have had under The board of Publle works have under coa-
1 June 17,1890. June 13.1890. couelderatfon the resolution or order of the etderatfon the resolution or order of the com-
I'I' Adopted. Adopted.
,a.�• ;�G:{ via w< 't - +la r§-4r>yws Ff'"�' 5'a,t �`tl.rt}•"'tJ.wu11E' ..-x.�p
230 common council. PProved Nov. 20. 1889,'your honorable body for further Instructions In
man council,approved Dee 18,1889,relative Adopted d city clerk Instructed to give relative to the opening,widening and extension a id matter. J.C.QuISBY,President pro tem.
to a change of grade on Sixth
having investigated necessary publication nottice. of Plato avenue,between Hubert treat and aid
y to John treat,an Chicago Avenue O i cc.— CDater(Irate CISY street),ht BazlHe 8- Roberta Clerk Board of Public Works.
i the proposed improvement: pen ng,a dditiom through tDnc part of the eouthweet June 10,1890.
1 Respsnttully .port that It is eceeeary and , the Common Council of the City
of St.Paul: yimr[er or'ou[hwest quarter of section 6,town Aldermnu of the wad.
pp oper to change the grade oil Sixth.,treat,from The board of public works have had under 2g,range 2_,south of the north line at Pinto Also,
roadway to the easterly line of John street,as conalderntfou the xesolutlon or order f the venue,it extended west,and north of the south Hemline Avenue Gradiug—
t Indicated by the red line on the acro thereof ie Live to the council,
ngpPr d tettsioed Jan.n 1887,C 'cago line of cue lame it extended west,and.,sat of he
t iII py ofile:that the eetlmated expense av east line o[Custer street,and,having Invest(- To the Honorable,the Pre8ldent and Common
C g2u0;that real tate to be nsseesed therefor avenue,from Custer street to Starkey etreec, ga[d the proposed Improvement: Council of the City
of St,Pnnl:
can be found benefited to the extent of the dam- mud,having luvestfgsted the proposed improv¢- Respectively report that ft ll necessary and
Gentlemen: In the matter of the preliminary
ages,costa and expenae.neceeenryto be Incurred tnent: pprroper to open,widen and extend Plato nveuue, oder.rapppr ved Apra 16,1890,for the grading
}kj thereby; that. said improvement Is not racked Respectfully report that it is necessary and between Livingston avenue (formerly Hubert of Hamllue avenue,fmm Summit avenue
31 for by a petition of a majority of Lhe owners of proper to open,xideu and extendChicago ave- street)and Sterkny inset:brat he eetlmated Randolph street,the bond o!public
works re-
III property to be asnesed therefor,but we herr ¢between(,Dater street and etarkep street; expensr thereof is S6U0:that 1 orate to be epec[(ullyy beg leave to report flat
Said board fe
with send plan surd Profile t.,std improve
that the estimated espenee thereof Ie$600;that a.aessed therefor can be found benefited to the advised by the city engineer that there seems to
went,1t you desire to make the improvement. real estate to be aesesaed therefor can be found extent of the damages,costs%d expenses neces- be no record ahowingt at said avenue
is opened
]ane,e;nays,0. benefited to the extent of the damages,coats Bary to be Incurred hereby;that said Impruvr on the West able,between Randolph street surd �.i
J.C.Qmvnv,President protea. d expenses necessary to be lncurnd therebp; aunt is uoc asked for by ape[ltionof a majority JeReno.avenue,and also that said avenue be-
J.T.KEaxea, that s id improvement is not asked for by a of the cancra of property to be aaeeeeed there- cwcen Osceola an Goodrich avenues Is en
(jerk of the Board of Public Works. petition of n majority of the owners of property or,but we herewith send a plan t said im. feet narrower than on either elle o[thele limits:
June I6,1890. [o bra aso f- therefor,but we herewith send a t 1 an order for your adoption,1t in view of these facts aid board respectfully -
Adopted and mty clerk instructed to give net- plan t said imp ovement,and en order for your yrutddesir us to make the for
k your honorable body for catcher instruc-
?! eseary publication uotAice, adoption,1f you desire us to make the Improve- Y'eae,d;bays,0. tions In said matter.
meat. J.C.QUiRey,President pro tem. J.C.QUlvur,President pro tem.
Pine Street Change of Grade— Vesa,8;nage,0. I1 J.T.K. Ea. J.T.REaxEa,
To tbn Common Council of the City of 5t.Paul: J.C.QUmay,President pro tem. Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Clerk of the Board of Public Works.
The beard of public works ka have had der J.'f.KEakeR, June 0,1890. June 0.1890.
consideration the solution or order of the Clerk, the Boars of Public Works. l'ommictee on effects. Alderman of the ward.
1 common council,approved Dee.18.t889,refs- June 6.1890. Also All., _
°. Live to a change of gi'�de on Pine street,from Commlt[ee on streets. _
Fifth to Seventh,and,braving hinted the Also, Sam Dearing'. Petition, Vacating Waseca Fryy Street Grmlin
proposed improvement: Lake Como and Yhnleu Avenue and Other Street,etc.— To the Honorable t6 President and Common
dC I Respectfully report that It le necessary and Streets Grading— To he Honorable the President and Common Council of the City of S[.Poul.
: �; proper to change the grade on Pine street,be• To the Common CouncH of the City o!St.Paul: Couvoll of he City of St.Paul: Gentlemen: The bond of public works
tween Seventh street rand he southerly line of The Doard of Vublic works Dave had uudeT GeutlemAn:The'board f public works here• with re8rAp rlli return Lite preliminary,order,
Fttth street,ae Dndfceted by the red Ilse on he oun(deratlon the resolntioue or orders of the with flails return the till of Sam pFrOved Apr1119, 1890,In tit matter
e f o St.
atcomspeanylnR profile,and that the eetlmated common eomncii,appproved re.,pectively May 21. Dea=f re ifiti Ehe matter of vnathtq W seas street .1 Fry street, Irom li niverslty
nen to fit.
aspen thereof Is$100;that real est ate to be ae- IR9U,relative to th gradingp o[Lake Como and between George and Aoble streets,and the ex- Anthony avenue,with the report that
said board
sewed therefor can be(Quad benefited to the ex- phxlen sterane.Nebraeku,Kaneae and Idaho teaslon of Bellow-street through block 2 of Nel- Is advised b}•the city endneer that
said street
tent of the damages,costa and expenses necea- etreetn,from Rice tenet to Oauld.r sIrect.sad on,King&Stevens Addition to West St.Paul, Is t open ben im I•niver.ity venue rand
nary to be incurred thereby; that sold Improve- Albemarle and Marion etreeis,from Lake Como In Iteu of fd vncetlollthe report that Shields tvenue,sndanid board therefore
e t Is not asked!orbya pntltion of a majority and Phalen avenue to Idinpeapolfs avenue:and said board have no jurinifctlon In the matter of fully ask pour bomatter. body
for further 1n-
�j of the owners of propert}ato be aeee.,.etl there- ala.Woodbridge street Irom Nebrsaka to Min- vacating streets. etructlons Ill call matter.
for,but we herewlth scud Plau and profile , a osis Ric.Street Villas,and,ban- J.C.Qun'nr,President pro tem. J.C.Qmxsr.President Oro tem.
� said Improvement, if you desire to make the Ingg nvestigated the proposed Imurovement: J.T.KER6ER, J.T.KenarR,
imerovement. ResVectfuily rep rt that it is ecei sary and Clerk o[the Board of Public Works. Clerk of the Board of Public Works.
lege,8;nays,U. roper to grade Lake Como and Phalen nveuue, June 11,1800. June]0,1of t
J.C.Quinsy,President pro tem. D Alderman of the Wad. Alderman of the ward.
i from Rice street s Gaultier street;Nebraska Also
J.T.KEaken. avenue,Irom Rice street to Gaultier street;Ksn- Also
erk of the Board of Public Works. sus avenue,from Rice street to Gaultier street: Chatsworth Street Grading—
Cl June 10,1890. Idaho venue, from Rice street to Gaultier St.Clair Steeet Grading— To the Honorable the President and Common
i 1 i'I Adopted and city clerk instructed to give lice- street;Albemarle street,from Lake Como and To he Honorable the President nud Comoro° Council of she CYty
of Sc.Paul.
eseary publication notice. Phalen avenue to Dtinueapoli.,avenue;Marlon Council of the City of S[.Pawl: Geutlemen: The board f public works here-
1 <d Also, creat.from Lake Como and Phalen avenue to Geutlemen: The board of public with respectfully return the Erelimfuary order, -
d Olive Street Change of Grade— Minneapolis --ons, and Woodbridggee street, with respectfully return the reeoiutiou it puroved April 16.1890,in the matter of
grad- .b
,I 1 To the Commo tounI.of Lhe City f St.(Paul: from Nebrnskav a u e tp 11m.eapoliso venue, \fay 29,1890,in the m iter of the gra�lhtg o[ ung Chatsworh street, from Carroll
trent d
I+ I 1T board of Public rvoeke have Dad d T a id sling to De done ural r o treat: 9t.Clair street from fifty feet eget o[Aldg�woofl Nfnnehnhu treat,with the
report that said
I. f IiI tonslderatio. the resolution o der o[ the that the tlmated peose thereof ie 310,826, -¢ue to Lesogton av i rip the pert board are advised by thec(ty cram
ser,that there
. I
m r until, pp ved D r18=1889, m- one-half f vhSch need t be p 1d alto the city that said board have received no preliminary or- no records t file with nal board or
In the
LLL }I�i Live to s change of grade o 011ca street,t treasury before I a tract is let;Lhet 1 es- der[or aaid grading. abstract ofiicroOnto show that the net
aide of
Fifth to and,having inveatignted he tate to be assessed therefor an De found bene- J.C.Qunvay,President pro tem. said Chatew'or[D treat ie opened between t;ur-
�� �� proposed imyyr ve vt: flted to the extent of the coat and xpensm net- J.T.KEREER. roll street and St.Anthony avenue.Ig ii�
Respectful report Lbnt it is eceesury and sure to De incurred thereby;het said im- Clerk Board of Public Works. J.C.Qm Y.Presftlent pro tem.
proper to change the grade n 011ve street.De- p t 1. caked[or Dy a petition o[s - June 10,1890 J.T.Keamea.
Seventh etteet nud the eo therly Ilse of P qty of the ox vers of propert gto be assessed Alderman of the word. Clerk o[the Board 0[Public Works.
iL i III Fifth street,as fbdi k,; d by he red line on Lhe therefor,and x'e herewlth send plat and pro- 1�o Jure 10.1890.
F W i�•i'�II accompanying proms; that the estimated I. file of aaid improvement and a der for your Alderman of he mord.
s� thereof Is 8100: that 1 tate to be adoptlon ff You desire vs to make the improve- Fal Vv 11'Avenue Gradog— Also,
astaeseed therefor can be found benefited to the went. To Lhe Honorable,the Pt.,cot and Common
McBoal and Other Streets Sidewniks—
.. extent ol.the damages,costs rand expeneesp aces- V-ems.8;nays.0. Council of the City of St.Paul:
sary to be fncurnd therebp: hat said im rove- J.C.QUIHBY.President pro tem. Gentlemen: The board at public works Dere- TO the Honorable he President and Common
1 evt 'or
asked for petition of a maiorlty J T.KEnkei[, wi[b eepect(ulIT hry the pre]imoery oder Council of the Clty of St.Paul
o[he owmety of p operty to be aesessad there- Clerk of the Board of Public Works. pproved Feb.19,1890,In the matter of Stud. Gentlemen: The board of public works here-
in""" for,but we beren' send a plan and Profile of Jit 17,1890. Jag Fairview nveuue,from Hewitt venue to with respectfully return the order approved
1 aaid improvement,I[you desire co make he lin ComnUttee on streets. Lexington avenue,with the report that said June 6,]89u,for he conetruetlon of wooden
1 II� provement. Also, board are advised by the city engineer that the sidewalks on both sides of 31tB9a1 street,from
I Ii e;[aye,U. x'esterly halt of laid avenue,from Eldred etleet Wilkin to West Seventh; on bof:h aides of Ram-
yeas, J.C.QUi-By,President pro tem. Plato Avenue Opevinl.Etc.—
J.T.KEngeR, To Lh Common(:cunei of the City of 6t.Paul: to to,LnitgtordPaul uveae,ie apparently elafmyyed by my,feet from Pleasanside of W t to toes[Sestern eventh,above
Clerk of the Boad of Public Works. c The board
ofpublicblieolu�lou have
der of he pally,and said board under there oreern ffirieptetfullyak Grace street wide;oil comtto(Chicago,Mil euke¢d•fit.Paul
June 16,7890. reo or
•fi5Y a :ti:s sYr:z;, s 4� Yd,;",�t,\§"'a"•"�w'r >s.•,vs �^»ir-•nuke;.. 'r �.. ,�•r F*f 'XJ^,� ��$:.k��Y�.c` <'
r r.F•'.xr .�si.1".,e'r `'" at ✓w`s '�, y - o . ,rd -
!7, i
1 ailway[-asks; or north side of Grace,from street,from Cortland street to the f6ht of way n.P.—of ErAimfm coxtmTTEE`. Committee on streets.
�. Western avenue to[Colborne street,with aces of the 6,.Paul 3 Northern Paclflc Railway com- Of Committee nn l;lalme—Joseph auaeu'e By Aid.Cmichi al—
Bary cros,w elks,to be six feet\ids,with the re- pauy,safd gradlnj to be done under one eon- Clsim,$400 damages,mistake In locating en- Reeolutlon for orders favor of pL7,ma
yort tae[said order Is too IndeHvl[e. tract,be being Lhe.wast reliable and Praponel- dots street I1ne— have take.out Dote]runners'Ilcevses.
- J.C. r I.W President pro tem. thisract,
bidder Lherelor; it f bid, 84,200; Committee recommend,that said claim be re- Committee on etmets..
J.T.KE""" bond m the aUm of $1,(10U,w'Ith John 6Chlle- farted to Corporation attorney null city a ResOlutlona for lamps as follows: Ald. Copp
Clerk of the Board of Public Works. man and James Fenstermaker Rs sureties. gineer to Prport on facts. land's,Decatur street, etc.:Ald.Gehan'a, ADI
June 10,1890. Alen, Adopted. and Rose streets,etc.;Ald.Copeland's,Edeertnu --
Alderman of the ward. Weide Avenue and Other Streets Sewer and Also, atreet,etc.;Ald.Bott'e,East Seventh street,etc.;
Also, Weide Avenue Grading Contract— John Leither's claim,$80 damages—moving Aid. Bieleuberg's,Dale street,etc. Removals,
Hewitt Avenue,Oyening and Extending— The boar.[reports that 1t has awarded Ed- �feudota street sidewalk— r..Ald.T' s. Forbes avenue,etc.; Aid.
i, To the Honorable t President and Common ward J.Kirkland and Albert R.Starkey a con- Committee recommends that said claim be re- Dorulden'e Warsaw street,etc.,Aid.Jlelady's,
Council of the(Sty of St.Paul: tract for constructing a sewer on Weide avenue, fe.rmd to corporation attorney and city ea-
ncenne and Delos street.
Gentlemen: The board of public w'orka here. from Maryland street to Lawson street;Law- gDmeer. Committee on gen.
with respectfully turn the preliminary order son street,from Welds avenue to Arcate street; Adopted. By Ald.llrN..I —
p'� �pprode.April 16,1890,In the matter of open- Arcade street,from Lawson street to Phalen Resolution making eight hours n day's labor
Ing and eatend(ng Hewitt sane,from Aldine.c. k;]oak street,from Weide venue to Ar- Of Committee on Fire Department—Ordinance for city employee niter July 1,1890.
to Fairview a tae, 'ith the report that eald cede street;'alma street,from Weide ti—nue to granting Thoe. O'Leary nerml,sion to build Al d.SRUborn o8ered substitute resolution.
!t opening was made under a anal order approved Arcade street:(:use street, from Walde P11venue frame addition oath street— Both res lutlone werereferred to committee
July 17,1889,and that the asseaement for said to Arcade street;Jenks street,from Walsh ave• Committee ret nimend.passage of said ordl- ou ways and menus.
` imyrovemeu[wxs confirmed September 18,1889.,nue to Arcade street;Cook street,from Green .aura. Ald.Sullivan R ed[o reconslder11 Pots by
T.C.QewnY,President pro[em. brier avenue to Arcade street; Magnolia street. Adopted. (See ordinance No.1,850). which rdinance Printing to hotel runner,w'1 a
J.T.K aAEn, from Greenbrier nveuue[o Cygrese street:Gera- O( mittee nn Streets,$ewers and Bridges—
'on ret rrecl to Committee on streets.
Clerk f the Board of Public Works. main street,from Greenbrier veno [o ForestAdopted,a id utter diecusslon said ordinnnee
June 6,1990. street,Jes..mine street,from Greenbrier avenue C ty Emulteer's comm iii— on. acceptance of agar referred[o committer ou etreete.
I [rom(:meexbrfer ave- .Burr street bridge— The dello i ted t to Ald.
Alderman of the ward. I'ueForeetstreeI;Rosestreet, from Committee,reports favorably and submit, Suubo use i re ,=hit
it d 3aihonn, Dobner
Also, to Forest street; Maryland street, ,olntion.
St.Anthony and Wader Avenues Sewer(Mill- GreenDrler avenue to Forest street, a d Green- TeA to ted 1 [ton aid \finer n committee to report a suitable
way sewer system)— brier avenue from Jeesxmine street to D1Rryland 1 (St's re U ) plan for redlsI le ig Lhe eicy for election pur.
T the Honorable the President and Common treet,and grading Weide ave , from Mary- Of Committee .. Police—F_ A. URlman's I' x'it
Council of the City o[SL Yaul .land eGeet Lo Wel,street, said ring d ani TD t tier of the vacation of Morton place,
' CDtiin,Li.,lice,m clpnl conrt—
Gentlemeu: The bo.rd of nubile works here- grading to lx done uvder one contract,they be- ate.eD.W.Ingersoll addition to the city of St.
with resppeecct(uliy return the reaolutlov approved (vg the lowest liable d slot ibis bmdexa Coin inittee mnkrnieOm adverse repot[. pan 1.,fvertised to be heard
at this[fust,came
tY June 6,18A0,xyuestingn said board to auuul the'therefor;summit of bid$53,249: nbond tx the Adopted. i [o\be heard,,fill the prem dent as ted
,4 tit for the c etructimn of a eau's-on m of$12,000,with S. P. Spates and John c t that objections.1f nn sad propoeeid\dare
1 I 1 St.Anthony avenue,•from Wilder ave. Lo \Vugener as sureties. Of Comntittee Or ialin-I, and Public tion would Th—be heard. n
Cleveland avenue,um, Wilder r .,,nue to! Also, Acm is Repurtsee>ara I-t No one appearing to oppose said proposed
Power street to St.Anthony avenue,and to he Beaumont Street Sewer Contract— Committee Due xan mad null found correct vocation,a resolution vacation said preudses
;i duct the pro rata I rfm for said work from the The board reports that it has awarded John reports of clerk rinalk pal court for Diay,1890; and a resolution fixing value thereof
contract for the 2[Id.y ae r .}site[ and to C.Nelson the contract forconstruction of a sew- chic[ o[ police for \ny,1890 Youudmuatere adopceUSL o
e d said contract hystriking out therefrom r Beaumont street,between h:dgerto.street True.ami Hinkel for May,1890. (S yolntions.)
the above-mentioned par tious of exid St Ali. and Bedford street,he bat. the lowest reliable Adopted Pio• ren swew'.\LR Resor-[--nova FOR rAseAce
tbony avenue and Wilder avenue,with the re- still responsible bidder therefor;amount of bid, REPORTS OF 8P 1AL COMMITTEES. JULY 15,1890.
I: port that said board has no jurisdiction In the $324;bond in the sum of 566, with James P. I Of Ald. Uormden—Wilhan Ulederich and By.11d.Copeland
(� matter of amending contracts. Adamson and Gilbert P.Rugg as su ctles. others petition asking council not to allow J.T. Resolved, That the board of public works
J.C.(;user,President pro tem. Each of the foregoing awards taken up sep- McMillan to rebuild part of packing and render- canxe nn eight(8)toot wooden sidewalk to be
J.T.KERaeR, -stein and nppparoved by following vote: jog
establishment laid on the north side of Nash street,from Mitt-
Clerk of the Board of Public Works. a
aholrer.Blelenbetg,Butt, Con Coal ittee tevommeuds that said matter be 81ssippi scree,to DeBOw street.
June I1,1890. ley,(opelxnd,Costello,Dobner;Dour(den,Flan referred to committee ou streets.
i Ju a I`a.of thew rd and corporation at Iran.Gehan, McNamee, Melody, )tinea,San tdopted.
By Ald.t o 7 1
' 1 nay horn,Sullivan,Van Slyke,Mr.President-17. Of Ald. Melady Petition of Robert Wood pe an
null others for drive\\ap ]eadI o8 Oakdale Resolved.'I"int the board of public works be
tie to Lucy street authonze,l v,construct all eight(8)foot wood
Pacific Street GradingCoritrx1, I Estimates and Claims's• n\Committee reports favorably. n aldewx.k on the c la,side f Bradley street,
t� The board reports that it has awarded Ti The board trxuemira pproved by 1t[he fol- from 31but,aha to Far�l treat.
j E thy Sweeney the contZtt for grudfng Pacific lowing eidimetea and claims,to wit' Adopted. qu er a
treat,from Forest street to Hastings avenue, Estualm No. and final, Ffitesuth street WaCELLA�'EOCa.
i i I he being the lowest reliable d responsible bid- \'er L,aokson to Canada),W. C. Doherty, ti Ordinances— as By Aid.Sullivan—
. 625;bond m 'An ordinance w read granting unto John Resolved.That the board of public works are
der therefor: gull[ f bid,36," glU•2.5u:Estimate No.9 and Hilal, M(nnehaha Grant 1 d Thomas'Cameron, co-nrtnere as
the suns of 31,2UO,\vith)Iichuel F.Sweeney and street grading (germline to Lexington),J.T. the Valley Iron works, privilege [o use and oc- hereby nuthnrized to can
six-Foot wooden
Il Thome R}•¢n as sureties. )lillimn,$889;Estinn If
No.4 Rad final,Payne f' sidewalks in the folio wing places: On south side
o 1 i i Al... ,venue,('ase street null Suns atPret Iguding, cu-y Sixth'ward levee. o[ Dayton nvemie, between Fairview avenue
111 Hall Avenue Sewer Contract— j)ale 6 Bumgnrdneq$465; Rstimate No.5 Rnd Committee on streets. Rnd Amos street,exceppt whe'e\rRlk Is already
The hour,reports that it has awarded Will- final, >Itnneh.ha street totalling (Snelling to M ordfnatce was read relating to hotel run- laid. Also,on north elde o[Iglehart
rg tam Stockton and Joh.Lindquist the contract prior),J.T.Million,$728.50:Estimate No. 6 De1's' tw'eeu Prior nd lf...avenues.except where
for coetruct(ou of a \'er on Hall avenue, end final,Fourth street grading (Mendota to Ald.Sullivan moved that rules be suspended aarlk is already laid,with necessary cr.-w'alke
4 I from Isabel gtreet to Winifred street,together guglishl,C.p1.Saudeeit, $1,6711 stimate No. null ordinance passed. in each case.
1 with the necessary catch basins and manholes,
I.supplementary to No.5 and final. county Loet. Als..........ll-ou west aide.[Wilder avenue,
they being the lowest reliable and responsible road Rrx dhig(Langford to Hendon), J. Grout, On motion of omAid Van Slyke said matter was across Deaton avenue
biddere therefor.amonat of bid,$999;bond lu $78;Estimate No.IU,supplementary to 9.J.
referred to the committee pe amainstreets.
111d final,sidewalk.(wood) contract,1889.J. Au ordinance\res read permitting d L.Lar-
the sum of$800.r\'fth Lorenz Mitech and Henryenr 77��tit" trustee, to build frame addition By Ald.Fanborn—
,y I VIII Scharflbill(g a sureties. Forrestal.$500:EatSmate No.3 and final,Sev- Rice g Irvine's addition. Resolved that the bpnrd of public works co
1tlt I Also, anti street sewer pairs (Thlydto Sherman), Committee o„are deeparcment. street six foot wooden side\ta lk on tae iwrth
Case and )ther Streets Grading Contract— P.Doherty.$694_78;Estimate No.8 and flea, An mit tee- was r n rl n endfiig Sec. 2 of IAide,ru of Dayton avenue,from Milton creel
The bo mrd reports that it has aw'rded Walton trees yatem of .ewers, 2e Ordinance No.419 impounding animals. Lexington avenue with proper crosswalks.
I' Thome Linuan the contract for grading o[Ceae Joheou,$572.50. Committee on streets.
ettcwt,fron Co tined.Greet to the right of way Committee on claims. By Aid.311,Im—
Of the Et.YeUI$.NOrthenl PaclflO Rnfl\VRy COm AEPORT OF HOARD OF F[RE COlIMIBstOVERB. AeaOlntlO. xpproprtatine $30U for Wm, By Aid.Btelenberg—
c �I % pRny:Jenks street,From Cortland street to,he 6chat works,July 4. Resolved that he board of public works cause
t 1 + IgD[.Ewan of[he fit.Paul 6 Northern Pacific Fire Alarm Boxes,lfidway Distill t—
I2aflwaS compmty'Lawson street,from Cort- - The board transmits for approval report of Committx on ways std menus a sigh[tont nooden aidewRlk to be laid,wit.
( �I� land.treat to the right of way of the St.Paul S committee relative to said flre alarm boxes. By Ah1 Dobner the necessary t o vi g'e mil each aide of llule
Northern Pacific Railway company,and Cook Committee on fire deparmeut. ftesol1i6ion for fountain for Hampden park. atter[from)fiuuehxhn street to Como avenue.
, j
yes *x. sairro " as >F '"§�,t.4 ,r "FvYr-2' �», �.� hie("` � ::5 f3-- `�;a;.r,[�`^>�. �tr ..�v" f .+r`�.'ti�� ";g• 'gs^ta'++u� _.
;' 3�.y7 4t � Ra,'�' �E 4 _<i - - •est s„�*7 ><9..��?'� �•t:��- 4 a �, - � � s r 2+-*.
� t
�I 'r
' By Aid.Dobner—
Yens—Aid.Banholmr, Bielenberg,Bott.Con AN.that nn order be drawn in Ixvoto[H.A. By Aid.Sullivan—
Resolvedthatthebbo&ru of Do toccwork.ausew afx- le}u.Ge nnt,'aI 'amlee,/lo xa�`,'ai�;esa Saubo fru, Cwnobell,being for the redetnptiou of ('ertifi Iresolf ul;ISN the
mon council that the
• and tpe same is hereby dates Numbers 1,126,1,127 1,128,erroneously name of L'uloil Park Ponce stati.0 be chugged
foot Plank sidewalk, watt suitable crosenxIlk Sullivan,Van Slyke,Mr.President-17. Issued for sidewalks on lots 9,10.11,block 41, to Prior.avenue Police stutnon, all,] then
to be Ixid uloug the west aide of Hatnlme avenue, Approved June 18,1890. Summit Park the sum of six dol- Prior Avenue Police station be pinard on the
betwee ]'xn Buren treat and the Msn(toba la and twelve cents(Sa 12). building aaastex.l of L'nimn Par”Poliw station.
red bad in the city of St.Paul. By Aid.Melady.— Also that an order he drawn in favor of E.J. Peas 1111.Banh.1t r,Bieleubetg.Bolt. C.n.
Resolved,That this city engineer be and he 1s Meier for the sum of one hundred and torts-if
o6mnaxces. hereby directed to repair the driveway lending dollars and tueutyadne cel a(5116'29),behig drxu,l;ehnn, McNamee, Melady, Minea, Snn-
'� j Osntvexce No.1,:468. off Oakdale avenue to Lucy street at an expellee for the redemntiwt of Crrtiflcxtes of Sale Num- bona,Sulllvnn.\'an Slyke.Mr.President—.17..
` pn Ordinance granting Thomas O'Leary per- not exceeding fifty(60)dollars. Dere 114 d 316,erroneously Issued against Approved June 18,1880.
mission to build a Ireme addition to his dwell- Yens—Aid.Banhoizer,Bielenberg,Bott.Cou- Iota 9 wad 11,block 33,Suburban Hill.addl
Ing house on Sixth endear. ley,Copeland.l;oaello,llobuer,Dornideu,Floud- tion,for grading of Hastings avenue.
t The
Common Council of the City of St.Paul do au,Gehhn,DlcNamee,Itel-dy,Mine-,Sanborn, Atao that an order be drawn in favor of Rush BY pad.Snnborn—
'� - ordain sa follows: Bullrvau,Vau Slyke,aIr lce cut 7.
B.Wheeler for the cum of five dollarsand thirty- ilea°Ived.That permission Is hereby granted �a
Section 1. That permission(s hereby given ppprovedJuue 18,1890. ttvo cent.(86.32),being for the redemption of E.F. Drake to move a building from lot 4,
;�- Certiflcae No.63,er riso isly issued agnloat lot bI, k 74, Dayton & Irvine's Add Ill.., over
it and granted to Thomas O'Leary,upon obtain- 10,block 10,Winslow'.addition,for the pavf¢g Vitpi I'.and Summit avenues,to lot 6. Drake's
fig a rtnit therefor from the building fnsppeecctoc By Ald.Dobner of Seve¢th ecreet. $ubdivfelon of Iota 4 and 6,block 69,Dayton&
i of said city,to build a one-story frame eddltlat, Besolved,That the mayor be and he is hereby Also that an order be drain In favor of W.F. Irvine's AddlNon, pmvtded said
oval to
i .lateen(lfi)Leet equ-re,to hie dwelling house authorized to appoint pollcem-u to act as Dnvidaon et al.for the cum of seven dollars and completed within three dn3'e from
this date.
.� eltu-ed on the south elde of Bixth street,be. oundmaster for Lha Tenth ward forthe montha Da dente(( being o the redemption it yeas Ald.Banholrer,Bielenbem,
Bott, Con-
twcen Pine and Olive streets ou lot number two of Julp,Alt,September and October. Certificate No.1 077,erroneously f.sned for e- ley Copeland CoeeDo, Dobner, Dornlden,
(2) of bl.c"-number forty-Lase (43), of KILP Yeas—Aad Banholxer,Blelenbetg,Butt.Co.- ss ante for cement Welke ill 1889 against loth F.,,dean, Gahan, McNamee, Dialed))•,
t sou'e addition to St.Paul- AR o said work to ley,Copeland,Costello,Dob¢er,Uomiden,Fiaud- g and 4, block 18, Robert&Itandall'e eddl- Sanborn,Sullivan,Van Blyke, air.
be done under the supervision and direction o[ mu,Gehe.n,McNamee.Meladyy MI¢ea,Banbom, tion —i7
Pce Stdllvan,Vwt 81yke.Mr.I?eeeidentr-17. Aiso that
a¢order be drawn In favor of Lena Approved June 18,1880.
t Lha building ins dor of enid city. p roved June 16.189U.
Bec.2 Thas ordinance shag take eRect and —
,1 be in force from and after fie passage and pubh- Pp Bye for the cum of flityo a dollars and fort
cation. two ante(861.42),being for the redemption of Whereas, realdente of the city of St.Paul,
3.' Certificate No.1,200,erroneously issued against Jfinn:,being the maJorlty of the Here of the
999 9 ! yeas—pad.Banholzer, Blelenberg,Bott,Con- By es, eulllvxn— lot I,block 4,E-stvllle Heights,for Sidewalk Property nbu[tin(t upon Hud-IonR the line of the
ley, Copeland, Costello. Dob¢er. Dornldem Resolved,That the order of the trommut Estimate No.B,as per correction of board of streets end alleys hereby vacaed,have petitioned
BenbornU Sullivan,Vent 9lykciameeMrM.Preside_—17. city engin�r tow stCuct a wooden R dexe.lktou public works. the common council of the defyy of St.Paul to
I, east sidn of Cleveland avenue,between Lau- Also flat an order be drawn in favor otdamee vacate together with the alleys Ih in and that
Passed June 17,Oh"1890. reland Foster fur the cum of eight dollars and twenty- tree[or pnhlfe way therein described as"Mor.
President of Council. read:euResolved,Sthat the bonrtl ofbenbllcorka p part of D W.Ingersoll
P five cents(88.261, sh`1g for the We [Ion of fou Place.,,all that
Approved June 18.1890. Cercafiat[e No.301'1.erroneously Issued against dditiot to the cicv of St.Paul,
described ne
R..swr A.$Intent,Mayor. fa directed to cause said.idewalk to be laid. Int 18,block 23,Oakville Pnrk,for grading Mag- blocks Number on,(I),two (2) wt1 seven(7)
Atesf: Thos.A.PfD:unenc.tsr,Clty Clerk. ley eal,.Ilnnd,a Costello,BiDuabnerr Doorniden, uoliw street. thereof,excepclug that such vacating.hall not
Juice 23. N l drxu,,elan. D(eNnmee, Melady. Mme-, Also that an order be drawn in favor of W.P, Dertafn and eetend to auv streets or avenues In
S born,Sulltvnn,Val' Slyke, Mr.Yreaiden� Abbott for the sum of twenty dollar.and forty- or contiguous to said premises excepting ns '
aeeVt,tmoxe. 17 six cents(520.46),befog for the redemption f I above mentioned which said petition duly seta
By Ald.Copeland Approved June 18,1890. Certificates Nos.4662,3038 894A,erroueonely forth the facts and --..,a for said •edition,
+Resolved,Thnt the cityenglneer be and ie here assned ...lust lot 6. Ow ells' bdivision of and was duly accompanied by n plat thereof u.e
1 byy instructed to report grade on idle}.in B Aid.Conley Beaapre&Kelly's addition,for the gracing of pro osed to be v¢ ted;nn
1 btock two(2)of Edmund Rice's fourth addition Resolved,That ordern be denten on the city alxgatnR.street. ]i�eretm,The enronconucil,upon the pres-
Bc.Pail. 1'exs Ald.rinnholrer.Aielenberg, Bott, Con- entacion of sa 1 petitmn,deemed It expedient
�i Yeas—Aad.Banholwr.Bielenberg, Butt, Con- erensfib ae fppllowe,to pnY for services of mem- Icy,Copeland,Costello Dobner,Dornideu,Flat- that the matter be proceeded
with and ordered
ley,Copeland,Costello,Dobner,llonddeu,Fluu rs n[hoardFd bntement Front s nn 1,1890. p
drxu, Gahan,,ee, alelady, Mines,San- A21;f 01 O.1.CU leu UB dxvse 824; Joseph[Mine Lorn,Sutlavain ]iwaSl ke,alrflPres dent 17¢nn clef AVand i ntuticeltufliDe of recorU
tvnh the efts
t " born,Sullivan,Vau Slyke.Afr.Presldeut-17. 8 days,824;John F.Gahan.6 dins.$16:D.aI. Approved June 18,1890. provided by Iwv,.,in
given by publication as
7• G Approved June 1;3,1890. Sullivan,6 dose,$16. R'hereas,Due notice was given by po'blication
Peas—Aad. Banholzer. Bielenberg.Boit,Con In the oMmfalo aper of id city for hit ar eek.,
F- By Ald.Sanborn— commencing the 10th day of May, A. D.
T, I By Aid.Copeland— ley' Copeland, Costri Dobner, llornidm, Resolved,That x committee of three be ap- the effect that anld petition hod been -
{{{ I Resolved.Tont the city engineer ie hereby in Flandrau, GeDnn, MO�amee, 3lehtdv, >lineu, palated Dy the chair Lo consider and
trotted to xpead the sum of lno hundred Snubont,Sullivan,Van Slyke,Mr.PresidenU— 7r' port to filed with the city clerk,.toting in brlb Its been
t (200)dollars In pitting Arkwright street 1n P"- 17 X the common council a suitable Dian to redis- Ject,and that the same wonld be heard and con.
Approved June 18,1890. tricfing the city for election purposes: idered by the common council of the city of St.
cable condition Detwcen ITy on arrear,Phalen {; Resolved,'Phot the city clerk be andhetshereby Paul,on Tuesday,the 17th day of June,A.D.
and Como-venue.,through Base'acre lots. instructed to
t yeas—AId.Bnuholver.Bteleuberg.Boit, Cou _ prepare a table for said committee 1890, at T.aO o'clock in the afternoon of sand
I.Y•C. ialud.mNamce,f elide afun�a6anborn,ia. B Resm ed,
Thet an order be drawn on the city �' .honing the number of rereggl1etered voters nd day,ac the council chamber m the city hall of
pp � treasurer for the um of 8100,In favor of the ni ler voting in each precandt at
leer election. Bald city;and
dein.Ge Y• ]'exs Ald.Banholzer,Bielenbetg, Bott, CO.- Whereas,At the time and plan last aforesaid,
1 Bulliv-n,a nn Slyke, 1r.Preeadenhl7. city engineer,for the purpoces o[ the office con- ley,Copeland,Costello,Dobner,Dornideu,Flan- 11,the investlgatto¢and c.usideratfon
of such
•1. 'il Approved Juue 18,7890. ttngent mud. draw, t:ehs.n,McNamee, Melady, Afinea, San- proposed vacation of enid
l Yeas—Aad. B-nholzer,Blelenberg,Bott,Con Dorn,6u11ivnn,Van Sl preI.mises Bove de-
�I By lod,Copeland— 1 Yy Copeland, Costello, Dobner, DorMNuee&. Approved Sune 18,890 air.Preefdent-17. per oe s Interested and being of the o le on filet
( Flandran,Gehnn, DlcNamce, Mel-dy, he same is necessary and pros r,an p_that the
lieaolved,Te6s t the inns englmeer ie hereby in Sanborn,Sullivan,Ven Slyke,Mr.President
4 1 truoted to pend the Ot two bundred prerequisites therefor have 11 =In that
17. By Committee on Streets_
(200) make a`_r1 able road between Approved June 18,1890. Resolved, e o the bridge on Burr street,over Now,therefore be it
iI MCDientemy street and dot new grade on Atie- the tracks o[the Chicago,Sc.Paul, Minneapolis Resolved,That together with the alleys there-
f7ismslpPl effect,at northecltY limIt'
yeas—pad. Banholzer, Bleieeberg,Bott,Con- By Aid.CIIIW-- &Omnhn railway Davin Deen tom
ley,Co land,Costello,llobuer,Uoruiden.Finn- Resolved,That nn odder be drawn 1n favor o[ c rdance with the 1 s wad s Plated hi ac in n1 clic street or public any therelu
pe A.�.Nelson,county creaaurer,for[he sum of P xn pecificutione,that scribed as•'a[ortou Place,' II that part of D.
GeDnn,]fcNamee.Melady.aline-.Sanborn, the same be incepted ill dunce with the W.Iugereoll dditbai to the city of St.Yaul,
'i Sr Viva t.V Slyke,air President 17. Lxo hundred and 'htee dollars and sixty-three ag hit between the City
t 1890. L' cents(52nY.t33)) belnq for tae redemption from s id rnllu'aY tomn Y o[St.Paul Hud the deacnbed ne hl.eks n mbered one(1),two(2)
4 , +r Approved June 1A,— genera t m bloc" de Pt""'ll& ha tY- antl seven (7) thereat,ax the came xppenre of
i,YI I taxes o lot 4, yens Aad.Ban olxer,AfeleitbeM, Bntt, Con ord in the office of the register.(deeds ii and
' �li Resolved.That rte city engineer be Instructed Spencer's addition; los 7 A,9,10,biock 2U, ley,Copeland,Costello,llobuer,lloraden,Flan- for the .ot [ f Rantae Mtnn.,be
and Lhe
' sadt t oeelon deal,Gahan, af,Nn ince, >'ludy Mhtea, San ra i.hereby}lerhtred to�e vnctted Hud Iia
1 h d to bund a cr.aaing to a Fred effect at the Kron"7)le dtHon,Lhe said proper e F born,.4uliivan,Yin 6 y aft t
�I coon of Burr wtLhrN red street oft Uhe east mato the cy of St Paul e ro Duals id for
I "e tae President I7, ontmwed ua;w"ed fir t said Petittou.Cud em
aide of n street taxes Approved Juue 18,1690. hereto above•petaled
I �iW '
?u77777M "^s, '>e.(`.-..r s 'fie',_ ##s :t,� a.� w ;`4 %N{ .�:3 'S? ,. ".r':�; '*'� =,,-s'. >K'"e,.��� k�• - '~ ,
PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. Coll-Yea-Aid.authol a RlelenN ra.Aott. Fourth-Ix xueh imp[ovemenr,asked for upon
Hatt,Can By Ald.D h - Copeland,Costello,D-burr.Durniden,F`un- ria petill on r r up PHerty t of the oil x f
i{I liens-Ald.Banbolur, HfelenberB, ell- the Dosed of p»bllc rkx drx u, Gamut. Mc.N,ouee, J)ehol )Iioeu, m1 city of[he property to be uxsessed[for nosh
]ev.Copeland,Costello,Dobner,Dornlden,Fla.: c flee tlo bn cottxtructed a erose plank walk on Lor»,Sulllvna \'xn Biyke.)[r.Ptexideut-17 ut Intr err neat'!
drau, Gebau, DfeNamee, Dlelndy,Df Ines, nee Approved June 18,1890. kifth fiend the cou ncil Plan or r'-file of
born,Sullivan.Van 61yke,Dir.President-17. the nue.[side o[Asbury avenue,across TnYlor said Intprovetnent +.required by In»,If you re-
Ynsced June 17,1890. a port In h`nr of
tau xnme.
O,p.Ccb1,aN,President of Council. lel-na p�p�Buchalter.lloBfeDob ser, 1) 'Iden, 73p:\id.)feludy- 11 [It <1 the(nwtcfl a proper order direct
Approved June 18,1800. y) DlcNumee, Meludy Mines. Itesol)rod. tnt sprinkling of Midway
avenue, Itt�[1le nark to be,one.
RaCLwr A.Senrn,Dlayor. Flandre 'Builh--,Van Blyke. Mr.Preeldeut- from Ookrhlln av tun to Harvard street, be ens-\Id. Itanholzer,Blrlenhetg.Batt,r'on-
dlsso»thtued. r:n»- ley,Co x•Innd.3'ontello.UobIler.Dornidelt,Flnn-
-' Attest: Taos.A.FttttBPL�naAet'.CItY Clerk. Sanborn, Yenx Abd. Bnnbolrxr, 131 -,Nott. Irnu,(�rl,nn.Mc\+ones, Mend Y.'Dlhlsx, Snn-
June 28. Approved June 18,1800. ley,t-ueebuld,('os[rllo.Do1Lue 1•,Dornldet,F`nn born,Sullivult You Silk-,Ar.PrextdXt`-'l7.
Whereas.the common council of the city t St. Iron,/:butt, Mc\nmee. Dfelud Y• Mlneo t Approved.Lune 18.1890.
Lor»,6ulllvun.\'un 81>•ke,Jlr
1; Paul,uL n nesting held on the 17th day of B)': IIlom- ,Approved June 18,18of -
1 lll�t[ogether With the alleyy- [beret t a is
utitoL,'dv Hutt Inxtructed]to InY a x1x lootd•wdenl xlAewxik on liyy:Ud.INutholzxr-
iI xtrect or public way LNereln described ua p"Dior- both idles of Yurtridµµe strSet from Httrr n[reet By Alds we. .('opeinnd- IC le hereby ordered by rho Common
tan Pince;' all that part of D.NV. ligroollx tot r,"B"lA LHai1•b}olth neHtelet�Ptlt.xliott'kCan' IWsolved, '1'hnt the board of pliblie xorkn r f the/Yty of St.I'nitl.
addition," the elf) al L.Ynui,deafblar. Ise the fullowlllx streets to bs x,winkled,Vlz.: That IIIc n,n St. of Nrn 11 Dnly xtreet,nbtl-
i blocks nutnNered one (1), two(2)and neves IeY,Cofwllu»d.DfcNa lrnrea oMeladY�\linen,FXn n- C6l'ork street,(roto Mlxxbetppl to ,lark; Wex[- tween.ieffcrso»avenue ntd rinmc
strcret, nil
J' (7)[hereof, Ira», (( mf»ster street,bout fork xtrect to CUM': \rk- [he I the In bert•hy eferrcd to tits board of
II Thereto[.be It rexolvod, Tnnt the value of born,Sullivan,Vxu 61Yke,Dlr.President-17. ) lght street. from fork to Carle; lookout ],tiblletwrorka to IuveaHguts and report:
plum,from 1Vextmhixter ur,\rk Wright stn t. FirNt IN tills Improvement proper and uccex-
,.,I said pretnfeex Novrmated¢e aforesaid be lord the ,\ppraved Juue 18,)890. Yen.-Ald.ISnnholcer. Bleleubt•ryf. Bott,lion- enryY
1 xnme Is NerPbY Hzed at Lhn soot of One hundred ley,Copeland,Costello,Dobner,Doru»lei,Nlnm Second-(live the council nn eetitnutr of the
�I and fifty dollars X8100)' It I. Gchnu, DlcNumee. Jlelndy, Mine-, tion- expense thereof,and tate whether role-Imlf of
(. lens-Aid.Dunit.1mr, 131 ',nbem- ',Otnddeu. Bliexlolve I�l'1'l�uc the board of public works are
]ey, Copehtnd, Costello. Dobner, D1,e¢, hereby [M1oaud to n tract n adz-foot bom•Sullivan.
Val8Slykil(7.1r.President-17. the cont thereof 1x to be I Id lot-the city t�rens-
il4 Fmndrnu, Geban,, Jlclndy, _ o Approved•e ury before rite contract In let.
canbotn.Sullivan, \'nu Slyke,J1r.Presidelor tate,b.taieen3Fei cllew ave meds d Amosostnt, phial-Can real estate to be assessed for said
17. + Id fu trout of luta 3,1,a"edt0,block 11,Dien By Aid Bott- Improvement be found benefited to the extent of
Approved June 18,1800. clam L'n[k Second addition. Resolved,That the board of Public works dnntn a costs and expenses necessary to Ls 1n-
1�F��11 Yens-Al d. and adret, Dtelenbecg,Bott,Cou- be lustrneted to enuan F:nrlstntto be sprinkled ctrrvr thereby?
g :Oil.9rtnborn- ley.Copeland,Costello,Dobner,Donddet,Flan- from Fnugt lerntreetto Minnenxha xtrect. Fonrtil=1 xueh improvement naked for upon
7 i1 Aid.ed.That the board o[public uo[ka Ne D1r,\arose. DdeI dy. >titte». Sa Yen'
Annitolzer, BlelenhetF, den Con- the Petition or npPllcatlon f the oat of
t Il drau Geltan' ley,Conelau,l Costello,Dobner Dontlden.Flan nalonty-f rite property to be twvnesxed for auL•h
and tt is hereby directed to con.trnet+t»d mai° boot,Bnd(van,\'rot Slyke,Mr.Yrestdent�l7,n .n
I 1 W in a cement block silex n7k on the w'c'�L stile o[ ,D]rproYed Jutta 18,1800. drau Gehnn, )1\arose, Dfelndy, )linea, S bnProvetnent'
lot 12.block 1(7.\Coodlnnd Pur1,xdditioal:on boat.Sullivan.Van Slyke,Mr.Preeidenfl7.t I 14th-Stud the council )Inn or Profile of
es Aid.
Banholzer,13telenberg,Bott, .approved Jutta 18,18F10. I provement,ns required by hLw,a Nino re
j� le}-. Copeland. Costello. Ilobner, Dornidett. Bv:\Id.Mh ea- port ill
bt)or f ChC same
Flnndrnu, Gahan, DlcNumee, Melody. Dfinen. K,e-h-rd,'Phar the board of public arks be By Aid.Batt- Stxtb S d the council a proper order direct-
- � 'II unborn,Bullivun,\'an Slyke, Jit.Y[eeideut instructed[o lay a fico-plank eldewxlk o Lha Resolved That the board-f public works t e i/•tl ork[to he done.
I ,,1 17. t orth side o[the old Mendota road from Fair- ruse t)eut 1 \Id liunbolzxr, Aieleuherc Coale}-,
A vel June 18,1890. ve to the oil mill. mvtr,.[ed to ]Instlnes + ' e)tut b l on eland,l'uxtello,l)omter,D.rnideu Illxudr.l u,
1 Held n Con P i McNum Dlelnd y, Dlinru 8naborn,
App Yens-\1S Buld olrer. Aielenben;.Batt, xprh kIld from B+oev stenos to DI 1
try,,' Costello.Dobner.D bold en,Fill lien. \Id. Buoholrxr.Bielrnbr rg B tt-3. Ili xn,\'an SIYke.Vr Yresident Ili.
BY Ald.Le1[M1aueei- arks be rlrnu, tiehun, Die Numee, Dlelad Y. '.a le)'.Copeland,Costello Dobner,1 on len,F Ind :\pProvsd Jt»te 18,1890.
ReeolVed,That the board of p blit , dam,Gehxn, Me'..!! ]fehtdy.eDl ineu,San-
lf hereby ordered Lo Ruse uu eight-toot Wooden born.Sullivan.Van BI)-ke.)le-.Yresident-17.n born.Sullivan,\'nn.'lyse,JI r.Presidenf�l i.
sfdeWalk to be laid in both Hides of Hlistings AVProved June 18,1890. APpru)rod Juue 18�18ll0.
Ii avenue from Hester street to PaclHc avenue. By:\ld.Cullen-
�,�i Yeas III Bnnholtr,.Bielenbetg.Batt,Con Ay,\id.6ulliv¢n- 731 Ald.(ullelt. It v bereby ordered by the Common C-onellof
ley.Copehtud,Costello.Dobner,Dorulden,Fm» liesoa ed.That the Nonml of pnttblic works are lie Id.(a Inbar the board 1 Pnbllc w-rkx file City et.Paul.
drau, Uehnn, )ICN nntee, Dlelx+fY. Miner, San- hereby nuthorlmd to l-alitruct six-f..ot Woo e- d ilex to be sprinkle( from Dliune- 'l/let t......l tter f nstruethu a sewer
1 'fl born,6ullivnll.\'nu Slyke.Mr.PreeWeut�17. n sidewalk on west aide of\'croon avenue. axe Be• Ontario street,front the Mbeiisetpl+f river to 11111
\pProved June 18,1800. t'rat itutger street a»d 8t.C1nir stat,tin)[ac- no}It to I�lil�r Bn»h-Izer,lilelenbetlb Bot[.Colt- treet,be ami the x l 1x hereby referred
alexter Pnrk. 11 board of Public works to tttveNtigate and m-
AI liens-Aid.Banholzer. Blelenheip. B ornidet, Ilnm1o(rLhut1 M"Naut". MnhulpNtello. ttrl�ll I, Shun. PnrC
BY:\Id.Pratt- CotwlnnA, ('usWI a. Ilobner, 'e Flrxt-Ix this Improvement proper and items-
By the board of Public works le•, Cehnn,Vic c. Dlohu]Y, Jllnea, b-nl,Sulllvnn,Van Slyke,Jl r.Yroxldent-17. xury'!
I cause to be built nal mnintuhted a six.toot Fanndrau' Xry»nil-(:Ivr the ennncll nn extf to"l of the
I{ wooden
",I, ,":it oil tau -at x111.of 12aymnd finnborn;Sullivan,Vuu XIYke,DIc. Yresldei)tr- Approved.lane 18,IXUO. ex Prnac thrreoL Hurl nGLW lvhc[her one-half-f
avonue,/roto Cudworth street to 1:111- street, 17. roved June 18,1XD0. lty.Ud,Copeland- I the rust thereof Ix to hr pnld lulu the elty
to¢ether with the nercNxury cru-swalkx, Call. APP It Ix hvr!by nlered bythe Cnmmun Councilor [tenancy brbnro tan con[I to Ix let.
Ymtx-Ald.Rauibni Dn IS)l liobn r�BDondrleu, ISy A14.Batt.- till CI[y f SL.Punt: 'I'hlrA-lion caul extnto to be nxxexxcA for sold
I ley9, hoiwlnnd, 'I'hnt tan rnut[nr of c-ndN I full and tnkluli nu Improvenmul be found henellaul t-the uxtu'It
,I Flnndntn, 1:uban, McNnmm, Meludy Unica• IWxolved, 'Pant the board of public work- unwnurut on tan Inud mlluhdng and vu the Ilse of Anuurw•N,waif-and expnuM!a uccexNury
to he
Xnuboni, Bullivun,Val. Xlyk D1r.YmnIdeat-- crww ono cwo-xwaik to tx+InId act,S. North If Walsh nvmmn,from WWNIIN stunt to IVY street w,I I. thPrrhy.
(( 17, Julie 1X,1X0(1, Ntrrnt,on Lho west IdrW of linWx avulnm' (or tbn couxtrnelloa of nlopuN lit tau gaoling of Fourth-Ia snub microveannt asked for uPott
Approved Ono rrn.xwnik to be all rtcmNx hurl Nlecot,on xn111 Wnlxh nvuuue,bre-,and tau xnme IN burclryY tbu yx•tltl-n or uppllrnOnu If the owner- d n
the north Nlde of Bass NtrVe" rv•Irrred to tan bunrvl of VubIW Is,
to Iuvuxti• mnJnrlty of Ibn In•uperty to bit-Ne-sld for
Dp A11.Pratt—
Yen-Ald, lynuhnirar iflulnnN.R, ]toff.Com Wttn mud rnlrorl,. lin rrnvumruPf
b irY•Iktlwllul(I,Coxtettu,�Sotrn.r,Denllden.Ann. FIrsL-Ix LII-Ilrl VroVClllullt r)Par Ilial Ilc•G I�Iff li-Nt+tl,l lila rrn111L'd n rlrlli or r0111a of
IWNa1vrA that rho banal of ppublic, wmk-
1 IiI :I cn no n xlx•{ont wooden sldownik lit b.con• dnnl, Orhnn, McNnuuw, D(ulndy, Allunn, Xuu• nxxnr p r Nllirl Iillprl)0•II¢!III,rtN ra111iWnr�by law,�f you rn-
i strutted all Lila north side of Mlunellnhrt Ntr ILrnti boob it ,,v Jii clLlNµli Iw,Mr.PrexI-101a IZ NreYitl-(1Wo the crnnwll un rxthnnW-f the part lit htv-r of tbn
Iraln BuulllnX nvuuue to lirunlluu avenue; A xPuuxethere-f mud state wbethnr oue•hrdf of Nlxth-Se" Llw arm all rt prnnor orJ.r 4lrect•
on earth Nh u of DlhumhnI Ntnt,train Nllell• --- lbw co."thaw•-r Ix to be add lino lbs city tn•uw In¢tbs work ur La dour,
i on till friarN I$11 Ito Bott,Con• By:1111.Urrndden- ur>•belurv•for rnntnwt�N Int. fens-AhN 14uuholu•o Blrluulrr!rg, iSntq Com
YeuN-•Aid. ]yuuhr+tzxr, lyleleu nl. Ilmt IWxolved, 1'but Lhn board of Jmblle work- 1'IdrA-Can rrld t•xtutr to Ire-u.M•aNr4 frrt•Nul4 IrY,eolahtud,('-xtellrr,Dulrucr,Irnrnllrn,Fl
1 r I 1;o wlnnd, I;axWlio, Uubuur, Dunl bnprnrruu•uL Ira Guuul beurlltP4 Lo Ibn rxUmt Iran, rlrluuh MrNnmrr• DleluAl•^Nhu•u, Xnu•
1.yy I rebnu, DICNrIlflre. DILIINI)', D1111Ca, CInIM!a LTONMWItIk 1!e-b(•bulli oil ]Ica sant rain• ,f It dnuulgrN,crntx mud rx unIMM uvrexxur•to bmrb Nnillrun.full NI
kr,Mr.1 r NlAeut-17,
• 1 ,1 I NI`nbornu�8alllvtub Vuu Slyke, Dlr.1'rexldeut- one,bet rol t of lot jj,l. IoLk 8lY)tupl 011 I y >'
M9',lit Irma of Wt 811, block tld, Bu3'tou S be lumirre4 Ihrrehy• .\pyrvrrrA.l uuu IN.1X11r1.
17. Irvibe's addition.
Approved Julie 18.1800.
u� t � �� �d ,.3t3P"'Sv /LR'9a y��L a"'"�'- >��.w'- ,"`.•--r4`7=. 'elf F �,+-'src4v�' .,•'� -c'� x
.,iF a�'�W'i �C. iy I"'f., e.,.".^tb +^<::.,s�� > r•4 'w r.�;
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of Inapt,cement be found Lelnefiletl to the extent of the petitlpn or application of the owners of a South Webasha street to Ohio
be and the same
the City of St.Ynnl: damage,costs and expeusea nepssnrp to be in- majority of the roperty to be assessed for is hereby referred to the board of public Works
! That the matter of constructing a se ted Unereby! such improvement• to n• tigute and report.
1 '�1 Edmund street, from (sotto street [ D le 1 c(Fourth—ls such Improvement asked for upon Fifth Send the council pplan or profile of First—Is Lhle improvement proper and
street, be w d the same is hereby referred to the petition or applicatiow of [he owners of n said improvement,as rnlnired'by law,if you sary'!
the board of public works to investigate w 1 malority 0[the property to be assessed for such re ort In favor of the law"proper
the toenail an timate of the
Ort n improvement" gtxth—Send the coundl n proper order direct- expense thereof, and elate whether o e-half of
' reF'lest Ie this improvement proper and uecee- Fifth bend the council a plan u profile of ins the work to be done the cost thereof is to be paid Into the city trema
h said improvement,a required by law,1f you re- 4"was—Aid.Annholrxr, Bleieaberg. Bolt,Cor u v before the contract is{et.
Set•ond—Give the council nu timate of the port in favor of the same. ley,Co land,Costello,Dobner,llonniden,Flnn Third—Can real estate to be assessed for said
{y _ expense thereof,and tate whether one-half of Sixth—Send the pouncll a proper order direct- drau,(,pshan, McNamee, Melody, )linen, Snn- improvement be found benefited
to the extent of
t he
thereof la to be paid into the city trees vg the,rook to be done.- born,Sullivan,Van Slyke,Mr.President-17. damage is and expenses necessary to be in.
!I ury costore the contract Is let. n I eas All.Aanholzxr,Bielenberg,Boit,Con Approved June 18,1890. carred thereby"
Third Cwt recd estate to be assessed torealdim ley,Copeland,Costello.Dabuer,Dormdeu,Flsu- Fourth Is such Improvement naked for upon
provemeut be found benefited [o the extent of drau. Gahan, McNamee. Malady, Mivea, San- By Aid.Gehnn the petition or nPPifcatloo B the owmers of a
damages,costs and expenses necessary to be hr burn.Sullivan,Van Slyke,Ile.President 17. It is hereby ordered by the Common Council jority of the property to be assessed for each
carred thereby" Approved.lune 18,1890. f the City of St.Paul. (m �ement?
Fourth Is such imProvemeut asked for upon That the matter of the openlug ud w(deidpg Fifth fiend the council a Plan or pp oflle of
r it the petition or application of the owners of a By Ald.Copeland of Rose street,from Sylvest to Courtland,be sold improvement,as required by 1¢w,Ifryou re-
nalonty of the yraperty to be assessed fur such It I.hereby ordered b•the Comment Council of a td the same is hereby referred to the board Port to favor M the same.
imY ovement? the Cit f St.Paul:} ofI�ubtic works to investigate and report: Sixth—Send the council a groper order direct-
'II t Itch Send the council a plan or profile of y o Flro[—IS this improvement proper and¢aces. ing the work to be done.
Pr 'that the matter of having the following streets 1""ens—AId.Banholzer,Bielevberg, Bott,Con-
ie.Id imyroy'ement, as required by law,if you paved with cedar blocks and proper tone curb- Bary? ley, COPelnnd, Costello. Dobner, Dorniden,
report iu favor of the same. Ig,Viz. On Bradley street, from S"s' to Fecund—Clue the council an BtlmaW of the Flandrau, Gehan. Nic,em ee, Alelady, Mine.,
Sixth Send the council a proper order direct- North street;oil North ncreeF from Bradley to exiwuse thereof,and Late whether one halt of
1 hag the w ork t0 be done. Bedford street:on Bedford street,from North the cost thereof le to be paid into the clay trees- Sanborn. Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. Yreei-
Yeas—Ald.B.oholzer,Bielenberg,Bott,Cluley, street to Decatur street; on Decatur street, cry before the contract Is let. dent-17.
Copeland.Costello, Dobner, Imiliden, Flus from Bedford[o Beaumont street; oil Beau Third—Can real estate to be assessed for Bald Approved June 18,1890.
Iran Cehan,WNames,Alclady,31inea.Sanborn, one street,from Decatur to Payne avenue:on improvement be found benefited co the ezteut of
Sullikitn,Van Slyke,Al r.Prretdent-17. Payne rtvenue,from Benumont to Jnnsamine damages,coBts and expeusea¢eceseary to heal gy Aid.ADnea—
Approved June 18.1890. 1 street.said paving to be commenced not later c reed therehyt7 It Is hereby rdered by the Common Council
I than [he spring of 1891,be nal the same fa ¢Fourth IB uch improvement asked for upni of the mc}-of St.Paul:
By Ald Co Oland hereby referred to the board o[pablic works to the petition or application (Lhe ownern of That the matter of mnetnmting a sewer on
It ie hereby iered by the Common Council htvestignte and report: jolty o1 the property to be easeeeed for each Colorado street from South Robert street to
[the City of St.Paul: Fleet—le this improvement proper and races- lens to Bill' Clinton avenue, be and the same JB herebv
of the
the matter o[oPeNvg,widening and ex ear.'' }•ifth—Send the council plan or profile of referred to the board of public works to iucest(-
tending of Payne.-nue,from Ivy ntreec to Second--Give the council n estimate of the said improvement,as quired bylaw•,tt you re- gate and report:
R'hite Bear road,taking and condemning the a pease thereof,and tate rhether one-half of port in favor of the same. F1.y'.' s this improvement proper and neces-
]xud necessary[o make x ixty-fo t street be the cost thereof is to be paid into the city treas- Sixth—Send the council a proper order direct-
�! tweet rtes Pointe named, be and the.Sallie to ury bailee the contract Is let. Ing the work to be done. Bab Gond Gtce the council ¢n estimate 1f the
i hereby r(erred to the board u1 public works Third—Can real estate to be eseseed for said Yeas—Aid.Banholzzr, }1letenberg,Bott,Con a Tense thereof,and State wbether a-halt
j{. to investigate and report: Improvement be found benefitedato the extent of ley,Copeland,Costello,D brier,Dorniden,Finn- Lhe coat Lhereo[ie to be Paid Into'the city
1 First—ls this imptovement pmper and n—,- dnmagen,costa and expenses neceseaty to be ht- doll,G has. AfcNe ,Afelad y, Minetk, San- u V before the contract is let.
1� 4II. curred thereF,v'! Sem born _,I ,Van Slyke,Mr.PreBiden1�17. Third Can 1 estate to be'essessed for Baid
s Second—Give the council an estimate f the Fourth Is such impr a it asked for upon Approved June 18,189". found benefited to the extent of
expense thereof,and state whether one-hal[of the petition or application of the owner.Of. Aid.C.ehan— damaees,costs and expevees uecessnry to be In-
the cost thereof is to be paid into the city tress- m jortty of the property to be assessed for such BY curred thereby?
ury before the coucract is let. in e ovement. It is hereby ordered by the Common Coundl o[ Fourth—Is such Improvement asked for upon
• I Third—Can real estate to be aseesaed for said k i[th—Saud the council plan or profile of the City-of St.Paul: the petition or application of the owners of
y 1I Improvement be found benefited to the extent of said improvement,as required by law,if you re- That the matter of the opening and widening ajortty of the property
to be assessed for each
damages,costs and expenses necessary to be in- port in favor of the same. o[Ger¢olum street from Sylvan to Courtland be immpprovement'!
thereby? Sixth—Bead the council a proper order direct- and the same is hereby referred to the board of Fltth—Send the council a Ian or pprotile of
Fourth—Is such improvement asked for upon ing the work to be done. public wracks Lo investigate and report: said improvement,m required by law,it you re-
( the petition or application of the owners ers of a Yeas—Ald.Ball 0lzer, Blelenberg,Bott,Can- Firsthln this improvement proper and necea- port in favor of the same.
in of the property to be assessed for such ley, ('opeland, Costello, Dobner, Dorniden, Bary? Sixth—Send the council a proper order direct
1hnt,rovemeut? - Flnadra. Geban, McNamee, Alelady, Mhnea, Second—Givethe council an estimate of the ex Ing the work to be done.
i j•I- Fifth—Send the council plan or profile of Sanborn, 9allivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President penBe thereof,and state whether one half of the lees—Aid.H.,Iholzer,Bielenberg,
{ !�
aid improvement,as required by lake,it you re- —17. - cost thereof is to be paid into the city treasury ley,Copeland,Castello,Dobner.Dorniden,Fl.n.
port Mae-of the same. Approved June 18,1890. before the contract fe lac. drau,Geh¢n, Alc\amee, ![elady, \linen, San-
- Sixth—Send the council a proper order direct- Third--Can rent estate to be assessed for said bo n,Suiliva,Van Slyke,Mr,President-17.
ing the work to be done. By Aid.Copeland— Improvement be fawnd bateflted to the extent of be,
June 18,1890.
Yeas—Aid.Hanholrer,Aleleuberg, Bott, Con- It ix hereby ordered by the Common Council damages,conte and expanses necessary Lo be 1n-
E dd11 ley,(:aPeland,Costello,Uonner,Dorniden,Flan- 01 the City of St.P.uL curred thereby? Ay Aid.Sanborn—
( ( drau,Gahan.McNamee.Melwly,\linen,Sanborn, w-vr.o Fourth each improvement asked for upon
�'. Sullivan,\'nn Slyke,AIr.President-17. That the matter f constructing a the petition or aPPlica[ion of the owners of a It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
9 } Olive street,Iron\Villh ma street to Pat yl- i property to he assessed fox each f Lhe Citp 1f St.Paul:
Approved June 18,1890. v¢nin avelme,.1161 grading Oil street,between for cv of the Thntthemncterot paving Selby avenue,between
A i Pennsyly oafs avenue and Williams street,to Imo vernent? SL Albans street and Victoria street.he ad the
Fifth—Send the council a lan or profile of said
1 By qld.Dobner— the a tablished grade and to the fall width,be Impprovement,as required gy law,it you report seen hereby farted to the board of public
It is hereby dered by the Common Council .rid the same to herebyy referred to the board of I.
favor of the enme. w ka to investigate and report:
o/the CScy of St.Paul: public investig.ta and report: Sixth—Send the council a proper order direct. First—Is this Improvement proper and ueeee-
'� That the matter of gelding Prior avenue,from First—da this improvement ptoper and uec- ing the work to be done. nary?
Minnehnba Street to Langford avenue be and essarv. leas—Aid.Banholzer,Blelenberg, Bott,Con- Second—Give the council an estimate of the
the same Is hereby referred to the hosed of pub- Second—Give the council an eatimnte of the lav,Copland,Costello,Dobner,Dorniden,Flan- expense thereof,end tate 'heth�•r
one-bait o[
:I lit works to investigate and report: expense Lhereo(,and State whether one-halt of dean,Gebau, McNamee, Melady, Mines.Sau- the cost thereof is to be paid into ibe
city trees-
?; i Firet�le this Improvement proper and necee- the coat thereof Is to be paid Into the city born,Sullivan,Va.Slyke.Mr.Presfdeut-17. u v before the contract 1s let.
f treasury before the contract is let. Approved Juue 18,1890. Third—Can eel estate t0 be aeeeeed for sold
.at —canthe council estynate of the Third—Can rent eat,:to to be assessed for Baid Imp ovement be found benefited ec the extent
! 1t� a pence thereof,and state nahether one-halt of Improvement be found benefited to theextent of By Aid-Allnesr of damages,costa and expeueee necessary to be
tit the cost there.[is to aid Into the city tress- damages.costs and expenses necessary to be in- IL Is hereby ordered by- the Common Council incurred thereby?
j _ I�I u y heroes the contract helpB Wt. turfed thereby" of tine City
fit.Paul: Fourth—Is such Improvement asked for up
1 !� Third—Can real estate to be a8eessed for said Fourth—Is such improvement naked for upon That the atter of grading Roble street from the petition or application
of the owntere of 9
maJori p o property to be assessed for such streetfrom Arch W a point on xnfd Jackson Fourtl I,+such improvem nt asked for upon Ry Aid )ulnen—
[ f the street.'one hundred and fifty feet south fid eo til the Petition or a",ication 1 the owners of It la hettbr ordered by the Common Cnuac(1 of
'�-I im Prot a ne1tt. nc(1 , Pinn or fl P line of Win—sant,be xad the a ie is hereby mnlonty.f the property to be amassed for such het t)UP St.1'uui
I{F! n 1 [ht con pro,e o p� n Protemeat'r TDAL ills matter of a sever on Congress street,
aid an r n[,as required b}'law,»you re referred to the bourd of blit works to iuveett ` ow t
port tw Fer��tttf the naive. gate xnd port. Fifth .earl the c veil rlon or prolileon from Heliosis s t t Ohio stmet,ire u d[hr
q- E t to Sod the.couaml u proper order direct Fms[ Is tt»s improt emelt proper and neves- said i rovem at,ns requt- by law,if you re. am I.,hereby referred to the boardot
Ing the-Sc to be done. 'I Bar , Irp t or
of the exme It,to�le"i'lgace and rev ort-
�'G Yam.—:\Id.Banholzer, Bteleaberg,Boit, C'on I S and Gtv the c o.c.a timate t the / til—vend the eouncll n proper order direct st britot Is this vnproteme t proper
1111 neves
ley, Copebut11, Costello. Dobuer, Ueraidett, glance thereof,and state whether one-halt t ' 4 the work to be done. +T:
Flundrau, (.ehan, Vc�xmee,Melody, }linea, the cont hereof Ss to be paid Into the city Peas Ald Banholzer. Bielenbers. Bott.Con s 9xond Glve the ceuvcil an timate of the
Sanborn,9ulave.,Von Slyke, Mr. President tren,wrp before the contract ix let. ley,t'opa•iaad,Costello,Uobner Uorniden Flan a Peitve thereof.mud face whether one half of
17 Third Cott 1 estate to be sae d for laid Iran, Geban. lI•N eines, Melody, \linea,x the aunt thereof„to be pada roto the airy I
e 1890. Provement be found benefited to the.stent of bora,Sullit-au,Van Slyke,lir.Yresfdent ]7.o v Lefore the c.n2nSct in le[
Approved Jul,18,_— datmtyren,costs xnd expeasee nevesulty to be ill- V approved June 18.Ishii. I Third—C. 1 tote n De ao d for sada
I By Ald Uobner— red thereby-? em i Provence L b t Sd Denelited to the extent of
it Ie hereby lc_d by She common Council a pourth le such impr. eat asked for upon ,X dam+age,,c 'c f expeusen necenanry to be in
t the Ut)of S[.Ynvi the Petition r aPFltcuLfon t the owners of n By Aid )fines cu red that b}.
.I. That the matter o[grading Ran t d PI majority of the property to be assessed[or such It I.hereby-ordered by Lhe Common Council Of Fourth Is nuch it Omvement uxkeA for
p�}I Xpetitfou nt[achM) be 1111 the e b l)''.1 nt7 the City of St Paul, the oetttioa'r application t the oa ars 4a
peered to the board of Vublm work t mye Fift6—Seud the c veil n pin Pr Hle o[ yetver o majority of the property to be aceseeedtfor nuch
111 said 1 lame t,Be req aired b olaw,if c Teat the matter f a v 5 nth Robert n movement"
{ tigateaad rcnort. a rmpr Y You street,from Colorado street to Reios xtreet be i Nfifth Send the council plan or profile of
I�1 First 1,this improvement proper and uecee qo t Ii favor of the ea x id [he cam Is hereby leered to the bourd
tsth—Send-the council a proper order dl of public works to tvveetign[e end reVort said improvement,ns required by Intl,»You re-
} It'p 1 sarv?g¢t•ond—Give the council¢n estimate I the recting the work to be done. First—Is[I»s improvement proper mud neces Port in favor o[the satins.
Pease thereof,and state "hether one-halt of yeas—Aid.Ba lboixer,Bielenberg, Bott,Con- Sixth—Send the council a proper order direct-
s y the cost thereof)s Lo be)),id
the city treas�]et',Copeland,Costello,Uobner,Uontlden,Flan.
ar)'end Give the counted a timate of the nig the work to be done.
�t ury•before the contract is let. - - dtau,Sullivan,han. McNrtmee. Melody, Dflnea, Snt s Lhereot,xnd state whether one half of ',e¢ Ald Banh Ize Rlelenbem,
Third—Can real estate to be sseess d-for -sill D rn,cVan Slyke,il[r.President 1 i.t the dost thereof to to be paid into the city treesis,
f ohij tO C be touts harlot to ',d to the extent oP Approved Jutta 18,1890. cry before the contract Is let. drnu.`.ehnn. M,, Slee, ll r.Pr, Minot, 7..0
I to ages,costa and espenses uBeceeary to be to Tndrd Cnn real estate to he asxe"sed for said b n ,.alit-n,\-x11 Slyke.lir.President 1-I.
Carred thereby"? improvement be found benefited to the extent of Approved Jul,,. 18,1890.
Fourth—Ie such improvement asked for upon By Aid.Gebxn— darest,•e%cents and expeeaes necessary co be in
f the petition or aPPllcatton of the ov'ners u[ It le hereby dared by the Common Couvcil carred thereat''.' By Aid.Uobner—
{{A majority o[the property to be assessed for such If
tut the City
atter of tl a Paving of Grove street Fourth—Ix Buell Improvement asked for lopon It is hereby ordered by the Common Co ell
'll'i'I 1mTrrrovementy ya profile of with ceder block,from Jneksou street to Broad- the pedtiou ur application f the ou of foft he Citv of tit.Paul:
i 1 FR[h—Send the council a Plan or pro t treat be and the snore is hereby'referred to a)oritp of the property to be assessed tfor such That
the matter t of grading!Pillsbury'street,
ant,as required by'la d you r, ay a impm evt r from he
avenue e to 1Iamline n' to be-
saidi I� vein the board of public works to investigate and n
))t port is[acu i Lhe sumo. Fifthemend the coundl¢pinn or profile of said ad the same is liereby r d Ln tileboardu[
)i j (III • Sixth a rd the council a Proper order direct vv rt Imtrrovemelit,a,required by haw,'f you reflect public work,to all'-tgn nd report.
Y i! Ing the flock co be done. re
this improvement proper and neces yr favor M lame. Fire
r—I.this intpr.,g I proper and neces-
R ]"sits—:r( Banholzer,Bielenberg.Boit,Conlec, ury Si til Send the council a pr.lar order dimer wry'
g' Copeluncl,Costello.Uobner,liorniden,Flnndnau, Second—Give the council ,I estimate of the Second Give the council n estimate of the
Gehnn,MCcomee,Melody-,llilea,SxubonD Sul- a-Peas^tuereot,+uta tate whether to-half of Ing the work to it done. ).sift- s thereof,xmd nista tvhe[her one-half of
n, ]ivau,\'nn Sipke,lir.President-17. the cost thereof is to be paid into the city trees- ]'ens—AId.Bniihoirer.Rielrnheryt,Butt, a prose
Approved Juue 18,1890. ury before the coatrner Is let. le}.COPelaud,Coetello Rohner,Ilon»d.m F'Inn- fife rent there.'ix to be paid tato fife city trens-
) '- —_ Third—Can rens estate to be eseesed for said tire,,, Gei nu, llc\amce, 1(elndy, lfinen Sn ury before[be cuutru•t in let.
R}-Ald.C.Delnnd— 'npruy'ement be found benefited to theexteut of born Sullivan,\'uu Slyke,lir.Presaieut ] '1'IitrA C'aa +I estate to be nssexxed for said
It s hereby tiered Dy the Common Council ljumages.coats and expenses necessary co be m- Approved June 18,1890. improvement rOa 1 e toned Denelited to the extent
dsumges vista and expenses r ece,surp cu be 1a-•=.
o[the CYty of St.P'md curred tlieu y" red thereby"
That the matter of grading Iv?` treat,from Fourth Is such hnprovement asked for neon cutFourth Is auch improvement ked for upon
,!I- Edgerton to Exrl st reef,be all( the x to is I the petition r application of the ou ners of a By All].Sanborn the petition r nppltextion o'[hu owell of a
hereby inferred ill the board of Public works n J Sty of the property to be assessed for such It is hereby rdered by the Common Council mn)onty stills property'to be assessed
fur such
to inveatignte and report: finl,mvemeat? of the Clty of Bt.Paul: no
t provemcut7
First—Is this intprovetnient proper and neces- Nifch—Bend the council a plan or profile of Tiut the matter otgrxding Chatsworth street, Fiftll—Send thecoa rd a plan
or profile of said
sort'-": said improvement,ne required by 1.11,1f you re- from Laurel avenue to Bt. Clair street, improveotent.-required by law',iP you report
•,'.. l Second—Gill.the council an estimate o[the port iu favor of the same. Le d the. ams i hereby referred to the in favor of the slime.
V expense thereof,111111 tate whether ore-halt of Sixth—Send the council a proper order dltect- boards of public works co juvestigate and re Sixth—Scud the council a proper
order direct-
'j the coat thereof is to De p¢fd into the city turas- Ing the work to De done. port: y em Ing the work to De done.
! yl i :I I-� r-hefore Llte contract is let. Yeo v—A Id.Banholzer,B)eieubetg,Bott, Con- Firxt—Is this impro- cut proper and neces- ]-Baa—Aid rianholrxr. Bloienberg,
tu Third—Cuu 1 ex[xte Lo be assessed for said le}-,Cope)and,Costello,fiobaer.Dernlden,Finn- y? ley,C.pclnvJ.Cvs[ello.Uobner,IlornidPn,Fian-
rI improvement De found benefited to the extent o]'rinni,G ellen,McNamee.Melad v.)fines.Sanborn, s Eecoud—Give the council x11 timate f the drxut, i:rhun, lie\nines. lielndy,
Minex. Sxu-
' damages,coats and expenses accessary to be iu- gulllvan,\'uu Slyke.Mr.President-17. a penes thereof,and tate whether or a-halt of Dont,Svlltvnn.Vxn.Slyke,Mr.Preeldent-17.
thereby" Approved Juue.18.1890. the coat thereof Is to be paid into the city tress- Approved Juue 18,1890.
9i c
Fourth Is such impp -ems t asked for upon before the contract is let.
the stiffen r nPPllcation o[ the owners of n By Ald.Gehnn— Third—C'o t real estate to be a-vsessed for said
majorityso[t B property to be aeseaced for auch It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council improvement be found Dene9led to the extent.t By'r Cullen—
} t the l7ty of G Poll: damo6•es, ,at,and expenaes neceesxry to be hi- It ix hereby ordered by rue Common Cotwc•11 of
"I[It—Send the
council a Flnn or Profile o[ That[be matter of the pwclnR of Thirteenth d themby? f the tile CYty of St.Yanl:
+ sold improvement,as required by Ivor,it you re- tenet with cedar blocs from Robert treat to cuFourth—Ix auch ImFrovement asked dor uo on That Park Ylauur,Irmneth'"I
tllne of 1.odour
port Int o t the=! \Ilsshed,pl street be and the xxme Is hereby re- the petition or application I the owners ( wap.
Sixth—Send the cuuncll a proper order dire![- fe red to the board of public works to investi. majority of the property to be assessedforsuch teen(14),Park Pince Addition
to St.Paul,tc
Ing the work to be done. gate and report: i pP ovement'. the alley on the west line o[said and
+ ) d ^ Yens—Aid.Banholrzr,Bielenbetg,Bott. 'ou 'First—Ie this Improvement¢roper and neces- Fifth Send the council a Ian or profile of the same is hereby referred
to the board of pub-
]et', C'opelund, Costello, Uobner, Uorin co-, e¢r said improvement,as required by law,If you re ]ic works to invex[igate and report'
7t yf)} Flundrau, Gahan, M.;�amee, llelady, 11 Inca. o d Give theco,,ncll an estimate of the ex port in[a�or of the lame. Ftn�t—lu this improvement proper
and tieceB-
' Sao born,Sulltvuv.\'an Slyke, lir.President— pease thereof,and,tate whether our•half of the Ixlh d the council a proper order direct ecoid—Give the council n estimate
f the
17. cost thereof is[o be paid into tae city treasury nR the work to be done. u
dj Approved June 18,1890, before the contract ix let. t 1'enre—Aid.Banholzer,Bdelenbetg.Bolt,Con a pease thereof. and state whether one half of
By Aid.Geller— Third—Can real estate to be assessed for said ley,Copeland,Costello,Uobner,Honda'".Flim- the cost thereof Is to be paid into the city trews
1 1111 1 IL is hereby ordered by the Common Council improvement be found benefited to the ext4nt of drinl,hehan,llcSamre.�Ielnd} lfinen,Sahborn, ut•y before[he contract]e
Uf the C7Ly utter.Prank dxmllgex.COatx Alid expenses necessary to be in- Sullivan,\'an Slyke,lfr.President-17. Third—Can real estate to be assesxed for said
'♦' 1.�- .III I the
the stutter of chsnge oP 1l on Jackson onrred thereDS! Approved.lune 18,189 a, im provemeut be found benefited to the extent of
�t i a
hg� wrF ,f.`�'•,, d„` r , �^"
a. ,a!��"� ��,,-�. 1�� I`�'r :a. x
8 ' I land, Costello. Dobner, Dorniden, Flandrnu, pay the cost and necessary expenses of such'm-
damages,coats andexpeum.necessary to be In- puin bs iieclatter of dated Ju r report 189Uf the board o[ Gelmn,Me\amee,Melad}',Mine.,.Sanborn,Sul- prov a+t upon the real estate
to be benefited y+
., curred thereby? ork livan,Van Slyke,Air.President-16. 1 y said improvement, an provided by law;It - t
Fourth—ls such improvement asked for upon It is hereby ordered by the Common Coancilof Approved June 18,1890. being the opinion of the couudl that real estate
the petition or application of the o a f the City of St.Paul: to be assessed for Such improvement can be
lontynof the property to be assessed for such Stl Paul callie lhat t fof olio tiugublic vl nprocemetnorks of imid tjto be In the+ atter of the report of the board
of found benefited TO the extent of the cost and
J pwor _ exlauses necessary to he incurred thereby'. y'
Fi[th�end the couvcil a Plm+or profile of said ode,to tent: Grade Curtice street,from 9ou[h Ptnvinhereby ordered by the Common Council o[ ]'Sae—,Uel. Iixuholzcr, Bieleubetg,
Conley. ?x
t ovement,as req Wred by law,if you report Bo itir atreet to Concord street,In said cit}•, (•°+el and,(,.stello,Dufour,Dorniden,Flnndran,
iu favor of the same. That said board cause said work to be let b� the City of St.P. J+` Send the council n proper order direct- contract,es In•ovided by law,without one-hat St.Paul cause the 7n to dug`imnrovemn It city
be livan,Fan Slyk,,Mir.IPre,hhalct-l.unborn,Sul-
§§§ inR the work to be done. the estimated coat being first gpold into the city sever, —
gena—Aid, o beBnaolzer.Bfelenberg,Butt,Con- treasury,and,after said 'oyt hall be 1+lacea de, co 'fc: Grade the alley n bleak Paul, Approved June 18,1890
lap,Copeland,Costello,llobner,Dond.en,Flan- under contract,said board ehail proceed anti (7l'Woodbury d Ceee'e Addition to St.Paul, In the matter of the report .f tie U.ard
drau. Gahan, Mc�amee, Melaay, Dlnnea, Snnn out delays w%esa the amount ns nearly as from Harvard street t°Woodbury avenue,iu .Dint xorks doted Juue 4,1A90.
❑on+. in
Sullivan,Van Slyke..lir.President-17. thi)redeto P-Y thescert feast t tie mt necessary wi Pi, ca said That said board cause said work to be let by public
Uereby ordered by the Common Council o[
Approved Juue 18,1890. 4n the t5ty°f St.P.m:
II t such improvement,upon the real estate to be contract ny provided by In1r,without one-bait
benefited by said improvement,ea provlded by the estimated cost being first paid into the elty Thnt the bouni of public works of said city of
By Aid.Rielenberg— ]ate;it being theso of the council that real treasury,unit after id 'ark shall be 1111���ueed h. St.Paul cause tine following improvement to be
It is hereby or red
the Common Council of tate[o be assessed torn such improvement can under� delay toter said hoar mounit pro,asrw Las made, to wit Grade Goodrich uvea+ from ;
CYcy of S[.Yawl: be found benetited to the .tent of the cost, Y awe s Fanrvienv revenue to Cleveland uceuue rein said
That the matter of opening,widening and ex- and espenaes n_,h, r}•to be Incurred thereby. tiley rxu ascertuiu the same,winch will be r,-
the mtv.
tendin¢Dlinnehahn street to Chateuorth street ]'ens—Alit. Bnnholzer, Blelenber¢, Conley, q fired to pay the coat and ueces.nrT exvenaes That said board Sanaa said work
to be let by
- be and the same is hereby referred to the board Copelard, Costello. Dobner, Dorniden, Flan- lie eflted inch improvement,
saidm onement astile eovlded tate to h contntot nsprovided by law,�dthout our half Lhe
of public works to investigate snit report: ]rnu, Gehau. Dic".mce, Mel-AY,Mine-,San- P Pr y estimated cost said tworK shall
into the city unde-
e First—le this improvement proper and necea- born,Sullivan,Van Slyke,:lir.President-18. es';It being the opinion of the apro that regi +fry,and atter said woes shall De placed
Approved Jnue 18,1890. et ate to be assessed for each improvement can contract,said board ah¢II proceed without delay
,I{ sary:' be ound benefited[o the extra[of the coat and to assess the nearly as they can as
.1Zc nd—Give the council an'estimate of the exp nes necessary to be incurred therebg. certain the same, which will be required to
i 8 exlrense thereof,¢red tate whether one-"If of In the m¢tter of the pport of the boatel of 1'ns—Aid. Buuholzer. BleienlierR. Conley, pay the cost ud Tit— ry espenses
of {'
j the coat thereof ix to be paid into the city Lrem- public works,dated June 11,1890: Cop land,t'oetelio,Dobner.Dorn(den,Flandrnu, such itn t u on the real astute
to be
1 I ury before the contract lie let It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of Geh n 1Ic7Gnmee,?teladv,Mlmen,Sanborn,Sul Uenefited by .II.
}ovement,as Provided by
Third—Can real estate to be asimmed for said fie Cit t f S,Paul: entrint Inva n,Fan Slyke,Mr.Preeideut—]6. law;it being the oPidou of the council that real
improvement Le]ound benefited to the extent of That tt a boaruse td of public works o[Bald city of Approved June 18,1800. state to be assessed for such Improvement emu
i damuRee,coats and expeunes necessary to De St' vat: Grade lStickney treet,fromtCon- he found necessary
ese ser to the extent of the coat and
I incurred thereby? cord street to the south city limits,in aafd city. In the matter of the port of the board of P� a my to be Inenrrni thereby.
I a Fourth—Ie ill?improvement asked for upon Thac Said o the cause said woek to be!et by III bile to Bated June IA,L890. ex?—:xAlcl.Ban holier, Biclenberg, Bott Con-
4 the petition or application of the ox n of retract lie provided by law,without one-halt IC is betxby ordered by the Common Council of I ley,C°Peland,Coete9o,Dobner,Dorniden,Flau
aJorlty of the property to be assessed for each The estimated cost being first padd into the city the City.t St.Paul: (Iran, Gehan, McSan—,\teladv, Minea, San
1 improvement( treasury,and atter nail cork shall Ue placed That the board of public w�orke of Bald city of born,Sullivan,Van Slyke,Mr.President—l7.
1 1;
Fifth—Send the council s Ian or Profile of nutlet contract,sa dboard shall proceed without St.Paul cause the following fmprovement[o be Approved June 18,1800.
said improvement,as required by law,it you re- delay to assess the amount ae nearly as they made,to tent: Grade alley m block 2v,d Got-
1 port hn[livor of the same. can useertslu the slime,which will be required to un n ren gement of Sigel's addition to St. In the matter of the report of the board
S Lhe conned a proper order direct- pay the cost sad necessary expense-of each Ira- Paul,in Bald city. public works dated June 6,1890.
Ing the work to be done. rovement upon the real estate to be benefited That said board canes said work to De let UY
J ]'eae—Aid.Banholzer, Bleleobetg, Bott,Con- ppy enid impp ovement ae provldetl by law;it con[rnct,as provided b}•law,without one-halt it 3e hereby ordered Dy the
Common Council of
ley.Copeland,Costello,Dobner,Dorniden,Flan- being the opinion of the couucll that real estate the estimated cost being fleet paid Into the city the City of St.Paul:
1';• '�, drau,Gehxm, McNamee, Malady, Mine., San- to be ueseaeed for such fmprovement can be treasury,and atter said w k shall be ridnced That Lie board of public works
of said city of
born,Sullivan,Van Slyke,Mr.President-17. found benefited to the extent of the cost and es- under contract said board shall proceed without St.Paul entree the following
fmprovement to be
f .M Approvedpensee necessary[o be Incurred thereby. dent to assess tM1eamount as Saari•a-they can ade,to wit: Grade the alley in block 18 of
June 18,1A90. Y y Holcombe's addition to St.Paul,in sold city.
"6 ]Sae—Aid. Banholzer, Hdelenberg. Conley. +rYrtnin the name which well be required to pax That sand board cause aafd work to be let b ;
li yk, Co relaud,Costello,Dobner,Dorniden.Flandrnu, the cove and+n my -pensee of such Im-
In the matter of the port t the board of Ge�xn,McNamee,Dfelady,fDnea,Sanborn,Bui- p o ement p n the re¢1 tate to be Uane- contact,ns �roeided Ay Isty,without p e-halt
- :t
+ hAI p.blit works dated June]P7,1A90. livan,Van SI ke,Mr.President-16. - Bd�d by aafd improvement es Provided Uy the estimated cost beng first paid into the city
ij IL le hereb rdered by the Common Council of Approved June 18.1890. law,1t being the opinion of the council that regi treasury,unit after xalA ork hall be pwith.
1 '1 Y° pp estate to be axaeesed for such fmprovement can under contract,said board shall proceed Ith-
d the t-Yty of St.Paul' c delay,to assess the n rly as
j - public In the matter of the report f the board of lm found benefited to the extent of the cost and
That the board t blit.wo ke of Said citTcas_ they can+t.etrtahr the same,which w�lll he m-
�� of 6t.Paul ease the following Im vement to pensee necees+vyy to be Incurred thereby.
pro ublic wrorks dated Tulin 14,1890. a ape Aid.Banholzer.Bidebem.Conley,Cope- yuired to pay the cost and necenexry expense.
be made,to telt Construct a sewer ou Fair- Ft 1s hereby ordered by the Common Council of land, Costello, Dobner. Dorniden. Flandr¢u, f such Improvement npov the real estate
to be
mount place, from At. street to Uale the Cityy of St.P¢W: Gehnn,\Ichamee,Melody, benefited U Id improvement ua ovided by
street,in said city,together with the neceaenry That Lhe board of public works of enid city of p,Mhtea,Sanborn,Sul- law; It belirq the opinion of Lhe couucll that
strcitteet IVa and manholes. S[.Paul cause the tollow'Ing fm rovement to be limn,\'nn Slyke,Dlr.President-16.
p real estate to he assessed for such lmprove-
`{'; That said board cau-e said cork to be]et by made, to wit: Grade Capitol sVen er Ireland Approved June 18,1890, ment can be found benefited to the extent of
contract as provided by vary,without oxe-hal[
unit Hubbard treat reepecnively,front the coat and ezpeneee veceaaary co be incurred
the estimated coat befog first paid into the city Hxmtine.venue to Ixx(ngton ue.In said In the atter f the report M the board of thereby
�1 treasury,nud,after said v k shall be pplaced tits,aafd fpadlug to be done under one contract. ppublic rvo ks doted Sane 12,1890. ]'eax Ald.Banbolzer, Bielenberg,Bott
, t under contract,aafd board shall proceed xithout That said boats cause aafd work to ire let,by It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of ley,Copeland,Costello,Dobner
aid.lit'. delay to-+.seas the amount as nearly as they contract as
provided by law,without one-half the(Yty o[8t.P¢nl: drau,(:Shan, 11c�nmee, ]falsity, Dlinen, .sn
ascertain tin same,which will be requimd the estimated coat being first paid lntq the city Thac the board oP p hilt works of Bald city boa,Sullivan,Van Slyke,Mr.President-17.n
qqggiD� "{i to PaY the coat sad ecessary expenses o ugh treasury,and atter said work ebail be breed un- f St.Paul Sanaa the oilowing ImProveme ret to Approved June 18,1890.
1 II,I� fmprovement,upon the real eau,ts to be bene- der contract enid board aball proceed without be made,to wit Construct n sever on S[ 7 n-
jet H„ flted by Said Improvement,as pr rvlded by law; delay co assess the.mount ae early as they thong venue,from 1lackubin street!..DWe
,1 It it being'.he opinTon of the co+mcii t tat real es- can ascertain the same,which x111 l's required street,in Bald city,to
with the necessary In the matter of the report f the board a1
tate to le assessed for each Improvement can be to pay the coat and neceessry eapenees of catcbbaslus and manholes. public work.dated June e,1890.
found bt a ansll d to the extent M tl,e coat and such improvement,upon the reel estate to be That said board cause said work to be let by Mill,
hereby ordered by the Common Council of
J eapen9et necessary to be incurred thereby. benefi ed by said improvement,ae provided Uy contract,lie p ovided by lax,without one-half the City of St.Paul:
Yeas—Aid. BauUolzer, Bielenbetg. Conley, ]ate;it being the opinion o[tie council that real tie estimated coat being first paid Into the city That[he board of public works
of said city of
CoI�elaud,Costello,Dobner,Doalden,Flandrnu. estate to be aeeee.ed for such Impmvcment can treasury,and atter said work shall be placed St.Paul cause the following fmprovement
to be
l;ehan, Meramee, Malady, Mfuea, Sanb.a, :rate
benefited to the eztentot the coat and oder contract said board shall proceed without ode,to sit: Grade County road,from Laug-
I Sullivan,Van Slyke,Mr.President-16. necesear)' to De incurred thereby. delay to n the limo ret ns ady.e they Lord avenue to Knapp scree[In said city.
k Approved June 19,1890. ] —Aid.Banholzer,Bielenberg,Conley,Cope- can ascertain cbe Same,which will
be Tell to That said board cause said(cork to be let by
V44 �
i ,
zfz:e'+r*, :-;- •,it,t."." .}.€..;,�„v'�2` '°-3*,c ,[ »fes ,€> '^'tss ..>Hae ° ..:?' r'*'.2;-, [ 'j .. •Y<; /. `�y ..,R •.7 y av:..�.
! oat...t,,+ vided by ball,without one-half, In the matter of the report f the of board Ye Ald. Banholur, Blchatbetli,Butt,Con treaeurS.andufter said work shall be placed
un- ~
cont Lemli first pNd tM1e c,ty Pnbltc w rkv dated June la 1890. ley,Copeland,Coatch,, Dobler,Dorniden Fiau- der contract,said board shell proceed with
tre,+nu,ry.um1 after said w rk 'halittbe Plssctd It ix Ile reby ordered by the Common Council of drau, Gehen. DltNemee, Dleledy,D[mea,San- delay to aeeeaa the amount
ly as[hey
alar co:ntn+ct,said Loan.shall pro sed tlh [he C1ty [S[ Ynul b t,Sullivmb y'no Slyke.DIT.Pteldeut,17. can asce Lain the same,which will.De required
u tt deWy to biases. the n ii[• 1) That the board of n.blit,storks of said city f Approved June 18,1890. to pal
cost and necessary expenses [such
I- tbevcan nv:ertuin the s n tit hicks ill 1 a Ft Yrnl c.use the folloufng improvement to be ImF ant;upon Lhe rent entete[o be benehted
gmred to pay the roar at[I eo rtes ary xPeusea mode,to nit Grade ChIltminle.. ,from Prior I the atter 1 Lhe['¢Port ortbe board of DT ealdefmprovement,as provided by law,it
of such vnprocement upon bile rent a tate to de avenue to Fairview avenue,fn said city. abbe works dated June 6,1890. Ing the opinion of the council that real estate to
- benefited by said improvemeu t,its provided by That said board cause said w Irk tIt be]et by Pt 1s hereby ordered by Lhe Common Council of be assessed for sucA improvement
tau be bound
I hit;it debug the opinion o[ the council that contract,its provided by]an',without one-half the City of St.Paul 'benefited to the extent of the cost and expenses
:y real estate to be de seed for each improvement the estimated cost being first ppaid into the city That the hoard of p�bit,works of said cit}-of necessary to be incurred
an be found benefited ca the extent f tl �t trenanry,.fid atter x d irkh¢II be laced St.Paul canes the following huptr -e nt to be 1¢x.9-Abd.Bnnbolzer,Bielenberg,Bott,
mal etpenaes ne«nsrry to be it red
tl arab} ,at der contract,snfd board shnil proceed tt ice mode,to wit' Grade the alley 11,bloc."15.Mac ley,(uDelnnd,Costello,llobner.Dorniden,Flan-
1�. C leu. Ald.Bttnholrxri, BieleitdeB.Butt.C'ou o t delay to xa.,. Lhe amount,as nearly kubiu S Df urshell'a addition Lo SL.Yawl,iv said born, Sal U.Van Slyke Ir.Pre
Iden. 17,
-�� Ge
ley.C.oPdhmd,Costello,liobuer,Dorniden,Flnn 'they Can ..certain Ibe s nte,which will be recity'
drau.Gehnn,McN.mee 3[elady,Mllneu,Sanborn,.qulred to pay the coat and a«scary expenses That.std board cause said work to be let d Appproved Juue,18 188U.
1, Sullicatt.\"xn 81Yke.MIr.PreeWent�17. [such improvement upon the real estate to be contract,ne provided by law,without one-half Adlourued.
Approved Jmte 18,1890. benefi id impr v m nt,as Provided by the estf nate<t cost beinK first Paid into the city O.O.Cbi,l.ex,Prealdent of Council.
Ixtt;It being the opinion of the c,uttcil that real treasury,find after said tror6 sbn1l be laced uu Txoa.d.P1tExveaaAHr,(.'icy Clerk.
tote to be asecesed for an h tmpro emelt tau de contract said board sh¢II DO.- afthout
a, In Lhe matter of the report t o[he board of be found benefited to the extent of the cost and delay to:Lasses the nmouut ne uearlp ae they cru geCular Meett.,.
1+ublic works dated.Tune n,1890 sit"" xty to be n tr d thereby. cerGun the xxme,which will be reyulred to pay
55 It to hereby ordered by the Common Coune(1 0[ 1 -\Id Banhplrxr,Id""betg, BI Fawn the cost ami ne«xsaryexpensen of Hoch improve Sr.PaIIc,chair. 1,1890.
I, the City of St.Yawl ley. Ili ad,Costello.Dobuer,Uornlden, _ ant,vpoothe renleatate to be benefited Dy said }-i«president Jllnen fu the cbnir.
