05-1205Return wpy to: (BJE) Public Works - Technical Services Division - Real Estate 1000 City Hall Annex RESOLUT{OIV Presented By Refened To Council File # � S' ��0.� Green Sheet # 3029088 Committee: Date i WHEREAS, a request has been received from Wallace Nelson of Renovation, Inc. for the release of 2 existing uulity easement rights in the alley vacated by Council File No. CF OS-349, approved April 20, 3 2005; and 4 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 WHEREAS, the vacated alley in which utility rights aze requested to be released is described as: Edgemont Street lying south of a line from the northeast corner of Block I to the northwest corner of Block 2, Clarke's 2" Addition to the City of Saint Paul, and lying north of the north line of Wheelock Parkway as platted by the Board of Park Commissioners under resolution of said board adopted January 6, I908. ; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that with the accompanying Utility Easement Certificates of Intended Non-Use, filed voluntarily on behalf of Qwest Corporation; Northern States Power Company, dba Xcel Energy; Northern States Power Company, dba Xcel Energy - Gas Division; MCI Network Services, Inc.; District EnergyiDistrict Cooling, St. Paul; Comcast; and Saint Paul Regionai Water Services; made a part hereof by this reference and filed in the office of the City Cierk of Saint Paul, the City, for itself and on behaif of these corporations and departrnents, waives the right to the utility easements in the vacated area mentioned above; and be it further RESOLVED, that with the accompanying Utility Easement Certificate of Intended Non-Use, filed voluntarily on behalf of the Department of Public Works for the City of Saint Paul, the City on behalf of said department, waives the right to the uulity easement in the vacated area mentioned above, except that a sewer easement shall be retained over the following described area: Vacated Edgemont Street lying south of a line from the northeast corner of Block 1 to the northwest corner of Block 2, Clarke's 2" Addition to the City of Saint Paul, and lying north of the westerly extension of the north line of Lot 7, in said Block 2; and be it finally RESOLVED, that upon passage of this resoluuon, the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to record a copy of the resolution in the office of the County Recorder, Ramsey County, and that the City Clerk shall maintain a copy of the Certificates of Intended Non-Use referenced in this resoluuon on file in the office ofthe City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Zy aS- �abS i co,u,�il F�le # 2 3 Green Sheet # 3029088 4 5 Page 2 6 7 8 9 10 1� 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3 1 ��� Requested by Department of: ! Public W rks �0� � ��0 BY= �00 f Director � �00 Form �pproved by City A�ttorney �� � '�ll 1� / 1 . � � ;° r_= Adopted by Council: Date �C.e�titiB-ef � .o20US Adopuon Ce ied �b'Council Secretary By: �/y�n,l'SO�� ,a � c:��, Date ,✓r,bved by Mayor for Submission to Council � BY. r , DS- /aoS � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � pW �uUlicworks ConlactPerson & Phone: Btuce Engelbrekt 26G-8854 ContractType_ RE-RESOLLf�ION Topl # of Signature Pages '14-0EC-05 � ' Assgn rate): Number Fof Routing Order (Clip NI Locations forSgnature) Green Sheet NO: 3029088 0 �ubD Worlcs I Bruc EnQelbreAt Y 1 �ublicWotics DenarhnentDirec[or 2 3 pYlavor's O� i Mavor/As�istant � 4 al Counal 5 ' CAerk (S Clerk Approve resolufion releasing easements in previously-vacated Edgemont slreet between Lazpenteur Avenue and Wheelock Pazkway idations: Appro�e (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee Citil Serrice Commission Personal Service Contracts Must Mswerthe Following Questions: 1. Has this persoNfirm e�er worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this persorJfirm e�er been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personlfirm possess a skill not nortnally possessed 6y arry current aty employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and aMach to green sheet l� Inkiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): � Edgemont Street was previously vacated to facilitate a residenflal development by an abutting property owner. However, in arder to build on the vacated land, the ufility easement rights need to be released. This resolution releases those rights, except for a sewer easement over the northerly secfion of the street because an active sewer remains in that area Advantages MApproved: The developer may proceecl with his development. .� '° Disadvantapes IfApproved: None. All private and public utiliues have waived their easement rights except for the sewer. ��� � � �, � � �, Disadvantages tf Not ApGroved: The developer may not proceed with his developmen[. rotalAmountof $� Transaction: Funding Source: Financial Information: (Expiain) CosNRevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: �tS=',;�s;°°:� ,"?