BOOK_1887_PG_151-1892_PG_117_4_Part_4346 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. GRBmAxcE No. 1,407. An ordinance authorizing John Schllhgen tocon- struct a frame ba1n. The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do ordalu as follows: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby given and granted unto John Scbilhgen to erect and construct a frame barn on the rear Bud of lot 10 of Kuhn'e subdivision of apart of L.foud's addition. Said barn to be 101 in width by 20 feet in lemd.h and 12 feet hr height. All of which work shall be done under the superviefou of and as directed by the building fnepect�r of said city upon obtain ng a permit therefor. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take e6eet and be In force from and after its publication Yens—Ald. Banholzer. Bieleuberg, Doti, Co.. ley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Dorniden, FInn- drau, Gebau, McNamee, Malady, Minea, San- born, Sullivan, Vsu Slyke, Mr. President -17. Passed Sept. 2, 1890. 0. O. CuL1.EN, President of Cound. Approved Sept. 6, 1890. ROBERT A. SmTH, Mayor. Attest: THO8. A. PRENDERGssr• City Clerk. Sept. 8, OxnmeNce No. 1408. An., rdinance authorizing the payment of ter tin judgments aealnat the City of St. Paul. The Common Council of the City of St. Pau do rdai. 0.s follows: Section 1. That warrants be drawn upon the city treasury ae follows.: One I. favor of Bridget A. Roche ae adminla- tratrix of the estate of Mh,hael Roche, deceased, for the Bum of $624.40• with interest from Oct. 20, 1888, 1n full payment of judgment rn- dered 1n favor of Said Bridget A. Roche and against the city of St. Paul for the said Bum of $624.40, Oct. 26, 1888. One in favor of A. C. Anderson for the sum of ,$ J28.08, with interest from Nov. 28, 1888, in full payment of a judgment rendered In favor of one tfaurice R. Woolfeand against the city of St. Paul for the Bum of $1,028.08 Nov. 28, 1888, and assigned t0 said A. C. Anderson. One in favor of (�laTies E. Otte for the sum of $262.60, with iateret thereon from Jan. 16, 188H, In toll paymnnt of a judgment rendered 1n favor of one Josepph R. M.mI.% and against the cityy of fit. Paul fo the sum of $262.60 Jan. 16, 1S89. and aeslgned to eafd Charles E. Otte. Onn in favor of Charles E. Otis for the Bum of 8488.60• with Interest thereon from Jan. 16, 1889, In mil payment of a judgment rendered In favor of Clement Bur and Pau A. Lavelle'. and against the city of St. Pau for Sum of $488.60 Jan. 16, 1889, and assigned to said Chen. E. Ott-. One in favor of the Saving Bmk of St. Paul for the sum o1 $789.68, with Interest thereon from June 21, 1889, in full ppayment of a ndg• ment rendered in favor of Joeeeph R. Moron, and net the city of St. Pau for the aum of 8789.G8, June 21st, 1889, and assigned to the Savings Bank of St. Paul. One f. favor of Caroline B. Works for the sum of $481. 22 and interest thereon Irom July 6th, 1889, In full payment of a judgment rendered In levor of said Works and egmust the city of fit. Paul for the Bum of $481.22 Juv 6th, 1889. One 1n favor of Otto Schell for the sum of $124.08 with Interest thereon he Aprlll 29th, 1889, in lull Dnpment of a judgment rendered i. favor of said Schell and agaimt the dry of St. Paul or the -.m of $124.OR, April 29th, 1889. One In favor of Basan W. Smith, Trams. D. Smith, Kittle F. Smith, Job. M. Prentice and Fred S. Smith for the sum of $678.84 with In. tet art thereon from November 19th, 1889, in full payment of a judgment rendered In favor of said Susan W. Smith, Truman D. Smith, Kittle F. Smith, Julia M. Prentice andFred S. Smith and aggafnst the city of St. Paul for the sum of $678.84, November 19th, 1$89. One to favor of the Savings Bank- of St. Paul for the sum of $686.41 with interest thereou from November 26th, 1889, 1n full payment of w )) dament rendered in favor of Wm. F. Setter and E. G. Pahl and against the city of St. Paul for Ihe sum 01 8680.41, November 2uth, I Saw, ana sl one In favor ofF Bank of St. Paul. A crank B. Griffing and Jo- seph B. G. Beckhoefer for the sum of $19.24 and interest thereon from June 12th, 1888, in full at the city of et. ram for the sum a w. 12th, 1888. hlch judgments were a tered up and of record iu the office of the"' '0 o[ the curt of Ramsey county, Mlunesota. create to be delivered only upon said Mug sat failed of record In thso (Bce k of said district court and certificates Ing filed In the office of the city comp - This ordinance shall take effect and from and after its passage and pub - Id. Aanholzer, Blelenberg, Bott, Con- dend, Costello, Dobner, Dorniden, Gahan, McNamee, Malady, Minea, SuWvan, Van Slyke, Mr. Preside.t— Passed Hent. 2, 1890. 0. 0. Cut L . President of Council. Approved, Sept. 6, 1890. ROBERT A. BmTH, Me or. Attest: Taos. A. PavtDEeaaar, CityCierk. Sept. 8. xgam.—ONa the following plate na up - commission and as recom- ty englneer, be and the same I by the common council of a's subdivision of lot 1, block Ramsey county, Minn. ,arrangewent of of blocks 62, 67, 68 and gAnthony Park. tl0. to the city of St. Paul, By Abd. ed Resolved, That the City engineer be Instructed to ort a grade for alley In Dlook B, of Messed, & Irephbach'e.dditlon, between Duluth avenue and Atlantic street. Yeas --All. Bauhofrer, Hh"er,, erg, Bott, Con- ley, , peIa.d, Coetefio, Dobner, Dorniden, Flau- dr.u, Geh.n, McNamee, Malady, Minea, San- born, Sullivan, Van San- 31, Mr. President -17. .Approved Sept. 6, 1890. BUd. Bott— Reeolved. That the city englueer report a grade for.Uey In Block 96, Stinson's subdi. vision of Lyman Darnaddition. Yeas—Aid. Banholmr. Bfelenberg, Butt, Con- ley, Coppeeland, Costello, Dobner, Dorniden, Flan- drau, Khan, McNamee, Malady. Mlaea, Be.' born, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -17. Approved Sept. 6, 1890. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 347 By Aid. Copeland-- Resolved. That the city engineer be and he hereby Instructed to erect suitable steps lee fng from York street to Bradley street; also : erect a fence across Bradley street on top bank to prevent accident. Yeas—Ald. Ba diolter, Bielenb-S' Butt, ley, Copeland, Coeteilo, Dobner,Dorufden, COFla draw, Gehan, McNamee, Malady, Mfaea, Sa born, Sulllvau, Van Slyke, Mr. Presideal 1.7. Approved Sept. 6. 1890. By Aid. Copeland— Reeolved, That the city englueer be and he hereby instructed to tap thn wer on Payt fa cing Block No. 14, Arlington Hills a, ditfoa avenue,0 city of St. Paul in order to remove tl stagnant water from said block. Yeaa—Aid. B . me, Bielenberg, Bott, Co. le Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Dornide. Flandrau, Gahan, McNamee, Malady, Mine. Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. Presider —17. Approved Sept. 6, 1890. By Aid. Conley— Resolved, That the city engineer bB and I hereby authorized to spend the Sum of sot ea reeding $200 to put to the nece.sary fill]. behind the west abutment of the Sixth at— bridge toYem­opHHpeerly protect the same. Cogpeeeland.VCostello, DoLneir,IDornigden�Ftt ]andrlau Gahan McNamee, Malady, Minea, Sanborn. Su] liven. Vm SIYke, Mr. Preafdent-17. Approved Sept. 6, 1890. By Aid. Con ]— Resolved, That the neceeea, sewer and ge. connections be constructed for the South Robes (old Duca.) street Bob Ponce station—the wort of and construction to be done under the super vision ana direction of the city engineer. Yeas—Aid. Bauholzer, BI.I.. erg, Bott, Con ley, GOpelmd, Costello, Dobner. Dorniden, Flan draw, Gahan, Me"" Mciady, Mluea, Baa born, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -17. Approved Sept. 6, 1890. By Ald. Copeland— ftesolved, That the city engineer be and he is hereby. instructed to construct a crosswalk across Rlvoiistreet on the Beet aide of Lafayette avenue. Yeas—Ald. BatdwItar• Blelenberg Britt, Coa- ley, Copeland, Costello, Dobn. , Dorniden, Flandrau, GnDan, DjcNamee, M�dy; Minea, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke. Mr. Presldent- 17. Approved Sept. 6, 1890. By Ald. Copeland— Rssolvad, That the city clerk be and hereby Is Instructed to advertise for bide for the constru , tion of a bridge across the right of way of the Wlaoousln Cbntmd railway on the line of Missfa- 1ipPPf street, 1n accordance with plane to be fur - 'Id by the city engineer. Yea s—Ald.BanhoI. Blrlenbetg. Bo t', Conley, Co lmd, Costello, Dobner, Dorniden, Flandrau, Ge an. McNamee, Melndy, Mines, Sanborn, Sol - liver, Vm Blykn, Mr. Preeideat—]7. Approved Sept. 6, 1890. By Aid. Banholme— Reeolved, That the chlet of pollee of the city Bt. Paul ba and herby fe authorired to remove any and allbuldinga, fences and obatructfons and Western avenuuee, in said city lot fit Pamondatreat L Yeas—Ald, Banholter BI,1e 11erg, Bott, Con- leyy, Copeland, Coetello, Dobner Dorniden, Flandrau, Gehan, McNamee Melady, Mines., Sanborn. Sullivan. Van Slyke, Dir. President - 17. Approved Sept. 6, 1890. BY Aid. Banholrer— — Resolved, That an order be drawn in favor of the board of control for the sum of $F,N87.26, being the city's cue -third h the Sof $1, 37. of said board for the mouth of Auguar 1890. ley, C-g,Yeas—Ia1nd,BC steno rllobnler, D ren den F1a�- db a. hen, illcNamee, Malady, ilthlea, Sm - born, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -17. Approved Sept. 6, 1890. Resolved, That there arttobe and hereby fe aro- heesum off $260 aapp ,,0; a contingents fund tor.tto ba a.. g;nded by him on behalf of and In the interests the city as to him may seem beet. Yeas—Ald. Banholur, Bielenberg, Butt, Con- ley, Copeland, Costello, DoHuer, Dorniden, Flan.drau, Gahan, McNamee, Mel.dy, Mines, 8m - born, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. Preeldent-17. Approved Sent. 6, 1880. By Aid. Dobner— Resolved, That the timeforthe completion of the line of railway of the 8t. Paul City Railway eompsoy, commend t the mtereecclon at LeaImton evsnue and�nlvereltyy .venae, thence on Lexington avenue to Ilinnehahe Street, thence o. Mlmeheha street to Belling .venue, thenen n Snelling avenue to Langford avenue, ee set forth In ordinance of said city No. 1,227, be and the same Is herebv extended to Nov. 1, 1890. Resolved, further, That notice Is berth elven to the Bald fit. Paul CYty Railway company that ro further extension of time wlll be granted ou- ter eaid ordinance on euy linea to be completed 1'ov. 1, 1890, and that the said compatry wUI m held to a Strict performanceof Bald ordinance coder the ppeennalties therein prescrlbea Yrovided,turtt r, That Bala city railway cum - .any cODtinus to op -rate their horse cam on lcker arrest, From Mississippi atreat•to Cort end ..e ft fa now operated, mLRtDoy o0aetsuct hely linea on Fab,vlB and ro..t.,.., e.02 .... ly Ald. Dobner— ]teeolved. That the Great Northern Raliway rmpany be and the a. ins Is hereby directed to ;reogthen and repur the 8vefllng avenue bridggee �rthwlth so that the same may In a sultabla mditlon to be crossed by the fit. Paul city met railway with electric motor October 20, 390. 11: —Aid. Banholrar, Bfelenberg, Batt, Con- IwndreaS,l lieliau. M.Nn.men. bMaled yoMlne.; nborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. Presfdeat- 1, Approved Sept5,1890. r Aid. Bott— Reeolved; That permissipn be granted Ander sea to ptivately grade Autamn, UY-Inth and •ease atresia, from Hazel avenue'to Huth ave. 348 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. nue; also Harsl. Luella and Huth avenues, Irom Orange to Autumn street. Said ark to be done under the aupervi.ion of ilia city engineer and expense to be paid by Bald Angler Aro Yeas -Aid. Banholur, Bieleuberg, Bott, Con- ley. Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Dorniden, Flan- drau, (Gehl., McNamee, Melody, Mine., Sau- bom, Sullivan, Van 81pke, Mr. President -17. Approved Sept. 6, 1890. By Aid. Dob. - Resolved, That J. H. McNamara be and be le hereby authorInd to an upon a d grade HIs1r Attest between Pascal aveaue and Albert avenue According to the satabllshed grade order the dlrecsloe soil aupeMafon of the city - tb' d provided, how•ev¢, that said work shall be done without coat or expense to the city of St. Paul. Yes.-Ald. Banholrer, B1.1 -berg. Bott, Con-' ley, Copeland. Costello, Dobner, Dorniden, Flan- drau, Gehsn, MCNamce, Malady, Mines, eau - born, Sulliva., Van 81yke, Mr. Ptesldeat L17- Approved Sept. 6, 1890. By Aid. Batt -That permleelon be hereby granted to W. L. Ames and others to gr.de Maryland aveaus, from Bock street to Hazel avenue, un- der the direction and supervision of the city engineer. Yeas-Ald. Banholzer. Btcienberg, Bott, Con- ley, Coppeeland, Costello, Dobner, Dol Gahan, McNamee, Malady, Mine., Shn- born, 9uBivan. Van Slyke, Mr. President -17. Approved Sept. 6, 1890. By Aid. Sullivan - Resolved. That the board of P blit works 1s herby authorized and laetmcted to modify the contract between Jame. Forrestal and the city for the construction of sewers on University, Prior, Manahan avenues and other streets upon by sractor thereto triking out from the work tothe ba done under .aid contract the co.structfo. of a sewer on fit. Anthony avenue, from Wilder avenue to Cleve- land ave ue .ud also the construction of a fewer ou Wilber aveaue, from Power street to St. Anthony avenue, and deduct from the con. treat price a pro rata amount for said work not done. And Resolved, That the assessment hersto. fore made for the construction of a sewer on St. Anthonyavenue, from Wilder ave. is to Cleve- land aveaue, and the assessment for a sewer on Wilder avenue from Power street to St. An- thony avenue, be and the same ate hereby lu all things annulled, and the boats of publle works Is directed to cause their record. to be corrected in accordance with this resolution. Yeas-Ald. Tholrer, B1n.1 .berg, Bott, Con- ley, Copeland, Costello, llobner, Uomiden,Flan- dmu, Gehan, M.N.mee, Malady, Mme.. Be. - born, Sullivan. Van Slyke, Mr. President -17. Approved Sept. 6, 1890. Ry Ald. Dobner- Ree Ived, That all ptottedlna9e heretofore taken In ilia matter of passing d condi ... vgheeler street, Irom Falrv. a avenan to aced, ingn lied a be and the .arae are horeby ted, oiled and y edea and the and a1 oenne Annulled seed opmhtg and aktetuluu be and the same 1b hereby dthdralo.f Yee. -Alan d. Cas e l Blele.be r. Bot-, Con- 77¢¢yy Copeland. f:oetrl(o, Dobnez, D. -Iden, Fimdmu, Gabon. McNamee, Malady Mines, sanb.- Sullivan, Van slyke. Mr. President -17. Approved Sept. ,, 1890. By Ald. Sullivan- Ftee lred, That the final order of the common council to grade Clevelatnd avenue, tram Summit avenue, approved May 9, 1890, be and le he amended to read ae follows• That the board of public works of said city of St. Paul cense thefollowing Improvement to be ode, to wit: Grade Cleveland avenue from Summit avenue to Randolph street, ineafdefty; that said board cause said work to be let b retract, as provided by law, without one -ha f the estimated cost being fleet paid Into the city tceeaury, and, after said work shall be placea under contract, said board shell pro¢ed with- out delay to aeeese the amount as nearly ae they can Ascertain the same, which will be re, govired to pay the coat and necessary expense. f eueh Improvement, upon the real estate to be benefited by geld lmpmvament, ae provided by law; it being the opinion of the countll that real tate to be ass. sed for such improvement can befound benefited to the extent of the cost and expenses necessary to be incurred thereby. Yeas-Ald. Banholur, Blel_ rg, Batt, Con- ley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Domlden, Flandrau, Gahan, M.N.mce, Melody, Mluea, S.ubom, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President - 17. Approved Sept. 6, 1890. By Ald. Gehan- Be.olved, That "'tall ordera passed by thle council la.tructing board of public works to discontinue further pproceedings In the matter of Mgrading Pennsylvania avenue be and the same is herebyrepe led. Yees-Ald. Banboirer, Blelenberg, Batt, Con- ley, Copeland. Costello, Dobner, Dorniden. Flandrau, Gab-, McNamee, Melody, Mlnea, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke. Mr. President -17. Approved Sept. 6, 1890. By Ald. Bielenberg- Ree Ivad, Thnt the board a', f public warks to be trneted ev eight -foot woIdea sidewalk, with n nary ¢oaeings, ou both aides al Chu ..I street. Irom Front street to the right of way Northern Paclfic Railroad company. Prentitr-Ald. Banholrer, Blelenberg. Bott, Colley . Copeland; Castello , Dobner, Dorniden, FIAntlr.Gahan, McNamee, Melady� Mines, Sanbom, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -17. Approved Sept. 5, 1890. By Aid. Dobner- Resolved, That the board of -publle works be and the same fe hereby authorized to cones three plank eId.waIk, with suitable erose walk.. Io be laid along the east Aide of Pascal avenue, from Minuehaha street to the south side of Van Buren street, thence .long the south aide of Van Buren. street to the west aide of Albert avenue. Yeas -Aid. Banholrer, Blefenberg, Bott, Con- 'ey. Copeinud, Costello, Dobner. Domlden, Flandrau. Oehen, McNamee lfemdy. bllnes, 3anbom, Sullfvan, Van sly6, Mr. Ptmtdent -17. Approved Sept. ,, 1890. Sy Aid. Copeland- pp on a. dk)Thwar �hLfoot the nes deo A dewelk to be .,oral-eled on the east side of Arkwrlghs street. rom Yea.-aAtld. Ba hhall olrx� Ble Brainard eBott, Con - v, Co land, Costello, Dobner, Domlden, Flan- imu, (ishan, McNamce, Melstly, Mlnea, Pa.- Sullivan, Van 81yke, Mr. Yreemeut-17. Approved Sept.,, Non, - PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. Bp Ald. Copeland- Besolved. That the board of public war cause an (8) eight -toot wooden sidewalk to constructed on both sides of Cayuga etret from Arkwrfght to Vale street. Yeas -Aid. Banholur, Blslenberg, Batt, Cc ley. Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Dorn dm, Fla draw, Gahan, McNamee, Met Vj" Mi.ex, tla born, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr.l?resident-17. Approved Sept, G, 1880. By .Akio Copeland- - R solved, That the board of Mile worl cause an (8) eight -foot wooden atdowalk to 1 constructed on both aides of inose street, fret Arkwdght to Edgerton street. Yeas -Aid. Banholur, Bielenbetg, Batt, Cm Ly Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Domtdel Flandrau, Gahan, McNamee, Malady, Miner Sanborn, Sullivan, Von Slyke, Mr. President - 1 7. Approved Sept. 6, 1890. By Ald. Copeland- - Resolved That the board of public work cause an (✓3) eight400t wooden aidewaik to b ...tructed on both aides of Terrace street from York street to Casestreet. Yeas-Ald. Banbolrer, Bielenbarg, Bott, Con ley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Dorniden, Flan draft, Geltau, McNamee, Me18tly, Minae, San born, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -17. Approved Sept. 6, 1800. Byy Aledlea. Copeland- - Rea d, That the city engineer be and be 1, hereby directed to lay, a (8) .them -plank de IL' on both aides f Fred treat, from Bun tree' to the east end of he "t --.bout in- bundred feet fu length. 1-eae-Aldo B.."M1tr, Blelenberg, Bott, Con ley, Co land, Ca"lello, Donner, Darnlden, Flan drau, (Gehsn, McNamee. Melody, Mmes, San born, 6ulllvnn. Van Slyke, Mr. Preeldevt-17. Ayproved Sept. 6, 189 1. ByAid. Copelsnd- Reeolved, That the board of publle work. cause an (8) eight -foot wooden sidewalk to be constructed on the north aide of Mfunehaha street, wbere none Is already constructed, be- tween Greenbrier and Payne avenues. 1'eas-Ald. Banholur, Bielenberg, Batt, Con- ley. Copeland, Castello, Dobner, Dorneden, Flan- drau, Gahan, McNamee, Malady, Mmea, San- born, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -17, Approved Sept. ,, 1890. 349 z By Aid. Copeland- Eeeolved, That the board of public work. are hereby Instructed to construct wooden side. walks eight (8) feet wide on both aide. of Gera- nlum street, from Mississippi to Arkwrlght street. Yeses-Ald. Banholur, Blelenberg, Bott, can - 11Y. Copeland, Costello, Dobner; Domlden,Flan. drau, Gahan, McNAmee. Meladv. Mines, Sanborn. eulllvan, Van slyke, Mr. Plea ldent-17. Approved Sept. 6, 1890. By Ald- Bott- Resolved, That the board of public works muse a wooden croeawalkto be laid across Mar. garet street, from the south side of the corner of Eset Seventh street to a point 42 feet eaat of East Seventb street. Yeas-Ald. Banholur, Bielenberg, '-Bott' Con- ley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Dorniden, Flan- drau, Gahan, McNamee, Malady, Mines, "een- born, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -17. Approved Sept. 6, 1890. By Aid. Copeland - Resolved, That the board of public works cause to be constructed wooden sidewalk. (8) eight feet wide on both aides of Maryland ava- nue, between Mississippi and Edgerton streets. Yeas -Aid. Banholzer, Bieleubs- B,tt, l;om ley, Copeland, Coetilt.' Dobner, ll %fdan, Flan• drau, Gahan, McNsmee, Maladyy, Mines, born, Sullivan, Ven slyke, Mr. Preeltleahl7. Approved Sept. 6, 1890. By Aid. Sulliv.n- Rreolvad. That the board t public rk. Pei erruetatw°from Grana Avenue nue W Summit t Yeuae-Aldo Banholrer, Blelenberg, Bott,Coq- y, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Domlde., Plan - Iran. Geha.. Alex..-, Melody, MI -ea. San - ram. Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. Preeident-17. Approved Sept. 6, 1890. 3y Aid. Malady - lie olved, That the board of public works be rail ie h reby Instructed to have a six-foot ooden sidewalk constructed on the north side d Sidney street, from Smith avenue to Cherokee ,veuue. lees-Ald. Banholzer, Blelenberg, Bott, bnley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Dorniden, land au, Gehsn, McNamee, Mcisdy, Mines, anbom, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President - 7. Approved Sept. 5. 1890. By AId. (:opel.nd- B➢ Ald. Mluea- Resolved, Thet Lhe board of p bile works caueeee altslx-fobt wooden board .1 a(dewalk torbeil works built cause an eight (8) foot wooden sidewalk to be the south side of Concord .tree[, from Isabel constructed on both sides f Lizzie etreet_from treat to Congress street, with the m Ise Brainard avenue to Maryyland avenue. _ - ry Yras-Ald. Banholur, Hlelenberg. Bott,-C n. crosswalks. _ ley, Copeland, Costello, Dabnez. Dorniden, Flan. Yeas-Ald. Banbalur. Hle]enDetg, Bot', Con- drau, Gahan, McNamee, Meladv, .flees, San- ley, Copeland, Co"cello, Dobner. Uornlden, Flan - bar.. 8nlllvan, Van Slyke, Mr. Preafdent-17. drau, Gahan, McNemae, Malady, M1nea, Sass- APProved n, V n S B0. bom, Sullivan. Van elvke, Mr. PrealdenL-17. Approved Sept. 6, 189u. By Aid. Copeland- yy "'Beet, y Aeelod. Inea- Iteaolved�i h.8tt free boa dent epubllic Lork. H Ived. That the order of thecommoneeun. au u oo dl approved June 18, 1800, for the construction c ."'meted o the L Ida of Mieele81pp1 f a two -plank sidewalk on the Mendota road. street, between Jessamine and Maryland street.. from Fairfield avenue to the all 111, be correct• l'ea"-Aid. Banholur Blelenbarg, Bots, Con- ed to read as follow.: Resolved, That the board ley, i,o Cello, Copeland, �Ilob.er, Domlden, Flan- [publle work" causes awo-plank eldawnik to drau. Geban,MeNw Meladv. Mines, ganbom, be conatrneted on the Orth lila of Falydeld Sullivan, Vn. 81y1m, .. PtesmeIIhl7• av urs Irom Ethel treet to Belle etneet and Approved Kept. ,, 1890. on thesouthsIda of Belleatfeet,from Fmr,e�dav- it - 350 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. anue to the Mendota road; thence along the east aide of the Mendota road to Joy avenue; tbena along the east aide of Joy avenue to the oil mill, Yeas—Ald. D Banholrer, Blelenberg, Bott, Con ley, Copeland. Costello, obner.Dorniden,liland drau, Gehau. McNamee, Melady, Minea, San- born, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -17. Approved Sept. 5, 1890. By .d.; Hlelenberg— Ree Ived, That the boats el. blit work- 4bot wood- idewWk on the no th side of igCharles street, between Rice Bud Gaultier street. Yeas—Ald. Banholrer, Bfelenbetg, Batt, Con- ley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Domiden, Flan- drau, Gahan, McNamee, Malady, Minea, San- born, 8ulllvan, Van slyke, Mr. President -17, Approved Sept. 6, 1890. By Aid. Sullivan— Resolved,That the board of public works are hereby a,I 111zed tl construct crosswalks on the following streets: One on the east side of Pelba@@ stmt, across Franklin avenue; one on the eaeband one on west side of Pelham, across Wabash avenue: one on the asst side of Pelham street, across Railway place: ane on the east aide of Cromwcil stmt, across Bayard stmt; one on the east ss Franklin avenue; e ofone Cromwell one nhe east aide streetof Qrom• well, BeacroWabash avenue. YeBe—Aid. Baoholur, Blelenber8, Bott, Con- ley, Coppeeland, Costello, Dobner, Domiden, Flan- drau, Geban, McNamee, Malady, M1nea, 8anboro, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -17. Approved Sept. 5, 1890. By Ald. Copelslnd— Reaolved, That the former order for an (8) eight -foot wooden sidewalk on both .idea of Bradley street, from Magnolia street to Brain. erd avenue, be revoked, and the order be re- turned to the alderman of the ward for further consideration. Yeas—Ald. Bauholter, Blele.berg, Boff, Con- ley , Co Ind, Co -tell., Dobner, Dornlden, Flan- drau, (Pehan, McNamee, Melady, Mines, San- born, 8ulllvan, Ven Hlyke, Mr. Presldenhl7. Approved Sept. 5, 1890. Byy Aid. Dobner— IC 16 hereby ordered by the Common Council of the Cit of St. Pau]: That the matter of grading the county road between Langford avenue to Enapp street, be and the same Is hereby referred to Lha board of public works to Investigate andreport: First—Ie this improvement proper and necee- sary? Second -live the council an estimate of the ezpenea Lhereot, and state whether one-half of Lbe coat thereof fa to be paid Into the city treas- ury before the contract la let. Third—Can real estateto beassessed for Bald 1m. ➢rovement be round benefited to the extent of ddaamagea coats and ezcenses necessary to be in. curred Fourth -1. i7 Fourth.n such Improvement asked for upon the petition or application of the owners of a majority of the property to be assessed for such 1m rovement2 Firth—bend the condi a plan or profile ofu said Improvement, a required by law, 11 you report !mayor of the same. 61 e w gent the done. o nes s proper order direst- Ingg the work to be doue. pala—Aid.HanholzB ButneBialir, berg,Bott,niden Conley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Doruidep, Flan. drau,Gehan, McNamee, MeIady Mlnes, 8anborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -17. Approved Sept. S. 1890. By Aid. MlneB— It fe hereby ordered by'the Common Council f the City of fit. Paul: hat the matter of the construction f soTwer on Stryker avenue, from Dearborn street to Roble street, be and the same ra heteDy rebu, red to the board of public works to fnveetfgate and report. First—Is this Improvement proper and neoee- eary? Second --Give the council an estimate of the expense thereof and state whether one-half of the coat thereon M to be paid Into the city treas- ury hefore the contract Is let. Third—Can real estate to be assessed for said lmprovemant to found benefited to the extent of damages, coat. and expenses necessary to be incurred thereby? Fourth—Is such Improvement asked for upon the petltlon or a"If.tlo. of the owners of a majority of the property to be assessed for such Impprovement? Fltth—Send the council a Plan or yyrofile of .slid Improvement, as required by law, It you re- port in favor a[ the same. Sixth—Send the council a proper order direct - Y bu the work to be done. x.—Aid. Hanholrer, 8felenberg, Bott, Cup - C. peland, Costello, Dobner, llornideu, Flnn- drau, Geban, McNamee, Malady, Minea, San- born Van slyke, Mr. President Approved Sept. 5. 1800. By Aid. Burt— It othIt is hereby ordered oy the Common Council of Lbe Clty of fit. PsW: That the matter of grading McLean avenue, from Safes, avenue to =is. avenue, be and the same Is hereby referred to the board of pub- lic work. to Investigate and report: Flute -I. this improvement proper and moos. Second—Give the council an estimate of the expense thereof, and tate whether one -halt of the coat thbreoi fe Lo paid Into the city toccumev before the contract Is let. Third—Can real estate to W assessed for said impprovement beLound benefited to the extent of damages, costa and expenses necessary to be Incurred thereby? Fourth—Is such Improvement asked for upon thepetition or appllestbn of the owner. of a m.jdty of the property to be Beseeeed tot such Ire rovement? l�Ifth—Send the counell a plan or DDrofile of said lin rovement, as required by law, it you re- portin favorot the same. sixth—Send the council a proper order direct - f the work to be done. t Yea.—Aid. B—b.1-r. Blelenberg, Bott, Con - Fey Copeland, Wstallo, Dobner, Domiden, FlBndrau, Gahan, M.14 se, Meleap, Minea, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President - 17. Approved Sept. 5,-1890. By Aid. But It L hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: That the matter of constructing a sewer on Dawson street, from Mendota Lo Fomt street be and the same is hereby reterced Lo the boar of yyubll. work. to Inveatlgata and report: Fl In this Improvement proper and neces- sary? PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 351 Second—Give the council an estimate of the Slzth—Send the council a proper order direct - expense thereof and elate whether one -hal[ of Ing the work to be dope. the coat thereof i9 to be paid tato the city treas- Yeas—Ald. Banholver, Bfelenberg• Butt. Co.. ury bethe contract I. let. - ley, Cope laud, Castello, Dobner, Dorulden, Flan - I,= Tan real estate to be assessed for said draw, Gahan, McNamee, Malady, Minea, San - Improvement be found benefited to the extent of born, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. Pmsldent-17. damages, costa and expenses necessary to be I— Approved Sept 6, 1890- curred thereby? Fourth—Ie such Improvement asked for upon By Aid. Both the petition or application of the ef It le hereby ordered by the Common Council majority of the property to be eaeeeead for such t the ply of St. Pard: we o P That the matter of constructing a Fitch—band the council plan o profile of Mound exeet, from Clermont treeteeto Earl said tmprovem nt, as required by,_ y law, It you re- trcet, be and the a is hembp referred to port In favor of same. Lha board of the works to investigate and - Sixth—Send the council a proper order direct- he bo lag the work to bedone. First—I. this improvement proper Bud aecee- Yeae—Aid. Banholar, Blelenbetg, Bott, Con- eary7 ley, Copeland, Coate U. Dobner, Dornlden, Flan- Second—Give the council an estimate of the drnu, Gahan, McNamee, Melody, Minea, Ban- expense thereat, and state whether one-half of born, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. PreddenT�17. the cost= Is to be paid into the city treas- Approved Sept. 5, 1890. mryy bdore the contract Is fat. By Ald. (sullen— Improvement 60 found beneMal estate 0 fited easLeo td for suAd extent It le bereby ordered by the Common Council of of damages, coats and expenses -necessary to be the City of St. Paul: LLcu thereby? That the matter of paving the driveway on Fourth—Is such Improvement asked for upon south aide on Park Place Park with oedarbiocks the petition or Bpphcatlon of Lha owners of s and wooden curbing, the same Be heretofore laid majority of the property co thee.— for such an the west side of Id Park Place, be I the 1m ovementY - mine Is hereby referred to toe board of public Fifth—Bend the council a plan or profile of works to Inveetigate and report: said Improvement, as required by law, R you Firehla this improvement proper and necee- report in favor of the same. "M Sixth—Send the council a proper order direct- Second—Give the council an estimate o[ the 1¢g Lhe work La be done. - ezpenee tbereof and state whether one-hedt o[ yeas—Aid. o to d "' Blele¢berg, Bott, Con - the cont thereof fe to be paid tato the city trees- ley, Copeland. Costello, Dobner, Domiden, Flan- nry before the contract fe let. drau, (ishan, McNamee, Malady, Mfsea, Ban- TUird—Cann real estate to Ue assessed for Bald born, 8ulllvan, Van Slyke Mr. Preaideut-17 improvement be fond be- W to the ez[euto, Approved Sept. 6. 1890. da caste and expenses necessary to be in. _ M thereby? By Aid. Genan— Fourth—Ia such improvement asked for upon It le .Gen ordered b the Common Council m.j be M of the proion orppertyfto be assessed the tote a of the City of fit. Paul: y Irep".at7 That the matter of the grading of Magnolia FRth--Send the council .,Fl— or profile of street, from Rice stmt to Agate street, be said linuove ocut. as requireby law, 1t you re- end the same 1s hereby referred to the board Portia favor of the same. of ppublic worka to Investigate ana report: Sixth—Bend the council a proper order direct- Ffrst—I. this Improvement proper and neces h` Lhe work.to be doue. .aryl Yeea—Aid. Banholsr, Bfelenber0 Botp Coa• end --Give the condi an estimate of the ley, Co IV, Costello, Dobner, Idea Flan- expense thereof and state whether on of [ drau, Gahan. McNamee, Malady, Minea, 8anbom, the coat thereon is to be aid Into the city tease- - Bulllvan, Van Slyke, Mr. Pmaldant-17. ury before the contract is let. Approved opt. 5, 1890. Th(rd�sn Leal .act to be assessed for said y improvement be found benefited to the extent of By Aid. Both dame�a costa and expenses necessary to be In. - - It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council of cuL'red t=_ tietabv? ' the City o[ St. Paul: Fourth—Is such improvement asked for upon That Lhe m.tter of conatrocting n sewer on the petition or application of the owners of a Arcade stmt, from East Seventh stmt to Phe- majority of the property to be assessed for such len creek, be and the same le hereby referred to lmprovement? the board of public works to Investigate and re- Fifth—Bend the council a plan orpprofile oteafd port: Improvement, as, required by law. It you report Finale -Is this Improvement proper and acres. 1n favor of the game. eery? Sfath—Bend the council a proper order direct- Second—Give the council an estimate of the the work to be done. ezpease there.[, Bud state whether our -half of Yeast—Ald. Bauholrer, BfelenheB•Bott,C Wey, the coat Cheroot la to be paid hit. the city treas- Cdpeiaad, Costello, Dobner, Do widen, Fla¢• ury beton the contract is let. drau, Geban, McNamee, Melody, Mine., Ban- ' Third—Can real estate to be eseessed for said barn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. Pmiaeut--17. improvement be found benefited to the extent of Approved Sept. 6, 1890. damages, coats and expenses necessary to be 1n• V "rmd thereby? Hy Ald. 6Wllvan— - Fourth—Is such fmpprovement asked for upon It Ie hereby ordered by the Common Council of Lhe petition or applfcati.n f the owners of a the city of at. Paul:. majority of the property Lo be assessed for each That the matter of a change of grade on I.ProvemenL7 Baldwin stmt, from Goodrich avenue to Lln- Fltth—Send the council a ylan or pprofile of coin avenue• be and the came to hereby. referred aafd int rovement, Be required by law, ll you re- to the board of public works to investigate and Pon in favor of the same. report: 352 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. Flnt-Ie this Improvement proper and name. eery? Second -Give the council an estimate of the expense thereof, and state whether oLe-hall of the coat thereof 1s to be paid Into the city treas- ury before the contract Islet. Third -Can real estate to be aeeeesed for said Improvement be found benefited tothe extent of dam costs and expenses neceaeary to be in. curred thereby? Fourth -le each improvement asked for upon the petition or appllcatlon If the owners if s majodtyoft he property to be nnseeBud for Ruch impprovement4 F'Ifth-Send the council a plan o profile of Bald improvement, Be mqulmd by law. U you repo rt In iavor o(themme. Bloch -Send the council a proper order direct ing the work to be done. Yeas -Aid. Benholser, Bielnberg, Bott, Con- ley, Coppeeland, Costello, Dobner, Dorniden, Fla.- drau. Gehan, McNamee, Malady, Mines, Sanborn, 8.111..., Van Slyke. Mr. President -17. Approved Bept. 6, 1890. By Ald. Melady- It 1s hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: That the matter of condemning and taking au comment In the land abutting a', Ctlrtice street, between South Robert street and Concord street: ancismary to construct the slopes for cute ad fills grading said Carries .treat, between Baia stret,ts, be and the same Is hereby referred to the board of public work. to lnveatignte and report: Plnt-I. this improvement proper and neces- e Sec Secondhereof the council an estimate f the e pewee thereof, Bud tate 'hethei one -pelf t Lhe coat thereof is to be paid into the city tree: - y before the contract ie let. Third -Can real estate to be assessed for said improvement be found benefited to the extent of damages, coati mal expenses necessary to be In- curred tb"reby. Fourth -1e "" It improvement asked for upon the petition or appllcatiou of the ownen of a ma)orite o} the property to be eseensed Ser such mA'ant? id inty Bend the council a plan or yyrofile of e - said Improvement, as required by law, If you re- port to favor the same. Sixth -Solid the the couucll a proper order dfrect- qthe work to be done. as-Ald. Banbolxer, Bieleuberg, Bott, Con. lay ,e'.v.l..d, Costello, Dobner, Dornlden,Flan- drau, Gehan. McNamee, Malady. Mine., So.. born, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. Pre,ldent-17. By Aid. Conley - It 18 hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City f St. P0.u1: That th atter oS a change of grade on Kitt - Ron at I. from Seventh street to Flfth street. be d the arse le hereby referred to the b asci t yy 011e work. to Investigate and report: Fl_It _ it Lhls Improvement proper nod nece.- anryT 8ecnnd-Glue the council an estimate of the expense thereof, and state wbether one-balf of Lhe coat thereof 1. to be pald Into the city treas ury before the contract 1. let. Tblyd-Can rent estate to be amerced for said Improvement be found benefited to the extent of , amage8, costs and expenses necessary to be incurred therebyP Fourth -Is such Improvement asked or upuo thepetltiou or application of the owners of a iaa)orlty of the property to be assessed for such improvement? Fifth -Send the council a plan or pprofile o1 said Improvement, as mqutred by law, u you re- port in favor of the same. Sixth -Send the council a proper order direct ing the work to be done. Yens -Aid. Benholrer,11lelnnber6, Bott, Conley, Copeland, Costello, Dormer, Dorniden, Flan- drau, Gehan, McNamee, Malady, Mine., San- born. Built-., Van 81yke, Mr. President -17. Approved Sept. 6, 1890. den By Aid, Cullen - It hempy ordered by the Common Couadl of the City of St. Pani: That the matter of constructing a mweron Tenth street, from Minnesota street to Jackson street, be and the same ie hereby mferred to the board o[ public works to Investigate and to- port: Flet -[e this improvement proper and name. eary4 Second -Give the council an estimate of the expense thereof, and erste whacker one-half of the coat thereof Is topaid Into the citytreas- nry before the a is let. Third -Cann melal estate estate to be aeaeeeed for said improvement be found benefited to the extent of damages, treats. mid expenses necessary to be Incurred thereby? Fourth -Is. "inch improvement asked for upon the petition or application of the ow., of . m,inajyoriteyof t?e property to beasaee"ed for each FUth-Sena the coundls plan o U profile of said Improvement, re ss. quired by law. you rey ort 111 favor of the "ems. elzth-Send the council . proper order direct ling the work to be done. Yea"-Ald. Banholrer, Blelenberg, Bott, Co.i- ley, Copeland, Coetello, Dobtier, Dorniden, Flan. dray, Gehan, McNamee, Melody, Mine., 8aa- born, Sullivan, Van 87Yke, Mr. Preatdeut-17. Approved Sept. 6, 1890. By Aid. Bott- It fs bereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: That the matter of opening Fisher :treat. from Maryl.nd avenue to north cltylimlts. be and the same is hereby referred to the board of public works to investigate and report: First -lir this Improvement proper and arms. racy. Second -Give the council an estimate of the epeme thereof, and tate whether o e -halt of the u Tmost thereof fa to be paid foto the city treae- ry before the contract m let. hIN-Can real enter, to be asesseed for said Imprdamovementbe end expenses to the extent of rred ttie osis penes necaenary -=`b Fourth -l. such improvement asked for upon the o tltlon or applioatlon of the owuera of IreP) It, Eie property LO be assetltled for such Firth -feud the council a ppica or prone of fold' Ire�r vers t, eA required by law, if you r'a port in Iso t Lhe same. Birth-SenA the couueLL a proper order direct. By Ald. Copeland - It la hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: That the matter of condemning the slopes at Lots Noe. 22 and 28, of Block No. 9, on the east PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 353 aide of De Sate street, in Edmund Rica's first made, to wit: Construct a newer on Fuller additlou to the city of St. Paul, and that the street, from Maekubin street to Dale street, In street opposite thatpoint be graded to its full said city, together with the neceaeary catch width,and that the sidewalk belald in Its proper basins and manholes. Place on the line of said lots, be and the name That acid board cause said work to be let by le hereby referred to the board of public worka contract, ee provided by law, without one -halt to Investigate and report: the estimated coat Mug first paid Into the city Pint -Is this improvement proper and nese- treasury, and after said work shall be laced BaryT under contract said board shall proceed without Second -Glee the treenail an estimate o[ the delay to sasses thoamount as nearly m+ theyean :penes thereof, Bud state whether one-ha ll of ascertain the same which will be required to pay the cost thereof i9 to be paid into the city treas- the coat and necessary expenses of each im. ury beton the contract le ]et. rovement upon the nal estate to be benn- TDird-Can real aerate to be aesesaed for said fired by Bald Improvement, as provided by Improvement be found benefited to the extent of law, ft bni� the optWon of the council that real damogea, costa and expenses necessary to be state to be assessed for such improvemeut can lncurmd tIn b be found benefited to the extent of the coat and Fourth -le each improvement asked for upon expemn ecennary to be incurred thereby. the petition or application of the owners of a Yea:-Ald. Banbolmr, Blelenberg. Botts Con- maJoclty of the property to be assessed for said ley, CoTpebf , Costello, Dobner, old,., Fla.. Improvement draw, Gehe., 'McNamee,- Melody, Mines., een- pitth-bend the council a plitu.-p rofile of Bald born, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -17. ireyrovemeut, ere required by 1.w, L' you report Approved Sept 6, 1890. In favor of the same. Sixth -Send the council a proper order direct- — ing the work to be done. In the matter of the reportof the board of Yeas -Aid. Hanholmr. Blelenberg, Bort, Con- public works dated Sept. 2, 1890. ley Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Dor ltion, Fla.- It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of draw, Gehso, McNamee, Melaay, Miuen, eau the Cit of fit. Paul: born, 8ullivnn, Van Slyke. Mr. President -17. That the board of public works of Bald cit of Approved Sept. 6, 1890. St. Paul cause the following improvement to be made, to wit: Open, widen and extend Burns In the matter of the repport of the board of venue from the center line of Kennard street publla works dated Aug. 1 b 1890. (pproduced south) to the easterly city limits In IL is hereby ordered by the Common Council of a id cit}, condemnlo.. and taklug all that lend the City o1 St. Pa.]:: not already condemned or dedicated for public That the 9L. Paul cause the of following ic ireprovemenks of the B to feeof t lying the southetime line o[ which f a tetdBPPi etio118be be made, to wit: Open, widen and extend Marla the south In or southeast y. of south c of from North street to Disarm, atreat at cion 84 end the south Ifne of section 86.to,m- its Intersection with Edgerton street, produced ship 29, range 22, lin the city of fit. Paul, Min It In sold pity, eoudemnmg and taking for street purposes all that part of lots six 6) and That sold board shall proceed without seven (7), of block tbirteeo (111),and �otn ala delay to eaeaes the amount as nearlyas they can Se), seven (7) and With (8), or block six ((I), of Becertain the same, which will be reaulted to rfth the south line of North street tate to be anaee d for such Improvement can ,.try line of Decatur :treet at . be found benefited to the extent of the damage. ' (64) leer .outhwe"terly from costa and expense: necessary to be Inciu're� orner of lot Biz (0), block els. (6), thereby. also condemning and taking for Yeea-Ald. Bauholrer. Btelenberg, Bott. Con- �purpoee8 nn easement In, over ley, Copeland Coatelo. Dobner, Donddeu, C ]end between the southerly F andrau. Gelren, bf.Namee, Malady. Mines, k six (0) and the southerly line SnnDorn, Sulllvm, Van Slyke. Mr. President - of block thirteen (la), lying 17. of eaid dencrlbed strip. Approved Sept. 6, 1890. ltd bail proceed without dela. ant m nearly Be, they can n — in the atter of them L of the board of ther leria"tup eanditeoe6saryeapanaen Diene i� bI.. works doted An_ 21, 1890: Imprcvement upon the rayl ascots Lobe beneficed It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council of by Bald Improvement, ere pTeayded by law' 1t be- the lily or fit. Pani: a.the eeeoas for epludon vchhecyun vl t evL can be [ou�,d That the board of public works of said city of benefited to the extent of the damage err evd St. Paul sense the folio,bat hnyr e t to be ecexxary to be incurred thereby. m de, to wit: Grafin the alley iu clock 8. BIII'n eapeae-Ao. Henholwr, Sleleobetg, Hot[, Con- addltlon to fit. Paul lin said city. Y That said board cause aid work to be let by ley, (:opelaud, Costello, Dobner, Dorniden, Flair- contract, ere provided by law, without one-half drain, Gehan, kfcNnmm, Melady, Mitten. San- the estimated cost befog first paid Into the born. Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -17. city treanur and after said work shall Approved Sept. 6, 1880. be placed yunder coutract, said board Iu the (natter of the shall proceed without delay to assess the port of the board of amount, Be nearly as they can aacertafn the pubUc work, dntud sept. 2, 1890. same, which will be required to pay the coot It le hereby ordered Mite' Common Council of and nere,aor' expelules of aitch Improvement the City of St. Paul: upon the real estate to be benefited by said In{- Thatthe board of public works of ,aid city of provement, ere provided by law, It bellg the St. Ped calms the following Imorovement to be opinion of the coundl that cea1 ",tate to be s8. 354 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 865 sessed for such Improvement can be found the estimated coat befog first paid into the city 1889 and approved December 18, 1888, apD From J. A. Barnum, W. W. park and athero-- beneflted to the extent of the coat and ezpevcee •o treasury, and after Id work shall be placed palating the sum of (20,000 from the bridge For vacatlo¢ o! part of alley, ,look 41, 8t. aeceBsnry be incurred tbereby. Yeas—Old. Bauholzer Bfelenberg, Bott, Con- rg, Bon, Dobner, order contract, said board shall proceed with- out delay to seems the amount as nearly as bond fund to aid In the construction of the Selby •enue bodggee, across the right of way of the CMcago, Avthony Park. Committee on etrcete. ley, Copeland, Costello, D Flun• drhu, Gehsn, McNemen, Melody, Mmes, San- they can a.cartnin the same which will be re. qulred to pay the coat and necessary ezpaoeee Dfflwauken & St. Paul railway com- be and the aame !s Dereby amended eo From A. L. Scott, general manager St. Paul Clty Railway born, 8WiIvau, Van Slyke, Mr. Pre'fdent-17. o[ such Improvement upon Lhe real estate Lo b0 party. u to read as follow.: company— For ynrmfeelou to connect with Dtleslselppl Approved Sept, 6, 1890, benefited y gold improvement, s' provided by Resolved, That the amount of fifty t-ousand river the electric �owerstatlou of sold companyy, l.w; 1t being theopinion oI the muncll chat dollar (460,000) be and the same is hereby ap- o¢ lots 8, 11 7, block 21, Blue & Irvlmn'e nddl• I¢ the matter of LDe report of the board of dated Sept. 2, ,890. real estate to be sees ..d for such Improvemeut can be found benefited to the extent of the coat y o rfated and act avert from the held, bond fund for tion. yublic works It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council of and aspartase necessary to be inwrred thereby, the construction of the proposed Selby avenue brld le acro.. the dght of wayof the .ranted. (Bee reeolut(oa.) From F. 8. %Irkpatrlck the CIEy of St. Paul: That Yes.—Aid. Bavholmr. Blelenb.rg, BOX (:ov ley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Domlden, Flan- Chicago, Milwaukee & B0. Paul hallway com• and others (.ddemsed to bush of public works)— the board of publle works of said city of - Bt. Paul cause the following lmprovemeut to be drau, ehaa, McNhmce, Melody. More, San. party. Yaas—Ald. Banhalrer Blelenberg Boit, Con. For grxdlug and sidewalks—Dooley avenue Benton made, Lo wit: Grade Arbor street, from James boor, BuRlasn, Van 81ykn, Mr. Preafdeat-17, ley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Domldau, Fl.. and atresia. Board of works wlt6 order. street to .ruce.tceet In said city. Approved BnIV. 4, ISBN. drau, shad, McN.mce, Malady, Mlne., San- yubllc From P. P. DleVelgh, Jr., and othem— That said board mjn w said work to be let byy by law, V boor, Bulllvan, Van Slyke, Mr. Pre.idenhl7. For s sewer on Layton avenue, ate. contract, se Dmelded without onrbal/ the eatfmoted coat bd first paid Into the city In the mortar of the raDortg of the Board of Public Works dated June 26, 1880, sad Sept. Approved Bept. 8, 1880. O. O. CULLEN. President of Council. Board of publicworks with order. RBPORm of crrY OFFICERS, treasury. and atter sail work .hall be placed undercontract. amid board ahall d delayto protea with- ialn h 2,1880. It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the CIV f St. Paul: THOS. A. Ps ENDEROAST, City Clerk. Ot pry Treasurer—Report for August, 1880— (Omitted b p ymistake[rompubllehedproaeedfage of norable BPr2ident aecnla Can theaaaam ch wllI be qulted to yy eee pensee of D b p • Bt. Pmol Cnuee rho following Improvement to he F—s'alar Mewing. 8T. PADL, Sept. 18, 1890. Tc the HoIn the and Common Cou¢m] o'!Clty of Bt, Paul— lmprovementuand pen thenal eatatoed be beaeH[ed W ca by said Improvement, as provided by law; it made, to wlt: Open and a read an aIle y ig6teen feet block 11, Bt. Poul President Cullen In the chair. P resent—Ald. Bsnbolrer. Boit, Conle Co Gentlemen: I Dave the honor to submit to ou the followlng re ort of the receipts and dls- yy g ponce bcing the o Inion of the council that nal write aeerA to ire sed for .nob improvement 190 be wlda n proper, from 8,.h street,% a point 230 feet eoutherly from Blzth SO ]and, Costello, Dobner, Domlden, Gehnn, , Mc Names, Malady, Miners. Banbom, Bulllvan, Van bu aemente f the. from An& 1, 1590, to A.e• 80, 1890: found benefited to the extent of the wet and ez- necessary to be Inlarrred thereby. amid .treat, add thence feat wide to the westerly line of lot 16, of amid block I I.I. 81y ka, Mr. President -16, agcgtpre- Pen.e. ]esx—Old. Be.nholar, Btelenber¢, fi Con- fd c1ty; co¢demning d taklvvgg LL that laud Minutes of yreceadivg meeting approved and dlepaueed with. Bale.nce on hand......$4n0,260.08 try, Copeland: (:oetello, Dobner, Domidev, 19ing Lhe following drecribed Iine., to wit: t: co to mazDx saTOxe. Municipal court....... 8,494.66 Flan u.Gehsn, M.N.mee, Malady, Mlnea, cad. cammendng ort a Pointon the weetarly Ilse lot 8, block 11, 8- PoW m i 60 feat Blatant From Hie Honor the Msyor- Mmrket master....... 100.00 Poundage 8nnbe-, 8WlWan, Van Slyke, Mr. Presldent— 17 p pa . southeasterly measured os .Bid westerly line, Assletant ]xiler appointed—Ringing o} court ................ 77.00 Building Inspector... 798.G0 Approved Sept. 6, 1890. Imm the eoutherly line of Sloth ettta;q thence southeasterly alien. the weeterip ]ins lots 8 house and city hall bell.. To the Honorable, the President and Common pt clerk ................. 796,00 Vseatingle............, of and 14 of .old block il, 100 feet; thence eas4 Couaelf of the pty, of St. Paul: 215.00 lntemet To the matter of the report of the board of erly parallel with Fifth .treat to the westerly Gentlemen: I have the Donor to Inform you on water Donde................... 8,769.86 public weeks dated t f. herby 'b,ept, 2, 18817— Council line of lot 16, of raid block 11; thence north- that I have appointed Daniel E. Ln Fin to be an assistant Is ler at Prior avenue sta- Water department ordered the Common of the CU of Bt. Paul: That westerly cm end westerly line of lot i6, ten feet; thence westerly Pagelwith Fifth street to a police tion pureunnt [o Ordinance No. 1.887 passed ti your honorable body. m;eipte ................ 20,000.00 R demptlon receipt. 17,944.04 Lhe board of Dublic work. of said city of fit. Paul cause the following Improvement to be point 18 feet distant easterly aE right angles from the line loE 18„gl, Dlwk I have also the honor to transmit herewith a Pact. ndemptl" re- made, W wit: Construct a sewer on league ave- easterly of Bald 17.; EDmae-northwester, y parnitel wit- Robert petltiom signed by numerous hotel proprietor, celpie.................... 1,220.91 Adv. payor. an sew• nue, from Dale street to Fisk street, In Bald city, together street to s point 60 feet southerly from 81zth p els protestin Inst the ringing of the court house and city hell belle at night and that or seem ................. 890.54 with the necessary catch ,solos end manholes. attest: tbm westerly parallel with tlizth .treat 18 feat to point of beglnning; also coudemnlvR sex you take each action thereon se you may deem Repairing paved etreete7.00 That said hoots cause said wort to be ]et byy add talon anaeemevt [or alley urpoeee to p necessary. Very vee tinily, RaaBRT A. BwTH, Mavor. .................. pollee pension /mad. 40,00 contract, ae rovldrd b law ithout ove-hatt p y the eetlmated coat being flnc �Nd Into the city 6 the wester V 18 feet of northerly Ote�t of lot 8, block 11, 8t. Paul proper, said easement to ex- Sept. 18, 1890. SNd Lfburryflnee............ 88.15 Innnet on depoelte 478.92 ireeeury, and after ea d woe ahNl bn placed udder contract, Bald board shall ocecd pr with- tend fu height above the sidewalk ode fitteev feet; Nl i described land lug fn the a pPoin[ment conermed. r Yena—Ald. Banboimr, Bott. ..ovleyy. Cope - Pat EgnR, enatodinn 57.98 out dal to seeeea the amount ae near, sr y o oboe. city of St. Paul, Mina. That said boa. b%t. land, Costello, Donner, Dornldea, Geh an, Mc - Names, Melady,Minea,Banborn, Sullivan, Licensee and per - mite ...................... 88,842.10 they em ascertain the aame, which will be to- ulttd to xv the coat mud neceeear ex nesse( 9 p Pe each Im rovement upon the nal estate to Droceed without delay ro eases' the smouvt sg veorly as they can mcertsfv the same, which will be required to pp the damages, costs and Vau BI ke, Mr. Pn.id.nt-16. he matter of the rl¢ging of wort house and Aeaesemevt collet• tloue..................... 1u9,O88.OG bee d by shed Improvement, as provided nroresry expenses of such Improvement upon city hell bulla cone referred to committee dm streets n7eRDnsEFcexr. law; by law; It ,slag the opinion of the comae, thot real estate to fro asees.ed for such Improvement the reai estste to be benefited by Said lin It bong From Max Lehmann and others— Cit order old...... 4207,800.84 y P +'Iredepartment can be found benefited to the extent of the at ment, as pmvlded by Isw; the opinion of the On .11 that teal estate to bn ageeeged for For grading o1 Clifton street. warrants, paid...... 22,889.88 and a:pmlxee uece.sry to be hmurred thereby such ImDrovemant can he found beneflbd to the Board of publle works colt- order. Water department Yeee--Old. Hanholrer Birlenberg, Hott, (,on• ]ey, Cape]and, Costello. ]Sobner, Domlden, Flan• ages, costa end ex uses neo- extent of the dam expenses From Bmfth & Tsylor and otbere— For o nen and pe g grxdlllg of Syndicate avenue. warrants old...... 27,217.74 p Bt. Paul workhouse drau, Gel., McNamee, Mnlndy Mines. 8x0• e'.ary to be lnenrred therby. HohrC of publle works with order. warrants 2,888.87 born. Bulllvhn, Van slyke, Mt. �'reldent-17. Yea.—Aid. Banholrer, Bl.lenberg, Deft, Con- Ie Copeland, Costello, Dobner. Dornldeo, From Henry liroegnr and others— paid... is Bt. Paul Public Approved Ba e. 6, 1890. pP D F avunrau, .ehau, McNamee, Melody Ml�a, For ading of alley In block 2, Schurmeier A, EvansFsddltlon. Ilbrar 1,070.49 Park commleslon= In the Ot the board Sanborn.Sulllvan,Ves.Slyykc, Mr. PrefdenE-17. Appproved -pt. 6, 1.000. Hoard of publle works with order. ere ....................... 8,114.82 matter report of the of ppublle work. dated Be t. 2, 1890. Adloumed. !1 From Henry Jensen and others— For a sewer on Res. street., loterest coupo¢s Nd 9,115.00 IC I. hereby ordettdpbp the Common Council O. O. pret.Ex, 7?re'Ident of Conatll. Board of public works with order. ...................... d Redeemed certlfi- ot the City of Bt. Paul: That boo. Taos. A. PRENDEBOAn. CityClerk. From CDrlet ub Meyerks cares earn.....,.,. 16,202.18 the of ubilc work' of eatd city a( 8t. Paul cause the Pollowl Improvement to For eaabllehlag a grade on TDom street. Part. redeemed cer- be made, to wt:Coastt the eupertmeture oyF1mA[. PvaucsTlox. Grunted. (Bee Orionresol.) From Geo. Bchilling and others— tlflcate. of sale..... 1,845.88 Adv, payor, on sew - of the bridge on Sixth street, from a point 160 Of resolution adopted by the common council For vacation of part of Logan 'treat. er seaesememte...... 16.60 feet east of the east line of Bittson street to a point I10 feat east of the eget line of Commer. of Lhe city of 8t. Paul at Ire meeting held Sept. 2, 1890. Committee on .treats. From C. F. Frambelm— Police pension fund order 88.88 dal ate at f¢ paid city. B Committee on Ways end Means:. palm -48,782.76 for notary tees --city tea.- paid........... Dl.bureementem as - That .nld boardcause said work to be let byy Resolved, That that certhI. resolution pub- deer's certfflcatee of sole. .e.ament collec- co¢tract, ae_provided by law, without o¢ehalf lashed on page 604 of the counml Proceedingsof Committee on claims.' tion. ..................... 2,089.00 866 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. Miscellaneous 41.- bureementa........... $108.54 Balance on hand..... 829,927.85 Tota).................$628,164.02 $628,164.02 CONDITION OF FUND.. City hall and court Douse funds....... $14,745.84 City funds......... ....... ............. .......... 286,448.10 qty .stet work. ............................ 14,661.87 CYty library ..................................... 8.087.59 Pollee pension funds ........................ 6,409.45 $829,927.85 waema DEPO—ED. Pint National Bank ....................... $20,074.45 Merchants' Natlonal Bank ............... 28,787.98 Bank of Minnesota ........................... National German -American Bank.. 29,878.10 28,714.68 Germania Bank .............................. 24,169.49 St. Paul National Bank .................. Commercial National Bank ............. 26,581.18 29,198.08 Second National Bank ..................... 26,280.28 Savings sank .................................. People's Bank ................................. 27,681.54 15.489.21 Bove. CO-- Bunk ........................ Capital Sank ................................... West Side Bank ............................... 10,129. e0 8.820.87 IIs US 54 Scandinavian -American Ba.k......... 15,808.'28 Chase Natfon.lf Bank New York, Financial agency, per Bank o1 Min -Not . ................................... 44, 508.14 Total ......................................... $829,927.85 Respectfully submitted; G4oaOE RFvs, City Aug. 80, Treasurer. Committee .nye and means. ee oan Of City Comptroller—Audited chime, viz.— W. J. Preston, Estimate No. I sewer ou Bt. Anthony,amm$860: T. KaonI Estimate T. 4, gradin6 Hach antl Orchard etreete, $426; T. Keough, Estimate No. 4, grading Oxford and avenue, 8(181: E. Carl- �e2, grading Duluth venue, lmato No. 1, grading Lincoln A. Davern, Estimate No. 1, Estimate No. 1, sewer On George at Doherty, Estimate No. 1, sewer o place, $498; P. Doherty, Ee 1, sewer on Hostreet, sen & Johnson,pn Estimate sewer o. Osceola avenue. 2EMM Of City Euglneer—J. H. Drake'. apfil=ltluu for permission to put 1n mpla Jaeperite pavo- Cut at Third and 8lbfey streete— The city engineer recommends that said m - quest be granted. Adopted. (See resolutiou.) Also. Western Union Telegraph Compauy'e ppll - I on for permission to replace Pfoe pole,with cedar poles on Fourth street and on Minne- ac to street— To the Common Council—Gentlemen: I on. close herewith a communication from the West- ern Union Telegraph company, asking per- mission to mile their line of poled n Fonrth street between Minnesota and Broadw.�, and on Minumots between Second and hourth .t[xets. 1 have mfu"'I to give this perml.elon anti! I could bring the matter before your hon- orable body, for the aeon that the telephone company am ust on Ile point Of putting their wires uuder oJantd on all oar busme.a .traam. and I thought it was desirable, It possible, to get the wires of the telegraph company under- ground also, on Fourth nod Minnesota etmete. as that is their trunk Ilse ud 1t requires very Isrg 8polee and n great number of wire.. I have had t it with Mr. I. McMichael, super- intendent of the telegraph company, In regard to this matter, but he Ie of the opinion that it would be very detrimental to their service to place their twee underground, even for this bort distance. He -expressed his willhlgne.e, however, to reduce the hefgbt and size of the Poleo, and to put the w'—on these street. In ad cables, similar, I suppose, to those now In In use by the telephone company on Cedar street. The matter seems t 1 to your to be t o[ sufficient on; pc d T[ O cl ca0 it to your pantie ro o attention; nil i would scree that Ie De iwholetl to the mmitteefull on (met., wham the whole subject .an be nilly dlecueaed. Reamlull, submitted, L. W. Ru ND r. err. qty Engineer. Sept. le, 1890. Committee on streetae PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 357 Also, EetlmstEe— The city engineer submit., ap roved by him Estimate No. 4, Birth street b dge .ubmtruct ore, Kirkland & Starkey, 54,471; Estimate No. 4, Selby avenue bridge superstructure, Edge Moor Bridge Work.$7,650. Allowed and referred, to comptroller. Yeas—Ald. Banho)ur, Bott, Conley, Copeland, Costello, Dobuer, Dorniden, Gehan, McNamee, Melody, Mines, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President --16. Of Corporation Attorney—William Reimer's claim, Bidwell street culvert, ete.— Tbecoccppto oratlo. atrney submits ordinance for $98.401n favor of said Reimer. Adopted. (See ordinance No. 1,416.) Also, Bridges—Como, Lexington mid Snelling %ve- ones, Great Northern railwav line (St. P., M. M. Ry, lo.).— To the Common Council of the City of BI- G t. Paul: Gnlitlemen—Herewith I resent n communiea- tlon horn W. P. Clough, vice president o[ I he Great Northern Railway ine, In reference to tho construction of bridge,, at Como, 1—la,— slid —lagtonsi d Snelling avenues. In pereon.l interview between Col. Clough and Mr. Grover, the general solicitor of t road, I understood them to :tate that the Great Northern road would b. ready to co.- tribute Its one-third of the erne of the con- ru etetiou of the Como and Lexington avenue bridges u soon as the council deemed It advi. able to proceed with the work. After an examination of the facts and law bearing upon the question of the liability 0 1 this company o construct the whole of the last named bridgest, I am o[ the opinion that the proposition submitted is lust, and all that can be demanded. Re�pectfullly submitted, O. E. HOLMAN, Corporation Attorney. St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 16. 1800. Mr. O. E. Holman, Corporation Coun.el.— Dear Sir: Referring to the subject of the brldgee spoken of at our recent Interview, I beg to .ay: First—We mcog alas our obligation to bear ono -third the cost Of mplacing the bridge at Como avenue, for the mason that, alum the erec- tion of the ezleting bridge at that street, we bve Increased the width at our right of way from 101 to 150 feet. Second—We am also willing ae soon a. It nail become arceseary to p t In a crossing at Lexingto. ue, to contribute one-third the c t f bridge at that point. reasonably adapted Lo the trai2c of the street, for the rea- son that, since the laying out of Lexington ave- nue, we have Increased the breadth of our right of way from 101 to 150 feet. Thfrd—We will take early measures for the'. etrengthenlnR or mp:..elmeut of the 6ue,Wlg neo - nue bridge. Respectfuhy Yours, W. P. CLouoB, Vice President. Sept. 16. 1890. Committee on attests, Also, Hemline Avenue Bridle --St. P., M. & M. Ry. Co.— To the Honorable the President and Common (111111 of theqty Of ec. Paul: Gent tical so exam lemrn—Upillation made ae to the re-peeti" rlxhte of the St. Paul, Minnea o- .I. & Manitoba Raflwny company sad the city ( Bt. Paul with respect to the coMtruetion of a bridge at Hairline eveaue over the right of wap I sold company, we are of the opinion chat the dulyy f b.Dding esti bridge rests upon the city of Bt: Ph It. the railroad company having a Wuid Its right Of way where It Is crowd by amlindavenue acme two years ,prior to the opening of said avenue. ReeDecthely, O. L+. HOLnulr, Sept. reso Corporation Attorney. . (bee solu.tiotimn.) Rflue A en a Opp OF PumEtc. 0 .0649. Hamil o Avenue uncal of Ete— To the Common Council of the qty of Bt. Paul: The board of ores have had under consideration thea resolution or order of thecom- . moo c to the $4. bou- East real estate to be assumed themt., can be found benefited to the extent of the dampgen, conte and e,""necessary to be incurred thereby; that said improvement le not asked for by a petition of a majority of the t Property to be d therefor, but we berewlth send a plan of said improve- ment, and an order foe your adoption, if you do- efre us to make the Improvement. Yee., 4; nays, O. R L. GomAN, President. Clerk of the Hoard of Public Works. Bet. 4,189U. Adopted. (See order to board of public wurka.) Also, Park Place Part—Driveway Paving— To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: The board o[ public works have had under conelderation the resolution or order of the comon council, approved Sept. 5. 1800, rela- tive mtO paving the driveway south aide of Park P!am Park o with cedar, block. and wooden curbing, d anhaving Investigated the proposed Improvement: Reepecthdly report that said lmprovement la netvseary ...it proper; that I esti- mated expense thereof la $2,259; one-half of which need not be paid into the city treasury before the contract Is let; thatreal estate to be —.sit tbemfor can be found bene- fited to the extent of the coats and — Mpe.ses neexresary to be incurred themby; that d Id lmprovement fa not asked for by a ppeetition of a majority o! the O—ra o[ gproceperty to be cia-sed therefor, but we berewlth d and . a plan for you rndopttle of on, you desire ue to make the Improvement. Yana, 4; nays, 0. J. T. R L. GoaMA., President. ClKE laerrkk of the Board of Public Worker Beet. 16, 1890. Adopted. (See order to board of public works.) Also, Pascal Avenue Opening, Stu.— To the Common Council of the City of fit. Paul: The board of oubllc works have bad under cou.lderatlon the resolution or order of the com- mon couuell,approvetl Aag6, 1890,mlative to the penhig of Pascal avenue, from (larles street to U, ivemity avenue, and, having Investigated the proposed Improvement: Reapeet[ully report that It Is neemsessilty and from hones treat to tUid extend sve.ue;ethet the setimatedexpensethemul Iet68,fiDO;thatreal teto be—ii-ned therefor, emi be lmind ben- efited to the extent of the damages, coats and expenses necessary to be incurred thereby; that 356 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. E PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 357 Marano. as dle- buesemente........... $108.54 an Balaace ou hd..... 829,927.8E Total FIINDa. 23,787.98 CONDITION OF City ball and courthouse food........ $14,745.84 City fund,. ...................................... City We. work a ............................ 286.448.]C 14,881.81 City nDrary..................................... Police peuelmt fund. ........................ 8.d87.69 6,409.46 $829.927.86 W..— DEP alM. First National Huk....................... $20,074.46 Merchants' National Bank .............. 23,787.98 B.nkol Minnes.t........................ ... National German -American Bauk.. '19,378.10 28,714.68 Germania Bunk .............................. 24,169.49 St. Paul National Bank .................. Commercial National Bank ............. 26,681.18 29,193.06 Second National Bank ..................... Savings; Bonk .................................. 26,236.28 27,881.64 PeoPle'e Bank ................................. Seven Comers Bank ........................ 13.489.21 10,126.60 Capital Bank.. Wset Side Hank ............................... 5,820.87 18.068.64 Se.andlvavtan-American Bank......... 16,8118.28 Chase Nationall Hank New York, Financial agency, per Bank of Minnesota ................................... 44.608.14 Total.........................................$329, 027.86 Reepectfuliy submitted, G....E RE . City Treasurer. Aug. 80, 1890. Committee on ways and means. Of City Comptroller—Audited claim., viz.— W. J. Presto, Estimate No. 1, saw., on St. Anthony ue, 3860: T. Keough, E.Umate No. 4, gradingavenHatch and Orchard streets, $425; T. Reongh Estimate No. 4. grading Oxford and Argyle streets. $425; C. No ... macher, Estimate No. 1. grading McLean n nue, $118.; E. Carl- E.rimate No. 2, gr. di Duluth $080; P. Duly, Estimate No. 1. gradlnq Lincoln avenue,$168; W. A. Dave,,,, Estimate No. 1, grading Goodrich avenue, $425; W. A. Davern, Estimate No. 2, grading Leslie avenue, stc., $610: W. A. Davern, Estimate No. 6, grading Hope street, 3426; H. C. Huebner. Estimate No. 6, gradmg Rice street, 51.863: T. Linnau• Es- timate No. 2, grading Cues nd other streets, $1.785; McMullan & Moeda, Estimate No. 8, Mfunehaha street sewer system, $12,750; C. Novnemacher, Estimate No. 5. grading Cort. land street, 5340; J.heBey. Estimate No. 2, grading Minnehaha street, 52,040; Kirkland & Starkey, Estimate No. 3, Arcade street sewer system, $5,270; T. Reilly, Estimate No. 6, ,711- tou street sewer system. $li,8U0; N. C. Johnson, Esti mute No. 1, sewer on George street, $610; P. Doherty, Estimate No. 1. sewer n Fairmount place, $493; P. Doherty, Estimate No. 1, setter on Hope street. $714; Han - San & Johnson, E.tim.te No. 2, seweroOsceola avenue. etc., $936: AzotlneManufacturing Company. $1,333.32: W. J. Pr"O., Estimate No. 2 and final,.awer ou Western avenue, $106.07; A. Ginglex, Estimate No. 2, and final, grudlag' alley m Michel'u rear. rangement, 577.60; P. Doherty, Estimate No. 2, and final, sewer on I'airm... t avenue, $262: P. Doherty, Earl inate No. 2, Rod final, sewer on .Case re stet, $290.60; Dale & Bum. Int gardner, imate No. 2, grading Ark. Wright street, $1.156; Dale & Bumgard-' ner. Est innate No. e. grading Jenks street, $1,689.6.; J. T. Ffillloq Estimate No. 2, Ored- Ing Jessamine street, $860; L. E. Shepley, EeLi- Of City Engineer—J. H. Drake'.application for permission to put in sample Jasperlte pave- ment of Third and Sibley streete— The city engineer recommends that said re- gneet be granted. Adopted. (See resolution.) Alen, ion lica- Horn for ppstern veermisslov top PInttm lune pale, pw11h cedar p.les on Fourth street nd o Dfivne- sot. acreet— To the Common Council—Gentlemen: I en- close herewith a Communication from the Weat- r Union Telegraph ompany. aekivg per- miaeion to renew their line of pole. n Fourth street between Mirueeote and Broadway, and r Minnesota between Second and hourth &revels. I have refuaed to give this permission until I could bring the matter before your boii- rable body, for the reason that the telephone company are just on the point of Putting their wires underground on all our business $treats, and I tnought it as desirable, If possible, to get the wlres of the telegrapph company under- ground also, on Fourth ami IIIInnesot. streets• ss that Is their trunk line and 1t requires very large poles and a great number of wires. I have had an interview with Mr. I. McMichael, super- intendent of the telegraph company, to regard to this matter, but he i. of the oplulo. that is would be very detrimental �to their nice to place their fires underground, even for this short distance. He expmaaed ale nilliugo-,. however• to reduce the height ud size o, the Pole%, and to put the wdree on tbe%e .treats in ad ca Wee, similar, I euppoae, to those naw in In use by the telephone company on Cedar Street. The matter seems to me to be of sufficient f r- portame to cad it to your particular attention; and 1 would request that 1t be referred to the committee on street., where the whole eubjeet can be fully discussed. Respectfully submitted, L. W. RUXD1 err, t:lty Engineer. Sept. 16, 1890. Committee on streets. Estimates— Also, The city engineer submits. approved by him E.£lrnate NO. 4, Sixth street bridge submtruct u" m, irkland & Starkey, $4,471; E.timad No:.4, Selbyaveone bridge tuperstruetum, Edg, -'Madr Brldge Works, $7,060. Allowed and mferred to comptroller. ppee A Coetello,Dobuerh Dornide.,, Geh ,, MCNalm- Melody, Mine.. -Sanborn, Sullivan, Vu Slyke Mr. President --16. Of Corporation Attorney—William Relmer't claim, Bidwell street culvert, are.— The trop ration attorney submits ordlnancl for 398.40 in favor of said Reimer. Adopted. (See ordinance No. 1,416.) Also, Bridges—Cornu, Lexington and Stalling ave mile. Great Northern railwav line (St. P., M. & M.y. Co.).— To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: Gentlemen—Herewith I pre nvltcea yre.ident of tion horn %N. P. Clough, Esq the Great Northern liailw.y line, In reference to the construction of bridges at Como, Lazlugtov and Snelling avenues. and Mie Grover the geteraln een olicitor of tClouhe ad, 1 understood them to state that the Great Northern road would beread,• to Con- tribute Its one-third of the expense of the Con- tructlon of the Como and Lexington avenue bridges to proceed with the woCouncildeemedIt edvls- ab eAfter an examination of the facts and law bearing upon the question of the liability of this company to construct the whole of the last namd bddh I a.m f the opl do' that the Pro submitted is net, and all that can be dem ended. Respectful y submitted. O. E. HOLMAN, Corporation Attorney. 8t. Poul, Mlun., Sept. 10. 1800. Mr. O. E. Holman, Corpotatfon Counsel.— Dear Slr. Referring to the subject of the bridges spoken of at our recent Interview, I beg to say: First—We recognize our obligation to bear one-third the cost of replacing the bridge at Como avenue, for the reason that, since the moo, tion of the existing bridge at that street, we have increased the width of our right of way from 100 to 150 feet. Second—We are also willing, as soon as it hall become Ilrme.ary to pUG 111 a crossing at Lexington avenue, to contribute one-third the cost of a bridge at that point, reasonably xdapLed to the train, of the street, for the ma- son that, since the laying out of Lexington ave. nue, we have increased the breadth of our right of way from 100 to 150 feet. Third—We will take early measures for the strengthening or rep:acemeut of the Shelling ave- nue bridge. Respectfully yours, W. p. Ci o.ae, Vice President. Sept. 16. 1890. Committee on streets. Also, Hemline Avenue Bridge—St. P., M. & M. By. Co.— To the Honorable the President and Common Council of the City of Sc. Paul: Gentlemen—Upou au examination made as to the re•peetIve rktits of the St. Paul, Minneapo- 118 d& Mamtobx Railway company and Lhe clip of St. Pani with respect to the construction its bridge at Hemline avenue Over the right of way of said eompnny, we am of the the that the duty of bu6diug such bridge rests upon the city of St. Paul, the radmad company baying ac - q fired 1 right at way where It I. Crossed by liamllaA sv a soma two yenta Pt1oC LO the obeying of ea1,1 .venue. Be. 1�/3oLly, Corporation Attorney. Sept. 10, 1890. (Seeresolution.) l.g Er.— UBLic woRae. H. inline Avenue Open To the Common Council of the City of fit. Paul: The board of public w rks have had under n.lderatlon the resolution or order ofthecom- mon council, approved July 2. 1890, relative to the opening approved avenue, from Summit avenue to Randolph LreeL, and, having In- g. the proposed impprovement: pr p Mr`."lly report that it fa necessary and e between Goodrich venueuand a Randolph rlin. a— ttreet; that the estimated V=he le $4.500; that real estate to be assessed therefor un be found benefited to the extent of the anor the owneranor propIs perty rto beaaseetiaedt therefor, but we ber!l; send o plant said Improve- ent, and an order for your adoption, If you de, aim us to make the Improvement. Yeas, 4; neye, 0. - R. L. GomI President. J. T. R. of Clerk of the Board of Public Works. SepPt. t- 18x0. Adospted. (See order to board of public works.) Also, Park Place Park—Driveway Pav(n To the Common CounCt1 o[ the Glty og— f St. Paul: The board of public w ks have had under com.1detatfou the resolution or order f the CO cif, approved Sept. 5. 1890, rela- ti auto tpevlug the driveway on south erne of Park Pince Park with cede blocks and wooden pbiuV, ud having I .... tlgated the proposed Imptfully rep rt that sold Imp vement la Rue ary n d proper, that the eeti- m.ted pease thereof 1. $2.259; one-half of which nred n t be paid Into the City treasury before the contract is let; thatmal tate to be aseeeed therefor can be found bene- fited to the extent of the coats and ea- Mnd. neeeeeary to be incurred thereby; that e Id improvement ie tat asked for by ape tltion of a majority of the owners of property to be assessed therefor, but we herewith send a plan and profile of said Improvement, and an order for your adoption, If you desire us to make the (mprovemnnt. ]Baa, 4; (rays. O. R. L. G06MAN, Pmeident. J. T. KER11— Clerk of the Board of Public Work.. Sept. 76, 1880. Adopted. (See order to board of public work..) Al.. Pascal Avenue Opening, Etc— To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: The board of nubile work. have had under Consideration the resolution ororder of the com- mon couudl,epproved Aug.6, 1890,rclative tothe opening at Pascal avenue, from Charles street to Ualveraltp avenue, and, having investigated the pmp.eed improvement: Respectfullyreport that It f. neecessery and proper to open, widen and extend Pascal avenue, from Charles street to University avenue: that the eatimated expeuss thereof 1. $8,600; that mal fe to Ne asaee.ed therefor -n&; fund hen- efited to the extent of the damages, costs .fid expenses necessary to be Incurred thereby; that 358 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. said Improvement is not asked for by a petition of a majority of the owners of proyerty to he assessed therefor, but we herewith nd a plan of said Improvement, and a order for p doptlon if you desire us to make the improve- mYeae, r. R. L. Goauax. President. J. T. K. it, Clerk of the Board of Public Work.. Se`,t. 16, 1890. Adopted. (See order to board of public works). Also, Asbury Avenue Opening, ete.— To the Common Couucll of the City of S[. Paul: The board of public corks have had under consideration the re.. uclon or order of the co mmou council. approved Aug. 8, 1890, rela- tive to the opening of Asbury avenue, from Charles street to University avenue, and having Investigated the proposed Improvement: Respectfully report that it is necessary and proper to ops n,en and tend Asbury ave- nue, 1 ors Charlesstreet to University venue; that the estimated expepse thereof is $6,500; that real tate to be assessed therefor can be found benefited to the extent of the damngea, costs and e,pausce necessary to be incumd thereby; that said Impprovement je not naked for by a petitlou of a maJoritp of the ox.a of property to be assessed therefor, but we herewith. send a plan of Bald improvement, and an order for your adoption, if you desire us to make the Improvement. Yeas, 4; ueye, 0S. L. Goaazex, President. J. T. Rlerk of Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Sept. 12, 1890. Adopted. (Bee order to board of public a orke. ) Also, Grading Ravmond Place and Alley In Block el, St. Anthony Park— To the Common Council of the City of St- Paul: The board of yublic works have had under consideration the resolution or order of the common council, approved June 18, 1890, rela- tive to grad1.g Raymond place. and, having In- v tl(mted the proposed Improvement: Respectfully revort that It le necessary and proper to grade Raymond place and the alley fp block 61, St. Antho.y Park, St. Paul, said glad. lug to be done u.der nue contract; that the esti. mated ezpea. thereat fa $1,130, one-half of which .sed Pat be paid Into the city treasury before the contzacc fa let; that mal estate to be assessed therefor can be found benefited to the extent of the cost and expe.ses necessary to be Incurred themby; that said Improvement le asked for by a ,`Lido. of . majority of the owners of property to be assessed therefor. and we herewith send a plan and profile of said Im- provement and an order for your adoption it you desire us to make the improvement. Yeas, 4; Paye, O. R. L. Goaxex, President. J. T. %EE%6a, Clerkof the Board of Public Works. Be�t. 11, 18&1. Adopted. (See order to board of public wok0.) Also. Dawson Street Sewer— To the Common CO fee' of the City Of St, P.u1: The board of public works have had under consideration the resolution or order of the common coundl, appproved Sept. 6, 1890, mla- ilve to tLe con.trVU.r. of a sewer on Dawson street, from Mendota street to Forest stmt, and, having investigated the proposed improve - men : mprove- mens: ft spectfullpy port that said Improvement is necessaryy d proper, together with the uecee- ary catch LaslJIB and menho ; that theeati- wted pe a thereof is $763, one-half of hich need not be paid into the city treasury before the not Is let: that real estate to be assessed therefor can be found benefited to the extent of the cost an. e tl8 uses neoese�ry to bre Incurred thereby; the[ id impment roveis of asked for by a petition of a majority but by a large number of the owners oproperty to De assessed therefor, and we herewith send a plan or profile of said Improvement, and an order for your adoption, If you desire us to make the Improvement. Yeas, 4; nays, 0. R. L. Gottwex, President. Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Sept. 16, 1890. AT, (Spa order to board of public works.) Also, Hoffman Avenue Opening, Em: To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: The board of public works have had under consideration the resolutionor orderof the com- mon council, approved April 7, 1887, relnclve to the opening and eztetlslon of Hoffman avenue, from or near Clermont stmt, In a northeasterly direction by the most practicable route, to t.e Intersection of Mound and Hiawatha streets, and, having Investigated the proposed Improve- ment: Respeotfulfy report that It is neecasary and proper,to open, widen and extend Hoffman ave- nue, between Clermont tut and Hiawatha at— . that the eatiin expense thereof le $500; that real estate to be —it therefor cab be found bensfitedto the extent of the dam- eges, coats and expenses necessary to be Incurred thereby; that Bald Improvement le not asked for by . petition t a malodty of the owners of prose ty to ba eaeea therefor. but we. here with red a plan of 'aid Improvement, and an order for your adoption, R youdealre us to make Yeas, 4: my., U. R. L. Goex", President. J. T. K mzn lark Clerk . Cof the Board of Public Works. Sept. ed (See 1 90. Adopted. (Sea order to board of public works.) Also, Chatsworth Street Opening, etc.— To the Common CoundI of the City of St. Paul: The board of Public works have had under Chatsworth street, from Carroll stmt to St. Anthony avenue, and having Investigated the proposed improvement: Resperttit y report that said lmceprovement is necessary aad proper; that the timated ex- peaee thareot le 34,000; that real estate to be aneeeBed therefor can be found benefited to the extent of the damages, costo and pensee nec- aeeary to be Incurred thereby; that Bald Im- provement is not asked for by a petition of a majority of the owners at property to be aa- seaeed therefor, but we herewithh send a plan PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 3559 of said Improvement, aad an order for your common council, approved July 2, 1890, rela. adoption, R you desire us to make the improve- Live to the opening of Van Buren street, from ment Fry street to Snelling avenue, and, havinglnves. Yeas, 4; nays, 0. tigated the proposed improvement: R. L. GoaxA-x, President, Wtfully report that It is necessary and .t. T. RERKER, proper to Open, WIdea and tend Van Buren Clerk of the Board of Public Works. street, from Fry street to Snatiing avenue, that Sept. 4, 1890. the eettmated expeasethereof fe 88 000; that real ' Adopted. (See order to board of public tate to be assessed therefor canoe found bene- xorke.) fited to the extent of the damages, cost and ex - Also, senses nemenry to be incurred thereby; that Case Street Opening, Etc.— aid im rovement le not asked for by . petition To the Common Couucll of he City of St. Paul: of a majority of the owners of property to be as. The board ofpublR works have had undercon- sensed therefor, but we herewith send a plan aider tlon the resolution or order of the common of s id impProvement, and an order for your council, app oved July 3, 1889, relative to the adoption, Il you desire us to make the Improve. peuing, w denl.g and extension oI Caen street, ment. from Forest street to Duluth avenue, and having Yeas, 4; nays, 0. hnestigated the proposed improvement: R. L. Gonsux, President. n eRespi cttul"yspa report and [hates Baid impeovr J. T. RearsEn, necessary pro r; that t ee Clerk of the Board of Public Work.. timated expense thereof 1s $7,500; that real fie t. 4, 1890. e tate to be assessed therefor can be found ben- Adopted. (See orderto board of public works.) etited to the extent of the damages, costsand expenses necessary to be incurred themby; tnat Also. 8 (d fmprovemnut is not asked for by a petition of a majority of the owners of operty to be assessed therefor, but w herew, th send a plan of said improvement, and an order for your adoption, if you desire ue to make the Improve- meYent. as, 4; new. 0. R. L. Goan", President. J. T. KE—, Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Seppt. 11, la9u. Adopted. (bee order to the board of public work..) Also, mp Sewer, Grove street d St. P. & N. P. By. right of way— To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: The board of public works havo had under colaiderstio. the resolution or order of thecom- on coundl, approved Aug. 6, 1890, relative to the construction of a sewer on Grovetut, near Seventh stmt, in front on lots Nos. 10 end 11, block 11, Brunson's addition coSt. Paul, and having investigated the proposed improve- ment: Respectfully report that It is necessary and p aper to construct e, eewe Grove stmt, from Seventh atm, to the right of way of the St. Paul & Northern Paciflc Rellway company, thence southerly along said right of way to a connection with the Dradleyy treat sewer, La- gether with rte smeary ca,eb t,=tts and msn- holee; that rho eetltaated expense thereof le 8470, one -ball of which need not be paid into the dry treasury before thecontract Is let; that real estate to be assessed therefor can be found benefited to the extent of $262.50 of thereby, the balance ($207.6(1) to be paid out of the sewerage bond fund; that said Impprovement is asked for by apetitlan of Jortty o[ the owners of property to be aeeeexd therefor. and Yam, 4; nays, o. R. L. Goar[As, President. J. T. Clerk Clerk of of the Board of Public Works Sept. il, 1890. Adopted. (see order to board of public work..) Also, Van Buten ouStreetCo Opening, etc.— To the Common public of the Cave b d Paul: 'mise board of public works have Dad outer conaideraWon ^saerrewlatlon-or :order of the Mound Street Sewer_ To the Common Council of the City of St. Paxil: The board f public works have had under consideration the resolution or order of the common council, appproved Sept 6, 1890, rela- tive to the construction cf . sewer on Mound street, from Clermont stmt to Earl street, and having investigated the proposed improve. me.: Respectfully report that said 1m rovement Is neo 1 and proper, together With the neces. sary cateh beet.. and manholes; that the esti. mated exppeense thereof 1. $2,120,one-half of which need not bre paid Into the dtytreasury bet ore the contract 1, let; that real estate to beaeeeased therefor can be found benefited to the extent of the cost dp uses necessary to be incurred thereby; that sold improvement Is not asked or by apetition of a majority, but by s large number of the .—a- of property to be assessed therefor, and we herewith send a plan of said Improvement and u order for Toone adoption, it you d.6 ne to make the Provement. Yeas, 4; .aye, U. R. L. Gotu[Ax, President. J. T. KicanEa, Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Sent. 16, 1890. Adopted. (See order to board of public works.) Also, Grading Sha ene street (alley, block 9, Lewis' Second addition)— To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: The board of public works have had under onaideratiOn the resolution or order of the common coundl, approved July 16. 1890, rela- tive to gradingg n alley in Block No. 9, of Lewle' Second addltlon, between Wayrat. street and Front street, and having Investigated the proposed Improvement: _ $eapectfail repport that ft la neeeeseryand proper togr.sin 8lmcoeetmthom Atwe[eretmt [o Front stmt (formerlyallev le block B, Lewla' Second addltionl: the[ the estimated .-sense the le $320, one-half of which need not be Paid Into ton dry treasury before the contractfe t- that real estate to he assessed therefor can as found benefited to the extent of the coat and upon mosses" to be incurred thereby, that mid Improvement fe not asked for b' pe- :(tion of a majority, but by a large numbes r of � he owners of property Lo ba asmeaeed therefor, red we herewith send a plan and proffle of maid 380 PROCEEDINGS OF THE C011MON COUNCIL. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 361 improvement. slid an order for your adoption. the est line of Edgerton street on P lone ave• a Ik o° both sides of Lizzie from Brenn- R Vii deal uaus to make the Improvement. rte. indicated by the red 11 the are:om- that the estimated street, ,Vso, e d uv nue to yfurplaud nveum•, with if,, repnrt Aeseesmeut for cement eideu'nik nenivst at'h YY , 4, ye, O. R. L. Ghana—, President. pauying profile; t pet therefor is $8,000; that real aerate to lr - that there is no Lizzie street Get ween the [s f lot O, biota u, Rice S, Irvine's addition—J. W, l out of lot J. T. R Mia, Clerk of the Board of PUDBo Worts. seed therefor can found tan benefited to the ex- tent the damages d ipaux oantetl. R. L. Gonx.t,v, Pr eiaeut. The board recommends that Buid Property 8tpt. 6, 18PU. ,c eery to be Incurred Lhmtbp; Chet Bald improve- t J. T. Kttagt.a, bat - having been sold by ,...tend certiticnts Issued Clerk of the Board Public {yorka. -trennnrer Adopted. (gee order to board of public t is not askee ffor b Y petition of a majority of thereon. Lhe cit Le direct,( to redeem Sept. 16, 1890. nnid certifiatte in order that works.) f the owners of ro t to be assessed theref herewith fila f cloud u Aluernwn of the [recd. said Pou title of s Also, but we nd a pian and mr said improvement, it you desire to eke the lm- AN., .adopted[[ (See rnulut1. Penin lvavia Avenue Chan t Grad'- y gen City St. Paul: provementu E. ,\. F-itr• Il Litiou for relief—nasese- Al_. hent , 's p" To the Common Couvcil of the oI Th boardot public w rks have bad under p Yeas, 4; aye, O, en R, L. GoAu Prmident. meut Leslie even,, openit'te— . slrert Fxdinc—L'u-ii Park— - 'Po t11e Ilumrretbls the Yr_,dent Common To the Common Conur9 of Lhe City of �t. Paul: consideration the resolution or order of the J. T. K&ansa, and hoard of public w'o k+ have herd oder Couucii. lit f St. Paul: y o common council, aopproved June , 1890, rete- i ! Pennsylvania Clerk of the Board of Public Works. coirnnid--tion the rex.l i.rk order of the Gentlennoit The board of public storks here- tireto change grade on e, between Jacksonthiastreet end Mt. Vernon 6e t. 6, 1890. Adopted eud city clerk Snstmoted to give neo- o',he common council, approved .\prilrl9, 1889, tela- i�ji�� xj�jenskl Live to opening Lexlie avenue, from Aldine . creat and, having investlaated the proposed ,Mary publication notice. t� for relief ht the matter of the street e smear to Fairview !,,,line, nun having investigated I. Ilrr a e: Also, n a •sittxt his sn- !, p Per`y for grndiugccr-osevan thlteer�ec➢tired improvement: tnilt atmtt iu Iliiau Park, au I bag leave [o StespectfullY report that rt ie rte eery' and to than the in'atle ov Prone 1 1 av- oiler ge y van a 61 th Street Bridg 6u tstructux— ppee re- vem uo re theft nxid property wax ouly,.,, n.,d i,, the y- t'ePort tituc sand imp[ tut Is not s- xhry d p' from the westerly It,, of Jackson street to To the Honorable the President and Common st Proper ut this Lime, her Cha to proportion eta the bIlInn of the Property neon that ret n hearin • be(ure nnid Doard thfe line mt. Vernon street, ne indicated by the red live Council, City of St. Paul: amt the of said improvements; that the jet - [tone of the t' otvuerx oust ,.—sed against the property pxeent fitter- I the eccom file; that the eatt- . panyine Pt° ted is Chet to Gentlemen: Theboard o[ ublicworks herewith S Sept. 4, or t pro erty of the pe- titiouer Is iutt nml �' este( were in favor f the proposed imilt. - proper, and t at its the opin- expvnBe thereof $16; real estate be axsessied therefor can be fou°( benefited to pec[fully retuttt your pproved 18130, for the coustructfon of the Burnt nature nt fps of send board avid petitioner Is entitled to ntj-ene, 4; nays, O. the extent of the damages, costs d expenses f the bridge oa Sixth street, from n polo 160 no relief. R. L. GO111 v, President. R. L. (:oic,—, President. n rp to be Incurred thereby: that aid Improvement I.n t naked for by a feet east of the east Ifve of Klttson street to a polus 110 feet east of the t If.. of Commer- J. T. Keaxrm, J. T. Keitg n a' Clerk of the Board of Public Works. petition of a majority Of the owners of property al street, in 1d city, with [he queat that Clerk of the Boned of Public ]{'orka. pt 1 fi 180, t. 4. 18nU' to be nacesaed therefor. but we herewith Bead a your honorable body annul said order and pass , e Aldennuu of the [card. Adopted, and uu motion Ald. Sanborn the plan and profile of said improvement, R you de- vew final order for saitl improvemevc, the ob- of prayer of nufd petitioner was denied. IINO sire to make the Improvement. Yeas, 4; nays, 0. feet of said new anal order being to make use of certain unused bonds appropriated for acid Alley Grading, Block 70, Go[zinn's 9ubdiviston Also, Lyman Dayton's Addition— R. L. GonluwS, President. J. T. %Stuart, bridge. A final order emended fe herewith proper To the Common Council .f the City of 6t. Paul: , It Jesaetntiuc ret rest grading an, oridgbig (St. Pout The board Clerk of the Board of Public Works. submitted for your adopption. '1 :\or of public norka hove Imd under l'nctptc Run lroxd ContnPnn}-)— conaldcrxtiott the reaolu[iou order of rite To Hammad, 4eyyt. 11, 1890. R. L. lioawx, President. for the P-mdeut ut Common common coon s, 7 Jul Council, Pity of St. Paul: eupprovee Y 113, 1890, Adopted end tlty clerk Instructed to give nee- J. T. Krnesa. Board Public Works relative to Grutleluru: The board f blit frocks here- grading liar iu block 76, Guilin,'. u esasry publleatlon notice. Clerk of the of Sept. 8. 1890. with rennectfu7�v transmit i e t from the city � Subdivision ttt Lyn[ utt Dapt ott't Addition, and, por having fuvestiguted [he prolFoeed h�roveme Also Adopted, and said °rue, approved Sept. e- engineer relntirc to the din came line atm•[, from ti ilesPectfull}- repnrt firer and ire rttia Como Avenue Chan f Grade— Se ° 1890, repealed and nn Ile(, yeas 16. (SeaI a StRatttlo Mississippit. n c ntt saner and per It et rest. ➢ro thin time, for the 7o the Common Council of the City of EL. Paul: der to board of public works. P ) that at n hen before aid board thus 7'hu board would respectfully request your day, The board of pu bele ks have bed oder Lhe order t Lha oleo, Slopes, ldewalk—Iota 28 and 28, lCao° hag a majority of the on scree f [he Pro➢arty hovantble body t ppro i [ 1 t ¢ t to be assessed Ito ,fund consideratlou rxolutiov e mmon council, approved ApGI 7, 1887, rept- grading block 9, Edmund R1eb'e Ftxc addition—(I)e fr,m [he bridge bond were Opposed the proposed Ira- Then ettml1tof $'2,4611, provement. Ifve to a change of grade on Como avenue, from Soto at"s the tante to apply toward the­t of the tattle Yene, 4; hare, O. [o the bridge 'ay Rice street to Jackson street, and having loves- 7'o the Honorable, the President and Common pnrouch over the right of of R. L. Gotutev, President. the St. Paul S Northern Piscine Ruilrund Ligated the pproposed improvement: Council, (,: of St. Paul: com- Pliny wlthtn the lines of Jessamine street. J T. KeaSSa, Reepeethllly report that sold improvement is necessary and proper as indicated by the red Geistlemetu 'Phu board of public works hem w,th respectfully return Lha preliminaryorder, R. L. GoniteN, Yresideut. Clerk of the Board of Public Works, J. T. K...... Sept. 6, 183)0' • line o I the itcr..mDSo lhg roflle; that the esti- pp__. Sept. 6. 1890, In the matter of con- Alderman of the ward. Clerk of the Board of Public Works. meted expense thereof $2.000; that real demising the elopes atIota Noe. 22 and 28, of , Sent. 9, 1890. Atso, erste to be aeBeaeed therefor esu be found bene- block No. 9, 011 the east idof Do Soto Street. Committee o.r ways a d means. Keaton Street Grad ntg— To fited to the extent of the damages, cost and ex- puttee. necessary to be incurred thereby; that in Edmund Blue', First addition to the city of fie. Paul, and that the street oapuosite that the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: Also, The board of public works have had under con- id improvem nt ie not asfor by. petition point be graded to Its full width d the side- County Roud Gridmg Contract— aiderxtfon the resolution o order f the co s- of amalority o} the ownex of the ppnroepettya to De but berewith d walk be laid In Re propel Ince on the Ifne of 1d ibe that ld treat hoe To the Honorable the President and Common mon counml, pproved July _, 18911, rels- Live t° the Kenton as seed therefor, we pian nnd profile VI said imptovemevc, B you desire a =with report been ¢raked, that the contract for said grading C'uuuci,. C1cy o! St. Paul: grading of street for the en- Gentlemen: The board Hre length thereof, and, Da,hig investigated the make the improvement- p°rovlded for the Mk2ingg t the slopes. E c the of pnblte works hex- [11th ren pecttully return order for pp vmO prResPectfully Yee.,, 4; nays, O. ten f told lots 22 nd 88 old of allow your grading reports thatsald (rep ova ant le l:oa utY rood from Lun ord [venue to Kna R. L. Gowan, Ptrsiden4 J. T. Rsmtaa, Public Work. the contrueto[ to take out ea{d elopes, and said board therefore do not think It would De doing the own x to aeema ret t n'f[h the report [l�inc the contract for nal not necessary andaProper ac hen ime for the adiliK here bav let pp t Lo your final o r a that at hearing before nnid board r - th a dal'. inerts der, Clerk of the Board of fit. 6, 189V, cloy Ittetruotad to nee- 1 lice to other p lrett- therefor taking out id slopm under anew .Pproved Juna 1R, 180.. maf"icy of the own f the t R. L. Goaxax. President. n_ roperty to be gallesned wax opooBed Lo the P}ePae ATOpted, end clerk g(ve eeey publication notice. contract. President. R. L. GoaukB, J. T. K.agea, Clerk of the Board of Public Worke. un PyoO ut. Alan, J. T. KSmaa, Works. Sept. 16, 1890. R. L. Gonxnu, President. J. T. 7.SitSSt-, Clerk. of the Boaz( of Public Sepc. 8, 1890. Alderman of Elie ward. Clerk o[ Lha B�rd of Public Works. Wella SLrcetLtavile of Grade— To the Commbn (misnGl of the City of St. Paul: Alderman of the ward. Al.., Sept. 6, 1891. '- The boardof pubfle works have had under Alan F. Holmen's petition to boant asking board to Alderman of the ward. consideration the rest, ouch or ofder of the redeem sewer connection license for 189ugranted Al.., common council, approved May 21 1890, rel, Liule Street Sidewalk— to said Holmen, said Holmen having been Sick Alley Opening, Block 6, E. Dean's Secoud Ad- five to a change of grade on Kjells Street, from Payne avenue to Edgerton street, and, To the Honorable the President and Common Council, City of St. Patti: duringg the year and having had no benefit from ditlon— said Ileense— To the Common Council of the qty of St. Paul: having investigated the proposed Improvement: Gentlemen: The board to public works here- The board transmits said petition with a The board of public works have had under Respectfully report twat Pt is neresaery and With reepectfnlly return gout "solution ap- favorable rec°mmeudetiou. cousideratiou Lha resolution or order Of; the proper to change the grade on Wella stress, from proved Sept. 6, 18110, for Cha wnatrnetlo¢ of a Committee on Strata. common council, approved May 21, 1890; tela. 362 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. tive to the opening of an alley in block G, E. Deans Second a w S and Addition to St. Paul to idth of fifteen feet, and, having investigated the pro- posed improvement: Respectfully report that said improvement Is not necessary and proper at this time, for the on that at a hearing before said board this day, none of the property owners interested ap- peared in favor of file proposed improvement. Yeas, 4; days, 0. R. L. GOux.wn, President. J. T. K...... Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Sept. Id' 1890. Alderman of the ward. Also, Congress Street and Wmalow Avenup Seaer— To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: The board of public works have had under consideration the resolution or order of the common council, approved Aug. 0, 1890, ml. ative to the construction of x sewer on Congress street, from Ohio street to tt'iuslow' avenue, and on Winslow avenue to Isabel street. and, bar, me Investigated the pro need improvement: Respectfully report that said improvement is not necessary and Pro ter for the reason that, at n hearing before 8ual board this day, a large majority of the owners of the property to be as - sed 'resented a wcrittell protest against then propose 'I im peoventen[. Ye"' 4; any., U. R. L. G-.. President. J. T. KERRER, Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Sept.;1. Alderman o89[0the ward. Ale., Ethel street ...cer— To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: The board of public 11 its have had oder consideration the resolution or order of the common council, approved Aug. 6, 1890, rela- tive to the construction of a sewer on Ethel street, fromthe Mississippi river to Ob in street, and, having investigated the proposed improve- ment: Respectfully report that saidimprovement IB not necessary and 1 roper at this time foe the aeon that int a hearing before said board this day all persons present interested were opposed to the proposed improvement. Yeas, 4; usys 0. R. L. Go -t—, President. J. T. KEaaEa, Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Sept. 6, 1890. Alderman of the ward. Also, Winifred Street Sewer— To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: The bumf of public corks have had under cousidematiun the resolution o order of the common council, approved Aug. 2'2, 1890, min. ttve to the construction of a sewern Winifred street, from State street to Concord street, dad, having investigated the proposed improvement: Rislif foully report that acid improvement i. not necrssnry i lid proper at thio time for the t.son that n Ixrge majority of the ..as. of he property to be asaeased have presented a written remonstrance against the proposed Im- p mea; nt. ava, 0. Yen., 3 n R. L. Gonu,ts, President. J- T. KEt{gER, Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Sept. 9, 1890. Alderman of the ward. Also, Grading alley bohnded by Welds, Arcade, York and Sims streets— To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: The board of public works have had under consideration the resolution or order of the common council, apepr ed July 2, 1890, rel- ative to grading a Iley bounded ay Weide, Ar- cade, fork and Sims etrect.. same having be - o and is hereby declared by the commission. erof health a public nuisance by reason of stag- nant nater, and having investigated the pro- posed improvement: Respectfully report that said Improvement Is not necessary and proper for the reason that the grading of said ¢,try 'rill not.'--tiplisbthe Object for which the order was apparently turmand "I'dsome fillingtbedt tdone on dj.itdng property. that Yeas, 4; nays, 0. R. L. Gim—, President. J. T. KEtiRER, Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Sept. 11, 1890. Alderman of the ward. Also, Het'echel Street Opening. Etc.— To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: The board of public works have had under consideration theresolutlon ororder of the com- nlon cuunef i, apppIroved April 19, 1889,mlative to the opening, •(r3enlag and extension of Herschel street, from Summit uvenae to Dayton avenue, and Wheeler syenue, from Summit yen a to Ashland avenue,and, having investigated the prRoplips, eed improvement: p y report that said Improvement is not necessary and proper board this time, for the day nn that at a ]nearing before said this one of the p -petty owners present in- terested appeared in favor ou the proposed fin. provemeut. Yeas, 4; nays, 0. R. L. G... Is, President. J. T. KEnR ER, Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Sept. 1d, 1890. Alderman of the ward. Also. Miss i ssippi Street Sewer— To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: The board of public works have had under consideration the msolntioil or order of the w ram.n council, Approved A.C. 6, 1890, rela- tivetotheconstructional aseweron Miesfsslpppl .treat, from the right of wtayof the Great Nor[h- rt it, tvay company north to Northern ll et right of any. and, having Investigated the pro- posed improvement: Respectfully report that said improvement ie "It necessary and proper at this time, for the reason that at s hearing before said board thus day all persons present interested were op- posed to the proposed improvement. Yea., 4; nays. 0. R. L. Goeaus, President. J. T. KERRER, Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Sept. ('1, 1790. Alderman of the ward. Also, Victoria Street Sewer Contract— The boardreports that It has awarded Pat. r:ek Doherty the contract for con trueting s Sewer on Victoria street from Goodrich avenue to Grand avenue. together with the lie - sly :etch basins aur} manholes, he being the lowest reliable and respothis bidder therefor; ...Out of bid, $855; LoudnsIn the sum of $250, with James Cleary and Phil Pabst - l ureties. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 388 Also, road. from Langford avenue to Kn¢pp treet, Ohio Street Grading Contract he being the'. e lowest reliable 1 reepodsible bld- The board reports that it has awarded der therefor; amount of bidll1$725; bond in the Thornton S Shaw the contract for grading Ohio m of $300, with Thomas F. O'Dowd and street from Isabel street to Annapolis street, James Fenstermaker as sureties. they befog the, lowest reliable. and responsible Also bidders therefor: amount of bid, 84,573; bond I in the sum of $1,200, with William R. Marshall Alley Block 7, Woodbury k Cases Addition, and Warren H. Mead as sureties. Grading Contract The board reports that it has ¢warded Also, The Tracy the contract for grading the alley Olive Street Grading and 'ewering Contract— Ili block 7. Woodbury ,i• Cess,s addition, from The board reports that it has awarded Harvard street to Wuodaury rune, he being Thornton & Shaw the contract ter grading Lhe lorvest reliable a:d responsible bidder there - Olive street from Pennsylvania avenue to Will- for: amount of bid, $75; hood in tha sunt of lama street, sad onstructfng n sewer o id $15, w1[h Yeter Tierney and William J, Tlerney- Olive street from Yenusylvnniri avenue to Will. as sureties. isms street, together with the necessery catch Alen, basil and manholes, said gradidg and severing Margaret Street Sewcer Contract— to be dolts under one contrnet, they Leing Lhe 'Phe board reports that it has awarded Pat - lowest reliable slid resnousible bidders therefor; rick Ilohercy the contract for constructing a amount f bid, 81,977; bond in the sum of setter on Margaret street. froth Mendota street $000, with \Yarm. H. Mead and William R. to Forest street. together with the ere.—ry MarehnlI xa suretfee. catch buehts and mxuholrx. he being the lowest Also, reliable and rest, bidder tderefor; nmomu Hague Avenue Grading Contract— of bid, $67.5; bond fn the saw of 5200, with The board reports that it has ¢warded John James Cleary slid Phil Fxbel as sureties. W. Maloney the contract forgrading Hague ave- nue, front Lexington avenue to Fairview avenue Also, (e sept across the right of '"yof [hr Ch lwauicago, Nebraska Avenue and Other Streets, Grading Mi likes d St. Paul Railway company—short Contract— line), he bele the lowest reliable and respousf- The board reports that It has awarded his bidder therefor; ,mount of bid. 85.187 bond Thomas Lhmaa the contract for grading Ne. fn the sum of S1,100.with E. McNxnnee rind braska avenue, from nice street to l;uultier Michael J. Moloney an sureties. street; Kansas n , from Rice treat to Ala., Gaultier street; Idshouavmaue, from Rim street Chatsworth Street Grading Contract to Gaultier street: Albemarle street, front Lake The board reports that 1t hxe ¢ nrded F.d Como and Phalen avenue to Minueapoli. ata Carl con the contract for grading Chatsworth nue; Marion street, from Lake Como laud Phalen tenet, from Laurel avenue to St. Clair street, he avenue to Minneapolis avenue and Woodbridge being the lowest reliable and responsible bidder street, from Nebraska ve lie to Minneapolis therefor, amount of bid, 51,950; bond iu the n -on" said grading [o be done under one foa- m of Sfino with E. McNamee and ll.:1I. Fin- L act, he befog the lowest reliable it respouef- IaTson as sureties, ble bidder therefor: annum f tbfd. 811,080; Also bond In the sum of $3,000, with r - James Fedste Cheitou Avenue Grading Contract maker and E. H. Stnhiman i sureties. The board reports [hat it hoe ¢warded Each of the foregoing awards token up separ. Thomne Linnen the contrnet forgt•a111, l;lneltod ately and approved by the following vote: he being from Prior avenue to Falrvien• avenue. Yews—Ald. B.nholxer, Boit, Conley, Cope - he being the ly bidder, and hie bid being laud, (71%11, Dobuer, Dominica, Gehan, Me - reasonable and the being reimblennd respons(ble; Namee, JJelady, \linea, a reborn, Sullivan. ma .'"I ount of bid, $1.075; Loud in the e m of Vat, Slyke. Mr. President -15. S40o, with James Fenstermaker and E. H. Start. Also, man as sureties. Estimates and Claima— Also, The board trndxmits, approved by It, the fol. Allay, Block 25, A. Gotzian's Rearrangement ]owing estimates and claims, to wit: igel's Addition, Grading Contract b;stimnte No. 2 and fluid, Hope street; Tae is, reports that it has awvarded Peter (Sixth to Fourth), p. Doherty, $lU.; L•'stir Tantholc the contract for at. the alley 1 Le No. 6 and final. Sydney street gentling additluell _n, ,t. Gocziun'e renrrangemeut of Sigel's (Bldx'e11 to Cbi7' Uew ), Taorntnu $ Shnwr, addition, he being the lowest -liable said m. 5899; Estlmnte \ 2 and final, Fa�rmunnt sponslble bidder therefor; amount of bid, $193; piner sewer (St. Albnne to 11n1e), P. Doherty. bond (n the sum of $SU with N. C. Johnson and 564; ExtimnI, No. 4 and final, Forest street W. It. Lama as sural At sewer system, W. C. I loherty,g2.U61. i8; Brown, Also. Treaty & Co., $7.20, H. Bork, $4.i,p; Fast Fifth Street Paving Cont -Tact Duggan, SA.16; A. Becker l Cu., 51: G. J. The board reports teat it hxe win ded Louis Ml tech, aC Co., $IU; W McGuigan, 88.:35; E. Sheplev the contract fur }Having Ensc Flltb Meendler Bros., $297.50; B. F. Knauft F Co., street, from Muria avenue [o point 400 feet g10.2U; C. LlchtRnen. 568.76; J[inaesotx Trun+- w' ec of sold )Ixr4¢ avenue, with cedar blocks far Blncksmich Sher, 519.(55; G. )fitsch, 828 fly; aid c.rblug with grutice,fucludiug the necessary \[errill'x Toilet 9npply, $:3.70: Kenny Bros., sewer counecttoux to the property lila, hu be- 527,50; G. C. Harper, 5(54.38: F. VY. ftndf end, inR theloweet reliable rl reeponaiale Liddcr gI:S; J. C. HnnleT Lima Company. $l:i; C'. {V. therefor, n [Dunt of bid, paving ami urblug, Hackett Hardware Company, 811.07; T. W. $2,915.5:1; four sewer connections, $12.50 each; HxrHeld ( ardw strntor of estate of U. L. BII- total bid, $2.965.5;3; bond In the suns of 5710, nugsly),s" tiond}'eur Rubber C.mpnny-.S 1.117: with George C. Harper utlIf William Thotu us - eureties, Al.., - County Road GradingContract— Th. board report. that It has awarded Thomas Llnnaa the coutructtor grading county Nelr HHl,i•}•, Dux.. Co.. $5.80; 364 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. E. Wedelstaedt, $30; Wyckoff, Seaman, & Ben edict, 31.25; Schnell & Krank, 50 cents; Serib Libbey Co.. 5399.90; Pt,tczek & Zik in uud, 5()""t": 0cent,; G. 11587.75; St. Pau H.nlw'are C'o.. 530.20; St. Paul Foundry C'o. $7.5u; Y. Yef eier, $43.92; J. A. Olttms (assign of S. R. )Ic)l.t"ters), 50 cents; J.. Martis L ober Co., 5112813,53. Committee oil claims. AEPOA1 — .—H. of —n. t'U]f?II,slO\'EAB. Horses roudernneJ— To the Honorable President and Con m0 Counoll of LII, C'1 ty of St. Pani: Gentlemen—'floe board of fire commissioner e"pecthlllt'reoort they hove condemned the in brei ig mined hurnes nn miit for fire dep artnient Bny borne "Ned," fail broke. gray horse e'Alsmarck," partially blind; gray horse "Martin," red wlife in pneture. We respect- fully ask authority to sea! them :tad to purchase others o duce those cuudrmued. Submitted by order of the board. \Vu. O'GotLUA v, 8eeretnry. Adoept[ed, aI d bonne of fire cumml,.aionera an- tho 1 to sen amlopurchase ns m"m•s[ed.m RE -111 (11 III Tie board oro ,tmlts thrlon h ft,n—rotary a opy ,[ resolutfua adopted by board Sept ]5. 1x90, recnm trending hot c out 11 refund the a ey collected a m s oto c is for' E� rks under lI—vision, of Is,, held, to be void E commit tee unto arc and means. ys nn AEPOI[rs 0111—mlx0 101111-1Es. Of Committee on Cbtirme!Toe. Ptehu', claim - 8.1,00. dumnurea—injuries—defective sidett'nik, 'ou[b R'nbnsba .ud Fast Fillmore streets— mmittee fe red to corporation orp r tions attorneyaand cityLetlet- n Adopted. Al.., John )lnllov's co Im—..mage,—falling off broken step, Fourth ,trees and Hoffntun ave- Cnmmittee recommends that said claim be re- ferred to corporation attorney and city engf- neer. Adopted. Also, E. Curve's claim—refunding $78--eow's im. pounded— Adopted. report, favorably. Adapted. Also, Claim f Thomas and Katie Grogan—dam. Wm ter streett,,ad Brewster aveuunof James (4rogua n pond at Con mitt,, recommends that said claim be re, ferredttu corporation attorney and city eugi- n Adopted. Also, F. A. Fltrger,Jd's claim—balance of a cut and refundi ug 1111IT—Union Park,Ly... h urst tend Oakley .venues gradiug— Committee recommends that said claim be dfsmlolted. Adopted. Also, Elizabeth S11'eet's claim--dronming of husband, Geo A. river— Committee ueet in ecommeudsss thatri said claim be not allowed. r said Adopted. Also, Claim t Cyrus Brooke—refunding 3835—Lin- cohr Park nssessment— Committee recommends that said Naim be re- fected to corporation attorney. Adopted. 1 Also, Nels Saanson's comm—rissntg S1o0 damages tI removed from lot 1, block 5, Ingersoll's addition— ('ontmittes makes all adverse report. Adopted. n IOf Committee on Police—Ald. Fmnbon's regio- lotion for police alarm box at Lincoln avenue s rad Victoria street- - Committee makes afavorable report. Adopted (See resolution). Also, Ordh[nuce lice station—provltliug for janitor at central po- C loultit tee recommends passage. Adopted. (See Oeaiuunce No. 1,410). Of Committee on Gns-11—b tions for Larops— Contmftte recommends Jnptfon of following else] u d ons: Aid. Bott',, \ttnnehuha street; Ald . ill elady's, Brown and Bunker -L t., Aid. Don - t end of Manville street; Ald. Gehan's, llabs- 11e 1ppf street bridge, and Atwater street; Aid. Adopted (See restolutione). Ot Committee on License—Butcher License Trannfers— Commit tes recommends following transfers f butcher licenses. Ito. 183, Wenzel Krara's. to 1004 West Seventh street; No. 55 from G. H. Orde[nnnu co J. )Iacqueen & Co. at 83 Dearborn trees: No. 913 from B. Hiller to Anton Wenzel, 1.88 Rice street: No. 108 from Krarn & Neu- bauer to Joseph Neubauer at 389 Michigan street. Adopted. la'.— eu., .... Of Aid. SaaoP boo—Protest of Ernst Rossberg and others—Alley grading—Holeombn's addl- iunm Cotree recommends that all fir—dings ,aid afterbe uanulled. Adopted. Ado ted. Of Aid. Copeland—Petition of Chas. Keil for outlet from lot 10, block 11, Brunsou's addi- ti011—St. P. & N. P. R. R.— Committee submit. and recommends .111 LImI of resolution Instructing corporation at- torney [o antif}• SF P. & N. P. R. R. Co. to pru- ed without delay to build retaining wall et Grn estreet. Adopted. (See resolution.) Ymf:1LLAN10a6. An ordl... ce wan read redistricting the city for election par���es. Rules suspended ou motion M Ald. Sanborn, yena 15, and dln ince mad second time and passed. (See Ordlnauce No. 1,408) An ordinance was read authorfz(ngg appofnt- a abut of janitor at matralpolice 8t u. Renes unpended oa m tion of Ald. Conley, yena 15, d dinanrx mad and time and ps.+eed. ((See Ordinance No. 1,410). An ordinance ase read authorizf.R city tma,- urer meute(urefmrJ nl Imoneya colleeteJ o se,eee- park.,e PROCEEDINGS OF THE CON"ION COUNCIL. , 365 Rules sn.peaderl oil motion of Ald. Butt, yea 15, and enibnaure real se ud time and passed (See Ordinal- No. 1.411). Ali dinunc•^ tt'as n•uJ nuthnri zing inns to .,Ali e tI,III dflt_" tissue permits to r:move building Lanuo s u'Ithout t Ile pt'epllylnent of fee therefor. Ruies suspended oil motion of Aid. Mines yens 15. and ordinance lend nec'nnd time an pilin -1. ISet• oldimeme No. 1.412 i. An oral i mace w u, Feud .m•Ilding "ertlon 2 Ordain c No. I iii—fnlpo moilig uninlrlls. O ]tines osuspended on totiun of .\b1. Irobner. yens 15, :o rd or.liuum enteuJ nernml [hue as pa",aed. flee llrJirmm'e No. 1. 113 i. An rdiuuue u a rend authorizio- J. J. hyo 11 me«r[uilr builtdtng for+table i'ilI'1'oses. n Itlll es nunI I'd, uu ration of :11d. Melody, yeas 15, and i ndmtme lore. i ..rr ml time mud panned. (1te"Idnmmx• No. 1. It 14J. An •• idimrmr tt-ns reuJ pernnttine pruprictor, of Iirunswirk hotel to Luild Duren. Itnlrs nuspemled oIt ro[ion of .tl,l. Geh uu, yens 16, Se u Hiuuuee Ir rd n •., n 1 tante ,Ford linseed. rx,•e )raivm,re A rdin:utre wits read -- v!I:3.10 to \Vill- a Iteimer. i'nknlrn suspellJed nrr motion of _\I I. \linen, 3'ens l5,nod ord imine, reuJ seruud time• uud pussad. (See Ordk:! a! n No. 1.11 7,. AI, urIII'd r teas r':t o repealing permit and It, 'o[ .lames '1'. Mc\I soleal to nmiutrdn sou tgl,t ring house. I �,l Furans,, n trJiumees nal publicaccounts. All o rdi,t;e,"u as r�.,l notnurizinu al'I,ohlt- tren[ patrol [eI y;cu ph operator tt t.•en- al police station. Conanine, oar u-uy., uud ue:ors. B' -"'1- Bunbolzer— ke" ;utiun a Gfyiug Sc 1':rul City It afltr.}' Coull v to run U:rkl>u I.1 rad Grund , cera e elect Fie line in o- rood n Irl unuev us cub;, line tI. ulttee on street". }tesol rations fur mope. res ri-t; by By :l id. Me1rrJ)'. In•rLel rat Feet; by ,111:. Gen Fur. Elk amt .1<•ker, etc.; 0nbnrr.atve- r• ml Iimen street etc.: I" Ald. "tell y, laid - Fell , n,l Deius street \ Cuntneitt'ee Dol gra,. B'Ald. .Soni- n \ u — Rrsolutiou nI, follolls: Resolved, 'Phut From .I,I aft" the 15th dn}- f Srptrnrber, lx!10, the I,a }' of the I:tl,on•rn' enr- I,IoceJ by the city of S;. 1'anl ou ins street force Mad Inc nom • i hen•L)- tl .ved it n m rot less thou once and 50-100 Sl: i0) dullrao's hot each turd every' any of tell I lo) hours t1'ork. Resolcerl further, That the resolution offered by Ald. Kuiu, nppror i (III .lune 22, 18811, uml Lound nn page :171 rat the Council I'roreedings of 1Sx ;, uud the renolutin,I offered be Ald. I<S:1Ir, n p proved on \lay 5. 1857, uud fomta o ,:rKr 1:35 of tb= canned 1'rocr:eJings of 1 x87. ,I;J the sr lotion ul(ereil by Ald. )ICNamee on .lug. C 1890, +reel :0,prvt'ed u 1 nuc. a, 1890, I,e and the saute ntt• hereby In all respects repen l­ if d. if"olved, 'Phut the laborers emplo)',d III he street force be puid the nit. of one ,tad : 0-]'1(1 (51.50) lollars for each d«y e f eight hon •s' 'Irk performed betas -en tile, 155th dn}'ol August, 18911, ami the I:ith Ju}' of SeptentI 1511 U. Alda Du mer moved that nuid resolution be eou"tdrre0 section by w•e tl on. Aid. Sun Loral made [Ise point of order that the r resolution is not do'islble. The choir decides said Point of Inlet. not well -The tfouk then rend the first section of said Ald. Bett moved to tuneud said section by in- s rtiIrg the word -'sight" and figure "S" to place of the t1 trd "ten" sand figure "10" inhere .a and firs: section. The que'tion being upon unic adoption of said amendment of Ald. Nott, a there were: Serax—.\hl. Bauholzec. Bott Conley, llobner, DorlliJeu. Geh:ru, Me.Nome,, Melady, Tinea, Val Slyke—l0. d N:r}'s Copeland, Costello. Sanborn, Sulli. f v a it. 1're i lent— i. The pruefdent d.•cided that the auteudment contemplated the expendit are of money uud t1'as ossa 1 :hP I.,oit e thea upon adoption o[ said hr"t sec %M the stone wan mit adopted. )'e:w—,\1,1. Cupetaml, Costello, San burls, Eulli- .— van, ),r. Yre::tdelt Natnoel. Iinnhoeholzer, ltott, Conley, Dobnet, Do ;i.le I! oil" MeN ante,, Mchnly, >liuea, .Slyke—all. 1 he "ue"tion being apart the Vadopttun of, see - o ml sertiulr of ,:sura xeulntlum there were: ' ]"e:rn—,\Id. Baa:aulzer, Butt, t'oadey, Doliuer, IN! I rn, Gah:or. Me\nurse, Ac•I:W p, )nine.. on slyke—lu. Neiys—,\Id, r npel uud, 1'ostellu, Sanborn, Sidil- t The ,hair sol I id -cud s [iorr Tont. ;,bear moved to refer presolution to tutee urn or.litmucrs and pub lic aeon mts. col'ne clmir deciilr.l nuid Inutioll at f order. 1'be quentroll Leiria upon the third eectfon of I renolutior, [na• sane "I . lost. - st}"eon—Aad. Pope.und. Costello, S otboru, .c.11i- t )I r. I'resideut— i. uNn}'n—.soda i urnulzer. Nott, Coale}-. DobuIr, Dorlriden, t:emtu, MuNae ue. }IFI a', Y, }litre., \'.n Slvke—II :old. i:eh ... ...r ved tout when council does ad- jouraajonrn'G. I ret l Thm'Way eveaing, S Pt. 18. lx!In. 'It 8 u Nock. ,Pur rut to advertfnetaent of cf[y Nerk, rbted`Slept. x, 1590. bids t1'rl'e r ved fcurt 1—Isom Stone and u of aoJ. Sutleerl:uld & Co. h,r the rune 'ect lou of ht of triage on i ullu ( - .tree[, at a right of t -a}' of \Vis- o cera tail comp, nry. 1 cuI �ieity raga m•er to ti bulute and report [� The matter of floe r.wntiou of alley ial block e, Linde m;0m's sul..dfvtsmu of lots a and 10, Hyde Park addition, ad vertisrd to be heard at his time or h ' t a :the ideo —allucId that toil iertionse if ally, Gt said pr - pn—I vacation would then be Ilea rd: a nueup- I—ring t,,ppo", said proposed t ration. t solution v,r eating+aid alle}-slid ; s ltiolt lr.e fixing value of pec rn heated uses adopted. (See resolution'.) Dean, utr. 121, 189U By Aid. Dobner— If.. Iced, 'Pleat thworks e board of l,ublic be eels the n s hereby instructed to cause n fa -[out 11'ooder sWew'mk to be placed along file o th ode of Oultrorth street, between CroI ,ell and Eustnce etreet",accept where the salols is u'), lu. d. By "Id.) ,1-ly— ltrsolve 1, That file board of public works ,ore Ilere�oy lost rutted and suns, to be laid o funs wooden sidewalk un the north "I'llof Bu.- ker street. from Oakdale avenue to p,nall uve- ae, together anile the I� nsnry croestodks. By Abd. Mebrdt'— Iii—olved, That the board of public lrorks be and and hereby fust rueted to hove a a x -foot bode. sidewalk placed on the north and south 366 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. sides of Belvidere street, from Oakdale avenue of the alley through blocks one (1) and two (2), to South Robert street, together with the nems- Patterson's addition; thenceWest along the mn- sory It..swalks. ter line of said alley to Pine street; thence west BY Aid. M deoly— Resolved, That the board of public works b and are hereby 'n [rutted to have six -foo wooden sidewalk laid oil the south indent But ker street, from Harvard to Brown, togethe with the necessary- cross tcnike. By Aid. Copeland— Resolved, That the board of �ublie [cork cause an (S) eight -foot wooden sidewalk to n constructed ou the east side of Arkwright street from Whitall street to Bratuerd street. By A' (I lfeledy— Reeoived, That Ibe city engineer be and i hereby instructed and cause to be laid a three. plank walk on the south Sid, of Prospect Ter. race, from Hall xveue to Stryker avenue. By AN. Iiorniden— — Resolved. That the board of public work. cause un eight foot wooden sidewalk to be built on the east Side of Duk, street, from St. (lair street to the end of the present walk, South of said St. (lair street, assn ,,n the South side of St. Child Stmt, front Duke street to Colborne stmt. By Ald. Sanborn -- Resolved, •Chat the board of publicoek. cause amine t block sidew:al k. six feet wide, to be constructed it, front of lots la• 17, la, 20, 09 and 30, in biock 26. Alackubin & llarsball's addition to St. Paul. By Ald. Copeland— Res.1"' 7'I It the board of public works be beret y- instructed to can+trues au ight-loot. mode l Sidewalk on the'o„tli side of Geranium stem[. from lli+ i etilt ti st reef to Arkwright, with n,researy crosswn�k'. By Aid. Sullivan— — Rteadved, Thnt the board of public works are hereby author'I'd to Im'Struct stn foot wood- en sidewalk oil Rout li side of S nnmit avenue be. tween Snelling and ADacale,te avenues. Ordinances. Oamsaxee No. 1. 109. An ordinance redistricting the city for election T e t �ommon Connell of the ('icy of St. Paul do ordain: Section 1. The First w'nrd of the City of St. Paul is hereby divided into ten (10) election dis- tricts. The rider election district Shall be bounded as follows, viz.: ('ommencing it the point wherethe Center the mf llisIii.sippi street Intersects the center line of" Rtmet: thenen net along the center nine of Grove street to the point where the Center line of Grove street intersects the -.- ter !file of the right of way of the (;rest North- ern lieihway company: thence northwesterly along the said renter Ifne of the fd right of ay to point of Intersection with the Center line of Lafayet be aveme; thence sonthn'esterly aloil'said center Ifne of f..f1. Y,its avenue to Its Point of interem[fom with the mater Ifne of Waver]v place, produced easterly; thenre [west- erly along [he center line of 1I've,", plain Lo the center line of John street; thence north oo the center Ifne of John street to the motet line n the center line -of Na.h Street to Its Intersec- tion with 3lisslssipppi Street; thence -South on ¢ said center line of -Ifini adDIA stmt to the plata t of beginning. The Second election district in said ward Shall r consist of all that portimt of Said ward lying east of the anti 6'irst election district, alit south of a. line which is the renter line of Lafayette av- enue, from Its point of Interseltiou I']th the ma- ter Ifne of the right of way of the Great North- . ern Etailway ompelly, running thenen a vth- 'esterly to the Point of intersection of S ld cen. ter bite of Lafayette avenue with the center line o[ Cullfus street; thence easterly alo„g the Center he of Collins street, and Collins It ex[m;ded Ina straight line to the right of way of the Sc. Is Paul & Duluth railroad. All that portion of said ward lying South of the center line of llhinehaha Street, east of the rater Ifne' of the right of way of the Chicago. St. Paul, Minneapolis &Omaha r,tilrottd, and the Great Northern Rail hSnRailwsyompnny ami north istrict hll 0 stitue thleTeltrcdoledcteioen ,o!ntdct of Said ward. All that portion of said ward lying south of the center Iiia of Minnehxha street. west of the Third election district and north of the First election district as herein described•.shall consti- tute it,, Fourth election district of said ward. All that pportion of said ward lying north of the ranter line of "Imnehaha street, west of the center lin I of Edgerton Street, and south of the liter lice of Jlttryland atm[, shall onstit Its the Fifth election district of said wards All tli:it portion of said ward a'hlcb isbounded by the ranter lines of Edgerton Street, Sims I—t. Irvada Street. the right Paul & Dttllith railroad sad Iffint,bable Street, Shull constitute the Sixth election district of said ward. All that portion of Sold ward bounded on the north by the center line of Maryland street, on the east by the center one of Arcade stmt, on the South by the Center line of Sims street sad on the west by the center line of Greenbrier w'mtue shall constitute the Seveuth election district. All that pportion of said ward hounded on the north by fife center If ,I of >Inrwlaurl Street, on the east be the center ]file of Greenbrier avenue, oil the south by aha center live of Fiats street and oil file west by the renter line of Edgerton stmt shall constitute the Tenth election dis- trict. All that portion of said ward lying east of the mater line of Arcade st—t and South of the center line of Maryland stmt shall constitute the Eighth election district. All the remainder of sell ward lying north of the center line of llnrylaml stmt hail conSti- tate the Ninth election district of Sand mord. SECOND WARD. The Second ward I. hereby divided into eleven (I1) election districts. as Im1owR: All that portion of said w d lying south f the center lines of Plnnn rand Rirch Strets and West of the Center line of English Street and Eng- 1lah Street extended .ouch f l le straight line to the llhad.Slppi river hall constitute the First elmtion district of Safd word. All that portion of .ofd ward lying north of the center line of Ylum stmt, uvea of the crater Zine of lfepte stmt and south of the muter line of EastThird street shall constitute the Second election district of said ward. All that portion of aid ward lying north of the Center line of East ThirdStreet- mast of the mater line of Maple street and south of the cen- PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 367 ter line of East Seventh Street, shalt constitute All that portion of said ward Iving south of the Third election district of said ward. the center line of Nest Fifth street, east f the The Fourth election district of said Second center line of Fort street and west of the ten. ward idiall tomcat of all that portion of said ter line of Washington street, shallconstitute- ward bounded by the center lines of Maple the First election district of said ward. street, East Seventh stmt. Mendota street and All that portion of said ward lying south of Hudson avenue. the center line of West Seventh street, east of All that portion of said warn lying south of . the center line f Washington street and west the center line of ll innehmh. street Rod north of of the miter line of Wabasha street snuff the center lii,e .I'll Seventh street shall con. j constitute the Second slecttou district of said stitnte the Fifth elmtiou district of said ward. i ward. All that portion of Said ward lying north of All that portion of said ward lying South of the center lite of llinn,haha Stant and west of ,the Center line of Eaet Fifth street and east of the center line of Mendota street shall coast i- the center line of Wabasha street shall c ..tl- tuts the Sixth election district of said ward. i into the Third election district of said ward. All that portion of said hard lying north of All that portion of said ward lying north f the center lin f MinnSu ,bahR street, et of the the ranter line of East Fifth Street, south of the CenterItue of lleinlota street, and west of the center line of Eignth street and east of the u - center line of English street, shall constitute the ter line of Minnesota street shat] c ustitute the Seventh election district of said ward. Fourth election district of said ward. The Eighth election district of Said ward shall All that portion of said ward lying north of consist of all that portion of saidward bounded the center line of 1•:list Fifth street, x' st of the by the center linen of Mh a mina street, English c¢,tter line of Minnesota street, south of the cen- street, Birch street and Cypress street. ter line of Eighth street and east W the center All that portio,[ of said ward lying east of the line of Watnod street, shall c ndtitute the center line of 7•:nRlis1, Scree[, and north of the Fifth election district of Rulit wardn center line of Birch Street, from English stmt All that ttortinn of 'III I ward lying north of to the Hudson road. and no rt of the muter the Center lit of West Fifth street, and south tine of the Hudson road front Bi `b street mast- of the centerlineof West Ninth street, and east er]y to the city lints, shall constitute the Ninth I of the center line of Fort street, which is bouud- electl a district of d w u said rant ed on the east by It line which [S the center line Tlie. Eleventh district of said ward shall con- j of Wmbnahx street from its p int of Intersection s'st of all that portion o[ Sand ward bounded by With the center line of bleat \lath street to its the Ce ter lines of lllunel,aha Stmt. <�ypress 1t int of intersection with the ranter line of street, IBirch tree[, elapis stmt, Hudson ave- `Vest Seveuth street; thence wester]) along the nue xud Mendota stem[, muter line o[ [Vest Seventh Street to its rr obit of All the re to l g pportion of std ward .hall Intersection I with the enter line of Wxatniugto❑ I onstitute the n'1'eutlt election. district I Snfd Stmt: thence southerly along said center line of ward. - ; Washington street to its point of inters -.tion Tums wAi m with the Center line of West Fifth street, shall The Third ward is hereby divided Into night constitute the Sixth election district of said (S)election dlSiricts, as follows: I ward. All that purtno,t of Said ward lying South [The Seventh election district of said v and the center line of Sixth stmt and west of tile shall consist of ail that portion of Sold ward center lite of Broadway. shall constitute the I which lies to the west of . line described tisled- First election district of maid ward lows: t'oanolneing at . point 'here the center All that portfou of Said )ward lying solicit cattle III,, of Ince Street eeeG intersects the enter lino of Center line of Ei,st Seven[It street, Sala, of ran- otic uw'entte: thence southeasterly along.Nd ter If,,, of Brmtdw'xy and west of the center line center line of Rice Street to the center line of of Joho street• shall constitute the Second plea Nest Tenth street: chenre southeasterly .long tion district •1 s, d., ward. the center line of West Tesco street to its point All that p...t;on ofsaid -ward lying South of of in[ersmrion with the motet line o[ Fort the center hre of last Seveuth street nml Sant' street: thence southerly along said center line of of the center line vt Joint stt•eet ehI,I conetlt lite Fort et met to the Southwestern, boundary of the 'third election di.triet of sold ward. said ward. All chat portion of Said ward lying north of All that portion of Said ward mhieli lies test the center line of haat Seventh street and east of the Center this of Waba.lia street, north of of the center line of John street shall constitute the center Ilse of ]l'e't Nintlt at east oft the the Fourth election district of said ward. center line of t. Pette street flit oath e[ the .all that portion [ said ward lying "west of .center ]Ins of Sun;not avenue, +hall constitute the center line of John strvrt, north o[ the Center i. the Twelfth (12th) 'lecttou district of said word. line of Rost Sew- nth street :and east of [he mu- ,\71 flint pnrtioi, of aoiii ward which lie+ west ter hue of B—olway Shall ustitute the Fifth of cl,e cent et• line of St. Peter street, north of election district of+and ward. 1 the center line of Nest Ninth street nntd Lest Al; that portion of Suid ward IYi ng south o[ of the seventh election district hereinbefore de- tl,e Center liar of Eighth .tre,t, Itmrut f we scribed ShxhconRtfttte the Eighth elmtiou m. - enter line of East Sixth 't rat and west of cell- trict of said were. ter line of Brondwity, Shall constitute the Sixth All tont PPortion of said ward bounded on the election district of Slid word. north by tits center line of Eleventh street, on Ali that portion of the remttnder of said ward the Smith by the center line of Eighth Stm,t.alid tying west of the center line of Broadway, on the east by the center line of Minnesota north of the colter !fit, -of Ead th street, and trees, and on the west by the (-enter line of Wo - south of the center line of Tenth Street, shall bo due stmt, shall co ustitute the Ninth election constitute the, Seventh section district of Said district of said ward. ward. All that portion of said ward lying south of All of the remainiugportion of said ward shall the center line of Eleventh street, north rat the constitute the Eighth elmtiou d(scrict of maid center line of Eighth Street, Rod east of the —I. ward' ter line of Minnesota street, shall constitute the trouarx waab. Tenth election district of said !ward. The Fourth ward IS hereby divided into All the remaining portion of said ward lying twelve (12) election districts as follows: northeast of the center llne of Wabasha Street 368 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMION COUNCIL. x11-111 "Ititute the Eleveut 1, election district of All [b xt po rtlo,I of sriitl x'nrd Irbl.b,,bounded bill( nel `y the t'e,ter IIIIe, of St. t'Inir x [, tyex[ I x Itch eltxet rind Toroth. I xhrlll -O_ stltute the tenth electi die[ iat TI,, ' r Ct�Iuf ' x11.1 ward 1111![11 n xrd I. hrtt II , dioi't 1tl lu e ) to four tmu All t brit , of n old fru , 1 [l,rH11II rl %Elsa tlA it rtlurt I 1 L .� " i 1ill d 1 -w a nouth of not, n[ el,[ tnon[h [o tLe 3ileg rine troll, te1r. n irih the acute: lrne of \\en[ le%��th etrert� nod coat of the 3lrn,innitilep1,r r of the center If:Ie ul tt'xlnu[ , el,[, ,lodl couxtl- t x[ nrI I 11 PPir, u, i hound.•„1 a the tate the lairs[ electlulr dint nett ul '-id n-rJ. I here Ilea tt a follo%ex: n -i te11(iut �uter Irne til Dr I:e 1 •d All t t III, Of el x-111 rd i> illg , rth of dile Sont11 It l,, It line, the .f tcel, r l' ( t - ,le'a f be a, L I f It 1 I 1 Il I +tl 11 _ [ 1 1 I6 _t t l�Urn Ae-wu ,t �ultvf rent••. ride( Lute Iia• xeaond electlur J- t 1 trra. f - I l t1 the center Iiue tote Lli,Indolph All t11.,t nor[ u of n I 1 1111 a tl f 'tree[ thence n 1[ ulollg the el, Iter line of I<„II the ce line i I\yext Sol,. nth s r t tt ext of (olid, xtrae[ to [I a center line of \t'e.t �rven[h the,:JJ Flrnt lec[IUIt dielr!ct, t•un of the ren- street; [hence 1 ort hennteriv:tlong [her --ter Iiue ter line ut \\1111lain tit tact, unJ north of the center I of N% '"t Se euth xtreet tut I, ecu ter line of Illike I'1Ie uI t. ,odrloll xv nus •1 led i •h[ r:itte x1.111 c b[It ate the Elecelth election dfe- line born the center dnle of c\t-ill:iii x u.[K[n ! trf.t t;f ,xid %I itr1. ale ]I lxxfxxihpt --l, 4111 ,� ltlrute till. Third i that 1,11rti11l, of soil nnt'd b tided nn the 1 •tier, dint riot OI nniJ 1 x,•d.rr rtrsflh>) [IIr renter line of '1'11rv,r,t oto veil rte, oil the All [hut p-luh of solid %,'rt d Iy11Ig north of , or[h I,v the (•enter IlI1r of .vl. ,'lair ntrret, un the ceutrrllllre of Nest eventh xt rt.d, %text of tilt• ne,t. by the center Ifne of \'i.torul street. Lite c cuter line of \Vulnnt et reet, uud north of j and on t11e south b7 the center IIIIa• of 13'en[ vet' - the ceutrr Ifne of lt,unnuy xtreet, ehall cunntl0ue nth ntrret, shall conx[Itltte the Te rllth election the Fuu rill eleetlun district of nuid ',turd, dist rh,1 of .11 ill 111-1. e 1'11[1, electfoll district (.1 xrl id ”' r,' boll ,\II of the renrnnling puri ion if sold %% [rd not Consist of :dl that portio- of nuid %curds %vhtch in herehl before described mb.•h hex w the numb of bounded ria hrlloltx: I'unnneuelOV tit the center 10,l. center tine ul \['ext �e relltll st nv.•i ,hull col. ]file of Next S•%cuth xtreet ,It lin ollrt.1 filter- ,tltnte the 1111, Irtern".1: rlc.tio), dintriel ofsold sectlou "11[11 thv ceutrr Ihte of \5'1111 n[rcet pr11- "ur.1. duce( northerly' thence xoutlncenirrly ulonR ,Ural all the rrnulhd Oe I rtfuu Of Solid %yard end( tenter Ilur of 55'exe Se r ILII xt rv•rt to Ito Shull cullxtit ate the Fourt.ru[h l.kvllult dintrice 7iulnt ,f lntt•rs,el "1t1 t 1II, •outer Ila., If I of n:J.1 nerd. (( rid rl •II thetree rnsc.I'll "I ii, 1 hl d Od Iiue u! ilo11dnch uvetlnr to tit• center Utile lettie a`enl1.: tlleum xuutherl)'r1luuK lhu ca•II. xitrlt ".tlt1. ter Ilnu of .'nrltll nveuue (n the SI lnllnxll•pr elver, [hent•-uurtll,•u-tarty ,dung the Sllnxl+ill l,hl rl ver The ,clxth "1rd fe 11, r b)-divi.1e.1 Il,Io thi-lu to a point "bare tl,u con ler Iiue u! 1, et ave- (ll', elertloll .1iltric[n. ren fullunn' ene. 0,11.1 u,l III 1[ tit rlr fell[ IIIIe cunt tI rnhl touch Thu V, I- eleetlun ,I,.t.fel ur the Slxl ll. t r I tal river, theo.e Itexterl3' Mort¢ maid c,ar[rr line shall .o 011e[ ill rill [int port lou of nuid nurd of I:uud rich rt vrr,ua• ux[e,ele,l ux nlun•xn i.1 "n tile' bounde.1 ,I.l liar (,marl l,e,l „1 fu[n: nlrel. one of NIIAn1 tree(. [brute 1nr[berl>' -clog tit the LJrr.rctiun, Illeemrcer rug th,•urllta•rlf„e'it \5'lIklll xtreet [o the l,hlce IIIIe uI(1\1'•niterMm•t Inl,l sir,• SIIewl,r.11•I,I river; ul Lay;nnlh1nc�ucr xunthennte rly :dulre tit,• eIn•r fine of \II that 11111-1ion of nui.1 II rd Iving next of [he \1'r11ter n[r,n•t to Its in t .. tiuu ttlth III,. center ceull.r Ill, -of \feet S, •nth tit tee[. 1 ,111 'It tit., Iiue of I'III1mI,•I ill reef; theure ,•1lxtcrl )• 1donK [hl, • •mer Uhl. ul 14t1In,•yta eat r ud north of the rII”, r IIIIe• of CIuluneI si reet to Its pu11lt of Inter-' unt.•r lire 111 l,uodrlel nn%rt 1111 11 " In[itu[e e•,dloll I%'1t II IIIc Ito,. of Iu[h fix•cIxlll td..H111 ,Ilnl rl.t of All r�1t11 1tlr11han11:t xt rv.•"; "hriltr�r rafllerIf 111ong 'I'hv nerenth elenl Intl runt rf." ul xrdd "'nr,l Ihe renn•r lbe! rf wroth \l':Ibnn1111 nirLet 114111 r,rllr,lwl r,( 1111 tln,t port lou tha•r,•uI "Il lldl In ter o IIx p111m o! Int er•u IIrr11 "'It1 \1l. vel,. iru ,n�lcd ux f1111onn: I:o l.1 I ellelr.K t [ he pulnt tIlur of IwrI,,.I ill tee[: 11,•nr,• %,. [,•rIY 11-11¢ of 1114rrxrcllon ul the .,•Il ter Iln,r of \5'l.„t Sa•v.,nth Ix,r In l ill re.t t,. Ill. Ire , ,•, Ig,• ul the%bIllunrn tit rvx•t %% I t h l ha•.enler l due ref I uo, irlr•l, ,t ,Ire gllr sup ,r,l¢,•nf l�Ir lrl,Iff Inrll,ntlllvvntar- Ibrn,1•xoa/hII'„x1„I'ly' 111rr11¢ n,J•I ,aria 111erIf Iy dlr.el tun to the xoulll rity l 1111 Ill, \Yens n 111 lir r•e” 141 tl,r, .r1I I— Ilnelof %Vexl.',Ill 0nat hor011n of r,.id I, rel "111.11 11.1 north h ; Ih,•,+• n„Illherly 1(11114 1,11,11v11I,•r 1f...., reran 111,P rel I'blen K11 i,..rl1,•, I. Int of flue Ifne ala l5�mn•nl rive-,,,•. 11,1 N',•.I,•r11n I'll -elect iun,{Nnirl rl,, r 11- h,•rell.b,•furr,lee. teu,b••I null, ll. 1l',I xr rvllullt llllr \11111,•Sllxnlx111,n1 xerll�xl. lily. I. of Intrr Ill, of Yull[h rlv, r th11„r err l„•nn1,•I'IS' ,du1IK III,. Sllxxlnnlnl'I it11lee I x1 e,•1.'.di 111 r' + ,Ito tit,• M,•ound,•lec- IIr .line ul nl,llh 1, re III,•I„•,• Holl dintrlr•t. 11'xal•11I r, Iit r Ix•.. )' 111111¢ the , �r Ii .... ... ,eln till 1t le1ne The 'i'111ed I•Fx Ifuu 11x1.1... of ..... n 1 rl hail t., [ire ,x•1II,-r lire ui ......111.1 .........I •' thiol.(• rolnlxt 11 Ill thus l�,rrl 1, ill of 111,1 1%1, rel null lei •nl••rl`',1IullK the .enlr1r Mlle ul I;u... Hill live- 11.1 eel.. r. of tit,• crnt,•r Iiue oi•xorllh \(clear[ rine h. phu•,• of I".0 1nIK. ntrv•,•I. "'ext of tin• (a•u ter Iiue ref slate ntreel, and ,Ill ib -i Irltun 1111111.1 "'11rr1 ivinu In til Kurth of t-1"'We'fill" 'If I'Iiirngu Avenue lrutn 'ext side , f l.1,• .•mer Ifne 11f W,�ni . •nth Its pull'[ of Int,•rxectloh nil ll. till. ,•nlu•r line of xl rent, w u1h ,rf Ihe .eller Ill-• or I;11u,Irrr11 II 11111 huberl xt r,,I. r I+I,•riy ter Ito 1111 of In - tut ,rlh 11f Ihe ni rcuier linv if S”. (.Intl. t,-r+.rtlou lh Ile rl•mSint. ,•r lin. ul Si. steel•[. xtrte.t, Ir�te the Eighth Win .lin- The Fourth elec[I ,II ,IN, rlr­,I t of nn ld 111 11 tete•[ u(nmd %Incl.d. coa,IKt of all thm pnrnol 111 x1(11 Iu rl eldeb All 0u,t I ur0nll ,( w11,1 nerd lying south of IIrS cant of t hr ceutrr Iiue (It state atre,•t. and thhe router r Iie e uf \Vest ",1 1, etre,”, meat of uurtb ut the elder Iiue of U,•InS street, produced te centehue o\Y f enternuvelltte, xnd W,etr l runt nod "ext 111 n SLr11IKl,t Iiue. rein• e.vtrll,le,1 sot (II in it ntnli¢hl 1111e to the ,111 chat purtlou of —Ill trnrd %vhleli Is bounded Slln il,ippl r rad a est of the renter Ifne of ,1 t1e north hp xhc..bled e...Hun den, riot. anti Lair ebb l.;,OW run kelartet extruded x1.01 1111 nu the e,et by the Fourth elect tori dial rlrt. u 1 ntnligbt Iiue to [hr 3Ii1n 1111 pIiI river, nbxllcon. ht•rchl dewai bed. ou [hl. b runt li 01I right of e0[ute ihr \inch electiuu dix[rtct of xnid n'nrd. "fly of the [;Meng., St. Taut :t: Ki,nexn City PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 369 Snflrond, n"d ou the tier 111 by the canter line 1f A11 [hilt ), rif(, rd "I" "tied lying no tit of u lltil It„hart ,n • •t. ninth uctitute the Fifth the cert h -r Ime• oI Setbj :rveni e next ni the ten. electwil (!,[flet "'N'Id "nrrl. trill lin,• of A.unJel xt .-c unJ en.t of [he center All [1nt ror[iuu i, niJ %I nrd houu Jed o1 the Ifne of It,, le ,[..et ,ll' hecuux[ii ate the Fit[h elec- tolth I %deet line ut ['bion \, to I I'. f 11 1 he e .xt h ono r el. ter 1l',. f nth lit 1 t All I t 1 i f 1 I - -t t the s ret on then ,nth b` the ce t 1 . nF lea ate, i of Della sat I[ J l.1 n tit of the tenter street, undo the aI by the Fir,t election din-'” Ifeite of till , .Inrll c Ilxt i[ute the �Iet11 trio[ hen•hr de r ll. d, nb-ll t Intit �te the' deet!,.. ,Ilxt �ic[ ill nllfd %. rJ.�r Sixth e1x�Hon dl,t riot of 11.1 arJ�r All th,t[ r , of nail n,r�l'1yhlg south of Al:till,i lII I'll, 'Irl '1 1.-1 1 11 1 t, , t 1 e c, f II I n tl 1 I) i} I lea f 1' t (1 I [I f I II Itl 13 tl t ,Ir al J' -t I f -t the herr'than ill, i nil 1 1 f. 1 d f 1. 1 n o 1 x[rretl, enl,l On the 't xt ,\II tl t 1, u 111.1 n u,l 1) Int. nunth of 1 I. ihr tenter line out v r ILII Hubert . +boll the center ]rn If nit rI Its the atter;11 elrc[iun Jixlri �t auf n,uJ Ihe,•rnter like of \'it�turi:a str,r�tlx�ll:I!1 r' nx[itate "Ord url i[� the Eiglth election dI.,I riot u" n -f.1 rued. 4[111 that purtlol, of ,nid%varJ%I-11ich in L nude) I,y [he renter d n of t'un.u,I .[ el. v„urlr I-II II>'n w.Iur I{ober[,treet rind ntreetnlydl r. r„x[itute file 1,"I'll, elotllon ,II,trlet of sill( tnln1. The Ef¢mh "nrd In herel,y divided Into tide - An "Iu[ f,,,rt 11-14 o! l',1 id "'aril[vlikh le I luld.d tern (1;111 dintrlrl,, II, foul",: by the ver ter 11111.1 of leubrl. Suttth 1(uberc, All that purllol, 11Y x.l,i [tried Iyinew,uth of Lnul n mil lhduvl! streets nhnll volwtitute the the ceutrr Jule of r;nrd ell xhx•et 11-,11 eon,lit ate \Intl alert lou dls[rict ul l 1 the Flrnt ciao!ioll ,Ilxlri I of x„ 11 11till tillthat Tort loo 11f „1111 "nrd I>'IIIR synth of .\II till[ ,urtl11n ul wll,l %% Irl lying nortll of the Fh'nt e�e."ioll ,Ilse rirc Its [lent h.n•iuhefore the c,•Ider llur of l',Irrv,ll n[rI•,•r. r:I.+[olthr evllter den(rihed. and "aril ul flu• center Iiue ut Itid"ell Iiue of IS'rnu•rl, ,% 1",1 ,umh oI the renter xt-1, nlllll .urlx" little till. Tenth id.ctioll de'- IIIIe of Martin etr,..i111��III)] cu:InHl rte the Fttuud tel." llf nuid "nrd. elect".. dlxlrl.t of nuid All [brit purtiull of xnid rine( "'111.11 hen ,uuth ,\II that purt,ulr 1111,(( n,oxl I)'i tlg %ce.xt ul Idle Of the e..11",•r :ine of I,o,tixn tit rv•,•t, :ont oat "'cell geld- Ill,, ul 1\"ex u•rn lrvea,e• Iol,l moth „f the fill, 11"it- Ii.„. ,II 111,1-11I I d ,it, Ito Bert •,• i llor of Sblrrvl tlll tit r••ee xb,il l,Ilt,ue the treats, lh:111 , ills[it ut•• the, unI:i.re,Iih eleetlun Third e1e slut 1'11 1, 1'If +xf.i dintrfel „1 x4.1.1 Ian rel. .\11 [II;,t ,art r;rel of laid ”„rid lying I Orth of :111 the r.nndtrinK I'urtlon of nidd Ienrd.I dud the cent.. �JO, of . r, .till xtreet. Irex[ of the ,.• ed u„ I h,. nur(1, by tit• renter l!lI,• ul I':IK,•ll .ret, ter Ifne u! \t'ext,.rrt I.....h•..,I.1 num 11 of the M.II- tI the, I,1t by the ,vnu er itt. of , o turd pleat. 11•1 line Of l'nlva•rwlty avenue xludleu„n H"n le file e�ud uI1 IIIA neat by the acuter Ian-ui Su„ill Foo tit eleetlun ,11.1 r1et ul +„11 n rel. t ni reel, ,Ill.11 , , xtltu[a• the '1'%te11r11 elec[lou Ali iI', uurtlun 11f x.,f.1 It,I rel lyhlu It Irth Of dln"r;at ul,;Ii,l lt,t .I. the e.on;r!tile of Sl,Irtlll xtreet. ,. r,.+t uf[1e..r1- '!'br'i'blrtn-urh elrrHou 41x[riot ,:brill rrrnxint ter If lir \\".•xl rru :,venue. u,ni xnuth n( the ceu- of I,II 1114:,[ pu.11u„ of the Sixth -OA %ell tele lir„ till If,,- , A. ,'Ill v,•rv:l )' -venue n;I1t �I Olint, the 111 I h „1 flee 1'-11(11 1.1 .111[rl.t, I,n tern-brlur, .1r- ],]fill eleetlun runt,neI , id --I. r, bre 1., n,l 4.4x1 ,R :I It rte .ril,e,l , x tullo%%.+: .til [I,ut rrHun of ,1,11,1 r.l lying n:rrtb ill 13.•KiIr1, IIIc ulI the res ter Il, n• ul ,' rill 1Hvx•t a[ I the e1•nhm �hn• u! 1111 �rnit Y r,v.•1ltu•. ails[ of [bu the hunt here h11nu.1ur)' of ill.111 rel: III -OI .' ,•ntet•line of \1'ext,•rlltu nil rnt11of the rrlllnenh•rl )'Ilton¢ rdA .ellla•r II,I.�ofr rd rr ll,,,•11fl:d„nl,,,l tit rr��t. �Irr111 eratntl[ntethu si rue[ "11 I I„ • I t,•r ,tat• 1f \.1n Ir,•rt; 111ruee ,cI x t 11 •Ir.tlon 411x[.lel 111 nrd,, %% rl. rrl heel•; ,dunK I h,•,enler 111,•oln Ada tr,,•t to .Ill shut "o-tj I,.l."A rl�tlylnK 011,th f tb,• rIKIIt 111 w,Iy J "1„ •I'lllen¢11, el. 1'1,11 A Kill.- it r •n I- �fne ul 1'Illr,•rnl"y11 Int of 0�r ,'h )' rnlieu-(; Ihenu• i ,rt he. n,.•,;y No u¢ Ixn4,r 11„u .rl lvexn•rll I nil w,ntll of III., 1111.1 rIKht „I % Oy to the , •III,•. line of 1„•I0n l .•Ilia IIIIe• 11 ['Ila rl •n xt rr Ilr.1 nt11 r sett ate Ibl. ntrret. pru,l,I,x•,I "..t .!:d "ext In „,trulehi Ilnv. S,; rel1111 eh•e0uII dl.t .lel r” null rll. nY.VF:xtn Mllllr. All it 1 , rl'1111n ,,f x1,1.1 ll'nl"1 ,1,t!In¢ Ilrrrt 11 Of L it ,vIrn•r �Ill' of I'II„eir..l 1.1.1. Il..I ul It rrtl. 11'11,• w•venth u11r1 In hereby rllvd.d Into IIRht [rr Ili,.? „1 \\'extern nv:•Itn,.:nnl .unlit oI ihr (MI,I,•eHoll,Ilnr.letn, us loliu"m:.rel. Iiue of I.nfon.1 .t •,"•1, n11n1 ., nlnt if We till, th,rr,'11i�Ii por0ull 01 nnLl n,trvl Iyin¢ pur11. "f 11':1¢1111, rl,•.I lull ,11x1 HeII„I nl,frl II,I r•I. it n,•,rf M,•I ll.)' nv,•,11e , 1141 eu.t „1 Ila•' ,\II tllr,t p11r011,I •,1 n1h1 nnr.1 IyalK r,r.l II„•.. Ihe 1�1I1•r line ul .\r,I1 J,.l n1.r•.t.IxIn,11 eun.tltntrtle• eel'li r II„r• 111 ll',•.I r 1111 „1 I 'Irxt ef.rt ben ,Ilnt .lel. ul obi % rel. ter toe of F,11ur oil lir u�l In Ir II of rhe r \II 11,,,1 ,rrrllutl ul x1.111 It ,rvl 0."1 x rn if ,r! ler Ila.• rel rte riKhl rrI II•t �t. rl t:,. SIS \',illi, SIItI- Ihe eelt••r �In„ of w•Ib1• n `` II,14•41.1 of 1114; 11 •:Ipoll. .t )Inn, r,rl1 ""1! 111, 1. •hrrli , lIlItte •rater 111,•.rf[r,trnl,•I xlre,tr•rlfrolll w•Ihy rivet ihr\loin rh•e0„'I.1Ixt.lel If x: dd 11 r, 1.l' to r he center 1111,- of NII1Ir1n1f rive r 111,1 .11xt ,I I ,\il IIInt p11 tun .,f ."III ",n•d Ill- "ani ul the ihr.ent.r flue of 1.11"[-11 ntrret, t/r,Iill the ceu- r•uh•r 111„•ul \%',•.tent 11.... .. Ilndh of thea ter Ilua uI Mlll I,llt I vett-,. t1 the muter Ior of 'ler Ilea• if 1,111111-1 xt n•,•I aid n11ath ui the eriner ]'I.a,lrnd 1a r,•I ,• x11-11 rot xtlt lire ihr Wr•ond Ill” Of 3111Inrin, bol xtreet, 1-111 .ullxtunte the elertiou rlixi rir �t lo(1np1 %turd. I'1'ewil el,'-d"O, li+lri.[ All"lilt,101,11 of ,:dd % rd IylI1K 11.[11 of A I i thaI r tt tun ifs l - III ill yl- ,-Int of the the eel' ter �ha-uf Suuunh . unAl br"„eel' renter hen. of 1V” ll. O „ l.1 north ,,f Ila•cen- thr avhr Ilu,•n ill I,u "t lnlnud 1'Icl Debt xi rcrin. ler Ih1e 11 Ihe right , of the cI, laud, Shu - !:mall eun,tItut,• the 'Third elrcllol, .1Iltnct of I wtpullx ,¢ Shlohob �I 11rI (,road nn,l xunlll It the sill\\ u11rd. r.111er Iiue 11 \'rout street ,ladl cullxth.11h• the The Fourth cleat.. dixlrict n( nnld %cord Shntl I!Ieve1r1I1 elertiou dist riot if .nid want. be bol..... 111 the notal by ihv center hoe of .111 chat P1r0on o/ nrd( mntvl iyhtg north 1f Selby uvel,ue, o,I the south by the center tine 11f the cr,It,•r Idle of Frullt xt rel•[ nn,l rant of the utntnit avenue, on the rust by the tunll.r line of renter Iinr of \Ve:".•111 :I cantle. from Front tit.tee Arondrl stilet, and on the "'ext by the tenter to the north .I Ifne ltd, nludl co tlt"t, [be line of Dille etreet. T"elfth rt -licit dintriet of riot( "'ard. 370 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. Ail the remaining portion of said ward lying center line of Manitoba avenue and west of the north of the center Itne of 3linuehaha street and center line of Sylvan street, shall constitute the 'est of the crater ]Ino of Western venue, shall Eighth election district of said ward- constitute cls Thirteenth election distneeofsaed All that portion of said wart which Itee to the t sell. east of the center line of Sylexn street. north of the center line of Minnehaha street Tom south of sfsnt w.tnD. the center line of Lawson street, from Sylvan to Cortland street, and Routh of the center line of The Ninth ward is herebydl,bled intothirteen Cayuga street, from Cortland to mbi,heuppf election dis[rrcts, ns follows: atract,shall conetitutethe Ninth election district All that portion of said %vOrd lying to the west of said ward. of [he cents line of tt'abasha street and south All that portion of thesuid ward lying north of Of the center line of Central avenue hail cousti- the center line of Cayuga street and east of the Lute the First election district of said ward. center, line of Cortland stem[ hall constitute All that portion of the said ward lying to the the Tenth election district of said ward. east of the cen'er line of 3Vabashn street, south The Eleventh election district of said ward of the center line of Univetroity ncenue null west shall consist of Il that portion of said ward of the muter Iitie of dxckson street, shall const]. which Iles west of the center line of Cortland Lute the Secoml eleetiva district of said ward. street and north of a line described as follows: All that portion of said ward lying to the east Beginning t the center line of Rice street of the center Intl of .l,rukaon sheet, south of the where it is intersected bythe center line of A,Ru1- center line of Unecerstry avemte null west of the soba avenue, thence easterly along the center center line of (T]I naot, street hell constitute the lin of maritobu avenue to the center line of Third election Jit net of said ward. 6Ylvan street, chettce ItVeth along the center line The fourth election district of said ward shall of SYIVail street to the center If,,, of Lawson consist of all that portion thereof which I. street, thence east along the center line of Law - bounded bn the west by the center line of Can. sou street to the center line of Cortland street. Ju street, and n t the north Ly the foilow�imr The Twelfth election district shaT co sit of described line. viz Cbmmeuciug on the ranter sll that portion of said wird lying west trot the I ine of Crd versify nveu is tit the point where it center ]file f Wnbriha street and north of the intersects the center line of Canada street, rat- genter line of Central avenue. rung thence northeasterly along stud center line The Thirteenth election district shelf consist of University avenue to the center line of Broad- fall that portion o[ said wart lying west of the v: thence northwesterly flung the ranter ]file Fifthelectton district as heroin dascriLed, east of of Broadw'ny to the center line of Mount Airy the Sixth election district as herein de cribed. street; thence easterly along the said center line north of thecencer line of University avenue slid of mount Airy street to the center line of.1fiesie- ouch of Cha muter line of 31funehxhu street. sippl street. TE\Tli R.1RD. -The Fifth election district of id Word shall s cOusisc of ,ell that portion tt ereofw-hick is The Tenth ward is hereby divided tato four bon,Jed us follows: election dist ricty, ss fol lbws: ( toll 'cing on the. 6 motet line of C n u ndu All that ,ortiott of a t R red Turd 15 iO suet to the street at its , g f oust l intersection wutlt the center cetiterleneof Swelling nvemn RmJI constitute the line of ald center ter nveuue: thence north,vesterle First e;ecti0n district o1 sold wart. n1Oug said center line o[ C;ntadn street to the :til that portion of said ward lyiog west of the center line of Calle]- street; thence westerly co center lone of Suelleng uveune and east of a If g the center tie of l' .utdeu st reel' thence n rth r o e 1 des • crlbetl ns f 1 n lows -L • Y e imtht • at n ,t x] Ceti 4 6 I >int where along eater line of La"'n street to its irt- center lice 1 Prior int •tai • R ' •tat Luiveeslty intersection with the center lice of :tech street; avenue; thence north on center lone of Prior n c thence southwesterly along the center lino of a rue to center iine of TerrituriuI rood; thence :\rein etre«t to the center line of 3[Uunt Vernon next o enter line of Territorial read to eaRt street: theme northwesterly along the center line of right of way of \fntuesnta 'Transfer list] - line of )lours[ \',noon street to the center line of way contPattl•: Cusum north along said gust line Pcuna}'lyan " nt-enue; theuce easterly along the F axed right of u'ay auJ said right of ,%ay pru- center line of Penn Rylvunitr atycr u to .\tlh laced to the right of w'aty of rbe G", Northern street: thence r ortlteasterly along[ the center (St. line of Ash atreetto the centerineof ay Paul. 4finneapolitl S 3lx,ito hal tnil- wline; thence east along said last-men- street:thew.e a:hoterlV along the center Ilne of boned right- of way to the center line of Prior ,,,,teham street t0thecenter line of Mississippi avenue; thencenoreheast along the center line of street; thence southerly ado" " the ranter line of Prior avenue to north city limits -shill co eti- 31he issifil street to the center line of \fount Lute the Second election drsOnct of said ward. Airy street: thenen westerly along the center A:1 that p Von Of safe] ward west of the Sec - hue , f Mount .airy street to the center line of anal election discreet f"d1wbefore described slid Broxdaily street; theuce southeasterly along sclath oI the richt of way of the umxt Northern the Cao t«r line of Brnnd,vay street t I the mater' ((St. Pali, 311 uneayolis S munit chat) nl,vny 11 to ill University avemte: theuce R0 thwesterly 1f to shall constitute the Third electron district x10,1, the center line of University avenue to the of seed ward. pin 0f beglnninm All the remaining Portion of R]d ward shall :\II Cline gonion of erred ward lying north of constitute the Fourth election district of said the center line N University avenue. east of the ward. center line of E:rewater avenue, R ,tit of the cen. ter T!" of 3lfmThaha street anal ,•eat of the ELEVENTHWARD.' Ttdrtee,tit election district as herein described I The Eleventh word is IT • by divided into four ebail constitute the Sixth election district of I election districts, as follows: grad wart. All that portion of said wart( lying west of the All tont portion o[ the said ward ]yinl, north center line of Cleveland avehole and north of the of the center Ione of ;.'nivertlitp avenue. south of :center line Uf Summit. -mi -I-11 constituce the the censer line of 11/nnehnhn Rtre t ant ,vest of a Ira[ election district of said ward. the center line of Brewster avenue, shall cousti'- All that portion of the said ward which lies tote the Feventh election district of said ward, t of the center line of Cleveland .venue, north All that FT,rtjon of tlniJ ,curd ly at north f of the center Ilse o[ 8nmmlt ncenue, from Cleve. the center l ue of Ifinuehaha street, south of the I land to Hemchel avenue, and north of the cen- PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 371 ter line of Marshall avenue. from Herschel ave- Who paid the ..me. or their assigns. upon the tie to Snelling avenue, and west of the muter pre t Cation and surrender of ten« receipts given line of Snelling uvemoe, from University nveuwe by the treasurer at the time of the payment of to Marshall ayei e. and west of the center line j said assessments. If Herschel aven,e. ]roan >Darshall organ to : Sea 2. The )) roper city of icere arehereby tt nyen tie shall eOus[itute the Sccoud glee- authorized to tlnt,r an order in to vOr of the city tion district of. -id ward. ', treasurer for the amount paid nuc by him in re - :\II 0f the nnuaintng portion 0f said ward, not', funding said xes Ieon,nts upon oil., filingwith the Included to the First unci Second election dos -'i city comptroller oI statements showing the triets na Breit described. which lies north of the amounts rehmded, together with the receints so center line of Rnnlolph street and Rnndol7,h ;presented and cancelled. [rent ext Odell west In a 'it', Ince to the Sec. 3. The cocporatlon attorney Is hereby \ti.-ninsippi ricer. almll constitute the Third X. directed nod empowered to make the proper np- tion district rict of said word. plteatfon to the district c Curt, tad take such A 1l ortlie rmnniningportiors u[se]d ward shall '�. pmecedings as t be rtlulred, to have all ustitute the Fourth election district of said Judgments enters( of record, or ordered to be ward. entered, in said m udentation proceedings, va- 2e c. 2. Ordinance No. 1,290, appve rod .jun. cared and set acid.,. ' 1899; Ordl mu,V No. I.R I I' approved Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and March 24, 1990: Ordinance Nu. 1,392, up- be In force from still after its publication. proved Aug. 26. 1890 d , anall other ordinances Seas -Aid. BouboI,r. Bott, io Conley, Cope - amt parts of ordlnurucrs iuconsi tent with the land, Costello. Dahners Uonniden, Gelm n, me- pmctslontl of tltf.s uroinance ;ire hercL}'refeuled. Namur, 3felndl-, \Dasa. Sanborn, Sullivan, Can Sec.:1. This ordinance shall take effect and Slyke. Ill. President -1 5. be in form it,,,. and it,, Its pneenge. Passed Sept. Jr, 1890. Yeti -Aid. Banholmr, Botts Conley, Coppeeland, 0. O. Cd.�r.t,ea. President of Conned. Costello. Rubner.` llontiden. 0eltnn, MCNHmee. Approved Sept. 17, 1991 r. melody, \tinea, S,I,l ru, Sullivan, Van Slyke, RORF.Iir A. �d11in, mr. President -15. Attest: Taos. :\. PaE.y,eno.tli . City Clerk, Passed Sept. O;, 1890. Sept. 22. a1. 0. CCtn,F'-.-, Pe,sideut of Council. - Approved Sept. 17, 1890. ORDISas�CE NO. 1.412. lion E rte A. Slum, 3feyor. Attest: Tuo.s. A. PRE.NDERGIRT, City Clerk. An onlinnnce uuthnrizi,g the inspector of Sept. 22. i butldenga to issue permits to remove buildings I u t certain cases with, tit the prepnyuteat of fees therefor. ORnlv,r\CEN 11-111). U. The aintn c tau ]Iona '1 t" ct of n • of . t. Paul do An onli,auce :o 5 uhortzi,g the he central of a ordain 1. follows: janitor to perforin duty at the centntl pollee j Section le That wheneverdi is rade to np- tntion. u to rite inspector lI of the cit of the city r The Common Coune•il of the City of St. Foul do �'tc. Pnnl. b}• n certificate of the city eutnneer or On 112 na fuliows: curporxtion nt[ornev, uDo, un npplicxtion for sr Zion 1. 'shill tli br Le nn h i d e s here- t mit Co remef Ir I , ' t per R I Im+or to construct a b authorized oral ant �u„e t - 9 I ret u rI:Iron t i uty [oundng o therefor, [herr the removal d each ]tor who shall be is uttatIo ,at auo pertonfrduty building of the to .....y tion Of rr foundation at`ee 'I.I central police atatiun. therefor Is honor neceaanry by they street, levee, Swirl jnnitur he receive ns c0 o.1m) ing. extension or altvrntiun of :toy street, levee, atmullurs fI bis Bert n the II m of lifts onithU) Ione or ails]'. or by a hao ge of crude f any JolbarR per month nano shalltbe pain n oath]} street,IT or all«}', or by r«aeon of IT cot the same OR other city blticers nno rmp;otyes. damnation of an ease teat for the construction T.3. :I. 'Phis ordinance shall tea ke effect and 01 slopes for cuts ami till upon IamJ abutting IT o force from boo ;Jtrr its pnblicntlOb. oil the line of any street, levee, In ne Or alley, }'gas -Aid. 1lnnhblzer. Botts Conley, Copeland, then unto in such ease the iasptetor of budoiugs Costello, Dobner, DO rnitrn, ];glint. y[c Nu.nteI. shall issue n permit to removesuch buildingui nt melody, 3D sea, Sanborn, Sullivan, Yau Slyke, to constructx foundation therefor u'ithouCthe 3Ir. President -t5. I payment o[ nap fee for such permit. I. Sept. l6, 1890. Sec. 2. This ordinance Pira]] take effect and president of Conucit. be in free from and :dter its publication. Approved sept. 17, 1SOII ]'m_Ald. 13nnhoirer, Botts Conley-, t'oppelnnrl, Itone.Rr :\. Synrn, Mayor. Costello, Dobner, Dornuden, Oehan, >IcNantee, Attest: TII R A. PREN'uEn;.tar, Pity Clerk. 31e11dy, Mines, Sanborn,.1ullivan, Van Slyke, Sept. 22. Mr. President -15. Passed Sept. 16, 1890. ORDINANCE NO. ],all. O. 0. CVt.t.Ex. president of Council. An rdiamn authorizing the city treasurer to APProved Sept. 17. 1890. refund ,ill tnonecs toll -ted b t ass ss tits in Attest: Tune. A. PIIE\DE11b xm,Iwu,lT S>nnb Mayor. the proceeding. for the coodemnution of land \sI, City Clerk. Sept. 22. for parks, and nnpoucorporation the cot tion at - Lorne} to take the necessary steps to secure the a ccxtimt of such juognt«ntR as fere entered or � ORDI\n\'CE No. 1,419. orderedin such proceedings.an ordinance amending section Y of Ordinance The Common Council of the City o[ St. Paul do No. 419 emlife']. •'Au ordinaum in relation to ordlif l as follows: impoaudim; mmnild.." Section 1. The city treasm e1. is hereby dl- The Common Council of the C7ty of St. Paul do reefed and mpowered to refund ll m neys I ordxiu as follows: collected by hint on assessments iu the proceed- Section 7. Chat section two Of Orrlimmce No. Ings for the ccod"anatmil of land for certmn 419 entitled, ••Aar n Irnaace in relation to lm. p tblic Parks, to wit: Carpenter Purk. I,iucoln pnoundbIT anima.le,'• be end the same is hereby Park, Fl Unnd Park, Indian 3louud Pnrk, J[o- mended by nd( I to the territory now fn - hawk Park and Ridgewood Pnrk; said assess- I eluded ,vithia said ordinance that part of the menta so paid to be refunded to the persons city- of St. Paul bounded as follows: 372 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. On[he east b)' L111letonaveuue: ,the south of vnrty-illand d0-100dollars,pur- by Laivereity ra •i : e ox th - n'esi by the right su.oat to report of [ I, city euFineer. 0f of he Vm ,• mean}, „Conrail of the city of St. P ,d oil we north Ly the r,git of real of the St- ; 11ttii.1,u �[ The, : 3 ¢til do Paul, Mli,auenpolix .v M:aa,itul:t Itxilavay com_ vection 1. Thu' ,m order Le d^anm upon the Pat,, ' le-. i[y tr :a,.my u( 8[. Pn rel In fn, lir of \{-tilts ret 2. '1'li.x onliino,, than take effect nmi Ite,ater Jur the nma, 1f n„et}'-thee« Ill -In-100 he In [urce from anal aper its pu hiicatium (8'J:t.id) dollar:,, u, fill, „ 11 cu„peo_vn[lon for "I'll ]"-, v --,11d, ltaohulicr, 730[[. Clime', Col e- ,ti inetian of his rb,im ,md d••muorl xgaio:.t I'll ]md �Cuxtello, Uol,n.-r. Uoruide,,. G"im,, Mice- cit}' of xt. Paul for eun.tructiuu \:a dice` Mend}, \lin«:,. S rum ,Sullivan. ]':a„ •loss Ridaell'tree' 1„ the axe r a Nide of Ua- Slyke, .Ir. pi -Clem -1 �. •� kot:a ,avenue in -id city, ax by tle�rto,urt of the 1';aased �rnt. Ui, ler,. rad t t- e,g!ueer to rile enmwou r•w avil f date rise I'rexidellt of Coutivil. 21nt Jaa}- of \ugnx[, A- ll. ] S9r,, „ill n ref II Aper >, ed cep[. 17. ti 8!lo. •,x• xnid order to he delivered o„1y a„poauhis fi�i ,I, [I, the city to„aI•trnller fall :sal aha„ late .\treat: T,,.,. ll 1',:x:.\'ne[tc �xt',a Ll[}' perk. Ilan to the cit)' in aa[i�f:actxa, of ..rid Oldli- Sept. LL. or 0;-t2. ordtmance shall rake effect andbe -No. 1.414. 1. force Iron, nmi after its p'I'lwatiou. ]"e:,+-AI•l. Iixnholzer. ISotl. ('ureic>', t:opehnd, An onlian rete authlrizi 0. .7. S. It1xn to axe a Coxte111, Uolxer. Dlll'llI,I.I. ,:elan. McSau„ , ert:ai„Lnilding[or stable P„rpon's- \Ielady, Millen. Sanb.l o. Sullivan, ]':an Sl,k,, The Cuan mu,a ,'n nrr11 of tide Clty of St- Paul do Mlr. Prexi,ICn t -l5. o'ra'l an folrhIA Passed Sept. 10, 1800. Se -Linn I. 'That per„,ixxiuIl is 1,ere L}' given D. Il. <t1.,.;: 1're�ide Ii of C'um, cd. lid gr:a r ted to J..T-Ilya„to remodel Imt ter Approved Sept.17, lA!I tai„ it, hml�ltng situated on the r"" Cud of Iloxmtl _1. S.\ MUa)'or. lot rig(t of Lloc 1 div al Lnaeevin'x •ith raddito„ Attex[: Titus. A. P,at; v-neuo.aar ��,�'f[y Clerk. to Et.lit the x a apurtto I of Sept. the xunie. aaa be "I'll a , aub.',i, a ,d also to __" le yuan• for . tahle Parplt ` o- u -"I of acid uork shall Lc do„eVamder the super1.-117. ot:uad directed h)- tie lnildiag in- .l„ ord iIlaxce eppropri atiog ",`Illy fur still df- spector of x.ai11 eity after ohtainfng u permit er•tx,g the p:a}'a,rnc to 1:. .1. I� cele of the xnm thee` Inc. PI,' of seventy-eiglt dollars. ,enact to shalt t,rke effect all of clad report of be in force from and after ite I hl,atnu, TheIl C,until of tie I,tI, of St. Tani do ]'Can -:\I, 1. Ii:a„holzer. Ifut t, Co„I,y, l'1PelSaatia. ord�iinn ar�folloa.: lirxtclll. Uoh,aer, llorniden, Gchu:,, Jlen,ee, vvt•ti0n I. That m 'der he dr:, un, nn the \telly, Mlim•:a. ru„lora, Snlii va x, \'[tit SI1se, clic tre,ul, If Rt. Ynul in ha cur of I*. A. ('ti rt•ie I' Mr. Pr- llt-1.5 for the num of nevelt}'-eiglt dolll,• iu full cem- I'xsxed Sept. ill, 18.11. : (,eI,eaiton for and xnt]'fu el ion of 1.1l claim art(] G. ,I. CthLg . President of C'ounril. Tent lid ng, inxt the city of St. Paull for money Attest: wept.. Pail( to redeem certain cattle . ay 211, 1890 hour:lar A. calitIt \Uayor. �(wlli•h xnm nn paid into the illy t reaxury). us Attest: '1'uos. A. 1'IfByUY.ltl:.)Sr, City Clerk. by the report of Ile contmRt,, oll ebibn to the Sept. ?!. a , •il of date the ] dth Ihty of p to In (,ler �A �1'. 1870, will more tally appear: xnid Onntx.txcF \a. l,l l6. I rder to be delivered ,III}• upuu' I filing lith The Commou t'ouucil til the City of St. Pill]] do the citi' in l'uttlnfalctioto ner l n[ sxi�l Irl,]nl otc�lriilIln Iltl. ,rd:ah, x allure's' v o This dhann-e shut( take effect uud be 'e(tial" [1. Permission is he SCh}' given u d n olrce Prow rend nicer irx pl,hlientfun. grunted Il , Clris[inn & Cu., pr0prieturn ret the I ]'ease -.\Id. 73xnhol'.". 13ot2. Curley. COI,e- Brunnrrick lintel, to deet' n„ tic F'u„r[li street land, t'o.telio, Dohrer, Uor„id,•Il.ylc- [ro,a , f sold hnibling x Porel,, to I,e fi[tecIl-tea ee . lelad y, \IiIlea, S shorn, Sullivan, l'xn feet lu lei •1 [ : rd tree„[) --live (2-iI tare.•' in lel, til, Sivlke. Mfr. President-lh. u fuPl�ort(•:llhy four ,run rolamrx revti„g on be' ll Paaw.•d Sept. Ili. 1890. art thereof, ill x„rl,aunn„eraas not G. . Ct•,.t.r: �', Prexideut of Connell. toaintermre [.� i 1, travel ai., said ,lo-1.the, ,Approved Sept. 17, In90. 01[ awl cor,uce [o he "'.'red ,ctrl galvanized R011.11T A\ SMITH, \1:[111. fro r, -ld aTork to Le seder the supervfniou and , Attest: Titus. A. ity Clerk. iIlspeetim, of the imildh,g irxperto, of said city. Sept. S- z. '1'hix ordimanee ,ll ail take eff,,t and -� be,,, force from and it,, its pasnuge uud pub- ansol-nTloxs. ' pennon. By AId. S, llwari- Ye:an-AId. Bnnholzer, Butt. Conley. Copeland, Itrxllve,l. That the follorving 1,Int. up - C' stella, Uobne `, Uurniden, (:Chau, Me -Name,, moved by tie plat con ,,,o , d rev neo \lel. dy,Sullivan, Valt S4 -kc' luende:l by the city engi..". be �I I [he snlye�(s Dir. I'r«ntdelt-1 i. here(,(- accepted by the common council of the 1':tssed Sept. 113. 1890.1'nul: 0 G. C'ct-cn�', Y'es(deat of Cotweil. I.iIlmin Terrace to the city of St. Pa Ili_ A pProyed Sept. 17, 180ti. YOu._Ald. Bxnholzer, 131tt, l'o Ilei, l'otwlnnd, Ro I ,[r :\. `>[ Tx, M4 yo Costello, fro beer` Dun,idcu, GClalll, M[cSal, A [tecta 'Gnus. A. 1'¢c III1,1tn.,st. tClty C:erk. Mlelndy. Ifixca, .'xuhoru, Sullt,on, ]'.n Slyke, Sept. G_. Vt•. Pm ldeut-15. _ Approved Sept, 17, 1890. Gftnf. "st. No. 1.1 lu' B'.Ald t'o te111- - Art ec din:, ice nunry for and di- llexolved. Tlurt the grade of the follo[rivg tl¢g tl,e paYmeatlto IN elllam Bem(er of the I streets, bete,cCa the pointe named, as Indicated PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON; COUNCIL. 373 by the red grade lines on the accompanying pro- file., rrml n tided ey the City engineer, be and the note are ehereb ado ted ns the es - Y P taLlis n grades: Marion street. Iron, I.:tke Co,n1 nIld Phrtlen ¢ Pe is Mlinneapolix a a,r�sns uve„Ile, (rum Gault,¢[ street to Rica street. Id,tl,o avenue, from Gnttltler street to Rice street. Sebr:uka aver tic, from G¢ul[ier street to Rice street IYoOdbriduc street, [roan Nebraska avenue to M[innenpolix aveme Ane .1fi tea from Lnke Como rend Pbs1eIl venue , t.fr .lin avenue. I ' t, from A[,ra ter , Toronto. l'enre�Ald. Banhor- Bots, t'n,le)', Cope- land. C'oxt uol, llobner, Don,ideu �I'ehum Mtc- \umee Mlelad JDus. S:[„bor,,. Bulli v„n : Slyke. Mfr. Presideut-15. Approved Sept. 17, 1890. By Aid. Mlnes- Rexoived, That the grade of Stickney et rest, from .1„nupollx street to Concord street, ,�v in- dicated by the red grade fine on the accomFn„y- Ing proal¢, and Ile recommended by the •i )- - sin bll be and the same is hereby adopted ns the 'e grade. Yeua-Ald. l3anholrz Butt, C..ICy, Copeinud, C'oxtello, Dlbner, D.ru]deu, (:¢loan, Mc- N...­ Meledy, }tinea. Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mi, Parsident-15. Approved Sept. 17, 1890. By Aid. Bert - Resolved. That thegrade of Sixth street, from an a point 150 feet Ct f Kittsou street to II,.- m avenue, as indicated bythe red grade line ort tirem ccoprivying profile still its re,out. en led by the City engineer, be and the sante is hereby ado tell as the established grade. Yeas-Ald. BaOholzer, Bedt,Conley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Dorniden, (in an, Mc- Namee, Melady, Mine., Snuboel Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. Pres1dent-16. Approved Sept. 17, 1890. By Aid. Gehan- Resolved, Thatthe grade of Hatch strest,from Wes street to Sylvan street, es Indicated by the red grade line on the steam pauyixg prohle, antl x res Is hereby adopted rethe ts thetsin blisl edgrmlee tl141eas-Aid. Benholzer, Bott, Coniey, Co land, Costello, Dnbner, Dorxiden, Gehnn, Dic\amee, M1el.dy, ]flue., Snuborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. Prexideut-16. Approved Sept. 17, 1890. By Aid. Dobner- 1 e o!ved That the grade of Rx mond d iudlexred by thererade line. o the nCcual� paaylug profile, and recommended by the Ity eughaer, be and the same Is hereby adopted as I:he established grade. Yeas-Ald. Banholzer, Butt, Coniey, Ca 1, Coe tello. Dobner, Dorniden, Gebau, Jfc Nnmee, Melady, M1nea, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -16. Approved Sept. 17, 1890. By Aid. Sanborn- - Resolved, That the grade of the ll,, In block 15, Summit Park addition, from'V ctorin street to Avon street, ea Indlcated by the red grade line on the accompanyiu. firofile, and as escom- ended by Lhe city ettgl be and the same ,s hereby adopted ee the established grade. Yexe--Ald. B.oh.he, BotF Conley, Co Pelxud, Costello, Dobner, Uornidrn, t: Chan, JlcSunne, ]Ielady, Junes', Snn born, Sullivan, Van Slyke, \lr. Prexideut-la. . pleacellSp e t. 17, 1800. By Ald. Ifott- - R-.Ived, That the city engiree[ be and Is he relyiuetrxeb,'t to report . grade „ Thorn et t, between Monad street and Earl street. ] as-AId. Bm,hnlze[, Iron, t:oaley, C-"`]: ml, ('oxtello, Dobner` Uoroiden, Gebuu, MICS:a,,,ee. Mlel.dy. \limen, ..nnhoru, Sullivan, Vau Slyke, \Ir. proved d Sept.resdept.. Ap17,1890, By Ald. Butt- -- ttenolved, That cit}'engi„eer cause aboxgutter be placed on 3fingnret street across Bock street. Yens-Ald. Bxnloi�zr, tsar', Cnnley. Co el:n21 pp Costello. Uobnar, llo[niden. Gehnn, MlcSnmee, \lel ad}•, Mines, Sanborn, Sullivan, Vau Slyke, JIA Pr.vlai Sept.Approved ept. 17, 1830. By Aid. t"_b.ud- - ._.Ived. That the City ¢ exgineer be and he ,s hereby inxtrueted m can :t Cra walk t be Laid cross \ortb street 0u Che south alae of Bradley street. Y...-Ald. Bwnholzer, B1tt, Conley, Copel.,,d, Costello, Dobxer: Do,,=t. Geham MleSeaa„ee, Heady Mim•a. �uuborx, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -15. Approved Sept. 17, 18.0. By Aid. C,nley- Resolved, That the city eni'Ineer be it I he is It ereby directed to lay . true: ualk on e,.xt side of Joint el rtet crossing Fourth street. Yeux-Ald. Bailliolz,r, Bott, Conley, Coppeland, Costello, llobner, Dorniden, ebau, Mr, unlee, Mtrindy, \lire" , Su lo SullGivan, Van Slyk,, Mr. President -15. Approved Sept. 17, 1890. By Aid. Van .1 yke- Resolved, Tllnt the city rnglnxer be and he 1s hereby retluested to prepare and ubudt phtus for a bridge or Lridgex nlong the in- til Grovu and Eighth streets x •toss the right f aa',.y of the St. Pan] & Nort hrrn P.Clfic Railroad Con - pp y rend the St. Paul, Mlinuenpollx e, MUanitobn Ax1�Iway comI n ly, and aiong the Ilne o, Burr ,trace' ncrose x¢ia right til nay. fear -.\Id. Bn„holzer, Butt,Conley. Copeland, Costello, Uobaer. Dorufden. Gahan, Mlc!x'nr„ee, Melady, Mine,, Sanborn, Sullivan. Van Slyke, Mfr. President -1C.. Approved Sept. 1.7. 1890. By Aid. D iden- R 1 d, That the City engineer fs hereby to - strutted to expend nor to d the xu of ae hundred and fifty dollars ;5160) to mike x pasxuble rend o Western a veno from Chi- cago, Mthvnukee & St. Paul r horn d track, to Grace street. Yea.-Ald. Bi uholu ' Be" Conley, Cole - and , Costello , Dobner, Bond len, Gehnn. Me- Nanue Melady, Mue,, Sunbonh eulhvan, •ran Slyke, 1%1r. Prexideut-15. Approved Sept. 17, 1M90. By Aid. Butt - Resolved, That the cite en gineer is hereby in- tructed to expend then f 8100 dollars to pp t Bcck street in pasxxble condition, betacen Jfinnehaha and Ma tinier streets. 372 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. On file east by Le.vinetolunveate; oil the south mint of ninety-three and d0-100 dollars, par. by l: niyc•a,ity ac a tb • +rest I, Y, t he right su:,nt to report of the city cagineer. of a -ay of for .11 1.s. a;, T,,,,sfer eilu,r, The uornnl"i 1onncil of the Clty of St. Paul do Id n I the aural by for richt of I ,,v of t�e St.: ordain us follows: Paul, 311! e:+p"Its :x Ma')it"I,a IG+llaay cont- Section 1. Phut an Order be dr:+,v') a .On the pan)-. sty tnnxury of St. Paul In l,yor of �l'illiant This -dl n+, , hall take effect and Itea s,ierr the sum litauct)-ihr.'e anti -10-100 Leda tutee from 1)')J :tl!re its publication. (S;n.-:I)fudoll+rx. n, fall t , tpen.,+tion far ,all Id aa')b0liec, lio[L C'"nley, Cope- satixfaeti"')"f Linclaim uuJ'l,'aaaIi„g:+ln,tthe In"J �(;",tello, Do b').•r. IZab ,u. Gehan, >I,- cit)' of Sl. Ya ul fur coatcurt "1) "1 •u kl rt Nuo,ee. 3felaJ y, yl in•:+. San.orlb SOIIwau. Van n roxs Bidwell Street "') the ea �, i -r ,dile of Dr- Slyl e Mr. Yresideai-I5. k'Itu,tvrnue 11 ,x.1,1 elty, a, I,y the rel,, t of the 1'axsed reit[. Ili. ISD �. alt I. engineer [O the colo ui Otl c•,wuil Uf hate tltc t'LLa:S. ]'resident o[ Council. Slit day "f .\"aunt. A. 11. ].SDu, ,Ili n "e fully Approved Sepi. 1 7, 1890. ,l ,fx•nr, said order to hr delivrrr,l outiv nn .on Itis I:uuenr A. S.\ar)L 3D,y. r li�ia,, ,lilt the city comptn 11- full au,l al,nolute Attest: Tints, A. P -No --AST, WY 'I", receipts to the city Ill suti•luctlutl of said claim Sept. 22. or demand. '1 hl ordinance,hall takeeffect andbe OaasaxCE No. Lalli. in force from and after its publication. Vca,-Ald. Ban I,. lir. Butt. Conley, t'opeln id, An onlin;"ttt• :+uthnrizin_ J. T. Ityan to use n Castell", Dobner, llurniJeu. ,; elu:+n. 3[cNaaee, certaint bill]( it eta , purpokw_N lad,. )Inca. Sanborn, Sullivau. \':+n Slyke, y ,) Thr Common l'0uacil of the Cltof ` .'t. Paul do 31r. President -15. Ida it, a, loll"„, Passed .Sept. 11;, 1890, ctiuIt 1. 'Pint permission N hereby given l), (I, (t LLr--S. President of Commnl. and gr., a_1 t0 T..7. Ryan toremodel that cr t• Approved Sept. 17. 1891). tai" Ira I'll; stn anted ou the rear end uP ROal:nr I. Sweet, May - Ion eight of block ,i.x of L:n¢evIli s 4th addition :\ttexL Taus. A. Pla:.\'llEltl:.\BT, t'it}' Clerk. to St. I Gill, s . that the x n,, ,r + gonion of Sept. 22. - Lhe s:uae. 1')av be urrd a, at �xtable and ;tl+o Lu as, the ,an,r [ter +Gtblr pill) es. OnD,x.)�'cv: No. 1.417. u All of c,i'l aOrk ,Intl be done mtderthe super- ' of vld directed by the bill ldiuc it - An ordinance appropriating iu, fey bar and di. speuct"r 11 ,aid+sell)' after oI,t aiuing a permit : •ca as the pave lit Io 1--.\. t'u".i, of the sum t b`ri,lor. Of ,e •"[)'-cis It dollars. parnm+nt t" report of Thi, Ordinan- ,hall t.+ke effect and ,sitter of cluin x. be in for •e f •"m :Ofd after it, p,P) -tion. The �- n ('"i cit of the Pity of St. Pau] do Vra,-}Id.B�+nl,olzrr. lioft. t'"nley, l'"peian,], Tl., a. flllo" Castell", Dobner, Doraiden, Gehan, 31c\,+are, Section 1. Tint tit trier br den wn on the MrhtJY, \Burn. •� uibuni, Sullivan, Vale S e city fre:i,ury of St. Y:tnl i') Ix 'or of I;. A. Currie 3Ir. Pre,iJcnt-15 for for .. um of seventy-eigat dollar,, iu fall c - Yusxerl Sc•pt. lulu ]890. `u•')x;, t;on for and sati,facdon "f Ili, •Mien and rt, 1). (-cLL." President of Council. len ')d fie: last the city of St. P„al fur money Approved Bept. l i. IBD,. paid+tn redeem ce t:dn cattle May 2d, 1890 JWIIF:Ilr A. S\11111, Mayor. (\\I, iclu ,nun „ Imld into tllr city trea�ur}"), 1)N Attest: Taus. A. I'1tEa'ue:¢uexr. CRSl;lezk. I,y the report i f the conm,itt,.•r On claims to the S+•1't' "' dl of date the ](;th day of tr;nl,er A. 1). 1891), will snore fully apisnr: said OIfUlv.t.\"('k: NO.�Irr to be de.li,ererl fitly 111'011' his Ill i,g n'ith line city con perollrr Iiill anal nhs0lnte rcreipt, to The Commmi Conac•11 ui [be City of .S[. Paul do tin• oily in sat Isf:+eti"n of sul,l rl:+in') or Jc,naOU. ,rdxin a, fullut,: Scc ',. This )rdbalucr slndl take effect aucl be r'ect i on 1. Prrai„Io') is hereby given and in tone from and after it, public:+tlun. grit r ')ted auto Christian & lb., proprietors of ate ! Y,ax-.\id. Badnolzer, Roll. Cooley. Cope- Bra;,wick Ilutel, to eact Oo the Fourth street land, ('o+tcllo, Dobner, Dornlden. Ge1,n iL 31e- Iroat u( said buil,llag x IrorclL [o be Il (teen ll,i) }leludy. )littmt. San Lori. SnVanulliva, an ktc in helgnt 1).d to e')ty-live (.5) feet in length. vj tukr� }I r. President -Iii. 18. 189 p"rted by four iron colnnns resting "n the Passed SepL 0. bisi.le of the curb Illereuf, it sa.,I manarras not tt. 1). t'r,-LEx. Pr-bb,ut of C'onncil. to.i')tertere with travel Ili said street, the Approved Sept. 17. 1890. oof and c•"nnce l0 be c vt red wit(, gxlvaoized li"nEl<r A. Slam, Mayor- , lid a ark t" be under the sal- t n')d Altest: Taos. A. PRE.\'DER-Mr. Cit)' Clerk. inspection r [the ",aiding inspei t"r of w+b 1 city. Sept. 22. 'I �hix "rd ire,„c, sin ll take effect and tte90 LLT1oN9. beSm force from and after its passage and pub- 13G+a"n. Bt' Aid,. St Ilivan- Yeas-Alil. Banholzer,Bott, Conlcy.Copeland, licx0red, "fine the f"Ilo„dng flat. .n up. C'ostrllo, Dobnr, Donuiden, Gelnu, McNaaec, the 1'. c and a 3lelady, Mines, S "tbuni, Sullivan, \-un SI}-ke r')ded by the city euglaert. la, the s�tiye is Mr. Prr,Ident-15. i •rely accepted b}' the comaon cumucil of the Passed Sept. Ili. 1890. c,ty of S[. Paul: 0. O. CULLE.N. president ..f ,;oun'il, I.inrnln I""I,,I to file city Ot St. Pail. Approved Sept. 17, 1890. Yeas-AId R:tubolzer, ]:Ott, ,Oil le y, ('o I• land, ltoisEutr :1. Syn a, Mny-�,r t ostello, Dobner; Poro i,leu, Gehan, Attest: 'pre"s. A. I'uesDEncusr, t'rtc t'lerk. }leludy. \finer, . reborn, Sullivau, Van Slyke, Sept. 22. ylc. Pre,ideut 15. _ App --d .Sept. 17, 1890. (1RDi\,txl'E No. lad Ili. By ANI C-te110- - An Ordinance nppropriatina mon p for and di- Reol yell. 7'hut the senile o[ the folloting reefing the payment to t\"ilhanr Remier of flue streets, between the points named, as indicated PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 373 by the red grade lines on the accompanying pro- YenB-Ail, iinubolur, Butt, Conley, Copeland Ales, and ns recommended by the city engineer, Costello, Dobner. Donnden, Geh¢n, JlexItal e, be unit the same are hereby adopted as the es- Malady, 3finea, S¢nborlr, Sullivuu, Van Slyke, tabished grades: - 31 r. President -15. 3farion street. from Lake Como and Plmlen Approved Sept. 17. 1890. uveune to 3fin ica(f,olix avenue. Kansas avenue, rom Gaultuer street to Rice' By Md. Bott- street. lie"IceJ, That the elty euglreer be and fs Idaho avenue, from Gnultler street to Ricer hereby Inst toenail to report a geode t Thuru street. street, between Mound street and Earl rat reef. Nebraska avenue, from Gaultier street to Rice yeas -AI . B d anh"Izer, IS"tc, l'on1eY, Ccp1,I nal, street. ('o,tello, Ioobner, Dornlden, it I )Ic\:nnee, Woodbridge avenue. born Nebraska avenue t0 3leludy, \linen, Sanborn. Sullivan, Van .dyke, 3l All -1 olie avenue. 3tr. I'res;dent-15. Ane to Minneapolis from Lnke Como and Phalen Approved Sept. 17, 1890. avenue to trees, front avenue. --_ Imcoe street, from Acwnter?o Toronto. Ry Aid. Roft- 1'a-AId. Bauholmr, Bolt, Conley. ('Ol'e-' B_ op it That city engineer cause a box gutter 1 fid. Costello, llobner, Dornlden. Gehan, 3Ic- to be placed on Margaret street ntrcoss ItOck Names, 1[ellidp. )linea, Sauburn. Sullivan, Vnn street. Slyke, Mr. President) 5. )'exs-.Lid. Ruuhulzcr, Rott, ('nnlep, Copeland, Approved Sept. 17, 1890. be I.. Dobner, Dornlden, GelnD, 31c\nate, 31elady, )finest, Sanborn Sullivan Van Slyke By Aid. \llnea- Resolved, That the grade of Stickney stres Iron :\r,uxpolix recce to wneard street, mx I dlcated by the red grade line on the nccompnuy Ing profile, and as recommended by the city e; laucc li e and the same is hereby adopted as tb e, grade. fens-Ald. Banholzer, Bott,C'onley, Copelnni Costello, Dohner., Dornlden, Gehan, NI, Namee, Melady, Miisa, Sanborn, Sullivan, Va. Slyke, Mr. President -15. Approved Sept. 17, 1890. By solved t That the grade of Sixth street, fron a point 150 feet east of Kittson street to Efoff t the accompanying profile u avenue, as indicated by the tell grade nim oil said a. recon included by the city engineer, be and the same it hereby a(ointed as the established grade. Yeas -Alt(. Buuholur, Bott, Conley, wpeland Costello, Dobner, Domiden, Gehan, 31c Names, Malady, Mine., Sanborn, Sullivan, Vat Slyke, 31r. President -15. Approved Sept. 17, 1890. BY Aid. Gehan- - liesolved, Thatthe grade of Hitch et-t.fr6. Rice street to Sylvan street, ax Indicated by the red grade line on the accompx,lying pro0le, xud x¢rn recommended by for city engineer, be and the x e is hereby adopted as the established grade. leas-AId. Banbolzer, Bott, Conley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Dnrldden, Gehnn, 3IcNivin 31elady, Minea, Sanborn, Sullivan, 3'nu Slyke, Mr. President -15. Approved Sept. 17, 1890. By Aid. Dobner- Rexo!ved, Thal the grate f Raymond peace, ns hall by by the red grade line on the aecom. slid as Pty the alid er, be and the same is hereby added opted 1)e the established grade. Yeae-Ald. Bxuholzer. Botta Conley, Copeland. Cosrello. llobner, Dornideu, Gehan, McNamee, Melady, Minea, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. Preside:rt-16. Approved Sept, 17, 1890. By All]. Sanborn - Resolved, That the grade of the alley in block i5, Summit Park addition, from Victoria street to Avon. street, at indicated by the red grade line on the accompanyfug prodle, and as reeom- ended by the city engineer, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. 31r. Pre,ident-15. t, I Approved Sept. 17, 1890. By Aid. Copeland - Resolved, That the city engineer be all he is hereby Instructed to cause a erose walk to be iuid ueroxs North street on the south aide of Bradley street. Yens -Aid. Bunholzer. B"Lt, wulev, Copeland, Costello, Dobner: Dornideu, Gehan, 3ICN,uuee, 31e.ady. Mi -a. Suuboru, Sullivan, Vau Slyke, Mr. President -15. Approved Sept. 17, 1890. By Aid. Conley - R -solved, That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to lay n eros, talk on east side of.Tonn sl net crossing Fourth street. Yens-AId. Bunholzer, Butt, Conley, Copeland, Costello, )obuer, Dornlden, (:ehan, \Ire\an•t•, 3felndy', Minea, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -150. Approved Sept. 17, 1801). By Ald. V'an Slyke - Resolved, 'phut the city engineer be it I he Is hereby requested to prepare and stbUld l,htns for ridge or bridges along the line of G rave slid Eighfh •ru streets a es the Ight of w ty of the St- Paul & Northern Yncific Railroad cnnn- pp ny and the St. Paul, )linos polis & Manitoba hallway company, and along the line on Burr street across said right of way. Yeae-AId. Bamtolmr, Bott,Cohley Co nelund, %,.lady, Minea r9sU LonJC15uilivnu`n Van �SlYke, If r. Preldetltl5. `,,�✓ Approved Sept. 17. 1890. d. Doradden- 3Y esolved, That the city engineer Is hereby fit- true t - tructetl to expend not to exceed the s n of m hundred aid fifty dolh.rs (3160) to make a mxsable road on Western avenue It.. Chi. ago, Milwaukee & St. Ami railroad tracks to ;r Ee street. ti-Ald. Banholzer, 3ott, Conley, COpe- aud, Costello, Dobner, D )r,dden, Gehan. Mc - M �amee, ela.3y. Minim, .Sanborn, Sullivau, Van tyke, 3Ir. President -16. Approved Sept. 17, 1890. - Y Aid. Bott-- Resolved, ottResolved, That the city engineer le hereby in. ructed to expend the sum of 8300 dollars to fit Bock street i1) pueS¢ble condition, between inuehaha and Margaretstrests. 374 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. Yeas -Aldo Bauholzer.Batt, Conley, C0 I ­" Costello, 1)p lather, Dorniden, Gehan, Mcnince, Melody, MIC Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, hit. president --15. Approved Sept. 17, 1800. By Aid. C'opeland- 11-1,ed, That the corporation attorney be and he is herabv Instructed to cause a notice, to be ed you the St. Paul & Ni-tia- Pacific railroad company to 1n d without naycated o- n all aloe delay right of wa at the 1 otereeettov ,,all Grove at met I. order to Zted. ,aid street to the established grade; accord bug to the enclosed re endation or the board or I,,bl!, works. ]e. Ald. Banholzer, ,, Corney. Co ,.lana, Costello, Dobuer` Dorniden, Gahan, Mc�amee, Melody, \Dula, Sanborn, Sullivan, Vau Slyke, Dfr. President -15. Approved Sept. 17, 1890. By Aid. Dollar - 11 -1, c'd, ollar -Reaolrcd, That the city clerk be ad he I. hereby Instructed to advertise for bide for the cot 'tinction of the llamllue even,, bridge ac- rdiug to the Pbrns nod Specbficatious prepared therefor by the city engineer. Yea. -Ala. Bnuholzer, Bott,Conley.COPpeeland, Costello, Dobuer, Dond den, Gehan, )ICNamee, )lelnd y, Mines, Sanborn. Sullivan. Va. Slyke, Mr. Pm,ide,t�15, Approved Sept. 17, 1890. By Aid. Sa,born- @e.olved, That the committee on pollee be n i is hereby bnetructea to construct and mniu- led. . m ofpolice nt'cbox, with Ssa y lon.ec- c the north ... t corner Ltncolu avenue sed ti-S, nictoria street. V.aa-Aid. Beabolur. Butt, Conley, Coppeelvna. Co.tello, Dobuer, Dorniden, Gehan, McNsococ Diel ady. Dllnea. Sanborn, Bulli van, Von Slyke. Mr. 1'resideut-16. Appr.ved Sept. 17, 1680. By Aid. B.tt- Resolved, That the city oil lamp contractor be "ad :a hereby Instructed to place an oil lamp north side f Mi nucha al treat, center lid blockbetween Arend, and Mendota streets. ]-eon-Ald. B ulb.lzer, Bolt, Conley, Copeland, Costello, Bobber, Dorniden, Gebel, ]Ice amee, 1Nelady, Minch, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. Prestdentr-15. Approved Sept. 17, 1890. By Aid. Mclady- Resolved. That the street oil lamp contractor be and fs hereby instructed to place and main- tain one gasoline ]amp on the north n'e.t corner of Brown and Blinker Streets. ]Yens-Ald. Banholur, Bolt, Conley, Copeland, Costello. Dobner, orniden, Gehan, McNamee, Melody, Motel, Ba.LDI-, Sullivan, Van Slyke. Jr. PmIdenC-15. Approved Sept. 17, 1890. By Aid. Dobner- Resolved, That the gasoline lamp contractor be and he bs berehy iae'racted to place gaso- Iiue lump at the ens of .Nanv,lle street under the the right of way of the Northeru Pacifierah- .ad.. 1'e,e-Aid. B;rnholzer, Bott, Conley. Copeland, Costello, Dobuer, Dornlaen, (:.hen, DIc.'umee, Mel "'Y. Dlinea, Sanborn, Sullivau, Van Slyke, Mr. Yrexident-15. Approved Sept. 17, 1890. By Aid. Blele,berg- Resolved, That the gasoline contractor be In atructed to place and maintain lamps at the folloa'bug places: One at the southwest corner of Dale and )lar - tin streets: one at the center of the block on the north aide of Martfu street. between Dale nad St. Alos.s streets; one at the southwest corner of St. .11bane nad Martin streets; lithe at the center of the block on the north aide of Martin Street, between St. Albans and Grotto Street.. Yens-AId. Banholzer, Rott, Cooley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner. ..ridden, Gebau, D, cNamee, ylrhi y. Minas. Ssnbo Sullivan, Ven Slyke, Mr. President -15. Approved Sept. 2C, 1890. By Ala. Gehav- heRle bereL,:I lastilbe uct ed ltot place lamps u. folor be d - lows: Two on Mississippi street bridge ero.eing the Northern Puente railway tracks: tt At- ster street, north aide, between Rice nad Park u ul. ]'e n.n--Aid. Rnnholzer, Bott, C:,uley,Copeland, Costello, Dobuer, Dorniden, Gehan, McNamee, )telxdv, )linea, Sao born, Sullivan, Vau Slyke, Mr. Pm,ideut-15. Approved Sept. 17, 1890. By Aid. Copeland - Resolved, That the geeoline Inmp co tractor be and he Is herby tiered [o erect and nmfn- taltt(2) [v'o ga.ohill lampp. on Cnae street be. tween Payne and Greenbrier a,e..Z ]-eve-Ald. Ikoun lzer. Boit, Couley, Cop laud, Costello, Dobuer, Uondde., Gehl DlcN Melted,, Mines, auburn, Sumvun, Vau Slyke, erne., Mel Dir. Pre.ident-l5. Approved Sept. 17, 1890. By Aid. Cattle - Resolved, That the city treasurer be and he fa hereby directed to -food all money collected twerp OI stedna tort.eand on 01- C on,p-ollumaa trees. tt poi. pun preseu[ntiov of the receipt, by the holders in. .1, and that ity' [vler .ball be draw',, for all receipts Looe staid, said veeesament It Iffg been nt lied n ve ea e[dt hall . bee. winds therefore by then board f public works. ]'ens -Aid. Banholur, Butt. Conley, Copeland, Costello. Dobuer, Durulde.. Gehan, McNamee, ]felhtly, Mine., Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, ldr Presldevfr-16. Approved Sept. 17, 1890. Resolved, That a warrant be drawn on the city treasury,payable out of the local Improve- ment fund. In Iavor of the city treasurer, George Reis, the sum of $40.60 to redeem that part t lot 9 of block G of Rice & Irvine'. addition to St. Paul from sale made June 20. 1889, on Judgment mcidL fora ttietston6t _.I tlo tit [ lig agonasidewalk., it having been ads to ap- pear that the sidwalks for which said assess - "'it was made hn. never been constructed. Yeas-Ald. Banholur, Bolt, Conley, Cop eland, Glntelio, Ilobuer, Do— den. 1lehan, MSN xmee, Malady-, Mine., Sanborn Sullivan, Van Slyke, All. President -15. Approved Sept. 17, 1890. By Aid. Cullen - Resolved, that an order be drawn in favor of Charles A. Carlen, for the Sum of fifty dollars and ninety cents (8'50.90), being for the redemp- tbon of certificate. Nos. 7,180 nad 7,181 erro - PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 376 neously issued against lots 5 and 8, block 6, a Beupre and Kelly's addition, for sidewalk., the vb envie hau. been paid before sale. Also, That an order be drawn In favor of Charles Dinger for the Sam of tbirty-six dollars and forty cents (816.40), being interer.t and list on Iota 42 and .13, block 1. Cooper's xddi tion, sold for an eat for grading Ark- wright street, the d ine being overcharged. Al... That nn orderbe dru ww'n in fano. of Mich allDanson for in, at f two dollar, .nd eighty-three castel 52.83 t, being fem or the redp- tion of certiteate \o. 2,:i3 r, -rr.arou,ly i ... ed ngednet lot 13, block I1, DGwkubbn and M.r- haWe addition, for .ewwerou )Martin street and Western nyeuae. AN.. that , order be draw n favor of Clark C'h amber for i e , m .f twenty dollar. nad fifty -o , (810.51), being sa coal of ater- eet sad c� p:dd o t lot 24, block 1. Kuhl', slid tion. �.c bl for . fist n Selby avenue, the e Galan entitled oto damage. . the some mpuvem , no AISo, That au order be draw,bo favor Of Johu St.rihn for the ,nut of twelve dollars thud o uety-six cents ($12.961, being Ilii the ttaemp- tioit of rertlfiatte No. 9.458 0 lot 1, E. Law - ton's First addition, sold In et ror for sewer lith West Seventh Street. AIS., That. at nr lebe draw, In favor of William Broome for the e aim of four dollar, sad twenty-eight cent. (54.2for the redeutptioi of certificate, Nos. 747 Nauna 749, erroneously I' - u d against lot. ri and 16, block 10, Rlce Street Vill ...for .lope. on Rice street. Ala.. That an order Le dratyn In favor of F. V. Heyderstnedt for the aim of ixty-eight dol. ]am and .bxtyo-One cent. (508.01), being (or the redemption f rtificnte. Nos. 1,492. 1,498, 1,709, 1,772, 1,971. 1,972, 1.979, 1,974, 1.975 tul '2,.41....... ouely I .... d for gradlag Bun- ker street. All.. That nn order be drawn f, favor of K.D. UualoP for the sum of oil, hundred nad eighteen dollurt+ and forty-one at. (8119.41), bei, ,,For the realm peon f cern titan". No,- 2.243 nd 2,268, a ,sly fanned for sewer ou ]:,dverat- ty nyeuae ,ins other acreea. Ala., Th I, an order be draw,, in favor f A. Streichrobers for the sum of fifty-three dollars nd ninety-one cents ($59.91). being for the multaouly i,,ued (ore Nos. 1.5 6r oil an L street,457, at J Lne s6 grading of South • Robert street and other at IS. Yeas-AId. Bmflic, er,Bott, Ceuley, C. eland, Costello, Dobner, Dorniden. Gehan, McNamee, Malady, Dlhtea, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -15. Approved Sept. 17. 1890. By Ald. Conley- ReSolyed, That 'Jr. J. H. Drake is hereby au- thorized to put done a Jaeperife pavement at the intersection of Third mod Sibley streets, at his own expense: Che work to be done under the uPervision oI the city engineer. s Peas-Ald. Bauholur, Bott, Conley, Coppeland, ('oetello, Dobner, Dorniden, Gehan, Mc.'stnce, )lelady, )If wa, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -15. Approved Sept. 17, 1890. By Aid. Dobner- Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby granted to Timothy Sweeney & Co. to take and us the S r los wlirU from the alley lot, the north of tle of Bock 30, lu St. Anthony Park, to be used pa filling Langford Park; the me to be done under the direction of the city engineer. ]'ens -Aid. Banholur, Butt, Conley, Co eland, Costello, Dobuer, Dorniden, Geha.. )IcSxmee, Dlelady, blues, Sanborn, Sullivau, Va. Slyke, Mr. Pmeid W-15. Approved Sept. 17. 1890: By Ald. Sanborn - Resolve(], That the proprietors of lots five (5), afx G and se 7 i, - ( ) )) t block tweet - in Rica & 1-hie's . ditto l Lo Bt. Yam. to flat.. say.gusty. Miauesuty, fron[iug t Bill Street and Oatario Stvet, nad you which the electric I__ Station of the St. Paul Cb tv Rail„uy coal - Paal'i. bell,, con.tructed. are hereby meri„i reed tattoo of not exceeding twenty (20) laches 1. ammeter at u suitable distance t the ground under the surface of Ontario street, mta thence extending to the Mississippi Aver to near low c ter mirk, nod mu cetutg there wbtb a euit- uble crib not ezceedoT in n a ten ( 1 0 ) feet o each aide, and n'ith a properrecell hole conueeted with said ipe on the honk of the fiver for toe purpose of pplying water fore tdeu,-mg p,r- Pos, o[ said Station and plant, the wind, Sell, o be cou.truclea under the dbtvt•tion end in- 8 pectioit of Lhe '[y lug neer Yrovbded. that caid Proprietors ,,hull puttsaid Street ill a' good o d tion n ,c now i alter eI. king s pipe., and that the common council a re `oke tbia �ia"Ibep deevr the aper d itn'm thiol iLo Eire ill'. tere.ta of the city or .Property holder. oat ,aid Street. Yea' Aid. Bnnbolzer, Butt, t'o ,ley-. Cope- land, Costello, Do Goer, Dorniden, Geltn n, Numee. Dlelndy D[inex, S.nLorn. 11c - Sullivan, Vu. Slyke, yfr. Ymdent-15. Approved Sept. 17, 1590. Where-, Resident. of thecity of St. Paul, Minn., being the.wnere Ia fee t all of block threeLindemann'. (3) of Lindea'. subdivision of int. ins (n) and Len (]O). Hyde Pnrk udditio,t to St. Pal, hove petitioned the c ucll f the city of eco Ya,l to vacate i netulley i,, .-aid block three (e), which on bi petition dole set, forth the facie ai�dd cen,,sou for slid - xtiou, andppwas duly actf>mpx. bed by- x pill thereof as osed it pro herean,The croombe v tonc uucil, upon the pre criterion of Said petition, deemed it expedient that the matter be ( ded 11 ith ..at ordered s td petition to be hied of mcnird with the city clerk, and notice to be given by publication se provided by law; and Whereas, Due notice was given by publication in the otliciulo aper of id city for four weeks, commencing the 9th day of August, A. D. 1890. to the effect that said petition had been filed with the city clerk, stating it, brief its ob- ject, mud that the same would be heard nod con- idered by the common council of the city of St. Paul, nTuesday,the 16th day of September,A. D. 189g. nt 7::56 o'clock 1n the afternoon of said day, at the council chamber in the city- hall of Said city; and Whereas, At the time and place Ia.t aforesaid, for the investigation and n id-itou of _ch proposed v.. tlo, of aid alley the col - mIf corn after hearing n1I person. late reefed. s d Laing of Lha o 8lnion that the s is uec- ti dprop. slid that the Plrereiuieites therefor Iia gall been cImplied Now therefore. be it ..]led, That all of said alley in :rid block three (e) f I.indo- .s rbdivlslon Of lots ofue (9) no ten (10), I" s Parkaddition ofd Ile CthePsoflice of the regleter of deed. oi. end Mot the county of 37fi PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. Ramsey, 311 1.. he and the same is hereby de Peas-Ald. Banholzer, Botts Couley,Copeland, clared to be vuct,d and discontinued as asked Costello, Dobner. Dorniden, (:Shah, McNamee, for in said petition and as herein above spact- Melady. }linea, sunburn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, fted- \ ylr. Pre,ident-15. )eas-.11d. 13udiolzer, Bntt. ('Ottley. Cope- Approved Sept. 17, 189u. lsad, Costello, ln,hner, Do ,.,deu,+:eh.n, pcNn- me"M I. '. 31iii a, Sanburii, Sullivan, \'au - Slyke, Mr. Yre,idei ;-* By AID. Bo[t- Patssrd Sept. ld, 1890. ' Resolved, That the board of public works U. O- fY't,t.F-N�. President of Council. ass, to be oiistructed u wondeu afdetvulk ..IApproved Sept. 1 " 189,. Bath . -des' �d River street, [rum Hoffman to RouNT A. S.\LITH. Mayor. i Bates Ryan, fu the Second a-ard. Attest: THos. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk. Peas-AId. Banholzer, Bott, Conley,Copeland, Sept. 22. Costello, [tobuer. Doruiden,Gehnu, McNamee, Melody, Mines, Sanborn, Sul, Ivan,\'an Slyke, R'here+as, The common council of thecity of )Ir. Yre,ide,t-15. St. Pall. ;at ,a ;neer ing field oia the ll day of .lpproved 6ept. 17, 1890. Septm'ter, A. It, 1800, did adopt u resolution - vacnt ng the alley in block three (:3) t oLinde By Ald. Batt- romill bdivisiou of lots uiue (0) and tell (10). Resolved, That the board f public works 0 Hyue Park addanin to St. Paul; cause, to be constructed a wooden sidewalk on I•herelon be it resolved, That the value of the south side of Plum, from r Maple to Hoffman aid pniah, so located ranoresnid be slid the thenne, in the Second ward. s is hereby fixed at the sum of four hundred ]'Sas-Slid. Banholrxr. Botc, Conlry,Col1.�eland, dollrs iSd00 i the said sum being not lean tiara . Costello. Dobner, Uorniden, Gehan, 31, nmee, u prof-timnire ave:•age value of the property >lelad3 Mines, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, buttingupon said premises so vacated accord-'', Mr. President -I6. Ing to tl, as.�a•�sment for taxation for the year :lppro4'ed Sept. 17, 1890. A. Il. 1891;. Vere-Ud. B¢nnolzer, Bott.Conley, Co eland, - Cos[elI', Unb,er` Ilontiden. Gehan, McNamee, By Ald. Bielenberg- Melady, in, a, :unborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, ReeolveJ, Thut the bard ( public works Mr. L'residen[-I i. c right -foot odea sidewalk and the Approved Sept. 17, 1890. tree y i ry crwooden to be placed on both sulasof - h'om. avenue, from Western avenue to North - By Ald. Dobuer-nt Pacific crossing. Kesoived. fiat the der for constructing a a Also. au eight -foot wooden sidewalk ort north siI,- alk un the north side of Unive ityavent- aide of Como avenue. Iron Rice street to \Vest- tront i'li.teworth street to Snellnig avenue, be ern avenue amt the sai • i here to amemleJ to ntl .-Aid. Bnubolzer. Bott. Conley. Copeland, construct I, Sidewalk on the north aide of Unt. Costello, Dobner, Do I tdel Gehan. li Names, •rsity avenue, from Chatsworth street to Lex- Melody, Minta, Sanbont, Sullivan, Van Slyke, ingto, avenue. � Mr. President -15. Veers-Ald. Banbolzer, Bott, Conley, Copveland, Approved Sept. 17, 1890. Costello, Dobner, Doridden, Gehan, \lc St. ! Melady, Mfnea, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, i - Air. President -15. Approved Sept. 17. 189u. By Ald. Bott- Re,ulved1 'That the board of public works muse a wooden crosswalk to be laid .eros. Sixth.treet, mr the zee t side of Hoye street: ISO, a wooden crosnw'alkaeross Sixth street,ou the east aide of Egomwald street. ]'Sora -Aid. Banholrxr, Botts Conley, Co (eland, Costello. Dobuer. Doruiden, Gehan, Mc.amee, Melady, 3linen. Sanborn. Sullivan, Van Slyke, Afr. President-lu, Approved Sept. 17, 1890. By'Ald. Bott- Resolved, That the board of public works cause to be constructed on both .Ides of Cherry street a wooden sidewalk extending from Marla avenue to Bates avenue, In the Second ward. Yeas -Aad. Banholzer, Bott, Conley, Cops - laud, Costello, Dobner, Doruiden, Gehan, Mc- Namee, Melady, Mine.. Sanborn. Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -16. Approved Sept. 17, 1800, By Aid. Sulllvan- Resolved, That the board of public works are hereby authorized to construct . crosswalk on the west side of Ferdinand street, across Carroll Street. Yeall-Ald. Bsnbolser, Bott, Conley. Cope- land, Costello, llobuer. D. -Iden. Gehan, Mc- Namee, Melady, Ali ell, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -18. Approved Sept. 17, 1890. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 377 Bis hereby aldnnn- by ordered by the Coalition romtciI of I theourth-hl such Improvemn ut staked for upon the City of St. Pan]: petition t pplicutnor f the ou'uers of That the matter of grading the alley in block im foray of the property to be assessed for such p ocement:' f teelland Iles, me is h Pry addition to 6t. tPaul,...d Fi[cn-Feud file, ouncilor Clan or profile of said he and the same in hereby referred [o the boar) improvement, ria requlred jry law, it von report 1 public works to investigate slid report: fu tt vor of the same. to faire( -Is this improvement proper and items- Sixth -Send the council a proper order direct- ^' s ingthe work to be done. Second -Give the council + t -timate of the ]'ens-:tld. Bm;holrxr, Britt. Conley C'opebu:d, palter thereof, and state whether Ona -half of Cost os tel lo, Dobner. Dnrniden, Geh.n, Mc�nmer, the cost thereof is to be pair) into the city tress- , Melady, \linen, Srodtoru, Snllicun. \'nn dyke, ury before the contract is let. Mr. President -I. 'Third -Cart read estate to be assessed for said Approved Senr. 17, 1800. i'��rovement he found benefited to the extent of j e malned m, costs and expenses necessary to be fu- _ uFourtb-la Such i orovement asked for upon i I33 •11:1' gun Lru - theoprittion r application of the otnere o[a is hereby ordered by the :'Crum o t ; ouncil Hof the fYty o[ .St. Paul: majority of the property to be assessed for such That the inatterimproveu[ constructing it s ew- oil Fifth -Send the council a plan or profile of Dayton avenue, froth Miller street toVictoria said ftnprovemeut, as requited by lacy, if you re- ulemte. and Fisk street, front Dayton avenue wort in favor of the same. to I artin street, be and the same is hereby m - Sixth -Bent the council n proper order Direct- (erred to the board of pn blit works to investi- ing the work to be done. gate anti report: ]-ens-Ald. Banliolzer, Bott, Cooley, Cope- N'iret-Is Chia improvement proem and neces- 'and, Costello, Dobuer, Bott, Gehan, -Mc. sorry! Sainte, Melady, Mines. Sanborn. Sullivan, Vail exSeand-Give the c imc11 nestha sof the Slyke, Mr. Presuhiltr 1G. p ase thereof, and state whether one-half of Approved Sent. 17, 1800. the cost thereof is to be paid into the city treas. ury before the Sit truer is let. Third -Urn real estate to be asse.sed for Said By Aid, Solution- imorovemett be found Is to the extent M It I. hereby ordered by the c.anni n f'ouncil of damages, ,at, and expenses net•esary to be in - the City of Sc. 1, carred thereby? That the mutter of grading Syndicate avenue. Fourth -la such fmpt-eluent asked for ,Pon from Summit avenue to Et. Clair street, be and the petition or application of the owmem of the Same f. hereby referred to the board of pub majority of the property to be assessed for sorb lie works to investigate and report: Improvement? First -Is this improvement prover and neces- Fifth -Send the council n plan or profile of y, said improvement, nor required by Intl, if you re- ^aSecoiid-(;ice the conncil a estimate f the Port In Incur tf the Hume. expense thereof, uud State whether one -haft of Sixth -Saud the council a proper order direct - the cost thereof Is to be paid Into the city Ing the work to be done. treaaury before the contract to let, Veers -.old. Banholrxr, Bott, Conley, Copalaud: Third -Can real astute to be as for said Costello, Dobuer. Dornfden, Gehan. McNamee, i provemeut be found benefited to the extent of Jlelndy, pities, Sanborn, Sulltvu n, fain Slyke, dam.1{e ,costa and expenses necessary to be in- Mr, President -15. earn [hereby? I Apprncrd Sept. 17, 18[10. Fourth -Is such Improvemenske t ad for upon _ the petition or nlipfentlon of the of mere of By :tld. Bo[t- majorityof the property to be assessed [or such It ' hereby ordered be the Common Council of improvement? the Cyt)>• of St. Paul: aFttth-Send the councrel a pian or profile of Thiat the matter of grading alley in blocknunt- e id lmprocemene, as qulred by Inw, if you bared filo f21. Schurmefer &Evans addition. be report fn favor of the same, her,(] the name in hereby t Sixth --Send the council a proper order direct. l anbllc Bark, to i hereby tc and report: the board of mg the work to be done. First -la this itnproveement proper and sec s- ]'exs-:lid. Benholzer, Botts Conley, Copeland, Sr.rY? Costello, Dobner, Dornfden, Gehan, McNamce, and -[;ice the council a ,sriinate of the Melady, Mince, Sanborn, Sullicn, \'nn Slyke,. expeeiise tnereot, and oratehether One-h+df o[ Mr. A Preatoved hlG. the cost thereof IS to bac I tanto t1ie ,•tt treas- ury Sept. 17, 1800, Par v u y before the contract is let. Third -Can real e,tute to be assessed for said By Ald. Dornldeu- improvement be found benefited to theexfxof or H fs hereby tiered by the Common Council damages, coats and ecpenses nacassnry to bac in - 01 the Clcy of Bt. Yaul: curred thereby? That the matter of grading Clifton.street from I Fourth -la such fntprovement asked for upon Randolpb to Grace streets be and the same is the petition or application of the owners of n. Hereby referred to the board of public works to majority of the property to be assessod for such investigate and report: fri-enieoil ' First -Is this Improvement proper 1 roe P p pet' uud neces- hd imp Fend the . council re a plan o profile of e. s Y" said improvement. meth, lie required by late, if you re - Second -helve the Council estimate of the part in favor of the sums. expense thereof, and statelot. twhether one-half of Sixth -Scud the council a proper order dlrect- the cost thereof n r t spaid let. oto [he city tress ing the work to he done. ury before the contract a let. 1'etas-AId. linnholzer, 13ntt, Conley, Copeland, ✓ Third -Can real estate to be assessed for said h:oe[rllo, Dobner. Dornf+len. GehanMcNamee. of srovemamageent be foundarid benefited to the extent I )Ielady, }linen. Sanborn, Sullivan:. Pan Slyke. incurred therehv? expenses necessary to he 1 Mr. President- I R. _ Approved 1,1.1 17, 1890. 25 By AId. Copeland- - Resolved, That the resolution of council adopted Sept. 2, 1806, and approved Sept. 5. 1890, instructing the board of public works to construct wooden atdewniks eightfeet wide on both sides of Get. I.- Street. from Mississippi to Arkwright street, be and the same is hereby repealed auJ annulled. rev '.r AId. Banholzer, Butt, Conley, Copp eland, Costello, Dobner, Uorniden. Gehan, "penal e, Melady, Dlinea, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President I'. Approved Sept. 17, 1890. By Aid. Cullen - Resolved, That the board of public works causea stone sidewalk to be constructed on the north side of Sixth street, between Cedar street and Wabasha street, where there Is no stone or cement walk at the ppresent tine. ]Yeas-Ald. Banholrer, Bott, Conley, Copeland. Costello, Dobner, Dornfden, Gehan, McNamee, Melady, Mince, 8anbom, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. Preafdeut-16. Approved Sept. 17, 1890. By Aid. Bott- Resolved, That the board of public works cause a wooden sidewalk to be constructed on : „ both Sides of Fourth street, from Mendota to Earl, in the Second ward. By Ald. Bott- Re,ulved1 'That the board of public works muse a wooden crosswalk to be laid .eros. Sixth.treet, mr the zee t side of Hoye street: ISO, a wooden crosnw'alkaeross Sixth street,ou the east aide of Egomwald street. ]'Sora -Aid. Banholrxr, Botts Conley, Co (eland, Costello. Dobuer. Doruiden, Gehan, Mc.amee, Melady, 3linen. Sanborn. Sullivan, Van Slyke, Afr. President-lu, Approved Sept. 17, 1890. By'Ald. Bott- Resolved, That the board of public works cause to be constructed on both .Ides of Cherry street a wooden sidewalk extending from Marla avenue to Bates avenue, In the Second ward. Yeas -Aad. Banholzer, Bott, Conley, Cops - laud, Costello, Dobner, Doruiden, Gehan, Mc- Namee, Melady, Mine.. Sanborn. Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -16. Approved Sept. 17, 1800, By Aid. Sulllvan- Resolved, That the board of public works are hereby authorized to construct . crosswalk on the west side of Ferdinand street, across Carroll Street. Yeall-Ald. Bsnbolser, Bott, Conley. Cope- land, Costello, llobuer. D. -Iden. Gehan, Mc- Namee, Melady, Ali ell, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -18. Approved Sept. 17, 1890. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 377 Bis hereby aldnnn- by ordered by the Coalition romtciI of I theourth-hl such Improvemn ut staked for upon the City of St. Pan]: petition t pplicutnor f the ou'uers of That the matter of grading the alley in block im foray of the property to be assessed for such p ocement:' f teelland Iles, me is h Pry addition to 6t. tPaul,...d Fi[cn-Feud file, ouncilor Clan or profile of said he and the same in hereby referred [o the boar) improvement, ria requlred jry law, it von report 1 public works to investigate slid report: fu tt vor of the same. to faire( -Is this improvement proper and items- Sixth -Send the council a proper order direct- ^' s ingthe work to be done. Second -Give the council + t -timate of the ]'ens-:tld. Bm;holrxr, Britt. Conley C'opebu:d, palter thereof, and state whether Ona -half of Cost os tel lo, Dobner. Dnrniden, Geh.n, Mc�nmer, the cost thereof is to be pair) into the city tress- , Melady, \linen, Srodtoru, Snllicun. \'nn dyke, ury before the contract is let. Mr. President -I. 'Third -Cart read estate to be assessed for said Approved Senr. 17, 1800. i'��rovement he found benefited to the extent of j e malned m, costs and expenses necessary to be fu- _ uFourtb-la Such i orovement asked for upon i I33 •11:1' gun Lru - theoprittion r application of the otnere o[a is hereby ordered by the :'Crum o t ; ouncil Hof the fYty o[ .St. Paul: majority of the property to be assessed for such That the inatterimproveu[ constructing it s ew- oil Fifth -Send the council a plan or profile of Dayton avenue, froth Miller street toVictoria said ftnprovemeut, as requited by lacy, if you re- ulemte. and Fisk street, front Dayton avenue wort in favor of the same. to I artin street, be and the same is hereby m - Sixth -Bent the council n proper order Direct- (erred to the board of pn blit works to investi- ing the work to be done. gate anti report: ]-ens-Ald. Banliolzer, Bott, Cooley, Cope- N'iret-Is Chia improvement proem and neces- 'and, Costello, Dobuer, Bott, Gehan, -Mc. sorry! Sainte, Melady, Mines. Sanborn. Sullivan, Vail exSeand-Give the c imc11 nestha sof the Slyke, Mr. Presuhiltr 1G. p ase thereof, and state whether one-half of Approved Sent. 17, 1800. the cost thereof is to be paid into the city treas. ury before the Sit truer is let. Third -Urn real estate to be asse.sed for Said By Aid, Solution- imorovemett be found Is to the extent M It I. hereby ordered by the c.anni n f'ouncil of damages, ,at, and expenses net•esary to be in - the City of Sc. 1, carred thereby? That the mutter of grading Syndicate avenue. Fourth -la such fmpt-eluent asked for ,Pon from Summit avenue to Et. Clair street, be and the petition or application of the owmem of the Same f. hereby referred to the board of pub majority of the property to be assessed for sorb lie works to investigate and report: Improvement? First -Is this improvement prover and neces- Fifth -Send the council n plan or profile of y, said improvement, nor required by Intl, if you re- ^aSecoiid-(;ice the conncil a estimate f the Port In Incur tf the Hume. expense thereof, uud State whether one -haft of Sixth -Saud the council a proper order direct - the cost thereof Is to be paid Into the city Ing the work to be done. treaaury before the contract to let, Veers -.old. Banholrxr, Bott, Conley, Copalaud: Third -Can real astute to be as for said Costello, Dobuer. Dornfden, Gehan. McNamee, i provemeut be found benefited to the extent of Jlelndy, pities, Sanborn, Sulltvu n, fain Slyke, dam.1{e ,costa and expenses necessary to be in- Mr, President -15. earn [hereby? I Apprncrd Sept. 17, 18[10. Fourth -Is such Improvemenske t ad for upon _ the petition or nlipfentlon of the of mere of By :tld. Bo[t- majorityof the property to be assessed [or such It ' hereby ordered be the Common Council of improvement? the Cyt)>• of St. Paul: aFttth-Send the councrel a pian or profile of Thiat the matter of grading alley in blocknunt- e id lmprocemene, as qulred by Inw, if you bared filo f21. Schurmefer &Evans addition. be report fn favor of the same, her,(] the name in hereby t Sixth --Send the council a proper order direct. l anbllc Bark, to i hereby tc and report: the board of mg the work to be done. First -la this itnproveement proper and sec s- ]'exs-:lid. Benholzer, Botts Conley, Copeland, Sr.rY? Costello, Dobner, Dornfden, Gehan, McNamce, and -[;ice the council a ,sriinate of the Melady, Mince, Sanborn, Sullicn, \'nn Slyke,. expeeiise tnereot, and oratehether One-h+df o[ Mr. A Preatoved hlG. the cost thereof IS to bac I tanto t1ie ,•tt treas- ury Sept. 17, 1800, Par v u y before the contract is let. Third -Can real e,tute to be assessed for said By Ald. Dornldeu- improvement be found benefited to theexfxof or H fs hereby tiered by the Common Council damages, coats and ecpenses nacassnry to bac in - 01 the Clcy of Bt. Yaul: curred thereby? That the matter of grading Clifton.street from I Fourth -la such fntprovement asked for upon Randolpb to Grace streets be and the same is the petition or application of the owners of n. Hereby referred to the board of public works to majority of the property to be assessod for such investigate and report: fri-enieoil ' First -Is this Improvement proper 1 roe P p pet' uud neces- hd imp Fend the . council re a plan o profile of e. s Y" said improvement. meth, lie required by late, if you re - Second -helve the Council estimate of the part in favor of the sums. expense thereof, and statelot. twhether one-half of Sixth -Scud the council a proper order dlrect- the cost thereof n r t spaid let. oto [he city tress ing the work to he done. ury before the contract a let. 1'etas-AId. linnholzer, 13ntt, Conley, Copeland, ✓ Third -Can real estate to be assessed for said h:oe[rllo, Dobner. Dornf+len. GehanMcNamee. of srovemamageent be foundarid benefited to the extent I )Ielady, }linen. Sanborn, Sullivan:. Pan Slyke. incurred therehv? expenses necessary to he 1 Mr. President- I R. _ Approved 1,1.1 17, 1890. 