Thnt the board of gabble works of said city of drau, Gehrn DlcNam«, Dleladv, ]tinea, S ei t,m provided Dy law,1t beinK the
present Ald Banholur, BlelettberK. Bort.
#I St.Paul cnuae the follow lnR improvement to l,e born,Svllf ,1nn Slyke.D7 r. Presidenta Qnproveof the rounciI that real¢still,to be xa C.,ley,Copeland,Costello, Dobuer,
1' made,to wit Construct n se+r on Nratern Approved Tune 18,1890. ndifor such
impr v meat cat be found be Fland ran,l:ehan.]Ic\aurae, Tlel¢dt•, Sullivan,
e,fr t Dfartin at t to t Unlvereftysu-a In the matter f the reports of the board of efited to the extent A the con[and expenses sec- Slyke,Mit.\'1«President 15.
elf s id city, together tt-iW the net arY public work.dated July 1G,18AD nod June awry to he incurred thereby. >Iluutes f pre«dviK meeting approved nail
catehblisius and manholes. 10,1890. eS]'eua Ald. 13mtholzer,litelenbetF,Butt, t.',n [Ifs pruned ttlib 1.1111c.,tc illi
That.aid board ca id work to be let by It le hereby ordered by the Common Connell of lav, t'o'eland. Costello UODiier, Uornlden, (7rottn n ovided by law, without to halt the City oP 82.Paul Flxud n+u, l:ebnn. Vexantee. >leludy. )finer, From H:sH tl )I }or-Yoiicem d-
the extimnte[1 c st being firm Pufd into the eft} Thnt the board of Public works of said city f 9..ttborn,Svlhva;'Van SI}li, Mr Ptvatdent I me.,e) l,-i Old
I I{ tresseury and after smd t irk hull be placed f St.Paul cause the 111.vinq n vement co 17. -- To the Htonori Ale Pr silent and Common
x l tad ontract,said board shall pros d u[h be mode, to tit. t.rode nail heldKe Jc-m-"I Appr,vetl June 18.1890. t'ountd of the Pity of Sc.PuW :on
out delaS[o assess the¢movnt,asnenrlynsthey atr-t, from Rice street co Df lsleslppi street ill t.eni lo.,o. I have the honor m inform
e I 1 certain the enure,tchich will be ray ulred to bid City It the natter of the reports of the board of that Pu r. fit[o tr re-�olutiou P sed 11 your
1 pay the cost evil u ex l Ill re of such ai That said board cults,said work to be let by p honorabletd 1-o Jul" 17 I8DU,I hive 1 -
•! �. to [hex cal cry c.'I be Leneftte utJiC work. dntrti \Feil , .890: ]lay S. o:)
mpmvemen Pen on tract,ns rovided by Ince, without one-half 1890;June 8,18911,:ltd June 17.1890: Pointed lar poli A.Mleyers to Le u patrolman o[
Dy said improveuteat,as provided by lou': it the eatim¢teiS cont tieing flexr onniid into the city It 'n hereby'onlere'I by the Common Council o[ bile regular police force
fo L ns iu,ofm nsteT
being the o'inioii o[the c aatil that a•rl estate [re,wuirp, and after sxi 1 t k xhssll be plu«d Lhe City of Still
(n the Tench tt ted for the mm the of Jul}•.
I' to, : r1 for a tch im Provemeut l to bider infract,axed board nil all Proceed 'ith- That Lhe board f 11��u Diic works o[said city [ Allgunt,September nail October,1890,and
,a it
found bel clited to til, extent f the Coett.1 It debt,' to casae s the.moan t,u i Inv ne St.Paul cnuae the following imp-,muent to be Your advice\¢try ooneent res tec[htllereto.
qi i my to be incurred there Y. roti- tile,can ecerinin file same,which whit be re- made.Lo wit: Grade Leslie vel e,IT—\'ic- I y,
exl"ens-Al�l.t Banholur, Bielenberg,Bort, „aired to p,Vy the mat ami n^ces ery exPeuses for street to Lexington at-enne.0 and Milton Ronenr A.S>irsn,DlnTor.
ley C.p Innd.Costello,Dobaer,Uol,oul t,Fl:tn- ,f a,wh f p o of upon[he real estate to be h street,from Laurel even to Flirt Dunt ave- Jnl)-1,1890.
ilr u.Gehan.ylcNnmee,\Ielnd)'}linen.Sanborn, beneliteil p said timytovament, Prr`b1 1 by - said city,slid grading to be done under AccepteA,nod said apimintment advised
gnniran.tan Slyke.]It.Potatden-17. Litt: ft D,fug the Pixion o[the conacll`thrt fie.inntrn,a ne,¢ced cn. Bielenb,
Approved Juue 18,18=11. real .tate to De mineaxed fur such improvement otThnt sni+l board c said work to be]et Colenx-Abd.Banholur, rK. Bort, len.
ebe found be
to the extent nP the cont Dy co itr¢Ct.ns,provided
by l,tw',n'it hoot of I y, Copeland. Cva[ello, ll bn Dorniden.
In the matter of file report o[the board o[ mad exi>Gnxes necessary[o be incurred [hared)'. half the eetimnted coat being ff ret oiaW into the b•Inndrxu,Gnh,ui. Mle Nnmee.
}�ublic works,dated June 6,1890. lens-Abd.lianhoizxr,liielenberg• Boit, Con- c ty treasury, and atter id rk .hull be Ino SI}-ke,air.\-ic,Yresideufr-1 o.
P,I It fa hereby ordered by the Common Council of ley. Copeland, Costello, Dobuer, Dorniden, placed under emitrncc s id bourdtimll Proceed Al...
rl the llfy of St.Yawl: Flnndrml Gahan, McN.mee, Mela y, Millen, tvichout delay to assess cher doubt ria bear ty as Peddling license revoked-
' That[he board u Public works of said ci[a Sanborn,Snllivnn,Van Slyke, Mr. Preldent- they can nacertnin the same,which trill be re- To the Honorable Preaidentnnd Common
an of St.Peal c e the follotvfng im}Rf..Ili n 17. attired to Any the cost il uecesbnry expenses at Cil of the Cnyl of St.Paul:
to he made,to wit: OPe video tt I xtend Approved June 18,1890. ouch improvement,u1,01the real eatxte to be den- Gentlemen have the honor to inform you
Lawain.treat,between Iii[«street nil SYlvxn filed by s¢Id imppr nl L,as Provided by law; that I have revoked the licenses numbered four
¢free[,in sold citp,contletnning nail Laking+til n the t atter f the report of the board of it being the opinloft of the couPro that real ee- (4)and ten(10) tedto ll.
tint lnd heat«n Rinl anti Sylvan sc is not Public work.tinted.Tune6,18, tate tobe ivasesaed for such impr,vement can be Kieler topeddle meat in the city o[St.Paul.
Iready condemned or dedicated I0r public se It w hereby ordered by the Common Council of found benefited to the stent ofthecostand and I eek your approval thereof.
7 Ifinthelines of a icatD six[ 16 )tfeeithei5c tSt.Paul: nesenecesary to be immrred rhereby, VeryMil or.t 6•t yy pe�] 'ids the north]fee of which
strip sba;l be the That the bo,ttd of Pt blit works of said city oC asps Ald.Ban6o1 r, BI lend rg, B ft,Con- ROBExr A.$)fiT., y
4 Doth live of.J. F. Eisenmenger's addltiou [o St.P:ml,cause the follow
Improvement to 1�T1.eCopeland,Coafello,Dobuer,Dorniden,Flan- July 1,1890.
f n.PntiL of said board shnli paroc«d with- - made, t, wit:' Tuve vith dar block the drau, of a DleNnmce,Mr.PY, Mfnea, 8un- Commi ties o.Lice'
out Pauly T assess the amount, nearly ex able}',known No. 2, lu block 1'l,St.Paul born.8tt11ivan,\'nn 31yke,Mr.President-17. From J¢mes J.DlcCutferty-
}{ they can itscertaln[he same, which will de re- Proper in said city. Approved June 18,1890. Claim of 3600; defending Police Officer Peter
etlred to p.y the dnm.Kee,costs and necessary-re-
That said board cause .id[withork to be let by son.
{qq 'I� ^pjp l xpenses of ach Intp tt upon the real contract,rs pprovided by late,without ouw6 t Tn the matter of the report f the board of Committee oft ways and
",{ ��!- ?°�• R-
estate to be benefitted by sold improvement,xs the eathnated Coat being Brae p id Into the city public works dated June 14, .890. From Petereuu and Andersou-
11 t ��: t�•� Provided by law: If,being_ the opiidon o[the treranry, nail after id t,-ork shall de plated 1t is hereby ordered bV the Common Council of For transfer
to Balthasar HBIen o[botcher 11-
Iefl that real estate to lm n s d for each trader Contract snfd board shall proceed with theCit of St.Peal: Lens,N,.fig.
improvement can be foiled benefitted to the ex- t delay to assess the amount n rly as Tltxt the Doard o[p tbBc works of said city [ Committee on II«nee.
tent of the damifges, costa and expenses the}•sun ascertain the same, table'twill de re- St.Pnnl,cavae the following improvement to be From J.A.Bnnof t and others-
[aired to ally the cost and necess.ry expenses made,to wit: Construct a sewer on George For vacation u[ten Leet o[Riley,Jot 8,block
i)I; necessary to be incurred thereby. ti Pr street from Ohfo street to Smith nvenue,in said 41,St.Anthony Park.
Yeas-And.Banholzer,pit, der¢, Bott. Con- f such im ,vement,upon the real esta[ded be Referred back to petitioners for correction.
1" Ir}•, ('opeland. Costello, Dobuer, Uornlden, benefited by axil i nprovemenL n9 provi 9 city.together with file neeeaenry catch basins From James H.N'arrell-
1 Fined nub, GEh ]ICNnmee, Dfelad}-, >[Inea, tau':it baby¢the o yinton of Lhe council[h¢t real
FYI d ,. glSullivan. MI Slyke, }7 r.Provident- tat,to be,wee ed for s tch iniprot-ement eon nn'd d snfd board cause sold work to be let by Oath nail Loud¢aconstable with
1 ti �e found brnehted to the extent of the cost and iitrmt p,,,Id,d by lou. without one half nail Auquet Refill ae retire
i I
A` 1 Approved June 18,1890. et Pensee necee.,try to be incurred thereby. the eatimrited icier being B_t paid mt.the city v Coinmlt[ee on ways and menus.
App I ' •N1
� e• 'max. r .?,�� � ��r � �r� �`�`�'?� c�.5
coxntnov of snaps. The corporation attorney trans mite,app raced
From George Palmes and others From John Hebere and others— New city hall snit courthouse funds 514,9:17.'02 by hull,the bonJ of William Pla[[e ns txrkst
Protesting against eloping or using for private Asking that hotel runners'licenses be revoked. Ut.funds. .................... 404.UUH.o-i mnster In the sum of 55,000,with
Henry Voges
y purposes of part of Wahlut street. Aid Flandrau and corporation attorney. City ark „......... ..... 7:31.18 and Jacob F,Jagger a sureties.
Committee on stteete. St.Pnnl blit library..... . 064.00 Committee on ways and means.
t',t From A.\lunch and Uthers— ttetoxre of mry oFFtcEtte. pit "" 6,8364 18 Of Cit
For paving of Etlst Fifth street. 0f Tlenpurcr—Report for Juur,1880 Police pension funds ........ ........ }-a Common
HOURC11s avenue gen:Relative
Commlt[en on streets To the Honorable the Piresident pad Common Total.. .. ......5426,19 1!02 t To
e enclosed C solutio of Aid Lef hausetr,
.) r From Jac.Niederhoefer and Others— re
Asking for removal of Azocine works,John J. Council of the City of St.Paul— "that the city engiucer be hereby instructed[o
wneRE neeostren' have Hxntings avenue graded to the established
O'Leary & pxekjug establishment and Gentlemen: I have the honor to submit to 348.266,43
Sons' First National Bank.......................
F ! Delaney 8-et,ons streets
slaughter house. you the following report of the receipts t,1 itis- °' grade,from Pnciflc avenue t as grHomavenue,t I "'
Committee on ntreete and eommiesioner of burseineote o[this otfltt from June 1a[,1890, >ferehants'National Rnnk............ 183,113,98 would report that the street was graded
to the
to June 28th,1880: Bank of Minnesota........................... 185,206.86 eataLlished ggrade some two years ago,but not
health. National German-American Hauk.. 11,889.43 to the full wldtn fn front int the property owned
From Christian Dehn and Others— REcetrie. Germania Bank__.......... ............ 21,694.90 by Mr.Jagger,the city beim;reetralned at that
For the dfeontinuing of sprinkling Arundel St.Paul National Bank................ 6.076.18 time by an injunction from putting ally dfrt on
Balance...................8268,470.80 Commercial National Bank............. 19,621.29 h
_�. Granted.. (See resolution.) his propertyfor slopes. Coneequeuttyt estreat
From Joseph Schaaf and Others— City bonds...............897,194.4-1 Second NatfonalBank..................... 22.207.18 was tiarrowed and the slopes not snowed
P County treasurer.... 200,000.00 Savings Bank.................................. 20,061.82 to go outside the street line.
For grading an alley In block 2,Michel's sub- ;Runicipal court....... 4,051.20 People's Bank................................. 3,4183.60 fore any;codling can be done at
this point
division block 6,8timmWe division. Market master....... 760.00 6nven Corners Bank....................... 3.101.02 it will first be necessary Lo c..nde.n the slopes;
Board of public works.with order. Pound 110.83 Capital Bank.................................. 11.6118.17 sad,atter that fe done,I think the better collies '
From W.G.Wicks end L.J.Dobner Cytyy G ;; 720.00 West Side Bank.............................. 2,399.81 would be to let a eontract for the gralBne aad
For grading of Simpson avenue. RL.P 1 ublic o k 6candinaviau American Bank......... 8,942.86
P er sasses the coat on tun Dropetty. `
d I_ Board of pub
lic works,with order. Donee 571.15 Bank of Minnesots, Interest
II From Harduon T.Mcl.7ung and others— Vacatfsgfees.. .. 76L00 count..........................................6 61,703,76 Raspecttully euDmltted.
Asking order Northern Rall- I terest on L.W.R elty ti
> wa coin any to construct a brulo oil Lezing- n water CYty Engittesr.
1 y P bonds................... 7,017.60 Total.........................................$426,187.OY June 20,1890.
ton aveiiue over right of way. Water depart meat Respectfully submitted, Alderman of the ward,
Granted. (Bea IeaolutlOR,) receipt................. 6,500.00 _ GEo—E RE®.City Treaeunr.
3 From M.P.Ryan and others— Redemption recelpte 45,06fl.U6—_, -- June gg lggp- Of Inspector of B1lfdin®1—Report for MI.
iiFor vacation of portion of alley in block 1, part.redemption m / 1890,city trexsarer'e receipt for$1,308.110.
i Ewi k Chute's additlom Committee an ways and means. P
yy nngg ttipts.................... 748.58 Committee on ordinances and uAllc accounts.
Pet ordered filed of record wtthdtyclerk, O7 City Comptroller—Audited PYalms,viz.: Ort for June,
j.' and cit clerk Instructed to We necessary pub- seg- Of Clerk of)funldpit Court— P
Y e r asem................ 77.90 C.E.Sand...Estimate No.6¢ad floe],grad- 1888,dry treasurer's recelptfor 54,161.70.
ii ]icatlon notice. Repulring Paved Ing Fourth street.$1.679:J. Grant, Estimate Committee on ordiuencesand public accounts.
From Michael Kern— street s,,,,,-„,,,.ved 160.16 No.6,supplementary to No,6 nod final,grad-
' Cla1m of 360 for changing line of Mendota police penxlon fund. 2000. Ing county road,$78:J.Forreetal,Est 1, ,code”
Nu. Also,
atreenmltten on claims. Library
fines........... 73.34 30,supplementary to No. 9 and final,wooden Ayp Intmentsnit Bond—
, i? Fire depart meat...... 60'00
efdewslkke for 1889,$600; Hauxen k Jonnsou• The clerk trnnsmlix to coundl a copy of
From James H. Burne, county delegate, A. y,trk commlxalon.... ••8.60 Estimate No.6 xnD final.Wnitmn strret system lits appointment and s request that mount Of
0.H.— Interene on Deposits 235.82 of exrere,8572.60;T. Reilly, Estimate No. 3, his bond be fixe..
� I) For renew¢1 of lease of portion of market Miscellaneous re- wooden sidewalks,18U0,$5.206.38;P.Doherty, Committee On ways and meiute.
t� house,ate. ce1Ptx..... 2,953.2Y Estimate No 3 id final. severer n Seventh Ot l'a1,tain of Pollcr—Reuort(or June.18390,
Committee on pi bllc buildings,etc. Dmmond Jo line..... 8:1.33 street,3684 73;W.C.Doherty,I•:stfmnte No.2 gas amps not lighted three,oil lamps not
others-Eduard tG. Rogers,Elise Stferle and Lity engineer........ 447.30 Id final,sewer On Fifteenth
street,S1u2.5o:J' Ilg kited 129.
For grading of ThirD offset C'artiflrntes of fn- T.Dlfllion,Estimate No. 6 id final,grtl. - Lyty romptrolle.r.
debteduese............ 6,060.00 3llnnehahn street.5723.60;J.T.Milllou,Esti- Of Mtte ket Afaeter—Report of market hall
I '1� Board of u"k,works n nth order. Litanes nnD Per- to No.3 and final,grading 311 ehuba stmt, relit for }north and April,city treasurer's re-
1 I I From
An Sauter Rod others nits,B.P.\V...... 8,914.70 3t183; Dale 8 Baumgardner, Estininte No. ceipt Or
6 For grading of Winslow avenue. Assessment collet- 4 suit final, grading Pay"
avenue, 846u Committ-.a.
e ou ordinnuttx and public
Board Oi ppublic works with osier. tions........... .. 50.21U.3:; E.McNamee.370,60:St.Yxul Rubber l'ompnny' Ot Poundmnstar Hinkel—Report for June,
,I From L.H.Dyer and others— 59.56;Usear A.Peterson,374.10;\fork Postel- 1890,city treasurer's receipt for 3]65.
p`yyy�ttI Yrotestiug against propopr<i change of grade DfsBURaextE.-'rs. lo,5100.05;M.J.Bail,register of deeds.3120.70; Committee ou ordinances and public accounts.
I _tqil on Osceola avenue. \ferrill's Toilet Supply.$6;Nonh Sinks,54;C.
Alderman Ot the ward. CItY'orders. ........... $293,784.07 E,Keller k Co.,810.40j Ph.Peteler,$760.20;
F7'Dm JOhn Devinney Fire department Board of WtlL¢r POm.Iasi oners.5551.10, St. REPORT OF BOARD OF PUDae wD--s. • ,
Asking$300,shade trees destroyed,Mendota warrants.............. 11,4836.86 Paul Gaslight CO.Pnuv. $8.072.46. M. E.
Il I; .treat grading. Water department �" Kellyy, $214.60: Board f Water Com- AlbertAvenueGrndin6—
e Committee on sialine. warrants.............. 107,868.77 Issimers, 522.42; Die Volkuf"Ing To the Common Couueil of the City of St.Paul:
From Digebotg B.Linetad— St.Paul workhouse. 2,618.90 $631.82; Leveroos k rlesenbourg. $62fi; The board of public ...ks have had '
Asking$225 damages,Forest street sewer. Robinson k Ctlry Co.,366.03;Jietrill'e laundry.
an claims. St.Paul library....... 787.68 consideration the resolution or order of tun
From Caccia K.Jobueon and others— Park com.ieafom- 59; Finch•Van Slyke k Co.,8108.96:Buzille k common council,approved Oct,10,1889,cele-
w l For construction of a sewer he Hudson ave- ars........................ 6,104.99 Partridge.573.46;Board of Water Commission- clue to the grading of Albert avenue,from
$36.28;blaxfleld k Seabury,82.25;Adam ere/ty avenue to Minnehnha street•and having {
nue. Interest roupoae...... 82,087.50 Recker&Co., $3.47; oil blaou, Ogden k Co., investigated the d lmpcovement:
Hoard of public works with order. New city ball and $L40;Edison Electric L1ght-ad. Co., propose
From W.H.Carotne.and others— court house war- 816,76;C.C.Sharp.811.70;Azotime Jiaunfac- RespecLf011y report that said fmprovememt is
t •'If' For the opening unit grading of Hewitt avenue. 106.00 Luring Company,$1,260:DfeVolkuitunR.377.40; necessary and proper;that the estimated ex-
t 11 p
Board of public works with order. Redeemed certifl St.Paul Book and Stationery Co., $168.62; sense paid I is 32.006,onerealt of befohichre
5!; From P.W.Hlshon— cites of sale......... 23,888.89 Pioneer Press Co.,$677.45;the Dispatch print- not be paid into the dt}• treasury before tun
{ ? For 3300 dam s,shade Lreae destroyed, Ing Co., $77.40; Broom. Treaty k Cu-. 811; contract is let; that real estate to be assessed
street gralig. pe
redeemed cer- 686.25 6t.P.
an I!' Co.,3R7.SU;G.C.Berkman therefor can be found benefited to the extent of
Committee On dolma. tiflcntes of sale.....
City cafes redeemed 20,686.00 S Sone, $99.50; P. Leo,$2H.76; T. Greely, the
Bald improvement is ry pot be
From E.A.Pia ria Disbursement to as- $240.
1 i8 m
;i Asking for refunding of 87A,cows impounded. sessment collet- Allowed and ordered paid by following vote: by apetltion of a majority o[the owners of prop-
: - Committee on claims. arty c be asand p therefor,Dat majority ref the -
fi'l �p Fit tion......- 1,167.00 Veae—Alit.Bnnholrzr,Blelenberg.Hatt, Y npPlication tutJ petition of a i
Froth C.Tyson Butcher— ]tiecellnneous din- Copeland.Costello,Dobner,Donddeu,F laildrxu. oil t lie neof
f,1 Claims as follows: For H.C.Schilling.51,000; 1,673.82 Gelian,McNamee, Melody, e.born• Snllivan, actual res, owners of Pi opt a hearinK bef'lid
Smr lnruh \4'aIH. 5-6,000;Abraham Arrives, bursements........... 4211,197.02 Van Slyke,Dlr.Vice President—15. the proPosad Improventen
i.��I l 'Balance on baud..... ti '•
e hl $1. in
66!1:Frederick Smith. 51,000;de[entlott of 0t Curiruntt,on Attorney—Hood of LV illinm said De,trd.{I'd ie Ilerewlth aw`�dan�'Ider for
iI✓e_,{ .' prolrerty,Lyminn Dny ton's additlun. Platte as market mn ter- 1' file Of
ell t vement r
m pro
C'omml[t-On Clmint, Total.................S9R5,152,6.1 8985,152.66
`""y. -:,,.- _�>,t,-.#",�Y`°,;w- s r ?duo.3x'rc'Y .,zy. -�3, ... s•.,-a='Pr ,¢.•e�.: f` w.�tu•�s•+e..z't"^r .: sem'•" � .�mT_� �-�_,<-at�.iC'�r��„,
4� ;;:t'µi
! =1 E
your adoption,1t you desire lie Lo make the Im-I begs n{ug at Slxth street and running outherly to pass a new final order,as amended for said said Fairview avenue,from Marshall
avenue to
}” p vem t. 210 feet, king ii+arts of lots 3and 14 of alks 1 v e L. Otto street. any',
)sae,8;nays,U. block,and h. IS Investigated the proposed ,C groper final order for said Improvement is J.C-gvt president pro tem.
R.L.Goassex,President. improvement herewith eumi tied for your adoption. J.T.KsagEn.
I J T.Ksnksa, Reepecttully report that ft la n Bary d J.C.quises Pteeldent pro tem. (.'leek of the Board of Public Work..
Clerk o[Lhe Boerd of Public Works. proper to npeu a dextend an alley eigbuen(18) J-T,gsaEEs, Jnne 2n,1890.
June 80,1890. feet Ids fn block 11 St.Paul proper, from (,Perk of the Board of Public Works. Alderman of the ward.
Adopted.(See orde to board of public works.) Sixth stmt to s poi at 210 feet s therley from[ June 27,1890. Also,
MMf t r tob Id 81xtb slmt;that the estimated pe Adk, said order approved April 16,1890,
1 i Bf ar a Avenue Paving— hereof is
$16,000;that 1 tate LoxF+e as repealed and a nulled said board fitrneflnhn Stmt Opening.Etc._
To tha Common Council of Lhe City 18t.Paul. sesxed therot can be found benefited to the ex- Lo amend,u nqueeted,Its said report doted To the Honorable,the Pmment and Common
n The board of public 11 rks have had under tent or the damages, o t. d penxes n AVI 11,1890. Con. City of St.Paul. a
.'� usideration the reeolution or order of the tom- exxury to he Incurred thereby;athat pfd- l 16, Gentlemen-1'be board of public works here-
- A moie reit aphe reitd Aputl 16,]89n,relative to nrovemeut ix tot asked for by Petition of n (S¢¢order to board of public works.) with reaperul rerun[the
Vrelimi ti. der.
their,aving of U r v from North tans[ tujorit))•of the ow lie t p Perty to be ae glso• approved Julie 18,18Bu,lu the tier o[ he
to Rat.. v an u,having inveatlKated [he uexsed therefor.but tae herewith.end x play or Well,Stmt and Gmnbrier Avenue:trading— opening,i wl ch.t.d,olog and extension f
Mhe-Ki ha
proposed improves a t: profile n[ aid improvement,and nn order[or - To the Honorable Pmeldent sad Common Co..- stmt o Chat,at orth stmt.with she rt
Rposed iully ovenic that it fe n wry and your ado Vtlon,i[you desire ux[o make the Im ell of the CYty of 8[.Pani- that the assessment for the opening of�[fu-
�, ' pnroPer to peva:\larin n eau from Bxte,ave i provemxnt. Geutith en—The board of Public works hem nehahe etm�,term Western n IIII,o to Gr1gya
- e to East 8eveuth treet.xlth cedar block oa Zeus,II,nays O with pectfallly Lurn Lhe Hnnl order, p stmt ata» r firmed llxreh 1886,and
�I plank'(uuud,tton and goranite curbing,1uGnding J.C.Qmxnx,President pro tem. proved April 8d,1890,for the grading of\Yells said Lonrd also-.I—tfultl}•beg leave to
111 the necessary sewer ttections to Lhe prop J.T.KsnKEn, stmt,to a partial grade.from Edgerton street Your Atte illicit to the attached report of the
I ty linen: "It.
hat thetl thna[eA panne Clerk of the Board of Public Works. to Arcade stmt, with the q r t that Axid city eugWeer to card matter.
thereof is 2.40,860, o e halt o[ which d June 26.1890. rder be annulled,and that said board be 1 S L.QUtxny,President pro tem.
not be paid into the city arrt.ary before the Adopted.(See order to board of public works). ]owed fo amend Ice re rt, dated March 27th, J.T.Reagsn, 9
contract to Ie[, Lha[ 1 tate to Ire Also, 7890.eo as to mad that L 1e eixrexary and Clerk of the Board of Public Works.
nessed therefor can be found benefited to the Alley opening and extension.between St.Clair 1trope •'to grade to n partial grade Wells tmt, June 27.1890.
extent of the cost and expenses necessary'stmt and Lombard avenue, Rtdgew nod Park from rF.dgerto I stmet to Arcndr tmt and Alderman of the ward.
to be in"—it thereby;that ward im}rov m t addition— Gmnbrier avenue,from Pork stmt to Wells Also
is naked for by n petition of n large nlalorlt2 f '1'o the Common Council of the City of St.Pante etmt,.nid grading to be done ruder one con- Grund avenue,Ridgewood avenue
and other
the owners of property to be:sneaked therefor,I,.. 'thee board of public works have had under tract,"for the rea.on that said Lonrd is ad- torte sewer '
(. s and we herewith seed n plan and profile of said conslderxtion the resolution or rd o[ the ,filed by the city engineer[tent the tans a •1'o the Honornhle,the President
nitd Common
improvement,rovematt,and+lit order for your adoption, cotmnm council,approved 3IaS 21,1890,r!a- teNal on said Gmnbrier avenue can be usedntto Council,City of St.Raul: 1
{ jif con desire us[o make the improcemen[. tics to the opening u d exteustou of n alley advantage un said Wells stmt. slid that the Gentlemen—The board of public works
I ]ens,es vaye,U. through'that m xceI laueous piece f lnn'1 be cost of said work will be less if done wader u frith respectfully transmits a communication
R.L.G......President. [ween S.Clair st—t and Lombard avenue, contract; nd said board also respectfully rev Item the [•1tv engineer in regard to unforeseen
T.T.Kengen. Irons the easterly Iter f block five(6)to the quest your honorable body to pass s nen final o isty Iles encountered In the . txtructiun of a
tk f i Clerk of the Board of Public Works. '[erly line of block six f0).Ridgew 000d Yvrk rder vs ender)for rid 1 p ruvemen t. rw er I!<.rand nue,from Dlilt
ov stmt to July 1,1ts90.. Lodditiou,no s to nave a cuntmuou,alley from A p per flaai order for so
id lbnprovement is �'irtorin stmt(ItiAKeacoud lid thee
.\dopted.fSee order to bourdot Publieworke.) Milton stmtato Ridgewood averse;and,having nem ith sob fitted for your adoptoa stmt.s set 1 The Lonrd IIs told rc+pec[lully
investigated theproposedImprovement J.C.Cirrus,Ymnideut Pro tem. m mewl that a thorny abs grunted to so
n 'Lieu' Respectfully port that it is spry and J.T.KEn.En, oodify[he t•o,,t,,ct for,aid seater system s
Minnehaha Stmt Gradin,— prnto open slid extend an alley between It Clerk of the Board of Public R orke to cover the uwforeseen bxtoc:es eu [nate ed
a} j ry-jI To the Common Council o[the City of St.Paul: Cl—a r stmt nod Lombard vveuue,from the suet Jmte 27,1890. x'd Gr:ntd uvenue.xad[o that cud herewith
h Tite board of public w ks basso(+ad der',bee of block 6,Rldgewood Yark ddition to St. Adopted,x+aid order npV roved APriI 9, ]890, �aitbtalt u 1 flair.
usfderati on the resolution o r ler [ the Proper repo It
x 1 Oct�Is,1839,rein- Pnul,to 3f tltov et mt:that t heeetimated ex axe rapHaled lid n Dulled,um1,aid bonrtl xllow'eA .T.f',l2msav,Pmideu[Pro[em.
I j ii common council, P Drover fru.-.thereof ix Sri[i0,that 1 [ate Lo be ns sed t end, r,.ptexted,its sold -ort, dated J.T.KEI{KEI[,
tive to the grading t ]liunchuha stmt, therefor con be found beneH ted to the extent of 3lnrch l7.1890.
1It y Cont.avenue
to Hamllne xvetme,and, having I the damltRes,conts and exl�e� .necesssty Lobe ]'ens.15. 1.leek of the Board o[Public Works.
d the proposed improvement. dimes .lu as27. of t
t.—s tfub t that it fs lie '.2 and htmtrndthereby;that sal provenaentis naked (See order to board of public xorks.) AI[lermnu of the nerd.
jj pec y p from Couto for by a petition of a m Jority of the ow vera of Aix Aleo
' i+ k• !' pnronin to gr+Lan Mionehnhs street, w }s, y to be d Ili Ir,and Lie 1 ere- Refunding order,S '
..t.Brr•ker--E.Rice's First
y to to Lexington weans:that the estimated with se d a Plnn oI.calci improvement.and nn addltiwl— Ra}-mond and It uAley Aveko r Grading—
IR ii (1.X11 r Lhemo[1 211,28U, one-half of bleb '[ desire In t0 Tu Lhe lionnruble Ibe Yre,ideot sad lummon
}i llki j'• a<pelt order for your adoption, you To the Honorable[he President xml Common
i 1 n n d trot be paid stnto the cl[YetrensurY before no ke the improvement. Coro Ml of the City of St.Paul, C.oulwil of[he Cit}'of It.Paul:
the contract Ix let. re 1 stia[e to be+n j'exs,8;vaye.0. Gentlemen—The hoard of puldic to orke re- GeDCelnell The honor t=works hem
sed therefor call be found benefited to the. R.L.Gonazxx,President. sp orally request your houorn hie Leeds to cause frith ms tfullc return the Preliminary order
Ee tent of [he cats td cape a necesenry Lo J.T.%EnttEa, funning 1rr for the nut of 876.:3.1 to Ire 1'P uvcvl ``rt.7,188fl,la the matter of grad-
e be Incurred thereby;
a Id Imp
mventent is Clerk of Lhe Boardot Publle Work.. drawer upon the t•1Ly tmesu nerotin Ivor of S.J. hug iloyntuntl even he.from Langford o—ine to
not asked[or by Petition of n j rlty of the Jun
RU,1890. R k.,owner of lot 12,block l Y.E.RI•e'n Fi t Dttd I,y+recurs,slid Du ul,v Benue from Ray-
-�'. llPoe of pr gr-Petitionto be aseeesed therefor,but Adopted. (See order to board of public addition toSt.Paul,Lhe.nm x n I+eittg the t onA tet lie to Gibbs with the
port '
/i II 1 a pllication of n large number of w, tt cear that the matter of trading lit id Raymond a
Pe e). - alt overP:dd by said owner tt lit of
total residents d property owttet9 n the ori Ahu. }.. said t [ bent¢ o ra. saedt fu the re- le is covered by a Iinal order,ap➢meed Julie
Nrovemen McLe,n Avenue Gradin erre itry
bef re the proposed,ed 1m t.u[a -on
g— ee for the grading yl Edgerton stmt, 1,t1 u nml that Dudley avenue ix not oe conA _
before said board, d e herewith td aoplan T the Honorable the Pmeldent and Common ',$ from Ucx:ntur stmt to Maryland stmt(grad- Gia full sons. between Raymond at eon
5,, lid profile of aid Improvement,and an der oC,punefl,CYty o[8t.Penl: Ing and se n'erlug Edgerton stmt). Gibbs lit sane.
i [I`Q F {� for Sour adoption,1f you den(re us to make the Gentlemen The board o[public works hem R.L."I—'s,President. .T.C.Rmxnv,President Pro tern.
improvement. J.T.KEKKe--lie
i ( 1t v pectfl., Lurn the final rder,ap- J.T.KE Clerk
Clerk of the Board of Public Works.
i) ]'ese.8;vaye,O. pp o ed Aurll 18,1890.for Lhe grading C D c- (:leek of the Board of Public Works.
;'� 3 � J.C.QL•Cy-ar,President pro tem. Lea!eve from Holtman avevueto an Inter June 28,1890. June 23,1890. l
T.T.%ERKER. section with the street know,, Hastings ave Committee on clelms. dltlennnu of the ward.
Clerk of the Board of Public Work.. ,with the quer[ that old order be an Also, Also.
June 20.1891). nulled, and that said board be allowed [o Fairview Avenue Grading— Richmond Street Grading—
i�' yy Adopted. (See order to board of public am mend Its report dated April 11,1890,so as to To the Honorable,the President and Common To the Common Council of the City
of St.Paul.
�ia>Iq.yd�� works.) eel that it is necessary and proper to grade Council,city of St.Paul. The board of public r ks have had under
1 Al... McLean uvenne,front Bates avenue to an inter Gentlemen—The boned of r
Alle OPenin Rloek]1,St.Paul Pro section with the stmt known as Hastiu Public works here- common
the resolution der , the
y g, per— av-e with respectfully mourn[lie p Iimhthe order, common a grail,8p Droved Feb. 7,1890, lin
N ilp To the Common C'ouucI]of the CYty of 8t.Paul: oe r the Did Huetingn road,running through approved Septemlter 7th,1889,In the tier trve to the Rradi ng I Richmond
�1 1 p f�yIli The boat(o[Public Lrorks here had under;blocks 88 and R2,Suburban Flllin St.Paul•for of grading Fslrvle'.v avenue.from Marshall ave- Goodrich avenue
Lo JeHersoI venue,and.hav-
11 i t 4Jp Connidero lion the resolution lir order of Lhe cunt- the reason stated In the sort of the city en- to Randolph stmt,with the sort that Ing fnvestlgated Stew
propoced improvement:
it mon c until,apProsed April lti 1890,relative I gl user hereLNth tren.mitteat, td nuld board raid Improvement Is covered by a Hn 1 order Respe'etfn0y report that
said tmprovement Is
l tl to opening an alley iv block 11,8t Paul proper, also 1C,pec[tully mgnest your honorable body approved April 19,1890,for [he grading of not necessary and proper
this time,for ttie
s."l {X+P�.=,i'�`-A.✓`T �¢ 1��.
7to the grading f White Bear avenue,from sane to Front street, and,having investigated
reason that said street isnot open between fit. reason that Chatsworth street 1s not open be- Hudson road to East Seventh street,and,hav- the proposed improvement:
7 Clair street and Michigan street. tween Schefter and BRYard streets. Ing investigated the proposed improvement: Respectfully report that said Improvement
3 i Yeas 3;nays U Yeas 4,nay.0. 'Respectfully report that said Improvement is is not necessary and proper at this time,for
J,C.Qmx.v,President pro tem. R.L.Goaxax,President. P
j II J.T.%ExREn. J.T.%EnRER, not necessary,and proper at this time,for the the reason that at s hearing before said board
Clerk of the Board of PUDDc Worse. Clerk of the Board of Public Works. reason that at n hearing before said board all a majority of the owners of the property to be
.Tune 2R,1890. persons yresent interested were opposed to the aseessessed protested against the proposed Im-
�� June 17,1890i Alderman of the ward. proposed Improvement. provement.
111. Alderman of the ward. Also, Yeas 3,nays 0. Yens,4;nays,0.
Also, \ICDfenemy Street Grading J.C.QuiNBy,President pro tem. R.L.GORMAN,President,
lit I', - Avon Street Grading— _ J.T.Kenrtea, J.T.KEREER,
To the Common Council of the City of St.Paul: To the Common Council of the City o[St.Paul: Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Clerk of the Board of Public Works.
N The board of publfc 'orks hssve Dad under The board of public wrorka have had under June 27,1880. June 18,1890.
coneldaration the'resolutlon or order of the consideration the resolution or order of the, Alderman of the ward. Alderman of the ward.
common council, approved April 18,1890, common councll,approved Sept 7,18d9, Is- Also Also
relative to t'ne grading of Avon street,from tive to the gradin¢ of MCMenemy street,from Belmont Street Grading— East Seventh Street Change of Grade—
, Aurora avenue to Dltnnehah.street,a.d having Case street to the north city limits,and,having To the Common Co I o[the City of St.Paul. To the Common Council of the City
of St.Paul:
investigated the proposed improvement: luveetle¢ted the proposed Improvement: The board of ubhe w ks have had under The board of public works have bad under
}t . Respectfully rep rt that said improvement ie Respectfully report that Bald Improvement Is consideration the resolution or order t the c..Slderatoon the resolution
or order of the
N �1' not access and proper t this Lime, for not necessary and proper at this time,for the common council,app veil May 30, 1889,rela- ommou councll approved Nov.6,1889,rela•
1 the resson that at a hearlug before said board anon that at hearing before said board a Live to the grading of Belmont street,from Bid- five to a change of grade
on Enet 9eventh.treet.
P none of the pp operty owners Interested appeared large number of the property owners present In- well street to Winnebago street,and,having 1n- from Fiaudreu street
to White Bear avenue,
1n favor of tAe proposed Improvement, teree[ed were opposed to the proposed improve- vesttented the Dropoeed improvement: said grade not to eaceedap percent:and,having
Yeas,3;nay.,0. meat• Respectfully report that said improvement is tuvestlgated the
JJ J.C.QpiNAY,President pro tem. Yeas 8,nays O. not necessary end pro at this time,for the proposed improvement:
Nt I J.T.%Faxen,,Preeldent pro tem, reason that at.haemin before said Guard,all Reepect[ully report that said improvement fe
!++ Clerk of the Board of Public Works. J.T.KE .0
9 of necessary and proper,for the ttaeon that
June 28,1880. Clerk of the Board of Public Wdrk.. the property owners yre"Or Interested were op- the owners of the property to be eae0ssed are
Alderman of the ward. June 27,1890. posed t°the proposed Improvement. opposed to the proposed Improvement.
ii Al... Alderman of the ward. Yeas 8,nays 0. Yeas,4;nays,O.
Alley grading, block 6, Lockey's addition, Al... T.C.Qn.tay,President pro tem. K.L.Goamex,President.
•-.+d (LerA.'addition.))— Victoria Street G[ading— J.T.KEREER, J.T.KEREER,
o the Common Couucli of the City of St.Paul: To the Common Council of the City of St.Paul: Clerk o4 the Board of Public Works. Clerk of the Board of Public Work..
i, Th-Board o[Publlc Works have had under The board of public work. have bad under June 27,1890. June 23,1890.
consideration the reeolutb or order of the conaideratlo. the resolution or order of the Aldermen of the ward. Alderman of the ward.
- common councll approved Dtareh fi,1890,re1a common ourell,approved April 16,1690,re1a- Ala°, Al...
.' Iry Street railing— Belvidere Street Sewer—
to grading the alley in block 6,Lockey's .five to the grading of Victoria street, from To the Common Council of.the CYty of fit.PRN: To the Common Council of the City
of 8t.Paul:
addition,and,having investigated the proposed University avenue to Mlnnehahss treat,and, The board f public works hav-had under
fmvravnment, having Investigated the pc°Poeed Improve- P The board of public works have had under
LLL Respectfully report that said board Ie advised meat: " conaideratlon Lhe reeolutfon t" order of the cmrelderation the resolution or order of thecom-
fx_ I {1 by t➢e doy engineer that
the improvement con- Respectfully report that said Improvement is t common c gritdl approved Junn 18,1890,mels• on councll approved March 24,1890,relative
M`, F{Gp temp)star 1n said order f.the Improve of the al- not necessary and proper t this time, for ;, if
to the grading of Ivy street,g Edggeerton to the copetructlon of a sewer on Belvidere
a {. ley in block 6.Leede•addltfo.,which improve- the reason that
hearing before avid board, street to Earl street,and,having lnveetlgated Street,between Oakdale avenue and South Rob
i meat is not became.ry and prover at thio time, 11 persona D_.cut interested were opposed to the proposed improvement: rt street,and having investigated the
R npecttuliy report that
said Improvement Is
111 {f ti for the reason that ptahearhrg be fore-Id board the prop°sed improvement. y not eceysary gad proper.t this time,for the Imp ovement:
none o[the property owners interested appeared Yep¢.4;nays,U. R.L.GoR>tex,president. Peeeon that said Donrd 1s advised by t➢e city ResPect[ully report that said improvement
y+� and asked for the proposed improvemanL. engineer thwt said Ivy street la only open for. not necessary and proper at this time,for the
Yeas 4,naya 0. J.T.KERgem, mall onion of the distance a.m.f.said or. re on that at u hearing before avid board a
1 ! R.L.Gonbux,President. Clerk of the Board of Public Works. d�L P majority of the owners of the,property to be
r II J.T.KEaaeR, June 24,1580. r. y;naya 0.
asseased were opposed to the propo.ed improve-
• Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Alderman of the ward. J.C.QmNmY,President pro tem, t•
June 24.1890. pascal Avenue Grading Al... J.T.KEREER, mYeas,4;nays,O.
;�. Alderman of the ward. To the Common Council of the City of St,Paul: Clerk of the Board of Public Works. R.L.Gonarex,President. .
y I L ii.
Also, The board of public works have had under June 27,1890. J.T.KClerk o
r B Roy 6treet Grad(ng— Alderman of the ward. Clerk of the Board of Public Works.
To the Common Cou cfl of the City of fit.Paul: consideration the resolution or order of the June 24,1880.
The board of public •ork.have h.d under common council,appp oved October 30th,1889, Also, Alderman of the ward.
consideration the resolution or order of the relative to the grading of Pascal avenue from Pillsbury 9[reet Grading— Also,
I{ a common council,apy veil April 16,1890,rela- Charle.street to llinnehahs street,and having To the Common Council o[the city of St.Paul: Fred Street Paving Contract—
al' I Live to the CC¢¢¢ding of Roy street,from U¢Ivar.lty fuve.t1, ted the proposed improvement: The Do.rd of publfc works have had under The board reports that 1t hes
awarded James
I I,•�' avenue to St.Authony avenue,and,having to- Respectfully report that said Improvement fa consideration the resolution or order of thec.m- C1aHey the contract for
the grading of Fred
veetlaated the proposed improvement: not necessary and proper at this time,for the mon council,app oved June If 3890, letive treat,from Burr street to the west line
of lot
Respectfully report that said lmprpvemenI IS
reason that at s hearing before said board none to Lhe grading of Pillsbury.treat,from Lexing- 16,Irvine's Addition of Outlota,he being the
not necessary and proper at this time,for the of the property owners ipterested apn�amd end ton avenue to Hamllue avenue,and,having in- lowest reliable and responsible bidder
rea.on that Roy street ie not open from Shields asked for the proDoeed improvemeht;"and for veet(gated the proposed Improv-meat: am°upt of bid,$249;bond In the sum
ggqq�t avenue to Univerelty avenue. the further reaaon that H said avenue Is to bn Respectfully report shpt said Improvement le with Arthur Stephen,Jr., and E.MCNam-a
Ynue 4,nays 0. graded,said grading should be done kom Ud- not necessary and grocer at this time for the suretle..
�}! q �(,', R.L.Goaxex,Preeldent. amity avenue to Mlnrteheha street,and said aeon that Pillsbury street isnot open between Also,
j J.T.%Eaxaa, lmprovemeut cannot be made until said avenue Grl�street wad Lexington avenue. Fairmount Avenue Sewer Contract—
'[ Clerk of Lhe Board of Public Works. ie opened between Coarles street and Unlverefty Ince,3;any.,O. The board reports that it has awarded Pat-
t{`{f June 2R,1880. avenue. R.L.Goauax,Fresldent. rick Doherty the contract for the construction
Alderman of the ward - Yeas 4,.aye 0. J.T.BEARER, of a wer on Fairmount avenue,frcm Avon
Ti f R.L.Goanux,President. Clerk of the Board of Publlc Works. street to Grotto street,together,with the neces-
iY d Chetstv0[th fitment Grading— J.T.KERREA, July 1,1696, eery cateb basins and man➢oles,he being the
To the Common Council of the City of St.Paul; Clerk of Lha Board of publfc Works. Alderman of the ward. lowest reliable and responsible bidder therefor,
i, The board of public works have bad under June 24,1890. Alaq a ount in bid,8467;bond in the sum of$100,
consideration the resolution or orderof the com- Alderman of the ward. Rice Street Paving— 1[h O.V.Ericson and F.W.Hadfield as sun-
O's k 1 mon councll,app d May 21, 1890,ttiafive Also. To the Common Cou.cll of the City
of fit.Paul: ties.
to Lhe grading o[Chatsworth street,from West White Rear Avenue Grading— Also,
Seventh street to Pleasant areuus,and,having To the Common C:ounctl of the Clty of 9t.Paul: The board of publfc works have had under
S vesttgated the proposed Improvement: The board of public works hav° had under conafderatiou Lhe reeolutfon or order of the Min.eheha Street Grading ContracU—
ted t report that said veii. vement la conaideratlon the reeolutfon or ordero[Lhe core- common eou.oil,.pproved April 8,1590,rein- The board reports foal It has awarded
t f not necessary nail proper at tons rime for the mou counc9,approved April 18,1890,relative five to the paving.1 Rice Street,from Como sv- CleHey Lha contract
for grading of Mlunahaha
•1 street,from Bock street to a Lely city]fait., The co rachis mer of health mcommenda Also, Of Committee o Gas N. S. Ball'' petition
E st being the lowest reliable d reapon grading of sold alley. 11[az Feternbend'. petitlov�amavgee—iuJury for Permiee(on to use loan poet at Germania >
'I tt
tDerefor, vt of bid,$10,997:bond iv the Board of public tvotke with order. to dw•ellin8 and barn—overflowing ter— BxnL Huildinreg comet—illuminated mortxr—
t I I F o[32p2Wu wdtD Arthur 6tphev,Jr.,and E. sE ua' on e c zoo Adopt d adverse report. po eC.rini Lhe premises that it hes not any
M\amen a.auretiee The
board submit. 1ta p m for June,
1890;total—penditurea,$8,676.87. Also,
I ! Phelev Creek Valley hewer Contrast— Committee ordinances and public ac- Clterles J.Suthmeler'e lalm Aeaeasment paid R""utfone for Lampsleo.
The board reports that{t has mvatded Walter counts. t lot 22, block 8,Woodland Park,grading c.mmitte reeommeude adoption of following
C.Doherty the contract for netruedon f a REFOlm OF .nano of wArga co fros ro spa. Mnekubin.makestreet— res lutmi s for.tree[]amps:
IJ 0a
In the ph""' k v]ley,between Nln E gi C mittee makes an adverse report. Ald.Me!ad,'., Chicago a e mil Walter
Daha street and Duchess street,together tvlth The board rer orfs that it has elected W.A. Adopted, street;Aid.Geh.n'.,Abel and Roes streets,etc.;
the accessory catch basin.and manhole.,he be- Somers engin of sold board et a salary of Aid.Melady Hall av nd Delos treat;
Ing the lowest reliable d pona ble bidder $8.000,inclutllog horse.lid buggy and car.of Ot Committee on Streets,Eewar.and Hrmge.— Ald.D.n)1de s' ,alt of lamps on ForDea
* i I therefor, not f bid.$89.000- bond In the e s Ordinance revoLing hotel r°n sere'licenses— lie and Wilkin street.
m of 318,000, with F.W. field and T. Sold appointment advised d e td Lo. ...mince recommends that.aid ordinance wvA z�e�,
Kenn y as sureties. Y Ald.Banholzer.Hielenberrgg.BOLL,C ley, berefermdto Aid.Flandrau and corporation
Al... C. land.
Costello,Dobner,llornideu,Flandrau, attorney to draft ordinance. OC Committee on Farks—Rtmeell R.Doer and
I F'�I- O I sad Pleasant Avenues Sewer Contract— G h. M N. ee M 1 dy. Sullivan,Van Slyke, Adopted. there petition for 51,600 to improve mi a
The board reports that It hes awarded James Dlt.Vice of ono Al... p k trinngnlnr Pima of ground coat of Crocus
Hen n x td N.C.dohnaou the contract fox the R&coin of sos cw'nov. R p rt t board t P Dlle worl.s—Final order, B111 mid between Oakland and Pienxnnt e-
;� Z 4 u.tntetfon of s er on Osceola av lie. Fite alarm Dozes-- Lnke C.
avtl Phalen avenue and other °L of 1—Committee
makes an ud,etree report for r
h from Avon street to Pleasant avenue and The board ask.for fire aI.—boxes fv school street.gradh.g
Pie....t avenue from Oaeeol..—no,to St.Al- bufldirm. Com mine recommends that said ref-m d Adopted.
t}(h, bats street,togetherwlth neceseary cath b—I.. tom ittee on fire department. order be tarred hack to board t po hhe E.a'.
1'11. and manholes,sa{d severing to De done under n axe O11trs R. x . .orbs,with Instructions Lo cud s id rder Ordinances— rQ�ECLe-v r
iii ontract,[M1ey being Lha lowest reliwhle and 0I Committee Claims--J. A. '11cAulep'e by atnkm¢out that portion of Como and Phalen An ordinance was read Permitting
L.Levy to }
on ponstble biddere therefor: —not of bid, (aim,$918,horse falling foto manhole— ¢lie between Rice and Gaultier street'. c atruct cesspool.
y � $8,333.8x;bond ht the sum of 3800,with E. Commit[w recommend.allowance of$760, w Adopted. nen 2ulee suspended on motion of Ald.Gehnn,gene
Magnuson and John P Peterson as.°retfee. Adopted. (See Ordinance No.1,364.) Also 15, s d ordinance read e d tine lid
Al... Also. Oscar Haglund's laim-8i00—P.yue ii lie P68K'tl- (Ere Ordinance No.1,357.)
Case Street Severer Coutrxct— Fred nuIb a'a Balm-5800—gredi°g Churchill. nd Case tteet thou f de— An ordlnnnce n'xn reo-1 permitting H.E.Conk-
.The board reports that it hoe awarded Patrick ce (formerly Hampstead ain`t)— B¢o�w ]in to remove frame barn.
r Doherty the contract forcoostruecion of¢sewer Committee recommends allowance of 8160. Committee recommen.s that said clafm be•re- Rwles nusF.ended on motion o[Ald.Dobner,
n Case street from Burr street to a point 173 Adopted. (See Ordinance No.1,303.) Serred to committee on chime. yea¢ 16,nod dlnnnen rend o d time aad
I h , feet east of West i tote street,tog the witb Atso, Adopted. passed. ( Ordinance d pprop)
k. the necessary catch baslna and manholes, a be- George C. North'. claim—$27.60—stuogra- Also, An d Ince ce was rend I'35 r7ating 5180
fu Lhe lowest reliable d p n ble bidder ppDer,examination Patrolman Peterson,killing OMinance Providing for Inope�tlon of milk— favor G Bwuer.
therefor, nt f bid[,$1,900;.old. in the Ne19 C haat— Committee ober'and ret ends passage of Rules suspended on motion of Aid.Conley:ye.s
m of$,too,with O.V.Eri-mi and Phil.Fabs] Committee makes an adverse report. substitute ordinance' 16,and ordi nn rend'econd blue uud in,
ns sureties. Adopted. udccepted slid enfd substitute o dinance read (tee Ordi»nnce No 1,369)
Also. Also, first time nod referred [o committee on ordi- ,lit o dmnnce ° e end.uthodzlug North-
_Fairview Effect Grading Contract— George Bauer'. claim—$300—overflowing ..aces testernTTelephme,Exchange comp.ny to meet
The hoard reports that It has awarded John 'ester— Also, n den shed.
Dale and Louie A.Bumgardner the contract Committee recommends allowance of 8180. Petition of A.D.Bletcher,agent Great Nortb. Rules susoended onmotion of Aid.Conley,ye
'I for grading o[ Fairv(ew street.sena Fifteenth Adopted. (See Ordiva9ce No.1,369.) ern railway line, and others—Amendment to�16,and ordinance read second time end
Street [o Penneylvauia avenue,they being the Also, cattle herding ordinance. (bee Ordinance No.1,360.)
lowest reliable slid re.pponsiblebldders thertfor; Joseph 9ausen's claim—$400—mletake, Men- Committee recommends that Said Petition be An ordinance was read for payment
of Judg-
t I bid,18 0;bond ht the et of dot.street]I.e— referred to corporation attorney to draw or di m tete—.t. B.W7lgua and others.
II � 59,000 pith George Marti and Paul Martin.. Committee recommends allowanceof$100. Rnlee suspended,yen.10,and ordinance d
sureties. Adopted. (See Ordinance No.1,862.) n Adopted. nd time nod paeaed. (See Ordinance'No.
11 Each M the foregoing awards taken up s°Pa- 'Ale , Also, 1,361.0 t
mEely and appproved by[ollotring vote: A. P. Hendrick son's claim for$490,live stock Protest of R.Hall,per A.l) Condit and th. An rdinanre was read npproprtnting$100
'Yeas—Aid.Banholzer, Bielenberg,Bott,Con- inspector— ere,Sea list erection of a barn or shed on block for Joseph Sausen.
1 �� le Copelaud, Costello, llobner, Domidrn, Committee leports back said claim without 3o,St.Anthony Park— Rules suspended on motion o[Aid. Sullivan,
Flandrau,Geban, Mel'amce, Malady,Sullivan, m ommendatlou- Committee recommends that action on said yeas 15,n�d ordinance read sx:ond time and ;
1 `� _d Van Slyke,Mr.Vice President-16. Aid.llobner moved allowance of enfd claim. protest be indefinitely postponed. passed. (wee Urdinauce No.1,3172.)
d Ilj d Also, Adopted. (See Ordinance No.1,368). Adopted A,° 11 ernes was In
iI Estimates and C7alms for Fred wens
H. I. Peters claim for$700 D.kcta a `cam' ire- Rule. uded o motion of Ald.Cools
The Dosed tr.nemit approved by it the fol- Ordlnanre amending .2,Ord.No.419, s
]owing estimates and claim.,to wit: widening— Dp naming mtlmula— yeas 16,and o dinance read .-Ord time s$
Estimate No.3 eupplemevtary fo No.2 and Committee recommends that said claim be re- Co ince recommend.Passage. i reseed. (Bee Ordinance No.1,:16x.
q Il Naal,Burr slid Fauquier atreete,etc.,sewer,J.
tarred to board of public works. Adopted. (See Ordinance No.1,369.) An ordinance was rend appropriating$160
till,I W.Doherty,$50; Estimate No.4,supplement- Adopted. for J.A.McAuley.
cry to No.Doherty,
flax(,Laterente acreec A]so, _ Rules xnxpe°ded on motion of Aid. Sullivan,
1 North to Maurv)C.E.S nd n,5.6:}:timate CI 1 f Charles A.Joh°eon d Ch 1 Z. Of Committee on License—Butcher license trans- yeas 16, nd dl a tern ed and time and
No.4,eto MaurV)upplementC. . No.S and flns4 South Nordin—ddamages—property.Arcade and Sime tees— passed. (Pee Ordinance N°.1,864.)
Robert street end 1'nbe]street se er,G.J.Sy- tracts— Committee recommends that following Lrane- An dinance was rend appropriating$26 for
of ds,$60;Eetimnte Nn.7.'W.
,eupplemmt.ry to Conord a recommend.that s id`infra be re fere of butcher licenses be ailotved J.E.Bryant Jeb)fxhner.
No.)6 and final,Ohio street syy tem of sewers,.T. (erred to corporation wttorveY nvd cltyevgincer. to D.E.Kiefer,license No.107, F Hngenbruc6- v Rules suspended on motion
of Ald. Conley
�y f'll P Forrestal,$600: Estimate No.9,atepplement- Adopted. and H.F.Lange to C.H Wwgener,corner Slit ens 15,and dinancemad tl time and
CI {?•. For es No.$and Esti Je9eraou ev nue,Vlew Also, and Forest etree[s,license NO.86; F.A.Hefty yagyed. (Ere Ortllnana No.1,31{6.)
sarytreet d Tad fil res tat sewer, u', Ey- George J. Schaubel'e claim—$1,600—danfagee to(Vitt Broe.d•Co.,Merriam Park,license No. Ali ordinnure was read granting Johk
monde 88(10•Estimate Nn.16,supplementary Dakota avenue paving 182. d Thos.Cameron, Valley Iran works,etc. I
L EEE to No.15 and float.L'Orlent street
)'stem of , ancittee recommeudB that sold claim be re Adopted. 1 Lo nee portion of levee in Sixth ward,etc.
,E.J.KI klavd,5600;\f.thew GTnig.36: to red to corporation attomey.°dcJty engineer. n Rul pewd v ace .talon of Aid.\[.lady
'G.W. Merrill,$9; Matbew Craig, RiG;G.W. Adopted. Of Comm(ttee Ordinances and PuDllc Ac- )'ens 16,and 11 x d d time and
I B "Merrill,$26. Al... un[.—Report examined— passed (See Ordinance No.1,366.
National Live Stock Insurance company'. Committee hn. z feed and found c rest An.
fess ad°°thori .9 appoint
]ls� Committee on Claim.. claim-5800—killing A.C.Krelger's horse on
nEPosi OF coxxlsmoNEa of nEst.m. Third stttet bt Idge— the port of the aboard of control for June, ntt of ddttion.1 Jailer d patrolwagon
1 { Alley,block 25,Arlington Hills;grading;stag. Committee makes an adverse report. 18fl0. drove at
Margaret,Duces and Rondo pollee eta(
sent water— Adopted Adopted, tlova.
rti4t }�C y.. ...y y ,.ih{ ,�r•�'�6".'a?& °,'£'s a'•')"r �4 ; - .rz`" { . '`-€t'+st `,� ''�`' r.,.tLg3 °'3jd1�'_ Vii. - l -,U
r ,+. ;.
- Rules suspended on motion of Aid.Gahan, that art of the went aide of Broadway,between Flaudrau, Gahan,McNamee,Malady,9ulllvan, Northwestern Telephone Exchange company
he ?
p P Ven Slyke,Mr.Vice President-16. erect a wooden shed if the vacant lot at the l
t `i yeas 16,and ordfu Luce read second time and Ninth Bud Teuth streets,not already covered Passed July 1,1890. northeast comer of Fifth and Cedar streets in
a passed. (See Ordinance No.1,367.) by an hexagonal walk. Joe.MLYEA.Vice President of Council. said city. Said shed to be not to exceed twelve
-; An ordinance was read permitting Silver Creek Approved July 2,1890. feet in width t. Said s feet 71 length end twelve
and Morrie Coal company to erect office build- By Ald.Geban- ROBERT A.S,are,Mayor. feet to height. field shed eo to be erected shall
.S Ing and shed. Resolved,That the board of public works Attest: Tnos.A.PRENDESi1ABr.City Clerk. be removed at the expiration o[ninety days
Committee on fire department. ` cause the conetructionot an hexagonal sidewalk July 7. from the passage of this ordinance.
An ordinance was mad declaring McMillan- on Central avenue(north side),from Wabasha All of said e•ork shell be done under thesuper-
O'Leary slaughter house a nuisance. street to Cedar,except where already laid. afalon of and ae irected by the building Inspect-
Said ordinance first referred to committee on OaDmittin No.1,868. '�
Ii streets,which action as,on motion of Ald. An ordinance permitting H.E.Conklin to move or of said dry upon obtaining a permit
Benbolzer,reconsidered,and after citizens o[ B7 Aid.Sullivan- frame barn. therefor.
the Fitch ward had been heard f favor of the Resolved,That the board of public worL•s ace The Common Council of the City of 8t.Paul do Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take
+ hereby authorized to coustructa aim-foot wooden ordain: and be 1n force from and atter Its passage.
ordinance•the same was referred to committee ldewalk on south side of Rondo street,between Section 1. That permiesfon be and the same Yeas-Ald.Banholzer,Bfelenberg,Boct,Con-
on streets and commissioner of health. Snelling avenue ana Fry street. 1.hereby given H.E.Conklin to move a frame ley,Co Isnd,Costello,Dobner,Dorniden,Flan-
`� An ordinance was read yroviding for hill barn 4om lot eighteen(181,block flue (6),in drew,(ishan,McNamee,Melody, Sullivan,Van
K tion of animals elauRhterod tar human food. the Hamliue Syndicate addition No. one(1), 61yke,kir.Vlore President-3 5.
Committee on ordinances and public accounts. By pfd.Blelenberg- to lot eevanteen (17), block nine (9),001 age Based July 1,1890.
`.I I An ordina$ce was rend authorizing ap oint- Resolved. That the board of ublic works place,West Dtvlslon,on Afmnehaha street. Jos.MIREA,Vlce President of Council.
M. meat of fifty-additional patrolmen for police dr Gauss an eight-foot sidewalk,with L�a necessary Sec.2. Said removal shell be done under the Approved July 2,1890.
meut. crossings,to be built oR both aides of Front supervision and to the eatiefeetlon of the In- RoaeaT A.8zar$,:ifayor.
part Committee on police. etreet,from Weatern avenue to Chatsworth ave• slxcFr of buildin-at said city. Attest: Taos.A.PsEnnzaoesT.City Clerk.
I An ordnance as read granting Wlacousiu nus. Sac.3. TDIe ordivalce shall take effect and Jn1Y 7.
Central company right to construct and operate be fn force from and after Its passage and publl- OR-AxcE No.1,361.
railroad tracks across Sixth street,etc.,Eitt- By Aid.Melady- cation. An ordinance authorizing the payment of cer
Y eon's addition. Resolved,That Lha board of publle works ie year-Ald.Banholzer,Blelenbeg,Bott, Con- Laln judgments against the city of Salut Peul.
°t Committee on-treat.. hereby ordered to con.truct a plank ldewaik, ley.Copeland,Co.tello,Bobner,Dorniden,Fian- The Co mon Conngil of the City of Saint Paul
A resolution approvlugbond of William Platte six feet In width,on the west aid of Bidwell dean.Gahan,McNamee. Malady' Sullivan,Van do ordain ae follows:
as market master. street,from George•street to South Wabmha Slvke,Nr.Vice Presidenhl6' Section 1. That orders be drawn upon the
Committee on ways and means. street;and also that a 81A-lact plank walk be passed Julyy 1,1890. city treasury as follow-:
J� By Ald.Gehnn- constructed on the north aide of Baker street, Joe.MtveA,Vice President of Council. One In favor of A.B.Witgue for the sum oI
Resolutt n
appointing Henry Galvin sergeant- from Bidwell street to Smith avenue, Approved July 2,1890. twenty-two and 78-100(822.78)collars In fuR
at-arms of co on Coundl, RoaeaT A.SenTe.Mayor• pByment of n]udgment redeted I.favor of said
L Committee on ways and means. By Aid.Dobner- Attest: Taos.A.PRENDE66A",City Clerk. W9 a nod against the ity of Saint Paul for
13 + By pfd.Conley- Resolved,That the board o[public works be July 7. sold amount Febme lAth,1890.
Resolution for order favor board of water ry
commlae:m+ere-Payne avenue water mains. Red the same is hereby instructed to cause a One 1n favor of J.M Welch for the sum of
�I Committee on cla+ma six-foot plank sidewalk to be laid along the OHDINAME No.1,869. twenty-one and 76-100(821.78)dollars in full
By Ald Copelnnrd- north side of Charles street,between Prior ave- An ordinance appropriating money for and payment of a Judgment rendered 1u favor of said
Resolution a thorizing board of publle works nue and Fairview avenue. directing the payment to Geocke Bauer of the Welch and agafust the city of Saint Paul for
_ sum of one hundred end eighty(180) dollars that amount February 19th,1890.
�€ to purehmee and t two drinkhng touuteiva pureusnt to report o[commfficee on dolma. One to favor at Frank Dvorak for the sum of
Committee on streets. By Aid.Melady- The Common Council of the City of St.Paul do thirty and 16-100(830.16)dollars W full pay-
By Aid.Bfelenberg- Resolved Chet the board of public works cause ordain ee follows: cut of a Judgment mudered In favor of asld
Resolution relating torentai of Mr.Ramaley'e ix-foot wooden sidewalk to be built on both Section 1. That an order be drawn upon the Dvorak and aga1111 the dty of Saint
Paul for
property for market tea a. ides of Page street,from South Robert etreet to city treasury of St. Paul in favor of George that amount Diareb 20,1800.
9fi Corporation attorney. Concord street,where not already laid,with the Bauer for the sum of one hundred and eighty One In favor o[Anna Selma.for the sum of
j By Aid.Dorniden- necessary crosswalks.- (180)dollars,in full comps eatfon for sed eat- two hundred and dity and 21-100(8260.21)
Resolution directing commissioner of health fataetlon of his claim end demand against the red
to give notice to persona to cease dumping m dollars lu full ppayment of u Judgment rends
j lose matter,etc.,on neper levee,:c By Ald.Dorniden- city of Saint Paul for damages sustained to his in favor of said 6chmaue and against the city of
Commissioner of health. Resolved that the board of public rvorkacause propertyy at the corner of Terry and Fourth 6aint Paul for that amount\(arch 28,1890.
Reeolntione for lamps as follows: to be constructed an Ngh4foot wooden sidewalk streets 1n said city of St.Paul,as by the report One in favor of Mathias Leut tar the
sum of
Ald.Sullivnri a-Fnirvinw and 6hielde avenues; on both sides of McBoal treat.From Wilkin to of the committee on claims to Lhe common sixty-four and 76-100(8114.761 dollars
in full
Ald.Metady's-Brown and Bunker streets; Ald. West Seventh street,an elglrt-foot wooden side- council of date the 30th day of J+me,A• Dy B6ymenc .1f
a judgment rendered In favor of
{ Jh Bieleberg's--Chatsworth street and Dlckentyy. 'alk on both aides of Ramsey street,between 1890,will more fully appear;said order to be id Len[end against the city
of St.Paul for
yqqI� avenue; Aid. l'opeland'e-Sime street: Ald. Pleasant avenue d West Seventh street,a delivered only upon his flung with the citycomp- that amount Nay 20,1890.
t i Domlden's-St.Clair street,etc.; Aid Dobner'. aix-toot wooden sidewalk on the west side of troller full and absolute receipts to the efty P One In favor of Patrlca
Harry for the sum o[
a� l� d'��•i -Pusey and Pennock streets. Western avenue,from Grace street to Chicago, satlstactlon of sold claim or demand,end move one hundred forty-four(8144)
dollars i¢full
Committee on gas. ,Milwaukee 3r St. Paul railway track;a six- In his house back so as to prevent a recurrence aymeut of a Judgment rendered in favor of said
.i The mi tteib of abanaee o[grRdee on Rendotph toot wooden sidewalk on the nth of Grata of the aBme trouble. Leri and against the city of tit.Paul for that
street,Lexington avenue,Pleasant avenue,and street,from Western a venue to Colboumeatreet, See.2. This ordinance shall takeeffeetaud be amount.Tune 23,1890.
]ley in H.M.Ranney'e eubdivI Ion block 11, with necessary crosswalks. to force from and atter its publication. All of which]udgmente r reentered up and
Stimson'.dlvfsfou,advertised to be heard at this Yeas-Ald.Banholur, BlalenberR•Aott,Con- perfected of record 1n the office of the clerk of
time,came for hearing. The vice president lav,Copeland,Costello,Dobner,Dorniden,Flan- the district court of Ramsey county,Mtnn.
annomrcrd that objections,it any,to.aid pro- Ordinances. drau,Gahan,DlcNnmee, Dielady, Sullivan,Van ga{d ordere are La be delivered only upon said
poled changes would then s,heard. OfthtxexcE No.1,867. Slyke,IDIr.Vice President-I6. judgments being satisfied of record in the o®ce
No one apM'ari. to oppose said proposed An ordinance grantingg permission to L.Levy to Passed July 1.,.Vi of one clerk of said district court and Nty...P-
w wri k changes,reeoluttona chancing the grades on sad onatruct a ceeapool. Joe.MI`IEA,Vice president of Coca thereof being flied fu the office of the city comp-
�1,°;:7{ streets were adopted,except in the case of said The Common Coundl of the City of St.Paul do Approved July 2,1890. troller.
I� I change of Reade of Pleeeant Rvenue,n reeolu- ordain as follows: RORERT A.8mm,Mayor. Sec,2. That an order be dtawTn upon the city
tion for which was introduced and defeated- Section I. That Ruthority and permfeeron is Attest:Tnos.A.PfteNneEaesT,City Clerk. treasury in favor of Elenuor Schafffor
nays 16. - hereby granted to L.Levy to construct a tees- July 7. he of nlueteen nd R7-100 (819.87) dollars,
S 99I1 Aid.Flandrau requested to be excused from pool in front of lot 10,of block 30,of Mmkubfn the amount of a]udRment rendered iu favor of
further duty on;ommRtee on gas. h Marshall' addition to St.Paul,and to make ORDNANCE NO.1,880. said Schiller and against t.+e city of St.Paul
jC j,VJ{L4 J The matter was referred to president of cozen- connection with the same: An diaance uthorixing the Northwestern lees a judgment rendered to favor
f the city
All of said work shall be done under the super, Telephoue Exchange company to erect a wood- and aaalnst said 9chaRer Aug.8,1R89,for the
i)•IF J lefol of and as directed by the city engineer of en shed. sum of 848.26,Bald Judgment 1 g favor of said
I P$OP01ED a1DEWALE ftE90LIIT[Oti0 FOR PASSAGE the'city of St.Pnu:. The Common Council of the City of St.Paul do Schaffer befog entered up nd perfected
AUG.6, LMO Sec.2. This ordinance.ball take effect Bud ordain as follows; of record In[he o®ce of the dletrict court older
By A1d.,Conley- pp be 1n tom from and after its paSSage. 9ectlon 1. That prmlealon and authority Ramsey county. Jai. l8, 18A0. said ardor
j anIvhexagonalh t the boaide oaikbto rhe laid as ley,PB(;ope Copeland, Coste11oB1eDobuer, DorniCo.den are lereby given and granted unto the shall be delivered only upon said
judgment be-
PI ^•+
Ing satisfied of record and a certificate thereof I Sec.2. This ordinance shall take effert and ORDINANCE No.1,866. ORntvexcE No.1,867. {
being filed with the city comptroller,and upon be in force from and after its publication. An ordineuice tin auto John Grant and An ordinance authorizing the appointment
the satisfaction of said udgmeut against the yeas-Ald.Bsnhaltse,Bfi leabe Bolt.Coale gran B n dd,t,onal miler and patrol wagon driver
ago rte B, S. Thoma.Cameron,co partners a the Valley a f
city,the corporation attorney Is authorized Copeland, Costello, Uobner, Durnlden. Flan- Iron\Yorks,privilege to use and occupyn n- t the Marguest,Dncaa and Rondo pollee
'1 ud directed to satiety Bald P7ligment in favor of dean,Gehan,McNamee,Malady, Sullivan. Ven tions.
the city and ngahlat said Schaffer. Slyke,Mr.Vice President-16 tial a(the Levee lu the Sixth ward of the 1[}' The Common Council 07 the qty o[ 6t.Paul
7 I of St.Paul,slid to erect and maintain bull ;
Sec.3. This ordinance shall take effect and Passed July 1,1890. in on the same and carry on the business o[ do ordain as follows:
!' be in force from and atter its passage. Jos.MINEA,Viceyresident o7 Council. n foundry and working r meths buss[e sod Sec[lou 1. That the ne.yor be and he
is here- o,
Yeas-Aid.Bnnholzer,Bielenbetg,Bott,Con- Approved July 1,1890: by tuthorizsd and empowered to tp taint en
Lo repeal OrdinanceNo 1,355. 7
ley,Copeland,Costello,Dobver,Do-Iden,Flav- ROnEar A.Sineell,Mayor. additional lune,and patrol wagon driver at
Geh¢o, M\nmce, Melody,Sullivan,]'nn At+zit: TAO..A.PnEjtDExawsr,City Clerk. The Common(.until of the City of St.Paul do he Margaret street pollee station, t the Dome,
iSlyke,Mr.Vice Ptesident-15. July 7. ordain as fell otrs: street police statiOn. cad at the Rondo street
!k. Passed July 1,1890. Section 1. That permission and authority Is police.tattml.
Jos.MINA,]9ce President of Council. hereby Riven and granted unto John Grant and Sec.2. This ordinance hall take ffect and
Approved July 2,1890. Thomas Cameron, co-onetnere flirt Valley he'll
e in force from and after its publication.
ROBE ar A.E ,M An ordinance appropriating o v for and di- Iron Works,to use and upv for the full rf as Con-
yor. rectivg the Pe ]"e+ Ald. Hanbolzer, Hielenbet>;,13ott,
Arrest: Teo,.A.Paexnexaw.r.qty Clerk. m P Yment toJ.A.McAuley of the od of feu yy r. from the date o[the approval ley, Copeland: Coetel lo, Dobuet Dom Wen,
rr July 7 au of one Hatt red and filly doll,re,patten f this orditmnce.for malimaccurnat porpoaes. Flaudrau.Gehan,yfeNamee, Mef1 y,Sullivan,
to report of commt[tee of claims that portion of ane levee and band in the Sixth Vxa Slyke,vlr Vitt Prealdent-16.
The Common Council of the City of 6t.Paul do y v Yu..d,lulu 1,1890.
Onntxwxrz No.1,381. and of the Ci[ [SL.Paul a.follows:
ordiaan a nFPtoprinti g only for and Secdain as tiov 1. That an order be dra'an upon Lha "That tract and parcel of land,ftuated fu the J[ Mtxew,Vice President of Council.
I:a directing the payment to Joseph 6au,en of the icy trenauty of ..t.Paul in favor of J.A.3Ic- Cityy t St.Paul end County of Ramsey deseribed Approved July 2,1890.
sem f one hundred(lull))dollars,pursuant to pule)for the cum of one hundred and efcy dol ue followe,to"itF Ro luer A.Swnrv,May.-
port of committee of cl . tare,in full coin tion for and axtisfxction o7 Beglmdug at a point on the lot line between Attest: Ttioa.A.Pnrsnowirs,City Clerk.
f ��
The Common Council of the CYtS o[6t.Paul do lila ]af[a and demand ga,t the city of St. lot.3 nod 4.fn block a,of Bazille 3 Robert's July 7.
rdafn ns follows: Paul for injury n•celved to his horse,ceased by adtftfon to the City of St.Yaul,in ty feetnorth-
•� F�� Section 1. Thain ortler ai drawn port the tablas loto manhole at the intersection of sell from til.southerly line of the levee in the Oim,xexcE�o.I.S88.
city treasury of ..t.Paul in favor f Joseph Jackson need l:+t.[ Seventh [reeW,3lnrch 12, Sixth ward of altl city:thence eneterly and Ip.
senfor the sum of one hut[dred((100)dollars, 1890,as by the rnport o[ the c mmltcee aliel with said levee Ime to the
east hue of lot 2 Au ordnance opproprlaKhig v for and di-
for in full compeusatlon and eatlefacclon of W s (alma Lo the common ou cil of date the 90th f block 3 of said addition; thence northerly •flag the Payment to A.P�tiendneksou
of e
claim s d demand against the cltq f 6t. may of June,A.D.1890,'Ill more fully n along thesald easterlylineof said lot 2,producea [Ire sum of tout hundred and ninety (8490)
1111 Paul for damages caused to lot thirty (90),o[ appear: doll...
�i Ill block el ht•-four 84 o7 A.Gotztap',aubdf- 1d o ter to be delivered only port his to the Jliesleslppei elver,thence along the bank of
.. i) B > j I fl id with file city comuyncroller full and
nbeolutn aidriver
iv totb aforeseld lot line between,aid The C Council of the City of St.Paul do
vision of Lyman C. yton's Addition to tbecfty Ipts to the city lu tietactlon of eaW clelon lot,3 and 4 1t prodo-d,thence southerly aottg ordain ms follow.:
of 6t.Pnui, ad the tmpo m to thereon,by o d mx the said lot Ilse last named to the p Int o[be- Section 1. That an order be drawn apo the
of the Sa ge t the line of Mendota ,2 n,fble arvllnxnce hail take effect and giunhi¢,n•hlt•h property us nereln described corm- city treasury of St.Paul Sn favor f A.
etre L a by the port of the omi Ittee on b in form from and otter Iia 1 bllextion. Pt t t the sov.•nlled levee In the Sixth o7 Hendrick non for the,i t four hundred
claims to the common council o[date the 30th le.-Ald.Blialod er,Bacfeldher,. Hatt.Con- 6t.Paul. ufuety(#4901 dollar.,1n full In abort for
dsyy of Jae.A.D.1890,all
mom fully eppeur, ley,Copeluntl.Coscello.Dubner,liondtev,Flan- Sec.2. That permlanion a d authority le a d enti,490io,of hhl lf.m and demand egafu,t
,s1d order to be delivered if
t pan hi.HII[reig dtuu.Gehan,McNamee, Dlelady, Sullivan,Van hereby given land granted unto Jahn(.rant and the city of St.Paul to
services as live stock 1n-
', with the city comptroller full and
absolute - Slyke,\Ir.Vice President-16. Thomas Cameron,co-partners¢e the Valley Iron fur,,fd order to be delivered ulv port
•' { I�; ipt,to the city t .atfametiou of said claim or Passed July 3.1889. k,,to erect,constrict and maintain frame p y rylitig aaith the city eomntrolier full
nu i lib-
=d.1 ( demand. J.,.,y Vice President of Council. baoifitlinge upaon said for a In their x lute receipts to the sits fn satisfaction of said
See,2. This ordinance hall take effect and Approved July 2,1S m. bus,neda of foundry and wo -.g lea metals claim or demand.
(� be in torte from and after it,publication. Ronear A.Sw[rsn,Mayor. avd'Also each ddi[toue to n •h bmldinKs,and 2- This ottlfvxnce bull take ffect and
i ]-ees-Aid.Benholzer,Hlelenbntg, Bott,('nn- Attest: Tues.A.PaexnEuoeer,City Clerk. ngltk and bofier Inio-'xndt uch ontbottees in'force from and after Its pin bllcatiov.
ley,(' land.Costello.Dobner,llorniden,Plan- July 7. an
other structure. a may be,ecea ry at
t � drau,(..hen,M Nemec;\feint),Sullivan, Van et lent forth.carryhing on o7 their said bas( ]"ens Ald. Huuhoizer, Bieleoberv,Bott,Con
81yke,�Ir.Vice YI;dent-]6. nv all their bull linaa ud addition.thereto, ley'. Copeland. Costello. Dobuet, Dnmiden,
P ❑Jul}3,1890. Oaprxwxce I:o.1,866, engine and boiler house,outhouses and stn t- Fiandrxu.Gehan,3lcNamee,Melndv,Van 91yke,
r - 1 as Joe..]Itxew,Vice President o[Council. An ordinance taPproPtfatfaaK ey for and dl- a to be bulk umier the direction and accord- Mr.Vice Pre,ident-14 s
Approved July 2,1890. Ltng the paeyment to Jeff Uahuer o[th.sum jng to the in—lictinne of ills buildluK lnepeccor n)'e-AIA.Sullivan-1. y
t j Aoaear A.Sxtrsn,\favor. of tw'eat} &26.00) tloileas,pursuant to f said city,and L o[nil city fees there- Pneaed July 1,1890.
i'• I�;' Attest: Tac..A.PREenea.A-.Clip Clerk. Fort of co Ictee on licences of
payment Jos.\Itxew,Vice President of Council.
k� I. July 7. The Common Council of the qty of St.Paul do The main buildingto be f the followingdl- Approved July 2,1890.
ordain ns fo{Iow.' me lolls: Forty fet by eighty feet,In paone Ronear A.S.Naefl,Mayor.
i I Section 1. That an order be dram upp the p i jn t two,toriea high,and the engine and Atte,t: Tilos.A.PaEetuEnoA.r,qty Clerk.
city treneurm of SL.Paul In favor of Jeff\Inhner b list fi�ce to De sixteen feet by thirty feet,ave July 7.
An ordinance appropriating y for and for the eu of LwentS five(616.00)dollars 1n g u y _
d ting the paSment to Fredstick Rex, t S 11 c>nP n Llan for ud [ie(actlon t Die at 31.IiNo rl lite 1 d under this ortf-
t p the cum of ane bamdred and etty�160) dol- laimo d da and ngal L the rlty of StPaul islit, re OnomwxcE No.1,869.
Lara, pttreuatt to report of co mittee of for flue find pursuant ton jntlgmeut o[the ua ce.hall be trnnnfe the to any other pp o
p Hie..the cov.enc of inn common council..all An ordinance amending tion 2 of Ordinance
Islas. tUdpal art bePtember 20th.1889,upon No.419 entitled
ntf tied,"An ot'dinnnce Sn relation to
' i 11I The common council of the city of St.Pahl do being arrested for peddling wathont a]Icevse, s be fire[obtained.
ordain as follows: by the report of thecommitteeon licenses to the Sec.4. That that certain Ordinance No.1365, impounding"
1 - Section 1. That an order be drawn upon the cominou counc(I of date the Sd day of Juue,A. approved by the mayor of said city,June 5, The Common Connell 07 the qty
city treasury of St.Paul in favor of Frederick D.1890,will more Lolly nppeur:said order to bn. 1890,be and the same le hereby in all things re- do ordain as follows:
G{,yy P Rea for the sum of one hundred and fifty 1160) delivered onlyupon hf.filing with the city Comp- pealed. Section 1. That action 2 otrOrdlnanceNo.
dollars,1n toll compensation for nd a tisfsc- troller full d absolute receipts to the city in See,S. This ordlnant'e hall take effect d 419 entitled,"An ordin once II,
ls�feou Lo im-
tion of hie claim and demand agalvet the city a tisfactlon of said claim or demand. be in force from and atter fie passage and pnbit- PPe nn I rg animals,"be d the
le hereby
j .Ili' 7 I I [led b)• ddiuR to the territory no's In-
{a y of 8t.Paul for aamagee netattied to lot, 14 Sec.2. This ordfnanro shall takeeffect and be cation. eluded within the limits braced within std
and 16,of Klock 2,of Blahop'e dditfon to St. iu force from
and atter its Publicxtfom ]'sae-Aid.Bauhol ar, Bfelenbetg.Batt,Co-
9 reason of ilia grading o7 Churchill ave- Yens-Aid.Annholzer, Bfeleuberg,Bell,Con- dmnnce the folio"Ing descrlbed df.trlet o1 the
ley,Copeland,Costello,Dobner,Doredden,Flnn. city of St.Paul,to wiI.. All that portiolt of the
g :; I sue 1n said city,ee by the report of the commit- ley.Co Innd.Co.tello,Dobuet•,Der Iden.Flan- drau,Gehan,McNamee. Melody, 6ullfvan,Van
tee on chime to the common council of date the irna, pebul, McSamee.Me 6vllivan,Vnn city of St.Peal lying south of Front sheet,east
G S. SI ke,Mr.Vice President-l6.
t•d ,l: pp of Dule ecteet,west ottt'eetem avenue and north
30th day of June,A. D. 1890, 111 more fully Slyke,Mr.Vice Yreaident.-I6• Passed Jui 1,1890.
i Y of the right of luny at the Great Northern Rail-
�'q peen said order[o be dellcered only upon hie Passed July 1,1899. J.
yf[New,Vice Preaideut of Council. v y company
j` filingg'rich the city compatt•oller full and abs lute Joe.\fixEA,VIm Pxaidevt of Council. Approved July 2,1890. a Sec.L. Thfe ordlnunce shell take effect and
9 A (pts[n the city in Luta a lou of said claim Approved July 2,1890. RosEnr A.Smm[,Nayor- be in force from and after Its passage.
1.: or demand,and a release f l] damn a thst Ronear A.Bx[m,Mayor. CYt Clerk. ]'tae-Aid.Banhalzer,BielenberR.Batt,Conley,
from Constructing aad maintain.
Attest: Txoe.A.PRENveuawei,City(.leek. Attest: Tuoe.A.Paexnenower, y { d,Costello,Dobner,Dotvldau,Flandrsu,
a� F i6 fill slopes et surd property. July 7. July 7. Copeland,
t �,
Vit"r ,., ,..t. ._ -....:... ,r.-, .'i.,r 53�'F,.„A2.fa ,.'d' r'F.zi 2rri f..>4`,'F'�»A#AY'r,.;.�..r `$ .�.. y� <}az�rT-T,, fY},✓d?�- __
# I- Gebsn,McNamce,Melody, Sullivan,Vsu Slyke, gincer,be and the same is hereby adopted as draw,Geban, D"Mares,Melady, Sullivan,Van Yeae-Ald.Banholzer, Blelenberg,Batt,Con•
Mr.Vice Preafd u�16, the established grade. Slyke,>it.V(ce Preefde¢L-16. ley,Copeland.Costello,Dobuer,Domlden,Flan-
{i Yeas-AId.Hanholzer,Blelenberg,Hott,Conley, Approved July 2,1890. draw,Gehan, DPeNamee,Melady,Sullivan,Van
Paseed July 1,1890.
} Jos.TO
lrneA,Vice President of Council. Copeland. Costello, Dobner, Domlden, Flan- Slyke,lir.Vice President-l6.
Approved July 2,1890. drau,Gehan, McNamee. Melody,SSullivan,Van Approved July 2,1890.
�� II Rossini A.S-,Mayor. Slyke,Mr. Vice President-15. By A1d.Bfelenberg-
Resolved.That the city engineer be and he Is
Attest: Taos.A.Paexpgaoasr,C1LT G1erk. Approvsd July 2,1890. hereby instructed to cause without delay n By Ald.Dfelady-
.i f July 7. bridge to be built by the Gregt Northern Hail- Resolved,That the street oil lamp contractor
B"A ld-Bott way company across their track on Lexington be and is hereby luntructed to place and matn-
aesoLvnoxa, Olved, That the grades of the foilohving venue,ea per requrst of Il property holdero fain one gasoline Inmp n the northwest coruee
i By Aid.6ulilvan- street and alley, between the Po1nLa named,as liven e,tsar r rt of the city hereto attached.. of Chicago avenue and Walter street.
.� .ij� Resolved,That the following plate, as ap- indicated by[he red grade Iine on tse aceom- }•nes-Ald.Banholzer, Hielenbe[g,Hott,Can- Yeae-Aid.Hauholzer, Binlenseryt,
proved ed the plat commission and recon- panying profile. nd ae recommended by the ley,Copeland,Costello.Dobner,Domlden,Flan- ,,:e
y, Copeland, Costello, Dobner. Domlden,
tl 1 mended by the city engineer,be and the came city mgtneer, be end the same are sereby draw,Geban.DICNe.mee, lfelady, Sullivan,Van Flandrau,Gahan. McNamee, D[elady,Sullivan,
are hereby accepted by the common council of adopted as the established grades: Slyke,Mr.Vice President-I6. Van Slyke,lir.Vice President-16.
the city of 6t.Paul: Duluth avenue,from Seventh treat to the Approved July 2,1890. Approved July 2,1890.
�p Anna E.Ramsey's addition,enlargement o[, right-ot-way of the Chicago,St.Paul,Mfnueapo• HT Ayd.Van Slyke-
,yl I^ La 6L.Paul,M(nn. lis k Omaha railway. By Aid.Dobuer-
s Haze]Park,Division 6,to St.Paul Alley between blocks 2 and 8, dainrban at. Resolved.That the city engineer be and t be to Resolved. That the committee on parks be
" f4 Ramsey Terrace,St.Paul,Dtinn. addition,fron6Estes avenue to Diound treat. bemby requested to coustruct a speaker's stand and the same la hereby nuthorized to
purchase 1
Rranz dlvlaion of lots 8.9,10 and 11,all of Yeas-Aid. i I_ Bfelenberg,Bott,Con- in Market street,opposite R1ce Park,for the Thee a Fountain for Hampden Yark at a cost
not to
Rice Street Garden Lots to Sc.Paul,M1nn, ley,Copslaud,Costello,Dobner.Dornideu,Flan• of the Nacional F.dncationis aseociatfo t extend 8200.
Berryhlllk Davlsohi a rearrangement of lots draw,Gehan.McNamee, Melady, Sullivan,Van Yeae-A7d.Bnnholzer,Alelenbetg, Hatr Co._ TehL:Ald.Banholzer,Hielenberg. Boit,Con•
P .t� 7 I1 11,Inclusive,and the north five feet of lots Slyke.Mr.Vice President-16. ley,Co land,Costello,Dobner,Dornideu.Flan- ley-,Copeland,Costello.Dobner,Dornideu,Flan-
�li 12,18 and IQ o[block 8 of Nlndgnr & Don- Approved July 2;1890. draw,Gehan.McNamee, Melody, Sullivan,Van draw,Urhau, Mc.`iamee, Melody,Sullivan,Van
nelly13 additio¢ to Holcombe'e addition to Sc. Slyke,Mr Vice Preasdentr15. Slyke.lir.Vice President-l6.
f(jdPaul. By Aid.Copeland- Approved July 2,1890. Approved July 2,1890.
Yeas-Ald. Bacholzz��,,Biel berg,Bott,Con- Resolved,That the grade of the alley in block x
y leyy. Copeland, CoetQffo, Dobner, Domlden, 18 O¢Lv111e Park addition,as lndicnted by the By Ald.Conley-
Flandrau,Geban, McNamee, Melady,Sullivan, re�grade line on the accompanying profile,and Resolved,Thet the city engineer be and la By Ald.Bansoiur-
d j � Van Slvke,Mr.Vice President-l6. ae recommended by the city engineer,be and the hereby Instructed to construct a catchbasin at Resolved,that an order be drawn in
favor of
888 a is hereby adapted w lf%bitabflshsdgrade- southeast corner Conada and Grove streets. the board of control for the sum of 81,225.29,
App.[oved July 2,1890. a}'ens-Aid.Banholur.Rfelenbehg,Bott,Conley, Yeae-Aid.Banholzer, HlelenberhL Bott, Con- being the city's one-third of the expenditure of
'�.;. Copeland, Costello. Dobner, Uosnideu, Fian- ley.Cn land.Costello,Dobner,Dornideu,Finn- aid board for the month of Jnne,1890.
By Ald.Copeland- drau,Gehnn.McNamee, Melady, Sullivan,Van dr. (PesosCO
,McNamee,Melody, Sullivan. Van le}'LQ-�Idd,BCostello.Dobnier,Dorn den,Fisu-
r Resolved,That the grade of Misalsslpoi street, a'lyke,Mr.Vice President-16. Slyke.Mr.Vice Preeldent-16. drau,[Pehan.McNamee, Melody-,SUIUvan, Van
8 A meed Tal 2,1890. -
y from Lake Como and Phalen avenue to Miune- Approved Jnly 2,1890, Approved S Slyke,Df r.Vice President
apolls avenue,as indicated by the red grade line
I� on the aceompauying profile,and recon H Ald.Conley- By Aid.Bielenbsrg- Approved July 2,1890.
mended by the eft,engineer,be end the same 1s -solved,T6 at the grade of the alley in block Resolved,That the city engineer be and le
hereby adopted ae the estabhehed grade. 7 of Wbitnny&Smith's addition,from Sibley hereby authurized to cause a croaewalk [o be By Afd.Cuilen-
{ Yeas-Ad. Bash beer,Blele¢bere.Bott,Co.. street to Wacouta scree[,as
Indics[ed''by the red laid on the west side o[Dale street ucroea Van 7tesolmd.That an order be drawn In favor of
i Eh� ley,Coyeland,Costello,Dobner,Dornideu,FI¢n- Brads line on Lhe aaompanying profile, and as Buren street. the Merchants'National Bank(or the sum of
drau,Geban,McNamee,Meladp, Sullivan,Van recommended by the city enhducer, be and the Yeas-Ald.Banbolzer,Blelenberg. Bort,Con- one hundred nd twenty-six doll are and eight
same ie hereby adopted v the established grade. IeS.Copeland,Costello.Dobuer.Dornideu,Flan- cents(8120.08).being for the redemption at cer-
J!� Slyke,Mr.Vice President-l6. 1-eas-Aid.Hanhol�er, Blelenbetg, Bott,Con• drau,Gehan,McNamee,Melady, Sullivan,Van tiflcatee Nos.7,(111, .012,7,U 18,erroueouely
YYY Approved July 2,1890. ley�pe7ond,Coerel7o,Dobner,Dornlden,Flan- Slyke,Mr.Vice President-16. issued ugainnt lot 1,stock Ss,and lore 8 and 1,
Ald.Sullivan- drau,Gesan,McNamee,Malady. Sullivan,Van Approved July 2,1890, block 21. Rlttaon's addition,for a sewer on
7j is �H'l Resolved,That the grade of Bogue avenue, Slyke,Mr.Vice President-111 Brook street.
Approved July 2,1890. By Ald.Domlden- Also.tM1ac an order be drawn 1n favor of Will.
from Fairview avenue to Albert avenue,alld Resolved, That the gasoline lamp contractor Broome and E.Unnegre for the sum of thirteen
from the street 178 feet east of Hamlins By Aid.Sullivan- is hersby Instructed to remove oil lamps on the dulls-and seventT-thm cents (8111.73),beingg
avenue to Lexington avenue,ne indicated by Resolved,That the grade of Rhe alley 1n block following streets: On Forbes avenue,between for the redemFtion of certificates Nos.YS
Lhe red grade Iine on Lhe accompanying Drofiles, 28,Summit Pnrk sdditioafrom MRtonto Chats- West Seventh trcet and Wllkhh street: ou 10717.'.erroneously issued against lot
7,block 2,
and as recommended by the city engineer, worth indicated by tin red grade line \CRklu street, between Sherman street and and 27 in i, Leech's addition, for pay-
, be d the same Is hereby adopted as tse n tse accompanying profile the re recommend- Fortms avenue. log West
gecrnth stmt.
a 7: established grade. ed by the city engineer,be snd the same 7s hers- Yens-Ald.Banholzer,Blelenberg,Botr Con- }'cos-Aid.Bnnbolzer,Bieleuberg, Bott,Com -
1{ Yeae-Aid.Baubolzer, Bielenbmg,Botr Cou- by atlop[ed nes the established grade. ley.Copeland,Costello,Dabney,Domlden.Flan- ley,Copeland,Coe[eylo.Dobner,Dornideu,Fian-
�'; Y SII' ley,Copeland,Costello,Dobner,Dornlden,Flau- Ysas-A7d.Bauholzer,Bfeleubetg,Butt,Con- drau,Gehan, McNamee,Me7ady,Sullivan.Van drau,Geban, McNamee.Melsdy,Sullivan,
t drau, Gehan,McNamee,Melody, Sullivan,Van ley Co land,Costello,Dobner,Dornlden,Flan- Slyke,Mr.Vice President-16. Slyke.Dir.Vice President-16.
Slyke,Mr.Vico President-16, Pe Sullivan, Van y Approved July 2,1890.
777 drau,Gehan,McNamen,Malady, Approved July 2,1890.
�I H. Approved July 2,1890. Slyke,Dir,Vice President-16. --
'v Aaproved July 2,1890. By Aid.lfelady- BY AidResolved,
'. (I iG II By Ald.Dobuer- Resolved,That the stmt oil lamp contractor Resolved.That Eugene Cndenvood said the
a' f "4�r11 Resolved,That the grade of Pym street,from By Ald.Rohr- be Instructed to Ala«said maintain one gesso Reserve Loan, Investment and Improvement
the west city limits to Euetls stmt,se indl- Resolved,Tbat the city engineer fs requested line lamp on the.northwest comer of Hall ave- company be and they are hereby per
1 toted by the d grade Iine on the acro parry- [o mport a suitable g de[or Lhe alley in block nue and U 1 street. gr¢de Jefferson avenue,from Sneiliug avenue to
big profile,and as mommended by the city en- 103,Stlnson's subdivision of Lyman Dayton's }-ane-Aid.Banholzer, Ble7enberg.Hatt,Con- the river,and Cnderwood and Frederica
-. ¢n be and the same fa hereby adopted as the additfon. ley.Caseload,Costello,Dobner,Domlden,F1an h nee,from St.Clair stmt to Har[iord avenue.
t 1 eeteblished grade. Yeae-Aid. Benbolzer. Hlelenberg,Bott,Con- drau,Gehan. McNamee,Melndv,Sullivan,Van thhe work to be done in accordance hrh[h the pro•
Il �,� �d�i�11' Pees--Aid.Bauholur. Bfelenberg,Boit,Con- ley, Copeland, ('ostello. Dobner, Dornlden, Slyke,Mr.Vice President-16. Slee on Nle in the ofli^.e of the
city I iliuenr,said
ley,Copeland.Coetella,Dobner.Dornlden,Flan Flandrau,Geban, llcNamce, Melody,Sullivan, Approved July 2,189(1. t ark to be done under direction of Lhe city an.
Ilii I�; drau,Gehan, McNamee,Melody, Sullivan,Van !'ou Slyke,Mr.Vice Presfdentr-16. gin rand without coat to the city of St.Pani.