^a:�zn.r.:� ?°r,nJ�rs..� I kI: December 95, 2005 12:08 PM Page 1 aS- /aoS" CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL In the Matter of File No. 42-2004B The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights within the vacated public street located in the City of Saint Paul as described below: Edgemont Street lying south of a line from the northeast corner of Block 1 to the northwest corner of Block 2, Clazke's 2"' Addition to the City of Saint Paul, and lying north of the north line of Wheelock Parkway as platted by the Board of Park Commissioners under resolution of said boazd adopted January 6, 1908. except as here noted: MINNESOTA RAMSEY i Its w`n:=��;-°„ - -s...;a�r��:�rc;� Signature �� Q, /� n�q The foregoing m waz acknowledged before me this CJ day of L'�Yl7=-� �JCIG. . 2005, by ��G r JS .J L�fF.�-�JO.�-� the /� J�h-�F4�C'✓L. �/..iGlh.iE,�/G/ti� ! oe u1G5�i �d�Po2Ano� a ����A/�� �G✓LP�fcA-rz/�,v under the laws of ihe Sta[e of Minnesota nnnnnnnniv�n.Hnnnnnnn " �?s �iNDA A. JUELICH � M1 a � No?ary Pubiic-Minnesota ' r ` My Ccmmission Expires Jan 37, 2070 vwwvv.�.vv �I.,/ . (..�_�._.�_:__._J.� , No[ary Public, Ramsey CoanTy, Minneso My commission expires �R r� 3 l, 02�7 /� ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, IVIN 55102 ** 1 CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL ('�' I �b�" In the Matter of File No. 42-2004B The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights within the vacated public street located in the City of Saint Paul as described below: Edgemont Street lying south of a line from the northeast corner of Block i to the northwest comer of Block 2, Clarke's 2" Addition to the City of Saint Paul, and lying north of the north line of Wheelock Pazkway as platted by the Board of Pazk Commissioners under resolution of said board adopted January 6, 1908. except as here noted: I V �� MINNESOTA � ��F�/�i N D R,Tl� �R N �S i�T�S" Po vJ E�. C o M Pl�N �/, Q MiNN�.sD � A corpom,tion� �,1�, 1� xCEL �nl�2Gy Its � ��uo rzt��i�� AGENi �� ������ Signata;e The foregoing insWment was acknowledged before me this l � �{1 day of ��� . 2005, b _ K�T,�L��f ,q . jjt. �Nl�i�l S� u,�- .4 L/nr0 Ri�/�� A-�u7 o£/V/JK/1tE.KN cST�T/_-sJYUW�C C'OMNHNYa � T f , � � r underthelawsoftheSta[eofMinnesota.� LY/�j`� X(� � �. � ���� BONMEJEANANDEASON ' �D7ARY p� Notary Public, Rarnsey County, Minnesota " MpafJE907A / �1��`"eS Mycomm�ssion�pires � i �Ji� e�'�� I ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** b v / 'V � CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS O�' THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL In the Matter of File No. 42-2004B The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights within the vacated public street located in the City of Saint Paul as described below: Edgemont Street lying south of a line from the northeast corner of Block i to the northwest corner of Block 2, Clazke's 2" Addition to the City of Saint Paul, and lying north of the north line of Wheelock Pazkway as platted by the Board of Pazk Commissioners under resolution of said board adopted January 6, 1908. except as here ncted: Northem States Power Company, d/b/a Xcel Energy - Gas Division MINNESOTA RAMSEY Ramsey � Its Senior Specialty Engineer /���� Signature � The foregoing msWmentwas acknowledged before me this 6 �1 day of September 2005, by Nick J. Soosalis, PE ue Senior Specialty Engineer of Northem States Power Company d/b/a Y Energy, a Public Utility under the ]aws of the State of Minnesota. � JESSICA LESUE WINKLER — • A9imli4ta Comm. ' Jan 31. �06 Notary Public, Aamsey CounTy, Minnesota My commission expires �� a'"'�v � ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** D�' 1 �� -�� �,��:w � � OSP Nafional Support ( Iavestidation> Dept 42864 Loc 707 2400 Vorth Glrn�ille Sticbazdsm, TX 7�('i82 MCI Network Services, Inc. I' R: !ilw CITY OF SAINT PAUL Bruce Engelbrekt Real Estate Division 140 City Hail Saint Paul, MN 552Q2-1613 RE: FILE NO. 42-2004B — STREET VACATION REQUEST — EDGEMONT STREET BETFVEEN LARPENTEUR AVENUE E. — AND WHEELOCK PARKWAY E. — Saint Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota MCI ID: 7548-2005 Dear Sir or Madam: MCI has lzeen notified hy yoztr office regarding the abave referenced projeet. For your records, in reviewing the area in question, it has been determined that MCI does not haee faeitities wiflun yotu project area You should address correspondence concerning any future projects to the a#ention of OSP NationaI Supportiinves6gafions at the abave address. If you need further assistance with this project, piease do not hesitate to caii. Smcerely, Bachelder OSP National Support i Investigations (972) 729-6016 Focumnnr_AFn F�rilirioc pr- � �a� CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL In the Matter of File No. 42-2004B The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights within the vacated public street located in the City of Saint Paul as described below: Edgemont Street lying south of a line from the northeast corner of Block 1 to the northwest corner of Block 2, Clazke's 2n Addition to the Ciry of Saint Paul, and lying north of the north line of Wheelock Parkway as platted by the Board of Pazk Commissioners under resolution of said board adopted January 6, 1908. except as here noted: MINNESOTA RAMSEY �;s1Y;� �..