25 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. By Aid. Co ehoid- It ' hereby dered i y the I:onln,ou council s rf the any o[ 9t. Paul: That. the matter of grx,lutg aIle} -s in block (Y) tw'o of Edmund Idea's (-ttl,) Fourth ad llll," be told the sem m hereby (erred to the board f blit xrorks to investigate and report: ° Feirvt-Is this improvement Vtoper unit nese wSecund-I:icecy? the •ouncil a r c bums of the e j:ene cllereol', unit tate yhrther one-half of the cost thereof is to be p id into the. city L'ens- ury beton the contract. is le[. 'Thb,,l-Can real estate to be assessed for said nptovemeut 111 found benefited to the extent of dummies, costa and expenses necessary to be in curred thereby? uch improvement asked for upon the petition or application of the owners of a majority of the property to be assessed for such ho erocementf Fifth -Send the council plan or prefile of said improvement, lie required by Inw, if you re- port in favor I the same. Sixth -Send the council a proper order direct- ing the work to be done. Yells-:Vd. Bxnholzer. Boit, Conley, -P1111111, Cu telln, Unbaer, Dnrniden, I:elmu. Mcamee. M riady, Al in,ea, Snnbor,, Snilivuu. \'+111 Slyke. Jf r. ,residentt .l,proved Sept. 17, ]89U. By Aid. Bott- It in hereby rSt. Ydered by the Comm°n CImIICII of the ('.sty ofawl: That till tier f conetrm:tiog x --wel III Ross street. between Rast c eolb streetslid Atlantic street, be mol the olue, is hereb" referred to the board of Public works to iuyestj- ,,it report gFYrst-IStim,improvement I­f­ n,l--Gic the council set haste of the the°se thereof, and tate whether on a -hair of stoat thereof is to be paid into the city [rens- Lefom the coutract in let. w Third -Cull 1 1 estate to he assesecd for said ,nproye w.t. be touud benefited to the extent of donl,tixn, costs told expel meas try I. be co- red thereby? +see 1 ct Fourth -1s uch improvement asked for opoa the petitloo or ap,heatim, of the ll rs oP majority of [he property to be aseesed for such tt rutb-send the eoum-fl x 1111.: or j rodle n andimprovemeot, as required by taw, d you re port it, favor of the ssme. sixth -Send the enuncii n pro),er order dimt- me the work to be done. Yeas -Aid. Bauhoizer, Itnt[, I'oolel I'up- lamts,Dobner, `1orn:idru. (•slim,. JIc\'u- Afehtdy, Minea. .'xuhoro. Sulli-o' \'uu Slyke. Mr. President -1 6, Approved Sept. 17, 1890. By AIB. Sanborn - It fs hereby ordemd by toe cunouoo ,ouncil of he city of set. Potts: That he matter of const culrioe n Larval avenue, betwerit Jlflter srart .,,it you stmt, be unit the same 1s hereby neferred t° the board of public works[° investigate And replet F`1 t -Is this improvement proper slid nneces- o e7 and -Give the tmilicil all stimate of Lire se thereof, and state whether one-half of the, oat thereof is to be paid Into the city tress , y before Lhe contract is let. rTln d -Can real estate to be nssensed for said mprovement be found benefited to the extent of the damages, cs osts and expeusesmserlry to be incurred thereby'] Fourth-ls such hop --mens asked for upon the petition or upplicxtiun f the ow re of raj ritnof the property to be assessed for such I,, Ip Nihil -Semi the council Plnu or profile of sold improvement, as required by Is", if you re - L in ix vor of the same. port Sixth -Send thee= n proper order direct- ' lt, [be work to be done. tt lies \Id. Banhol"• , Bott.(: ooley. Copeland, Coatel]o,Do biter, Jorm '11, Grh fill. McNamee, Me- lody, 'lines, Sxoborn. Sulltcxn. \'x11 S;vke. Mr. ]'resident- lb. Approved Sept. 17. 1490 By\ld. Uobtier- IC is hereby I nlered by the (:omnion Council of the City of I. Pull]: That the matter of grading Dooley avenue, from Langford avenue to County road (peti- tion attached beofw d the s I. hereby re- ferred to the boned of public }}orks to iuvestf- gale and renort: First -]s this improvement proper and nems sary' Second -M" the eoun,flt,t etim.tc of the ),sites [hereof, suit tate whether onc+hal[ of the cost thereof is to be p:drl into the city t-mi- ,ty before the cmitrilet is let. Third -Cao rest estate to be ussessevl for said mprovement be Pound benefited to the extent of damsges, costs wild expenses necessary to be In- cud theby'.' Foreutb-Is such improvement asked Por neon the Veil tion or application f file ou iv o[ majority of the property to be assesse 1 for such cut:' t Nil[l Q1Se er the couuctl a plan or profile eof - dd Inn pruvemeot, as required by mw, if you re- port III Sen t the same. 'f til -Send the lie. a proFs'-r order direct- ing the work to be done. - Ye,as-:\id. liunholzer, Butt,nl:mtley, ,el, hold, co.s llo, Dobner, II -id eGelu l , M, el, Mioe:r, Sanborn. Solliwxm, Von Slyke, Jlr. Presidia[ -36. Approved Sept. 17. 1800. Iiy Aid. Grl,m,. It Is hereb}- ordered by the l'olmnon Comma of the city of St Poul: 'l'bat the matter of the change of grade o \t'+a t from F,dry:ew to Arch, b : , d he name is hereby referred to the hoard of pub Itsmucks to inventigu[e xml :sport this improvemeot proper slid reces- s, Set,, n ' 1 �I-i:ivethe council an estlrnata of the tot Pnn�thereor, and state w'briber one-half of the set thereof is to be paid into the city tremony before the conteset is let. 'Phird-Can real estate to be lo-sard for said 1. nl:roce,neut be found benefited en to the extent of dmnoge+, costsexpenses nemssary to be in co red therehy su Fourth -Is eh illprovemeut asked tot upon Lite petition oe uPplicut1(o f ti r e of re [ nujorfty of the property to be assessed for such it pr.-me11t:' Fifth-Sa 1 the councll,t moor profile of a,fit improvement, as reyulmd Cy lam', If you report in favor of the same. 61 h -Se to done. ,- council aproper order direct in gthe "ease. AlB. Banholzer, Soft. Conley, Cope pe1d, Costello. Dobner, Unrniden, Gehan, Alc- m, Malady, Minim, Sunburn, Sullivnnl, Vit.Slyke. Mr. President -Li. Approved Sept. 17. 1890. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 379 By Aid. Gehan- I Second -Give the council n , r.thame of the It is herebyourdered by the Common I'ouncil of a pause thereof, n11d tate whether one-half of the City f St. Poul: the cost thereof Zit be Fuld into the city trene- That the matter of the change of ode before the ,ontract. to let. Bellevue avenue between Fairview nod 'anud , Third -Con real estate to bee --it for said treete, be and the same is hereby mferred to the improvement be found benefited to the extent of board of ppublic works to investig to and report: damages, costs sad expenses necessary to be In - First -Is this improvement proper and news- carred therehy? - sary' Fourth -Is such fmpruvement. asked for upon Second -Give the council t timate of the I the petit(on or application of the owners of t pens there,(, and tate wwhether one-half of I nup-rIty of the property to be ,rssnsed for such the coat thereof ix to be p id into lila city trexa- ,mnrovemenc'! ury before the contract Is let. Fifth -Send the council plan or profile of Third -Can real estate to be assessed for said I said improvement. as required by law, 1f you re- tmprovement be found III,- ed to the extent of port 111 livor of the same, the damages, costs and expensstill, necessary to be 4i. til 4eud the council a proper order direct - treed thereby'? n til , I in y 1 g e work [n , done. Fourth -Is such jmprovement asked for upon Yeas-Ald. Bunhob,e . Butt, Conley. Coppeland, the petition or spp icatkin of the owners of a Costello, Unbner, Dornideu, Gehan, McNxmea, nutjority of the property to be assessed for such Alelady, Minea, Sanborn, Sulli\'nn; %an Slyke, improvement'? Mr. President- 16. Fifth -Sent the couuctl n pplan or prolf ,, of : Approved Sept. 17, 1890. pot rd brirliver-it. u. i t favor oftIhe sntneelulred by lawn 3f you re - Sixth -Send the ouncil a proper order direct By Aid. (lehlm- ing the work to be done. It is hemby' ordered by the Common Cottrell of }"ease -And. Banhnlzrr. Aott. ('on1eY, ('ope Inml, the at`' 1 c[. Paul: befell., Dobner. Dnn,uen. Gehan, McNamee. That he matter f the lbeage of grade on Jlelxdy. Ali -ii, Sai,bun,, Sullivan, V+,n: SIYke. Jlou,tt :\irY street, from Fuirvlew to Linden Af r. President -16, treat, he uml he same is hereby referred to the Approved Sept. 1-. 18911. board of public works to ir.eetigwte and re - "I' — First -]s tills improvemeot proper and neces- ByAn (°order] swSecood-(livethec nail n estimate of the 1t is hereby Steed by the Common tquncil u of the atv of s[. Paul: expense thereof, mud saute wtether one-half of 'Phut the amt ter of grading MCMeuemy street, the cost themof fs to bei' id Into file rlty treas- 1-um Cure street to [1,e north city li r, .ibs, be m,tl try before the conirtu:t ns let. the n e I. hereby x•ferred to the board of ° Third-t:+r+ real estate to be assessed for said public w rite to fot-edf lite ami typo rt: I- ,it be foam benefited to the extent of First -Is this improvemeot proper unit nese rctl thembts unit expenses neces ary to be in- s*eond-Give the council xu timate f the ctiFourth-Is knell fmil�� ement ked for upon tiNwilse thereof, ,did state whether one hall of the p titlno sir ofidi_tlon of the owners of s the cos[ the mof is to be Pxfd "It" the sty teens- nnjority of the property to be n.—sit for such u Y before the eon amt Ix pec. impro.emvid aThlyd-Can mal astute t° be -e-d fnr said Fdth-Send the council Stan or profile of p ovemeut Lr found benehtteds to the extent sort lin fuvort.1 Lhe sear" urmd by law, if you ra of damx¢es, costs mud expense necessary to be p n red thereby'! sf. th-Send Lite council a proper order direct- ] Nourth-Is .ouch improvement tteked fnr upon fug the work to be done. the petition or .1,plicution of the ow ars of yeas -Al -t. Bxnh,iwr, Bott. Conley, CoF,eland, imujorfly- of the property to be -sassed for such f'cello, Dobner, Dorotden Gebwu, Jletiam d Y emenY( Mexd Y. Minea. Sanburu, 9,iWv+til. Vwn slyke: F'[th-Send the council {ciao o �roflle of Af r. Press "u_, 6. �. staid ire.... ..neot• us renuim,l by haw, if you re- Approved Sept. 17, 1800. port in ix vor of the some. i tb-Se od the c,Idl n Proper order direct - mg the work to be do„e.I By Alit. Gel:nn,- Aml the Pr,lino ary order for I dl ug amid IL benby dered by the Colummt eommll � ' street, from Case street o Pbwle„ ami (tomo it Cl tv of St. Pant: he um] the stone is hereby, rePe sled. I That the mwtterof thegrsdingof Hatch street, •iwl•eos-Ald. Built r, or,. Conl,•y. COPe- tram Sylvan to Rice street, be slid the land, Costello, Dnhoer, Donlitlen. Gehan, Mc- Nam (s hemby- referred to the board of public Ntmre. Afelxtly, Ahura. Sanborn, Snllivm,. \'an arks to investigate unit report: Slyke. AI r. Vresidrm-16, First-ls tills improvement proper and neces- Approved Sept. 17, 18611. 1 s+,.3 ., n,l-hive the c 1 it o timate of the expo°se thereof, and °Late whether oto -half of By Aid. 13ott- the cost thereof Is to be paid into the city treas- I[ hereby rdered by Lite Connmon C. .'left try Lefom the contract Is let. If the Oly of St. Puul: 1 'Third -Can t 1 estate to be m elesse I for said _'lint them iter of taking and rondem du¢ nn I mrovem mt be found benefi-,ed to the extent of e 1c h"he luuils nhutting of Commercial 11x. ages, costs and expenses nems cry [o be in - street, hetxren Plum street and Fifth street, for ,. reed thereby'.' the constriudon of the a ary .ti ,pee I. the wFourth-Is such improvement naked (or upon cuts and tilts in grading saids street between the the petition or uppllcl[iou f the o rs of n . points named be and the same is hereby referred majority of the property to be assessed for such to the board of public works to investigate uud m,: vemmlt7 report: r Fifth -Send the connci] w plot or prnfila of First -19 this improvement proper still neves said i pr' filen , ae required by law, it yon m- s port iI, fwvor of the same. 380 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. Sixth -Send the council n proper order direct- ing the work to be done. Yeas-Ald. Bxnholzer, .It, Conley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Dorutfdelt, Genau, MC_\nmce, Melody, Mheal, Sanborn, Sullivan, Via. Slyke, .NJ r. President -]u. .t pproved Sept. 17, 1890. in thematter of the reports of the boxed of publle works dated Sept. 2 and 8, 1890. It fs hereby ordered by cite Common Council of the City of St. Paul: That the board of public works of said city of St. Paul cause the following in6provement to be made, to wit: Construct the It to face of the bridge oil Sixth street, fro. a point 1Ca) feet e of the east line of sittson .trent to a point 1]0 feet east of the east (file of Commercial street, fit said City. That Said hoard cause said work to be let by ,.it tract, as provided by law, uitbout o "Jaid the eecimatt•d cCet aeiuiK first p.id into the city treasury, nail atter said ti k shall be Educed under wait act, said board shall proceed "Ith- tht delay to assess we amount nearly n ey can a ertam the same. ,hien will be r qulred to pay the cost and necessary expenses of such inlprovement,upon tine real estate to be ben- ficed by said improvenieat, leee the am uut of bonds xuthorfred for the " of the c c. -,ruction of this bridge not required on the co of the su bstructmre. provided by law; it be- ing the opinfou incil that real e tate to bPaxses.ed for such Improvement eon be found benefited to the extent of the cost ad expenses necessary to be incurred thereby, less the amount of bonds authorized for the con. s[rttctiou of this bridge not required on the con- gb•uction of the substructure. Yens -A Ill. Banholzer, Bott, Conley, Ce7e]and, Coatelin, Dobner, Doriden. Gehan, DlcNcme yfelady, Mines, Sanborn, Snllivnu, \'ani Slyke, yfr.President-1G. Approved Sept. 17, 1890. lu the matter of the report of to, board of public works dated Sept. 11, 1890. Its hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: That the board of ppublic works of ane city t St. Paul cause the following Improvement to be made. to tr"t: ()pen. -idea and .tent Cusc Street, from Forest Street to Duluth avenue, 1n Sa id city, condemning and taking all that land betu'eeu Forest street and Duluth .,,San, lot ',]ready condenneil or dedicated for public use. lying within the imiee of it strip sixty 1(30) feet wide, the South line of able[, strip Shall be the north linet of llnw'soni s Earl Street addition, produCewest to Forest street, 1n said city. That said board .-hall proceed without delay to asses. the amount as nearly an they an aS- tain the same, which will be regi to pay the dim nges, costs and neces.nry expenses of such improvement, up on the real enface to be benefited by said improvement, as prvnded by law'; ft bt•- be as e edt fore Su Int fml rovrimeo uud be[loud benefited to the extent of the lama{{;; s, costs anti expenses necessary to be btmnrred thereby. Aid. Baaiholzer, Rott, Conley Cope land, Costello, Dobner, Doriden, Gehan, Dfc•- Namce, Versify, Mhtea. Seaborn. Sullit•:an. \'xu Slyke, Mr. Pleat cut-15. Approved Sept. 17, 189u. In the matter of the report of the board of public works dated Sept. 12, 1890, It Is herehy ordered by the Conmot Council of j ,he (It, of St. Paul: That the board of public works of the city of St. Paul cause the following improvements to be isle, to tent: Open• widest and.xteud Asbury avenue. from Charles street to leniversity .ve- nue, nn said city, cumbunnin, and taking Ill that land not beady condemned or dedicated for line fit Hemlinic use e Sy'ndicatwithin ee\o]face of cabal south to university ,,,Inc.aill said city no That said bout shall proceed without delay to assers theamount, as ann rly t s they ca ascertain the s w•h[chnn -III be required to pay the damage.. andewswt•y expenses of such improvement, upon the real estate to be benefited by said improvement, as provided by late; it being the opinion of the council that real state to be assessed for such lupe vemeut can be found benefited to the extent of the damages. cast. and expenses necessary to be incurred thereby. ]'Cas-Ald. Bnnliolzer., Bot', Conley, Cop - Inn I, Costello, Dobner, Dorundeni, Gehan,yfc- N+amet•, ytrlady, \[free, Sanborn, Sn]livnn. fain Slyke, Dir. Pregident-16. Approved Sept. 17, 1890. In the matter of the repot of the board of 1890. III is hereeby, o dered8bytthe Common Council of III laity o[ St. Paul: That the board of Public ti k. of the City of St. Paul cause the follow'lug impr ver n[ to br made, to wit: Open, widen tuft extend Pascal avenue, from Charles street to University eye nue,iu aid city,condemnfng and taking all that I¢11 oast 11 y condemned or dedicated lo• public use, lying within, the lines of n strip sixty (60) feet wide, the east line of which strip shall be the west line of blocks 28 and 29, Syndicntc• Addition No. R, fin said city. That said board shall proceed withontdelayt , assess the amount as nearly as they can ascer- tain the same, which will be required to pay the damages, costs and necessary expenses of such p ovement, upon the rent estate to be bene0ted by said improvement, ax provided by law; it beau, the opu fo. of the council that ma! estate to be assessed for such of eon be found benefited to the extent of the damages, costs and expenses necessary to be incurred there- by. Yens -Aid. it ,".er,Bott, Conley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Dorniden, Uemw, Me\umee, Malady, yfinea, Sunborr, Sullivan, Van Slyke, 11C Pmaident-15. Approved Sept. 17, 1890. If, the matter of the report of the board of fublic works dated Sept. 11, 1890. t is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: That the board of public works of said city of St. Purl cause the following ireprovement to he made, to u'f!i Grade Raymoud place uad the l,( in block Gl. St. Anthony Park, St. Paul, In .Pfd city, said grading to be done under one con- tract. That seat board cause said work to be let by ontrnct as provided by law, without one-half the esthnnted cost bring first paid Into the city treasury, and atter said workhall. be plated under contract said board shall proceed with - on t delay to assess the amount, tin nearly as they can to the ..me. which will be re- gadred to pay the cost and neces ary eapeueeI t such improvemeut upon the real Caeca to be heneiiovement, as provided by led , Sabi inpirlaw; It being the opinion of the council that mai estate to be assessed for Inch Improve- mta ent ,all he found benefited to lite exte.tof YHOCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 381 the costs andexFei uses necessary to be Incurred I street, i. Rbodlaan Park addition to St. Paul, thereby. produced east to Snelling avenue. Yeas-Ald. B.nholzer, Bot[. Conley, Copeland, That said board shall proceed without delay Costello, Dormer, Dorniden, Gehan, McNamee. to assess the amount as nearly nis they can ae- Mclady, Min-, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, I certain the same, which will be required to Mr. President --15. pay the damages, costs and necessary ex Approved Sept. 17, 1890. pens- of such ire ,rocement upon she real es- tste to be benefited b • Said improvement, as I avid t b-1 - it b n In the utatter f the t of the board of public works elated Sept. 1890. It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul That the board of iublic works of the city of St. Paul c.u.e the ill I.aueg iniprovenn' it to be nada, to wit: Open, widen and extend Hem- line avenue. hetwren Goodrich avenue and Ran. dolph Street in said city. condemning land tsk- Ing ull tI,,Xb nd not ulreudyeonderm a for dedf- cuted for otic nye, Ir"ribedas follows, to wit: The east Seven (7) feet of lot 1, Reserve Garden lot.; also the east thirty (30) feet of southeast I' of ui rthwesc i of settle,, 10, town 28, It 2:i, In the city f St. Paul, Minne- sota; that said board shall proceed without de. lay to assess the amount, as nearly a. they eon ascertutin file donna same, which will be re9.1red to of yucl gas, costs and neceseary e.penae. ntttju�cenwnt, upon the real estate to be benefited by •std pp v m nt, as provided by law; it being the ophl a of the council that mal tate to be assessed for such improvement eon be found belief ted to the xtentof the damage., .ts said expenses ii-eseary to be incurred thereby. Peas-Ald. In ihol-, Butt, Conley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Doriden. Gehan, McNamee, DlOadv. Mha,., Sanborn. Sullivan, tan Slyke, Mr. President -Iii, Approved Sept. 17, 1890. In the matter of the report of the board of public works dated Sept. lo, 1890. It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of Ft. Yawl: That the board of ppublic works of said city of St. Paul cause the followlug improvement to be nude. in wit: Pave the driveway on the south side of Park Place Park 1. Said city with censir blocks and curb with wood. That std board cause said work to be let by contract. as provided by law, without cue -halt the estiiunted cost being 8r.t paid into the city treasury. urd after Id work shall be pI ed under - tract said Said Shall Pretest vith- out delay to n ss the amount, .e nearly as they can astrrtnniien the same, which will be m- ,fired to Pay the cost sad as-sar-v expenses of such no prvement upon the real estate to be benefited by .aid Improvement, rs provided by Inw: it being the ophdou of the couurfl that real [ate to be nnsw•sa d for such improvement can be mond l,enrlted [u the extent of the coat and expenses net •swat}' to be incurred thereby. Ye._Ald. Bnitbolzer, Bctt, Conley, Cope- land. Costello, Dobner, Dorniden. Gehan, Die Nance, Malady, Mine., Sanborn. Sullivan. Van Slyke. Mr. President -16. Appr red Sept. 17. 1890. In the natter i f the report of the bond of 1.abe w-o,k. Slices[ Sept. d, 1890. It is hereby ordered by the Compton Council of the City of St. P.m: That the board of public works of the City of St. Pawl rause the following improvement to be made, to wit: Open. widen sad e tend Von Buren strcec from Fry Street to Snelling avenue in said City. ndetoi ling and taking all that land not almndy connentaed or dedicated for public usc, lyme within the limes of Vain Buren the Councilethat realestateto6be assessed �forfsuch Improvement can be found benefited to the ex- tent of the damages, costs and expenses neces- sary to be fucarred thereby. Peas -Add. %omlzer, Bott, Conley'. Cope- land, Costello, Dobner, Doriden, Gehan, Mc - Names, Dfelndy, Mines. Sanborn. Sullivan, Van Slykc, Dir. President -lo. Approved Sept. 17, 1890. In tu, matter of the report of the board of public works dated Se t. G. 1860. It is bereby ordered by tine Connnon Comiell of the City of St. Paul: That the board of public w r" of said city oI St. Paul Clwse the following improvemeut to be made, to wit: Grade Sintcoe street, from Atwater Street to Front Street, h, avid city. That said board use said creek to he let by ontrnct, ns provided by Inw,withouf .,,,half the -if meted coat being first paid into the cit))• treaa- ,try, and after said ,ors shall be placed under tract, said board shall proceed without del lay to as ss the amount, ns nearly as they can ascertain the same, which will be re- quired to pay the cost amt necessary expenses of such improvement upon the real estate to be benefited by Bald /mnrovement. as ied. he council that renal estate. Lot to aaseesed for tstteh Improvement can be found benefited to the ex- tent of the cost and expenses necessary to be incurred tbereby. Yeas -Aid. Rearm] ' Bott. Conley. Cope- land, Costello, Dobner, Dorniden, Gehan, Me. Namee, Malady Minea, Sanborn. Suilivnn. Van Slyke, Mr. President-lu. Approved Sept. 17, 1800. In the matter of the report of the ])curd of public works dated Sept. lu, 1890. It is hereby- ordemred by the Common Council Ci o[ the thc ty of 'I Ynul: That e aard of Public works sat said city of St. Paul, cause Ric following improvement to be made to tie: Construct it server oil Dawsoa itreet, from Mendocn street to Forest Street, In is], city-, together with the necessary catch b-! It. afar ntuuholes. That said board cause said work to be let by ecu tr.ct, as prt'nded by law, without one-half the estimated cost being first paid ciao file city treasury, and alter aid work hall be paced .[oder cuntnmt en(d board shill proceed vith- 'ut delay to assess file n amount. ly tha ey can• acertaudp the e, nvblCh ce ,rill he required to pay the cost and nessary !.penssi of uch p ovement upon the real �sfare t. be beue6ted by Said improvement, tw rovidcd bylaw: it being tine opiunon of the ia hell that real estate to be assessed for such mprovement can be found benefited to the ex- '•Mit of the cost and expenses necessnpy to be in !nand thereby. Peas -Aid. Bnnholzer, Butt, Conley, Cope - and, Costello, Dobner, Doriden, Gehan, Mc- ynmce, Melody Difne¢, Senbor, Sullivan, Va. dyke Dfr. President -1n. Approved Sept. 17, 1890. 382 In i 8t. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. mutter of the report of the board a lieu orks dared Sept. 15. 1891). ereby ordered by the Common Council o City of St. Paul: ,t the board of public works of said city o ani cause the ftni"hig improvement to b� to nit: C,. -c -t Anex m nlou from Clermont street toEarl street, is Ity, together with the necessary catch ba ad manholes. t said boned cause said u ork to be let b3 act as provided by law, without one-bal. Borated cost being first paid into the cit3 my,ac tsaft rt. id workhall be laced int proceed without to assess the amount, t, all n arty as thea .xrtaf. the same, wIdvh x'fll be required ay the cost and necessary expense. of mpr , said t. upon the s At estate to be ;ed by said improvement, tai provided by being the opinion of the c.uncll that real to be aesee.ed for such Improvement eon ,Or benedted to the extent of rhe cost uud dry to be incurred tbembv. -Aid. Banholzer, uott, Coul,,y, Copeland, o. Dobner, Dornideu. Gehs,n, MCN linea, i. Mine.. Saboom Sul ltvun. Van ..M, Approved Sept. 17, 1890 In the matter of the report of the board of It I. herebyrordered by the t.Common Council of the City f St. Paul: That the board of ppublic works of the city of 8[. Paul muse the following imprat•ement to be made, [O sic: Open, .'lit and extend Chats- worth street, from Carroll street to It. Anthony .hue, In said city: :cd de um, and tak(ng all that laced not Ircady condemned or dedicated for yublie use, described as follows, to wit: Th west thirty-three (rid) (eek of a orth- w st y of southeast of southx'est ;: of e i tion 36, town lfl, range 23, in the city of St. Ynul. Mhm,o ta. 'That said bo.rd shall proceed without del.} to ax.ees the :ane m t u s ly ns they ex)) AS sa. tine xame.twhicn will be required i Pxy gas, costs and t n y expenses f each improvement anon the weal estate to be beneated by xuid improvement, as provided b)• lata.te To mil xufchee council that real mprovement can be found bene filed to the extent of the damages. theto and expenses necessary to be Incurred y. Coltell., ryDobd. Ber,h B.Toldent GehauY ICN-almto' foreland', Mine" Sanborn. Sullivan, Van Slyke. Mr. Presn1ent-15. Approved Sept. 17, 1890, In the matter of the report of the board of pnb- Ilc works tlatend Sept. la, 1890. It Is h,rebyy o dead by the Common Council of ne acyy Of St. Paul: Stn Paul hat tcause theo board afollowln ulnen k. of said city of - g Improvement to he westerly Ilse of lot 1:1, block 17, Suburban Hills; thence x'esterly oil said extended ]file to the northerly line of Hoffman avenue; thenorth. edy line begins at the intersection of the wset line of Hiawatha street with the ..nth line of Mouud street; thence southerly In a regular curve ­11­119111Lgec [ 'ext said Tule Of Hluwatha street and of 25.1 feet rudiun to the north line of lot 89 of said block 17: thence tveste[ly oil A reg- ular curve tangent to said fust -mentioned curve and also tangent to u straight fine parallel to said straight southerly boundary first described and distant eighty (8(1) feet northerly there from; thence from point oftangency last descnbea westerly along said parallel ]file to the ortherlI Ilue of HOHmuu uvemle. u Thut.aid board .hull p o'=r , w`itb,ht delay to asers, the mount tufa the same tvblclta tHrllabe �eyufretor topay, the damages, c.e[9 and necessaryexpenees of mel 'in - prov'meiemurovemeeie al estate to be benefited LA. being the oi"iufon of the couocflt tlrut re.1 estate to Iouib betwdteed for in tneeztent of the aamant can be thereby. and expense. a ry to be int cored thereby. yd, (',Add. Bort. Brat t , (.eh, Cope - 1 uin (:amadou Dobner. Dondaen, Gehnn, an Nnmee. llelady. lfinea. Saubonl, .SUllivxn. Vain It, the mutter f the report ill [ha board of public works dated Sept. 11. 1890. It Is berebv ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: That the board of public works of said city of f St. Pnul [rause the following Improvement to be made. to wit: Construct a sewer oa Grove street, from Seventh street to the right of wayof the St. Paul & Northern Pacific .sh- oal' co mpuny; thence southerly along said right of way to x sett.. wfth thn e BWre ley stet a In aid city, together with the necessary catch bandus uud mo noise. Thu[ suirl Loara sauna .aitl work to be lac by ntnmt, .s raided by IAtt'. sit nowt ne-half the rseimatetSrr ant being hest paid into Lhe city treasury, xnAc after said k shush be placed ander ,,tract sand board nh.11 proceed with. out delay to as .. the amount, am nearly as thea ueterthin the same, which will be re q uredatto pay the cost. mnd nece...ry exppe. f elven imP o enc. to till extent of $1.7r, per out upon tine real ..Gate to Ire benefited by said ole provided by law; it being the 3p area not the council that real estate to be a.- d for such 'in ant cell, be found be- dto the ..Leet of S 1.75 per foot towxrdx the sts[and expense. ne-teary to be incurred �ner aeby. rinntpelle lDobllDoni) Bottsl ` uny McNt land. os[ello, Aenad3-. 11luen, Sanborn, Sullivan. \'an Slyke. Mfr. Presideu-I.. Apr ved Sept . 17. 1800. AdY'ernod t til Thursday. Sept. 18, 1890. ,it o c11 ck p". in. D. C. -M President of C.."C•II. Tolls. A PRE-E.R.AST, City Clerk. utherly line llbcid s at the inters Adjourned Mooting. ,t line of Hian'utna stmt north the r IT. PAm,, Se�pt. IS, 1890. Manna street Produced eaaerl Y: 'Pin eom,cil met p oat L w Adjournment. escerlY no s regular curve tangent Yrcsidenc Cullen lu the enafr. dAof Hf... ti..ttev, and, 3l:) present -Aid. BanboIxe HleleiitrerR, riot[, c rxtendmg to a point Confer. Co lana. Coxcellor'Donner. Uonaaea. be t.t eat Pe to a annul ht 11na e - V - l R Gehnn, an a to lfelad deue:a Snvborn Snl- x 3. y fmm the center o1 the south- Ilvanl. Van .slyke, l[r. President -l0. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 383 1H. -A...... Ala. Gahan offered .resolution Hxiag pay Of laborers on street force at not last, that, 31.50 for each and every day of ten hours work. Aid. Solution, iff-d ..flowing amendment: And that telt hours shall constitute a days' .rk It, .11 clerk., n eclmnive, Iaboaerx e),d e ployes of the city fn its employment from and .after said September 15. A. I). 1890." Aid. Gehnn m•cepted sold amendment. 'Che question being upon the adoption of said re olatiou as amended the same was adopted. Yeas-Ald. Banholrer, Conley. Copeland, Cos- tello, Bottler, Dorulden, Gehem, Minea, Ssn. th, , Sullivan, Van slyke, Mr Presldeut-12. N.Y.-Ala. Bielelttaig, Batt. McNutt- lle- IuAAid. Gehnn offered a resolution provldingthat laborers employed on street fort be Auld 51.50 for each day o[eight hours. work performed be- tween Aug. 15, 18011, and Sept. 15, 1890. Adopted -Yeas, 11f. A Id. Gehnn moved the suspension of rule 32. Adopted -gene, 11; ,aye. Aid. Costello and Sullivtun--2. Aid. Gehnn moved to reconsiderv.. by u'hieh apeed at this meeting Aid. Geh.o's men - fallen fi.rng: f.- au pay for day of tell hours' work. Aid. Sanborn raleed the point of der that Bale No. 32 having been suspended there could be no recousiderntion of n vote at this meeting. The chalr decided Haid point of order wed It.keh Aid. (!soon then moved to reconsider vote by which Bule No. :52 tray suspended. Aid. Sanborn then raised the Point of order' that de No. 32 having been hope, there could be lie _11sideration of any kfnd.at thea onectine. Aid. Dobner then mm ap illed frothe decision of the chair deciding wel� taken Ald. Sanborn's point of order relative to reconsideration of to by which was adopted Aid. Get-'. re.olu- tton 11x1vR 31.50 xs pay for dna- of ten hours w Aid. Sanborn raised the point of order that Aid. llobeer'., ap11�r na1 was out of order, . minor quant motiun(AId.Genau'x) having intervened sp'Pve,enhI it let.. of the their. he hair decided that ..id Inns mentioned pohtt of Ald. Sanbrn teas not well taken. The question then being vpov .\la. I)obner's .-.it appeal, then were: Stillborn. 6u1 - Yeas -Add. Copeinnd, (banana, SI h__f. N.yx-Add. Banholzer. I ielmnbetg,Con- Ind9Dfbn D.Tutykne-llhan, ]ICNennee. lle- Mr. Postident Hoc votl ng. The nhxlr decided that the ruling on vote o Ald. (:elan n's motion to reconsids, vote on r olution for $1.51) pay per day of ten hour.' w wait a. n it ...tx.l Ord. The que.Gon thea being upon the xuid motion I Aid. Gehnn to onnider vote by vhicb ah AoPted Aid. C:enn's renolutlon ,sine 31.50 ray for dny.1 [en bell-' work, them trete: n Ileus -Add. B,aholzar, Blelenberg. Bo tt. Con- rally.11lloela, \-x)11 c13•kc-llhan, ll \.mea, l[e- Nay e -Add. t'ottneluml, Costello, Sanbonh ]Ivan, Mr. presttlent-5. The chair decided that them.if. i was loot, the expenditure of ii ley bell', contemplated. Alli. Gehnn nppe le, Ou -idtoF'peal c m a,•re: Ycu.-,\Id. .lrelaml, t'o stella. Saulroru, Snl- If`n mn-q. s -All . Banhoze lr. Iiel-bem. unit. ".it- try. Bob- , D-Oiden, a. Imn..ICNamtr•, NI, ludir. prcr.ide`,t n'nlyse -I1 The chair decided that the chair', last well [toned ruling was not sustained. The question then being upon til, adoption of Aid. Gehali .said resolution, fixing 81.60 all pay for a day of ten hours' work, the same wall not adopted. Veas-Adel.Copelnot ,Costello. Sanbrn, Still - van, Mr. Preshleut-o. Nays-Ald. Banholret•, Bielenbe,t, Britt, Con- ley, ],.beer, Dorldden, Gehnn, M,N.mee Ile - lady. Miuea. Van Slyke -11.. Au ordinance was read granting P J. Kloss Manufacturing company the right to use told ecnpy for lifteeu yours it portion of the levee In th, Sixtland for the purpose of than. ulacti ring window shades. C= iltee on street.. By Ali]. Sullivan- . esot sea that the nap J ,ted with this xolutohl ani] i asked exhnbit •A," be And the ora n i. heAdopted ns the map slto-wIn the dived - of election r,b tr3,_ of tine city of St. Pnn1, rodded for by 0,divanee In. 1-1 ,u, sp- Pra• aS Sept. 17, 8p• dna tui the map rTovtaea by x_tIrl men (?), of chapter Lhme (3), General Laws of Minnesota fon• A. 1). 889. Yeas -Aid. Banholzer. Bfelenbegt. Bott, Con- ley, Copeland, Costello, I)obner, Dontiden, Ge- han,MeNnmee,.lfel.dy, Mines, Sanborn Sulli- n, Van Slyke, lir. Presidents -Iii. v Appp[ ved, Sept. 11), 189U. Ad)otIT" eit. \ G. G. Cel--, Presfdt•nt of Co1m,IL TO., A. PRE.NOEll .tsr, (:ttv Clerk. Speglul Meeting. ST. PAUL, Srpt.:h). 1890. Pmxfdent CoIlea in the chaii. f re at-Ald. BAnhoizer BMenmeis, Bolt, Conley. D.I`ier, r)orniden, Plt....I ill, Gehm), Ml Names. M,Isoly. Sanborn, Snllivan. Von Slyke. lir. 11res1dent-11. Froin Ili., homer the Acthlgllayur-1': all for the eethR HI. honor. [he acting nmyor, exlie�I the meet- InR 'it the gnant of .\Id. Snllivmt. Dobner and bore farer the transaction of s,IC11 nnsinesn its might c.nlc bef.e. it. :\stapled. if Citat'ontntroller-'Cox levy estimate mid n.lntiun- TheeicY,.)nptro9,r fora nentrU the tax levy !stimtl �i[lon fixing levy. l8n(1, to,a•ther with xa 'it a Referred to committees ways :dna m Old taxes, sola committees to meet at, Suture tiny, Uct. 1, 1800, at 2 o'clock p. o, 'rbe city clerk was Instructed Lu request the ie ds f all nuttuten Ls of the city inv met nn tai the Inner. of the ,ani o council to IH•t xitln xAitl committees at said time. CICY Ivnghteer-Yttrno.als for eonxenmtfon Of bridge inn bar of Mississippi +trees ea right of why .t the Wiscon.la n anneals ca pvn�. TlAteuunc to oto f "It n1 ..icy [slant- f Pt . 382 PROCEEDINGS OF THE C051MON COUNCIL. In the mutter of the report of the board of public works dated Sept, 1G, 18911. It le hereby ordered the (:ommon Council of the y o1 St. Paul: l: Clintt tthe board of public works of eaid city of St. e, t cause the fstriat g Improvement n to be made, to wit: montrnt[ a newer l t Mound street, from C7ermmlc street to Earl street, In suis city, together with the nela•9aary match ba - nine end hoI_ That amid board cause said work to be let byy contract ax provldmf by haw, without one.hnlf the eatimated cost beilug first pnld Into the city treaxurgnnd alter said work shell be laced no. der con tract sold board shall proree, without delay to aeeesx the amount, as nearly as [hey can ascertain the same, which will be required to pay the coet xnd I, r m.pe.aes of such Improvement, upon the real estate to be benefited by anid improvement, as provided by law; it being the opiulou of the council that real estate to ire assessed for such Improvement can be found benefited to the extent of the cost and exp e sea eces9ary to be Incurred thembv. Yeua-Aid. Banholzer, Mutt, Conley, Copeland, Costello. Dobner. Dorniden, Gehan, Mclamare. M.lady, Mlnea, Snhboru, Sullivan. Van Slyke, Mr. President -15. Approved Sept. 17, 1890. In the matter of the .,,port of the board of Itis hereby ..deter, by the ComBmoln Council of the 0tyy of St. Paul: That the board o[ ppublic work. of the city of St. Pani ranter the following improvement to be mad to wit: Open, widen and extend Chats- worth street, from Carroll street to St. Anthony ease, in said city: mah m if g and taking all that la tui not trendy condemned or dedicated for yulllc use, described as follows, to wlt: The 'eat thirty-three (88) feet of north. L!, of southeast i of southwest !; of eectlouu 85, town 29, range., ange 23, In the city of St. Paul, Minnesota. '%'hat said board .hall � proceed without delay to assess the :.nom t u- ly as they eau me. certain the same. which (rill he required to Pay the druv.,gee, costs xnd n x y eexpensee f benefited bvement upon the smut a tate to be y said Jr. provement, ae provided by law: it being the opinion of the council that mut estate to be -seemed for such improvement rsut be found benefited to the extent of the damages, coststhereand expenses necessary to be incurred ; y. Y-Ald. Bxuholzer, Bott, Conley, Copeland, a Costello, Dobner, Dorniden, Gehau, McNamee, Melody, Dfdneu, Snborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, u Mr. Preedent-15, I Approved Sept. 17, 1890, 1 1 In the matter of the report of the board of path- f tic works dated Sept. 111, 1890. IL is hereby ordered by the Common Council of 1 tate C,lty- of St. Paull: i '%'hat the board Ut ppublic wocke of said city of SG Paul canoe the lolloxing improvement to be f made, to wit-. Open, widen and extend Hoffman between Clermont street sand 111, .11 met, etueIn said city condemumg and tukinK all the laud notnlmady condemned or. dedfrated for Public use ly ng within lines described a fol - we: The southerly line begins at the hntrreec- tion of the east line of Hiawatha st. ret with the south Ifue of Mound street prods ed eas[rrly: thence southwesterly on a regular eurve tangent to said east line of Hlax'stha street and of 8la feet radius, said curve extending to a point C when it shall be tan ent to straight Ifue ex- G tended easterly from the center of the south- If weaterl • line of lot 1:1 block 17 Sulu b u I yy r u HMIs. Hautelineo n �xuid exteuJ v the uortherly Ilse o' westerly inter avenue; f the eat rte Ileo begins . t the (with the mouth of the went Mo od street; street with the Inalieu of Masud street; [hence xuest liy o a regular cure tangent 2 to anid went line of lihtwatha streetan of grin feet nullus to the north Ihnn of I t 89 of said [,lock 17: then.. westerly of a reg- ular curve muscat to said lust -mentioned eurve and also tangent to a frrvalght Idle parallel to said at -Ag, southerly boundary Ilrat described and distant eighty (8n) feet northerly there. from; thent'o from point of ,tangency I1wt deacrtbed westerly u1mai said parallel the [o the uortherly Ilse of Holtman avenue, That said board shall pro omd without dela y to aeaese the amount as nearly its they can useer- tnln the same which will be requimtl [o pay the damages. costsand neceaaarycxpensex cf such Im- pprovemelt upon the real estate to be benefited by said Improvement, as provided by law; It bel g the opinion at the council that real estate to Jag sad tot aurh Improvement mm be found benelited to the extent of the dnmuReN•coata and expenmex necessary to be incurred thereby. Yeux-Aid. Baulolzer, Botc. Cooley, Colre- Inlud, C."tedo, Dobner. D.nliden. Gehau, Dtc- Names. Melady, Diiven, Sanborn, Sullivan, Vat Slyke. Dir. 11re.ident-1 r,. Approved Sept.17, 1890. In the mutter of the mport 1, the board of 1 ublic works dated Sept. 11, 1890, It is hembv ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: 'Phut the board of publle works of .nid city of ,,f St. Paul cause the following improvement to is made, to wit: Construct a sewer on Grove dreet, from Seventh street to the right N way of the St. Paul & Northern Pacific Rafl- Tay compaly; thm,ce southerly along said right A way to a a vection with the Bradley street soter m anid ece city, together with the nssary 1tch basins and manhole". That said board cause said work to be let by :outruct, asprovided by I.w, without one-half :he -tiaatecl rout oeh,g fire[ paid into the city mnsury, midi after said work shall be pined tender contract said board shall proceed ith- mt delay to assess the amount, ua nearly as bey can ascertain the same, which will be re - It eredm itto pay the costs and necessary exilpee s Dot u provement, to the extent Df 81.75. per upon the mal eatitte to be benefited by aaid mprovement, as provided blaw; it being the esy nlon of the council that real estate to be as - sed for much improvement can be found bene- ited to the extent of $1.75 per foot towards the oats and expenses necessary to be incurred hereby. Y'eaa-AId. Banholzer, Bott, Conley. Coppeeland, '.step., Dobner, Dorniden, Gehan, Me, .,at-, felady, %lines, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, IT. President -15. \P1,r.y-ed Sept. 17. 1890. AdJuurned Until Thnrmdny, Sept. IS. 18119, ;tt. n [1111 ck p. m. 0. 0. CULLEN. President of Council. Taos. A. Pn.NDEROAar, City t.lerk. Adjourned Meeting. ST. PAUL, SIX�t. 18, )89n. The nurll t ppursuant to ndtournment. Prtsidcnt Cullen iu the chair. Present-Ald. Banholzer, Blelcublm, Bott, coley, Co and: Costello, Dobner, Dorniden, ehnn, DlcYamee, lfelad y, Minen, Sanborn. S, l- rnn, 11 n Slyke, Mr. Pmsident-10. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 383 Bred a resolution All]. Gehan street n at tion fizha Pay of laborers on dever torso at not less thaingn f1.G9 for each and every day of ten hone work. And. Sanborn offered elnamendment: And that ten bourn shallf coconss titute n I via work for all clerks, mecbunfes. labours unci em - alter said the Septer nberfit l 15. \ ill. 1800•'• from unci Aid. Ge un, ar cet,ted said .mendment. The 1 n,rotlon Ls1na upon the adoption of said resolnt�nu xs nmenJeJ [he tonne wax adopted. Yenta-Ald. Banholzer, Conley, Cor,eland, G.m- tello, Dobher, Dormden, (;chat], )linea. 8.u - born, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr President -12. Nays -Aid. Bielenberg. Bott, McNamoe, Me - lady _J. Ai d. Cellan offered a resolution provldina [hut laborers employed o.. start force be P. 1, 81.50 for each day of eight hodra' work performed be- tween Aug. 15, 1890, and Sept. 15, 18110. AdopteJ-Year, 111. Aldo Gehau moved the xuspenslon of rule 82. Adopted -Yet,., 14; nays, AId. Costello and 8.111 ....--2. Aid. Gehan moved to recousidervoto bywhich as adopted at this meeting Aid. Gmhnu'a Mso- Int1Un fixing 81.50 us pay for day of ten hours' work. Aid. Santh born raised e point of order that Rule No. 112 havirna been suspended them could be ata mcouaidC[atloll of t Vote at this meeting. The t•huir decided said point of order wel Itakeit 41d. Gehan thele moved to reconsider vote by wbi.h Rule No. ;1'2 tuna au iletded. Aid. Sanborn thele ratted the point of order that ale No. 32 having been must!;: there could be no reconsideration of any kind at true rneethis. Aid. Dobner thenp aled from the decision of the .,hair deciding well taken Aid. Sanborn. point of order relative to reconsideration of vote by which wait adopted Aid. Gebani s resolu- tion fixing $1.5U as pay for day- of ten hours work. Aid. Sanborn raised the point of order chat Aid. Dobher's appel I was out of order, s s lb- minees meld decislon of the cd. Gehanlimit, vin6 in[ecvened s The chair decided that said Inst mentioned point of Aid. Sanborn was not well taken. The question then being upon :lid. Dobner's .aid appeal, them were: Yens-AId. Copeland, Costello, Sanborn, Sal- bvan-1. Nays-Ald. Banholzer. Bielenbem. Bott. Con. ley, Dobner, Doriden. Gehan, McNair- Me - lady, Mines, Van Slyke -11. Mr. President not voting. The chair decided that the ruling on vote on Aid. Gehau'm motion to reconsider vote on res- olution for 31.5(1 pay per day of ten ❑ours' work was tat sustained. The gneetmon then being upon the "aid motion of Aid. Gehan to rem -mid- vote by which was adopted Abd. Gehal.'s Ms. Intmo fixing $1.50 as Pay for day of ten hours' work, there were: ]ens-AId. 1lanhol-, Bfelenberg, Bott, Con- ley, Dobner Dorniden, Gehan, McNamce. Me - lady. %linea, Van Slyke -11. Nuya-Aid. C. mud: Costello Sanborn, Sul- livan, Mr. PreaWent-5 The chair decided thus the motion was lost. the. expenditure M money being contemplated. AId. Gehan up sled. flit said eF�pnnl there were: fess-AId. Col�elad. ('osteil., Sanborn, Sul- Itvuun-d. ys-Aid , Ibauholzcr, Bfeleubere, Bott. ('on - ley, Dol er, Dorniden. GO n. %leN.mer, Mr- Judy.Mhen. \'an Slykt�ll. At r. Pmsident alai vntine. The chulydecbled that the cru lr's lust men• Cloned ruling wax not sustained, The question then being upon tie alp .tion of \IA It u x e n said resolution, Ilxlug SI..c -pay for n do of ten h ' yv k Lhe same wan not Y o adapted. Y- -Aid. Cope j11, f 4mlunnl, Suil- vuu. Mr. ld. lent 6. Naly AId. Haub lerabo iULt, l;Oal- ley. 11 burr, Dotal t it,, Die mite Me- IadY• GI tea. Veit Slyk An ordlnuuce was - iaild I J. KI ties 1 .1,11 t -ti rlug company - to ore and ecupy for 111teen yeah a p n of the levee I n the Sixth ward' for the purpose of man- ufacturing window shades. Committee on streets. By At(]. Sullivan- RDived that the mal, cemented with this nsolut olu and harked exhibit ••A," he and the game ix firmly uufopted n9 the map M ow the divmxtou of elel;fr.,. distaste of the cltY o� St. Paul, l,rovided for by Grdinanr•e ND. Ili m, ap- p 1 Sept. 17, 8:1. anll as the mhp provided for 6y section two (2), of chapter throe (3), General Lnws of %Ilan"' to for A. D. -889. 1'ea. Banholzer, Htelenlerg. Bott, Can. ley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Dorniden, Ge- han, McNamee, Melody, Minen, Swllorn quill - van, Van Slyke. Mr. PLaident--Ili. Apppr.ved, Sept.. I ll- IND0. AJl, urned. 0. 0. CM -s, P -Isnot of I'.Intril. Taos A. PI1f:xn.nnAYT, City Clerk. .11-1.1 Meeting. ST, PAUL„ Sept.:11), IS' 0. President Pullen in the chat,. Present -Aid. Banholzer. Bfelenberg, Bott, Conley, Dobher, Dorniden, b'Inndrau, Gehan, 1lcNamee. PMelndvnt, , lanb.ru, Sullivan, Von Slyke. 11 r. msldeBd. 1 .\1 Ji I: x'ne.\Taxa. Front Iii., Honor the. ActJna Muayor-I :ll for the meeting - Hi. honor, the acting mayor, Balled the meet- InR nt the rerl neat of Ald. Sullivan, Dobner and i, nborn for the trnnsactforu Uf sanh I ,in s. atm rvight come before it. Accepted. 111.1•atra OF CITY Ot`M(i:n. )f City (omptroller-To. levy estimate and col ntion- ' The city c(,niptroller presented the tax levy ,-atimair for the year A. 1). 1890, together with resolution fixing said levy. a R.fe-I to committees on ways and menus mI taxes, said committees to meet on Sattm- lay. Oct. 3, 1890, at 2 o'clock p, m, The city clerk was instructed to re'l-w the endm .f 'lepurtmeuce of the sty government and all the member. of the common council to net with said committees at Said time. )f City Rngineer-Proposals /or construction of bridge on line of 1lfasittippi street across right of way of the Wisconsin 1'entnal company purenunt t. itv tImemeul of city clerk of ,late Sept. S. 18nf1-- 3114 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. The efts eugtneer submits a.summary as fol- I city treasury before the or tract let; „ws: that real estate to be assessed therefor can be Summary of bids for bridge ou df intisslppl found benefited to the extent f the cost ,t feet across the right of tiny of the Wisconsin I . expenses necesanr}• [o Ge incurnd i•ntrnl railroad: the that stud improvenicat I. n t -- --'------------- asked for by n petition of n m jority of the owvers t Property to be assessed therefor. but t'e itere"it[I aeml a plan nud profile of xaid r provemenL, nud an order for your adoption. m! .. you desire us to mire the Improvement. Yeas, 4: nays, 0. r. It, L. Goaans, PnIsidrat �_ m _� ©@,ap iccs— -ccz � vin � _ I c ��T — =Cc o >G _sup �pC .I The bid of Charles Stone, amounting to two thousand nud eight (2,008) dollars nud forty (40) cents, is the lowest bid, and I nnoId recom- mend that the el be awarded to him. Re. spectfully- submitted, L. R'. AL\'LLbt•r. iIty Engineer. Accepted, and c utucc fur constructlon of su 1 bridge awarded said Ohxclee 6tone. 1�exa—Aid. Banhnlrer. Bieleuberg, Batt. Con - Indy. S'aL boon Uo!,Ilivnn,l,\{arndSl9ke,G\Irn7'resi- dent�13. rt — Alley Grading �[Oukville Park Additioo— 'fo the COmIllon Council of the (•1ty of Sc. Paul: Th board of public n'orks have had under onaideratian the resomt al or order of t he enm- ncil, apr,rnve.l attK. 22. 1890. relative to the grading, al1ley t bink ]ti. Oxkvil l e P. aditiou to 8t. Pant from Greenbrier n-ron, to Walsh avenue, and having inrestieuted [he pro- posed ImprovetnLeen t: Reapeca"llly [port that said improvemVnr I Y m d pro Per; that the , a- nsae" expense thereof S1 t0. a• -bili( of which need Doi be palet tato lilt Clerk of fit,, Board of Pnt,lfc Work., Sid. 18, 1890. Adapted. (See order, to board of public woe ) Altro, Alley O,•tading—Block 2, If. M. Ritunr)•'e Sul,- division of Block 17. Stinaon's DtviAim— To the Honorable the President turd Common Council of Lhe CYty of St Paul, Gentlemen: The board of publin trorks herewith respert- rally return your order approved ,Ian. 2'2, 1890, for grauto. the alley n block two ('2), H. M. Ranrev's s¢bdivlelon of block 11. Stinson. III VI -ital. St. Paul, with the request that your honorable bodymoass said order, for the reeson I that subsequent to the adoption of said order the grade of sold alley nxs been chmrgea. A proper order Is herewith submitted. J. T. R. L. Uo¢ntas-, President. KE¢REa, Clerk of till Board of Public Work,. ' ppt. I8, 1890. .\edko [,ted. (Sere order to board if public i [tor Also, aeII r Street Sewer Oontrnet— The board reports that it ha,aw'xrded Thom Malay the ontrnct for construction of a se er u Fuller street, from Meckuhin stmet to I)alI street, together n'irh the r ceresty cateb Dus(ne rd m ,holes. he being thr lowest -li- able a A sponslble bidder therefor; amount f bed, Rod bond in the sum of 9400, Witt, Somf A. Tl.rne)' and A. Am eraon ns sureties. 4fso, AlleyGrad I'll Contract—Block 2, Weld,', Re- augement oI Paist'e Out Lots— The board reports that let Bas awarded Peter block 2 o the leontract for grading the alley In block 2 0[ Wet he. rexrrangemeutof Pafst's out- lots, 1)n behtg the. reliably um1 responsible bidder therefor: mount of bid, 8203; bond in the sum of 8100, with W. H. Lamb and N. C. Johnson as sureties. Iingue Avenue Sewer Coutract— In11.T. P anon Oe co itractth. that t Inia for conralded struuctiontolf m or sHnpue ave r tell from utile ,tree[ to Milk tst—,t,together wfth uece,auryeatch basins mrd mant Irr: he being the lowest reliable nad responsible bidder therefor: ant u t f bid. 5.1,540; bond in the sum of sozo. with Patrick Kelgher and Thumps Ptv,too us -miles. I(nyal.ad Avenue Glinting Contract— Till board reports that t, has awardsul Thomas L9tn n the cot tract for eroding only onu , .from I,re I,w t a to Rodl y u' t her being fife Iow'eet er fable andre Ponsihle bidder therefor: rat of bid. S•},245: bond In the .•, um of 51,()no , with Jnmee Fenetermaker and E. Ii. Stnlrhnao tie sureties. Also, natar)o Street Sewer ('ontract— The bnurd reports that it hie awarded \{'lllium Stoc•ktnn nud John Lindquist the con tract [or ";,, tried one x sewer on Ontario etre¢[. from file yl iP,,I river to a Point o'nety feet PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 386 north of the north title of Spring street, togetherOrdi¢ance,. ,fill the necessary catch basins and manholes. OftmI -se. No. 1,415. thev being the lowest mliable turAponefble :1u Ordinance authorizing Mrs. S. Jauseu to bidders therefor: amount of bid, 31,(190; bond 'n the um oI `;400, ,fill I__\(]tach old build an addition to a frame building. The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do Henry Seharffbiflig as snrtties. ordaf l ns follows: Eneb of the for volae awards taken up septi- finely and approved by the follow'iug vote: Yens—AId. Banveo' , Bielenbetg, Bott, Go' Section 1. That permfashin ad authority arerhereby granted unto Mrs. S. Jensetl to build alt addition to [he IPRme dwelling shunted on ley. Dobner, Durable,, Flandrmt. Gehan, Mne- Indy, Sanborn. Sullivan. \'nn Slyke, Mr. Pres(- the north half of the south half or lots 6 and 7, f block 4, of Robert 3 Randnll's addition to dent -18. : St. Paul. Also. Said addition not to steed 16 feet in width 1,,lsylvunia Avenue Grading Contra^t— by 20 feet in length, nud two stories fn height. All bedone un the super- '1'Ite board reports that it has .,,aided .IoOn 'I'll, ofl ahl work shall Lr t ntendeuce of file building hr,�retor of snfd City the contract for grading Petlnsyl- I upon o1)fxinf:tg x proper permit therefor. runic a lnue. from L'Orieat street to Jackson ;freer. he the l; reliable and J"" f bid. ordinance hall tike effect and effect Sec. i 'Phis rd c in force from and after its pn,snb •• and pub - the am blr bidder therefor; amount $tries bond in the of 32,300, with Men, P, heation. he sunt 1Iormrity mw Edward McNamee as sureties. teas—Aid. Bnnholrzr,Bieleubetg.Bott Conlsy. Dobner, Dnrnfdru, Flandrxu. Gehan, Melady. Said "ward nota Proved. tit born, Sullivan, �'na Slyke, Mr. President Y, Id. Bnnholzer, Rielenberit, Batt. 1101)- ter, Dorniden, Flmtdrau, Gehan, Mclady, Sullf- Passed Sept. 110, 1800. \'nn Slyke. )Ir. Yresl fel; —j 7. vuNuve—Aid- O. O. CCI.bEN. President of t'ouncll- ('on1eY. S+aubnrn-2. =an Approved Oct. 9, 1390. A 1.inuved to reconsider. Ado ted, )'ens 11: Rays. Aid. Conlry and San- ROBERT A. Steffi, Mayor. Attest: Tons. A. P-sm,a9.tsT, City Clerk. 4iOrn %. The tntttter %%As thereupon referred to con- Oct. 18. anhist on streets. h'tnYf OF BOARD OF FIRE COMMIBaIONERS. u l-Ir[h and( 'ommer lti streetagrading-water Resolution,. R \hl Dobner- To the 1louorable Prr,ideut and CommonConn- TToil of the (It}- of St. Paul—Gen[levaen: he bullied of lire r inlets' oilers .1rtfully Ii the a[teutioa of Yonr shonorable body to the c, [ ditloa of district iu the viclnity fit. Paul R Duluth fnegbt Yards petting a ded ester suPPIY. The Duly available t'nter c lata of a ,null piste, Dented at the corner of 'Cai'rerd nud m comerciare l stet,. Large fi dnatriee lorated in this district, consi,ting of foun- dries, warehouses, lumber yard,..fceicht houses, etc. A enmmittee from this board have consult- ed with the board of water cma nIssioners r gardiug the laying of water t[ ai res n l locating of hydrants in this district. rtTney It Mrtned un it would be impracticable, for the reason that Fourth and Commercial streets have not been graded. We therefore inspectfully rrcolultlt,n(l that n pprcliminxry or, ler tx: i,sued by your hon - rabic b i for ibr grading of Fourth street, from In lntn fr<•ight yards to Commercial street, and Commercial ,tre<•t froth Si.cth to Plum street. Resln•011511Y euhmitted. It EUREN WAR—, Prc•efdmtt, E F \{'. FREE nf.t N. Gorso - Y,urb MAnrlx. G k:IIROE J. s,pt..:10, 1890llnl.\x, ,eeretnt'Y. � on ilt 1590. . , a-t[ee on fin• dennrtnen 1. non ­ .l tao rdinuu<e tond tathoririug yl c,. 1. .tat u t0 build ndilit, n to n:true buildinc. Mulessr,penI'd on ration lir :fid. Gehan. yens 11), ad dio,nae tread a --11d and [.rite and passed. (bee Orainareu gip. 1. 1151 Ald. I%Iumlrnn exr,btiaeri [a,il tmtt bill ab,er t from s^ee ill n(aot m"u"gs of till Ili w'ar DeresAy-. ,.. . co_11d. Snnbont u,- d Perera„ion to be;,I_ot from next regtdn, meet in” of eouoll;. Grunted. Alt]. picNroa,e darinK lire Progre„ of tilt. meet- ing wasto,e�l irom it the media, r` Resolved. That the following plot as lip - pro' d by the plat comm)asI"' n rd ns recon[ called l }'the I ty-engfneer a '::"I [he same Is hereby a Pted by the commn ooncil of file city of St. Yuul. Rimer nud Morr,soti n RearraaK drat of Part of ]facnlester Park. Yens—:yid. Banholzer. Bielenberi;. Dort, Con - `ey, Dobner. Dorniden, Flandran. Orb nn, Dltlady, inborn, Sullivan. \•nn SIYke, 11r•. President— l:i. .\pproYetl Out. It, 1890. By Alii. Bielenberg Resolved, That the grade of Simco6 Street from Atwater street to Front street, its indicat- eJ b • the red erode If" un the "'in anying reert ben ad the oil as sI., is hi,reebYbadopted file ias the established gtnde. Yeas—Ald. Hnnholrer, Blelenberg, Bott, Con- ley, Dobuer,Dorniden, Flaudrau, Gehan, Me1s- dy, Sanborn, Sullivan. You Slyke, Air. President —l:i. Approved Oct. 9, ISO". By Aid Snub u— li calved That till city engineer be d is et hereby I, truell to report a sidtable grade for I'llo at soul from Lexington to Snel9ngave- tt }'lasAld. broil Uer, lilelea Lerg. Batt, Con- ley. Dobuer. Iroruhlea, Flamlruu, Gehan, Men, dy-, Saabnrn, Sullivan, %'po SIYke, Mr. Pree:iden[ :\Ppr­ed Oct. 9, 7899. lit am. S:llivao— Ite,ulced,'PI at Peatrscion and t thorny be lid file rums lei bon'hYgrantud to jthe St. Paul till, la,urame and Trust eomPany to grad,+ the- ,tee[, at 1%.Muer S Mnrei,orie renrrutige eat of part ill \Iauniestec Park,aaslfowun 'n ,poll the plot [Isnot. each grading to be done at the e�perwr lit ,aid cutnpart�. and without expense fo the ot, of rt. Paul, nrl oodrr direction Dad 386 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. to the Satisfaction of the city eugiueer of said twit —Aid. , Bnnholse Bielenberg• Bull.c,a- ley, Dabney, Doridden. Flandrou, Gehan, Jfe- lady. Sanborn. Sullivan, Van Slyke. If, Presi- deut—la. Approved Oct. 11, 1890. By Aid. Imr.iden— Resolved. That Lauer Brits. be ud hereby vowed to lay a nine -Inch pipe drain the levee Iron, black 47. Rile & Irvine's addi. that, to the MlSsis.ippi river, to carry waste water from their mill on said block. Yeas—Ald. Butlholzer, Bielenberg, Butt, Con- ley, Dobner, Dorniden, Flendln, Gehan. Ife- lady, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. Presi- dent—I8. Approved Oct. 9, 1890. By Ald. ,'Shen— — It I. hereby ordered by the ('oall m)a Council of the City of St. Patin: That the matter of paving the nilly fn block twenty -tour (Jl). St. Paul proper, with •dn.r blocks be, lid the some IS hereby referred to the board of public works to investigate and re- port: First—Ix this improvement Proper and ii—s- Bary? Second—Give the council all stimute of the expense thereof, and State whether tow -half of the cost thereof is to be paid into the city treas- ury before the co ttrnet is let. Third—Can real estate to be a.Sesved for Bald improvement be found benefited to the extent of damages, cost. and expenses necessury to be in- curred thereby? Fourth—Ie such improvement nuked for upon the petition or application of the owners of at majority of the property to be assessed for Such improvement? Filth—Scud the council it plan or profile of said fmpr—men, as required by law, if you re- port in favor u( the sa Sixth—.,Send the council a proper orderdirect- m9 the work to he done. Peas—ADoblid. ]boil alzer, Bielenberg, Bott. Con- Geha Melady;, Sanborn, Sullivan. \'all 'l yke. Mr. Preside t_ Approved Oct. 1, 1890. lady . Sanborn. Sulliva n, Van .11,k,yf r. ­ Ifp,. API'ro—, Oct. 1,1 800. It fe lltereb lioven— y rdered by the Camilo. --a um u•il of the city of St. 1'1,, That the natter of gtnd1t g F:ainiew' oven (born St. Auth city ve,mc to Se1bY aveupe us,. lamrequest oolrettfereed to tiehboard of public ,ink. [o irre• stiguce and report: n Pirst—Ix this improvement proper and neces. xary? i Second—Give the COuncll a, Istunnte of the expense thereof, and state whetherone-half of het thereof is to be paid into the city trnas- u• br efore the contract is let. 'j'hIM—Cann real ustate to be u.Ses.ed for said Improveine I be found benefited to the extent of I damage-, costa and expenses nemesary to be h, u red thereby? nFoh—Ix Such improvement asked for upon the petition or application of the owners of a iprovtementl'e property to he assessed for such m Fifth—Send the council as plan or profile of abl IntproYemeut. ns req uire,l by low, if you re- port bt favor of same. Sixth—Scud the t•ouncil a proper order direct- ing the work to be done, fess—Ald. Banholzer, Bfeleuberg, Bell, Con- ley, Dobner, Dorniden. FlnnI ran, Gehan, Dfe. lady, Snn born, Sullivan, Van slyke. ifr. P,rSi- denc—l:i. .lpproved Get, 9, 1890. By -\Id. Sullivan— It Is hereby ordered by the Cocln,ou Council of the City of St. Paul: That the matter of widciiing linndolph street, from Hamhne avenue to Cleveland ave - one be all the same Is hereby refetred to he board of ppnbiic works to investigate and report: First—la this improwerneat proper and neces- sn` - . ou•1—Glve the council a vilthilat. of the ex pen' thereof, and tare whether one-hWf of the cost thereof I. to be Paid into the city treas- ury before the contract is let. Third —Can reestate to be as—Sed for said improvement be nd found be. silted to the extent of By Aid. Sullivan—damage., costs and expenses necesiony to be in - It is hereby ordered by the I'onuaon Council carred thereby? of the lity of St. Paul: Fourth—ls such in,provennent asked for upon That the matter of grayling Randolph street, the petition r application Of the owners of a Ir am avenue s nth to Cba sworth niatlority of the property to he assessed for Such Street, her and the name is hereby referred to the Improvement? board of public works to investigate and report: Fifth—Send the council a Plau ori olSaitl First,Ix this Improvement proper and Sect,,- 1n,11rovement, as, required by Inc. t[ you report Bury? In In of the same. Second—Give the cowncil an estimate d the . Sixth—Send the council It proper order threat - expense thereof, still state whether one -hail( of ing_ the work to be done. the cost thereof is to be paid anss t. the city tress. \bner. eatS—Ald. Bnuholzer, BWenbere. Bott, Conley, ury before the contract is let, DoIonnden, Flaudrau. Gehan, 3felady, Third—Can ruin estate to be assessed for Saki Ssnbonl. Suillvnn, Van Sl like. yl r. Prn.foent— i -- Improvement be found benefited to the extent of 13. damages, coats and expenses necessary to be in-, Approved Oct II, 1890. carred thereby? — Fourth—I..uch improvement asked for upon In the matter of the report nn the board of the Petition or application of the owners of mblic works dated Sept. 18, 1S9o. majority of the property to be aese.sed for Such A Is hereby ordered by the Common Coundl Of imp rovement? the fifty of St. Paul: Fifth—Send the council i� plan or Profile of Thnt the board ,b public works of said city of said improvement, 1w required by law, if you re- St. Paul cause the following improvements to bu port t favor of Cite Sarre. nt de, to colt: Grady the alley in block lu, Oak- Sthe work the doan'il'aa praiser order direct- -idle Park addition, nn Safd city, from Greeti- ng the work to be done. I brier avenue to \Valxh avenue. Yeas—AId. Banholzer, Bielenberg, dart, Con- That s:dd b,mrd c mIc s.ld work to be lot by fry, DObnerI Dorniden. Frond r1) o. (;'hon. >f,- rontr et, a1.s 1a .vide,i by Inw, without mite -hal, PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 387 the estimated cost being fret ppaid ' ,t, till city Accepted and said sppuiataneat, :advised ssmt treasury, and lifter xnid o k shall bit meld c seated lo. ands contract. said board shall proceed with- oV —AId. Banholzer,Bfeleaneri.Bott,Cooley, t delay to seseas the amount ,early u Cof�.land, Castello, Domier, itornideni NI sal —, they car, ascertain the sum., which will be re- Gel'nn, McNamee. Meled \linen, Su qui d to pav the cost and nrceasaryexpen.seaof Slyke, Mr. President -1(i. h i pr v meat upon the real estate to Iso. beebenefited by said in, prove at, as providrd Bailin lienroved from Police Torre unci Bailin byalaw; it being the opnimt of the counhat Aple 14". d- 1 Lute to be --sed for such improehvemtent To the Honorable the Common l�aatcil of [Ile ca be found benefited to the extent of the cost (!fly of St. Paul— and expenses, necessary to be, incurred thereby. Gentlemen: At the request bt .Judges CorY Yeas—Ald. Bndmizer, Bielenbere, Butt. Con- and Tautly, of the municipal court. 1 have this ley, Dobner, Doralden, Flandra°, Gehan. )fele- day- relieved John Patterson from duty as dy, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke. Mr. Press- 1, bailiff of Said court, by removing him from the . dent— 13. afire force of the city, land have it If Approved Oct. P, 18911. �•'nink IForn to till the vacalley 'rented by said movxl, and I ask your advice and consent ' thereto. Very respectfully, In the i atter of the renort of the board of O. O. Cnn.i.r.N, Acting Mayor. public works, dated Juit. 20 and Sept. 1 S, ell Oct. :3, 18110. IL is hereby ordered by the Common Connell oI Accepted, and Said removal and said appoint - the City of St. Hnl: i ment advised and consented to. That the board of ``+ublic avorks of .idcity of Yeas—AId. Buchalter, Btelenberg, Bott. Con- st. Paul cause the [olloawing improvements to be 1a•y; Copeland. Costello, Dobner. Dorniden, Fla. made, to wit: Grade the alley in black two (_) drat r, Get,..,.MeN°mel, Mel.dy, Mines, Sulli- H. M. Ranney s subdivision of block eleven (11), diva.. \'an Slyke. Dlr. President.—lf. Stinson division, In said city. Frond C. BroteP, city clerk u[ Winnipeq— That said board cause said work to be let b> Traii-Ottiog extract from n" rte. of city contrict, us rovided by Inw, witaouc one -it If council of Na f Sept. S. 1891), disliking the eatlmatea� cost being first paid i to the the mayor n� d council of St. Paul, Slid others, city treasury, and after n' 1 work .hall be f r ttentio° Shown during recent vb t to St. placed under contract Said i)card Shull pro- Y if m memberS of council of Winnipeg. ceed without delay to asses. the amount, Aceepted and ordered filed, and president of as, r early they c a seert, it the same, council n ui feted to acknowledge receipt of which will be required to pay the coat and F•amm Catlin rind Buerhner— necessary expenses o[ Su'h improvement upon Ask . relief in matter of assessment for Olive the real astute to be hene!ited b}- a:dd Improve- R went, ax provided by how; it being the oPfnfon Str rt sewer, etc. of the council that real estate. to be assessed for Committee on claims. such improvement can be found benefited to the From rotMartha D. Bass and others — xtent of the coat and expense. necessary to be g against a change of rn'nda• air R Jle- incurred therebv. sue nvenne. Yeas—Aid. Bnn holzer, Ilielenbetg, Bolt, Con- Board of public works. ley, Dobner. Donudmi. Flndraa, Gehan, )l I, From Sansonte's Co.— dent Sanborn. Solus.... \'nn slyke, Mr. Presi- ulI,.-ire d1Auction tmn anyt Auctiono�r's' I.f- dent -1S. 1° Approved Oct. 9, 181111. (aces No. _ 7, issued March tu, 1890. \dlounted. Conanines on Ilceaase. 1. Il. Iln.[.tax. Pi't', Ilei of ('olein il. Trout eover Bros. & Cutler— '1'mtX.:\ ,pllFax 1)F:lan.l xT, 1'ItY 1'leik, protesting atom.( deme ins a nni.ali('.e. ' c;onunittre int streets dna al!kc Of bullar -.. lints. illegal.,. IR—ting. From TD::othy S1t'eeney— :\eking for modi!ica[foit of contract for grad - St. YAub. Oct- 7. 1800, ing and improving Langford Park. President Cullen fn the all. Board of public works. Present—AId. Ba n h=r. 1Relrnberg, Bolt. From H. N. Elmer and others— Conley. Copeland, Costello. Dobner, Durniden, For penni.sfon to grade Floral :and ocher Flandrau. Gehmt, McNamce, Illelady, Mfues, atresia. Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr, President -1 u. Grouted. (See meolutioii.) Minute,, of preceding meecfng approved and From M. I). Clark— dispensed with. Comma dentin° addressed to ld. F bndro, cosl.wesrl:nnoxs.sking then council rectify mietnke by which III. From His Ilonor the Acting yluyor—POlice- 1), Clark's lie neement of lots i l and 12, mail arra and janitor at c'entrnl police .tstinn up- block rk' Rite &Irvine's addition, orlts cons named pointed— M. CLark'a reurrangemenl. of Iota 11 and 12, To the Honorable the Common Council of the block f.O, Dnytot & Irvine's addition. (,'fly of St. Paul: See re. lath I. Gentlemen: I have the honor to int From Walur lfe, chairman of committee ou form you that I have joade the health and asentation, Wiest Seventh Street f Ifo.dug changes I tae .oil- for•tt' of unl u; thenity, viz: Thomas A. Breeutau appolnted n Asking for extension of Sherman street sewer. janitor at the central police station, pur.usnt Committee on street.. to Ordinance No. 1,419, pissed by your honor. From L. G. Kilburn and otherS— able body on Septemher the ]dtln 1590. Asking for better service on University aventue I have appointed Peter Schletty to be t pa- line of St. Paul City Railway company. troiman, vice George W. Rafener list, and Committee os, streets. ask your advice and consent thereto. Very- re- From W. J. Ilenry— .pectlully. Aakmt r fission to grade .lily In block 15. O. O. CUn.n.F-x. Active Mayor. summit 1 ark addition. Oct. 7, ISO(). Granted. (SeeresOlntion.l 3836 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. F'[our Jxue C. Sansome and otters- Pulicre pe•uslon fund. 883.:33 713.82 F'or grading of alley in block 1, Brookside ad. Df.burxement.m as. - dition. of pubBo works with order, anent collec- tion ...................... 78:3 6 1 262.13 71.:32 1•rHotnl om ,\. F. Tullmudge, secretary chamber of '1' o t +a 1 fish nrxe- Interest on ,n[er bonds .................... conme­ 'Cranxmitting m But S ................... -- I 5:327.2::5.15 nitidnvit of :\nine"' Nel.son. rein. Ove to nix having done r tate work t n uric Bala.ee .,I bur id eept.:t U. 180()..... 14X.16.1.15 we: tnanbmlttin n ,p eapen q Pn a reg,text Jr.l,t bu id chamber that steps be taken to reduce cost of fighting the city. T.tal.... ..........8170,416.30 ""' 675.00 66,(376.40 Cotttndttee ori N'By. itid "Ittlx, costuriux OI' 1v uA,. CYty orde,w pniit AK21 Fire rlep rrt,neut From M. vV. Fftr¢erald, ch.i;' Ib`PI'ucu It CYty Judi uud court 22,426.80 county uonmdttee. Ed. e. Beau, Repu h:fcnu house finds.......... 814.745.84 I.ibrarY ants Nt(rl...... emididate for eb,niL and ot.,ls- Submitting Ilxt of Repulrlic:aus for appofltt, funds......... 8,117.911 \Vater department a pt attar ed I. ti urdinaamsaudpubli,;o,oun,. • t[ us judges of electinu. uaLuid fmidb.................... 13,092.1 .1 an tx ofd....... Park eromm'enlnrtely' t over• tut til r,uebtion of :tppointn,g Said I (10 im pension funds 6.669.2r7 fSty fluids :1,084.80 iudgr•b of ele,•ti.11 Sholl ld be brought up, ................ 10.,615.9:3 � paiel...................... It F.pnitt\ .F I JTl' nl'f'1 ('F.Itn. Total ................................ ....814:1. wHFIIF: nFnOHR2U. 1 ii 1.15 CII City Treasurer_ First National batik ........................ ReP ort for Se P[entln•r, 1811". 3lerchuncr' Nratloual bank .............. lU,U61.01 o the Ifotonaule tar Ptresidcaf, uud Cumntol, think of 3finnesocn .......................... Council of tie City of St. Ynul- Gentlemen: I have the horror to submit to National German Anterlcun hank.... Germaldn bauk ............................... 11.094.93 !1,1"5.27 you the following report of the remiuis ani dis- St. Paul National bauk................... 10.874.61 bureementx of this office from .\ug.:!1, 1890• Comntereial National bank ............. 111,2115.85 toSept. 30, 1ri0": Second Natioual bauk..................... 11,482.63 ItEcttl - Bmance ...................$32fl,927.85 Savfuge bank. People's bauk............_.................... 111,432.74 5.,720.30 Municipal court....... 3,431.30 I S,.,Caruet'r, Dxnk........................ 5.145.08 11 If ................ 69.7.1 Building inxlrectur... 1,03F4.G0 t'npitaibnnk.................................... \Vest Side bank ............................... :1,0.21f.6',� .1.947.02 C)ty clerk ................ 1,665.00 Sc..di la, i,W American Inmk......... :4,821.42 Workhouse• ............. 1,629.8.4 Bxnkof Minnesota interest am.11M 26,959.38 VIlc.tfu tees............ 415.0" )Vater depart mens 7btnl......................................... 8140, 1131.15 receipts ...........en, 26,000.00 Respects Illy bubn,itt,,d. Redem tion ,ciptN 21,795.40 PnttfnP rearemptlo,r $104; Amerte,ut llorec Protector l'nmpnuy, 88: i 713.82 .,=,d payments for S. , 163.4o. . Connitn•e,I, ordimtnt•.•sand public u, Coll is. on sewers ............. Receipts for repair 171.26 paved .freers... 262.13 71.:32 Park commiseion•n Interests On dePo+i[S 5.no 136.62 Interest on ,n[er bonds .................... 0, 750.00 1'aacket <'0............ I,fend ,wwr. u 05.07 tin [n ................ itts. I.ly or;-`! nNex 344.0. 8,000.00 Express I Itentres....... Dog ligases ............. 31iax•Il an e...x li- 99.00 799.4'" ,bes ..............1t. :\sHerot x 675.00 66,(376.40 ip's. '.Dial rttctp')" C,,1 litter O,t ordiu public (1f Pouudtmtxter 3leyerN. Tenth Ward -Report CYty orde,w pniit AK21 Fire rlep rrt,neut G,1 T' 6. warrants paid...... 22,426.80 LV.let, department Ili 1'on.,luurnter lind; Elevu,th \\"urd-Ilu- ants Nt(rl...... 27,5079.73 St�l Ynul ,vorkb'us'. a pt attar ed I. ti urdinaamsaudpubli,;o,oun,. wn nits pair[...... `aPaul libnar,' 1,585.28 an tx ofd....... Park eromm'enlnrtely' 69092 wurr+ .ata Paid...... :1,084.80 Bl ter•s't I upone paiel...................... 81,635.00 1•:xPeuxr• :recount..... Red-melcertif'r- 106.63 clites of Sale......... Partmll,' redeemed 23,4Gu.08 grtitir:dcn of s.1.• 1389.1 1 GKORGE REIS, lYtp Treuxurq. Sept. 30, 1800. COmmittce Oil Ways and Meatus - Of (.Yty Coutroller-andited claims, viz.: Baker & Moffat, 819.65: Globe Publinhfl ('o mpnny, 84320.19: Iu e. V ll;xzeltnng. 52711.9 .1. E. Me11-o- AI.6".. r „o ,.,r .. ,,3 . & Co., 561.16: 1t. T. 0•Co111tor. 5621.60: Sf. Patel & PacificCoal C ... mall)•, S80.:n: K. P. C\ilea, $12: St. Paul VAI-uitam Com Panyy, $2.2..10: 3f<rrill'H Toilet supply. 812.75: Blod4 tt & Oeo god, St; The,. F,trpxt[ick, $317.613: Pterwk & Zi kmnnd, $2.20; A. O. Nepol, S 193.89: C. H. Will.mIt$3.40; Edison Electric Light and Poeg Companv, 813.1}8: St, 8470,416.ta) Paul and Paclfe Coal Co all Y, $6.30; stiles & Hale. S38.50; Board f Water Com miwe(oners. 875 11: Nnyrs Bros. ' Cutler, 72 ts; Dr. I,: ,l. Abbott, 1,25; A. Buedler & Son, 15. cents: I'. (:. Llit.' $10.66; \Ym. 3IM3 sig+ul, 8(1.28; A. Iiuruish, $6; Bohn Mamdnchlring UomPnuy, $2.40; J. L. Henry, $6; .\. Jobst, 87.76; U. J. Bell, 815.75; Chas. 1•. Weed, 86.16; SchluIll & Krank, 50c: Rudolph '1'. Frey, S2(1.2f.; George If. Hillman, 846.136: St. Paul T.wcl F.x- change, 86: C. I.ichtluss, $68.75.; (;. M. G. Per- nis & Co.. 5037.70D-: D & Ullnuul. $17.15: G. itx,.b. 881.90: F. G. Draper & Co., 5186.92: .Torn 13,11 & Son, 848; J. R /; ribbm I.um bee C. W. Hark, It i{nedwnre Oo , S1 1.07 Hanley Lime Co., 51.60; F. W. Hudileld, $13: Krnuy Bros., 827: ,: l'. Hac r, 80.1.:48: Pfae k & Mut unci. or. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 3d9 Ed Lynch. 5104; .John Butler, $101: H. Sinton. � Of Clerk of Muldeipal Court -Report lot- Sep - $104; Amerte,ut llorec Protector l'nmpnuy, 88: i trurber, 1890, eftytn-a.Purer'nrrcetpt attached Columbia Electric Ctnnpuuy, 823..18: D. ('ouuell, E9.97; William McGuigan, 5;5..14; Anes,, rerar for S. , 163.4o. . Connitn•e,I, ordimtnt•.•sand public u, Coll is. & Co., $21.10; J. K. Clark & l'u., St .\dam Of Cllirf of T'oliee-Report for September, 1890, Decker & C... 81.90; Ifiu,mer & AuderBon. t and arrmts 662; lilies collected by Mutdeipal $52.20; J. J. Kett , ly, i. 88: Jos. \nxtett , $•25.66: Juba \linerS4.1 Ed. S. ,ll. court. 5:3.rr 1:39. ou,ittee•oordinnuc it public accuuuts. Im Be... $81:10: Blihttell. 87.80: St. Ot('altan, of POh­Report for September. . $1.06: Paul itatinn C-up+uty9(1 `aa Boeringer& Son, S48.30; 11. Bork, 81.51/ : 1$!)0, ge, lap, not lightedamps 2,. oil lnot m ld:sills. "ell. Fawell. tlxutun. Kirk S'� J. G. lIngttn, Kar 1'ftjldiy comptroller. I,o.. $2.27: F. Skok. 8:., 11. I'rtrlr .1.13.92; A.Jobst. $61.38: W. Weuin•]1, 88:1; Sibuer-. Of YOuudlrruster'1'rw,x-ltepnrl for SePn•tuls.l. 1390, cit}- t 1r 11cer'P 1c11)t attached for Libbey (:ornpuay, S:t99-fin: et Paul I+omrdr} J"_':3. tumsaud account,. Company, S7.50 .St. Purtl if nrd w:ue Company, $3).20- G. Itnu, 587.75; .John 3lnrtin I,unlbor , C,,1 litter O,t ordiu public (1f Pouudtmtxter 3leyerN. Tenth Ward -Report Company, $1,280.6:4; 3lneudlrr 13mP.. 52!17.60; for September. 1890, city treasurer's receipt R. F. Kuuttft G Cn„ S10.20: .I. A. Owr• , as- Hfgure, i0 rents: Stocktmt & Lindquist, :5r4: .I. attm•hed for 5311. Connnit,re utr ordinnn(xx:,ud p.blie ncoullts. W. Fiske, 5'1811; St. Anthony' Turk Supply tont- Ili 1'on.,luurnter lind; Elevu,th \\"urd-Ilu- pany $1; ('lortuto. St. Paul - liuubas Cit)' nail i port for eejrtr•n,ber, 18!10, city trrn 1IIer'x rti for $2. 8.28. 1 ' J. R. Maynard, $70. Io; ylarlut 316\ulFv, 87(11: 11'"'of food eheplerd,� a pt attar ed I. ti urdinaamsaudpubli,;o,oun,. $L13.1f):F. 31eNumee, $1!10.25: Louis\Vyuachq Of I'uuu[Inuas[e•r l:uuui9-Keport for Septmnbre. $22; G. W. Mrr611, $2S: Mathes Cl afg, S11: I's city tte:murer'x rrcrfpt for 522.25. Board of Water Coutiliu sioners,$11.99: St. Paul I'onndttee un onlimuices ntld public necoultt s. M Paul Gxb I.Ight C.lop:auy. 58,570.04; Nnrlh- extertt Telr{{,horse E,rbalea, (:nn,pnny. 5242: .lobo Snframk, S2.i(1; t\'. C.Oollrrt }'. lintintute No. 4 Budfinal, Fotee[ street newer system. 32.1164.78; Y. Rohe rty. Estimate No. _ and fits ale NoF'2 and street fnal,, Flulinct.1d, place 8102; 11. y, 11cr- 8a3; Thornton A. She,r, Estimate No. �.nd final• Rnadiug Sydney street. 5899: \\'. .I 1'rrx to., E.timnin No. 2, St. Anthony .Scans newer. $731; N. C. Johnson, Estimate NN. George street. 6:340; T. Iteflly, Exti�n,atn \o. ii� Wooden sidewalks, 1890,$5,6(35.8_; Stockton& I, ndgnist, Estimate No. 1, 111, Be.. avcu ne sewer, $739.50; fiunselt & Johnson, F:xthnate No. .1 Sewer oil Osceola Avenue, etc., $3115.59. Allowed and ordered paid by the tolIOw 119 cote: Yeas-A1d. BaidiOl- r. B'rh,. ear. ji �r�r idea, leyy, ,...l Gel 3 MI'lin Nlilleu• Flandratt. Gehnn. McNamee, )". .eullivnv \'an Slyke. 31 r. President -113. \Iso, Yay 1rest, Street and Sewer F'orcex. 1[on. t. PrIaent and Common (;ouneil oI he ('sty f et. 11.al-Gentlemen: The follo„dngrom r IIB of the xtret od sewer c og the from the board of jtublic "work P, rl g Lhe time from Sept. lA to Sent. 311, 1890, iucluMve, are correct. witlmut any chnttgn in rate per day, viz.: Street ( .-... .__...... 12.794 44 Sewer force. .... ....... .. 1.52.2 18 $14.2213 62 All of "which I hate xAdited, and respectfully recommend their payment. Your obedient servant, .Toon W. Rocue, City Comptroller. Oct. 7. 1890. The q tion being upon the allowatim of Bald pay rolls• the same were not allowed. Yeas -Aid. Banholzer, Bielenbetg, BOtt, Con- ley. Dobner• Dorniden, G'ehnn, McNamee, Malady, 'fin ea. Van Slyke -11. N.Y.-Ald. Copeland• Costello. Fl..drau, Sallivau, Mr. Pre•B,dent-5. Of Inspector of Building -Report for Augu t. 1r90, city treasurer's receipt attached for $919.59. (bmmlftee• on omhnu,c cul public a(xomlt B. eau oF• ruuuc wotxx. }Ic�I e, bttvec IrrdluR- T/ the C'o.mto,i Cunncil of the City of St. Paul: The board of public works; have hod t oder couxideradon the resolution or order of the r •ouneil, approved Sept. 17, 1890. rela- five to lthe er df a; of 31c3lenen,y strut, from Case street to the north city limits, and, having e.tfg,. ted the proposed im Pro,'111111rt: in ltexpentfuily report that said improvement dx Hs y uud Proper; that tie estimated e oathereof fs S 1 fie ci o e -ball ref which ue e t be paid into the ci[}�rt reatet o before the ntrnet is let: that ri estate the extent of therefor can be louml be necessary to the extent of the cost and exp 's trecessnry to be incurred thereby; that said improvement is Itot asked for by A tition of t majority, but by x Iatb. tuber f file o vn a of fife pro{ er y to be axed therefor,aA At we herewith at a plan and prose of said fmpro' neat, nods order for }•our adoption, If yon desire u. to make the fa ]pe,ca,el Sara)"n. ". It. L. Gonne ', .I. T. KFmxau,. Clerk of the Board Of Public Work - ,let. i, 1890. Ad p[.,•d. lean• Order to board o public w nrkn.l .\Iso, et..41 b:rlan alul Other Street. Grud,u t To tie Corumnu Coaancll of the 0,- of St. Paul: Th,, board of puddle. works have Ind oder nsideru0oo th e resolution -1 order of the co ,c,l, approved Juy 11, 1690 r' tive tatot�u thegradinR of St. Albans street. tW Grotto street, from Front street to the right of way of Great Northern railway; Stinsm, strmt. Bumms street, Topping street and Atari er .street, from Dale street to Grotto street, and having by silgxted the proposed improvement: Iiespectfnlly report that improvement: t _-.Ary xnd proper, wald gradin¢ to be done under one contract; that the estimate expeuse thereof is 814,:340, one half of which need not be paid into the city treasury before the contract is let; that real estate to be assessed therefor can be found benefited lses jAmsetary extco ntbe f incurr.dBt theredbY;Ece that .aid improvement is asked for by a petition of a majority of the owners t o{Wertz to be nsseePed therehm uud we ❑emw'Pth nd A ,,Ina 390 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. and profile of maid Itupr e e it, and sn order common tcil, approved .tug. '3.3, 1890, relu- for your adoptlon, If you desire us to ton woake the five to theopening of Magnodss street, frown Jmp r v enc. Fisher street to Hall street, and having invest]- Yeite, 4; oafs, O. gated the proposed improvement: R. L. GOHmex, President. .f. T. %E re, Respectfully report that it is necessary mid Clerk189 of the Boned o] Public Works. groper, t0 open, wiJPn and extend himmolia the 0 80, 1890. reset, from Cite center hits a pari street to the Adopted. (See orde•to boardof nrblic work,.) nter line of Fisher street produced a nth; that the estimated expense thereof Is Also, 83.000; that real tate to be sesessed therefor Randolph Rud Other St Gradin — eau be found benefited to the extent Of the dum- 'Po the Common Council of the City of 3t. Paul: hereby; that em costs d said eniimprovementary t d not o be tasked The board of public works have had under for by a petition Of a majority of the owners of ,.,The the reeolution or order of the Nroperty to be ae sed therefor, but until, approved Oct. I, 189U, MIR- a herewith send aaplan or profile of id im- fivitottthe grading f Randolph street, from prove cut, and order for your adoption, Summit uveuue South to Chatsw»ran street, and if you desire us tit mike the improvement. Itnving investigated the pro Dosed ImprovementYea. 4' r s 0 Sum- eve! ulm evv to. der o pea into the city treasury before the c.. art ie let; chat al estate to be sasessed therefor can be found benefited to the ,xttp(tI of the cost and expe.ee. ,—,—,y to be i t�� tl thereby; that said improvement is not asked for by a petition of a minIority of the Own2ra of DCOm rtY to be ammossid tlteref.r, but we herewith send a plan and uroflle of said im- provement and un order for your adoptiou Jf you desireu. to staked, improvement. Seam, 4; rays. 11. It. L. Gmi—ts, President. .1. T. K Clerk H, Cle-k of the Board of Public Works. Oct. 7, Id9lt. Adopted. ,See order to board of public work,.) Also. Fisher Street Opening.ete.— To the Commolt councilor the City of St. Paul The board m public works have hail under consideration the resolution or order of the common council, upi roveirAug. G2, 1890, rem- ove to the opening of Fieg street, from '890i in street tO Mugnolim {treet. and, having ]it. veetlgated the proposed }hjnprovement: Itespecclnlly report th t it is eceseary and proper to open, widen and extend Fisher min t, from the south line of NI.ryh0rd street tlithe outs (file of M tiondin mtreet, prod nerd enaterly from Earl [rest; that chs estimated expense thereto is $2.000; that 1 state to be n seemed therefor cull he found benefited to the ex- tent of the damage., cont, and expense. nares. .any to I Incurred [hereby; that said Im- provement nal d for by a petition of majorityof the owner,of property to be =Red therefor n fid we herewith a •nil a In.n f P o said fmnruvemert. and fir order for your adaption, if you desire us m snake the inrProvemert. Yea., 4; nnys, 0. H. L. t:Onun.v, President. J. T. Ke.¢KrH, Clerk of the Board of Public W)rks. SeFot. 18. 18911. A((11 pted. (Sce order to barna of public work..) Also, Ma •nolia St rest, reef O etc.— Opening. '1'o the Comino tt l:ouucll f o the City OI Sc. ''utd: The board of uesi c works have had d under con.iderntton Lhe rexolu[iou or order of thC• Y. It. L. Gmtxfn N. Presltleu[. - J. T. KersKeu, d Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Sent, 18,'890. wAkoapted. (Pee order to board of public or Llso. Leutei .\vemte To r— To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: The board of public works have had under consideration the resolution or order of the common council. approved Sept. 17, 1890, vmJa tive to the construction of n eewer off Laurel avenue, between Miller street and Avon street. antl, hnving Investigated the proposed Jm- provenent: Respectfully report that sold hors-vement n sellar}' i Id proper, tme-t her with the teceaeary catch It and manholes: that the estimated expense thereof is $190; one-half of which d not be paid Into the city treasury- before the contract la let; [hat real estate to be .seared therefor eon be found bene- fited to the extent of the c t fid z senses necessary to be Incurred thereby; that If is m jortc mens Is not asked for by a (,titioa to be ...%med there abut we h w(ithr elendtYt plan le said improvement. and all order for your ndop(inu, if you desire It to me 'e the im- provement. leas, 4; .,eye, 0. R. L. Goff Ax, President. J. T. KrnKER, Clerk of the Board of Public Works. sent. 30, 1890. Adopted. (Sec order to board of public. words.) A hm. Chatatw'o nth Street fir I ad n — To the Common Council of the City of St Paul: The board of public works have had under nstderntfon the resolutfonor orderof the com- mon council, approved Aug. 22, 1890,relative to Ile grading of Chat+north street, frmn Carroll sit_, to Laurel avetlne. and having Investigated the proposed ]mprovemert: Respectfully report that enid improvement is necessary and proper; 392 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. Respectfully report that said improvement is fully •eennnnend that lialin:u')' order be fee Blacksmith shop, $4.66; C. Lfchtlu.., $126; T"I ef[y bonds due in not necessary amt proper it this time, for the d covering the streets my en •use . ,nggca[e,i by the 1S. F. Knnuft & Co., $2.00; C. W.11 ckett Hard- the y,•ar 1S91, n, xenu that a IarRe majority • of the ownerof J 3 the Property to be a sed have pre,ented glosso in hi, rrlrur4. n it. I,. Gonvfe N, President. ,are Cmpan y, 75 crate; F. W. Hadfield, $60.96; Scribner, Libbry & Co., $.',36.68: Browu,Treacy folk, b: 10. 1117 to No. 109. written remonstrance .ani the proposed in)- rg:t processor. }'sae, a; nays, O. T. T. KeORen, a Clerk of the -toner of Public R",irk.. Oct. 7, 18911. & Co., 3611.76; St. Pull] Stone Company, $17; H. It. \l'Orthingeon. 5_4. S'otnmittee on crouse. i rel a xi ve I8 per cent s). dlte .7u1}- 1. ] 891 ..................... 'ou"". President. Alderman of the.ward. .I. T. Ke61: Ea. I Also, 'Total debit........ Clerk of the Board of Public Works. (.'Irk IM waon Street Sewer Contract— S oe nuettn or co"ntoL. for for September, 1890—Total disburse. � Ctr•dit. sept. Not,•.—The The board report, that it bre, a,mde�l este, .;,97'1.84. ate, S t)t(wnmf[tte• By ial,—st dratted Ironed Is also advised b)- the city that this if Thomas JDOoy the contract for the cons[rnm)on on ordinances and pn)Iis :a [o Sfxtl) Ward tax nsineer sewer, constructed, will not Wivethe desired snuitury relief. - of a sewer oil lb—Cut street, from Meudota street to Forest street, together with the na �- counts. levy, upon S13, 6011. per ren, lideemuu of the wxrl. Alxu, nrY catch basin, +0)d nn+uholee. be beteg the lowest reliable uud rex runsible bidder therefor; uerortr, or xr.txow : .) ..nrret;,. bunds. I. ,)t al i the year IS 78' ur Itefuuding order, John P atterson—Thirteenth +unount of hid. SIMI: �)oud in the suit) of Sl i6. (I Of tom mit [e•' on w:tya : tdc m n —City con ` ane— it ler �un acv f the street sprit, kling— i with Aide— . Anderson and James C. Iohnston tr011et's tax Irvy estimntetf 1 leRislnfare, for To the Honorable. the President uud Common as suretie,. The committee on city. and ins rocurue funding the bond, Council, City of St. Ynul—Gentlemen: The )ward o[ pit pectffilly re-'Clevelnnrl.\venue ,\leo, Grading l'ont�act— to c.%vil the ..id estimate aud1esZcm tl)e' to redactions: R of the old town of w'esc St. Yanl fnow' quest your honorable body to cause a rehuiding The board reports that it has aro+ rded .ale, Street force estimate, leas ............_.......S 100,001) ; the Sixth ward).... 5915 110 order for the sum of 53.88 to be drawn upon Gingle. Iha contract for the grading of Cleyrinu,i In,pmtor of )villin. department, Ires.. 1 JI00' 13Y in tere,t upon "'('fly the city [ren,uret in favor of .7ohn Patter,on, avenue, from Summit t retia to Raudol 1l P enushl 14urrd or health 1 r mrtme-..less.......... 1,004) Treasurer', owner lot 1, Metcalf & Smith's ndaltion to street, he being t the lowest :and re, eon. e. Fnfnueenug department, IenN.._..... 8,000 ti ._.._..,. lank deposits....... 0,68:3 83 1. in Paul. n i said sum being the amount over- paid by surd owner on amount of said lot 1 SRI, ))rider therefor, amount of Lid. S {,�1.9: hood fn the sum of $1,000, with Yntrick K,Ma-, — 5112.360 Total credit....... --- being otrrnasessed for ,prfnkIing Thirteenth and E. McNamee as sureties. The "aid nugge.tiw) as to reductions was nor. Balance required for ,tree[. Irma .tack,on [mc to Pine street, in Sprinkling district No. 3. during the sen ons of Also. welt Seventh Street Gntdi ng ['outntct— adopted. Peas—Aid. Copeland, Fhiudrnu, Sullivan, nJIr. the '•Interest Hurl Sinking Fu II ..... 1 S88 and 1889, a pure of aforesaid lot having The board reportsthat it Lae iwa Med Juin) Preeideut—M1. 51 2'2,11110,0011 a Leen taken for the opening ret Broadway. 11 }laloney the coutr",t for grading West se,- -,uys—Ald. {hmholter, Bielei)hetg. Brett. Con- sex sed \'nlnation of It. L. GORMAN, President. nth stmt, from Tusenrora street to Fort Snell- I Icy, Costello, Do)ner, Dorniden, Gehan, JICNu- � real uml roonnl .7. T. Keaton, Clerk of the Board of PuhBc Works. lug bridge, he )sing the lowest relfahls and re- o rt nponni bre bidder therefor, um I at of bid, 512,- r Melody, Miner, Van Slyke -12. tnTl)e said tax levy eytinwte as pre,c) ted to epi e,tnte,at ..26 mill, un e a^h dollar, will Sept. ed. 1890. Granted. (See resuAblo. .J 13411; bond ua the sum of mss a8, with Mauritt• th and s P. Mch, (See re Se,I ml, 18911, was thereupon xduPred. (Seelu[Iou.J reuli ze.................... .\Iso. of Each of the foregoing followi [,ken up sees- going awards leen III to The following is the said tax levy e,thnxtu' c eN'F.wal. turn. - II it,,. H Street ll, the 'Pu the Honorable, the President and Con)- asters and . Ptoyed cr following vote: Yeas—Aid. Banholzer, Bieleu)eig, Brett, l'oi)- To th referred to: To the Hanornhle the President and Common ( l o Suln ries, mon Council, City of St. Yxul: ]ey, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Dorn{deu, Flan- Uouucit of the Cyt R y of St. Paul: - \ ayor................. $LoOU 110 Gent.entrn: board of public works here- dean, l:ehn11, JaeNnmee, Melinly, )tinea, Suld Gentlemen: I herewith present for your con- i Mayor's secretary 1,200 00 ,The with re"peer (ally return the preliminary order, :npproved \larch 14, 18EA, In the matter of grad- I v+ i, t'nu Rlyke, JI r. President -1 O. - a Also. sideration my tax levy estiniatc• for the year 1890, nn required by the statute. entren itlder- )en. 81011 each.. 1.700 On f gllua—k street(low Third stmt),fromTerry Estimstes and Claims— Vers ,pentfully, t Its clerk__....._... 1,7611 Orr stmt W Gotzinn stmt, with the report that The board transmits, approved by it, the fill- sere four obedient nut. City clerk's as,iet- the improvement contemplated by said order fe o e • c red by a final order approved Tilly 113, lowing estimates and claims, to wit: Estitnnte No. 3 and final, St. Authony avenue -1 Jun., W. ltoc'ue, ', City Com p[roller. an .................... CYty clerk'e clerical 1.100 00 1890, sewer (Jlackubin to Dnle), W. Preston, $224: i ern' co.wrmtuLLeti s rAx Leer est alArt:, viz: force .................. :S,OnO OO R. L. GORALIN, President. Lstlmnte No. 3 and final, George trees wee (:Its treasurer', .I. T. Kr, ant Clerk of the Board of Public Works. ! (Ohio to Orleans), \. C..7 Johnson. $158; Esti nage Nu. 4 and final, Osceola and Pleasant aye. Interest and Sinking Fund—— Uebit. '1'n sass 1 " )Lere,t � ibonded clerk hire........... I'oreporationnttnr- 2,91)0 III. %c 2_, 18911. rue wee Hensen Johnson, 3452.83; r ti- Pon the '�. n y ................... 6,111)11 in .\ecepted and Oled. mute No. 3 and fluor. Arkw'ri ht stmt g gradh g debt for the year l'.or tion) uttor- Also, Dale & Bum (l'n.e to Cook), gnrdner. 31,164; F.e- 1891,5367,796.66 spoon i).y, for clerk MCMenemy Street Grading— '1'n the Honorable, the President and Com- timate No. 3 and final, Cnse, Jenks, Lawson and Cook stmt, grading (Cortland co St. P. & N. P. less $110.200.00 , ann )al interest nor- _ hits .................... orporstwitatttor I,R00 0O on Council, ('itY of St. Paul: airway tight of w 1•�. T. I,innau. S1,o66; $2,360,0 0 f I)tcou first 3 (:ientlemen: 7'hr )ward of public work, here- Estimate No. 5 d heal, latch avenue and the bonded debt d resit w'i[h resper•tfull}- return the preliminary order. )spin, July lit, I.C., in the matter ,d grad- Orchard attest RrndinR (Lexington to Victoria 1. '1'. Keou6h. 36711; Estiinute No. 6 uud final, Ox- ,sued for the Pur- chase and d e [eft mets, $'2,01111 and 51.800 ............... :3,31111 UU i g JfcJ[en'my street, from Cnse stmt to Como foM d Argyle ytmta gretl(ug, T. Keougl ), Monof tbte St. Paul City cwnptrolter... 3,6011 011 . Id Lake Phalen avenue, with the repport that this order is coveted by n report of sola board, $696;ai:etfmnis No. 2 and fiuul. Hudson avenue ( Fares[ to C p Stockton &Lind- yl)unennsOn' Water N'ofk.,p.y )leant of the w'a- City comptroller', chief clerk.......... 1,800 5)11 dated Oat. 7, 1899, and this day transmitted to I quiet, $106.60; J. 570: William ter revenues.......... 1_.i 5.696 ro IYty comet collet. your honontble )ods. It. L. Gr --x, President. I3erinudi & Cb., $26; William Backer, 312.60; H. D. Ball, $8.02; Dux & C'llmnn. $N.I6; T. G. J. G. To futerestupoii ne following tY cor additfonnl Jerk hire........... 2,6011 110 .1. T. KEm:F.n. Iluggnn, 813.611; Farwell, Ozmuu, Kirk & boudsi„ued in the 'Pero 3 Iges,nrmtic- Clerk of the B—dof Public\Corke. _ J"L 611; -;r rekn 9Wue Isom pony. 368.11; N. year 1890. , ales, lent c+ art, $4, Oct. 7, 18911. Fr}'en. 543.61); ,7ohn B. Fi,h, 510; John Jlnr Alderman of the ward- :in Lunt her C mpany, $1,100.04; 13-rit an, & brat tax le''11, viz.: One Yrat', forest 11;19 each............ I ItuurN municipal 8,0110 UII Also, tun $8:3.60; l'. Amon, SG3.76: J1atndler Bms.- u 5276,000.00 L ................ '1,61)0 00 Dayton Avenue and Fink Street Fewer— ::;Oi Pi; Jluhle R Sutmur, $31.06; Pren[lergn.a[ 'ro )Dade, tlnted Jxn- ,\asi,uic)11 •leek f the Honorable the Pre.ldent suet Cmmoir . tros., 811.40; F. C:. Draper &. Co., Sio&ia: Council, City of St. Fater: -oho }Sell &Fon. 5101.30; J. Knhlert. 39.U0: nary 1, 1890, at 4 par cent ................. $11.o1m OU to a rat court. Reparrtcowtttnote- 1,200 0O Gentlemen: The hoard o[ public works bvrs w o with respmthdl}• return your oder nprtVroyed J:oard of Water Commisaiouem. 53:36; J. C. Iinvley 7.Ime Crnparry, 9a' N. W. Stamp Work,. t;ig�ht months' )ter- 0 t $396,020 eel t....,I- lvurpLeter of (10 Rept. 17, 1900, for a sewer ov Dayton soros, ism Jfilton street to Victoria stem[, and oIr I W.01,200 51.60; W. R, d. 310.94; American Mavu- hteturivg Compuu y, $:i 5.50; Robinson & Car}' )Dada du)`Ld4hlx} I I ,r f8fl0. 1x•1 p[nrketmanter...... ] 1100 10)(1 Fisa stmt, from Dayton avenue to Murt)n 3;nmp—Y. $12.06. Noyes Bros. & Cutler, S6. 111, ,.33 :ut ylarketmxster (ns stmt, and transmit n report from the stay en ginmr in xnid matter. The board would respect I .lames McDonald, 524: Geroge Yfltsch. 580.68 Merrl ll', 7'n(Irt sat ppl) 1 3: 7rr: Minnesota Tran, 321 .'.;;:; :;:t _i �A men ,,relents 100 1111 393 831)UO 00 3282,128 88 55,628 83 ,"171.500 011 .274,300 1111 Debit. :394 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COM1fON COUNCIL. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 39; ' Englnerr at ams- I Six patrolmen (act- the real estate 'Cu'o PiPmnen of 6nP- ket..................... Fireman nt mar- 81,201) UO , inB PounA max" t ere),S900 each..... J.i,t ll. (111 benefited, and not. by general taxa- P ly Hose 8801 and $681.... 31.1 A-1 00 ket..................... at market 840 00 780 W Three put sol men (asefataut acting don...................... $to'oo. 011 Tw1 dli'ers Of Sup - .Janitor S18,V701)0, pnindmn.cers), — �iS.OI)O UU P.' osf• xch._......-... I.1i08 0D To Board c7 Public Works, Viz.—p 8480 each ..--..._.-. l; 1 -IU UO 'Co Fite Ile nrtment. \'iz.— .1804" Glx m)ptam,, of hook Fourmembers.$i.- One Patrolat nl(1i rst uesiIt.at +mtwe )Iva commies}oners, ane h>ddercompu- OOO eMh..... ......... S32,t10U OU vndmnstet)...-.. 1iU. 1 i1 8100 couch............. 85110 UU mr., S1.0t-k earn.. 1i. 11i4 UU ' t1erk of board......... ons 'Pw. natant1,500 1,800 tlU ve O lxllen-_...... ...._ �geo,.n nab -tubo. nU0 OU �'biet e engine r... ..... .- Fire warden (chief :f,,UU 00 seven Bend Ladd r hook and ladder of boiled. 81,,01) 00 jailers, each.. li.:ifln UO rntdneeista...... :i(IIl nil c 'I .tnpaniee. 8u 1.{ each ...................... Six •lerka, :S 1)00 esU Eight drivers of on- Two assistant fire xs fire e nen..................... U,InB UU s t }ur:ixl S1,00(, 5720, trot w,. bons, S9u0 each ...................... 7.200 00 wardens, S1.2U0 each................. 2,401) uu Nineteen truck In ck tom puufes S720, 5600, $600, 3600 .1,28. Illi One driver of prison .. First assistant chief der. S86 f h ..................... pen. dental ex naso Ill U2o UU van, including 1.200 00 engineer ..._ _.. _.... 2.001) 0. .en c ....... .. 71re1 , t • ,1 , of . 1, 111 16.11 1 — tc_ 0). OU ........... 1h—policemen for veruna fns s i tint k otiod of nook ami h$801 To Building le,peetor'e Building file pec, Department, 58,000 00 \ pal mlmlci court. 8.1)1) encu............ 1.700 OU chief engineer........ secretary of cont. 1.000 , n. co,aoanien. $304 each ........ ...... Deputy buildin%g itt- One policeman, prls- missioners............ 1,:i001N) A van truckmen of Spector ................. 1,601) 00 oilers' gannl......... 000 nu �nlerfntcndent of crook and molder,14 ou,punies, l,'lerk........................ Flve assistant in- 7,000 00 Oielicensefnepertor, including borne hre alarm tele- graph._ ................. 2.000 Oil ., 1 each........_............ 'Four 0.2UA 00 s pectose, 51.21)0. nntl bufgY............ 7: 11,0 u1) Two linemen of fire frtlek men Of 51.000. Sl,uOto Onexu Periatendrnt ;dorm telegraph, hook ami bidder $1,000, si)UO........ One elevator fits pec- ,,1110 UU of police patrol egrnl, tai n, iaclal- $900 each........ 'I'nree OPern totsof 1,)11)0 Un tom Pamirs, $601 If. ...................... 2,7:5000 tor ........................ Two Watching 'n- 1,000 1)0 mg nsstntxut......... One ifumnuu, pohre :.21)0 U1) - fire .lural tele- graph 5741 each.. 2,212 On Two drivers f trucks. 3S1i4 each. '1'bree 1.72A OU .pectora, $1,200. patrol telegraph... A.10 00 'lotto blacksmiths. drivers of $1,000 ................. 2.200 00 I)og catchers, al- $1.020, 5840........ 1,8110 Uu truck, $804 each. 2,472 Uu Incidental espenaes. 200 00 eluding teunta....... 1600 up 11ue master ntecit¢n- T drivers of To ]board of lie DeVurtment, 514,11(10 Ull Viz.— Incidental expenses.. — 6,460 110 5100..0:1 .0 Vi,..— ,c.............-. Eleven - cap a ct' 1.,11. liU trucks, 8711 each. Aob!umnni for - 1,0,11 o to ne co 1.188 Ila If 1'ommisaioner o[ - To 1•:ngiaeern+g Uepnrt,nent, -..._ 51.,000 01) engine t•umpanira, .I. $ven e+ n.._....... ............mpf1-, 1,802 1 1.1 health ................... :\esistunt connuin 02..,00 00 Firs sn io,tr-. t First a nintuat engi n neer.............. """" 2,61)1) OU Eleven lientenunta O[ lo•file c o ], n�plt. 'loot a11i1e tlePatt- -- slonet................... 1,..011 U1) St. asaitant Ing, ales, 884 7 ch..... 0,:517 1)1/ meat nnlarfee...8198,000 00 Oveina tot Of COs- Pec1810-01,1181. rs, 8. Nf.. $l: goo. Y:lecen piocmeu ut' Fu I ........................ 36,200 00 tadoun .dtsruces, 5840, aha 3L41)• $L 500, $1: 600• S1,G00, $I; lane a mpnvle-s. 5864 Inch ............. 9,60.1 OU Feed...._..... .... ..... Ste it fire engine..... 7;600 o0 -1,0111) 00 ascof norm ani .. n0 9.980 Uu I;Ieven pi men of N w hose. ,,1)10 feet :,,200 O. beggY................... Ten health i„sI>ec- 1,080 Two trenn�tmeu.51,- 2.tUn 01) .give c Vaniea. 5804 Ten horc+en............... Two base u'ugon :1.000 o, 861) OU torn. 8840 e+ •h; ... S,d1)fi 00 2110 each ............... Nine druughtamen, ,nth ............. six pipemeu of •u- 8,84-1 01) I S Two sn of, l' wagons. :170 OU Une ]ive stock In- &t0 OO 51,201, 51,1120. Bine c npanfes. Furniture ................ 1.11.0 00 spec tot• ................. Two me1.c $1 60, 5116., SSIuO, 20, $ 720, $684 enCh............. 7,624 00 Life saving corps..... Fire alarm supplies., 1.200 u0 5,000 00 ,2ce- torn, 381, each..... 'l`wo L(i80 Oil 8840, 37 $720 ................._. 801/40 t)0 Nine pipemeu of In gine cotnptmies, 'Maintcnuu......... :.... :1,.000 00 n w tchmeu, ' Six levelers, $1,020 8714 each ............. 1i,fi96 01) $s1i(i,920 .0 day +md night dump"5600each 1,00001) 6,120 00 FlIvev engineers of To Court If— ami Cit ]ball (Dininterau , } Ilse keeper of pest Ne b'w•It od n,en, $720 r 0.180 Uu 11 nt ,rev house............ es Incidental expenses. ,nu 00 000 00 _ Inch....... ............... ., Sixt_rf chainmen, 51,044 eo ..... hlevenstokere.f lire L1 18 1 On Mayor, chairman of 7oim committer' .100 00 . 5] . U S6uo each............ One chninnialt 9J].O oil >40 Oil engines, 88(54 Inch IS]I-. drivers 9,,;04 Ou rix members of To Police De trtmenc, Viz.— P+ ...... One photugrxpher, of fire engines, $861 "Joint commftcee," 8100 each........ 1in0 00 (:hie(_... _..etas........ SS,6U0 00 !e ne 180 00 each ...................... 41,604 00 County auditor, .ec- ee- 1:nie1's secretur S...... 1,000 Ol) img,.pnts)������... One stenographer.... 0110 00 rix drivers of nose _ 1,10 OU Four captains, $1,400 each.......... 600 00 Olµeobookkerper....... ' clerks, S96u, 1.21)1) flu _ wrr],t(Ks, SAn4 each..iver............. 1.A24 00 Cu todlnn of build Ing ........................ 1,200 00 Six lieutennn ts, 5600 ..................... 1:70(1 Off Five drivers of hone A.eaietu custod im, 1iU0 00 81,200 earn.......... 7.200 oil Ltsptetors tar tar carriage.. $681 T I.nt One mounted lieu- 1 construction of each ........... .... ....... _. 0 1,4"n 11 200 a(t]ttS90u.A1. 2,10000 tenant .................. 1,460 OU public improve- Seven Ifeatennnta of Eleven janitor-, 0 vine sergeants, meats, livery, etc.. chemicals, $929 - 5600 each............. 1i,liUO Un $1,000 each.......... One mounted aer- 9,000 o0 averaged .............. Incidental expcuse.. 4111100 on 8.200 00 Inch...................... seven ippeemen of 6,468 00 Four elevator men, 5600 each............ 2,100 IIU genet .................... Chief detective......... 1.260 Ou 1,001) 00 Uroas amount... -- 898,000 01) cbemicalso $Ali'I each ...................... 6.018 00 Two dremeu, S(i0u. eachfitc ................ 1;260 OU Four detectives, 00 Oedncc the Item churned above for � Iii pi pemen of chemicals, One Ivntchntay........ 62,0 00 51,200 each.......... One hundred and 1,800 the Inspection of $804 each ...................... 6,628 OU One renovntor......... One gnrdeuer........... -120 O(1 600 Ou fourteen patrol- of the construction Seven drivetre of Inciden tai ex men, $900 each 102,000 OU of public improve- chemical., gA(I�I pnirs,sete.[uel, re- - Nine mounted pa- meof.,.etc., na it is each .................. .. .. _ 628 00 .>, p )........... 19,420 OO trolmen, $1,160 ...... rich ..................... 10,440 OU paid by special a>,- aeesments uponply Two plpsmen of Sup- up- Ho.e W.'s, � Total mnbl[e- _ . 864 each.......... .. 1,728 011 since .............. 3:i6,Urni On 398 1'RUCI:b;lllNGS OF THE COMMON COUNCM,. PROCEEDINUS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. :397 Ni. a:i,.a tea Mug- $2,179.16 fur one ! Recapitmadou of tux levy v tiulat" ba -1 Lees ur -halt 11 I 17. 1889, due )Ixy year Ind five upotl $122,000,000, ussessed vain ition of the 880,000 cot• the Itntn_ 17. 1891, "Legly- mon interest real affil Personal estate, cL:- _ __ _ ' --;\Iilis.., count' of y It! Ix five banquet of to Aug. 26. 1891. 'rax require,]. eeYs portiou expense JI8,11U0 UO 188b"................... S..: i11U 1111 purehtteell for lite ................. '1'o Saint Panl \\'ot•khonee, I I,..— .s18.0in1 O Robert A. Smith, \Ingot, Certi9cmte depnrtnnnt pm'" posse und"a re,g�1 Interest and sinking fuudj--- for 5271,500 mterestup-I Five commissioner, No. 4. dated May lotion of the cuni�_. tuI ICJ, ap- 'umi • tt it the boode(Y-debt mall (no salary) 15, 1889, due Nlav •'Ala Ove,] March -: „� � for the redemption oft t........ superintendent.. .13,01)(1 iR,OVO ilU to L5, 1em State +: Pr \ " 1890..................... 0; v:i,0011 sit bonds, ma-; y- SeCre[nrY................. Physloiutt 1.00000 p0U (10 xn(ferers hl Of flakutx".......... I.I till 00 ._r.'t7n 1' tt[nMt for taring July t, t89L as'' _ s rite Bred stat etneut..l 2. _'.r _r7 -!.EUV 00 .............. One hall inn+ter....... 600 OV Robert A. Ewitt, house on ubnlve GeilermI flntd, as pec stent 5600 Five guards,o. \jayor, Cert ilicatr lot. fit nlirhtug. etc. 18,000 00 Election I, I xtataute It ...............t 5.15 U6t,900 OU uch.. _........__.._.. (lnefore 3,000 00 RtO uu •i6, matedJmlr 19, 18ri9,aue June at Jx•usex, \ing 11111 Novem' R'xr11 fund,.as per itsI I 1 't t 1ne t tU 280,600 00 .... One eat ee 600 011 19, 1891,' At(] t1 her, IS90 _ .. -IU 000 Oil ' I � One night t tth sufferer t J 1 s �.110n .11, ens expenses I Total t s ,lb Or 1 5000 Or yl I_ )I l man ..... 000 OU ton's,, Y t S it! (f repairing lull t. incident _ l i levy II 1 [ L i l l ) 1ef One Cook mud Laker 720 00 nu Robert Mayer, t t f Itr i ) . - �:, 1100 110 u t c 1' t - t to co ! LI ill,tax (Ins teamster .... -180 :300 Illy No. 52. Dated Nov. ' YLY Rill aI I prison, del lint tt hooks m the 111111 of the. comity One matron ............. 6,200 00 1. 188!1, due Nov. witness ami jury auditor, oa ing to the oversight in tea legislative i.iviug...................... ................. 1,201) 0 1. 1891, "Paving fees, bun milt • s`''ty tict of 1887, changing some I I tyle old aar11 ... Fuel and lght.......... 2,60(100 West Seventh prisoner, in city LiuuJnrien h e iu with them [inns of ,- m re the St. P:utl, Medicine, F200; fur- 'ture sit it, flan Kum- e y l0'r'iscnrora" a 6,630 116 Prison, etc., 7s•ull. II ing trial• ............. :.000 V the terrhtq uuexe,] to cin' o' lu der si;,lu l laas. `, Ir.: tit and tool., 6110 (IV Robert A. �mtth, IlenrY .\- Fleisch. . For the First, I ','hien Fourth I ue 8300 .............. .... , G 0 u: Mayor, C'erti9catc n. New fork tracts Fifth :\x,eexmeln t. Districts Ir,•veri0g :III of the Insurance. stockaud harness. 800 00 Nu.5 i. dated Feb. 11, 1890, Jus Feb. ? city colit-0 pe1. year for disposing Proper ty In the original FIreL 1. Third. Fourth and FI[[h aurde)— 9300................... .. building, 11, 1891, "Aid V) of deu,l tit ,ul,, Foriutercet l=inking nlu.,ti p . inter?lilts. Repairing .ad improving 00 sufferers II, State of Imkota" 6,000 U0 etc, '•\Leri y tem"I 12od \I , 't p ill, 1 1 I let t, II tl el•1 2S 1 7 t f 1 1 ... grounds. Incidental —pentux .r50 2,150 00 Robert A. 8111[ I, -- nthnet urnl K C. 1... 1 .UIIO III 1, I f d5 Fc g I f 11 $26,000 [ U' \I ) C rt!9ea[e - .Ixotin, Ilaot f t .... .i0 , To Transcripts of .ludgmentx (docketeJ in the No. 6, dated F'eb. nog Co.'s 1 t Ct for 0. Total f city purl?. - .10.'IU district court Of Ramsey County) vIZ, 11, 1r891). due Feb 11, 1891, "Nx z - -as- ten—ing ti age, per year._ 11,000 00 5.1.51 7111 2.l tl \ t U strict (co -rine .11 n[ the Susan W Smith et ti I Education 1 ,. '✓ " .. I'I ) t' the tl srJl— .11 aicketed Nov :iq A. o•iutimt'... ;,00000 I, toss debit I the ylills. 19,1889........ F. Sefter F:. X578 Robert A Smith, . sg1 t 't IuI temn•d IIInrl ... . 7 781,00000 l+o t '[t 't} win.and (:. Pohl, docketed M ) r, Certiflcx[e• tt 1 1 t I t - rl o, [ 1 1, 11 t [ West t 1 1wIl no, Nov. 2fi, 1889.... 5Sb 11 \o. iA.duted Feb.lit thefolio ti cue l [ n 1 Ittl nntx uthen If t . tl ll. 5.10 .1. H. Dlnr rh •, dock 11, J890,due Feb 1>o t L f f 1 { I t o 1 eted 9111 h 21. l,iri91,'•\\'en[enn M i i i I[ IO' 1 (i t 8' 0 [ til I I ) I ""00 t 1890...... . ... 371 I V I av nue bridge ocec 2 000 u0 pt S40,000 116 cy I J t J t ce t t John Napier, dock e ted July 11, 1890 1 i 67 railroad'.... Interest upon above 1.6111 1 I M arket 1 e pt 10 600 00 IRy 1 3.5 For g I [ I 45 10—!t.ueo tudg certdlcat... S72.7.32 7:32 N R kl' use rec ipty. 7,000 00 Fo i f r meats for court e ....... costa, [c .... ' 811 7:3 { To Miscella l—ne, six.— Building it's pc t r, [w. 8.000 011 perms .. ..... L t I f It I p l uterest poi the S2 Paul Gas Light g Poundtlme tete { t: 000 10 -: tl 1 t 0 c ai1 . »long III o11 above Judgments. - 171 it c1»nytnt)', t t, $'OIJ11U0. I'l ;cense s8 guar the { 1 sty n+tl igl 1 S,-%' reit, to,rd, ;eine Cndebtedness, issued 5.1,680 96 teat I for spe- Robert Se •ger'sgas- 5152 000 00 I _ .. tb7,000 00 B the t annexed [ the r my -n th y tar T (vrtificntes of stat purposes tender legislative acts, ns [0110138, ')linelamp con I Rotch II .. ,OUO OV Butcher l Dog It 1 .000 01) 188 1 tntCt, 8-111,000 Almxhnuse nail hos- I r Y• l'., track .For milt exL Iun111ut• the i,l r�purllou of Sniut YtoJ R. E. k T. Ins. Co., Certtfl IwLformt I' Y'soce ) nil express) a - 6.000 00 $123,78? 398 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. Toto .\sscssntrnt Ufstric[ (covering Ill of lie pill-ty in the ••New Territory" located in Ite- m d DmLemt townenipx mnnexed to uteea). i� the year 1897,: ....... .................. Mills F' . nr interest hl ml......... O.lU 1: firgeneral tunti..................................... P.r ward fltnd............................................ 2.:50 "t'ni:d for Cita- I.nrnoses ......................... 7.15 xuAlh1 Ill t:uccnrlu-�'-Itllr. x:d:nrieF......... ....................... S:i7i 1)rl. dill 'Ib interest upon vehool bonds....... 13,500 01) 'P. Incl............ ................ 1.11110 011 .......... To printing, :ad a'er[iningiug and stn - i,009 0U 'I irthtsnn. ,�................................ ..UUP Ou 'l'. tgem•ro it expa•h-s...�f h-hithr. school rIpuz- fid miseellaneuns, V"'sh. UI '1'u hcatilK:t ml ventilatinguppa- tus.... 23,000 00 To nen' school hmlding contracts.. 122,000 00 rnachiner)'ell uiDnien[.1 manna) tndnlog school ........................... 10.0.0 00 Toreal e•,tnro �onrnet __ au,000 .. it : n red .. 7 to..,00 all rl div the following schoolr •r el nes, based up- .1122 pon 9122,.00..0. a d v luail,it of real had peraolual estate• toyreahee the above amount re Fibred. viz.: ill Gomm ittce on Clullu., ' F- F'rum hein'� claim of 53,782.7 i no any fees - committee recommemis that said chum b,r�- f,rred to cotporathr, att-c -. ` Adopted. At,., Paul Krueger's Cl n i ut-S23U--ch:wIll ng .It end u t¢ .street ant tiue- tlttee snakes an a..\e�u report. .\dcoted. su. }l.It def, C. c sidewalk ewalk oil b:. ,numgea-lalling .n defective ccoun'tdk on llowaott st reetin Conned. tee Ordiu sallotra1. 1 .f claiu,. -\dopted. (gee Ocdillance Nn. 1.120). Alx.. t Bem)- block nut's (.'la.ful-r'211ut-trc­l,­.. block 75, 11.1fr'sad,advIddi[lon- ce x an n0[tuurkeerse or I. d.Phd. U. ('nututit teeon Streets, S -t s nl Bridges- is'l a rtport of board Jr.rpgot irurkx on ..\Iisxissllrpi street -It, o nl right of wap 1;. N. cud "Y to N. f•. right of wuY- t.oanldttee makes an ada I-- report. Adopted ,s \I... nn I hu. )hat[sun's Irelitikil:g fur tunti.1 latoii of s[teitsmail-Terr)' s additlon U.nioniU };tut tar vc, th nks[rte[. pxa'ing, ctc- dopte mrs nn udcrn•�r report. Adopted. v 1 0 an, ,o.es. "f". nl u btv. 'trill... ..5122.000 nl, .\Id. khoul nd resolution n aur better service ,•,: Bled p •IrPu s, t)r be (nakleuld and l: said oven urs electak• liue- - eti.xed by , uunell. 3 t o ..ince re nuneuds ad. pt..I of =uhxu- m11.. :tu0,01n1 it, tesolutiou. w "•tlu.l buildings, t, II' r .ldopted. t.ar nsol utmu, be lixod b)' sol n•il� s Aleo, f mill ...................... 122,O1ru all Iteoort of board of blit work+awarding .l uhu will \1'. M.I.tey the Contract for (trading PennsYl- 'L'.':rl :, i„Ills ..I. aver te, frun L -Orient sl -t t. .lack ..Slid. fll:..1, a” t 1 S, ula' ttmrpus�•n slit street, for 51'L,184- u;0eilumount run, Committee stakes ¢ Irvornble report. tuteapp.rtiontin•nl, ldopted and said award xpyroved. 'Including the pro. Yeas -:\Iii. Bntiholrtr, 11 tell Butt, l:utn I,ortion ui the ape_ ICY• Copeland, Costello, Rohner, 0oruiden. Plan- , i:d t mill school tt-x,N furl: �0U .0 Iran. (:chat }i \nmeo, Mclady. )linen, Sill, - van, Yan slyke. }Ir. President -10. T, talo ....................................... S710,300 (K Also 'ram Iodated stateent of the grand total tax Protest f John P. Peterson and .the. -An'I- krfes of It I' furegoing assess[nent district,, ingtonllill..Citizens'mhon-bridWher ossPha- busetl 11.11 in, esthilate Incl I'll ,K rho levies for len c[eeit front Maria avenue to Edgerton stat[•, county, Lmu'd oY educatfun call city Vn stree[- losea. v Committee recommends that board of publh: ­L,be requested o sh.,end proceumnun h su\do rl,rt tl Feel rm2thtlon dean be tumid Also, .\'d. In -I resolution perl;,,tti,,g J. \v. Lol, tt t to operate hal •aes, 725 Minnehnh:I street- ndoo.non hist ri.is. - __ ' - Cooled. retemm ut u. � _ Adopted. (Scresolution., I Ir J= Also. - Itreolutiou for up77rointnent of Cnsautes t. 1 ...c iuvestigaho- z 7 an auditorium- - - l oinmittee returns said resolution \vithout n recommendation, told submits without recon[ m ndation the tollo,[inK report of Its eubconl- lat to 3t1. lac :1.00' 2.00; o.001 10.00120 00 1 Inittee: ,;t,,, th.................. .1 e.00i 2.011 1.301 fi.3011f1.00 Hon. .7obu }'. GChun, ('hulnua l Committee uu 7th ...................: :1.(InI 1.011'. 4.f10: h. 7(111 N.001 areas, ben Llet Men BCII.......... :t.u01 2.Ou 4.73. 9.7a�19.30 n Your xubcolmm�ttee [u \hom Hua refereed the OtII ................. 1 11 2.n0: 4:fu' N.7n118.001 resulntfon of ,alderman Van Slyke, regarding lOtII..................i :bu(r. 2. r10 I.iril 7.tl3!] 7.00 the ndvlaubfll[y of cons[ruSting nnudlIce upon tar market honxe Props ly respectful" JOHN \t". ItOC[I};, _- -- � p rt, tont t the request of the Italrmau It t'It)• ('omPtrulier. your committer. ana without expense to the -ep1. 30, 1Still. t•it)'. y(exara. fiilbert.l Taylor, t11e urehitecta PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 399 ,hose .lase is It 649 Endicott Block, St. Paul, This market house property ha, long been an have kindly fu ohdad with no :approximate ye -sore to this city. The building itself tsar In - hall, of the cost and a diagram of the plan looking, poorly constructed fid unsuitable and section of such a building as would be re- building for a market house. The floors am no a aired for an auditormm. constructed that it is almost impossible to keep Frwa this it ¢ppa•n tn¢t the a -pease o[ Lha it cleanly; the uindoar, and ,radia so that it nstruction of "Ila fu. ditio,ito the difficult to have it light. Tho floor need for a co of rem. 'ng the press t aeket 1s eo high above the street that many buil,jsxry expense customers are ted from e,,t,,in the build g, would be from S8m,00u for o a, Proven g iug capacity- of 2.iuu persons t SI iii,- t g. and when they do enter i[, it is so unntLrac- 000 for one ...tha senting cntpamty of 3,000 per- Liva that they ­ hey .% likely to hesitare to come gain. So that it seems to 1 that it is very If it ix desired to cover the entire proyrerty desirable to abandon this building its a market and ase it to the best advantage for the purpose house and either remove It or permit it to be of an auditorium, and stores In those Parts not nn d for something else. It i` in itself almost n limited for anditorium purpose,. the approxi- r is d It has been n y expensive one. ante estimate of cost ie S2io,000. n Ul t. the year 1883, there had been e.. ended I W, -turn beret. the estimate m1 plans of n alts building $98,607.111; .80,000 f this Messrs. (i filbert S Taylor. marked Exhibit ••A " omounabu loi raised by hoods, which have uev - for your consideration d. been p Your suboounmittee are of the ion that if )nor ous�deuru the "pensei` f the salary It when it is considered that the city 11 opinion is Llpe ken ter, bteh Snit Ofl year. the unl c city In the }Pest that lou+ deemed It a n part o[ the exp ase enc t he ket house. y- to c tutruct n auditorium of the them neve[ III Aeen y leu [he total - nher:u•[er here considered, that. it Is not. probes- ceitpNs oto' he t nrkret House have puh the a- ble ilnt , ndeuce to larger thou [re 1 the merest ora [he t,taudirtg those which n ret already r supplied, will ond' din 1887 there was I deficit f S•2, be ,app]led, by the Peoples �hitrcn, Sai1.18: to 1888 tbere I, a dehwc of x8°39.31: the ola'na hoaxes ts, ,constructed and the carp- in 1880 there was a deficit of 51.282.:37. it.), will be ueedeil in the city of et. fool more Ina very short time now' the lending sauce+ of than lour or rive times in n year; that the tux the Income of the market house, to t: the levy lms already been increased for the prrsrltt rent paid by L. N. Scott for the use of the hall year: that there is no money ¢vn.il,aLle f r tine as theater, will cease to produce anything. construction of this building, and that the and the deficit will m ant up far .love what it bonded Indebtedness of this ity ix already bus been in the mast. o alarmingly Inige. It i no[ ¢dvinnhle to either Tae 0eorge H. I.nlus Furnlshhg .t putt)' I., nstruct or consider tate tinnitus of toner tact- proposes to expend SIO, 000 oh this buildln(f. ,jig all auditorium on the market house proper- to make it presentable and aetremtive, both ry at present. 1 ,a;utotrc and within, and to atbu,h and owrry ud-\Ir. Mutt of Boston 11,11 ylessre. (;it- u poi that c rner a w'h,lesnie i d retail bort € Taylor, his architects, make the full oa- lou furnishing store, elegwnt in all ate ne- ing proposition to the city arith the view to run- Pointments, supplied urth the beet and most ting w d coustructfug you this Property a attractive articles in that title, and generally of t urket house constructed of Iron, ansa role and I the character of the well known "Brodatreets" Floes, with ill the modernconvenieuces :and run- � it, Minneapolis ring it as n pri vats enterprise, t. [vIt ; Your coutimittes are confident that the ae- A. The city to lease the In ul to him for nine- reptal- O('3be I-positiml of this Company Ly -nine pours; I Lo build and impn,ce it once. will remove the burden of a defieft of at least B. No rent to be Paid until Ire receives IU per 54,000 n 1'rar on the average for the tient ten enc on his investment, the city thea to receive ", w [he hnad]I he ofythe market house, and the next 2 pqr cent; the next t per rat to be , tnrnsit Into n human, for Ithe benefit of the equally divided between him and the city. and city, besides Changing this p operty from for- nll over the 14i per cent to go to filo[. bidding and unattractive bI flding to a beauti C. The city to have the right to Purchase theIrl, attractive and prosperous', store. leas - at an Limo, apportioning the rents and I'll, theory of a central na ket, where 4be ch -es. and paying for the lease the. total cost Citi,<n i of a ity are et prrnosed to gather and of the bafldial . ,. th a per cent , rest tom rtlPase their suplelle,� h s -t, dvocates pullmted oat yr:arlt) tt+. �rltt It the Icadhlg uud 't orrosper 0. if ut the eml o[ Itve years the ala estmelt on, •Utes of the NA' t it 1 , b -'u. does Ilot i t 10 per cent on it ! dosed. \Ye are laforned that there is an such fit.!\Ir. \lutt to be It librty to change it foto central market int the eft,- of Chicago, ..it we do e other form. n t think that [hn w'ants of the pie of this ..air The city to burnish a,at- free of charge cit ccau be sat islnec.ril y- supopliefiby such n and I -Y no taxes ou this property for fifty t n kIt. Phe great ,,[,loci tp 1 our people are Years: s pp0ed by it,, grocerystone throoahoult Lhe Third -The I;c.rge H. Lalns Foruishlm etio t- city. ami the central market and the restrictive c ny- offer, to ren the market honxe f Llte ordf mantes bout It. io a opinion, rinse the icy for the term of ten year, oil the hila wing price It articles purchased by u leopls anal terms, to wit: Said •omtlmly to pay all ex- I prevent theta from being eupPited through thele penses Of keeping said building In repufr, all In- grocers with the best and freshest vegetables aurnnro and all coats and charges for the heat- and other articles usually sold at markets. ing, lighting and ( rutin t [lienor; all local as- We therefore recommend that tine propoeitiotl se'aments proper))' canrgeable to the real ee- of the Oeorge II. Laine }'urnlsbing compmay be tate on which aufd buliding IN situated, mid a accepted by the city, and Lhe proper .dicers of Mit of 53,000 per annum for each of the first I the city authorlmd to execute a lease In accord. flvr yearn• g0,0 0 ptr annum for the sixth arim therewith. WALTER 11. SANBORN. and.-Intli years. ami 57,000 per amlum fur .\Id. Nulllva t moved to Mer said matter to the•igbtli, ninth and tenth ,curs of s id term, the committee on streets. to DaY sail rent tnoutltly, ninl to ex end In per- Aid. \'an Slyke moved ns an alnemiment that annum hn pruvementx uu anid bufldP g the xnm tau entire report be reh'tbd. of 510 110[1 during said Ilrst five years. .ldopted. 400 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. Yeas—Aid. Banholze , Bfeleauerg.[:onley,cope- I By :Aid. BielenLerg— Innd, Dobner, Domiden, Gehan. McNamee, Resolutionfor becterser,Irr+.I+ 1•;ul of st.paid _. )linea, Van Slyke. Mr. President -11. . City lhdhr;av c anY ul. 1-ui cersit }- n,enue says—Ald. llott, Costello, Fhaalrnu, Alehady, and Rondo stye t iinrs. snllivan-5. 1 , I, oitt(•e oil streets. Aid. Suilivaii s nutted as ,lloetlded Ilan I By Ald. Gen+ln— theteupon adopted. [resolution nnirullillg proceed jugs il. Matter of Yeas, 1u: rally.,:Aid. Bfelen berg -1. •ending and xurfuemg Third str,-t from White The report was thereupon dnlxred rejected. 'ltravelliieenue to east city 111nits, a tteae oil streets. OfCumml:[ee oil Ordimmces nod Public Ac- Hy Ald. Dohner— oats— Reports exanifae(t— Resolntfo" lotifyfng St. paid City Railway Comm a fttee has exminud ai ed ufoid correct outplaay that It will be held to strict perfornl- reports of inspector of buildhlgs fur July. 189,,; _ alter of contraact with city In matter of con - clerk of municipal court for August. 1890; chief strucfinu and operuth,g street. railway linen. of PORm for August, 1890: of Pouodln:u,ters Itefrrred to rt 111Ittee oil streets.' Pruni, Ilinkel cad )levers for :\ugost, 11911: of. 1'raa—:\id. Bielenberg, Rutt, 1;o tlrY, lwtpc- bo,ard of control for Sep temper, 1890. brad, I:os[ello, Fla ndrail, Gehuu, .l1 illrx, snlli- \doptrd. van, \':m Sl yke—1 o. Of Comndttee Ill Gas—Resolutions for lamps as Nays—.Ab Iiaubulum. Dobner. Doctlidra, >Ic- follow,;: Nana•e, }leind)'.president—a. .11d. eullivxlt's. Fairview' and Shields nv l e, By Ald. \fcNaa,ee— ete.; A1o. Mehtdy's, Daniel street cad Indiaml I Re—liltma, providing that pay of laborers oil i'Ve eta.; Aid. Copeland',, Mississippi aur] ; street force be hxe(I a ae ent-1, and one -lull streets• etc.; Aid. Copelund's, fork cents per hour, the pay of other employe, on Stsect NWC streets; \IU. Copeland's, Look Out street force to be red u(•ed proportionately. etc. reet; .Abd. Colalmld'w, Decatur street, etc: .\Irl..i Lost. Street; Yeas—Aid. Banholzer. Bieienbere, Mott, Ccln- Bid. G%al's, \l'lk cad M er,'te :streets, etc.: Ald. Geheui s. I•;Ik soil Acker, etc.: Aid. Dorgf. (15 ,Dobner, Dorn.den, (:Chan, Mcsamee. Mrhr- street.7effersO,I avenue: alk,rehnn's, JAid. slobi I UY. Y s `;Tyke, Mr. Yftx• President— street; resident— street; :114. Dobner's, \Volker weans; .old. Dob. .., S—old. Copeland, Castello. (�Idira, lar'e. Tatum nn(1 1(1 Milmhn attests, etc.: Alit, ilea kid. . McN, : llobaer's, I'nsry %cad Miles streets-etc.:.\IJ. Me- I }tr AIU. \ICNnu,ze— lu y's, Isabel street; :114. C !aud'S, I•;dgertoa Resolution fi.ciug 1 it iwl a Vnce of pat}' for street: Ab .y}ela(ly's,Orlenua and B'a, 111gereta; 't lett force at not les.1 thaull a e itee•n ,lad Tm- Ald. Bielea berg's. Chatsworth hold y(e}cetat}- hilt trots per hour, ami +aathorizitlg board of streets; :\Id. Botts, White Bear avenue, etc.: publfe or Wait efts rnghte'r to if, ami deter All]. Mrhul y's, Bidwell and Delos stats. ae pay of street tone, ete. Adopted. (See revolutions.) a A motion to refer ,:aid r solation to cummit- 13Er.0nTi (11 -.11AL (011111TTF.F:9. i tee Ina waysad to Il, bed, Of Aid. Sullivan—Report of boatel of public ]'ens—.Ud�tcopelaud, Costello. Isla broil.Sul- orks—yelper oil (—hilid slid \Vabnsh ave- liyna. Mr. 7'rrniJene—;. N:a)'s--.\lit. B:rnholzer, ]3irlr,+bely, Nott. 1:on- l'ommittuesubmfts Iival order in said foal. ley, Dobner, Uorniden, GCLnII, }Ic'Namcr, yle- ter. lady, \Ifge:a, Yna slyke—17. Adoplr+l- .,re order to board of nllblic Th(• nuesti— then being ill a the a,loptioll of works.+ "lid re.,.i, I"' the same wxs amt adopted. ebr..t.vnoes. Year—Aid. Bmilmlrer, Bfslrllheryl, Bott, Con - Ordinal, }nw ley, Dobner, 11—nidea, GOmn. McNam-, Afe- Aa onlinm+re was read chuugiog name , f lady, Tinea, Pan FI}-ke-11 Moore street to Barclay ay street. � Nays—.AI4. CoPch I Costello, Fhaudrnu, Sul- Irules suspeade+i ol+ motion 1) ,Aid. BOte—yeas livan, Mr. President -5. 711—au, , dil+unce real necolld time ni 1 Aid. Sullivan moved to rroosider the vote by panned. I Sere llrelinxn Ce No. 1,-119.) 1< w'hie•It wan adopted a resolution ;authorizing the An Ord ivance was rid-8180—favor Nlargaret board of pn'Ule tror6 to modify the contract Cody. for con stntetbls� M W w'ny aewery on I;leyeland av- Rnlex Suspended on motion of ala. M91en— eau •, etc. yens lg—aod '_B ¢d second tln,e nod Adopted, yeas 10, nail en td revelation was re- passed. (See Ordinance No. 1,42u,) (erred to the aldrrillan of thn ward. .Au ordflmlav was read authorizing Robinson Aid. Dobler •e(fro proceed to eoilaider .Ye Cary company to connect brick building with lists of judges oftehe tlon; as pre—ted by the Third street bridge. lit I roam of the ward. Rules suspended , I rn tion of Ald. Flaudrau All.. lo,b 1 moved, as as an uha,llt. that —yeas 11; nays. Aid. Bauholzer, Bott, Costello, the First ,card be taken up first.t Dorniden anU Mr. prealdent-6 _all U ordinnn(e Alit. Dobner accepted e¢Id umenUlneut. aJ Second time nnU passed. (See Ordinance 'Che yueatioa then being roan Ald. Dobtter's No. 1,421.) notion, as ended by Ala. Grbau, the same An Ordjomice %%as read redistricting the city w adopted. nt for election pu rp oaee. 1'enw-14. -. Miles suspended on o+otlon of Ald. Gehat,— Nays—Ald. CopeltultI null Costello -2, yeas, to—and ordinance read a •o td time and I A resolution appointing judges of election for pissed. (See Ordh,ance so. 1,-122.) elle election f Nov.4, 1890. was thereupon Reeolutfons for lumbi, as follows: adopted. (See resol utioil.) By Aid. Sanborn, St. Clair street; AI(i. Bfelen- Ald. Dobner asked the privilege of sayfng that berg , corner Anrora avenue nil 11 eckaLlu he had been nuthorimd to state that the Demo_ street; Aid. \Ifit-, stairs on Banerolt street; I eratle county committee had Tiot asked favors, Alit. llelady, Nater street; old. Cullen, entrance In the matter of appointing jud6 s of election, of Standard hall on Eighth street; Ald. Copeland, any the. aldermen. Lookout place and •1'errme street, tc.; .Aid. Themntter of the proposed vacation of streets Batt, Slate t,, lit enm. It it node Itenney nail alleys in \facnlester park, advertised to be streets, etc. heard and considered at ch Is time, was post- Commfttee oilel". poled and adjourned nal fl TuesduY, Oct. 21. P HOCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 401 189(1, at 7::30 , Clock 1•- nr. at the coancil chamber fu the c:ty hull. By .\Id. sauLorl-- Resolved: 'that the hoard .1f puhG, , i'k.s be Th, � idem c:Ule,l the vice president to the nal f hey are hereby lle trusted to conatnmt n '.h.,(iulring the discllssfon as to app.int meat plunk sidewalk si.v feet fl width 1) the cart Sfile of judges of rlerrion, of Mil" stn•eI. from Selby aI ,me t•. 1'.,T11 — yt net. ' pnurnxeg ergswlrs lusobtrurvs ru¢ r.assAr, F:. By Aid. y O.dy— 13)' :Aid. SaIlLoru— '1'hnt ResolvrJ, That the buarU of public Works be I Resolved, the hoar) of public corks en inscnwtrd slid cause to be baiU a eight -foot n U they are bvrcby Instructed to lay :a ,coudelt tot wooden Sidewalk on tb; west side Riddell ;idea'alk six hart aide on the west side of Chat, - street, from Dakota li—lue to Baker street. to orth street, from St. flair street tel. rood ave• - ¢ether with thets---ry cro..saa lks. nuc. _— 13,':114. \linea— ; fay Ald. ed,Th — tens d' d, 'float the board of public works Le Resolved, That the hoedn1 ul public works bc• I justructed to lay it ix -foot sidew:l:k oa'both V .tad it. t hereby i a lk to curie to be laid a' s' 1, of Gates street. Oakdale ;u,enor t„ %V,,od- (I Ii(iry :x-f of noodeli sidravnik east uud west ride ble st yeti. A Dhio street from twabel tst sect to the son[h ' city limits, toeethrrttith the three -s; _ ro,. B1 Aid. \linea— walks. By aid. 110.dy— R„solveJ. That the city CnF II cr he and is IterrL}' fllstructrd to lay a three-phulk sidtro'ulk on ill' west sjdc of l3rowg :t eooe. froln Wini- fred st oast to l'oo�,��+s street. a By Ald. Stilliv:all— — Itewolved, That ill.- board of public works js hereby iuetructrd to cm+struct. n six -toot "'oder. shIC..Ik on north side of Mxrxhull a -los, he- twrell .[mow and Prior avenues n•sl.evtivel}'. By Aid. Sulliv:an— Resoivrd That the I and of public works are hereby aothorl"d ", ooltstruct;r six -loot woo+i- ai I—alk on the south side of 1'uive-rsity al', C, from W heeler t o Lynnhort ;ayeoues. By Ald. Ilobner— R,-1-1. Th nt if banal of publfe works he R-1-1, 1 hat the board.J oaLhc work- L ustructed to lit n x loot si+�ra'a Ik + hot .:ides ,f syduey atrect It Ink,.- a.'ur to Iiy .Aid. ItielenLelg— liesolverl, That the city rogil+ecr bc. and pc Iv hrnby directed to cause. tel lett sjdewaik to he laid oI. the west side of Kice street f -olll s Ila. nit :a i r r to Iglehart street. e I,t ,ch.•rr Bach Is already By Ald. Sanborn— Rr 1-1,'1'haL [Lr hoard of public irk+ enc block rf levo Ik. uh the s Tr tidth �asutbxt 3;oa.,trueted in fogc of The ]rop- rrtyof if estate of \Pashingtou )I. �tee•c, to be luIlstructed on the south Dile of Gra..d a •enue. front of the property Lear•eu the said `prop- erty of -d etees+Gtd Floral street. rod the a s hereby lost rutted to cense la plc .\ld. Sintbor•g— xix400t wooden sidrwlU k, with oinhle crows- 4trsolvrJ, 'Phut the bon r.l ul folblic , arks y.rlkw, to he laid on born +ides oY Cheltoil ave- t w :a Cement pluck atdew:al k, of Ali sa u+rwilith no e, bet were PH,,r+oal Puin'iew' st, ellues. ae thlat opposite t11e idiojiliitg praperr y. [o br ns[rueb•+I oII the eotat:l :ids ul Dayton a By Ald. S: Ilbo' nue. froth+ Fareington aveom• to VilFlnulaveutle. R-1— it,,. boned ( public works exrep+tw'hrre cemmot sidewalk or stone sidewalks ruse a pbulk sidew';dk six feet wile to be con- n• :a i,•:a+ly constructed. atrleted opt the 'oath aide of Grand n — froal Vwtoria atrZ a easterly Ii(l tett. Cxtep[ Drdlanla Care w. where such Bubo alk I,stalready amstrtetrd. Ry,\Id, Co prinad— Orta....... No. 1.111). Reaoiped, That the Lund of public a rks .\t+ Ilydio:�we hanging the na,ae oI Mu r, c nae a threat•-phlltk sidew'nik to Le laid ou both st oast to Ba celuv street. sides of Fred Street when• then is nous already ,The Cut un Cuncil of the Cii c'ot St. 1•,nil do laid, from 131Irr street to the slid of street, a dis- ordain lits loll, Lance of alroui f:;,,lll three• boadred f(rt. set•tion I. Tltntthe naluc u[ Moore street. to Deaslow'+ renrrnngement, pe :ofd the sxna•1s By Ald. Copeland— Ila n•LI changed to Hnreluy Slreet. Resolved. That the• board of public works s C. 2. This ordhlunce ah:dl take effect nail •sure all sight f8) loot w odea silewadk to be be in Torre ho,n and after Its 11��nblication, laid on both sides of Jenks St met. from 1•:deer- 1'enw—:Aid. Ibtnholrzr,• HlelmtLerg. Bott, ('oII- ton start to .\reads street. Iey.Copelanef, Comedo, DoLaee. Dortilden, Flan - draw Gehlltl. 11 CN.nlee, tt\leladp, \(igen. sulli- By Ald. BiO-b-g— n, Van .Slyke, \Ir. President -11i. ha Resolved. Tt the boated of piddlewbrks : `P—sed flet. 7, 1800. r use w Six -foo[ , oo ten sidewalk to be laid, - o. O. fthLen, pi"idrgt of Coum'i 1. with netts+x y =den alt Alli w xc ,file of .Apprornl Uct. 9. 1890. Argyle st ret,rfrom Froltt street to [he right of IrnnF:nT A.S}Ig player. wav of the Northera Pacific railway. .\t test: Tlms. A. PRE\gERGoit, IIty clerk. Also, a thr—plank sidewalk on the east side Oct. 1:3. f Dale street, prom Como avenue to Minneapo- 116 avenue, fntti—s'cE No. 1.120. Also, an right -foot Adewalk, with essare An ordinancro e apppruting money for a d Crossing,, one(ii the went Side of Itice street, m et, froI directing the payment to Margaret ('oily of the Maryland to the right of way of the Northern sum of 51:10, pursuant to report of Cl. mantes prci9t• rn it wa v. uuteI"ho.. 44r2 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. The Gutnnton —Allied of the city i f S[. Paul do The Fiftl ex. Zion district "1", f the Nir..t ,vnni at orda l I as follow,: v ant ,tore ono Cxae street ND. 611. action 1. Thxt nn order be druwa upon the The Sixth election district of the First ward city treasury of St. Paul iu favor of Jf usrRnret at vacua[ store on, Payne avenue, Pio. s2i. 'ody [or the rout of $130 in full corn Ven niion The seveu[h eEectiou tl(strict of Lhe First word for and satisfaction of her clad. and demand at vacant store corner Arend. and Afugnolfa : gafnst the city f St. Paul for expense , and streets, 1081 Areade. lamnges incurred by reason of accident fu The Eighth election district of the First ward hdln c O.. a defectfve sideWalkn011 Sleau —1 tit vneant store corner Sims and A rade streets. ,tree' Jan. 2. 1 Hill), r , by Lhe report of the tom- No. 900 Asada. t Ittax• On elninns to the common council f dale The Ninth elmtion district of he First avnrd the 7th day of Oetober, A. 11. 1S9O, will oto ,at the vacant store ant PnV,I, I'veone. No. 1806 fully near; said order to ha denvered only The'1'entlt election district of the First ward upon bee filing ,fill the city controller full uud u[ vneant store coruer YnYne nveuue nod look absolit'a receipts to the city in sot iefnetfott o[ street, NO. 1049 Payne avenue. said claimor denia.d. SECOND W'van See.2. This ordinance shall take eff,et and •Che Fion irst electdiatrict of the Second ,vuc�I lrein force front I I after is publication. a !tasting, avenue, near I:nrl etrert. ]'ea —.kld. Rauhoira Hlelenlerg, B tt t'ol, O The Sreoud election district of [he Sccoml ley. Is'opehtnd, l'ostedo. Dobner, 1lorulden, , rd tit No. •:(17 lines avenue. Fill ndnur. Gabon, McNnmee, \felnd Y, )nneu, Ward Third election dixon,.tmet of the Second n 1...ed Van Slyke. \[r. President— I. d rut corner Fail, xtreat:tod )torha nvenrne. I'nsaed Oct. I. Iriff ll. „The Fourth election district O[ rite Second Cr. O. t1' , 1,1 ,President of (:Douai. o d it No. 808 I::ist Third treet- \pproved Ctct. !1, ROBE as The Fifth election district of the Second ward Itoaettr A. .'..vital. Phtyor' rut Mnn;nrrt .arca•[ police station. Atte., t: 'I k. Pnf.SDEIDI.,sT. Pity Clerk' •1'be Slxth illection district of the Second Ward tet. l:l. at No. 7'1. -1 in—lotha xtreet. 1'he s 'tit e•Iee•tfou di,tric[ of the yecond Oamx.t.Nrs: No. 1,1_1. a'd rut No. 1104 East Seventh ,r eet. .\o tlydionoce unthorm n, the Hobiosoo .a a:nry vv I`Ine Eighth electinu district of the Second ntpco u xty Io nact a otick building with tin,,v+I and at c nr I hml an't d ell streets. Third naarouro stxe[ bridge. The Nintltelectioln district of the Second ,aril The ('oGomtci) of 'ane City of St. I'Dol do at l'oroing Clay works. ordain as Colinas: The Tenth election district of the Second ward u t. Penni„ion nod + otl:ority in nate- aL Harlington Heights cumprtny'store, Newport by given umI granted to the Robinson &. Cu'y The to ronne t u brick at hone r bout xv'Phe lileveu[h election district of the Second tot he call ai' 11 I by aid c( In otrelot one (1) of sell at aorllmst Corner xfendntn uml Fre- Ua,aoa's r angeutent of block weedy -nine font street., f : 7 ynnuitrt aD:tytorn'. nddToo to St. Paul, titan WARD. x'ith the' 1'h irdl street bridge: such connection t0 The First ehn;tion (](strict sof the 'third avant be made under the su pre vision and inxPec:iott of at Smith Park. ,at aide of Sibley street, be - the city engineer. I tw-1, Fifth and Sixth attests. See •1. 'Phi, o t utce shall take effect uud The Second eieetort distrfee o[ Lnn Third trued ha�I, force Cron, tad ,tit,, its passage and put L- ;tt southwest corner 071ve and Sixtlt ,treats. lirntioo. The Third election district of the Third word Seas—.kill. Bielarbere. C aley, Cofeh III, Doh- tit east side of K(tt,on, corner of Sixth. Ivo. —Y'. Flnndrn L tlrhnu, }IcNuaneu, Dlehad V, \lrolai ! 119.. Sulli vats, Vnn Slyke—I1. The Fourth election district of Lhe Third \vrtr[i N.ya—Ald. lhutholxer, tiff I, C,stealo. floral- at stet side Kittsolh corner 1•:ighth treat. den, air. Yreaidrni=;. The Fifth election district DF the Third wont Passed flet. 7, 18:10. - 'tit northeast corner Pro. and Eighth streets. O. <'rt.t.I;.N, i,i—nient of t.ouneiL The Sixtlt election district of Lhe Third ward -\ppro"'I ret. 9. 11390. at west file of Sl bley, between Si sth and Sev- Honeur il1n}'or. el tit attests. \'text: Tln,a. A. Yte.Noamotxr. city l'lerk. 'The Seceutit elre[iou district C[he Third wont Iret. 1:;. at rest site Rosabel, bet—, IJigi It rad Ninth streets. IDIDINAs— No. 1.122. The Eighth election d(strct of the Third ward Atit Ordinnoce to establish air rix Chu places � tit- No. u87 Rrondway st rest. of holding the election, fit a+II the election dis- eonrtru wA to tricts of the city of St. Paul. I The First election dfatrfct rof the fourth ward The Common Council of the city of St. Pard ¢t Metropolitan hotel, No. 331 Washington do orduhn a., follows: street. 'action 1. .\Il gene' 1, tR:adcip:tl and sPecinl 'Pae S ud election district of the Fourth election, ire the several election dixtrict. of said avnrd ut old city hall, corner Witeloitgton and city shall he held in Inid districts ;at the follow- Fifth streets. hag platen: The Third election district of the Fourth ward come W.tan. at north side of Fourth streaLbetW'een Cedar 'Che Feat election district of the First Ward and Dtuneaota, lot la, block 19, St. Paul p oiler. tit .mond lot from corner Missfssfhpi sud Thit. The Fourth rIc tfou district of the Fourth teeutn,toeet. on east aid, of Dliaal.si tp'street. ward at 117 Robert street opposite Rynn The Second inaction district of the �`lrat w. rd hotel. ,It v •ant to roar Brin ley and North The Fifth election district of the Fourth ward street. No. i�!).i BrndleY. +at north West corner of Sixth rand rWar street.. The Third election district of the First avnrd The Sixth election district of the Fourth ward tit vacant stnrr'�e orner Bedford and 11-ator tit Armory hull, south side of Sixth street, we.t tit reels. Ivo. 03'11)ucatur. of Exchange ,trent. The Fourth electfonn diatriet Of the First lard I The Savmn th election di.Urict of the Fourth .at v.nennt ,ton•, Nu. 064 Min,i,sippi st rtet, ward at No. I I t Smlth li—nun, liartenu block. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 403 'rhe Eighth electinu district of the Fourth and ul ]f nett building. southwest r Ex- The Thirteenth election district of the Sixth ward tit northwest corner of I:-1-1 street ami <1haage in St. Peter streets. NO. 4970 St. Peter Anita street. street. 'Che Ninth election district of the Folnrth ward a ­ _R w. m. The First election district oftheSeventh w'nu'd at southeast earlier Cedar street ami Tench tit No. :164 Dayton ncenne. street.The T'Tentlt election district of the Fourth ward fte Second election district Of the Seventh Sutuft'a- 't [rd at (nrpenter Lookout. Cornermv al i t Robert street. Sherin building.lo 'I'llI•:leventh election district of the Fourth'. t ue Rod HDO—y street. 'Ihe'Thircl elretion diatrictoC [he Seventh vt'arll IRI rd+tt northwest coruer Robert ,all Twelft It e r (l o klund anti Grand avenues. atteet a. Th Cwelfth electinu district u[ the Fourth The Fourth election district of the Seleuth and rat No. 4su Selly it"nul•. ,a �•1'he nett ,a[ t.1 Inude building, rtor[Inen,t turn St. 1'a•ter and Tenth streets. [ Fifth election distre[. of iht• Seventh ta'nnl at No. d91 S Ill}' nveuue. e1Fru lv The First election d(atoicttoC the Fift l: 1141 r,l,ut Thr.Sis tL'."'ifo It district of the Sc yalth wurrl at Nu. u_1 Selly a curt 230 West Seventh street. The Seventh Iectfon district of the Sevantln L'he Second elec[i on district of the Fifth ward at northeast carver Smith utenue and I'henttul •ted rut No. 9tl tuft, street. t(-•7'Ir • Ptgh th electinu diatriet 1' the a call: elna•t. The 'rhfrd lretinn distrwt of ate Fifth word + r \Vett Seve th ,lull Walnut et nxe[s. ..',ted u[ r uetlnves[ earner f.fncolo xvame null I'' 1'ie[oriu .tact. Etrnrn wino [t'eeta rt+t eti—Wel for Fr Fourth �nnun The First elaetiun harrier of the Eighth 11—al at nudct at Fifth district the Fifth ward nt it .\. I'oirier's broonn, factory. NO. '190 Louis The election of :ISS }\'est : e-entn street, Thr Sixth election df.tr,t of the Ffftl. avard o,, street. The Second electfota di—ilt of ill,• Eighth 'cl RuWeu'n aha Nn. 21.: o'—t 1 -cath nn reel, bet,veen .vl rlioal:to ltnug. Ina at,—”. Dnw'au a's block. The Seventh electinu district of the Fifth W -Dell Int enr1K•n[er V. vault street. 1 The '''bird election distriet of the 1!iglatlt wird :IL coruer Ith .Dont and Bonhl lin, \:r : t )late • s No. .171tondu street. tit . K rs .gar' , rhe Fourth district Eighth f F The Eighth election discrlot of the Fifth Wvr.( at 9N9 \Vest Sev-entln street. election t „tI ted n[ southwest connrt• Kent n Ii Aurora The Ninth election diatriet of Lite Fruit Word u'llnUe. Fifth election district. of the F:ltihch ,v ted ut he West Seventl street. The Tenth lana dixtrict the Fifth Wnrd t I— Gerl eh'a carpenter shop, No. '166 elect t at rear n( s!11 \Ven[ Sav nth ,tree[. The F'Iaveuth heti a, district of the Fifth"a'll L'ntEversity :tveuve. T'hc Sixth elaetlout dis[rirt of the Eigh tb ,a d t six West S_.tb,tnet. at .Ioaeph ltosent7nai'a, corner l'Imrlen Ind Mu - It The Twelfth election district of the Fifth Wart ntnh ro' a .nth election district oY the Eighth at 925 West S-enth street. 'rhe Thirteenth e1e tlou district o[ the Fifth aril at\ S1aerLnnte ncenne, uorLlt .ride, betareenn arbor mint Ward. a[ corner West Seventh street and Lore ah and M n. I?Ightlt district of alta Eighth atuThe Fourteenth ele[•[ion district of the Fifth The election ward uc Leonard Louis'. No. 01 Edmund ,a nod tit earner Randolph and Jlil ton st meta. street The Ninth Orelf al diatriet of ube Eighth Ward The FirstelectiondistI I.tric•.tt[aof the Sixth Word at ]Valliant Eseh'., coruer (:nano, Farrington roar at northwest corner, of )fuse+ street crud Fair- Min all steer!.. The Tenth election district of the Eighth ward field avenue. 'Cite Second elation district of the Sixth acard 'fit souttW-est corner Kent unit ]'nn Buren :It 143 South W10"ishn st""'t. Sixth sirens. The Eleventh election district of the Eighth The Third election district of the ward at soutbenst corner of Robertson street and Ward lit southeast corner of Marion uad Front Fium a av nae. The Fourth electinu di.—I,t of cite Sixth ward st eats. The r,elith election district of the Eighth of northeast corner of Fenton street 11m1 Ken- t .rd at A. Jor- milk dupuf. coruer Front still to, ky street. The Fiith election district of the Sixth 11 Id der streets. ri tlnTh. Thirteeutl! election district Of the l�th at uortheavt cotter of Phao nceare- nne and l:vn old tit Patrick Egrtu's cigar store, street.t ue, cut railroad etoxxin:,. 'Che Sixth election district of tine Sixth Wilyd tit nortio—teorner of Coloradost—t rad Par- 'Che First electionn}district of the Ninth want nett street. The Seventh election district of the Sixth Ward ,tit soollenst t•ornar 'Pilton null St. Yater i sou tbexst coruer o[ Soa [1. Robert street and Is Lel trees street.. The Sec•ood eiee[iou district of the Ninth Ward The Eighth e1i,ltfoll diatela of tit(- Sixth Ward a t northeast corner I'ent rnl nveuue and With. - liteouthivest corner if State street and Its - aha street. born street. The Third election disit let f the Ninth ward The Ninth elactioII district of the Sixth I%ard at Tent4rerance attvct, West side, between Grove tit northeast coruer of It a 11 even ne anti (: eon;e ,all Thirteenth streets. district [he Ninth avnrd tract The 'Tenth election district of the Sixthma"I The Fourth election of tit—Othe,st ranter Ul trim[ and Thirteenth at 546 (thio street, south til I:gorge .tent. e Eleventhwo cof t\loxtonriet of streets. of Ita;aiditL'Orfe nrdFit c'ornar sttreet�rxthintd tit nnorthraat�voatarr �Momnotl .\ir}nit Hall nveuue. The Tw r1ith election dist vier Y the sixth street.. Thr, Sixth election district of the Ninth ,'aril and at southeast coruer of l)xk li le ¢vent tit lot 11, block 20, .\anion .l' Sherhnnrne'H addi- and Pa., street. tion. r, 404 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNUIL. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 405 The Is,-ith ele,tiva district of the Ninth By Ald. Sullivan - ward at northwest corner Park and l-niversty Resolved. That `he grade of the following avenues. streets, between the points named. is Indicated The Eighth slec•tiull drStrirt of the Ninth ward by the red grade lines on the -.in ppunydng gro- at K. of L. hall, Purl: avenae. betweell Lyton tiles atuJ nv recommended by the ity engineer, at d Sy, n Imre streets. Is and the same ore hereby inicided as the e. - The Ninth election district of the Ninth ward tablished 6-1- a ` t southeast corner of ,Jn,keotl nods talo Fairview avenue, from Smit a-lue [o streets. yon re 'Iarshxll avenueint The Tenth election district of the Niru, wartFairvi,%l avenne. horn lata a%emte to St. :at No. 991 Cortland street. (1air street. The Eieventh election district of the Nintln Yeax-Ald. Bmlhtd-, Bieleuherg, Bott, Cun- ard fit sunif amt co+ner hive +ail Mngn Iia I ley (+,l �rhlml. (.oxtelio, Dohner, Dun,iJeu. F'hu, stints.ma. if, Nx nee, yf elady, Millen. Slllli- TheTtrrlRlt election d"tt•Ict of the Ninth wardStoke, }Ir. YrexiJent-I(3. ;it No. I1] Martial street i 1\p{n oo„I(let. h, 189U. The Thirtnroth III, tion district of the Nmih - ward on \-xlley.south side, betneen I': arms and By AM Iiolt- Warren,trects.Re-iv,d, Th:tt the grade of the lolluwing al T4::;TII - wr'.a1 n. less. ,aa hldirntedl by [Ile red grade lines oil the The First eleetiuun dislru t,f the 'Tenth \\'aid. , •c mprnyng pmlilea. and ax recomn...1ded by not to be placed next to engine bons, ,I, east the city engineer, be ,all the same fire hereby Si[le of Asbury uvenne, bet w',-rn 'I': actor nVwtue i ad upt„t ax the established grades: and Hewitt avenue. \Ileo:: No- 1, No. 2 and No. 3 In block 2r.. + The SI(on! ele,0 n, distri,t of iIi, 'I'm nth wnnl I'Ia,. Webb,', snndivixiun. Arlington Ilius addi- at Hamlin• ('itiren CWiun hall, \\'rale}' xveune,' ti, yin. ell illg. .\II,•y in fid,!, . It. Weid,, sandwWo n, block 27 ul ImThu 1'hinl shvIiuit (list r,t of the Tenth front .\r�ingtan foil, addi;:iou. t engine house lot.rm nerhec mond null I [it I'll, Wens -All. liuunol,.- Blelrnben:. Bort.Cou- den nveuues. le}'• I'opebanl. Costello, Dohner, Dorn Iden, Fla), The Foarth election di. -b -t of the 'Tenth ward :. ,Iran II, I�ellnh NIrN:tows, }fehtdy, Alln n, snlli- nt Iia Yless noenne and I;,at Northern railway. ! via. 1';"r Slyke, Mr. Yrrsident-l0. near St. Anthony Pi rs ,tation. .\pproved Oei. 9. 1890. ?t'E\TII 1 - Tht• First el,stiun dlxtiiit Ud it,r I:Irvrnnl In By.ud.IluLm•r- rd at ,me, ant, Il,ve•ban : l•e n r. betw„'n Ite'oi ved. That tl!e grade A the fulluwinc Chdcago. Milirauker A. St. PaIll Shurtu lm• :nal st rest and alley, between the points named, ata S[..\nthoan -ocean,•. lot 1, 1i -k I, Nlerri;"nI --led b - the red •ra'Ie tines on the ¢cemn Park Foarth nhlitinn. W'anyh,g I,rtrlllex, :I I 1 xa recon mended by itis The Second election ,liatrict irl the 1:leoen[ta�,a.ito engnerr. bemnJ [IlealanenreherebYarlopfelt ud at police sn Lstatloln o t I'riur noenne, be- r;s "t h, c.t nbl'hed grade: tiiseen Uukln n.l and Feroni:ll :ai rinlul•', In Cniuln . un psonl :a veu m•. (ruin ('hnrles stmt to Mill Park. - m•hnlna at erect: TI 'Chita ele,t ion �I-A, of Ih,• l:lroril[h .\Iles is block til. mt. Anihuny I':nk: dditlo,l: .rd ,it southea t , onn,r Aslrl:, cd nua,l 'n )1b, Sl,npsull .tamale, fell, it paint :3 ;:t..l feet from it is The F'uur[II rlectiuul Jix[ricl „f the l;leventll the north line of Taylor av•nr. to the south word nt Old Reserve town bunu,r. Sneiliag ave- line of the I:rent Northern rniiwny right of way. er l;nnlol ,In at rest. fens-Ald. Banholrer, Bielenberg,liott, Conley, 7 �('o,elatel,Costello,Dobner, Dorld-leu, F'lanran. Sec.ear c\Ian urdiuun+•s inu1 sistent frith thu Ge�tun, MCN once. Nleludy, Miami' l iauea. Snllic;In, A'nu provisions o[ this urd inranceun herebyrepealed' SI3'kr, N[e President -Ili. _ e. •3. flux urdiic'mr'hall take effect from X{tprot-ed Oct.!), 1590. and after its passage. Yeas --OJ. Iiunhulirr, Bielenberg Bott. Con I3 Aid. lfielenbem- ley. ('o},eln nJ, I'ostello, ('ulnen, Hubner. Don+i- Y den, F'Ixndnta, I;ebwn, ]Ie.Nnnrre, Melody, Sulli- item 'Ived. That the grade of the full -wing b Van SI}-ke, NIr. Vice President -Ili. at nets, hetweell the points named, Its Imitated o Passed Oct. i, 189n. by the rel grade Innes on the ¢ccoat lay, n6 pro - .Jos. >hv-e.i. Vice 1'res.n'it o[ Connril. (ilex and as recommended by the city enginter, he .\pproveA Oct. 11, 18!10. tt I the sante are hereby adopted as the es' be O. U. (VLt.E.w, .\cting]hayor listed guides: Attest: 'funs..\. P¢ESI1EI(I mr. Oty Clerk. Atwater Street. fro,n Western noenne to I%nI Oct. 1:1. tier street: Ferri agcou avenue, from Sycam,n, Street [o ltesnlutinnx. Frolnt .Deet: F3Y AW. Sullivnu- 'lb Wg street from Weiten, arealle tu!Ini,l Resolved, Tnat fine fn Bowing Witt, as all - by the plot commission and n s recom- mended by the city engineer be and the some are hereby accepted by the ronuuon council of the city of Sc. Paul: Dulverstcy sabditisina of lots 1, 2, 3 and 8, Hyyde Pxrk, Rxmsep count}-, Nl ilnn.: MaClintg's sabdivie.ioa of block (F9, II -en ,F :Jackson's addition to West St. Paul: Dore's addition to St. Paul; Isixnd Park addition, St. Paul, Nfiun. Yem-Ald. Banholrer, Bielenberg, BOO, Cua- ley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Ilorniden, Flan- desu, km nu. Mc= me, Melxd}'. }linen., Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President-lli. :\ ppr, r.. , I Ori. 9. 134!)u. pP tier street; Burgess street, from Western uveat ,c to I:aul- tier street; Gaultier street, from Sycamore street ro At- water Street; S }-exlnorc street, from Farrington avenue to Gnultioe Street. Tema-Ald. Bnnholmr, Bieleuberg, Bott, Con- ley. Copeland, Costello, Dobuer, Dorutdeal. F'1mldrau, Gehmb AlcNumee, }Ieln11 'linea. 'ullican, 1'an Slyke, Mr. Preaielent-lu. Approved Oct. 9, 1890. Fly AIdBoft- . Resolved, That the bade of the lullow'ing street and nIlevs. between the point- named, Av iudicuted b}the red grail, lines on the areoni- "Ib, sides of Bradley street, across Case pamre nyu,g profiles, and as recommended by the stet; - eity enueer. Le and the some are hereby On the rt side of BradleyBradleystreet, acrossrn ullnpted us the esutulished 6ndee: York street:us Thorn street, front Mound to Earl: On Uotlt sides of York ,tr,,t across [;lurk illey in block 1, Sehurmeier's Seventh Street stmt: addition, from llope street to Arcade street: On both sides of Lookout place, across Ark Alley in clock 2, Schnrinder & Evun.x' addi- w ()I,tttt tet`est nom st side of Terrss,.e street, across Yeas-AId.Bitnholrer, Bieleuberg,Btat. Conley. York Street; Copeland.Cnatello, llobner, Dorniden, Fl ndrnu, On the north side of Lookout place, across ma,, .+(c5amee, }felady, Nlinea. Snllivnu, Van Terse, street Slyke, '11'.President-l0, Uu both sides of Terence stnY�t, :u rola Case Approved Oct. 9, 13394). street; ro (In both sides of Lookont place. ac ss West - By Ald. - lRen- Iuinster stn•et: Resolved, That the grans f in, aIle}' dun block On the west side of W estalinster street, acro',. 12, St. Paul proper. ns indicated by the red C'nse street: gouts Ih,e on tbn se-alpnaying protile, and n flu tUe west Side A Arkeeight street, across ended by the city engineer, be and cbe Case street. s¢nixnlirreby adopted as the estebliI's IKole. Yens -.\Id. Banholur. Biler,Ilrg,Bott, ('on.- Yenn--Ud. Ituulml-, Birlenberg. 73ott. Cot. Icy. Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Uornideu, Flma- 1e7. Com•IanJ. l'cstello, Dohner, Dorniden, Flan-! `lnnittYnuU;n'�Y'�e,l>Ir.t President ali;.Nfine,a. Sulli- drau, Gehnn, NleNn a" }felady. Alines. Srulll Appnnved Oct.9, 1890. - - vnn, Van Slyke, NI r. Yrrsident-10. _ Approved Oct. 9, 1890. By AId.'Is Ofy- B}' AId. ('upelua,l- Resolved, Chit the city engineer be instructed Resolved. Thu[ [he rade of Allry-s Nos. 1, 2 r,. build u crosswalk on the cost side of Anita. gq �t r:,2 uemss Ruble. + :and :i in Charles WeidI'S subdiol Sion of block ; 1-sus-AId: ltxuhotree, 73(eleubei'4, -Bott. Con- !den,5. Arlington Iiitlx addition, and the alley in .1. Irv, CopeluaJ, l'oafrllo, Dobner, - Dorn - R. Weide's subdivision of block 27, Arlington F'IauJr;n, Gehnn, A[cNnmte, N(elndy Dane", - Hill, addition, as indicated by the red grade Scllivn n, Vnu Slyke,AI r. President -10. line oilthe accompanying profile, as recm- Approved Oct. 9, 1890. ended by the city engineer, be and o the scone is hereby acloFF,ted mat the establlshed grade. By Ald. Nlelndy- Yeas--Alrl. Bmill.1 r, Bill-Im, Bott, Con- , Itesolved, Thnt the city engineer be and 's 71 nticleu der o ley Co}relwnd, Costello, Ion • I hereby Il,scracted Lo Uulld uu pprua.ch on the Fluuclnn, i;ehnn, D[cNamee, Nelndy. }tinea, l east side of Oakdale uvenne and Belvidere street Sullivan, Van Slyke-, Mr. P silent -16. at an expense not to exceed S,o. Approved Oct. 9. 1890. Yells -Aid. Bnnholrcr, Diclenbetg, BOLI, Con- i Icy. l;opeland, Costello, Dobuer, Ilorniden, F'lao noun, Gehxu, McNamee. Melody, Mines, Sullt- van. Van Slyke, MS.President-10. Approved Oct. 9, 1899. By :\Id. Bott- Re-1-1, Thatthe city engineer be and is hereby iuxtructed to port sni¢ble grade u Bin•.h street, from Maple to Faster street. 1"ens-Ald. B¢nholrer. Bielenberg. Bott, Cou- IeY. Copeland, Contello, Dobner. Donulden, F'Ihndeau, Gehnn, Nle\¢nee, Mostly. Mince. Sullivan. V it Slyke, Mr. President -Ili. .-\pproved Oct. tl. 1890. fly kill. Conley- -Resolved, 'Ph;at On, cit} m,gintrr report : addle for the ¢Hey in block cavo (2), of Hopkins' ition. ]'ens-Ald. Banholrer, Bielenbeig, Bott, Con- ley. Copeland, Costello, Dobuer. Dorniden, Fbtndntn. Gehnn, M \alter. Melxdy, Nlinen, Sallivanl. Van Slyke. Mr. President -10. :\pproved Oct. 9. 189". By Aid. Nlelady- Resolved. 'list the cit}- engineer be nd is hereby instructed to port a grade on Ricer- cieir ,avenue from Belvidere street to Page street. Peas-Ald. Banhol.r, Bielenberg. Bott. Coll - Fl on�l tri ml,nxu sameDen niriaag p nae': Sullivml, %'xn SlyLe, Air. President -10. -\pproved Oct. ..1890. By AId-(apel¢ud- ltesolved, That the city eugtneer be nod he is hereby instructed to cause crosswalks to be constructed ax follows: On the hest side of Weide avenue. across Sells xt ort: lay Aid. Bott- Resolved, That the city engineer is hereby uI- structed to build two catch basiue oil East Sev- enth street at English street. Peas-Ald. Bxuhol-, Bielenbetg, Bott, Cou- lee. Copeland. Costello, Dobuer, D-ilden, Finndnau, G; ran. }1cNamee, Melody, }Ml.a, Sullivan, Van Slyke. Mr. President -]a. Approved Oct. 9. 1890. R}' Ald. Bielenherg- ltesolced, That the city engineer be wind he is hereby linth.,ized to expend fico hundred is ".10) dollars to strengthen the Como noenne bridge over the Great Northern rml,av sufti- clent for the electric ours to go over; being puri of eight hundred ($800) necessary to complete this work. Yeas-Ald. Banholrer, Bielenberg. Deft, (nu ley. Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Donn dda, Flandrau, Gehnn, Mc, ane, Mela,Jy, \fines. Sulliv,au, Vun Slyke, Mr. Yreaidcnt-1 I Approved Oct. 9. 1890. 13y AId. Bieleube�g- Resoldirec et tdt the city eughlete be and lie g hereby le iteet to ,ny n culvert noose F Carbon ton avenh tr the lowest point betioeen Carbon and South streets. ]'en.s-Ald. Bnnholrcr. Rtelenberg, Rntt, Con- lev. Copeland, Costello, Dohner. Dorniden, Flan dram, Gehnn, Mc\amee, Nerdy, Miuws, Sule- vaI I, 1'an Slyke. Mr. President -10. President-10.n Oct. 9, 189x. 404 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. Thr S euth rl-thn, district of the Ninth 11,Ald. Suliivna-- ird'[ nl It heat eoruer Park and C'ui verwty ltesole-ed. That •he grade of the .olio „'i..g It-,, between the points named, ns indlen tell a The I-ithth election ,hstrict of the N.n[I. n'nrd by the red grade limes on he neem,. ponying Iso - at R, of 7.. hall, Park avenue, bx.:ee.t I.ytou files anal nn recommended by Lhe r ty,engi..eer. ♦ d Sy,aon.re Streets. be and the su,ne are hereby udrd.ted as the - The Ninth elecib,o district of the Ninth „'nrd tubhshed gr¢dec: nt l:ootheu.t entmr ej a,ksou and.i unn Fairrien' riven m .Clem „ . fro'it ., t streets.„ a \Davhnll :t The Tenth els,tinn diatri,[ of the No til ,,;,rI Ir,tir,'i„�ia„n.e ho.,. int„ .,, enei to sl of No. 991 , lrtltnd s t'Ixt, street The Eleventh elect onetlin[rirl of t`Ie til ]'e --.\Id. Bnnh..1-r. Bit•le'n,rg. Nott, - arJ sunt beast eod.er Rice :u+.I Mag,n list ley, e��y,chn.�l. (nst,llu, lone, Dur` ide... Plan- et-Iill'o snlli- et,P h,nT -itth'Iection district �,t t)Ie Ninth ,,.ad \':m yl: r. }I r- 1'resid,nt-lo. at No- 111 }tactic[ street i-�A l., y. dello. 9. 18x0. The Thirt,enth ,lection dtstrict nithe N I - ward o.. \'alley,s nth si,le. bet-, I on,dn n'I II B\ All, Itett- R'urren ndn•cts. yl<r�oly,.l. 1'hu [he ad, of the .ollowi,I, al- "' le-. s. „n in�licatrd by [h, n•d gr: b lines ,a the The l+i est eh, tnol dislrk tteI In, T,ol h \\'ard, , e mp:m ging prnlile., and :tri r coded b} b ooh to he pltred neat to "'gine houw- nn east I th, cit}- , gineer, br ; ad the s ore hereby side of Asbnrya"nal. bet „'.r.. Tayb.,i .teemteey adopted as1111te'st,blii.ed grxdee: and Il'sritt uvena,- All:: Nn. I. Nn. 2 I I No- A in Mork 2- The Se old eirction dint rice nl tfi, Tenth wmal l'hn,. \\'ride's nli lr,li vis:un, .\rlitlgtol. dills add . i- ct finn.lim• ('itiiens' l'l,iell hail. \\'rally :tyro m•, tio, . uellilig. i\lAP,}' n .1. 1;. 'ek s Sllb,bvWon. block 27 nl la7'hs Tbin,lection trlct of the'1'rulll \anal A \rli,,gtun Bilin ndditiun. ;It e..gin,hoiuselot.r01' net lila �'.,.uml:tl'IID,.n I� 1-,•:.�-.\I.1. Ibmhnlser, Blelenlere. Bott Coln den nveuucs. 1" . ,'o pl n a-1. l'nst ell., DobIg, Ilnrn ideu, Plan The Fonrthel,Ctiuu district .f the '1'enha'-I Ill: :,h,t M,N+aae, Melad Y.,moan, SIMI- ut lin ylrss avenue and l rent \ort.,rrl. railway.'. .. \"a 1. Tyke. Mr. President -1 i. near St. Anthony Pat., stati,uy `-a\i'VI•oyc,l Oet. , 18110. Th, First election dlatriet u'1 file N:leyrn 11 i by.\ll. I.nhurr- rd at test s'd, t'leychmd ye ., • betw,en -lies ed. That it:, garde nl the fulluwiug I`Itticxgo, \li: \io_kee S rt. 11, Il silo 11lt lu.c ami sl r,rt and ,d lap, brt„e,., the• points mimed, a St. .1': ,, Int 1, Mork 1. ylerryo nhc ed l,r the red..i, lines . the:[ � Park Feorth addi[i""'idiles. : 'Ire tiled bythe 'The yr rid el -O!": distri'l'.1 the I:Iri,uth �� r, hound thrs:n.'`n re herebpalopted rd at Polic,• nobs[atio.. c , 1'ri ur ,Cyt n.e•, ba•. t 1h,l�"lah!;s,I,•, I gd'le: wa Uaklanl ,,ni Fcrnni:�,. :.\,nn., .n 1'.,ie... lu psu.. ayr'n•. h.nm I'Icrlen +tlmt to \lin- t ark. neha ,,deet: ['h, '.hir,l el,ct ie+. .ham: ri,t of tl, N:I,yentl. .\Illy in Aleck ll. St. .\uthu,.Y I•a rk :ad,lidon: a d at soul hr.nt cel......\.bland :n,l Sm•I; I.g .� n. Pse. +a yr..u,, front a pnlut 31M, 1 feet fron. •till a Fu. It 1.'Irctiot 'll-l''I of til, Flea tth the lilt line of Ta}ior ..n,, t.. the soot.. rd at Old Iteneri-e'[o„u hoon,. S'ellirtg ore- Iia R'Ih, l: teat Northern •aril n' a Y loth t.1 nay, •r I(u'dnlpl, stre,t. Ye:-41,1.Boal, of ser, Diel- be 1.t, Bot I. Coulup, nea"�\limurd;.'n.ers . ..Cstent ,lith til, C'o ,elxu,l. ('onteilo, Uobner, Dornideu, Plaudrxu. of thin unliu:w. Ge, .\LNamce Melody, Millen. Sulli,-n n. \'au Pro,iaf.ne a - herehyee",•alert cl l'k,, \[r L'reaid,nt-Ili. d. Phis ordinal,, [shall tnke effect fron. .\pp M,, Oct !1, .89(1. :a II niter its pussag,. Yens-Ald. Banhol.rr. Bi,lenberg Boat. cam ley. Co1'elund, I' tcllo. IY.IIen. Dohner, Dodri- fill.\I:1. hirl'nbere- den, Flnmirau,,;el.m,. }IcNa...ee, 310.d"S,,Ill- Itesel red. 1'lmt the grade• of the iuil-ing Vua Sl yk,, Mr. \'ice President -1(i. st-els, heti,'ee.. he Points named, as indtented 1-11 fens Va (let. 7, 1890, by the re,l Krude tinea on the nccoml,xaay.,,g Pro- .I.s, \lyra:,\, Vice L'residen nt ('n,,aCil, fil,•x „ d an recon mended Ay the cit}'eugi.e.•er, be .\PProyeA Uct. 11, 1591., and the ..m.. ore hereby adopted nn the entab- O.\ding}Iayo ;old goad,.: Attest: Tuo...\. Yna:a m:,,oasr. Pity f'Ierk. .\t„a,le, at reel, front Western ny,oue to Gold - Oct. 1::. tier st rea•t --- F'urrh.gtoa n\ a Inc. from Sye:an,en street to dt,nolotions. Ira. It sO'eet: BY Aid. Sollivnn- 'Popping street, from We-Ase.:,,'enue to';at,[- Resolved. ;nul- Res i • d, Tivat the fol7oning Plats as ap- tier street: I�ro - d by the Plnt c mm(sslon and nn reco I. Itur_s, street, from \Vesw,,, alma,,, to Iinul- et dad ny the ,icy euglneer bl, and Lhe same tier scree[: am hereby accepted by the eonnu.a council of (ioultier street, from Sycamore street to .\t - the city of St. Punk water Street: University Subdivision of Iota 1, 2,:1 and 8, i Spcnmore street. from Farrington avenue to Hyde Park, Ramsey county, �Iil.r..; niti,r st cert. MSCI unF s nbdivideo of block Ti9, Brown k Yeun-Ald. 7mnholwr, Bieleul,rg, Bett' Con - .7a kso d'I tion to .Vest St. Pont; ley. Copeland, Costello, Dobuer. Dor.,ideu, Dole's addition to I. Paul; F1ar.,lrau, Gehnu, \IcNamer•, ylelady, Mina. Island Park addition. St. 1'natl, Miuu, 'ullii'nn, \'nn Slyke. \Ir. Yresiden[-10. Yea.-AId. B¢nholrzr, Blel,nberq, Nott, Cuu- .\Pproved tint. 9, f89U. tey, Cu Pelnnd. Costello, Del art Dorniden, Flan- drau,Gehan. y[CNnmee, Melody. l linea, pull iv in By.\Id.Bott- Van.vlyk,,Yrrsident-1B. Resolved, That [he grade of file loll.wing Apprny,•.1 net. 11, 1891., street and ,alleys, between the palms n. -d, n. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 405 indicated b}' the red gr.de lines on the p[Yyit^g P-olbl be nttdd athaci a en+dadre h ieny ��dopted u. the este-fished FFrad Thorn street, from i)llooll to k:arl: \Ile}- in block 1, Seburmeier's Sle-th Street addition, from Hope street to Arcade street: Alley n oloek '2, Schormeier l E'no, addi Y•n - on.a-.\Id. lhinholrar, L'lelenbelx,itott (-Dole)'. -loo, Doh'er, Dnrniden. N'htnrata. .n1,Nat "e. \Irlady, \linen. I..Ilir+n.. \':,n cl �'kr11•yl r. Prenideat-ill. Art'oyed Oct- BY Abd. I nllm.- R `olyed. Th of the toad, f il.e alley ill block 12, .'t. Paul p aeP' ialic,tcd by the red rade line nit til oc olaintnying Vroli le. curl the e ceded by the city engilteer, be nod I. le- eby ud.Pted asthe esteblished guide. Tale. -AId. Bauh.1 erBalenberg. Bott, l '- ley, I:nrAnod, ('tell,,, i I er, D.1inden, Flan- drnu. Gebau, McNamee, }.,loll-. \Ilam. S,dli- van, Vail Slyke, ]Ir. President -11.. Approved Oct. 9, 1890. By AId, C.pehu.d- - -BesulveIf That the g_l, of Alley' Nos. 1, 2 rid :1 in .'hurt- Weide's snlelwwwa of mock j :a5, Arlington Hills audition, and the alley In J. It. R'eide's suhdfvnd- of block 27, Arlington Hills udditinn, as loth+acted to the reit grude line on toe nccoutPnuying Profile, a retom- I1. On hot It aides oI Bradley strtt•1. a,I onS Case street; on the cast ide of Bradley street, acros.., York street: On both sides of 1"ork ,tree[, across (:talk Street; O.. both ides of Lookout Place, [cross Ark - �right sttvet: t'Ot tie w t sble of Terr , street, are,.,, York street cr et thea til side of Lookout place, a,ro- Un hot side. of 'Terra re 111-,..9.. nn- ['list Onbothsides of Lookout plac,, ua loss \Vent Un the west aide of \v''sr d -ter street, Heron, C'S, street: On the „,t Sid, of Arkn-right street. acres Case street. l"ens-Ald. Baanholser. Blel"ohere. Boit, "no I •v. C,I, and, Cost alio, Dobuer, Ilornideu, Flno- dru Gehan, McNamee, Mcmdy. Mine.. S.ali- a�\'n,, Siykr, Mr. ['resident -Ili. cnApproved Oct. U, All By :\Id. Me 'd .hat the city ell6dneer be instructed to build a er ss -11, on the east side of Ault;, street act... Bobie. Yeas-Ald...... lzer. Blelcubcm, Bott. ('.I, ley, Celadaud, l'os[rll., Dobuer, Dortideu, Flnndrau, Gelian, McNumct, Melody, Mine',, Sullivan. Van Slyke, Mr, President -Id. ended by the cry eugl1 - bt• rel. t to eume 1. '\PProved Oct. U, 1500. hereby do pied' the established grade. el'ex --All. Banbnlrer, Bielenbetg, 33ott, l'uu- , BY Aid. rd. That y nee leyy. l: bold, Costello, Dohner, Ilornideu, � Lereny Insrolo,d totl,uil le lityuu ag1PPr.utt•h and dthe o= l;.a lyra JICNunae. Mehuly, \linen, , use side oI Unkdnlo avenue :m etllBrlvldere street Sullivan, V. Vie, Mr. Ptesol'. -]a. I at un r.p se of to exceed 8:50. Approved Oct . 0, 18M1' Yens-Altl. Bunholz,r. 13te1cabe1w. Aoit, Cox -- lay. Copeland, C'nsteI'., Dobncr. Dornideu, Flau- By .\Id. Bolt- - Resolyed, That the city engineer be ,a II is hereby instructed tor Port u ,,,liable grade re er Birch stet. Iron Maple to Bster It met. Yens \Id. Bxuholier, Nieluntmrt. Butt,C:on- IeY, f'oPelta'd, Cos[elie. Do brier, Dornideu, F1.ud r+lu Gehan, M, I - \[,lady. \tinea, Sal ivun, Van SIYke,'it. Preshbo -li;, A jTj-oy,d (let. ll. lidx. fly At,l. Conley- R,sol" I That the city- ,ntiverr •port a (le for the nilly in block I,,. (2l, of Hopkins' load dditiou. Y'eus-.\Id. Ba do,l- Rielenberg, Butt, Con- ley. Copeland, l'osteho. Dobuer. Dorniden, Flnndrau, (iehay. McNamee. Melad Y. Mine', sullir:an. Van Slyke, Bir, Yrenideut-10. A ppe.ved (Jet. 9. 18911. - By Aid. MeladY- Resolved, That the city engineer be "I'd i hereby iustru,led to report agradeon River- - ' arcane from Did ldere street Lo Page street. Yeue-Ald. Bauh.t.r, Bieleuberg. Bot'. t" ley. Copeland. Costello, Doblter, I)ornideu, Flandrau, Behan, McNamee,)Linen ,Sullivan, Vanq. Mr, President -113. .\I+proved Oct.. F 1890. By Ald. (a p1l"I'd__ R,sol%,,d, That the city engineer be and he is hereby in trueted to can- crosswalk. to be nstracted as foil ows: least it the west side of Weide avenue, across Sans st n•et: draw, Gehan. M \ranee, Met ly, Mines, halt iI- . Van Styke, Mr. President -I 0. Approved (let. la, 1890. By Aid. Bott- Itesolved, Thut the city engineer isber,l.Ia,- e,tla.d to build two cutch basins ort East- ast 'ev- er th street :at I:r.glisl street. BOLL Co. Yeas-Ald. Ban 1, ,,, Biene 'r, Dornideu, lev, Chisels-], Costello. o Flmadr.n, (enn, McNamee, illeludy. Millen, Sullivan, You Slyke. Mr. Yreetdent-Ili. Approved Oct. 9. 1890. By Aid. Bhd.ubcMg Resolved. That tau city engineer he cul he i hembv vs iboriied to e- pend two hundred (.5290) dollars to sir. ngthen the Como n c elt t for\ -the a ,ct rl' r ars tst o go to over; beings part of eight hundred (5800) neteasary` to complete this work. fens-Ald. Bnnholser. Bielenberg. Bott, Con- ley CoPel¢nd, Costello, Dubai- Dorniden. Flan drau, Gehan. McNamee, Meludy, \ftnen. B ut l n Ivan, V,,Slyke, Mr. President -14i. Approved Oct. 9. 1890. By Aid. BWeliberg- Resolved, That the city .leineer be and le Is hereh)' din•cted to .a}' n culvert across Furring. ton „venue nt the lowest point bet ween Carbon. a 1 South streets, Yams -Aid. Banholler Blelenbem, Butt, Coin lav, Copal and.toe[ello, Dobuer• Donaiden, Fla. drab cehnn, ]f Name,, Mr. Y. yf i.leea. Sulk- y cnA l,Van Slyke, Mr. President -1 x. pnrd Ort. 9, 1Rf pr1U. 406 PROCIIEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 407 By .Aid. Snulm•u— Resolced, Trait the city engineer cause the rit trance to the alley, where it enterss pon )Inc kubin street, m block 8, of WoodlandPark ad ddtlot to ;t. Paul, to be Paced with ceda. blocks, from the corn to the properU' line. nt ui _pease not to exceed 82x0, eus—Ald. It.. olzer, Bielenberg, Bott, ('on ley, Copeland, Costello, Ir, rbner, Dornideu, Fl uu -Iran. Golan, Mc\anter, Melady, Mimed, bulli 'mi. Van Slyke, Mr. en Presidt-16. Appoct"d Oct. I), 1890. Byl'ol,eland— Resolwed, That ale corporation attorney fe hereby instructed lo notify for oruer or owners By :kid. Copeland— Resolced. That the gasoline l ini, conttd,tor be and he is hereby orderer) to erect al),] main talo gasoline lamps as follows: One lamp on the southeast corner of Missis sippi and Geranium streets. One lamp on the southeast corner of McMew envy ami Geranion streets One lamp In the middle of the block Win— Mississippi and McMenemy on G --mann street. Yeas—Ald. Banholzer, Bfelenbeig, Butt. Cun- ley. Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Uor)idmn Flnndrn;i. Geh¢n. McNamee, Melady, Mlinen, Sullivan, V:ut Slyke, Mfr. President—Ili. Approved Oct. 0, 1S9o. of powder and dylounitc houses located be. By Ald. Cupeland— [ween F.dgertoitxtrcet on the eastandArk- Resolved, '1•huf theeasoliue lunnpcodraetor aWright etre( ( ) the w 1, Conti and Phxlel) be uml he ix hereby ordered to erect and s venue oii the (south uud Milmenpolis avenue titin one gxeol1, clump on the southeast corner n the n o•th (seven of them In all) to be re- I or York slid Vale streets. ted w1[hiu tltirtS (8U) dab's. Yeas—:lid. Bauhofzer, Bielenbetw,Bot[.....it'*-' ��nThe said poeder nd dynamite horses are n Copeland. Costello. Dobner, DT. Bi h'lni- �:on.t¢nt source of dread to pcolde livmgin that draw. Gebnn, MtcNnmee, Melmly, Minwt, Snlli- vicinity, dud theynm a ntenuce to Iifa dud Pro[.- can, \'nun Slyke, Mr. President -1 ti. ,• ty. 1'lu• I:eople tins thoroughly aroused lit Approved Oct. 9. 1890. this mu(((st, mid um deternehied to have thein — ei owed. They are n del," meut t. the Value of Bc .\Id. ColsJaud— ul estate and lludrunce to the 1, 1, pme it Itesolce,I, phut the gdsolius Imnp contract(:' - of that pm•t of the city. be and he Ix hereby .rdered to erect end .mdn- Y'eas—Air).Banholzer. Blelenberg, Bott ,l:onley, full) one gasoline Tamp on the uu,tl nfde' Cope had, Coxr llo, Dinner, I)untiden, FlOulran. Lookout street. center of block, between \\'est- Gehuu, McNaunce, Melody, Minea, Sullicnn, Van odulstur eu4 AL Iwrf dlt streets. Slyke, Mir. Prcnident—lo. Yeas—.01. Ba thtlrer, BiOenberg, Bot,('onley, Approved Oct. I. 181.. C'opeluml. Costello, Dobner, Uoriddeu, Iden unto, Gehun, )ICNnmte, Melady, Mlinr:i. "UHt �, \'xu Slyke. Mlr. Pm.Wr�t-10. fly Aid. Salinaun— wuA p{oro"ed flet. 9, ]590. R-1ved, 'Pott file street nil luuo, contractor — r hemly authorized to erect ami undutedo 13}' Aid. 1Mi,nberg— street oil humps In the foll."Ing Imclex: One Rexolcc-(i, That the unsoline c nt r+utor he it,- rue;- the wort hens! corner of Fulrvimr nn.I shields strutted to pines and uudnOsiu +t lnup o. ths• u the east side of Fal—an avenue s. 'f rorurr of Ml nrdn laid Dla<•kubin ,, cent I: of block Oct—, Shields and Pulver- street n; nitY avenues; one oe west ride of \Vin else stye- .Mrd remove tlw nue now ut the tit, list corner e fu cru ter of flock between University and to the northrant cornerof Martin uud MDmkubio Shields nvenuen; one on west side.f Beacon sve- streets: :n •mater of block between University and Allo place two Imups on tine south side of Shields( venues: one on northeast corner of \tit rket sheds, one tel) feet west of alley and it, Cleveland all(] Dayton ncenue.; one on corner telt feet runt of alley, b.. twecu Willasha and St. of Dayton and B'flder avenues, and one oil Peter streets; northeast corner o lmytonslidMoore ncenue.; I .11so one nc each (o dud : to lu centeS of :dso nue on southeast corner of Dayton and each blcck ou Stinson est met, from r::udcier to .}moe avenue.: one noath nide n[ Uuyton \M'ester� uvenur; t enter of block between .\mos street Also one It the southwest corner of Idle :unl dud Fi irvi avenue: enter tie on eontho,st corner l'li urlex st rest; of Uuyton and Fairview-�ocenhes. .\Iso one :it the southwest corner of Date :tn,I Teas—')'. Banholzer, Bfelenberg, Bott,Couley, Ildmoud streel. :'-Wood, Costello. Uohner, Doruideu, Flal)- lens Ald. Bxuholmr. Bfelenbere, Nott, Con - Iran, Gehun, McNamee, Melud y, Minae, S•ulli- ley, t'opeland. Costello, Dobner, Doruideu, Flat, - n Van Slyke, Mtr. I�residen[-16. drop. Gehxnn, MCNnmce, Mtelady Miner, Sullivan. w xlpproved Oct. I), !890. Van Slyke, Mr. President—Ili. BY Aid. Mlrludc— Resolved, That the street oil lento contractor be unit-eted to Idmc told utdntxfo gasoline I,mp.ns follows: One gasolinetop fifty feet west from the southwest e.ruer)aof Daniel street and lodiaun ,t Onelump at south corner Ethel street and In - •If to evenne. -' Ouile Imnp at northwest cot'uer of Mose. street o d Indbo,a aver ue. Yea.—:\ Id. Banholzer, Bdelenberg, Bott, Conley, ('opeluod. Costello, Dobeideu, er, DornFlan. •Iran, Gehun, MfrNamee, Melady. Mitten, Sulll- von, Van Slyke, Mr. Pre.l den t-16. Approved Gct. it, 1x90. Apposed Oct. 9, 1890. hun— ReeUl 1. 'Plotthe gxsohnecibe nntl ha is hem)}' directed to place Iniop. mps nn.. follows: One of corner of Elk and Acker, one on corner f I:Ik and Bu,I and two on Acker, between Bnrtnlo mal Elk. Yews—.11d. I" It Bielenberg, Boff, C n ley, Copelunl, Costello, Dobner, Dornideu, Fluudra➢. Geban, McNamee, Melody, Dlinen, Sullivan. Van Slyke. 'Jr. Presid,mt IC' Approved Oct. 9, 1890. By Aid. Uorniden— — Res'—d. That the gasoline Imnp coltrm,t.r . pistce a lamn oil the it corner, at the foot o Jeftetreon acerae. Yeas—Aid. Bawd olzer, Bielenberg, Bott, Con- ley, Coeeland, Costello, Dobner. Doruideu, Flat, ,Iran, Gehan, McNamee, Melady, )linea, Sulli- van, Van Slyke, Mr. President -10. Approved Oct. 9, 1890. ByAid. Gehan— Resolved, That the oil Innnp contractor be and he is hereby dine na to place lumps ns fol lows: Three oil c,st side of Mississippi street, between York and Jenks streets. Yens—Ald. Banholzer. Bielenherg, Bott, Con- ley Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Dornidmt, Flan- dran. Gehun, Dlc\unlee, Melady Mined. Sullf- Vau Slyke, Mr. President -1 o. t Approved Oct. f), 1890. By Ald. Dobner— --- Resolved,'Chatrileem:olins lump contractor be and he is hereby instructed to place a paeo- Iine Idmp on the west nide of Walker u erne, nt the intetroeetnon of said Wad ker avenuew !fth the right of way of the Great Northern Raflw.y "ompany. Yens—Ald. Banholzer, Birleuberg, Bott, Con- ley, Copeland. Costello. Dobner, Dorniden, Flan - dr ., Gebnn, MCNmnes, Melody. Mines, Sulli- van, %'a. Slyke, Mr. President—l0. Approved Oct. 9, 1890. flys Aid. Imbner— — ResUlved, That the gasoline Into p con, actor be nod he is hereby Instructed to place torzi ., Iant in the following�slaees, viz.: One at the northwest corner of 'Imam avenue and Minna - India street; one at the northwest corner of capitol ,venue nd Munnelialia street: one n[ the corner of Wheeler street and Minnehahn ,rect. Yens—Aid. Banholzer, Bielenbere, Bott,Conley. Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Dorniden. Flan. •Iran. Gebnn, Mctinmee, Melady, Mines, Sulli- van, Von Slyke, Mr. President—l0. Approved Oct. I), 1890. By Ald. Dobner— --- Re�:olved, That the gasoline I.e.mp contractor Ix and he Is hereby instructed to cruse u gaso- line lamp to be placed at the corner of Pueey nvenue and Hilles street; .leo at the corner of Fry street and Territorla] road. Yese—Ald. Baoh.lzer, Bielenberg, Bott,Conley, Copeland, Costello, Bobner, Durable., Flan- drau, Geban, McNamee, Melady, MDnea. Sulli- van, Van Slvke, Mr. President -16. Approved Oct. 9, 1890. By Ald. C esolopeinnd— Rced, That the gasoline Imnp contract., be authorized to place a lamp o: the northeast corner of Edgerton stmt and Hawthorne street. Yens—Ald.Banholmr, Bielenberg, BO[L,COnley, l Copeland, Costello, Doter, Dorniden, Flnn- drau. Gehun. McNamee, Melady, Mines, Sulll- n, Van Slyke, Mr. President -16. v Approved Oct. 9, 1890. By Aid. Melody— Resolved, That the street oil lamp contractor be and he i. hereby ordered to place and m tad.one gasoline lamp on the uorthweet corner o[ Orlenna and linker street. Yeas—Ald. Banholzer, Bielenb,., Bott, Conley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Dorndden, Flat- drau. Geban, McNa—, 'Jelady. Mines, 'all, Van :'tyke. Mr. President—lo. 131 Ali'. Blelenberg-1890. Resolved, That the gasolinecontractor be in- strneted to plies Inmps at the following places: One at corucr ( luttsworth anal )IcKenty ave is. One at corner Chatsworth and Van Slyke ace Oue nt eo_uer ('Imtswotth and Unfoa etmet. One at corner \IcKenty and Argyle street. One ut corner Van dyke and l:hurthill awe. nue. One at corner Lexington and (toys ."cont,. nuOue at corner L-ingtun and Van Slyke ant e. a e One nt northeast corner Cross and C.hurehfll Oison south side of Cont. boulevard, 150 feet from %orlon avenue. One on Lexington n"eime betweeu Cross ace- line and McKenty avenue. And nlso five linin ou Churchill —r u, In Como villas. ]'emu—Ald. Banholzer, Bieleobem, Bort, Con- )ey, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Doruide, , Flandr.u. Gebnn, McNamee. Melady, Mine., Sulllvsn, Van Slyke, Mr. President -10. Approved Oct. 9, 1890. by Aid. Bott— Ite.olreri. That the city oil Idmp co ntructur be and Ise is heretic Instruct ed to nluee and nnnlotnut o e gasoline oil lamp at each of the following places oilthe west line of White Bear venue, in the city of St. Paul, to aft: 1t toe intersectlou of the south 111w of Ke ,in, Brand, Keogh uqd Ames streets with said White Bea, averme. Also l lace oil,! at the northwest corner of Lacrosse uud Flundruu streets. Also one at the northeast corner of Amex street and Still- uteravenue; also one at the intersection of Flat)dran street and Still—ter avenue; also om- ut the northwest corner of harvester nod Still. water uvenues; Iso one on each side of Still- water nvetne I Ifwaybetween the rlght of any f the Chicago, St. Paul, Mliune.poli. X Onmhu IfwilWay tompum y Ind White Benr aveime Yens—.t lsl Imar. d.er. 79elenberg, Bott, Gou- ley, C.Pelanb C—lello, Dobner, Uorninen. Flan- druu, Gehan, WNtunce, Melady, Mines. Sul- livan, Vso Slyke, Mr. President -16. A ppro, 10,,t. 9, 189, t. By Aid. Melady— -- Revolved, That the street oil Innen contractor be and 1. hereby instructed to place and ..in - fail. one gu.oline lamp on the southwest corner of Bidwell and Delos streets. fens—All. Bnuhola-r. Blelenberg, Bott, C ley. ('.Ireland, Costello, Donner, Doruideu, Flan- drnu. t:ehms. McNamee.- Melady. Mines, Stith ,an, %'an Siykc, Mr. Pr•Bfdrut—Ili. A proved Oct I). 1890., By Ald. Mclndy— Re.Ulwed, That the St. Paul Gu. Light conn - puny be and Is hereby IoIItructed to place and lxintuiu one gas hall, on•the north stde of Isa- bel street, fu the utfddle at' the block betwceu Clinton avenue it Greenrood n"rn nen Yens—Ald. Banholzer, Blidenberg, Bott, Con - Icy. Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Dornideu, Fmildra. Gehun, WN.mce, Melady, Minea. Sullivan. Van Slyke, Mr. President -16. A pprtced 0.1. 9. 1890. 13)' Aid. C.-land— ltesolced, That the Gas Light cuuepeony be 1e- (Inested .ltd instructed to lay gas mucus, put in street lamp connecDons dud erect lamp Poet. on 1)eratur street. from Bedfura street to Payne rmrue, and thence on Payne avenue to Jesse - "I street. Yeats --Abd. Buuholzer, Bieleuberg Bott, Conley, Copeland. CoxtellU, Uohner, D.rli�en, Flandrnn, 408 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMt1ION COUNCIL. hue, 11e-1-oce, ]fel+rdy. Hine., Sullivnn, Vull I F -or 1,1111 III education, fur sch.ol 'ur SIYke, 11r. I'rexideut-11}. pone,, iuciudiug one (l) u, ll t , for the 9, ild, .\ 'Proved Oct.(o ust[ [ f ne school 1 buil 1 g' By Ald. Gouley - - Total .... .... ..... ...13.6U Resolved, That the cot mittec ou police b(• nd it is hereby ant hon,.ed a td directed to sell I at auction the Steve, heretofore axed in the For the Ntutb Asee-alcut Uixtrict (covering all of the property in New" Territory "It,' located ,Little lint - a ,till 118 -ounhips.an- 1). a. street substation, and .but the city clerk -' - be directedto give tmt,ce of sat, eine by adver- sem nut. taxed to thecity in Vt• year tAG), Mills. For rote I , d.-... -.... .. .... 0.95. Yeas-Ald.Babb.1-r. BuI,bberg. Batt, Cotdey, F•.rti ue 1f d....... ....... ._...,,.n5, l'o ,¢feud, Cona•Ilo. Uobuer, llontiden, F'Inudrxu, '.i F'orw'ard fund........_ ..................._.... _....... '1.30 ,ie�at" MCNumee, \leindy, 11ine:t, Sullivan, Voll Slyke, bur. P-Sident-16. I,url,oarn.. Total for city..................... 8.70 .\'Proved Oct. U, 1890_ 'Fur hourd f ¢duan tion for ,drool piir- odule Resolved, BY the ti conoid of the City poxrs, tocl nae 11) oiillt for the u. ('oust[ [i t sea I I building,_ -..:{.30 a t,!, I tit. pool that tax levy' upon each dollar Tot:) lu the ns essetl •nlim[imi of the raw nna - Cal mute w'nhin the limit. of he city fp5t. .._......_. - ..... ... . . ...12.Oo For he '1'ettlr .\xce.:xaa-ret dintrirt (covering 1'�uol, Ali, tx, for the Year1890 beantl the I Cll (f the Propert} it the � 1N Territon", ' lo - .n .x hereby ti.vea as folloaa's, a= r.' For the F'frst, Second, Tid,d, Fourth told ted iii Ite.era'e and McLean tou'nnhil' , all reeved to the city to [he scar i8A7), v j Fath Assesemeut Duldtict. 1.129 all of the 'ro PerLY nn the or'g ¢i rat, Second. Third. Foorth ani Fifth axed,)- Mine. For i.t f 1. For saner ul food ..... ... ...... .... G.45 Nilin. For interest nodsicking fund, to Pray iu- For.aurafund............................................ ..30 - to .t upon the bot dell debt and for [he ti.t of boudx ............................... 2.45 Tto I f.r etry burp.......................7.8G For board : eJmntiou fur school u I ur- .._ F'or rano 6.46 I, g -C genera _......_................... ..._- ,.. For w'ara nalta...._...._......................_....... ...to once. tvoludtng ou. O) mill tax Iur be Cave g.._... a.19 y.tatrtcu.nf '.tarot btrnaiii : Total I., city purposes ........................1. OU Total .............................. ......... ............ 11.00 For boner of education. for he.] Y,,S-Ald. Banhfrer, Biel,.batg, Bott, Coo- ' Dnp=., i[tcludiug one (1) mill tux for the construction of ueav school bulldfngs.......... ............. ............... ...... 4.00 ley, Coeteilu, llobner, lloruiden. Gebnu, Me. Namce, ilf el¢d y, bill lea, Van Slyke -12. Nxyn-Ala, Copelnu d. Fmod,au. Sullivnn, Mr. Total. Yresideut-1. Approved Oct. 1). 1S9u. Yor jhe. Sixth Assessment District (covering II 1 f Silh 1 _ a of t u• pro perq t c to ..x wur( ). a le.- Jlllls. For utteresc fund ....................................... 1.7:; For general fund ........................................ 6.4G For ward fund .......................................... 2.80 Total for city urposes........................ 9.50 Nor board o) education, for school purposes. including nue (1) mill Cay " for Cite Ituvo uctfou of .tear school hilildiags............................................ :1.50 '1' o t:d..............................................13.00 For the Seventh Assess meet district (covering nil of the pro{,arty to the original Seventy as urd, being tl�e territory none.ed to the city in the Year ]ASG), vi,...: Mills. Per interest itd.0.06 For general fund ..................................... 7, ,r, 1'.r aa',ard lural ............................................ 2.:IU Total for city 1u pones ........................ 8.70 For board of education for school par poses, in Cluding one (1) mill tel. for the construction of ueav aehooi bufldmgx....... 3.80 i Total.................................................... 12.00 For the Eighth A cess ent district (covering', fall f the property h, 'Near Territory A," nu - vexed to the it, in the year 1872), a i... \11117. For interest fund ........................................ •2.f10 For geurd-1 fund ................................. .... .,.45 For wars Puna ........... .. _............__...._... _. zaD Point for city I-ol •7," By Ald. Bunholzer- Revolved that an order be draw'u it, favor of the board of control for the sum of 51,824.28, being the t•Ity'x one -Chani of the 4endlture of en'd board for the mouth of September, 1590. Yeas -Aid. Blinholv,I, Bic etberg. Ilott, Con lev, Copeland. Costello, Dobner, lloruiden, Finu Lfrau, GlAmn, McNamee, Malady, )tinea. Sul evu, l'xu Slyke, Mr• Prr.ideut-36. Approved Oct. 9, 1890. By .kill. llobner- Re.ola-ed that n wnrnrut be drown upon the u -Cy cresnrer in the n m of 1182. 7G (nue he u area eighty-two nna 7,-tuu dollars) in favor of J. W. Fiske of New York, In p.yalcut 1 the fountain purchxeed (or Ilxmpden I'nrk uv der resolution passed .iulp 1. 1590. Yr.-Bnn],.Iwr, Bfelenbetg, Bott, Coa- le)', Copeland, Costello. Dobner, Do- dun, Flandrau. Gehvn, McNamee, bleludy. Mtuen, Sidlivou, V'nn Slyke, bur. P_tddenr_it; Approved Oct. 9, 18110. Resolved, That a reftndfug order for the land of three dollars and eighty-eight cents (88.88) he draavn upon the city treasurer it, favor of .Toho Ynttetsou, n f fat 1, Metcalf Q Smith's ntlditi on to 1St. Paul, Ile having over- 7orwA xnld nm.uut ou account o[ lot 1 being seed for the sprinkling of Thirteenth street, front Jackson street to Plus street, in Sprlukifng Ui.trict No. 8, during the se ns of 1885 »mi 1589, a part of aforesaid lot 1 having been taken .or the o ,ening of Brosdtvnv. ]'ea.7-Aid. Baill,Z r, Bielenbe,g, Bott, Con ley. (-.Iceland. C.n[elio. Dobner. Dornideu. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 409 Pholdrau, Galea,, NICNnmee, \lelad,, lfim•u, By Aid. Snvboro- Sa Illvun, Von Slyke, bur. Pre�ideut 10. Reeolv,d, That permin on be and the mute I. (lpproved Vet. 9, 1890 'hereby gru:ted to H. N F.Imer, C. -Gilbert xad Jamey l\'. 2lruther to grade Floral street from By C:nt uittee ou Street,- Grund na' a to Oeakmnd venue Heather Resolved. That notice ix hereby given to the place frome�1tor:\I street 1.Oakland aveuuc, and St. Paul I by Rxill c,oul n t, that upon the 'll [he alley- in Heather subdivision [ block seven Oakland r.I electric line by the 1st day of f '1'err¢ce Park nd,,,ioc to use. Paul from \oven her, )890. and as much earlier os possi- Floral street to Hruther p,_. hu der the t une- ble . more trequect sen•�ce 'nth Clan.. ux often Oou mitl to the sutisfncttou of the city englncer eight minutes only nl,¢rtdurmg the morning. „envie ed,d ,(ld old [fetter pay in preax na ud eve ins boors wbeu busfvew ,en an ti boon a tett are sbe- - m- I,nnring to ,wd mom Cana, ,mean of business yeax-ala. B,tnhnlrvr. Bielen be hould he pen. -idea for the cit ire of that fill, tF. " Ott. Con- Yena \Id. 13¢nhf rc Bielen berg, Bott, Con' ley; CopelavJ, Co7tcllo, llobher. D.rifden,Flau- ley". Copehn�d. tello, llobner. lloruiden, aeon. Geh:ni. 1lcNeamee, Melxd Y. Nines, Sulli- F'lumlruu. Geb.an, bI(. al Malady, bOnetb Van Slyke, Mr. President -10. Sullivnn Von Slyke, bur. Prenldect-30. ttApproved Oct. 9, 1890 Approa ed Vc[. 9, 189U' I gy ,\Id. Bxnholrzr- - Resolved. That Whe s Martin D. Clark rear- lies 1 gad lots 11. sad 1'2, block Gn, ft Rice X Ir- a ite'n oild:tiot to St. Paul, and which 1s now Called '•M. U. Clark'. re gement of the .:bore named Inter was enndtl by mistake Day - tell ltesolved. Thatthereg star o[ ticede ofIRumxey c ncp be :(red he fa be=.11thorired to change pan the record of Lhe rearrnugemett of Martin D. Clark nforeexid f the Iota aforesaid from Dayton h lrvine'n of to Rice & Irvme'a addition. Ye¢a-,Ud. ➢¢nnolzet. Blelenberu, Bott. Con- ray, Copeland, Costello, Dobver, Dorniden, Fndrau. Geh, Melody, b.inea, vn, bfeNamce 8 laullilan, an Slyke, Mr. President -Iii. Approved Oct. 9, 1890. By Aid. DObna- Wharean, The St. Paul CYty Railway company Ilan engaged to complete the Snellhs ave nue eiec- trlc lice by Nov. 1, 1890. And Whereas, Said line cannot be operated ever the Sneliingavenue bridge until the same be strengthened; Therefore Resolved, That the Great Northern =1t1ay company be a1.d it fs hereby directed [o atreugtheu said bridge, and have the came completed no lute, than Oct. 20, 1890, Yeas-Ald. Banbolz Blele lberq, Butt. Coa- leyy, Copeland, Costello, Doblmr, llo Ideb, Fdean, Gahan, Me hose Melndp,Dlmea, SuI- liluu, Vau Slyke, Me. President - 1U. Approved It. 9, 1890. By Aid. Conley - Resolved, Th t C. W. Hackett be tortho,filed, :and he hereby has authority to apartinllp grave file alley In block 2, Hopkiti. ani tion to cItp of St. Paul; said work to be done under the dl- ""' of the city engineer. Yex.-Aid. Bobo Bbr, Bielent,erg, Bott, Conley, Copeland, Costello, Uobver, Doroblen, Flan- drau, Gehvn, 1Ic''amce, bfelady, Mine., Swll- n, V.n 81Yke, Mr, Yrenldent-10. \ Approved Oct. 9, 1890. By Aid. Sullivan- - Resolved, Thnt permission be give.. H. J. Henry to grade alley In block lo, Summit Park uddit ion, cording to plvens and profiles ayd under the Inntr:mOone of the cit}• a liucc :and to have tot Ipei satioh only such material as is dehlorda ted ns Waste. All the above work to be done without expense to the city, ley, Cope,ad, Costello, Dobner, DorN lent, hle, dr¢u, (, he,. MCNumee, Memdy, bonen, 9ulli- Van Siyka, bur. Yre.ident-30. t Approved Vet. 9, 1890. 27 ed. Phut B. L. Patterson be allowed to grade alley fit block 1, Stewart xveuite naditiov, b•tn'een Steven rt avenue and Butternut avenue, city engineer to report grade a u( ¢.panus to otYensp-r Ald�ttln­hsnholre ix B:elmtbet•g,a Botq Con- ley, Copeluntl. C.ste.l o, Dobner, Uornidett Flan- drau,Gallate, .1lcNnmce, Melmly, bflnua, 8ulllv¢v, Vun Slyke, Mr. Prralaet-to' Approved Oct. 9, 1890, By Aid. Hott- Rt olved, That Ffeher Ames be a d be h mbv thoriwd to enter upoll and grade Mxry andu street, from bock street east one quarter o[ a 1111,=ding to the established greWe of xwd atrreill dance with the City leas d epeciflcatlons to ire prepared by the et enill o. which ark hall be done utder the 1" 11 lel1" of and c s dlrected by the city ¢,sheer, Provided, That ¢aid Fisher Amea furnish a hood in tpc.um f two thoneantl (E2.000.0p) dollar., conditioned that he will fully complete sold work in accordance with said pian a d neciflcxtloue, and an the Aim•.tmu of the city engineer, on or before the 1st day of Octo. ber. 1891, and will pay into the city treasury all Lhe cost of ellgiup yinR and IliPpecciug said work ns Certified to by said city engineer Yens-Ald. BI1.,` ur, Bfelan bI2l, Bott, Con- ley, Copeland, Costello, Dobver, Dorniden, Flan- drau. Gehvn, MCNumee, Melody. Miner, Stiff, - van, 81yke, Mr. President -I8. v Approved Oct. 9, 1890. By Aid. Bott- Resolved, That permission be and the same 1.cl hereby granted to J. W. Lohman to erect, nivtnln and operate hay tv� tea at No, 726 bDn.nehabn street, In the city of St. Paul, Miu- sota, being In front of lot 18, block 67. Ar bast." Hills nddl tion, upon the co."'b"t of and code rovided by article GU, of the muulc'ipaI Yeas-Ald. Banholnr, Bielevbem, Bett, Con- ley, Copeland, Costello, Uobuer. Dorniden, Finu- drau, Oehan, McNamee, Melody, Mille.. Sullf. eau, Viol Slyke, Mr. President -10. Approved Oct. lu, 1890. Resolved, That the fol:ow'fng persons be antl Lbey are hereby appointed 3 dge, for the ¢,sinus city elect.o:I to be held Nov. 4, 18911, viz: l'un First District- lolteuveA. Kuauft, John J, Miller, Syl. Sulzbnch. Second - Di.tricc-Ches. WaLJose lomei, ph lrm brn.[er.,Tohn liohmnrt. 410 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. Tbird District -11. Schneider; Chas. V. Mo-. 't -a nu. First District—Frank Thorne, .John Hudek, berg, Hugh H Campbell. Fourth Ilfetrlct—F. NaOe, Noah 9inke, Samuel I.? nil Winter Uiatrtet—Thomne J. O'I.enry, S. C. Whaley" Fifth District—J. Y. C1)rist Lode .7ohnson, Flaherty 11 Districtt Roberi A. Rhtgw•ald, S. O. John Wicker. Slaih District—John Getman, Laurence Johu- G Fourth District—Dan F. MICarthy, JOI-11 H. steed, Noah A, Liner. F. Host, John Krell- PFifth tDistrict--J Seventh District—C. Frank Shau,,en. Eighth District—A. hitt, John Sandell, Olnf 6. ephkHoag, John A. Camp - bell. LL .,Pero [-3I. It. Mnnaace, john H. Ho- F.kdahl. Nintb District-'. L. Johnson. G. A. Dnmbnrg, p rei�Venth Diatnct—A' I) eWaruer, .john }finer, Henry Boucher. Tenth District=Res Shniie, F. \I. Stetrnrt. .lrhi� th Districtl� Frani: A. Gies, Frank Wever- -\aei 0. Lange. .oxo w-1). flaC. ke ,Jofilfph )f. }f organ. Nintt istrict—Peter Bteleu, lengelbert Sauter , First District E. Watkins, ('buries. 1). Joseph Ga briel. ith, Charles Temme. 01sem, John J. Line- Tenth Dlstrlct—Joseph Ilortish, Casper Poet', Seton l DisLTiet—Frank has; Samuel Brant. v Peter Nott, lllatrict—John E. Eheeh-, Christ Schade. Eleventh District—Gusted Schultz, George M. Edward M. Hopkins. Third Otto Pnael. Farrell, Will. Ue Elswirth. Twelfth Dlattief—John C, Herman, Frank - Fourth District—James 11. Fanchy, Cb¢s. Lindske. \}'d, Fred \5'eber. Tldrteenth Dtstrlet�7oseph Machovec, ]fee - District—.Iucob Heck. 0. B. Wergedahh pin,, L Schade, .Tohn H. Hayea,- .fohn E. Lareou, .f Gust Yns- Fourteenth U(etrict mmmel Melvin,Frank Sixth District—F:dw'nrd Cauxn, .\. savant F.mil Pearl. gas Seventh Ufetrict—liurve}' Cook, C. B. Wil ,Utnsen, Walter C. Fischer. stsrn W "n. First District—Archibald JIeAr[hur, Gotth•ied R. L. Adams.' Eighth District Rules M. Fit,,geruld. Will- Hefmbnch, Benlnmin Mine.. S. nd D strict�7ames P. Mulvehlll. Abruhiun ism Sinn, John W. Heald. Ninth Dl.trletrlS. J. Het field, J. W. Merchant a[i urns. .john C. McCarthy, Third District—Joseph Gui.n, Patrick >I filer. F. W. Hadfield. Tenth Dfstrfci—D. O'Connor, Fred Heidrich, Henry Kuehne. Fourth District—Jolts Noonan, .1 r.. C. F', A. P. Batehnm' ge gsiec, Nic \Vii- Eleventh llistrict—Gent Kin Leyde, Charles McDonnell. Fifth Dfstric—Enal E. Iiemier, Rudolph Bouu, er, \Vin. W nket "d. THIRD w.OrD. Luis W yuncht. Sixth District—Jacob It. Bohner, henry J. First llietricti—Adolph H. Simon, Grier JI. teeVe th'n triJ.et—aniuble PeSeventhMfcla e) D. Carroll, .1lichnel Orr, Nels Swenson. Second District—Jmuee }fcGfll, Charles Gear, U. Shanley, H. L. McIntire. Eighth DletricU—Eugene McGuire, Frank Goss. Andrew Holm. Third Idatrict-3auies ('arroll, Henry Boyce, •i.Hrth 1)iaatnet—Augnat Jobst Morgan S.Grsy. Dennis Ryaui. Fourth UistriclG..\. Johnson, Chris Nelson. P1en haDistriet—James Cullen, Alfred `oma - Lewis Shnwe. FIfih Districts-R•ni. C. (lend}•, Wilson LlsoF:le<;entl�Disric[�Frnncis \I.Arbuckel,Atrdrew' Wright C. F. Sna.f[. Sixth District—H. A. Davis. August Benson LTwelt[h George Jct-zoaeph Smith, William Mc- Roeve Broome. eventDlstrlct—Frank C. DelnriO, Thomas `\Thirteen[hrs DlSir(tr{ Pte. if. Land}-, Frank Byrnes, A. J. Bollen. C. Guiney, James II. Oakes, Tlylund, Fred (Jnsevr�-ru Eighth District — ;:er.rge Roeller. First UlstriM—F.d H. :Judson, George W. lomeeli W,tnD. First District—August Hummer, Thomas P. ",I i d'h1li'Irte�WillMaleian, \I. Bushnell, William Grace, Peter J. Exh. S cond Distriet—W Jam Christian. lI. Over- ..Scor, telt. Dort, Avilliam H'li�ird i hiRa beck, Wiliam Miller. \t'lll W. Third District—henry J. Strouse, llistrict -1 Foulke, Charles J. Morris. V. Rutherf., Lew W. 11 ark, Charles R. St. .John. District—Owen llulgrew, Eugene Meld. Fnnrh District—H. �., Irvine. Milton G. Brown. Irvine, Daniel W. Fourth Merlyn'Sbeehey, Fifth Dlstrlct—\V. II. }Iopson, ,Tames E. Finn- Fifth District—Fronk R. I Ln 'ler, B. F. Wright Sixth District—Edwin F. Beck, W. E. Darton, .igen, J. C. Rowan. Sixth ,.Rtelc:George E. Roedler James Edward. H. Turner. Giles W. Seventh Uletrlet—Harry IL Young, rSI O'Brien, George N. Tapley Seventh District—C. F'. F•rnmhehr, Frank Merrill, John,7. W11H Eighth D(str(ci—Lee hall, Isanc li. Price. schletck, still! Bto imann' Dlstricllissm O'Gormnii, R.. L. Rushton Peabody. Eighth Laeventeur, W. E. Williams. Watt-. etorrtlt wAan First District—W. J. Lax, F. J. Hazzard, T. N;ntb District—R.J. iledcombs,Andrew B gun, N. II. Pete son. Dlstrfatr J. G. Donnelly, C. C. King, P•.. Wheelock. 1 Ilistrict—Martia Drees, F. L. Prud- Truth C. Dieter. Districts--JOhc Wagener, C. A. Rose, Jim" " Fred 71,ldsr. Third Districr—.Jnh 1 \V. Bollman, Eugene Elevenif, John X. Davidson. Mitach, P. echo Carrier, J. B. Cheney. 1 District—,Ars. Unuian, P. .7. }IcHnglr, Twelfth Districts -George •7. nart.h, O. Wheeler. Lour PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 411 Fifth District—W. A. Law. A. A. Ledeboer, By Aid. Gshan— Augg. Jackson. Resolved. That [he board of yublic works bu Sixth District—Geo. Gerlach, J. C. Cabanne, instructed to hurryta construction a sidewalk .los. Roseuthnl' u Sylvan street ns Instructed by this council Seventh District—Fred Schumacher, Frank.i. in a previous order. Baumann, A. N. Barringer. ]'ens —AI d...nliolzer, Bielenberg, Iiott,Conley, Eighth Dlstrlct—Peter Redlinger, Patrick Copel:uid, Costello, Dobnur, I)Oruf leu, Flan- O'Fiyun. Herman Hardt. drxu, Gehnn. )IcN¢mee. MehWy, )linen, Fulli- Nlnth District—Win. Esch, A. Kruszewskf, ven, \'nn Slyke, }I r. President fy, Alex J. Nicoll, Jr. Approved Oct. 9. 1890. Tenth District—Herman Terlinde• Kr:,-w.1. I'o- laskf, Fred W. Beyer. Etevench District—William Duren, ('has. Bent- By Aid. Copehtud— er, John {, Dlonk' Resolved, That the order for nia X61 eight -toot s Twelfth District—George RheinharJt, A. idewalk (wooden)nn both sues Ger.muw street hneppmiller, Henry Hoffman. front Mississippi [O Edgerton streetaa hem - Thirteenth District—Patrick Cahill, G. Ifop- cof.re given, be to Edge to read: , e south piiaR, 1'.:\. Wxllbigl.rd' aide of Geranium street, from illiasiesi 1 to Ed. w'. "'i P Frost District—Tho oae Beilly, Robert Lahr- gerton street, with necessary croaswa ks. aeu, M. J. O'Comr or. Yens—Aid. Banhol,xr, Bielenberg, Bott, Call- hl District—Patrick Regan, W. Richard. ley, Copeland, C'oetell0 Dobneq Dondden, Flau- so Frank Lx mbrrch((,, dean, Gehnn, \[cNxmee, Melody, lfinea, Sul- 'Phir� District—Wifllam Murphy, WIB(nm F. livan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -10. Roche, .J. M. Minor. Approved Oct. 9, 1890. Fourth District—Thomas J. Brady, John B. _— Wise, Harry Merrick. B}' Ald. llorniden— Fit[h District—Martin }lather, William \Ic- Resolved. Tout [he board of pathic work+ 'C` cue. Johu Kieman. cause un eight -foot wooden sidewalk to be laid i. th District—James 1'onnicnn, William un the east Ids of Nugent street, from St. Clair li seventh .John taw. street to the Chicago, Milwaukee kSt. Paul Seventh District—F;d F•nx. John Luz, Her- railroad tracks. al r Pegl ow. Yeas—Aid. Banhol'or. Bfelenberg. Dott, (bit - Son'th Dlatrict—Ed Murphy, y, (Tories J. Carl. ley, I;opelnud, Costello, Debase. llorniden, Flom Son' At FDilu Iran, Gehnn, }IcN.mee, Melnd v. Jlinere. Snlli- eoNintla Di6trict—Thomas Greely, David Fit,. van \'uu s)yke• Mr. President—IG. cer:dd, Charlet M,11-Itt. ttA ppt•u t -I Oct. i), 1690. Tenth District—\lartin 'U -I mough, James White. Thomas Garrity. _— Eleventh District—Henry Renes, Ben Munson, Dy Aid. Sanborn— Phll Malner. Resolved, That the board of public works Tweltch District—Thomas Howard, Rudolph cause n cement block sidewalk efv Jest ,file to Vollmer, Thomas Arden. bs constructed oil both sides of Ashland ave - Thirteenth llistrict—Thomas Gehma. D. 1). nue, from Western nveune to Arundel street, ex - Doyle, Charles Johnson. apt where such sidewalks have already been .-II w.rnn, construe ed. F'irsc District—ll. L. Bevans,.7. 12. Blackwell, \Iso on both sides of Laurel avenue, from J. F'. .Johns.,,. Western avenue to Arundel street, except ,here Second District—,john Young, Hans Peterson cemwrt block sidewalks have already been eon - P. S. R. strutted. Third District—,7. IL Foote, E. E. Foes, Paul Yens—Aid. Bnriholzer. Bfelenberg, Bolt, Cori. Stelbrow. ley, Copeland, ('ostelio, Dobner, Dorniden, Fourth District—Wlllhm L. Rogers, A. D. Plandran. Gehnn, MCNnma, Melody, \linea, Coudit,C. U. 9entlev. Sullivnu,Vmi Slyke. Mr. President—I(i. -v. -H wrap. Approved Oct. 9, 1801). First Ilistrict—Ezra A. Upham, }Villiam Wy- rnSee Thomas \V. Towey. By Aid. Sanborn— -- Second llistriin ct—Ferdand W. [root, H. J. Resolved, Thnt he board of Brainard, Eugene Bxrnand, public works Third District-1'homns UCG inlet', ('urns M. muse n plank sidaw alk fila feet ride to be -a- Third John 1). Rottermann. trusted, with 11 ecell liv osewalka, on Fourth District—Adam Bohland, Carl Koenig, she e.ntn side of �farehall nue, from Miller William Dnvern. treet to Victoria street. Peas—Ald. Banholzer, Bielenberg, Bott Con- YexsPeA ld. Bauhol'er, 7ilelenberg, Hutt, Con- ley, Copeland. Costello. Cullen, Dobner, llond- Iey, C. Innd, Costello, Dobner. Dorniden. Flun- �jqa den, Flandnm. Gehau. 11,NS ee, Mel.dy, Sulli- dy n', tVnhnt SlYke\11'elr.e Presidmti-Ata en. Sul- cn, Van Slyke, Mr. Via President -1H. Appeal 'it Oct. D, 1800. Approved Oct. I1. 16 90. By Aid. Gehmi— -- Resolved, That the board of public w.,ilis be and they are hereby directed to suspend further go `eeding in the matter of a reatsseeament on ssfssippi street. ordered to be de by this council to pay Judgments granted by district court, and that all papers in relation to same be ret nnied. Yens—Ald.Banholter, Blelenberg. Boit, Con. Icy, Copeland, Costello, Dobler, Dorniden, Flan- dIS, ly an, McNamee,Melady,)tinea, SubIvan, Van Slyke, Mr. Ymaideut— 16. - APprnved Oct. 9, 1890. By Aid. Batt— Resolved, That the board of public works for the city of St. Paul be and they are hereby au- thorized to construct a wooden plank sfdewldk six feet wide, together with all necessary cross- walks, on the east side of F'I.adrau street, be- tween East Seventh street and Harvester ave. nue, hr the avid city of St. Paul. reas—Ald. Banbolur, Bleleuberg, Bott, Con. ley, Coppeland, Costello, Dobner, Dorniden, Flmt- drnu, Gehxn, \Ic\ranee, Tle]ady, Mines, Sulli- van, an Slyke, Mr. President -10. Approved Oct. 9, 1890. 412 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL, Id B h Imr B By Colander,, uu ritieet— ttesoly^d, That the board Of public a works prbe o - ad they they am hereby instructed to suspend pro- bbridgeg in over Phalen creek r of nUntil istruction petitionersi be heard. Bott, Con- Yeae--Ald. 13anholver, Brelenbere, pColl IeY. Uopelnvd. Costello, UobUcr, Dorrdden, lean, Gahan; McNamee, bleluaf y, >Iiuea, Sul irynn, \-av 31Yke. bl r. President Approeed Oct. 9, 1890. By Ald, S nVh- l,u liesolved. 'Phar the Lm,ttl 01 blit , orka Le u tea to disrontiuue e he ret • i nate c and they ar y oto e m ran wn t rn ue nku p•x g >g one to Summit n �a Con- Yeas—Ala. Bnnhotell BnobLerg. leyy, C.,cmad, C' e'lu, ce, Nlr, Dornfaen, Flanarau. Gahan, bic'.Namee, Melady, blinen. Su"lvsn, Vnn8lyke, blr. President—i(3. ApProved Oct. n, 1890. By Ald. SnnLorn— Iteaolve[l, That the board of ppublic works x - n len ul-1.1k to be eon- Noon�tea or, thfoote eaei aide 1 Grotto .trees, from 1'arroll street to connect with ardew'nik already Inld near bf arsha'1 avenue. Yexa—Ala. BnubII— Bielenberg. Bort, Coal ley. Copeland, Costello, Dobue,. D.vulde., F'an- drHn. 0•eh Sly McMrm;e, NlentY, "Ibirs, Sul" - Approved Oct. 9. 1890. By Aid. Sanborn— asinfi ed, Thxt the board of yyubne weeks d -foot wooden sfdewed to oat the attcted, with the ueceaaary crosswalks, o[ out alae of Mxrnhall avenue, from bilaer street to Victoria armee. Yeea—Ald- Banbolrer. Bielenbers. B.tt, Coa- ley,Copeland, Costello. DOW—, Dornlacn, Flnn- drau. (,than. McNamee. Melody, !.linen, gain v n Van Slyke, Ill, President -16. Approved Ort. 9, 1890. By A'd.vd, B,d' tav berg— ltesolTheI o board of public works Ike to be lard as follows: On Orth elan of Front street aeras, Westerus n ve- outh aide of Front etreet Heroes Ward ast Gide of Western avenue nr ea t ro t ,free,. n Yeas—Ala. Aavholur. Bielenber(t. Butt, Con- Iey, Copfteeland,CostelD.O Dobuer, Uornlde., Flan- dran, (lehnv, DfcNamee, bfelady. Mlnev.8u111- v n, tau Slyke, Mr. President -16. Approved Oct. 9, 1890. By Aid. Copelnnd— Bes.lved, 'pkat the board 7 yyublic works constructed) eight oil ht foot sides%10• ofoLden aawson street, with necessary crosswalks, from Clark street to Marl street, t the ar�leaI poeeDid momeat ft Lhe xding is ItXhet3 on said street. ]eas—Ann . IeleuLen;. BO[C,Cou- ley, Copeland, Costello, DuLller, Rourideri, Flan- drau, Oehan, meNamee, Melady, )tiara. Sulli- van, Van Slyke, blr. President -16. Approved Oct. 9.1890 By Aid. Copeland— It hereby ordered ly the Glomus Conneii F the ('try of St. Paul: That to matter of It- ng IYurk street from ]I in-hnhn street t h'arqurer treat be r d the same rs hereby referred to III, board of pub Ire works co investigate and -Pore: Frrot—(n this improvement pro Per and rice=- nry? o[ the sc oud—cr.-e to tonne; n ,timate. e pease thereof, ami s id into on -half OF he cost thereof la [O aid btto the city treaeury before t—eCantract ela let Third 1 ae to be nase,sed for sora eat be found benefited to to -tetit be of dpn.1agee, c 'te and e-cpenaea necessary hi 1 thereL}'! 9 L naked for upon Fourth—le arch i, provemen the etitiov r ap plication of the a ars f a jon'ty of tfie Property to be assessed for such me,mean? L lfth—Send the council n pian or profile of ,,aid improvem t, as required by law, If you re- t hi favor.[ the same. proper on Sfxth—Send the council a ler direct - big the work to be done. Blelenbe Bott, Con Yexe—Ala- . Called', �• Flav- ley, l;olrelnnd. (:o Cello, Donner, Uornlaen, drau Gahan. III, bfelady, blinen, Sol I- ,yVan Sryke, Mr. Pres1dent-16. I- v Approved Oct. 9. 1890. By Abd, Sulilann— h It la ereby ordered by the Common Council of the Citi of -t. Paul: That he matter of opening Jelfetson street, from C'levelund avenue to to Mla-b`dppi river. od p�pLaeit e ea works hereby mad report:aboard o First—Is this improvement proper noces sa5eyeond—Give the commit n tfinete of the a pence thereof, slid tare whetber oh half of Lhe coat thereof 1s to be paid Into the dry trees - before the contract is let. or, hir 1_!Zt real estaw t be narceeaeti for said improvement be found beneflted to the exteutof damages, costa and expevaee necesearg Lo be iv - s larch improvement sake forreup.n application of the f a the property to be assessed for each rt? Id the council aan or proflie of emeut, as required by law, iF you re - r of the same, ld the council a proper order dire6t- to be done. Banhoixer, Bielenbere. Butt, Con - d, Costello, Dobneq Dorniden, Flan - I. blcSamee, Melady, Mines, Sullivan, Oct. n Yeas—A�jd. Banhol ter, Blelenberg, "It' Con- "ley. Copeland, Costello, llobner, llomplan. Fin By Ald. Me'ady— Y' l:ehan, McNamee. Melady, , me., Sol It is hereby demd by to Common Council n, Von Slyke, bfr. fa.., f the CYtY of 9L. of: .Approved tic[. H, 1B9., That the matter of grading Riverview avenue, _ from Belvidere street to Yxee street, be and the By Add. C pelnh It am is hereby referred to the board of public Resolved, Thnt the board of pubhc vorks x works to ruv stIgnte ani report. re hembyy author tea to c serene, an IS).( 8) ight First—Ie Lhla "mprovement proper and neees- foot wooden sidewalk on the —at aide of }lend- xry". ley street. from II"In er un to Fargtrier streets, s Secondthereao[, Lhed cotateilwhetherimntef ¢I the e xtept where ea me is Id ready Iaid, expense an a one o PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 413 the coat thereof ra to be paid into the city tre,u- I dam, Gshlin. McNamee, Melady, Ili e.a. SUM n y bef.re the contract Is let. r, l'xrr Slyke, Mr'. President --i u. Third—Can real estate to be nesessed for sxid v .lpprovetl Vct. h, 1S9n. maprovemeut he mind benefited to the extent of .lees, costs and expense. nec'essnry to be 13) kid. Copehrml— inFourt thereby? IL is hereby ordeu d by the I'uusn.0 Council of FourthIssuch improvmnent ask,,] for upon 'lie (Sty of St. Paul: mha or[ition r a I Jlicatimr of the onz •rs of n Tim t the matter or grading alley in ),]Oak No. j ity Of the 1 f ty to hr nssesaedr for such 1, lirookslde uddi[inrr, b[•t ween Miasinsilrpf street mpruveme it r profile o[ +ud llr Menem,- st et. he x d the s raF fifth—Send the coum'il .Inn o hereby retenetl ro the board of public work, its s Id improvemm�t. as required b1' law. it you re- I rn vretiga[e aml, d repp rt: po`t iu Ltvnr of the nniae. Irirvt—Is this irirprnae+m•Ir t. proper :u ld n 'i th—.vend the crmmal a proper seder direct- fir}':' rng the w'mk to Le dune. �uKmal—r:iyr the eomiril air a<timnte of the Y-1— Ala. li+ r t rholzer. Rlclenbr t ru not'. t rut , •xlreir ,r.l s[�r • ,tow e 1 n [ xr u re -f 1 ndf ,rr . co el n C. rd „t a as n + 0 1 eY r, Dontiderr. Fmn- the o,t tt • ,Of' dun Orhni , ]ICN suite. Mr�lad ylire:r. ,ti- t x a la to be paid iota the city treas- hvan, \'wn Slyke, ..r- 911. leu[piri. "-bld-Ie he nmeraet i+let. A Pproved Uce. 9. iSmr c'j'hirvl—r'a it reale III] II a to It .. ,, lar sa i,l retie r'v,m•nt he romrdtbrnelitea t. tl,e extent nr — .I:r a n•+, :oal e.vrn'nses oeress:rr>' to Lr in. By .11.1. Copeland— a Ted thereby:' IL is hen•by OMt•rY,I fir}' the + nmmnn t uuuril of r I'Onrt lr—Is,: m:h il::proyelm•I,t asked r,rr rrlUori T;' I It' "I St- 1'unl: the Iretition tt' apphyatiori of the n„ s -r+ f a Phxt the mutter of grading alley fa mnek Nn. Grit}, of the pen Party to be aesrsw drive nmol: 14, Fairview addirlon, Letneen l':rwe Iii I .fen k., rl ye neat:' street, he : ar the sum n hereby referred to 11e I•-iftlr—'=em1 the commit :i sl:rn ur prurilr of the board u[ public worksrtn i,ryrstiga[e amt I, Gent,] impr.yemeot. a, require. by I:,w', r[ yon n•. port: port in fa yur of the same. First—lo Chia improyemrnt propernml r„t,.- i.rh—S�udtheynnmaalrrnpri'unlerrli,ect- * wo k[O Lr dobe. s Me }Second—I;iy•. the in i ieil a r estimate ,I the iii Ye:rs-11,1. Ra,rhulxer. ltielenberg. BOtt, I 0, th'."' , aml 'tate ,ahether r e-h:di of fry. l'u'rel:r url. Costrpu. Irolrm'r. Dnrrri del:, Irlar the ,font [berrOf is [o be p: id fiats the ,� , r<;u. .dram. :than \`e N:onre. Mrind>-, Mimm, nlli- tefrntlrI, t.. ti. let. i.'t • \":r Sly`kr..D. 1'r,•sider:t—I,;, r llird— n .v 1 estate to Lr sawn •attar :.aid rtl pier „eel k 1r ISa.. damruvenrrot be rfo( d benefited [o [he extent. of ` rr Gats, costa and expenses rices cy t he Ire- Ily :\id r:ehl,ur— ct d thereby'.' It is hereby ordered b}' tar r �ntrnnrr r ulmyil nr tFo rrth—In suet+ i npro,'einent eked rnr lipnri of the Cit}• of St. I'u rel: ima petition th :rpplicn i to of the n, n•r� of :, -That the lrr:it ter of tl:e gen rl ing ni 1':,rk join}- of the proper[.' to )rc nnse.seJtfor Barn .rrnm FLrrbnntr ra rc br .Neth arnxt"Le provmneall' ud are+arm• rs hereLv`rcirrrea I, ch,: Ir.nnl ur r Filch—Stmt the ,rel a pian nr I.rolile of err y wanks o rel resort: mprovement, as ncgmred b}- law, rf yon n•- s First—Is this rntpro, i+,nent� ,roper noel nacre Dart tin f+cvnr of the same. arY" Sixth—Seml the • ::t proper order direct- v. ml—Uiye the a reit r entinrap• of the %ng the work to he dom•.rr rl ei ye thereof, :ata t.�tate i.ahethm one -Inti of Yeas \Ia. Nunlrolr.•r. 13ielelrben,. Bolt, r cite coat [hereof istbe Iintohe cit}-rre:rs- IeY. Cof.eland, C'o `tell., Rob` er. DOrrr r'ien, ,- Lefnre the eontnmt. ism, F.antlrnn. Uehan. .leNamee. ,lelnd}'. \i freta. I irrl'bird—Can mal est:[ to lrel�e :, sed tar s Sia snllwen, Van Slyke, blr. Ymsrdrnt—Ir'- ,provemen[be fomrrl Iem•fited rn tlr,•extent .1 Pproved UCL 9, lri9n' Of rhlmn •en, coat amt ex 6 1,a,en r • ".. I l,• and thereL}? RY Aid. C'opelnmlr- lhFpetj, Is such fill",mm•n :eked far spun It ie hereby ordered b}- the Cmnm.n Conuril of ,the lwtition 'h applira tine rtf car owner,: of u th �(1LY of St. Paul: Itinrit }- o[ the property to Ire nv.e�u•d for such That the matter orX rte ling Welis street. bola r • ant:' edacoton to Arcade tree[, be and the . inlrift 11 e11Send the cOum it ru debar nr j�rOlile of b by referred to the board of public work. enid inrPmyement, :ts reel ui n••1 by I:ta'. It yon ve- to investigate andreport: port iu fn you of [he su tele. First—Is this improvement proper :nrd neer,. I Sixth—Send the council it prnprr order dinw't- e Second— Give the council air estimate OF the I rbV1.1 work to he rlom-. —.11[1. Bnu Lolzer. Itielmrherc, liott, I'On- expeuse thereof, all(] State ah one-half of lav, Cnpe�u nd. Costello. Rohner. Durniderl. Irlm, I cost thereof is to be paid into the city treas I asst. Gehnli. Mc\;slier. yfelady. Minta, Salli. ,the bef re the contract IS let. I.,I,-Vin, Slyke, Mr. President -76. '1 hird—Can teal estate to be na,—.,,d for sand ,lpprored (act, n. 1800. improvement be found benefited to the extent of dam+rges, coat and exirenaes nmrssncy t0 he -- in and thereby'.' i tsy .1Id, r:emor- 1, U.'r Ir -1s s tch rmprot•emm sked far up r It is hereby Ordered i y the rulllrmrli cOnm'il nF the Pat tidos or uoplicatiou .frit he .a'nen't r the Pity of Sf. Pam: mnjnrltY ofthe property to be assre.-If for such That the matter of the ••.coding of alley la provemen L? Ido( i, h:. P.ice's frond addition, rouninr: from I. Filth—Semi the c icil a plan o ptlile of 13 ur(:ao : [met to tli+sisnilq,i ,trent. Ire r ml Lhe tad mp uvmnent, nor require. Ly I:in', a yon s hereby tefrrred to the I I'd etc pnhde report rn f: .r of the tame. n,rks t0 r -'.,turn to nml report: sixth—Seal the tom cif a pro pe ord—dirt- c Firv[—Is `this fine m'nytnwnt p—is, :aril rl in the work co be done r w 't ]'eas-11d. rinnholra r. Rieleuberg.ButLConle}', 'ecnnd —Give the I] nn utnr -iate „f the Conelannd. 1 0111, Dobler- Dondden. Flan- e�I__ It 1. alert state .abet her un,• -half or 414' - PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 415 Sixth—Send the council a proper order direct- + ud seven (7) of block thirteen (13), and lots nue to Montgomery street, In said city, together the cost thereof is to be paid into the city treas. fug the work to dour. six (6), seven (7) and eight (8) of block siz (6), with the ueeeeilar catch baxf.s and mlabel.. y my before the contract I. let. to he nsseseed for said Yens—Aid. Henhoizer. Blrlenbetti Hatt, Con- n of Irvine'. Second addition to St. Paul, lyln g the lines said seweriv R to be done under one Third—Cru al estate ' prove rout be found benefited to the extent of to be 1n- ley, Copeland, Costello. Definer, UOr¢iden, Flsn- drau, Gehau, Me\amee, Melady, Mines, Sul- within of a strip al.t., 60 f e a e ( )s set vide, the easterly line [ trip hall be a thewhich That said board cause aid work co be let by to be let contract, as provided by law, without ane -half damages, costs and expenses necessary Bvan, Ven Slyke, Mr. President -16. litre draw. from the northeasterly cor- nor of lot six block the estimated cost being first paid Into the city carted there,}•? Fours,—Ix such hnyrovement asked for upon Approy'ed Oct. 9, 1880. (6), six (6), of enid addition, through the northeasterly corner or lot six (6), treasury, and after said work .hall be precall under contract said board che petition or are, len 10 [ [he o""•tletre of block thirteen (]8), of said addition, to the shall proceed with- out delay to assess the amount, es near) y as majority of the property to be assessed for such By Aid. Sullivan— It hereby ordered by the ('oinmon Council westerly line of block two (2), of Lyman Day- the e our the s¢me. which will be m i1 provemeut•! r prol{le of o of City- of St. Paul: ton's addition to St. Paul: alsoeandemningand taking for .ridge r 9ufred to ply the cost and necessary expenses of ply the Fifth—Send'the Cumwil n plan im as requires by lutc, of you re-' Tit the matter of grading alley in block u, street and par 1 poaex ansa- ui in, over and stress all that Inntl between such imp vement upon the al estate to be tautetited Dy fmproveme.t, said provelnrat, t in favor of the snore. port s"ummit Park, be and the same in hereby referred the southerly Ilse of aid block i ((I) ;old the said as provided by law; it befog Lbe opiates Of the councd that real Sixth—Send tl;e council :a Proper order direct- [o the board of Public "corks to inveatigace null s utherly line of lot five (,), said block thirteen estate to be assessed for such improvement can i11g the "cork to le dune. Bnelenbew, Bott, C'on- rg`,.rt! First—Is this inlptocement proper and neves- (la), lying within the linea f said described fu the St. Yuul, be found benefited to the extent of the cost and Yens--Ald. Ban holier, ('ext elan, Uobmi-, Uoraiden, Flnn- sate}'" xtrf�, cl[y of lliauexOtn. Tint' enid board shall without delay exppeenses neceasnry to De fucurred thereby. Yexs—Alrl. ley, l'oPel:md, irun,`Oehnu, lac\ume.C•, lfclmly, Minea.Snllivna. sCroml—(:ave the council n estimate of the �petlse 'hether proceed tc xx a the a ant, nn n ly na they ens Baaholizt', Hielenberg, Butt, Co.- ley, Copeland, Costello. Uobner, Uondden. Fhcn- \':+t+ President -16 a thereof, null tate one-half of is to be foto the cit l' trans- Rscer[ulu the xu� "r'hlch ci1tl be re4uired to drau, uelaut. Mc\nmee, llel:s(Ip, Mirex. Sulll- :\ pPt''rv,•d Oct. 6. 1 S90. [he cos[ thereof paid is ]et, pay the dunmgea,tt cost. and neceax.ry ex [reit-es y n• Va. Slyke, Mr. Pr-sidrnt-16. approved _ ary before the contract 'Phird—Cue c+ I estate to be assessed for snid f ranch im orovemen[ 1 upon the real estate to be Oct. 11, trim. It is hereby ordered by the I llaunC.o I'. mm'il of i nprocenleii t I found benefited to the extent o[ betle6 twt "' aid hnpmvement. u. provided by law; it being the opinion of the council that real the (lty of S[. Paul: pelnefi u } dnnmgrs, co.[S Rnd ex rcessar y to be in [ate to be assessed for such improvement con the n nt[er f the port of [he board of 71860. That the matter o[ amdrlm+iug and taking an [he lir}' ill carred tberel,Yt tm• upon ,e toned benefited to Lite extent O[ the darmuti s. b, Pu,lfc works dated Oct. It Is hereby by the in the. lural .butting oil T` block two (21. Sehurno,wr h Evans' additiuu to }-earth'1' such improvement aa'ked the Petitiol, or npphcatim of the o"vnrrs of n costs uud expenses atcessnry tip be incurred thereby ordered Cw laim, Council of the City of St. Poul: St. 1•nal. la •crssnrY to on,, the .lope. for uajcrit}, Of the property to be assessed for such 1'eus—AIt3. Banholier, itielrnLen;, Hutt, (oil- That [tie hoard of ,uhlic works of snid City of cots nu I tills it grading said alley, be aid the le improyemeat:' le ley, COPelabd, Cu.tell0, Uobner, Uorniden, Fham St. Ynul enu.e the to�lo"yfug nntprovenlent to be alris hereby rriz•rred to the board of 1101 Fifth—Send thecouneil n plan or I+rof of said J,a"y, rinau. Uehm, lie\nmce, )felnty, }linen. P¢Ilic+an, t"ale, to wit: 1•a" alley i block twenty-four St. Pnui ks to iayrxt icnte and n'Purt: t� First—Ix in+proyemeat. ,1s reymttd by If )'on capon Van Slyke, \I r. Presidcnc (24). proper•, in enid city, with cedar ,leeks. [Itis iii+P1'i+velnem proper :end ravers- in Incor of the e+"�le. order direct -\pprovwl Urt. 9. 