1 Iii Slyke,Mr.Vice President-15. Approved July 2,1890.
By Aid.Geban }cos Ald.Bxnholzer, Hielenbe[g, Bott,Con-
4. IP I Ii� Approved July 2,1890. Resolved, That the gasoline contractor be ]Ay,Copeland,Costello,Dobner,lloruideu.Fisn•
By Ald.Me1nAp- and he ie hereby directed to place and maintain drau,G7 all,
llcNomee, lfelady-, Sullivan,Van
By Id.Sullivan- Resolved,Tbat the city engineer be and is gasoline lamps as follows: One on the corner of Slyke,lir.\'ice President-15.
Resolved.That the grade of Randolph stmt. hereby instructed to report a grade on Belvh- Abell and Rose streets:oneouthecornnrof Abell Approved July 2,1890.
from Cleveland avenue to a point 2,300 feet dere street from Oakdale avenue to Annapolis and Geranium atreets;one on the tamer o[Abell
..) P wear of the center of Cleveland avenue,as Indi- street. Rielenbe and J sen Toe st mete;one on the corner ofAbeO Resolved.That the form of contract of the
& mated by the red grade line on the amompeuy- Yens-Aid. Bsnholzer, rg,Bott,Con- au 1 Magnolia strata:one on the corner of Abell American Bell Telephone company
for the fur-
ing profile,and as recommended'by the cit}-en- ley,Copeland,Costello.Dobner,Dornideu,Flau and Cook streets. niahmg of[he city wotb telephone instruments to
r" r:; ?+ �`• ,a" s r � >r>�.;;i.� c':..%y.d X i at` 's" ren. S,r„E ,�A, _x t .. ,^- '4
- pd•.t;?'�lr tom.. ''" t. ,v tt v r, t t- ist;.,�.i-511;V1 - a i `y�c a
R, -ver - ,� 'tea., z ,. - Nt
! r ,
I it
be used for the police patrol line, sub mltted to order,was necesanrS and proper, and whether port and rdered the city clerk to give the no- [vest aide of Gibbs avenue
on east end of
executed on the part of the cltl'.be xvd the real estate to be assessed tot aafd Improvement Litt required by law; ud Alden square.
t i I i e ie hereby approved, red Lhe prosper city could be found benefited to the extent of dam- Whereas,The they clerk gave notice 1n the of
- oiRcere are hereby directed to execute 1d con ages and costa to be Incurred by said Improve- ficial paper f s id city for three succeasive ley, Copeland, Costello. Donner,
tracts on the part of the city o7 I.
Paul. meat:and weeks,twice lu ach w k,that Lhe common Flandrau,Gahan,McNamee, Malady, Sullivan,
Yens .aid.Banholzer.BielenI I. Boit,r' Whereas,In accordnuce with said order,the council of said city would,on the let day f Van Slyke,Mr.Vice PresldDnt-16.
I 1 ley.Co{rtlnnd,Costello,Dooner,Uondden,Fl
boacd of Cnbllc norke did mike a xp :to the July,1890,at 7'a0 o'clock P m.,at the c... Approved July 2,18911.
{ draw.Gehan,MCNBmee:Dteledy, Sullivan,Vso ..,dm,.. nail of data Sao._ 1890,—nal chamber,in Id dty,conefdex ..on proposed .�
Slyke,Mr.Vice Presidents"16. evng n change of grade on Lexlsgton.venue. chases of grade; d By Ald.Blelenberg-
5 I Approved July 2,1890. b t Nettletmi.venue and the north line o[ W berexa, AL the time end place last deeig- Resolved,That the board f p blie works
James street,rind that property could be found sated o or such Proposed change of grade the c e eroeewalke to be'old ae follows:
;1� be fired to the extent f damages,coeur and m n en,after hearing all persons inter. fl,1t lutersectioi[of Como boulevard and C28te-
j:.� 'I Whereas,Th o n 11 f the elty o[ expenses necessary to he incurred ht makf.g eaid cored,and being of the opinion that the Game Is north stmt,Argyle and Cross avenue,Oxford
yy i E N St.Paul heretofore ordered the board of public change o[grade.e s[oresafd; d ecesanry and proper; v a Croce ayemtn.
works to report 1�hether a ennnge E grade Whereas,The common council of Bald city,on n Therefore,be 1t solved,That the grade of Yee"-Aid.Bavnolzer,Bielenbe) Bott,Can•
d F o the alley tv block two (2),H M.Hxnney's the fid day of Tune, 1890,adopted aid re- Randolph stmt, between the weer line of ley COPelaud,Costello,Dobner.Dornlden,Ften•
f�! eubdivisfod o1 block 11, Stiuson's d1- t add ordered the city clerk to ve thenotice Summit avenue south and Chatsworth drau,Gehan, McNamee, Dtelndv,Sullivan.Van
kid vision, in said city as shown by a red my fired by T"
;and street, be and the me is bereby Slyke,Mr.Vice President-16.
line on a profile annexed to s id order, I it eW-b,The city clerk gave notice fn the of- changed in eordance with the d line Approved July 2,1890.
was nece ry sed proper, a d is
real flMul pnl�er o[ id it ,for throe eucceselve ere shown on the annexed profile,being the same
�{ f estate to be d for said Improvement t.ceke,twice in e h wee that the common ere referred to in all the praceedidge had In re-
4 could be found benefited to the extent of dam- t pci]01 Bxid ity,would on the let day of By Aid,Geban-
1� f ages and conte[o be incurred by said improve- eed to eaid change;and be it further
meat;and p Jully,1890,at 7:80 o'clock p.m.,at the couu- Resolved,That this order Bud the proNle rep- Resolved, That the board of ppnbllc works
I til chamber,in said city,consider such proposed meeutfng said change of grade be referred[o the cause a throe-Plank sidewalk W be laid on Lhe
jt tVhereax,m accordance with said order,the change of grade;and Doerd of public works, and that said board [vest side of Oakland cemetery,from Sycamore
:I board of public w orks did make a reff.�ort to the tVherexe,At the time and place last dIsIg. shall proceed without delay to m sesa the street to Nerrill street.
common covnell of date Dlap 12,t>3fl0,recom- noted for mwhI propoeed change of grade,the u[, s e Iy s they can necertafn the Yens-Aid.BBnhoiur, BlelenDetg, Bott,Con-
;I mending aid improvement d that property n=
on recd,after hearing all Dernovs Inter- same which Shull be regvimd to pby the dam- le}',Copeland,Costello,Dobner,Dornlden,Flav-
eould be found benefited to the extent of dills- eated,and being. the opinion that the same is ages,costs and expenses f such improvement drau,Gehan,DlcNantce, Malady,
ages,coats and exp n ce yto be.Incurred n eery and proper, upon the real estate to se benefited by .1d im Slyke,Mr.Vice Preeldentr-16.
eking said change of grade as aforesaid, Therefore,be IL resolved,That the grade of porovement, provided u}u law,it being the Approved July 2,1890.
' Whereas,The common til of said ILS. Le tseton a ue, between Nettleton avenue pi ton of the common til Lhnt real estate
I'• n the 10th day of May,1890,-1. red said rn and the north I/ne of James street,be and the to be se d for each oimProvement By pld.Dfelady-
' ) is -by changed in xeco dunce vith Lne found benefl ted Lo tea extent o7 Lhe derma IteBol sed,That the board of pobife works he
'�. port and ordered the city clerk to give the n- s d line .1man o LM1e n ed opmr file,being c ate end expense. necessary to be near d d is hereby instructed to cauxe
to be laid a
Uce reyuired by law;m rt o the samen as,referred to in all the P dings had thereby. Ix-f of wooden sidewalk on the east aide t
tyhereas.The city clerk gave mice In the n regard to said change.and be it further Yeas-Ald.Banbolur,Bielenberg, Bolt,Con- Oakdale avenue,from Prescott stmt to Mid.
j 1. o®tial paper of id city,for LM1m succesnlve i Resolved,Thnt this order 1 the profile rep- ley. ('o1wland. Costello. Dobner, Do d a,,.
asks;ttvlce In a ch t eek, that the c tm ce ting said Chan or,t grade be referred to the Flnndrxu,Gehan.DlcNamee, Malady, Sullivan, w jeua-Aid.Baunolur,Hielelsberg.Hot[,Cou-
uc 1 f sold •its wt Id.ou the lot odes}"of board of public ke.and that eaid board Von Slyke."r.[-ice President-16. leyy. ['opelxnd. Costello, Dobner, Dortdden,
tit Tuly,1890,¢L 'I:aO o'clock p.m. et the c ti - shall proceed without delay to ease the Approved July 2,1890. P'landrnu.Gelmn,McNamee, Melody, Sulltvnn,
kI��l{ til chamber h eaid mty,c.nnider such proposed amount,as nearly Ihey an main the Van Slyke,Mr Vice Presfdentr-16.
+{' 1 tl change of grade"acrd eros,which shall be required to s}•the dam Approved July 2,1ri90.
S. III Whereas,At[he time and place Inst dealgnatBy Ald.Gehan-
:�; f { ed [or each d than !grade.the - ages,costa xad xPensee t each provement Resolved,'that the sidewalk contractor be
p pose ge o .coon the real tate Lo be ben flied by Id i - and he is harsh dlmted to lay a fish[-toot gy Ald.B tt- works
ncil, iter nearing all Persona intemsted, o me L, ere clp�ocida, bre- Ix ,It being the y
R I�, sod befog of the opinion that the same is.-Is- pluton of the c u c9 that real estate ood sidewalk w north aide o7 Vlolt street,
Re ,a Ten crossevalk u o be la d i Gro
ry sad reroper• to be d forme oll Improvement cuts be from ly it
to on
avenue a cep
I aTherefo ,be 1t resolved,That the grade of found benefited Lo the extent [ the dama Re. already laid. w ley on seat aide of Amnde stmt,between East
it the lley tv block two(2).H M.lienees a an c stn and ecees to be hit d Yeas-Aid Bnnholur,Alelenberg.xBott.Con 8ecenth and Dlnrgaret atmta,and one across
{ division t block 11,8thison's division St Paul, the
expenses n nip ley,CoCelnnit,(: tello,Dobner,Dornlden,Flan :[endotn sliest on the north side of Hudaos
�'• - be,and the cam is hereby thxuged In nccordxnce yeas-Aid.Ranbalsz Bielennerg,Bott.Con- drau,(.ens:,D[eNamee. Dfelady, Sulllvau,Van avenue.
with the <t line Be show. the n max d ley, Copeland, Castello, llobner, Dornlden, Slyke,Dir.\'lea Presides[-16. g Zeus-.Uri. Bnnholur,Bielenberg.Bort,Con-
profile, being Lne a a� !erred rto in Plxndrau.Gehan, tell,,ee,Melody, Sull(van, .tpproved July 2,1890. ley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Dornlden,
all the pr ding"hml fn regard to said choose; Von Slyke.Dlr.Vice President-16. Flaudray.Genal. McN,mee, Nelady,Sullivan.
and be it IT Approved July 2,1890. DS Ald.Sanborn- Van Slyke,Dir.Vice Pmeldevt-16.
I,yp Resolved.That this order and LM1e profile. p- Resolved,Thnt Lhe board of poublic works be Approved July 2,1890.
d'I '' 47 II se Ling Bald uhause o[grade be referred Lo ttre and it fe hereby iusttucted to uetract a -
P r�.7 board o[public works,and th.tanidboard shall Whereas,The common o n 11 0[the city of ret block sidewalk,eta feet wide,on the east By 1,d.Gehan-
II aro d without det. to assess the o ant,xs S[.Paul heretofore ordered the board of p hilt fide [llnle ncmt,troin 6elby avenue Hoath one Resolved,Tluat Lhe p IM1nluary
der cent to
a 1}as they cuts as certxm the asme� which �orks to report whether x hangs of clad¢on Hundred end fifty feet. Con b nrd of Public o ks in regard to pacin8
'9y1 shall be regauired to pal•the damages,costs and jt ndolph stmt,from iii mit i nth to Y e-Ald.Banbolur, Bill Butt, I Grocn stmt,from Jackson to Broudwxv stints,
expenses f such (rope i t upon the real Chatsworth street,together with tthe mors- le};aCopelend.Costello,Donner,Do, Fla.- be returned and all proceedings In the matter
iiittt �,. estate to be benefited by 1"aid sxry chiwges on the c torte. 1n said dr..,Gens..McNamee.Nelady, 6a91van,Vnn a rolled.
1ee,�; porocldetl by Ida, it.being the pinion of the city. x how. by r ns red Ifue n Slyke,Mr.Vi[e President-16. yeas-Ald. Banholzer.IIlelenbetg,Bott,Con-
rMcouncil that mal estate to be,,:,, d arofilsea
annexed to a id order.w.e ve oaeary Approved July 2,1890. iep,COPelxud,Costello,Dobner,Dornlden,Flan-
}�3 for each improvement can be toured Deted to pd p per,and whether real estate to be a deme,3eh¢n. 1fc\nmee,Melody,Sullivan, Van
the extent o7
damages•coata and expenses aPd for s 1d Improvement could De fou.d BS Ald.Dornlden- Slyke,JIr.Vice Ymidmttrl6.
{ g t u ssary to be Incurred thereby be�reflted to the extent.07 dnmasea s d costs to Beaolved.That Lhe boned of public works Approved July
Yeas-Ald.Balsholzer,Bfelenberg, Butt,Co.. be Incurred by improvement: d nose r.T at tt be bu11L on
Ouelda stmt _
,.' ley,Copeland,('oatello,Donner,Uorniden,Flxn- DVhvrerzs,Iv act dance.vita said oder,the oce Clu"stmt.
1 1 QQ �"I, dean,Gehan,}t\amee, D[etady, Sullivan.Van board of Cnbllc xrorks did make B mport to the Yeas-A�d.Bnnholur,Bielevbnrg. Butt,Co. By Ald,BhTenberg-
/1f Slyke,Mr.Vice President-16. ottnei] of d.te June 2, 1890,ret- le Co lend,Costello,D.bner,Dor.lden,Flan- Resolved,That the board t yob llc works be
' I�'1 Approved July 2,1890. o mc¢ding a change of grade on Randolph drau,Gehan,McN'amce, Melody, Sullivan,V"av fl hereby a thorlied to dlscontmue the
stmt, between the t line [ Summit Slyke,Mr.Vice Pmaidentr-16. aperitif jig on Arundel stmt,between University
-!F 1' common en e s e d Ellen stmt,as per request o[Prop-
p Whereas.The c council oI the city [ cloth and Chatsworth street. and Approved July 2,1890.
Fj {q t 6t.Paul hemto[ore ordexd the board of public that uexoperty o Id De found benefited to ertf holders neroto attached.
,I R41)I rka d report Ile a chxuge oI p•ade on the tent of damages, is d n Bp Ald.Prntt� Yexe-Aid.Bnnholur, ida, berg- ld t, Con-
y I; • Randolph street,from Summit v u south to penees necessary to be Incurred 1v making eaid Resolved, That the board f public orka iep.Co I,.d,Costello.Dobner,Dornlden,Flan-
~ Chatsworth street,together with the a ecesaary change of grade ab afomeald;a d ca a si-foot wooden sidewalk to fin bu and d ,f alien, D[eNnmee, Dfelady.Sullivan,Vain
changes on the cross etm[s.In Bald elty,as Whereas.The commod couucll of said city,on maintai.ed the north aide of Laugford ave- Slyke,Mr, Ju y 2,Pria1 ant.
ehoivnby a red line on a profile annexed to mid the all day of June, 1890, adopted said m nue.from Gibbs avenue to Snelling avenue;also Approved Jury 2,1890.
*:V"' � s war ��a W# # a a * 3x Ss aF3� t � r% r'� rtd 1v 33 e
�g By Aid.Copeland— damages,costs and expenses necessary to be In- draw,Gehan,McNamee,Melady,Sullivan,Van Second—Give the council an estimate of the
IL Is hereby ordered by the common Council of carred thereby? Slyke,11r.Vice President—lo. expense thereof,and tate whether one-halt of
(I� the City of St.Paul: Fourth—Is such Imyrovement asked for upas Approved July 2,1890, Lhe cost thereof i.Lo be paid into the city treas-
i That the matter of grading Arkwright street the petltiou or application of the ownere of a ury before the contract is let.
C street[ Cook street beand the same la ajority of the property to he assessed for such By Ald.Copeland Third—Can real estate to be assessed for said
hereb Case ed to Lhe board of public works to Impp ovementT It fs hereb7 M'r' by the Commou Council Improvement he found benefited to the extent of
investigate and report: Ffith—Send the council a pian or profile of said of the city of St.Paul damages•costs and expeuue necessary to be fu-
vestirle this improvement proper and napes- improvement,as required by ISW,if you report That the matter of grading alley fa block curved thereby'!
eary7 in favor of the hare. bounded by Weide, Arcade, York and Sime Fourth—Is such Improvement asked for upon
Second—Give the council an estimate of the Sixth—Send the council a proper order direct- streets,same having become red is hereby de- the petltlon the application.of the
orwern o7 a
expense thereof,and state whether one-halt of Ing the or to be done. Blared by the commissioner of health a public ajoritl'of the property to be assessed for such
} - nuisance,by mason f tagnant water,be and Improvement!
the cost thereof is to be paidinto the city tress- Yeas—Ald.Banholmr,Bielenberg, Bott,Coss- the same is hereby referred to the board of pub- Fifth—fiend the counc8 pian
or,pprofile of
ury before the contract is]et. ley.('.£eland,Costello.Dobner.Donilden,N1an- Dc works to Investigate and report: said improvement,as regmred by]aw,it you re-
f Third—Can real estate to be assessed for Bald drau,Gehan,McNamee, Melerdy, sulllran,Van I'" First this imVrovement proper and necee- port It favor of the same.
i direct-
improvement be toured benefited to the extent of Slyke,Mr.Vice President-16. sa�v Siz[h—fiend the counci:a proper order dlrect-
da ages,costs and expenses necessary to be iu- Approved July•2,1890. Second—Give the council s estimate o[ the fug the work to be done.
carred thereby? ¢apenee theieof,and state •hether one-half of Yeas—Aid.Banhoiur,Bieleuberg,Bott,Cou-
J i Fourth—le each lmprovemeut asked for upon
the o titian or application of the. were of a By Add.Bieleuberg— the cost thereof Is to be paid into the city turas- ley,Copeland,Costello.Dobner.Dorniden,Flau-
{l� raj Ity of the property to be assessed for sue It is hereby ordered b the Common Council ury before the ed estate Is Int. drau,Gehan.DtcN¢mee,Malady,Sullivan,Van
gd Stltltl impprovemeut7 of[he City of fit.Pat 1: Third—Can real estate to be assessed for said Slyke.Mr.Vice President—l6.
Fifth—Send the council old n or profile of said That the matter of grading an alley In lmprovemeut be found benefited to the extent Approved July 2,1890.
1m uocemerit,a8 required by law,Ii you report Block No.two(2),d[Ichel'e eubdivislon of Block o1 damages,costs and expenses necessary to be _
j 1 incurred thereby?
1n avor of the same. No.five(6),S[Inso I.divlalou,from Kent street Fourth—Is such Improvement asked for upon By Aid.Dobner-
99�� Sixth—Send the council a proper order direct- to Dale street,as per request of property holders the o tltion or application of the owners of a It is hereby ordered by[he
Common Council of
,F In the work to be done. ,beret.attached,be and the same is hereby re-
tj leas—Ald.Banholur,Blelenbe_ Butt,Co.: ferred to the board of public works to invest{- raj Ity o7 the property to be aseeeecd for eueD the Cicy of 8t.Paul:
le e,Copeland,Cohtellu,Dobner,Dorniden,Flan- ggt¢and report: Ire ov¢meut'! That the matter of grading 8tmpson avenue
dr ,Geheu,MCNamce,Malady, Sullivan,Van Firetrla this improvement proper and¢aces• Np7tth—fiend the council a plan or prod
of from Minuehnha street to Charles street(path
Slyke,Mr.Vice President-15. eery' eafd improvement, ea required by law,it you tion attached)he and the same 1s hereby Mr-
A ved July 2. Secaud—Glue the council estimate of the repport In Iavor o[the same. red to the board o[public works to investigato
Pero Sixth—Send the council a proper order direct and report:
expense thereof,and state whether one-half of In the work to he done. First—Is this improvement proper and necee-
Y ) the cost thereof is to he paid into the city qq
Aid.Dobner— treasury before the coutractla let. ]•sa—Aid.Banholur,Hlelenberg, Bott,Con- sary7
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council Thlyd cul real estate to be assessed for said ley,Copelnud,Costello,U Mela Dorniden,Flan- penceSecon—Give the council an estimate
of the
jjd of the City o[8L.Paul: 1m overeat be found benefited se the extent of dean,Gehan, McNamee,Melady,Sullivan,Van pence thereof,and state whether t one-half of
d' That the matter of grading Hewitt avenue, damages,costa and expenses necessary to be Slyke,Mr.Vice President-16. Lhe cost thereof is to be paid Into the city
from Aldine street to Prior avenue(pet(tton at- Approved July 2,1890. ury before the contract is let.
Lathed,in and the same le hereby referred to incurred thereby'• Third—Can real estate to be assessed for eafd
Fourth—Is such Improvement asked for upon gy did.Copeland— improvement be found benefited to the extent of
the board of public works to investigate and the petitlon or applicstlon of the ownere o[a Itis hereby ordered by the Common Coundt of damages,costs and expenses necessary
to be lo-
repport: majority o[the property to be assessed for such the City o[St.Paul: carred thereby?
I'i �. J FlrshIs this improvement proper and necee• Ireprovement. TDat the matter o[ grading the alleys be- Fourth—le mach Improvement asked for upon
Z l sa6eycond—Glue the council an eetlmate of LDe All—Send the council a plan or profile of twcen Payne avenue ¢�Edgerton street, lit the petition or application o/Lhe
ownere o[a
said Improvement,as required by law,It you re- block 26,of Arlington Hills addition as a Banl- majority of the property to be assessed for such
expense thereof,and tate whether one-t=f port In Iavor of the same. Lary measure, be and the same ie hereby Improvement?
r the cost thereof is to be Id into the city - Sixth—fiend the council a proper order direct- referred to the board of public works to investf- Filth—Send the
council a plan orproflle of said
L toy b m the contract Islet. In the work to be done. gate and report: 1m�rovement,as required by law,if you report.
4 1 Third--Can mal estate to be asseaeed for eafd �-ae—Ald.Bauholue,Blelenberg, Butt,lou- Fixsc—le chis Improvement proper and necee- lu favor of the same.
G improvement be Lound be¢efl[ed to the ea[entof ley.Co land,Costello,Dobner,Dorniden,Flan- eery. 81xtb—Send the council a proper order direct-
damage,coats a¢d expenses necessary to be In- drau,GeDau. McNamee, Malady,Sullivan,Van Second—Give the council an stimate of the 1n the work to be done.
CJI cum therebyT Slyke,Mr.Vice President-16, ea nee thereof,and state whether onrhalt of g sae—Aid.Bsnholttr,Bielenberg, Batt, Con.
Fourth—Ia each improvement asked for upon Approved July 2,1890. the coat thereof ie to be paid into the city tuaa- ley C.reland,Costello,Dobner,Dorniden,Flan
' N�I Lhe petition or application of the oxvera o[a ury helots the contract fe let. drau,Gehan, McNamee, Melady,Sullivan,Van
�l II J jorlLY of Lhe Property to be asaeased for such Third—Can real estate to be assessed for said Slyke,Mr.Vice Prefilde¢t-16.
h i,{ irep ovnmentR By Ald.Bot[ lmprovemeut be found benefited to the extent Approved July 2,1890.
f{M 3W1v!`Send the council a plan or profile o7 it 1s heteb,ordered by the Common Council of o1 d ages,costa and expenses necessary to he
l IIJ. eafd Improvement,ae required by law,f(you re- the City of St.Paul: incurred thereby?
j i l port in Iavor of the same. That the matter of grading and surfacing Fourth—Is such improvement asked for upon By Aid.Nott—
{ Sixth—eeud the council s proper order direct- Third street,from Earl street to east eltylimits, the petition or application of the owners of a It is hereby ordered
by the Comm
ou counctl of
in the work to be done. be a¢d the same is hereby referred to Lhe board ch rlty of the property to bre assessed for such the CYty of St.Paul:
leas—Ald.Bans lar,Bielenberg,Bott, Con- of ppublic investigste and report: Irepprovement? That the matter./gradingCommeretsl street,
1e➢. Copeland, Costello. Dobner, Dorniden, F1rs�ls thla improvemnut proper end neves• FI(Lh—fiend the council a Ian or�roflle of from Fifth street to Euclid,be ¢d a same
l fry 'J� Flandrau, Gehan.McNamee,Milady,sulllvan, eary4 said improvement,as required by law,if you re- herby referred to the board of public works
I Van 81yke, Mr.Vice President—I6. Second--Give the council an estimate of the port In favor of the same. to Inveetlgate and report:
I Approved July 2,7890. expense thereof,and erste whether one-half of Sixth—Send the council a proper order direct- First—le this improvement proper end ueces-
J the coat thereof Is to be p id into the city treae- i¢g the work[o be done. eary7
ury before the contract a let. lees—Aid.Benholur,Blelenberp, Bott,Con- Second—Glue the councll an etlmate of the
iJ �tl< By Ald.Melady— Third--Can real estate to be assessed for eafd ley,Co red,Costello,Dobner,Dom]fell Flan espene l thereof,and state whether one-hall of
It is hereby ordered by the common council of improvement be found benefited to the eaten[ drau,Gehan,McNamee, Mel y, Suit Vau,Van the coat thereof Is to be aid into the
city treea-
i g p
the city of St.Paul: of darn pas,costs and expenses necessary to be Slyke,Mr.V ice President-16. ury before the contract Is let.
That Lhe matter of ding Winslow avenue, lucturet thereby? Approved July 2,1890. ?'bird—Can real estate to be nsaeeead for said
from Prospect Terrace to Annepolie street,be Fot rth—I.each improvement eked for upon lmprovemeut be found benefited to the extent of
and the same fe Dereby referred to the board of the petition or application o1 the ownere o[ damages,costa and expenses necessary to be
t� iii111II public works to investigate sad report: majority of the property to be as.eeeed for such By Ald.Dobner— Pe
First—la this Improvement proper moil necee- Irepp ovemeut7 IL le hereby onle]ed by the Common Council of incurred thereby?
) eaFir Fifth—fiend Lhe council a pion or profile o[ the City o[St Paul: FourtD—le such ireprovement asked for upon
_ Second—Give the council an estimate of the said ireProvement,as required by law,it you re- That the matter of grading Keston street for the petition or application
of the owners of a
})] eapenu thereof,end state hether one-halt of port in Iavor of the name. the entire length thereof be and the same is mnJority of the property to be eseesaed for such
lir �� hereby referred to the board of public works to {rep ovementT
�J ,(IPi the coat thereof is Lo be paid into the city treas. Sixth—Send the councll a proper order direct- investigate sad report: Fifth—Send the council a plan or
pmflle of
tuy before the contract is let. ing the work to be done. First—Ie Lhla ire rovementproperand nems- sold ireprovement,m required by law,it you m-
1H� Third—Can real estate to be assessed for said ]'—Aid.Banholrer,Bielenberg, Brett,Con- ..ry, p port in favor o[the same.
i SIF i
improvement be fougd benefited to the extent of ley,¢Copeland,Costello,Dobner,Doruideu,Flan-
2t{ �" C''}�a�•f t"rs�v"'�y;:.y�n.� �. ;'h.. '..,;.Y ' ,t,,l- ..`.�'�`�s� - .x '� �'�r' _ , �-&' �r �- ,�.
r .y �•,as: y r, .uh't 'r�t,.,,� Rn�yyr.�;;;n
j SI tb—Send the council a proper order direct- hereby referred to the board of public said Improvement,as,required by law,It you re, totheboard of public works to
investigate Snit
1, }ng the work to be done. Investigate and report: port I.favor of the Bame. First—I.this improvement proper
I� Yeas—Aid.Banholrzr,Bielenberg,Botts Con- Fimt—Is this improvement proper and news- Sixth—Send the couuell a proper order di[ect- P p Per and necee-
- ley,Copeland,Costello,Dobner,Dotmiden,Finn- sary? Ing the work LO be done. eery?
drau,Gahan.McNamee,Dtelady, Sullivan, Van Second—Give the council an eetlmate of the Peas—Ald.Banholue,Bielenbefg,Bott,Con- Second--Give the council an estimate of the
Slyke,Mr. Vim Preeldent�l6. expense thereof,and tate whether one-half of ley,Copeland,Costello,Dobner,Dorniden,'Finn, thC.e cost thereof fst[o be�eidiinto[h cityhetber
1' J
Approved July 2,1890. the coat thereof Is to be paid Into the City tree.- dran,4ehan. �Ic�amm. Melody,Sullivan,1'nn u y before the contract le let.
rJI ury before the contract is let. Style,Mr.Vice Preeiden t-16. Third—Can real estate to be assessed for Said
By Aid.Dobner— Third—Can real estate to be esseaeed for said Approved July 2,1890. Improvement be found beneflied to the extent of
i improvement be found benefited to the.extent of damages,costa and expenses necessary to be
t } It Ii hereby ordered by the Common Council o(�damegrs,costs and expenses necessary to be in- B}•Ald.Sullivan— Incurred thereby!
-i I Lhe City of et.Paul: curnd thereby? IL Is hereby ordered by the Common Council Of Fourth—le such lmprovemen[asked(or upon
J That the matter of grading Langford avenue, Fourth—Is.nen Improvement asked for upon the Cityy of 8t.Paul:
the petltldn or application of the owners upon
1 between Eustsce street and the city limits, be the petition or application 1 the owners of That`the Iter of opetilng Hamlhte avenue, ejorityno the property to be
aeaesaed for such
and the Same Is hereby referred to the board majority of the property to be aseeeced forsuchfrom �ummit •en a to Randolph street, be impp 'I.
•e eat?.
t ppublle works ti Investigate suit report: lmp vement? and the same Is hereby referred to the board of h9fth—Send the council a plan or ofile of
O Fi t�Is this Improvement proper and necee- FB[h—Bend the council a Plen r pprofile of blit works to Investigate and report:
sary? said Improvement,as required by law,u you re- ptFirst—IS this improvement o d neces- said impprovement,as required DS'low,if you rn
i 8scond—Give the council n estimate of the port In favor of the same. - Pr proper and port in fa o t the some.
ta pare thereof,and tate Iv ether one-half of Sixth—Send the council a o der direct - t y? Sixth—Send the council n proper order direct-
. W i the coat thereof 1e to be p Id Into the city Irene- Jng the work to De done. proper or {:, c second b:m the council a timate of the }ng the be done.
�- y before the contract le]et. l penes thereof,and tete thether"'-half hal[of ]ars--Aid Bnnnolttr,RielenDetg, Bott,Con-
Third—Can real rotate to be assessed(or sold AId.Banholzer, Bielenberg, sots,con- lite cost thereof is to be paid into the city trees ley,Copeland,t'oslello,Dobner,Dorniden,Flan-
t' ley,• Copeland, COemllo, Bohner, Dom{den, u y before the contract ie le[. dr¢u,Gebmt.MCNamm, Meladv, SulBvan,Vau
1' i Pm emessc be found benefited to the extent of Flsoolreau, Genan,Nle, Malady,Sullivan, Third—Clot real estate to be assessed for said Slyke,Mr.Vice President—la.
Ida vg Costs and expenses necessary to be ht' V 1 k C Dfr.\ice Presidevtl6. ant l>e tountl beueH[M to the extent of
red the b', A pmv d July 2,1890. damaocree co to and expenses neceasary to be in Approved July 2,18(10.
l Fourth Is such 1 pro ems L ked for upu ed thereby.
the tit{on or 1'cntion f the ownf u cu improvement upon By Aid.Boll—
er"orit (the uPp t t Lo he asne.Bed for such By Aid.Dobuer— Fourth—Is ranch Im t asked for u
Y j ems prOite1 y It{B hereby ordered by the Common Council of the petition or uppncatlon of the o re f n It is nereD}•oMemd Dy the Common Council of
it°p lit? the(lt t fit.Paul: n j It of the property to be asseesed foreueh the cig}of St.Paul:
IN j Filth—Soendn t`he,council plan or pp ofile of Th It the matter u[opening Si On avenue, impp ant? That the matter of paving Ho9man u•.nue
I said imppr t,un required by lavr itryou re- open n pe Fltih—send the eovnpl a 1 oflle of eafd from Enet 6ev-enth street to the treaterly line of
port 1n favor 1 the Bame. from Charles Street to Ullivereity nae be pall OI pr
sixth—Send the council a proper order direct- and the same{s hereby referred to the board of improvement,as required by law,if Sou report(n lot 14,block 17. Suburban Hill,addition.b•+
lugg the work to be done. public works to Investigate and report: favor Of the a e and the same is hereby referred to the board of
• ,'�N 1" .—Aid.Bashdone.Blelenberg, A tt,COs- Firehls this Improvement proper and neem- Sixth—Seed the council a proper order direct- p blit tt' Ingesttgnte
slid report:
ley,Cs eland,allholl°,D°buer,Dorniden,Flau- sary? Ing the work to be done. Firet�ts Luis improvement proper and nec-
p Sullivan,Van Second—Give the council an estimate of the Peas—Ald.Banholmr,Bielenberg, Bott, Con- eesery?
�y drau,Gahan,M,Samee, Mrlady,
61'ke,Mr.\'ire President-16. expense[hereof.and state whether one-halt of Ie)•,Copeland,Costello,poboer,Drnlden.Flan• Second—Gita the council an estimate of the
Q ''{ APProced July 2,1890. the coat thereof 1s to De raid into the city Iran.Gehau.McNamee.NIelady. Sullivan, Ven expense thereof,snit este whether cityme- tit of
J 61 J treasury before the contract to let. Slyke,Mr.Vice Preeident-16. the cost thereof in to ct Isbeplet into the city tress-
Thlyd—Can real estate to be assessed for said Appoved July 2,1890. ury before the cOattne[tl lac.
By Aid.Gehnn— Improvement be found benefited to the extent of Third—Cov teal estate to be aeseaced for anld
It to hereb tiered by the Common CO 11 0( do
coats and expenses necessary to be In- B-Ald.Copeland— Itnprovemenc be(°trod beueflted to the extent
-! J the CYLy of St.Paul: carred thereby? It ie bereby Ordered by the Common Council of °f dumagm.costs and expenses neetasary to be
That the matter of change of grade on Jv ckeon Fo,rtb—Is such Improvement asked(or upon the Cig of St.Pauli incurred thereby:'
street from Tmremntb Street to Cldver.l[y the petition or application of the owners o[s That[fie mutter of opening, videnlnR snit ex- Fourth—Js such lmpmvement asked for
with the necessary change n Intersect- njorl[y of the property to be assessed for such tending of Ivy street from Edgerton street It the pe[Icion or npplic¢tfon of the owner.o/n
ng streets 1f any,be and the nnnte 1.hereby re- improvement? Earl Street, be and the same 1S it—')referred jorlty Of the property to be nsarnned for such
1 I ferred to the board of public work to favestl- Fifth—Send the council plan or profile of to[be board of Public works to invent(gate and improvement?
said Imppr tem t[,us required by lair,i(}•ou rn pD rt: Yemen }rttb—fiend[he councli a ppinst ore oflle of said
g k
Improvement proper and nems- p rt lu[eO f Lbe same. reFirnt—Is this improvement proper and nems- ju prow of niethe Cwt required by low,If you report
sixth—saga the Soup n a order direct-
' f� n9 oud—Glue the council timate of the ivg the work to be Aonp. p OPe� snSecond—(:1ve Lhe council a e timate t the Sixth—Send the council n proper order dlrect-
}, thereof,snit state hether
one-half of 1"ens—Aid.IInuholttr,IIfelenbe Bot t,Con- expense thereof.and tate ,hetber one-half of log the 11 to be done.
4 N the coat thereof fe to be paid into the pity tress- ley Copemnd,Costello,,Dobner,D tniden,Flan- the cost thereof is[o be paid Into the city lives ]"Sas—Alit.Bnnholmr,Bleleuberg,
expense rr}}�before Ise contract 1e let. dran,Uehnn, McNamee, Me]. 'uilivan.Van u)'before the contract fa Iet. ley.Copeland,Costello.Uabuer,llorniden,Flnn-
a Third—Can al sets to be assessed for said Slyke,Air.Vice President-16. ThiM—l;an real estate t°be asneesed for said 'drau,GeDntt,\feNnmee.Melody, Sullivan,Van
1mProvement be fOunA?benefited to the extent. Approved July 2,1890. improvement be found beneflted to the extent Slyke,Mr.Vice President-16.
If� f dnmagee,coat'amt expeuses necessary to be t damage..covets and expenses necen vy to be App
rovM July 2,1890.
jncurr.d thereby? incurnA thrrebT?
{I ;pry Fourth—]e such 1mp r ems t asked for upon Ay Ald.Bohner— Fourth—Is such improvement naked for n°pon ri)-.vld.t'onley—
I1 the a tition r eQPllcation o[Lhe ownern of ft fs bereby ordered by the Common Council of the o talon Or al,plleatiou t the oewern ( IL la hereby ordered by the
Common Council of
^ig{jj e3 I J.1 nJ rite-of the property-to be essesned for such Lite(ley of Bt.Poul: to J Iteyno(the property to be assessed for such elm CYty of S[.Poul:
y That e e matter o! yening Van Buren atreat ant? That the.letter of Pavlog n11cyy In block 80,
iiwl i`• '. i Fifth—Send the c meR a Pl¢n o a ofile of from name Futy street to Sne111nR a be0 uutbe 1�•ilth—enA the cot It HI p1¢n orf o81e o[ KltteOti a addition,
be n�td the s to Is hereb
i I of { he Dy (erred to the boned t public said Imp r ve t t,as require(1 6 1¢w,I( yy
nil, Said improvement a required by 7 '•if You ks to lnveetl to and rt: y you re-'referred to the board of uuGllc works to Ivvestl-
1�N k 7j, iep t 1n favor dl tJte name. Ba po J ott In fu o(the name. glue suit report:
t F i� I i Sixth—Send the Counefl a proper order direct w Firet�le this
Improvement proper and a—.- Sixth Send the t ell a Proper order dl- First—ls this improvement proper and neves.
�71 1ng the work to be done. s TYT r, iing the work t0 be done. )'".
LdI'1I Ye Eatt,Con- e8econd—Gin Lbe eft¢ timate f the 1' —Aid.Banh.l-r. rilelenbetg. Rett,t'on- 86sr<•oml--Glu the until n timate Of the
'1I..�! Ald. B lib 1 Al leulxrg, thereof, and tate Nether halt of Ir);eCopeland.Coxteilo,Dobner.UornlAen,Flan- a pence'thereof. .lid Otote whether a-half of
q d ley Copeland,Coafello,llobner Dorniden,Flnn- Lhe cost thereof tx to be p id Into the city trees- .Iran,l;ehnn, Mc`�umee, ]falsity,Su lllvnu,Van Lhe cont thereof le-to
Dep id Into the city txae-
1Ws�pldrau,(it.Vi McNamee, AIeIntJy,Sullivan,Von D fore the contract E let. sI ke,Mr.Vire Pxnldert—16. Ur•before the cot tract fn let.
Slyke,tile.Vice Preeldenfrl6. a TtArd—Can real estate to be asess-oed for Said 3
Approved July 2,1890. }m vement De found benefited to the extent°t Approved July 2,1890. Third—Can real estate to be assessed for said
I i I damruoq coats end nd bene.ed W t necessary to be fof improvement De found benellted t°the extent°t
1 (pl By Ald.Blelenbe red thereby? em By Aid.Blelcnbent— dmm�gee.conte and expel ses necese¢ry[o be In-
I xl;— It i.hereby•ordered b [he Common Council of c reed thetrby".
tI IL le herebyo dared by the Common Q>unell o[ Fourth—Is such Imy ent ked for up n the Uty of 8t.Pauly •Fourth—Ie such Imp name It eked for un n
the CYLT f 8t.Paul: the o titles r application f the owmeore et a Thnt the atter of opening,widenIng and ez- the o titico or np"lleat mi I the oe re f e
That the atter of of m. wide Ing anA J y of the property to be sed t en ,ding Fisher street.from V¢anar et ve to ai Ity of the property to be sne esedtfor such
tamdmg Chatsworth street,from ca"Ou Street I DD tt nem
to 8t.Anthony avenue,be and the same Is FI(th—Send the couucll a plan or prOale of Keller street,be and the emve]a hereby referred Improvement?
i I -
p T�'
a: yry r + `" "`.n3"4,l',•. }va- ,fir .r
a k, r
- ajar
1 i
it Fifth—Send the council a plan or profile of It us hereby ordered by the Common Council of went as Provided by Ixte,it being the ophtioI of made, to it: Open and extend
nn alley be-
t, <
y 1 said improvement,ns required by law,if you re the CYty}-o[St.Yxal. the cuunru that real r.tate fu be a�xexaed for een Vit.t1mr stmt and Lomhur,l u
favor of the same. That tl'e board o[public works of saideityof itch inhprovemeut enn be toned 7 enefi[eA fo the from the east lune of block - ltudgetcoodvPnrk
pectin Sixth—Send the couihcil a proper order direct- St.Paul cause the following Improvement to be axteiht of the cost acid ex)sneer necessary to be addition to St.Paul
to NUB— trees it said
1�. ing the work to be done[ aide. to wit: Grade MCLe.n avenue, from incurred thereby. city,condenmmg and taking ail that Inud not
Peas—Ald.Bunholmr,Bie:euberg,Bot[, Con- Bates avenue to au intersection with the street Yens—Alit.lixnholzzr.BielenbeM,,Bott,('onley, llexdy condemned or dedicated for
public ere,
ley,Copeland,C'u.fellu.Uobner,Dorniden,Flan- known as Hasfiui,.arenas or the old Hearings (aeland,('ostcllo,Uubner,Uorntden.Flnudrau, lying within the flues f tie all
block 5,
drxu,Gehan,)IcSu nee,31elady,Sullivan. Van ad,ruuning through blocks a3 and 32,Subur- Ge it,UrNatuer,Vehtdy-• Sullirmu,Van Slyke. Itidgruood Park addition to St. Paul,
1 - n
Slyke,3Ir.Vice President-16. ban 111118,.et,said city. 3Ir.\'ice Preetdext 15. diced exet[0 3lilton street.
7 F 1I�fII '� Appoved July 2,1890. c That said board canal,said work to be let bg ApPrut ed,Tale 2,1x9u. 'Gini said uoxrd shall proceed without delay
4 ntrxet,as provided by Irate,without oar-hal[ to usxexn the nutouat as send)•x.they an it
the estimated cot Leung first paid Into the It,the platter of the r port u[ the Guard of c r[xin the same,which toll be required to pity
11f II, B`•Aid.Copeland— city treasury, and after said t k -bull be pnbha t k:I tied.Ione La,lope the dnntugea,costa and u re st expenses f
It s hereby ordered by the Common Council of plrenred u titer c ntrxct.said board shell oro- Pf is he 1 ordered by the Common C.onell of such lmprix la rat uponi the+real
estute to be
1 the Ci 3 of tt Paul: C d w flioor delay to asse.R the fl rat, the l itt of Sf Paul benefited bt',ufd ltnprnvement,as Provided by
That the matter of pnving Oive street with n nearly they c ..Certain theme That[he board of public works of safd city of law,t[ler ging the=I.n of the com+cil that real
cedar block,,together with stone curb,from.µtitch will be requlredrto pay tie coat said St.Poul cause the f.b."mg hopzovemeut to be state fowbC vsse..ed for sua•It lmproyemeut
Grove street to Olmstead street, be Hud the netrRaary expense.of such improvement upon Horde. to wit: Grade Sihmebahu street Iron be found benefited to the extent of the
-fry same is hereby referred to the board of public the rent estate to be benefited by said improve- Pomo t pus to Lexington •enue,fn said city. costs and expenses
necessary to be Incurred
works to Investigate and report rt t,as provided by 1 tc;it being the opinion That safd board cause said work to be let by [hereby.
! First—Ia this improvement proper and nems- of the council that real estate to be assessed for contract,as lIr vided by hurt,w[hour ue-hxif Yens Ald.Bnnholzer,Bielenbetg.
earv! such improvement exit Al,found benefited to the tie entimafecl cost being firot paid into the cit}• ley,Conelxad,('cetello,pointer,Dorniden,Flan-
'; Second Give the council an estimate of the i extent of the .at and expense.,necessary to be treasury-,unit after enid u k sInd,
be placed draw Gehan,31eNames, 31elady, Sullivan,vita
expense thereof,and stn[.whether one-half of inettrred thereby. under
contract stud board shall proceed wi[hon[ Slyke,31r.Vice President-15.
the cost thereof is to be petit into the city tress- \•sus—Aid.Bxnholzer,HielenberR,Batt,Con- debty to assess the limon. ,as
lily ns they Approved July'l,1890.
wry before the contract is let. ley,Copelxud,Costello,Dobner,Dornlden,Flan- can nscertafn the senor,which will be required
I Third—Can real estate to be assessed for enid d u b Gehan,NI,_1;mex, 3f,ad}-,Sullivan,Van to pay- the cost snit nreessar• expenses f I the matter of the report of the
board of
Improvement be found benefited to the extent of Slyke,31r.vice Pre,fdent-15. ice imrr ovemen[ upon the recd estate to s, publ works(late
d.Tune 29,1890.
_y damages.costs and expenses necessary to be in- Approved July 2,1890. benefited b} said umprovemrnt,as Provided by public
whereby ordered by the Common Counctl of
�. I! j carred thereb3-r law.It ieinR the oVnuon of the councui that real the City o[St.Paul:
Fourth—Is such improvement asked for upon In tie matter of there orfs t the board o[ e.tnfe to be assessed for such lntprovrnteat cull That the board of public works
of said city of
If t ppp
theyetttlon or application of the oft nen of a p blI,works dated IN rch 27,1890,sad June tit-found benefited to the extent u[the cost and St.Paul,cause the to low Ing ilnpr
vement to be
near of the property to be assessed for such 2.7 X890 ear e,. t eRsar•to be incurred!hereby.[tit: O'el.and ex[epd a alley.ei ht
ImP centent� 1 c Alil Banholzer, Bielenbcm, Mott.Con- r 1 g
P I[is hereby ordered by the Common Council Iry l'o I 1 en feet wide,1n flock 11.St.Paul pro Per,from
Flhh—Send the council a plan r profile of o[the City of St.Paul: pe aur,Costello,Uobner,Dorniden,Flan- �'lxtlh street to n point 210 feet southerly from
'' 1 said fmprovemr d,:is required by citta,if you re- That the board of public wo ks o[enid C9tp draw,Gehan, 3lcNnmee.3felxdy, EWliv.u,\'an safd Sixth steel,(In said
city,condemning and
ort in Savor of the same. Slyke,31r.Vice President lei.
p o[St.Paul cause the follotcIng Improvement to taking all that rand Iying wlthing the following
o II, 3 Sixth—Send the council a proper order direct be made,to fait: Grade to a partial grade.R'ells Approved July: 1890, described lines to-wit. Uommendrig at the
11 il' Ing the work to be done. ,trret,from Edgerton street to Arcade street, tenec[iou of the westerly line of lot 3,block
1 4 fens—Ald. Bnnholzer,Bieleuberg,Bott,('oil- and Greenbrier avenue, fr n fork street to In the matter I the port of the board of j 1,St.Poul groper with the i u[hetly
llue of
ley,Copelund.Con[ello.Uubner.Uorntden,Flan- \5'eils strrct.In said city,said gradingto bedone public works dated.lmy 1,1890. cfvth street, thence southerly along the
1 a deal.,Gallen,)11Nnmre, Uelndy,Sullivan,\'an leder one contract. It ux hereby oNrred by the Common Council of ly)file of lots ri and 1-F,of aid block 11, 230
Slyke,3Ir Vice President 15. file city of St.Paul )para
That said board cause id work to be let by feet:thence easterly Ilei with fifth -[rest,
Approved July 2,1890. coutniet,ms truvided by slaw,without one-hal[ Thxt the board of public worrks of enid city of 25 feet;[hence northerly eara11C1 with Robert
il' It ` Sf Paul mule the follow mg provenieut to be
ry the estimated cost being first paid into the city y, street. 10 feet: thence w xteNy par.11ei wfill
B Aid,Roti— treasur-,and atter xuul ora shall be lased mm„1Ct^[tit Pace)lana n e me,leen rintee Fifth street, 7 fee[, thence crtherl
1 Y } p to Lust seventh a[ city,ttl[h ) Parallel
flout hereby oMered oy the Common Council under Contract said board,hall proceed Lith- cedar flocks on Plunk foun,iatipn,quid Vrervftle toll richert street to a point 50
feet son therly
of the Ory of St.Paul: out delay to xnsesn the amount n rlY ns for granite curbing .ud x er connections to Iron Sixth,tree[: thence westerly PnrnlleI with
That the natter of constructing n sewer on they cult aRcertuiu the R.uue,which will be re- et gixtli.true[18 feet to tint mentioned Ifne; l..
property Ines,roadway from Bates a e ue to
I C 1 Hudson avenue front Forest street to C\-Pre„ yuured[u Vxp the cost uud n ,jlr3•expenses Chrrn• street liaclndiag triangular driveway •undemumg incl taking
x se.....
et t for Iley
street,be Hud the tt 's hereby referred to ut such improvement upon the mel.,tate to be ces[of Lin_oin Pxrk.and that portion of 3Ic- purposes wit the westerly 18" elof
the hoard of pwblie works to It statute unit benefited by eWd im protement,n,provided by Lran n n to 3lurin nv nue and l,0 lee[of lot:i,cluck 11,S[ Paul pallet. said
relrort: Iaw;it being the opinou of the council that real (onnng Iaurtrof snlwdrivewn3')to be thirty(au) Irut co extend in helRhti afore the Elite
F nt�is this Improvement proper and neces- state ro be assessed for,uch Improvement can feet wade,to tux>>-Iron Cherry tree[to fast walk Rrnde fifteen feet. That safd
board slut)!
jr i ear7'1
be found benefited to the extent f the coat and -.nth street.age
thirty nine(739)feet wide. Irroaerd aithont delay to assess the amount
Second—Give the council an estimate of the expel ses neCea,ury to be Incurred thereby. �rq'I:n[enid board cause Raid[cork to be let b}• lie nrl- -[hey can ascertain [hr,
r4l Ij"1'11 expense thereof,and state rhe[her lie of Yeas—Aid.liaubolzer, Bielenberg, Bott,Con- contract n,prucided by law,wit)tout oto It alt tl'lic,toil be required
to `ay the damage.,
the cost thereof is to paid into the city trenanry ley,Copeland,CORtello,Dobner,Dornfdcu,Flan- ale csiimated a•ust being tint paid lulu the clay coats ami naess¢ry
ses of such
{W�, before the contract fa let. Irn:,Gehan,31c\amee. 3lelady Sullivan, Van treasury and aftersaid work shall be Ixved on- nprot-ement mulron [tie res. estate to
Third—Can real estate to be assessed for said Slyke.31r.Vice President-15, der cuntra,t board shall procm�without Ireuehted by fell imp ibla f as prodded by
Y improvement be found benefited to the extent Approved July 8,1890. del.y to assess the.mount,ea arty as they inw:it bring the oplmou of tie council that
of damages,costs and expenses necessary to be enn rtaho fie same,which will be required to real estate to be ueseseed for.ucb impcovemeut
Incurred thereby.' In the matter of the report of the Board of j uvatile coat and necessary
expenses of such call be[ound benefited to the extent of the
p3q {, I+jj y Fourth—Ix such improcemeut asked for neon Public tt'urke dated Juue nU,1890. im prorement upon tit, I estate[o le bene- wit°1°°gcs.Costs and expenses
necessary to be
the pe[ftfun ur npnlicntinn of the owners of u It fs hereby ordered by tie Uommon Council of ift be by enid In'Ioroyemeut,xa provided by
lata; cwrmd thereby.
jifi3�,F majority of the prop to be nssrssed for such ]'ens—Alit.Itunholzer,73Rlenberg,Bot t,Conley,
CC !!jyy� [he(lty of St.Ynnl: it
the opin' i of the ounce that rent es-
1 Thnt the bo.rd of public works of Raid city of tate to be aasesRed for.11, improvement enn be (o:elxad.Castello,Dobner,Unrnlden,N'Inndrnn,
I ^'•Iry7 I; Ffith—Send the council a Plan or profile of St Paul cause the followiue improvement to found benefited fu the extent f the cost mud Ge�tnu, 31c\nmee.
3lelady, Sullivan, Vau
!:7aa enid lmprotement,as inquired by law, f you re. be made. to wit Grade Albert avenue from e3]]enses i(weary to be Inem—d thereby. Slyke 31r.Vice president-15.
' port in mcorof the sane. Cniveni(y avenue to SUunehuha street,in sand ]'el..—:Ud.riuuholar. Bielenbe>F, Bo[t,Con- Approver)July 2,1890.
1 Ili CI ?•i Sixth—Send the council a proper order dint- Nor A communication from commissioner
It i city. ley.Copelutd,Costello,Definer,Uorntden,Flan-
Ing the work to be clone. That enid board cruse s id work to be let by It.1.(Mmuo,31cNamee,31elady, Sulhvass, \'un of health. accompanied by tun preliminary on
•� i', a j t Yeas—Ald.Bnnholzer, Bieleabetg, Bolt,Cint- contract,a.provided by Imtr,without one-hal[ Slyke,)1r.Vim Yresnient-15. rdere, relative to stagnant ter
p��l li ]}} C'o`wixnd Co.tello, Uobner, Uorntden, the estimated cost being firs(paid oto the city Approved.Tulp 2,1890. let el,tints.etc.,was presented at the meeting
Flundrat,Gehan,31r\:tines, SFelndy,Sullivan, n
(' treasury,told after s id work shall be placed Jul.7nly 1, 1890,aid referred to c mnn[tee
Van Slyke.A \'ice President-15• under contnee Bald board shalt Proceed. In the mutter n(the report of [he board of sues!,. The cunhmnnication was omitted by
Approved July 2,1890. tnthont deli y, to assess the mmount, xs [Ublie works deed.lune 1, 1890. a I its from the publkmtion of said meeting.
( 1 ( e rly xs[ apece}rc in the same,wNcb if is hereby ordered by[he Common Council of 1•`a'e meeting of July 15,1890.)
f;�',..•�yst In the matter of the porta of the board of will be required to chai,the cost and neves the('ity of St.Paul: Adjourned.
i71 X11 1890e,If(works dated April 11,1890,and June 27, nary ex lrenaes of w h i `r vement upon the That the board of Public works of enid city of Jos.3Uxe..c,Vice
President of Council.
♦ ,x i t ext estate to be benefited by safd improve- St.Paul cause the fellneing Improvement to be Tues.A Yxexueac.cer,Uitp Clerk.
1 �� •�l i� Q I
t I
1 .�'a r .hT'"" -u �7"-",; .��,It'�4.,,�i.-:. �i'�b '�"S'•�::'{z �f`�A�',�� "3. z v v.--.nse..� • ``�»..`'°^c91'`T7`,•c�c 4°;;,>4, )�i'":f�,. ,:1`•�t","..�..,.r
l,,,a' w.M,1", Y.n k �
1 _
{ and profile of said improvement,it you desire to sewed profile
f therefor, but pr herewith sends plan
i BpeOla[Meetivg. Ateo' make the improvement. and make
the of said improvement,If you desire
1 { 1 Charlton Street Chanes of Grade— Yeas,-1;nays 0. to make the Improvement.
ST.PAUL,July 9,1890. 1
4 President Cullen in the chair. To the Common Council of the city of St.Paul: R.L.GOR]fAN,President Yeas,4:nape,O.
1 Present—Ald. Banbolzer, Bielenberg. Butt, The board of a resblic u t 6e have had under J.T.KettH£R. R.L.Goaaux,President.
yy Co land, Costello, Dobner, Flandrau, Ge- consideration the resolution or order [ the Clerk of the Board of Public Works. J.T.Clerk of
q f pe common council,approved June 5, 1890,rela- July 7 1890 Clerk o[the Hoard Public Works.
FF 1 ! h°n,McRames,Mclady, Dfinea,Van 61yke,Mr. five to change of de on Charltou street,from July 7,1890.
{„ �1 B'° Adopted and city clerk instructed to dee
President—l4. Annapolis street to Wyoming street,and having necessary publication notice. Adopted,and city clerk instructed to give
comvuxicArm"'.. Investigated the proposed Improvement: Also, necessary publication notice.
I From His Honor. the Mayor—Call for the Respectfully report that it is necessary and Juno Street Change of Grade (Randolph Also,
in6 Froom rto change the grade on Chariton street, street)— Duluth Avenue Grading Contract
�)1�• His honor,the yy tailed the t the center line of Annapolis street to the To the Common Council of the City of Sc.Pail: The board reportsthat they
have awarded Ed
request of Aid.Van aSlyke,Cold' end Bott,fox center line of Wyoming street,as indicated by The board of public works have had under Carlton the contract for grading Duluth
i purpose of acting iu matter of grading Ark- the red Zine on the accompanying Droflle; consideration the resolution or order of the tom- from the right of way of the Chicago,St.Paul,
r wxlght street. that the estimated expense thereof is 828; mon council,approved May 29,1890,relative Minneapolis k Omaha Railway company to
Accepted that real estate to be assessed therefor can to change of grade on Randolph street, from Dawson street, he being the lowest Tell.
(By unmtlmous consent other buafues.than be found benefited to the extent of the damages, Summit avenue south to Chatsworth street,to. able and responsible bidder therefor;amount
that mentioned In said call for the meeting was coat. and expenses uecesexry-to be incurred gether with the necessary changes on the erose bid,88,600;bond in the sum of
81,000, with
taker up.) thereby;that said imerovemen[isnoI asked for streets,and, having investigated the proposed Patrick Keigher and E.McNamee as sureties.
f BEPOnT OF DOABD OF PDHLIC w.-. by a petition Of a m jority of the O1{11e of imp�ovemeut: Said award approved by the following vote:
i� Arkwrfght Street Gradin9P— property to be assessed therefor,but we berg- ltespecttully report that it is necessary and ]sae Ald. Bauhoizer, Bfelerdr,.- Bott,
j To the CommoA Coune9 of(he City of St.Paul: with send a plan and profile of said Improve- proper to change the grndeon Juno street,from Copeland,Costello, Dobner,
t The board of have had nder t nt,If you deelre to make the Improvement. the west line of Pleasant avenue to the{neat line Dtc�amee,MeladT,Mines,Van Slyke,D[r.Priest-
consideration the resolution o order f the nYen.,4;nays,0. f Chaceworth street,as indicated by the red deur.-18.
common council,approved JulS 2,1890.relative R.L.GOa)idx,President. hoe On the accompnnying proflie: that the esti- aeaottmoxe.
{d to[be grading of Arkwrlgh[ street,from Cnse J,T.KERK£R, U ted expense thereof ie 8200;that real estate In[he maIfer of the report of the board of
pp if street to Cook street,and,having lnveetjgated Clerk of the Board of Public Works. tobeassessed therefor Call be(ound benefited to ppublle{rocks dated July 9;1890.
the proposed Improvement. July 7.1890. the.extent of the dumagee,costs and expenses IL Is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
y Respectfully report that said improcment is Adopted and Cit clerk instructed to give neo- neteesary to be Incurred thereb that said lm-
J � p y S: the CILy f St.Paul:
eceesary and proper; that the estimated a my publication notice. pxovement le not asked for by a petition of That the board of publle works of said city of
eapevce therein[le 54,210,one-halt o[{{hien need ss Also jorltyof the oweenofppropertyto be assessed S[Pau]cause the followingg Improvement to be
fp not be paid into the city treasury be fore the con- Smith Avenue Change of Grade— therefor,but w'e It Tend send a pian and pro- made. to wit: Grade Arkwrlghc
g) tract ie let;that real estate to be assessed there- To the Common Council o[the C7ty of St,Paul: file of said Improvement,if you dCON to make Case street to Cook
street,in said Clty.
1 RB aAi{ for can be found benefited to the extent of the The board of public tt rte have had under the improvement That said board cause said tvdrk to be let
:.t coat nd expect neceeearS to be incurred contrxet,as rovlded by Inw,wlth0ut one-half
1 j( 111 emedderathm the resolution or order of the yeas,4;nays,O. p
the that aid improvement Is not asked common council,approved`ung o,189u,rets- R.L.GORMA.,President. the estimated coat beta firer aid into the City
for by a petition of s ma netts of the ot{vere tive to change of grade on mlth avenue,from J.T.KERKER, treasur gg p
t f�' )) y,and after.aid ort hall be placed
of property to be assessed therefore but the here Annapolis street to\Vyomlug street.and,hav- Clerk of the Board of Public Works. under contract,said board shall proceed
frith send a plan o profile o[ alit Improve ing investfg°ted the proposed lmprovemevt: July 7,1890. t delay two aeee.e the amount,ae ly a°
F �1 a L,and m order for your adoption, if you Respectfully report that It ie ary and Adapted,and city clerk fnaLruCted to glue the they uta Cain the inn.which
will be re-
ffJ,��� desire us to make the improvement. p Omr to chanes the grade on Smith avenue, neceexery publlcatipn notice. qulred to inns the cost and necessary expenses
it dl Yeas,4;nays,0. R.L.Goax ,President. 1 thecsnter lfne of Annapolis
street to the Also, ch Imp t upon the rem estate to be
J-T.hE°Hca• Center line o[Wyoming street,as Indicated by Pleasant Avenue Change of Grade (Randolph bPneflted by eamnimprovement,ae provided by
1 Q Clerk of the Board of Public Works. the d live o the tpanying profile; trcer)— law;IC Doing Lhe opinion of the council that=
July 9,1890. that the estimated esaevee thereof le 326:that To the Honorable,the President and Common tate to be aeseesed for such improvement
Adopted.(See ordertoboard of public works.) al estate to be as d therefor can be found Connell,City of St.Paul: be lound benefited to the extent of the cost
Grove Street Paving leo, a benefited to the extentoftbe damage.,coatsand Gentlemen: The board of public,works re- ry to be Incurred thereby.
pp To the Honorable the President and Common pe s necessary to be incurred thereby;that peettully beg leave to withdraw Ire report exPeneee�ld.Banholzer.Bielenberg,Bott,Cope-
,,,,,ppp Council of the City OUT
Paul: axid Im Provement to not asked for bS a petition dated June 2,1890,in the matter of a change of land.Costello, Dobner, Flandrau. McNamee,
{rue venu i-.)Duca.can sl
,• o[a inn ortty of the o of proi�rty to be grade on Pleasant e,from Juno street[.o Melnd yke•Mr.Pmaidenhl2.
Gentlemen The board oI publle 'Orks - e sea therefor, but xe herewith vd ]an Jxmea street.for the re stated in tie Ot A red Jul 9,1890.
8pecttully beg leave to report that 1n compll- end file f said Improvement,it you desire tushed communication of the efcy eng(neer,unit Adi o d. y
S� I nc¢with S ur eolu[lon pv oved July 2, to make the improvement. y bereuith respectfully transmits a new report in )ourve0.O.CULL£x,President of
1890,said board have annulled its proceedin Yeas,4;nays,O. said matter Rs a substitute for the aforeeald re- Tnoe.A.PAEKDERGIST.City Clerk.
i� ht the matter of paving Grove street.from Jac R.L.GO fAx,President. port. R-L.GORNAx,Prealdeut.
gp son street to Broadway,and heret{ith return the Regular Meeting.
preliminary order aproved June 18,1890,in J.T.KEnKER, J.T.Ke-RKER,
P Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Clerk of the Board of Public Works, ST.PAUL,July 15,1890.
°ofd matter. R L.Gonnfex,President. July 7,1890. July 7,1890. President Cullen In the chair.
J.T.KEnerk Adopted,and city clerk instructed to give Adopted,and said board allowed to witbdraw Present—Ald Banholrer, Bfelevberg. Butt,
>) I� - {• Clerk of the Board of Public Works.
li r I�1 July 7,1890. necessary publication notice.
it Theit ollo{'In6 is said rm�2�p.rt: Copeland.
Adopted. Alain Manomin Avenue Change of Grade— To the Common Council of the City of St.Paul: President 14-
{� Charles Street Grading— To the Common Council of the City of St.Paul: The board of Public work have had under Minutes f preceeding meetly approved and
>� ..�; ii To the Common Council of Lhe(7ty of St.Paul: The board of puUlle w rks bare bad under consideration the resolution or ardor of the tom- dispensed wlch.
f The board o[ Public vin ke bane had under consideratlon the resolutionororder of the com- mon ounml,approved May 29.1890,relative 0.1
t fdernflon the reeofut2kn rder [the n til,approved June 6,159[1,relative to to Change o[ grade on Remdol ph street,from From A.R.Langworlhay ,,it offices—
CO..!�6 ommon countll approved Dlareh 24,1890,rel Chnn1ge of grade on Mountain avenue,from Au- Summit avenue south to Chat, .oil street to Asking that a sewer
einem-Inst p
g I J c Live to the grauing o[Charles street,from
Dun- spot efreet to Wyoming street,and,having getter with the uecensxry Changes n the cr Ort,
Ot Samuel Madden, Bronson's addnlou.
^ lap street to Syndicate treat,and having in investigated the proposed improvement. treete and,having investigated the proposed be set aside.
s I I g [{gated the proposed Improvement: Respectfully p rt that it Is necessary and Im rnye Out: tecese 'It auxin r.
1:N It} veReepecttully port that vfd lmprovemevt 1l++rower to change the(5r de on Manomin avenue, R epecttnitl}-report that ft is t ars and From A N.Craighead and
C W.Wa[tereon-
7�1y r ie not neceaeary m d proper at this time,for the fro the center live of Annapolis treet to the pproper Co change the grade on Ylear;xnt avenue, AallnR tot Fermlaslou
to exct end xcll Twin
on that at a hearing before
said board a south line of Wyoming street,ua vindicated by fro, [hsouth hue of Armstrong nen to the.CttS Safety fire esexpes.
. retajor,t}-o[the pro]rtrty nausea interested)yere the red Ifne on the acc pat y1nR file:that vh line of Jnmr.arrest, In by the- Cnnunittee a t fire department,
inspector of
yry +� opposed to the p o7�osed Improvement. the estimated expense thereof 1s 826�thet re t ted fine o t he nnying prom that the buildings and chief of the fire
fi l `` Yeas,8;nape,0. tare to be .seed therefor can be found estimated pens�Vethereof is 52n0: that real From F.L.Bayard and Others
7' R.L.G...A.,.Pre.1dent. beneflred to the extent of[he damages,costs suit tate to l e a seed therefor can be found For a ee{rer on Cherokee.t gnu
I! r I J.T.BHRHea, pe a necessary to be incurred thereby,that benefited to theextent of the dxmngee,costa an,l Alderman of the wv d.
Clerk of the Board o[publle We said imparuvement is not asked for bins a petition pe s necessary to be incurred thereby:[hat From F amt('nrl 1Velmr
July 8,Clerk of a Jority of the owners of yr rty Lo be sS1d inprovement+s not•asked for bS a petition Pro c as gement Winter street.
Aaopted, assessed therefor•but xe herewith d a plan of a mxiority of the ow nets o[property to by ns Board o[public worl.s.
--`�.ttvp ^'.. r. arlq +•fir.[ :,°`4( .4`-3}.taN":'ra' -
• - £.*, •r'" ar- � ,.:�«•Y, r„ ;'ra,. "7 7"'C•;' w'r2r. kr.,.? �r 1 .:':'•�- i*,a zt^'..t„?s.,
1 n From Thea E. Parker.attorne•for Simeon P. Sprinkling n District No.10,S42.67: Thornton ,lay,$2.22; 5601.90; St.Patti & Duluth)nil- anon tsh -iu attached too this
3 B .5 2.>I R >Ivntane,52 90,F.J Bangs, t ,horning the der inion [ I] to
f �f Folso n,Jr. - &Shat Estimate No _ •+pvinkline In District c33.10; S7;Lemm.Fnxvett&Johnson brnuKht for rite recovery of n teY nttd deter-
�. .� C.lximi 5_.58.17 balance contract for No 7 S.S8 62�Thornton.l.hit,.Estimate No C'\\-ced' t t .oc of
grading,et,..Fourth sites[, upon 2.¢radii Rest stele levee$696,Thornton& to,59.76;Mutth'a Cann,515. d dot g tits last six mouths
1g Allowed tuxl ordered P id by followtn¢vote mThe total amount claimed in these s ve teen
Committee on claims. - Shn w,Estimate No R,¢rading Sydney street, Yeas Ald Banholzer,Brilenbetg, Copeland, (1 7)s its was the large sum of one hundred
' I From E.A.Fitzgerald- Sn.ill, .Tan.Forrestal,L•'•tmlate No.3,ape°L (:ostello, I)obiier, I)ormden,1'h[udrnn.C.eltau, iuid thirty nate thou+and two hundred and
1 Asking relief,aeseasmeut street grading,Union ling In District No.2. $87'_1.42; Jets.Forrestal. McNamee,JI'Indp, Jllnea, Soll ivuib Yre'i- twenty-four (3189.2_4)dollars,nod
fire total
-. Park. I Estimate No. 3, nptiukhug in Dls[rlct No. dent-l:t. mount n'ered was the sum df skit h�n-
i i Committee on streets. 4. 31,105.06: Jus. Forrestal,_ A:stlmxte Of l,Yty Enginerr-\Iiasiseippi at rest bridge- dyed nndreelghty-seven and fl 7-100 (3587.97)
From Elizabeth ilIi]ler and Others- No •t, Spriu klieg Uietrict No a sfi'16 93, 'l The city eng user eubnuts plans and ape ificn- dollars,being but little In 'cess of
one half per
For grading elle)',Lock 76 (1otrian's oubdi I Arthur\teyhene, Esttmut;No 8,\Sprinkling tions for badge on_,obinilq)p(et met across right cent of the a wits Suede for,ms.
[hat call
Ij vision Lyman Daytona addition,betw'eeu For District o.9,$'48 61;\Ic.l n!.en&.loris.Es of wu)'o[\V iuconsin Central railway. Eatimnt handl- be into 1 to en 1•much
ettco nr
' t \liunehxhu street newer ) 1 expecte, PP>
\[endo[.Streets. manta No. 6, eyx ed ext ease,52,400. eft fur Increased litigation cooll-t the city.
of Public work'with order. tem,5111.466; W.C. Doherty.Estimate No.1, Committee on[vuye ford menus. tit]m st avail.,.elf of title oltPnrtt"it}to ex-
1 ,p From M.k'.Karn,(Secretary joint court house Forest Street ae'er eye..,$3,315,J W.M. ,Uso. press to the aldermen and all re bens of the
"'111 and city hall Committee)- honey.Estimate tNo.2.grudmg Ott.w.avenue. it Roverina lel m elation aid gratitude
F.seimates- Y )'appreciation
Trnnemit[Ing copy f resolntlon adopted bvi 51.446:T. Sweeney. Estimate No. R,Brading The city engineer transmits approved by him for the xsai'tnnce,courtesy
and confidence an
said committee June 27.1890,relative to steam Mien isslppistrert,$510;P.Doherty,Estimute No. the following estimates. miformly extended to me.
9tl ,I� regnlntion In court house. I.neweron Chnrlesstreet,SO41.76;C.E.Bxudeen, Estimate No.2,Sixth treat bridge sub,trnet- est•oe stem.
` Committee oil atreets. Estimate No.4,grading1.waoast_t,$I,g0o.5o; e
+: s From Peter John and Otnera- SI.Tracey.Estimate Nn.4.grading Hoyt ave- use,Kirkland and Starkey 54.469; Estimate parties- Claimed. Recovered.
For grueling alley(n block R,Hill's addition, nue, 3170; J.C.Nelson,Estimate No.1,sewer No. 4, Selby avenue bridge vuhStructure,C. Rite vs.City...................310,000.00
Board o[ abbe works with order. on Beaumont street,5170;G.J.Symonds,Ell. atone.$.6.876; Estimate No.2. Selby n e Jagger vs.City.......... .150 n0.00
P bridge a ifemtructurs,Edgemoor Bridge works, Bunnell vs.City..--.....- 2!
.,�._ ..f,,,K u;'r 5'fis'' ,..' .�:.C*" '``> s,Za t�w6.�CR'k r`t-•"1, -4`"''y'i ^.y 7a jx c y4 3: 'T 1 ..x.:. a :y'S"`4.v''vC_4Tin 't'. 5 •esg('t,"�
1 F
•I Of Chief of Policc Ile ort for June,1890:To- the actual re.Ident owners f named,and,having lue,m igmed the proposed that said Improvement Is not asked for by a
P Property on the petition of a majorityof the owners of the ro-
a tal arrests,499; flies collected by municipal I lhla of elildim�rovemenc,ml we berewith eenda i l vement: Pe e P
j court.88,866.76. Nan and profile of Raid improvement,and an iteapecttufly report that It is neceseary and cy h be s.eeased therefor,but w herewith
Committee on ordinances and public U.�order for your adoption,it you desire us t, proper to open,widen and tend Payne are- nd a plan of enid fmprovemenc,and nn order
�tj I counts. make the Improvement. line,between Lake Como and Phalen nvenue¢nd Lox your adoption,1f you desire as to make the
Of Pot ndmaster Cunnlfi—Report for June,1890, Yeas 8,nays O. Ivy street.that the estimated expense thereof Improvement.
city treneume's receipt tot 827.60. R.L.Gomtrnx,Pre.ideut. la 56,000.that real estate to be assessed there ]one,8;nays,U.
tAl I Committee on ordluaaces and public ac- J.T.Kengen, to
benefitedto theextent ofthedam- R.L.Goaxax,President.
(y counts. (.lark of the Board of Public Work's. ma"'o
and ezpeuses neceasnry to belncurced J.T.Kengen,
Of Poundmamer Truax—Report for June, July 15,1890. thereby:that e.1d fmprovemenc ie not naked Clark of the Board of Public Works.
{ l 1890—City treasurer's receipt for 819. Adopted. (See order to board of public for by a petition of a majority of the owners of July LI,1890.
Committee on ordinances and public ac. works.) p operty to be assessed therefor,but we lfere. Adopted. (bee order to the board of public
counts. Also, with
send a plan of said improvement,and an works.)
order for your ado tion,if desire us to Also,
HEPOnr OF 661BD OF PUBLIC R06K.. Hudson m Avenue Council
P g
i { Lawson Street Stopes— To the Common public
of the Cityhall of 6t.Paul: make the improvement. To ithe Co monnCouncil lof he CYty of St.Paul:
!I To the Common Council of the City of St.Paul: The board of public w ke hove hod under Peas.8;nays,0. R.L.GonuTx,Prealdent. The board of public works hang had
.'. I The board of publle works have had under consideration the re-luclon Or order of the coltefderntlon the reao1, 1, or order t the
consideration the resolution or order o[the coin- common council,approved July 2, 1890,rala- J.T Kengen.
{ mon council,approved\fay 9,1890,relative to Live to the construe of a sewer on Hudson Clerk of the Board of Public Works. eommon a,uncll,approved July 2,1890,rela-
condemning and tnklug an asement In he land nvenue,from Forest street to Cypress street, July 16,1890. rive to the opening oI Simpson avenne,from
abutting on Lawson street.between McMenemy and,having investigated the proposed improve- Adop4d. (See order to board of public Cllarlee street to Univetslt�avenue,and,having
works' Investigated
thrr oposed ra61e4ement; and
street anti CYark street, produced north from m t: ) Also. P y P tt Y
1I Case street,that may be reqult'ed to construct Respectfully report that Bold Improve- -
ry1 the slopes for cuts and fill.In grading enid Law. ment le necessary and anroper Lo- Summit avenne south,gradlug— pro r to open,widen and ertend Simpson
on street, to the established grade thereof, gather with the eceeeary ten basins To the Common Council of the Clcy of 9t.Pant: from(.harlea street h Unlverelty venue;
and. having Investigated the proposed im-j and manholes;that the estimated expense there. The board
of public works have had under that the estimated xpeuce thereof le 810,000:
provement, of Is 8950,one-half of which aced not be paid cousideratiou the reeolutionor order of the tom- that real estate to be asw Beed therefor can be
' t Reepeetfully report that it is necessary and Into rho city,treasury before the contracttbe p fa mon council,approved June 5,1890,relative found benefited to the
extent of the da,
j roper to condemn and take an easement in the let; that real estate to be assessed therefor to the grading of Summit avenue south,from cost, anti expenses nece.sary to be
land abutting on Lawson street, between Me- can be found benefited to the extent of the St.Clair street to
Randolph street,mrd.having thereby:hat said improvement is not,sked
Menem street and Be Soto afros[, hl said cost mid zpeuses necessary to be Incurred Investigated the P oposed Improvement: tot by a petition of n"A'rlty f the ownrre
e1ty,neceeeary[o construct the elopes for cute thereby: that said Improvement 1H not asked Ileepecttully report that eafd Improvement to property to be��se��edd therefor,but
we M1ere-
' and alfa is Rrading Bald Lawson street,between for b t cbn of n majority o[the owners but necessary ¢nd props that [he estimated ih send n plan oour f Bald Improvement,
d an
eafd streets to the eehblfehed Rrude thereof,as by,mnlorlcy of the trust resident wne of eopQ1be thewiuio ch ei'ty trealeur beton he nroer ke thetiloprovemeuP-L(e s, utd&ylsrn0
us to
1 3 shown by the profits of e,is grade on file in the property to be Released therefor,sod we here- n n
I office at the regl,W of deeds in and for Ramsey ich send s plan of enid Improvement,and an contract fa let; that reel eet¢te to be assessed R.L.GonateN,Preefdent.
II countyy, and in the o@I-of the efty a glucer, order for your adoptiou, 0 you desire us to therefor can be found benefited to the extent of mJ.T.KengEn,
said slo a to extend one ar d ene.halt<3 K)feet m ke the lmprovemeut. th sc and ezpe Ree necessary to be Incurred Clerk of the Board of Public Works
on enid xvd for every toot of cut or fill,as Judi- Yeae,8;nnye,a thereby;that eafd(mprovemeuc fa,eked mr p_ July 16.1890.
toted on he plan of said elopes attached to this R.L.GoaMex,President. a petition of a majority of he owners of prop- Adopted(see order to board o[public works).
report and to be filed fn the o19ce of said board: J.T.KEngeE, arty to be Rea
sed therefor.and we herewith Aiso.
1 that the estimated expense thereof 81UU; Clerk of the Board o[Public Works, send a plan nd profile of said Improvement. Capitol Avenue,Ireland and Hubbard 6t sets
that the real estate to be assessed therefor can July 16,1890. and an order for your adootloa,It you desire us
Grs tih'e
be found benefited to the extent of the damages, Adopted(see order to board of public works.) to make the Improvement. To the Honorable the President and Common
Ij Yeae,8;nays,0. Connell,Cit of 62.Paul:
9 I coat, and expenses necessary to he Incurred Also, R.L.Gorut v,President. Gentlemen: The board of public work.bere.
y !j thereby:that said Improvement is not askedfor Third Street GraAing and 6ur[ac1nR— J.T.Kexaen, with pectfuily return the final o der, p-
; -jl: by a petition of a majority of the owners of To the Common Council of the Clty OT
6t.Paul: Clerk of he Board of Public Works, ftroved June 18,18911,for the grading o(Cnpjtol
props ty to ba assessed therefor,but we here. The board of public works have had under
with ee d a plan of said improvement,end an con or.
the xeolutlon or order of the July 16,1800. venue,Ireland street mid
daHubbard street,re-
I order for your adoption it you desire us to common council,approved Juiy 2,1890,rela- Adopted. (See order to board of pnolic spectively. lore Hemline venue to Lexington
I make tha lmprovemeut. Lice to grading and,urtacing Third,creat,from works.) Alao avenue,wrath the request that said order be an.
Yeas 8,nay-0. Earl street to east city limits, and having in- ailed,anti that said board be allowed to amend
Jenks Street SIM—
ire re ort dated June 14,1890,so as to llm-
i R.L.Goawx,President. veetlgaced the proposed lmparovemeut: Pe pp
J.T.Reagan. Resp ftii y sport that aid improvement is To the Common Counc9 of the City o[St.Paul: loafs Hubbard street,acid street not being O1pen
Clerk of he Board of Public Works. necessary and props that the estimated e- co eiArrntion tens blicolutlon nayera t nth, between
eceeearyasnd proper toand ao as to grade Cap!read
July 10,1890. onse thereof is$68 000,one-halt of which needcas or
Adnpled. (See order to board of public
paid Into he city treasury Decors the con- common c nc11,ap gtoved BfaS 9,1890,tela- from Hnmline.venue to Lexiagto ensu d
works.) tract I.
let:that tti¢I estate to be before t e con Live to onde.ring d tnklug nn easement 1n Ireland,tree[,from Hamilne ,nue to Lexing-
'i71 Mae, [or can be found benefited to thn extent o}tbo- the land butting Jenks street,between Mc- fou avenue,.aid grad) to be done under one
Menem treat and(,lark street,Produced north- co tract,tit a tilvated expenan f 54,900,
Belby Avenue Paving— els and a pensee nearesary to be incurred 1 from ('.ase street.necessary to c tract nd ea d board also reop ctfully reqque t your
To the Common C'ouncll o[the City of Pt.Poul: thereby:that eafd improvement isnot asked for the elo for cute¢vd alfa la grading Bald Teske honorable body to pees n
flaml order,as
The board of public work, have hod ttl r byos petition of a aJ rlty of the o fere f peg for said 1m t
consideration the resolution order of the pp arty to be xases.ed therefor, treat to the eetablished grade thereof.mud hoc- a tided, proo,said
v m
j n on council, p r ed June 18, 1890, p plan or profile of.¢Id improvement and 1ng lnvestlgarnd the prop d Improvement: A proper anal oder for 1d ire�r,a ant
j a lative to the vinu [Selb nor your ado tion, you desire us to Re pectlully report that it 1.necessary and herewith submitted for your adoption.
pa R o y avenue,between an der for p R J.C.QUrnny,President pro tem.
4 St.Albave street and]'ictorm street, and hnv m ke the improvement. p pe lu condemn and take an easement In the
1. provemen land abutthrg on Jenks street,between MOMen- J.T.Keugca,
1ng investigated the proposed lmpvr—orient:
B j j9 II Respectful)are c that It fe necessary ad J.C. ui. y,President tem. emy street R. lle Soto treat,In Bald city,ilea- Clerk of the BOard tit Public
jV l j €e veno Q p-p e.eary to construct he Rlopea for Cute end ails July 11,1890.
y exoper topp Iby a e,from St.Albaus J.T.KEmcan.
p( I treat to\'It[oria street,with cedmr blocks and Clerk [the Board of Public Works.
in grading said Jenks street,Ixtween Bald atresia Adoptoed.
curbing with granite,Including In the eon cruet July 11.1800. to the tabllobed gr de thereof,as shown by Said der p r d June 1S,1890,repealed
$� pa p public works). the profile oI Id grade an file in the gaffe of and annulled and 9ald bonrd allowed to ne 14,
i for sold ling the neceeaary sewer connections Adopted(see order to board of the re ter of deeds in and for Ramsey conuty, as requested its said
report dated June 14,
to the prep•rty]Inc.. that the estimated ex. Also, Ric
ttJ, irf!h S%�'� pence thereof is SI2,410,one-half of which nerd Payne avenue openhtg,ata— and In the othc,o[the city engineer;said elope. 1890.
1C 1071�q i! not be paid into the city treasury before the To the Common Comlcil of the City of St.Paul: to extend one and one-halt fly¢)feet on said Yeas,18. p
p contract is let; that real estate to be aa- The bo.rd q[ public work. have had tinder land for every toot of enc or fill,a.indicated on (See order Lo board of works
sensed therefor can be found benefited to tho consideration the resolution or order of the the Plan of Raid lopes attached to this report
extent of the cost and aPeneee 1 eceasary o mon nail,approved June 18,1890,re- and to be flied In the glace of aid board: that George Street Sewrer-
1 to be incurred thereby: hot said Improve- 1¢Ll,e Lo file opening• w'ldenlvq and G..ion the estimated expense thereof 1.5100;that tp To the Honorable the PresWeut
and Co....
�I.°-i� e L le not flaked for bye petition tit¢mxJority of P..enventle,from Ivy.tenet to tt'hIte Bear ni estate to be a.seeRod therefor c¢n be found Councll of be CIIy of S[.Paul:
of the owners of property to be aeeessed there- road,t¢Lin and mndemnlngg the land necessary benefited to the extent of the dam ,cost.I Gentlemen—The board of public
works here-
I yl ( 999 h for,but Is pecfcfoued for ti a]a b and ea nese necessary to be intuit thereby with reapectfullyretuen the flual order approved
y large majority of to make n n sty loot street etwcen the points Pe y
x �
_ Jnne 18,1890,for Lite construction of n Wier Also, ing (Hamllne to Cleveland), M. F. Duggan, Aleo. 1
4 on George street,from Ohio street to Smith ave Hewitt nvenue grading $1.141.50. e tfnmte No. 2 and floral, alnrtin I Ald.Conley a reeoluthat favor board of[eateT��-
with the request tint said order be at To the Honorable the President and Common tree[sewer (\Vestern to Vir;inia).S[oc6[on S commissioners—Puynn avenue nater mnlnae '
mulled,and tint said bonrd be alio a ed to amend C .1,Clep of St.Pxnl: street sewer
S2A,estimate No.4 uudfinnl,\lartiu Comnnffee recommends that said claim be re.
J ' its report dated.Tune 14,1890,so as to read (entlemen The bonrd Of .0]Tn works here. street and\Vestern nvenue sewer W.T.Preston, ferred to secretary and engineer of said
1 that it ceesary and prover t con- with respecthmll}-return
the prnthninnrY order, .715,estimate No.4 and final Strykzr ucenue I Adopted. __� rt
It tract ata ser n Georqe s0 t o from Pproved.July_,1890,iu the matter of antding ewer (Delos to Prosper Terrace),T.3l nloy, Also•
Ohio street sewer
Orlenn: street, [.,,cher Hewitt I.,from Aldine street to Prior ave- S16x.5U;estimate No.a and final,enharging amid Ed.S.Beau,sheriff's claim-888.97—
with the necessary 'ttclt basins and m - n e,for the ttason stated in the attached report rep:tir0i,seaer Pleasant venue(Third to Committee recommends that said claim
„JW1 holes, at n estimated -pease of$890, and of the city engineer. sa Iwuy between Wnluut nod Chestnut).Hansen ferred tosheriff to have same certified to by an
Ci 7 id bonrd also fespectRnlly re+[nett that n n .7.C Qat Y.President pro tem. &Johnson.$65;estimate No.2 and final.grad .Ricer of the municipal court.
Cit I j final order,as
amended he pa�s,.d far said tin- J.T.KEaREa, tog alley un block 5,Finch's tldition, B.True, Adopted.
1 Provement A proper lanai order For said im- Clerk of the Board of Public Works. 5126'-estimate No. 6, eupplemen[nl to No.4, Also.
proveme nc ie herewith submitted for your ,Tu`S 11,1890. td final,Delos street sew (Hall to Sucker), Oscar Haglund's claim,$40U damages,change
adoption. AlAerman of the ward. klausen&,Tohntou.$?6;estimate No.]2,sop of grade,Payne avenue and Case street
1f R.L.Gonw.ts,President. Also, plementat to No. 11. mid final. Cal sa cup
Comtntttee recommends that eniII clnlnt be m
3 �d J.T.KERgea, City engineer's reportOilkland cemetery side treat ncl Tuacar.rx treat 'ere Maly& tarred t°Corporation Attorney and City En
•� { Clerk of the Board of Public\Works. walk— D.iv,8800:H. Df.Crosby,S1 R.59:\{'.Cunning gui,er.ted.
July 15.1890. The board tran..Ill.said report as follows: ham.60 cents:D$41 3 -F. G."Co.,•15.ents;
Adapted. To the Board of Public Works: J G Dug¢ay. 84]A0: F. (V Iintpeor& Co., Of Committee on Streets,Severe and Brid,es—
Said order approved J,Tie 18,1890,repealed Gentletne¢' Relative to the orderfor a three- c18i.50, J. P. Gribben Lt mbar Pmty, Azotfue Dfanufactnring Company earl J.J.
Iaitk walk to be laid on the west aide of flak. S.1.01: Goodyear Rubber •ompanp, S6. �' U'f ear C c Packin• establishment—Al-
33 and annulled and said board allowed to amend It Hadfield Coal and Lima company, y.-�on'e b
S ! 1
,as quested its said report dated Juste 14, 7 nd cemetery'front Syewmore acres[ to Merrill P J Ho & C. 8y2. ]aged t aieanc
1890 scree[,I wish to call your attention[o the fact s30; gun Committee submits resolution tending towards
that no assessment can be made for sold mal k; J. C. Hanley Lime comps y. 124'• medying said alleged nulsaucea— -
(Seeolderto board of public works.) the oviy parties who would be beneficed by said I:enn Bros.,F1 Y.60.T Kehler[, 829.11:B F. re ( )
Y Acceptsd. See resolution
walk ore those em Sylvan street.and in order to Kuaaft T Co.,$2 95; F.J. Ianue&C.,$x.26: Also
I �I Also, w s this II��rol.,r, I think the order should G.)[hath.130.40.Noyes Bros.&Cutler.827.08. A vlanch and others,petition for paving East
Gorman Avenue Opening•etc.— exd9 '•On the L side of lvlvwn street.from Nicol, & Mean. S7 42; P[mzek &Zikmund' Fit stree—
t �. To the Honorable Lhe President and Common Sycamore street to Merrill street.' Under thee¢ c'...0,Roble:on &Cary Co..56.60; Muendier Committee recommends that said
petition be
i' G I Council of the City of St.Paul, circumstances do you desire to have in sorry Bros.,$x20.96: Scribner Liboey Co.,&195.89; referred to Aid.Bolt.
Gentlemen—The board nt public works here- t Lne order of the Common councllT Respect- I.F. Shipley,&2x.25: Schned&Armk,8—60, Adopted.
with p tt lly to n tbsfinalcrdsr,apProved I fully submitted. L.W.RDe¢t.E[-e, Sattler Bros..&107.7x;St.Paul Hardware(w.., Also
Ma 17.1887,for the opening, widening and qty Englueer. 5122 10; Taylor-Cralg t ation, &67.80: Cgmmissloner of Health's tom unicntion—Up-
exteusfon of Gorman avenue,between Curtice July 9,]890. John Martbi Lumber Co., 32.989.46; Merrfll'e levee flats,pocking hoose,Sherman street
SII sn eet and Annapolis street.with the request Accepted and filed. Toilet a pply,5:i 76: C.,3I.&S4 P R.R.Co.,,gnrbaae,stagnant water,etc.—
+dd .lir that your honorable body annul all your pro.I Aleo, $11.20;Bazille d•Partridge, $.99.60:Barringer �ammit[ee recommends doptlon of the com-
a �.g .1'� ceedings In en.fd ,ter, for the anon that &9nn.S4 76: H.Bork,S9 76,\V m.Berlandi&
large majora ty of the owners of the property to Western avenue sewer contract— Co.,$8.00.American Manubu i_iug Co.,$1.20; missloner's suggestions and In aeage of aceompa.
be assessed are opposed to Said improvement. The board reports that it has awarded Wlll- G.W.Merrill, 578.00;3fathew Craig. 812.00; nyfng Preliminary orders.
!!1 lam J.Preston the covtrmt for the conatruc- G,{W.Merrill,522.00; Mathew Craig,80.00;G. Adopted. (See orders to board of public
J.C.QUIN6y,President pro tem. tion of a sewer on Western avenue,from Matte Bork..)
-i--��� J.T.KEREER, W.Merrill.$10.00.
y I. street to University avenue,together with the Committee on Claims.
Clerk of the Board of Public Rorke• necessary c_liable b e ns and manholes,bidder
bail, of Committee for
License—Peterson and An-
$ t July 10,1890. the louesc reliable and responsible bidder there Reponre OF Sr.txnlso cwtxtaeee. deraon'e p¢titiou for transfer to Lalthaxar HII-
Alderman of the ward. len of but
license No.99—
V tit for; mount of bid,Hadfield
bond 1❑ the sum of Of Committee n Claims—In bold B.Llnstad's
Also, 5260.with F.W.Hadfield wad O.V.Enceo¢as lain-5226 damages,ForeeaIt:tree[seaer— Committee recommend.transfer.
�V Gorman avenue opening and grading— sureties. i.ommlttee recmnmends that said claim be re- pdOPred
To the Common Council of thegrit ty-of St.Poul. Also, (erred to corporation a[tor¢ey and city all. n n leo. .imam His b...r the yor's c catiop
j II The board of public [corks have had under Lesite avenue and Jliltou street grading Co.. "meal ming the revoking n(licenses Nos.4 to 10,
nsideratfon the resolution or o�Ier of the I tract Adopted. u t d[o D.E.Kiefer to peddle meut—
S common conned, approved April r16. 1890. The board reports that ft hast awarded Will. Also, gr ommittee recommends that the revoking of
relative to the open ine and grading of Gorman lam A.Davern the content for grading Leslie Michael Kerti echdru-860—changing Mended. said licenses be apinov d.
lq �� rue,from Congress street to the south city e from Victoria street to Lexington ave- street Ilue— Ado ted.meimt of the mayor revokingg said
r n�� ifmfts,and, having investigated the proposed nue�nand Dolton Street,from Laurel avenue to Committee recommends that said claim be re- licenses approved and Said
Ilcenass revoked.
•E .� Improvement:
at avenue,said grading to be done un-
Respectfullyre ort Lhat said improvement to der one contract,he being the In
reliable felled to corporation attorney and city en The said action of council approving mayor's
p lid res oneible bidder therefor;amount of bid, neer. action ht revoking said licenses slid the eafd m•
_ u t necessary and proper at this time. P Adopted. tion of conmcll revoking said Ilceuses was there-
u l� - Yeas,E;nays,0, 84.740;bond hi the Sum of$],600,with Rill- Also, upon reconsidered,yens 14.and the matter re-
J.(:.QmITny,President o tem, lam Davern and Aug.Hammer as suntlee.
( Pr John llevume}•'s claim—R:f00—shade trees de fernd to committee on clnlms.
LLp J.T.Cleerk of Alan.
I .troyed,31end.tx street,radio,— —
Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Pym Street raping contract— Of Committee on Public Buildings,etc.—Jsmea
Committee recommends that said claim be re-
j. July m 1890. The bone reports that it haat awarded Frank {erred to corporation attorney and city engl- H.Burne,county delegate,porti A.O. H.s petition
Alderman of the card. P.Me Ann the street
ofor grading Pgm Street, ricer. for renewal of lens¢of portion of market house
j; from Eustle street to wear city limits,be being
Also, the lowest reliable and res able bidder there- Adopted, at reduced rent.
Arlington Hill. Additition, block 25, alley Pana Also, Committee makes an adverse report.
.; for;amount of blit,B.Cur;bond in chs sum e- ,
grading— $1.000,with Manly B.Curry and James J.Dtc- P.W.Hiahon's claim—,800—shade trees de- Adopted.
To the Honorable the President and Common Cauu sa sureties. Strayed.3lendot.acres[grading—
* Council,qtv of Sc.Paul: Emh of the foregoingawards Laken up sepa, Committee recommends tint eafd claim be m OI Committee on Onllnsnces and PUAIfe Ac-
g lE Gentlemen: The board f pubis arorkn here- rarely and xppro ed by the following vote: p fermi to corporation attorney and eRy emn- enunts-0rdluance Providing
for luspecthin of
with respectfully taro the preliminary order, Yeas—Aid.Banholzer,Blelenber,,Bott,Cope- „ Dllik—
t. approved July 2,1890,in the matter of¢riding land,Costello, Dobner, Dornlden, Flandrau. i Adopted. Committee reports sold ordinance back with-
[ the alleys between Payne avenue and Edgerton Gahan,McNamee,Melady,Mines,Sullivan,Mr. Also, out momneudwtfou.
treat,in Click 25,of Arlington HIIi,addition. President--14. C Tyson Butcher's claims—H. C. Schilling, The said ordinance was recommitted to com-
5�'•ll i; �. di� for the reason stated in the attached report of Aleo, 81,000; Sarah Wu 820(100;$20,000; Abraham Ar- mitcre int.nlinxnces and public accounts for
tha city engineer. Estimates and claims— rivee.51,000: Frederick Smith,81,000—deten- further part iculnrs.
` 1 J.C.Qm:,ar,President pro teen. The board transmits,approved by it,the fol- tints of Property.Lyman 1mytoil's addition— Also.
t I'. J.T.KEngen, lowing rebmntes and clnlms,to wit Committee recommends that said claims be Ordinance Providing for Inspection of Animals
Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Estimate No.8 and final.Burr street grading referred to corporation attorney and city engi- Slaughtered for Human Food—
11;1890. (Mimnehaha to\Whitall),C.E.Sandeen,5167.00; beer. Committee makes an adverse report.
1 i Alderman of the ward. estimate No.4 and final,Rnudoph street grad- t Adopted. Adopted.
n7 ..,y sf• .h K sx, vw'���� s '"'wit-e ..'? „P T .,:' f'ef^v35" .i" a �?� �T'•s" ,>p ��.' ': d`,. Y+'i,.`;
Also, PROP08ED SIDEWALK RESOL¢r1Ge8,FOR PAMAGE subdivisiontion to of blocuth four of flute is ad
d By Aid.Dllnea-REso.t oes.
Re omt•ts Examine d- AUG.19,1890. three of Valentine's subdivision
••A." All of Resolved,That the following plats.ns up-
pp (p mittce has mined and found correct B Aid.Domlden- said work shall be done underthe supervision of
reports of clerk municipal court for June,1890; Resolved, That the board of public works and as directed by the building inspector of said mended nded b}'the deity ughicecommission
be and nd theca e
1 Y om
of inspector of buildhnes for May,1890;of mar cause to be constructed an tight-foot wooden
�. kat master, market halt rent for Dtnreh and sidewalk on the eget aide of Chestnut from West city upon obtaining a permit therefor. hereby accepted by the common council
April,1890;of Pound Master Hinkel for June, Sec.2. This ordinance shall take effect end the dt1•of 6t.Paul:
Seventh arrest to Weahbn[on street. Searis Pince.
fi 1880. g be in force from red after its passage. Pigott's addition to the cit of St.Paul.
Adopted. By Aid.Blelenberg- Yees-Ald, Banholzer, Bielenberg, Butt, Capitol addition to the city of 6t.Paul,Ram-
Copeland Resolved, That the board of p hire •orka ,Costello,Dobner,Dorufden,Flndrn, se CO..Minn.
I r
Of Committee on Gan-Lampe- cause to be constructed of i t foot side- Gahan.DlcNamee,Melady,Mlnen,Sullivan„Mr- as--Ald.Banholzer.Bielenberg,Bott,Cope-
President-14.Committee recommends adoption of following g n
resolutions for lamps: 'alk on the east side of Lexington,from M1nne- land,('oetello, llobner, Dorniden, Flandrnu,
P Passed July 15,1890. Gehan,McNamee,MOml
Aid.DorRiden's,St.Clair street and Mtewart haha to Carroll street,in the Eighth ward. O,O-CULLEN,President of Council. y,Mfuea.Sullivan,Mr.
a preddent-14.
avenue- Aid. Dorniden's Warsaw street etc.' 16,1890.