�,.,,./ J7;s-(��;� �ol',„, S�(-. 6'a..e Its �r�,s i�'�' Sig:�at�:e ! The foregoing instrument wu aclrnowledged before me th�s O T day of _014./f��,e.r , 2005, by ( v5 � • �.a�a...(Go.r .the l) rG S , � or J�is�T,c�' E.uw.a..Z�;s .a Rri�� nm—� cor�ara.�ians undet the {aws of the State of Minnesota. `�'�� Q � A TRUDV L. SHERVN�Op NOTARY PUBLiC -MINNESOTA MY COMAAISSION EXPIRES JAPI. 31. 2 0 1 0 �...._ d_.. � . c Z,Gt��.., cvQ/ No[ary Public, Ramsey CounTy, M My comm�ssio� expires�,�,s.a...w�� O� O (� � ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hali, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** b����� CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONOR ABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL In the Matter of File No. 42-2004B The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights within the vacated public street located in the City of Saint Paul as described below: Edgemont Street lying south of a line from the northeast comer of Siock 1 to the northwest corner of Block 2, Clarke's 2n Addition to the City of Saint Paul, and lying north of the north line of Wheelock Pazkway as platted by the Board of Pazk Commissioners under resolution of said board adopted 7anuary 6, ] 908. except as here noted: SCOTT CHARLES RUPPERT Notary Public Minnesota My Commission Ezpires January 31, 2008 MINNESOTA RAMSEY � �c �/iv�.�� Signature The foregomg instrument was acknowledged before me this ��� day of by under the Iaws of the State of Mmnesota. ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** O� - � CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL In the Matter of File No. 42-2004B The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights within the vacated public street located in the City of Saint Paul as described below: Edgemont Street lying south of a line from the northeast corner of Block 1 to the northwest corner of Biock 2, Clazke's 2" Addition to the City of Saint Paul, and lying north of the north line of Wheelock Parkway as platted by the Board of Park Commissioners under resolution of said boazd adopted January 6, 1908. except as here noted: MIIVNESOTA RAMSEY Saint Paul ReRional Water Services Its Chief �Eng.ine�r �� d�E� �'�_� Signature � Theforegoinginstrumentwasacknowledgedbeforemethis 6tk1 dayof Sept0ml7ex' , 2005, by David J. Schuler che Chief Engineer of_ Saint Paul ReQional Water Services .a Minnesota municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Mmnesota. f .;�, JANET M. LINDGREN NOTAR� PUBLiC • MINNESOTA MY CQMMISSION EX PfRES JAN. 3 i, 20 7 0 V I �^^-� / ' � ' <'��p/".�y-<-"'-.� otary Pubhc, Ramsey ounty, Mm�esota My comm�ssion exp�re 3 � �d �Q ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** � b�' ��� CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF TF� COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL In the Matter of File No. 42-2004B The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exezcise its utility rights within the vacated public street located in the City of Saint Paul as described below: Edgemont Street lying south of a line from the northeast comer of Block 1 to the northwest corner of Block 2, Clarke's 2"d Addirion to the City of Saint Paul, and lying north of the north line of Wheelock Parkway as platted by the Board of Pazk Commissioners under resolution of said board adopted January 6, 1908. except as here noted: That a sewer easement shall be retained over the following described area: Vacated Edgemont Street lying south of a line from the northeast corner of Block 1 to the northwest corner of Block 2, Clarke's 2° Addition to the City of Saint Paul, and lying north of the westerly extension of the norih line of Lot 7, in said Block 2. �,r�e,�y �� L �F �-� ItS �45pG%��O ( �+�z.i �»ciYJl�f>i+i r MINNESOTA � �//�/(�j � ��i��� } Signature RAMSEY The foregoing insVUment was acknowledged before me this� day of ��� . 2005, bv- LR�P,P j' ,(�. ,C </ET/f ue .�95soe..s r-c- ��rY E.U�i.r/E6P or o5r /�.4r�r f t�/8.�.�s a Y/'liJ/V6�tl�i,�G /��.PPG�.P�7'/o�/ undei the laws of the State o£Minnesota. MARLYS A. FlSHFA ` xonwrvtroi,tC•am+�ESOTA � u�CmMpwn Epnu �tm. N. t0f0 � * * Please return this original `-��=����'-'��'�� , Notary Publiq Ramsey Counry innesota My commission expires ' �` � copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 **