13!111. That board sad--li've the C•" lmeil a + estimate of the �i.'th—Send the council a proper inp the e'.rL t0 be dace. said cause said "r rk to be let byy contrnet, las 1m vided by buv, it1, It o e -half rx}a•r,se thrrrcl. sell torr 'hetlier oac "Iliof b,- 1-ens—Aid. lnnholzer, ltielelall"', Butt, (011- ht the [iia ttrr of the repor' of the Guard w the sstimltc c st being first pni(i into the city I the cost therein i. to la11,1 it It', the city tens-' lac, l'opcl>uid, t'oatello, Do,ner. Uortliden, Flnu- Public weeks doted Srpt. 1S, ISIo. trcltsury, and utter Haid work shRll be 1 htt d un- ry before file e,, tract is let. i�Tlilyd—CaaIral eslat" i ll be,l.srs.u•d fur saidan-. ilruu, :elaatt, lj,,Na, ee. Melady, Mine-, Sul- lhan. Yeti Slyke. Mr. Presidcnl-16_ It L h,Teby ordered by the (oimnun Council of the(itY of St, Paul: der contract snid ,went .hall proceed without delay to+rxseax the nuwuilt, as neurlyne theyean Ivuymneat hr fuua,l "I'll 11 to the rx[em ut ,y l,l,ru yell Oet, p, I Spi. That the boxr,l of I+ublic wocks n[ the city of I cecU[ia the xnntr,""'hlcli trill be re4uired t0 pay duaaµ;es, cuss:leer exranine. rat, sea ')'to be im Sr. I'll, cut xe the fullOwnag inmruvmnent to theeO.candnecesial, expenxrxofsuc1,imp rove - ta'it: red thcrelry:' of the report of the hoard of fir made, toUprii, "'idea and •x lead ling- tient, upon the malestnteto be trelietited bysnid cEarl Fourth—le oma+ Imlav,vrmeat :raked fill. upon la Oa• t miter sulfa xt lxvet, from the (ismer line of street n ,ro va utent, stn provided by h["c, it being the Ill. petition a uI,pll -otiva of ill, vl hrt• such 'unty It the Prulx•rty iu 11 pabllihert•Iry scilla 1 Ljrtthelf ('u nrntou t'ouncll of tt. the tenter liar cf Fischer street, prudaced Iles "0-1 of the couucll that real extace to be aut- ,.oath is sold clay, romlentaing ad taking all Il axed for such intproventent cur be found ben- ia {�rOcrnx•iit :' ill'! City of St. Peal: ublic works of sold city u[ that l++rid, nut ill rrvd coudemued or dedicated elated to the extent of Lhe cont aid expenses taco- told, -be Fifth—Send if,,- c ucll o 1.1;111 ur Pi•olilr of TI1 tl a beach of the /tt to be for i use. lying altlilu tin• Ilue. of n si ri , esnury to incurred thereby. Pit rill aid inlprovelnent. n required by In"c, it yon Peal, gnuse S.a net ag .it -1 .cetneut t'b1++[tart a sense oil Laurel ave- si.xty-sl.x t liar f '111c �, fend"ll'a N el.. reri;, Bort, het pate. the rof i.,ia- .l,,r t its fnyol. of the• -ale, direst- surds, to ".It; bet Miller street •std :\vwi street , iu x[ri I II be the noutli line of lh later Turk. St. tali, (wr I1 1 osteal ill sr, le, Ki t lila. p s i1+U Pc' a m . Costello. ..Niel r, . rd nderl, IuIli. scab—Brad the ruuia•il a proper ceder be done. 1 e. cern s' said ei[Y. together, wit li [11c t un. art' cutch Paul, •dared west t. the southeast curlier of draft, an Sly Mc.\nn,ee, Melody. Miuen. Bulk- Heights. Bt. I'ufll: �, van, Van Slyke, lir. Ptexldeiic—Ili. ingthe vurl: f c 1'r+as—Aid. H+mht{rlTallobnelrl+brr:. liutt.l'rndec, busies null manholes. Ict b to be y a ire cwld bridle, uud taking all car et lent for street and hcidpe u\)rprovrd Oct. f1, laf)o. tie x[taki ' + (npehtml, (ani ell A. Uobner, Uortiidrii, 1+1:1ii- q'liat said Guard cause snid [cork by Is""', without one-half P(trtlaµSit"k'naler. IiiRt wry _ oltniln dnm,0eh.n,}Ic.�;,ian•, lleludy, lliaen, Sullicaa. Imtrnct, ns .rovided cost Leir+R first paid into the city Unlash utliglcuwf patty' In the ulntler O( Lir the board \:rn Slyke, 11 i'. Ih,•xi+lent—}I:. 1 f Uct. i. IBha" pl,ruy,v ihr eatinmted tcensury, and atiec said 'Ark shall 1)e Placed without lying frit hits said lines, lu the city of St. Ynitl, rep of of Almil-ota. Plblic works doted Urt. :t. ort amler cou[nact, Haid board shall Proceed nearly rte be 'Chu[ said bu;ar,l shall prrtteetl without de1R}. It is hereby Ordered by the ('ommou (ouucil of delay to alsxexs the mnount, ne the Warne, which trill be required to to nese•nS the unlmmc. vn neo ray ux they c:1i1 :til- the City of St. Paul: That board By Art Ishii--- 11 is hereiry urdvrrd by Oar l'wamua i'wwcil of cnn uscerUtiu I ,ray the cost Rnd acrexsnry expenses of such Ira- . •mule the eamr, stanch ""ill he required t0 pn�Y the of public or of said the damages, f'. city of St. Paul cause the fullwring improve- . the 1 sty ,* Bt. Pn ui: trocemeut Illicit the real estate to fir benefited + b}• In"'; it costs mid aecessRry expenses such i rem • 1t u i the caul exba[e to be ;meat to be made, to "cit: (;yule Chatsworth °il P<r 1 That civ uutt ire of a ch;.+gr of geode uv Park here ". . a'd intj,rccement, ns provided that real estsW. beaelttedrl�y snid improvement, ua provided by street, fawn l'arroll street to I,nurel .venue, in fru). right of u'uy of l: rr,rt \ort I.aiir1oud to Si'loulore attest bi•iag the opinian of the couueiI to be a sed for such improvement can be low; it being [he opinion OI' the oouuctl that real said city. estate to be asses- for such improyemeut caul 'Chit said board ovule ,aid rock t0 be Le d thr� n,1lIi+etis hereby referred to the - found beaeltted to the extent of the cost and ex- be incurred thereby. be foetid bcneiited co the extent of the lanon s, 'let ,y coat ,let, xe provided b}- Inw, without board it public t orkn to it "it, ural r girt: pease, necessary to 1'eus—,\Id. Bnnhol Rt, Hielrnberg, Hott, Cots- C recess co be lncarred cue-Iudf Lhe estimated coot ,ping tarot i l into rats glad expetinex t ur}' " the city trenxur ill +I Idcer ' it t work tltrreby. )'. "v I,roveloen In'aper : Civ-' Fi ext-7� Ll+i� iia [ amt o , le •. <'o .land, Coate,, .Uobner, Ilorrtidcle Finn- } ix. bulli- Peas—:\ICI. Batlhol-l-, Bielenbet Batt, (uu- shall be placed fturler contract ..tit s zary'7 ,drau, ishan. McNamee, Mehtdy, )Sine¢, r, - Ironed Intl proceed wf[hout delay ley, (:nprlxud, Cnniello. Uobner, Ilurrtidei', w1d—I;iyr the raaaeil m e Lintute a( tit• ep one thereof. :amt state "yl+ether one-half of - u, Ym Blyke, lir. Yrexttlra[—}6. "+l\ d Oct 9, ta6a. Plicate to senses the umoant. as asset}' xx they Cnu Flnndraa, G,hao, AN Nomee. Nlelud' lfiilea. rtain tile• enure, which "will 1, i 1 to enllivxu. \-un cl)'ke. Mr President. -16. te4u ret pay ihr cont thereof is to be Iu;a Into [hr city :\pproved Ucc. 4), 15110. the cost and aems.xry lienees o[ treasury before the comsat I,7 let. 1 for Ili the matter tf the reports o[ the be and f Such Improvement npwt the nnI estate to be' Third—Coit real estate to he see: xuid sto works d. ted Aug. la, 1890, and Oct. 6, >eneti[ed by said lm provement, as provided by the the h 1proven)ent lie found beaelited the extent', to !re public i6h6. matter of Dore of the board of report lsw; rat snug the opinion of [he council that real n'orkx doted )both 15, 1800. of damnge.s. coat, and expenses nereasary amnrn•:1 Mlereb}.. IL is hereby orde •ed ,}'t ha• (women Cou.clt o[ Public estate to ,e a..eaaed for each Improvement can It is hereby ordere+I b}• the (ontmOn (bmlcil of be found benefited to the extent of the cast and Fwtrtit—Is such iriq+royeutrnt asked for spm . the i5[y of 6t. Psul: Gourd of works of the City [he C1, of St. I'ual: ezpettses nn;rssxn• to be incurred thereby. 'Phot the petition or atpplilnttiwi rf the Owners of n Thut the public f Poul arose the folioning improvement to the board of uhlic "rocks o[ xnidcit Y of rtl'i.g Yeas—A:d. Banholzer, IIielenberg, Hoct, Cou- mu)ority of the Property to be assessed for such 5t. to wit: Open, widen scud extend 3t. Poul crates [he fol (m provemrtlt to be ley. Copeland, Coxiella. Definer, Uorniden, iu provenleutq til, a or profile of the leaf 111 be urate, I Dlaria nceuue, between Eighth street scud Deva- sr made, [o wit; Construct a. 'el. on t'leveland avenue. from power street "tto Myrtle rave- FI udrau, Gehl a, lIC\amee, listed', Mluea, S"111'. Pall Slyke. Mr. President—ii5. s Filthe,Send councd pinu -o f maid tb—Se l by I;ra, it y u 1 - tar street, iiicity: coudemniug null tuking tam[ of lots Six (61 mfr, and on 1\'abneh nceaue. from I'leceland are I' Approved Oct u, 1.00. psi t in toyer of the Sn me. 'said 'far street pnrpnsrS all Part 416 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. Jet the matter of the report of the board of ybllc work, listed Oct. 7, 1890. L 1, hereby ordered by the Common council of f the City St. Paul: That the board of public works of laid city of St. Paul, cattle the following Improvement Lo made, to wit: Gr+We Rnnit p treat be- streetSLexfugtonummit unv lue, between hN,ttlrtoo venue and James street; Juno street from Pleasant avenue to Chatsworth ,[reef, Sud Ylene It avenue, from Armstrong vsuue co Jame, street. in ,aid city, said irnudiug to be doneunder one coutrnet. That said board cnuae ad work to be let by contract, ,s provided by law, without one-half the estimated cost tieing first .p lid into the efty treasury, and after id work sh.11 be Ahmed under contract sufd board shell inmeed with delay to ,lases. the tuts, i i ax will be they can ascertain the same, erhlch will be re- ouired to Dny the cost and necessary expeI be If s..b improvement, upon the teal estate to be benefit being aid the ot1tprov the council thateren, Jaw; t ate to be u.Sexseid for Such bhp ovemeat amt be found nevefited to the extent of the cost and e passes neces.ary to be thorned [brrehy. Yens-.tld. Bnnholzrr, Bielenbrre, Bntt Con- ley.(:ofP,rrlund.Castello, Dobner DornidemFlnu- drau, Gehu,L ]icNauuee, Mchedy,)thteu,Sullivntt. Van Slyke, Ile. Pre,fdent-1(i. Approved (let. 0, 1800. In the enntter of the report f the bound of public work. dated Sept. 80, 1890. In it Is he ordered by the Common C'ovucll ( the CYty of St. Paul: That the board Of ppublic work, of ,hid city f St. Paul cause the Iolln wing Impro-ineut to Ix mads to wit: (:rude St. Albna. Street and Grotto Street resp tively, from Front xtIvet to the right of way of the Great Northern Rahway n it s." [rest Burgess .treat T.11 c etn•et and Atwater street re»p tfyelr. from Dale Street to Grotto Street In ld city. id gredb . to tat done ander ole contract. y contract. Th at �u»Itrovldedoard u by le-,witlmu ones,add work to be ebuff ,iwwr tto--- the , L, as Il' ux rtainiit. i �thicn i'ni I'S ren: expenses In the matter of the port of the bonnet of J. works dated Oct. 7e 1890. PC le hereby ordered try the Common C'onncil of the Ut St. Paul: •phi) t box d of public works of said city f St. Pant,+aw e the "'b'"fug Improvement to be made, to w'it G Tilde wlcwfenemy stmt Imo Cass That ¢ d board the north cltcause idlwoirk to be lSt b contract 88 rovide[l by Inw, without a -hall the eatfmnte(1 cost being first pa1111 d into the city treasury, nud niter said a'o k shall be placed ander contract said board Shall proceed without delay to a.ses. the amount, im nearly I. they can aseertln the same, whieh trill be to luired to pay the cost told 111collary expenses of Such Improvement upon the real estate to be bevefit- ad by Said improvement, provided by taw': ,t b[the one nSoesnlarliforl 8till trop, o it that real estate found benefit,d m the extent of the cost a��f esr, a ry to be Incurred thereby. ,-Ai " d. Bnnn=r. Bfelenbem, Boit, Con- ley. Copelavd, Costello, Dohtter, Dornahn, Flat,- dneu, Gahan. McNamee, Mel. Y. Miners, SUM- ,n,­ykVan Sle. Mr. Yrexi it', t-16. \pl,ed Oct. 9, 1890. In the matter of the report of lhr board of public works dated Sept Iri, 1890. It is hereby ordered by the Chnvlon council f tlm oty of 8t. pt in: That the board of public honks oI the city of St. Paul raise the follotcing improvement to be made, to wit: Open, olden and extend Fisher street, from the South line of Marylandtreet to the eoutli line of Magnolia Street proa,t«d easterly Irom Earl stmt in said City, co ld%l hug nttd taking all that land betw'ee,e the south line of Maryland »trent td the -lith ],at of Magnolia Street. Produced S only i sled for fr­` Flirt street• ,tot ulrexdy hu vet e Public u,u, lying withieI the linea of s[rip,ixty- x (lilt) feet wide, the renter Ifo, I which strip ,h,dl be the east line of 11 t '.: of northwest's of northwest'\ of Section 27. t.ww 20. rnnge22, at the cit- f .'[. P+,vl, wfinu. That said board shall prorred without delay canassess the moue„ as n hely he crtnfn the xx e, which ilI be - yadred to pay the damage-, costs and n - } ex l'ensce ,f such impr y nt upon the real extnte to be henefited by »hid improvement, Us f'r.1J;!1d by mw: it bels" u,, op�niott o1 the toll that ren] -I." to be ax d for such be tentrof the hat tem ages. costs ,ad benefitednd totneee6_ y to to incurred thereby. expenses ne "ayes.. Itnnholrxr. 7)Irlenls!t15, Bptt Cou- 1r) C. el 1. Costello, DPbner. Do 1. Is r'lundnau. Genote, wl \umee, )("lady, wtl,wu, Sullivan. yam slyke. 311. Pre ibleal-In. Approved Oct. 0, 189". In the nen tier of theerl of the board of nd,nc works doted Se Lr1f0. I K1m. ht•reb)• ordered lay I c!'ounnon Couvcfl of the "Mel SL. Pxnl: That the board of nubile work» of Wald city of St foul cnuxe the following int f, meat to lw ma le, to wit : C.rsdn alley I„ block w (2), of Schurmeler a Evans tit inlmt to St. oPnnl In » Id cit}y Teat hid bwan] cause sold tr k to be let byy nt+act n» t ovided by waw. without o hill, the eatiinnte� r -at thein" tirt+k rpaitl into the city treasury, and niter aid w k thall be placed under contract voiasses.d botheard Shall proceed itlh- out the can s lostialn the Saul will be re- q i}m,l to pa}' the Cost and e, eves" ry expel s bf S..•.h i , Prov nt upon the real estate tobe enefited b)' Said impmvemeut, as provided by J."; IC Lein" Llte opinion of the mancll that real est, t to to assessed Inn stih improvement van be louud benefited to the extent of the lost and exla'uees necessary to be incurred thereby. Peas-Ald. Banholzer, ltielenberg, Botts Conley. Co1,elnud. I;md flo. Dobner, Dorniden, Flandrnu, Gel,aty A[ \anee. Melxd Y• "liven, Sullivan, Val, Slyke, M,. President -16. Approved Oct. 9, 1890. .adjourned. J ... Pn•wltxEA. \'tee President of Council. Time. %. PI.I.EllnAxt, (Ity Clerk. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 417 spealal Meeting. Sr. PAUL, Oct. ill, 1800. President Cullen in the chair. Present: Aid. Bauholwr. BelleDo ,henbc ornide t, Coal., Copeland, Coateu°' burr, wDnen, Flan Gehav,' McNamce, y, Sanborn,, Sullivan. Von Slyke, wfr. President - 17. Minutes xitbe -Ocdnlg meeting I,proved mud die pease From His flonoe i the, 11ayor-Call for the meeting- Tothe Honorable the President and Comnlmt Couuell of the City of St. Paul: Geutlenmu: I have deemed it my duty to call a special meeting of your honorable body to ulreent ge to thon e street force ou the stile o,�`deducg themutp to the Ist of October. Whatever controversy there may be in the common council in relation to the number of hours which shall mn,titute a day's work, in shy opinion "If' ouglit 'not to militate against the 7'ayment at nn of ,these poor laborers lot work nlrendv performed for the city under the direction of the proper City officials. I nm ,.formed by fhe commissioner lit clolre, of the street forcethat u large ori[ of Such I ­ are composed of into of r nmiliee wholly , Jq[ndent n their day'. ulabor fur their 1"p p- p vc + ed that death, sickoess and lest(to tion E­, ,all ady an se -d among them: that he hos Ireu ly advanced to relieve them, all the money he can afford to ,,Ivan,•,, una he also Infornes ve that the near oppronch of "biter makes the payment of file fuse nt o ce I , •S.Ity, so that they may secure their "later Seupply of fuel, Ve Vith the rfact, thus brieflyted I trust your honorable body will givthirceinntter your Immediate otteutlon. It fan tercel}.:. afro. TOI, Oct. 10, 1800. .accepted. Resolved, That the Paye f the nos klned labor- ,,,te street fares of the city of St. Paid he �ntle xnran ix taste �u,nin (fort the Idtettt,a r " °- n each a, every ror(re and ei ectet f om That (', to, Iath dou ay of September. 1800, In and lucludi, the 16it, day of .aprll. 1891. R raolved further. That the res lu (tin Offered by yAid. Kate. epiof t:,.v.d ouJone 22, 1881{,found o;ianr7 ill 871.lntlotn Ooffereoil d by Af'In Rya nof xnp: pro d o" %J ay u, 1887, mad i lou'( . pn4 •'2a8,of the council Procesdh,gx or 1887. be nd the a S+ r hereby in all respect. ret'ealedn Yeme-AW. Bunbolmr. Bielenberg• Batt, Cou- rt ley, Dobner, Dotiden. Flnndrnn, Geho,, Me. Namee, wfelady, "(then, Van Slyke- 12. Nays -Aid. Copeland. Castello. SanbonL Snll- ivan, Mr. Pre.id ou-15. Approved Oct. 10. 1890. Adjourned. O. ONUERGex, P City (1st of CowuCil. Taus. A. PttesoEttcnxt, City Cirrk. Regalxr MueLing. ST. PAUL, Oct 21, 18b). President Cullen fn file chair. Present - Aid. Banbolzer, Bielenberg, Bott Conley, Copeland, Costello. Donner, Fmndrau. (3shein, Me1mIY. Mmes, .nnbonh, Sullivan, Van Slyke, win. President -15. From itis honor the w[ae To"r-Police Prmcc- tlon-Fairview 110ghtx- To the Honorable the Common Ilonefl of the city If :t. Paul- lcutte um: I herewith tru-n lt, for your rooIiderntoa, two petition,. -f reeentiog o e lin almd and entY-threa n x. Presented by u delegation f citizens from Foi+rvlew far t has nxkivg for nd- ad ..ul PPolice north fly for the ll,ente hot hthe ed o th ion ley . on the SYenue, y the at by railtway trucks. street, oa the ,arab by the Omaha railway ryrand n the nest by Mis- sissippi street Very. (x_Llfully, G. fl, (bI.1.EV. Artng Mn}'ar. Oct. '21, ec il. C'omC.11. oilParker polio. F C. kI. Y ken and other,- Askillg for abetter vice by Sc. Paul eve litiro R(iiwuy company on \Pest Seventh »treat line. Committee oilStreets. From 'Yhvodorere Basun and others - For a sellae oil Greenbriererli at,lme over fit. Pnui & Duluth railway. l'otnmittee un streets. From William P. �wlurrnv- ivi'g the feet. in connection with rexolutiot of Aid. S he vett nodifying c itrnet with For- -.in] Broe.--Midutly wen xystem-and pro- tesltog us.met emaut. tion Put upon xa d reso- lution by the ileal I'tos..It Pa.- report of eeI , sedinve. oc F,..l ,teat and Planed er file. Front.I..1. Bell. 12 •gfSter of cation I Rved Ile to net odder Cher .lot of cattucil ap- coved OCG ill ]Kull, uthanzmgclmnk�- sou cords alae of 1l. D. Clark's rearrunge- i �r iota h. Dayton aha addition to M. D. Clark', reurrm,gement of lots In Iter and Irvine's addition. ldition. Amptrd nal paced on ell. F o n O. f:. Ilial nud For Adewlibio, .,I ex othern- (:omtulties ou xt reet,st reef. From snruh and .lame, \I,KS. \Skins far refunding of e,70 I 11 l"MO.d. Conem,nee of claalois Fro,n Athan Vierlhig- Sauna of claim for dammus, me account of Id, son lalling off ft ,,,IL -on Arundel .fret. Conuolttr I claims F nn .I r. ,tout nud othet•x- Forrhau"eolgrade on Osceola assn, and Grotto stmt. commltee Pit Inerts. From It. Terber- .aekittg for vu cntio„ of aIle}'-Woodbary .0 Case auldi[lon. comm¢tee on .torn. From .7. It. Maxon and Other,- I F rt r xtreg of alley from Payne ave nue to Hoard of p bile work. with order. t. F=rd .. wi. Ifoxltehell, rnalr.matt joI'll ce t.a committee. Until -C chamber M commar,r nud ellials- Us folio": To the Honorable, ins . 00 oa (:onside of the (Yty of mi here with:., (t O.t,`,or t w.ekl!", We submit herewith a report of the work lo- chested to. as n joint ccmmit[ee of the St. Paul chat h amber of coamem a ,d the ci m •onuml oI me it 01 Ki. r„w, Baying h, hand the emac- ter of the re-enuvn•r,tlon by the government of the census of this Illy. Thin committee wax cottattuted and eUpoinL ed by the t A" bo lies named, after the petin- tendent of cr• clue had ordered the recount of this city. Thedutiesof the committee were not outlined by either the chain her of commerce or ehe Common comteil of St. Paul; but the generai vprelucul of built those bodies was that this 418 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. committee should tender such service as might bored almost day and nigh for oxo u'eeke, be in their power to aid Mr. Wardle it, prepar- These labors were continued during the lite of big for and completiug the recount. the committee to actual semee, and they were Almost immedllwtely after the appointment, successful to compiling a list of absentees the 77'pint committee met and -gammd for work amounting to between twelve end fifteen thou - by election of Mr. J. J. McCurdy as secretary sand peogle. These nemea aero all enrefully and the underetPled as chairman. scheduled, showing their place of residems and After w very exhaustnve end careful iuvesthm. the number of the enumeration district it, which tion into the duties t the committee, it was they lived. deemed udvieable to divide the cork foto earl- Careful rad puivatnkina ansa w e employed u, departments. to visit all fit I nuhteturing anti jobbiut w- n Mr. J. D. 1.V idle, the gentleman mleeted by s[itutions of city, and acquaint I'll government to take charge of the recount of them as bar I possible with the this city. arrived and this committee at once qufremeuts of as the ceunuu bureau consulted with him fn reference to all matters In taking the enumeration of our city. Others 'soba ing to the work before us. As the 'ere employed to Visit the hotel, still boarding rsult of such consultation It a found houses and imp upon the proprietors the a airy to rat once begin to are r li for .uecesaty of of[ordtng the enumerators every up- thcorough, energetic aim cxpablr mea whom we portttnity for obtaining fuformetlou to the round recommend as enumerators IL was next umber residing In uthe hotel as well as the uum- foud mressury to provide men thoroughly con- her employed there versaat with the various districts, who could Every known precaution was taken as far ns assist ylr. Wardle it, divilling the city into call. suggested either by the committee it, their delib- natiou districts. The work of selecting suit- orations or by the citizens who from time to ablepara Is to act as enumerators was one of time wen- kind enough to offer sufaasLions, and Rtvat magnitude, requiring the utmost care slid oil the morning dexfinla[ed for the recount to rasa mmeunt of labor. This work va' H beaiu your comuli[[re fent perfectly �atlahed film uytconcluded out file 23d day of August. aft- that theyh:td exlnaulsted evert• Ilonornble means er receiving the pplicatfons of Seoul live hall- to p'prytre the cncim of ourcity for the work +Ired men. from when was made the selection of that vans to be currcddsoil it, their midst, and fn tbe:Sq 1 enumerator, as -ho were to ¢take the re- selecting for the el—all agent in charge co p eonat of aur city. Every enumerator a ex- tett, c.......mars, and fn preparing for him wed nasi selected by III,. Wardle.) n\5'fien char Of the eft}', by all which t Ins Its shwld these men were --bled they uppe,re,l to the he enul ied to do his duty fit , thorough d nudt tee unit Lo +:Il ptr,ent \rho expressed complete ,all, t r, sutitlfar y alike to tl ne de- themxVvea in reference to Linc notttor, flH n body part meat which she repretle tied null [u the citf- of men bar above the average In Intellect and fn was of St. Paul. husiness capacity. \fir, SVardla ..pr—sed Into. 1'p tU thin tinny yir. \Vardle Ind repeatedly ex self n, ver}• much }}disused, incl •ed, wrath the P- pressed himself tl, keenly appreciative of the lot pt, rent libihcy of tine loco we had reeornmended a close amount of vahlable servickk •ndett I by to hien. and the committee felt that this portion this ntntittee. lie Vrovided `d11r mnittee of it, duty—onen'bit•-It we laud considered rather from day to day with blank crams m—nedule9. I he most important o[ all—linin been performed which we were to use in collecting tion ora 'n[ nb- u Ini[bad and conxcieutfous manner, and that eeunrs and of those porsolH aria adult during night reasonIlly expect a full and complete thu ant c'.laint they had not been emm�enat- caoal of our city's populathm. ed. and'tIe -whole question nN to furidshing him Th C nn utter having fn charge the redistrict- schedules by our comunittee was careful)) jug of thwere el ere ably ase less veral days ranged in all its details between himself land aur id nights by our city engineer, Mt.I.. W. hsand- ver}' efficient ecru•ary, Mr. 5lecardy, A com. I'll. uud his subordinates, lay the aid of their plete list of ail these annms awn, e•onlpiled [rout tImex Mr. \Vardle was et,ubled to accomplish tiny to day by our aeeretnry and his aeaba- npreparatory work much better and more i nuts In a large volatile provided for tont Ironiptly [luta he could othe.wise have doue, purpose. Timis volume Sn' It and all the Ifs lvIaatedlvexprexsed Ilnselt'Iof only ph, eed air rmn[iou lZssury to enable Mr. Wardle but more than gratified with tl, assistance ren- and his enumerators to locatetlle}rrsontlnbove dered him in this direction. r (erred to rax nl,seuteea uud [hoer sale might Other ,reli n nary avork wa. begun n I tar. claim they land not been euwnem-1 during the ried forward by this connnlittee, such as lhnvia recount. It as art case I at [his [fine between the general instructions f the eeianx binreuu }Ir. Wardle Ind our cc" mitt,[• [lint na ,net + printed in all laugnnges, and aome Gn,d[IO copies we collected the name. of al—d-a re should of the name distributed throughout the entire hand the schedules to Mr. Wardle. These Imbed- rity—rine copy ut least being left atevery house i lues, as a glove described, ould column the uIl I,,,. Las pba t uud t] a""nn 11 of copies llx- uume of the ,e"ou or person., the ,tree, num- triolted at various places of public• nest (ug. Iter and num�der of the enumeration district hn 7'he xlxrlul conanitt- 1 nvina this natter in which the)• lived. They were to be di.tribuled rlarga Iso prepared ma�hs for publidartloa it, by Mr. W idle amnia the e m h rntoro np- the rurlouN duly y ape x of aur city. from which {dUluteA by hind, so [int each It,-"sdule would be cat all tutees received nhenrty response to our Inves[iaated by the nuuwt n[or having Chaise ull., both ht editorial work, in directing the of the can tm ratic•n district In %%hien the Person attention or the alblle to the all-ingwrtnntsub mentioned in the schedule resided. In case those ject In hxnri, nm� it, prlutlua uch matter In the er,oux alone Intoes were o collected wore r vol fuxtruetlolt its ave xuw Int Lu give them. Found by the mwfferator In who eratlou a Thr various commit teex to whom N'C[e M1N- dlbt[Icl they \fere sllppoxrd LU b I cute they signed these pecl2l duties met regularly every were to be In nunherated and the SclMules pplaced mond' at. l l o'clock. in [he portfolios provided by the Roverainent Shortly alter our organization the I ccessity 'Int that 11awtt,ow, and the Comm tree were to re- beeane apparent for prepa,daa a cnrell Ilan of calve Ila further untice concerning ulnen. 1f, lox• MI resident. who tnlght be tem pintrily nlxent ever, the..,, -Attars balled to find the persons from the city. Leine IIs far as pox,,.rfi a com ax indicated by the schedides, they xnre to re. plete Ilxt of the lends of if such hamlliex and of turn the srinedul- to Nil Wardle, and he In turn the various members thereof. '1'hlx work w e wnx to return thein to Mr. ASeCardy, the men- Cnt[asted to II nlNrini committee, which la- fury of aur colllnlittle with n alatement Unit PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 419 the persons could not be found. In order to plete, n --enumeration of our dtimns will have meet the necessities of the case as they might afforded every facility and nnaslstauee to Mr. arise, this committee eelectedseveral thoroughly Wardle that could he thought of. reliable business men for the purpose of resew- During the mount this committee rendered all, the schedules that Mr. Wardle might return every assistance in their power to Mr, Wardle, tons an uo9enumerators cerl to by the enmerators. and supposed that before tbaz ountwasclosed se The duties of themen cunsisced in ascertain- we would be permitted, httccordace with our jug the exact whereabouts of the per•:lon avhoae arrangement with him, to ICok over the abseutes nalue n I'll nbm.t- was placed list when he should return it to us. and deter- uponathew'hedule, u whet, uch nfor- Ine from the markings therein made br lite. atlon aaa, obtained in detail It was pinned WardleboZow'hatunmberol the names sent la by to the schedule, and the s ne wnx wagon re- a had been enumerated: but twatright suns not In led to Wardle at order that he might "flowed us, and the aauouncement of the result refer it to Igo special enumerator whose duty it et the mount was made,giving as el P.`d-tlon el uld be to inaestlante any person rson or Persons OP 11la,aol, which a,, firmly bell— to be many whose Valles sere a, placed poo the schedule. t, d, lees thou ave are justly entitled to. claimed to be residents of the city, as Indicated I We have communicated with the superintend- the refusal sal of by the udditioual (nfunhtution furnished by this ¢lit Of census, protest hug against nlnuhltd•C. .\ grunt mur,y schedul re 1 }lir. Wardle to return our t cord of nbsen tC•en [undid in this uuuner to this roullnittee by Nlr. us agreed, and demanding that the same be \\'nedl bill of all the Imo es duly in I'd in to ;mediately scut to its with all opportunity to hid by this I'otnnlitter,la onlnting In IIII to I nsmrtain w'he[her or Ilot the names aoechedu led probably about 1 ,UUu, there wnH oddly : sntnll hove been enumerated, aid if not, why clot. ulrtiun ret urued to us. .n that, under or 1 After all the t l,, ry work had been ac - Farr nRCmeat : nd :agreement Lith %Ir. Wardle, compliehed null the gnu merntorH were ut work cC telt posrtiv, Iy sure cunt all tier hereon, whose Iii. c al nice assisted hh every Possi lle nay: r Ind luruixhrd 111111, Liar schedules of i Itlways with the fill) rap ,maul n rad sa lnctloll or ,kwh`had nut been returned to us. were prop-', Mr. Wardle. .\t the c�use of the first day's erly entlin"Itl,•.1 ax eitir mx of ted. cite. 'There count the connnittt were invited by him to be rr prubabl) inn or three tbuusa wl names n•- .present :it his otliC•c• when the mm 11 orators v.l t.,my all of cairn v runny should Immo it, their reportsuf there"alt of their �•d by Lla, ed mitt.— mud theerexacr Inca-' dn}"H nation. Mr. \Vardle ed I;! Ise pe "'dt•Hig:ul ted in ,�h i Ixtuance. the reporcarfrona idle C•Ilunneraf ors aH tlneY loan, Nvl.. bon -ever,` loom/ i ark that it re- it,, crud is mm�aner [onurd them was nue of cnst- gnjred tela time" Is maedi 1 roof ,ark establish the iron rig idit )'. Tice ,trictext LCcInllicalit nes nl the Incl that I, perxml wax :I resident of thin city ;is tle ]nay _1reexpownded—oftentimes lu n nervous estnblis!",, ln lbs met. LIInt due n not, and chi" : ami impn[ima inamner, to Luc it ex P,rienretl Igo lir tfie nark of the culalaitte, very arcfuons, eiIll", I.Itorn, as ose eP, we already more Ie�liulns, uud, I might nus Y.nt tnm•s,exasp-acing. I, less tnised as to [heir a nettdties, ownog to 'I'iw eunnnnnenat ors nfin were nppuhold by Mr . the fact that they had bud but II[i f- time for \\":ted le x �ullh wed t.. :apyenr before hhn preVartatiol, unci no e.xperleuc, of lie name and r�r iter 2heir11iurtruCtinns- They x'irisin—kind before—to any nothing abouttbelwrnieoons �trm'trd by lout that they avere expected to rr fuf en,—brought to bear in various nalae hostile mar the city Mina, throe Jac,, uud with this to this city. It matters mat where }I r. \VllnlWS mlerstatnd.ac [IuY started out .,I their Inis- Intentions avere uI his peculiar notion, of treat. II Ion )lends)' hI ling.:\na. '' i, Iprobu ll}- II. fid these encu meralor,, every 1—son nuns' judge line and intelifgrntatnrbndY of tum + •r rat- of that for Iinhseif, hit the fact .. Is per- ,ennpted ally sm•fi ,;r..ice ill [Ili" e•ount cleat lectly c)enr to lis trial this action otnllhisl part, tt c1ale.i ape nY pruCerdnlax, Iann :agreenlellt arax bell I ut tIt IH tittle. :uud continued fmma ti nm� to entered into betweeul ylr. \Vardle and the scare- w'heneaer occa.iun sunned to rr�lnin• is cuol- t:trY of our +� wit[ee that be I>ir. Wardle) sul[ation between :I In ¢nanhzrnator : ml himself, ould take uur�u�t gister of abseun•en(the largthe aep d rodcedsucn ane(frcUupuntheulln•Ixofthoenu- v.1unn, above reb•nr•.1 tul anal check it with erators Unit, remeaberinR lux pre afuus orders po'tfolins in fill nfifra•, to ne i( tbv ,beeutees ,u ;tn'o the short tune alio wird then, i "[net' to ,el- uled avere confuted. :,dill avhenn Hu cheoked he nlrake the recount, they endeavored b}- -every ,ild rctulruu it to is nit 11 marks oVpoxite such po,elble Insults to finish theeni n Bratton, their indican lug those },rnon+tau"aid Iist1, If. district and return their portfolios within the n one not. counted lu order that we u:ught bout Ifo it xpnecoed, rather tbalh to i silt pen tfiesl 111'+a'I give Ilflll turther int,u allot, nits lC•inC L 1 plenty of [fine n nidClu [i a 1. ul lasing them placed upull the roll if review• their work anal oaks n r doubly entitled to he ,It reed. Teti wlll 11i:1L beau• Nure troth they Ind ace nhpll.beA hthenegoae with In mind that this volatile i' its the 11,ersonni lamp- ihnolutC•enrr •Ctivex ii�IcuoVleteness. In fact, ,�rlv Ut this cnuunit tee, prepure:l + fte[ uuuny there was u ty ,e of terrorism in the reelingex- Juye aid iighls of Icdlmla a'urk null eou[nlnlua isting among t�u nl tial 'mmol In make theni If,, whole tnuuJnLlofl :toll avork of tit•. couanalt- rather desire to Iltllsh Lhefr workumige6 through let• 'n .....h a .I Ill. +. a mill ennlle nus to a nth It than to culntinuc where they avrrn Ur[en- rb,ck ngaitfet t due a,rk of I he .....ra tors awl tirn0n NU hurslly [rented. It ecnis to n. that certain pusitivel y x het her r hey lull performed this lwlicy ,mule lc nbsolitelylnnpu..done for the filch work t Lornllghll' ami cullpletvly. It airs beat results to be obtained ;uld It full and exact kamvd to }Ir, 1Cur•he Iurely is nu urruw molter nnmcrntWu of out' city nccwnplished. We firu- tion to hinn, presumably to ueslst him i n the ly believe that Ind encu euuriertlerberu kindly better diselmtga or his Judex. 'firs volume he Int if, nqurs[ed to speed a¢ n, lnuuldely hits refused to return to this colli lnIttee when In Iris district to iuu•ert:dl. If poxsllle. If he had •quo wd so to dd, wad we are Informed It anis nutitied the anus of any person Jnally entitled .1 1pl-I with the rICords of Ills office to the cel- to emmneratlou the result woNd have been that ns bureau rat witshlugtun —tlm. depriving Its of every one wood have been euubled to return u a lair opporf ludty to i s •-r[uln whether rine ,wan her or nddl[imml annus, null It oiil be seen a orks aril I nA InithhJly doue or un6. \Vc rt n 6lulice that It would not have required a nslder this au iusult IU tll • people of the city 1¢nge uunabrr of names frons each of then 41 uI Sl. Paul slid all Insult to Ine na, burn of ,Ings unnnui•ntora to uitkeeit very considerable nRgie- nnfnittec, ivlo hove worked so hlthhdlY Ind:l gate. ]r,very' effort nits merle by tNncommittee hard in assisting to accomilish n IIII) :Int conn- to change this p—ItAl eoln itioll of affethIs. but 420 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. '.� PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 42I without success. The enutneratorn returned to their aid, ben been well and [,Ill. - their portfolfos, certiliefl to their work, were fully performed, and special thanks discharged by Mr. Wardle, and we were thus de- due those outside of our coumlittel• prived or the opportunity of recording the true w'he rendered this faithful assistance. We shall population of our c4ty at this time. not ntteml,t to Individually;• fully more Ibull to We are convinced that without the labor both ay that the great amount of labor perfornned of preparation and assistairm during the re- by DI r. George H. Itutzurd, chuirmau r the count the en!m erfutiou of fur city would nave irauspertatiou committee; Mxj, B. F. 14'rlghI- fallen many thounamis Short of whatit has been chair m I. of the committee on oflicinl bulletin made to ,1,ear b air. Wardle's efforts. so and official guide, nu•rlts sP Thal mention. Your that, notwithstanding the result, its announced, committee was aLi rasslslet fu Its cork by Ser n hitter disappointment to all of as. we can retary S. She in, Amat Brophy'. tormspm,derit; clut wta at,• ourselves oil the fact that our slid W. 11. Pniterson. of file entertaa,lment duty. performed Under such unfavorable and emitter. aura were elle to srmwe such nutis- unpleax.n[ rcun,atanten. ,n. prodnv[ive o[ haantot•Vre.ulta through the generous response on good -.1's. the the part of o r leocbcrx [ ad other cltlzena to This en,n unttee rmrnued until the Inst mo- fur 11 for 11utertrdument. W, laws been de- alt Gefo[r the trsult of the a u,t aa,an to, 1'f)',.danomewhxt h, aklnu this report by' a de- sire o, o„r rt [o'inose our --ars and m ced to axe every honoraLle arm a ,x km,avu 1'91 n r to as to brim , to Mr. Wardle's notiyr�thr name. '' kr Il :t li nal rPPort. of lbseatees In order that they ,light be eh lo, n The [o[nl recelpis frau, 9111 souccee hot- Leen ,rate d, fiedh+g i[ nec,...ary, ill ¢,011 hi-ow-cx 310:111,. 12 151; X10. of Llys wan from Lhe city, [obring with the. mamen a ,lamb grv:+Wr maxi of 152.11111 from n l-,ti-necats in the .0 PPlealent ';dance ll to the -act-ideucP, I cntiou aha of liarper'x \A"eekl Y. abtmt $(3.000 frn,n aver bunive.s P„erenit of file nerxut dee; red [o Le 0 en,euts n, the Official Bulletin and Oflici. r:ned than u'ou:d be nrceax-a A' toe tab- ddt•, alai shout 8:8,300 from x uri Pt, oasis latah their residency: in any court in eTh r,nte„�lom. 1 ¢The expenditure. have been 810, 4!34.92, leav- We hssve spoken thus pininly ami full, ill ref- ,ing a L+tl:anee of &:.2., for which we have made re Lo x11 the rireu mstea- atter ofng the n -nuchae to [he any of .vt. furl. it being the e ark of thin corn mit[ee in order• the[ nut fellow Int gent troll tri but0r to the fund. lieslmc[fully, cit- t,, y judge fort I i-ch'ex as fou lihu i. br n. n. DI F:nru Ll.. ('halrnuu,. blame for the results ut[nined, OcloLer, 1890. The fa,t blas been dPm.nE[rated to the entire ST. PA11, EXECTTI['F- I'0 -II -E. N.\ I'\AI- N.nt1'.e sa tisletion Ol PvrrY mem Ver M [Ina count l ttre Tf'xA1. ARlfoclnn11l". T that ,'ha[ St. Iran ,mt•fln mnnt , t the present �etreter"x Ire or[ - time is laity of feeling. unity [purpose and p unity of the part of ober rrprexenla- "P'.�t.Paull?xecntive Coinmittet�l:,.n[le,uell: five citi-is. Personal misunderxGulailllp+, I hereaait It present you lith my rep •t, its your 3iquea, ,rrjodices and jeuloueies must ba torecel' aeCret,lr', of the b taluess trnnsmc[edt saner• the aid us! c,aid an active, energetic ca mpaigu en- leetiag til the cunmlittes July 26, to wit tared int', to the end that the a orld at large ¢ECF -lees. mnY feel the iv fluence of the grant natural ad- c..], previously reported._...............510,129.37 ntagex, ill n •o , n,reinl. It -1nl td mgr- oll-ed 4,a aeconnt ofadver,jsiaaio vu n , n, cultural nears, of this city and state. We :ace ea Ofliriul 1; alae. Bullet h,, etc ............. 2A0.75 e t city, a ='thy 4tu. n c mxervatire city, and 1 avh(ch all ur citire[as shohid be .116.410.12I,eouCl.11e1t'hnefneex men geheriol, ill ouite ;and Is;xpF:.a'ntrt•,..x. hh nrtilY e'-oPerute In u noi- 4,t xx xbu"i' 1 Preriouelr outlined. the year 1900 ,'nil find thin S city' n'ported................... oill.516,3113.:ta every away eurpssasing the moat e91ncuiue expaa•tw. \'nurhrr 10. :3yiU..�[. l:lol,d .fnuron{, tion of her most ardent atl,n leer.. Prim inn ................................... ill 12.(30 \"u ocher No. ;tli 1. Ar,1:u Bnrpl, }-, x+al- Chalrmau Joint --at -olli tree Yuul xry........................gherin�.............. 00.On ('hambe[ of Commerce 4,a 1 onnmrh y'1,hcil V.ocher No. 362, 5. .nlnrY... 160.00 (-aha [Yty [ 82. Paul Vo -h -Nn. aim, Wealev Sherin, s:llOf 14.0:3 Sept 19. 1890„ oua,y...... .. ... .. ............ P \'ch,.No. T. H. h,k15 ...... 7. Committee on [meta. Vouche, 304. K r No. :tfi6, Phomas J. Gray... 7.60 From D. n. Dreerall, ebairm., committee Na- I \'oucher, No. :300 and :307, vold- tronal Educational xseocin,lou reception- led 111......................1 ... . ............... Po the Bouttl of Directors, Chamher of eon, Cll11he ne- evc-, St. Paul (",""T `cZ1tyncil, City of \.,icher No. NOB, incluaea fou 1 .�L. vioua report ........................... 1111 1111... Paul, alai Board of Eduentiun. City of vt. Voucher No. Sun, decor (tang Hi - peal: Ya rk.............................................. 96.00 Gentlmaen: Your con„nitrec uPP, ilatVd for \'o„cl,er No. 370, S. Sheri¢, salary,,. 260.00 the purposef cu ing t d err aging for the A-oucher No. 871, Am,u Brophy, xal- eeting of the Nutfonx] ,Educational assaela- ary. ... 100.00 Lion Iv Jnly Inst, begs leave to ren'rt. Voucher No. 472, George IL Flnz- 1•our t•.ommittee undertook [Ile duty' imposed zar 1, ndleorol commit- ............... :300,00 0P0 It, and t,, devoted a very large art, o,nnt, \'oucher No. :373, A. Z. 13reac, ex - of time in [he mcon,Plixhment tl:emo:. The Pe„xe ............ ... ......... Ylk lioneying of ter's t e and others at the come I. \'". C. r No. :71. r.i. �I, a':+:: Sl Yek 34, rind Ill] the hugest ever held fou this &cher _111.1._. .._ ........ilde ., re 7.00 country. alaall are nngeven tx andexerciser h, N",ocher No. ;t.G,11. Wildegre- connection [herewro Proved to be highly sxt(x-; h,4,d.............................76Sal 1; ............. :0.00 factor;•. 11+ fact irhn, all parte of tit county 1 .c.chcr No. 376. St. Yssnl f t l; Jill 7.20 e we have retrive¢ coo lutlonuud t \'oucher No. 877, 5. \[. Alomett, jau- these,he site ,dance. told het as ere ill ' ansa uncen iLoch.... No ....................... _1111 6.011 that the mtrti lgs of the nxsocLv["p„ bare never Vouch- No. 9178, t3nllnrd. P.xpresx.... 1;144 been en sutyrnafillly care) for. Voucher No. :179. Fineb. \'n„ Slyke The ,abor fou+srnsea upon the 4,,,•,n ben of the', &Co._ .............. .......................... 25.66 eommill ee o t1,ox,• avLnm they e:dled' Violet- No. a 5..3s l: u,d3s2, void. _. Voucher No. 'DSI, cosh sundry' rix- elate No. 7. grading Je[ike at. pease.........................11...1...1........... 816.10 Sand ren, P:ntimate No. 7, Voucher No. 38 L CRY of St. I•aul, to street, 8841.50: C. Nannette balance .......................................... 6,20 G. leaning Cortland Street, 81i p:stuunte No, u, gr. Ing RI[ 81P,, t10. 12 Carlet of 1, Estimate No. N. gr ilenpectfully suLuJtir,l, ,mc. 8349: C. E. Sandeeu. . InF3ux, 4ecectnry. gradin¢ Diinnehuhe street. ,let. 13, 18110 Ystimate No. 1, grading Gr .\ccepte, 1. James Forestal, Entimute District No. 4, 81,13U.uN; .Ta ,ty:r11lrtn ..f' clTr 11yvu'eus. theate No. (I, Sprinkling Dist Aug. L. Tillem,ut, 8100: PI Daily. $13,966.04; F. Driscoll, OI CiIY l'un, yl rulivr-.\edited (Aamee, viz.- \Imwed and ordered paid t P. tial Y.xtli!l to No. 1. 1 Fnlier 1'enx-Ald. l anholze , Biel tree[, 8266; airlimier.k Morrie, Estimate., IeY. CoPrIxad. <;oa[ello, D 9, itfnnehahn street .raver nys[e in 50.8011;alelally, Mineu. Savb Tlmn,ton 8 Shnw, Esdre ate No. 6, lending\Meat' Slyke, Af r. I'-.feent-16. aide levee. $]n,1ISO; J. W. Maloney, Estimate w ou • No. tiller, � +eve- 1fucy, , No. 5, gradleg Ott'. avenue, $340; Thorutov .Ala'. .k 8haw.E.limate No. 1•eruding I. glair Street, 51.630: J. W. Malo„ey, Sell-- No. 1, grad- I pu hull- Laborer" - i:or O,. Coatrxet- ,timate No. 6, spriuklleg in District No. 98.62; Thornton & Shaw, Estimate No. prinkling in District No. 10, $34.98; yen & Johnson, Estimate No. 4 and deal, r on Osesola avenue, 8+62.83; N. C. Johh- Estimate No. 3 and final, sewer on George t, $158; T. Keough, Estimate No.5 and gratling Hatch venue, eta, $57u; T. egg, Estimate No. 6 and final, grading Ox - at t, etc.. $595; Stockton & Lfndgnlst. note No. 2 and final, .ewer on Hudson ave - $106.60; Stockton & Llndqulst Estimate 1, sewer on Ontario street, $891; L. E. ley, Estimate No. 2. paving Selby avenue, 78; W. ,. Doherty, Estimate No. 2, paving $9.206: P. Doherty. Estimate I, eeweron avenue, Ictori+a street. $426: P. Doherty. Date N..1,seweron Manama[ -1,4566.60; Reilly. Estimate Dle- No.8.81,47+.48: Thomas Re111y, Eetlmate Breet ion & eihawiltorl . Estimate NorltgrsdlnaDhl, tµ$1,74,0; Thornton & Shaw, Estimate Nu. er d -ading On- street, 9875.50; 2Reilly. Eet(mate No. 1, paving alley , St. Paul proper, $469: Kirkland & fey, Eatimwte No. 4. Arcade treat se er to $6,780 Patrick Nor,". Estimate No - re" Dbtrict No. H. $844.72 Arthur Acus, Jr., Estimate No. 6, Sprinklfvg DIe- No: 8, $833.06: T. Sweeney, Estimate J. -ding Pacifle street, $897.60; ill Forrestal. Estimate No. 8, What District No. 6, $666.04; .Rey. Est' mnte No. ri, grain. Vl- fish. t, $1,7.0; G N.a. to cher, Estimate No. 2, 7. Woodbury & Donnelly, 1 e $610; T. ,be on No. 1, gradlin $loz: Dale & notal, grit -flog Esti �, i gt Case .i. Preston, We' J. T. Atalmil. Yane street, i o. 3. grid. k.' .r . ,a. - final, 5224; I-.- Imate W. C. aBk etl- MidwaySeaver Sy.[em- To the Honorable President and Common Couu- &I of the city St. Paul: Gentlemen: It appears that pan the 10th inet., the time when Lhe board of Public a ks declared the contract of William Forest.] for- feited to thecity Ior the construction of the sewers under tha'•DUdwap sexxr system," there wen due to the laborero, by the contractor, the sum of nine thousand four hundred andseven- teen and 7'L-100 (89,417.72) dollar., ae item- ized In the ncelf m: Ung pay roll. The con- tractor acknowledges, oder oath, that these labor claims are correct. City Engineer Read - lett has officially notified me that there can be no doubt of there being Sufficient money lest to complete Iabarere. Panyi- ty. very reel Oct. 21 ;to,. thereby fully protecting the iy,hedfent eervant, n NV Rocri Ott Comptroller. See reeolutloa.) -St. Cinirstreet brldge,Chicago. -. v5t. PaulRWiway,ompany- l:ouncll--Gentlemen: I Send orthe nrouosed bridge at St. m A. J. Fadingg geverat manager at the iy, agrte(ug to b fld a permanent iron t the end of ten yeswor as soon as become __3 to place the pro - bridge. Ae the Ilway company ate to maintain not only this etrecture, but or the Oct. 21, 1890. Accepted. (bee resolution.) Also, Hamlin, Avenue Bridge tie. ract- 'Pbe city .g neer bmlta following table of bid. � dge b awarded Charles that tract for soca 422 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. aU?fMARY OF BIDS FOtt 11AMLiNE AVENUE BRIDGE, Oct. 21, 1890. v constructing said Be. berg, Bott, Con- cbner, Flandrau. non, Sullivan. Van Also, E.timatm- The city engineer submits approved by him the following es'Ire e: Estimate No. 6, Sixth street bridge substruc- ture. Kirkland & 6tarkey, 81,966; Estimate No. 7, Broadway hridgt substructure, Kirkland & Starkey. $8,600; Estimate No. 6, Selby aes- nue bridge substructure, C. Stone, $2,120. Allotted and referred to comptroller. Yeas -Abd. Banholzer, Bfeleuberg, Butt, Con- ley. Copeland, Costello, Dobuer, Flandrau. Oe- han. Malady, Minea, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -16. Also, Estimate No. 6 and fli al. Sixth street bridge substructure, Kirkland '& Starkey, $2,678.98; Earl mate No. +: and final, Selby avenue bridge Substructure, Edge Moor Bridge Works, 811,- 719.07. Committee on claims. REPORT OF BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. Bedford and Other Streets Paving - To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: The board of public works have had under consideration the resolution or order of the common council, approved June 18, 1890, rela- tive to having the III lowing streets paved with cedar blocks and proper stone curling. viz.: On Bradley street, from Seventh to North street: on North street, from Bradley to Bedford street: on Bedtord street, train North street to Decatur street: on Decatur street, from Bedford to Beau- mont street: on Beaumont street, from Decatur to Payne avenue: on Payne avenue, from Beau mont to Jessamine street, said paving to be commenced not later than the spring of 7891, and, having Investigated the. proposed improve- lutit: Respectfully report that it i necessary and Proper to Pave Bedford at rest, from the south in. of Callus atreat to Decatur street; Decatur street, from Bedford street to Beaumont street: Beaumont street, from Decatur street to Payne avenue, and Payne Resume, from Beaumont street to Jessamine street (except between the rails of the streetcar tracks, and between the tracks, and for one foot on each aide of the out. Side rails of said tracks, where the street car connpnnv I,,"p poed to pave with granite) with cedar blocks soil cnrbiug witb granite, including In the contract for said paving the necessary connections to thaproperty lines, said paving to he done under one contract: that the ratio apenae thereof fe $47,070, one -halt [ which need not be id iato the city treasury before the contract Is ]et; Lhnt rent aerate to le aassased therefor can be found benefited to the extent of the cost and expenses necessaryto be Incurred thereby; th t said ImprovemenIs not asked Tor ,Y. "petfEfon of a majority of the onn- ere of property to be Dammed therefor, but by n majority of the o% Ge,ruot the ftiroved prop - arty ono the line of kpe ; proposed F provement. and we herewith send a plan and profile of said improvement, uhE Gu order for 'our adop- tion, if you desire us to make the improvement. Yeas, 4; Days'(). R. L. Go nsx, President. J. T. HERRES, Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Oct. 9, 1890. Adopted. (See order to board of public work - Also, Alley grading, block 16, Summit Park addi- ifUn- To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: The board of public works have tied under conaideratfou the resolution or order of the common council, age September 17, 1890, relative to gradingg thn alley in block Sixteen (16), Summit Park addit! I to St. Paul. and haviuc ,neceeanry and Proper to R pnetiai grade, that :he estimated expense thereat is 8260, one-half if which need not be paid into the city treas- iry before the contract ie let; that real estate 10 be assessed therefor can be found benefited to ,he extent of the cost and expenses necessary :o be incurred tlettby: that said improve- eut Is of asked for By a petition of a major - ty of the owners of property to be assessed therefor, to tee heretvltb seed a plan and profile N said f provement, and an rder for vour tdoptfon, it you desire tie to make the improve n nt. Yeas 4 nays 0. R. L. GonM.t N, President. Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Oct. 18, 1890. Adopted. (See order to board of public vorke.) Noe -The work on this grnding to be com- nenecd early next spring. a 9 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 423 Also, with scud a plan of said Improvement. and an CYifton fittest Grading- order for your adoption, if you desire us to To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: make the Improvement. The board of public ,.,its have had under Yeas 4, nays O. consideration the resolution or order of the R. L. OOGMAN, Presdeut. n ouncil, approved Sept. 17. 1890, vela- J. T. EKBERG, rive to the grading of C7itto. arrest, ivom Ran- Clerk of the Board of Public Works. dolpIt street 5 Grace street, and having invretl- Oct. IQ, 7890. gated the proposed Imp ovement; Adopted. (See order to hoard of publfe Respectfully report that said improvement is works.) necessary and p per; that the estimated Also. expense thereat ler $1,440, one-half of which Prior Avenue Opening, Etc. - need not be paid into the city treasury To tie Common Council of the (sty f St. Paul: before the contract I. let: that real carate to be The board of public works have had under assessed therefor can be found benefited to the consideration the resolution ororderof the com extent of the coat and expenses necessary :o be on council nVProved Aug. 6, 1890, relative to incurred tnerebyI that said improvement is not the et to nif of Prior avenue, from Minnehaha asked for by a petition of a majority of the street h Tnlluln •eune, and, having I-clitf- ""I. but by a majority of the actual resident gated the pr.poSedtimprovemeut: owners of roperty to be assessed therefor, and Respectfully report that it Is necessary and we berewit� send a plan and profile of said 1m- proper," open,w den and extend Prior avenue, provement, and sn order for your adoption, it from Minnehaha street to Tallula aveoue; that you desire its to make the Inurovement. the estimated expense thereof Is 83,000; that Yen. 4, Day. O. real estate to be assessed therefor can be found R. L. G...A,, President. benefited to the extent of the damages, Coats .I. T. KEaKEn, ndexa nae, necessary to be incurred thereby; Clerk of the Board of Public Work,. that a id Improvement ie Got naked for by n Oct. 10, 1890. petition of n m j rity of the owners of prolr- Adopted. (S -rd to board of public works.) erty to as -a am therefor, but we herewith Note -The work this grading to be com- send a pian of said improvement, and an or - me sed early next spring, der for your adoption, If you deaire ns to Al... make the improvemay Butternut Street Grading and Bridging- Yens, 4; nay, 01 J To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: R. L. GOIrxuN, President. The board of public w rks have had tinder J. T. HERKER, consideration the resolution or order of the Clerk of the Board of Public Works. common conneil, approved proved Aug. 13, 1888, rel- Oct. 9, 1890. ative to the grading f Butternut street, from Adopted. (See order to board of public Otto nvenue to Warsaw street, and having In- works). vestigated the proposed hnpmvement: Also. Respectfully report that it Is necessary and Orchard Street Opening, Etc. - proper to co latruct a bridge on said Butternut To the Common Connell of the City of St. Paul: street. octose the ravine between Otto avenue The board of public Works have had under and Baystreet; that the estimated expeus, conaideratfon the resolution or order of the thereof is $420, one-half of Which need not be common council, approved Aug. 6, 1890, rela- eid into the cl[p treasury before it, contract Live to the openhng, widening and eaten'iou of lac; that reel estate to fie assessed tharefor Ombard street, Iron Como avenue to Victoria can be found benefited to the extent of the coat Street, and having investigated the Proposed d expe Ses necessary to be 1 •u -red thereby; Improvement: that na(d nImprovement is not asked for by a tu- Respectlully report that it is --at, and tltion of a "Iajority of the owners of pp opertya pro_ to open, widen and extend Orchard to be assessed therefor, but we berewithrsend street, from the center line of Victoria street to plan and profile f said improvement, and an Como avenue; that the estimated expense order for your adoption, 1f yon desire ns to thereof is $9.000: that real satntetu be na- make the improvement. sensed therefor can be found benefited to the ex - Yeas, 4: Days, 0. tent of the dam ngea, cost' Rud expel""' neces- _ It. L. Go.m-, President. I Bary to be incurred thereby. that said improve - J. T. KERKER. ment 1s out asked for by a petition o1 n muJor- Clerk of the Board of Public Works. It of the onnen of property to be assessed Oct. 20, 1890. therefor. but we herewith send a plan of said Adopted. (See order to the board of public Improvement and an order for your adoption If works.) you dmfm us to make the Improvement. A]Be, Yeas, 4; Guys, 0. Ivy Street Opening, etc.- It. L. GoRMAN, President. To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: J. T. KF-RKER, The board of pnblic works have had under Clerk of the Board of Public Works. % • ,� consideration the resolution or order of the Oct. 9, 1890. common council, approved July 2, 1800 relaf Adopted. (See order to board of publid f� tfte to the opening, widening and extenajon of works.) Ivy street. iron Edgerton street to Earl street, Also, e and having investigated the proposed l=tll- Hewitt Avenue (formerly Pillsbury street) went: Openlut sit. - Respectfully report that said improvement is To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: necessary and proper be Edgerton street The board of publle works Save had under and the ceuter line of Earl street produced comeideration the resolution of order of the north; that the estimated expense thereof is common council, approved Aug. 6, 1890, rela- $18,000; thatreal estate to Be assessed therefor tive to the opening o} Pill.bury street, from can be found benefited to the extent of the dam- Grigg at,- to Lexf u ton avenue, and, having ages, costa andexpen.esumemaryto be incurred investigated the proposed Improvement: thereby; that Bald Improvement if not asked Respectfully report Lhat it f. tweemary and for by a petition of a Go, city of the owners of proper to open, ttitien and extend Hewitt ave - property to be nsaeeseC therefor, but we here- nue (formerly Pillsbury street), from the west 424 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. line of Lexington avenue to the center line of Grlegs street: that thee.timated expense thereof I81,800: taut real estate to be assessed there- for can be found benefited to the extent of s exnsnecessary the I damagecost. and pee. ssary to he in- currea thereby: that mid improvement is not asked for by a petition of majority of the ref property to be itessee 1 therefor, but we berewit6 Send a plan of said improvement and an order for your adoption, if you desire as to make the improvement. Yess, 4; nuye, U. It. ].. ;.hu", Yresideiit. J. T. KERKEa, Clerk of the Board of Public Work.. Oct. 9. 1890. Adopted. (See order to boar) of public works.) Also. - Cartice Street Slope.— To the Common Council Lf the lit}' of St. Paul: The board f publle •.,orke have bad under consideration [he resolnOon o der of the eom mon council, approved Sept.0, 1890, relative treei bet„cen said .treIts, and, having ted the proposed IRIP9ovement: tfullyreport that it Is necessary and itting and e take an easement lu th g on CLrtice Street, between South street and Concord street. 1. said city, y to construct the to pea for cut. and to t nam (.Entice street, between said to the t of aid grade tbereof, y the profile of aid 1¢adn ov file in the for every tt plan, of snit be filed I. ages, costs and expenses eceeeary to be 1n- ctltied thereby; t t said Improvemeut is not asked for by a petition of a majority of the owners of pp operty to be assessed therefor, but we herewlthrsend a plan of said improvement. and an order for your adoption, If you desire us to make the improvement. Yeas, 4; nays, O. R. L. Go1[tuN, President. J. T. KEugsn, Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Oct. 9, 1890. Adopted. (See order to board of ➢utlic works.) Alen,. fwnyrallorthern PAAciStreet ill A, 1 ey eomppavRlgat To the Common Council of the City of St Paul: The boardnefderatlon f he iresolution b [ve der of the ° ncil, approved A �. a tI89U, rely - L1 n to the opening, wldtming d e leu.lon n,1 Oxf,rd street enrose the rigbt of way of t he North- prnPaciHc raliway,and,huving inveetlgated tae roposed Improvemen �s tVu damn no,ittakcaneen=:, ov . under e. that 1 art of the rlgut of way of the Northern Peclfic Rahway c 'puny lying said rl , t Ot w y; loud the eatplmated O� thereof i. 810, that real estate to be ass... d therefor can be found benefited to the extent o[ the damages. Lost. and expense. necessary to be ' icarred thereby; that said improvement 1s out nakedfor by a petition of a majority of the re of propertyto be a . -d therefor, but a we therewith semi plan of said improvement. Ind an order for your adoption, if you desire us to muke the Improvement. Yrne, 4; nay., 0. 11. L. Glat—s, President. J. T. K...... Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Oct. 20, 1890, Adopted.(Seeordertoboarelofpublic%vorks.) Also, Hutch Street Opening. etc.— To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: The bourd of public works have had under 'on.ideration tlie—olution or order of the :ommon council a� proved Aug.6' 1890, relative to the opeufug. wtde ting and extension of Hatch .treat, from (Auno avenu, to Victoria street, and, having investigated the proposed Improve - sl RespectNlly report that it Is rimesintry and proper to open, widen ad extend hatch .trent. from the center line of Victoria street to tomo that the estimated expense tbereof ie 411.000; that real astatsto be seseslied therefor an be found benefited to the extent of the dem- W.S. costs and pensee ieceesnry to ce m- ut-red thereby; that eafd improvement 1. hot ..cd for bye petitloh of s majority of the ewrh reotproperSendtye to be o—.d mtherefor. but and an ordhher for youp`_` udo ion, R provemnut, to So the improvement pt you desire us Yee., 4; nays, 0. R. L. GORMAN, President. J. T. KEREER, Clerk of the Board of Public Works.' Adopted. ((See order to board of public works.) Also, Burgess, Topping and Atwater Streets Grad- ro the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: The board of , blit works have had under :onalderation the resolutfon or order of the :ommon conch, approved A ug. e, 1890, relative to the grading of Burgess streeq from GRultlet, 'o Western avenue: also ouropping street, from on to Western venue, and also of At- water street, from Gaultier to Western avenue, Ind having Investigated the proposed Improve, neut: Respectfully report that eafd improvement Is leoeseary and proper, Bald grading to be Ione under one that rxec; that the estimated !apense thereof is $8.880. one-half of which t m d Yea., s; nets, O. A L. GOAMAN. President. CResnoI the Board of Public Works. ar Oct. 1R, 181 Adopted. (ice order to board of public works.) Note—The work on this gradtat to be corn- aenred early next spring, PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 425 Also, Tenth Street Sewer— To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul The board of Public oke have had made consideration the resolution or order of tin common council, approved Sept. 6, 1890, mia tive to the construction of a flewer, on Tentt street, from Dilnnesote, street to Jackson street and, having investigated the proposed Improve went: Respectfully report that said improvement it not necessary "ad proper, for the reason thni a large majority of cfi owuere of the proper[} to be assessed are opposed td the proposed im hvement, and for the further reason that ere to no unitary reason for constructing thft sewer which can not be relieved by connection with Sewere already built. Yea., 4; nays, U. J. T. KA. L. Go—., President. E e Clerk of the Hoard of Public lYorke. Oct. 18, n 091% Alderman o[ the ward. Taum tAvenue Opening pen g and Extension— To the Common Council of the City of 5t. Paul: The bunco of public works have had under consideration 'the resolution or order of the common council, approved Aug. 22, 1690, rels- ....to the inuelignd street on of Tatum ave- nue, from llinng In a street Lo propose Im- prov and, having Investigated the proposed Im- provement: RmPftnot accessoryly and pr, that eaid improvement IS In favor of id.imPr°per' nt.parson appearing Yea., 4; -nays, O.provemeu R. L. Go.—., Pre.lnent. J. T. %E Clark 'I the Board of Public Work.. Ont. 21. 1890. Alderman of the ward. Also, DRdway Server System—Forrestal Contract— To the= Council, City of St. Paul: GenUemev: IC having become a wary for the board of publle works to take charge of the work to be done under the contract entered into between the city of St. Paul and James Forres- tal for the couatruction of a system of sewers an University Reenue end other avenussandatesets In Uldoil and Nferriam Parks, In the so-called " Milway If trjet," the said board would re- spectfully ask -that an appropdstimro[ $10,000 be made Lo cagy ou eafd work. J. T. K A. L. GOIt (A , President. Cllerkerk,, of the Board o} Yubllc Works. Oct. 21, 1690. P. 8.—The proper order Is herewith respect, fu submitted. (See resolution-) 28 ruble the President and Common f St. Paul: Aly board V the work eomltn nicatlo t hc'of y with the report that Mr. reed Into ,,tract to tired. aad ford Perk for the nam of 818.800, glneer's estimate for doing eafd 800. dove for this work called specie] he character of the work, avd In- ft ane the lovathm, eta, ad Malddere that they most Resume Of public works haw no tecom- make in this matter, but would ract would Sul Set etablfehln; t to modify that his would lead to endless trouble, a J. T. %ERItEa, R. L. GORMAN, President. Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Oct. 21, 1890. Committee oe streets. Also, Mlaeiseippi Street Wideutnmm g—Reneeaent— To the Honorable the President aad Common Council, City of St. Paul: Gentlemen: Pursuant to your order ap- proved Oet. 8. 1890, relative to reassessment for widening Lflesleefppl street between Broad- way and Nash street, the board of public works herewith respectfully return papers received by this board from your honorable body. Clerk R. L. GORMAN, President. J. T. KCle (1890 of the Board of Public Works. Oct.14, Aldermann ofo[ the ward. Also, Wells Street Honorable the To the Honorable the President and Common Cou ell, City of St. Paul: Gentlemen: The board of public work. bere- 1'i[h res,pectfully return the preliminary order pproved Oct. 9, 1890, In the matter of grading Wells street, from Edgerton street to Arcade Greet, with the report that said board has a final order, approved to Al July 2'18 'or for the grabatifd- points Inc onneStreectlollw th Greeen Drferoavenue.afd R. J. T. BEAKER, L. GORMAN. President. (,lark of the Board of Public Work.. Oct. 14, 1890. Alderman of the ward. Navdol ph Street Widening— To the Honorable, the President and Common C, uncil, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: The board f public works be— with respectiully eturo tfm ptenminary der pproved Oct. 9, 1890, iu the matter of wlden- Ing Randolph street, from Hamlin, avenue to Cleveland avenue, with the report that this Greet has been opened to a width of eighty feet, from Halmneve .we nue to the lilleslssippi river, Ruder alfnal order, appproved Feb. 19,1890. J. T. A. L. GORMAN, President. KEHREs Clerk of the Board of Public Work.. Oct. 14, 1890. Alderman of the ward. Also, Alley Pavlug—St Paul Pr�per; and RandolphStreet Grading— To the Honorable, the President and Common Council, City oTf St. Yuul, Genm tleen: he board f public work. hem - with rePectfully turn the prelindbalry orders approved respectively Oct. ll, 1890, to Lhe mat- ter of peving the Ile, m block 24, St. Paul Sum vRod enue South Randolph Chsteworthsorest, with the report that Said board have now final urdere covering said Improvements. J. R. L. GOuMAN, President. o, Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Octt.. C'erk to 18'lU. Accepted. AlsoHound Street Sewer Contra°t- 3Tbe ansen and N. C. Johnaon the has tfJames or eon- itV1ng Rsewer on Mond trcet. from IS,- ont street to Earl street, together with the leceeeary catchbaslms, they being the lowest me 426 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. liable and responsible bidders therefor, a t of W bHadfieId aged O. V. Eric.o t on miectioll. ith F'. Also, Linwood Place Grading Contract The Doard reports tin[ It; awarded Ed Cacho. Lhe contrnet for gredlf Lin. pod place, he being the...i ... reliable d eponeible bid- der re thefor; amount of bid. $1,404; bond in the sum of $800, with James C. Stout and Joseph Tuteur a. sureties. Ale., Winslow Avenue Grading Contract The board reports that It has awarded Daniel E. Elliott the contract for grading Wlnsiow ave- nue, from _ rospect Terrace to Aunapolla street. he being the lowest reliable slid =on.ible bid- der therefor; amouuc of bid. $11,649; bond Ili the sum of $2,600, with Arthur Stephen and Thoma. H. Elliott me sureties. Also. Grading Contract—Alley Between Blocks 2 and 8, Suburban Hills— The board rep its that It hits awarded Charles \omtemaclter the contract for grading Lhe alley between blocks two (2) and tbe, (3), 6uburben Hills, between :wound street and Bates x be being the only bidder nod hie bid behlgerea- sotiabie, slid bs being .reliable and re.po0sible bidder; amount of bid, 8405; bond In the sum of $100, with John Boldthen and Peter BOLE as suredes. Also, Park Place Parl- Driveway Paving Contract The board reports tient iG has awarded Louis E. Shepley the contract for paving the driveway on the south aide of Park Plato Park, be being the only bidder and his bid being deemed reason- able, and be bellg a reliable slid me .1 bid- der: amount of bid, Sl,eri7; bona fu the sum of Nickerson ,with George suies. Harper and Charles A. Also, Fairview Avenue Grading Contract— The board report. thatit hasawarded Thomas Keough and Daniel Donnelly the contract for grxtlmg Falry et. avenue from M:—hall avenue o Otto street, they being the only bidders ai d their bid being reasonable, and they being reli- $8 9261 bond pmnthe a mot 32,000,with Dau Baker olid John Donnelly as sureties. Also Grading Contract—Alley he block 2, B. Michel's ubdivision of block 5, Stia.on'a divf.fou— The board reports that it has awarded George Bolan the contract for grading alley in block 2, B. Michel's subdivision of block 6, Stlnaon's dl- v-islon, from Kent street to Dale street, he being the lowest reliable mid responsible bidder there- for; amount of bid, $150; bond in the on of $30, with Uri L. Lamprey and Heury C. James sureties. Each s irly gild the foregoing eby the foldlOwiaken eig vo e:sop- pPro Yea.—Aid. BeuhoI ,Bielenber Rote, Cooley. C.pel,ad, Costello, Dobner, Flmedrau, Gahan, Malady, Mine., Sanburu, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -16. Also, Estimates and Claim.— The board transmlts upproved by 1t the fol. lowing es[Ima[ea and elalme, to wit: Estimate No. I an i final, Ottawa street grad- ing (Cherokee to south city llmite ,.I. W. Ida - lousy' Estlma:e No. 10.ud f�un6 Mont, Naha street eaten.ion system of sewers, McMul- len &Morels, 318,460; Estimate No. 2 and final, avmg alley In block 12, St. Paul proper, T. elUil$'18�(BttfAlbtt Ito Viccoti.)d end L�E. 8hep Is', 51,890; Estimate No. 2 and filial, gradlup alley in block 8, Portland addition, L. E. Shep- ley, $18; Mathew Craig, $6; G. W. Mewls(, $1committee on claims. AE"— OF or.. rut­ onmO COXXnT•EB. E of Of GC Am Bradburn. P—testotal 6cervices—Omcer Peterson — Committee recommends that said dalm be disallowed. Adopted. Also, Catherine assessr'e petition asking relief In matter of asseasmetit for Olive street sewer, tc.— ccad tee recommends that said claim be re- ferred LO city engineer. Adopted. Also, George W. Stinger's claim for 3688.70, serving omni t recommend. m th— Cod to cos att that said claim be re- ferred to corporation attorney. Adopted. Also, Finch, Van Slyck &Co.'s claim-370.78—dec- orating band stand— Commlttre recommend. that said claim be rer (erd to Aid. Van Slyke for additional particu- ldars. Aopted. Of Committee on Streets, Protest of Noyes Bros. & Cutler againstddless amok -e nuiso t — Committee recommends thatcorporationxt- torney be requested to prosecute all persons complained of by Noyes Bros. & Cutler. Adopted. Al... Petition of J. A. Barnum, W. W. Clark and otb- ers for vacation of part of alley, block 41. St. Anthauy Pnru— Commlttee s bmite report of Aid.Delmer, recommending that aid petition be granted and filed of record with city clerk, and that city clerk be Instructed to give necessary publication notice. petition of ted andrecord and Instructed and to sive necessary puAlI' cation uotice. Also, Petition of J. F. Eleenmeuger and others for elec- tric Ifght mast a Rice and W abash. atmeta— Committeemakes an adverse report. Adopted. Also, O company granting J. moon of Sixt ward 1 veefopurpose use arpose f mnufactwing window bade.— Committee recommends that said petition be referred to city engineer and corporation attor- ney to ascertain condition and names of owners of said property. Adopted. Of Committee on License—Saneomes company's petition for permlesion to cra..fer Lo Cardozo Furniture and Auction Company Auctioneer's License No. 27, Issued March 25, 1890— Committee recommends that Baid transfer be made when proper bond is filed. Adopted. of committee on Public Buildings, etc.—Coal and wood bids= To the Common b fielt of the from St. Paul: The city clerk, by metructions from the com- mittee on public bufilling., advertised and re- ceived proposal. for furnishing the city with PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. coal slid wood for Our year from date of co tract. Yourcommictee have PPoeled Bald pr lintis the contractafter s r furnishingticoal a7d oc erk thee totjer beta the to James advertisement t Cleaetythe t, hit being if lowest bidder therefor. Respect tuny, Oct. 20, 3800. H. BI.... .. Chairman. Adopted, and said contract awarded eat (,leery. Tess--Ald. Banholmr, Bfelenberg, Bott, Cools, Copaloud, Costello, Dobler, Flumfemi Oehal 3telady, Mlnea, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van 61ak� Mr. President -16. REPORTS OF.PECIAL COMMrrrEE.. Of Aid.Banholmr and Dornicien and Ch. Lauer, chairman committee of five citizen. Azotite Mauufacturlug company nulsnce— Commlttee reports said nulsance .elating, an asks that steps be taken toward closing sal COmp any'. wOrks M sere. Haag. and Lauer were beard In sup port art report. Aid. Van 81yk-. moved toraise said report t same committee, to report at neat meeting c cc until. Adopted. MI.CELLAnEOte. Orditances. An ordinmlce was read s Ithorizing pxymen' of judgments—Michael T.chida and others. Rules aulTild ed on motlon of Aid. Mines, yeas 16, and ordinance rend second time ant passed. (See Ordinance No. 1,428.) An ordinance was read authorizing Thos. J. Ryan & Co. to move frame building. Rules suenenaed on motion of Ald. Dobner as , ye16, and ordinance read second time and passed. (Bee Ordhmnce No. 1,424.) An ordim uce was read chaugiug the name of Ada street to Ada place. Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Dobner yeas 15, and ordinance read second time and passed. An ordi Ocerdinan... ce ad lliongfag name of Owasco avenue to Fairmount avenue. Rules suspended on moon of Aid. Sullivan Yeas 16, and cit ace ead second time lid passed. (See Ordinate NO. 1,420.) An ordinance was read granting permiaslot to O'Halloran & Murphy to move a barn. Rules �uepetided on motion of Aid. Conley, yeas 16, and Ordinates, read second time and passed. (See Ordinance No. 1,427.) An ordinance wee red permitting Ansel Op. penre heim to ect bay window.. Rules suep.tided on motion of Aid. Conley, yen. 16, and ordinance read second time and Passed (ileo Otdina m No. 1,42 A. ordinanceas W" read appropriating to A. Buchner $106. Rulessuspended on motion of Aid. Copeland, yeas 16, and ordinance read second time and passed. An ordinance was mad authorizing drawing of warrants In favor of wire of land con- demned for levee In West St. Paul. Committee on streets. An ordfuance wnfe mad grouting Lee and Hoff Perot to to nee portion of levee fn Sixth ward. Committee on streets. An ordinance wait read cbnging name of South street to Ivy street sad Aucumu street to Ivy at t, Committee on streets. An ordinance was read to refund money to Peter Murphy, unearned Iiceuae. COm itts' on license. By Aid. Copeland— D,R890, for the oinstructiono of pit rvewer on 427 to Maryland avenue, from ftesolufilm ptleg plane o[ Chicago, Mn_ & 8t. Paul Hallway company for St. Clair street brldge, and %t t Of general ager of said company dated .Oct. 18, 1880. Ald. Vnn Slyke moved to amend so as to pro- vide that said company shall build s atone bridge et end" nd of five yens. Amendment lost. Yea.—Aid. Van Slyke, 1. Naged. The aid An ordlosncelxel8=b read tbhre lit d moneon y to D. E. %later, unearned Ilcensa Committee on license. ' A resolution arespilug plat of Haze] Park DI- vlsion 4. Aldee ward. Resolu an t ions lamps as folloust: Aid. Bfelenberg, norchweet comer Edmund olid Chatsworth street, etc., and west side R1ce street; All). Sullivan, Marshall and Laura ave - nus, etc.Ald. Gehnn, Maguolla and Park eve- uuee, tc.; ; Altl. Copeland, Forest d Geranium treet$. etc.; Aid. Sanborn, St. Clair street, etc., Victoria street, etc. Committee on gas. Preliminary order for lowering grade at inter- esetlon of Osceola avenue and Grotto street and chandng grade oil said avenue and sold stmt. Committee us, treats. Pursuant todvertisement of city clerk of date Oct. I8, 1889, bid. were received for coa- etructlon of bridge on Hamlias avenue, across right of way of Great Northern dhdway, from Sherwood Sutherland & Co., eo.gfleld. Charles Stone olid H. H. L mCUT a gineer, to tabulate and report at this ,,The matterMacule [er Parks advertised te of street. toabe reard and considered at meeting of Oct. 7,1890, end postppo ed and adjourned until this time, :ame on fo hearing. The President announced chat ablectione, if my, to said propoeed vacation would then be lased. No one appearing to oppose said pro- Osed vneatlon, a reeolutlou vacating said treets and alleva and resolution fialug value of 'seated premises were adopted. (See re'aolutloaS.) Aid. Sanborn moved a'us pea.10. of the rule. o far its to allow D fdswalk resoltions here- ofore introduced and those Introduced at this reeting to pass, unless otherwise objected to. Adopted, yeas 15. of on Streets, w so matter of gS" core herman street sewer and vacation will come on for hear - ng. Adopted. Aid. Sanborn moved that when council do,. tljourn it adjourn until Thursday, Nov. 6, A. ). 1890, at 7:80 o'clock p, m. Adopted, yeas 15. — Ordinances. GRDLYA so NO. 1.423. .n Ordinance autb rizlag the payment of cer- tain judgments against the city of St. Paul. 'he COnirnOle Couucfl of the City of St. Paul do ordain as follow.: Section 1. Teatwarrants be drattTi upon the Ity treasurer ns to owe: 428 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. One in favor of Michael Tsebida for the cum o[ $14.70 In full payment Ota judgment rendered I. favor of said Michael Tschid.mid aI;..st the city of St. Paul Sept. 26, 1890, for the sum Of $14.70. One in favor of Nincenz Stutz for the cum of $1471(/ 1n toll Dsyment of a judgment rendered 1n favor [ sold Nincenz Stutz and agai.et the city of St. Paul. Septi 26, 1890, for thn sum of $14.70. One in favor of Nels Robertson for tho sum of $14.70 In full 1palyvment of a judgment rendered 'el. Robets.. and aainst the city ofin favor St. Paul Sept. 26r 1890, for the sum Of $14.'0 One in favor of Patrick McDonnell for the 1. cum of $14I..70 in full payment of judgment arends gaivarttthe 'ty rot StaPaul rSeptf 26, 1890, for the sum of $14.70. red Ana w' �aahuddgmevteord In the oIDcey a oftheup a¢ pe ret o Jerk of the district Court of Ramsey county, Minnesota. Said warrant. to be delivered only upon said oft he clerk of i m "but'lrlct oumrtoandicetti,catee thereof being ,led in the -,ice of the city cou- troiler. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be RI force from and atter Its passage mid publi- cation. Yeas-ppAeeid. Banholzet, Bielenbe err g, Butt, Co nu' ley' COA[elsdy, Mfneae1111 born, 6ullFv.naVan Gehnu, ..,e. Afr. PresldenC-1G. Passed Oct. 21, 1890. p. O. l _N. President o[ Collodi. Approved Get. 2. 1890. O. O. CTLI.EN, Acting Mayor. Attest: Taos. A. PaENOEE.war', CYty (:lark. Oct. 27. in force fromThis and after i . Wnblicatian mi hall take effect end be Yeas-Ald. Banholzer, UelenbeDob atFl.2f Bott, Con - Mel dy' M o,ea aSsoborn, Sullivan, Vau Slyke. Mr. Pxelde," -16. passed Oct, 21, 1890. O, O. CGLLEN, President of Council. Approved Oct. 28, 1890. O. O. CDLLEN, Acting Mayor, Attest: THOS. A. PIIENDRIMA" City Clerk. Oct. 27. ORDINANCE NO. 1,429. Anuero Ice C ang g'beve.0in' of Owasco The Common Covudl of the City of St. Paul do rdaiu as follows: In thelon 1. That Eleventh ward, thee and the same oia hereby chavged to Fairmouav 1'i.kc effect 1. form from aaallaltnter its publlCRtIOD.. and be w„t+olmr- Bielenberg, Bort, Con- ` --- VO, O. (,b1A.E- President of Council. Approved Oct. 29, 1890. O. O. Cul -2N, Acting Mayor. Attest: Time. A. PRENDERGAK. City Clerk. Oct. 27. GmRNANCE No. 1,427. A and MurphyomoLePs bnrnlon to O'Halloran The Common to of the City of St. Paul do Ordain as follows: 8ectlon 1. That permlaslou and authority is bereby given and gr lited unto the firm of 1 [ nd owners of t PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 429 See 2. This ordinance .hail take effect an he in force from and after Its publication. Yeas -Alda Banholzer, Bieleubecg, Botta Cot ley- Copelsnd, Costello, Cotner, Flandrau, G hon, Meldy, Mines, Sanborn, FiendSullivan, Va Slyke, Mr. President -16. Passed Oct. 21. 1890. O. O. CDLLEN, Prmldent of Council. Approved Oct, 28, 1890. O. O. CO,-, Acting Mayor. Attest: Taos. A. PRENDEROARr, City Clerk. Oct. 27. Heeolutlone. .BUM. Bott- olved, That the grade f East Seven.: tree[, from English treat to Phalen street, n Indicated by the d grade line the accom pany" profile and as recommeudd by the cit e gluar, be and the . me ie hereby adopted a the established Rrade. a Yeae-Aid. Beaholzer, Blelevbe[g, Bott, Cos ley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Flandrau, Ge hon, Malady, Mine., 8mI or., Sulllvau. Val Slyke, Mr. Preeldent-16. Approved OC1. 23, 1890. By Aid. Gehan- - Resolved, That the grade of the alleys in bloc) seven (7), of E. RIOR Second addition to SC Paul, as Indlcatd by the red grade line on tht aoompanyfng profile and ee recommended bl the city engineer, be x.d hereby is adopf it ae the establshed grade of said alleys. Yeas-Ald. Banholur, Bl"" ng, Bott, Com ley. Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Flandrau, Ge. hall, Mel.dy, Mines, Sanborn, Sullivan, Va. Slyke, Mr. President -16. Approved Oct. 28, 1890. By Aid. Copeland- - Resolvd, That the gr.ds of the lleye in block 2, E. Sloe's Fourth addition. es Indicated byythe red grade line on the accompsnving pro- file and es recommended by the city engineer, be and the same 1s hereby dopted ae the estab- Ifshed grade. Yeas-Ald. Banholzer. Blelenberg, Bott, Con- ley, CopPeeland, Costello, Dobner, Flandrau, Gehan, Malady, A[Inen. Sanborn, 8ulllvan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -16. yyApproved Oct. 23, 1890. Minea- B Resloly d' That the city engineer be Instructed to report n grade on Llvlugeton avenue, from George street to the south city Ilm1[e. Yefla--Aid. Bmthoimr. Blelenbetg, Bott, Con. ley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner. Flandrau, Gehan, Afelady, Mlnea, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke. AI r. Pte.ident�l6. Approved Oct. 23, 1890. By Aid. Dobner- Resolved, That the city enamor, be and he f. hereby directed to prepate plans and specifica- tlons for a proper approach to the Hemline ay. e e bridge on the north side. Yeae-Ald. Banholzer, Blelenbe[g, Bott, Con- ley, C'o land, Costello, Dobner, Flandrau, Gehan, Rfelady, Alfnea. Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr, President -15. Approved Oct. 28. 1890, By Aid, Blslenberg- Reeolvd, That the city engineer be and he Is hereby authodrd to expend two hundred (8'100) dollars to strenggthen the Como avenue bridge over the ore It . rtbern ref,mIs oy m- clenc for the electric cars to go over, this being part of eight hundred (8800) necessary for to complete this work. Yeas-Ald. Banbolzer, Bielenberg, Batt, Con- ley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Flandrau, Ge - ban, Meldy, Mlnea, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van 61yke, Mr, President -16. Approved Oct. 23, 1890. By Aldi. Copeland - Resolved, That the city engineer be and Is hereby authorized to expend the Bum of two hundred dollars for the purpose of filling me- terial over the Trout Brook- sewer north of Ls- tayette avenue. Y as-Ald. Banholzer, Bfelenberg, Botc, Con- ley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Flwndrau, Ge- hon, =1 ICY. Mfnea, Sanboru, 6ullfban, Vau Slyke, Mr. Pmeident-16. Approved Oct. 23, 1890. BY Aid. Micee- Resolved. That the city engineer be Instructed I o build a stairs on the .outh side of Colorado treat from Dakota avenue [0 Starkey street, the coat not to exceed fifty dall.rs. Yeas-Ald. Banholzer, Blelenberg, Bott, Con- ley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Flandrau, Ge - ha., Meld,, Mines, Sanborn, 9ullfvau, Van Slyke, Mr. Preeldent-I6. Approved Oct. 23, 1890. By Aid. Mlnea-- Resolved, That the city engineer be Instructed Lo I.y acroseMe on the south side of Stevens street across Menomiu street. - Yem-�pAeeid. dBnhbizer, Bielenbent HF. tt, Coh- GehanoA[elady,Jfi ant, IBanborun 6u111v1auaV.ti Slyke, Afr. Preeldent-16. Approved Oct. 23, 1890. By Aid MeldY- Resolved. That the city engineer be and le hereby Instructed to lay a three -plank sidewalk on the west aide of Brown avenue. from WI.1- !red to Congree. street. Yens -Aid. Banholzer, Blelenberg, Bott, Con. ley, Coppeeland, Costello, Dobner, Flandrau, hon, Malady, Mines, Sanborn, 8ulllvan, Van Slyke, Afr. President - 16. Approved Oct. 28, 1890. By Aid. Copeland- Resolvd, That the Illy englnar be and he is iereby instructed to cau.e a croeeing to be laid +n the south side of Whitall serest across Payne i Yeas -Alda B.uholzer, B1ele¢be-, Hott, Con- au iefrau,Atelady, ]Iinen,l8anborna Sullivan, Van Ilyke, Mr. Preeitlent-]6. Approved Oct. 28, 1890. ly Aid. Melady- =.Ived, That the city engineer be and I. hero. Y ustructed and cause to be laid a three -prank talk on the Booth Bideot Presbeet Terrace from [all avenue to Stryker avenue. Yeae-All. Hanholzer, Binlenhen[, Butt, Con. y, Copeland, Costello, Dobner Flandrau, Ge an, Melady, Alines, Sanborn, 8ulllvan Van lyke, Mr. Preeldent-16. Approved Oct. 28, 1890.. LAid. Dobner- eolved, That the city engineer be and he f. e -b wthorized d Instructed to canes a alk to be laid on both .film of Hewitt venue over Hamllne avenue; also s erten walk 0'11 loran and Murphy, tenan e a "8 Rice and Irvine'. addition to OHIim1NCE No. 1.424. in Ordinance .u[borizing Tbomas J. Ryon & lot 8 in block of et. Paul, to move on said lot . certnl.p frame thereon back from its t Co. to move a frame building. ,he Common Counefl u[ the Clty o[ St. Paul been .hunted lev It S.R. to 0e d tE do ordain se follow.: Is lad barn itwenm rpositemoval .In.t mo al brick 'a11 in the mar of the Grand Section 1. That permission and authority reby Riven and granted auto Thomas J. Ryn¢ trame build- the solid opera house. cep, 2. TDI. ordinance shall take effect k Co. to mote those two Certain on block 76 01 St. Anthony Park, sud be fn tom from and - lr It. g.bBott'n I Rge situated feet In me of which ie 12 feet 1u length byy 1:11 YeRe-Aid. Banholrer, oll Dobner, Flandrau, /ie- idth, and one of wnich is 12 feet In idth by from where the ley, Copeland, [;vet dlo, Dan, llfeiady. nem, Sanborn, Sullivan. Va¢ :bfrtygtwo (32) feet 1. length, on to Iota 2, S.4 , Slyke, Mr, Pre.idC' t 6. now situated to and nd 6 of block 46 of Rfee & Irafne', addition to 0 Passed Oct. 21, 1 tl90. Council. 3t. Pouf. All of: old work hall be under the the O. O. (.•v[•LEN. Preeldent o[ Oct. 18, 1890. t pervlefon oI Lhbuilding inspector upon it,therefor. p ved PPB¢ O. O. [.bI-LEN. petitI Mayor. �btalniriR of roper c 2. Thin ordinance all take effect and Attest: TROs. A. PeENnE¢nAr, City Clerk. begin lom from and atter It. pnaeege. Oct. 27. Yeae--Alda Bauholzer, Blslenbertt, BotL, Conley, Fmdrnu, Gehan, Co Pelend, Costello, llobuer, Malady, M1uea, Sanborn, 8ulllvan, Van Elyke, ORDINANCE No. 1.428. Permltting Anse{ Oppenheim to erect bay wm- AIr. Preeldent- 16. Paeeed Oct. 21, 1880. dOw's as herein epecl,ed. The Common Co.ndl of the City of St. Paul do O. O. G.LLER. P[e9fdBnt Of COUndI. ordain RB f.nD WB: Approvd Oct. 28, 18D0, O. O. CbLLEN, Acting Afeyoit tlatlon 1. Permleelon fe hereby given and to erect and con - Attest: TROs. A. PnexuEnowar. City Clark. need unto Ansel Oppaihelm cullet in tbat cett.In brlck and atone Dullding Oct. 27. t ing onatruded on lot Biz (6), hick eleven llil), Bt. Paul proppeer, at the Interee ,e of In Bald city, ORDINANCE No. 1,426. of Ads street elzth street with A711mesow street, (bulid111, IandwovelP•DBfzth l GBald An Ordlnance changing the name etreetlhe saidtwo Ise to Ada place. The Common Coundl of the CYty of et. Paul do window. on tban endohes over enldoetPree, lRemHnd to be built so- ordain ae follows: Adnstreet in et. Cording to plane and peclficatfoue furnfehd to 8ectlon 1. That the veme of and the inure Is berebv ParkArk and approved by the building I.Rpector of Baid chHAnlnged to Pbe t PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 429 See 2. This ordinance .hail take effect an he in force from and after Its publication. Yeas -Alda Banholzer, Bieleubecg, Botta Cot ley- Copelsnd, Costello, Cotner, Flandrau, G hon, Meldy, Mines, Sanborn, FiendSullivan, Va Slyke, Mr. President -16. Passed Oct. 21. 1890. O. O. CDLLEN, Prmldent of Council. Approved Oct, 28, 1890. O. O. CO,-, Acting Mayor. Attest: Taos. A. PRENDEROARr, City Clerk. Oct. 27. Heeolutlone. .BUM. Bott- olved, That the grade f East Seven.: tree[, from English treat to Phalen street, n Indicated by the d grade line the accom pany" profile and as recommeudd by the cit e gluar, be and the . me ie hereby adopted a the established Rrade. a Yeae-Aid. Beaholzer, Blelevbe[g, Bott, Cos ley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Flandrau, Ge hon, Malady, Mine., 8mI or., Sulllvau. Val Slyke, Mr. Preeldent-16. Approved OC1. 23, 1890. By Aid. Gehan- - Resolved, That the grade of the alleys in bloc) seven (7), of E. RIOR Second addition to SC Paul, as Indlcatd by the red grade line on tht aoompanyfng profile and ee recommended bl the city engineer, be x.d hereby is adopf it ae the establshed grade of said alleys. Yeas-Ald. Banholur, Bl"" ng, Bott, Com ley. Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Flandrau, Ge. hall, Mel.dy, Mines, Sanborn, Sullivan, Va. Slyke, Mr. President -16. Approved Oct. 28, 1890. By Aid. Copeland- - Resolvd, That the gr.ds of the lleye in block 2, E. Sloe's Fourth addition. es Indicated byythe red grade line on the accompsnving pro- file and es recommended by the city engineer, be and the same 1s hereby dopted ae the estab- Ifshed grade. Yeas-Ald. Banholzer. Blelenberg, Bott, Con- ley, CopPeeland, Costello, Dobner, Flandrau, Gehan, Malady, A[Inen. Sanborn, 8ulllvan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -16. yyApproved Oct. 23, 1890. Minea- B Resloly d' That the city engineer be Instructed to report n grade on Llvlugeton avenue, from George street to the south city Ilm1[e. Yefla--Aid. Bmthoimr. Blelenbetg, Bott, Con. ley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner. Flandrau, Gehan, Afelady, Mlnea, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke. AI r. Pte.ident�l6. Approved Oct. 23, 1890. By Aid. Dobner- Resolved, That the city enamor, be and he f. hereby directed to prepate plans and specifica- tlons for a proper approach to the Hemline ay. e e bridge on the north side. Yeae-Ald. Banholzer, Blelenbe[g, Bott, Con- ley, C'o land, Costello, Dobner, Flandrau, Gehan, Rfelady, Alfnea. Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr, President -15. Approved Oct. 28. 1890, By Aid, Blslenberg- Reeolvd, That the city engineer be and he Is hereby authodrd to expend two hundred (8'100) dollars to strenggthen the Como avenue bridge over the ore It . rtbern ref,mIs oy m- clenc for the electric cars to go over, this being part of eight hundred (8800) necessary for to complete this work. Yeas-Ald. Banbolzer, Bielenberg, Batt, Con- ley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Flandrau, Ge - ban, Meldy, Mlnea, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van 61yke, Mr, President -16. Approved Oct. 23, 1890. By Aldi. Copeland - Resolved, That the city engineer be and Is hereby authorized to expend the Bum of two hundred dollars for the purpose of filling me- terial over the Trout Brook- sewer north of Ls- tayette avenue. Y as-Ald. Banholzer, Bfelenberg, Botc, Con- ley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Flwndrau, Ge- hon, =1 ICY. Mfnea, Sanboru, 6ullfban, Vau Slyke, Mr. Pmeident-16. Approved Oct. 23, 1890. BY Aid. Micee- Resolved. That the city engineer be Instructed I o build a stairs on the .outh side of Colorado treat from Dakota avenue [0 Starkey street, the coat not to exceed fifty dall.rs. Yeas-Ald. Banholzer, Blelenberg, Bott, Con- ley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Flandrau, Ge - ha., Meld,, Mines, Sanborn, 9ullfvau, Van Slyke, Mr. Preeldent-I6. Approved Oct. 23, 1890. By Aid. Mlnea-- Resolved, That the city engineer be Instructed Lo I.y acroseMe on the south side of Stevens street across Menomiu street. - Yem-�pAeeid. dBnhbizer, Bielenbent HF. tt, Coh- GehanoA[elady,Jfi ant, IBanborun 6u111v1auaV.ti Slyke, Afr. Preeldent-16. Approved Oct. 23, 1890. By Aid MeldY- Resolved. That the city engineer be and le hereby Instructed to lay a three -plank sidewalk on the west aide of Brown avenue. from WI.1- !red to Congree. street. Yens -Aid. Banholzer, Blelenberg, Bott, Con. ley, Coppeeland, Costello, Dobner, Flandrau, hon, Malady, Mines, Sanborn, 8ulllvan, Van Slyke, Afr. President - 16. Approved Oct. 28, 1890. By Aid. Copeland- Resolvd, That the Illy englnar be and he is iereby instructed to cau.e a croeeing to be laid +n the south side of Whitall serest across Payne i Yeas -Alda B.uholzer, B1ele¢be-, Hott, Con- au iefrau,Atelady, ]Iinen,l8anborna Sullivan, Van Ilyke, Mr. Preeitlent-]6. Approved Oct. 28, 1890. ly Aid. Melady- =.Ived, That the city engineer be and I. hero. Y ustructed and cause to be laid a three -prank talk on the Booth Bideot Presbeet Terrace from [all avenue to Stryker avenue. Yeae-All. Hanholzer, Binlenhen[, Butt, Con. y, Copeland, Costello, Dobner Flandrau, Ge an, Melady, Alines, Sanborn, 8ulllvan Van lyke, Mr. Preeldent-16. Approved Oct. 28, 1890.. LAid. Dobner- eolved, That the city engineer be and he f. e -b wthorized d Instructed to canes a alk to be laid on both .film of Hewitt venue over Hamllne avenue; also s erten walk 930 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. to be laid on the amt old, of Bemlme avenue over Hewitt nvnue. Yeas—Aid. Banholur, Blelenbet. Bort, Con- ley, (:uppeel�ud, Coe[ello. Dobaec, Flxadraa, Ge- hnn, Dlelady, Dflnea, 6aubom, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -16. Approved Oct. 18, 1860. By did. Melody— Resolved, That the city engineer be and is south herebaide of Roble acructed to oss Dakota venue a "Ogg n the Yeas—yeAld. Bauholuudra r. Bfelenberg. Bort. Con• ley. Cocllady Mines, Sanbom. Sullivenu Van hen, Slyke. Dtr. a Approve 0�c•6d2R 1890. By Aid. Dobner—' Resolved, That the gasoline lame Contractor beand he le hereby I'.t%Cted to sues Gasoline lames to be Plated at the following Points, viz: One at the mer of the terrltorlel ad and Fry street: oleo one on Bayless avenue in trout Of thep etomceatSt.AnthonyPark:�lsooueo- of said de of Cudwor h )street with Bayless nvnue west; also ops on Cromwell street, halt way be- tween -- all and — street; oleo teraectlothe n of Raymo daav nue clen n d C d at .rth street. yam—Aid. Banholur, Bielenbetg, Nott, Conley, (:opefood, _._"a. bo t, 8ulll eu,rVanGSlyke, Melall Minna, Mr. Pxeiden4-16. ..proved Oct. 28, 7890. By Ald. Copeland— Resolved, Thet tae gasoline lamp concrmtor be and he is hereby instructed to place and maintain one gasoline lamp n the eOnthcaet comer of York and Mieeleaippi street. Also, onegasolinelam on the eouchemr end Ol Mia mirid street [mks. dge over the Northern Also, one gasolfne lamp on MiseiseipDt Street 1. center of hlo k between Cayuga street and Granitestreet. Also. one gasoline lamp on Mississippi street in center of block between Acker and Genesee street. Also, one gmolfne lamp on the northwest cor- ner of Forest and Jessamias streets. Also, one gempline lamp on the corner of Men - d.ta and Jeessmine Streets. Also, one gae011ie lamp n J—..Ise street In center of bloc. between Forest aad Mendot. streets. Also, one gasoline lamb Jessamine Lreet in center of block between 3 endota and ArpW- etreena. nerlof Arcade and JesSeml a etreeterthweet cor- Yeas—Ald.Banholur. BlelaDerg, Bott.(:oNep, (:o la -d, C'oetello, Dobner, Flandrau. Gahan, Melody, I_.., Penbom, 6ullfvnn, Va. Slyke, DIr. Pmlddoaf_— Approved Oct. 28, 1800. Resolved, By the common conncfl of the city of St. Paul, that an order be dotnn apo. the City treasury a favor of George RCie' City treasurer. lorthe.um of nine thoumntl tour hundred and seventeen and 71-n.1.0 (89,417.72) ben nine eery tO e llars,ry the laborers forOf aid snork perfasim.ormed [or James N orrestsi under his CO." t for the Co. - :Join sewer truct fou to the 10th dayof mwem under hof October, 80(1, the time when the board of public works de. clared the contract fortefted to the Cite . Provided that no order or orders hall issue me.labor, or on the fol tray p nfor thethereof, and the cord and have first filed In the . Ce of the city Loom htroller a p oyer Inetmmeuc utli-1 l -g the city, o1 8t. Paul to pay tae Bald labor, and recognizing that such payments shall W considered by them as a part of the contract pries and chargeable thereto. Yeas—Aid. Banholur, Blelenberg, Bott, Con- lev. Coyyeeland, Costello. Delmer, Flandrau, Geban, Afeldy, Minna, Bulllvan. Van Slyke, Mr. Prteldeut--14. Md. Sanborn excus.d from voting. Approved Oct. 21, 1890. Resolved by the Wmmou council of the City o - St. Paul. That the cum of tau tboueaad (81o,- 00 e) dollars, or 80 much therebf as may be vec- ea ry, ie hereby appr8eelated out f the clip treasury for the p � f paying the t and pe in completlug the work under contract between the eft` of 6t. Paul and James Forres- tal for the construction of the -we- known as the "Midway sewer e work ly-tem.' City orders shall pro drawneuuon thepon vouchere sinnterameed byhthe City en neer and approved by the board of public work.. Yeas-.Ald. Banholur, Bielnbetg, Bott, Con- ey, Copeland, Co.tello, Dobler, Flandrau, Gahan, Melody, Mines. Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -16. Approved Oct. 28, 1890. By Aid. Bielenbetg— Reeolved, That L. N. Scott be granted the use f Lhe Market hall for theatrical purposes till the let day of J...... 1891, at the same rate of rent he has been Pis". g• Yea(e•A elland, ld.ait,Cosello, BDobner. Flandrau, ley, pe Oehan. Nelady. Mlnea, Sanborn. 8ulllvan. Van Slyke, Mr. Prestdnt-16. Approved Oct. 28, 1890. Wherein, A majority of the owner., resident within the city of St. Paul, Mlnn., of th'J'an proD- arty )butting upon and aloug the Ifne of the streets and nlleye hereinafer particularly de- Strlbd have petitinnd the common council of the city of St. Paul to vacate certain Greet. and alleys In MacWester Perk. in the city-[ 8t. Paul, Ramsey comfyy, Mlun., which Bald petition duly .to fortb the (,Cis and T-a.On. for Bald vaca- tion, and was duly accompanied by a plot th, of -proposed to be 'stated; end Whereas, The common council, yon the ppree- ntation of mid petition, deemed exp=M that the matter be yroceeded with and ordered aid petition to be filed of record with the city clerk, and notice to be given by publication as provided by law; and Wberem, Due notice [vas given by Dubliatlon I. the o�idal paper of .aid city for four weeks, 159Com0. o Lha effect thattea do Petition• hod been filed with the city clerk, stating in brief it. ob- )ect, and that the ..me would be heard fan cSt on- e edited by the comm01 thec7th daytthe C otf Oct. erf, A. Pa.,. on Tueedep, D. 1890, est 7:80 o'doek I. the site— of said day, at the council chamber in the city hall of said city; end Whereas, At the time and place last aforesaid, for the Investigation and consideration of such nd alleys• the common osed tcouneion fltreen o , Safafaidter hearing all PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 431 pesone interested, and being f the opinion that the same Is necessary and proper, and that the prerequisites therefor hove all been compiled with. Now [herefore. be It resolved. That all of the following streets and aleys In Macalestr Park. 1. the sold dtv of St. Paul• to wit: All that Part of Dsrtmouta street mooing be - L ween blocks three (8)) and four (4), and bounded on the west by Falrviewavnue, and on the east by Amherst street (now known as Baldwin street); also the alley In block two (2), com. mincing at the southwest corner of lot seven - ten (171, and running aro-nd lot. seventeen (17) sad eighteen If 8) to the northeast comer of lot elgbt"n (18) to the South line of the alley running east and west through said blue. two (2): Also, all that part of Oxford street (now known se,Amherst street) .co ntafned within the follow - ,a bounds; commencing at the northeast corner of lot twelve ih12))in block two (2); tbeom ma - ]Inca of ra Orford Streetly( ow knowvll ore Ahmherot tree[)) t. here Ito tri L -ea the n rth lase f Grand avenue produced weeter- 1Y� thenen ning amt orlon8 the north li-e of Grand avenue produced m W.— sold, to where the east line of Oxford street (now known as Amberst street) strikes said north line Of Grand avenue producd; thence In a north. emterly direction along the easterly Sue of Ox. ford street (now known as Amherst street) to the southwseterly corner of lot three (8) in block one (1); thence in a straight line across Oafotd street (now' known a. Amherst street) to the place of beginning; Also all that pport of the alley mnnf.g Wines.,lots 6, 6 and 71n block 1, lying north of Grand Avenua nmduced.ana running In a northwesterly 2 'thnce ruuoingtI.o where the-- llue7oi Lincoln avenue Droduced would Intersect said alley; Also al] that part of Oxford street (now known as Amherst intent), Co.mencingwhere the ..rth lice of Princeton avenue (.ow known as Goaa- rich avenue) Intersects it; thence awning In a northeasterly direction to where the south line of Grand avenue Produced m aforesaid would Intersect it; Also all that part of Geneva street, comment Ing where the coat line of Amherst street plow known as Baldwin street) pproduced Southerly inerseeto it; thence running In an easterly direction to where the neat line of Oxford street (now known as Amberst street) Intersects it; Also all that part oI Geneva street (now known as Baldwin street), commendnq where the west line of Ambered street (now known as Baldwin street) produd intersects Geneva .treat ( ow knowce n as Baldwin atmet): thence ruunlug in a southwesterlydlrection to where the north line of Lincoln avenue produced westerly ould intersect Geneva street (now known ae Baldwin street); Al.. -11 of the alley In Peamon's rearrange- ment of lots 8, 9 and 10, In block 6, of Macal- eater Park; All ll of the alley In block 6 of Mesileser Park running emterlpp and westerly eo.tb of lot. 1, 2 and 8 In Id block 6, uCi awning oath also.g the amt aide of lot 13 In Bald block bto where It johns the alleymnning north of lots 1 and 2 of Pearaon'e rearrangement of lots 8, 9 and 101n block 6 o1 Mam. este.r Park; Also all that Pet of the alley commencing at the east line of Fa,g1w, avenue between Iota 1 and 28 In block 4, and running amt to the west Ifne of Geneva street (now known as Baldwin street); Also all that part of the alley In block 4 com- e dng where the north Ifne of Lincoin ava.ne, prnduced westerly, would Interoect Itrumil., and ran. 1 e.or and t through block 4 mteroecct , said Bret named alley, m the same apps f record In the office I the register of deeds in and for the u ty f Ramsey Minnesota, be and the name le hereby deelamd to be v tea and discontinued as asked for in said petition, and as, herein above epeeh8ed. Yeaa—Aid. BanDolur, Bielenbetg, Bott, Con- ley, CopDeeland, Costello, Dobner, Flandrau, Ga- han, Dlelady. Mine., S..bom, Sullivan, Van 81yk-e, Mr. President -16. Paneled Oct. 21, 1890. O. O. CbLl.ER, President of Council. Approved Oct. 28, 1890. O. 0. CULI,EN, Actin Mayor. Attest: THos. A. PRENDERGAST, CYty Clerk. Oct. 27. as Amherst street) contained within the follow. Ing bounds; Co m acing at ,be northeast cor- ner of lot twelve (12) in block two (2): thence running In a sent westerly direction along the west line of Oxford street (now known n Am- herst arrest) to where It Strikes Lae north line of Grand eveuueproduced westerly: thence conning east slang the north line of Grand ave- nue, produced ne a[uresald, to whero the east line of Ozford street (now know' as Am - beret street) strikes Sad north line of Grand ave produced; thence m a northeasterly dl - rection along Lhe easterly line of Oxford street (note known as Amherst street) to the south- westerly corner of lot three (e) in block one (1); thenar In a straight line across Oxford street (now known as Amberst street) to theplace of beginning; Also all that ppart of the alley running between lots 6, 6 and 7 Fan block l lying north of Grand venue produred, and running in northwest - C,17 direction to the east line of Oxford street (now known as Amherst street); 930 PROCEEDINGS OF THE to be laid on the east side of Hambac avenue over Hewdtc avenue. Yeas—Aid. Banholzer, Bielenbe- Bot', Cou- b_ Cuppeelaud, Costello, Dobom, Sullivan Ven hen. hleldY. Mlnea, t Slyke, D ved OctaYSt 18b0, ,pp ro By Aid. Melsdy— Resolved, That the city engineer be and fe south herebside of Roblinstructede across Uakota avenue." the Yeas—Aid. Bauholzer. Bfeleberg. Bott. C. ley. Coye land, Costello Da it . Sullivan, Van hen, It alady, Mines, SlApprofr. ved Oct. 2.8. 189 0. By Ald. Dobler— ` Besolced, That the gasoline lamp contractor be and he is hereby instructed to cause gasoline Ismpe to be plsced et the following points, viz: One at the corner o[ the territorial road and [thepoatoMceat 6L Anthostreet' also one on ny Psrk;ess ala. rue in e n southSide of Cudwortb Stmt,atthelntex'ectlon of said Cudworth street w•1th Bayless avenue west; also ops on Cromwell stmt, half wap be- tween stmt and — Lmt: .leo one at of Raymo d even, n 'It CUdw. tb stmt'. Yeas—Ald. B..holzer, Blelenberg, Sort, Conley, Co land, Costello. Dobner, Flandrau, Gehau, Mr,PreMi.... 6anbom, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Approved Oct. 29, ]880. COMMON COUNCIL. the time i(wbell the board of public works de. clared the contract forfeited to the city. Provided that no order or orders shall issue upon the city treasury for thepaymmeut of said labor, or for any part thereof, until the con- tractor, his bondsmen and assigns shall have pare peen etrumautin the ffice of the authoriziugythe miry oler6t. Paul [o pay tae Bald I.bor, and recognizing that such pa mets -shall be considered by them S. s part of the contract price and chargeable thereto. Yas.epAeld. Bsnholur, Bieleberg, Bott, Con- Geh.C�' lelady, Mines,Costello. Sulli an, Van Slyke. Mr. President -14. A1d. Sanborn excusal from voting. Approved Oct. 21, 1890. Resolved by the common council of the city o- St. Paul. That the Sum of ten thousand (310,- 000) dollars, or so much them f as may be it, - Salary, is hereby appmviated out of the city treasury for the punppow of paying the coat and see in completing the work under contract between the city of 6t. Paul and James Forres- tal for the constmetlou of the sewers known ae the "Midway sewer syetem." CI[y orders shell be drawn upon the city treasury, as the work Agin. ce and aon 17 lo wed approved by theboard otfpubhe is works. Yee' Ald. Banholme Bleleaberg, Bott, Con- ley l'opeland, CoeteBo, Dobner, Flandreu, Gahan, Malady Mines, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -16. Approved Oct. 23, 1890. By Ald. Bielenberi— For corrected publication of resolution vacating streets and alleys in Macalester Park, see page 442. fn center of Ylock between Forest and Mendot. atm[.. Also, one gasoline lamb on Jessamine at In center of "lock between Mendota and Areade stints. Also, one gasoline lamp on the northwest cor- of Arcade and Jeeaemine stmt'. ne� Sas—Aid. Banholrxr. Blelenberg, Bott.Gouley, Gopeland, (:oat¢lio, Dobner. Fiendrau. Gahan, Melndy, Mine_, Panbom. Sulllvnn, Yan Slyke, hlr. Prealdnnt-16. - Approved Or.2.. 1890. Resolved, By the common council of the city t St. Poul, that 'it rdero beG drawn rawn Rels,n city city treasury ter-orer, mr tha sum of inn shoneana tont hundred and seventeen end 72-1.0 (39,417.72) dollars, or so much of s td sum asmaobeuecea- sarp [r Qay the I.borers for work pert rued for James N orrested under his eo.", ,for the con - system, uup to the 10th day of moan under hot Octobe-Midwar, 880, forth the facts and reason. for said vaca- and was duly accompanied by a plat there- propoeed to be vacated; and reae, Toe common council, yon the ilon of Said matter Petition. dcew'11h and or alien petition to bn Bled of mord with the city nd notice to be given by publication as, 1n the omclatQ apercom or •=ter •--•-- encivg the 80th day I August, 1890. to the effect th_t said petition had been filed with the city Berk. stating in bete( 1te o- ject, and that these.. would be heard end con- sidered by the common council of the city of 8t. Paul, n Tuesday, the 7th day of October. A. D. 1890, at 7:80 .'dock in the attervoou of Bald day. at the council chamber in the city hall of When... At the time a.d place last aforesaid. and for the investigationconsiderationsucf Ile he Common osed vacation councB, aftersaid ehearingts aaall alleys,, t PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 431 persons interested, and being of the opinto that the same Is necessary and proper, n that the 11�mrcqubltes therefor hove ail Dee complied w7th. Now therefore• be it resolved, That all of th [.Mowing stemts and alley. 1. Macaleater Park 1n the said city of St. Paul. to wit: Ail that part of Dartmouth street —.I. be twee. blocks three (3) and tour (4), and bouade� on the west by Fairview avenue, and on the eas by Amherst street (now known as Bald "I street); also the alley In block two (2), com mencing at the southwest corner of lot seven teen (17), and running around lots seventeen (17) and eighteen (18) to the northeast come. of lot eighteen ((18) to the south line of the elle] muning east and west through said blocx twc (2): Also, all that part of Oxford stmt (now known as Amherst 11=).r ontained wlthl. the follow Ing bounce: coemg at the northeast comes Of lot twelve ((12),, In block two (_); thence run Hing in a'outhw Carly dlmtlon along the weal east alog the S produced as OT urana avenue produced: thence 1. a north easterly tllmtlon along the easterly .los of Ox- ford stmt (now known ae Amherst street) to the southwesterly corner of lot tam (3) in block one (1)• thence ins strnlght Ifne a¢oee Oxford stmt (.ow lc.own as Amherst stmt) to the place of beginning; Also all that art of the alley running between lots 6, 6 and 7 in block 1, lying north of Grand ave.ue produced and running In a northwesterly direction to the seat line of Oxford stmt (now known se Amherst street); Also all that part of the alley In block 1, eom- meclug at the southeast __r of lot 13, where the alley Intersects the west line of Macal- ester avenue: thence ning w Leel) to the eouthwenterly rn o[ lot 73; thence running north till it strikes the South line of Gmud ave- nue produced as aforesaid: Also all that part of Cambridge avenue, com. encing here the east line of Oxford stmt (now known ae Amherst trfet) ln.1 cta It; thence running in a Southeasterly tllmtlon to where the north line of Llucol..-no produced westerly would Intersect it; Also all that part of Lhe alley in block e, commencing where the west Ifne of Cambridge avenue intersects said .Ile, between lots 1 ad 2; thence running to where the north fine of Lincoln avenue produced would intersect said a)Also all that part of Oxford stmt (now known ns Amherst stmt), eommmciug here the.orth' If.. of Princeton avenue (n k-now�t as Good- rich avenue) mtereecte it; thence running f" . northeasterly direction to where the s nth line 7 Grand avenue Produced as e(oresafd would intersect 1t; Also all that part of Geoev_ street, commeva ku where BsldwinliStemot)Apm"ducedL southerly intersmte It; thenre fug ht sousterly direction to where the west line of Oxford stmt (now known as Amherst Street) Intersects It; k olwn n11 t' ldwivantre t)Gec.mmedngttihere the west line of Amherst stmt (no k.own as Baldwin stmt) produced Intereeete Genev. street ( ow known Haldwin etmc) thence u lulu asouthwesterlydlmtlonto where the north Ifne of Lincoln avenue produced westerly would Intersect Geneva Street (now known as Baldwin street); Also all of the alley I. Pearson'. rearrange- ment of lots 8, 9 and 10, to block 6, of hiatal - eater Park; Also all of the alley In block 6 of Macalester Park running easterly and westerly, south of lots 1, 2 and 3 In Said block 6. and running south along the east side of lot 11 In said block 6 to where It joins the alleyronning north of lots 1 and 2 of Peamon's resrmogement of lots 8, 9 and 101n block 6 of Macalestar Park; Also all that )art of the alley coma mencing t the east line of Fairview avenue between lot.1 and 23 in block 4, and running east to the west line of Geneva Street (now known as Baldwin stmt); Also all that part of the alley in bloc[ 4 com- mencing when the north line of Lincoln avenue, produced westerly, would ia[eraset 1t, and run. "ipg north to where the alley running east and west through block 4 intersect. Said Bret named alley, the same ap are of mordin the o®ce oI the reglStar of deedeeln and for the county of Ramsey, Minnesota, be and the same fa hereby deciared to be vacated and dieeo.thmed as asked for In mid petition, and as bereln above Specified. Yees—Ald. Banholeer, Bielenberg, Bott, Con- ley, Coppeeland, Costello, Dobner, Flandrau, Ge- ban,Melady. Mines, 8a.bom, Supine., Van Slyke, Mr. Ptesldent—I S. eased Oct. 21, 1890. O. 0. Cul—ni, Preeldent of Council. Approved Oct. 23, 1890. 0'0' CULL . Acting Mayor. Attest: THIS. A. Pasxheadesr, City Clerk. Oct. 27. Whereas, the common council of the city of St. Paul, at a meeting held on the 7th day of October, A. D. 1890• did adopt a resolution vacating the followlug deecrlbed .temte and lleye In Macn1=' Park, In the city at 9t. Paul• Ramsey county, Mlm., to wit: All that part of Dartmouth stmt running be� _. twee" block' them (8) .,and four (4), and •' bounded no the west by Fralow avenue and no the east by Amhee't 'tint (now known ne Baldwin'tme); also the alley 1n block two (2), ,,in big t the Southwest Cromer of lot ,e=, teen (17 and running around lots aeven. teen (17) Sod Ightcen (18) to the northeast corner of lot eighteen (18) to the south line of thecalley, blok tmnutng east and west through said wo(L): Also all that part of Oxford street(nowknown 1. Amherst'temt) contained within the follow - off bounds: Commencing at the northeast cor- ' per of lot twelve (12) In block two (e): thence nning I" a southwesterly dmtlou long the est hue of Oxford stmt (in w known aS Am- erst stmt) to where it strikes tae north line =P lo ugdl- a he easterly No. of Oxford re Street :now w know, a Amherst tint) to theSouth- terly comer oI lot thin ((a) In block one (1); :hence in a straight line r Oxfurd stmt w known as Amherst Stmt) to the place of teginith, Ale. all that Fnart of the.11ey running betwee. uta 6. O and 7 1. block 1 lying north of Grand venue produced, and running In to thwest- ,rly dlmtlon to the east line f Oxford stmt ay 0. as Amherat stmt) 432 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. Also all that part of the all -in block 1. com- said order, was necessary and proper. ad menking at the southeast corner of lot la. where whether real eataie to be assessed for Id Ire the alley Ivteraecte the west live ! Maeate,[er provement could be found benefited to then th,nce rnnnitgr westerly to the sent tent of damn_ d costa to be incurred bysafd veterly cornet of lot Ie: thence running north lmprborem a In: sace.rdantx with said order, the till IC strikes the nth ane of Gtend avenue board of public works did make report to the produced ae of pamaid; ge ave890. emOm- Aleo all these h o[ east line nue, tout common council of date Augna 11, me.cing where the east Ilue of Jzford street mending change 't grade on ('unseats (now known a Amherst street) Incea�ecte it: street, between State attest slid Anit. nenre running In s theastel direction tostreet' nd that property could the found I of Lincoln avenue produced benefited to the extent o! Aamegee' costa and °erect 1t; a pass, neceasaryto beincurred in making said t of the alley In block 6, Com- change of grade "af=t %'A; and I st line of Cambridge - Whereas, The eommou council of said cit, on alley between lots 1 and v2: the filth day of August. 1890, adopted Bald re- ,bere the north Ilue of LI port and ordered the city clerk to give the no- xi wouldlnteraect said alley: tim required by law:.11 arc of in street (wow Wberear, The city clerk gave notice In the obi- t street), commencing wbere tial paper of said city. for then successive dncetov ave as (now known weeks, cx'ice nt b w k, that the Common ee) lutersecte it: theme run. council of said city would on the 21st day oC terly direction to where the October,1890, at 7:80 o'clock pp. m.. atthecoun- ud avenue produced as afore- cll chamber, In as13 city, consider eucb proposed �t 1t; change of pada; anti t of Geneva street, comment- Whereas. AC the time and place last designated f uch oro omd than a of grade. the common one Internes thenen rund col. avenue Also 11 Ing where the east line of Amherst street (aou or p known m Baldwin street) roduced southerly council, after hearing al person Interested. and Intersects It; thence running a an easterly dim being of the opinion that the same Is necessary tion to where thn 'set hue of Oxford stmt and proper: (vow known ea Amherst me intersects it: Therefore, be It resolved, That the grade [ Also sll that ppart of Geneva street (now Congress street, between State street and k own Bnldwfu street) commencing where A rite tut, be and the some le hereby the west Ilne of Amberst tenet (now known an changed In accordance with the red line Baldwin street) produced intereeata Geneva ae sbown on the anneaedr male, beh[g the same street (now• knoxv ae Ba:dwin stmt): thence se referred to In all the p_oceedinws had Inere- street In a southwesterly dlrectl.n to where th;earth ouldi IntereecIf it Geneva street (now known er S Baldwin ret); �A... 11 f the alley '"I v Pearson'. ream W. -e.r of lot. 8, 9 and 19 in block G of ..-Wes- ter Perk: Ala. all of the alley 1n block o of MxCalreter lot kit.2 and 8 fnresaid •block 6erinda rin mtog South along the e..t side of lot 11 In said block 6 to "'here it join, the alley running north of lots 1 and 2 of Pearea... rearrangement of Iota 8, 9 and 10 of block 6 of Macalester Parc; Also all that Part of the alleyommencing at the east line of Feirvlew .venue, between lore 1 and 28, block 4, and rtlnning east to the west line of Geneva street now known as Baldwin street): e clnRlw keret pan I the tth com- north line iLlbi coin avenue ,roduced westerly would Interneet It, nod ran cast - we, north to where the through through block 4 Intersects eeld firs named aIle-. Therefore, be it resolved, That the value of said premleee eo vacated ae lli-sid be a. l the same is hereby fixed at the num of save' bein thousand four hundred dollars 1157,400), the .aid sum g not lees than a proportionute average value o! the property abuttlug upon said premises .o vacated eccordlJ to the asaesgment for t...thm forth, year A. D. 1890. Yens -Aid. Banholrer, Blelenberg, Butt, l;on• ley, Go land, Costello. Dobner, Flandr.u, Geha¢, Dtelady. .I -a, S -born, Sullivan, Vno Slyke, Mr. President -16. Approved Oct. 28, 1890. Whereas. The ebmmon council M the city of I. Paul heretofore ordered the board of public works to report whether a change of grade on Congress street, from State .tut to Ault. street, in said city, ne shown by a red litre on a profile annexed to easeheed for such ly-ement m benefl led to the extent of the damages, and expenses nemsearY to be incurred '. Aid. Banholrer, Blelenberg, Butt, Con- yMeladY• Dilnm!elaI6e,nborDobne Sullivan, Var. n Mr. President -16. roved Oct. 23, 1890. m of two hun¢rte vouars lazes tion of It that may be ueceseary to ildaretafn- Inq wall about four or flve feet hlgh and about ,.Well lone. on Lhe front line of 0 No. 28, oa UP - the east side of Be Soto street, In block No.9 of Edmund Rice's Firer Addition to the Cit of fit. Paul; Iso to.lope the ground on said lot and on lot No. 22 adjol.fng, so .s to brine. thestreet to Its hull width o"m It %std lot.. and to place the sidewalk on the proper line, or in wh.tothc PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 433 Byy Atd. Sanborn- By Ald. Copeland- lieaolved, That the board o1 public works Resolved, That the board of public works tent black sidewalk of the same width Caves tae renewal of that part f the wooden as that cometrneted fu frontof the pr,p a of the ide%alk which needs renewal on the east side of ,,tate of Washington Mf. Strew, to be tract- Bradley street, between Woodward avenue and ed ore the soutb aide of Grand avenue In trout of North atmt. the property between the said property of said lefle-A:d. Banholrer, Blelruberit Butt. Con- Steee and Floral street. ley, Copelavd, Co....., Dobver, Flandrau, Ge- Yeae-Ald. Banholrer, Blelenberg. Bott, Coir ban, Dfemdy, !fine., Sanborn, Sullivan, Van ley, Viand, Costello. Dobner, Flnndreu, Ge- Slyke, )[r. Ptreident--16. ban, .,lady, 'Dane., Sanborn. Sullivan, Van Approved Oct. 28, 1890. Slyke, Mr. President -16. - Approved Oct. 23, 1890. By Aid. Mel sly - Resolved. That the board of public works are By Aid. Sanhorn- hereby Instructed to Cause to be laid one W. - Resolved, That the board of public works font wooden Idewalk the north side of cause n cement block sidewalk of the name width Bunker street, [mm Oakdale avenue to Brown ¢s that opposite the adjoining property. to be avenue, t.gether xith Che necessary crosswalks. nstructed on the south,idc of Dayton avenne, Yeas -Aid. Banholrer, Bleleuoerg. Bolt, Con - In Farringtoa avenue to Virginia avenue, ex. ley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Flandrau, Ge, where cement sidewalk or st..e ,Idewalke hent. Malady. illness Sanborn. Sullivan, Van are alreaAPp constructed. Slyke, Mr. President -i6. Yeas-Ald. Banholrer, $iele.betg, Bott, Con- Approved Oct. 28, 1890. ley. (bpe laud. Costello, Dobner. Flandrau, Ge- 'I e- - ban, Dlelady, Mine., Sanborn, Sullivan, Van By Aid. Dobner- Slyke. Mr. President--] 6. Resolved, That the board of public works be Approved Oct. 28, 1890- and the same 1s hereby Instructed to muse a _ s,..foot wooden sidewalk-, with suitable cross - By AId. Blelenberg- walks, to be laid ore both sides of Cbelton ave - R As e"d. That the board of public works be n , between Prior and Fairview avenues. and 1s hereby directed to cause ..cut stele- Yea,-Ald. Banholrer, Blelenberg, Botts Con - walk to be laid on the west side of Rice street, ley, Copeland, CO,ntelo, Dobner, Flandrau, Ge - from Summit v re to Igelbart street, except hen, .,lady, .fines, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van "here such is ¢]ready laid. Slyke, Mr. President -16. Ye,a-Aid. Banholrer. Bfeleubem, Bolt, Con- APprovnd Oct. 28, 1890. ley, Coppeeland, Costello, Dobner, Flandrau, Ge- - hen, Melody, Miura, Sanborn, Sullivan, Va. By AId. Coyeland- Slyke• Mr. President -16. Resolved. That the board of Public works Approved Oct. 28, 1890.three-plant- ,Idewalk to be laid on bath _ Idea of Fred stmt, where there 1, no already Ry Ald. Sanborn- laid- from Burr street to the end of street, a dle- Reeolved, That the board of public work. Lance of about three hundred [80n) feet. t block sidewalk six fee[ wide to Yeas -Aid. Banholrer. Blelenberg. B. Con - be constructed In front f lots 16. 17, 19, 20, lays Cot1,,eeland. Costello, Dobner. Fl evdrau, 29 and 80, 10 block 28 of Mackubin & Marshall's Gehay. Dlelady, Dave.. Sanborn, Sullivan. Van Addition to St. Paul. Slyke, ov President -16. 1•eas-AId. Banholrer, Biele.berg. Butt. Con- Approved Oct. 28, 7890. ley, CaP eland, Costello, Dobner. Flandrau, By Aid. Geb..- Gehan, >Ielady, Mines, Sanborn, Sullivan. Veu Resolved, That the beard of public works be Slyke. Mr. President -16' and they are bereby directed to muse to be laid Approved Oct. 28, 1890. an eight -foot sidewalk nn both olden of Poplar street, Caen street, Lawson street and Jenks By Al. Cullen- street, from Cortland street to right of way of Resolved, That the board of public works be the Northern Pacific Railroad company prop - and Is hereby directed to rep it the cement side- er,F. walks on the south efde of Sixth stmt, between 'e.._Ald. Banholrer, Blelenberg, Bott, Con - Wabash. and Minnesota stmt.; also the ley, Ccpe land. Coatello. Dobner. Flandrau, ant block sidewalk on the south side of Geha. Mfelady, Mine., Sunburn, Sullivan, Van Seventh street, between Wnbasha stmt and Slyke. :sfr. Preeldeut-16. Cedar stmt. Approved Oct. 28. 1890. Yeas-Ald. Banholrer, Bielenherg, Butt. Con. ley.Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Flandrau, By old MclMy- Grhan, Jfelady. Mines, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Resolved. That the board of public works be Slyke, Mr. President -1 6- and Is herahy Instructed to cause to be laid a Approved Oct. 28, 1890. six-foot wooden .Idewalk ore east and west side - of Ohl. street, from Isabel tenet to the south By Aid Dorniden- city limits, together with the rimessary cross- f Resolved, That the board of public works walk,, cause nn eighbfoot wooden sidewalk to be built Yen. -Aid. Banholrer, Blelenberg, Butt, Con - on the east side of Duke street, from St. Clair ley, COpeland, Costello. Dobner, Flaudrnu, street. to the end of the present walk south of Gehau, .,lady, Mines, Sanborn, Sulliva., Vau said St. C9alr street; also on the south side of Slyke, Mr. Prneidentr-16. St. C9alr street, from Duke street to Colborne Approved Oct. 23, 1890. street. - Yea.-Ald. Banholrer, Blelenberg, Botts Con- By Aid. Sullivan - ley, C,peland, Costello, Dooner, Flendrau, Resolved, That the board of public works are Geha., Malady. Milnes, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van hereby in.trneted to construct a elx-toot wood - Slyke, Mr. Preeldent-16. ere sidewalk on the north side of Marshall ave - Approved, Oct. 2t1, IBAO, nue, between Amos and Prior avenues. 434 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. I Yeas-Ald. Bauholur, Blelenberg, Bott, Con- ley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Flandrau, Go - ban, Malady, Mines, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -16. Approved Oct. 23, 1890. By Aid. Sullivan - Resolved, That the board of public work. ars hereby authorized to construct a six -toot wood- en sidewalk on the South side of University ave- nue. from Wheeler to Lynbumt avenue. Yeas-Ald. Banholzer, Bielenitsm. Bott, Con- ley, Co land, Costello, Dobner, Flandrau, Ge- han, Melady, Mines, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -i6. Approved Oct. 28, 1890. By Aid. Dobner- Resolved, That the board of public, works be and thesame is hereby Instructed to cause a Six -toot wooden Slaewalk to be placed along the South side of Cudworth street, between Crom- well and Eustace street., except where the same is now laid. Yea. -All. Banholzer, Blelenberg, Butt, Con- ley, Co laud, Costello, Dobner, Flandrau, Ge- li a Melady, ],Imes, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke. Mr. Preefdent-i6. Approved Oct. 28, 1890. By Ald. Bott- Re.olvad, That the board of public works cause a wooden sidewalk to be laid no the east side of Duluth avenue, from East Seventh street to Dlargaretstreet (six feet wide). Yeas-Ald. Banholzer, Bfelen err., Bott, Con- ley, Corsumd, Costello, Dobner, Flandrau, Ge - ban, Malady, Mines, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. P reident-16. Approved Oct. 28, 1890. Byy Ald. Blele'bexg- - Reeolved.'phBt the board of public works cause a six.foot wooden Sidewalk to be laid, with necessary crossings, on the west side of Ar- gyle street, from Front street to the right a r y of the Northern Pacific railway; also a three -plank sidewalk on the east side of Dale street, from Como avenne to MlnneaPolle ave- nue; also an eight -foot idewalk, with necessary croeemg., on the west aide of Rica street, from Maryland to the right of way of the Northern Pacific railway. - Y-ea.-Ald. Hanholrer, Bielenberg, Bott Copeland, Costello, Dobner, FFlandrau, Ga- han, Dfelady. Mines, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. Preatdent-16. Approved Oct. 23 1890. By Aid. Sxnborn- Resoived, That the board of public works be tl they are hereby Instructed to lay s wooden sidewalk elx feet wide on the west side of Chats- worth street, from St. Unit Street to Grand avenue. Yeas -Aid. Banholzer, Bielenberg, Bott, Con- ley, Copeland,' Costello. Dobner, Flandrau, D Gahan, Melady, Mines, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -15. Approved Oct. 23,189-- By 3,189°.By Aid* Sunborn- Re.olved, That the board of public works be and they ere hereby instructed to construct a plank Sidewalk Six leer in width on the seat aide of Duller street, 1 -in Selby avenue to Carroll street. Yeas-Ald. Banholzer, Bielenberg, Bott, Con- ley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Flandrau, Gahan, Malady, Mines Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -16. Approved Oct. 28, 1890. By Aid. Malady - Resolved, That the board of public works be and is hereby instructed to construct n elx-toot wooden Sidewalk on the south aide of Water street, from Dakota avenue to Walter street. Yeas-Ald. Banholzer, Blelenberg, Butt, Con. ley, Coppeland, Costello, Dobner, Flandrau. Gabon, Afelady, Mines, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. Prealdent-15. Approved Oct. 28, 1890. By Aid. Minea- Resolved, That the board of pab8c N'Orka be Instructed to lay a Ix -foot sidewalk on both sides of Gates street, Oakdale avenue to Wood- bury street. Yeas-Ald. Banbolmr, Blelenberg, Bott, Con- ley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Flandrau, Ge - ban, Melody, Mines, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. Preaident-15. Approved Oct. 28, 1890. By Aid. Dobner- Resolved, That the board of public works be and the same is hereby authorlred to cause a six-foot wooden sidewalk, with suitable cross- walks, to be laid along the weataide of Raymond avenue from Lenggf(oro avenue to Buford street. Yeas--Ald. Bim olmr, Bfeleuber& Bott. Con- ley, Copeland, Coate] In bobuer, Flandrau, Ga- han, Dtelady, Mines, Bsoborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, D[r. Preaideut-16. Approved Oct. 28, 1896. By Aid. Copeland - Resolved, That Lha board of public works be and they are hereby mstmcted to cause to he laid w flim -plank aidewalk on the west Side of Walsh avenue from York to Lawson street. Yeas-Ald. Banholzer, Bielenbem, Bott, Con- ley, Coppeeland, Costello, Dobner, Flandrau, Ge- M, Mines, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, D[r. President - 15. Approved Oct. 23, 1890. By Aid. Sullivan- Rmol[Zd, That the board of public works are hereby autborfxed to construct elx-foot woodenSidewalk on west side of Laura events, between lglehart street and Da •Lon venue, e:sept where Sidewalk is aI- y laid; also necessary crosswalk. in connection there with. Yeas-Ald. Banholrer, Bieleuberg, Bott. Con- ley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Flnudrau, Gehan, Dtelady, Mlnea, Sanborn. Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -16. Approved Oct. 28, 1890. By Aid. Snllly-n- - Resolved, That the board of puD]ic work, are hereby authorized to construct etx-foot wooden sidewalk on north side ofiglebart street, be- tween Prior and Mciore avenues, except where walk I. already laid. Yea.-Ald. Ben:�.]Ser, BISIenberg, Bott, Con- ley, Copeland, CIa[ello. Dobner, Flandrau, Gehnu, Malady. M neo. Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. Presideu t-16. Approved Oct. 28, 1890. By Ald. Copeland- - Ree(i Se That the board of public works be Lamby instructed to construct an eight- foot wooden sidewalk on the south side of Gets - 0 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. - 436 with street,rMississippii street to Arkweight, with necessary crosswalks. Yate-Ala. Banholzer, Blelenberg. Bott,Cou. Ga Coppeeland, Costello, Dubose, Flandrau. Gabon. r. Pres, Dene- Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -16. Approved Oct. 23, 1890. By Aid. Sullivan - Resolved, That the board of public works acre hereby authonwil to construct a six-foot wooden sidewalk on South side of Summit ave - one, between Snelling and Macalester avenues. Y-ene-Ala. Banholmr,.Bielenbetg. Butt, Con- ley, Copeland. Costello, Dobner, b'lsndrau, Ge- han, Dlelady, MinesSanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. Pre.ident,�l6. Approved Oct. 23. 1890. By Aid. Copeland - Resolved that the board of publieworks cause an (8) eight -foot wooden sidewalk to be con - Strutted on the east aide of Arkwright street, from Wmtall street to Brainerd Street. Yeas-Ald. Bauholmr, Blelenberg. Bott, Con- ley. Coppeeland. Costello, Dobner, Flandrau, Ge - ban, Dtelady, Mines, Seaborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -16. Approved Oct. 28, 1890. By Ald. Dobuer- Reeolved that the board of public works be and the same IS hereby authorized to to-. three -plank wooden Sidewalk 'to be ylaced on the south aide of Buford Street, from Raymond avenue to Gibbs Street. Yeas-Ald. Banholzer, Bietenbe . Bott, Con- ley C°paled d, Coacello. Doline Seaborn. 8.111 an, Van Dan, D[ y, Mines, Slyke, Mr. President -16. Approved Oct. 23, 1890. By Aid. Minea- Resolved, That the board ofpublic works be Instructed to lay a six-foot sidewalk on both Sides of Sydney street, from Dakota avenue to Cherokee avenue. Yexe-Ald. Bauholrer, Bie]enbetg, Bott, Con• ]ey,Copeland, Costello, Dobner.Fla.drau,Gehau, Melady, Dtinea, Sunbora, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -16. Approved Oct. 23, 1890. By Aids Meladp- B olved, That the board of public works be Instructed and cause to be laiduigh4foot wooden sidewalk on the went side of Bidwell street, from Dakota avenue to Baker street, to- getber with the necessary, crosswalks. Yeas-Ald. Banholzer, Bieleaberg, Bott, Con- ley, Copeland Costello, Dobner, Flandrau, Gahan, Melady, Dtinea, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slvke, Dfr. Preeident-I6. Approved Oct. 23. 1890. By Aid. Copeland- - Reaolved, That the board of public works be and they am hereby Instructed to cause a six (6 toot wooden sidewalk to be laid on the west side of Edgerton street, from Kansas avenue to Minneapolis avenue. Yeasp-p.eAid. Banholzer, Blelenbeig, Bott, Coo. Dan `Dfelady. Mines. Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -15. Approved Oct. 23, 1890. B Aid. Gehan- Resolved, That the board of public works be and they are hereby directed to construct an side between wooden Sidewalk et Rice street, heat aide, between Maryland street and the Northern Paeas right of Way l said street. Year -Old. H-nholo, DobBillner, Fl ndraButCon- ley, Co land, Costello, Sanborn, Flandrau, Ge - be.. Slyk DM r. Pr, Mme-, Sanborn, Sullivan, Vnn Slyke, Mr. President -16. Approved Oct. 28, 1890. By Aid. Sullivan- - Resolved, That the board of public works are hereby authorized to construct six-foot wooden sidewalk on west side of Cleveland avenue from University avenue to St. Anthony avenue, with necessary crosswalk.. Teas-Ald. Banholzer, Bleleuberg, Butt, Con- ley, Copeland, Costello. Dobner, Flandrau, Go - ban, Melody, Mines, Sanborn, Sullivan,. Van Slyke, Mr. President -16. Approved, Oct. 23, 1890. By Ald. Melady- - YterThnt the board of public works he am b and ere hereby Instructed Lve has ooo tt wooden sidewalk laid on the north and southth aloe of Bunker street from Harvard to Brown, to- gether with the necessary-1-1allce. Yeas -Aid. Bxnholrer, Hlelenb1 B11 Con- ley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Flandrau, Ge - ban, Melady, Mmea, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. Presidentrl6. Approved, Oct. 28, 1890. - By Aid. Dfel.dy- Rer°Ived, That the board of public works be and Is hereby Instructed to have a six-foot wooden sidewalk pld on the south ride of Belvidere street, Isom aceOakdale avenue to Sotto Robert street, together with the necessary cross. walks. Yeas-Ald. Banbolur, Bleariberg, Butt, Co- ley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner. Flandrau, Ge- har, Melody, Mines, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -15. Approved Oct. 23, 1890. By Aid. Sarborn- Resolved, That the board of public works cause . plank sidewalk six feet wide to be con- structed on the south side of Grand avenue. from Victoria street westerly 150 feet, except where such aidewalk to already constructed. Yeas -Aid. Beuualzer, 'ieteuberg, Bott, Con- ley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Flandrau, Ge- hao. Dtelady, Mine., Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. Pre.iden-15. Approved Oct. 23, 1890. By Aid. Copeland - Resolved. That the board of public arks cause an eight (8) foot woodeu elle elk to be lald on both Side. of Janke street, from Edger- ton Stmt to Arcade street. Y•eas-Ald. Bannolxer, Blelenberg, Bott, Con- ley, Copeland, Costello. Dobner, Flandrau. Ge - hen, Dlelady, Minta. Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. Preaidett-15. Approved Oct. 23, 1890. By Aid. I opeland- It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the city of St. Paul: That the matter of grading the alley in bluer- r No. 6, Arlington Hills xddltlon, between Edge ton street and Payne avenue, be and the same 436 • PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUN&L. Is hereby referred to the board of public works to Investigate and report: First -le this Improvement proper and neces- s SP Second -Give the council an estimate of the e penes thereof, and state -hetner -half of Lha coat thereof Is to be paid into the city tress- before the contract Is let. Third -Carr, real estate to be e.ee.eed for sold improvement f be found benefited to the extent ages, costa sad expense. necessary to be incurred thereby? Fourth -I. -L Improvement asked for upon the tition or application f the [ .-j rltey of the property to be assessed for p such Fifth -Send the Council a plan or law, of Pprt i said imp favor .1 .1 the same. redby You re6lxth-Send the council a proper order direct - Approved Oct. 23, 1890 By Aid. Gehan- It le hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of Ft. Paul: That the matter of the grading of Jessamine street, from Sylvan street to Cortland street, he and the same is hereby [erred to the board of public works to investigate and re- port: First -Is this Improvement proper and necen- s Second -Give the council a estimate of the expense thereof, and state whetherone-half of the coat thereof le to be paid into the city treas- ury before the contract ie let. Third -Can ren] estate lobe assessed for said improvement be found benefited to the extent of dame costs and expenses neeeasary to be in- curred thereby, Fourth -Is such Improvement asked for upon the petition or application of the owners of a majority of the property to be assessed for such council a plan or profile of ae required by law. If you re - same ouud] s proper order direct - By Aid. Banholmr- It 1s hereby ordered by the Common Council f the City of St. Patd: That the rattrr of opening �lederhofer .treat between Richmond street and the bluff, be and the same Is hereby referred to the board of public work. to investigate sad re- port: Finit -Ie this improvement proper and neves .cry? Second -Give the council an estimate of the expense thereof, and state whether one -halt of the cost thereof 18 to bepaid Into the city treasury before the contract 1s let. Third -Can real estate to be assessed for said improvement be found benefited to the extent of damage., cost. and -Pei res necessary to be f¢curredthereby? Fourth -l: eueh Improvement asked for upon the petition or application of the owners of a majority of the property to be assessed for such (mprovement± Fifth -Send the council a plan or profile of said improvemeut, as required by law, if von re- pon SiIn or of the xth - Send the council a proper order direct- ing the work to be done. ]-Aid. Banholxer, Blelenberg, Butt, Con- ley,eCMelnd Coate118aabon ,1e9u1I1v1an.Van Genan. y.lunea, Slyke, Mr. President -16. Approved Oct. 23, 1800. ByAld.•Banholxer- It Is Herebyordered by the Common Council f Lhe qtc o[ fit. Paul: tof 6 weehu at Hamlb sbe- thetand Stewart avenue., be and the ar ea is hereby referred to the board of public Work. to investigate and port: First -I. this Improvement proper and neces- sary? Second -Give the council au estimate of the expense thereof, and tate whether one -halt of Lhe coat thereof ie to be ppsid into the city trens- u v before Lhe Contract is let. Third -Can al estate o be asaessed for said 1mrovement be found benefited to the extent of damage:, costa cud, expenses necessary to be hmurnd thereby'[ Fourth -el each Improvement asked for upon the petition or application of the owners of a ire majority of the property to be assessed for such IPifth-Send the council plan or profile of .aid Iprovement, as required by law. if You repp rt mIn favor of the same. 91xth-Send the council a proper order direct - Ing the work to be done. ea.-Ald. Banholeer, BlelenberrRq, Bott, C -- ley Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Flandrau, Ga- han, Melody, Mines, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke. Mr. Preeldent-16. Approved Oct. 23, 1880. By Aid. Sanborn -- It is hereby ordered by the Common Couucll o[ the City of St. Paul: That the matter of condemniug an easement across the right of way of the Chicago. Mflwan- kee d fit. Paul railway for the crossing o[ Lin- colu avenue be and the "me le hereby referred to the board of public works to investigate and report: Flret-Ie this improvement proper and neces- "'a mal --Give the council a timate of the e pence thereof, and tate whether o hall of the coat thereof I. o be paid into the city trees urS before the contract is let. Third -Can real estate to be assessed for :aid Improvement be found benefited to the ex=tlof damage toe" and expenses necessary to be In- a rred therebyZ Fourth -le ouch Improvement asked for upon the petition or application f the owners f majority of the property to be assessed for such impprovemecouncil nt? Fifth -fiend the n plan or profile of said Improvement, as required by law, If you re- port in favor of the same. Sixth -Send the council a proper order direct- "the irect- Ingthe work in De done. yess-Ald. Banhojrer, Blelenberg, Buff. Con- ley, Co land, Costello, Dobner• Flandrau, Genan, Melady, Mlpea, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. Pmeident-]o. Approved Oct. 23, 1890. By Ald. Copeland - It It,. hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: That the matter of grading the alley in block No. 12, between Lawson and Jelike streets, In PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 437 ` Fairview addition, be and the same is hereby referrea to the board of public work. to lu- v tigate and report: . FDri-Is this improvement proper and neces- Bareec Second -Give the council timate of the expense thereof, d state whether hall of the cost thereof js to be paid into the city treas- cry fore the conract Thlyd--Cmi real estate to be assessed tar Bald MImprovement be found benefited to the extent a ages, costs and expenses accessary to De Incurred thereby? Fourth -IB each Improvement asked for upan the or application of the Owns etre -I'- majority ai rf tIDof tl L7e property to be -se- for suer 1. Frith -Send the council a plan or PProfile of said Improvement, ss required by law, B you re- port In favor of the same. Sixth -Send the council a proper order direct- tng the work to be done. ]] AId.Banholmr,Bie]enberR, Bott,Conley, Co land, Castello. o beer. FlMur Van Slyke, Malady, yfInes, y Mr. Presiden1-16. Approved Oct. 28, 1890. In the matter of the report of the board of rublic works dated Oct. 20. 1890. c Is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the CYC of St. Paul: That Lhe board of public works of said city of St. Paul, cause the following improvement to be made, to wit: Construct a bridge on Butternut .treat, across the ravine between Otto avenue and Bay street, in said city. That said board cause said work to be let by contract, as provided by law• without one-half the estimated cost being first paid into the city treasury, and after said work hail be placed under contract, said ocard 11,111 proceed with- out delay to assess the ¢mount. as pearly as they can ascertain the same. which will be regqwired to pay the cost and necessary expenses oP such Improvement upon the real seta" to be bents fited by said Improvement, es provided by It It being the opinion of the couucll that real es- tate to be assessed for such Improvement cart be found benefited to the extent of the coat and ex ,cruses necessary to be Incurred thereby. Ye pAeld. Bmuholeer, III,]- Bott, Cpn- Gehn t�dletady', Mluea,I'S nuboo�ueSullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. Preeldent-16. Approved Oct. 28. 1890. pp Iblicthe worke dated Oct. lt3 rt89O the board of It ie hereby ordered py the Common Council of the l.Yty f 8t. Paul: That the board of public work. of the city of St. Paul cause the following improvement to be made, to wit: Open, widen and extend Ivy street• between Edgerton street end the center line of Earl street pp oduced north, In Bald artyy, co¢demuingand tnlcing all that lend not-b`e co¢demned or dedicated for public nen lyl¢g within the lines of Ivy street produced from Edgerton street east to said center line of Earl street. Tbat eafd board .ball proceed wi[bont delay to assess the amount, as nearly as thay can as- certain the same, which will be required o pay the damages, costa and nereeenrp expenses of such 1m ovement upon the xeal estate to be bene6tal by said Improv out' ae provided by law; 1t Daing the opinion o! the couucll that real estate to be assessed for such improvement can be found benefited o the erten[ of the damages, costs and expenses necessary to be incurred tbereby. Yeas -Aid. BC-11er, Hlelenberg, Botts C'on- bm Copelnnd• Costello, Dobner. Flandrau, Ge. ban, D[elady, Mine&, Seaborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -16. Approved Oct. 23, 1890. In the matter of the report of the board of ublit works dated Oct. 10, 1890. Is herebydead by the Common Council of. the City of 9t. Paul: That the board of public work, of said city of St. Paul cause the following Improvement to be the estimated coat being best para Into the City treaenry, and atter 1d sig k hall be placed under contract, said aid d-shall proceed ith- t delay to ae the amount, as ly a they can ascertain the same, which will be re- quired to day the coat and necessary expenaes of such mprovement upon the real estate to be benefited by said Improvement, ae pro- vided by law; IL Deing the opinion of the coun- ell that real estate to be assessed for such lm- provsmenc can be found benefited to the extznt. of thecost and expenses necessary to beiucurred . . thereby. Yeas-Ald. Banbolxer, Blele¢berg, Bott, Con- ley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Fmndrau, Ge - Dan, Malady, .Duan, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. Preeldent-16. In the matter of the report of the board of Mile works dated Oct. 9. 1890. hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: That the board of pubDc works of said city of St. Paul cause the following Improvement to be made, to wit: Pave Bedford street, from the south I,us of Collins street to Decatur street; Decatur street, from. Bedford street to Beau- intBeaumont street, from Decatur sttofomtBeaumont street to JesewmPne .treat (exbetween the - and Getw�een the trul nstreet the cks,ad for onfoot on each side of the outelde Cis of Walde tracks, here the street car congany is st-P d to p wrth granite). 1n old Ity, Itbp cedar blocks, Hud curbhrg with to, , , incl I the o beces- y cel connectlona Lothe property Hiisia. Bald Paving to be done ad- be con- tract. That said board cause said work to be let byy contract, Provided by law, without one•half of the estimated coat being first paid into the city treasury, and after Bald work shall be pieced under contract eafd board .bail ' oceed without dolay to assess the wmount, ae pearly as they cam ascertain the same, which all be re- quired to pay the cost and necessary expenses of such improvement upon the real estate to be benefited by eaid improvement, ait provided by law; It being the opinion of the council that real ..tate to be sssessed for such• improvement can be found benefited to the extent of the cost sad expo ees neceaeary to be Incurred thereby. Yeas -Aid. BanDolzer, Bfelenberg, Bott, Con- ley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Flandrau, Ga- han, D[elsdy, MIties, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van- elyke, Mr. Preeldent-16. Approved Oct. 28. 1890. 438 PROCEEDINGS OF TH In the matter of the reportf the board of public works dated Oct. 18, 1890. t is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: That the board of public works of said city of St. Paul, cause the following improvement to be made. to it: Grade, to a partial grade, the; Bliley in block sixteen (16), Summit Park addi- tionto St. Paul, in .alit city That said board cause said work to be let by contract, at rovided by law, without one-half the estimated cost being first paid into the city eaotctaafinhhymduu- dcnrad tiad self bull delay to seems the amount, as nearly as they can ascertaln the same, which will be required to Pay the cost and neceeeary expenses of such fm- pprovement upon the real estate to be_ beueNted by id Improvement, as provided y law; it being the opinion of the council that real estate to he assessed for such improvement can be found IBenefited to the extent of the cost aad ea- pense, necessary to ba incurred thereby. ___Aid Banbolur, Blelenberg, Bott, Con- ey, :a_,_ d, Costello. Dobner, Flandrau, Gahan, Melady, Minea, Sanborn, Sullivan, Vau Slyke, Mr. Pres[den6. Approved Oct. 28, 7880. In the matter of the report of the board of public works dated Oct. 9, 1880, IL is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St Pnni: That the board of publlC works of the city of St. Paul cause the following Improvement to be made, to wit: Condemn and take an easement In the Inud abutting on Qnrtice .tract, between Snouth Robert street and Concord street, to Bald ,. ro .,..,.,00,..v to runt--!, the alone. for cuts .how. by the profile 0I said grade on file m the oPoce of the register of deeds in xnd for Ramsey county, and fn the office of the city engineer; said slopes to extend one and one-half (i}i) feet said laud for every foot of cut or fill, as dinned ou the pian of id eloppe attached to said report, and to be filed in the oPoce o[ said board. That said board shall proceed without delsy I o aaseae the amount as nearly as theycan ae- Certain the same which will be M ulred to pay the damages, coat . Bud necesaary expenses of such Improvement upon I.. real sett. to be benefited by said improvement, as provided by law; it being the opinion of the council that real estate Lo be assessed for such improvement can be found bene9ted to the extent of the damages. t& -,,.d e:pe.eee neceaasry to be Incurred [ by. Alit. Bsuholur, Hfelenberg, Botc, Con- ley, Cnppeelend, Coetelio, Dobner, Flandrau, .ehau, Dlelady. Min-, Sanborn, Sullivan, Val Slyke, Mr. President 5. Approved Oct. 28, 1890. In the matter of the report ofthe board of public works dared Oct. 9, 1890. t Is beteby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: That the board of ppublic works of the city of 6t. Paul cause the tollowing improvement to to made, to wit: Open, tvlden and extend liewltt to the center line of Grin��eee of Lee iagc �iave'tre condemning and taking the eunth thirty (80) feet of northe..t r. of utheast is of "t""w27, ton 29, range tri, being In tae city of St Paui, Minnesota; that cad board shall prop• d with- out delay to auseem the amount as nearly as they can ascertain the same, which will be re - E COMMON COUNCIL. quired to pay the damages, costs and necessary expenses of such improvement upon the reel ro- tate to be benefited by said improvement as provided by law; it being the opinion of the -council that real minis to be s.ceseed for such Improvement can be found benefited to the ex- tent of the damages, costs and expenem'ne es- eary to be Incurred thereby. Yeas—Alit. Banholur, Bielenberg, Bott Con- ley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, h lendrau, Ge - be., Melady, Minea, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyk, Mr. President -15. Approved Oct. 28, 1890. In the matter of the report of the board of .blit works dated Oct. 9, 1890. It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: That the board of public w•orke of the city of St. Paul cause the following Improvement to be made, to wit: Opeu, wide. aad extend Prior avenue, from Maine trmt to Talluls ave- nue, produced weet, in said ity, condemning .ad taking .111 ll that laud not already condemned a dedicated for public use, lying wlchfn the lines of a strip sixty (60) feet wide, the east line of which strip shall be the Beet line of west yj of southwest Ij of section 28, town 29, range 28, being in the airy of 6t. Paul, Minnesota; that said board shall proceed without delay to sess the amount, as nearly as they can ascertain the same, which will be required topay the dam- age,, coats and necessary expenses of such Im- provement upon the real estate to be benefited by said Improvement, as provided by law, it be - lug the opinion of the council that real estate to I ammaed for such improvement can be found benefited to the extent of the damages, costs and expenses necessary to be incurred thereby. Yeas —Aid. Banholxer, Bielenberg, BOtt, Con- ley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Flandrau, Ga- han, Melady, Mi.ea, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -15. Approved Oct. 28, 1890. In the matter of the reportof the board of Publfc works dated Oct. 1•s, 1890. t Ire hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: That the board of public work. of said city of St. Paul can Be the following impovement to be -ads, to wit: Grade ili,41 s attest, "Cupful; street and Atwater street. respectively, from Oaultler street to Western avenue, in said city, said grading to be done under one contract. That aid board cause said work to be let by contract,as provided by law, without one-balf the estimated coat being first paid Into the city treasury, and after said work shall beplaced under contract, said board shall proceed 1th- out delay to aces the amount, as nearly as they can aacerMde the same, which will be re- quited to pay the coat and necessary expenses of each improvement upon the real estate to be benefited by said 1my rovement, oa provided by law; it being the plot.. of the council that real estate to be aseeseed for such no or. .recut can Be found benefited to the eateot of thn coat ,ad expenses neceaeary to be Incurred thereby. Yeae—Aid. Banbolxer, if Is',berg, BOtt' Con- ley, Copeland, t oetello. Dobner, Flandrau, Ga- han, Melady, Mine., Ssnboru, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. PMeide.trl5. Approved Oct. 28, 1890. In the matter of the report of the board of ppublic works dated Oct 9, 1890. Ic is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul! That the boats of p11bRc work. of the city of St. Paul cause the following Improvement to be PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 439 made, to wit: Open, widen and extend Orchard OFFICIAL PUBLICATION street from the center line of Victoria street to Ofresolutions adopted by the Common Council Como avenue in said city, condemning and tak- t the City Ing all that land lying within the linea of Oreh- Tuesday, of St. 21 Oct.PauUl�at its meeting held on and arrest produced east from Victoria street to Como avenue. That said board shall pro- Whereas, The common council of the city of teed without delay to assem the amount, as St. Paul heretofore ordered the board of public nearly as they can ascertain the same, which will works to report whether a change of grade on be required to pay the damages, costs and nem- Como avenue, from Rice street to Jackson streat essary expenses of such Improvement upon the In said city, as shown bya red line on a profile real estate to be benefited by said Improvement annexed to said order, was necessary and pproper, as provided by law; it being the opinion of the and whether real estate to bn us m_dfor said council that real estate to be assessed for such improvement could be found benefited to the ex - Improvement can be found benefited to the ex- tent of damages and costa to be Incurred by said tent of the damages, costa and expenses tines. Improvement; and nary to be Incurred thereby. Whereas, In accordance with said order, the Yeas—Ald. Banholxer, Bielenberg. Bott Con- board of public works did make a report to clic ley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Flandrau, Ge- common council of date September 5, 1890, ban. Melady, Minea, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van recommending a change of gradeon Slyke, Mr. President -16. nu from Rice street to Jackson street and that Approved Oct. 28, 1890. property could be found benefited to the extent — of demnRee, costa aad eapeneee necessary to be In the matter of the report of the board of atncurmd in making said change otgrade as M. - ubllc works dated Oct. 9. 1890. old; and Pt hereby ordered by the Common Council of Whereas, The common council of said city, on the City of 6t. Paui: the 10th day o[ 6eptem bee, 1890, adopted said That the board of ublic works of the city of report and ordered the city clerk to give the no - St. Paul cause the following Improvement to be tice required by law; and made, to wit: Open, widen and extend Hatch Whereas, The city clerk gave notice in the of - street from the center line of Victoria street to ficial paper of said city, for three eucceseive Como avenue, in Bald city, condemning and tak . weeks, twice in each week, that the common full all that land lying wlthla the 11. of of Hatch council of said city would on the 21st day of Oc. street, produced .set from Victoria street to tober, 1890, at 7:80 o'clock p in., at the council 'Como avenue. That said board shall proceed chamber, in aid city, consider such proposed without delay to amem the amount, ae nearly change of grade; and afi Lhey can ascertain Lhe same, which w[II be re- Whereas, At Lhe time and place last desig- quired to pay the damages, coat. and necesearp unted for ouch proposed change of grade the expenses of such Ireprovement upon the mal ee- common council after hearing al persons Inter - tate to be benefited byy said lmprovemeut, as Bated, and being of the opinion that the same is provided bylaw; it being the opinion of the necessary and proper; council that real estate to be aeae.aed for such Therefore, be it resolved, That the grade of Improvement can be found benefited to the ea- Como avenue from Was street to Jackson street tent of the damages, costa and expenses n_ces- be and the same Is hereby changed in accord- eary to be lBe. rred thereby. once with the red title as shown on the annexed Yeas—Ald. Banholzer, Blelenberg, Bott, Con- profile, being the same as referred to in all the ley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Flandrau, Ge- PProceedings had In regard to said change; and ban, lfeted y, Mines, Sanborn, Sullivan, Vau be itlurther Slyke, Mr. President -16. Resolved, That this order and the pr o9le rep - Approved Oct. 28, 1890, resenting said change of grade be referred to the board of public work., and that sold board shall proceed without delay to assess the amount, In the mtterof the report of the board of pub. aA nearly as they can necercaln the same, which Iii work. dated Oct. 20, 1890. :hall be froqulred to Day the damages, costa Bud It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of expenses of such improvement upon the real es - the lYty o[ St. Paui: tate to be benefited by said improvamenit us That the hosts of pnbllc work. of the city of provided by law, It being the opinlon of the St. Paul cause i he following improvement to be common council that real estate to be assessed made, to wit: Condemn suit take sr- easement for such improvement can R found benefited to over, under or across that part of the right of the extent of the damages, cost.' and expense. way of the Northero Pacific Railway company, necessary to be incurred thereby. lying within the lines of Oxford street, produced yeas—Ald.-Banholzer, BielenberR, Butt, Con - across mild right of way, I. said city. That said ley, Copetan¢; Coate to, Dobner, Flundrau, board shad proceed without delay to assess the Gehan, Melady; Miuea, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van amount as nearly as they can ascertain th. Slyke, Mr. President—]5. same, which i8 be required to pay the dam- Approved Oct. 27, 18P0, ages, torics and necessary expense. of suit. 1m- provement apo. the real estate to be benaflted — by said Improvement, as provided by law; it bn- Whereas, The common council of the cit of Ing the opinion of the council that mal _tete to St. Paul heretofore ard.Md the board of public be assessed for such fm ,rovement tau be found works to report wbether a change of grade on benefited to the extent o� the damages, coete and Wells street, I, Payne avenue to Edger- eap•nee. necessary to be Incurred thereby. ton street, in Bald city, is shown by a Pena—Alit. Banholmq Blelenberg. Hott, l;on. red line on a profile annexed to acid order, ley, Copeland,Coetello, Dobner, Flandrau, Gahan, was necessary and pro r, and whether real Melady, Minea, 8anbom, Sullivan, Van Slyke, estate to be assessed for said improvement Mr. President -16. could be found'bansfited to the extent of dam- Apppproved Oct. tri, 1890. ages and costs tb be incurred by said improve- Ad)onrned Until Thursday, Nov. 6, 1890, at menta and 7:80 o'clockp. in. Whereas, In accordance with said order, the O. O. Cbt. . President of Council. board of public works did make a repo,. to the Tape. A. PHE.BEnoAST, City Clerk. common council of date Sept. Fi 1890, rmom- 440 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. mending a change of grade on Well- street, from the west line of Edgerton street to Payee ave- nue, and that property could be found benefited to the extent of damages, costs and expenses necessary to be lucurmd fa making said change offu de as aforesaid; and Wheres-, The common council of said city. on the 18th day of September, 1890, adopted said report and ordered the city clerk to give the notice required by law; aad Whereas, The city clerk gave notice In the of- ficlat paper Of Id city for three autxs:e.ive eek., twdce in each k, that the common counml of said citywould, oa the 21st day Of October, 1890, at 7:80 o'clock yy. tthecoun- cil chamber. In said city, coast er such proposed cb..—of grade;d Whereas. At the time and place last deals - estnd, and being of the opinion that the came le necessary and proper: Therefore, be 1t olved, That the grade of oellpg,e t,7romthb est d the[ Rdg. Is hereby changed in accordance wlth thered line —.how. on the annexedprod r file, beim*g the .me referred to In all the proceeding. had I. re- gard to said Change: a.d be it further Resolved, That thfa order and the proof. re resentln(k said change o[ grade be referred to the bhell proceed ca without delaythat Reid bull othe mount, ae ly they can ascortam the which shall be mgulred to pay the dam- agese costa and expenses of such improvement upon the real estate to be benefited by said im- provement, provided D� law, It being the opiuton of Lhe c mo cif that real estate to be d for each improvement can be found benefited to the extent of the damages costs and expenses necessary to be me= there Yeas— Ald. Banholrer, Bielenr, Bott, Coe - ley, City ,.red, Costello. Dobner, Flandrnu, Ga hen, Melody, Mine., ...born, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -15. Approved Oct. 27, 1890. Whereas, The common council of the city of St. Paul heretofore ordered the board.of public works to report n'hether a change i f grade on Pennsylvania avenue, from Rice -freer to Park avenue. In said city, ae shown by red Ifne on a p ole annexed to said order, it ta try a.d Proper, and whether real m it cold be found enefl ddio thefexte i o[ damage. and costs to be incurred by said improvement: n d Whereas, in accordance in said order, the board of public works did make a report to th. common council id data Sept. 11, 1890, recam- mending a cbauge of grade on P.nnsylvanisav- enue, from the westerly Ifne of Jackson street to :.fount Vernon street, and that property could be found benefited to. the exdt of dam - the 10th day of September, leu, scop e r,port and derec the city clerk to give the notice required by L.w; and Whereas, The cit clerkpY gave notice in the of- firl"ve weak..twl-Infeachl weetk, (that theor , "T"" un ell of said city cold on the 21st day of October, 1800, at 7:80 o'clock p im., t the Q� ell chamber, in imAd city, tql* each p ..sage of grad.; area - Whereas, At the time anal place last deaig- nated for such proposed change of grade, the common council, atter hearing all persons inter - Rated, and being of the opinion that the same is necessary aad proper. Therefore, be It resolved, That the grade of Pennsylvania avenue, from the westerly line of Jackson street to Mount Vernon street, be and the same is hereby changed in ac- cordance with the red line as shown on the an- nexed profile, beingthe ssmemmlerredto mall the proceedings had in regard to said change, and be it further Resolved, That this order and the profile rep- council cast res eatsu to oe for such improveent can be found benefited to the extent of the mde'"I'M costs and expenses necessary to be Incurred thereby. Yeas—Ald. Banhoirer, Blelenbeng, Bott, Con- ley, Copelad. Costello, Uobner, Flandrnu: Gehan, .Y2 Mines, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke. Mr. President—lG- Approved Oct. 27, 1890. Whereas, The common council of the city of St. Paul heretofore ordered the board of public work. torep ort whether a en of grade on Pennsylvania avenue, betweenbaJackson street d Mount Vernon street, 1. said city, as eh a o byy I red Ifne o sn prno§Ie a ne ed to said order,I-lateto be as a ee+n .ddfor ou�a�a �ttvtd whethei cold be found benefited to Lhe xtevirotenam- .Me andost. to be Incurred by said fnprove- cut; ad, Whereas, In accordance with said order, the board of public avorke did make a report to the common council of date Sept. 11, 1890, reema- messdmg a cbango of grade on Pennsylvania ave- nue, from the westerly If.. of Jackson street to Monet Vernon street, and that props ty could en be found beoted to the extent of damage.. coat. and expensesary to be Incurred in ..king said change of grade as nrore.ald; and, Whereas, The common council of said city, on the 18th day of September, 1890, adopted said report and ordered the city Berk to give the notice required by Is"; and Whereas, The city clerk gave notice in the ofucl.l paper o[ said city, fo three imerees7ve weeks, twice hr .etch week, that the common un •il of said city would, on the 21st day of October, 1890, at 7:80 o'clock p. m., at the council chamber fn said city, consider each pro- posed change of grade; and \Vbereae, Atppthe time and place last deefg- commonr ceuucfl, .(ter 6 arlog ell perrsons in- terested ad being of the opinion that the same fs necessary and proper. Therefore, be it resolved, that the grade of Pennsylvania avenue, from the westerly line of Jackson street to Meant Vernon etreat, be and the same Ia hereby changed In accordance with the red Ifne ea shown on the annexed profile, be- flg the same as referred Lo to all the roceedlnes had In regard L,y eafd change, and be It further Resolved, That this order —Irthe profile rep- rasentfng said change of grade be reterted to Lha board f public rka, d that .aid board .hall not, wltboout delay to aeuee. the s u t, Early m they can aecertal. the same, which e6s11 be required to pay the dam- ages, costa and expenses of such Improvement, PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 441 as provided by law, it being the opinion of the common -until that reel estate to be ss.essed forsuch improvement call be found benefited to the extent of the damages, costs and expenses necessary to be incurred thereby. - Yeas—Ald. Banho:rcr, Bfelenberg, Butt, Con. Icy , Copeland, C'osteilo. Dobner, Flandrnu, Ge - him, ilfeindy, illinea, Sauboru, Eulllvsn, Van Slyke, Mr. President -15. Approved Oct. 27, 1890 o­cC PpaIJC.r Of ordinance passed and resolutions adopted by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul, at its meeting held on Tuesday, Oct. 21, 1890. on I.AA'C..' ORDINANCE NO. 1,429. An ordinance appropriathng to A. Buchner the sum of one hundred and five dollars. The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do orchu i as follows: c. I. That an order be drawn upon thecity t cell yf the sun of one bund baud five (S10fi) dollars to refund torllAt,f[Bile Dhoer a por- Wherens, The common o n 1 of the city o1 tum him mf the cost of a tree b t of id for by St. Paul heretofore ordered the board f public I 4 w'o ks to report whether a change of grade atreet in said drv, eafd work having been done On Jeesamine street. betaveeu 1y1l na cart- lir der Permis.ion from Lhe city. htntl streets, in said city, shoo t by a red Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect andbe line oil a profile nnn d to v is cruet in fonx• from and after its passage. r y and sprope and whether real Yeah—Altl. llut C -tell.. 1. Bielenbelr, Bout. Con- eattate to be cess d torr id improvement lap, Cooelund, ('oetelln. Uobne , Fiandrau, nald be found benefited to the extent of dam- Gehan, Mel¢dy, Mnam, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van ages unci coats to be incurred by said improve- Slyke. Dir. President -15. ant; anfl Passed Oct. 21, 1890. m 0. O. Cb11 E , President of Council. WDeMAN, 11, nmo deuce ar'th avid order. the Approved Oct. 23, 1890. board of public works did make a report to the O. O. CULLEV. Acting Jfayor. com »ail of date Sept. 2, 1890; recon- Attest: Thos, A. Pa._...AAc Citp Clerk. ending a change M grade Jessamine street, October 30. from Sylvan street to Cortland atreet, and that property could be Innnd benefited to the extent LteaOLUrloNs. If damaR s o is anti ex`1a sex necessary to be nc toed in innitiug aria change of grace xs afore- BY Ala. C'opelnnd— aaid; and R olved, That that certain final order and Whereas. 'The common council of eaid city, on I sol tion of the co mo council, approved the 2d day of September, 1890, adopted said Dl a' 9, 1890, relativetothe ..tructiou of a port and ordered the city clerk to elle the no- sewer on Weide avenue, from Lawson street to Lice required by law; and DLerylnutl street, unci ¢Iso oil other streets, and Wherena, The city clerk gave otic. In the of- grade \Veide aveuete, from Dlnry-lnutl street to fief 1 paper f said city, for three sue ,iv, Well's street, be and the same le hereby amended sneak., tn'ice In each week, that the cc mon o to rend as follow.: t el o f said city would on the 21st day of In the matter of. there rte of the board Of pub - October, 18911, at T.30 o'clock p. m. at Lheco.n- he works dated \larch 4, 1890, and Dfay 6, cin ,her, 1. said city, emvildersuch proposed 1.90. chance of grade; slid It ie hereby orded by the Common Council of [he (5t}• of St. Poul: Whereas. At the time unci g,.,I est designatedcommon That the board o[ plows works of said city e for such Proposed change o[ grade, the common SL. Paul, cause the tolloavivg i 8eroventent to be council, utter hearing »II persona interested, and made, to It: Conatruot a ' r on Weide befog of the opinion that ate some Is necessary avence, from Maryland street to Lawson atreet; and proper; Lawson street, from Welde avenue to Arcade Therefore, be it resolved. That the grade ofstreet; Arcade street, from Lawson etreet to Jessamine street, from Sylvan street to Cort- I Phalen creek; York street, from IVrl le avenue land street, be and the same is hereby changed to Arcade street; Sun, street, frwn Weide .ve- in accordance with the red line as shown on the Due to Arcade street; Csee street, from Walde annexed profile. being the sant a. r fetsed to avenue to Arcade street; Jenks street. from In ail theproceeafnce had in regard toauid change, \Veda, av to to Areadnstreet; Cook street, and be it further from Greenbrier avenue to Arcade .treat; Mag - Resolved, That this order and the profile reV- nolfa street, from Greenbrier uventte to Cypress -setting said change of grade be referred to Lhe street; Geranlmn street, from Greenbrier avenue board of public r eks, and that said board to ,-.rest etreet; Jeesnmine stteet, from Gree.- shnil proceed a dtbout delay to asses. the Grier revenue to Forest street; Rose street, from amount, as nearly as they call ascertsi. the Greenbrier uventte to Forest street; Maryland same, which .hc,ll be they to pay the dam- etreet, from Greenbrier avenue to Forest street, ages. costa and expenses of such improvement sod Greenbrier avenue, from Jessamine street upon the real estate to be benefited by said im- to Maryland street, and de Weide wen provement, as provided by few, it being the nom Maryland. treat to Well' treat, In said opinion of the common council that real ear.te c1ty; said sewering and grading to be done to be assessed for such improvement can be under one contract. found benefited to the extent of the damages, That said board cause eaid [cork to be let by costs and expenses necessary to be incurred contract, na provided b1' lata, without one-half thereby. [be est limit m t being first paid into the city treasury, and after said mt et d, bolo the 1'eete—Aid. B¢vholur, Bfelenberg. Bort, Con- I.rcontract,eaidboard eI aIIpr.= without ley, Cope]¢»d, Costello, llobner, Flandrnu, Gu- delay to assess the amount rly as they ban, Melnd y. Di11te., Sanboty, Sullivan, Van c certain the same, which will be required to Slyke, Mr. Preeldentrl5. pay the -costs and r ury expenses f h Approved Oct. 27, 1890. grading upon the real estate . to be benefited O. O. CL2r.Ex, President of Council. thereby, and to the extent of $1 per foot upon Time. A. Pa 1....w , City Clerk. the real estate a . I benefited he said ewer he provided by lean. it being the opinion of the 29 � >t 440 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. ® PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 441 mending . eb the west line nue, and that to the extent necessary, to of grade His a Whereas, on the 18th e id -Port s notice -qulr Whom-, 7 orchil paper it.. twice ell chamber, in said change of grade; an Wbas, At tb, Hatee-d for euc6 p: common council, n ested, and being of necessary and prof Therefore, be 1t Wells street,fromtb to Payne avenue, chanced In accords oil the annexed u -tarred to In we on Wells street, from Payne on street to Pe ave - could be found benefited lgee costa and expenses d In making said change and Lon council of said city, T•pmmber, 1890, adopted the cItyderk to give the and •rk gave notice in the ot- city for three successive week, that the common uld, on the 21st day of o'clock p. in atthecoun- f, consider such proposed me and place last deelg- used change of grade the opinion that the ea lived, That the grade of at line of Edgerton street and the same Is hereby with thered Ifue "shown file, beingq the same rte he Proceed had n re• o Resolved, That this order and the profile re bimIdn said change of grade'h -ter-d to the board o public 'orke, and that e.ld board shall proceed without delay to assess the amount ae nearly as Ihey can ascertain the same, w�tfell shall be required to ppay the dam- ages, costa and expense. of much fmprovement upon the real estate to be beneflted by mold 1% provement, ae provided by law, 1t being the opialon of the common council that real eetam to be assessed for such Improvement can be found benefited to the extent of the damages costs and expenses necessary to be me `u thereby. Yeas—Ald. Banholur, Bielenbelg, Bott, Con- ley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Flandrau, 6a haD, ]lfeIsdy, Minna, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. Preddent-15. Approved Oct. 27, 1890. Whereas, The common connml of the city of St. Paul heretofore ordered the board of public works to report whether a chartp of grade on Penneylvanla avenue, from Rice street to Park avenue, in said city, as shown by a red line on profile annexed to said order, woe necessary and proper, sad whether real m. [ate to be assessed for said improvement could be found benefited tp the extent of damages and costs to be Incurred by Bald improvement; and Wbeream, b" accomance with said order, the board of public works did make n rep rt to the common council of date Sept. 11, 1890, meom- mending a change of grade on Pennayylvanla ev- enue, from the westerly line of Jacltmon street to Mount Vernon street, and that property could be found benefited to the extent of =, the gave notice In the of - toe three successive that the common on the 21st day of lick yy. m., st the couu- lnelder each proposed and place last dedg- change of grnde,the common council, atter hearing all persona inter- ested, and being of the opinion that the same is necessary and proper, Therefore, be it resolved, That the grade of Penneylvanla avenue, from the westerly line of Jackson street to Mount Vernon street, be and the same Is hereby changed in ac- cordance with the red line ae shown on the an. nexed profile, being the same am referred to in all the proceedings Sad In regard to said change, and be It further Resolved, That this order and the profile rep- reaenting said change of grade be referred to the board of public wprks, and that said board shall ce proed without delay to a.xeea the amount, as nearly as they can ascertain the name, which shall be required to ppay the damage., Coate and expenses of such lin rovement upon the real estate to be benefited by said Improvement, as provided by law, 1t being the opinion of the common council that real estate to be assessed for such fmpmvement can be found benefited to the extent of the damages, coats and expenses necessary to lith thereby. Yeas—Ald. Banholur, Blelenberg, Bott, Con- ley, Copefu�d, Costello, Dobner, Flandrau: Oehan. ��Ii y. MI...j Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke. Alr. Pm%ldent—lf>. Approved Oct. 27, 1890. Whereas, The common council of the city of St. Paul heretofore ordered the board of public works to-por4whhe etr s change of n grafin o PH. neylv.nf. avenue, between Jackson street and Mount Vernon street, In said city,as shown by a red fine on a pmole annexed to said order, was necessary and proper, and whether real eetate to be assessed for said improvement could be found benefited tp the extent of dam- ages and conte to be Ise it by suld Improve- meut; and, Whereas, In accordance with said order, the board of public works did make a report to the rommou council of dam Sept. 11, 1890, moom- meudmg a change of grade on Pennsylvania "' nue, from the westerly line of Jackson street to Monet Vernon street, and that $)rope ty could be found beneflted to the extent of damages, costa and expenses necessary to be Incurred In making said change of grade as aforesaid; and, Whereas, The common council of said city, ou the 10th day o[ September, 1890, dopted aid report and ordered the city clerk to give the notice required by law•, and Whereas, The elty clerk gave notice In the official paper of said city, for three suce.eive weeks, twice in each week, that the common council of said city would, on the 21.t day of October, 1880, at 7:80 o'clock p. m., at the council cbamber In said city, consider ouch the posed change of grade; and Whereas, At Lha time and place last desig- nated for both pmpneed change of grade, the common couucfl, alcor hearing sir pe -one i.- terested and belug of the opinion that the same Is necessary and proper, Therefore, be It resolved, that the ratio of Penneylvanla avaone, from the westerly line of Jaek.on street to Mcunt Vernon street, be .nd the same Is hereby changed In accords.. with the red 1Ise ae shown o. the annexed proflle, be - Ing the same as referred to m .11 the Proceedinge had in regard to Bald change, and be It further Resolved, That this order and the profile re -canting said change of grade be -tarred to the board of public work., and that said board shall proceed wlthout delay tc aeeees rho amount, as nearly ae they can .ecertafn the same, which shall be required to pay the date.ages, costs and expenses of such to, as provided by law, it being the opinion of the ncil that real estate to be assessed forsuchtimprovement can be found benefited to the extent of the damages, costs and expenses ueces.ary to be incurred thereby. - Peas—Alai Banho;ur, Bfelenberg, Bott, Con- ley,Copeland, Costello. Dobuer, Flandrau, Ge. hall, Malady, Mines, Sanborn, Sullivan. Van Slyke, Mr. Pre.ident-15. Approved Oct. 27, 1890. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Of ordinance passed and resolutions adopted by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul, at its meeting held on Tuesday, Oct. 21, 1890. ORDINANCE. ORDINANCE No. 1,429. An ordinance a l� priatiu to A. Buchner the I of one huudn�l and five dollars. The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do ordain am follows: Sec. 1. That un order be drawn upon thecity treasury [or the eu of one hundred and live (5105) or to refund to A. Buchner a por. Whereas, The common courted of the city of I tion of the cost of a sewer built and paid for by St. Paul heretofore ordered the board of pubifc bun ht 1887 on Olive street north of Olmstead tvorke to report whether a change of grade street In said city, said work bavfug been done u Jesenmiue etre', bet[reen Sylvan end Cor[- under permission from the city. In streets, In said city, as shown by a red Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be lice on a profile annexed to !aid orner, in fore. from and niter ire pes.age. ions necessary and pro a d bother real leas—Alai. Banff'oluq Bfeleubetg. Boit. Con - estate to be assessed f r said Improvement ley, Cooeland, ('ontelln. Doblter, Flandrau, could be found benefited to the extent of dam- Gahan, Melady, Mines, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van seen 0."" costa to be Incurred by said improve- Slvke. Mr. President -15. meat; and Passed Oct. 21, 1890, O. O. CUCLEN. President of Council. Whereas, DI accordance with said order. the Approved Oct. 28, 1890. board of public work. did inn ke a repp rt to the G. 0. CULLEN. ACtillg Mayor. romans enuudI of darn Sap[. 2, lAUO; recom- Acte«e: Tune. A. PaevneauseT, Clty Clerk. nlendfug a change of grade on .7memamfne street, October 80. from Sylvan street to Cortluud street, and that _ property could be found beuelited to the extent uesoLUTloNs. of dxmagea, costa and expIenses nece.eary to be )"carred In m.kiug.nldohauge of gran. as afore- By Aid. Copelaud— .ald; and I Resolved, 'phnt that certain final order Hud Whereas, The common council of said City, 01 resolution of the coy mou couucfl, appproved the 2d day o[ September, 1890, adopted .aid Jfay 0. 1890, relative to the conxtructlon of a report and ordered the cntyclerk to give the no- e'er on \Verde ¢venue, from LawtioD street to tice required by lain; and M.rtylnud street, and also on other mircet., and Whereas, The city clerk gave notice in the of- to grade Weide avenue. from Maryland street to ficial paper of exld city, for three successhe I Wella at—t, be it Lhesmme la hereby ¢mended week., twice In much week, that the ecmmon o as to read ns folia[re: council f said city would on the 21st day of 1n the matter of. the reports 1f the board of pub - October. 1890, at 7:80 o'clock p. m. at thecoun- he works dated _NI. 4, 18U0, and May 5, ell chamber, m said city, conilide..uch proposed ISUO. chance of grade; and It is hereb}• ordered by the Common Council of the Clty of St. Paul: Whereas. At the time and place Inst a common That the board of public works of said city of for such proposed Change of grade, the common St. Paul, cause the following improvement to be council, after hearing ail p roes interested, and made, to wit: Construct sewer on Weide bei g of the opinion that the same is necessary avenue, from MLIrvland street to Lawson street: and proper; Lawson street, from Weide aveau, to Aread- Therefore, be it resolved. That the grade of i Street; Arcade street, from Lawson street to Jessamine street, Item Sylvan street to Cort- Ph len eek; York street, from Welds venue lDud street, be and the a is hereby changed to Arcade street; Sims street, from Weide ave. fn accordance with the red]fileas abown on the Due to Arcade street; Case street, from Welds annexed profile, being the same as referred to enue to Arcade street; Jenks street, from in Il the'to oceedfugs bud fn regard to said chance, Walsh avenue to Arend. street; Ccok.tr.t, I— Greenbrier avenue to Arcade street; and be it further ling - Resolved, That this order and the proflle repp- n.h. street, from Greenbrier avenue to CSPres. -senting said change of grade he referred to tine street; Geranium street, from Greenbrier avenue Green - board It p. iblic w' rks, and that said board br Forest arrest: Jessamine street. from Gr.n- ehall pro d [ itbout delay to assess the Drier avenue to Forest street; Rose street, from Greenbrier avenue to Forest street; Maryland amount, ub nearly as they can seertafn the' street, from Greenbrier avenue to Forest street, same, which shun be required to pay the dam- and Greenbrier avenue, from Jessamine street ages, costs and expenses of such improvement to Maryland street, and grade Weide avenue, upon the real estate to be benefited by.alai fin- Ito- Maryland street to Wella street, hr ¢IQ provement, as orovidn by 1 n It being the city; amid se vering and grading Go be done opinion ee the -mon 111,1111 that real est.te I 1 r one contract. to be unxeased for such Improvement can be code That said board cause said work to be let by found benefled to tl�e ezteut o[ the damages, contract, its 11Lrovfded by law, without one-half coats and expenses necessary to be incurred the estimated cost bets fl -t thereby. g paid Into the city t-lumry, and after said work shall beypland Yeas—Ald.banholuq Bfeleuberg.'Bott, Con. undercuntract, said board shell proceed wlthout ley, Copperand, Costello. Dobner, Flandrau, Ge- delay to assess the amount s nearly a. Choy ban, Malady. lines, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van can eacertnf , the same, which x•111 be requl-d to Slyke, Mr. President -15. 'pay the coats and necexsnary exPeuees of uch Approved Oct. 27, 1590. grmling upon the real -let.. to be beneflmd O. 0. CULLEN, President of Council. thereby, and to the extent of g1 per not upon the teal enbtte to be benefited by said better ae Time. A. PUENDEROA.T, City Clerk. provided by law, it being the opf.l0. of the 29 us 442 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. council tint real state [o be a seed for sold teen (17)), and running around lots seventeen n be found ben Il d to the extent or 81 (17) n. tl li[eteen (] S) to ine uor[he.st cooter er f of towards till coats d expenses I= of lot elRhteea (18) to the south line of the alley ry to be Incurred for said sewer, nail to the ni n. east a td "'est tbrou.h bold blo two tent of the coats unit expenees,ecessury to be (2)t: funrred for nnld grading. Also. n1I tint Tart of Oxford street (now known Yens—Aid. Itauhtlies Blelenberg. Bort, a Amherst street).coi it. led x'I thin the follow- Cotiley, Co eland, (.'otello, llobner. Fieo nu. Ing bounds: Commenmug at the northeast corner G b n, 11fe�tWys gJltnea, tlnuborn, 6ulllvab Van of lot t\eelve (12), In bl0171 ck two (2 : thence run- tllyke Mr. P id tt-15. IIIR h a o thwesterl)• dlrectloa along the west Approved Oct, la, 1890, litre of Oxford street (ttow known Amherst street). to \'here t st rles , the forth — ihte of Grand produced eeter- By Ald. Sanborn— 1': thence r nnitntRen east long the n\north Resolved. That the plans s Emitted by the ]ne of Granit ave 'If produced rex fore- Chle.go, Nlilwaukte S fit. Paul Railway c - id, to where the enst Ilne of Oxford street ( w pally for Lhe couattuctlon of bthhs, at St. know, ns Amherst street) stokes said north line Cmir street over their tracks,and the .greement of (:rind avenue Produced; thence fn . north. of the gner.l manger f bald company. etnt- .steely direction along the easterly ;fee of Ox- talned fn his letter dated Oct. 1S, 1890, for the ( rd street (now known ns Amherst treat) to replsci,g of said midge, be acrnpted: ud the the southwesterly corner of lot three (8) in copppor, lot) attorney be Instructed to 1nrepatre 1 It ck one (1 ): thence In a straight line across such paper xe he may dea•m necessary 1 r ,the Oxford street (now known .s Amherst street) railroad c pp allyto execute. to the place of be.inning; Ye Aid. B nholrer, Blelenberg. Butt, Cotg- Also tall that 1mrt of tine alley running between ley, Copeinad, Costello, Donner, Fm rtn.Ge- lots i., If uud 7 i t block 1. dying north of Grand inn, Dlelndy, "Inc.,, Sanborn, Sullivan, 1'an venue produced,nnd running in n northwesterly Slyke, 'air. Yrerefden[-1 h. dimtlon to the east line of Oxford street (now Approved Uct. 28.7890. known ne Amherst street); O. O. C;I'... President of Council. Also till that part of the xlleY ]n block 1, com- Tnoe. A. PnENDE A r. I-Ity Clerk. etclnc. n[ the southeast c to of lot 13, _ x1nere tfe alley intereectx the nest Ilse of Dlxexl- es[er nvetu ' thence r nln. w t-11 to the aouthweteriy n oftint 13; thence running Of resantinn nndop[ed tLy [Ire Commnv (:o,nmif orth tel it strikes [he south Il,e Df (;—nd uv ( the l;ny o[ 5t. Pgagtl at Its nertitg held Oct. un Produced us af.mstd: 21. 181to. t Also an that part of Cambridge avenge, com- WI er u., A majority of the ow resident mencing "'neve tie east Ifue of Oxford treat wdtigigg tie cit\' of St. Paul. )Ilan., not s[tie prop-' Ino"' knox'1_ .. Anherxe atr,,tI iutere-ta It; er[y nbgtttftgg ,Pan nud Ilial. the line ret the thence muting Iu n ontheux[erly direction to streets ngd alleys ',!I, tie- m»artieulearlr de- "begs• the a u ala fine n( Lhncam avenue produced .ben rove Petit hued h,!,,,._ e vo ane cuaancil of enleriy 'ngdd intersect the city of St. Paul to vxcutc eertxha tstreet' ani tt .\Iwo in thht P.re of the lleyoin block a, alley! Igg \Ixcalester Park, in the city of St. Pagel. log "-here alae resp line f Cnmbndge Rangsey count Y. )lieu.. n'hlt•h said petition duly aveauetiuters is said alley between lots 1 std bets forth the fill Is Bund reasons for ,if(] nen- 2; thence conning to it'hem the north Ifue f tion, nail was duly uccont{uu'fell by a plat them. Lincoln avenue produced would intersect said of proposed [o be vented: end ulle •; R'hereae, The common comgcil, Pon thuI�r - Ah", till Ihest pgart of Orford street (tlnx'kuou'n entation of said Petition, dc•rmerI it expe,lfent s Angheret street), cotnmenchtg x'lere the north til L ale matter be a dad with 11,11 rdered i line of Princeton "vent a (now known is Good- ­11 ood- s 1 petition to be filed of re ord with the city tell avenue) it tereectsi it; thence a ItgF f g a clerk, 'l t tic¢ to be giveuc by publication x rtlenxterl)• dicectlon to \ylece Lhettet til line provided by law; .ud s of 6"ad ny nue produced .s nf.re—ld Would Whereas, Ilue notice [ens given by publication intm,eect it; e ht the oniciulo ager of aid city for four week., i all tag at Part of Geneva street, comment,. •i g the 80th d.y f August, A. D..„Al—R ,eller the ext line of Amherst treef 1891, to lige effect that s.bI petitlov had Deere knotcn ons Baal itwin actee[� limit ted nuutltcrly filed ryith the city clerk, unsling t g brie[ its ob- hgtersects it; tlaetre rn t g tg ins . easterly jest, nail that the some Mould be heard and con- direction to where the West line of Oxfonl street -dared by the commnt c at t 1 of the city of St. 1 (now ktnrrn s Amherst street) Intersects it; Paul, n Tuesday, the ith day of October. A. Also nil that par[- 'if)” street (to D. 1890. at 7:80 o'clock fn the afternoon of said known C paid sin street), commeta, where dap, ret the council chamber in the city hall of Lhe wet aline of Amherst street (note known as said city; nail Bxldwf t street) produced intersects Gmieva Wherens,At the time and place Inst aforesaid, street (now known as B.Idwin street)' thence for the i hve tigation "I c iderxtion of peening in i soulnayeeterly direc[fon to tc herethe such p opcsed vacation of said streets and I north line of Lincoln avenue produced westerly alleys, [Ile common ouncflt, after hearing roup: intersect Geneva street (pox known as 11 persons interested, being of the opinion' Baldi. in street); that the same to accessary and proper, and Als, 71 f the alley fu Pearson's rearrange - that the prerep,lbites therefor have all been meat �[ III 8, 9 and 10, in block 6, of Dlncal- complied With: ester Park; Now therefore, be It resolved. That all of the also all of the alley fn block 5 of Macalester m iloxin.. treats and alley. to Mace.1,.t r Park. Park cunni F e steely a d 111t'I south of in the id city of St. Yxul, to sit: lots 1, "and :4 b ax d Diock o d tug All that part of Dnrtmouta street running be- south slang Lhe rest side of lot 11 in "id tt block tx'een blocks three (3) aid four (4), slid bounded oto where 1t joins the xlleyrun dnF north of lots on the webs by Fafrviewavenue, and ou the east l red •L of Pentxou's rearrangement of lots 8, 9 by Amherst street (now known as Baldwin and 10 in blockp5 of Maealester Park: reetmenci)g alt othee soutnteetet clomker trof lot sev n. the Also east all line of Fairvieart of w avenue between to sal PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 493 I,, block 1, and yenning east to the West f;eneva street plow known as Baldwin all tI,t part of the alley In block M1 com- I .where the north 11a s of Linepl I avenue, rah to wl ere tl elnlle, ruunmg e and t ooil hrotgh block 4 Intersects said first named the same nP earn of record In the olhce +ter of dee Iu and for the county f r 41 nngeaotn, vse.ted red A odiscoett tiro ed aR for In said petltlon, and as herein above Passed Oct. 21, 1890. O. O. CULLEN, President of Council. Approved Oct. 23, 1890. O. O. CULLES, Acting Mayor. Attest: Tilos. A. P ....... ASL, City Clerk. November 11. — Special Afeeting, ST. PAUL, Oct. 31, 1890. President Cullen in the chair. Present—AId. C'rrpel:Ut, Geh:an. Sanborn, Sul - van. V; Slyke, \I r. 1'tesIll t-0. Adjunrne,d t. O. O. CVLg.EN, President of Council. linos. -1. PaE n.uu.\�C:ity Clerk-. Re.nlar Meetinfr. r. PArg, Sop. 4, 1850. President Cullen ins the chnie. Present—)1 r. President -1. No lucre nes. Adjourn -d. O. O. CTLLE,, Preaidnt of Council. Tilos. A. PRENDERGAST. City Clerk. Adjourn -,Meeting. t. P._, Nov. ii, 1890. President Cullen in the chair. Pres... t—dld. B,nl,,Iwr. Bielegtbem, Bott, Cc I i dl (:o tello, Dobner, lIanlden, Gehan, \It,\sale, "I'm"". Almon, Saga horn, Sullivan, Van Slyke. ]Ir. P-eldent—I 5. Fro Thos. I.app, President St. Paul (Ity Railx'xy Compuny— Extensfon o[ time for completion of street railw .y linea— To the Iionorxble Common Council of ale CSty of St. Paui— Gentlemen: The St. Paul (lty Railway com- pany respectfully represents. that, by reason of nnnnticipated difiicultira, it has not been able as yet to fully equip :uld put fu operation, elec- trically, all the ]tale wnich by Lige ordinance No. 1,227, of Sept. 20, 1889, were to be pleted std in operation by the It day of No - ember, 1890, und. therefore, desires a reasona- ble extensint of time. This company hub not been backward in em- bracing new . it improved methods of street railway se -vi" whenever permitted, nail has constructed in thns city the het cable line north of Chicago. which, ityou know. ... fiufshed and in operation it Sanuxry, 1888; since which Lime it itis constructed d put 1n operation the En.t 8eyenth street cable Inc,Iand also the long cable extension to Victoria street. When electricity was coming into use as a mo. five power, and was growing into Savor with the public, this company desired to use It ,all up- edged to your honorubis Do �y for that ielvllege, s you will doubtless r et bar. Ion. hrfors the Fax-ni Fas-ge of count red xerenuoueopenn 11J 'unsold other tpurn esoobtained ordinnncrx from the city which IRnmred the franchises f tins enmpnny. This complicit lou ped to a cotderence betx'een i Intoe committee appointed by tine climber of f St. Yn d. with the conn¢]] com tit. tee an 1I'Ith thin.Ii co pat"y, with n •law of nr- AvinR t t LbI. ttlemeut nI Lhe rally. Theo, were nearly meetings bad and the present ordiva,ce tuna the result. The mit. fees laslated upon \\'int seemed .]meet Imp ai. bllitle.. The pr -Mentor the company yielded to accommodate In several Initragcea the albhe. of indivl deal me tiers of the committees. until at last when the Imes were all agreed upon, ystem W,as paid out Chao mbrtwe 1 ret ote uburbau ¢list riots of St. Paul In every df r<etlou. Then ca is the task of fixing the tithe In which to complete the Imes. The president, of thecom- limit of Mime dinthlc'h to completes n�nh t`gthe ork,, red woe met with the reply: --Let it stand s Nov. 1, nod if you have shown good faith its starting the work, you shall have till the time you need." Accordl ug to the ordinance, till, cam panywas to conhl,lete by Nov. 1, 1800, the folloxlugIfti.: The 1.mverel ty avenue ileo. "onto tva•ne to Front treat. Seventh street to 1.1.....t uvenne. >IlssissiPpl unreel to ld,Ind nyeuue. Maria n\ -et gge line [p liar] street. ord street to Arthur nvettue. State street toIun ap.h. street. winifretl -_t to tea tpoll street. I, e t elu ave •glue Lo St, III,gg avenue 'Pine tracks oga ndl these pines ire cou4teted, td Poles set g gal P.rt of the "'ices tang`, so l, o Le Prnatea elrctrlA Y. The West even til •t Ibge Ix to on e " , ton, and the "I"vsity ¢tent ue title is also in opera fon to Dole street. To start these lines the company has ere •ted tempo I! ry engines. 'rhe other Imes nailed fu the ordinance and far the completion of which no data " s tied are: The III, ].te , m ylaryland avenue. Tile (tondo street line. I.nf vette nud l:reenbrler avenue, and Oakland and t: rand avenue line. The company ]tie vj.matseily pro dad with these fires withu .,it d, ay, red long eh or has Put liuer tion the On klaud and Grand n .luud his completed, to lee extent of bunds ine the tracke, eettI'll the poles sit steng a.i Pert of the aalres. ell these Inst named lines. The engines err, omlered e front a of the ost mlinbio c[ nil pauniee one c. l who co t rnctcd tofurnishf it furnish theinby thein iii, last. The first engine is naw being put in place, but will not be ready for operation for some time yet. The delivery of ,its fu all respectx suitable has been di dsyed, . considerable mount of \\'ire hat•iug been found uhsuienble was turned, this nddingin the dela_. Atter a suitable site had been secured for the power house, it was immediately put under contract, but not finished on time, shit onRh nearly flu - ished. All these ata matters over w'I ich the company had and couldexercise ontrol whatever. The conhpany hasp sea n, ex- p ditto -I as prartwable, and i., still t8 nF on tilt, work with a very larcelo,mof men, d hes certtuly shown throughout its good faith and sanest efforts and endeavors to fulfill the expecton atis of the public, .ad to comply literally with every provision of the ordina:ice; and fn the mean- PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 445 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. no k$1,284.73 444 City clerk....... 3375.00 StS . Paul public work -k- k- Savin gs ..................................: back ....auk ........................ 1,740.63 People'tlo have in operation about flve (G) miles I Street railway tracks on Broadway street, House ................... 1,875.93 Seern [;ornen; bunk........................ 1,160.66 Cnpitxlbnuk632.77 timeput time additional cable line. The company comes from Fifth atreet to Grove street. trucks on Mississippi street interest on water bonds 25,000.00 .................................... \\'est Side bank. .............................. 218.92 now to ask yon to redeem the pledge of honor this ordi- Street rail -V from Grove street to Thirteenth street. ................... }Vater department ScunJ inavian American bank......... 761.73 given its president at the time when is Dle time a of the commit- Street railway track. on Tenth street, from receipts ,,,,,,,, ,}5,0(70.00 Bank of Minnesota interest axount 1,-182.30 uance agreed on. s reedoverify these statements. Broadway street to Locust street. from Redemption reeeipte 13,2014.97 To[nl$73 tee will undoubtedly This company is now Only I'ultiup for the de- Street railway trucks oil Eighth street, to Robert street. Partfnl redemntlon iPta1,)02.34 ........................................' ,63G.80 Respectfully submitted, livery of suitable wire, the setting of the large F.verythfug Wabash. street Street railway tracks on Robert street, from ................. Advanced Payments GEORGE Treasurer. engines, and the arrival of cars. and as men money Seventh street to Eighth street. on newer assess - Cyt r easur. Nov. 1, 1890. else is ready, and a. soon after arrival it will be' Street railway tracks on Concord street, from meats ..... ...... ... 270.56 Cnmmitteeonuups and insane. tau put them together d lie. Bancroft street to Arthur avenue. State street, from Repairing paved 60.74 Of City Comptroller -Audited Claims. vlz.- electric ' k e Had no saps lance in building electric linea, Street railway trucks on Concord street to South Robert street, and streets .................. Llbtary Flnee........... 6,1. 15 1'. Linnan. Estimate \o. 1. gr jig Raymond and con.equently had Lo rely largely on ,,d,ofued w ly i.rl ,ly y instances ;thence on South Robert street to Annapolis Park commissioners 150.5 - Hv nue, 8340.00; T. Linnan, Estimate No. 1, county mud. 5238.00: S. E. SHndeeu, from others, thingproved unreliable. that the electric linea w01 cl-tbillg street. Street railway tracks on wnat is known as the Street Interests on depo+ittl 289.47 C. W. Hackett, gee. grading F-sttnnate No. 1, gr,ding L(nenln avenne. S2,- Kenngh & Donnelly, F.stimnte Nn. 2, It ie conceded by ali more thea aI else, and S avenue extension. from Ohio street and Relief Association, 260.00 125.u6: Capitol lit nue, $:1 Dtc- ' develop the city has endeavored to meet the es- Wiunifredstrcet to Smith sveuue and Annapolis Licenses and per- 339.00 grading tiii11.0U; in stP. Cxnn, Estimate No. ], grndinR PYm street, this company of [he public in this resVcet. \Ve Lave street, and ¢II new street railway trucks con- in mite B. Y. W......... Liq,:or licenses........ 7,o0u.00 85{4.00; Reilly. Estimate No. Gooden pectation L pt a small army o[ men at work during the strutted and completed on uy of the streets the Ezprees license, one idewniks, 1890,5(i,5;i9.98: Kirkland .t Starkey, 1 whole summer and fall. We have spent u+ d contracted to .pend over $2,000, 00 in the I the city o[ St. Poul during Present year. St. Paul. \tine., Oct. 31, A. D. 1890. horse.. lien............ ]0.00 lar ++t, ub- }stimate No.011ild It" lure:82.578.98; 11MeMalle sitmet z MorrieePstl- w'ork. Tii% ST. PAUL CITY RA -1- CO][ -- L. Scorn. Dog'utseetlse........ Dog licenses' 320.80 mete No. 10 and final, >[innehaha treat e The delay. have been unavoidable. We had . location for our By A. of five, Track license........... 10.00 a s. F16.450.Uq: F.dgemere Bridge Works, Esti- much trouble to get . proper finally atter it was selected we Aid. Sanborn moved that a committee be appointed to Miscel l nu e o u a 1 i- tate Nn. i> Hud Hnnl, Selby avenue bridge, $ll, - 'P. Reilly, Esti Nn. 2 and final, power hoose, and began work before an opport.tdty w'as ever. to then with the city engineer fax sect above described work. tenses ................... 156.00 Assessment col lac- 719 07; mote Paving nllep, mock 12, SL. Paul Proper, 590.00: given fur our couueei to examine the title. Ado ted. tlontl..................... 4L92'J,62 Cbxs. Friend & Son. $3 1.37; Df. N. \Veber. 7'hte comPawY will complete the Ifnes as rap- unpale, hope to have minty, if not The rice president a pointed ea .nth comnilt- pp Copeland, Banholzer Total receipts. 5298,888.22 84.1.34.; J. H. Schurmeier, $19 65: G. Sommers & Co., 816.67; Hutch & Easetdrup Co.,3178.6o; idly n. }} nod II, a i oa.i n uperutlou before the time naked tce Aid. Sanborn, Geran, lid 1,I lt,.d on.unsea%urn. schiffman & Son, 83.75; E. C,nttsehammer, for expireI. s. j From St. Paul L9tiuns' Central Union- City orders paid......S 10p,4,6I.fi6 811.26 H. DI, Smyth Printing Co., 560.00: P. Inview o[ the foregoing facts, fife company Honorable node toe x Transmitting copy t resolution adopted by Fire dep,rtment 17,482.443 C. Lutz, 533.45: Carlies. Cmtpnma - Dr. m, L., Scott,S1I7.66, respectfully asYe }•our the time for the completion of the work In Bald wdou Oct. 10, 1890, protesting ngaiuet ex- for completion of street railway tvarrnnts.............. St. Paul water de- - g20.00; C. Bernhard,32.20: R. C. Clark. S6.00; Noyes Bma. X Cut - tent question until March 1, 189 1. tension of time lines. partment w a r- ler, 56.00; Robert Seeger, $3,812.4.: James T, om,. Low%Y, President. Laid over. ante ................... 48,847.30 SL. Poul workhouse Kenal". 3'-'I.uO; W. J. Freaney. $2.60; 812.00: Mathew Crai S". 0; Nov. fi, 1890. Accepted. From C, Weber- protesting agninet paving of Bedford street. warrants .............. 2.888.14 G, W. Merrill, Maxfield & Seaburv, $4.80; John Dow'lan&bon, AId. Dlluen moved to refer said petition to Alderman of the ward. 3t. Fuld library S283.66; Northwestern Chrouicls, $4: Dolly committee ou streets. n nmeudment to Frmn Northwestern Telephone Exchange Com- warrants ............. 909.77 Park News, 83.05; A. L. ]roman & Co., 320.12; Msr- tin & MCTengue. 5ri.8•l; Ald. \'nn Slyke t Dyed a. enid motion [met Dlr. Lowry be heard. _ Asking extension of time for completion o1 commresloners' wart nts.............. 2,207.10 & S[rnne. 513: Haggerty Willimn Rodger & Co., 56.52; Edison }•;lectric Aid. Minex accepted said umeitdmettt' D[eesr.. work of r oViug poles. pan Interest coupons..... 35,355.00 Light and Power Co., 811.76; Donaldson & Og- D[r. Lowry w'as then Heard and also Berkey, in support o[ said Committee on street.. Ezpease account..... 142.28 Redeemed certlfl- den, 51,69: Louis Kern, .corn; Wenzel \Vein - Blodgett d O.good, $1.50; Finch, Driscoll, Rogers mid (See Ordinance No. L43u.) From \V. \V. Woodruff and others- Protecting ng:eiasI building . sewer on Cleve- elites of sale......... 13,07L94 tech, 8130.26; \'u1 Slyke & Co., 12c; .Toho Meyers, 60r. Pro- petition. '1'he president here called the vice president [o hmdd avenue .sld W.bmh .veins. Partially redeemed pie's Ice Co.. 57; Brown Treaey & Co., 577.10; the chair. City Committee on streets. certificates of ..Is 1,472.56 A. D(stler, 826.25; St. Paul Itunber Cat., eR.40; From A. L. Scott, on behalf of St. Paul Flom E. Bank- Frank Slnlel CYtybond+ redeemed I,000.UU Police fund Brown, Treater & ('O.. $51; C.eome Mitseb, & M.Rat, $4.6u; J. Kahlert, • Rnllway Company- Houornble, the Common Council of the pot pennissiOn to transfer to No. 06, issued March 24, 1890. pension orders ................... 83.33 580.5S; Baker 89.911; J. G. Duggan, 80.60: B. F. Kn in t & Co., To the (Yty of Ft. Paul: butcher license Committee on livens$. Disbursements In as $2.50; \. Feyen. 34:;.60; William B.cker, Gentlenen Tae. St. Paul City Railuvay tom- From sessment collet- 812.50: F.nrekn Stone Co., 568.11; K. P. Cul respectfully gives notice tbnt it Has con- For open thug ttlftposcnticeavenue and for bridges tions ..................... 6'17.95 leu, $18; J. It. Clark Co., 83.75; Charles Mntheis, • strutted and completed the following Dew track St. Paul, over Northern Pxcifle Hud Great Northern raR- Total disburse 315: F. J. Murphy, 818.76: ,foseph A¢tltI of its street railway lines fat the cltY OS lea' (Luck.. a menta ................... 5225,342.42 829.8 T. E. R. B(rge, 33.12: W. H. Brsg- nudmll.ritthattheeniif li� tlmaybeinspected ante beissg ns follows; BOnrrvinipubh1 works with order, Balance n hand Oct. 31. 1890....... 73,8.}6,80 ger, S:3; 1). Ciniall, 311.90; Die \'olk- $606.9'1: DeCoster & Clark, 81.76`7. nndnpprovdbyyon,then 9{.rest railway trnekc n Cnivrreity avenue, Font Bohn Manufacturing company- For rota ,Henry lief from tlewer useesamente- coxntnox of euzne. uiwng, C. Goebel. SaOu DICCHrthy & Donnelly, :7; $ nory n as the University v line extrusion, [roto Phnleu Creek and Forret street. C9ty Hall and court F. Skok. 55.80; Prendergast Bma.. 3710.27: SL Tenth street to the city limits. Committee on attests, said company to be no- ho unfunds.......... 314.746.84 Pnal Bonk & Stationery company, 3260.2(5; Street Hallway tracks o Lexington avenue, it tided of commttteee meeting. Library funds......... 7,2U3.d7 ROnitwnn (:xry ('ompnuy, 331.86: MaenJler commonly known the I.exiugton avenue ex- to Minnennhu Water department Bros.. 53I'll,*, F. G. Draper & co., 5308.7:1; Azo- Will- Tension. from University avenue etreeL thence on Dliun,lmha street t0 Snelling REI'ol;Te OF CITY OFFICEA9. . funds .................... 1'�3 Polfce pension funds pr.fi7.5.92 tine ManCompany. S2,166.66: , i.m Dlcl: nignn, 5800.07; C. ti.Wllllame.$676.10; acerae, [hence on Snelling avenue to Langford Of City Trea rarer- hm City fund s ................ 35,786.63 Merrill'. Supply. 56.75; E. Mr. amen, avenue. trucks on Como avenue, tom- Its port for October, 1890. TO the ITonornnle the President and Common o Total S7S.G4�.80 18138.95:8[. PnudG+.tl Light Compnny,S9,277.73; St.Pt };oar of W' -liter C�mmiasioners, 3209.16: St. Street railway manly known as the Como avenue eztenston, Council of the City of St. Paul- to .................................... ' nen% ueroslren. Pioneer Press Paul .sltitution CoinpnKi - from Rice street to Front street. know n Gentlenen: I Have the honor to submit and die- First National bmuk........................ 529, 206.4•k ]. C'ampnny, 5867.21: Kirkland S Starkey. Street railway tricks, commonly track extension. oil D(iw•i.sippi t slu`.. you the following report of the receipts bursemeus of this otlice from Oct 1, 1890. i t Membants' Nntfatnl bunk .............. 8.51 is 153 6.720.99 88,600; J. R'. Dlnl it st Estimate . 6 and 9ual, Ottawa .treat. 5726; the Mi.sissippt ght street tad ' street and Acker street to Oct. L 1Of - Bank of Mirmu sot......................... .. National GermallAmericnn bank.... 5,764AR eroding g el ave- Iry. 'atimate No. :3 and finnL p.vung Selby nve- Dlaryland nveuue. %Ec%[PTB. German]. bank ............................... 4,635.46 nue, 81,890; L. E. Shepley, F.atimxte No. 2 and Street railway tracks on Dlaria avenue, com- Balance Oct. 1,1890.5143, 131.15 St. Paul Nall ... I bank: 4,229.00 final, grading alley block 3, Portland's addition, monly known ¢e the Marla nveuue extension, Hud Heat- 1g,41(I on Commercial Notional bunk ............. 4,066.74 518; FHrtvell, Ozmuu, Klrk & Co.. 32.50; Boer- from Plnm street to Haatinge avenue, + :1(mnlm�wl court 3.413:9.1 .., Second National bank ..................... 3.132.98 Inger &Son. $83.60; S[. Paul Slone Company, Inge nvenwe to Earl .treat. Street raiitvay tracks on Fifth street, from 916.50 W.rout. street to Broadway street. BuildiPOulldng inspector... 446 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. $17; .7. Duncanson, S70; C. Amon, 50:1.75; American 3fabufbet1ffI0F Company. SSS.5r .lohn Bel] &Son, 5161.30; NO it, esieru St¢mp \Yorks, 51.50; C.W. Hacker Hardware Company, lit.: F. \V. Hadfield, 500,96: C. Llchttuse, !t'2`ad-i: H. It. Worthington. 8-•24; W. S. IVood. 510.9}; J. C. IIxnley Worthington. $6: Jontz Martin Lumber Com pan)'. 51,100.0.1: aux & i'l:mno, 33.1 a; T+One. Ilell ; nId. 524: John B. Fieh• 510; Ii. I). .'s .02: Mahle & Sutmar. 531.05. Allowed and ordered Paid. Bielenberg, Bott, 1'e i-Ald. Bald ]fir, Gehenh r'opelnud, Costello: s Imbaer. 1 -aide, 31 cNs lit Mandy. 31lneel, Sanborn. Sullivan. l'nn Slyke, Mr. Presiden-15. allo. .Arid,',}- Sewer System-Bricklaying-Peollsen & Conrna- T'o file Common Council of the city of S[. Pawl: l hezt I, certify bat v. ) h claims to the int in all of 251.$15:80 have been Tiled fn ane in,.'/tic's for work Perfurnted fv bricklayleeg ou the .11her. ,. [-der sof°-e& ay newer.yare, + [emberand 011.a. , 1890, rider Yawlten n b -'mesiad. Conrad, ..bf'nir,atwrs ander shame parto •o.,it 1. .e the . s and that no part of aid labor ]aims, , llbm ng to S1,S15.72,t ,'ere included n the a Ouu' f 59.417.72, the Payment of ,'biers con nilmeet- for b)- u resolution of a Previous council meet- ing dna approved Olt. 21, 1800. iy W. Roche, City Comptroller. per Youthan. c ncil, approved October e, 1890. Intl, etto LI a let ding of Fairview' xvebue from St. Anthony avenue to Selby avenue, had I uv lug investigated the proposed improvement: Respect[u;ly pport that it is t ecise y n proper to ¢rade F irvice• avenue from 31-1 all e to St. Anthony avenue, that the estima- ted os Peu se thereof is 51.810, .,is of 'ilei d not be Paid into tthnt he I of treasury bol be ales (neat the fond cyan be foxed benefited to the of the cost and xpeteses n cessnry to be incurred thereby. that aWa inel'o-es ,,,,at i asked for by a petition of a lajor- ity f the "I"" of property to be assessed therefor. ,a of l- herew'ithsend a pun ,and profile of said fit provement• nwd an rder for van, xd.fa on, If con desire us to kettle nope -s - t. mvene 4 nby-s O- R. L. G -N -S, President. J. T. Kanxen, Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Oct' 31, 1890. Adopted. (See order to board. of public „orks.) Also, Grading of Alley iu Block 2, Edmund Rice's Fourth Addition - To Lhe Common[ Council of the City f St. Pall; The boardonside atlon the reesolutiou or orderofthemille -rial have had tteorn consideration ncil, npproced Sept 17, 1899. lntive din to grag alleys in block two (2) of Edmund h I i- If gated Committee on Streets. Chicago Chicago, St. Rice. 1• onrth addition still, av ng lives k the proposed improvement: OI City Engineer -Lease, Paul, 31aincepolis & Ontaha Railroad Com- Respectfully report that said improvement 1. iter asary and proper: that the estimated patty- 7'o flee Common Council: expense thereof 1s 5100, one-half of if [,tell need 'city Gentleman: I send herewith cop)' of tense not be paid into the treasury before to ith the Chicago, St. Paul, Ilintleapolfs & the contract 1s let; tont al estate bene9ted Omaha Ihaiiroxd company for the use of some be sessea therefor can be Found 7 roperty ou the south aide f Second street, 'Alinnesxte, to the extent of the costs null t� sea tbereby: that bald Im- between Cedar street and street, where ,,, have erected buildi.g in which to [booths necessary to be Incurred p rmicat I. naked for b5'.petition of a ma - store the election null other material ) rity of the ',poled o[ proPert- to be eee.aed d for election purposes u As the of the byre the courtesy therefor, and ,, herewith ' d n plan and profile of and r broveal xt�d nn order fur your rent property, of the railroad company. is merely atoms nal adoption, if you desire us to make the improve- s, $1, and roue for tine years, taco, a ee -r- ran, Iy be no objection to havfue tIte pr per cit)- 1 ee t. [uveas, 4; nays• O. President. R. L. Goll -S, fljcer, execute thenecessary papers. submit herewith the resolution. B-Pe..tfully J. T. Kic-1 proper submitted, L. \\'. IiOSo rr, , Clerk lit the Board of Public Works. Oct 30, 1890. Gity Hindu- Are,See resolution. uct. 23, 1890. Adopted. (See order to board of public Also, ork..) Con tingetit fund - Also, The mty eoeiueer submits stntmneut of Contin- Park Avenue Gnad(ng- gent fund, showing bill,,,., on nand $3.OU, of 51U(r, To the (;omnton Council of the Cit of SL. Paul: and nske further nppropriatiou Accepted. (See reeoluttou). The hObni of public ,'orks have had under the [r Order F the Of Inspector of Jamidic=Re tort for Septem I 1, xPProved Oct. 9. ]890, la- comanon1e ooii approved ter. 1800, city treasurer s receipt u[tnchea fOCommittee true to the grading o[ Yxrk even e, from 5her- me apse a to larch s"eet,v,,,, having O,, ordinnmes ami Public a ` m estigated le Proposed i proveneent co tots. 'Crena October, report that said imebrovemeute is Yuuudmnater -Report for ]800, city tre:asuecr. nceipt ntUmned for ecleysuctfdlly iH. e " y a proper; that the estimated thce ;"` is 54,500, one-half of 'hich lie d 530. re etotsbe paid into the city treasury bean c Committee o.e Ordinances and {,boric u - d n Cract fs let; [eat l esteate to be seated [our is. ' O- - -lin fit` PL'm,[b irial.a. [u the .tent of I therefor bun be found be.a. the costs attd expcn.eH;-..dry [O be Incurred thereby; that said fit rovement is not asked Fair, ie,' avenue grading- for by a petition OLA majjority Of file carnets o1 'I'o the Common Council of the City Of St. Paul: and property t0 be fmsaessetl therefor. but it is [sked foe by a huge majority at the o,m•ra of 'Phe board of public work. have ender' cousiderutiori the n1olutiuu or order of the houses ou the llue of theproposed improvement, PROCEEDINGS OF THE -COMMON COUNCIL. 447 ,and we herewithend . plan and prefile of aid improvement, bbd an order for your adoption, if you desire is to make the halbrovemeut. ye,a., 4; nays, 0. R. L. GoaxrwN. President. J. T. Kana Clerkck of the Board of Ynblfa Works. Oct, 30, 1890. Adopted. (See order to board of public work..) \leo. .Toy Avenoe Opening, etc.- To the Common Council of the City of St. Poul: The board of ppublic , orks have had boder [sideration rho resolution or order f the tell, nppro ed Oct. 16, 1890, rel.- ti\e 1,adn'topeuing and ex ensfou o[ TOSanva- tfonfxty-six lest „'lde, front Joy's eecoad ddi- to Lakeview, and huvfug hecetugated Lhe ppr12 epectfu11 re{e+r[ that 't ie e.azY nod '. f u Per to oleo, ,rider find extend Joy aveune_ f the uthu'esteriy linef Joy's .,itaddition to St. Pawl to the u-- bs[-' e ly line of Lxke,lc,v addai on to 8t. Yaul; that the estimated .penes thereof I. S1,SUU: foundthat s belnefited to lee tent Ofestate '. be Il'thefdloomi be lits batt e. 'a"'t nece""'Y to be incurred th by, that said in " ....ant fs not ¢eked for by petition of a majority of the owners of p,top�rty to be assessed LI cerfor, but w'e berewil ml n Pia. of enfd i provement, and nor dor for "mer adoption if yore desire us to 'make the improvement. yens, 4; nays, 0. It. L. GoaueN, President. J. T. Reagea, Cierk of the Board of Public Works. Oct. 2:3, 1890. Adopted. (See order to board of public 'ekes) Also, f;off Are le Grading - To the Common Council of the city of St. Paul: The board of public borks have had under consideration the resolution or order of the common council, approved Aug. C3, 1890, la- ta a to the grading of Gon e i e. from Bear- boru street s u h to ,there 1tt'latersects the Orth line of Bidwell'. addition, had having w -It gated Lhe proponed impgocameut Res}stectfulln report that eai 1 znpsr'vement fa y b d proper: Lluat the e.timatedex- p,me, thereof is 58.850; o ee-halt of which need tot be paid into the city 'treasury before the ntract is let: that -at estate to b s.`re sex d thefor +fie be found ben- efited to tile extent of the Cost and ex - Lo beint. recd tleereb l; that sill un prd`desaeat t' not wke,l for by a petf- tfo 'of a maj rity of the owners of p Fie ty to be as lied therefor, bet i. 'petition, Poral- - ¢t unanimously by the pr pert" o siding oil the lice of the proposed Improvement, rid we 111=11tb nil . c inn and profile of .aid improve.. at. read v n ler for Sour adoption. if you desire fes to make the improvement. yen.. 4; nay., o. R. L. Goanh,x, President. J. T. Keaasn. Clerk of[he Board of Public Work..Oct. tel. (Si (Se Ad," ted. e order to board of public work..) .Also, Ashland Avenue G-duez- To the Coniumh C'uncii of the City Of St. Paul: The board f publfe ,works ],live had ufeder consideration the resolution or order of the common council, approved Oct. 3, 1889, rela- five to eroding Ashland avenue, between Lex- ington and Cleveland lone., and, having in- ve tlg.ted the prouoeed improvement: Res'serfully report that sold Improvement is yandproper;thnttle Ifmneedexpense t'hereo'f is SI2.7'1'2:one-half of which need n t be Paid into the city treasury before the Imitrbcthi t that real estrus to be ns seed therefor can be blond benefited to the exrentof the cost and my to be incurred thereby: that exid'lneprovetdiiYent IS not asked for by a petition of ,e majority of the owner. of pry ty to be Ixaril therefor, but le petitioned for by ¢ 1•se mmeber of the owners of property n she line of the proposed improvement. I ,retthere- ,vith s nil a plan nil profile of nidi imp ove- deent, dad t t rder for your xdoptfon, ff you sire us to risks thef al-yement gess, 4: any., O. R. L- Goave3, President. J. T. }Hearted (.lark of it,, Board of Public \V orks. Oct :f U, 18fl0. ,Adopted. (bee order to board of public or".) Also, Prior Avenoe Opeetm Pte.