1. Approved July Approved July 16,1890. 1
- I
Aid.Rlelenberg's.Carroll street,etc.;Ald.Cope- By eel l Bf. That
tRnERr A.Sarrse,Mayor. b
land'e,Sims street;Aid.Dobner,Posy and Pen Resolved. That the board of public works Attest: Taos.A.PnEVDRaser,City Clerk. S.
nock streets,etc. c se to he constructed a wooden eigh4toot July 18, By Aid.Sullivan-
Adopted. sidewalk on both aides of Ganitfer street,from Resolved,That the grade of the followinugg
Merrell to Dinryland Rvnue,in the Eighth ward, treets,between the points named,ae Indicated -
' 8EP0818 OF.PIiC1AL CO)1D(I17EE8. with LPCeaanr CrOasia ORDINANCE NO.1,871.
Of Aid.Flndrau and Corporation Attorney- ) gs. byy the red grade lines on the aceompnnping pro-
f Ordinance relating to hotel runners- An ordinance authorizing the Davment of a flies,and as recommended by the city eRglneer,
i Committee who was instructed to draft an By Aid.Meladycertain judgment against the Cl[y Of St.Paul. be and the same are hereby adopted as the ea.
or relative to hotel runners submits n Resolved,That the board of p blit works be The Common Council of the City of St.Paul do tablished grades:
y3 +1 o ainance. (Detracted and cause to be laid ix400t ordain as follows. Goodrich avenue,from Cleveland avenue to
I Said ordinance read the first time and meow- wooden Sidewalk on the north side of Bunker Section 1. That an order be drawn upon the Fairview ncenhe.
mitted to said sppecial committee-Ald.Flan- street,from State to Harvard. city treasurer fn favor of Arthur G.Otis,attor- Lincoln avenue,from Cleveland avenue to
- 3.! drn ndcorporatioD attorney. uey of record of JOhu\spier, for the sum of Fairview avenue.
7 By Aid.BlelenI:rg- seventeen rend 67-]00 (817.87) dollars,m furl Peas-Aid.Banhalzer,Bfeleubelg,Bott, Copo-
petition Resolved,That the board of public works ayment of a judgment rendered in favorof said land, Costello, Dobner, llornideD, Flnndrau,
Of Aid.Bott-A.'Hunch and others' V
for paving East Fifth street- cause to be constructed a wooden eightrfoot Napier and against the
11 Poll
of St.Paul for said president�l mea, Dtelady,Dtinea,Sullivan,Mr.
ii Committee submits preliminary order 1n said sidewalk on both aides of Aurora avenue,be- nm unt July 11th,1890.
matter. twcen Arundel and Alacklibl. street.,of the Said order to be delivered o 1p upon Said ADProvedJulyl6,1890..
Adopted-(Sea order to board of public Eighth ward. judgment being satfefled of record In the otllcre -
1i " works). By Ald.Dobner- of the clerk of the dnetrlct-Ourt of the county By Ald.Mdaft-
MI.CELLANEOU.. Resolved,That the board of public works Of Ramsey,where said Judgment was rendered, Resolved.That the grade tl Gates street,from
i p and filing the certificate thereof In the office of South Robert street to Curtice street,as in if.
Ordinncee- tonne a ala-foot wooden sidewalk,with suitable cated hythe red grade flue i the nccompany-
i! An ordinance was read nthorizing�I&arise crosswalks,to be constructed along the north the city comptroller. ing Profile and&S recommended by thee
he city so.
LV hs to move two frame buildings. side of Minnehaha street,from Lexington ave- Sec.2. This ordinance hall take eau t and grass[,be and the same is hereby adopted ae the
I] ..has.aspended oil motion of Aid.Costello, Due to Hamlme avenue. be in force from Star after its passage d pub- established grade.
i yeas 14,and rdi.e. ad.ecoid time aad "IutZ Yeas-Aid.Banh,Izax,Bielenb-g,Bott,Cope-
passed. (See Ordinance No.1,870.) By Aid.Dobner- fees-Aid. Benholzer, D'Slenberg,Brett,Copy land, C.atell0, Dobner, Dorniden, Fiandrn,
An ordinance was read authorizing payment Resolved.Th&t the board of hand. Cotello, Dohner, Dorniden, Flandrnu,
7 II public works be Gahan,Dlceamce,Meiady,Mines, Sullivan,Mr. Gahan,Dfceamce,D[ela�y,Mines,Sullivan,Mr.
R7 I p of judgment In favor Of Arthur G.Otis,attorney and It ie hereby(Detracted to cause a nix foot president-14.
ti for John Napier. wooden sidewalk to be constructed on Langford president-14. Approved July 16,1890.
I, F 'Rules eua used O¢ motion of Aid.Gahan, venue In front of the Murray-school premises Paused July 15,1890.
iAI { O.O.(.t:1.LEv,President o/Council.
yeas 14,n ordinance read second time and from the county y Pa road to the alley In block 44 in Approved July 16,1890. Bye- Copeland-
k passed. (Sen Ordinance No.1,871.) St.Anthony Park. PP RORER[A.SDIrsR,Ma}or. Resolved,That the grade of Jessamine street,
I, An ordfnnce wee rend nthorizing Peter By Aid,Dobner- Attest:Taos.A.PRENDEROA6[.City Clerk. from Cortland street to Mandselpppi Street,as in-
Martin to construct sewer on Winlfrad street. Resolved,That the board of ublic works be July 1N. dicated by the red grade line on the aceompny-
Rules sue ded on motion of Aid Hines,yeas D
and it is hereby iustrumed to causes works be ing Vroflle,and ea recommuded by the icy en-
14,and ordinance read second time and passed. wooden idewalk along the South side of the gin-,be and the same is hereby adopted as the
(Ben Ordinance No.1,872.) Baker school remises in St.Anthony Park. D¢DINANCE No.1.872. established grade.
p b du ordinance was rend permittinngg Jacob Litt P
C b 5 to elect red maintain poles L Sixth and 6t. An ordlDnce sathorizing Peter Mertln to cos- Yens-Aid.Banholzer,Bielenbtg.Butt,Cope-
Peter streets for all ornamental porch for opera By Aid.Bfelenberg- cruet a Sewer on Winifred at-
t l i t ]Tj house. Resolved,That the board of public worts Tb Common Council of the City of St.Paul do ban,'M,Namee, Melady,Dimes, Sullivan, Mr.
Rules=tided on motion of Aid. Gahan, cause W b constructed wooden eight foot ordain ae follows: PAppro Approved
�•,-''IIii. j yeas 14,=tided
read second time and Sidewalk un the north able of U.]--fly avenue, Section 1. That authority and permission is
APProved July 16,1890.
'p''•�4 passed. from Chatsworth to Snelling avenue in the bereby given and granted to Peter Martin to B Aid.Bott
An ordinance read mutilating use of bi- Eighth ward. - construct a sewer on Winifred street,to connect Resolved,That the t
tnmfno¢a coal by St.Paul City Railway tom- the west forty(40)feet of lots Six(6),seven(7) y engineer be requested
prey. By Aid.Vnn Slyke- id eight (8)of block slaty-afx (66) West 6t. to report a grade line on Kerwin street,from
P� Committee on streets. Resolved,That the board of public works Paul Proppse with the sewer on Concord street. Phalen atrerc to W nice Bear nvnue; also grade
j By Ald.Dtinea- ca to be conetrueted a cement block elle- The sad to be con trotted under the line no Tracy avenue.
b i ]'sus-Aid.Banholzer,Bleluberg,Bott,Copr
lljy,i Resolution for construction of system of walk on Holly avenue In trout f lot 15 and s;pervieion and inepectlon of Lhe city engineer, land, Costello, Dobner, Dorniden,
qk d steam regulation 1n court house and dty hall. w c of lot 18,block t4,Woodland Park.(ex- an d all the expense of sand work, including the Gehan,DI Names,Malady,Dtinea,
it iitES"
committee oil streeta cept where cement block sidewalks are already xpense of engmeerfRgand fnepectlon,Lo b Paid president-]4.
Resolutions for lamp s,ne follows: A:d.Dornl- laid.) by the Said Peter Martin.
I, den's,toot of Jefferson avenue;Ald.Copeland's, pec.2. This ordinance shall take effect and Approved July 16,1890.
Edgerton and Hawthorne street.. ORDINANCES. be In force from and after its passage.
Committee on gas. ORDINANCE No.1,870. Peas-Ald.Banholzer,Bielenbrg,Butt,Cope. By Aid.Dobner-
at.'! By Ald.Gahan- An ordfnnce nthorizing Maurice Lyons to lend.Costello, Dobner, Dornjdet`allFlaandr tr..heree1;illstrveted tohPrepareadlune for
aneer be u polster
Resolution for closing city offices on"Derby ova two'To
huildings. Gahan,DlcN nmee,Melady,Mines. P
{ Day,"July 28, 1890, The Common Conefl of the City of St.Paul do President 14. bridge over right of r y of Great Northern
i (fipd Adopted. a ordain a.follows: - panned July 15,1890. Railway sump ry at HnmBne avenue.
Ald. Flandrnu used from acting a S Lion 1. That permission Id authority O.O.GbLLEx,President of Connells ]-eua-Aid.Banholzer,Hlelevbetg,Bott,CGpe-
Y f then embers of c Ittee o granted to Haurice Lyons APProved JaIS 16,1890. land,
Dohner, ll nide r, Fleudr
gas, re hereby given and y,Damen.SDIHvun, DIr.
d Al
Dobner was appointed ober f to mo one e-tory Lrame ca lege Roe i A.SanrR,D[ayor. Gahan,MCNamee,Melnd
said committee on gas,Vitt Aitl.Bland nu,ea- hoses end o e and e-hulf tory frame Attest: Tnoe.A.psic"Enower,City Clerk. Y eidenti-l-1.
used. stable from lot seven of Horace Thompaon•a July 18. Approved July 16,1890.
.";t� ta'""+«..`-4 Y_ -,3 't�.x �- 4_ .. 'u•' w�atiP"- 'f�`._ �.�a, 'Y' n"' 's r_1-w `�.' - .. 'r� �,
• S
By Ata.Gehun- for the sum of twee[}-se n(827)dollars,tour far tae els ]amp oil the southeast Yeas Ald 73unhulzer,Blelenbem.But t,C e-
That the It engineer be and Is (84)dollars being putt\payment o[ the said un er\'ictturia nt d \Vn[sone avenue;i Iso load.('oxtcilo,Dubuc,llorniden,Flundrau(l:e-
helreb}'Idimcted t c the locant xis Sher- �u Jg[,eut,and tv%enty--three(S28)dollars,being l cal on[he north utast corn of mid hon.)IcNumx, \lelndy, )llttea,
'7 barna a ane to n otoint to the end an
he ntemst on snit)ntlgment[rum Sept. 19, 1889, Eriv s'rxtii1 lent-11.
Ipresent retaining wall, being about forty feet to Julie 10,189.,wheh saxt j dgme It nus ren yeas-Aid.Bxnbo-r Bliaraietg,Hott, Cope Ap{rave).Imy 16,1890.
1 3 thea.terly. dared ui the dlstnct court of tRnmse}- unty, thud Costello. Dobner. Don,ttlen Flaudru
IIII +g n]'ens terl Bnnholzet,R1elenberg•Bort.Cope- ]Tina.,rept.]9.1889,in furor of Charles W. Gehun,McNnntx,Malady,Moues, Sullivan,M By Aid.D,bur,
land,Cocello, Dobner, llondden, Ftnndr u, Jagger and gnius[the city of St.Paul tar the President 19. lieol-I that the board of Public works be
Gahan,\[eNamx,\I clad S.Tinea,Sullivan,11 r. out o[four hundred d fifty flue nod 37 100 Appr,ped Jul-16,1860. d the nn Is hemb}}'authonzed to cause a
President 14. (84 i6:37) dollars, vhich IudFtne it has inx f 't Phntk smevvull, %vlth suitable [ sh
Approved July 16,1890. ]been assigned to Axid Schorinacla slid vhich By AId Dorniden Ik'[ be Intd along the[vest aide of IIamline
1,Vltoneue there rune food June lo,1890,four Resolved,'Chs,the gn+.o]1, Tamp ntract „e,between\'uu Buren street av!1 the)lain
Imd nad flity. ., nud Y7-los (15,151.07) pb",a lamp on the u-Heide of St.char-t, the city of St.Yuul.
l By Aid.Sullivan- dollarx pursuant to a reso1,to, of the cotumou l..feet east f Colborne street,between filch ]cue .tld.Bxuholur,Btelenlerl5,Bolt.Cope-
Resolved, That the cit}• ngineer be and is nil ,proved O t 18,1889 It 1 nud Colborne.treats.also a lump oft the laud C,� 11,. Dobner, Dorniden, Flnndran,
hereby x thor to nprhtkle so much
f the coSnid order to be delivered upon [herebeing northeast corner of E[evvart avenue n d Otto Gehun.NeNamx, yfeludy,)Unca,Sullivan.DIC.
streets and the vicinity tf the Ixir filed%%fill the city controller a proper ret'elpt for lily-la'. Preshl-t 14.
e s
grounds an he may deem nesary during the said sum. eas-Ald.Banholzer.Bielenberg,Batt,Cope- Approved July 16,1890.
meeting of the jockey club,from July 23[o Aug. Yeas-Ald.Banholrer,Bielenberg,Batt,Cope- land, Costello. Dobner, Dorniden Flandrau,I —
2,189.. laiA, Costello, fabler, llornIdea, Flqudrau, Gahan,AlcNnmx, \felady,}linea,Sullivan,Mr. By Aid.C'opelnnd-
i' ]-eas--Aid.Banholzer,Bie]enberg.Bort,Cope- Gehxn,McN,mee,Malady,Millen,Sullivan, Mr. President-1 I. Resolved that the board f public works
} land, Costello. Dobner, Dorniden. Flandrau. Prmident-14. Approved July 16,1890. n 11-tied to co nsttuct un eight 18)loot woo en
+ Gehun,•McSemee,Malady, Mine.,Sullivan,Mr. Approved July 16,1890. slJe%%alk on the cost side of Bradley street,t am
President 14. By AId.Bobber- Minneh¢h¢to"""der street.
Approved July 16,1890. gy Ald.Cullen- Resolved,Th.t the city lamp contractor be lens-AId. Banholzer,Bielenberg,Bott ope-
< Resolved,By the common council of the city end he is hereby instructed to,ince gnsollne laid, (,.cello, Uobner, llorniden, F drau,
gi 'fl By Aid.Bott-
115%.Paul,That an order be drawn [pon the camps at Lite following Pulnta, v .: One Inmp Gehun.\ICNumee,lleladp.Mfneo,8 lvn.,ill r.
esolved,That the city engineer be an[� Is city't, in favor of the National Educe at corner Pusey and 1'eit nock streets,our I'm Preside.t-11.
hereby instrwc[ed to have Hudson veno be- [iouan uasoclatlo.for the sum of throe thousand t corner Ynor avenue and Hewitt avenue,one Adopted July 18,1890.
between Jlendota and Forest streets,brought to (Sri,uUU)dollars,being the balance 1n full Itwo IamP xt c tier Prior ave t ami Pennnek- -
grade lis recently changed,at n Cast not toe- th ouexnd dollars having been paid Feb.10, street,one Ixntp nt corner prior av u and Aid SSullivan-
1 coed$200. r 1890,)of the five Lhou[uind dollars guaranteed Cheltou avenu a lump an th aide of Ry
Ii 4 g Seas 0Aid.Banholzer.Bielenberg,Rott,Cope- by the common eomeB fns resolution approved Charles street halt"way betty xis Prior avenue Resolved that the board
of PPu Ic works l6 here-
laud, Costello, Dobner. Dorniden. Flandrau, ld,1889,"for the purpose at the holding and Fairview¢venue, b}�aathdrized Io construct sls"- t wooden side-
}1 Gehun,McNanee,Melody,Mine',
Sullivan,Mr. Oct'of the Nathonxl Educational 0 1¢tlo I ii-Aid.Banholzer,Bielenberg.Bott.Copt, Ik8 Ii the following Places: On south aide of
- P-dent-14. SL. Paul 1n 1890," outhorired by land
r d, Cast
Uobner. Dortdden, FI¢udrau, Diplon n%-e.ue,between F.
'law avenue arid
�+ Approved July 16,1890. Inibd{vision sir (8) of tion three (ehan,McNamee,Mad y,Mine., Sullivan,\lr. Amon street,evceD[where wa kt x reef,by laid;
1 (3) of as net en[Itled,•'Au s L to ..end the President-14. 1s north id 1 lglel t street,between
charter of the cit, of St. Paul sad the nets Approved July 16,1890. I Priorand Moore avenues,t cent where walk Is
'• 4 .! !!! By Aid.Melody- nmendato y thereof,"approved Feb.22.1887. already laid,with limessar cross walks fn each
y R solved,Th t the city engineer be Instructed S lls-Aid.Hnnholzer,Bielenberg,Botts Cope- II Ald.Boit cum•
suit cause to be laid a crosau'alk on the north land, Costello, Uobner. Uornfdeu, Fltuidran, -Revoived,That the city oil lamp contractor Also crass walk on w�es side of
Wilder avenue,
side of George street,acro..Charlton xvenue' Gehan,McNamee, Melady,\Dnea,Sullivan,Mr. be slid he Is hereby' Instructed to place turd a•oss Dayton avenue
i. Y-es-Aid.Banholzer,Bielenberg,B.
Cope- maintain gasoline hl lamps .lung the north I [Peas-,1Id.B¢.1 r, Bielenberg,Butt
' PApprove 1.1. e -
].I'd', C'steno, Dobner. 1) rnfden, Fiand u. ,q -d J I 16,1890. side of East Seventh street.]olncing o t t the laud, Costello, ",beer, Uornidett, Flandrau,
Gehun,\Ic\umee,Vela d)-.Miura.Sullivan,Mr. PPro u} 'u[e['xernu.1 of[he west Ilue f each f the fol- I.ehar,Me\ni ,Me1ndS,Mines,Sullivan, Mr.
I I P .sident-14. low-,g.[meth and a'trues w'itli suit Enat Sev President 1
Approved July 16,1890. By Ald•Copeland- encs xt teat.[o wit 'frac)' a cane Hager ave Approved ufy 16,1890.
Res 1 ed,Thut the gasoline lamp
co tractor our Duncan treet, Bock %treat, Gennant¢
be and is hereby ordered to int ar d t iu- xt teat. 7Clnnard street, b'lundrau strxt and B%AId anbo -
`, By-Aid.Dobnrr- tate one 4usnliue I+n•rlr n the o th Ida of \t'Ime tient xvenue. Kex red, 'Phut the boar) f Public works
Kesolced, That the mayor be In'
(s serest• .inn a tee's betu"xu hl v, street fund Cypmsx yeas--yid.I-A-lzer,Hielenberv,Bott.Cope- uv six-feet wooden sidew'+dk on the
s nthod to appoint u.{ec........
al[,oliceman to"a s[reet.� laud,Costello, Uobner, ti-aiden, Fl,dr'.' no tbrehle of Dayton urease,[rum M.itonetmet
duty fn the v]cinity of ibe x n fair ti ands ]'exs-,Aid.Banholzer.Bielenberg.Boit,Cope- l;ehu n,\Ic\umee.\lelndy.)Dtien, Sudivxn,]Ir. t Lexington avenue,with,roi,er crosew'niks.
•, ,! 1,I durinR the Twin lYty races LS id 23,1890,to and, C'osteilo, Dobner. Dorifden, Flandruu, Yreeidettt l4. 1'sue-Aid.Banholzer,Bielenberg,tsott,Cope.
A g.2,]890,inrlueivn. Gehan,MCNamre,Mehrdy,Mine., Sullivan,Mr. Approvetl July 16._ and,(,Mello.Dobner,Dorifden,Flnndran,Ge-
e 1
]•eas-Ald.Banholzer,Bielenberg,Botts Cope- President-1.1.
1d( I hand, Costello, ".,,,ern llorniden, Flandrau, ,1VVproved July 16,1890. B Committer on F[reets- tit• McSu nix, \lelndy, >,SuliD•au,Mr. '
Gehni, McNnmx, \lutea, Sullivan, > President-14.
\lelatly, Resolved,That the Party known as Ibe Azo -y ppro%ed July 16.1890.
1 \[r.Pres
ident-14. tine company,nt the Conduct of their busiurs
Approved,July 16,1890. By Aid.Bt l berg- ander their contract with the cit}-,is coniini
Resolved,That the gasoline lamp contractor
be authorized to remove the Iampa.,;IC arrot ting n nuisance,and that it is the opinion of t e By Ald.C'opelnncl-
{t j ! By Committee an Streets- street,from Rix to Western avenue,ad also connniltx on streets that,unlesa such Chun s Itrsolved,Thnt the board of ppublic
! 9 Resolved,Tbut the commissioner of health is the one in renter of each block on Summit plate, ore made hi such conduct of said business x'i h- muse nu eight(8j toot
Nash S sie,fr. to be
hereby directed to cause all the provisions o[ Louis arae[,Farrington and Yirydnla avenues, iu twenty daps bS said'campmly so as to c m- laid ou the north side of Sash atrxh/win
((j '•� !; s 9
Ordinance So.611 approved Jan.21,188u,to between 1glrhnrt and t:nrral street(uf.eteen in ply n'i[h Its contrneI,the council should elf age sienippi street to De Bow text.
be observed and to Prosecute without delay tae 'nli)turd place them: \ nd it.,locution,or stand its contract with[he icy, Yeas-AId.Bnnholzet,Bielenberg,Botts Cope-
,(�y pemons who violate any,of its terms,pro% Un Dale street between Minnehnho street a
and this resolution is referred by the Com ittee land.�IcNnin yell lelnd 11oMn es, 8u91euu,i)I r.
[hat J.J.O'Leary&Son.are given twenty
di)'a Como avenue.
t streets with a retomnten Intl,.the It be ban, y.
i 5i 11' r to Clone uP their Present parking business on the. ]'eau Ald.Bnnh,lren Blelenberg,Butt.Cope- I'.a.rd LY the conmton council. President 14. 1890.
j'.1 1 S flat. ]and, Costello. hob r. Dorniden, Flnndran, feast-Ald Banholzer.Bielenberg.Bo ,C.PC Approved July 16,-
{h+ I ]'ens Ala.Rnhholzer,Bielenberg,Bott,Cope- Gehxtl,McNamee,Melady, Mines,Sul]van,Mt lam.,Costello..Dobner,Uondden,Plain uta,Ge-
y? land, Costello, llohifer, D,rniden. Flandrau, Pre6I ent-14. h:ui );t Nainrr, Melody, Millea,bulli a., Mr. B)'AIa Cal,eljfnd-
i �yr Gehun,McNamee.Malady, Jtmen,Sr.11lvnu,Mr Approved July 16,1890. Pre.)deut-1 t. Itex,ived 11tat the board of pnhlic works are
t BBB Approved July 16,1890. hereb outhonz1 to ]ny eros.,alk,. north
YI t Preddent-14. )
g' Approved July 16,1890. B_.410.Dorniden- Icy[g- side of Case.trees,across Bradley.
Resolved. That the gasoline oil Ism,eon- Reeol ved,'Phut the board of blit work. Yeas-.y ld.Bnuholzer,Rlelenaberg,Roti,Cope
1� BS AId.Bolt- tractor place a lame on the east side of Wamaw' cnt t eight-foot wooden 8111,11 k to be laid, thud,Coe[e9u,Dobner.llonddeu,Flindruu,Ge-
join,Resolved, That an order be drain on the text, between James and Y'Ixle streets, in wfttlle the iieleheflt}' C[Oa�ltlg6,nil each side of Mc\nmx,
Melnd}•, Mhiea, Sullivan, Mr.
city treasurer In favor of William Schornstein, front of lot R7;also a lamp oil the west side of Ira le street,from Mfnnehaba street a Como nv- President
fi assignee of the judgment hereinafter mentioned, Webster street,between West Seventh and Jef- enue. Approved July lits 1890.
9p3 t 1
By Aid.Bott— said improvement,as required by law,it you re- be and public
acme is hereby referred re the majority of the property to be assessed for such
Resolved that the board of public works port in favor of the same. board of public works ve investigate and report: imp ovement? of
be end are hereby oriered to sprinkle Around Sixth—Send the council a proper order direct- F'Im[—la this Improvement pro Per nna neves- N Itimp Send the council a plan
w profile e,
street from ereby avenue to Burne avenue. Ing the work to be done. Bury? said improvement,oe required by law,17 you re-
g.avec Second—Give the council an estimate of the port In favor of the same.
,I Yeas—Aid.Dauholzer,Bieleuberg,Bott,Cope- Ay-ea—Aid.Banholzer,B(elenberg.Bott,Cope_ themof,and tate chether one-halt o[ ..ixch—Send the council a proper order direct-
i 1 land. Costello, Dobner, Dor den Flandrau, Ian[),Costello,Dobner,Dorniden,Flandrau,G the ctoet thereof is to be paid into the city tunas- Ing the work to be done.
1 j Gahan,MIN.mee,Ne:ndy,Mille 1,Sulliven, Mr. han, McNamee,Malady, Nines, 6tilllvan, Mr. il y before the contract is let. feta--Ald.Bnnholmr.Bieleuberg.Bott,Cop"!
President-14. President,14. Third—Can rent estate to be assessed for said land, Costello, Dobner, Doriden, Flandrau,
1 I
Approved Jul 10,1890. Approved July 16,1890.
ppr y improvement be and
ex benefited es the extent of Gahan, t-14. ,Nelady.Mines. Sullivan.Nr.
BpAld.Copeland— damages,costs nun expense.necessary to be in. Presidented July curred thereby?
Approved July 10,1890.
By Ald.Gahan— It is hereby ordemd bg Lhe Common Council Fourth ]e such Improvement naked for upon
Resolved,That on July 23 1890,which will of the City o[St.Paul: the petition or application f Lite o[rers of a
be "Derby Day at Lhe.tate fair ground.,nil That the matter of gradin¢Mendota street majority of the Property to be assessed torn such 'By Aid.Gehnn—
the public oihcea o[the City o[St.Paul be cloned from York treat to Milityllin avenue be and hnl!troverttent. It fa herebyvrded by the Common Council
j from and after 12 o'clock,noon. the same is hereby referred to the board of pub- Pltth—Send the council a plan or profile of of the City o1 St.Paul:
I j Year—Ald. Bauhnirer, Bieleuberg, Botts tic works to Investigate and upon: said improvement,as reyuired by law,if you re- That the matter of a change of grade
} g I Copeland, Costello, Bobner, Dorniden, Flen- Fire_Is this improvement proper and necee- port In moor of the acme. Arch street from Sylvan street to Fairview
gg dean,G ha NeNa ee, Nelady, Sullivan,Vnn nary? Sixth Send the covucil a proper order direct- street, In said city, t,. conform with the ee-
5. Slvke,Aft.
Viae Prealdentrmire,. Second--Give the council an estimate of the lugg[he work to be done. V blf.hed grade [ Jnekaoil street,be and the •
Presented to his honor the mayor July 16, expense thereof,and state whether one-halt of 1'ehe—old.o be d rxr.Bieleiiheig,Botts Cope- ban is hereby referred to the hannl
of Public
I a 1890,for approval,and not returned within the the cost thereo/fe to be Id[into the city Lreas- land, Costello, Dobner, Dorniden. Flaudru, works to investigate and
i y five preecnDelf by the city charter,the ury before thereof
contract 1s let. Gehan,McNamm Mclady, Millen,Sullivmt,Mr. Fist—Is this improvement proper and necca.
Is inform. Third—Can real estate to be assessed for said President-14. set,
I improvement be found benefited to the extent Approved July 16,1890. Second—Give the council a estimate of the P
of damages,costs and expenses necessary to be a penes.themof,and.tate )tether one-half of
• ! i¢1p By Aid.Doriden— incurred thereby. By Ald.Gehan— the cost thereof[s to be Id Into the cit tress-
{ i It 1s hereby orderded by the Common Council F' 1.such improvement eked for upon paid y
1ti of the Clty of Rt.Poul: Lhe petition or application of the steers of it is hereby ordered by the Common Council ury before the contract I.let.
That the matter of grading Arbor street, cjority of the property to be assessed for such of the(7ty of St.Poul: Third—Can rent eatx[e to be aseseed for said
from James street to Grace street,be and the j ovement? That the matter of a change of grade on Four- f tprowenteut be found benefited to the extent of
i' b acme le hereby relerred to the board of public 1eUth—Send Lhe counc0 a plan or profile of teeuth street,between Robert street and Can. damages,vpata and expenses
necessary to be in-
i. 4p1 worka to lnveatia[e and re on: it ada street in said city,to co Norm ith pro
y([ 6 P said Improvement,as required by law, you m- posed change pt grade on Jrtrel�tcckbuit street,be curred thereby?
First—Is this improvement proper and neces- port in favor of the same. udthe nut a is hereby retrrm to Lhe board Fourth-1.such Improvement naked for upon
i I I .ary? Sixth—Send the council a proper order direct- f pile nrorka to fuceatignte andel report: the petition nP oiicntiou of the owners of a
Second thereof
Lne council n estimate of the {n the work to be done. o Fjrat ]a this hnprovemeuc proper and neves- majority of the property to he aseesxd for such
e pewee hereof,and.tete whether one-half of ink.
a Ald.Banbolur,Bielenberg.Butt,Cope- -Y"
the cost tbereot is to be paid into the city treas- land,Costello,Dobner,Doriden,Flandrau, e-
1' ury before the contract is let. han, McNamee, Nelady Nlnea, Sullivan, Air. Second—Give the council etimnI t the FIf[h—Send the co[meq plan or profile of
Third—Can mal estate to be assessed for said president iore a pause thereof,and tate whether one-hal[of acid improve[uen[.as required by law,
if you re-
,,provement be Lound a to be d to ebe for of Approved Jul 10,1890. the coat thereof be pp i, luto the city tress- port ht favor of the same.
} �Sy ury before the contract/s let. Sixth—Send the council a proper order direct•
g f danmge nacres}e and expenses uecesaar3'to be iu- Third—Con real eatnte to be assessed for said Ing the work co be done.
correct Fourth—I.such imppr ement aked for upon B}Aid.Copeland— improvement be found benefited to the exteut of Yenb [IJ. Bnuholzer, Bielenberg. Boit,-
1 the eticion or. lfeation of the owners of a It is be- ordered by the Common Counefi damn co is and expenses necessary to be iu Copeland, Costello. Dobner, Doriden,
pp p app of the C7r t St.Pnui: druu, Gehmt, Alc\umm, Malady,Mines.Sulli-
g majority of the property[o be eebea.d for such 'y o curred themby?
provement? That the matter of constructing a sewer on Fourth—Ie such improvement asked for upon van,Mr.President 14.
Ii Filth—Send the eouncll a planor proflleo[said Magnolia street, from Greenbrier avenue to the petition or application of the owners of u Approved July 16,1890.
1 Payne avenue,be and the same is hereby referred
N 4 1m rovement,as inquired by law.fI you repos [o the board o[public works[o Investigate and mm'ove of the proi�rrty to be ae.eened for such —
l in t.vor of the same. rt, hnnrovement? By Aid.Dobner—
I�' !I
Sixth the council a Proper order direct- m;brtt ,.this Im vemmtt d nems- Fifth—Send the council a planor PProfile ofsaid it is hereby- rdered by the Common
'I Ing the work to be done. pro proper an Improvement,as required by law,if you report of the City of St.Paul:
Y ae—Aid.Hnnholur,Bielenberg,Bott,COP.- nary? in favor of the same. That the matter f grading Hewitt avenue,
land, Costello, Dobner, Doriden, Flandrau, 6econd—Give the council an a tim ate t the Sixth—Send the council a Proper order direct- from Aldine street to 1'airview avenue(petition
Miuen, Sullivan, expense thereof.and state t hether call half of the work to be done. heretofore sent in with Precious der),be and
Gehan, McNamee, Nelady, the coat thereo(1s to be pall into Lhe city tress- Yens—Ald.Bauholrer.Bie'enberg.Butt,Cope- the same is hereby inferred to the board of pub-
'(Il 1 Dfr.President July
1 urn before the contract Is let. (} lie works to Investigate and report:
1 1
Approved JUTS]6,1890. S hand,Costello,Uobuer,Doriden,Flandrau.
1 1 PPT Third—Can 1 estate Lobe assessed tent f hall,McNamee xlelady, Mines, Sullivan,Sir. First—Is this 1ntProvement proper and nemB-
I' 1 Improvement be found benefited to the extent of President-13 '
i, damages,coats and expenses necessary to be in
By Aid.Co eland— pe° Approved July 10,1890. OaSyirond—Give the council w estimate of the
eurad themby? pease
�SJ ° It is hereby ordered by the Common Council Ca=h!-Is such Improvement asked for upon ex thereat,and state whether one halt of
of the City of St.Paul: the petition or application of the owners of a By Aid.Gehan— the cost themof is to be paid into the city[reae-
!k" h 4 t That the matter of grading McMenemy street, Pe PP It, hereby ordered by the Common Council u y before the contract t.let.
from Case street to Como and Lake Phalen tnn'ority ofthea roperty to be assessed for of the CSty of St.Yeul: Third—Can rent eatnte to be assessed for.old
avenue,be and the same is hereby referred to such impr t. That the matter of the grading of Park avenue, Improventent be found benefited to the extent of
[[[ III 1 Fltth—Se the council plan or profile o[
! p; the board of public works to investigate and from Sherburne avenue to Pennsylvania avenue damages,costs and expenses necessary to be fn-
99 ropon: •said Improve c,as inquired by law,If you re- or Arch street, a they may deem necessary,be c d thereby?
a F¢l=yt—Is this Improvement proper and uec Port in favor the same. and 1 the anme i.hereby interred to ebe board of uFourth is each Improvement asked for upon
Sixth—Send the council s proper order di- public works to Investigate and report. the pecttion or application t.chs owners of
recting the[work to be done.
Second—Give the council n estimate of the First—Is this improvement proper and necee- majority of the property to be assessed for such
i expense thereof,unci tate [hether one-half of tend, Costello, Dobner, Dorniden, Flaudrmu, .cry' improvement)
the cost thereof is to,be p id I.!.the city trea (;.hall, McNamee,Dielndy,Nlnea,Sullivan,Dir. Second—Give the council all estimate of the Fifth—Fend the council n pian
profile of
ury before the coucract Is let. 'president-14. expense thereof,and state whether onrhal[of said improvement,as required by law,If you re-
'A ']'bird Cau real estate to be assessed for said the cost thereof le to be a id into the city trema port in favor of the same.
improvement be found benefited to the extent of Approved July 16,1890. }before the contract is let. Sixth—Send the council¢proper order dice
dam�geb,costs and expenses necessary to be iu- u Third Can 1 be assessed for said In the work to De done.
IIf7 F. c ried theft ? By Ald.Sullivan— improvement be found benefited to the extent of ]'as Ald.Bnnholmr,Blelenbetg,BoI.Cope-
, I aFout th—Ib such Improvement asked for upon IL i.hereby ordered by the Common Council damagee,costs and expenses nece.smry to be in- land, Costello, Dubose, Doriden,
the petition or application of the owners of a of the City of St.Paul curred themby? Gennn,McNamee, Melody,
F majority of the Property to be assessed torn each That the matter of opening,widening and ev- Fourth Is such I[nprocemeut baked For upon President-14.
{ impp ovement? tending Cretin avrueJrom St.Authonyavenue[° thepetitiouor application of the ownersot n Approved July 16,1890.
Fifth—Send the eouncll a plan or profile of Sum
Vs.c, to el width of eighty feet, 19
`�C�``t'.+ -.; n.,.+:.yr7k s. a- �' ,ivs`�s�` n, �''t� xsa-'.�..�•+"�-1g'''t'9 z: �'�?-c�.,y4`�3. .J 37ac- _. �K:�r3Y.y,•aq'�`+`M=� t; ..v �...�`' ,','°'�' .:ck:.. t�2,
s,s.�ax�.vY..,c`s ��`rr's�L yy+��+??C k',
Ali pp c'
I {,
u3. I By Bott-
by the Co.,...h t damages,costs and expenses necessary to be 1n- By Ale.Boit- damages,costa and expenses necessary to be in,
Is hereCouncil turned thereby?j It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of carred thereby?
t i! f the City of St.Paul: Fourth-Is such improvement asked for upon tile City of St.Paul: Fourth-Is such improvement asked for upon
.I That them tter of bad nuisance of tag-',the petition r application of the owners of That the matter of grading alley in block 3,of the petition application f the owners
an[water oualots 4.5 and 6,block a,Gotzixn'e ixlori ey of the Pro{rer[y to be assessed for such hill's addition be and the eam ie herby re m,V orltp of the Property to
be asaeaaed for such
l xr i Bement of PiRlea eerB[ioii,the same hefnR Imp en[.' o terretl to the board of Public works to Invest) nrprovement'�
he Ly(declared Public ui'nuce by the tom- N lith-Send [he c cel p i r profile of gate and report Vem ace t hittb �e`id the cos u ac9 plan o profile of
net>Biotier of and the same t hereby smd imProvemeut,as required byelaw,f you re Firet-Is this Impro ant proper wild n s enl.l I. emet t,a required by In
.if you
{ referred to the board o[public works to Ltveli 'port in favor of the same. saery? i report In invur of the
+'Y gate and report: Sixth-Send the council a'proper order directing econd Givr.the council an estimate f the Sixth Send the council a proper order direct
i First-Is this improvemCnt proper and nates-�I the work to be done. expense thereof,and tate wbether of a-half of ing the work to be done.
Y Yeas-Ald.Banholmr,Bfelenberg,Bott.Cope the cost thereof is to be pald into the city treas- Yeas-Ald.Banholxer,Blelenberg,Bot,,Cope-
i exryec.'ond--Give the c ncil n t estimate of th 1 d,,Costello, Dobner,, I ontiden. Gehan, DIc tt)bemc,[he cont 11,In let ams ]and. Costello,llobner, Dornldm F 1 draw,
lee thereof,and orate('hether one halt of \ ,]ftiedy,Dlinea, Sullivan,Mr.President Third ['an real estate to be sed for,.aid Gehan,Mevuntee,Melody,\linea,Settle u,Mr
the coat thereof is to be Pxid into the city tree -14. I,n Provement be(panel LeneH[ed to[he extent of Yreeidnn[ 14 _.
wry before the contract is let. Approved July 16.1890. hol n ce.costa and expenses 11-11ry'to be hl .approved July 16,1890.
I, n red thetehy.
Third-Call Can real estate er fi assessed lox send t Fourth-Ia such Improvement asked for upon
Improvement be found benefited to the extent By em Bot[- the petjtmu or application of the Owners t B)Are Boit-
of damages,costs and expenses necessary to be It is A db}o ornered by the Common Councli of c't oft rt to I h eeown for such It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
th CIL t S[.Ya 1: 2j r+y u props Y the Ctt}}'of S[Paul
��',; incurred thereby" )e se r on wipe a ent'I That fife matter of gr ding alley In block 76,
Fourth Ie such Improvement asked for upon o DTr on etreetttfrom Arcade cattiregetn[o iFonest i Fifth-Send the council Plan or p ofile t I;o[zixn'n subdivinlon of I�ymxu
Dx}ton s uddi- y
tf the o tition or apPllc.tinni'f the ow Here t said improvement,n[+regfdmd ll,Inw,it you re
m jr it y of the property to he nesessed for such street,be a d the eam is hereby ferrel Lo in tuvor of the anme, tion retold the.,,air is hereby referees to the
pp the board of public works to luvestlgate end re- l�crt proper or board of public works to inveattRate and report:
y ,til Fiit
n-Send thecouncHa pplanor profile of slid p )em ecce- si le a d the council a der direct I s Firs[ la this int provemen(proper end necee
b law,it vmu report fist is this improvement t d n inR the work-to l done. ).,
imppr t,as required )' pro• n proper.n Yenx-:11d Bnnholzer.BieleuberR,Bott,Cope
Iv lav)e'if the same. lumj, l;cratello, llerbuer, llonddeu, F,undrxu, xSecnnd i.lye the council an timate of the
Sixth(--Bead the council s proper order direct-j x82'? -Give the cotmcil t stinmte of the a pause thereof,and state whether oto-halt of
pen Gehan,DleNamee,Mel.dy,\linea,Sullivan,Dlr.
1nq[he work to be done. expense thereof,and tate rhetbeI of a-halt of President-14. the coat thereof is[o Ire}raid into the city treaB
Yena-Ald.Bavhulzer,Blelenbetg,Bott,Cape- the coat thereof is[o be p id tutu the city trees- A d Jul 16,]890. u 'beforethe contract la let. ilea
]and, Costello, Dobner, Dorniden, Fmodnm, (try before the contract is let. pyrone y Third-Can real eyt.te to be d for said
Geh .McNamee.Melody,Mines, Sullivan.Mr. Third-C¢ 1 estate to be asemsed for said Br:kid.Dobner- film, ,,,(car he found benefited to the extent
President-14. .nprovement be toured benefited to the extent of It to hereby ordered by tae common eomicil of fnmgey,coats and exlrenaee neceeaxry to be
r I Approved July 16,1890. damage costs and expenses necessary to be in- the city of 3t.Paul; in Fourth b Ia.such Improvement naked for u
- C c[rrec thereby? That the matter of condemning null taking provemen v tars pori
(3 ll By Ald.Copelmid- iFofirth-Is such imppro•amen(asked for upon x I easement to land over the right of traq of the situ petition or application of the u t¢
0 ! It ie hereby ordered by the Common Council the petitle.or spillication of the owners of l:lrea[Northern and eve rete right f avenue for jorlty of the property to be
assessed for such
�J f of the(Y[y of Et.Paul'
ntajorlty of the property to be assessed for such f los p rpose of constructing n bridge,be xnd the improvement!
Teat the matter of grading Walsh av ue. imlI,rrovemefit. to is h neby referred to board of public works ",I(,
Filth-scud the council a plan or profile of
from York street to Maryland street,be an I Fifth-Send the council a plan or pp oflle of solo aid Improvement,as required by law,If you re•
h same is bereLy referred to the board of public said impr required by law',iI you re- Ln first-lgute and report: port in favor of Lite same.
works to luvestignte and report: Port in fa ormf the same. Flea[-la this improvement proper and nates- ,'ix th-Seud the counell a proper order dimt-
�, First-Ie dile improvement d neves- Sixth-Send the council a proper order direct- m�}�' f 111 th work to be done.
provemen proper an s cull Give the council [(mate of the ] .till.Bunholxer,Bielenbere,Bott,Cope.
ears? ing the work to bedons. expense thereof,slid tate whether cue-half of
n i4 Secoud-Give the council an estimate of the Yeas-Ald.Banhoixer,Blelenbe[g.Bott,Cope- the cost thereof is to be fd Into the cloy treae- Imtd, Costello, Dobner,
Donudeu, Flantlrau,
F e penae thereof.and tate 'hether one-half of land. Costello, Dobner, Dorinden, Flandesu, itry before
le let. Gehan,McNamee.Malady,]linea, Sullivan,Dir.
P 0 I the cost thereof,is to be paid into the city treas- Gehan,McNronee,Melady,%fines, Sullivan,DIr. Third-Cul real estate to be assessed for said President-1+.
y ury before the contract Is let. President-14. improvement be found benefited to the extent of Approved July 16,1890.
ii+tl Third-Can real estate to be aesserl for avid Approved July 16,1890. the donor.,costa and expenaesv alotry to be
p meat be found benefited to the extent f leurred thereby? Ilv kill.Banholzer-
u p to be By Aid.`, tt- It{y hereby dered b the Common Couucll of
[dam eRea,costs and expenses necessary It le hereby ordered by the Common Council of Fourth-Ia aueh Improvement asked(ot upon Y ret. S
y Il 4 Incurred thereby". the ecity oft h property
t i the rs i t the City of St.Penh cote
Fourth-Is each Improvement asked for uo on the City of St.Paul: -
1 the petltton or application o[the owners f a Thxt the mutter of paving Enet Fi[tlt street, tiajcrity of the property to be assessedfor such - That the matter of
building n ted outlet
"t majority of the property to be assessed for such from Dfarla avenue to n Point four hundred¢d 1nq�ruvement" O I for Sherman street sew from icaH,reseat ter-
{ im rovement? sixty feet yeast o[said Marin avenue,be and the fifth-Send the council n pine(or pro Nle f tinatian,ns shown by ed Tines on ecompany
-Send the council a plan or profile ofax(d anme la hereby referred to the board o[public sold improvement,es required by Inw,i(you re- inq. ,to the Dllsslsalpi riser,the
present cc+-
improvement,a y }- it),on report ks to investigate all report: I r+rt iv Ixyor of the Bane. ditlmluso,[said tr having
become n public
p s required L law', }' w First-Is this improvement proper and weces- •V xth S red the council a proper order direct nnismwe be and the same fs hereby mlrrred[o
l ! n favor of the same. uI'the work to be done. the board of public works to ui)'estignte null re
SI th-E d the until n proper order dime[- sa.1eooud-Give the council a estimate `.the 1'+e-.11d B rel olmr Bel iberyl.Boit.Cope- pot'(.
( 1; ing the,[vork to be dove. i Ixed�Co,.felt.,Dobner.Ilorniden,F'Inodrnu,IVa- 1''trat. Ie title improvement Proper and neres-
j ]-eu a-Aid.Buvholrrr,Bielenberg,Aot t,(b expense thereof,nndmi tiffs all
o -hallo. Dfluex, Sulli,on, DIr.' a y".
loud, Costello, Pe the L thereof le to be quid into the city trews hen. McNamee, Nl,lId,, ou+ n
! Dobner, Dorniden. Flxndr\o, .before the contract is let. I---dent 14. s Setvnd. Give the c eiI estimwte of the
Gehan.McNamee,Malady.Mime.,Sulhtan, tr 't'Lhird-Can real estate to he nssesaed for said .t pproved July 10,1890. a Pen•e thereof.,card nate (hether o.�•half of
'H Y sident-14. I{ prose cut De found benefited to the extent o[ the coat thereof is to he p.ld{oto the city trem i-
'i+ A Proved July 16,1890. mtc y ed to 1 to be fit- Ity Ald.Ilobirrr- wry'before the mntrnct is let.
P dmmage. o to and expense .r}.
A u + 1 CltembY I[ fa hereby ordered D}'the common council f 'Third. It rem)estate to be mssesaed for said
1 BS Aid.Boit- c ve floe city of St.Paul: o improvement be found benefited to the extent of
III j,S , I[ie Hereby dered by the Common Council of 'Fourth-Is such lmpr ret asked for up..ou That the atter ret constructing x wooden lirages,w to and expenses
nei.•essary to be in-
�! fff the lily M SG Panl: the pe,ltlon or applimttion mf the ow bridge ser the right of way•t the GreatNorth- x red thereby?
i That he matter f const ructin n majority t ty of Lhe property to be assessed for such - y at Hxnrllne avenue be null the same
cub ourth. la such Im r yet er t asked for UPOU
i d Dfargaret street,fro Dlendotnto Forests tie te, improvement? o e, t n
f be and the same is hereby ferrel to the'board F ith-Send the council plan a roflle of +s+htrreiby,referrer)to the board of public work th Petition o npPliPattot+
of the ownarn ot.
of publh works[o Invee[Ige to and report: said Imp-vement,as required by Ix�,i(you re- to investigate and report: 1 'ty of[he Ptolrer[y to be xeaensed for suCli
1•iret-le this to in emnent proper and neves- Port In[...r of the same. Fir -Is this improvement proper and nates- had rc'emseett'.'
1 B saryY Sixth-Send the council a proper order direct- s+t`>'? i F IL[rr ad the counell n plan or pprofile of
r' Second-Give the council an estimate of the in the work to be Second-Give the council t estimate of the said improvement,as required I, ]aw,If You ce-
expense thereof, and state whetter onrhalf of ]'ns-Ald.Banholwe,BieleubeB.Boit.Cope- expense thercot,and state whether ot.e-halt of port In favor of[he same.
the cost thereof(s to be id into the cit-[eras- land, Costello, Dobner, Dorniden, N'Ixndntw 'ihe coy[thereof is to be paid into the city trees- Sixth. Send the council
a proper order direct-
Pa ) Gehan.DlcNnmee,Melndy.Jlinen,Sullivan,Mr. ry before the contract 1s let. lug the work Lo he done.
before the contract Is let. real estate tc be nese+sed for said 1-sae Ald.rinuholver. Biele11 . Fla;Copa-
1 'Third-Can reel estate to be assessed for said President-1+. improvement be found benefited to the extent of land, Cbatellc. Donner, Donddeu, Flandrnu,
l A improvement be found benefited to the extent of Approved July 16,1890.
tea'P s •;Y.t,cl.s,� >-;• l ff"'a"'?ta n<c tz•^^•.k` :T�4nF Ya'-1, ,i,^n#P �'' .f- r 4 ''1'ti�°3>.. r N,,. `m`o°vow,..�
aid report,and to be filed fm the i ice of said It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of
[ -chap. NcNmmee,3felady,linea,Sullivan,lir. fe hereby referred to the boatel of public works board. the t:1th of St,Paul:
_ president-14. [o incex[ignte and report: That said board shall proceed without de That the board of puAlle works of said city of
J i e July 16,]890. First—Is this improvement proper and necee- lay to assess the amount,as nearly as they au1 St.Paul cause the following Improvement to be
Approvedsary. ascertain the snore,\vhirh will be required to made, to wit: Construct sewer on George
i By Ald.Hnnholur— Secnud—Give the council an eetimm•e of the pay the damages,cost and neeli sary expenses street,from Ohio street to Orleunxstreet in amid
It hereby ordered by the Common Council o/the a Pence thereof,and tate whether one-half of of such hnl�rovemetlt upoll the real estate to be city,together with the necessary
catch basins _
( City o[6t,Paul: the coat thereof is to be paid into the city treat- benefited Ey aid Improvement,as provided by ar d manholes.
I I That the matter of filling up lots and parts ur7„'eft re the coon esu to tleeLbe aeeeesed for said law:it being the 2!alon of the counul that teal T,a said board sauce
said work to be let by 2
( of Iota,streets or parts of streets that are mow mproveniennt tee found benefited to the extent of state to be asaeesed for such imf the
emeut can'contract,it urlost be by Inw,without one-halt
i redifues on am- �lumaces,casts and ex uses necessar•to be In- be found benefited to the extent of the damaged, the es ry,s ed Boat being flrat paid into the city
covered with water,ne pe 3 c st and espenees Accessary to be bu•umd treasury,and after Id work shall be placed
comppsnying map,said property 11,11 become curred thereby? thereby. U h der contrnet,Bald board shall pra:eeJ weithomt '
n Dublic nulamice,be and the xnme le hereby re- rred,,rt,—Is such Improvement naked for upon yeas—.aid. B.nh.Iz , Billenberg. C'oPelnnd,,delay to unxexx the amount asnearlyae
they uta
arred to the board of public works to invest, the PetltfulU or upplicn[lou of the owners of a Coxtello.Dnbnrr, DnnilJrn Flnndnwu l;ehnu, mscertulhh lite sumo,which will
be required to
gate and report: nloritY of the property to be xsaessed for such 3(cSumee,y[elndy, linen,so Ivan. 31r Prexl- pay the use and necessary expenses [
Y� First—la thin Improvement proper mad uecex- �mirrovement? deut-13. 'acre I pro ;,,;,t upon the r;nl ext."to be
I sary? 11t[h—Bend the couucll n plan or�roflle of ,\Norm wed July 16,1890. beueliteJ by said inipmvtment,ns VrovideJ by
Sr,mnd—Ghe the conncll an estimate of the said un rovemeut,as retjuired bylaw. (You re- ;tit
It brio¢the oPhdan of t he cmuu•li that rem?
ezpenxe thereof,anJ Lute 'hether oh a-half of t In favor of the same. ]u the matter of the report of the board of i ext attm be nxsem—I for xm•h boprocruent cart
Lha cost thereof Is to st paid into the city trees- p Sixth f Seal the conncll a proper order direct lib Iv works,LOed.I lily' 5,1890, be(uuu,l beueliteJ to file extent
of the cost and
urY before the contrnet ix let. IUR the work to be dune. �t:n h,•n9 v ordered by the Cmuwon council ( I +ner.wxev>•to be Iururnd[hereby.
Thlyd—.ai real rgtutn to be assessed for sod lythe—Aid.BauhoDrr, Blelenber*gg. C'opelnnd, tl„•t ity of St Pat, 1 •t—.\IJ Ball:olxer Hieleubvn. u upeland,
improvement be found benefited[o [he extent Costello. Imbner, Dondden, Flnudran.Gehan, 'Thal the bourd U(,ublic workx of the rIY nt t'oste9u. Uobh,er,UondJen,Fbuulniu,
of damages,costs and expenses necessary to be McNamee, llelndy, Ulnen, Sulllvai,Mr.Pres,- Ft.I••,ul,.ohne II,r to lulling inion rem,lit to be ND•Naul-,Me'ady,31iieu, Sulhvun,
ofd.Incurred thereby" drat—la. wd,,to wit, ,r x•u,widen and -teal Pay r Int 11 —
V Forth-18 such Improvement asked for upon At— ed July 16,1890. ,r,brucrru l..ike t oma nnJ Phalen It"on t1'.1 ed July 10,1890.
the petition or application of the owners of It uv'�1vY atn•e[Ihh>nid wdy.roudendl,g+nh rlthik
1 majority of the property to be assesged for such In the matter of the report of the board of hue all that 1.lid not nlreaJy cnml,•mned or dad .In the,ironerie
othe f
Jehets o tit,board of
t,,and July
1m ovement'! icate; for I•,bbc Use, lying w(thihU the lines t 1+
ry Fit[h—Send the council a plan or Drofile of ablic works doted Jdy a th,1890. 1t hI So y ordered by[he Common council of
Y ) said Improvement,as required by taw.if you �t ix hereby ort. by the Common Council of thin tutllt,pain,1i w luc�d monthtoUIly g.treelt 1+ ,re U
h report fen favor of the xnme, the City of St.Paul: I the city of St.Hriil:
Sixth—Send the couh+Ml a proper order direct- That the board of�nbnc works of the city of Tbnu.x:riJ bonr��gh:Gl rnxted without delay[p •Chat the bonrvl of aiblic wvorke of
sold City
Ungg the work to be done. Bt. Paul cause the following improvement to ns ss the un,ou,t us nearly nx thew ens ixc r- lit It.t'aul cause the I Ilpwing improvement to
q Yens—old. o be d rxr,BieI fi,,rg.Boit,C'oPm- ire made,[o wit: Condemn nn 1 tike an ease- ruin the same wuich will be require,]to pay theto ait: Irol
Costello, Dobner, Donrfden, Flnndrn u. mens in the lend abutting on nJe,Uks street,Dei dxninRes,etosno'rdh teal estate to easvbe fbluefiteJ }f uninune avenue to�Lr�xmg[on�rlu
avenue and Ire-
land. Dlelud lfiuex, Sullivan,17 r. twee.Vcl[enemy street and 1>eSoto [rest, `` e en e
Gehan,McNamee, Y•• said city,uecesenry to construct the elolres for l p said improvememeut,as provided AY Inrr:i[ luu,l h:t re.•t,from llamliue avenue to Lexington
Pres dent-14. cats and fills in grading fid Jen it tree[, b- being the opinion of the council that real estate r i t city,said grading to be done un-
h I Approved July 16,1890. twee. sxfd screere, to [be 't bit grade to be seed for sue h Improvement can be l dernpe c.tract
! thereof,ns shown LY the profile of sufd grade on found Lnnefited to the extent of the damages cue[ That said board c.usr said work[o be let by
By Ald.Blelenbetg— Ile In the om,x of the retosW.r of deeds in mild and ev{enxea necessary to be incurred thereby. cO°tract,ns provided by law,being first yywithou�othene-half
g It is hereby ordered by the Common Council for Ramsey county.and it the office of the city fens--\Id.Barholrer, BleleUhheUtz, Copelnn'I'�mind after said cork
s1Uxl1 bee,lmed un
`,. of the City of St.Pail: i r:said lopes to extend oat and one-half Castello, Dobner, Dorniden, Flandran.Gehan, der contract,said board shall proceed without
That the matter u[gradin¢ BL.AlAnns street ngih Ile\once,llelndy,ltineu, Sullivan, lir.Press lielnp to x s [he amount ns nearly ens they
ane Grotto street,from Front street to right of fill ue jndlcated t u the Flats of to 11 elopest ate den[ 173 1 July I0,]890. tau pec rtain the game,which will be
way of Creat Nortberir railway,Sittnson street, [ached to sxfd-reVort, and to be filed in the •\PPvove` to pup tAe coat anJ necessary evpensee of
Burgess street, Topping street nd Atww ester off re of said board. uch Improvement Upon the real esT It
to be
5 I street,from Dale street to Grotto mused be and Thnt sill bourn shall proceed without delay In the matter of the port of the board of beaeflte,l by maid imurucemeut,as
provided by
-y the same ie hereby referred[o the board of pub- to assess the amount as nearly as they can as Public•works dated July 16,1890. law;it being the opinion of the couned
that real
lie works to investigate anJ report. t tniu the same,which will be required to pay tis hereby ordered by the Common Council of Ietntc to be unsrssed for xuch Improvement
can a
i First—Is this improvement proper rand neces- the damages,cost and necesearyexpe,,ees of such the City of St.Pun l: be found bell to the extent of the cost and
sary? tm v meat u on the rent estate to be benhefited That the board of iblic works of the City of lenses n aro to be incurred thereby.
6ecoud—Give the connMl an estimate of the. er em Pel un—old. Hn.,I Irvr, H'I III re, l'opeland,
thereof.and state wehether o,e-halt of by said improv ent,ae Provided by Imw;it be- S[.Paul cumxe the following Improvement to be
fl e in [he o futon of the conncll that real estate to nude,to writ: Ope ,wviden nnd extend Sl mpaon Costello,Dobner, Dorniden, Flxndrau. Gehun,
thecost thervot fs to be paid Into the city trees- R P 'e 3b.\mace,llelndy, 3[fuea,Sullivan. 3I r.Presl-
wry bei re the contract is let. be assessed for such Improvement exp be found i len a from Charles street to l n' rsa l ave
R Third—l;an real estate[o be nxsegsed for exld beuefl[ed to the extent of the damages,east nnd UU a in sold city,sondem-mgandt king all that dent-1:3. 1
pX I improvement be found benefited to the extent of exreUUsex necessary to be Ineumd thereby. Ixnd,not nlreadp condemned or dedicated for Approved July 16,1890.
n p j damages.costa found
expenses ed to the x be fu- ]'ane—Aid. Banholreq Hlelenberl, Copeland, labii[•axe,IyduR vvlthin the Knee of F t On nve-
h curred[hereby? Costeltu, Dobner, Dorniden, I'Inudrab Gehan, nue In the HamibnI Syn(need Addition Niv 1, in the matter of file report M the board of
'0 Names,Dlelady, Mine., Sullivan,Dir.Press- 2 and 8 to R.Ymul,Produced south to L'nlver- blit workx.Juted JU1,l,i.1fit
r Fourth—Is xuch Improvement asked for upon dont—ln situ,,venue fill's hereby nrJered by the t:onunun C'onncll of -,
the petition or upplk•xtfotn or the owners of a 18D0. '1'i at
add hoard shall proceed without dela.
P Approved July 16, to nxxexx the amount xe ,early.a they tau nx- the t tv of St.Paul—, the petit of the property to be uesessed for snc1U That the
bunrd of ubl(c workx o!said city of t
p 1m ovement7 certnlu the xnme,which will be required to Pn3• pp
0 Fifth—bend the council a plan or profile of In the matter of the report of the board of pub- the danagex,conte and necessary expenxex of Bt.Paul amrw the follow(ng fmProvement
to be
ward improvement,ne required by law,1f you re- sic works dated July 10,1BD0. such Improvement upon the real extnte to mn,lr,[o-wit: Pave Selby avIII enue,from yySt.ol-
j port bU rotor pI the some. It In hereby ordered 8y the Common Council of be Imurllted LY del fnlprovemen t,as provide', t line street and cvictub rl[I gnuJte,ll
Blatin—bend the conncll a proper order direct the CIL f St.Yto
nui: Ly Inw;It being the 1; 1.11 or the couucll thut t
In the work to be dm1n. That the rbanr0 of puhlfe works of Lhe city of real exunte[n be nxmexned for each Onprovemeat the contract for said paving the nevesxnry newer
j Yeum—Aid. Bnpholrxq H1Meuberl[. Cnlrelnnrd, 8t.Paul cause the following Impprovement to he can Is.
found benefited to the extent M the dam- conmwtlmhx to the iRoperfY Ilues.
�i C-etdlo,Uobtler, Dornldem Floe nor,Oehau• mode to wit; Coudmmn and faits nn easement +igen,voxtn mud expenses net�xxnrp to be lucumd Thlwt add board cnuxe add ie rk to
be let by
• j
McNamee,DleladY, 3itueu,sulllvuu, l(r.Yre$i- 91 the had abutting on Lawson street,between thereby, a utrart,ux rrtnided by law,without one•hnlr
Dlr.Wummy street and Be Bot-xtrent,In 0.ld Yeax—Ald. Bunholmr, Blelenb,rg.Copeland, the estimate(cost tieing first paid hIo the city
- y deaf-18, p Coxtello. Uobnec, lyornld fir Flandruu,Gelmu, treasury.nnd atter slid work xhnll Ixf printed
j J A Approved July 10,1890, city,nttxsxnry to construct the slo ex for cute C-Cello. olum unJ, contrnet,sold Donrd shall Procmd with.
and Illlx In gradhrg maid Lawson xtrect,betwe I y,!flim., Sullivan, 3Ir.Pres]- -lit debp• to nxtuxn the¢mount, 1x a•xrly
Hy Aid.Blelenberg— paid xtreetx,to the eatnbllxhed grndu thrreu4 nx dem[-18' nn they can a etdn the name,which will ba
IL Ix herubY orders( by elm Common Council of nhnwu by the Prolllm of x010 ggrade on the In rho Approved July]t{,18D0. n•qulreJ to PnY the cont and uca•xxncy exPensee
the L'Ity of Bt.Lwlo odlce oyf rho regfxtmr of deeds fu nnd far luwmxeybe board of
'J, I
That the I" t,11 of Rriuilnqq an alley IIIµloock cul 1 sin aux tonextend otteim omit one bait(l�y)�tceemti �nplicne corks dniadh June rt�]8D0 and July benmlltrJ n�liyrxnid�ortp
r,iveuUmutrnnl l rovlded 1 y
j Nu.D,of Le
wi'tlecond udAftion,Detwern Y .1 cut or Us
G' arty b it I Fs hereto ront per
and pr.`m`.: rated oft the plan vof ysaldt slope$ atltuchedrtto f0.18000 lav,It being the opinloi of the c•muhcll that mal
av - w x:':� ..r r,.rv.. ...+sY.:.•av - - �$ .a✓r. ''
M. ie here, referred to the board of public works aid Fort,and to be filed in the of itt of said 1t fe herel,gSdered by the Common Couvcfl of
+(� eh . McNamee.)fendy,)linea,Sullivan,.r y V board. the cl t St.Paul:
1 President 14. to III athim slid report: That said board shall proceed without de That the board of Publle works of said city of
Approved July 16,]890. Firot—la this Improvement proper and necea- Jay to assess the Pmount. Iy as they can St.Pani cause the following improvement to De
I( ar)Pe?ud—Get• the council t etimir-e of the Hain the enc which elite be required to ands to nit: Construct wer on (ieoage
( q By Aid.Banh,iwr— s n thereof,the tote whether -,of of pay the damn ee•cost and ¢tee ty apeusev stttet,from Obfo street to Orleansstreet hi eaid
It hereby rdereA b)•the Common Council of the Lhe cost thereof is to be paid into the city tress- [such Impr a tt upon the mal estate to be city,together with the lleneesary
cutch baeltta
City o[fit.Paul: -before the conttnet Ix let benefited Ery aid im t n[,as provided by at d manholes.
P That the matter of filling up tote and Warta u y before
it rent estate le be assessed for said lax':it being the.piston of the council that rent That said board cause said work to be let by.
of lots,streets or parts of streets that art•how state to lie aaseased for such Improvement coli contract,as Provided by lax,without ue-half
mprovemeltt be found benefited to the extent of
covered with later,as ehoarn by red Imes on ac- be found benefited to the extent of the damages, the eatlmeted(•os[bels¢first paid into the city
�ompanying map,said Property haven¢,stone I damafine,coat laud expenses It a s.ary to be In• cost and expenses necessary to be Incurred treasury,still atter said work ahu11
be pplitced
public nulsnuce,be olid the name is hereby re- correct ther,, - thereby. under contrast,said b...dahallproeeed x•ithout
Fohrth—Isxnch im r •rment eked for u on )
(erred to the board of public works to Investl- �'° P yeas—Aid. Bunholzer, Blelenberg. Copeland, delay to assess the amount as nearly as they Ixu
f I. guile and report: the letltlun or appl eatfon f the of era of s Costello.Dnbuer. Doridden, Flandraib Gehnn, nacer0a]r tl(e ran e.which will be required
First—is thin Improvement proper and sects- ma fority l) [he property to be assessed for such TtcNvtiee,)fendy, %linea•Sullivan, Mr.Pres]-
the osc sad necessary expreusea of
fm(rrovemeut7 dent-13. ucli improvement upon the real carate to be
t 1 en6ecund—Glue the council an estimate lit the 11(th—fiend the council x plan or profile of Approved Juh•70,1800. benefited by sold Improvement,as Prodded by
expense thereof,slid state whether one-half of said I- oeeme It,as required bylaw• t you re- In,;it being the opinion of the council that real
the cost thereof Is to be paid Into the city June- Port fn favor of the same. In the matter of the repart of the board of .acme to be ussexsm]far,such hnprovr ti nt can
Sixth—Send the council a proper ruder direct- nbJe xorka dated Julylir,1800. ;le found benefited to the extent of the coat and
' ury irdbefthe realconestate
Is let. big the work to Ix dune. nn i t s
Third—"un I estuite to be assessed for aNJ Blelerbe Co 1 d, It ix htrcby.caeca LY he Culn rt.P council c•(' r)to De hwurnl thereby.
( im Pro est be found benefited to the extent oYex Aid.Banhol-r, rg x pe n tl,e t'ity of St.pool: eC�ein a.\id.e Bualtul- lileleubvre, Co',ei and•
vem C tell., Uob3lener, Don�lden, Fatn r Gehen, r'
J f damegen.costa slid expeu,en necesnxrY to be )fc•Nnmre. .b er MIN., eul3van,]Ir.I'reel- '1'Ihai the board,f I,iibllc works.f the coy of rater., D.,bver,Oonaderz,p'bi odnau.
iv trod[hereLY:• Y. St.paul taoae the fo toning Imam vetth•ii[[o be McNamee,)leludy,)linea, gallium, )It.Preel-
�' Four h—Ia such improvement eked for un n dent—I f. n.l,,[o wit: wldru unci xt,.1 Payne dent—I:i.
the pe[It1on or np{rIf,atfoii l the Own— 1 Approved July 36,1890. I, .i:e, l`1
('Dour and I'hulrn avenue Approved July 10,1891.
majority of Lhe property to beasaeesedtfor such +ml icy st"t la xnid city,condemning amt ink.
It 1m(;rovemeur? In the matter t the report of the board of lug all that I:iml tmt sirens)'lcmIemred or dad- In the matter of the ports of the board of
p, I lith—fiend the council a plan or profile of pi blit works dated July loth,1890. It'nied for i•'iblic tae, 73'Ing tai[Itln the Tines of�. VuLlic works,dated J nue
1•t, 1800,alit July
Eaid Improvemevt,es required by law.if yon Ittis hereby ordered by the Common Council of I'uyue nverme in![nrGaon:Ofd }I¢udv'a nddl- 1 1.1890,
i report ha favor of the name. the Clty of St.Pato: tlon to tit.pant,Im anted south• treat. It is hereby ordered by the Common Council.1
Sixth—Send the wxvcil a proper order direct- T,ntthe board of 1r1 hitt arorke of the city o[ That
su i,l bu:,r:l sb+alI proered"ithou[d0,yto he Ot,of It.1'md:
iag the work to be done. St. Patti can Lhe f Ilowli s improvement to s the xm.n:1 a 'I
,,ns they ran n c '1'hxt the iroxrd of`a bile works of s:Od(:ity
Y-ear—Aid.Baaholz Billeaberg,B. C•oQe- be made,to wit: Condemn ad Lake xa e - talo the same what,aalll be required[o pa)-s the �f tit.i'raul cause+be f lloxiag i nprovement
*.( land. Costello, Uobner, Imo"Thm, Flarzdr t, mint 1n the laud abutting Jenks street,be- damages.cost auda=1-ry expenses of such Int.1,e x'it Grade('npitoI
+ , from
Gehnn,McNamee,Melady,Miull, Sullivan,Mr. tween NicAlenemp street and Desoto street,in 77 rovemeut upon the real estate to be beuefl ted Hanmllnr I,lhxI,legton avenueitai
i t..
g Pmsident—t4, said city,uecesanry to construct she eloIee for l,y soul t,lie provided by Inn;it III street,from I Iunmline n-nue to Lexington
+ gpp1 APProved July 16,1890, cute and IIIIs in grading id Jenks street, be- bel g the opinion of Lhe counefi that teal estate s'enil'e`t said city,said grading
to be done un-
ad' tx'eeu said street,. to the tnblisbed grade to being
lie ed for such Imp c(vent cull be d tt—t.
NN If Ud.Bielenbe _ thereof•as shown by the profile o[said guide on found c,eflted to
tbeextent of[he dam n ges,cost That.,aid board c e Id work to be let by
y' tt3 file in the once of the regeter of deeds in and a d exfensen e+rp to De it urretl tbereby. contract,av procldedu Dy fun',without one-half
IL le hercboy ordered by the Common Council for it,,e [ d lu the office of the cit 1'ex—.ted.Benti�iholrzr. Bieleahexr, C.Ielxad, the estimated cast being first pu
d Into the city
oft [SLY 1�L.Paul: et ay voun)eBxn ty tre¢aur•,and atter void work.old be laced un-
I a(d to to extend one and one-ha f Cos[elto. Il+.hner. Dorsi den. Flundrnu,Gehnn, 3 V
That the matter of graalln¢SL.Albans street +'1dn p r Ver contract,said board shall d without
ane Grotto street,from Front street to right of f I-,)feet on said land for even-foot f cut o Dfe Nam ee,%leludy,\fines. Sullivan, >Ir.Preef- protx•e
way of Great Northern Fruitililwal..Stinsov street, fill,as indicated t the Qlav of id elopes t- den t—]6, delay to it ss time amount ae nearly
as they
Bur¢ees street, To In street and Atwater tached to id port, and to be filed in the Approved July 16,1890. ca m ustxrtain the same,which illberequired
fff Pp g .(lire of said board. to puy the coat and t ss ) expenses f
{ pt street,from Dale street to Grotto street,be and That end board hall d without dela uch improa'ement upon Lhe teal exit to to lie
the enme f,hereD referred to the board of pub- proeee y j,the in of the port [ rite board of jrenefited b
y re to assess the amount as nearly as they can a- ppublic works dated July 15,1890. y n¢kl intorovemeut,as prot•ided by
Ifo wot6 to investigate and report. d uece fain the same,which will De squired to P y It Is hemby rdered by the Common Council of law;it being the opinion of the coumil
that real
Flrat.'In this improvement proper an x [be damages,cost and oeceaearye pea rtes of such the City of St.Paul: tate to be xxsessed for su h improvement can
u arse lid—Give the c nal a estimate of the Imprc cement upon the rent e,I,t,tlbe benefited That the board of rublie work,of the(Sty of be found benefited to the extent of the
coat and
'�• �' S o thereof.slid state whether ore-half of by end Improvement,as provided by Iaw;ft be- St.Paul cause the following improve t to be }'� 'es+try to be Incurred
thereb Y.
e penes i the o 1 1 m of Lhe loan,
mal estate to u¢de,to wit: Open,widen slid extenIf Simpson expci s Ald. Bnuuolmr, Btelen bete. Copeland,
{{ the s[fife of in to be paid Into the clty te...- i g P tt of proyemen e.from Charles street to iverelty ave Costello,llobner, llornnen, Flnudruu. Gehnn,
be assessed for such 1m t can be found m i Uc\nmce,)felad )tines,Sullivan, )Jr.Presl-
-f 1. y beforethecontract Is let. f t 1,
Third—Can ren]estate to be assessed for enbl benefited to the extent of the damaiSes, .at and said city,condemnfngand takiug all that )••
i 33 ea euees nevessn to be Incurred thereb hu d,not nlrend• o dent-13.
improvemeuc be found benefited to the extent of j-sae—Aid. Bsnholzeq Blelenbetl[. Coyjteland, pualic use,Ido y ill in thelinesof dedicated for Approved Jul}-16,1890.
damages.coats olid expenses necessary to be iv- Costello, Donner, Dorn idea. Flnndrau•Gahan, ue f the Flame Joe Sy ndica[e Ad litnnso*�ivs,
d thereby:' McNamee.Melody, 311nea, Sullivan.Nit.Priest- 2 Hud 8 to St,Pail,Produced a ub to l:nia-er- ]n the matter of the report of the board of
uFourth—Ie such(mprovemerzt eked for uo ov dent�l:i sity avenue. Pu bllc arorke,dated July 15,1890.
tae oetition or npplicxtion f Lhe oa re ( { d Ju: 16,1890. That ssirl board shrdl proceed arlthou[dela.• It is hereby ordered by the Convn.0 C'ou veil of
pp)tit�or the pmPrtry to be-edforsuch PProce y to assess the amount a8 ly ns they esti as- the CYtp of fit.Yeui—
g a f Fitch a 6endv the council a plan or profile of In the matter of theret of the board of pub- c rtafh the some,which will be required to p.v- That the board of yublic
worl-e of said city of
said Improvement,as require by 1¢x',d ou re- report
P the damages,costa and t rssary expenaes of fit.Paul cruse the following improvement to be
Y he work.dated July 10,1890. etch improvement upon the real estate to made,to-crit Pave Selby avenue,from St.Al-
k port in fncor of the enme. It is hereby ordered by the Commou Council of
sixth—Bead the council s proper order direct- [M1e Cit of St.Ysul: be benefited by eaid improvement,as provided bans street to Victoria street,In said Illy,with
,;?f• a.>.'I; iag the avork co De done. That the board of ppublle orka of tM1e city o[ Dyalnw;n befog the opinion of the Couucll that der blocks and curb with granite,Including
r p y ! ye Aid. Barholrrr, Btelenberg. Copeland, St.Paul cause the forublivg imppr ant to De e 1 tate to be asees,ed for su h hnpr •e ant the cantons for anti.suing
the necessary server
a C.stello,Dobner. Doniiden, Fl andrnn,Gahan. ads to wit; Covtlemu lid take.aline mens can be found benefited to the extent of the dam- c tec[tons to the!R pertay lines.
bfeNamee,\leb dy, 31tide,Soilivun, Air.Presi- In the land abutting on Lnx'eou street,between ¢gas,costs slid expenses vecesear)-[v he incurred That said bo+trd casae id a
k to b,let by
::. dent-18. )IcD[enem .treat and De Soto atelet.fn eaid thereby. contract,as provided by law-,without lie-heli
Approved Jul•16,1890. y Yeas—Ald. Banholter, Blelenberg.Co land, the estimated coat being first?aid into the city
! pp Y city,ueeesesry to wustn{ct the slopes for cuts trea.ur lid after said
work shall be laced
V"'n•y7), and fllla In grading said La.,on street,between Costello, Uobner. Dorniden, Flatidra, Gahan, y a
Ald.Bielenberg— said streets,to the established grade thereof,as 1HeSnmee,lleledy,3liuea, Sullivan, \Ir.Yreei- under contract,said board shall proceed with-
P p
is hereby ordered by the Common Council of shorn by thn profile tasaid grtide on file of the dent—13. out de1xS to assess the amount, n early
q office of the ter of deeds Fade
for Ramsey Approved July 16,1890. a« they can ascertain the enme,achich will be
Y ppp 1� the(lty of fit.Paul: recd ,ulna to pay the cos[and necesaxry expellees
That the matter of, Ing an Iley in Block ec Uy,and In the face of the city glntvr In them tter of the report f the board f _f,.,_
f e h lm pmvemenc upon the rend estate to be
No.9,of Lexie'Decond addition,between R'ay- eaid ap Ilse to extend Due and ..r-hal (lis)feet public works dated June 14 1890,and July AeveI, by anld no prodded by
to and Front per pet:G d tOf he salve anted Dili the fjgn vel y f'at ocut or fllselvdi� 15,1890. Iaw,it Deing the opniou of the council that reel
erty holders hereto aitm:hed,be nn p u ,s a lopes attached
E r r S=
a I
'k ,..j estate to be nm s 1 for such improvement be placed under coutrnet, snid board they mainly depended for the support of their William F. Ttvohy,vice Sexton,promoted;
can be found benefited to the extent of the cost shall'proceed runout delay to ae a the families have been swept swap by the storm. Henry G. Reichow havfu been detailed
• �' and expenses nems,ry to be Incurred thereby. umou t,na hearty as the' can necertain the We would,therefore,recommend the[w e m- i alai duty In looafng atter pawn-brokers;
j { a Yeas—Aid. Bnnholzer, Blelenberg. Copeland, same,which sill be re
red to ray the cost mittee of the common council and the boar,i of \elenthte Krnszewski, ice James Dealt.. re.
i Costello. Unbner, Uordden,Flandruu, Grhan, and necessa y expenses of such Improvement county commis.loI'll to at once appointed slgnrd; John C.)ICCarthy, -ice F. L. Law.
I McNamar,Melady,M sea, Sullivan,Mr. Presi-�upon the real estate to be benefited by said im- avl[h power to net,maid committer to proceed ut� ace, em,gtned; Peter Schieber,
vice Fred
dent-18. Provement,tie provnr1,d by Inw,it being Lha once to the smile of dtsas[er and ns rtafn and j Tegeler,resigned,and George C.Allen, epactal
Approved July 113,1890. opinion of the council that real estate to be as- determine the needs of these nntortun ate tits-.Policeman to do duty iu the vicinity of
the eta[,
sassed for such Improvement can be found was,and to make ail tie«carry tie• gemeuts fair grounds during the Twin C7ty rmCa.July
In the matter of the report of the board of pub- benefited to the extent of the cost and expenses for their relief,and,In the meantime,rnlirect the 2a to Aug.2,1890,pureu¢nt
to n resolution of
r' lie works dated Jnly 16,7890. necessary-o be incurred tharebv. board of control to provfde for the immediate your honorable body, passed July 10, 1890.
• �rp It is he ordered by the Common Council of Yeaa—Ald. Bnnholzer, 13teleubetq, Copeland, still pressing n ants of the sufferers. \'cry respectfully,
YYii�l the Cityy of St.Paul: Costello, Dobner, Dorniden. Fhu3drau,Geh¢n,
We have the honor to transmit herewith and Ronenr A.Sytmt,Mayor.
j That the board of ppublic works of said city of y[cNamee, Jfelady, Mince,Sullivan.Mr. Press- make n part of this communication a petition Aug.o,1890.
•F 9t.Paul
cause the[ollowing improvement to be.den[-1:3, in behalf of the cyclone sufferers signed by some Accepted and said appointments advised and
f 66 tl made,to wit: C'ons[ruct ase r on Hodson Apt!roved.Judy 16,1590. of our leadius citluns. consented to.
s i u from Forest et reec a Cypon-
ress street,h- Adjourned O CLLLE\.President of Council. \eIf..respectfully..Snt M.y.r. ley.eCoralaud,Costello,John—Dora di,n,CGe.
11 t
said clay,together v1[h the necessary cutch- Tilos.A.0.0.
CRY Clerk. July 18,1890. hon, McNamee, Melody, 11finee, Sanborn,Sul-
basina and manholes. y Accepted. I(can.Van Slyke,Mr.President.—In.
That said board cause said work to be let by Also. From Rob[ C.Fisk and others
coutrnet,es provided by law,without one-half Onprvenctz Nn. 1,878. SuHerere—Lake Ger:nis Cyclone— For n Chau a of
7� the estimated cost being Iirst paid tato the city g grade on Rivitlt street, be
tl treast Ire and niter slid +'ork hall be placed The Common Council of the City of St.Paul do To the Honorable,the President null Common tween ytt.Ida street and Lafayette
under contract,said board shall proceed with-! Ordain as follows: Council.City of St.Paul—Gentlemen: Board of public works with order.
t ( out delay to assess thelarount ne nearlyasthey Section 1. Permission and authority Is hereby I have the honor to inform you that the From W.II.Amos and othen-
7 canascrrtain the mewhich will be required to given unto Jacob Litt to erect and maintain at board of county ommtssfonere of Ramsey (ommunication addressed to Aid.Bleleuberg
It ppay
the coat and a ecexsnry pauses of uch r n r the corner of Sixth and St.Peter streets county held n meeting this afternoon uc d uskmg tore<tensinn of electric railway]file
- !1 fmprovemeat. nn tthe real estate to be b efited In sold City.
un trout dad ns a pn t of the con- o'clock in it
to the ev r xnfferera tic Como nyenue on Front street to Lexington ace
p9� by snid Imp emetic,ee Provided by law it stnnctlon f hla Grund opera house,tour Iron G—iii. Inke.null appointed tit+committee of cote,etc.
3 bei g the opinion of the council that real estate columns built upon atone bases,to support all three to act in coninnc•tlou witch a similar cont. Aldrrmmn of the
to be assessed for such improvement ern be"ornamental Porch,each of the acme to occupy a mlttee on the port of the rommun council of From H.Kut zky and others—
benefited to the extent o[the coat sell ex- space two feet square and two and one half feet the City of St.Paul to visit [he above aria d Protesting against the grading
pensee necessary to be incurred thereby. Ion a diagonal line from the p operty line on the locality,sari to [tike such netirna as may be street.
liana—Aid. Bauholur, Bielenbere. Copeland, sidswalkx of said street,;said work to be under deemed necexsnr�-In the premises. Committee on=treats.
Cost lie, llobner, Dorniden.Flandru at.Gehnn,'the clirec[lo. supervision and Inspection of the \erp rexl.rtfnll y, Fmnn ('harles Betcher and C. E. Friedrich, `
)I'•Namee,)lelady,Mines,Sullivan, Mr. Press- building
Inape,tor o[snid city. ROBERT A.Sarni,>(nyor. Chairmen of Cnm mittere— i
t •+ dent-18. .sec.:.. This ordinance shad take effect'and July 18,1890. Inciting council to nt[eml the public memorial
Approved July 36,1890. be In force from and atter Its passage and pub- Accepted. vices(July '26,18110,)ac Red 1Vfug for thorn
' f lac ation. Aid.u;ehan moved that n eontmittee of lour •ho perished in the disaster on Lake Pepin July
In the matter of the port of the board of Ye e—Ald. Bauholur, illelenberg, Bott, be nPpoln ted fur the purpose of investigating 13,1860, `
u` public works dated Juiyy 11 181 Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Dor olden, the mutter of the suHrring coaxed by[he recxrnt Alm died and placed oa file.
It Ix hereby ordered by the Common Council iYl u ldrau,Gehan. McNamm. Jlelady,Sullivan, cyclone at Lnke Gereuis. From.atrick J.Hogan and other-
11 YY ( of the CYty of 8t.PmIL• VaSlyke,Mr.V1re President—I�i. Adopted. Protextlug nguhist [he widening of Itnnrlo
7- That the board of public works of maid city Pulsed July I I.1800. The president q,fudnted its snid committee'street.
i 1 Provement to 0.0.(b[a.ex.President of(bmmll. Ald.Geimn•Copehan,l.Coil]-and 13mtholmr. Allard of public work,.
of St.Paul eau,,the ollowing Iia Attest:Tues.A.Yttysuena.[m,City Clerk. A6Jourued. From lillzn •[h Sweet—
x be sit:Gin,a and surface Thlrrl street, July 28. 0,n. TLI 9N,Prcxldeut of Council, laking tom a
j tram EnrI.Crest to the,amt city llmitx In Id y I pe axutloil on account of the i
} ofty. Presented to hl.honor Cha mayor July 10, Tilos.A.Prsex'ueuanxr.City Clerk. drowning of her husband.George A.Sweet,in
t; That maid board cause maid work to be let bye 1890,for approval and not returwd within the yllmsl.xippf river on.lune 6,1800,
e contract, as provided b)•Is"-without cote-half Ove day.nm prcmerlbed by the city charter the Regular ,heating, I.namitt-cot chalmx.
the estimated coat bean Il rat ulrI auto tam alt •ante is lu I.—. From Sels Pwa m..I—
g p y Sr.Pucb,.tug•5,1800. .liking$ln(3 ahunngem—mol]removed from lot
• trenxury, and niter ,add work xhnll be PInceA President Cullen fn the chair. 1,block G.lugenuAl'x addition.
under contract,maid board shall proceed with. - Special Dteeting. Present—Ald. Bnnholzer, I lelenbett, Butt, Committee on claims.
out delay to ewers the amount as nearly as 8r.Hatt„July 1R,1890. Coral•y,l'opelnn't Comtel I.. Uubnrq Uunudru, From Norah 3 ullmae and Charles Kell—
they eno ascertain the same,which will be re- d
+ Finn au, Gehnn, McSamre, MCI¢dv, )linea. For n newer on Grove street.
q qudred to pay the court and necemeary expenses President Cullen In the chair. Stillborn, sulllvaun,\'un Slyke, \Ir.Premfdent— Board of
of each Iiappmvement upon the real,.tate to be Present: Aid. Annholur, I3lelenberg, IIott, 1 Puhllr,works with order.
[t? benefited by said Improvement,as provided by Conley,(:opeland,Dorniden.Flundrma, Gehan, 17. From Margaret Coriy— y
law; It be fog the opinion of the council [hat Mr.President-9. >Ilnutes of preceding mrting approved nand Cinlm—e17f0 damages—(+ailing ou,elefec[Ive
S ,�1 real e,tate to be asmm.ed for such Improvement cod UNICAMoxs. dlspeneed with. sidewalk tee it alai a m[reet.
R can he found benefited to the extent of the coat cuaiatcx'trenoxx. Committee on clulnax. V
and be found nenefited to be incurred thereby. Fiona His Honor the Mayor—Cali for the Meet- From Him Honor the Ilaror—Policemen Ap- Front H.Schulz said others-
1 Ye.—Aid Banholzer. Blelen ierg,Co land, g Pointed. Protesting against the.prinki(ng of Hastings
fy f 1'a Hie honor the mayorcalled the meetingforthe Tn the Honorable Preshient and Common arcane from buten avenue to Vuple street.
'A. Costello,Dobner•Dorulden.
,Idr¢u, Gehnn, purpose 0f taking action fu the matter of the Council of the Cfly of St. Pan]. Gentlemen— Committee on streets.
1 McNamee, Afelndy, Nluea,Sullivan,]Ir.Presf- uttering Caused by the recent cyclone at Lake I have the honor to Inform you that I Imve From A.B.Riefer and others—
dent-18. Gervafx. tide the fallowing nppolutmentm uu Cha pollee For the o_nin IFI.erm.d Mmu-Nu streets. i
t •`�a- - Approved July 19,1890. ,accepted. tome,mad I ask sour.lvlce and torment [here Board of publliCeorka
Also, tai,viz: From Ch._J.
Ulon and others—
In the matter of the report of the board of Sufferers—Lake Gervais Cyclone— Wllllam Hart to be a jailor at Margaret street Protesting against sprinkling of Earl street.
!' r' ublle works dated July 15,1890: To the Honorable the President and Common sub-etathi John MInOr to be a j Ilor at DUCe. C'ommlttce ou streets.
IL Iia hereby ordered by the Common Council of Connell of the City of St:Paul: treet nub-station, ?Ilchne1 T.ebidn to be n From S.F.Croch and others— '
the City of 6r.Paul: Gentlemen: We are Informed that great dls- lnilor at Rondo street m b..Dation, For n change of grade on noble street,from
T1 at the board of p blfe work,of csiA city of trees and suffering Prevail h[the district around Han. Aamold to be n patrol ngma C'oneord street to South Webashn street.end
f St.Paul call%the following improve 5.1,to be ],site Gervaim,caused by the cyclone of Sunday, driver at\largaret street sub-mtntion; 'I bac
l fore I,bliahment of even grade between Cou-
msde, to wit; Grade summit avenue south, the 18th Inmtnnt,and we deemed It our duty,as Devitt to be u ppatrol wagon driver at Rondo cord and South Wabash,.m[—is.
�. I from 6t.Club,street to Randolph street,In said tion ae we were lsformed of the fact,tocall your street sub-mta[loil,Albert Westernhagen to be a City engineer.
I, Mty honorable bodyy together In order Chet fMmed,. patrol wagon driver at Uucasstreetsub-station. From A.Pugh and others—
That said board cause said work to be let by at action might be taken to relieve our unfor- pursumt to Ordinance No. 1,861. passed by Asking council to small order for sprinkling
contract,ns provided by law,without one-hail who bave lost their all In this your honorable body' July 1,1s90. I have )found street,between Hastings and Burne
pp the satiamU cost being first paid Into the dire calamity. Houses,burns,wearing appam]. also appointed on the regular poltm force, to enue..
h City treasury, and after said work shall slid in some cases crops and gardens uponwhloh serve as patrolmen the following,viz: Committee on streets.
I '
y is
, .
1� ,: ,.•, r:-, is ,.,�,.<..- a- a ;)r=uF.,t. €`< arv'rtr."r. 'i ,•�-'`r_`t T?r'^t`�r'r�tm��- "d'- ;c;a .a'�,:i'�`}s n,x#�s+,tr•3..r•s# s"'>,�,'^s`rr',_
� J ;,�'
<... _ -.. �:• , qty.... ..,,. ." .. -:', .'
3• - f
From American NIauubseturing Co.- F m R. V7 H. Brad secretary pro tem, c Dtrto-of F v1) 830.1 95 St.Paul&Duluth Railway.822.26;
• Trnvamittin through ro a ory n u s
g corporation attorney board of park commleelovers- New Cltyhall andcourt❑onus fuutls. 514,7{S.A{ A. li. 1[e9Rren. $1A.-5: Seribuer-Libbev Co.,
asee,ytance of Ordinance No.1,342,passed blap TraltumitOnR copy of reaolutlon adopted by City funds.......................................377.8;T-22 58x9.7;;Nn}•ee,Nros.S
Cutler,$87.36;Bronv, t
Ileo bond of said company - e 1d Uoatd Tune 20,189.,m mg toe xe wing City water work............................ 21,879.61 Trent•y'S I...$18.60: Mathew Craig, 824:G.
-' par a re n wo
suant to sxW ovdiumtce,in sum f $6,000, of,, on Snmmit xveuue along frontage St.Paul public Iibrary.................. 9.C.749A \\'.1lerrii7.F84: Merrill Toilet Supply,$6.75;
" with Charles Stone end A.R.Starke as nuretlex of Carpenter Park. Police peuslon turd ... O.1n,Y 38 R•In. Nerbaudt . Co. 363; \y 9u as,,,1S r,
` (said It ptance and bond approve yen tm form Request Rran[ed and resolution for said side- x18.3_;Pioneer Press Co,$1.626.99. ('.Stone,
ce d
t '! by corporation attorney.having been filed h,i walk u•ioptetl under suefx'nslou of Lhe rules. Total.......................................${80.260.94 IS—
No.It and flnnl,'Ifetidot a road wooden
• the city clerk's o1Hce on July 3U,1890,at 3 From C.H.Johnston,nrebltect- wut:tte neeuaneo. bridge.81!)15.89:Chicaxggo Brld xnd Iron Co..
• ,, o'clock 'Prntumltti11 dual en[imute.8680.86.favor Flrnt National bank....................... 528,7+X.96 Extimnte-NO. I,: Hnxl,ytrmlotx rod bridge.
Ache ted and ordered Hied. Penne Nuala SI -
P S alull el l..Elle and marble Merehantti Na[lonnl bmtl............... 11,782.11. R2.xri 1.1 l:C'.E.:audeem Extimnte No.8 n d
street gntdiuR.
From James ion to
and others- work,wits xnd enuuty hospital Nati of 1 eranto-Antert.,.........nk... 11.1_8.x_ final. Bttrr SlC>7; Rtock[ott&
1 For permission to Reade Brand street,from Allowed by following rote: National German-American bunk... :i0,8!l A.n3 I.Ingnixt. Estimate No. 2 ami Htixl, M. in
%e...rd street to White hear avenue. }-ens--Ald. Benholrav, Giw1r.berg,Bott,Con- Germxnfa bank............................... 4-},'.11n.n7 s[rcet sewer, S20:W.,7.Preston.Ex[i
tva[e No.
�: ",t7 Granted. (See reeolution.� ley-,CopPeeland.Costello.Dobver,Dormdett.FI¢n- .St.Paul National bunk.............. 28,73H..8 4 xud fund,newer nn 1f.rt in street.etc.,
From Como Vllins ¢ad W-readale Citlzeun' drxtt,rh1.ZDle\nmee.llrl�y.11 ftten,S au born, Commercial National bunk........... 4A.:{57.14 Butt-,&J,loolon,Estimate No.3 wad final,
Cnfon Sullivan,\'nn Slyle,Mr.President 17 ad Natlonnl bank ..... ... . 5:t:17 1.1 on 1'lea-Il systole.S6,:,1Lannnn&Julm
j Fero
For openmR and grading of\'Ic[orin street. neroarn of Err oeetrAtul. `,avinge h:tttl .t1)!i91,2.: amine};u[imate No 5,xmtPlemaht td to Nn 4 xnd
Rnlinl of public,o=I with order Yeople'x bank..............................1.. 2:i.+19.:17 linin,xrn rr nn Uelox et rest. 82.1: B.Trus.Esti-
-' '( From Como \-Illae and R'arrcndule Ci[Izene'10f CIES Treunurer-ItePort for Tuly,l890. ceveu('ora-bank......................... 23 1119.112 No.:xml lluxl,Rrxding
Alleybluek S,Fincb'n "
Tothe Honorable the Ptenident and llembens
l-niou Capital bank :t ul;17 xddlnon,5126 V F Uuw;an,Es[i matte No;
of the(.ummon Council of the Crt'o[St.Paul: „, S'l d;g R 1.oh•h street,oatl,3 o.
For[he opening and grnd(nB of Orchard d luentlemen I have the honor to submit to Sex[Side bank )2.rix2 44 owd filml,
Hatch resets. a dinavix A I-t�k. '8.840.74 AI Allo---I and orJered uatrl by following vote
yyou the fullowin nml dls- Stan
7 �IEa Board of mthlfc works with order. itmxementx of this office fr. Jul int 1,]890,to Bunk of if r1)'t Ic fess \Id lbinholzer, Bielenbety,Butt,Con.
From C'Is.. Sldholm, Rudolph Well d count. {649'>_ ley,('o I 1 Costello,Uo`ner,Duntiden,FbOl
July 81,1890 inclunlvr. "-' """"""
others , in•Nniln. vicN:tore, lelxrlp, \linea,
�ES For eew'er on Front st.Bad Lexlugton xveuue.j AACFAPln. Total..........................................'4:{0,:50.!bS born,Fullfvull,VI Slyke,1I r.Prenldeut-l7nn
111 Board of public[corks,with order. Balance..................8426,197.02 Respectfully submitted.
From G.A.Whitshorne and others- 1 County treusnrerJuly GEunre RxI., Of ('fly 1Lngineer-Plasia for Hamline avenue 4�
1 For grading of Burgess,Topping and Atwater settlement............ 032,648.64 ,C t}•'I•re.inurer Bride
streets. Mlatit!smI court floes July 31,1890 7'be city enelneer enbmits plats for wooden
Hoard of Public works,with order. n d feee...... .. 3,324.80 tf` Committee on ways and mca`ix. hndm over right of any of Great Northern ruil-
From E.W.Winter d Fred A.McArthur,by Afurket,muster,(lull Of City Coma3�troller-Audited claims.via: 1iy xt Ilantlfne avenue.
their attorney.Theo.E.Parker- rent.... .... ... 100.00 Gen.J. 31 stch S Co.,SIU: Edison Electric t C•onnnit[ee on wan nml means.
For the vacation of alley in block A of Linde- Pomtdnge ........... 211.60 Light and Power Comli y,314.34, 1f.N.Mc.I ,Liao,
mnnli a subdfy-naion of lots 8 and 10,H}•de Park gnlld;fl 111b Lexu,54.1 i;Board of Water Commissioners, Estimate-
addition to St.Paul. B Pector.... 1,808.60 327.11 Bohn}[nnuhacturinR Com tim city engineer suhndts
C9ty clerk................. 780.00 Company,5888; The approved b3' him
t etreeta Ihlwlh n flion n1e�fte�'arrle veto committee oil
St.Paul n'orkllouee.. 1,505.77 R.C.Cla[•k.$7.60;SG Paul(:ns I.IRh[Compvily, estimate No.2 and flual,fire •istent opposite
1,y ac as t Interest .1! water $195 0 i; Finelt,Van Slyck S Co..SO cents;C. IlouRlas s0o,ol.G.Ramloa.S95.
IS ,t
d • 1 and said petition rderel filed f rd bonds............. .. 5,857.:10 }i.Wllliema.$4.37: 5fxendier Bros..66; Inde- Allowed xnd referred to tom Lroller.
witth the may clerk and the city clerk directed to Water de to rtment..- 76,311.97 F'enden[011 Cont r,xny,S78.42: 1Uixfleld&Sen- p
a Ri e the necessary p Ill atiou notim. 1 b P fens-Lid.Imalo lzer Bleleubety, Britt, Cou-
B Fy m F.Gutkn1ebt and others- Hedempt(on receipts. 28,Oi 7.91 try.R6.oi4:St. nal I& Pxet9c Coal C'om Puny. lel'•Cu xband,t'oxtello,Dohuer,I)ornfden,Fl_
Adv. tl�nyntentx oft FttA(1.75; Kirkland&Starkey,Extimnte No.l do ,(�eh n McNnmce.lloI -.Kitten.Fuubont,
F grading of Goff avenue from Dearbor seas lmeexsments- x65.16 A de street tu•w x}'[em.Slfori O' T yf nlo}'. BNIlvntt \nn slyke,DIr.Presldenfr-17.