- To the Iion'table tree Pmid at slid Common Council, City of St. Paul: Gentlemen -The board of public works here- withresp [tally ectmirn pour order, approved Oct. 23, 189". Por locoing, etc., Prior a e, and reriue.t that you pens n new .Anel aer [For ' said improvement, n Inrle.l error having been made to the description of th0-1 ad to be con- demned. A proper final order, as amended, is herewith submitted for your approval. R. L. Gote-N, President. ' J. T. Ks k dt Clle erk of the Board of Public Works. Oct t 1890. Adopted d said order ripepr veil Oct. 29, 1890, repealed ¢rid all ]Is 1'en 15. (pee order to ooard of public works.) _ Al... Pyne Avenue Opening, Etc.- T flee Common Council of the Clty of St. Paul: The on.ich,-tion oths bol ermiblic ne have idea f der the c council, approved Oct r16. 1889. rels- liv to thf a lin.. , lenhtg and extension of Payee avenue. Brom t3lagitolin sttrrt to 3[nry- 1¢nde lone, taking cud o dentning flee iie.eed necessary to make a sixty-six foot street bet,veen the points named, and having investigated the - sed improvement: proposed -pact that said improvement Is nor necessary bed pr per,for the reason that at a hen his this day before .aid boned .11 persons present, in,terested were .4posed to the proposed ]e en[. cus9tn+eys, fl, R. I.. Ga.,,,,,, President. J. T. Kanxpn,o clerk F it,, Board of public Works. ' oft a1, 1890. Aldenau. of Che w'aard. Also, River vview Avenue Grnding- T the Common Council o[ the City o[ St. Paul: The boned of public ,c rks have had under co eemeratton the res intron ororderof file com- •tl approved Oct. 9. 1890, relrtivt tothe eradie. f Riverview lie.ftor. Belvi- dere street to Page street. and `having investi- gated the proposed impprovement: Respectfully report tilde said improvement is not necessary and proper at this time for the 448 PROCEEDINGS OF THF reason that at a hearing this day before said board no person Interested appeared in favor of the proposed improvement. ]sae, 4;41 ays. 0. R. L. G.nazAx. President. J. T. KEREER, Clerk of the Board of Publie Works. Oct. 31, 1890. Alderman of the ward. Als. Alley opening and graoding, block 1, Echur- meier'. Sevenntn Street Addition— To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: The board of public work. have had ruder consideration the resolution or.,derof theco a. mon council, approved Slay 2l, 1890, relative to opening and grading the alley in, block 1, Schur - meter's Seventh Street addition to St. Paul, and having lave-tigated the proposed fmprovemeint: Respectfully report that said improvement is not necessary and proper for the reason that ata hearing this day before said board all par - p eat interested were opposed to the pro posed improvement. ]'Bas, 4; t,eye, U. It. L. Go lu , President. J. T. KEE. .. Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Oct. 31, 1890. Alderman of the ward. Also, Niederhofer Street Opening— To the Honorable the President nod Common Council of the Cit}- of St. Paul: Gentlemen: The board of public works here- with respecciuily return, your oder approved Oct. 23, 1890, for opening Niederhoferstreet,be- tween Richmond street and the binff, and re- sp.ectfully call your, attention to the report of the engineer be-,, th transmitted. R. L. Gcm. t , Presi lent. J. T. KEnKER, Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Nov. 6, 1890. Alderman of the -rd. (The city nglneer reports said Niederhofer street ops red snxty feet side from Richmond street to \Yestern avenue.) Also, Jessamine Street Grading— To the Honorable the President and Common Council of the City of St. Paul: Gentlemen: The board of Public works here- with respectfully return the prelimfnnr}- order, approved Oct. 23. 1890. in the matter of grad- ing Jess street, from Sylvan street to Cortland street, with the report 'thht said im- r nt is covered by a final order, approved June 18, t June ], 1890, and is now under contract. R. L. GOlt)1,\v, President. - J. T. K...... Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Oct. 27, 1890. Alderman of the [vnrd. Also, Protest—Patrick Hogan and otners—widen. ing Rondo street— TO the Honorable the President and Common Connell City of St. Paul: Gentlemen—Tile board of public works here. with respectfully return the protest of Patrick J. Hogan and others ween Westerst ns widening of and Rondo street, a a Snell .,calls wits the report: That proceedings for this improvement were commenced in December, 1589, bused upon your orders and a petition of a majority of the property on Rondo street. That all the property owners were called be- fore the board aid were elven several hearing, the matter being repeatedly adjourned to ac- commodate the opposing parties. COMMON COUNCIL. That after such hearings the assessment was confirmed and the same sent to the city treas- urer. reas- u That all parties whose lands or buildings were effected were allowed liberal damages from which no one took an appeal. That the petition upon which this improve- ent was made represents about 12,000 feet of frontage as against about 2,000 feet on, the pro- test. That the protest herewitieturned does not represent a allority of th lands or property owners on the line of the improvement, but does represent less than -r-third of the prop- erty. R. L.GoRmAR, Pres[dent. J. T. KEEEEn, Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Oct. 31, 1890. Ordered placed on, file. Also, Ailey Grading Contract, Block 16, Oakville Park Addntion— The board reports that it has awarded Peter Tantholt the contract for grading the alley in block 16, Oakville Park addition, It being the I reliabe and responsible 'bidder therefor; wamount of bid, 6128; bond In the sum of $30, ith W. H. Lamb and Christ Smith as suritfes. Also. Stickney Street Grading Contract— The board reports that it has awarded John Dale and Louis A. Bumgardner the contract for grading Stickney street from Concord street to the south city limits, they being the lowest reli- able and meponsible bidders therefor; amount I bid, $7,927: bond in the sum of S1,70U, with Peter Martin and George Marti as sureties. Also, King Street Grading Contract— The board reports that it has awarded George Bolan the contract for grading King street from Cherokee avenue to Bidwell street, he being the lowest reliable and responafbonble bidder therefor; Dunt t bid, $4,471 d in the sum of &994, with Uri L. Lanpery and Henry C. James as sureties. Also, Alley Grading Contract, Block 2. H. M. Ran - bey'. Subdivision of Block 11, Stinson'. Divis- mu— The board reports that it has awarded Daniel E. Elliott the contract for grading the alley In UlockH. \I. Ram[ey's subdivision of block eleven (11). E[i"aoni a division, he being the only bidder. and be being deemed a reliable and responsible bidder;nmount of bid. $199: bond fn the sun of S5i1, with Arthur Stephen and Tomas H. Elliott as sureties. Also, Arbor Street Grading Contract— The board reports tbat it has awarded Thomas Keough and Daniel Donnelly the contracet for grading Arbor street, from James street to Grace street, they being the only bidders and their bid being deemed reasonable and they r liable and on mount of bid, 5930; bond in the of $200. with John Donnelly and Th.... Davis as sureties. Also, Laurel Avenue Sesser Contract— The board reports that it has awarded Will- iam J. Preston the contract for constructing a sealer on Laurel avenue, between Dliller street d Avon street, he being the oulvbidderand he being deenned a reliable e.ud repcn.ible bidder, amount of bid, $'179: bond in the arm of S190, ith Patrick Kelf:her and Thomas Manning a6 sureties. Also, Sixth Street Bridge Superstructure Contract— The board reports that It has awarded the Chicago Forge and Bolt company the contract PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. for constructing the superstructure of the bridge or Sixth street, from a point 150 feet east of the east line of Kitteon street to a point 110 feet east of the east line of Commeminl street, it clogthe lowest reliable d responsible bid- der therefor: nm omit of bidn8128,87: bond in the sum of 527,000, with Russell R. Dore and Charles H. Bigelow as sureties. Each of the foregoing as nrds taken lip sepa- rately and approved by following vote: Peas—Aid. Banbolzer, Bielenbem, Bolt, Callen, Col laud, Costello, Dobner, Dorniden, Gelnan, Me_ since, Melady. Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. Vice Presfdent-15. Also, Cleveland and Wabash Avenues Sewer Con- tract— The board reports that it has awl,rded Will- iam J. Preston the contract for constructing a sewer oft Cleveland avenue, from Power street to Myrtle avenue, and on Wabash arcane. from Clelandr avenue to Montgomery street, he be- ing the lowest reliable alid responsiblebidder therefor: amount of bid. 83,870: toad it, the sum of $SOU. with Patrick Keigber and Thomas Mftnning as sure I,.. Committee on streets. Also, Estimates and Claims— The board trausenits, approved by It, the fol. ]Owing estimates and claims to wit: Estimate No. 2 and final, \]argnret street ee[v- er (Mendota to Forest), P. Doherty. $80.50; Estimate No. 7 and final. Milton stmt system of sewer=. T. Reilly, 87,080; Estimate No. 6 and final.Hope street grading (Mhtneh.h. to Fourth), W. A. Dnveen. $"2,:69: -'1r l'e Toilet Supply, $3; Cohen's livery and boarding stable, Committee on claims. REPORT OF nOARD OF CO.'1'ROL: The board of control submits its report for October. 1890—total expenditures $3,957.4;1. Committee o i ordfint ces and publicaccounts. REPORT. OF BTARDI\G CO.t[MITTF,Etl. 0f committee n claims—Petition f �nrah and lames MCKRy asking [or refuudiago, S50, bail forfelted— Committe recommends that said petition be referred to corporation --------- Adopted . Also, C. L. M,Cs m's Claim—Medical Attendance on Jet. Bnrke— Commlttee recommends that said claim be referred to corporation attorney. Adopted. Also, Claim of August L. Tilleman—$250—Rice Park Cmncerts— Committee recommends that said claim be referred to connittee on parks. Adopted. Of Committee on Streets, Sewers and Bridges— Western Union siTelegraph company" appiicR- tion for permison to replace pfue pale. with cedrr poles on, Fourth street and on Mium, _.n .1rert— C ftteerecommends that said matter be referred to corporation attorney to draft or - di ... C Laid overuntil next meeting of council, Mr. McMichael to be heard at that time. o Al... J. C. Stout and othere petition for change of grade on Osceola avenue and Grotto street— Committee makes a favorable report. Adopted. (See order to board of public works). 449 Of Committee on Ordinances and Public A6- counts—Report exammed— Committee has examfned and found correct report of board of control for October, 1890. Adopted. — ]fIaCELW xEOE.. Ordinnhces— Ao ordinance l vas read supplemental to Or- dinance 1,227 and extending time for comple- tion by St. Paul City Railwaycompany pf street railway lines. Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Sanborn— yew+, 10: unye, Aid. Banbolzer, Bfelenberg, Dor- nidea, Melody, Mmea--5; ud or di, mad second time slid passed. (See Ordinance No. 1,430.) .I ordinance was mad permitting Simon KRules ej to erect brill window. Rules suspended and of notion of eco d timebe= yea8 ]5, and ordnance mad second time and kid. (gee Ordinance No. 1,431. By Ald. Banholzer— Resolo Pau for paying laborers. s Forestal. Bawer system—Paulson &Conrad—Jumea Fottstal. Committee on, streets. Resolution authorizing proper city officers to xecuts lanae with Chicago, St. Paul, )linnenpo. Us 3 Omaha Railroad company fur use of prop- erty, Cedar and Bench streets. Adopted. I'l-bitions for lamp. as follows: .\id. CoF� land, Burr street bridge, etc., Preble street; Ald. Durnideu, Grace • lid Richmond streets, etc.: Aid. Sullivan, Mai a] and Snell- ingefacoa gas. . Dobner,4nn Buren street. ,o By Ald. Copelnnd— R olutlou discontinuing all electric lights In parks until further notice. C 'ttee on gas. Ald. Sanborn moved that the judges and Clerks of election (Nov. 4, 1890,) be paid at the uniform rate of $21 each. at in aggre- gate to 811.560, and that city comptroller be authorized to audit said claims as above. Adopted. Teas—Aid. Banholzer, Bielsoberg. Bott, Cope- land, Coetello.Cullen. 1) Inner Uorniden, Gehnn, McNamee, Melady, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. 'vice President -15. 'T ' Aid. Sanbont moved that the ow6nera of place. anted for polling places (election - o 4. 1890,) be paid at the rate of $20 unless ac tract for greater sum has been made with ttieTit, and all , claims for rent of said places be referred to com- mittee on ways and means. Adopted. Ordinances. Onm3 st NO. 1,430. An Ordinance suppienteatill to Ordinance No. 1,227, entitled "All Ordinance authorizing the St. Paul CYty Rahway company to construct, quip, maintain and operate street railway lines" In the city of St. Paul, approved Sept. 20, 1889. The Common Council of the City of SL Paul do ordain as follows: Section 1. There Is hereby granted and al- - lowed to the St. Paul City Railway Company, an rs tension of time until the fit day of Murch, 1891, to complete, equip and perste by if.. or line. of .tree'raBully, which by the terms of said Ordinance No. 1.227, of said city, approved Sept. _0, 1889, entitled ••An Ordmance author- izing the SL. Paul City Railway company to sou- - struct, equip, tnalataln and op r to street ral- way lines in the city of St. Paul," were to be completed andin operation on or before Nov. 1, 1890, or prior to that time; p ided, that the University aveuuellne, so-called, first designated 450 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. , PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 451 in said Ordu Deecemre and c Openrt [beIr, if the anitl tom' pint,, equip se y in this extended time lie Iry and to No. 1,227, shall be completed o before the fifteenth day I �aud proildded further, tom - hat iy sh di Ixor neglect to c perate all ut swirl linea f "Ni swirl WIN fur[lier, that this ordinance small not be c - ed and is not intended to arnive the right Of said city to declare aha enforce Lha forfeiture of .aid lrnucldse and the collection of the to .'lot u L due on said bond. to a laid c uipxn3-f,do, fail to comPly. with all Diner lir d let [hegt Ines tb`luia Pr )o the manner en n This ordinance shall take effect from and atter its Publicutinu, and from and after the w-rittel invepta- of id company signed by the president. vice 1-11i1ent or cr nary t wre- of, and filed a,fill the rity clerk within twenty (20) dxvs after the publication of said ordi- u leas -Aid. Bott, Copeland, Costello, Dob - r. lloruiden, Gehan. McNamee. D,, adv, AfInca. 6anhoru, Sulitvau. Vxn Slyke, bl r. President Nays-AId. Banhoizer, BielenberR-2. Passed Nov. 0, 1890. O. O. CTl.r.t:n'. President of Council. Approved Nov. 7, 3890. Ronenr .[. Smmb Alxyo,. Attest: Taus. :\. Yttcxvc,tceer, Ci[y Clerk. Nov. 10. P. V. Uuyer e Renrrxngemeut of Block 2 of P. \ OnA-e Yr ssAddition Addiition tooStt Paul';lif in. Hnzel Park. Division 4.Bielevberg, Bott, C'ope- Yens-Aid. B"Ji_rr;Ob.". lloruiden, l;el_ Imni, Costello, t. AlcNnmee. Melnd v, suuboru, Sullivam Vnn Slyke. Dlr. \'ice President -15. Approved Nov. i, 1890. By Ald. Beilenberg- Resolved. That tho city engineer be and he ds .uu hereby + tbont d to expend fano hundred ol (32(0) dollars to strengthen [he Como avenue bridge Overtl,e Great Northeno ruflwuy s cie¢t ofr tght hundred (3SOt1) dolbss this .e to complete this work. utt.Cbli Yens -Aid. Baull l 1, 1n,- berg. Bots, COPe- 1 t d, Costello. Cullen, Dobner. Dorniden, Gehan, AlcNxmee. Al 'lady, Sanborn, Sullivan,\"nn Slyke, AI r. \'ice President -1 o. Approved Nov. 7. 1890. BT Aid. Dorniden- n engineer is bereb Iv - Resolved, 'That the sit S strneted to expend x em u , toe coed (3200) fano ludred Dolinra iu putting Richmond street south tol James sten •t ,n n f� ble couditiou. Y'of Aid. es th zee. Bielenberg, Butt, Cope- Iflml, Costello, Callen, Dobner, Dorniden, Gehan, A ..... ,, A[e1ddS. �anbon,. Sullivam\"x11 Slyke, Air. \-ice Yresident-lb. Approved Nov. 7. 1890. By .fids Copeland- %engineer Resolved. That the cit be and he le hereby mrtnorized t0 a spend the sufn of fano _ 'i nundmd (S20u) o as mu n of tide sum n ay ba tequfred to uoake xn approneh from sBrad- Oanixex'ce No. 1.441. IeS scree[ to Je+tks street, north s de. An Ordiunnce prrm'itlno Simon Iiolodziej to Note -[Since Jenks street ,was Hrxded the pen- t n bay aasndow taro -story frame', p;e living On Rrad 1E street have no wry o[sget- buildtug ns hereinafter s{,eclfied. Vag oat ntni + a' h There a The Common Couneil of the City of St. Paul do pro[nslou made then for atiappronch lieu the ordain se (ollon's: c ntnmt a s let. r tion I. That Permission is Hereby given Yeah -Aid. Ba holze , Blelenberg. Bott, Cope - and granted Otto Simon xoiodziej to mild and land, coateuo. Chuen. Domler. V11 and Gennn, et poo the s lid story of that certain JlcNamee.Aleln-t- uborn,S olmui,\"un Slyke, Frame bnlldlvR noav b}- him being built upon lot Dir. \'ice Yresideu[-16. 2 of block 2 of F.dwin Dewv'e Second addition roApproved Nnv. 7 1800 St. Paul, and knoavn No. 744 St. Anthony I - areune, shay 'I Idoar which hall not extend B).:lid. 3[elxdy- over 18 inches over the line o1 shall Anthony ave -I, Resolved. That the city engineer be instructed nue. The said window to be erected t der the to rewoce obstrtictfous in front of lot 8, block supervision d direction of he building (l, 49 West St. Paul proper, and have sidewalk re- spector or said city If at. Pnnl. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take' effect and 1'ij ens-AId. Banholur, Bfelenbetg. Boit, be in force from and after its passage and pub- Co shun, Costello. Chuen, Dobner, Dorniden, lloation. Pan. 3tcN oldee, Melad,, Sanborn, Sullivan, Yeas-Ald. nim r. BislenbeM Bott. Cope- Yun Slyke, Air. Vice Presidentr15. land, Costello, Cullen, Dobner, lloruiden, Gehan, Approved Nov. 7, 1890. ]l -Neuse, Alelxdy, Sanborn, Sullivan, \'all Slyke, A[r. Vice President -15. BY AId. �fitlen-- �n=sed Nov. 6, )890. U. O. C President of Council. R'hereas, a, the city of It. Paul hes been re Approved Nov. 7. 1890. strniued by an injunction, issued by the district Rop r A. S t, DIa)-or. u L of Ramsey county from Proceeding any Attest: Taos. A. Paexneaceer. City Clerk.I� further in completing any pact of the batme- Nov I tare of the ao-atlled Broadway street bridge: _ And ]t of moiey has already been eill view 0 the fact xpended in Reaol utions. c,prinnnent aaork, avhich it left ill the unfinished By Aid. Sullivan- - ondltton that it noav is b it would of aces [t e Resolved. That the following Plats, as lip- ruse n great loss to Lhe cit}' by rensott o oil, ro ed by the plat commission, lid s recon - spring fl ode. etc.: ended by the city engineer, lie marl the xnn+e Therefore, be t resolved: That the eructed _ t hereby necepted by the common council of 'tion attorney be and fa hereby illi sures the city of St. Paul: i0 Procead L Dolce to take such jtinc- E. F. Lemke's Boulevard Addition to St. Paul, : a to x k the c art to di Ferutdet tit Minn tion to shelf au exteut that aa'il] t the city to complete only that portion of the work that J. 1. the middle of the river at once, thereby protecting the work already done and insuring the completion of that Dat of the work aa'nlch le drily being jeopurJfzed in-riesqueim of the delay. ,,Provided, the other defendants. ]lessees Kirk. nd S Starkey, Join with the city of St. Paul in king the application ill a,ncdiflcatim, o[ the Injtt•A tion. ]] -Aid. Banhol-, Bieleuberg, Bott, Cope laud, Costello, Callen, Bob r. D -idea. Gehan, McNamee, Atelady, Vnu Slyke, Air. Vice Presf- dem -14. Na Ys-Ald. Scrub -1. Su1livan-2. Approved Nov. 7, 1890. By Aid. S nborn- Res I ed, Thnt nn o der be drawn ou the city treasurer, 1n favor of the city engineer, for on the sum of e hundred dollars us a contwifenL fund for office experaee. -Aid. Bx.ubolzer, Biele,betg, Bott, Cope- Iao1, Costello. Cullen, lyobner, Dorui l,n, Gehnu, M \hues, A. ildy, nru. SnboSullh-¢n, Van 61 yke,\'tee Yresideut Approved Nov. 7, 1890. By Aid. Bat holzer- Resolved, That an order be drawn fit favor of the board of control fpr the sum of $1,429.14. being the city's one-third of the pedituO( .aid board for the month of October,u1890re, Yeas-Ald. Banholzer, Bielen berg, Bort, Cope- laud.Coatello.Cullen. Dobner. Dorniden. Gehan, AI \nmol,'is scaly. Sanborn, Sulhva,,, an Slyke, hies \'ice President -15. Approved Nov. 7. 1890. By Ald. Bott­ solved. Ived. Phut the board of panna_e a orks Proceed. as speedily ns c ave teat smi practt- ble, to make and complete the sees eat for the Diem g. aa'tdeninR and extending Of Afarda between Eighth street d Decatur air- as Directed by a final order o r red Ort t. O, 1890, otaadthstmtdmi, any res luta be of this council to the contrary. Yens-AId. rianholzer, ritelenberg, Bot IAC. land, Costello, Cullen, Dobner, Dorniden, McNamee, Melody, San horn, Sullivan, \"nit Slyke, Mr. \'lee President -I5. Approved Nov. 7, 1890. By. Ald. Domiden- Resolved. That the board of public works cause a cr ._walk to be built on Erie arrest across Clay street. Yens -Aids Banhoizer, Melrnberg, Bott, Cope- land, Costello, Gillen, Dobner,Dorniden, Gehan. McNamee, Mn el 'anhorn, Suliilivnn, \'au Slyke, DIr. rifle President-li. Approved Nov. 7, 1890. B AI. Copelaerend- - I i hed,ennraa by the common Cot-dl the Cltyr of St. Paul: That the mutter of grading alley in Block No. 27 Ael(ngton Hdna nddltfon, becu'een Payne are Gr bei r xv n ea, be lid the sn a ie hereby referred to the board of public ,corks to [n ,tigste and rpnrt: First-ls this Improvement proper and neves- sasrye000d-Giv the conned nw estimate of the 1 expense thereof, and scute whether one -halt of thost thereof is to be paid foto the city tee¢,- t ury before Lite coutmct Is let. Third-Canreal estate to be assessed Por said dnutrovement be found benefited to the extent of et h rbes and expenses necessary to he in. cuFotlrth-1, ouch hnpro emlentked for up u the petition or ti -llof the owners of a m jorh, of the property to be -.eased for such r. eat" in I,JVffth P1Set+d tl+ecovncil 1,lan orp oflle of said in, Oven 1 t, 11, reyumed by law, if you report u ff t[ ,,the same. SIx[hrSend the council a proper order dim- ngthe work to be done. Yeas-Ald. Banholzer. Bfelenberg, Bolt, Cope- land. Costello. Cullen, Dobner. Dorniden. Gehan, McNsoree, Ateh+d p, Sanborss, Sullivxoo,\'an Slyke, -lir. Vier President -1G. Approved Nov. 7, 1890. ICBieAid teov oeeaetered by tn, Common COnneflof the City of St. Paul: lrmn Tat farylandty` �f R toLtxle Como ,,it Yhnlen ayAlsoe of Brading Logmi n'eane, from Lake Como sold Phalen wvenuet0Dlu,ne lu,)is avenue. be and . the v s hereby referred to the board of public works to investigate and re- port: First -I. this improvement proper and n oes- xSo Dna-Give the nets I1 a ter-, i the expense thereof, is a to whether , the lc or treastmy before t of co o�rxct itNtlet. tato the city Third-- real estate to be se d for said Improvement be found benefited ytos the extent of da,i g,,. coats slid expense, necessary to be ,n tea thereby. Fourth -1a such tprot-emenr asked for noon the petition Or xppllcatfon f the ow rs f n Imnjorltyof li he property to be assessed for such beffth n Send the counml a pian or profile of emdlrnprovemeut, as required by law, if you re- port ht foe or of the same. Sixth -Sova the council a prover order lfre Ing the work t0 be clone. Yeas -Aid. Bauholzer, Blelenberg, Bort, Cope- land, Costello. Cullen, Dobncr. Dornitlen. Gehan, McNamee, A elndy, Sullivan, Vnit Slyke, Air. Vice President -1G. , Approved Nov. 7, 1890. By Aid. Bott- It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: That the matter of a change of ¢rads on Ar- mde street, from F-1- street to Dawson :trees, and ou Fra...... treet, front Hope street " Dlendotn street, be wi d the snore hereby referred to the board of public works to if' ✓estigate and report: First -Is this improvement proper and neees- n yl,? Bond-Give the council an tlmnte of the e thereof, and tate whether one -huff of ,he ens t thereof is to be paid lot. the city trens- t y before the contract is let. Third^ Canrealestrtetobeaes,,s,dforeaidim- nt be bvi I benelited to the extent o[ Iannuir•, ensu aha ex 11- necessary' to lie In- t red tnerenv+ Ill petition su b improve lit asked for unit he petition on r property t m f the --s-of ' city of cue property to be saseasroe such 1 Fifths Send the council a plan or profile of u 'p improvement, as required by law, if you sport in favor of [he acme. 452 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. , PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 453 Sixth -Send the council a proper order direct- ing the work to be done. Y as-Ald. Banholzer, Bielenberg, Bott, Cope-' land, Costello, Cullen, Dobber, Dorniden, Ge - hall A[cNamee, Alelari3'. Sennb"ru, Sullivan. Van Slyke, Air. Vice Presdent-15. Approved Nov. 7. 1890. By Aid. C"' It fe herebyor deed by the Common Council of the City of St. Pawl: That the matter of rebuilding and lowering the sever on East Seventh street, bet.een Rob- ert street and Itfiunesota street, be n d the same is hereby referred to the board nof pub - lie works to Investigate and report: Firstrls this improvement Propel slid "eces- aarY' Second -Give the couneil an estimate of Lhe expense thereof, ail tate whether one-half of the cost thereof isnto be pa i I into the city treas- ury before the --tract is let. Third -Can sal estate to be assessed for said litcadamages,p ovement costs ndteve e found necessared to they to be III - carred rred thereby Fourth -I. act, improvement asked for upon the petitnor. of application f the owners of majonty of Lha property to be assessed for such I_ p ovemeut" Fifth -Send the council aIan or profile of said improvement, as required by law•, tf you re- port m favor of the same. Sixth -Send the council it pipper order direct- ing the work to be done. Yeas-Ald. Bauholzer, Bielenberg. Bott, Cop, land, Ce tell., Cullen, Dobner, Dornlden,Gehan. 'JeNamee, Tlelady, S.1 en, Sullivan Y'.11 Slyke, Air. VicePresident-15. Approved Nov. 7. 7890. it An Dobner- IL ie hereby ordered bT the Common Council at the City of st. Paul: That be matter of opening and extending Pnscxl avenue, from Say creat to Taylor ave- nue (petition ntc.ched), be and the esus is hem by referred to the board of public works to in- vestlgute nod report: First -Is this Improvement proper and neces- e rye Second -Give the council an lstmmte of the expense thereof, and tate whether one -ball of the cost thereof is to be paid tut. the city treas- ury before the contract is let. Third -Can real estate to be aswased for ea improvement be found benefited to the -tented damages, costa and expenses necessary to be in- curred thereby? Fourth -Is such improvement asked for upon the petition or application of the owners of a majority of the property to be assessed for such i provement? Fifth-Se.d the council a plan or profile of said improvement, as required by law, if you re- port it, favor of the same. Sixth -Send the council a proper order direct- ing the work to be done. Yens-Ald. Bardall , Bielenber¢, Bott, RIM, land. Costello, Coil',,,, Dobner, Dorniden, Gahan, Atc. me; tleladSanborn, Sullivan, Van -Slyke, Air. V.m Preeldent-15. Approved Nov. 7, 1890. By Aid. B111-1,erw- It is hereby ordered oy the Common COunell of the City of St. Paul: That the matter of grading Capitol avenue, from Victoria street to Dale street; Also, of grading Ireland avenue, from Victoria street to Dale street, be and the same Is hereby referred to the board of public works td investi- Rate and report: First --Is this n mproverelent proper and Items. sary•? Second -Give the council an estimate of the expense thereof, slid state whether one-half of the cost thereof is to paid into the city treasury before the contract is let. Third -Can real estate to be assessed for said Inirovement be found benefited to the extent of damages, costs and expenses necessary to be nc Iurred thereby? Fourth -les such improvement asked for upon the petition or application of the owners of e, majority of the property to be assessed for such i e ovement:' h fifth -Send the council a plan or profileof said fmpmvenent na required by lair, of you re. port in facorof the same. Sixth -bend the council a proper order direct- ing the work to be done. Y-ess-All. Banholzer, Bielenberg, Bott, Copy land. Costello, Callen, Dobner, Dorniden, Gahan, McNamee, AIelady, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Atr. Vire President -15. Approved Nov. 7. 1890. By Ald. Flandrau- It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: That the matter of lowering the grade too (2) feet at intersection of Osceola avenue and Grotto street, and changing. so hie to conform to said lowering, the grade of Osceola avenge be- tween Avon street and Pleasant .venue, and the grade of Grotto street between Fairmountstrest and St. Clair street. be and the same is herebyy referred to the board of public works to investi- gate and report: Firat-Is this Improvement proper and neces- s .ry? Second -Give the council an estimate of the expense er alf tlnco,s, thereof istt be paid ninto hthe city treasf ury- before the contract is let. Third -Can real estate to be seessed for said to tbeex damages, cc to andnnd expennsestnimovement be cessary to betinf purred thereby? Fourtb-Is such improvement asked for upon the petition or application of the owners of e, majority of the property to be assessed for such 1 P ovemeut? N fifth -Send the council a plan orprofile r- of said improvement, as required y law, o port in favor of the same. Sixth -Send the counc(1 a proper order direct- ing the work to be done. Yeas-Ald. Banholzer, Bielenberg, Bott, Cope- land. Costello, Cullen, Dobner, Dorniden,Gehan, McNamee, Alelady. Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke. AIr. Vice Presdent-16. Approved Nov. 7, 1890. By Aid. Dobner- It 1. bereby dared by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: That the matter of opening and extending Van Buren street from Wheeler street to F.ir- view avenue, be and the same is hereby referred to the board of public works to investigate and repport. FIrsIIs this improvement proper and necee- eary" Second -Give the council an estimate of tt10 expense there"}, and state whether one-half of the cost thereto ie to be paid into the city treas- ury before the contract rs let. Third -Can real estate to be assessed for said Improvement to round benefited to the extent of damages, costs and expenses necessary to b incurred thereby? Fourth -Is such improvement asked for upo. thepetition or application of the owners of majority W the property to be assessed for sue imp ovemeut? Fifth -Send the council aplan or profile c said Improvement, as required by law, if you n port in favor of the same. Si. tb-Send the council a proper order direct ing the work to be done. Yeas-Ald. Bauholzer, Bfelenberg, Butt, Cope D land. Costello, Cullen, obner, Dorniden,Gehau McNamee, Melady, Sanborn, Sullivan, Val Slyke, Air. Vice Pres1dent-16. Approved Nov. 7, 1890. In the matter of the report of the board o ppublic works dated Oct. :10, 1890. n IL le hereby ordered by the Common Council o the Ctity of St. Paul: That the board of public works of said city o St. Paul cause the following Improvement to b, made, to wit: Grade Ashland avenue. between Lexington avenue and Cleveland avenue, fn sale city. That said board cause said work to be let bt contract, as rOvh ided by law, without one -al: the estimated cost bang first paid into the city treasury, and after enid workhall be placed under contract said board shall proceed with out delay to assess the .mount, as nearly he they can ascertain the same. which will be re. qui to pay the cost and necessury espouse, oI such Improvement u Von the rent estate to be benefited I, .I it fmpro ement, as provided by late; it being the opinion of the .....it that real estate to be sassed for each improve ant can be found benefited to the extent of the .It slid expci-a necessary to be incurred thereby. Yens-Ald. Banholzer, Bieleuberg, Bott. Cope, land, Costello, Cillen, Dobner, Dorniden, Gehan, McNamee. Melody, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, AL r. Vice President -15. Approved Nov. 7, 1890. In the matter of the reports of the board of public works dated Oct. p and 27, 1890. t is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: ,:.but the board of public works of the city of St. Paul cause the follonI"' Improvement to be made, to wit: Open, widen unit extend Prior avenue, from Miunehalla street to Tallula ave- nue, produced west, i said city, condemning and taking all clot load, not already condemned or dedlcuted for public use, lying oithin the lines of a strip sixty (60) feet ?ride. the center tine of which gulp shxll be the east line of west yr of southwest Y of section 28, town 29, range 23, befog in the city of St. Paul, Minnesota. That said board shall proceed without delay to assess the .mount, se nearly as they can iY certain the same, which will be required to pay the damages, conte and n ecePeary e .passes f such haproveme, upon the 1 e cape to be benefited by said improvement, as provided by law, it being the opinion of the council th.c real state to be assessed for such improvement can be found benefited to the extent of the damage., costa aad ..pensee necessary to be incurred thereby. Yeas-Ald. Banholzer, "I Bott, Cop`_ land, Costello. CLlleu, Dobner, �lornfden, Gehan, McNamee, Alelady, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Air Vice Preeldent.-15. Approved Nov. 7, 1890. In the matter of the report of the board of Public works dated Oct. 23, 1890. t is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: That the board of public works of said city of St. Paul, cause the following inn rovement to be made, to wit: Grade alley in block two (2) of Edmund Rice's Fourth addition to St. Paul, I. aid city That said board cause said work to be let by contract, asp vided by law, without one-half the eatimaterl cost being first paid Into the city treasury, and after said work shall be placed under contract said board shall proceed without delay to assess the art ou't , as nearly as they can n rtain the i e, whfch.111 be required to pay the cost and necessary expenses of such improvement upon the real estate to be benefit. ed by 11111 Improvement, n. provided bylaw; rt being the opinion of the council that rent tate to be assessed for such imp- "cement can be found benefited to the extent of the cost and expenses necessary to be incurred thereby. Mr. Vice President -15. Approved Nov. 7, 1890. In the matter of the 11 port of the board of public acorke, dated Oct. 81, 189, Itis hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: That tae board of public works of said city of St. Paul, cause the folloavin, improvement to be made, to ant: G rade Fairvlev avenue, from Mar- shall avenue to St. Anthony avenue, in said elty. That said board cause said work to be let by contract, as provided by thin, without one-half the estimated cost being first staid biro file city treasury, and after said cork shall be placed under contract, said board shall proceed without delay to asses. the limo t, hie "early as they c. cental. the same, which will be required to pay the c et t upon the enI estate st a sary eenses to be Isuch Im. be neiiv el being the tomprovement, as provided by Isac; it g par' u of [he council that real estate to be sseseedr for such improvement can be Found benefited to tine extent of the cost and ex- penses necessary to be incurred therebv. Yeas-Ald. Banholzer, Bielenberg, Bott, Cope- land, Costello, Cullen, Dobner, Dorniden, Gahan, Mc\ames,Ateludy, Saubmm, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Air. VI -President -15. Approved Nov. 7. 1890. In the matterf the report of the board of public works dated Oct. 30, 1890. t is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: That the hoard of publie works of eaid city- of I. Paul cause the following improvement to be nude, to wit: Grade Park nue, from Sher- Mto Arch etreet. f" said city. That sand board cause said work to be let by .ontract, asp vided by law, without one -hal[ he esNmnted coat being first pall into the city d no - tern oniract said board nd aftersaid aysh II proceork shall edl without lel.y to asses. the a mount, a. nearly hie theycan .certain the same,wbich will he required to pay he cost and nee-saryexpenses required improve went, upon the real est.teto be benefited by said 1.provement, m provided by law, it beteg the ,p "Mu ed the council that real estate to be as. maedlor such improvement can be found bern. 454 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. eflted to the extent of the cost and expenses net- described uroperty, for a term of five years, at ry to be Ine,tlTed then -by. the rental of One Dollar for the term: esj ¢aa—Aid Banholzer. Bielenbezg, BotL. Cope- Commencing at the coruerot mock 37, SF Paul land, Costello. (.Men. Dobner, Dom(den, Gehan, Proper, where the easterly boundary of Cedar M,Namee, Melady„ SWlivau, Van Slyke, Mr. treat intersects the southerly boundary f Vice Presidenti 15. Bench street, thence theasterly along the Approved Nov. 7, 1890. s utherly boundary ofvBeat street and north- _ erly boundary of said block 37 a distance of 60 In the matter of the report of the board of feet' to the place of beginning: thence, turning a public works dated Oct. 2R, 1890. right angle to the right, 35 feet; thence, turning Itis hereby ordered by the (.OmmOn Council of a right angle to the lett, 47 feet; thence, turning the qty of St. Pau]: right angle to the lett, 35 feet to the northerly That the board of public works of the city of boundary of said block; thence southwesterly. St. Paul cause the following improvements to be on the northerly boundary of said block, 47 made, .to wit: Open. ,,'idea and extend Joyave- feet, to the',lace of egalrer, illug Blele nue, from the southwesterly line of Joy'e .m ,Yea At Banholzer, BlelenberR, Boit, Cope - o nd addition co the [tortheas[erly line of Lake- land, Costello, Cullen, Dobner, D.- den, Gehan, view addition. (n said city. condennntell slid tak- D[etiantee, Iceladp, Sanborn, Sullivan, VaU ing all that land lying 'I[hin Lhe Innes of Joy 61yke, lir. Vice President -1O.. - te in Joy's second addition to St. Paul. Approved Nov.1890. prodacea on thweeterly to x eonm•c�tton with • Joe. Mtxee, �-it•e prexidrnt o[ Council. J sin Lakeview' +td dation to P.L. Paul. Taos..\. Ynexue.."sr. Cf y Clerk. 1 That said board shall proceed w•ithoucdelny to the nmo =.,,,a,, lY- as they can oats r- tuiu the same, which 'ill be required to PaY the damage.,Co.. and n say expense. of ReCular .�loetfng. 'ch imp nem t t, upon the real estate) to by St. 1'.auu, Nov. 18, 1890. bene fired by said ,improvement, as Prov + e president Cullen in the chair.' lull; it being the opinion Of the consort [hat real Present—Aid. Ifanholzer, Bielenbem. Butt, Lute to be esxssed [or such uuno.vement can C'oi'ls}-. C'opelnnd, Co.[eilo, Dobner, Donddeu, be found beneff ted to the extent of the dueleges' F,andrau, Gehan, Me\ume., Melody. Mine., stand—pensesnece... ry to be incurred there- Sanborn, Sullivan. Va., Style. ,It. President. by. Yens—Ald. Banholzer, I itIcut erg. Bott, Cope-—M7antes of preeeding meeting .PProeed and lend, Costello, Cullen, DOW, r Do`nilde,t. Gehan, rending thereof di Pe„sed with. lleN nines, lielnd)•, 8enborn, Sullivan, Von cO >[ • - ,axe. Siyke, 31r. \'ice prextdeitt—lG. From Fred Euetls and O[hetro— Approced Nov. 7, 1SD0. For grading of Tell'ple court. Board n[ f.nblic w'Orks, nth order. Ill the .tatter of the -11011 15 of the board of Fri ou tion ing ids -lid Othe s public works d+.ted Oct. '24, IL Is herYb}• ,dared ',. tiro Common Council of Boanl of Fublic works, with order. the (,Sty of CL- Paul: Fr to Fred W'. Dtusmore— That ` he board of ppublic works of said \string $1751 dametgas—mare killed by reason city OI . Paul c: use the lollowtug improve- of caving It' of alley ieudlid train Areade street annt t0 be a de 1[o wit: Grade li 11 x and between Y'unqu,er and Ituan,ey streets. from Dearborn street to Ilia north line of feBiid- Commits ee On chnime. w 11'8 addition to Nest St. Pan I. in said city. Fzom N+'[io:nai Building and l.oxn Society, by That aid board inn s id work to be Young n.,,d Lighti,er, Attoruey.— let by os tract, as provided by Ian', with Asktug da,aagex (51,5011) to Property, black e -hall the estimated east being firot Paid Into D, Wler St. I'nttl, Hull avenue grading. the city treasury, a d atter said work Comma t[ee mi clnhn.. hall be placed under 'tract s id From 111st Natio--ID--' board alDnnkboard hall proceed without det Ca I.. x171.66, interest citi-as'vors, Lo assess the amount, uc„early us they can - dated Sept. 7. 1889, for $5,000 rt ert,ain the nnme,t ,Inch will be regW—d to spray Comniit`ee on ways oul means. the cost u, d setas. y Ix•n.ee f : Form H.-Itnle— uch 1mProcement itPo,n the real emote to be For p rmixxi O+i to r. fee to G. A. Phunmer be ,efited by said im Provementc .. pi -ided by for ice .t25 I 251 Wee,'Fhinl.treet But,li-License I.W. it being the Opinion of the out • 1 [hut rcut No.[l l o. ix.ned April 5, 1Sun. trate LO he use,:sed for ouch Improvement, can Cmnmitcee on lirenae. be found benefited to [be extent 01 he cost and Frain finshnen & nuelown and Others— ¢. p,nees necessary to be incurred theraby.Asking �a that Lexington nue bridge car leas—A:d. Bxnholu r, Btelenberg• Bolt. Cope- ,Great Northern railroad be completed before lana, Costello. Uob wr. torsades, Cvlien, Gehnt', Jane 1. 1891. M.Namre. lfelnd}. Sanborn, Sullican,V.n Siyke, Connnittee of treats. M. President -15. Fr Jxmee D1,Clum. glary 31. Haslett and Approved. Nov. 7. 1890, Otth,re— Adjourned. For permission to construct at wo-etorvfrnme Joe. Nils— Vice President of Council. baro. Taos. A. PaeNnEnGAeT. City Clerk. Gnu'ted. (See Ordinance No. 1,496.) From Fred Eustis and Others— OFFICIAL PUBLICAt10N � For permission to grade Ann Arbor, from Of resolution adopted by the Common Chanel) LFiun avenue LO Cl+efill avenue. of the (:Ity of 'e t. Paul at its meeting held Nov. Board of public works with order. 6, 1980. 1[F,POIna OF CITY OFF'I11j- BySanborn— OI qty Com [troller—Audited Claims. vlz.— Resnlved.',but the groper city o@cars be. and T. Jinloy, timate No. 1, sewer on Dawson they- re hereby, antic fad to exemia a time, et reef, s578; T. llaloy, Estimate No. 2, ewer 'Ith Lhe Chicago, St. Paul, Min-sip.li. &Omaha on Faller tree[. n1,394: C. E. Sion esti, Company, for the use of the following mate No. 2, grading Lincoln avenue, $850; C. E. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL, 455 Sandeen, Estimate No. 8, grading Lawsovstreet, Estimate No. 3, supplementary to NO. 2 and $1,759.50: C. E. SaII&I;� Estimate No. 2, grad- final, fire tster. opposite Douglas school, G. Ing Mimmhahn street. $425; Stockton & Liuit Rxmlow, Std. quisc, Estimate No. 2, sewer on Ontario treet, Committee on claims. $19A; Dale & Bumgard mr, Estimate No. 8, grading Jenks street. $5,100; H. C. Huebner, Also, EstimateNo. 7, grading Rice street, $3,289.50; C. Nonnemacher, Estimate No. 8, grad- Estimate No. 1, Mississipi street bridge ing McLean avenue, S1,530; Keough &D ... city, cross Wisconsin Central rpailroad, C. Stone, Esti mute No, 2, grading Albert avenue. $44_; S85U. W. C. Doherty, Estimate No. 2, Phalen creek Allotted and referred to comptroller. alley sewer, 51,282.53; Kirkland & Starkey, leas—Aid. Baunolzer, Blele.lbetg. Eott, Con- Escimatn No. 5, Ammde treat sewer system. ley, Copeland. Costello, Dobner, Dornlden, - $30,285; A. Giuglee, Estimate No. 1, grading Flandr.u, Gehan, IfONamce, Melody. 'tinea, gevelaud avenue, $340; J. W. Malone}', Est.- Sanborn, Su Ivan 1'nu Slyke, Mr. President to No. 1, grading Seventh street, 83,825; —17. Thornton &Shaw. Estimate No. 2. grading St. Of Corporation Attorney— Street, *1.870: F. Y. M('(.x„ll. Estimate Actions for recovery OP real property— No. 'L, grading Pym street. 5986: J. W. Maloney. I To the Honorable the Co mmou Council of the Estimate No. 2, gcatlinR Hague nvenne, 57,105; City f St. Paul—(ientleme11: W. A. Dav"I I l•;stimute N. 4, gr Wing Leslie ! At the lust session of our legislature a mwwaa treat, etc., $340; Hnu.en & Johnson, ” passed amending section 4 of chapter lib of the Estimate No. 1, e llonutl street, General Statutes of 1873 so as to read as fol - 0: W'. J. Preaton�tt Estimate No. l low's: 1, s ver n Laurel avenue. 5220.50; tion 4. Action to recover real property. P. Doherty, £ntimnte No. 2, newer on Victoria 1 "No action fur the recoveryofre-Its— ,art street. $297.50; W. J. Pre t... Entium. No. 2, (or the recovery of the poaneeeiou thereof entail n It ague avenue, 81.508; L. E. 'heptey, b, main[atn.d unless it appears taut the .1-1- E.timuie No. I, p:avi,ng driveway, Yu rt, lilacs, Iff, Ida ancestor, predecessor or antor as `51,39».50; L. E. Ph,Pley. E.ti mate NO. 1, p;av-'. i d Or Poseexud of the pp mases iF, tluestiou, mg Fifth st rest. 52,477.751 W. t', lloherty, I•;> _ire liftcen (15) year. before rheic - timnte No. :i, puvia� Math[ ncen ue, 818,430; ! went of the action." mmeuce Arthur �tepheus. Est„1 1 No. 7, xpriukI ng itt This 11 ""'he'll will take effect and be I„ Dlatriet No. 0^5132.51(5: 'l humus Rri115'. E.tl- force (roue and after Jan. 1, 189 1. No. ,, sarinling IIDistrict N,. (i, � Under Lhe old sectio,, the plaintiff eould main. $ 77&+6.75: '1'h.1io, & "She" Estimate NO. 6, ted,[ hie action If he sh-llwf that at ally tante prmkling in D,striet No. 7, $211.59; Thornton -ichor twenty (20) yeare before the c Smiw' Ext trate No. 6, sprint, ling i I District eat of the action, he or hfx predecessor in tftl. No. I(, S18.u0; .James Fnrre.tni, 1'atimnte No. n seized cr poxseseed of [he property. eprt0kling ' District No $487.75; n The effect Of tl,e amendment of it Z is that Yntrick Norrie. nI!euute No. 7, xprinkling in i[fter JI11, 1, 1801, a person na+nl• ac(luire title Di.trict No. :I, S df 67: Jumes For rest:al. F:sti- [n real prOler[y' by tifteen yenai adverse i oes¢le ate No. , • sprinkling ill District N O.4, 5478.10; cion, t d t1,:at to all cu -es w'I:ere the n •tun ie Jamie Forrestal, F:.[imute No. 7 xprinkhng lu brought before Jan. 1 lie: t, twenty (20) years District NZ!',t' 5249.751; 'I'. .Sw eeuey-, F_ li uu I, xdverne Poe .... iou mune be.howe to a tnbllsh No. U, 4 din` DllxsixxiPD1 xt reel, .501.50: ! the title. chorntou & ..hta w, Esti unite Nu. 6, grading IL is t•hahn d most strenuously that this limit- Si-xth ward levee, 53,-185: J. £stimute anion lull doer amt uPDly to vt ui IPa.I corf, No. 4, w,,di,.0 Mmulhuha s[ree L, 5425; F-. Curie- I nuns, and I believe the wetgitt of [he uutor .,a- toll. Eetimnte No. 2 grio il!g Chatsworth u. tains this ".,I" I,. tree[, 5.1.10,50; Tltorntt,u S Shaw, s l,, tl,e sass of the 5 itv of Et. Paul v. -'the Chi - $799 -.Est to No. ' Olive ,t et improvement, engo, Milwnn kee .i St. Paid Railroad company, Ingo)Thornton d: Shaw. Estimate No. 2, orad-' tw'o of to, ablest of our district judges hu, de- 1nROmo street, $1.785; T. Reilly, , hsttvtatc No 7 tided that rile statute applies to ntunlcipW cor- ed final, Dlilton street sewersystem, $ 7,080: porn tione xs well ax to indivlduula. from that 11. Treuc}I Estimatc No. 1, gruding,intes.treet, dectsfon the city hal appealed to the enp vou, $ 052; T. 1. inn an, Let! in ate No. 2, ""di r, ding Rny- court. Thlx app,;Il I'dI be argued Ou Jun. I6 mond nvenne, 52,210; C. Nouu,umcblr, Esti- ,ext. bac ,e. delud-11 can hardly be rpeeted be- on.to No. I. grading itey. SuburhuII little, fare „ext :t pril. • $416. 0; P. Tanthott. £stimute No. 1, grading The 'Itrpo,, of this ( m nutation Is to ask ]ley. block `2, W'etde' rearr:u,gemcut, •"21:' ,thorit from thee stain to inxtttute,mte Date & IIumgurdo—, Y.timxte N', 1, g ,,ding a II je, . zee ,u'du corp.ratioa, who a F+drvlew street.$Lo20: Fd Lynch, RlU2; dame. ��c¢iPymgvan. o, sires[., levees. ndeyx and O'Grady, 558.75: Joh„ 3I. (:race, RG»; Joeeph pnhlic [ lutes wltidu the Iinnits oI the city with- Spiei, 57.50: C. H. Murphy. $2n; John Myetx. o [ riR'h 849.L0; C. W. Farnham, $20; (:. W. Anderson, I onside, [hie i atter of great torp rtancn 840: George W. 8[enger, 5877.(30; Michael fill,- to the Interests of the city; forltis a well Known ley% $10: Y. Doherty, Estimate No. 2 "lid final, fact that many Of our et -el. olid levees are oc- n DfuBnret street. 880.50; W. A. Dnvern, COO'ed by p.rties who hove no rani whatever, Ester te No. 6 ami lanai, drag HOPe .t rest, ! e xiPI such u. are based On the t•]ults of at v, , Thonus P.G race, 48D.50:JO.euh Smith. P The c•I[yteu mwsr tins furnished a tt'1th plats $82. Allotted and ordered paid b}• the following I.ehoving at least sixty tineas o[ this character, vote: and he hoe not yet fully completed his luvesti Yeas—Ald. Banholzer, Blelenberg, Bott, ('ou- i gation. ley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, llondden, I j anbmit the accompanylag resolution, and Flnndrau. Gehan, Mc\mare, 'femdY. 'fine., eek that 1t ret Ive your carefu cit rntlon. Sanborn, Fulllvull. Van Slyke. Mr. Freafdeltt— I Itrsl,ectfully, 17. O. E. HOL?LL N, t qty EngineereeEstimates— C'orporatlon Attorney. The city engineer esti er tut ndts, approved by elm, Nov. to 18(se the lollondng estimates: Accepted, (See resolution.) 456 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 01891)—City oTnasure s receipt for ttacbedfor $665. Committee on ordinances and public accounts. or 0 clerk of her, 890 -City] Ttreeum...'s reon ceipt rt fattahed for $8.359.80. a Committee ordinances and public accounts. Of Chief of Police—Re ort for October, 1890— Total arrests, 561; tines collected by muniel. pal court, $3,020. Committee on ordinances and public accounts. Ot Captain of Police—Report for October, 1890 —Gas lamps not lighted, 4; oil lumps not lighted. 85. "r, coutrolier. Of Poundmuser Cuniff—Report for October, 890—City treasurer's receipt attached for $17. Committeeonordinauees and public accounts. REPORr OF RO,,RD OF PUa LIC w ... R. Slopes, alley, Block 2, Senarmeier & Evans' To the the Common Council of the City of d Paul: The board of public works have had under consideration the resolution or order of the common council, approved Oct. 9, 1890,m, Live to coudemnfug an a out In the land abutting.1, the alley b: blrktt two (2). Schur- mmer & Evans' addition to St. Paul, necessary toconstruct the slopes for cuts and flits in grad- ing said alley. and. havblg iuvestg.ed the pro- Ing Itespeetittll)- sport that it Is neceeenry and p oiler to condemn and take III I easement in the land. abutting n the aIle, in block two ("), Bchurmeier & Evans addition to St. Paul, in said city, necessary to constaidruct the slope. for cuts Old fish ed grade thein eof.gradingshownlley toby the Profilehe aof said grade ou file fn the office of thereg, ulthe off deeds in and for fill county, an fico of the city engin(eer; said elopes to extend pne and y foot of cut orlfllll ¢n "' cuts' id on the plan of said slopes attache to this report and to be flied iu the oRice of laid hoard; that [he estimat- ed thereof e $101); that the real estate to beexpense ret assessed thefor can be found beuefied to the extent of the damnge., costa d ext uses necessary to be incurred thereby; [hat enid tm- 0vement is asked for by a petition of a ma- lorftyof theow'ners of p o}serty to be zee ssed therefor, end we herewith lid n phut and pro, file. of said improvement, and an order for your adoption, if you desire us to make the improve- ment. Yenl, 4; nays, 0. R. L. GOR\IAN, President. J. T. KEREER, Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Nov. 13, 1890. Adopted. (See ordertoboard of public works.) Also, West Side Levee Grading— To the Honorable the President and Common Council of the (city of St. Paul: Gentlemen: In asking for a final order for the grading of the socalled West side levee, between Banning and Olivier'. addition and Starkey street, the board of public works ov"'Ooked th1 fact that there are proceeds of bonds applicable to a Partial pailment of said work, and the clt} englueer having "ported that sixteen thouennc flue hundred dollars (516,600) Ie aroper. pr portion of said, bond fund, the said board Is apeetfully asks that said final order be sc mended as to authorize the use of laid amount In making the assessment for said grading. A proper order I. herewf 1 h submitted. R. L. GoroI President. J. T. KERKE.. Clerk of the Board of Public Work, Nov. 13, 18U0. Adopted. Yens—,1)d. Bandoleer, Bielenberg, Bott, Co- ley, Copeland. Costello, Dobner, llontideu, Flan- drau, Geh:ui, McNamee, 2[elady, )linen. Sanborn, Sullivan. Van Slyke, lir. President -17. (See order to board of public works.) Also. Order from George C. Harper—Burr Street Change of Grade— To the Honorable the President and Common Council, City of St. Yaul; Gentlemen: The to of public works is- spec0 fi, beg IT to report that under a mie- .pprehensmn of facts an error was made In the assessment for a change of grade on Burr street, between 1linuehaha street and Whitall crest, said board having awarded the sum of fifteen (15) dollars to James Stinson, owner of lot 5, block 18, Stinson's addition t0 St. Paul, for damages to a certaln building situated upon said lot 5; whereas, said building 1s owned by, still said ward horrid have been made to George C. Harper; but the city treasurer having (red 'ud ment in the dis- ta 1 applied for +d obg Minnesota,in trict court of Ramsey county, said matter, the said board has 11power to correct said assessment s to said award of damages, but has notified said city treasurer of the facts in the case, and said board therefore respectfully request your honorable body to make an appropriation o[ fifteen dollar. ($15) out of the local improvement fazed 1n favor of said George C. Harper for damage. to said I building by reason of aforesaid change of grade. 12. L. GOR. N. President. ClerkKERKEitof the Board of Public Works. Nov. 7, 181)0. (See resolution.) Also, East Seventh street sewer, lowering and re- building— 'To the Common Council Of the City ofh d Paul: Th board of politic ,orks have had under couaideration the resolution or order of the common council, approved Nov. 7, 181)0, live to lowering and rebutldingthe..eweron I. at Seventh street, between Robert street and Min- nesota street, uud, having Investigated the pro- posed "Pr vement: Itespmtfully report that said improvement Is necessary androper: that the estimated ex- pense thereof is $1,005, one-half of which need not be paid into the city treasury before the to be assessed therefortcan be found benefi ed t realestatto the extents Of the cost and expenses necessary to be incurred thereby; but Bald ieprovemcut should be paid t0r out of the aewerage bond fund, the property having already bee. assessed $1.75 per 1! oZ that said hafrovement is Rpt asked for by a petition o[ . majority of the owners of property to be asse..ed therefor, but we bers- V' th send a plan and profile Y .aid Irepprove- went, ands order for your adoption, if you desire lir to make the improvement. Yeas, 4; nays, U. R. L. GopaaN, President. J. T. KERKER. Clerk of the Board of Public Work.. Nov. 18. 1890. Adopted and said final order passed, yeas 16, Later iu the meeting Ald. Flandrau moved a reconsideration of said last mentioned vote by PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 457 which said report was adopted and said order company, 68 $15.; Hela a cy Bros., ,\gala' S: px..etl. Cox, 950; F. W. Hadfield, $27.90; Ge.me I. Md. Fl.ndran's eaid motionadopted. pens, Harper, $70.18; P. J. Hogan & Co.. $7:3.70: R. 17, and said matter referred to committee o Seeger, 31.20; St. Paul Hardware company, $I; streets. 'Twin ()avLime and C'emeut ColnPall}•, $Io5.U5; Also, W. S. \V<;o11, $15.80; St. Haul Foundry c Jessnmhte street grading and bridging (core. Piany, 8112.60; J. P. Gm Gribben Luber compmn!, munication addressed to Aid. Gehan)— $78.40: J. F. Bacemier & Son, $R; Wyckoff, To Hon. .Toth F'. Gehan, Alderman Ninth ward, S=a,,nn &, Benedict. $1.60; A. Jobst, $55.7:1; Sohn \cortin Lumber .mPan y, $1,890.14; `sty of.St. Heal. t 952: R �lehw'orth 5376.80; Bazflle S In ac rdanoe with your request the P,rtrldm, 56.85; board In fire commissioner• board of Public t orks herewith respectfudyBurris. SI20.ef is Boeduger k transmit n copy of stile rrp t of the city el;gn llongllet R (:n. o., 51.20; ,john Bello& tm+ar to said board, dated Sept..fi, 1890, in the p $179.81); Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Pnlll iter of the cost Of ins citv's Portion of the I R noway comp ny, 525.68; Field, Mahler & Co., bridge o0 Jessamine street. and said board re- 25 cents; W. N. Carey & Son, $1111: Dux Ull- spectully request that the appropriation r - ferred to by the engineer be amde out of the ma cl-1.R0: Nortlocesteni Stn rep works, brides bond loud. 32.50: I1. E. Patterson, 320; A. F. Peterson, R. L. GonymN, President. 320: ItILlnson & Cary company, 872.4'3: F. J. T. KERKER. Skok, 55.75: Scribner Miley company, 58.10; Clerk of the Board of Public Works. yI. Mcl',: rah Y. 825. Nov. 18, )er 0, Countnittee on clalnle. Aeerped. ($e port of committee oil ways REPORT OF im,iltn OF FIRE CO?I.\II"IONERS. and menus preeerented at this meeting.)Fire protection, Midway district—Merriam, Alan. Hunnine i0id St. Anthony Parks— Eetim.te. and C1R lulu— To the}iouontl,le Presldeutxnd Common Conn - The board trmismits approved by it the c,, of the City o[ St. PI 1. following estimates and clainns, to it Gentlemen: The board of fire commissioners E.tintate Nn. 7 and final. Selby liven lie bridge ni veluul undereon iderution the advisability of eub.trllet are. C. Stone. $-1,11)2.112; N:stinnte No. I re cno I. dreg itdditionul fire Protection for the and limit, Chilton x eat a grnding (Prior to "Mi,iwuy district," viz.: \lertiunl Puck, klnm- Fairview'), 'T. I,imnnn� $3:1:I. E.,timate No. a � lineand St. Anthony Park; the.Se thrivingsub- and dual. Olive street grading and se,ering uros ltnving ]ren Supplied with enter, it was (P,RRSyl V•aaf , to \Villin ms), 'Choral Lon & 3huw-, thought, that the equlp�tent of hose corapaince $272.50; F:,timnte No. + amt Ha,11, .Ieneatuine would bn adequate Protection; but, after a pare. street grading and bridging tRies to' fi inspection sal test of the water Pre, are, Mississippi). .7. T. Million, 31.117. Gu; j we im c•0, v led that hose companies would be Estimate No. S and 1lnal, hire tenet gnullug inadequate. We therefore respectfully "cum. (Maryaml to north city Ifmitsi. I1. 1�. Iluebuer, nlend the parchuse of one second size fire engine $J,1; I:atmoltc No. 2 nal final. Rrtdillgto cont S:i,800, 1,800 fret u[Ilose to cost x'1,800, I, y bl.:ck \Peide . nor :t agmnent Yrtiet'. (tie hose I% [Well to cont $4'2.5, harness $100 all!] Outiutr. P. ti ,lo ,,It, $12� Estimate No. l three horees$80). This outfitwould u n,i final. grading alley block Got ziatis tate the en+ploVaun, of but twlinecessi- 'o ad fcional slot -ig P., addition. P. Tantholt, aeu; total r..t 0t taut as reconnnenied, $7,- 565.15ttivIi tallte N.. 2 and filial, Laurel live- 000, should authority be granted zee for above mal seVr f\litter to Avon), \V..1. Preston, PPnra[u., we would sulatest that ft be Placed 324.50; Lstiulute No. 2 and ".,I], Dawson street for service at the Merriam Pxrk engine house.. sewer (Forest to .demlotn) 'p. Mal. V, 880: F.ti- front which point the three districts could be mal No. 3 and (!lint. Fuller street a ter I )fae- erect kubiln to IlaJr), T. )Into}-. $'170; Estimate No. ooltespecthilly submitted, `1 amt final, 1lxgue.watt, sewer (Fisk to DRIe), REURER WVA ,R, W. J. Pre,ton, $328; Eetinlate No. 7 road final, President. Mf.eissiPpf at(rest grading (Maryland to north WN. O'GORM. u, Secretary. city IiulttP), '1. Sweeney, $1,86;{.50; Letimute Nov. 1 i, 1890. No. 8 and final, Sprinkling District NO. +, James Committee on fire department. Forrestal, $1,267.18; Estimate No. 3 :old filial' ItEro Rio OF aLtx DING CON.1urrEEs. Sprinkling Dlseriet No. 2ames F'orrestnl, $99:{.16: Estimate No. 8 no,dJfinal. SPriukl hng' Of conllnftlee on ways and means—iessamine District No. 5, James Forrestal, $60-1.40: H.,ti. tree, grading and bidgiug (St. Paul and mate No. 4, ,uppleamataly W No. :1 ami final, Northern Pncitic rililwap)—Report of board of Prescott street server (0akdade to \Vuodbury), Vu life woks (dated Sept. 9, 1890), preeented T. M. Breen, 550: Estimate No. 9, supple- to c•ORncil uud re.erred to.ufdcoain re Sept. enturyto No. 3 and limit, Proadw.y Improve- 6 1890, requesting the Rpp,Oprlati.. of meat ((.rove [o T1=11). Chireenth ), A. F. Menke, $25; 32,060- 11.R, No. 5, supplementary to Igo. 4 and Committee recommends adoption of said re - final. George and hidwell streets sewer, J. For-ppo t provided there are funds 1n bridge bond rest.], $50: Estimate No. 3, supplementary [o in d to Puy the amount. No. 2 and fin.!, Banfil trest sewer (Western Adopted. to Seventh), Hansen & Johnson, $25; Esti- Yeas --Aid. Bandoleer, Biciclnberg, Bott, ('os- mate No. 3, aupplemmltat, to No. 2 and final, ley, Copeland, Costello. Dobner. Dornfden,Flnit- Sixth street sewer (Minnesota to seventy%,,me frau, Gehan, \ICNinum, Melody, Mines, San. feet est of Robert), T. ill ahoy. 320; en ate born, Sullivnu, Van Slyke, Mr. President -17. No. 6� supplementary to No., and final, Aurora Also, avemte and Kent street sewer, T. Jf. Breeze, 576: Rent for polling places—Election of November, Lehigh Coal and Iron company. $12.15; Y.John- 1890— ou, $11.25; Haggerty & \Ic'Pengue, 3730.7.;; J. Comn,,I- recommend, that xmouut of said T. Million, S4 0; l, III Transfer Black- rent be fixed at $15 for each place rented, the smith Shop 39. e1); Maeudler Bros., 329.60; G. rate not to be deviled from uule.s circum- Mitech, $116.735; \(errlil's Toilet 6upply, 53.75; stances can be shown which would warrant pay - W. Alcl;uignu1 $2.75; Gent Nor[herin Rmlwny ing a greater sum. 458 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. Aid. Sanborn moved to amend said report by striking out the figure. 15 and ivaertntg u, lieu thereof the figures 20. Adopted --Yeas, 14; nays, Aid. Costello, Fiau- drau and S.11 -1i3. The report as so amended was thereupon adopted. Peas-Ald. Banbolzer, Bielenberg, Bot t, Conley Coppeeland, Dobner, Uomldet, Gehxn, McNamce, Melad}-,'linea, Snnb.. Vuu SISke, Mr. Priad dent --14. Nays-Ald, Costello, Flandrnu, Sulllvau-3. Of Committee oil Chnm.-H. P. Roug & Co.'s claim for $318.57. CommitteerccoulliendS that said clan" be recommitted to city engineer. Adopted. Alas io, Petition dwnmR ofdrowltin fJx es Grogand Karl, GrogannsM at Whiter street and 13-w'elve...i ie. p°tt Committee makes an adverse report. Adopted. Also, F. Driscoll, Jr.'.. claim -$229.02, supplies to health departr ent. Committee r ronoend. that said claim be referred to lir. Hoyt. Adopted. Also, join, broken steps, Folurth same: and H.2".. ace - Committee recommend..11owoce of $100. Adopted. (See ordiuxuce No. 1,437.) Also, C. F. .Framhein's Jafm-S3, 782.75 - notary fees. city treasurer's certificates of sale. Committee makes uu adverse report. Adopted. Of Committee on Streets. S"' n ad Iir,dg-- Ordinance grunting Chicluo. AA 0,uukee & St. Paul IZ.Ilway cpm Puny the use of ce tall, parts of certain etreete In Rice & Irvine's addition uud in Irvine's enlargement. Committee makes a favorable report. Tue ip-tion be 11 upon thu adoption of said rt the same ".a not ndopGrd. reEvrt in x„ait. i". n olev.(:nneinm3. Flan ,,horn moved to reconsider said last test otebelvg npoll the adoption of Aid. s said motto there were: V ¢ys-Aid. Bnoholrz .Costello, Dorniden, 31 NThce, Dfeldeyo sun oVan luced Mr.ia msitllo, tor- pm.i sl, mo e conel' r lldopte . c Thel matte.I.. therenpou referred to the linin Also, Weetcro Union Te iegraPh compnuS'snppllcn- tio tot ppee i ion to replace pi.e Poles "tilt cedar Polesro t Fourth street and o. 1Ilm,esntn Gr et. _ The rmport r, commltt- o,t s to (laid r endie t the rtmg of Nov. G, 18110,) rm R that the 'old nPpllcatiott be ie ere d� t° cor- poration. '"'d ey to droit ordlonce "'as me, .anted; Mr. Tlcyfichurt, superintendent of aid mpany, ane heard in sulrf�o t of the piln.- fion. The ¢1A mpo't f tits committee o streets wall thereupon adopted. Also, Cleveland and Wabash avenue sewer cO.tr.ct. The committee oil street, made n verbid re- port recommending the savored of the follow- ing award, referred to said committee by order of common council Nov. G, 189(1: 'Cleveland and Wabash Avenue. Sewer Con- tract - The board reports that it has awarded Will- ian, T. Presto. the contract for c natructl„g a Cleveland nceuue, f_111 1, street tot3o Jlyrtleaveuue, and oil \Vnbusil avenue, from Clevelmnd ave, to to yl opt"' 'street. he be - 1 g the lowest treliable d aponsible bidder therefor; , nn ,t of bid, $:3:370; Lo,id in rite sum O( 5800, u!i[❑ P.trick Keieher ad Thomas ]I au- rin. n. sureties. Adopted, and 'said award approved by fol- lowing vote: fens. Aid. Bulb liter, Biel.W-, Bot[, Con- ley, Copehaml, Costello, DOW-, Dornille., Fleuidruu, llivan McNamee, Malady, Mille., unborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. Yresldeut- 17. Also, Ald. B bf lazer's resmolution uuleou & Conrad, Midway seder syste. I James Fortree suGtl. Committee cit t eubmite o resolution 3 for an order oil the city treasurer for $1,815.30 to pay said laborers Adopted. (See resolution.) Of Committee on License -E. Rank's petition for permiaaion to transfer to Frank 'Intel butcher license No. fit;, issued March 24,1890. Committee recommends said trauefer. Adopted. Also, Ordinal to oir refund nd money to ester Murphy, niaCon udttee submits said ordinance (read first time Oct. 21. 1890). Said rdfnunce mad second time sad passed. (See Ordinn No. 1.43.1.) Also, Ordinance to rebind money to D. E. Kiefer, no- ted butcher lice,lee Committee eubmite said ordinal- (read first time Oct. 21. 189o.) Said ordiuxuce rend s-ond time and passed. (See Ordli-ace No. 1.433.) Of Committee ou Gas-Ald Afelndy's resolution to repin- hemp before located on Witterreefbetween Edwa rd led Walter street,. Co,mmitcee re+omadoption.. doption. Adopted. (Smresolution.) - An rains„- , rend .,ithorirtng the Pay. S's e. 'rel. Willmm J.i Godfreyfet N. aga-1, District Court Ramsey County R' 17.... fr°id°inn'ce read Oof rion end et Ind pelta d. See Ordinance No. 1.4.2.) yaase ( S Paymen :1l, ordinnu- ... re a o horizin t of jul,.. ppsei. favor of David f Hel, del, limed -nonice read motion of time. Mia ea, ye d. 17, nn Pneiae (See Ordlna,lc.- NO. 1,435.) an Au.11Ilo le. n'n. rend granting JamesDIc- ('lure Permiseon to con uct frame been, ''hompxO,t'a subAivisfo,t. Itule+eusfa'nded on motion of Al.. Sanborn. yens 1 7, peel or Ifnun- ad s+r oil came aad P. ssed. (See Oralwnace No. 1.436.) An ordi,t¢n- was read -Slue damages -John M cloy. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 459 RulesSuspended on motion of Aid. Miuea. ix 17, anti rdinanee read -..it time no, pe -ed. (See Ordinance No. 1,437.) An ordinance was read authorizing occupant) of part of 11hedictfppl river for skating rjuk. Committee ca xtreete. Au ordinance was read granting Chicago, St. Paul &- Kausxs City Railnny company right to Jay spur trucks, West St. Piul. Committee on streets. All ordinnuce granting to la, Farm &Des M-7 suers permtextov to mote three frame bufld- Intel Cun-littes o,1 streets. An ordiminc'e was read .tl orjziag appoint - eat f pollee patrol telegraph operator for 'puna Polle. station. e Comml}},,tee on Police. By Ald. Copeinud- Hesolu[ioa Inetrttctole .nperfntendent police patrol telegraph to porch nee and plain police n.dr Dlnryiand etrbo 'ueat.nst corner Paylte n en C"mmittee Ou Pnlim. Resolutions [or lumps x follows: A Id. Nlh betwe,ni Rub- andtlltnton �treets, etc .ot ud re- Ive lam, from South W'ubasba to orthe-t rncr Hall"'.nd South Wxbasha street; by Aid. \linea, northwest corner Roble street and Smith avenue; by All. Bott. Hastings ave- ; by Aid. Bielenberg, southwest 'letter Blair and illackubin streets; 3n by Aid. ubom, north east coruerGrand avenue and Chatsworth street, etc.; by Aid. S.111 -it, Carroll at reef, etc.; by Aid. Conley, front of No. 579 1, on Y. by Aid. Gehan, northeast corner Magnolia street and Park avenue. Committee on gas. Ordi.... co.. Orm-ANCE No. 1,432. Anordine a authorizing the payment of the costs in the °use of the State of \Unnesota, rel. Willinm J. Godfrey et II.. against the District Contin of Ramey Cou,tty. The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do ordain as f°llow.: 6 tion 1. That n waren t be drawn upon the city treasurer fu favor of S. L. Pian itor- ney of record of William J. t odfrey et sol., tor. the elm of $36.25 ill full pa}-ment of [he costa Of that certain epee in the kupre art of the State of ,'fliuneaotn, entified ,'State of Mtnne- .oin, ex rel. Willi.. J. Godfrey et ai., agahist the District Court of Rnmee)- County, which said costs amount to and have bceu tared at .aids of S36.25. Said tx a t xhall be delivered only upon there being filed with the city compt-Il,, ip t�foc the scams.. proper 2. Tbi di hall take effect aad he In force from "'I after its publication. Yeas-Ald. Bannolzer, ill0c,t herr. Bott, Con. hey.Copeland, Costello, Dotal— Dorid den. Flan dean, Gehill Nt,Nxmee• 1:1 HFy, dente Sanborn, Sullivan, Va. Slyke, 17. Passed Nov. 18, 1840. 00. P-"J"t of Council. Approved Nov. 141, R.-er A. Sazrta \fa Attest: Time. A. PIaeNDEaOAst. City Clerks Nov. 24. O rotaa-1, No. 1,433. A,money. dii- w, to refund to D. E. Kfefe.....med The Common Connell of the City of St. Paul do ordain ue follows: Section 1. That mi order be drawn upon the cit rs in favortreasury of D. E, Kist- t o refund t. him um of twenty unearned on two licenses iaeued to. said U. E. Kiefer to peddle butchers' meats, and which 11 -nee. 11'e revoked Aug. 5th, 1890, by' - the omn cmocouncil. Said order to be deliver Keifer upon said nifer filing with the city comptroller a proper receipt for said spm. See. 2. This ordinance shall take effect a.d be in form from twit after its publication. ]'ens -:11d. Bnnholzer, Bielenberg, Bott, Gou- ley Copeland, C'osteilo, Dobner, Uoruiden, S tab ru15 Wivun, Van Slyke, Mr1 Pces(dent� 17. Passed Nov. 18, 1890. 0.0 - CCI -s, President of Council. Approved Nov. 19, 1590. Ho near A. Sa s, M.y-or. Atteet: Taos. A. P ....... A ml.IsCity Clerk. Nov. 24. 011111NANCE NO. 1,434. An ordinance to reluml to Peter Alui•phy no - earned license money - The Common Council of the City of $t. Paul do ordain as follows: Pection L Thaat xi order be drawn upon the City fn'nsury for theSum of sixteen dollars in 'favor of Peter Murphy to refund to him the .moot a led . Ilceuee issued to said Peter Murphy January let, 1890, as a rshroud unuer, and which license was. revoked Septem- her 2d, 1890, by the copmon eounetl. Said order to be delivered upon said Murphy filing with the city comptroller a proper receipt for said sum. c 2. This Urdmnnm shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication. Teas -Al d. Biuihoizer, Bielenberlt, Bot t, Conley, Copeland. Costello, 1lobuer, llornhleu,Flundrau, Gellsn, 31e]ataee, Memdy, Mines. Sanborn, Snili van, V - Slyke, Me President -17. loseld N.v. 18, 189(1. O. O. C. -N. President of Commit. Approved Nov. 19, 18.0. Ronne. A. Snntn. ylnyor. Attest: Taos. A. Pa. -Sal.- City Clerk. Nov. 24. - ORDINANCE No. 1,435. An ordnanceauthorizing the payment of u c txh, judgment against the Clty of St. Paul. er. The Common COuneil of the I o[ St. Paul do rdil a .. follow.: Smola 1. That tvurrn t be drawn upon the city treasury fn favor of 1)uvid J. Hen .... v for the sum of ge379.67, Itth interest from De- cember 16, 1887, in full Payment of that r - tam judgmeut rendered agemet the city of St. Paul it, savor of aald David J. Hennessy Iu the Cattail States circuit Cort. district of Miuneso- in, for the sum of 8879.67 on December 16, 1887, which said judgment has been duly cu- te d up= Perfected of mrd. Said warrant shall be deliveredonly upnon id Dodgmeut being satisfied f -ora In t11e office [ he erk of the United State, lre,it l u t, discl trict of 3iionesot.. and cert,live- 1 e id action being filed is the office of the city ptll.r. ,Oro 9ec. 2. That that certain dho­- of the 31 t of St. Paul numbered 1,3843, entitled "An > dlnan- an thorizt,ig the . I,yh,e,t o I certain 'mA ,it against the City of St. Pahl," ap- ed Se member 5th, 1890, be and the same erhemby, In all respects, repealed. 460 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. dtake and be fn form Ira.1publ cutiCn act Peas-Ald. Bnnholzer, Biel -berg, Bott. Con- ley. Copeland, Cost r?lo, Dobner, It -laiden, Finn- drau, l,ehxn, MeN amer, Melody, ]linen, San- born, S Ilivan, \'un Slyke, Mr. President. -17. Passed Nov. 18, 1890. O. O. CTR.LEN, President of Council. Approved Nov. 19, 1890. pI ROBERT A. Sx11TH, fl}'O[. Attest: Time. A. P.ENDEROA.T, (city [Clerk. Nov..2q. ORDIN,t\'CF. No. 1,436. An ordinance grmuting permission to James Mc - C hThompeoil Eusubdivisiom urhton lot 2, block The Common Council Of the on -City of St. Poul do ordah" Section 1. Permission Is hereby granted to James McClure to coutruct w u to -story frame barn oil the east side of St. Albans street, be- tiveen Dayton avenue and Selby avenue, on lot 2, block 2, Thomp-m a subdivision, etc. Sec. 2. This ordmnnae shall take effect nud be in force from and .flet• its passage. drau, GehanMcNamee, Melady, Minea, San- born, Salb,sn,, \'an Slyke, MI. President -17. Approved Nov. 19, 1891). By AId. Dorniden- Itesolved, Tbut the city "T eereause a cross- walk to be laid across James street on Victoria street. Peas-Ald. Banholur, Bielesberg, Bott, Conley. Copeland, Costello, Uobner, Dorniden, Flan- itruu, Gehan, McNamee, Melady. Mines, bons, Sullivan, Van R1yke, Mr. President -17. Approved Nov. 19, 18A0. By Ald.Res. Dorniden- herebyih e instructed to expeflat the nd engineer sumo and - Richmond street in passable dollar.red In south of puns. James street. Veers-Ald. Bnnholrxr. Biel -berg, Batt, Con- ley. Copeland, Costelb. DoInt-Dorniden, Flatt- boru,Sullivan.Vall Slyke, Mr. President.-1San- 17. Sullivan.Anproved Nov. 19, 1890. Yeas-Ald. B.nholzer, Bielenberg. Boit, ( oil 1¢y,Cnpeland, Costello, Dobner, Uorniden, Flnu Resolved, That the corporation attorney be drau,Gehan, TleN nmee, 3lelady, )[fnm,Snnborn, land he i. hereby xnchori-d and dirn:ted to Suilivau. \'nt 5yke,Yresidett-1T aonunrnce actino against all pereons nud corf,o- Pa+;eea Nov. 18, 1890. tions who are now nlnwlully occupyyng any p, O. CbLLEN. President of Council' offthe streets. alleys, levees nd pubic pineen Approved Nov. 19. 1890. . thin thu cit f St. Paul, and [hut safdactions Rouenr Mayor. y o 1891. Attest: Taos. A- YitENUE11 nsr, Cit}• Clerk. �I be conunenced before Jan. 1, Nov. 24. Vers -Ala. Bnnholzer. Biel. in R. Butt. C'on- Cep, C'upelnud,Cos[61. Dobner. Dorniden, Flun- dr+n. Gehan, McNamee, ylelady. Mines, Sn - VRllIN.aNCE - 1,437. LO[IL Sullivan, Van Flvke Mr. Preside[ -1 i Au ordinanceef ment to e 11 10 f,rlatfng money for and df- li ,approved Nov. 19. 1890. ring the payJolts Meloy of thesona of ,the hind red (8100) dol: ars, pursuant to x•porr r,f ,,ni mitre of tial uas. R)' Ald. ]fehad}'- The Cummun i panda Of the City of SL Paul do Resolved, 'That the street oil half, contractor ord:aui u� fulo,s: - he instructed li replace the gasoline lamp as be- eert: ,n 1. 'That nil order be dr.1 upon the I fore IomaG.d on ]Vater street between Ed,card cit)' ttcusury of St. Paul fat favor of John Moloy street nud Walter street. for thesumof o e aul it it ((8100) dollars iu; ]-eas-AId.Bnnholzer.Bfelenberg, Ro[t. L'onlep, full euro pro-utinn fur nud s vsfactmo of his Copeland, Costello. Uobner, Uorddeu, Fl undruu. claim dna dent It(' against the city of St. Pout (:cion, \(cNamee, Jfemdy,.)tineu, Sxuborp, ul- far damages dna rapenses fur injuries received livxu, \'uu Slyke, Dlr. Pre.ndnnt-17. by reason of his falling off a broken step at the ,approved Nov. 19, 1890_.. corner of Fourth street and Boftmxu avenue, na by the report o[ the committee all claims to the common council of dote the 17th day of Nove'�', BY Aid. lolved�alt'iaat the thiel of police be and be I. her. A. 1). 1890, will -110,1c fully , ppear, s order to be delivered onpun his filnng i,ith hereby Inetrncted to cause the telegraph the city comptroller fun at d absolute receipts poles In the class on the south aide f Teutn I the city in stolistst. [oilLt., n said claim or Ue- street, h twin Jxcksou street and Cooper .and. sheet, to be Iorthudtn removed from said alley. Sec. 2. This ordinsnce shall take effect and be Yens-Ald. Bnnholzer, Bielenberg, Batt, Con- Sn force from and after its publication. ley, Copeland, Costello. Incliner, Uorniden, F ill, - Yens -Aad. Bauholzer, Rtelenberg. Boit, Con- iron, l;ehun, McNamee, Dtelniy, Mines, a.. da Costello, llnbnrr, Dortfdeb F'Isn- born, Sullivan, 1, an Slyke, Mr. President -17. draw, Uehan J1cNumee, Melady, Mines. Snn- Approved Nov. 18, 1890. born, Sullivan, Van Slyke. Mr. President -l7. Passed Nov, 18, 1890. O, O. , I.LEV. President of Council. Approved .Nov. 19•Rous- A. Sufr., Mayor. Attest: THoe. A. PIIENn... , i City Clerk. Nov. 21. REaOLMONs. By Aid. Gehan- Resolved, That the following plat, as sp- proved by the plat commission and a recom- mended by the city engineer,, be and the same Is hereby accepted by the common council of the city of 8t. Paul: River RoulevarU addition, St. Paul, Mfnn. Yeas-Ald. Bauholzer, Riehi erg, Bot[, Con- ley, Copeland, Costello, Uobner, Dontideu,Flan- By Aldi. Gehnn- Resolved, That the city clerk be and he is hereby instructed to advertise for bid. for the furuiahing of lumber for the city for the year 1891. Yeas -Aid. Bandoleer, Bfelenberg, Bott, Con- ley, Copeland, Costello, Dobmee, Mner. Dorniden, Flau- boru, .Sall van, VnnaSlyke, il[r Ymeident-17 t) Approved Nov. 19, 1899. By Aid.Banholzer- Resolved, That an order be drawn upon the city treasurer in favor of George Reis, city treasurer, for the sum of 81,815130 to pav the PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 461 laborers working nt bricklaying a on the ]fid 'ay eewer system - ring [he 1 on It of S"Olow ber and up to the 10th dny f October, 1890, under Paulsen & Conrad, subcontractors for performing the bricklayer work in the construe tion of snfd Midway sewer system raider James Forrestal. original contractor ,'Itlt the ci y, said contract havine been terminated by the board of public works and declared forfeited to the city on or about the 11th day of October, 1890. Said 81,815.:10 being the amount now doe for said Iabm as appears by verified claims now filed with the city comptroller. Provided, That no order or orders shall Issue uponthe city treasury for the payment of said labor or any part thereof until the contractor, his bondsmen nd nssigu. Shull have first filed In the office of Lite city comptroller a proper in- strdmeat authuriziugt he city of St. Paul to pay e td labor, suit re • tzing that such payment shall be considered by them s a part of the contract price xuA changeable thereto. ]'ens -Aid. Bauholzer, Bielenberg, Bott, Con- ley, Copeland, (us "]to, Bogner, Dorniden, Flun- drau.Gehan, McNamee, Melady,\floes, Suilivau. Van Slyke, Mr. President -1(i. Ald. Sanborn excused from voting. Approved Nov. 19, 1890. By Ald. Conley - Resolved, That an order be drawn on the city treasurer in favor of O. F.. Holman, corporation LtonteY for the snit of two hundred (8200) dollars. to be used as . ntingeat fund h. the corporal fou attorney's office, for the payment of costs rand witness fees. Yens-Ald. Isanholzer, Bielenberg, Batt, Cm, ley, Copeland, Costello, Uobner, 1 fden, Fl. nd rxu, Get,,.,]ICNamee, J[elnay, ?linen, arbor., Sullivan, Veru Slyke, Mr. President -17. Approved Nov. 19, 1890. Resolved. That an order be drawn upon the city treasurer fu favor of George C. Harper, for the sum of fifteen dollars (815). In fall satfsfac- tiou of damages sustained by him, as owner of the building situated upon lot fi, block lu, Stht- son's addition to St. Paul, t +cconn[ of chwge of grade o t Burr sty t, behveen Mm.1hahn street and Whitnll street, said order to be de- livered Only upon his filing ,'iththe city comp- troller release (tt full for all damage. oc- casioned ns idresaid. Yeas -Aid. Bauholzer. Bie',enberg, Batt, Con- ley, ('opelana, Costello. Dobner, Dorniiden, Fmndrau, Gehan, yleNnnhee, 3lelady, Jl:nen, Sanborn, Sullivan Viol Slyke, ]Ir. President -17. Approved Nov. 19, 1890. By :aid. Culleu- Rescd-1, That an order be dra,'n Upou the ft ey treaurer in favor Of Messrs. \hurrsay and Woodruff, attorneys of record for Carrie B. Wright, for the in t of fourteen Uore llaand seventy-five cents (511.7i) fn paynn•itt of a certain judgment recovered by said Carrie R. Weigh[ eKainst the city of St. Raul, and duty entered to the office of the clerk of the hdistrict, court In and for the county of Ramsey and State of Minnesota on the 29th day of October, A. It. 1890. Said order to be delivered only upon the filing with the city comptroller of said city a proper si tfef letion fn full Of said judgnnent. Yeas-., Id. Bnnholzer. BM-1,erc, Rntt, Con- lev, Copeland, Costello, llobuer. Dorniden, ;Fhl draw. Gehan, McNa im, ]teddy, Mine., San- boru. Sullivan, Van Slvke, Mr. President -17. Approved Nov. 19, 1890. By Aid. Gehan- - Whe eau, The common coup 'h1 of the city of St. Rud fins this day s pprovedof a contract warded by the board Of public works of id city' to l lasa in J. Preston for the construction of it sc,ar oil Cleveland averat, from Power street to Myrtle avenue, and on Wabash "avenue, frontCleveland avenue to Montgomery street; 'nt` hereas, The common council upon further investigation nud inquiry is of the opinion that so melt of said contract its r quires. the con- struction of a 9,11,1 on \Vabnsh sw nue ought to be eifmii-il and stricken out of said cou- tract; therefore, Resolved, That the board of public ,'orks are hereby ?authorized mal fust ac Red to so modify Lhe contract this (toy awarded lVilllnm J. Pres- ton for the construction of a serer on Cleveland h.vfug consented thereto, bystrik- ing out of the same so much thereof as relates to Wabmsh uvenme. Peas-Ald. Banholzrr, Bielehberg, Bott,Conley, Copeland, Costelo, Dobner, florid tell, Fldn- drxu, Gehan, Mc\aince. Melady, Iiiea, San- born, Sullivan. Van Slyke, Mr. Presideut-17. Approved Nov. 19. 1890 By Aid. Sullivan- - Resolved. !'hat the board of public works aro hereby mHhorizeto construe[ a cross walk s \\'althorn d avenue at Its intersection ,fill Laura avenue. Vers -.,Id. Bxnholzer, Bielenberg. Bott, Con- le}-, ('oprlund. Costello, Donner, llornaen, Flan- drau, Gehan, McNamee, Melady, Mines, Suit - born. Sullivan, \'un Slyke, Mr. President -17. .approved Nov. 19, 1890. By Aid. Sullivan- - It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of file City of St. Paul; That the [hatter of grading Temple Court, from (1•etin avenue [o Cleveland avenue, iu Cftp- Itol addition, ns per attached petition. be and the m is thereby referred to the board of public a works to investigate and report: First -Is this improvement proper mid ueces- eaSecond-Give the council all estimate of the ex pmase thereof, and scute 'hetber one -halt of [he cost thereof is to be pufd into Lhe city treast- or, before the contract fe let. Third -eau real estate to be ass -sed for said improvement be found benefited to the extent of damages, costs and expenses necessary to he incurred thereby" Fourth -Is such improvement asked for upon the petition or applteation of the owners of a majority of the property to be assessed for such cyp Fiffb-Send the council 7�lxn or Profile of ,aid improvement, as required by law', profile re- port in favor of the.-ne. S - th-Send the council a proper order direct- ing the work to be done. ]'sus -Aad. Bunhoizer, Blelet.berg. Bott, Con- . y, Co peau i d, Costello, Dobner, Uorniden, Flan - tran, Gehmi, McNamee, Melady, Mines, San. worn, Suilivau, Slyke, Mr. President -17. A f,proced Nov. lA, 18AU. By Ald. Sullivan - It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: That the mutter of grading Ann .arbor street, rom Finn avenue to Cretin avmme in Capitol 462 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. I i PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 463 addition, as p egoist of Props tv owners (at- Fourth—Is such improvement asked for upon [ached), be dr the sn ie hereby referred the petition or application of the owners of to the board of public works to investigate and majority of the property to be assessed for such pp rt: vm improeent? "V=—Is this improvement proper and neces Fifth—Send the council a plan a proflle of sary? said improvement, as required by law', iI you co- Second—Give the council n estimate of the port in favor of the skits. expense thereof, and tate whether ona-half of Sixth—send the council a proper order direct- thre e cost theof is to be paid into the city treas- ing the work to be done. before the contract. is ]et. \'e¢s—.tm. Bknholmr, Bielenberg, poll, Con- ' real estate to be assessed for said ley Copeland, Conteilo, Dobner, Doruiden, improvement be found benefited to the extent of Flandrau, l;ehan, Mc.Na mei. Dfelndy, Minna, damages, costa and expenses necessary to be ln- Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President— curred therelty? 17• Fourtb—I. such Improvement asked for Upon Approved Nov. 19, 1890. gmjp�triy ofor f the prolperty to be ameased for such — Imnrovement? By Aid. Melody— Flit—Send the council a plan or profile of IL is hereby ordered by the Common Council said improvement, ae required by law, )f you re- of the City of St. Paul: port fn favor of the same. Sixth—Send the council a proper order direct- That the matterof condemning. and taking an I ag tAe work to held easement for aveuutes from Pnecessary seise Terrafor c grad - '"e;, Yeas—Aid. BanhoIve , Bichaberg. Bott, C<n- ing ley. Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Dornideu, Annapolis street, be and the came is hereby two' Flan Iran, Gehan. McNamee. nisi ady, Mine., ferted to the board of public works to Investi- Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President gate and report: _I7. First—lit this improvement proper and neces- Approved Nov. 19, 1890. aryl _ . ' and—Give the council n timate of ohs se thereof, .ud tato y dmther ova -half of It Be herebd. y ordered by the Common Council 01 the cost thereof is to be pNd foto the city treas- o try before We contract i. let. the City t St. Ylod Third—Isis real setate to be masesed for said That the atter of grading Flinn avenue from i nrovemeut be found benefited to the extent 01 R ado street to St. Anthony ['clue, a Cu} itol du tag«e, conte and expeaeee necessary to be in - addition, as per ttiched pets tial, be attlt the curved thereby? x hereby referred to the board of public Fourth -1s n en improvement asked for uipon ke to investigate and repot: the petition o[ appllextion f the Own rs t same First—Is this improvement proper and necee- a]ority of the property to be gave for auch B Second—Give the ouncil a estimate of the Improvement'! expense thereof, and tate [whether one-half of Fifth—p Send the council a plan or proflle of the cost thereof is to be p id into the city trees- saiimprovement, of the samas required by law, it you re- ury before the contract 1 let. port Third—Can real estate to be asssesaed for said Sixth—Send the council a proper order direct- fmprovement be found benefited to the extent of Ing the work to be done. damage costs and expenses necessary to be in- Yes.—Ald. Bxnholzer, Bilenb,r, Bott, Cooley, torted thetebp? - Copeland, Costello, Uobuer. Uontiden, Flxndntu, Fourth—Is such impprovement asked for upon Genan, M -Name,, Melady, Mines, Sanborn. Sul - the petition or ¢pplicxtion of the owners of a livau, Van Slyke, Mr. Prealdent-17. majority o[ the property to be assessed for such Approved Nov. 19, 1880. Improvement? — Fifth—Send the comall el plea or proflls of said irepr nt, as required by ]aw, If you re- port. in taooetiif the same. Si,th—Send the council a proper order direct- ing the work to be done. Blelenberg, Bort. Con- Yeas—Ald. Banholzer, ley. Cop ad, Costello. Dobner. E o ldim Flan- drau. Gehan, \SCVamce, ]Ielxal Y• dl ilea, San- born, Eullivan. Van Slyke, Mr. Preeidco-17. Approved Nov. 19 1990. By Aid. Dobaer— It is hereby ordered by the Common Council f the City of St. Paul: That the matter of grading Carte[ avenue notation of Cltizene' league a tamed), be and Lh; ]ttla orkb to inve.ths" and -port: —let- to theLourd of p First—I. this Improvement pro per and a-- snSeeond—Give the council a e timate f the exp, thereof, and tate whether ov halt of the cost thereof I. to be paid tato the city treas- u y before the contract fa let. Third—Can 1 ..tate to be used for said ba p ovement be found benefitted to the extent t damages, costs said expenses ueceasary to bs Incurred thereby? By Aid. Mines— It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City f lt. Paul: 'That the matter of coademnlug rend taking int for making slope. neceaotty for grading S[ickney street, from Concord[ t to the d thea mmcity lis thereby lie fercerl to the bioal. bd of pubhceno %. to inve.tifte and report: F fret—Ia this improvement prolx•r ..n,x u, vary! eGive the on: infl "'1 r+:t:mnta of ta! e th,l.:m•i iit the cost iiia m psi ol,�..,i.,. .r•1the t tri...+ ury Leto r tun u•t i 'fair.. r• !•.txty to :e r -a rors-tul I Irnror o. tit I's I axe . I.varlit«Jct a ria • .l of Ju 'littj,r: ea[. xx 1 .-.vl•. o". utt:�-n �rA' t•, cuFoor 1.—i+ ,:e:: int• ov_mett askeI for ntMr t the Iretitloo o al,l, t'..t:oo to - + •.f n nnjprl• y o: t a J-;, t5 to L—c—'s—dips . fnF'fltoea-sept.• taeyr :ascii :v ).::+o ro'1 eo1 said .m lr••+'ein ni. a. n y,: aid b)'i:t.+. i/ yox v, I- in xv•r ••f t:ewtm S--,xt:,—+eu t i.e rasps, x 1•roper order d': vL- lug in, ++ark to be June. Peas—Ald. Banhoizer, Bielenberg, Bolt, Con- ley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Dovniden, Flan- drau, Gehan, Mc\amee, Hemi,, \tinea, San- born, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -17. Approved Nov. 19, 1890. By Aid. Geban— Itlshereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: That the matter of the grading of Linden street, from Mt. Airy incest to Arch street, be and the same is bereby referred to the board of public works to investigate nod re port: First—Ie this improvement Proper and neees envy? Second—Give the council at, timate of the expense thereof, said state• whether one-half of the cost thereof is to be paid Into the city treasury before the contract is let. Third—Can real estate to be assessed for sntaid Improvement be found benefited 10 the exteof damages, costs and expense. neceasxry to be Incurred thereby? Fourth—la such improvement asked for upon the ppvpkion %application f the owners f it aj city of the property to be assessed for such improvement. Fifth—Send the counc,reil plan or profile of saidportI.tavorof the same�uired by law, if you re- pot Slxth—Send.the comwil k Proper order direct- ing the work to be done. Yens—Aid. Bauholzer, Bfelenbsrg, Bolt, C'on- 1 p Conela "dim, Dobner. Don:ideu. Fla dra G amus 3[cNumee, Mclndy -idea, Sanborn,[ Sullivan, Val Slyke, Mr. President —]7 Approved Nov. 19, 1890. By Aid. Copeland— It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: That the matter of grading : ley in block 17, Onkeale Park addition from 'nlsh ave ue to Weide street, be, and the sn I. hereby re re (erd tc the board of public works to investi. gate and report: First —I.s this Improvement proper and neces- s yeSecond—Give the council nstimate of the pease thereof. and state vbether on «-half of Ill cost thereof fs to be paid into the city treas- ury before the contract I. let. Third—Can re.l estate to be ns.c.-d for said improvement be found benefited to the extent of damages, costa and expenses veceeaxri, to be fn- cnried thereby? Fourth -1e such Improvement eked "IUP" the petition r application of the ow'netN of a aj city o[ the property to be a.ees.ed for each mp lrovement? Fifth— p Send the council u plan or profile of said in fav of the Nal m enured by law, you re - Pork Sixth—Send the cl oucil a proper order divect- Ii the work to he done. Yeas—Ald. Banholzer, Bishmberg, Bott. Con. ley, Copeland, Castello. Dobaer, 11—afdeu. Flandrau, Gehan. bleNamee, Melady, Mines, Sanborn, Sullivan. Van Slyke. Mr. President Approved — Approved NOY lA, 1890. i By Ald. Malady— It is hereby- ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: That V'. re matter of condemning and taking all ut for snaking elopes necessary for rruding King street. front Cherokee venne to Bidwell street in the city of St. Paul, be slid the nm+ is hereby referrers to the board of public works to investigate mid report: First—la this Improvement proper and neces- eary? Second—Give the council an estimate of the expense the•rof, :,ad state whether one-half of the cost thereof is to be paid into the city treas- ury before the contract is let. Third—Can real estate to be aeseseed for said mprovement be fonud benefited to the extent of damage , costs anti expenses necessary to be Incurred thereby? Fourtb—Is such improvement asked for upon the petition or application of the owner's of a majority of the property to be assessed for such improvement? Fifth—lend the council a plan or profile of said i provennent. as required by law, If you report in favor of the same. Sixth—Send the council it proper order direct - big the work to be done. Yeas—Ald. Bnnholzer, luelenberg, Bott, Conley, Copeland, Co.tolo, Dobner, Dorniden, Finn- dr.u, Gahan, McNamee. Jlemdy, Tinea. Svv - boru, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. Yreaident-17 A roved Nov. 19, 1890. By Ald. Dob ner— It is b,mby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: That the matter of grading Keston street (res- olution of St. Anthony Dark Citizen,' league at- tached), be and the same is hereby referred to the board of public works to investigate and report: First—Is this improvement proper and neces- aary? Second—Givc the council all estimatu'of the e pause thereof, and state whether one-half of the cost thereof is to be paid into the city treas ury before thecoiitrncc is let. Third—Can rnal estate to be assessed for said mprovement befound benefited to the extent of damages, costs and expeuaee necessary to be in red thereby? Fourth -Ie such Impr vem lit naked for upla, the P,titlon application of Llne o erb t a n jo[ity of the property to be save ssaJ for such the Bend the council n plan or profl:e of said improvem nt, a."'Ildred byl:+w. tl yu n re- port In favor of the same. St,th—Send the connoil n prop, :•t- ing the work to be Jol- 1'eas—.fids ihntho z. r. 13:,1: n,b^r •. "otr. "oa: •r, C'ol�baiJ. ['case: o.: o•, .tor .•.e.: y:.x •vino:. Selma, y 1 -I' e. pie S u:l:va V\'a:v,Sy;Ir P,-1 -lit -17. AJproveJ N-19, ;Eu .:. In the toot•r,•f fl, «rePnr' n rr-lin +rl •[ pnadr wo:k. dite�l ylu: va IE. 180:. uuJ Nov. ln. 1.11 Itis I,e­•v nr'er 1 I.y- the Gummas vomac.l lit the C.ty of Si. "Ill: Tlmt :Ise :•ox .i a pal tcwork+of said citynf St. 11u1: lana. It,' oil wing improvem-u[ to w :4jYXnS.i3?'*)�t•±1'"4Th-'oP+. 464 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 465 ode, to wit: Grade to the established grade Resvinr ]lieetans. Itsecn of CITY OFF[Caas. wo... ..cmaren. then gulled levee or street ill the Sixth ward, o Of Cl Tzeaxurer-Rep rt for November. First NnLlon.I book........... ${,{49.71 e„ntmeuc it g at the coat flue of Block •'C,",But - nine 14 Ohviur's addition to West St. Ynul: ST. P.,u[., Dec. 2, 1$90. President Cullen in the chair. To the 11. oranie tie Pre,idect t t Council o[ [he City of S[. Paul- and Common „ ]lercha air' Nxtiottnl.......... -.266.66 Bmtk of .Minnesota............ 1,341.11 thence tt a n rtbens[erly din•ctiou along the In,—of the said at, t lava¢ and, Water street Y.... at-Ald. llauholier, Bieleabe , Boit, Gent semen: I have the honor to submit to you the following report of the r • irts and dis. ¢Nov. National German A iii-wan back..:. 1,-120.11 Ger nt bi nk.. 1, 40L90 t the intersretiou of Fillmore avenue. ,ad Fill- CoPelxnd Costello. Doauer. Dorniden, Flavdrau• 11eNnmee. 3nuea, Sunborr• bur,enterta of thin ollice from 1, lBAU, `L. Paul National back................... 3,2:S7.7fi tetra avenue to an intereeation pith Hyde,[reet; tlteoc in-tillesterly o t Hyde street to the GeLnn, Dielady. Sullivan. Van Slyke, Mr. President-lis. to Ilec. 1, 1890: Commercial National bunk............. 11,]:18.66 Sc0 nd Natio tal bank, 1.28'.{7 south line of the levee: thencCe nnrtheasieri l' Minutes of preceding meeting approved and necatrrs. Savings bank ................................... 4.184.:34 xlOng the levee co Mill street; rltence northeast- dinoeliscd with. Balance on hand People's bank....... ................ .......... 360.02 erly on Mill street to Starkey stree[,fu saideity. That said board cause said work to be let by col-cstc-loss. Nuv. I, 18911........ County treasurer..... $ i3,54n.80 33,928.:i7 Seven Corners back........................ 3.364.18 Capitalbank.................................... 1183.97 coArone-half es, Provided by Ino', a.i[heut Municipal court....... 3,284.25 West Side bank .......................... 33. i0 a • o,l 1.: of the rstimxtelnnd ec being li est cid rt[o the of file m g P S. From S. Eaton and Others- Pou ,big ������ ¢ spect ,7.00 S Scandinavian :\mericnu bink......... :1,179.65 al, city treasury, after said ark shall be Protesting against pmcm f ordinance grant- ga o Building htspettor... City clerks, ],173.03 580.00 Bank of \Iinueso[n hiterest account 1,482.30 placed tides said board ahnil proceed ing to Favre turd Deslauers (Lefebvre and ............. lVorkliousr ............. 26-1.30 561,E ;:t,93 Totalfull y totractsu s, without, del a)'er assess the +s ,jn; t. as nearly na .her eau ascertain the same, which twill be re- Deslauriere loo to move three frame sr pennws V'xeutine Feee......... - 7,316.00 ...........itte ... ....... Respectfully submitted, '�""�� quired to pay the cost and necessary expenses buildings. Accepted on file. ]hit d. on .eater bocle Geoy Rets, ( such Improvement upon [he real estate to be and placed ................... Witter depnr[meec 8,760.00 T City Treasurer. hrnelited by nxI I improrentent, leen Lite amount of Slli.6'3, to b¢ p,tfd out of the bond furl ,it from J. K. yloore std Others- Asking that such action be taken as will cause Keipt, ................ Redeemed 2;3,74F1.G4 Dec. ], 1890. Committee oil 1 ns. and en thorfzed for the gt'adi ng of said )ever or street, the St. Paul S Nor[Itrrn PIIcific Ituil.a'ny mm- cer[ifl- cafes of sale........ 17,594.64 rr- Of lily Comptroller-:\udited claims, viz.: x pro tided b}- bra; it being the opinion Of it pnuy to remote bridgra Over Raymond and In St. Anthony Park fit Partial tedemp[(on T. Reilly. I•:,ttmute No. 8, wooden atecv+ake, co uacil If real axt ate to be +t a.e xed for such less avenues and thereof iron or steel bridges. etefpss................. 612.07 189 0, 81i,89Y.96; C. ]aril]]'. 1?stintte No. 8. hent can be found benrfi ted to the e ten sof the cost and ¢xpeusea ta•cessury to be in- place erect Committee oro s'. ream. Advanced Pn3 tents P •li ng in District No. G, S19:i.68; Ed Carle- tun uEstintnte No. 1, gntdiug Linwood place, curved thereby, leas the amount of SHi,6(10, to From Edward P. Bu ford and others- on sewer assess- m ente.......... 410.36 $4'25; James Forrestal, Istlmnte No. 8 and be paid out of [le Gond hand authorized for the Askiugthat the services of C. R. Stone be re- _..... Repairing paved hitt], s trickling in District No. - $993.16: V add levee or a: sect. grading of lad tailed an xaxfstnut inspector of building,. [rests................. S3.A0 James o restal, Estimate Nu. 8and final, Yeas-Aid. Banholzer, Bielenhen, Imtt, Con- C'omntittce it way. and ineans. Library fines........... GG.98 sprinkling fn District No. o, SG114. 10; ,lames ley. Copelaltd, Costello, Rubner, Dorniden, Finn' drum, ]:cite, \(rN ansae, Mrludy, \linea. San- I+ram St. Paul Citp Railway Compnit} Pnrk commission Interest or deposits 49.;1 101.46 Formatal, Estimate No. S a d firm], sprinkling in Distrlet No. f, 81,267.13+; IT. Yrdoy, Estinmte bora, Sullivan, Van Slyks, Mr. President-17. I Acteptalim of Ordinance No. 1430, street rail- Licenses ud per- No. 2 and !hall aeaeer ort Dawson street, $8u: T. Approved Nov. 19, 1890. lay line±-exteusiou of time. tits B. p. lV......... :328.00 Mil oy, Es hour, \o. 3 and final. scall, on C.orpor.tioit attorney'. Liquor f est sse........ 6,00u.00 Fuller street, 5270; W. J. Preston, F:sOmate No. _ From W. W. Campbell- Asking 875 damages to shade trees, etc., Alld- Butdxr Resales...... Mi=]n _sous ]i- 163.30 2 std ata, ewer on Laurel + -enne $24.60; W. J. sPreaton, Estimate tNo. :S way street grading. tenses.... .. ...... 83.00 id final, s .'el, of Hagme v nu $:328; T. In the matter of the report of the board of pub-'� Co�t tni[tee ou claims. ]iI workdated Nov. 13, 1890. Ae'-=nt caller.- Lions 121, 149.07 Lluitu, EstJmute No. 2 d IDud. grading Chalton avenue, $395; J. T. Mflifoi, 1:atlmxte From Jon. Pichu- If is hereby ordered by file Common Council of ..................... TOWtI receipts. 5300,262.63 N • 4 mud fist¢]. Starling Jessamine scree[, etc., , Ankilte $2,530 danmgee-defect{Ve sidewalk- the City o[ at. all: . Fillmore $1,117.1,(1; C. Stone. Estimate No. 7 xtl fitful. • South WabusLa at met and uvenue. That the board of pablic works of the city of p ntemuasealt;Nrs. Ib 3 avenne bridge substructure, S4,102.02; Thornton Sha,, Estimate 3 final, improvement comnnttae nn claims. St. Paul corse the to low int t to be From Fredrick. \Veber- City orders pnid......5137,83G.Gi mud t Olive street sewer and griadiug. $272.50; H. C. g. $ mode, to onCondemn and taken i entlrment permiasiou to mace bora from Whitney'. sub- 'nth Fire Sep .rt stent Huebner, Extimnte No. 8 rl faun]. grading `]cued abutting or, the alley ill block two {session [o Ircmg's Uuclotn. C. Ili warrants paid...... 18,529.80 Rice street, 51,615.60; P. T,,,tholt, E,tint+tte (2), .•Irl Ineier and Evatitl LLddi[iott to t it uecenear • to coastnict the Com nOt[ee oat etreetn. Paul, In surdcity.) - Water, d¢ t t Px: melt warrants 31,026.90 No. 2 and final, grading alley in block 26. Got- y' From illfchrl Bleaiva urnd others- slopes for cute n d fills in grading said pro[es[ing gninst the a coon of skating I,mid...... St. Paul workhouse I ill's rearrangement of Sieel's addition, 5615.63: P. Tun[nolt, Estimate No. 2 and flung. grading alley to the -tab grade thereof, ns rink-Summit Pince and St. Anthonyavenue. warrants pfd...... 1,948 66 I alley it block a Weide's rearrangement of a ,hoa'tt by the profile of itid grade on fib., ill the t'om na[tee on streets. tlI. Paul library Palet'e Ont Lots.512: q'. Sweeney Estintn-e No. otl(ce of the renderer of iced¢ fu mud for InGnsey From J.", l:nrell- warrants.............. 2,391 /)3 7 and finnl.g nuilug )f isslsxln Pi street,$ l,31i3.60; unty,aud fit the o6im of the city eneiueer,; For permisalon to nave transferred to frim avid slopes to extend one and one-hash f 1!y) feet butcher license No. 8, issued to Ben Welch I Parkcommissioners' warrant, paid...... 2,312.18 George Retn, cloy treneurer, $1}0.76; F.nriecoli,Jr.. $:3,075.29: Pioneer Press Company, 57,891,68; on.xfit Ixnd for every toot f cut or fill, as it, Jun. 29, 1835. Interest torpors / John )farts¢ Lumber Company, $1,895.14: dialled on the {tlxu of said slopes nt[n'liead [o Committee On licence. 'Three paid ...................... 36,052.50 St. Paul Gas Light, 58,9311.'lti: Die Volks-Rung, said report, and to be tiled ill the office of said From Scott. General Manager St. Paul board. Cit}- Ituil.r,ty Company- delay Redeemed carti0- cut- nte, of ease......... Partinfly 16,88 ' 3 I 5197.20; James ('fen ry. $9u: Board f Winter Commis,ionera, 545.35; T. )IIll,•y, Estimate That said board ,hall nrocced without For permission to urer•t telephone poles on ton, to taaae,s the amount, is nearly ns they can na- south side of Selby avenue, from Victoria street redeeLnecl� certi6aates f sae 898.06 I No.:3, supplementary co No. 2 and if I]. aewer of Sixth sfreer, 820; A. F. }tanks. L•'stimate No. rrrtuia the arms¢, whicL gill be required to pay [o Fnirvie.t avenue. ExPeune and rx i �xuPPlemeutnry to No. 3 and banal, Rroud.ray the chtmnges, coat +t d net a.y expense¢ f tch improvement upon Ghee real estate to be Granted. (See resolution). From William E. Howard- h c nage ................. Police peuahon fund .4 53.38 �,ea'er and gr»dilig, Ramiov, Fxtituate and No. :3, supplementary to No. 2 d sinal, Ore benefited by said improvement. as provided by For pernciealott to tunnel Robert street. from Total....................... $248.608.70 cietent, tl25; Hnnxeu S Johnson, Etltim ate No. or ] I,r'; it being the opinion of the co or 1 that real pioneer Press btdiding to Manhattan building, Balance on hand 3, , I ithancritary to No. 2 and final, leave n a •orate to Le ne,eseed for such can Le muni Len¢Ifted to [he extent of [he damages, ;corner Robert cif Fifth streets, to he used 1n a and electric •ounettion with team heating Dec. 1. 1590......... Total disburse- Gl,uu:i.93 limihl ¢tract. 526; J. N'orrext+tl; Esclmnter No. 5, acpnlement cry to No. 4 and final, war mi east tad expenses necessary to be iucurr,d liglttiitg menta................... 5300,262.63 George street. etc., 560; T. y(. Bmi,u. L•'stimats thrrrL}'. Granted. (See Ordinance No. 1,439.) Fcxna. No. 5. supplementary to Nu. 4 and final, sewer Vexa-Aid. Banhol er, Bfelenbetg. Bott. ('on- ley, Co}tehtnd, tostrllo, UOLiter, Dorniden, Mill, I From Germania Sauk- Protesting against granting Permission to SE. coxnmou oe City hall and court honssfunds.......... a Anrorn a en etc.. 876: T. M. Itrean. E,timate No. a 4. ¢supplementary to No. 3 final. Prescott 560. Irnu, Geh.tli, Mc\amee, yia•Indy, \tinea. Sn -; turn, Sullivan, Van Slyke. Mr. Preefdcut- 17.5 y+fol S Kansas Citi Railway to ]ay spur tracks In West St. Paul. 514745.84 Police pension funds 6,492.59 'i ad x war o street. J. P. Gribben Lumber Company, $78.40; E. Me- :\pprovecl Nov. 19, 1890. Accepted mud placed on ❑le, City funds................ 24.079:3' Nnmee. 591.80; Ifouxe n[ Good Shepherd. From Gro. 1l Br,tdiwrn, _1T D.- qty water work,.... 1,-1611.68 8:386.89: St. Until S ttication Comptty, $111; x :}diourned. U. O. Contex, President of Council. Asktg 811.'• services rendered Police Officer Yetereott, City Library............ 4.879.112 K. P. Cullen, 5234: }}. M. S op[h Prancing Con. stn)'. $14.63: F. W. Ha,Ifield, 527.90: Sr. Paul Ironudry Tiros. A. Yue�'nF.t:.anr, City ('lerk. Crin n itt¢e on claims. Total.. ....................................... $61,663,93 I Company, $112.60; Y. H. I{lily Mer- 466 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. cantile Company S:31.20; Field. }fabler & CO, 25 cents; R. A.hworth, 91761.80; D.. & UIi- n; $14.65; R. E. Patterson. $20; Jdtui Bell & Son, 5179.80: Wyckoff, Seamans & Benedict, Sl.du; Butting- & So t. $3.48: Lehigh Co. andlr$ 10-C Ay$ 5.52; J.S. turis.$I2Com- Pun3', 38. t fl; C'. Smarr, Sot; . S, Barris. $ t 20.47; James C d S. Be.,,.819 F. G. Drapelobe P li lung $46.31; Ed S. ean. n Electric Globe and Pow - C. 5:33; F.di.+on L•'lec[rle Light and Po w:•r Co mpnn y, 515!Y•l; John Donlan & Son. .$497.20: George J. Mitfnh & Co.. $5.77: St. Paid Gas Light Com➢pray, 8228.15: Eureka Stone ComPnuY. S8.'-1; PeoPle'e ice C'ompt y.333,(13; Brown. Treaty & Co.. $2 72: Weitz] Wenhich, $10.56: P. V. Dwyer & Bro.5:33.84: Maxfield & Seabury, $4: Cheater Oil Co,mpany, S9: St. Paul & Puoific Coal Company. S1L6.:35: D. Con- nell, 96.25: Schmitt & S.R. $3.84: lied Betts, $2: Joseph Anatett. 530.18; St. PA"' Daily Nex's. 52: C. C. Berkman & 5m1. S i; It. J. Bell, $96.80; Mflea & Hale, $1961.75; Charles L. Weed, 57.28: M. R. Murnane, $6; J. L. Henry, 86: Rodgers N& W Ordway, 541.711; J. B. Maynard, 526.411; yf. . eber, fiat; J. Kahlerl, $54.55: [t. T. O'Connor. :273.75: Corlies,Chup- xu & Drake, $18; Tierney & Co.. 52.02: Quin - by & Abmott, 532.22: Lindekes, Warner & Schurmeter, 812.12:3; Noyes Rroa. & Cutler. $146.07; George Mitxch, 5202.211: R. Seeger, 50.9'0; N. W. Stamp \forks, $3.75; Bnzille &- Partridge, 30.85; Board of Fire Com- ' rs. $80; Robfvxont & Cary C..,772.42 A F. Peterson, 82o: W. N. Cay &Snn, $104; Chicago, :1liitrnu keg & SL. Paul rxilwny, 825.63; F. Ssok. $5.75: E. Bouquet & Co.. 81.20; Amer ican Manufacturing Coulpxny. 542.75: North- 'estern Telep„one Exchange Comneiny, 570.25; Prendereas[ Broa., 564.87; Finch. Van Sl3'ck & Co.. $:{.:35: Berinrldi & to., $40; W. 11. B[ugger, 34; P. C'-1, utz,322: ALI- Manufacturing Cont- pamy, 51,260; Charley F. Pusnh, $5.10; Steven. & Robertson, S3.62; George W. Stenger,8507. 70: Board of Water Commissioners, S209.38; A. Jobst, $72: Merrill','roilet supply, $9.75; P, J. Hogan -& Co.. $18.711; St. Pail Book a11d Stationery Comp:uty. 8229.93: Geo. C Harper, S70. 18; Baker & \luf[at. 59.81 W. McGuiguu. & MCTeame. Srul.vs; .l. 1'. n 33: St. Paul Hardware Co.. 31: T11m Ciiv Lime & Cement Co., 5105.0:1. Allowed and ordered paid by following vote: Y­-Ald. Bauhnlzer, Bielrubeec. Bute, Cope- Ixnd, Costello, llobner, Dorsi, incl, F:ali ran' Gehnn, 3leNxmee, y[.fl:rdy, Siiu�: t. s ulbur.l, Sul - V livau, xd Slyke, Mr. Pre.-f�le.i;--IO. Of City Engin er-:f. F. C:.,, .i , i•1 oi' e.ti pie[t[ion for rh a. x11-,,. gr ne 1o11i.-'x rc:0. aI'd 11 r�tu i,li.l.ul..t ,.I ,v 1. it „•,. t'...-r:i. ell +lid `out 11 1l' n onxl.a'xi nr, [.- '1'o Ile Con, n;o I Cu,imi�: G: .6e11e.1: III ...... . .....• with y..n-nr !,.r. i' I rid, o.n I< ,'I ..fr:r,. I�rc,v,x:n ,:.•or:,• s; I . :vi 1'o leo �Is r: l'1. a• :a .•I , b: x Irc: io nr, :cif ,t I�u I• I. Rol., 1t al ori I.,�a 1.. v.ingru�i a 1: ea•,e [lir 'et,.Iu-'1,'.,It I I,r r. l.. re.l to., t-ou.un.,. a .a ' tlLerll i•tnui�.l .• I. Coy lliy Cu.it mit i_e u:a S-rv:ts. Al... Grove and Eighth streets, bridges - To the Common Council: Gentlemen: In accordance with your Order of Sept. 17. 1690, 1 submit herewith general plan of bridres. I. From the intersection of Grove and Eighth streets to the intersection of Wood- ward and Burr streets: and, 2. From the hdereection of Grove and Eighth streets to Seventh street, on the Has of Grove. The cost of the first named ed bridge, from the Intersection of Grove and Eighth to the inter- section of Burr nod Woodward. would be ap- proximately. *60 000 This includes one-half the .at of the abutment at Grove and Eighth Streets. The cost of the diner halt should be charged to the Grove street bridge. 1 have made no estimate of the "-at Of con- structing the Gr, v street brldge,as thedilferent railroad tompanlescrossing this street have al- ready been ordered to construct a bridge at this point. Respectfully eubrut[ed. L. W. RUNULErr, City Engineer. Nov, 26, 1890. Referred to un Vat Slyke, aldermen of the wands affected and to the following citlzens'com- .fitee: Joim S Prince, William Lindeke, John H. Allen. P. •7. Bowliu, William P. Murray Charier B. Bronson, F, A. Fogg, Samuefn Bergman, Charles S. RoePre, B. Beaupre, William Lee, W. D. Wright, Thomas Brenan. Also, Grading and filing north approach to Ham - line avenue brfdge- 'Phe pity engim�er submits pinna and 9 th ifiea- tlons for said grading and filling and estiina[ea the cost at $300. See resolution. Also, Broadway bridge - To the Common Council: Gentlemen: I send herewith letter from the chief engineer of the United States army, to- gether with the approval by the secretary o[ xr to the Pin- Rid lunation f the eo-called Broadway bridge. conditioned that the city of St. Paul hall construct at some future time, when ordered by the secretary of war, such bo m or fen may be necessary to afely gaid, boat, �d as through the sp ns of s Fd bridge; anJ that [he Lepra hall be dose under the pervislon u[ the a uticaer nicer of the L-sitedKtntee army lu charge of the district. f Quid ret mud that the a ompanyingpp Bers be exe,nt•d bythe proper ity deicers. Re- pecttully submitted, L. W. RUxut-are, Dec.i ec. 2, 1890. ty Engineer. The following is the letter of the chief engineer: U"an Brox, D. C., Nov. 26, 1690. Mr. L. W. Ruvdlett, City Engineer, St. Paul, Minn.: Sir: The accompanying form, in duplicate, iu- di,ating approval by secretary of war of the pl+w and location oP the bridge proppo.ed to be built across the Miexissippl river from Broad way street, between the easterly sued westerly I nal.ries of St. Paul, to State street, 1R said ,icy under provisions of acts of congress ap- e •ved July 5, 1884, and Aug. 29. 1800. Is seat y -u with request chat the Same be executed, In ' Ilurueii'eo this office for completiooper officer of n bye cthesea re "Y 3 )'Ylirentimi of the chief of enaineere, M. ADAInt, \'cry respectfully, your obedient servant, Major, C orp. of Eugiaeers. Ere resolution. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 467 Also. Estimates - The city engineer submits approved by him the touting estimates: Estimate No. 1, Hant avenue bridge, C. Stone, $340; Estimate No. 21\llsalssippf street bridge, C. Stone, 5080. - Allowed and referred to comptroller. Yeas-Ald. Bauholzer, Bleleuberg. Bott, Cope. land. Costello, Dobner, Dorniden, Flandrau, Geham. McNamee, Melmdy, )fined. Sanborn, Sullivan, Vltm Slyke, Mr. Pteeldent-10. Of Corporation Attorney -Contract -James Cleary -Fuel - The corporation attorney submits a draft of said contract. Accepted. (See resolution.) Also, Contract -Charles Stone -Bridge oil Mississippi street across right of way of Wisconsin Cen- tral Railway company - The corporation attorney submits draft of said contract. Accepted. (See I ... Ind...) Also, Contract -Charles Stone -Bridge oil Hamline avenue across right of teal' of Great Northern Railway C'o.- Thecorporation attorney submits draft of said contract. Accepted, (See resolion.) Ot Clerk of Municipal utCourt-Report for No - •e abet, 1690 - City Treasurer a relxlpt for $3,284.76. Committee on ordinances and public acconnte. Of Chiet of Police -Report for November, 1800 - Total arrests, 6F.5; Brea collected by munici- ppul court, 52,991.36 Committeson ordinances and public accounts. Also. Forage. ReporhPollce department -Six months ding Nov. 30. n 1890 -Grain, etc. Supplied: Oil sal, 100 pounds; t., 1,166vr bu.hels; hay, [25.9 tone; ground feed, 485 pounds: basun 2,500 pounds; corn, 6 bushels. Committee on pollee. Of Captain f police -Re p rt for November, 1690 -Gas Ixmps not lighted, 10; oil lumps t lighted, 92. City comptroller. Of Pm,udmaster Truax -Report for November, 1890 -City treasurer's receipt for $16. Committeeon ordinances and public accounts. Of Ponudmaater Hinkel-Asp L for October, 190 ty 11or 11. CBmmi It" on ordinances and[public accounts. xu oa IUatac -se. Stickney Street Slopes - To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: The board of public blt works have had trader consideration the soution or order of the Common 10111,11, approved Nov. 19, 1890, -I- five t0 con demnfng an ase a it for making elopes neves ry for grading Stickney street, it..Conclord street to the south city limits, and, having investigated the proposed improve- medi: Respectfully report that it le necessaryy and Prop Z'to condemn and take an easement in the end abutting on Stickney street,between Con. cord street and the south elty limits, ht said (ity, ecesenry to co strati the slopes for cute and fill. In grading said Stlekney street between Id pointe to the .tabliehed grade thereof, as of9ce.het�rof thehreglstereoIf de aid in ateid for Aameehe Count3'. and m [he office of the city en er' Baia to a to extend one and o -halt (1) fcei eeid Ixnd for every foot of ant or flll, ee In- dicated on the plan f id elopes attached Lo Lhie report and to be Bletl In the o91ce of said board; that the estimated expense thereof is $100; that the real estate to be assessed there- for can be found benefited to the extent of the damages, costs and expenses necessary to be in- curred thereby; that said Improvement Is not alk d for by a petition of a majority of the owners of property to be assessed therefor, but to herewith send a plan slid profile of said Improvement, and an order for your adop- tion. if you desire us to make the Improvement. Yeas, 4; nays, 0. ' R. L. GORMAN, President. J. T. REREER [.leek of the Board of Public Work,, Dec. 2, 1890. Adopted. (See order to board of public v or ) Also Prior Avenue Opening. Etc.- To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: The board of public works have had under consideration the resolution or order of the common council, approved March, 19, 1890, relative to the crening of Prior a e, from Summit avenue to Rualolph street,and having investigated the proposed improvement: Respectfully report that it is necessary and proper to open, widen and extend Prior avenue, between Summit avenue and Rauaolph treat; that the estimated expense thereof is $6,000; that reale tate to be assessed therefor can be found benefited to the extent of the damages costa and expenses necessary to be incurred there- by; that said [niprov nient is asked for by a pe- tition of a ma7'onty of the owners of property to be assessed therefor, slid we here -til ad e plan of said i provement, and an order Por Year adoption. 1f sou desire us to make the Im- provement. Yexa, R. L. GORusx, President. J. T. RER.E.. Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Nov. 24, 1890. Adopted. (See order to board of public works.) Also, Union Street Opening. Etc.-' To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: The board of public work, have had under consideration the resolution or order f the veil, approved AI g. 6, 1890, la- t��e to the utpeninR, widening and exteneioi of a air it ion, mv,ovave uc 6i �a LixomCnion Sir- to the width of 66 feet, from Chatsworth at rest to - the state road, unit. having Investigated the proposed improvement: Rper to[ope report that it Is vU, too y and - coal C to omen, widen and extend Cverm street. f coal Cmatan orth atreeR to Como ¢venue: that t 000; that .1 es estatetodbexZ:eS d therefor cat, be found benefited to the extent of the damages, costs and expense, veceaeary to be incurred thereby; that said improvement fs not asked for by a petition of a majority of the owners of property to be ease„ed therefor, but upon personal application of n mage majority of the Br perty owmern present interested. at a hearing efore said board this day, sad we herew f[h send a plan of said improvement, and an order for your adopt oil. If you desire us to make the Improvement. Yeae. 4; nays, O. R. L. Gonuax, Prealdeut. , J. T. ICE ler , Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Oct, ite Adopted.. (S (See order to board of Public .or ka.) 468 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. crerin arenas open Also. c.- TTIi board t lftpubliccil ofksll lava had ladelr or kion, council. the resolution or order f the common council. approved .7uly 16, 1590, rela- tive to the opening widening and extension of ,Tulin avec co x tI bill, o[ cighty feet, li l 6u ng et,gx[a<7 the Proposed imp[ovement: tuRex7 tinily report tint sad mprocement is necessary and Proper; that the estimated ex- p euse thereof i. 523 000; that tens estate to be assessed therefor all be found benefited to the extent of the danutges, costa' and expenses nec- essary to be incurred thereby: that Haid inl- far aa,at is not asked for by a petition but upon^personal application of . ,alorfty of the f property t,, be assesseJ them-, and e harems 0th s tit au len f said impocement, and oder tory ,r adoption if youdesire us to make the improvement. yens, 4; nays, 0. R. L. GpnitnN, President. J. T. KERKER, Clerk of it,, Board of Public Works. Dec. 1. 1890. Adopted. (See order to board of public j works.) Also, Mid, ay Seiner System - To the Honorable the President and Common = .lefl, City of SL Pnul: tielnfilme I: The board of public works here. with respectfully trtnsntits the report otthe city ei,Mnr in the matter of at o nt Of monnefi ex - pended to the lnpletion ofthe Midu'iky ewer h}stem. 'Ith the recommendation that your onorable body cause at, appropriation of 52,- 000 to be made in order to cover the expense orky arily incurred in the completion of said u R. L. Gou-N. President. J. T. KERKER, (Jerk of the Dosed of Public Works. Dec. 2, 1Still . (Engineer's report on file.) Adopted. (Seeresolution.) Also, 8lntpsoll Avenue Grading Collellas aw Tne board reports In hen : \ coded Thos. Keough Hudonav uefront thecontnaectot grading Simpson avenue from Mfnost street to Charles street, they icing the lowest \vest relliablblee d responsible bidderstherefor; m int of bid 51,]011; bond i, thesun, of S.11 ,o\rIth llan Baker and John Donnelly as snmtien. Shot a,'ard approved by the tolaatng ]rote: Yeas-Ald. Bnnholme, Rielenbetg, Nott, C, bout. Costello, Dobner, Donnid •n, N'lun- drn , Gehnn..1cNames, Jlelady,• M1111 a, S: a-' bot-.., F. ullicnn, Nita Slyke, Mr. Pres1dent-16. Also, F.sttulates and Claims - The board transmits, apnmled by it, the fol- )oume estimates ..ltd claims, to sic: Estimate Na. 2 till fill, 1, paving drive,\'aY on south side of Park place,L. E. Shelpley, $251.50; Estimate No. '2 nus ileal. county rand grading (Lnugfor.l to Knapp) Thomas Linnen, 5487; F.s- tfmute No. 2 ,ud final, grading alley bet, -sen blocks 2 audit, Suburban Hills (Mound to Bates), Nonnsmacher, 578.50; Estimate No.3 and final, Capitol avenue and Ireland st-set grading (Ha mhos to Lexington), Keough & Donnelly. $1,7(10; I:stfm+tce till. 7 and final. Cortland street grading (Enke Como slid Phalen v 1 n2 to north city iimnts), C. Nonnemncher, 51,2518: Estimate No. 3 and final, \'ictorix street se 'er (Grand to Goodrich). P. Doherty. 3107.(00: Fa- tipm No.2Sadfinml. FIR street paving(>larf, to a point 460 feet west of >I -til), L. F. Shep- ley. $437.78: Estimate No. 1,tolls sidewalks (contract 1890), T. Breen. $850 E.tftnam No. 9 awl IimJ. sprinkling District No, C. Thomas ReI11y, 51.685.93; Estlnmts No. 8 and final, .prluklintg Ufetrict No. 9. Arthur 8tephene, %4G0.8r7; Estimate No. 8 and tint 1, spriltkliug llistrict Nn.:1, Patrick Norris, 5971.89; Eeti- aimts No. 7 and find, sprinkling District No. 10, 'Thornton &Sha„'. 189105: F.atimats No. 7 and So"* guorn rin kng District No. 7, Thton & Shaw, 534.63; G. W. Merrill,$5; Mathe" Craig: S;3; G. W. Merrill, $15; ill at hew Craig, SS: Cut- ler's livery and boarding stables, $3; Merrill's toilet supply $:3. committee on cimms. REPORT OF RO.kIm OF CONTROL. The bons [control xraismRs its mport for November, 1890 -total e,pend,tnre.1 Si: 483 m ante, ou ordf„aucea and Public se - counts. x . of a .. flair[..... O[ eonnnittee ox stmets`sewers and bridges-- F.a: t Seventh street \'er. lowering +a ad build- ings( -part of board ref public works d final older f-md to commnt- Nov. 18, 1+890.)- rCo,unuttee submits and recon ends pass - of new final order In said m,atter.m Adopted. (See order to board of public works.) Also. Ordinance granting Le Favre and lleslalner. d Ueslaurers mission to move (Lefebvre an )per three Mame huflainga- Committee submits Said ordinance \rlthout reThe[said ordinance was thoreupouread second (line .kid lost -nay. 16. Also, Northt.esteto Telephone company's petition; ,kid Ordtnanceextendillg time to North \re.[ern Telephone Exchange compa,ly for completion of w rk of removing poles- C'ommlttee recommends pnssAge of said ordi. n ace. Adoptee. (See Ordinance No. ].04:3.) Also, Ordinance had dgrly col. Chicago, St. Patti tu Kansas racks "''estil,ny cowpony right to lay spur trucks ( West St Paul- ('omtni[tee s�lbmite aria ordinance Without recntnnlendatiofl. Laid over. Whereto upon the action by which said atter I o ens ,sidered, y 13, nay. Aid. Costello �uea and illy. Preafdent-3. A motion to refer said natter to comhaitlee ontreetn \vas thou made and lost. Y_N-Ald. Copeland, Fla ndrau. Sanborn, Sul- liv+tn, I" Presidenr5. Nays -Aid. Bxuhulzer. Bielenbetg, art. Cos- tello, UoMleq DorniJeti, Gehnn, McNamee, Me- IRdy, Mine., N" n Slyke -11. The ordinance was thereupon read a second-- tinlr, need, being Pu[ upon its final passage, Was lost (a motion by Ald. sullivau amending ordi- ce by providing test trains should cross Da- kota xvrnue only between 30 p. m. all 4 a. m. h I, Ing been prevam Y carried). Yeas-A:d. Flanndrnu, Sanborn, Sullivan -3. N,y.-Ald. Banbolzer, Rieleuberg, Bolt, Cope- Ixna. Costello. Dobner. poll idea, Gehnm,Mc- XIIIII . Meludy. Miuea, Van Slyke, Mr. Presl- dent-13. Also, Ordinance olhorizing ceuparry of part of Mississippi river by Louis Jobnsou forakatfng ink purposs- CntnmIfile recommends passage of said ordf- Adopted, Hud said ordinance p ... ed PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 469 Also. Ordinance graathi L & H ff pe lesion m octan of ee yes a six%n w a mn for an feCiu".1; putPoses- Committee submits suit recommends Pas..., of . new ord fnaties in said matter. Adopted, and ordinance rend first time. Rules suspended oil motion of Aid. Mines, yew 16, skid ordinance read second time Had passed (See Ordinance No. 1432). Of Committee on Ordinances and Public Ae counts -Report Exttnuued- Committee has examined and found correct report of board of control for November, 1.890. Adopted. Of Committee on Gas-Lxmps- commlttes no -da f,, adoption of the toll.,.(... mmol uttoas, viz: Ald. Botts, Hxrves[er +a en e, etc.; Aid. Bie- ]eubere e, Blair and Nl,ekubii, tntrest,; Aid. Ddb- 's Val, Bumn street; Ald. Gehwis` Mngnollxni street ma Park a -eau, etc.: Aid..' atbos, St. Clair street; Aa. Copeland's. Prelas street; Aid. Cop i,nd's. parr street. etc.; Aid`liott's, Frank and Reavey streets, etc.: Aa. Bill"Itt stmlt; AId. Conley's,it,it of 579 Broaidway; Aid. Sullivan's, Marshall and Let, ra avenues. etc.; Aid. Sullivan's, Marshall and Snelling avenues, etc.; Aid. Bielenberg's, Aurone avenue and Muekubfn street; Aid. Botts, East - Ings avenue; Aid. D[elndy'e. State and Oakdale streets, etc.; Ald. Dor iden's, Grace and Rich. modid streets; Aid. Gelain'S, Magnolia and Park armies, etc.; Aid. Mine+i s, Roble and Smith awlmel. Adopted. (See resolutions.) Also, Aid. Copeland'. resolution for discontinuing aB eiectcic lights in city pa rke until nrthecuo- ties- Comnuttee re o meads thatlt I ... t two lights be maintained in each park luring winter months. Adopted. Yeas-Ald. Ranholzer, Bielenberg, Bott, Cos- tello, Dobtier. Dornideln, Gehnn, ) m 1tyVnee, Melody, Van Slyke -10. Nays -Aid. Copeland, Flnndrau. 33inea, San- born, Sullivan, Mr. President_¢. The id r lutloiiwse thereupon adopted, amended by adding to cheend thereof the words, "excepting two lights in each nark.' (See resolution.) 1nsCELLn:ieous. Ordfuancea-- An ordinance was read granting St. Paul City Ra6waycompany leave to erect telephone poles on Selby avenue. Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Gahan - yeas 16; and o dbuines read second time and passed. (See Ordinance No. 1,438.) An ordinance was read granting William E. Howard permission to build a conduit under Robert street, between Pioneer Press and Man- hattan buildings -steam heating and electric light. Rules suspended on [notion f Aid. San. born, yen. 16 -and dinkince read second time and An ordinances wassed. (Ses Ordinance. judgment .) mad -pay ju .went favor B. L. Pierce, attorney for Henry Voges. Rales suspended n, moron o Alt. Mines, yeas d. mid ordinance rend second time and passed. flees wkan ad No. 1490.) An ordinance wan read authorizing building of frame dwelling -T. Horsnell. Rulessuspended oI, t notion of Ald. Via-.. yeas 1G, and Ord inanceread s o d time and passed. (see Ordnuun'e No. 1441.) An orJiuunce \ d alt hurizag occupancy by C. H. Parmelee atepart of. Missiasippf river for skating rink. Rules Suspended oat motion of Ald. Miuea, yeas 16, and ordlunnce read second time and By Ala. Dobner- Resolution e-xtenrling until .11,y 1, 1890, term of Joseph A. Meyer, pouwlmaster for Tenth ward. Lost. liens -Aid. R:mh III,-, Biele,:,1,7 Rott, Cope- land, Dnbhe[, Uoruideti, Gehnn, McNamee, Me- lady ' adl'. Mines, Van Slyke -11. y Naa-A a. Costello. Flundrnu, S,nbon,, Sulb- v , Mr. President -f.. Y�ursua at to advertisement of city- clerk of Jute Nov. 24, 1890, One bid for lumber for year 1891 was cefved ironm , the Bresnan Luber alay. co mpr A Id. Sakiborr, moved that the said bid be re- turned to bidder, and that city clerk readver- tiee. Adopted. ORDINANCE No. 1,438 An ordinance granting to the St. Paul City Railway conpwuy leave to erect telephone Polls within trr[nin linnits on Selby- avenue. The Common C'ounncil of the City- of St. Paul do - otdainl as follows: See. 1. There lis hereby granted to the St. Paul City Railway cow pouf leave to erect tele- phone poles ou file south side of Selby avenue, from Vittoria Sheet to Fairview avenue or end of the cable liar of said company, for the lpur- pose of cot atru •ting a tele) 1-a Iine between said points for the ane "I' 1 That said (.dies slain Le .I ..,.h It .t iul, size nrl Iteigllt +u,d pleased +a anvil p..,at• ss the city mtgfuer shall 'p"`-- _1- 2. pprove.5 c.'. This ordinance sloLl ttkeefRstCroce and after its p: satin t kid :dter the written, ne- c'eptauls by aaidS •o lipan, of .aid ordinance, signed by its president, vire president or eecre- Garp, Hatt filed \.fth tie city Clerk of said city thin t,a'euty days afler sufd publication. Yeas-Ald. Bwnhol-, Ideleuberg. Butt. Cope- Innd, Costello, Doi'let, Dornideti. Flandrau, Ge- hnn n, Me\mee, Malady, Mirex, Sanborn, nb, Sulli- 1 xn. Van Slyke, Mr. President -16. Pnssed Dec. 2. 1896. O. 0. CCLLEN, President of Council. APPa'oved Dec. :3, 1890. Rml. r A. S -in, Nt.yor. Attest: 'phot. A. PRENDERGA.T, City Clerk. Dec. 8. ORDINANCE NO. 1,439. An ordinance gr tiling to William F. Howard permission to build and maintain n conduit oder Robert street, fu the city of St. Paul, between the Pioneer Press building and the Dlunhattan building, for steam pipes Iand elec- trlc Ilght x•Ires. rhe Common Council of the City of St. Paul do ordain as tallows: Section 1. That consent, permisaiou and authority are hereby given and granted to Will - am F. Howard of St. Paul to construct and naintion a tunnel or conduit under Robert street, in said city, from tP­ building, Pioneer Puilding, at the northeast corner of Robert and Fourth street,, to the Manhattan of iec build- up, on the southeast earner of Robert and Fifth reets, through which to stconduct steam pipes 470 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. and electric wire. from the Said Pioneer Press building to the Said Manhattan building for the purpose of lighting and heating said Manhattan building. See. 2. Said conduit .hall be ]Aid under -said at met in a line parallel with the curb lines thereof, slid at such a distance from the Curb- stone ae shall not Interfere with 'later, gas and sewer orother pipes already in said street, and h .all tie cou.cr,R,Wd under the .upervislon of the city eugi ,ser of the City of St. Paul. and all plane and detafla of such conduit or 6uhw'ny hall be submitted and approved by such offimr before any Such Conduit .hall be laid; eatd conduit Shull be. laid without brenking ftp or dis- turbing the surfaceof said street. S c. 3. That before the COnItr.It.11 Of Said Conduit the grx7 tact hepxN shahbond ute the sum c f O$b goo cot dttioired that id grantee shall indemnify and sxvn the sty Of St. Paul harmless from all claims and Actions gain.t it resulting in any wady from the con- struction or operation of Saiconduit Said bond shall be signed by two or more good ,d sufficient securities, to be approved by the city comptroller. Sea 4, Nothing is thea ordinance shall be so oonstrued ns to absorie id grantee. his heirs or ,signs, from any legeals ItaLiH[y or from any ar ceedh,g t0 restrain o abate any nuisance rl.mglrom theeolistructiou or opperation of Said conduit, nor from any liability Irom injury [o persons or property re„It couitr nt he bervane of the grant ee herein, s or employee,m constructing or operating of said conduit; no; to render the city oot iSt. _ul liiable to nap person or corpora ion by the construction or ofuratio. of said conduit by the granteein hears acid heirsor , s steal sprotect and ,aid grantee, i ntl SRVs the city Of St. Paul harmless from any Suit or claim for injuries ordamagee arhungf-ru a their negliget or that of their Contractors or em ployes in the construction or operation of . e Id eoiidliit. Sec. 5. The city of St. Paul reserves the abso- lu[e.right, In case the conduit, the right to con- strnet \cinch fe hereby granted. shall In nay \any interfere with Roy use of said street by the hatJ city of St. Paul y-Idcb may in the future become or be deemed by file common couucil of said city tart', to have [ha same removed, and the said �s.ntee shall, iii+on proper notie from said city of St. Paul, forth wits remove said conduit at his own expense. sad by the acceptance and use of the privileges b -by granted expreexly agrees .o to do. Sec. 6. This ordinance shall take effect andbe I. fare from and after its pnesxge. Yeas-Ald. Bauholzer, Bielen berg, Botta CODe- ]and, CMcNalmeelMolatl Dines, Sxuborn,lSul- Gehun, - y, d-t- Dvnn, van SIYke. Mr. President -16. Passed llec. 2, 1890. President o7 O. O. Cu I`EN, Council. Dec. 3, 1899. ItOaenr A. Staff..\fuyor. Attest; TROs. A. PRENheacaar, City Clerk. Dec. 8. UaDlNwxcE No. 1.440. An ordinnuce authorizing the payment f a Certain judgment agabist the city of St. Paul. m The Comon Councn of the City Of St. Paul do .rgSection 1: fo'1. it:nn der be drawn upon the city txasurer m favor of S. L. Pierce, attorney f record for Henry Voo s. for Lhe um [ $239.76, in full Puy+neat f that c coin I,id}e- ment rendered nEmn- the city of St. Paul iu favor of Henry Voges for said sum of $239.76 on the 21st day of November, 1890, in the dis- trict court of Ramsey county, Minus, which said .judgment has beau duly entered up and per- fected df record. Said warrant shall be delivered only upon said judgment being Butlefied of record in the office of the clerk of the district court aforesaid, and n certificate of said antislaction being tiled In the office of the city comptroller. See. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication. Yeas-Ald. Bannolzer, Bielenberg, Bott. Cope - ,Rod, Costello, Dobner, Dorniden, Flun- drau, Gahan, McNamee, Malady, Minea, San. born, Sullfv¢u, Van Slyke, Mr. Vim Pre.ldent- 10. Passed Dec. 2; 1890. U. O. CULLEN. President of C ... Cil. Approved Dec. 8, 1890. ROD. re A. S]RSR, Mayor. Attest: Taos. A. PrIEN.... AST, City Clerk. Dec. S. ORDINANCE No. 1,441. Anordinance uuthorlzing the building 1 a two-story frame da-ellin, Ill the Sixth ward m . The Comon Con ordain ns folio\rssul of the City of St. Paul do . SID'", 1. Permission Is hereby given to W.I. T. Homuell to construct two-story frame double dwelling house on lot 3, block 1, of Eton and Morrison's addition to west St. Paul, of the following dimensions, to wit: About 30 feet wide and 26 feet deep• with kitchen ttached 24 feel nide. by 12 feet deep, the whole work to be done under tie direction uudsupervixlou of the in wetor of buildings at d the P., y-meitt of Sall city fees for same. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect on and atter its approval. Von- Bn.Iholzer, Blehmbetg, Bott, Cope- land, Costello, Dobner, Dorniden, Flaudrau, Gehan, McNamee, Malady, Minea, Sanborn, Shlhvan, Van Slyke, Mr. Presideut­16. Passed Dec. 2, 1890. O. O. (.TLLy.N, President of Council. Approved Dec. :3, 189U. ROD- A. SAm'n, Mayor. ND Attest: Taos. A. PREEROA.T, City Clerk. Dec. S. ORDINANCE No. 1,442. Ali ordinance granting unto Lee RHOQ per- comisefou to u portion of the levee 1. the Sixth ward of the City of Sc. Pam. The common council of the city of St. Paul do ordain as follows: Section 1. That permission and a itbority is hereby given and granted unto Lee & Hoil to au 1 omifpy .Fib toll period of ten years 1e- m the date of approval of thisordinance for mnnuincturitlg purpose. In the hue of bus uiness which said co deny le row engaged, to wit: tanul eturi^g machinery, that portion of the levee and land in the Sixth ward of the city of St. Paul, described its follows, to wit: Lot number \e (1) of block num ser three f3) of Baztile & Robe.rt'. Addition 10 \Vent St. Paul; providedthat Bald Lee & Hoff .hall am - 111" in their said business at 11 time. darmg the term of this frauoh;ss not lee. than ten men. Sec. 2. That p rmisslon mid authority is hereby glee" antl grunted unto Lee & Hoff to m�.t. cou tnleti ead . fom+aintain the- buildings upon ani .prem ae n ne . m y be vec...ary or convenient for the yinR or of their exid buainess, 11 f which buildings .hall be built under the directlon and PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. according to the instructions of the building in Spector of the city of St- Paul, upon the obt.l. ing permits so to do, and the payment of th, profer fee.. therefor; provided, that this Ord] nasus shall not be construed as guarantcs,bu In warranting any of the rights hereby granted provided further, that said Lee & Hoff shal. complete exid buildings and have said busines, In operation within six (6) months fromthedati of the acceptanm of this ordinance; provide[' further, that before the expiration of Said tern. of ten (10) years all said buildings .hal] be re moved from said hevea by said Lee & Hoff, ane] In ease of the failure to remove said bufidhna within said time, the same or such part the -c as mayremnli: shall become the property of .old city of St. Pao 1. Sea 3. No rights acquired tinder this ordi- nnuce Shall be trauaferred to any other person. company or Corporation nnles. the consent of the common couucil .hall be first obtained. Sec. 4. ,Cdd Lee and Hoff .hill) nod will to, ever fudemnffy and ..ce harmlex. the e.Id city of nt- P fulaagain.t any and ia]I damages, aamg \vts. ,, line, s[. aid pen.. f hlch it may buffer, or that inay be recovered or obtained from or, against said city, for or by re ou of the granting of such privileges, or for by reason t the 6 owingo out of or resulting from the passage of this rdinan e• or a y matter or thh,g contlecterl therewith, or with the e .I. by aid Lee and Hoff of the privileges haps y granted. If the said Lee and Hoff Shall fail in .spritp-1, to comply with the provisions of tfd. ordluaucn then uh the right. antl privileges '.St. by granted .[,.If be forfeited to said city of 8t. Paul. Sec, d. Said Lee and Hof shall flle with the city clerk, within thirty (8(1) days after the ap- troval of this ordinuce, their written small. n amce Of the p ovisions thereof, the Same to be first npproved by the corporattou attornev. Sac. 7. 1'11ul ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and alter its pp ibl;Cation. Yeas-Ald. Banbolzer, Bi lenberg, Bott, =land. Gehan, McNam e, Melady. )title,, Flan_ born, Sulhvnu. Van Siyke, Air. Pre.ldentr-16.\n Passed Dec, 2, 1890. O. O. ,.ULLEN, President of Council. Approved Dec. 13, 19 (1. Rum,uv A. Sxrrn, Mayor. A tteSt: Time. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk. Dec. 8. ORDINANCE NO. 1,448. Anrdinal- upplemeutal to Ordinance No 1296, entitled An ordinnuce granting the Northwestern Telephone Excnatlge c mpauy the right to Inv co.dults for carrying the "fres .1. company underground fn the city of St. Paul," npproved Feb. 19, 1890. The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do ordain a. follow'.: ,ection 1. There is hereby granted and al- lowed to the Northwestern Telephone Exchange company an exteusiun of time ..It. the 1.1 day f April 1891, to c Clete the constritutloa of the nduits and Subways stud till m.nho ie. and - rvi • pipes x.....=71011Z tlnstructed, ufntamed ., 1 operated by am- m 1 of Ordiiumce No. 1, 2�9 encitl d "An Or. diunnee granting the North westent Telephone Exchange cotnpnxy the right to Iay coudmts for Carryfag the w[ten of sucn comps yn deigrOund In the city of St. Rcu l," nppruvrd FeL. 19, ] 89U, Ind -I.- for the doing and umpletfou 11 all the. work at horized to be lone by all the p- ­ I... of eald ordinnuce, which .11 dark w'Ie to be fully done and Contp:eced I. and by the terms 471 of said ordinance It or before the let day of December, A. D. 189(1; rovlJed, however, that if the said company shn�l fall or neglect to fullyy complete all f the work provided In said ordi- nance within the said extended time herein speclfied the forfeiture, penalty and provision. of section 7 of .aid Ordinance No. 1,296. togeth- er with all the Other provlslous of said ordi. ace, shall apply slid be in full furca, with the same ffect A if the aid ex. tendeJ :i a hid been as originally in said Ordti-om No. ',29b io the completion of all the work Out h ,,ed to be done by the ternss of said o hnmae: rovided Writer, however, that 1111, ordinance shallnot be construed and is noti tended to waive the right of the city to declare and enforce a for- fileitum of said fra-lse are sa;d company shall fail to contjdy with all other provisions of . said Ordinance No. 1,296, in the aide r and at the times therein provided. nnmter Sec. 2. The Northwestern Telephone Ex- change eompa¢y shall w'thlu thirty days from the passage and up%roved of this ordinance file with the city clerk i-I,tauce ii c 'ting, o[ ,be terms an,f conditions of the. In 11 which written accepGrnce shall be fu Such form as.hall be eat tsfactory to the corporation at- torney, who shall endorse thereon hen approval of theform thereof. Sec. 3. This or,llnmee Sh.11 take effect and be fu torte from and later its publication and evemptauce As aforesaid. lm_,ld. Baubolzer, Blelenberg. Bolt, Coes Iand, Costello, llobneq Dorniden, Flaudrau, (;e- Mc, Melady, Minea. Sanborn, Sulli- van, Van Slyke, Mr. President -16. Passed Dec. 2, 189(1, O. O. CULLEN, President of CounCfl. 'Approved llec. 8, 1890. ROBERT A. SNWII. Mayor. Attest: Titus. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk. Dec. 8. RESOLUTION.. Resolved, That the plat of Como addition to St. Paul, Itnmeey Co., Mino., x approved by Lhe pmt commission and ax re-Conendod by the city engineer, beand the same is hereby ac- cepted by the common council of the city of S[, Paul. pp land, Costello, Dobnerrpontldet�iE'Iamdrau�Ge- hall. McNamee, Melady, Millen, Sanborn, Sullf- n. Vali Slyke, Mr. President -16. van. Dec. 3, 1890. By Aid. Bielenherg- Resolved, That the grade of the following St reet.a5lumcsted by the red grade line Dn the ac- , omlautyittg profiles, uud as recommended by the ufty engineer. be and the me are be -by adopted as the established grades: Atwater street, from Western ovenue to Gaul. tier street; ' Atwater street, from Grotto Street toData street: Burtass street, from Grotto street to Dale itteet: Buateesl street, front }Nester. --s to Gaul- t -t:• Topping .tree,, from Western avenue to Gaul- I,ptug street, from Grotto street to Dale ttr-t. Y-. -Aid. o, D.,n. BiD.rut rg, Bott, Cope- s d, Costello, Dobner. Y, Mi..., S..b.r., :Shan, TlcNu tyk, Me) -,!Y, Mine¢. S¢nborn, inllivla, Van Slyke, Mr. President -16. .t pproved Dec. 3, 1 n90. 4:0 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. ,,d electric whs. from the raid Pioneer Press building to the f lighting \d 1-thir, il bid 1, it arta,, f- the Car pone o g i f su L."mRl ec. Said conduit shall be laid under said street fu a lin, parallel with the curb If... thereof. end litioa in Ler3tdistance In- t -taeCurb- alone a, R:ae H,t or other pipe nlreadytiu said street, nd ahml be cuue[nncted under the supervision of the city euiin"I of i it)' of ';[. Paul, and sll plxh, ani detxil�.gnrcch conduit or suh,rxy hall he an In d�PVroced by such o8icer before any such 'ebb d a .loll be laid; said conduit shad, be laid without breaking ftp or dis- turbing the surface of said street. . 3. That before the cn"struetfon of said See. a ate grant" neret„ soon execute tI the city or Ft. Y+oJ n bond iii the sum f 15 u(a) cot ditfoned that ,,,fit grantee shall fud,vcmfv and save the itv Of St. Paul barmless fro,,, allcl"int. and nations ganust it resulting in ally u from the con. tructfon or operation of ,it conduit Said Loud shall be slrJted by t,vo or mote good and .ulticteut sec riti,s, to be approved by the city mc,t roller, a cl . 4. Nothing h, [his ordiunnre shall be -so emistrued its to absolve iA gt!uttee, bis heirs orassigns, front nay fegal liability or Iron any pro ceeg dinto re tr iu or abate any nuisau. arising from the construction or operation of Said conduit, nor front any liability from injury to oreons or pr�pertyre alt mgfrom the negligee. f the grantee hereto, his cnatrxctor+, servants or ploy's, in conhtruc chug or operation of said onduit; or to render the cityof St. Poul liable To xiiy-pe_.I, or corpo na[lon for damngecaused by the construction or operation of said conduit by the grant hila herrn nnf ItefrlRtis ehallgtts' [ect said Rrxutee, Pro and save the city of St. Paul barmlens from nny suit or elaiafor hnjortes ordaintge, aristonfro,n their negligence or that of their Contractors or mplooy'es int the Construction or op-utwo of ea'd c ndu t. Sec 6.f'1'he tits of St. Vaal reserves the abso- lute right, to case the eonduft. the right to con- struct which is hereby granted, shall fu may way Interfere with any use of said 'tr,t by the said city d St. Paul width nny in the suture become or be deemed by the commnu council of said city neeessar)', to hove the some removed, anti the said grat!tee shah, "I'm proper Roti. from said city of St. Paul, forthtvftn remove said conduit at lits own "I" it- null b)• the acceptance and Intent the privileges hereby grouted expressly agrees so to do. iand hitter cit. eeshall take effect and be in force froBt Past""; Yeas-Ald. Bunhulzer. Bieleubetg. Bott. Cons - laud, Costello, Dobner, Dornfden, Fl:andntu, Gehan, MC\amee, Melody, Minta, S:unborn, Sol- '.. Slyke. )Ir. L'resment-16. PitM.ed Dec. 2, 1890. O. O. t.CLAXN, President of Oouncil. Approved Dec. 3, IS90. ROBERT A. SMITH Mayor. Attest: Tum,. A. YaE.vnencaer, Cfty Clerk. Dec. 8. ORDINANCE No. 1,440. An ordinance authorizing the payment of a rt"in judgment agxluat the city of St. Paul. The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do ordn!n tae follows: Section 1. That an order be drawn upon the city treasurer in favor of S. L. Pierce, attorney f record for Henry Voges, for the um of $239.76, in full payment of that crrtabn judg- ment rendered against Lite city of St. Paul in favor of Heury Volpe, for said sure of $239.76 it the 21.1 day of November, 1890, fat the dis- trict court of Be..., county, Minn., which said .judgment bit. been duly entered up Rud per- fected of record. Said warrant slavIl be delivered only upon said jndg,neuc being atiob,d of record m the olfi of the clerk f the district court aforesaid, and a c thb_te of said sat ti,Inction being filed R; n the oflfce of the city coni.ph-dier. Tl If, ordinances hall Luke effect and be he force from and nze"Iter its publication. YeuS-Ald. Banolr, Dielenberg, Butt. Cope- land, Costello, Dobner, Doruiden, MZ ds,,, Gehan, McNamee, Melody, Mines, San- born, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. \'fee President - 16. Passed Dec. 2, 1890. U. O. (-bt.t.ev. President of Council. Approved Dec. 3, 1890. I3 - r A. S>itT., Mayor. Attest: TILOS. A. PRENDERGAST. City Clerk. Dec. S. - OaDINevCE No. 1,441. An ordinance authorizin9 the building f a two-story frame tiwellitng fn the S(xth ward. The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do rfhdlt ns fella"'.. Section 1. Perntf-sfon is hereby given to ]Vin. T.Horsnell to construct rame two-story f double dwelling house on lot 8, block I, I Eaton and norrfson's addition to West St. Pam, f the [,flawing dimensions, to "it: About 36 feet nide xI'd 26 feet deep• with kltcheu attached 24 feet wide by 12 feet deep, the whole ,ark to be doge Order the direetiou and upervisiou of the ,R Nectar of buildings 1 rite aynnent of al city fees for .same. a Sec. 2.pThi. ordinance shall take effect on and after it: eptr al. Yens -Aid. Ba,holzer, BIlele betith,BFiundrae- lnni, Co.tello, Dobner, Gehan, DICNamee, Melody, Mon-, Sanborn, Sullivan. Van Slyke, 11r. President -16. Passed Dec. 2, 1890. O. O. (.1'I.L£.N, President of Council. Approved Dec. 3, 1890. ROBERT A. SMITH, Ilayor. Attest: THOS. A. PRENDERG-T, City Clerk. Dec. 8. 0RM-NCE No. 1,442. All ordinance granting unto I.ee R Hoff per- conds'ion to use a portion of the levee In the Sixth ward of th.01yof It. Paul. The common coiuntil of the city of St. Yam do nrd,i,, ns follows: Section I. That permission and authority to hereby given and grunted unto Lee & Hoff to tiesn f occupy for the full period of ten years from the date of approves o[ this ordinance for manufacturing purposes fn the lime of business I" "'Inch sold company ie now engaged, to nit: antubtcturf 'g Riae;AUry, that portion of the levee and land in the Sixth trued of the city of St. Paul, described as follows, to wit: Lot number nue (1) of Cluck "..her three (3) of Buzflle &Robert's addition to West St. Paul; provided, that said Lee S He 'bail cut ploy in tbeir said business at all times during the term of this franchise not lees than ten men. Sec. 2. That permission and Rt thurlt, fe hereby gf veu nal granted unto Lee ( Hoff to erect. constntet and maintain frame buildings upou said pr a lames for use I. their said busi- ness as nny be ""or convenient for the carrying on of Heir said business, all of which buildings shall be built under the direction and PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 471 according to the instructions of the building fn pector or the city of St. Ymnl, upon Lire obta in mg Per Peens tnerefo do. irotvidede that this o l nancer shall not be a stt,wd teem in emcrantiu R,,ygr f R any of the r gilts hereby' grunted, porovided further, that s id Irce & AOR .Iwll mplete.,at I building, and have said business I. operation withl, six (6) mo ,the from the date F tl,e "'Pt'"" f this ordinance; Provided further, that before the expiration o1 Id term of ten (10) years all said buildhats hull be re move, from said levee by laid Lee BS Hoff, natal In Care of the failure to remove said building, mithin said time, the same or Much Part therein as may renaull: sh.11 -orae the property of said city of St. Paul. See.3 \ rightsr ac0uimd oder this o,d, ahold ne t ausferred to m,)Other Pere Company on council ,'hall tie B tit obtained. of S. .. Sa1 Lee and Hoff .hall and wfll for- evecer In'demnify and save harmless the said city of St. Paul against say,d all dainages, judg- nt. Chdnas, costs and expenses ut s which it ria)' softer, or that may he rei:overeil obtained from or asiain,t .old city, for or by re -on of the grxnttog of ouch privileges, or for r by of the gr- iug out of or resulting from the passage of this ordinance, or any matter or thing connected therewith, or with the exercise by said Lee and HUK of the prfvfleges hemby granted. pIreecc11 the said Lee and Hoff sba:l fail in TN ordhiia,"totcompll3 the theuprlvi,fonaof R pr f vJ) 86t.mby'-anted shall be forfeited to .aid city o[ See. U. Said Lee and Hon shall file with the city clerk, w'ithhtthirty (3i) ll ays offer the xp- prov+d of this ordhtai, ce• their written P- t.ance of the provisions thereof, the.xnte to be first approved by the colpo -tion attor mv. Sec. 7. Tiffs ord.n.-c stall take cava mud Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Donniden, FhD,- drxu. Gehan, JlcName�, Melody. \I hwa, San - burn, Salh"a.. Van Style, Mr. Pres(dent-1G. Passed Dec. 2, 1890. ().0. CUI,I .,;, President of Council. Approved Dec. :3, 1890. li.- A. SMITH, 3fayor. Attest: Taos. A. PRENDERGIST, City Clerk. Dec. 8. - ORDLNANCE No. 1,448, Anordinance aulpl'n ental to Ordinance No 11 D6, enti,ted •An ordinance grunting the N-11 ""we"' T,1epho!ie ExU,xuge c inpavy the right to I'll conduit. for carrying the wire, of uch Com a un de Feb.cell i b'Ll Pnul," approved try tl; o, fit the city of ppruved b. 19, 1890. The Common Council of the City of 6t. Paul du ordaSeetwi as follows:here Sectito h There is hereby granted and lic lowed to the Northwestern t meleph l t e ]at'!.' co Apany tun exto coni i time until the int d:iy of April, 1891, to complete the construction Ot the conduits and subways and the uecesaary manhotes and ' rvlC' j fpes as authorceed to be constructed, nualnvnned ani operated by see- thm 1 of Ordinance No. 1,2116, entitled "Au or- dluatce granting the Nnrtl,,.e,teri. T,h,phone Excnxnge conap:aav the right to lay condo is for carrying the ,vires of ,nen co mpm,yuudergrou ,d in the city of St. Poul," ,ppruved Feb. 19. 1890, anis also for the doing and con pletion of all the ons of 8, fit ordI ark authorized to be done by ill the pro i"B"" which said Turk ,vas to be fully done and connpieted fu and by the terms f said ordhomo, I, or before the let day of Deoenaber,,1. L. Is DO; provitled, however, tont if the saidcompnrY shall tall o neglect to roily omplete all t' Lite work provided fn .aid ordf- "Licewithin the said extended time herelu spscifled Lee forfei tare, penalty and provisions o[ section 7 of said t)rdaance No. 1,296. togeth- er "fill I'll the ether Pruvisious of enlcl ordi- . shall apply and be in tali f.rt'e• with if,. m ."IC effect n. If the said ex - traded if le hid been ape(dfi- originally in said Ordinance No. -,290 for the ..It led I Of x11 thework, work nnthori or to be I by the Lerma of naid o dfunow rr 'o be further, however, that tills ordineuce ahall lot be construed and ns not it termed to waive the right of the 'f[y to declare and enforce a for- t 'tore f said fnuu,hfse In case sold min play ,boll Pau [o comply wfth ail ocher provisions f aid Ord -hu . \'o. 1,2'313, In the n ,,ae 11 and at th. thi)es therein 11-1.1ed. n ,nose Sec. NorthtreeterR Telephone h.- Change tom pnu t• sbnil within thirty day. from the passage and approval of this ordi,,xnce Bln with the city clerk a a nceeptmu . v itiug, of the terms tad con t thisiaordiuxnee, which 'ttrn acceptor- shall be fu such fon, an shall be.ati,baetory to the corporation it. torney. who shall endon•,e thereon his approval of the form thereof. Sec. :I. This ordinance shall take effect and be fn torte from mid alter its publication and ttctepcuntw ice LLf.m i dd. ]"eus-Ald. Bauholzer. Bielehbetg. Butt, Cope- land, Costello, Uobner. Dornfden, Flandran, Ge- nnAfcNnmee. )felndY. Miner. Sanborn, SUHi- ,, Van SIyLe. Mr. President -16. v Passed Dec. _, 1800. Q. O. Cull, President of Council. Approved Dec. 3, 1890, Hon A. SMITH. Mayor. Attest: Trios. A. PnE1--ar, City Clerk. Dec. S. Resolved, That the plat of Como addition to St. Paul, Ramsey CO., Minn., as approved by the plat commission and as recommended by the city enducer, be and the sameis hereby ac - c p,, d by the common council of the city of St. Peas-Ald. Bauholzer, BMvnberg, Bott, Coppe land, Costello, Dobner, Dornfden, Ffand r¢u,(Ue- hau.bb,Naanes, ;1lelady, Nljn,a, Sanborn, Sullf- vun. Van Slyke, )Ir. President -16. Approved Dec. 3, 1890. By Aid. 13telenberg- Resolved, That the trade ofthe following streets, xa indicated by the red gt•adel(ne on Lhe .11 't profiles,atd a reeommended by the city eugh-r, be and the Maine are hereby adopted as the established grades: Atwater street, from Western avenue to Gaul - tier street; 'Atwater stre,t, from Grotto street to D.J. street; Burgess street. from Grotto street to Dale stmt: Burgess street, from Western avenue to Gaul. tier street: Topping street, from Western avenue to Gaul. tier street: T.pptug street, from Grotto street to Dale street. ]'era-Ald. Bnuhoizer.b13telenberg, Bott, Cope- Ixud. Costello, Doner. Dprmden, Flmdrxu. Gehan, )IMITIlee, \[elady, Mfnea. Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, yir. Ptesfdentr-16. Approved Dee. :3, 1590. 472 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. By Aid. Sauborn- Resolved, Thatthegrad-f Flondstreet, from Oakland ral street, Its eiudleatedtreet rby the red grail, to the llee Iloe of, the u pnuymg profile ,fila recommended by I [he situ eualneer, Le fid [he sunle is hereby adopted u. the estabhsbed grade. ]-ens-Ald. Buuh llzer, Bieieuberg, Iletin Cope - and, Costello, Dobner. Dor !del,, k'landruu, Ge - ban, 31cl;a nee, Melody, JBne., Sunboru, Sulli- f vua, Van Slyke, Mr. President -l0. Approved Dec. 3, 1890. By Ald. Bott- Ay Aid. Geban- R solved, That the corpo tion uttornev be and is hereby Instructed to i11tr ceed at once to take such measures It, to at, thq aistrict court of Ramsey county to so mo -dry its Injunction in reference to the Brond,vuyy street bridge to such an extent that will permit the city to complete only that portion o[ the work that is necessary for the protection of the work n:mndy done. Peas-Ald. Blnnholzer. Bielenberg. Butt. Cope- land, Costello, Dobner, Domidell. Fh,mlrau. Ge- hnn. McNamee, \lelndy, ',fim•n, \ln, Slykc_13. Nate -Aid. Su --wife R•rsiiting. Ald. Sanborn.:cusel from ting. Approved Dec. :i, 7800. Resolved, 'Chat the cit}}• engineer be requesreo to report a suitable grade for alley in blacks o-4 and fir. Arfiaatou lou+it,, a uu. By Aid. Cnpeland- Yenx-AIA. Bnuholzer. rifrleu berg. Bolt, Cope- Itesulved, '1'hnc tine draft of L•ot,trnec sub- Ixnd, C'on[ello, llobllrr, Ibrllideu, Fla hilrlu u. Ge- t !tied by the corporation attorney bet„'een hun. >ICNumee, \lelndy, 311uea, Snnbom, Sul-,, Chxries Stone and the Cit=t. Paul star the Ilvun, Van Slyke, Mr. President -1t-. coustructiolI of x bridge nun Jtlssissippf sere.. Approved Dec. :3, 1890. across thl right of w,ty of the Wisconsin Cen- ttal Rnitroud •uta pall )'. be It od the x I r is - hereby' approved, xud the proper city sol - By Alt]. Mines- am hereby autl recd to execute said contract lie,olced, 'Phut the city engineer be in tructe`t on the part of the city of St. Paul. to report r, accede mit ]noble street, from South ]'Sas-.old. riauholaec, 73ieleubecg, Butt, Cope- Wahuellu street to ('oncurd street. land, Costello, luobner. Donliden, Flnndrxn, ]'ens -Aid. B:uiholu•r. Bfelenben:, Bott, Cope- „.ban, McNm»ec, J(�ady, \linea, Sunburn, land, Costello, Dobner. Donuidrn, Flandrau, Ge- Sullivan, \'nn Slyke, Mr. }•resident -Ili. hon, MrNnfine.. Mcludy, Jliuea, S.unlrorn, Sulii- Approved Dec. 3, 11890. ,u Slyke, JI r. President -1G. Apt-ved Dec. 3, 1390, fly Aid. Dilbner- By:\Id,\lelndy- Resolved. That the city clerk be ami he is 1[csolv,d. 'L' hat the city euafneer be instructed hereby authorised to ativerti,e for bills for to build n ':7'ptoucit of !meth side of Lhe levee 1 wng the npprt aclt to the Hnnlliuc +tt lne n (rout of \\'niter street :tt a Lost not to exceed badge of the Hort 11 side ocdit,g to, tile pions S1U11. +fid spec ffcnttous prrpamdc th,mlor by tit- city ]'las-Ald. lianholtxr, Bielenberg. Bott, ('ne- en vhleer. 73ielen ben'. Bott, Co ]and, Costello. Dobner. Doraidcl. Flandrau„Ge- ideas-Ald. Banholzer, pe- hun, McNomer, Jlrlud 5-, Jnuen, S+nuboru, Sulli ]and, Ccemllu, Dobner, Donndel, Hlaudrau, V+un dyke, Jlr. fo r,iHeuL-19. Gahan, ',lel nuns. Dtehsdy. Minea. l:mboru, Sula 3+1.1pproced Dec. i, 1SDU., au, Van tyke, 31r. President --IG. Approved Dec. 3, I89U. By Aid. Bott- That the city engineer be and is hereby authorized and iuett-ucted to cause u oodeu cros•wulk I. be hold avrose .11nrgxret .tree[ opposite Margaret street stub.police ta- bun. 73ott, Co Yens-Ald. Bunnolzec, l3ielenberg, pe - hold' Costello, llobllre, Dornideu, Flundcau. Gehnn. Jle\amce, lelndy, ',linen, Sunboru, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Jlr. President -16. Approved Dec. 3, 189 0. Resolved, Th.,t the president of the common council fie and he fs hereby authorized Ind en,- ponered in helt,Llf of said L n , ucii to lir nt,,i sugnthe ovi ing unlog m•n t hum of uF e - e c, providing naming other ptly that the amid common roullcil shall promptly construct and properly mointafn suds booms, fences m tl other proper structuresfor the purpose of sufely guiding none=, ran. taxi other ,encu croft under the split,, of the Broudu'ny briage, xs map fie ordered by safe secretary of war, and [hot the e gincec officer of the L'u ned States army, in ch --c of the dietricc within which the said briage ix to fie buil., any superintend its con- etructlon, at- fur .s any be necessnry, in order that the plana therein approved ,hall be com- plied with and the bridgebnf!t necordn ly. Yen, -Ala. Punholze', Bic libem, Bott, Cope- lat,d, Costello, Dobner, Dornniden, Flandrau, Ge- bnn, JlcNnmre, Jlelndy, III—, Sullivan, Val Slyke, Mr. Prsident-15. Nays -Aid. Sanborn -1. Approved llec. 3, 1990. Resolved, That notice is herby given that fill upphcutions for license to sell ill-icu[ing liquor within the ­Y,o! SL. Pilot, and the m•c- bomis be'f led with the sty clerk fifteen lav ys-before the time of the-1-at.on of sold liwnsa, a, is required y Yeas -Aid. Bell " zebr, Blelenberg. Bott, Cope- lanU, Costello, Dobner, Doruiden, Handrail, Gn- han, McNamee, Jiehdy, Millen, Sanborn, Sulli- ran,Van Slyke, Mr. Pmeident-16. Approved Dec. 3, 1x90 By Ald. Conley- -- pti,ybeveU,ndl'is t he hereby[. Paul instructed to ht com- emet . lump )cent In front of No. 579 Broadua1•L + Yeas-Ald. B -Holz.., Birlenberg, Butt. C.pe- Islid, Costello. Dobner, Dornideu. Flaud-11, Gehnn, McNumce, Malady, Jliuea, Sanborn, Sul- livan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -10. Approved Dec. 3, 1890. By Aid. Copeland - Resolved, That the St. Paul Gas Light com- pany are hereby directed to discontinue all elec- tric lights in the parks of the city until further n tice. exceppting to lights in each park. ]'ens -Alai. wBaa°olzer. Blelenberg, Bott, Cope- land, Costello. Dobnec, Doraiden, Flundra a, Geller, McNamee, Dfelady, Mine. Sm u born, Sul- livnu, Van Slyke -15. Nuys -311 r. Ym.i+I lit -1. Approved Dec. 8, 1890. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 473 HIf III nPa- Volved, That the street oil lamp contracts be hlstructed to erect and maintain lumps o the followhe pla•es: One on the northwest corner Roble and Bm1t avenue; One on the southeastcorner George street an Smith aven»e; One on the northwest corner Stevels stree and Smith avenue; One on the southeast corner Ring street an Bmfth avenue: One on the northwest comer Morton .tree and Smith avenue; One on the southeast corner Page street a tre Smith avenue; tI One on the northwest comer Sydney .e and Smith avenue; One o Ithe southeast corner Belmont stme and Smith avenue; One o° the northwest corner W Inona .tree and Smith avenue; one on the northwest corner Annapolis stree and Smith avenue; One on the southeast comer W yoming stree and Smith avenue. aott nd, Costs 0. Dob er. Doruiden BFla,ndrau Gehnn, leNnmee, Melody. \tinea, Sanborn, Sul livan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -16. Approved Dec. 3, 1890. By Aid. Gehau- Resolved, That the gasoline contractor be and I. here uy directed to place lampp, as follow. One on ortu-1, comer o1 Maguolm a Park. °C One on nortbeast corner of Jeaeami°e ani Abel One on northeast comer of Jesocrems enc 8ylvml. One on northeast corner of Jessamine and Park avenue.Ye i-Ald. Ppee land, Costello, Dobner. Durable., F a°drxu.. Ge hall, bteNamee. Malady, linen, Sanborn, Sul ]lvhn, Van Slyke, Mr. Preddeut-le, Approved Dec, 3, 1890. By AId. Dornlden- Resolved. That the gasolinie contractor be and is hereby directed to place had malntaln gasoline lamps a. follows: One on the south aide of Grace street, corner of Richmond. One on the corner of Grace street and West- ern avenue. One on the corner of Duke and Cascade street.. s Three onSt. Clair Chide street, between Pleasant avenue and Grotto street. Yeas-Ald. Ba°holier, Bielenberg• Bott. Cope- land, Costello, Definer, Domiden, Flandrau, Ge- hnn, McNamee, Malady. Minea, Sanborn, Sul- livan, Van Slyke, It,. Pmsideut-16. Approved Dec. 3, 1890. By Ald. Mcladv- Resolved, That the street oil lamp contractor Da and fa heresy astructed to plate end main- tain gasoline lamps In the fallowing named places: One lamp southeast center of State street and Oakdale. One lamp est side of statestreet, 150 feet south of Louis& street. One lamp east side of State at the curve in said street, 880 feet south of Louisa street. One lamp northeast corner of Bunker and State. 81 One lamp went side State. middle of block, be. trveeu Bunker anti Page street.. One lamp southeast corner of State street sad Page. One lamp west side of State street, 160 feet south of Page. comer South Robert. land,ICo Costello, Dobner, Dornide,FlandmuStitt c Ge- hnn, McNamee, Nfelady, bflneu, Sunburn. Sul. Rvnn, Van SIYk-e, Mr. President -30. Approved Dec. 8, 1590. .,.,Aid. Bott- liesolved, That the oil lamp contractor be antl is is herebyy directed to pines and maintain ofi Ismpe ns led coli: One lamp on each corner, and one in center of a ch bloc¢, except where !maps... nlreudy placed, on Hastings uveuue, !map Bates avenue to Hester. ]ens-Ald. Banholzer, Dielenbe[lt, Bott, Coppee-- Iand,Costello, Dobner,.Ducnldien,Flaudrau,Ge- ban, McNamee, Mei°dy,',lines, Sanborn, Sulli- van, Van Slyke, to Prealde°t-16. Approved Dec. 3, 1890. By Aid. Blelenbergline on - led ,[htrac or strruucted to placer ag lnulmalu .lamp on ethne orthw'est corner of Aurora avenue and Jlac- kubfu street. rg landgCoeteloB obal�rpomldeu� Fila drsu, Cope. 'I'd, an Slyke, lelndy, \linen, 6anborn, Sulli- v n. Van Slyke, lr. Pres i e., 10. Approved llec. S, 1890, By Aid. Sullivan - Resolved, That the city oil hemp contractor Is hereby authorized to erect and maiutahl two oil lamp as follows: "' on corner of 3far- s gall a d 6nelliuq acenuee and one under the "Short Line" bridge ou Snelling avenue. ]'ens-Ald. Bau1101-1, Blelenberg, Britt, Cupe- ].ad, Costello, Dobner, Dornideu; Flandrau, Ge• noun MrNamce, Malady, Dflnrn. Sa Atom. Sulli- van. Van Slyke, Mr. Pmeldent-16, Approved Dee. 9, 1890. - BY Aid. Sullivan - Resolved, That the city oil lamp contractor is hereby aachorized to erect and mnin[ahI gaso- laelamps (n followag places: Ol on nor[h- w'eat corner of Mxn+hall and Laura avenues, one on southwest cornerof Jlarshall and Laura nve- lilies, one on comer of Dayton and Fairview ivelm- one on corner of Fairview and Selby I nee. o ]'ens-Ald. Banholrar, Bieienberg, Bort, Coen and, Costello, Dobner, Doruiden, Flandrau, G n, b[cNxmee, lelndy, Dfine&. Sanborn, Sulli- rnn, Van Slyke, Dir. Pmeideut-16. Approved Dec. 3, 1890. 3y Ald. Sanborn- ructo l � be and le is hereby directed t- easoline street e ct and munt till gn.oli ie street lamps 150 f-1, aper to SL. Clair street from Lexington arena¢ to Word street. Yens -Aid. Banholzer, Bfelenberg, Hott, Cn e- Ind,('ostello, llob. r. Doriden, Fandrau. G an, McNamec, Dfelady, Mines, Sachem. Sullt- n. Van Slyke, Mr. 11-16, .Approved Dec. 8, 1890. ly Aid. Gehan- Resolved, That the gasoline contractor be and e Is hereby directed to erect and maintain one 474 FORCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. lamp on northeast corner Magnolia and Park av a lamp on comer Winnipeg avenue ldSylvstreet. an eas-.11d. Banhol2er, Blelenbetg. Butt. Cotte_ land, Costello. D.bner. Dor.... Flandrau, G han, lfexamee, Malady, :lfiuea, Sanborn. 6111(- . v Ap\'an Slyke, Ttr. President -16. proved Dec. 3, 1890. By Aid. Dobner- Reaolved. Tbat the 9 ... If- e Iamp contractor be and he to bereby inthe ..uthstructed to place a gaao- halfalamy between Wheeler ttreat Bu d A m. .tract.dlae pI�ee-- Yesa-Ald. Banholzer, Bielanbe Flandrau, Ge- land, Costello, Dobner, D raddel,'Seuborn, ,a_ han, McNamee, MelmlMr. President -10. Sulli- van, V ov d Dec. Approved Dec. 3, 1890. By Ald. Copeland- Re.nlrad. That the gasoline lamp contractor be sad he in hereby instructed to erect slid maintain one gasoline lamp on the east aide of Preble street, about one hundred feet eolith of Beaumont street. Yen. -Ala. Banhotzer, Bfeleubetg, Bott, Cope- land, Costello, Dobner, Doriden, Flandrau, Ge - ban, McNamee, Malady, ![inea, Sanborn, BNIl- van, Vau Slyke, Mr. Prescient -I6. Approved Dec. 3. 1890. By Aid. Bielenberg- Resolved, That the ga.olina contractor be I. - trotted to place and .in tufa a lamp on the a uthwest corner of Biafr and Markubin streets. jeae-Aid. ilanholzer, Bfelenberg, Boit, Cope- land, C.sill.. Dobner, Dornideu, Flandrau. Geban. McNamee, Malady. Mines, Sauborn, Sul- livan, \-an Slyke. Mr. Pm.1den1-16. Approved Dec. 3, 1890. By aids S lib en- - R .Iced, That the gasoline street lamp coP- tr luor be and he is hereby instructed to erect and maintain a street lamp oil the north aide of St. Clair street, t'a half -way between oxford street rod Baa - Ald. Bannolzer, Rieleuberg, Butt, Cope land, Costello, Dobner. Dnrniden, Flandrau, G. Mine.. McNamee, Meladv. Minea. Sanborn, Sullivans, ',un Slyke, Mr. President -16. Approved Dec. 3, 1890. By Ald. Bert- b Ise-1ved. d to t the electa"'t oil intmmptclamnafor the following (tamed .treat: tt Three (3) oa n1a r veater avenue, from Phalen a lame to Tracy nod one lata, cors Reaney and En- 1,street; ons oil coruert�InrRnret and Ac- lant(cstreets; our on Eichentrnld street, between East Seventh street and East Sixth street Oric on Faugmerstreet, south aide of street, be- tween Frank and Duluth. Seas-Ald. Banholzeq Bieleuberg. Boit, CoPe- land, Costello, Dooner. Domiden, Flandrau, Gehau, McNamee, Meladv, Mfhea, anborn, Sul - live., Van Slyke, Mr. President -1St.. Approved Dec. 3, 1890. By Ald. COP�land- Reaolved, .'bat the gasoline lamp contractor be and he i hereby b.structed W erect slid maintain two (2) geoudiue lamps on Burr street bridge over the right of way f the Chicago, St. �eolonelgasoliie lambp on o the east ha eider oftracks: Burr trees, between Whit, I and York street near the Baptniet Burch. YY e-Ald. Ba diolzer.Bielenberg, Bort. Cope- land, Costello, Dobner. Dvmldse, Flandrau, Gahan, McNamee, Mel ady,\tinen, Sauborn,Su1B- \ Van Slyke, Mv. President -l6. Approved, Dec. 3, 189U. By Aid. -or- ... lved, That the city oil lamp c ltractor be instructed to place lamps on the following ...ed -t : o One n the northeast corner of Frank and Renner streets. One on the corner of Reaney and Duluth. One on the a ath side of Reaney, between Frank and Duluth. Yeas-Ald. Bauholzer, Bielenberg, Bott. Cope- ]and, Costello, llobner, Dornideu, Flandrau. Gahan. McNamee, Jfelnd- . Dl inea, Sanborn. Bul- liveu, Van Slyke. Mr. Yresidam_ Approved Dec. 3, 1890. By Ald. Mlnea- Resolved, That the street oil Islay, contractor be instructed -to erect and maintain three oil lamps on the stairs on Bancroft street, from Concord street to Prescott street. Yeas-Ald. Banholzer, Bielenberg, Bott,d.Cope_ land, Costello, Dobnarid er, Nfneae Banlbornte Bu91- ❑av, Metinmee, Melndy, van, Van Slyke, BIr. Preeidentr-18. Approved Dec. 3, 1590. By Aid. Banbolmr- Resolved, That an order be drawn in favor of the board of coutrol for the sum of $1,494.63, being the city -'s one-third of the expenditure of s 'd board for the month of November, 1890. Yeas-Ald. Bauholm, Bleienberg, Bott, Cope- land, Costello, llobner- Dnrniden, Flnudrau, Ge- 'an, !11cNumee. \[eludy, Mine., Sanborn, Smh- Van Slyke, Mr. President -16. van, aAPproved Dec. 3, 181m Resolved. By the Comoro. Council of the City of St. Paul, that the sunt of two thousand dol- lars (52,0(10), lir ao much thereof as am) be ury, is hereby aeaproprlm[ed out of thee ity treasury far the purrs of ,,aping [he cost and ..pensee to colnpletm6 the w ork under contract betw'eeit the city of St. Paul d Jam For- estal, for the construction 1i the sewers known e the -Midway b e System." City orders shall be dra,cn upon the -i[y Lrenanry as the work progresses tupov vouchers Iso wed by the city ,. silliest n a approved by the board of public works. Yeas -Aid. Banholzer, Bielenberg, Bolt, Cope- land, Coatello. Dobner, Doruiden, Flandrau, Onh¢n, McNamee, Malady, 3Dnea, Sanborn, Sul- livan, Van Slyke, M r. Preefdeatr-18. .Approved Dec. 8, 1890. Resolved, That the draft of contract submit- ted by the corporation attorney between James Cleary and Lhe city of St. Paul for furufshing the fuel for the city of S:.. Paul from Oct. 17, 1890, to Oct. 17, 1891, be and the same is hereby ap- provedand the proper city offimrs are hereby authorimd to execute ..I coutract on the part of the city of St. Paul. Yeas-Ald Bunholzer, Bfelenberg, Bott. Cope- land, Coetllo, llobrier, Dornide., Flaudr.n, Gehnn. McNamee, Meladv, Minea, Sanborn, Sul- Irvan, Van Slyke, Mr. Preedentr16. Approved Dec. 3, 1890. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 476 By Aid. Dobner- Resolved, That the draft of contract sub mitted by the corporation attorney betweet Charles Stone and the city o.1 St. Paul forth, construction i brldge Hamlfne avenin auto.. the rmght of wav f the Great Northers 8rovedyand the y be attd the same ie hereby ay, th.rlv+d to execute saidproper conttrract on the rare am part of the city of St. Paul. laude Coate IOH, Dobner, BDolrnen den, HFlandrau Gehen, McNamee, Meladv, Mines, 6anboru, 8u1- livan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -16. Approved Der, 3, 1890. By Aid. Sullivan - Resolved• shat permfsalon Is hereby riven to Damen A. Hymn to construct at hie own expense a Wabash a enue from Cleveland anue to oMontg y street, the work to be ne under the direction and supervision o the city eugf.eer and In accordance ith p1.vs p- aproved by him, all cost of engineering and m- pecti0. to be paid by Air. Byrne. Yeas - Aid. Banholrer, Blelenberg, Hott, Copeland, Coetllo. Dobaer, Do enden,Flandrau, Gahan, McNamee, Malady, Minea, Sanborn, Sul- livan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -l0 - Approved Dec. 3, 1899. land, Coetllo, DobnerTDo-idnn FlandrauoGe- han, McNamee, Malady, Mines, Sanborn, Bulli- . Vali Slyke. Mr. President -I tf. v Approved Dec. 8, 1800. By. Aid. M"`- 11 le herebyordered by the Common Connell o"atf the City of Roberts St. Paul: the from So th to Bidwell 11 etr¢at,tbe and the same is hereby referred to the board of public work. to 0rveetigate and report: e First -]e this improvement proper and sec. na expenses necessary to be in - v such impn o rovement asked for upon It aPpllcetfoOf the owners f a 's property to be assessed for such the council s plan ar profile of sent, as reg' saby law, it you re- ef the me. tIe Sou icfl a proper order dims, By Aidsol Sullivan- han, McNamee Malady DMine' emb. ii, Bul- Resolved, That the board of public works are liven, \•an Slyke, Mr. President -18. be folherebio win orized to c atelier crosswalks on Approved Dec. 3, 1880. on the west gaid. of Genevin e aiveuun across Lin- atrreet serosa Lincoln eveone 11 tbl uet sloe of on the nordtg1, ItBis hra ebyfordered by the Common Council side of Lincoln avenue across Cambridge street, f the City of St. Paul: and four t the Intreectlou of Grand avenue That the -art of constructing a e and Cambridge street. Fremont street, from ,.adota street to Forewer est Yese-Ald. Banholmr, Blelenberg, Butt, Cope- street, be and Che same is hereby referred to the laud, Coetllo, Dobner, Doruiden, Gahan, Mc- board of public work. to investlgat std report: Names, Malady, Jllnea,Sanboru, Sullivan, Van First -le this Improvement proper and necea- 81yke, Mr. Presfdeut-16. eary7 Nays -Aid. Flandrau-1. Second -Give the council an estimate of the Approved Dec. 3, 1890. 11Pans. thereof, and Late whether one-half o[ the cost thereof Is to betpn id foto the city trees - u Third -Can realstract estate to rte BY Ald. Copeland- s sed for eaid It 1. hereby ordered by the Common Council Improvement be found benefitd to the extent of f the City of St. Paul: damages, coats end expenses necessary to be In. That the matter of c.odamnl.g mud taking an ­FTd hthereby. ch tem e e t i. the land abort MCMenemy Provement asked for V. tr et, between Case street d the north city the o titiou or application fIlin,the where t all,, 1 , necessary to c,Id "'t Che slo es torcuta unproven eat (m property to be seseased for such and tills 1. grads ng a id "I'- nemy treat, be Fifth -Send the cloned a Ian o and the name is hereby referred to the board of said fm col p r profile of Public works Ln lnveatfgut nod report: provemeut, Is required by law, It you re, Firet-I. this Improvement proper and neces- Por[ iu favor of the same. 3sxth-gaud the council a proper order direct- ... irect- e Second -Give the council all eetimat of the ng the 11ork'to be done. expense thereof, and state whether one-half of leaa-Aid' Bsnholu , Rielenberg, Butt, Cope. the cost thereof is to be aid into file city tress- land. Costello, Delmer, D. -Iden, Flandrsu, ury before the contract ie let. Gehau, McNamee, Malady, Mines, Sanborn, Third -Can ens estate to be assesaerl for said Sullivan, Van Slyke, \Ir. President -18. improvement be found beueflid to the extent Approved Dec.:t, 1880. of damages, costs and expenses necessary to be htcurred thereby'! By Aid. S¢nhortl- Fourth-Ieeuch Improvement asked for upon It la hereby ordered by the Common Council of the petition or application of the owners of the city of St. Paul: majority of Lhe property to be assessed for such That the matter of couetructmg s sewer on tempovemant'( th roll.wing et reet..to-wit: Fifth -S nd the council plan r profile of Fisk street, from Martin street to Davton av- e d Improvement, a. required by law, if you anus; cart In favor ofthe same. Martin street, from Fisk street to Dale street; Sixth -Send the council a proper order direct- SG the work to be done. Anthony avenue, from Flak street to Dale ilii street; 476 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. Rondo street, from Fisk street to Date Street: Carron Street, from Fisk Street to Dale Street; Iglehart attest, from M11tou street to Dale street; Marshall avenue, mom Milton street to Miller Street; Dayton avenue, from Victoria street to Mfltou street; Bt. Albans street, from Iglehart Street to Car- roll Street, be and the me fs bereby r (erred to the board of public works to investi- gate and report: Firetr-Is this Improvement proper and Dense 6arS? fiense thele the Council and tat an estimate er b the th oat thereof f( to betpaid into hthe city[ rase- ury before the contract fa let. Thfrd;( -C, real estate to be assessed for Said Improvement be found benefited to the exte.Vof damages, coats and expenses neceee¢ry to be in- curred terey hb? the petition or "pp"ccuch atfon of therovement a owd for upon owners majority of the propertato be asesseed for such ijMpt'b_meut7 F1tth-Send the council a plan, or profile of Bald Improvement, as required by aw, If you re- port fu aver of same. 9fath-Seed the council a proper order direct- ing Lha work to be done. Yeas -Aid. BSnhulxer, Bielenberg. Bott, Cope- land, Costello, Dobner, DOrnlden, Flandrau, G ban, McNamee, Melady, Mines, Sanboo, Sulli- van, Van 91yke, Mr. President -16. Approved, Dec. 8, 1890. By Aid is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: That the matter of opening, widening and ex- tendIng Burr Street, from Colhnas[reet to North board o and works to a ne same 15 berebestlgate 4referreato the report: First -Is this improvement proper and Geese - Second --Glue the council an estimate of the " Seas tbereof, and stand It nue-belt of the cost Lhereo[ is to be paid into the city ttens- ury before the contract ie let. Third -Can real eels." to be assessed for said improvement be found benefited to the extent of damaB"a costa and expenses necessary to be in- uurred ttierebv7 Fourth -Is such lm rovement asked for upon meof the owners of - j petition ion the proop sty tocationbe assessed for each .mDrovemeuL? Fifth -Send the council a plan orpprof le ofsald Improvement. same. tire GS red by law, if you port in favor of the Sixth -Send the council a proper order direct- lug the workidto be cine. Yeas -A. Banholzer, Bfelenberg, Hott, Cope- land, Costello, Dobner, Dorniden, Flandrau, Oe - ban, V,CNaG ce Melady, Mine., Sanborn, 9ullf- ,.it Van Slyke, Dlr. YreSideat-I6. Approved Dec 8, 1890. Ir, the matter of the report of the board of Iublic works dated Nov. 24. 1890. L is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the CILy of St. Paul: That the board of public works of the city of at. Paul ranee the following improvement to lit avenmadeue[ between umm1t avenue and Randoen and expert1ph treat, in Said city, coudem d.. aad talon¢that II eated for public nae lying within the ll bcdeof sal strir sixty-six (66) feet wide, the center lips of which, Itr.11 Rospedi e11'P. alt ilthn, to St. Paul, p r It.. of Prior verilloduced Irom eummft averine smith to Randolph street, being in the city of St. Paul, Minn. That said board shall proceed without delay to assess the amount, se nearly as they can ascertain the Same, which will be required to poay tuns damages, coats and uecesenry eapemes f such improvemeot, upon the real estate to ba benefited by said improvement, all provided by law; 1t being the opinion of the council that real estate to be assessed for such improvement can be found benefited to the extent .1 the damages, costs and expense- necessary to be incurred thereby. Yeas-Ald. Banholrer, Bielenberg, Boit, Cope- land, Costello, Dobner, Dondden, Flandrau, Gehan, McNamee. Melady, 1,1Ines, Sanborn,. Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. Pre-ldeut-16. Approved Des- 8, 1890. In the matter of the report of the board of public works dated Dec. 1, 1890. It is hereby ordered by the Common Council Of the City of SF Yaul: Chat the board oI public works of the city or St. Paul, cause the following fm rovement to be made, to alt: Open, widen and extend Cretin avenue, from St. Anth our avenue to Summit venue, fn said city, condemning and taking all that land notalready condemned or dedicated for pubec use lying within the lines o1 a stripp eighty (80j feet wide, the center It.. o1 nice strip shall be the quarter (y,) quarter (y,) sec- tion lius running north and south of Section 82,. town29, range 23, and tion 83. town 28,. range 28, being in the City of St. Paul, Mlnn. Thateaid board.hall proceed wnthouedelayto tasses-theamhlcht alllearyas required tion pay [the damages,costaand 111 be require to such the provereent upon the real estate to be bel,e8ted by -aid improvement, es provided by law; it being the opinion of the conucil that real estate to be assessed for such improvement tau be found oenefited to the extent o1 the damages. cost- and expenses necessary to be incurred thereby. Yeas-Ald. Banholrer, Blelenberg, Bott, Cope- land. Costello. Dobner, Dondden• Flandrau, Gehan. Me\amee, Melady, Mines, Sanborn, Sul- llvan, Van Slyke, Mr. Preside.1-16. Approved Dec. 3, 1890. in the matter of the report of the board or public work. dated Dec. 2, 1890. It is hereby ordered by the Common Connell of the Cityof St. Paul: blic That the board o[ ppuworks of the city of St. Paul cause tl,e following improvement to bo made, to wit: Coudemv d take au ¢�eement 1. the land abutting Cm Stiekney street, between Concord -freer aad the south city Ilmit. in -ofd city, necessary to construct the slopes for cuts and fills in grading said Stick.., etceet, between Said ponds to the e.tablished grade thereof, us shown by the profile of enfd ¢r'ade on file in he OM' of the register of deed. in and for Ramsey county, and in the office of the city engineer; said elopes to extend one Slid one-half 0%) feet on -aid land for every foot of cut or fill, as inall rated on the plan of Bald -lope- attached to - said report, and to be filed in the office o1 Raid board. That said board -hall proceed without delay to assess the amount, as nearly as IV cap a-cer- taln the same, which will be required to pay the damage. coat and necessary eapenses of such fmprovemeut, upon the real estate to be PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 477 benefited by said Improvement, as provided by law; it being the opinion of the council that real tate to be assessed for such lm provement can he found benefited to the extent of the damages, cost and expenses necessary to be incurred there by. Yeas-Ald. Banholrer, Bislenberg, Bott. Cope. land, Costello, Dobner, Dorniden, Flandrau, Gehan McNames, Melady, illluea Sanborn, Soh llvan, Van Slyke, Mr. Vice President -Iii. Approved Dec. 3, 1890. In the matter of the report of the board o: public works, dated Oct. 10, 1890. It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: That the board of public works of the city of St. Paul cause the following improvement to be made, to wit: Open. widen and extend Unlot street, from Chatsworth street to Como avenue, in said city, condemning and taking all that land not already condemned or dedicated for public use, between Chatsworth -tree[ and Como ave nue, lying within the lines of a air" Sixty -.L be the tentefeet ret a of Cunnnistreet the-terlie of hick .trip dealt pueednst from Chatsworth street to Cbmo aveve nue, being 1n the city of St. Paul, ilflnn. That said board shall proceed without rdelay to easels the oount. ns nearly ss they can as- certnlu the same, welch will be required to pay the damages, coats and neceesnry expenses of such �mpro� sant upon the real set.. to bn benefited by Bald Improvement, as provided by ixtc; it being the 2h Ion of the council that real tate to be a..eesed for"" improvemeot can be found benefited to the extent of the damage., costs and expenses necessary to be Incurred thereby. Yeas-Ald. Banholrer, Bielenberg, Bott, Cope - ]and, Costello, bobber, Dorri den,Fli ndrau, Ge - =1, McNamee, 1fel.dy, Mines, Sanborn, Su111. van, Van Slyke, hit. President -16. Approved Dec. 13, 1890. In the matter of thereport Of the board of public works dated Nov. 18, 1890. It is hereby or'Oered by nue Common Council of the City of SC, Paul: That the board of public works of sold city of St. Paul cause the to 11 o w'Ing Improve. - encs to be made, to wit: Lower and rebuild the sewer on East Seveuch street, her,,-. Rob- ert and Mfnneeoca streets, in Bald city. That said board ca said work to be let by contract, a. provided by law, without e -halt the estimated cost being first p id into the city treasury, and after Bald work hall pe pieced under ntract said board shall proceed w-Ithont delay to asses. th. amount, ere nearly ae they tau ae- certain the same, which will be required to pay the cost and necessary expen.ea of such Improvement upon the real estate to b. benefited by said lmProvement, as provided by law; it being the opinion of the council that real -.tate to be assessed for such improvement can be foand benefited to the extent of the cost and expenses necessary to be Incurred thereby. Yeas -AM. Banholrer, Bieleubetg, Bott, Cope. land, Costello, Dobner. Dorniden, B'Ix,ideau, Gehnu, McNamee, Melady, Mine., Sanboo, Sul- liran, Va. Siyke, Mr. PrIeident-16. Appproved. Dec. 3, 1890, Ad)ourIt O. O. CULLEN. President of Council, Thos. A. PRENDE..ANT, City Clerk. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Of Ordi.... s. Passed by the Common C....11 of the City of St. Paul, at Its Meeting Held on Tuesday. Dec. 2, 1890. ORDINANCE No. 1,4.14. An ordinance uthorishig the occupancy of a pnrc of the Mississippi neer, west of Wabesha street bridge for skating rink purposes. The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do ordain m follows: Section 1. Permission le hereby granted to C. H. Parmelee to construct a skating rink at or near the westerly bank of the Mie.ie.lppi river, between the Wisbasha 'street bridge and Hyde creat produced, said rink to be wholly on the ice of said river, of the following dimensions, 200 feet by 500 fee[, to be safely fenced In and well guarded; leo to construct itemsarmlrng house within the bunnde of said rink: the whole to be cgnstructed under the Supervision an l dlreiit.. f the Inspector of buildings slid the P ructulre [o be rnrnoe'lted and the trivet lefe unob- Structed as soon as the skating season is over, said building to be 20 feet by 50 feet, one story high. Sec. 2. This ordln ut" Shall be 1. force from andn[ter its approval. fens -Aid Benholmr, Bielenberg, Bott, Cope- land, Costello, Dobner, Dorulden, Flandrau, Gehan, McNamee, Melady, Mines, Sanborn, Sul- livan, Van Slyke, Mr. Presidenh16. Passed Dec. 2, 1890. O. O. CULLEN, President of Council. Attest: TGOS. A. PneNDERGANI, City Clerk. Presented to his honor the " y' r Dea 8, 1890, and not returned within the five days pte- serfbed by charter (returned D-0. 10, 1890). O. O. C ULLEN, President oI Can It Time. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk. Dec. 12. ORDINANCE No. 1,4-15. - An Ordinance Authorlxing the Oceupanep o[ Is Part of the Mississippi River for Is Skating Rink. The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do ordnin as follows: Section L Permission is hereby granted to Louis Johnson o[ St. Paul to construct a Skat• Ing rink on the ice of the Dteelesippl river Deer the a [erly aide of .aid river, to be operated my during the iv;uter, Its SoI O[ 1890-1891. Said rink to be 100 feet wide by" feet long, end located between Jackson nd Waecuta ureete produced. Also to construct within the tbove des ribed bounds a one-story frame wait - d,.. -'enc o ss. feet by forty feet; thereof . Tough boards, aad firs - pace with chimney. All te be under the dirso. ton .lid eupervidiou of the inspector of build -y Re, Pon paymeat I proper feet for permit. Che whole to be removed and the river lett G ,bstructed as soon se theskating season Isover- Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in force from ,ad atter its approval. Yeas -Aid. Banholrer, B chriberg, Botta Ccpe- Passed Dec. 2, 1890. O. O. CCI.LEN. President of Council. Attest: THOR. A. 'PRENDERGAS. (,ItyClqrk. Presented to his boner the mayor Deo 3, 1890, and not returned within the five days pre. scribed by charter (returned Dec. 10, 1890). O. O. Cun.LEN, Yresid"at of Council - Taos. A. PRENDERGA-r, City Clerk. Dec. 12. 478 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. He'll— %Ieetinr. ST. PARL, Dec. 16, 1890. President Cullen in the chair. Present—Ald. Bauholzer, I ielenberg. Butt, Conley. Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Dorniden, Flaudrau, Gahan, McNamee, %l.mn y, Mfnea, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, .11T. President —17. Minutes of preceding meeting approved and dispensed with. cOmttlNICATIONB. From R. A. Walsh, Secretary Ramsey County Delegation in Legislature— Asking that the connc1] Cotnt iRtee on leglsla- tiou meet with said delegation for the purpose ofinecessary tllegislation. Committeeonegislion From C. Weber— Asking permission to move baro—Irvine's out lots. Alderman of the ward. From Adam Vierlig— Cinim—$1,0,10—damges—falling off- sidewalk on Arundel street. Commlttce ou clnlmsAttorne for Samuel C. From I. V. D. Heard, y Ray— A.kleg for 82,000—amount of verdict in favor ;at said Ray set aside by—Frem., emir cudIni- Of —falling foto %li.sleeipp rive Sibley street. Committee on claims. From Augusta Browu— Fee permisefou to tat¢ into June 1, 1891, buildings In ]lark' addition for lived bable, ordinance cover its F tltlontion is tj compnu y an Said ordinance read fleet time and referred with id petition to alderman of the ward. From Waiter C. Dobertty— C7aim of 8800 for sewer conaecclons, %Inti& avenue paving coatrnec. Committee on Street.. From M. R. Prendergast, on behalf of commit- tee. G. A. R.— Asking for free use of Market hall for stateen- campment. Cammfttee on public bulldings with power to act. REPORTS OF CITY OFFICERS. Of City Comptroller—Audited Claims, Viz.— Dole 3. Bumgardner, Estimate No. 2,_ grading E. er n Estimate ate quint. mate end final, Sewer flr;REI; HterteNo nv E ty, E.t]mateoNeo final, sewer herty, Estimate .ad flan], sewer on Charles street, $21 herty, Ectimatn No. 8, supplementary d final, sewer on Case street, $26; P. Estimate No. 4. supplementary to and final, Seventh street Better repai Thornton S Shaw, Estimate No. 7, Sixth ward levee, $2,720: Thornton Estimate No. 7 and final, Sprinkling I. No. 7, $34.63; Thornton R Shaw. No. 7 and Anal, sprinkling in Distriei $39.06; P. Doherty, Estimate No. 3 a sewer on Victoria street, $107.60; Scher. Estimate No. 2 and flnni, grad blocks 2 and 3, Suburban Hills, $78.bU Norris, Fstima[e No. 8 and final, Split —1-1 N. 9.8971.80: Themes Linu 6, J. No. T. o. 4 Do - Moritz, $16; %I. Pirtle, $4; Joseph -and ordered paid by the following. ley, Cope land, Costello, Dobner, Dornfdnn, Flan- drnu, Gehen, %feNamce. %is Indy, %[lues, ean- born, Sa]]]una, Vxu Slyke, Mr. Pre.ldent-17. Also, Forrestal Bros., Contract—Midway Sewer Syr tem—Laboters— To the Honorable, the President mid Common Council of the City of Sri i Paul: Gentlemen: The co.I I passed the attached moolutinn. Oct. 21 and Nov. 19, 1890, for dere to be drawn upon the der treasury for the euro of $9.417.72 aad $1,860 respeeclvely, or so much of said sums as may be necessary tD pay. the ]&berets for work pertermad for James For- restal under hl e contract foe the constriction at wem der the "Midwayoaewer system," etc.. --providedthe city treasury `(or the orders malt ]said upon h ry payment o en PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 479 labor, etc., until the contractor, his bondsme, and "signs.hall have Bret filed it, the office e the city comptroller proper Instrument au thorizing the city of fit. Paul to pay said labor and recoguldng thettmeb payments shall beton Billeted by them as a part of the contract prig and chargeable thereto." The corporation at torney, after the passage of the Said resolutions prepared the necessary Instrument for thecon tractor, his boudsmeu and BBig,. to execute— which, as 1 have been informed, has been eve, Biuce iu the build. of thei Mr t[orney, remniuini unexecuted. Most of the InborerB are is vera great distress, and some htrther action shouic be immediately taken whereby they can be soot. paid, ax the rigor of winter is approaching. I most rexpecttany suggest that a special com, Iit_ be appointed to wait nein the attorneys struof meuts can the •immedlndtnla rtnin if the in fuse, tL•en lege] action wfbbe c o d: if they fort the luborerx to pursue, whlch will Le costly for the contractor and his bondam,n. 1- molc m- cotnpptrollerie�houla be heldoration blameleattrtS.. for the de lay 1n not paylug the IaDorern, caused by the eutiou of --W lu.triutent by the .aid buadameu. etc. Very respectfully, Jon- W. Rue— City Comptroller. Lec. 10, 1800. Accepted and placed on BIS. Of lily Engineer—Pbalen Creek Valley Seirer— the Fo a,n, seta monluo for7lthe entlemem pbaled Creek v iley, front Illonehaha, street to Areadn street, It Demme necessary, In order to mafn- tam the null power on the eek, to provldn two -foot 7Water I, t6ipe •to a ivey the n [ural flow of Bums already Construe ond ¢td° nd the coutrnetwlace of S. let with this provision. Proin a recent tonver- luill ,I've thatareagemeutsIII, tier tcan be lal progcomi be sate for the lose of this water power at leas ex- pense than [he conatructlon of the necessary ph e. to carry the water; slid I would respecc- }ullp suggest that [he matter he referred co n proper committee for Inveetlftatlon, to See if ar- rangement. can be made with the contractor to so modify his contrurt as to have this pipe left Out, bellevhig there would be, therebyy, a consid- erable saving to the efty. Res ted, eubmit- ted, L. W. RL•NDLaTT. Dec. 16, 1800- City Emi neer. Committee on streets. Hemline Avenue Brid leo. px w& Com —Great Northern Rail - Y pnuy To the Common— Council: Gentlemen: I Bend herewith agreement drawn 1t int - the co ditions Ruder which ythey wouldxgive Me-,, utuu to the city of fit. Paul to erect and melntnni a bridge ov r .old ompnny'. [reek. at Hemline Rvenue. ftenpectmlly eubmltt fi, L. W. R"DLM, City Eughnce , Dec. 10, 1800, Committee on street.. Of Clerk of )lunlcipal Coarct-018d&I Bond and Oath— The clerk of municipal court submits Bald oath andSaid bond In $0,000, with James G, Donnelly sad Patrick Kelgher as aureus.. Committeb oa ways null means. REPOST OF BOARD OF PORUC WORM. Alley Gradlg—Block 27, Arlington Hine Ad- TtIOn—Weld-, Joseph R.'., Subdlvislon— The board ofCommonpublicc11 orklb lCIt ha d1. paler consideration the resolution or order of the tOesto n until, approved Nov. 7, 1890. rels- tiveton a Ing alley in block 27, ArBugton Htlls. Ing sen aced the avenue. -,and bar - ng proposed intprovemeut: Respectfully report that it is necessary and proper to grade to a partial grade the allev 11 Joseph It. Welde's subdivision of block 27. Ar- lington H111. addition to St. Paul: that the es- timated expense thereof Is 8911, ...half o1 which neer) not be paid Into the 'city treasury before the contract is let; that real estate to be assessed therefor can be found benefited to the I of the cost and expenses necessary to Le incurred thereby; that Said improvement is asked for by a petition of a ]ority of the o3rnera o[ property to be assessed tlierefur, and ee berewlt id a profile of slid improv -In ent, wd order for your ttdnption If yon desire us to mike the improvement. Peas, 4; nays, 0. R. L. GORMAN, President. J. le l .1 tEn, Clerk o1 the Board of Public Works. Dec. 1u,. (Se 90. Adopted. (See order to boned of Dub1iC works.) 1� .11ec, To the common lies ncil of the CIC of t Paul: 7`he board oI u"I vo ks haus find oder nxlderutloti the renolu[f oil or order o! the common council, approved Nov. Lfl, 189(1, re1M sloLiveiesoiicouL'enuiing nu Be lit for mukmg Cherokeetivse g,, too Bidwell street andrad , having Iuvestiguted the proposed intnrovenien t: Iteems ,as elm -ug street between said streets to the established untde thereof, as Shown by the prp- Ille of all' Krade on III.D In the ofilce of the regle- ter 1 decd. Iv and r Ramsey county, null 1n the'nice of the city engineer; sold slop n to ex- tend one nod one-half (ltd) feet on Sntd Inad for every loot of cut or Iill, ns llidlcntetl on the plan of said elopes attached to this report and to be Bled in the Bice of Said board: that the e.ti- mnted ezpen.e thereof IS $'200; that the real es- tate to be aseelld therefor can be found bene- fited to the extent of the unmgee, costs 'and s.pens¢ accessary to be incurred thereby; that of If Improvement is not ¢Iked for by a petition o(sma)oricy of the owners of property to be n.- sexned therefor: but we farewl[h .end tt plan nod profile t gold Improvement, sad nn order for Your adoption, if you desire us to make the ho. prevenient. Y—S, 4: nays, O. R. L. GoaslAer, President. J. T. KE¢grk Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Dec. le, 1880, ,Adopted. (See order to board of publld ork..) Also, Wlnelot' Avenue Slopes— To the Commot. Couuril of the City of Bt. Paul: The board of public work. have had under covslderatlon the resolution or der of the common couacl1, approved Nov- 19, 1890, rela- tive to condemning an easement for elopes on Winslow avenue from Prospect terrace to An- napolls street, and, having Inveetlgated the Pro- vo Improvement: y rR- tofcolaaemo andhtaketIs an e m ant Ili the and Pntl &battle, on Winslow v nue, between Prospect tetrace and Annapolis street, lu said 480 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. city, necessary to construct the elopes for cuts ar of fills in grading said Winslow xvent el etwern said streets to the established grade thereof, as shown by the profile of sold crude on file In the office of the register of deeds in and for Ramsey county. and in the office of the city engineer; said elope. to extend One Slid one-half (1%) feet n said land for every foot of cut or fill, ns Ill dleated on the plan of said slopes attached to this report and to be filed fn the office of said board: that the estimated expense thereof Is S1.600; that the real estate to he assessed there- for can be found benefited to the extent of the damages, costs and expenses necessary to be tu- rurred thereby; that said Improvement 18 not asked for by a petition of a majority of the owners of property to he assessed therefor, but we herewith send a plan and profile of Raid improvement, and nu order for your adop- tion. If you desire us to' make the improvement. Yeas, 4; nays, J. R. L. Gosn1AN, President. J. T. Slee (' k .lerk of the Board of Public Works. Dec. 16, 1890. Adopted. (See order to board of public works. ) Also, Cretin Avenue Opening, etc.— To the honorable the President still Common Council, City of St. Paul: Gentlemen: The board of public no ks here- with respecthdly return to Sour honorable body the final order approved Dec. 3, 1890, In the matter of the opening, wfde.um and extension t Cretin avenue, from St. Autbouv .venue to Summit uveune, for correction, the aforesaid or. der being erroneous as to description of land to be taken for Said improvement. A corrected final order is herewith submitted for your adoption. R. L. GOtt>IAN, President. J. T. KERKER, ' Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Dec�S. 1590. Adopted and Said final order, approved Dec. 3, ]890, repealed an 1 annulled; yeas 17. (see order to board of public works.) Also, Fish. Street Opening etc.— To the Honorable. the President ami Common Council, Ilty of St. Paul: Gentlemen—In the matter of the opening, wfd- ave uand extension of Fisherstreet, from Vassar e to Keller street, the board of public worJcs respectfully beg leave to report that, pur- ...nt to your final order, approved Aug. 6, 1890, said board did cause a notice to be given to all pe nue interested that ml assesemeut of be damages• costs and expenses for con- dimining and taking the land necessary for said improvement would be made on Dec. 4, 1890, at 2 P. m., tit which time said persons •.erre In to to be present and be heard; that at said hearing all persons present Interested were op- posed to said nmProvemeat, and said board tberefore commend that your honorable Golly annul all your Proceedings In said matter. R. L. Gax JUAN, President. J. T. IiEat ' Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Dec. 4, 1890. Adopted, send all proceedings In said matter 1�euled said nnnutied. rel elle, 17. Also, Keston Street Gradinc— To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: The board of public works have had under consideration the resolution u order of Lhe Comnnon council, approved Nov. 19, 1890, relative to the grading of Seaton street, aad having Investigated the proposed improvement: Respectfully report that Said Improvement is not necessary and proper for the reason that at a hearing before Said board a large majority of the property owners present interested were Op- posed p- ppoced to the proposed improvement, and that in the opinion [ said board public necessity does at demand the grading of said street at this time. Peas, 4; nays, 0. R. L. Goa>CeN, President. J. T. KERKER, Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Dec. 8, 1890. Alderman of the ward. Also. Capitol and Ireland Avenues Opening— To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: The board of public works have had on re consideration the resolution or order of the common council, approved Nov. 7, 1890, rels- Live to the grading of Capitol a n e, from Vlc- torle street to Dale street, also Ireland avenue, from Victoria street to Dale street, null having investigated the proposed lmp ovement: Respectfully report that said fmprovemept is not necessary and proper at this tine, for the neon that at a hearing before said board this dav, but few of tare p operty owner. Interested appeared and iwked for said improvement. ]Sas, 4; nays, U. R. L. GmtxeN. President. J. T. K...—.. Llerk of the Board of Public Work.. Dec. 8, 1890. Alderman of the ward. Also, Sylvan Street Change of Grade— To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: The board of public storks have had nder consideration the resolution o order of the common council, approved June 5, 1890. rela- tive to a change Of grade o. Sylvan street, from R'fnter street to Arch street, and having Inves- tigated the proposed impfoventent; Respectfully report that it fe necessary and proper to change the grade on Sylvan attest, be- tween the north line of Arch .treat aad the .oath line of Winter street. as indicated by the red line on the See in si,yl.g profile; that the estimated expense thereGI le F25; that real es- tate to be asaeased therefor, can be found bene- fited to the extent of the damages. costs aad ex- reby; that penses improvement is to not [asked 4r be a eticlon of a 7p1ority of the ownere of propery too. ease therefor. but we herewith Send 0. pion and profile of said improvement. if you desire to make the improvement. Yeas, 4; nays, 0. R. L. Gon>teN, President. S. T. KERKER, Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Dec. 18, 189(1. Adopted. deity clerk Instructed to give necessary publication notice. Also, Arch Street Change of Grade— To the Common Council of the City of 8t. Paul: The board of public works have had under consideration the resolution or order o[ the commoncouncil, approved July 1n, 1890, rela- tive to a change of grade oil Arch street, from Sylvan street to Fairview street. to conform with the established grade of Jackson Street, and having Investigated the proposed Improve- ment: Respectfully report that it Is necessary and proper to change the grade on Arch street, be• tween the east line of Brewster avenue and the PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 481 east line of Fairview street, as, Indicated by mate No. 1 and final, grading alley In block 2, the red tine on the accomy nying profile; that B. Michele Subdiviatou block 6, Scinaon'e divfe- the estimated z�n�se the of fe 526; that run , G. Bolan, 8160; Eetimute No. 4 and final, al estate to be seed therefor call be found Ontario tree[ er (MIM28l No- river co 90 benefited to the extent of the dameyiea, cros[e feet north f S ring attest), Stockton & Lind - and %xpenses necessary to be Incurred thereby; quiet, $228.50; Estimate No. 2 and Huai. Clava. that said Improvement is not asked for land avenue sewer (Power to Myrtle), by a petition of a majority of the waters; of W. J. Preston, $440; Boeringer & Son, pro❑arty to be assessed therefor, but we herr 824.36; American Manufacturing Co., $84; with send . plea .,it profile of Said improve- F. G. Draper & Co., 5236.85; H. D. Bell, $16.05; ment, if you desire to make the improvement. the Boston Double Catch Basia 'ewer and Yeaa, 4; may., 0. House Trap company, $12; D. H. Brown, 88; R.L. Gotim N, President. James Cleary, $10.20: J. Duncanson, $38.25; J. T. KERKER, John Bell & Son. $14.40; J. G. Duggan, $42.45; Clerkot the Boardot Public Works. P. V. Dwyer & Bros., $3; Dux & Ullman. 56.95; Dec. 16, 1890. W. C. Doherty. $15.72; L J. P. Gribbeu umber Adopted and city clerk Instructed to give nec• company. $32; Haggerty & McTeaaue, $32; e.sary publication notice. George Jfitsch, $64.10; Ml McTa Transfer Also, blacksmith shop, $4.30; % . S. Gettv, $4; P. H. Jackson Street Change of Grade— Kelly Mercautfis Co., $14.40; Maendler Bros., To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: $10.26; Nortbwestern Telephone Exchange Co., The board of public works have had under 58.27; . nethweatern Scamp work.. $2.05; John Conafderation the resolution ororderofthe core. Martin Lumber Co.. $848.81; Noyes Bros. & mon council, approved June 5, 1890, relative Cutler, $1.66; Merrill'- Toilet SUPp1Y. $3.76; D. to n change of grade on Jackson street, between Rnmaley & Sou, 518: SL. Paul Foundry Co., Arch street and Sycamore street, and having m- $6U; Robinson & Cary Co., $27.10; St. Paul vestigated the proposed improvement: Hardware Co., $2.25; Scribner-Libbey Co., Respectfully report that it 1. ecea.ary and $2.80; J. H. Seburmeter Wagon and Carriage p oper to change the grade n Sackson street, Co., $6.10; F. Skok, $12.86; Lovering, $30; between the south line of Winter street and the Twin City Lime and Cement Co., SS.25: Sc. north line of Sycamore Street, as Indicated by Paul Furniture Co., 54: Wyckoff, Seamans & the red Illi on the accompanying profile; that Benedict, $2.255; St. Paul Stone Co., 88: W. S. the estimated expensethereof f. 5200; that real Wood, $8.55; C. Tipper, $12.50; Wm. Berlandi estateobeassessedthereforoanbefoult benefit- & Co., 812; 11. A. & S. C. Clow, 540; Mathew ed to the extent of the dam4ees, costa and ex- Craig, $14; C. C. Sharp, $15.30; G. W. Merrill, pen.e.necessaryto bef icurredthereby; thatsafd 22.00. 11 provement Is not asked for by petition of a' Committee on claims, muj.ri%y of the Owners of property t0 be as- REPORr OF 80—a OF HATER CO>f>11.SIONER., sassed therefor, but we herewith send a plan The board presents memorial asking for wa- nd profile f said improvement, if you desire cationof certain alleys, etc.—Neat 8c. Papa to make the improvement. Real Estate and Improvement Syndicate Ad- dition 4; nava, 0. dation No. 1—pumping Station. J. T. R. L. Go—AN, President. Committee on streets. KEClerk Clerk of the Hoard of Public Works. neeoxre OF .rANDINO CO>I>fITfEE.. Dec. 16, 1890. Of C'omeattte on Claims—W. W Campbell'. Adopted and city clerk Instructed to give ti=c- claim -876 damages to shude trees, Stu, M1d- essury publication notice, way Height., Mfuueh.ha street gradin — Also, Committee recommends that Said claim be re, Alley Grading Contract, Block 16, Summit Park ferred to board of public works. Addition— Adopted. The board reports that 1t hall awarded Chris- Also, topher C. Andrews the contract for grading co a Claim of George A. Bradburn, M. D. $126— partial ggerode the alley In block 16, Summit r"me rendered Police Officer Peterson, Park aArlftfon, he being the lowest reliable and' Committee makes an adverse report. responsible biddertneretor; amount of bid, $224; •Adopted. bo.d in the .um of $100, with Henry M. Rice and W. P. Warner as sureties. Of Committee on Streets, Sewers and Bridges— Said award approved %yfollowing vote: Petition of J. K. Dloore and others asking Yeas—Aid. Ban in r, Hielenberg, Butt, Con- that such action be taken as will cause the St. ley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Dorniden, Flan- Paul & Northern PaMflc Railway compsay to Aran. Gehan, McNamee, Melady, Minea, San. remove bridges over Ray mond and Hayley ave born, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -17. ones In St. Anthony Park, and In place thereof Also, erect Iron or steel bridges - 2 B 0, J Hanes. oved by It, the fol - to wit: Committee recommends that president of the coon"' appoint a committee of eve to wait oa railroad company t.secerlain whatcan be done in the matter. Adopted, and the president appointed as such committee Aid. Dobner. Sullivan. Bolt, Sanborn and Gehan. - Also, Report of Board of Public Warks on Timothy Sweeney's Communication—Lstuff rd Park Grading—(refereed to committee Oct. 21, 1890)_ Committee submits a resolution providing for amodificatfon of contract between city and Timothy Sweeney for gradlug of Lan¢ord Park so that said Sweeney will receive 17� ceare per cubic yard for in necessary for such grad - fug over 109,745 yards. 482 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. The matter wall referred to committee on streets and city engineer. Also, Petition of Michael Bleslus and others yroteat- Ing against erection of skating rink -Summit Place and St. AntltOny avenue- Commvttee recommenaa that said petition be referred to the alderman of the ward. Adopted. Also, Orfavor dinal of warrants In ( owve .`of Oland condemned for Ievm in West St. Paul -- Committee makes a f ... Table report. Adopted, and said ordinaucerend second time and passed. Also Ordinance appropriating $26 to F. Holmen - Sewer contractors' Iltense- Cotmittee submits and recommends passage of said ordinance. Adopted. (See Ordinance No. 1,460.) Also, Ordinance granting Lefebvre & Deslauriere per- mission to use a portio of levee in Sixth ward - Committee submits and recommends passage of said ordinance. Adopted. (See Ordinance No. 1,461.) Of Committee on Police -Ordinance authorizing appointment of police patrol telegraph oper- Commitmenmakee a'n ndve report. Adopted. Also, Al t Copelnnst resolution for pollee antrol box land etme� corner Payne .vane ala Mary - Committee recommends adoption of said -so- lution. Adopted. tSee resolution.) Of.Committec on License-.1ohn Elwell's petition for p [sato\ to have transferred to him butcher "mu" No. 8, Issued to Benjamin Welch Jan. 29,1890- Committee recommends that said transfer be made. Adopted. Also. H. Mina's Petition to transfer to G. A. Plum- e for us eat 261 West Third street, Butcher License No. 116, Issued April 6, 1890- Committee recommends that said transfer be made. Adopted. ➢S1,CELIdNEOII.. Ord(va=cee- An ordinance Flowall mad changing name of H lule.I -street a mots rnu street. Rule ppeuad ov motion of Aid. n 11, Vela ] e Ordinance inance N read second time end passed. (See Ordineuee No. 1,446.) An ordinance whs read authorizing building of one-story frame addition to barn -E. A. Bod- fn.on. Rules suspended nee motion n of AidmMine , year[ 17, an an passed. (See Ordnance No. 1,447.) A. ordinance wall read perto ttinr St. Paul Curling club to erect curling rink on Ampberry island. Rulespended on motion of Ald. Conley, yeas 17, aid ordinance read second time and PAn ordi..n. Orda-re ,I permtting the Val Blatz Brewing company to erect beer depot on I.- Ruou.les suspended on motion of Aid. Conley passed. (See Ordinance No. and ordinanced second49.)time end An ordinance was read appropriating $26 to F. Holmen. Rules Fended O,, motion of Aid. Gahan, yens 17, and rdinance ad d time aad p¢eaed. (bee Ortlinauce No. 1,150.) A. ordluance we. read per ;ittin¢ Lefebvre & Desiauri,m to use portion of levee in Sixth -d. Rules eI Pend,d oil motion of Aid. Gahan, yin¢. 17, nI,, rdf..nce read m,,d time and passed. (See Ordinance No. 1,401.) An ordinance was read rmittiig C. F. Meyer to construct two bn1- wi dove's -South Robert street. Committee on streets. An ordinance was read rcg.I.tmg dealers to aers and-h¢ud goods nod junk de.le. `ommittce on license. ByGehan- Resolution for modification of Timothy S w'eeliey'. contract -Langford Park grading. Committee on streets and city engineer. By Ald, Copelaud- Resolutiou for patrol box -Burr and Case streets. Committee on police.. By dDomar- Re aO1ution authorizing appointment of patrol- man to act all a mounted pohcemau for Prior avenue station. Committee on police. Resolution. for ]naps .s follow.: By Aid, Bxnbolzer. Armstrong street: by AId. Melody, Isabel ntreet, etc.; by Aid. Melody, W1n- slow avenue and George ntreet, etc. Committee oil sae. Pursuant to advetthwme t of arty clerk dated for ber were re, ceived from Jotin Marti8, 1890 n Lumber company and Brennan Lumber company. (Sty engineer to tabulate and report at next meeting of council. pefd/ d Costello tmowo hs or longer, ave of absence for a Ordf nese. O RDINNCE NO. 1,446. An Ordinance changing the name of Heinemann street to Flaudrau stmet- The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do nrdaln as follow.: Section 1. That the name I Heinemann n an street It, KrIting'. additiod Bond. a Park add itital be and the same is hereby changed to Flandrou street. Sec. 2. This ordinance .h.11 take effect ad befn force Iron and after its publication. Yeas -Aid. Bouholm,, Bielenherg, Bott, Conley, Co cloud. Watch., Dobner, Dornlden,Flnadrau, Geb n. McNamee, D[elally, Mines, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President- 17. Passed Dec. 16, 1890. O. 0. CCLLEN, President of Council. Approved Dec. 17, 1800. ROBERT A. S=R, Mayor. Attest: TROs. A. PRENDERGAST. City Clerk. Dec. 22. - ORDINANCE No. 1,447. An Ordinance authorizing the building of a one- story frame addition to barn. The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do ordain as follows: Section 1. Permission is hereby given to E. A. Bodiuson (tenant of William Thompson, owner) to construct a framo addition to a frame barn on lot 4, block 84, West St. Paul proper, being on the east side of South Wabash& street, between Isabel and Delo. street., the work to be PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. - 483 don under the super ho.a sad direction of tb Inspector of bunch, to and the prepayment c city tee' thereford Sec. 2. This rdinmrce .hall take effect aft. it Ypa b6lictnld. Bnnholzrr. Bielenberg, Bot[, Cor. ]ey,Cnppee1¢nd, .Oet . flubuez, Durnidevv, 1`lar; druu,Gchnn. ]3 \ones. ltelndy, Mines. Sanborn Sullivan, Vnn slyke, lir. Y_.idIn _l7. Pa"ed1880. President of Council. Approved Dec. 17, 1 890burn, Ila Attest: Time. A. Dec. 22. YnespeaaA.r, City Clerk. OunnN'cE No. 1,448. The Common Council of the Citv of St. Paul d( ordain as follows: Section 1. That permleelon be and the sum( le hereby given to the St. Paul Curling club t( erect on Raspberry island iv thecicy of St. Pau: a frame building ninety by One hundred and sixty-five feet In dlmen.b "d with a galvanized iron roof, to be used by said cu ling club all e curling rink. Said building to be ret oved at least one bull red feet from the Wabash. street bridge. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication. Yeas-Ald. Banholzer, Bfele.berg, Butt, Con. ley, Copeland, Costello, DOb.er, Dortdden, Flan- boru, F I lvGIlarun `Van alylce,`I` pree.idev cin -17.o Passed Dec. 10. 1880. 00. Ga EN, President of Council. Approved Dec. 17, 1890. BOB. at A. SlI1t., 3I.Yor. Attest: Taos. A. Dec. 22. PrcexpERGA,T, City Clerk. G CDINANCE No. 1,449. The Common Couucll of the Ci[y of St. Paul do ordain as follows: Section1. That permission be and the me ie hereby given to the Vat. Bhltz Stewing company to erect a temporary fppI building, to feet be used a beer de- ❑ut dred and bout hell yfeet long, two do high, lined all over with Corrugated iron ntl covered With flre proof 0flng material. between the track' f Lha Chicago. Milweukee & St. Paul Railroad company, at the levee between John and Olive streets, in the city of St, aul, and upon Lhat D rtl onM block,eventy-elght Of Kvtc- son'e do tion to St. Paul. set apart by said railroad company for the use and occupation of e id V 1. Blatt Brewing company. be t 18 further rdloacd h ted and the said work done Unat said derthall nu pervleloa of .no building Inspector of Bald city. Sec. 2. This ordmanceshall take effect and be In force from and atter Its publication. Yeas-AId. IS bolter, Bielenbetg, Bott, Con- ]ean, peland, Costello. Dobver,.%. .den, Flsa- be_. Gahan, McNamee, Melody. lilnea. San- born, Sullivan, Van Slylce, lir. Yre.ident-17. Pasaed D'0. 16, 1890. 0.0. CoLLEN, President of Council. Approved Dec. 17, 1890. ROBERT A. Slfirn,ty Mayor. Attest: TROs. A. P.EN..... . Ll Clerk. Dec. 22. - ORDINANCE No. 1,460. An Ordinance appropriating twenty-five dollars to F. Holmen. The (btnon Council of the City of SPaul do ordaimG n all follows: Section 1. That so order be drawn upon the city treasury for the sum f tweut ,--five dolxr. to refuutl to F. Hoimea the on rt paid for ita tractor's Rceh, for [he year f 890 ppenrtnF That on at of Ikuess aid Holmen has 'iiot been able to mod Iva. not done p work under a 'd license. III d order to be dellvclod upon slid Holmen- fl, hvgwith he int}- comptroller a full and proper receipt for . sum. Sec. 2. Thls ordin¢nce shall is ke effect and be In force from and after its publim(tiou. 1'evs-Aid. Bmrholu r, Bielenberef, Butt, Con- ley, Copeland, Costello, Dobler, Donvldea, S.tubtl r., Sullivan, \ an SlykIn e, llr1 Presldentr 17 . Passed Dec. 16, 1890, O. O. Co1LEN, Pre,lde.t of Council. Approved ]lees 17, 1890. ROBERT A. S]DSn, Mayor. Attest. TROs. A. PRENDEaOA,T, City (;lark. Dec. 22. ORDiNANf.E NO. 1461 An Ordinance granting unto Le Febvre Bud Be.. lauriers permlSsiou n to use a portioof the Ince ii the Sixth ward of the city of St. Paul. The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do ordain as follows: Section 1. That permission and authority I. Deelxberebi Ter. tven vue and occupy at for thefull ad Of tell yearn from the date ohe pxn.uge period ]ne of b eine . in Imhuace lot w6icti u`i d paimPoees in the parry is now engaged, towit: awmd 1u 1119.0-11eaud'he� t metal, that portion f the levee in the SIX 'nrd o[ the city of St. Paul described as follow., to wit: Lot. two, three and four of block "A" of Rob- e t9ou'. Addition to NV, It It. Paul, provided that [he city of St. Yxni to reserve, the right to grant at say time to y personfirm, company or corporation the right to construct .vtl the north one-third`(+A) (said lots,ilmrd provided further, th.t chin grantees herein med shall employ ill their said business at all times during the term of this franchise not less than twenty men. Sea 2. That permission and authority is hereby ggiven and granted unto said Lc Febvre & Deslauriers to erect, construct end maintain on aald Lot No. four (4) one two-story brick - the eld twollding for stories to be above`thelgrade of the levee In front of .aid lots; o d also, frame .hada .xi aid all of which buil Ings shall tie )ullt oder the(dl tions and sceonllug to the instruction of the building Inspector f id city, upon btaluing Permits So to do, and the p.ymeht of the propper e e therefor; provided, however that the chtm- ley vlth lad busittm,,hali esmokestack to xtendIted tleatttweutty- on ive feet above the Rrade of the D.koca a )ridge; and provided further, that this vordl- nnce ,hail not be construed all guareutcefng or sBrrauting y of the ighte hereby granted; and provided nfurther, that the grantees herein mined .h.11 complete said building ad have old osfness in operation by May vat, 3891, and that before rho exDiratlon of id term o[ en years all said buildings ,hall be removed Tomsaid .hove described premises by said int-,, and In case of failure to remove said mit tinge within said time, the as a or such' Brt thereof as may thereafter remain shall be- ome the property of said city of St. Paul, 484 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. Sec. B. No rights acquired under this ordl. mance shall be transferred to any other person. company or corporation unlessthe consent of the common council shall be firer obtained. Sec. 4. Said grantees shall and will forever In. f •and save harmless the said cit • of St. demnl 3 y Paul against any and all damages, judgments, dates, coats and maybe o same which it may suffer or that may ci recovered reason ooft e from or agulnet slid city for or by byrea o[ the granting such privileges, o for or by reason of thegrowingordinance one o[ or resulting from the passage of this therewith or of i matter er thing cthe sacred therewith a with the exercise to the said grantees of the privileges hereby grouted. Sec. 5. If laid grantees shall fall In ry re- spect to comply w'itb the pr--.I.nB of this or- dlnance then all the rlghte and privtlegee hereby granted shall be forfeited to said city of St. Paul. Sec. 8. The said Rra.t-B shall file with the city clerk, withln thirty days after the publica- tion of this ordinance, their written acceptance If the provisions thereof, the same to be first J approved by the corporation attorney. Sec. 7. This ordinance shall take effect and be In force from and after Its publication and the acceptance thereof, as provided i1) section S It this ordm.uce. Yeas—Ald. Banholmr, Bielenberg, Bott, Col- ley.• Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Dorniden, Flandrau, Gehan, McNamee. Malady, Mines, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Dir. President - 17. Passed Dec. 18, 1891). O. O. CULLEN, President of Council. Approved Dec. 17, 1890. ROREer A. S3=11, Mayor. Attest: Taos. A. PRENDERGAK, City Clerk. Dec. 22. Re.olutiens. By Aid. Bielenberg Resolved, Ther the grades of the following streets, between the points named, as Indicated by the red grade line n the accompanying pro. files, and as recommended by the fly engineer, be and the same are hereby adopted as the es. tab if -bed grade: St. Alban. street, from north line of right of way of Great Northers railway to Front street. Stinson street, from Grotto street to Dale street. Yeas—Ald. Banholzer, Biel enberg. Bott, Con. fly, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Dorniden, Flan- drau, Gehan, McNamee, Melody, Minea. San. born, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -17. Approved Dec. 17, 1890. By Aid. But Resolved. That the city engineer be requested to report a suitable grade on Harvester avenue, from Kennard street to Hazel avenue. Yeas—Ald. Banholmr, Blelenberg, Bott, Con- ley, Copeland, Costello. Dobner, Dorniden, Fiandrau, Gehan. McNsmce, Melody, Mine., Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President - 17.' Approved Dec. 17, 1890. By Aid. Bott— Resolved, That the city engineer be requested to report a suitable ggrrode on Maryland .freer, from Bock street to Hazel avenue. Yeas—Aid. Banholmr, Bielenberg, Bott, Cou. ley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Dorniden, Flandrau, Gehan, McNamee, Melady, Mines' Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President - 17. Approved Dec. 17, 1890. By Aid. Cullen— That the Resolved, city t d en neeer be and he f. hereby directed to cause the removal of the tele- phone and electric light poles on the southeast =and Sixtb and St. Peter streets without unnecessarydelay. Teas—Ald. Bauholzer, Blelenberg, Bott, Con- ley, Coceland, CtIatello, Dobner, Dorniden, Flandrau, Gehan, McNamee, Malady, Minea, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke. Mr. Preddent- 17. Approved Dec. 17, 1890. Resolved, That the city treasurer be and he Is herebv authorized and directed to advertise In the official paper of the city for sealed proposals for receiving and depositing all money received by the city treasurer of the city of £t. Paul; such proposals must state what security will be given to the city of St. Paul for such funds so de- posited end what lot ...t will be paid on the monthly balancesn the amount so deposited. Y nae—Aid. Bauholzer, Blele.nberg, Butt. Conley, Co stand, Costello. Dobner. Dorniden, Flandrau, Gehan, McNamee, Melody, Minea, Se ubo n, Su111- van, Van Siyke. Mr. Preddent-17. Approved Dec. 17, 1890. By Abd. Copdand— Reselved, That the auperintendent of police. patrol telegraph be and :e le hereby instructed to purchase and place police patrol box at the southeast corner of Payne aveuus and Mary- land street. Yeas—Ald. Bauholur, Bielenberg, Butt, Conley, Co ]aDlnd, Costello, Dobner, Doraideu, Flandrau. Gehan. cNaince, Melady, Dines, Sanborn, Sulli. van. Van Slyke, Mr. President -17. Approved Dec. 1 i, 1890. By Aid. Copeland— Reaolved, Tbut a telepbone be put 1n Police Patrol Box No. 22, Bedford had Decaturstreets. All, a telephone be put in Pollee Patrol Box No. 2b, Payne avenue and Case street. Yeas—Ald. Danholmr, Bielenberg, Bott. Con- tey, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Dorniden, Fiandrau, Gehan,McNamee, Malady, Minea, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President —17. Approved Dec. 17, 1890. By Aid. Gehan— Resolved, That an order be drawn on the city treasurer 11) favor of Lawler & Dormant, attor- ney. of record for theplaintiff hereinafter men- tioned for the sum sndpamount hereinafter spec - filed fn pa ment of a certain judgment which w�as.ntered of record i1) the office of the clerk of and amount of $OS; said order to only upon there bdag filed a salla - rid judgment in said court 1n due and a certified copy thereof with L t:openano, tosreuo, Melady,Mlijeaeu, c orn- dsu, Gehan, McNamee, Meludy,Minex, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van8lyke, Mr. President -1Z Approved Dec. 17, 1890. By Ald. Dobsser- 14reolved, That the proper city officers be and theyare herebydirected aad authorized to draw PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. An order on the city treasurer for the payment of the sum of aeveuty-five ($76) dollars to Jacob Hinkel for services rendered Be poundmaster during the month of November, 1890. Yeas—Ald. Banholmr, Bielenberg, Bott, Con. ' ley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Dorniden, Flandrem, Gehan, McNamee, Melady, Minea, Sanborn, Sullivan Van Slyke, Mr. President —17. Approved Dec. 17 1890. i : Byy Ald, Th — e � R solved,ed, That the proper city a be and they are hereby directed aur authorizedimit Lo draw an order o1) the city treasurer for the paymaut of the sum of seventy-five ($70) dollars to J. A. Meyer for services rendered us poundinaster during the month of November, 1890, Yeas—Ald. Banholmr, Bieleubem, Butt, Con. lav, Copeland, Costello, Dobner. Dorniden, Flan. drau, Gehsa, McNamee, Melady, Mines., can- t• born, 8ullivau, Van Slvke, Mr. Preeldent-1T. ADpmv.d Dec. 17, 1890. Resolved, That all Ilcenam for the sale of In- toxicating liquors be paid on or before the Stu day of Jsuuary, 1891. Yeae—Ald. Banholzer. Bielenberg, Bott,Conley, "! Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Dorniden, Flan- '�, dreu, Gehan, McNamee, Malady, Mines, San- born, 6ullivau, Van 6lyke, Mr. Preddeat-17. Approved Dec. 17,1890. By lode Gehan— — Resolved, That all orders for the drectlon and malutenauce of gasoline lamps Introduced after this date be referred to tea committee with instruction to hold sem. out"drift regular -sabot 'A'I n May, 1891. .� YelanAIC.Bello. Dolmer.lenbergen, Fl Core Ge land, Costello. Dobner, Ines, Sanborn, Sul. Gahan, McNamee, r. Pres Mines, Sanborn, Sul- ]lvnn, Vee Dec.lyke' Mr, 890. ut-17. Approved Dec. 17, 1800. By Aid. Dornlden— Resolved. That George C. Treater be and hem- by emby 1s authorized to excavate and grade at his own expeu so much of Richmond street, from West Seventh street to the Chicago, Milwaukee & fit. Paul railroad track., as to enable him to lay a wooden sidewalk in front of his property on said street at the proper grade for .and side. walk. Yema Ald. Banbolzer, Blelenberg, Bort, Con- ley, Copland, Costello, Dobner, Dorniden, Flan. drau, Gehan, McNamee, Dfelady, Minea, San- . born, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -17. Approved Dec. 17, 1890. BUM Dobner— R-eolved, That the board of publfc works be and it is hereby directed to cacao s subdable crosswalk to be laid on the wesV Bide of Ray- am ay- mond avenue, ecroea Mouvel street; also a croea- walk on the °ouch side of Manvel street, Scroll Raymond avenue. Yeae—Ald. Banholzer, Bielenberg, Bott, Con- ley, Com and. Costello, Dobner, Dorniden, Flan - 5 u. Gehan, McNamee, Malady, Mines, San- born, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. Predden _I Approved Dec. 17, 1890. ByBfelenherg— IC I. her ereby ordered by the Common Council of the of At. Paul: Thatt the matter of gra D, Atwater street, from Western avenue to Dale street; also of gg[raadding Topping street, from Western even.. to Dela street; alae of grading Burgess arrest, from 485 WeStarn avenue to Dale street, be and the same Is hereby relerned to the board of public works to inveatlgaW and report: Firer—IB this Improvement proper and neces- sary? c .second—Give the council an estimate of the expense thereof, and elate whether one-half of the beet retreat Is to ct old Into the city treas- ury before the contract ie let. Third—eau real estate to be assessed for sand of san a es, be found benefited to the extent in damages, coats and expenses msmsaary to be mcumd thereby? Fourth—Is such improvement asked for upon the petition or application o1 the .—C. of a majority of the propertv to be tasseled for such Imp ovement? Fifth—Send the council a plan or pprofile of said improvement, as required by law, if you re- port in favor of the same. Sixth—Send the council a proper order direct- ing the work to be done. Yeas—Ald. Bannholm Ble7enberg, Bott, Con- ley, Cope and, Costello, Dobner Dornlde., Flen- draw, Gehan, MCNemee, Dfeln�y, Minea, San- born, Sulllvnn, Van Slyke, Dlr. President -17. Approved Dec. 17, 1890. By Aid. Sanborn— It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: That the matter of conetructidk a sewer on Summit avenue. from Oxford street to the right f way of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad Company, be and the aame is herebyy referred to the board of public works to htvest(- gate and report; First—lit this improvement proper and faces- Bary? Second—Give the council au estimate of the expense thereof, and tate whether one-half of the cost thereof Is to be paid Into the city trem. ury before the contract Is let. Third—Can real estate to be aeseeesed for said Improvement be found benefited to the extent of damages costs and expenses ssecessary to br in- curred t6e-by'[ Fourth—Is such 1m rovement asked for upon majtheoritytion or of the a plf °tion of the owners of a j p party to be assessed for such mproveme.t? Fifth—Send the council t plan or profile of said improvement, as required by law, it you m port in favor of the same. Sixth—Send the council a proper order direct - ng the work to be done. Yeae—Aid. Banholmr, Binleubeng, Botts Con- ey, Copeland, Costello, Dobner. Dorniden, Flan- irau,Gehan, McNamee, Melady. Minea, Sau- corn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -17. Approved Dea 17, 1890. By Aid. Dobner— — :t is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the CSty of St. Paul: That the matter of ggrceding Simpson avenue, rom Charier street to Uovereity avenue, be and ,heaame is hereby referred to the board of pub- ic works to Investigate and report: First—Is this Improvement proper and nems - Se7 cond h Give the council an estimate a the penes thereof, and state whether one hall of he coat thereof is to ct pled into the city Lreas- Igy the contract is let. `T Third—Can real estate be aesensed for said ., mprovemnnt be found benri efitted to the latent ti dticu�a mages, ages,coat. and expenses necessary to be red thereby? Fourth—Ia such Improvement asked for upon he petition or application o1 the owners of a 486 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL, majority of the property to be aseessed for each lmprovement can be found benefited to the ez- improvementT teat of the damage,, costs and arpemeee neces- FRth-Send the c...ril plea o Frain. of nary to be menreed thereby. said Improvement, as required by law, 11 you re- ),'a --Aid. Banhol—, Blelenberg, Bott, Com- port to favor of the same. ley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Dorniden, Sixth -Send the council a proper order direct- Flandrau, Gehan. McNamee, Melady, Minna, jug the work to be done. Ssubom. 6ulltvan, Van Slyke, Mr. President Yeas -Aid. Banbolter, Bielenb-il, Bolt, Can. 17. ley. Copeland, Costello, Dotter, Dorniden, Approved Dec. 17, 1890. Flandrau, Gehm, McNamce, Melady, Mine., Santoro. Stdllv..: Van Slvke, Mr. President Ih the matter f the re 17' bIfc works dated Dec 30, 1890. ort of a board of Approved Dee 17, 1890. P° It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of 6t. Yaul: In the matter of the report f the board of Th.t the board of p bile track, of the cit t public works dated Dec. 1, 1890. St. Paul rause thefoll owing lmyr sate to be It is hereby ordered by the r mmon Council of nae, to wit: Condemn ane take o it a nt in the City of St. Paul: he Iand abutting on Winslow venue' betwcen That the board of p,.bile works of the city of Pronpcet Terrace and Aan.polle street, in said St. Paul cause the followhat ITPr nem uc to be eit1A esmry to c trvet the elope, for cute made, W wit: Open, widen and extend CYe[lu nvd fills in great.. so Id Winslow a be- evev e. from St, Anttony spas to Summit Lween Bald treete, to the established grade e is ,aid city, condem,dng and ing all hereof, ma shown by the profile o[ aid grade on that,, not heady condemned or dedicated file Iv the -ince of the ttgi ter o[ dceds In d faro ,bite use, lying within the Imes of strip -t for Ramsey county, and in the office f the city u=m width of eighty (80) feet, the center loaner swd elope, W extend a and on. -half ]Ina of Mich at tell be the center I1ne of Cee- (I)�eet on said laud for eve o foot f cut or Lin e , ' D ea yet Park. rid said last HII_ tud1M.Il on the plan t id elope, t- ined center line o r duced north to St. Antho- torched to amid report, and to be Nled in the. at T d not to Summlc vn a leo o[ said board. a•ll of block id, (6), CapitaI nddltiov to fit. Yaul, Thateaid board ebnll proesedwitboutdelbtyto n t a ready in tc ed 1n above description, all o[ the n...at as near) y said land being in the city of St. Paul, Mime- Lain the same which will be required to pay he nota. damsges,coetand necesearyezpensesofeuchtm- Tbat eald board shall proceed without delay p v meat upon the real estate to 1>e benBdted to assess the amount, as nearly as they can as- by dent ea provided by Yaw; It certain the same, which will be required to pay being the opinion of the council that real estate the damages, coats and necessary expensea of to be ,,sensed tar such lmprovement can be each improvement upon the real setat. to be found benefltedto the =t at coat be neflted by ahed improvement. as provided by and expenses necessary to be incurred thereby. law': it being the opinion of Lhe council that ren Yeas -Aid. BanhOlre[, Bielenbeig. IIott, Con - estate to be assessed for such fmprovement can ley, Copland, Costello, Dobner, Dorniden, Flam- be found beneficed to the errtent of the damages, drau; Gehan,MeNamee, alela8y, aljuertSanborn, costs and expenees necessary to be incurred Sullivan, Van Slyke. Mr. President -17. therebv. Approved Dec.17, 1890. Peas-Ald. Banbolur, Bfelenberg, Bott, Con - Yep. Cope and, CostallO.Dubnet, Dorelde», Flau- - — drau, Gehxn, McNamee, Malady, Mines. San- In the matter of the report of the board of born, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. Presfdenil7• public w. irks dated Dec. 16, 1890. Approved Dec. 17, 1890. It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of — the City of .St. Paul: In the otter of the reportof the Board of Pub- That the board of public works of said city of lie "'0 date dated Dec. 70, 1890. St. Poul cause tyle following lmprovement to be It to hereby ordered by the Common Council of ede. to wit: Grade to n partial grade the the CY[v of St. Pauu alley in Joseph It. inside'. subd(vlsion of block That ti's board of pu c works of the city- t 2 . Arlington HIVs addition to St. Paul, in field I. Paul cause the following improvement to be city. ride, to wit: Condemn d take xn enaement That said board can,, said work to be ]et by in the Imta ubu[[fng o wKivg street, hetw'eeo ntract, as provided by hit, without one-half Cherokee .cense mad Bldw'eli sheet, in sat.d city, the estimwted cost Wag first aid Into the city my to eoustrurt the slopes for cuts m d tLe ler contractsaidbt erd or a' hull ba Placed Illlx in grading said King street, between said u t an s proceed tith- etreefs. to the established crade thereof, as out delay to assca.i the amount, as early as shown by the profile of aid grade on file In the they can ,,certain the same, which will) be re- oilfce o1 the register of deede iI, mid for Ramsey quired to pay [he cost and ,ere dry eapensea ty, and in the flice of the cityengineer, f each improvement upon the real estate to be sold slams to "Wild ne m d (ne-halt (lf.,) feet benefited by said fmprovement, se provided by said land for every foot o1 cut or if as as ,dl- few; it being the oPinlot, of the t maw'I that real cited on the plan of said elopes ettached to said tate to be assessed for each It iprovement can report, nud to be filed 1n the oflice of said be found benefited to the extent o[ the cost and board. expenses necessary to be inners I thereby. That said board shall proceed without delay Yeas-Ald. Bnnholrer, Bielenbe g, ifott, Conley, to a ansa the amount, ne pearly [hey can sa- Copelmd, C'os[ello. Dobner, Dorntden, Flan - cert the same, which [till be reenuired to drnu, Gehnu. McNamee, Melady, Minea, San - pay the damages, cost, rad u s rY - born, Sullivan, Vn.n Tyke, air. Prealdent-17. pensee of ench imp r eat pan the teal fie- Approved Dec. 17, 1890. tate to be beneli ted by avid Improvement, sa Adjourned. provided by low; It being. the opinion of the 0. O. CUI-1, President of Council. council that real estate to be assessed for such Tilde. A. Paexplsncesx, City Clerk. - PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 987 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION „firms, by m,e bons or pupils works July 18, 18o»n. t d nlyo 11 mer P oeeeainga nae for Or Orrlfvwnce Peanea b Lhe tlemnatlon ,ua taking 7 lana for Council or the eft or y tn. can,man ,tree- r levee m the cistn ward from aBeaoud Meet ug Held on Tue.di y, U ru16. 1890' I at Pu to Delos street. as mSPr e.( by the board 1 bite works Jnly IA, 1Rfl0, torn balance o[ damages awarded for ench piece d pwrcel of (4 ---cit NO. 1,962, land taken and condemned b, nad by said pro - An 0 is hi l,ce nutb ori zing the drawing of wet- thedougnera orf suety onjernto delivebe de ring Loi hn to d favor of the owners of the land con- city of St. Pani ---it nutl su9icient dcedy of avid demand for the levee in West St. Paul. xl saints, tviih n rtiflatte of the car The Common Council of the CY[y of St. Paul do ti of, ttorney that the title to the teal estate ordain ae fellows: tht rein Section I. 'fbnt cILS o d re he drawn i fon yu n1 Feu 1, fu the party, conveylug the thecity treasurer, pwyeble o, t f the i s Sec, 2. ,This ordfuxuca ebssll tike eRect a„a be Pea,ded bwlfluce, amounting to Sli3,-90.22t ex- 1n tome [ro,n wad after its fund wing e, the city trenenry nn beltincill9 to the tion. Pwasxge aua nabltcu- bytheloard fp pupcdublic assexameut ns confirmed 1-eas-Ald. Banhvizer, B111111,11re, Bott, 1.....y by the board of public wo ks July 2a, 1882, in I Costello, Dobner, Dorn idea. Geann the proceeding for the c udemniuR of laude for alcNnmee, atelaap, ,[lana, Van Slyke -18. trent. I Ievee iti tb L Sjxtb ward of CM1e city of Nays --Ala. Cuj ml, Swutorn. 9nllivan, Mr. StIt Ynnl, In favor of l,e of the caul ex- I Presldeu[--q, ante condemned for n Ievee in [be Firth ..'wra vt Passed Dec. jr,-189d. he city of St. Paul, under pp cee,lingv had f -r the condemnatlou rid t kbig F land `ora 0. O. CU t.t.cv, President of Council. street pr levee In fife Sixthfrom .. to to I Approved Dec. 22, 1830. btreet to the cd'ter Itne of ,fiasco rl street, ,t ,Latest: Taos. A. Y1 ...T A. Sines.CitMayor. X PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL, RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA. 1891. CITY OFFICERS. 1892 -93 - 1892-93. A PAGE. F. P. WRIGHT. .. ...... MAYOR ................. ....... ........... CONRAD W. MILLER. CITY TREASURER ... ........ ................... ..... J. J. MCCARDY. CITY COMPTROLLER .. ...... .... A. PHENDERGAST. CITY CLERK .............. ........ ..............THOS. W. LAWLER. CORPORATION ATTONEY...................... ,.......DANIEL W. RUNDLETT. CITY ENGINEER ...... .......... ..... ......... ..........L. C. A. F. MORRIS. INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS ........... ........................ F. HOYT, M. D. ()GtIMISSIONER OF HEALTH ........... . . • ........HENRY H. W. CORY, JUDGES OF' MUNICIPAL COURT .......... ..... ...... JOHN TWOHY, JR. irmarle street grade ........... ......... GARVIN. CHIEF OF POLICE ................ .................ALBERT JACKSON. CHIEF' OF TIRE DEPARTMENT .................... ... .......JOHN MARKET HOUSE AND ACTING MARKET MASTER.. JOHN G. LEYDE. ENGINEER AT F. ARBUCKLE. ...........•, .•. ................. JAILER ............................ WEIGHER AND IyISPEC'YOR OF COAL AND WOOD.......... AR. J. G. HUGENMIL" E J. GEHAN. INSPECTOR OF GAS LIGHTS AND GASOLINE LAMPS.............THOS. PAUL DAILY GLOBE. CITY PRINTER....................................ST. FIFTH WARD................................CHRISTOPHER COMMON COUNCIL. ANALETICAL INDEX TO COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS FOR THE YEAR 1891. 1892-93. A PAGE. W. H. LIGHTNER. PRESIDENT ........................ ...................... A. PRENDERGAST. CLERK ......................... ................'PHOS. .. A. GILTINAN. ASSISTANT CLERK.......................................JOHN GALVIN. SERGEANT -AT -ARMS ... ..... .... ........... .,.,.......HENRY .ptunce y Railway Co ................ ......... 13 of Ordinance No. 1442, by Lee ASSEMBLYMEN. F. A. PIKE, F. B. DORAN, TIMOTHY REARDON, M. J. DALY, JOHN SANDALL, WM. R. JOHNSON, WM. A. VAN SLYKE, WM. H. LIGHTNER, JOHN H. WOLTh;RSTORFF. irmarle street grade ........... ......... AT ERMEN. •-" .....I ,rt Loa College addition ................ 310 ;rt street lamp ordd JOHN COPELAND. FIRST WARD .... .. ....... ........ .. .............. O. '/.IMMERMA . SECOND WARD ............ ............................ED. ...P. CONLEY. ........0. WARD ........................................ O. CULLEN. FOUR FOURTH WARD ..................... ......... J. llORNIDEN. FIFTH WARD................................CHRISTOPHER FRANKLIN. SIXTH WARDHARRY .......................................FRED G. INGERSOLL. SEVENTH WA1eD.......................... D ...... .... CARY I. WARREN. .. .' EIGTH WARD ... ............................ H .. .. ..HANSP. JENSEN. NINTH WARD ................... ..•............... MONTGOMERY. TENTH WARD ................... ....................THOS. dSM C. HICKMAN. ELEVENTH WARD g 251, TA17, alOfi� ANALETICAL INDEX TO COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS FOR THE YEAR 1891. PAGE. A PAGE. Amos street, Crosswalk ........................251, WJ Anderson, A. H., petitfoa refunding Itt & Ancker's reurr.. lots 1._'. 3, 28, 20, block 4. Douglas' addition. Plat H7 15 license moneyy..................... ...............11 on 1n- lorry Heights, Plut........................ 138 No. 1951—use Autlerson, A. H., refond(ng money Lelligence or amploymeut oRice, city ¢t- .ptnbce oP Ordinance to 13 torneY report .................................. 26 . ...a of leves................................ o[ Ortlinanee No.1440, St. Paul Anderson. A. H ..................................... 08 1L" .ptunce y Railway Co ................ ......... 13 of Ordinance No. 1442, by Lee Anderson. G ..................................... Anderson & Lntsun........................... 1� atance Hoff...................................1 .................. 3 Ordlnxncc No. 1401, North- Angel. F........rcct.................. .................. Ann Arbor street grade ....................... 6 / ptunce oP stern Telephone Exchonge Co.........Z. la 15% Annapolis street 1¢cop............................ Annual reports. city offlom's........... ........ . 87 :e street lamp ...................................... .. 188 dbstctt, Joseph. Jailor, petition Por Jan1- m. \V. A., order..............................1b1. ;marle street walk .........................._. 103 157 tot central Police station....... ............, 19 Appointment. police patrol telegraph og irmarle street grade ........... ......... orator at central station. ................. 14 •-" .....I ,rt Loa College addition ................ 310 ;rt street lamp ordd Appointment mountetl pollcem¢b, Prior 15 t".1 ne street lump .................._.......... 11 190'Appropriation. uvanue station.. _ ........................... 110.000, census................... ne street lamp. ....... ....... . . . Gd Appropriation to Theodore Hamm. do- 6 no street crosswalk ......................... ne street sidewalk ................. .... 271 300 ages Phalen creek sewer........................ Arbor street crosswalk......................... RR ne street crosswalk ...................... crosswnik 2'YI Arbor street sidewalk..........OU, 113. 203. 193/ no street ........................... Moder• L. H. and others. Protest grunt- license near Arbor street lamP.. ""' Arcade street, change of grade �........ • -. • • 52 neon KolodzleJ saloon r. St. Anthony ave and Grotto street I 2L' Arcade street lamp... .......... ......... ..... 110/ Arch street, Dule and Humgardner sur- o street crosswalk .............................. Y' grade between Charles and Shor 75 10 Arel etre-change of grade_... _x .....64. 74, 79 rne............................ . y between opera house and chamber 962 Arch street lamp .................. .............. 1!>f� Areas. lot 7, block S. St. Paul proper ....:. 14 commerce building, sidewalk.......... [Mance Tucilitiee. g . .... ............... lftt Arggyle street lamP.... - -- ' change of grade... coding Charter, Mayors poworrovok- a2 Arkwright street, v , 87, 80 522 g Htense......_......._...................... >Oding Ordinance No. 10. Muulol 31 g 251, TA17, alOfi� de................................... 42 Use Araw right st set la Pe*.........`120. Arlington Hills addition, block 14.10ll zrican Mnf'g Co &Leo and Huff. lying north west 18t. ................... .237, 252 yard Hubert st. U, laved Line ...................................... 1 Agrad ton Hills addition, block 5, alleyy g 228. 2A8. 289 erican Mnf'g Co, 6 ward levee........... 200 grade .......... ......................... Ariiogton Hills addition, block 54 and 55, erican Mnnufncturing Co, levee riv- 81• '. 07. 2(10 alley grude ...............:............. 221 ges.................... ...... .............. es. Oak es ...................... ..............65.86. 87 Arlinggton Hills addition, block3x Chas. os street, sidewalk .......................... 274 Weitle's sabdivfstun,......................... Sv INDEX. PAGE. P wGE' Arlington Hills addition, J. R. Waldo'' Ban otyls Edward, policeman, resigned.... el subdivielon, block 27, Wiley s.. . .....251. 28 Burr I�. Fevice president Sc Paul City Ry. aae 6 Arlington street Crosswalk ............. Co., communtextto,, Snelling and Como .Arlington Hills addition, block 35 and 68,14 storm water sewer ............ ............ I85 avenue bridee.................................... 188 Arlington Hills addition. block 46, .storm 18.5 Bu.a"te and Edvst7181rd street, police ipetrol water sewer .................. ... 17 Arlington Hill. addition, sewer....... N. "' uthko epitonc........ ................ 81 ,. Arlington Hills uddttioa, sewer from Ed K- Bathko S GL., order favor 93 erton street sewer to right of way of C., Buynrd, F` Ln'ue. new Domc_ ...:........... 43� St. P.. M. h O. R. R ..................... ....... 20f1 Bayless idellamontstrect Armory building. rout of ...................... 162 Besumout street sewers......... .71, 38 7. 10'3 Arrol, C. F.. Permit terect balcony, bay wiPdows and coal till". s ..... ................163. 31; Bed lord'`neat lame"- 'Ylt, 293 Arthur avenue grade................................56.107 Bed [o rd street Sprinkling-.......-. 198 ......... 128 Beeoh street sew;er............. ^49. 292 Arundel street sprinkling........... "" kill .... ]W IieI lei. subdivision. block 1. Wilkin & Asbury avenue, remove lamp.......... y outlota. Wiley, open, widen Asbury avenue vae.tlon...................201, LIC3 �nd extonJ................................. 279 Ashland avenue grade..... Ashi¢nd svenno slopes t '...34. 71, 78 Be11, W. H.. order favor ot......................... Ui Ashton 'treat, wooden stairway .............. 116 Bell, 0.N., money refunded............. .... 115 Assessments, appropriation for, against Be11LLnd, Hy. tl¢tm H�iel money [urnisihed _, 191 city Property.... 314 Belvldere street gg 70 I.- Du- Bement, Robert B. C., bond. e[c............ Assessment (erronooum). sprinkling„ 77 moat ............................................ 43 Bement, Robert B. C., head, etc............ 66 Bend, Col. W. B.. claim. Assessments. 511salssippi street opening, , 37 etc.. judgments ........................ .... :.... 33 Bcrkcy.dixlen Christopher............................ Assessment. refunding sptinkling nasi;''- Berkey. Yctor..........................18.15. 16. {tl meat order favor of Wm. Banholzer...... ;'3 Berkman. C. C. h Bons, claim...eam......... 86 Assessment, refunding Tuscarora street Bornhelmer ¢venue, change of name...... ll. sprinkling assessment. Wm. Banhulzer. 41 B"'ryhill. Chas. J., assignee of Lucinda 2f:5 Urew................................. ............. 16 Aesessmonm, returned ............. Assessment, refunds ng Tuscnroru street Bld�fflr jab prlutl.g and book binding.... J2 sprinkling ............. .... .............. '� Bl d.,deposltsofcity funds.................. Assessment receipt, grading Dearborn Blae. lumber for city engi near. tubulated 3 ... bids... ....... ..... street........................................... 7 78 Atwater street grade...................1;. 1. 2s, 1s3 Bigluw,G.I.,on er.............................a'- Atwater street lam _ ........ 1( Birch atrcat h'rade......................... Bl. W, Atwater street slo P 19. Se, 411, 4f1, 1Y1 Rirge, E. R., ordered to stria wires. to jail 31e1 pen"'"""" ........ Z3U Dincl<. Allen, permit to bull conduits.... 5102 Anbum avenue, scales ................ ^ ... :sswalk........................... 17. .. ...................;9. .t04 Rhalt stra,tt en , ump.s...... ...... I a avenue, I , rmm� . p � Ir 'frost R Audited claims. 2. pi, 16 37.40, 115, M. P2, 100 Bhatr street grading 1 13U. 146. 182. 186, 110. itl6, 18a. x!10. ^ IUs, 19x, 198, 11L3, 18x, .16. "17. "16. ^2f1, #l. It J, ^, lot 4, remove lamp-- i12 209, 213, ^ _ - - a Dlotn. A .............. 242. 2;6. 247, 251. 2.56.'557, "8i. 2x7. 2Nx. _.r. 242. 316.:117, It=: Bo:rd of ubxicmCn[, mcmbure. eompe nen 68 3211, :Y3'2, :f33. :iifl. alt. :BO tion of ... ............. ..................... Avon street, new name ......................... al, fi4 Bunrd of ubaWmenG orders favor n1...... T Avon street, crosswalks ........ ....... M, 238 Board of control, report for Use. 1800, ex- 5 amtred ....................... . Avon sl met. sidewalks........................120;.::68 Azotlno A36nutneturing Com�lup 6- Board oY control, report for Dec. 1800...... fr Azotine MTB• Co.. claim—nu mance........... 15 lionrd of control. money order, ozpendl- U ..... Luras for Dec. IS16 ........... ...-......... Arotlne M(e, Co., claim..; ............... 8" Azotlno Mf Co., al Ly ordure ................ 210 Bunrd oY vuntrol, report fur Janmary, I .b WF. ........... Azotlno Mf . Co., order ................ . . '"i8 14ex of control. report Por .lunuary, , ......................... JO A Ingof Mfg. C... Urotost ugal ex...bull.. Illi Ilunrd of control prdur favor of........1801 32 IngOf ......................... st.. .. AzotinuM[K•Co.. xuR ugninst...... ........ 1 Board m• control reportfor Fobrmtry,.... 57 Azotlno Mfg. Co., nNi' cu. report of cor- Board u[ control, ureore.......... Iteration attorney . "'.""""".... a' Bo,rd of rontrul. report for FnbrurtrY. fit I.UI. oxnminuA.......................:................ B Bunrd of • r o[ml. annual report, Lr0.nx- ntlsxlon of by mayor. .................. ......... 67 laxhoock'1'rimnxfu G:.. to remove vohlclex ' Huard of ono tr•d. report far Mn.lt. l.Ul... k5 from Vulluv xtroeL.......... IfIX lfmar,l o! co!Lrol, order favor uf................. W .............. Buhcouit Trnnxfer Co.. eruYe un Valley Itunre of euntrol. report exuminod.......... P1 street.. 100 Bouni u! a+on Lrul, report April................... IU:i ............................... Buoake r. [:I:ux................ .................. IOf ' Boned or �o .trul. �tP•rler ruDort............�.... Ill Ifnll. Maim Wm MuBulox.............' Order........................ 140 lit B.11ignlun leipnl court. xnl—Y................... len IWnnl Uftelrrd.nri. der 175 linker. luwin.l r....•••••.,.•.','I In. el Hoard of control, ordar.,....,.... Baker street. NnuI1nK................. ............... 216 Ibaldwlo xtre.t.chnngoof grndu........... i'i!Board of eonLrol.. order .......................... 2/U Ruldwin'tnv1L, chnngu of grade. 4; Board of control, ardor ........................ 28'1 eon too 1. O .................. 304 Bund, First 1Wgimmtt. Orrinr.......... ...... .•. 11:12' jlflunl of coutroh wools and coal Cuotraoc.. 32a Band, Second Regiment. older ........,... ,,, WO Bund. t7 rout Woxwrn, order.. 1t2' Bunrd of 'order .................... . . Bnnholzer,Wm.. Olaf m ............... 'ill: Hoard of liret•llrrsBLPaul llhrurY,mom- Bannolzer. Wm . refunding Dods r..: :: 43 B tier pp.lo ti.. .ensu ounce u iu.�: -::. 1r Bnnholzer. N'm.. Pctitlon, n•ht ndlnK xpholzer- Wal-ment'i'uetntrern etreot {I B1nu'Y`I`a'redulcutlon,:nnuul res ltert. trans- 67 drmository........... .... G7 oY mayor............. INDEX. PAR Bourdof education. estimate ............... 6, Board of Ore commissioners, member re- oppoln ted .................................... Board of Ore commissioners, estimate for ear ending SePtromber, 1891 ................ Board of Ore commissioners. horses con- demned... on- demned.................................................... Board of Ore commissioners. annual re- port transmission oP by mayor.......... Board of flm commissioners, to purchase herees.................... ......... .... ......... I Board of Ore commissioners. contingent fund ............. ............................141, 169. 3 Board oP Bre comentssioners, to sell con- demned property ......................... 3 Board of Ore eommissloro rs, to sell ebem- test engine to town of Ashby ................... 8 Board of Ore commissioners, to sell orders 01 town of Wheaton............ . Board of park commissioners, report park assessments ................................... . Board ners, snperin- eopkineod..tendnLapo.... Board Durk commissioners report.. .. . I Board of public works. prlbting and bind- ing proceediPgs. etc........ Board of public works, livery hire....... 103, 1 Board oschool inspectors. contingent fond....... .. ....................... 1 Boardn f chool inspectors. permit to .root brieck and Iran eH hoose .................. 2 Board of school inspectors, cuntinge nt to"....S...St. P ................. ............. ............ 3 Board o[ ani workhouse directors, order.............................. I....... ^ Board . of water co nonhi,loors. coerttiitflic n Board ofwater commission,pate l of lode btedness................................ 2 Board of water commissioners, order..a'A, 21)7. 3 Roedlgheirner. A.. contract .... 2 Behlund, Peter, appointed member board of workhouse director. ........................ Roh our. F. W., order favor of ........... ... Book binding.'mds far .. ............. Borowekl F. Von Hey or ....................... Bostrom, E ............................................ 1 Boston. committee on street' reception.... I Booth, Wilbur F.............. ........ ........ Bonds, Coma park Improvement.... ... 3 Bonds, Lukc Cumo Inipruvemeut...........28.5 J Bund, clerk of municipal court............ Bonds. issued for I:ospltul building...... I Bonds, hospitul........ ... . ...............'13+. 2 Band', h50.!lu1 humpIL111 Purpposc'............Bl. fiord g" llfb contract. I. Poul Daily Globe, u' city lrint+r. . ................. Bond. coutrlmt. t. Paul D;IIY Globo, cityy printer...... .. . ........18, Bowers, Isuuc, on,oi Irum�� bilil1111.11....... 2 Itv liklY LrcoL ha.................2.51. 2 Bras foal street. Iris was k: ..... ...... ...... 1 s Itnand xtruet Nruen................ ..........IUT. 1 U...— .....ln.... rf In. „rrl„r........................ 2 It rowst,r Jnr n to ungo�of gnulo,ru- vu a feuding orderDumqurrint+r, ............ .......... ... I4rowDnWetnutorl of Dalo h Brldgu, Como and Hnu111nK nvnnuos, eam- rnunlanLlou.InxufNc.... a rest, Cure.. lu•IOKo 11 nlnllnu . ,.... - -- .. GLC:L rk tord icy l/o.... Bold Ko ora ltvCuvea uoI egos meat Grout Northern lf9 tire..... t,L t...d St.. a..... Iiridun Iran. Renne, xtreeLuml Bt. Paul h PAGE' Snelling avenue, Great Northern r............................................... 76 Sixth street ............................ 75 Sixth street, agreement St. P.. Ry.............................................. 76 Pleasnnc avenue .................... 'o Lexingtuu uvo.ue.................. 1'38 Magnolia etreeF ... P. h D. Ry. :useme.t.venu.... crus ......... .. . 20 Phalen:venue crossing St. Y.,. By., Chue. Cogh�aP, claim............ 37 purpusos, easement C.. M. h St. P. crrossi ng. proPosltio................ ... 41 and street Purposes, auicment C., - St. P. Ry. Co., w![hln the lines of o street ................................... 46 Roaney'treet.......... ..... .... el vuy bridge, change oP grade of m necessary tar construction oP.:. 296 rev, change of grade ..... .......... 29 ray, ohunge In street curb.......... 330 vay, refund reassessment fat upon- .... ............ ... 274 ray 9ldewalk ............. 219 ray bridge fund, certificate of Bl- : d o es s .................. I ............... ... 286 Manes, Kirkland h Starkey ........ ...:.. el tadwny street, cement sldowalk............ pill :gunlde , James, ppooudditlon.licemanUl!ak upppoi.ted...... : I, alloy grade.... uks 81 74 teksid. addition, block 1, alley grade, 82, ome, Win., redemption of curtltlo.W.. 88 11U wn, Augusa, livery Lublo................... wn' s, A. V.t. xubdl vision of dtlnsou. 6 rown h Ramsey's addition, lot S' blue Onoldx street sewer ........................ 32 M.. E.D..or dr....................... own sidewal.....................125ow h Slee uddltfdi 1 — and h Oo.. ... C...'s .s ulNliv...... allay Co.' Cottjackaon'sge .............................. 'ari t.aa. ... _ petition t. E. R.. Petltlon...................... 66 124 rant :red .Ito.. vacation ullev........... 29 ddddl ilea. plat .. .................... 1,'s u 221 Ilding Inxpero[or. .lurks and a... ....27 . Millar unsafe, remove ............ ....278.274 ZT4 mgtains and JDale and un- has.. E.E. Su Sundeen, moditicatiutlon of can- •actgruding.WnksandLnwxmtstroofs -act "- 6 niterArcot, walk.......................113,'10.1,227, rbunk. D. R. addition to St. Paul.......... rgexs street. crosswalk .... ........ I........... 1 8 268 ego's street, grade ............... . 183 rgesx'treut grading..........l4, Zd. 'LN. IK>, g............•.•.......... 68 812., riles..J.ut, I.in rgexs street, slopes....... IS. 2u 3f1, 47, 50. (A rKexx h Topping, street grading....... rktlx bide fur .............................. ..... 10'1 [i3 rials, bills for ................................ as I1., contract ............................. FI 30 170 e..Iax. ...............................Its...... street. mower.... ........................ 175 rrxs et rout. brldgo.......... .................. id met erUxxwulk................. W?r 110 rr streetolan...11 ................. .... 91 rr unfl Came atonal«, pollco pair. box... r LLnd Case stasis, pellou patrol be.... 15 17 rwell. Y. W.. odor ................................ x))u.Knn Chex ......... Wl,or honoxe No. L trndxfl, rrva•i�r Ui7 170 'LLY nu uvun uu................. .. Lobar Ilconxo, transfer NC. J....lolm tarty..............................nmro ........ test tclmr flcouxu No. 3, true. for w4f. East 25 eveoth etrout......................... ........ tcher Ileon.o No. 1, tr¢nsfor to UU3 41 dyne nvunuo...............................:.... tchur Ilrooxo No. W, tnans[er.d.......... 41 .1 IV IN PMN. P Arlington filllx nddll.loe .I.silt.r'W,,Idn'm :H Ifili�i�In11K Liiawltnlliwrnntfre. Lrl; ruNlum,(1.,,. Mit mel"110Nlull, Wuck l.7, nlfoy I yy Arllnutolo xtr,v'L urumswrtl lr�ocM ;l.. n it, 1. Niro,lZ.nliil.l.l�•�ItliniilBn„IIInK nn110(r�lw ArBIIKl.aln itlila midlLloll• ...........1x,5 aver,ua brldvo..... ...... ............ .......... IJ nlornl wet+r mewl, r......... ,.. 11rf ___.......... .. ..... 1811 Arlington IIIIINadditlou, bluok UI, minrtu Ix!, Uulns nudll dnMl�Thlyd etrur l'Valluu �pntrai wulur sowor.............. 17 Arllugtm Hllle uddll inn, ,rwar.,..... 'Lel, IIIb Ira%u•lup6o sir,, .,., At Arllragwn IIIlh ndrllllan, Zwl•r hvnn P.du• liutlulyd, Itll, Imurdur favor (if 43 ,, 98 erton %trent A"''er lu right of way oC (J., y' Nt. R. M. k C. B, R ..................... ....... 21X1 I1n Yloxx urruue. now uume...,,,......,..... 48 Arumry hnllding, rent. of ...... ..... ... IIP.' Ileantnail xurrt Intep•. ;NLI, 248 4 17J A rrvd, 11. H',• berm lt. In erect balcony, I'my Bcnuuunll ,(rreL ruewir..... 22''N;ALI, 248 wlndnwA and coal 6111x ..... ......... ......IIF!, 814 Iiedlord mtrt•ot InnglN, I4N .'XI, In7 Ilydlnrd xlreul. mpriuhllnK'••"""""' Arthurnvcfill grade ............................... ^49,tdl 21, 1. ell Kirvel, meant. A rnudol etra(I sprinkilnR, ... ........ Aebury Avenue, runluvo Iungr.....,.... IfN1 Ilrl llcld mnbdly to. bleak 1, W Il.1 k ... uutlotx, alio a on, widen ANlrtiry nvneuu vuruLlon...................2Nt 2J:1 Ile -foodoY, p ....... :12 rtln(i l............................... 27e A mltlllrlfi A. LLVBllal+ Nin re, ............... .....N. 71. 'ix BelCIll WN ', Irlaln+•Y II`fll lldlt)..... I'll %Amhara ,tract, wuol�ml std rwny.....,. .. A NAt . one. npproprJ.tIoa or. uwalnxt fill ,Scllvrl lrrul ir�al Krulhl nunmy fu l,nlSh'115, 111 LILY ;o , 70 Ax m l L f .rrunnou,I. xprinklt,Ir,lA Un• IfemoW, Itob„rl If t told. tt • /1 It •/neral.. Ilobcrl 1{ 1 , 17 mune........ ...... If ,rad. 1 0l. N'.elate . IMV Ax%ummnum Lm. yl lmslxNlVpl mu. t Icnlrg 41 Ibou11 %n Lhrhudrbm•,,,,. .. ....�. 17 oto.. Juduolen tm ANwm,nunlL refund it It u,.r„- Ih•rke V. In Ili .. 11 It. Gf NI ulunL order fnvur of W Inn menrerat+n•nrl, 4,1 Ik•ruholuu r aural C, rfiange 1l1f aurae....., I I2 A%stlmsnualt, rr handing 1 sprl ilk 11119 u%w+ssnu•u6 Will, IHunholznr, x5 011iriicllL Chu., .L, u,slKw,u of hncindn 10 Ammuxxmmol, rofundleg I'u. ururu mirlx•1 ;NI Biu., rot ijobinli t.luy to It nit binding.. 1H ,III'111kllilg Asaeexrnent ntul pl. Krndlug Donrbot•nn 4 Bll d d+lnmbr, for uy uugl nl. r lobo hte,d ,1 street . .. � elf Atwater street gild ... .I J.•L:1. f, IN8 I11KI t n I.orvl/r, , Ill. M4 Atwaterxtrcot Inmp .. ... IINt�Ili rlh mt.r (lint It ALWnGT%local. ,lope%.....__... Ill. 4U, 40, 171 1{IIKt,L. IL, urrlcrrd WetrluK wln.xwlull&AI At burn avenue, ."Pica .............. .. . _^.wylfinrk. rU lou. vurudt Uo 6u...Ill] .... ..lx.... 17s Aurora avenueI .. X240, a74 Nlnl t t . Ik.. 2H AudlWI1 cluln Int, '11.'1' 4s I r, lel. N', Ilei Iiml t t Kr L II K .III$. M5. 11!0 1J�.o. 1411, 1112, nH, Ila+. 16!x, lin, INIi, Inv. 1!x1, 111ockr�rltuL14l I1v�nluvn til n, p......�• ••• 211 1117, 1!x,, 1!111. 2(el, 21:1. ^_11{, 211. ^_IN. '_'211, 2:%1, i11o1,1. A... .......... .. .... 112 24'1. 24f. "4 i. 25J. ^'illi. 'v,i, "IN. 2x7. :x'N. 2!ti, ISan rd of abatement. mem be rx. cumPceNa' 211',, P1N, iN71, Vr,. :Us;. ,!IIF J12, .Illi,'i'.. ... ..... .. ...... IW :N:3. tit+. d11 1141 tion if... .... .menti urdorn (aver of .... 7' Avon Atreet, new name.. 1 `4 Ito: I f 1 t Avon street, —m—alk'. ....... ...... ..... 2:t It ; of control, report for Uec. IsUI, ox - ......s2. _lis anlioed................................ ......... ........ fr Avon sl rent. sidownikx.................. Azotino Manufacturing Cum muY ..., 67 Board of control. repprt (or Uue. INDO...... 5 Azutlne Mf'K. Co.. ehdm—❑IT ""CC,.......... 13 111 rd or cotitru 1. munuy order, expends- 9 ..... N2 to rC. tar Uec. 1x09 ............ .............. Acott an \Ifg. CO., clan m .................. 1891 :D) Azutino DIfq. Co., elty I,, Cre............. :Ht Board ul',vmtrol. rCpurt fur innuary, IF91, Arattrm M1K• Co.. ardor ................._......_. Jp protest u •ninst re bel Id - Jog ... ............. ......................... AxuLine \IfB. Cu..l 's b G{ Bu;lyd sit control. order len— of ............. 5: Ing of ............................... .. Beard nr eunt.nd, report for February, 1e91 53 Azotime Mfg. Co.. cult against............ Ilunrd of Control, urdere........................ v, Acofine Mfg, Co„ no'an"'report of ear- „li (Sun rd of cool col. report for FeDrunry. IrorLLl.Ion:tttyrocy .............................. _ rF3 Is91. exun-outr .................... 9 ISon rd of Control. annnul report, trunx- nli.,ioe of Ira' nuy.r..................... ... 67 II,bcock Transfer Cu.. to ret Io'C vehicle. Itunrd of cunt, d. report ror Dlnn.•h. IxUl... .6 from Vullcy street ......................... Ire lSo�u•4 of snot col. order ttvo i of.ed............ 86 Buhcack fnulsfer Ca., oral's on \'alley Itua rd of ruutrol. report examined.......... of xtrreL .............................. .................. IIMI ISou rd of Colnt col, report April................... 101 13uCCker, Chas .................................. 11 i IS,la r,ll at �n�r�n oif rel. Arrler ,;port •. .,.. �..... IIII Null. Claim 1Vm Mcl{ule............... ........ ISullllf mm�iCl lel cern rt. sulnr5'................... Int, ISule'd of ,dol urrul.rlordar........... �............... 175 Ibtkcr. luwlx.le... ......... _....... Centro 1. nrdur,........,. 21U ISuker xl. tt•L'L. grudlllg..... . ...... ......1111. 2114 Ifounl al ..................... 249 Ihndwln ,tn+sit. rhwlKe u f Krnde........ _. rf Control'. /J Bal d ol.( order ...... .. .. .........lbs Baldwin ,tract chnucr of Raul,.. ......... (fund, Flrmt Ituvlrnent. toll."........_._.....,... :1'1 Itourd of rout rut, on rr..d.. ................. 14nnA, ticeund licgluumL. nlACr.............. a2 IS,rnllvl, frnnlrnl,w�dllrund caul contract.. IMIT RnnA. Drcut WcmU•rn, nrdur.. ... _.... .... Ifnohu,Ner. %via.. cl!hmding Order.......... 41 B,!mr(oq,unhui.�AtorN tlt Paul Ilbnlry, mem. 24 Bnnhul Aer, Win . rl .. . ❑n uhutrel, wel.. pot Itl r I'uu Iblg Ifmtrd sit,Aov tl 1 le ur 1 I 11 Io.,.. 1:r --,grin Y Jj!g llxml•xA..... fit 'I IA sir n mtr Ct. 41' Ifuu lA of rdoCatt r un ural rel orl trues- ....... ,1,...,-..b,...• ._. .. 147 mls.ionn of 11y only-" .. ... . 117 I N REBS. Ituotrd of rdIl ru„,C, Ilorlyd of eulrlm is.1/rmrrA. mein bur ro• ingrainLon...........I... ............_....., .. 1 Nfluanl of n, „ern ntl.minlllow. r 111anto for yen eating tbptArmbor, IND!. ......,. .. 14 Buurl of ftroenuun lmminnrrm. her%um run- dernucd..._. .................. ..... N!r 11 anrd irf fl re rl nuni9vluoo-nnnonl ro. part., tams, lmsloa sA Board of lieu ronnnl%Mouurs, tsi psi rclulNo hurmuN. ....... .................... ............ 149 Board of Ilro o(nnmdxmdonarN. uuntlani!l. Board of JIM I rillARIo ... m. I _sell1o0H. 1421 fend Ienurm. In null cuu- dcuuled pruporty............... ...... 8,72 Ilunrd or flet eonunlsNlnuors, to Nell chem• Irnl aught, UI town of Ashlly.............. ...:01.1 Board of fir. comm im.lunrrm. Ivy moll order, of town of IV) Cut oo................. ..... :Cot Itnurd of park eormnl,eloners. report Intek w msmrnt.......... 15 Board or mirk eunonl%sloonrx, moporin• Unulenl. 45 It” rd psi rk wan nu ,Mian r Im rt . nod Board ,rf petite work,. prleu ng nti11 bled - I I,K Irnrve,•,11ng,. I{ourrl fir ,u hit• work,, IJ rY I Ir ., ..'IUI, IM Ilan rd o� .•hoot luminal r Ian To', I fetid ... .. 127 Ifuu r(I if wheal Inst I Una, pernnl to ,•.root brick nnrl Iruu all huu,o_,,,. __.,.... 2s4 Ilnu rd of .tblmd lugsm•I r. conlintreel';Iln fund Board of NI [',fill work) 1. Ito, U Im. eller .. ... 211 Board of Willer 1 11 Im", i 1 till n pH Buur/l of wnG.l null ml n r 1 •x1.101 til• of Inilm,wdi % Hoard of wet r t nnud.mmlonul.. urdrr 7 pr.:116 Buedlghuhnnr, A.. rue trtu•t_.. .. Zif I{ol,lutid, PeG•r, n rpoin 1.1 1 ober I ted of workiloll.n If ren of ........ ...... nil Ikyhrur, P. W., order favorer. ... I)J Bunk bindle KI'bbl. for ..... ... ...... ........ 04 ISu,owxki X'. Von Ileyder.... ................... 4m Bostrom, F. .... 112 Noston, Cornelittce on mt c t voptl .... !a1 Iteotb. Wilbur M. .. ... ....... Its IWndx. Como bark improvement.... . ... 313 Ronde, Luke Como inn provement......... �.?M5 :1111 hood, clCrk of muniCipal cell rt.......... Ilan&,,. lm,uCd fur buspitul building'.,... 1M atoolm, hospital ........ .. ....... ........'L?.�. rt Band., Vfl,A1u hospital per lose. ...61, (F3 13uud (,2.5.pAn contract. kt. Paul Daily Globe. a, ,fly rintl•r.. .. .. .. .. .. IJ 0 ISill . coutract. , I. Pilot D11IY Gluhc, City print-...... ............. ........IN, 24 Bowers, Isaac, erectfraniC belidinK.......::" It radlay street Ill 1) .. .. .......... 2:d, 21i7 1Srid Curdstrrar. mid—sill ............ .lin Brand xtrCC1 Krade ..........................lir, 111 t rerkonridKC. C. It.. order ................. ... err Ifronban ARnex. pay moot, JudKnlenLx...... JO Brennan Lunlb,•r Co., bid fur IumbCr Vur- unntGrCltrclerksradverlI-In rat. .... :1 ISrowmteraveini-ClmtiKCof Krnde.Tinlo- ,,I, Law 1- refundlegsirdar............ 07 IS wx 'elmer .-C. re. chuegu e( 0, gradr fu titling order ........,.. 11, 52 I4 rewAw, nrouuo, Dole k if, •r. IO ,ll Cly i 119 III ll WHit l Bru1Kr, Cunur unA Snelling nvenuoa. umn- uuu000dcatlml. hnxu lllulr racy olceLrlc curs., 14 It1ow'• Ihtrnline avenue ncremm 11rmIL Norl,l„•rrl ICY Co_ ...... .... ....... 14 Ibddge Il nal it Inv Cn leu, ultra lent Ilrout Northern I( f. 6 ISrldge Ino). liter ,y tl 11 unll St. ('ILMI k Dlllulll Ity Co.. Cro- lig .... ........... Ill ('Allo,• I, Stalling uVoollo, (11-t Northore ^11 70 ,, X11 LII m4Fl,eL, Ilgl'INflllent Nt. I'. M. it, ... .......... ..................... 75 s 14uur,letavoouo..............._.. "o 1. I.o%I larl uveauu.. .. .............. 1'JX •. Magoollu eMcuL tlt. I'. k 11, 8y. (nmenum L ........................... 11.:0011 UValllle cru..1oK NL K. M. Icy„ enno. Cpghlllll, clidal............ J7 ux 1 fill m�n, oem"l. C.. M. k tll., 11. . crumxblK. propos )m 11 on ............. ..... 41 ) fill(] street Purpesem, ellecui)it C„ Bt. I', fly, Co., wlth6l the Iluem of In street ................................... 46 !, IWnnuy street......... ....... XI ways bridge. chuugu of grndn of Its ucrmxu;, furcmlxtructtm uL,. 2M wu V, cllnllgu of Mroolo. .... ..........:Mel way. aha ego In LruuL curly,. . we way, n,Cuml ruaesummmm�t furutwn• '174 anyend w ilk ... ., F't'i. 211) way Inik w 11111 l vu 1 11 t of II- edllemm.. --lallllllelf, I<Il klilllll hell LLFk y NI I{rundwnY sir L not el. ml I walk ... Brogue lane rullooumn upnd at.;I ...... 1139 NI Ilro"P41, uddltluu, block I, of lcY Knulo,... IlruukNlduuddltlon, Woes ulh9 glnn9, K2, 74 NN ;r let, Will'. redeteld4uu o!wlilllcnw,. 119 III'etvll, AIIKII. Ln, IIVory stnttlit B I'Ir A, 11'M, A, v., mnioi vlmwe of L4tle.o 1, - Ilruwo k Itmnsey's addition let X, block 4, (1 tit lamireuLxower...... ,.... 32 77 ISruwn ueaunr xlduwul H, . .. 125 Brown k .lurkmo,', luldlll, West bile Ltool kg CuLtagc Co,'. metol vlxlou. alley IlrYunt. F. peLltlon... ........ 104 IS ryant lull aline%. vacutlmt "tiny., ... .., ,;, •24 Hedde's addition. plot .. ..... ......... ... Bellding inspCCUor, clerk.v and anal xt 11 im.. 221 286 tl. lend 274 I inarurdour. Lot.Inn. UWu and Uluis, F. Bandeau, nludlacuCun of con- s tractArildluK.lcukmand Lnw.un Cruets 6 all Ilerb n .real, wdditi.....I.,l......a..] 1:1. 1(R, lftirbnuk. D. K. addition L. Jt. Paul.......... "1'7 8 Ii lrrgese street. erea.tvul k ........................ °68 if. reosm street, grade ............... ...... IRf 4`lurKesxvtreet •nldiuK..........14. i. 2s, ki, W :i12/ Ilnr{ftxx 11re't, Ill, I1N... ......................... JSnrges. street. ,lopes....... 16, Z,, :39, 47. 50, , fo BIUCss k'I'opping, street grading....... 1(Y lin rbllx bid foe ..................... lierhds, 11%for................ .... �.....�..... II., :Fi ti0 170 Horns, .lux. Cent'a,•t............................. 13 urns, .Sax. fl ............... ......................... 9s Iturnm street. %ewer.... _...................... 17:5 Nurr st -eet, bridge .......... ...'...............:919 Herr Ntreet. uroxswulk................ ...... Ilurr.t,-t opening. etc.. .. .... 1 41 Borr cod Cuse straau: pnllce patrol bus... 15 Ifilrr and Cu.0 stnwtx. 1>otice putrvrl box... 17 Iturwol1. F. W., order__. ............ 41 IUI 1; ... Jaeger, C'lux .. .. ....... ... .. ... . Buteher bacumo No. 1, trunxfer,ea to 917 1.'Y uvunuc.................. INltcher license, trarmrer No. 3 to .l Pin Mill'ty ............................... ..... 2'J Ifuteher IlCI, Nu. J. transfer W Ma 9UAL Novonlh mtreet....................... 1''....... 41 Ilutehor lioname No. 1, true""" to DIII I'nYne avonuo................................... 41 Batch- Ileonsu No, M. tnulsferred.......... 81 INDEX. I Pnna. O ChiceF. foge and belt company. .. .. l(K)PAGE. C.. M. & Sr.tP. Ry. Co., easement .tondo 40 99 street.. ;abill, Patrick i ; ' d meat .. 1 C.. Dt. & St. 1'. B. ft. Co .Propos ti ease- 41 ;aldwell, Henry, order to Pay Jd a .,... inept. --burs and brldFt 111 I ;ampbell's, W. W. claim............ 11 C.. DI. & St. P. It. B. Cu. ou.ement. for ;Rmbridge avenue ILoop ............... street Pu rPu6e,. lines oP ... ... 157 hridF1 and .. 36 ;ambridge street lamp.... 142 no t ctIti ;aoada street crosswalks.. .... .. . ;enada street sidewalk ........._................ 120 C•. 139 C" U. & St. P. lt3:CCuo s.gtreemept Pleas- ^0 ]anal street sewer .................... .....6 )apitol avenue. grade..............10, 16',,130, 1442 C.. M. artR. StuY. ity. Co.. itldgmenta vs. cfcy 1106 ;aPltol avenue IamP ............................ of iec, report Dfarch..................... 1114 .. 81 Chief OP ;aPltol. now street ................ .................... pp :a itol City Flan. Estate& Im Proveme81, 10 Chfcfofpolice. relprt tApril.or riis9( .. 1N1p., l� �p,,....... of Pnitee, repuct6 examined fpr ;a tain of police, report for December. Chief p "; Der and December. 1800.Uctobur, Novem 15 1890 ptab..... ;aptain of police. report for January. 1891 -1 Chief of Police, renloce all r bd it( imis in CapLain of police, report for February. 49 alloy block 48. lCittson's add it' xn... 1i �n report 1891"" for Dl¢rch. 1891.... 71 Chief oP Police, fonµ', Captain of ponce. reportfor six moutbsendtng November T. 1890, 15 Capptain of poltoe, report April, lamps not lighted........................................100 Chiet of pullet, re Port forralued.... ru.ry 1891.. 4 Car line. IIniversity avenue to Bt. An-. 1W Clfef oP Pµlire, r port fur Dlur ih. 1891'..... 71 thong Park ""' 6 Carroll street,crose alk�.r�L...........2E 2228 Ch of by meYornua report. ran6m . - Carroll 99 street livery stable ................. lit Chlef Lit police, order incur conn ug.. 76 73 fund.......lec'... ........................ Carroll s en"' e33-er ...................39. 58. ........ Carter avenue 8rade,..73, KJ :84.92. 107' 1^, 6, 228 Chief of pollee, report farl.fnn Lia rY. 1891..... 27 Carter avenue. eidcwulk" 'il� Cary. S. M .................... .............81. 104 Churchill nvcnuC. Ifln'Ps.-s..auggested b Care at -t' M manholes ....................... 152 City ohart.er. amendment y 5 Case and Burr streets, Po ' Patrol Bo �S,� it' clercouncilk,, clerk hire......... � �:.. 98. 104, 10S Case street lamps ............ .......... . Case street sewer...... .. 118, ]36 City tl k 1m itt rule, of council. 71 Case street stagnant wuteo. ..203, 212, 242.'_5:r etc Catchbasins, Lyndhurst ave nue .. 280.203 Chy 1 k uual eV t, tr. mission of 67 Cement block sidewalks ........................ a City cltnrk report. heen,e rebates....or. ..... 15 Census. 810,1100 a propriation.... 1 f license Issued rid p Central High School electric Plant........ J.. Oily clerk. to p0rd isif cuum•B ls..r diI"( 26' Central Park fine ng.. ............................ 108 market Boast receipts for Isix, ............ 3 Central park, electric lights..... .....16'r. --6i Central police station. Jnilor•.s petition for Ci t3- cont rtrrller,nnnual report_ transmis- b7 i of �Y mat3'or............ ........ 1nn1 W r ............................ _.... ....... 13 slot .t Ile r. report.. 159 central Bce station Patrol operator. City cum , , .. W1 ppoo 13 C t 1.V - ['Into _ 2� author iring appointment .... 3 S 1 Bank - Central lx+licc Lotion.. .. . 121 Cit 7 L 3t k p . id Ik trcete. 5 Certificate of 1¢dcbtedness BIo..00 appro- 15 Ce < IniKoud ditl .. .Ott priatiou ....................... ..... 17 City .•..linea r. payrolls...... .. 1.'111 CerLificntee of lndehtcdnoss 315, 57 City engines r. con tingeotf d -"' 11 Certificates of indebtednee+. d.S,pl0 12'. 14U. Cita' hovebangep, etc.. � etc. ]al Certiflea[esofindebtedness. ..100, IT U ,11+6, Ci13 I I nI ns for Impru 1 184 Cit it I se of...- .. ..... iii Certificate o[ tndebte dn,s+. t7 baa d Lf 25:, City 1111 :Itnnm.l report ":1, lo, it wacur commissioners - Mile Cit inter, election of. 1811 1'J Chamber of commerce building. Y• Y 1 ..., _.. ... sidewalk ....................................... ..� City Printer. ISt�Rt I] Daily Globe elected Chamber of commerce. Secrcmry A. S. City Pr n 10. 11 T¢llmudge invitingcuuncfl to be PresCdt 18 24 at n meCting.- -" "" ?5 City Printer. Rt. P¢ul Daily Globe. con is Charles sLteCtsidewrilk. ........113,117,173 tr L 1 dr.Clerkhire --"" 09 Charles street lamps .... . ... 1111 Cityt - _S... ....168 ig City t .1 rr, clock lir Ch¢rlea street. sidewalks end lamps. i .. Cbnrteramendfng. mayors Iwwer revok- 32 (C,itY ttn•u+illrr, annual repo t,ltrl¢os pis- 67 lug license ........ ....... _.................... cion of by Mayor............_.. Charter amendments suggested, cmmcll 6 City treasurer, repol'ttfurFJanuury. 1laJi... 48 committee on Iegi 11 V9n......... =� Chatsworth street, lump .................... .^I^ City tr e:tcu rc r. re Pur 2, Chatsworth street, sidewalks 141, 1.57, 154. 2gi CItYy Coe1gross e P odnge Paul Gl.. Bail. w.., Chatsworth str>et, grade....... 116.140.158. 171 City tree+uror, bids for delxrsl[ of city l 2L 51 5!1 funds ...................... Chatsworth streets upas ............. ..........._........ 104 Chatsworth street. sow'er.................22. 41, 1H City trrtlitr rec. clerk biro... _... UN Chatsworth atreet, sewer and grad,....... 09 Chief of hoe. Clerk' lut.lun for :asaess- Chel[on.street crosswalks .......... ....... 3IH City property, nPprniir .....314 comm Is W me ata nKlu nst... Chemical engine, Hre .ny 33; Civil righ t. league, free ase market hatloo; :S1µ sell ... .. t . 341 CI:.Irl ler do 911 ' Cherry street, fire alnrni box. �- Clnlm for -e .. .103 Clilcugo, SL Yaul & Kansas city IL II y nt f .. ... 300 Co., inspector of Lulldings issue P,rmit :if c url. ct rcet. lap l' - .- ---- 12J� to erect Ice house ........... ............... INDEX. vii PA S'C. PAGE. Clark 't et, I 1 1 't 1 l Contractor,, ordinance relutiugt... 174 CI u 3 las permit t er t i l operate Conray street gru1C. C=. I9r i Conway+tract cprinklinfi' 1TJ/ Cleveland tit Lie pt Id Id Cook str•eterosswufk .. al 267 t d _ Iw+ t 1 Cook stlect IamPs Cle •lu¢d avenue. r ..-. } ...IJ Cooper's addition, block 1, ell 3 b dr -91, 144 Clerk nI m'r,Ipul court, ui noel report Cooper's addition, alley Krade ... ..... 81 I I t I ..... 6�' GP oration attorney. report Od payment tinnsnifs+ion of by a a3 Clerk of rn I!uh- Pul court report for Dc- 1 of laborers. Midway sewer system con- 12 ember 1N90 .. ... 4 tract.... ... .. .. ... ... ..orJ Clerk I muu..... can rt, report 1'ur .lu n- _ Corporationehersreport on A. no attorney. 26 it uisnnce... nary Is!)[ art. ....oral. ....h ::, � Mfg.Co.,whet�er ..re ... ['lark of municipuleup rL, report Dlurcb GorpuruLlun attorney, annual uul report, /H91 ...... ...... it Lrunsmisunn of by mayor ...................... 67 ..lurk .. m .. i nal court, report Mar", ... bn Cur ru[lon attorney, election of.......... 61 Clerk municipin�court, repiI fur April.... IW Cor Llan atlurneY•tulnsLitulepn,Ceud- l;lerk Lit iu : Cipnl court. re Po rip exam- Ings agalirst G. N.. hy. Co.........-.... ... 75 Lir 64 COrixrrutiou attorney, contingent fund.:... 178 CI kl f itini ipnl court. n:polt fol Feb. �Cotmge Lo[s uddltioii, Ault elulm need to INI .. .... ... 491 E. is. Lawton ... .......... .. ......... 318 Clerk of m.oielpal court, bumis TSLNIO....... 14 - Coupon,, Interest. comptroller W IaY•...... 211 Clerk of muuiclpal court, re Parts exam- Courtland streetslopes-- ---- 113 I ped for month, of Sc ptem bt•r. Uclolx•r, Cramefe. J. W'.,order.......................... '6 NuveIn nod December. IN! 1............ 15 Crondall. A. A .......................... ......... 81 Clifton street. slopes ........ ........... ..21, 51, 58 Crest Cochran. construct wnodou cell- lob Cochran. Thus., re[undine order......... 13. 110 Ing Lind Partition ............................ Cochran K Wals, order ........ ........... 122 Crescent Creamery Co........................ 106 ............. Cochran & Wit lsb. order for share of In- Crocus Hill :tsa_ atlon............. B debtednues Lir school district 2'J.......... 2A Crocus Hill avenue, change Of name of GPRII Ian. Clius., alai nl............... .......... :47 PLirt oP.............................................. '124 College avenue dufeeC ve sidewalk rlulm.. ]2 Crocus place enrsswulk..............................2:16 College avenue defect lvc .iJcwulk. C. .I. Crocus place lu mP.... ........ ...................•• 1FN/ Pierce eiulni .............. .......... ........41, 42 Cromwell avenue crosswalk........................ 229 Columblu oven Lie Sxving F'uml &C Cu., Cromwell a..one!''?. enue lump- - -- -.150, 213 order ................................................ "'..i' Cudworth strvet.name ,banged.............. 43 Columbia. street wooden drain .............. 145 Cullen. K. P...................................... 12! Calumbin Electric L ., I:crout to erect •Cullen.James.......................................... 124 poles, etc. .... ...3 GaaaitT, poundmwWr. reports oxnmined. 16 Colnrndo +trees Inmp ... ..... Cunntngllnnl, .f. iv ....... ....... .... !IB Cnlurndo+t rear cerin kli ill... .... 191 Cortico .street grade.... ...... .. 65, 66, 113 Comm reb.l buu8 depository..... ...•.... 131 Custer street addition Plat.. .............. 143 Commcreinl street slope: .......................... d. 53 Custom house. relative to............ ...... ol/ Commercial street ropx:r..... ................. 276 Cypress street lumps ...................... 252, 267 Comndasio.ce of bvi t I order............ 201 Comn ittee o lcg,sl:ttiop, anumdmeu is 5 O On suggested on city clla rt .................... Comn.un council, Publish p7 roc dings...... 28263 Como avenne, Como adduion. cher ,1 Dohme, Aug, et a ...... ..... .... &1 numc . ... .. ........ 30 Dnkotu county rood Krade .. . 1'J, S9 "ono ni rue - Ik. - 293 Dnle.frer.•tchengeur grade .4.i, Como ovinia. K d lk f _'99 7 b 141 al, street lamp ......... .. 33 Co m on.enue lamp+................2ii!I, 31`2, VI, DRIC street +ower. ... .... ..... 219 Dale street sldcwalk .. 81 91, let. 112 Cornu uvepu '111 Ik- .i0'J �' Dale R BnmRurdner... .. ........... 100 2'3Dale .L Bumgutdner, raise Jackso¢ a[. ..64, 77 at -cure [ s. and r K 1 ni,. 87 Dole and Dutogurdner. Fairvlew street Como buullu, rd� rip. 3t' Krud int. s urplus 'HILL— .... 10 Cum. boa 1. ru rd, vac tie 215 Dale. .I hn. d Loulx A. Bum ardner, gg. Culmr hike, III——uf—n•b"lVc to............ as Jerk+ and Laws.. street grad[ng eon - Como Park 'mpr.vemcnt. I wnds.......!W,. 313 truce odi 6Cd........................ ............. 11 G m and SncllirlK :ave Ines 1 iOKe. Barr, D le, John, upd Chris. E. Sundeen, and Ir. F.. communication St. R City Ry. Co li Louie Bumgardner, modification of can. Como and Western avemie,, Pulite Patrol tract for grading Jenks and Lawson b ..42. 66 street ........... .. .... ..... .... ... Concerts. i k .. 81 Dal -. Peter ... .... ' f 1243 Duly" street. grade ... .. .... .84, 106 l undo its, 1 Iflh+t rest N. W. TeI. Ex. Co.89 Dale is.therine. ardor ................... ... Ms Condo its, St. Pan l C ly Ry Go.. --..104.105.121 Drily"•Cutlierine,Dearbornstreetgradldg. 112 Conklin, J. N'.. verndt to erect rind main- D¢ly Cutlierine. Petition .................... 86 ruin me lights ___..... I8 - Daly. Sirs. Cnther(ne, Petition. Dearborn vi". gi ocreet gra ding assessment recei pt ..... 26 Contin Relit Cnnd ally eliKincer .......... .. 158 cuntlngcot fund. corpur:ulon ntrorncY.:.. 1- Daly. Cather ine.................................100 Cuntiogrnc fu Lid. lxninl fico con:missloil- Dto sells CPmnrandery, for use of MUT- cr, .... 1}]. IUV, ;Gl it Hull ......................................... 701 CoutinR ul fund. board u[ school In six'r- De nturous liuuids, ord.nonce regulating tors..... ....127. 316 atom Re. e[0. ......... ...................... .... .. 182 Contingent rind. mayor ........... ..... 127 Davcru', Burnet addition. Plat.............. 2U5 -' """ use sanitiis Con t rust. Jolla D1ur[In luluber comps nv. Davidson, E. E. permit to 150 lumber......trItp,..................................... ...... G,ntnit•t. bo.d, St laul Out], (.lobe city Dawson. Win Sr.. erect i ram, building 73, i5 t .. It. 23 Ux wcoii, tin mllcl F.., ci:.!m ......23. 164 Contract,, urdi...n let'llog to .......... .. z73 it Da wsun. Samuel E...... .. .. .... 105 INDEX. vi PwasO 'atrick odment 1 1.Henry.o_ dca oPBy.i...g. 11's. .....30 11 1ge avenue lump '- 157 Igo street IamP.. - 142 street crnsswniks.. - .. 130 street sidewalk. ;rest sewer.. .................. . 6i; IF3 avenue, grads,......._.... 10, 10."•.130, 14 avenue lamp"""""""' new street ............. 9] City Real Estate & lm prove in ant . ]0 o[Pollee, report for December4 fpr olios. report for January. ]891 21 of police, port for February, SO t of police, report Por Mxrrch.. Ven 71 i of poll-! report April, nor 100 yd........ m. IIniversity ,venue w Si. An- 100 rPark ........................................ street, change of grade............4. 259 t scree[, crosswalk .....................211. 228 t street IlverY stable ................. 1;3 I street sewer ................. 4U, 58. 36 avenue gr ide,,..3, 93, 84, 92, 107. 116. 136 avenue. sidewulk..................18�. 1104 i. M .................... ......... Greet, manholes,. .... epat., ox 152 nd Burr streets, police Dntrol Bo X5.208 aeet lamps .............. ......119, 196 :tcet sewer ................. Greet stagnant water......D0:3, 212. 24^_, 25:; lasins, Lynnliurst avenue..........280, :A3 tblock sidewalks. .. .. 8.5 $10,000 appropriation '31 Il II1811 School electric Plant......... 331 e" tl Park paving.. ..2. al park, electric lights..... 11v. tl police station. Jullors petition for 14 tor......... ....... .......awr. ll police station patrol---oper h ,or In appointment .. ............. It al pollee station .................... ._....,,.r iadehtedness $10.000 apPro- Pwne. Chicago forge :and bolt come Y 100 C , M. & St. P, Hy. Co„ ease t H du 40 street...' .prod C.. M. & St. I'. H. R. Co , slit asc- • tt. crossing, and bridge Pu react... 41 C.hlrhlge St.dP.`R1CR.Pur}rosuse lincsfof 46 Hondo street. r. 93 C.. 11f. & St. P'.1' (.t order f o,of 3 C., M. & St. PR). Co., neretmtnt Plcus- 70 ant avenue, bridge._.. city C.. \i. & St. P. By. Cu.t hfxrments vs. city. lf�l4 Chief of slice, repor 1N!p.. 4 Chief of 1'oliee. report for D,. host r. Chief of police: report APrt 1. 1991 ... for IW tesofindebtedness,w,uv...12,,1a9, tes of indebtedness.... 109, 101, 21.1 286 ,is of Indebtedness. W board^a5 253 commissioners ...................... r of commerce building, alley, ^ alk ... S. of co fares. Secretary e. edge inviting;cuu ncil w resA. be psent .-ting ...................:.......... ...... 25 streetsidewalk .................114,117, IlajI street lamps - 1rJ1 street. sidewalks and lamps amending• mayors power revok- 32 ;ensu........ amendments erlgRestcd, council r itteeon legislation............ ort" saes[, hIol..sllo; .141,...,. 212, orth atts•et, sidewalks 141, 157, 774. 2.54. ?SI ortb street, grade....... 11.5, 140. If3t. 17 � orth street. s opes..............21. .51 orth street. sewer .................... 41, 114 'orth street. sewer and grade....... 99 n street. orosstvulks.......... ....... 3I9 al engine, fire commtssiunere w .. .. 272, 33: street. fire alarm box.. .... .341 o, St- Paul & Kansas Clty �Iial hvny Inspector of buildfngslssue Pct alit �.,.t iea house ........... .................... 31 gbd Decrultber 199D VV 15 of Police, remove x1111 t Li in 17 y�block 4F. ICI[t,on's addi[i v t t_._... f police, forage vpott '1 si�mon the ending November 30. IR90, ]5 (pollee, report for Fe9,ru cry's SF91.. 4U of pobce, report e - illetl.. ;iji .... 84 of police, report f r N are it al�-lsmis- 71 of UY mayor..ann...... .... 67 of potter, order favor contingent 76 d...... ..... .... rofpolit•e. elerk'ssalary. - "" rf Police, report for.lunitary. 19!11...., 312 chill avenue. lamps .................. .. charwr, amendments suggested by 5 moil committee......_ ................ . clerk. clerk hire ............... ...OP. 101, lOS clerk. committee un to of council. 71 .................. . clerk. annrtul report, trnnsmiseion of cnayt rr........................ ......... 67 clt•rk', report, lice.-• b t ..� .. ]i clerk, W pub l ash cuur I I dings 2",clerk. report of license slued and rket h"' rccei Pl^s for 1N.Hi.............. 3 cointrtndler,¢nnu;al report. transmfs- 67 it, ofj,, mayor. .............. ........ ...... mptruller, report .. ... .... .... ._ 100 r[orfas................. _....... ...147. 159 depo, 206 depository. State Bank.....streets, condition enginCea to keep sidewalks. 75 c. Ile gout condition ................... IOri • cnRiu,or Payrolls .........................._ mit • engines r. t•ontingent fund ................ 156 '.jnfl.ch«uges, ete............................ jail, Plans for impravenletlts, et.c lRI r Jail. Ic. ii, of.......... 67 olifcm's.annu¢l reports ................ ta•r, election o(. 18!11 .............1, ]0, II prirnter. cunt act. bond.. 13 punter, St. Paul Daily Globe elected10. 11 printer, St. Paul Daily Globe. col N. ^4 t t d . yt a 1 khi 109 y t. gu 1 I 1 991 I 1 a cn ort for it. tb, 1. BF tri neer, n mml rep.^t, trees s- 67 m Ot by Mayor .......... ............. y treesurer. reportfor Februal'V. IF01... 4P y treasurer. report for Jxn uu ry. 1891... ^5 ,y treasurer, n'purt St. Foul City livil- Lr ay Co. gro.s enrnivgs...d pis ,y trc,,urOr, bids for deposit of city 2 ands...................... .................. ,v treueure,, clerk hire ......................... 104 ief of police, clerk ............. .. ...... 09 y property, appropriuthni for aesuss 314 neniR xgninr:t... .... ell rtgh is league. Pae use market hn11 loo, X110 104 nim I'ar dx b .. - .. .104 lint for re it fo s ' nk,teel't,e 11 .... d 0 .Irl, street. In P 129/ INDEX. vii Y w o e. Ywcg. CI k t •[, 11131-D, idc+. + 1 t •utl.. .. 251 Contractor,, ordinance ivluting W. ... .. 274 CI . Y I permit w er t d uperxW Conway street Rrxtic .. ... .... .... 1 1 .. _ 195 Co144 nway vtreet cerin kltog' 1T3 Cleveland a u U 1 .anJ Cuukstreetcros,wulk 1,207/ tend ... IhN F) Ctlok street lam Ps .. Clea eland act nut , st yti .. . l.N. _ 45 Cooper's addition, block 1, alley brxJi,..91, 144 Clerk n-nicipuI court, annual wear[ Cooper's I( Linn, alley Frfldt.............. ..... 81 t rnnsmis,iuit of by n�uy ... bt Cory r tion attorney, report on payment Clerkof ntu ticll'al ti art 1 t for n. of laborers. Mid -15 sewer sy,Wm con- 12 Omller IhU9 r 4 traet.... Clerk of municipal court, report fur -Ian Corporation attorney, report on Arotine uxry ]P lituni.,........ _t. .ortI... March 2. Mfg. Co.. whet her attorney, annual ..rel- 26 Cicrk of municipal you rt, report lar Dl arch CurUuratmn utWrneY, annual report, it transmission of by m:;yor...................... 67 1991 .............. Cdork of niunici rnl court, report \lurch... Ill4 Corporation attorney, olectiun of.......... 1 rn�co .rt. report for Aetril.... 100 Cur Llan attorney ,winstituteproceod 75 CI -k I is ata Ings against H5'. Cn .. ... ... CI k [ 1 i 1 l'H Corporutiut. alWrney, contingent fond. ... 178 I 1 L fo.xFep Cottage Lotsacldltiun, ainit claim 11-1 to CI k fi I 1 1 }J E. It. Lawton .. .. .... 939 Clerl, t [ nr ni 1 i t 1 1: tiPMM ...-. l9 Lou pun s, inwrest. nom Ptroll W pay 213 Clerk of ntu mcipul cum r. tenurts txx.n Cour[lund 1t3 land for moat hs of Sc pian hers Ucro her, Crn incl c. J. yi'..ardor.......................... .8 Nurcmtrcr loaf Occanibcq 1192..... _.. _. 15 Urundnll.A.A._........ ......... 81 Clifton street. slopes..._................21,,51, 59 Crescent Creaery.construct wooden ceH- Cochran. Thos.. refunding order.... ...73, tm ip Ing and Partition ............. ...... .._....... 105 Cochran & \\'uisl. orJcr........ .. 122 Crescent Croamery Co ........................ 108 Cochran & Willslt, order for slutre ut' fn- Crocus Hill association ............. ............... 8 dobledness ol'schu01 District .J.... -..... ZfA Creeus Hill avenue, ebupgo of name of 224 Coghlnn. Cha- Halla ........ ...... ... .... 37 pal•t of............................................ College avenue Jefecti.'e sidewalk vluim.. 12 t:l'aL'nR pl:tCecrosswulit........... .�..... G36 College avuuuo de(eeticc. sidcyvai k. C. J. Crocus to ee Inmp.... .......... ..... 18/. Pierce rinim .... .................__........41.42 Cromwell avenue crosswalk ....................... .230 Columbia nyefl Ue Saving Fund &c Co., Cromwell nvenuolamp........ ... ordm•...................................._........_.^� Cudworth street nam, chungetl_............ 43 Colombia street w'nuden drain .............. HS Cullen, K. P...................................... 124 Cola m bill Electric Co.. Feral lu erect Callen.James..._.........._........_............... 124 polus, etc ............ ................... _.... & CunnilF. POundmnster. reports examined. 15 Colorado street lump ..:............ ............... 22+ Cunninglimn, J. W ............. JS Coluradostreetsprink in ...... .... ....... 191 Curtice street grade... .......... ........GS, 6tl, 113 Cumin rein[ b a 1 Posit 3 147 CusWr streetsddltiouplat ..... ......... 143 .... ..... . Comnterelal-1 P'---- 53 Custom house, relative to..... .... 61 Commercial street ru Dai r ......... .......... 270 Cypress street lamps................... 252, 267 Commissioner of health ardor............ 201 Committee on lege latfon, nmcndmeuts U suggested on city charter ................... 5 Cummun eau nail. Publish rnreeedings...... 282 Como nvcnue. Co.- ad -ion. change Daban, Aug., tt al .................. 63 name .................................................. .SII Dakota county road grad e.....................13. 53 Como nvcnue crol-tilk...... ..............279 Dule sirect change of grade.... .......... 258 Como nvcnue 'rade.._........ _ 8. 2!Y.1, 3'6, 841 Duln street lamp ........................... 134 11.. ...:.......... Coo -arenas 1 33 'tmPs................. tiU, 812, :xl, :f30 Dnlc street sower................. C'. nvcnue. tower' .............................. 29t) Dale street sidewnik.............81- 91, 100. 112 Como uveuue. Rloves ..........................309, :i4•. Dole& ljU,=,dner.............. ........... lOD Cornu avenue, sidew•ni-1e ............... .._....... 2TJ Dule & llumgurtbler, raise Jackson 9t.r 64. 77 Com" ncenuu , sn' xuJ regr:uling207 Dale and Buwgurdner. Fnirvlew street -. Conor boulevard, 1:1mps..... .... ....... . 31' grading. surplus material. ................... 10 Como houl, curd, rucutiou............. ...... 275 Dale. .lobo, and Louis A. Bumgardism Como lake. shores of -relative to............ GB Jenks :and Lawson street grading con- Cunto pork improvento rtt, Ironds,......^9:i, 313 taint modified ......................................... 11 Coma and Suclliug nae nu•, bridge. [hire . Dale, John, and Chae. E. Sandeon, and I'. F.. conimunicaifon 9t. 11. City Hy. C'o 14 Louis Bumgxrdoeq mudsfication of con - Como a id W t 1 l • patrol trsct for grading Jenks and Lawson 0 boy .. ... street ... .. .. Concerts. pu k .. 4 81 Duly. Peter. ... .... ... 2b ConduH,, for .. .. 44 Daly stret•r Rade ... .. ...84, 106 l'pndul its, 'lt 1 1 •c\. W. N- 1. hz C 89 DSIv, Cntherum, order .. ... .... .. 215 Conduits. St. Paul C ty Ry C .... _.. lin. ]. a. 1_1 Dilly', Catherine, Dearborn street grading. 112 Conklin. .1. 1+., Permit to el -el t and main- Duly Cutllcri nes Petition .................... PO t sin ur•. lights ...... IB Daly, Mrs. Catherine, petition. Dearborn UOntingunt Umd, city engineer .........156 streetgadingassn.sment receipt.... -100 Contingent fund, ell rprnution iatwrncy..., is Duly. Cntbertne..._.. ... ..... ... Contingent food. board fire commission- Damascus Commaodery, for use o(Mar- ers .... ..141.160. 321 ket Hnll........................................ 30j. ........... Contingent fund. bwtrd of ne tool hisper Dangerous liquids, ordinance raga at ng tors............ ....12., 310 storage, etc ....................................... 182 Contingent fund, nlo*or....� ... ... 127 Davcrn's Burren addition. plat .............. 205 Con tinct, John Martin lumber collpunv, Davidson, E. E. permit W use sanitas Inmber............ .......................... 26 traps..................................... ...... 150 Contract. bond, St. Paul Daily (: krbc city Dawson. Win. Sr., erect frame building 73, 75 .114, 21 Unw.son, Smmncl E., cialm. .. ... 24. 161 t - .. .. x74 Dawson. Samuel L. ............... 105 Cintrutts. uiuu�ul t.. lutw� w........... vj IN DEX. ,.trick .. 1, Henry. order to pay judgment .. 1 11's, W. W. claim.... Re avenue IsmP* ................. 157 Igc street l=k m R ... _.................. 42 street crosswalks .. " " 130 street sidewalk... .. .. . .. 12<1 rest sewer ........ .. .. ........ . avenue. grudc......... 102. R ..1, 1 avenue lamp .......................... new street ...................................... 81 City Real Estate & Im pruvement 81, 10 of police, report P r December. 4 of police. report for JannarY. i of popcc, report for Februurv. 49 eIi. 18.... of pes, report April,are lampsnot11 1 it .. pot. .repo, ....... A... 100 PAre. Chicago forgo and bolt compo Y SW C., M. & St. P. Ry. Co.. gas est Ron 11 40 .street.. s ease - C.. M. & St. Y. R. K. Co.. PTOD 41 •IL. crossings andbridFel P •.. . Ctrl e1Fe t'd .ttecta Pu Irosr,. mines, of Rondo street.. __... 4G C.. M. & St. P. Rv'. Co.. order hryor of...... 93 C.. M. & St. P H) Co agreement Pleas- _0 ant avenue bri ge. .. '- 'C.. >l. & St. P. RY. Co.. tudgments vs. " y 11 i Chief oP polite, report March...... Chief of Police. roport for DCcemlrc r. 18J7.. 4 Chicf o[ police. report April. 1891 .... 100 I l a b ithol. 17 ,eportti'. inul pot brvenlber 30. 1866. 15 r Fri runty. 1861.. 44 64 Car line. nmined........... 71 Car ny IIniversi[Y acenue W 6[. n- IW Cldefof irudit ,report ualoreport1March. tra8nsmis- thony Park ... _......................... ohcc, unn 07 Carroll street, thongs of grude............45, 259 Chleto pp ,,,,,,, 7b sins Ot by live. o ........ ever Carroll street, crosswalk ....................ill, 228 • Carroll street livery stable ................. iia Chief of Polite• order favor contingent 312 ...49, 5P. ii fund ............... 96 Carroll Street sen'er................ t for .inn uury 1861.... 27 Carter avenin 8rade,..3, KI, 84. 92, 107. 116. 17b C'liief oY Police, clerk's salary....... olice rc Carter avenue. sidewalk.......���....::186: 1M Chnru1li11 arenuc.�"---" Cary. S. M .................... ......... 152 Cit, charter. amendments 0uggested by 5 Case street. manholes .............. .. Case and Burr streets. Pollee Patrol Box 1, 17 council committee_...... ' ,,,,..2(r0, 296 'it, clerk, clerk I re ................... until: 1OC Case street lamps.- "'-"' „118, ]:16 City [I k n tt, ules of count!1, 71 Case Street Sewer....... 212,242255 etc suss .. t t i f Cssso street stagnant water. ..ZLCi, 2do, 2A3 City cl k r nl I g7 Catchbasins. Ls nnhorst avenue .. 15 Cement block idewaikc.. .. " Cb)clerk's rel 1. 11 erebates..proceedings 21,2 Ceps us. SlO,INrO approPriution. 8J7 Cita' clerk, to Publish sou 1 Central High SCh of electric plant.. ... [ of license issued and Central park PnclnR............ ................ 108 'ity cls k. rv•Imr ... Central Perk, electric 118h[s...... suss. iii r. 263 market hon se recti pts Or N.W. 3 Cencrnl Police elation, jullon petition for Ctt3' tom rtroller,unnuul report. tr:ulsm is- 6 7 14 stun of �ry mayor...,........ janitor........... suss. City cumptrolier. report.. ... su ss .100 Central ppoolice station patrol oPernwr, 14 Citv deposits i .... ..147, 156 authorizing UPoolntment ... .. ... 2011 Central Police station.. . 12S City. dolrl Oce y S t R k suss. .. City. enFincen, [ i keep sWt. elks, streets. Certificate of indebtedness 810.o00 upPru- 75 Uriatlon.......................................... 15 eu•. in goner condition._.................. Cortilleate5 of indeb4•dness 3l 57 City unginerr, e0otingent fond ............... 101 Certificates of indebcednesa, B•3, 12,•119, City .jail. thungee, Certificates of indebtedness ... 1o0, 161.224, 286 Clty Jill, plane fur fmpruverr t etc..... 1k4 S4 W board of CItY l.til. kiss of .. til Certificate oP indebtedness, 045 25:: City ofhcm's.nnnu¢1 repot " 11 .noir Commissioners .......................- City Irrinte r, election of. 18!11............. i, 10, 13 Chamber of commerce building, alley. 2.. C!ty' ornwr. cuntneCt, bond. ......... sidewalk ... ........... 0. 11 Chamber of commeree,u Secretary re be Present City printer. St. Poul DuilY Globe elected Tnllmudge inviD ng co 25 City printer. St. Paul Doily Globe. 0018. 24 meCtin . I ............. ................. at n g ..................... rIs Churl esetreetsidewalk .................114,11". I1G City irens�urer, clerk iris• ................_, 108 Char c. street lam Ps.......'...... trco surer. clerk iris• ... ...... i .. .. Chas I sstreot. sidewalks and IsmPs .o� to Cit} tensreport fur Marclas, Ixi1i suss... GE C' barter sale. dWK. mays rs Power 3„ 1 it e'. .1sial. rep"'t. t sort fag license .. ... .. ';li i t t 3 M > - - s G7 Charter enomentx gRexWet, e 5 (1 v tfor F e 1 Y 1.`41 4x mitten on legisl:ltlon..., suss iJanuary.1x61 ^' coallama... 212, :C'7 C t` tr—Or report St Chatsworth a r•eot. 157, 1:4. CIL_ tre:rsilr report St Pill') GI[Y Hail 1:r Chatsworth trt t, sidewalks 141, •,1, ^Xi way Cu. R - g)" - ,it of city rade.. 115,140.(515,171 fitly [leas. bW. fr II 2 Chwtsworth street, gg 21.51 59 finds Cliatswurth cares[. slo Vas .. - " 41. 11-1 City tress ur •r, Berk iris Chatsworth trees, sewer - Ira Chatsworth street, sewer and grado..... �. 09 Cbie[ o{ Ilse. tier .. �_ 314 Chet Wel street. croeasr'alks. .. ... JIX CItJe rlrrupert,. :tPprupri LI [ C" misslu¢ere W •r to .Fort f e ken bill 1 .:110 Chemical engine, tom ,272, :33: C�'il right.,I g .1 W, 1(14 sell .. ..341 Cl;tlnl for d: 4 ... - - .. Churrystreet. fire alarm bac... .. .. Ctuinr fern t .- .104 Chicago. St. Paul & Kansas CILy Ituliwny suss.. 3W Co., inspector of buildings is sue Permit :10 Chart arit ttest. ism p�"��t for ae.'er'. .._ 129 to erect Ice house ........... .................... INDEX. vii PA eI," PAOB. ull.."- Contractors, ordinance relating to ..274 u.n l 2 CI k..t l• 1 "WellI CI ) 1 '.. ! t t e t d Operate Conway street Trude. ..... .. 107 kli lig. - 144 tale ]951 Cmnway street vprin 1TJ Clevcl d me oP o . Oder Cook +tre;tcnrsnwulk .. 2.11, 267/ S) Cook lain Ps tend . .. u: street 1>! i3 Cooper's addition, Muck 1, fl11e,J 6 a 1 UI, 144 Clecelupd a _ _ .. Clerk n lniepul our[. ulnunl report ii c CooPeisudditio., alley Trade,. dl oat trans, utbyniuyul•..................... for In, oratnn attorne pot payor G7 Cor Y, report of laborers. Midway salvor system cu¢- C lcrk of municl pal t•Ou rt, report OIsIcl tract .... ............... ........... _X........ 12 .. ... -,I. ber 15091 Clerk of nnnnepul court P t fur.1 1 Corporation attorney, report on 'oilno 26 uary IS91........ .... Mfg. Co., .hether III n ice... ........ attorney, all not report, Clerk of municilrulcuul-L, report for March 1 Corporou— tnmsmissino of by m:nyor...................... 67 1891 .............. ......... )has rL•h Corporation attorney, election Of...... .... 61 ['lurk Of noisier rut coon, report ... r t fur April.... Intl 1001 Cur{wrntton attnrnCY• W Insti tole pruceCd- Cietk munici U,t� court. pV 1 k fI 1 4'Op--t - Ings eg.anns[ ls. I•I. Kp. Co ...... ... .. 75 cuntluRent fund. ]78 1 f al t. report f I Feb. G4 Corironatioil atwrncy, Cottage Lots ndditurin, unit claim aced to CI k u I hal Clerk a f n i ipul too rt- 1 rd. N2Ani. ul113 49 14 E. K. L vvWn. .... ... .. 338 Coupons, Intere,t. comptroller t.pity. 213 Clerk of muniepul court. reports wont- Courtland streetsio)es.. ..... .... J. W..Order:6 fined for mOiitlis of Septeni her. Canter, 15 Crumsle. .......................... Crandall. A. A .......................... ......... 81 November nod December. IE!N_...... ..... M Crescent Creumory.construetweodeuceil- Clifton stn's. sluPee............... .... ..21,51, Thus.. (u using order... ...73. filo ing and partition. 105 Cuchran. re Cochran & 1\'ulsh urde r .. ........... ...... for elutre of in- 1'•22 Crescent Creamery Co..................-:.—.. 106 Crocus Hill lusucintion ........................_... dl Cochran & \1'a lsh, order e11-ol dintl'ict 2J.......... 2(6 Crocus Hill avenue, chu¢go of name of debttul¢ees o1' .......... College aceuuc defective sidewalkcluim.. 37 12 Parton ............... ........... ..................... 224 CrecuS Pl:u.•a crosswullt .................:....... ..... t38 164 Cortege avenue defcrtive 'id -1k. C. J. 42 Crex•us place InnnP.r. ..... ....................•. Crum veli even ue crosswalk........................ 229 Pierce elulnl..............................41, nrcuue S;n-ing Fund &c Cu., Cromwell nvmmClumU........ ... . ....l:.i 202 Columbia order ...........................___........._... Colombia scree t woexlen drain._. .to CD Cudworth streot name thonged.............. 43 124 COlilmbin Ell., Co.. tc-cut to urecL cr._. undmnstcr. reports examine .. U. 15 Cu11en.Jnme.................. ... .. ........ Cunning poles, etc - ... K`' '_"Li n Cunni nKhoni, J. .... Culunuto ntr t 1 I "- .. 1 191 Ct [i 'are •L grade..... GS, &1, 113 Colornrede biL t P Comm rchd bankdeposit—y,...53 147 Cut 'L taddibion Plut .. ....[....143 Commercial .t t.l I _- Cu"Wer ho nse, relative lo..... 252, 267 Commercial street repair.... -, �..... _,6 201 Cypress street Iumps.......... ... .' Comndssioner of Imalth Order...... Colndttee un Ieg,nlution, nmmndments 5 D Suggested un city [•barter ....... ........... -In cue net(:omhll-,b 262 63 i)itiunedings._._. C22 Ostn k' 30 Datrmu Ang-, et at .. ... suss suss Dakota county road grade ... 13, 59 .. ..... s s 293 .........4. 258 Dales bauBe!o[grade 5. Come :r ue ter .s..elk su Como avenue Krade.... .. ... ... 27:t. 3 ii. 341 suss .......... Date street ewer ............. 1 street 33 Cornu avcn ur larops........_......t9i4, 31.2, 321, 330. bale street sewer............ _........ ........... Dole street sidewalk....... ......81 91, 1110. 112 Como nvcuuc xew-er.......................... suss 109 2119 Dale& Ilumgardnrr....... .. ... suss 100 Como uvenu 1 I .,g 2-3 Dule & 13umgardner, ,also Jackson st....64, 77 Como acenue. side. ul. Cunio f eg InnR._. 287 Uide an Ku mgurdnec. Fairview street a nt snout - Cnmu buu h a ard, las P' - 8L2. 5 grading. surplus material.... ... ser, 10 Dale, John. and Louts A. Bumggaa Como boil, ynral, vucution............. ...... Cunnlnke. shores ul—relntfce to............ G1 Jenks and Lawson street gradingeon- .. 11 Cumn Park 'm Pnn'emed, ixrnds..... Barr, 313 ct modified._ D .1c, John. and Chas. Comas and Snelling :nc nesbrity Ryarr, 1'.F.. St. Y. City Icy. Cu 14 ad ofcon• LOON fo mgadng d eationo con LO cummunlentiont Cnmu nor, avenue,, police patrol Jiniks tract 1'ur grading Jenks nod Lnwspo g box............. ...................... 42_ 66 e1 street......................................�........ D:a).Peter.__.:..............._._..--. .....& ' cnneertx.mirk...__..._..._.._........ inn. Pur wires.... suss suss 214 D111 n[rce•t.grade...............................81,108 '...255 (lrmhn .. Cured init+, I' f I L N \\ 1 1 I:x. Co hL Dull'. Cntben I.tele, ............ - Deartxnn street grad) PB 112 Condilitn, St. l e,:l C ty ItJ m4. Ia5 L' 1 DUTY, Catherine. Dall'Catllcrinc•Vctition ........ suss.. 86 Conklin, .I.N I t[ 1 osis- la Daly.J1rs. Catbert nc, 1� Litton. Dearborn ruin are lig! t e t- ti nt t 1__..._. >, .. ]58 street8rndingnsse+s rent recel Pt .. .. 25 100 ( L' ntt 7 1 r t 5-- 17, Daly, Cwthcrine -. .... ... .. s Damascus CommaPdurp, aur use oP Mar- L ( t f d Iw I. sort.+ -i r 14 i. lie. :3=1 701 - 'ordlnunce G t eke nt. f d luted P l u 1 inslx•t anlosrouHal regulating Dangerous bounds. 182 � 1.,. CuntiugeuL fin n,l, Olay,.. ... suss. rl 316 1'27 storage, etc. .. . .. ... Daveru's Herren udditlun. plat......... ii 2M E. E. W Ilse sani[ira Cunt, net. John Mill tin l .n pilny Davidson, per 150m xr Cuiit�act. leo 1 St.I'nul D.}(libe ort) D111111, Wm. Sr.. a reCt frame building 73, u pri lite'.. suss.. .Id. Cuutructs, one! a—, rciuliog to........... -1 ' l4 Durr.sou, Snmucl E., elute suss.. 24. 101 Dawson. S6muel E.- - .. ... .. ..... 105 INDEX. Vlil Pwt. a. Ywe. 2 E- _ t L M C St 1 It)'. Co., [wudu 40 Dawson etre 1. 3 - - t [... t purlases. Usytunute ..i7 Ik F t b 1ge d DxYwn nee. Mt r rink Park, 1 • L M i. St . RY' 4G D:3)'tua uteri m•sew er 49 3. 1,3. 2t8 EW tl ._t t _ +_ DnYWrr &]rt .re's addnt 11111 alley blue 6l 2SI Eesem urs r[II )ul t•rgbt f wuY•er Dudo gmon cWu&Irv.ne'snddition, alley, nix ,,296 Eas tsbC ib1 b St P. It R COI DayWn's I•ymun additlu e r n. ss a ti ._ blocks.,Nana 2U - 130 pu tic 't t la 1 1 1G7 Dearborn street grade [, tl rine Daly'+ ir"I t t .0 %t, utlla lti: a+x+smenL Ni. 112 1 I r4' :LJ F 11, t street. t I Pir lW Dearborn street I I I .. DCarborn street 91- 11 g P )i a, ° InU E, mood 1 t t , •nt without I t . t 1„5 g. - Dem -Writ st t 'U 13:t Furl tl 'Ire •t i 1 i,vt N Deurbun n and State sett t 15 D. K lx t ,, Fil,l tl 't t grad "- claimeloetiJn booth "'.,.gll, _A: FII hi sixth al to pelt rib ke'. 511 Decatur street lam Pv ., our Electron booth. Llulm, w D 1{uUvrW. Decatur +treat Nal'Ing' Iii Dcu���r� and SLUW st Ls.... .. .... 61 UCIaoeY• Will. ro war 1 1 Pointe 1 "W Electric lince, ul, "T" ru 1 - nom D I [ tlunl P. .. ri F•leclrie line t 1u Meer) }tail ; Si e bi D J;n 1V. U . ufroir 1-g pony, veto f T ° Derby Dar state f,ur grounds.... ..12J 1 Elcetrle• lint' St 'Pan l City Han DC Soto street lamp ... ... 22? ConlPeny, T rail.......103r Ib..:Mi:i De Soto st reet sewer '.Inln.ul�. Azuti e Electric light'. It lurks :Gfl Destractiou of dead g^_ Electric Ulrmp bigot school.. .......... gCu '0111 IJ Dim mt.d d. n.demII rout estat from ESncllmgravenuet brldg4. - CI p1 td N7 1 •rruneuus flssev' t for sprfnk 43 Eleventh ward I Idmn. ter 11 g Fle tl 'a 1➢ d u U D t t brio n[led by It F ngWn. -.. bl 1 Kt 411 11 12fi ht ,t ria :uud Suulh t L 1 .. .. 89 Ell _-t. t ✓, ad ... .. ... !d 111 i,t t I P --'- *,IA D telt, doom d:strll•c bun adod by Ree. cion.. -.. - gD FurriogL \f }1 ttl IS R4J1.1 t' 86 F11 .. d e 1 Ik ..... 1^/ D4elmc. G I ... I:N '135 FI d 11 •y DOK, tete 1 11 di'tied'9N 1 A. 189 E b k. I D PI t 1 'rl In DOES vatcll ...- ... t vt, t 1. t f P k - fA a5. :U F'1 Doherty'. 1V ( 1 to ti f 6; F [i i _. - --- 3. 15 Plrnlen l k IICY Ph len Crk F t t) K r uding Doherty. 11 Iry 1. m 1 tY 11 E' t ..board of cdueatiou year 14 1'¢llev c t t - .. -' fie 1 3.1801 . .. . - .. .. . Dannelly. J G president. .... AI E -t W. report I -Ino al eo n Issfon 5 mn Duunelly 'addltion•11 t - 14 Doolcv avenue geode., 3. , J3. 1(16 107 11 T•��, Eyeur cod°agr1S ;°[ember�nlFnl unere or Dooloy °venue sidewalk 17 218. Dura. Rale uu, redem P[,un cern tit t.'.. .. 1061 F.+»^nnY ; ru�c 24 : 247. YUh 216. 211. Don't., streetI P ' ' `J7'X M LUJ !. 298 305, 31)6,314.31,- :'to- 31 J' Duuglne, Maggie C., m order refund - log sewer Iggie Cent .. 9 3'S 321 St Sri GN 30. 41 3, 66 .3. NL, 1W, Douglas. Maggie C., refunding oriier, ifti, IIL L'-. 139, 15'.10 197 I1i6 169- Douglas. ISG. 132 11 .193... . . .. ... 519, 'Im sewer St. Anthony avenue ..................... 4 - .... .... -Dowlan & Sons. John. coal contrucu.......... 29-' Ec°hiuhgc street et Eust and Nest. chnogo of I� Drain, district bounded by Rice. Earring- ....... tori, Dl my land nod South sireute..._...._.. 89 name.......- ....... East . F­Jim Druin, wooden, on Cul L block Mc•I.eao� 14511 Ezcbun ge streot Eaet and 11Vri•�st cl ringed 81 D rake+reurri3ngemen lrr.5, ..35 0 2.^. W CBPiWI ... ... .. ... reeery alley, grade.... �- 1 Extensnun of time urdi°uneC 1{30 accepted 13 Drakes ran or, DlcLean' ,r -8I St. Paul City Ry. Co. .. .... °IIeY. grade.. _O Drew'. Gcu. permit to t 8 Drew. de g t f ) tg nt 1f1 F wChuss. 1 Ii yhtll -' .. Drinking fountains. t t e l In a9 9NlFairfield tenue chnngc o[grude <w, 'lr'iI. IS4� Uri•eoll, F J -- F i not avenue crosses ulke..... Dubard, Anna E. permit w raise t m 3UL F u'rm t avenue lam P.... .. building and burn... ' ' , ey, Eurmuuut avenue siduwmlk ... 89.192 , 261 Dumont, A. order.... .. . . .... ... 931 Du°➢.'_bums+, order favor a[. ... -G1 Farrington avenue to Gaultlerstreetulloy l5f Dunlap, .. .. .... ..... ... 181 fluidal, K D.. redctupHon of eelt"i' W 110 1 grade. .. .. . r>3 1 uirc -w street gradin. surplu+ material ^6B Dynan. ite and pow'd°r sturing, first ward 401 i °irview "venue grade..... Dynunute storing, first word ............... 571 1 nirvfew avenue open ng.....�•. ,�. 51, :18 Dynamite, storage of forst ward.... _... 1'atrvfew svenue slolxs...... 9 F.irvlew uaunue sloFt>ec....- de... 88 E F'irvlew addition. black 1,,, alley a alley gra Fnircicty street, lumV.....................1Df. 216 Earl struet and Hastings avenue. ➢alive 1: Pulrview addition. block 12. al1eY,-1-yell 316 to box .................. ........I:i. low. 341 .................. ....................and 14. ail... Earl asem Int acr uccnuc... i*wa ........._.. 14' Futrvlew addition. block i_ ,..7l, e2 ... ............. Easement accuse right )[ tons .. N. IiY. , grade... ..................... I NDE\. t PA PAGE. G Fuu'luier st ever U Uy, -,270. rP F, a14 . C 1 H Iu 3 --- 145 145 - FCY . \ 1 I .. ...' � Ili ( I t H C 3 R I. t o 1'lA F'ld rC d l FIII ' 3W G 1 11 i .. .- . IM Y'illmoro u n r a d S< , \L ubu+l Gisltilll 1 1s .121 t. fit ctrec[. .7ostPiehn claim, defeeti to sin 1- G sl {,I1 al of contest Gns 1 1, luting handling. I a walk... .. 11 1 ..d.. ..0 1 Nh 't 1-- f .. ....... ILi2, 300 F't fib street eo Fifth st streetco 1 iL N 1\ Tel. F CII.... FJ Gal( +w Ik .. ^GO 191 Fitlh +Deet oxnnng. et --4a. 72 Gut -t ..t lewalk.. .... .. Gault t et to Farrington uvctl ue alley Fifth street 3 rl. widen and e} _96. 'il" Bradt .. .. ... ...... .156 tend .. 1.....,. .. :ILR G9ICtll. nluntl P.ekhog Co.. use of IV,- F'Ifth+toter v' Finn u. enue g 1 .. - ..... 33 Ifil Fire I 1 L ro [3 d G 11 7t ! 1 } .... .. tt le t la t •vt 33 G Iv 1 ........ Emil , 1:.9 I Fi 1 r box. S tl and 11f Iola 54 Geist. .... ... .. ..... ( tet t I ... ...... ... st t. 1 z. S.. lllnk a o Si d 3th( y Ger 1 n smp.. ..131 21. 1267, 315 Fire nl Ivenuc .. Fire alarm bo CI r 1 st •t and loi S1oIT i h German A u. recon Lutbonun c.. arch. bum Ps in front of... ... 296 -- ... 3.11 Gert anter bank. depuMtory. ..-... T 1 147 39 Fire urrommtissl J( P 1 ga,t 1 C .r -. . 1.'t L 1 G 09 Fire dePurtlae L 1 I 1 1..JI tY - 3' 341 Gla -..........- Glen, ­.P t n I rd 2S5 FfrC dePurime t 1 le .0 t ... 11{1 Globe, St I nal a il) Iccttd uflici.ul newl0, Fhe dePu,"nent, conupgurt. Flee engine bnuso. St. Anthony park........ Delaney. 7.S oil pal r........... Globo, St. Paul duly, ulcered ometal news- 11 warden ap udnted. William 'r,�I:lnk. de H7 ru Pcr..... .... . . .... 10 F'Irst Nut iIm. P4,.turS ......... conk. 15 G�obe. St. I.daily, mntrnct Uund and Ni est Sutional claim ..._.. t band. order ... ... r •itlj'pnulri. .. .13,is. ?{ Firvt regime n Cunrud, order .... J' i (>df e)'. 11'. 56 schcr Fish. P [dCrey. 1 Ii. 14 ht 11'm.H 1 3nduccd. .. loll erten ue, cool ....... 'll 51. 6 59 Fi 1 .'I •[. g . ..... J J Goi1 tel \\Ik [red Mt t. erect Fi,k+treeo. se _ Flmul ra u, flu 1 (. ul 1 1 .' ....... .... ... R IIXI Fl eating, 1 0 1 f 1 .. rt e Fl:nl, M. D1 root ter e r tract s et : 1 V I I Wu-.:..... C 1 1 i CI t t treets, lamp+.. . Ix F'I ItA.h d M 1 21 1_ori1 1 1, [uameof part 4[208 2^� ...._..l ..... tll � 2!. }l. lte­oue.K 53 Glu,boo d ..... .301 .119. " 156- E I t 1 3 } 1 C rrtlnn:uve.rlun l le rt P� 'A } tet. [ .'tem Fora stn.. iu 7 r r Idi g l � � <.orrnuu cone 1 .. .113 ^� ,lfln of laborer. midway sower ')'1 a, Grr I of .ng.c[ dime t tent S k l udd.tiun. I tine[... 1 Forrestal. fumes. warrant d htl r (.. t k st. ¢ - t i t .. int I. � r 1 i L Dayton's IIYZ s. T7nn ity ei+euue Got i 3 f u I 1 ti 1 In I. lu Ill 1,it .man 241 air,,-[ and otLCr etrert sewer .. „ and et. . 10, GulzuDl s subd t tstun, Uloek ]07, Lyman Forrestal Ilroc. cuntrnc[. Fol sten street grade..._....... 1e7, 1:17, 15S, 2;11 Dayton's addition .... ............_............. 271 Furtinayer. Cluirles. under...._.......... .. _.r Gotzian'n su tkli vision. Uluck pole L. Day - ^'" I. ter. James I7.. ereet telephone pule.. S!1 ton's addition. alley grade ..................." 3. 35191 Fount3tine. water turned on........__. Fuurte•eutb street. cluing e of grade _.._ tl9 Grace. Witt. ,.... ......__.. .... _.. _........ h1. IU. Gr: uju avenue {erode...._ .... .............1111. 156 Gra rid avenue. l°mp............... .. ...... tel t t 1 5. 8' Fourteenth street. ( g and and rind ('hal I �. i l "1. 41 struet mg sit .g t1 . J A :m avenue s 1,6 ' Grttnd opera b y E 1 I bl Y, Fourth et rear Feet Ili a i Fourth (Ease) street vin g �k.... .. i 9 Jacob Litt ... 3 3' C rued Opera Ho P door in ll . 88 ss F tl t t I1 F tel c (F t). t id ulk - rn Il' G I U H d Metropolitan .c I a tI t OI Fi 1 file(] G F 11 t f ! .. 10 - BG t f l ,-ssm _.. DO ran t 1 treat♦ 11 R 1 s) Co. agreement. F u. F rkF .. Fred r, Frareet ]n p-. 1 n 1 1 rel Ho 1 e t bridge . ... 5 .- Freeman. It. li d r tIt ty I 1 lgraV t... 1 Gre t A til n H:u lw ny Co.,t 1 gtben i5 I• reemont street erusswul - ... 1 s' bridge St .11ing avenue e t ' Great. Northern Ilot l Y. b edg e nt Lex- Free, ,Ill. street sewer French ('atholic Fall Dlurket }{ 11 _�.,. „s ... f l ingtn uteau . .. ... 138 Frust street stand pipe. .. .. 1:. lot Great Western Build, (rAer ..... ;12 Furl. Fim com nus iunen cmrtract........ Mol , Great ]Western }land, corn tact for con- 213 Fuel cuntrnct tar public schools.... "ll'2y to .........._......_ ............................. Grecnbricr at...c, grade...................... 293 Fuller street hump ... .........................::itu lamps 2;9 Grcenhrier avenue lamp....................... 7A3' Fuller ni ever, remove . ......... Funk. Nin.. nrrlt•r to pay ludgmen t........ ...... 17N Greenbrier avenue. sewer ..................... 180 Z9 F'... ccs in jail ................_....... ......:NH Greenwood avenue, sewer.................... IN DE X. IN DEX. Xi PAUY' PAGE, Greenwood avenue. sprinkling..- 12s. HolterhutT C Dlead's addition .................. 56 Grffii., James J., appointed puliccm:ul...... 12 11u1tmn. Jno.. lineman. ___.................... 127 Grotto street, grad tR _��._ 14 Ilope. Ilelr3 .. .... .. . 103 Grotto street lamp 191 2. 26 1 Grove bridge '9)4. 3071 739 ILope street erosswulk . ._ .. .. Hupe 241 2a0/ street . .... .916. f 7 3 street grnd0.. ...... ... Hepc street I cep .... .. ..a9, 207 Iceland, John, refunding Ireland. Rev. John, mune, rcfu.d11 ....... Iin Hopkins' xdditi0n block 2. xllev grade....... 138H Ireland street grade .. - .. 13 liopkine' addition block 2, gr.nite otrU... Hop kin s' uddition. ll. k allevsewer..... 150 212 Haas, J. Quincy, erect bay wi 1 M. 54 Hopkins' uddition, block 2. repairing side 81 81 H.ggenmillcr J. E ho v..... H.Kuo a von no lamps ........ .....1!r'. •v,5 'J. Hwalk .. upsor W H.�� .. ...........�. 11,16 1W Hogue at'cone sewer ...... ................Jar. lamp..... 214 Ilorr C. N, ,'emit.. .... . ... �ePurc 111 Hto I."a m, .... ...... ..... Hull. A. S., order II3 t x; Horses. fire icat. condemned....... H n don d board of fire commis - 140 aventlo Slope ... ;;it 'io •rs 1,S Hall avenue sew' 1 S4 M Horse market, F •1 u g tr rot ... .. 10O Hamilton street, mince changed 0 ildl ga. .. .. III Ital add t O ul but, Iril Hemline avcoue bridge... Hemline uvonue bridge, Great \ tl 14 H p [. 1 6 lent I H - p tui building bond.... ]tit 21' Railway0omp+trty. ngn•ement 5 HU P t tl bOads. 50.000.. .. -. OL at Hemline avcoue bridge, gradir F 1, ouch IK1,, Hemline car luue.poor service _...... 340 Ilosplful buildfog, bonds. ..... -. .'128 Huspil•V buildln9s, hrtpurchased of D. H. .f alley nn... ....... .... .. Lpmnn Handl ne aven ueeusernentandbridtn•.... 14 Jluon................... ..._........................... 303 Hantm. TI eod.rc. PI 1 Cn k Nutley sewer damage settlenent --.. . :i Hosuftxl commission report. estimate.... flotel runners license. pr.teat.. ..... 5 H Il xmm, Theodore. Phtalen Creek newer propriatton............................. up. 6 Hotel run 11rs, re if to ....................... How. Jared S ............................................ 86 104 Hampden avenue erosswulk. .. 39, 261 Howard's addition, alley grade. 131. 195, K •ller's subdivision. block :. f block 11. Hampden uvonue crosswalk Aampden avenue new nam' .................... ..... 2ul N Ltl 277, Howard avenue, sidewalks...............2W+, :RIs 282 Hand, H. E., order......... , _.......... 2:30 Howard. Wm. E. bond released ............. 320 11susea. Jacob, permit to erect burn.. .._ 243 floN t avenue, changed to Kuns.s avenue.. 65 Hay, 6recommlsslonnrs en itrnct......... Hay market. .relit c t Ul I ,. .JI ..... .C4 Il ubert street, eros. walk ............ .. Hubert street, lyra¢ nu t1, of west St 1 Hay scales, J. H. Lo Hardware eontruct. ... . ,11 303 n Pnul Ieveo ail, use f yard for Leo & Hoff and meriatlt Mfg. C. .. 1 Havens. M. H., perm t. t cert hero ... .. 2!q Hudsmt avenue, sprinkling ... .. 112 Harrison avcoue !coup. .... Hart, Frank ... 119 .100 Hudson avenue grade . ............ Hyacinth street. lump ... .....251,x! U17 Hurt. Frank, dam .. . I II 121 ". .... . . ... KnnutT. Vero¢ ode .. ............ .`. Harvester aveuuo grad—, Jail.... .. Jail. lease of - N KIOdz1e1. S. protestag i . t Rru t tg s: Hour]ngs avenue and Earl t i p l alarm box.. .. ... ... li Idaho street grade ......... .............157 luau license, u t St' Ant iony Hastings avenue. sprnnkli g.... ... 119 Iglvh.,in street crosswalk ... ... 113 Hatch street, sidewalk .................. ........ 11; jgiehurt street sew ee................... 't. 49 Hatch street, (amps ......................... Hateb street. Inmp'............. .............. litl 260. far, 190. llluminutl.g city lur(ng stutn fair, 1tlW. :k5AX), npproprinti+on............................... IS Hazel avenue. open, widen and extend.... Hazzard, Geo. H., claim ........ .......... ...:t. 330 8tl Ills winntioo..._.. .. ................ ............ ]m ,ou ¢ding animals, ordinance............ 2'2a" 1 'll5 Heagernyy. J., erect o]ice bin ldiog_ Health <lopnrtmen t, rules and n•gulxttons ltl Inr]ebced mess. IegislntYon lou ................ :3G5 Inspecta,r of buildings, gssiatants............ 49 2Efe Healey, J.a. P., order ......................... 9'J Ins peetur of Unildings. report for Feb - 216',1 Heard, I. V. D., attorney for Samuel Rny, petitmn, falling into Misslssi C. roury. 1991 ................................... ... PpiInspecUtr of bei ltlings. report examined . 71 64 river end of Sibleystreet.,.. ....... 1511ospectnr at butidlugs, report for J anu- 81 Hexther ince la , ... ....... p 20% .. ..... ... 48 Reber. Jett., and tt� ers, protest .. Heck, Jacob, ppermit t erect addition frame bull ding ]4 Inslx�etor lot' buildings, n!por[a a unineit to f baths of August, September xad 195 October. 1896 .. IS Hcims Frank.... .. ... .98, IIMI Insix•vtur of buildings. report for Novem- .l 11 I6 Halm, Aanm, order to pay Judd L Helm, Aanm .... ,. 178 1 IrJn... ..... ............ 1 lldI ngs. report Mam-I 140 1;:-, 1 tU fn 13 Iw Helmets. purchase of, police force....... I spent C Do ridings, report for Decem- 275 3l/ Heldeman'saddition, block 1. alley grade. Hersey avenue. rival Rn of nam ..... 179 t .. .. ...................... .. 11 I .I n Of b (ltlings. February report . 27 164 HersoY street, numo changed. Hersev, Woolsey'saddltnon,ope f K bey ... 44 1 : po eine o[ buildings, netto ivsuo Per t. Azo tine man ufactu rl ng cum puny.. 65 through block 10 ... . ..... ... 1 I 'peetor of.butidings, not to issue permit Jessie etreet IamPs...... .. Hes ter street grad.. ..._. p, A z.t mo mxnntncturingcompsnv . 67 58 s wild in issu0 'emit to He avenue grade._ I 1 Invpecb r of b g. p t C. Heyderstacdt. F. V., redemption certiti- St. P, C K, City Co.. erect fee buns'....... :30 • te. .. ... FIFIt .school. electri pl o. .... ... Ing Ittepeetors or be],flags. natim-lassoem- _.,LII tarn. Laren tion.......... ..... "--4 Hill add n, block .3, alley grade. ... ,2 ioelx•etors of Uui lel cogs. national assocln 9 Hinkel, poundmaster. reports examined... 13 tion. ca in9..... 27 Hocfer .... HOffm t R... . ..... 07 In>pect.r�ot buildings onto nl t ocla ... a'2 tion convention .. .. t2 Hoffman avenue, tire ulurm box. 341 Inspect— of wood. duties of. ,50.... . . . . ISI IN.— avenue. sprinkling... .... IL, Insurance tx,Ifeten, board of education 127 Holman. O. E., thual.s of eau ucli............ Holterboh'. A .............. .. ... ................NI. ir2 Ins. ranee lxdicles, school Uuildings, can- Ino 'e C .........let s ........................ ' IN DEX. Xi PAGE, PAGE. Intelligence or employment -office. Moore Junk dealers and second hand goods, otdi- S Co., petition refunding ..any, report ounces N.. His, regulu Ling ............. 5 i2 of city attorney.adverse...................... 26 .luno trect grade................................. _..... Interest, comptroller to pay interest...... Interppreter, municipal court..,,.is 21'3 In toxicatiog IlQuurs, lfoen c - .... I nigYlCaLi.g HQUor.. Ire' .- order........... f 7 3 K Kma- M. F.. "unty auditor .... ........... 68 Iceland, John, refunding Ireland. Rev. John, mune, rcfu.d11 ....... Iin Kaley. Ed. h:_....._....._ ............. _........... 13!1 Ireland street grade .. - .. 13 1 u g ule 157 I65 ris Place, se er_. tris Placa eewe .. H1 lt0 1 n u e u cl n g'ed toH 3 L ave �.. Keal g J s p 11 nn sIR d - .. Pat' k t i F rr txl 81 81 Isabel street, grade. .._ u4 1 I gl I g R contract ... 69 Isobel street la n sui Oiling Isabel - I c ily F II Bt d wit . tato i . ner 126 str_et, Irvine Park. electric Ing te.. b� 216 - e 1t and L ntt4rstty pull[. patrol box.. 42 Irvine Park, lamp.._...... __.. 211 Kenyon, M. D. claim .......... ....... .66, 70 111 ' Kt KI a grade. .. .107, I e ( D o der....-..... ... 255 J Kerwin i t o t grade ..... 107. 111 Jackson street car line. ...... air line. .... _... 1 u ...11 1-r..'W street Krtdr._2-'. 99f, 107.119, 13•,.158, K 't 't t srdetvalk. .. .. Ktll r ltdlvlsion of bluck 11 ,1. Dayy- I 171 176 .lackso. street .. Jackson street, change of grade..__. ._.. 74 tun s nitd th,a, block 2, change of grade Jackson street. change of Kra de ................. .s .f alley nn... ....... .... .. Lpmnn 118 Jackson etn•ut change ofg sale .. 7!I lien heli to bluek 11. IY. 308, 315 Jackson street, 11,119' of grade �. - 64 D y't dditl ❑ aY grade. bl.c•k 11. LYnvaln Puy - Jackson stroet,'hang'of grade ................. Bumgurduersur- 20 Beller ssubdi .,tum, tuln'a additton. alley. block 2• Rrxde.,.241. 258 Jackson street, Dale and n s eet, 10 K •ller's subdivision. block :. f block 11. plot t .. _ Jackson stra,t R ¢ding a 1 lacing. .341 Lyman Dayton's addition, silly grade... 210 Jackson street, grading. surfeci.g, ell....:'ni8 Iilenel. •Iohn, allowed to operate Lough - Jackson street. gradlo9, at rfucing, etc.... 245 r m patent hydraulic screen .................... lsmp.. 150 312/ Jackson street, part nR....._:....... 2-s Kilburn ncenuo, ... ............... ... King stroet sid'walk...............................176, 216 Jackson street reet rs use .... ... .... ............ raise. Dale loud Huntgnrd- . ,Kirkland &Starkey...___�-����������-�.��.at.1W. 104 Jackson street. .1r...... .. ... Jackson street. sewer .. 14 1 ] Kleist. P L.. ... .. Klotz. Christo� 1 er ... Anna, d Eel 48 4H Jackson street spur truck I"Iota. t teas .... KIuz:lk. Frank ... 97 Jail, new.... ........... II 121 ". .... . . ... KnnutT. Vero¢ ode .. ............ .`. 311 Jail.... .. Jail. lease of - N KIOdz1e1. S. protestag i . t Rru t tg s: jail. furnace 314 luau license, u t St' Ant iony 1 Jill, remodeling, st - tr .venue and Grotto Koegle r. build o stn y f um office 16 Jail. t0legral 1 1 u t stxtl 14 .los., Kroeger, Henry L L ......... .. ... BI Janitor: central police Jansen, Frank, ppermit to trot scalls. etc. 1741 Jay street, op nln9 and extending.... ,,fl .avenue. Crosswalk........ ...103. -1Nt L Jefferson school. brfck.nd iron oil house.. 2+4 1!eNLnburlrs, midway sewer system, James son street lamp.................... ..... Inmp.. 216',1 1'orrestal, order.. ... .............. 17 Jeks street ........ ........'L31. Jenks street atdew•slk....... .. .Pi. 91.101. I__U Laluyette park, cu1'erts.......... ...... W.. x.162, 81 Jenks and Lawson street. «radinK...... 4 Lafayette Square, electric Iigb ..... 263 •256 Jenks land Lawson streets grading run- Laf.nd street. lu 1ps..............I91.' .23.5. Luke C.mu uvonue, oped.......... 119, 2.^J. 276 tracts modified........... Jensen, Matt... .l 11 I6 1 aka Cunt,) boulevard. lamp ... .. '9!9 �- Jessamine street D Idea le 1 IrlJ Lake Comm bum lecard, cacafo Lak' Cumo it bonds 275 3l/ Jessamine street, change of k rade.... Jessum ine street. lamps .. 1 ^69 159 ,t9 1 x6 tprovenlent, .... . Lake C-11, shores uL relative tO 6E6 Jessemfnestreetsidew.11, 1 J "20 3 ria I 1. tke Comu shutes, vacutuni .... {Luke Pbnlen open, widen unit extend I,5 Jessie etreet IamPs...... .. 6 14'� stet 1 ... .... 321 Job printing, bid. for... Fannfe 'I I,u 1 P [ .' Macy -- 161 Johnson, Mrs. .. Johnson. Jars. Fnn nie. ;clot .. 104 Ln 1 t r ll str et etc . 5. 9 Johnson, Frank, poltcem I poi t 1 6I Ice 1p t l 1 L let ..... 99 U Johnson. C. H.. order .. .. I l.n V L irk stris,t . ... .. Lamp. Colorado street, Julnnston s�cutliidivieioamblo k, 1, 11�ie s u de.... its' Lamps, Crocus Place ..................... Lara ps, D.le street.. .. ........... 91 91 division, alIy9 ...... Josly., Fred. ... .. In{ La 1 1 dmund street. _ ........ 9 o Juslin, Cudwm•th 1kComp... con Ls _JI Len Edmund and Chatsworth streets, J Judges Cory and Twohy.... ......... 1Oe et 1t ................ .. ..... Lamps. Fairmount and Cb...... t1,,......... 8 Judgments, .ssessment, Miastsnippi stn 43 .........5. I.um Us. f'ulrmottnt avenue ............ 91 n ening• etc .. .... .... ... .. Ju�gment, P k Berkey opening Mtsf LampsFwrrnew a1d Iglcl t .......... 9 ippi street... ....... .............. .............. 26 Laps, Fairview and Carroll..................... m 9 9 Judgment pavment, opeui g MI issnppi Lam U_rrfew load Marsh.11 .. Geranium... 9 street.......... . . .... Judgment Whftnere, 13rlsbtne R 54tlirus 13 Lamps. ForesLmd .. ..5, Lvug s, Henry, ci.i m .. ....... .. ..1, L51 30 snlxiivisim Ll-hes out lots, L. F.. D,nw .... .... ...... L;ulgev ln.F ............. 49 son ............. .......... ........... . :m Lungi—davenue ear line.,._. 1(q. 151 sii INDEX. Langfo rd are F 1 ...._ I GW Levee. a catunco of ordinance No. 1 4,21 LtvKford ' re I p ♦ ., Langford Park tonttrwt t:3 . by Lee & Hoff .. .. .3 114' Lovee, ,txth ward, L-& Ilotl 2Ri -.. LanKferd P.trk t 11 gd k ..-. Langford Park 1 Tiaodhy S—elly,I.evvv: LQ Levee yt h word Nic. Ehla 01 sixth ward SICGi egur&MCTeague. 145 modify coot t. .... Langford Yu k F 1 ... M Levee Privilege ... Ji N Luvec. sixth wa 1 P I 1 ages..... .134 Langford P:ul 7 g ... I IJ Langford Purl { r [ it ... .. '\ Levee, sivth ward. \'alley Iron Works.. 2&5 lilt Lecoe. sixth ward, use ot. 3L. Paul SUuve Longford Pulk d .. ... Luremp,J.. 1 y 1 296 Works...... .... 36 111; Leroc, use portion of. St. Paul Salve LnrPeotcu r,A 7 _ .;.. 1 Tntroentetir, MarcJ rdv 1.4' Works ..,.. 31 Lewin' secondnddition. alleyy Kr nae es Lursoir. Nets P 1 r-11 of d ( Lowi� second addition. block 11 :elle grade .. ....... ii. 144. 1rM, IRX 213 [, Lar n. \vias of Lexington arcane brrdae. I.M 2:14 Lau aavenuv -' - Ik- .._ 113 bridy ag l IIs Lexr-Not ve p,, uF ..with Laura sx cane t 1 F 1 I poll, ... Lnuer's soba( 1, 1 [. r. RCap,, Hll C real Northern RY Co 185 L x ngton uveune bridge, PI , &c ... 1130 Laurel nceuu 1 I -1 I LLLurel a u d Ike _r -1 f I.v.xi ington avenue grade _K I.oxiogtou and P-dmundatry ( .lump . 79 Lucina Abral ii Bon I \u.l trans Jerred W UI1i I'n} nv e •r 1 urgtun aymiuc s wv - '1. J] n• 91 License. onding charter, x'uktng Lavin, Abrnh b t I i r No. I transferred .. ... Ile .. .. .. . 32 'L5 Liv a hotel er No. I. transfer to 1117 Lawler, Daniel 1 Let __!:1 W! P} e -nue .. Li Lawler, Dn.. \1 ., elected to ... on atler. Licabutcher No. 3, transfer to .I olrn fl Marty 'L5 Dan L'Itcler. DnnirlR I. t. /. thtnrl Lnwlcr.Timuthy. refnndi F d liltw- 62 Lir. ileher No. Ltrar.l toN 0111 1 .. 41 tor urea uu. •hung. of Rtaat. Lawler. Timothy. n•(u mliu� order. Lic ns butcher No S. transfer to iu_ E. 52 7th street . . 41 La "..allstreet 1 { 51. "Or. I 1.5License, butcher No. 34. truirsferred.. RI Lawson str,,I p ,ett id g nal ex- 1. II .. .. ..1J4 License rebates. report of eity clerk.. ... J ]7t Lrt•e 'o eb res t Ly CIC report ... l:i L w st t de lk L ❑ C t '' 1 11. JO 101, 1'.Yl, 55l I.ic ❑ II y P P ttg er. order f—or of 42 132. 13' 101, 173, 2,1 2x43 License Hotel R.. 14 Lawson and Jeak,..treel grading er�tcst. 4 License Metropolitan nd Grand OPcnt Lawson and .I 't .t F di g tract. ntodit a Hoo so. ................ 10 11 License issued and 31 trkot House revel pia Ln son lord 7 k root 1 ❑ (lana ]SM reportof cityMerk ... 9 Of grading coalct .. Lawton A. M _ ... Si 6 I is n'intoxicating 13,1 Our, .... .. 86 gy L1cel s i tovicabing liquors etc 87 Lawton. A. 'N 7 lima( tt 1, Nel,' P. License, Moore & Co.. pettiOn. refunding Larsen. dam g s . .... Lawton Ella B.. g3ilt t Iai I I .. _. FG moneS Paid by A. II. Anderson..... .. . 15 LM' License ren 'T bys_Ond ),and and jraik L to E.B. rt•:trrangr n 1 \ 1 l It 1 i deed dcnl C re rdinunce No. 145.1 ... ... 6 33 LI Ling city. cos[. A. S. 7': 11 IFe S •C- L t t .t. grarlc .. Lv C H tY u •e Ptanvc d N eh ]J titry,cha 1 afuemmc 1i- �t timi .. .. IJ 142 d.ti w:u� Iry ee 3 I neoln and C*... ortlr sire t' Ia Lee & HotT and Atm•ricun ... fact at m„ company, u,. fy 7 Hareit.Erect ly Lincoln aveltue. now name ....... f. I, Lincoln ave • ewer.P - 9I rah of 1% t t 1 ul lr eco li m• 1 I.in •ol rand \victoria oliee Patrol boo, I.�'ngr •e& Ilud. pe—,it t Part of ,i.tb ward levee. .- "ole Phone. .. ]^ LTi( Lmdcn strcec grade. .- ]324. 1215 wfebxv'o & D,Inw it tnPernut [o ver part of,icurw:trd lever. Linden strc•et slope.. .. 3:3 !15 Leden,treat sidelralk" !73.2112 Lefebvre - Dv I t _ -1 t f or- Lin 1 _ ubdivild—, Hyde Park-, x a- d i nonce N0.1) 14' Lefebvre & t luuurl+. use porion of U4 cut IT.. .. ..... Limian, Thos., modlfyingcontract. .... 157 levee .. .. ... of Linwood Puce grade..... .. 43 Lefebvre &Dc+l I r:'Liuvvoal have sewer... .. .. 19'.20° Legrsinton m 1 1 t d ..- Legislation l t iittrr an I t uR 42 I Litt. .Jacob. noon door. Grund Ooera house.. ..... bG. R4 gested fn city Hot,.... . .. Lel igl Coal & Iran Co., bt d f coati 5 Litt. Jacob order.... ... .. 57 Litt's Grand Opera house and Metropoli cmltr et. ... .. ... .....:3213 LeslieJohi contract .. 1 tan opera house, license fled. ...... ]0 29f Lilt, Jacob. order.. ," L -lb, ii—nue 'e a III Livery stable. Augusta Brown. . - 6 Le,ee. city cr 1 t _ ll t I t rail Livery stable. Carroll street.... ... 63 r ty 1 I.e-tth 4 r, t I f cry, board public works.... 103. 153 L Ran street. trime t Imaged... .. .. M Ie .' l war1I�at Le \t c stsid,g i' t .. IJ I hr a 1L.f., orde r..... ... 2:rt 3 1 I fig rebridge.... .... . Levee 1 11 w Ir 1 I. . I }rti n oL. +6 t ng uv enue crosswalk ............ ..... . 240 Levee, sl wend, a t r f Robert Slgei ib Lmlg avenue lump.. .. 22V Levee, ase Porton of. ILobt rt Sigel.. . .. Le -c. sixth wu rd, Anmr.'aa Manufactl - :10 Lookout Place and Terrace street,. etc., harp .;... .. f❑R Cu ............. ........... .......... ?110 I:O eat. [rcct..i rlewnik... .......'... 1'_"1, 154t INDEX. PACE. Lary. Thos .. Aa i d i [ 11 'll Ly, rr 100 Lou Ver. bids p 321 Lumber. curt( L J \1 t L 1 C !1. I.anllcr Cu.. J \I t'n draft oat t .. i r I.ocy street. g i 21 Lary st rear. 1 i.y elan Dayton*,, d I ti hlo,k 18 "Itoy 212 rVentuR ..... rst at,1 t ' Lynnhe I) ..he B}YKladc1 Y ilnnominaIcone,crossvt ...... Ik Il t 't U 1 kl ) 115 .. alley b naval b ht ode.. .. I, you. Carrie A.. order .. ............... Cum7ibell's -- ' 30 l ;t I1. M 1 LLh t [ 1 Ps I11 J / U B I'' \\'rtr, claim bull r oey f - -1 7 11} Mvt.tan, F Y co—a'., - s! McCann. F. I 1 1110 IU3 ilcCnrlhy J 1C I Mcc rely, J 1 C -- murk(( b.tll .. ;310 it (Ghee. F. L free use of McGill A.R.t1) MtG rogor - M T 1 it to tion pf +ix th word l vie .. .lar. 15 ylcGuire, Fr k. A S. T.Inaidirc coulan. nientm... t4 S Mc Le.tn -Iry t d v.tiks67 !:M licibthuii's CI 1ni ..... ... ua 5[ \1 1 \Ic\L } y ,,,,t t l d 1M I I a a u Mc Me❑cmy strt et. slolx - l'1, .3 her. 17 ilc5bcrry and \\'hi tc. cont rust .... ......... :~!f ifncl.uldo's 1 td1 tion block 2. t F 1.1 tit wa Mackuhttt+[ t 5fmkubin S \I t '1 til s addition. h k J alley grndt - .153. 10 1% 1J0 ilatkubin & Marsbull's addition, block 'S. \fllt'kdil)I & Marshall slab Uflon. bl4l4!�. 2BJ alley griole 2 Dtackab n& M 1 ll a l t 11 k alley grad �.' 0 1 1 \Ial,kutdo& Marshall's .Iddtio I. 1 •ry t 11 ,i 1 L C II11t II; 340 \[ 1 tv I k, E'.'e, \f .tv«_ 110 (gen t. L Mur,tlustrr Ynrk race tr f t 1 alleys. refundiow-de 76 \I1 -t Park cad•: t. of a eve a 11 } fending orae \I . street tact - M linla st ort •r me t bridge St I R P.tGE. I OtC IL Munaptav cane K d g ... .. 157 Makc t hall. f f .....134 f)1 3 fila 34Z M: k 1 1 K .Market I R L 1 P e '134 itu 1 t 1... iI'll ..1 I Is 3 sued,IS90 report t) 1 k ilarke.L house, glboi log 11 w.tlk. .lam Noah Sinks .. 1,A yfurklum J. E Lfi'1 \lurleun Clara r 1 t l .e.'tul, J1M1 311-11nll neon Ik hfarsh,dl ut evil .. .tn 11. 73 \lu rsbull nevi( i 1 tik ! ..:✓J. 2olt, 274 M urHn strtret 1 I ._-Da. 1t Monte street + 40 ^°• .3 5lartin sit—, p I kli g - 147 ]lurtin, d'tito �ity Clerk a ua i t 1 ...I..ter 1 pnraatn Mural O..loh n.I 1 Cow.rd of: t}' 3 lumber cont it train .ladle, f 1 C: d ft 1 - 32 tract i PPrul d11 fila r[in �lobn T b r Co. tutratt 1 n- 26 b r.. ...... . -1 'Martin. Jol \\ rd al hi C E Malty J to.• P C tion, butchvi lit, nsv \'u 25 3, transferred Marty J0..t cher lir,­ \ 3 L as ferLNotbE JI 2+ l t t .A —laud street trgrade .. -" ,J;, 1. 21i7� Met) II, seet lav p 5farylund street. Ppi sued rtsx.rl�. �.h ♦:f:Is Sl:trylaad avenue. sewer ......... 1 l9 Mn rylnnd st veer sewer . D5lfnyur', ntiktf M s b f ed t o l4ee, It J J 1R01 Mut ur+invs' F, .rPltlirgtl•I rter��litteko 1 'd re'"r's Duwur,a r 32 5f Rgiogli - P �., i.. nl i ndotu treed ml-'. 1 2.,7� ilmidota street 51ereLnota' Nutonnl Runk, order .. :16 \Icrrilrl ,I U. NT1tio'alrmic RankUdo11i1+itol'ntme lt7 • bulldiag ...... ..........:137 ilurr111 A. C. . 1.5 JI 11 b Idi K 1 lit L t03 DI P k d dd LI 1 bill 2. 1 Ike .. . 113. 174 ISg Metro PultLun u I 1LIts gr-md opera house II fl -ed ... .. 10 `dT:,':' 5 5L)CI it 7 T 1 ay I IF a . 15 3 \111 1oa-' yr 1sicat. r.,,00t, —nod restttl Bros., Y tis )lid elatry t...'> 'tem. L 1!ro,,ldhl9 {.t ngn" D. Ry C'o ..... .f 201 payment of 111 1r+... .. - s il.tiden I.;u cl F gt adv ... JE3 ,der. .l,a MI lu e v - t r .cat d I"Al aLv \o- 1� i[:tlden Lane 7 F c l ifl. 174 C t I Miller. \I 1 lit makrlt's S1 1 1 taloa plat .... lain 3t ""'ett t. 1 F MrdurtcY 5I .. Col d -- 3^01 \Idtun . uddili bl k II } K adv 1 0 I. Ma., at, a M anholes. ( t [.. 1 Minnehubu .arc t . 'vv IK "-- IK 11 Minnehaha street. grading -1J0 51:mitobn Plmt garde. ._. lks 5lbineliaha street, grading \Ilayty ilnnominaIcone,crossvt ...... Ik nl'I kt Heights +1 ade trees d junaged, 1t' W. i(umtmtn ,erect eros+w \I 1 t I toi xwalk I t v PI, . _ r i31 1'7 Cum7ibell's -- ' 30 l ;t I1. M 1 LLh t [ 1 Ps I11 J / \fu 1 _ •[,crus+walk i k4' MIt—L se I 2433 t . I' 172� 'sw Ik ill ta street, c .., els 104 Dlargaret ,t .'. tt sprinkling 1791 Mlnnesota SoaP Co Murguet se 51ari, noes cur line. .. . 231 )Jisti mcall-K. provide Join s insist turd 93 :n c filaria the"Inc. opening tc., assess vent cluall ordinance No. 40 illudeipal code. order......... ............. 6 `'s 31V INDEX. Misdemeanors, ordinance pro vi dingg PAGE. lshment and repeal ordinance too, No municipal code ............. iz or. a Mississippi street, etc piling reus- 42 sessmon t............ .. ... Mliedsslppl street u.0 - - ay,- K p...�d 42 ment I judgment...peri .pry.. Mississippi street opening, Judgment........ 78 48 t Mississippi street opening, Judgment. n i. F.. Adm.. .... II. ........SI. Yater Berkoy.... .... _..... 26 Mississipill street, Opening.etc- s- ment...,- intern -ter ........ bfieafs`ippi street apt i g tc . e s' u.m menti, Judgments.. 33 Mississippi street. nidttilnR,reasx•ss- ... Morgan. W. B rd .... merit..... Mississippi ri ver, skall K k ..... 29D . Ml. sissipttti ,tad blurylund •nuc, [amp... Mitsch. Gc 1. !✓ _.......... .... Moger Y. F ... ......... !p loo ........ Modi6entrml of contract if ding ,Ica.k Arthur F Mounds street, sewer..-" and Lowson streets_............ 6 DrudiHention of contract, PI.len L eek Valley sewer.. ... 6 Moore C. A.. ordinance "" -- 751 Moore averse crosswalk lid, 1.J Moore & Uu. pctition refunding hcmrse vine addiI elle Krad h+K........... Y .11':'Uutkrille ndditrun. block money Paid city attorney', report Ed- Mount pili street e`)rinkiing .. Mullane al -On RO fradli' K ....... .......... PAGE. 157 iz or. a 311 t ndrCw,[ allidavit. A. S. Talk sceretary ,number commerce, uveuu, and State street lamp.... Uukley uvinue. ¢plea' dextiun... ..................... ' 14 n i. F.. Adm.. .... II. ........SI. ........ 48 .Jus.. claim ........... . 54 intern -ter ........ ...... Ifi:3 u.m IW verveIt., It tnlfil organ it., orderfuvorOf.. 17H C32o5 'G[eet\vtdenfng .. . 2U!1 s Carolina street 1(Ifi R. R. tunnel tinder tru[•ks..... _.._ 06) \res[ern Fuel Co.. cortin'. 291 esters Telephone ExchnnircCo. ptluo- of ordinance No. 1448, ct r Northwestern Telephone Exi-Ilan a Co., NortiI,_"teaoTele hone ExclmnKe UO.. t•nnduits ..... .... ... ....... .... Noyes. D.. Azo in, .. Nuisance. Azotine Mfg. Co... ...... �. .... .. iris .............. ..................... Moore& Co., refunding 'rouesuid P _G On kdnle avenue. crosswalk.... 25p for """ intelligent ufHce....__...... Uakrbilc uvennc. sprinkling.............li I Oakdale o, 112 re funding pogt D1—c st Uo., refunding petition ................. Dtoure I5' uveuu, and State street lamp.... Uukley uvinue. ¢plea' S' street, name .. ...... J30011,ll.H., lot for hospital LulldinK.......�8113I a Krudc. Oakle • avenue, rile • - " 3 3grude"""'."".,'.. Unklc\-xcenue. 259 2yr Moon, Dnnfel H., uppolntod mem beP board Sirectors......... gratle alley.......... Onkloy uieweerh 1 of \vork house Morgan, LY. B 67 rade ...... Oakley �tven tic. ,7l ... Morgan. W. B rd .... HI VxkICy avenue, sewer " .... .. 91 . 1'tn Dforton street.slopes Morton, --- 21 Oakley avenue. sewer. .. y Oakley -vemm. .loo Arthur F Mounds street, sewer..-" sewer ..... I)Hj Oakley. Lin iversity. L3mn horst. Prior Pl Mount Airy street sewer +teen ties. alley bounded by grade.... 178 illount Airy street clue Ke of grade.. ....'31G Outs, fire commi.ssiouen contruc[.......... .. 1J 11�'p,ik 291 Mount lila street sewer vine addiI elle Krad h+K........... Y .11':'Uutkrille ndditrun. block 12 Mount pili street e`)rinkiing .. Mullane 2l, xlle3'!.'rudiaK. .. 14 Oukvills Parlt udalti.., blacks YJ yy , Edn•urtl rest ueI, and 21. Jlnllen. fl., Jud ' Pulicemun A d... 81 aIle ' grudo.............. Kmart......... .......... _.............._..... 3'21 Oak\' Ile Yurk SS addition, blocks 17 and 21, Mu11en.t J.,attornoy tar Jahn Wieland, aIle -grade protest.. ..... .............. - Muller, ardor ............. HI .... ........... Oaks Ile Pnrk udditlo I, floc ks 17 and 21, i4 al co nnicul Municipal code, nmendi i- rli u c 10 .2X5 alley grade,.. \ O.tkcdlc Turk addition, I lotk ..... ... .. Municipal cod 1 21 i fand lK 1 alley .4 . 47 grade. .... II- -' ' 84 pante No. 10 OfHcU su pp'fes ... - 31 Oftii Iies, P; Municipal e( 1c Isd l o I iIInK s pl request far �. 111ISet t lamp punl`hmcr t d repeal df u e• Nu. Jlunieipel 49 �,? Vhlo t t 'idewalk ' 19: conrL builflP Municipal court.t;ulffP` I ) ....�. IIXI, Iib OI et t .Ilcwalk .. TIMI Uh :fq Municipal court. Apr I Municfy:tl ...... t •et . - 131 tr - ' 11 c0 t ills ell [ +rt Ylunicippal et. sidewalk.. 104 Ohm street, vides 113 co t nt. rpre4 ... alk.. .. .... Ira Ohio street sMusidenalk ts- Myrtleu park ... Jfyrtle�ven:e8 ailing... ... ..1HU 0111 city hull redanptlon of mace[ tt9cuW-1 �... 3U:; Ulive 't t 159 Naptha, ordi a s, r laluti g torts )f. etc... - 18: Nti thn regulati ngstoraIre, handlin and, stile of 309 National association p t >C Loud Ittio etC„ e` tion... National nvso intiun p. tar, f bull di❑ of gs. meet K 2. Nationaltion buil l g i rsperG)n coavent(on National guild giL [ 8 i ty, Itm .Kea... . IPH Nntiona C;Cr 1 1Aa.. IP 1 t1 n.,'w1 54 Na[immi Ccrn r American bunk deposi- tory....... ........ . .... .... ........ .. .... 147 sae grad) aK.......... ..... ....... Oneida srriret. lamp. .......... a� 1, Oneida street. sewer sates tun........ M7 Unci da street sewer. Weal?ch, R............ U porn house butldl119. sue\ id yolk.... a, 2fil. Urange street, lumpy ......, ,67, On•hard street. Ixmp`...... IlH Orchard street, lamp .. .. - "-'- 2to Orange street, lamp... .... _ 251 Orchard street. sideivail,.. Osage street, ilimp s.... . ....... ... - 117 312• .... O`age. Ween tic, new Homo... 30 O`ceOln ucalue, cl,tng0 of K td .. a, Otto —entJ l'hatsw'ortli. Ixmn _. 4- Orford street si 1 t Ik IIS O Hrie,. Edwarfi. Volicenrti+appointed.... .. Hi O'Briom Jun., 11 tie refunded „ 111 O'Ilrien, Mr`. :Nary 1., perm,[. to move house and build addition.. . .......... ...... ;k, IN DE%. PAGE. O'Con o.., R. T.. order ............ .......... 297 O'Dell street. n•ntove lump . .... ............:323 OHIIIN'ANCES PAsaEII. Permit[( American Mfg. Co. to use Penit 01 Sixtir wird Il•\oe .. ... . . 290 SlrmrttinR w. F. Arrol to erect naleony, bay wi ❑des d coal bill . 814 Authorizing 1 los 1 toe t t frame 320 American American Mfg, l le ec i I Kt+. 97 Allowing( \rr fI t bl ekH St. Peal proper. to ixrai,tte nrC:is. ... ...... 46 APnruprietir 1. eY,T1 d ellamm, I7 ecttlemcnt f d ngg PermittingC F A It et b Iso y 161 1nx•s, Oakes 'der fu\or f S7 Permitting Isaac Bowers t0 erect a Irome kitchen........ .. .......... '?55 B •funding reasscsrrmentsopening 274 Broadway Permit to board Of +shot 1 .. p t t s to tet brick and iron oil pro +'e. .. 2S4 Allowing A. Black to build cndult for 3ie se team piles . ......... :it Itn•.nnan, Agnes, Jul stments..... .. Relating to can 0•.c [.`rind contruetrrs... Y4 Crescent e'renmery Co., to construct 'Oder ce11I r+K, &c .......... .... . lib Como avenue in Como ndditiurr, na +\ changed W Osage uvennc............ n. • 31 Ruildlog InspCCU)r issue mChicngO, St. P. & K. C. R. R. Co., erect frame ice 31 haus .. .. ..._ ... . Pernntt«rg 1 C Ileo t t bay wind,\\.. 1.4 Permitting J Y..,1 kli to r et and Changing nam of Cr pus Hill nvt•. to 224 Goodrieh ave e Authorizing tl L lu[nlli. F.lec Cu. to Cct Poles C . 3:i` Appropriating money to A. M. Flitch.... 325 h d to raise frame Permit to A. E. Du fur Alllowing . E.bl)avitlso, Eo construct .i0) aril auxin into ,all, ms traps I. the Union Illock..... ... .150 A." g of judguient, against Lucinda D .. 111 Samuel E. D n'. o d � .. Icy Order in fa f G . ll 1 In pay for vacationf alley bl cit ]5 Y' 04 addition.... 1N Order fa ir t D CI .. Danson. Woi.. Sr..t Icall,v buildiRg. Grunting N. EhIenz per"Nsioll Ill use portion of si \01 w Mrd 1 ,sfl To penult F.ntll Geist. t e t ad I n 124 to bulldiuiR li Grill tlif porllion otUixth,w riA kR,aee.tl\i 134 C tI,,,n ,atm•of Part ,[Goodrich ave. 201 1, Crocus ,ern ...... .... A rant. F. M.erect barn .......... .... Pi A plan inK M. H. Iii to e'er t Unrn. Heagerty. .1 i rret ct oI l lining 17 Hamilton street. rime cl nr R'd to JAIL - roln avenue .... r Ilan', Jnr cd S.. Order . .. III'. Perm l LOPd I. H,ln.en G t b 3f Alithot ling .Iacob He, toerctLnldi- irorr tO frame building .... If perpr0`{rriatmK [renes to I'' rank ]fail Eri.tlrlishlnK Ilx3' aril wind ion rkrt.. .. 3 4 111rintirri+t liter cltS'du ring sips• fair. ap- Ir prop' An endl nK dl 1 ttm, to le, FuyuJudime [hasps..... .. .. Y Rama Junk dealers,mti second liamLguude.... 1 YLLGE Yernritting John Kic,el to enter upon Portion of Victorhi street and perm, the "Loughrmr Plaint Ilythnullc Screen" ....................................... .... 1,59 Ko gl Joe.. erect one story fnm)e ot- ne _. .. .. . .... .. Perrot. to Lee S; ]Jeff to use Part Of 1Y —rd 1,1c,.... ....................... 244 Toivil resolute staring, bundling and sale rt dnngcrous lulu ids ... 30!) Litt. Jucoh. oven ilio' in I )Ut 3 Grand Opera Ilolr se.... line PN 151 Ree.'ding Langford ave.. ear Le. Fvbvre & Deslaur iers use portion of eves .. 64 Amend Or[I. No. 10. Article ''-'I. Munier- cs(le code co ami pri Mrunislj 41 to repel No. 40 puoi sl picot and w repeal Ord. No. 40 seat wile.. Dluning 9'? Mil............ name of street to dyer n C't,cet tree[ . . .... .. Meyer, C. Fe, constnmc nwo ti 4 + d to arcla Moore street tine hanged to li¢rclay street. .. .. ... ..... ..... ....... ]0.5 of butchers To recull .tether els fresh or meat. game or pOultry ........................... 133 Allowing I). I). Merrill to erect Prime building on Robertson's Ad It.. w Rest St. Paul ........ ......................... Neubauer, Jos.. order ................. .... 337 54 PLLyment al National Buiidtng & Luno Society for damage- In-r.dinK 11.11 mine. All—I.Ix Jin. Mary .i, O'Brien to move 1&i dnolinot and hulld stint tion .......31'3 pottgieser. Henry P., payment rebate on license . Pierce, U. J.. P+tymenL Ol clefm ..�....... 43 42 Pitt ter`on. Jnlrn, order ... .. ....... 19: lteg+utlmg use of public parks and Kron ode........ ....f .... 133 fIc tull.........s— Itegulxtiog sW rage Of pC[roleum. gneo- line. etc .............................. .......... Perm tiring Pioneer Fuel Co., to erect lg_ A,iho rf zing A. II. Paget to erect (come noel lingo.. ,1. (juiney crest bnY window.. ... 5r 51 rma`, Retssr. Herman order.. . .. 18 Lyon. Currin A., ortlCr. ..... Ln nK'e. Henry, c_luim .... LOKnn [rest. from, ndtlition ,ams 31 •h •enged G) Como even tie. . ..... 31 6,1 -ting 1 F b d Dosluurfen Per- Per -to loo,sum O,oportion of Sixth wird I 215 permit tcsepf M.isi'iplivr or skatig n... n 314 McGregork bl jctguc permission to use a portion of Sixth word Lerec........... 145 Gr -g C. A. Moore right to eree'[ bay window.... 151 Ameml i nR ordinance No. 61, runners aril I blie Porters ...................................... 7 Authorizing Dlary E.Robin o turemovo frame building.... .. 337 Rules and regulations health depuro- Sixth ward e ks pili ileges, evpi attain of 254 Authorizinggskating rinks on Miesl ssiPpf river 200 Mrs. GCs. Simpson, erect additional `tory ort bttddin . 09 St. Paul Wldt I 1 k Ott Uo., use per- tion of Ierce -. ......... ' St. Paul F'ure ill n, to„ to,remove bldg. 106 AllowingSt.Paul Masonic Fnlon to erect and. a Jumm wooden Partitions. 151 U111"Oki PAGE Atblum Schuma ur. c m t act pariltb,it rolls b St. pit Ill City IVY Co use 1" ;.t I.._.. 6 Smith. A A.. m yo . X3,000 s St ,Pat' {Shite Loud C Oil C .. [ r I of I 'e.. n: i 811111h11 CA..m l fm Ofxl II priai .. .....} i( so.Rob tet n pummut of Ie\ec sixth rlnl St. Paul Sto Work _ portion of e el t I, a.. A St. Purl City 1;Y Co., lu c 1� act eon duith. •te.......... .... .. �r. ..tr to 121 L. K. Sto c, ort •.t bel t•k a •t :111... 123 A urhorl i(ngt St_ Paul Citvc It'. �tet tact, I, p, ninmin : tl , 1A• st reef ru11x nY Imes f n St 7'ut11'ie V 194 A thuriiing A drew Schoch to t ect u n frame lotto and sluble............... e . 200 st Loil hug(h I'i�kl ,C�;ll eal,on, Plwket24i Fw'ut: tI. t h .t flet brick wall .. m Yernlitting 61. Taal Elect. Al fg. 1�•(1. to Peru 1111x19,11 �\V51Toppilgtto build burn 232 I'utrek m Lf ^ I'ennittl Pull ) A 1 [ til tl bol Iding Auth—W , J7 1 PI t t I �brinit to Lnlun DelsolC. a 1. net t It sl .l Il. \. 15'114, a •n•et late buy 'I,-, I as In6 {V N. W of Loll ,lit IIII,r of anti. dilrles of. err ...... .................".... I'ermlitl11g Wold' A Lelinlnn to tr.ulld 1 11 it1 71'1 7 1 ;, 11 i {.. k t I nt rl' Sl Fig n le ass e t:v nK I (If \ Dyke sir L t Van IPVk .rue.. .... 12 Oa ford slid F,dmund si rte,. Inmp . ..... 9 PAf1t. Pay rolls, :311, 3W.:A17, 80.1, 274, Wfi, 266, 2111, 264, H. 21'1. 2V_r, 100, IOa, 107, 196. 24'2, IM 1811. IC9, I=71. 1-M, 2:G, 1' 111 117. ILF, Iso, 164. 167.1211. If 4, nlb.1A. 143_1.19. ]11.'Gtl, SIO Lr,'IV, 98, 97, 327, 3.N. 3-N, :;L 312 Puder,on. A 'J'J P t Eme s R a[ pointed. member boxe]of( i tear St 1 a 1 I Mary 14 Pelye , Win.1.111 Pohle'. subd lot J Ick _ f St. Paul 11ort I out piat... ...... .. _. I Pend .1.1 condunln .. 18 pe u oaauue. obvt ru etlons. uf_ . re - a Peprasll l. �J_ Peoljles Ink 14, nor, {Y u1. II ..................... n. sten .1. A.. ruad. pulicemau ..... 1141 l e and er,n n, Chus.. :m[1 others ._... .......... ler. P., ordei............... ......... rolt•um, Ii once -unfitting stor .. 1 211 ro eu `• stlo, lv_' r. J. {Vorder. op kn1 • , Do gi _ elan l s tot. ..... ta acid. s,t.ewulk I" IIAI Aa 240 I'lutlen nrci -n 114.Chi h (: Omnia H II ) t g111s1 s .17 Yhulau.aat•t lx t ...11a. ':1, eie f'1liilerr Creek 11 W U. Dohe1- modllic tl m of c t .. II I'liu leu 1'n•ek rnlley otacxewel oodur the ill ill. sett er,". t dunml Kt•s� . t , 1'luden Creek r,, toy setrcr, nmdllleutlo11 of cmltrxct....................................... 11 Plot lr•1r Creak .o ul l 1 1.1 r t, '1'horMore Ilunlm lr •r Ili lou Creek. s— 201, 311 xr Phalen Crtk n .t•uge . wr, I I I A-& Go. ill _ 11 It S H..... flk I IL's I J., .Illi ill. .. . 1 • 41 42 41 I of I'lcueun, avenue bridge. ._....... Pleusaat avenue grade. Pleasant Pe m tct. trIII— btmaeation Point of View Park. ... 81. Point of View Park, tippropolation .... Police dep urLment. salary list P .lice helmot,, rchase f . Police oPocer, �Putry educed R 11Gud fir 1'olitc atrol tel graph o peraton let Cen- tral lsulice station oedInnace uuthoriz Ing uppointm ent....... Yuhco patrol be. telephone. B:ttes eiad Fast Third street Put leo fa l box, Burr n d (. - �treots Police p trol box, Como and Western...... Polito PntrUl box. Burr and Case streets.. Police patrol box, Como and Western alien ala .... .. ... Police d EPr] stleerm L_c .Bastingsavenue Poliice patrol U 1, city eo:d Kent.:. Police p:itroi Dux. Put and Km.t ... I'ulice patrol box telephone, corner Vic- toria and Lincoln ...... .............. ..... 1 INDEX. RE 2210 119. 104 F6 10.4 75 Pont(. Mn1. J. 1 1 cr b f 11 Pure St. u I I Ib y do 1 4 rl.t•ra• public and larmel. rdinauce Nu. 14a5 relathtg lo... . . .... .. 6 Portland uvenuc,sidowuak _..14. 2N! Portland avenue, sewer . 2Na Posch..J., permit to-natruct frame bulld- Ing ... ..... . .. ... 171 Postofhce. relative to.... ..._... UI Puttgel.er, henry I'., order i v r of. 43 Pottgciser. Henry P., claim .. . ............. 43 Pound limits, ordinionec.... _..._ 21.5 Poundmustcr Cunni 11,'.report., for Sep- tember and October, 1800 exumimed .... V, You ndmastcr Cu nlif,roport Al il...--......1110 Pon to ('ostellu, report April 1«1 Pun nrJmaswr Iliukel. repurte fur Septem- ber and Oatobcr, 189o,exu ._ Poundumster• II]ohne detailed. d 9s Poundmaster'1'ru , report f Sce,tem- ber, October and November..90, x filed...... mil Poundmustcr Truax, rep t \p 1 I00 Poundmustcr, Tenth anti F.lele th'I'.1, Poundmaster Tenth and EI ntl od . 87 Poundmaster Meyers, repot forSul tem- be 18.10, •xamined tI5 P .ier :md dynamite storm g first ward. 4:1 1'orvdc.,.yturu�ry f. arvt w¢d 7 Pren[lergust. .1. O,:tppubl [cl b� Bnurcl of Niro co tisslon 1 Prendergast Brea., furnace t et...... 704 Yrescottstrcet aprlukling_ ......!19, 112 Yrfilter, city contract, bon(],,,,,1J Printer, city. Doily Globe el..- In, 11 Printer, ci T. St. Poul Dni]Y GI b ton tract bond ..... ......... Printing. J H. 13 A Priedug, Pro I ......- - 170 yy rd 9s Yri n tingund bi tll g p •e II g board nubile works.. .. J prior oven ue, grade oilley...Z:.J 2A 2'1, 280, 2'19 Prior avenue ir td PAde, ilk ......... ... 102 Prior aenut,taf 217/ j'rior li uvcuue star 1 1to In 1 act n, torn tctl poi .. 15 Prior, Oakley. 1 nib illbnR..,,[i. s 1 Lyoubmr.,t liclomell alley boonde, I 178 Pro ed k to publish.. 212 Pids I b I stet t ... .. . s;t Prospect Tm•rpce, Ium P. ly. Pr.ct.' tyaiolt i op11be,. etc Prooti fall y. of Cul Plus'outlets,, - tion If alley. vaca- tion Quincy selmol a{iditm-...................... °UI 3 Rubt lloa 1tr K 7':ttur,ky .. ..... 1T3 Raleigh Wm.,cooden.n......s . .., 13 Ramsey3'. J. 11.. .. ...... 98 Ramsey ,ere t. lamiselk... ....... 97 Ron, y, ,net, lama ................... 207 lin d 11 h Ircel k d 71 I;n d 1[ it for Ma.t L us c L li iY (, [ groiII .'ejami. 1, Ito) id uacnu ...... 1111 ILnVmul... uv:.n K 1111119, t .IfY_', 2141 ltnymunld nYerm 11 walk. ..... 18a Ihulncy street. bridge ............................. 81 ltunney st rest Lrld9,o upprouch, grading Re'ly II. et, oliltngc of gr 1 i1N ^, 271, :Kw 1{x1 y Leet. spriukllrrK ......IMI. Idgt;l Sl: Paul i I iiw Ity. Iter -c IL 10 unnu111nR Jllsnlssippl sU I. its. ..... .......... 42 Itetl ling, .Iusepb M., order..... . Reed, C. A.. architect to remodel market bulldl g col diskI,, e t 1 7d..?. or Improv- 542 ingL t ❑:t i 13 Hcfu di b o _ .m .nt money, State strops condtmuutlou.............. Hetundlul1rr money paid by : H. Anacreon for In [olligrnt or emplu)•men, otllce._... I Refunding money order, Maggle C. Duug- bis.._ .4. 9 left II g 1 blulrgie C. D ukl 4 Refundink s[1iInkIlnR e i tract. Wm. Banbol<e cit ,Pei 1111!111l s L der 41 favor of 1u. Rnahr. Hehn, Gee ,1 ... ....... a43 Rei,er, Berman, order 15 K purls, city otticors. annual 07 Reu" 1105 4 1111Requisitions,1 con tG. ..._ 141 Rice A tl G. gl Rias Edmund 411 uudrtnon. block alley file, M. _d addition, eloCk 7, ul ley 14.. aj 71 IUL 1.'A 142. 171 RI c' Ed mull 4t1 addition,block to Yy7 Else, Kl tep13 .. " ..... - ..J4, 8 13 121ce pu I . cuuetrt ..: 81 Rirc park conclo,ert t. ut ^LI . Ileo I k .leetri I I,1 t .... 11'1:, LMi3� ltiee qtr mil 1. bimi�s .... .... 180 It .1'31, 160 12ICeL I 11 .... 114 Rice 't L Rico & I s :gid lit mil luta Iand °, block • � N, to purchase, .... ...................... 108 P Chas, .los., elatm. ....... ... PIne street grading . ... 2UJ P Plom•er Fuel [ y [ its elect P,tctlic sire t :il Ik. .. ... rl, Pence.. . Pioneer 11,11 pny, permit to erre, 2S1 I'e ilia —clue,.11 alk . ..... . .. 177 lump . .. ... .. ......... .... .. Page sti cut. Innlp...... .................. Page. A. IL. permit to erect. frame •.,d dwell- PLATN. u•s............... ....... 325 Abbott & A11ekers rearrangement, juts Pnluce .et rete .- Ik .�.. .1!1:3 ^_611 1.2.3, 28, 21 20, block; Douglas addl- Palm a stmef I p .. 1111 Pilledme L 1 f {I k •t B:tll wen .. .. Atf'denr))- 11 (.I r _ ...... 147 147 ..... Park .veno Dale uad B oda _ -107 r, sur- Albert l.C.I II K lilt ..... If uddt s ndditou. ... :1411 :"11 plus material ........ .... 10 Ito rbun k'..D IL I 1 t1 t 5 Riul s Perla al eau Ik Park oven ut slopes....... .... IIW) k3 411, 45 Dnveru's Its Int 7 I t Cu s ter st reet eddli4on..... .. .. ........... 2.LS 14.1 Park L Iw t f l r k _ I) luo 'alit ....... 1,1 plot k. 1 t I KI r ... 15 1113 Ll I[ 1 trC11 1. lIL .. '- 8 bdi .e 1 k. t ke and helpers._ 1191 1I I t t ll K a l i l - s1u 1'. k on t - - 91. 103 M 1 6 1 1 13,• I'm ks, mlisi P:trk.s and p l l y.�r Is. 1f.... 189 78:1 I I I b 11 f I t L I ek ::. of tl t I 11.-, (, 11 1- tK 1 .... ... 'i1� - Iditlonl to ..Ll 1 -..uf 2,V P tt I Jr 1 .' Ik ... IN6. J0] Ib5 S 1 Yl x port of old t Pal r d o i, F, r 1 ) 1lan't 1 } 1 ...... i5 I liew alma .... 3 Pay ltnl . Yuy no avenue. lumps. .. ..... ...3 :t 8 H:t. W'i� Snarl's Plate No. :. .. ............ .. Sherburne'1 ..... s 214 Puy ne ac' nue. remora 1 Ix 967.:115 ... Staple, ]ItAllit ..... ... L"I P" "I'. uvcuue sewer. }'alta:tl en ue l':u•at1m1. .......... ..u[.....Bl, IOa Stone C ILnK Idltl rr .._-_. Summit crexeen[... ...�......... 1181 2211 Puvoo u"o cutiva1 i. Puy d:ty ... .. .. ... ]Oi ....... Mt Th.—foil, ecutran eal,•n t. of blot ks i ¢ml tot Tnur, b�u & Lnulbm'c odd ..... 121 I of I'lcueun, avenue bridge. ._....... Pleusaat avenue grade. Pleasant Pe m tct. trIII— btmaeation Point of View Park. ... 81. Point of View Park, tippropolation .... Police dep urLment. salary list P .lice helmot,, rchase f . Police oPocer, �Putry educed R 11Gud fir 1'olitc atrol tel graph o peraton let Cen- tral lsulice station oedInnace uuthoriz Ing uppointm ent....... Yuhco patrol be. telephone. B:ttes eiad Fast Third street Put leo fa l box, Burr n d (. - �treots Police p trol box, Como and Western...... Polito PntrUl box. Burr and Case streets.. Police patrol box, Como and Western alien ala .... .. ... Police d EPr] stleerm L_c .Bastingsavenue Poliice patrol U 1, city eo:d Kent.:. Police p:itroi Dux. Put and Km.t ... I'ulice patrol box telephone, corner Vic- toria and Lincoln ...... .............. ..... 1 INDEX. RE 2210 119. 104 F6 10.4 75 Pont(. Mn1. J. 1 1 cr b f 11 Pure St. u I I Ib y do 1 4 rl.t•ra• public and larmel. rdinauce Nu. 14a5 relathtg lo... . . .... .. 6 Portland uvenuc,sidowuak _..14. 2N! Portland avenue, sewer . 2Na Posch..J., permit to-natruct frame bulld- Ing ... ..... . .. ... 171 Postofhce. relative to.... ..._... UI Puttgel.er, henry I'., order i v r of. 43 Pottgciser. Henry P., claim .. . ............. 43 Pound limits, ordinionec.... _..._ 21.5 Poundmustcr Cunni 11,'.report., for Sep- tember and October, 1800 exumimed .... V, You ndmastcr Cu nlif,roport Al il...--......1110 Pon to ('ostellu, report April 1«1 Pun nrJmaswr Iliukel. repurte fur Septem- ber and Oatobcr, 189o,exu ._ Poundumster• II]ohne detailed. d 9s Poundmaster'1'ru , report f Sce,tem- ber, October and November..90, x filed...... mil Poundmustcr Truax, rep t \p 1 I00 Poundmustcr, Tenth anti F.lele th'I'.1, Poundmaster Tenth and EI ntl od . 87 Poundmaster Meyers, repot forSul tem- be 18.10, •xamined tI5 P .ier :md dynamite storm g first ward. 4:1 1'orvdc.,.yturu�ry f. arvt w¢d 7 Pren[lergust. .1. O,:tppubl [cl b� Bnurcl of Niro co tisslon 1 Prendergast Brea., furnace t et...... 704 Yrescottstrcet aprlukling_ ......!19, 112 Yrfilter, city contract, bon(],,,,,1J Printer, city. Doily Globe el..- In, 11 Printer, ci T. St. Poul Dni]Y GI b ton tract bond ..... ......... Printing. J H. 13 A Priedug, Pro I ......- - 170 yy rd 9s Yri n tingund bi tll g p •e II g board nubile works.. .. J prior oven ue, grade oilley...Z:.J 2A 2'1, 280, 2'19 Prior avenue ir td PAde, ilk ......... ... 102 Prior aenut,taf 217/ j'rior li uvcuue star 1 1to In 1 act n, torn tctl poi .. 15 Prior, Oakley. 1 nib illbnR..,,[i. s 1 Lyoubmr.,t liclomell alley boonde, I 178 Pro ed k to publish.. 212 Pids I b I stet t ... .. . s;t Prospect Tm•rpce, Ium P. ly. Pr.ct.' tyaiolt i op11be,. etc Prooti fall y. of Cul Plus'outlets,, - tion If alley. vaca- tion Quincy selmol a{iditm-...................... °UI 3 Rubt lloa 1tr K 7':ttur,ky .. ..... 1T3 Raleigh Wm.,cooden.n......s . .., 13 Ramsey3'. J. 11.. .. ...... 98 Ramsey ,ere t. lamiselk... ....... 97 Ron, y, ,net, lama ................... 207 lin d 11 h Ircel k d 71 I;n d 1[ it for Ma.t L us c L li iY (, [ groiII .'ejami. 1, Ito) id uacnu ...... 1111 ILnVmul... uv:.n K 1111119, t .IfY_', 2141 ltnymunld nYerm 11 walk. ..... 18a Ihulncy street. bridge ............................. 81 ltunney st rest Lrld9,o upprouch, grading Re'ly II. et, oliltngc of gr 1 i1N ^, 271, :Kw 1{x1 y Leet. spriukllrrK ......IMI. Idgt;l Sl: Paul i I iiw Ity. Iter -c IL 10 unnu111nR Jllsnlssippl sU I. its. ..... .......... 42 Itetl ling, .Iusepb M., order..... . Reed, C. A.. architect to remodel market bulldl g col diskI,, e t 1 7d..?. or Improv- 542 ingL t ❑:t i 13 Hcfu di b o _ .m .nt money, State strops condtmuutlou.............. Hetundlul1rr money paid by : H. Anacreon for In [olligrnt or emplu)•men, otllce._... I Refunding money order, Maggle C. Duug- bis.._ .4. 9 left II g 1 blulrgie C. D ukl 4 Refundink s[1iInkIlnR e i tract. Wm. Banbol<e cit ,Pei 1111!111l s L der 41 favor of 1u. Rnahr. Hehn, Gee ,1 ... ....... a43 Rei,er, Berman, order 15 K purls, city otticors. annual 07 Reu" 1105 4 1111Requisitions,1 con tG. ..._ 141 Rice A tl G. gl Rias Edmund 411 uudrtnon. block alley file, M. _d addition, eloCk 7, ul ley 14.. aj 71 IUL 1.'A 142. 171 RI c' Ed mull 4t1 addition,block to Yy7 Else, Kl tep13 .. " ..... - ..J4, 8 13 121ce pu I . cuuetrt ..: 81 Rirc park conclo,ert t. ut ^LI . Ileo I k .leetri I I,1 t .... 11'1:, LMi3� ltiee qtr mil 1. bimi�s .... .... 180 It .1'31, 160 12ICeL I 11 .... 114 Rice 't L Rico & I s :gid lit mil luta Iand °, block • � N, to purchase, .... ...................... 108 xviii INDEX. A. INDEX. xviv PACE. PAGE. Rice Irvine's uddit ion block 8, lot land 2. co,1denination mark ........ ....... ..I.". 90 � S Rice &Ira loess ad 1 d block n transfer to Uorted States744 St Albans street 6 adi k .. 14. •"3 Rice & Irvine's addition, 1 1 and - block N. remove building, St. Albans street lamp{ 214, 304 211 SG Albans street, sp inkli g... .. 13 2, 143, 180 Rice & Irvine's addition, bio k 42. 1 ts.t and 4, build vela. 4 g all. ... , St. Albans street sewen.... .49. 58, ^.3 nl St. Albans street slopes ..... 1J 38, 46 Rice and Irvine's ]d t . lot} block S St. Poul Pernuent Loan Cu.. ccc , m I ISL. Anthony avenue, remove lump .297 uil it g ............. move frame building : St Anthony avenue. retunit sower ne Rice & 1 vine's addlti lot 2 block S, i - �r. Caroline. order favor of .............. addition to St. Paul plot.. Paul, �.essment, Maggie, C. Douglas .. .. 9 der for pure h;ase pace 1.2 St. Antltonp avenue se wo r, refunding ur r Rice fi I, 'I.,addtt ion, lot 1. block S. Or ler fur purchusu Imicc....... .. .. 1'L'' der. University avenue xnd otherstreets 4 St. Anthony also ue seiver..... ..... .-40. 58, 73 Rice C Irvine's addition, lot '2, block N, St' Paul Title. ICs. Co., money refunded.... St. pItel Stuvo Works, use portion of St. Anthony Park, block 77. alley grade. . R�3ermit to remove huudmg . _. & Irvne's block 124 64. 67, 107. 126. '1.60 ce addition, n Its 3. 5, redemption of cm tifleateof sale Ii11 St. Anthony Park. flru engine house.. . B St. Anthony Park, lot 42, block 40.1um t._. 204. Richmond .street, grudo........., lip. 115, N7, 1 i7 St. Anthony Purk, Cour service oa car�me 340 Rich ter. Jucub, order ......................... 28.'3 it. A.thouy Park, dock 61, sidewalk.... Richter, W... order ......... .................... V-5 St. Anthony Pnrk, xddi ti on, block 61, Side- Rlchter.Aug..order......... _... _. _..... Robbins, D. At., permit to grade V;ndnlin 28,5 walk ............................... ...._........_. 2K3 St. Anthony Park, block 40, 41,etc., vacu- strutt .... . ... .. .. ... ........... 28` tion Robert irec ( our) dealt, of Nell P. Larsmt ..... ... .. ..... ... 68. 86 St. Aubin, J. A.. and uta e ... L S[. Clair street. crosswalk... ........ .2.i}. 283 Robert street (S). C. F. Jleyte. construct '22! U4 St. Clair street, lip...... ....... ............. 5, 9. 177/ bay wi Cal—a Robert street, set. ...... ....,':V) 7 St Clairstreet n eokll �. .... ... .......... 138 SL Joseph's German Catholic Orphan Robert street, lump at Sixth Inert.......... Robert street (south). crossway k.... ....... 24s 185 Asylum, refund assessment, ................. 110 St. Lou Ls, SL Pnul & Minneapolis' Packet St.... Roberts. Wm. D. claim. election booth, Dearborn and State strects... .. 5 Co....... ...... .. ., Cis SG Louis. St. Paul & Mf nneapolis' Packet Robertson. W. G., orders, to pay judg- Co., spur truck. Jackson street ............... 86 meat .............. ...... ....... lie St. Louis, St. Paul & Minneapolis' Packet, - Robertson's addition. west St. Paul, frame building ... .. Xd7 St. PnulArmory association contract.... 209 St. Paul Armory association. contract i Roberton & Von it. addition. block Tor runt of hall.... Il, Ropen u and Kr d g Van Ettt 102 (C.oa s11mr-track .... F2 obertson addition.block 11, alley o Ing ... .. 7' nen g Magnolia stroet.... 211 Robertson & Vxn Etcen's addition. block 11, alley' grade ....................... .. tete .. 88 St. Paul & Duluth By. Cu. and Renocy street, iron bridge................. .............ncy 10 Roble street grade ...... ........ ..... 48, 513, 107 St. Paul Daily Globe, city printer bond. Roble street crosswalk ....................... Robin street sprinkling tete. tete... 207 149 contract .......... .tete. 18 St P:ml Daily Glove bond contract, cit >)• Itobi❑son,Mary E.,..... to rumu fnune printer _tete. ....13, 2; building ............... ._.......... _. tete ;Ci7 Go St. Paul Daily Globe, elected otllcial news- Roger's rearrangement, block 7. McLean'. paper. 1591............ ..................1, 10, 11 reservation, grede .hey .. .............=,, :;37 6t. Poul El -tri. Mfg. Co., permit to Roger'. rmrr,l gement, MULeun's Reser- string wires ........ ............................. =4 nation, block I. alley grade.... . .. ...... Roger's rearrangement, block 7. McLean's ",','2 St. Pani Furniture C. ....... .......... .. 106 St. Paul Furniture Co.. permit to remove reservation. alley grade ........ Roger's rotcrxngen cut, MOLeaf s - sere 278 buildings .... ... .. I(15 tete St. Paul Foundry Co., order favor of to vut[ou. block 7, alley gado ... 75.5 SL Paul Herdwxre C contract . .. 3193 . .. Rollingcr, Peter .. ... 48 St. Yuu IG os Light Co... 81 Bill, o (to street eros. Ik tete..... ....:183 Rendu street crosswalk 200 St. Poul Gas Light Co tlsl m..... 15 St. Paul Gas Light Co.. contract .. 12! 12ondo street easement, across C 11 & St. St, Paul Gas Light Co., order.... .til 1)7 P. Ry Co., right of way bridge, tied street St. Paul Gas Light Co., permit to lay pipe purposes. .. ... - . . . _...... Hondo street lam t _. ......... fl, 191, 46 :10' drain o. Fourth street east .. ... 176 L Paul City Ry. Co.. acceptance rdi Rondo street and i I avenue lump Rondo street sidevnik ..................... r} nanec No. 1430, extension of time........ 13 St. P;iol City Ry. Co.. Acker, Jackson and Road,, street ensumeut. C.M. & St. P. Fairview stroet lives .. Ry'- Co 40 St. Poul City By. Co.. Burr. P. F.. vice Rondo street sower _.. __49 58, 13 president, communication in su it, Rosa street Lamp __. . 1C, ,Fy if COmO and Snelling., venue's bridge N Rose sweet, la naps. 287 Ross street. lamps. ...... tete. ...'.'U4 St. Paul City' Ity. Co., conduits.. 161, IIG, 121 ; 9c. Poul Ci[y Ity. Co . flnmline Ione .. 340 : Ross street. sewer._..._..__ . ............ 62 St. Paul City Y. Co., Jackson street •: Rothschild. Ella. redemptionof ccrtilicat, Runn,r. and public porters. ordinance IOU line.. . ......... ................... 134, 2:31 ; SL Poul City I{y, Lnugford avenue Ifne... 151 No. 14;xS, relating to.. .............. t e t e.. 6I St. Poul City Ry Co., Langford avenue ex ce P fA, el t t Runners;end inI I'll Russell street. sta!Irr t ter, 21 4 86 tk stou ... .. .. 100 Paul City Ryy Cu. Maria even Zine 2JI Ryan. John, order .286I 6t. Poul City Fty Co refund of itmount Ryde street. lamp .. ........... .......... ....3111 overp. id,on gross earnings.. . tete... 11U GE. St. Paul city By. Co., W. Soventh street Ilno................................................ 334 St. Poul City Ry (. ., by A L Scott, tree IJ caul .untag St. Paul City RY C ..ant ant gloss ,scoung. )zi.. 25 St Yuul Cit} IZy. Cu. Stryker avenue line 231 St. Paul City By Co.. one "T" rail .. 61 St. Paul City lay Cu., u "T" rail on Y. C3.. petition, use II T" c hne. .. . 30 member bnurd of direct - . L4 ...... .. c Union, urdinunco....... ..... 151 i M. By. Co.. agreemmtt rid ggy� '0. 75 1. R.V.. to bridge right-of- way over Grove street...... .. .... _. .... St. P.. M. &. Omnhu Ity. crossing, bridge 339 Phalen avenue, Cl: us. Coa 111 clxi m...... 37 St. Paul & N. P. R. R., n bridge riglttof- uy ever Grove street ..... --.. ... St. Yaul Nation.] Bank, depusltory,-.... .. "16 147 St. Paul Permanent Loan Co., order. - ,3, 76 St. Poul Pernuent Loan Cu.. ccc , m Orders favor of ............... ......... ...... St. Paul proper, block 11, alley grade..... 42 144 t St. Paul proper, o 7, block A arcus ........ l 146 St. Poul proper, alloy In block 11. remove Caroline. order favor of .............. addition to St. Paul plot.. Paul, obstructions.... ........... . ".Paulpublic lib'ry. aund report. s Bank of St. Paul. transmission of n)mrasyuro r. ....-.- , 67 St. Paul Title Insurance & Trust CO., or Third and Olive tr et ..... Olive W.iv Seventh street der. .................. ..................... . ;6 St' Paul Title. ICs. Co., money refunded.... St. pItel Stuvo Works, use portion of 110 Int ee, Sixth ward .. .. .. 36 St. Paul Stave Works, use f portion of levee .. .. ..... 31 .... ........ St. Paul Union Depot Co., permit d, erect . Andrew. permit erect Uar11 and ........ ..... I shed ........... .......... .1 White Lead ... and oRCO., ase Wr- 3A ,f Ievee.......... tete ...ir4, 55, 64, i3. 1 Workhouse directors. appointed. 74 0, I W-khuuso. order ... tete.. 211 license. protest ....tete tete. I u, Chas. E., John Dale and Luis Selby n venue. walks. .. mrdneq modlflcatlon of grading Sc,en Corners' Bunk, city doll' or -v S th tett (West), cu lin .. .. act. Jenks and Lawson structs..... ' trips ................................. 6 150 Caroline. order favor of .............. addition to St. Paul plot.. Paul, 03 210 s Bank of St. Paul. Seventh street (West). permit to ......e sales ort...........Ea Auburn avenued t), o...., wide.... n Seventh street (Ease), open, widen turd Third and Olive tr et ..... Olive W.iv Seventh street h8 195 Iavian American Batik depositor) 14747 ravmn American Bink. order .70 r, E.h S.nae order.. .. .aa China. and L... tVB.11-.[na, i d r 99 37' t, ....... . :Ker. B. R. tete. ;0 . Andrew. permit erect Uar11 and "(10 ,,building, insracu Oilass ............................ ............. ....... Sergenvt nt acme, solar)' - salads, C. C., clap. ... .... ... ...__.'s. tpolicies tnectee e rict 1, Indebtedness-22- dist..2, i2i09i der, Fred erect f amt 11 Cry 64 ier,F d ac 1. 63 athero Christ iso, refund t s t. ;�. y.yv 110 .......... ........................ in. . Abri . construct partitlov Sidewalk defective, Jos. Pichas, claim...... Sidewalk defective, C. J. Pierce, claim...... ells. Sclo rmeier & Ernes' addition. block 2, alley grade - Sent t, A. S., affidavit St pau I City Ry CC) . gross carni gn - - Scurlsl'Intt N Scene it hand and jink dealers, >rdi a c 14:33. regulating licenses tote .. ..... PAGE. Second baud good. and junk dealors, ora. jos. M. policeman appointed....... No. 1453. regulating ............................ Sccund Regiment band, order ................ Setbert's bund. music in Rice park. ..... 5 32 1889 Seiburt, Gcorg .. .. . •,12/ Selby avemre lu p Selby avenue repairwalk .. .. .. 206 Selby n venue. walks. .. "A6 Sc,en Corners' Bunk, city doll' or -v S th tett (West), cu lin .. .. 159 334 Seventh 't eet (West), land condemned it, ]HU strip widening _.. ... ........... 177 Seventh street (West). permit to ......e sales ort...........Ea 779 t), o...., wide.... n Seventh street (Ease), open, widen turd 257 cro ..........est).... ................ extend 301 change Serm3tlt sUrocU (Easel. cl urge in street stye 330 e- Seventh street, (East) lowering and re- IGI buildin sewercontract. _. ..., . .. 30 Seventh ,lst) & Mivnehuha streets Lire ,liar. box ....................... I.... I................... 54 Sewerage bond fund, certificate of indent - Oilass ............................ ............. ....... Sergenvt nt acme, solar)' - salads, C. C., clap. ... .... ... ...__.'s. 286 745 6a Sheldon ¢venue, crosswalk...._............__ 31N Sherburne terrace, plat.......__,.. .............. 244 Sidewalks. Clo rtes street Sldewulk defective. Collegevenue, C. J. 9'J Pierce, claim.......... _.............................. 42 Sidewalk defective, Jos. Pichas, claim...... Sidewalk defective, C. J. Pierce, claim...... 15 1J Sidewalks, streets. ete., to be Put in I ass - able condition ................................... .... Sibley street, sidewalk, damage.,.,., ........... 75 81 Sib1c5' nrrlt s ................ ............ Slnle7 strtr'et storewerm"I& sewer '22! U4 Sigel saddltion,GoUian's rearrangement block 3. alley grade...... 4. S2; 88 31ge1, Robert, use portion of levee, Si". wird--............................................. .36 obert, use portion of levee........... 30 jos. M. policeman appointed....... Hl street, slopes ........... ..... ?7, 4!I, 60 n, alt rs. Gen ... .. .....9N, 99 nt-t•emm grading 28 Beet grade.. !19, 114, 140. 163, 170, ::i8, 278 rectopening. etc ........................ 71 •set. oponing, eu....._...._.____._ W "et. oponing, etc ................... rcet opening ................ Loniu. redomution certiflcute�..... _.. &5 ' I10 neigibothood of market I us .. .. ... 5 Sinks Noah, chain, .. ... Sinks, Noah, ordor ... ... 104 105 245 Sixth street bridge.... tete. . 0, 75 Sxth street bridge, remove 1 a ip. :'67 Sixty bridge. st ectstep t Brndluy strelt .. 180 Si th .'tccet gradc._.. teat tate 19.5 Si tb strecL lamp at Robert street.... ... 2421 S1.xtlI street steps.. tete ........ Sixth street widening, payment for ]HU strip If land .................................................. Sixth street widening L'S Iii{ Sixth street W,. pnvinK . .... Ilii, 19!1 Sixth street F.., change of y u 1e..........11, 257 Sixth street E., curb pave end swore . 164 SI xtb street E., cro.swttlk ... Sixth street F., grade... tete.. tete . 249 210, 235 Sixth street F.., pnvc Ona grade ................. IGI Sixth street F.., pa ving a nd.—verittir Sixth street E, sprin klinK....... - stet .....114 .112 Srtth wind levee Sixth ward levee, American Mfg. Co. tete 2110 Si.11C Ward levee, assess. t ... . Ila S tl a J Icvec. city •� pt oil s o- ty t L dinmcc for ciOrders S tl aei lerec. M. A. GM cy P kli Snxtb ward learn, Lee & Matt.... ... ng Cu 134 .:Y14 xx INDEX. Sixth ward Icve.,ex Pwne. Ivilc Piration of riXht. and Scute F¢ir week. ci ty illnmiontlon ffi.5.0Wwne. Pr gas i"ranted.................... ...-d Sixth ward levee. yfe F.Idenr... "' -' apPrnpri;atiurl......... - 3.31 Strict of Minnesota, order Yu a-ur ni' }I. D. 15 Sixth .vara ]avec. \I G K .. 1+.5 Iienyo Sixth wartl I.rec•, p Of . I ,. Sixth ..ri levee [ S 1 ,1 Jtoat Ii. Scute atr. [ If idrr " U \Narks, 6 g-. 19 isr xth wartl Ie Vee• n 1 Ron,- t. Rel 4CA. J Sixth ward Ievee, rr tf Stationery, to d I[ 1 1 - pector 25 n Sixth ward levee, Val �ey Iron W k .K5 •r'ntrac[ 2ul S. 9. S.1.1. G., -d Stutroner}City 1 k t p h n d I,- id, s e. 2if• Slid UI u s a Ik ..... bl Stewart a op i3 lid t. ri. ill Smith, ]2 lit A e titl to f -' 21i' Stfeknely street grude SI Iit 14 d bGd Still- tllvlsloo. S th Ibd ,Ion, 04, ass IW block 1'.'., elle S tmna R Y• eerie rrut \ - 9tlnson'.+ divlsionxdS 6h 81 trunal Editorial association' bo -a s, alto ulxti rlsfo° Smltl!, Robert A..uPero i tl 1 I YRR grflde .. , Smith. Rebert A., eommluimatIFi veto .. 12 Stili risen on et •set slopesrik ..l}' 10, 2i, 71, l83 Smith, R. A.. mayor, certificates o[ indcbt- - ID, 49, 40 ethmss ..............._... ,2 SIfeum. Brown Ramsey'., uddltio1 lac .......................ort"... 12 for hospital purposes.......................... 30.3 Smith. R. X. order redemption of certid- ,.te................ . 9tcekton & Li_udquiat- ro...................... ........ L'di Stone. Lune h.. ortet brick Smith, P It ft t t d 3 ,cake p maintain i 1 SWme, Lane K., permit 11.. SG. ks Smith, .1 1 IV , skat - 1 "' IYII Stone &Rouen udditi n plu[... - iW IPPI ria +• ink.1 \I .- I.s- Slone sidmvniks .. Smith Park cur hoe. oar ,erciee - Mid Storing Powder, Firat w ud'' Smith nark, electric pp 340 Stout. Vl C,. order "' `i I Pool _..... ....o......_........ Xili South park,eleetric liglits..........11� Stove WorlC.s. us,, ., .... Smith's sntall, sign of O'ni tr �.: """ 2 . port of levee.... 31 Strautz, hfathius..................... 99 Stinson'., division, block 11, a kofgrndck l}} Strelc•henberg, A., n<demption of ... Smith', eu bdlvis�uu of hlorl. 12, Stinson'., Strickland R .. tifl- it vislon south . of block 12, alle - U d -lin } Grade. Ibl Street and -- X15 S. ll. so bit i ( Muck ]2, Stnison', Streets, aid alks, etc. pay II - los S dilh ion II y f rtll halt, gt qdc hie condition..Put rr p , 1bli 9 d ivl si on II y grade- k ]2 SC Sir kcr avenue. sewer -- -f' Snellingu t ... 214 Stryker avenue, 1amp.. --" _, RY. .. 'd.. U t N tl Suburban Ilius uddltlo '- r'1/ b,,let l" R and Como .a -' "-- '•i Sit WaVS, Fifth street, N W T .l F f S il City lly. Co. co n Ik Sc t7n lliv 1• Aeouo x se[µ f cctir K 3_I t 14 Summit fl lie '6 tl st 1 tl y r tl c Summit avenue, hamps con-alk.1�• 1.4 glarm lw Pal Summit avenue, Iflm '�'� sou tli IN b ..�. t. t. I. .. i Summit avenue, s rinklinh. ,d ..... ...... 123 Ball nock S \V h 1 s Summit avenue•, sidewalk.. SP.cf el co mlttec. n'1 c 1 .. .value. sweep . ...... Iat1.R hotel runoors ey Summit 9Peelul commi[� les t 15 Summit even ue, Saver "' 15o X h- Flu z. +1 naooe No. 10, murtici 1 d 1 malt avenue, east, se - ki 92 Summit avenue. vacntiu 26 2}H 91 ri-kllnh J W.I.11 lti 1.ur ',111 "- Ki Summit nvmlue terrace. -'- <31!1 SprinkllnK B if d street. 1- -3d Summit crescentp,�p-}ka�t� -- :Cr2 UU Sum mitCourt. lu Ipt of vines- �i Sprinkl lug alt I tN St. '91 Summ(t Purk additlo'n�,. loci. alley Hi S)arward ngcontract" t t Prcl[e,!...against grade 5 award ofFl 3Colorit Park add[tlorl hl k i, 11 SprinklinX I]strict N i K5. J9 grade... y I01r Sprinkling II L t\ } H &i Summit Park, electric II 1 t r' l(r 9PrInkling 1 't t �* H ki Summits g ] Sprink1a,dl L i th I quare,pnymentf t Il Sp' ill 1 ( t \ J - K - 96 So Ptn-,,. offices .. '- S Fprl11 kllog, O kd 1. _K M3 Su estrum. John. Permit W i 1 - Sprinkling, Tu a on Oneida street.. ... clic starer d7' assessmol t t L, r.fu nding W Supers dIa.L Police tel.graph. non uul Spruce stye .t d Ik. ""' 30 reWrt, trnnemisviom of by mayor 117 SPrucc d t r P d side alk - " H Swanson. L., pollcenl.n. r ig i "• 3•Yl SYcamorestreet,q ed' HI slur tr�tw it k o tre t 8wecneT, Timuthyprinkling ... .... ]ut Stnlg, nn It N [ b t lilt i ' 1 4 Sweenoy Timotlr - ' W' 104 ct..... IV1. 3112 Lanf Mrd y. motlrryloK Contra ct, ;to gi ant w t Ca t t .. 203 Sylvan street�acl lingo of I . SII itollman, la t PL 13 R Co. Pay- .111 bvlvam street, Dole end B W' 74' 80 picot for lard ] p c tb 1 er, sur- tuirs. 6o1T 6 \41 f d - Plus material _ 10 t.md 1 8 SyndlcuW.",m grade--.. Gi ti hY, 1:i7, 141 triples First dditin plat 1 ISS Syndicate ave uc, slopes. Larkey and Colorado at t I-'- l21 �, -- ... 44 Lute street aystssme.tcomleni n�it�lup... Kai t to i k City I I tc i T L to t. t I ge I K 1� Tainter Ween ue, crosewnik... La t t >« p i kli - 149.'rullmud .°411, 2UI 1. I d Dc.arllorn strctL 1\. D. It Ir j g0. A. s., oomalu - 4 done tar Frank M1a nL ou. work claim elet tion boot) ° galri Andrew Nnl van's afhd:avit, cost of ligl ting cit 14 INDEX. xxi Pwna Tullmnaq., A S et J 1 ber ulna. cu it 6 Council ton p Universimyea-nue and other -.,trace, C", .Ts , Foret:d claim extra work:. _' Cot m Glut gree" t g - - Talit to [• 7 ll. K pp 25 o ew University ssvenuc slid the, street. low- er,, drawing war roots m favor em - 1 I ding. etc . 1 Trantholt[. Pet 1 ]SI IUi played pnrcies...... ...-f.... Unfa cr,ity .Came, widen..-... a Cutaskr. F.11ua f i i r .. _ '1 t -n re. grade, 4 , U. 73, t , c 11 , Universr t} una ICont, police patrol nox +'_, Ur Ity and Vlenrria street. 6U W T 1 y-- .. 'Ipi 'J i %a.., a Ior. Tl f[ 1 Stat transfer f property to.. � 144 '1 - 7 } l "J^ Cts T I R 1 .. t9 ISI L' fe t ildi -- ..273. Uns,afc street, -Phil ......... .. ....... 274 =6 3 him, 1, d .. I elegrapli wi L 1 I I d in Condor -.A4 Iib TTe enep' one w 4 td 1 11 1 ntl its ` rt '2,PI V Tth tf L sewer. I rf,l i, ... Tel th waxil, poundintote ... .sl, 238 97 VACATION: Asbury avenue ....... ...............240. 243 lcnth ward. stwer.......... ._.......... '1'errnco Ian., grade. ............. ..._SI, lid. 14S. T23 171 Ede•ard alley ....... ........... .... .....334 Alley, block L5. Fnimew nddiUon....... 19 TC'rIIC. Park addition. bleck4. alloy grade 315 Alley. Byde "ark addition ................ 2SI Territorial road, remove lamp 262. '1'erriwnal (olds rood. vacation, i Plitt MS Luke C Imo shores . ... Maculester park, money refund 1 .. ... 211 110 Sc arts plsec No.^-. near } roue 3 Payors avenl portion of ... - ... SI TI 1 -t L F.., grndc 145 PIT.�.?. 2i0,Pleu,•an, 11 d:L •t.oponinK•ett ......+0, 41i, 7i pine .. .. '-"_'.i. lilockn 4n, 41.is SL. Anth yparlC... 280 57 Third (cau)street. opening etc., IS Blocks 40.41. etC.. St. Anthony Park.. 'is 'Third (cost) strtwt nn I Batas a r Summit u ven u........... .. . 319 Policeintn,l nox. G•lephone.................. Thir(IMICI-t, illundontlo .... li 221 Oor Sc of old Territorial Co.td and Plat of Sear1, 11 N 2, near Fnira icw 'Phnd street, pacing ... .. 2�. Thirtn .lith street, crosses Ik ..... 2^2, 235 Alley, block. 4 't SI Y I N uI Rs- aCY, bh Thourus,trec 1 I 't 3` 30�' o t.tte and Imprclacmant Syndic,ate ad "Mali. No 1. 24_- 4 - Thoon"st a D 1 .. 1 p. ..... T Thnaaas,tre [ 10 .. h . \'aleand streets. IlamP ....... .... ,..... Thoma. acne t 1 f 11. 1176. 19 eark \ al lea' street, Inmp 7 2Ui 1•ng oe. Jt 1 f p l L 1 �Ild bay rk: Wrn I I to rise Valley Iron w=S-le window3t TI U -arrangement f11 -k1 1 1 t of'tl word Icvee.. . V; II V.'t [ Iru)'s and veli 1 2'l IIIU t f TI ate S I b dd t . I 1 t 1'LI VYIi t tet ar 1 \Vt tt TUPpinR, II. K nor of to bull" l nrn .. 'Copping stre t {, d 14, li. LA, a;. till. 'i't im B. TeanK s cl.ai m, sulci re m�acd from lot. Van Buren and \Veale ro avenue, damage=. IS Topping & B L .t g 1 ¢. 102 oil owed, eornor lot .. .. Rnrt 1 Toppi ng.strc t 1 Iw Itl 1 Fl 47, N1. 7 rets. Colon ....... - fi0 2S; V..� and Western. Ilonry Lang's Vn claim. ,oil removed from lot.. ... .. ;{9 T nod a - r, reports .o un d li Vun Buren ,[root grude M ' T 1 ase 1 tric 11 St. P Cit It y C "� ...... �li, i0 Van Boren street Xruac ... Van B L tet, grudo ........ 156 IHI • T 1 f 1 l 13 L 1 f SL P to iii Vu li t. eat, grade.. Va.B 't eat, Ns '. 112 rl City RJ C .. 1 t gnatle .. ... '. V u H eat, grading ........... Ia7V/ 'T" 1 f t y Bt. Incl C ty Ry t bl V:m 13nan .tract. lamp - ... XI 7 �ollunat. N' It L k, ... T o .a Ik MI IIII Vandalia st rest, grude.. .. lir Van Dyke street, change .. .. 2YU ' T i Ik .. T 't 1 f dl g L. 2P Van Dyke nvenue, grade .. .. Veto of ordinance• providl g I Y o. t f lit W Il I I' T '[ t 1 ikl g m L 30 I b \lidavuy sewers t Itnael. Vcre di ce. St. Pnuk CILy R 'Iw¢Y 19 f dl R 1\ B fall, - 4l 1W C ,e '•T" r:aif el [ 1 II .s Vic[orlss sLrctF IllmP .. ... .. 37 9 TyPewritors. oiil to, t.. ...... ... . 3W Vittorio stn•ot, remove lamp.. .. :IT, u Victoria street. sewer .. Vic Perin street, sewer-.- .. .. 7:1 4.1 Union bank, cit\ Ie ) vit t} Victoria,t -t. sewer.. .... IStI Victoria street sewer ... 58 ISO Union Depot C I It. t e •t Isom \'IcGiri:a street .. .. 214 ,tied .. ... .'1'X1 13.11 Park•uIlo} Rradc 2SU Vie Lorin untl U -1 U -1n, police put -1 box telephone. If I o t t grade. L t. grading :tad 1 R IT I .'t. re t. lump 269.312, 4'i.\-ictorlu 2SIi X�r,(� street I University eau. fire alarm larmhox.... ..... ..... .. .... 4:4 U V 'IL} n roue. 'rad,. tt ,0 tl L It\ Tq•n nhurs[. Yrio n 1 Oakley '.MMJ , W ..,anal.,. •ploy bounded ty e d-. 178 I-niversity avenue. cross. Ik .11:3 t. •2104 Wahnsllu street, south, crosswalk 1;3 1'niver,ity avmrue, cu rh "'1 ........... L l.3 sur. Bradt 1: is °l0 W.b:t,aa street, south, Crosswalk .. \V I)RIII 0 stroet. south, rem 1 ! 11aII 113 1 it} t'•nne. lamps. .104 111 119. 3:i0, :kts dS VV batlla.. .. .. S I 1 f ty r •nuc. n•mo U ..- ly 1 id Cromwell I u q t Waba 1 trce4 Smith, and F 11 a -e- nu. Jos. 1 ick a Claim. d f etit side - I n ty venue and other,Lrcvltsecwct walk .. . ... ....... ... 15 con.tl nttion, nrder - .. IIT, agim,, D. N., .. ....... . ... .. IW xxii INDEX. PAGE. Wagner. D. N., emoting two bay windows. 105 PAGE, Wheaton; orders of w be sold 8:62 Waggnor. P. T., permit to build sewer...... Walsh. R. 170 ................ Wheeler avenue crosswalk......... .......113, 1SI A..sec............ ..........._.... Warner, R., order contingent fund.......... 6.R 321 Wheeler avenue RrnUe.............................. 181 Wheeler street lamp.......................130, Ht% Warner, Richardson & Lawrenco. order, W ppuy judgment Whitacre. Brisbine & \lu lion s subdivis- ............................... 179 t Scharff. Asphalt Puvl ng Co., cer- Ion Leech's Putlots, S. E. Dswson, claim 24 White Bmtr uvonue, grade........... Arren titloute of indebteduoss .........................296 Wurren Scharff, ........... 1+8 1Vhit¢cy, mith'sadditior], ulley in block Asphalt Pnvmg Co., order 31i Water street. croswa.k - ................. iib _ 5. Puve............................._............... `xei Wieland, John, by his sit \Vatsan, .l. J.... ........... .................81. 101, la )rney............. 91 Wilder. A. H.. order favor of..................., at Wataon ¢venue, grade ............................ \Vebor, Anna. order 137 Wilson, Geo. L.... I............................. _... 91 ...................... ........ Webster street, lamp. .........._......... _.. 2a5 H Wilson. W. L.. order................. 77 rylnnifreU stater Goff Goff. Heide and Sims streek lamp........_...... avenue, erect stairs ............... Weide even ue, grade ............._................. Weide street. lumps . 2'i. ....and ........... 9 ,\Vfnnitred street, .grade-.... 107 ..............._.........451, 26^ West St. Paul R. E. and Imp. Co.. alley tVf not red street lead........................... :6 Wires, to be phace`l rn conduits 24J vacation. block 4. Syndicate addition ................. Wires underground. North westeruTele- No. I ............................. .... ........ 24 Weide. C., subdivision, blocks 'moi and x of phone Exchange Comp¢ny. aocePtnnce f ordinnnoe No. 1443...... •� Art!.Rton Hills addition, grading alleY.. 131 Winslow avenue lamp.. ,.,y�jq, jy3, Iv,• ... ....... \V,ide. C., subdi vi cion, block 35. Ayling- fm H111, R'i nslow avenue and George street lump add(tlon. aIley grad,...... _...... ryeltle. C.. subdivision eF block 3:;, ArlinR IV ; W(nslow. 9. E. car. Robie. lump............r� 9 ton Hills addition' grade :aI1,Y. ..l:t. ::J, Winslow oven uusewer ......................'ll'l„3? 101. ]20, Wefde, J. addition, block 1, ¢l- li' Winter street., Dale and Bumgurducr sur- lue a .fourth leygrade................... .. m- .. . .Ar- Ar- ;31R materhal......._ IO .t. gr. e........ ... \ inter stmeL easement, grade......... .. 31•? \Vinterstreet.grading lin t.Hills. ddiion. a ley slok27. Iiagto1 Hills udditioP, allel's1OPe,........ 34 .............._. 29tl Winter street. grading. surfacing, etc. 2lr, --u Weide.,,. R., su bdicision, block 2., Arlf ng- Woods. E. P,. order......... wn Hills addition. ¢IIeY Rrude............. Weide..J. R., addition, block 2, alley grade.:318 ,,Wood. W. D..order.........- Wood street steps ....................... 89 Wolgner of coal, duties of,&e................... Weinman. Elizabeth. 181 . \VOoduury &Gras's nddltion. West St. order to psy ludg- meat.... Paul.block l7, remove obstructions from .................... .._......._....... _..... Wells street grade ........................ _. 171 ,, "93 alley.................. ..... .... Woodbrid ..... ...... 1Q' gestroet grade........... ' Wells street lumps ............. ..... ........ Wenzel.ade... 31: .... Woodland Aark addIti... block 11, alley 19, ........... WWeney avenue est SeBn, deposit . ............. West Bide Runk, depositor 3'1 912 grndo......Par ..... _iii Woodland Purk addition, idle” Uluck 14, .. West Side Lund & Cottage Cu., snbdicis- 147 grndo .. m 1, 270, 21,6. 31. Wood market, oNinnnce establishing........ ino Brown &Jackson's addition, nl ley t1'2J Wolff &Lehmann. Permit to construct nPeninR....... I .... ....... .......... ..fili. 105. West aide levee. 16:1 shed............. ,•D ...... ....................... G _ grading......... _........ ....... West lido ]cues. erect bulldf rags ]ore :t, 4, 321 Wold, el ................................................. f10 Woodon stairway on Ashton uud 5— ........_ ............ wesc St. Paul levce, use oL Robert Sigel.. 91 16 street from Fifteenth street to Bellevue avenue.... Illi Wooden sidewalks.......... West St. Paul levee, use of. St. Paul Stove .. x5 Work] directors aPlg!i rated............ 67 \Yorks........ . ........................ Wost St. Paul levee. ucceppUuice of ortli- 36 I : WyckoIT. Seamans & Benedict, contract..:tai Wyoming street grad ....................... one, No. 1,142 by Lee & Ho1F......... Wort St. Paul lore., city cromptroller's re- 3 32 lacnt on ordinance for city orders............ 2 V West St. Paul levee ..................................... WestSt. Paul R. E. & Imp. Syndit•.utc. ed-; 2. }"oak street. Reade, crosswalk 268 ditiun No. 1, block 4. vaention alley........ \5'estern uvenuc and Van Buren ..... ........ 10J York street gr:ide..111.223.2J61.2 4 J, 179 78 -ark street. 11. Lvx's cluim, from 1 st ec opening ..................... EB. 72 soil removed lot....... Westeto avenue and Van Buren street.Mr.,- 15 }"onraq. Mrs.. uNer...... .262 - Young. . tY. A., claim 10,1 damages. soil removed corner lot,........... Western avenue Van 1 .... .. ... ...... Young, Mrs. W. A., dnmuves.................. 81 and Buren street. Henry Lung's claim, soil removed from lot............d Co .............,. a ....... ... Western and Como ..veno s Police Putt"' 3tl 2 - bOC .. ... Western avenue. sPrl kI g ... .. a' %leglm. Petr. order..... 76 Ild ......... West minsterstr•et laml �- ;ui✓ F PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT P -A -13L FOR THE YEAR 1891. Recular Tleetlnc. Sr. PAUL, Jan. G, 1891. President Cullen In the chair. Present—Ald. Ban iolzer, Bielenbetg, Bott, Coale)) C.1,cland, Costello, Dobuer, Dornf- deu. Fllu dr... Gehau, )ICNamse. Melody, \fine,, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Air. President -17. llinut,e of preceding meeting approved and'hepeused "fill A Id. Butt offered -solution dee(g��eting the St. Paul DAILY GLOVE the otffef al paper of said city for year A. D. 1891. Aid. Sanborn moved as substitute for ,aid resolution that thecity printing be n to the lowest responsible bldder- gI Aid. Snnborn'e said motf 'a lost. leas—Ald. Copeland. Flandran, Sanborn, Slyke -12. i Aid. Bott's :heSt. Paul ter for Sear The St, Paul bAlLv GLonE was thereupon declared designated the official paper of said city for year A. D. 1891. o.. cnnossi. From His Honor the \f syor—)fember Board oI Fire Commissioner AppointeR— To the Honorable President and Common Council of the City of St. Paul, Gentlemen: t havethe honor to inform You tha> hh8.v appoiuted Jeremiah C. Preu- dergast a member of the Board of Fire Com- missioners, to succeed himself and to serve as Fire Commissioner until jan. 1, 1894, and I ask your approval and consent to said appointment. Very Respectfully, BOB— A. Sismil, Mayor, Jan. 6, 1891. Said appointment advised and consented. Yens—Ald. Banholzer, Bieleuberg, Hart, Conley. Copeland. Costello, Dobner, Dorm. den, Flandran, Gehin, McNamee,. alelndy, Mlnea, Sanborn, 8ul]Ivan, Van S, yke. Mr. Ptvsidnut-17. From Charles Peterson and Others— Asking that grade be estabiiehed in alley, block 54, Arlington Iiill.. Hoard of Public Work, with order. From He Lang— Askfng S30O damages—soft removed from lot at ooraer Western avenue and Van Buren street. Committee on Claims. From L. H. on and Others-- Askmgthat no saloon licensee be granted Lo Simion Hoiodzie?, or to any one else, to be used of St. Anthony av- er and Grotto streets Commit— on License. From ]foom & Co— For refunding of 9151 paid forIntelligence or employment office license by A. H. An- ders Committee on License. From Lee .h Hoff and American ]Ianu- facturfng ComPnny— For permission to use, for yard purposes, Hubert street lying north of West St. Paul levee line. Committee on Streets. 2 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL From Northwestern Telephone Exchange Company - Acceptance of Ordinance No. 1443­con- duits for underground wires. Corporation Attorney. From James Forrestal - Claim, 837.694.80, extra work, University avenue and other street severe. Committee on Streets. REPORTS OF CITY OFFICE Of City Treasurer -Bide for Deposits of City Fund. - The City Treasurer submits the bids of dR- tereut banks for deposits of city funds. Committee on Ways and JSeans. Of City Comptroller -Audited Claims, 1'iz.- Cardozo Bros, 556._5; B. T. O'Connor, 588.35; G. J. Mftech & Co., $3.6.5; St. Paul Towel Exchange Company, $8: Geon. if,tsch, $64.10; M. R. !11,rnmte, 53.75; J. J. Kennedy, 55.46; John Domino & Son, $446.07; Ed. S. Bean, 5102.25; M. J. Bell, 222.00; Chas. E. Hilger. $10; House of Good hepberd, $155.04; Myers & Co., 312.50; W. Schmidt, $22; Board of Water Commis- sioners, $4911.:38: F. Driscoll, Jr., 8205.04; F. G. Draper & Co., 82U9.75; Pioneer Press :'ompany, S163.40; St. Paul Book slid Sta. :,..cry Company, 5161.88; Jas. Cleary, 355.70; The Boston Double Catch Basin, 3ew'er and House Trap Comp n-812: Blain Volk. $1; ll 019; A. Harnlsh. $10: J. IIuilCan- ;1, $33.25: American Manufacturing Com- ily, $84: P. V. Dwyer & Bros., 88; Di- & '.man, 86.95; J. P. Gribben Lumber Coal- y, 532; St. Poul Foundry Com pnny,550: ,Paul Hardware company, 52.25; If.:k. & C. Clow, $46; J. H. Schurmeler k1 -agora mpnny, 86.10; D. H. Brown, S8: H. Il. 11, 816.05; Wyckoff, Seamans & Benedict, D. Ramaley & Son, $18; T. Slick, 2.8p5; Lovering, 83o; St. Paul Furniture erin any, S4; Mnendler Bros., 51o.25: ger & on, 524.35; Northwester, Cmy Works, $2.05; P. J. Hogan & Co., 00; J. D. Jcmes, $39.25; .las. 6111011. 83.36; e. W. Stenger, $21T.60; J. C. Hanley Lime upsny,$341; Robinson & Cary Company, Theo. No. U, teen & mate -NO. 2 and final, cement s'dewal $369.82; M. Tracey, Estimate No. 2 and nal, grading alley, block 7, Woodbury & Case'a addition, $32.50; P. Tantholt, Esti. mate No. 1 and final, grading alley In block 16, Oakville Park Adtlithm, $123: Blodgett & Osgood, $-1.50; Maxfield & Seabury, $4; A. Sir- IShelm, 57: Scott Paper, $49.50; 1•illnume Broe., $1.25; Robinson & Caryy COmpany, S3.02; A. O. Nepil. $41.85; Ed phone Exchange Company, $161.77 Scrlb ler-L1bbey Company, $24.60; C. H. Will lams, 561.62; J. L. Henry, S8; Noyes Bros & Cutler, 510.55; .Miles &• Hale, $24.83 1, C. Doherty, Eetimnte NO. 4 and Hnal Pali ¢g Mur,¢ nveaue, $6,7811.30; ThoMtOE & Shaw, Estimate No. 8 aral final, gradita West side levee, $4,735; W. J. PMRton. Esti mute No.2 and final,seweronClevublt.eland ave N0. 44and `fil al, sew tockton inals erLgqoil Ontario street. 32Y8.60; T. ""I,, F,etim¢te No. lU and final, wooden sidewalks, 1890, 97,706.89; G. Bolan, Estimate No. 1 a d final, grading aL',y in block Y, B. >Siche[" subdivision of block 5. $tinsoli s division, 5750. Allowed and ordered paid by the following vote; ]'s- enAid. Bauhnlzer, Bielenberg, Bott, Conley, Copelnnd, Costello. Dobner, Dorni- den, Flandrxu, Uehnn, )ICNames 3feludy Dllnea. Sanborn, Sullivuu, \'un Slyke, Mr., President -1 7. Also, West St. Paul Levee - To the Honorable the President and Com - ton Council of the ('icy of St. Pnnl, Gentlemen: The u compnnying otlicinl copy of Ordinance No. 1152passed at the last meeting of the Council, oil the Ilith ult., and appproved by the Honorable Mayor on the 22d oil., requiring that city orders shall be drawn upon the 'ty treasury, Payable out of the uuexpendrd balumr, amounting to sixteeu th.11-nd seven hundred and forty and 22-100 ($16, 740.22) dollars, remaining In the city treasury as belonging to the fund Ileoted upon the ss sment as confirmed by the Board of Public Works July 28.1882, In the proceedings for the condemnation of lauds 'for a street or levee along the Miesfs. sip r throughout its entire length thlinrithe Sixth ward of the City. Saint Paul," to the owners of the real estate con- demned for a" street or levee from State street to the centre line of Mission street; thence to Delos street, in saidSixth ward," ,dei eat proceedings f the Board of Public Works, confirmed July 18, 1890, lu which only damages for the Iand taken were allowed the said owners, and vo offsets In bmlefi[s were a.eeesed [o pay the said dam. ages nwarded, as required to be iL_ssessed by theleyslaI've act approved March 7, 1881, and under the final order of the Com- mon Council passed ]larch 18. 1890, pp proved March 19, 1890, is most eespectfi lly thereto nted sideration.Your honorable body for fur- TheMayor is required to approve all ordi- nanceev.ud resolution. within five days (ex. cept Sunday) after their passage by the Common Council. which does not give him mufifefent time to consider such before losing his veto power. The public welfare would not sliffer by extending the veto power to and Including the next regular meeting of the OF THE CITY OF SA Common Council, after the passage of any resolution, ordinance or Instrument requir i,g his approval. :tlayor Smith naked me, on the 191h alt. (within the time of his veto p w ) to give him all of the circumstances Misting to the so-called "Sixth v'xrd Street or levee im- provement." My official duties, under Pre- scribed aad non -prescribed Isws, during the ptmonth, have been of Ruch a nature that 1t teas Impossible forme, in the Short time. to luvestigate the matter for the Mayor, and I am confident that is will kindly mefve this ex lavation. The legislative act, approved March '" A. D. 1881, above referred to, gives the Com - moll Council power to Issue bonds to the mo uiitoftweutythonsaild(320,000jdnilars for Said street or levee improvement along the Mississipppi river, throughout its entire length, trlthia the Sixth ward of the City of St. Paul, and that assessment therefor shall be levied upon the property fronting upon ch lisp oyem"It, o upon the property benefited by it, to the full extent of the .at in excess of the said twenty thousand ($20: /loo) dollar. bond.. The following is the condition of the "Sixth ward street or levee improvement," under the proceedings of July 28, 1882, which has to its credit the balance of $111,- -10.22 for the purpose of paying for the 11roperty owned Ly John Wagner and otberR, being links In the chain, and for which title must be obtained by the city, before the im- provement can be completed as required by the legislative act. It is this said amount of $16,'140.22 which the accompanying ordinance attempt, to di. vert for the purpose of paying the damages nwarded to other property described in the recent assessment confim red July 18, 1890, in which the assessment. for benefits to pay the damages are ouutted. "Sixth Ward Street or Levee Improvement," (under condemnation proceedings, con- firmed July 28, 1882), viz.: Cli-li. Bybonds issued in year 188:1..... $20,000.00 By assessment collect ions in years 188_ to 1885, inclusive............ 19,412.32 Total credit...........................$;;9,412.;12 nF.Rrt. To nmonnt paid to owners of Prop- erty b pears 1883 to 1881, In- clusive, for laud condemned for the improvement... 822,6, 2,10 .Tan. 1, 18S8, balance credit..316.740.22 As belonging to theimprovement under toe assessment of July 28, 1882, wbtell cannot be diverted. This levee improvement has been a vexed qu,stifor Say. years. continute, unless F roper ley sl¢tioniis oll btained So s to settle it forever. \'ncry respectfully. your obedient servant, JOiix W. Born E. City Comptroller. Jan. ti, 1891. Committee on Streets. Of City Engineer -Bids for Lumber - The City Engineer submits following tabu- ntfou of bids for lumber for A. D. 1891,pur- INT PAUL, FOR 1891. 3 sushi to City Clerk's advertisement of date Dec. 8,1890: T.c,camox OF Luamea mps. John Martin Lumber Co.- Pfue,18 or less, 1,600 M. at$10.8a...$1 7,360 Pius, 20 and 22, 300 \S. at 811.60... 3,;100 Oak, 100 M. at 516.06 ..................... lsoo Surfacing. 400 M. at $0.20. .............. 80 Total..........................................322, 340 Brennan Lwnber Co. - Pine, 18 or less, 1,600 M.at 310.70...$17,120 Pine, 20 and '22, 800 JI. 311.50....... 3,450 Oak, 100M. at $20.00 .................... 2,000 Surfacing, 400 M. at 50.50 ............... 200 _.- To t a 1 .......................................... 822,770 Accepted, and said John Martin Lumber company nwarded the contract for furbish- , hal lumber to [ is city for A. D. 1891. fess-Ald. Bnnholzer, Bleieuberg. BOLL, Conley. Copelnnd, Costello, Dobner, Dorn, den. Flandrau, Gehali, McNamee, Melady, Mites, Sanborn, Sullivan. Van Slyke, Mr. President -17. - Also, Plat of Searle Place No. 2 and Vacation of Part of Old Territorial Road - To the Common Council, Gentleman: lu the plat of Searle Place No. 2, sent to I.lie Council Life evening [or ace:.�Miles. porion of the old Ter- ritorial Road usnr Fairview avenue isvacat- ed. This was done ill accordance with the petition of the majority of the propertyown- etoil the Ilue of, ' i Territoriaf Road, hereto trached; and the Plat C'ommiesiwl desire, by -P rhe facts to the ComI"` Coun- eb. to make it a matter of public record. ltespeetfully submitted. r.. tV. Rux,RF.IT, City Engineer. Jan. 6, 1891. Accepted, and on lotion of Aid. Dobner saiu lt d petition referred to in said comnlunica- tioul i v I-,ghteer declared to be a matter of pubiI, record. Also. Esthnate- The City Engineer submits, approved by him, the following eetnuate? Estimate No.3 ,,it final. Mississippi street bridge across Wi,couslu C:ehtral railroad right of may, C. Stone, $430. Committee oil Claims. Of Corporation Attorney -Acceptance by Lee & Hoff of Ordinance No. 344;x, Sixth Ward levee privileges - The Corporatiou Attorney submits said acmptsnceapproved by him, Accepted Rud ordered placed on file. Of City Clerk -Licenses Issued - To the Honorable the President and Com - on Council of the City of St. Paul, Gentimnen: I have the honor to submit bsrewith a statement Showing the number of licenses issued fn and through this office for the yen, ending Der. :11, 1890. And also a PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL statement of the receipts of Market House rents for the same period, as follows: Liquor censes......838700000 Y a n'nbrokerIlse....... 1,, 4011..00 Auctioneers ........... 1,200 , 00 R. R. tiCket bre kers. 000.00 £t eat oltice m d, 750.00 E toy office (( ...... 375.00 R. R. 3_.0.00 S ��and�.tores 450.00 Butchers ................ 0, 750.00 Peddl... (vehicles). 1,076.0.0 Peddlers (foot)...._ 450.00 Hotel runners........ 110.00 Street, cable and electric care........ 1,030.00 Tw o -horse vehicles. 870.00 H ac ...................... 540.00 One-horse vehicles. 835.00 Cube ...... ............ 170.00 Hackand Cab driv- ] 70.011 Do.(rindc)1u.77ll.-[(I l 0,438.35 Dog (lemale),007.911 mace nne.b ........ 1, 24 7.00 —$411,670.35 Market H.se Receipts— Inside proper........ .,.,225.00 V Outside, farmers, etc ................... 1.995.00 $7,220.00 5418,890.35 The foregoing lie -i [s to lot elude the rent of the hall, Collected bytheMarket Mn.[er- 12espeT.... , Tuoe. A. PstExpEntewsT, City Clerk. .1 6, 1801. Accepted aad ordered placed on file. Also, License Rebntes— The City Clerk . brifte list of holders of licenses for A. D. 18UO entitled to rebates for A. D. 1891. Committee on License. Of Clerk of Municipal Court—Report for December, 1890, City T'reasurer's receipt at- tached for $3,420. Committee oil Ordinances and Public Ae. counts. Of Chief of Police—Report for December. 1 890 Court. arrests, BfiB; fines collected by munlcipnl court. 53,100. "II."=t- o, Ordinances and Public .-1C counts. Of Captain ,f Police—Report for Deoen- bar, 4890—Gas lamps uoe lighted. 48: oil haps not lighted, 172. Uty Comptroller. REPORT D w' RD OF PUBLIC ORg Jenks and Lawson Streets Grndfng— To theHonornbb the President Bud Con - on C'o until, Ci y of St. Pam, Gentlemen: 7 havivg be•�n de co np�esr to the Bot rd of Public \work. by ani ation addressed to salt'. Board Iry Communication City Eognas r, and herewith transmitted, that it is uecessary totnaka modification fit the contract entered into between Job, Dale and Louis A. But- ardmer and the City of St. Paul, for the grading of Jenks street, from. Mississippi street to Earl street, and also in the contract entered into between Charles E. Se adeen and said Cityof St. Paul, for the grading of Lawson street. from Mississippi street to Earl street, in order to er the Costamle,pen—of the additional ork required to bedone bysaid contractora on aid Jenk. and Lawson street., o - s Count of the change f grade bsegnevtly made on said streets b,t, sen MCM,nemy and Clerk tweets, Cold said Board therefore reepecttully k your honorable. body to author...iaid Board to m dify the afore- tnidd co.tracts, so as toyptotbld toe incurred bt xof Heald additionsI work at the e So, rntn price at which the other work ins none on said stmets, and tht .aid 'Boma be directed to make .n addittonal aa.— turnt for :.he cost and exrpeu es incurred for id to tional w k mot the property benefited by said luppe ve eats. R, L- GOR\Lix, President. J. T. RERsen, Clerk Board of Public Worse. Jan. 0, 1891. Adopted, and resolution adopted. Also, Order, Maggi, C.Douglas— St. Anthony Avenue (URI, sesity d Other Streets)— ble the President aad Com - III' Clty of St. Paul, n coo matter m the con- n e to St. Anthony avenue, rPark, h e asked that said amount be refunded, for the reason that said sewer has not been cm, structed; and it having also been made to appear to said Board that toresaid owner r the only P operty owner ulm bas paid the .cut for said a Heid Board re- epecttnlly recommend that your honorable buds cause n refunding order to be drawn upon the Cit 'Treasurer in favor of said er far snit[ amount, for the reason that otf(1 eeiler will not be constructed for some time. R. L. G. -Cis ,P—ldent. J. T. EF-HEF.R, Clerk Board of Public Works. Jan. 2, 18U I. Adopted. (See resolution.) Also. Estimates and Claints— 'Phe Board transmits, aper ved by it, the following estimates and claims, to-w'i c: Estimate No. 2 and flu 'I, .true sidewalks ontract 1890), T. Breen, 5484.30; Esti- 1] to No. 1 au 1 final, gradingg aey In block Rnnney-'s s 1aill' sfon bloek t1, Stiuson's division, D. h. Elliott, $109; Estimate No. 4 and fB ll, Pym street grading (Eustis street to west city limits), F. P. McCann, 8418.50; £stimrte No. S. supplementary- to No. 7 and final. Roble street system f sews . J. For- [nl, 5500: Estimate No. 5, supplementary to oeNO. 4 and final, Martin street d West- , W. J. Preston, 860; Esti- emlevNo.7, sopplementar�' to No. 0 end final, Scilly avenue sewer I, icturfa to Fair - OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. view), G. J. Symonds. 5300; Mathew Craig, So: G. W. Merrill, $33; Merrill's Toilet Sup- ply. S3. Committee on Claims. REPORT OF BOARD OF CONTROL. Reoort for December. ISDO— The Board of Controlubmlis its report for December, 1890. Total expend itnres, 88,638.65. Committee on Ordinance, and Public Ac- counts. OF 1.1111DID.I. Estimate— Tbe Hospital Coal INsIlou submits, ap- p wed, es toxic, I. E. Norton. -:11, m "l'o 11 to ion nillme House. City Hospita). Of Committee. Cllhed . William>Hy Bel- •laitn—tuotaey' (urnishe�l ns bait for H)' Bel- ]¢C-unittec makes au adverse report Adopted. Also. C. C. Sharp's Claim, SI5..O— ('ommittee recommends that said claim be referred to Board ofPublic Work. for n ars , as to whether or not said Sharp is paled thei n slary. Adopted. Also. Chrim—Wil lson D. Roberts. S70—Election Booth—llearborn null Sta[eetreets— Committee recommend. that enid claim be allowed at S6. Adooted. Y. I—Alppd. Banholzer, Bielenhers, Bolt, dfloral- emeFlandrxon�lD.G l Costello. nmoee.Bonz Mstudy. Minea, Sanborn, Sullivan. -an Slyke xad Mr. President -17. Of Committee on Streets, Sewers and Bridges —HamllttAvenue Bridge—Great Northern Railway Contlfnny—.lgreement— Contmittee submits [rich n (nvorab:e eeporc an agreement with said company relative to building Adopted, and pbridge. to execute said proper ueuit .dicers Instructed Also. Phalen Creek Valley-Sewer—City Engineer's Communication— Committee submits. with a fnvorable rec- ommendation, n o dinanm n)eproprlating $3.000 to Theodore Hamm In ttlentent of damages. Adopted. Rules suspended on motion f Aid. San- born, )bas 17, and and enid ordinance rend eecoudJ time and passed. Also, Norah Shake' Claim-5250—Rent. Sidewalk Privileges, neighborhood of Market House— C'ommlttee recommeads Bit, wince of enid claim at 5200. Aid. Gehan made n verbal adverse minority reft�rc. ommlt[ed Also, Ordinance Permitting C. F. Meyer to Con- struct Two Bay Windows, South Robert Street— Committee rakes a favorable report. Adopted. (See Ordinance No. 1458.) Of Committee on License—Ordinance Regu- lating Dealers ha Second Hand Goods and Junk Dealers— Committee recommends passage. Adopted. (tee Ordinanen No.1463.) Of C—a ttee on Ordinances aad Public Ac- -Report Y:snmined— ('ot�mni[tee bas n used end found or- e report of Board ofoControl for December, 1890. Adopted. — OT[ et co uitn toots Iie om na tills tee adoption of the following resolutienatfor himpe: At& Minen's, Colorado street, tc., 'Aid. Copelm d's,Lo ko'tplace and Terraceatreet. d[C.; Aid. Sullivan; s. Carroll street, etc.: ld. Mens,s. Winslow a end George .[reef, e[c.: ' . d. Copeland'aeForest Hud Ger- '." r street.. etc.: Aid. Sanborn'., St. Clair reel, etc.: Ald. Bielenbergllei.mo Edmond rets, .. Chat.orth streets, Armetrong street; Aid. Sauboni.. Grand end Chntsa—th street.. etc.; Aid. Meladc's, Isabel street, etc. Adopted. (See resolutions.) Of Committee on I.e,,enition—CityCharter— To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul, Your Committee on Legislationspect- fully res end the passage of the following uthms: reFiret—Resolved, That in the opinion of the Co tan n Cou mil it is inexpedient to ntdi- rally change the present system of City go- er—Cal. Second—Resolved, That the Municipal Court .tet be so far amended as to nuthorize sxeeutioIis to be issued by that court, still mouses on persons to be served by the bailiffs, instend of by the sheriff. Third—Resolved, The the spring elections be abolished and that hereaft;r city officers be elected at the fall elections.:' Fourth—Resolved. That the City Charter be so far xnicuded as to make • the Corpora- thm attornev the attoruey for the Board of Water Commissioners and Park Board, as well as for the other departments of the city government. Fifth—Resolved, That the charter of the Roam. fort ire Educaeon ineo far men6 of flveed as ( ) In provide for to be appointed at large. instend o[ Pleven inspectors to be appointed from wards. Sixth—Resolved, That the charter of the Bonet of Educaclon be .o far amended as to r quire that school sites hall be Par - c[: ed, v building erected, mo bonds or cer- tificates of indebtedness issued, and to, taxes levied, s r less the pp o 1 f the Common Councilthereto be fleet obtained. Seventh—Resolved, That all appofn tneents [o office made by the Mayor be submf ited to the Common Council for confirmation. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL The following resolution Is submitted to the Connell without recommendation. Eighth -Resolved. That the charter of the city be so far amended as to provide for a Co uncfl consisting of two bodies -one to he constftured of the Aldermen at Large. and the other of the ward Aldermen, and that these bodies meet separatelyand on different day.. L. J. DOBNER, Chairman. Accepted. All1. Sanborn called fordivision of que.tion I. the matter of adopting said report. Adopted. The question being upon adoption of sec- tion 1 of said report, the same wits adopted. Yeas, 13. Nays-Ald. Copeland, Costello, Sanborn, Sullivan -1. Then question being upon adoption of see' if 2 of said report, the same "as adopted, yens 17. The question being upon the adoption of section :I of a.id report, the same was adopted. ]'ens-AId. Conteyy, FhmG)I drnlL ehan. Me - 'I nu ee, Melady, 21 C.-Ig, Sburn, Sullivan, Vail Slykr, 31, Preafit lit. Sa>ro-,Ude Baubolur, Blelenberg, Bot[, Copeland Costello, Dobner, Unrnldeu-7. Section 4 of said report true adopted, yens, 17. Sectlon 5 of said report was adopted. Ye.s-, 15. Nays-Ald. Costello and Me- Namee-•2. _ A hl. Costello moved as an amendment t hit the fullow•iug be lidded to suld section 6: 1 1 _ "Res.1 ed that the charter of the Board of Educutlon be so tar amended ns to mqudm 1 .tint uo school sites shall be purchased, no bullriing erected, no bonds or certificates of indebtedness, or other obligations Issued or huen rood, Bull no taxes levied unless the approval tained,of e lid that f • all (hostile be o be hibit"I tram making any contracts or Incur. ring any ludebtedncs. in a sum greeter than 8200 unlee. the approval of the Common Council thereto be first obtained." Salri amendment adopted. vex. 17, and section 6, as amended, adopted, year 17. Section 7 of said report was adopted, yeas 17. 'ectlon S of said report was not adopted Yens -Aid Fln It, Gehau, Minea, San- born, Sullivan, Mr. President -6. Nays -Ali Banholzer, Blelenberg, Bott, Conley, Copeland Costello, Dobner, Dornl- deu, >IcNamee, Melady, Van Slyke -I1. REI'011T. OF SPECIAL COW3fM -I-.. Of Aid, Dornidrn-Augusta Brown'. petl- tion fur VVernal. I. to retuln, until Juue 1, ] 8h1, bufidlug in Clark's addition for livery stn bite, etc. Co in nti t tee makes adverse report. Adopted. .1HK.LLANECn8 Ordin... ea- - Au ordfuance was read changing the ,in, of Hamilton street to Lincoln .venue. Rule. suspended on motion of Ald. Sulli- van. t, •efts > ,and ordlnrtnce reads and time null P ftaaed. See Or Nuance No. 1464. An ordinance was read amending Ordi- nance No. 61, entitled. "An ordinance in re. lation to rummers and public porters." Rules suspended on nintiod of Aid Sulli- van , yens 17, and ordinance read second ime tand passed. (See Ordmanee No. 1165.) An ordinance ,-as read changing name of Moore street to Barclay street. Rules suspended on motion of Alit. Bott, yens 17, slid ordinance ad read eecoud time and passed. (See Ordinance No. 1456.) An ordinance was read authorizing Elias Tataski to erect a franc partition. Rol e-Nouded on motion of Ald. Cor 1 • you. 17, sad ordinance read second ti meand passed. (See Ordinance No. 1457.) An ordinance was read authorizing the drawaig of warrants In favor of parties em - line anit ther streets se vers cotnitract.versifnt e Rules suspended on motion of Aid Gehan, yeas 1 7, and ordinance read second time and passed. An ordinnnee was read ppproprlating money to Theodore Hamm -Phalen creek sewer. Rules suspelded on motion of Aid San. not, you. 17, and ordfuance read second time atilt passed. By Committee on Striate- Rlumiutlon authorizing the Board of Pub. lic We to modify the contract between the Clty of St. Poul Bud IV. C. DohertX for the construction of the Phaleu Creek ] alley tle w r. Adopted. By Aid. Bott- Resolution requesting the Board of Public Works to make, confirm,etc., assessment for opening, etc., of Marla avenue, between Eighth and Decaturstreets, a. directed by final order approved Oct. 11, 1800. Aid Copeland moved that matter be laid over. Lost. The resolution was thereupon adopted. Resolution for modificationtd contract for grading Jenks and Lawson streets -Charles E. Sa ldeeu and John Dale and Louis A. Bumgardner. Adopted. By Aid. Gouley - Resolution reducing salary of police officer William H. Godfrey to 837-0 per month. on account of sickness. Committee on Poll". U[111nanCCa. OHmNANCE NO. 1453. An ordinance regulating dealers in second. hand goods and junk dealers In the city of St. Paul. The Common Council of the City of St. Paul ,to ordain as follows: 'cctlon 1. Every Person who shall engage in the business of dealer 1n second-hand goods, or Junk dealers, shall, before engage - 1 rg In such business, obtain from the city of St. Paul a license agreeable to the ordinance pertaining to license. In the city of St. Paul, and the amount to be paid for said license shut] be the sum of be ($25.00) per annum. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. Sec. 2. Before any person shall receive Buy license for such business, he shalt file with the Mayor of said city a bond, with at least two sureties, to be approved by said Mayor in the sum of two hundred and fifty, (8250.00) observeche olydimtomelIfl swirl city iat te will , rela- tion to such bushl-s, and cont his busi- ness in conformity thereto. "+:-;y: Sec.3. Everydealer in second-hand goods or junk dealer, who shall violate, neglect o refuse to comply with ly of the provisions of this ordinance, shit IM1for every such offense be fined in a sum not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars, will fu case of default in the payment of such fill,, ntnv, in the discre- tion of the court, be imprisoned in the coun. ty jail for a period of not more than sixty day, Ser, 4. All ordinances and parts of ordi. ..aces inconsistent with this orlih-a. ore hereby repented. S e.'Phis rdmnnce shall take effect unit be to force from and after its publica- tion. Yens -Ali Bauhol> q Bieleuberg, Nott, ('onlel. Cop eland, Costello, Dobner, Dor, den, Flnndrau, Gehan. MrN;unee, Melmly, Miner, Smnhnrn, Sullivinn, ]'all Slyke, ),1 r. President -17. Puesod,lnll' 6, 1501. 0.0. 1'I'LLEN. President of Council. Approved Jan. 7. 1 Sul. fbnl EltT A. SMITH. NInyor, Attest: Time. A. PnEvuF:uaAST, City Clerk. Inn. 1.2. (iRniNA NrF No. itall Aa odinnnce changing the n me of 11amil- ton street to Lincoln venue. The C'oun ion Council of the City of St. Paul do ordain ns follow'.: Section 1. That the nuals of Hamilton street, la Mucaleeter Parkbe and the same Is hereby changed to Lincoln avenue. Fee. 2. This rdinxnce shell take effect and be in force from and alter its publica- tion. Yeas -Aid. Banholzer. Blelenberg, Bott, Conley, Cc p stand. Costello, Uobnrr, Dorul- den, Flanirau. Gehau, MrN.mee, ytemd y, Ulnen, Snnburu. Sullivan, ]'an Slyke, 'it. President -17. Passed Jan. 6 1801. 0.0. CrLI.eN, Preeident of Council. :\pproved Jan. 7. 1Sill. 11Ouenr A. Svrrn. MaT, Attest: Tu- A. PRENDERoAaT. City Clerk. Jan. 12. ORmN.\N No. 1455. An ordinance amending Ordinance NO. (Il, entitled --An ordinance In relation to run. lardand public porters," approved June SS4. The Common Commll of the City of 5[. Aaul d. ordain ea follow.: Pecan. 1. That section No. two (2) of Ordinance No. 6l. npproveM1 Jnne lit, 1584. lt be amended by ndd!ng thereto the fullowfug: I. Provided, that railroad. hotel or re.- tauraut runner shall act or carry on either or any of the.ald occupations on the follow. Ing streets, to -wit: Third street, between Jackson street and Rosnbel street: Sibley street. W ... Of. .trees and Roeabel street, southof Third at Sec. re2. This ordiusne shall takeeffect and be In force from and after Its publication. Yeas -Aid. Banholzer, Blelenberg, Bott, Conley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Dorm - den, Flnndratl. Gehau, McNdme, \felndy, Mines, Sanborn, Sullivan. Van Slyke, Mr. Poveldent-17. Passed Jan. 6, 1801. 0. 0. CULLEN, President of Council. Approved Jan. 7. 1801. Be",,, A. S\11TH, mayor. Attest: Tine. A. PRENHEH..1.T, City Clerk. Jan. 12. Cuu..\ \ No.. 1456, An ordinance changing the name of Moore street to Barclay street. The Common Council of the City of St. Pau] do ordain ns follows: Section 1. That the name of Moore street, hl Stinson's Frances street addition. be and the same is here t.y rhnnged to Buretey street. S- 2. 'Phis ordinnnee shall take ffect and Ire Cil force from and after its publica- tion. ]-sus-Ald. Banholzer, Blelenborg, Batt, Conley. Copeland. Costello. Dobner. Lornt- den, b9nudrau, Gehau, )tc. anum. )totally, Dl Inen, Suuboru, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. Presuleut-17. 1'ussel .inn, d, 1Sit 1. CI. O. Crt.1.F;N. President of Council. Approval Jnu. Z 1x111. ROnF:u' .\. SMITH. Mayor.Attest: Taus, A, P ssimmi tsr, City Clerk. .Inn. 12. Opinst.vcE No. 1457. An ordinam•e nuthorizing Eilas Tatnski to erect nframe Wertltiou. The Common Couuctl of the CRY of St. Paul (to ordain its follows: ,.ectlon 1. That permission is herebygiven to Elias TataskI to erect a frame partition in the buflSding No. :310 East Seventh street In s.ldcicy. urd partition to be bullt.1-es the center of the room unit to the rear end thereof, and to extend Isom the 600[ . tine ceiling. All of which w •k .hull bs; doge oder the supervision off the Inspector of Bu11dinF of said city upon obtaluing a prep. or!ermit therefor. e. °. This ordinance .hell take effect and beu. force from and after Its passage. ]'ons-Ald. Banholzer. Blelenberg, Bolt, ('onlay. Copeland, Costello, Definer. Dorun- rlen, Fl: -draw, Oehan. McNamee, Melady, Mines, Rwnbonn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. Preeflent-17. Peseta Jan. 6, 1801. o. 6. CLLI.EN. Preident OI Council. Approved Jan. 7. 1891. RomemT A. SARTH. Mayor. Attest: TnOs. A. pugs.ER.Aar, City Clerk. Jan. 12. ORu1NANcn9 1458. Au ordlnrtnce w' authorizing the construction of two bay wiadoe. The Common Council of the _'ity of St. Paul do ordain as follows: Section 1. Permision Is hereby given to C. F. )layer to construct two front bay win- dows to a throe -story brick- double etorea Bud dtrellfngs building on the treat .Ids of South Robert street. between Delo. and Isa- bel streets, and for -hich building permit No. 24,028 has been Issued. Said bay will owe PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL ientyin potect over stmt line from eighteen to i r -flan• fuel,... to be done nude, the It ion and eupervlsion of the Ivs9pector of B afidings, lit the payment of the usual city fees. Sec..I This ordinance .hall be In force from and alter its passage and publication. fens -Aid. Bultholzer. Blelen Ierg. Bolt, Conlay Copeland. Dobner. Dorn den Flan- drau, Gahan, 3,,Na:nae )].lady. Jlin,, ge - bonl Sullivan, VatSlyke, 3Ir. Preslden- bo Nay-Ald. Costello -1. Passed Jan. 0, 1891. 0. 0. CULLEN, President of Council. Approved Jan. 7, 1891. Itonenr A. Sxna. )faro Attest: Taos. A. Pu_.Enn.t.r. City Clerk. Jan. 12. Resolutions. By Aid. DObner- IN.olved. That the m11o,bm plata. as ap- .oun,d AeJthe Plaat(,itl Evgineec. hednud tab. a hereby accepted by the common Co�imcil o[ the City of St. Paul: D. R. Burbank'. uddlUtul to SL Paul. aria Place No. 2 ]es,-Ald. 13,1111, zer. Blelenbere. Bolt. Coll a a-, Copeland. Coal", o. Dobuer` florin - den. Flnndra. Gehan. MCNxn,ee, lebady )linen, Samponl. S,dlivan. VIII, Slyke. Mr., Presfdeut-17. Approve,, Jan. 7, 1891. By Ald. Bott- Res lved, That the grade of the following street, "tween toe points "noted. as indi- cated by the red gentle linesa on the u ponying profiles, and as recommended by the City Engineer, be ,d toe . e Is hereb, adopted as the eetabllahed grade: 3lnrylund .trees from Bock street in Hazel avenue. Yea.-Ald. Banholzer, Blelenberg. Bort, convey co land. costeno. Dobner, Dovm- Dlinell Iset�rOrn.t shlii: 10 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. I1 nae, from Cleveland avenue to Ferdinand street (sews n Cntiversfty�avenue and other streets), sa"d sewer act h—Ing been con. trusted and will not be constructed for some time. Yeas—Ald. Banhols r. Bielenberg, Bott, Conley. Copeland, Costello. Dobner, Dornf- (feu, Flaudrau, Gahan, M1,Sa lone, Melody, idinea, Sanborn. P.ulllean. Van Slyke, Mlr. President 17. A pproved Jan. 7, 1891. By Committee on License— Resolved, That the annual license fees of the Metropolitan us Opera Hoe and Litt's Grand Opera House be, and the•same are hereby fixed at the .sum of $160 each. the same to be in full for all licenees due from any exhlbitiou,.hUw,theatricul performance r concert exhibiting in snfd opera houses daring the time said licenses may be in force. Yeas—Ald. Bmlh Ulrer, Bielenberg, Bolt, Conley. Copeland, Costello, Delmer. Borni- den, Flandrau, Gehan, Mc\amee, ylelady, .11mea. Sanborn, Sullivan, fan Slyke, )lr. President -17. ApprovedJan. 7, 1891. By Aid. Bell— Resolved, That the St. Paul Dally Globe, theatPPaper Which is printed and pub. lished under thatname hit he cltyof St. Paul every week day In the year, be and f. hereby designated by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul, the official paper of Said city for the Sear I89 f, and until Its successor .hall be designated; in which said newspaper aha11 be published darimg .Sid time aB it lic-S dther P ,mdintgs and matter re- gaired bythe lawsef the State of Minnesota, n_o bdons of the charter of, or Iawe rpertafn- g to this city. and by -Iain., ordinances. s lud as and acts. of the Common Couucfl of -Ills city, to be published iu any public newspaper. Provided, that the publishers there of will contract to do the said work fn the same manner null at the Sam, price now paid for the same. leas—Ald. Bnnholzer, Bielenberg, Boit, Conley, Costello, Dobuer, Ilornideu, Flan. drau, Gehan, Me\amee, Mfelady, Mlftam, Vau 6lyl, Air. President -14. NaSe—A it. Copeland, Sanborn, Sullivan —3. Approved Jan. 7, 1891. By Ald. Bott— — Resolved, That the Faint Paul and Duluth ItMirood Company he and it is hereby n- gnested sad directed to e e to be con- structed at care an iron bridgsoyer its right of waywhers the same crosses Renneystreet, i the city of St. Paul, slid that Ald. Bolt, Copelunrl and Van Slyke be nod are hereby aPPouded n committeeto act In conjunction with the Corporation Attorney and City En. giiaeeer`to carry into effect this resolution. lid. Bnnholzer, Bielenberg, Bolt, ('Onley, Coppeeland, C'os[ello, Dobner, Dornf- deu, P'Inn,irau. Gehan, MCNnmee. >telndy, Miner, SSlaborn, Sullivan. 1'an Slyke, Mir Preeident-17. Approved Jan. 7, 1891. By Aid. Gehan— Resolved, That permission Is hereby given to Dale S Bumgardner, contractors for grad - lug Fairview street, to place, without cost to the property owners or the city, surplus ma- terial on Jackson street, between _Winter and Arch streets; oil Sylvan street between Win- ter and Arch street.; on Brewster areaue, cween Como and Arch; on Park uvenue, ,twee,, Como slid Arch; on Winter street, between Jackson and Park avenue; on Arch street. between Jackson and Rim,where said streets a below grade and need filling, the ork to be done under the supervision and direction of the City Enenimr. fens—Aid. Bauholzer, Bielenberg, Bolt, Copley, Copeland. Costello, Dobner, Dornf- den, Finneran. Gehan, Mc\nmce, Melody, )linea. Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mlr. Preeident-1 7. :t pproved Jan. 7, 189 1. By AN. Bfelenberg— It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the (ity of St. Paul: That the matterof gradf q;Capitol avenue, from Western avenue to Arundel street. be and the same is herebyreferred to the Board of Public Works to investigate and report: First -11 this improvement proper and necessary'. Second—Give the Council an estimate of the exp lye thereof, and state whether one. half of the cost thereof is to be paid into the City Treasury before the contract is let. Tmrd—Can real estate to be assessed for said improvement be found benefited to the extent of damages, cost. and expenses items- .ary to be incurred thereby? Fourth—Isuch improvement asked for upon the petition or application of the o{cn- e s of a majority of the pro'. perty to be as- S e s d for such improvement the Council a plan or proflle of said improvement, as required bylaw, if 1 Sixth to rt, 9endt inithe Counhiavor of ' Hasa.. reetiug the work to be done. proper order di- Yeas—Ald. Bauholzer, Bielenberg, Bort, Conley. Copeland, Costello, Dobuer, Dorni- den, Flandrau, Gehan, McNamee, Malady, Mfinen, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -17. A pproved Jan. 7, 189 1. By Ald. Bott— It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: That the matter of grading alley fn block fifty-four (G4). Arlington Hllle addition, be Said the same is hereby referred to the Board of Public Works to investigate and report: First—Is this improvement proper and necessary? Second—Give the Council an timate of e the se thereof, and tate whether one- half ot�the cost thereof is to be paid late the city treasury before the contract is let. Third—Can real estate to be assessed for snfd improyemeut be found beneflted to the extent of damages, costs and expenses sec. essary "M n be bu rred thereby? Fourth—I. such improvement asked for upon the petition or appplication of the own - of a majority of tha property to ba- as. send for such improvement'. Fifth—Send the Councll s plan or profile of said Improvement, as required by law, if you report in favor of the same. Stith—Send the Council a proper order di- recting the work to be done. Peas—Ald. Banholzer, Bielenberg, Bolt, Conley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Dotvl- den, Flandrau, Gehan, McNamee, Mfelady, More, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -17. Approved Jan. 7, 1891. A�Illearned. O. 0. C:LLEN, President of Council. Tuns. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Of Resolution Adopted by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul at Its Meeting Held Jan. 6, 1891. By Ald. Bott— ilesolved. That the St. Pmol Dnilv Globe, the ewertaper which is nPrfuted'1i,d PFub- lished ander that name in tine city of St. P ul every week day in the year, be nod is hereby designated by the Common Onto,,I of the city of St. Paul. the officialaper of snfd e", u for the yen, 1891, and ntil ; t. sucressor Shall be designated: In which said ne—lat1 er=hall be 1mblished during snfd time all ord(nances .11 xher proceedings and minter required by the In, if the slum of Mlinnc ofn, pravis- fons of the charter of, or bows l,ertninfng to this city. and by-laws, it Ra rew,ln- tiuns null acts of the Common Council of this city. to be published in any pnhlic news aper. Prorided, that the publishers thereof w'Il tract to do the said work in the same manner and at the same Price now ofd for the 1—c.Yens—Aid. Bnnholzer, Bielenberg, Butt, Conley. Costello. Dobner. Dornfden, Flnn- drnu, Gri a t. McNaim, uo.31clu"dy, )linen• 1 -an Slyke, Mlr. Preeident-11. `: nys—Aid. Copeland, Sanborn. Sullivan �f Approved Jan. 7, 1891. 'this resulntlon cans J,ublislied Jmt. P, in both the St Pauf Dally Globe null be Daily Pioneer Press. Tues. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerx. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Of Ordinance Passed and Resolutions Adopted by the Common Council of the C. Paul t Its Meeting Held on Tuesday, Jan. 6, 1891. 0 ... 1ANcu N.. IX9. An Oalfnnnce App rioting Money to The- odore Ilamm in Set, .cut of Damages Cc- cnsimmd by Diverting Phalen Creek Into n Public Sewer. Whereas. Under the terms of the contract between Walter C. Dolnetty and the efty of St. Paul, bearing date Jul))- S. 18W, s fd Do- herty Is required to Inv 1.600 feet of water pipe for the pnrposo of preyenBnR the 11 - version of Phalen Creek into the public sewer; Whereas, The Common Council Its-, II++ .—il I e.olution lirectfnit the l dillention f u id contract by er pipe aug therefrom the Inv Ing of snfd water pipe and deduct) ug from theemdrnet price the mbt tour thousand one hundred ($1.1om dollars: And whereas, The city of SL Paul Slid said Theodore Hamm have agreed upon a settle- ment of the dmnaRes occasioned by the df- verting of Phalen Creek into the public sewer lid from the mill of sold Theodore Hamm; The Common Council of the city of St. Paul do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the proper efty oefeers be and tbe) are hereby directed and authorized to (ruin all order on the City Treasurer to favor of ,aid Theodore Hamm for the -,,,,a of three ihuu.andI$I1li", dollars, payable out of that portion of be sewer bond fend set aside for the construction of the I'hxlen Creek seven "n full settlement of all dum- Res usmined, or to be ,,-mined, by said Theodore Bnmm by the li-still, f said eek; ,a, I der, to be delivered , my ller upon there beine filed with the Cny Cum pt roa release fn full for all damages oceasi. ed ns afor fid. This ordiumiee Shull take effect filo) � bein force from and after its publics- i. Yens—Aid. Bonito]—,Bielenberg. Bolt, Conley. Coiialnnd. Costello, Dobner, Dorui- len, Flan, ran. Gehan, 'MCNnmec. \Ichuly. Miner. Sanborn, Sullivan, Yn oSiyke. Mfr. President—n17. Passed .Jan 6, 1891. 0. 0. C'rn.tEx, President of Council. Approved .Jan. 1'_1. Nll. Boerwr.k. S -T., Mixyor. Attest: Taos. A. Pax—T, City Clerk. Jan. 14. By Committee on Streets— Resolved. That the Board of Pnblfc Works, together with the groper of9,W, he null they me heretic euth-L-I and directed, upon cm mining the rnnsent of the contractor, to mod- ify that..rain •Un tract between the efi of St. Paul null Walter C. Doherty, bearing dote July Sth, 1S.N1, for the conatntction of a sewer "ni the ,'balsa Creek valley. benyeen Mtinnehaha street and Duel, ss street, inn snfd together with the necessary catch basins and matahol ." by eliminating front the work ren�ired to be done by said contract the me- in. of L600 feet of water pipe as partieulxrly set out in the sped licntions forming it pert of aid contract. prodded dint there shill be deducted (rum the contract price agreed to be ) 'd the sum of forty-one hundred (14 00) dollars. Yeas—Ald. Bnnholzer. Bielenberg, Butt, C'onlec. 1 ctnnd. Costello, Dobuer, Dural - tel, fll Gehan, Mlc\'amen. Meluriy, Jflnen. Slit rn Snllicma, 1'a. Slyke, Mir. President -17. n Approved .Ian. I'_'. 1891. 1 By All. BoB— Re=_olved• That the Board of Public Works be m d they are hereby requested mud di. rected to proceed n speedily as practicable to make and r mplele and confirm the as- sessment for the opening, widening and e - tending of Merin act, te, between Eighth street and Decatur street. ns directed by a /incl order approved Ont- 9, ,Silo, nntwith- etnndhng nny resolution of this Council to the cont, ary. YenAld. Bnnholzer. Bielenberg. Butt, Conley, Uobner. Dondden, Fhmdrau, Gehan, M eNamee, Mit•hldy. 31 men, Sanborn, Still -sit, Van Slyke. MI r. ];resident -1 i. ,,.ys—Aid. ('Upeland, Costello—:. Approved JSln. 9, IS".11. Whereas, It has been made to�appenrt. the Common Council by a report ftom the Board of Public {forks, dated .7nnunry 0th, IWJI. thin tt fs nere.sary to make . modfflea- tion in the coinracte far the grading of .)maks street and La{vson street, respectively. from Mlbsissippi street to Earl street, In order to 12 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL cover certain cost and expenses incurred for additional work on said streets on account of a change of grade subsequently made od said Jenks street and Lawson street, between Me- Elenemy street and Clark street: therefore, be it Resolved, That the Board of Public W—ks lie and is hereby a Ith-med ton dify the Contract EI d-into between .).lint Ind and Lotti' A. Bitngardn •r td the rlty of St. Paul for the gntfng of .len A. street. from Mi,sis- street to Earl street: and also the —a- tia Ct entered into between ('I le, E. leen and said city of St. Paul for the grading C Lawson street from Ah-iKil, rI street Lvv Earl street, in rder to provide JOE. the I.t t and pease for 1,:e , dint Ion ill walk r quiredxtu be done bt-Enld ( aid streets o m1,,[ of nfore�.id tarhnea of rade oil°_ lid streets, Ii •u,.t m d exPe,sC•s C said additional work to be at the sane Pro ,,,in price at which the other ?cork was dune ot,aid street: „er d le i[ farthRe 1-1, That said Board be and is ).to- bv directed to nlnke in additional is—,Yacnt for the to -t and expenses' incurred fur said ddanninl n'ork upon the pr laic benefited he nforewid improvements when snid m.di- Hen[ion, are entered into. ]'Cas—Aid. Bauholzur. Bielenberc. Boll, ('onlay, ('(,peland, ('.,tell(,, Rubber. Da.0- den. F'landnat. Gehan. \Ic Names. Malady. 