0 or v x
a Eli,etc. Repnirittg pared Eetltnxte No.4 an�irflnal�newer Stryker u\'e Alxo, t
oBourd of publlc wnrke with order. street ................... 234.135 line,8153.50;Maloy& I)ow,listlmn[e No.f2, A,E.7.anRworthy and otherri petition eakfu
F m N.H.Am s at d others- I fb ry fin 08.26 euppl nentnl to No. 11 wad at, se er that o n 'e ase neat against the proper[} g/
3 F r change of Rtade on Uxlord tree[,from park c ndsxiou r.. 3_.110 t n Chnbos rtIs treet. etc.. 3:700; F. wL•, urI e\(nddemxxlironxon's addition, be set
Orchard street to right of way Northern Pacific Interest oto deposits. '271).9'2 Ilraper&('o.•8187.60: Nicola & D-O.57.42; i;�li_
r 11wx Hoeringer&Son.S4.75; Joint 1lartin Lumber The city enRlneer makes nu¢dverae ton
Y. CertlHcntexo(Indebt-
Board of publlc works with orders. dnesn.................... 5,1)x0.()1) Co.. 82.988.4 G: Buzille & 1'xrtridge, B:i D.130; report
From A.N.f'el tier- xnid petl[intt. _
I.Iceuxex and permits. 16J)9u.8U C..1I.&et.P.ftp..511.21);llaygorCnaiR Corl�n- Accepted and said petltlo0 denied.
PelffinIs for Permission to erect hay scales In ,Lxsenstnent collet- ration.857.80:St.Pnnl HnMw'nre l'o..51 Y_.]U; Also,
�. front of 817 Jlleeixsippl xtrcet,accompanied hY tions.................... A4.xx0.67 Robinson&Cary Co.,130.50;J.Kidders.820.11: Ald.Cnpeinnd'x reaolutlon Instructing city
bond 11) $1.000 with I'ay'les W.Emmert and '' Board of Nater Cotnmiaafoners, 827.15; K.P. gltreer to ex Feud 5200 to snake 1 I
Pnnl A.I.nrnllee 1)x rt!re[les. "amonseau",* C,]tell.570.50;T.W. ingem,11. 83: )loses lie ` Prufsx)e u rood
ut ted(see reaolutlon Cit between Nfe.lenerny street and end of near grade
I- I,r ). y orders Pald....... $6113.646.01 Roche.Still:Ed Lynch. 81118: Louis Hnttxen, t 1flxxl-11,Pf xtt•eet at north eft))'hml[a-
From w-illhant L.Ames and others- Flre depsrtm'at sear. 5104;ylartln 1f Null Y.$104:Toho Hutler.8101 ; o The city engineer reports that It would be im-
E ( For pe ]axion to gr¢de Harvester avenue. ants 11��aid............. 24,968.47 Ed S.Bent,.5240.90:Die\'olksszll nttR.544:3.nri; tt,exible to Ret to Illnn
bll road n the linea I.-
1 ` Graf ted( r solution) I\Vater Aepnrtmeu t 1lseudler Nroa.,SR 20 95;G.111tsch.5311.411 L tiaoI In said rc solution for$2x0,but that a
4 From F,.S.Chitteuden and others- t r1) is paid....... 64,182.94 E 'hep ley,528.26; N.Ctvinlughum.GO cents i l 7 ntu be made between but shut
i Asking for abatement of Azothn Manufactur- St Paul workhouse Donaldson,O len fi Co.,45 cents;J.G.Du F�nxsa t e roto Y Pp
w r ,! aunt[, [rest all 1Ic1[enemy street on Iowa sheet for
h1R company nutsnnce,eta La putd....... 1,713.23 841.A1h Kenu}•Bros.,$14.61);American 1lxmt- 82(11).
Committee oft streets I St.Paul
(library sear- facturing Company. 81.20, H. Bork. 5;3.7.5; Alderman of the ward.
F, ( F m Stav k&Co. r is paid. .. .. 1,087.93 Ptncrek&Zik td 82.60; .T./'.HnttleY Lime _
For Per Iasi [o transfer to No Thomas Pnrk comndxslonera' I-mplay.S'2{,F..T.Llnne&Co.54.26.R F
tree[b of
]leen.,Not 69,tanned March 17, warrx s amid...... 4.459.83 Kna Co..32 95: Sattler Nroa.. Sltt7.i:i, 0! Cnr torn Gion Attorney--C'ontrnct hospital
1890 Interest tt uPoux x huell A Krsnk, 50 sots: II )I.Croshr bulld�nR-
Committee on license. paid....................... :SU,886.0U 818.69;P.J..iogan. SA2. Hxdfleld Cpal:and The copnrntion attorney submits draft of
ti From Charles Howard- New city chall and LlmeCompnnp,580:G oodyen r R"bber(:ontpuny, contract,I h Taylor CYnig rorporu[lon for cos-
+• t For permission Lo traveler to Wettzl Krxra vovrt noose oar- Sa.'25;J.P.Gr'bben Lttmiter Contpnt>,}-.Fl l 0;; st ruction 1 rd building(or city hospital.
butcher license No 13:3,issued June 0,1890. nts paid........ 191.68 St.Paul Book -Stxtmnery Co..339_13:John Z-pted. (Sm resolutioml.
-1 CUmmittee on it, Is_ Redeemedeertlficx[ea Mathefe, 8S8 58: House [ Gond Shepherd, Of Inspector of Buildings-Report for Jure,
r it From C.A.Rieger of sale .. 52.095.53 874.10; Aug. JncksIu, 8fl 96; Carl Berndt, 1890,city treneurer'e receipt for 5798.50-
For per•nisxioi to transfer to No. 860 Rice CStybonds redeemed. 6,875.OU 832 80:Fronk T.Bongs,Sin.O:i 4 hlQma.1 & Committee on ordinnnres end pvubllc uct•munta.
et.,butcher lf[ense No.77 issued Ila rah 28,1890. Police 2ms fund S.O.56.78: Prendergast Brox.,529.71): Robert'Of Clerk f Mtudcfpal Conrt�Heport for July, -
Committee on Incense. ry paid............ 83.33 Stege[.$7.1304.40: Aue.Jobst,tlfi.61); Rdlaon 1890•city trexaurer'e rece(pt for 53,317.60-
o e
D From Arehur ker city
V, c ,c y and county physl- 1[IeeeHaneotts die- MannmwturinR Co..370:Henry Simon,5104;J. C'ommlttee o0 ordh u s and publtoacconnte.
chm- q buret men is............ R6U.66 L.Henry.36: St.Paul Sanitation Co..876; T. O[Chief of Polito-Report for July,1890,total
t LrA..khntxtl0n o[r]),slek�ipPed ambulance lot Bnlauca own Itxnd..... 430,260.93 J.Kenny.830 48 J.J. Kennedy. 57.42: Au- arrests.661;thwacollected bymunicipalct urn•
ythe Suit L Tillman, 5200; John Safranek.l $2,966
Committee on streets. Total............81,182,270.76-$1,732,270.76 $200; E. McNamee•380.80; R. T. O'Connor, Committee nn ordinances and publicamounta. i
S: t
n�t�yr` _t[,y.T^ {-3ii�et T 7'^`arr7x'�"riye ssr rt t..:;'r y �4 °,..�F;'�' T a..� [ y,•Y � ^,k..�
P,h.. - .t';✓ 'S* -,tom ^!.-.,k.' �' T.M1. Y? "ealKfS.... t^" '» {
w a }
{ 0I C.
rain of Police—Report for July, 1890; consideration the resolution....der ofthecom- provement and an xder for your adoption,1f Respectfully port that It is necessay and
tl gas amps not lighted,2;oil lamps notifghted, n council,approved July 2,1890,relative to you desire its to make the imvrovemeut. proper to grade tVext Seventh street,from
286- thegrading of Simpson avenue,from Mlnnehaha Peas,4;nays,u. I earorR street to Fort Snelling street; LHRh the 9
City comptroller. street to ('harles street, and, having invests- R.L.GOR>[AN,President. estimated eapensa thereof Is 812.080,one-salt
Of POundma.ter Truax—Report[or July,1890; gated the proposed improvement: J.T.BEAKER, of which need not be paid Into the City tmas-
1 city treasurer's rdi:mi for 80— Respectfully report that said improvement is Clerk of the Board of Public Works. uty lbef.m the contract is let; that real estate
! Committee on ordinances and public acenunte, necessary and proper: that the ti mated ex- Aug.4,1890. to be
nsaex.ed therefor can be found benefited to c.
Of Poundmaster Hinkel,Eleventh Ward—Re- ppeease thereof is 8850,one-half of which need not t Adopted. (See order to board of public the extent of the coat and expenses necessary s.
pport for July,1890;city treasurer's receipt for be paid Into the city treasury before the contract work..) to be incurred thereby;that Bald Improvement
820. ie let,that real estate to be assessed therefor Alxo, is not¢abed for by n petition id I majority o[
Committee on ordinances and public acconnta eau be found benefited to the extent of the Ch¢[atvorth S[ree[Grading— the owners of Property to be assessed therefor,
! Of Pomndmastel•Meyers.Teeth Ward—Report cost and exglusee ii—sa iry to beincurmil there- To the Common Council of[he City of St.Paid; but u'e Herewith scud a Ian and
ILII for July,18911; city treasurer's receipt lot by;[hat said Improvement Is not asked for bye, P profile of said
822. The board of public works have had under Improvement,and an order for your adoption,
a titian of n majority of the ou0tin but by the consideration the resolution or order of the Improvement,
desire its to make the improvement.
I Committee oil onlht.nces olid public accounts. [nal reafdent Oa'l1Cra of property to be assessed common council,app aced.Tune 18,1890,rale- 1•eae,e:onyx.0.
{ Ot Poundmaeter CnmiiH Repo[fordul}-,1590; tl a for,and iv herewith send ci phnn and pro- five to the grading Of Chn[sa or[h street,from J.C.Qvt,av,President pro
C treasurer's receipt for Stu. filte of said improvement and an order I.
your Laurel avenue to Ft.Clair street,and, hewing J.T.RengER,
Committee oil ordinances and poblic nccouuta. ndopti n,if you desire us to make the Improve In tngnted the yroposed tmf� cement: [jerk of[he Board o[Public Works.
4'I REPORT mF HOARn OF PBIILIC ROILAtl. t. Respectllllli repOCt that Bnld InnprOVemeiit t9 July 2{ 15110.
Street Opening,etc. - Peas,4;nn7e,0. neceas¢ry a d proper,that the et Adopted.e.- Adopted.(See order to board of public works.)
r E 7'o the Common Council of the CYty of S[. R.L.GonxnN,PteBiden[• not
nse thereof ie 88 180 one-half f veIdeb need
J.T.IiErsgF.e. the Paid into theca}treasury beforetbe:on' Also.
I � The board f public aorkx have had under Clerk of the Board of Public Works. tract is let:tont al eatnte to .r assessed Geranium Street Opening,Etc.—
3I 1_ consideration the re o lutlon or order of the Aug.2.1890. therefor can be found benefited to the extent of To the Comm nn Conned of the City of St.Paul:
�� f commoncouncil ap7. d June 18,1890,reintive A'h,pted. (See order to board of public the cost and expenses necessary to be incurred The board of
.I to the opeuluK nil a Wentng Rose street,from t orks.) tiaras [int card nn public lot"have had under
Sy van to Cortland, and. Imving Investigated Also, b 3'. improvement is uo[naked for coueiderxtlon Inc resolution of Haler M the
( the t y n Petition of n majority If the owners of common cOuncd.approved June,18,1890,rem,
.t I Proposed improvement: Mareuret Street Sewer— prog1�eny[o be assessed therefor,but is asked stile to the opening and widening of Geranium
Re.prc•[fnllp report that it i it and To the Common Council of the City of St.Paul: for by n petition of actual aidrnt anct prop tree[,tram Sylvan to Cortland, slid,
having .
proper to open,a-trieu,till extend Rose street, 'file board of Publfu ro ks have had oder e-ty owners representing 2,141 feet on the line iucea[Igated the proposed improvement:
between Splvxu scree and Cortland.[reet that cousiderution the resolution r der of the of the Proposed improvement,and a-s herewith Itespec[hdly report that ft Ie,necessary
] the estimated pence thereof is 860(1: common council,approved July 16..1890,rel,- send s pbnn ml pmfilr of said Improvement, proper to op`n,uideu and extend Grnuiium
j t
that real estate to Le assessed therefor call be till to the construction of R sever Olt)fur- and n order ror your adoption,If you desire lie ytm c,be[ween.'ylvun etreer and
Cortland Street;
f t found benefited to the extent of the damages, guret street, from 5leadota street to Forest to make the Improvement. thactheestimatedex
h t Cost and pease therefor call be
expenses necessary [n be incurred tree[,and,having lii{'Q.LIgR[Pd the proposed Peas,;S;Iia}s,n, real eatnte to be assessed therefor call be found
that said Improv.meat is not asked fur improvement: J.C.Qt-Bl,President pro tem. benefited to the extent of the map.%,costs S:
bya petition of as mn)OrRyof the owners o[prop- Respectfully report that said improvement 1s J.T.REII—, Hund eepenses a sary[o tie Incurred thereby;
r77 - erty to be nese 1 therefor,but we berewlth necessary mudP oper,together with the neves- Clerk of the Board of Public Works. tl:at a 'd im
f send a plat of avid im ov-emenc, and nn order P Proceiesineut ix not asked for Oy a
i Pr sary catch b¢etue and muuholes: that the esti- ,fig L.1890. petition of n tnuiontp of the owners of pr'opert
for your ndoptton,i[ you desire as to make the mated expense thereof Is 8760, one hid[ of ped.(See order to Board of Public Works.) to be asaea.ed therefor,huh we herewith
I a
s I S Imp ot•em«tit. hich need trot be paid into the city treasur provement,nnd nn order for your
]tax ITU O. Y Also, Plan of xxlJ im
before the contract is let;chat real a tate to be Hng¢e 1\•cane Grading— adoption,It you desire u.s to make the fmptove-
"; R.L.GOR\I nN,President. assessed therefor call be found benefl led to the meat.
J.T.K...... extent.t the cost uud expenses Henri-cry to be To the Common Council of the City of St,Paul:
Clerk of the Board u[Public Works. Incurred thereby; that .old (m rovement is The board of pudic corks have had under Yens,4;na}-e,0.
N f - Ado ted 1890. asked for n P consideration the resolutlon or order of the Com- R.L.Gorsu.[s,President.
` I Adopted. (See order to board of 5' n petition of n tmniority of the s:
w'ork.. public oa'uere of property tO he aaaetlsed thherefor.and mon council,n roved Dec.6,1888,!_I_
oI to J.T.IfeaRe.R.
i ) we hrr""ill send n Ian of snid'inn the Sending o[Ii set.,¢venue from Lexlugtou to (lerk of the Board of Public Works.
Also, and no order for P Pincement Fnlrv-iew avenue,slid, having Investigated the July 28,1890. ti
Winslow Avenue Grading— Sour adoption,if you desire us proposed Improvement: Adopted. (See order to board of public
t R to make t„eimprovement. Respect a ly port that it is necessary and u--a.)
T the ,,r,!lommonCouncil of the(Yip of St.Pane Pena,4, }a,u. proper to grade Hague avenue,from Lexingt r
The eboaror, of e is works gave had outer R.L.Gou.,—,,President. avenue to Fxin•I, veiine,ex[pph cross the Al...
consid rx[' i the
resolutnou order of the J.T.l:En¢eA, fight f way of the('hlcago, 5[Ilwnukee 4 St. Olive Street Grade and Sewer—
�: common council,approved July 2d,1890,Tela- Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Paul Railway compatny(Short Line);that the To the Common Connell of the City of Bt.Paul:
( > Live [o the grading of R'inslow xceuue, from Aug.6,1800. estimated expense Prospect terrace to.[nnnpolls street,Hud,haw- pe nse thereof is 87,000,one-half Ill
The board of public works have had under
Adopted. See order toboardot ublicworks. which need not be aid Into the cit treasury I consideration the resolution or order of the
fee invectfully the proposed Improvement: P ( P ) P Y Y
Rrepectfully report that said Impro ement ie .flea before the gnu tract 1s let; that Mal es. common council,approved June 18,1890,rela-
y all proper that the estimated ex Alley Grading,Suburban Hills— tate to be assessed therefor can be found bene [Ice to the co struc[lon of a seurr on Olive
j pestle thereof is 8 0,890, one-half of which To the C'om moil('ouncil of the('it•of St.Paul: fired to the steric f the cost and expenaea street, fruont Willi." st[eet to Yenneylvnntx
need of be } } nece.sary to be incurred thereby;tint eWd fm- n lie: iso grading Olive street,between Penn-
into Lhe :t• it The board o[public works have under provemenc Lv,eked for by x petition [ a sylva ufa avenue and William.street,to the es- 4
before the coutrnet le lac:that real eatnte al be consideration the resolution or ler of the i
easeased therefor c be toned benefited to the common tion tcouncil,a majorl[p of the owners of property to be as. tablfehed Reade and to the full width.and,having
approved May '21,1890,rel.- sensed therefor,xud we herewith Benda I posed improvement:
extent of the coat and expenses necessary to be [Ice to grading alley, between blocks?and 8, profile of said lmnrovementt,and n order for Investigated
spectmllyhe p port that It is necessary
E'ii incurred thereby; that said Improvement fa Suburbain Hills addition betwee [oandalid your adoption,1t you desire lie to make the im. a d proper to grade Olive cheat,from
.F; naked[or sy a petition of n 77ority of the \lain streets,and, It investigated the pro- provemeut• eplvxulx avenue to Williams sheet,and to con• t
i• ownetn o'f property to be escarole tf for and posed improvement: Peas,4;nays,0. Strutt x sewer on said Olive street,from Penn-
herewRh send a Plan and p flue of std 1m- Respectfully port that it IB It'Ce9sRr)•and R.L.Go.1-1.President. T
Provement, and n order for youradopclon,tf xylvania avenue to Williams street, toRether —
M desire lie to make the im Proper to grade the alley, between blocks 2 and J.T.KERRER. and 4
r provemeut. g,Suburban Hilis,Se.Paul,benreeu Mound street Cier-of the Board of Public Works. solid grading adnexessarse—eicatcug tobedone nacante cone
I j 7•eea,4;nage,n. id Bate+nvemre (formerly Main street);that July 28,1890. ntrect:Linc the estimaced pease thereof is
R.L.GOR\IwN,1?realdent. rhe estimated expense thereof ie 8460, one- Ado ted.(See order to board of pubile works. .1itrac;twit: grxdluR. 8470; ser, 8090;
` g J.T.KeRgsn, P
(:lark of the Board of Public Works. halt o[ h(ch need of be
paid Into the city Also,
treasur before the contract is let:that reale ant-Half of which need not be paid Into the city
a 4.1890. y a- West Seventh Precef Grading— treneur}•before the contract le let:that mal
t' 11 Ado ted. tate to be eesessed therefor can be found bene- To the Common Council of the Cit of St.Paul: a tate to to assessed therefor can be found bell-
or"p (See order LO board of public flted to the extent of the cost d ex nee. Y -
1. 1 w .) pe The board of publicw'otk,havehaduudercon. efited to the extent of the cost and
necessary to be Incurred thereby; that said im-
"A Also, eldern[lon the resolution or order o[the common calx acs nece..nry to be incurred thereby:that
Simpson Avenue Grading— Provement fe not,sled for by R cetiti.n,but council, xpprove,l May 21, 1890, relative to said improvement le not asked for 1;a petition i
y #I upon personal application of s ajorlty of the the grad lig of Welt Seventh street,from Tosca. of s majjority of the owners of pproperty to be s
! To the Common Council of:he city of St.Paul: owner. of roperty to be assee.ed Lberetor,and rota avenue to Fort Fuelling bridge,and,hsving I atleeseed therefor,but we
herewd[H send a plan
,I The board o7 public worts ince had under I 'e herewt[6 send a plan and profile of said Im- Investigated the proposed Improvement: and profile of said improvement,and
an order
A is
fir,,. .$x�at' � .itiRr..•3`". .r:.,, "r'•rE 'sell:: s ¢ K„a_ �`,'S3' "'i'"l.�t. - iT ..° "y"a''}` ti
t ,a,••, '� :'� - .'3}t mqn
t I�
' for your adoption.if you desire us to make the Also
t. Al... n[ed a written protest against the Proposed
tmpro eves. SILIeY Street Pavtttg Tuscarora Avenue Grading— Impn+vemenl. yb'
leas, n, To Im,Common Council of the City of St.Paul:
' T.C.Qmxnz,President pro tem. The b.urd of ubl(c orke have
had dee To the Common Cotmc•ll f the 1[y of St.Paul: ]las d,nays O.
{ S[ J.T.KErsaEa, covxideratlon the resolution or rder o[the The boe�d of public,orke have had Undertow- J.T.Keagea, R.L.Gorzxwx,President.
-I (Clerk of the Board of Public Works. common until,approved Sept.7,1889,reds- sideration the rexoluLiov or order t the c - Clerk of the Butted of Public Works.
1 f'" J Iv 24.1890. Live to the paving of Sibley- street,between m con 1,np ved June G, 1890,relntive
{' 11
Adopted. S ord,,t,boardof bliew•orks.)
Ninth and S [reefs,with Loader blocks end to Lbe actin 7rTuacatorn n from)Ill- July
28,1b90. F
Ag x {I p ( ee Pu yenta s Br 6 o Alderson of[he wird ,
. AI.o, W.m. rbing.and.having tutest4mlad the ton street Lo Pleasant veno atW from Lev A-
I Ffaber Street Openfv¢,etc.— proposed improvement. fvgton uvemte to Hemline nen tae,.aml,having Al...
1[eep�tfullry report that xaid improvement ie etlgated the proposed im r vemeut' Sewer-.North Brive,o
1 To the Common Council of the
City of S[.Paul: trot t e d per a to
the nivel stall-re,ort that enitl im t is y of Park Plnce—
i The board of public tvorkn hove had nder a)can pro t till.time, Respectfully { p ve en To the Common Council of the City of St.Paul:
stderatlon the remob"ma r order
of the aeon that, t n 6eaoaX before said board,a not necesenrn and pro{mr t Lille time,for the Th hoard of public a ks have had under
cot�mon council, pp ved July 2,]890,rel. large in,ority of the pro Percy ou'nerx luterested re n that t s hearing
[mfore said board all aiders tion [he re.oluthat o order f the
Live to the ops tinBra idsid and extension of Pre ted n ri[[eu p ote.t against the pro- persons present interested were opp,'red to,and otmmot until,approved Jnnerl8,1800,rela-
j Fisher street,from ]-.sear x• tt [o Keller DoaeLL 1m{roeemenc. Peas,S;nays,U. on one appeared fu favor of the ,up tied dive to the eonat nwtlon of asew'er ort Lhe
north 7
r treat, and.having htvestigated the •J C Qm:wax,-President pro Lem. provement.
R proposed J.T Kerzgers, 1`enn,4,nays.O. drive..x}•of Y+trk Place,from the nal line f
in[provement: lot fourteen(li),lurk Plata ddiPlin to St.
Res tfull ort that old im lark oI the Board of Public Works, R.L.Guaw.ts,President.
pet' Y p Pero]emeut Jttly 2J,1890. J.T.Keaa.n, Paul,[o[he Wiley on the west line of said ddi
.Y { Is necessary nt tl proper: that the state ,}]daemon of the ward Clerk of the Board of Public Works. t(ou,and,having investigated Lilo proposed im-
,S pence thereof is YGO, that to 1 estate
to provement Po provement le
VI� see a Alao, July 28,1890. { y-re rt that said(m "
s sed therefor c be found bene- ]tea+eetfull
filed to the extent n( the damin;ee, coats Itobic Street Gtadine— Alaermun of the ward. tot necessary nit%proper at this time,for the
d expense. t e to be incurred To the Common Council of the City of8c.Paul: Also,
1+ ry reneov that at n hearing
before ILL board
1 i thereby; that s Lid improvement lx not The board of peublie w-orke h, hutl unser Olive Street Yawing to le of the 11��r__rtyowner.mterestedapI mored
i asked for by.Detul..of a maturity of the o u- nmiderntiott til resoluctov o order f the To the Common Council of the City of.St.Paul: in!nvor u[[he proposed improvement.
Tr`.I prolmrty so he s sed therefor,but ave common outs it approved June rl8,1890,rein- The board of public at,ka have had oder yam+�:un3's O
herewith nd x plan of said Imptovement, ad five to the grntliwq o[Robie street,from South consider.[ioit [he reeolutfon r order ,(the R.L.Gouxw v,Preeidevt. s
{ n rder for your=mA.n,if you deans us to Wabash.street to Ohio street,and,having fu- on c un fl.approved July 2.1880,min- ,T T.KEtutEa,
-, m ke the Improvement. CIRa[ed the proposed improvement, Live to paving Olive street with cedar block,,to- Clerk of the Board o[Pitblle[{'orke.
a]'aux,d:nays,U. v Respectfully report that said improvement Is gather 'Ith atone b,from Grove street to July 28,1890. _
R.L.Goaxwx,President. =.
rot a ry and proper at this time.for the Olmuted street, xaid, having investigated the pldrnnnn of[he wand.
J.T.KErzaers, n that st a henrlag before xaid board all proposed fm".'renteat:
j I Clerk of the Board of Public Works. {'ers.ue present interested we opposed to RenF�tful?y report that meld improvement le Also,
3.2 d no one appeared 1n favor of the proposed not „cry and prolmr at til to time,for the Thirt-oil,Street Pxvin
t Jul a 1890, n. aeon that nt u besting before said board a g
' 4tloptnd. tree order to board of public improvement. Yeux,i' Tx, 6 T.she Common l'ou is of the Can of in Paul:
t 1 works.) R L.Goaxwx,Presldevl. targe tvn7orlty of ebe property oaanet7 Interest The board of bile w eke have bud under
i Also J.T.KE»ggrt, d presented n w'n[tett protest ega(nxt the pro co
nsid-liti-I the tiresobrtfon o order of the
Df Colla Street Seager lark f the Board of Public]]'oika. p -ed improvement. common -o iel,approved June 18,1890,r In
agt July 28,18P0. ]'sus,3;nay,,u' true to ntheutpuvinB f Thirteenth tre¢t with
�. Totbel'ommon t'o..ellof the Citycf St.Paul: Alderm¢n of the ward. J.C.Qetnav,President pro tett. cedar blocks,from Robert street h sdl+all.with
The board of public 'orke have lead under Alyn J.T.KEneea. tree[. and,fro mB investigated the
.Natation the maoInt
lon or order of the tom Clerk of the Board of Public Works. ptopmetl
1' m n cou»cll,vI'proved July 16,1890,relnttve DleWtolla Street Gradins July_4 1890 Improvement:
to the construction of a sewer on )I To the Common Council of the City h d Paul: Respectfully p pr
i.�. fits°oft. The board of public works have had vault Aidermau o[the.'sect. 1 cltully re ort that said Improvement is
stceet,fr.m Greenbrier livalme to Pnvou ave- Also. not necessary and p op at chis time,for the
i I nue,und,having Investigated
the o con.idarxcion the resolutio» or order [the c reason that t hearin
{, ¢e B Pr Posed im- ommon council,app ved Jau. '2, 1889,ref.- South Robert lid Colorado Streets Sewer— lease that
B beton.aid board a
' y tome t' 1 To the Gammon Ccunclla of the City of St, Paul: t a ty of the propert3'owners present
Live to[he grading o 11Z,`l is street,from Rice d Y
}, 1 Respectfully report that said improvement is street to llfsslea(Ppi street,and,having Inveeti- The board of ttbltc arks bunt hod under interea[e fere opposed
to the proposed Im-
r got necessary and pro{xr at t6iu time,for the ted thepropose d Improvement. consideration the resoluItons or orders of the provement.
tam.11 that at a hearing before said board a ga t common councll,u"])proved respectively.June 18. ]'ami,8;ants,0.
.i' le a ma'oritp of the Respect fully report that said hnprovementis P Imf'
tit 7 property owners Interest- not necessary and proper until lolly opened,Lha 1890,relative to t to cmtxtructlon of u sewer oil J.C.QofxaY,President pro tem.
i ed presented u written protest against the Pro- city enidneer havIng advised said board that South
Roberttreet,from Colorado,tree[to J.T.Keane-rs,
a i posed improvement. said street la not opoen from Abel street to Cort- Delos street,and on Colorado street,front South Clerk of the Board of Public Works.
{ j Sens,d;nays,0, land street and is my thirty-three feet wide Robert street[o i;ltntou avenue,and,having in- July 24,1890.
{{ R.L.Go.wwx,President. south of block 7,Westminster addl[loil to St. ve8dgated III prop..ed improvement' Alderman of the war.4.
Kespectfully report that said improvement le
J.T.KEClerk Paul. ]sae,3;nay,0 r Also
Clerk o[the Board o[Public]work.. vtw teat vecemhat t room nt this time,for the -
7 ' Aug. ,1890. R.L.Goa. x,Per era that, t x sex Ung before eutd board u Lake.Co and Phalen Avenue,Hud Otter
6 J.T.XEaaen,
7 Alderman of Lbe word. Clerk of the Board of Public Work.. mnjo Nty of tt7b prop••r[y oda oars Interested P__
re To the H.norub]e the President and Comoro
Al... .Tait 31,1890 ented a(titres protest ugufast the proposed Couacll,CY[ f 82.Paul:
Alley Paving,Block 7,Whitney S Smith's Ad- Alderman o[the word. f ]leas a*i piny"0 Gentlemen:y In the matter of the port f
5. %itiw Alan,
R.I..G.—.President. Lha board of public,orke,dated June 17.1890,,
To the Common Council of the City of St.Paul: Arundel Street Grading J.T.Kerzg.n, ov the grading of Lske Como end Phalen u
):. The board of public works hate sad tiler To[he Common Council
of the City of St.Paul: Clerk of the Board of Public Work,. ue and other areae c fitted by your
nxidern[fon the resolution o of he The board of public works have had under July 28,IS 0. honorable body tt said board with Instruction,
co ntcli,approved June rG�1800, rel.- consideration the resolution or oder of the corn- Aidermau of the Word. to motli[y said report by sLrlkingont Lake Como e
J!i tive to n c vin xlle in block 7, R'h14te & r o t co til,a P Also, d Ph.leit evenne;said board herewttb respect-
1: s B Y y t pproved A rll 8,189.,relative to Edmnud Street 6eaae is 3 papers your y
Smith's addition,and,having investigated the the Wad ingot Arundel street,trom Mivnehaha fully return sold to ho..table body
pronosed Improvement: street to Como avenue,end,having investigate% To the Common Council of the CYty of St.Poul: with[he report that pout Inecrucclon.have been
Resp fully reaport that said improvement 1s the Proposed improvement: The board of public
works have nder eon- pHs%with,xu%respectfully beg deny to sub-
t not t sary d proper,at this time t.r the Re.pectf, report that said improvement is elderatfou the re Autlon or order of the com- mit the attached modified report
es n.ubstl-
j aeon that at be. ng
before said board none -,oc necessary sold proper t this time,for the mon co tucil, approved June 18, Irou tela- tote for the report dated Juue 17,1890,ht e�td
f the pr party ownere interested appeared In aeon that I majority of the rt o wet t matter
t ° [ovor of the Hone ttve to vatructiou June
se t Edmund C final order for ssf%fm
j Proposed improvement. reintereetcd�are oppose io Lhe proposed street, fttpp Grotto treat to little street, Proper provement Is
yeas,8;nays O. improvement. ]-ens,•1;v ye,0. and,baviflg fvvesthmted the Proposed Improve- herewith submitted for your adopt oil.
F y i J.C.Qmxat,President Pro tem. R.L.Goaxwx,President. m t. R.L.llo[txwN,President.
i J.T.KEtucEa, J.T.K...... Respectfully report that said Improvement Is J.T.KEW'
Clerk of the Board of Public Work.. lark of the Board of Public Works. not necessary and roper t this time,fur.the lAerk of the Board If Puddle Works. '
July 24,189 0. JWy 28,1890. a on that at a Eesring before sold board n July 31,1800.
Alderman of the ward. Alderman,of the ward. y o property owners pre- p
m.fodt t the t nt[ere,cea Accepted. -
t I � •
f i
vg •"+•,� ,.,;. >E i i5'"°3x�••tLN. prt},a v�: 'r'.i'�v z> +s, itS-s Pv
�-.. r. ._-��: .^, "k„€,��^ ,�:...• .,r,,,,.,. . x �,.: A.�as� kj ;+ ��,.. rxr y7v �p�z �x:L'$s,�-rr,'sz.f .l -
The followingis said modified report:
ort: etructI n letter
[+ g on Congresst.with
street,from Bel- grading Arkwright street,from Case street to Winifred) Stockton & Lindquist,$974;Esti.
y ,
Lake Como and Yhaleu Avenue,Nebraska Ace-I lows street to Ohio street.with the report that Cook street,they being the lowest reliable slid to No.2 slid final, Arlington stmt
,l nue and Other Streets Grndlp said board is advised by the is engineer that h
To the l;ommon Council otthe CYi-ot Se.Paul: slid•er cummtem t into Ohlo stele[,an the responsible bidders t Nrelor; moon, f bid, �)anyne[o Gr-eaubr(er�,P.Tantholt,$228;Esti-
The board of public works have ryud under, de of[Its street is ioYardx t $2.804;bomi lu the M $700, •lth Geo. to\o.0 and flax, Cortland gttvat grading
p gra ye eueL Marti and Willis R.Shaw alt curettes. (St.P.. &H.R, Lake Como and Pheleu
i consideration the resolutions or ordV of the I Your attention is Tespmtfillly'invited to the Also, avenue).H.C. Huebner,$1,110;Estimate No.
j common council,approved rest-tivelq M. 21, attached report of the cityengiueer lu said mat- Llucoln Avenue Grading('ontrac[- and final, Bunker Greet (.later. s.
1890,relative to the grading o[Lake Como and ter. grading
Toe board reports that It halt awarded Peter I Brows). T-Liunen, s81,017; Estimate No.
Pbalen menus,Nebraska,Kansas unit Idaho R.L.G.R.11AS,President. Daly the contract for grading Lincoln avenue,j l and floe]. Fred stele[grading (Burr to}No.
streets,from Rice stPect to Gaultier street,and J.T KERgsn, from Fairview avenue to Cleveland avenue, he Ilse lot 15, hylas'. ddltf In t nutlo[e),J.
f fff A(bemnrle and liana,streets,from Lake Como j Clerk of the Board of Public Works. being the lowest reliable and rrspousible bidder Clattey,$i9:G.W. Merrill, 812;Mathew
n d Phalen even,ue to ltinneupulie avenue;and 7aly ill,1890. therefor,amount of bid, $2,225; bond in the $8:Merrill x toilet supply,
also Wood street from Nebraska to Min- The following ix said engfnerr's report: sum of$445, with E. L. yokes and Michael I Committee on claims.
,eupolis avenue.iu Ric-Stmt Vllins,and,hnv- To the Board o[Pn Dlfc Works: Tracy as sureties. eronr of BOARD OF CO:IRDL.
7 i iR 1 tcestlgated rhe Cropoaed tmDrovemein: Gentlemen The order of the common council, Also, n
Respectfully I o t [hat it is netwsaary and approved Jnue IS.1890,Is herewith returned St.(lair Street Grading Contract- I The board of control transmits its report
{' p oper to grade Nebraska venue, from [situ the report that the sewer on Congress The board re for July,1890,total ex
ii Rice freer to Gaultier street. Kansas ave porta that it has awarded Thorn- t pendi[urex,84,087.80.
at me cannot empty Iuto Obfo stmt,as the ton&Shaw the contract for g ming St.Clair j Cott ndttee on ordinances and public ac-
nue. frpm Mice street to Gaultier street:j grade of the street 1s towards the east, and I stmt from Lexington avenue to Snelling ave. counts.
Idaho avenue, from Rice stmt [o Gaultier 'oultl mommelid that AID
preliminary order nue,they being theloweat reliable and responsible I tteronr oe'on8o of Fnte coxwrsef0seae.
stmt;Albemarle stmt,from Lake Como and I Le asked for to read as follows: bidders therefor;amount of bid,87,'00; bond gstimx[e for year ending September,1A91-
Phalen avenue to Minneapolis avenue;Marlon Construct a sewer on Congress stmt,from fu thesum of$:3,000,with Warren H.)feud and To the Honorable for year
and Com,1891-n-
�ry stmt,from Lake Como nod Yhuien avenue to Ohio stmt to W1 11 avenue,and on Winslow Wllllam R.llarehall lie sureties. ell of the City o1 St.Paul;
Minnexpolfx avenue. and Woodbridge stmt, avenue from Coil;eau stmt[o Isabel street. Al.o, S .`
from Nebraska avenue to Mfuneapolie avenue, This sewer ao..d be in the send ruck from Be]- F f mount Place Sewer Contract- Gentlemen: The Board of Fire Commissioners
said grading to be done under ode contract; lo}cn street easterly- Respectfully submltted. 7'he board reports that rt has ew arses Pxtrwk I her lth transmit to your honorable body ~�
that the r wawted exprnae thereof Is$8,980,,City Engineer. Uoher[y the contract for construction of a leaner a[atement showing amount of appropriation h
one-hal[o[gmch need not be paid into the city July].]890. on Fairmount phase trot. St.Alban stmt to necessary-for fire department purposes for the
+ ju treasury before the contract Ls let;that real es- Alderman of the word. Dale stmt,together with the necesssrp cele[[ year ending September,1891: �w
Ctate to be assessed therefor can be found bene Also, basial olid manholes,he being the lowest reltr"Y Salaries............ $198,000 H
fired to the extent of the cost and xpensev net- ll.H.Woodward and others'petition for s- ble and res ua,I bidder therefor;n t nut M One steam fire eng,lie..........................
e e po n p Four thousand feet face en
salary to be incurred thereby:that laid int- txbllahing grade on private street surrounding Did,$581:bond in the sum n[8'i)n,with O.V. Bine hose..... 4A)00 a"
pprovI me
lit Is asked for by a petition of a m block til,St.Anthony Park,etc.- ErlCeon and F.W.Hadfield as euretles. .Ten(30)hotels...................................
yorlt}'of the owners of property to be neeeesed The boned returns said petition to councll Hud Ale., j Two(2)hose wagons.......... 850
I therefor,xud we heretelth send a plan ani Pro-,calls at tent to the repots t `s
city engineer, Hope Street Sewer Contract lw'o(z)xnpply wagoue....._................. azo
file of laid im trek Dohert the contract for coudtiuctlo.of a Hoar repmcemelit................................. ],200
provement slid xn order for your etatlag that eaitl aCmt ie a public 6tmt. Phe board reports that it has awarded Pat-
, ,IJ n ellpt. n if poli desire us to make the Improve. Aldermen of the ward. Y Feed............ ................................ -,000
Also, sewer on Hope street from Sixth street to East Coal... .............. ..................-.......... 0,260
I' fens,3;nays,0. ltcienn Avenue Grading Coutract- Fourth stmt, together with the necessary. House furniture.................................. 1,000
N R.L.GOaaux.President. 7'he board reports[hot it has awarded Charles catch basial nod manholes,he being the lowest.Fire xlurm[elegrnph............................
J.T.KF-RRF-It, Nonuemacher the coutruct for hits-Bashi
grading McLean tellable slid claim bidder therefor:amount �fxiuteunn•e.�rPe................................ 36,000
Clerk of the Board of Public Works. avenue from Bated avenue to an Intersection of bid,$841; bm)d to the sum of 8200,with O. ,
:St,1890. with the street known as Hastings avenue,or C.Ericson and Jamee Cleary as sureties.
Adopted. (See order to board of puWle'the old Hastings roadjuinnmg through blocks Also, I Total.............................................8200,920
works.) 38 and 82,Suburban Hl lls,he being the lowest St.Anthony Avenue Sewer Contract- Under and by virtue of at resolutfo.passed by _
Also, reliable and responsible bidder therelor:amount The board reports that it has awarded Will- }-our honorable body,daed Hay 2lst,1890,
Alley Opening. A, =ulna's Rearrxngenteut I bid,$9,039;bond 1n the sum of$2,000,with ism J.F'ree[on the contrast for the coustruc-I imthority was grunted this board to orga'.
{- Block 107,Lyman Da}-ton's Addition- John Boldthen and Peter Bott as sureties. tion of a sewer on St.Anthony avenue,from equip and put in service a]ifasxving corps.con-
1 7( { To the Honorable the President and Common Also, ltnekubin stmt to Unls street,together with siltting of one w,14 two hotece and necessary-
j C'ouncll of the City of St.Paul: Hudson Avenue Server Contract- the necexs tre Gatto Das(ne slid manholes,w he F,parutus. L'poii consulting tefth the executive
1111 Gentlemen: The nodrd of public works re- The board re orfs that 1t Dns soled\Vin. being the lowest relluble and responsible bidder board of underwriters of this
city as to the nd-
FFet•[[u0y beg leave to i -Ire you ntteutfon to Stockton lid John Lindquist thetcoutract for therefor:amount of bid, $1,RR:f;bond 1n the t•Ianbtlitp of orgaalzin and c aolitlating
tAe[set that said boards did on Dec.12,1889, conatrucclou of a o n Hudson avenue sum of$ni00,with Patrick Kei her and O.V
f F end a report to your honorable body,letting from Forest street Lot,Cypress street,together surotles. g svngr.corps in connection t'11 i said life-.aving
corps.this board.submitted to the uaderwrlt-
forth certain facts in the.tatter Df opening an with
the uecesawry catch bacons d manholes, Aleo, re the following proposition,viz.: To provide
Illy through A. Gotzidli'a r i gement of they being the lowest reil.ble lid eponitl Ole Selby Avenue Paving Coutract- suitable quarters P r aPPurnttte n.d men,sup-
!� 1 lock 107.Lyman Dnytont's eadditfon to St.I mddere cherePor: lit of Lid.$870:bond lu The board reports that It has awarded Louis I,1}.the ueceedary horaea(txo)wngou,harness,
i 33 Yaul,wh)ch report was referred to Hon ltnth, the sum of 8925,with Lorenz llitech and Hentyp E.Shepley the contract for pHying Selby avenue, and matntedu the lame,provided
the said board
! i 6 Leithxuser,then altlertnnn of the Second ward; Scharttbillig alt sureties. fr et.Albano street to 1'mtoria stmt.with of uudenvricers will pay the salaries
of flue men,
_ f 11 lit said board hsa from time to time ad Also, cedar blocks,sad curbing with granite,includ- sin un[tog iu the aggregate to$4,500 per year,
�Oiunled the confirmation of the assesment for Jessamine Street Grading and Bridging Con- Ing the necessary sewer connections to the prop- said men to be appointed by the cbiet
Ithe opening of id ably,in order to receive tract- er[ linea,he bei. the lowest reliable and re- p
further instructions from v y g and be under hie direct control,subject to the
your honorable body The board reports that it has awarded J.T. sponsible Lidder therefor; mount of bid,pay- approval of this board;provided,also,that the
A tit in a 'd matter,xud avid}ion MOhou the contract for gradin and brldp ig Ing and curbing,$11,'24D;DO server connections,
4 3' dpectfully request that ex-Aid.Leithnoser be re- .fesnnmine street from Rice stmt to Jliasissi t 1 said board of underwntera shall furnish the
7 pp each,$20,total bill,$12,569;bond In the sum necesenry equlpmeut for said corps.
Ir liitt quelled to turn over to his s messor In office treet,he being the lowest reliable and res lid- of$8,000,with Warren Car Bier and Andrew Under this agreement the
board of fire commis-
t&t !4• the aforesaid report,In order that action may-,ble bidder therefor: amount of bid,88,150; E Johnson as sureties. eionrra can save to the city the move Item
be taken,so ns to suable sold board to proceed Dond In the sum M$2,000,with Laue%.Stone Each of the foregoing awards taken up sep- 84,600 per year.
I f u sold matter. and{Vatter S.Morton ss euretles. arntely end approved by lollowixg vote RedpecttIt dubmtt[ed by order o:the box-d.
R.L.Gmtxa v.President. Alen, lex_AId.Iisnholzer, Bnelenberlt,ROit,(on-
x !' J.T.KEaREn, Goodrich Avenue Gra Ihig Contrast- ley Copeland,Costello,Pointer, Dorniden.F'Imt \\-�•D'GORy[.1x,Secretory
Clerk of the Bowed of Public Works. The board reports ghat it has nw ded Will- dean,Gahan,llcNnmee.}!clad Mwen,Sanbprn, Aug 1,1890.
} Committees'D any.and menus mud t.xes.
E k July 2t,1590. A Daweru the contract Cg Gond- Sullivan,Van Slyke,ll r. ,esident-17. POM of BOARD oe Euuc.rviox.
Alderman of the ward. rich avenue,from Fairview nvenne to Cleveln+ia A,eD, rte
1 jf Also a .i,he helnq the lowest reliable and reap 1;stimates,and Claims Elfintnte for year endiiSg June a0,1A91
f )I{ Congress Street Sewer- .able bidder therefor. amount f Gid. $2,926; The Donrd trxnentita approved byttthefollowing To the lion-able the resfdeut and Comtno.
a 1+I To the Honorable the President and Common bond in the sum of$1,000,with William Day- timntes and claims,to nit Council of the City of�,Puul:
Council of the City and Aug.Hammer as euretles. Estmnte No.7 and final, I1uDie street,el stem Gentlemen: In compYYYTTTfffffl'mi ne with section 9 of
y a St,f ul. ern Alen, o[sewers,J.Forrestal,84,18 to Estimate No. the otgutdc net governing filo board,we have
Gentlemen: The board of pnihlic tcorks here- Arkw right Stmt Grading Contract- 6m, final, Selby xvenne sew r/\'irtoria to the honor to submit herewith our--Estimate of
L 1' with respectfully return the prehm(nary order,I The board rep its that it has awarded John Fuirvfew) G.J.Symonds,$4,422.T] Fatinmte )foneys Required"for school
put sea for the
approved,tune 18,1890,to the matter of con- Dale and Louis A.Bit mgardner the contract for No.1 and final, Hall avenue sewer(Isabel to year ending June 30,1891. This estimate
„:�.����'�,...., x�`•K�,�7�Yc� ."„E s( .,,;fat .,•-ell I?• s.0 .r i * 's� >s s - ...
... ;. _ .:r+ �.�s�F,:: .s'r.'x'"'r�" �..,�a� c.a .=.-r4� 1rr'� �'.'.� '* .. �' t. $ �t.�•?•"'�r''r�y.�^'''�":.;"#'.•*-.d.-i � .<:� 6t+�'`� �'�""
„f been most carefully prepared and represents the Also. 297
n;l •1 actual and abeo utely necessary sums for the John Devinney's claim, 8800, shade trees de.
p various funds[herein enumerated- stroyed,Mendota street grading— O j[J.Leib and Sommittee on treets' were and Brgldges— Flandrau,Geban,Sanborn,Sullivan,Mr.Preel-
y Very reepeptfully,etc.,The Board of Educe- Committee upon recommendation of corpora- from nn petition askin relident-0,
[ion,8v ti on attorney and city engineer makes an ad verse Y assessment for Seib avenue bridgeWhereupon Aid. Sanborn moved that the
Clue.L:HAAs,President, report. fu Huy amount exceeding 820,000— matter be referred to the board of control foe
i Attest: EDIVAnp W.Wa1Te, Adopted, Committee recommend• that said petition be the purpose ul ascertalaing whether or not the
Secretary of the Board Sf Education. Also, referred to""mutes on ways and means. eaf board can take core of the destitute vases
i! {
at In a of Afoney.Iwqu,red by the Board of P.W.Ifisholi s claim, 8500, sheds trees de. Adopt td, urinhtg from Bald c el -
i I Morattou for t6e)'ear F,.dfnr JIIIw511,1501— atroyed,)fndotu street grading— Aldo, Y one s.
For anise(ex.............................g 8:175,u00
comm ties upon rsrormnendntion of onry'r - Aid.Copeland's,'nxolutlon nuthotlelnR board of Adopted—Yana,17.
7 "”"""' tion attorney and cit publle works to er.ttw.drinklnR fomttulnx—
Forfsterestonb�ud........................... 45,500 Yannµflleermukrn anudVerxe —
report, Comin it-recommend.ado tion of said Ton- Of AIA.Dobnor—A1.11,Wondwnrd xndothern'pe.
For fuel................................. ..... YL,uUn p
Adopted.,ted, olutlulm,e"nr"dnd b Insetting
Forinb prl[Itrg,eulver[In1leK f.iidl sin• I r w'ordx "city on. (,,,rtill"fur ratblgc hlrla grade nu Irrrvn[«"[rests
• ! tlonnr)'.............................................. 1(1,01)0 ,isles Lathrr'x (I,alth r)lso' ginner" b, Placa wards "beard of publle Surrnl,mlll,g bluf•k ill.SI Antl
sy York,etc.—
clnlnt.Sao dmnnae,, wankel'whew name occur In said ruxulu[Iu,L Coumrit tete r«tunlx •old Irl,tltlnu xl[Ir the
For lununutl?•%.................................... 5,11"U rovluyy Alnu,lntn.tree[xldc"ulk— Adopted. (Seemsolutlon. ori•'prlvatn".rtfekentheeofrum.—anub,nit"
Furµe,tenml Pn,rrrx,`tticl ll,''l,g hear(- I tbmntlt4re upon n•emm�iexd+,tlon of cotporn. ,\Ino. ) n P71;ad,rtry order for arndln 1 i I
.� rarer xahmi repnlrx e 1 L•enllnnn- e.n A"treet.
Sun................................................... "0,01)(1 ills ut[onrry unA cltyentgineermnuknn uu ndverxo (:.P.Itltug and otherx'ayceltbn for benne .e 'rkMlrrk,l.
(Sea orrlvr to Lunrd of public
For hruting null voutlhrtingn tux 2r ten, report ',<v u Onkluud rrn 1 (Inurd uvanrmx elev[rly w• )
�r I• 'I I` }'u x bull Ill
1)A not coal rust- Adapted. 1Ix <rrmutit lee t+et•om mrnrIs that said etl'lolr Ire Of AIA. Sn,tbon—Rnpnet of bnntr7 of publle k'
{, +� ed errs, 1)d lu �o m"e of a ertlulL.., 1'2a,U(1U John li Irl^h'"elnlm.82rii),ax err wltneen fees— ra'farred to(%1)l•11nrr for Ildormntiott u•to Irhut t'ork.apo
wdlllcutits.of cuIs tract far Lou.Nor rI ecirl„•r3''�. (Parent of""'aunt 1 nmltte«mirk,,n,I I`iO.-e report. Lad Io hr ten Prnmir,c• ntn,ctlou ,If"
+a. ,, , oun or
tndumg,[:hon(..... ................ 10,1)(1rr , P x"'er on Grand mud Illi d
` ...... \to ted. AdtiPteJ. avenue, Kc'etrno
Nor rens e.tuto cunt netted fur........., 17(1,Uuu P nnJ other nereetx—
• Alxo. Also, l'ommrttre reconmteud,udopOou of r,oiu.
Total umonr,t reyulred for which Mlchnel Keni n c1nlrtL SOU, Changing Awnd.t. E.A.}'Itm,,ald'x petltlnn for relief,n.eesxmeat, tion for modlden[lolr of nnld contract.
r 1i tax should be led....................8711.50(0 tree-I1ne— street grudl"g,l'nlon Yark— Adopted. (sen nnulutlomL) Y'
1 RexPt'cthdl• submitted, The liuurd of Kdu- Committee,upon recomme"dntlou of nor nota- C'nm,nl[te,recun"ue,tda Leet xnld petition be Also,
tine nttoruey mid city anglueer,mnkeb a rad referrnrl to board of publle wotka• Re yrlt 'yG
cation ul Lhe City u(nL Paul,LY report. Adopted. port of board t piddle kx relative to St. Prenldent. vnAdoPted. \I o (lair street r 1 K f f edtJut 17,15D0.)—
Iry Commit
art be
AL[`eta, }:awe i[n he i-rd• \In C'ommu Imt[lon f M.F.'Kala( Cretnrr(Slat rated n"A pineed.u"tllethnt Hold rep
1, nerY t the Itnurd u(};duuttlon. IngeborK Ta. I.fnxtnd'e claim. 822ri dmm�gex, art Itou-e mud eitY lad,cum"mlttce)"I,A,\IJ. rr Adopted.
Atai 1,1rif1O,
1 t Fencer street.seer Aflnen'.rexolu[lon Intive to collxtnr[Ilon f
Col.nit, nit any.all,]area"x and tnxe.. 1'tim mltter.nPunl ToCnmmemlut14,1 Of corpora- tri Of swum )fIxCF,LL.txsnds.
I !i nt:ronrx n• T "In-s' it "horns• rad cit SS ren.hstln s f[I tour-house ulyd Ordinance—
tt 1 3 Y engineer,makes uu rad- IICY hull Ordim
' Of(.omnd[[tt o"}'Ir, Ireuurt mein F'Ire l,lnrm rt. It[cs rad V,r.e report. An a II n, rend=82,10 fuvur Snr,th
Afmwrry alx[rftt. ('""Port ratnne,rdof °:�annt�a. nl.o, naopt,d. wale.
ire ml,.innen and Aid.nulllvali a rsxolu- C. 1'y.on Dutcher, ut[onte china-1t. C. A:,n
1 j [fon 1)-m Srh1151r Sl,Ur1U; Sur..Is No1uiff. #20000; Ordlnnnre Krantm¢tt'iw•uir.lo Ceatnd lt»,r,r Itulrex nl1,l r,Jai,on m„r�lm'nr Ald.Afinrrrunne�)x
1 ) .n R' I, 3' 17 1 111»a"e.,•ad , d[Is need t 1. -
lomrmtwe recommend.uAnp[lon f nnld re Bridget Lee, 8L(1f10: leteutlon of Property, rlRirt to rulrxtnu•t and uP tc m rune I[rx,�kr (n, I re\0 1,1171.)
j I!
list ori for Ila(alarm hose--t c•1)rner Spellluguud I.1nna I IrnYto,i x tuldltlmt— .�Iztle rt r.e[.err.,Kli[ruu'n o'1,11nurr— ,\It or,ilmroce,vas mend—b1nG for I1.I.Gran
r'um rad ttee,neon rettimmladation ofoorrporw ��orr ra�l[tee recti,,,Tirade till,[ null urdla»or! II.K.
' Adapted. (nee Toxoio[7rm 1 tlnrt r[torlrey” 1 city n„Idwwr, rec n Ae h«luld over. hales .-I e1)d.d, no ro[Inle r f,\IA )I heves,
\Ian ,be nllolrunen of xnld .(alar- In lolio,rinµ Adopt.d• Y'.•ren 1.1 eearn(llo,orn mr,yrd xr,neer( [lite ua,l
Petition i of A.N.r rr)Im„•l,h t rad r.W. Cute 1., ,trr «d. r•,...r,rdim ., a.1.:,7r., '
I for rnnni.nlorl to en•rt noel gall'Twin C'I[Y sof«- nils 1. Suhllling. 81nU: Sarah Wulff, 82Sf1; 'If I•"n....I «1)o I,I„«, —
` t?•/{r«assn win,AIo Ar•r'n tn•t I- .\rr urrlo,rurr,. ren ml n .adloa r«tln,r'1 rel
ft1'., Ir,.— arldgWr-t Iaro,BM1M1. More for n•»o,a»' » f'I,u^. >IrhoaKlorrl. of ,Ilrrrrorr 1 dla"I.
Iarl,o rri�lhru x"Irorilx,
')� U„nnrlttw anent([. m, uA venter «par[upon . rfr W,l. (lydfaanrex\on.1.147.1,1,:{75. hawh,.r Inv,»"«\'o,t— urll lr l,•^n»^�rode,l 1)o eoetl»Ir 1)l.\I,I.Ihrl t.3'r»r.
said ...tlllunl from I:Iduf of Vlro Drpurt m«ut ],1152.1 , itis t,.0 n•r,»,mo.aAn sold Ir»"nler 17.Sud orr{»Sore«r«oAr .rr... thou Sud Iro•rrr,d.
Jlwk."n• AI A�lolrt nrl. ISr«Or,lllrrearr\",I.d7d.,r
e A—pt.d n"d III—d on Ill.. II«leant of leaned of tn"rll� w ren—rrlarrAing rat- .to orr 11 rr+,rrn«xr,.r•arri notl,orizlau r+•ulmtlnK
I r,S,.I.14ekar-1^,.Illlui.fry rat wlrlltlurr— Ui('Sino It l•.r.1),r i'Ir(elle if ull'n"u+.«I r.—,Irr.;
if. rarV r,rlA rel,nar..ra.lo,aro uln•nlrru l'ron,Iwl,3•
'ala rllll[+.,r«nnrrtrnnlyd• p1M"+rw,of"n1111l1111'e saran,1'al,at tr•I«Yrr l+•,\,r,,)I.,airirllrnllrrlr rill,Al e,a l,•„hY»«".
Of f nnlrnitwa nrl r:lrtl nl.—Ow�e,r ilnalunA'•rlrtlm 3' ne
`. —tll"O Aumlrf(n•,Ilrfn ai to pro( KV-1.•Itrwaaol Irrf,�rr rr nl M,f Ifru•kur for 175,55. Irr( ur,l A Irrrw• rel Irrrr+loa.rl ylrlrk.•I Itrrlrx 1. r..11.. r
rotlr,rr ref,tlrl,rrvlr,rrr
ll antis,1"run uvr.aun and 1,r. M[rrnt— A i I ted, tM+x,Ornh"unw Sa.1.SSL3 i a.�-a« yea.17,as^{.+r,uauur,.rr"1 n n«rand nae• mud
q Y I�umnrr,lttee nvonnnnnA•I.hrtt add rhtltn Ln AI.- AI•u, r�„rrrudtl« n•"r"+ei„I nI,I,I Irron,. ir,rxn.•.t. Iw•,•Or,ll„ell neer•�o.1,;177.
�) 1• nllit,w ten eorporntloln nttnrm'y nil cltY nn- Shnrmr I'. I+'"leaut'x cedar—tl2,f1U(1—IeRltl for ole' Inrr,born rl ole•I,Iriurr,l,0 Sdou I,,.r ,\rr„r,llautlr,+)I-nn
n•,eri prr"dtlhry Yater rl olllr
f gillt'er 1114Vi11R(nada Illi Itd Ve.rrrx r«p"tt Llt 1)D. r.YVlre'M— .10111"'11. Irr.•1'r•e't h")'),III'In I)'",r•I r,
1 Adopted. Coln(alta”' rr5•on.nwnan tiro rnymi,nt of Adoatol. It stn's'((•,«uArA 1)u ootlotl id,\Id.I)otf,
G' 1.211"III full Nottll,lnent of said clnlmr 17,and r, nf�rr,
ry Islrraeu rr"'1 n•ru"d tl att'r"s,l inn r�l�
{� Aznllun ADmulnewTin rampnn clnlm— Ladd over, of counnn len• nn urnnuurr+n nn,l saber A1). (w•r urrlbuuua.A'tI,'l.;1,8,
g Y, Arno. An 1011 'r. n• I
7. {� 81,'!So—colleetlou a Rnrbuge r uNn Jul Jleur [/'Connor'. cinfm-82,000—trn. nsx c'u arta—If.•pnn.I:xruuln«rl— "Ithorizlug llrmry
18(10— lot 11i,block 76,I]oiler's addltloo— P '-mail(ire I ua ran mbmd uu4 folnld rurrert Sllrlvr>�arect aruU..ace•lu side of Irhlff under
Cmnmlttse makes Its adverse roport, r,•pmtn of bused aI euulrul Inn duly,]500:rldef Itultm ons n'udr4 nu nurtimn of AId.Urhnu,en.
1 I I omnlltteo reeomfneml.that said claim be To-
{ 1Ir Adopted, rrrerl tr,ear rorutlon uttorue nl puler lar.four,1800, poundwu"ter" 'Truax 1 Y
Aixnr AdopWd, I y ulyd Cuuullf fur Juno,1500, 17,sled ur•Juluux•rend x rood tlnw mud punsuA. _
I Cin1m of 1'hro R.Parker nttornuy for Simeon Ado 1 I (Sell urdln"n".S” ],:1 i0.1
I+Irr' An ur4huume n'un read-81'20 for Jlnxlleld,h
Folsom—tl'L71fi.17—lrnlnuca upnu Contract Also. Ilt:t'ta-c t r1Y vemlIA 1.1'u31111TTY,EM. Pel)hllr
j forgri"ling,etc.,Fourth Street— Ills honor the mayor's communication, nu• (n Conuultk•o t" hlvv.flmtte Suevrlu y -
i j
Committee"'seas nn in Verse roport, nnuudufR the rovokhngSl lJtrensex Sion.4 to 10, by(want Cyclone rat Lnko Grrynlx (1puSerJ 17 olW��rl�ili Iniru r�ml xeconl tl,I�oluiljlS
genu 1�
Adopted. granted to D.E.Kf,,g,to peddle Intent— rounnittec wpurte the nnnu•x of lhnrw who 1"
Aixo, Cousin recarnureud. that action of the ntfurerl b (Sea Ot,dits c Su.1 arid,)
C.'f.nn Botcher, nttnrne a•bums,Froderlek nm "r In Tovokin saki fire uses be u rove). Y xuld ryclnue•curl nwmurt of r•Shwa• Au ordlnnute unr� reud—
Y Y' Y R PP { Ir«(ossa”rnrtkln,K ct rural till 81,025,w111<h umn Ikcknr. 875,5(, for S. J.
r f I t noon of Opro ertty. Lymmll Dayton�ssUuldl- Adopted, In, ill«r Otcd ter recummcnJ•be n{rprnprh,wd and Itnde.s 1.waded net mn[lon of Alrl.All,rn I
property. Il.t rlbutvd. t
(• tl h x 17 mal ”
tion— AIA. day'• To•olu 1)u favor and •sten Thr yn'atlolt"ring upon the adoption of nuld yon tin I annus •rad rand tlmu n"d
- Committee ups nor Is.Cn4ation of cams rt- ornrnl"x1o,1e[x—YUYnu nvmtun w1Kar"'ulna— art thu saran tenter nu[udonwd. Ve ,+,d,r(Snn Or,llnnmttw\u,7,11811 1},
tion nttnnmay stall oltY nrttukax unlurvur•nl i;nmmntter Tocomrnemul"ndop[lun of xnld rr•o- n•h•„e f An ordinance wax rand—SSD for Brldyet
A �' roport upon sold cluDns, lutlon. IlrN ml,len 1 feNts”.ntruAfuLW�r+AlinnrA\',u�MlYkei f"rltule•e x
AduD a Adopted, (sero resolution.) — u.p,mA'd nn ntutluu of Ald.All
Wt Ynn.17,aW t,,:luuncu --I,,x«'T", tuna mrd
1 a 1 3'x�Al,l. 741abulrety,Ilott,(:n,rl•)'.I/u Llu•r, panned. (Sen Ordlnnncu A ,I15LI, ,
} i . ♦ 4
t 11 e
j% r
t {yp
i r'x-°'Fj:&"+>s,,3t• :; M1'34'T ..'r+;t„3`r .r p e r-- est+ .a,
A, r<..� 's"`� �K�i k-€ �`k- .r$?"1 C <� �,"• .i:ti,aFr,;�c ,'p i�.aYS.a
1' ` S*y r1
i T{
289 1
i .I ti An ordinance was read authorbdia; C. W. $40.000 per annum mom than it now does to BY Ald.Copeland By Al I Dobner— `)
Hackett to erect area and area,wall, I do the-ms,mount of work that is now done: Resolved, That the board Of simblic works Y-,- I That the boatel of Public works ns,
Rules suspended on notion Of Aid.COulc . .Ind,,eherenx,Itis uaJuH[[o xII lnbortnR men saner an `i) cit for[
1 a 1 all,to be and the Hnme ix hereby authorized to e a )
Yeas d. (S Ord financereadNo. arcourl time a d and
t,xp yLr o the •try nud to the ly ens Ark,rig t 1 Iro[h xn�l,x of R—c scree[from threethe sea a 1,r la,r nth Htutabie cr sulks,
ja [ passed. (S-Ordinance\O.1,:Stl:i?. J txsPay'ere Of the city to PnY the city em Ark,right to F,Jgerton�[—is. to be P Id,Ion r,s,
i An ordinanre nna read authorizing F-bw'an ployees the Hame xmountforebt thuurxot labor g the eat aide of Faxcal ave[me,
,5 berg to erect Lay window. that all other employers pay nd all other By,IIJ C'oprannrl from)[umehnna street[o the south endo of Van 1 1
t Rules auspended o1,[notion of Ald.Co land laborers rere,ce for ten hours of]snot; Buren street,thence-lengths south side Ot Vnn
' Pe ResOlyrd, the banal of d,hr works Buren street to the west side of Albert avenue.
I fi'j- Sena 17.and ordinance nJ second time and And,whereaH,R's,are nn furor of reducing the
tn,�'� passel. (See Ordinance No.1.884). hour,of]seer to eight hours, day for those eonxtnwnted ot�a riLr e,rxt Hide ole:�rkJT''nik to et
a An Ordinance „ s rea t permitting H. E ,orkmru „ho drsa re it,xud Ot opening a any from\Chi[eI- ill i to Brafuerd aye Fie street By Ald.Melxdy— -
�,, 17 be
Conklin to mote frame barn and erect udJf- by uhuh thin may be spreddy accomplished, R clod'.",
That the board of unl(c works be
tion. giving xt the same time anopportunityfor the By,II.1.Copeland— 3 P
I and is hereL• instructed to hays n Hix-font
suspended,yens 17,and ordinnnee read neri:e[is nand intluatrious workman to work Rrsol cid. 'I'hnt the board of n'OOcleu eide•.calk Constructed o1, the north side
P stead time and passed. (See Ordinance'�o. pore tlu,u eight houro perd,ty and to earn more cau.w an i8)eight-foot t odea sidetaalk[feels aceuueey atreet from Smith Cherokee
1;385). thin eight boors pay it he desires: therefore, coustrm-tell o1,both aides of Cn
An ordinance ,a.,read remilating use by St.I Resolved, Tiles the city lag1,icer and all yuga street from
�� Paul Gas Light company of streets,etc in St. tho,e engaged is amt eying men in all de- Arxn right to Vale set recta.
Paul In conducting and supplying steam beat or,,ppartin-te of the city government to work BI Ald.Sullivan—
steam Im mal'any for the city are hereby author- By AM.Copeland— RenOIN-1,That the board of public works con-
RpaOlyed. That c'a board f I� blle works Prlorta".1,1 from ak Gnraud alk Oalnme ,set side f
D Comm7Ltee Op strcetB. Ized�and directed to emplo}�the most energetic, enw.e Han h - LU Summit
By.old Vnn FIYke— con industrious and r¢pN m for the work re ( ) e'ght foot we Jen I ruble
to be nyenu,. —
A rearilutnon for appointment of x ,mattes ,nunred of them xpectiyely and to pay such [,acted o1,both sides o[T'amttt street from
to iayrBLigate the feasibility of changing market en the fair and 11,11 ntarkrt pri,e for the work ] k to Case streets.
BY Md Min—
bolus,I a� into an auditorium. of mea of like he
to discharge from time By Ald.Copelantl Resole ed, 7'ha,c tie bonrcl of Public x'ork,
¢ II Committee on streets. to time any-and all employees that prove them RrsolceJ. That the board of lilt works c
�t BY AIJ.Uonuer— Ives to be other Lana o1 the charnater b a p1, uer n Hix foot„OUdrn denulit to be built on
Resolution for drinking fountain at fnterese described,to permit au•of them who so desire cause an (S)oelgnt-footo„node, aiJe,rulk to be the south Hite of Concord street.from
-�a tion of Hnm[den ave me,Ham,Jen lett and t0 work but eight hours da to permit au eonetructetl Lias th ide OF Minneha,a xt rest[n CongresH street,frith the necessary
51 } } P R per Y— P Y treet here none is lreudy conetructeJ,ns,- cines,elks.
Raymond arenas in St.Anthony Park. t them oho x1,desire to 'ork feu hours per twren Green brier and Yayne xvenue,. _
Committer on streets. day,rout to pay each of them for their work by
3 B ]Id.Dobner the hour,so that he who works ten hours a div By.Ind.\tinea—
y S- By Ald.Copeland R.Oived.That the ortier of thecommoncoun.
Resolution for drinking fountain at southwest all,receive paY for two boors more per day R solved,That the cit til n
t (( y corner Snelling and Capitol avenues. [nen he who works eight hours per day. hereby directed [O Ill n engineer be and he is Of r PPo_t"rd June IS,1800,fir ties
i C'ommfth,o1,streete. Alda Donner moved the prev one question and 3' fR)three-plank Ids- Plank mde,voilnik oil the lead road,
By Aid.Geban— the same having been aecouded[he chart Put the treat t0[he exec end ooth [pthe street,about three from Fairfield nvranne to
the OR ill,be correct-
: tAI Resolution nvith-lAng superintendent police question—••Shall the main question be now hundred feet In length. ed to read as follows:Resolved,That the
SI patrol to employ operator at$70 a month. put:"' g e public works cause u too plink sidewalk to
t f t 4 1l Committee on ponce. ! fl which there were. he cons[rnctel on the north side of Fairfield
? ; liesGll1Ii011,for mmpe he follows: ] AIJ.Be,,hoizer,Blelenberg, Bott, Con- By Aid.Copelnud— .,,,Inc.from Ethel [met to Belle street,and
By Aid.Copclaud—Lookout street,York and lel ]).beer,llorniden,Gehau, 31cNnmee, Me- Resolved, That the board of ppubifc works on the xouthsideof Bellestreet,fromFairfieldnv-
,{ Vale streets,Case street,Burr ft%t,brid7,ete., lady,\linea.Van Slyke-11. taucaus all(8)eight-foot wooden sidewalk to be eine to the Mendntn road;thence along the east
Miselexi'1pi id Genuninm streets, etc., Fred \aye.—Aid.Copeland,Costello,Flnndrau,Snu- constructed on both aides of Lizzie street,from afde of the-'leaders road to Joy avenue;thence
i r atreet; ,•AIJ. Bort—Minueh¢hn street.White born,Sullivan,Mr.President—d. Bralaaerd xvenue to MsrYnnal avenue. along the east side of Joy avenue to the Oil mill.
Bea e,etc.;by AId.Bieleuberg—Date and The question being then neon the adoption o1 B aid — —_
Martin streets, etc.; by Aid. Dobner \Volker Aid.Snnborn's said.substitute, the same was Y C Opelnud Ordinances,
avenue. not opted. ,Aid.
Ived.That the board of public ork, j,
Committee on gas. n Yrm, Ala Copeland,Costello,Flandrau,San- ca ause t be constructed noodeu sidewalks(8) ORDLHAYCE No.1,974,
By Ala Gehau— born,Sullf ata, n.President-6.
dent-berg,Bott,Con- gl t feet wide o1, both lades of Maryland ave- nu ordlunnce appropriating moue}•for and dl-
!1 Resolution extendipg-[Imo for abatement of Nays nue,between>Iieelssippi and Edgerton streets, reccing[he pa}-meat to Sarah\VUIH of the sum
i - alleged Azotme Mu—factoring company nun ley,Dobner, lloruiden, Geban, McNamee,Me- of tw'o hand ed and fifty dO)larn,Dursuaut to
sance. Indy,]aineu,\'nn Slyke-11. By AId.C'opelaud— report of commlti es,of elsd
I� Adopted. The questa,,being then upon the adoption of Resolved,That the lµoard of public works The Common Council of the CRY Of St.Paul do
1 i eBy Aid.Geban— Aid.VcSnmee's as it original resolution there cause xn!8)eigbt-foot wooden sidewalk to be or Co ns,tollonw:
Dry jj
Resolution extending time for abatement of ,v m: eous[ructed on the east 'de Of Mississippi Sec.1. Tint nn order be dean•,n
7 alleged nuisance at J.J.O'Leary S Sees'pack- ]'ens—Aid.Hapholzer, Bieleuberg,Bott,l:Ou- Htreet,between JesaanUue and Maryland streets. eon the city
ing house. ley,Uobnrr. Dornideu, Gehau, McNamee, Me- treasury of St.Paul In fetor Ot Aarah\Vulff for
-0 y� Adopted. lady,linen,Van Slyke-11. BY Abd.Copeland— I co neuro Of t,vo hundred and 11ItY doi!nre,in full
d penantiun for tom remise nand antfstactlou
i a By Al McNamee— 1`ayx—Aid.CopelauJ,Costello.Flsudrau,San- ResolveJ,Thac the,tend of publoic work, Is of said 9an,h Wulff'a aim end demand against
Reaolutfor-flxlnR eighthou s day's labor born,Sutllvan,Ile.President—n. hereby authorized to tenet odea aide-I Lhe city of St.Paul for dam u nd agar of
atter Aug.16 for all mechanics,clerk,nuJinlet- The chair annnuuced Gnat she resolution con- walks(S)eight feet wide On both sides of. ]de- change fu the line off,
f Meddota�etreet as fully set
r {k ere npiuyed by the city. template)Lhe expenditure f money.and,not uID treat,Irann 1l/seleenppf to Arkwright street. (Orth 1,r her
Aid.Seaborn offered the foilowiug substitute: having received the requisite two-third,vote, petiton to the common council,ae
l d of By Aid.Sanborn— ,ra not adopted. BY Aid.Copeland by[It report of line committee on claims to the
' common council of date the 4th day of August,
Whereas,It le thought there le a desire on the Ald.Gehau aDPsulsd from the decision of the Resolved,That the board of public works j A.D.1890,will more fully appear,x¢IJ
order to
part of Home of the employees of the City to re, chair. cause an(S)eight-foot wooden 1tle alk to be by delivered only noon her Hling with the cit
t duce their hourH of labor to eight his
a day; The chair was not sustained. constructed Oii Goth sides Ot Beadle Y
` And,whereas,We ire acting as, the trustees ]'ease—Ald.Copeland,Costello,Flandrau,San- from M y street,I tom troller full and absolute receipts to the
and agents of Goth the laborers and the prop- bora.Sullivan 6. Magnolia to Brainerd¢venue. city;.f u entlstactlon of.said dnhn or demand,
I +- arty owners and taxpayers o[the city and be- \aye—Aid.Bauholzer.BIe]euberR,Boit,Con- By AId.BielenDe the sAute hehig lutended oily as acompromise of
lievn that the mo'•t libeenl policy toward We ley.Dobner,Dondden, Geban, McNamee, Me- tg— said I aafm.
laborers and empla gees of the city(most of lady,Miuea,Van Slyke-11. Resohed, That the board of publle Ivorke Sec. ! Tbie ordlunnce shall take effect and
i cause to be constructed an wooden be in force Irom and atter 1[s punlicxtiou.
who are nine PP ops rLyy owners and taapayero) (See resolution.) sidewalk,with necessary crossings, ]'sae—Aid.Banholzer,Bie enberg,Bott,Con-
thatiscomp¢tible ,dth a just and economical it.
RDEWALK RMOLtTT1OYB FOU PAs9AGE of Churehhfl] treat,from Frout�Lreatr to ittlhe ley, Copeland, Coeteilo, Dobner, "Oruf 102,
i eapendl,V of the clay founds should be pursued. company. y y Flandrau, Gehau, }fcNamce, Milady, Mlnen,
, And, hereas,AL th Present time ten Hoare seer.2,ISOU. right f way o[ the Northern Pacfflc RaiIwa
coiie[Itutea dayys cork almost universally By Aid.Sanborn Sanborn,SUI]ivam,Van Slyke,Mr.Pmsldent-17. -'-
I among other employem and employees; Resolved,That the board of public works be By Aid.Bielenberg— Passed Aug.5,1800.
O.O.CULLEnt,President of Council.
Avu,whereas,To reduce the houro o[ work and 1t le hereby in,tructed to construct a Resolved, That the board of public works Approved Aug.S,1800. f`
for all city employees, to eight houro per day, nt block sidewalk six feet ,vide on the west cause to be constructed anew eight-foot wooden RoeF,rtr A.Sntlrn,Mayor.
and pay the present p Ice per day,would It is side of Arundel street,between Holly avenue sidewalk on the north elle o[Charles street,be. Atteec: Time.A.YaexDEaaAsr,(,yty Clerk.
ee[imated cost the a drens of this city about and Portland avenue, tween Rice and Gaultier atreet,, Aug.11.
f , ✓:
�a i
�SG• �.ht"-.�"� � r�'!;_e a .gyp ,a9r£, ''T'�' :.r � r �r.
kl : }b,Ninmvc, Melody. \tinea, Lee for the sum of flfty five dollars,in full co»-
ORDINANCE Sauhorn.Sullia-un,\'uu Slyke, 3Ir.President isation for end satlslact(on of e loll BendBet
'g,n Oa»x NCE No.1,875. for the sum of Thl t}}•five uS36.00) dollars,to 17 Pet
• An ordinmlce appropriating money for and dl- food to said D.Btu hlenbr ch tbeamountn aid Passed Aug. ase a claim and demand sea(uet the city of St. - _
recon the t to H.C.Shilling of the by mm on the renes smelt for the open]Rot a i8fl0. Pull for dem:tges on xcc ant n[ch.v,e in till _
R PeYmen Broadua O.O.C'ci.beN President of Council. Ilse of\1e.dots stmt,an Tully Set forth in her
r$100,pursuant to or[int commit- y stmt, from Grove street to Dari if oil io the , ncil,fl. by(Its re-
1 of claims: rep Thirtcenth street, ..-lot 17 of block 16,o! Approved Aug.G �t8 wear A.S♦ i[,\In•or. t of[he co aortae tonaWitne to they file n
t The Common Council of the city of 9t. Paul Dewey.Base&Rohrer'esAmtldi Fimt to the City of Attest,Tno. {,Pneave¢cAer,C1ty C1er�. �o r •17 tt date the 4th 11 of ill,co,,y.
}i.. do ordain as inllow s.• St.Paul,the said e t]cavil o been held Aug.11.
Section 1. That an order be drawn upon the is thorlmd by the district court i Ramsey __ 1890,Dill ore tulle ➢pear,el d onler to be
treasury of St.Ynul in favor of H.C.Shfl- ....
o UL}•.g Orsll E eo.],380. dJlmvered Duly- upon her dl(ng oath (he cite
+!. ]ivg for the sttm of$tU01n full comPeuentlo»for cieW o t. shall be dallvered n 1 upon A. ordivnnce n a\c P[rollrr hi9 all,]aleolute res ipts to the ~
g's claim avd there bell
n S nPprou n�ting to \nas6eld .( city in snnatnction o[said chum or demand. `4-
nd.un.faeth-of said H.C.Shillin R filed with the city comfit-1 er are- ebnry the sum o[S 120,
demand against the city of St. Paul for dam cetpt for the enme. The Coniuton Council of the City of St.Paul do S 2' This ordinance shall Ink,effect and
ages on account of change in the line of Meado sec 2 This ordinance shall take eReCt avd Ordauu ns tolloaI s: be in force from and after its publication
.t to street as fully set forth In Ilia petlnou to the be in force from sun after its publication. Section 1. Tltat a warrant be dra3cn upon len'-Aid'Bnnholu'r.B eienbe[g,
Boit, Con
common council as by the report of the Co.. Yeae-Aid. Bnnbolmr,Bielennnrg.Bott.Con- the city treasurer for the sem of one buudred le}'CopeltnJ,('ostello,lloluer,Doriden,Finn-
1 mince on claims to the common council of date ley,CupelRu(1,Costello,llobuer,Uorwdev,Flnud' nnJ tai cots(8 t'2Ut dollars in favor of )fuxfirld Arnu, Gehnu. 11c\since. )lelady-,
Mine», Sun-
the 4th day of August. A.D. 1890, will more eau,Genal,McSamee,MelRdy,Mitten,6anboru, g Seat to refund to them the amount 1 born,Sullivan,Pail Slyll,,\Ir.President-17.
} 1%Iy uppear,said order robe delivered onlyupro Sullivan,Van Slyke.Mr.President 17. 'to the city treRsur pit d Passed Aug.6 1890.
his flihi Ith the t tom troller fall and all
Passed Aug.5,1890. y upon the sale of a horse
z 1;1 g w i y P belonging [o them by the deputy pound- O.O CUI.t.EN,President of Council.
ALS a lute remipts to the city-in satisfaction of said O.O.C ULLEN,Presdent of Council. muster nt L`niou Park,an which m is n part '1PProt'ed Aug.0.1890
• CIRien or demand. Approved Aug.6,1890. Of the amount they were mpi,ledi to pay to Roue,Rr A.Synnl.\fapor.
_ 2 Tllie ordinance fter shall LR6C effect slid ROHEftr A.Sarcina\IflfOr. redeem said horse from said sale. Attest: Taos.A.PRENDERGAsr,City Clerk.
be In force from and atter ars��uhlicnnon• Attest: Txoe.A.Pneeoeno.tar,City Clerk. gelid warrant to be deliver only upon there Aug.11.
Yeas Aid. Banholmr, Bielenberg,Bott,Con- Aug.11. being fl1eJ wit h the City comptroller a proper re-
]rya Copeland, Costello. Dobler, Dornidev, ce`pc for said sunt.
' Fland ran, Gahan, McNnniee. Melnd}-, afinen, _ 2. This ordinance shall take effect and
ORDINANCE No. 1,853.
A Sanborn,I.ullivev,Ymi SI}-ke,>f r.Yresideri 17, Oantx.tNce\o.1,878, b i force from and alter Its passage and pun Ali ordinance as thorizl g C.W. Hackett to
Agp k Passed Aug 6,1890. Ile tion. erect au area sad urea walls.
1 N': A ordm permitting Peter John to cerci s r
AA O.O.COLICIN I'rea(deut of CouneB. ce pet Yea-Aid.Ranh Ire Blelenle Botta Con- The C'ommun Council o[the City of 8t.Paul do
Approved Aug. ,1891). [buy-
indow,eta r8. y
pprove g i The i'ommon Council of the City of St.Paul do ]it Copelavd,Costello.Uobner,DornldIn,Fla.- ordain as follows
a } ltuu E[tr A.E. x Dlnpor. ordafv ns follows- dealt,Gehnu, 3 Namm, \lelady, Ndlild • non 3. 'Phut permission and authority ie
} - Attesr Trios.A YitEenettoaer.City Clerk. S born SullivanY¢U Slyke,\Ir.Presltlent-lin hereby granted to C.W.Hackett to c[istnict
1 '(prat Aug.11 Section 1. Yermiesion is hereby agive, a d Passed Aug.'G,IR9U
,ranted to Peter John to Construct td in- O.O,Cbt.rex,President of Council. n ten feet wide in Ronnbel street aluug[he
G nail on the a' t eWe f the two stor brick- Approve?Aug.G,]8fl0. ( )
' UamxaxcE No.I,R76. v�" \ vt side of lot one 1 and in h'oorth street
y{ store and residence butt ding situate o t eI.- along the uor[h ends of Iota one 1 id two(2
An ordlnn[tce to amend see(iou nvo o[Ordinance teen(ln)i»block H of Hill's addWou to St. Rovenr A.SND,H,]myor• II iii black nvo(2)of Hopkhis'(adtlition to Ft�
Tri.-119,entltletl'•An ordinance»t relation to Yam fn Rnm.e y count \Ilan.: Attest: Taos.A.PREenERawev,City Clerk. ,
pounding nnimnl..' ,o ) Aug.I1. Paul,and to construct then awry urea walls
On the sec n 1 star`-of s d building two bay th`rcfor u g a permit so to do f;
The i'ommou Council of the City of St.Paul do i dinar. and a hal[feet a Ar- pm,obtniulu
prolecnnR OimieANCE No.1,381. This ordinance.hull take ffect..,it
ordain a follows cede street,said xmrk to he done rider the en- An ordinai,ee allthorizing the drawing of a be in I'—from and after its publication.
°;`.. _ i 1. Th.t section taco of Ordinance p1ervi.iou of the inspector of buddinRa of said g - ]'sus-Aid Bennholzer,Bielennbe
pp No.4ttfl,euntled"Stn ordiunnce in re3nnon to not in favor of I.J. Becker for the sui ao[ Cg. Batt. Con
EI PouadiDg anima,l.:'be end the same is here- City r verity-Hoe auJ 8 -100(S7G.86)dollars.¢ IeY.('opelnnd,Costello.Dobuer.llondden
2. Th(s ordfnence shall take effect and dna:.,Geh+an, 31eNumee, }lelaatl y, \rias.. Snn-
i} b)-+wtenled by adding(o the tern[orno b (e ioree from¢rid after its The(:ommmn+,oituc:l of the City of St.Paul do -
cluded within the limits Cbraced "it hlpw lid y. pxssn'pe rdnin as foiloaav born,Httlilvuu,\"un S11 e,Mr. Idea 17.
t lens {I d.BRnholzer,BIII. be�B.Roil.Conley, 'ar uPon Passed Au LINO.
_ :rd ibabee n11 of the Second aanrd of s id cit). Copeland,('ontedo,Uobner,Unruid`n,Flxndrnu, Section 1. That a a nt be denten R o
4 i bounded as follows; Conno-e(ng it the futer- Gehen,McNamee,Melnd ,\tinea,."anborn,SUI- the local Improven,eu blind of Lhe c(ty treasury O.O.Cnu,EN,President of Council.
1 action of the a 'terly boundary pounds limit.Iiia-xn,\•xtt Slyke,Mr.Ytcst dent-li. for the solo Ut sea nt}•Hve wad 8n-1 Uli(S"IJ.B,.) Approved Aug,ii,1890,
lid I'+,.liner street,thevice ens[ t Y+assed Aug.6,1890. dollars in havoc ofe v,i.Becker,Droller of lot 12 - Rni1.-A Syfrti[,Jn,y-or.
Fargmer street to Eug islt stmt,thence oath [block 12.E Rlee'v Hr+t ndJi non to S`by`.'-"id
.Yxul, Attest: Txo.A PxENnexcAer,City Clerk.
} I n Englivh street Di}3urn+avenue; thence west O.O.CUI,i.Ex.President of Council. the sold sum beluB tnenmonnt overp+Ld hyo aid Aug 11.
ii Bunts Loan Ue to Iteverve stmt thenesouth Approved AUR 6,1890. a.cconn[of a aid apool,arbeing ve -
Itmni;nr A.Fu \favor. g BODRI of
( ' n Reserve street to the hlter.ertlon of Inc right oa,:eYer„d in[he „ssea m uc roe the OR INAxcE No.1,384.
} of stay of the Chic.go.Doeliniton Q Northern A(te.t Tilo.lAs A PItENDERCA.Li(9iv Clerk. EAgertou stmt.from De car stmt tin Mary
nn Itxdw.y company;.thence o r herly i I lone ,lug 11, 1.d tae- (Brading aid wenn, Edgerton AD rd(nnnee .uthorizing E.Swaubery tin erect
igl t f - )u[o a In(er.ecnoo -ith the a int) „aid amount to be delivered only upon n bay avindoay.
}f f 111111 s+dd t IY F ods liinita. theure along the [here being tiled with the city comptroller n
e stern boo J I aid d limits to the GiIpINANCE No ISR i9. pro 1,t for sold Rmouut The('Ommou Council of the City o1 St.Pau]do
o e pound Per rete I Ordn:u nv fall yaae
} 1 PI.-of beglmdng. An ordinance snchorizing 1[enry F,RRers to con- Sec._. '1':ds ordinance shall take and be in Ction 1. That
2E9! Sec.2 This ordinance.hnlltake effect and be CrnC slid mnin[n1:n.Cave f,tie side of the force[coni u.aI after fts publication, a permiesfon ad authority
•il h:force from and.Iter its p bl:cu[lon. blurt unlrr Sibley street, yeas {Id.Bxnhnlsxr,Bielenbeig, loft Con- re hereby glue +antl Rrnvted(o};,Sava,i Lary(n
'f yews-Aid.Bniiholrzr,13ielenlerg, Botta Cmi The(oivi»"I Council of the City of St.Paul do le}(.opelxud,Cu•telio,Dobuer,Uorniden,Flav t x be wiudoav l I the sec ncl tory
f the
^I ley,Copeland,Costello,Uobner,Dormden,Fllaii ord:ln ns follow.: drau,t.ha» \Ic\wines, Malady, ]linea, can I building he in onetrucLlnB oft loin 14 and to v[
vr�l drau. :ban, DIc\wince. Melody \Noes. n c .;lou 1. That permission and nut horny 1s born,Sullivan,{'an Slyke,Air.Pre.iJent-17. block H4 [.{rlinetpu Mile so that Che said
I Toni,Sullivan,\'ria slyke,\lr.President II,-by given and g lted o Henry F, to Passed Aug.o,18.0 viudow .hull erolcet not [O N sed three feet
}' Pnsend Aug. H9U. c., y y ) ggera U.O C'ui.cev,President o[Council. auto Payne e,upon At."Inin. I� mit
t Y, R CIItract a •ec11t[he sxndetoue in the aide o[ I therefor.o[o do from the fns actor of building+
( 11 O.O.t-9-.�,President of Counn/k tie bluff mdse Lily treat in the Cit)-1 o Approved Aug b,]Ino.
i� Approved Aug 6 1890- - `+xul nt the rear cud of lo[2 of n1oCk H3 of West Roveitr A.SNurn,\I.yur See 2, Thfe ordinance shall lake effect¢»d be
} Ron..,A.Sl,r i\filynt ( Paul proper,to be need ria alar and to Attest: Taos.A.PENneacwer,City Clerk. lu force from and after it,pasv�e nntl publics
Attest: Time.A.PnENnexcasri(.1[y Cl. ainill-in the enme for o Period of ten(10) Aug.11. I tion
} Atig.11. }-ee rs. yeas-Ald Banholzer, BtelenhetR, Boit,Con
1 F aid cave to be constructed u der the super- OrsneeANce No.1,882, ley,l'n,:elxn3.Costello,Dobuer.Dnmiden.Flan
I L ' ORn Naxce No 1,37 i. i mid d(rect(on Of the budding Ilepp for An ordm n anpropnntlug m ley for
d dl- drau, hon, \Ic.lxmee. yleiady, Mine., Sao-
l i An rdboo,ce authorizing the r lu d(ng of cer- and the city eu,incer o[e N city, Iter obtain- sums nos 6(111 payment to Budget l,ce of the born,SoIIIcl,Il_yon Slyke,\lr.Preshlent-I
} _ talo money paid on the rensuenament for the mg a peruut tlere(or from [he building In- s Dmf fifty fav d Ilnr+, pursmuit to report Yaneed fu,.o,I80U
f open nil o pe from G,.,B street f c mjttee of claims.
i f Broedava [reef, ep,rtor. The Common Council of the(:it I (1.(1.(V,,iEN President of CounCll
°91 to Thirteenth stmt. sec•.•t This ordinance shall take effcet d ordain.s;.limas n: y o[S(.Paul do Approved Ang.u,1890.
The Common Council of the City o[St.Paul do be in force from and atter its passage and publi- Roonnt A.S.rob➢fapor.
Section 1. That an order be drawn aI� thel Attest: Tao..A.PREN....A r,Cl ty Clerk.
a as follows: ratio". city treasury of St.Pawl in favor of I3 rid
section 1. That a warrant he drawRl upon Yens-Ald. Beaholu, Bielenierg,Botta Con- Bet Aug.11. ,
3 the city tresaurer in favor of D. lfublenbruch ley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Dormden,
yea .1Ld,`°---5-ix kR< •v. s P .t -
. •,: t'^�,'h.•' k�i.;�+°M,`+ �s.T mak,.`:,� r,12t�Y. t .:.. �"�ltc..-Xm r-„eq a�,�'gs<r ,A"kl�;�:ni 3ro•.�iYn.;��''°e„} �. ,fix ,+,��i r.+.
�', •- -
Onprx,ls1E No.1,385. Ireland street,from Hamline avenue to Lea- By Aid.Bott-
Ali I la s and tweet}•-three Bence(826.29)being for the °
ordinance permitting H.E.Conklin to move ingtou avenne. Resolved,Th t the ity engineer cause erose-,redemption of certificate No.2466 n south
N i aflame barn d to erect a one and one-half .{]beet oceans from l,-nivereity nveuve to 'alke to be laid on the following[wined streets113 feet of,lot 1,bloc 1,Robert.Y;Rnudali's
l� tory frame addict..thereto lfinnehah tresis Across penury street, i c aide of Cypress ddltion being erroueouely sold for assessments
lits vY
The Common Council of the City of St.Paul lu Yeas-Ald.Banholzer. Bielenben;, Botc,Con- street;also noose Minuehaha street,on vest for hexagonal block of slyso estimates nam-
' ordain as in lows: ley,Copeland,Costello,Donner,Uornlden,Flan- side Walsh street. bees 1 and 2 n[188 i. '.'[•
S tion 1. Permission Is hereby grantedli.E. drau, Gebun, AlcNnmee, Melncl,-.)linen, 8au- ]ens-Aid.Ilunholzer, Bielennetg, Bolt,Con- Also that order be drawn In favor of Tlmo[hy
Conklin to ove frame barn from lot eighteen bpm,Sullivan,Vau Slcke lir.President-17. ]ey, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Dondtleu. Sulln-an for the sum of t,rentyfi ce doll¢rs and
•• 34 { (18) n block five(6)of the Hxmline 8yudicute Approved Aug.6,1890. Flandrau, Gehan, lfcN¢mee, Meisdy, ]linea, twenty cents(826 20)being for ills redemppL(on
9 i: Addition 90 1,to lots eleven(tl) lid twelve
Sanborn,Sullivan, Vau SIyke,lir.Yiesident- of rrtificate Nu. 266Y,being rroneouslp n
(12) In block three(:i)of the Hanll,ne Syndi By Aid.Sullivan- 17. sued for u aidewalk nsae.sment.Estimste No.7a.
, [
¢ t'�
can Addition No.1,add to and one. Resolved that the grade of Lincoln avenue, Approved Aug.6,1890. 1887,a aiust lot 15,block 4,Terr s adlit(o7
half story Immo addition thereto from Snelling avenue to Lexington avenue,as the same hBring]area abated b [he board of
Sec.2. This ordnnad:e shall be in full force Indicated by the red grade Imes on the aceom- By Aid.Bott- public works. y
andeffectfrom slid after its passage and pubo- Padying Profile.,add s recommended by the Resolved,That the city enginereenuse a cross- Al..that an order be drown 111 favor of J.B.
g, - etty engineer. be and the same are hereby walk to be laid across Beech street,north side St.Aubin for the
um of seventy-three dollar
]'Baa-Aid. Banholzer,Bielenbetg, Bolt.Con- adopted ae the established grades. of guise and five cents 873.06 bel. tar the%dem
21 C}•preas street,and a c'-s�ialk on Fxu
J ley,Col'bar.
Costello,Dobner,Dorniden.Flan- ]•Bas \Il. Banholzer, Blele.beag,Bott,Cou- etrEet,on west side of Mendota street of certificate \o.789),ieaued against eastone-�'
drau, Gehan, McNamee, llelady, Mines, Stn,- ley,CoPelnnd,Costello,Dobner,Dorniden,Flan- leis Ald.Banholzer,Blelenberg.Bo[t.Conley,I third of lot.7,8,9,block ue Whitney&Smith s
t bora,Suilican,Van Slyke,Mr.President-17. drau, Gehnn. Dfc\amee, Afelnd Minea, cn- Cap eland,Costello,Dobner,Dorniden,Flandrau, ddltion,the same being entitled to
J i Passed Aug 6,1590. born,Su9lvan.Van Slyke, y' Gehnn Alt\amee,llelady,\tinea Sanborn,Sul-I the surae lmprocement.
O.O Cbct.Ev,President of Council, A 'e,lir.President-17,n
Approved Aug.6,1890. pProved Aug.Adg8,1890. llvan,Van Slyke,Atr.Preeiden[-17. Also that as order be drawn lu favor Arthur
+ Approved-+ug 6,1890. Streichenbeig for the aura of tweet two dollar.
• AoneeT A.Sa a,Afayor. Y-
1 Attest: TRoe.A.PxExueaoaST,a city Clerk. By All.Dorniden- I lid sixty-two dente(822.62),being for the n.
If u�l Aug.11. y Resolved that the grade of the alley In block By Aid.Copeland- dei.aption of cernficatee No. 98(12 slid'2398 i
5.a miscellaneous piece,and block 6, all of Pp olveA, That the city engineer be authorized errone.nBly ieaued against a miscellaneous piece
_I Rldgetvood Pnrl-addition,from Itldge,rood ave- to pumhxee and e c s suitable drinking of]slid on Anro-,avenne near Bice street for
+' { Iteaolu[lons, nue to Alilton hidicxte0 by the red I...Lain for horses on that triangular piece u[ ae er on Aurora avenue.
By Aid.Sanborn- grade Ifne on the ccompxnying lir Ills and ae ground formed by the tutereeci,I2 of Edgerton lens-Aid Banholzer, Blelenberg, Bolt,
'.1 Resolved, That the following plats,as ap. recommended by the city a gineer,be and the street,Beaumont street and Decaturstreet. Conte}'. Copeland,Costello, Dobner,
proved by the plot commi.siou xud ns recon- same f.hereby edoptel as the established grade. Yeas-Aid.Banholzer,Bielenbe[g,Bott, Con- Flandrau,Gehnn, McNamee, llelady, Miitea.
mended by the c(ty engineer,be and the m Veae-Aid. Bm)holzer, Blelenberg,Butt,Con- lap, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Dornldeu, Sanborn, Sullivan,Vau Slyke, 1Ir. Yrealdeut
<': ➢', are hereby accepted by[he common council of ley,CU perand.C.atello,Dobner,Donilden,Flan- Flandrau, Gehnn, McNamee, Dfelad Mines, -17•
11"A' the city of St.Paul. dreu, Gahan, McNamee, \telady, ]linea, Sam Sanborn,Sullivan, Van Slyke,Mr. President Approved Aug.Ii,1890.
Riverside Park, First addition. Ramsey born,Sullivan,Vau Slyke,lir.President-l7.
j Co.,Minnesota. I Apr.ved Aug.6,1890. Approved Aug.8,1890, By Ald.Conley-
] Ibl"I College place,Afatrehnll x div. Resolved.By the common council of the city*
Summit avenue terrace. St. Paul Ramsey By Aid Copeland- Ay Ald.Gehan- St Paul,that an order be drawn upon the city
J a Co.,Minnesota. Resolved,That the city engineer be and he is Resolved,That the city oil contractor be and treasurer in favor of the board of water coni.,! Guertin's
addition to the city of Sc Pxul. hereby tnatructed to report x grade for the alley he is hereby directed to-move from Four- in as of the city of St.Paul for the sum of
t + The Pioneer Real Estate and Building society
in Black No.26,Arlington addition. teenth street ts.Inmps and place the same as nine hundred and forty-eight dollars(8048),for
sob of nk f sec 22,t 29,r 22. 1-exs \Id.Banholzer. Blelenberg. Butt Con. follows: One on the aontheaat confer of Rice raising the water mains located on Payne ave.
Hazel Park Division INo.6 a[ Paul,Ru rase}. les-,Copeland,Costello,D.buer,Dorniden,Flan- and Wnyzxta street; a on Cayuga treat, nue and tntersec[ioue,caused by a change of
.( Co.,Minnesota. drau, uehan, MINamce.}fainly, }tinea, San- north side,Live huudred feet west o[ltiesiselppi grade on an ¢venue,after the same hoe been
1 {' Yeas-Ald.Bnuholzer, Blelenberg. Bott.Con born,Sullivan,\'un Slyke,lir.President-17. street. audited by the city comptroller,said.mount
Is)',Copeland,Costello,Dobner,Dorniden,F'lau- Approved Aug.6,1890. Yeas-Aldd Banholzer,Blelenberg, Hott, Con- having been collected by the city treasurer for
.' drau, Gehnn, if\nmee, ltelndy, }tinea, Snn- ]e}•,Copeland,Coe[eilo,Dobner,Dorniden,Flan- the purpoae,and now In the city treasury ready
born,Sullivan,\'xu Slyke,lies Yrealdeut-17. By Ald.Copeland- drag, Gabon, McNamee,Malady, \linea,San. for payment.