3liuen. Sanborn, Sullicnu, Cad Slyke. Mr. President—L'. Approved.Jan. 9, 1891. 0.0 . .O. Cr-- President of Council. Tao, A. I'nexuenuwsr. City Clerk. Regular 111cettng. r ^P, l 1,l. es Prident (',,Ilan in the choir. Pesent--Ald. lisal lzer. Bielenberg. Dot,, Coulee. C.pclmld, C'osl,111, D.bner. D.rul Inca. - eu. ]linen. labb. a. Sallivan. Van Slyke 31 r. President -1:1. ,llamas of preceding meeting approved Ind dispensed with. From his ]to,orwlhteeS\1, y-or—Veto r Ordl no era' L nder�tl the orae ml i .,�iruci the t e ('onstructiou of the yl id way Sewer S - tem— To theHonorable the President and Common Coal, ail of the City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: I have the Inner to herewith re torn to }-m,, without may ¢Opp reen 1. 'Ile - din c providing for h ymen[ of the laborers under the FarresmI contract ter the coast of [he .Afidwnt rm far the reasons s t forth Jay sys[e in letter ad- , dre s d to n Jan. I0, 1191, band y Eke Cor -ad. d[I.tI,.,, oft[ his Commuui-Al..t. and \"cry res uecicully. gone lir A. Sxenr, Mayor. Jnn. 12, ]191. The fall a wills, is the letter above referred to: Hon. R. A. Smith. \layer of St. Paul. Dear Sir: la re fe rCa C to the ordiv.nce nudertbe ForrelsmS c.,,trnet for Ellie cosi b true. tion of nue Midway ewer system, I submit the following: - Ordinance No. :306, found on page '_'a'5 of he Laws of 1881. is made a part of the con- trnct between theproetty end 31,. Forrestal. This ordinance vides inubst...e that the contractor shall furnish the City Eugi- 1 ser with a full list of all laborers, showing the lime the, have worked and the randain, One each laborer; that this statement shall be lavorn to by the Contractor and annexed to the estimate made by [lie Engineer; and 'when snitl estimate shall Ile,. reached the Comptruller,lf the same be Outlined byhlm ns e [, se id work 11,111 be .paid for by- [ to Correct. [v of St. Paul, if the s ...at of [lie estl- mnie Is ell Hic[ently large oif no:, then pro Thstn cement r [aired b}- this ordinance has Leen fu rills h ed he Engn or and i roper fom r, but no estimate has been made by the Em nmer. I am of the pinion that when an estimate is made "Ili, the smtenaenl annexed, and the me has heed audited by the Comptroller. It w111 be proper far the Cif}' [o pay all laborers limned 1, the list. Before this Is done no such payment can be lawfully made, unless the city deslres to assume the r,ik of a second payment of the amount re- quired to meet this pay roll. ked oat this contract shoulc eery early date, and I she all possible assistance to O. E. HOLMAN. Corporation Attorney. Jan. 10, 1891. \ Accepted,nnd trate by which said ordinancewas ed recon sldered—yeas. 13. Thes question that being the passage f said ordinance, the veto you honor the Mayor to the contrary notwithtandi ng, the said ordi.. was lost. Yens—Ne. Nnvs—Old.Bnnholzer, BleleOberg, Bo[[. Conley. Copeln lid, C'o,tel lo, DOD net, Dorui- d u. Mines, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, 11 E. President -1:1. The aid estimate stewed to id sold above opinion of the Coroorat 10, Attorney Im, In been thereupon presented. w, motion of,Alin Sanborn n r solo tion for onat.[ avid estimate was thereupon adopted. (See resolutlov. ) Also. Policeman Appointed— To he Honorablethe President slid C'om- on Cou.oll of the Cit_ of— Paul. Gentlemeu: I have the honor to inform oil that 1 It ave aor pol d ted .James J. Gill tha to be n patrolman [ the police force of this cit}-, vice J. A. Peterson, resigned, and f ask ,oil rerOpprovEd said Co. It thereto. Very respectfully,sanT A. Samr. Mayor. Jan. 90, 1891. Accepted. cod ed•. ad said appointment advised lit Tens—Ald. Benholzei, Blelenberg, Boal, Con le}} Copeland, Costello, llobner, Darn(— de.. Mlpea. Sanborn. Sulllann, Van Slyke, Mr. President -13. From C. J. Pieprce— hisClaiiast m.bmiitfogrSEE. ei-fall. solos defeCtrto ve sidewalk on College avenue. Committee on Claims. F St. Aubin and Others— For 1 ahade Board of Public ENT ks, Pelh order t street. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 13 From Lefebvre and Deslsurfers— Tmosmitliug, approved qqyy Corporation At. , tome}}'. acceptance of Ordtuauce No, 11.51, permitting Lefebvre and Desb uriers to use portion of levee. Accepted and ordered filed. Front Eate B. Rice— For ce Lalw[on of street ssfrotin Grent anid foedr fin- ue tar ).kI..d street. et Committee on Claims. From Peter Berkey— Asking Ihet nation be taken [o provide for Payment of judgment—opening Mississippi st' t. Committee oil Way, and \leans. (See re- p rt tf Committee on Ways and Meau adopted at this meeting.) From St. Paul "Ll ltailwAy Company, by \. L. Seat" Caen Cant Mradonr— Asking permission to use "T" rail on else - Eric fine. C'oand—e on Streets. From V, title. Grace— F'(,r grading of road 'n Dakota county—act of legislature approved )larch �, 17. C'ummtllee Olt streets. From Mat Jensen and Others— F'or�cading of alley it block :k;, Chas. tCeide s Subdivision Art lig[on Hills ad- diBoa. Board of Public \Corks, with order. Ii-EdIve OF CITT .FF[CEna. Of City Complroller�Audited lChaf es, Vlz.— C. Stone, Estitnate No. :1 and final, mi,sis- ,i,,Pi No. Ial tfl id Heogre U^kEnl-Ella b1oc1E[stl- Ifnmsey's subdivision block 11, Sn it Ea ,e division. $160: T. Breen, E—mate -�O." d Oval. stone sidewalks 1,90. S184 .3b; F. P. At, - Otto yea nn. ordered paid by followun is - ?.lees -_Aid. Bnnholzer, Ilielenbe— Bort, ('onlay, Copeland. Costello. Dobnef, D,r den , ]linea, �an born. Sulllcnv, Ven Slyke, Mr. 1•re Idea --13. Of City Engineer—Estimnte— The C'Ity Engineer s Omits, srb eyed by Es[ a No. S, Drnndwae bald Re sub- s nne� lih"ha it and Smrkey. 5-37. sE Arll.u'ed mud referred to Com ptroiler. lets—Ald. Bnnholzer, Bieleu berg, Bott. ('onla�. C'opelaud, C'o stet lo, Dobn¢r, Dorul- ed, Alines, Sflnborv, , llivau, \'an SITke, yl r. President -13. 'If C,dP... tion Attorney—Contract and Bond—.St. Paul Globe Publishing Co. pang —City Frin[Ing— The Corporn[ton Attorneytbmits, so - in said ood s^_e (MM�niitl� Lewlls Baker,iHn I. Slble }and }\to. Jmw,on Jr., a r ties. Accepted. (See resolution.) Also, Acceptance by Sorthweslern Telephone Exchange Company of Ordinance Su. Ill:f •—('oaduits for Underground Wires— The Corpora lion Attoruev submits said nc- ceptnnce, approved by him. Accepted slid tied. Also, Accept. ace by St. Paul Ci[y • of Onlivance No. lid(—Extension of Crme— The (.'.rplold,n Attorney submits said ec- Ceptance• Pproved 1,y him. A ecepted and filed. Of I -O ctor of Buildings—Report for Io - e bar, 11III, C'ilr Treasurer's receipt ,I- tacbed [oz Sikl.ib. C'.EOLERItee oil Ordinances add Public AC- mts- P(,rtT aF B�OF McMenenty SIrcetSlope— To the ( outman Council of the City of St. Paul. The Boardof Public Works have hnd'under ton sideratithe olution or order of the Common "'. nci1, resapproved Dec. 3, Isis, rel- Itiye to condemning and taking all easement fu rite Itud abuttldg t MCMenv city Rstrem- et, iretween Case scree[ and the n.r[ehm its, uecessnry to 'r rt the slopes fur cuts cud fills in gntdinK said \ICElenemy street, and. having Investigated the prop.sed im- d6oeoment, respectfu 1133'8 port lh., it Is neo- nbi lir( 11 1 c i t d rtbu shut. a\Ie\I e� cmc street, between Case street and the north cky limits lu said city, uet'eeaary to cous[ruct the iol,ee for cuts and fills in gradiug said \Ic Mer my ltreei .,tn'eetr said points to the len ed grade thereof, as shown by the u a prodle of Enid grade on file in the office of tl,e It eg(nter of Ueeds fn n 1 for fhi 1,—y an ty. mrd in the office of the Ci I, mdi said slope, to extend one laid one-half ,Itf i feet all said hand for eery foot of cut pen a then of (, Sr:rs tont the re.1 est[. to to to assethe essed, eal of the damage. costs aadmfor Cal, be fo-1 Oa x1 neo he c ar d dlaeby: [ha't eo'd i� flp��ievlent is not asked for by n I [o t edrtlicraftorI nut we heremi h ei d 1 pinnsnnd profile of said Ilap v c 1, mud n. order for your ado p[iou, ff,.. desire 1 to make the Improvement. t Tens'!. ones 0. It. L. Gen?twv. President. J. T. li.nae a Clerk Board of Public Works. San. 1'_1. ISn1. Adopted. (See order to Board of Public Work,. ) Also, Linde.StreetGmiling— To the Common C ... III of the Clty of St. Pool. The Board of Public Works have had der consideration the resolution o order tfa[ he Common. Cou bit. ved Nov. 10, If be •Iaaye to the grading f LI„don street. from Ma. Airy street to Arco et, .lid, having Inge, isa[ed the proPosedrim- Mroremml[, respectfully reeporc mqt id im Provema,t is end pro Per: that the estimated ex 14 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL 1 OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 15 pense thereof Is $1,310, one-half of which need not be paid Into the City Treas- ury before the contract Is let: that malestate to be assessed therefor can be fouled bene- fited to the extent of the costs and expenses necessary to be Incurred thereby: that said improvement Is asked for by a petition of a majority of the owners of the property to be asaeased therefor, and we herewith send a plan and profile ofsaid improvement, and an order for your adoption, If you desire us to make the unurovemenl. Teas 4. nays 0. R. L. Gan MAN. President. J. KERREm Clerk Board o[Pub1lc ]forks. Jan.n. Is01. Adopted. (Sec order to Board of Public Works.) • Also, St. Albans nod Other Streets Grading— To the ]ignorable the Presider and Common Council, City of e tht. Paul. Gentlemen: In e matter of the final order, approved Oct. 0, 1890, for grading St. Albans street and Grotto street. re. epeclively, from Front treat to the right Of way of the Great -Northern Railway Com- pany. and Stinson street, Burgess street, Top. ymg street and Atwater street, respectively, from Dale street to Grotto street, the Board of Public Works beg leave to resort that said Board Is advised by the City Engineer that said Grotto street is not opened to a full width between said points, std that it is Im. p"Cticnbl¢ to so open it. III view of this fact said Board berewtth respecttutlp returns said final order with the rerinest that the same be annulled, and that said Board h¢ allowed to amend its report dated Se I. :30, 18!0, i said matter, Tern,. therefrom said Grotto street, and so ns to read thnt It Is necessary and proper to grade St. Albans street, from Front street to the right o[ way of the Great Norther% Railway company, m Simeon stree!. Burgess street, Top- ping street and Atwater street, respectivelyy, from Dale street to Grotto street, said grad - Ing to be done under one eoutract; and that the estimated expense thereof Is $1',3,0, and said Board also respectfully ask your iA honorable body to onss a neiv flual order. as uded, tort wild :mprovemeut. f proeemenl, Is herewith su ;maid ion your w adoption. It. L. GOIIMA\. President. J.T. Baur En, Clerk Board of Publle Works. Jan. .0, Is01. Adopted, and said order approved Oct. 0, 18!x), repealed and annulled, and sold hoard .,'.aged to . n nd ns req—ted its sal(I report, { I 111, IMI ".fens, 13. (See order to Board of Public Work.. ) Also, Ilnmllne Avenue Eniam eat slid Brldge— To file Honorable, the I'realdent It I Cotn- .I (•Ole loll, City of Sl. 11 1 O¢utlemen: The heard of Publle,I'utkx ben.-Ith rexpt'Ctf!Illy' return the Ilreilmllllary order approved JuF, DI, 181x1, In Chu matter of t•mldemniuR and inking I u casement in luted over the rlgtet of way u[ the Great Northenl railway at 1!nmline avenue for the purpose of conxtrucllug a brillgga with the report that paid casement was oldalued under . final If approved Feb. t. IWn7, for the opening, n) Ideug mud eafenelun or Hnmline avenue. from U,Ilversity avenue to the northerly Ilse of the right of tray of the St. Paul, Mittnenp. oils & Manitoba Railway company, the as- -ment forwhleh improvement was cou- firmed April i, I887. R. L. GORMAN, President. J. T. KERNER,Clark Board of Public Works. Jan. ld, 1861. Aldermen of the ward. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEE6. Of Committee on We}ns- -s and MeaBond of Clerk of Mun!clp al Court, $6.000, James G. Donnelly and Patrick Kelliher as Sure- fie— The Committee approves said bond. Adopted. Teas—Ald. Banholzer, Blelenberg, Boll, Conley, Copeland. Costello, Dobner, Dornl- den, Aline& Sanborn, Sullivan, Tan Slyke, Mr. Prset ent-13. Also, Message of Ills honor the Mayor. Referred to Committee June 3, IS0— Committee approves said message, but makes no reeommendatlone. Adopted. Also, Ordinance Authorizing Appointment of Police Patrol Telegraph Operator at Central Police SmtiOn— Committee returns said ordinance without recommennatiou. Adopted. Also, Petition of John Ifebers and Others. Ask. fag that Hotel Rumlens Licenses Be Re- •oked— Committee recommends that said petition be placed on ale. Adopted. Also. Estimate of Board of Fire Commissioners for ]'enr Ending September. 1891— Cum refuse recommeuds that same be placed on ale. Adopted. Also, Communication of P. F. Barr, lice President St. Paul City Railway Company, Relating to InsumeletlC)' o[ Como lid Shelling Ave- nues Bridges—Electric Cars— Commlttee makes no recommendaifon, and asks that sold petition be filed. Adopted. Also. Communication of A. S. Tallmadge, Seere. tar Chamber of Commerce. Relative to Andrew Nelnou'. ABldavft—Work Done for Frank AICGuIre; Itelutive Also to Cost of Ligllt1, Clt)•— Committee recommends that Mr. McGuire be given au opportunity to explain. Adopted, and matter recommitted. A Ino, Joseph Anstetl—Jnfler'. 110Otlon for Janitor, Central Police Station— Committee recommeuds that said petition tiled. Adopted. Also, Estimate of Board of Education for Year Ending June 30. ISUl— Committee recommends that said estimate be filed. Adopted. Also Board of Park Commissioner' Report—Park AesesscreDl.— C'ommittee returns said communication without recommendation. Adopted. Also, Claim of First National Bank, $151.66 Interest on Citizens' Note. Dated Sept. 7, 1880, for S .00. Committee approves said claim. Adopted. Also, Peter Berkey's Petition, Referred to Com- mittee SepL ^, ISM— Committee recommends that Coupcll take such action as may be necessary to collect the money and pay sale judgment. Matter referred to Corporation Atlorley to mei da[fourof committeeo carry out recom- Of Committee on Claims—fleury LanR's Claim—$300 Damages, Soil Removed From Lot.Wesleru Avenue aled]'an B urea6tmel— Committee recommends that Said claim be referred to City Engineer and Corporation Attorney. cpj Adopted. Also. J.S. Picha's Claim, $=.000. Damages, Defect ive Sidewalk, South tt'abasLa Street and Fillmore Avenue— Committee makes an adverse report. Adopted. Also, of I. V. D. Heard, Attorney for C'omnd«ee makes an adverse report. Adopted. Also, St. Paul Gas Light Company's Bill Dated Dec. 31.18!0, of $.1,381., 7—I Merest—Lamps— Committee ecommends that sea claim be referred to City Culn ptraller to report back as to whetber or not said claim Is fu Ccord- ance with contract, ate. Adopted. Also, Azotine Manufacturing Company's Bill for $!116.tki—Collection of Garbage from Dec. 15. IS!0, to Jan. 15. IShI— Commlttee reports an follows: The bill of the Azotln¢ Company for the collection of garbage from Dec. 15, ]810, to Jan. 15, IS01. amoullting 1 0 $'118.66, being be. fore IIIc Committee on Clnlmn. the comtalt- tee feels bound lO recommend the pay.1mat Of this bill because ll Is a matter of contract between the clay and lila compnny Rut ax there are many complafut. that .0111 Axodue Companyy I. a nuisance, the committee Tee. onllucru x that the Corporation Attorney bring cultaggalnxt bald compit tc determine the [ uexlfon of whether sed company'. opera. Ilion f. or Is not a uul.0ncc. .lox. MINEA, Chalrmau. The salt clelm of $1116.041 wes allowed and ordered PeId ]'eae—Ald. Danholzer, Blelenberg, Bort, Coulev, Copeland. Costello. Dobner. Doru1- den, Mfllea, Sanborn. Sullivan. Tap Slake, Mr. Presldem-13, The said report was thereupon referred to be Corparatlou Attorney for his opinion. Of Committee on Police—Ald. Dobner's Res- olutiouAuthorizing App i meutofPatrol- Go . to Act a. Alone ted Policeman for Prior Avenue Station— Committee makes an adverse report - Adopted. Al.., Aid. Copeland's Resolution—Patrol Box— Burr and Case Streets— Committee makes a favorable report. Adopted. (see resolution.) Of Committee on License—Moore & Com- pany'e Petition for the Refunding of $151 Paid fur Intelligence Or Employment Office License by A. 11. Anderson— Committee recommends that said petition be referred to C'orpIration Attorney. Adopted. Also. License Rebates—City Clerk's Report Sub- mitting Statement of Persons and Amounts Due—Rebates I.s!0-!il— Committee recommends that orders be drawn ml the City in favor of per- sons named and for amounts slated to said smteme of. Adopted. Of Committee on Ordinances and Public Ac- counts—ReporrS Examined— Committee has examined and found cor- rect the follotring reports, viz: 0(1b it of )lunicipa! Court for the mouths of 6C ter.bC'. October. November and De. cember. Is!0: of Chief of Police for the oaths ofSeptember. October. November. December. !S!i); f Chief of Police. forage for six mon Des ending November SU. I6Ix1; „t ,,a of Buildings for mouths of August, September and October.IS9o; of Poundmnster Truax for Se lemv blr. October and Noem- ber, 18W; of Pouudmaster Cuuniff for Sep- tember, October, 1510: Of Poundmnster IDu- kel for September and October, 1800: of PoRodmasler Aleyers for September, 1890. Adopted. ORT OF SPF.CIAI. I'OMMITTY. Y.. Of Aid. Flandrau and Corporation Attor- tiney—Ordilmuce Relating to hotel Run. em. (Referred to Committee July 15, ISM)— Comndllee rehorfs no aetlon, and recom- mends that mala ordinance be Tiled. Adup[ed. nlxcei.l.nxr.Ocs. Ordinance.— Aliorllunuce tvax rend—V=i—favor Iler- mnn Ifthi r. born, uxpeuned ole motion of Aid Sat[ - bon[, I. !;G';'Cd onllunuco read second time and Pn.ned. (See Ordinance No, l4ila.) At, old Danes, wax read tipl�roprinting $10,00 favor of Robert A. Smith, Dlayor—cur tiflcatex of 1 1,1, cducxx. Rule..u.pcu III, on motion of Ald. Com toy. yea. Id -0 ordlunuee read .ewnd time amtpnxxed. (see Ordinance No. 14111.) An anllnnuce wall read noprotrlaling SS(x1f1—Illuminatlug c11Y during slmD fair, ISIxi. Reel suspended nn motlon of Aid, Van 61rke, yens 1:1, and ItJluOuee rend —mid time Sled passed, isee Or, nonce No. lA:.) An ordinance wits read authorizing the payment of $AO to ('arrie A. Lyou. Is PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCILOF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 17 Rales Suspended on motion of Aid. Mines. The Common Council of the City of St, Paul cr.• See. 2. This ordinance shall lake effect Yens-Ald. Banholzer. Bfelenberg, Bolt, yeas ]3, and ordinance read second time and do ordain as follows: y�and be fn force from and after its publico- Coule))'. Copeland. edstello, Dobner, Doraf- Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, passed. (See Ordinance No. 14M.) An ordinance waa read outhortzing the as. Section 1. That n warrant be drawn upon ;'.�; i[;Iton. the City freasurer, payable out of the fund Yong Aid Banholzer. Bfelenberg. Boit, den, Dllnea, Mr. President-13. sdgumeut of a Judgment for 841.00 ngalhe[ _,`.ds-. 77 evlded by the issuance of certificates of Conley'. Copeland, Costello. Dobner. Doral- rdebteduess Approved Jan. 21, 1801. Lucinda Drew to Chas. J. Berryhiil. Rules suspended m: motion of Aid. Minea, `: 1 pursuant to subdivision sixth ? den, Dunes, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke. of section three of nu net entitled ' :4n art to "a f'2fr. President-13. _ Ili, Aid. Bot[- yens 13. and ordinance rend second time and emend the charter of We City of SL Paul. .'•,'P-.f+ Passed Jan. L9. IRO]. thereof," approved ��., 5 Council. Resolved. That the Superintendent of sed. ((Dee Or No. 14M.1 pAn Jan. lid the Beta amendatory O. O. CvtteN, President of Feb. 22 A. D. IM7, lu favor of Robert A '�"y` j Approved Jam 21, 1891' Police Alarm be Instructed to place one finance ordlnaure u'es rend atithorizin g build frame office' Smith. Mayor, for the sum of live thousand rv3 Roarer A. Sam.. \[agr. alarm box at corner of Hastings avenue and g Koegler to one-story Rules on motion of Ald. Mmes _ (&5,000) dollars In payment f the - "- Attest: Tuos. A. PRENDEnnA¢r. CI[y Clerk. Earl street. suspended yens l;f, and o "inane¢ read second time and Incurred In Illumination of the city ;: Jan. .d Yeas-Ald. Baubolzer, Blelenberg, Bott, passed. (See Ordinance No. 1465.) senses Surlm; tae state fair to 1Si10. .,' nl- Conley Copeland. Costello. Dobner, Slyke, dem D�inea, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, An ordinance sae reed permitting J. [leag- -SeeM.2. This ordinance shall take effect and -- from its Mr. Preclderit-13. arty [a erect on, Ce budding, Ald. Conley. be In force and after publication. OnmSANCE No. 1465. Yeas-Aid. Banholzer, Bieleaberg. Batt, Approved Jam 21, 1801. Rules suspended on mo[ton of yens 13, and ordinfluce mad second time and Conley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Donn- An ordinance nu[horizing the building of n frame office. -_ passed. (See Ordinance No. 14110.) den, Mi nee. Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, The Common Council o[ the City of St. B • Ald. Batt- Ordinance.. Mr. President-18. ,,. Pnssed Jan. 2(I, 1801. Paul do ordain as follows: -%, - Section 1. Permission ie bereby given Jos. R solved, Thnt the Superintendent of Police Alarm place telephones we follows: O. O. COLLEs'. President of Council. ,, Scegler to build o -story frame omce on '21. One in alarm baa a[ [he corner of Bates -- Approved Jan. isil. +° the west side of South Wabasha street, be- avenue and East Third stmet, and one In OIunNAscE No. 141A. Roneilr A. Sa[ru. Mayor. twee. Congress and Isabel streets, on toe 10, Clerk. alarm box corner of East Tbird street and The Common Council of [he City of St. Paul Attest: Tans. A. PRENDERGA.r City _ sbloek 54, West Sl. Paul I'ro Snid omce m Jun 26 P?[• Mendota street do ordain: .`; be about 12 feet wide and 12 Leel deep, built fens-Aid. Banholzer, Bieleaberg, Boit, section 1. That nn order be drnwu iu fa- on 1. T y under the supervision of the inspector of Conley, Copeland, Costello; Dobner, Dornf- mm of Reiser for the enm of twenty- five f Hera in payment e for the use of his ufldingsand the psvmeut of city fees there- ORDINANCE No. 1461. or. den, Minea, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President-13' rooms for polls n Election District No. 6 of An ordinance authorizing the payment of n -•% Sea 2. This ordinance shall take effect on Approved Jan. _l, 1301. the Semnh ward of said city, for the Keri- ral eIsc[loa last November. claim of Carrie A. Lvmi _�y 8 d stmt its publlnation. The Common Council of the City of SL Yeas-Aid. Banholzer, Bieleaberg. Boit, This rdir+arice shall take effect a d be to force fro.and f[er its pnesnge, pail do r" 1 as follows: _C 1ey Copeland. Costello, Dobner, Dural- sortlun L Thnt nu order be drawn on he ' ' de MM. , Barbara, Sullivan, Van Slyke, By All. Sanborv- R olved That [he Superin[evdent+o� - ]"ens-Alda Banolzer, Bfelenberg, Bolt, se city treasury in (nror ( Cnrrle A. Lyon for+1,.•a+.'2Sr Preeidevt-13. lice Patrol 7'elegrnph bq and he fe hettEEb}' iv Card Copeland. Co,tello. Dobner. pond- the aim of fifty ($50) dollars fu toll pa}•me t a$Pa.eed Jan. 1891 t damages eu tamed by aid Carrie A. O. O. O LL21", Preeidevt of Couvml. dimmed to place a teleaihove the police box at the cora of Victoria street den. Dllnea, Suuborn, DUIllvan,\"au Dlyke,Dlr. President-13. all Leon on account [ [he a try upon h,t t �. .3Appraved Jan. 2l. 1(bll. patrol a d Lincoln avenue. Passed Jan. 2.0, 1891. 810) (block number slx[S 1001, of Baird � it....I A. SMLrn, Mayo[. Yens -AId. Banholzer, Bieleaberg. Bolt. O. O. C C;lEs. President of Council. Approved Jan. "1, 1191. rid Oliver's Addition to IN St. Paul, and ¢f �A[mst: Taos. A. YanxnEaaesr.CltS Clerk. the removal of earth therefrom. and the I, i-:i Jan. 26. Conley. Copeland. Costello. Dobner, Doral den, Dliuea. Sanborn. Sullivan, Van Slyke, - ROBERT A. S>ttru, \faro[. total support in front thereof In the grading •�;r: - r 4 Mr. President-18 Attest: Tues. A. PRENDEm1Anr, City Clerk. of Sidney street OnmxAse. No. 1465. Approved Jan. 21, 1501. Jau. 20. Said order shall be delivered only upon ;4 there being filed with the City Comptroller a ll; Permlttlug Jeremiah J. Beagerty to ereet an - receipt iu [all payment and satls[nctimn oC ;: omce building upon the property hereto- deecrlbed. gy Ald. Copeland- OIm[NnseE \n. 14111. An ottlin¢nce appropriating the sum of SO,- such damages. .Tt }; after Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect be Common Council of the City of SL Paul Resolved, That a patrol box be placed at the corner of Burr and Case streets. Wo to Ifoben A. Smith, Dlaror, and be in force from and atter Its publica. r do ordain as follows: Yeas-Ald. Banholzer, Bfelenberg, Bott, The Common ('otinMl of the Ci[y of SL Panl tion, I-' -1 Section 1. Permiceion la hereby given and Yeas-AId. Banholzer, Bdelenberg, Bolt• granted unto Jeremiah J. I eagerty to con• Cooley}',, Copeland, C'oetello Dobner, Dmin den. Mlnea. Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke. doordi do as follows: Section 1. That n war4ant be drawn upon Conley, Copeland. Costello, Dobner, Dnn[i. btruct an office bulldirip 10 feet by 12 feet. and �' � ' Mr. President-13. the Cr[y Treasurer, payable out f the tuna den. Minea. Snnboru, Sullivan, Van Slyke, b tory high, m be o corrugated Iron, and Approved Jan. m, 1801. ided by the Issuance of certr&•rtes of In- 8 M President-13. ith s tar and grnrel oat, upon the north Passed Jan. 20. 180E d of lo[ 7, block 2 of RopkM.' addition, - ebtednees, puraunlit to s bdivisia. sixth, ectiov three of an act entitled "An act to O. O. CULLEN, President of Council. - paid office, building to be constructed In ac- furnished to and ap- Resolved, That the oro er city smear¢ are' lid he charter of the city f St Pnul. said Approved -Jan. 21, 18111. :.�:;-'dav'e Bh Plane Rona[+r A. firILTH, \lay-ar. yzoved Dy the lnepector of Buildings of acid here authorized slid 1� eiruated to fan ie the acts ameudntorp thereof," approved Feb. '�. A. ll. Iss7. to favor of Robert A. Attest;: Taos. A. PnaNnaauwsr, City Clerk. -01tS. i Sec. 5. This ordinance hall [oke effect d cents certificate, of Indebtedaeee to es thte amount of fifteen thousand ($l,(q0) Lrom Smith. Dln -or, for the um of ten thousand }} De by the Jan. :Ai, r- d be in force from and after Its publica- dollare,,ayable 1n three Seers anafter 1st day February. 1801 Interest (Slo, ) dolinrs. to a ,ended MaSor nvd Committee ov Wave and Jfenris Boy. '} '. - Yea.-Aid. Banholzer. Bieleaberg, Bott, the of With at the rate o[ zceeding ae Ser cent per for each purposes ns they may deem for the ORDINANCE No. 14fN. . o ley)'. Copeland. Costello, Dobner, Dorni- nnu payable se 1-avvu.11", aid Ce[tIn• being authorized the lith subdl- Interest of the ci ty. Sec. _. This ordinance ¢hall take effect cad An onlinance nuth-Wrig the a ign meat of em Mlnea. Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slvxe, cares .under vision of section 3 of v at to mend the be 1, force from nad after its publicutian, a c min Judgment ie favor of the City of Presldeu[-13. Passed Jan. 20, 1891. Charter o[ [De Clty of SL Pnul, and she aq[e Yens-Aid. Banholzer. Bfelenberg, Bolt, SL Ynul. The Common Council o[ [he City o[ BL Paul 3'T O. O. Ct-r.L.EN, Pmsident of Couvml mendatory thereof, up rovedFeb. ]8..7. Co.le)-, C'o,eln rid. Costello, Dobner, Doral- +, Ml�no, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, -Air. de ordain lie follow.: - Approved Jan. "_I. 1891- for h purposes as the Common Couucll Ight deem proper to advance the Interest., Pt siderit-13. Section I. TF.n[ the proper city mcere be, BeENn A- Sinn, Ma}-or. the lark'. of the c1[y Passed Jnv. 20, 1891. U. O. C''0' 181 Presidev[ o[ Couvell. w " the}• are thorized lid e - t Attest' Trios. A. 1'x En r, City Powe d to execute nvd "']icer to Charles J. +Jan. 2e. f Pmd. Yeas-Aid. Ba h ]zer BI 1 berg, Butt. Conley, Co,eland, Costello. DODver. Doran Approved Jan. .1, 1891. erryhlir ,on Dehnlf of [he Ciro}- S[. an slgnmeut of that certain 11 dement eu- - , de. M1nea, Sanborn, Sullivan, Vau Slyke. MA President-13. Ifoannr :\. Sa[rLr, Attest: Trios. A. PnaNnerzuwsr, Cay Clerk. lered lu [he upreme o t f [he Sre[e of Re.olntto n.. Approved Jan. 21, 1891. - Joe. 26. ' Ml v nesota in favorof the City of Bt.Paul cad against Lucinda Drew, on Me 2d day of De- _^ ; y Ald. Coyle,- her, 189n. for the m f foerny-one Bad ()RDIN.INCE No. 116^. - } Resolved- That the Chief of Police clear iIGI00 dollars. The said assdon tehell be ;RE f 11 obetrncliova the alley r ri tug from By Ald. 8nnborn- Resolved. That Estimate No. 7, for $11,000 An rdinnnce ��+propziatinq flue thousand dollars to pa- (o illumineifug the city dur- delivered only upon there ing pefd into yT. Di to Locu.[ streets, iv Dlocit forty-eight the city treasury of the city of St. Paul the -+,q `{o8) of Hutson'. addition. for work dove .der the contract between James Forrestal and the City of SL Paul, fug the state fair in 18-10. -said sum of $11.96. 18 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL dated Oct. 2,, A. D. 1889, relating to w.at is Fourth—Ia e h lmprovemevt asked for f known aS the couetruction of ••tbe Midway u�ov the petition o vpenuntion of the lowed �anttl th.tbengorderor odere berdrswn ° Her f a ma]ority o[ to prober[) [o be in favor of the City Tresaurer for thea 1d assessed for such improvement. BFifth—Send the Councll a plan or profile sum of S11,00PP9, or ao much thereof as may be of acid iIDDa)-ement, a regaled by law, le clalme necessary Hif ed Iar utheYull ¢list o O.aljtPP[aha you report in favor of the eamae. Bone who have Leen employed by •tame. For- diraC[ingShe work WC u dofne. Draper oder estal on the contract betweeo film d the Yeas—Ald. Bann olzer, Bielenberg, BotL [fife couS[ruetiOf St. fon of dated Gewer a Cnis�eislty den Conley, Copeland, Sanborn t 9allivan, Pau Slyke, nven.e and other streets, the time they have Mr. Prenldent-13. worked and the amount due from him to Approved Jan. 21. 1891. each of avid laborers," wbich was )-erlfled by Jame. Forrestal on the rah day of Decem- ber, A. D. 1890, and filed with the City En- Rtueer of this city on the Ld day of Jan.- I-, gv Aid. Bot:— aA, D, 1691: and that lee City Treasurer of [ city pay [he amounts set opposite the I[ Is herebyy ordered b)- the Common Council names of the pereons nose amps pan at of the Clty of SL Paauer of ul: or upon the said assigns Inrt list [o the eafd peramns bwl extendl g East Third d street, fr from street cuesewhere the claims o[Bnid petb rsona nameda east y deaIhl In 11 l ated, be and the camels hereby referred on Bald list have D.1 p or brat] be aealgned, to [he Board of Public Works to Investigate Raid Treasurer their pay the name to Buch as- Rale RIVE,, and rake [Heir receipts therefor. and report: Resolved, That all reeolunone and odl- Firei—Iathis Improvement properandnee- Dances passed by the Common Council '. essary? this city relating to the subject hereinabove Second—Giye the Councll an estimate of mentioned iu any way be and the same rare the expense thereof, Hud erste whether one- horebp repealed. half of the cos[ thereof is [o .paid into the Seas—Ala. Banholzer, Bielenberg, Bot °ftp treasury before the contract is let. Conley, Copela.q Donner, Dornldeh. Mfueaa.21- 1h1d—Can rent estate to be asaeeaed for Sanborn, S e1jIve , Can Slyke, Mr, Pres'- said improvement be found be to the dent -12. Camra[ of damages, costs and expenses nec- Aid. Costello not vodug, essary to be incurred [hereby? Approved Jan. 21, 1891. Fourth—Is such improvement asked for upon the petition or application of the own- _ an of a ma)orit}}• of the property to be es - Bused for such imp rovement? Resolved, That the coutrect eubmlhed b ea di tan bend the Council a plan or profile of the Corporation Attorney betweeo [he Globe report iurtavor of the eagmered by law, If you Publishing Compn y and the Ci[y o(9t, Paul, Jlath—SeuA the Couuc'I s for the doing of the otlicla' .a 1printing of the dlreenig the work [o be done. proper order Sallee is hereby "proPaul for ved, Buda propea city C aresyy Co eland, Costello, o,' llobnt: � DBelll. cancers are hereby authorized rand 'per to den, Mlnea harbor.. Sullivan, yon Slyke, execute the same o. the Dart of the city. 3 . pres[de.t-13. Resolved further, That the bond of sold Approved Jan. 21.1891. Globe Punifehing Com pauy in the um of By Aid. Blelehm — the,0aQ eu s batch w'th o contract, be and I[ is hereby ordered by the Common Council the same is hereby a proved. of the City of St. Paul: Tees—Aid. Bnuholzer, Bielenberg, Dolt, Tnnt the matter o(eondemuluR avtl taking Conley, Copeland, Costello. D.b.er, D. -I an eaeemen[ to the land abutting d But. Mines, -13. u, Sullivan, Can Slyke, gess street, 'etween Dale a b -Il and Grotto Mr.A President -1:1. street, necessar to construcmett the slopes for Approved Jen. 21, 1991. cutsand fills fu grading said Burgess street, be e.tl the same is hereby referred to the '— Board of Public Works to Investigate and By Aid. Bfeleuberg— report: It le hereby ordered ray- the Common Counci] First—Ie this Improvement proper and Of the City of 8t. Pxul: necessar},? That the matter of condemning and taking there.➢tree thereof, and Ifem whether matoltet streets between Gmtitler St ee[ement In the land usnd lSon eeieru half of the coat tbernof is to be paid into the avenue, necesenp to construct the slopes for ` cityy treasury before the contract is let C. and fills in ii-Alog said To lu Thid—Can real estate to be e.Seseed for be and the ems is hatch)- re erred to the ' exid Improvement be found benefited to the Board of Public %N.orks to hivestlgate and re weary to DeIncurredthereb a? expenses nec- port: F, -tb—Ie such improvement asked for First—L this improvement proper Bud upon [he petition application of the necessary.' owners o[ majority of the properly tone Second—Give the Cmmell it" estimate of nesessed far ranch Improvement? thC ea epee [Hereof, and stale whether one. Fifth—caud the Cou.,, a plan or profile Half o[ the cost thereof, 1s to be paid Into thei of said Improvement, ns required by Inw, if C1Th d s Canb reaieein [eo for let aeseseed for i yis St. °u report iu ixvar of [he name. said improvement be found benefited to the Sta[h—Send the Council a proper oder di- eatent of damages, costs and expenses neves- rectin9 the work to be dame. eery to be Sncurred thereby? p Seas—Aid. I..holzer. Bielenberg, Holt, Conley, Copeland, Costello, Do tier, Dorin- OF THE CITY OF Sj n. Mlnea, Sanborn, Sullivan, van Slyke, Prealdent-11. approved Jan. 21. 1891. Aid. Bfelenberr8g IS herebyodered by the Common Council I the City of I. Paul: Ch.t the matter o[ coudemnmgsad taking easement in the land abutting on Top - 3g street, between Dale street and Grotto eet. necessary to construct the slopes for is Bud dile in grading said Topping street, red and the same 1s hereby referto the and of Public Works to investigate and re - rt: First—Ie this Improvement prorer and .essary? econd—Give the Council an estimate of expense thereof, and state whether one- [ a[ the cost thereof is to be paid Into the treasury before the coutrect is let. Chid—Can real estate to be assessed for 3 Improvement be found benefited to the Sol o[ Ineu g costs and expenses neces- y to be Incurred thereby? ourth—la urn improvement asked for 3u the petition or application o[ the wo- of a majority of the progeny to be Ra - Bell for such improvement. 'iftb—Send the Councll a plan or profile tald improvemeut, as required by law, if t re Dort in favor of [he same. Ixth—Send the Con ell a proper oder df - ting the work to be done. eas—Ald. Banholzer. Bielenberg, BOtt ley, ICopeland. Costello, Dobner, Dorul- i, Mines, Sanborn, Sullivan, Pan Slyke, re—t-13. —roved Jan. 21. 1891. Dlelenberg— Dy ordered by the Common Councll City of St. Paul: e matter of condemning and taking lent in the land abutting oA[wnter ¢ween Dale street and Grotf to screed v to construct the slopes for cute and gis he said Atwater street, be and Is hereby referred to the Board of 'ork. to Investigate rand report: Is this Improvement proper and uec- [—Give the Council an estimate of .Be thereof, and state whether one - 3e cost thereof is to be paid into the olry before the contract Is let. -Can real estate to be assessed for rvement be found benefited to the damages, costs Bill expenses rec- be Incurred thereby. —Ie uch improvement asked for petition ar application of the own- 3asjurity of the property tobeas- ch imprnvemen[. Send the Council a plan or proflle of vement, as required by law, if you favor of the same. Send the Council a proper order di- e work to be done. lid. Banholzer. Bielenberg, Boll, 'opebtnd. Costello. Dobner, Durnl- r6, Sanborn, Sullivan. Can Slyke, Approved Jan. 21, 1991 y Aid. B[e]Cnberg— i- hereby ordered ny the Common Council f the City of St. Paul: I'ha[ the matter of oondmning and taking 3 easement lu the land abutting on S[. LINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 19 Albano tcne4 between Front street and the rieght-of-fray of the Great Northern Railway ceesary to construct the elopes for cute anti fills to grading Bald St. Albnne Btree4 be aad the Same Sehereby referred to the Bond of Public Works to Inv e,tlgate and report: Fire, — It this improvement proper and neces.aryP Second-31ve the Council an estimate of the expense thereof, and State whether one- half othe cost thereof is to be paid Into the mtv treasury before the contract la let. Thld—Can real estate to be assessed for saidImprovement be found benefited to the extent of damages, coals Bud expenses nec- essary to be incurred thereby? Fourth—Is such id asked for upon the petition or appthat fon of the own- ers of a majority of the property to be as- seased for ouch impmveme.t? Fifth—Send the Coolie"' plan or .r,,1,11,e of said Improvement, ae required by Inw, 11 you report to favor of the Same. Sixth—Send the Council a proper oder directing thework to be done. ,_Abd. Banholzer, Bielenberg, Bolt, Come d,y, CopelanCostello, Donner, Doroi- den, Mines, Sanborn, Sullivan, Pan Slyke, Mr. President -13. Approved Jan. 21, 1891. By Aid. Blelenberg6— I[ to hereby odered by the Common Council of the City of SL Paul: That the matter of condemning and taking an easement In the land abutting o. Stinson street, be[weeu Daia stct'at and Grotto street, accessary tc co.etru[he slopes for cute and fill, lu gradlvg said Stinson street, be sad the ,arae is hereby referred to the Board of Pub - Ile Works to Investigate and report: Fire[—Is this Improvement proper and nece,sit! Second—Give the Council an estimate of theeap,nse thereof, and state whether ..,- half of the coat thereof, le to ne paid Into the cl treasury before the contract is ISL bird—Can real estate to be assessed for said improvement be found benefited to the patent of damagea costs and expenses ueces- sary to be incurred thereby? Fourth—le such Improvement asked for upon the petition or applloat'o. of the own- ers of a majority of the property to be as- sessed for such improvement? Fifth—Send the Council a plan or profile of said Improvement, as required by law, if you report In favor of the same. Sixth—Send the Council a proper oder di- recting the work to be done. Yeas—Ald. Banholzer, Btetenberg, Bot[, Couleyy Copeland, Ccsteilo, Dobner, Dorni- den, lfiuea, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -13. Approved Jan. 21, 1801. By Aid. Bielenberg— It ishereby ordered by the Common Council of he City of St. Paul: That thematter of condemning and taking all easement In the land abutting on Atwater Street, trout Gnulder street to Western e- uue, necessaryto construct the slopes for Cute and fills in grading said Atwater Street, be and the same is hereby referred to the Board of Public Works to Investigate and re- port: First—Is this improvement proper and necessary? r 20 PROCEEDINGS OF TH Second—Give the Council an estimate of the eape se thereof. and state whether one- half o[ the cost thereof 1s to be pald Inm the cityy treasury before the contract ie let. Third—Can real estate to be assessed for said Improvement be found benefited to the extent of damages, costs and expenses neces- sary to be Incurred thereby. Fourth—Is uch improvement eked for, upon the petition or sppllcalton of the own- ers of a majority of the pro erty to be as - messed for such Improvement Fifth—Send the Councils tan or profile of said improvement, as required bylaw, If you report in favor of the same. Sixth—Send the Counci] a proper order di- recting the work to be done. Yeas—Ald. Bsvhoizer, Blelerberg, Bott lan dem, em,ConleeSa,, n, Suliale lvanbiVan Slyke. Mr. Presider[—l3. Approved Jan. 21, 1891. By Ald. Bielenberg— It Is hereby ordered by the common Council of the City of BL Paul: That the matter of condemning and mkl.g an easement in the land abutting ou Burgess e[reeL between Gaultier arrear d Weemru avenue, necessary to construct the elopes for cuts and fills in grading said Barges, street be d the same is hereby referred [o the Board of Public works to investigate and re- port: First—Is this improvement proper and n ...... . Seco pnd—Gil. the Council an estimate of halt of the coat [hereat is totbe paid Inr as - to the city treasury before the contract is let Third—Can real estate to be assessed for .aid Imp amen[ be found benefited to the extent of damages, coststhereand expenses neces- �Fou Lh—Ieuch improvement asked for upon the petition or application of the own- era of majority of the property to be as- eeseeed or such improvent. Fifth—[Send the C ..eema plan or profile of said lmproveme , a, required by law, if you report In favor orthe same. 9ialh—Send the Council a proper order di- e ting the work to be dove. BotL r Y-sae—Aid. Banholzer, Bielenberg,Dorni- Coyle -, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Mr. President Mresden tto 13orn. Sullivav, Vau Slyke, Approved Jan. 21, 1891. By Ald, Btenberg— I[ to hereby olerdered by The Common Council of the City of St. Paul: That the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land abutting on Simcoe street between Atwater street and Front street necessary to constr[m[ the slopes for cuts and fills 1n grading said Simcoe street be a d the same is hereby referred to the Board of Public Works to investigate and eFir,t—I, this Improvement proper and neceeear5'. Second—Give the Council an estimate of the exfnd op ense ththe costereof, and stale whether one- Citv treasury befo fore the contract its et.eof is to be paid the said himprCar ellbe founds. be assessed for benefited to the ant of od mages. costs nod expenses nec- easary to to incurred thereby. 3 COMMON COUNCIL Fourth—Is such improvement asked for upon the petition or application of the own- ers [ a majority of the property to be as- sessed for such improvement. Fifth'—Send the Council a plan or profile of said improvement, as required by law. if you report in favor of the same. Sixth—Send the Council a proper order directing the work to be done. Yeas—Aid. Banholzer, BlelenDerg, Hott, Conleyy.� Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Dornl- den, '.dine", Sanborn, Sullivan. Van Slyke, Mr. President -13 Approved Jan. 21, 1891. B -Ad. BielenberK— It fe he ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: That the matter of grading Stinson street, from Kent street to western avenue be and the same is hereby referred to the board of Public works to Investigate and report: First—Is this Improvement proper and nec- essary. Second—Give the Council nn asthma' of the expense thereof, and elate whether oue- hal[ of [he cost thereof 1s to be paid into the city treasury before the contract to let Third—Can real estate to be assessed for said improvement le found benefited to the extent pro, coats and expenses nec- essary to be incurred thereby. Fourth—Is such Improvement asked for upon the petition or my Carter, of the own- ers of a majority f the property to be as- sessed for such Ira ovement. Flfth—Send the Council a planor proflle of maid ImprovemeuI. se required by law. If you rt ort 1n favor of the same. Sixth—Send the Council a proper order di- recting the work to be done. Yeas—Ald. Banholzer, Blelenberg, Bell- Con.e-, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Dorni den, Maven, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -19. Approved Jan 21. 1891. By Aid. born— It f, hereby ordered by the Common Council f the City of SL Pau.: The, the matter of condemning and mking an easement in the lead abutting i on Fair- view nue, from Marshall aveue to St. Anthony avenue, necessary to construct [he slopes for cuts and fills in grading setd Fair- iew avenue, be and the same fa hereby re- ferred to the Board of Public works to I'- vestige C n- vestignte and report: Firer—Is this Improvement proper and nec- emary. Second—Give the Council an estimate of the expepee mere.(, and ,tam whether ..is - hal the cost thereof Is to be paid Into the city treasury before the contract fa .et. Third—Can realestate m be assessed for said improvment be found benefited to the stent of damages, costs d expenses nec- essary to be Incurred thereby. upon r[he Ia such pof a Otftlon imor nro�eof PPed for llcaUouskoft f 6e assessed for such imurovemenlproperty to be .aid ltmproaomeh e Of t�es required by Iaw. if lTou report In favor of the same. proper o resting the work [o one done. rder i- d OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 21 Year —Ald. Banholzer, Bleleuberg, Bott, By AId. Miuea— Cooley. Copeland. Costello, Dobner, Dornt- It fa hereby- ordered by the Common Council den, Mines, Sanborn, Sullivan. Vau Slyke, Mr. President -13., f the City of S[. Paul: That the matterof takingand condemning, Approved Jan. 21, 1SU1. fond troa strip tof slaty fee[iwuie eUcnt gr th d 5 of Bidwell's addition to west St. Paul, the north line %said strip to be a traight By Aid. Sanborn— line run from the tlheast corner of block 1, of Iforeby's subdivision of lot 7,Bidwell's It is hereby ordered by the Common Council addition, to the southwest corner of block 1, of the City of St. Paul: That the matter of condemning and taking Belvidere Park subdivision of lot 3, said ad. dition, be and the same is hereby referred to sn easement in the land abutting on Chats- the Board of Public \Sorks to tuvestigate and worth street, between Laurel avenue and Carroll street, necessary to construct the r report. for cuts and tills In grading said First—Is this improvement proper and nee - assn' y`of Chatsworth street, be -and the .me is hereby referred to the Board of Public works to In- Second—Give the Council eu estimate e. the expense [hereof, and stale whether one- vesligate and report: Half of the cos[ thereof 1e to be paid Info the Flrml—Is this Improvement proper and P Pr P tet trexsup before the con[rnct is let. necessary? Second—Give the Council estimate third—Can real estate to be as assessed for said improvement be found beneflted to the a e. the expense, [hereof, slid state whether one- eamut of damages, costs and expenses inc.balf of the cost thereof Is to be paid Into the essary t0 be incurred thereby° Iy teasun- before the contract is let. n Third—Cru real estate to be assessed for Fourth—Is such Imp rovemeut asked for Upon the petition or pphen[lou Of the own said Improvement De found benefited to the improvement ars of a majority of [he property to Lou extent costs andexpenses nee- essary to be incurred tbemby. Fourth—Is asked for eased for auc6 Improvement. Fltth—Send the Council a plan or profile uch remelit upon the �etltlon or op Iicatiou of the own- of said Improvement as required by law, if you report In favor of the same. or of ajority if t e property to be as- Sixth—Send the Council a proper order di- sessed for each improvement. 'acting the work to be done. Frtth—Send the Council x plan or pro of said Im rovement, as required by law. If you i favor [he Yeas—Aid. Banholzer, Hieleuberg, Bot[, Conleyy Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Dorni- report same. h Council a proper older dl- Sixth—Send the den, ➢linea Seaborn. Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -13. rec[Ing the work to be done^ _ _ Approved Jan. 21, ISI. Approved Jan. 21. 1891. ByAd M1nea— It Is hereby ordered by the Common C ... ell of the C«y of SL Paul: That the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land abutting on Morton street, from South Robert street to Bidwell street, ry to couatrnet the elopes for t, andetlila iu grading Id Morton street De avdo the a fs hereby referred to the Board of Purdle work. to investigate and re- port: First—Ia this improvement properand nec- essary. Second—Give the Council an estimate of the expense thereof, and state whether one. half o[ the cost thereof Is to be paid into the city treasury before the contract Is let. Tbird—Can real estate to be assessed for said Improvement be found benefited to the extent o[ damage., cods and expenses nec- essary to be incurred thereby. Fourth—Is each Improvement caked for upon me petition or a plication of the own- ers of a malorBTY, of t�a ProVerty to be ae- seesed for .ace imp enc. Fifth—Send the Coutnell a Dian or omflie of .aid Improvement, as required by law. If you agpaor[ in favor of the same. re Sia[h—Send the Council a proper order dl - 1891. It Is hereb> "Foy the Common Cc""' of the City of St. Paul: That the n ter of covdemnluR and taking an ut in the lend abutting on Goff eau m[rom Dearborn street to Bld- ael]'ee dditiov, neceeenry tocon, o ,tract the elopes for cute and fills In f� ding Geld Goff uI be .ad the a e fa hereby referred to the Board of Public works to Investigate and report: Firat—le this Improvement properand nee- arnnd—nivn rbc Cmrncil an stimate of the eape a thereof, and state whether one. hrlf of the cost thereof la to be paid Into the ottyh ra suranb eslre lbestaconnirn�et Is let. ed for ,aid improvement be benefited to the extent Zr damages, costs and expenses necessary to e incurred thereby. Fourth—Is such improvement asked for upon the petition or epidlcatim. of the own. em of a majority of the property to be ant- eessed for such Improvement. Fffth—Send the Council a Ian or profile of said improvement, as required by law, If you report d favor of the same. Sixth—Send the Connell a Draper order dl - meting the work to be done. leas—A]d. Beabolzer, Bielenberg, Bom Cmile� Copeland, Collo, Dobner, Belot - den. Evituste am, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. Preadenl-13. Approved Jan. 21, 1391. By Aid. Doridden— lt is hereby ordered by the Common Council f the City of BC Paul: That the matter of codemning and mking an easement In in land sou[ttvg On Clffen 22 PROCEEDINGS OF TP. :tree[, between Randolph street and Grace :tree[, neceseary to construct the elopes far Cuts And flus In RrfldinR said Clifton street. be and the same is hereby referred to the Board of Public Rorke to investigate and re- port: Firat—Is this improvement proper and neceeenry Second—Give the Council an estimate of the expense thereof, and state whether o - half o[ [he cost thereof is to be paid into the cit, treasury before the contract 1e let. Third—Can real estate to be sewed for extent of do egeE.C..,a sea cap ees ied [neces- ry to be incurred thereby. a Fourth—le such Improvement asked for upon the petition or application of the own - if tJt enc ul nl,�ro ¢ten? property [o be as en a ttm ovemen[, aentrec111 red b, law, IfYeof ou P'- ihrfnyor of the same. Siath Send the Council a proper order di reeling the work to tie done. Yeas—Ald. Banholzer. Bielenberg, Bolt, Coulee, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Dornl- den, id lnea, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke Mr. Preside. [ -13. Approved Jan. 21, 1891. By Aid. Venper— It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City o[ SL Paul: That the me«cr of gradlnR Resmu :treat, fromDooley avenue to Doswell avenue (Pe. linen will follow). be end the same Is hereby referred to the Board of Public Works to In- vestigate and report: First—Is Chia improvement proarrand nec- essary? Second—Give the Council An estimate of the expense thereof, and state wbether oue- nal[ oT the cos[ thereof Is to be paid Into the cl[y treasury before the contract is let. Third—Can real estate to be assessed for said improvemeu[ be found benefited to the extent of the damages. costs and expenses necessary to be Ind thereby? Fo,lrtb—Ia uch lm prevenient naked for Upon the petition or npidiention of the own- ers of a ma)ori ty o- the�roperty to be asxssed for such improvement. Fifth—Send the Council a plan or profile of old ImPravomeut ae required by low, if Y. u report In favor of the same. Sixth—Send the Council a proper order directing the work to be done. Yogis—Aid. Bunbolzer, Blelenberg, Dolt, Come3•. Copeland, Costello, Dobler. Doral. den, Mines, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -13. Approved Jan. 21. 1801, By Aid. Sanborn— It is horeb>• ordered by the Common Council of the Cl hotel,?,, of St. Paul: That the matter of constructing sewers on the following mtteetit to wit: Goodrich Avenue, front Sflimn street to Chatsworth street: Chntmw•orth street, front Goodrich nvenue to Lincoln nvenue; Unruh, avenue, from Mllton mtrect to Loxingtom Avenue; ..Ing.. nvenue, from Liucoln avenue to Leslie Ammo: from avenue, from Oxford mtreet to Lexington AN -cute ; Snmtelt avenue, from Oxford street W ,It cage, 1111wnukeo h Sl. Paul railway: Leslie A venue, from Oxford street to Dunlop street; E COMMON COUNCIL be, and the same is hereby referred to the Board of Public Rorke to investigate and re- p First—Ie this improvement properand nee- eseery . Secondee the the Council an etfmate of the half o the cost thereof o f iand :tate wtipal into one- che half pf the cos[ thereof ie to be paid W to the city treasury before the contract is let. Th1rA—Can reel estate to be assessed for said improvement be found benefited to the extent of damages, costs a d expenses nec- essary to be mcurred thereby? Fourth—Ie such Improvement asked for upon own- the ma)dtx ty of the11callon propertyf [o De as seemed for such improvement. Flfth Send the Council plan or profile o[ said ImDroyehe Las required by law, if _you report to favor of the same. slim—Sand the Council a proper order directing the work to be done. Yeas Ald. Banholzer, Blelenberg, Boll, Coale vy Copstand, Costello. Dobner. Dorul- deu. Jllne4 Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr.President-13. Approve[i Jan. 21. 1891. By Ald. Copeland— It fe hereby ordered by the Common -Counci] of the St. Paul: That thea matt matter of constructing a sewer on Payne avenue, from Farquler street to Beaumont street, and on Beaumont street from Preble street to Payne avenue. before the said streets Are paved, be,aud the kernels hereby referred to the Board o[ Publ0 Works to Investigate and report: FIMIrIe this Improvement proper and necessary. Second—Give the Council An estimate of the exppense thereof, and state whether one. half o(the cost thereof is to be paid into the city treasury before the contract Is let. Third—Can real estate to be sessed for enid lmprocemedt be found benefited to the extent iP damagea. costs dud expenses neces- mapto be Incurred thereby? Fourth—Is such improvement asked for upon the petition or application of the own- ers of a majority of the property to be As. .ease. for such improvement. Fifth—Send the Council a plan or paroNla of said Improvement, as required by Vanilla If You report In f.vor of the acme. Sixth—Send the Council a proper order am Common Council "Ant the matter or A onange t grnuu Arkw•rlght street. from n Dolnt about hal[- we), between Oorarlum oil home streets to MaZpand avenue, In order m reduce the . A be oywmwdihor maabo 'to" rllho rxumo Ix hereby referred m the Board of llu'la c N'orks Ed Inveslgam end ropurt: FIM[—IX this Improvement proper And necead— 1reEnoCouncllSeconan estimate of "be expense thereof.redud stem whether one. half of the cnmt the of Ix to be paid into the city treasury before the contract Is lel. extent eery uo upon tl ere of ;? �OR OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, 1891. 23 real estate to be assessed for a s—Ald. Banholzer, Bielenberg, Bott, merit be found beneflled to the ,ages, costs and expenses neces- Conley. Copeland, Costello, Dobuer, Dor. Eden, !linea, Sanborn. Sullivan, Van Slyke, ,,r d thereby? such improvement eked for \f r. Preeldet-1:1. Approved Jan. 21, iS91. ,ion or eltftplicad.. of the own-ti,ii r,t uch tmprOveme property to be atter of p Board of Inpublime tl'_f theCouncil A plan or profile o[ lase, if Works datedreJen I+txhii. ! rent. as required by you r of the same. It is herebv ordered by the Commoa Council of the City of SL Paul: the Council a proper order di- irk to be done. That the Board of Public Works of the City of Sr Paul cause the following improve. Banholzer. Blelenberg, Bott, land. Costello, Dobuer, Doral- menta he be made, to wit: Condemn and take anborn, Sullf van, Van Slyke. t -easement In the land abutting on MC- ! Afeaemv mire hetween Cxma xtrve and the ;? Approved Jan. 21, 1801. By Aid. Copeland— _? I[ le hereby ordered by the Common Council That the matter of gradi.R alley 1. block Chas. Welde'a Sobdivislon of Arlfueton r,t Rllle addition. from Yayne avenue to Edger- ' be and the same Is hereby referred ton street,oarlic Ror to the Bd of Public to investtgata and report: First—l: this lmprocement proper and nee - ::eery. Second—Glue the Council an estimate of .:,'r the eapenan thereof, and state whether one - halt of [he cost thereof is to be paid Into the cit- treasury before the contract InleL �' Third—Can real estate to be a ceased for Bald lm procemen[ be found benefited to the ° { extent oL de ices, comtsand expenses useem- ",t� sari to be [mcurred [hereby? Improvement ked for ti, Fourth—le ch apo the petition or application of the owu- ere of a mayoritp of [he property to be As- seemed for such Improvement? "- Filth —Send the Couneil a Plan or profile of eaid Improvement, as required by law, If you report In favor o[ the same. yl. Sixth—Send the Council a proper order dl- rec[fng the work to be done. Yeas—did. Banholzer. Bielenberg, Boh, a�?s- Conley. Uopelnud. Costello, Dobner. Dorsi den, Mlnen. Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr President -1:I. Approved Jan. 21, 1591. By Ald. Copeland—.— ' It Ie herebyy ordered by the Common Council FS" a n! the Clty of'Pam: Thnt the In block . a 04. matter of urndlnR alley 21, Oakville Addition, from Walsh to (,real, - brier Avenues, be And the same to hereby re- ferred to the Board of Publle Works to 1n- vemtlitate and report : First— a this Improvement proper and i neces.. ? Secat[d—Give the Council an eslmnte of the expense thereof, and state whether one-half of the cast thereof Ix to be paid into the city trenanry before the the contract Is IoL Tttlr,l—C'at real estate 1m ben _sed for said Improvement fro found beuellted to the oxmnt ofatchumm, :pets and expmlxex necessary to be Incurred thereby? x� Fourth—Is much ItIprdye1n,.it Asked for upon the potftlat or APIMentiou of the owners of n nniJorlty of the property to be aeaessod for inch Improvement. Fifth—Send the Council it lfune or profile of said hnprocennont. ns required by law, If ,p you reportIn favor of tha memo, Sixth—Send the Council n proper order Irocting the work to be done. snown or Ine prone or said grant, on me in the omce of the Reelmmr of Deed, in and for Ramsey court[p, and in the office of the City Engineer: old slopes toexteud one and one - bell (143 fee1.2"1 on Bald land for every too[ f c t or M. es lndlcated ori the plan [ id elopes attached to said r! ort, and to be filed in the omce of amid Board. That said Board shall proceed without de- . ley to assess the amount, as near)y m they can certain the same, which will be re- quired to pay the damages, cost and neces. sary expenses ofsuch Ira .rovement upon the real estate to be benefited by Bald im- provement, as provided by law; it being the opinion of the Council that real natam to be ssessed for such improvement can be found benefited to the extent of the damages, cost en d xo ses necessary to be incurred thereby.- Yeas—Ald. Banholzer,Bielenberg, Boot, Cooley, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Dorm. deu, limen, Sanborn. Sullivan, Van Slyke, Itr. President -13. Approved Jan. 21, 1891. In the matter of the reports of the Bogrd of Public Rorke dated Sept. 39,1890, and Jan. 00.1891. It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the Clty of St. Paul: That the Iloard of Public Works of said City of S[. Paul cause the following Improve- ment to be made, to wit: Grade St. Albans street, from Front street to the right of way of the Great Northern Railway Company; and Stinson street, Burgess street, Topping tree[ and Atwater street, respectively, from Dale tires, to Grotlo ,rest, lu said city, Haid gradlnR to be dons colder rine cuntmet. That said hoard cause said work to be let by contract, as prodded by law, wlthouteuc- be pined under centrad. maid Board et proceed without delay to axmomx the amot. as tl rly nm they cnu n.eermin the .,it which will be required to tiny the Cost e necessary expenses of x la1 lugirovem upon the rent erutm to be buttoiltud by s Intproecmuul. nx provided by lase; IL bo the opinion of Ihu Gennep that nal esptm be assessed for such Ira provoinont (ase found benefited to the extent of the cost a ox�iansem tiecunanryy m be Incurred therulyy )Cas—Aid. B.., cuser. Blelenberg, BI Conic>t Copelnud, Cuamllo, 1)obi Dor den, \linen. Sanborn. Sullivan, Van Sly: Mr. President—IJ. Approved Juu. 21. IS01. 24 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL In the matter of the report of the Board of Public Works dated Jan. 20. IS91. It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of We City of St. Paul: That the Board of Public Works of said City of St. Paul cause the following improve. mmu to be made, to wit: Grade Linden street, from Alt. Airy street to Arch Street, in said city; that said Board cause Bald work to be let by contract, asprovided by law. With- out one-half the estimated coat being first paid Into the city treasury; and iter said work shall be placed under contract said Board shall proceed without delay to assess the amount, as near)y as they cm[ nseeln the same. which will be required to pap trtahe cost and necessary expenses of suchf prove- meu[ upon the real estate to be bene,'ted by said Improvement, as provided by law; It be- ing the pinionf the Council that net estate to be assessed fors ch Improvement can be found benefited to the a tent of the cost and expenses necessary to be incurred thereby. Yeas-Ald. Banholzer, Bielenberg, Bolt, Conley, Copeland. Costello. Dobner, Dorni- den, Mlvea, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -13. Approved Jan. 21, 1801. Adjourned. 0. O. CUL-. President of Conncil. Tues. A. PRENDERGAST. City Clerk. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OfResolution Adel)ted by the Common Council of the City ut' St. Paul at its Meet, ng Held on Tuesday, Jan. 20, 1891. Resolved, That the contract submitted by the Corporatin Attorney. between The Globe Publishing Compan}} and the City of Saint Paul for the doing of the official prlottng of the City of Saint Panl for the year 1591, be and the nine la hereby approved, and the proper city officers are bereby authorized and directed to execu,e the same on the part of the City-. Resolved further, That the bond of said Globe Publishing Company in the m of $25,000, submitted with said contract, be and den, Mines, Sanborn. Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -13. Ap proved,Jan. 21. 1891. O. O. C, L. N. President of Council. Tues. A. PRENDERGAST. City Clerk. This resolution was ppublishn.ed Ja- 1801, in both the St. Paul Dolly Globe and the Dally Pioneer Press. Tnos. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk- Regular lerk Regular Dfeettn;g. ST. Leen, Feb. 3, 1891. President Cullen in the chat,. Copeland. CostelBiq Dort Iden+Flnl andru, at- has. Mr,Namee, Melaay, ltiines, Sanborn, Sul. ]lean. Van Slyke, Mr. Presideut-15.. Minutes of the p eceding meeting approved and dispensed with. co. -ICA -1-S From His Honor the AIR yor-Meeting of National Association of Inspectors of Buildings, Etc. - Hon. President and Common Council of the City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: I transmit herewith a often lar letter from the President mud Secretary of the National Association of Iuspectors.Super- intendents and Commissioners of Buildings of the United States, addressed to the Mayor and Common Conned of this city. I would urge upon your honorable body the absolute and pressing necessity of appro. priating a sum sufficient to send a repreaent- ative from this city to the couvendon re- ferred to. Inthis co inectiou I would beg ave to in- form you that a Commtltee of thlee Builders' E;Chnnge of thfe city has waited upon me. and urged me to communicate with your honorable body thefmportance f this ap. pointment from the builders' standpoint. No Class of our citizens 1s better able to Our Inspector of Buildings, Game A. John. son, Esq., has Indicated his Willingness to serve the city es delegate to the convention herein mentioned, if a reascnable sum be ap- propriated p- p I trust that jou is sbody will give ROBERT A. SMITH, Mayor. February3, 1891. Accepted. Aid. Flandrau offered a resolution autho- rizing ID Spector of Buildings Johnson to at. tend said meeting, A motion to amend said resolution so that Eald Johnson should have $150 for expenses made Bud lost. wThe said resolution as originally offered was then adopted. Also, Member Board of Directors Sl. Paul Library To phtn ted- eHonorable President and Common Council. City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: I have the honor to inform Yen that I bare appointed Emerson W. Peet. a member of the Board of Direc[ora'of St. Paul Public Llorary to succeed Maj. J. P. Pond, deceased, and to serve for the term of three years from the 30th da Y of April. 1890, and I ask your consent to Bald appointment. Very respectfully, Jan. 30, 91. Ru1k A. 5-111, Mayor. Said appointment advised and concent - ed to. Tees -Aid. Banholzer, Bielenberg, Botk Copeland. Coetellc, Doruiden, Flaudrau, Ge- hav, MoNamee, Malady, Miuee, Banborn,Sul- livan• Van Slyke, Mt. Preainent-15. From Board or Water Commissioners, E. R. Bryant and Others - For vacation of alley block 4, West St. Paul Real Estate and Improvement Syndicate Additlou No. 1. Committee on Streets. From Samuel E. Daweon- For S224.61 and interest-yutlgment-Whlt- re. Brlsbine and MulleVa Sunt -W it - Leech's Out Lots. Committee on Claims. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 25 From A. S. Talimadge, Secretary Chamber of Commerce - Inviting Council to be present at a meeting of the chit mber to be held Feb. 5, 1803. Accepted. From A. M. Lawton and Others - For refunding of money -assessment, con- demnation -Slate street. Committee on Streets. From Peter Daly - Asking that the Clty Treasurer be author- ized to give Mn. Catherine Daly a receipt in full -assessment for grading Dearborn street. Committee on Claims. FromJohn Marp'- For permission to have transferred to him Hotelier License No. 3 for 4511 East Seventh street. Committee on License. From Abraham Lavin- For permission to transfer to 017 Payne eye - t s , Butcber License No. 1. Committee on License. REPORTS OF CITY OFFICERS. Of City Treasurer -Report for Januaryy,1891- To the Honorable, the President d Mem- bers of the Common Council of the City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: I have the bonor to submit to you the following report of the receipts and disburaements of this odlce from Jan. 1, 1891, to Feb. 1, 1891: Receipts - Balance Jan. 1, 1891....... $19,732.16 Alunlclpel court........... 5:!S43.35 Building iuepector........ 445.,63 City clerk ................. 480.00 S1, Paul workhouse 390.04 Interest on Water Londa .. 12,850.00 W a t e r department re- celpts.................... 3,000 .00 Redemption receipts .. .. 1SAY23 85 Partial redemption re- ceipts .. ... .. .... M2.61 RepSideg paved streets... 613.98 Interest on deposits....... 40.48 Library lines.... .......... 71.57 Fire department receipts. 'J. SO Liquor licensee ........... 122'u'd-00 E x p r ... licenses, one b.na.......... ........ _!5.00 Hack licensee, two horses. 19.00 Hack drivers' licenses.... 1.U) Cab drivers' license....... 2.00 Butcher licenses.......... 150.00 Truck licenses ......... 20.00 Hansom cab licenses...... 5.00 Miscellaneous licenses.... 515.00 Foot Peddlers' licenses.... 10.00 ' Peddlers- Vehicle -l7, cense.. 27.00 Licensee cud permits. .. 31.00 Assessment collections... 58,903.81 Board of Education....... 831. 9 1 -- Tonal receipts ...... ...........8262,553.86 Disbursemevt- City o rder, paid ....... ..$ 75,7 .28 FD peepartmentwrevte0 atcr DiBsrtmeufwar: Si•aulrwork6ouee wsr ",4MJii .P rane paid2176.31 St. Paul Library. Wnrrnn.. Park Commissioners' war- 3,8.,1 rano paid ............... 2.W.12 Interest coupons paid.... 74,07_.50 Exchange and exootessage on Coupons paid........ Redeemed certificates of 000.90 sale paid ............. . Partially redeemed Perlifi- 15,341.05 cages of sale paid....... 347.51 Disbursements in assess. mnt collections........ 685.00 Temporary loans unid.... 3,336.30 Advance payment ou sewer assessments re- turned ........... ....... 90.53 Police pension warrant ..... paid......oftlRe 83.3:3 To[ dats.. ... 3215,032.. Be,auc tb. 1, li�Jl..:... $+7,521.74 $262,553.86 Condition of Funds- City funds .......... .. . M.fm. tt9 Water Department funds. 4,872.87 Library fund.. ............ 4,102.10 Police pension fund.. ....C%4'1.80 $47,521.74 Where Deposited - First National bank....... $412.11 A[erchanta' National beak 1"Al Beak of Minnesota........ 5.J.1155 National German-Amerl- can bank ..............:. 434.54 Germania bank............ 12,0!31.6'2 St. Paul National bank... Commercial bank.......... 241.10 SAM 77 Second National bank.... '.92.28 Savings bank .............. People's bank....... .... ^_,5•L'i.41 3:61.4'3 Seven Corners bank....... 26.7.00 Capital bank ............. West Slde bank... .. .. . 1:15.97, 1,163.90 Scandinavian - Amieri c a n bank ................. .. 3,133.,0 Bank of Minuesotn,in- terest account........... 16,508. - Total ................. ... $47,521.74 Respectfully submitted. GEORGE REis, Feb. 2, 1801. City Treasurer. Committee on Ways and Means. Also, St. Paul City Railway Company's State- ment of Gross EarninRs- The City Treasurer submits said Statement. The St. PaulCity Railway Company makes the following statement of the gross earn - Inge of all Its line of railway for the ppear 1810, , provided by Ordinance No. 1227 of tee Clty nC 8[. Paul, [het Is m say: The gross earuhrgs of the said The SL Pahl City Rallway Companyy of all its line of rail- way for the llear 1890 are [he sum of flue hundred and lar ty thousand elgh[ hun- dred and two and 5,-300 (5590,802.571 dollars• Dared St. Paul. Ttiu n.• J.P. 19. 1891. Tae CITY or Sr. PAPI Rau giver COMPANY, By A. L. SCOTT. General Manager. STATE or MINNESOTA. I sit County of Ramsey, f ' Albert L. Scott, of said county. being duly Saye that ha Is an omCer of the St. Paul Clty that Company above m tioned to wit the general manager thereof, and ,,to the aforegoing statement of the 26 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL gross ca-Ine just andttrue.ee of railway fol the yea, 1890 f A. L. ScoTT. Sworn to ad sub.Clfbed before me thio 19th day of January. A. D. 1891. M. F. PROPPING. Notary Public. Ramsey County, Minn. - This a correct copy of the original on file in my omce. GEGI[GE RErs, City Treasurer. Committee on Ways end Means. Allowed and ordered paid by f.Y.wing vote: Teas—Ald. Banholzer, Bielenberg, Bott, Copeland, Costello, Doruiden, Flnndran. Ge - I McNamee, Nichol?" Mhlea, Smthorn, Sol - Ivan, Van Van Slyke, At,. President -15 Of Corporation Attorney—Petition of Moore & Co. for Refunding of $151 Paid for 1n - IOWA nee or Employment Office License by A. H Anderson— The Corporation Attorney makes flu ad- verse report Adopted Also, Contract—John Martin Lumber Co. and the City—Lumber— The Corporation Attorney Indurd s a draft of said contract. Accepted. (See resolution.) Also, Peter Berkey's Petition Asking That .Action be Taken to Provide for Payment of Judg- nt—Opeulug Mlsslsefppi b'met— The Corporetlou Attorney auDmi[s a rmo. lutfon in said matter. Accepted. (See resolution.) Also, Report Referred to Corporation Attorney, J , 1(Allzo) [ Commf[tea n Claims; Remtive to Attne�faufacturing CO.— IDWRThe Corporation Attorney reports m fol - To the Common Council of the V4y of SL Paul. Gentlemen: You have requested my opin- ion on the report of the Commhtee nn C9nime I. n ucn sun. '1 oder a contract I'll" receives 1111;oi per mOntb. The city ie itself directly responsible for the oper- Bilon of this plan[, and if there is a out 1t exfets with the couseni of, and 1s paid for by, the city. Whether a nuisance Is mal.. tafned I am n]Imbot compemu[ to determine, Rod u I,Cfeh et da Is clear that any opinion. I, preon property a injuriously affectede r whose whose per. elrjoymen[ Is leeseued by any out- R, the mine be maintained by the city ([self, or Is authorized by 1t, may bring action against the author of then rRumnee and recover the damage, suffered, "" may have the some enjoined or .baled. See sec. I.I. ch. u, Gen. Statutes IBB. The contract between henry A. Fleisch- mann (whose rights It 1s claimed h¢ve been assigned to the Azothie Manufacturing Com - immediately after Its deliver'. +- ++ and said work a6 all be done + + inte best, safeatnnd most workmanlike manerknown or possible by said process known as "the Me z Process," end said plat shall be "e-tedRod id work done under the au- ,ertbd.R of the Board of Health of the :RF." "It is hereby further agreed + OF THE CITY OF S2 [fo edn. ease the halla becomezlt (t men. nuisance, d shall be so determined by the urts, or be detrimental to health or Otherwise offeu- Iva to the inhabitants of the vicinity where located then and in that case the use thereof for the purposes aforemia shall be atscon- tinned thereat and said plant be moved [thin sixty days thereafter to, and the acme shall be relocated at a different point and plac �to be app ved by the Common Coun- cil, the a me to be there used for thepurposes hereinbefore epe.IflCd." No other part o[ this coutmct 1s materia] to the present Inquiry. The Hoard of Realth is authorized to super- vise the operation of the plant, andder this provision has power to direct the OB.rvaCO of snCh regnln- tfoue ae it prescribe W protect the public health, but i question its power to order a discontinuance or the operation of the plant. When the plant has become a nu=e, and it has been so determined by the coons, thenall ops cion thereat shall be discontin- ued, and Within sixty days after the courts have determined 1t to be a nulmn-, the pleat itself shall be removed to some other place to be eDProved by [he Council. IR these respects no dt®culty Is found to de- mrmlntug the meaning of th1. Don[rect The eerlone question fa whether the Cauncll nae the Dower to order a dlsoontlnuance f the operation of the pint whenever It has be- come detrimental to health o otherwise o[- fensive to the inhabitants of the viclnit}}- where located, and without a prior determi- nation ofthce. facts by the Courts. Although I he point is not free from doubt, ye[ i nm in- cRued to think the courts will a construe the contract so as to give It this Interprets- thm. For the above reasons I am of the opinion that when theCommon Council has dater- IDined that the oPPeretfon If the plant 11 det- rimental to heal[ ¢, or otherwise offensive to the fphsbl" m of the vicinity where located it can safely order Ire discontinuance an stop the payment of [he monthlyinsmll- meuts of $1,2.50, and direct the removal of the plant within sixty day. after It has so determined. If the City proposes to take any action at all. It seems to me the above is the proper coume to pursue. Of course, If the Council should en f. its determination. then Mr. Flelschmaun; or those who claim under him, will be entitled mrecover from the city such damages as ca be shown to have resulted from what would amount to a breach of contract on the part of the city. It le proper to suggest tnat 1f the Council Pase a resolution covering the above points t must at the same time designate some other place for the delivery of all garbage and dead animals. The contract for the collection and removal of garbage, beorlRg date Apr1115. IBK pro- vides for the de][ver-v o[ all garb��e at the Azotfne plant Th6F contract will require modification so as to permit delivery to some other place. Respectfully submitted. O. E. if -MAN, Corporation Attorney. Fee.:, I89L Accepted Aid Dornldeu offered a rescluti.n discon- tinuing the operation of the plant of Raid company. INT PAUL, FOR 1891. 27 Aid. Flandreu offered asn amendment a substitute resolution directing the Corpora. wi Let er}oruao[ ecoid bring [Manufacturing C Thean said am ndmeut was lost Yens—Ald. Blelenberg, Flandrau, Gehan, Malady, Sanborn, Sullivan. Mr. President—,. tiays—Ald. Banholzer, Bott, Copeland, Costello, Dor hiden. McNamee, Miners. Van Slyke -8. Aid. Sanborn moved to reconsider said last- mentioned vote. Adopted. Yeas -1j. Nay,—Ald. Dost -1. The question then being upon the adoption Of Aid. Flandrau's sold substitute resolution, the same was adopted. Teas -15. (See resolution.) Of Inspector of Buildings—Report for December, 189u --City Treasurer's receipt for sm Committee on Ordinances and Public Ac- count. Also, ZMeeting of National Association of In- spectors of Buildingg. e' 2.— The Inspector of Buildtugs states that be colmmonleasCouncil to shoo ttend d- desire. meeting If the Accepted. (See resolution.) Of Clerk of Municipal Court—Report for Januar, 1891—City Treasurer'. receipt for 8. Committee on Ordinances and Public Ac- counts. Of Chief of Police—Report for Januarii. 1891—Total arrests. 818: flues collected by Municipal Court, $'dlf✓l1.50. Committee on Urdlnauces and Public Ac- counts. Of Captain of Police—Re Port for January, 1891—Gee lamps not lighted A8 i oil lamps not lighted. S9. City Comptroller. REPORT OF BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. Dawson Street Sewer— To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul. The Board of Publie Works have bad under consideration the resolution or order of the Common Council, approved July 38. 1890, rehidle to the construction of a sewer on Dawson street, from Arcade street to Forest street, art&� having Investigated the proposed Improve dent respectfully report that it. is necessary and proper to constructs sewer On Dawson street. from Arcade site to Mendota street, tog¢[her with the necessary catch- bnsinsand manholes; that the estimated ex- pense thereof is 51.100, o to*half of which sed not be Psld into the city- me I,y before the cou[ract is let; that real estate to he Bossed therefor can be found benefited to the extent of the cost and expenses necessary- to be incurred thereby; that said improvement Mems 28 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL is asked for by a petition of a majority of the owners of the property to be assessed there- for, and we lie -ith send a pin. of said im r - p ovement, and an order for 3-ur adoption, ifcou desire as to make the hn proyement. S"ens d, nays 0. R. L. G-MAN, President. J. T. KEnKEn, Clerk Board of Public Works. Jn0: 26. 1801. Adopted. (See order to Hoard of Public R'orke.) Also Fremont Street SeWer- To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul. The Board of Public Warks have bad antler consideration the resolutionrorder of the Common Council, approved Dec. 3, ISW, relative to the construction of a sewer on Fremont s treat from Mendota street to Forma _trash ade. having Investigated the 0 used im r p p p ovement, rs P ctfudv report that said improvement is .ec-pry and groper, together with the necessary catch - basins and manholes: that the estimated ex, pen se there of is $760, cue -half of wnlch need not be paid into be city treasury be- fore the contract is le[; that real estate to be assessed therefor can he found benefited to the extent of the cost, and cape,,.._ .eces- sarry to be Incurred thereby; [hat said fin - fement is asked for by a pn,,do. of a me. orlty of the ow. era of proper[} to be I.- eeseed therefor, and we herewith se,tl a plan of said impp ovement, and a. order for your adoption, if you desire us to make the Im- provement. Teas 4, nays 0. R. L. GORMAN. President. J. T. KEnKEn,Clerk Board of Public stork.. Feb. 2, 1801. Adopted (See order to Board of Public orks). Also Syndicate Avenue Grading - To the Common Council of the City of St. PaulB. The oard of Public Works have had under consideration the resolution or order of the Common Council, approved September 17, ISM relative to the grading of Syndicate ave- nue,from Summit avenue to St. Clair street. nud,baying investigated the pronosed Im- provement, respectfully report that said 1.- prevement is necessary and proper; that tine eslimaia expense thereof is 52.'.' , one -halt r t.a reaso. .at, at a nearing before said of which sed pat be paid Info the city Board this day, but few o[ the aroparty ovvn- [rea'ury before the cont -c[ fs let; that real ere interested appeared ad a ked for said estate to be a'.eseed therefor can be found improvement. benefited to the extent of the cost and ex- Teas 4, nays 0. pease_ ecessary to be incurred hembS; R, L. Ga..Arr, President. that sold improvement Is asked for by J-'r.EEnk11 Clerk Board of Public Works. ppedda.y of a mrtjority of the ower. of Jan. 21, 1R91. herewith sondto e sas'asnseadr,�herefor, anti a Aldermen of the ward. r of laid improvement, and a. order for vour adop Al.., tion, if you desire us to make the improve- me,0. Osceola Avenue Change of Grade - Teas 4, nays 0. To the Common Counefl of the Clty of St R. L, GoaxeN, President. Paul: J. T. Kenxan, Clerk Board of Public Works. The Board of Publid"Worke Dave had ua- Oct. Ilk der consideration the re.olutiou or order of Adapted (See order to Hoard o[ Puolic the Common Council, approved Nov. 7 Werke.) 1890.-lative to lowering [tie grade two Also, (2) fee[ It intersection of Osceola avenue and Grotto street and changing en as to conform Simpson Avenue Grading- G a , lowering the g -de of Osceola ave - To n1. Common Council of the City of St- nue hetwee. Avon mreet and Pleasant .,I. The Th Board of Public Work. have had under one, and the grade of Grotto street between conslde-tion the resolution or order of the Ing Fairmem.t street and SL.Clalr.tmet,and,bav- investigated the proposed he prevenient OF THE CITY OF ES2LINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 29 Commou Council, epDDroved December 1, 18:10, -�tzpgpec[fully report that said Improvemen relative to the gra of Simpson ave- nue, from Charles street to Universityeve. `.."`nafW not ecesenry a.d proper. for the reasot ',''r_ bet a[ a hearing before said Board this day i r4 nue, and, having luvestiggated the proposed Improvement, -. a majority of the property owners Janie -gated respec[fullj• report that said lmprovemeu[ is not necessary and proper at were opposed to the proposed Jm pmvemeuL ��A this time>for the reason that at a hearing be- fore said Board this day the property nvuers ,',Yeas 4, nays 0. R. L. Gonaea. President. present interested were opposed to the pro- g, T. KEnkErs, Clerk Boer. of Public ]Corks pored improyemenl. yJ, Jan. 27, 1801. fens 4, nays 0. R. L. Goma N, President. -`Adopted. - tis"-• J. T. KEngen, Clerk Boam of Public Works. blic ,. f Also, Jan. 2i. 1801. Alderman of the ward. �; � 73.`6urteenth Street Change of Grade- Also,h the Common Council of the City of SC Simpson Avenue Grading -he Paul. Board of Public Works have had andel To the Common Council of the City of St. sideration the resolution o order of the Paul. -yg1 Common Council, approved July16, ISis, rein The ➢card of Public W u le orks have h ve nil tinder cousideratiou the resolution or order of the h ,.w�1tiP e [o a 'e nn a oC rade on Fourteen[, •' ri64'aot, be[wee❑ Robertge[reet ad Canada Commou Ouacil, approved. Amil 16, 1800 relative to the grading of Simppson avenue zfE kC ,to touter -with proposed changes of ^'3,;gtpde on Jackson street, sod, having inves[6 from Taylor eveune [ought oP- ay GreatR�astteed the proposed impravemeut, rescecD Northern r�ilivay, leading to Itaml1.e eta Telly report that sald improvement 1s tieo�� Pon, and, having Investigated the used I. respectfully report [bat , Ji,;'""T and proper, en Indicated by the red I It O11the accompanying Oreille: that the e.d. said improvemeu[ Is no[ necessary and proper a[Jmted eapenee thereof is $3,800; that real ee this time, for the reason that, at a hearing late to be assessed therefor can be found before said Board this day, none of the prop eefited to the extent of the damages, costs Pell; ownere interested appeared 1. favor of the proposed Improvement. Y"e.I I, 0. -sad expenses .eceasnry to be Incurred there - by; that said improvement Is asked for by-. -..petition the ueye R. L. Gon.AN, President. of a me Idly of owners of pr p - IfrtLyy to be assessed tberefor, and e aere- J. T.KERKEMClerk Board of Public Works, Jan. 16, 1801. . vii send a plea and'profile of said improve - ment, if you desire to make the improve - Alderman of the ward. - :-meat. Yeas 4, nays 0. Also, R. L. G ... AN, Preeid-L :. J. T. Kerne-Clerk Boardof Public Works. Atwater and Other Streets Gradingg- Feb. 2, 1801• To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul, b The oard of Public Works have had uuder Adopted, and City Clerk fnstructed to give necessary publication notice. cousideratiou the resolution or order of the Common Council, approved Dec. 17, 1800 Also rele[fve to the grading of Atwater .tree[. from Western avenue to Dale street; also of grading Topping street, from Western avenue to Del, street; also of g -ding Bargees street, _'TgCkson Street Chance of Grade - To the Common Council of the Cit t St. y ° from Western avenue to Dale street; mod, having Investigated the proposed improve P°nL The Board of Public Works have had un- mee[, respectfully report Ih.t Bald improve meet Is not neees'are nail nrn,er ar. rnlo rima .,' dgr conside-tio❑ the -solution or order of :;r lbs Como. Council, ap mved May 10, 1SS9, B to a change of grade on Jackson from Grove street to Univereity ave - ..I, n , having_ investiatetl the pro- 1.ieceneary and respectful Rgto he age tthe n Jackson street, between the north - ie of University aveune east and the rrey line of Grove street, as Indicated d line on the Recompanylnqg profile; e estimated expense thereof i' $1,500; al estate to be assessed tberefor can be benefited to the extent of the da. - costs and expenses to be Incurred 1; that said Improvement ie asked for i0don of a majority of the owner' of ty to be ..eas d therefor, and we in eeud a plan and profile of said fm - mut if you desire to make the fie. ant. 4, nays U. R. L. G ... AN. President. KEnxxn,Clerk Board of Public Works. 2, IS91. )tail, and City Clerk I.stn[cted to give Bey publication notice. Also, Magnolia Street Opening, Etc. -Easement - St. Paul .4 Duluth Itallway, Companp- To the Honorable the PresfdBut and Common Council City of St, Paul. Gentlemen; The Board of Public Works herewith respectfully return the final order, approved Oct- 0, 1.900, for the opening, nlle.ing and extension of Magnolia tree' from the center line of Earl street to the cen- ter line lof Fisher street produced south,with the request that said order be amended in so far as relates to the easement referred to therein, so as to reed: Also condemning and taking an easement for bridge purpose .,!Be or uuder the right of way of the St, Paul &Duluth Railway Companyy lying with- tu said linea; end Bald Board els respect- ful) ask our honorable S yamended se passanew final order (ae amended) for set A proper final order for said Improvement is herewith submitted for your adop[loh. 1t. L. Gonnex, President, J- T. KE"Re, Clerk Board of Public Works, Ja.. 24. IR91. Committee on Streets. Also, .an Avenue Opening, Etc.- 1'omlthe 111,0-61, the President aad Com - y Council, City of St. Paul. Ge lesee.: The Board of Public Works resp' fully beg lent, to tnvlte It"""' to the c m niealion, dated July 30, 1890,. to your honorable body, 1. the mutter of open - f uu, witle.t.g nil extendinag Gorman - e, between Curtice street nil Arm apolfe street, which recomni that all proceed- ings in said matter be annulled. R. L. Gon.AN, President. J. T. KennEn, Clerk Board of Public Works. Jan. 29J, 1891. Committee on Streets. Also, Printing mod Binding Proceedings of Board - To the Honorable the President and Common Council of the City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: B)• autbortty from the Com- mon Council the Board of Public Works has, for the past seven or eight years, been pub- lishing the in If the proceedings of said Board in the .,fit paler, at a cost of about 152,000 per year. lu addition, said min- utes were setup In book form and about 200 co�lea bound, at an eapenee of about 5100 or Themtuu tes for the. Tear 1690 have been published end set up II book form up to Oc4 R, Mo. rhe Board has ordered theapub- lication of the minutes discontinued s a matter of economy. The matter of setiinglhe.l.Utes up in book form up to Oc[. R, 16vJ0, has incurred an ex- pense of about 5825.00, [he balance of the he usual numberto Jan. l''1.00JC Dies boIs und, It wit h, cur an additional zpe.ee [ bout W. making the cost of 2(r, copies of the minutes complete about $600. The Board Is of the opinion that this would be a useless eapenee, not enough of these. hooka being sed [o warrant the eapenBe. The Board Would therefore respectfully recommend that the minutes that are now set up In book form top to O.L 8, 1M.) be aba.doued evil that o further expense 28 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL is asked for by a petition of a me` itc of the eirs f the be ss ssd there- {f{ur nine, tt, flied an property torder fur Ivo" nadoptimt, if v said im- u ds s to make the unpr.vement. lea, rays s0. } R. L. Genn s- President. J. T. Rartnax, Clork Board of Public Works. Jan. 26, 1801. Adopted. (See order to Board of Public ,,'orks.) Also. Fremont Street Sewer— To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul. B The oard of Public Norks hav¢ had antler Common lien the h resolutiov order of the rein live to ilia 1st uc[1onrD of n ewer on Fremont street, from 3lendota street t0 Forest street, and. having investigated the photos. t,mprot-ement isspec[fully respd pproper• together with ,the cesssry'rentch- Dash" and ma boles^ that the estimated IS, there of is $760. one-half of whish need not be paid into the city treasury be- fore the contract is let: that real estate to be assessed therefor can be found benefited to the extent of the cost and expenses neeea- seq'to be Incurred thereby: tha[snidim- pproyemelt,is.eked for by a petition of r ma- Jorlty of the owners of property to be ns- sesaed therefor, and we herewith send a plan of said impp ovement, and an order for .dop tion. 1f you desire us to make the iter provemenL Yeas }, nays 0. R. L. Gon.us', President. J. T. KEOgen,Clerk Board of Public t{ orks. Feh. 2, 1891. Adopted (See order to Board of Public orks). Also Syndicate Avenue Grading— To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul. The Board of Public Narks have had under consideration the resolution or order of the Common Council, approved September "' 1890, relative to the grading o[ Syndicate a e, from Summit avenue to SL Clair street. ted, having Investigated the proposed im- provement, respectfullyreport that said im- provement is necessary find proper; that the I denied expense thereof is $2..wi0, me -half of which need not bepaid into the City treasury before the co tract is let: that real estate to be a ,sed therefor cav be found benefited to the extent of the cost nd ex - pens ee a ssary to be Incurred hereby-; that id Improvement Is ked for b - petition of a majority of the owner. of property to be assessed therefor, and we Herewith send aplan slid profile of Said improvement, and m order for vour adop. than, if you desire us to make the improve- ment. Yeas }, "flys 0. R. L. , President. J. Reagan, Clerk Board oard of of Public \{'orks. Ado 1. te1890. Adopted. (See order to Board of Public Works.) Also, Simpson Avenue Grading— To the Common Council of the City of St. Panl. The Board of Public Works have had under consideration the resolution or order of the Common Council,p owed December 17• 1800, relative to the grading of Slmpsou I"- nue, from Charles street m l nlversity nve- nue.aad, having [nvesHGGnted the proposed lm provemeL reapec[full,- repent, _that said lmprovemeut Is not necessary and proper nt this tlms!for the reason that at a hearing be. fore said Board this day the property owners Present interested were opposed to the pro- posed improvement. ens }, nays 0. R. L. Ga..,,, President. Kennon. Clerk Boar. of Public Works. Jam "' 1801. Alderman of the ward. Aiso, Simpson Avenue Grading— To he Common Couucil or the City of St. Paul. H The oard of Public R-0[112, have had node[ consideration the resolution or orderof the Common :titell, approved Anr1116, 1890, relative to the grading of Simpson avenue from Taylor avenue to right of wayGreat Northernrailway, leading to liamline am- [lau, and, having I vas 1j1q'.h 1[ the oposed tin provemel t, respeet["]ly repo t [hat said improvement is not necessary .nd proper at this time, for the reason that, at a hearing before said Board this d%, none of the prpp- perty owners interested 4lipeared lu favor oL the proposed improvement. Yeas }, nays 0. R. rk Gord of President J. T. Ken8fil. rk Board o[ Public Worse. Jan. rmllln o Alderman o[ the word. Also, Atwater and Other Streets Gradingg— To the Common Council of the Clty of St. Pau'. The Board of Public Works have had under consideration the resolution or order of the Common Co"uell, approved Dec. 17, 1890, relative to the grading of Atwater street, from Western avenue to Dale street; also of Board this ay, out raw or the pro a ty own- rsinterestded appeared and -its for said Improvement. Yeas }, nays 0. IL L. card of , blit d Works. J. T. K. 1891. Clerk Board of Public {\orks. Jan. rm n o Alderman o[ the ward. Also, Osceola Avenue Change of Grade— To the Common Council of the City of sit Paul: The Board of Publiftorks have had un-' der consideration the resolution or order of the Common Council, approved Nov. 7, 1800. relative to lowering the grade two (2) feet at into ecth "of Osceola avenue and Grotto street and changing so ae to conform to said lowering toe grade of Osceola ave- nue between Avon street and Pleasant ave• one, and the grade of Grotto street between Fairmount street and SLC4dr street.and,hav- Ing Investigated the proposed Improvement OF THE CITY OF SAI ,Irespectfully otlf necessary a d at peird. forrh.vement reaeou that at a hearing before said Board this day n large ma)ority of the property owners luter- ested were opposed to the proposed 1m- provemmt. fees 0. R. L. Gomm,. President. J.T. KErrEn, Clerk Boaru of Public Works. Jan. . 1801. Adopted. Also, Fourteenth Street Change of Grade— To the Common Council of the City Of St. Paul. Tsideration theoard of y re,olutlonublic Work's r order of he live to common Council, 1 nalg, np froved grade oln 1Four[eelth street between Robert street Had Canada street, to conform with profI�used c alb invest,, - Hoped grad on Jackson street, SON, gated the p opo.ed improvement, respect- fully report that said Improvement Is eeee- sary an proper, ae ludleated by the red line on the acro" pnnying profile: that the esti- mated expense thereof is $:f,800; that real as. rate to he assessed therefor can be found by; that said Ira prevenient theIS asked for Pby- a eilvlhal1. be assessed} herefor and we here- wifb send a plan andprofile of said Improve. went, if you desire to make the Improve- ment. Yeee }, nays 0. R. L. Gorstwv, President J. T. ,Clerk Board of Public Works. Feb. ?,, 1891. 1801. n Adopted, d ee y nand City tyon l�nou'binstructed to give Al...I. Jackson Street Change of Grade— To the Common Council of the City of St. Pad. B The oard of Pubilc ,Bork, have had un- der cousideration the resolution or der of the Common Council, approveot} 10, 1 ti relative to a change of grade o .tifrom Grove street to Cniversl ty ave - in east, and, having Investj abed the to. Po d improvement respectfully report that t is nen say and proper to chmge the grade on Jackson street, etween the north- erlu ]sae of Lhiversity avenue east and the southerly line of Grove street. ns indicated by the red line on the are. praying profile; that the estimated expense thereof that real estate to be assessed therefor Co. be found benefited to the extent of the dam- ges, costs and expenses to be incurred [hereby' [lint said Improvement 1' asked for by a pe[itlon of a ma) city of the owners of property to be nseessed therefor, and we herewith send a plan and profile of said im- provement if you desire to make the Im- provement. Y..}, nays U. e R. L. Gorawx, PreddenL J. T. KEagsa,Clerk Board of Public works. Feb. 2, 1801. Adopted, and City Clerk instructed to give necessary publication notice. NT PAUL, FOR 1891. 29 - - Ahwq ]Ingnolw Street Opening, Etc.—Easement - St. Paul & Duluth hail way (ompmy— To the I cable the President and Common Coattail Lit y of St. Paul. Gentlemen: The Board of Public ,Corks herewith respectfully return the final order. roved Oct. 0, 15410, for the open app denmg and extension of Magnolia tree[, from he center line of Earl street to the be. - ter linelof Fisher streetp reduced south,with the request that s !d nyder be amended in so far as re late, to the a ant refered to therein, 'o as to read. Also Imidemning and "11119 m easement for brldgoe purpose der the [IRht of way [the St. Paul & Dulum Rdlway Swar myy to ingewitb in said lines; d said Boat. T respect - ,or ask Sour honorable body to Ross a new linin order fee amended) for ,aid Improve- " ut. A proper final order for said improvement is herewith submitted for your adoption. It. L. Ga..—. President, hT. Kanner, Clerk Board of Public Works. n.'_'}, 1,%1. Committee on Streets. .also, Gorman Avenue Opening, Ete.— To the lionorable the Preeldeutand Com- mon Council. City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: The Board of Public Works the comumun cation n I.dated in,IJulyt1milio. 1. 10, 1800, to your honorable body. In the matter of open- fnb, Idenlag ad "leading Gorman av- eune, between furore etreet ud Annapolis met. which recommends that all proceed. Ings in sai8.@gtter be annulled. R. L. Gon two, President. J. T. KEExars, Clerk Board of Public Works. Jan9. 189 Committee on Streets. Also, Printing anid Bindng Proceedings of Board— To the Honorable ha President and Common Connell of the City of St. Paul. GO Uemen: B>'nubit yfrom me Com - on Council the Board of Publle works has, for the past seven oright years, been pub- lishing the minutes f the proceedinge of Said Board to the 0th clai P - .r, .t n best of about $$2,000 per year. In addition, said miu- utes were set up in book form ad abort 200 gSpMles bound, at an expo nse of about S" or The mllows for the yearbook have been published sod set up in bas form no to Oct. 8, 1800. I Board hes ordered the pub- lication of the minutes discontinued m a matter 0f economy. - The matter of se«ingthe minutes up in book form up [a Oct. 8, 1890, has Incurred an ex- yenseOP inn Ja u.r%.1801,1I. completed£ tha the usual number 200 copies hound, it will Hmur an additional expense of about $00, making the coat of X10 copies of the ms inute compiete "I"M but $0(10. The Board Is oL the opinion that this would be a useless expense, not enough of these book' being used to warrant the expense. The Board world therefore respectfully recommend that the minute'that are now set up 1n book form (up[o OCL 8, 1890,) be abandoned and that no further expense Q �'3 30 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL be incurred 1n publlehing or binding the minutes of said Board. The Board await further instructions from your honorable body in said matter. R. L. GOIt" President. J. T. KERBER, Clerk Boardof Public Works. Jan. 29, 1891. Adopted Alto, Petition of Assessliam ment BsmentSprniklingo r Refund- ngTuscarora iShet To the Hono- rable the President and Common Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: The Board of Public Works herewith reapec[fullyy transmit 8 the aDDilca- tion of William Ban❑olzer in the matter of sprinkling Tuscarora street. between Warsaw yorrt or tht ane CityDrakOEngineergand r certificate, of port of sprinkkliLgGoexex, Preeldenc J. T. KERBER. Clerk Board of Public Works Feb. 3. 1891. Committee on Clafine. Also, W. W. Campbell's Claim, Sf5-Damages to Shade Treece eta Dlidway Relghm-Minne- haha Street Grading - The Board makes an adverse report. Adopted. Also, East Seventh Street Lowering and Rebuild- ing Contract - The Board reports that R hoe l warded William J. Preston the contract for lowering and rebullding the sewer on East Seventh Street, between Robertand Dlinnesomstree[a, he being the lowest reliable and responsible bidder therefor; amount aLAck $1,064; herand 1n the cum o[ $300, w Thomas Dlannlug as euretiee. The foregoing award approved by the fol- IowinR vote. Yeas -Aid. BanhcImr, Bielenberg, Hotk Copeland, Costello, Dorniden, Flandrau, GE So, McNamee, Melody, Mines, Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -15. Also, Claims - The Board transmits, approped by it, the following claims, to wit: 31 thew Craig. S5; G. W. Merrill, W; Mer- 1111'sToilet Supply, $3. Committee on Claims. EPORT Or BOARD OF CON- t - Report for January, 1891 - The Board of Control submits its reporrt for January. 1891. Total expenditures, S4 _f1o. commitme on Ordinances and Public Ac- counts. Also, Bills for Burials - To the Honorable President and Members of the Common Council. Gentlemen: Your attention ::e respect- fully called to the following action f [he Board of Control: That the bills for burials referred to this Board by the C11 uty Com- miSstonere, as shown lip the aceompanyi ug papers, be referred to theCommon Council, the Corporation Attoruey So advising. This Board respectfully asks if the Council is of the opinion that bills ordered by the Cor- ner, a county officer, should be ineluded in our accounts rendered to the city. This Board has no official knowledge of the con- tmednR of this clans of claims, and thinks that it should not he required to play claims which it does not contract. Respectfully submitted. By order of Board Control. OLIVER J. Toxo, Secretary. Feb. 3,1891. Committee on Streets. REPORTS OF STANDING -Xii-EM Of Committee on Clalme-Henry Long's Claim, $300 Damages, Soil Removed from Lot, Western Avenue and Van Buren Street. (Referred to City Engineer and Cor• potation Attorney, Jan. 20, 1890 - Com it use recommends payment of $100111 settlement of said claim. Adopted. (See Ordinance No. 1471.) Of Committee on Streets, Sewers and Bridges -Petition of SL Paul City Railway Company for Permission to Use "T" roti on Electric Line - Committee makes a favorable report and submits ordinance. Adopted, and Saint ordinance passed. Of Committee on Ordinances and Public Ac- counts -Report easmined- Cppommitmbas easmined and found correct reAortof. Board of Control for January 1891. dopte NISCELL 90178. Ordinances - An ordinance was read changing name of Logan street in Como addition to Como ave- nue. Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Blelen- berg, yeas li, and ordivance read second time and passed. (See Ordinene No. 1467.) An ordinance was read Buthoriz ng In- apectnr of Buildlnjfe to Issue permit to Chi- cago, SL Paul & l.ansas City Railway Com- pany.to erect Ice house. Rules an.pended on motion of Aid. Minea, yeas14, ane ordinaoce read second time and passed. (See Ordinance No. 1}68.) An ordinance was read changing name of Como avenue in Como addition to Osage ave- nue. Rules suspended on motion of Ald. Bielen- berR. yeas 14, and ordinaoce read second time and passed. (See Ordinance No. 1469) An ordinance was read authorizing the pay- ment of certain judgments -Agnes Brennan. Rule. suspended on motion of Ald. Costal - lo, yeas 14. and ordinance read second time and passed. (See Ordinance No. 1470.) Au ordivance was read appropriating $100 favor Henry Lang. Rules auscended motion of Aid. Co. tello, yeas 14, and ordinance readsecond time Bud passed. (See Ordinance No. 1}; 1.) An ordivance was read allowing the St. Paul City Railway Company to use "T" rail second time and passed. i e was read granting Robert ""'to use portion of levee. ,ended on monou of Ald. DSlnea, ordinaoce read second time and OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 31 An ordinance was read (Introduced by Commfttee ou Streets) granting St. Paul Stove Works ta use portion of levee. Rules euepended on motto. of Al- Melady -yeas, l3; nays, Ald. Mc\amee-l-and ordi- nance read second time ED d passed An ordinance was read amending Ordi- nance No. 30, being Article No. 21 of Manic. 1pal Code. Alderman of the ward. The President called the Vice President to the chair during reading of report of - Com- mittee on claim. Ald. 9h1livan was excused early in the meeting. Ordinances. ORDINANCE No. 1467. irdlnance changing he name of Logan net In Como �ddditin tto Como avenue. Common Council of the City of St. Paul ordain as follows: :tion 1. That the name of Logan street >mo addition be and the Same is hereby ged to Como avenue. :.2. This ordinance shall take effect De In force from and after Its publica- Jos. MINEA, Vice President of Council. Approved Feb. 5. 1891. ROBBRT A. SMTH. Mayor. Attest: Taos. A. PRENDERaseT.City Clerk. Feb. 0, ORDINANCE No. 1468. An ordinance authorizing the Building In- spector to issue a permit to th'e Ch ,go, St. Paul & Kansas City Rallwa}Company to tact and use a frame fee house In the fire Iimitn The Common Couucll of the City of St. om any m erect ane use a rrar i[h n the fire Ilmite of said 'bunds of said company ties venue, on block 3 of West St.. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall I'm and after its passage. IS, Bot[, !n, Flan - Sanborn, Jos. MrNEA, Vice President of Council. Approved Feb. 5, 1891. Roes.T A. b -D, Mayor. Atte[; Tums. A. PRI -1--h -, City Clerk Peb. 9. ORDINANCE No. 1469. I ordinance changing the name of Como i inn, in Como addltiou, to Osage avenue, he Common Council of the City of fit. Paul do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the name of Como avenue. In Como addition, be and the astne is hereby changed to Osage avenue. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be In force from and after iia publica. tion. Tees-Ald. Bannoizer, Bietenberg, Bott, Copeland, Costello, e, MCullen, Dorniden, Plan- drau, GehanDic\ameelady, Sanborn, Tan Slyke. Dir. Vice President -14. Passed Feb. 3, 189L Jos. Mi"A, Vice President of Council. Approved Feb. .5, 1891. Romurr A. 9BIra, Mayor. Attest: THOS. A. Paaxnpn.Asr, CI[y Clerk. Feb. 9. ORDINANCE No. 1470. An ordinance autbortziug the payment of certain Judgments agalust the City of St. Paul. The Common Council of the City of SL Paul do ordain as follows: Section 1. That a warrant be drawn uppon the Civ Treasurer in favor of Messrs. Pluch & Twohy, attorneys o[ record for Agnes Bren- nan, fur the num of $60.6:, m full payment of those two certain judgments hr favor of said Ramsey aux slam o[ M ille.Ota on t110 21St day o[ January. 1801, for the sum of S15.L", and We other of which was duly entered up andperfected of record In the office of the Clerk of the supreme Court of the State of Mlnnesoin for the sum of 545.50 on the 28th day of November, A. D. 1890. Said warrants to be delivered only upon said judgments beteg satisfied of record in [he office of the clerks of Said above named courts, aad eertldoalee being died in he office of be Clty Comptroller, Sec. 2. This ordinance sball take effect and Be In force from Bud after Its passage and publication. Tees -Aid. Banholzer, Bfelenberg, Btt, Copeland, Costello, Cullen, Uoruideu, Flaon- drau, Oehan, McNamee, Melady. Sanborn, Van Slyke. Mr. Vice PmaidenL-14. ee PaedFeb. 3, 1991. Jos. MlritA, Vice President of Council. Approved Feb.:5, 1891. I1o.ERr A. Sutra• Mayor. Attest: Tues. A. PnENDERDAST, City Clerk Feb. U. Orun.-Scs No. 1471 An ordinance appropria!ing only for Bud directing [he payment to Henry Lang of the sum of one hundred dollars, pursuant to report of Committee on Claims. The Common Cc unell of the City of SL Paul do ordain as follows: section I. That an order be drs,wu upon the clty treasury of St. Paul in favor of Henry Lang f>r [ho sum of one hundred toilers, in full cpm penaatfon ane satisfaction A said Ifanry Long's claim and demand >fainst soil sod City of St. Paul for the removal gravel by said city from the va- unt lo[ on the corner of Western nvenue and Can Buren street. In said city, owned by the tbove-mentioned lien ry Lang, as by the re- tort of the Committee on claims to the Com - on Council of date the 2d day of February, I. D. 1891, will more fully appear; said or. 32 PROCEEDINGS OF TB der to be delivered only upon his filing with the city Comptroller full d bsolure re- eDe N.tt, to the e city in satisfaction of sold claim Se man Pitt. ordinance shall take effect and be in force from add after its publication, Yeas—Ald. Banholzer, Bfeleuberg, Boil, Copeland, Costello. Cullen. Dornideu, Flan- drau, Geha,, leNnmee, Malady. Sanborn, Van Slyke. 5[r. Vice President Passed Feb. 3, 1891. j Jos. Miunw, Vice President of Council. Approved Feb. 5. IsJl. RonaaT A. Sxirn. 1[avor. Attest: Tvoe..A. Peaty Denaws'. City (;lerk. Feb. 0. 14—oluction- Biteeo bedn'Phat the groafude. of the foBowiag streets, between the p ns named, as tutl . cated by the d grade lines on the ¢ecom- panying profile', and es recommended by line p1[y &ngiueeq be and the same are hereby adopted ea the eelitt, hed grades: Lucy street from Oakdale venue [o Con - a . teat C oncoming arse[, from Oakdale avenue to Concord 'trees Belvidere street, from Oakdale avenue to Concord street. Boll, Yaaa—Aid. Bflnh6lzer. Bielen Derg, By Ald. Sanrn— Resotved, baTha[ [he grade of Ashland ave- nue, from Cleveland avenue to lfamliue are. nue, and from Lexington ciyuue to Griggs street, ce Indicated by the red grade llot on ,he dad Dy he ­mhGity Buglneer,be and the same is hereby adopted ns the esmb1l.hed grade. T"ea.—Ald. Benrtolzer Bfeleuberg, Bo[r Copelnud. Costello, Cullen. Dotoldev, Flan- drau, Gehnn, llcN amee. Melady, Sanborn, Van Slyke, Mr. Vice Presfden[—lis Approved Feb. 5, 1891. By Ald. Flandran- -Resolced,That [he Corporation Attorney be nud he is hereby directed to commence a suit against the Azotine Manufacturing Com- pany on the par[ of the CI[y of SL Paul, Io determine lshetD not aenuiennce.on of said comp Yeas—AId �r73nauholzer Blelenberg, BOt[. Copeland, Costello. Dornideu, P.."dra0, Ge- nco. McNamee, \lelnd \'l lie Sunburn Van Slyke, Mr. resident -15. Approved Feb. 5, 1891. By Aid. McNamee— rhic the Corporation Attorney be Ins[ntt[- ed [o drafts bill .mesal ng the cl[nrter of he City of St. Paul rerrca[he Mayor power to evoke licenses foruse. Yeas—Ald. Banholzer, Blelenberg, Ball, CopUland. Costello. Cullen, Dornlden'Fla. Iran, Gehan. McNamee, 1Vfelu ly, Sanborn, Vin,,tyke '.lir. Vice President. -14. Approved Feb. 5, 1891. E COMIISON COUNCIL By Aid. Baubolzer— Resolved, That an order be drawn In favor f the Board of Control for the of $1,.550.70, being he -Ity's one third of sthe ex- penditure of said board In re.IjimmIt r the city and county hospital, almshouse nd poor farm and out -door relief of poor dur- ing the mouth of January, 180L Yeas—Ald. Banholzer, Blelenberg, Bolt. Copeland, Costello, Cullen, Dorulden, Flau- drau, Gehan. McNamee, Melady, Sanborn, Van Slyke, Mr. Vice President. -14. Approved Feb. 5, 1891. n BT Committee on Parks— Hesolved, That orders be drawn on the City Treasurer [n favor of the followingg parties: One of $'2501 f f cine Flr t Regiment band; c o[ ¢a^v.501nfavor of she Second R glmenl sena- and one i r $2so in favor of the Great Wesmry Bend, said order. being in full pa3'ment for music furnlehedby .aid bands during the year 1890 iu the publ/c park. under contract with the city. Teas—Ald. Banholzer, Blelenberg, Gott, Copeland, Costello, Cullen, Dorulden. Flan- drau, Gehan. McNamee. Melady, Sanborn, V ASlyke d FebVice . 5, 1801 -naevi-14. Approved Fiendish— as, convention of the National Ae- i f Inspectors of Buildings le tc be the 10th day of February, 1891, Iv the Yotk, where it is pe ted that ,of c at mtere.t to ell our cities rvllI ills s d; and whereas it is Impel - [his city, In its buildingdepartment II possession r all facts and B66 tee ig to good and safe building, there - ,ad ,'Phstthe Building Insthe convention ofpecttheor of ant-latlon of Inspectors of Buildings to in the city or l�ew York ou oce f February. e, end blain s h tion as he eau that will be of fnmreat is to our city and report the same to Council on his return. 'Aid. er.- ielenbedraBott, rmBnA 11. Dornidnu. Ge - Resolved, That the draft of contract be- tween the John Martin Lumber Company and the city, for he furnishing lumber to the City for the year 1891, and bearing date Jan. 15. 1591, be and the psame fa hereby np- are hereDy authorized ed roved, and the sadart of edfrecied II ae ecute the Yeas—AId.the Baubo..rheBlelenbergSt. B., Copelnud, Castello, Dorniden, Flaudmu, Ge- hav, McNamee, Melady. Mine., Sanborn, Sullivan, Van Slyke, lir. President -15. Approved Feb. 6. 1801. By Aid. Do' niden— Hesolved, That D'enzel WenisCh be and hereby is nuhoriz. to c.l B1 street, from St. Clair street two Hundred (210) feet southerly, OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 33 to drain lot eight (S), block four (4), of A. V. dmu. Gehan, McNamee, Malady. Sanborn Browne eubdivislino of Stlnson, Brown & Vau Slyke, Mr. Vice President -14, Ramsey's addition the cost of engineering of id work re be paid Into the city treasury by Approved Feb. 5, 1891. W. W e'as'll Yens—Aid. Banholzer, Blelenberg, Bolt, Fl¢n- B Altl. Gehav— It to hereby ordered D he Common Council y Copeland, Costello, Cullen, Dorniden, 6eh¢n, McNamee, Melody, Sanborn, of the C tv of St. Paul: i dish, Van Slyke Mr. Vice President—H, That the matter of condemning and taking an eaeement m the land abutting on Park Approved Feb. 5,1891. avenue, from Sherburne avenue to Arch street, necessary to construct the atop s for -- is and fills In grading said n • n e. b ,.and the same Is hereby referred to the Bonrda of By Aid. Blelenberg— It s Ived, Thnt Dermiesiou fa hereby glean Public Works to fnvestegmare and report: First—1. this improv ev[ propernnd ace. to .1. L. L.reeuteur, M. Maloney and B. B. Scnnittgeer to construct at their own expense a�ecoud—Give the Connell an ¢-[john- UL sewer n Dale street, from St. Anthony he exp ae thereof, slid state whether one- I , one hundred d thirty-one feet from the center f said St. Antbouy half or this cost thereof 1s to be paid oto the is let south all of said work to he done nail allyy treasury before the contract •i•htrd—Cad real tate to be sed for the direction of the City Engineer, dna the said imere—colt be found benefited to the expense of engineering to be Pala to the ectty Treasurer by- the ¢her. mentioned eamut o[ damages, costa avd expenses necen- ,cry to be incurred [herebyY property owners. Boit Ye.s—A1d. Bnnhnlzer, Blelenberg, Fourtb—Is nein Improvement ked for or epplloation Of he own- Copelana, Costello, Cullen, Dornideu. Flan- uponthe pelltion e- ere of i [nnjority f he property to be se- of Gehan, McNamee, Aleladp, Sanborn, le Van Slyke Mr. Vice . Prealdeat—'I., as [or such impprovementP of Approve d Feb. 5, NfEl—Send the Councll a plan or profile . id Improvement, as required by law, if you _— rt in favor of the same. rep'x[h—Send he Council a proper order di. By Ald. Flandrau— reddening the work to be done. Yeas—Ald. Banholzer, Blelenberg. Boll, Be— ad. Thi[ the Board of Public Works Copeland, t:os[ello. Cullen. Dornideu, Flan. be and they are hereby ordered and directed amu, Gehan, Mc\amee. Melady. Sanborn, to proceed at once to make and confirm a assessmeu[ to onS the Judgments rendered V"an Slyke, Mr. Vfce President -14. against the City of S[. Paul Pon ppeai Approved Fe b. S, 189E from the ondemvatioI proeeediu gs for the opening, widenlug mid ex[eoelop n[ M'ssis- _ By pId. Geh-n— srppp[L street, from Broadway street to N.eh at It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council f the City oC 34 Paul: Yene—Aid. Banholzer. Blelenberg, Bott, Co land, Cosrella, Cullen. Dorniden, Flan- pe That the matte. of condemning oond liking i ensemen[ 1n the land abutting Linden o d au. Gehan, M.." nee, Melady, Sanborn, street, from Mt- Airy street [o Arch street, Vau Slyke, Mr. Vfce President -1}, ecossary to construct elopes for cuts ural Approved Feb. 5, bi Hits fn grading said .free" bead the enure Is hereby referred to he Board of Public W ka [o InvestiRare and report: IItt 1. herebeh ordered by the Common Council neeesserYvil—L P this Improvement proper and s of the City of SL P.ul: That the matter of taklhg dna condemning 5e ad—Give the Conned all estimate of the expense thereof, and state whether one - . an easement in the lands h Ing on Park half of the cost thereof Is to be paid into the nue between Sherburne avenue and Arch cityy treasury berate the contract is let. agree[ ,for the cona[ructloI of slopes for cuts and alta made necessary In y, ding said Third—Can real estate to he assessed for said improvement be found benefited to the street between the points named, be and the extent of damages, costa and expeh.es ,sees- ancehereby referred to the Board of Pub- s ?' to be Incumed herebyY llc Works to Investigate slid report: First—la this improvement proper and Fourth—Is uch Improvement asked for a the petition or uppllcnthm or the otvn- n ens a o[ �mnjorit}}• of [in property to be ns - Seconryryr Give the Council an estimate of d— the expeuae hereof, and state whether one- sessed [or such improt'ement4 Fifth—Send the Council a Dian or profile of half of the coat thereof Is to be paid lute, the city treasury Defog the contract Is let. said improvement, ria required by law, if you report in favor of the same. Thitd�an real scare to be assessed for sold improvement be found be.ri ted to the Sixto fiend the Council a proper order directing the work to be done. extent of damages- cosec and expeuaes rise- Yeas—Aid. Aaiiholzer, Bieleuherg, Rott, essary to he Incurred thereby? - Copeland, Costello, Cullen, Dorniden, Flan Fourth—Is such Improve meut-ked for neon the ce[I[lou or eppireation of [he o drnu, Gehnn, y[cvamce. meladv. Sanborn, Van Sivice. Mr. Vice Presideut—f4. of a majo ty [tae orooerty- to be as- s e ed for such Impprovement. Approved Feb. 5. 1801. Fifth—Send line Council n stns or profile of safd improvement as required by law, If you — By' Ald. Suiltv.v— report IP iso[ the enure. Ills hereby ordered by the Common Council Sixth—Send the Council a proper order di- r e ting the work to be does. C the Cny or St. Fnul: That the matter of condemning nail inking 1-e.s—Aid. Banholzer. Blelenberg. Fleit, Copeland, Costello, Cullen, Doral ldev, view semens in the lay hall using . Fair - avenue Otto J "_ 34 PROCEEDINGS OF TH avenue, necessary to construct the slopes for cuts and fills in grading said Fairview ave- Due,beand the -am is hereby referred to the Board of Public Works to investigate and report: First -Is this improvement proper and necessaryr Second -Give the Connell a. estimate of the extwhether one- half of thecco t thereof in tothereof. andtbe paid into the city treasury before the contract is let. Third -Can real estate to be assessed for • said Improvement be found benefited to the extent of damages, costs and expeuses neces- sary to be iyycurred thereby? Fourth -Is such improvement asked for upon the petition or applicntfou of the owu- 'ersof amajority of the property to be as- sessed for such Improvement, e If saidfth-Seud the imnmvemeut an required by by Iaan or Pr�flyou report in favor of the same. Sixth -Send the Council a proper order dl seting th0 work to be dolls. Yeas -Aid. Bnnholze , Blelennerg, Boll, Copeland. Costello, Cuilen, Doruiden, Flnu. drau. ('2". Mchamee, 3felady. Sanborn, Van Slyke. Mr. Tice President-1�. Approved Feb. 5, 1891. By Aid. Sanbo[n- It is he ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: That the matter of condemning and taking an easement 1. the land abutting on Ashland uvenueenue ,laud fromrom aeland Grlggsastretato Lexington avenue. neve.— to construct Elopes for cute and fills in girding said Ash .ad avenue, be sad We same Is hereby referred to the Board of Public Works to luvesttgate nud m. port: First -Is this Improvement proper and nCCefianryP Becoud-Glee the Council an estimate the expense thereof• and at whether one half be of the cos[ [levant Is to be pad foto the City treasury before to contract In let. Third-Tnn real estate to be assessed for band improvement be found-beuetited to the extent of damages. costa and expenses ueces- enn• to be Incurred thereby? Fourth -In such Improvement asked for upon the petition or appllentloil of the own - ern of a mej ority of the property m be assessect for such lmprovemeut? Fifth -Send the Council n pima or profile of said i[rprovement, as required by late, if you rej>ort n favor of the . Sixth -Bend the Counpllsamea proper order di- recting the work to be done. Yen.-Ald. Banholzer, Bielenberg, Bott, Copeland, Costello, Cullen. Dornlden, Fish - (I ran Gahan, slcNamee, Melody Sanborn, V. Slyke, Mr. Y1CC Pre6ldeut-II. Approved Feb. 5, 1801. By Aid. Copeland - It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul; That the matter of condemning and taking an easement Ir lauds abu[tng on the alleys in block:, Edmund Rice's Fourth ad- dl[lon to the CItT of Bt. Paul neceeeary to construct the Mapes tar Cuts an fills In Bred. Ing said alleys, be and the same 1s hereby re- ferred to the Board of Public is to In- vestigate and report. E COMMON COUNCIL First -Is the Improvement proper and nec- essary? Second -Give the Council an estimate of 1 tilt of the cost thereof I s to te whether he paid Intotne- he city treasury before We contract is let. Third-Cau real estate to be abaessed for said impro•eaen[befound benefited to the ea- teut of demnges, costs and expenses ueces- bary to be incurred thereby? Fourth -Is such Improvement asked for upon the petition or application of the own- ers of a majority of the property to be as- sessed for such improvement. Fifth -Scud the Couneil a plan or profile of said Improvement. as required by lax-• If no report in favor of the same. Sixth -Send the Council s proper order dl - meting the work to be done. Tees -Aid. Banholzer, Bielenberg, Bott. C.Pelana. Costello, Cullen, Domiden, Flan- drau, Gehan, \Ic\ameeslelady, Sannorn, Van Slyke. sir. Tice President -1;. Approved Feb. 5, 1891. By Aid. Copeland - It It the Cfty r0 St. pauj he Common Council That the matter of opeuing, widening and extending York street irbm Forest toCv- preas street, be and the same In hereby ro- erred to the Board of Public Worcs to holes - tig to and report: First' -Is this improvement proper and nec- e66an'P Second -Give the Council nn cite of the a whether one- half of the cost tberense 'eo! Is slid to be paid into the cl[))• treasury before tie contract Is let. Third -C's, i real estate to be assessed for xnid Improvement be found benefited to the extent oL damages, costa upd expenses uec- eneary to be incurred thereby? Fourth -Is such Improvement asked for upon the etition or application of the own- ers of n majority of tae property to be as- sessed for such Improvement' I'd' the Council a plan or profile of xnid improvement, as required by law, if you report fn mn•or of the same. Sixth -Send the Councl a proper order ill. meting we work to bedone. Ycae-Aid. Banholzer, Bielenberg, Boll, Copeland, Costello. Cullen. UornIds., Fla.. aruu, Gehan, hfeNnmee, sleln11 Sanborn, Yen Slyke, Mr. Vice President -It. ro Appved Feb. 5, 1891. ByAld. Copeland - It in hereby ordered by the Common Council of the C1ly otf S[. Paul: That the matter of coudemnlnR and taking au easement In the land nbuttlugg on thele ey In Jan It R. Welde'e Subdlvlsloil of Block C7, Arlington [fills Addition to St. Paul, ueceeear,to construct the elopes for cuts ala n Its Iter by Ire erred tsaid o theBoard a she of 11.1,11. Works to investigate and report: First -Is this Improvement proper nod u"ell, Second -Give theof. Councand il an estlmnte of er one bolt of thescost thereof 1s t the psidtfe w the city treasury before the contract Is let. Third -Can real estate be ¢essed for said Improvement be found benefitemd to the ex - Of If dama¢es. contend expenses necessary to OF THE CITY OF SAI Fourth -Is such Improvement asked for vpou the petition or a plication of the owners of a majority o[ the property to be assessed for such improvement'.' Fifth-Sond the Council a plan or profile of said improvement. es required by law, if you report fn favor of the same. Sloth -Send the Council a proper order directing the work to be done. Yeas-Ald. Banholzer, Bielenberg, Butt. Copebtnd, Costello, Cullen, Domiden. Flan- -drau, Gehan, McNamee, slelady, Sanboru, Van Slvke. sir. Vice Presldeu[-14. Approt-ed Feb. 5, 1891. By Aid. Copeland - It Is hereby ordered by the Common Coun- il of the City of St. Paul: That the matter or a change of grade on PnilItrnitat ll tstrebetween s e be iad the same Is hereby - referred to the Board of Public Works to I.- cestigate and report: First -Is this improvement proper and nec- c ScryP Second -Give the Council all m estimate of the ex ense thereof, and state whether one- half o[ the cost thereof is to be paid into the city treasury before file contract is let. Third -Can real estate to be as messed for said Improvement be found - benefited to the extent of damages, costs and expenses nec- essary to be Incurred therebyP Fourth -Is such Improvement asked for upon the petitionor i.pplication of tae own- ers of a ""'Ty of the property to be l e- ,nensed for such taprovemeul? Fifth -Send the Council a plan or prone of bald Improvement, as required by law, if you report in favor of the same. 61 _Send the Council a proper order di 11, Aid. C'opeland- li Ix hem s))• ordered by the Common Council of the Ulty' a[ 8t. Paul: That [he mutter of opening. widening and extending Blmn street from Forrest to ev- prene street be and the ams Is hereby re- ferred to the Board of Public W"arks to imves- ilgate slid rCport: First -Is this improvement proper and neve '.Y? Becon-Glue the Council an estimnt If the expense thereof, and spm whetter ono. half of [he cost thereof 1s to be paid Into the city teasury before the contract is let. Thin rerd-('nal estate to be assessed for sala improvement be found benefited to the extent of damages, costa and expenses neces- snry to be incurred thereby? Fourth -Ib such Improvement asked for upon the pell[lou oraKplJoilub u of the own- ers of a majority of the property to be as. sassed for such Improvement' Fifth -Send the Council a plea or Profile of said Improvement, as required by law, If you report in favor of to same. SIxt6-Bead the Council a proper order di- recting the work to be dune. Yeas-Ald. Bapholzer, Dielemberg, Ball. Consland. Costello. Cullen. Domiden, Flan - NT PAUL, FOR 1691. 35 draw. Gehan, McNamee, Melaly. Sanborn, Van Slyke, sir. Vice Prexideut-14. Approved Feb. S, 1114. In the matter of the report of the Board of Public Works dated Feb.:, IS91. It is hereby ordered by to Common Council Of the City of St. Paul: That the Board of Public Works of said City of St, Paul cause to following Improve- ment to be made, to wit: Construct a sewer on Fremont street, from Mendota street to Forest street, in said city, t,%ther ithe necessary catchbne[ne and �mno, 0 enth that said Board cause said work to be let by con- teet, ns provided by law, without one -huff the estimated coat being first paid Into the cit-, treasury, and after said work Flail be placed uuder contra.[, said Board shall pro- ceed without delay to asseas the amount, as rl6 as they can ascertain the some. which will be required to pay the coat nad neces- r eapeones of such improvementue.n the ren estate to be benefited by said improve- ment, as,pmvided by law: it being the opin- ion of the Council that real estate to be as- sessed for such improvement cam be found benefited to the extent of the cost and ex- penses necessary to be incurred thereby. In the matter of the report of the Board of Public Works dated Jan. 20, 1811. It Is hereby ordered by tae Common Connell of the Cit)- of St. Paul: That the Ifoard of Public Works of the City of Sl. Paul cause the following Improve- ment to bemade, to wit: Coutrucl a xetver on Dawson street, from Arcado atreel to Men- dota street, in Bald city, together with the necexsnry catchbos11 and manholes; that xnid Board cause said work to be let by,, on provided by In, without one- half the estimated coat bel ngwfirst paid into the city treasury; and after said work bhnll be Placed under contract, bald Board shall pro- ceed without delay to assess the union,[. an ,early ns they can dscertain the name, which will ns, required to pay toe costana necebsan- expenses of such Improvement upon the real estate to be benefited b noid fmpr-ronin. ns provided by law; it. being the opinion of to to extent of the cost and expenses nor, to be Incurred thereby. e -Aid. Banholzer, Bielenberg. Boit, land. Coelello. Doruiden. Gehan, s[c- In the matter of the re ort of the Board of Public Works dated Oct. 30, 1800. Il is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the cit)- of St P¢ul: That the Board oC Public Norke o[ nntd City of St. Psul cause the followlug of ove- ment to be made, to wit: 0I.A. llpoleat OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 37 38 PROCEEDINGS from Summit a e to S[. Clair by one hundred fee[ In length. ane P id q' dinar ate, for manufacturing purpose,, to wit: Presented to III, Honor, the Mayor, avenue, in Haid City: that eafd Beard Onus. building, shall be buldlt rhe meton :C' 1llanuf. nuie freight and in s.en ger ,lava_ 1RIIi. and net tutu,(] within the flue diva ba- Feb. 1:. IS01 [. ' ,tree[, aid work to be let Dyy contme a prodded according to n- ands pervfetoo, c R e[ructione of the Bull Inepee[or of ea16` , nud'ciindve[Ing the business of n chine ,hop. [Dat portion of We levee to the prnscriLed charter (returned ). 0.0 Ccvv Gv. President of Council. g Dy law, wllnou[ oue-h ]f the stimewd cos[ luta the city treasury; cud, Irl', upov obtaining a permit n to do, and {" . Sixth wird of the Ci[)' o! St. Paul described Tno� A. PReNpen.A8T, City Clerk. b Ing flrat paid after eafd work hilt be placed der con- the Daymevt of the proper fee. themfo Lpro- a k¢ Y"{r [ollit toWit: All thot part of lots four flue i) f block ue f Bnzilte Fe D. 11. [rflc4 said Board shall proceed with thevay to e vide(], however, that chimvey o k used ba connee,hm iw id b.emees au , (1) apd ltoner['s nddIU to \fest St. Pnun. I -1nK e Regular Jxeetlirg. ! mo a serteity rhe same which will Ue required w hall be wearer than two hundred feet W the bridge to be er ted across the Mississippi o th of . ties drawn sixty ((i0) feet nortp and pnranel !o the south ]nue o[ 'be levee ( 9r. Pwut.. Feb. 17, 1801. ymS the coat and veCeeearreyaezpeveee of such the 1 asMle w De Den- river fro in on toState citta(]) cr sold lots: Provided that the President Cullen in [he chile. provemevt upon ted b- aid Improvement. DrovI Dy d prow g forth ret that [dintauCe erxuteC herein mad shall em toy In his ere during term Present-Ald. Banholzer, Bielenberg, Bolt, efl law; 1t ening [be ueluton o[ the Covucll that to be swan o for such ire Vrove- shall v t be Cooetruad pp a vteefbg r autln�� yy of the right. h by grnated; id business at all tlmea of 1) [his frnachlse not less [hall ten (10; mea. horny 1s `onlay. Copeland, llobner, llorulden. Fill- (]rias Geh.u. Me.`Qamee. 3feledy Aileen. Saa- "nil est estate r evt Can De found Deveflted l0 the ,Stent Of end Provided ftvthe[, that Lhe gg tee Herein hall said bWWinK u L Se _. Pint Permisslou and fl, nereb)OgI sen and ¢routed vto said Robert born. Slyke. Mr. Presbwbf;T13. Alluwee F the et so expau,es nseeeuflry to be f.- am d C mplete have Bald business In opersaou by Avg. z<f Sigel at, erect, cone[mct nod maintain on all o[ precediuR mceang approved Hud dispensed with. carred therebS• Yeas -Aid. Banholzer, BlelenberR, Bolt, 1, 7&11, and that after the expiration f said be from• �y id para of lois fear (4) end flue ')feet brick brie% veneered bulldiug fifty (:>f))feet - Copeland, Costello, Doruiden, Gena". Me- tetm Bald bmldiuga shall removed abovede0ethed lull by ealdgrantee, .;. yc' or by a,muty-flve(751teet for uxe lu his Bald coxxcNrewamse. Names, Malady, Mines, Saubor., 6tilivalt. Bald and in case Ot [allure to remove sal build. 1 hildnenx. /The Bald pufldtug to be nDove the From Ilia Ilonor the Mayor -Veto of Ordi- Van Slyke. Me Preeldent-14. Fla. mu -1. rig [be same or such Dart thereof ae .ba1L 'v grade of,tLe levee lu front of acid lots: which ince All.x•IUP the St. Poul Clry Itulltvay Nay Ald. Approved Feb. 5, 1801. [n eren[teruemafu ,hall become th0 Dro Darty bnfldhtg shall De bull[ oder [h dlrec[Inus inetrucaons [the C mpany to Lse •"1"' Rail on EIeC[r1c r Adjourned. of Council. of said City of St, Yaul. iro5d under this Nollrig ttransgqerred anJ wecotaf ng to [ha Dufldfgg InaPector of eafd city, upon obtain- Line. of Snid Comp ny- To the Honorable President and Common' 0.. M1Nxw. Vice Preeldent Tut,.. A. Ynxxnennwnr, City Clerk. ordinance f w au9 other the €{. 1uK n permit ea m:de,aud gte ppay en[ of [he fees however, Council of the City of 8t. Paul. - ei pereon, company, or corporation, unless Consent of the L'ommon Couuml shall De first ;y - proper therefor; provide , Ghat the chimney an .make stick Gentlemen: R'e return herewith, without our approval, --An ordinance allowing the } obtalued. , 40 oe used In connection with aid St. Paul City Railway Comptuly to use the OEFICIAL PUBLICATION Sec. 4. Said grantee snail and will forever fir,. ((jj buslueex shall ezlend at lean two ty-flee Robert .T' rail on the electric lines f said com- indemnlfy and save barrels,. ine said City Of any and all damages. ]oda- ;_` (] feet above the grade of the street brlJgee t d, provided further, that this oral- Pon )) •• [ rho following reasoua. t•rz: F'lrxt-'PLcre Ix uo Aaron to the oral- , Ordlnancen rammed by the Comte Jt. Paul against meat,, claim., Coate end ezpaneex of f"S [[ :5�' nnm•e hull nut bo cunauu'd ria gunrnn[eelnR pr ince for rho xrelgh[ [ [he Infl, or for Ina Of [non Council of the City ol'St. Paul. which It may uBcr or [Dot mnN be recovered or brained from or agelue[ be city. from t • ?::.". or warrflnting suey of the rlghtx hereby Krait- ed: umI prowl(] 1 !ur[her, that the gr1, - inner to be Pursued In living the sumo. manner •T" rail Dreventa the nee of u� at Ito Regular 11Ieotluif Held on o or by reason o[ the growlnRR one o[ or re.nu- trample Of thle ordinance or 2tereln named Phil mm pill, xnid LuflJ111 ud h¢ve snlJ buxlncee In opernit., by Jul)' the nal by vehicles, [hue prncacelly Preclud- ing the use of the .treat. wdtlau the line. of Feb. 1883, lug paseege a y matter or thing Conbected therewith. %� i 1. Nill. and that before the expiration f the street railway. Onvtuwuce No. 1473. gars. Bt. Paul or wllb the ezerofse by the Bald grantee of - -ld term of tea)) said bulldlnQQ shall be • d from above dexaribed Third -The Council have heretofore able. An ordinepco unto the tl ora Work. p IPnon W uxe a port. ou of City of [h0 privilegge, hereby R "."Ian qij gnu, a. Ir said grantee ball fall 1. ret f mo $,fit premises by .aid agrauwo, and in 11x0 of failure to re. billidiug tel thin xrud time, the Intel), refused to Permit llte I.yoing of the "T" tall wlthty Certain ,.[lobe [ the city the levee lv lite Sixth ward of the tlalvt Fnul. pec[ w Comply ith rho pp ovlstonP Lb IP ordlb.bCe [nen tell rho rlRhts d privl- .move unlit r a h rt the f rix may therc.[lur where there le henvv, tre�lc. Fourth-q'be re. olu[lov of the Common The Common Council Of the CI[ f Bt. Paul y o legoe Hereby grunted shill D. forfeited to faire, mil n, shill become too property of said CI[y o[ St. Poul. Council approved Dec. Ill, lasts v or dox ••'Phut herenfWr Ia[[od reed gt do vrdnln .x follow.:- Saurian 1. Th [ ermfeslon and authority Th., P St. Paid Clty [ St. Ysul. See, 0. The enid ¢renwe hall d10 with ', hoc. J. Nn ri¢htnocquired under this ordl- be all ordlnanene or sabre ltWd Rr the Common Council fry any ;1(l 6 1. hereby V,..I and grented unw the arks w uw and occulty for I I' Paul Steve Wo the Clty Clerk within [nlrly day after the' publlcetlun f thle unlinnncc. sl In wrltteu ;: trance Miall transferred to any other per• mr, (• mDnny or 0arpurallon uula.x [Ire (!ole- seal flex[ mmnher thereof shall bear the slgnnlure f xi •h memb-X etc. Tlllx orale tut., koro F$,. l$ f 11 Dorlod of Chir[Yy 7•t, rP from [bu data ! of the pa.Pngo of bits ura�uu.... for mono' coepinnco of wt, provixlons hereof. [ho me to Dv 0n[ approved by the Corporation i ^.� of [Uo Common Council Shull Lo oohtined, Rnld forever with rat rnaq doex Hat bear the Hama ,f the member Introducing 1[, factoring purpose.. W telt: Nur tau mnnu• n orreral AtWtbOY• Mko •enact ;t? - ,. X01. 9. grbnteo shall and will InJomni[y unA nava hnrmloxs tea Pnld Clty of Very respectfully. 8etnl, Mayor. fecturinlf t Pwv.s and enrrying.,I foundry buduuxe tnat Purtluu of Ina luv.0 In Soc. 7. Thlx rdinnnco shalt and bo to turco (rum and a(tor its Dubllceaou St. 1'nui ngnlnet Huy and all dnmagax, judg- It uGrlT A. P.L. 11, 1R01. the Sixth wird of [ho Clry n! St. Poul do• and rho acroPtaneq theronl, as provld04 1n mor u, claims, mux nnJ ux f+Otrsox o! nmO w i c t Il rent' sulyur or thin may b0 Acaupwd, and vow D whir xelA oral• 14. (; _ wrlbed as tallow,: All riot piece u[InudlfinK I Brooklynd addition to West bt. Paul wetlon six o[ this ordloauou. yobs liannulwr, tliolunborq, Boll. r) {f., lecuvarad or obtained .rum or ngalu,t Wald Illy from ae nnnco tete Pnsw4 recon.hlowd-Sons lite matter was I mruupou Wlecrrod to the ¢ in boundrix follows: 111i. Ileo o! Slate -Aid, Cottrolab4 CosWllo Uoruldun, F androu, Saob.ru,. [r�. by reason of the grow ng out of or ruxulung from rho nxxngu of this ordlnnnce or nn� Committee uu gtroutx, Other. "Ou wast by Life saMorlyy the north by fro Al fexisrlppl rlvor: Uohan. MaNam m .lndY, Mluea, Ven g1Yko Mr, Proxldunt-14. rent., ur �hing ennnorwd llwrowith. or wit r Sinn Uh rin.phor flmrdlxon and - Fur gen 111; o! Tntmm av0rrnO between street; art ou the enxt DY Lhu unPWrly Ileo u! tut IL n! 1'axwd .lab. .1, 1X111. , the exorcist, by the xnid grantee of lho_prlvl• Mlrtu - uthn ,trout and Cf.. U ovonuo, block IM of tlr-,.,,Id aJalll.tr; on the south j U. fy. Uur.ueN, Preeldent of Council, to an horobf gnuted• �icc, a, If ,Idshell fall ani ra floor(] of Public Works. with order. -. by n Ilio xlxtYy feet north if. and pftr4lj0. with rho wuttr lino u( the tov0o as now ln• Tnnx. A. Pnrxurmrwsr. OILY Clerk. 1'rowuLed W ill■ llunor, tiro MOyor, Fob. .g "pact to comply with the pruvlxlons of lhl" From L'bns, Cughian- Asklug don Life for Injurlox sustained by "h gated, exceblhrg and rmervlml n Drip (or it 3 ]N01, Hud not returned withlu the neo onlhnenoo, than ill rho rlRbto and prlvfiaaux C bulb struck by Dridge over Phalan nvouuo at rrubllc ddvuway thirty teal wldo, ntnuing Ileo n! lava. W Mu ll lou cost jays Drt,wrlbed by Charter (retunted Feb. oira I,. [t.: hereby granted eha11 be urfullml W sola ty of St. Poul. tll. i. M. k Umehe rill tiny croesing. Cmnlul[Wo on Claims. ' from wain Ifne of which strip Lnll bo rho enewr)q lluu 12, O. O. Cv[.[...' I'maident of Council. Sec. 0. Tho eaid Kgrnnteesha11010 with the Ith1n JafyP the pp ',1t of Fautou street, produced w and river." coo• Tun.. A. PI........AeT. City Clerk. City Ciork [hlr[Y nfWr pub- Ic.11ort of this orrlluanle, hln written accept• ..mire or on orrrcene. Thl. taut Ix mode apart [h. .x Preex The St. Paul stove H'orke Feb. 14. .^y 111 .f the pro5•Ixloux hereof, tiro sire, to ha CamDfrollor-Audited Clalme, Vlz.- ditfon ti�tut the Paid shall pay to.nid Wit as com Pen.aaoa ani �� tirxt approved by the COrporerluh Attorneyy. O( Cil Y $R3; Pren- P. O Ored7•. $8: C. J. Th q' i Is for the Prl viten,, hnreby giants [he dollar annum for, Hud OnDlxeuce V o. 14�d, r�? Sec. 7 This ordinance hall tnko enact and be �n Lorex from and otter ire publldollar, derg.Pat III-. SM.43; Wm. Rodger, k Co., Wm. A Van SI ke, $SS.10; Noyes Dro.. y,( sum o[ qne (�I) per ' during [ o and thirty years, pa7able auuu¢Iiy L An ordinance granting unto Robert Sigel .and the acceptance thereof, an gravida(] fu Section 6 of this ordinance. $ate; y d- Cutler, $03.51; Edison RL L. end P. Co., in edvauce. Seo. 'L. Tint permisafon and authority is h permis.la. to nee s panto. of the levee In ; Y'e Banholzer. BlelenbergR, Bull, !,L30"5; Gas. J. Mitech k Co., $25.80; R. Seeger, $LZO: R. Bouquet & Co., $7.03: W. hereby . 7 and grau[ed unto enid S[. !•nal the Sixth ward of [he C9[y of St. Paul. Council o[ the city of St. Paul G 15-Ald. Copeland Costello, Dornldcu, Fleadrau, fah 11jcNamee, Melody, Mlnea, Sanborn, Mc(4uignn, $.50.90; N. W. Tel. &zchavge Co., Stove Norke to erect, construct, anJ mfliutnin Imide one-story frame building to The Common do ordmu as tollows: •,-� n, Vmt Slyke, Air. President -14. 821.00: John P. Larkin $148.00; C. 8t. P., k O. By Co., $0.80' P. DwSer k Bros.. $01; y{ On said a be ahee[ed with Iron or brick veneered, and Section 1. That pd and authority Robert Passed Feb. 9, lel. et Paul Ylpe Cutting Co., $tl6; F. O. Draper,.: to be about ratty feet W width by two hnu- la hereby Riven and grouted unto to ore end occupy for the full period of (.'^ � O. O. CDLLGN, Presldeut o[ Councli. k Co., $8L77: O. Sommers k Co., $10.67: H. x F deed and btty feet in h ugth:.!so one three- SIReI from the date of the passage of this, Trios. A. Ynsxpxrt0e.r. City Clerk. P. Rugg k Co., fif15.57; Die Volkzeltung, $.".50; '�1i` story brick btalain9 no be efty feet In width, tell )'care t 38 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL George Seibert, ggS Z5; August L. Tllleman, S.500: Second 52.92a ILA .t Smyth Prinent nting g C"P Tierney j'. $1,.40; A. h. Runde, $30; F. Driscoll Jr., $2(is; D. A. Monfort- $100; Fhtcli Vau slyck & C'o.. $7075; Ph. Peteler, $ii SU; J. G. Duggan, $i. 75: St. Paul Gas Light Company, $1.2;067; Robert Seeger, $3,914.40: Azotlne Manufac- luring Company. $!IIS.OIi; C. E. Sandeen. Estimate No. 5, gradingR Minnebabn street, $L785; Dale & Bumgardner, Estimate No. 4, grading F,tirview street, $1.455; J. W-. Ma- loney. Estimate No. 3, grading Pennsylvania avenue, $1 uL'.50. Allowed nad ordered paid by following vote: Yens—Ald. Banholzer. Bielenberg, Boll, Conley. Copeland. Dobner. Dorniden. Plan- drau, 'Chan. McNamee, MeladvI Mtnca, Sao - born, Van Slyke, Mr. President -15. Also To -ins Hmtornhle President Rod Common Connell of the City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: The certified """of Ordi- nance No. 1481, passed e[ your regular mee[- 1ng ofrequiring that a warrant (city order) shall be drawn upmt the mty treasury I' favor of the Mayor, for he sum of ten thousand ($10.60) dollars, to be expended "for such purposes t.5 may be deemed proper purposes, is herewith returned, as it appears [hat when the ordinance was Deese., and ap- provgddd b the mayor, thatlt was intended to pprovide for purposes duringg [file year, 189[: Du[ such to not the case, ns It bas s1Dce de- yeloped that the true purpose le to redeem a Dote given by sund[v lnfiuentiel and patriotic citizens In 186, for the purpose of paying census expenses. It uppeam that after the citizens borrowed the money upon their note, they organized thembelves into a mutual census home., ap- pointing their treasurer, secretary, etc.. and disbursing the money is such a mauuer most satlsfsetory to the bureau. And now, behind the semen they ask your honorable body to pees an ordinance you future purpose, while at the same time they 1n- tendea to be relieved from ppa33•Ing [heir note given, and the proceeds RX—ed without mon' Council with W full account of the disbursements, with vouchers proper'Y np- P roved by We Mayor and Commf[teson tt'aps and Means, or such other committee of the Well as your honorable body might de. nc. Some of our legislators have been over-seu- sitive at my suggestions relating to the wel- fare of the Board of Education 1n baying i[e credit yroweted directly throughhey and by the City oC St. Paul, etc., because tconsider that all suggestions should come from the Committee of Ways and Means of the Conn. ell. or from the Common Council direct. I lberefore moat respectfully suggest that your honorable boov pass a resolution requebling the special committee of the legislative del- I egotion of Ramsey coma} to Pas, a ,to non requesting the Corporation Attorney to prepam a bill prohibiting the p�ymen[ of any ora or notes, or other evidences of debt. given by any citizen or citizens for the pur- pose of defraying any expense, unless the proceeds of such are first placed in the city treasury and to be disbursed by the city. Very respectfully, your obedient servant. Joel N, W. lie ai,, City Comptroller. Feb. 17, 1801. Accepted mid placed on file. Of City Engineer—Es[lmate— The City Engineer submits, approved by him, Estimate No. 7, supplRmentary to No. 6 Rod final, Sixth street bridge substructure, Kirkland & Starkey, $300. Committee on Claims. Also, Estimate— The City Engineer submits. appproved by him, Estimate Broadwev bridge sub- s[rucwre, Kirkland &Smrkey, $9,258.:50. Allowed and referred to Comptroller, Yeas—Ald. Bauholzer, Bielenberg, Boll. born. Van Slyke. Mr. Prealdeut-15 St. Albans Street Slopes— To theCommon Council of the City of St. Paul: The Board of Public Works have had under consideration the resolution or order of the Common Council approved Jan. 2t. 1891, rel- ative to condemning and tnking an easement In the land abutting on St. Albans street. be- tween Front street and like right of way of the Great Northern railway, necessary to con- struct the elopes for cute and flue fu grad eald St. Albans street, and, haying investi- gated the proposed improvement, respect- fully report that tis necessary and. proper to ndemn and take an ease- ment 1n the coland abutting on St Albans street, between Front street sad the right of way of the Great Norther, Railway Company, 1n am city, necessmy m emiatrur.- the elopes for cuts and fills 1n gmdfug s Idt S[. Alp street, between said points, to be established grade thereof, as ahown by the Register of Derodle of said eds in and rade on [tor Re in thnmeeyccou=y and In the oBics of the City Engineer; sai[b elopes to eztand One and one-half (144) feet tat said laud for every fuel of cut or Bll. as Indicated on the plan o[ said elopes attached to [fits report and to be Bled In the ofilce of said Board; that the estimated expense there. of Is Sas; that the real estate to be assessed therefor call be found benefited to the extent of the damages, costs and exam"', necessary to be incurred thereby: that said Improve- ent is not asked for by a petition of a me- jorl[y of the owners of property to be ns- sessed therefor, bill [be grading ib asked for by a majority of the owners of the property on St. Albans street, between Bald pointe, which necessitates the condemnation of slopes, end we herewith send a plan had pro- file of said Improvement and an order for •our adoption, if you desire us to make the improvement. Y eas 4, nays 0. R. L. GodMf Presides[. J. T. Kragen, Clerk Board of Public Works. Feb. 13, 1891. Adopted. (See order to Board of Public Works.) Also, Payne Avenue and Beaumont Street Sewer— To the Common Council of the Citv i St. Paul: OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 39 The Board of Public Works have had under consideration the resolution or order of the Commou lCou cell, approved Jen. 21, ]SOL relative to the construction of n sewer on Payne avenue, from Farquier street to Beau- mont street. and on Beaumont street. from Preble street to Payne avenue, and, having Investigated the proposed Improvement, re- spectfully report that It Is necessary and proper to construct a sewer on Pagpe ave. nue, from llfnnehaha street to, Page street, had on Beaumont street, from Pmble street to Payne avenue, including the aces y sewer connections W the property Ilnes. of to be done under one contract; inat the estimated expense thereof Is $110801 one -hal[ of which need not be paid Into me city treasury before the contract Is let; [hat real estate to beasses—I therefor Can be found benefited to the extent of the cost and - expenses necessary to be incurred thereby; that said improvement is not asked for by n petition of a majority of the owners of prop- erty to be assessed therefor.bul, at the time of [he hearing before bald DOard in the matter Of paving said streets, a ]urge number of bald proRodperry asked that rthe same be s were fit I vbufh before the contract for said paving Is let; mid we here- with send a plan of said improvement, and an order for - our adoption, if you desire us to make the improvement. Yeas 4, nays 0. R. L.GORMAN, President. J. T. KERKEM Clerk Board of Public Works. Feb. 14 1891. Adopted (See order to Board of Public Weiss.) Also, Atwater Street Slopes— To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: The Board of Public Works have had under consideration [he resolution or order of the Common Council, approved Jan. 21, 1591. rel- tive to condemning and taking an easement In the land abuttingon Atwater street, be- tween Dale street and Grotto street, neces- sary to construct the slopes for cuts and fills ID gmdiug said Atwater street, and, having Invest' [he proposed improvement, re- spectfully report that ft la necessary and prnt,er to condemn and mks angles' n easement fu the land staining on Atwater street. between Dale street and Giotto street, In said city.nee- essary m construct the slopes for cuts and fill' In grading said Atwater street. between 'aid s[reeta to the e.tablisbed grade thereof, s shown by the profile of s Id grade on file In the office of the Register of Ueeda in and for Ramsey coapt}•. and in the office o[ the City Engineer: said slopes to caLend one and one half (142) feet on said land for every foot of cat or fill, as Indicated on the play f -id lopes attached to this re n t and to be tiled In the office of said Board; thatthe estimated eapeuae thereof is $-15; that the real estate to be et,;e,sed thomf or can be found benefited to the extent of the damages costs "5 ex- penses ­ a.] ecessary to be incurred themby: that s Id improvement is not asked for by a pelf - tioit Of a majnrih• of the awuera of p party [o be obsessed ttierefor. bra the grading Is asked for by a petition of n majority Of the wI,ers of lite property on Ahynter street, be- tween said re stets, which_ ebb"ales the condemnation of lopes. and we herewith send a plan and profileof said improvement, and an order for your adoption, If you desire us to make the Improvement. Yeas 4, uays0. R. L. G ... AN. President. J. T. Kennet[, Clerk Board Public Works. Feb. 13. 1891. Adopted (See order to Board of Public. Works ) Also, Topping Street Slopes— To the Common Council of the City of S[. Paul: The Board of Public [Corns have had under e.onsideratiou the resolution nr order of the Common Council, approved Jan. 21, 1891, relative to condemnin and taking an ease. ment in the land abutting on 'Popping Street, between Dale street and Grotto street, neces- sary to construct the slopes for cuts and fills iu grading said Topping street, and, nxylnR Investigated [he proposed tm ptr•cemeut, rC- speclfully report that it Is necessary and proper to contemn and take all easement In the land abutting on Topping street, between Dale street and Grotto street. fu said city. necessary to construct the slopes for cuts and O11 in gretling said ToppinR street. between sold streets to the established grade thereof, ON shoran by the profile of said grade .11 Ole In the office of he Register of Deeds to and for Ramey county, and in the office of the Clic Engineer: enid Slopes to extm done had one-half (let) feet on said landfor every foot f out or fill, as Indicated on the lap of bald slopes attached to thio report and to be filed in the office of said Board; that thesell- mated expenbe thereof Is $t.5; that the real estate to be assessed therefor can be found benefited to the extent of the damages, costs, d eapeuses necessary to be incurred thereby; that said Ira Drosemevt Is sol asked for by a petitlou of a majority of the owners of ggraulnReiayto aeked'for abide pet ton of a nae Jority o[ the owners o[ the property on Top- ping tree[, between said trees, which necessitates the condemnation of slopes, and we herewith send a plan and profile of aid Improvement, and an order for your adop- tion. If you desire us to make :the improve- ment. Yeas 4, Days 0. R. L. GmtueN, President. J. 'r. KERKEU, Clerk Board of Publiclt'orks. Feb. 1:[, 1891. Adopted. (See order to Board of Poblic Works.) Also, Burgess Street Slopes— To the Commau Council of the City of St. Paul: The Board of Public Works havehad under consideration the resolution or order of the Common Council. approved .Jan. :1, 1891• rel - tive to condemning and taking an easement In the fund abutting on Burgess street. be- tween Dale street and Grotto street, necessary to cc ustruct theSlopes for cuts and fills In gliding said Burg: a street. nud, haying in- venabooAd [be proposea improvement, m- speetfully report inat it Ia necessary nae . proper to coudemn and take an easement in the laud abutBog on Burgess st reefs between Dale street and Grotto street, i . aid ei[y, necessary to construct the slopes fit cuts and fills fn grading said Burgebs street,r between thereof, enid attests to [he established s shown by the profile oC bald g ode on file In the office of the Register of Ueeda in —d for Ramsey county, and In the odice of the 40 PROCEEDINGS OF T ('Ity Engineer: said elope, to extend one and ""'b", 1)vsaid land ve frto111,,d6ein.f said sic pee ntmebed to thle port and to be filed In the office of said Hoard; that the estrmnted estate to be expense th erreofei[o' I71:.,, be foufile nd benefited o the extent of the damage., costs fid x- nt be incurred the reb,: that [lothsof improvement majrl[yof the Is hot asked for ers of�r a� rt to be assessed therefor, but lithe grading f, asked Ior b} n pedibut of majority of the of Ilse property ov Hurgeea ,tree[, be- tttveenesrtld .treat,, which nr,..lint¢, the n damnation of slopes, Bud we muswilh �t�cut d ¢h order fare u, sdsaid Imp- o tion, if you desire ke We improvema.1. you ,is leas 4, treys 0. a R. L. G..— President. J. T. Rannen,Clerk Board of Public Work.. A dopled801(8ce order to Board of Public Works.) Also, Third Street Open's g, EtC.— 7'o the Common Cc Jell of the CI[S of S[. Paul: The Board of Public works have had under neideration the resolution or order of the Common Council eppro�ed Jan. 21, 1891, rel. a tivetothe pe..ing, widening and eaten. Blue of Third .treat, from Tell street to the east city limits; Bud, having Investigated the proposed improvement, resoect[ully re- pot, that It is necessary find proper to open, widen and extend Third street from Whfm Bent avenue to the east oil), Limits; that the estfmaled expense thereof 1s $8.000; that real ,,rote to be assessed therefor ..be found benefited to the extent of the damages, costs fid expenses necessap• to be incurred there. by; Ilia, said Improvement be not asked for b'� a petit.... or n majority of the owners of Pe pert, to be asse.eed therefor, but we II with Bend n plan of sold lmprovemenI. and an rrder for your ado ptlo., R you desire u6Ymake the improvement ea, i, nays o. R. L. G.ms,S. President J.T. Kennan, Clerk Board of Public Works. Feb. 12, 1891. Adopted. (See order to Board of Public Works.) Also, Park Avenue Slope.— To the Comm.. Councll of the City of St. The Board of Public Works have had under usideratiou the resolution r order of the Common Council, approved Feb. 5, 1801, ml - , to coildemiuug end inking an ease- ment 1n the ands abutting on Perk avenuee[,,, tAre at rorihen onstruction vofuslopes for cut, d 911, made necessary 1. Rvadfur aura elreet city. necessary to co true[ the elo um and hits 11 gradlo .aid Park between eefd street. to t%eI.Labli.he toilblreo �a fee office of therReglstar o in B Id for Ramsey county, and ih tt of the City Ei giueer; said slopes to HE COMMON COUNCIL and one-half (1%) feet on said land for pvery foo[ of cu[ or fill, fie lvdlcamd ov the lan o1 id elopes s. had to this repot[, thd to be filed ht the once of said Boartl; at the a tlmaLed p use thereof f. $100: cantit,, realbe found benefited to the extent of We damage, [cost, and lexpeat nse, necessary to be t asked for by n petition oid improvement os rmnjnri[S of the owners o. propertyy to be assessed there- for. but the grading rs ask ed for by a large majority of the owners of house, ori .old nc- enne between avid street. which nece.dmles lh.endea n18tnlon af elopes: a d e here- with tt,, fl d an ortler Tor file of mid ntio P[lon�slf y ouv dealnre ue [o make the your pro,emenl. Yens 4, nay, 0. R. L. Gonaw S-. President. J. T. K .... B,Clerk Board of Yubdo Worss. Feb. 13, 1891. Adopted. (See order to Board of Public Work,.) Also, StinsonStreet Slope— Ta the Common Council of the City of St. Paul : The Board of Public Workshave had under ..sideration the real.tion or order of the Common Council, approved Jan. 21. 1891, relative to condemning and taking as ease. fit In the land abutting on Sit ,On -street, between Dale street and Grottostreet neces- sary to construct the slopes for cute and fills in grading said Stinson street: and, having tuvestiggated the proposed Improvement, re- epec[ully repot[ that 1t Is necessary and proper to condemn and mks an easment In the laud abutting on Stinson street, between Dale street and Grotto street, to said city, necessary to construct the slopes for cuts a.d fills in grading sold Stinson street, between said streets, to the established grade thereof, L s shown by [he profile of snfd grade ou file In the office of the Register of Deeds in and r cut e. Ivth . e be eell ast to the e pe.: allows herewith send a plan and profile of said Im rovemeul and a,, rder [or your adoption, In— dealre u to make the improvement Yee, 4, any. 0. R. L. G.—It. President. J. T. K .... It Clerk Board of Public Works. Feb. 13, 1891. Work. led. (See older to Board of Public Alco, Easement—C., M. & St P. Ry. Co.—Hondo Street— To the Honorable the President Bud Com - or Councll of the Clty of St Paul. Gentlemen: The Board of Public Work. herewith respectfully returns your final or. der, approved Jan. 25. ISM, for an easement OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 41 • A. land ncroee and over the right of y of the Chicago. Dlllwankee & 't. Paul But lwne nen ,from i.l ncoln avenue to Leslie ave line.Grand avenue, from Oxford street to Company for street end brldRe pnroo Rondo Lexington ave. • Summit avenue, from Oxford China... Milwaukee within thelirtes of treat, with the eq ue,t that) allow snfd ltonrd to rd street to & St. Paul rallway: Leslie n u from Oxford Oxford its report o! Jan. 20, 1.00, so as to mad 'IBud andproper Irl site t to Dunlap street: and, having the p puled Impro ant, respect. j,ad'mn R.11—, the Chivag.. xllltvnukee& St RPBut Rnilwa fa'td II yrrcpodr[[hnt said imp sem ntisnotnec- en y n[ proper n[ this time. far the reason ('omnnny within the ]lace o[ Fiovdo .treat for bridge purposes." ,list at a hearing before Bald Board this day a mrge majority of the property owner In - A proper final order for sold improvement is herewith aubmltted for your adoption. bre.ted were opposed to the proposed fin. provement. R. L. ami—,. President. J. T. Kamen, Clerk Board of Public Work,.R, Yens 4, nays 0. L. Gen.— President. Feb. V. 1891. A...Led; aid order, proved Jan. 25, J. T. Kamen. Clerk Board of Public Worse. Feb. 13. 63111. ,°lied, and said ]'car! I llowed io amseud ;'on' yon dated Jan. 20, 18:1D.ques , re Alderman of the ward. Al... Yen, 15. (Sc, order to Board of Public Worxs.) Burr Street Openin Also, To the Common Cotinctll f the Citv o[ St. The Board of Public Workebaveltad under Easements—Railread Rights o[ way—Cross- consideration the resolotbut order of the r Inge and Bridge Purposes—Also C. Al. Jt St P. R. R. Co.', Yr000aitlon— Common Council, apppr... d December 3. ](SJO, rclflHve to the opening, and To the Honorable President slid Common Coell, CI[y of St. Paul. C.dening extension of Burr street. from Colima street to North street, and, having hires"R"'d the Genllei n a: The Boa d of Public Work, respectfully ep[esent [hat at various times reposed lmprovemen[, speotfnilyn rel'crt lint said improvement is not u ea yand honorable body pare seat to this Board proper at this time, for the r sv n thot at a hearing before Board Qday large orode ra for condemning easement, for street singe over railroad rights of way, and said this a majority oL the propert3' owners fnterested oppose. to the Improvement. thecustomhas been to make an assessment of beach to ea hto and damages, allowlug damage. were proposed Teas 4, nays 0. of one doilar, a merely nominal allowance. R. L. Oonnwv, President, Many of these orders have mken effect, the condemuatiou being perfected by reason of J. T. KEBRBR, Clerk Boardof PuNie Works. Feb. 1:3,1891. 11 appeal. In o,be, en appeal has been Alderman of the ward. taken t. the district court, nod the cflyhall been defeated. Also, Sometimesince the Milwaukee Railroad Clafine— to file Bthat 'ompitl gmto oard a and icon- approved by It, the followtion The Bg n.. Inro the effectds for Ideration of the sum of $150 m them paid I.aoard toiwit Mathew Craig, $tl: G. W. Merrill. $19. for each crossing. that company w ala take Committee on Claims. ' nation against the city, and when e - hent for bridge purpose, ly w s pro. —ore, or srwxntno coslMtrrees. posed to be taken that It would not resist a be. lust allowance mdamagce. Of Committee on Claims—Pets tion of William The Board desires to know whether Beuh lzer for Refunding of Aeeessment nouor.b.e body Ill empo er it to make terms Sprt..kitngTuscaroraStreet— Committee mages a favorable such with the varl ous toc pau'ea doing business In this city, andp i[.., report and submit. resolution. requeestzfnat [the meartreosolu far begassed Adopted. (See resolution.) rd on.soles as (room time tovtime orders to Al... demneassmevts overrlRhls of way a floe seat it. above-named consideration be ]lowed Profposl[ion of C. J. Plerce to Settle for $1.500 .niformly for grade I-.'] go R, L. Goartex. President. His Claim for Damages—Falling on Defect Iva Sitlewalk on College Avenue— J. T. Xlmoa ,Clerx Board of Public Works. Feb. 17, 1891. Committee recommends allowance of said claim at $500 and submits ordinance. Committee on Streets. Adopted. (See Ordinance No. 1478.) Also, — Goodrich Avenue and Other Streets Sew- Of Committee n License—John Marty', To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: Petition for Permission to Rave Trans. [erred to Him Butcher License No. 3 for 452 East Seventh Stn:et— The Board of Public Works have had under neideration the re,olutlon or —derof the Committee recourmends transfer. Adopted. Common C...." approved Jnn. % 189, relative to the an. met lov o[ on the At.., following etre em, to wit: Goodrich a eau from Milton street to Chatsworth street: Abraham Lav1n'e Petition far Permission to Transferto 017 Payne Avenue Butcher Chatsworth street, from Goodrlcb avenue to Lincoln avenue: Lincoln avenue, from Mil- License No. 1— Committee recommends transfer. ton street to Lexington avenue; Lexington Adopted. 42 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL REPORT or SPECIAL COMMITTEE. of the CRT of Saint Paul, with Intenefto d0 any mischief, or to steal, or m commit any Of Aid. Cullen -Ordinance Amending Ordi- nauce No. 10, Being Article No. 21 of Mu- niclpal ('ode- offense prohibited by the laws of this state, or by the ordinances of this city, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Committee recommends passage. See. 2. Any person or persona who shall Adopted, and said ordinance read second make, aid or countenance, or assist fn mak- time Rod passed. (See Ordinance No. 3474,) Ing any noise, clop disturbance or Improper XISCELL-OU9. diversion, to the annoyance or disturbauce of the citizens• or other person or persons in Ordinances- said city; or who collect in bodies or. crowds. An ordinance was read to declare certain in any street or public place In Said cit?- so CM misdemeanors and to provide a punish- as to obstruct public travel thereon, shall be ment orsame: also, to repeal Oidlnauce No. gasof a misdemeanor! 40. being Ar[lcle 43 of \[unicipal Code. Sec. 3. Any person or persona who shall Rules suspended ou m0Uou of Aid Cou- ley yeas l5, and ordl...e, read second time Spin, in nnv street or public placelnsaid city ina state of ,ludIty, or In a dress not belonging and passed. (See Ordinance No. 147.5.) to his or her sea. or in any indecent or lewd any An ordinance was read aF)pMo ,'jE Ing $500 dre..,Or shall make any exposure of nim her be -C. J. Pierce -damages -falling on detective sidewalk on Cohege avenue. - person, or gul'.ty of any immoral II o[ any lewd, .ndecest immoral or Binsu BOISE Suspended on motion of Aid. Minea ting r insulting conduct language Or behavior, yeas 15, and urdina:roc read second time and shall exhibit sell r offer m sell any m - Passed. (See Ordinance No. 1478.) de decent or lewd book plcmre or other thing, An ordnance was read authorizing pay- or shall exhibit or perform any Indecent went of $25 to Beaty V. PoUgle'er-unearned ,I cause. immoral or lewd play a other represeuta. non, Shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Rules suspended on motion If Aid. Me Sec. 4. Any person or persons who shall swim bathe Iv Names, ySas l:L and ordinance read second time and passed. (See Ordinance No. 1477.) or any river, creek or lake within the Ilmlta of the said city of By AId. Gehan- St. Paul, between the hours of 9 o'clock a.in Remolutiou instructing Board of Public and 9 o'clock p. m., without being nitably Works to annul all proceedinga ll, matter of clad In n bathing dress, abad be guilty of n. reasse'ameut of Mieslssippi street, etc. misdemeanor. Committee on Streets. By Ald. Minea- Sec. S Any person or psmone who hall let any male animal m ay female suimal Ra.olutlou for orders favor St. Paul Parma- w-f[hl0 [he limits of maid city, unless iu some Bent Loan Company, eta an place out s.1 public view, shell be Committee on Striate, Corporation After. guilty of a mledemeslior. ney sad City Treasurer. Byy Ald Val' Slyke- Sec. 8. Any person or persons vfolannR any or all of provi.foas o[ any section of Resoludon for IegislaUen relative to pay- this ordlnauce shall, on conviction thereof, . men[ by city o[ notes or other evidences oC lndebtadueee hereatmr given be cl tizene un- be puulShed byy a five not eaceedinq ane hundred ($100) daIIS., or by imprisonment [or les' proceeds of Such are first placed In city not mare than ninety (90) days. Sec. 7. treaynry em Committee on Waye and Meana. Ordinance No. 40 of maid City of SL Paul, entitled -Misdemeanors," being Article No. 43 of the Municipal Code of, Paul. By Ald. Blelenberg- Resolution [or police Patrol boa at Uuiver. It, is hereb}• repealed. miry avenue and, Eeut street Bud St Como and Western aveuul,an Sec. A. This ordimuice shall take effect be in force from and offer its publica- Committee on Police. The metier of a change of grade on Held. tion. Yeas-Ald. Banbolzer, Bielenberg, Holt, win street, from Goodrich avenue W Lincoln Conley, Copelaud, Domer, Dorniden, Flau- avenue produced easterly from Fnlrvfew dreu, Gehan, McNamee, Malady, Mines, Sau- avenue, advertised to be heard St thio time, born, Van atyke, Mr. Preeldent.-15. Passed came u for hearing. The resident mennounced that objeetione, Feb. 17, 1891. O.O. eb. IS., President of Council. APproved CULFeb. 18, 1801. w any, to said proposed chatof ,rude would then be heard No one appearing to HoamnT A. SM[rH, Mayor. oppose .aid proposed chane, a resolution At Tums. A. P........ST. Clty Clerk. for said change was adopted. Feb. .:3. (see resolution.) ORDINANCE No. 1478. Ordluanees. An ordinance aporopriatiug money for and - directing the payment to l;. J. Pierce of the ORDINANCE No. 1475. aum of live hundred ($500) dollars, pursu- An ordinance to declara certain Sets misde- ant to report of Committee on Claims. The Common Council of the City o[ S0. Paul unci) eauoM and to provide n punishment for mine;Net do ordain ss. fell.'.: o also to repeal Ortlinance No. Fort, Sectlon 1. That nn order be drawn uppon (40), entitled "Misdemeanors," ueingarticle the city treasury of St Paul in favor of C. .i. forty-three (43) of the Municipal Code of Paul, 1884, Pierce forme sum of live hundred (&SW) dol Lara, in full sumof live for u( 500) of The The Cpmmon Council of the Cin of SL Paul tion of all his clam nod tlemand ageinst the do ordain as follows: 1. Any person or persons who shall be found lurking, lying City of SL YsRI by reason of an injury yd'.' calved byy .Sid C. ,i. Pierce in fading on a de in waft or Concealed in any house or other building, fective midewnlit OR the norm side of College avenue. between Wabash. and St. Peter or fn BUT yard or premises within the limits streeta, as by report of the Committee on Claims to th 17th day of fully appeal upon his fill OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 43 on Council of date the Conley Copeland, Dobneq Dorulden, Flan- ryy, A. D. 1891, will more draw, Gehan. McNamee, Malady, Mines, San- rder m be delivered only bora, Van Slyke, Mr. President -15. the City Comptroller full Approved Feb. 18, 1891. e to the pity in satisfac- demand. -� neeshall lakeeffectand gyAld.Miven- 1 after its publication. Resolved, Thnt an order be drawn upon Yens-Ald. Banholzer, Bletenberg, Boll, the city treasury for the sum of $61.21 In Conley, Copeland. Dobuer, Doruideu, Flnn- favor of William Banholzer, to refund tee draw, Gehan, McNamee, Melady, \lines, San- born, Van Slyke, Mr. Preeldent-15. Passed Feb. 17, 1891. O. O. CULLEN• President of Council. Approved Feb. 18. 18d1. ..Paan... SMITR,'Jlayor. Attest: Taos. A. Pn'soaavnar, Clty Clerk. O.M.Aae. No. 1477. An ordinance authorizing the pBymel [ of the cum of tweuty-five (S25.O0) dolla s to Henry P. Pottgieeer. The Common Council 01 the City of St. Paul do ordain ae follows: Section 1. That an order be drawn on the City Treasurer in Iavor of Henry P. Potl- gleser for the cum of twenty -BTO dollars, the same bell,, B rebate on License No. 124juited by the City Clerkon July 1$ 1889, for one year from the ]Et day of January, 1881 See. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be In force from and atter its publica. tion. Yeas-Ald. Banholzer, Bielenberg, Bolt, Conley, Copeland, Dobuer, Dorulden, Ftan- drau, I 111, McNamee, Melady, Nine.. SRu- born, Van Slyke. Mr. Preeldent-15. Passed Feb, 17, 1591. O. 0. CULLER, President of Council. Approved Feb. 18. 1891. ROBERT A. SMITH, Mayor. Attest: Tues. A. PRENDENOAST,CIly Clerk. Feb. 23. Resolutions. By Ald. Sanborn- Resolved- That the grade of Linwood place, from Groine street to Osceola avenue. BE Indicated ny ins red grads line on the Be- compenyhig profile, and as recommends by the City Engineer, be nod the same is hereby adopted as the established gads. Yeas-Ald. Banholzer. Bielenberg. Bots, Couley, Conel'I d- Dobuer, Dorulden, Ftan- drau. Gehan, Mo\nmee. Melady, Minea San- born. Van Slyke. Mr. President -15. Approved Fob. IS, 1891. By Ald. Blelenberg- Resolved, That the City Engineer be and be le hereby instructed to report a grade on Union street, between Chatsworth and Vic- toria streets. Yeas-Ald. Banholzer, Bielenberg, Bott, Cooley, Copeland, Dobner, Dorniden, Flan- drau. Gehan, MOVamee, 3lelady, Minest, San- born, Van Slyke, Mr. President -15. Approved Feb- 1C( ISD. By Alderman Bfelenberg- ).esolved, That the Fire Commiaaioners be Bud hereby ate requested to locate Bud maln- Vn a fire alarm box on the southwest corner of Universityavenue and Victoria street. Yeaa-Ald. Banholzer• Bfeleuberg, Bolt pdnkl[ug in District No. 6 In 18A7, it having been made to appear that no sprinkBng was done in front of said real estate during said year. Said order to Be delivered only upon there being Bled in the office of the CII) - Comptroller a Proper receipt therefor. Yens-Ald. Banholzer, Bielenberg, Belt, Couley, Copeland, Dobuer. Dorniden, Flan- . dreu, Gehan, McNamee, Malady, Minea, Sao - born, Van Slyke. Mr. President -15. Approved Feb. 1& 1891. By Ald. Minea- - Resolved, That an order be drawn ipon, the Cny Treasurer In favor of A. Dimoul for [he sum of $98.7Q io redeem the bereft, de. scribed real estate from a sole thereof er- within the limits of the City of St Paul, de- scribed as follows: Commencing at the e,re.t corner of lot 1 f e etion 11, town 28, range 23; thence northerly- 830100 chains; thence westerly 7 3x100 chains; thence southerl, 4744 degrees west t 80.100 chains, thence southerly 4744 de- grees easterly 9 42 -IOD chains to the vlace of beginning. Said order Shall be delivered only anon a surrender for cancellntfon of the Car. Yeas-Ald. Banbolzer, Blelenberg, Bolt Conley, Copeland, Dobuer, Dorniden. Flan- drau, OehaD, ,tcNain Malady, Mines, Sau- boru, Van SI its, Mr. President -15. Approved Feb. 18, 1891. Hy Ald. Copeland - Resolved, That the question of the right of- certaiu parties and corporanone to store large qunvtitlea o[ powder and dynamite In the First ward f the City of St I be and 111, hereb u referred to a epactal commi[me consisting f Aid. Co..hu and Van Slyke nud the Corporation Attorney, with direc- tion. m investigate and report at me next meeting of the Common Council. Yeas-Ald. Banholzer, Bielenberg, Bott,. Conley, Copeland, Dobuer, Dorulden, Flan- dmu, Gehan McNemce, Melady, Minea, San- born, Van Slyke, Mr. Pesident-15. Approved Feb. 18, ISOL By Ald. Dobner- Hesolved, That the name of Cudworth street In the Tenth ward of the City of St , Paul be and the same is hereby changed to Bapleee avenue. Yeas -Aid. Banholzer, Bielenberg• Bott, Conley, Copeland, Dobuer, Dorniden, Flan- drau, Gehan. McNamee, Melady, 1111uaa, San- born. Van Slake, Mr. President -15. Approved Ir Ste. 18, 1691. -44 PROCEEDINGS OF T By Aid Dobner— Resolved. That the name of Ileney street, from Bampden avenue to [-niversity avenue, in the Tenth ward of the City of SL Paul, be and the same is hereby changed [o H.-ride.a Yeas—Ald. Banholzer, Btelenberg, Bott, Conley- Copeland, Dob.er. Dorniden, Fian- drau, Gehnu, 31 cNumee,:nelady. ]linea, San. born, Van Slvke, Mr. Preeide.t-15. A nproved Feb. 111. 1891. Whereas, The Common Council of the City t. Paul beretofore Board ordered the of Pu bile Warks to report wheteet, fromher a cha.gI of clips to Lile on li coin iavenrue, I. lisid eie): aeshown by a red line on a profile annexed to id o der, was statenecessary and proper, o'odlmhether osen[ Could he foil .bene Land to the oats tt f damages slid cots to be ].carred by sold Improvement; and d'hemem In accordance with ld order. the Board of Public Worse did ten ke a report to [be Common Council of ante Sept. :f0, 8'W recommending a change of grade ov Baldwin e:ree' pruoucediv=rldrich y venue F irvielw a nud that property could be found ben - .filed to the Cama[ of damages,coal. sl sad ea - v to be Incurred in making eel d�C hs.ge ofngrnde me aforesaid; lid NLereas. The Common Councl la of said I on lila 7th day Of October;'Cl. 119, adopted s Id report and ordered the CI rk to give the notice req tired by law: a d W""here—, TD Clty Clerk g'lh notice 1s. the weak., twi earl each wiee;k. thetrt he CO.... Conner of amid city would, on [he 17th day of Februrtry. 111L et ,::3,, p. m.. at [he couucll chamber. 1s. said city. consider much proposed change of grade a d \\'hexene, A[ lila time and piece last detg. aided for much proposed change of grade, the Common Councl[, after heartag all persons Interested, and being of the opinion that the is neceeery and proper: s Therefore. Be It Resolved. That the grade of Baldwin street, from Goodrich tiveuve to Lineolu avenue, produced easterly from Fair. view avenue. be. and the same m hereby changed in accordance with the red line as shown on the annexed profl I( being the same as referred to 1n all 1 eproceedingg. had in regard m said change: and be it further roam .nail proceed wunout aelay to assess the amount. as neariv as they can aseertaiu the same, which shall be requlred to pay he damages, costs and exi eneas of such Improve- ment upon the real sante to be benefited by aid Improvement, as provided by law; It be- ing the oDin ion of the Common Council that real cam to to be asseased for su h Improv0- roent can be found benefited to the extent of the damages, coats and expenses necessary to be tarm, d [hereby. Yeas—Ald. Banh Izer, Blelenberg. Bott. Cendr ale CohaneMc2iamee.nMeladyrnMlueeFSan- born, Van Slyke, Mr. Preeldent-15. Approved Feb. 18, 1891. By Aid. Dobner-- ' I[ fa hereby ordered by the Common Connell of the City of St. Paul: 3E COMMON COUNCIL That the matter of grading Tatem avenue, from Minnehuh, street to Chalton avenue(pe• tition atmebed),be and the same Is hereby re - tarred to the Board of Public Works w In- v tlgate and report: First—Is this Improvement proper and uee- easaryl Second—Give the Council an e,timateof the exv a thereof, and state whether oue half of the cost thereof is to be paid into the city treasury before the contrast is let. Third—Can real estate to be assessed for said improvement be found benefited to the extent of damages. costs de,pe,,,,,iec- eary to be incurred rheb ' Faourreth—I, such Improvement asked for ,,Pon thempetition or a plicntlou of the own- ,essed for enchl lmprovehment! petty to be as- Fl1th—deed the Council a ulev o profile of said Improvement, as res, iced by law, If you report 1n favor of the same. Sixth —Bead We Council n proper order at. meting the work to be done. Yens—AId. Banholzer, Blelenberg, Bolt, Conley. Copeland, Dobner. Dornldeu. Fmu- dran, G.ban, McNamee, Melady, Mines, San- born, Von Slyke, Mr. President -15. Approved Feb. 18, 1881. By Aid. Snttbora— It Ishereb]- ordered by the Common Council If the CI[v of St. Paul: That the matter of condemning and mkmg et 1v Inndm abutting ou Syndicate an e ,venue. . fC Summt arcane to SL Clair arm.,, e. c sin y construct atopee for cuts lid tills in grad ivg s aid Syndicate be d the m f, hereby referred to the Board o[ PubIIC Works to luvestignm and m. Part: First:—Is this Improvement proper and nec- essary. Second—Glve the Council all estimate of the expense thereof, and ante whether bne- half of the cos[ thereof m to be paid info the City Thlyd a Crau reale tatebefore the r to be is teased for sold Improvement be found benefited W the extent of damage& Coate bad expense. neo. ee,ary in be incurred 'he rebyP Fourth—Ea such Improvement asked [or upon the petltlon or apDlicatlon o[ the own• ere of s ma only o[ the property to be am. .eased for enc Improveme"" Fifth—Send the Councl) a plan or profile of std lmprovemeut, as required by law, If you ,apart 1. favor of the same. Sixth—Send the Council a proper order di• rectlug the work to i e done. Yeas—Ala. Banholzer, Blelenberg, Bolt, Conley, Copeland, Delmer, Do-Aden,Flan• draw, Gehan. McNamee. Malady. Ml.-. Sao. By Aid. Dobner— It 1s hereb' ordered by the Common Council L the C�tymof fit. Paul: That We [ter oC Idents.¢ Unlveretty ue to a u❑(form wldtIt 0[ ITA feet, from Iatmid toe emnd s lathereby refs red W the west tin thelBoa�rd of Public Works to mveedgate aha report: Flat—Is this improvemeut proper and men. esasryP Second—Give the Council an estimate of the expense thereof, and state whether one - OF THE CITY OF Sd half of the cost thereof Is -be paid Into We city treasury before he contract is let. Third—Can reel estate to be assessed for mid exteent of damages cnt e found andbexpea leo the e,m,y to be fianigm the -by? ea Fourth—Ie uch Improvement asked Ior upon the Petition or appe leation of the own- ers ossed for aumof til protperty to be ae .chliFifth—Send the Council a plan or prohie of said improvements, as required by law, if you Slxth_Sevdfav Council same. der di- recifng the work Lobe done. proper oI Yeas—Aid. Benbolzer, B!elenberR. Bolt. Cooley, COPeinnd, Dobner. Doriden, Flen- dreu, Gehan MCNnmee, Melody, Mines, Sass - her❑, I'ev SIM Me Preefdent-15. Approved eh. 18, 1891. By Aid. Bell— It is hereby ordered by the Common Council [ the City o[ St. Pnnl: That the matter of opeuinR,ldening and extending Fifth street from Maple to Flops street be. and the same Is here Dy referred to the Board of Public Works W Investigate and reFtrett—Is this improvement proper and n yeeo d P Glve the Council a estimate of the expense lhseof, d ante wether one- hnlf of [he coat the le W be paid too the city treasury before the contract 1s let. Third—Can real mm m be d for mid Improvement be found benefited to the extent of damages. couts d expenses dry- to incurred [hreb, be P o Fourtb—Ie s h l ea asked for upon the PetitionaT pppplication of the th seed fo me Cu h'i Pm�iovemep yroperty to be neFirth—Send me Council a PI rofile If said Improvement, me required by Isw, 1f you report I. favor of the same. Siatb—Send the Council a proper order dlmcting the work m be done. Yeas-Ald. Banholzer, Bielsnberg, Botf, Conley, GOpstand. DODner. Dornldeu, Flan- drau, Gehan, McNamee, Malady, Mlnea, San- born, Van Slvke, Mr. Prealdent-15. Approved Feb. 18, 1891. By Aid. Blelenberg It le hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of SL Paul: That the matter of ¢ Rondo and Iglchauge of grade on Dale street, between eherI street., be and the same Is hereby referred to the Board of Public Works W Investigate and sport: r Fin[—is this Improvement proper and nece.earyr Second—Give the Council stat, au whether to of the e0 a thereof. and in h whether o❑e- hni[ of the coat thereof Is to ce paid foto the cl�1hird--Can eforl the contract stem to be Is IeLssd for sold lmprovemevt be found bepeSted to the e tent o[ dnmmges. cost .d ezp0vme. necee- mnrlom be Incurred thereby4 Y u he pet uch Improvement eked for Upson thompCj or nor I elpro Ven of the m- f sI ori typr til progeny to be lie sensed for such Improvement. Fifth—Send the improvement. amCouncil a pian or law.Profle of said Irt rovemr oL am required by law, If qou report Yu favor of the same. DAT PAUL, FOR 1891. 46 Sixth—Send the Council a proper order di- recting the work to be done. Yeas—Aid. Bauholmr, Blelenberg. Boll. Conley, Copeland. Dobner, Dornlden,.Flau- drau, Gehan, McNamee, Malady, Milieu, San- born, Van Slyke, Mr. Preefdentrl5. Approved Feb. I8, 1CaJ1. By AId. BlelenberR— It ie hereby oraam Dy the Common Counclh of the City of St. Paul: Tont the matter of a ceange f gr de Carroll atree4 between Kent outride streets, be and le hereby referred to be Board of Public \Pori-. to Investigate aad report: Fent[—x910 this improvement proper and n Seemtd-Give the Council an estimate of the cxp te thereof, and state whether one- half of the cost thereof is to be paid into the- ca yI, rd v cantres,o the. ac . tint ....... d far sato lmpro ant be found benefited to the extent tiedomagea Lereti`d expenses sseces- seryourth—Is uch tmpro a ant flaked for - u�Fov the petition or flooe Bcation of the owv- .m°ea for w��etlmof [h property to be as- provement4 reFifth—Send the Gou.eB a plan or ptpfi'C of said fin as required by 1 You report Iu favor of the came. Sixth—Send the Council a proper order direCdvg the work done. Yeas—AId. Banholzer. Blelenberg, Boil. Co❑ley. Copeland, Dobner. Dornldeu. Fla.- dreu, Gehan, McNamee, Melady. Mines, San- boro, Van Ign, Mr. Yreeldeu[-15. Approved F -ell. is. I"I. In the matter of there ort f the Board of Public Work, dated 1 b. 13, lien. It Is oheby orderea by the Common Conceit f the CIIY oL St. Yait That the Board of Public Work. of the City of St. Paul cause the following Improve - ant to be made., Lo wit. Condemn and take an e lit 1n the land abutting o Park . between Sherburne avenue and Arch street, In maid citynecessary to comamet the elopes for cum an b fills In grading said Park avenue, between .ofd areata, to the eetab- limhed grade thereof, ae shown by the profile of said gr ® ade on file in the of of the Reg - later of Deeds m and for Ramsey county, and in the office of the City &n )neer; Bald slopes m extend one and one-half (145) feet on .aid land for every foot of cut or fill, as lndf- eated on the plan of Bald 'lopes attached to maid report, and to be filed In the office of s 1d Doard. ,That said Board shall proceed with* to eeaesm the amount,ea nearly a. they can cermin the same• which will be required to- eume. o'hef eu.hgim rovem lid neceeeI real estate Lobe benefited by said Improvement. 44 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL By AId. Dobner— Resol-ed. That the name of Mersey street, from In.mpden avenue to CniverMty avenue, fn the Tenth word of the Cit` of S[. Pan', be and the same is hereby changed to Hain u at]"ens—Ald. Bnnholzer. Bielenberg. Batt. Copley. Copeland, Dobner Dornideu, Flan- dnm, Gehau, McNamee, Melady Mlnea, San- born, Van Slakc. Mr. President -15. Approved A'eb. 18, 18111. 11'hereaS. The Common Council of the Clty t -1 1. Paul heretorore ordered the Board o[ Public Works to report whether. change of grade on Baldwin street, from Goodrich av- enue to I.i ncoln avenue. In saitl city. as shown by n red line on n profile annexed to said order. was necessary and proper, and whether real estate to be assessed for aid improve- s t could ba found benefited to the extent of do mages and costs to be incurred by said mprovement: and st"I;erens. In accordance with said order. the 73oard of Public Works did make a report to the Common Council of date Sept. :30, 1S"" recommending change of grade on Baldwin street, from Goodrich avenue to Lincoln ay. enue, produced easterly from Fairview av- enue, and that property could be found ben- efited to the extent of damages, costs and ex. penses necessary to be incurred In making said change of grade as of, pe ­1d: and 11 hereas. The Common Council of said di[`, of the 7th day of Goober, 1899, adopted said report slid ordered the Clty Clerk to give the notice req Bred by law: and Whereas, The C'ltr Clerk Rnve notice In [he uncial paper of said city, Corthree successive weeks, twice In each week. that the Common Council of said city would, on the lith day of February, 1891, at 7..30 p, m., at the council chamber, in Bald city consider such Proposed change of grade: and Whereas, At the time and place last desig. nsted for Such proposed change of grade, the Common Comici1, after hearing all persons interested, and being of the opinion that the Therefore. Be it Resolved, That the grade of Bahl win street, from Goodrich avenue to Lincoln avenue, produced easterly from Fair view avenue, be, and the same Is herebv changed In accordance with the red lice as shown on the annexed profile, being the same as referred to In all the p oceedings bad Ill regard to said change: and be it further Resolved, That this order and the profile rep Id ng said change of grade be referred to the Board of Public Works, and that said Board shall proceed without delay to assess theamount, ail nearly es they can ascertain the amine, which hull be required to pay the damages, coats and expense. of enc. Im prove- ment upon the real estate to be beue0[ed by said Improvement, as provided by law; it be. ing the opinion of the Common Council that real estate lobe assessed for such Improve. ment call be found benefited to the extent of the damages, costs and expenses necessary to be Incurred thereby. Yea.—Ald. Banholzer, Bielenberg. Butt, Conley, Copelnnd, Bob or, Dorniden, Fwn- rau. Gehan, McNamee. Melady. Mines, San- born, Can Slyke, Mr. Presideut-15. Approved Feb. 18, 1891, By Aid. Dobper-- It Ishereby ordered by the Common Council of the City or St. Paul: That the matter of grading Tatum avenue, from Mnnehaha street to Chelan avenue)pe. tftion a«arhedi.be and the same Is hereby m (erred to the Board of Public Works to In- Vesigate San report: First—Is this improvement proper and nec. e irmir? Second—Give the Council an estimate of Lite eyelike thereof. and state whether one. half o[ the cost thereof is to be paid into the city treasury before the contract iS let. Third—Can real estate to bese sed for said improvement be found benefited to the extent of damages• costa na expenses nec- essary to be incurred thereby? Fourth— Is such Improvement asked for upon the petition or swicntlou of the own- ers of a majority of the property to be as- sessed for such improvement? Fift,lf=nd the Council n plan or profile If,"' f said Improvement, as required by law, if YOU report In [acor of the same. Sixth—Smid the Council a proper order a[- recling the work to be done. Peas—Ald. Banholzer• Bielenberg, Bolt, Gouley, (.'upelmnd. Bob"er. Dorniden. Plan. draw, Gehau, McNamee, Melody, Miuea, San- born, Van Slyke, Mr. President -15. Approved Feb. 18, 1891. By Ald. Sanborn— It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council f the City of St. Paul: That the matter o[ coudam uing and taking an easemeul in Inmos lib it Ing on Sndic li'myate nue, from Summit nvenne to 't. Clair street, uecessar>- to construct slopes for cuts and fills In grilling said Syndicatesen e, be and [he me Is herebv referred to the Board of Public Works [0 1[ives[Igme and re- port: Fd ust—Is this improvement properannec- essary? Second—Give the Council an estimate of the expense thereof, and state whether one. half of We cost [hereof Is to be load into the city treasury before the contract is let. Third—Can real estate to be assessed for said improvement be found benefited to the extent of damages, costs and expenses nec- essary to be Incurred thereby? Fourth—Is such Improvement asked for upon the petltfun or applfca«ou of the own. ers ofa malority of the property to be as. sessed for sue Improvement? WeCouncil a plan or profile of ent, as regnlred by Iaw, If you of the enme. the Council a proper order di. k to oil dove. Banholzer, Bielenberg. Bott, lid. Botanist, Dorufden, Flan. feNamee, Melady, Million, San. e, Mr, Presldent-15. '.b. 18, 1891. By Aid. Dobner— It is beret))- ordered by the Common Council ofthe City of St. Paul: That thematter of widening University avenue to a uniform width of 1"A feet, from Raymond avenueto the west city limits. be. and the same is herebv referred to the Board of Public Works to Investlgam and report: First—Is this Improvemeut proper and fee, e .... Y? ee- e.sary-? Second—Give the Council an estimate of the expense thereof, and state whether one, OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 46 half of the cost thereof is to be paid Into the cityy treasury fore the contract Is let. T61rd—C•.. rebeel estate to be assessed for said improvement be found benefited to the extent of damages. r M and expenses nec- essary to be Ineurred�thereby? Fourth -18 such Improvement asked for upon the petition or agphcaliou of the own- ers of a majority} of the property to be as. sensed for such imprevemeut. Fifth—Send the Council a plan or profile If saidimprovement., as required by law, If you reDP't 1 , favor of the same. Sixth—Send the Council a proper order di- recting the work to be done. Yeas—Ald. Banholzer, Bielenberg• Boll, C'ouley, Copelnnd, Dohner. Dorniden, Flen- drau, Gahan, McNamee, Melady. Mines, Sart- bor',"" rn, ""SIZ. It r. President -15. Approved Feb. IS, 1891. By Ali]. Balt— ic is hereby- ordered by the Common Council t the City of St. Paul: That the matter of opening, widening and extending Fifth street from Maple to Built,Street be. and the ee is hereby referred to the Board of Public Works to inves[fgate and repot. Firrs[—fs this improvement proper and necessary? Second—Give the Council an estimate her oz of the expense thereof, and tote whether one - city re the cost thereof is m be paid into the city treasury before the coulract is let. Third—Can real estate to be assessed for said improvement be found benefited to the extent of damages, costs d expenses necessary to be Incurred thereby? Fourth—Is such 1�p rovemenr asked for 'pan the pet)«on oT application of the vers of a major Ry of the property to be assessed for such imp ... crucial, Firth—Send the Council n planor profile of said improvement, as required by law, If von report lu favor of the same. • Sixth—Send the Council a proper order directing the work to be done. Yeas—All. Bnnholzer, Bielenberg, Butt, Conley, Copeland, Donner. Dornideu, Flan- drau, Gahan. McNamee, \lelady, Mines, San. born, Van Slvke, Mr. President -15. Approved Veb. I8, 1891. By Aid. Bletenberg-- It IS hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of SL Paul: That the matter of u change of grade on Dale street, between Rondo and Iglehart streets, be and the same Is hereby referred to the Board of 1'uolic Works to investigate had mr.ort: First—I. this Improvement proper and necessary? Second—Give the Council all estimate of the i apense thereof. and state whether one- half o[ the cost [hereof Is to be paid into the efty treasury -before the contract Is Ie[. 'Pard—Con real estate to be assessed for said Improvement be found benefited to the extent of d1lmaRes. Coat andCxpeneCa nCCCs- nt y- to be Incurred thereby? }ourth—Is such Improvement asked for upon the petition or nvpliestloa of the own- ers of a majority of the pro Vert, to be a�- seesed for such improvement. Fifth—Send the Cannot I a plan or profile of sold int ,rovement, as required by law, if you report fn favor of the same. Sixth—Send the Council a proper order di. meting the work to be done. e. Ye—Aid. Banholzer, Blelenherg. Bott, Conley, Copeland. Dobner, Dornideu, Flan - dram, Gehau, McNamee, Melady, Mhtea. San. born, Can Slfke, Mr. President -15. Approved Feb. 18, 1891. By Ald. Bielenberg— It Is hereby ordered by the Common Councia of the City o[ St. Paul: Thmt the mutter of a change of gr de on Carroll street. between Kent and Grotto - streets, beand lherebyuveate end report: referred to the Board of Public 1Vorke, to lsBg Fire[—Is this Improvement proper and necessary? Second—Give the Council an estimate of [he ex tense thereof, and state whether one- balf dl the coat thereof Is to be paid into the city treasury before the contract Is let- Third—Con real estate to be assessed for said im procemen[ be found beuefiued to the extent o[ dnmegea, costs sod expenses ueces- anrp [o .. incurred thereby? Fourth—Is Such imppprovement naked for ere n the tirit Petition of thelication of the own- j property, to be as - sed for such improvement? Firth—Send the Council a plan or profile of said improvement aS required by law, if you report fn favor of the same. Sixth—Send the Council a proper order directing the work done. Yeas—Ald. Banholzer, Bielenberg, Botta Couley, Copeland, llobner. Dornideu, Fon- drnu, Gehnn, McNamee, Slelady. 1Dne.' San- born, Van Slvke, Mr. President—l. Approved F'eb. 18, 1891, In the matter of the report of the Board of Public Works dated Feb. 1:3, IS91. It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City o[ St. Pmol: That the Board of Public Works of the City of SL Paul causethe following Improve- ment to he made. to wit: Condemn and take an easement In the land abutting on Park avenue, between Sherburne avenue and.Areh street, In said city necessary to construct the Slopes for cuts ants Blls In gradlug said Park avenue, between sold streets, to the estab- lished grade thereof, as shown by the profile of sold gide on file In the office of [ha Reg- ister of lleeds m and for Ramsey county, and 1n the office of the City Rn sneer: said slope. to extend one and one-half (11§) feet on sold landfor every toot of cut or fill, as Indl- cs[ed on the pian of said elopesattached to Said report, dna to be Bled fu the office of Said Board. That said Boars shall proceed without de- lay to assess the amounLne nearly as inev can ascertain the same, which will be required to pay the damages, cost and necessary ex. pellees of such improvement upo'""m the ren! estate to bebeneilted by aid Improvement. as provldea by law: It being the opinion of the Cauncll lust real estate to be ......ed for such improvement can be found benefited to the exon[ of the dnmegea cost and ex- penses necessary to be incurred thereby: Yeas—AW. Bauholzer, Bielenberg, Boll. Conley. Copeland, Dobner, Dorniden. Flan- Irau, Geltan, ytc�amee, Melady, DII'ma. Coit S]>•ke, Mr. President -14. Nay's Id. Saubom—I. Approved Feb. IS, 1891. 46 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL , OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. qry In the matter f the report of the Board of Public Works d.ted Feb. 1:3, ]Poll. It is hereby ord, red by the Common Council f the City of rat. Paul: That the Board of Pull to ttorks of the City Of St. Pani C use file roilowi ug Ito provemI to be m e, to wit: Condemn and take nu ant Stu the land ¢burn ng m1 St, Albans .[reel between Front street and lila right of wall' of the (:rent N-1- Cuts ortltera 3. In said uts n -nr3- to onst[i[CI the fops for m to eonshd1 i luoints to said es- Ainaue street between said points >, the e file f a rade thereof, as.'Itvlh by lee or, - file Regisi r of Deeds In slid efior Rnmeep a uo p a Id in the office of the City Engineer; aid slopes to extend one and one-half (101) feet on said laud for every foot of cut or fill, as 11dicated on the plan of said ;dopes attached to said report, and to be filed In the office of said Board. That Said Board shell proceed without delay to SISCIS the amount, as nearly ns they can ascertain the same, which will be re. 'Imbed to pay the damages, cost and neces. sary expenses of such Improvement upon the real estate to be benefited by said im- provement, as mq fired by law; it beink the opinion of the Council that real estate to be s d for such improvement can be found beh er led to the extent of the damages, ,at and x Dees necessary to ne incurred Ihere b3'.Pe fens-Ald. Banhnizer, Bielenberg, Bon, Conley. Copeland. Dobler. Poruitlen. Flap- drnu, Gehmh. McNamee. .11 ¢Indy, Mines, "ah,- DVlpprotedlle .1 r18Ul swan[ -15. I. the mater of fade report of file Board of Yvblie \Cork. dated Feh. 1�1. I'I R is here,,, ordered b,- the Common Council f the City of S -Paul: Tint the Board of Public Worksof the Cny of St. Paul Cause the rollotvl ng improwa- me tl to be n,atle. to twit: Condemn nud take a put In the laud nbu thug on St :son streets between Date street nud Grotto street, It, said city, nc s to nstruct the sloped for ate andefiller n grading id Still I.street, between Said : treats, to the estab- 1isr ed grade thereof, as Shown by the profile tpe'to_ki landtef O on e_h afoot[ If cu[ oar Ill, as m, indicated thr3 e plan of slid :opeattached to .aid report, naw to be tiled iv tnhe office of sal. hoard. That enid HeOnrd sbnale proceed wrthonet delay- to noses Ina te r [, n hear a ]y thea- mm .,cental[ the same, w'hlcn will be recaired to pay file damages, cost and uecae- e peuses of Inch improvement upon [ to real este[¢ to e benented Dy old Ia- n I the provided by law: I[ being the oft. Dl vlmd for snclruncil im prow mem i eau oe found Deh,Ibe H teal la the eaten[ of file damages, cost and expenses necessary to be incurred there- by. tees -Aid. Bnnholzer. Blelevble" Botl, Conley, Copeland, Donner, III Ie n, Flhn- born, Gahn n, sic Nemec, . I dy, hlluen.. Sen - Dorn, t"un S1' -I, 111 r. President -15. Approved Ill. IS, 1891. Iv the matter of the report of the Hoard of Public Works, dated Feb. 13, 1891. It I.s hereby', rdered by the Common Council Tf the lite oP St. 1•I"I: of Jhn[ the 13dard of Yubllc Works of the City [. I•aul causethe following improvement to be made to wit: Condemn Intl [Ike nu e t. n the land Abutting on Atwater i'[reet�tbe. ween Dale street and Grotto street, n said city, uecestery to construct the sloped for cn_ and Ch. hn gtldlug to theaid Atwater hotgrad [ do theraeof n Saki, Iby the Prfileelloff ,aid Deeds it, and fort tame nce of the antl fine (lrf y coon y .MCC of the ,fly Eneinecr: said slope, to ex- tend one and one-half (15§) feet on Slid ]and for even foot of cut or Htl, ss indicated o the p"" I[" I ell7 1-1 attached to aid n port, aid to be dyed in the office of said Board. That said Board shell proceed without de- lay to assess the amount, nearly as they Cali ascertain the same, which will be re- quired to pay the damages, post nud uecee- s ry expenses of each lm provemevt upon the real estate to be benefitedby said im- prolemeut, as provided by IS .. ([ being [he opinionof the Council that real estate to be assessed for such improremefit can be fonud benefited to the extent of the damages, cost I'd 1xpevses necessary to be 11,"rred the cbv Cunt Cooel unid hDob ler, Dolrutlderu' Fluvt� drau. (:e 1. t, McNamee, hlelady, shies, Sau- bor., t"an Slyke, sir. President -15. Approved Feb, is, Ia91. Iu the molter of the port of the Board f P110ihe works the �n. .V, IabI, and Feb. It Iv hereby ordered by the Common Council ,f the Cite of St. Paul: That the Bln,d of Public Works of too Cit}' of St. Pall cause the Doll-filgimp-lic-N., to be m de, to-u•IC Condemn and take an e 1t in the laud nerosa an d under the right of why of the Chicago, Milwaukee aukee & 1 rldgeulplHniiwny ;atmpline Itnes ofrect It and ndo street. producedacrosssaid right way, in said city. That said Board shall proceed without de INS to assess the .on, un[, as nearly [hey ertniu the nae, avh is 11 will be re quired1. p.3the .tie. 1mp., coInt a "P-., eces- .a- real estate tosbe beuente,lr by said ipov ee loran [f the Council IAn[na salt being to be sed for su h Improvements n to found bests and etxpense, vecees.ry tohbe;nmugred lherehy. Tena-Ald. Bannolzer. Blelenberg, Bo D, Conley. COPelnnd. DOW, . Doruiden, Flau- drau, Gehan, McNamee, Melady, \linea, Sao - boll, C -no Slyke, sl r. 1•,eshho t-15. Approved Feb. IS. 1891. Iu the Iter of lite ¢Dort ' the Board of Yublic Works date. Feb. 12, ]591. It is hereby ordered by the Common Council f the City of St. Paul: That the Board of Public Works of the City of St. Paul Cause the followin gimproye- ment [o be made, to wit: Open, which and extend Third street, from White Bear avenue to the east city limits, in said city, Condemh- ing and taking all that band between Whit Bear avenue amt the ens[ city limns, :yin within the lines ofa trips ix(y (i)) fee wide, the south line of whichtrip shall 9.:r. feet III-- from and to-olim ,1, 1. Ing cuter line [rum,ingenst Ind nest) of sectio: :41. town _K:, range __', being in Jt. Ynni, \lin ¢ n- That said Hoard shall proceed withon delay w:.s •s1 [he xm cant, h s oarly ns [ilei ualn the same, which dill h qu[ircei to1,11fill bluo ges,h pro and "not thClaspens,•, : real estate [o be benefited by sold Im or •h t. s provided by law; it being lilt pin m`of the Coun ell [haI real estate to ne as'e"ed pr1%Ileut ch. be found heuefited to the eor 11111 ix teat Of the damages, Cosh therebSx pauses necessary to be Incurred Yelf -Ald, Bnnholzer, Bielenberg, Boll, Conley, COpelaid, Dolmen, Doruidan, Fhtn- drnu, Gehan. McNamee. liebady, :tinea, San. born, \'au Slyke, sir. President -15. .approved T''Ch. 1S, 18!)1. rt of the Board of 1:3, ]all C'ommov Council Works of file City of St. Pint cause to be e -clue -de. iv to w v[ he It Rade on D h, t e ofit- of the Hegle- tersuf Deeds bland for Ibhm say co [)', and in file oflioo of the coy Il nglneer; said slope. laud o,,e and one-half Illy) feel It said Innd for every font of , or fill, ndicated Of the elan of said to a attach ed to Ind rt•Por[, rad to he flied In Ne. omce of Sai Don rd. I'lult Said Board Shall proceed without de• Inc to assess fie ¢moan[, as nearly ns they can asermin the same, which will be required to p hs' I Ile danume., cost and uecesshry ex Penses If nCh mpr 'eme t unioo the real estate to I'1',,beneft ted b lo, id i hl�to-on, ts pro- -i led b lave: It belug the oofnion of the Coonan Ihat telt a lc be t sed for 11-1, b Improvement ml ut,,e food aDenemed tc the extent of the d¢m¢ges, ccs[ nud ¢spew¢¢¢ n ]'en:ary to be incurred [hereby. Ald. B.Oholzer, htelienborg. Cool e3', ('opelnvd. Dobner, llorniden. F'bu[- dr.o, Gehel:. s[cNnmee, slel¢dy. Mines, Snu- bon:. can ayka. ],r. preside.[ - 15. Approved F'cb. lS, um. In the matter of the reppo [ f the Hoard of Public [Corks dated FOD. 13, 18!11. It Is here Dy ordered by lila Common a,ouvCil of the City of It Paul: That the Board of P bllc ]Corks of the City of SI. _mil Close the followlug Do went to be made, t0 wit: Condemv Incl take a easement in h street, between scree a[ad Grotto ettee[� forto saidtcity, d tele my to on-distrueldbe "rogpees shoet,tsbetwa. een Bald streets, to the established grade thereof, as shown by the profile of said grade on fl le in the office of the Iteglster of Deed, in and for Illmsey C011n h', and In the I.- lend a stud ova hid( (DIj fee[ o l aid: la ;d for ea -en foot If rut or till,s Indicated Oil the pial of said sloes attached to ,d J,ort, and to be filed in the office of the said 'Thal said Board shall n eed without de- in-to.,sassthe amount, h�c Ilen- s :bey on,ermiu lie -ble, whichar(IIn bC r - 'Iunedto pay ibe damages, cost rah o neces- all ex penses of 11,111 morovementtup- the enl esmte to he benefiled na' laid imProa'e- ent, n1 prow Wed Ula' It being ibe oplu- t f the con hell tf;at real estate to be a tossed for such Improvement c tt be found benefited to the extent of be damages, post and expenses necessary' t0 be Id there b, -]"ens-Ald. Bnnholzer. Bielenberg, Bolt, Cotile}'. l'opeland, Dobler,aDorlmeu, Flnn- drau, Gehau, sic Nampo, Mlady, Nihon, Sell. born, Van Slyke, sir. President -15. Approved Feb. 18, 1891. In the matter of the report of the Board of Public tt orks dated Feb. 12, 1891. It IF hereby ordered by the Common Council of the Ci 'Y ofSt. Paul: That the Don rd of Public Work, of eaid c2ey of S[. Paul cause the fetloaving improve - me It to be made, to aft: C-stmet a r Wer n Yayne ¢ 1u" Cram ]liunehMa It rapt to Fnoquier tree[, and 1 Beaumont front Preble aireef 10 Payne avenue. In said cl[r,includlug the v ce.neyeSewerco.uec- tioos ,o the Property liven; Id sea ¢ring to be .tone under ohe rImrnm. That said Board....... id work to be 1, �ull nae m[.tmnted Idedt l`d"g fit alt Paid into b ¢,placed treasury; -utafter, aid hail proceed n'nhout delay to alae- the amount, ls nrly ns they [ ascertain the s which wll be required to y the cos[ and n cess thyi• reW OCh smteol t be b`"ed by -aaid the: chain me,of the lbuaed that real estrove retro 11 be floutI icnsfit ll 11' lo[t,I.Ciet calhe ext¢ t oftthe costtnad expels .1 : eCssar to be incurred thereby. Yeas CAld. It.uholzer. Bielenberg. Itutt, ('III_Copeland. Dobner, Dorniden, Flan- orau, Grunt, 11,,Iamee. Mc l ad}-, slim en, San- born, l' ao sIjke, Mr. Preside u_l", AZroved eb. Is. Is9l. lon eed. 0. 0. ('crces. President of Council. Tao, A. Pnc�nmu.w. r, City Clerk. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Of Ordln - Pas..d by the Common Counell of tlhe City of 8t. Paul, at It. Meeting Held on Feb. 17, 1891. Oaptswscn No. 1474. An ordi-th- ton d Ordinance No. 10, ppro led Oct. y 18W, the sn being Ar- tlele No. ^_1 bf [he Municipal Code of St. Y¢ul, last. The C"Paul do ='fda ns follows: file City of St Section 1. That section one (1) of Ordb nance No. 10. ae the same appears in Article 0 48 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL 21 of the Municipal Code of St. Paul, 1881, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out the word "and" in the sixteenth line of said section one, and inserting 1. place there- of the word "or." and further by striking out Id section ton and 1130' In sin ertingentb tire Of sa i place thereof the figure'910." ,CO. , Thst section two of eaid Ordinance Nn. 10. As the same appears in Article No. 21 out me — two words of stili sectio two, Sec. 3. That sectf0u three of said Grdt- a:ce No. 10, as the same appears In Arti,le V o.21 of the Municipal Code of St. Paul, 188+, b intrik- gs out all tld the sme thatispart sof said section three coming after and following the figure $100 in the Lauth line of said sectinonon three. im and bSec.e n force frois m and after s its kpublics- tion, Bott, Tens—Aid. Banholzer, Bielenberg, Conley, Copeland. Dobner, Danddu, Flan- drnu, Gehau, 3lcName nmee. Ilelady, Mines, San- born, Van Slyke, Mr. President -15. Passed Feb. 17, 184)1. G. O. Cottsu. Presldut of Council. Approved Feb. 1N, 1691. BonesT A. S"Ttr, Tfa}or. Attest: Taus. A. Pit_ .s.AsT, City (:lark. Feb. 21. Regular neetirrg. ST. PAUL, March 3, 1891. President Cullen fn the chair. Present—Ald. Banholzer. Blelenberg, Bot[. Copeland, Dorniden, Flaudrau. Gehau, Mc- Namee. Malady. \lines, Sanborn, Sullivan, Mr. President -13. Minutes of preceding meeting approved - and dispensedwuh. COxni1KICAT1 1a - From Ferdlnand Con Ileyder Borowe Writing for Cnris[opher Klotz, kl- rela[Ive to estate of Anna Klotz, deceased. Referred to the Mayor. From Peter Berkey - Relative f judgment -opening Mississippi streee. Accepted. (see resolution.) From Deter Rollinger- P"n"stingg agafuat the making of any as_ sessment-3liss[ssippi street improvement, eta. Accepted and placed on file. From [amr5oflitionEdward Leangu'viu Special end 01d etrs-s- Nor estaDlishing grade on Roble street. COIDadvi a on Streets and City E ngineer. ,upoteTa OF CITY OFFICERS. Of City Treasurer—Report, Jan. 31, 1801, to March 1. 1891— To the Hni bers of the Colmmoe C unciluOf the City Frosiet Oil o[ St. Paul. Gentlemen: I have the donor to submit to disbursementsu the follw"o(r this tof ofhc0 fromilia 831, 1591, to March 1, lt!o: Iteceipte— ,521.74 Board of Water Commissioners de, 10,500.00 Interest on Treasurer's Lank de- posile......................... Redeemed and partially redeemed certificates of sale ................ 10,f?1.OS Municipal Court ............... Licenses and Permile.............. 1"-1,700.00, 30,7-'0.`J2 Miscellaneous ............. ....... Assessment Receipts—Gradings... 401816.37 Assessment .all Assessment Iteceipsts—Gpeniogs... :1.031.02 15,870.63 Aesessmut Receipts—Sewers...... Assessment Recelpts—Change of Mlnnlciprd Coar,3":er, Comnlllme oil Ordinances and Public Ac- RrndC .......... Assessment Receipts—Sidewalks.. I652.31 B4Oi J.76 Assessment Receipts—Spriukling.. '=•I.94 Total.... .... .................$K"5.910.04 l�ul—Gus lamps nut lighted, oil lamps nut Disbursements— CityOrders. ................. . glad 0-,837 Fire Commissioners ................ :%1,072.44 %,star department. ................ 15,7.1,.42 14,6M.0o Interest coupons ........... ...... Norkhouse.......................... 2,ST2.06 Park warrants.warra...... ^045.75 1,901.79 RedeeLillmed catoll [es of sale, paid to holders IP,"A1.80 Miscellaneous.. ................ �.... 9.11 30,04331 Balance on hand'. .......... Total............. ..............SS": ,,910.94 Condition of Funds— 31.617.45 W mer department .................. Police Parisian ...................... 2:211(i.St Library .................... ......... City .......... ....................... 119..J4.47 Totil............................ £82,463.31 Where Deposited— 89,994.11 FI[st,.,IOnil batik......... - ...-, National bank......... U'41•l.5"_ Bank of Mlnnesom .National German -American bank. 6,30.53.5 Germania bank . ........ St. Paul National bank...... ...... 7784.46 241.64 2,716.37 Commerclai bank.... . - ... ... ..... Second National bank ..... ........ " 118.87 Savings bank ....................... 11.253."0 4,044 i0 People's bank. .............. Seven Corners bunk ................ 7,328.4:1 Capital bink ........................ 136. �.1 West Slde bank.......... bank..... 1,5.i5.0� 1,637.9:? ,cardfuavian-American Bank of Minnesota (interest ac- 22,838.81 count) ............................ Total. .............. ........... otal........................... 392,461 3t Respectfully submitted. Gsoaos Rete, City Treasurer. March " 1891. C•ommitten on lays rend Means. Of City Comptroller—Audited Claims, VIZ.— J. R. MRIone)•. Bildru to No. 3, grading Sevepth e[reetpS850; W. C. vallevg. Eslf- -...,. ., Alan Creek Ithev sewer, end ordered paid by following 1—oidhnlzFlandmn. Gehan, C - Mr. President. -1J Of Inspector of Buildings—Report for Jan - nary, 18111—City Treasurer's receipt attached for Committee on Ordniances and Public Ac- counts. OF TIIE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 49 Gf Clerk of Municipal Court—Report for I The Roord of Piddle Work, have had February, Is!'I—PityTreasurer's receipt at. iaehed for S2.7M.w'. i [ruder Consideration the resolution or order of the Common Council, nuprnved C, ntmittea on Oldivances and Public Ac- Jon. 21, 1,91. rehrtno to nn Ism wing .all yd taking 1 eem nent ' the Inad nbinting ,n Atwater street, from t: nnitier Ilf Chic[ oI P01ice—Report for Februnn-, Inst—'1'olnl arrests. 3-m; flues colt, 1, ley scree[ to [['astern Ween-, occes.. r, to ', u �'. strml the slopes for cuts and tills In grading Mlnnlciprd Coar,3":er, Comnlllme oil Ordinances and Public Ac- ,aid Atwaterstrcet, amt. having ipcestignted the proposed iniprovemut. respectfully' re- cbuu[s, _ trent that itis necessary anti trcoper to run- tl nlld lake an enscmout In the land nhltt- Of Captain of Poli: e—Report fur Febrttnry' tin, on Atwnler street, between (;uultier l�ul—Gus lamps nut lighted, oil lamps nut street end \['este rn 't nuc, in said m[y'. nec- [slopes hghted, 14 �. 147Ptrolicr. , ary to Constrict the for tats sal City C tills in grading said Atwater street. bet—cii sad streets to the established grade thereof, ItF.CORT OF If -lin OF rt'II I.Ir wORKe. IS shown by the profile of Said grille On file in the ciliac of the Rcyister of Deeds in nud Fisk anti Giber Itr,ets "r— the Common Council of the City or St. P ol: it,- Bpant of Public W.,ks-hnve had under sideration the resolution or order of tb, Common Council. approved Dec. 3, 1".n 1. relative to the Construction of o xe,,er n the' fpllow'ing st reels, to wit: Fisk st reef, I rom Mhtr[iu ctr et [o Gay to�a,conC; Mlartm 'e 1, from Fisk sir [o Dole street::[. An- huny avC•une. front Nisi: street m Dale street; tonuu street, from Fisk street to Dnle street; I ' "It oll sir el. from Fnskstreet b 1 al • n I elelmr freer, frunn . ilton Milbotfo (ince sl net; Mlarshall n •cane, ,rum Vilma tt res[ to "I b, stave[: tiny ton : C, front Vi tuna to Ml Ilton street: 51 . Albans street, fr. m Iglehart street to Carroll 'beet; �ad,ha'iing spestimated the pr ,posed nun proveuten[, re- ,etfidly report Ilitit it i necessary and proper to cunstruct sewer on Fisk street, rol fn Marin street to Day toll nvcu ue: oil 3l or. Linn stree [. from 1-isk street to but, st rye [; pu St. Anthbnv avelil- from Fisk street 10 Dale street: ore Rondo street. from Fisk street to 'Il. Alb:llls street; on Correll street, from Fisk street to Dlde street: , n Iglelmrt street. front Mlllpm street iO Dale street: on Mar- shall avenue, from Victoria street to Miller street; 01 Dayton avenue, front Victoria street to Mikller street; on St. Albans street, h[ street to from Iglen Itomio street and fro Sl. Anthony oven tie to Martin scree[: ndruu \'icrorn street, front M arsllnll nett e to Dayton avenue. together n'ith the neees caehbasins Rnd n soh ,1 s sn ; t ,said sewer- estim to dune under ore' is trnet: that Alf estimated sed not olpaid thereof is to the one -alts( of which aced not tie paid euro Lac real state r bo[ure the therefor is let: that real estate robe assessed laerefor can be found bene- fi-Itotheesten: of the rost and expenses ml�my to be incurred thereby: fila! eaid raneat is not nuked for by -n poli lion Of wnjority of the , of property to be ased taerefor, bill at a hearing before said Board this day'. out of a total of 247 hooses on the line of said Improvement. I majority were ill favor thereof, and we here. trilh scntl , plait Of sold dmyroica •tit. and an order for your ndoptlon, d[ you deslro us to make the Iroprottmeut. Tens 4, mtys n. R. L. Gon,_ P ... idcnt. J. T. KmtKF.lr, Clerk Board of Pub(ie Works. Feb. 27. ISol. Adopted. (See order to Board of Public Works.) Also, Atwater Street Slopes— Tc the Common Council of the City of Sl. Pau! . for It nisev eouutc• and In the o6tce of the Circ Enginieer; said slopes 1.0.tend one nal 0111 half (list feet on said land for every foot of cut or fill, nS indicated on the plan of sail slopes attached to this report anal to be lile,l in the ollicc of said Board: that the estimated •x pea sc tncreof is 51-0: that the telt estate n: benSSessed therefore can he found beuelib,d to the eaten[ of tae damages, c Is and ex- penses access[ry m he Incurred thereby-; that said iruprovement is not asked for by a pati tion of a majority of the owners of rop- arty to be assessed therefp or, bit too gin I, ask cd for by n petition of n large number [ nctnlnl re 0 'iit owners I'll Atwntcr slreet between said streets, whieln Wer essihttes the comI—lama of slopes: and we herewith sen 1 a n plan ,old profile of said improvenneob 1 nd order for your adoption, if you desire s u to make the improvement,. 1'ens 4, uses 0. IL L. Galev.sx, President. I. 'I'. I:enn:i rt.Clers Board Of Public Works. Feb .'' -'n, IM!rl. A:Inpted. "o order to Board of Public R'orks.) 1150, Simco, Street Slopes— To [he Coalmen Council of the City of St. Pan]: The Board of Public Works have had oil - ,let consideration the resolution ur order of [he Common COall(B, approved .Jun. 21, 1 !11. Il It, w condemning and laking an Case- ment in the land ablitting oil Skmcoe street. belo,cenn Alwxter street suit Front street, nec. essary to Construct the slopes for cuts and fills its grading said Shncoe street, and, hay. Tog ini—Ligated the proposed improvement, espectfuldy report that it isnecessary and proper to condemn nal take nn easement in the Innd abnttitlg on Simco, street between AtwaMt;er street uhd Front street, in said city,. 1 vekor-, to construct the stupes fur mets grading s l �ItnCOC street be. ttween serail streetsto the established grade thereof. its shown by he profilof eaid grado n file in the ogles of the Regiseter f Deeds 1n old for Ramsey county', and In the ollicc of the ('ity Engineer, said slopes to extend aiand oneihait dol) Leet mi said land for ry Loot of cut or till, n I ld on the PI of sntd slopes attached to this report and to be filed in thto chie office of said Board; that the estimated Of thereof is 39b; that the real estate to be assessed therefor can be found be loll ted f the extent of the damages, costs and expenses necessary to be incorrect thereby; that ld fm pravemeat is t asked for by a pet(tlou of a majori[c of the owners of property to be assessed there- PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL for, but the grading is asked for by a large tuber of the owners of property oI' aid Olcoe street, between said streets. It'hleh necessitates the Coudemnstoal of slopes. and e hercuutle send n plan amt profile of sold lmpro emelt, tied all order for vo c adop- lloll, if you desire us to snake ttie Improve- meut. Yeas !, nays 0. R. L. Gnnvax, President. J. T. Erlra EMClerk Board of Public \\'Jras. Feb. !ii, Will. Adopted. (See order to Board of Public Work..) Alsn, city, necessary to construct the slopes for be ween said ear eb, to s said [ blah ed grade said grade Weceot, as shown by' the Profile pf ii rile in the office of rue itegirter of Deed, "'and for Iran,.,,, -count' , end In the otlice of the Cil,- Engineer; said slopes m extend one and otic -half (lth 1 feetn 1 said land for n' foot of catit t f fill, as indicated on the plan of said slopesnttached to this report and to be filed in the office of laid Board; that the estimated expense thereof Is j'2:i; tuat the real estate to he assessed therefor call be found benefited to the extent of the dam- ages. e costs and espouse, s necessary to be iu- n•d [hereby; that said improvement 111i ,,Or asked (ter Ir w peli[iuI C n used Illy there. If the owners o[ ripens ke f assessed iion for. hilt the Cnp�ine Is asked for by' n petition of a large rtumbur of actual resident u".;are Said -Popping n'treo4 between said streets. i�hiclt n' essitntes tllo eond,malloll of ppluPes; and w • heretvilu sena n plan ul for your adollikul,rrif ) on desire US to make the impruventelrt. Yeas A. nays 0. J. T. ICs nnEth Clerk Board of Public Works. Feb. 26, Iwul. Adopted. (see order to Board of Public Works.) Also, Fairview Aven tee SloPes— To Rau Cometou Council of the City of St. Paul: The Ifnnrd of Public AV,,rk.s have lend under coltsldernllon the resolution or order of the Common COLIOCII, acproved Jan. 21, 1N91, relter ve to couudemotog and tall ne ti ense- te.