Approved Aug.6,]890. Resolved.That the city engineer be and he Is born,Sullivan,Vail Slyke,lies President-17. Yeas-Aid.Banholzer,Blelenberg,Hott,Conley,
f hereby directed to retort n grade on the follow- Approved Aug.6,1890. Cop laud,C.etelio,llobner,Donlden,Flandrau,
By Aid.Sanborn- Ing streets,viz. Ha,thorue,Oral:ge,Hy-acln[h Gem..McNamee,Malady,Minea,Sedbom,Sul-
]. Resolved,That the grade of the toiloning streets,between Edgerton and Arcade atreeta. By Ald.Sullivan- Yvan,Van slyke,Mr.President-17. '
streets between the Points named,as Indicate Yeas-Aid. Hauholzer, Blelenberg.Holt,Con- Resolved,That the report of the board of Are Approved Aug.6,1880.
byy the red grale.1118 on the accompanying Pro- ley,Copeland,Costello, Dobner,Duriddeu Flan- commiaaioners be hereby approved and that -
filea and ae raommended by the dty eugiueer be drau, Geh.n, McNamee, Melody.Minea,San. said board be authorized xml directed to erect By Aid.Banholzer-
and he same are hereby adopted as the estab- born,Sullivan,Van Slyke,Mr.President,17. and mnhrtxln one fire xI.rm box at the corner Resolved,That an order be drawn In favor of
t grade.: Approved Aug.6,1890. of Snelling avenue and Grand avenue, with the the board of control for the sum of 81,362.46, »:
f� Heather place,from Oakland avenue to Floral nece..nry apppurtenance.. being the city's one third of the expenditure of
t R{ street. By Aid.Copeland- Yene-Ala1.Banholzer,Blelenberg,Batt, Con- said board(ne the month of July.7880. •
i - Floral street,from Oakland avenue to Gtnnd Resolved,That the city engineer be and he Is ley,Copelmid,Costello,Donner,Dorniden,Flan- Yeus-Aid.Banholzer,Blelenberg,
Boit, I.R.
avenue. her, lnetructed[o report x grade for the alley drau, Gehan, Mc\amee, llelady. Minea, sen- ley, Copeland, Coeteho, llobner, Dorniden,
i leas-Ald.Bmibolzer. Blelenberg,Butt.Con. In block No.27,Arlington addid.u. born,Sullivan,Van Slyke,lir.Yreaideu[-17. Flxndrnu, Gehan, AteNmnee, lfel¢dy, ]linea,
ley, Conelaud, l'ostello. Donner, Dornldeu, 1'rras-Aid.Banholzer, Bielennerg,Bott, Con- Approved Aug.8,1890. Sanborn,Sullivan, Van Slyke, lir. President _
Flandrau, 1; mi, JIc\nmee, Melad Minea, ley, Co 1 -17.
gi }. Pe awl, Co.[cNa Rohner, DornI ea, Resolved, That the contract prepared and Approved Aug.6,1890.
! Sanborn, Sullivan,\'au Slyke,Mfr. President- F'Inborn,, Genian. McNamee, Malady, Aflnea,
q1i j 17. suborn,Snlllcuu.Van Slyke,lir.Presided[ 17. ubmitted by the corp.r.tim,xttonaey between
t 1 1 Approved Aug.('i,1890. c Approved Aug.6,1890. Tailor Ctnig corporaeion awl the city of St, By Ald.B.Lt- permfaelon be sen James
P¢ui for the contrlertIn of the and Dnilln)g Hesolred, That g1
By Aid.Dobner By Ald.Sanborn of[he city hospice:and nearing date Aug. Kenuely ua others 1, grpde Brand street,from
i! Resolved,That the grade o[ the following Resolved,That the city engineer be and he is 1890,be and the-ole is hereby approved, �j lieunxrd attest to White Bear venue,said
} streets,between the points Indicated hemby authorized and directed to cause the the proper city officers are hereby directed to t•ork to be under the supervision
of the city en-
4 by the tetl grade Imre oil the xcc.m Panylug pro- Alley in block a•k 8,of Woodland Park to be paced execute ewd contract oil behalf of said city. 61neer,and expense
to be padd by the property ,
I files,and ua recommended by the city englBeer, from the sidewalk on Mackubin street to the Yeas-Aid.Banholzer,Bieleuheig, Bott, Con- oic iieas.
#� •be Dud the.ame are hereby adopted as the ea- p.vemeut on ltnckuliln street at mi expense not ley.l'opelnud,Costello.Dobner,Dornldeu,Fbui- Yen Id.Banholzer,Bielenbetg,Botts
' txbliehed e g y dean, ehnn,,Me\amee, l(eladp, }linea, Iev,Cu eland,Costello,Donner,Dorniden,Flan.
grades: - eedin fift dollars. San- lean,Gena.,Alt\anter,llelBd
Chalton avenue,from Prior avenue to Fair. v1-eae -Aid. Banholzer, Bieleuberg,Bott,Con. born,Sullivan,\•:u,Slyke,Mr.PTIBideut-17. y,]flush.Sanuorn,
i $ view avenue. ler,, Costello, Dobner, Dornideu, Approved Aug.6,1890. Sullivan Vau Slyke,lir.Preelde.t 1 7.
Raymond .venue,from Langford¢venue to Flniilra e, Gehan, lIc\nmee, lfelulp. ]linea, Approved Aug.U,1890.
Dudley avenue. Sanborn,Sullivan,Vau Slyke, Aft•.President- By Aid.C'uilo _
t Capitol avenue,from Hamllne avenue to Lex- 17. y Resolved,that.,,order bedrnwn in favor of:\r BReslolvB LThnt permission be given Wm.L.
J f ingtod avenue. Approved Aug.6,1890. Thur Streichenbeig for the sun,of twenty six dol- Ames and others to grade Burr-ester avenue,
}jt _
iii i
p' tram Kenrnnrd street to}Utzel nveuuI sold work shall proceed 111hmi[ dtbty to naw x the profile unexe,] to Inti order. wax t \Vherert.,The cityy clerk gave notice
to be n1-to the d,i byv p-j'of clay ennglneer,anJ amount,1-s taariv 1-x they t,nn useretaln the ,IY and proper.nal whether real extnte to be Aclnl pupae of sold city,for
thm »in thol f.
appe xa•to be pnbl LY Prn��rertyyowners. I»ume,welch shall lee rrqulrcdtotpup the Jamugex, nsxenrad fete xnl'I Imprnt-enrent could be found Iweeka,twice ff each week,r
the ccm r
a 1'eux—,fled Rnnhnixer.if Oct itott. Con- cos[.and expetr.ex of such Ito prnvemeac m,n
leto f oPelxnd.U,stelln.Bobnrr.Uortddeni.Fins- the real extnte to be benefited by sold improve. hctmicurr'd by xnid I,1nprnvl n iRt�alidnd costo to Antt axil of doled city
would on the 5th,Iny of
r� ( Into, 1)ehou. V a31",Sly e, Mela,lY. dent—od,7. r e,t,ax provlded by Inw.It behnR the opfnton \t"u,na,s.In nca)r,htute woe said order.the cfl chs mlx•rl
11-xn7.d0 o'clock r xt t1, 1. -
a' born,riullly'nrn.\'nn Slrke,lir.Pre.iJeat-17. Of tine common councll that real e.Gtte to Le 1-x- boa r•1 of yutrllc worts did nuke n rt to the thnnge n! Id
AI I'—Vea Aug 11,1890, v J for such Improvement, eP^ Rrnrle;and
e. provement cnu be found bene- coo: ,on , hell of Into Time 19,1800 ret• 1-t- Wireren,.At the time and place lost drsiwintetl +-
"""NNN fl[e�l to the extent of the AumnRes.costa and M-1111,K n cluange of gntde,n Olive xt in »ucI proposed chin o of Rrxrle,the Common
a 83'AW.(:,•lion— exrrreneex necessaryry to be Incurred thereby. 01',11-veven,I trent mead the rinutherl Ifne of [ ncll,alter banning 1-1 persons In terested,and
{• 9 Resolved.1'lutt permiexion 1-e.and the some S" x—\fA,}tnnliolrxr,Bielen LrrR. But[, CBIn- Fifth street,nad that y •rr t
hereby r r1 Pro arty rmad be found bring of the opinion that the saint is necessary
4 panted to A.\.Yeitler[uereor.main Ile Co lu 1-d,Cox[ello,Uobuer,Uurtuden,Nlnn- benefited to the extrut of,�amages,costs nn]ex- and proper:
i talo and n ern to scales at No A I7 Mleslssippl loaf, lam, lleNamee, l(eledy. !flora, Vi peusen uecexsury to br Incurred in ..king sold 'Therefore,he It resolved.ved.That
„ traet,fu Lite Iffy of St.Paul,M1uue» ti being'.i born,Sullivmn,\'nu SIYke,lir.1'renideut-17.nt chxnpe of prude as 1, rosaid;su d crude of
(n(cont rd south one holt u[eimt l0U lost of In[ Approl•ed Aug.9,189 0. P leasnnt nvennr.Irnm[he xontln line f ,\trlrn-
1,block f1,of R.Itice s sec ,d ddl cion,neon \Vbertnx.Tine common council of said city,on truuR avenue[o[he north flue of J�nneti (,r
eoadltlotix and ax ided b Whereas.the commo1-councll of theelty of St. the 77th dui•of Tune,lAxO, ndnpfed s ld - be nad is hereby rhxngerl to ,ryrrbr,l-
i. prov y article 50 of port and ordereJ the city cic,L to Rive the no ance with the red Ifne a..rihuwn nn the a ae>Rrd
the rs-Ald.(rode. Pork Heretofore ordered the bwtrd of pdLiic tier required bylaw;, profile.LeInK the anme u referred[o iii 1
1'enx—Ala.B141,11 r.Bielen nerg, Bott, con wotek,to report nbetlter x cum•e 1 " a
• 4 \\'hercn'•,The city clerk Rwvenotice In the ofi I dings had In regard to xaid emoice Is lo,C'nxtrllo, Uobuer,Dorniden,Flan n..ivth 1-tnet from Broudn dv
to FJohn trteet tint paper f sand ci[Y. for three successive I further ,�Pd 4610
i� cruor t1-, Mr\sneer llel¢dy. \IH,en, c n. In x¢id•it3,a orderhown fry is reel line 1-,n Prohle weeks,dice In each k, [hat the c Resolved.That[his order
and the profile
m -
p' born, ullivxn.\":u,hl yke,Mr.Yreeiaent-179 u sed t xnid rder xry nndp open
Control] f ld city t'ould o, the e c dam . P
1 7 Approved Aug.iy,18S)0. n lr nhe[her re¢I 1-t oto tneraxair,V1,for enid ,t ugux[.18fli0,at 7 Y0 o'clock y srnnuK xnid,bourn of grade be referred board
.. lin prov 1-t nonld be (n rub L s, ted In Lire oil chamber to Ilii city,consider such propcosed b , d of p rblic w rk»,and that said board
! BY\fd.lfc\nmee I extent Ofrdamages and costs to be, reed LY chsug,of grade:sort
proposed ahold pro d s ithout dela C- [o ae the
tyt Redo:"` tote
Bu xnd utter Aug.15 eigght fgt x Id improvement;nad t \Vherenx,AL[he time and Pince last deeiw,atea u,t,1-e nearly a Lhey n certain the
hours co„xtitnte n day*,lurk for all mechnn(ce.I a\Vlierea,e,In eccoMnriw with enid(order,tba for.uch propBserl Ili— d gravel the a oto !bleb shwa be ,egouirexulrto 11rr1-Y
She data-
1 clerks and nab Bret»rmbloyed h)-the city ,boar,!of public worka did make n report to the ncil,after hearing all paean.e n rested,and ageae coati and expenxee t h
In,Y tut
t fens 110. Balrnol/.er,Bielen berg, Bott,Con uncal f date o[ Tune la. 18!11), being of the opirn,n that
the.amenia 1-1,1x. upon the real extnte to be beurfl ted by Bald(m-
Doburr.Ilontl,len,C:ehan,McNamee.3lel,t- recon mend!ng a change of grade B1-Sixtli street Yro veto or,ns ided b Iw,1t being
the t'$
pry Prov y. _
u dy.\flora,\'an slyke-11. yrom rBrond any to(he exeterly flue of John nrTherlfore•,be it rzeolved,Thac�h gr¢de of Pinion of the common counci,"that reel estate
'y $ Nny. Ald.Col'eland,('ostello,Flaudraa,San treat,and that p—ocrty could be found bene- Olive street, between Feventh street 1-d the to be n».eesed for such Impm
anent can be
ss born,Boohoo,ltr. 1890.Po-jau[ H. filed to the extent I dxmaHmn,cos[e end e o thrly line oP Fifth treat,he`$1-d the same sound be-fifited to the extent f the damages,
i 1 p APProved Aug.i;,18x0. penvex nese-sa ry to be iu,urred in making enid fe hereby ehanged nn xemrdnnce tvfih the red Zine t"n"d .Penxes ecessury to be lucurred
3'k chxnee M Ren de us xfnre ut :lad x shown on the annexed IiroHle,belong the Tame thereby.
f i
Whereas,e,The common council of the city o[ Whereas.'l'he common council of said cicp,nn 1-.a referred[o in all the pr,[i In re fens—Add.R¢nholzer,Bielenben, Butt.
i + - St.Paul heretofore ordered the bon rel of public the lith div of June, 1890, adopted en id 1 to enid chem 1 - lav, Co 1 t d. C'ostellu, Dobner, Uon,iden,
works to report whether a change of Reade on report and orelerrrl the cit' clerk 20 girt ire.aur h1 it farther I Pea i
} give the Resolved,'1'hnt this order d Lhe profile rep- gnu"`frau, ,eh.n, llcNnmee. \telndy, !Ifne¢,
5 Randolph street,from Summit avenue south to no(Ice required by law; ud resen[inng said chxnpe of gradexbe referred to the Horn. Sullivan, \•an Slyke, lir. Preaf-
Y g. Chatsycorth street,together,v(ch the rcexsarp \\'hereus,The clt�•clerk give notice 11-the of- board of publle forks, xnd that said board Aennt-17.
.2 Irb.aa.on the cross ntreetx,in sold cite.1-x a paper of said ext}-, for three successive shall proceed ,ithout delay to n.xe.s the Approved Aug 9.1890.
shown by red Ifne onnprofilexm[exeU to enid or lceeks,nc(ce In each week, that the common amount,as uesrly ns they eau nw•ertan the
p der.was necessary and proper,and whether real couuell of said city, woul[t on the 5th day of same,which shill to required to pay the dam. Whereas,The common council
of the city of
44 astute to be asses ed for saidimpruvemen(tould August,1590,at 7 AO o clock pp. , tthecoun- mires,cost.nad expels x of xu•h hnnrovemeut St,Paul heretofore ordered the
board of public
be found benefited to the extent of damages and oil cls tober,In laid city,consbier such proposed upon the real estate f be," n lied by xafd i ark.ul report whether n change
d grade on
9i Coats to He Inca,•reA LyxnlJNmppr v e1-`surd ch r ge of gr Ae: 1-d 4r 1t t. ax pruvfded by btto it being the I Phre.tree[,Irmo FI(th[o Bald of oil
vWrterex,,hi n"nrdnnce Ith said or ler,Che LL VI et thp[tlomcee a tl pence last deeiR- pl to oaf the common cmrncit that real estate x xlwln by a red Ifne o a profile
a zed to
b d of publle Lx ilii mote n-Pert to be , tail fur x h I d h age f geode.the to be nail•sed!1-r uch Im roper, xnd
on n'X of date July 7,]riga, om conn, t el of heart ill , provement
can be y 1,1 order, u r ,aceany una y
c otndinR a clmnRe or gr.,I,.,i Jum,189,et,Irnm [erelten),n,�t being Myths opinion IM1nt then ane IBnlld l enetlted to the extent of the dem ages, whether real extatetto be
x 1 Inn x Id Im-
x the;text Ilse of Ylenx.nt avenue to the writ Ifne Ix nelexxwry nal propos; therec. xtnxand expeiixex ue.exn try. y to Ire Incurred pmyy 'Itre could a found benefited
Lo the ez•
f p 1 f C'hutssrorth Lreet,an I[hat pr rt rty ronld Therefore,be It Ived, Thnt the gratle f 1"e ted.Bniiholzet,Blelenlre,R.Butt.Coni» I teurrrrnvemc:at a xnd
conte to be Incurred bys,if
! be found benefited to the 1x010 L (damages, ties o [reef from Hrond wayy to the a tardy Cnpelm d Cmdelfo. Uobn,•r. Uondder,. F`sir- i�4•her x,1-i nolo, with e¢Irl
oat,Hud expense,n ,x y to be'orurred h1- ties of J h.street,be n,1 Me a i.hereby dr �1, lfcNx`nee, y.
m king sold change of Rr,ule ax afo,enairl;nn1 choose,In accordance11tr1,the red Ifne ax»brawn f Melrui ]filen, ,- bonrvl 1-t ywnbllc r1 orkx did make a 1r rt to the "
c WM1erenx.The common councll of xnid city,on n[he annexed n:one.nemR the born.8ulilrtu,r�i,\'x1-.'lyk,..11r.I'rexiden t—lint Ill n(dote June la,Irian,tecnm-
t i the 9th day of July. 1A90, n forrded xnid (erred to In all the prooeedinge bad la regard to Approved A I..a.18an. I Coe�eliok x cha,µRe of grnde on Ylr,e»
port and ordered the Citi'clerk to glee the,in x Id change;and by IC Ittrther nm Lwee,i S.•venth trent Hud the ontherlyy Ih,e t
Lice rerreniretl be aRosolved,Thnt thin order and the proflie rep• \Vherenx,The c '1-i n II o[t oe r uy c F Ina street,nnreF hot Pro
ope�ty could b }Bond
i- Acl the u,.Th x183'clerk gave n tlrc In the of- ming xafd ehisI of Rrnde 1-e rrlerred to Lhe 8t.Ynui Heretofore nMered thi board (p bel be Hted to the teat f enid
ogee, Coate d
paper f
Said c1tceY• for three xuccesx{ve board o(pubilo w'orke,and that sold bonM ahnfi orkx to report 'hrther x ehimym of grade on I e peones nettxxxry to 1-e lnenrred fu nuking
' tl weeks,t1'Ice Lt xeM1 I k. that the common proceed tvlthout delay to aeseal the amount,1-x Randolph street,from eummlt nvena nsece,oro change of grade otmf ,aid;mrd
py 8 councll of.abl city woulel on the 5th day of An- ¢ly 1-x they ran niuercaln the xume which CHutxwo nth street,together with the y Whereas,The ou eoancfl of
anfd city nn
gust.1890,at 7:80 o'clock P m. at the councll .leiall be rely ared to payothe damages,cast.emit Ihnngel on the cro.x ntree[.lu anfd city shown the 17th day f J to 18x(/.adopted
id re-
UUU chamber.1n aid 1[v,considor sucH proposed expeuxex of inch Imp(•v t upon Lhe 1-1 by¢red line on x prot1 a annexed to aid order, port ear ordered the city clerk to
give the r
• ` h chatiKe of grade; 1-d extnte[o bt I�eueflt'T by e»uld Improvement nn as¢ my xnd proper,and whether real - L1ce requited by Inw; tl ro
k; t k W I'm n.AL the time n 1 nlnce last rlexlg providod b 1 v,It being the opinfnn of the cow- Leto tri he axles»ed(1-r xafd Impm meat could Whereas,The cit clerk
gave notice in the of l-
e Hated tot eneh a�op d change o[grade the a mil Ihnt real entnte to 1-e exxexsed for be fund beueH[ed to the extent o[dnmagex and cis!p of said city for there
eutcexnfve ks
r (ter hearing alt pern 1-x Inter- uch inlpr ant can be found benefited to the be incurred by I¢Id Improvement; x d twice in each eL',that the c ov c u 11 0%
este-,mrd being of the opfi 1[rn[hat the xume is extrut of thtdamngrl,cots and ex _ Whereite,In uccordnnce lith anfd order, he id cit _Uld A us
>` u airy xnd prB[�r; n y to 1-e incurred,hereby- penees"mss bontd of potnllc worka Md make a rep r[to the at 7:of O'elock 0 t6 an the Cor 1-e 1 chamber9ln
n noes fore,be it solved.That the Rrnde of x 1"e \Id B=0t,hz.BlelenherR.BoIt,Conley. ncil of date July 7.1890 recon said cito, on icer such yronoeed change of
1' J ttvxt,from the.ext]1ne of Plrnsant ave- Cope btnl,Costello,U^bner,11—fden.FHandrau, coending a change of gr¢de ou Plenennt avenue, geode;a d c
e tothe lent line B(Chn[eworth street,be mid f:elrnn,MCV,tmee,Melody,\linen,6unborn,fiat- no m the too h line of xAnnstronq avenue to the Whereas,At Che time and place 1 1
Lhe xume Is herebny-rhnngedi In nccordanen ,'nth Iivun.Vua dyke.Mr.Prenldeut-17. a [h line f ,Timex treat,and that property for such nropoxed chnnRe of grad the -
q F the red line ax Hnu'v , the anvexltl profl le, Approved Arrg.a,1890 Bald he found benefl[eA to the extent ( dam mach otter hearing all persona interested.and
be1nK the xume 1-x (erred to in.11 the nrnceed ages,co»ts nnri a Cp...c.necesaerY to De in,nrred being of[M1e oplvion tHat the soma la v arp
inpn had In—good
to enid change; a d be It Whereas,The common om,cil of the city f fav nkhrg said hinge of grade as afomsnid:,and pro a aeexx
1 ) fort Her St.Pxuf heretofore ordered the nonrd of blit THe��re,be it reeBlved,ThnC the��de [
1[exol ved.That[his order end Lhe oro H'e rep orkx to repnrc vhe[her f u \Vhereas,The common councll 1-t xNd cit}-,on Pine t, between Seventh [reef d the
mqe of grade the
9th day of July,1Saa,wnfopted xwid.Port ntheri}}•Ifne Bf Fifth street,ba and the same lx
}' f„$ ,ting said Ih ono o[gentle th referred IB the Uilve street, from Fifth aro veI In .n 1 ordered the city give Lhe notice re hereby cl,angel 11-acro dance
with Lha d line,
Hoard of punnc 1 k.,and that said board said efty, ue shown by a red line on a quired bylaw;and as shown on the:muexea prnflle,being the same
1 F.�
kt y«.c.`�a-' fix.•..i'i
e r ?. v Y sj rr" .,. ��."a +•l ` '7'S�" -
as referred to In all the proceedinga had in regard ley. Copeland, Costello, Dobner. Dondden, By Aid.Uorniden- Victoria street,from Goodrich avenue to Grand
to s:ud chxuge.and De is further Flandrnu, Gehan, 31cNnmee 3leladp. \tinea, Resolved.That the board of public works Is •enue,be and the same Is hereby referred to
vt Resolved,Thac this order and the profile rep- Bunborn,Sulliyxn,Vun Slyke. Mr. President- hereby t thorfzed to have Western avenue the board of public works to investigate
resenting snid cnauge of grade be referred to the 17. sprinkled from Goodrich avenue to Harrlsou repport:
War of ppbhc works,and that the Iu, board Approved Aug.8,1890. avenue. First-Is this Improvement proper and neces-
f al. shall proceed without delay to assess the -- - Yeas-Ald.Banholzer,Blelenberg, Bott, Con. nary?
(i amout, ua nearly as they can aacertalu thn By a Aid.Uorniden- lip,Copehmd,('ostello,Dobner,Dorniden,Flan Second-Give the council an estimate of the
same.whish shall be required to pay the dam- Resolved,That the board of puDllc works drau,Gehan. \Ic\nmee, 3feladp, 311neu, Snn- expense thereof,and mute whether one-half of
ages,coats mid
expenses of such Improvement I cause u cross walk to be built oil Oneida scree[ born,Sullivan,Van Slyke,Mr.President-l7. the coat thereof is n be nil into the city treas.
S {' upon she teal estate to be benefited by said on. arrow Jeffereou avenue. Approved Aug.8,1890. u y before the cont r'bell.
ce le let
prevenient, provided by lax•, 1t being the Yess Ald.Buuholzer,file nberg, Bolt, Con- Tn(rd-l;an real eatute to be assessed for said
opinion of the common council that real estate ley,Copeland,Costello,Uobner,Uorniden,Flnn- Resolved, That the board of public works be Improvement be found benefited to the
extent of
.'s. to be assessed fora such improvement can be I drau, Gehan, McNa eel 3felady, Mhien,Sun-
found benefited to the extent of the damages. born,Sullivxa.\'nn Slyke.31r.President-1 i. and ie hereby authorized[rith the consent of the I damegre,costa and expenses necessary
to be in-
- costa and expenses necessary to be incurred Approved Aug.6,1890. ontrnctor co moldy the non[rnet for the coil- curred thereuy?
thereby, structio,of n newer no Ridgewood even and Fourth Is such Improvement eked For wpon
jI ]'eua-Aid Bviholrxr, Bielenbera, Bot[,Con By AId.Dobner- cher streets(heretofore ntered into by and the petltiou er npplirxtion f finis o.....
ere f
tp .i ]ey.1--tello.1gprlau d,Dobner,Ilornlden,Flan- Resolved, That the board of public works be Letween the city of St.Paul uf",T6omas Reil.}•) m jortty of the property[ir
be assessed[for such
14 drau,l:ehVii'MeNumes,\leladv,Mmes,Sanborn, nd the same is hereby(netrneted to cavae a fn ewttormity to the mporc d commeadn v eat?
Sullivan,Van Slyke,)fr.President-17. six-foot plank side walk to be laid along the gooftaot the city eugmeer nerewitb transmitted, LLL i=tolve1Fend the council n pbin or
profile of said
Approved Aug. ,1890. urth aide o7 Charles street, between Prior ave- to provide for the cons[nict Ion o[n arae. I. ` nt,as required b report
S J.. g _. n i la em y law,it you re t
n and Fairview avenue. en p pe sewer along each side of Grancl aceone I in r o[same.
�. By Aid.Conley- n Peas-Aid.Bxnholzer,Blelenberg,Bott,Conley. from. Ito¢street to Victoria street,instead of Sixth d the council a proper order direct-
Resolved, That the board of Co minud,Costello,Dobner,Dondden,Flandrnu, twelve inch pipe sewer In the middle of said Ing the work to be(lone
public work° Grand avenue,at n price not to exceed five hon ]"ens-Aid.Bahholzer,IIlelenberg,Bott, Cbu-
cause an hexagonal cemeiisc sidewalk to be Inid 1•etam Me'allies,Melady,\linea,Sanborn,Sul• deed and fifty dollnts($660). ]ev.Copeland,Costello,Uobner,Dorniden,Flan-
f on chat part of the wee[side of Broadway In. limn,Van Slyke,Mr.President-17.
tueen Ninth and Tenth streets not already tor- Approved Aug.n,1890. Peas-Aid.Banholsxr,Bi0euberg.Boit,Con dean, Gehan, 3Ic\nmee, \felady, Mlneu, S n-
- end by au hexagonal walk. ]ec,Copeland,Costello.Rohner,Dorniden,Flan- born.Sullivan,Van Slyke,Air.President 17.
/ Yens-Ald.Banholzer,Bielenberg, Bott. 'oil By Ald.Sullivan- drau,Gehmi,illcSamee,)felady,Mines.Sanborn, Approved Aug.6.1890.
ley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Dorniden, Resnhed,That the board of Sullivan.Van Slyke,Mr.Vice
President 17.
i public works is Approved Aug.6,1890. By All.Dobner-
, Flandrnu, Gehan, MaSamee, )[sial}, )linen hereby authorized to construct six foot wooden _
Sanborn,Sullivan.Van Slyke, Mr.Yresident- sidrw alk on south side of Rondo street, De- By Aid.Flundrair- 1t i,s hereby rdered by the Common Council
i 17. I tucen Snelling avenue and Fry street. Resolved.that the bonrd of publ(c rocks be of the City of St.Paul:
Approved Aug.0,1890. 1'ene--Aid.Buuholzer, Bielenberg, Bott,Con- respectfully requested to Postpone Wetton in the That the matter of openeuing Asbury avenue
E 1 ley,Copelmid,Costello,llobner,Uorniden,Flnn- matter of assessment for gradhlq and brWg(ng I from rharless street to Cnlvereity avenue,
B}•Aid.Gehan- dreiu, Gehan, Sic\nmee„Melady, Mines, San. Selby avenue until the committees of the coon- be id the me Is hereby referred to the
Resolved, Tbxt the board of public forks born,Sullivan,Van Slyke,Mr.President-17. til who are a considering the the mutter of petition- of board of public works to investigate
and to-
1 ?r cause the construction of sit hezago+ill sidewalk Approved Aug.6,1890. citizens interested in said nsweemevt shall r port:Firat-Ia[life im
{�Fa' oil central venue(north aide[Irum 1Vabnshn port to the council. a seryl provement proper and neves
e[teet to Cedar,exceppt where already IoW. By Ald.Dornlden- Yeas Ald. Buuholzer, Btelenberg,Butt.Coll. and Give the couucli s estimate of the
}'ens-Aid. riunholrxr, Blelenberg,Bott,['on If solved.That the board f public works ley.Copeland,Costello,Dobner,Dornidea,Flan- expense thereof,and state whether oar-half
I;opel¢nd, C'oatello, Dobirer. Dondden, exnse to be constructed an ight toot wooden drau,Gehan. Mc\nmee. Melady, 3llrren, Snn- the eoae thereof is to be paid foto the city
i s Flandrnu, Gehan, Me\nmee, Melady, M�neu, Idew alk on both sides of M<•Bonl street,from born, Sullivan,Van Slyke,Mr.President-17. before the contract is let.
1 .Woburn Sullivan,\'au Slyke, Mr.President- R'flken to \Neat Seventh tree[an eight-toot Approved Aug.8,1890. Third Cnn real estate to be assessed for said
wooden sidewalk oil both aides of Ramsey street,
y - J Approved Aug.0,1690. betxeeu Pleasant avenue an 1 \Veet Seventh By Aid.Dobner- Improvement be found benefited to the extent of
j street; siz font wooden sidewalk oil west It is hereby rdered by the Common Council danwges,costs and expenses necessary to be hi-
Br Aid.Sxnboau- nide n(\5'estern avenue,[rom Grace street to o[the City of St Pa curred thereby
Resolved,That the d to of public works be I Chlcngo,)Ilia sakes S St.Paul ndiway track; That the ratter of grading t11e street Fourth-Is such improvement¢eked for upon
id Is hereby wet rutted[o construct cement x six-foot wooden sidewalk on the south of surrounding Block No.91,of St.Anthonyy Park the petition or npplicntion f the owners ore,
block eWew alk eight feet wide along Carpenter I Grals street,from We�torn avenue to Colbourue (petition attached) ire and the acme is hereby majority of the property to be assessed
for such
;� Park on the southerly elle of Summit avenge, street,with uecessar}'cross-walks. re(ernd to the board of public works to loves- nl,rovemei
p the a ception of the driveway shown 8n Yens-Aid.Benholzer, BieleuberyS, Bott,Con- tignte¢nd report: r Iffit-Send the comlcil plan profileon
t, t plans sub in its(to park board, ley.Copeland,Costello,Dobner,Dorufden,F-on- First-ls this improvement proper and lives- said improvement,as req[dred by law,if
you n.
1'exs-Ald.Banholzer. B.elevb1n, Bott,Com drau,Gehan, McNumse, Melady, }tinea, San. sary? Port 1n favor of the some.
.y> ley,Cop slum,Costello,Dobner,Rornieu,Fhn -born,Sullivan,Van Slyke,Mr.Preiddent-17. Second-Give the council an estimate of the Sixth-Se.d the counifl a proper order
• drnu, (lehan, McNamee, \felady, Milieu, San Approved Aug.8,1890 expense thereof,and state hether one-half of lug the work to be done.
born,Sullivan,Van Slyke,Mr.President-17. the cost thereof is to be paid[into the city trews- Peas-Ald.Bnnhoizer,Bfelenberg,Bott, Con- -
ApprovedAug.0,1890. uybefore the contnu[in let drau,Gehain>Ic\ni nice.\felnd[r•ytinenien,Mrn-
B}-Ald.Melady- Third-Can real e,tate to be+ma<•ssed for snid
4 tan-
Resolved, That the be and of public works Improvement be fonnd benefited to the extent of sullivnn,Van Slyke,Mr.President-17.
6 rip Aid.Melady- muse a six-toot wooden side, to be buAt on
{ Resolved,That the board of public works is both sides of Page street.from South Robert car°age costa nud espenaes ne«ssur}-to be in-I Approved Aug.6,1890.
xeby or
`red to construct u plank nldew nik street to Concord street.where not already laid, curred thereby? -
feet width on the [vest old,of Bidwell with the necessary crosswalks. Fourth is such improvement asked for upon fey Aid,Dohner-
ireef[rom Ueoige street to South R'ubashu I il'ena-Aid.Banholzer, Blelenberg, Bott,Con- the petitimr or application of the ounrers of n It Is hereby o lend by the Common ('ouncil
44 li( street,
and also that a fx.foot plank walk be ley,Copeland,Costello,Bobber,Dorniden,Fisn maJoor`tey of the property to be assessed for such f the lite of.St.Paul
constructed on the north side of Bnke ern[, drau Gehan 3lclamee, )felady. \floes, c¢
m tt Thnt the matter of opening Ylllabur}•meet.
! fr•um Bidwell street to Smith avenue. Darn,Sullivan.Van Slyke,Mr.Presidsut 17.n iftl c 1 the council n plan o profile f f rneame s street to I1 exingtdn nveuue,be+aid
Peas \Id.riuuholzer, Bielenberg, Bott,Con j Approved lug"0,1890, saW improvement,as required L}loaf,if you re the is hereby ferrel to the bonrd of
.le},Copelvid,Costello,Dobner,Uorniden,Flan port in in`ur df the same. public works to h defer and report:
• - dran, Gehan, McNamee, )(clad}' Miaeu; Sou. By-,fid.Dc br,er Siv[h .end the council a proper order direct- First-Is this linprovement,,it
and neees _
t 3 born,Suilfvan,Van Slyke,Mr.President. 17. Iteaolved That the board of ublic works be ng the work to be done. sat.}.�
AI Proved Aug.(1,1890. P yens-Aid Bauhulzer. Blelenberg Bott.Con- Second Gice[list ouncil nnestin-to of the ex-
t __ nud the is hereby a tlwnzed to place a ley,l opemml,Costello.Uobner,Uorniden,Fl¢n
pinnk cross walk over Hewitt nveuue at the In" Pease tl�ereo(,oral state uhecher one hal[o[the
By:11d.Bielenberg- tenectiou of said Ii-etc avenue with Walk,, drau, l:ehnrl, 3Ic\Hulce, 3lemdy, }linen,San- st thcreol la to be paid foto the city treasury
Resolved,That the board f pu hilt works n'ane. born Sull van,\'an Slyke,Mr.President-1 7. Lefore the contr:icc I.
cause nu eight foot sidewalk with the necessary, fleas :\Id Bnnholzer,Rlelenbetg• Dolt,C'on- Apt roved Aug (S,189u. Third-Can real estate to be assessed for snid
crosswalks to be built on both sides of Fr.nt ley f'opelund.Costello,Uobner,Uorniden,Flail- improvement Le found benefited to the swish[of
street from Western avenue to Chatsworth uv Iran. Gehan, McNamee, \telarl Y. )linen, Sao. By Alld Sl ubnrn- d�m�q costs and expenses necessary to be til- _
t . i enue. burn,Sullivan,Van Slyke,Mr.President-17. It f hereby ordered by the Common Council of currc thereby?
I I Yeas Ald. Banholzer.Blelenberg,Butt, (;oil-I Approved Aug.6,1890. the lily of Sill Pool; Fourth Is such Impr ve n rat aeQell for upon
That the Iter f constructing a sewer un the petition or applies, rof the i s of a
i ii5#
y 5
{'c�z-+u°''�.r"a`tr-•rte^�'�`'""t. �,::.w.r Y� ` }..��r3t-f? SR.^ "'rs.y.`. �1 �-t#s+4 r 3 d5fi rf >� �,5j?',:'.�`� � .�,.z„�lid�,k,.,+7„� „se,��q,,, g
- ,fi
majority of the property to be assessed for such By Aid.Gehan—
e j imp •eme"t7 It is hereby ordered by the Common Couuci'o
lith d[I a council n plan or profile of said the cityere of fit Paul. damages,conte and expenses necessary to be in- dean,Gehan,McNamee, Malady, Mine&, San-
s Y� proven t same.Wred by law,rf you report That the matter of the change of grade on carred thereby? I bora,Sullivnn,Van Slyke,Mr.President-17. `
in fav of tl Park n.cenne,from.1 rch street to Sycamore,be Fourth Is such imprle.ovcmeut asked for upon Approved All 6,I.
a _ Sixthr Send the council n proper order direct re
and the same is hereby referred to the board of the petition or pPolperty[o be eaeeeeed for such By Aid.Gehnn—
'.'. ing the work to be done. majority of the
public works to investigate and report: D vement" _ It is Aid.G mlered by the Common Council
Peas Ald. Rnnhoirer.Rielenbetg,};oft,Con First I.this Improvement{,roper and nerve- i Fifth Bend the council pp1&n pmlile af'
ley,CoPelnud,Costello.Dobner,Dorufaen,Flan- sary' said imprvement,as required b In if you f i of the city of St.Paul: 1
d draw, Gehan, ytcNuntee, >felany-, Miura. Sau- Seco)d—C:(ce the council nn estimate of the r.- said y Tbac the matter of the opening of Como ave-
,a .� a
born Sullivnn \'nn 31}•ke.\In President 17 port hr ivor of the same. nue(1n a direct If, °f
Crt � pen thereof,slid state whether one bnif of the Sixth—Send the council a order direct- ).from ice present esateru
e+ Approved Aug.6,1890, st thereof is to be a into the city treasnrY proper µerminua to Fairview a'rase,at its Intereectiou
_ before the coutruct la let fug the work to it done. with Valley street,be d the same is hembc
Third Can real estate to be sees d for stud 1 ens .lid.Rauholzer, Blelenberg, Butt.Con referred[o the board of public works to iuveetl-
d By Aid.Mhum— improvement be found benefited to the extent of ley, C;opelnnd. Costello, Dobner, Dorniden, gate and report:
It 1s hereby r1ereA by the Commou Council damages,costs and expenses necessary to be in PNundrxu,gcenan
McNamee,nmee, 9telndy. ?fines, Firer—Is this Improvement proper and neces-
of the City of St Paul. carred thereby+ bore. Ilivan, Van Slyke, Dlr. President s }•e
That the matter of,opening nn alley twenty- Fourth Ix such improvement asked(or upon —17' Second—Give the council n stimate of the
sic feet w't le through iota 17,18,30 and 20 the Approved Aug.6,1890.
3 petition or application of the otrnere of a expense thereof,and tate whether one-half of
1+ :' block 36.West Std, L�nd a d Cottage Co's majornv of the property to be assessed for such the cost thereof Is to be paid into the a ty tmaa- ee
1 ( subdivision of Brown & Jackson's addition, improvement. By Aid.Gehan— wry before the contract is
be and the same is hereby referred[o the board Fttth F.•nd the counefl n plan or profile of enid It is hereby ordered by the Common Council j �'It1rd—Can real estate to
be assessed for said
of public works to investigate anti report improvement,ns required by law,if you report f the City o[St.Yawl: imp veal,nt be tounrI benefited to the extent of
First Ie this Improvement proper xnd neves its favor o[the same That the.etter otthe conetructionot s sewer damage costs and expenses necessary to be in-
Sixth—Se d the council n proper order direct- ori MisatxsipV1�at ,t,from the right of way of the carred thereby"
Seemid—Give the council n estimate of the tag the works to be done. Great NuttA i Railway company north to Fourthon each improvement askedow for upon
.t a peti.e thereof¢lid stale tchether one-hxlP OF Peas Aid.B.nholrxr. Bie'enberg, Bott,Con- Northern Pacific right of way,be and the enme the petition or application o[
the owners of a -
{ - the cost thereof is to be pn1A into the city Crean iev,Cop`lnnd.Costello,Douuer,Dorniden,Flan in hereby referred to the board of public works m.jority of the property to
be assessed for each
1 wry before the contrnet is let. ase draw,Gehslt, McNamee, Tfelady, Minea,Sxu to luveettgnte nod report: major
rovement7 -%
Third Can real estute to be ri a ed for said born,Sullivnn.Van Slyke,Mr.Prealdeut 17. Ftret—Is thio improvement proper and Fifth Send the council Plan or,pproflle o
improvement to louud benefited to the extent of Approved Aug.0,1890. eaaarv, said Irvpproeement,as required by law,1f you re
+ �� dmnages, costa nd expense.acre emry to be Second—Give the council a timate of the port iu favo f tlie.nme
t incurred thereby? By Aid.Copeland— expense thereof,and state whether one halt of Sixth Send the council n proper order direct.
F Fuurtb—Ia each improvement naked for upon It is hereby dared by the C'Ommou Council the coat thereof 1s in be paid into the city inR the work to he dune
the petition Or applicttion f the owners o[ f the City of St.Paul: treasury before the contract to let. l'eus—Ald.Bnnholrxr, Rtelenberg,Butt,Con-
jmajority uP the property to be assessed for such That the matterof change of grade ou Rivolf phlyd—Can real est to to be asseaeed tar enid le}3-. Copeland, Costello, DoIal Don
Ire ocementy street,between Mount Ida a d Lnfnyette a improvement he found benefited to the extent of Flundrau, Gehan, JfcSsmee, 3[elady, pne
Fifth Send the council plan or profile of Ile• be lid the some le hereby tarred to the dam is uvd expenses necessary to b ubora,Sullivan,Van Slyke, Mr. P
said ilii,r vem requited by law,if you re board o[public"or
to investigate xad re- ted thereby'
Port in�xvor o[the enme Pnrc Fourth 1s such improvcmeut asked for uo n 1 Approved Aug O 1890
( i th A the ouncil¢proper order direct First In this improvement proper and neves- the petition r application of the ow rt ( -
ll mg the works to be done. lir}'! xjority of the property to be nscessed for such By Aid.Rett—
' a—Al11Banholzer, Bleleuberg, Boit,Con Second Give the council a timate of the Improvement! 1t hereby r dared by the Common commit
Copeland,('oetello,Dobner,llorniden,Flnn a pease thereof,and tate hether one-half of Fi[Lh Send the council ylas or f tOdle of if the t'Ity-of St.Patti.
f ties , Gehan, yfcNamee, Melody, M1nea' San- the cost thereof is to be paid onto the city treat- said Improte tt lit,us required by law,d}•o That the ter
of grading or filling,up lot
i I burn,Sullivan,Van Slyke,y7 r.President-17. u -before the contract ie let. Dort in int ortM the name 10,block (:otzinn's renrtungement [.:Igei's
Approved Aug.6.1890. Third—Can 1 estate to be essesed for said Ixth Send the council n proper order direct.:udrb[ton,the sane being covered with stagnant d:
1 j jape vement be found benefited to the extent 1v the work to be tlone. j ter, n td i hereby declared r public
o[damages,costa and expenses necessary to be -e¢s .41d Rluth ol—Btelenberg, Butt, Coll +:t Ice by the cot t es ate of health,be
ij II By Aid.\live¢ Incurred thereby% iev.Copelautl,costell O,]lobule.Dorniden,Fla and the same a hemby'ireferred to the board
rj i if It fe hereby ordered by the Common Council of Fourth—is each Improvement naked for upon into, uehun McNamee, Melody, 2Dvea, all- f Inbhc worketto iltces[igate
and report:
the City of St.Paul: the petition or application f the owners of a burn,Sullivan,Van Slyke,\f r. Yresideitt-1 i.i uirst—Is this improvement proper and neces-
i }( That the matter of constructing a sewer on major(ty of the property to be assessed for such Approved Aug.6,1890 sary°
Ethel street,from the�fisslvsippl river to Ghio tmp oyemeut? Second Give the council an estimate of the
S f I'' street, be mrd the enme ie herebS refecred to Fifth—wend the council a plan or profile of 7;y Ald.Dobner expeuxe thereof and state Whether one bnif of
tthe er
and of Public Works t0 inve.tignte and enid lmprovemen[,as require by law, if you IL Is hereby tiered by tl�e Common Coundl [lie cost thereto is to be paid tato the eft}[reae-
p report In[avoe of the same. of the City of St.Paul wry before the coutruct i.let
First—Is this improvement proper and neves- Sixth Send the council a proper order direct- That the natter of opening Prior av luuc ft ur, Third Cnu reed estate to t,e assessed
for said
Inc Llie work to be done \Iinuehnnn street to lxllula n•nue fetcept intpruventeut Ix found be, to rite extent b(
l ea Yens Ald.Banholzer. Rlelenberq, Butt,Co.: where same in now o 1 be and some 1s'ria nage.,coots nuA ex{lenses necee9nrS Lo be I.
Second G(ve.the conned n estimate (the ley.Co land,Cox[ello,Dobner.DonilAen,FI it- Pener) urred thereby'
expense thereof,and tate thetlrer o e halt o[ hereby referred to the board of public works c
Amu,Gehan. )IcNamee, Melody, \tinea, S.I. t. Fourth Is such improvement asked for upon
1 the coat thereof is to be paid Into the city t,as to in ea[iKate.ud report:
u y before the contract ie le[. born,Sullivnn,Van Slyke,Mr.President—]7. Flrnt Is this improvement d necea the petlUou or apphc.ttion f the ow ra of
�( pThird Can aletate to be asse.sed forsald(m APprOved Aug.6,1890, .,Y' proper an njorit.y of the property to be asaeased for such
doemeut be found benefited to Lhe extent o[ B Ald.Mmen Second t.ive[Nie council v etimoni[te Of the p
d } sise[uereol d tate hether hNf of snFititt Sendrb 'the council plan or P oflle o[
m Ke+,costs and excenas-necessary to be in It is hereby dered by the Common Council of a pet aid improvement,u required by laty,et you re-
d thereby'.' the City of St Atnl. the cont thereof Is to be paid hit.the city Dene- port to favor of the same.
if i c F urth—Is nueh impr ye lit naked for uupon Thnt file matter of construction of a we on wry before the ccatt-0 is let. sixth 8 d the council n proper order direct-
[ S
the o Union r applieation mf the nw rs ( (`utlgrese street,from Ohio street to Winslow Third tau real estate to be see, d for said m the work to bedone
i- j mprutty o[Lhe property to be assessed for such v a d o,,Wlnclot ue to Isobel street, up[m ,c.ut be fouud benefited to the extent ( �-eas lld Bun hnizer, itielenberg,Bot,,C
i F -emettt" Lee tied the a Is hereby referretl to the dam gee,costs"and expeusen necessary to Ise In- Icy,Copeland,Cuxtellu,Da beer,llorniden,FI¢n- 777
1J, i(th—Send Lhe counefl a relnn o }Nr file of board o[ ublicmworka to incests to and re- cu x¢d hereby. cn
ae d b la i[ D ga Fourth l—tich improvement dr¢u, Vehnu, kfcN.mee, lady, Mine.,
requi y you port r Provement asked for vpov born, u11Wnu.\as Sivke,Mr.President-1 i rt
'f f,34t
rt m favor of
the same Ffret Is this improvement the o titlon application f the onuses o[a —
5�t reSixth Send the council a Pro Proper and necea- i t (the t to be assessed for such Approved Aug.a 189U.
Ing the w ork to be done. Per order direct- ary"• iaj 'r o Pr°Per Y
i e e Second—Cave the council n timate of the IroT,! lent"
Alrl Banholzer,Blelenhem,Bolt,Conley, a pence thereof. ad tate whether...-half o[ abifth Send Lhe c aBnRh a plan o roflle of AB Aid.CODoiand—
COPelaud. Costello, Dobner. Dorniden. Flan- the cosi thereof is to be paid into the city trent- s 1d improvement, quired by law,Pyou re- It hereby tlereA by the Common Council
ff drau Gehav,M,N\ ee,\felady,\linea,Sauhoru, u y before the contract is let. part 1u favor of
[[lie C]ty of St.Yawl:
t lJI, Sullivnn,Ven Slyke,\Ir.President-17. I Third—t'au real estate to Ue ase d for said Sixth Send the councn a proper order direct- T at the matter of a sewer
Grove t-et,
Approved Aug.6,1590. improvement be found benefitedtothe extent of htg the work to be done. Seventh street in Treat ov lots tion.SO and
Y Aid RanholI. Bielenberg, Bolt.Con 11,block No.11,of Brunson'.addition to St.
j ley,Copclnod.Costello,Dobner,Dorniden.Flan- Paul,be and the enme is hereby referred to the
i £
...•r k �'"_7 "[':4 �i,•}. c""` r-••ItY"1mi4..' 'i' 4
t.•_.. :. r<,> .... •-rv''S# r,?`.s .... .,.::'�- ..,.t i ar>��'�:� ..::'�r3.,[ ..;r• t�;;.x s:•1`'r *1-.t;:y a^s , .t r
board of public fneestigete and re. said improvement,ns required by law,ff You re- tendin �•
y a
port: tent ,I favor of[Ile crime. y g n street to the width of OC.feet from the improvement be found l�eueflted to the extent
First Is this impro enc proper nndneves- part Sxth Send the council a old State road to(.onto avenue,and also Union of dnmxges,costo unit expenses necessary to be
I can? Ing the work to be done Pt aper order direct- .treat co the xidta of 00 feet from i hxthuorth incurred tberebv' -
vk and Give the con tell In :timate of the ]'axe-Aid.Btuthoizer,Bielenbere,Bott, Con- aeree�t toeferred tatile ctic U xlrvl of til Lltfe inorks do thh'ralrth loit,ch imp
rocentenc asoked�f�r"Pon
expe,tse thereof,and t1te hetber 't
half of le"'t.opelwud.Cos;alto.Do bier.Ilorlli den.Finn I ct}Date nud re [.• Ptt merit t�tof tl,e application of[he t
the cost thareot is to be pa dtiuto the ut}ureas drau Get, ee.Al\etnre,xlelady,\linea,tali par ai } pr.,,,etvto be.......d for ouch
} u •lie[ore[he contract ea let. Sullivan,\'rex Slyke,:ll.Peesideut 17. born, nFlret Is[It's unpraveeneut Proper and neve,- InD.rFilloh e1�eud the council w pl¢n o �ro01e
h�I Tbird Can 1 estate to be assessed for sail :lpprated A0,1890. ecoid Give the conucil a r timate l the said i
'. improvemeuc be famed benefited to Lite extent of c P r nt I.required by Inw if you re-
ca sed the
costs¢ud expenses necessary to be it a pence[hereof and at¢[e nbether o halt of port t or of same
yy red thereby? e By Aid.Bot[ the co.t thereof is to be paid luto the city trine- ae th Semi the council u prl,per order derecL
• k i cttFourth 1h such intppr yen e t asked for upon It la hereby ordered by the Common Council of before the contract I.let. i.R the xnrk t be done.
the petition or applicateontof the owner-of n the Citi i S[ Paul: n Third Cnn recd estate to be sensed for said 1'eus-Aid.Bnnholzer,Btelenberg, Batt, Con-
q m] 'i e-o property to be xs.eased[or such! That Llte mai ter of pining(}-pries at reit, i proseneent be found benefitted to the extent fey,Copelnntl,Costello,Dobner,Uortuden,
utla from Saburbau avenue to Humexveuue,throuy,•h of dwmn-it,coats nad ex ecleta r•to be inn,Me�amee,Aielnd Mlnen. Sanborn, Sulli-
t? block 80,Suburban and tree Intoned thereby? Pauses n } t,Van Sly s,Mr President-M.
< i k�ifch •Send the council n plan or profile of ""'k Itereb e
said improvement,as required by Ian,if you m-I 3',referred to the board of public Fourth-le such improvement naked for upon trApproved Aug.B,1890.
port in favor of the same. xors to inces[igate and report• the petition or nppliarlion of the owner.of
Sixth-Send the Council a proper order direct-I Fust-Is this Improvement proper and neves- majoet3-of the property to be nasessed for such
fag the work to be done. ear}? inter cement' By Aid.Bfelenberg-
Srcuud-Give the council a animate of Lha Fifth 'rad the cot ncii Ian o proo le of It is hereby o d by the Common Council
If AYee Ald.Bnnitolzrr. Bfelenbeeg. Batt.Con i ex e S i I the lY[ f ISt.Paul:
fey,Copeland,Costello,llonuer.Doriuden,Ffill pen
thereat,and tate whether one-half of said intprovement,as required by law,It y u re- Thxt the 3ma[ter of opening,widening and ex-
drau, Gehau, Aft\nmee. Aleixd}-, Mhlex, Suu the cost thereof Is to be paid into the city treas- port 1n favor of the same. ..k,
ury before the contract is let. Sixth-Send Lhe council a proper order direct. tending Orchard street from Como avenue to
born,Sullivan Can Slyke,Mr.Yresfdeut-1Z avenue
street,and ileo Hatch street from Como
Approve Aug.Ii,1A9U. 'pried merit real estate to be assessed toe said frigg the work to be doue.
j ! p improvemeuc be toned benefited co the extent of Y ns-Ald.Bmtholzer,Blelenberg, Sutt,F",.'ntie to Victoria street,seas Per petition hereto
BY At(].Gehau damages,cots and exPenaes necessary to be In- ley,Copeland,l ahtello,Dobner,Dorniden, lattnehed,be nntl the le hereby referred to
res thereb draw, Gehau. MCv+lhtee, Afelady, \tinea,•San ilio board of public works to Investigate and re-
It f hereby o tlered by the Co....Council c such born,Sallwmr.Van Siyke,Mr.Pre,n vm-17. 'part-
of flee CYcy of St Paul: theourth Is ouch intepr vement asked for ippon Fleet-Is this improvement proper and neves-
That the matter of change of mold n Jackson ma o Ititiou r app]/centro, f the.,,here f a Approved.lug.0,1590. }" 4P
�j treat, trout \'iota street to I Foist one han ] y of the property to Iw,assessed•for such s Second Glve the council climate of the
U deed and fifty feet south at Riuter tieec,be i t'ove°?r11t? By Ald.Bielenberg- expense thereof,and state whether one-halt of
and the same hereby referred to the board aF dui' d the council pill, or rroflle of IL is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the tact thereof be paid into the
city trent-
( 1 � t pdbhc xorks to investigate and report. s id improvernenL,as required by
ft you re- the CYty of St Pnul. ury before the cou[rnct ix let.
F rat-I.this to
proper and uecea- Port fu hi vor of the same. Trac tete matter of gradin Bu
` wry? Sixth S d the council a proper order direct- g rgeesstreet,from Third-Can real estate to be assessed for said
Second-Give the council an timate of the fug-the xorks to be done. Gaultier co vCretern moven as; also of To 119 1 provement1s found benefited to the extent of
eapenee thereof,and.tate tt hither one-half of ,1 s-Aid.Banholzer.Hieleube[R, Bott, Con- etreet,from Gaultierto34'asters avenue;antlnlso damages,coacs and expams itecesearytobein-
' Lhe coat thereof i. to be 1 y.Co eland,Coetellu,Dobner,Doniidea,Flan- of Atwater street,from Gaultier to Ileetern are curre l thereby?
paid into the city deal'.Gahan,Ale\nmee,Brclady,Atfnea,Sanborn, nue,ns per petitcou beret,attached,be and the Fourth-Is such improvement asked for upon
' treasury before the contract is let. 'ulifcx n.\'uu SI same le hereby referred to the board of public the petition r npplicattou of Lhe owners of a _
j.•- "� Third-Can real estate Lo be assessed for said yke,A[r.Preeideuc-17. works to I.
t ate xntl report: majority of Lha property to be assessed for said
s i{� improvement be found benefited to the extent of APPro3zd Aug.8,1890. First-Is this improvement proper and neves- peafinp ovemcut?
damage .at.and expenses necessary to be fit- eery Fifth Send the council a plan or profile of
7 a t carred tlierebys; By AId.Conley- Second-Give the council n estimate t the said fmprovement,as required by lacy,If you re-
Fourth-Is such fmpprovement asked for upon 1 It rs hereby ordered by the Common Council of ease thereof,and tate whether one-halt o[
t the o Litton or appltcntion of
the owners of a the CYty o Int.Paul: e P port in Invor of the same. .'
r } aj lty of the property to be xsseseedforsuch I That the atter of conetructhi the sl' the cost thereat be paid into the city trees- Sixth-Scud the council
a proper order direct- "LL
Int rovement. 6 per- ury before the contract Is let. inr the work to be done.
F structure u(the bridge n Sixth street,from a Third-Can real estate to be assessed for sxld ]-was-AId., r,Blelenbetg,Bott,Con-
, } Filth-Send the council a plan or profile oP P,Inc fifty[sec west of Brook streetcs a paint Int
said improvement,as required by law,if you ill'feet eat f the a sat line of Commercial Improve,costa fo iexl benefited to the extent of ley,Copeland, Costello, Dobuer, Dorniden,(is-
necessary to be in- inn,M\wince,Aielady,Miners, Sanborn, Su1B•
} report in Invor of the same. creel, f and clic same le hereby referred to the curved thereby? a Van Slyke,Aft.Pr -18.
.tl Send the o t•11 a proper order di- board of ubllo works to investigate and port: Fourth-le such Improvement asked for upon t Approved Aug.B,1890.
l recting the wort to be done. First-la this Improvement Proper nud ewes- the Pe[Itron or xpplimtlon [the,xvera of _
Yens-Aid.Bxnholzer,Bleleuberg. Bolt,C'on- wary7 majority of clic property n'a asc wi for each gy Aid-Minea-
1 lav,Copeland,Castello,Dobner,Dorniden,Flan- Second-Give the ,until an estimate of the int11�� rat'? It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of _
drau,Gehxn, McNamee. Afebid}•,\lanai, San a pease thereof, nud stale wbether one-half of Frith enSeud the council s tan or pr,file of [lee City of St.E'aul:
born,Sullivan,',*all Slyke,J[r.Preeideut-17. the cost thereof Is to be paid tato the city turas- said improvement,as required by law,if you re- That the matter of grading
Goff avenue,from
-1 - Approved Aug.0,1A90, ury before the contract fe let. port in favor of the same.
— '1•bird-Cnn real estate to be assessed for said Sixth-S-end the couiiell a proper order direct. Dearborn street south to where It intersects the
By her Dobner- fmprovement be found benefited to the extent of Ing the work[o be done' tb line of Bidwell addition,be and the same
i •� IL is hereby ordered by the Common Council dumagee costs and expenses uece mry to be in- Yeas-Aid.Bnnh,lur,Bielenbegb Bott, Con- is hereby referred to the board
of public works
of the(Sty of St.Paul: carred thereby? ]ey, Copeleud. Costello, Dohner. Dorniden, ko mveetignta and report:
�.. That the matter of opening Pascal avenue, Fourth-Is such improvement asked for upon Gahan,elanmee,Malady,Mmes,Sanborn,Sulll- First-Is this improvement proper and
7 from Charles street to Ilniveref[y avenue be the petit(ou or appltcntion of the.—a.of a v n,Van SI•ke,3Ic Peveident-10. seryl
and the came is hereby referred to the board of majority of the property to be assessed for each A proved Aug.9,1890. Second Giva the council a timate of the
public works
to investigate and report. 1 oveme it? p expellee thereof,and state whether one-half of
t:^ First-Is this improvement proper and neves- Fifth-Send Lhe council a Inn o pp,file of the coat thereof is to be?slid luta the cite treas.
a. { carp? said intprovem�ut,ae required by]acv,if Yoh re- By Aid.Bielenberg- ury betom the contract ie]et.
Second-Give the council nn estimate of the port m favor of the same. Ic is hereby ordered by the Common Council of Thfrd Caa real estate to be assessed for said
expense thereof,and etate whether one-half of Slxth-Send the council a proper order direct- the My of St.Paul: Improvement be found benefited to the extent of
1 f t the coat thereat is to be paid tato the city trees- in the work to be done. That the matter of opening,wideningand ea- dumegee,costa gird expenses necessary
to be fu-
beto-the contract le let. ]'was Ald.Banholzer, Blelenberg,Bott,Con- tanding Victoria street,from Union street to carred cbereby? -
I I Third-Can real estate to be assessed for said ley.C'oP.tuid,Costello,Dobner,Dorniden,Flan. Hubbard street,xe Pe p tttion hereto attached, Fourth-Ie ouch improvement
asked for upon
c improvement be found benefited to the extent at drau, Gehau, Ale\nmee,Me1x.d3'. A[mea. San- be and the came is hereby referred to the board these petition r npphcatlon
of the owners of a
i l { damage coats and eapeuaes necessary to be In- bora,Sulllenn,Van Slyke, 3Ir.Preeldent-17. of PP Ifs works co luveettgate nud raporc: Jority of the property
to be assessed for such
cu thereby. Approved Aug,B,1890. Fi t_l.this Improvement proper and uecea- Intprovement '
Fourth-Is such fmprovement asked for upon nary? Fifth Scud the council a plan or profile of
l' the petition or application of the ownere of a By AId.Hlalenbe Second Give the council an estimate of the said Improvemeut,as required by law,1f you re- ?
maJority of the property to be assessed for such Itis bereby orderedd by the Common council o[ expense tbereof,and erste whether one-half of port fu favor of the same.
Int rovementl Lhe ccet thereof le to be paid into the city treas- Sixth-Send the council a proper order direct-
prove the City of St.Paul:
F Send the covucll a plan ur profile of That the matter of,penin ury before the contract le let. Ing[he work to done.
g,nideoing and ex- Third--Can real estate co be assessed for said
1•ea Ald.Banholzer,Blelenberg,Bott,Conley,
z3w�+.1 "t't._, t•: s7�".�`., 4.+cS._' .. y r < t + r } fro. ;.t ..; +a5 FsrY W. $1
77•;'S, - � ,, n a Y'• %'%�c^�r �N- ) td ir- t A•:, a"G, py
Coppeeland,Costello, Dobner,Dorniden, Gehan, hereto attached,be and the same 1s hereb re• ley,Copeland,Costello,Dabber,Dorniden.Flan. �a
McNamee, Melaly, Mines,Sanborn, Sufllvan,I(erred to the board of public works to luveati. drau,Gebsn,McNamee, Malady, Mines, San- o[eu h im improvement,
the coat and here estate
j'. Van Slyke,Mr.President-l8. gate and report: born.Sullivan.Van 81 ke.Mr.President-17. benefited ti r said j>rt,upon the real estate to be
y y Improvement.he provided by
p Approved Aug.G.1890. FYret-Ia this Improvement proper and neces- Approved Aug.B,1890. law;It being the opinion of the council that real ,
B s estate to be assessed for Ruch Improvement can
y Aid.Btelenberg- aSecond-Give the council au estimate of the be found benefited to the extent of the cost and
w ' It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council of expense thereof,and state whether one-half of In the matter a the report 1 the board of expenses necessary to be incurred
} the City of St.Paul: the cost thereof is to be paid tilt.the city[teas. public works dated July 28.1890. y
That the matter of constructing a sewer on try before the contract is let. It
le heteby ordered by the Common Council of Yeas-Aid. Beaholzer,Blelenberg,Bott,Coh-
Front street.from Como......e to Lexington Third--Can real estate to be saeseed for enid the City of BL.Paul ]ey.Copeland,Costello,Dobner,Dor tie
venue,and also 1 Lexington avenue,from improvement be found benefited to the extent of That the board of public works of the city of drau, Gehan, McNamee, Malady,Mlvea,San-
Frontstreet to dlcSeuty street,as per petition deamegen,costa and rapensen necessary to be iu- fit.PauI sense the following improvement to be born,Sullivan,Van 81 .Mr.Presldenhl7.
hereto xttihed,be and the same tai hereby m curred thereby! made,to wit: Open,widen and extend Rose Approved Aug.6.1890.
(erred to the board of public works to Incestt Fourth-Is such improctment asked for upon street, between Sylvan street and Cortland
1• - gate and report ,the petition or appllcatlon of the ow of a street In said tlty,condemnia end takhi the In the atter of the reports of the board of
First-Is this improvement majority of the property to be assessed for such north tea(]0 feet of lot 8, lock 2.8t. aul Public works dated Tune 17,1890,and Jul 8
t 9 p proper nod necea- jell[ ) b P
s y7 11mv •ement7 north outlets to the city of fit.Paul,slinno- 1890. y 1,
aSecond-Give the council an estimate t the I F fifth-Saud the cnundl a plan or profile of aloe Lohsaeeeee the amount shall board pueoa ed without
can It le hereby ordered by the Common Council of
T. 1p
expense thereof,and state whether nue-eat of sold required by law,if you re lay to n the same, which will bare.teed to the City of St.Paul:
the cost theme( is to be paid lute the city port In favor of tae same. q
{ j treasury before the contract s let. Stith Send the council a proper order direct- Pay the damages,costs and necessary expenses That the board of ubllc werke of
said city
Third-' ng the wrork to be done. of such damages,
upon the real estate to be of St.Paul cause the pollowing Improvement Lo '•
Cxn real estate Lo be aeseSecd for said benefited b ,p ae y f
lmprovemeut be[maid benetlted to.the extent of Peas-Aid.Banholzer, Blelenberg, Bott,Con- law;It bele y eaidPmprovement,as rovl d b be made,to wit: Grade Nebraska avenue,from
i.. damages,costs and espauaes necessary to be in-I ley,Copeland, Costello, beer. Dornidrl,Ge- 9 Lhe o inion of the counell tbnt real Rlce street to Gaultier street;
Kansas avenue,
curred thereby' hen,)ICNamce,yfeludy, Mtnea, Sanborn,3u111- state to be assessed for such Improvement can from Rice street to Gaultier street; Idaho ave
Fourth-Is such improvement asked for upon van Van Slyke,Mr.President-18, befeund benefited to the extentof thedamagee, nue,from Rice street to Gaultier street;Albe-
the petition or application of the OwmerR Of n Approved Aug G,1890, co�'t and expenses necessary to be incurred marle street,from Lake Como and Phalen ave-
nmjorie}•o[the property to be assessed for such thereby. nue to Mhtuespolle avenue;Marion street,from c
Improvement. In the matter t the report of the board of Yeas-Ald.Banholzer, Bielenbere, Bott,Cou- Lake Como and Phalen avenue to Minneapolis 4'
Fifth-Send the council s plan or profile of public works dated July 24,1890. ley,Copeland,Costello,Dobner,Dornldev,Flan- avenue,and Woodbridge street,from Nebraska
sad t tprovament,xs required by law,t[you I[Is❑ereby ordered by the Common Council of dray, Gehan, McNamee, Malady,Mines.,San- avenue to lfinneapolfe avenue,in said city;said
report in laver M the some. the City of St.Paul, born,Sullivan,Van Slyke,Mr.President-17. grading to be done under one contract.
sixth Send the council a proper order direct. T'let the board of public works of said city of Approved Au¢6,1890. That said board cause said work to be let by
LtK the[seek to be done. St.Paul codas thetollowing improvement co be contract,ae pro lded by law,without one-halt
Peas-Ald Banbolzer,Bleieubem,Bott,Conley, tide, to wit Grade \vest nth treet, un the matter .the report t the board of the estimated cost being Bret psald Into the city
Copeland. Costello, Uobner�Dorniden,Gehan, trim Tuscarora street to Fort scellit g bridge, pp bile works dated Aug 4.1890. treasury,attd atter said work bell be DDl�ced
f d 1h Nnmee, Melody,Miura, anbont, Sullivan, Iu Sari city. It la hereby.ordered by the Common Council of der contract said board ehal]proceedwithout
\nn Slyke,Mr.President-1G. That nntd board cause said work to be let by the Cit t 6c.Paul: delay La assess Lha amount,ae aely as they
Approved Aug.G.1890. contract,ns provided by law,without one-half That Lhe board of
Dublic,works of said city can ascertain the same,which will be requited to
( ?. the estimated cost being first paid into the cit of 9t.Paul cause the following Improvement to pay the cost end necessary eapeneee of such ha.
f; 81 Aid.Bielrnberg treasury,and,after n id "orY hall be lieu be made, to wit: Grade Chatsworth Street, pprovement upon the real estate to be benefited
+' under contract, said board shall proceed with. from Laurel avenue to St.Clair street,in said by said Improvement, as provided by law;1t
It,is herebyStPordered by the Common Council of t delay to assess the amount as near] being the opinion
I the city o[S[.Yxuh tl e•can ascertum the mn e w filch will be re. city- of the cnundl that real estate x(
Thxc the matter of chanKe of grade ou Oxford } That Bald b=ard rause said work to be let byy to be aeaeesed for such Improvement can be -
street,from Urchnrd xt rest to the ri ht oft qufred to;lay the cost and necessary ex lenses contract,ea p ovided by law,without nue-haII found benefited to the extent of
the cost and
j' t of the Northern petit, Railtrx•cow>nn`to M such improvement,upon the real estate to be the estimated cost btlng filet paid Into Lhe city expenses necessary,to
be Incurred thereby.
n 1 } benefited by said hnpmvemeut,ns p^nvided by treasury,and,after said work shall be ]aced Yeas-Aid. Beuholzer,Blelenberg,Bott,
with the grade of said Ilwxy,us per law; c being the opinion M the couutil that real under contrit,said board shall proceed w�tfiout le
Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Dornlden,
7r"iicion hereto nttaebed,be and Ills sa a is estate to be uyeessed for each int dela Flandxau, Gehan, McNamee,Malady. Mines,
- Its by hereto
to the!ward of public n orkn to nt of t tile can n ustceer2nin Lha eame�whlch wfilobe re aired Sanborn,Sullivan,Van 81yke, Mr.Prestdant-
j [[gate pit ire found beueflted to the extent of the cont ca qq
L- F t Is this tmnrocement proper and Hetes- "�1 expenses netrsnnr:to be incurmd thereby, to pay Lhe rnet and necessary eanenaee of Rush 17.
my ]'run .lid ltanholrrr Belenberg, Bot[, improvement,up=n the real estate to be bene- Approved Aug.6,1890.
`;ecoid Give the council an estimate t tile Conley.(ol x`IamJ. Costello, Dohuer.Ilondden, fired by said impp ovement,as provided by law; _
I [a reef,and fate wbetber u 1 If of 11audrxu,`"chilli, McN.tmer. Mcla", }fates, it bdng the I.
of the cnundl that real es- In the matter of the report of the board of
of r th{ t tl reef is to be pxtd into the cit t is 'Stutborn ,ullivwt,\'nn Slpke lir. President- Late to be neseesed for much Improvement rah be ,
ury before the contract ie let } 1 i' found benefited to the tent rf the costs and Public works dated July N.1890,
ThirJ I'nn tit estate to be seen d f I Approved Aug.a.1890 ppee�ee�neceeee.ry to be incurred thereby. It 1e hereby ordered by the Common Council of
ii tpnrvement be to,I benefited to the cxte;tt a Ye -Ald. B h 1 r, Bt lenbetg, H tt, Lha Clty o[ogt.Pa l:
' f einmaeen,costs and expeuaem necessary to be Iu the mxtier of[he report n[ the board of CoNeyy,Copeland, (:oetello, Dobner, Dorniden, That tae board of yublle works
of the city of
Incurred[hereby: puble.a ,ks anted.a ug.4.[890 Flendreu, Gehav, ___in_,
Melsdv, Minta, 6t.Paul cause the toile Ing improvement to be
Pourtb In such fin paovement eked far nU; a It x hereby ordered by the Common Council of 8 nborn.enlllvav,Vnn Slyke,Mr.Preeldemr- ad to wit: Open,[titian d e tend Fisher
• t tie oretnion cr npphcutioi of the o t f x' fie City of St.Yuul 17. street,from Vassar ave to]Zeller street;in
n )n ynof the property to be agseseedtfotr encs That the aoord of��nblic w eke of Bald city of Approved Aug.G,1890. aid city,condemning end taking the t five
p anti St.Yaul enure the followinK fmprotemeut to be (6)feet o[lots 8,7,8,9,10,11,12,18,14 and
§ t+�Fi ithe Send the council let o ads, to wit. Grade \\'ttteiow oven from In the atter of the rep ort of the board oI 16,Mayfleld'e subdivision lot 87,Pioneer
at improvement, ns reyilred by rinp (file Prospect terrace to Annapolis street 1.said PP blit works dated July 2&,189 0. EaLete and Building society's eubdlvlelon.
` report in favor of the same. city.
It le hereby.ordered by the Common Countll o[ That eWd board shall proceed without delay
( That said board atuee said x ork to be let b the CY[ f 8t.Paul: to naseem the amount ae earl ae they can
{ t f sixth-Saud t;a council a proper order direct- c atnmc,a oylded b P Y yy
ing the work to be done. pr y brw,without o e-half That the board of ppublic werke of said city of ascrtain Lha same,which will be required to
Veue-Aid.Banholzer, Bielenberg, Butt,Con- the estimated cost being firat paid thio the city Bt.Paul cause the followingg Improvement to be Pay the damages,costa and necessary
ea rises
1 ley,(lopelaud,C'oetello, Dobner, Lornideu,Ge- treasury,and after said work Shull be placed made, to wit: Grade Ha[Ptn avenue, from of such imyyrovement,upon the real estate
to be ,^
tau,31cSamee.Alelnrl y, Miners, Sunburn.Bulli- under contract said board shall proceed n\thout Lexington avenue to Fafrview avenue,except benefited by said improvement,as provided
Vau Slyke,Mr.4, Min[-14 del¢y to assess theamount as nearly as theyean across the right of way of the Chicago,MRwau- law;1t being the opinion of the bound][bat real
Approved Aug 6,1890. tile the same which will be required to pay kee cit fit.Paul Railway company(short Tinel Sv tate to be aeeeaced for each improvement eon
e' the coat
and necessary expenses of such lm- Bald city. be found benefited to the extent of the damages,
i '- provemeutaupon the reN estate to be bene- That said board cause said work to be let by costs and expenses necessary to be incurred .
By Aid.Bldenbetl;- fired by a f improvement, as provided by contract,as provided by law,without one-half thereby.
1[h hereby ordered by[be Common Council of I law,it befog the opinion of the couutil that real the estimated Croat being fleet paid Into the city Ysss-Aid.Banholzer,Blelenbetg,
Bott, Con.
r the(Sty of St.Paul: tate to Ire asseme al for such Improvement can treasury,and after Bald ork shall be placed ley,Copeland,Costello,Dobner,Dornlden,Flan-
i Phnt the matter t opening,wldenl o and ex- be found benefited to the extent of the coat mW under contract,enid board Shall proceed with- drau, Gehan, McNamee, Melody,
Minta, 8an-
I. feuding Oxford scree,across the right of way of pe •ecesearY to De incurred thereby. out delay to ae the amount ae Wetly ae born,fiulllvan,Van Slyke,Mr.Melody,
PreMent-17. _
rue Northern Pnclfic railway,me per petit+on expennAld.Banholzer,Bleleubrn, Bott,C'on- they can ascertain the same,which wIR be re- Approved Aug e,1890.
it .
I c.
I 4
1t f
Y' 4
4 S �• ,, - • - iF"jam 6�
pp In the matter of the report f the board of by said Improvement,as provided by law;it be- McNamee, Melody, Mine., Sanborn, Sullivan, From Noah Slake—
;: It 1.hereby work.blle ore ed b 1 the Common Council of 24.1890. b meeessped for such the that real a atefou to Van Slyke,Mr.Presl-U-1. Relative to rent of
market sidewalk privileges
y provement tau be found N.Y—AId.Banhoizen-3, at Market, Washington,Sixth and St.Peter
the City of St.Paul: benefited to the extent of the cost Bud expenses Presented to his honor the mayor Aug.6, street.,
s- That the board of yublfe works of Bald city of necessary to be incurred thereby. 1890,and not returned wSthln the flee days as Committee on etteete,
8L.Paul wl the toll mg Improvement to be Yeas—Aid.Hannolzer, "Ornberg, Botts Con- prescribed by the city charter (returned Aug. From L.Levy and others--
made,to wit: Grade Olive stmet,from PenueSl 1ey,Copeland,Coerallo.Dobner,Dornldev,Fl.n- 14,1890),the e¢me ie In force. For extension o[sewer on Fuller street,from
S vanis avenue to William,street,and construct dr¢u, Gahan, McNamee, Malady,Dtitle.,San- t O....1.1.force.President of Council. MFor extbl.ns Dale attest.
a sewer on said Olive street,from Pennsylvania born.6ullivan,Van Slyke,Mr.President—l7. Taos.A.Pasunenaaer,City Clerk. Board of public works with order.
avenue Williams street in said city,together Approved Aug.6,1890. From William Broom b
ID - with the necessary catchbasins and manholes, By Aid.Gchan— y his attorney,S.L.
,aid grading and sewer(ng to be done under one In the matter of the port of the board of Resolved,That J. J. O'Leary & Sons be AskFilel for refunding of mons paid at cit
con tract. public works tla[ed Aug.2.1890. I anted permle'111 to operate their business for treasurer's s.le—Terrace Park addition—L.w
Y That said board cause said work to be let by It Is hereb period of twenty days in addition to the time
contract,ae prodded by law,without o e-half y ordered by the Common Council of already allowed. to street improvement.
' the estimated coat being first paid Into the citS the City of St.Paul: Yeas—Ald.Banholmr, Bielenbetg,Botts Con- Corporation attorney.
1 Thnt the board of ublic works of said city o[ From Ernst Rosebeand othera-
lyl _ + treasury,and after said work shall be placed ley.Copeland,Costello,Dobner,Dorniden.Flan-
-� under contract,said board shall eroceed with- S edeauto cause
wita Grade Bimgp oimprovement
oaveoue, from to be draw,Gahan, McNamee. Malady, Minea,San- Pr°teetfng against1%
rder for grading aIle y In
k out delay to asses.the amount early as born,Sullivan,Van Slyke,3Ir.President-17. block 33.Holc°mb'e addltton.
they can ascertain the same,which will be re Mlnnehaha street Lo Ch1,ea street,in said city. presented[o bis honor the mayor Au e, Board of public works.
That said board cause laid work to be let by ff- From Joseph Anstett,
Baired Lo pay Lhe coat and necessary expenses of contract,ae prodded by law,without o e-hall y1890,and not returned within the flue days ae Asking(or)sailor,central polfce
f; h lmprovementoupov the real estate to be ben- the estimated t beng first paid into Lhe city 1 ibed by the city charter (returned Aug. Committee ov ways and means.
filed by sad fmpr ut,as provided by I—, d 4,1890),Lhe same 1s fu force.
r E It being the opinion of the Council that real so- �o jury,and.,ter sof ork hall be P,led O O.(me 1,l,Precedent of Council. From St.Pau'Title Insurance and Trust com-
Il provemen der contract,said board shall teed fth- ppaa
tate to be a.,sassed for such lm t can t dela to assess the amount,leo n rly e8 Tons.A.Paevnenvaer,City Clerk. pay and
vacatl Chern of streets and elle
< be found benefited to the extent of the cost and Choy can eactrWaht Lbe ea e,which will be re- ter Perk. Sem Dfecalea-
R, ye fes r}-to be lUcurred Lbereby. d to the coat and n Special Meeting.
e Yen—Aid.Banh leer, Bi¢]eube, Butt,Co.. Iu pay aces cry expenses Sala petition ordered filed of rd with the
such lmprovemeut upon Lhe be SL.PAUL,Aug.11,1890. city clerk and city clerk Instructed to neceb
T, ley,Copeland,Costello,Dobner,Dorulden,Flan- ��+eflted by Bat'im ptoyement,ae provided by President Cullen in the ehafr. Bary pUbllcation notice. (See resolution.)
draw.Gehsa, Mcl:amee, Malady, Mwea,Sau law; ed being the opiniov of the council mat Present Ald. Bfelenberg, Conley. Copeland, From Charise Mlchaud Bad others—
? born,Sullivan,Van Slyke,Mr.President 17. real estate to be d for such improve- Costello. Dorniden• : drnu, Gahan, MCNu- Fora sewer on H
Approved Aug.6,1890. ee, ][clad ague avenue between DBI.,
n[can be found benefited co the tent o} } Minea,Sanborn,Van Slyke, Mr. and Flak streets.
y — the cost and expenses neceaenty to be fucurred President-18. Board of public works.
In the matter of the report of the board of thereby. cnytwmvtcanosa. From Peter Efswirth and others— =
Ppublic works dated July 2R,1890. Yeas Ald.Banholmr,Blelenberg,Hott, Con- From His Honor, the Acting Mayor—Call for Protesting against rebuilding of Garland's
t Is hereby ordered by the Common Council of ley,Copeland,Costello,Dobner,llorniden,Flan- the Neetiug— trunk tactor,.
_the City of St.Paul: draw, Gahan, McNamee. Malady, Dllnea, Ban- Hls Honor,the acting 3fayor,called the meet- Inspector of bulldinge.
' t That Lhe board of ppublic tvorke of the Clty o} born,Sullivan,Van Slyke,Mr.President-17. Ing for Lbe purppose of coneidering matters ap- From A.E.Johnami&Co.and E.A.Whitaker-
} SL.Paul cause tolloldug improvement to be Approved Aug.6,1890. pertaining to the census of the city. Asking for revocation of railroad runner
made,to wit: Open,widen sad extend Geran- Accepted. Ifor
granted to Peter(or Patrick)Murphy.
'Y tum treat,between Sylvan street and Cortland Aid.Sanborn moved that the president of Committee on license.
y reet,in aatd city.condemning and taking the In the matter of the report of the board of council appoint a committee of efgbt—the Pres- From J.B.Little and others-
at south twentyeigght (28)feet of lot 8,block 2, ppublic works dated Aug.4.1890. Moot of council to be one—to act,fill chamber Asking that atons or cement sidewalk be or-
St.Paul North Outlote in the city of 6t.PBuI, It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of of commerce committee fn the matter of the dered laid In front of block 26,Mackubin&
I the(,K of St.Paun ce s
Minn. That the board of public works of said city of Alde\Imes moved as an amendment that said Otho Stone orcementsidewalk Ison anot aalread
4 it
That said board shall proceed without daisy to St.PBul cause the following lmprovemeut to be committee consist of eleven—the alderman from laid, y
k assess the r ly as they can aster made,to 1It: Grade the alley between block, each ward.
r Lain the same,which 8111 be require to pay the Committee on street,.
o- damages, costs and necessary expenees of two(2j and three(8),Suburban Hills,8t.Paul Md.Sanborn accepted said amendment and From Joseph Pichn--
such fm rocement,upon the real estate to be between Mound street and Bates avenue in eai� the chair pursuant to said motion appointed Notice of claim for 32,000 damages--defacttve
p said committee.
benefited by safe lmprovemeut,as provided by C1Ly' ,Idewalk,South Wabaeha street.
h. That said board cause said work to be tet by did.6anborn noted Lhat the aldermen at Committee on cinlma.
].w;it being the opnlon of the council that real o tract,ae prodded byl.w,witbout one-halt the la
a p tate to be assessed for uch Improvement can estimated cost beingflrstpaid fnto the city trees- Bald
commit[ceebe BCy and laborious members o[ From George J.Reim.nil Others-
to a benefited to the extent of Incurrdamaged B, ury,and atter Bald f orx shall be laced underCommunication addressed to the board or
cho�to unci expenses necessary to be incurred there- commissioner-
contract,said board shall proceed without delay Aldo pCostello moved that the acting mayor p p king that tract(land on Milford street be
to assess the amount,as
nearly as they can as-
Vems-Ald.Banholmr, Btelenberg,Bott,Con. provide Mr.Bushnell the necessarypoliceservice Improved a.&park.
$ r ]ey,Copeland,Costello,Dobner.Dorniden,Flan- certain the same,which will be required to during the taking of said mnan.. Board of palk commissioners.
A pap [he coat and necessary expenses t Ado t From J.A.Barnwn and othere—
5, ]rxu,Gehoo, McNamee, Malady, ttnea, San- each fm rovsment a on the m estate to be Ped.
f y bora,Sullivan,Van Slyke,Mr.President--L17. pp P Aid.Fla moved that the council chem- For vacation of part of alley,lot 8,block 41,
Approved Aug.6,1890. .bonefl[e+l by said Improvement,as prodded by her be placed at the disposal of the .aid Joint St.Anthony Park.
law;It being the opinion of the c...dl that real committee. Referred back to petitioner for correction-
( elate to be assessed for each fmprovement can Adopted.
LL the matter of the report of the board of be towed benefited to the extent of the coat and Ad)ourned. REPonr,OF crry OF irens,
k ( pnblic works dated Aug.6,1890. espeneer necessary to be incurred thereby. O.O.Gutless President of Council. Of City Comptroller—Audited claims
tl t IL a hereby ordered by the Common Council of ]'Bas—Aid.Bn+holzer, Blelenberg,Botts Con- Tnos.A.PrteSn>:Bawar,Clerk. E.Carleton,Estimate No.1,gred�ng Duluth
.k the City o[St.Paul: ley,Coppeeland,Costello,Dobner.Dordids.Flan- avenue,S L,87U, C.Nonnemache,Estimate No.
'I That the board or ppublic works of said city of dean, Gehmu. McNamee, Malady, Minea, San- Regular 1lieeting, 4,grading Cortland street,$2,21 ;J.T.Million,
St.Paul cause the fol owing improvement to be born,Sullivan,Van Slyke,Mr.Pre,iden1�17. Sr.Paul,Aug.19,1890. Estimate No. 1, grading Jessamine street,
made.Lo wit: Construct a lower ou Margaret Appproved Aug.6,1890. President Cullen in the ehafr. 3766;H.C.Huebner,Estimate No.6 and final, -
' street,from Mendota [met to Forest street.fu Ad)ourmed. Present—Ald.Bannolzar,Bielenberg.Bott,Con- grading Cortland.,tree[,$1,1]O;J.Clagey,Ea-
•( sold ally, together with Lhe necessary catch O.O.CCLLgtr,President of Council. lays Cod]aad.Coamllo,Dobner,'D ch
Flan- timate No.'l sail dual,grading Fred street,$79;
`- basins and manholes. Taos.A.Pna�vsaoesr,City Clerk. draw,Gahan,\Ic\amee,Malady,Sanborn,Salll- Stockton & Lindquist, Estimate No. 1 and ,.
t That said board cause said w ori;to be let by van,Van Slyke,Mr.Pmeidmt-16. final,sewer ou Hall avenue, 8974; T.Liunxu, '+
contract as rovided by lxw, fthout one-balt By Aid.Geban— M(nutea of preceding meeting approved and Estimate No.6 and final,grading Bunker Ju eat,
i I the
ea coat being qnt paid into the city Resolved, That the Azotine Manufacturing dispensed with. $1,017;J.W.Maloney,Estimate No.S,get B',
{" treasury,and atter said work shall be placed un• company be and it Is hereby granted ten days ad- contMwicanovs. Ottawa street 31,020: J. W. Mafonay,
der contract,said board shall proceed without ditfonal time to make necessary chances at its From E.A.Fitzgerald— Estimate No. - grading Page arrest,
8. delay to x,seas the amount B pro=
nn they plant iu the Fifth word so as to fully comply For a balance of assessment and refunding 3860; McMullen� & Morrie, Estimate
4 eon ascertain the same,which tri be required with its contracts with the city. money—Union Park—Lynhuret and Oakley No.7,Minnenaha street lower system,$i1.S16;
f to
pay the coat nail necessary expenses o,each Yeas—Aid.Bieleuberg,Butt,Conley,Copeland, avenues grading— W.A.D.vern, estimate No.4, gracing Hopa
f f BBE fmprovement,upon therealestatetobebenefited Costello,Dobner,Dom iden, Flandrau,Gahan, Committee on claims street,$696; W. A. Davern,Estimate No.1,
a w:.
'•1 ' avenue to a point 460 feet west of said Marla eeased therefor,and we herewith send a fila.and l
grading Leslie avenue,etc,$786; Dale&Bum- secompavylDg resolution,or such other as may avenue with cedar blocks and curbing.with profile of sold improvement,and an order
•.y-;i rdner,Ealm to No.6,gr ailing Janke street, be your pleasure. Very respectful) granite,Including In the contract for sold .vin
L u y paving your adoption,R you.desire us to make the Im-
1 1, $1.700; Dale &Bumgerdn Estimate No.1, Jo-W.Rocs, the nac rhY sewer connections to the property prominent.
grading At wright street,$544;T.Sweeney,Es- Cltp Comptroller. ]Ines;that the estlto expense thereof Is$S,- Yeas 4,nays 0..
- timate No.4,grading Langford Park, 82,660; Aug.19,1890. 595,ous-balf of which need not be paid Into the R.L.GonvAx,President.
T.sweeney,Estimate No.4.grading Miaetaeipppl Aceepted. city treasury before cher contract le let;thatreal J.T.KE-st
street, $2,108; T.Sweeney.Estimate No.1, Aid.Gahan offered said resolution referred to estate to be assessed therelor can be found bene- Clerk of the Board of Public Works.
gradingg Pacific street,$1,860; T.%sough.Esti- In above communication,providing that said n ed eo the extent of the cost and expenses Aug.18,1890. No.8,grading Oxford stmt,etc.,$1,241; resolution of Aid.McNamee shell be construed ary o be Incurred thereby;that said im• Adopted. (Bee order to board of-public
T. Keough,Estimate No. 8, grading Hatch as applying only to number of hours which shall pprovement la asked for by s petition of a ma- work..)
3 street, etc., 81,088; M. Tracey, Eetlma[e constitute a day's labor. 7Or"of
the owners of property to be assessed Also,
No. 6, grading Hoyt avevue, 1785; Aid danborn offered a substitute resolution therefor,and we herewith send a plan and pro- Marla avenue-Brld�,Opaning etc-
y Kirkland&Starke.,Estimate No. 2,Arcade ae follows: file of sold improvement,end an order for your To the Common Count 1 of the City of St.Pau.
street sewer system,$8,120;W.C.Doherty,Es- Resolved, That the pay for a day of eight adoption,it deals us to make the Improve- The board of public works have had under
j timate No.2,Faros street sewer eyatem,$6,- hours'labor.ball be$1.20 per day for all em- meet. consideration the resolution or order of the
896; P. Doherty, Estimate No. 1, sewer on yy]oym referred to In the resolution of Aid.Mc Yeas,S;nays,O. common coundl,approved March
' Fairmont avenne.$170;P. Doherty, Estimate Nnmce passed at Lha lent regular meeting of the J.C.QOuvRx,Prealdent pro tem. alive tocondemning an¢agement for a bddga to
No. 1, war on Case street,$1,580:P.NOrrla. common council J.T.KERS$., extend from kiarla avenue to Edgerton stmt, -
Eetfmate No. 4,8prinkling Dletrim No 8, The said substitute resolution was lost. Clerk of the Board of Public Works. end having Investigated the proposed Improve-
T.Reilly,Estimate Ne.4, pprinkling Yes.-Ald.Coppeeland.Costello,Flandran,San. AUR.14,1880. menta
1n District No,e,$1,482.41;T.Re01y,E timate born,Sul9asn.Mr.Pmldenh8. Adopted. (sea order to board of public Respectfully report that It le necessary and '
No.4,Milton stmt sewer syystem, $10,986; Nays-Ald.Bauholzer,Blelenberg,Bott,Con- work..) p oyer r open,widen and extend Msda avenue,
Thornton&Shaw,Estimate No.8,aprinklfng ley. Dobner, Dornlden, Gahan, McNamee, Also, from Norte street to Decatur ,arrear,s[ice Inter-
) in District No. 7,$80.88;Thorntov&Shnw, Melody,Van Biyke-10. M1che1's Subdivision, Block 6,6tineon'e Di- tion with Edgerton street,pruduoed south-
outb; '
Estimate No.8,sprinkling 1n District No. 10, The question being on Aid.Gehen's said me- that the estimated e.peuea thereof fe$10,000;
$86.12; Thornton & Shaw, Estimate olutlon,them were: vision-Alley Grading- that real estate to be assessed therefor can De
No. 8, grading West Side levee, $4,680; Yeas-Ald.Banholter, Bldenbe Bott,Con- To tae Common Couuctl of the City of 8t.Paid:
f �' The board of blit orks have bail under found benefited to the extent of the damages
W.J.Preston,Estimate No.1, er on Weep ley, Dobner, Dorniden, Gehan, McNamee, pu costa and expenses necesea.ry to be lncurre4 `
venue,$786;C. E.Sand n.E.Li ate No. Melody,Va.Slyke-10. consideration the resolution r order f the YL
grading Lawson stmt,82,099.60;T,Lfnnan, Naye-Aid.Copelavd,Costello,Flandrau.Bav- common coundl,approved Julp 2,1880,rein- thereby;that Bald Improvement le not asked
5 Estimate ebne grading Case etmt,etc- 81,880; born,Sullivan,Mr.President--8. Live to gradin an lle lu b.ock No.two(2), for by a petition of a msjodty of the owners of
333 M1che1'S eubdivgsion of bock No.five 6 p operty to be assessed therefor,but we bete-
H. C. Huebner,Estimam No.4,grading Rice Prior to the decision of the chair as to both i (( )•Silo- ith send a pplan and profile of said Improve-
street.82,227; J. Forrestal, Estimate No.4, r or not said resolution bad been adopted,Ald. eon's d(vlelon.from Kent stmt to Dnle street, mint,if you desire to make the improvement.
in district No. 5 $686.88;J.For Sanborn made the olnt of order that the regio- and having investigated the proposed improve-
P men[: Yeas,4;nays,O.
i metal.Estimate No.4,sprinkling 1.
district No. lutio.,inasmuch as point
the expend- Respecttul]y report that it 1s necessary and R.L.GoanteB,President.
4,$1,140.86;7.Forxatal,Eetlmat,No.4s frink- It l',of money,waa not adopted,not having rc J.T.RRIrEER,
ling In dfetrlet No.2,8904.64;J.Forrestal,Eetl- Us
the requlelte two-thirds vote. proppeer to grade the alley 1n block 2.B.i..,el, Clerk of the Board of Public Works.
mate No. 6, Mldwa district newer bdlvieI.. f block 5,6tineon's divlefon,Sc.
y system, The ehalr decided the point well taken,and Paul,from%cut stmt to Dale street;that the 'lug.19,1891).
$19,040;Hanson and Job..n,E.timate No.1, that the resolution was lo.t. - estimated expense thereof Is 8184,one-half of Adopted. (See order to board of publlc
') sewer on Osceola avenue,etc.,$1.680;7.Cle icy, Aid.Gehan appealed from the decision of the c, -hick need not be old into the cit works.)
i KarimateNo.l,grading MinneDaaaetreet,$1,860; chair and the chair ass not suata.ined. P city Also.
Thornton&8hnw,Estimate No.',grading Syd. Ymao- Aid.Copeland,Costello,Flandrau,San- before the contract le let,that real estate to be Commercial Street Grading-
;' ney street,$840;w. Stephen,Estimate No.4, born,Sullivan-6. assessed the
tau be be found benefited to To the Common Council of the City of St.Paul:
i sDrinkling 1n district No. 9,8328.24;P.Tent- Nsye-Aid.Hanholzer,Bfelenberg,Hott,Con- the extent of the coat and expe.see necessary to The board of public works have
had under
holt,Es timate No.2 and final,grading Arlington ]gip,Dobner,Dornido Gahan,McNamee, Mole. be Incurred thereby;that s id Improvement to consideration the resolution or order
of thecom-
etmt,$228;G.J.6ympnde,Eetlmate No.a and dy,Van Slyke-30. not asked for by s petRfon of.majority of the on council, yy
final,sewer o.Selby avenue,$4,422.72;J.For- The president called Ald.Sanborn to thechair. oumere,but ie petitlouetl for by a large number 6o the¢railing o[PCom erelnl street,fromrental,Es
timate No. 7 and final,Roble street Of(,7ty Engineer-Hay Scales,A.M.Peltier- of resident owmers of property to be saceseed street to Eudid stmt,and,baying,from investigated J:
sewer.y.te n, $4,187.17; T. Reilly,Eatlmate Asking that location of bay scalae,permleslon therefor,and we herswitb send a plan and profile the proposed Improvement:
No.4,wooden sidewalks,1890,86,042. to amt which waspd en to A. M. Pdtfer Aug. of said Improvement,and an order for your Reepecttully report that!t 1s necessary and
K Allpwed,end ordered paid by tollowlvg vote: 6,1880,be ebenged from Miselaslppl stmt to adoption 1f you desire us to make the Improve- street
to grade Commercial street.from Fifth
Yeas-Ald.Baubolorr,Bldat;e. , Bott.Cov- Granite stmt,near Mlsaleelppf stmt. Tha en- met. treat to Palm stmt;that the estimated ex.
Copeand,Coat ries,Dobner,Dor.lden,Flandrau, grocer requests that to future apppllcatlone for Yeas,4;nave,0. psoas thereof is 85,200,one-half of which need
Gehan, McNamee,Malady,Sanborn. Sullivan, permission to erect hay scales Da referred to J.T.KE.xER, R.L.Goic N,President. not be paid Into the city treasury
( Van Slyke, Mr.Pxeelden[-18. committee oD stints. Clerk of the Board of Public Works. before the cont the a let; that real
i ? Also, Accepted lase resolution). Aug.18,1890. state to be assessed therefor con be toured _
benefited to the stent of the coat d
Aid.McNamee's resomnon making eight hours Eetlmatee- Also. Adopted(See order to board of public works.) eapeniem necessary to be incurred thereby;th.t
1, a day's labor- Tha city engl.aer submits a Also, said
the followln approved by himprovement fe caked for by.petition
To the Honorable President and Common g eatimame: Waide'.Rearrangement Paist's Outlots,Alley oa in odty of the owners of property to be Us-
} r;. Council of the City of St..Paul: $samara No. 8, Birth stmt bridge sub- Gre.ding- .eased therefor, and we berewlth d s plan
? Gentlemen-It ie Lhe pinion of many dtl- structure,Kirkland&Starkey,$3.281;Estimate To the Common Council of the C7[T of fit.Paul: red profile of said Improvement,avd
an order -
zens Lhet the resolution passed at your lest No.8,Sdby avanue bridge superstructure,Edge- The board of publlc works have had under for your adoption,R ydu desire us to make the
meeting,Aug 6,conetitutfng eight(8)hours ae moor Bridge Works,112,760. consideration the resolution or order of the (mprovement
a day's work(or all mechanics,laborers,etc., Allowed and referred Lo�omyytroller. common council,approved May Bth,1890,rela- Yeea,8;nays,0.
employed by Lha stipy((a certified copy is hereto yeas-Aid. Banholttr, Bfelenberg, Conley, five to the grading of an alley from Front,President pro tem.
attached)redu�their pay onsfiftb for the eland, Costello, Cullen, Dobner, Doruiden, stmt to Wayzata stmt, between Rice avd J.T.KERKER,
two hours lees t me,thereby%hig the laborer Flandrau,Gehan,McNamee, Melsdv. Sullivan. Albemarle stmt. (fn block 2, Weide'.rear- C7nrk of the Board of Public Works. a_
1 $1.20 per day instead of 81.60, ae Axed by you Slyke,Mr.(,2slrman-15, ranRement of Palate Outlote), .red having In- Aug 16,1890. _
i 1; the resolution Introduced by AId. Rin, ap- vestigated the proposed Improvement: Adopted. (See order to the board of public
•,) proved May 5,1887,"Ceundl Proceedings" of RE Our OF BOAaD of YDHIJp WORKS. Respectfully report that It Is accessory and works.)
1887,p.eBgae 288. East Fifth Stmt P.vl.B8- proper to grade the alley 1.block 2,of Welda's Also.
I.m of the oplalon that the resolution yyawed To the Commov Cpundl of the Clty t St.Pani: iearravgament of Peiec'e Ou[ote,8t.Paul,that Victoria Stmt Sewer-
i t your last eetingw c edtutfngn Ight (8) The board of public works have had undercon- the estimated ezpenee thereof is$286,one half To the Common Council o2 the
City oI Bt.Paul:
the_ as day's k, does of reduce elderation Lbe xaolutlon or der f the c - t which nerd not be paid Into the city treasury Tha board t publlc work.have had der -+
the wages eeteblfehed under the resolution of council,repp sed July 18,1890,relative before the contract is let:that real estate to be conelderntlon tae olutlon o order
( the
May 6,1882,and cannot ba eo Interpreted. to tbeepa g f East Fifth stmt,Irom Marla aeeeesed tberfor can be found benefited tothe ex, coin on con dl,appproved A�W8,1890.relative
Tba Fy y rolls for the stmt and sewer fours v u Lo a pO1nt 480 feet west Of 6a1d Mada test t the t d eapenaes so- to the coaatruction of a e on Victoria
etc.,will be fipres.ted to me for auditing n4 a eu e,and,having Investigated the proposed savary to be incurred therebyg that said fm- stmt,from Goodrich avenue to Grand avenue,
payment before the nezt meeting of your son- 1my L: provement le asked fur by pati tfpn [a and,havm invest
r bl.bodv. 6o as to cause no delay 1n y- Resp-thdly report that It ie ry d majorlt of the owners L B (gated Lhe proposed Improve-
n p o property to be as. ment:
3 t mens,I most respectfully ask no
passage Fey
proper to peva East Fifth street,from Maris
+a" r
-.e+- a '�a�.k sr `dy a.. 3S�Y• ;iY :,;I, ;3pr'� i c �`. .:F F'r it-'�, 1 4 s< ``:.'t T Y tie ,:'.'.r
ee tfuli report
ort that 1 L Rod
d - Pec y p said Imp meat m with d plan and profile of said improve- between Jackson street.avd Canada street. `
"F}} necessary d props,together with the necee it.1f you deal to make the Improvement. h iinng investigated the Proposed improvement: Mi el ha Street Gledhill Contract-
.: wary catch basins svd Doles;.that the tl mYeas,3;nay:7 O. R pecttully report that aid Impreovemeut Is The board reports that t hen ax arded Ch else
mated ppee m thereof 18$77S,one-half of which J.C.Quiumv.President tem. not necessary and proper•for the m n that E.Sandmn the covtrxct for gratltvg Mivnehaha
a(;•�+, need not I paid Into the city treaeurybefore the J.T.KEntsR, pro Rt a Denting before said board n large number tenet,from Como avenue to Lexington avenue,
contract la let; that real tate to be assessed Clerk of the Board of Public Works. f proper,yoowvereto be assessed were opposed he being the lowest reliable end poneible bid
therefor can be found benefited W the erten[of p 11,1890. to. d ne appeared In favor of the pro- der therefor, mount f bid,$10.500,bond in j
the cost d pp vies necessary to Ire incurred Adopted end efty der:iu'tructea to¢1ve nee- posed improvement. - the sum of$2,300,with Adolph Blom and A.G. 1
thereby; that said improvement ie of inked a eery publlcatlon notice. Yeas 3,nays O. BJprL-and as nuretiea.
for by a Petition of a majority of the o Also. J.C.QCtx-nx,Ptesdeut tem.
' Pro Each of the foregoing nw srde taken up separ-
i•• (Pro a rty to be asseeeed therefor,but is asked Sixth Street Hridge 6ubetructure- T.T.KEnxEa, ately and appp d by fallowing vrote'
for by 111 the householders onthe mef 11th,ero The board returns order approved Aug. 6, Clerk o[the Board of Public Works. Yeas-Aid.Ha holier,Blelenberg,Bott,Conley,
1 posed grovement,and 1s herewith may,
]890,for c strcctntg eeid a betructure,with Aug.12,1890. Copeland, Costello. Cullen, Dobner, Donudea,.
t ,. plan of s t, Improvement, sad an order for the report that the contract for said work has Adopted. Flandrau,Gebnn,Mo\amce,Melady, Sullivan,
adoption,tt you desire us to make the been awarded and the work In progress. Also. Van Slyke,Mr.Chairman-16.
Im rovement. Accepted and placed on file.
p Walsh Avenue Grading Also,
Yeas,4;nnye,O. Also, To the Common Council of the City of St.Paul: O The t oardreet rareingns Contract
t has awarded
-1, R.L.GOR]fdY,President. Ocean Street Grading- The board of public works have had under Thomas Linn
[he contract for grading ODIo
J.T.KEe�:a, To the Honorable,the President ad('ammo. conefderatton the resolution order of the crcec from Isabel erect to Anna grading
Clerk of the Board of Public Work.. Council of the Cly of St.Paul Gentlemen: common council, approved July 10, 1890, P°
1 . Aug.18.1890. The board of public works herewith sped- relative to the Rradivg t Walsh avenue,from being the lowest reliable and reeponstble bidder
Adopted.(See order tohoard of publicx arks.) tulle return your order,approved April A,1890, York freer co Maryland ntreec, and,having therefore: amount of bid,$8 a86,bond
1n the
for grading Ocean street,from Seventh street to investigated the Proposed improvement: um of 81.0001 with James F}nemrmaker and J
Also, Harvester avenue,the engineer reporting that Respectfully report that said improcemeut is E.H.Stahlman as.uretlee. �.
Oman street le only open fol about half a-block not veceesar-a d groper,for the reason that at Said award not apprav-ed:
Ontario Street Sewer- th of Seventh street and does tot connect g hearing before fd board a large number of Yeas 'Id.Cootel1lo 1.
!i To the Common Council o[the Cit 11th any other'tree[,and that i[Is necessn the t to be ns.essed nere o d Axys-,11d.Banholzer.BlelettDe:g, Be I,Con-
To of SL,Paul: ry proper yoxnere pease
The board o[public n rle Dave had der co open said street before 1t can be graded. to,and no ane appeared it favor of the proposed Iep,C'opelevd,Cullen, Dobner. Doruideu.Flan-
the resolutm. o rder of the R.L.Gomu,is-,President. Ir,p scent,and for the further reason that drnu.Gehvn,�IcNxmee. Melady. Sulhvau,\'au
Common coundl,s J.T.KERREA, Id street,when graded,should he graded from Slyke,DIr.Chairman 1v. 5
# ctlon f gut[seewe,1890,tela- Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Minuehaha street to Ivy street. Also,
t,the the
of o at,Hi Ontario Aug.18,1890.
atrcet,from the]tisefeaippt neer to Hill arrest, Yeas,8:nays.C. Estimates-
) and,hiving investigated the proposed Improve- Alderman of the ward. T.C.QmR.x.President pro tem. The board transmits approved by it the tol-
9 m t: Also, J.T.KEnsea, lowing estimate',to wit:
He.psetfufly report that 1t fe necessary Klttsoti s Addition,Allen Paving- Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Esttmn[e No.6 and final.Hoyt avenue graa-
and proper to construct a sewer on To the Common Canncfl.t the CYty of St.Paul: Aug.12,1890. tug(Concord t0 nth city limits),M.Tracy,
t Ontario attest,from the Mississippi river to a The board of public works have had under Adopted. $471; Estimate No.2 and final, Beaumont
( Pomc 90 feet north o7 the north line of consideration the resolution or order of the Al.., street sewer fEdRerton to
apring street, together with the nems- common •nunefl,sopr.ved July 2,1890,rela- Ails Grading Contract,Block-3,Portland Ad. son. 81'29; li t .te S..2 and flnel.Charles
silly catch basins and manholes:that the H. Live to paving alley Iv block So,Kitt'ou'.ad- dlifon- trent se'er (film to Marion), P. Doherty,
e ted expense thereof Is $1.200, one
-half of dltlov, t td,having Investigated the proposed The board reports that ft has xtvarded Louis SSB.Lb; Estimate No. 0 d 'final, Page
which need not be paid into the city treasury impp a t: E.Shepley the contract for grading the alley in Erect grndhtg (South H b L to Concord)
1' before the contract is lac-that real afire La be Iteapectfu.I,eport that said Im J. W. Dlnlovey,51,664: Estimate No 4 and
'sed therefor can be found benefited to the not uecesear• d Procem t t f' block them(d)N Portland addition to St.Paul, ileal, Hum den Park grading, T Sweeney,
extent of 5822.50 of the cot and ea 1 proper at this [Ice,for the be-being the 1 est reliable and Pouelble bid- $787 60;Estimate No.b,'upplementxry to leo.
Pensee tea that a change f grade on Ohve street der therefor:a m L o1 bid.4120,bond in the Tuscarora streets fern Chatsworth
necessary to be incurred thereby; the balance avd Yine street la dm 4 and anal, ( -
p g,which will affect the of 526,with Geo.C.Harper and Warren
(5877.50) to be paid out of the sewerage act p sent grade oI said aIle. to Pleasant),Thorntoh d 86ate,526:Estimate
d fund; that id Improvement is t Yeas,Y.;nays,0, y Carpenter as sureties. No.9,supplementary to.\`o.8 at d flail, side-
III _ for by a petftiov of a majodtyof the own- J.C.QmvRx•President tem. `L1pO' alk.,stove contract 1889,LauerAros.,89U.98:
} of property to De as d therefor,but w J.T.KEaaEa, Pru Lincoln Avenue Grading Contract- Estimate No.4.eapplemevtary to ]s-o.3 ud
( i berewlth'end s plan oI Id improvement,and Clerk of the Board of Public Workn. The board reports that It has aw arded Charles final,Robte street (Dilor'Lo Strider),
t an order for your adoption,1f you desire ue to AUR.16,1890. E.Sendeen the tract for grndlnR Lincoln G.T.Symonds, 560; Estimate Igo. 4,s gpnle-
r make the Improvement. Adopted. avenue,from Lexington avenue to 6nelltug ave- mentnry to No.3 and final, Portland tt ua
Yeas,8;nnye.0. Also he being the lowest reliable and responsible sewer(Gr.tto to Avon),W.J.Preston.t'2v
< j J.C.QU.[Rx,President pro tem- bidder therefor;amount of bid,84,494;bond In Committee on claims.
{ 7 I J.T.KanlcER, Mendota Street Grading- the sum of 5900,with Adolph Blom and A.G. aE9oar oe Roane OF coR7Rof..
Clerk of the Board of Public Works. To the Common Council of the City of St.Paul: Bjorklund as sureties. 9uffe REP Lake Geranls Cyclone-
i -I Aug.11,1890. Tshe board of public av rka Dave had under Also, To the Honorable President and Members o[
- f- Adopted. (See order to board of Consideration the resolution or order f the
works.) public common council,approved July In,1890,tela- George Street Sewer Contract- the Common Council.
five to the gradfng of Mendota street,from The board reports that it has awarded N.C. Gentlemen: The coon of your honorable
Also, York street to Dlar land avenue,and,having Johnson the contract for constructlug a eew'er body in referring[o this board the report of the
. Investigated the ro oaed 1m rovement: g on George street.from ODIo street to Orleans apedai comml[tm on cyclone suRerern, near
i Congress Street Chan of Grade- Res
( ge pact}ally report that enld improvement 1. street,together nith the necessary catch basins Lake Gervais,•'for the purpose e aid board rt ake camng
of i
To Lhe Common Council of the City of fit.Paul: not netessary and proper,for the reason that at and being the lowest reliable and theede'etitute ca'er Or not he
arising from mid cyclone,"
The board A public oke Dave Dad under hearing heists eeid board a large number of pmo ble ofdder therefor; amount of bid, has been co um ted to us.
In reply-Deg _
i g� conefderaton the resolution or order of the the owners of property to be aeses'ea were op- 81,000;bond to the sum of $800,with F.W. leave to say that this board 1'now
d has
common coundl,approved May 21,1890,cels- posed-to,and no one appeared in favor of Lha Hadfield and O.V.Eric.on as sureties.
Live to change of grade on Congress street,from proposed improvement. Also been ever amen the eydone giving temporary aid
State street to Anita street,and having invest)- Yeas,8;nnye,O. to Such sufferers by that ca,amlty as eon. to
gated the proposed Improvement: J.C.Qrcrax,President pro tem.
fu Maria Avenue Paving Contract- ue or we could discover on investigation. Such
f 11 Respect lly report that it ie necessary and J-T-KERgeR, The board reports Chet ft has awarded Walter aid as the poor people quire in the way of
'r pproperto change the grade on Congress [reef, Clerk of LDe Board of P.bltc Worl-e. C.Doherty the contract for paving Maria avenue household good',new Douses to eheltee them.
bettveeu State stn tilt and Amtaetreet,an Indlest' Aug-15,1690. Ram Bates avenue to Eset Seventh street with selves and[amllles,and nay to doth'their
ed by the red lino on the scam saying profile; Ado ted. cedar blocks on plank foundation,curbing with nakedness,this board,while desirous of giving,
that the estimated ex ase tp p
pe hereof le 8160; Ale., gr Hite and sewer conneetlons to the property cannot offer, as it Is not competent for us
that real estate to be assessed therefor can Fifteenth Street Change of Grade- lines,he being the lowest reliable and respon to Incur bills for such end. We re y
f be found benefited to the extent of the damages To the Common Cqu.cil of LDe City of St.Paul: Dle bidder therefor; amount of bid, paving, epectfully suggest that
the conditlon -.
cost. and expenses necessary to be incurra� The board of public works have Dad under $27,499;180 sewer connections,each 1 $80; of such or the people who are entirely dependent
1 thereby-[Dat said lmprovementf.not asked for consideration the resoluta. or order of the total amount of bid,$81.899;bond f.the sum by reason of the¢Hilts taking away
of their ,(11
o by a pedtfo.01 a majority of the owners of common council, approved Feb. 20, 1890, of$8.000,with F.W.Hadfield and John Kenny,crops end means of earnhrga livelihood,
p would entirely justify your honors fn tendering
property to ba saseseed therefor,but we here- relative fo a change of grade on Fifteenth street, as sureties.
7 8r�
i. �, ,.. -. �. ..,.:µk';. ..t,t: ilk.... ��...$;! '••{e'� ,% � x z� «fie
public aid to these citizens of our own state in Accepted and ordinance for payment of said Also, Also,
R "fi like manner as unfortunate.f.other sections of claim read first time.
t the country have beau repeatedly succored from Peal Krueger'.claim-$Y60---ganging Mendota Aid.Dobner'.-Resolution for Drinking Fountain
public bounty. Very respectfully, Also' street Ilne- t Snelling and Capitol Avenuea-
servants, y.your°bedlam Report o[City Treaeumr.June 1 to June 28, Committee recommends that said claim be re- Committee recommends adoption.1890- P
�- M.R.PseBnEaaesr, Committee recommend.-that Bald re ort be ferred to corporation attorney and city engineer Adopted. (See resolution.)
' Iesec P.Wmorlr, to c and it comptroller to geek up and report foAdor defln�lotormatlo°. Aid.Dob¢er's Reeolutfon fog Drinking Fountain
Anew FiRt•E, to committee on ways and means p Alan; t lntereectimr of Hampden Avenue,Ha ip-
k - Board of Control. Adopted. dee Placpand Ra mond Avenue,St Anthony
7 1890. Also Margaret Cody's claim-$180 damages�efect. Y f y
9 Accepmd and placed on file. I-sidewalk,Sycamore street- Park-
, 1 Appointment and Bond of Clerk of Municipal Committee recommends that said claim be Committee recommends adoption.
1 mill!78 OF erermtxa com[nxsse. Court referred to corporation attorney and city,an. Adopted. (6eeresolutlon.)
OI commutes oa ways and means-Bond Of Committee recommends that the amount of grocer.
James H.Farrell ae conat.Dl0 In 82,000 with bond of asld clerk be bead at$6,000. Adopted. Of Committee on License-Butcher Licensee-
-i, Henry O'Connor and August Rahll as sure- Adopted.
!� Also, C.H.Rfeger's petltlon for pnrm1-1..10 flee. Also,
Commlttee recommends that said bond be M.Leib and others' William A.Van Slyka's claim-$9.600-services far to 860 trans-
...street Butcher License Na.77,
tyre sp roved. bridge- Patltlo.-Selby avenue fn caring for the pubfle parka,etc.,Juna 6, Issued March 28,1890;Cbas.Haw.rd'e petl-
$$ p ]888,to Jan.1,1890- tion for permleelon to transfer to WeI
Adopted and said bond approved. To the Honorable the President and Common Committee mporte that William Van Slyke is Krara Butcher License No.138,issued June
Ye Aid.
Baaholzer,Hlslenberg,Botts Co.. Council of the City of St.Paul: entitled to come compensation In the premises e. 1890; Stanek k Co.'s peWWon for,
ley,Coppeeland, Costello,Cullen, Dobner, Dorn- Gentlemen: Your committee to whom was ro- and recommends chat council fix the amount. ion to transfer to 499 Thomas street
I lden, Flandrau, Gahan, McNamee, Melady, ferred tha petition of M.J.Leib and ighteen Adopted and an ordinance appropriating g3: er License No.69,Issued March 17,1890-
i Sullivan, Van 91yke,Mr.Chairman-16. others,asktt Committee reconum- said transfers.
! dleo, askingthat to the matter of the can. 600 pasead
struttlon Of s bridge and approaches serosa the Also, Adopted.
Bond o[William Platte ae market master fn right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Azotine Manufacturing company's claim-31,-
• $6,0oq with Henry Voges and Jacob F.Jagger Paul Railway tom any along the line o[ Seib 260,conetiml Of Committee on Ordinance.and Public Ac-
assureties. y ng garbage and dead aufmals,
( .s Committee meommends a avenue,together w th the necessary grading on July,1890. counts-Re
y pproval of said Selby avenue,between H.mlln,avenue and Sar- Committee recommends that said claim be (:omm([tee has examined and found correct
bond. .toga avenue In said city,That the alt a
r Adopted,and said bond approved. pyrime a la Y Pro- ]aid over for further consideration. =sot mapector of buildings,June,1890;
Yeas-Aid.Ban hair,
Bielenberg, Bott,Con• fraying thereapenses of a adlmODDr ovem l pore,et de, Adopted Also clerk of municipal court,July,1890;chief of po-
., leyy,Copeland,Costello,Cu11en,Dobner,Domlden, that we Dave gWiven the parritaAnterested In the Claims o[ E.M.Hallowell & Co-In urlee b lice,for July,1890;P°undmaeters
Flaadrau,Geban,McNamee, Malady, Sullivan, matter a hearing,and that your committee is a I.. w 1 y nIR,Truax and Meyers,for July,1890. 5
- Van Slyke,Mr.Chairman-16. the opinion that the city should a agon to carriages of D.R.Aoyea and Adopted.
Also, m o[flK thousand d PProprlate the W91fam Help.. i
y ollare from the bride Committee renorta tavorab] AEPOn15 OF.PECIAL CO1f.n1TEE..
Bond of Joseph R.Blaek[vel]as Justice of LDe bond fund Lowarda th cost of said Improve- Adopted. (See Ordinance No.1,389.) Of commlctee to port a plan for redteMet-
peace for the Tenth end Eleventh ward.-,to men,,and your committee recommend the ap- Also, In the city for election yurnoces-ordinaaoe-
i $600, w1rD L.J.Dobner and W.W,Dunn a. proprlaWon of that sum for auc6 purpose, and Elizabeth Sweet's claim-drowning of hus- Committee submit.and recommends
i anmties. that the order of the common council,a aaege
Committee recommends that said bond be ap- Dec.18,1888,dlrectmg the making of Bald m 6g16f3GUeoxge A.6wcet,Ju idissiselppi river June of ordinance amending ordinance No.1290.ap.
P roved. pproved Jan.22,1890,m amended by ordinance
provement,be amended accordingly. Committee recommends that said claim be m- No.1811,approved March_4,1890. I
b Adopted and said bond a proved. Respectfully,(a:m s E.FLaxnitAO, Jerred to corporation attorney and city engl- Adopted. (See ordJosnce No.1392.)
Years--Ald.Banholzer,BiePnberg,Bott,Conley,' Chalrman Committee on W.
and 3[ean.. neer.
j Copelaad, Costello. &Z",Dobner, Domiden, Aug.11 1890. Adopted.
Flandrau,Gahan,McNamee, Malady, 9ulllvsn, Adopted. p Ordinances-
f i •1 Van Slyke,Mr.Chairman-16. Also, An ordinance as read authorizing George
Also, Aid. Mina's resalutio¢-$800 for Will]
Mitach to raise a frame building. z
Bond of George Rel.- s city treasurer,In Schmotter-Bre works- Of Committee on Streets,Sewers and Bridges- Rules suspended on motion of Aid.Cullen
R.Me$500. 00,with William Dawson,Jr.,Willi.. Committee recommends adoptfou. Petuion of G.P.Rugg and others for better yeas 16,at!d ordinance mad second time and
( R.Merriam Frank A.Seymour, C.H.Ltenau, Adopted. (&e resolution.) service on Oakland and Grand avenues elec. passed. (Sea ordinance No.1.888.)
Jose h Loe�Cey,William Lludeke.Albert Schet- frit linea,etc.- A.ordinance[vas read for ppolntmeut of
u ter, l;ernhard Kuhl, Delo.A.Monfort. Peter Committee submits a communication from P. Jailer at Prior avenue pmolfce etatiom
Keret,P.T.Kavanagh and Arehib.ld S.Cowls F.Be-.vice president St.Paul City Railway Rule.suspended on °tion of Ald.Dobner
as sureties. Y OI Committee On Clsima-C•hsrlee A.Johnson company,asking forbearance of parties Inter. yeas 16,and ordinance ad second time and
Committee recommends that Bald bond be ap- nd Charles L. Nordln'e claim-damages,in- sated until the completion of the power station. passed. (See ordlnnnce No.1,987) -
proved. Juries to property,Arcade and Elms streets- Committee on street.. An ordlnance was mad redistricting city for
3. Adopted,and said bond approved. Committee recommend.pursuant t°report of Also. elec[lon purposes. f
Yeas-old. BCos iter,Bleleuberg, Hort,Con- curporation attorney and cityengin o that aald Report Board of Public Works(dated April 21, Rules suspended on motion of Aid.Cullen,
! ]ey,Copeland, COe[ello, Cul;en, Dobner, Dor claim be not allowed. 1890)-Jobn Kiemen sad others'petition,m- yeas 16,an,i ordinance mad second time..I
niden, Flandr.u, Gahan, MeN..-, Malady, Adopted. nsaessment,Ml_"'ppi street widening- passed.
c 9ulllvan,Van Slyke,Mr.(:hsirma¢-16. 'tis°• T°the Common Council: An ordinance was read-$800 for James
James W.Jordan's claim for$1,600-in urles Gentlemen: Your committee report that the Jordon.
sustained from poisoning while making)blue have heard the property wnem oa Sllealaeipppl Rules suspended on motion of Ald.Dobner,-
t Aid. Gehan's reeoltitlon appointing Henryy pprfnte for city engineer- at. a mterence to the matters in
1n yen.36,and ordinance read second timn and
Galvin cexgea¢t-a4arme of the common eounetl Commlttce mcommends allowance of said the communication of the board t public passed. (See Ordinance No.1,9R8.)
{ ° at a salary of 8300 per ye Balm at d. work.Jbearlsg date April 21,3890, O d ritmr Aa ordinancewas read-812,60 for E.M.Hul-
k Com 5 rb recommends that Bald Galvtn re- Adopted. (Sea Ordinance No.1,388.) careful coveiderstlon, and under the advice of ]owell & Co.-injuries to carrlagea at W911nm
( ceive If sag night he attends counefl meeting. Al... the corpora[lon attorney,recommend that the Helps and D.R.Noyes by patrol wagon.
Adopmd-Yeas,16;nays,Aid.Cullen,1. (bee St.Paul Gua Light Company's ciafm for$8,- board of publle works be Instructed to proceed Rules suspended on routine of Ald.Gahan,
resoluWon.) 891.98- with the making of the reea.eeement at the ben- yeas 18,and ordinance mad second time and
[r Al... Committee recommends that said claim be re- eflts necessary to Day the JOdgme.te recovered passed. (gee Ordinance No.1,R89.)
i A hi Cpnley's resolution fixing salary of clerk Jerred to corporation mtomey and city en- .9.list the city. An ordinance was nil authorizing J.Heber
Ot chief of pollee at$3,200 atter Jnue 1,1890. giucer. Through these Judgments, recovered several and J.Thlll co erect Day window.
Committee makes an adverse report on said Adopted, y ere ago,certain properly ownrrewere awarded Rules sussolutpended on motion of Aid.Conley, -
j xAdop on. t-alAlan. fnerea•ed damage, for property taken In the yeas 16,and rdlnance mad second time and
Adopted-Yeas,18. Nal ova.neon'.-claim-x100 damage.-.°fl ro- wldeuingot Mteelesipopf ecreer,aad this beingalocal priced. (bee Ordinance No.1,990.)
Also, d from lot 1, block 6,Ingereoll'e addl- improvement can ly be paid by aecesemeute An ordi..nce was mad granting to the trust
James J.M[•CaHert s ciaim- g tion- on the property benefted see o[the First Pmabyy[erlan church permission r
i M Police Otflcer Petereon. $600,deteadin Committee recomme¢da that Bald claim be Respectfully,Joint
F.GEeux, to remove church edifice. _
referred to city eaglncer and corporation whoa Chairman Committee on Streets. Rules sue ded on motion of Ald.Flandrau
t Commltteo recommends allowance o1 said ney,
maim' Ado Led. Aug.19,1890. yeas 16,and ordinance mad Gond time
fI� } p Adopted. paaeed. (See Ordtrtance No.1,891.) -
!1ft ,
,..._t r a�� � r-�} .. r�J`f<,fi:,'�t.q rrr>:r'�,,."+ A�! ".�S^�i ` - � ' '�. .�{ :�,y?�511' '.1•t.X t y�
,..,. .-. r•/,% 5...- ,,,, ., +;. .,J � �� x s /..F4S dtn+t
} An Ordinance was d appropriatingiti.$8,500 Aid.Hanholzer moved that the shalt a polat
9 for Wdst m A.Van Slyke,care perk.,etc. I the tolloxing c mit[ce,nnoee duty Mahal]bete By AId.ed,T roll and absolute rernipto to the city lu eatlefac- 1 i
a uepead d�yeae 14,and Ltllnance read Fro d t the Azotine Dlanutncturing Compa,y'e Resolved Tbat the board I p b11c on tion of. T claim or demo d.
ntl Lfine end p searorka at the sear of Bald week mentioned in.1d use to be constructed a wooden eidewelk on See.2. This ordl ce hall take effect and
a §
A.ordinance wee read antborizing dretgng of last Pearl....motto..and the
to condition the south aide of Plum,Irom Maple to Hoffman be In force from and after Its p bllcation.
g a ante 1n favor M owners of land Condemned of.aid works,[o xlt; ga avenue,in the Second wertl. Yexx-Aid. Bauholzer. Blelenberg, l:onley,
' 9 for levee In WCat St.Paul. Copeland, Coetellu, C.•ullen,Dobner, Dornidrn,
' 1 Committee on Btreete. The committee on street.; Alar. Dorniden, _
Gehau,bicNemee,Mrlady, Sullivan,
' An ordinance was read regulating use by Econ- Joseph Bou uet,JosenhbHaug. Walter III Van Slyke,Mr.Chairman-16. _
.teem Heat com ODnINnNCE NO.1,386. p¢A pug,19.1890.
i pang I streets,etc.,In Moritz Helm. An ordinance authorizing George Mltach to raise WALTER H.BANDonN,Chnlrmeu Of Connells
JY conducting steam heat and steam power. Adopted nd the chair luted above ftnme bullding.
�tv 9S C Committee en I-is. n ed commlttce,pursuant to enid motion. The Common Co' I of the City of Bt.Paul do Approved Aug.22,1890.
- Av ordinance Nan ad authorl,mg A9 Palm- The mnttero f chanRee f street¢lades'rs ordain se follows: O.O.LTLLEx,Actingg Mayor.
quiet to build adtlitloaa]story, follows, advertised to be beard nt thin time, Eee[lon 1. Tint authority and petmfe.lon fe Atte t: Tao..A.PIER....Asr,LYty Clerk.
Commlttee on streets. t Aug.25.
t Aa ordlnnnee x'ae nd g np for henring. Lhe halt announcing 1v hereby Riven and
¢snntIA unto Ge ergs Mi Bch to
J z Dsaz oath 6reutln Horne & Cechecane that nbJectlone.I(any, to said pro- arae that certain[tame bullding t[uete pan ORDINANCE No.1,889.
e ( levee fa Sixth rvnid mission to use portion of poseA Chan�would be heard: o Was a lot 1 I of block 2,of Rice and Irvine's dditlon,. pn Ordinance appropriating y
1 it to oP enid pro ,te chaff pl1eur-
tt�� p gee reeoluelous and used nen wagon oho two feet,and to coo. Pimrop ntfng ry for attar di.
g Committee rot streets, for sold c6ungrs were¢dented: atrucc and pat ou.n1A ouIldmR gravel roof, .acting the pnYy t co F.M.Iitallnrr ell d Co.
9 1 o Y An ordfuence was read authorizing usyme t Chorlton street,from-titer Ifne of Annapolis all of which work shall be done ander the nu art sum of Twelve
endo GU-100 dolluro,put-
i of Certain Judgments-Mlebeel Rocbn �d 0th- street to renter•Ifnn of Wyoming etrenth Bmlth vision of slid directed by the bullding tl r- not
to the report f the committee of y
e from center Ilea of Annnpolln street to ppector of Said city upon obtaining a Pennit Clalmx.
Cummlt[ee on Clalmn. Center lin,of Yvyoming street:Mnnomin arenue, therefor. The Common C'nuncil of the Ylty of SL.Paul
An ordit orn was road uglygraintftag permlxnlon ca from c• tet Ilno of Annapolis street to south Ser„2. Thls ordlun ice bell inks enact and do Crdal.,um follow.:
7 Wlocouxln l.'etttrnl c nyuny td construct and Ilse of W)•nml ntrcet. (Sens Street to S be 1n force from and after Its pane...nud publi- Seat
1. That ntt order be tlruwu upp the
! { palate rel do truck.xcr¢en Sixth street,etc., 'I Its matterof the Pr paned vnentlon of portion cation. city treasury of SL Ynul In favor
[tt R72[non'e addition- of Wiley In block 1,Ewing&CYtute'e addition,ad. Yenx-Aid.Hanholzer.Btcleunetg.Conley,Coles lowellfi Co.for the ...of of twelve d GO-100
Rules un�tcnded on motion of Aid.Oehan. vert as W be heard ht t61s time,came for ]and,Costello.Ctillen,Dobner, I/ondden,Fiun- dollar.,In lull coma nieatfou for and satisfaction
t F yeas 1G,sad ordinance[road xeeoud time and i aurin$;the chair uuuomtc,d that oblectlon., d u, Oehan,M"erose. Dleludy,Bulilvnn,Vnn f thele Claim n d demanA eRalnxt
the eftsS•of
Pa.. i/any,to Sofa o St.Paul for PuttiI a new abaft Into Wulle.
pr poecd 'seatta would[hen Slyke,bits Chairman-1G. Helpw buggy,rendered uecexsary by n colllxlon
Raeolutlottn/Or temps w follow.: Alar.Gehnn, be heard:nn ono apyenring[o opoxe Nall vw Passed Aug.19 1800.
x'I[h the patrol wagon,nntl(nr ane new conch polo
-1 Inaba ea str street,etc.; lele Dobner.Dlnnvllln wtfon.n l'itl on for meld v tion ed n WA It]i.SANBORN.Chairman of Council, and one ttew coneb?a__reOra le 11.1
for conch
.t1ft,Snelling avenue.Tatum avenue and MID. olutfon axing value of pmousee vacated were Approved Aug.22,1890. yam,rendered necexsnry by a coZh
baba street,etc.;Ald.BleleDberg,Martin and adopted. (See resolutions.) O.0.CULLEN,ACLrG,Mayor,
1 1 bfackubin streets,etc. ion with the p¢trol wagon,n8 by the report of
I I Committee ou gas. LurWg reading of report of committee on Attest: Tuoe.A.PHERnERG St•,LYty Clerk. the committee on claims to the common counell
Byc bfelad_ streets Ald,Bott tens excused from further at- Aug.2¢,
Resolution¢y p g tendmlee at the meethlg. of date the 18th day of August,A.D.1890,will
rppro rlatin $9,000 or so much The chRlr a pointed,pmreunnt to Aid.Van more fully sppexr, !aid order to be delivered
ae rose be eceae P OnnrxwucE No.1,887. only upon his Nllnu with the city controller full
r my-Enke Gervais cyclone S,nyke'.resolut on, the follox'Ing committee to An Ordinance authorizing the flppolntment of nud absolute rrcelPte Ln the city lu sarolle tion
sufferers, t ke arrangemeute relative[o the Golding of
Alar.Cullen moved tint aid Solution be re- Lhe.tate fair: n addltfonnl Jailer at the Prior avenue Dollce of mall claim or demm�d.
[erred to committee on wuye and mean.. Aid.Van Slyke.Costello,Flendrau, Sullivan, tatfon. Sec.2. This ordinance shell take effect and
lost. Peas,7:na_•,7. Dobner. y The Common Council of the City of St.Paul do be In force from and atter Its publlcatfon.
t Aid.Cullen moved that sal resoluti.. be rn- rd In-follows; 7'exs-Aid. Bunhoirer, Blelenberg.Bot,,Con-
!1 1 l d PROI'O.ED SIDEWALK REBOLDoo¢ POa PA.eAOE Sldebtl 1. That the mayor be find ne Im ley, Ce land, Costello,CUIInD,Dobner, Dor-
[erred for Investigation to u committee of c¢ree, BEP.,10,1890.
sold committee to re ort to council. B hereby autherized and empowered to appoint I Widen,Nlnndrsu,Gehnn,D[cRamee,Malady,Bul• -'-
J° Adopted. Yeas,14, y Ali].Cullen- an addltfonnl Jailer at the Prior avenue police ]fvan,Van Slyke.Mr.Chairman-10. s
Tha chair appointed as old committee the Resolved. that the board of public Werke station. Pae f Au1t 10,1890.
1lrneident of council, Aid. Copeland and Aid. cause a moue xldewalk to be constructed on the Sea 2. This ordinance hall take effect and WALTER H.SAxDOftX,Chairman of Council.
Co tells. north aide o[Sixth Street,between Cedar street be 1n force from and atter its
Panenge and pub- Approved Aug.3•J,1800.
BYY Ald.Gehnn- and Wnbseha street,where there le no atone or llcatlon. O.O.CULLEN,Acting brayer.
Reeolutlon sppolnting Henry Galvin sergeant- cement walk at the present time. Yeas-Ald.Banlmixer BlelenDetg• Rott,Con- Attest: Tuoe.A.PaevpenoANr.t.Yty Clerk.
sUarmn of the common counell-comppeenaatlan ley,Coppeeland,Costello,Dobner,Dornlden,FI¢n- Aug.2G.
i to be 85 per night on nights he atteutls Couudl- draw,Gahan,blcNnmee,b(eladyy,Van Elyke-18.
meeLlnJpt. By Ald.Blelenberg- Rays-AId.Cullen,eulllvan,Dfr.Chairman-e OnplNmxcE No.1,990.
` r- Adopted. Re.olted,chat the board of public works Paeeed Au 19,1880. An Ordinance authorizing J.Heber and J.Thlll
B Ald.
Conley- cause en eight-toot wooden sidewalk and the gg..
+ yy y necenenry to bn P,=
on both,tarso o[ WALTER]1.9ANDODN,LYlartmaD of COnncl]. CQelect 8118 N'IndoW.
Reeolutlou mstrnetlaR committee on pollee co Approved Aug.22,1890. The Common(.oundl of the(,try
of Bt.Paul do
r purchaan 150 uniform cap.for Como avenue,from Western avenue to Northern
p pollen depart- O.O.C'ULLEN,Acting brayer. ordain ms follows:
meat. Pacific crosnehtgg.. Attest: Tuoe.A.PRENDE..Isr.City Clark. III-1.That permission and authority aro
r Alsu tt IRb[•foot wooden sidewalk on north yy given and granted to J.Heber unA J.
Adopted. aide of Como avenue,from Rice Street to Weet• Aug.J5, ber to erect a boy wlnAow 1n Lhe second,tory
t By commlttce on Weys and DleanS- ern avenue. of the frame wellingthey are now:,,"ilug alt.
1 Rnolutlon oL. mi'Jisg Offal order (appproved '- ORDINANCE No.1,888. uated on thewext side of Bates avenue.on 1 r[.
Dec. 18 ons 0)) rel o[lnx¢ to conetruetlo11 f By Ald,Bolt- An Otdlnnnce epPpropriatll m ey for end f lot.1,2 and 8 of block G7 t We11m.1.ub-
brldga Zblcu¢ I fllw.ukee @ St.Paul Resolved,That the board 1 pubilc rks dlrL 'at the Pnymso to James W.Jordon of divinfon f Lyman Dayton's tsddltlon to 8c.
1 RAldw ores mpnny,along Ilan of Selby avenue, canes a wooden eidewelk to ne constructed OR the sum of Nghc hundred Jolinrs,pursuant to Paul,so that the enid nay window.boll
both older of Fourth street,from Men
to report of committee of claims,. not to exceed three and one•hslt last Into Bares
t J By Ald,Van Slyk o Earl,In the Second ward. Tba Common counell o}tbn LYty of 8t.Pau]do avntae,anon ontalmndR Mrmlt ft `1 do}tom
Resolution(tato Jul.IG,1890)for ce- dale a follows: the IDspsetor of hu IF Pe of the o of fit.
Pent Sldnwalk n Holly venue-Woodlmtd &S tlon 1. That sit order be drntry upon the Pnul.
Park. B AId.Bort- city treasury of St• Paul 1n laver of James W. &c.2. Thl. ordinance shall take effect and
Alderman of the ward. Resolved,That the board of pubilc work. Jordon for the num of eight hundred dollars,In be In force from and after to passage. '
The claim of Slmeas P.Folenm(laid over at Cauw to be constructed o both.Idea of Cherry full C= got oil for and satisfaction of his Yese-Ald.Bahholzer,BlelenWLN,(:anley,Cope•
lest r lar Pastia for$2,900, I street s wooden olAewalit,extending from Marla d demand a Inst the Mt of fit.Yaul land,(:ox[elto Ltllien,Do9ner DoruldelL Flan•
1 erqquu e) egul xervlcex, claim an ggaa y
was takru uD and action os Same lndnnnJtet avenue to Bete,avenue,In she Second ward. for fn)urleo received wills mthe blue
g prints In dram,Gehnn,McNamee. Dfelady,Sullivan,Van
poBtDoned, y the oi9ce of the city engineer,as fully Set torch Slyyke.Mr.chairman-36.
AId. Flnndr¢u moved that Arotlne Manu- By Ald,BGtt- In hlo communkutlan to the common Council of P".it Aug.39,1x90,
facturin88 comyenv be allowed one week w which Itesotv.d,That the board of pubilc works date July 12,t880, w ny tint report of the WALien 11.RA RX,Cbslrmau of Council.
to CompleW
ue(xnnary work for abuting the cause to be Chatructed s woodefr sidewalk no committee on CIS o' to the common counell of Approved Aug,22,1890•
nuisancesaid to exist At 9 nilrworkx, both olden of Jilver stmt,from Hoffman to date the 18th day of August,A.D.1890,will O,O.CULLLDf,Actlrygtf Mayyor.
Adopted, Bates SmIlUes,In the Second ward, more fully apppear,Bald Geller to be delivered Attest: Toon,A.PaENnxaGAse.City Glerk.
f' ? Gary upon b)s filing with the arty Comptroller Aug,25,
1 E
� t
Y y ' ORDMANcs No.1.891. etmt,as Inad�igcated hillby%the red grade line oa the y P y g 1
�Y a pa lrartPcesmoverthelan r churehhurch oedlfi cesnting to the ul so�a adoP[fed as lth¢censtsDliahed grad Mme fe hereby BReeolved That Lhe city engineer fa hacebp by
frim,onwLhe��F'ourth ndsy o[July,1890h t
3 The Common Council of the City of St.Paul do Yeaa-Ald. Hanholzer, Hielenbe Cole aue. tborlud to expend Lha sum of($200)two halt p et 8 o'dock p.m.on that day
from the
ordain as follows: TR• Y. hundred dollere to make a passable road on high bridge,uyper towv.
Copeland,Coetdlu, Cullen,Dobner, Flaudrau, Iowa street, between D,Manemp and MlsPle- Yeas-Aid-Panbolur:Blelenberg, Butt, Coa-
ti -by el 1. That ustb of and permlesionis Gehan,McNamee Malady,Sullivan,Van Slyke, efpl atresia, ae recommended yr the city en- ley,Copeland,Costello,Dobner,Domiden,Flaa-
Hereby¢turn the tmetees of the First Presby- Mr.Chairman-1t. pe
terian church of Bt. Paul to remove the church Approved Aug.22,1890. gineer. draw,(Sabah,McNamee, Malady, Sullivan,Van
edifice from Iota 1 and•l,o[9hurmeler'e subdi• Yeas-AId.Banholzer,Bielenberg,Conley,Copa- Slyke-14.
5' vision of block 1, of Baas' Outlate;being the B Ald.6uWvan- land,Costello,Cullen,Dobner,Domlden,Flan- Nays-Ald.Cullen,Mr.Chairman-2.
southwest comer of Lafayette and Woodward Resolved,That the draw,Gahan,McNamee, Melady, Sullivan,Van Approved Aug.22,1890.
x` avenues,to lots 1 and 2, t block 9,6ummit grade of Cleveland avenue, Slyke,Mr.Chairman-16. -
Park addition to St.Paul;being the sAthweat from Otto avenue to 6ummit avenue boulevard, Approved Aug.22,1880,
' sa Indloo,, by the red grade Ifne on the accom- PP Resolved,That the bond o[WDham Platte,ae
corner of Grotto street and Lincoln.Of epmtying profile and ae recommended b the cit market msater,with Henry Voges and Jacob F.
Y the removal to be under the direction of the y y By Ald-Copeland- Jeer as eutreties, In the sum of$6,000,and
bu9dlug iuepeetor. nglaeer,be,and the same 1s hereby adopted ss Resolved,That the city engineer is hereby bearing data June 24,1890,be and the same is
• 6ec.2. The ordinance to take effect and be the estebllshed grade. uthorized to expend the num of $lou)one hereby roved.
I' ➢ D age. Peas-Ald.Bnuholzer,Blelenberg,Conley,Cope- hundred dollere to put Laka street Sn passable yeas-Aid.Banbolzer, Hlelenberg, Bott,Con-
in force from and atter Its ase land,Costello, u9eu,Dobuer,Dorulden,Flan-
i Yeea-Aid. Bauholzer, BfeleuberR, Conley, draw,Gahan,McNamee,Melad 8ulllvan,Van condition,between the bridge of the St.Paul& leyy,Copeland,Coetello,Qjen,Dobner,Dornfden,
I. Copeland, Costello,Chile',Dobner,Domlden, y' Duluth railroad and Como and Phalen avenue. Flandrau,Gehan,McNamee, Malady, Sullivan,
Blandrau,Gahan,McNamee, Malady,6ullivnn, Slyke,Mr.Chairman-16. yeas-AId.Banholzer,Blelenbe[y,Conley,Cope- yen 61yke,Mr.Chairman-18.
„ Van Slvke,Mr.Chairman,lti. Approved Aug.22,1890. Land,Costello,Cullen,Dobner,Domiden,Flan- Approved Aug.22,1890.
Passed Aug.19,1890. drau,Gehan,McNamee,Malady, Sullivan, Van
3 WAt.ratt H.6Anaottx,Chairman of Council. By Aid,Malady- Slyke,Mr.Chalrman-16. -
a Approved Aug.22,1890. Resolved,That the city engineer be sad is Approved Aug.22,1890. Bold Van Slyke-,Acting Mayor. hereby Inetmcted to report grade ou Wyomlug Resolved,Thal a committee of five be app-
Attest: Taos.A.PmOsDERGAai,City Clerk. street,from Halt avenue to Oakdale. By Ald,Dor. - pointed by the pree:de°t of the cou¢cll to make -
Aug.26. Yeaa-Ald.Hanholzer,Bfelenba Conl Co Resolved,That the city engineer be and le Poch arrangements as may be deemed pproper in
aud,Costello,Cullen,Dobner,Domlden Flan- hereby lnstmeted to forthwith cause all obstmc- regard to the bolding of the state fair- on
Resolution@, drxu,Gahan,McNamee,Malady, Sullivan, Van tions to be removed from within the lines of of said committee to be reported to a special
p By Aid.Bfelenberg- Elyke,Mr.Chairman-16, Cascade stmt. meeting of the common council before any
Resolved,That the grade of the following a]- Approved Aug.22,1890. - Yeea-Ald.Hanholzer,Hlelenbetg,Conlep,Cope- de8nito action be bad.
lova,between the pointe named,m Indicated by land,Costello.Cullen,Dobner,Domiden,Fla¢- Yeas-Aid. Henhoizer, Bfelenbe[g, Conley,
the red grade Ihtee on theeceompanying profiles, By Aid.Dobuer- drau,Gehan,McNamee.Malady,Sullivan,Van Copeland,Costello, Cullen, Dobner, Damide¢,
I'd ae recommended by the city engineer, be Resolved,That the city engineer be and he 1s Slyke,Mr.CI-irman-16. Flaudrau,Gahan,McNamee,Malady,Sullivan,
and the same are hereby adopted as the eetab- hereby authorized to Durchaee and place a Approved Aug.22,1890. Van Slyke,Mr.Cbairmau-16.
lished gradeo: drinking fountain t the southwest corner of Approved Aug.22,1890.
Alley in block 2,Welds's Rearrangement of Snelllug and Capitol avenues. By AIB.Copeland-
•. Paist's Outlo[n. Yeas-Aid. anholzer,Blelenbe Bntt, Con- Resolved,That the city en�dneer be sad he ie
Alley In block 2,Michel's eubdivlelon of Block ley,Coppeeland, oete9o,Callen, Doryner, Doral- hereb inetmcted to cause all obstacles In the BY Aid.6ulllvau-
6.Stiuson's Divisfom den, Flandmu,Gehan,McNamee,Meted SW- line of Payne avenue,between York stmt and Resolved,That pRermission be given to E.gH.
Yeas-Aid. Hanholzer, Bietenberg, Conley, Yvan,Van Slyke,Mr,Chairman-16. Y• Sime be forthwith removed. hie Milh m t gra e ID and
Fry streets Park,thro the
x Gopalan¢,Costello, Cullen,Dobner,
D.-Iden, Approved Aug.22.1890. Yeas-Ald.Banholmr.Blelenberg,Conley,Copy pe
N7audrau.Genan, 1ICN'amee, Mdady,Salvino, ]and, Coetailo,C`u on,Dobner,Domlden,Flan- Eleventh ward,and under the direction and so-
Von Slyke,Mr.Chairman-16. dmu,Gehan,McNamee, Malady, 8.1 i,",Van apervleion of the city engineer,and without any
S] BY Aid.Dobna- pease to the city.
Approved Aug.22,1890. Resolved,That the city engineer be sad he is Slyke,Mr.Chairman-16. yeas-Aid. Banholrer, Hleleaberg, Conley,
herebyy authorized to ppurehese and pisre a Approvod Aug.Y2,1890. Copeland.Costello, Cullen, Dobner, Do idea,
By AId.Copeland- drinking fountain at the latersectfon of Hamp- Flaudrau,Gehan,McNamee,Malady, 8Whvan,
Resolved,Thnt the grade of the alley In block den avenue,Hampden place and Raymond ave- By Ald.Copeland- Van Slyke,Mr.Chairman-16.
+ 80,Arlington Hdls addlci.h.from Walde avenue nue In St.Anthony Park. Resolved,That the city engineer to cause the Approved Aug.22,1890.
to Arcade street,as Indicated by the red grade Yeue-AId.Hanholzer, Bfelenberg,Butt, Con• following crosswalks to be laid:
line on the accompanying profile,and ae mom- ley,Coppeebund,Costello, Cullen, Dobner,Doral- One across Payne avenue on the east side of
ended by the city enIll *be end the same ie den,Flandmu,Gehan,)IIN-in Melody, Sul- Farquler street. By Ald,Geban- -
hereby ado ted se the eatabllahed grade. Ilvsn,Van Slyke,DIr.Chmrman-18. ArPo across Payne avenue north and south Whereas,Permission has been granted to A.
Yeaa-AIS. Bauholur, Bielenberg, Conley,
Approved Aug.22.1890. sides of Sim"stmt. M. Peltier to
and operate
Copeland, C atello,Cldleu,Dob her, Dornfden, Also across Payne avenue north and south scales at No. 817 Missieefp 1 stmt
_ Flaudrau,Gehan, McNamee, Meted Sullivan, sides of Casa stmt. In accordance with the Pro�loaP of
Ven Slyke,\I r.Chairman-16. y, By Aid.Gabon- One serosa Yayne avenue south aide of Jenks article 56 of the "MunitlpW Coda;'re-
Approved Aug•22,189u, Resolved.That the city engineer be ad he hi stmt. - solved that the resolution approved Aug. 6,
{{ hereby instructed is prepare plsna and @peel- Oae across Payne avenue eoutb aide of Lsw• 1890,granting said pnm lesion be end he-by Is
f '} By Ald.Boit- flcatlone for bridge over right of way of North- eon street. puled and that a leeion be and the same
Resolved, That the grade of Lhe tollowl❑g al- ern Pacific railway at Jeasamine stmt. Yeas-Ald. Banholzer, Blelenbe[g, Conley, I.
pereby given said Peltier upon his fumlehfng
.j ]eye,between the pointe named,as Indicated by Yeas-Ald. Hanholzer, Bleleuberg, Conley, Copeland,Costafio,Callen, Dobner, Domiden, a good and a fficient bond Lo erect
anis scales
{ k Lhe red gredn Ilues on the accompanying peero- Copelo -Costello, Cullen, Dobner, llornideu, Fleadreu,Gehan, McNamee,Malady, Sullivan, on Granite stmt in front of the
property de-
files,and se recommended by the city engin r Flaudrau,Gehan,McNamee,Malady, Sullivan, Va.Slyke,Mr.CTalrmaa-16. scribed 1n said resolution.
1 be and the same are hereby adopted as the es- Vau Slyke,Mr.Cnairmao-16. Approved Aug.22,1890. Yeae--Ald.Banholzer, Blelenberg. Butt,Con-
tabllehed ley,Copeland,Costello,Qrlleh,Dobner, Doml-
gcades: Approved Aug.22,1890. den,Flaudrau,Gahan, McNamee, Malady, SW
Ailey In block 8,HRI's addition;from Arcade B Ald.Melady-
�� to Mendota. y solved,Thet Lhe tlty enWneer be lnatmeted liven,Ven Slyke,Mr.Chalrma°-10.
BY Ald.Copeland- Re Approved Aug.22,1890.
7 J Ahoy iu A.Gotdan's subdivleinn of block 78, Resolved,That the dip engineer 1s hereby su- to fay a two plank sidewalk on the east aide of
gy t 1 L.Dayton's addition;from Mendota to Forest thorimd to expend the sum f($200.00)two Andrew stmt,from Wlnnlhred to Roble. _
1 stmt. hundred dollars,or so much of that sum as!a Yeas-Aid. Hanholzer, Hlelenberg, C11117-
Co, gy Aid.Bultivan-
t a Yeas-Aid. Hanholzer, Blelenberg. Conley, necessary to put Farquler stmt to xesabla Copeland,Costello, Callen,Dobner, Domiden, Aid.yed,That in Lhe oplaloa of the common
eland, Costello, Callen,Dobner,Do idea edition between Pxyae a ue and the fit. Flandrsu,Gehan, Mevsmee,Melody, Sullivan, councfi It la expedient that the matter of the
:. Flaudrau, Genan,McNamee,
Me ad Sullivan, Peul&Duluth railroad tracks,n an
61yke,Mr.Chairman-16. Lltlon o[the SL.Pani Title Insurance end Trust
Van 61yke,Mr.Cbxlrman-16. Yeas-Aid. Bauholrer, Hlelenberg. Conley, Approved Aug.22,1890. company,this dayy filed,for the vacation of cer-
{ ' x Ap�roved Aug.22,1890. Copeland, Costello, Callen, Dobher, Domiden, Lain streets and eRaye in Macales[er Park be
Bp A d.Corney- Flaudrau,Gehan,McNam-' Melad Sullivan, B Ald.A[Inea- proceeded with;that said petition be filed of
Resolved,That the grade n7 the alley 1n block Van Slyke.Mr.Cbalrman-16. Y, Y
28, Kittson's addition,from eWill.1le a to Neill Approved Aug.22,1890. Resolved,That Lha eum of $800 be and ie mord with the city dark,and that the c1L-
3 Schum erVmapnWactuto be ter of reworks,foaid to ur a rife- Dell illiam eark lam the notice Provided by law in that be-
Yeea—Aid. "", C zee, Hlelenberg, Conley, Fiandrau, Gahan, Mcl:amee,Malady,Sullivan, common coundl of date July 7,1890, earn-- bar,1p said city,consider arch proposed change
Copeland,(:patello, Callen, Dobner, Dornlden, Vnn filyke,DIr.Chairmen-16. nding a change of grade Smith ave of grade;and
Flandre.u,Gahan,Df\amce, M¢.ady, 6ulllvan, Approved Aug 22,1890. from the center Roelof Annapolis e[tcet to the hexa-,At the time and place I'tdeeiRnated
n Van Slyke,DIr.Chalrman-16. _
^ - Approved Aug 22,1890. Whereas,The Common council of the cit t center Iine of Wyoming attest,sndthat property for ouch proposed cg s.11personsmterented,en°a
1.. could be found vefired to the extent of dam- ncil,after hearin 11
fit.Paul heretofore ordered the board of public ages,costa and expenaesnsrosl ryto be incurred being of the opinion that the same Is necessary
vorks to -port whether a Change of grade on m making said change of grade es aforesaid; and proper,
- i Whereas,Residents of the city of St.Paul, Dfanomen avenue, from Annapolis street to sad Therefore,be it resolved,That the grade of
_ Ramsey county. Dl"I" being the majority of CVyaming street, 1n sold city, as shown � Wheresa, The common coundl of said city. Charlton street,how the center line of Anne
] owners of the property abucdng upon xnd along ay a -d Iine on o profile amassed to said on the 8th day of July,1890,adopted said-- Ila stmt to the center line of Wyowing
the line (the alley fn block one(1),Ewing d icier,lyes neixreeary and proper, and whether Port and ordered the city dark to glue the notice d the same is hereby changed
1n accordance
7 Chute's addltlon to St. Paul, bave petltloned regi estate to be assessed far Bald improvement qq feed by]au: nd with the red Ilue as shown on the annexed pro-
. •( the common council Of the city of St.Paul to could be found benefl[ed to the extent of dam- -Whereas,Tnc city clerk gave notice in the of. file.being the same'-lard
to m all the pro-
- vacate the portion of sold alley tying narthe'6 ogee and costa to be incurred by said Improve- ficial paper t said city for three successive ceedengs bad in regard to said
change,and be It
1 I, erly.of Wxb'ha street,which eafd petition duly went:and weeks,twice in each eek,that the common further
7 sets forth the facto and reasons for said vacs- Whereas,In accordance with said order,the council of said city would,on the 19th day o[ Resolved,That this order and the
profile rep-
f tion, and wee duly S es, abed by a plat board of public works did make a report to the August,1890,at 7:80 o'clock pp m.,at the coon- resenting said change of grade be
refer-d to the
p posed to be vacated;sod to in--counefl of date July 7,1890,mom- til said city,con.1 each proposed b rd of public peke,and that said board
Whereas,The common council,upon the pree ending a change of ode on Manomin a sane, change of grade; d shag prorsad without delay to sasses th......t
teflon o[eafd petltlon,tleemed it ezpedle t from the center Iine of Annapolta etaeet to the Whereas, At the time end place last deals-j ea yearly ere tbey can ascertain
the same,whish
that Lbe matter be dad ith a d ordered anotd Bna of Wyoming street,and that yropetty mated for each proposed change o[grade the all be ttquuretl to Day the damages,costa
Said petition to be filed f ret rd w th the city could be found bnneflted to tDe extent ( dam- Common council,after hearing all persona ivtet-I e of h Improv emaeor
upon the real ee
dark,and nodes to be given by Publication' ages•coat-sad expenaee n eery to be in- ested,and being of the opldon that the same is tate to be beneflted by id improvement,'
f„µ1 provided by lar; a d In making Said changof grade'afore- necessary and pepper: porn vided by law,it befog the opinion o2 the
Whe-m,Due notice w'g1 u by vblicadon sdd'and The-fore,be it olved,That the grade of mmon Cou.Cil that real estate to be se sed
54' la the official paper o1 id dtyo(or four weeks, Who m.The common coundl of-aid cit Smith even'from the center 11ue o[sane 11a for such 1m t can Da found beveii[ed
n cing the 12th da f Jul the 9th da f Jul 1890,adopted sola'rosy- "i-polls ;he esa8 nt o the dam�gg a co is and
Y y. A. D. y y. eta L to center(hies ofhereGy Inhnugedt•in p to be incurredetbereby. eapevsea
�y 18D(m,to the eflcet that a id petition had been Dort sad orded the city clerk to give thenodce
]fled with the airy clerk,stating hr brief its obs -quited by law; t d mix rdance tvlthe the red line shown Yeaa—Ald. Beaholter, Bielevberg, ConleY,
et and that the same world be heard and con- Where s,The city clerk gave notice m the of on othe annexed pr file. being the ewe Copeland,Costello. Clrllev. Dobner,Dornlden,
ldered by the common coon...of the city of St. 8dal Paper of said cityy,for three utter-Iva ' faired to In all the proveedinge had 1v re- Flnvdrau,Gahan,M-N.mee,Malady,
n Tuesday, the 19th day of Attguet,q, w'eerC twice In h w k that thea mon Bard Lo said change,end be it further Van
filyke,Mr.Chalrman 16.
D.1880,at 7:80 o'clock in the afternoon of said con Il 07 said city,would the 19th day of Resolved,That this order and the proflle-p Approved Aub.22,1890.
dap,ret Lhe council chamber lu the city hull of Arguat 1890,.at 7:80 o'clock Pp t the coon resenting said change of grade be referred to the
ere sad til chem her.fn-aid city,consliermsuch proposed board o7 public ;, rk-, d that said board —
At the time and place'flet aforesaid, change of�grade; nd shall proceed t ithowt delay to ae the By Aid.D -I i n
for the aInvestigation and nslderatlov ( Where At Lhe Llme d place Inst deaf rat,ere ly tDey n rtaln the Resolved, That Lhe board [Public Works
b proposed vacation of said portion oL sold sated for eu h proposed change o[grade,the same,which shell be rego Id to ppay the as
ee to De coast
,g foot wooden
j n alley ve aforeedd, the Common c cif,atter o on cil,after hearing all persona Inter- ages,costa and ex ( u h im t cldetvnik on the east aide cl Chestnut,from
' headag nfl persona Interested,Intl balm a-lea,Ina Sem pensee provemen
g of the Bot the opinion that the same 1s yon the-sl estate to be benefited by sdd Im- Seventh street to Waehingt v treat.
Opinion that the same is neer,as and proper, necessary and proper, orocemenc. ' pmovided by late,IL being the Yeae—Aid-Bauhofzer,Blelenberg,Conley,Cope-
�.. d that the pxreOdeltee therefor bave nil been Thereto-,be 1t--pined,That the grade o[ pinion of the c n council that real estate land,Costo DO
Culled, Doaner,Dorniden, Flan-
'� compiled with, D[anomfn avenue,from the center line f An- to be d form rich Improvement can be draw,Gahan,DtcI:nmce.Malady, Sullivan,Vnn
low thereto-, be 1t resolved, That II ..Poll stmt to the South line f W found benefited to the extent of the damages, Slyke,Sir.
Chairman 16.
f old portion (ping orthe'Cerly of Wa street,be marl the same le hereby changed in fats costs
nad expenses necessary to be Incurred Approved Aug.22,1890.
b'ha Lre:t of
(ley to block one (1), c
nce with the red line as shown ov the thereby.
f, Ewing d:m C'hute's adMd. Lo St. Paul, sed pmills,being the rime'referdto lndl Yes—Aid Banhnlzer, Bieienberg, Con
the ser ppears of record In the oeice of the proceedings bad in trgard tosaid charge,sad ley,Copeland,Costello.Cullen,Dobner,Dornlden, HY AId.Blelenberg—
theregletet of deeds and for the county o[ be It births. Flnndrxv.Gahan,Dfeti sense,Dfelady, 6ulllvan, Resolved,That Lhe board o[ public eke
Aameey,Minn.,be and the same le hereby de- Resolved,That Lhia order marl the roflle Van Slyke.Mr.Chairman-16. cause to be co strutted odea eight-toot
dared to be vacated and diScontinu d ae asked resent.of Bald change of R ode be-lernd Lo the Approved Aug.22.1890. sidewalk on both elder of Gaultier street,from
-i fied�forn sold petition and es herein above a board of Merrell to Maryland avenue,in the Eight ward,
ped- Publle works,marl that said board shall With necessary crossings.
{ Yeas—Aid. Banholzer, Bfelenberg, Conley, n eoceed Witfa
hout can delay to assess the M1amount,as hichWhereas,The common counefl of the city of Yeas—Ald-Banbolger.Blelenberg,Conley,COpe-
Copeland, Coecellp, l-.filen,Dobner,Dornlden, lD' to fain the ,e.- and St.Paul heretofore ordered the board o[public lead,Costello.Cullen,Dobner,Dornlden,Flan-
Flxudraa Gehnn, DIc\sense, Dfelady,Sulllvav, ¢xnll be required each pp�u�e damages,Coate and
i ! Van Slyke, Mr.Chairman-16, estate to bebeb-eafd 1m upon thereat w rka to report whether a hangs of grade on dear,Gehen,M.tinmce, Meledp,Sullivan,Van
,({i Passed Avg.19,1890. - provided by law, It befn the yrovement.ere Charlton street,IromAnnapolle street to Wy. SIYke.Mr.Cheri Aug.enna-16.
I o tV-It,Tea 73.BAN8011N,Chairman of Council. 'common council that realieetate t pinion.1 the on ins aid city,as shown by n red Iine Approved 2,1890.
profile annexed tosaid order,wasnece-vary
Approved Aug.22,1890. for rich improvement can be found benefited to and per,and whorhor real estate to be I- By Ald.Melndy—
Acting Mayor. the extent of the damages,costs and expenses aeesacP for s Id improvement could be found Resolved,That the board of publte works be
Attest: Teoe.A.PBENDEllG-ST,City Clerk. eery to be incurred the beneficed to the extent of damages d testa to
Aug.26. be incurred by slid improvement; d and is hereby instructed to have Concord-tenet
Yesa—Aid. Banholrer, Blele=,m ConleY, sprinkled from Andrew street to Concord street
Cullen, Dobner, Domiden, Whereas,In accordance with said order,the der ot.
Flnndrau,Gahan,D[cI:am S,Melody, Sullivan, bosrd of cnbllc works did make a report to the ere—Aid.Banholzer,Bfelenbelg,Conley,
�.., Whereas,The common council of the city of Ven Slyke,Dir. .Carman-16. commo ounell of date July 7, 1890,roc- land, Costello,Cullen,Dpbner,Dordden,Flan-
St.Paul,at a meeting held on the 19th day of Approved
Aug,22,1890. emmendmg charge t Reade n Ch erlton area,Gahan, DIC\amce,Malady,Sullivan,Van
August,A.D.189",djd adopt a resolution ver- trees,from the center Iine of Annapolis treet Slyke,Mr.Chairman-16.
_. ting the g y to the center line of Wyoming street and Approved Aug._2,1690.
portion lyln In northeaeterl of tVa Where',The common council of the city o[ that property could be found benefited to
andnCh to add tionlito St.park Sue(1),EWtug St.Paul heretofore ordered the board of public the tent of damages, costs and
TDerefore,De 1t teeOlved,That the value of on Sworkmith aveto nue fromeAnusther a Ile etr�eet ft grade Change of grade roes ss otnse o reaia:`andlr'making said By esolved
1eTha�the board of
1 '- r eafd premises so voce Annapolis y. public works
ted ere aforesaid be nd omens stmt, in said city,ee shown b s red Whereas,The common council of said city,on cause to be constructed a woolen eight-toot
_ the same is hereby fixed at the sum of two hon- line a a proflle annexed to sate yorner, the 9th day of July,1890,adopted sed
t 3 - dred dollars(8200),the said sum being not less i n port efdewdk on both ides [Aurora avenue,be-
thau a proportiouats averf,,,,,e of the ens necessary and proper, sad Whether reai and ordered the city clerk to give the notice re- tween Arundel and Mackubin streets,
of the
j f erty abutting a prim Prop- ee rale to be sem] for 1d improvement quired by Iaw;and Eighth ward.
Pon eafd lace eo vecaxd ac- co]d be found beneflted to the extent of dam Where',The cit der.-g e notice in the pens ]-ens—Aid.Banao]rer.Bielenbetg,Conley,Copo-
o ding
to the'eesement for Laastlor for the mgee and costa to be incurred by eafd improve Inl piper of Bald c�ty for three-ucceeaf ve weeks, ]and,Costello,Cullen. Dobner,Dornlden,Flav-
Sear A.D.1A80. [;nad twice m each we;k,that the common sell of drau,Gahan, M Names,'Malady,Sullivan,Van
Yeae—Aid. Banholue Dotmer,elenbeConlev. Where',In accordance with add order,the Enid city old on the 1Dta day nt Augttet, filyke, Mr.Chalrman-16.
Copeland, COeL¢I70,Glil7¢n,Dobner, DO[nlden, board 0I pub11C works did make n report<o the 1890,ac 7'aU o'clock the council thaw Appeoved Aug 22,1890.
z r �, r
] B Ald.Bidenbe Sizth-Sena the council a
proper order direct- Ftret-Ie this Improvement proper and neces- i 1•.
y t t Second-Give the councll n eetlmate of Lhe lagg the work to be done. eery? '
Resolved,That the board of public works eaponee thereof,end state whether one-halt of Ye Altl. Hunholrrr, Hlelenberg, Gouley. Second-Give the council an estimate of
1 i cause to bre constructed a wooden eighF}oot the coat thereof le Lo be efd 1¢to the city trees- Copeland,Costello, Callen, Dobner. Dornlden, eapenee cheroot,and state
whether one-hal[of
a !
sidewalk Con the north side of Uaiverelty nveaue, ury before the contract P let. Flandrau,Ceban, McNamee. Melody,Sullivan, the coat thereof is d be
from Chatsworth to SneRiug avenue f¢the Third-Gnu real estate to be assessed for Bald paid into the city turas- i
! r Eighth ward. improvement be found benefited to the extent
of Van Slyke,Mr.Chairman-lb. ury before the contract Is Int.
y ! Y Ald. Ba¢holzrr, Bielenberg, .Conley, damage costs and ezpensee necessary to be 1¢- Approved Aug.22.1890. Third-Can rent estate to be assessed for said
91A IIF CoPelaud, Costello, Cullen, Dobner,Dornlden, carred LtierebyP Improvement be found benefited to the exte¢t
Is such improvement asked for upon By Ald.Bielenberg- of dam
Flan ran,Gehan, McNamce, Mdady,BuWvan, Fourth- ages,coats and expenses necessary to be
(t, Van slyke,Lir.Chairman-16. the title,or application of the otanere of a It fs hereby ordered by the Common Council f°carred thereby'?
Approved Aug.22,1890. grit,
of the property to be saeeased for such of the City of Sc.Paul: Fourth-Is such Improvement asked for uopon I
lmprovement? Tbnt the mutter of openlnR.widening and the pet(tion or application of Lhe owners f a
4 By Aid.Dobner- Fifth-bend the coundl s ]an or profile of extending Sm mit Place from Llartfu street to majority of the property to be assessed for such
t $ Resolved,That the board of public works be said Ire p Fuller street be Hud the ams le hereb Ire ovement?
if p provement,ae regWted by law,R you ra- Y re- gitth-Send Lhe council a plan profile of
and is hereby instructed to cause a da-toot Dort 1a favor of the same. ferred to the board of said Ire rovement, a. 1
! wooden sidewalk along the south aide of the 8fath-fiend the tomtit s proper order dlrec4 gate and r_port: Public works to invest" P requ red by Isw,If
B Baker school premises la Bc.Anthony Park. Ing the work to be done. Firet�le thin Improvement proper n¢d Hetes report in favor of the same.
I Yeas-Ald. Baubolmr, Hlele¢bere, Conley, AYes-Aid. Banholzer, Blelenbe Coale eery? Sixth-8e¢d the council a proper order direct-
Second-Give the council estimate of the h the work to be done. j
k CI=,ftd, Costello,CWlen, Dobner, DoroldanCopeland,Costello,Callen, Dob¢er�Doraiden, ea i thereof,and state whether one-half of Yeaa-Aid. Banholzer, Blelenberg, Conley,
Itp Flandrau,Gehsu,McNamce, Malady, Sullivan,, Flandrau. an,
Mavlamee,Me]ady,Sullivan, Pre tae CoPelnud,Coerella, Cullen,Dobner. Dornlden,
r Van Slyke,Mr.Chairman-16. Ven Slyke, Mr.Chairman-16. the cost thereof Is to be paid into the city
Approved Aug.22,3890. Approved Aug.22,1890. treasury before the contract is let. Flandrau,Gahan, McNamee,Malady,Sullivan,
1 - ! Third--Can mal estate to be assessed for said Van Slyke,Mr.Chairman
By Ald.Dobner- By Aid.Dobner- improvement.b found beu., to the,,stent of Approved Aug.22,1890-
t Fieeolved,Thet the board.f ublle works be It fe hereb ordered b the Comoro¢ComeR of damages,conte and expenses ueceaexry to be fncurred thereby' BY Aid.Wm.A.Van
fi I-, and ITA hereby instructed to cense s elx-tout the Clty o[fit.Pauly • lc is hereby ordered by the Common Council 1
wooden sldewnik to be couatructed on Langford That the matter of acquiring m easement Fourth-Is such Improvement asked for upon of the C9t of fit.Paul:
avenue in front of Fbe Murray Behoof remleea, under the right of way of L❑e Great Northern the petition ar applica[lon t the otvnere o[ That the matter t planting _
p mnJorl[y of the property to be aseesaed for such o P g and protecting
71. from the county road to the alley fn block 48, Rallwey Comppany at Prlor avenue be and the shade and ornamental trees along the Ilue of
In St.Anthony Park, same is hemby referred to the board of ubllc irep ovement? Como avenue,from Rice street to Lake Como,
i Yeas-Ald. Bauholrer, Bieleaberg, Conley, works to I¢veetfgeto and report: P Fifth-Send the council n plan Joe profile of be¢red the exme Is hereby referred to the
Copeland, Costello,Cullen, Dobner,Doraide¢, Flzetr-le Lhle to
proper and necee- said improvement,us.requimd by law,It you re- of public works to Invest gate end report:
Va.Sl au,G I.C McNamee, Malady, Bulhven, eery. port in favor of the exme. F rst-Ie this improvement proper and uecee-
- Van 91ykn,Mr.Chairman-16. Second-Glue the cored]as estimate of the Sixth-Send the council a proper order direct- earyr
Approved Aug.22,1890. eapenee thereof,and etste whether one-haft of 1n the work to be done. Second-Give the councll an estimate of the
the coat thereof!e to be pstd 1¢to the city treas. ]'ass-Ald. Bauholrer, Bieleubetg, Conley, expense thereof,and tate whether one-half of
s i H Ald.Bfelenbe _ ury before the contract Is let. Copeland, CostelW, Cullen, Dobner,Dorn(deu,
y Flandrau,Gehuu, LSc\areae,Lleludy,Sullivan, the coat thereof ix to be paid Into the city trene-
' Resolved,That the board of public works Third-Can real estate to be assessed for said ury before the contract ie let.
f-; cause to be constructed n wooden elghbtoot'improvement ba Lound benefited to the enfant Van Slyke,Mr.Chairman-]r. Third Can real estate to be aeaesaed for Bald
.tdewaik on the east aide of Leaington,from of damages,coats and expenses necessary to he Approved Aug.22,1890. Improvement be fou•td benefited to the extent of
4 Mlnnehaha to Carroll street,I°the E incurred thereby?
Yeas-Ald. BanholHlelnnb ighth ward. Fourth- damages,costs and expenses necessary to be in-
-cu,ierg Coaiey Ie such Improvement asked(or upon Hyy Aid.Linlady- curnd thereby
Copeand, Costello, CulleDobnnr, Dornlden, the petitIcm or appllcatlo¢of the owners of a IC ie hereby ordered by the Common Council o[ Fourth-le each Improvement asked for
t Flandrau,Gahan,McNamee, Me]ady, eulllvm, meJorlty of the property to be assessed for such the Cit
'! Van Slyke,Mr.Cbafrman.-16. ireprovemeut4 y of Ft.Paul. to petttiof h app property t of the owners of°
Approved Au&22,1890. Fifth-bend the coundl a plan or That the=suer obs sewer on Wfnfired, Irom ]orlty of the property to be assessed for each !
profile of State co Concord street, be and the same ie Irep ovement?
asld Imps ever
of h as me. by law.R you re- hereby referred to the board of public works to Filth-Send the councll s plan or pproflle of
t By Aid.Meled P°rt In or of the same. htveetblure and report: said improvement,as required bylaw,IP you re-
i y- Blxth-Send the council a proper order direct. Fire_18
this Improvement proper and necea- Port in lnvor of the same. I
i•F([t6:; Resolved,That the board of public 1°g Lhe work to be done. eary'1 Sixth-Send the council a proper order direct-
I,j eidewalkOn td andheause
umrth aide of aHunkar street, Cope laudAWCoatBa,junaiCujjen Bleb,er, DOCWdeu,
B' ey Second--Give the council a timate of the Ing the work to he done.
1\ om State Ln Barvard. expense thereof,and state whether one-half of Y ei-Ald.Banholxer,HlelenbeDm Confer,Cope-
Flandrau,Gahan,McNamee, Malady,Sullivan, the cost thcmof is to be paid Into the city turas- land,Costello. Cullen, Dobner,llondden,Flan-
% j Yeast Aid. Hwnholrer, Bfelenberg; [:onlay, Van Bran Mr.Chnlrman-I6.
Copeland,Costello, Cullen,Dobner, Dornlden, Ary before the contract is let. dean, Gehnu.McNamee,LIe]ady.8ullivxn,\'nn
Flared ,Gahan,McNamee,Malady, Sullivan, Approved Aug.dug22,1690. Third-Gnu real astute to be nseeesed for said Slyke. Ltr.Chairman-16.
Vau 81yke,Mr.Chairman.-16. By Ald.Co eland- improvement be found benefited to the extent of Approved Aug.22,1890.
Approved Au¢22,1890. P damages.costs sued expeuec.uecea mry to be in- -
ILfa hemby ordered by the Common Coundl of curved thereby? BY Ald.Sanborn- i
the City of fit.Paul: Fourth-Is such improvement asked for upon It 1s hereby ordered by the Common Council o[
By Ald.Dobner- That the matter of rng the lley in block Lhe petition or npplicntiou of the owners of a the City of St.Paul:
{ Resolved,That the board of publle workscauce 18,Oakville Park addition to the city of St. Maj tty of the property to be assessed for such Ther the matter of grndlaqg
Chatsworth street
a lk toot wonders eIdewaik,with suitable cross- P-1.from Greenbrier avenue to We avenue, lmpprovement? from Carroll street to Lxurol street be and the
-! walks,Lo be constructed along the north side of be and the sane fe hereby referred to the Fifth-Send the council a plan r profile of came Is hereby referred to the
board of public
{ • Hemline a street, from Lezington avenue to board of public works to 1¢veetigate and re. said improvement,as required by]xw,iI you re- works to investigate and report:
_ 1
Hemline avenue. port: port in f...0 of the same. ceF�mt-Is this improvement proper mW neces-
t e �! Yeas-Aid. Bauholrer, Blelenberg, Conley, Flrsti-Is this Improvement proper and ueces. Sixth-Send the council a proper order direct-
i Copeland, Costello, Cullen,Bobaer,Dornlden, B8'r'YP ing the work to be done. Second-Give the council a estimate of the I
t Flandrau,Gahan,LleNamea, Malady, Sullivan, Second-Give the coundl an 'estimate of the Ye Ald. Bach lwr, Bieleuberg, Conley, expense thereof,and state whether one-halt
l Van 81vke,Mr.Chnlrman-16, ezpeuse thereof,and state whether...half of Copebmd.Costello, Cldlen, Dobner. Dornldenthe cost thereof is to be Patintothe city trenn-
y Approved Aug,22,1890. the cost thereof Is to be paid into the city frena- Flandrau,Gahan,McNamee, Lfelady,Sullivan:, ury before the contract fe lei.
_ ury before the contract is fat. Vxn Si;,
Mr Chairman-16. 'third-Can real estate to be assessed for said
Third-Cat real estate to be assessed for said Approved Aug-22,1890. Improvement be found bevel ted to the extent of
E' By AId.Dobner- lmprovemen:Da found benefited to the extent of damage coats and expenaet necessary to be fa-
t It is hereby ordered by the Common Council damagne,col to and expenses necessary to,be carred thereby?
of the City of St.Paul: incurred the:Oby? B Aid.Sanborn- Fourth-Is such Improvement asked for upon
That the matter of o g y It Id hereby ordered by the Common Council [he Petition r application of the owi]ere o[a
t +; opening and eateadin Fourth-I.such 1mP rovement naked for upon of the city of St.Paul: ma orti of Lhe
Tatum avenue, from the-in. street b UW- the petition or appllcstfon of Lhe owners of a J p property to be assessed for such
verefty avenue,be sad the same Is hereby re- majority of the property Lo be assessed fur such That the matter of constructing s sewer on irepprovement?
[erred to the board of public work. Lo investl- ireprovementP Hague avenue,from Dale street to Fisk street, Fifth—Send the council s plan orproflleoret said
S gate aad report: Fifth-Send the council plan or roflle of be and the same fa hereby inferred to the board Improvement,as required by law,if you port
Flre�ls this improvement proper and nec- said Ire rovement,as re aired 6 lata,pp f ublic works to Inveetigste and report: fu ever
of[he creme. l
essary? 9 Y 3f you re- ° P P
.L.T port Ia vor of the same. 22
Sixth-Send the council»proper order direct- the ame le hereby (erred to the board of
' mg the work to be done. public works Lo lnveetlgate and report: Fifth Send Lbe eountll,plan ory,o9)e.l said Michel's subdivision t block 6, Stinson',dl-
.. -Aid. Banbolter, BielenDerg. Conley, Flrat-Ie this improvement proper and nacos- impry req Wred by law,I(you report lelou,Bt.PaW,from Kent attest to Date street,
Ax 3 Copeland, Costello, Cullen. Dobner, Dornldev, saryT f¢fa t the e,me. i°said city
�{t� Fiandrau,Gahan, Mctiamce. Malady,SWlivan, eecondGive the council a timate of the Sixth-Send Send the council a proper order direct, Tb at.
t.aid board a Id work to be let by
Van Slyke.All,Chairman-tri. r !ansa thereof,and — whether o half of 1nR t]le work[o be done. ntract,ae provided by law,wftbout one-h Wt
Approved Aug 22,1890. the coat thereof tr to bap id Into the city Lreae- Y Aid.He¢hoirer,Bitlenberg,Botta Con Lha eatlmated st�alPg Hrst ppaid Into the city
y before the contract le let. ley.Copeland,Coatelln,Culle¢,Dobuer,DorWden, treasury,and Wter id o k hail be ]aced
Third Can real estate to be ..e.-d for said FI ndrau,Gen an,McNamee, Dfelady, Bullivau, under contract,e,id board ehall procer with-
}. (`
By Aid.Hutt- Im t be found bI11fImd to the extent of Y y to assess the amount,ne ly ea
It to hereby ordered by the Common Council of Provemen Van SIC
Air.Chairman 18. t dela
the City o[Bt Paul. damei;es co to and expe-ncceeeat,W be 1n. Approved Aug.22,1890. they can Lain the me,which will be
That the matter of opening Fisher street from c c thereby± T qulred W po,ye the rnet and necessary eapenae.ot
Maryland street to Magnolia.treec and Mason- Fourth-Is each Improvement ked for uopon Iv the matter of the p rt .f the board n[ such upon the al estate to be
lin street from Fi.her.tract to Ear]street be the o 9tion or application f the owners f ppubifc works dated Au&18,1890. benefited by eaid.lmprovement ae provided by
and the sem r,hereby interred to the board 1 rityno(the property to be assessed for each It la hereby rdered Dy the Common Council o[ ]awe it being the opinion of the counml
that mW
of 4ublic work,to investigate sad report: (mp d the City of Bt.Paul Lata to be aexseed 1¢r each Improvement can
- tt F= Ie this improvement proper and nates ,Fifth Seed the council plan pp.file o[ That the the board f public works of said be lound benefited to the eztent of the
coat and
] IF eery+ a id improvement,.e requlird by law,if you res- city of Sc.Paul cause the lollowlugg Im ee ry to be Incurred thereby.
j^ Becond�ive the council an estimate f the °Ort in favor of the same. en be ds,to wit: Grade tb el°�Q eapene Ald.:Be.hoirer,Bislenbetl;,Botta Con-
'��•: a pense thereof,and tate whether o e-half of Bixch-Send the council n proper order direct- block 2,of Weide', rearrangement of PWeJ. ley.Copeland,Costello.Cullen, Dobner,
Ing the work to be done. Outiote,St.Paul. den,Flandrau,Gahan,MCNnmce, Areledy,SUB+- _
the coat thereof 1s to be paid into the city trees yegg-A)d.B..bolrer,Bielenberg,Cnnfey,Cope- That sold board ea said ork to be van,Van Slyke,Mr.Chairmau-30.
or before the contract is let. land,Costello,Cullen, Dobner, Uornidev,Flan let b contract,as Approved Aug.22,1890.
!' Third-Can rent estate to be assessed for Haid Y provided by )awe without
improvement be found benefited to the extent of drau,Gahan,McNamee, Mrlady, Sullivan,Van a-half Lha estimated coat being fimc old tato
{ dam eonteyand x Slyke,Mr.Chalrman 16.
ages expenses necessary to be In- the
city treasury, and alter Bald work In the matter of the report of the board of
carred thereb Approved Aug.22.1890, eh»II be
y. placed under contract .aid public works dated Aug.19,1890.
Fourth-Is such improvement asked for upon board shall proceed without delay tie hereby ordemd by the Common Council of
I�-- the peUtlo°or appllcatlon of the 1-1 re of a By Aid. Bott- to,eases the amount,as nearly as they can as- the City of 8t.PaW:
f( ]ority of the property to be assessed for such It le hereby ordered by the Common Council certain the same,which will be required to pay That the board of public works of
the city of
7 Improvement? of the City of St.Paul. the cost and necessary penes, f 9t Yaul taus,the fallowing Impmvemente to be
} 6 Fifth-Send the council plan or pprofile of That the matter of onatructmg wet on Buell Improvement upon
the real estate to of made,to wit. Open,widen a d extend Marla
Bald finep vem nt,as required by law,If you re- Fifth street,from Huffman avenue to Cummer- benefl[etl by said Imp v nt, ea provided by venue from North street to nDecatur
street at
port In laoo f the same. ciW street,be and the same la hereby (erred law;1t being the opinion of the couneDtfint reel 1t Its Intereeetlon with Edgerton street,pro-
j�. Sixth-Send the .unci:a proper order direct- to the board of public works to investigate and tats to be as
for such ImDrovemeut can south,in sold city,coudemhing and tak-
the work to De done. p rt: be found benefited to the extent o1 the cove and Threadn8 for street purposes all that part of Iota five
Yeas-Aid. Banholmr, Bielenberg, Conley, reFfret-Ie this Improvement proper and necee- paves, ecreeary [o be Incurred thereby. (6)and eta(6),o[block thirteen(18),and lots
Copeland, Costello. Cullen,Dobner.Dorntden, earyT exleas-Aid.Ball rer,Blelenbetg, Botta Coa eia(8�,seven(t)and eight(8),of block
Fiandrau, Geban.McNamee,Malady,SWlivan, Second-Give the council an estimate of the ley,C1 and Costello,Cullen, Dobner, Dorni- of Iry ne'a Second addition to 8t.Paul,Wying
Van Slyke.Mr.Chairman-16. a Penna thereof,and tate whether one-half o[ den,Fiandrau,Gahan,NeNamee Melady. Suit. dthiu the linea o[a trip sixty(6U)Ieet idea
Approved Au&22,1890. the cost themot le to be paid into the city tman- .Vanslyke.Dir.Chairman-16. the center Ilan of whirls strip hall be a straight
i" u before the contract 1,let. v Approved Aug.22,1890. thte drawn from the Intersection of the center
f By Aid.Bielellberg- Third--Can real estate to De assessed for said line of Marla avenue with the south line of
i IL ie hereby ordered y the Common Council of improvement be found benefited to the extant of North street to the utheasterly line of Ile-
14. the Cit of St.Paul: damages costs and ex 7n the matter of the report f the board of eatur street ata int flft-tour 64 feet sollth-
X sewer o red pensee necessary to be m- ppublic works dated Au 14, 1890. 11point X ( )
That t e matter t construct e n Cur thereby? m It ie hnrebp ordered by the Common Council of fatly from northeeater y corse of lot afz )
IAL Fuller street,from Diackubin to DWe street,•e Fourth In each imppr e t ked for°p on the(,YCy f St.Paul: li6).block six(6,said addition; loo ondem-
pe petition hereto attnebed, be and the soma the o tltlov r application of the owners f a Tb,t the board of public works of said city o[ I°R end taking 1 r street a and bridge
pu poses
ie hemby xferred Lo Lhe board of publle works 1 dtey of the property Lo be aeaeesed Ior such 3G Paul,cause the/ollowin fm ,neem tin, v and Ocroes II[bat land
Lo Inveetigam and report: im tT - e provemente to between the eoutherlT line of aid block six(8)
h`lrat-In this 1m t rro kPifth- wit: Pave E,.t Fifth street,from to the pout heel
,1 provemen p Der and neCea- fiend the eountll a pian or yroflle of said Marla avenue to a f t 480 feet t et of sold y Ilue o[ lot flea (6),raid
C I .aryR imprvove t,as required by law.II you roport Muria avenue,wlthp cedar Dlockn and curb with diex=ibharsteei(18),lying
wlthiu tbn Ilnes of said
- 8ecovd-Give the council [imam of the m f, m[the acme. granites,including In the cuntraet fora id I
pause thereof,and stathether
..,-half 0[�Bend the council a proper order direct- g y.ewer connection,to the pav That sold board shall P-mcd without delay
f{i' the coat thereof bn paid Into the city trees len the neaxesar prop. to asses, the am uof,a. nearly 1ng the work B t>e done, try live, o y as they
3 u y before the contract a]et. 1' Ald.Benholzer,Bielenbe g,Conley.Cope That said board aid work to be let b ascertain the some which viii be required to
L• Third-Can 1 estate to be aeaeexed for,eld Ia¢d,Costello,Collcn. Dobner,Dornldev,Flan- P,y the damngea, coats and necessary expenses
t be found benefited to the extent dra..Geban,McNamee,Melad Bulliven, Van ntract,as provided by law,without one- f (each improvement u�on the mol estate So be
[dam amen y. the estimated cot be
p id Into the city benefited b Id Im r v t,ae provided b e
(, 'cost
enA expenses necessary to be Slyke,Dir.Chelan nn-16. tremiu cyo, and alter aid 'ork hall be laced y
fncutted Thereb? Approved Aug.2_,1890. y law;it being the opinion of the couucli Lhat real
under traces said board shell p�ooeed w7th- tate to be assessed for such im
Fourth-I,such ilm�r ame tasked for upon t delay t° es the a ount, n ly ea be found benefited to the extent ofrthe dam,gea,
I'. the petition or pp)cation o[the owners o[n Hy A7d.Oehan- they can ascertain the a e, which
will lta re- c
• p majorltey�of th ee property to be asesseed for such
Is hereby ordered by the Common Council of oquIred to DaY the coat and necessary expenaee thereby. expeuaes n s,ry to be incurred
'1.. ° the C7tp of St.Peui: f such Improvement,uOvon the real estate to be Peas-Ald.Banhoirer,Hlelenberg. Butt, Con-
t I Fitch-3evd the coundl a pion o profile of That the matter of chance of grade on Jesse, benefited by said imp meet,as provided by ICT.Copeland, Costello, Cullen,
Dobner, Dan
said Improvement, a9 req ulted bT law.if you mine street, between Sylvan d Cortland law;ft bein••the opinion of the Council that real Iden. Flandrau, Gelan, McN,mce, Melody,
rey ortill In Senor th the rams, tree[,,be and the Is hembymferredW the tate to be seaweed for Inch Improvement can Sullivan,Van Slyke,Air.Chairman-16.
B1 ilew Send the eountll a properorderdirect. board of Public Investigate and report: be found benefited to the extent of the cost and Approved Aug.22,1890.
1n ebe work Lo De done. Fimt--Ie this improvement proper and necee- expenses ry{o Da 1nCnrnd tb.reby.
Yes-Aid. Bavholzer, Bielevbeig. Coley, a ty4 ] Ald.Be' lar,Hlelenberg, Botta (:on-
Copeland.Costello, Cliileu, Dobner,Dorntden, Second-Give the council an timate f the Ie ,Copeland.Coatello,I BIC:.Dobner,llorniden, Iu the matter of All,, Port [ the board
I SI Flandrau,Gehan, McNamee.Melady. Sullivan, a Pence thereof,and tate whether one-half of Flandrau, Gehan,McNamee•Dfelady,BWllvan: publle works dated Aug.16,1890.
1 Ven 81yke,Mr.Chalrman-16. the coat thereof fe to be paid into the dry tress- Vau Slyke, Mr.Chalrman-16. tis hereby ordered by the Common Council o[
Approved Au&22,7890. pry before the contract fs let. Approved Au&22,189(1. the CYty of St.Paul:
1' Third-Can real estate Lobe aesessed for Bald That the board of public works of aWd city o]
By Ald.Gehan- - improvement be found benefited to the..teat of St.Paul cause the[o17ox'Ing improvement,to be
i v IL ie hereby ordered by the Common Council of dnmrengee coats and expenaea necessary to be m- In the matter of the report of the board of de,to wit: GraAe Commercial
' the City of St.Paul: c d LhembyT PuDllc works dated Aug.18.1890. Filth street to Plum street,in raid city.
i I That tan matter of gradmg alley 1n at Fourth-ts In Iro rovement caked for u on Pc Is hereby ordered by the Common Council of That.aid board ar aald work
to be let by
f Iota 1,2,8,4 and 6,block e,L ton's addition, Lha p o the C+L f St.Paul: contract,as rovlded 6 Inw,without one-half
y petition or application of the owners t o y p y
'I Ninth ward,same having become a puhlll,LW- ajority of the property to be asseeaed for Inch That tXI board of publle works of said city of the eatimated cost beteg first
paid into the city
Cance on account of stagnant water,be,and improgementT 8t Paul cause the following Improvements to be treasury,and atter Bald work shall be placed
made. to reit: Grad,the alley In block 2,H. under contract said board shall proceed without
delay to assess the atoount,as nearly as they The council went into executive session and, shall constitute the Sixth election`district of street to the southwestern boundary
of said
•t can ascertainsamin
the e which hill be required after some time spent there .adjourned. said ward. ward. °
to ppey the cost aoa necessary expenses of WALTM H.SANBORN,Cnafrman of Council. All that portion of said ward bounded on the All that portion of said ward which Iles west
�r such im rovement upon the real estate to be Taos.A.Ya[iNteadser.City(,jerk. north by the center line of Maryland street,on of the center line f Wabmha street,north
of 1
benefited by id Impp ovement,as provided by the east by the center line of Areade etre t, the center line of West Ninth street,east of the
t law;it being the opinion of the council that real OFFICIAL re—BeAttON. the south by the center line of Stms center Into of St.Peter street and south of the
t estate to be assessed for such improvement can Of ordinances passed end resolutions adopted street and on the neat by the center center line of Summit avenue,shalt constitute
+ be found benefited to the extent of the crost and by the Common Council of the City of fit.Paul, Ilse of Greenbrier ave re shell constitute the the Twelfth(12th)election
district of said ward.
a uses nereeeary to be incurred thereby. at its meeting held on Tuesday,Aug.19,1890, seventh election district. Ali that portion o:said ward which lies west
Yeas—Aid.Banholur,Bielenhrg.Bott,Conley, oanmsncrs. All that portion of said ward bounded on the of the center line of St.Peter street,north of the
t ,�t Copeland, Costello, (ellen,Dobuer,Dornideu,
north by tine center line of Maryland street,on center line of Weet Ninth street and east of the
�,q'+ ,:lir• Fla drat, Gabon,Mc\amm,Malady,Snlltvan, Grdltenm NO.1,392. the east by the center line of Gtsenbrler avenue. seventh elerciou district hereinbefore described
L + Van
Slyke,Mr.Chairman-10. y, An ordinance to amend Ordinance No.1,290, on the south by the center liar of films street shall constitute'the Eighth election district of
{itr A roved Au 22,1890.
entitled"An ordinance redietrict(ng[he city for and cn therest by the center line of Edgerton Haid ward.
it PP g' eleetioumende purposes,"approved Jan.Y_,1890,as street shall constitute the Tenth election dis- All that p5rtion of said ward bounded on the
In the matter of the port of the board of mended by Ordinance No. 1,811. approved trier. n rill by tilt center line of Eleventh street,on ;I
Dtarch 24,18911: All that ying west of the the south b ii
publ]c works,dated Aug•18,1890: The Common Council of the City of St.Paul do portion of said ward I y[he seam Ihle of Eighth street,
N� t
I.hereby ordered by the Common Council of I ordain: center line of Arcade treat and nth at the and on the east by the center line of Minnesota
I the Cityy of St.Paul: Secclo�i 1. The fleet eubdlv(elon of Ordinance center 11 of Maryland street shall constitute [rest,and on the west by the center Ifne bt
�j That tine board of ppublic works of sablefty of No.1,2901s hereby amended so as to ad as the l Eighth r election district. basin street, hall
constitute elle Ninth election
fit.Paul cause the following Improvements to be Inflows: The First ward of the city of St.Paul All the remainder of said x•s�d lying north of district of said ward.
made,to wit: Construct sewer on N letortu I is hereb divltled Into ten lU the center line 1 Maryland trees hall con- All that portion of Bald ward lying south of
street,from Goodrich avenue to Grand avenue. tri te. y ( )election die- stitute the Ninth election district of said ward. the center Pae of Eleceuchxecreet,north of the
j - b said and together with the necessary catch The,First election district shall oi bounded has e
Ser,.2. The Fourth subdivision of said ordi- center line f Eighth street, sad east of the
i b 1 a and manholes. Hance la hereby wmended en sato read as follows. iter line le do Minnesota i street,shall constitute
That said board cause said work to be let b fol t'l lilz.:Commencing at the tilt[whets the the Tenth election district of said ward.
y center line of Misele"IppL [rest intersects the yolmra wean All the remaining porciou of eond ward lying
contract,as provided by law,without one-half center line of Grove street;thence east along the north of the center line of Wabasha street eh all
_I! the estimated coat being first paid Into the center line of Grove street to the nine where The fourth ward is hereby divided into twelve
city treasury, and after said worn- hall be P I.crtl t f f the Eleventh election dlecrict of said
y, the center line of Grove street Intersects the ren- (12�election districts env lollouaie it.
placed under contract said board shall pro- ter line of the right of way of the Great North- A 1 that portion of s d 'ard lying south of w Sec.3. This ordinance to take effect
and be In
d without delay [o assess the amount, ern Railway company; theum northwesterly the center line t West aFitth street,east of elle force from and after its passage and publl-
• nearly they can aecertuhn the came, along the said center line of the Bald right at center line of.Fort ncreet and west of the ten- cation.
which will be required to Pey the cost and way to a point of Intersection with the center
lhne of Wanhltlgtoa street shall eonvvtitute fens—Ald.Bauholzer.Blelenberg, Butt, Con-
mco sary expenses of such fmp rovement upon line
of Lafayetteavenue; thence Noutbwesterly the Fret election district of sold ward. ter,Copeland,Costello,Cullen,Dobuer,Domiden,
I the real estate to be benefited by said improve- along said center line of Lafayette avenue to its All that portion I sand ward lying south of Fln,dr,u,Gehau, McNamee,Melody,Sulliv
meat,nil provided by law;IL being the old]on point of fn[ereectlou with the center line of the center line of West Seventh stets[,east of I\•an Slyke,Mr.Chairman-16.
of the council that real estate to be assessed for Waverly place,produced easterly; thence west- the center line of Washington street and test Passed Aug.19,1891).
such Improvement can be found benefited to the ly along the center Ifne of Waverly place to of the center line of\Vabanhu street.bull con \VALraa H.SANBORN,Chairman of Council,
!, tent of the coat and expenses necessary to be the
center Ifne of Johu afresh thence north on st(tute the Second elec[lou district of aald ward.I Approved Aug.26,1891).
i incurred chembv. the center line of John street to the center line Al]that portion of said ward IS'Ing oath o[ O.O.cbLLeN,Acting Nayor.
yeas—Aid.Beuholzer,Ble]enberg,Butt,Con- (the alley third blocks one(1)and two(2), the center line of Exe[Fltth street and east of,Attest: Taos.d.Paevneaox"r,City Clerk.
ley,Copeland, Costello,Millen.llobner. Dorsi- of the
addition;thence went along the sen- the center hoe o7 Wnbeshn street shall cwnsti- Aug.
j den.Flnudrnu,Gahan,McNamee,Malady,9u111- ter Ifne of said alley to Plne street; theum west Lute the Third eieetlou district of said ward. 28' -
van,Van Slyke,Mr.Chairman-10., on the center line et Nash street to tis interest All that portion of id Lard lying ortb of
Approved Aug.2'L,1890. tion with Vissitedppi street; thence south on the center Ime of East Fifth street,ninth o/the Oap[NANce No.1,89:1. ,
I said center line of Mississippi street to place the center title of Eighth street and east of the cen- An ordinanm g'anting permission to the Wis.
f� In the matter,of the retire.of the board of of beglunb ter line of Minnesota street shall constitute the connin Central coca any to construct and op-
111 hilt works dated Aug.11,1890. The Second election district in said ward Fourth election dlstricc of said ward. I erase railroad trucks roes 6ix[n street be-
pp shall consist of all that portion of said All time portion of said ward lylt Orth of• an—,block.36 and 87 and long the alley In
It ie hereby ordered by the Common Connell o[ rd lying east of the said First election the cennter line of East Fifth street,text of the block.38,39, 40.41, 42, 48 slid 44,Kitt-
Cthe City of SL Paul, district,tmd south of a line which is the center center Ime of Miuneanta street,south of the cen- on'.addltlon to st.Paul.