[frroutiylnrr,hplbunng uu to aSt.'ew 4nIhouy my to coetsrtrwet rite slopes to[ eve,nudrfille in grndil,g s:, 3 Fa rview n olooand. haring i stiRn[ed the Proposed im ro est- respectfully rte 1 o thud it :e eat in theelaudvahuttiug oilh'nir- easeni a bclwcen \Inrstmll rev and re Ault o ll n e`lut�e.In. lucnts irind'ellllsrrin to coo. trnct the t ' ,ratline said t'mrymw tv.. re between aid to lac established tirade thereof, as ShowDy a , re pr 1, sa 1e of id g ads o fife t the office of [ho Be iter of Reeds tar and for laimser hon vp, and tri the otlire of the City F:ngintier: said slopes [n extend one and one- hnlf fR,hl feet un said land far every foot d lopes atlu.ched rattan are sur[ n 11 to bei filed in the otlice of said Ifoard; that the estimated ex pauthereof is S-,: that the real estate to be assesessed therefor can be found benehmd to the extent of the damages, costs and ea- er uses necessary to be incurred lhe[eby':thet Id improvement is no[ asked for by a peti- tion oC the me Lherolor,libu[ the grad( ig rte to be ass' le asked fortby- a petition of a aJorlty o[ the c( the pro Party Falrvtew a .... s rid avenues fib" ttecessitntesihe udemmr I! 'I of slopes; oad 'e herewith errs x plan and prole n[ s,1 fmmevemeut uttd an order fur ,'our ndopiiou, If you des(ro mere the rmprnvemem. ow t Yeas 1, lyse. R. hoard owa,-, lore side nt. r. T. Ice area, ('lurk lionrd o[ Public \t'ort's. Feb. ]p, l'!tl. Ad ,ted. [See Order to Board of Public A'urk..l OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. Also, Coff Avenue Slopes— Tu the Common Connell of the City of St. Paul: The Board of Public [Corks have had un der consideration the resolution or order of the C'ommml Council, approved .)an. _I, ISM, relative to condemning tend taking an ease renuit in the land abutting oil Goff avenue, from Dearborn street to Bidwell', addition, vestry to construct theslopes for cuts and fills In grading said Goff avenue, and.having Investigated the proposed finerroccment, to. spect[ully report that It is ecessary and t roper to cote lOn and take all easet•trl Ill I ml abutting uw mGoll'.venue between Bear. bcnt street and the north line f Bfdwell's addition to \\'est St. I'nlll. m snit] illy. neees- y to I.I.tru(•l the slopes for cnts and (ills Iter rnding aid Golf nv •n ue netw-een said stIou[s to lite esmbllshedRunde thereof. howu by the prone o[ said grade un file it, the otlice of shy Register of Deeds in nod for Remiley count))', and lie the.(lice of the lofty Engineer: said slopes to extend mtlad ie full( (It'f, l rfeet u -rid Mild fur t r 1—t of cut or fill, a.' di", v.l ou ape plan f ssid slopes almeb -d w ibis re purr and lie be tiled In the othen of said Board: tits( the esflmuteU ex pellse thereof i.'?I.Isx); that Ills ell es tate to be as s sled therefor can be found benetiled tothe extunt of the dant- ageS, .us f s and expo uses ntceesa r,- [ u be i it curved thereby: that+aid Imiu veutept I- no asked for by rI pctitinn or a lebaity of the o 'net ?f propet-ty to be lea ase sled therefor. abut the radlng pet ittuped for almost ninon sic by the rsi S lag all slidh eveuutrhn- teeen wsuid rel,uin t,, which t iutles the condemn at fon of stupes: and eweeshere- u'Itll send a I11nu end profile of Said intttruve - oldIU crb. ba uur'elup tion. f t de�rrre ries tonmk a (rhe itup'.'enouit. -. Yens J, nay's o. It. L. (:ori t �l dent. .1. T.lirlta s: ri. Clerk Iionr3 It P 1'ubbblie \\ arks. Feb, 1:1, Is'JI. :\rk,. j". lSce Order to I3on rd of Public Also, Catton Stree,Slope T„ the Common tnucil of the Cu, of _t P,ml ']'he Board of Publle\t'nrk, batt it I,! sack, consmeratiou the r,s 11ilion .,r inter of the ('onnnun Council. approved Inn. !1. 15'.11, reprice to condi m dnc and taking in ease- ment in the Ittud nbu[[inR on l'litlon street be- tween Randolph street aid Gntce street. necessary [o construct the slopes for ants and fills ill grrtdi ng said Clition =trees. and hue- InR incestignted the l.bpo od fol1, ro,entenl. c�pectfnlly report that it is Ileces�nry and proper to comlemn slid take III •asc- sent fn the In.] nbutting oil Chflou treet her w'cen itandolph street and street, rt said c tv ue ace t the slopes fur Grits and rills sn erandin,r,•is bbl Clifton s set bet lee,I .Sad I,, established[ rcrede thereof, s shoe,[ hyo the profi.e of va'd "..I -i ^ n file In lie otlice of the Ire Rt+ler of Reeds tated for Ibamst•y conn[,, ted i the oa T. of the En,ineer: Bald slopeeno n I tune uud ove- half (1{sI feet on sn id he ted [for e, r, fcoL of r fill. s fudic,it"I . rhe pian cf said Clothes attached to this report and I. be filed in the office If sal. Board: that thc e - mate3 ea pense thereof Is j.:.i: Ills[ the rent I estate to be assessed therefor can be found benefited to the eaten[ of the damages, costs and expo, -es necessary to be incurred there. by; that said improvement is net asked for by a petition of n majority of the owners of pro arty, to be fl ses ea therefor, but the gra i iR si asked owners by a d Clifton of the benne resident owners hi said cessita street between stud streets, which necessitates [tree the lenldem plan al of slopes; and a herewith elan plan ani profile of said fmpyou desire e and an order for your adoption, if you desire us to mace the lmprnvemen[. - Yeas 4. nays 0. R. L. Board Presides[. J. T. li . (Sul., Clerk Doane of Public Works. Fell. 26. IN!11. Adopted. (See order to Board of Public • tYorks.) Also, Chatsworth Slreel Si To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: The Board of Public. Works have had under sidcrnd,ut the r•tsohnion ur order of the o Cmmon 1.'ortpcil, ap Vru ycd .tan. Yl. Nd. rclxtlrc to conderr, oink ,tea skin, It enae- ment f l the land shouting oil Chatsworth street. between Leurel avetr le and Carroll street, neceNsnry to c Istructthe slopes for eu s and tills in grading said Chatsworth. ami, haying 'estieated the proposed im Pn,vcmvul. reaper tfully report that it Is necussnn' np,l pr mer U, condemn and take r t c •nt it the Isn't alution, on Chuts- rortle treat (between Laurel avenue and (�nrrv,ll :tryst. it ,aid efty. f a, - to n - =true[ the slope.+ -fur en is tea Ut 11 itco s iu grad lag It C'Imisw urth street between said streets to the es bilin. ed grade (hereat, as slmivn by the 1 r 11le of said grade un lite fn the oHiel of the B,eistcr of lh•c,ls In end for amsey con[Ind in the olticeo[ rhoity CEa R ' rid slope, u, e . •ado ud or e -hal Crit feet on said I;nn iu e lett ifuut of c t or fall, udiemel on the rpl;a lr of "id 'top,, a[ irttelre3 to titin report ted to be tiled in lite o the of said lionrd: That thte estfmnmd ax- e thenar Is Z1 7:,' rh pirre sse.se3 therefor un a befound ( [ benefited to [heeaten[ of the damages, c ..,is and ex- to be inC urrud therapy, tltrit 1 res .:ptiff lens f lilt ref f b t Iegr trill lSaskth f,r be 1 neunun of a number of the owners of the property on Chatsworth street betweerr nil st noels. w'hieh nect,litajou the con - Iininaliun of slopes; and wt• herewith scud a pan mid ,n,lile of said impruyemeu t• and l u order !'or your adoption, if you tlesirs us j to make the fol Vrocemeul. fens 4. tmy., U. R, L. GOIOIAB, President. .t- T. li r.Itnelt, ['le rk Board of Public [Yorks. Feb. 1'.1. 1,91. Adopted. (See order to Board of Public Rork s.) Also. FairvieAvenue Slopes— To the Cwommon Cou _'j o[ the Cita- of St. Pan': The Board of Public works hove had no der c nnsinernaon the resolution n order of the Comnm I Con ncil. opptr d Feb. 5, ]Sul, relative to c,mlemnt ag and bitting .. clise aten, na- the I 3 batting u i F Irclet e,fmta xlarehall ­nac rte OL[o nv,00 c. fillseisu,rr}- 3lueirsr 13 I' U VVlelws for cuts and grit is rfl .Ven ad Burgess Street Slopes— Tu the Common "'I uc,, of the City of Sl. Paul: tder Theernaati(0ticbrexoilic tutios have do of voindllre oJan. Coarnion Conn, il, approved 21. 15911 relative to on lcnimag and taking nn ense n went In lite land abate ug r IlurRoss street. bett,een (;all tlor street amt \ c' -ru a, uo, for and neressnry to coustnict the slupos cuts nus hr urndin¢ enid Bhraesa street. and. ltn,-- b Inginvestigaledthe Propose,( Im 1, reveal em. respectfully report that it is oleelliry an In o ter to condemn all take tin i•nsentt:•nt between the Sand abutullg on Burgess alms( Gaultier stn'et and \Cestern n'enue, fu said city, m•cessnrp to cuns[nlet the slopes for cuts and fills in grndille srdd Bartess street streets, to the established grade between said thereof, ns xhuwn by the profile of stria Ian Jr (Seeds in nhd for Ba nl.ee county, fin the mhce or the ( ity Encinet'r: iia elope, ]n ex teed u and nue-unit I li_ feet on snit( land afoot Iter every or ,,It or till, ns indle lett u thetpinin of Said ritolte,{�eUt,'flice thlared limn,]"[lint tee estinuuctt ex yenso thereof is rIn, iifuu eben;�Ilrtetl ttos[hesexleu[ 4,r 1,— be id r the damages, ec,ts and aev irCy t u be red thereby';iitl,tr', ma- u,rr[raske,f it for, by- a petition If jturit5 loin,, u ser f pro per[5; to be s - •3 tltere[ur,tbrtt [be ern Ule n.:ked fur I f r 1 rest ,1 1 -If-:t b G Iii sen 1vhi,h o"""itat­I i3• s1111do. of i and ac 1 t l 'end "Itit slid irnpro a t, r ted OU ted rohle of order for your n3o,tioll, if you d lue us an to slake the int Pro,ement. Yens 3, nays U. R. L. Goths President. J. T. KEnnmh ('lurk Board of Public Works. Feb. .h, Is.11. Adopted. (See order to Board of Public (Corks.) Also, � op Street clones— Ing ? a Commonl'ouncfl of the Cily of St. Pul: '('alie Ifourd of Public t1_,o have had no tid or order of aIle 21. ISO(. ComnUn nal O unt•ilearesoltiPProve ,Jan. relative to cm demuing xudaline an en ant in the bond abating ou "I Inpingstreeb 11 Between Gnnitler arisen sad \\astern ayes tee. 't the,lo,ee for cuts nna fit sricceInierod," n�nid TO PPinR street, and. hnv- 1,9 incestignted are proposes improyemem. e. pectfully- moor[ that i[ is ue esenry and Irte take.. Iolacreent in per u od ran nna rite 1 d ubittting oi, Topphti; s' met betweerr G suit let street and \t'estenr avenue, n sold city, necessary to construct the slopes for be ween said ear eb, to s said [ blah ed grade said grade Weceot, as shown by' the Profile pf ii rile in the office of rue itegirter of Deed, "'and for Iran,.,,, -count' , end In the otlice of the Cil,- Engineer; said slopes m extend one and otic -half (lth 1 feetn 1 said land for n' foot of catit t f fill, as indicated on the plan of said slopesnttached to this report and to be filed in the office of laid Board; that the estimated expense thereof Is j'2:i; tuat the real estate to he assessed therefor call be found benefited to the extent of the dam- ages. e costs and espouse, s necessary to be iu- n•d [hereby; that said improvement 111i ,,Or asked (ter Ir w peli[iuI C n used Illy there. If the owners o[ ripens ke f assessed iion for. hilt the Cnp�ine Is asked for by' n petition of a large rtumbur of actual resident u".;are Said -Popping n'treo4 between said streets. i�hiclt n' essitntes tllo eond,malloll of ppluPes; and w • heretvilu sena n plan ul for your adollikul,rrif ) on desire US to make the impruventelrt. Yeas A. nays 0. J. T. ICs nnEth Clerk Board of Public Works. Feb. 26, Iwul. Adopted. (see order to Board of Public Works.) Also, Fairview Aven tee SloPes— To Rau Cometou Council of the City of St. Paul: The Ifnnrd of Public AV,,rk.s have lend under coltsldernllon the resolution or order of the Common COLIOCII, acproved Jan. 21, 1N91, relter ve to couudemotog and tall ne ti ense- te.[frroutiylnrr,hplbunng uu to aSt.'ew 4nIhouy my to coetsrtrwet rite slopes to[ eve,nudrfille in grndil,g s:, 3 Fa rview n olooand. haring i stiRn[ed the Proposed im ro est- respectfully rte 1 o thud it :e eat in theelaudvahuttiug oilh'nir- easeni a bclwcen \Inrstmll rev and re Ault o ll n e`lut�e.In. lucnts irind'ellllsrrin to coo. trnct the t ' ,ratline said t'mrymw tv.. re between aid to lac established tirade thereof, as ShowDy a , re pr 1, sa 1e of id g ads o fife t the office of [ho Be iter of Reeds tar and for laimser hon vp, and tri the otlire of the City F:ngintier: said slopes [n extend one and one- hnlf fR,hl feet un said land far every foot d lopes atlu.ched rattan are sur[ n 11 to bei filed in the otlice of said Ifoard; that the estimated ex pauthereof is S-,: that the real estate to be assesessed therefor can be found benehmd to the extent of the damages, costs and ea- er uses necessary to be incurred lhe[eby':thet Id improvement is no[ asked for by a peti- tion oC the me Lherolor,libu[ the grad( ig rte to be ass' le asked fortby- a petition of a aJorlty o[ the c( the pro Party Falrvtew a .... s rid avenues fib" ttecessitntesihe udemmr I! 'I of slopes; oad 'e herewith errs x plan and prole n[ s,1 fmmevemeut uttd an order fur ,'our ndopiiou, If you des(ro mere the rmprnvemem. ow t Yeas 1, lyse. R. hoard owa,-, lore side nt. r. T. Ice area, ('lurk lionrd o[ Public \t'ort's. Feb. ]p, l'!tl. Ad ,ted. [See Order to Board of Public A'urk..l OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. Also, Coff Avenue Slopes— Tu the Common Connell of the City of St. Paul: The Board of Public [Corks have had un der consideration the resolution or order of the C'ommml Council, approved .)an. _I, ISM, relative to condemning tend taking an ease renuit in the land abutting oil Goff avenue, from Dearborn street to Bidwell', addition, vestry to construct theslopes for cuts and fills In grading said Goff avenue, and.having Investigated the proposed finerroccment, to. spect[ully report that It is ecessary and t roper to cote lOn and take all easet•trl Ill I ml abutting uw mGoll'.venue between Bear. bcnt street and the north line f Bfdwell's addition to \\'est St. I'nlll. m snit] illy. neees- y to I.I.tru(•l the slopes for cnts and (ills Iter rnding aid Golf nv •n ue netw-een said stIou[s to lite esmbllshedRunde thereof. howu by the prone o[ said grade un file it, the otlice of shy Register of Deeds in nod for Remiley count))', and lie the.(lice of the lofty Engineer: said slopes to extend mtlad ie full( (It'f, l rfeet u -rid Mild fur t r 1—t of cut or fill, a.' di", v.l ou ape plan f ssid slopes almeb -d w ibis re purr and lie be tiled In the othen of said Board: tits( the esflmuteU ex pellse thereof i.'?I.Isx); that Ills ell es tate to be as s sled therefor can be found benetiled tothe extunt of the dant- ageS, .us f s and expo uses ntceesa r,- [ u be i it curved thereby: that+aid Imiu veutept I- no asked for by rI pctitinn or a lebaity of the o 'net ?f propet-ty to be lea ase sled therefor. abut the radlng pet ittuped for almost ninon sic by the rsi S lag all slidh eveuutrhn- teeen wsuid rel,uin t,, which t iutles the condemn at fon of stupes: and eweeshere- u'Itll send a I11nu end profile of Said intttruve - oldIU crb. ba uur'elup tion. f t de�rrre ries tonmk a (rhe itup'.'enouit. -. Yens J, nay's o. It. L. (:ori t �l dent. .1. T.lirlta s: ri. Clerk Iionr3 It P 1'ubbblie \\ arks. Feb, 1:1, Is'JI. :\rk,. j". lSce Order to I3on rd of Public Also, Catton Stree,Slope T„ the Common tnucil of the Cu, of _t P,ml ']'he Board of Publle\t'nrk, batt it I,! sack, consmeratiou the r,s 11ilion .,r inter of the ('onnnun Council. approved Inn. !1. 15'.11, reprice to condi m dnc and taking in ease- ment in the Ittud nbu[[inR on l'litlon street be- tween Randolph street aid Gntce street. necessary [o construct the slopes for ants and fills ill grrtdi ng said Clition =trees. and hue- InR incestignted the l.bpo od fol1, ro,entenl. c�pectfnlly report that it is Ileces�nry and proper to comlemn slid take III •asc- sent fn the In.] nbutting oil Chflou treet her w'cen itandolph street and street, rt said c tv ue ace t the slopes fur Grits and rills sn erandin,r,•is bbl Clifton s set bet lee,I .Sad I,, established[ rcrede thereof, s shoe,[ hyo the profi.e of va'd "..I -i ^ n file In lie otlice of the Ire Rt+ler of Reeds tated for Ibamst•y conn[,, ted i the oa T. of the En,ineer: Bald slopeeno n I tune uud ove- half (1{sI feet on sn id he ted [for e, r, fcoL of r fill. s fudic,it"I . rhe pian cf said Clothes attached to this report and I. be filed in the office If sal. Board: that thc e - mate3 ea pense thereof Is j.:.i: Ills[ the rent I estate to be assessed therefor can be found benefited to the eaten[ of the damages, costs and expo, -es necessary to be incurred there. by; that said improvement is net asked for by a petition of n majority of the owners of pro arty, to be fl ses ea therefor, but the gra i iR si asked owners by a d Clifton of the benne resident owners hi said cessita street between stud streets, which necessitates [tree the lenldem plan al of slopes; and a herewith elan plan ani profile of said fmpyou desire e and an order for your adoption, if you desire us to mace the lmprnvemen[. - Yeas 4. nays 0. R. L. Board Presides[. J. T. li . (Sul., Clerk Doane of Public Works. Fell. 26. IN!11. Adopted. (See order to Board of Public • tYorks.) Also, Chatsworth Slreel Si To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: The Board of Public. Works have had under sidcrnd,ut the r•tsohnion ur order of the o Cmmon 1.'ortpcil, ap Vru ycd .tan. Yl. Nd. rclxtlrc to conderr, oink ,tea skin, It enae- ment f l the land shouting oil Chatsworth street. between Leurel avetr le and Carroll street, neceNsnry to c Istructthe slopes for eu s and tills in grading said Chatsworth. ami, haying 'estieated the proposed im Pn,vcmvul. reaper tfully report that it Is necussnn' np,l pr mer U, condemn and take r t c •nt it the Isn't alution, on Chuts- rortle treat (between Laurel avenue and (�nrrv,ll :tryst. it ,aid efty. f a, - to n - =true[ the slope.+ -fur en is tea Ut 11 itco s iu grad lag It C'Imisw urth street between said streets to the es bilin. ed grade (hereat, as slmivn by the 1 r 11le of said grade un lite fn the oHiel of the B,eistcr of lh•c,ls In end for amsey con[Ind in the olticeo[ rhoity CEa R ' rid slope, u, e . •ado ud or e -hal Crit feet on said I;nn iu e lett ifuut of c t or fall, udiemel on the rpl;a lr of "id 'top,, a[ irttelre3 to titin report ted to be tiled in lite o the of said lionrd: That thte estfmnmd ax- e thenar Is Z1 7:,' rh pirre sse.se3 therefor un a befound ( [ benefited to [heeaten[ of the damages, c ..,is and ex- to be inC urrud therapy, tltrit 1 res .:ptiff lens f lilt ref f b t Iegr trill lSaskth f,r be 1 neunun of a number of the owners of the property on Chatsworth street betweerr nil st noels. w'hieh nect,litajou the con - Iininaliun of slopes; and wt• herewith scud a pan mid ,n,lile of said impruyemeu t• and l u order !'or your adoption, if you tlesirs us j to make the fol Vrocemeul. fens 4. tmy., U. R, L. GOIOIAB, President. .t- T. li r.Itnelt, ['le rk Board of Public [Yorks. Feb. 1'.1. 1,91. Adopted. (See order to Board of Public Rork s.) Also. FairvieAvenue Slopes— To the Cwommon Cou _'j o[ the Cita- of St. Pan': The Board of Public works hove had no der c nnsinernaon the resolution n order of the Comnm I Con ncil. opptr d Feb. 5, ]Sul, relative to c,mlemnt ag and bitting .. clise aten, na- the I 3 batting u i F Irclet e,fmta xlarehall ­nac rte OL[o nv,00 c. fillseisu,rr}- 3lueirsr 13 I' U VVlelws for cuts and grit is rfl .Ven ad 52 PEOCEEDINGS OF THE CO\IJION COUNCIL hn - tyestigated the proposed improve- The Dnnrd of I'(tb11c1Corkl have had under ing tt _Til file resolution ur user u[ the �tt. respecGully report that it is necessary nod pruner to ,,oudeNu and take all ease- Common Council, approved \oy. ls'KI, rel- ent in the land nba[D ng on Fain'iew• ave- rice to n change of goad,, on Arcndr street, n I,- between Marshall aceaue nil ut[o ave- from Frances street to Dnwsun street, and on aid city. necessary to c nstruct the Frances street, from Rupe street to )Ieudoln ,I.p,-s for cuts and tills it grading said Fair- street, and, haying investigated the 44(ruposed c bet—en said nvcun•s m the es- impror nm f, respectfully repot[ [lint ski d to bllisrhedtgrnde thereat. ¢s shown be the pro- improvement Is not necessary and pruner of file of uiid grade file in the o 11 cc of the tors "id is into. it .ltor he his reason n'I n11t fit n henriug bel Register of Deeds it'll. od for I{nmsey count,., ) pe Is— ptesen it to in the attic,, of the C'ify El gaoler: sold � fnmrested, were opposed to the proposed in - slopes IU C•s tend ane "f' n 1 one-half (IM_) fee[ proyem,,n[. said Innd for •eery foot of Cut Or til, n ]"ens-!, nays p. udicnted nu the plan 6t paid Mop's atmebe,l B. L. Goll—'. �. P tsi 1 •fit. I his report nod to be li led io ne Ottce of •1. 7'. I: mea an.Clerk Board of public \\ 'arks. lid Board: that the ed F b. "s, Is'Jol. llterepl '� P,(1; tl,nl th Ct•se,nl canto [u be ns Alderman t the word. I tl f r an Ce f 1 1 f ted en to Also, tl .p,at f the damage,, c1 I that saw 3 t be incurred 1 t s tit a,kc l for L [ anon I{ loading Order Timothy Lawler, IfIC\\st ­ee.. t . If the anti f , y to be . ,, 'hangC of orale mfor, b tt th ] , n+ked Ta the lfonoraule the f rCeldeut �tnd Comm f D 1 l l [ l prop CmuclI, l iv o[ P d he n sad l.enelemea I h It rd of Public 1 1 ct`;11 the c ademna Kiri inking the for a ChanFe f { 1 { 7 1 yew rth send n Plav rade on Brew,[ t t . a th ud Proal,, of vol 1mpn,,em eat. aad a n �np f l n\ C d fl 1 1' C der for y ur adoption. If you desire us or A;1e f t t udcd fo ssC I., ) bio k b n ke tlieOimnrotemmnt- u h-IetCh 'aid 'lei on of lire 'te addition u ]C•ns J,u ys t. to St. Iasi, 11, followil " l3enclts,.101,fl, I It. L t.nn>ias President. I dao f,e' nlutrt—me henelifs dented front J T I Fal- Clerk Board of 1 ubne ,l arks. said 1 t, f Etude 1 etuK couetdeccd nn 11 Feb .t. 1� d, set [u the data axes: Through ail error turd c \el; " . (see order to Board of Public assessment cull and lot wast Charged will lC arks.) he benefits as above. but. s fiat allow e ,11so, buy damages. In vier' of the act that the owner of �if lot, Sir.'i'inmthy Lawler, has .lrktcrighl Street Change of Grn�le— paid to the Cl[c Treneu ter JlW.11ethe I' In the cmitroou Council of the City of St. t the ahoy,, assessment, sand I3 on rd respeCl- Pnul: fully revues[ your honoraule body to issue n 'rhe 13onnl of Public Work,, lace had tinder rad 1 Owtne order fr. i;r Isa`a1 ai`tA\rt Presi"cut of cunstdernhon the renalunun ,.r order or GtC• ` ,1 T. I:enb en, Clerk Board of 1'uhlic \\'Irks. I ummun Council, of l oovd don. _I, 1s91 relative to a change [ grade n Arkwricht Feb. nl, d. 1. strcef, from n point about half ,env between :accepted. (see resolution.) n.l Geranium nod RUSC [reefs to �Cftry':Ruta fit'II Alan, e.Ia der it reduce the k ode on INd sireetsudial-leclnc efrt•e[tars can be oP,,ta[- ]firsts,,[ ,telt ll identng—Reassessment ed thereon, and. Ituving int'extiguted the pro- pet posed Impand. hi uL n"—full 11 reP rt To the IlunO table the I're+idea and Com- ihat it I I nec,,ssn ry and prof •r to e•finnge the man ('o(tfici 1, City of St. Paul. grade u Arkwnght street from the center Gentlemen: lu the natter of the wid n N 2 line of Vlnry land street to the south une of tag of )i"sissibld street, between Biondi ,1,0". ose street, ns indicated by the red line of I and Nash street, the Board of I .,otic fCorke the accompanying profile; that the estinmled lane been p oceediue to make a renssessmeut espe•nse thereof i -s g;,rsl; that real ,,ruble to be to cover judgments for damages awarded by ssed therefor can be found be' e""d to the Uisfnct Court. thsCpf Une damages, costs and e�- But the Berard being advised by the Corp - peGgres neeessn rc tO bt,incurred thereby: that ration worucy that file aesevment must be seiU ii pruvemc �t is no[ nuked for by n peti- j coutiued to the pro pen3' in We atstnct oil C tion i t t ty of the owners of property 'nall) dcsiguated (some ye ince), j t Int hoard is of the i pinion eh a[ the 10 111 assessed therefor, but at a hearing be- pre the district so designated cannot _ fore sola Hnn rd this day. all persons present I�ru7ticirtA inthe ted [u pn)' said judgments, J;jA=sted we in fnc or of said improyq which inmouat to nbo of 1, (,:,dd. men,: and ve herew'ith send a pinta fid pro- Phc a ion o[ the Corporation Attorney file of said iniprovemeuL if you desire to pin make the int ld-clue., I. above referred to Is herewith trtinsm fitted. R. L. Gou3jAs, Priod out. I las a, nay's u. Gnnwns, President. J. T. lignaen, Clerk Board of Public Works. J. T. BEngen, Clerk Board of Public \Corks. March :L lsul. Feb. 7.i, 1N.1 Accepted. Adopted. end C'III, Clerk hislructed to glee Also. necessary publicatl m notice. Ross Street Sewer- 41so fo the Co.mon Council of the City of SL Paul Arcade and Frances S[recls Change of The BonrA of Public Work:, have had Grade— Inde cu sideration the resolution or order If the Common Council- approved Sent- Tothe Common Council of the City of St. 1., ISgo, relative to the coustructloil If a ,,all: OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 53 _ sewer oil Ross street, between East Sercuth Committee recomnrmids that said r street and Atlantic street. and, having i ve Ftigated fife propos,,d nutdoyemtnit, re- ` ni oa l fou be referred to Cu r 1, o to n ou AG.,raey. Adapted. - spectfull, report Halt said i tiiruyemmtt is neec"-t— and pruper fit flus tine, for Alsn. R'illfam Grace's pelid- for Gradin, Mond llCa' n that at a hearing before s i.l tit !,Illakota Couutc— Board,ithis day, a Juice majority of the property owner, interested acre upp."d to Coria atttee ask. ting[ said pelitimn be re - ferred b, 1 lc Efigine�r. the proposed maprovomcttt. '�i Adopted. 1"ens J, bays U. It. L. (;,,la— 1'r ­ideltt. AI -o. A. 11. Lnwtan and Others' Petition for It, J. T.I;Enaeii, Clerk Board of Public IN o.ks. Feb. "'s, INTI. fumliog Moto—A—ssmcnt. C'oudemnn- It.,n—soil, strect— Aldc-tun of the ward. Com ntirle r•cnntmends that said petition Also. be nfc rred to l.'orponitiun Attorney. - ASI.,pted- ComIt, lrmnl street clot es To the Can mu C 1 f lite City .,tlf Of :, t ,n O 1 s and put IIc Ae- ,fit, Board f public It., c 11 1 t 1 - I 1 f C, I ulinunl(t- [ { I [ It,n 7 i Cu.at all [ut FCbrav; y, " i 'I tF 1 1 1 t tl - I it l'li A t 7 O ' 1 t b I I f F I - -eti fit. r ni,uu re . f t i t 1 sl ,, pt. in the, of ..1 bila i radi t� vatd Of :\I l —it, 'or of no,r 1 of 1' t( lir \\'� rs Ili ferred c Fch rt t 1..1 ltnel plats ut a,t. (od 1 'u Ichl[t\tease , ad Ilan ted it 4 Pnt{ u. 1 rc. t tf 1 ,,port that d1 -n t L lad }rot er t tl . - (no'. t , rat lr,( C., -t o tt tt f. that slid rel ,rt be act rl t I I1 lot ted there[nil at-ut t ocarina lafurt sand Ad,fttl, hoard this do,. n barge t,jVrT of the I�rullrtt ow lot"„ tt ui P +cd to Of soeeial t n ttitte� 1ppO t ted t, Intl•-ti- tlle proposed tm prot'emeut. le"v, nay"'.mite gate If tl l ter It �1( i' t.; I'a„der bad 11cit l nit First \l nri It. L Gon- 1 elldent Couunutec reports ns follows: J. T. libiui,.O Clerk Board of 1 ublic I%arks. 'I'o the Ilotmralde the I'resident and Com man �blrcll _ Sol. C.,I:aril of (lie Cit) of St. 1'o(tl. Alderman of the ward. Gcuticuieb: lour v uniult e appointed .fico. h)' rt•sol .,tint nplir.,,'MItF'elr. Is. I'll. to nsler ,all nue tic of c artier to store ,v ' [aloha Cmurnct—Alley Grading. Block'?.Schurmewr der ud 1,1 Fir,f wa d. �I iii s a to litany Addinou • t 1 [ 1 { f s re(Crred to nod The Ila reports that it has ."abicd ar, ool at,l t- Lot itthat Inch t artles lav n It ugh[ ['hatter \ua rte ntnchor the coatrlet for grad- '1 f 1 parties o alt hen•icfoeae ill, the title, to block two Jchurmtlet 1 t It la lite elft hunts, aod E, t: t Adtnou to s[ Paul. he being tl ],'s benne sontll I `Leh il'Ir th— buil itie s as n irts of ln�biddet, nti(I bit r and lie being n relod Ie and 1111 0 .tl le 1 1 \\'e •coil[ b, —lith a res dutlon( all'tl_ f ,r da r ( tri of bid. �I.IJ,; hood ill it, sun the fit vI I of these buildlfigc, and ratan �tadopt of j'_'4al w,ltu Juhu Boldthea and 1'etcr Bots. Ina , Id if, ion. et e - lit st tf I las 1 rd taken up and approved by fol 1 I', iCa CO- AIn, Chnlrman. to 1, ,It,: Cens—.11d. I3nnhol>cr. Rielefiberg. Bott. Acc,,l ted. . c,, resolution. I - C.,pelnnd. IlOrni `cu, Fland'nu. G,,he. >Ic- .t lsy eLl.es'eoLs. \aace. Me adv. -ll nen. .. on ,oil. a I, au. .11r. President -1:1. Claims— The 13onrd ram—its, approved by it, the folluwfng chain”, fu wit: M,,trill's 1' ills suupi r, j:t; Math—C'naig. $11: l:. \C Alerrl 11, j: to. Committee ou C'In1ms. arenaT OF nosua of co.I-�rioC. The Boardof Controlsubunits its report for February. I.sill, shon'i ng total ,,spend i[ures, 1t,'_'. -m.46. a C'oaince mi Ordinnuces and Public Ac Counts. REPORTS of STA]mso cn)IJurre ES. Of Committee on streets. sewers and Bridges—Communicnlion of Olher,f.Tong. [Wry icon rd o[ t'olt trl.I, Heb(nve to Bids for Burhns, tReferred to C'Imatinee Feb. :3, 1,191— old I 191— oldI nance An onlwwas rendnpprupriating S3 -ad to Ituocrf A. ski ith, \ha3'ur—Cutertnlnment Sahand F,pcild i a it ne,. tial. Pules sl, 1:3. ,,d on r.in uta of Aid. Flat,d time i s l:t. . eOunnCe read second time Wird Vnfinc, es read ace No. ;J. An ordinance w\n1 nand Denniltiug J. Quin'y 111,- m erect baa' ,einlaw. It(dts s'uapetided 01 n.,tion of Ald. Bntn- d. do—yens seed e nays'. time both ednodor- Ordinance rdinen read second time and passed. Isle O Alitnt •e.- Iain) An ordinance wns read changing came of >Illler street to -Avon street. Itulessuspendcd on motion of Ald. San- born. rens 1:3, kind ordinance rend second time and passed. (see Ordlatim-e So. 14ST An old mance was read -5P'.5+) to Jdseph �cubauer. lades suspended on art of Aid. DOW—. u I:L and urdinan,o rcait second Bute and Massed. (see OrdivancI, No. 1411.) PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL An ordinti-o was rend granting Le Febcre an11 Ucsiann tiers perm ufou to us ,o[tioii .f lei'ee iii Sixth ward, and lu rela•nl Vrdi- nnnce \o. 14s1. Mulessuss ended on motion of Ald. )linen. Sens I,.au(1 ordinance read scowl time and passed. (Sec Ordinnm'e No. ltrl'_. i Au opliunnee teas rend Fnlnnteung untol:..]. A. 11"ilha I G. F'. Piper, E. S. \\'ar rand wC. R1lker, Partners n, The St. Pan n \Vhia Lend and Oil Iompnnp.lmnnission to use n Pinion of the levee ill the Sixth [card. Rules suspen leU on taction of and. Min- s 13, aml ordinance read Fecund time Hund sassed. 1 So, Urd itianeu No 14s:L, Inc Ald. Boll- Itesoliitiun re,inesli lig sIrSelon r;t of Fire rl,.-t].III Itire CI 'omI 1 rF ' \ ht t I K utveranh an mFir,- Coni n c AI�1. \IcNatuee was rated a leave of To- ecuee fur Isco Unum hsgta A In .tion was made nut adopted that when C,uaciI does adjou cu it adjon r1, annul 'l'uCs- hiy', )lurch In. I -ill, at :::lo ,I, buck r. m. Ord tunttccl.. O An ordinance el�p rupriming the sum of LfsA) toRobert _1. Smith. 31acor. 1'fieCommon C'ou m'it of nue City of St. Paul d. ordainiaI iollui,s: ('ction I. sl'I I a u ter be , opo the ('iti' Treasurer I favor of t,1e 1 A. I an 'tll, )lnyor, fur the lesuof 1on•e II i 1 ,I II t rs1 ,poi ab,m u[ of 11 c fu i f oflh Ihuu -a cure. ars r -r ri it i in a t of ole ]e •i>Inuire, npproi ed F'ebnuvy for he purpose of defnivine the ex- penses of en tenni n lug Ifie \rational Editorial A ssociatiou. .ec. 2. Phis ordinance shall take effect and be in force from Hud after its pubihmaion. ]'mos -All. linalaolzer. Itieleulgr . Bou, C. reload, L.rniden, Fhlnh rn u. (:than, Mc- \nmee. Melndp, \linea, lailborul, Sullncnu, dent. -tato I'xssed \larch :3. 1191. U.0 Cl', -Iden, fC Silo APnroycd M c1 4: I It L or. At 1-t. Tue..A -i ho lilt n IT, lily I'I lrl.. March :I. Oni-As,E No. lt; Permitting J. quincy lions to erect Lay will - ,1" w as herein sperhned. The CInanlon Co -il of the (fly- of St. Paul ddale es follows: 'g' u t I. I'ermisstop is herebc given and (2,jacv erect and Igonisl nletiI. al ha teerai li a -no, a,oI brick: building being constructed on the 11111tIlii.h one "xlh 1, 1 -Ili of lot, lice 1:) tin t six in him'. nineteen Ism. of Sl. Paul Prop Ceder street. Wet ween Fourth Hud Frifth streets, in said ci«'. one bay w'ind.w upon line second fluor of : 11 -idIg. rand a er Cedar street tale said 1 of to project more then eighteen 1111 inches over sadd street line. and to be built according to 1,laus rad specifications furnished to and approved by the Building Inspector of said ch«'. Sec. 2. Phis ordinance hall take effect and be in force from andafterits publica- tion. Yens -.lbs. lubl ol-, Bieleubere C'ap,lattd, Doruideu, Fbindmu. Gebnh. Me \amee. Ielndy, Tinea. Sanborn, Sullivan, i Mr. Yresideut-1:3. Passed March :3, lion. O. V. Cri.i.- President of Council. Approved )larch t, 1,!11. IinxenT A. S.-Tn. Mayor. Attest: Tuos. A. Put:.ur:unw.T.City Clerk. -Nhtrch 9. Onto, with:So. lull. An ordinance changing the unite of Miller street to Avon street. TheCommon ('ooblil of the City of St. Paul do ordain as follows: Section L That the name of Miller street Ili lid city be Hud the Same fs beruWy chnaged to:\cool street. Se Il : onllllaute shall Nike effect and h, in torte from and after Ice pusvae. fells -Aldo Tian hulzer. Ilielenberg. Itott, ('op,Luul. Don udC n. Fba)dnni, Gehun. ylc- Nubile. Melady, Mi -a. Sanborn, Sollivnn. )1 r. !'resident -I:1. I'nss,d 3lnxc11 ;1, ISIII. U. O. C'I'n" 4. President of Corned. Approved \larch 1, .uT I: oaEnT A. Swire. City ver. Ma(sl Tnos. A. 1'nt.x ur.uuwsr, Citi il,rk. March 9 (luni-,xc \o. 1411. An ordinance authorizing the payment of theuln of tool 'ePh Neubalner. The I namon Council of the Citv of St. Paul an ordain foilowso t I 1 I hat all [der be (1 rnw1l uj o IIo I Ity Tre-1 n favor f a.",h leu loner Nur tfict�mm o[ twelve ind :; Ilan I gl!-..-afn lallnr=, the some Weng narebnm on Butcher Liefi'sC \a, los, is a•d try tle 1'i« er' . Clk March M. Ina'1. for o ar trout the Y first day of January. A. D. 1191. "his unli uance saint lake effect.sec. !. I rat be in force Iron and after its puGlicn- C'Nl .ellianhol-r, bell and, Dorniden.Flnuran. (Choli1Me- I\lndc' t-I li , Sunburn. Sullivan, lie1-1:1. Ym- M I 1'd V V C President of Council. Al i roted It 1,91. It,a EnT A SMITH. 31 Icor 1tu'St: TuI A. PIIe\nta1:A:T, laity e'ierk. March 9. OnI,I- I, No. 1412 All ordinance grouting unto Le Feb-, a I,(! I)eslanriers permission to use a portion of the levee Ili the Sixth, ward of the Cltp of St. Paul, nal to build bui ldiugs thereon, ud Lo repeal Vnlivauce \o. Its.. The ('crumnn C'uvnell of the CBy of St. Paul d. ordain as fullotcs: Scotto,, 1. That p•rtnlasion mod nut her! ty is hereby given and granted unto I.e Febcre nn I 1)eslnuriers to ns nal occupy' for the full perio,l of ten cents from the date of the passage ofthis ordiaince, for manufacturing ponoses iI, the line of business 111 which n1eompany is iiow engaged, to wit: n factnri.c cool,.,. and sheet mewl. that I p, thou of the levee I,, the Sixth ward of the City of SI. I'ulll described ns follows, to wit: f Block "1" L Itl aIle. two, t hr • and tot o B o pf laded. son's add ilium S fear Bt. pmol: provreserve,therat right[ to grout atLany timeressly to any OF THE CITY OF SAINT PALL, FOR 1891. porloll, film, right Ili construct and ill,era to 111 .1 not steam .r ooration hy other raillcac Venose the mirth ne-third (IS) of said lots; awl, provided further, that the Stinnes benchI n led shall employ in their s nl blisin s ul all Innes daring the term of this franchise not ICFs twat lweaty' men. That permission and authoritc is _ hCnbv aid e antral rano said Lc Yebvre nn,i11lle,lauriers to erect 1. construe[ hai inulin o said premises herehr grantedl o e twn.nry brick-veacered bu1111� u the I,side tills atld Parl ]flans to ne eal,l with w- . Cor use Ili tL it said business, thefid twosto be above the grade of the le�eet in [rout of said lots, and aal�o tucreet frame weds on nil uremises, all of which b,liklin" shall 1 .� be bllllt umle rlhe d-rectiolne Ind according to the us[rm anus of the Ii alJme 1-1,c:lor of ra d (' ]:poli i,h[rllnernillK so t. d.. rad the c eon of Inc p r fees therefor: ;d,.iIla�I;v [laatrIle rhinuu•, ami I.k,slack to the ti used i oeclbm will) olid bun cess shall extend clt '- file reef nbaye the gr;ld, of ale vSaint=hat street bridge: amt, provided further, that this ,rdlun shall not be c(mstrued ns gloaran- teeing u Inthlg ant' of the rights hereby Ied�taoI pia ended furlhei, nhll the .0 ees herein n arced sliIll complete said b i 11 b1illlr, and baai'e sal.1 business in open, :] don. by .\L«' 1. INTI. nodthat before the ex i pinion of said term of ten v cars Ill said s l T,liu_•s shall a ream oi'ed from cars above- d" bove- described nuc nti•rs by sail grantees: and, in on. f f 1 1 1 b 11, h I n t IhI rt )f i, n n y Iherenf id :1 all ibe . e tl)c propertt of said I icy _[ St. Paul. d t �IL'IC. "hal', {. \O rlgli is xe,inl[Cd under this ordi- y1 ` • clashal be Ira nsferrtd to nal} other per ration nn less Ilse con- e lI ofntt ea Common council shall be first ob- .... d* b-ined. for -Sec. t. said grantees shall rad will over indenniiif, and save harmless ne said ('I,, of St. Pali l It_nl estni}l all dumngcs. ?7 judei •Ills, Manns. cost. nod mexile is of which it nna, shite r. or that a ,sbc re nnl,c•1 qr ot6tr'' I t i , 1«' or for or lo, o I 1 1 tot If t r lesultlnv fromct" p n vn. Ff this canlit it i nine, or arc nutter or V[hin(! c Ian erte,t ik there, tit, tr wllh the• ext reise (rbS said grail]- of the privileges hereby granted. "cc. .1. If said grantees shall hal in ally re- spect to comply with the nrovisin ns of this InlinA I-. then ani thae ri hls ahtl , vile- ri hercbyrgrnn[ed shall be forfeited to said City >fj of sLI'naL The sail e nutees shall file will, the 'i1y� clerk, within thirty day. after the pnb- h,'ntiun of dais uoli"ance. their w :t'purnce of the pro s u Is toercof. 'I�hte�alwe to be first approved[ lby ii tae C'arlionat huu dt- I1ey.. •.sec.y. Tltnl Innlirtane, \o. It:,l. eraaml "A1 unhurt be, •ran li lag Into Le Febcre and 1)eshalir ers per - 1 II n p, [tion .f the 1approved to the Dec ward 1 ofdslhe I Inv of St. Paul, '-I,re December lith, 11�1i, We and III,, Fano i_s hereby repealed. 111".a s'1•hi1 ordinance =_hall take effect iforce [ruin nil after its pin,liea- Inonamt the xerer-o. n• the reef, Is provided i srelinn s'x f this a -.Voce d. So Boll Cull.-od.I Bu ra idelri. Flandroi,n Get,,,., M.- \nmee, \[,lady. )linen, Sanborn, Sulli,:I. Mr. Presideu [-I:3. Yalssed yiarch:l, 1191. V. U. Ctch 4. President of e'olintit. ruv dppeJ \Larct, IS91. Most: Tao, A. Yaesumu:wsr, cit) cltrs. \Inrc11 J. c No. 14,3. An onlinanre granting unto J. A. Willard. F. I per. F,. S. Warner and G W. Raker. rmrtncrs lrxdinc Its the St. Paul \V bite I Lend and 1111 l'o'apauy. perrmssion ,, use a ,tacit (f nc b ice In the Si.th -u 1 of ill,.( tycf I. Paul. Th, l m u ( inch of the City of St. foul Serd I n a. f al tau ction I. That p,rmisslon an,l anti ruy Ahcrebv gi-ii and eranad auto I . \Villard, G. F. Piper, Ii. `\\ ;I,! rand (:. \V. hxkcr pur[nerstnldlmg the St. Paul \1'hite Lead mil Iris l'uuapaul. to a nutl o cups' i r toe f1111 -r-1.1 I­ut, file(-.-" c ro from the dote of the anprot-al of tuffs ur,liunmII'e, for fa •turinc14'.rp -, I I Ili, line of la `I ii"1s1s i1 '6ma;'e ti Fru oral ani Is ui I ell I facturiugl all Lads .fuuat els le, I la painting and v a ii,hi ne. that o [fun of the Ircee in ale ;ixtb ono of Ili, 0'y of St. Paul d-l-rlbed as foliows, to toil: A piece d land in Week} of Sainte ,h Itched-additiou to \\'est st, Paul, b.,oa led follows. Ilh the went by the mast line ut lot live (51, block four (t ,tat tfi, north III ibe )lississipp i [iter. Illthe east by the.1e 1 Int• of lot duo 2 , black four C4). and o n tor• Buhl, by a lisleFlout, all, feet north of anal `nrallel with the south line of the levee ns II.wn on mal, nowon tile i the('i1,En- eiueer's.Mile: provided, thal the Cil, .,f It. Paul reserve, the right to grant at oiy time to I, firm. C inlay or corpora I, ther�ght to construe[ and operate n any other railway across too north on, �toird [tyI f slid Innd hereby tent u, fid the test ten tial feet I ural oniperty; ]provided, further. that toe gra ii 1 1 Ildl euLl,• t. i lht t b fbl11 oho itenn ftl'.ot toot less than, t'mtr tel. I'llis gnuu itsniadc apon the ezgress dila that the gra utees lioreI n incl shhal pay I,, abl I.'i Iy' of Sl. Paul as compel satin �i nil r( wl far the pl-vliege, hereby grahted Ific sun, Id olh• , I i dualfur per r nun cual rad donna; Ill, tinge fiI•reimaboe asp'ciaed. Ialyn- ble I i1lloall, ii n,l,nnee. '21'That permission and authority is ❑a retic Wiceu raid granted unto snit J. A. \l'illu rd. I:. F- I'i pe r. E. S. \\'sra er and G. lt'. lh ker. partner: trading as the St. Paul 11'Iiile IT fill, Lead aild Vii Coal puny to creel, e r - str letand ni inh,in ai said hereby grauo�d pnlnuses nfalrrstory hrirk buiblinc. w11h stout• ba.cuieht 1tu be sixty (Ill" feet in "Win b, ohe Itomin•d and (went,-lic, (1`_31 fret ii Irnethl also. 011, om` �1nry frame warehouse tlbirty [ feel bloc still It fey 11 I flet wide and a I .t, r frame build ung twciya I-_) fec•1 wid,nn I si <Ierh (Ili) feet Iona A f which buildings shall ba built lindcr tfi1 direrlall alld nm aiding la lhC ]fist [Ilrlia11.9 of toe Inspector ..f till],I, age of said I. ubllli 111 i1:,• Perrnlnb so to du. bud Ire pxvmeiit of the proper fees there(ar: pru- stdc t. howe [.that the Chin hey nn,l smok,- staek to be eased in auii rection with sed 56 PROCEEDINGS OF THE C011MON COUNCIL business shall ex feud at len It lw'ent v -five iii) companyivg Profile nvd s scall tided by is fee[ ¢Love the grade of the \t'nbnshn s,,a, the ('I,, F•ngineer, be and the same hereby bridge: and provide,i further. that this ordi- ado Pled as the esurblished grade. Iiielenber", Bntt e shall riot be construed. .aleeing o ,nliu" any f the ri<•hts here Gy I fens -{til Itnnholze:, ('opelnnd. Dorn Iden, Flandrau. Gelann- Mc- grtro`ted�r nvd provided further. that the Nang, ]telndy. \filen. Sauboru, Suliiva u. Krautees herein nam d shall C oplin, sal bnsinessuit aberat to, Mr. Yresident-1:3. Aop 0., Oil 3lare1, 4. 1?... 1. bn ildiuK amt have raid by 1. 1, er Nth i', 1. ,all that Fcnrre ado expml of lotal earn oC t ty live tit •rhe - Ili al butt d iru:s shnllt ved ,It said above-described pre Dl Ald Ro[t- lies.)red. 1'Intl the "nine of It arve,ter n L,� aid grainless; and i of failure to c, fro t Phalen itis to Ilniel tail et aid buildings within said time. the m `orch part thereof I's may' thereafter udit•.tell b, the red gluts line art a r,`tna plaid itg Vruti le, nud ns recmlyd b�- ��, st ill become the pro Perty of the nrida�,iiy of It. Paul. - the Cil_ Engineer. b • nd the titer is hereby atlopted ns he esp,h li Abed -nide. c.:1. do ri:-ttts acquired unlet 'Lis ordi- fens --Aldo Ibattholzer, lice lertbern. Ito)[, bane shall bet nsferred « other per_ I .rporatlu -ollless the Cope laud. llo lblea. Flandran, (:e$ -a o, \Ic- , Ianbu, fulliyarl \ales, licltdy', \tinea.r c.�it ,I'tltha (bmo,ou Cuo acct shall be fir st obtained. Alr. President -1:3. , proved \larch 4, ]'!it.t o. 4. Said grmneos shall and will for- tdemui[, nod are hannle,s the said ('It ref .t. Ilan) renins[ nay and all dallies, Ilv Aid. collivnn- judgments, cLdms, nil •xpenx•s of Ytesolced, That the Evade of Grand .tve- which it nutvCosifert or plat mr y lc setae red or obtained from or again,tasaid from Fairview a •n, e o 3bacr, 1, meter rt,re indtc Cd L,tn heirell "rade lir,•• It nue. cite for or by reason of the granting of such ibC a rat: ny og protile, nud It, be ulI p rl rile, e ni for bl' reason of the grow'- tended by aha City Engineer. be ...... the of ,tit oC u )'esu an, from the thing alts , atter or thing con- this . dhrrewi �hnuhe ix uert!ly adopted ns tut• established grade. acted therewith or srilit the exerensC Lr rho ll till;; lateen of the privileges hcreby'g ted, - fall it ]-vas-.\ld. Banholzer. Bielen berg. Boit. Ilontiden. Flnndrno.Gelouu \linea. au;hvau. If said ly ,Ill) shall Ili it i t lots with tl 1 -' 11 - .I Nainhtod. \ales. )lelady. `aoboro. 31 r. Presider t 1 t fltr us 1 t c taco all ncl t d 1 - hereby gr ante,) shall be furftntd to aid ('it3 Adopted AlnrcI 4. Is9l- of Si. Paul. 'file said grautees sh,dl file with ByAld.3felady- - v dot after the lite ('its ('ler k..rhhin shirt -sBe�olvcd, 'Cha[ the CtIS Engineer b„ and mollIT.T a o[ this orltnno ce. their ,v calm eupartCe of the prim is ihere.[r the � rlhe he ns herb, lost rocs ed In rel' n grade un avevwe, full l,'oitcord rs Lcee[ IOCatt- c to be fust til'proved by Corp ¢tion .{illur guess at reel. Aatrtoroey.This n dinnn Ce shall take cit'ec[ 1"ens-:\Id. Bnn holze r. Biclehhberg. Batt, nud be in force from and after its pnllliCft- ,.to Al eholy.tudllitiea IIan dtnbu[u tSulllyan, `a h titin, I d the aceepiauce there,[ as provided AI r. I resident-I:t. huVesection six of this ordinance. A^Irrovud Afarch {, 7+!ll. ns --Ali]. Banholzer, LDClctherg, Batt, ('opeltvd. Doruiden. Flanarnu, (;,)I"" \le- I N-amee 11choly. Atiuea, fanb.ra. Sullivan. - -- \Ir. President -Li, Iitssed Alnrcla :f, tf!, I. tit 'oo ve (1. o. C't-Ll.ax. Yre.ident Ct 1. Approved MoOeli 4. 1,!11. linn,:or.I 31arv t. Afastir. t�ri=l: Tuan. A. I'tlCs [:ewuln tlotr,.. B :1111. C p land- 1:[esolvc,l. That 011 obu of "Ilolterhoff and Al cad's addition to the tit q- of ft. Paul, ns approved by the fiat l'umntis,lon hhd as u recmluended by tae City- Engineer, tie turd the sumo is here$-)'. 1111ted bom _r the Common un of the Ci tr of nt. Paul Vele-Ald. Banholzer, Iilelcubere. Bott, Copeland. Doruiden. Fl,mtran, (;C ban. Alo- Nala, , )telndy, )linen, Stillborn, Sullivan, 31 r. Presldent-EI. Approved 3larch 4. ISlrl. By Ald. Bott- liewlved, That the grade of Fisher street, I rona i a ted v the r to loth, "'I oil' at;le a,: ue ns indicated b}' the rid prude line uu the ue- By Aid. Mclady- Besolvt•d, That the Cli}' Engineer be nml III is hereby i .,l,n, ed t,, re V,nt I grade on Robie street, f"Ill the Chimo, S Paul l liuu sna City nail w-av right of way to Paul ]Inrti rt"s Fust td.lb let' ]-ens- Ald. I;:o,l,alz.-r. Bleleutber'a, Burt, Copeland,Durtidert. Fla,adrao. Gehan. ylc ]times, lelady. Mtnrn. flan barn, Soli,ear�. Mr. Yresident-l:t. A ppvn-ed starch 4, 11)1. - By Ald. 3felady- •1<esalce.l, '1'h It the City Engineer be. and ne is hereby iu,trucled to report a grade l Nvlrufred street. front the Chicago, It. Paul s �tah,j..artin, ,itFir% additiu night of way to Paul 1'e,, -Aid. Itnuholzer. Bielenber". Bot;. C'opelnud. Dorudden, tiland actio lush nn, \fe- \amee. Al eladv, mi Cal, Sauhorl Sullivan, Mr. President -M. Approved March 4, 1591. By Ald, Copeland- - Resolved. That the AtRpor be, and ne Is hereby iustruc,ed to relieve from fur viler I OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 57 duty on the ponce force of the cite. othi ��, ll. Goditec. 11'.s-AId. tabled rh Bielerh here, , oto `olu'el,tendbc- lelDiadv. Alfova, )nadabora. lnapinna, 31r. Preshl,tti-11, qtr u _lpproyed March 4, 1�!,l. Resolved. That the proper 613 o blc be and they are hereby' lath ordzed to Isle nrtd ¢otiate ee nl li Cat es of imlebtedness, bear - i v interest at it nate r o ceding i.cr t, payable ill two l':1 from dale oT ossa the ¢moult of three the and (Slaw) doiiars, Pu rsunut to s'ulah six (6) f t,,, a' entified "Alt flet 11 uad the charter of i the ('ht of It. Paul. I,] fla, cis arandatory ileus.0 np- 11 e I Feb. _' 1aS7. and IIIc prreceds thereof be pin • dein the city- treasary of s,Itd ily; pry sided, that no, of said c rinatites Chatl be sold at lens rI,a,, par; and provided CurtleI, that said cer[i ideates shall nut be ts- ed nor dated oriar to July- 1. Irnl. Fal .......... ler, li i1,:hI erg. Boll, 'u pclnnd. Donaide n, Flaudrao, (.elan. Ml- \,tnaeC. >Ielady, 11inee, Saubaru. nillivall, \I r. 1'residC'n t-1:3. ,Approved Alareh 4. 1"91. R, =nlved That a refunding order be drawn the c h, TrC"vt for the Sol), of ant Lu died dollar SN 1 m f t, or of Tnnathy I.t -1- �f lot, block h, FletcherI 1.,h lion f li re winters addition to Nt. l,n.ul, being the ¢manna paid by him . vi rg error In the assessment against sail lot ton the eIge of "rade a r Brewster .,'e - it 11111ththeline u( ['time overn ue ,r ..1 alae -meth Ili,e of Arch street_ leas -Aldo Iinnh.lzer, Bielenlerg, 13.11. C•o ctnud. Doruiden. FiaodrruI, Gchon. III- S.wuv. Melody. ,linen. Snubom, fuiifyau. AI r. 1'residrvt-13 .Approved )larch 4, 1..I1. I3y Ald. Banholzer- Ice�nived,'1'hat ,It order be drawn in [near .f the Board ,f CO for the lain .f I.::rl.•�!,Lelhhg the eil)''s a le -third of he ex- petidirlare of said Board in t tont nfng the Cit, ala ,ray hoe pi nil, inlu,'ho tse and puurt he lentil aft-dfrhar>.IIe nl f po r, far- ittl-e:,�-:\Id. Banholzer. Ii wleuber". 13.11. (bps ],ad, llorniden, Fhmdrnla, Gehan. 3lc- - . Alelad,, AimIn, Sall born, -I,, nn. Ma. President -1:3. A pprovcu March 4.1±ll1. Its ,lid. CuBI._- Bt olved.'rhat an order be urawn to favor of .Jacob Litt. for the sum of Nifty Dollars fur n•bnle on license for the tear Ik 1.1, wllich is to apply on the license of said Litt for the Gra ad opera house for the year Peas-AId. Ban hill, ltielenberg, Boit, Copeland. Dornfden, Fltndran. Geluan, Alc- ."Rmee, Alelnay, )linea, Sanborn, Sullivah. AI r. President -13. Approved March 3, ISM. B, Ald. Copeland- Besolred. That all parties Rod corporations havibg buildings ill the First ward of the cit, in whir❑ are stored powder and dynamite be. nd they me here Lv re4trerted and di rested in mote such bmlding, and the powder and dynamite scored it i„ vilh.at the sir, ))inns wit in nine v days after the npprov,tl of this ec d olio. �- And Resolved. That the Corporation Attor- •ul,v rf this reIlrtiall n. be eA uoon all s t• -h d.a rhes andeorbol,112ons ¢ei�pi�„f ,,able )',(ter the passage of =„tit ti :Udo Rauhlisten here. Batt. Copeland, e. Dora idea,, FlVa a ndnlualt an. Ge. Vc- \nmee. alealAl inert 1,111U0,11,Sullivnu, mr. d're.iden t-1:1. d ppruvcd \larch 4, 1..?tl. Br Aid. Fiandrru- - Besolred. I'ha[ the Bnnrd of P,ablie Wark+ �,c• and ii is hereby instructed omI tire, ted to ed d ,asses• a, pout the pruperty be,e- fitedta .laiden, s, , to pay I'll hjadln'nt 1st this city- for the ape nub and gradlog of \lississippt si n-ei, t le:,s,Al,l. Ran holzcr. Biclenbel,, Bot" Dortidcrt, I'lnndrau, 3lc\ales. Al clads, Mincn, \abbo,a..\Ir, Yn•sidenl-pt. 1;,t s--AId, Cop. land, l:ehan. Sullivan -:1. Approved \torch 4. IF!1l. IN b"- The , hers of n ,njnrity of I, lots blocky forte i4"1 nand 61r, ort,- h141), ltd the vne of tuts fru u e lb to olb I till Lt niiftecu (ir) inbl.ek lad sett l 1 nail eight f,S� IIIll. k to, I) - I'll it I. Anthony Park, (Lorelily-.[ f tinnl. Itam.ec Cn,tutc, Alitinesutn. i- ttOrred the C11 1 to""I )'mitt ell of the cult apf side of alley tatcl adj.iniog the I feet :roil, slid etof ,ight le), Musk forty-one 1411. running o hundred and ti[ty Il:s/I feet, the entire length [said 1„t eight IN1. 11 ,milted it FII liony Park. Cit, ,f St. Palu. Ifurnsevtcoihnt,, Mitine,om. „'lliclt sold pt-titiott duly sets forth the facts still rensol,s fur said lo,atil.u. .ad ,a, dol, a o1apt tell Ly. plat thereof as proposed to be I .1ated : .1111 Il betels, be('ommon ('none ll, uPon ache presentatian of said petition, deemed it ex- uxdiertt [hat the )' tatter be Orureeded with, rt 1 ordered said poli tion to v be filedica relae ord with the l' C'l,rk, abd , t t ,-u by publicaliov, s pnavidedby lair. a \,'here¢,, Dae ,m[ice by pablicntlott w cl,ao in he alticiat paper rf anddtai fur four weeks, comman"Ou oat the _did td I,, of .dun oar}'. A. D. 1�,1, t the effect that smd petittup IIn,l Leen tiled with he City l'lerk. ati„g in brief its object. and that the same would a, heard lad Considered by the Com' n t'ouurit of the t'Ity of SL Paul, ou Tnes- day. the :Nl In,- of March, A. D.,lsaL nt :::111 o'cluck in the afternoon of snit lay. at the council chamber in the city )hill of said city: and t IVheren.s, at the time ala place last afore - laud. for the it,,ycsaga but a d cbusider,tiul finch Droposed yaeuti.,, of sold Drop, the ('ummou ('outcll after hearing all per- sons interested, and being of the opihiuu that the same i,, necessary and proper nvd that the prerequlsues therefor have all been co"Plicd with: Now. Therefore. Be It Resolved. That all Of saki ten 1 IL 1 feet un the north side of alley lad ndJ.u.111g Iho south =ide of Ili eight I`), 58 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL forty i els. run: im, one hundred benefited by mid Improvcowill. T provided block one and fifty t l:,nt fel-T. tike Cutl re length of said [utrLtupiy.essedon f for so, 11 in, 1 t eight int, all situated ill �[. :\inthonc P ark, linita"1 estate can be fuuud benefited to the ex- City .,f �[. f'n,al. Romsey county'. \lin;reso[n. In lite uflice of 1,ruvemCnl teat of the cost and expenses necessary to be ile same tae appears of record Register of Deod, Ili and for the County : Inenrred there lI- Bot[, dile of liamser. Manuevwht, be and The some is ]-ens—.\Id. if. rtholzer, Bielenberg. Flanlrrn. hetehy deeinrecl lu be c •nteJ nod disrnn- ('oprinud. Uorulden. sou bon Ue3ullllvnu, tinned, ns asked for Ira sold petition, slid ns Nan ounce. )Icady, ]tinea, )Ir. i'rc•sident—I:4. hereltutbove spvcilit.d. Ii"a old. Ibmlolzer, Ili,lmtberc. [toll, kppro ell March 1, Il'l. ('oprlan. Uorinde I'. Fl indrilu, Geliln, )I, Nnmee, )Ieltdv. )linen, snnburu, sulllyan. Public \%"o rk, dated Feo. Ill. Ill . Nl r.1'l,. id,n[—I:I. Ya,_It March :I. I�JI. In the matter of the report of the Board of president of Connc'IL panne \Vorks dated Feb. 26. 11111. Common Council App, ed Nlarcu 1, Ilnl. IL r, hereby ordered try the Pnu : \ nvor. l;��.). 6aartt. I ilen•r sr. ('i[y l:lerk. rf liieCitc of sola 7'bnl the B, Public It"oras of the C'i[y :\ttc•,l: Tan., A. 1'a e�nam:.t )oral J. 1lit of ,1[. Ntnl the fo rota u' improve - -- lent e be wide. to telt: Condemn and floe de. t eel in th0 InOrd ahuttihag on Clifton \t-herea� The Cotnnton COttucil of the C'ftc street. between Bnuduiph street and t.rale - the t t s an[ kraft, Tit n ........ihn_ bold uta [be kl loi .least. 1 r, to c ils'.rucl rill is and Clhf- yl arch. A. U 1111 dal adopt n resole Jnv . 1 ,I ma le slope_ fc t and tnngrndtnK betwemn said `treels, to the liot rrc tela 1 feet u I The north si tut ton street I `=lab lishr•d thereof. a, shown I,y the file of nitre. and adjohling the south side of one grade said Krede ono file in the oaice of the B1111- eight I'll, blow forte -one (All. running Ih�lndmd nnf fi[n 1:, 11 fret, rh, entire of ter of Ueeds in and for Ramsey county, uud leue[h of said lot richt rt all ,ilunttvl w at. in the uflice of the city Fill, er; said .kolas feet on said Anthony 1'ark. ('ilc of 'ail,[ 1'l, a11, 14nu,ey m extend one and onm-half 11,2) lir If 11. Tis indicated county, ylinuc,utn; loud fur ever, toot of cul slo nttnched To mid "Therefore. Ile IL I:esul cad. Thal the calve bC, un the Plan of mid nes and [o be tiled ill the uflice of said at 'Tod premises, so vacated I, aforesaid, nod the same is herebc fixed n[ the s'n i u[ beingrrnu[ report, Board. 'That said Board shall proceed without ninety della rs 13!41 ., thv said ,um .a ,aloe of delay to assess the amount, n, nearly LLs they less Till'. n I"opo"wit"m ,be I,roperl3- ,boiling upon said premises w all cennin the sa oke. which will be re- dnulnKt,, and ueces- rnc,ded, according to the as. mens for tax rNuired`to pal thL 'e. ext eases lit site h lm provememupon, the alhon for the ct,ar A. D. Is.4t lin olre r. It i,I,nherc. Bolt• r' real e,Tn[e to be bene try sLLhd lntprote- ens—Abe. uh ('opelrud. Uurnidem Flnnlrn,a, "'"a" . Nle rn[, ns pn,cided be Into: it being The to he Nnmee. )lelady. , halo, sou burn, sul;ivan. opinion of the Cunn•id that enol esft[e call be found NI r. 1'rc';id • 1t. 13. go for such hnprovemeni Ito it Cost ura\'Pdl March A, ls!Il. A p, penI1I, Incurred bintlt sex pet "est llee"'iIf ry' "s _ tbereoy. Banholzer, BielenberK. Bolt, •port of the Board of Approved March 1. Is -.d. In the mntt,r of Ibe Yublio \t arks doled ten. !,. 1+111. Cuu an u Nnmee. Nel"dyid'". eartt`drn0orn;ehxllilvmci. )1 r. Yresidmtt—I:t. It f, hereli, urdervd he the t'ouhtaual acid Al,proverl )I nrclt 1, 1,91.t ('fav of sl. I'x Til Thai the Ilonnl of 1'it 1,1 is \wino of said athe I[ Is herebc oMCr,rl by the Common Colancil .,,of 5t I'md,mune fullowiia improve ,( the City lit s[. l'nul: 7'hnf the Board of Public \Corks of the CITY ttl1a b, n,[rnc[ , Tie trey meal l0 be, made. it: from Nla -1 o-11 to Unclou In the %after f the report of the Board of n Fisk street. al rain oil Marlin ,treat. front Fico street fo public \t arks C I m it Common Connell Inle­cunelreet: I'll 11. Anhuny aceta e. frank The It is hereby order(- ] be lite f the I'Ity of 3[. lhtul: }'iso street [u Unle ,t -et: un Itunlo ,tt'reb Cl,r 'Phut [lt !,ITuanl of 1'nbBc \Corks of the from Fisk siert fo sb Alban, street: nn Dille nn ('itr of �l. cause the follon'inc improv, - roll street. from Fnk sn'rr[ m ,vert: from ylllt, st Pec[ to Dnle went lir be made, to wit: C'onimtan and lax0 Iglehart sin•et. street; un Nlar,hall avenue. from \'ICtorin nine and beet to Mil'.er street; lit Un,tun avenue, vi,w,acennnt:t belfntenl�t\IurshnllluK in sold Illy, neel"ary to 0011 front, Victoria street to Nl eller sire tit st. hall,lo (1ttu ave t Tie. strnet ilt•� Innes for ants nal fill+ in cnWing Albil n, slreeI. front Iglehart n1r 1 an nvt tr to Mar- void Fairy ie a' avmttm bet a't•Ln sold n,'etax•s. �t reel. and from It. :\nlTlt ratty t. Aa rlu street from Mnr- tp the e,mbl I, led made thereof, as shown by tin .free[, acrd on Ihxll To Uayaon n,errlie, tntid t of tlHilm..cy srand, u,eooe with the nirCC•sn ry cafe ha�itts u feiltC Itecister ofsabIllcerl.oIll - 111 forill together mauholt,s. , nd sewerikg to be dune tender county's ,rl I,slo, tile eI, elnd onethetd toile-htkilf unThatt Board cause said work to f1t71 feet on said land for evory Moot of cut said bC Ic•[ by ,tt[nar 1, ns prot'Ided by tt or Hll, es i oll,Iled ,it the Sptan of said slopes to said report, and w be filed In the int,, walnut ar-holt [he estimated cost being ti ret paid n n-, the shy Irt•nstary; all attached uflice of said Board. 'I'l Board ,hall Proceed w•fthou n (u•r ,std tcurk ,h�dl be placed tinder con- delay siaiA Inc «, ns„ss the n nab ns n nvly s [Ikley femme, truck. veld Boaro shrill pnteeed withuoi to ansa.. the r nut. n' a rly as they eon can .certain the which will be re- cost and neces- erininthe warn l,hich will be required to qui reef to pay the do laces, poo I pay the cost nal neCes,nn' a 'pt•nses' o[ such s ry expensesprovemenl the real estate to Le b,nefited by said ma- Improvement upon the real sante to be flop THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 59 procemmht, as provided by late; it being the I as provided by Into; it being the opinion of pinion of the Council that real estate to be the ('ouncil that real estate to be assessed for sed for such improvement call be found ten ,nted to the extent of the damages, coat such improvement can he found benefited to the extent of the damages, cost and ex. and expenses necessary to be iuearred pmises fuec.lry to be incurred thereby. thereby. fens—Ald. BLLnboI,, r, Ilieleou g, Bot[. Y"e !Ald. Bnnbolzer, Bielenberg. Boll. C'opeland, Doruiden, Flandrnu. Uelrnn. )Ie Nnmee. )lelady, )linen, snuborn. Sullivan, Copeland. Doruiden, F'Inndrnn, Gehnn, Mc- Nnmee. Nichady, yliuen, Sanborn, sull.'an, Sir. Yresid,in-13. )Ir I'residen l—I:t. Approved Ni arch J, 1,91. Anpcoyed Nlarch 1. 1,1111, li -- In the mutter of the report of the Board of lu rho matter of the report of the Board of Public \%"o rk, dated Feo. Ill. Ill . Yublir yl"orks dated Feb. 21i. lint. It is herehy ordered by the C.Ti mon Council It is herebc ordered by the Common Council lit the Cin- o[ lt. 1'l, til; f the ty of st. 1'ntnl: Thut the Bortr�t of Public Works of the I'n,al the following in: - That tlhc jloanl of Public Works of thL ('i[y of lt. Foul cause the robot, Ing improvem,nt t'ilp lit lt. c to he made, 10 to reit: t'oudeuhn to be made, to frit: Cundenut and take Tilt nroyemeut nd take a •menr it, the land abutting �e •Tit int the land abnlring on I[nrce„ a Goff rete between Dearborn street sI ... I. between Gmiltit•r *tree, and LVesirrn at'emte, ill said city, necessary to construct nd the aorta line of Jtid well's nddit!nn to \Vest11. Paul. Id ,aid Ric, nail en r brad tg tl e slope., f cuts and fills ti d ntR d [ cl [Ire slopes for cuts and h in gr it Il urgess' street between said st rents to the - id t:oB , t • hie beta sen 'fad iulnts to established crude thereof. ns showu be the -. the established grade thereof, as shown I.v tile in the office prutile of said cold, u,I Tile int the office of the Ifegl,ter of Deeds in and for Itnmse3• 1 the profile of said grade on of the Register of Det•ds in and for Hankey Ioun[y. and in dye ofliee f tie City F.ngij conntc, an 1 in the oaice of the City Eri- nid slopes to extend oar and ante -half cf n•er: mid slope, to ext, ltd Otte and on.- U�_ 1 f,et un odd Innd for every foot of cut halt 11421 feel un mid land for a •Cry foot of lir Ti". ns ifoicn ted on the plan of said ,lopes cu[ lir all, as Indicu[ed on the plan of sold be it Cached to said report, and to be filed ill the uflice of said Board. slopes attached to said report, and to filed fu the otfic, of said Bma rd. 'I'hnt said Boara ,Imll proceed "ill at 7''I raid Ban shall proceed wlthont dela, 10 assess lie limon Tit. n nenrl, ns they delay to assess the amount, els nearly as then Ire erinin thy' nonan which will be re. ,Iiiredslo pay the Jnmrages, cost and feces- call as •ermine Iht• ,prat', which will n goiredttu pile the do maces. cost, and nt - expense of sur lI impruterment tl pe . f such nmpro I 1 Tho' rent estate to be I,Cnrnle I by said by haw: It beteg dee admen the re I :l t t be honelited IIsaid t meat. as , vndt,d ht haw. it bell,',' tile rove 1 ro f he ,uln-fed opinion lou nett that real estate to be pinion of the Con ncil that real estate to he 1, ,sassed Cur itch ire pray, men[ eon be found for assessed for etch improvement Can be fpndtl benefited to the extent of file dannnges, Cost and expenses necessary to bo incurred There. benefited w the talent of the damages, cost . t r d expenses neer ary to be incurred bv. ,Yea,—Ald. Bannholzer. Blelenbcrg. Bolt, tahercbp. Peps—Ald. Bnnholzt•r, Bielenberg, Bott, Copeland, Doruiden. F'W udrn u. Gehnn. Ni c. ! uop,land, Dorablon. Handrail. Gehmt, .Me- N,nnee. \lelady. Nluen. Jett bons, sulliv,lu, Mr. Vidrnf—I:i. Nnmee, ylelkrlc. )littera, suulonh, suilicr.nt. )1 r. Yrt•sid,nt—I:i. Approved M arch a, 1191. Approved March 1. Is -.d. Ili tilematler of the ill, Board of porIret, of it, Boil rd of Infill, in 1l c \lurk+ dated Works tevlet'vohI hof isItc It is hereby ordered I.c the ('om ulna Cmnnncll I[ Is herebc oMCr,rl by the Common Colancil [ ale 0%Of 3t. Paul; '1'Imt the (land o[ public tVorks of [he f Yty ,( the City lit s[. l'nul: 7'hnf the Board of Public \Corks of the CITY Of sl. I,.III Cause the follow ng ire lirncc of Jt. I'nul ,l,1 se thL' Iollotrinc ITo rcrvemenL and bake gut be made, toand Condemn n to be mode. ,It: t'mmentIT ani take n 11 nn casement In the ]end aur ling ooh China- a ooh street. bclnrClh Laurel oceans and eaeem,nt 1, the Innd abuttlnK on Fels yew � ave between Nl nr,hnll Ivenuc and St. Carroll street, in said elty, uecessx rl' to c0d Anthtrn3• nv,nue, in .nirl cR3", ne'e'-TIT-3 to fills In struci The slopes fur cuts and fills in crndinte saidClaaswurt11 street. between said s r rec•ts.to cot ,mite[ the slope. for cuts amt grading xold Fairview venue betweca 'aid the esmbllshed Rnnle thereof, ns shua'n by vetoes to the established grndo Bkmeuf. a, ale prohlt• of sairl crude oft file n the office ,�hotcn be the prutile of ,aid grade un Hie in lit the Itugis[er of Deeds Ili and for Itnnhsey rho otli ce of the Begtsler of D,,ds to and for City county, and in tie office f rhe ('Ity Engi- hawser court n'. turd in the office of lite ser; said slopes to extendoone nn td one-half Enelne,r; sand stupes to extend one and ouej hal[ feet said Innd for every toot of (142) feet on said Innd for ever), foot of cut or fill, as indicated on the pan of said Il ope.1 11421 On cu[ lir -till, indicated On Ile plan o[ said nttnched to sand re{Tort, and to be filed in the slope, nttnched to Wald report. it to be Hled olhce of said Board. That said Board shall proceed without de- hl, the oaice of ,aid•Builrd. That ,aid Bon rd shall proceed without tae to nines. rue amouut.as nit arty as it" can will�be delay to assess the at,,, a enrl,� ns they be re- ascertain the ,time which required lu pay the donotgea, Cost and nece,sary a �. eon Cermld the .00hs, which wilt rinnired to pay the dama6es. cost al," ale— pens,I of such improvement upon the real sary expenses of such improeemeut aeon im estate to be neuefi ted by said improvement, the rent ,sate to he benefited be said 58 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Dloek fortrono tJ11, r •int oft hundred t benefited by sold im provefnen[. n- Provided b3, Ixar: fl bein the opnailia C he Cuo ncit Intl lift, I awl feet, i mire length of sn ria et. Anthony I'aarik, that real ells., i tut eight is), all ,ftn:ul, Oil. of It. Poo . It mase:" e.unty", llinlesum, i Ell, some nppe.. r, of record in [he..It" of be founds houalited to the a"x_ pruvetm• it c+rvr peuses neces,an to be ten[ u[ the Gust and ex dale RI—ter of Deeds itt and fur the C'.un [Y ilrl}exseii.\IrdnlSnaahotzer, Biel -1,11a. Rutt. If Ramsey. D[iohesoix, Ire ami the s raI hetet, derlxrCd to be a ted xnd disc nu- ('opehltd, uortdd,it. F'Damlrnu. Gehnn, SII Honed. n�nskcd fur In said a hi.u, mvd a a 3n fie. Nemdy, .linen, Sao "o. tiulll vnu. hermuabovc spcci tied. Itnuholzer. Rieleu hero. Rot[, ]IA I'r1s 111-e APProced .larch A, dill.. 1"ear—Alli. i '.Petam;. U.r.id Mi Flx mlr+t n- Ge soil lac- \ \ntm•e-lelndv_ lline+t, _nlburh, _nllivxu, f the Cfty o, tit I'aol: 11 r. 1'r,sid,n[—f�f. I'n sed lh,rclt :t 1`d. It he iter of report of the 73onn1 0[ IPu t'ctf.nx, Preshlent of Coaincll. to LJic 11"arks doted Feb. '4 1Nnl. It beech}' onlere,l by too Common Council Appro,ed ..arca {, I�ol. .ton KaT'. tian Ttt .Maur. is ,f flan C'it_ of mint Ynut: A l,,,t: Tni- .\. I'll--olu A,T, City perk. That toe Ronrd of Public Waris or the ('i[y \lurch J. of Pani un,e the folloaviug imProa'e- aa and like Burgess streol betwee.t said streets to the - ,slat hushed ant.fe therruf, as sltowtt by the ueott . be mode. to tail: m. I the brad but title . ('Ifftun l,hereos, The I'O'tmmo ('It m•ii of the Cit, .Ini•f ,,bet teen itnudofph street and nal',, (ti Ind 1',tttl, It u Int ,f. n_ Dt Id Ut. [h, {1 't EPL in said eft)' nl`Cl11-3' lu C t t C d Clif dna r[ Van h. \ Il. 1� 1, did slant n resodslope, at, for Cuts and fills to grading streets, to the esfab- titinti : len (I a feel un thea fh �t le e'ide of tut toll ,.cell between said li hcd thereof. as�huwu by the pmlilo of nlle}�. sand nd]oi nine the � ruth ieht a, pluck forty -ane (Jlta. r t t tl tt geode uf,�id •redo oh life in the .trice .f the 1{egis- Uecd, , h�tudre,l nod "a ',I, hcl alt (til ter If it nmI fur Itnmser county. ,lies ihC Cita' Euelneer; said slunfd Irntth of -till lot Gigot awl, all >itunt,d Ramey n the uelC, uC I -1111 nuc -half (Itx1 feet un s Anthony''ark. City of Saint 1'aul, count)'. Slinne'Iia; to exb, one lean. fur ever, Cou[ of eat fir fill, ns lmiica[Ml '� attaehe,l li •aid ''heel Core. its It Ra•solvvd, T[ I the ,zine oil the J,han .0 said stupes be filed ill the WhIc of said of said premises, 1, ancah•d o, af.resaid, be, ud the same s li—hy axed at IhC ,r. ut risoli, report, and to Bm , i - '1'ha[ Board ,hall proefCd without ntnPly dollars til, add , a beihtlruof r tee ,aloe of said delay to asses,, the nmo'nl•abe} - less tiro a In.pu ,O ertnin the lama•. of, ,I baalIII I, IOC proper[}' abu[ttho, nlPon'ahltpreml,a•s 1. the a, u, euI fur to x- —'et Imred�1, Dai' the dnnmgca, cult nod c '- gait•,- a rrding .... milia for filet A. B. I*IM).,e" - ox pensee of nch u on the, -,ear 1'e s— k1d. Bn lholzer, Rtelcllberg. Nott, eaI elate to be benefited by std fm{, ro •- ('opelxod,uurnfdem Flnmirrni, ;,bao. li,- neat ns {o"I led 1, lure: it bei.6 [he i. eamle to be N-nmee, li elndv. lllpea, � born, Sununu, opinion of the Cu nuc that rend fur such Ian nro"al'olCo. be fould 11 r. I'ra•sidmh.—i:t, J, I,nl. use, eat Det emc�l to the extant of he damages, cont A".roved .lurch rd •x panes nece»try t. be Incurred _ 'her! Rnnhoucr, Bielenbe[e, Bot", It, file mutter ilte otil, Board of Il h 'Port f tF innd, uorrdden.. Flan,lrn u. Gehxn. l lc- C'IpCnn. Snu,ce, Vebadv. ltiue,,, Detimun,, suuie Pw ework, anted ]t 1, heereto order,, b, the l'uufumu ('linnet. 11 r. 1'resideut—ia. 1l {. Isnl. of tit. I', f the be Taal the lionrd u[ I'utlie Lurk± n[ said Approver. arch (-fly' of tit. Paul, cause the following intproa'e • t to be made. m wu: (dol..tract , the Beard .f onFisk street. from Mcrtin st get to layout poi r use i [ the re t, of dn[ed FeD. _ail I theell ', n}'u it lharun ,tract, frOul Fisk street to '. from idle \\ Irks It Is h,rcby ordered by file (:mu man C'o'.tCil Il aleti,lrrel: Anthony a llnle m ItOudo ,t rrC a, f the Pity of i3 1'xid: Fisk ,tri •t to sir et' fro Fist ,l teat hr W.t:\l am,. I:.n �f That the Bunnl u[ public R'orks of ate 1 tv of at. Fall cause the following fmi,n hill reef. from Fick sire,[ fu loll, stra•ett'rt n Igl,harf 'rl, from .dipole street to Dale s[llucshall cit[ to De made. to "it! Condmnn and mko n from \'f Gloria st get: n e. •fit in the land abuttng on Fair Marshall ovm'e ,ad ect fundi liver street:m Unyton n ve unci >Itller=tree(. , '[ ,. Detwseen Gf nam 1 I )t oat ur t. fr S [ tree( to from fit-etrte, from Iglehart street to Ito 1 t et th,trt•sl.t ea[ t 1171.-f g d g .k I t Mar- ntd front ti . Aoloonr t a ,tet sa rare. n. nue betwceu..I. na uta s, aid Fnt - shown by li neat reef, nntl on S"irtoalx s art Irmo Slat- in td toe esmblished grade thereof, the profile of said grade on file In Ile oaice ,Waal u , IM, run n e, said r tog,lhe, ith til, a cutch nasius aid of [he Ilctistcr of ureas it rd for R mtsey of the Citp Eugi- au blies. land s,weri uga to be dune under o'mg, and in Ilse Deice said ampea [o extant, one and .tie -half Immrt to neer: S1 feel on said Innd for every foot u[ cut nod said Bland na"e said work fir let br c ntet aspmvitl ed by III or B71, as imlieated on the plan be sued elopes to be Bled lu the Inw-, shunt t e -hal( Ile esti maned Cost Irih:o and nBxched to ,aid report, ant ofb •e of said Ronrd. iglu, first Unid Ihu city iren,ury; he under eon- That said Board shall proceed without de- after ,n.d %% rK ,hall placed trm'l. laid B..a.'a slhtll proceed without clap dna'to naseas the n art ns n nrly a arey name, De b, axes the a ud, n nrlp e, Wes Palt ertnin ate wild, full. re- the dnnlnIe cost and neves crtxin the snmr, which !'ill to rt'quiret7 to such ry expenses of such improvement pan slntiired to lesy paty the cost and neces,xry Cx"ga lea of improvement upon the real e,bue to be the mal estate to be benefited b3'saidim- OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 1 59 proremen[, s paovided by law: i[ behu; the I'll lull of the Council that road es ate be for such lin pnrcemevu nu be found provided b}- Inw: II being the oninfoa f the 1-j:,r! tha, rent osm R• to be nssr ,sed for such inturo'I' e t c n be found benrti ted tee"'ed 'ted to the extent of the do mages, ,u ud expenses necessary to be dile. rred [. the catgut of the damages. c t it as- ficuses necessary I be inctlrrea [hereby. thYeas—Ald. llnnhnlzer. Bic!,abe, Butt, Cn ens—Add. old, of zea, Rielou en. tiMe- Petnnd, Uartnd`ti, Fla-lotGehnn, lIc- C.pelnnd, lorufdeu. Flan drub. Gehah, 11c lleludy, .finest tinlborn, l_ullivau, \"nmee, deftly, .linea, Janb.rn, eod"co, lir. Preside n[,—t1. i' ds*r+1�resident-1:1. '.proved lurch {. lso. -a"Proved 31—b J, I'tthe mutter of the report O€ the Board of Ire then iter f the report of the Board of Yat idle licks do and Feb. _a, ls!n. Pob Ito \, Irk s dxmd F,,.. 1!t ]Sol. I, is hereto ordered by the I.mmon Council fill, horeby ordered b, the Common Conn Cil f the Cfty o, tit I'aol: .1 the City of tit. Pilo That the Iloard o] I'll Llic tl'orksl'I," I hilt the lionrd of Public Work., of the of ,t. Pahl t the following Ia, If tie. Paul eta a the fuh.wing fm Drovmhent r le mn and eke an lobe vmde, rtosn' : CIn, aprovcmeut to be t ale, t rril� l'ohdemn fid take n of in the Inml abut[ini sae Itbetween In, hind abut tint,'t Ithrge,s st b t I 1 't era \Gest (iofF nae Dearborn 1 tl til 1' c ell a ndditon to - 1 cal e e.'.' a to ms[ [ iii tthdu ll `s[ c[ I 1 i ai d t1, nrrexenrr to 1 1 for cul, all, tillsfitgradin( said struct the 1 l es for cuts and tills fu grading Burgess streol betwee.t said streets to the - ,slat hushed ant.fe therruf, as sltowtt by the said f iii n •rue betwceu sad "Dints to ea grade thereof, ns ,hoycn In' the eslnhlisi's of sail. trade O file ii in, office Of Ili the p OtI le of said grndo n life in the ofhlc 1rrunle e Hefface of Ucrd, ml for Ramsey ,rel uty. ad it. the ..lice ill robe City Enti- of the Register of Beds ir. and for ham— county, 11 d hi the ,thee of the Cite Eu - aid stupes to estehd one crud ane -half it ginger: said slopes to extend ane toil o 2) feel on ,aha Innd for every fo.,t of cut ,r till, as ihdimated oil the Flan of ,aid ,IoDes half (I4e feet un wild land for every fool of c tt Or bll, ns imlieated on the "Ian of sold attached to said report, nod to be tilt:, 1n the slopes athlched to s id report, and to be .fling of a.fit Board. a That said Ronrd shall proceed without filed fn the olliee If said Board. That said Board ,111, proceed * 11 dM— to assess the 'mmtnt, ns n tela' ru [hey dein}' to arse„ the nmuunt, s ran Iy n, they ertnin the nnnte. w lieh ar{Il De r meds to D,I, the dmm�er,, cast fid fit s- irupon en ns •ertnin file :,nine, tvlli,b .rill be j, I, paa3' the diuu,ges. cost and f crs- nry expenses of teit fml' -co rhenefhed sluccdt ry c -es of such Improvement p-o estate tDe rGll •stem [u be by gull, Ian- as providvvl by law': ft being the the real tobe heneliled by said prnvemett. as I'roa'adc-1 Dy Inv: II being Ito ulnaend. of the Cou m'II thn:. real a•stntC m Oe .sed fur elle. iw"race anent cm, be found n"Inion of the t'ha.�ril that real r. state to he sed fur mil im pnaremen[ Gnu he flim". Iieifefited irr flit• a .f the d".1-cs, c• rod expenses pec cssnry to bo Incurred Ihem.m7 benefit'•, [,, me ender. of the damages. c t uses mat s,nr9 t. De f lcurrcd I'. 1'mt,—:\Id. Ilan hl Sze r. Itielt•nbcrg. B.It. there by:Ua• I"ens—Ald. Rmthul:., r, Ilieleul—,. Bou, ..pedant d. U. rh Iden. F'In ndrah. Ueluut. SI c- " xchtdy, Ulnen. inn born, tiulllyn u, ('npe]a id. Ih,rpidnn. Fli Its,,. Gehnn. III- \nnwe. Nehady. )Iluca. nnubon, labi-e-la, >Ir.r moved Marc, APnroyed ][arch J, I, -JI. Appruvcd Anmh 1, Lw'.Il. App—e. In the mutter of the re purl of the lionrd of In the mance of the report of file Board of I'hlmc 11 arks dated F'eh. Ill. 1,!n, If fs heteby ordered b, the ('ImmVll t'Olmcll Pub, l,Orks dated Feb, 111, Iso.. It I, beret, ordered br the Common Cuunril of the City of tit. Paul: B.., ''That the Board of public \Porky of lite ('ill' [ the C'i it' of st. 'dual: Tltnf the Ifnnnl of (''IIIc l,orks of the t'i ty of tit. I'aul se fate flllotyn tt ntpro,e of st. Pn I Gaa cute flllou'ing im Drcrva mint 'nl to be made, to alit: CotolrIDn and fall, in the Innd abutting e t Chni s- I to be mode, to a, t: Ciuctlemn and it, x I eat in rte Innd nb'tting o t Fairview orthe•n[ -treet. between I.nurcl , nod nrrofl street, I, aid city, o e,sar�rtrto bcI llnrcha7l n and St. Anibal,,- a e i, to ,nm mly. t r�slo u t Lhe Glupes for Cilia cod1 II A d rd frac[ the res for Cuts 1 ill.' f �c Cha sw rt h xt rest, le t ace 1d,' [ rhe established grade thereof. as shown b} g dlne4s fid Fntr a' a ue 1 I it aeon to he established (grade thereof. s IbP proal, of said erode un file t the olife e rt me Itegieler If Beeda fit mdI far xnmaey sthuwh ro (the profile ,f said erode oil file in fie deice If lit, Regi,ler.r Deed, to aha r.r corm ly, end i I the office f the linmsey county- and ill the olhce of the ('fly t Cr; ani, ,IoDee to sxlmtdOone and one half feet on eel, landforevery foot of out Enc fee aid slopes to extend one uud one lot half 11621 feet on said Innd foe every fool of or ell, as indicated oo the ulna of said ,lopes cut arc fill, imlieated on the plan of said attached to said re{.ort, and to be filed In the -lopes attached to said report. and to be filed o thce of said Board. That said Board ehnll proceed without de In the attire of said Board. 'I'hn[ said Boal -d shall proceed yvitholit try [o assess the atnountas nearly ns [hey can delay toassess the amount, as near." ns Lbe). atnrmiu file same, which y'ill be required m pay the damage& cost and ttece sand ex- sthe Gin n,cermi it the same, which trill be re- ,faired to nay the 'Ismnges, cost nnA neees- penses of such Improvement Don real ,try- expense, oC such improvement rot nI., estate to be benefled by said Improvement : the real estate to tic benefited by tall 60 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL provement, as Provided be law; it being the the real e -tate to be benefited by said fm- Opiuion of the CouuciS that real estate to provenlmlt, as provided b,' law: it icing the be +;sessed for such improvement can Oe be ssoi�do for c s Inch t improvement san be found enessbenefited to the extent o[ the d o-orre , coat and expenses neeessnrc to be incurred '2o dna exnpe f e til ace salty [otfbe r3u carred thereby. us a In S"las—Aid. llanholzcr, 131,b,nberg. ➢oft. thereby. Copeland, Doruiden, Flandnau, Gehan. Me- fens—Aid. Bauholzer, Bielenberg, Bolt, C is,,. ytelady, )licca. cnuburh, Sullivan, �nlmein�\ICI+o�uid`Ii es. lar born,CSullilao, on "In Pre,plent-13 J, 1501. Mr. President—li. nn Approve Apptuved March J, 1,' Il, the mutter of the re ,ort of the Board of the matter of the report of the Board of Pool is \l"arks doted Plcb.::d. 1501. In t I[ is hereby ordered by ale Common Conncii Public 1l'orks dated Feb. ,d. lnoa ut the l* rd St. I'n13 1 It is hereby ordered by the C'otnmon C'ouncit That the Board u[ Public \forks of the of fit' Circ of Sl. 1'nul: Cn[y of It. Paul cause the fullowin, ilnpince- 1'hnl the hoard of Public Works of the City :Hent to be Imide to wit: (Indent" and of Sf. Pn+tl c+ se the following inll,roye- + the bund abutting un Inert fu be made, to wit: l'undemn and take lake nn eatrtet 1In ,rceet1l Gnultfer street and nu easement I fire find ab+ltti hg on Iimcvat \Cesieri sit 1 tltd city.a nllo street betwei+cifv�ne ter street nud Front cesssn- to constntci the coustnnC[ the+stupes latents ami title inn4 I Street, n sof yarn g snit fci, Id t 1 _ ++g afetal batt' d sire t -1 les for coos and t 11 _ i din 1 Sim to the a [ bi had grace 1h i shit a street between 1 't t: Lo the eStab DI the Print of said grade n t 1 1 h68 8rade�lele on f fill in the biithce Pr,' Itbe Inc office of till, Iteg+ster (Irl Iteg,I Brat Deeds i,t nd Cor Itnmsey' O,,ds i and Ior Itnnlsev c'up ty, n conn iv, ami in the ofifeenof Ilio C. I:ngi- I the office f the ('Uf `:ng cert Said nee[: said slopes to extend one and one-half slopes to extend one and n -half (112) feet on said ]and for f1•lorc tf ul ild, ship Cutor otuo,lic-1 ortti lifeet n i Lndicn load thcrPlan tit food sl�,nes in lb,ated on the 1 nI ` s ' ° ntmrhed to said re ..It. and to be filed f, the to Said report, and to be Ified fn the office of office of said Bon, �l said Ifoard. 7'hnt sold Board shall pmcaed without de That said Board sit n" Proceed without de- fay to assess the nmoam, as nearly as they can lay to assess the + n, ns early tis the_ see rtnlc the came, which o'i It be required to can ascerniu tIminu•, wblei, will be res- a the dunnages, cost n++d necessary ex - he oab cd W pay the d, ncngtlust nal eco pit, t of such Improvement upon line real expenses of s :lI improvement pun es fate to he be red ted by said ie cP,1;ennent. they real estane to be benefited by said int f i be hew: it being the P+ulna f proc(•nienl, v provided by law: it hellg the Provie et 'sl, op`nff lite II-vid l thntt real C*(ale I be the Cu in that rent eluate to he n . s.sed ltd for such int .r tent Can be found f [ ueh mpmcemmll can be found helgca. Cost 'll be to the cxlcin of nthe dama9es. c'ed f! nail°eine eestn�to be i�Currell thereby. d EE expenses necessary to bC incurr e`Ycns—Aid Ihniholzer. Bieicuberg. lioft. therebc. Cu I I d, Ilan lidera, Flandrnu. Gehan. )Ic- 1"en�—Aid. Bnnitolzcr. Bicleuherc. holo. \+nieee,I \lebndy, )linea, Sanborn, Sullivan. Copehaud, Dornidcu. Fbnndrun. Geluan. Vc- ]t r.l're left—I:t. � in, Melady. \linea. lauburu, Sul icon. :\spruced \Iarcll J. 1501. Dlr. president-13.I,\djoun+ed confit Tuesday', March 10, 1'-A,, A 1, pro, march J. 1101. SI at i::fa o'clock p. tit. 0, O. (rrl.t.n>', President of Council. Thos. A. Yaesnr:¢vest, City Clem. Iu the matter of the report of the Board of Public %% arks, doled Feb. 26. Iron. It IS herehv ordered by the Common ('In""' of the City of SC I'nul: d of Public Win of the That the Boar 'c If of Sl. Paul cause the folimvfng improve- ment to be made. to wit: Condemn ,tad take .rest�beOvean t(:au+Ilfnrnlalreetl and Western avenue, in said city, necessary to onstruet the slopes for Cuts and fills in gndfue said Attyanr street between said streets• to the Cstnblithed grade thereof. as shown by ilia profile of se id grade on IIIc in file otliec of thIt e egister 0 f lleeds fu and for l+amsey county,and in the once o[ the('fly Engineer; said slopes to extend one and one-half I Ilnl feet on said Inud for evervf(1ot of cut or till, taches Ito sa d ail report pond to be all 0nfiled lin til s office of said Board - That said Board shall Proceed without de - Inv to assess the a +nt, as nearly as they edit aseertafllulfe adnolue. N ash and qui ed pay 'ar_ expenses lot tach improvement upon Adjourned 71eetin9. T. Parc. March lc, ISM. The Connell met .'pursuant to adjournment, nt � o'clocp. m: PrCaesident Ckullen n the tit r. Present—Aid. Itnnhulzez, Bot[, Cooley, Copeland. Costello. Dubuer. Doruiden, Flaw drag, Gehan, Jic?Ynmce, Melody, )linea. born: Sullivan. \"au Slvke, IIle. President—Id. The President announced that the Bret business in order would be the election of a Cor.oration Attorney' of We City of St. Paul. A�d. Gehan mored tint Council Proceed to ballot Flandraulnouuuatees of d Dante W. L. - let for said Oitice. Ald. BnnitolzCr secouded said eominalfon. Aid' Sanborn c cmud that .the City Clerk alicil Daniel an ell, 1'.lver]for the office eof oC'orporar tion Attorney. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 61 the City Clerk cast sixteen bit l- 11. Godfrey, rand I ,,k your consent and ad- Mayor, Whereupon 3"is for Daniel \C. Lawler for the avid -lice fee hrl0, Rune[tr A. Sutra, of Corporation:\ttoruev, and in President luny elan ted sic said 1 in -111L advised and Cousented - +ppu unced Daniel ll'. Lawe[ [o of Corporation Attorney o[ the 1O]ens—did. Boil, ('onlec, Cope- the office C'ily of S[. Paul for the ensuing term. Bnnholzer. laud. Costello, Dolan- Doruiden, Flandruu, Gennn, Mc\nmce, yi elndy, Mines, Sanborn, coxurxmnrmxs, Sulliyun. Van dyke, \Ir. 1'resideut—ia. Front ills donor the Mayor—Poetonfce Cus- also tont loI Etc.— '1'u the Iluuurube due President m d Com- Fire tCnrden Appolntod— n Cuuned of the ('ity of Sf. fact, To the Ilonlrnbl,.• [he Ymsidm+t nud common Gncullenten: I have the bonoc to transmit Council o[ the ('fly of St. herewith a conlmunicaluu NctLieton. Acting See relate [otic 7'rens a r;, f by' Gentlemen: I'll—oto, to fit' net of lino Iegish Eo,C nopruced April !:S, ,1. 1), 1SSJ, the relnuu+t to the conveyance property- for the erection Bunnl cuulputed of the yhnyor, ('...Went of the city to the L'nitel States house. etc.: also a ICL- the ('unman , ou and nml the President of Of Pastodice, custom Unci, "king that the the Dunrd of I'irel Commissioner, 1utvC this ter from 11ou. C. B. p pen called for oe tnausmitmd in the coarse tlay nppiin ted \\'il linm Denney ns ne of the fire wnrdc ns of IIIc Cfty of St. Pani, and ask n e lhC of Ute euming )week, so tint hen y giv your consOnl tial advice thereto. latter his personal attention before lenymg la lit, ,or A. S>I+Tn, yln)or. �I nshington circ. 1 also transmit for I,unr infonmttiun'n March lb, ISM. salla t nndrised and Consented to. Ppuiu ale d b the City Fogfncer howng plat prepare > to the I ]'tart—.\hl. nanhulzer. Bott. Conley, r'opc used to be daunted toe property prop ny. of babnnce of block n land, C'o,tello. )at,, . Dornidcu, Finn,lntu, Melndv, \linen. Sunburn, ,O-rnracm. also plat In th+s cu+tuecuu I d t o1go I f (:eltatb \Ir\umeC, Sf11}icnn, \'en \[r. Presldeu t-16. ,inning. +pin your hunonable bill' the necessull or all Prom Mels Larson and Others— Or condemainga portion of Is tnangular For file Krading of Ellis street. the land in this block. It Shape, and accred 'til buildings be nee- I;anal of 1'n bile fl'urks, with order. Fr it Ilnniel II. Lawler— ( I character [int would of a build- a Onth nml hood Corpora [lot) Attorney— "Leary F. fill in appearnue alongside beaus}' Illis qi 11x11, Icith Jobnn J.10 and Samuel of the +a[cititcetu nil be. L Il let the refill- O'Leary us sureties, bll�fldfng f6 deaigtl Cll to in rho erection of ACCI•PLC[I. (vee rC801nt1011.1 billions of the government ,+ blic buildings, there musL I.0 a street or asronrs oe srn�'ut�'c couvnrree=. ' aIle)' of at knit Jn feet futile Will in the rear to be of this cuibding, and as proi+erty b'.1 f,,, ffto,, t b}' I.11 Of CommitteeS til" I'll oil tlli�evinK dumeted be the city Is hack t0 n vyhilltoI' )fee[ ince then] it —%*Cit"1" III depth, running the ne sssar_ Ilcg In the I Inuit Conn to use Rail un Com u the rent, with ould leave n I OpIh it lin feet. \faith Etc(tris Line., of'I'l l pe np— Gehan ntnkes I, rhnl report fir out entering further u[o details, 1 - id body to Chnirmnn surd ('ouvniuce•, and recommends that said most earnestly urge tour honorable legislation for rue onlinnnel, be passed. the veto of llis honor the Secure at once the }brayer cath emnnOon of Ole balance of May- to the Contrary noLwbfhsh o ling. No. 14,S4.I nn rchnat or block, and donate as much as Attopfed. (Seo Oruivanco this trfnlgnlar ciftv be necessary for the Public building - sr:ocs. ur.t anr.n. ter tarred to, mnintuining the balance for k ' or other public P., s,ns the Cftc mens A resohttion authorizing and otructing deem advisable. I would also ask that lite Proper city otficers to ssue 8..-0,IX41 bonds, CorPoration Attorney be directed to prep, rC the bearing dun March c, l�'JI, for hospital par the necessary trnosfer of the property p. tint the deed Pu`es 31-1. govennmen[, referreIt to, nud eartme nntl l.unlmiltee on 1) nya nud Sullivan wits ex be eseeutetl by file prober City transmitted to the treasury dCVLLILuICnt tit En ly fit the meeting aid. cin ted frC•Inl further atfeniatlee at file me'L- theenrlieittdittopossfb- the above message I tan in- file. Since writing (urtned o the ('orpurati�n Atfor-i-.thnt the city fins eo power. under Ole Ina, to make Ilydintance- this cunveynncc, I I,ouid therefore cocoa- body take steps at end [lint your honorable the proper legislation. Onuls-Axca \o. IJSJ. nice to secure Hout"a"A. Si[1TIf. JI¢yOI. An onlinnucc nlfowluK the 3l, Pilot CitcBnil- Aberch 10, 1891. I a Cum o use -1 "' rail on the elee- Itcfcrred to Corpurn[iun Attorney nlld the lines oflsaid Company. Cu+ suttee on I.eg' Inti Ou, with fnsflOC[IOna The Common Council of the City of St. Paul to prnoeeed ns rapidly' us possible. do ordain as foilowa: Also. Seeliun 1. The St. Paul Ci[}• IpIrr i Cont pan. is hereby nu[honzed mid Permit ted to I Policeman APpofnted— ]ray .,Ed use upon its electric lines fmw or hereafler ns[rnc[ed or operated in the To the llou0neble the President and COM- City of St. Pau} the [arm o[ null known as the mon Council of the ('ity of SL. Pnui. "T" rail. provided that the pattern of such Gentlemen: I have this dal, appointed rail in each fnstnucc ehnll be submitted to by hfnl Frank Johnson to the regular police force, to the City Engineer nud be approved by said till [hC vacancy cnsfuned by the rem- 1 by resolution of I'lle T" E. C'ounCil of W. before ine same Is laid or uted company. ,s 62 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COM3ION COUNCIL see. 2.This . durance shall take effect iId be In force from and after its publicn- f .. Passed efoe d Feb. •Isiderej 111,01. Strests(tFeb. 17, irJj r yle, c [o Committee on 7"vas, I+. Passed Mnrclt 10, IN'JI,[he veto of Illy donor the ,Ifayur d. we ro t[rnrS notwithstanding. lona—Aid, Banholzer. Dolt, C'unley. Cope- land, Costello, Dobuer, Dere id en. Flandnt u. G a's ,Alti.Slc Nnme ,)lela�c1eud Mr,Presi dent -3. ]larch 2;l, xe.pl..u..n». city. whlch hasjustelosedVee been char- acterized by an entire de ..ilh- to the filter - less este of the city- Oil his part, x»11 by a rare suc- cess in dealing with the problems of his de- partment; and \t'hereas, in all things he has proven hire an obliging end able re Ptesen[n[Ive of this Citi-, ami D his zeal for [he pnbli, ,sl - A its nssoci tree �iteereferenbelid confidence '+yeoC S[Ynnl, 7'IrextC[he lianksoot this Of Couhe "Its' city are due, and rhe ,one are hereoy d.�-id nrthtu1 and '`11I sort crlsnan ror lieaol ,ed. Fnrwer.'!„bat Iw e,e re,ol u[iorr, be ntered lit len e[h 1„ , o ,. ....., _ - Dy' Ald. Mines— + •°—Altl. Bnn holzer, Bot[. Conley, Cupe- liesolved, That the Cit, FII ' ]°rid• Costello. Donner, Uonildeii. Flnndn C eh rouser b ..ISN fe hereby authorize" t lid e. 5lelxdy. ]linen Sn end \ nn nbor ,[ezceediu a tyke. Sl r�Presl,eul—I:i, filling behinds Chet wdiulious P nbetltos [Ir ut in ¢ -1Dptot'ed Marsh the north sitle of Pros nest Park. eel, un fens—Aid- Banhol-r, i3ott. Cunlet, Cope' land. Costelln. Dubner, Dorado+, F+land our, By Aid. Dobner— Gelunn, sic\nmee, ]tela, e..Il fares, -unborn, I[ ix hereby orderer] by the C'ommbn Coun- \'nn slyke and Sir. Pnsid�ut-15. it of wt• Crd of s[.- APP,.,l, \Inrch IS, 1SJl. That [h. (miner of Ing s Territo ri°I rand t o Henry ovn oeslreet from By Ald. Costello— inched, be and the " • i Petiieion nt- u he Ii on rd of 1'n blicnnl\'urks1 eta bit ,ferretl 12 -ol, t the ('omni ttee Ra[e Bell dia, Deherret nrrthine:ed [o s¢R fors herb rdrep ser II�rl n[his lelpro,mnent Prop'- and diil efinrtl nolo r ar rfour.the frame rrb[. ItiCe ,n+[J Inim�vndditinn to �lL Inirl� '1 1, lief r•lte the1 aril a tate of rid , x[ u [he i oaths eel,' c rcr b 1, of +s hetreof, and .tote rwhet(her one rk build[ing .standing uu�.eid In Lor of n the cost here.( is io be paid into [he or. 1—.1111. if rtnhulser. I3otL Cuvley, I,npe- `' IId— a before the c•u+t [anal rs let. lar d.LCu�[ellu. llobner. lenrnidon, said lntml—Con rent •sloe [u be n Gehnl1 .Ifs\,nmee. Melndv. yl iue+n. Sarrboru, nate ero'omit beu1l " beneti[ed �to the 4"an Slyke, 51 r. Pre.idem-1;,. t ofd' mart•.. d es yv use, r uced \Inrch l+, ]stn. r`F�ourth n,- ­ e incurred [hereby t¢c- o ivu slit apetitiori nn," anent asked for rn jj \La `�pbratior' of the B -i Al J. Bnnh User— eC1,dofor sr+nr(noim Pr If ins Property to be Resolved, Thxt '-I Older be drnn'n n the .fFslidTh —sr"'I emeeuLun rcr ern Plan or profile mq' tren,ny m nnyor t name] Ac. i �wler. lo'l ('orpurnlion :t ttorney. fur the s oI t 3-uu report in (livor u( we sones, by tow. IL hur+d red 1$'ixh dollars, to be +sedans + +` siz(h—•end th `Coo r+eil n toinreut [+nrnl in [he t .agonal fou Atu�rrrey+(o c inn the work o be done. proper ordertll- riiyfonal�+riynmd fu r+ IUCldrr eases ''here lino Ire];ins—'Id . l3ar,llole¢r. Iio[t. Cm,et C said once. tv[el ex ueuscs uC r C.'tel l.. Uobrrer. Dorniden. Finn tioruu' Yens—Ald. Belllolzer, f3ut[, Co.lee. Cope- 'ehrr ro. Me Nnnrre. 51cln,y-. Sltnen, Gond, C'unlello, DoD m•r, D. Iden, F,. co a \"AT S!rke. Sir, rel, ideal—lits un v Gehnn. Ne Nnmee. Me ho \linea, San bora, 'a Ppruyed \Inrch IG 1Nn1. lmn Slyke, SI r. 1're.si,erit-1,i. APProved Shtrch Dy Aid. Arinee— By Ald. Bnn hulzer— 1 hereby d red by the Common C'ouncll Resolve". That we bond of Daniel M'. Law. the t'1 ty „`(.t. 1'nul: 1 Tho ore mutter of n sewer on Hail live❑ue, r, Corporation Atternee, i file son f five rhe nme Is hereb thousand duiLtrs, rl veli fur the finish fol per. 1 elan street to Prospect Terence, lie and fo tr= of his duties ns C p S referred to the Board of ney, and bear(ng date )[arch 10. S91, be, yb��t `tla [his impruvemeu[ nil repot[: the sureties [hereon, nhd the ,nme 1s hereby eau proper and nec- e le ov ed; Seco _� C lye the Council o - tlmn[e of d, Bnnbolzer, lief!, Co ley, C'o he ,z [hereof, and ,tete' Inn,. Co,rello, Dubner. Doruideu. Flitlnlre , enc treplsorp before the Sonia whether one- Pe- hm(of the cos[ thereof is to ee paid into the Gehnn. 5fc\nmee, 5lelndy, SDn,a Sn❑biro, 7`hird- 5'nu Sicke. SI r. I'residem—l5- C'nn tell] enmtQ [o be [assessed for Approved )Inrch 11, 1Sp said impr.y 1. ,mem he found beuefi ted to the ex'+'lit of dxmnge\ •outs + expenses nee - r t. be inenrrea .!141 By' -4111. Dob cr— -- e1F'ot th—I.s,+rb mnrucernem asked for m B'berens, he edminls[rnttori o(O. E. }(oi- aar'n°pithi➢petitlon or u, Fsy., in C'urporuuon Attorney' of this I se f n Jori ty o[ the ppronerty f[o the an- seed for sneh im Protemmn, ° OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 83 Fifth—Send the Council a plan or profile of earl improve mens, us required by law, if art in tnenr of the sxnle. �uxu� Semi the Council n proper order di. recting the work to be done. Tens—Aid. Bnnbolzer, Dolt, Conte,. Cope. land, C'os'telln, Dobuer. Doruideu. Flaudrau, Gebx n, MCNamee. 5lebuly, ]tinea, 5anburu, Van slyke, Mr. Pres!de_ I. Approved March 1N. 1,91 Bp Aid. Copeland— It le he rob -ordered by the he Cominorn Co,,cfl of ,Thnh it,, ootlert ofua change of grade o Pfie nvenl, from Singnoltu s1r 11. J-.- set, be nod we 'n e s hereby. ferred to the Bon rd of Publ' ic Works t I !!s[irnte slid report: n - Firs t—Is this Impro,ement proper and nal—Glee the Council a 'tin° of lire ecxpe,e were.( -'m1 slum whether to l+,nlf ore, ­ cost thereof in to be paid u o the liir.t yref. ,ire non ,c[ ste i. t 1 clil real -,all trbe os:. ed for said improvement ,, fount, henelited to the errt`en[ f damagesrre. c st, au, expen,es neces- snF'onr[h10 ellsennch Improvement asked for spun [hem ueti lino or aPlelicnti"' of the own s of a J.rill of t+ ern Ve r[y [o be lie -Ml for seen u net'i fth—v_'end the Co ulnen a plan or profile ,f aid lin p rovement, nn ra•nvired by law, if von report to fla r C the some. ,S S .xlh—end thouns e C cil Proper order dt- re'thir the work to be done. lens—:kid. Bnnnolzer, Bot[, ( .ley, Cope- Inrvl. Costello. Dorn— D.nriden, t`Inudntu, elnun. Slc (nmee- Si ,ot-15, Mineq Snn burn, e. Appr.ted -Inrch 1" inn L. Dv :U d. COPcln I — it . hereby ordered by the Com molt Council of the City of Jt. Taut: l'nnt the rn t of chane of anode oil Rc, e ni 're ve ';h y-, re and +ibrierr� • . blew d be -r vee i+rberebc referred I. it,, 3o. rd of Ptuhlica\I'.— m lir and r B­ ��Ft arat, Lels this impro,ounent proper and nec- e�s:trynd—GI's the council n r ,timate of the�ex pc use ther.uf. ami .tote whether o - b:tif of we cost thereof fs to be paid into the v be[ore the , ,it rucl s let. \i,,firdt—tC:in real es to to be .seised for said in°Panv,meot be found beliedted to the extent of "'mages, costs and expenses "se- . c to he Ise oared thereby? e k'mlrth-1a nth 1m pn,vetaent asked for upon the pe[i[1on urn ,plicatiou of w, own- s of : mxjo ity of t�ne nruperq' to lie ru e .ed for,ueh Improvement? F. rut—sen" the Council aplan or profile u( said inipro,enient, as required by h- if ,' rein rt in favor of the same. Sixth—Send the Connell a proper order dt recting the work «, be done. Yea+—Ald. Banbolzer. Bolt, Conley. Cope- land. Costello. Dohner. Dorniden, Flandrau, (.ehan. McNamee, 5lelxdv, 5finea. Sanborn, Van Slyke, 51r. President -15. A, Ap)n� ru sed March 1N, 18 9 1. rued. U. fe- Crt.i.e S'. PresidentConncii. Tu-. A. Pncxneno.Asy: City Cleto rk. Regular Sleeting, PAIL. ]larch 17, 1'01. President Cullen in the choir. Yresenl—AI,. Binihulrer, Bielenberg. Bott, I'oslellu, Dubtier. Dorniden. Flandrnu, Minea, s rtr anb., 4"an It eke. Mr. Yresi,lent—17. 5linu[es of preceding, meetings approved and dispensed with. FromDantrl It. eN-oyo,nod others— Protesting aa` i[ rebuilding of plant of Awdne Mnuuetetun,rfng Company a[ its for- mer location. Acre te.l. (see relolntion.r F,,@l"'n•, scbrueder. Aug. Dvbere and For permission to build liven' . table Carroll street,,Ise kph 1. & Marshetil's add[ on- Committee on streets. Of m+t Tee on \l"eyes a rdr.1 ea, eh-.1rr tion fur S:,n,,rn, ponds. 1[ospiutl 1'nrposes— To the n.e. n ('.such of the City of b, P++ul l onr('o. mittee of slays lid Menns.t rho oin w s referred the resolu non to 'i" ize lie issue of s:,o.+ o of lite bell.:, of it,, en, for ther iof -In ertan, indent of the cit yn rislap "g fcomc the runstruc- o[ Lire \ hos pilot tbern!n. report as fullo,t's: 'in 'I'bat wry here e mined the C ac- tion of he lir u i ilia, said tkll. ns [ho ml nnnl tli,is . there wa Ifo -t Nu rIl lbs Isl dot o(.Innna[y, INUI, lliCre was ou the book, of 'the t'umptrullrr c edited to said fund the sum of over $:C.nu�rand rue ,n id limo there bus een Pn. f out of � id tfnnd for -,Ii lionnl s, itI, but]dines n oder contract the sinaof,boot Jlu,,xnr 1'fla there r, u, the c edit of cud fund o cr s'yl.n nl, lint no, n m y wliwh�h onld hetet Leen in .,: food led -nIibj of to the l,rty-iner+i of it esu- npun t i ror said ndtlit1, mil brIildirogs secinnnr to th�o,'e Oct•n dieert,,l to tthea proposes, lid f, not un the lands .f he Trensnrer. It els. nppen[n tort wen, "asillwe + tr su n ]larch 1, ISIII. ethiru, .s_er+n'r, alt is the opitdonuI ,.n'. ittee •.ter that the in, nC w'h ic•h hon been Ili,Ic,led from the Dos pi lottFand should be immedin telt r ed to be some from the ld. fpnua°r.r he rut Trensnrer. +mol be im n,.' raiinble for t: eIivement of an c(orr, who hut's been freed r+ yon march Ihat iorrnl bon y l hr,l7, n 1[ p that m Frbnmi .^_'. li'd set wo- ont,us,e,i I. [he legis]a lir re f tlrnin filed. '.4n relation to the UI[cti�m\uf 1� uhlic huildingsrl'or the use of tine y of St. 1',ud and the conot, of Mins for hospital purposes lu the City of Sl. fool. lid the nppoiming of special committees in relation thereto.' an, that fly sod act the following gentlemen were aplioi'ted com- to entry' out the Purposes thereof, to sw"t: The 1lonnrnbI C'Itnrles D. Ker, Kimble P. ]'+(]len sin" Arthur 11, Anek r, and thilt tney were nnllmrized to eon tniet fur, n build additional hospital buildings for the tic; the[ under sat'] eel n `otltract has been let for a budding, which. we are informed, will, when said contract is executed. ben imere skeleton building. without floors, pelastering. ylnmbing nmf min noon es- ntiai neo the' [o Its habitntloh ter hos pilot t,n n ses; at lid .onset wr s let ;o the 7nylur ('r�le""r,.rutinn, ltd the[ t x e lin, been f,et by which R my t re that there is some !,tent - roue or twenty two 1 a 64 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL thousand dollars due said contractors, they B • Aid. Dobuer- 1 having already received thereon In the neig0- Resolution for lamp at Bhtir nod AM - both ood of 8810.0X). Your committee fiats streets. uou investigation That [o complete said Committee on Gas. D ilding will cast n very large sum of money, By Aid. Dobner- Probablyamounting to fifty or sixty thousand Resolution authorizing Dille-Bumg-l- do]Inrs over and it [he estimates note I ser to raise .ineksoli street outstanding fn favor of slid Contractors. GOm❑lifl-c on streets. 'LIC. R'fth-t commenting"Poll rho uecessuv of The matters of proposed ehaagcs of sweet aid building far the use of the city n[ the grades, on .Sylvan street, between 0."', line time i[ was ordered e e ted. your eornmittee of Arch street and south line of Whiterstreet; i liUf [h .boot niou thn[r[he present estimates I on Arch street, between cast line of Hrews[er paid. although they nr " venue Ind east lice of 1•'n ir,!,w street; an formed that tho conir-1 under which Foubetween rteenth street, Robert street [lie services were r endered and the and Cd nnau material tuntishet has I ever been change of gradstreet. to confo[m with proposed I un Jackson street; on Jnek- exeetthd fully null legally by the city. and a l street between northerly line of U"iver ant wh ell l rhe none s diverted from sold 3 fitly avenue ue ens[ n5) d lei; h of f. rut • hospital fund std are restored h t ereto there ail 1 fit rCC[' O ❑ decksou-t e[ betti'cen mth line be nuttl" t[ root- sho to pays d es[omates, o[ Winter street In 1 north 1 ue of Scc,im ore and that they e should be 3 aot tronl s h p c Creel -all t i t• tl tr[ised I he I , evd node funds .td erect n[ his Umc, came uu for hear ng, Sour committee is of the opinion U t t it ou mono" of kId. ennbu'n were r. st would be i}udmions to .slue ,,INfurther polled nod adjourned anal Tuesday, April 7, bcruds of Wo m[y nt present. nhef that it I 1,IJI, at 7:31 o -cluck p. u w o Id be better that lite 1 rogress of said t' building tsuouid be arrested rebore it Is not shtns thou tbte rho city should incur tut at Ordinances. di tronel indebtedness [o cut t 1 t tl a same. 1"our comniillee furtuer "I," k [hc liberty - of suggesting to your honorable b lv that ORDIse.\-CE No. 14Si. the fnn"mal uificers of the cut 5),e 5)u An ordmnnce s'Iruc[en in [he future not to use. t I ler any grnnnng permission w con for ee+. Cu"ds ailed faro i�urpu'e atom[ wood parntluus in Jstory brick for any other object wbn le vor Ilia ue drat for buildong. wl ich the) were rao:ed The Common Council of the City of fit. Paul Sour cull morh•e therefore refers bock to do or( tit ns follows: the C'ouhcil it renal aria of su bm dted to Section I. Permission is hereby given to them, with 'IIIrecomwc"dntion [hut it does ! Ahrnm .S'lmmnuu t0 construct certain wood not pass. partition isatin in the store of a Cstory brick (. ii A+. E ;t Fi Atnl.t. oe.11;1 d 11 thnire 1 mnu� building din on g the tees g t aide \I a l'usrei.u, .f t1t b.ha s tree A r t ou lot .1, block 1s1. Adopted sit 11 Stsn ,toy, r k tnobIrosoll he 1 no ut der the t.,Paul olf the he I pct f B '1 I ,,,, loot the payment of all f s 11, tl e '[ (ar the perrmt. This ordl nonce shall be In force fr u5) iiod after its publicn[ion. Of Committee on l)rliunnces nod Public :lc- Se„`-Ald. Bnnbolzer, Bielenberg, Balt, counts-Rcboats Exnn"ncl- ('osteo lo, Dobner, Uornideu, A,ienb Sanborn, C-uninittee has exaultnod n 1 found ear- Malo -13 Re, 311. President -I0. rc•cr rel,orts of Inspector 0f l5) uildings for �![ -Ald. Flnndrnu-1. \oyf ul Ler nail Ueeember, 10 .s:q, and Jn"nnry, Passed Starch 17, IN!ll. IS91: of C'Iork of MuniciPlr Caur[ for Ja, u. u. C'ci•LE '['resident of Council. rp nota F'ebrnnry, lsul; of ('h tet of Police• for I APproted Slnrch 1:1. trot. Jnnunry nal Fabrunr- 1,91. (r. O. CCI.i.E..', Acting Mllyor. Adopted. Atte-st: Taos. A. I'Iex nr:iwnsr. City Clerk. )IISC ELLANEot-I. \larch T1. .0 A. oodinnnee tens read granting Abram Renal utlonn. iuu n m permission fu cuns[r IiCtwoad paC- titiuii walls-Ituber[suu's nddlloon. Jtules and ordili on motion u[ Ald. Slinen, Blte\. Io1 repot. That [he City E"giueerbe and he yens d. and a Orduai a rend second time and 5.1 i hereby directed to esrnbinsh the golds foe pAn ordinnmurd`I taucenlo um\udiog Ordi- theeast and West In Block 5)7of Sc-1n- nnuce \o. 1L�;, entil:ed ••An url i"nuce grant ihoior Yark. g hilt. J. A, Wilinrd, G. F. Piper. E. S. lens -:l l'5). Rau holier, Bielenberg, Batt, \l"xrner and G. w'. linker -e[. 11 "1 White Costello, Dobner, LOruiden. Ylandrnu. Aftnen, Lend and Gil Com poop-permissiou m use Sauburu. \'nn Slyke. )t r. Yresiden[-II. parihan of leyce in Sixth tvarl." Approved Starch 19, 1Sfl1. Md. Saab- moved that the rules be sus. pended' By Ald. Bo[[- -- \dop;ee(u .yens Il. Resulted, That the C'ntr Engineer be and is Ald. S D rn motet that i[ be taken herebt re,jneste�l to establish n suitable unanimous opinion of the Council that said grille ordinance should be toren up ns first bust- I \Ino e5) I,— to its easier,, erminus of said veanters- 0. l and passer s[ uex[regular meetiiiR. Bl ch street. of Adopted-yeasw Seas -Aid. Ban nolzer. Btelenherg, Bell, An ordinwce •as read permitting Fred I Costello, Dobner, Uurniuen. I"lundrnu, Millen, Schroeder to erect frame livery stable. anlron, \'ail Slyke, Sir. Yresiden 1. Committee au Streets. sApproced Si arch 10, IS91. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 65 By Aid. Donliden- Resolved, Thatlhe Building Inspector be and he is hereby directed not to issue a per- mit for the rebuilding of the Azotlne pe Alau- facturing Works at Its present location on the ui�Per levee. leas -Aid. Banholzer, Bielenberg, Bolt, Costello, Dobner, Dorniden, Flendreu. Mines, nnborrl, Van Slyke, Mr. Yre0dmil-11. Approved March 10,1891. By Aid. Mluea- Resolved, Thl t the name of Iloyt avenue, t\ est St. ['all Le and the same is heresy changed to Kansas avenue. e. ]'ens Ald. Banholzer, Bielenberg, Hot[, ,Santoro. Dobner, Slyke. Mr. etl, FInnilPresident au, AStnea, Sanborn Ven SI fie Air. Y i resident -11. Approved March IU, I891. By Aid. Dob ier- Resolved, That the "nme of Kansas avenue be and the ...is is her L' e 3 changed LO Iloyt avenue. ]ens -Aid. Banholrer, Bielenberg, Bott, Costello, Dobner, Dorlddel: Flnndrnu, Millen, Sanborn. %-.I, S])ke, All. President -11. Approved 'If lU. 1891. A djou coed. O. O. C[ m.ES. President of Council. Taus. A. PRExlomtc Asr, City Clerk. Special Reetln¢• ST. March _1 Isol Preside-[ Cullen the c in the chair. r. Present And, lino holier, Bielenberg, ioda- Copeland. Costello, Dobner, I)oruliva Ffaii drnu. Gahan, Menedy, Aliuea, Sullivna, Van .Slyke, Air. President -14. u 5)[t'x'lcny ting From IIf6 honor We Acting Mavnr--Call for the Meeting - His gat Ilonor the Acting ,.Cop caped the meeting t r let of a pu Copeland, San. Kuno and ralxdyfor the purpose of coneid- erA pternl business Accepted. From Albert C. Nardil and Others - For the grading of Topping and Burgess reels. Bon rd f Public Works with order. Front m antes t iss- Proceedings Ask inn that preceedinve for opening and extending Prosperity 'anus be qt clnred nbe coned alld asking $1,000 to aatl�umlou of judgment against city. l'.mmf[tee on Claims and Corporation At- orney. From George M. Phipps and Others - Asti 5)g [het orders for grading Curtice .tree[ fie au null. Granted. (See resolution.) it -rave .F CITY OFFICERS. Of City Compptroller-Audlled Clnime, Vlz: \t'yckoff, tle mans & Benedict, $11.33: O. et. Germain, $5.37: Maendler Broe., $1.50: F. G. llraper & C'o., $1.1.50; St. Paul Brass '"k arta, 820.40; Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Pau] Rai]- road company W2.84; P. H. Kelly Mercantile Company. 54.50: H. P. Hagg & Co., $1.75; ('a umbla Electric Company, 832:te9: Blll' & Patridge, $514; Jokeph Austell, $15.110; George W. Sleegge�r, $479.50: St. Paul Sauim- tion Comppany. 1175' Sehiffmau & Son, $2.30; Bohrer & Mueller,$B.ff3;Jamea Kenaley,15.1.15; .lob,, Ickler, $20; Die Volkzeltungg. S344.26: Henry Boult. 158.25); E.Bouquet & Co., 53: J. L. Henry, $7; D. Connel. $15; Edison lfathrR_kg$Lg,. St.Ihl and Gas LigqCimanlht$Com- pen}•• SiM.80; Fluch, Van "y", Touug & ('o., $1.'L5: Board of ".a':' Commi6stottere, 8143.55: Aler[I. & Stria- $12.50; John Dow, Inn & Sons, $6GI.4pt Villinume Itq; Bros., 81.25; James Callen. $0.4if; Warta S• Delaing. Bominger & Son, 58.10; Woodruff & Hointer, $1.110; 11. R. R'orthmgton. $30; J. G. Duggan, $4.f0; Alderson & Araud, S'=.50: John Marti. Lnmber Compau}•, $44.l7ti: R'. A. Aiken, 55)5)3.3.5• Geo' Jlitsch g & Cu. 141. $ 90' \l'l llinnt ' ] ,Ill. 28.25): Charles hnrles L. Ila ns 2.40' ,114 Aug .lo Dr 510.:,0: William BerinndI & Co., Driscoll Jr., $0,4.30; Zimmerman & \\ hers r [ uck !0• Hous S e of Guod'h S epherd, P. T. ;Petrick Ega4.15; $117; F. X.ib Peyer, mbar Y. T. Conroy, $S t. u P. Gribben Lumber Company, $04: S[. Paul Gas Light C'omnnu3 $0.01(.75; Chester Oil Cambay, SLtO; P. C. Lutz, $20.15; It. T. O'Connor, $11680; (4. IV, Merrill, $bfl: Mathew Craig, $110; Alaxfield & Senbury. 15i.U"3; Miles & [tele, ;3.02; Foos & ('o., Robinson & Cary Company, $10.61: ISilliem AlcGuigen, $41x.115; P. J. Slogan & Co., $21.10: T. tt. Tel. Exchange Company, $1511.f0: James Cleary. 5;921.55: Merrill's Toilet Sup pts•, 814.2.5); George Mit.eh, $'-':0.80; I'render- g t ➢ros., 15D1.80: E. AlcN tral S:'.'f8.75; Brown. Treaty & Co.. $110.x; C. E. Sandeen, Esrma[e \o. 0. Grading Lawson street, $':15).:4; Dille& ➢umgarduer. F.s[imina ro. 5, Grading Fairvfew street, M681: J. W. Aln- loll0y' Estimate No. 4, GradFell enpsylannln avenue . 16.66: Azo[tnc Mnnufac[urin 6 Com pane. $J16.00. Allowed and ordered paid by following vote: Seas Ald. Banholzer. Bielenberg, Bolt Copelnud, (.stab.• Dobner, Dorniden, F':nu drew, Gehan, Melody, Mille., Sullivan, 1"au Slyke, Mr. President -14. Of City Engineer-Esdmale- TheCity Engineer submits Estimate No. 10. Broadway bridge substructure, Kirkland Smrkey. $8,5)07.00. Allowed end referred to Comptroller. ]ens -Aid. Itnnholzer. Bielsoberg, Bott, ('opeland, Costello, Dobner, Dorniden, Flnn- dra, Gehen. Melody, Ai Inc., Sullivan, 1'nn Slyke, AI r. President -14. REPORT OF HOARD OF PUBLIC wOnEa. McMenemy Street 1 0 -`- To the IlnuoraLie the President and Common Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: The Board of Public Works having under consideration the resolution or order of your Honorable Body,proved January 21st, 1803, relative to cou�emnlug ane8semeitt fora) cocaon Al^hlmhurl siteel, between Case street and the nortb city limits, beg leave to rt that Iorder to enable to carout sain us ry d order, it wfll be necessary to provide for remm[ng wells, sad having no authority under voter order to build such ..It, we would ask on for the adoption of the amended order bereto attached. W. F. ERR. L. GonxA., w`L Yresldent. Deputy Clerk Board of Public Works. March 5, 189 1. Adopted. (See order to Board of Public Works ) t 66 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Also, PaeminlvR city T °®ceS,be allowed dud tiered Alley Opening, West Side Lavd evd C'ottege Campari)) or uPal I s Subdivision, Brown & Jack- soli d At1di[ion— Yeas—Ald. Baubolzer. Bielenberg, TO the Common COUnell of the City o[ S[. bo[y Copeland, CO-WRO, Dobner, Dorvfden, FItt1- dao. TirPaul• Gehan, M¢Indy, Mlnee, 6ullivau, Yap Slyke, Mr. preefdeul—I+. couside aatlou the resolttiti �t nh'cetadouf der order, Common Ctheouncil, approves ' -he AUR. 1NUC1, rel - f17, a1U alley feet wtive fda I roughnlot 18,an 36, \['est ?O,ntilock 0 Rexol u[Ions, Side Laod and Cot Company's subdivision of Brown & Jackson's add [lou, and, having Investigated the proposed Ira- By Aid. IIfelenberq— e eery and propet. r oto Ilopell drndhextend proverreaIley.S. propercitf offiCmI elle en feet wide, through Int. an -20. ° dld is bebe eby[inh[ructed to place a police Patrol box 19 es 17. 18. 10 an vA, t{'set Jide Lrm end Cottage C'ompnn "1 1111 n telephone n[ [he southeast corner of L'vfversl[ Y oven subdivision o[ block &t, Brown d Jdekeon'e addition Also: u¢ and Ken[ slreeh I, West S. Paul; DHH therunestimatedeapettC thereof ie>�i,ii66;that southwest One at [he southwest corner of Cotno ace- ee] ea a e to be assessed [h ere[nr be and Blossom - -"—Aid. tound benefited to the extent of the damages Cos[anvd Res, Banholzer. BieletherR, Batt, ^opeand, Costello, Dobner, ea penses neceesdry to be htCurrefl thereby; that said Improvement llorniden, I'Inn- drat. Gehan, llelady, bfinea, Suld nu, Van for is not asked a petition of a meJ Itr of he owners S]yke, 11 r. Prexident-1+ Approved March ofr. pr neerty to be assessed therefor, but pub- ......ub Ile lie . 1[)) demands _J, 1891. I avla lm provemevt,yyud we hart Asn send n vinu of cad lmpprbve merit, t BS Aid -)felnd — order for }rout adoption II - tlesl ) ou re un to make the Improvement. r Te," ved , Tbnt the Board of Publlrt Works be lustructed Yeas 4, nays U, R. to 9-111 W the suapend all action with re - godmg L GOnMAN, President W, F. Enw-[N, Curuce street till they re el ve orders from this couueil. this Deputy Clerk of Board of Public Works. March Copeland, (Cos u. 1861. Alderman Costello. Dob;CrB Dorm deg;, h -Inn d rnu, r hqn, of the ward. J, 5lelndy, )[ince, Sullivuu, Vn❑ Slyke, Al r, President Also, Clalms— -1+. Approved March ?3, (NUI. The Board transmits pp` ved Icy It the following claims, [a wltfl By Ald. Gehnn— G. W. Dlerril), �, , lfathe raig, 318; William Berlaudl Ites'olved, That the Board of Public [Corks be end Ihey &' Co., $8.;5; Uux & T:Ilman, n, y • 1rc hoe by' requested lid 1n- etructed to suspend a Duggfln. &4.2.5; {Cllllem lleGufgrtu� G• G. proceedrugs for the Present for then mase-- for the o [ tsch$]OA.:; D. F. Knnnft & (.' Ls. Joseph A. Moore. $:; )ferrill's lliesfasfppl tree[, between Hrondwnp rttntg -ash streets, Toile[.S•ue11 33. : Miunesom Transfer A"p ]•sae—AId. Bauholzer, Blacksmith \l 31.25; Noyes Bros. & Cutler, Bielenberg• BOR, Cupola. Dobner, Dorniden, $.Yip \or[h: western Slump Works, 30 cents: Nlcols Gehan. Me. lady. , Vau Slyke. lir. Preeldeu[ & Dean, 313.01: F. Skok, 510.+5; Scribner- Llbbey Company IT- Neys—Ald. Castello. Fld rdr M Stdlivan_3, AP $16,.15; H. M Smyth Yr Ing Com pony- $I+A: proved March yA, (891. S[. Paul Fu r,1 i[nrc Com- Paly. $6; W,Ckow, Seamans & Denedlc[, ` C'ommittee on Claim.. By Ald. Bielenberg— oar It REFORT or ITA � - sljOC coantrrpp. N hereh)- ordered by the Common CouneR f ", Ki IFIfSL Paul: That fie tier f Rt'sdin9 Tolppin eua Of Com (nee on Police—A Id. BlelenberR'e [B{'e.gern owe en Dale eel and Itesomllon for Police ave ns Yn[rol Boa et Cni- P petition hereto at- r,itY Avenue a[ d xeric .treat aria °had, be and the aameris hereby referred Co..lid Avenues— lit tt'ea v the Commlt[ee recommends tar reF'`rst—Ta Board of Public IT I.[o pp rt: [of,1cestlga[e Wait ti adoption of res.- this improvement Adopted. (See resolution.) na"(s y prober and 'ejttl—Give the Council n shnnte oL MlecaLLANe he ex ,e HIC [hereof, and em [c[whet nu oL'e• "'if Aid. Gehan moved that the matter of Mie- [[Thiol—Can widening ene- u11 the coot thereof is to he poi l into he ty trensnry before the contract is jet. sleeippl treat ea ¢pt rcxl eem[e to be n sport of Board of Pubdc R'.rks ¢seated o said imp yemeut be p fodua bene(itedXem he If ncil March ;f, IsUll, be roferred to Com- a rttyent of damages, [ost and expeunes veces- Ineea no Street ¢lid H-ayI I-'lthe Iva nad Manna. C'ltr EtnRieeer and corporation Attorney-, to be HIT.ued nt`eby Te h i Provement .ketl for ered at n meeting to be held oa Frld., aro of oho rn[ctlon PP l fen:tlon C-Iheuwtt- AAeo , IN91, at 7:30 ti cluck Iuy-oment n. m for ouch imp Adopted. Prop[•'t}-to be sascased h Aly. u - ted`n,1 m d that claim f M. Fifth—Scud the council n oleo eu}'oices of Cul. N". B. U •lid— f. D' said imnn,vemeo t- ns ren aired by'olawr, repoit iflyou t Iv favor of the sxme. t V OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1881. 67 Sixth—Send the Council a proper order dl- Yeas—Ald. Bauholzer, Bielenberg, Dot[, rec[i6g the work to be done. Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Dorniden, Flan- Yeas—Ald. Banholzer, Bielencerg. Boll, drsu, Gahan, Melody, Minea, Sullivan, Van Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Dorniden, Flan- Slyke, Mr. President -1+. droll, Gehan. Melody, Minea. Sullivan, {iron Aprr(roved March 7J, 1891. Slyke, Mr. Presyeut-1+. AdJearned. Approved March 93, 1691. 0.0. CULLEN, President of Council. Taos. A. PnaNnaadA.r, C'Ity Clerk. By Aid. Dobner— I[ Is hereby ordered by the Common C ... ell of the City of S[. Pall That the matter of grading the alley run- ningfrom east to [vest through block 77 of St. Anthony Park, be and he roma. Is hereby referred to the Board of Public Works to ln- vestigate and report: First—Is this lm rm'emen[ proper and nee - at) P eesnr•? ) Second seine the Council rtv estimate of the expense the reef, end tote whether one- hnl[ of the cost Iltereof t to be Paid into [he ci't trensnry before he contract is let. l hfrd Can rent •sate to be -,sed for said nnprovemen t be found benefited to the exeat of damages, costs d expense, Ore. s ry to be incurred thereby. e Fourh—ls such Improvement asked for upon [he petitfo. or npphcntluu of We own- . of a traJ [y of the property to be as aeFIsed for ouch im Procemeut. ifth—Send the Councii n plan or profile of said improvement, as required by Iaw if you report In favor of the sa e. „lath—Send the Council a proper order ell- recnng the work to be done. ]'eta—AId. Bar, holzer, Rlelenberg, Dol, Copeland. Cos[eBo. Dobner, Dnrnlden, Firm dreu, Gehan, Melmdy, ]linea, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -14. Approved Murch _d, 1.:J1. Illthe matter of the reports of the Board of Publle \Corks dated Jan. 12, 18W, and March 5, P591— It is hereh}- ordered by the Common Council of the C'i ty of St. Paul: That the Board of Public Works of the ('itv of SL. Paul 11,110 the following impron. "His to le made, 1, "it' Condom Ia te ou eaeemeut m he Innd „ .rzo.,o �., ':nlfl� OI the Itegimer of Decd, I. for Hnmsey coin ty. and in the office of t City F.nglneer: said Hope.. [oe.teird one and nue- I IfulXl feet on said Dolt for every foot of 1 tt r EE Ill, ria fI oI.ld ov the plan t said in he .'"" of nnid tBoard,rInia is, to coed lact the t eceeea rymretai u Ing walla on the ine of said [mP v t H. h,eto aeaeaslthe nmotur�[tnxie tris nn they"can omni. the same which will be reequfred to Pay then damages, cost nodIN pease. C b Imp v me t upon [he rn I.eal ,ate to be be ve6ed by en(d ' provement, of he uuineil [ded at renlaw.t etamlen[o be e� ethe l sed for itis eateoi oieme osmage -found ne ewer to necessary to im Incurred thereby, sL Regular 7leeting. Sr. PAUL, April;, 1891. President Cullen In oho chair. Present—Ald. Baubolzer, Bieen b erg. Bolt, Copeland, Butner, onbr. Firm. dreu.Gea)'Mala.)Mined, Sanborn. SuIll - Tall, iVeSnke, 1t1hr..Preedett-15.les 0[ aed dispensed wprieceding meetings -proved , From His honor the Mayor—Anoual Reports of City Officers — To the hmitonorable President rc ant and Common Gen t1c; City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: I have he honor to transV herewith the Fu1lowlnR oEic[al ports t r the year IBtA, viz.: City Clerk. City Comp - reports of the Board of Public Works and City Engineer and Building Inarector are In he hands of [he printer. and will be prompt ly trao ami Red when received. Very respectfully, AROBERT A. SMITH, llay or. t, ll 7 . 1891. AC1lSSepted. Also, Members Board of St. Paul Workhouse DI. ectors rsAppoined— IIonorable the Pre,ldeof and Common Coun- ll of [he City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: I have upDofnted the totloyv- i g ggm:l e m en as members of the Hoard [ St. Ynul Workhouse Directors: Daniel 11. ')foov, to succeed himself nud to serve for the term of Eve e r ; slid Peter Bohlnnd, vice Charles It. tsch, nRnede to serve until March 1+, 18,35. I ask, yo ur onsentto said flpPolq tore n[s. - t cry respectfullytoaknr A. SMu tr, )furor. A pril 6, 1891. 11 aid np6olntmevt of said Moon and said H S ohla I dvlsed ..it consented to. Yea,—Ald. Banholzer. BlelenbargBol, Copeland, Costello. Dobner, Dornidm. L Flan- drau, Gehan. llelady, Mlven, Sanborn, Sulll- n, Van Slyke, Mr. PnHr den -15. From Azot(no ]Inn afacturfnR Co., by J. G. Alderman of the ward. From — MCMahon— Aeuing $t00 damages—falling Into Coal hole on Fl fill street. committee on Claims. `i 68 From C. N. Net=. For opening, 11, Robertson [ween Ferrlu[c Board of Pugbl From Geo, J. Rt For grading of and Al Orion wis,See ,at, BONIA of Publl From Wit bur N. Tretlsmitt�g Board of of 17 to snores of Lek Comntf[[ee on From Lefebvre a PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL .,,it Others— Assessment receipts, grading of alley to block sldewalae............ 9.013.00 Van E[teti s ddilfon, ne Aasessmenl. recelpte, s teen ue and Elfpit utreet. sprlveliug.... .. ...... 1.2:57. V2 h"ork., with order. and Others— Total receipts...... $139,779.54 It— het,, en W..dbrld¢e �Irom tyai-zata to Lewis ..3 • 5471,2.85 d addition. Disbursements W k.. with order. City oNers Paid........5137.130 67 loth. Ex Secretary of old Fire C'omad,A,ers' talo loners 19.1 5.44 At, f resolutions of Bald I ha res ticoupous....... 20.. 7.x.0 d MOrch la, 1891, relating lt'orkb...e fl ante.. 1:908.89 Park warrants......... 3,241.78 Llbrnry warrants ..... fr81.64 Waler department..... 41,97009 Exchangean2 express -03.39 - Redeemed celrtificates of a ale ............... 21,050.07 Dilecellaveous.......... 35,645.56 Total disbursements....... ....$281,044.43 Balance on hand April 1, 1&Jl.. 110,219.42 Condition of Funds— $471,2'95 Water depar[irieu t.... 85,156.42 Police yeund ........ 1i, 281.::3 l.ibrary 1.583.01 Citi' .................... 177,jaJ.76 it here Deposited— $190,210.4'_' First National Beuk. $ft001.69 3b,mbeuta' Nalloual.. 3,219.26 Bank of Atln lteso[a.... 1,8&5,30 Ne[. German -Amer fee.. .................. 2.520.47 Germania.. .. SL Pan] National...... ^4L64 Commercial Bank..... 107,3.,6.52 Second National..... 1.707.30 S.vivge ............... 5.813.48 People's ............... 1,344.7(1 Seven I rnem.... ... 3,3519.79 t'rtpitai ................ 1, 18fi. iU {l"est Side .............. :i.t 5.07 Scand. American...... 2,357.02 Ban k of M lunesota, tut. .cct......... 44.426.64 Respectfully submllteit$1.10,219.42 . April 1, 1801 G..... lUls. City Treasurer. ' Committee nn 1t"eys and Means. OfComint City Publishin]¢rC'o.,u$B:SUffited nF. Drfjcoll, Jr., $^,046.66; Robert Seeger, g:♦,944.40;.IChi- cago rge and Bolt Co., Estimate N'o, I, Sixt,treet bride_, uperetruc[nre, 81?yI1W; W. C. Doherty. Estimate No. Q Phalen Creek valley sewer, $2.975. Allowed and ordered paid by following vote: Yeae— Ald. Be thiol. Copeland, Costello, DobuerBlDormden, Flat. draw, Gehen, Meiady. Mina., Sanborn, Sullf. van, Van Slyke, Mr. President -15. Also, Forrestal Brute.' Coalract. Em.— To the Ronorable the Presideut and Com. CouncilGentleOn Mr. the Keig errwalgnee Of Furreetal Brothers. by his attorneys, Munn µ iaAt- d Accepted and placed on ale. Fru. R. A. Walsh, Secretary Ramsey County Legislative Delegation— Transmittiug copy of resolution of dele¢s- tion relative to open sewerage through Pha. Jell creek. Accepted and placed on Ole. From A. AI. Lewtmi. Adminiatrator of Estate f \els P. L.reen, degeaacd— Clalm—$IO,000—death of said La.c. o aSontO Hobert street. Committee Oa Claims. n From St. Lon is, St. Paul and Minneapolis Peek -et Comppany— For permissiou to construct and mefntaln a spur track connecting with southerly track of Ch lcflgo, St. Paul, At. & O. R, R. at a point near west line of Jackson street. etc- Commi[tee on Streets. From I, -.it Ileimes end othe.— For removal of standplpe on Front street. City Engg neer. From Df. P' Kain, County Auditor— Tran smittln¢ certlficale of services and compensmiov, members or Board of Abate- ment—June 13, 1590, to April 1, 1801. Qeeepted. (See resolution.) aEFORT9 OF CITY OFr•I-.a Of City Treasurer—Report for March. 1807— To the Ho acrotic .. e President and Alem- bera of the Common Coun S[. Paul. , ell of the City of Gentlemen: I have the honor to submit to you thefollowing report of the recti pts and disbursements or this office from '(larch 11 1801, to April 1, 1591: Recefpts— Balance ............... $52,403.31 Counly treasurer,tnxee 5182,841.34 Board o[ tinter Cont. MIDcellaneousrecelits. G'i, 1tHJ.4616; ` Ra eemed certificates o r .ate ....... ........ 16.2 56 City Clerk ........... .. ..5.00 Municipal Court....... 255 40 Building Inspe,tor.... 245.:0 Liquor lfeensea.... ... 1,000.90 Butcher 11 ceases.... q,01 e us Ilceusex Assessment recelp Ls, grading.......... .. 30,918.69 A9ee..ment fecal Die, paving.............. 16,084.15 Assessment receipts, Openings..... .. ... 447.70 Assessment recelpte, sewers. ............... 7,337.69 Aasessmentreceipts, change of grade...... 4.430.40 St. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 69'- t suit against the City of I Feyen, ana filed In my office for the purpose ount of nine mitimates al- of attaching them to the "15 per cent ead- on statue[ uumoerea .. au t tom. .u - mates ❑uInhered 7 of the said Districts Nos. ". 4 and 5, aggregating in the sum oft85,100.33, eNich I have retained to protect the labor 1.1.e and hilts of he water works filed ]n my office by attaching them [o the estimates: iso to prole,[ the genera] asslgnment of Forrestal Brothers, as their "schedule of assets" attached to said general asslgnment anticipates that the said fifteen (I5) Der Cent is all that on. be claimed, and that the previous estimate. were considered as not belonging to the non tractor James Forrestal, but to the labor, etc.. for the completion of the .aid sprinkling contract.. The out, Item elating to the sprinkling contracts describedinthe said "Schedule of Assets" reads as follow., vix.: "Reserve estimate of 15 per cent held by the Clry• of n. Psul, oil contracts for Sprink- ling Dletricta No. °, 4 and 5 in s id city, which contracts will not be complete uulll about November 15, 15110, amounting to about $2, Thhee said reserve estimates 15 per cent upon each of the var contract., I have said Defore, are at presensen t unpaid,aid,rtandd are on Ile In my Hie,. aggregetfng In the sum of $:,884. &J, being $Wt1.0 more than [he call. mated amount included in said "Schedule of Assets." The two estimates numbered six (6),a11owed by the Common Council to James Forrestal upon contracts for sprinkling in Districts Nos. 2 and 5, ammintlin, to the sum of $1,420.;53, of which $1.373.6( was audited to the Germania Bank of St. Pat 1 -upon two or. tiers regularly, and legally siglied by James Forrestal, contractor. Ocwber :in, 1Po10, pnyn- ble to the order of Nlch }}cit for the labor performed under said tirinkthig contracts, and assigned by the said Nlch Feyen to the said Germania Bank n the let day of No- vember, IS90, with the Intl consent and de- sire oI Alr. Yntrlck Kelgher, assignee of For - mend Brother.. for [he pltrpose of paying Nich Feven for nia labor performed, and that while he (Kelgher) woul,l sign nothine, t he agreed that there would be,at-. ble n icing out of it in case 'Ince Nurreetal 1gued said order to pay Nich Feveu for his Is or. Mr Kelgher stated tome a[ varion i times [het [he final estimates upon all o[ the spri_k- lin contracts were the only estiment, In- g Y 1 $l ed to the general nasi limeut of For- eu e g g estal Brothers. Such fe the case, and p- pearsse the "schedule a assets" attachedto es the asslgnment. Yet alter all this, James Forrestal, N1,h Feyen. Patrick Kelgher, and Boyson, the junior partner of the firm of Munn & Burson. attorneys for P. Kelgher, assignee, celled upon me at my office some [into fn the month of January, 1g9L apP In [ly anato", to derlse some way to pay Nich Feyen his second batch of claims amounting to$2,214.77, against the said sprinkling con- tracts, and for which papers were prepared by the Bon. \Vatter If. nb Sanborn or :Nich without an order from Contractor James Fur- ee[al, which could have beeu, end just e. well, and with much more propriety than the judgment cnveriugthe estimates audited to the Germania ban.—but they dare not do it, as the Infamy would be loo glaring to most peoplpie through my efforts iu protecting [he e winch sheoroed about four months of time beforethe proper papers could b) ob- tained eo as to likewlas protest the mty In the payment of said labor. My statements are conclusive evidence that the Germania badk was entitled to receive the amounts assigned by Nich Feyen, upon the orders given by James Forrestal, con. tractor, cu[het the lad ggmen[ obtained aged net the City o[ FL Pani th gh the mock trial, ie an Infamous fraud, and that Assn, ut Corporatfou Attorney Ph Illi ps is at fe 11 It In not presen[lug the evidence to the court. Ido not wish to charge Dlr. Phillips of doing anything Jutentfonally wrong, but It cannot be disputed that a very gree[ wrong has been done the city through the .up- nressed evidence. Most of the evidence and facts are on file in my offlce, which W. Phillips well knew, ea he had full access to all of the papers relating to the cases con. tested. The first notice I received of thesuit of Patrick I{elgher, assignee of Forrestal Broth- ers, against the cl[y,wason the 25[n of March, the day before [he said trial, when Officer Galvin, accompanied by AIn Phillips, served p Pers upon me to produce lu court o1 the 26th of Al.rch—only the two estimates midi ted to the Germania bank. I ap leered In court I, the presence of Judge BrilS, Clerk of Court, Bopeon, itssigilee'e to. and Phillips, at- torney for city, and Officer Galvin, to keep order, lest the two attorneys shouldbecome too ertmled over the contest. I, of course, took my place in the witness box after hav- 1ng been sworn, and to my very great sur- l+rise. AI r. Yhilllps neglected to ask me [he formal questions ae [o my name, and if I was questioet ns; butt ollhea and the oandr unlyyl asked we to identify the said two estl- [es audited to the Germania bank, which I did in less time than, t requires to read the nue he If of [his commnication. Mr. Phill- ips immedln[el • eked Dtr. Boyson plesign. ee's attorney) I he wl.hed to question the Comptroller. Mr. Boyson shook his head 'with [opening his mouth." I was [lieu excused, mud Immediate) went in oi8ce a y Immediately h ager occurrences. t wr. Phflll s missing t e ccurren for some peculiar reason, did net wish s, [a Identity the oma. andining seven rmit estimates, t to ¢re¢ating 55.190.9:5, and permit a Judgment [o Davl_g bean instituted, so that this labor orighti .t bee_ protected. He knew full well (fin[ the law makes the city the go-be- tween the contractors and laborers, for the protection of both. There are various un- completed coutracts, upon which estimates • 70 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL have been allowed, and remaining unsettled In my office In consequence of Iybor claims tiled against them, liar what is there to pre. vent Such contractors firm defrauding labor If judgments are to be obtained against the city through mock trials, like t- the street sprlukl lug cases! Nothing. I 1 ave w been Informed that o per,on kne of these suits except Ahair & Buy-"' attor- neys for the assignee. and Assistant Coroo- lign attorney Phillips. and that when Mr. Jones Forrestal. [he con trecmr, mid Al r, Keleher, the assignee, heard of the judgment rendered a¢alust the city, and the newspaper report of the •'Itornl Roast of Roche" by IIIc Honor Judge lfrlll, they felt Some,lint IIke n roan af,er having received an electric Shriek. I reall cannot creditthe eoroast"biJr, Judge 3 g Brfli as he is considered [u be 6 1 w se and rodeo[ man i . find would 1l, uo ma P nasin er- petrate outrage you any ppubl is officer, citizen orr Mlmiunn by not neartng Dom sides of n C ueation. e.s In ray case. Judgesare public'le ,.,liters human, and ncother public is the nuDljust the same as nu older public officer. The Pen f the rsaaper se-ationalist Is ever ready total, itC m. lid I thinkthe y- the "teas[" s rooked up was throeggh 31 . Batson (the Junior member of the firm of 3f non & Roy. son. nit",Sva of assignee) In the exuber- ance of his jay after the judgment was au- nomteed sod that "he had obtained a judg- ment against the cit)-, and had Roche roasted by the court without mMoing his mouth once. by leaving Assistant C'orpotail on Al- to nIep Ph., the conn m do all the til klnF '—erideu tl3- howlatg the[ Attuniey Boyson hypnotized 31 r. Phillips, All. Kelgher la an honorable man, and is in no way, responsible for the a ollar amfmr of his nt[orn 'heSys, end them [hods devised m e areI do not replytoIe ,.I,SDer attacks upon me. ns [new have Iwers been to error, and time. the plpere bene discovered through time. But then the {;rapers pomllsh that Judge Brill gave me -royal list" I feel that It Is my duty to take notice of It, each pen"' equlralen[ to a cru victlou by the court, leaving a deep Impress upon the pr blit mind, whether sues reported action of the judge is true or not. I respectfully ask your honorable body to n� point n committee o[ the Common Coup- cll lu Co. Petition with the If... Danlet W. Lawler. Corporation Attorney, for the pur- pose of ex,minlug foto rola whole matter, and reportthe feet, to the Council. I have unbounded confidence in CorporaRon At- torney Lawler, anmd know teat he will net j tly with Your comlt,Pa. �iry apectfull1, Your obedient.,.-a„r J DUN IV. ltocus, City Comptroller. App it i, 1PoJ1. .tic Van Slyke mored to far ala tom lee t o to hie honor the Mayor, the President o[ the Connell, he Corporation Attorney and a committee of four to be ap. pointed by the President. Ald Gehan moved to Mme d by tarring Said maser to commltme o- {Vara and Mean. .ad cprporatfoa Attorney. Said amendhtent lost. Aid. Van Slyke's eafd motion Was thereups on adopted • rind the President appolutetl utb commltme ( [our, Ald. { no Slyke, Copeland, Banholzer, Aleledy. Bill of Al. D. Kelly en 'Cleo, ficee—$ N— Son Ezamlulug CIRY Of - The City Comptroller submits a resolution for payment of said bill. Accepted (See resolution.) Of City Engineer—Agreement. C. M. & St. P IIty. Co., Pleasant Avenue Brldge— T the Common Coul,cll. Gentlemen: I ae d herewith an agreement omitted by the Chicago, 1111—okee & St. Paul Railway Company relative to the bridg- ing of Pleasant avenue. Under au agree ent made with said r 'Iwey coo pane on - the :;0[D of September, 1985, the City of St. Paul Is now under obligation to construct a four -track Iron bridge across Pleasant ave- nue whenever requested by said railwa¢ Com. The r e,Ia puny Steamer[ a p es ubml[ted re- wires that n do b 4 u le track b rid o be 6 Mm- -truc[ed at the present time, and that the bridge should De widened ton four -track bridge at some future time, when rcqulred by the hli 1. aomeethattdit"Cult to explain in a short communisation n [inn taction ace live years ago by nn entirely di fr'erent Cou hell, I cold suggest that the matter he referred to n comminee to ln"Oldente and report. Respectfully submitted. I.. {Y. RCSDLETY, City Engineer. April 7, 1891. Committee on Strse is. Also, Agreement—St. P., 31. & 3[. Railway Co., Sixth Street Bridge— To the Common Councll. Gentlemen: I et d herewith agreement with the Sr. P., AI. & At. hallway Company, relative tothe Conslrutlfru [ the bridge across their rit_rht of wry e[ Slx,b .tree[. This agreemouI Is similar to the agreement] we have made with other railway companies whose rights of way we cross. and should be acted' u at once. na we have °beady Cnm- pence the erection of the bridge Minute the Manitoba tracks with the unders[audiue that ,his am greeent would be ratified lit the next meeting of the Comm 11 Council. Respectfully submitted. L. W. HP—LETT, City Engineer. April:[, 1891. Accepted. (See resolutlou.) Also, Estimate— The City Engineer ubmlts, approved by him, Estimate No. 11, Broadway bridge sub- structure, Kirkland andar Stkey, $3.0_]. Referred to Clich Redlisty Comptroller to report food nutof e allowed. The City ComptrollerestiWe. et. furthe bf Instructed for each member of Cof ounDll�erent city funds Of Corporation Attorney—Bond of Robert 3- C. Bement as Member of Board of {Fater misalaners— The Corporation Attorney submits said lid to So it b $:,,000, with Sylvester Al. Cary and Sep. C. pqul tea na sureties. p TeesAldg auholzer,apHielentierg, Boll, `opeland• Costello, Dobner. Dornldeu, Flaw Iran, Gehan, Alelady. Anne.. Sanborn, Sul - van. Van Slyke, 31 r. President -15. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 71 Of City Clerk—Committee on Rules of Council— The Cfty Clerk asks that n committee be appointed from members of present Council to =Miro rules for eumniesimi to Committee of Accepted, and on otiouf Aid. Gehan the Committee on Ways and Means was named by the President as such committee. Of Inspector of Buildings—Report for Feb- ruan-, Ism—City Treasurer'sreoeipt attached for J`I.t_.7.5. Committee on Ordinances and Public Ac- counts. Of Clerk of Municipal Court—Report for Ataren. 1591—City Treasurer'e receipt for S:i.100. 10. Committee on Ordinances and Public Ac- counts. — Of Chief of Police—Report for March, 1501. Total arrests, 80.51 fines collected by hill rdelpal Court, $'-',77A— Comml[tee on Ordinances Mud Public Ac- counts. Of Captain of Police—iteQort for March. 1591. Gas lamps not Iighted,bt; ori Iamps Dot lighted. 115. City Comptroller. ' RSPORY OF BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. ♦ AshlaAvenue Slopes— To mend Common Council of the City of 8t. Paul: The Board of Public Works have had so - der consideration the resolution or order of the Common Councll- approved Feb. 5, 1891, relative to Condemning and taking an easement In the land abng uttion Ashland arcane. from Cleveland avenue to Ramllne avenue. neaefrom y Grigg, In conanruei the Lexington cuts and fill. In Steel nR said Ashland are- ae, and, having Investigated the proposed [m provement, respectfully re ort teat it is necessary and pp oyer to condemn and take an easement In the Laud abutting ou Ashland avenue, between Cleveland avenue and flaw. line avenue, and between Griggs street and Lexington aveune, In said city. .cessary to construct the to Fe. for outs sod fills in grading said All, avenue between said lamme m the established grade thereof, as hnwu by the profile of a Id grade on Ille In the omce of the Regf ter of Deed. In and for RCit a n Rmine a . aid stone a io Bx lend onef na oue9 half (1%) feet 1d land for every foot of cut r fill, e. °Indlcated on the plan of .aid lope. trached to tale report and to be filed 1, the o®ce of Said Board: that the estimated asked rot oy a peauou or a is the owuere of the property on avenue, between said pont,, tales the Condemnation of slopes, and we herewith send a plan and profile of said im- fnOil order for adoption, iVon desire us tomake the Improvement. Yeas }, any. 0. R. L. card fx. President. J. T. KeBRSM Clerk Board of Public R'orks. Adoptearch d. 1891. Adopted. (See order to Board of Public {Forks). Also, 0 Slopes—Alleys, Block R, Edmund Rice's Fourth Addilion— Tn the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: TB Board cousideratioof Public Workshnve had under n the r solation ar order of the ti a rowed Feb. i. I11I. rela- tCONmOti ul-iC D P ondetins; andeakin an easement rive t° c g g ill Inno Riee.I r the alleys 1l, block y Edmund Rise's scary t ,coition to the City f S[. t.- a n cessary t° construe[ the slopes for cnta and Illls in glad is said niters, and, having investigated the proposed intprove- m t, respectfully report that Itis necessary and proper to ondemn and [oke i ease. I'd in ilia land butting on the alloys m block:, Edmund Rice's Fourth addition to St. Paul, Bl said city, necessary to construct the slopes for cuts and fills in grading said alleys to the established ggrade thereof. as anown by the profile of sal d grade on file In the ottice of the Register of Deeds In and for Ramsey °aunty. and in the "ll"' o[ the CRY Engineer; said slopes Coextend one and one- half 1111) feet on said land for every foo[ of mu or fill. es In on the plan of said slopes attached to this report and to be filed In the officeof said Board: thntthe estimated I= thereof Is $:5: that the real estate [o be ex[e n[oIbere damn be fullnd benefited to the gas, costa d expenses b • that Sald tecessarye Ds incurred there y. improvement is inotts asked for by a petition If,[ art • to be try of the owners o property assessed therefor, but the tygrading le asked for by a petition of a maeority o[ [he owners f the propert ou said Ileya,I. which neces- Sha es the coudervicid n o[ topes, and we hin erewith end a cutend and Q'derdfor your .ofm1upfion, 1frOou desire tie to make the Improvement. }eas i, ueye 0. R. L. o rd of P President. J. T. K zi, 189 Clerk Board of Public Works. March d. 1891. Adopted. (See order to Board of Public Works.) Also, Stinson Street Grading— To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: The Board of Public Works have had under consideration the resolution or order of the 8 1 rel - Common Cou grit, approved Jnn. 2L 1 tent to the Rra as. of Stinson street.h from Kent ][reel to Wearero ue, and. having Inves[IRated 'o proposed Improvement, re. npectfully report that eafd improvement 1s t necessary and p aper at rife time, for the reason Y a[ hearing before said Board this deny, -one o[ the properly owners lnmr- ested ppeared In favor of the proposed lm- p,ove ient. 0. R. L. Ga..—. President. J. T. KERKEn,Clerk Board of Public {Yorke. Aprll 1. 1801. Aldermen of the Word. ;,i 72 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Also, Stryker Avenue Sewer - To the Common Council of the City of 9 Paul: Th. Bo of der coeiderntion One re..MI.,ioic Work. hi or had Or the Common Council, approved gee t. 5, 1 Stlrya ker tive `roue e, the ufrosmru Dearborn reef t Roble s[ est, all . having Investigated th proposed hn prove"' re p, 'of"Ry repot pt of Said Improvement is lire neves ry en he .at Me I '`m Id -r -in Ih-tillo,o ihdo t mejrl[y of the properly o r. lu[eree t'ato wers Fused 0o the proposed improvement L. J. T. KEngaq Clerk Board of Y Public Rorke Alderman o[ the Ward. Also, York Street Open" [he Common Council of the City of St. Paul: The Board of Publie Works neve had under Cthis ideetion the resolution lir order f the V demon Council. approved Feb. s, I"I, rela- tive to the Opening, wmenill and ealetlalon of York street from Forest street to ('rpreas tree[, and, having lnveatigated the proposed Improvement, respectfully report the[ sold Improvement is not necessary and proper e[ [61e time. for the reason that at a to be. Said Board this day all person. present interested were opposed W the proposed ent provement. Yeas 3, nays 0. J. T. KER 'M Clark Board of public Presideorke. March 31, IN01. Adopted. wd. Also. Store Street Opening. Etc. - or To the (emmon Council f the City of St. Paul: Thd Board of Public Works nsmonnC.n the resoln ihnveorder d of the Common Council, eppro Ved Feb. 5, 111, rel - t .1 to the opening, w(dealig and extenelon oL Sims street from Ftr st street to Cypress improvementtre haviInvng report propose,' improvement 1S not necessary and proper at this time- for he reason that at a hearing before said Bou rd this nay, note of the per. sonx p lit interested were in favor of the proposedsimprovement. 1 ells 3, uey's 0. J. T. Ke.... Clerk Boallof President. Works. March 31. 1N11I. Alderman of the ward. Also, Fifth Street Openly Etc To the Common �ouncll of the City of St. Paul: The Board of Public Works have had under consideraolou the resomtln or order of the Common ('ouncll, approved Feb. I9. I l:l. relative to the opening. n'Weuing and eaten- sfon of Flf[h street from Alaple street to Rope Street, ami, having investigated the propthatoseaidd impre—ent, resi,ec[fully re Port proerol improvement is not necessury-and proper lit this time, for the reason that e[ a hearingg before said Board this day, a ..Jet - fly oftba property Owners Interested were L oppese4 to theproposedimprovement April 1, 191'. 1f J. T. K .... N Clr Board of Publla Works. 500. Alderman of the Ward. to a Also, [ Req est for office Supprlles- d The Board "its far thorn)- to purchase a omce suoplls lead peucus 1, roe. dGranted. Copeland, ICosellohDobtierDDorn den. Flab draw, Gehan, Melody, Mines, Sanborn, built - van, \'an Slyke, Mr. Presldeut-15. Alan, Randolph and Other Street. Grading Con. Irsel- TC h,ee Board reports that it has awarded dolRan- phestreet betweenope the contract Summit nveor nouiue south and Chatsworth street; Lexington avenue, between Nettleton avenue slid James nstreet; Juno street. from Pleasant aveue to Chats- orth street, and Pleasant avenue from Arm- strong avenue to James street; said grading to be done under lie contract, lie being taro lowest rellable and responsible bidder there- for: amount of bid, 812.0198: bond In sum of S°.:rOU, s. wlth Charles Jor slid Oliver Crosby as suretie Also, Dawson Street Sewer ,..tn To ct- C. Joh eon thThe Board e oContrac[Irts that ` for acoet uc[iug rded n to 3fendor on tDa street, [uge[on herromlth rthe¢neres, r entcnbaa a y One and manholes he beingg the lowest retia biro Sad responsfblc bidder ,here for, amount of bis, S51o; bona , , the sutra uf18_ ,with John P. Peterson and Eman- e Magnuson as sureties. Also, Alley Block 3, Rill's Addition, Grading Con- tract - The Board reports that It has awarded Chanes Noudemncher the coutrsc[ Cor grad. 'ug Ino elle' In block 3, Iflll's addition to St Paul, Minn., be being the loves[ reliable add responsible bidder (nerefor; mount of bid, Buldt Mn slidond [Philipp Thorn m of a eursties." Also, Alley Block 25, Meckub)n and Marshall's Ad- Bdon. (: radlo g Coptrac[- The B --To pSports that It he awarded thdfinan e, hit Ili Be blockh25, M.ckubht oandraafag beingthelolwest reliable I. and rlesypo sable bid - do, therefor; amount of bid, $PJ,.10; bond I, LIT sum of 8a, with PeBohlaud olid Chasas sureties. ter . F. McCarron Also. remont et FTI' 'hard repori�ethx[ itrhae awarded Y. act - C. .iohneou the contract [or constructing a Sewer street to FOes[mat`reet Inge whit n cesB OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 73 the lowest reliable d recatchbasion, and she bbeing bidder; a responsible ; amount of bid, $5117; bead 1. the sum cf 8700, with JIM. P. Petersen and Emanuel M -9 - Each ad foregoing verde taken to sep- arately and ."Movedho by following vote: Yeas Aid. holier, Bteleub det l -- Copeland, Costello I)Ohner, . Sanborn, Flan- drau, Gehan, Melad1, Mineq Snnboru, Sul- livan. Van Slyke, Mr. President -]5 ' Also Fisk and Other Streets Sewer Cotttrue— The 13—d reports th ll tt has awarded tPm. J. Preston the oonlrnet fur o, Strutting a sewer on Fisk street. from Martin street to Devton avenue: on Martin street, from Fisk ,treet to Dale street: on St. Anthony avenue, Date strect: it Bond. st eet, fromFIsk.`Fisk street to St. Albnne Street: n Carroll Street, from IF street to D 1 Street: ou Iglehart street, from Milton street to Dela street; on Marshall avenue,from Victoria street to ill 11 street: n (ayton nveuue, from Vittorio street in Miller street; St. Albans street, from Iglehart Street to Rondo street. and from SL Anthony avenue to Martin street. and on Victoria street. from 3larshell avenue to Devton avenue, together with the uecse " cal tchhe Ins add m holes, being[thel wesrreliabl and res Qousible bidder theretor;.nmount f bid, 8...4!10; bond in the slim of 59,000. with Pat- rick Keigher and Thomas Manning as sure- ties Said award approved by the following vow: Bieledberg. Bott• Yeas -Aid. Banholzer, Copeland. Coe•ello, Dobner, Dorniden, Ge hen, Malady', Minea. Sanborn, Sulll vett, Va. slyke, Mr. Pee dent -14. \eyS-Aid. Flaudreu-l. Ale., Estimates and Claime- emits a[, b The board )ren approved y It the )elms to 'It - Estimate following eedmnwe dna c Estlme[e tin 5, supplementaryeto No.+mid final, Fao�reast x,,at er ave[ W'. C. Do- .,-•.. n Mar�ll. .C1fi: 1'L Paitl 11and (7'he following lavomble report, and final Orders and profiles were presented by ,old Bonn', and, oilmotion of Aid. Sen bnru, were referred to Corporation Attorney for a written opinion as .to whether or not mid rep rolland pre dere and p files wereht ac- cordance with provisions house File No. a de,O`cd March 24, 1901 -said report to be made at neat meeting of Connell. to wit: Dooley avenue grading from Gordon" nae to county road, except south of block D, S[. Anthony Park North; Carte avenue Fatadfug from county road to Euati" street; Tum avenue, from Minnebahn ,tree[ to Cheltou avenue.) 'PORTS Oy Si IcoNO COMarI'riEE9. Of Committee on Wap" ello and M, -Pett. tion of John Ireland end Thomas Cochran for Refunding of Si,400 Paid for Vacation of Streets and Alleys on Macalester Park - Committee reoommands that prayer of Said Pell tion be granted. Adopted. (Seereaolution.) of rCdoeClalm-$':10-B:perL WiLoees H. liaz- C mitwe recommends allowance o[clalm at $170, to In paid out of general funs. Adopted. Yens -Aid. Banholzer. Bialenberg, Doll, Copeland, Costello. Dobner. Doruideu, Flan - 1. drau.`Geh'1y Melds . In entSa56oru, Sulli- Of Committee on S[reete. Sewers and Bridges -Ordinance Authorizing William Dawson Sr. to Erect Frame Buindtug- Committee recommends passage of said o durance. Adopted .nd said ordinance passed. (See' Ordluance No. 1487.) Also, Resolution for Drawing Orders no, Treasurer oil Favor of St. Paul Permanent Load COM - pony and Others - Committee makes a favorable report. Adopted. (See resolution.) n isCELLANEooa. All ordinance amending Onlinance No. 14&'1. entf[IeA "An rdinnnee grunting to J. A. Willard. G. F. Pipper. E. S. Warner u1d G. W. Raker, St. Paul tl'hite Lead and Oil ('om- pnn • Permtesion to use portion of levee in Siaoli ward," which wa read Tod tem o tabs d r ad roe nod ohne and wed. ` (See (tole nn Passe Resolution) prom ed Board of con Public Works to suspe 1d all p[eceedinga [o confirm or to gI e n t[ce of ineetnrg to conflrm as.essinent fol peniug and extend,, Thlra street, from While Bear ave doe to city limits, etc. Loe[. Yeas. And. Sanborn, bolter. Copeland. Fldedrail —7. Gehan, Sanborn, S011lvan, Mr. 1'reello. ob. Nay -Add. BM laderg, Idea, Costello. Deb- ar D r sen. Melaay, Mtneq Von n Slyke -S. By Ald. Dobuer- Resolution for tire engine nouse at St. Anthony Park. Aid. Costello moved to refer said resolutIOU to Committee ou Ways and Means. Ald. S.nbo d= aro en amendment that Rold resolution be referred to C'ommillee ou ays and Means and Committee on Fire De. partment- Ald. Dobner moved as an amendment that sold resoln [ton be referred to the Committee on Fire Department, to report at neat regular meeting of Council. The said amendment of Aid. Sanborn was lost. The said amendment '!Aid. Dobner was enrroed, and Aid. Coetello'e said ortglast mo- tion, aro amended by Aid. Dobuer'a Bald amendment, was adopted. By Ald. Dobner- Best, tied for removal of lamp from north aide Cnlversltyavanue. just Sas[ of Cromwell avenue, to corner tiuivereB, and Cromwell avenues. Cnminated on Ga.. The [.I,0_..n,, re"olution" were referred to the Corporation Attorney fore report as to whether or not they are drawn In coal 74 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL with provisions of R. F. No. ^?v .1, rp[•ed March 9+, 1591, Mlseissl 1 ricer; bOnce to wit: By Ald. Cope- and for eslabllshhng gala¢ of alley' In u on the east side b west line of lot Three y the i)stx[}•a60) bounded blocks 1. cud ]+, Fnirvlew additiou; by Ald, Boit, for esmbinehing the south side by ¢live of and parallel a line grade of alley, bloc. 3, Gotzlan's r rr ugemeut Sigel's nddittou; DIA Copeland. the south line n( the levee as shown on me l now in the City- E e for; esmblishing grade of lle➢s, blocks (; and • provide that the City of St. Peul reservies the L Oakville Yark nddi- 'lou; by Aid. Copeland, (or gh[ to groat at en Y time. t° °n7 Person, firm, coo essbllshfu . f Iles, block 1, Brookside additiou. 6 g The payn the rtgh[ to caustruc[ and y or corporation. he following matters of of street r ray' Or other railway across theonorth One-third luh) gn[des came on far henrlugen gwi[9 Syh'tm pro between of said land hereb - frther,[hatthezranieesherelutneprld.11.1 orthIlue street and south ]file of lViater em Ploy In their b[reet�Arch sire¢[ between east line o[ Brewster said Business dudu6 the term o[ this ftfl❑chbu, 11 teas avenue and east Ilue of Fairview street; Fourteenth of Ihan twenty-five men. street between Robert street and Canada street, to This grant Is made upon the express 'fou can form wit. proo.,ed ch.0 e f grade ou Jackson 8',rem: condi. lbxt the grantees herein named is I pay to the Jackson street be- [weei northerly ]file of Cniverd,y said Cl ty of S:, 2 aril, as oompensfl- t*ou and aural for avenue east oil southerly line of Grove street: s the [ lafla¢t' hereby gr uteri the sum of one ($1) dollar ,Inek street between south line of R'1 afar treet itied north firm m for nd dUrin per nn- sp`cifled, g the time hereinabove of Sycamore street. These matters of propposed changes payable nun ualiy in advance. Sec. The[ permission of grade "are advertised t be hennl and considered ..id and nthority la hereby Riven hind granted at meeting f Council March 1;, nud were intosaid \t lllard, E. S. R'nr1te Id G. tet'. Baker, at that Time postponed and udlou rued .mil q'uesea d A ,, 1891. ,tPer[uers tradingns [he St. Paul R'hite Lead oil Com Leas, ]. hit 7:3(1 O'clock The Preside rt announced i each case that pant hind unto their eaIto nod mnstmtors arid sssigngt erect,construct objections, if it"', [o sold proposed e11 1 would , to hind mnlumlu on said hereb>-g auted saes heard. one appearing to oppose. resole [lona ndN0 ma said Pre- n fourstr • d prem - t semen', to he sixty ( ijlteet�gln iwidth obp In posed changes as above were adopted. resolet(ous.) (See one hu.dred mrd iweut •-Ove length; also, one uty-five(eat lu tin Iframe thirty-Ove (35) feet long _ and Oft>v (i3O) feet wide, and a one-story frame bulldl att Ordina Onulsnsrs no. 1+56. Ali ord llmilCe emending Ordinance Vo. 11Ai, en[filed '•Au ordlnnCe grew[tug unto J. A. Willard, G. F. Piper, E. S. Manner and G. u'. Baker, partners .trading as the St. Paul ` Mahe Lead and Oil Company, permission to use e p [ion of the to 11Y. In the Sixth hire o, the CI[y of S[. Paul," approved March +, 1811. Tne Common Council of the City of SL Paul do ordain as roliaws: Section I. That Ordinance No., Willard. il rd. rr ordl... ce RreutiuR unto J. Baker, oar[ era trading es the 9L[Pau Mhite Lend end Oil Company, pperm l..lon Paul use s portion of the evee u[trI Sixth word of be City of sr Paul.- is herebv amended so as to read S Section 1.o That Is hereb permission anti euthorhy ➢ given slid granted unto J. A. and I pnrltners,redr ogtae the SL Pa..I hitoL'ad nud Oil Com .tor., shiny, ontl unto [heir heirs, exec. admr the a sed a,slRn., to use and years}- for the date senna of [wen[y-Ove this years re from the dam of the approval of this ordinance for manufacturing purposes In Ile lire of business In which said coma. t. now enso..o., - metes and dbounds,rtoo ¢wit. gad aedll west side by the cast Bile tree', as . n f S producedto the l❑ block°Mi.aleaipplOyt 6bounded on [he north Ida DT feet loug16)njj odtt�vhich bulldingsfshellb - stru (e b Indo direction slid according to tugs Instructions said ncity, .P nus octor.f Build - ro d, n d me per Gifts so f the proper fees therefor; provided, ent however, [hat the chimney lid smokestack to be used In coneCilou wlth as business shall extend hit leas[ twenly-Ove Ini feet above the grade of Mabflsha street bridge: and provided further, that this ordhrauce shall not. be construed as nerenteeing ce wnrtnOor ng any of the rlehts ll,_- _-.- ug-; jL;li '�el l,_ ....__..- v -a.e [:.',) Years all sold build 1nRe Dietl be removed"from the above -de scribed premisee b1lsaid tet tee.- ane la Case of failurem remote ne[d 'Fit. with I fil .Ofd rime, the same, or encu part thereof as may tereetrer rem¢hall become rue PS ce3 ?nohigaid-. sd equireduIS' aul:hlsordi- earn only oor corporationn Council rounl'eo the Ity eerie.[ OOf rsi Obtained, except that!upon the death o[ ...... or more f bald grantees, the Bald business may be coutluuee 1. the .ams o[ the executor, admlulatrn'a , devisee or heirof said deceased,or by the survlvl.g member, of bald Orm,without the consent of the.ald elty, and all rights herein granted shall saes [o Inch perBes without any further act of said sources e Sec. f S, pif-and ave shall and will for harmles. the bald 6Jn rn St. Phil against any and all damages. udgments, claims, coats d ezpnsea o[ home, which 1[ ma➢ suffer" or tin[ may be recovered or obtained from or against sold alt for or oy reas0n of the grem.mg ill such pr VI or Or ttugr fro othe Osonf the growth of his OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 75 ordinance or any matter or thing connected therewith, or with the exercise by the said grantees of the privileges hereby granted. bac. 5. If s d grautos, their heirs ex- ecutors. nommistretors o[ assigns, shall fail Id any respect to comply with the .Od p Ons lf this ordinance, than all ights hid ted to eges hereby granted shall be forfeited to said (,fly of St. Pe ill. ser. 6. The said grantees shell file with the Citv Clerk, within 'Dirty (30) days niter the pnbli,Ill. o[ this ordid-re. their writ - of s sametobefirstapo oved uyl he Corporation Attorney of said city. 2.Ail rdluances and purls of ordl- tna-noes hereto[are passed incoosisteut with Thi; ordinance are hereby repenled. c.3. T'hls orainauce sh 11 take effect and be in force f 11. Imbiiu� Oon andl eio tile accept th[ er [as provide to section 6 of this ordlnauce. But[, Yens-Ald. Banholzer, Bielenberg, Coueland, Costello, Dobner, )or' den, Flan- dno. n;cunn. Melody. Minen. Sanborn, Shci- n. Pad Slrke, Nr. Prebdeut-Li. aPAssa APrll i. 1891 O. O. Cct.t.Pis, President -10-11111- Appr.1a f0t 11111 - Approved April 9. 1801. tt.mtr A. SMIT[u Mayor. Attest: Tuos. A. PnEYDEuobeT, City Clerk. April 13. Olin]\ARCE \o. I+S;. An ordinance fludlituLd.g \t"fBm laDawson r. to erect a frame building. ThoCoul o l fallowie of the Cl[y of Sl. Paul section 1. Penntssioo is hereby given and anted to R" 111" 1)"" Sr. to erect a onesmry frame building, to be used ns a carpenter shop, tweny (29) rest by twnty- live i�;) feet. Ulan n niacelm leous piece of land situated It the southeast currier or fit- land of Tbineenth and Itobert streets In the City of St. Paul, fronting upon said Thirnum,L atree[: said bulldlug to be erected under the supervision of the Inspector of Bui!dlugs .'ec. .. This ord(nauce shall tale effect and bei . Faroe from add after Its passage. ]•sae-Ald. Bnholzer, Bleleuber�e, Bo[t, Copeland. Costello, Dobner, Dorolden, GO had. Malady, Mines, Sanborn, Van 61yke, PreelOf 13 . r ays-Aid. Flnndrau, Sulllvny-°. Passed April 7, 189E O. O. Crr.nEtt, Prealdent of Conncit. Approved April 9, .1 I Ronenr A. 6sttrn, Mayor. Attest: Taos. A. Prod, .... Asr, City Clerk. April 13. Heeolutlons. By Ald. Blelenberg- R solved. That the Cit- Edgineer report It rade for the alley extending from Gaultier street to Farrington avenue throe h the block betwseu Sherburne avenue anti Charles street. Yen. -Aid. $anholzer. Bielenberg. Bot[, Copeland. Costello, Dobner, Dorubma. Flan: tire., Gehan. Melady', Mtnea, Sanborn, SUBI van, Van Slyke. Mr. Prostdent.-15. Approved April 9, 1991. By Aid. Sanb'orn- Resolved, That the City dlrit egiueer is hereby bl ck 3d of S.mpar, mit Park add it(ontt othealley City of St. Paul. Teas -Aid. Benhoizer. Bielenberg, Bott. Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Dorn Iden, Flan- drnu, GoEtto 'delady, Minea, Sanborn, Sulli- van, ]"nn Slyke, hit. President. -15. Approved April 9, ISD] 13Aid.3lelatly- Itesolved. 'Ph at the Engineer of the Boardof Public R'orks, hinder the direction and ups "slon of the Board of Public Works, is hereby authorized to employ the necessary force, and to reb dis'be neceasary brag a to put the I dewalks, streets, Innes, Vera and public levees iu a cleanly eou- dufon, passabn Gle and sate for public use and ditto.,Give" to no paid forioutiest of the general fume in such nd. Yeas -Aid. Rnoholzer, Weleuberg, Bott Copeello, Dobner, Dorolden. Flan- drauland, Cost , Gahan, Malady. Militia, Sanborn, Sulli- "A"UP1'.%dTApr'119, p7911dent-I5. Iiy Aid. DOnnCr- Resolved. Tho, he Corporation Attorney be and be is hereby directed to forthwith in- stitute the necessary proceedings to Compel tine Gren[ ,orther, Railway Company, to stY efilth AdsBaiahnlzarvde , BicI lberg.n Bot. Copeland, Castello, Dobner, llomden, Fln- drnu, Gehnn. Malady, hfinea, Snnboru, 5u111 - can, Ynn Slyke, Mr. President -15. Appr ,.it April 9, IS9l. Resolved. That the Chief of Police be. and be is hereby nutmorizetl to contras[ fur the purchase of one hundred and fifty helmets for the use o[ the police department of the city, hit a chis[ oat to exceed the sum of S. S eas-.'�1. Bnholzer, Bielenherg, Bot, Copeland, Costello, Dobner. Dornidn, Fln- drau, 1lehan. 31eisdy, hfinea.. Sanbont, Snl- 11Von SIvke. APproved April 9.r 1891eeldenl-15. Resolved- That the proper City officers are hereby authorized no execute on the part of rue city the gree sent with the St. Paul, Minueepolie 8 Mad[tbit Railway Company . relative to crossing their richt of way wlth the Sixth street bridge, the same having been already executed by the proper officers o[ ,aid corny Y' Gott, I ea-Ald� Banholzer, BielenOr.bergded, drau.l Gem' n. Melady-,oMlmut, Sanborn FSul- livan, Van Slyke, Mr. Preatdent-15. Approved April 9, 1891. Resolved, That order, be draw. oil the City Treasurer as follows'`A`.. to pay for erv- "" of members of Board of Abatement from June 13, ISW, to April 1, 1801, to be paid out of Rog" It fund: Robe t A. Smith, .1z day................818.00 00 D. M. Sullifvsd,ve1. days ................. 18.00 a i 78 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY OF SA: t ,� THE COMMON COUNCIL - OF 1 Joe. Mined twelve days. Gehap, eleven deI I ntl nud Cochran Nos.1'i_'4. IS%, la'0. ].T?5:1+-5, lexued for side - '......... W. R. Sanborn, two do,.'..'tl-°0 f chapter [wept}-.evep der the prpvigiovs H.00 Laws. (-'7)• of the Special iks nud the Rradl usn of Concord street, having ormad while said SS" t 1"I -- of Ml vnesota 1889. Yeae—Aid. ➢auholzer, BlelenberR, Holt, Therefor¢, Be i[ Copeland. Costello. Dobner, Dornlden, 11 resolved these penalties Props y wax condemned (or nark pvrpoaen; ( "� Flan- the premie"', ao toe[ the value of drfla Oehea a(elady, Mlnea Sanbocn. SWII- streets Pube is ihnia order 1s. Duly to be lesued Iter the or 1 to pnid. j and lie •yon Slyke. Mr. President -13. yA n. lieu u( the [reefs and Approved A. Is vacated, assessment Also that assessment der be draw. In favor oY t ';v U, IBUl. it. be. .d the same )g hereby tlxed at the aum of $7;+iq, Erasmus D. Brown for the sum of forty-three S I Resolved,, F e h r, That them be slid Is herebT.sop and ,0.100 dollars ($1350), being amount e,e oneouely paid on lot ,, block 1S. �[idwny oprl retl nud set SPnr[ In the cit Resolved, That an order be draw. on tre sur., out f the general treasury, I mra Ifeighte addition, for the Rrndtug of Minue- [he fart, the sum ppsyeble out of the general fund of °f 57,1(}0, Ort of any In sal said city, Yu favor not %rwlAe d treasury ltnhu street Also that an order be drawn In favor of W. .JJJ! 1{ of a of Joh. Glen,,, let of pof pproprinted, abt the C'I[y ilea, to be Used as a contlugent Treasurer is herobyyemh ate - the Cityrted D. Morgan for the aum of eight and 20-100 rand In the and l .dice of said Chief of Police, for the L0 pay °Per las enid aum dollars ($N.^J), being Lor the redemption of sum of of E"�D. 5t. Paul Title Dlsumuce s.d$TiuettC mpgnlya Certfticntes V os. ;IB!w ant SSW, sold for the :r •' Yeas—Aid. Btelenoerg, Bot[ Co7"e's—.{Id. Banholzer, Bielenberg. ➢otl, i s[ lots 87 and grading of Jenks ,treed .Rau dtl damaRensmha)•- €- p lint. Costello. Dobner, Doriden, Flxn- Costello, Doouer, Dor.,%tm Finndtuu'aGe, I h drnu. Gahan, Sfelady, EoT 88. block L Couper s stem, Ing been ewnrded on be a Imv t. ? A(lnea. benbotn, Sul- livxu. Vnn Sit ke. Mr. President—l5. Neladv. M,ttea San burn. Sulll von. Van a. !Ili. President. Also that uu order lu favu f �V. Ili -1+. Approved �prll U, I6J1. \ay_Ald. Qn„holzer.—I. sbe um own L. Wilson fur the f lhi rte ¢ad 54-100 ADPra led -Inrll 9, leJi. .dollars ($:30.:>i), being fur the redemption .f ISM. 4805, 4806, -_ Ceru Heated 4803. 4SD,, Issuer( agnlnat lore l+, 1 i. 1l. 17, la, 1p. .}- Resolved, By the Camino. Council of the CI l' of St. Poul. That n, Resolved. That an order be drown In clock 1, )v ilsoti s reflrmngemeu4 for the aeeing of ]tondo street, the owner being 74i Sd (� favor upon the city treasury lut(nvoroof D[ho 9ta[e f The St Pnu1 Perman en[ Loe,[ c of ]flnnesotµ fo the sum so [(tied o damages hr came ,'prove , I fur the n of ttvo antl thirtT one -hood redths o[ two hundred dollars ($•J,;{(li, Delos for lie and [uvr to ($}µj• Jnr m t Also that au order be draw. favor of W I Y ' dempuo�t of the ser •tee f Certtficnre of Sxle No. +Hill, Issued Ezami,ter of the state in D Wood for the sum n[ Ise d H+ -IoW Bol- NNN { enamtDl(c rendered In gains[ lot ingg [he ❑nanclel otliCera of the f:lt la block 1, Rogers' For[ Street nddiuon, for f S4 Pnul, y widening W'es[ Inrs ($J. Cµo, being for the redem p[lov t Cer HUl6, [7117. Issued 1u ns. Prortded b • owth of Seventh street, the n 11M, a 3 Senate Ftle Nu. er being entitled PProced Jan, [([leaved ( Sale Noe. lots 15 1s., block 11, Drake's �( [o damaged on [he some 2v, lain, Improvement- _rAs Also that Cop¢Isnd,ICoatello itDuDner,Bllnrnidon m.Slluea. error again st lint rearrangement, far the grudlug o[ McLean L _ an Order be drn we in favor of E. dota Gehen. Mclndv, Flan D' Du n Aleo that nu ,der be draw. in f.Of rad ' Snn born, Sul, Dies undretl thea dollars, and twee[)'- 1148°•tap a13'ke, air. Preeldmtt—lv. for h ($H.'14i. being ore Francis''<a Eichler for the aum o[ d CA be -{pprovedApr(l U, 1HU1. - rdemn[lon o[Cer[fHcete ho. xif:f:, error 91-lUO dollars(SI.O+), Delugfor theredemptiou u so,' lesued galna[ lot;, block :n. 011- \' ' ddluon.for o[ lot 11, block 2, ItoSer & Coleman's a bdi- for thanR�eln4 j w j.- sidewalks: also for C'er[i I_ [¢ \ �yc Issued west half W'herees. if c{snfon. being Peualtieg Daid d Randolph [creat the o II of lo[ I8, block I. Fle. hers eubtllv,,e.' of The Contra on Council of [he C[ t3 of at Pnul ldltion. o x's[er'e Ian on "'ad to damage. the same im pro vs. *, nt x tru. held t [he [or Bonding q ai I other streets, day of Oct.{ter, A, D. I8U0, er being [' be dr.1A In favor of 'Also j a entitled w damages on [h. did d.pt a Bald 1�� es lutiou vacating certain et clean aIle m'ovenoru. lu Slacales[er that an order Dlery J. Lxr{{,euteur for the t ninety �. Park. In [be Cltty of S[ Ynuls, Also that Hnmsey' unty. Ali City der be drawn in (µ.or F W. Burwell and 7.100 dollare ($9007), being Penoldea and forof Am Rre foe [he gating lu o e-huudredtha ttt 4. [C2 Here, of laud: interest Pntd for the IdeuinR ! ]tondo Where. nd,g dollar. ($ :1U)nbeing folri[he redemption of Cerlllicntes r\os. a s id Ccmmun Comm! street, oft lot. 2i to +a lnctltiesive, block 1, Lflr lime being evtl- t, a meet- :;11,43 oed ;P1µ R held on [he .let day o[ October, A. ° ly issued ligynins[ the BSJO, did Pevteur's subdivision, fled to dxmages on the same Im provemev[. D., hal(trou etloPt a reaolu[lov Hai wax[ sed east the laud so rncnted the .stns of slot ll, Lloek 1. Cro lav smith bdtvl Also that xn .[der be drawn Iv favor of o that �K ,k at he sum ($i,+00: and, a, ion, for [he gredin s Whereas, :\ccordmR Also that {'m. inns fur the sum o[ twenty-two for S L [o the u( Elmer an order De drawtf11 faro raof be rria, r r gem Out and ^_)i -IOD dollars ($ 2.s. ). being the re Sole \o. G34:f, or, .plat Park. f \lacalea[er lwotavtdsel stat}-[wolCan Shun (or tic sum cf Park, tali' reeordedaln the oirce of the Reg- Inter of Deeds Jou prion of Certifioalea of sous(. Issued egnine[ lot 7, block R Bruu- (3' 7Y in soft for finmsev coup[}'. cote So. there ) being for the ademption of Certul- is dedicated dgxl ao. s addinm , for the sewer on Burr street. 1 to publle alis ns streets mrd 1 1161, erroneously lesued allege. lu Ilea of the streets ' Dl L Cooper's nstlliot Also [hut an order bo drawn in favor of two and Is and alleys vacated nddRfou, erroneously is- for sued for the grading amount of laud n88re8alin Jos. M. Redding for the ants th dollar, being for the reemo ncrea?ian(1, 7..'p of Lawaou street. R Also that nu order be tlrItwn In faro, W hereaa, The 5_-100 (S.".5?), [lou f Cerlihcn[e tic. tNJJU, err y slid sum t of J. ua[fop o S7.{00, the vnl. I il' Cromnle for [he s f o hood red or the premises• a thir[e-nice issued again s[ lot Its, block U. Anna E. Itam- vnentetl, qs fixed twenty one bt udredths dollare resolution o[ the Common Council, wA. y I$IaJ'd1)• being amount o the St. Pnnl se)'s ndatron, for grading BIRue cya-us tie. Also that an order drown 1❑ favor 1;f E. Title Insurance .ud Trust CorrtJ 1 I1. IU, 9 and a, block n v, ou behnit F:iseu me.ger'sae file F. Woods for the m f three and 10100 j , i; of Rev. John Ireland a ill°°• ceased for the opehlug of Rondo Thomas CocDrnn, pnid into [r¢e[, hlch dollars ($8.16), to e�iply on the redemption for the City the lrensurn of ns essmeut r.1rect pail, for the ) the Board of Public Work order that of Cer[IHen[e f See No. Dili::, issued against part f lot L^, block 1 tic above ❑rooup[. 4 and ]t[hC the eaid point f Eimer & \lorrl� on's rearrnngemeu[ sidewalks Ilamline plat the sem° beloR erroneous. j [ e t of _ might Pork might be duly records 1; Macalester I. Biglow for°the AB of said orders to be pelt out o[ Will and, eeit[o ofdo.e hundred tltir An nroou.t o[ land has been ix ant , Ine[y lire one hupdredtha by [he dBred Cal Improremenl Yexs—Aid. Banholzer. Bteleuberg. ..It, ndedlcated dollare avid prtrtlea to pubic use ($1' 'H')• being for the redem s streets lint alleys, as cam No. 6411, of Ce,J l,, I Copeland. Costello, Donner, Dornideu, Flau- n part of• nud a[ the erroneously issued against lot time of -Old vacation, more than Against U, block 40, 1Veat S4 I," I drag. Gehau, Melody. hlinen, Sullivan, Van dr,u.. a ir.lent R. E. value and area [o the amount .Y Imp, [he'rests hes me 2.etog[used ]ir. President -1+. h Snnbarn-1. I. '1 last i,t list alleys .dented, nud, dfort8 f Concord street, Wherees, r for a(Iroad ya—Ald. App oved Aprtl 0, I8U1. Said Rev. John Ireland and trotllsssaasble Purposes, Thomne Cochran have mon petitioned [he Com Alao [hn[I. an order be drawn in [,tor of of the Clty of S[. pun) f a ,said [o repay tori[} sfxegenIt [o the said St, pari Title Insurance onetho le hundredth hundred Trust Company the °d ($N6.01). By Ald. Dobner Resolved, That Dele end Bumgarduer ore sum of being lnteres[ into the city [tensa $�' °Did by 1[ ru d nd peneitfes hereby auWorized m mise Jackson ,tree[. be - 1 ac r}-, on behalf f aald 'Ipou lots R, D, 10, block 1..ir i, /Vest St. Paul Proper, twee, Grove street ..miss Fifteenth Invest, and If !, and Dalvg Certificares of Sale 1 ill i I i NT PAUL, FOR 1891. 77 the appr... he, to Jackson street on Four. .nth street. to thegradea. changed Dy the Common Council, su as the change made by the Common Council is properly ,UmIg we by the Board o[ Public R"orkx all of said x'ork to be done by avid Dale K Bum- garduer without cost to the C([y Of St. Paul. Yeae—Ald. Banholzer, Blelenberg, IIott Copeland, Costello, Donner, Dornideu, Fine. drau, Gehnn. Atelady, Miuea Sanborn, Van SI>'Ce, Mr. President 11. hays Ald. Sullivan -1. Approved April 9, 1891. Resolved, That the bond of Robert B. C. Bement• in the sum of live thousand dollars. for the fai[hrul per[ormanee of his duties as A mandre, of the Board of Water Commis- siotterad bearing dote April 7. 1811, be, to- gethewith the s re'", [bared,, nud [be same is, hereby opuroved. Yens Al d. Dnuholzer, Bielenberg, Boit, Cupelnud, Costello, _coast. Dornideu, Flnu- drau. Gahan. Sleladp. \[f sea 8nubor_, Sulll- Via. Sl rke, Mr. Preside.( 13. i Approved Aprit 9, lain. By Ald. Sullivan— It Is herebT ordered by the Comm.. Counall [ the City of St. Paul: That the matter of laying afdewalk o the orth aide of Dayton avenue, rrwbe twee. Amos ..n .,.. a.•on., ns. r nn nrnndl be and Public works to lillcstgate and report: First—Is this Improvement proper and neo- ee�ary ceoud—Give the Commit an estimate of the ears se thereof, and state whether one. hal( of the coat thereof is to be .aid into the elty treasury before the contract I. let. Thiol—Con teat estate to be assessed for ,aid improvement be found benefited to the extent .[.damages. Oasts and expenses neces- sary to be incurred thereby? Fourth le such Improvement ,ked for ."'n the Walloon or application of the owu- r of ej By of the property tobeas- se-ed s- e s d for aueh improvement. s Fifth Send the Council a pian or p/•�,Hle o[ ,aid Improvement. n, required by labra[ you report lu favor of the same. Sixth—Send the Council a proper order di - reeling the work to be done. Yeas—Ald. Banholzer, Bielenberg, Bot[, CoN elnud,ac'oat, u. p;eAD Mine�t Sauboru. Flan - SAM. BY Aid. Bielenberg— It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council f the City of SL Paul: t ,� That the atm, [ grading all lley in i t block eleven (11) o[ Lewfe' Second addluon, between Woodbridge and Marlon, from W'ay- f zatta to Lewis' Park, as per petition hereto attached, be and the same Is hereby referred 12 to the Board of Pnblie \Vora. to lure.Dgate .I and report: • Flr,t Is this improvement proper and nee- - essaryt Second Give the Council an estimate of i,ip the ex ease thereof, and state whether one half oI the cost thereof is to be pald Into the ,�; city treasury before the Contract ,n let !I .,.... 78 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 79 Third --Cart real estate to be assessed for end improvement be touud benefited to can eace,fid. the same, which will be re the eatent o[ damages, coals and expenses nec- qrt fired to pay [he damage., cost had Deces- rt' expenses essary to beeachincurred therebyy Fourth—le of .nen Improvemeot upon the to be pet such improvement asked for uoou the perinea or applfc.non of the own-' meat -¢as pt rovlded oyy e law; it bted eing he pop!n- ion ere of majorRy of the prop¢rty to be rte o[ the Coune(1 that rent estate to be ¢s- assessed for aee.ed for such Imp'royemen Lt Fifth-sendthe Co nail n such Improvement Co. be found bei efi[ed to the extent of the damages. Plan or Profile of aid required by Inw, if Cos[ nd expenses veceseary to a lees. cast thereby. ,I I. farm you report I.favo th ame. Math—Bead the proper order dl- Peas—Aid. Bauholzer, Blelenbe Boit, rectfug the work [o (:upelnnd. Cuetello, Dobl;C" Dornideti, Flen- drnu, Oehnu, Yexe--Aid. Dauho Bieleuberg, Butt. In' Costello, Dobner, Melnd van, {-en Slyke, Mr. Presidents l5 bora, Sol!!. Dornden, h'Isu- Irnu, Gehnn, 31e1adv, 3lhien. Sanborn, Approved April 9, I891. Bulli- ; In Van Slyke, 31r. President -15. endrd be fi ed oprlle oDice oL acid Boareo,, A PProved April 9, 1891. In the matter of the repport o[ the Donrtl Public tt-arks dated By Aid. Bieleuberg— 3lsrch 73, ISO'. It Is hereby ordered by the Common Court I I[ is hereby, ordered by the common Council OT [ CDC C'I[v of St. Paul: of the Clty of S, Paut: That the Board of Public wo rks of tt City of St. Paul the mutter of ops Jne and ¢din nn In block cause the following Improv men[ to be levee lilt of 7;ober sou & made, to wit: Condemn au Van` V ❑ Etten•s nddf[IoP, front Fnrnngton [liu,".11"an easement lu the land abut[Ing to on th Ellel[ streets, s per pelnion hereto no black -, Edmond Rice's Fourth n dl Inched, be and he me is hereby- referred o St. Pau" In said city, necessary [ P.CO. Bunrd of PuDlle 1Vorka to Inreatl consFruet tlaie slopes for cute and ❑fits d gra of end repay[-. gate fine id keys to the established gr thereof• First—la this fmProvemen[ as shown by the profile of said grad ¢sees.. rPt Proper find ort file in the oI ice of the Register said Deed Second—Glue the Council an estimate of of aad for Ramsey county, and fu the odic the experts% the thereof, and Unto whether one half of the cost hereof fs to De ler said slopes to extend oneity -half cue and one-half (lthj fee[ on n(d Inud City treasury before the contract is (IeG�[o the Third—Can ren[ eceryIf aid cut or ,feetto Indicated on the aerate to be assessed for Bald improvement be found benetl led endrd be fi ed oprlle oDice oL acid Boareo,, to [he extent of damages, costsnnd eapenses uecm. That enid Bollyd shall proceed without dela} to lay here thereby:' s rt' to be Is sell, to he Is assess the amount, are nearly a theycan arta!❑ the shme,whtch uch such Improvement ,ked for upon the Petition or n will be required [n the damages, cost and neceennry ere orppfi%anou of the own- n mxjnrity of he properly to be as- expenses lit such tin orovemen[ upon the real eamte to be benefited seeeed for such lm proeemeatr Fifth—Send the Council n by said Improvemeot, as prodded by taw; R being the opt niou of Stan r Profile of sold improvement, as required by law, if the Cou nett [hat reel estate to be eased for such (m. you re ter[ Y in fav or o[ s same. Math—Bead oven P antes a be [ nun d ben efited le❑(ofdameges, the Council a recting the work [o be done. proper order dl- cost cud eapenses necessftry to be incurred thereb Yens—Aid. Bauholzer„ Bfelenberg. Bot[, Copeland, Cosld,tello, Donner. . Copeland,laos¢IIo�DobnerBUorunlde Dornideu, Flxn- draw, Gehnn• Minya, Sanborn, Sulll- u. FlauG drnu, Gahan, 3lelady, 371nen, Sanborn, van, {-nil Slyke, 31 r. President—li Bulli. van, Van Slyke, 31r. Preeldeut. 15. prH9, 1 APProved <ipril 9, 1891. Approved April 9, 1891. Adjourned. _— O, O. Co""" President of Council. Taos. A. Paaspcnuesv, Ci 11 Clerk. In he matter of the report of the Board o[ he Public works dated ------ March 1, It ff hereby ordered by the Common C..act, Of the (:I[ of 8[. Paul: OFFICIAL PUBLICATION That the Donrd of Public works of the City .fbt. Paul cause the following Improvement to be made, to wit: Condem❑ and take au eneCIDellt i[1 U1C Ot Resolutions Adopted by land amntfng o[I Asblmid avenue between Cleveland avenue the CrooRlon Cound, Of Ihfl City R❑e neon lie e slid Ilam- nd be tw len L bsecessnry 6 t.P OC aul at Its AfeetlRS Held on construct t e slope, in enid itv tp constnlfd the slopes for cut. APril 7, 1[101, acid fill., iii grad- ngg sold Ashland venue between said Points, R'heto The Common Council o[ the City [ bt. to the established g ode thereof, as shown by the profile o[ Ynul heretofore ordered [he Board of Public tt orka to moor[ the enid gradeon file fit of the Register Deet', 1n and for I Nether a change of University rit I iy ve "[reef to ,redIn illy h ficins county, a in the office of tho ('1t Ee glneer: said slopes avenue east. ssjdai� y, a shown by a red line to extent one and oucy h If (IVs1), fee[ ort said Inud fo: every foo[ on a Profile annexed to said estateas eto Is d of slopes ll I of report, erreal ty,, tn- ore ss esaedrfor laid and and to e filed office 1n the ofilce of said Donrd. of said o ant could be found benefited to the sent f damages atm coete to be incurred That Sit of Board shall proceed without de. ley to 1m Provemeut; and by said assess the amount, as nearly ns hey he Donrd of Public Worksd dl Patio. re Dort to the Common Council of date Feb. 2, 1891, recommending a change of gradeon Jackson street, between the northerly line of Univer- sity avenue lost and the southerly line of Grove street: and that property could be found benefited to the extent fdamages. inst and exenses necssarmaking sad change of gradeea afo esa d; .ad Whereas. The Common Council of said cityd on the at day of eto�d so por[ and ordered heaCit> Clerktogive the ue[ICe regnlrea by Inw; and ^�{ bere149 P'h f x 16 nitI Cler f gave a CCeestlre !larch, 1891, at 7:39 stock p. m., as vu Council chamber, in said city, consider such proposed change oI grade; and w hereaa, A[ [he time a Id place last above Investigation and con.id- Jesigganted for the c era[ion of ch p op g.,, bnnge of Rnde ns aforesaid. the iuvestpone n and he 701 day tion thereof was poe[p ned until the 7th day Of April, 1591, at a:30 P. m.; and Whereas. At the time and Place last desug- lisled for such proposed chaoge of grade, the the That the grade ❑ne of Gr ve street. be and the a.me is here- uy changed In accordance with the red line name as referred to In s shown on the annexed Prooceedinne Aad In regard to end change; antl be I[ fnrtber Resolved, That this order and the ProNle representing said change of grade be referred to the Board of Public {Vorks, and that said Board shall proceed without delay to asess the amount, as nearly . they Can ascertain damages, -In , which.hflli be required to pay he cost¢ and expenses of such im- h benefit erste to e he reel e rovem euro ort P d by' end improvement, .provided by law; f[being the ophion of the Common Council that real estate to be assessed Ior such Im- provement can be Iound benefited to he ex- tent of he damages, costa and expenses uec 2mary to be Incurred thereby. yeas—Ald. Bauholzer, Bieleuberg, ]felt, a. ofdroou,l(chal. 3lelaCostellody'•oMines, 'anDonFSu]- llvan, Van Slyke, Mr. Presldenl-15. Approved April 8, IWJl. Whereas, The Common Council of the City f St. Paul heretofore ordered the Board of .Public works to report whether h'cnange of grade on Arch tree[, tram Sylvan street to with 'fewconform said cit , [o street fu he established grade of Jainenu atter[ 1e said city as shown b}• a red line on n profile annexeer.d to said (ler, was neeesI.nry and pawedfor oil said whether imProvemetrt ould be found bo belPed to thec trend by endrin Pevembettaadol oats Whereas, In accordance with said order, the Bash of Pubifc worka did also a re- port to the Common C'oupcil of date Dec. 15, IBW, recommending n change ofiref grade on rew Arch street, aloe andeen thethn east aline of Fnflrvle v street and [hat property could be found Den- eff ted to the eateut o[ damages, costs ned ea- seiises aid cha nge of grade as aforesaid. to be incurred aumak!ng Whereas, The Common Couooll of laid city, on the 19th day of December. 1890, adopted said report and ordered the City Clerk to give the notice required by law; and Wnereas, The Cit}}- Clerk gave notice in the official Pa er of sold city, for three successive weeks, twice Ineach week that the Commna Council of said city would on the 17th day of March, 1891, at 7:3a clock p. m.. at the Council chamber, In said city, consider such proposed change o[ R*ads: and R•fiereas. A[ the Lime and place last above designated for lha inves[Igntmn and con aid of such proposed change of grade, as aforesaid, the luveetiRntiou arta .it hereof was postponed until the 7th day of April, 1891, at 7.d0 P. M.:.nd last deli - Where f A[ the time and place g oared for such proposed change of grade. be Common Council, after hearing all persons Interested. and being of the opinion that In. same Is noce-71 and proper, Therefore. Be tt liesolved. That the grade of Arch street, between the east Ida of Brew- ster avenue nad the east tine of For street. be and the same le hereby changed in accordance with the red !las a shown ort this annexed profile, being the same as re. fatted to in all [be proceedings had in re- gard to said change: and be it for be liesolved, That this orderand the profile representing said change of grade be referred to he Board of Public `Vorks, cull that said Board shall proceed without delay to assess the amount, as uear% are they Co. ameltafn the same, which shall ba required to pay the damages, costa and eapenses ofsuch im- provemeu[upon the real elate to be beue- Btea by said Improvement, as provided by law; It being the opinion f the Common Council uch improvement au be found ben:, led ol 'or the extent of the damages, coats d ex- penses necessary to be Incurred thereby. Blelenber , Bolt Bauholzer, g 1 en s—Aid. d n Flat,- Dorni e s llu Dobne Copeland. Co to drnu. -Sly e, Mr.y M[uee. Sanborn, Sulli- van, V - Slyke, Mr- dent -15. IWI. Approved April S, 1891. where., The Common Couooll of the Clly of S[. Ysn1 heretofore ordered the Board of Publle {Vorks to report whether a change of grade on Jnekeou street, between Arch street and Sycamore street In said City as shown by a red flue on a prod Is still dtovsaidh or- der, was necessary dv and proper, aer real estate to be assessed for enid Improve- ment could be found benefited to the extent of damages and costs to be Incurred by said improvement; and whereas, In accordance with ssld order, the Board of Public {orks did make n re Port to the Common Council 0 dale Dec. I Jack recommet, bet e n the sange of R ads n Jn ter son street, between the sono ylineea o Winter street and the north line be Sycamore ,[reet. and that proper[tly could De loped benefiteds to the necessarynt to obe ¢incurred fn ecals annof kingelossaid change of grade ere eforesald; said whereas, The Common Council of said city, I he 10th dal• of December- 1890, adopted said report nd ordered the City Clerk h give the notice required by law: adw areas, sClerk leve Poll- the official paper of aid city, for three successive it oI the City heretofore ordered ell HoeN o[ 'k. to report whether n change of arteeuth street, between Robert utasxt— t, lu Said situ. r..^• - e I- 0 L f St. Paul Lere[ofore ordereiCu't tlhe Board orf Public %I rk, to report hatter a change f grade Sylvan .[reel, from W-Inmr street to on profile annexed t 1. Said o said waa aeuese e ane re to formardner"eaelan�mo otvemeeo sale be s filed to [be extent f damagee and coats to be Incurred by said Imprme.ove- , Wherese, In a.Corannce with order, the Board of Public Work. dw .,, said OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 81 Arch street and the South line of Winter fm' y: 80 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL t€ tofto concerts In weeks, twice In each weal[, that Common tion Council of said ol[y woWd. on the 17th dayM he Lfarah. 1PYH, 7:30 thereof was postponed until the 7th day of A rl ]591, at 7:30 Asking that a of Ee.1 ad West Ez- ebavge street be changed to ••CaplmL" et o'c-ock p. m., at the Coua- CB cha.nber, 1n eeld city. conaid r such Whereas, a At the time ¢n -d and place last dealg- aid change; a d be [oReealva,, That uthin ortler a d the profile pro- 6e of grade; sntl Posed {smas. At the time ted for such proposed change f grade, ommoa Council. after hearing end place last above 11 for the lnvestige tion a d coneld. non eons all per! f the opinion that the aerie lei :. + a o[ aucD propoced chance of Rgrrede, ae aforesaid. the fnveetigatlun and considerntlon venesaflrlog Therefore. Be I[ Be-. III.' Tlint [he i thereof wfle postpvued until the 7th day of of Fourteenth street, between Robert Street a d Caueda ' t April, 1P91, at 7::i0 p. m. e d li'd A[ Bre time and last street In s fd 1 with p pos d change of ° _Y• to conform sde, j place tlesle- fora propos d chance of gr,dq the CommoSo, Council, fter Street, be cad be Same Is h st eoNance with the changed in hearing ell per nS Interested, ¢utl being f d Ilue aS Shown on he ne ed profile, halon the a 4 and 5, West Side levee. Granted. the opinion that the same la necessary and proper, Tb erred to in III the edi Re Ip regard to said Chav P Council thnL real estate to be assessed for ch improvement can be found benefited to erefore, Belt Resolved, TDat the tJnck... e, between the South ilRdee do ee: s°a beol+lnr[her I.ved,R seat tole doer Rud the 1 ti Winter street and the north hue of Sycamore profile Q to Phe Board ¢nd�ihaierred t a[Me4 be and the same Ia Dereby changed lu ordnu off ubllc l{"ork4 Board shall proceed ease 1 �, ". 'otlil[h bbinedl,ine as shown on the R me a .ferred L0.111 all [bop dings had iv without delay to ft the nmouvt,n .rly aria the same, whlcD shell be required E a� t ` regard meafa chnge; and be It further Resolved. lou av[lhe damage& oats and e.peu.es of e I—en o S ch ]m- ThnL thio oNer and [he profile representing the reel eta H[ed b e s bene' ropirilnn said change o(gr.de be referred [o the Bonnl of Pu vlic K orka nod tont raid law, i[ Oci g the tof the Common Council �•:., I -1 Doerd eh.II proceed without delay to ass a the amour t, as aearly ea [hey c eacer"T [he s.roe, the[ re:.,e,l [ale to De .sed for such Improvemn be tountl8ebeueHletl to the..tent of the damagee, April O, woicl�ahell De required to`pay rte aline oto a Sit peaces use be to be I. ..' d ea pe[Qaee of such pro[ement �ino thereby-. YCS_Aid. Ba°holzer_ n e., e.� _.- it oI the City heretofore ordered ell HoeN o[ 'k. to report whether n change of arteeuth street, between Robert utasxt— t, lu Said situ. r..^• - e I- 0 L f St. Paul Lere[ofore ordereiCu't tlhe Board orf Public %I rk, to report hatter a change f grade Sylvan .[reel, from W-Inmr street to on profile annexed t 1. Said o said waa aeuese e ane re to formardner"eaelan�mo otvemeeo sale be s filed to [be extent f damagee and coats to be Incurred by said Imprme.ove- , Wherese, In a.Corannce with order, the Board of Public Work. dw .,, said OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 81 Arch street and the South line of Winter From P. L. Kleist— same in s bioo tofto concerts In accordsncendl the red Ree shown on the annexed ppr Ole. being the . m Boardd Park Commissionerss. From A. L. Larpuuteur and Otbere ferred to lu sll the p c din¢. had in regard It further Asking that a of Ee.1 ad West Ez- ebavge street be changed to ••CaplmL" aid change; a d be [oReealva,, That uthin ortler a d the profile Commi«ee on Sheets and Aldermen of the repre"_I._c .old change of gred. be referred ward. to the Board o[ Public Works, and that said B and cash thou[ delav m aS a F nm ]I • KroeeR r d Olher.— For b t tic of bridge serosa railroad proceed the emouut, a ne 1 e they eau-scertniv the S.me, which anbe required to the track. at Be,,,, Street - B..rd of PubBe Work. and City Engineer. Cay damnegmea cost. and expenses of such im ent poo the real es t° to be bene- From American M ... f.eturicig Company— For permission to erect bit ldmIle on lot. 3, �md b, .aid Improvement, p o ided by law; it Dein¢ the o.I. o[ the Common 4 and 5, West Side levee. Granted. Council thnL real estate to be assessed for ch improvement can be found benefited to From W. B. Mogan and Others— For side[valk on Jenks Street the extent of the damagea, costs and ea- penaes uece,eary to be incurred thereby. Board of Public Works, with order. From St. Paul Go, Light Company Yen,Banh DODnerBb` "'tdeu, Klan- Copeland, Costello, w In ren wal of contract for furnishing city gas e draw, Gchan. ]deladv. Miner, Sanborn, Sullt- Van fly ke. ]Ir. President 15. Committee on Gas. From A. A. Crandall and Others proved Aorii P, 1P!11. O. O. Cu[.cev, Yresldent oT Council. For a sewer on Oakley avenue. Boa d of PUDIic t{'orkI,with order. Tue..A. P..xpanuwer, City Clerk. F m W. B. Moreau and O[aer.— April O, For, grading alley I. Cooper's addition. Board of Public Works, with order. Fr John Wieland. by III, Attorney, J. J, iiegttI.x, MCICU. r. ]tulle.— • r. Ywri., Apri] °I. SPOT. Prote,ting a, I—conflrmatlon of awards ontracts to Nicholas Feye° for .prink - of C - g. President Cullen to the che[ir. Acceppted Ind pl.C,d .v file. Present—Aid. Banbolzer, Biclenberg. Hort, ,uiI�mo.t\felxdly �.\Saari. Frum 31 ra. W. A. Young— Asking do ov sidewalk— dennFlnnd Sulli- Si°ley street, nt Smith park. SI T' ` Slke, Mr. Yresiden[-15. i [ mcathig nppro°ed Committee on Claims Ind Corporation At- ?I notes I preceding nod di,pensed with. torvey. From Minnesota So.p Com ann. From Bis Hou rMtl en Actinngslll.yor—Police- o ebnro saps f building AskinI'g n a{�pointed— Tu the [i[ n raDle the Common Council of wall tai ring wall nand fence between lote3 and *. block 4., Rice 6Irvine', addition. me city of St- rartl. Committee on Street,. From Kirkland and Star¢ey— Gen[lemeu: I have tae honor to inform [ollow-ing Aak l ung, in viow C [ha fact tint work I. u that I have x, poh[ted the patrolmen of the pot ice force o[ said City, done on Broedwny bhndge ¢a far as possible d 1 ask your advice t d ew[sent thereto: de pendina 1nj cv'fov, tc., etc., that they be allowed the PC ventage bamuce re- ' Thomas M. Silk. vice Ed[exid BunnlnK, re- taiued on contract. ig[ied; Edward O'Brien, vice Edward Mul- JoSeI h Committee on Street.. la uey, realKned; lames Brogan' cb,C Ole II. Jai vice L. From the Capital City Real Estate and Im- Aex[fure resigned; icon, Heannon, provemeht ('ampany— resigned. Asking that all prviceedluge for grading of Yours respectfully, O. O. CULLEN, Acting Mayor, SBckuey street be annulled. , April :1, 191.) Committee on Streets. From Mrs. Faunfe Johnson— l S Id appointments advised and consented Notice f Claim for damages—Injuries— toYesa—Aid. Banholzer, Bieleuberg, Bott, sidewalk on Sibley street. Carle), Copeland, Costello. Danner, Dorn,- Committee on Claims and Corporation At, den, Flandrau, Gehnn, Melady, Mines, Sutlt- torvey. n, VS. Slyke, Mr. President -15. From Arthur G. Rice and Others— From Bethke and Guise— , For permission to have transferred to them For grad' ng of Terrace lane. Butcher License No. 34, issued Feb. '.A, 1991. Board of Pubile Works, with order. Committee onLicense. From Charles E. Marvin and George L. W11- From J. J. Wat,ov— Preaenting to e1tY land in Summit court for eon— e park, to be known as Point of Vlow. For sidewalk on Fairmount avenue and on Committee on Parks and Corporation At- orvey. Dale eard of Public Works, with orders. FAskinggM.is �ppd OthefaBov FFotr CrocusHill AFeirimoimtaudenue.rUsle for ca ink in Summit street and Crocux place. av off of rubblah, .addiulicrocetc.—]cud Court(Point of View Pnrk). c Hoard ofo. PubBe Works. Committee on Parke and Corporation At From F. 31e¢ger. nud Othere— torne For grading of alley, block L, Smith'. Sub - From )eorge Seibert— Relative to concert. in Rice park and La- division Slinsou'adlvi.ton. Board of Yu bllo Works, with order. fn$ park. F ation of Park Commissioners. of portustus ' no f Paynhers— For vacrom e e avenue d 82 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Forest street newer syystem, $200.00; Kirkland & Smrkep, Es[ImeIF ho, 11 Broadway street brldge substructure, ii ffi; Dale & Bum- ..rdneU Estimate No. 10, grading Jenks. s[reet,$L670.8f1: C. E. Sandeen, Estimate No. 8, grading Mlunehaha street, $785. On mo[lo-, Ald. Gahan, Flandrau, Mice. and Corporation Attorney were aDpoln ted a committee [o examine said clslme and report at this meeting. el.lmesaredpcoma 1'tee�avor not allowance oL came, ntl othereupon the as claims were allowed Bud ordered paid by following vote: lee„—Aid. ld holzer, Bfelenberz, Butt, Carl ey,Copeieud, Costello, Dobner, Dornldeu, Fiandmu, Gehan, Melody, Miuee, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -15. Also, Bill, $1.250• Azottne Manufacturing C. pony, for March, 1891—Destruction o[ Dead Animal.— To the Honorable President and Common Council of the Cay of St. Paul. Gentlemen: The eceompnnying bill of $1,250 .n favor of the Azotiue Manufn','u'I f Company, allowed for the destrucd.. of dead n.hal, als, etc., for the month of March, l.L Is returned, as there must have bee. a mis- take made lu the allowance of the full nmaun[, the Azotl.e works havlug been de- stroyed oy Ore on the morning of March 1t, 1891; therefore [he companT would only be entitled to the ante of $4311.01 --and the..niv up n the recogg.Itlou by the Board of Health of the service hevlug Iter performed a. ,.- qulted'ov the ConlracL Very respectfully, JOHN W. ROcaE. City Comptroller. Aril 21 1891. Referred to Corporation Attorney. Aid. Gehan moved to reconsider said ref- erence to Corporado. Attorney. Adopted, end on motion f Ald. Costello Bald clmm wee allowed In full Ina ordered paid. Ca nbe Bell, I Copeland �hCo.tello,IDobo qg den, &L land. Gehan, Malady, Mines, Sulli- van, Vau Slyke. Mr. President -15. Of City Engineeggrl1—Estimate— ufmnEs[iimateuNOn2eH mllnesubmits svene.rdbgga acro.. right of wap of Great Northern Rail- way CO'7eny,C. Stone, $2,210. Yeah •Ala dBannorelzero 11 alenbreergr Bot,, Conley, Copeland, Cuile., Dobner, Dorulden, Genan, Malady, 9ulllvan, Van Slyke, Mr. Vice P6EfdmH-13. — Of Corporation Attorney — Improvements, Grades— To the Honorable the Common Council of the City of 9L Paul - Referred to Committee on Streets, and City Clerk instructed m give necessarypublica- tion notice. From R. Hoffman and Others— Far sidewalk on Law.— street. Board of Public Works, with order. REPORTS OF CITY orricERB. maomuons were referred t Atmrney,for a report m tO w re drew- in compliance t House File No. TL', apDr.v eO wit: By Aid. Copeland trade of alley In blxks 12 tdditiou; by Aid. Bolt, ;rade of alley in block a n-geactIt 81bliel'e edditlon a -d, for establishing grade 17 and 21 Oakville Copelana, for ea block 1. Brooks) honor to report th drawn in compll of the Baia law, an the same ,uh)ect. f1spec DAN. W. LAWLK ADril 15. 1891. Accepted and placed on Ole. At,., improvement—Glades— To mprovements—G I ades— To the Honorable the Common Council of the City of SL Pan.. Gentlemen: At s mezting of [he Common Council held April 7, 1891, the following favorable reports and fi.el orders end profiles were presented by said Board, end on motion of Ald. Sanborn, were referred to Coroora- tlon Attorney for s written pl.l.n as to whether or Dot said repotts aad orders and profiles were In accordance with the pro- visions of House File Nn. T22, approved March 24, 1891, said report to be made at the next meeting of the Council to wit: Dooley avenue grading from Gordon avenue m county road.except south of block D, St. Anthony Park North: Carteravenue grading from county road to Euetfa street; Tatum avenue, from Mtnnehaha street to Chelton avenue. I have the honor to report that said favor- able ropmts and final orders and profiles are m accordance with the provisions of said law Bud other laws relating to the same sub- leCL Respectfully, DAx. W. LAWLER, Corporation Attorney. April 15, 1891. Accepted and placed on file. REPORT OF BOARD OF PUBLIC w.Rxa. East Fourth Street Paving— To tLe Common Council of the City of St. Paul: The Board of Public Works have had under consideration the resolution or order of the Common Council, approved March 14. 1M. relative to paving East Fourth Street. from Broadway street w the tunnel under the Oeat o['wBy of the 9t. Paul & Duluth Hall- Red all- d CHIP . '. with cedar blocks and granite OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR. 1891. 83 Park edditlon; by At”. Also, tebll.bl.g grade of alley. de addition. I I.F. the '1'stum Avenue Grading— s at the Bald resolutions are To the Common Council of the Citv of St. ante with the provisions Paul: d other laws relating to The Board of Public Workshave bad under consideration the resolution or order of the tfully, Common Council approved Feb. 19, 1861. rei- n. Corporation Attorney. at iva to the grading o[ Tatum avenue, from Mtnnehaha street to Chelton avenue, and can ue louuu ueu u.�..w...eo .,.. ... coat and expenses necessary to be [.curved thereby; that cold improve...[ Is not a.ked for by a petition of a majority of the owners Of property to be aeehmed therefor, but we herewith send a plan and profile of said im- pprovement, and an order for your adoption, 1f ou de.Do us m make the lmproveme.L Yea. 4, Daps 0. J. T.l 21, 18 e. Clerk Board of Public Works. April21,1501. Adopted. (See order m Board of Public work..) meat, estimated expense tnereon Is u,-, one- half of which need not be paid Into the city treasury before the contract Is let; that real estate to be assessed therefor can be found benefited to the extent of the cos[ and ex- penses, necessary to be incurred thereby; that ,aid impprovement Is asked for by a petition of a the 'ity of the owners of prop rty to be aeseam therefor, .Rd we herewith send a plan and Profile of said Improvement. and ED order for your adoption, if you desire us to make the improvement. ' Yeas 4, nays 0. R. L. GORMAN, President. J.T. KERREa. Clerk Boark of Public Works. March 24, 1891. Adopted. (See order to Board of Public Work..) Also, Ellis Street Grading— To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: The Board of Public Work, have had under consideration the reeolmlo. or order of the Common Council, approved March 18, 1891, relative to the ggrading Of Ellis etPeet, from Te"it Orial YOad m Hersey avenue, and, her- e tnereor Is a-�,ttxt one -Pmt o need not be gold into the city treasury before the cmtract la let: that real estate [o be se. cnceed therefor can be found benefited to the Is asked for by a pe it OR of one-third of the owners of property EbR1H.g thereon and to be assessed therefor, and we herewith send a plan and protlle of so improvemeu[, and an order for your adoption. If you desire us to make the Improvement. Yeas 4, nays 0. R. L. 6ouasx. PresPublic cot. J. T. %aasasClerk Board of PaDhc Wdrks. APPrH 2l, 1891. Atlopted. (See order to Board of Public Works.) Also. Dooley Avenue Grading— To the Common Council of the City of SL be t; t can 82 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Referred t Committee on Streets, and City Forest street sewer as.tm, $2A70.00: Kirkland Clerk instructed [o give necessary Iwrbllca- 6 Smrkeey, Eatlm.te No, 11, Broadway street tion notice. - bridge ubslructure, $3,8:1; Dale & ]Sum - From B. Roffman and Otheta— gardner, Estimate No, ]0, grading Jegqte. For sidewalk on Lawson street. treet,$1.57 stl C. E. Sandeent En[Ima- No. Board of Public fl'orke. with order. d grading Minnehaha street, $7Bft. On motion, Aid. Gehan, Flandrau, Mlnea r[cronre oe sirs orrtczna. end Corporal on Attorney were appointed a Dram ties m examine said claims Bud report I this meeting. The said Committee, having examined Said el me, po ted 1, favor of allowance of me.an thereupon the a Id claims were lowed and ordered paid by following vet: leas—Ald. Iienholzer. Bleirnbrrr. suss van 51yke, Dir. Pro'''em -15 Also, Bili pally, for .arch, rte Man St flcturiu C iis March, 1891—Des[nncliou of Deed Animals— TO Ho To the Honorable President and Common Council of th' CBy of St. Paul. G5o fit f vo The a zotiuc nyiug bill of Com,W in favor of the Azede, Me hi. sf da'.i C'ompanp, allowed for the month ofcliou pf dead ufmale, etca for the month have March, this, mreturned, as there must have been a mill lake made In the works ha of the fall '- amount, by Azutiue works having been I Strayed Dy fire on [he moruIng Of March 11. 1801: [herefore to c mpflnsv w Itl ouloy be e tilled to the anm of by the i> Bsad thea Iv upon thevicogui[lou be the Board a Health of the service havinR been performed 9a re- q `rC1d uy the eontracL yspectfully, JOt[x W. Nucha, City Complrwisr. April 21, 1891. Referred to Corporation Attorne}'. Ala. Gehan moved to reconslaer said sof. erence [o Carperatlov Attorney. Adocpttl, e a n motion f Ald. Costello Said (arm was allowed 1u full arta ordered Paid. Coni')) Copelled. Co tell. 1Da Danner. Dorno dem Nlasidle., Gen.., Melody. Mines, 6u111- vav, Ven Slyke. Mr. President—t5. f City G The At, IEn iv er`Im,;M"' D Su lisp by nim, Ertimate hn. Rameue ve bridge ecrosaor�Rht of way o[ Great Northern Bull - w r pa ny, C. Stone, $2,210. AllYe.owed and referred to Comptroller. ('onlay, Copelsu dt Cullen. Dobner�Dorn den, Genas, Me lady, Sullivan, Van 91Ske, Mr. vice President —13. Of Corporation Attorney — Improvementa, Gmdes— To the Honorable the Common Council of the City of SL Paul. Gentlemen: A[ the meetipg f the Com - on Couucd held April 7, 1891, the followlu, mso]utions were referred to the Corporstlon Attorne era report as to whether or not [hey [arewn iv comp'laic. with rotalons oL to.- File No. approred March 24, 1891, to wit: By Ala. Copeland for eetabllehivg ;rade of alley In blocks ]2 and U. Fairview gsdge o(' a toyg Ind block a,f ootiiav e`i Reary . Ssibefor ee[81 at In addition; by Ald. Cope - g grade of alleys, block. OF THE CITY OF SA] 17 and 21, O.kvlle Park addition; by Aid. Copeland, for establishing grade of alley, block 1. Brookside eA.M... I have the bonor to report that the Said resolutions are drawn in compliance with the provisious of the said law, and other laws relating to the Same subject. Re.peclfully, D- W. Lww Corporation Attorney. April I5. 1891. Accepted sort placed on file. Also, improvements—Gtades— To the 10 orable the Common Cooed, of the City of SL Paul. Gentlemen: At s meeting of lite Common Council vorabllehrep April and fin l orders and pr the file. ports n pro weresnid Board a motion p. b,nborn, d, o If Ald. Sanborn, wets referred to [Corpora- tion Attorney for a written Pinion ae to wh [her or not said repo," and rders and prollies were in accordance with the pro- iSlone of (louse File No. 722. approved March 21, I1191, said report to be made nt the nezt meeting of the Council, to Wit: Dooley avenue grading from Gordon avenue to county road• except sbelh of block D. SL Anthony Park North: Carter avenue grading from county road to Eustis street; Tatum 'van us, from Minnehaha street to Chelton avenue. I have the honor to report that said favor- inle ac epororrdan end finawith lute provisiers andons ofsn d law and other laws relating to the same .ob- ject Respectfully, Dwx, W. Lwwt.ca, Corporation Attorney. April W. 18 1. cepced and placed on Ace. s sour or sown. ov uler.t woaxe. East Fourth Street Paving— To ti., Common Council of the City of SL Ir ant, a r your nuupuuu, yy sire ve to make the lm r vement if ou de p o Yeas 4, nays 0. R. L. Gonnwx. President. J. T. Kenxca, Clerk Board of Puhllc Work.. A 011 21, 1891. Ad ptad. (See order t Board of Public Works.) NT PAUL, FOR 1891. 83 Also, Tatum Avenue Grading— To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: The Board of Public Works have had under consideration the resolution or order of the Common Council, approved Feb. 1P, 1891. rel- tive to the Brading of Tatum avenue, from Mlunehalm tree[ to Gheltoh avenue. and having investigated the proposed improve. sit' re tPa 2ll' arepora that snid r -_- estimated ihereoa. frfee8:40,that oue- half of which need not be paid into the city treasury before the Contract 1s let: .at real estate to be assessed therefor c uu be found beneflwd to the tent of the stat na ez- 88 necessary nto beincurred therehS;lhat If asde tori ty of thesownere ofr D) s t=`toi be d pro ,er ) therefor, oandfl a koro era ewith Sean a alaoaud profile [ aid n, nt and order for your adoption, Pf` you desire - us to`make the lmprovemeut. Teas J. usys 0. Clerk L. CO.—, Preside"t. J.T. Kr4, 189 Clerk Boark of Public Works. March d. ISlil. Adopted. (Nee order to Board of Public Works.) Also, Ellis Street Grading— To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: The Board of Public Works have had under consideration the resolution or order of the Common Council, pproved March 18, 1891, relative to the grading of Ellis street, from Territorial road to Henley avenue, and, hav- ing Investigated the proposed lnprovement re oectfvlly report that said lmprovrnent Is ss ry and proper: [het the estimated ox pens' thereof is ffi�, 180, cue half of hich ed not be ps.ld into the city treasury before the contract 1a let: that real e.tat to bes- seas d therefor can be found benefited to the ten[ of the cost and exponses necessary to be Incurred thereby] that said isiptli ement he, ...Brea thereto[, arta we nerewttu se plan apd r file of Said lmprovemeut mud tan orsh,ro make Wer y-mour s e,'l t, if you desire us Teas 4, .nye ,r R. L. Gonxwx. President. J. T. K.axamCIerk Board of Public Works. Appri121 1591. Adopttl. (See order t Board of Public Works.) Also, Dooley Avenue GredinR— To the Commou Council of the City of SL Paul: The Board of Public Works have had under consideration the reso�lution or ord�er f the Commorelativent Council the Risigp-ofaDuo]ey a%nuuee, from Langford si• to county road, and having unveeUgg ted - the proposed Improve - is s dpr; .r to lly reporpooley..... eefro`in Gordon ee enue go con ty road, Busep[ that Part o[ Bald avenue south of Block D, St. Au- thony Park North that the etimatd ez- pauee thereof is '¢',340, one-half of which thed not be paid Inthe city treasury before e contract is let; that al estate to be asse..ed therefor Own be found benefited 84 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL to the extent of the cost and ex ass n -ces Bary to be Incurred thereby: that Id Im Drove enc is no[ asked for by. De[ilion of r majory of the owners. of property t t bt ...e.aed therefore, but Is asked for by a pe ti tion of the actual resident ners rt a If street, between aatd Points. Aid we herewltt send a plan and profile of said Improvement. and nn order [or your adoption, if you desire us to make the improvement. Yeae i, cave o. R. L. GrtxAY, President. J. T. KE-B.Clerk Board of Public Work.. March :, 1891. .adopted. (See order to Board of Public Works.) Also, Tall a Avenue sewer - To the Common Council of the City of 9[. The Board of Public Works have lmdunder the cohsideraC the resolution or order 1, the Common Couueil, approved March a r on elative to the construction of n Tall avenue, fr.. Delos elreet to Prospect Terrace. cud, having h-stumled the pro Bused mtprovemOR il'atpeftfUlly report that ie improvement is lie essury d proper, together with the uecessaty cvtchbaslus antl "holes: that the estimated expense there- of is $1,00,5, one -hal[ of whit I teed noI be paidinto the City treasury before the con- tract la let: that enl •state to be nsaeased therefor call be found blon,liled to the extent of the costa]] expense. neccesnrp to be III- c erred themby: flat said Improvement 1, not asked for by a petition of it nejority of the wuers of p pe ly' to be "' ceased therefor, O but at a herring Uefore said Bos re this day, a majority o[:be or perry owners Interested were In favor of salU illi pruvtmenL, Bud w herewith solid a plea Of " im lIlrovemeu[, and nn order fur your adoption, i(y'cu desire us on make toe improvement. Yeas. 4, unys 0. It. L. Go -AN, President. J. T. KF,naerIClerk Board of Public Works. Apfit 8. lieJl. Works jell. (See order to Board of Public Also, Carter A\'enne Grading- Tothe Common Council of use City of St. Paul: The Board of Public Works have hadu der Consideration the resolution u order off the C'om mon Cpunell, app Wved Nov. lip, 1,99, Intive to the grading of Carter avenue, and, having investigated the proposed improve- ment, Fee pectfully report that It is necessary and proper tograde Carter avenue from county road to Eustis street: that the esti "ted ezpense thereof 1. $3,:'X)0. nue-hilif of which need not be paid Into the city treas- t to before be assessed Lhereforcu• nbe found then- efited to the extent of the cost and a:pensee necessary to be incurred thereby; that enid improvement Is no[ asked for by. pe[IDon of . maJority of the owners. of {.rob 'per, to be ssessed therefor, but Is asked for by a peti- [icn of a majority of the owners of house. on the line of said improvement, and we here- with send a plan and profile of said Improve- ment, and an order for your adoptlou, If you desire ue to make the Improvement. Yeas 4, nave 0. B. L. Go...N, Preatden t. J. T. Kenazr'Clerk Board of Public Works. March 23, 1,91. , Wodopted. (See order to Board of Public rks.) Also, Langford Avenue Grading - To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: The Board of Public "-or-have had under nsideratton the Doad u Do. or order f the Common Council, approved July 2, ISW, rela. ifIc to the grading of Langford avenue be. tween Em smce street and the city limits, and, having investigated theproposed improve- ment, respectfully report Lh., said Improve - ent is nut nee-li yard proper at (file time fur the reason that a[ a homing before sola Board this day roue o[ the proper[y o era Interested were lu tarot of the proposed Im- provement. Yeas h, Daps 0. R. L Go..,,, PresideD' A T. Et:nkEra Clerk Board of Public Works. AP ril 17, 1,91. Aldrmnu of the wattle Also, Alley Grading, Block V. Onkenle Park Addi- tion- To the Common Council of the City of St. 1'nul : The Board of Public Works have had un. der consideration thes solution order of the Common Council'approyedr Nov. 19. I,K relative Wkhe grading fife alley 11, block 17, Oak vele Pnraddition. fromWalsh ave- nue to 44 eide street, and, having iurestigaLed the proposed Improvemen' respectfully re- port III at said Improremeut is not necessary and proper t this time. for the reason that a eJerily of the property owners Interested have protested agains[the proposed improve - meal. Yeas J, nay's 0. It. L. Go 1-1, President. J.T ;KERAER, Clerk Board of Public Works. A (117• ISDI. APde man of the ward. Also. Daly street Grading - To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul : The Board of Public Wores have had under consideration the resolution or order of the Common Council, approved June 18, 1890, relative to tee grading of Daly street between J@@Iterson avenue and Grace street, Rod, h.v. [ng hiecedgated the proposed Improvement, respectfully report that said Improvement is not necessary and proper at this time, for the reason that at a bearing before said Board this day a majority' of the property owner. present Interested were opposed to the pro- posed Yea. mu ys 0. R. L. Go A.,, President J.T. KERKEMCle rk Boan1 of Public Works. April 8, 1891. Alderman of the ward. Also, Sprinkling District No. 2 Contract - The Board reports that 1[ haswarded rhomas Reilly the !..tract for aprinkling In District No. 2 during season of ISJI, he being :he lowest reliable and responsible Dlddin hemfor: amount of bid, $I1.305g per weak ter 100 feet: $0. W per overhaul per week per W feet; bond in the ante of Sjoill, with e I. MFLeod and J. P. Gribbe. as curettes. A. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 85 . Also, Sprinkling District No. 3 Contract - The Board reports that it has awarded N lcholea Feyen thecontract for sprinkling In Distrle[ No. 3 during season of ISJ1, he betag the lowest reliable and responsible bidder therefor; ameunt of bid, $0.27 per week per 100 feet; $0.00 per overhaul per week per 100 feet: bond in the sum of 53,0110 with A. D. McLeod and Jacob hammer ae auretiea. Also, Spriuk l l ng Dlstrf et No. A Contr' Be The Hoard rei,orta that it hoe awarded Nichola. Fe)'en the contract for sprinkling iu Uis on. No.3 during enson re 160E he being the lowest rellBble 1 ee�r^Onslper I) ede pererefla)o feet if peib'idw aul per week per I. feet; bond rn the sa I of 51,000. with A. D. McLeod nod Jacob hammer ae sureti'.. Also. SPrinklla,C Dbdg,,L No. 5 Contract - The Board report. that it nae n •arded Nicholas Feyen the cot tract for sprinkling in District No. 5 during the ma.on Of ls`1 I1, he being the loves[ reliable tet res Iper bidder therefor: Rm tet of Dld. $O,?; 4x per week per 100 feet; $9.90 per overhaul Per wld t A. D. ICLeod andon feel; bond IIs Jt ..bttllnmfinerI.a. sureties, ail Also, Sprinkltog District NO. f, f'onlraet- The Board reports that it mss awarded Nicholas Fever the on tract for Idirinkling 1. DbOrict :4o. 6 during ease" of IS 1. he beinbidder (therefor; anion, o[ billeB$O.2G a per sea per too feet; $0.90 per ncermtul pot wweekith A Dl MCLeo: bund inJacobnDI Dam era, sureties, ap as AIsO. Sprinkling District No. 0 Contract - The Board report, that ft hasawarded Thomas Reilly the contract for apri nkll ng in sprinkling District NO. Il daring seas r of 1891. 6e being the fotyest reliable and - epon'ible bidder therefor amount of bid. $p0c.2, I,ekw Pak 111111 feet. IOn p file tas tmnuf 51,(N" Rp jit A. D. McLeod nod J. P. Gribben as .ore[lea. Also, Wooden Sidewalks Conlrnct- The DOard report, that It has ii-rded Ttrturtl�, lit +¢Iayhag lhcicun' xi ti.Itnct [c c0 h ,odea sidewalks as may be ordered leitilt, reond r repaired by they Common COattr.il from the 1st day of April, A. D. ISJI, to the 1st dn, of November. A. D. ls)1, they being the lowest reliable and responsible bidders therefor: amount of bill -comber, per UT feel, If. yl., $I3. KI: •xenvntton r mball e ' per cubic yard, $0.01: rela'Ing wooden walk, per lineal foo' $0.01: nrb.le masmtry laid in cem'nt mortar. per cubic yard, 5601; bond in file mum of 1 ,O(X). with Werre. H. Mend and Wm. It. Marshall as sureties Also. Cement Block Sidewalks Contt- The Board reports tharabt It has li-ded ,(ley B. Curtis the contract for the coustrue- tion, mInying and repaid.gof such cement block afdewrlk. ab may be ordered but IL r laid or repaired by the Common Council from the 1st day of April, A. D. 1891. to the let day of November, A. U. 180E he belug the lowest reliable slid responsible bidder therefor: am tll�gr If glirarc lfoot$1.19, etc., etc..fe)tc6elnl: Meter n�Id�7nllnlmti of5l$eler asith etrre[le,trd J. Also, Stone Sidewalks Contmet- The Board reports that it has awarded Lauer Bros. the contract for lhuceretotmcside- relaying n^i repsi ri ttg u t Iks ns cony De ordered built, relaid or re- phired by the Common Conseil from the lst day of April. A. D. 1891, t0 the 1st dnY of No- -ember, A. D. Is9L they being the lowest therefor: liable and 'Pons awed tour amount f bid, Bedford .Woe, a inches thick. per square foot, $0.31, etc., etc., Bc Irgeabo`r�tln the nnd Joseph H n of a ga suretiee.seph Each of the foregoing awards taken up aeparately Bud approved by the following "It" fens-Aid. Banholzer. Bielenberg, Bott, Conley. Copeland. Costello, Donner. Dornr- deu, FlnndORu, (ean, Melody, Mines., Sniff van, Ynu Slyke. Mr. President -15. Also Estlmntes- The Board transmits, approved by it, the following estimates, to wilet: Estimate NO. Il, suppmentary to No. 10 sad final. \I:n nehnha street extension ape: tem of .ewers., 11CMulle. & Morrie, $5W Estimate No. 4. supplementary to No. 5 and final S[. Anthony' arena' sewer, W. J. Pres- ton$'='i: F.Itfmnte No. 4, supplementary u pplemeu mry to No., :M1 and titlnl, George street sewer •th'It(filo to , ion, 15� in.Nfinal, 111,rleri RICO-nws), Stockton Lindquist, $'lei. Committee on Claims. REPORT OF BOARD OF COYT.OL. Report for Mnrch, IMI - Tile Board Of c-trol submits lis report fpr 3,a I, h. ISJI-Total expenditures, $a,- W.13. Committee on Ordinances and Public Ac count.. REPORT OF BOARD OF FIRS coxxisso Yens. Ilorsos Condemned - The Board of Fire Commissioners reports three horses unfit for service and asks nu thority to sell mine. C'Omm IIWe Ou Fire Demirhment xmalONERN. Su1terinlendentrof 1'+ark. Appolnted- The board o[ ('ark Commieslonor. reports that it ns.. appointed JD.. D. Eetabrook Superintendent of Parks [or the period of two month. filum and after April L 1891, at $150 per month. Said P, and and eaid compensation ¢pleas -,ltd. Bashoizer, Bielenbergr Bolt, Conley, Costello. Dobner, Dornideu, Flan- dmu. Geba,I, Melody, Mines, Sullivan. Vs. MAid t Colieland; 1. r V 88 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL REPORTS OF .TANDIN. c...ITTEE.. Of Committee on Claims—C. C. Sharp Claim—Clerical Services Rendered Ran sev County Deleratlon. Etc.—$216.50— CDmmittee recommends that said claim b referred to Board of County Commissioueri Adopted Also, McMahon's Claim -15;00 Damages—Fallin Into Coal hole oil Fifth Street— Committee recommends that said claim b referred to Corporation Attorney and CR: Engineer, Adopted. Also, Claim of A. Al. Lawton, Administrator m Estate of Nein P. Ln en-6Io,0(X —Deatb of Larsen on Soutn Robert Street— Committee recommends that said claim be referred to C-pora:lou Attorney eud C1ly Engineer. Adapted. Also, Claim of C. C. Berkman Bud Sots-542—Scrv- Icex for Dent rtment of Ilealth— Committee recOmmeods that said claim be referred to Commissioner of Health. Adopted. Also, QVorge H. Hazzard'" Supplemental Clalm— (S'omurL.i[teert m kesnall adverse report. Adopted. Also, Petition of Catherine Daly Asking the That She Be Allowed to Pay Without Inlemat Assessment for Grading Deeh Dt m.t the Comm;[lee recommends that prayer of said petition be granted. Corporation Attorney. A lao, Pert tion of Oaken Ames for Abu n don in en of Proceediu" for Opeuing a d Ea[ec citing Prosoerlty Avenue, m,d Asking $1,00(1 In Com mltteerecomA .Ida hat said Ames be force e demnatlon of[ his land be abaudo ed. had (see Ordlnan(•e No. 149_2.) Committee oe,on Streets. Sewers find Bridges —PvHtiOn of SL Louis. St. Paul and Minne- n to consjtr ctt•Ord maiCluntain sefor tone. co uect- iOg with southerly track St him ('hienqo Miuneepolls ' Omaha Ra,lrond ata Dolllt eat line of Jackson street, etc.— . Committee makes a favorable report and submits ordinance. Adopted. (See Ordinance No. 1489). Of Committee on Ordinances and Public Ac. commirt eep'Is examined and found c r. r et report of hh Board of COutrol for March, 1891. Adopted. .......... 0"" Ordimmem— Ali onL Louis' St ,ntimm Paul & Minneapolis w -s mailtP Packet ldmC m[- pauy to lay spur track. Rules suspended on motion of AldGahan, yeas 15, and ordinance read second time and passed. ordinancedi%astread permitting mu Anting F. Al. Grant to erect frame barn. Rules suspended on motion of Aid. Dobner, Tens lir, and ordinance mad se_ond time and Passed. (See Ordinance No. 1490.) do ordinance was read mending Ordi- nce No. 871-1 1 cense fur Intoxicating liquors, etc. itules suspended on motion of AidGehan, yeasIn, and ordinance read second time and passed. (gee Ordinance No. 1491.) An ordinance was read—$52,3.15 for Oaken Ames. holes suspended on motion of Aid. Mtoea yeas I5, and ordinance read second time and passed. (See Ordinance No. Mr.'