That the board of public works of said city of line of Lafayette avenue,from its point of In- ter Ifne of Elghch street and east of the center The Common Council of the City
of SL.Paul do
fir.Paul cause the following teraectfon with the center Ifne of the right of line of Wabuvha ntreee shill eoI,titers the ordain os folloes: -
:.i be made,to wit: Construct u sewer on Ontnrlo wa not the Great Northern Railway company, Fifth election district of said ward. Section 1. Permieslon a d nuthoricy
atreet.from the Jllasissippi river to a point un Ing thence northwesterly to Lhe paint o[ All that portion f said ward lying north of by given to the Wisconsin Central cbmpony
ninety feet norm oI the north hoe of 6pring iu[ersectnon of said center line of Lafayette ave- the muter lite of West Filth treat.and south construct,malutnin and operate a
railroad with
street in said city,together with the necessary.nue with the muter line of Collins street,rheum of the center line of West Ninth street,and east one or more f rw:it.of standard
gauge undi rand
catch basins and anholes• o[rely along the center line of Collins street, of the center line of Fort street,which ie bound. across the followingg ways,street.end alleys
In t
That said board souse said work to be let by e d Collins street extended In a straight line to ed ou the set by u line wh(ch fe the center line the city of St.Yaul,to'Svit:
Coder and across
contract,ea provided by Ins,xitbout one-half the right of way of the St.Paul&Duluth rail- of Wnbnshu street from its point of luteraection Sixth street,between blocks 36 and
37,in said
the est/mated cost being first plaid into the city road. with the center line of \Vest Ninth street to me Kltteou's addition and-thence along.through
treasury,and atter id work hall be placed All that portion of said ward lying south of point of interseethin with the center lhna of and p n the liey between Fifth.and Sloth
under contract said botrd shall proceed, the center Ifne of Minnehaba street,east of the `Vent Seventh .treat; thence wester]pp along the treats lu sold addition through blocks
( :er without delay, to assess the amount, as center Iltee of the tl¢¢hht of way Ot the Chicago, center line of West Seventh street to its polnt o1 4'9i 41,42,43 and
44 thereof,crossing Kittson,
4 nearly sere they can ascertain the same,which St.Paul,Mfmneapoi7a&Omaha rallrcad,and Intersection with the triter line of Waahingtot Neill, Willlu.,Locust, Juhn, Olive
Id Plus
will be required to gay the costs and aces- the Great Northern Railway company and street;thence southerly along said center line of the easterly boundary line of
ha eery exyenese f ch improvement,to the ex- north of the second election district sll con- Washington street t.,Its ppoint.of I" .n. ay street: provided,that the
itent t 81.7:5¢r foot upon the ea estate to be scicute the Third election district of said ward. with the center Ito of West Fifth street,shall and permts.ton to maintain and
operate said
benefited by id imp vem nt, as provided All that portion t"aid ward ly,It south of conet(tuta the Sixth election district of said rail ad tracks or any of chem hereunder hall
i5 bylaw;It being the oplulot of the council chat the center line of Nimnehaha.tree[,xesc of Lhe ward. continue so long and so long only as can of any
real estate to be assessed for euch Improvement third election district,and north of the Neat Tha Seventh election district of said ward and every railway companyare switched
on and
tau be found benefited to the-telt of 51.76 election diet It ae herein described,shall con- shall consist of all that portion of said ward over[he same without disc hublation
and with-
per toot towards the costs and expenses neces- stitute the Fourth election district of said ward. which lies to the west of a lite described as fol- out unreasonable delay,and
at charges tbatare
�f eery to be incurred thereby. All that portion of said ward lyltg north of low: Comme"cing at a point where the center asonable.and not more than one dollar and
Ye —Aid.Banholzar, Bielenbetg,Bott,Con- the center line o[Miunehaha street,meat of the lines of Rice.tteec Intersects the center line of fifty cents per car In any case.
leyy,I:opelatd,Costelin.Cullen,Dobne[,Dornlden, center line of Edgerton street,and south of the Summit avenue,thence southeasterly along said Sec.2. Bald rail tracks shall
be con-
Ge Flandreu, han, JleSamee,Nelwdy Sulliva», center line of Maryland scree[,shall constitute center line of Rrce street to ch nterline of West strutted so thatthesame spall
Asea below and
Van Slyke,Mr Chairman-10. the Fifth election district of said ward. Tenth street,thelim outheueterIy along the underneath of Kittsom Neill,Willies, Locust,
-I Ayypproved Aug.20,1890. All that portion of said ward which le bounded muter line of West Tenth street to it.point of John,O11vn and PLa,streets so as out to Inter-
Ald.Flandrau moved that the council go luso by the center(lase of Edgerton street, Sime in
with the canter line t Fort street, fare in any manner whatsoever with the public
executive session. street,Arcade street,the right o[way of the St, thence southerly along said center Ifne of Fort trill¢]over said streets.
i. Adopted. Paul&Duluth railroad and Mlnnehaha street,
€t L $ro fio s n .,v I 4 r a hr KzxF�x
RN, t TM
l� s Said railroad track.whets they o id Bea 2. Bald ocher to be delivered to the Bald draw, Gahan. I&Nsmee, Malady, Sullivan, To the Common Connell of theCityof St.Paul:
treats shell ixbridged byaprolRrand sufficiet William A.Vau Slyke the eaceutfon and Gentlemen: Three peace.S mrMay 6, j
C, (' Van Biyke,Mr.Chairman-16. 1887,the council,by a divided voce,passed the
iron or.feel bridge to be constructedall',
:tl main delivery of n recelDt 1n lin for all cervices to ,Na Aid.Qdle=-1.
y' tamed nt the sole expense o[the Bald Wiaconein data
of San.],1890, Approved Aug.27,1890. lollowlnm resolution: '•Resolved,that the pay
(YntrW Company,its successors Igoe,fn Sea 8. Thisordinanesto be m tom from and facet Iota u hWl not be lees than employed
per week
- a rdsvce with the plane approved by�the city after Its publication.
j � e gl=ee Provided,M1owever,that all eacava- Yeas-Aid.Banholur. HielenbetiL Bott,Con- By A1d.CoNey- m during the.,,in
iner mo tb.and 89 Per week
tion.made by said Wisconsin Central(bny ley,C peland,C'oe[ello,CL len,Dobri r of,C L, Resolved,That the commit- on poilce be during he winter m nth.; provided,however,
i n the conetruccinn of Bald railroad all be-Past Flandrnu, Gebnn, MCNa�ee,Mdad Sullivan, d they ax bexb metriler to purchase for that this reaolutlon.ball in=o rwcesy reduce
Its own sole coat and expense. -14. p, the use of the Do11m clap finest of the city of compensation o[ an
who are M=R larger
' Sec.8. Sefd Wlsconslu Central Companysbe11 Nayye Mr.(.'heir.--1. St.Paul one hundred and fifty regulation W- pay on the street tom."
.t the Lime of filing Its
acceptance of this coli- At d.Van Slyke excused from voting. form Cape. Btelevb Corley, On An,,,6pProved by the mthe aoyora)the following
r lso Lba city Clerk herebratter Wro Yxaned AUR.19,f 890. Yeas-Aid. Baaho�>)lev, Dobnar�Pnrnideu, ea olutiong Rreolved,that d after Aug
sided.also file with the city ci k a bot d th Wwrrg H.8w8noaa.Chairman of Council. Copal rid,Co alio,
-flidevt suretlee Lo be pproved by the lty Approved Aug.27.1890. FI draw,Gahan, McNamee. Memdy,SUM.., ]6 eight(8 hours constitute
m'e work for
mp[roller,running to the city of St.Paul In the O.0.tbtt-ex,Acting Mayor. V¢u 6iyoke,Mr.Chairman-16. 11 mechanIca clerks and laborers a ployed by 1
an-=seventy-five thousand(a75i 1,00)Jollxra; Attest: Time.A.Ynertneaow,r,CYLy(nock. App lied Aug.27,1890. the dry."
'F ( ondltlonetl that exid Wixconetn Central coin- Aug.28. lgwy H.9wn an.Chairman o[Couucil. On AUR-19,1890,the followiugn-.theolutiom was j
1 L; PPa y shall save and hold harmless quad dry of g - Time.A.P_S.=oser,City Clerk. pxeeatl by a vote of ten to si H and
the am ie
p 6I.Paul from any and all clx(ms,[demands, ipxruae. w before as t1vR Yor (ms.coca,
11 actions,right of actfou,damages and I4rb,10- By Committee on Ways and Means- M.por Bmitb�being buen[from the city).for
ulting from or in env mam,rr connected wit., Reao ved,Th.c that mrtxto lotion and Spent.,Maetivg. council of the city y 'Resolved that
the common
the construction or operatlon of aid railroad final order or the common co-uci of the city of c sell of the city of fit.Paul.that Lbe zasulu-
and the construction and mmutd-ance of St Pri=1 approved 1)ta 18,1889,cri-ing to the Sr.Pwar..Aug26,1890. tion offered by Ald. McN'nmee passed at tae
'd bridges. „s r tlov of.Laid..and approaches r Prealdent Cullen In the chair. regW.r meen¢g of Ibis countll Aug.6,I.S.,ap-
I .be
4. The right.and Privileges hereby given the right of way o[the Chicago,Milwaukee S St. Present: Ald.Hort.Copeland.Costello, Dor- pro=wl by the mayor Aug.S,1800,•constituting
h gra ted-polithe exp ss tlitton Last the P, Railway pomp y along tae Iiue f Selb Iden. Flendrau. Gahan, bleNamee, 8anbont, Igbt hours's work for
all m h¢nice,
wont of coneLructinR said railroad mall nom ue,together with the ary gr¢Jinµou Bullivnn,Van Scyoke.Mr.Ptexident-11. clerks and laborers employed by the city;wns
in"rewithin three months after the riccep[ance Selby avenue between Hemline avenue rid Sar-• ppassed for the ppu pose intu.ended.a "N.ehe -
ot this ordinrince and shall be fully xplmeted stogy.venue (ppubhebed on Pura 608 of the From hie honor LLea'_mayor-call tot Lhe 1n the said resolution, epDlylvR my to
' - { within eighteen (1S) ..,,the after the pt- aroceedinga of ch c mon nail of 18R9 ba m Clog- her of hours whleb coitever['s work.
1 thereof: Provided, het.if said WleconsfI rid the same ie hereby amended ao as to ad Hie honor the acting mayor called the set- yud fu o anver hntever .ball 1t De
" CYntrW comPanY be enjoined from y ding follows: Ing at request of Aldermen Van Slyke,Copeland co trued to co Bict, hangs
with Lhe covetructlon of eatd railroad by order '•In the matter of the report f the board of and 6ullfvan(or purpose v(henring and coUsid- pe¢I any of the provleioue t the
resolution in-
t r inlunetion of any courtthe time duringgwhich
public work.,dated Dec.17.1.89, ening the report of the committee appointed on trodnced oy Ald. Ryan d aPpL-'Ld May b,
IC-ball be so enioinel shrill be Rowed es.idrum- "1%ie hereby ordereJ by the Common Couvcll of
fair matters. 1887,relntl=g to the street force.' to
1 pony for the completion of said work adds the City
of fit.Paul: Accepted. I return the ams to you,
without my sp-
ty, jt tion to the ei hreen months above mentioned. "That the board o[public work.of said tit P el:sod tt fe groper for me,with this other
Sec.b. In[be cnuetrnctfon [said ilroxd f fit Paul
sauce the followingLLimprovement to arront oa•seamwt.cogtarr.ta. for eosdob¢lore ue, to eta d have beery
t more than two stmt,under which It rune be made,to wit: Construct Dritlgn d aP To the Common Council,City of St.Fall: re Ins
frat- am heartfl In favor,an
hall be dosed to public travel.t the eam p echo.acmes Cha right of way o[the Chicago, The.penial committee appointed pursuant to from tae outset, oly the ,called eight-hour
h time. a Milwaukee&Bt.Paul RaRway rompp yy along the resolution of Aid.Van Slyke to make such nc,.lid would gladly aid r laboring
6. Said grantee hall comply with 11 the Iiue of Selby avenue,between Hamlin.ave- arrangemeLi a as m.,be dcemed uscesaary hi my et all their t and reasonable.Hoare to
e pdarn regulations o[the dry of fit.Paul now m tin id Sarm oge avenue,1n sold city. regard to dfepiay during
state fair week,paeaed nic people j
fom or hereafter enacted. "That mid board Gauen aald work to be let DYy t the last xsgttlar meeting of the common euun a.el,demand, makiuR eight h.-.fall
Sec.7. Said Wisconsin C ntral company shall contract,ab rovided by law,without onrh.lf call,mpecttully report anre(wmmend that tee day's labor.
') t 'it his etaty days after the passage of thfe ur- the estimated rnet being first pp fd Into the dcy For oma year. past there has been great
dinance fudicate its acceptance of the same b treeeury,and after said work ehWl be laced un- rtgnlsr illuminacion be replaced on Third stmt. g Peo-
P yy D together with sn electric Ifgh[dome on the roc- complaint, and especially by the laborin
filing such ac rptaum with the city clerk in e.7CK der contract,aald board shall proceed without a of Third and Cedar.treat.,and also s sickle Is.that much of the leglalawou
of the present
form ae n be approved D the cor oratl6n delay to a gess the amounts.near] as the �an c i D tla uu yet and unreasonable sl reason and
Isy pp y p Y y d anchor Of electrle lights on TMrd street; YN J
�r attomey. can ascertain the same,which ill be required also,that duaure De41..
1 sed oo the lam goat. iiig what ie termed "class" legislation; d we
Sec.R. This ordinance shall take effect and be to pay the cost and ecessary expenses of of Wabashlu cedar.Mlvuesota, Robert.Jack- t admit that In any instances their
?� f
fom from and after Its passage and publics- such imp vainest upon Lhe real estate to be on and Sibley attest., from Third stmt to plaiuta have been well founded. But now
�,ryt thin. benefited by said lmprovemenc,ae provided by Seventh street,and also on Bevanth.treat,from this resolution,claiming to be urged by and In
Ye Aid Benholeer,Biele,berg.Conley,Cnpe- I.,a lea. the sum of $
60,000 to be Wabash.atreet to Broadway. The eetlmeted behalf of the working people, against wMch can
Costello,Cullen,Dobner,Domldeu.Flan- aid out of the bridge bond fund; it be. cost of said work.together with the gee to be � repeated all the a�mente, reaeoue and
dray,Genas McNamee, Malady.Sullivan,Van pal the opinion of the council that real consumed,le g8,W0. Respectlully, compininte agsmst cies.eglslathou.
BI9yke.?r.Chairman 16. tate co be ameased for each improvement can WII.fJwM Vs.6eYge,Chairman• The xeaolutiou now before-e I.Iv my oppinion,
P -d Aug.19,1890. be fond beneficed to tae extent of the cost and a most aggravated form of class legs latiou,ne
i I Wstrea H.SANa,aN.Crialrmnn of Council. expenses necesenry to be incurred thereby,lees Aug.26,1890. it selects.cert in portion f the 1¢borfpg pec-
Retxived and accepted. 1 f thio cit b DI lot Lo ezcead One out
i' Approved Au¢28,1880. the sum,t S6U,OU0 nf.-Id." Adjourned. of ever tweni� D d gbasuse those eo as
O.O.CDt.r.ex,Acting Mayor, Peas-Ald.Benholest,Bielenbetg,BOLL, Con- O.O.Curvy .President of Council. y ! nth
Attest: 1Ytoe.A.Pattvnes=asr,City Clerk. ley,Copela=d,Costello,CWIen.Doaner,Dornmen, Ttme.A.Pasamtnaesr,Citp Clerk. hj p�j tin df.0 It dirsate teat theyoen¢li raeceive,
Aug 28. F entltau,Gehen, McNamee,Malady, Bulilvan,
i Van Slyke,Mt."airm.n-18. - a�Lglvlded by the ,lotion f Mlsy.1ts87= -
A oved 7.1890. Regal.r Meeting. g1U Pet xeeIt
during the eu mer d 89 pe
OaniNwacg No.1,894. PPr Aug.g - Sr.Pwui.,Sept.2.1890. k during the winter months, and Lhat th y
` An ordlnaneet raithorira tL¢payment of money By Ald.Oehan- president Cullen in the chair. shall _I_ ten bouts' pay for eight houro'
to William A.Va.Slyke for service. ndered Resolved,That Henry Gaivin be and he l8 here- Bielenl,¢ve,Coale k'
in the
sax of the blit y of St, by ap ci=ted aerReant-at-atm.of the common Present--Aid. Renholmr, p w da,[cannot,.herefore,a Lhfa reeolu-
pu perlu o[the cit Ae a Me of Lha workingmen In their)yet do-
c {� Co land.Co.xllo,DODner,Dorniden,Flsndmu, en pptove
[ the city f Bt.Peal,whose dune8 Ce mi.MCNamce,afelady,Mines.Sanborn.BW- .=d"
nit ar,{L le cis..IeRlslatlon.
- The COmmo=Council of the City of St.Peal do hall be to attend all th.;egnlar and epedW mcet liven,Van Slyke,Mr.Ptseldeni-16. Secondit t seams ed me that thio leg
BB dein at follow.: Ingsotthncommov eouncll and par.'Salhoth- �Hnubs f prceadins meeting approved and if ft becomes operto- will demorslitt and
j } _ .action 1 That an order be drown upon the er duth+e se thscommon eouncll may require,for d7apeiieed w�fth, create a lntlte amount of dissatletact)oo among
f treasury In favor of Wllllam A.Van 81y ke for which he shall receive ae nompen.ation the sum
the sum of i hlrty-five hundred dollars(:3,600) n[five(56.00)dollars pe nlaght on which be at, coYauDmcwrto.s. the laboring pecp ePof thle city. For example,
in mil payment and eatiefectfon for services in tendo council meetings from rid Including Juue From His Honor,the Ac
tmq Mayor-Aid.Ge- them are,we t=ill oy,ten laborers living 1=one
taking ogre and charge of the p bile Parke of the 8.1890,payable pouthl V on the Bret of each pan's asci-tion(sdopfed Aug.20,1890)Con- block In this city: of them, we will
city of Bt.Paul from the 13th Sa of June.1888, d every month,the.nine ae other afHcea o1
to Lhe first da of Janna y truing Ald. McNamee'.reeoluLion(adopted rks for Lhe city and receives 810 per week for
Y ry•1890,end for the the city ate paid. Atig.6,1890)es epplytug only to number of his services and ten hours'FaY for lair houro'
nee of horse an buffy eceeasry iu the care and 1 r,Bsnholzer,Bleleubexg,Britt, Con- hours which shall cunetltum a day's work end nock each day;Lha other nine certain
y will not
charge of said parks during said time. ley,Copeland,Costello,Dobuer,Dorulden,Flan- not changing compevantlon thereton-- look with favor upon legielatfon which efmdee
k' a�
i p 'I' l - E vkx '€•fw w �++`r"�,• x ref° F`r ;"':'� .v<-r�iw`•N G'w 4 '"ei_sl a r
-, •�' :1'".�', r,r ,.r. -� rlk 3- �•.._ ga±r'*_a zv i � ... 1 g"+r-�-,y
J� •
• out this one man because he is an employe of action as this,as It seems to me,which brings For permission to privately[trade Maryland axeotitte otic crry oyticexe.
i. the cloy,and they wllI reluctantly pay foto the the cease of the laboring man into disrepute avenue,,rote Boc¢street to Hs I avenue. Of City Treasurer-Report-Au¢.
t to Aug.80,
l ri treasury their Laxee for the purpose t paying among the thoughtful people of I life untry.Bo Granted. (See resolution.) 1890-
` 1
this one man's wages,much higher than they long as the laboring people bees their demands From J.M.McLellan and others- (For copy of said report ace meeting of Sept.
can get 1n open market. The result will be dfa- upon grounds which are Just to all,so long they For a sewer on Dawson street, 10,1890.)
�•' satislection slid demoralization th ntudil lit the must and wili recefvethe eympathyand support Board of public works with order. Commfttee on way.and mean..
I S city,and fila council will receive the condemna- of a major(ty of the people of she community in From Peter Berkey- (At this part of the proceedm®Aid.Boit
fpr' tion of all laboring people who are not fortun. which tbeyreside.But,when they or tbefrfrieuds Asking paymsnt of Judgment 3887.89-Mlesfa- tered and took his sent,)
F•1 t t. ate enough to become employee of the city. I attempt 1. of
of this Glees or character, elppi street opening-favor Caroline Flohr. Of Cicy Comptral1, - t ited Claims,
gr cannot believe that ]t ie advisable/or this they,in y opinion,Injure their,cause and - Committee au ways and means. Will.Berlxndl S Co.,312;E.B.Blrge.312.66;
council to adopt measures so radical and dl.- Card olid hinder their emona for accomplishing From Casa Mattson- I E. B.Eldred,S2;Meyem&Co., 812.50;Jos.
crlla nating In their operation and which,in my in their behalf that which 1.just and right. Asking for Partial vacation of assessments Guiou. $7.14: D. Connell,$6;P.H.
Opinion,will create jealousies and
dissensions Sixth-From public and private iutervtews psfd-Terry's addition, East Seventh street $10; CAae. Ferriem, $8.25 D.L.Curtice,523,
tiong the working people. itIt hie honor,the mayor(now absent from the paving.etc. E. Bouquet&Cp.. S 1.50:C. A. Smith,.363;
ThiM-Tho value of labor, ilk. any other Ity),I am sure that when he approved the moo- Committee on streets and corporation actor- Pearce&Jones,$48.26;P.J.Hogan&Co.,Stl;
II commodity,depends upon the question of euyi- ]orlon of Aug.B,1890,quoted above,he did not lie$ P. C. Lutz, S7.g6; 11[aendler Bros.,$428.46;
ply and demand I do not De feve inert the understand or believe that xny each claim would
- �.. council hoe say right or authority to pay for be mode to Its late [ntlen or the From Geo.J.Exley and others- Kirkland d• Starkey. 82s'&Farwell, ; A.M.
]shot done for the Ut•n¢teeter rpre peratlou ere ie protesting against rebuilding of oil sheds re- Kirk&Cp.,86;J.T.Linn.&Co.,$3.26; A.M.
same labor could be obtained forrin the ophen before us.or 7ceugh afe in saying that had he sup-
market. We should remember that In dealing lutlon now Gently burned,and asking removal of oil sheds Lowe11.S1.80;P.H.Kelly Mercantile Co.,$4.80;
e., mg-Sixth ward. F. Althea. $105; Scrfbuer-Llbbey Company.
' xith the cit funtls we are actin as a Polled that Lhn olutlou o[Au¢.6 meant or Committee on atrcete. $79.18; Robinson&Cary Company. Fri8.07;
y g cents and Id be construed to mean whit file leg ala From John Dfalloy- gnlnby&Abbott,58.20;A.Ro.ewa[er,$
trustees of the tnxpayere and have ad right, tion now Intends It shall mean,he would never Asking damages-lall(uR o8 broken step, Noyes Bros. & Cutler, $39.ri0: Prendergast.
: through sentiment,or sympathy,to pay mare have)hated his official approval to that emolu- Fourth street.olid Ho man avenue, Bros.,$10.04:John Martin Lumber Company,
for a commodity or for labor than Glin; and, in hie absence,I feel that it le only g7,490.R2:Baker&Mo9at,$18.90; J.L.Lov-
the price Ic could be obtained for right for me to follow-even Committee on claims.
t en outside o[my own acing.830:T.Re1Hy,516: J.Ktiblert, $20.85;
t` 1n open market. As Individuals, c e opnilon-the policy winch I am sure he ld From Krsrn and Neubauer-
o.. can pay for labor from o own Pr Vale adopt were he present noir in the city sad this For permission to tran.ter to Joeeph Neu- Y.Uhrl¢,$1.f,6; St.PauSt.l Haul Foundry
funds such price as 'e deem hest,slid lip one resolution come before him for his approval. boner Butcher License No.1138,to be used at -petty. 310.80;84 G. Duggxn,ilSl.80;
has rause or reason for complaint. But icbell I return the resolution herewith without m 889 Michigan street. Merrill, $12: Mathew Ctnig, 58; A. J"bat,
the city's money,held and i trolled b}•us na y �ummfctee on license.
agents and trustees,i.disbursed b paying for approval Very respectfully, From Wenzel Krarn- $111.45; Lindekes, Warner & Schurmefer,
commodities or labor more thou}the market .O.Cuut-Err.Acting Mayor. For Permission to transfer Butcher License S17.i6; st.Paul Mattress(:on'pany,3%`,
; Joe,
3 Lice.we are,lu m o 1 Aug.A28,3890. Atex,S8;Martin McNulty,51114:Henry 91mon,
p y p nion,violating not only I No.193 to 1004 West Seventh street. 398:Ed Lynch,8104:Sohn Butler,5104;Louie
the charter of the city,but all sound business Accepted and vote by which said resolution Committee on license.
principles. Assume that any ember of this t Ald,Gahan was adopted reconsidered-yeas, From Joseph Pieha- Hanlon,828;T.J.Kenny,d S.
H. 1 Neal,
council was the ageut of n absent property 16. Asking $2,000 damages-In dries--detective 320;Fooa d•Co.,$19.90;Ed 8.Be.".$113.90:
owner,and as such agent he,through sentiment The s[lon then bels u on the ado tion of sidewalk,South Wxlfnehp..and East Fillmore Die VolkzeltunR, $184.74: Bohrer & Mue�ier:
qua B p p $4.15;R.T.O'Connor 32.66;Geo.lgren.
or sympathy,should pay for lumber,groceries, said rreolutlnn of AIV.Gahan, Lhe veto of the streets. Au st L.Tilleman,$2'00:A.E.AIe1lRren,$33 80;
or any other commodity,$1U, when he could msl'or to the contrary 0otwithetauding, the Committee on claims. AlerrliI,.Toilet odpp]y.il9.75;G.MJtach,$H52.1O;
3 toforit the same kind and quality In the mar same was not sd.oted. From Thos.and Katie Gro mu,by their actor- Meet.Buford&Burwell Co.,S4.50;James Me-
�! I kat for$8,and should continue o to do u it,
1'eae-Aid. Batiholzar, Bleleiiberg, Dobner, tie t4'arner,Richardson and Lawmnce-
i the return of hie Ya, llonnld,$81;Held&Gruenhegen.84 50;Chlca-
principal,hue could he explain Dondden.McNamce,A[elady-({. Asking damages on secuunt of depth of Jumso ger Burlfngtou&Northern railway,317.34;F.
his reasons for eo doing? Would he not eslecc, Nays-Aid.Conley,Copeland, Costello. Flan- Grogan,causeA by being drowned In pond at G braper&Co.,579.63:Dnx&•Ullman,$47.05;
his conduct becoming known,to be sum- draw,Gehsn, Millen, 9auborn, Sulifvan. Van .later
street and Brewster avenue. Anderson&Arond. 81.70;American Manufac-
TTT mnrily discharged,and a mors faithful agent "red.
Committee on claims. turfing Company. $14.25; Boerlwger & Son,
��be�ituted ill hie Place? Mr.President escneed(rote voting. From J.Macqueen&Co.- 827 26; John Be & Son, 318.80; For-
Fourch-6he laboring men have 1n the Past From John P.Peterson and others, commit- deking to have transferred to them,to be u
deemed It advisable to enter upon atriL•ee for tee of Arlington Hills Citizens'Union- used et 88 D_hOrn a `sfe Butcher License No. re tel Bros., 888! N.ribber,
um K. P.
the purpose of enforcing and in ming what p o[eain Pdlmi, 312 J. P. Gribben Lumber Co..
they claim Lo be their rights.These atriken have g egalndt building of bridge across 66,issued to G.11.Ordemann. g1,144 5D;F.W.Hadfield.5384.65;J.C.Hati-
been,In men• cases, based Phalen creek.
I" uyou reasonable Commktee, streets. Commrt tee on Incense. ley Llme (.o., 8118.80:Pcnczek& Zbkmund,
claline;and whenever so based,although not I. From B.Hiller- $14.20;Northwestern Stamp works,75;Nicola
3 ways attended with aucce.n,the strikerx have From CS'rus Brooks- For rmiseion to transfer to Anton Wenzel, &bean,817.08:H. M.CTo,by,318.16;Robert
recelved the evm thy of the thoughtful Asking for refunding of$886,Lincoln Park pe
pa People 1088 Rice street,Hatcher Licen,e No.99. Steger,83,886.20;Azotlne Afannfacturiug Com-
ot this country. Buc can it be Possible that any assessment. Committee on 1(cense. piny.32,Bu0;Joseph Anete[t.$72.36;8cornes
of the Idends of this resolution could,with ren- Committee on claims. &Denny.587.50:St.Paul Sanitation Company,
son,adl7ee the employee o[ this rlty to go out From A,S.Tslimadge, Secretary Chamber of From P.F.Harr,Vim President St.Paul City 496 80;Joseph GIil'e 514.20;Brown,one
on strike,provided inle resolution should fall Commerce- Railway Company- &, Co-, g27.g0; Northwestern Telephone Ex-
- Lo become s law'f And in cave[hey d1d o out, Transmitting coo.Of resolution adopted by stating[int bridges on Como and Snelling change Company, $105.25; Board of Water
felt not true that nineteen out of twenty wrork said chamber relating to manure,ate.,ai tlump- avenues ere ineu91c1nnt(or the purpose of carry- Commissioners.5867.40; Wyckoff,
lugmen of this city who are not ow fug Rrpunda. inR electric care Benedict. 814.80: R.L. Polk d•I. 380;8L.
f Commlctee oo streets. Committee on ways and means. Raul Book&Statloaery Co., 3287.94:E. AIG•
fortunate lough to be 1n Ica pity- From A.S. Tallmud a From Thos.Lowry, president St. Paul Clty Names, 8118.62; biepatch Prlu[inR Company,
meat ould immediately apply for the pool B. Secretary Chamber of -
tion of such mploye triking, and would Commerce- Radaay company- $8.Cc.,; P.V. Dwyer & Mroe., $2.i2:Peoples'
gladly accept the ru11uR price through this city TranamittWR communication from said Asking for an extension of time within which Ice any,SS&09:Northwes[eru Chronicle,
ftor wngra? chamber,relative to old Point Donglae and Lo brgln the operation of the eexiugton,Afhine- $2 H2; Mark GIIII.Pie. 60 cense; Maxfield & �1
Fltth-AS a friend of the workingmen fu their Hastings road. haha,Snelling and Langford venues line until Senbu,,84.113;J.Y.Adamson&Cq.,$87.898:
Il just demand,,I cannot approve this resolution. Committee on streets. Nov.1,1890,em.;also calling council s often- a Plower Coen e,ny1.rJ61 N1iatElectric
or the further reason that I do not believe the From A.S.Tallmadlte, Secretary Chamber of tion to Insufficiency of Snelling and Como ave- pp
i. - workingmen of this city demand that Its em- Commerce- noes Drldaea St.Paul Gne Light Company, $1Et,H04.21; 8t.
ployes be selected na s privileged class and re- Relative to Lexington avenue bridge over Accepted• Paul&Yaclfle Cosl Company,8891.70:
cefve higher wages than RI.M.majorlty of the. Great Northern railway'racks. Aid.Dobner ofen:d a resolution extending fluala coset�etion filo r-b.9-de hol ss.$3,672;T.
less fortunate. I cannot believe that the coon- Committee oriStreets and city engineer. time se asked(lir. e
ell, 1n passing this resolution, have been the From Edwin 8hugard and Others- Abd,1,ehan offered an amendment adding to Relfly,Estimate No.6,wooden sidewalks,1890,
hfende of the laboring people, for the meson For a newer on Arcade street. said reeolutlai of Aid.llobner s proviso that 38,080.94;P. Doherty, N'atimate No. 2 and
t that,1n my observation and experience,the la- Board of public works with order Bald railway company continue to operate Its final sewer on Charles street,388.26; T.Ito
people,ere a class,are thoughtful,reason- From Angier Amee,Hazel Park- horas can on Acker street,etc. uey,Estimate No.4 and flnel,grading H.
able and Intelligent,and do not demaud that For permission to privately grade Autumn Amendment adopted. den park,,sewer o J.a Nslsou, eat,$12 N0.
aleglelntton eo uuJuet,so distriminathig fu iia op- slid other stree[e. Yeas 16-Aid.Fiaadreu excused from voting. 2 and final,Bawer on Bescmont street,$129:t
station,,o demoralizing In Ire effect,shall bin Granted. (see meolutlon.) - The said reaohitlon of Ald.Dobner was them- J.Symonds,Estimate No.4 supPplementary to
n passed or attempted In their behalf. It le such From Wm.L.Ames and others-- P. adopted u amended. (See resolution). No.8 and final, sewer on RODIe street, 9B0;
lir .
ii AMM ,
• e
Thornton A,Shaw,Estimate No.5 supplement- Aid.Sanborn made the point of order that a The board of public work.have bad undercon. provement,and an order for your adoption,if
sty to No. 4 and final,sewer on Tuscarora division of the question could not be had be, sideration the resolution or order of thecommon you desire us to make the improvement.
+f street,$25;W.J.Preston,Estimate No.4.aup- cause of the eberecter of said pay roll.. council, approved May 29, 1890,relative to Yeas,4;Days,0. R L.GoaMAx,President. 1.
F j ylementary,W No.8 and final,sewer on Part• The chair held said point f order not well the cecening and extension of Bunte—us. 1
land avenue,825;Lauer Bros.,Estimate No.4, taken. from%a nerd street to the east eftylimlts,and, J.T.Kang of-
'} supplementary to No.8 and final,atone side- The said pay rolls wets thereupon allowed In having Investigated the proposed improvement: Clerk of the Board
of Public Worlce.
' walks,898.98;M.Tracev. E.timate No.8 end full nP to Aug.15. Respectfully report that
It la neoeseair soil Ilep t.2,1890.
e Hurl.grading Hoyt avenue 9471-J.W.Mnloney, Yeas,15, roper to open,w•lden and extend Burne avenue, Adopted.(See order to board of public works).
5 I Estimate No.O and final,grading Page street, Nay Ald.Copeland.Costello-2. from the center lig of Kennard ets)xeG;produced Also, I•
A[ 81,664. AI Sanborn moved that said pay toile be aoutb, to the easterly city 11m1t4. that the
Allowed and ordered paid by following vote: .]'owed on a basis of four-fifths of amount estimated expense thereof Is 87,607.that teal es- Fuller Street Cowed
Yee".—Aid. BahhOlzar,HielenbeB.Soft,l;on- stated for cenod from Aug.16 to Sept.1. tate to be sseessed therefor can be found benefited To the Common Council of the city of
s i leyy, Copeland, Costello, Donner. Dorn den, Lost. to the extent Of the demaRee,costs and ezpe The board of public orks have Dad under
' Flsudrau, Geha., McNamee. Malady. Mines, Yens—AIA.(q land,Costello,Flandrau,San- .—Dry to be Incurred thereby:that esld]in- consideration the ereolutlon or. re.
9anborn,6ulllven.Van Slyke, Mr.Presideut— bnnl.Sullivan,Dir.President—e, vement le nom .skedofor be.petltoobnof mon council,approved August 22,1890,mlatfve
17. Nay„—Altl. Banholzer,Blelen bete.Brett,Cn- mr J city of the wee f pertY to the eonetruetlo. of newer Fuller
h but we herewith•send.plan O[ street,tmm Mackublu street to D.I. street,
Also, ley,D,Ald Bann en, Gahan, MCN.t.t. Me- ee.nedt eretor,
1 Ixdy,Mluen.Vau SIgke-11. id Improvement.and an nder for your mdop- and,having investigated the proposed improve-
Pay colla,mutest and sewer force—Auauet.1890 Ald.Me Names m ed that said payroll be tion.1f you desire un to make the improvement. m t: 1 II rt that.aid Improvement
1 ht hours day— allowed Iv full. Yeas,4:nays,O. em a."u y report
+ To the houotxb;n➢reeiAent xnd common cotta L..t. A L.GoamAN,Pmldevt. neces y end pp per togeuher x•Ith tee neCes-
,;' n of the e1tY of St.Paul—Gentlemen: Years—Ald. Banbolser, BlelenheM Bott•Con- J.T.Roegge. Bary catch beeins and hole".- the[the eatii-
Tae nceom Pau ylnR pay rnllm of the street and ]eY.Rohner.Dontidev.HeNnmee.Meladv.Mmes, Clerk o[the Board of Public Work.. ted e�pe se thereof le$1,87[1•one-half
er forcers for the th t All..r.1800. Van Rlvke-11. Sept.21,1-90, mwch need not en paid roto the dty trea.urY
1 ^•'I amounting to $'11.68067 and g2!154.511. Nayx—Aid.(:opeland.Coatello.Flsvdreu•San- Ado ted.(See order to board of public w orks.) beforethe contract ie let;that-a1
tete to De ^j
epectively,a correct,and I lin,
boat. ullivan.Mr Pttnident—e ➢ therefor can be found vaeH to the 7
t�:I. �rewent tG to u=,:
honorable lin,for allow- Of Corporatlou Atigntev—Petition of William Also' ztet t t the coot and ezpensee y to Da
whtchv Iroe a Lwo third vote 12 Broome. D Attorney S.L.P1 ecce. Refundln BIztD Btteet Hrid 6u rstructute— 1n acted tDereby: LDst xaid improve L is
creation of mutt 2y,wance represents m appro- of m y paid of airy Lroaeuror's Hale Te g To the Common C unci of the qty of St.Paul: of ked for Dy a pmtitlon 1 a majority
I ace Park addltlon, Lawton street Impro The board of public eke have htW under but by large number 1 the o
r( The city engineer has Informed me that the t. ronefder.tlou the reeolutfov or order [ the of property to bre d therefor, and
- .ie force.have worked ten hose each day up mCnarporetlon attorney recommends pawn ie of e m on until,approved Aug e, 1890,rale- we berewlth send a plan of said imprnvemevt
Lo Aug]rand and eight hours each day up to
Aug. ordinance for payment of said mono Live to the conetructlon of the mupeg tructnre d n order for your adoption,D you desire uta
81.In conformity to the reeoluthin oI your hon- Adopted. (See Ordln.nce Ko.1,400.) [the brags on Slzth stmt, from pofnt 60 to make Lbe im Drovemevt.
tab,e body,approved AUR.e•1890,trovetituL Of City Engineer Wllllam Reimer'".tlalm, feet west of Brook street to.polios 110 feet Yea..4;,U.
't�1 IHR e1Rht honro sa a day's work. These pay $]10,Bldweil street culvert,etc. t of the at Ilne of Commnrciel treat,and R.L.Gona�rr.Pmldeut-
Y,{ Ile apresent the same price.per day.e have City gineer ,o do that of having Investigated the proposed improvement: J.T.%amtan.
tf '� been Find upon all former rolls(afore the pave- $98.40 be allowed Bald Sell—. Respectfully report that it fe "e-a-1 y Clerk of the Board of Public Works.
])•'r age of Aid.Ryan's teenlutlou, pproved Hey 6, AdOpled antl corporation attorney Instructed d proper to etruct the superetruall_of geyt.2,1890.
1 1387,renRIng for the stmt fore,per day,at to draw ordmance. the bridal on Sixth street,from a point 150 feet Adopted. (Bea order to board of puDllC
, $2.60. 88,R4 (IeDorere, Also. t of the east line of Kittson street to a point worts)
Carpenters, foramen and tenme[nre),and for Estimate.— Jjofeeteamtoftheeastlinaof Commercial street;
the sewer force,per day,at 81.76,$'2.50 and$8 The ityy ¢Inter Bubmlte pproved by him that the emtimaud expense thereof 1.8188.000.
f F (reaborero,teamese and foremen). Aid.Ryan'. N 8.Broadwa bride;ubetructure, ...half of which need not lro Pmd into Cha cl[p Aroor Street Cradlna—
eolutfon re re
only to the street force. KIrklautl and 8twrke $1 504.50;Estimate No, treaeu before Lhe c.tract ]s let:that al To the Common Counefl of the City of 8t. Pid l:
Very Reepecthilly. 5.Selby'venue=.ubstrnctur m.CrStone, tete to be aeeesecd therefor can be found belt. The board f pabllc work,have had nder
Jomx W.Rocas, $1.224. eflted to the extent of the e t vd consideration the volutn r der f the
I Ply Comptroller. Allowed slid referred to tom troller. ye necessary to be Incurred thereby:[Dat c cll,%pproved July 16.1890,
Sept.2,1890. Yeas—Aid.Henholrer,Blelenberg, BOtt, Con- a Id 1m➢rovement Is not faked for by a petition Live Lo grading Arb street,from_J. t� t
Accepted. Ie Co lend,Costello,Donner Dornlden,Plast. of. at crit wn rocepe ya a pro-
f The ue tion bein pore y (,than•McN.mce. Melsll•, Minta, Ban- aeseeee�tbexfor.thet we herewith d Dan posed Improvement:avinR lnvestlgnted Lb
i p _ y R u Lhe allowance of said dean, y Ott pre y repo provemev
,j"roll,the wss not adopp�od. born,Sullivan.Van Slyke.Dl r.Presldenf�l7. red profile of ealA9mprovement,xnd a der Ree tial] pretrthat id Im t la
.—Aid.Bauaolrer, Blelenberg, Bott,Con- Of Igpector of BuddlttRe—Rnporf.for July, for Cour adoptlou,If you desire ua[o make the ye�atDmcan'le$ bnlf of which need of
Iry a0obner. Dornldnn. Gena., McNamee, ]tl90—qty tre.suxr'e reeelpt 70r$1.088.60. Imp ovemevt. bnn�Id to the city treasury before tea COD-
Melady,Van 91yke-10. Committee on ordinances and public ao Yea..4;uaY..0. p� that I tato be be ae -n'
Nays—Aid. Copeland• Costello, Plandrau, counts. R.L.G......Preetdtmt. tract
can ire found benefited to the extent of
Bav boen,.8ulllvan.Dfr.Prealdent-6. Of C1elrk f Muulclpnl Cnur[—Report for Au• J.T.KEftae.. tp be lneurred
p 1.
Aid.Sanborn ov d that meld pey roll be.I. goat, 1890—GYty treasurer'. tecefpt for $8,- G9erit of the Board of Public Work& the cost d ezlw necessary
lowed on the battle f Intl claim rep to the 16th 443.76. Benpt.'2,1890. thereby:that— ammraovement le not asked for
t day of AURumt.and four-fifth.of.mount elated Committee ordinances and public aF Adopted.(Seeorder to board of public works.) by s petition 1 fority,DUL by large
atter Lhnt time. Countx, pre Also, umber Of the ow ere of prorrty W be
? eesxed therefor and we herewith send.plan
i. Ald.Donner moved to amend by o alloig one Of C11lef of PoBce—Report for August.1R90: Hague Avenue Sewer— =pd..flleof..idlmprovement,andan order for
+ l tb.t ppart of mid motlon refacing to.t state
Finer collected by municipxl Cvurt,88,099. To the Common Council 7f the City of St.Paul: your adoption,R you desire us to make the]in
of said pay r lie at tour-Nth.o/amount stated. Committee on ordinances an
pabllc account.
Said amendment adopted. Of C. talo of Police—Report for August, The board of Public work. have Dad under provement.
S. I Yeas—Ald.Banholur, Bfelenbetg,Bott,Con- 1800: Gas lamps not lighted•7;all 1.mpe not coneiderstlon the resolution or order of the Yree,4;nays,O.
1 I ley,Donner,Dornlden,C:ehans.MeNamee,Melody, lighted,881, common wast]],approved Aug.22, 1890.rel.- R.L.GOnMAN,President.
Mine.,Van Slyke-11. qty Comptroller. Live to the col, truction of a oxer on Hague J.T.Kga¢ea,
I +fY Nays—Aid.Co laud,Costello,Flandrfau,81n- O/ in =111L Meyers, Tenth Ward—Re- avenue,fromDale stmt to Fisk street,and hav perk of the Hoard of PUDIIc Works.
4r 1 born,Bulllveo. Mr.President-8. ort for August,1880: City treasurer's receipt 8 proposed
CC m inn 1-r1 ted the pro sed Improvement: Be t.2,1890.
t - The question then being upon Aid.Sanborn'. for$12. pactfuily report that said improvement le Adopted. (Bee or6er to board of public
l said motion as amended the was lost. Committee oll ordmancee and ublic accounts, necessary and proper, together with the Decee- works).
Yeas—Ald.Banholur,B(elenbets, Bott,Con- O!Powtdmaster Truax—lk port for August, Bary catch baslns..d manhoies; that the eetl- Also,
ley, Donner,Dorniden, Gehwt,McNamee. Me- 1890: City treesurer'x receipt for$28.75. mated expense thereof le $8.144 one-half of
j lady,Mines.Van 81 ke-11.
Committee on ordinances sad pabllc accounts. hirA need not be Dld Into the Clty treasury Hills Addition—Alley Grading—
Nays—Aid. Copeland, Costello. Flsudrau, Of Poundmaeter Hlances Report for August, before the contract Pt let:that real estDte tobe To the Common Council of the qty of d Paul:
Sanborn,Sullivan,Dfr.Pteefdent-6. 1890: CR tnm,uxr'e race]t for 810. assessed therefor can be found benefited to the The board o[ public work. have had of..dee
-, Aid.Sanborn moved that said pay mile be Committee on ordi.ancea and public accounts. tent of the Coat and pensee necessary to be consideration the resolution ul r
168 BO,the
allowed to full,a".stated, to Augl and mcumd Charon that Bald Im C le not Common cll,approvedy i'
rep g- oePoBr OF Boron Or Pulsus woman. PB npeo yrs y a p
dfe.11owed ea to romalnder. asked for by s tltlon of a rit but b tfve to g elle Il block a of po a I--
Aid. Fl..d—u asked for a division of the Burne Avenue Opevinq,etc.— mber of tbe owners o[property to be aeeeaeed tion.end,having nvesLgated the proposed I--
To the Gommo.CouneR of the City of St.Paul: therefor,and xe berowlth;end a plan of said lm- provement:
} i
f, 1
'r'`�_,,i„.,, ��tfi,:)t S r�;r;:..i i ;..". �'i ,. t![ iF� 1*a.ta� �kt,F.,+'.f ;��C'�rr ��`x.,�r.• �§�' t�`:i'*','.s •��-ti ..+.* .�. a"EA '".,,,;�,L a
3;� F'� � '"v`.-;�� �ayes- �k �,
1 S±
Thornton&Shaw,Estimate No.5 supplement- Aid.Sanborn made the point of order that a The board of public work.have had undercon- provement,and a.order for your adoption,
it .
j ? I ary, to No. 4 and Runl,.ewer on Tuscarora division of the question could not be had be- efderationthe resolution ororderot thecommon you desire an to make the
improvement. !?
Street,$26;W.J.Preston.Estimate No.4,Sup- cause of the character of Said pay rolls. council, approved May 29, 1890,relative to Yeae,4;Hoye,O.
Fla entary to No.8 and final,newer on Port- The chair held said point of order not well the oDDeeul.g nil extenelou of Bunts w-us. R.L.GoaazAx,President. ,
{' a d avenue,826;Lauer Bro.,Estimate So.4, taken. from liemiard street to the east city limits.and, J.T.KEazER,
eu plementnry to No.8 and final, atone aide- The said posy rolls were thereupon allowed in having Investigated the proposed improvement: Clerk of the Board of Public
g woe,$ea.98:DI.Tracey, Estimate No.0 and full up
to RUB•16. Reepeettully report t t it is neceesay and Sept,2,1890.
l + fit L grading Hoyt avenue,8471;J.W.Mnioney, Yem,15. proper to open,widen and extend Hurn.avenue, Adopted.(See order to board of public works).
e # Estimate No.a and final.grading Page street, Naye-Aid.Copeland,Costello-2. from the center line of Kennard Street,produced
$1,554. Aid.Sanborn moved tbnc Said pay rolls be south, to the easterly city limit.; that the Aleo,
Allowed and ordered paid by following vote: allowed an a beats of fouo-fifthe of amount estimated ez ne thereof Is$7.500:that reales- Fuller Street Sewer-
1 �7 Yeas--Aid. Ba.hnlm,,, Bielenberg,Butt,Con- stated for penod from Aug.15 to Sept.1. tate to be nreee ned therefor con betound b¢nefited To the Common Council of the
City of St.Paul:
f 'q leyy. Cepciand, CDatellp, Dobner, Do-detr, Lost. tothe extent of the damages,costs and expenses The board of public works have bad under
Flandrau, Gehau, McNamee. Melady, mines, Yeas-Aid.Co land,Costello.Flandrau,San. necessary to be incurred thereby:that said Im- consideration the resolution ororder of
pl Sanborn,6uHlvan,Van Slyke, Mr.President-I born.Sullivan,Mr.President-e. provement is not asked for by a petition oI a mon council,s➢Proved August 22,1890,relative
lite ,is - 17. Nay,--Aid. Bauh.1mr,Blelenberg,Bott,[on- majority of the ntaners of property to be se- to the construction of a sewer o Fuller
i Also, lel.Dobner. D.-Iden, Gets., McNamee,Me- sesecd therefor,but we herewitrh ne= a plan o[ atreet,from Mackublu street to Dai. street,
lady,Mines,Va.Slyke-11. said lmprovement,and an order for your adop- and,having investigated the proposed Improve-
i Pay roils,o met and sewer tome-August,1890 Ald.McNamee moved that said pay roll be tion.II you desire us to make the Improvemeut. m nt:
ght hours dry- allowed in full. y¢ae,4:nays,0. Respectfully report that said improvement f.
q �.. To the honurab;e prenldeut and common conn- Losc. R.L.GORMAN,President. necessary and proprq together with tne R=-
3 11 of the city of Sc.Paul-Gentlemen: Yeah-Aid. Banho)ur. Btelenherg,Butt,Con. J.T.KE.geR, Bary catch baelne and manholes; Lhpc the e�ti-
The aaompmn yang purl-mile nI the stmt and ley,Dobner,Dorniden.McNamee.Melsav,Mine., Clerk of the Board of Public Works, m ted ex one thereof 1.$1,970,one-half of
newer fours for the tb of Ain a il.1890. Van 8lyke-11. Se t.21,111110. which need Hoc be paid into the city treasury
amounting to$21.580.07 and 82.064.50,rr Say.-Aid.Copeland,Costello.Fbicamu,San- Adopted.(See order to board of public works.) before the contract is let;that real estate to
1' epec[ively,are correct,and I pec respectfully bora.Sullivan.Mr.Ptesident-ii. .assessed therefor cad be found benefited to the
cdm to your honorable body for allow- Ot Corporation Attorney-Petition of WII11am i11eO' extent of the cost and eapennee necessary to be
sum, which reqquires a two-third vote (12 Broome, by Attorney S.L.Pt ecce. Refunding Blzth Street Bridge 9uperetructure- fncurred thereby; that said improvement
votes),as an.Ilowance represents an epyro- of money paid at city treasurer's sale,Ter- To the Common CouncO of the qty of St.Paul: not"it for by a petition of majority
s 1 pnatfon of mon¢y race Park addition, L.It..street lmproye- The board of ➢ublle works have boil under but by a lsrge number of the owners •:+
- The city engineer hes Informed me that the meat. The
the resolution or order f the of property to it .eeeer d therefor, and S
r t._ ala forces Lave worked ten hours each day up Corporation attorney recommends passage of common eouncll,approves Au&B, 1890,relay we herewith send a plan of
Said Improvement
i 1 to Aug.15,and eight hours each dry up to Aug• ordinance for p.ymeut of.aid money. Live Lo the construction of the superstructure and an order for your adoption,said,
you desire an
' 81,In conformity to the resolution o[your bon- AdopDted. Csce Ordinance Ko.1,400.) of the bridge on Slzth Street, from p Int 60 yo make the 1mDrovement.
p orebie body,approved Aug.B,1890,cone[icut- Of LYty Engineer-William Re 1r'e clew feet west of Brook street to a poititn 110 teat Yess,4;nays,0.
�. 119 eight hours re a day's work. Thee pay Sl I.,Bidwell street culvert,etc. east of the east line of Commercial street,and R.L.Goaazex,President.
Ila represent the same prices per day as have qty ginerr recommends Lhet the Sum at Laving lnvatigsled the proposed lmprovement: J T.KF.RKER.
been paid u➢an s0 former rolls(since the pees- $98.40 be allowed said Reimer. Reepecttullp report that 11 i. necessary Clerk of the Board of Public Works.
ge of Ald.Ryan's resnlutlou, pproved May 5, Adopted and Instructed and proper to construct
the superetructura of g¢p t.2,1890.
t 1887),ranging for the.trees force,➢er day,at to draw ordivana. the bridge on Sixth street,from s point 150 feet Ado➢red. (See order to board of public
81.76,82.26, $2.60. $8,84 (ISDorere, Also, east of the east line of Klttson street to.polar worts
1 cerpeu[ena. foremen and teamsters).
ad tar Estimates- 110 feet east of the east line otC:ommercial street; ) Also,
I j- 1 the sewer tom,per day,at 81.75,$'1.50 and 88 The city engineer submits approved by him that the-financed expense thereof Is 8138,000.
1' (laborers,teame.1 and foremen). Aid.Ryan's The
No.6.Broadway bridge substructure, one-half of which Reed not as
paid Into the city Arbor Street Grading- -
�' resolution refers only to the street force. Kirkland and Starkey,$1.504.50:Estimate No. treasury before the contract Is let:that of To the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul:
Very Res curly. Selby avenue brldce substructure, C. Stone, estate to be assessed therefor can be tonnd ben- The board of public orks have had under
J=W.Rocas, $1.224. efited to the extent of the east and consideration the resolution r der of the
j �.ity Comptroller. Allowed and referred to comptroller. ¢zpeneer necessary to be Incurred thereby;that c moron council,approved July 10,1890,rele-
i Sept.2,1890. Yeas-Ald.Banholrer,Bielenberg, Bott,Con a Id improvement is not asked for by a petition five to grading or
street,from J.mea street
Accepted. ley,Co l.nd,Costello,Dobner Dorniden,Flan- of s ma ority of the owuere of property to be Gena street,and,having Investigated the pro- (•
• The qua tion being upon the allo ante of said draw,[Saban, Mcvamee, M.laril', Mi.ea, aeaessed there[.r,ppuut we herewith send a plan Dosed improvement:
�1 pay roll'A'
the some was not adopted. born,Sullivan,Vau Slyke,Mr.President-17. and profile of sald7mprovemeut,and an order Respectfully report that said improvement Is [;
j+. Yens-Aid.Banholmr.Hie]eu erg, Bott,Con- Of Inspector of Buildings-Report for July, for your adoption,1f you desire is
[o make the necessary and proper, that the timsted a-
.IR.. ley, Dobner, Dorniden. ehau, kleNames, Of
treasurer'.receipt Ice$1,038.50. Inn covemeut. peace thereof 1.$ of went
Ich need not
1; Malady,Van Slyke-10. Committee on ordinances and public ac- Yeas,4;nays,O. b.paid into the city treasury before the con-
_ Nays-Aid. Copeland, Costello. Flandrau, counts. R.L.GonazeN.President. tract Is let; that al estate to be assessed
Bapborn,Sullivan,Mr.Preeident-R. Of Clerk f Municipal U ort-Repport for Au- J.T.KERKm therefor can be found benefited to the extent of
1111111;i Aid.Sanborn moved that said pay roll be si- gust, 1890-City treasurer's receipt for $3,- Clerk of the Board of Public Work. the cost aad ex Hees noceeeary
to be financed
�(- lowed on the basis f fall claim up to the 16th 441.75. Be t.2,1890. thereby:that said 1mDrovement ie not asked for
�( day of August,and four-fl the oI amount stated Committer on ordinances and p
.Iter that time. public at, Adopted. (Smorderto hoard of publieworlc�.) by n petition o[ a majority, but by large
number of th4 owners of proppeerty to be an-
Aid.Dobner moved to amend by sinking out Of Chief If Pollee-Report for August,1890: Also, - -and therefor,and we berewlth send plan
£¢ s that part oI aald motion misting to al:owanm Flues collected by municipal court,88.099. Hague Avenue Sewer- and profileofsald lmprovement,and mr order for
It" of.aid Pay rolls at torr-flfthe of amount stated. Committee on ordhi.ncea sod public amount.. To the Comoro.Cpuncil i[the City of Bt.Paul: your adoption,R you
desire us to make the im•
Bald amendment adopted. O( (:aptaln of Police-Report for August, TLa board of public orks have bed under provement. -
- Yeas-Aid. Banholur, Bielenberg,Hotf,Co.- 1890: Gas]amps sot Hghted,7: if lamps not conefder.tiou Lhe resolution or order t the Y'ees,4;nays,O.
ley,Dobner,Dorniden,Gehan,McNamee,Melody, lighted,881.
t t common council,approved Aug.22, 1890.rela- A.L.Goexu+,President.
Mines,Veit Slvke-1I. Lily Comptroller. five to the construction of a sewer on Hague J.T.KERRER,
tz i Nays-Aid.Coppeeland,Costello,Flandrau,San- Ot Poundmaeter Meyere. Tenth Ward-Fie- venue,fr..Dale accent to Fisk street,and hay Clerk of the Board of Public Works.
bom,Sullivan. Mr.Pmfdent-6. port for August.1890: City treasurer's recelpt 1n Investigated the proposed improveme.t: Se t.2,1890.
The question then being noon Aid.8anboru'e for$12. Respectfully report tbat a id Improvement fe Adopted. (See order to board of pubhc
esld motion a.amended the same was lost. Committee ou ordinances and pubilc amount. necessary and➢roper; together with the arms. works). j
r Yea.-Ald.Bauholzrr,Bielenbenc Bott,Con- Of Poundmaeter Trnax-11[port tar August, eery catch bsaine and manholes; that Lhe esti- Aleo
ley, Dobner,Dorniden, Gehau,McNamee, Me- 1890: City treasurer's receipt for$28.75. mated eapenne thereof Is $8,144 one-half of
j 7 lady,Mines,Van Slyke-11. Committee on ordinances and pubilc recounts. which need.0t be paid into the cjty treasury Hills Addition-Alley Grading-
Nays-Ald. Copeland, Costello. Flandrau, Of Poundmaeter Hinkel-Report for August, before the contract is let:that real estate to be To the Common Council o[Lhe City of
Sanbom,Sullivan,Mr.Preafdent^-0. 1890: City treasurer's recelpt for 810. ameseed therefor can be found benefited to the The board of public works have had under
Aid.Sanborn moved that said pay rolls be Committee on ordinances and public accounts. stent of the coat and expenses heoeeeary to be consideration the resolution or order of
allowed la full, Re stated, up to Aug.16,and Incurred thereby;that said lmprovement fa not common council, pproved July 18,18D0, `71-
sallow an to remainder. earner 0e ansa.or event woaEe. asked for by a petition of a majority but by a ative to grading alley In block a of HIII'e eddl-
Ald. Flandrau asked for a division of the Burns Avenue Opening,etc.- number of the owners of property to be aserased Llan,and,having investigated the proposed Im-
gcestfon. To the Common Council of the City of St.Paul: therefor,and we herewith send a plan f said im. provement:
ea ;r r x•,cy;=a wx+ ,tr' � rrAt"'� '� �:� r
fj 1
y Ree [fully report that said improvement la river,and between Chestnut treat ad Rich. In the matter o7 the protest of Ernst Romberg liable
Manned es street, they being the lowest re-
"{ ecee y and proper, that the estimated mond street,in accordance with an order of the and others eeRgainst the wading o[ the alley lu liable and[eeponalble bidders therelor,amount
: a panne thereof Is $74.80,one-half o7 which common council approved July 16,accompanied block 18,HO cOmbe's addition to St, I bid,53,700;bond In the cum o7$40U,
with ;
3 I need not be paid into the city treasury,before by a communleatlon from Dr.Hoyt,trommia- fertsd b one honorable hod-ov Aug.19,]890, John Donnelly xud Dan. Baker as etirettee.
t the contract is let;that real estate to beaaseeeed .loner- f health,which territory fs m fury to the board f FuDlic works,said board Baid awards taken up separately
and ap
{j therefor can be found benefited I o the extent or shown by the accompanying map,I would [hill i g j¢ave to xturn sold protest with proved by the following♦'ate: CO
the coat d ex awry to be incurred tee follows: tr y pov It, tion oI YI —A1d. Bae
pe t port thatu tM1n apD
thereby.that aafd 1mD nceea t t le notaeked for 1 find[bet the territory which the commls- be,o7 property ownemt ivtereeted said board did ley,CoV%ald,Costello, Malady.
he a titlon of x inn Deity but by s la�¢num- eioner of health deeiree to have 611ed comprlsee June 6.1890,a d yon n report etativg that dexo,Gehev. AVgia yee�e Mr.President-17.n
her of the wv of property to be •d bout efssty acnx.about five of which belong to on
Is neceaaery and proper to grade aid Rey. born.Sullivan, y
therefor.and we herewith sendItpins and profile the railroad company. Estimating that an av- a d did receive n final order.ap Croved June 16. Also.
of said Imyrove ei t,and a i rder for your eraite fill o[five Leet over tble territory Id be b contract.but hi Estimates and Claims— {
desire ue to make the Improve- efficient to abate the a the wo aroal- view to let set g gra ttnu n approved the fol-
pp view of the now linos[ a Imoua pprotest f The board transmits.a led by it, r
t mate cast would be$150,000. Respretmll-aub- the cancra of the Property on inn IluI o[ id lowdm estimate.and claims.Lo-wl'in alley 1n t-
- 1 mYeae,4;nave,O. mltted, L.W.Rnent-Lm�,City Engineer. alley sold board re�pec[fully omm ds that Estimate No.2 and fi=ll,
t j R.L.GoaxwR.President. July 80,1890. all pro id belts in said matter be annulled. Afichel'!12 rewrrangemeut block t.g and southerly
J.T.KERKEn, Alderman clothe ward. R.L.GoaxAv,President. y§block ,Smith's subdlvisimt Stlnson'a dtvle-
Clerk of the Board o7 Public Works, fon,A. Giugles. $77.60;Estimate
No. 2 and I
Aug.21,1890. Also, J.T.KErk of 1
�1 V � Clerk of'the Board of public Works. final,Western lassos sewer.(Martin to Univer-
'�• Adopted. (See order to board of Pub' Alley Opening,etc.—Sc.Paul Proper— city),W.J.Preston,R1U8.07: Estimate No.2
1 , works.) To the Honorable the President and Common Aug.26.1890' d final,Case stmt cewer (Burr to a paint r
Also Council,City of 9t.Paul: Alderman of the ward. 172 feet east of Weetmimter street). P. Doher•
r Jdsaamine Street Change of Grade— Gentlemen: The board of public works here- Al.. ty,$'19U.60;Estimate No.2 and final, Felr-
'. with respectfully returns the final rder,ap- peptics of Charles Keil for outlet from 101 10, mount avenue sewer (Avon to Grotto), P.
To the Common Council of the City of St.Paul: proved July 2,1890,to the matter o[ ring block 11,Brunson.ed,',Jov— Doherty,$^_62; St. Paul Far -company,
The board of public works bale`had der d tending n alley eighteen feet wide,,In 60 cent.;Aterrilt'e Toilet supply.86.
the resolution or o der of the i To the Honorable the Yreefdenc and Common
common council, pproved Aug.22,1690,rela- blue l l.e6t.Paul paroper,from Sixth treat to Council,City of Ft.Paul—Gentlemen: Committee on claims.
five to a cM1an f ode on Jessamine street, point D) Icec outberly from said Sixth The board of public 'cry. hall had under
ge. gr street,with the request that sold order be nu- consideration the petition bereto ttnch,d or Repuar OF eowav OF coSraoL.
-. between Sylvan and Cortland street. and, nulled,and that you allow said board to amend Charles Keil,ow'uer o11ot 10, block 11.Brun- p -`"
1` ' Having investigated tDe yro➢Deed improvement' its report,dated June 28,i8A0,eo as
to read, on a addition w St.Pani,
br.n outlet 'the board of control submlte its re ort for
I� Res tfnll o t that n sty and d [full A east.1890—total eapet[dltu-s,$1,011.77.
pec y re� that it Is necessary and proper Lo opt d ex- from said tot to 6ay.uth affect,Nn pec Y (;ommittee on oMlnanlere end public acCounte.
j�} proo�r.Lo change Lhe grade on Jesexmiue street, Wad sn alley eighW feet nide,in block 11's beg leave to—Port that it (dere him claim g oar IF..A..of afar
ffrr cylvan etmet to Gartland street,ns Indo]- Paul proper,from Sixth street to a point 210 on Ile,_p recommends that the St.Y.ul The board mels.—crity to place insurance
by the red line on the a.ceem ponying p (def southerly from said Sixth at t.
thence &Northern Pacific Railroad company ahall be
file;that the estimated eapenee thereof fa 560; ten feet witle to has start live of Ioc 16,of ace txiuui¢♦veli o fire depar[meut property.
` I that el eatnte to be aeseeaed
cav be y quired to build the n Y Committee oil
found e. le
e[ed to the extent of the dnmagee sell block I1,and Bald beard leo respectfully along their rl ht t way.t the Imeracetiou o7 a'[o x loirEa9.
f " gnedc teat your honorable body pass a naw Grove stmt gas order to fain.xld street to j Relm and v
l� costs id expenses eeary to be in- filial order,as amended,fora id im t. din to Petition of George asking
d thereby;that sold"=r' orie n [ provemen Lha e.tnblinhed grade,which grade,xceor g [het tent[of Inud on MII[oM street belmDroved
1j j y a pe jo y o[the A p per final der for id lmprovemenc fe the dell a of the court,ie uniform wits the rk
asked for b titlon of rlt P•
oa rn t Property ton assessed therelor,Dnt hewwith submitted far
your a,duytion. grade on Seventh gt—Rt. The Doled —fern .aid petitiou back tocoun- a
we herewith scud a Pixn antl profile oI.lid tin J-T-Lrttgrn. R.L.Goaxwx,P-sfde.t. R.L Goaxwn.Ptraldevt.
provemenc,if you deeirn ue to make thelm J.T.Krmtea. cfl vas
t prove- (Clerk of the Board of Public Worker. CIer6 of the Board of Public Works. The inciter ♦ -]erred to l mmittee
Be L. stmt..
-Yeas,4;nays,0. Adopted.and said final der,a eroved July Aug 28.t890. ase err Oe lding til coatxiasmty� city
J p Alderman of the ward. Contract for building the kitchen,e
R.L.G.-IA",Pre.ide.t. 2,18A0,repealed and I.--led,and Id bonM Capitol avenue and Ireland street grading con Dospi[sl—
� J.T Keagra, 11 1 t e e d requested it.aald rep t tract The hospital commiestou reports[`int It has .'[
Clerk or the Board of Public Works. n�� arden the Taylor(:ells cor tion tM1e con-
Ae t.2,1890. dated Sun 28,189. The board port. that 1t ane awarded aw porn
pp Yeas 17. tract for outhimg kitchen. d bolter
}�I Adopted n d ity clerk instructed to give (bee order to board of public works). Thomas Keough and Dautel Dbnbelly the o laundry'
} f- necesenry p it,I_tlon uoticre. Lract for grading C.p1to1 avenu from HaiW foe nolle for new city and county bonpiLwL
Also* leu to Lexlug[on avenue, d Ireland stmt Accepted and said sward approved.
' tipper Flats—FIRmq tit,etc. Mad,Avenue OPeulug.etc. from Hamliae xve.nat.Lexington.venue,aaid fens—old.Bash Olxer,Bieleuberg.Bott,l;on-
;j {{ To the Common Council of Lhe Cl-o[St.Paul: To the Honorable the President and Common ggre-ding to be done under one mat—et,they be- ley Copeland.Costello,Dobler.Domideu•t
C u ml(,tit [Sc.Paul: ivg chs lowest relaxele id r Pongibl btddere dr .(ash n,McNamee,Alelady,Nines,Sanborn,
The board f public w rka have had idbr Gentleman:rThe board of bile works here- therefor.a mount L bid. $6,180;Dond in the 6ullivan,Van Slyke.Mr.President-17. '
coPalderx[ion othe resolution o rder f thep with Johrt Donnelly and llsn ere ais xo ao titiere.
I ll,approved July rl8.1890,re1aH with pecttully turn the final rder, p- of$1,60,. n Wx and Afenns—Hamlin.
mmo prov¢d wtig.z2.1890.m the m-tter of opening. Eak.e as as-mea. or Comtu,t o ya
{ five to the fllling uP lots and peseta of Iota,scrrete .ideutng ed extending Mariaavenva from North Alao. nue brimge. Great Noctberlt (Mauitoba)
setas e ow.b that I. ow covered with tint to Decatur street at Ito intersection with {
III,S rl waiP•er, howl by-d]lues r accom In Gates stmt grading contract— w Rxfiwap o p-uY— o
olid r p havi.,a cccomo s pubiig Ed-rtuv treat.poi duced eoath.with the r The bmard—ports that rt had n arded Mich- Comma htee on wmye ands-leans re orte tavor-
i ulaeiice,and
haven 1=7,gaud the d quest that aafd Mer be nulled.the same I Tracy the contract for grading(..tee street open on t a landing of c idae Hamllue
'r e g ger propose Delug erroveoua as to deecrlFRton of land to be from St..stmt to Cttr[Ile stmt,De being[he ue xrosa the tracks o7 Lhe yf aiutob-Aa11- t
til 1 Res v tfullt take n,and said board I.h apecctully request lowest-IfaDle and possible bidder therefor: wain company at nn expense not[o exceed the
cceb ry report Lohnt said improveon ant Is Lbet your honon .body page a competed Anal 2d0: Dond in she of u of 8%.Ova,conditioned on tae city attorney )
not as y andp per for he that nt t b[d,$10 blit highw.Y Irom
1 F I! order for said Improve ant. IOo'w�i h Peter Tleru¢v cad Joho A.Tie ney spotting cDat there la a pu
1 tjf property not be foal d benefited to the S2,g t the north end t u h proVoeetl Dredge across
xteiit of the ,at ad expenses vecesesry to be A Proper final order for a id 1tnProvement in erg ore lee. the
)� 1' incurred thereby. Your attention ie respectfully herewith submitted Lour YO Ur=opivtl]?resident. Also, tr�� I pt-aol�rty of the
cNorcheru Pacific Railwa9 -
I-:, ) Invited to the attached report of the city engin- J.T.%saicrn, L St.Paul Proper•alley paving con p f.-
•� a td m.tter. The boned re to that It hes a dad TDO.. co
ted rend matter referred to corporation
f (� -r!. i mattDays,ti. Clerk of the Board of Public Works. H¢Riey the couCract ttha'i int♦till leder block. attorney.
I R.L.Goaxwx,President. Bept.2.1890. the alley known an blocl- 12•St.Paul Also.
J.T.Kragen. Adopted.n d Id order,approved Aug.22, hko— the lowest reliable end_Bell
E Jannor—Centrel Police 6tatlon�OesPh An-
t Clerk of the Boats of Public Works. 1890,-yyeeglad and annulled. piblee bidder therefor. ou t of bid, $049, staff's pettiion
r ! Beit.2.1890. ]eas,17. bond m the nu [5200. with Chase. I. Bic- Comm(ttce rnommende appotntmevt of l•vl-
t} The following Is aid englueer'e report: (See order to board or public works). earthy end W m.H.Egan ere sureties- for.t central po18ceeta�e n,11d Culle., 1, and
i 1 ] To the Board o[FIRS Works: Al.., Also. Adopted,yeas ua P.
Gentlemen: In relntlon to the cost f filling Protest of Ernst R.-I.N and oth—a—Alley lit tract matter re[erred to committee on Ilce.
1 p the low property known the upper Hat, Grading,Hoicombe•a Addition— Albert avenue grad g con Alco.
t lying betiecen the Chicago.St.Paul, inneapo' To the Honorable the President and Common The board reports that ft Dae awarded Thos. t
Keough and Dautel Donnelly the trnet for Mississippi Street Brldga—Wiscottaln Central
i Ila&Omaha railroad track.and the Misaiselpid i:ouncR,City of St.Paul—Gentlemen: grading Albert avenue from Unlvem y avenue Company—
a atu ..,T S' tip /1,;.T
. ,'1"..`+'m N.¢. :r u�.�' r-,`' a"� T' r,,:. d'{ jf,.,• r ,r'S, �,��i. �' '�Sa;:
- t
43 buCommittee dge w acnasreteOotnot more than building;2,00 said yeR�ulee vePr=�once resalOenecona iE1d solved.That the order for an eight(8)toot Section 1. That an
order be drawn npoa the
2 Ado d matter retermd to wr ocarina dsidewalk(wooden)on both aides of Gernuluar city treasury 1n favor of David J. Hea-
p p passed. (bee Ordinance No.1887.)) street,from MlaefeslpDi to Edgerton street, sa esY,payable out of the locbl Improvement
attorney An ordinance was rewd apppropriating0 heretofore given,be corrected Lo read:On south food,for the sum of 81.982.11 with interest
i n for Ilameey Lrouvty—Lake Oezvale c clot• ment of
aide of Geranium tweet, from EffesiesipPl to fromrept. 19,1888,to Juiy 18.1890,atthe
Of Committee on Claims-Ordinance for pay farere. yEdeertou street,with necessary erose-waike. g rtal7 dgmeo nt uderad s'te'no of eafd
mensof certainJudgments— Rules suspended,yeas 17,wad ordinand Heaneeny end agnlaet the city I 9t. Paul forCommittee recommend.passage of substitute second time end passed.
(See Ordinan . By Ald.CopeIsnd— the aum of 81,I.II fn the district court ofordinance. 1888) Reaoived, That the board of public works �mee county In an action
ding upon sp-Adopted. An ardlnance wan mad authoririn¢the - cause au eight(8)toot wooden sidewalk to be con- peel from Lbe con8rmatlon of°sn aaseeementinR of an order
fu favor of W811am Brarneted,un bothsides o[Lawson street with made by the board of PuDlfc work.forthe
Of Committee on Streets,Sewers and Brid _ Lawton street Improvement. aecesaaryexoeswlke,from Clark street to Eerl change of grade of Rosabel street,from Fourth
Ordinance authorizing drawing of a ante Ruee suspended on motion M Ald. , street, atthe earliest posniDle moment after street to the levce,In which the aid David J.
favorof wnerao[ lnvd eouaemned for levee'yews 17,and ordlnanur trod second timLhe�•admg to finished on said street. gennesesy Is nppeliant asci the Cicy of St.Pani
v Weet8t.Paul— Passed. (bee Ordlnence No.1400.) feire ondn t.(:ommit[ee makes an adverse rert. An ocdluance was ad authorizingr p
Adopted. report. Mines to repair frame
barn. By Aid.Copeland— 9x1,1 order to De delivered my upon said
D Aleo, Rulrs euspeuded on motion of Aid. klelady, Reeolved,Tbac tfie boats aa((public work.are Hennessy aatiatyiag eafd Judgment of record and
Ordinance auchorizm Aff.Palm ulet to build yeas 17,and oMlnauce ad eeeoud time and hereby autnorind to ecnacrnbt an(8)eight-toot filing a certificate of eurfi satisfaction
lu the
a 9 wooden sidewalk on the west side of Bradley office of the city comptroller.
additional story— passed. (See Ordhmime No.1402.) - areae,from Mlnnehahs street to Farquier street. Sec.2 This ordinance shall take effect and
.I. Committee recommends the passage of Bald An ordinance was read autb.rizi.9 Geo. eacept where same le already laid. be In force from and after Its p.ssage sad publi-
1 ordinance. Kitsch to erect a frame addition.
k A�apted. (Sae Ordinance No.1,898). Rules suspended ou motion of Aid.Sullivan abrin'.
Also, yeas es and ordinance mad .end time and By Aid.Sanborn— Yeas—Aid.Blnholzer, Blelenberg,Bott,Con- i
(bee Ordhmnas ho.1408.) Resolved;That the board of public orkt ley. Copeland, Costello, Dubber, Dorniden, 1
Ordinance granting Horne&Denzl;ompany per- An ordlu-ace www read antfiorizfog Henry A. canes a plank sidewalk.1.feet wide Lo be C.C. Flandrsu, Gahan, Mealamee. Malady,
t mission to use portion of levee in 61xth Ward— Schneider to erect a trams addition. atr°cted, With all teesaasry cross wslke, on Sanborn,8ullivau,Van Slyke,h[r.Pretldent
17. ¢
{ } r 890.
Committee recommends presage of said uIdl- Rules suspended on motion of Ald.Gehwn the south side of Marshall-'anus,from Miller Passed lee .2.1 EN,President OI Connell.
x7 c
Hance• Teas 17,Ind ordinance read second time and street to Victoria street. Approved Sept.6.1880. '
Adopted. (See Ordinance No.1,401), paeeed. (See Ordhrance No.1404.) pp R...nT A.SA ,Mayor.
1 An ordinance wan read ending section 2 of By Ald.Sanborn— Attest: Taos.A-PlEsnenbeaT,City Clerk.
s l
Of Committee on License— Ordinance No.419,entitled••wn ordinance In re- Ree°lved,That the board of public works Se t 8
Petition of A. E. .7ohnson cit Co.and E.A. letlon to Impounding animals." cause a six-toot wo den stir walk to be con- P
a Whitaker asking for revocation o[railroad Ruler nuepraded nu motion of Aid.Bislenberg, tructed on Lha eget side of Grotto street.from —
runner license granted to Pete: or Patrick yeas 17,and ordinance ad second time and Carroll street to connect With sidewalk already
C Murphy. ) paeaed. (See Ordinance No.1405.) laid near Marshall avenue. ORDINANCE No.1,388- }.j(
t.7 Committee—.mmends that said license be An ordivance(read first time Aug.18,1890,) An ordinance authorizing the payment of a ter-
revoked. eppropnstlaR money for James J.McCafferty Hy yids Sanborn— rain judgment against the ei ty of St-P-ul. r
f c Adopted. one mad a eecoud time and passed. (See Ordl-
Resolved. Thwt Lhe bolts of public works The Common Council of the Cl ty of St.Paul do
} DanA.ce No.14011.) cause s six-foot Wooden sidewalk to be con- ordain follows:
r If 't Of Committee on Ordinances and Public Ac- S hllhgen to emet tr me bwasan u.euthorizinq Johu strutted,with necessary cross walks,on the Section 1. That
a warrant be drawn upon ,
t ( couute--Report examined— south side of Marshall avenue,from Miller street the city treasury in favor of David J.Hennes y
Committee bet examined and found correct Rules suspended on motion of Ald.Blelenberg, L°Victoria street. for of 88711.87,with interest from Dec. 7r
report of board of control for August,1890. yeas 17,and ordinance mad second time and 18,1887,to Aug.NU,A.D. 1889,to full pay-
fI Adopted. Peteed• (Sce OrdIC-.rc No.1407.E� By Aid.Sanborn— mens of that certain udgment rendered ngsinat
} ,.ordin.nce was read -uthorfzing the Day- Resolved,That the board of uDl1c Work. the city of 6t.Paul 1n�svor of said David J.Hen Aa
j f } •) REPOIrIt OF SPECIAL COASlrR2EE.. ant or
OarCpin jndgmetltsagalnsE LDe Clay Ot St.
}f ,t Paul—Brld t A.Rocha and others. cause a cement block eldewalk sin feet wide to newsy in the United States circuit court,district
A ge of Minnesota,for the sum of SS79.07 on Dec.18,
Of committee to investigate matter of suffer- Ruler suspenned on motion et Aid.Mines,yeas De cnrt.trucced on both elder°f psDland avenue. 1887.which said judgment has
1 Ing caused by Lake Gervsls cyclone— 17,and or It
read second Lime and passed. from Western nvrnue to Arundel street,except d
P who such eidewsika have already been con- up and perfected et record. -
( Committee —.meals appropriation of (Sce Ordinance No.1408.) Sold warrant shall be delivered only upon said
$1,000. By Aid.Sanborn— etructed.
1 i * Adopted. Reeolutlon for cement block sidewalk on Also ov both sides of Laurel avenue,from judgment being satisfied of record lu the oeice o[
k p Western avenue tc Arundel e[ttret,except where the clerk of Id United Stwtea circuit court.
Arunde]street. (Presented at meeting of Aug. cement block efdewalks have already been con- District of Minneeota.Ind certificate of said
. Of Alotbd.Hielenbe 6,1890.) aatfefection being filed 1n the I Is of the city
tttl rg—Petition ut W.A.Amae and pldermwn of ward. struc[ed. comptreiler.
from for.avenue. of ort allway Iluea By Aid.Sanborn— Sec.2. This ordinance shall take effect and be
' from Como Front street,to Lex- Ftesohrtion for Police alarm boa-t Lincoln By Ald'Bottr - In force from and after its Publication.
( ington avenue,etc.— p Resolved,That the board of public works for
1a emu and Victoria.creat. Con-
[ , recommends that said petition he Yeas—Aid.Henholzer,B b e r,Do lden,granted• CommlL•ee on polka. the city of St.Paul li and they art herebyau-
Adopted By Aid.Bort o thorized to construct w wooden plank sidewalk "cyan.°Gahan,McN�mee,°MC.-, Mine.,FB-n- -H
_ Resolution rmltting J.W.Lohman to op• eta feet wide,together With elf useeseary erose born.Sullivan,Van slyke,Mr.President-17.
erste ha ata ea at 726 Mnnehaba street. walks on the east side of Flsndrau etrcwt,be-
Of Aid. Bott—Petition of John Fred Elsen- y Lweert East Seventh street and Harvester-ve- Passed BeDt.2,1880.
Committee On streets— O.0.GULLEN,President of Council.
manger and others--Mound street sewer— nae,m the said city o[8t.Paul.
i Committee submits Pro
order. By committee ou way. means— Approved Sept.6,1890
p y RonE=A.Saz ,Mayor.
i Adopted(See order to board of blit works• Re18,188 amending resolution approved
Du ) Dec.18,ridge approprlating money[or B;Iby By Aid.Dorniden— Attest: TRoa.A.:PaENnERDAar,(Yty Clerk.
HISCELLAEEoba nvnnue bridge O'er O, M. cit St: P. Rwflwsy Resolved.That the board of public works sept.8.
Fit Ordinances— tracks;amending resolution rending 560,000 in- cause an eight-toot wooden sidewalk to be laid
An I dieance was read authorizing Dayme, stead 0($20,000 saln original resolution. on the east side o[Nugeat attest•from St.Clair
of udgment favor. David J.Heaneea Adopted. street to the Chicago.Milwaukee k St.Paul ORDINANCE NO. 1,897. r
y. Res
revoking railroad runner llceaee railroad trucks.
An ordinance authorizing the refunding to Hugh
i } lulee suspended on motion of Ald.Gehan, for 1890 granted to P.Murphy.
( yes.17,and ordinance read second time and Campbell the aum of$36.
1 passed. (See Ordin.nca N°.1896. Adopted' The Common Connell of the City ut 8t.Paul do 1,
t An ordinance was read authoriz�ag payment eolutlons for lamps as follows: By Aid. Ordinances, ordain as follows:
J - ot.lud�ent favor David J.Hennes Sanborn, Milton lad Evergreen streets., etc.; Section 1. That an order be drawn upon the
Ilea sus y' by Aid.Conlev,at 679 Broadway. OnDn1Amen No.1,890. city treasurer lu favor of Hugh Campbell for the d
peuded on motion of Ald, Mlnea, Committee on gas. An ordinance authorizing the pa-ment of a sum of 816,t°retund to him the amount of sa-
1 yeas 17,end ordinance read eecoad time and
passed. (Sae DrdiaallCe NO.1398.) PROPO.ED sm.WALE RE.OLUTIONa FOR PA..AOE judgment against the City of St.Paul. aeeamant fie-nld on lot 22 of block 18 of Dew-
1 An ordf=CD wee read authorlringthe refund. ocr.7, 1890. The Common Council of the City of St.Paul do ey,Baas h,Rohrer'. addition to St.Paul,upon
SAS of 415 to Hugh Campbell. By Aid.Copeland— oCd-lu ee follow.: Lhe reaeeesament made for theopeningof Broad-
.Lr(s<, ,.I lr'yt.•`';r,.ry`" .a.1,W''l;•t�, m. ,., i"•,t ;�,"i- rqx - }� `SR. a` `+T'x3''''' jn5`.. '
1, '.'S. i.. ,:.. ;.. .:-.. ,_-, ,1'Fi,�•:j'3 y'l r , {:' ,+, ..J, Y,�, ..C„ t r r,„.p�4 r,��"�,. '�+{` ,� fty.�#'w '`� -e�'f.,
way street,from Grove street to Thirteenth sum of$917.36 and intereat from May 27,A,D. Oittara Cir No.1,402. length by twenty feet In width. All of said work
A - .treat,the said h T.,ment having been bald un- 1890,ac the rate of sevev per cent per snore, shall be done Rms1 the eu rvldaR of and as l
authorized by fhb dletnct court of Ramsey couv- to redemption and cancellation of[Lose certain An ordinance authorizing Peter Minna to repair directed by the bmiding IneRetor of
said dtq
ty ee far r>e it affects said lot. certificates of sale Issued bS the city of fit.Paul a tram:bars partlolly destroyed by Bre. up=s the obtain.-of A proper permit therefor,
S ; Held order shall be delivered only upon there to said William Broome,and bearing date May The Common Covvdl of the City of fit.Pad do Sec.2. This ordinance shall
take effect sari -
' e •i„ being Sled with the dry comptroller a proper re- 27, A. D.1890, mid numbered A6S6, A67I8 ordain as follows: be in force from and atter its vDliastion.
l(l(l(l( f celpi for said num. Afi7,A688 and A689 respectively,which eal� Section I. That Petr Minna le nnthorized to P
fisc.2. This ordinance shall take effect and rtifleatee nem leaned u on n sale made to ea4 repair that certain frame Dern partially do- Yaee-Aid.Banbolttr,Hfelenberg,Bott,Con-
be m toren from and after ice public tion. fefy s Jutlgment In the d7aitrlet court of Ramaep atroyW by fire end dtnsted on lot 4 m block ley,Coppeeland,Costello,Dobner,Dorniden,Fmn-
t�' ! Yea.-Aid.Banholzer,Blelenberg,Bott,Conley, county, Minnesota, agalnst [he real estate in -1 OI West fit.Pani proper,all of whleh eh.lI be drau,Oehav, McNamee,Meladp,Mfinee,
,1,;['j Coyeland.Costello.Dobner,DontWen,Flandrau, aid certlfleates described upon an assessment donevnderthe auperafelon of and ae directed by born,B d Sg.n,Van Slyke,Mr.Pmeident-l7.
Gehiu,McNamee,Memdy,Minna,Sanborn,6u1- for the improvement of Lawton street from the billidlug Inspector oI enld dry atter obtain- Paused fie t.2,1890.
e � liven,Van Slyke,Dir.Preeidentr-17. Grand avenue to Oakland street, which said Ing a permit tberefor. O.O.CULI,Ex,President of Connell,
Passed Sept.2,1890. J figment as well as the said lm provement have, Sec.2, Thi.ordinance shall take effect Rod Approved Sept.6,1890. a
-t O.O.Cul.cex,President of Council. ince the rendiifon of said JudI,.tit,been held be In tome from and after ire pvbllcetIon
. Roeser A.Snare.Mayor.
II ( 7 Approved Sept.6,1890. by the eu rt of the State of Minnesota Yeas--AIA.Hauholttr.Hle, Bott, Con- Attest: Time.A.Pasxvsaoeai',City Qerk.
1- p ureme con B. Sept.8. Y �
,MW71 ROBERT A.SMITH,Mayor, to be un thorized under the charter of thn city ley,Copel�ad,Costello,Dobner.Dorniden,Flan-
i Attest: Taos.A.PEEN....A-,Clty Clerk. of St.Paul, drau,Gehmr. McNamee, Melad}1 Mmes, San- '
# Sept.8. Said order to be�lelivered upon said Broome born.9dlIvan,Van Slyke,Mr.Pre ildenhl7. 06DnlA tan No.1,406.
III delivedug or aurrendermg said cerclficntes to Passed Sept.2,1890. }
GanrxwxcE No.1,898. the city treasurer for cancellation. O.O.CDeiEx,President of Cmtmefl. An ordinance smandmgeeetfon two of Ordinance
Sec.2. This ordinance shall take effect and Approved Sept.6,1R90 No.419,entitled'•Ata ordinance In relation to
An ordinance appropriating Sl X100 to the be in force from and after Its publication. ROuslrr A.Bair.,Mayor. impouuding snimale."
jf ! unty of Ramsey,in the State of Minnesota, Yeas-Ald. Inti Imr,Bicle¢berg,Boit,Con. Attest: Tan—A.PRExnsnaaer,Clty Clerk. The common Connell of the City of fit.Paul do �-
1 Lo and i the Ilei of the-euffercm by the cy- ley,Copeland,Costello,Dobner,DorNden,Flan- Sept.8, daln ea full.-:
t�a done at Lake(+ m.: drau.Gahan. McNamee. Melody, ]fine., San- Section 1. That [ton two o[ Ordinance .�
( r The Common Coundl of the City of St. Paul born, Sullivan,Van Slyke,Mr.P6Wdeut-17. OBptivexmr NO.1,408. No.Section
entitled.Ass ctdm.two
In relation to
j :} Se ordain u follows: Passed Sept.2.1890. An tea meuw authorlaf Geo impouudiu animals,"be and the same Is here- R
N Section 1. That an order be drawn u the O.O.CneLEN,President o[Connell. ug ige Mitech t Werect b
pon addition to and to ppair Dle egos y amends Dy adding to the territory no in-
dry treasurer In favor of A.N. Nelson, aunty Approved Sept.6,1890. hop situated on lots 11 and 12 of block 2, olnded within Lbelimita embraced within said or-
treasurer of Ramsey county. for[he num of Rnnear A.6LnrR,Mayor. gine&Irvine's addition,and W repeal Ordln- dinance th atpart of the city o St.Paul bounded -.I
One thouaand(81.000)dollare, payable out of Attest: Taos.A.Pasxnen.ear,City Clerk. ante No.1,886. ae follows: On the north bq the right of way of I7
i any m eye m the icy treasury not therwise Sept.8. - The Common Council of the City at Bt.Paul do the Northern Pacific railroad compp np,on the
' I a proprintetl,to aid sntd County In the rellel of east by Rice street,on the west by 1Veett2n ave-
J, the ifferere by the cyclone at Lake Geranie. dein ae foliowa: "
l' 1 fxc�2. Thle ordinance shall take effect and ORDINANCE No.1,401. Section I. Tbat Detmiaelon a d anthortty f. .nue and o¢t 1..outh by Atwater street.
r - be force from and alter its ppublication. An ordinaum granting unto the Horne& Danz hereby granted a George Miran u errct Sec. 2. E crdlva.ce .hall take
effect ;
]�eas--Aid. Ba n d fieer,Bfelenberg,Boit,Con. compeny permission to use a portion of the Lhreu-stor'p[tame addition to hie wagon shop and be In force from and atter ire paDli-tion.
J• 1 le Co eland, Costello. Dobner, Dorniden, levee In the S1zth ward bl the city of St.Paul. Ituated on that part of Iota 11 and 12,block Yeae-Aid.Banholmr,Meobetg, Bott,Cov-
-r { y P The Common Council of the Cit of fit.Paul do 2. Rice & Irvine's addition south of West ley,Cops]and,Costello,Dobner,Uornlden,Flen-
Flandrau, Gahan, McNamee, 5lelady, Minna, y drau, Gahan, McNamee, Maladq, Mlnea,San-
ordain ae follows: Seventh steest.said aAditlon to face OR.aid
Sanborn,Sullivan,Van Slyke,Mr.Ynreldent-17. 6eveuth street.with a frontage of _7 feet on born,6ulllvan,Van Slyke,Mr.Preddent.-17.
1 Passed Sept.2,1890. Section 1. Teat permission and authority ie Seventh street,anti the easter] Passed Sept.2,1890.
hereby given Bud granted unto the Horne& y aide thereof to
O.O.(.bu.eN,President o[Council. Danz connpany co ace and own fur the full be 28 legit and 6 inches,and the westerly side,President of Connell.
Approved Sept.6,1890. Su Approved Sept.6,1890. '
Ron,-A.San.,Mayor. period of feu yeem from the to of the ap- thereof to be 12"" end the width to ba 20 goasar A.Snttre,Ma
I, I}•r i Attest: Tons.A.PRENDEROASt.City Clerk. ii-val of this oMinance for inanutactur.. _ 4Inches. yore
lu the nue of busme.e m which aid our Attest: Taos.A.PaexBEIBIA T,CYty Clerk.
_ Also to raise the root o[sari wagon Cho so B. Posen ow m Sept.8.
i pang is a gaged,that pu tion of the levee as to make the same three stories IIIV i to
d land In[he SiztIt ward of the city of St. Cover the hole of said shop and addition
G j I4 unotxexcs No.1,899.
described as follows: thereto with a gravel rout. Ali / which hall
An ordinance authorizing All Palmquist to build Lot No.6 of block No.8 of Baztlle&Robert's bt done wader the eupervleloR of aid Be
direct-an additional story- addition to West fit.Paul. ed by the bullding inspector of Bald city upon An ordinance appropriating money for and dl.
{{ The Common Couhml of the City of Sc. Paul do Sec.2 That Pnrmisefon and ntbority le obtaining a proper ppeermit therefor. resting the payment to James J.McCafferty v[
ru iv as fo lows Hereby given and granted unto the Horne& Esc.2. That Ordinance No.1,880,entitled the sum.1%%
f five hundred dollars,pareuant to -
F. Section 1. That permission¢nd authorltp to Uanr tomp y to erect,construct and malntam "An ordln.nce thorizing George Mltech to port Of committee of ways and menve.
i # hereby given Allred Pnimoyuiat to erect a second bulld]ngs soma.aid premisea(or one In Ise.frame buildivg,"approved Aug.22,1890, T'he(:ommon t:u¢Rcll of the
CYtp of Bt Paul do
9 I story of galvanized iron n buildluge Non.112 their said business es may be necessary or con- be and thr etyma 1.hereby repealed. ordain as 1.11 ws:
d 114 Hast Seventh street. venlent (or the carry
on o[ their said bu.i- fisc-8, This ordidance.hall take effect and Section I.
That order be drawn upon the
Sec.2. Thfa ordinance shall take effect and be II of which buildings shall be built under be in force from and after Ile pubhrstlon, dip treasury of Bt.Parol IIt favor of
J.mes -
.1 A 2 in force from and after Its passage and publics- the ill-etlon of and nccordlvg to the luetruc- Yene-Aid.B.nholmr, Blelenbeeg, Boit,Co.- M 17-ty for the sum of 9ve
Lion. done of the Dulming inspector o[the city of St. ley. Copeland, Costello, Dobner. Dorniden, In full com=mtion for and eatlsfactioa at hf.
Yeas-Ald.Banholwr,BtelenberE, Boit.Con Paul,upon Lhe obtafniug of permits eo to do Flandrau. Oehav, McNamee. Mlemdy, Mlnen, tlaim and dem d against thn qty of 8L.Paul,
7 ley,Copeland,Costello,Dobner,Dl Iden.Flan- and the pavment of the Ices therefor: Sanborn,Su1114av,Van 81Ske, Mr. Preeident� t forth m ms titins tOlt the common
. Droper 17. d1 bearing date July let,1890,as by the m
drau, Gen... M1cNamw.Mel.dy, )line¢, San eyrovided,that thio ordinance not be coo- Port r
{ born,Sullivan.Van EI lee,Mir.President-17. [rued an guaranteeing or warrentlug any o[the Passed Fept.2,1890. of the committee o ye and mesas to the
S Passed Eept 2,1590. rights hereby granted. O.O.Cb T,EN,President of Council. m t dl of date the it th day ut Au¢ttet,
i- Sp
O Gbr.r.eN,Yreeident of Council.
Sec.n. No rights qufred under this ordf. Approved Sept 6,1890. A.D.1880,will more fully appear:said order W
i Approved Sept.6.1890. n ce shall be transferred to avy oLDet person ROBERT A.Sturm,Mayor. be delivered vly opo Die B'.ing with the Ity
Rmear A.Enna,Mfnpor. unless the consent of the common council b.lI Attest: Tea&A.Paxamsa.Aer,�City Cierk. omptrollev full and a elute pts to the city
Attest: Taos.A.PRENvemwar,Clty Clerk. Be fleet obtain.. Sept.8, fa eaclefacelon o1 said elalm or demand.
EePG 8. Sec.4. T.I.urdln.nw shall take effect and be asci2. This i attar IWiance bNI tato eH¢ei and
i. be in fore-from and after Its publication. ORC-A No.1,404. publication.
Yeau-Aid.Banbolzer. Binlenbeac.Bort,Coa- Yeas-Ald.Banholur„Blelen Drrg,Bott,Cov-
ORDINANCE No.1,400. ley,Copeland,(:oxtello.Dobner,Domitleu,Flm- An ordinance authodtiag Henry A.Schneider to ley,l;opdnvd.l;oetdlo,Dobner,Tloruldeu,Flau-
' An ordinance au th-Witt;the dr¢wing of an or- drau, Gehen, McNamee, Melody, Mlnea,Ben- t a frame addition. drau,Oehav,McNamee,Malady.Mines.,Sanborn,
der to favor of William Broome In tedemptlon bore,6ulllvan,Van tllyke.Mr.Pmaidevt-17. Th Common l:oundl of the pry of fit.Paul do 6ulhvaa Vev B1yke•Mr.Presidamt 17.
nd cauellatim.of city certlflcame of axle. Passed Sept.2,itl90. dela as follows: Paaeed BebDe.1. 1890.
t� The Common Council of the City of St.Paul do O.O.CDI.t.sN,President of Council. Section 1. Thse authorityY fe hereby given O.O.Lbl t sx.Presi of Council.
dans oe follows: A ed fie t.6,1890. d granted auto Ilam A.Sebnelder to event a Approved Sept,6,1890.
l n pprov p frame addition to tpa b lldl Itumed at the Romear A.Same•Mayor.
Section 1. That a der be drawn on the RoayaT A.Seize,Mayor. ortheaet=_of'P Bih sad Robert streets Attest: Time.A.PRENDeaoAeT. -
ti - city treasury in favor of William Broome,pap- Attest: '11toe.A.PesxnEaoAer,CYiy.Clerk. in the tlty oI Bt.pan:sold edditlon not Lo ei- per Clerk,
_ .Die out o[the local improvement brad,for the 6epG 8. aced one story in helgbt,and to be twenty fast In Sep4 8.
}f 1