.I An ordivanee as end authorizing Lane E. Stone to erect brick -veneered wait. Rules suspended on motion of Ald. Gehad as 15, and ovRoso a read aselm dme and passed. (See Ordinance No. 1498.) AD ordinance was readrermi[ting Jacob L7[[ to open door from lobtiy of Grand Opera House to adjoining atom room Rules suTe ded on motion of AidGehan, as 15, and ordinance read second time add passed. (Sec Ordi.... a No. 1494.) An ordinance was read granting American Aleuufaclu""a Comm, ny p Ivll ego of areet- mg huild(ng on Sixth R'ard levee, Rules suspended an motion of Ald.3felady, Yens 1.5, and ordluace read second time and passed. An ordinance was read providing for modi ficationf contract—Timothy Sweeney— Lal gford park grading. Aid. Dornideu moved suspension of the rules. Said motion IoaL ]Yeas—Ald. Banholzer. Blelen.erg, Butt, Conley, DM -or, Dorniden, Gehan-7. Melody .linepIlivv, Vian SI,ke.... ta. Pre.identa, - 1. u Ald. Sullivanmoved the Indefinite post- ponement of amid ordinance. Aid. Aliima " d e ,Dime,[ to, Ald. Sullivn... 1d motion that the di- n e, be referred to Committee on Sn"'.. Aid Al i ties', said amendment adopted, ..itAid. Sulllt an'a said motion, ea ams ded by Aid. Mlea adopted. An ordinance was read d1oR Ordi- mince No. 61—Runners and Yuhllc Yorlera— andrepealing Ordinance No. 1135—hotel Committee on Streets By Aid. Flan drau— Resolutlonapproprmting 8" -AO for Improv- ing Point of View park. donated by Joon J. Watson. Committee on Parks and Corporation At- torney. By Committee on Claims-- B solution permitting Airs. Cather;as Daly c Pay without Interest the essessmut for ding Dearborn atmeL C- p.rallon Attorney. 3y Aid. Bnnholxer— Resolution favor Board of Control for {1,760.04. Adopted. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 87 authorizing the Mayor to -P- man to act as poundmaster for rveuth wards. �oMeers ask permission to Tice supplies named in their lications: His Honor the Treasurer, the City Engineer, Attorney, the City Clerk, he theClerk of a of k of Al unicipaloCo rt. public ]-ens—Ald. Banholzer, Bielenberg, Botta Conley,aCopeland. Costello, Dobner. Dorni- den, F'lndmu. Gehan. Ale)ady, \linea. Sulli- van, Van Slyke; Air. President -15. The matter Ir amchhe center line ofe of grade tArk- Mary- u l _treat to r `d street 6lree[ la the sonth line of Rose ed at advertised ..be heard on for hearnug considered at this time, ede The President n trounced tin[ objectlone, if a ,to said proposed change of grade cult; be Heard. w. one appearing m abject [o said pro- posed change, a msO%tlod for Bald change wassadopted. (See resulutbil The Pmetden[. called \'ice President Miucn to the chair during the rending of ordinances. Ordfuancea. Oun, Asre No. 1459. APauliniluce and Atimteapolle aPacket CompanThe St. y to lay. spin, track. Common ommon Council of the City Of St. Paul ,to ordso i 15follows: Sect lm, I. That Dermisston and av Omrily is bereby' glue, end granted to the St. Louis, St. Taut and . Innen➢cite Pin kat Company to lay, use and operate n spur track connect - lug with the,ou[herly track of the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha railroad at gt A ihencerrthe west lin ofesslerlJackson streee hoose o[ ilia tSLtLuuf a, SL Paulin id Al lone, polls Packet C md,.b y. Provided, however. that 11 railway companies be permitted , by said Docket company yu'I [arms to travel on said spur [rack. Said track shall be laid, planked and re blanked, ane kept in such condition as Mull, from time to time be ordered and directed by; the City Engineer off e id city, apeer and to hiso shall be laid under direction o the Cit;' Enginsetlsfaction. See. 2. Tae Common Co.,, cit reserves the right to repeal his ordinance dad direct the removal of said track at any, time. Sec. 3. This rdivance hall take effect and be in force from and after Its Dublieatlon. Yeas—Aid. Ban holzer, Bielenberg. Botr, Conley. Copeland, Costello, Callen. Dobner, Devoiden, Flandran, Gebmn, Slo nd, Sul- ]1v.it. ]'s l Slyke, Atr. \'Ice Preside tit -15. PmseApr,. Jns. Mxa EA, ]'lee Pres, deal of Council. ApprovedJ 1. O. O. Ct'LLaN. Acting Mayor. Attest: Taos. A. Pn 1-D"oAST, City Clerk. April 27. ORDINANCE No. 1490 Anban ordinance prmitting F. Al. Grant toelect The Common C'oudc4l of the City of St. Paul do ordain es follows: Section 1.' That permission be and the same Is hereby given and granted to F. Al. Grant to erect a frame Baru upon lots one end two in marrangemeut of blue. one in the Ilam,ine SyndieRte Addition Number One upon his obtaining he proper permit therefor. Sec. ? This ordinance shall be I. force from end after its passage and publication. Ymi —Ald. Banholzer. Bielenberg, Bott, Conley, Cotwlaod, Costello, Cullen, Dobner, Dorniden, F mndrau. Gehnn. Melody, Sulli- van, VanSlyke, Air. Vice President -15. Passed April _l. ISM los. MINEA, Vice President of Council. Approved April :.. IS91. O. O. CULLEN, Acting Mayor. Attest: Tilos. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk, April 27. - ORDINANCE M. 1491. An ordinance h amend ordinance No, 874 of the C'fty of 5t. Pxui, entitled "Aa ordt... ce to license and regolstetbes I leofiu icst- ing lienors, nA to spent certaiurdi- gulating the e, apinsived Jauc4, 1688, and to prescribe x punushment for violations of the provisions thereof. The Common Connell of the City of St. Paul do to Section 1. Tit at seethill 6 of Ordinance No. 874 of the City of St. Paul, entitled, 'An ordinance to license and regulate the sale of intoxicating Ii nq tars and to repeat certain ordinances regulantlug the same," approved Jan. 4, lilgit be nd the me is hereby mendedl by striking oat the words. 'he "balon convieuon thereof be punished e provided by the statute laws of the state in nth case m de and provided," which np- sears ll the 4th, nth and 61h line. of said etf0, 4 add inserting In lien thereof h o ofnhe nods -'such person or peraone l o victim thereof be pool.hed Dp a fine i t c - eeding $100, o by imprisonment fol a period dot exceeding ninety ('JO) days." nd be iii forcThle from gond of Ler ItkpublEcBC tionIcv . Bf elenber Bp[ Y s—Aid``. D b l,, r, g. t. 'Doruldei o F'Iandrwao Goh... Alelad,. Stihl Van Slyke Air. Vice Prealdeut l.i v Passed Apnl LL 1601. Joe. AItNEA, Vice Prealdeut of Council. Approved Apnl _J, 1X61. O. O. CULLER, Acting MBSOC. Attest: Taos. A. PRsnn...AsT, City Clerk. April 27. Oapu sA No. 1492. An ordinance appropriating money for and dl recti Rv the udred tion Otwinily eight the fi[n'e t o❑ne hundredths dollars 1 s an[ to sport or he C'cmmlttea on Cla'me. u The Common Connell of the City of St. Panl do ordain as follows: Section 1. That an order be drawn upon the City Treasury of St. Pan, I I favor of twkrl Ames f nty eightand fifteen one 1,undror the ffive htedth dodrad l- 88 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL lays. payable out of the general fund in toll pe....... for nad sail sfac[lon of hie claim and demand against the Clq' of f!.Phii for expenses incurred in perfecting end con- nor[nwest quarter f section r, town ;x9, mage :2 1. St. Pani, MiunesotR, as by the re- port of the C'omm.f ter rsn Claims to the he mon Council of date the 21st day c f April, A, D. 1991, will more full .appear: said .Mer [o be delivered my his till.', with the City Comptroller full and absolute receipts demantl snd.In salso. net. amt of fiBned fell im and s and releases of e11 claims .,,it (iem.ude against the city u [der the JIT" ment de s ibod In [he petit felt of s Ames. If also filing proper discharges of said judg-' men[. Sec.2.This ordinance shall take fleet and be in force from and nrter Its publics !ton Tees-Ald. Banholzer, Bielenberg. Doonlevt[. don. en PlSmu, Ge au, Meladya M.nen S ulli- van. Van S;Yke. Mr. preside I- 15. passed April2l, Inn 0 o C...' ..., President of Couvcu. APProied April.', J_!Il. Alfr, O I) Col.La. acting Mayor. AAril _i. t '1'nos A. Pna�or noA+T, City Clerk. - O it Ui.A.ce. No. 141M. An u thorizing Lane K. Slone to tart 1inLl brtek-veneered 'wail on the land ,ereimifter described. The C OR1111 oCllow of the City of St. Yaul a do crinin as follows: Section I. That permission and authority I In granted m r. erect bricktencered wane for nh uUtdit(o nota the building situate nn the middle one-third he lor. ts I nud 2, block 2.i [ f St. 1'nl ifed o hefehtyand to the ifi ftycfe t In 1e11got on file outh erry side of said ad, ell fit nail lwmilc f lir feet ami length n the rear evd o[ said ad- dition. All of xnid Werk to De done raider the S1 iDerrisipn of m f o directed by the RUB.'a Inspector of wad mty, upov ob mini'" a I,erls therefor. Sec. 2. 1tor u d.nanee after take effect and be iu tore. Crom aria after its pubticS- tion. Cm11e,. ('„Is"itud- ht'oste ll('. 1) bbmr Dolroiii� Sen. Fbinden, Cellan. Me lady'. Menet, S11 -l. Van Van Slyke. M,. Yresiden(-Li. Passed April 2l. 1N91. o. O. CULLax. President of Council. Approved April ?!. Pool. t: Tana: A: Tnr ue�<aAaziCl[y ('lark. Attex April Oun-1, k No. Bliq. Anordinance getting the »light to Jacob Lott [o open n door front the lobby of the Grand Opera Plait Cum mu(louse to the tore room nd- C.. T u Con of the Clay of St. Paul do ordain ns full.'_: Section 1. 1'ermisSion Is hereby eentrd uD[o Jacob Lit[. owner of ,Is Grand OPee Rouse lu said (•Ity, located amt and oo 1Ot57, 5 and sof the original plat of said fly. at the corner of St. Peter and Sixth streets, to and maiumtn a door three feetand six Inches n •' nth, leadIII,g from the mein foyer of id the. o[ oint twentve feet from the main entrance thereof, and Ieadir. into a store room a[ the left side of Said mato to' trance, said store room hnviog but one other apening. slid that communfentlng with Sixth ,treat: Provided, however, that said Litt ch first -foamed d or to berfooprem ed ae anaeai t, and heel Protect the samewithidsp of frac doors, al [o be erecmtl trader [he Inspection fladnp- 1 vel of the BafidI if Inspector of said city, Sec._. Th le ordI are. shall be In torn. and ffect from ad after Its Passage and PuIll ica- rassetl April 21, 1691. u. O. CULLeN, President of Councll. Approved April''', IS9I. O. O. (' .!'Lex, Actin Mayor. Tuns. A. Push DsnoAST, Clty Clerk. April 2i, xe,.pmup.r.. By eboad- oAldived, esThn'the grades of the alleys In blocks 17 L d L(takv.11e Park adition. as -ndlcnted by the red lines on the accompauy- ine profiles. I'd ns recommended by the Cityy lin Klneer, be adopted as the es[sblished grades thereof. Tens -Aid. Banholzer, Bielenberg, Bolt. de t�l Flxudexun Gchxu , Milady, Mine.,DSulli- \ president -15. n, Vnn Slyke, Mr. Approved APrll .°, Is91. _ Bc Aid. Copeland-- block Il, eN-nin'lety "dle eli glad, SIPS, In the alley it, block L", Fal refs' a IdiR ptle of indicated by the ed grade Ilites o 1 the eC- nrin • , nded bathe Cjfy Eligineeq bed adopted nI the es Lny"s- (ad Bnnlmlzerlle Bielenberg, RotL Cutilev, C'opclnntl. Cos[eno, Donner, Dornf- den, lkndrau, Getynu, Meladr, lfI. st Sulli. Slvke. \I r. YreSldeni-1.5. t n4 ppro,a•� Ayrril __. IN9l. By' of Rou- Iiesolved,'&, the grade of the alley In brook :i of Gotziail'I rearrangem silt of Sigel'. addition, as ludic' ted on the accom pnuying Protlle, slid IS recommenden h)' the city En- eineer, be adopted ss the osirt-Blhed grade hereof. ('on v, Copal dh(natall0 1Dlobuer.g Dorn' den, Flnndrsq Gehun, Malady, buer. Sulll- ran. 4'no Slyke. Mr.. I'm,! le -15. Approved April _2, 1x91. By Aid. Cepelaud- Besolved, That the grade of thadditione aIle In ek 1, Brooked Him onside m necopanyiug pro leo heand etc OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 89 recommended by the City Engineer, be adopted as the established grade thereof. Peas -Aid. Banholzer, Btelenoerg, Bott. Conleyy Copeinnd. Cosmllo, Dobuer, Dornf- den, Flandrau, Gahan, Melody, Mtuea, Sulll- van, Van Slyke, it P resldenl-15. Approved April ''r, 1891. By AId. Van Slyge- Resolved. That [Ile City Engineer be and he is hutchyy directed [o tutee the water turned o the drinking fonntalve now to cared in the streets of this city, the cost f the water for this season to be paid from the general fund. Yeas Ald.: Banholzer, Bielenberg, Bott. Coulee. Copelavd, Costello, Callen, Dobuer, ll orviilev. Flandreu. Gehfln. \lemdy, bulli van, Vau 91yke. Mr. Vice rre ldcc[ 15. Approved April'''. ISUL By Aid. IIIelrnberK- h Cit Engineer be and That t e 'Resolved, 3 R he is hereby di reefed to t make n aitch i t the proper place byy which et drain the district ly,ng between between street and Farrington ave - and i !ween large a streamed south biros' which is to a large extent overdowed by water. Yens Aid Aanholze r. DielsIell, b' Conley-, t,pneland Costello, t'nden, Uobner, Doruiden. P'Inndrxo, t;ehan, \i stoic. Sullt- 4"an slyke. Mr. Vice Yresmeu t-13. r AP Proved April'. LI). By 1,ld. Van Sl,ke- tiesolved, That the Chief of Police cause all obstructions instreet et at, Al 1St avenue be- tween Jackson street Sud Ash street to he re- moved. Yeas-Ald. Banholze, Bielenberg, Boll. Conley, Cup eland. Coslollo, Cullen, Donner, Doruiden, Finndrnu. Gehsn, yleLtdy, Sulll- ran, Cao Slyke.'N r. ce Presidmrt-15. Approved APrll 2'?, 1591. By Aid Gehan ReSulved, That the right and permission ie Cnmmou Connell n hereby grunted to the Northwcsleru Tele 'Lis[ day of A oil, h phone Exchange Company. ilssaccessors lid P eslgns, to con Street, main min and operate amt the Council Char. conduits or subyv¢ps, with aces. ry man- er such proposed el holes and service popes, sufficient for the 4C herens, At the pwurpose of conducting ,it [isiributing its noted for such pro Tres upon still through the following streets, ttie Common ('nun( to wit; On Fifth street, from Cedar Street to s n inturcSted. an Fort sireeL All of said work of constructing that the same is lie( sold cunduits to be under the upervision Therefore. Be u and sublect to the ppprucal of the City of Arkwright street Engineer, ria in conformity with the qtr - Maryland scree[ to visions of ordinance No. 1-hA, 1 i ssed Peb. Street, be nud the Ss 1� IS99, unproved Feb. 19, 1N99, Slid publ.Shed enrdnncI with th y [he an ,,,,d profile Fell. 21, 1s.x. !erred in I. all the Yor ld. Banholzer, Bielenberg. "Roti, I Conley. (.opehwU, ('orlon. Dobuer, Dornfden, to said change: xnc Flandrnu, Gahan. Melody, Sullivan, Van Resolved. That t Slyke, Mr. \'Ice Presiders t -ll. Nays -Aid. Costerllo-I. 'Pon.,Sol April .2, 1S'Jl. Dornfden, Flar dram, Gomm, Melad�• Sullf- u, Van Il-ke Mr. Vice Preddeut-15. \ Approved Atjrll'22, 1901. B}• A Id. Mines R. I fl clw , That the Boned of Puhlie Work.s cause flight of wooden steps be con- air,,,rest near the South end ted on Wood street f the bridge over the Chicago, o. JPaul k Kansas expense to ex- ceed $100, and to be Railway, f thegeuera favi. Peas-Ald. Banholzer, Bielenberg, Do[[, Cooley, Copeland. Costello. Cullen, Uobeer, Dornfden, Flandrau, Gahan, Melady, Sulli- van, Van Slyke, Mr. Vice President -15. Approved April '1, 1891. Whereas, The Common Council of the City PfSt. Paul heremfore ordered the Board of Public Works to report whether a change of grade on Arkwright street, from a point Geranium and Rose about 11 -wit, between [reefs a rade and avenue, , o der to 're- duce elecatc duce the geode ra said street So t cars eau be operated [hereon, 1n said c.tv. n eho n by u red Itt,e arprofi Te avoex ed to 1 order, recess y n d proper, slid whether real estate t b0 it1 for Said im me." could be ova found bell, ,p•d to the e t amt of damages - t be P_ c[ n by. said improvement, t \\f he re". In a..orvance with` id order, the hoard of Public Work- did nuke a report to the. (-norm council of date Feb. :..i. INTI, `o mCtldlitC R change of gede n Ark- Crighl street. from the center Ilnc of Mary- land treat to the South line of Bose Sire t. slid that tentofproperty could be found be to the extent of damages. Corte and expenses necessary to be incurred fu making said change of grade ns aforesaid; nna tC harass, o e Common C'minc.l of said city, on the :1d day of March, IS91, adopted said report Ind ordered the ('it, Clerk to give the Notice requicev by IRw; and Nhereal. The C'it,Clcrk gate otlee i I the .distal nnDer df said Icyy', for three en[ asks, twice In ac' week, that the said coq' 'cold, un the IL amt 7:11 .',look p. m her. to said city. consid- inge of gede; and line and place last derdr- osed hone of nide. 1, after hea�iiie all per - being f [he opimm� Essar' Sri .solved, that the grade from the center line of he South line of Rose lie is hereby changed in red line as sit wo on being the s lie as e- oceedineS had in regard be It further Is order and the profile .presetting said .nage of grade be re- ferred to the Board o[ Public Works. and that soldBoard shall proceed without decoy to asses, the they can ascertain �the s wmae,lwhich shallrequi, be Does'. of ofl.,tell the dam eut�tBronuSts the real estate to be bene,tctt'by said In:provrmenI as Provided by law; it bell the "lot, of the Common CnunC,l!hat eel 'State to be eseseed for each treprovemm I can be found benefited to the extent of the damage-, costs By AW. Sulliveu- Resolved. "' the mon Council, That Permission he dVeriComto J. 11. Foster to plane telegraph pole on Laura avenue to front of his i-ftlene, for his personal convenience. Yeas -A m. Banholzer. Bielenberg, Imtt, Conley', Copeland, Costello, Cullen, Delmer, 90 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL and expenses necessary to be incurred thereby. Sens—A:d. Banholzer. Blelenberg. Butt, Co Copeland, Costello, Cullen, Dolma[, Dorufden, Flandmu, Gehan, Meledc. Sullf- I... Pali Slyke. M,. Vice President—I5. Approved Aoll ^ Mill. _ By Aid. Bleleuberg— I[ is hereby orderetl by the Common C'ouncii of the City ot,St. Paul: That the matter of grading an alley' in block twelve (L) of Smi[h's lnubdlvislou f Stiu- son's division, between C'herle-nd Edmund, from (Cent ro Dale street., at, per ped tion b ew utmebed, be and the sa ale hereby referred to the Board of Public Worka [o y vestigate and report' First Is this improvement Droner and neoesenr3* Giv theeez lliicnse thereof, aupiictate n •hether o re[ half of the cost thereof is to be paid f oto the city treasury before the contract is let Third—Cun rent estate to be xnsessed far said fm arocemeu[ be found benefited to the extent f damages, osis and expenses necessary to be [ucurred thereby. Fourth—Is such improvement a ked for upon the petition or aPplfeatfon o[ the own- ers of a majority oL the property [o be ea sassed for such im rrrrovem=_nt. Fifth—Send theCouucfl a plan or profile of said improvement, as Mau red by law, if you report In favor of the same. Sixth -,Send the Council a proper order dl- t Sul- Sul- BY By Aid. Coa[elln-- I[ is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the Ci[v of St. Paul. That the matter of condemning lots one and two of block eight o: Rice nil Irvine's addition to the CID' of St. Pau] for pubeferre to lic he Board of Pubark -lot ilei li'ork. to investigate and report: First Is this improvement proper find n ece.eary3Y the expeittse there fraud Eli late Al all'theronet but of the cos[ thereof is to lie Paid info the city treasury before the contract is let. Third—Can real ea safe improvement be m[foe it. [odbenefit¢d the B oe a esCd for extent of damages, costs and expenses use - Basely to be Incurred thereby. Fourth—Is such Imp vemeh[ asked for .toenehmn)oirity thin of atwellcation of the own- seesed for suco Improvement party to be as. Fifth —Send the Colin cit a pinu r Drod of said Im provemeuts ns [aqui red b - law, 1f Is you report in favor of the samw . recung IhThework m be done. proper order di- Teas—Aid. Banholzer. Blelenberg, Batt, Conley, Copeland, Costello. Cullen, Dobaer, Dorniden, Fixndmu. Gehan, yfelady. Sully r- Va. Slyke, Mr. \ me F'resideu[-15. Approved April L, 1991, Sanborn— It 1 hereby'ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: That the matter of grading Terrace lane be. and the same is hereby referred to the Board of Public Works to Investigate and report: Firal—le this improvement proper and necessary'. Secon]—Give the Council an estimate of the ex ease thereof, slid state whether obe- half of the cost thereof is to be paid into the t•IT Ireasury before the contract Is let. Thl d—Cun real estate to be asocoaed for said improvement be found beneli ted to the extent lit damages, costs and expenses nec- essary [o be Incurred thereby!' Fourth—Isuch improvement asked for upon the pet, don or application of the own- ers of majority of the property to be as- sessed for such lot M ement? N fth Send the Council a plan or profile of 6aid improvement as required by law, if you report in favor of the same. Sixth—Sead the Council a proper order directing the work to be done. Peas—Ald. Banholzer, Blelenberg. Bolt, vao, van Slake, Mr. Vice i Approved April 1891. BY Ald. Copelnnd— I[ is hereby ordered by the Common Council ( the City of St. Paul: That the mutter of InviuR eight-foo[ide- walk on both sides of I -aeon street, from S urr street to Forest street. except where si`mee la herebk has y referred flu the Board be ofdPube lie Works to investigate and repo[[: 's Floot— is the improvement proper and nec- Second—Gine lite Council an estimate of thB ex tense thereof, and state whether o e- h.lf o� the cost thereof is to be Tadd into the cit} treasury- before the cantrne[ Is le[. Thi"`—Cn n rent estate to be nall ssed for sold i mprocemeu[ be found 1m nefited to the c.pen extent of damages, a>sts i id expenses nec- essary tobe inutr Fourth led lherehy? —Is such improvement asked for upon the (petition or npplicntfou of the own - of a)orih' of the property [o be as- sessed Cor sorb linProvemen[f Fifth Send the Council a plan or profile of said Improvement, as required by law, if you report is favor of the same. Sfath—Send the CounMl n proper order directing the work roe dune. ('miler Copal d. Da l,h CloatellB 6-N"nerr Doral den, F'lxndrnn, Gehan. Melady, Mine., Suili- vml, I -au Slyke, Mr. President -15. Approved April "'>, 1991. By Aid. Copeland— It f.hereby ordered by the Common Council ! the City o! SI. PauThe, the l: fltl and estendfug Sime street tir Of fromnRFoe.tustreet to furred to the Board of Publstreet be. Rod the ic Works to /�ves- tigate and rep r[: First—Ie [his improvement proper and ne,c. arv. Branthe raped e t eveof. Council n estimate of holt of the cost ihereoCid fa [o he Quid into [he shy tre¢sur3' before the Coal .at 1s let. Third—Can real state to be assessed for oxen[ prove lent be found benefited to the s rY to be inc urges red [hereno expenses uecea- OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1691. 91 Fourth—Is such improvement asked for upon the petition or application of the own- ers pf majority of the Property to be as- sessed for such improvement! Fifth—Send the Council a plan or profile of said fmpprovement, as required by law, if you report In favor of the same. you Send the Council a proper order dirredog the workto be done. fees—Aldi Banholzer, Blelenberg. Boll. Cooler, Copeland, (:ostello. Cullen, Uobner, Dorms eu, Fmudrau. Gehan, Melady, Sull[- n, Van Slyke, mr. -Ice President --Li. vnA pproted April t_, 1891. By Aid. Copeland Ii is hereby' ordered by the Common Council of the (,Ity of S[. Paul: That the matter f IaymR (a) sf -foot wooden sidewalk an the north aide o[ Jenks street, between Arkwright street and AleNlen- emy, accompanied by peri[ fun. be slid the me is hereby referred to the Board of Pub lie [Forks to investigate and report: First—Is this improvement proper and nee- c..nry. Second—Give the Council au estimate of the ea ease thereof, and elate whether one- liIt. the coat thereof is to be paid into the circ treasury before he contract Is let. Third—Can real estate to be assessed for and improyemeu[ be found benefited to the extent of damages, costs and expenses rise essary[o be incurred thereby? Four ou th—Is such improvement asked for upon the volition or applicu[loo of the own. of n majority of the pro Pelta' to be as- sessed for such mm Pro"'reu I. Filth—Send the Connell a Plan profile of eafdlmprovemenf,,s required by law, if You report la favor of the same. Sixth—Send the Council it proper order di- b work to be done. recon t c g Ye _At Dauholzer. . Cullea, I Bolt, Uobner, Costello, , e i Cooley Copeland. \ Lida Sully Dormilen, Flaudrau, cehon, le van, Van Slyke, it Vice President -15. Appi Dred April :YL 1991. By Aid. Sullivan— it isherebrdered by the Common Council of the City 'if 'L Paul: That Elie bmtt�rof Inyfngasia-foot wooden sidewalk on the north Bide of Fairmount avenue. commencing So feet west of Dale street and extending to the con r of Dale 'treat (pati [Ion at[nched), be cad The a In herebv referred to the Board of rubric Works to luviastigate and report: First Is this improvement proper and nec- ee`ry (buid—GI a the Council an estimate o [he expenbe thereot, id stole whedter one! half of the cost the. eofls to be paid Into the city treasury before the contract is let. Third— call real estate to be ase. sed for said lm prove men' be found trone6[ed [o the extent of damages, costs and'sponse. neees > to he Inetrred tbereby. Fourth—Is uch imp ovement asked for upon [he'imttan or file p on of toe e as - as T a ci Ili of the properly to be as- sessed for inch Improvement. Fifth Send the Council a plan or profile of sant improvement.required by law, 1( you report in t f¢vor of the acme. Bizut—Send the Council a proper order df- Dorniden, Flandrau, Gabon, Melady, Sulli- van, Van Slyke, bin Vice President -15. roved A Apppr118P, 1891. By Aid. Sullivan— It ie hereby ordered by the Common Council T the City of St. Paul: That Ice matter of constructing six-foot ooden sldewelk on west side of Dale street, between Fairmont and Goodrich avelluea (petition atmched) be and the same is here , by referred to the Board of Public Work. to , investigate cud report. First—le this improvement proper and use- "'or"' Seeund—Give the Council all estimate of the ..pines thereof, and Built, whether one- half a( the cost thereof is to be paid into the city treasury before the eontrac[ Is let. Third—Ona real esmte to be assessed for said improvement be [Quad benentedto[he ess[arytof to be recurred [herebycosts ? expenses use. Fourth—Is euc6 Improvement nskeo for upon the petition or application of the own - ars pf a mxjonty of the property to be as - sensed for such improvement° Fifth—Send the Council a plan or profile of said improvement, as required by law, If run 'Port in favor of the same. - Sixth—Send the Council a proper order di- recting W e rvork [o be done. Yea.—Ald. Baunolzer. BleleuberR. Boil. - C'onley. Copp Blood. Costello, Cullen. Dobner. Dormdep, F, -.dr 6ehaP, Melady, Sullt n, Van SIS'ke, Mt. Vice PrreBlden[ 15. - ,On April _I, 18oL By Ald. Sulliynn— �' I[ is hereby ordered by the Common Council _ of the City of St. Paul: That the matter of l Lynnhurst of newer on (alley it west,irom Lynn ito u 'cion 1'il L est one of lot [hC aIle • o y attached, be and Pars. Cit[. as per petition the some is hereby referred to the Bt:, of t .Public Works to Investigate and report: First—Ie this Improvement proper and nec- r ess.ry. 1 Second—Give the Counnn timate of 1 the .aiJrr se thereof, and state whether one- , halt o(the cost thereof is to be paid iuto the city treasury before the contract is let. i Third—Con real ..tate to Ue assessed for said no a_ be found beneficed to the ""'It of damages, costo and expenses neces- sary to be locurred thereby. Fou th—ia such Improvement asked for upon the petition or npplfca lion of the owners f n mejurffy o[ the pM 0 to be asseased for such Imp'eman[. Fifth Send the Council a plan or profile of such improvement an req ired oy aw, If you report In favor of the same. Sixth—Sead the Couneli a Proper order di- e [inR [he work to be dobe. Years—Aldi Banholzer, done, Bell, Conley, Copelau d, Costello, Cullen, Uobner, Uornidea. Marlton. Gehan,Melady, Still, van, Van Slyke. Mr. V ice President -15. Approved April - i8Of. By Aid. Copeland— It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City Of St Panl: Thai oa ldditithe o. Block No. 1.RbetwRileeenCouAt•C in '- rtgbt and Mellenemy streets, accompanied by petition. be and the same is hereby re - �j l #Jf 92 PROCEEDING6 OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 93 J ferred to the Hoard of Public Works to loves necessary CAP -r ant of Inch improvement [i ate and report. In the matter of the report o[ the Board of the city treasury, Payable out of the general ,.411 Fire{ -Ie thio tmpraveme�[ npou the real estate to be DeueB[ed by eafd proper and [mprovemeut Public N-orks demd April J. 1801. fund, as follows: in favor Adeltzn Fleming for the ' I k as provided by law: it being ry n Secoil -Give the the opinion of the Council that reel estate to I[ 1s hereby ordered by the Common Council of the CY[y of St. Paul: One of oC T6-"1.07, with interest from Nov. 25, { ' Council an estimate o[ be so. for such improvement can be the expense thereof, and state whether one Iaund Deuedted to Tba[ [De Board of Public. \t'ork f said yy Fleming ag Inst be Clty f the extent o[ tee coat and halt of the coat thereof Is to be paid Into the eaceuses necessary to be incurred City of St. Paul cause the follow! uR 1 P tonu[avnrfot bpaide ma%d f St. Paul for said 1 8=1.07, Nov. 25, 1 thereby, City' treasury before the Coutrflet ie ]e[. Peas Ald. Banholzer, Blelenberg, Batt• Third -eau meat to De made, to wit: Grade Hllis street, from 1'errltorial road to lleroey avenue, 1n 1800. t real estate [o be seated for I Conleyy. Copeinud, Costello, Dobner, Dorsi• said Improvement be found DeneH ted [o the deo. Flandrau, said city. One 1u favor of The St. Paul Foundry Com - 'htereet from ! i , II Gahan. alady, Mlpen, Sulli- extent of damages, ayxts autl expenses neves- I van, Vau Sivke, ]f r. Pooddem-15. That eafd Board cause said work to be let b law, w1[hou[ cue puny (or the slim of $14. with full a •meat of a ud meat NovNov. °& 1Rf10, pari j R - ar)} [o be t {curved [hares y° Approved April •_t, 1801. s Fbunh Is ovided DB• contract xe pr yu 6 If the esnmaced coat befog Hret paid Into rendered in favor of Id St. Paul Foundry II uch [ s tap ovement xted for uviol the pennon or appllcanon of the own- I the city treasury: and after said work shall De Cum Dfl10Y n ng (net the City of St. Paul for Nov. °,a, 1801. I of [o De as: placed Wer ntrnet, said Board eh all oro the amount. ns sold au f g14. One in favor o[ bf organ R. Nichols, admin a Y d I crhlYmprohement�er[y F fsh d [he Cou nclla card wi thuvt delay to asseae ,y1Y as then can ascertuiu the arm hlch istr,wr Of the estate f Leslie Nichols, de 1 1� plan or profl ie o[ J iw -o, in ne reqs t red by Inw, I[ }'ou ru the matter o[ be r port of Beard OC report to favor of the same. Public W'orka dated April Yl. 1901. he requl d to pay [he cox{ xn3 xry eaapenses o[ ch improvement poo the axe - for the vim If SW. with interest from Uec. 1. ltl•J0, In full payment f judgment NlChola, 'L Sixth -Send the Couneil a proper order I It Is hereby ordered by Ise Common Couneil dire.h.s ([he Ci[y of S4 Paul: e 1 estate to be benefited by said Improve- rent by law; it being the oplu- rendered in favor o[ said edm(v1s- trator of the state of Leslie Nichols, de- „ hhh the work to be done. That the Board of Public Works of said Y. -Al, Banholzer, Hlelen as Provided ton f he Council hat real estate to be as ei ed, and g Inst the City of St. Poul, for 9 berg, Bolt, Cooley.Co{p� •laud, Costello. Cullen, Dobner, CI[o o[ St. Paul cause the following im Prove eyed for auc❑ improvement rovemeu[ au be found s and a tic f $fA, lle 1 IP110 3n favor of the Chicago, Milwoltkee .4 �.. '. Doriddeu; Flandra u. Gehnn. lfelnd r. Suitt- me [ [o De made, to wit: Pave Bass Fuurtb Ge street, from Broadway benefited to the tent of the cunt sod ea bC incurred them by. One �[. Paul ltailwnY Com Pnny for the sum of �. Iyke. Mr.. President -15. to the n 'Ing under v Approved ADrll �:, the SL Paul R Northern 1'nc1Hc Aallr in pensee necessary tb ]-eaa-Aid. Banholzer, Utelen berg, Bol[, $Jl fM1, with interest from Dec. J, 1NW, 1n full 1x01. a said city, with cedar blocks surd curb Ith Conley, Coueland, Costello, ll.bner. D�1- Ge'meut of those [our min j ldgmeut8 Chicago, \[tlwau- �' ' '- granite. -- Thn[ said Aonrd pause bald work In be let den, Fla ndrsu, Gob- Itfehdy, ,(luau, Suljjp y n, Van Slyke, :11 r. Preadmit I5. Cared to favor of said kee A St. Pit" Railr'ay Com pang and ngainet bcontract, as providetl by law, without cue- Approved Apcll'L". IFJt the City f St Pnul foe the so m of $.1.10. llea 0, i # by,othe estimated cost being first paid into In them ler of the port o1 the Board of I the - $II. 75, $1i nud $i :{ respec[i)'ely, on 1MJ0. I cf [}' [renaur)C: and ager Bald •.vo k shall Pubilc {Burks d1md Aprn k, isnl be pin d under true[, I tl matter of the ort of the Board of - 1x91. One 1n f or [ Frederfek L. Bayard to[ i I[ is l,erebr ordered D}- the Common Council said Board shall f the , I," of St. Paul Proceed without delau W assess the amount. Pubilc{\{'orks doted \(arch It here, orde rid b -the Cont muu Council , num of $=:e.Si, with In [creat from Dec. shoe e That the Bon rd of Public Works of saidis rl) u Cheju n as'eny as ,which be is f the Cit u[ St Poul' 3e. 1eN!q, in full payment of x judgment ren d r d by the District Court of Itumsey u 3 wit[ re, iced to he is Ci[v of Sl. Paul C•ntise the tollowing Improve- the d aces ry expeusen I Th x[ they Board I Public Walks of said imppr - tY in favor o[ said Frederfek- L. Be rd and 1 i rico' to be made. to wit: Construe[ ane of such 1 provywen[ �t f!nII avenue. from np°n the real eahtm to Dc U is b City of S[. Paid rause the following be to wit: Grade Uoole} a mdIo,t the C'lty of SL Paul for efli[7 sow o1. ' t i llelossirert to Prospect ate. said seecP r [ proeemenL es Drovded L - law: 1[ sato ea rr i aid ri ty, tmge[her rill, the o ee the oVlnion the Con } e t to xde, e, [cam Gonlou a venue vsounad m u ye to ¢ 0.55 llee. 30, 1X'J0. One in o[ Caml(ue Jaur for the sum • and xuholca of ncfl tont reel estate to '1'hne and Banrd be I sed for s 1 h im Provement call be apt that port o[ a 1d Of Stock D. SL Anthony Park North. In said Navor f gill 30. Ito interest from Jan. -, ]ri01, in u s d wok to be let she extent f he Costs by contract, ns provided by Inw, =euefited 11 yy tiThat full pn ymeul of n ju is; - rendered by the iu favor without one- nf�,,, ei half the C•sifmatr'd .at being first d into d PC°sea cadency to Le incurred said Bomd c us s id work to De let District Court of linmsey y of Sent, 1 [ [he vity of the cit, [renxnn,, and after said work shall I [hereby ]sae Dy contract as provldedeby law, wltnout one Id Caroline surd g S[. Paul for said sum of $PI Jb, Jxu --\Id. I3anholzer Blelenber Bolt, be plured under eontmct said Board shall g Cooler. Co ,eland, Costello. half the estimated cost being tirst paid luta ehnll Uue lu favor of A. H. Wilder far ilia xum of Donner, Dorni- proceed without delay, w assess the amount, den, t`Iandruu, Gehau. Ifeiady, \l lues, a nearly the 1t}' treasury: and atter snW wprk said Banrd shall $14:,...54, with Interest from Jan. , lxUl, In full asSutlt- they cab-srtalu the same, )-nn, \ nn Sivke, ]I r. Yrealdeu[ 15. wD!eh [cul he requited [v pay the costs and be laced uuder contract withoutdelayto assess the amount, judgment payment of n judgment reutlered by the Dis- County In £afar of said n ex PCh sea of n b improvement •'3 pprured April "', 18!il. slhe ibencfltetl eroceeii early they r ascerinln the same, trlet Court of A B. Wilder and against the City o: St. Paul, 1: 11 Pon real estate to be b_i said impr which will be required to Pay the Coat and h improvement for bald sum of $14.54. 5. Iri!R, j decor, n. provided by law; it helug i the oGlnlun Of the Council necessary p ee o[ n the real estate to be beuefi ted Dy said Ove to favor of 1`homas Dttnn for the u that real estate to �ppoo coed (or such improvement ra be intpro)'ement as required h}• law: 1t b01nR f glgl, with interest from Jan. 1., IS01, lu by toe In the mutter of lite report of the Banrd of 1 found° Denali ted to [he exleot of the Coe Ls - she "" lou of the Council that real estate to full payment o[ a judgment rendered Court Hemsey county In favor of public \t orks diced ]lotto Sl. ]ri!il. ,pensee necessary [o be incurred I[ is herebr be axxeesed [or su h Improvement ran be District o[ said .homae Dunn surd against the City of thereby. ordered by [lid Commou Cotiltcil Sena t the City o[ S[. Paul: found benefited [O the eaten{ o[ [he Coat avd be Incurred thereby. St Paul for said sum of g10n, San. l., 1Plll. j Al I Banno. er. Blelenber Bol That the Banrd of Public {Corks Conley Capelaml. Contenn. expense¢ necessary to Yeas Banholzer, Bfeleuberg. Bott One 1, (nvor of George W'. H. Bell fur the - ,t Dobner,g•Dornt of id den. Plamirso (,chap, tl o I', \!loco, Suill Clty of SL 'tut cause the following aim- t 1.111[n be -Aid. Cooleyy, Cope land. Costello, Dobner, Dorni- Mlvea, Sulll- n f $10.^+1, with interest from Jau. l�.1d91, inyment of e tl evt rendered by ml, nu Slyke,Presnleot-made, [o wit: Grade 7'ntum )Approved Aprh is it ['enue, from ]Ila neoana street to Chalton den, FlnudratL Gahan. Melxdy, Pau Slyke, f1. Prex(dentr-15. llielric[ Court of �amep Cou Illy in favor ' avenue, in said city. flint said Board vml, Approved Apr1172, 1801. of said George W. 11. Bell and Rniuet the City of 8t. Paul for said sum o[ $10, Jan. 17. Cause said work to be let 6y -tract. as provided b Inw, with- )cos[ Adjourned. Jos. Mrvan, Vice President of Council. 'City 1891. William being u[ o half [he c111=u Tuoe. A PaRr:usnunar, Clerk. And one Iii favor of Frederick Bohrer for the sum f &'1.80, with Interest I In the mutter of the par[ of the Board of I said wolrkfsboohx6 jibe placed under Pudic R-orks i frron Jan. IPOy 1u full payment of a Ug- front dated March _oi, ISIL said 13ork contract. hall proceed without delay to I[ Is hereby ordered be the common OFFICIAL PUBLICATION ant rendered D� the llietrict Cnur[ of Ham er id date, i of said : Council ns ae f the ('1[y of St. Paul ss [he am m'It, ah nearly they can as be my county on anfavoor William Hohrer d RaHtet the Toot the Ituurd of Ynbl lc {Corky of sold vermin she helyhn 111 oulrered to Work.,If said Ordlnao Passed by the Co Frederick um City of SL Paul tar eafd s o[ ;. (:(t)' o[ St. IBB c se the tic pm)'the cost and vac ryrea y�eeaex o[ h a the Of ea sicca Council f the Clty of et. Paul t Iia duly.. All of which judgments were duly entered 1 ate o he entf1. be made, w wit G,ode Curter v - - Le ieHted bt saidp im n conA lv road [o Eustis atrec4 tin be law; It Pp oremen[. ue Provided Meeting Held on Tuesday, April al, d er[ecwd of rd 1n {lice Hive of the C'ttlyyertC f th District Court [ Rnmee bei¢ the g ylulon o[ the Connell said clic that real estate to be n. sed for sn h i aThel said Itonrd cause said w - to be let 1881. vd' elrran �ta. Ilreredo uIY npou provemeut Can be found benefited ted to the ex - DS con[mct, as Drovidrd Dy law, wl[hou[ cue- tent o[ the cost and expenses neCessnrp lid[ the DB Oantv.ruck No. 1488. u ealdi d tssbeinge tistled C Cord lu j Rmen to eatlmawd roe. Defog firstwoxid into incurred Werebv. the cit) treasury: Pr' An ordinance authorBzlnR the pnym t of theoffice o[ anid Clerk o[ said District Court, I;CC and after -a id shall Yeaa-Aid. B nholzer, Rfeleuberg, Bott. be placed 1 der on[ract xaW Roard u rtain j dgm Cute galnst the Ctty f St se. filed itl the ot- and is he i - shall Coale;, Copeland, Costello, Uubner. Doruf- proceed without delay [o asseae the mount, lay. Flan drnu, Gahan, Malady, Mine4 Sul- es venrµy Peal.Ce The Common CounCfl of the CHT o[ St. Paul o[ the Cit Co P[rvllrritg kVuhdat a they CC to v the same, lfynn, Can Slyke, Mr. President -15. which Ill be req ulredcto the do ordain ne follo s: d be i❑ force fruity orde nfllrrl its E - mi, pep cost avd Approved April __, 1891. Section I. Tnal warrants be drawn upon lion. 0 94 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Yeah—Ald. Banholzer. Blelenberg, Bott Coolsy, Copeland, Costello, Dobner, Dorui den, Flandrau. (4ehnu, Melady, Minea, Sulll van, Van Slyke, kir. President -15. Passed April 21, 1801. O. AS.r!! President of Council. Approved April 22. 1891. OCucsNACl1.RMO.APncr,Attest: Tues. CltyaCerr k April 23. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Of Resolution. Adopted by the Commor Council of the City of St. Paul, at It, Meeting Held on Tuesday, April 21 1891. By Committee on Printing— Resolved. That the City Clerk be and he Is herebr lustrurted to advertise for proposals for doing the j b printing and cook binding of the City of St. Paul for one year from the date of contract, proposals to be received until May 1, 1891. Yeas—Ald. Banholzer, Blelenberg, Bolt, Conley. Coppeland. Costello, Cullen. Boner,Dorniden, Flaudrau, Gehnu, kleladySulli- van. Van Slyke, Mr. Vice Presfdeul-1,5. Approved April 22, 1891. By Ald. Bott and Copelaud— Aesolved, That the Board of Public Works cause the following streets In Sprinkling D18- tr[ct No. 2 to- be spring led during the season of 1891, subject to toy order whleb the Com- mon Council, from time to time, byy resolution of said body may make, discontinuing said Pring to ou such street. or parts o[ street. for such time ae .aid Common Council shall determlue: Third street, 1710211 Commercial street to Maple street. Filth street, from Marla avenue to 450 feet west of Marla avenue. Seventh street, from Brook street to Duluth avenue. Miunehaha street, from Seventh street to De Soto street. Maria avenue, from Cherry street to North street. Hates avenue, from Plum street to Seventh Gree I. Maple street, from Seventh arms, to Third street. Arcade street, from Seventh i neet to Sime street. Conine street, from Lafayette avenue to Bedford.treet. Beaumont street, from Payne avenue to Be Soto arrest. Mlnnebaba street, from Forest street m De Soto etreeL Decatur street, from Bedford street to Beaumont street. Lafayette avenue, from forthem Pacific railway to Collins street. Bradley street. from Seventh street to North street. Payne avenue, from Beaumont street to Case atreet. Preble street, from Beaumont street to Mluneheha street. Yeas—Ald. Banholzer, Blelenberg, Holl. Conley, Copeland, Costello, Cullen, Dobner, Dorniden. Flsndrau, Gehan, Melady, Sulli- van, Van Slyke, Mr. Vice Pres1dent-15. Approved April22, 1801. By Aid. Conley— Resolved, That the Board of Public Work. cause the following streets in Sprinkling DIs. trict No. 3 to be sprinkled during the season of 1891, subject to any order which the Com- mon Council from time to time, by; resolution of said body, may make discontinuing said sprinkling on such streets or parts of streets for such time as said Common Council shall determlue: Third street, from Jackson street to Com- m mlal street. Fourth street, from Jackson street to 50 feet east of Kitteon atreet. Fifth street, from Jackson street to Broad. w8p Fifth street, from Pine street to 75 feet east of Ki ttson street. Slxth street, from Jackson street to Kutmu street. Seventh street, from Jackson street to Brook street. Eighth street, from Jackson street to Kitt - son street. Ninth street, from Jack... street to Grove street. Tenth street, from Jaokmii street to Lafay. alta avenue. Grove street, from Jackson street to Kittson Greet. Thirteenth street, from Jackson street to Plus street. B FouFourteenthstreet, from Jackson street to 7nstreet, from Jackson street to Broadway. Spruce street. from Sibley street m Canada street. Spruce street, from Broadway to Pine street. Norris street, from Canada street to Tem- perance e[met. Van Slyke court, from Broadway to Olive street. Valle -v, from Jacksou .treat to Broadway. Acker atreet, from Mfmlasippi street to Jacksou street. tVoodward,from John street to 175 feet East of Monroe. Somerset, from Job. street to Pine street. Of hisd, from John arrest to Plne etreeL. N. from Mieelaelppr arrear to Piue street. Waverly place, from Westminster street to John etreeL William , ficial Pine street to Olive street. Mississippi street, from Grove street to Case 'tree" Temperance, from Eighth street to Ninth .treat. Tem , from Tenth street to Thlr- leenranceleenetreeL Sibley, fromlevee to Norris street. Wait from railroad to Spruce elreet. Canada, from Ninth sweet to Valley street. Rombel, from milroed to Tenth street. Broadway from railroad to Valley street. L'Orien4 from Thirteenth street to Nash street. Pipe street, from Sixth street to Williams street. Olive.from Sixth street to Pennsylvanlasv- enue. John, from Fourth street [o Williams t freer. Weatmineter, from Lafayette avenue to railroad bridge. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. t 96 Lafayette.from Grove street to Brook street. Locust, from Fourth street m Grove street. W illf to from Fourth street to Grove street. Neill, from Fourth street to Grove street. K[ttson, from Fourth street to Grove street. Madison, from Grove street to Woodward. Monroe place, from Grove street to Wood- ward. ML Airy, from Mississippi street to L'Orient street. Yeas—Ald. Banholzer. Bielenberg, Bolt, Conley, Copeland. Costello, Cullen, Dobner, Dornfde., Flandrau, Gehan, klelady. Sul. livan, Van Slyke. Mr. Vfce President -15. Approved April 22,'1891.' By Aid. Cullen— Resolved, That the Board of Public Worcs cause the following streets in Sprinkling District No. 4 to be sprinkled during the season of 1891, subject to any order which the Common Council, from time to time, by resolution of said body ,mer make, di.contin- uing said sprinkling on such streets or parts of streets for such time as said Common Council snail determine: Second street, from Wabasha street to Cedar street. Second street, from Minnesota street to Robert street. Third street, from Jackson street to Sum- mit avenue. Fourth street, from Jackson street to Sev- enth street. Fifth street, from Jackson street to Third street. Sixth street, from Jackson street to Sum. mit avenue. Seventh street, from Jackson street to Third street. Eighth street, from Jacksou street to We- basha etreeL Ninth street, from Jackson street to Smith avenue. Tenth street, from Jackson street to Rice street. Eleventh etreeL from Jackson street to Ce- dar street. Twelfth street, from Jackson street to Ce- dar street. Thirteenth street, from Jackson street to Robert street. Exchange street, from Cedar street to Third street. Pleasant avenue, from Third street to Sixth street. College avenue, from Third street to Cedar street. Summit avenue, from west line of Third street to Robert street. Market alley, from Wabasha street to SL Peter street. Hill street, from Third street to Washing- ton atreet. emIin avenue, from Third street to College avenue. Fort street, from Seventn street to Tenth street. Franklin street, from Third street to Ninth street. Washington street, from Third street to Seventh street. Wesbington street, from Hill street to Ea le street. Market street, from Third street to St. Peter street. St. Peter street, from Third street to Unf- verslty avenue. WaDesha atreet. from bridge to University gvenue. Cedar street, from Second street to Como avenue. Minnesota street, from Second street to East Summit avenue. Robert street, from north end of bridge to Jecxson atreet. Jacxsou street, from loves to Sycamore street. Rice street, from Tenth street to Front street. Eagle street, from Seventh street to mil. road. Central Park East, from Summit avenue to Central avenue. Central Park West, from Summit avenue to Central avenue. Alley around United States custom house end poato0tce. Yens—Ald. Banholzer. Blelenberg, Bott, Conley. Copeland. Costello, Cullen, Dobler, Dorniden, Flandrau, Gehan, Melady. Sulli- van, Van Slyke, Mr. Vice President -15. Approved April 22, 1891. By Aid. Dorniden— Resolved, That the Board of Public Works cause the fmlow[ng stmets In Sprinkling District No. 5 to be sprinkled during the sea. son of 1891, subject toan), order which the Common Council from time to time. by reso- lution of said body, may make- discontinuing said epriuklit g on such streets, or parts of streets, for such time as said Common Coon - ell shall determine: Chestnut street, from Pleasant avenue to levee. Walnuttreet, from Pleasant avenue to Imine Park drive. Sherman street, from Pleasant avenue to 175 feet south of Franklin street. WHkfn street, from Sherman street to 210 feet south of Franklin street. Leech street, from Ramsey street to Good- rich avenue. Western avenue, from Harrison avenue to Emma street. Pleasant avenue, from Third street to Western avenue. Seventh street, from Third street to Victo. ria street. Exchange street. from Eagle street to Wil- kinstreet. Frauklin street, from Eagle street to Elm .tree[ Ramsey street from Wilkin street to Pleas- ant avenue. Forbes avenue, from Wilkin street to Douglas street. Irvine Park drive MCBmil street, fro to Wilkin street to Doug- las street Goodrich avenue, from Western avenue to 420 feet east of Smith avenue. Elm street, from Exchange street to edge of bluff. Donation street, from West Seventh street to Von Minden street. Banfil street, from Smith avenue to West. ern avenue. Goodhue street, from Cliff street to Duke street. Colborne street, from West Seventh street to Superior street. Harrison a....e, from Douglas street to Garfield .tree[. Garfield street. from Goodrich avenue to Pleasant avenue. St. Clair street. from West Seventh street to Duke street. Duke street, from West Seventh street to St. Clair street. Michigan street, from Rest Seventh street to Duke street, I 96 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Smith avenue, from Third street to Clif street Thompson street, from Ramsey street u Pleasaggnth avenue. Do.nv e tre `, from Ramsey street h Goodric Warsaw street, from West Seventh .tree[ k S Stewartower t ave.' B%,trceL e, from Warsaw street tr Yea`re Ala. Bnnolzer. Rieten hergBot, Co.ley, Copeland Costello, lie ornn, Dobner, Diden, Flainir Gehnn. Meladv, bulli, v Van Slyke, Mr. Vice President—I5. Apooved April ISot. By Ald. Mend. -- Resolved, that the Board of Public 1Norke So the following n • is to 'PrthkRnesfot trier No J to be sp inkled duOaR the t of 18 91 sir' set to any order whlcn [he Cmn n Couuc I f tiI to time, br res 1 tl oCfSid taaly, may .1 make dt-.: pxrts of forieh time as said Coinmou Council �D¢Il d e .ermine. Rohcrt.[reel brides. South Robert bridge to Concord street. from south and of Wnlrxshx street bridge. uth W.b—I's street, from south end of bridge to .\-tutfred Scree, Concord etre from LivipRs[on ..calms to CI'iini ns` -cone from Concord street to Colorxdo street. Suite street. from Concord street to 463 fee[ south of Concord street. Fillmore avenne, from Edward street W So tt Hubert street. Fairfield avenne, from Mate street to 200 let west of Daniel Street. Indoulaave ire, from South Wabasha street Ed ward street. Chil.g. u - nee. from South Wabash. .street to Edward ,tree, IsubeI street, fru. South Wabasha elreet to Concord street. Congress street, from Concord street to Ada street. Winifred street, from Concord street to Sate street. Yeas Ald. Banholzer, Bleleuberg, Be, Conley. copeland, Costello, Cullen, ribner. Dorniden, landrau, Gahan, Melady- Sural t Van Slyke, Air. Vice Preeldant. v Approved April ;-2, 1891, ' By Aid. BielnberR .Resolved, That the Board of Public Works se the fol lowing Street. in SprlukliuR Dis- Wet No. 6 to be Sprinkled d -J.,, the season Council subject to any order which the Common Couvcil Irom time to time by resolution of said bodymay make, discontinuing said 'pri.klinK .. such streets or parts ofstreet, for such time as a.id Common Connell shall aemrmine: Godrleh avenue, from the north and south .ley east of lot 6, block 6, Terrace Yark adds tlov, to St. Alb¢us s`r et Gond rich it, Sun .from Mllou street to Gto[[oetreeL t Ouklnnd avenue, from Summit avenue to Ramsev street. LI corn avenue, from Sl. Albans street to D kllatnd se, G d evento -venue, from Lawn street to Vle- tovla scree, Summit tivenue.from all 11 ne of Third street o 250 feet sou it, of DnT[ou avenue. Summit avenue, from Dale street o Vlc- torla elreet. Portland avenue, from Dale street to St. Albans s[nrveen Holly e, from Dale street to Grotto street. Ashland avenue, from Western avenue to Laubans tl1-1 av nue, from Nina avenue to SL Albnne etreeL Selby avevue, from Summit avenue to VIo- loris etreeL Day'ton vane, from Third street to 260 fe at o[ summit avenue. Nwelson a e, from Summit rivnue to µMarshall nye n e, from West,,, ..venue to Grotto .tree L lglebart etree4 from Rice street to Miller street. Carrott street, from Rlce street [o Date scree ;. R do street, from Rice afros[ o Dale stns[ . An[hon)- .vane, from Rice scree[ to ,,Alartttu entree[, from Rice street to Dale street. Fuller street, from Rice street to Dale street. Aurora avenue, from Rice street to Dale StreeL ,.Rion rSi I3 avnue, from Rice street to Loa- Sberburnc avenue, from Rice street to Dale attest. Charles street, from Rice street to Date et ee4 Edmund street. from Rice street to Dale street. Como avenue, from Rice street to Dale arrest. Victoria street, from Summit avenue to Osceola avenue. SL Albano street, from Carroll elreet to Ron areae[. Dale street, from Summit avenue to Como avenue. Kent street, from Ashland avenue to Selby avenue. Rent street. from Marshall aeram [o Thomas rree[t` street, , from Summit avenue to Grand avenue. :lfackubin street, from Summit avenue to C Lawet a scree, from Summit avenue to Grana avenue. Aruudel street, Holly oll r 11 street y aynne to car- oWestern avenue, from Dayton avenue to Como a,Ior. Virgfvia nue, from Summit avenue to a L'ni verei } v Farrington avenue, from Summit avenue toUniversity avenue, Selby avenue to and of aepoh'IS lL etree4rom fNelson avenue o Fuller - e[LLreeL Marlon etree4 ue from University avevto Ch1, street. Su it place, from Dayton live... to Rondo street. Dayton avenue, from Miller street to V1C- :Orl. Street, Yens Yld. Bnbolzer, Blelenberg� Bot[, 'Onley'. Cope land, Costello, Cullen, Dobner, Jornidn, Flamlcrtm Gehen, Malady, Sulli- n, Van Slyke, Mr. Vlee President -15. Approved April 22, 1891. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 97 the Board of Public Works ,g streets in Sprl nklng Dis- r lukled during that season any order which the Com- 'fineto time byr solutio. make, disco...... uhtg Said streets or para of streets for each hme as ruin Common C'Outle I "'lldetermine: Fourteenth street, from Jackson street to R Iglehart scree, from Wabasha street to Rice street. Tilton street,from Wabasha street to Rice at,_,.Central C rnl nveuue, from Robert street to Rice ,`Aurora a, nue, from Wubnsha street to RiL:","'ety oto , from Robert slreot to It Ice street. ,riburoe v,,,,,, fro trrom Rice street to f CedSO Purl, e—nue, trout Marna street to Aurarn CIC a,13--eruveuue, from University ...One to Come nyetne 1lnrtiu sl rec, from Rico Street to Park I— I street, from Jackson street to Brew. at Yren`se1Ald. Banholzer, Bt—aterg, Boll C'ovley, Copeland. CUSicilo. Cohen. Dobner, Dorniden. Flaudr.u, ""I -Melody, Sulli- t, Vnn Slyke. Mr. Vice President -15 vnt. Approved April 22. IMil. los. All—A. Vice Yresiueut f Council. TS.e. A. pa.,nsnn:Asv, City Clerk. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Ot Ordinance Passed and Reso. lution Adopted LT /hc Compton Connell of the City of St. Paul at its Aleeting 11Wd April 21. 1Nf11. Onm.-seE No. 141M. An ordinance granting the American Man. facturfim c npnny privilege to erect a building un We "'so of the SI-'h wnnl: The Common Councll of the City of Sl. Paul do ordain. Section 1. Permission and .horny is hereby given id erne wio the American Maumee turing cnmpxu: to erect on lots 3, I, and ", block' Razilie @ Roberts addition Ilv of St. Pail the same beoK a portlon of the levee In the blah wt rd, he us -e of said land being granted to the American Alan ti[xc[urlu C'om ,a D Ordivnce No 13t'r g 1 u yy [o erect on said and n e sto frain. foundry but ldinit r Aa 110, with av ell 4[O.J., two ,tori es high. Roof to be eC composlllett d walls to be of wood, terra Cotte pad brisk. Foundations to be of ti.her, piles and posts. Said building to be built under the directions en according to the instrne it... of the Bulldl ng Inspector of said city. And also to remove the a -story fremi And ng n stands Jig on D1Nater 'treat [o acid upon the above-de—lbed premises. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its publication. Under Copalnvd. Cozalel lo, IC�.Iln�Dohner 11Vµniden, F'Inndrau. Gehxn, Melody, Sul R u, Van Slvke. 3r, Vice Presldnt-1S. PassedApril 21, 1891. J.'go At A. Vice Presldnt of Councll. Approve. April'2i. 1S91. O. O. CLLLE\, Acting Mayor. Attest: Tiros, A. P,,,.,_"noA , City Clerk. May 1. By to. Banholzer-- Itesulved That au order be drawn to f i I. - of the Venni If Contra] for the a of ,.1.- ,Ii9.91, being the ch`',`Sic`­ 's [ -t in oft the - Ci',tad of es id hOspf I m intaivog ll e rad county to,rell nl mshor d rind I,o it fnrm led outdoor relleC of pour dnriuR the month of Match, ISUI, to be Patd out of the gnl.ral fund Yexe Yld. Banholzer. Billen berg, Bot, Conley. l'opelrtnd. Costello, DODner, Dontl- deL Flandrxu, Gehen, Jlebtdy, All—. bulli- , ""i,xe, Ve Slake, Mr. Presid. lo. a --d ""l'v, 1ESJl. . O. CL'LLev, President of Council. Tao, A. P'.1nsrai—, City Clerk. special Ifleeting. . PA t'1-, May I, ]Sol. President Cullen in the Chair. I'macut—Ald. Boutin. -, Bleleu—e , Aott. Conley'. Costello, Dobner. Malden Gehvv, Sanborn, Sullivan, Mr. Presi. dent—L^. CUHL.N cArI.S1. From His donor We Acting Mayor—Call for the Meeting— Ih Lloor the Acting Mayor called the meeting, at request of Aid. ➢oft. Gehnn and Conley, for the purpose of passm. ,Pon the - p[iv -lia of b e past gonth and opening oro, posele Also, Policemen Appointed—f taken up by uuanl- t 1s Consent) , Tothe honorable the Common Council of the City of SL Pant. Ge llama..: I have the honor to '.form on that I have appolvted the foho[viu gra ti m Irollven ofthe reg Palle force of id , and I ask }y advice .vice and Consent thereto: Frank Kluzek,vfce Joseph Keating, rem resigned.Franklin Reefer,vice revice Franc Join, Ed Christian, -.]good, Years re.,Ctdfnlly, O. O. CULLS\', Acting Mayor. May 1, 1891. Accepted, and sold app,lalmnts advised and consoled o. Yens Ald. Banholzer, Bleleuberg, Bntt. Conley, Costello, Dobner, Dorn idem, Flau- drou Geban Sanborn r. Presi- dent=s^_. Sullivan.' Also. Y" to of Aid. Dobner'e¢.hitt... of April21, 18!11, for appointment of policeman to net rax Doundmasor for Tenth amt Eleventh warde, (Taken t p by unanimous consent.) I the honorable the Common Connell of - the City of Sl. Paul. Genlemell: I return without my p- P,ut ul the necompany'ing resolution aother detailelbC d to liperformtthe d lleseoafPound- nster ,for the Tenth and Eleventh wards, for the for reason: 98 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCILe ) OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 99 � l5 Ender the .provisions of the recently VISUELLe NEOpe. amended charter the expenditures for the Fens-Ald. Bielenberg, Bott. Conley, Cos- tional story to be constructed of stone Bud ., c police department ere limited to 8165,000 Ordinance- 'annually. tello. Dobner, Flandrau, Gehau, Sanboru, brick, withgravel roof, and the Bald work to CPop investlgn"on I find that the h.intpining An ordinance (taken up by-solimous con. Mr. President-9. May?, be done under the direction of the Inspector fit fillings. cost of that department for the sent) was read permi[Ung Mrs. Gen. Simp. Approved 1691. h(a ordinance shalt take effect �) year 18th (including salaries o[ poundmaadcm dog son Wad additional story to building on end be in force from and otter its passage. { ' and catchers) was $lUl, 15to is, lmppo keep East Third street. Mules Rasohed, That an order be drawn ou the Teas-Ald. Banholzer, Bleleub, Bott, +7 ;� . therefore, Sills to within a the limit. ere Drovided by [he charter, nud suspended r motion o[ All]. Cos time-yeas L""-nud ordinance read second CitS Treasurer for the .cum of $1J, N'?.:LS, to Coale Costello. Dobner, Dorniden, Flan- 3' ' { Payppundmeeters end dog catchers out of time and passed. B the p y Pay roll u( the police department for draw, Gehnn, Sanborn, Sullivan, Mr. Yresf- the polire de�+nrtmeut fund. In order, how- By Aid. Cullen- a the month of Apri 1, A. D. 1SfiI, payable out dent II •l,l. ever, to prow de the citizens of tne'fenth and Reeoln[lou (tnaeu un by unanimous con of the ganenrl fund of said cite. Banholzer, Bielenberg, Batt, Passed May 1. 1891. I Eleventh words the protection to which they sem it Cin• Treasurer's clerk hire for Tens-Aid. Gouley, Costello, Dobner, llormden, Flan- O. 0, Ccr.aEs, President of Council. are entitled, I ❑n'e instructed the C'mef Of Pollee m detail current -ear. } Committee draw, Gehau, Sanborn, Air. President-11. Approved May 1, 11,91. O. 0. CULLEN, Acting Mayor. ' ) the assistant sta«oukeeper of the Prior ave ire station to perform the on Rays end Means. I By Ald. Gehnn- Approved )lay?, IS91. Attest: Tuns. A. PRENBamAST, Cll Clerk, )' l duties o[ poundmaster 1n that district, and Resolution (taken p by mnmmous con, I May '• 't - would recommend tba[ the Council take other of- uch further action for an will sent) fixing Clty Clerk's clerk hire for cur- rent year. By Aid. Minea- Resolced. Tnat clary the clock S f I t fivers for enmllar positionser will not conflict o Corn" on t1'eys aid's 1'urcuent the Chief of Pulite be and the some In be a Regular Jleeting. • with the spectucy of the navvies. Yery respectfully, to City Clerk's advertisement ad. doted Apr11 4IWl, bids for job prluting and Scre l.(Wy axed at the sum of one thousand ($L070) dollars per [ from olid after lhe:yi[b St. Pan], May a 18'01. O. 0. CULLEN, Acting Mayor. book hinding were recElved from Lewis day of April, A. D. IP91. President Cullen lu the choir. April 25, 1891. Baker Jr.. J. R'. Cunni ugham, Jas. If. Burne, Yeas-Aid. Banholzer, Bielenberg, Boll, Present-Ald. Bennolzer, Bielenberg, Bolt, Accepted, and vote by which sold resolu- J. 11. Rmm�ley, F. Driscoll Jr. On Conley, Costello. Dobner. Dorniden. Flan- Conley, Costello, Dobner, Dorniden, Flan- on orae ndD led reconsidered- ens I"_. P y motion of Aid. Sanborn, said bids were referred drag. Crehan. Sanborn, Mr. PresidaR-11. drnu; l;ehain, ]lelady, \Ihren, Sullivan, Vau 4 The matter was thereupon referred toec.. to Committee on Printing. with to .4pproced May d, 1891. Slyke, 11 r. President-11. i' mjtlee oil police. power employ nn expert If neeessnry. Minutes O[ preceding meetings approved Resolved. That an order be drawn 0u the nus dispensed w«h. Reronrs of ctrr oFr[exns. Treasurer for the sun[ of one hundred conxcxtcerloxs. B j 1 sixty-four dollars olid ulne[y-nine cents From Geo. Rau- I Of Cit}' Treasurer Pop Roil- The City 'Preaenrer `.resents the payroll of Reaolutlona. B19l.Uo w pay the Bay roll of clerk hire in Itelallve to building retaning well and i J hie olflce for period o[ from April :'A, 1891, [o -- the pace u[ the Board of Public Works for one-[bird of the month of April. 1S9I (^_1st to filling u� In[ taken be clt5 from 3[ra. Emilia Miller, lot 9, blk i, \S oodDury and case ad- May 1 1.01 Accepted. (See resolution.) IIy Ald. Conley- 30th Ipclunive), to be paid out of the general dition. q ttesoh-ed Thut the Chief of Police be and is hereby directed to detail fund. 1 ens-Aid. Bielenberg, Bott. Cool y. Cos- o mA. R. on Claims. From A. R Mc0f11 and Others- �. ? such officers- doing duty at the pollee suostafous-ere he be tello. Dobner, Flandrau. GebeR. Sanhorn, Asking for passage of rdlnauPa. modifl. 3 Of Cit En loser-Pa Rolls- gE❑ any deem Lest w perform the duties Mr. President J. Approved May ?, 1691. cation Of cou[rect-Tlmo[hp Sweeney, Laug- [ord Yerk grading. t TheSCit ineery y g presents the pay rolls Poundmnetere and dogcatchers for the On- Granted. and ordinance adopted. i tl for hie office and for the street and sewer forces for smug season. Resolved, That drawn O From A. Pederson and Others- Pederson _' April, 1891. Accepted. (See resolutions.) Yeas-Ald. Banholzer, Bielenberg, Bott, C'ouley. C'oetello. Dobner, Dorniden, Flan- an order be n the City Treasurer for the sum of sixteen dollars For Change grade Mount Airy street. Board oY Yub b, Works, with order. drnu, Gehnn, Sanborn, Mr. President-11. and sixty-six cents (816.66) In favor of James From Ed W Kalov and Others- : { Approved May,,, 3891. P. Ileal}', for services rendered as copyist in the orrice of the Board of Pub]I11 Works, from For grading of Hewitt avenue. BO 'd of Public Works, with order. Of Chief of Police-Pay Roll- April :1, 1891, to April 30, 1891, lucluslve, toad. From Charles and Leonard Schlock- The Chief Of Poilce presents the pay roll of By tube paid out of the general Yens Ald. Bielenberg, Boit Conley Coe- Forsidewalk on Arbor street. 3 , jhe police deDnr[meu[ for April, 1691. Aid. Finndrnu- Resolved. That fella, Dabney, Fiaudrau, Gahan, Sanborn, Board of Public Work& with order. From A. Wolff and Others- A.rWol[ugg Accepted. (See resolution.) an order be drawn on the C(ty Treasurer for the sum of two hundred d toren[ Mr. President-9. Approved May:, 1891. Fur of Prescott street Board f Publle Works, Also, I two':? 100 dollets y (==1. to pay the pay to I of clerk hire in [he office of C(ty Adjourned. with order. From A. R. Anderson and Others -_ „I' Treasurer for one-th(rd of the mouth of O. O. CULLEN, President of Council. F'or sidewalks and lamps on Charles street. j. Appointment of Clerk- To Honorable April 1891 (.1st m 30th lucluslve to be paid Tnos. A. Pnexneaaesr, City Clerk. Board of Public Works, with order. - the the City of 6 lit and CO.. mon Council of the Cf[y of SI. Paul. out of the general Lund). Yeas-Aid. Banholzer, Bielenberg, Bot[. From George J. llitsch and Others- For grading of alley, block 28, Mackubin & Gentlemen: I have time day appointed Arthur F. ,,Orion Conley. Costello, DObuer. Dornidep, Flan- OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Handball's addition. Board o[ Yublic Works, w!♦t order. ! asclerk, concurrent with the section of s DRI known ns ••Se4ate File drnu, Gahan, Sanborn, Sullh'ait, Mr. Presf- den[-12 From Gindstone Land Company nud Others-- - S 1 S. F. (4i3." a copy o(whleh is hereto attached, and Approved May °, 1891. Of Ordinance Paened by the Common For grading of Sims s[reec BOOM of Public Work., with order. unit your consent thereto. I would also recommend that the salary be fixed at one Council of the City of Bt. Paul at its From Patrick Cahill and Othere- thousand (1,000) dollars pe[ annum. Meet3ug Held on May 1, 1891. For grading and sewed❑g of Chatsworth Yours respectfully, Jolt\ anbe dr oil rsum __ atand tunnel under Northern Pacific il-v track. rnBoard v I.LARE, Chief of Police. April 1691. CItRy Treeeurerfo Pader of 8:1,0&'�!sJ to�v the of the Cit Engineer for ORnrueucn \o. 1996. of Public Wacker with order. ." i �� { Acee ted, and said a P appointment consent- payroll the $ S g neer moat of April, A. D. ]rh/l, payable out of An ordinance nermi«Ing Mrs. Gen. Simpson From Mathias Stmutz and Others- For change of grade on Jessamine styes[. --� ed to. Teas-Aid. Banholzer, Bielenberg, I the general fund of said city, to add an additional story to the three. Board of public Works. Balt, Conley, Costello, Dobner. Dorn Weq Flan- leas-Aid. Bielenberg, Bott, Conley, Cos torp tone and brick building• \o. 1iN From T. Anger and Others- draw. Gehnn, Saubotti, Mr. President-11. tello, Dobner, Flandrau, Gehnn, Sanborn, Dlr. President-9. Eae[ Third street, I. the C'i[y of St. Paul, For sidewalk on Ohio street. i; .. (See rewlutloa.) Approved May 2, Mtuuesota: Board of Public Works, with order. 'I REPORT OF BOARD a1, rcnctc w-ongs. 1691, Resolved, Tent n order dravn on the 7'he Common Connell of the City of St. Poul do ordain as follows: From S. R. Plat- - For sidewalk front of lots 8, 9 and 10, Pac RDI]- Cin-1'reasurer far the sum of Sii3OP0.15 t0 pay 'T[ ' 1. That permission and ac[hority block :, Merriam's Second addition, Mar- +, �'ne Board tits its the sires[ and sewer force from the lith to Is`hereby glen to Mrs. Geu. s,br 'a to shall avenue. - - presents pay roll of pities -April -April ^_1 to APril 30, 1.191. I [he :10th day o[ April, 1891, Inclusive. the 'um to be paid out o[ the ward end newer co sty and erect an additional story upon ud to [be three-story stone and brick build' Board of Public Works. From L. C. Polk and Others- ,,, t Accepted. (See resolu clone.) funds respectively, fug situate at NO. 118 East Third street, in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota; said midi. F'or grading of Keston street. Board of Public Works, with order. 100 . PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL From Adam Hein and Others— Also, For sprmklln of Oakdale avenue. D C Publle Works, Petition (and Resolution) Daly— panni wit I order. F m F. 31obery and Othera— —C atherine For Permission to Pay Without Interest Protesting ag¢(pst paving of Decatur street. Hnn f I'ubllc {Yorks. I Assessment for Grad Ing Dearcoru Street— The Corporstlon Attorney reports that [he From John J. 1—H and Others— For grading of Richmond street. I grnn[i ng of said oeti tion tv old be legal. Accepted. (See resolution.) board of Public Works. with order. From {{'hilum Gohlke and Others— For removal of horse market from Ex- Also, change street. li Columitlee on Streets. C'ommnnication of Judges Cory and Twohy, Itemmmending That Salary of John C. hte- From WI him If. Perrier and Others— Asking that Babcock Transfer C'ompa n' be Cnro", BeDiff Mun(cipal Court, Be Fixed at 51,w)0 Per Anuunl— prohibited from leaving drays nud other The Corporation Attorney reports that n veldcles un {"ulley'stree[. resolution to carry out said recommendation See resolution.a � 4 Id be legal. FroThomas Lowry, President St. Paul City 11.11 way CamD.0\'— Accepted. (See resolution.) Asking that the cumpnny be rellevcd from -- buildingextension on Langford oven ue, in order that comaum py ev build ..other line of Of Inspector f Bulldings—Report for from Urn%amity venue to St. Anthony Park. March. Ism City re"Tu ei t of 8T'.Committee Tublic on Streets and Alderman of the wanl. Committee on Ord ine.ces and Ac- counts. and Becker— , of Bedford street. the ward. ,rt— damages received while ttn- John,rt . be tiC. red Mc fl[ 51.t�u Ilan s Corpot amt d[to`rney. Of City compt-apt—Audited Claims— The Com Plroller subvntsn list of so- rted elnlma. A'.ce tied and said claims allotyed. (Seo remt'on s.) Of City EDgieer—Pay Roll—Inspectors Fo­ The City Engineer submits said Dny roll for April, IS91. Accepted. (See resolution.) Also, Frank Ilebass and Others' Petition for He- Thval of Standpipe ov Frmrt Street— e Cily Engineer reports the said s sd d- pIpae la properlyy c [es where 1t is, avd`in., d !mage cpm P'Btlned of has Leen remedied. Accepted. EstAlso, The �' The City Engineer suldides, ppr gd b5 him, Estimate No. 'L Sixth street bridge say Chicago Forge and Bolt Com- pAce.pledeenud said esumnte allowed. (See resolution.) Also, Estimales— The City Engineer sabonts, approved by him, Estimate No. L" d final, Broadway badge substructure, KNo.irkhtud & Starkey, street .30; ug�i Dole S Bum rind tlnnL Jenks s Committee etgradin ora Claims. g.rdner, $0.0.'A.Si. Of Corporation Attorney'—" hors a ,.a —5100 Damages Falling Into Coal hole on Fifth Street— The Curve .)10, Attorney recommend. that said claim be referred to the Joint Court House and City Hall Committee. Adopted. Of Clerkf [Muuf clPnl Court—Report for A ),irll, 18!11—C'1y' Treasure Ce receipt for 5e,- H_._:i. Cornelius, on Ordinnnees end Public AC- conu[s. Of Chief of Pollee—Re➢ &.Jtz. ort for Apprid. 15.1 —Arrv.ts,T fines collected Oy-]Suvicipnl court, Comm, ties on Ordinances and Public Ac - Counts. Also, Pay Roll of Police Dep""I' !— The Alef of Puttee submits the pay roll of the de pnrtment, giving amount of yearly Iv- dlvidual s Innes. Accepted. (See resolution). Of Captain of Police—Report for Apr1I,18U1 —Oil Inn. Ps not lighted, tat: gas bi not Rghled..28. City Comptroller. — OC Poundmnster Truax—Report for April, 11!11—City Treasurer's receipt for $9. Committee on Orelluavices and Yubllc Ac- counts. Of Poundmnster Costello—Repot[ for Ap rid, 1591, for Ducas Street Sead.. -C'Ity Treesur- ere Comuiiiee orirdinnneea and Public Ac- count.. Of Poundmnster Cunni fy—Report for April, 1601—City Treasurer's receipt for 533. Committee on Ordinances and Public Ac. counts. li—may or missy OP —le w-onas. Sidewalk on Fairmount Avenue and on Dale Street— To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: The Board of Public, Works have had under consideration the resolutions or orders of the OF THE CITY OF S2 Common Council, approved A ril = 1501, nwcWe north sidlaine of Fid on eveuueecom� teO e Bing 10 feet west of Dale street and ex- nding m the sonnet of Dnle street, and on ant side of Date street, between Fairmomit d Goodrich aveuum, and, having luvesti- galed the proposed Improvement, respect t�llFyFrr report trial itstruct a s is nsideee nary m d e. (61 [eettwide, on the north aide of Fairmount avenue, from Dale street to a point 80 feet est of said Dale street, and on the west side of Dale street, between Fairmount avenue and Goodrich avenue: thatrent estate to be sassed therefor can be found bemured to the extent of the costnd expenses neces- sary to he incurred thereby: that said iin- provement is asked for by a petition of one- third of the owners of property abutting thereon and to be assessed therefor, and we herewith send an order for your adoption, if you desire us to make the improvems.L Teas" usys 0. R. L. President J. T. Kamen. Clerk boardand of o[ Public Works. May {. IL•JI. Adopted. (See order to board of PUDIIc Works.) Also, Jenks Street Sidewalk— 'Po the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: on - der Tho B,dedmlon theard of eresolutionaor te finder of Improvement, iarespecttff'llyauRort trials said mpruvelnnlento be as sed thertr(orex niat tre found benefited to the extent of the cost and at thsales Impr" in Incurred it is askedfor by I ped y e sby: tion of one-third of the owners ofproperty nbuttivg thereon and to be assessed therefor. and 'e herewith send oil order for your adoption. if you dere us oto make the I_ rYeas i, oars 0. R. L. . President. J.T. E, 181 1. Clerk Boardand of of Public Work.. u.4ls ted. (See order to Board of Public or ) Also, Ln wson Street Sidewalk— To the Common Council of he City of St. i'1,rl hoard of Publle W.rks hnyebnd under on boll sides or wson street, ono germs street and Pnpne nyenne; that reit es- tate to be assessed therefor canbe found ben- efited m the extent ut the cost and expenses necessary to be Incurred thereby; Lhot Held improvement is naked for by. peli[fon of lie -third of the ownersof property abutting thereon and to be assessed therefor, and we INT PAUL, FOR 1891. 101 herewith send an order for your adoption, If you desire ue to make the Improvement. Yeaa 1, naps 0. R L. Go--, President. J. T. Klm—Clerk Board of Public Works. May 4, 1891. Adopted. (See order to Board of Public Works. ) Also. Alley Grnding—Chas. side'. Subdivision Block 3 Arlington Fftlls Addition— ', To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: The Board of Public Works have had un- der consideration the resolution or order of theCommon Council, approved Jan. ?l. 1891, relative to gradin the alley iv Klock ;15, Chas. Weide's subdivislon of Arlit Eton Hills addition, from Payne avenue to Edger- ton street, and, having inveatignmd the pro- pposed Improvement, respectfully report that it Is neoessary nud propper to grade the ahoy I. Cbarlas 44'eide'. aFAivisfou of block 35, Arlington Hills addition to St. Paul, from Payne avenueimatedtoto Edgerton street; [hat the of which need ret beer id i n[o th. lly'ri nl[ ury before the Contract is let; that real ee tate to be ns sed therefor can be found benefited tothe extent of the cost-and pevses e.esidry' to be Incurrthereby'; that said improvement is asked for by a pe- tition of one-third of the owners of property abuttlit thereon and to oe fl..eased therefor, and we her with send a Plan slid Profile of i,id improvement, and nu order for your adoption. If you desire ua to make the I - yes p menun Y• J. T. Ka891. Clerk Board of Pubic Works. A 1, 4. 1891. Adupmd. (See order to Board of Public Works. ) Also, Oakley Avenue Sewer— To the Common Council of the CRY of St. Paul: The Board of Public {Yorks have had under .sideration the resolution or order of the 'Common Counefl.approved A➢rl1,-- 11;1111- rel- tive m [he eonelrtrctlon of n sewer Onk- I yy e[r Lo nnhurat ve r CM the rtllev est tine f lot 131 in Elrrlon Pnrk, city. xoitd�rh a Liu. I"v`int""d the [hac it 9 'mproremen spec y repot tamp and pr pno er tL eonstrn ttnve ue to a notulte to .50 feet wssterly of the sewer un edednoise the contract pr a alts of!the owner of prupe . cut asked for by .RyyC1 to bhu,eons- ma ed therefor. but Is naked for by a Pe[I- tfon of a majority of the actual resident own- sald avenue, betweenald1 .idts, and wehercw,th sends nI.. of .1A Impp,-c- ent. and an order [or your ado➢lieu, if you desire us to make the Imp—ement. Tessa, nay's 0. R. L. mtv. President. J. T. Kengrn,Clerk Boad,I rd of Public Works. May 5. IS01. Adapted. (See order to Board of Public W.rks. ) 102 PROCEEDINGS OF THE C051MON COUNCIL :.. Also, To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: .. AllGrading Block 7, E. Rice's Second t Ady}7• B. To the m BCoon Council of the CI[p of S, Cam— 3- Pnnl: - As Board of Peelle Works have had under consideration the resolution ur order of the Common Council, approved Get. 0, 18W. rely five to the grading of the alley in block S. E. ;! Mice's Second addition, running from Buf- falo street to Alissinsippi street. and, 1—hal �1 Investigated the proposed imjnrovemenn, re- I spectfully repirt that said improvement is r necessary nud proper: that the estimated ex - penal thereof is $100, one-half of which need i dot', not be pxid ono the cl[c ;rancor}' before the 1 conlntet is let; nuat real csmto to be assessed .� therefor can be found beucii ted to the extent i of the Co sl and cxnellses-eessury t0 bC 111. Curved thereb}:tins sniu improremcllI is" 'it •. f forby a potitiou of one thlnl of the owners of }. property abutting lbereon and to be as- - sessed therefor, and we herewith send n pian and proule Of said improvement andan order ): for your ud �p`ion, If you desire us to make [he improve ' • nt. 1 Yeas 4, nape 0. 3 L. GOnnA N, President. t. J. T. KERKER, Clerk ISonrd of Public Works. i'; May J,, IR91 Adopted.Board Public • (See order to of Works.) qJ .. ,. Also. ' Prior Avenue Grading To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: ta' The Board of Public Works have had under 'consideration the resolution or order of the Common C ... cfl, approved March 10, ISi10, pt - -telative to the grading of Prior avebue front summit oven us to Randolph street, and, It.,. ad the prop - lee invest) proposed lnnplsiren t. report p r p y port that etc improvement is not necessary and proper, for the reason that It is for by ii i' not petitionned one-third of the owners of the property abutting thereon, as presided by law. ]ens {, nays 0. I 11. L...n s. President. r J. T. KERKER, Clerk Board of Public Works. ¢ Alayy 9, 1591. Al[lerman u1 the ward. Also, a • k Alley Opening and Grading—Block 11, Rob- ' ertson and Van Etteu's Addition— . q; To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: The Board of Public Works have had under consideration the resolution or order of the Common Council, approved April 9, I801, rel. t ative to open Ing ml gradin"alley ¢ nat EIB block eleven (11) of Robertson ud Yan P ten's add from from Farriogtm to ElfeR 1 atree[e, hind, bnv hng instigated the ) o - i'; improvenien, espeefully report then • ¢posed and imroovemeut is not necessary and Is Boned for bylune-third oft hebe' ownerit s otfpthe property abutting thereon, as provided by law. Peas 4, says 0. qq� R. L. President. ' J; nt oardoG.—s. J. T. AeAER, Clerk Board of Public Works. Ma A, 1001. Ali{ermnu of the ward. Also Abnuug \ulsrtnce Stagnant Water—Got- III Cater—Got- Renrrnngemen[ Sige1's Addltfon.— Tithe Common Con uciI of the City of St. Paul: The Board of Public Works have had [coder consnieretion the resolution or order of the Common Council. approved Juh. hi, 1x00, relative to ¢baling nuisance Of stagnant cater on lots J. 5 and Q block :a, Gutzinu's reurrnngemonl of Sigel's addition, the same being hereby dechtred a public nuisnm•e by the ['ummissioner of Stealth, find. luit in- yestigat 1 the proposed im procenum [, ra- j spectfully report aha[ said nmproryment (e not nett.\, ry nud proper, for the reason that said livarrl is advised by the C'Itc Enngincer tent said lots have bleu tilled by the owners. :'las 3, nays 0. R. L. G. -IAN. President. J. T. KERBER, Clerk Board of Public Works. Npil ui, I891. te—lu order to fully abuts the nuisance In said neighborhood, the alloy In said block shoal¢ be gn'it d.] Aldermuu of the tt'Bed. Also, Capitol Avenue G -If n — To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: The Board of Public Works have had under consideration the resolution or order of the Common Council, ap Proved Jan. 7, 1901, rela. tive to the grading of Canl[ol avenins, from \eastern avenue to Arundel trsoI cud, hav- ing inrestiguLed the proposed (morovemen, notpnecesseireefo't [hat sold lmpr vomeut is a[ a hearing y and protor.fur the reason hail' u Il of the owner' of poard tele daa}}.0 nJ S property b d Ito thereon were opposed to the proposed Improvement. 1 ens i. Bays 0. It. L. G--. President. J. T. KEItEER, Clerk Board of Public Works. 31.y 4, 1501. Alderman of the Ward. Also, Ahoy Grading—Onkvlile Addition— Tothe Common Council of the City of St. TheBoard of PublieWorks have had under considerntmlt the resolution or order of the Compton Coun", pproved Jan. 31, 1MM1, relative to grading alley in block 31, Oakvllle addition, from Welsh to Greenbrier .cause. and, hnviug investigated [he proposed im. proDroyemem Is sp t tnclesaarjo Budh nplrope ami this time, for the r..... lb at e[ a hearing be- fore said Board Chia day none of the property owners interested appeared I. favor of the Proposed improvement. Yens 9, Days 0. R. L. GORMAN, Predident. J. T. KERBS, Clerk Board of Public Works. April 31, LAIL Atdermail of the wad. Also, Topping and Bit rgess streets Grading— To the Common Council of the Cil, of SL Paul: The Board of Public Works have had under consideration the resolution or nicer of the OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1591. 103 Common Council, approved March 2:1. 1991. relative to the grading of 'Popping and Be,- gess streets between Dale street unit Western ovale,, and, having investigated the pro 6tosad nmprovemen[. respectfully report [hat id uno—sonent-s n not u'Losaery nud roper. for the reason r that the grading of Burgess street Is not netil]oned for by one- ;hird of the owners of «'e property abutting on the line of the proposed hallo-emeut, as provided by law. Yea 1, nays 0. R. L. cGo—Al.rdoPresident. J.T. KatAEnt.Clerk Board of Public ti"arks. May A, MI. Alderman of the ward. Also. Sims Street Opening, Ete.— To the Ilonorable the President and Com. mou Council of the City o[ S[. Pant. Gontieme I: The Isoard of Public Works, to compliance with the rsime" of All. Cope. ]and, herewith respectfully return the pre- Redan' enter approved April V. 1991, in the Tells of opening, widening and estendinq Sims street from Forest street to Cyypress street. R.L Gunn A,. Prestclent. J. T. ICen.En,Clerk Board of Public Works. Ap Ii"1591. Alderman of the ward. Also, Livery litre— To the Honorable the President and Com- mon Council. City of St. Paul. the old charter, in viewing all stree[imr e mems, the amendments contained In the so called '-[tell charter" Impose upon the said Board the duty of determining whet gas, electric and gasoline Ilgnht' shall be main- tained or discontinued, n l what new ones &hall Be ordered from time to time, and also what sidewalks and crosswalks shall be bud',.. As the charter now stands, no indebted- ness can be incurred without )-our order: the Board therefore resurctfuhy asks othority to contract "livery hire" between May I and December 31, ROOM, to tie extent of M, or so much thereof as may be necessary. It. L. G.11-1, ['resident. J. T. KERAEn,Clerk Board of Publle Works. May I. \MMI. Committee on Ways and Hears. Also, Payne Avenue and Other Streets Sewer Con- [ract— The Board reports that It has awarded H1111.m Stockton and .Bohn Lindquist the ntract for the construction of a sewer on Payne avenue, fru- Minneh a ha street to Fauqutcr street, and on Beaumont street, from Preble street to Pavne avenue, together with the necessary sewer connectiona to the pro ne tierron)etvelicontr cid they ebeingt Litee lowest reliable and responsible bidders therefor: omount of bid for sewer, $1.300; for sewer connections, each, $li: bond in um the sof $500, with Lorenz Mitsch and O. Y. Ericson also re[la.. Said award approved by fellow] 119 vote: Yeas—Ald. Banholzer, Dielenberg, Bot, Conley, Costello, Dpbner, Dortdden, Flan dean. Gahan, Melady. \Linea, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -1!. Also, Estimates— The Board transmits, approved by it, the foil."hur c"I". a.. [o wit: n\o^_a d Estimate rets s le(M t n final, Margaret streetse— tNeudont. For- stl. P. Doherty. $:c Estimate \o. 3am1 Snap. lmh, ell tyalt'0 .n. $1.K I.CxinlgDnn t0 I Snelling), C'- E. Slaims.. $1.361. Committee on Chums. REFORT OF BOARD OF CONTROL. The Board submits its re ort for April, Icon—total" $l,iv 0.:34. ('untmittee on Ordinances and Public Ac- count'. REFORT OF BOARD OF PARA CO]lJlt9alONF.Ra Peter Tenlholt's Claims— The Board transmits two claims of Peter Tanthol'. each for $-31.7o—earth placed In park an rin report, Board has inoknowledgein thie premises. Committee on Claims. Also, Electric Lights In Parks— The Board ass kfor the lighthi with elec- tric light of such parks as were lighted last year. Committee on Gas. Also, Park Concerts -Petitions of P. L. Kleist. George Seibert and John Safranek— To the Ilonorable President and the Common stoners restt,eotfully return herewith peti BOB, of P. L. Kleist and George Seibert, and transmit a De[itinn of.foh❑ Safranek to fur- nish concerts in the parks of the city during the present ,,,on. with the request lint the Common Council take charge of the music in the Parks during the coming eenaoB. if they des re any and being of the opinion that the Common Council has control of $1,500 annually appropriated by law for music in theperks of the eit'y; We respectfully aak that this matter may be referred to the Committee on Parks of your honorable body, to takeand recommend each action ns they may deem proper In the matter. ttespent[ully, A. PnexnEnoasT, Secretary. May 5, 1A. cum tee tee on Parks. Also, Appointment of Care Takers and Helpers— Parks— To the Ronorable the President andthe Com- mon Council of the City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: The Board of Park Commis- sioners have made the following apPut nt- ments for care takers and helpers In the fol- lowingparks of the city, and respectfully ask yy our appProval of the same, to wtt: sH'ilBeen Tyi'nn, of I.Flne end Summit parks, and William Kerwin as helper. Ilenry Bone. for Rice par.. Fred Joslyn, for Smith Bud Lafayette parks, and Ernest Freeman as helper. Charles Bussjaeger, for Central park. M. A. Galvin, for Merriam park. 104 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Charles Baecker, for Alice and Terrace parks. William Peffer, for Como park. IIs to act as ppark policeman of said park. W. H. Hopson, timekeeper for ell of the parka of the city. The nnln oof Bald employes to be fl_aed et Pffeieln charge of Como para, whose Salary is fixed at S, per mouth. Said appoint- ent to date from May 1, and to oe Sell discharged on euo gdateoor 11191, and to be prior thereto, as this Board may determine. Resuectfully, Tues. A. PnENDC.GAST, Secretary, May 5, 1891. re Accepted, t1nlunex apPPerro4 appointments and said leas—Aid. Banholzer. Bun lelenberg, Bot4 Conley, Costello. Dobner, Dornlden, Flan. dram Gehan, Melody, Mines, Sol livm, Va. Slake. Mr. President -14 ..PORTS OP erA\pIT'n COL MITTE68. Of Committee on Ways and Meaus—Pny roll Lend clerk hire- - Commiuse recommends adoption of reso. lotions 11,1119 clerk hire in oulces of City Treasurer and City CICr, d for drawing order for lus ectom p roll Adopted. (Seeresolntlou,)tor dprll, 1891. Of Committee Cl ale—Samuel E. Law. eon(, Cia,m, $_24.01mand Interest—Judg- divlsion Leech'. Out Lotti d'tulleri s Sub- Cemm"tlee recommends allows... of claim. Adopted. (See Ordinance No. 1497.) Ale., Mrs. Fannie John,son', for et— es—Innu°I s Nonce f Claim street— R j r ea, Sidewalk on Sibley comm"ties recommends that said claim be referred to Corporation Attorney and City Engineer. Adopted. Allo, V.ruc s Clnlm, Dmm�ges, Fnlltug on 6ldewalk, Sibley street ¢t Smith Comm k— Committee recommends that Said claim be referred to Corporaduu Attorney and City Engineer. Adopted. Also, Resolution for Ordersiu Favor of Ella Rotb- child and Others— Committee recommends adoption of resole. ti0.. Adopted. (See resolution.) Of Committee o. Street, Sewers and Bridges —Noah Slake' (7nnm. S�✓�' Rcnt, Sidewalk Cn ioultu , me,mm,,,dsof'�Iret Flouse f .bu. , g12.5, r cpmmev ow avec o Corawattee on Claims. \Iso, A. L. Larpen lour and Others' Petition Ask- IuR That Name of Enstaud We,, Exchange beet be Changed to •Y'npitol"— Commiltemn e see an adv Adopted. erse report. Also, Petition of Augustus Ilolterhoff and Others Comamitnon tee makes ttico I fnvornblf P e.reA tie[, aetd asks that City Clerk be nn.[rucl,, to the ecessary noilce for a hearing In the matter Defog the Board of Aldermen. Adopted, and City Clerk so Instructed. Al... Minnesota Soap Company's Petition Asking That ''iITS hag Eappease If Building Re tafning 1 ail and Fence Between Lots 3 end 4. Block 4" Itice & Irvine's Addlnou— Adopte . makes an adverse report. CommiAdopted. Also, Kirkland and Starkey's Petition for Percent. age Balance—Broadway Bridge. (Referred to Comm ltme April 21 1891)— Coitteakes a favorable RppoorL and Rmme commands that prayer of petitfuers be, granted. Adopted. Yeas—Ald. Bauholzer, Blelenherg, Boit, Colley. Costello, llobner. Dornlden, Flan- drau, Gehan. Meldy, Mines, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. Presldent-14. Also, Capital City Renl Estate and Improvement Co.Pany'a Petition Asking That All Pro. eediurRs for Grading of Sticknev Street Be Anuulled— Comni lore submits aresolution t for 6116 P en- p i of said proceedings, p g , aiid asks itt said Scree on be recomml[ted to Committee of Sire op Adopted and sato petition and resolution referred [o Committee on Steer, Al., Petition of Board of Water Commissioner, E. Bryant and Others for Vaoatlon of Alley, Block 4, ]Vest S[. Paul Real Esrte and Im- provement Syndicate Addition No. I ­ Committee ask, that Oily Clerk be i - atructed to call "uproperty owners for neat meeting of Committee on Street. Adopted. Also, Ordinance for ModlNcalfon of Contract— Timothy Sween$))ts Le.gford Park— Committee submiSaid ordinance. Adopted, and said ordinance passed—yeas 9, nays 5. Also, Ordinance granting to Sl. Paul City Ry. Co. right to use streets for conduits. COMM time makes a favorable report. Adopted. Of Committee on Ordinance, and Public Accounts—Reports Examine d— committee has eaamined and found cor- ed reports of In Spector f Buildings for Febrnnry, 1'91; Chief of Pollee add Clerk of Mini.$. 1 Court for March, 1891; Board of Centro for April, istil. Adopted. Of Committee on Gas—Ald. Dobner'. Reso. lotion for Removal nail Ile PI.elug of Lamp, 1'v1rerlty Av u — Commllme recommends adoption of r so I Adopted. (See resolution.) Of Committee ov Parks—All. Flflndran's Resolution APproprlxitng 3Yq for ImPmve- t o[ Point of Cohn .7. Sl'xtso.— Vic ty Park, tousled by committee re to Boev is that said reaold- tion be referred to Bovd of Park Commis - Adopted OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1691. 105 Also. Communication of J. J. Watson Present - Ing Land In Summit Court for n Park to be Known ss Point of Vlew— Committee recommends acceptance. Adopted. Al.. S. M. Cary and Others' Pennon Asking for n A� proprlation for Carrying off Rubbish. Sod lnR, Etc.—Land in Summit C'ourt— Polnt of View Park— committeerecommends that said petition be referred to Board of Park Commissions - Adopted. SPORT OP SPECIAL COMMITTEE. Of Aid. Melaly—Report of Board of Public Work, (Referred to Committee, March 21. IAN) Relative to Alley Opening. West Side Land and Cottage Company's Subellillon Brown and Jackean's Additlon— Commi[me recommends that eaid matter be referred back to Board of Public Works to- gether with petition of property owners. Adopted. LIn.ELLA.E.rs. Ordinances— All ordinance was read to.—authorizing D. N. Wagnerg to erect two bay wlidof Rules suspended on motion of Ald. Atelen- berg, yea, 14, and ordinance read eerond time and passed. (See UNinance No. 1.5(10.) An ordinance was read_$L24.1(1 with cuter CS( for Jared S. How, attorney for Sam st E. Dawson. Rules soy$ ded on motion of Aid. Mines. yea. 14, and ord,..... Rad .ecoid time and Pa. f ce Ordinance No. 1,497.) An rdI b.inn°tt—I for Job. Patterson• E. miss s Ile o d s of Add. Cents ad liules snspe noel av m t yeas li, an ordinance Rad .$coal time and passed. f8ee ce moe,vm No. ri-i An crdinance Mas read permlln nL Cres- cent Creamery company to construct wooden ceidnq and pnrt1 tons. Rule. suspended on motion of Al°drd'innnetne yens 13, nay. Aid Flaudran, 1, and ad second time and passed. (See Onll.enCe N o. 14'J9. ) An ordinance was rend permitting the SL Paul Furldlure company to remove certain frame building nomake alleratlofl md l. Rules suspended motion of AlI. CoS- tello, yeas 13, nays. Aid Cullen. 1. and ordf- nnnced erecoid time nud p...... (See Ordinance No. 1501). An ordinance was read relative to electric conduits—Sr. Paul City R.111•ay company. Hills. .,I ended ou muu.. of Ald. Genn.. ➢as 74, and ordinance read second time and aA Ali crdinance was read Rra.li—, to A. F. McGregor and William \ICTeafuu'o partner, as MCOregor & McTeague. 1� use a portion Of terse in Sf nth \yard. Committee on Street.. All ordinance was read—S^.., to Rebeuovitz monney or pald[orto Gond-hand store a.ldc- en.e. O1 Committee on Llceuee. Resolution Nau,g rat 51.:aq or nn snl- nryofJob. C.'ICCxrtny,BalliR of,"ju psi four[. Alit . Su By Aid. Sulilran— Resolution for Nee alarm box at Snelling and St. Anthouy avenues. Board of Fire Commissioner. By Aid. Gehan— Resolutions—Sm -NoebS inks. Committee on Claim$. Requesm [or Supplies -- The following omcer ..it for permission to purchase the muddles named In tbelrre speclve communications: Chief of Pnl (ce, Board of PublicWorks, Joseph Austen, Jailer Central Police amnion. Granted. Y—a—Aid. Bauholzer, Blelenberg, Bolt. Camey', Costello, Dobner. Dornlden, Flan- druu, Ge ban. Meiady, 'flue., Sullivan, Vit. Slyke.Mr. President -14. The President called Vice President Mines. to the chuff during reading of resolutions. Ordlnu.necer Orim-CE No. 1497. An ordinance appropriating money for and di"CRug the payment m Jared 9. Ilow. at- torney for Samuel E. Dawson, for the sum If S&4.NI with 1c ere at the ram of seven per cent item Jan. S. 1584, no ISI not to m - port of the Committee oClaims. The Common Council ofn the City of St. Paul do ordain as follows: SECTIOM 1. That nn order be drawn upon St. ail in of the Ci[ of P tha city treasury Y favor n Jared S. Row, f$224ey for Samuel Inter- est Dawson, for the num oI S , at with rte .1 eat.crenerer from JeI.n. ?5, Id.S4,at the rate of Salton pandcan, satisfaction of y aidl Daw.soel's club. for I.O.Oy paid for deed of rent $•stale �G Prated to William D. Grant by the City- of aul, and by said Grant nssi tined to said Dawson, which Bald deed was at aside by the District Court of Ramsey county, as fully setforth 1n said Dsiv n s pennon to the Common Council, d.Icd Joe. 39. 1891, us by the repot f the Committee Claims of date the 4th day of May, A. D. IST, will mere fully nly on theca belgg filed l dewithto b lheelcity Coulp- 1 niter full and abeolu to receipts to the clip mtofthe e local]mtion of aid Improvement be void out proveai fid of CRT. SEc.2.This ordinance shall take effect and be iu force from and niter its publica- tion. Yeas—Ald. Banholzer. BlelenberR, Bott GehneY, oseello, Bonner, Dornlden. Flandrau, Mr. Preside. 4. Sullivan, Van Slyke, Teased .lay S 1891. O. O. OrLLEN, President of Council. Approved May 7. 18ul. It .... T A. SMITH, Mayor. Attest: Tuos.A.PIIEn I1AAST,Cfty Clerk. \lay Il. On—ANC. No. LOSS, An ordinance autborizfng thepayment of Certain judgment against. the City of St. Paul. The Common Connell of We City of SL Paul do ordain as follows; Section 1. That a warrant be drawn upoo the City Treasurer in favor of James E. Mnrk- bxm, attorney for Jon. Patteron, for the of S^-9-,5 in rnu pament of that certxeu ji,dRmeut re°dered fa Inst the City of S 1 uul, 1n favor t anJohn mentenon. o duly n1p124.lered which aridf Corrected t f trees 1. Thl I. d of said coif be paid our o[ the gen- 106 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMAJON COUNCIL Said warrant shall be delivered only upon srtid yudment being satisfied of record in the once of the Clerk of said court and a cortin cane of said satisfaction being filed In the office of the City Comptroller. Sec. 2. This 'ordinance shalltake effect and be in force from and lifter Its tion. publics. Yens-A Id. IIanhozer, Blelen berg, B"It, Conley. Cos[eho. Dobner, Dori ids a. Flan Irnu. Gehan, Melody, Mllnee, Sullivan, Tan Slyke. Mr. President -14. Passed May' 5. 1891. O. O. ('cc,.es. President of Council. A ppruveit May r. 1891. A (test: Taos. ltonn'rtr A. Sxtr t Mo., A. I'ttr: �'umu:wsr,nCity (.'lark. May 11. fluids Nt No. 116J. An rdinnnc • to authorise he c ns[ructioa f w'uod ccil"" anoud rti [Ions. o The Common Cd ll of pxthe (:Ity of S[. Paul do ordnm ae follows: Sectio1. Permission is herebygranted to I n he C'resc'ent Creamer), Company to Construct wooer ceding and partitions within a one - tory frajne store house, on the uor[h sic o[ Fillmore avenue, between Caste rnnd Stxrke}' 4tre C s- 01, Bxzillthe diWest bens�eet of lot addl[lor Ito block Veat St Pnnl, to be done under the direction and supen�islOn of the Inspector of Bi dldiugs, and the p¢ymeu[ of all proper city tees therefor. Sea 2. Tills ordiranco shall be to force from and afYeas ter 1[s pnbliretlon. Conley Costello IDobner,il Dorultsm, Flau- drag Gchnn, Malady. M[Gisa, Sullivan, Ven Slyke, Mir. Presldent-11. ]'asset, MDty 5. IA)L O. O. CuLLEs. President of Counell. Approved )lay 7, 1891. Rosea, A. Shrrh. Mayor. At[es[. Taos. A. AtEsne nuwsr, City Clerk. aray 11. ORhlNwscr. NO. 15[19. An ordiunn be authorizing D. N. Wagner to erect two bay Wl.dowa. The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do ordain as follows: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby given and granted to D. N. 1V her to erec1, Iwo bay Win, in the secoeFl nil third [orles of the three story brick buildin¢ he i9 now ereetnlg a the southwest corner of Waste,. and Charles .streets ht said city, so that s id bay windows shall pro ect not obudiuB.g aepermree lt soeet into the [o du from theelrsiiec- toeQe. L. rilldings rdsaid eucei)stake effect and be i force from ¢lid afrnr Ynssed Ml n}• 5, 1891. Jos. MI\EA, Vice Presldent of Council. Approved May 7, haft. ROBERT Attest: Thus. A. RESDIDowe,rCity Clerk. May 11. ORDINAe An ordlnaness permitting theht. Paul Furnit. re COmpflDyy' t0 renlut'C R Cer[alti frBIDC building and make alterations thereto. The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do ordain m follows: Section 1. That permisshm ad authority is hereby granted toe St. Paul Furniture coal Paul to r move the two-story frame building low' standing on lot four ((U, block thirteen (1:5), of Rice d irvdne's Additlou to St. Paul, twenty f_u) feet west of Its tlpppresent location a1bI oto �sald but 11 g anti 1.add am:iket such in st re cluituOurposes'unnd to to er [he fioowill fl, aid lriota for Joue ung two C2) feet. All of said work said be done ander the supervision of the fispeetor Df bu Hill aKa if snitl city upon LaC payment ,f the oo'' fees therefor. ..Sec. __ r Tills ordinance shall take effect s. MnsEw. Vice President of Council. Approved May ,. ISUl. Hoscur A. Sxrcu, Mayor. AttesCTuos. A. PnesusimwCl sT, City erk. May ll. Reaolatlone. By Ald. Dobner- Resolved, q'hnt the grade of Dooley ave. nue, from Gordon aveuue to the county road, as indicated by- the red grade Zine. in accard- nce with [he red Bua li plsi on nCeompany- ing orofile, and as recommended by [he Ci[y Engineer, be adopted as the eslabilshed grade thereof. Teas-Ald. Banholzer, Blelenberg. Bolt, ('Onley, Costello, Do. Uanden, Flen- dr, u, Gahan, Malady, Miner, Sullivan, \-au Slyke, Mr. Presider[-li. Approved May 7, iSUI. By Aid. Blelenberg- Resolred, That the grade of the following e[reets, between the points named, es indi. cated by [ppile ed grade lines on the uecom- CltytEngineerr.fl,beandoil ththe e ¢time careadopted as [he established grades: L•spttolteavenue, from Arundel street to W rn avenue: North Carolina street, from Capitol avenue to the Great Northern Railway rigut-of-way. Yeas-Ald. Banholzer. Bielenberg, Bot[, ('oDley, Costello, Bohner, Doruiden, Fla.- dr.. Malady, Mines, Sullivau, Va❑ Slyke, Mt r. Presdent.-14. Approved May 7, 1891. By Ald. Snnborn- ttesolved, That the grade of the lley l❑ block 5. Summit Park Addition, as indicapro fited rtnd as rethe commenline ded ed by the accompanying CIE,,, groes,, be adopted aYeas .s the established grade thereof. Conley. o (ley Costello hDobner,, Doruide n, Flau. drau, Gehab Melody, rl[uea, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -11. Approved May 7, 1891. By Aid. Doriden- Resolved, oriden- -- the froimsJefferson avenueI.lude of G race street, street us I.- , OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 107 dlcated by the red line on the iteeddipallylog plotter ic.be -dos P t d as the esu tilisl e d eed by he 1 grade hereof. e Peas-Ald. Banholzer, Bielenberg, Dott, Onley Costello, Dubuer. Duruideu, ilea dntu, Gehan. Melody. )linen, Sullivan, Van Slyke. Mr. 1'residen i-11. Approved .11xy �, IBJ I. By Ald. Sau born- -- -Resol ted, Tha[ the grade of tine alley In block :I, s lit Ps k ndditiuu s f oiler ted by the redrliue on the decontpnnal'" profile, na ns reC< nut nisi b>>- lha Ci[� i ginee,. be ddojo,,d ,, the esutblishod gra c thereof. Yeas -Aid. lidnhoizer. Itis l enberdo.g, itotr dronuet: hanlolle1M Moistly, Dob�Minea,� ullividl, FVan Slrker]h. Tresis- t-1{. Approved May " 1891. By Ald. Dorideo- Iteanlved. That the grade of Forster streeF from C'xuton street to Bay street, as indicated by the red grade line oil the e-pany111R profile, and as recommended by the City Eu- RRlneer. be and the same is hereby adopted as the il el od lished Krne. ]els-Ald. Banholzer, Bielenberg, Butt, Conley'; Costello, Dobner, Dorniden, Fmn- dra 1. Gehan, Melody, Alines, Sullivan, Van Slyke. Mr. President-li. Approved May7, 1891. Dy' n Ald. Sulliva- Hesolved. That the grade of Syndicate ave- nue, from St. Clair street to Summits nue, as indlealed by the red grade line on the ac- 16mp, h gina«I be era stn arae le herreby adopted as the established grade. Yeas-Ald. Banholzer, Bielenberg. Bolt. Conley, Costello. Dobner. Doruiden, Flall drnu- Gehalt, Melsdy, Mines, Sullivan. Van 81Ske. Mr Presldent-11. Approved May 7, 1891. By Aid. Dobner- Resolved, That the grade of Dooley avenue oilothat portion south f block D. St. An- thony Park north, ns I licated by the red grade line correspoll, ug to the red line In pllon on accoinp nyi"K profile, epi as r` Out by the City EnKineer, be adopted e9 the established gntde thereof. Yens-Ald. Banholzer, Bielenberg, Bott. Conley, Costello. Dubuer. Doruiden. Flau- drau. Gehan, Meindy, Mluea, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. PrestdenW" Approved May ,, IS91. By AId.Dobner- ltesOlved. That the gradeof Keaton street, from Dooley avenue to Doswell -Is uueas Indicated by the red line on accompanying profile,rtnd as recommended by the City En- gineer, be adopted as the established grade thereof. Tens-Ald. Banholzer, Dlelenberg. But Conley, cuatello, Bobber, Dorniden, Flail- all. Melody', \linen, S•ullivnu. Van Slyke. Mr. Vresiut-1l. Appreoved Msy 7, 1.SM. By Ald. Mines - ties lived. That the grades of the following streets, between the points named, as [udl- cared by the red grade lines on the acconl- pauy-fttK profiles, and as recommended ba the City EuKtueer, be ld the same are hereby adopted as the an grades: Winifred street• from the Chicago, St. Poul S Kansas City rallway to the north line of Paul Mlur[iu's First addition: Arthur avenue, from the C neugo, St. 1'11-1 & Kunsus City railway to Congress street: Robic street, from Ito t euue [o Pan l Martin a First addition. ]ensav-Abd. Banholzer, Bielenberg. Nott, COnit•y, C'os[ello, Cullen, Dobner. Uor:den, Fla-drau.Gchan,Melndy,V at Slyke,Sulllvah, Mr. Vice Presiden1-14. Approved May 7, 1891. By Aid. Dobner- Itesidv I. -That ins grade of the alleytito heedg xde title, .elk •tin thePar ueceniin,llentCd by filenm1 tt ended by tiller City "mi. n er Ire, and the s tens are, hereby adopted us the esmblished grades. Yeas-Ald. Bauholser, Bielenberg, Bot[, C'unley, Costello, Culler, Dobner, Durnideu, hn Flandruu, Gcn. Me" 1. 1"111"u. Van Slyke, Mr. \"ice Yresfdeut-li. Approved May i. 1891 By Ald. DObner- Iteaolved, That the glade of Carter ave- nue, Lrom Eustis 'Street to county road, as In- dicated by the red grade life on the accom- pauying profile, and as recommended by the City Engineer, he, and the same is hereby utlnpied as the esmbllshed grade. 1"eas-Ald. BnuholzerBtelennerg, Bott, Con- ley Costello Callcu, Donner, Doruiden•Flun- dran. Gahan. \telady. Sullivan. Van Slyke, Mlr. \'Ice President. -ll. Approved May 7, 1891. By Aid. Bott- Resolved, That the City Engineer be ¢- quested t,,typur[ n aulmble grade on Kerwin and Brand treats slid Keogh avenue, from White Bear aveuue to 11aze1 at'ettue, and Van Dyke avenue from Ease th veuth street to Harvester aveuue. Yeas-Ald. Ranholzer, Bielenberg, Bott, Conley. Costello, llubner. Doriden, Flan- drau. Gehau. Malady-, Mines, Sulllveu, \"nu Slyke, Ml r. President.-li. Approved May 7, 1591. By Ald. Bo« - Res I'ed, That the City' Ell Rin ser be re- queatedvto establish a suitable grade ou ties- terstreet, from Burns avenu9 to Con Way street. Yeas -Aid. Banholzer, Bielenbefg, Bott, Conley, Costello, Dobner, Dorn Iden, Ftaa- drau. Gehan, Malady, Miuea, Sullivan, Vau Slyke, Mr. President. -17. Approved May 7, 1591 By Aid. Botl- Itil esulced, Tha[ the City E-Kfneer be re - a1. centuet from �En 1 sir eti to White Bear rade on I laae- nue: also Euclid an d Conway streets, from Earl street to White Bear avenue. Tees-Ald. Bauholzer, Bielenberg, BOtt, Coale}'. C'aslello, Dohuer, Dorniden. Ftan- dratt, Gehan. Malady. Mires. Sulllrau, \'an Styke. Mr. ('resident -1!. Approved May 7, lSul. 108 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL ® OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 109 '.t By Aid. Gehan— Resolved, That the City Engineer be and hl is hereby instructed to have the opening be [ween the center and the west boulevard or the north side of Central PP rk paved will cedar blocks and granite car 1119 in the sum, manuer that the openice between the centei and east boulevard oe the north side of Can tral park is now paved, the expense [hereof not to cost over one hundred dollars, and tc roe➢aid out of the Kenernl fund. - Seas—Aid. Banh Izer, Bielenberg, Bott, Conley, Costello, Cullen. Donner. Dorniden, Flaudrae,Gehan, Moistly, Sullivan, Van - Slyke, Mr. Vice President -14. Approved May i, 1801. li Aid. Van Slyke— Yfeeolved Thx[ the Illy Comptroller I. hereby authorized to audit monthly the pay ' rolls of the City F:ugineeritg department, as certified to by the City Engineer slid no. roved by the Board of Public Works; and that the proper order be drawn an the C'I ty t Tmonthly for the ¢mount of the 'ell I s ll ed by the CRY Comptroller, oro -]tied that the aggregate amount of s ch rolls does not exceed in y one year the ' f amount of $40,poo , which said amount is pro ruled by law for sniddepartment. The same i ! beingp yable from the Engineering depart - lot (hnd. Tens—Ald. Bn nbolzer, Afeluberg. Bell, I' Conley, Costello, Cullen, Dohner Dormden, - I Flandran, Gehan, Melady, Sullivan, Van Slyke. Mr. Vice President -14. Approved May 7, 1801. By Ald.\lelady— • Resolved. Tint the City Comptroller to • be, authorized to audit monthly the pay. rolls of the street and sewer forces, as certi- .', fled to by be Ci t3• Engineer, and ny.,ov d by the Board of Public Work.; i_ and t.h [ tl,e proper order be drawn upon the City Tress. rarer monthIY far the amounts of the rolls so Idited by the tJty Comptroller; provided I that the aggregate amount of such rolls shell j: i1 t exceed in any one year Ole am t [ of $1.;O.fNq; which said amount is provided by d } law for said forces. The same being y - able from the street ruffsewer force food. Tens Ald. Banholzer, BielCon enberg, Bolt, u3reln�DuD F landrnu,u Gehnq Sullivan ni\atti Slyke, Mr. \'Ice President -14. Approved Mav 7, 1891. F. Ry Ald. Gehan— Resolved, That City Attorney be, and he is a hereby directed to cooly the Babcock Trans- fer Co m n Rha[ it 1 p ,rte future [het m ust kee t heir vehicles and D 0 ',her e Darn diernal l durlu th • noon hour, k 9 a[ ie, betty g sen L" o Nock m d clock p. m., off, \'alley street near the hxrn. dens—Ald. ti nnhOlzer, BI berg, Boil, Conley, Cos'll., Cullen, Dohner. D.rnideu, Flim drat; Gehan• %Ielndy. Sn11it'En. Van Slyke, Mr. \"toe President—G. Approved May i, 189 1. Br Ald. Mlnen— Renolved, That be Chief of Police be in N a acted to remove 11 ohstnv[fon (nun the alley D, mock L, of \\'oo.hury &('ase"e nddi- tion to Nest St. Pau I. Yeas—Ald. Banholze, Blelenbere. JI 1. ('onley. Costello, Donner, Dor.l.en. Flan- drau, Gehan, Melady, Mines. Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. Preeldent—H. Approved May 7, 1801. By Aid. Flandra.— Resolved. That the Commitleeon Wass and Means of the Common Council be nuthey re herebveuthortzed still Instructed to tiego- thtte, at once, for the ppurchase of lots one ( I) and two (2), block eioght (8) of Rice & Irvine's addition to the Clty f St. Paul. Teaolss—Aid. Ranh Izer, Blelenberg, Bott, dr u, G�ehall,t Me had,.7lf"eluea,O Iden. Fl an a. Slyke, Mr. Preaident—l+. Approved May 7, IS01. By Aid. Flandrnu— Resolved, That there is hereby fixed and provided for clerkhire for the ofllee f the City Trensurer,of the City of St. Paul,lhe sum of eight thousand dollars ($x1,000) for the year commBesencing April 20. 1.+01. mut of said clerk hire be tlrawnhot Iers onD[mpay- ,iy treasury from time to lfmo. es may be neeee- nry during the Did year, said der, to be npa}_an,. out of the geuernl fund of said city, d not to exceed In theRRregate ninnnt the sum of eight thousand dollars (SS,O[tn1. Teas—AW. Nn holz [ er IIfelenber . Bo tt R Conley. Costello. dy, Mn s, Stiden. ,Van draw, Gehan, Al ¢lady, Mines, Suilivet, Van Slyke• Mr. President 14. I'aseed May 7, 1891. Bld. Gehan— ResOlyed. That there I, hereby fixed and he City Cleiderfor k of the Mtrk y of ire ILrPool [he he suce m of four thousand six hundred IS+.Ul10) dolh,ra for the year ending A pril'NI, 1X02. Resolved further. That orderstar the pey- eat of said clerk hire be druwn on the City Treasury from time to time, as may be tece.- sary during said year. a Id rders to De pey- ¢ble out of the general fund of said city and not to exceed In the nsgregnte amount the sum of four thousand ix hundred ($+•1x00) dollars. Yens—Ald, Baubolzer, B,eletlberg, Belt, Conley. Costello, Dohner, Dorniden. Flan- drau, Gehan, Melady, Mlue¢, Sullivan, Vnn Slyke. Mr. Preldm,t-1+. A Ppro-ed May 1891. By Ald. Coaleya -- Resolred, Th t the Cmnpcnsadml t the members and employes of the Iotfce de2aut- ment of the CID) of St. ]'all, be nil it itis hereb fixed for y one year fro m and Including \In 1, 1891. n g 3 shot t the statement hereto n tmched� the e sold r sntioil to b paid in cqt 1 monthl- InsmllmeenLs, and n ¢fly order shall be drawn upon the city tret - ur' in the same manuer as heretofore Issued, null shall be paid out of the general f Chief • .. .. ...Sx.:,0 ('tip tains....... ....... I. 4W each 3UmnteI lieulrnnnW linelutliul; I,.bU each lines, and maintenance).. 1,411 each rgennta ............... 1,000 euch a,Inred Er�reani '(ionPadimg 1 o ands notenaoce).. 1.^an each `hie( detect) vea............. ;l;(Yl each letfet]yea...... .. .. j:...h .1 lulled tt Datrolm en*,lf let. d Ing 90(1 each 0 Dorsa and mnlutennnce)........ 1.160 each Lfcenseinspector (including SOW for horse and buggy and mm.- teuance). .. 1,560 Janitor Central station ................ - a i Jailers .............................. BUD Drivers patrol wagmes...... . 9 9 9 9 . 000 euch Putrolmeu ncuug pmmdmnsters.. !700 each Clerk to C'hiet Police....... 1,000 Driver workhouse vat. avid[ team...... 1,2170 Guard workhouse vat ................. 000 Teas—Ald. Banholzer, Bielenberg, Boll, Conley. Costello, Dobler, Doatiden, Flan- drau, Gelatin. Melady, k inen, Sullivan, Van Slyke, 11 - President -14. APprored \t ay ByAid. Flnndrau— Resolved, 'I'hnt the City of St. Paul be and i6 hcreh' iutller!2ed to issue certftfCamN el fudebte3ness iu [avur of Robert A. Smith, Mayor, for li,e sum of si [y thousand (W,- IXq) dollars, or as much thereof n .try be nccessarv. with interest at a rale not to eX- ceed 7 per cent 'it! -per annluman u. payable stt sfl1d11certi'a Caretesu hc «eth'a obear d-te M my lr 1SJ1, Ise hued in payment f the purchase of lots m,mber one 11) end two (21, black eight (8), to b e payable ant sthreeeiit. and i and }eur, froms the date thereof. as provided by all tic[ of the t hurize Rte LeRislnlure entitled, "Au act o nI t City of St. Ynul to issue c runt nos of tie eceds to be , aceded March 2;, 1SOL pro credi to De placed a city pit uryI'D,, t0 the -credit of s ramal fund ,Or the pun rpo.e. Teas—Aid Banholzer. Bieleu berg, Bol[, Conley; •ti°tlte*i�la�ivnrlliuea_u Sullivan.F\ et Approved May 7, 1891 Resolccd b}' the C'ommou Couucll f the •ltv orders be drown Ciro of ve Rol, eT c u the city treasury fit favor of the follow- ing p...... for the amount sct Oposite to their respective names, said amounts to be chergenble o •'the (,acetal F and": Leif & Rosen t.ist, X5.91; E. McNamee, $I:L':6irge, $LOli IIea«ie Zink works, $81.0.x;Berkman & Sons, &J: Goodyear Rubber CumW; CO."s Electric Company. $1..8(1: Joseph Anstelt, $:59:x8: house of Good Shepherd, $100-44: J. J. Fell- ed}-, Sd.(r_, \orthweslent Photograph Com pp n>, SIN: Art I•:ngmylnR Compluly, $i5.ln: Llas Foch, SIO; J. P. Nrcwn, eecreutrf of S.T.teSl(k1.10; Frank Broke• $4: `;_t" Pow Sanitation Company, 575; De;"COD &• Co., $7.30; Azotlue Manufactur(hg Com- pany. 81.260; Robert Seeger, S,lktn.40: Globe Publishing Com y.$550,33; \vyCkoff, u Treac I 1.25' Brow Y ,s &Belied ct. S Seams: N'Illlem i u `x.30 8� Ute ,SM;eto $'=t Co. 1 6 Berlan' & Co.. $4i.: George Iters, Cali Treas- urer, °„°, lUi.84; Hoard of N"alar CI of Foiu- ers, 82x.10; C'. Berndt. 850.11: St. Paul Furni Dire C'om ,any, S:i : Eennedy tit Chi«enden, $13.15; James Cleary, 877; Me`oll s Brost Supply, &t.75; H. A. Castle. ;,21; yes & Cutler, SxaO' Hoard of N"titer CommEssio. era, $10.50: & Cary Company. &3.10; Bleclrlc RobinsonEng. & Su Ipl}• Company,John 83.20: Latin, &oPower Corm y, $14.70eotMax Electric mitn, Si.rA. a —Ald. A¢nhulzer, Bielenberg. Bolt, Conley, *oateltl :,.Do bner, Born Iden, Fls.- w•. i:.. ...• i ad-_ \linen. Suit lt'au. \"av solved by the Common Council of the of St. Paul, That city orders be druwn i the city treasury in favor of the follow - persons for the amount act opposite to respective i ea, said amounts to be ggable to .The LOCW Improvement T. T 1'O'C'onnor. $116.10; damages on account mage of grade on Rudolph street to Snide, S 3.05: Tobias hlles, SI04.65; Robertson, 5=130;William \enlelon. HSS; dmnsgea un accouut of change of e on \ley street to John B. Smith. .W; dm„a 'alges on accouut of changeOL le on Mt. Airy M-1110 Margaret D. Doyle. damages on account of slopes on Li,w- street to Charles Fortmeler. $21+.55; ages oil account of widenin Nest Sov- a to John Sobotka•_$l7; 31 eMullen & Minneliaha street sewer sewer system, 95560; \\'. J. Pres:oq Estimate 1.. 4, : uppleme.- ttry, -ewer o. Sl. An tiro -avenue, $'�. C. Johnson. Estimate \o. A, supplemenisry, sewer on George street' $LS' Stockton & `Lindquist. Estimate No. 'l S'� pplementnry, sewer on H....., nveuue, S25. Yeas—Ald. Ba.holzer, Dielenberg, Bott. Coale}'. Costello. Dobuer, Dondden, Flnn- drau, Gehan, Melady, Miuea, Sullivan. Van Slyke, Mr. President—14. Approved May 7, 1891. Resor ed by the Cummuu ('ouncil of the City of St Paul. That city rrder. Le drawn pun the City Treasury in favor of the fol - ]owing [anted persons for the ¢mount set oP- poste o their specti, .times, said Foousts to be chargeable to d,e "Street rce Fund:" 5%'m Bm,holzer, $150.2;; M.Ongler Bros., 51,4.60; Foyes Bros. Am. Dlfg. Company -Si': Farwell, Dzmun, Birk & "I S3.ir_': [4, Mitach, KM: F. Skok. $0.50; P. 11. Felly "- CompnuY. $+.80: Baker Moffat, 55*1 . J. G. D.Rgan, $12.60: Wright, Barrett & Stillwell, S1.4i; Robinson & Crary Compact', SS.25; A. Jobst, $11.70; AlehnI & Leen, $lu. Yens—Aid. Danholzer, Bielenberg. Dolt, Conley. Costello, Uobuer, Doruiden, Flan- drau, Gehan, .11elnd3'. Mlueq Sullivan, \'an Slyke, Mr President -1+. Approved May i, 1SJl. Resolved, That nn order be drawn fn favor ofone d EllaRothschild [dollar. for 11 $11 `5 be ug forum of rthe re dealp[lou of Cerdticnie Zo. 11.:345, erron- eously ].sued agnlns[ Claymore park. in the Midway IIeights, for sidewalk assessment, the same being public grounds belonging to the city. AIso that all order be Arnw. In favor of F. c V. lle3'der.taed[ for thehe sum of [our hundred ten. 9N IW doHara ($410.OS), being for the reedoeoas 'I,.. ]against lolsli,l4 1 and lid Lexof ittKtonek i,, venue. iudgmentllhavinggraditb been set aside by the supreme Court. Also, [int mI rd0r be drawn In favor of DOttglae I'ntnnm for the sum of sixteen and 50400 dollar. ($18.50' being mount erron. eoualyapnid on lot H, lock 1. Maoaleater Park \"law ddidun, for the grading of St. An- _ thony avenue. Alco [int norder drawn In favor s of IIelena, Dorn for the m f twenty-two a o nd Nd -IW dol lata (522--), Dei ng fe Ities and In- terest paid o. CertlHca[es h . 1,48': and IAA" €f)J d Q t 8 y 110 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCII, OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 111 § 7 g erroneously I... Id. against lots Il and 12. block U, w'oodbur,, a d Case's addition, for Inge had for the condemnation and ,king f land for Whereas. Said resolutton of April 7th, defective itithat it fled the f Repp eseutative 1n the Legislature for the Four[hr\yard St. Paul. Rrad(ng Hunker street. a street or levee In the Sixth ward from 111esourl street to Delos street, ae I 1891, was age General Fund as the turd out f which the of Ye¢e—Aid. Banholzer, Blelenberg. Bot[, ]]]] Also, that an order be drawn In favor of confirmed o firmed by the Board of Public Works vena was to lu pall, u;slead [ the Local 1 Conley, Cox-llo, Dobner, Dornlden, Flaa- ;n'� Loula Sluger for the some of three slid 00 100 dollars (S:1.90), being penalties and July iN, 18110, for a balance of damages n ded forexeh plece and Parcel land Ira Provement Fn, ,out of which the ea a should be paid, said su so paid Into the drat;, Gahan, Me1aQy. Minea, Sullivan, Slyke, Mr. Proeideut-14. ocost Cer[mi illels No. 6750 tl 076(4, err a slyy y Issued against next half o[ Iota N and U, blot k taken and condemned I I et d bt hl pro- dings. Sold tre...rS having DCeu orlRinxlly placed [o [he Ira Fund. Approved May 7. 1891. - 4 (� II., 1liche7 a d Itoberteon'x Acldilion to St. ce city orders shall he delivered my upon [he owners of such rertf ¢sent¢ de- edit o[ the said Lonal Provement Noty, therefore, be It _ By did. Flandrau } ; Paul, for n change of grade on Randolph street, Ilvering to the city of St. Paul pron>er a d Resolved. That an order be drawn upon at Resolved, That nn order be drawn In favor i� i'� 'i Also, that an order be drawn in favor of sufhcletil receipts of the amounts paid, ,d a certificate of the Corporation Attorneyand the Ci[y- treasury, after the claim has been tett by the Ci[y Comptrolist, in favor of of the Chicago & Bol[ Com alis rge y nv `the ' Christian Sell acher for the su of two that the title to the real estate Is 1n the party [d Trust Com- the St. Paul Tlde Iro i ,,rile from Sixth tree[ brtdRe bund f;end, nuumro Ira orovetneu[ tend and X100 tl 111 rn (�S.W )), Deing pn I[y paid uo on lo[ Ri mock 1, \ tr,lsou'. ddttio I, er to whom the damages are old therefor and ut=bemd. p utTo.. melena xnT, for the sum f thousand fear $undmd (7.400) dollars, to be of the s lancet i. the a of teen thuunnnd l l .pq) 3 e usly sold for change o[ grade on Itnn ? iIoloh resolullo. 1s passed pursuant [o Paid Local Improvemeut Fund for the pp rpose of dollars to pay estimate No. 2 for work done .lid matennl wished in conx[ruct in, the sire¢[. 1 Alio, that an crder be drawn In favor of A. uthor(ly conferred by act of the Legis. Inure o[ the Slate C a..1; act sofa ttl[Ied S'rizc reimb.rsln 'lite comp lie, ccordfno to the provisions [ WC said r solution [April .0 a perstruCture of We Sixth street LndRe In St michenbe rg for the hill of two hundred Ali act [o an the Cay of St Poul to 7th, ""I, referred to above. Sold resolution the Citp of Jt. Paul. Fiavholzer, two and 4X-100 dollars (.q!.4S , being for the 1 Pay for I�ihds condemned fur a levee in the pf A 11 7th. INUl, is hereby re Pealed. yeas—Aid. Blelenberg. Bott, Conley, Costello, Dobner, lloruldeu, 1'lan- redempLion of Certlfiexles .1o. _Ii'� td A6i 1, + sly issued agnlu x[ lot ' 4, block II, s Siatn d [ Id city oder, pro. ¢¢dings had by lite city for the as Teas—A Id. Hentsolzer, Bielen berg. Bot4 Conley. Costello, llnbner, Doruiden, h'lau. drnn, Gehnn, Tlelad \I Ines, Sulllvau, y. \'eu Rice's Firn[ nddltluu, for the glueing of York t ondemnatfon and takluK f Mads for street dom, Gehnn, 1lelady. Mine., Sul liven• Van • Slyke, Mr. President-14. xtr4lao, or levee In the Sixth (8th) ward of said SIYke. 11 r. Preaidont—U, Approved May ,, 1801. that nn order be drawn in favor of R. { D. Dunlop (orL,c - m of evmny five and •Ity. from Sm le street to [he Center line of 111ssour, aireet. as confirmed by the Board o[ Approved May 7, 1801. —_ 1 — By Bnn holzer-- SiW dollars (Si5.2:i)u belnR for the rode-p- [Ion L'erulflenm Publle \forks July cl9hmenth (INIII, lie By Ald. Dornlden— RAW. Rceolved, That nu order be drawn , the of No. 481:1, erroneously issued rgnitintsol 24, block II. E. Rice's Flr.I addi- thousand elgh[ hundred line nlue[y (1X170), and also under other condemnation proceed• Resolved, That an order Do drawn an the Clt • Treasurer In favor of the hoard of (•un- trot for the sum f 511=.45, being the City's [Ion. for Sidewalks Estimate No. :1, Inas. Also, llutu ai, be drawn in talar M. Ings And Dy Id ef[y for t.I. condcm ni'lo❑ Illy treasur>•, payable out of IIIc local Ira- fund, fn favor of The " local Ira: AlnaeI d of the zpendlture of enld Hoard nater of t, Frmtcot for lho sum of thlrmen UN-1(q nod htklug of land for a n[reot yr levee h1 the Sixth Provement Dmhlman Brewing Com lent' for [he su [ lu m.lntnlnlhg lho Cfty and County Ilos. line ($la.tw), beta" �+analtles lid lttlorest 1�slsl (11th) ward of said oil)-, from Missouri tract to Delos street, ax confl rmed b • [ho Board 8285 in Pey'moot of Iatid condemned in $265 i Pgital, Almshouse nod Poor Far- and outdoor lief of poor durliiR the month of April. upon lots 8 and ,, block 1'S. West St. Paul { Proper, for of Public tt'orks Jul3'elgIt eeuth ([Nth), nK R' u Seventh ¢frac[. from 1'ueca- w1dora Mor[ Suolllni{ GridRRe, 1NUL Payable out e[ the Beard o[ Control ,T i the Rrnding of South Itoburt j street, while Conaemned far park purposes. for I r lie thouxapd eight brindled lid nitiety (181q), out o[ the unez pended balance re- x[ree[ [o nn coo- Homed De the Board of Public \\'orkx, June fund u[ the cls •. Yens—Aid. Ifanholzer, ➢Ielcuberq. Bolt, Also, tthhe[ no order be In [alar o[ The St. F'sul City Railway Company for the mal„hlg In the city tocrun ry es belonging to the fund ,:J, IB1p, which land in denerlbed follow'. to wit: The sent eaeterly seven feet of the Conley, Cpetello. Dobner, Dornideu, 1'Inu- um of ,e h I,, d, thirtyy-tilos upd 1(5.100 1 dollars collected upon the s essmen[ ns cthill. d by the Board o[ Public {Corks folmalowlnR deserlbed real estate, to wit: C'om-_ drnn Geh¢n, Melody, Mlnea, Sullivan, Van Slyke. Mr. 1 resides[—U. . I' I ). beingamount m u t overpaid 1n - the ods Into July twenty-elgh[ (2Xth), one thousand elgltt epnclna ¢[ [he northeast Corse of t doff Approved May 7, 1891. P A earuings paid the treasury on tax of an error In Iheirsmtemeut o[ hundred and eighty-two (1X82), for the open- IHR. Hold wenao�e--halfhich sax oneowu northwest yuarterta]( ' emlaccgen- I) ¢rel -zee- ealendiug and widening a etre¢[ or levee long the Mlssissi�pl river from the eolith section twenty o e, township twenty-eight, By Aid. Gehau— Also, to at an order he in favor o[ William Broome line o[ the ef[y n section nlne (9), town range twejt[Y-three and Rest SecentA street: line Resolved. That an order for $L28:i.70 be um of for the sum or the six and 33-100 dollars to (2n), range twenty two (�), fo theace northeast along northwest of WeSeventh 185 feet; thence drawn on the City Treasurer for work done �. ($;6.Si). being for the redemp- tion of Certtfleete No. 5791,erroneousl).lasued then utht to the south Zine of [he city to section twelve (12),town [went,,-eight(21,1.rangelwen[))-three street north Darelie] with said township road 1.50 feet: on the Inspeution of local improvements (inring the mouth of April 1891. ea/d amount gains[ a part lot A, blockevent YI, Terry s d ' ) (21). In the Siath (8th) a d of ld city, thence southwest parallel with West Seventh being the amo,1nt of the Itiepec[llid pa roll er esi. tion, tar a ¢ewer on Seventh and Metidom n streets. inking a strip of land two hundred (200) feet street IA5 feet to east live of townsbip road; thence oath 15o fee[ to beginning, fit St. during the mouth of A 711. and for the live pp ry furnished: be Also, that an order be drawn in favor of 1' wide ¢long the west side [ the llIssfssippi river," ayproved April 1st, 1491. Paul. Minnesota. to Duyable out of the Inca) Im- provemeu[ fund. i' the St. Joseph German C.tbollc Orphan Asv- lu- 'L Yeas—Ald. Ba "rBlelenberg, Bolt, Yeas Ald. Banholzer, Blelenberg, Boll, yeas—Aid. Banholzer, Blelenberg, Bolt, far the cum ofelgh[eeu end 100 doll. le- are, being pena][les cud costs pale '.1,11.71, (or Conley, Costello, Uobuer, Dorntden,Fmndrau, Gahan, Malady, M1nea, Sulllvau, yon Slyke Conley. Costello Doover. Dornideu, Fla.- drnn, Oehan. Me)adS. Mt.ea, Sullivan, Van Conley. Costello, llnbner, Dorofden, Flan- drnn, Gahan, 1l elady, Mlose, Sullivan, Van i.. c Itaveous tree'. oC lana erroneously sold • <: a hang¢ of Ronde on Handoffph treat. o"'t All a d 11 r. Preeideu t-14. Approved May 7, 1891. Slyke, Mr. President-14. Approved May 7, IBUL Slyke. Mr. President-14. Approved May 7.a 1801. above to be pa1Q out of the local Ira I ➢rove-¢_[ fund Yens—did. Banholzer. DerR. Boll,Ald. } Coley, Costello, By ran— By Ald. Gahan Resolved, That an order be drawn n the D Aid. Boll Resolved, Cullen, Dobher.Dornideu, p y� F,.ad lou, 1,eha n, 1l eladT• Sullivan. \'¢n her as. T Whereas. The Common Council f the CI[ Treasurer 1n favor of John O'B:le,i for Y That permlesimt be granted C. R'. Ilorr, to prlva[eiy grade Kerwin td Slyke. Mr. Vice Yreeltlen[—li. Coy, f St. Fant, at meeting on the 7th the sum of SIS, being the sum paftl Into the Brand streets and Keogh avenue, from White 3'. Approved May T i. 189!- y o p 1, r don a A rl A. ll. IeUl, did dogi a sol u- pprrarrv' fag ants setting part In the City Munlcipnl Court of said city erroneously and der a mIe kc of feet bi the said John Benr avenue to Ilazei ve ue, and Van UTke avenue, from Ens[ Seventh street to 0,r I - By Aid. Meledv— ort of the General Fund, the O'Brien. the said older to bodrawn only ter arenue, fn the oily of St. Pail, said work Resolved, Thnt city ordere be drawn upon of S,,406I sum of $i,40li In said [rexsury, not otherwise x ppropriated, nod the written e pDrovxl of the judgge of the said court to this resolution. Yrovlded further, to be done under the supervision of the City $u the City Treasurer. parable out of the unez- aulhorizing sod empower- In the Cit Treasurer that said above amount be from the ulcer, and ex p expense to be old by Said C. Dcnded balance remaining iu the city !rens- .r as belonging 10 the fund collected to a over the said sum of $7.410 to the St. Paul Title Insamuce paid general fund. W. ((orr. Yens—Aid. Banholzer, Blelenberg, Bott, upon thy ✓% the nssesamm,t ns cmtflrmed by the Board of gg Public H'orks J,11 H INiC, beta" 2 line Trust Com nu and }i-herest 1'he T: Purpose for which said Seas—Alda Banholzer. Blelenberg, Bot4 Conley, Costello, Definer, Doruiden, Flan- Conley, Costello, Dobner, Dortiiden, Flan- elan, Gehnn. Mcledy. Miuee, Sullivan, \'as . 5 C S a orllon o[ • P the local improvement fund, in the Dr....d- to new will so "[tempted to be ppropr(ntea drgu, Gahan, Melody, Miuea, Sullivan, Yan Slyke, 31r. President—N, or lands for a street In g for the toe ntandogSixth wan to reimburse the St. Poul Tllle Insurxuce and Trust Company Slyke. Mr. Preeldeut—H• 7, 1891. Approved May 7, IBUl. w or levee m the Sixth ward of the ily o[ St for money taint into the CI[y 7'rexeury on behalf Iter. Donn Approved May _ Ynul, In favor of the owners of the cal Its. of Irelnvd lid Thomas Cochran, for the purpose of end By Ald. Hot[— true can trained for a levee 1n the Slzih ward of the St. In order that the C Elmer & Morrison.¢ 11,21d. Cullen— per Iteenlved, 7'hn[ permission be and the name t•ity o[ Paul, under Vroceedings had [or the cundemngtiun and tatt,ug of land plat rearreugement o[� pqart [ Nucalester Park might be marmd. solved, That an order be draw. on the TrexxurrYY, out oC general fund, to hereby granted to J. FI. Larxmy to erect, maintain and operate he))• scales t No. 0113 i for a street or levee In tho Slxlh ward, from Smte recorded, f„ which Id rearrange. meat certain [recta line nlleyn had Aeeti Wily payable (livor of Cbe sec N. BCH for the sum of five I East Seventh ¢tree[ In goCity of St. Paul, street to the center Ilse [ Dllseourl [reel, as by and other streets lid llOYe detll- dollars, said sum hell Leen overpaid Min nexotn, halo" fu rear of tut ], block T. contnmed the Board o[ Public Works Jul)• Ie, 1XIM1, ¢ad also under proceed- cnied to PIIDIIC axe lu Ben thereof more than egwveleu[ Iu value line glen; nnsj by said Bell as the fee for 1111,19 a certlflinte IS Of I, I,.[lo. fu OClobCr, 1tlJ0, fo: the omce Of Levy'a mldlllon, upon the cuuditlonn and ae proridetl by nrticl0 58 0[ the municipal code. a 4 112 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL . OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 113 Yeas-Ald. Banholzer. Blelenberg, Halt, 'emiley, Costello, Dobner, Dorniden, F1a11- drau. Gehan, Melady, Miueq Sullivan, %an SI)'ke-13. Nuysoved May 7, ISJl. Approved Mn}' i, 18JI. Bp Committee on Clnlms-- Resolved, That Mrs. Catharine Daly, owner of lot fi, block 91i. West SL Pull, proper, be and she is hereby permitted to pay t'ithout interest the lisment on said lot forthe grading of Dearborn street between Budw'ell and Sante streets Ye.s Ald. Banholzer. Bielenber Bott Coo"'* Costello. Dobner, Dornidep, Flan Con draw. Gehan, h1eWtl)', hliuee, Sulllrau, ]"nu Slyke. Mr. President -I+. Approved May 7. 1N91 By Ald. Bolt- - Resnlved, That Messrs. E. Bostrom, A. Him G. Anderson and other p-nerly own- ers o], e Mt. Ida street, between the s ¢ter of Otsego street and the seater of lGeliji.[reel, be, and are hereby allowed; of their own ex- vense, to const n et u sewer on said lilt. Ida stree4 between sad points, and to connect "fill the same: the work to be done under the direction and a. ervitim. o[ the City En - e revs[ of a guecr, thigineenng and Immec [Iron to be paid into the City Treasury by said property owners lens Ald. Banholzer. BlelenDerg, Boit Colley' C'os[ello, ll,beer, Dorniden, F:xn- drau, t,eh. t hlelndy, hlioea, Sulhvxv. ]'uu Slyke, Mr. k'reKideit _I+. Aperoved May 7, IS91. By Aid. Dobner- ltesolved. That the names of Hersey nve. ane, from Hampden nvenne to Bernheinter ¢Genus, and Bernhelmer avenue, from Ker- sey avenue to University avenue, be and the same are hereov changed to Hampden ave. e; this resolution being in substance the same as slid intended to correct resolution of Feb. I8, 1891. Yeas-Ald. Banholzer. Bielenberg, Britt Co11 ey'Costello, Dormer, Uorniden, Flamdrau, Go pre Melady, hilueu, Sullivan, V.n Slyke. Mr. President -t+. Approved Mny 7. 1891. By Ald. Copeland- li-p'ed, That the Board or Public }Yorks cause the following street. in Sprinkling llis- tric; No. 2 to heaprhikIed during [he season of 1891, subject to any order which the Com- mon Council, from lime to time by resnlutlon of said body, may make, diseoutin uluR said 'pun.ling o. such streets or purls O'f aIremk for such lime as sat" Vwnmou Can ncil ¢hall determine: Otsego stree4 frrom Lafayette a'euue to flaunt Ida a, -a . Burr street from Collins street to Jenks street. Bradley street, from Seventh street to North street. Hopkins street, from Bradley street to De Soto ""I. Bur street, from Norta street to Woodward avenue. Partndge street. from Burr street to Bradley street. York street. from Mississippi street to West- minster street. Westminster street, from York street to Loosou[ ¢lace. Lookout place, from Westminster street to Arkwright street. Arkwright street from Lookout place to Case street. Case street from Arkwright street to P.y,i. nvenne. Clark street, from Cease street to Whttall street. Yeas-Ald. Banholzer, Bielenberg, Bolt. ^antsy. Costello. Uobuer. Harridan. Flan- drau, Geheu, ,listed?, hl it a. Sullivan. ]"nn Slvke. Mr. Yre.lden[-1+. Approved )lay 7, I,,JI. By Aid. Van Slyke - Resolved, That the Board of Public Works cause the following streets in District No. to Ire sprinkled during the season of 1911, sub- ject to such orders as the Common Council may from time to time givediscontiuuing said streets or parts thereof: Burr street from Collins street to Minhehnhn street, Edgerton cares[, front Decatur street to ltmaney street; Ite-uey street, from Edgerton street to Payne avenue; York street front Payne avenue to Greenbrier ¢venue; Green- brier avenue, from York street to Marviand street. Seas Ald. Hanholzer, Bleleliberg, Bolt, Conley, Costello, Dobner, Dorulden. Fleu- drau, Gehan, Melady, Milieu. Sullivan, ]'an Slyke, htr. president 14. Approved May 7, 1891. By Aid. Metedy- Resolved. That the Hoard or Public Works cause Oakdale avenue to be sprinkled from State street to Page scree[. Peas -Aid. Bunholzer. Blelenberg, Bot[. Conte)', Costello, Dobner, Dorulden, Flan. Gehan, Melady, Mines, Sullivan, San S v -c, Mr. President. -14. Approved Mily 7, 1891, By Ald hlinea- Heald yml. Tint the Board of Public Works be instructed to cause Prescott street sprink- led from Oakdale avenue to Woodbury street. Teas-Ald. Ba.bolzer. Bielenberg, Bot,, Cooley. Custello, Donner. Dorniden, Flaa- drau, Gehan, Melady, Mines, Sullivan, San Slyke, Mr. Presldeut-14. Approved play 7, 1891. By Aid. Bell- Reso'ed. That the Board of Public R'lt orks use Eaa'Sixth street to be sprinkled, fro% Marl. avenue to Arced. street• duri ug the sensan of 1591. ]Yeas-Ald. Bnuholzer. Bielenberg, Bolt, Conley, Costello, Dobner, Dorulden, Flan - dram, Gehnn, hlelndy, hllueq Sullivan, Van Slyke. Mr. President -14. Approved May 7, 1891. By Aid. Bell - It That the Board of Public Work, canfrom Forest bmet t CY ess street to be sHudson avrouprink ed during the sen - so of 1891. ]"ens -Aid. Banholzer, Bielenberg, BOO, Conley. Costello, Dobner. Dorulden, pjKu- drtn. Geha.. Melml Miveit, Suld[vnn. Van Slyke, Mr. President -14. Approved May 7, 1891. By Ald. B.nholzer- Resolvcd, Thatlint P'art of the orl er of Coco- on Council of Apri 1, Will, for sprinkling In District No. 5, whmh rends •'Western ave- ne. from Harrison avenue to Emma stree,," be amended so its to rend "Western avame, from Goodrich avenue to Emma streetl" ]-ens-Ald. Banholzer, Blelenberg, Rott Conley. Costello, Bother, Uornidell, Fixu- dran. Gehan, Melady, MInea, Sullivan, Van ID, ke, Mr. 1'reaudatt i+ Approv.J May 7, 1891. By Aid. Gehnn Resolved, TImt the Board of Pnblie Work. be and they are hereby direceIP to make ao lio nrp eascasmcu[ w condemn slaves Iourtend street, mast side, the slopes to conte from the properly owned by Will. Raleigh and John Pen, I y. Yens Aid. Rnnholzer, Bielenberg, Britt Conley, Costello. Cullen. Dobner, Dondden, Finn drau. Gehnn, Melody. Sullivan, ]-act Slyke• Air. ]"ice 1•reafdent-- App roved May 7, 1N9I. By Aid. Sunburn Rmadved, That the Board of Public works he unit it 1. hereby directed to proceed forth- with with the gradingg if Cordes street. Sens -Aid. IlnuholzOr. Bielenberg, Bos, [ antsy, Costello. Dobner, D.-Idett, St..- dnau, Gehan. Melody. Mmes, Sullivan, V.. Slyke, Mr. President -14. Approved May 7, 1891. 1'ty Ald.rcby orlMelndyy- It is Iteered dI the Common Council f the City of tit. Il: That the matter of erecting and maintain- ing the following Ya.ol(n • Irmips, to wit: O i hi t northeast corner fibrma11 n mi Ammpolis "mot: nn Ism p, oortleim dl, corner IlnlI -venue .nit Annnp itis street, be and file .nae Is hereby inferred to the Board of Public Works to Inrest(gate autl report: Is 'III. Im 11movonmil proper and necessary? d if so. send alae Grinnell a proper order djrcct- iue the work to be one. Suras-Ald. Bnuholzer, Bielenberg, Hort, Conlec, Coa'elln, Uobuer, Dorniden, Nlan- Anau, Gehnn, Melody, Mirm% Sullivan, Van ke,hf [. Preside, t -l+. App- d May 4, 1891. Icy Aid. Mebidy- Il ishereb)• ordered by the Common Council of the City of SL Paul: That the matter of laying crosswalks in the f llowing named phases, o one t the north side of Fillmore avenue, acroae llubert etmcL one ou alis east acid west side o[ South ll n bnsli a street, across Water Street, be and the licIs hereby referred n the Board of Vub- )% rk, to Investigate and rePer,. Is this improvement proper unit hecessnry? If ao send the C'uuncil t proper order direct- ing the work in be done. Seas -Aid. Banholzer, Blelenberg, Bolt, Conley, Costello, D.Inmr, Dorulden. Flxm drau, Germa. Melady', hliuea, Su11Iv.n, Vnn dyke, Mr. President -14. Approved May 7, 1891. It,, Ald. Memdv-- ]i is herchy. ordered by the Common Council Tf the l'ytY of SAiul: hat Hm mn,.rt.nr lay'ing asix-mor wooden sidewalk o], the south aide of Huuker.triet from Oakdale nvenne to Harvard street, without unueecssnry delay, together with the necesaxry erosawalka, be an. the same is hereby referred to the Board of Public Works to investigate and report. Is this imorovemeut proper and necessary? If sa send the Council n proper order direct- ing the work to be done. ]"ens-Ald. Banholzer, Bielenberg. Bol[, Co 1 Con,M Dobner, Uorniden h lan done Oit.P. Melady, Mi Sullivan, \'nn Slyke, Mr. ident-14. Approved May 7, 1NU1. By ' Aid hfelad - I[}Is hereov ordered by the Common Council of the City of SL Paul: 'flat the matterof layinga six-foot woodma sidewalk on the t and west side of Ohio street, from Isabel street to the sontb city To except here 'idewnik f the sn^ e demnsion, rs already laid together with the heBary crosswalks, be nd the a reby referzed to [he Board o[ Yublie W orks to In,ies[(goo, and To part. If,r and neessan I. lsci d'he Council grope r)? If .a sold the Council n prover order direct- lui, the work to be done. Tess -Aid. Banholzer, Ulelenberg1 Britt. Conley, Costello, Delmer, Dorniden. Flan- drnu, Gehan, Melady, Mines, Sullivan, Van Slyke, Mr. President -14. Avproved May 7, 1891. By Ald. Sullivan - It is Iiere,ty ordered by the Common Commit of lite cHy of SL Paul: That the matter of constructing six-foot wooden sidewalk in front of lots S. 9 and 19. block No.:m , MorrinPark Second Addition, s ppetition ntmohed. be s unit ate hereerby referred to the Board of publiceWork, to h"i"t al and report. Ia tits lmprocemeut proper and necessary? If so, scud the Council a proper order direct- ing the work to be done. Yeus-Ald. Bunholzer, Blelenberg, Bolt, Cooley Costello, Dobner, Dorniden, Flail, drau, Gehan, Meedy, Mfues, Sullivan, Yau Slyke, Mr. President -14. Approved May 7. 1891. By Ald. Doridden- li is hereby ordered by rho Common Council u[ the City of SL I'aulr That the matter of h ym a.ix-foo[ wooden sidewalk on both shies of Arbor stree4 1"- tween James street and Grace street, be mad the same is hereby referred to the Board of piddle Works to inveatigato and report: His this i[n{movement proper unit necesaxry° If so scud the Council it proper order direct lug the work to be done. Tees-Ald. Bnuholzer. Blelenberg lion, Conley. Custellu, Dobner, Dorn file],: Fl.n- dran, Gehnn, Melady. Mmes, Sullivan, ]'an Slyke, Mr. President -14. Approved May 7, IS91. By Ald. Sullivan- - I[ is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the V " of St Pad: Tint the atter of laying cr ,aw'niks(n fnllowng pie res: On west side of Lou- and ]Vheeler nue¢ ores, respectively, cross tini- rsity, on the north side of IRIchart street; .eros Moore uveuue, and on the west side of Moore avenue, across ail% between Carroll and Iglehart streets, be and the same Is hers - I W `k =rA 114 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL by referred to the Board of Public Works to Ittvextignte and report: 1xLhis im{{rtovemm�t proper nod necrssn ra•y If eo, xentl [he l:ottucil ¢ proper order di- re ting the work to be done. Yeas-Ald. Ball Izcr, Bielenh rt, -lot[. m1eY, Coxlel*o, llolrner. llnraiden, Fmn- drau. `ehon..filndy. Al iomt, Suliiran, V,I Slyke, A resident -1+. A pprored At r, laid- By ata. Gehnn- IL is hereby urdcred Gy ibc Common Cou rtcil reniii;etmait« Of me i nxlrnidnn of n stone [ e neut s' ewnik ..I Title erect, mixt Hide. in• front o[ lute +, f and ri, block i• Ir- \ine's add inito Ge Hud the xn ix lmrehy re acorea to it,, Board of Public tWorks to ht- vcxilgam nod rC port. Is mix hnprormne It proper and n If .") Wend Lhe C'omi dl proper ordcreli cct• ing the work to be done. fees-Ald. Bm Iud,.cr, Bielenberg, Butt, Conley, Costello, Callen, Dohncr. Dorn idol-, F'Iaudrnu, Gehnn, Melody, Snlllven, Vun Slyke, AI r. \'ice i!I. eat -l+. Approved Ahty 7, I id By Aid. Copeland- — It is hereby ordert•d by the Common Council of the City of It. Paul: That the matter n[ gnWing aims erred be- tween Hurl street and Cyprevx street he ud then c is herohy refs red to the Boarder of 1•blio Works to 111 \'extlgnte arta repun: Firxt�le this ire provemeut um.. and pro, Seco d -Give the Gouncll I etlmnte of tToo ex , neo lh-roof, nnA suite whither onte- In at of [ho cost hereof ix to be p 11 Into [he city tre-sury befuro the connlrnce ix let. Phlyd-(•vo real •shim of b aefit , to far ,aid im'rov^man Gc found Glued tea to me v. le , [ auld oo, n ata Hud ex Poneox occes- a 4u be 11 lull, Limp -v ,nod n th Ix lull, mprovemenl naked for n'x to the point or nPttdicntiuu of tine own - of nj ity of Ille 1properly W b • xes nx_ d for loch Intpr -lino t? Fifth -Set d the Cuancil n plan or orcolh, of -id im,1111emenL res I ..I by haw, if you report in favor of me xan,e. ,i.tl-Scnll the 1 ,un •il n proper order direeting the work Io Ge done. Yens-Ald. Banholzer, Bielrnberg, holt, ('onayr C.Ine lo. llohuer, D-didmn, Fhol d"n hon, Melody, hlnulrL S.mv.u, Van Sly se. Mr. President 1+. Approved Ally 7, (Gill. By Ald. Blelenherg--- It ix ltereb}' urdcred by lhC Common C'ou rl Cil ( the r'i[J- of .' 1'nnnl : Tluat the n iter of er-ding lir Bey 1n lock^.,5, Macka bin and Alarahnl i' x ad,;i.It to the city of St. Pnu 1. Gel ween Fuller street Hud Aurora m'enne, from Hint to little streets, as ',er petition hemt,, attached, he and the s.I h Eby refer ad to the Bored or Pubiic W ka to invevtigato and report N'IrvtrYly this improve- •lit proper and n Secolnll-Circ the count cii n atimnato of Lbe expense thereof, slid store tvhethIo alt of the rust thereof Is to he paidnto U e city tmnsur}' before the cuarm•t Ix let. ed -Cru evil) clude to be assessed for laid Imprnvem,,II be found Genedled to the ex teatof damages, conte and ex pe n des uecea- Hnry to be Incurred thereby' Fourth -Ix xuch Improvement naked for upon the pc.idol or applicnRod of the own - 'r. of n mnj city of the verne,property to be —as- eFitirilth uSend yd, lou ell , plat or profile of ,Idrm pro\'eadd, ere required by law, if yon In revor oC [he xrtme. -(x[h-Send the council H. proper order di- reting the work to be done. Yc¢a-Ald. Banbolzer, Itielen,berg, Bot[. Conley. Costello, Donner, Unrniderl, Flnri- dmn, Geh no, Mehtdy. A it-. 5'dlh an, You Sl}'ke, AI r. President -t+. Approved May 7, 1%91. ItJlx4h`erehiy lordecr. ed by the Commau Council f the City of St. Paul: Thlit the m tar f layfdg , ight-foot codon sidewalk on the north side o[ Charles scoot, from Chalxworth street to Lexingtoin venue ax per petition hereto atmched,be aid I'll sae m1s hereby referred to the Board of Public Works to Investigate and report. is t his itnprovementprjH,r Hud necessary? If so, send (7uuuc1l a proper order direc t tnH work to be done. fess-Ald. Banholzer, Bielenberg, Bolt, Colney. Coslelto, llohuer, Dorniden, Flan- drild, Gehan, Melody, Mines, Sullivan, V•an Slyke, Mr. Presider 1-1+. Approved May 7: 1s91. Ily Aid. l'onle))'- It ix hereby .Meal by the Common Council f the C'Itt' or tit. Paul: """ [he mstratter oC x u crig and paving Hast Sixth eet, fromeB to¢dway street to Tb e Gia Lh elrcet nrl 'Ice, and constructing the ry I'll connections to Lbe property Ince be H it the same Is hereby referred to the Board of Public works to investlgnte Hud ret,�rst-Ix this Improvement yropernndrec - C ... Stcond-Give The Council an estlman of the ex),onxe tltor-of, std er store whethone half of rho colt thereof Is to be paid Into do, CITY Treasi try before the Contract ix let, 7It'rd-eau Tell edam to be t sed for Haid Ire{ o'emeut be found benell Lea to the extent of damages, costs arta ,,parses nee nrJ' to be incurred therebyY ,­ H sFotirt 1 -Ix s Ch improvemmn asked for upon the petition or application of the own- Hs oft ftrldorisucht, or the property to be as- eFiClh-Sen[ provemenlary 1 the ('cruel- a plan porofile If enid imp ell. ax requires ny Inw, it you -pool int facvor of b some. Slx[h-Send the Cunuctl n proper order directing the work to he done. liollser, Caney. C-Itellloll�B l),bucr, Dornided, tat,- IT ie �I, Gahan, Malady.. Mlnea, Sullivan, {'nn By Ald. Bfelmtberg It is hereb ordered by the ('ommon Council f me CI t) of St. Paid: y'hat the matter of constructing n aewer on Chntxworth street, from Front street to Coni - bell lelnM, as ,e to petition hereattached, be n d the same �a Torch).referred to the Board Of Public W-rke to int'extigate and report. tFire[-}n Is Lia Improvement proper and n -Glve the Council neathente of me eoudxpense thereof, and state whether one OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. Iib coHt thereof Is to be paid into the `' hef,,- recon trbuet, s s -oiled for reallto ant be found lutuddiled to Tho mages, costs ¢ I expenecx nel.ex C11re 1 tnemby' uch ire Drovement asked for ;x[f tion or xpp""dio, of the -111 0. 0, 1 orlty of the property to be as fit f ,1 •h Ire Dr-vementY ua the h [�ax req IredabY Inn or pivreIf lir o[ the same. nthe Council a proper order rk to be done. d. Bhlze- ano, Iilelenberg, Bolt, u. Mehody.u. rt Alto,, n illlivan. Von By Aid. Bielenberg- 14 is hereby oafs -d by the Common Council f the City of St. Paulm : That the Ater u[ grading (Ilntaworlh xtreeL from Front street to Ccmo boulevard, nx per peBoon hereto attached. be .,,it the tt 19 hereby referred to the Board of Pub- lic Works ub-]cWorks to Investigate and report: First -Is this Ire prove ment proper and nec- txSecond-Give the Council an stimntc o[ the exce„se them-£, amt sate whether o half of the cost thereof is to be paid title the Thi it' ,masury before the contract is let rd -Can real sera- to be n sexxod for said hu,.- at be found be neii cd to the x tend I dam 1gex, oasts , ,d ex ponxCs ueC- u to be frcu rred thereby exFourth rthIs uch ire pr v t en4 a ed for upon the Ireti[fon or lip.-Itiou of the uwn- uf a majory of the property to be its xe •d [or anonitlmproremept. Fifth -Send the Council n{,inn or profile of sola ire provement. nx required To, tan'. If }ou repot` To favor of the same. SI thh end the Council n prnpc order m- rcetipg the work to be done. Yoas-Aid. Banholzer, Bielenberg, Bolt, L'ouleye Costello, Donner, DnduidI u. Flxr ,Iran, Gehen, Melody, -linea, Sullivan, V"au Slyke, Air. Preside n t -l+. Approved May-., 1891. Be Aid. Dornlden- It is hereby ordered by the Common Council f the City of SL PHol: Tont the atter of grading Hichen o ml H-rol front ndet a same fe hereby Goodrich er c t llo the Board of Public Work, to Invextli me and rt Firsts -Is this improvetneut proper and nec- es1-it -Give the Council nn •stimnle of ihecex , w thereof, dna sate whetner of imi[ of me cos[ Rhes [ is m be p -id into me city treasury before me contract la let. 7'ltl rd Cnn real exlnte t be assexxe,l for ,aid improvement be found henehle,l to the extent of damages, costs n lid expeusen ace dry to be Incurred thereby' eaFourth-le each improvement naked for upon the petition or ap pl-cation of the Owu- a of a majorfty of the pro t,erty to Ism ax - a for such improvement. .eased the t:emlefl a plan or profile of xnid improrement, nx mgnlren DY III, if You -port In favor of he wane. Sixth -Send the Council n proper order dl recliug the work to be done. Yeas-Ald. Banholzer, Bielenberg, Bull, Cone>'. Cuxtello, Dnbu-, 11-didoo, Fill- dntn. oilloo.. Alvitol" Minta, Sullivan, Vi J lyku Air. President -1+. Approved May 7, IMI. BY Aid. Mc1wdY- lt i hereby dead by be Common <'uuoml of the lily of St. PH¢l: That the 11tH Iter or g-ailig Delvidere street. from Iluyt nvmme to con c, rd stress be ld be xrtme :s hereby referred 10 the Board of Public Wurke to io vestignm ,tad -port: First -Ix this no provemeut Proper Hud sec "`,22.od-Gi'e the Council nn e,lioult, 'Ifthe c,j ease . Imlf of the coat thereof le to rid bee pa 1 tutu The -city lie -sun' before the conrdl•tix tllit. Third -Cat real estate to be assessed for aid improvement be found beneli ted to ttte extent ut damages, costs i td es pensee nec- essary to be Incurred thereby? FQoull lho I•tiGeulor 11 .plientunio[usked me -icor urs of a To of thep properly to be as edsed for such deprovementY it lh-Send ills Counefl x phtb l Profile u[ said improvement, ns reytiirtd try' Ino', if you n•PrL In Livor of the same. ixth-Scud the Council it proper order (It - resting the work to be done. Tats Banholzer, iticlenberg, �Itutt, ('otniy. ('oxlellu, Callen. Donne}'. Dornidon, Flnndnut, Gehnn. MehulJ-, Solll\nt, Vann Slyke, Mr. Vice 1'rcxidint t-1+. App-vid M,ty 7, ixul. By Ald. Gohnu- It Ix hereby urdcred by the Canino t Council of itis City of IT, Paul: Tho[ the tnottcr oI-hani rt f rude I'll Monet Airstft et, n hundred std nifty feet vuHt of Bro-,Itvsy --I, be. and the s` e is herby .slurred to the Board of Public \V orks to luveslignte and s-Fir t -Ix this tmprut en,enL Proper and ieCessnr)'° t Secon,ll- Ivo me Commit lit •stint.. of the of (it'I. t , thof o td Tobe o l t he lot a he 1. ifcit, of the coat thereof is to to paid roto the City ird -sun' realm the cotithe tx tut. 'I hard -(•nit real Cxhtte to he fits • std for ,Hid ,Wl,tijif Haulages, costafound and etxpl to xeato be invurrea thereby' Pot h -Is h n• obulu vete n`L,f-d for upon one petition or n q, , thuown of xt n "" rite of tI , 'roperly to be s d for ankh ire pzpven e1 tP Fifth -Send the Cuancil n plan or profile of ,aid improvement. os requ lecd by low. if You report in [near of the seam. order txth-Send rho Council n proper directing the work to be done. Ymtx-A-d. Bnuholzer, Bielenberg. Bott. Conley. ", (,chntt,iilAtel¢d t,btSullivan. Voll Flandrnu, J'. Slyke. Air. V'Iep Presldeut 1+. Approved \illy 7, 1x91. By Aid. Dobner- 1t is hereby ordered by the Cemaoll Coui.... of the rho City lit St. Paul: That the t` xiluurtite conde tit butgi and kTaking I.g on oboe, troni territorial road` to Beres: -ve- ))' to construct the slope for cuts t.,.it IIIis in grading snit) street, �t MIN 116 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL the same is hereby referred to the Board o Public Works to investigate and report. First -In this improvement proper Top uecessur3}'. Second -Give the Council an timate o the exoense thereof. slid state a bother one hal[ of the cost lhere.f is to be laid Into thl elty trenvnry before file contract is let Third Can rent esu,[e to be TOT.N.Ned foi aid iml - vemmrt be found benefited to fit extent of damages, costs slid expenses noes Bary to be Ihearted thereby" Fourth -le snub improvement asked for upon the instill.. or npplrcnlro, Of the own e• ed for such t, of he m Pr operty to n0 as - Fifth Sena the Chu he I n plan profile o[ nnld hal trovenen, os regltimd by Inw, if yrou re in', rn favor of the some. Sixth -Serol the Council u proper order di. recting the work to be dune. Yens -Aldo Banisher, Bielelberg, Bopp, Conley. Costello, Cullen. U.bner, 1)ornidb m F'Inolrtu, Gell lfelndy, Sullivan, \'¢u Slyke, Mr. Vice Presldeut-1{. Approved May 7, ls"Jl. fly Aid. Dobner- It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of S[. Pahl. That the tnxtler ,,[,resting olid mninmfm fag gasoline limp en the horn, side or 1'nf- rshy avenue, half -way between Cromwell street and Territorial mad, be not the s' me is harsh} referred to the Board of Public \Yorks m investigate and report: ]s this inn penmen, proper auo necessary? If.. send Council proper order directing tine work to be done. Yens-Ald. B ooludzer, Bielelberg, Bolt, Conley, Costello. Cullen, Dobler. Doriden, lot and, , Gchan, Alelady, Sullivan, Slyke, Mr. Vice President -1{. Approved May By At(]. DobinCr- It is hereto)- ordered by the Common Council f the City of St- P I'd: That the matter of pineing n mts.line Inmp at [he corner of Bhtir IT 1-11 Ahline streets bo still the sante Is hereby referred to file Board of Public it arks to fnvesilgxt, said report: Is tills improvement proper` ,lid n • • Ir so, seed Council proper alar dimetti� the work In be dune. Cordes, Cistello,n Cullcar Dobner bl�oruB tt, Flnndrnu.Gehan, 9lcundy, S tulj_n .Vxu slyke, t ill r. {"lee President -I+. A.proved May 7, IfiJl. Fourth -]s such improvement asked for ens n tnei petition application of file own- s it for simh improves he eni ertT to be un- reFifth-Send llie Council n plan or profile of Bald ire prorement lie resent red by law, if )bit report In hit ur of the s e. Sixth Send the Council a proper order di- recting the work to be none. Yens -Aid. Banholzet, Bielelberg, BOB, Conley. C.stcllo. Cullcu, DODnCr, D.rniden, Flandrnu, Gahan, Melody, Sullivan, \'nn Slyke, 31r. Vice President -14. Approved May 7, 1891. By A 18. Dobner- It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council f the Cit, u[ St. Paul: That the inat[er of grading Ilewitt avemle, between Hairline venom ,old Griggs street s is Iterelby referred to11 d[he 13 hard of Fublic Work to to lnvestigae and rep.rt: IN if this improvement proper and necessary? Second -Give the Council an estimate or theexpeuse thereof, and slate wh.ther . - helf of fire cost thereof is to be paid into the City Tretsury before the conimet is let. Third -Van mail estate to beessed for id hnprovement be found benefited to the exteI t of damages, costs and expenses ace - Fourth -IN th be incurred thereby? F'ou til pet such Improvement asked for 1111 the petition or application r y the owm- ers n[ aorH'I'll I .f the property W be as- sesses for such improvameut? Fifth -Send improvement. C 1 r ell n porn or w, I f ly of repo rt be ver of lie required by lute, it you report iu favor of the ssmo. sixth -Send the Coumdl a proper order If- rce. Yeas -Ald. aBm,h,1.c ,rk to be �n Bielelberg, holt, Cooley, Costello. Cullen, Dobner. Uurfden Mlatahme, Gehnu, Alemdy. Sttllivuu, Von S13'ke, AI r. Vice Preedeut-1+. APPro red \boy To 1891. By Ald. Blelenberg- lt is flereb3'.ordered by the Cminat , Council ,[ the Citv Of S, Pit 1: That the matter of pineingand and nhtining center on eac1I side to eas in each ch blockrner. it .11 Charles N from Vhalvv.r[h street to Lexingtoir H By Aid. I)Obner- 1 It is hereby ordered by the Common Council C Of the ('ivy of St. limit: That the matter of condemning and taking lit in the hind butt ng on Carton nnue. front ConntY 111(1.11 to Eustis street be and the same Is hereby referred o the Board of Public \Yorks to fnvestignte n d report: Is Iltls Improvement proper mid tet 'spry? t so, send the Council n proper orderelir - ng the work to be done. Yeas -Abd. Banholzer, 131111huerg, Boll, 'paler. C'oslello, Chen, Dobner. Uonndrn, Frond -lino, Gehnu, 3lelad3'. Sulir'un, Van slyke- Air. Vice Presideit"Idy - Approved May 7, 1891. u •cesxnry t1 coasts et the slopes for cora mud fills In grading said streot. to and tiro s ., hereby Bl. Aid. Cohn.- referred to the Iimtrd .f Public \["orks to iorestlgnte Itis hereby- ordered br the Common council nod report: this improvement of tete CntY of Sl. Ihiul: proper and I he rn Tmt the enter of the construction of `1.112? s mond-G ire the Council— eluents of ! •pollen smfrwu3' n A sh Lou street, from, F'ivfineulh street to Believes lila exoense thereof, and state Nether one. 1 of me nvenne be old the same le herob5' referred to the Bmtn1 of aL cost thereof is to he paid into the city treasury before the contrncl PuuUe \l'o[ks t1 investtgnte hart report: is lel. Third -Can reel estate [o be hosts ed for Is this ire P' cementproper hall lecessnn'? It snnd Cement be fount) benefited t. the �lemtges, s'o seed the ('.uncll a proper order dlretit- ung file work w be done. Itil extent of costs mud expe'ses Ines- Vons -Aldo Baultulzer, Bielm,nerg, Boll, unary to be incurred thereby? Conley Costello, Cullen, U.buo, Uoridem OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891, 117 Flx:lurnu,Gehnn,3leady, Sullivnm \'nn Sfvke, Mr. Vice ('resident -1{. Approved \Illy 7. IS91. 11Vld. Dobai r - hereby ordered by the t'ommon Council of the City of St. I'nnI: That the molter of oou dunning and taking No easement in the land abutting oil'riotom teen le, from Minuelodo- street toChelmit t"oust lie •cNN.ry to construct the elopes for us amt tills in gnt"I ,, s Id street, c n 1 The sono is hereby referred to the Board of Public Works to luvestig "' hall rePurl: First -Is this improvement proper had See Id ° .. ecund-Give the Council an estimate of the expepee them,,[, still spite whether ,,ler half o[ the cost thereof is to he prod Info the city, tretsory before the rmntmcl is let. 'I'I�InI-Can real esinte to be assessod for stud fit improvement be found beneed to the extent of ,mmages, cost., and expenses neces- sit r to be toourred thereby:' Fr.urth-Iv such fill in ¢ ked for e pan the Peti[iott o[ np��licnlion u[ [Ile own- ers o(n majority of o[ 1 to proper[)' to be as st• s. dfor such improvemeut? Fifth -Send me Council n I,Imnor profile of said improvement, a., required by law, - yonn report in favor of the some. sixth -Scud the Council n proper orderdi- revtlug the work e be done. Yens -A Id. Booth I, er, I4lelenbe19. licit, Conley, C'oslell.Cullen. D.bm•r, D.ndden, Fil frail, Gchan, list of c, }linen. SUGf ran, \'sn Slyke, Mr. Vice forest dein-14. Approved May 7, 1891 By AId. Galey-- It bo hereby ordered by the C.mmou ('.Intel] IT the Cf ty of St. Pala: '1'Imt the matter of rhnnge of grndo opt ixt I street. from Willies street to Kittsut vtruet be and the sane Is hero by referred o the Board of 1•ublic \forks to investigntc inia rep, it,t-Is this improvement Proper and nee- "'Irl ee- tsIc u1d-Give the C.alcil au estintnm of The ex pease Ihereuf• amt slue whether oue- ludt' 1f the cost thereof is to be paid Into if,. city treasury before the contrnet Is let. 'I'Inirl-Cel Told esutte to be assessed for aidort forlycment be found benefited to the cxlcnt of dnutnges, costs and expenes `[neces- ry to be fncurred thereby? Fourth -Is such Improvement asked for �fonpolt the petition or appliettiol of the otvn- of t t nJo fly of tLe properly to be as Cs sed [or each imPrormuch ? Fifth -Scud the Council n plan or profile ,.f said lmprorement ns roto of by law, if To" report In fo'.r .f the some. i tl,-Seel tht' C.uneil t proper order 11- rtrdi,e tho work to be done Yens-Ald. Banhoher, Biel'uh—, lion, ndey, Costello, Cullen. Dobner. I).rrtfdeu, on Hdrnu, Gehan, Mehuly, Sullivan, V¢n slyke, 31, Vice Preside t -l+. A pproved May 7, 1891. Inc Ald. B1It- 1[fsherebyorderedbythe Common Council f the l'(ty 1f St. pan l: That me matter of cmnstrcting n sewer on Earl sire", from Iinstiugsscenue to Mound stroct n be at the same is heretic referred to the Board of Public Works to investigate and report: First -is this improvement proper and nee - Served -Give the Council all estimate of the ex peathereof, and slate whether one- half o� se the cost thereof Is to be paid Int. the city treasury before the conmrtet is let. Third -Can real estate to be assessed for nut nmpr cvmht be found bc,.Vt,d to the extent of damages, costs and expenses nec- esmy to be incurred thereby? Fourth -Is such improvement asked for upon the petition or nPpli cation of the owners of n majority of the property to be assessed for such improvement? F'Ifl h-rSend the C'ouncll a plan or profile of s,dd tmpovenunt as required by law. if you report in htvnt of the snore. Sixth -Send the Cut cil a properurier directing the work to be dour. Ymts-Aid. Ihtnhobon, Bietmrborg, Butt, Condey, Costello, Cullen. Dobner, Doriden. F'htndntu, Get ehnu, Nfcl.dy. Sullivan, Y SI3'ke, Mr. \"ice President -1+. Approved May 7, 1891. By Aid. Dobner- lt Is hereby ordered by the Common Colonel] 11 the Clty ofer St. Tool: That the matof condenul(ng and Uutaking an lit r the Ixnd abutting on ule>- �etuue, from Gordo. nverne to county yowl, try to construct the slopes for ants nod fills in grading said xtrect be and the me ns hereby referred to the Board of Pub - Be vYorks to investigate and report. First -Is this Improvement proper and nec- ""Ilry? Second -Give the Council nuestimate of theexpense thereof, still state "Nether onc- half of the cost thereof Is to be paid fill,, to city treasury before the, contrnet (x lel. Third -Can real eitxm I) be nssosxed for said iIn, roccam t be found benefited to the patent u[ damages, coats end expense, necCs- to be incurred thembv? `�tn' }'ourtl,-Is each fntprovement asked for "p'"' h e petition or upplicattort of filo own. s of n nmjdrily of the property to be as - , ,sed for such improvement? Fifih-send the C.0 heft a phtnar profile (if said improveme,e ns ennui red by Inw, if 3'�nr reportlin favor of the smile. N'iflh-Send the Council a proper order direetinc the work to be dorm. Yeas-Ald. Blinholzer, Bielenberg, Butt, Conley, Costello• Cullen, Dobler, Doraidei. F'innd tau, Gehnu, Melody, Sullivan, Vat slyke, Nr. Vice President -1+. Approved May 7, ISM. By AId. I3ierd lenbergred - if fs harsh)- oeby the Common Council f the City of St. Paul: 'I'hnt the matter of layfngnn eight -foot sidewalk fuel the uecevsnry emvsings on notlt sides o[ Gxforl street front the Great \utth- ern roil woy track to the NcIthern I'll, railway track: also it slx-fmu sidewalk on both sides of Batch street fromLexipgtou Lm ue to Victoria street; also a six foot . ouden sidewalk oil both sides of Orchard `treet, from Lexington n lite w \"Ictoria street; also n Cight-Coot wooden sWewnlit ot lith side of Charles street, between lliat ,vorth street and LPxlugtan nyenuv. bo ,,ad the same Is hereby referred to the Board of Public Works to Investigate and report: ]s this improvement proper and necefsary? If so, send the ('..led n proper order direct- ing the work to he done. 118 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL fens—Abd. Ibuillnlien IBelmlber,, II,,L Comet-, ('ostell0, Cullell, Dobuer, Ilorub b, Fhrnlrno, Glenn, Mclady, Sulliv,n, \'an :Irks• Air. Vice I'rc.,idt•nt—li. Approved hilt)' i, 1S91. 1'tyj,clnnd- 1Lis!IILCir 'IfSt dby Leta Common Coral Steil [ (he City of St. ]'Sell: 'w s the mntter of t•orsl'tIce,g 1) sewer1, on to"C street, from Forest hereby I, t'YPI vs elms t, be nod the s,mC fs 1.illrtd,.,,I to tl,u Itoncd of 1'u Clic Works to itrventigo[C fwd reJtort: ir —In mix taPra.emem proper aad at.e- nry-! ess of—Give 4hc C'uo Dell a sti mate u[ the ex , rs, thereof, bell state wit tI her or u- bnlf of tee cost hereof is to b , ],Sid iota tiro befit r the contt,ct is let. ir r,r trout, rent Cbe fouod-bl,leIltled fro rbc c lot int baange� , Sad cx pensee .. x " tie it red are�,_`•iy.r n'lotmihe P�'tu u n,nriicb, on of n tie iv or app ref rt najori t)' of etre properly to be Its - red for o:h ire proyenrmrt? scN'(fth—Bert,] the C000eil a pl,o orofile of said intprovenoent, ns req Dived by Ira- If ra'purl iI favor of fere enure. stn—Send the roan Cil a proper order di- CYnaa � C,Ald. lbroh.Ue, lti Clg uatio Iter[, uuiey, Costello, Cohso, fall, . Duroider,, F'Irtalloot, (:chart. \lel bill. Stull',., \'err SIykC. Mr. }-i cu prosi deo,—li. Approved May r, IS91. by .1 iilolen'erg— It is hereby orpered by Lho Cooll"a Co um it C the Cill of Jt. Pool: 'flan the oistaror „bo,fog ot Ianiamio s`r •i tn.�rltr , oi,sbo r,'Irrrddrand`Ilncolr rc11 xldc'If u r�lr block, bt•twCmr Lax-It�gtututr mitt\"Ictoria w-Imrc - rchn r r n f.' I�btcea�rber C. rIli same• Ix bereb) ref, rred'to the 13, , t 1'oblic \1'arkx to " tvcxnlgnle vrl rcV,nrt. Is this itrrPr,.t•nm•t rt -proper and ecce s rad t'ouucll pro pt•r order directing work u be Imre. Yer —Am. IbtnholiCr, liielen bore. icon. Approved May i, 1S91 By Ald. Doline— it IsI -rob) uokrmI by [he ('ontutoo Cunucil f the City of SC Paul: That it,,,1 to Iter of gradin, ICCxtoo street. between 1)uol er' nvemte nod Duswcll n.Ctr itC be I' ,eti b, red to the lith rdtof PotiliO.III tile nl\'orks rte iniveslignlC Sad report: u First—le leis in,pr eCC,nt Prupernnd ree- ,c o6d—Give till Connell a •litimate of Ihetiex .east, Ihemuf. nerd stale-wborhm n Ioil f tit lino rust there,[ to to int• paid inm the elt. treasury before tee oontraCt Is lel. 'l'e'nt—Cat real stale to bw 1 ,c sed fosaid r exte 111 1f danmg". e.,be oold I, an,] cx-p\ tedb n the U. It nco rred herby" ea netts bn y t, F'oorllr—Is n,ch Inrrprucenrmrl frank,,] for noon the pt. riliotr o npplieutfurr of rro un tit ere if a mnj-Py- if the Property to be es - v •d for site]) Improvement? beFiflh—Serol teO Council n blah or Proli le of n lid imprlryt.11lelnl, ns rerinlitt•d L5' low, if Y." re Sort in favor I lho enure. si(th—Scud the Coll tell a proper order directing the work to be duuc. fens—.\Id. BAR11.1 er. I[ielerberg, Item. C'nnley, (',stClln, Callen. Doboar, Doruileo, I'Inntlrnu ()Chea, Aicbuiy, srrllivnu \"nu Slyke• Mr. Vice P;esid,b —14. Approved May y, erne. Ill Am. foal— It,!, utt— -- it ix Ier ,,L orderrd by the Common C'ouaCll ohC Crly of St. Paul: That the a ntte, of A CI o!C, of grade of tho I Ill fn block .f .2, be, sa Ldivisiu,t of block Il, LYmolr I)n)'ton'x ndditio, to Sing from E,txI Sixth I-- m tie Ile -ill said Cluck 2, r o,ing from Abanle e C,tu N.ich- 'old street, tie o he sa o a IlC•.reby re - fer-r • I to the Board,] off P.bli • Kolrks 4 ill - "ad report: l , cFirs[—Ix this "mprolleleat I,ruln'r out -r -,airy? YGlvn the caaaeil a exumrue (If exocaee thereof, Aad stn[enwhcther Dae half of he Cant Itee—f ix to be poll lulu the City treasury before the Coutnmt Is let. Thi rd—C'un res Istlill to be a,,-yed for Enid Coli ..meat be. fuoao beoeti ted to the Cxtect of damages. costa bud oxl,ettses necex- o be Incurredtbercb, snN?aorta--Ix ueit hn uri.emcat asked for .p.. the pct Jti,,, or applicalioo of the uwo- xof a roo dIII, of It. Property to to, st•x d or a ech Iml'roveomntt Nlfth—tiered the Council rt plan or protuo of said iro Prrveme 1,- rax r.nni red ey Inw, if yea ,•port lu hrvur o[ iro xo tae. xtb—Send the Cloo,11 a proper order Approved Muy 7, I'm til Ala. ropebaml— It Is hereby ordered by ate C-otnormr Ctruucil of 'I'I— ILetmntterr of �W. �ulrx willing n newer un Alemlot, street, from Cast. street m Cook strett Ins sbnftnry measure). Lt. o d rhe Is hereby referred to the Ilonrl of f'ub- IfC \t'urks m Inrestl"I and report: First—II- lots innp—carevt proper soil "= rad—Give theCtooierl ,I, estimate of half of the11 cost[ thcfre,1 la moblatidti-utouthe City Trcasur)' tief0[C 'bel rs ICL Third—Can real Cs(nte to be nssesv.d for rdd t.rtt of iro I.rf(I mII be f glad handled ,, the extrLamnge', Pcill rad c.v Pauseb' Sec n- to be itmnrrcd Ihembyv I' Fourth—Ix bile it nuprorentent asked for upon the peddial or nppliantiou of the uwnr- s Of mnjaritp Of LhC property to Ir,' . ess I f1r such hnpr,ymmrntr n Fifth—Send the Co-tlrcrl a pianprofile of x,,I,I iro procemen i, ns required by ]raw, if Y, u ciort in rat or of the same. 'ixth—Send tee Counrcrl n proper order di- rCetitrg the work In of Aove. Yens—Aid. lino hal nor, Bielenberg. Bolt, neer, Costello, Cullen. Dobuer. Uorviden, Flnadrmn, Gehmr. Melody, Snllivau. Van Sirke, Mr. ,;i I ;•resident -1!. Approved Alny 7, 1Snl. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 119 By Ald' Bill It is hereby ordered ray the Common ('ouucil [ the ('ILy of Jt. 1'nul: That Bre mntter of openhng Lakt, tomo nod �weeen7lnmtine rn ad Ji etlrlin9 -cool-, be oini Ili,!, lm sa is h.reb. referred to filo Banal of public Works to hrvexliente,till report: First—Ie this batir.vtntenl 1—per till,] nec- tsSer rnd—Clue the Coonrit n e.,linmte of fte ex , ase thereof, nu,] state whether one- If tit Ino east thereof Is to be paid ino, ole city lrct,'orl before the Coot tiler f s let. ,aTltiml—trot re+`I �xtfwmd be­­.cd t,, we •.,lent of darmm�gos, c rad poses eel. ex - t,, be Inco rred lherebyY rr • •� YnFonrLb—Is bneit in,pn,lcmCot tiskea fur Iamb the petition or n`,nlicI'lio,r of tlI, o are- of,mjo", oIre properly ss l for such hnPrormnmrt` •c Fifth—Send the Co,rncil rr alas or I—fitc of sola rro proremm , Cgnircd by Inw, if yon report i \uvorbt4- 'ixth—.'end the Connell a proper onto di re tingthe work to 11 1'ea —Aid. iinvholxcr, Il ieleuberg, Itotl, 1—ley, Costello., D,bner. I)oro idea, Flrtndr,u, G alit, Melody, Sulllenn, \'nn Slyke, Mr. \'ICC Presideot-14 Approved Al by 7, ]rine. IfyL Ald. \fine,— -- IIx berebr orde-1 by the Compton Cooaeil of the l:Ity' Cal,of St. I'nnI : fr That Ciherokeeer ,(belt rtllclnw—en.c'e. be and the same I Coy referred to ore Ifoerd of Peelle \York,' to hrreSo gate and re - I First—Ie this hopro�creat necessary anti [ roeI uroa—Give the ('oo rrcil rro estimate t• of mInc Cb, n. , d state wit Iver , tiIif „f rim weoere,( Is to be pbol Ilat. the City 'I'rcrr ncaysbef,,re he cue Er ix Ict. rv1—('nn rest exlnte m be nxxexxed for .,bill I nr P rovement be I. Co bC efited to the extent f; ages, cont,' ball expenxen ntcexe to pt. im:o rred thereby!' as ill on the Pe tf lI,,, orinpp,icntiuntuf 11ked'wnr v of a majority u[ the property to be nsecxsed foreach Improvement` Fifth—Send the Cururcil v plan Or profile of sbol It, provemet t. as reaulttd by law, If you ,part i„ favor of the some. eeting the wa ill,, ,on,be I] n Proper order dl r }'ens—Aid. Iinnhol>er, Ill" lenbCry;, Ifotl. ronlCv, Coxtellu, Cu,ler. 1)u b rrer, Dondden, FIAlydinn, Glenn, M.lady, Still lvnn, \tut Slyke, Mr. \'Iso President—It. Approved May i, 18.)1. Ry At 1. Dobnor— — ishcrebr or,ered by the Common Couneil C the City of St. Pain: '1'Itn4 till mal ter of laying nein-foot wooden bid ewnik o I the east ,]C of Bradford street. baw.mr Long rnd itnmpde,, ave,u v, to ui the xvme is hereby ruferrod to the Boor,] ,if 1'ablle Works to investigate and rt•PorL Is this improcenten[ [.roper and neeecsary? If so, send Ili Counct n proper order direct - Ing the work to be dun.. YCax—Ald. Bnnholxer, Bielenberg, Batt, I- ool er, Costello, Cullen• Dobloo-1111loo-11111.neloo-11111.Flandrau, Gehnn. Mellbdy. Stdilvnn, \'nn Slyke. Mr. Vice President—Il. Approved May ,, 18J7. By %I,]. Dahncr— It ix hereby ordered by the Coronion Coancil of ,he That the mntter of plticing n gnsoltne 1nmP at the corers of the west bninch of Goraoil to end conroa uty d, be amt the e he, )referred to the hoard of Public Worgn to InresLlgnte mui ropart. Is till., Improvement proper and nccesxnryP If so. .,end the ('uuncil rt proper order dinci- ing the work to bo done. }'Ctrs—A Id. li,nholr.-, Biel, ib,rg. Batt. C'o,ley, rostella. I)obner, ll ,raider' Flnu do, I, Iron, Alel,dy, Alf les, Sullivna, \"on vlyke. Mr. 1•resid.nt-11. Approved May y, 1891. Ify Aid. Dob., r B is hereby ordered by it Coo—on Cooloil Tfate City of St. pita,: hat the mntter of re.—io, gasoline Imran ,low smndingu oro side of I"olvt . of Cron, well arm rad 1.1—malir sal r t;ai,ersityrn had C nr-wellnn , be rad wt. ereby referred t i itito Boort of Poldly \\ u,ln lu investigate amt report: Is this'" rort.m -, Pra'ti r nod r I f so, s t he I left n Prove, order dime t Ing tilecwork to be Bona. fens—A x1. Iolah,her, Bielenberg. Botl, Cooley, t'ustello. Dobuer, 11—bleo, Flandrau, GehCo4 Mel ady, Alhma, Sullivan, \'un Slyke. Mr. I'residen L-1+. Approved May i, ISnI. i Ci,,Leach. ordered by till Common Cortaell ur the r(Ic of St. prod: That the mntter of 111-1nrg gnxolioe I,m Ps tit the r [rM inat,len11 r,n <1 Arcnderxtrecrt,trou. oniA,ca.-hetweca knot -looto street ball m olocilbira ret on Are I- ooC rot lm• urth side of Pl o,r street, beta I., Ifatcn amt \fable or -lb, be bbd rim rano, Is hereby I-- rnrri4,ri',uller Boma of Ad,hn 9',rkx r. iro Mixt tills inrpro�e nem Proper nave nc.exsn q" If so, seou the Comreil n Prob order ulrect- oirg filo work la be dobe. 1'ene—Ala. locrilIxer, Blcienhe-, 11,41, ('oniey, Covlello, Dobuer, Duratil", Fian- rtrnrt, Gchnn, Aicbndy, MI— Sulli-a. \'nn Ity Abd. Suldvnn— t Ix hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Pmll: That the mntter of erecting and maintaut mg gnxollne btop Ott the sonlh \rest corner of Grand nrrd Ctunbrldge at., -nes to Aiam d- exter Park, be and the some Ix help, referred to theBon rd of Public \\ orks to lurestig:oe ..Ill re part: Is thou innprovmneot proper Sud rceos-0 If eo, bend tine Common CounelI n propar order dlreeting work to be done. love—Aid. INnholser, Itlelenberg, Bolt. Conley, Costell O• D.bo Cr. Dornideo, Fhtn I rnu, GChrta, Al el ady, Minea, 5111111 all, \'ant Slyke, Alr. 1'restdent—i4. Approved May S, 1801. in the mntter of the report of till Board of I'.bhc \\'orkn, Ilntetl Alny E. 189. 11 Is hereby ordered by the Common Cou m'it of be City of City of St. Paul: 120 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Th at the Bonrd of Public Works of all,] city of SL Paul erase (h, folluwirtg improve - Ont to be made, to wit: Grade file alleyiI _� Charley Weide', x nbdivision of block;I', Ar (lagoon IIIIIs addition lost. foul, from Pay- avenue aynea ue to Edgerton ,fleet In said elq. I'l.t said Beard,arrse said Vvork to be let by contract nx provided bywitlollt ono 1, If the eatimaced cost hefug first paid Into the city treasury, and after Bald work shall be placed Under Contrnet, said B"arll ,httll pro- ceed willtout dCIBy m Pebe9F the ."I "ITT' a lienrly ne [hey eon nsoertain the same, tvhh' will be required to pay the coat -d aO'e.,111 ez pens of PIICIr ImprnvenlCm 1l poll if mal estate to be benefitted by said Improvement. itsprovided by It t psing the opinion of j a the Con -,I that 'cal iestate to be assessed for To.cit improvement call he found benefited to the exfe'I Of [hC Cos[ and expenses il¢CCaP+try to be incurred themhy. Yens-Ild. Banhil er. Bielenbcrg, Bott Cenle)',, Co,lel lo , 1luhner, fyonriden, Flan- .. drnu. Gehnq 3lehhdy, 3liueht Snllivnn. VmI slyke, Mr. Presider[ -N. Approved May 7, 1891. In the matter of the report of file Board of I the opinion of the Council that real estate to t • assessed for snch improvement can be found benefited to the extent of the cost and t ]Cas Al(I nyioto lzerbe , it isieleutbergm lfott Conley, Costello,Dohn-D.rllidmt Flnndnul, (:elan. Melody, 3liueq slllltvau. \"nn Slyke Mr. p_hIent-l4. Approved May 7, 1s=11. In the matter of the report of the Board of fable Works Baled 3bay 4, tui. It is hereby ondemd by the (,'"lemon Council of tlho City of Sc. Pani: TI It the Board of Public (Corks of said ('fly 'If St. Patel call, file followhn; improve- ent W be ],little, to wit: Construct It "dell M,Wwalk eight feet wfile. on both sides of Lnwaon sheet between Edgerton ,tr•e[ 'MT nrenIT in said city. That sada Ilonrl shall preeeed without de- lay to osses8 the s amount n ue hrl }' as they 'velum, the s n TV hien will be r ghl,bedto pav the rust cnihd necessary e cblses of sue6 improvement 1 the real •state h1 be bblelfted b))• said Ipr.vcme ,. of t he Coll nil that real estate tog assessedoto, hil,,for such Improvement can be fuurtd benefited to ate extmd of the cost and expenses neces- sary to be Incurred thereby. ]'ens -Ala. linnhoJzer, Bdelenberg, Bolt Conley, Costello, Dubner, Dornidmh, Flnn- (Iran, Gehnn. Mehuly, Mtuea, Stilllvan. Val, Slyke, Mr. President -14. Approved May 7, 1891. In file matter of fit' no rt of the Publfe Works, dated 3h,, 4. 18111. It is lmrlh)y ordered by the Cornalotl C'ounefl of ,lib t'it •• of st Pnul: Tb.1 the hoard o[ Public Works o[ said City of J[. Ynul cause the following Ile pro ve ant to be made, to wit: Construct n wooden sidewalk, six feet wide, on the north side of .leaks street, between Arkwright street and 31cMmlmny street, in said city. That IM( Bnnrd shall proceed without I,. lay to assess the al'olhn[ ns nearly a, they call certain the sumo, which will be aq., r,st to joy the cost and necessary expenses of such mprot'ement 111- the msl estate to be bene- fited b}• said �mproemell t. as provided by haws t[ Ilehlg the oliniurh of [•none,{ that reiil Cstal, to be.Is.ssed far such tmprovoment mho be f"nnd benefited to the extent of the ust amex l penses nec-illy to be bleared inertly. Ycnx-Ald. Bnnnizer, Biel -b-9, But(.Conley, Costello. Dollbiter, Dornideu. Flnndrml, Gehnn,Metady, Miuea, Sullivan, Vail Slyke, Mr. President -14. Approved May 71 1891. Irl the matter ofthe repen of the Board of Public Works, dated May 4, Itis (hereby ordered by the Common ('"anvil (if aha ('fly of St. III.,: That [be Board of Public Works of said City of St. Paul cause the following ftnpmv,- ments to be de, to wit: Construct it 11-d- sidewalk If. ((;) feet wide on the nortstreet[ t ne of h I e0r feel It d nvtt•Im(s , finom Dole d ban, cert Hud 0" file west sideif Dole street be (ween Fafrmouut avenue and Goodrich ave- line. ve- lin Irl said city. 'flat said Board shall proceed without le - fay to assess the anlot rlt to, nearly as they can ascertain the same, wbicb will be re" OF THE CITY OF SAI -NT PAUL, FOR 1891. 7111 required to pay the cost and neves r - ,x ses- penuf t cli tmru pvcbent IDons I hie real n tato to bebenefited by said improvement. til eCoun i�tl ut]reuliestue fit he u:;.�c�Iil of for such improvement can W found be-fited to the extent of the •o. t and ex{x•rhs,s nec,s s to be incurred tirerebv. Yens-Ald. Banholzcr. Bielenbcrg. Butt. I Conley. Costello. Dubner. Duruidcu. F'Inn- drnu, Gehnn. Meladp. 3liucn, Sullivan. Von Slyke, Mr. Presidents 14. App roved May 7. IS91. Adyburned. Jos. MLsr.A. Vice Fresidrnt f C'uuneil. Tuns. A. PRENDI.RGA'T. ('city Clerk. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Of Resolutions Adopted by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul at Its Meeting Ifeld on May G, 1891. Byy Ald Sulli-i- Itesolved. That the following plots ns ap- proved bS the Plat Commi.sFion. and ❑s rev- nmmended by the Clty F.nRi + r brand in' me are hereby acnntrfl by the Common Council of the City of St. Pail,: Staples' First Addition to St. Paul. Thu rston's Iter rrungement of blocks l and ^ of Thurston & Lambie' Arldillun to St. Paul. Minn. Manton Park. Yeas-Ald. Banholzer. Bich -berg. Butt, Conley. Costello, Dob -r. Porn idea. F'Inn- drau, Gehnn. Melody. 3lineu. 9ullirn u, \•nn Slyke. Mr. President -14. Approved May 6. 1801. BUId, McIadS-- Resolved. That the Council at the first ses- sion of either of Its branches. un or a fter the 14th day of May. 1891. receive undopcu l scaled proposals lfish gas Ilgbis far alsf rrrt and other p puI'll, pinves.2(1 thepublicbnild- Ings of the Cit}' of st. Poul, t')r n priud of fire ybrs from and after the 1st ditof April. A. D. 1fiJl, and that the City Crrk lyre ;anh. he Is hereh)>• Instructed forthwith to gi ce not ice. by publlshingthe sumrin ther9lcini paperof kafd city. that thr Council will so reeetvc and on n such scaled proposals to fill I'll such gg If ]It farallsuchpublicstrerts,pilfers nr builditrgs of the City of St. Paul for the ,)r hod of five Scans from .,ala ].,t day of April. wA. D. 1S9E and that such scaled' propnsa is ,illRe received for transmission to the C1 un - II by the Clerk of the City of 5t. Auld. nt any time. pprior to said 13th Buy of 3ba v, 1x91. at o'cllx•k p. m. of old dai. and Neill be Tpaned by the Counci] at the Col null Cham - In the City hall, it the first n eating of either braneb thereof held on or after said 11th day of May.lul. Yens -Aid. Banholzcr. Bicle'burg. Bot t. Conte33•. C'oste 11o, Dobuh,r. Dol idea. Gehnn. Melody. Mine.. Sullivan. Van Slvkt•, Mr. 1'resldcnt-1;1. ,,3 -Aid. Flandrnn-I. Approved May 6. lstl1. O. O. Carnes. Pre'ideat of Con ori 1. THIS. A. P11.1DY.R.-T. Ci ty Clerk. OFFICIAL I1CB1.II'A'rOS. Of O.dluance Passed by the Coronion Cntrllcil of the Cityuf St. Paul at Its 31[eel Ing field oil May G.1891. . ORD( <Asc,. No. 1.4111. An h rdin.,- relative to the St. Paul City- Itailw:Iy Company. The Common Cumtcil of the City of S[. Poul du ordstn .S follows: S.C-IN 1. There is hereby granted to thr St. Paul City Railway Cum puny, the nutbor- lty, right and Privilege ul con st carting, main- ,&Iag.nd operating under �rouniconduit.s Ghcl hI Ilergruu nd wires• ono nlsu Uoles and n ed fol wires and appltrntaus connected therewith so as to make and perfect needful cut, of said company with nn3- of I," r electric power houses ostations• nml fur the Pit reuse of more fully perfecting Its system upon and in the folhrwutF streets anp d orts f street of the CitS of St. Poul. viz: On Chestnrt street. from Rest Seventh streetto Wtishingtun street; on Washington street. from Chestnrt street to Third street: on Thi dstreet. from Washington street Wa- hnsha street: 'T" Fillmore avenre, from W.- bn sh a st rec-t to Itolmrt street ; on Delos street. ft reel, frill ont nnriostrectlio Third stre'street; oet 11 un Collins street. from Burr street to Bedford street; nBCdfuvd.stre,t. from Colli -street to \urth street; on \urth street, from Bed- ford street to Marta avenue; of Maryland hr e.fnrm Greenbrier st cert," Ricc,trcet: IIS Aabu rV' 'f t e. from POI •ratty oven ue to illinnolrnha r (rest; and on Fail) rview� ave- ' from Grand avenue to 1,clby avenue. Anrl upon any street ur upon which said ,in pane mu))• naw ur hereafter have its rails or trunks 1 f street railway: provided. that the right and privilege hereby grunted 'ball be limited in time h) the peraod�V.-m scribed by section'_'.1 of Ordinance Ao. 1-_1 of sltid city. approved Septe,n , °9. IS89. en - titled: 'An ordinance authorizing the St. P'"I City' Railway rCompun3• to construct. Inlp, matnbdn ar it rperate street milt line. iu the city of S[. Paul:" and flat III Telt 'rules, conduits, -ire' I a apparatus 'loll Ire a(, pr seri led ly said Ohr( nnn"o No. ttnd ntllrr e<isting or linanccs of said city applicable thereto. and Mut illrperut- ing said track.,,,, lines herein pro- ided ith any of l6¢ rowers provide for ., Au. F='.tilt• by .retina ^_ t Paid or�irlana . r gilt Hud privilege hereby granted shill'I., subj •et to file pproV-ision s, regulations It'd •unditinns f the said lust mentinnea or- dinance. Fo far as they may be practicable Ih applying the same hereto. Sec. ' This r rdinauco shall take effect and be In force from and after its publicn- 11un. It'd its aceept.nec in writing by said St. PIUII Citc Iiniiwny C'ompunp, executer, by its pmsiderit firim president.: d filed with flare frirm ,the ``tf bli utisaid rdn orf this nrili �i� �:y91 r ]ens -Aid. liul lolxer, Bieienbeig. Butt. Conley� Costello. Cullen. Dubn,r. Dorniden. Fltntlrau, Gchan, Melaay. sou Ivan. Van Slvkr. 31 r. Vice Yn•sident-]I. P 'sect 11ny 5.1. ,los. 3l1seA. V -mice Presidrut of Co u ori 1. Apprl)ced May 7. 1'1 Boben, A. S>Itvn. M8yor. Atn•st: Tt os,A. Pnesheroesnl9ty t Jerk. May N. Public Works detect May 4, 1891. It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of [to City of S[. Poul: That the Board of Public Works of said City of S[. Paul, anise the following Ile )roe hent to be made, to wit: Grails if ey In block 7, E. Rico's Second Addition to St. Paul, from Buffalo street to Missiaslppi .street in said cit}'. sa That id Board cause said work to be let by con[rnct as provided by law, with"'[ one. half the estimated cost being first paid talo ' the c/fir treasury, anti altar aid work shall be piai•eit 1 nder auntrn,t said Bard shall Proceed without delay to assess the a matt wnmirly tis they can ascertain the ivame, hich will be required to lot), the cost nod necessary expenses of sucli improvement upon the real eshtte to be benefited by said improvement n prodded I, Inw: it being [he opinion of file Council that real estate to he ns _sed for swell improvement can be fault(] to the extent of the cont and expenses necessary to he incurred [hereby. Yeas-Ald. Ball halzer. B,elenberg. Butt, Conley, Costello, llobner, Dondden.Flan- : drnu, Gahan, Melody. Millen, SIIIIicnu, Yon 1 j Slyke. Mr. Pesident-14. Approved May 7, 1891. In the matter of the report of the Board of Public Works dated }fay ". 1191. ] : It is hereby ordered by the Common Cmmoil f the City of St. I'md: That the Board of Public Work, of the City of St. Pau] cause the following improve. i bunt to be made, to wit: Construct a sewer on Oakley avenue, from Lynnhurst avenue to a P"IOL ^30 feet westerly OI the Fewer alt Lynnhurst avenue fn sold city, to¢ether with the necessary Catch basins and mmlholes. That said board coos, x 111 wok to be let dby contract ne provided be Inw, tvlrthnllt one a half the estimated lest belug Ilrst nnid tale " the city treasury; and, after said work shall be Placed under contract, sal" board shn11 proceed witbout delav to asses, the nbolhnt s nearly as the)- can aseertah, the Fame, which w1I1 be requfred to onyy the cost and C necessary experhsea of such im Vmvement upon thereal ,,tate 1. be beuetlted b)' W Improvement, as provided by law; It bel»g I the opinion of the Council that real estate to t • assessed for snch improvement can be found benefited to the extent of the cost and t ]Cas Al(I nyioto lzerbe , it isieleutbergm lfott Conley, Costello,Dohn-D.rllidmt Flnndnul, (:elan. Melody, 3liueq slllltvau. \"nn Slyke Mr. p_hIent-l4. Approved May 7, 1s=11. In the matter of the report of the Board of fable Works Baled 3bay 4, tui. It is hereby ondemd by the (,'"lemon Council of tlho City of Sc. Pani: TI It the Board of Public (Corks of said ('fly 'If St. Patel call, file followhn; improve- ent W be ],little, to wit: Construct It "dell M,Wwalk eight feet wfile. on both sides of Lnwaon sheet between Edgerton ,tr•e[ 'MT nrenIT in said city. That sada Ilonrl shall preeeed without de- lay to osses8 the s amount n ue hrl }' as they 'velum, the s n TV hien will be r ghl,bedto pav the rust cnihd necessary e cblses of sue6 improvement 1 the real •state h1 be bblelfted b))• said Ipr.vcme ,. of t he Coll nil that real estate tog assessedoto, hil,,for such Improvement can be fuurtd benefited to ate extmd of the cost and expenses neces- sary to be Incurred thereby. ]'ens -Ala. linnhoJzer, Bdelenberg, Bolt Conley, Costello, Dubner, Dornidmh, Flnn- (Iran, Gehnn. Mehuly, Mtuea, Stilllvan. Val, Slyke, Mr. President -14. Approved May 7, 1891. In file matter of fit' no rt of the Publfe Works, dated 3h,, 4. 18111. It is lmrlh)y ordered by the Cornalotl C'ounefl of ,lib t'it •• of st Pnul: Tb.1 the hoard o[ Public Works o[ said City of J[. Ynul cause the following Ile pro ve ant to be made, to wit: Construct n wooden sidewalk, six feet wide, on the north side of .leaks street, between Arkwright street and 31cMmlmny street, in said city. That IM( Bnnrd shall proceed without I,. lay to assess the al'olhn[ ns nearly a, they call certain the sumo, which will be aq., r,st to joy the cost and necessary expenses of such mprot'ement 111- the msl estate to be bene- fited b}• said �mproemell t. as provided by haws t[ Ilehlg the oliniurh of [•none,{ that reiil Cstal, to be.Is.ssed far such tmprovoment mho be f"nnd benefited to the extent of the ust amex l penses nec-illy to be bleared inertly. Ycnx-Ald. Bnnnizer, Biel -b-9, But(.Conley, Costello. Dollbiter, Dornideu. Flnndrml, Gehnn,Metady, Miuea, Sullivan, Vail Slyke, Mr. President -14. Approved May 71 1891. Irl the matter ofthe repen of the Board of Public Works, dated May 4, Itis (hereby ordered by the Common ('"anvil (if aha ('fly of St. III.,: That [be Board of Public Works of said City of St. Paul cause the following ftnpmv,- ments to be de, to wit: Construct it 11-d- sidewalk If. ((;) feet wide on the nortstreet[ t ne of h I e0r feel It d nvtt•Im(s , finom Dole d ban, cert Hud 0" file west sideif Dole street be (ween Fafrmouut avenue and Goodrich ave- line. ve- lin Irl said city. 'flat said Board shall proceed without le - fay to assess the anlot rlt to, nearly as they can ascertain the same, wbicb will be re" OF THE CITY OF SAI -NT PAUL, FOR 1891. 7111 required to pay the cost and neves r - ,x ses- penuf t cli tmru pvcbent IDons I hie real n tato to bebenefited by said improvement. til eCoun i�tl ut]reuliestue fit he u:;.�c�Iil of for such improvement can W found be-fited to the extent of the •o. t and ex{x•rhs,s nec,s s to be incurred tirerebv. Yens-Ald. Banholzcr. Bielenbcrg. Butt. I Conley. Costello. Dubner. Duruidcu. F'Inn- drnu, Gehnn. Meladp. 3liucn, Sullivan. Von Slyke, Mr. Presidents 14. App roved May 7. IS91. Adyburned. Jos. MLsr.A. Vice Fresidrnt f C'uuneil. Tuns. A. PRENDI.RGA'T. ('city Clerk. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Of Resolutions Adopted by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul at Its Meeting Ifeld on May G, 1891. Byy Ald Sulli-i- Itesolved. That the following plots ns ap- proved bS the Plat Commi.sFion. and ❑s rev- nmmended by the Clty F.nRi + r brand in' me are hereby acnntrfl by the Common Council of the City of St. Pail,: Staples' First Addition to St. Paul. Thu rston's Iter rrungement of blocks l and ^ of Thurston & Lambie' Arldillun to St. Paul. Minn. Manton Park. Yeas-Ald. Banholzer. Bich -berg. Butt, Conley. Costello, Dob -r. Porn idea. F'Inn- drau, Gehnn. Melody. 3lineu. 9ullirn u, \•nn Slyke. Mr. President -14. Approved May 6. 1801. BUId, McIadS-- Resolved. That the Council at the first ses- sion of either of Its branches. un or a fter the 14th day of May. 1891. receive undopcu l scaled proposals lfish gas Ilgbis far alsf rrrt and other p puI'll, pinves.2(1 thepublicbnild- Ings of the Cit}' of st. Poul, t')r n priud of fire ybrs from and after the 1st ditof April. A. D. 1fiJl, and that the City Crrk lyre ;anh. he Is hereh)>• Instructed forthwith to gi ce not ice. by publlshingthe sumrin ther9lcini paperof kafd city. that thr Council will so reeetvc and on n such scaled proposals to fill I'll such gg If ]It farallsuchpublicstrerts,pilfers nr builditrgs of the City of St. Paul for the ,)r hod of five Scans from .,ala ].,t day of April. wA. D. 1S9E and that such scaled' propnsa is ,illRe received for transmission to the C1 un - II by the Clerk of the City of 5t. Auld. nt any time. pprior to said 13th Buy of 3ba v, 1x91. at o'cllx•k p. m. of old dai. and Neill be Tpaned by the Counci] at the Col null Cham - In the City hall, it the first n eating of either braneb thereof held on or after said 11th day of May.lul. Yens -Aid. Banholzcr. Bicle'burg. Bot t. Conte33•. C'oste 11o, Dobuh,r. Dol idea. Gehnn. Melody. Mine.. Sullivan. Van Slvkt•, Mr. 1'resldcnt-1;1. ,,3 -Aid. Flandrnn-I. Approved May 6. lstl1. O. O. Carnes. Pre'ideat of Con ori 1. THIS. A. P11.1DY.R.-T. Ci ty Clerk. OFFICIAL I1CB1.II'A'rOS. Of O.dluance Passed by the Coronion Cntrllcil of the Cityuf St. Paul at Its 31[eel Ing field oil May G.1891. . ORD( <Asc,. No. 1.4111. An h rdin.,- relative to the St. Paul City- Itailw:Iy Company. The Common Cumtcil of the City of S[. Poul du ordstn .S follows: S.C-IN 1. There is hereby granted to thr St. Paul City Railway Cum puny, the nutbor- lty, right and Privilege ul con st carting, main- ,&Iag.nd operating under �rouniconduit.s Ghcl hI Ilergruu nd wires• ono nlsu Uoles and n ed fol wires and appltrntaus connected therewith so as to make and perfect needful cut, of said company with nn3- of I," r electric power houses ostations• nml fur the Pit reuse of more fully perfecting Its system upon and in the folhrwutF streets anp d orts f street of the CitS of St. Poul. viz: On Chestnrt street. from Rest Seventh streetto Wtishingtun street; on Washington street. from Chestnrt street to Third street: on Thi dstreet. from Washington street Wa- hnsha street: 'T" Fillmore avenre, from W.- bn sh a st rec-t to Itolmrt street ; on Delos street. ft reel, frill ont nnriostrectlio Third stre'street; oet 11 un Collins street. from Burr street to Bedford street; nBCdfuvd.stre,t. from Colli -street to \urth street; on \urth street, from Bed- ford street to Marta avenue; of Maryland hr e.fnrm Greenbrier st cert," Ricc,trcet: IIS Aabu rV' 'f t e. from POI •ratty oven ue to illinnolrnha r (rest; and on Fail) rview� ave- ' from Grand avenue to 1,clby avenue. Anrl upon any street ur upon which said ,in pane mu))• naw ur hereafter have its rails or trunks 1 f street railway: provided. that the right and privilege hereby grunted 'ball be limited in time h) the peraod�V.-m scribed by section'_'.1 of Ordinance Ao. 1-_1 of sltid city. approved Septe,n , °9. IS89. en - titled: 'An ordinance authorizing the St. P'"I City' Railway rCompun3• to construct. Inlp, matnbdn ar it rperate street milt line. iu the city of S[. Paul:" and flat III Telt 'rules, conduits, -ire' I a apparatus 'loll Ire a(, pr seri led ly said Ohr( nnn"o No. ttnd ntllrr e<isting or linanccs of said city applicable thereto. and Mut illrperut- ing said track.,,,, lines herein pro- ided ith any of l6¢ rowers provide for ., Au. F='.tilt• by .retina ^_ t Paid or�irlana . r gilt Hud privilege hereby granted shill'I., subj •et to file pproV-ision s, regulations It'd •unditinns f the said lust mentinnea or- dinance. Fo far as they may be practicable Ih applying the same hereto. Sec. ' This r rdinauco shall take effect and be In force from and after its publicn- 11un. It'd its aceept.nec in writing by said St. PIUII Citc Iiniiwny C'ompunp, executer, by its pmsiderit firim president.: d filed with flare frirm ,the ``tf bli utisaid rdn orf this nrili �i� �:y91 r ]ens -Aid. liul lolxer, Bieienbeig. Butt. Conley� Costello. Cullen. Dubn,r. Dorniden. Fltntlrau, Gchan, Melaay. sou Ivan. Van Slvkr. 31 r. Vice Yn•sident-]I. P 'sect 11ny 5.1. ,los. 3l1seA. V -mice Presidrut of Co u ori 1. Apprl)ced May 7. 1'1 Boben, A. S>Itvn. M8yor. Atn•st: Tt os,A. Pnesheroesnl9ty t Jerk. May N. PROCEEDINGS 01' TI OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. Of R1811 oilune Adopted by the Cotn mon Council of the City of St. Paul. Bs, Mr, McCafferty A'y F No. 4- nnd tl ley are her+eby�uutbu ro Ltslcl tto ismt-ers be ,- ad negotiate of RobeItfi AL Smith. -1 yord roe ti, . um of $fiO,IXq.09, or as much thereof as muv be necessary, with interest at rale nos to . x ed 7 per cent per annum, payahle. semi- nally at the financial agency of the mI of St, Paulin the CityY of New S'orl, o t the ofilce of the City Treasurer, in the City of St, Paul. Said certificates to bear date .June 1st, 1891. issued in puy"mend of the pur- chase of lots number one 11) and aro (2). of block eight (8), of Rice and Irvine's udditiun to St. 1, 1, Said certificates to Is. payable September 1st. IA9t, xe , III t }- nn n L o[ the Legislature, en tttl ed "An act to author- �he credit of Uhe ueu to a t} trrnsnry to above described a leer Llaftound tU pup fur the Yeas Messrs1iDnn holzer3 Cu.ii•I11,i]UiICn(_ Petty, llmnl- OIT—hel m. Van Slyke. Cir. President -7. Nays -o. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen. May 19. 1891. Yeas-Ald. Blelenberg. Bout. Conley, Coppee land, Dobner Dorniden, Gehan, A[eludy Sanborn, Sullivan. Alr. Prdsident-11. Nays. Approved May 27, 1891. Byy Mr. Costello-A'y F No. A- ResUlved. Tint an order lm drawn on the sty treasury. paableout of Lhe general blockieigl t (A) of I{e rt v�ioc ()t tw(ti(nn of the city of St. Pal, for the sum of thirty' to thousand dollars. ties tSRI d ordershall be delivered to solei par In delivering to the Clty ( St. Pal a warranty deed Uf said premises. nd upon submittl clear of all incumbrances. LI Ile in fee nim le 1n thenn abstract Showing said lot. P int r t i es claiming W o Adopted by the Assehmbly D,ay 18. 18111, Yeas -Messrs. Banholzer. Costello, CICCa(- ferty, Mirex, ODPenef m. Van Slyke, Clr. Resldent�7. Nays 0. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May18. 189 1. Yeas-Ald. Blolenberg, Bott. Coale •, Cope- land, Dobner. Dorniden, Gehan. �lelady. Seaborn. SolI an. ill r. Press rleot-11. Nay Approves. d Clny -"7th, 1891. [ista1 d [i r ve `1c1In - ,'r F No in. . tin a ' 1•r .� 1,tar 'i Y tm:isu r'', p p�i ble nit (f ;11'1 f, id i [nt 'flhe,w `.of lit , `itl,f h11 -k eight (Sri of Rites ,,C I trine �i rldition to the City ofSt. Paul. for t in• sum ,.f tliirtr thn1s 1 dolls r1. Rai d orller shall N. rlell,er•d to said pnrt}- n n,n bet r.xee,�rng :sort �a•nreri�,g to air IL COMMON COUNCIL City u[ et. Paul n warranty deed f said Y n prem ices fermi,[ nlour gof fall Incumbrances, tliand •tiP fee u. n, plcili tlel party claiming R said lot �rxldUphed by the Ansmnbly May 18. 1891. 1 a' M sr: Ball Ito] zee, Costello. McCa Pre f - fell Prelstden \I en, Oppenbcim, Van Slyke. Mr. t-7. Nays -9. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen. May pe land sDAIdc III D,r�id�nR Gelmnnle`f lady, gun born. Sullivan. Mr. President -11. Vat'sD. Approved May 27. 1891. By Mr. Banholzer A'y I' No. 13. ?rS0 y. Tlut ap warrant be drawn on or., fuhe nd In fu vUtrr,f `( cchrnnblo a & R'eblJnl�eln t:besun, of VIWIL:, la i lr meat of tbq titsc proportionate sl�a,e ,P the �dt btedtk C1lnnes lot d strict numher 29nf ltumseYc tv. pr ,IledbvtbcactofthMt,nv- Said"a a"'Ilti shills be delivered p , tho bond which still Cochran & In Ids seal est s id district being,sur- ed a , un(1 lu oce led. ided i,Y the Assembly \lay 18, ISM -Messrs. Bnn hol zee. Costello, ClcCnf- Minen, Oppenheim. Van Slyke, Dir. 1.Ado led by the Board of Aldermen May 19. 189 Yeas-Ald. Bielenberg, Hutt. Conley. Cope hind. Dobner, Dorniden. Gehan. Dlady, nburn Su. Sullivan. Mr. President -11. Nuys-{-. Approved May 27. Iain. \k. Y Ml'IIIIAI President ,C In, Assembly. President of ih, Bou'fi o, Aldermen. Taos. A. Yar:xnaaonaT. May 2s. City Clerk. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Of Reaolutlon Adopted by the Co t%OancB o[ the Ctry of St. P¢V{. 6v Committee on Gas-B'd F NO. 17- Paul Uud. That the propo_sitidn of the St, ailigl�tingebt tl 0,101113,'j idated May 13, 1991.. i1�c 6 innilit ire ri•fur�ixltnd ti may. n�eishere- ��' a •c Pta•d. svd that the (`111-Porattoo At- ncy Ire Hort is hereby in"ruetrd to dram 1pr t+p•ontntct wlt, cut,[ Gas Licht Co.- iia cony ,r tr,a_di .n rhii�b r ,.i d Lhm i�beretU nttnlhed i. Itrsuf,i',<f 1'u ether. Thai the _pn,ls•r clic rilicrrs nor hereby direct rd t, _ tc �101. ,• (tall w'hn draw -n. on Ia�hnlf UCc('i 1h1 tv rf .kd,pted by B„nrvi „f khk rosea }hit' 111, ilea. .kill. Rlel,•vb,-re. Nut t. I'nu hey. a',i OF THE CITY OF SA land, Dobner. Dorniden. Gehan. MORAY.' Sanborn. Sullivan, Mr. President -11. Nays -O. Adopted by Assembly BIaS'-p• 1h11. I'eus-MCRFrs. Bat111U1zcr. Costello. McCn[- ferty.Oppenhefm. Van Slyke. Mr. President -_6. Nays 9. Approved May 28. ISM R. i'. MCnat President of the Assembly. 0. Cl Crl.l,e}, President of the Board Of Aldermen. TaoS. A. PRENDERGAST. ('rty C erk. blay 21. -- OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Of lic"1 tionsand Orrirr Adnptrd by tfie Common Counoll of the City of Ft Paul. By Aid. Gehan Bd F No. 21, kesUlved. That the BUurd of 1'ublt \t ks Is hereby, ordered to cause Sycam .'t .t. to be sprinkled from Rlen street [U S}laun' street. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May 19. 1891. Yeas-Ald. Blelrnbert . Butl`nnler. CoP, land. Dobner. Dorniee•n. Gehan. aclnd y. Sanbor n . Sollfvnn. It. President, --1t. Nuys. 0. ,m, 1891. Adnptrd by the Assembly \Illy Yeas Messrs. Banholzer, COstell AI(laf- ferty, Oppenheim. Van Slyke, Mr. I esi- dentr . Nuys -0. Approved June 3. 1891. Br All Colmin ld B(1 F No, 2 cause Lite f,llowf nK'Ifeets lin �pplrinkli ug Di trict No.2 to be sprinkled dont g the season of 1591. subjert to any order, which the CUm- n Council from time to time. b, resolut ion ,f`sald body. n nuke discontinuing sn.,d rinkli g ui•h�'t mets nr Par is ,f streets fp such ti me tans said Common Con aril sl,nll determine: Forrest R(nvt. from Sl rend, treet to Case street; Edgerton street, from Rmn ey st rret to Fun`n ire strut: Ile Solo street, It,m Hopkins. -t re •t to Minnehahu -t: Furth prna•1. from Ilyd ford street. to De Sot, st rcet: L` haYet Ue oven oe, from Col- frum F.�tge rionct mrti Parnrtmt neo street. Adopted by the BUurd Uf Aldermlin 11 ap he [891. Yens -Aid. Bielenberg. Rott. Conley, Cope- 9anborpobulll��In�r)I r. rYrrsiden�[�-]i Iclndy. Nays ). A d,ptrd by' the Asst•m blY Cloy IP91. SiasMesons Ru nh,l-rer.l'osctrll,. Men Jetty-, OPV('nhei m. V-11 Slykes Ur. I'rrsIdidrnt Nays-. APProroerl .luny Ry Cir. Optx•nheim-A'y F N,. In - II is herr l�J",Meted by the U' mon C',onril (the City,f St. Paul: Thn the nit iter of slep wh Summit. n - •- i , i` Selby , ••t n n {r .trrrthe Awatne„m, �. `ii„�rei,r` rr-erred to u IST PAUL FOR 1891. 133 Board of Public Work, to investigate and re- p First -Is tbisimprovement proper and I— esq eon d Give the Council un estimate of the p se thereof, and state whether one half of the cost thereof is to be paid into tho city treasury before the contract is let. 'Chi rd -Can real estate to be assevsl! for said improvement be found benefited to the extent of damages,costs and expenses nec- ossary to Ile Incurred thereby? Fourth Is such improvement asked for upon thepetition or aV7phestiun Of the own ,f a jority f IIm pr,perty to be a. sensed fur such imppr eat: Fifth -Send the Council a plan or Prudle ,.f said improvement, as retluiie I by Itw. If yUit re�i`rt in favor of thu same. th-Send the Council a Proper order (it- rectu,g the work to be done. Adopted by the Assembly May I8. 1811. Yeas :tic+srs. B¢n ar fulln� VunirSl�.i C -c �D. Jetty. CliumI, oppenil Slyke 1 1 -. S. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May 19. Approved June 3. 1591. W. P. CScnnAr. President of the Assembly. O. O. etj... Is. President of the Board of Aldermen. TRoe. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk. Jmm A. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION C Adopted tby the Comm nn Council ofthe City of St. Paul. Ordinance No. 1:,9:1-A'y F No. 2- An Ordinnnre to authurizl Lune h. Stone to t•et n brick -veneered wall on the hind hereinafter described. T r Connnon Council of the City of St. Pani CtcTt ons I. Thatper s: Ion and nnthority is herein granted to Lu is SR. Sone to e c •t brick -veneered walls far i udditiun to t(ir b„ildin, situate on the middle one-tldrd i'u] Naps 0. W. P. CicmtAv. Pr' sident of the A. -on iv. Ps,x 1 by the Board of Al,[erm, }1 n}' pi. Is!, . Ibu All]. Bielcnberg, Bott. 011111y, ('olx•- 124 PROCEEDINGS OF I land. Dobner. Dorniden. Gehnn. Melody Sanborn. Sullivan. M'. Prestdent-Il. Nays -0. O. G. Prc of the BonM of Aldermen. ApproveddJune o3,EII. Roaenr A. Swlra, 1lnyor. Attest: Ts. A. Pns�oel+cnsT. June 6. __ City Clerk. Ordnance No 1.561.-A'y FN.. 2 - An ordinance to authorize Emil Geist tl erect an addition W his building on thl corner of Sixth street and Smith avenue. The Common Council of the Clty of St. Pun do ordain as follows: Section 1. That permission and authority Is hereby given W Emil Gefst to erect nuc malntuln an addition W his dweBi" at the corner of Sixth .street and Smith avenue. the m sao W be fourteen by sl xteen feet In .size, W beone nerectedulfls I under Ghon dir�ctionhu ['soba Building Inspector. " Sec. 2. This ordinance to be ill force from .ad after its pa ge. Passed by the Assembly It., CA. Idol. Yeas -Messrs. Banholzer, Van Slyke, Mr. President. Nays-]dca .. mcCwRortj. O>penhoim-_, {V, I'. 1IURRAl'. Passed by the Board of nt of nen m nl 2 1891. Yens -Aid. Bielonberg, Bott, Conley. Cope- land. Dobner..Dornlden. Gehan. Njelaify. Sun - born. Sullivan, Mr. Prosidenl-11. Nays -0. President of the Board ,°Aldermen. Approved June 3. 1891. Ron' Irr A. SMITH. Mayor. ACWSt: Tnos. A. PItt:NDEn. A.T. June 6. _- City Clerk. Ordinance No. 15Q; -Rd F No. �S- An ordinance {ermitttng ,Isco, Cullen to erect n bay wl nduty. The Common Council of the City of St. Paul doordain as follows: Secti on 1. That permission and authority Is hereby given Ind granted to .lames Celled feet by fifteen(1511 feetbin window ighto(8) high, to the double Wnument now stuuding on I total doll's addition tJoel, Stfl Puul�snfd work Wille done on or the supervision of the Beildtng inspector of said city, upon the payment of the proper fell therefor. Sec. L. Th is ordinance shall takeelfect and Ile in force fromand aft", its publication. 7891. Passed by the Board of Aldermen )hey 19. InYd. Dololpt.e;).;,xi(ed. °pis„;: Sn ahem. Snliivun. Mr. President -I 1. Nays -0. 1'l."Menl of the B,oarri of \ IrII i nn•u. Puss"rl by tIIr A,..emblr Mav:,i). 1.91. felt Oripenin;'�: 11.P1. NJ ih'+ 6. Nuys -.l. tl'. I'. Ml....... o-. I'resideof of the :Assembly'. .\pproved .l ul e:t. Is91. R )n-1 r.A. SM 1Tii. \l 1l 1. � Aticst: Tito., A.11I,-11 ..aG,tST. .In lie 6. 1'1ly l'lerk. H4' COMMON COUNCIL Rlte11. ol re<I P1TI at tl a Chief u( 7- p".."(4' oee be and I.s hereby 14) t1 am- to employ fou(J) n Led four iJ) teams. for the perlodnf sl xty Isdlees day., for the purpose f assisting the ll"o,srtitnilneuf euelI roan w I ltteaum to be tile - dol iars and fifty f$I.iO iwcell per day, pnyn- ble out of the general fund. Adopter] by the Assembly May Is, Ism. ]"gas -Messrs. Bunholzer. Costello. AlcCnf- ferty. Mlnen. Oppcnhelm. }'nn Slyke. President--,, Nays -0. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen )fay ill. 1ErJ1. I"fns-Aid. Rielcille rg, Bott. Conley. Cope- land. Dobn,r. Dorniden. Gehnn, lfeludy.9au- born. Sullivan..111. Presldelrt-11. Nuys -0. Apprued.lune 3, 1891. By 1[r. llu frayy-A'y F' \o.yyL"- 1, hereb, TIiatollt iP"ritCulle'n+t. remmves[hr hu i ld Jugs on let two t21, bl(ek eight (8). Rico & Irvine's addition to St. Poul: provided Ric. s mo Shull be done vithin ixtyy (60) days after the purchase f said lot Uy the city, "Ithont duly charge fur said buildings. Adopted by the Assembly May 1S, 1891. f+Yens Ili-- r 07 � ed"I .ed. Costello. S{ykec Mr Preg Nays 0. Nays -0. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen flay I9, 1891. lundnDohner. Diornid lle n Ge.'Imtn MeladyC9lin- born, Sullivan, 11r. President -11. Nays -0. Approved June 3, 1X91. By Mr. Dlurrav-A'y P No. 17- hesolved. That Ifenry Gari -in be and is hereby ppointed Sergeant of At.,. of the Assembly. S-embI•rl by the Assembly May 20, pill. fess-1lcssrs, Banh"Iter. 11cCafferty. Op- penheim. \"un Slyke, Mr. President -5. Nays4). Approved ,lune 3. (sill, .]'v F' No. Is- - Ilesu ved. ""'it the Board of Pat""'\Corks const the f�lluwing streets In I)istriot No. 91x 161 to be sprinkled during the season of 1s91, •il muyt fr"` tilmc'Wrti toct gl ci disconilUu- ng.-Ufit streets or part. t hereof. to wl C: St. AIbu it, .street. from Goodrich avenue to I'uirmount oven ue: and F'ulrmuullt avenue, From St.Albans Street to Grotto street. Adopted by the As Ibly 1hty!Y), 1891. 1"eaS--yfe..rs. Bunholzer. Mvt'atfert;v. Ip- IIeim. ]":,n :Iv ke. Mr. President -: a N.Y., _d. '. A400ted by Board of .Aldermen ,loo 8p 1. A lei. liirlelilnrg. Bot t. Conley, Cula•- nll. Iluhner. flu rlllden. Gehnn. \Ie In dy. 'eo bo ro. .doll] vu tl. 11r. 1'n•-idl•nt II. Nae. -n, :\IIIlroved .I 11 m•:t, 1�IIi. By Nlr. }'n, slyke -.\'y Resoled. 'Chat the Itoa rel "f I'll bH" \Yorks OF THE CITY OF SA to be epriukled Ile,fman alt hue [rum East Seventh .t n•et on the o,rt It to It, lef., n the .out", n Adopt,by the ..em"Iv \Inv _3). idol. Years-ydfe.l ssrs, flanh, Up- pe.nheim, Van Slyke. Mt. P,e.id,•nt- ,. Nays -0. Adopted by Board t4 :Alder... n. .Ism• '. 189E Yl ,-Aid. Bie lenla'rg. Butt. Col:lev. Co{. laud. Donner. Dorniden. Grluul. 'Mel ody. unborn, Su it n, 11 r. 1'rvsWent-11. N,tys-0, Approed June 3. Is!li. By 11 r. Van Slyke-A't- F' \o. C It Is hereby ordered br the l'n union Council of the City of St. Peal: That the matter of opening- widening and t WndhGrove at...I tt'o nnnlform a�idth +t'��feet. be and the s, to IS hereby referred to the Board of Puollc Works to ]nveetigate and reF'I r port: s[ -Is this Improvement proper and n cessary? SecoLf the Council a estimate of the expo se thereof. and state ttwhether whether,,,,,- half of the cost thereof is W bn pa]d int. the Ityy treasury before the contract. is let. t ThI rd -Can real estate to be assessed for said lmprovrment be found benefited to the exWai of flamuges. costs and expenses neces- sary to be Incurred thereby? Fourth -Is such Improvement asked for upon the petition or applicntlun of the own- ers of a majority of the pro)erty to be. as- sessed for such Impprovementr Fifth -Send the Councll apinn or prod le of said improvement. as r 11iired by law. IPyon .DDort i favor of the same. r 91 xth-Send the Council a proper order directing the work to be done.. Adopted by the Assembly ltuy 26. 1891. Yeas -Messrs. Bunholzer, Costello. JleCuf- ferty.Milieu. Oppenheim, Van Slyke, Mr. President -S. \uys-0. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen 1891. Veas-Aid. Blelenberg, Bott. Conics. C( land, Dobner. Dorniden. Gehnn. :lchX1. Sanborn. Sullivan, Mr. President -11. Nuys -4. Approved June 3, 1891. Mr. Vun Slvkc-A'y F No. Si. Ived, That a warrant be drawn upon Oltye Treasurer. myable out of the local nt fund.�I favor o IIIc ers hat miscell 1. ldoe scrip uP III, be- e lot six f6), block It,, (5) a ]V IIFtneyy mith's addition to St. I'nul, and Brmul- way \T PAI L. FOR 1891. 1: IIs 11 r. Vun Slykl•-A' *F' Ne. liew,l sed, 1'Lnt n r t be drawn Pon Ili, t'ity Tell.snrer, Gaya ble out ,f the loco) Imt� ,t. fond. �'o favor of Ili, owner of ildt ngqstt o 1 imyr v •mc is lying and .itu- alr ua the'fell., ns, dcserlbe, pl" 1, nr mad to-teit:Lotsix (6). bl+a•k five (6)• \Vhitn"y & Smitli s IL di Ion to St. Azul, and thutmll - •elhtneun.strlppofhold lying between aid lot six (61 and liroadwnv street in said city: and also a triangular piece of Innd been c ensn'rlp by Broadway street. s nherh• % tIIerly line of lotix (0), block tive l�) of \t'htteley & Smith's addition. Vreduced W Broadway street, unit westerly by a line drawn from the southwesterly corner of block twenty-nine l'29) liltt.on's nddition,W it point in norrr,herly Zine of said Iof six (8) twenty-four t'dt) feet westerly from westerly line of Brnodwily street in the City of St. I'nnl, for the s I of $19.460, with Interest from December lA. 1). 1t1SI In Payment of the ab ee-descri dumne 1 foralk iwglenln ionprove- of Sixth san street be Rosabel street and Broadway street. Adopted by the Assembly tiny :e, 1891. Yeus-ilies.rs. Banholzer, Costello, McCaf- ferty, 11cNamer, 3fl nea, Oppenheim, Van Slyke, 11 r. President -8. N'Y'-0. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen June 2. 1891. Yens-Ald. Rielenberg, Butt, Conic Cope- land. Dobner, Dorniden, Gehan, Melady.San- born. Sullivan. Mr. President -11. Nays -0. yyApproved JuSne 3. 1891. RResol ed. STI i warrants be on the city •emelt fecal lm- unds inbfuvorle t o[r the the owners or lot tsix (6). block five (5)'of Smitli s addition, in the CIA T St. WhiteyPaul, Minnesota. for the sum of x.500, with In- terest from December 86. A. D. 1889. The same telbe in payment of the above-de- scri bed real elan W. condemned for the widen- Ingof Sixth street beRosabcl street and Broadway street. Adopted by the Assembly May ?6, 1891. Yeus-\fessrs. Bunholzer, Costello. McC¢f- ferty. McNamee. Minea, Oppenheim. Van Adopted by the Board of Aldermen June 2, 1891. Yens-Ald. Blelenber . Bott, Conley. Cope land, Dobner. Dorniden, Gehnn. Melody. Sanborn. Sullivan. Mr. President -11. Nays -0. A pproved .Ione 3, 1891. In the sum of$9250, with interest. am lleo.:40. ]Eld9. in payment for -- leserilxvl Uicce of lo,,d ha ken and 1 for the wddo+d ng Si xtb street By Mr. 111 nen-A'p F' No. 24- abei street and Rruudwny street. It is heresy ordered by the Common Council by the Are my 1myt91. ]s91, of the Clty u( St. Paul: s. Banholzer. Costello. McCaff- That the mutter of u two -plank sidewalk urate, Mince, Oppenheim. Van on the west side of Brown avenue, from Win - President -8. ifred street to Concord street be and the amt is hereby rc[erred to the Board of Pub - by the ]Board of Alderman June .lie Works to Investigum. and report: Is olds Improvement proper and nue- 11 Blelenberg. Butt. Conley. l'upt•- a -dry? r. DurNden, Gehnn. Molndy.Sun- sIf xo, send the Commll a proper order van. Mr. President -11. directing the work t. be don". Adopted by the Assombly May N. 1801. I .f ll nl•3. IS91. }"ea=-1h•wrs. Rnnholzer.Costell,:.MeCaf- 126 PROCEEDINGS OF 1 forty, McNamee. Move. rmOpl-ill,I m, Vat Slyke, Mr. Presidenr-8. 1\ uys-0. d Adopteby the Itonrd oY :11da•en .lone R ` lu,rflus I obnclr.t•Da olden uGelmnn It \le lu rl�, Sunburn. Sullivan. Mr. President -11. Nuys -0. Approved June 3, 1891. A'v F Nu. 2A- -- d. IIle isumvnftirratII"d dol Il"."oth-sa, the faithful �x• formm�ce of his duties ns a nember of t m Board of Water t Chadd .luu- c,s of the City of St. Paul, be -lo the Is. together with the sureties un mill bound• pp ved. "Adopted Uy the Assembly MuY 2G. mm. ]"ens--Dle.csrs. Bunlmlzer•. Custellu. Dict',t- ferty, 11c\amee. )Iineu, Op{x•nbei m. Vuu Slyke, r. President -8. Sntys-9. Adopted by the hoard of Aldermen .rune 2, Ih.l1. � Innlas Doloo Biedl laroh eBu Gehan. 'Melmiy'. St n bort]. S o h l vu u. NJ,. fresh dcu t-11. Nay,, -O. Approved June 3, Is91. 1f? COMMON COUNCIL to b made, to wlt I'oad, In" hind take nu •n-rme Ii in the land ubuttingoo Elilsstrcet a ...wee o Tcrrit )rill) rend and Hersey ave- uc. In old city. n o-s((yy to construct the i)fx�.. fur cutcand fills n grading snlds F.IIIS -(net between soId .streets. toyy the Cstnblisbed grade thereof, as -Lown itre office of the Registetile rofile I, s.lrl(If Deeds `III u rd foe I Ramsey Cou ntv. and In the office of the City Engineer; said stupes to es[end one and one - I f (1r:) feeton said land for every rout of cut or fill. as indicated p the plan f said slopes he (,bice lief said Ronrci. °rt, and to be tiled inThut sold Board shall proceed without de- lay to assess the amou n t, us nearly as they cue usrertuitl the sittlle. x'hich will be equired to pay t he damages, cost u led necessary expenses ,f such lm provement upon the real estate to be benefited by s 1d improvement, us pro- •ided by law; It Lein!, the plait n of the Council that real cstute [c be assessed for such improvement can be found benefited to the extent of the du air, res. cost and expenses n ry to be Inc rre I thereby. Adopted by the A. blly Dluy 20. 1897. Yeas-lle.lyll But, ru .e Costello. McCaf- ferty. DleNumee. Mines. •OUpenhei m, Van S i:,c, Mr. President -8. �nys 0 Ad Ycuopts-Aided by Board of Aldermen.lune2.1891. n„n...... IIienen Bust. Coale Co Ire„d . ..... berg. Inythr nmtt,•r of the Nays-fr. Pub. lc \Yorks dxled �lluort of the Runrd hit A PPruved .lune 3. 1891. It Is hereb Y :1. alio t the Ciiv of 9ter�r"11lt he ('unman Council That the Bunrd of Public Works of .said A'v F No. lit- CityutSt. Yuulcna,C the tullux'luginq)ru°r•" Ytesulvrd. That uau'ruMs be rlrnwn upon monis W bc• mode•. to -wit: Grade it alley the city treasury. V+rYnblr oat of tile general AntIng cost and west through black HI. fund. In favor,, the persons named in the hony Park. In said city' pus cul is hereto nanexad and made u part of 1'hnt sold guard cause .said work to be let th(s rc,olutlun. for the stun s •t opposite w by'cunt east its provided by lux•, without a"e- their r speCtive num c, in pnymeat of the I'll the estmuted cost being first Vold into s Inry ¢nal compensntl,m of sold q•rsons for the city trtja1(n ry; unl nYter-aid work sha 11 their services during the month of Dbty.1891. be. Plurrd ler contract. Bald board .,hull , ...hewn by sold pay rolls. proceed x'it6uul air tray lu assess the amount• `pduplyd Uy Ule As-onrbly M h 21+• 1891. xLu•ly us they en ii-ertitin lire su mr•• Yens-Diessrc. Bun hal ze r. Costello. McL'nf- h�h will br rrinirod to pay the , ets and h•rty. yleNnmee, Minea. OPprnheim. Va., accessary -pen-, of sun Impj,o wine rt til site. Mir'. President -8. t Pon the real elate to Ile bene turd by hl Nu v+ -.Ir, Improvrinrnt provided by In ' It he- Adopted by the Board of Aldermen \luy:i+. I n' t I e spin I o a o f l be Co cut I l that rcul c I", run to tx: us `� d for sue 1, rm Pruvement Yens-Ald. fhelenberg. Butt.Conlrv.Calx- pe fuuudtlxne fi t ed to the extern of Ini hand. Doi -alder. Genno. Sanborn. Sillli vn n, costs and ex{xnses a ecsnnry to Ile incnrrerl y! •. 1're illerlt-!1. thrrc•by' \ ny,c.s Adapted by the Assam Illy D[ny 2,i. Is91. .\pprv,ved May 29, 1-91, shirty s1f l\'nmre. Nil' en •r'jpp_ i,r•im 1i Vi n Slyke. Dlr. I'rrsideril--. _ Adapted by Board of :t ld,rrn,•rr .lu m• 2 A'v }' Nu.- ] -91. Resolved. Tint war ns be drawn upon Ycns-Ald. BirlCnberg. R�,tt. ('u,try (rope- for oils treasury'payable art. n(t he general tont. Dubner. Darn lde n. Gebnn, `I,•ln,lp, tlomi, lir favor f George Hris. fly Treas- Suriburn. Sullivu n. JD'. 1'rr.idenl-11. I e is follow.+: Om• fur the su f $li.- Nays.9. 509.x4. In payment of the •'pence of thead- ApPruvrd .lune :i. I -!II. !nistrntiun of the Poll(, Department of the t'Ity of St. Paul for I Ile a ai t, of Mity, hoof. I, )I,,- fur thesura of $1',. �!ML;os In puyme t ,f rnr epCnse or the udnd ad,trullar of cin A'y F No. 3n- }'Ira• Department of the City ,( St. I'nul for La the Inn h•r of the-rr ppan. of the Hour4 of; the loun,W of May. 1891. Ono fur Ihr sum of Pu IIIc R'urks rluhal D'uy ::',, 1sUl. ;C.!r .i9. In payment , f Ihe cnmprnsutluu of I its hereby ordered by the Cununuu C( aril the uasisn a is and su burdl n,tes In the Clt>' ,of the Cityp of St. Paul: F:ngi nror's offfee or I a, Lou with of May IKI 'Alut the hoard of l'ubllCAV'urk-oflhcCity Onrfur the sum ur .q'W.2r.1.:C1. in payment f of St. I':sale,ao,rtm•Pollun'Inglrnprov,•am•nt� Ib,• cxl-ns,s of the nrirtd rt l,I roti on of the OF THE CITY O1' SA Board of School Inspectors of the City of St. Paul, for the month of May. 1891. AdoPt`of by the Asa•mbly D, I CF. 1891. Yens-Dlessrs. Built lzcr. Custellu. Dlr<'uf- ferty, McNamee. Mines. Oppenheim. Vito SI it c, DI r. President -8. AaapteaNays�1. by un nosed .rr•nlderme„ May 8. BS91. Peas -Alb. I1lelenber'. Butt, Conley.II-n. land, Dornlden. Gehnn, 9uuburn. Sullivan. 31ent�9. N oy". Approved Map 29. 1891. t Alrruyt-tI, no lo ton be and Is olnPPted as lineman t' or tie put ice ;rnpntyyh. l($'rU) d Iorn ln� per altouth. tele paid from the general fund; yment to date fromDluy :l1, A. D. the supervision of F.Bl,-. 1'o Ile,'felegrupb.. A. by the Assembly >luv 28. 1891. ssrs. Bnn Latzer. Custellu. DlcCuf- Cumee Dll neo. Dppt•rrhe l In. Van President, -8. by the Board of Aldermen .June "_. it. BielenberlS, Batt. Cunley.Cope- �ner. Dornlden. Gehan, Dlelady -a s, I.I. Dl array-A'y F No. 34 - red. That it warrant be drawn on the usury in favor )f Robert A. Smith. p,00,tluts,tnle to be usscd usr11 ni m (load In the Milyur's ufHce, It, the city .,1 1. •l by the Assembly Mily 28. 1891. -\lessrs. Bnnhul-. Costello, Nicoll- 61cNsmeeMines. Opix ]helm. %'a.,dr. President --8. V by the Board of Aldermen May 28. -At d. Bielenber'. Bott. Con I%Y. Cope- orniden. Gehnn. tlunborn. Sullivan. ApprovedJune3. 1891 - Ry Dlrly Pd. Thultibc F No. 3`. B so Rctes uer�;i ��� mea ri<;li1ne I1un d of Tdnentiun to be transferred to the City of St. Paul. Adopted by Lire Assembly Dlxy 2A, 1891. Ycus-Messrs. Bnniulze r. Custellu, McCaf- ferty. DICNnmec, Dfiueu. Oppe rr lrri m, Van Slyke. DI r. Presld,•at�N. AdYsptel'd by Iho Board of Aldernu•n yfuy . I891. Y's_-Al,l Itirlonlx•rg. Rdlt. Conley. r"pe land, D - Wee. Grhun. Sunburn. S,Illvan. Dir. President -9. Nay- 1. Approved .lune 3. 1-11. ST PAUL, FOR 1801. Aly P No. 3' Resolved. That cloy orders the city treasury lu fever of {x•rsous tunthe amu l set oppa rrs{xs•tlre names, sold amounts able to "the local s itnNove. n .1. W. Dhtuney, Ft1m00c1u.5.g timauluavenue, $(7 ; . W te No. G, hiding Pennsyly $,'J5.00; Dale & Bumgardner, Es gg udinq Fairview '(root. $1.1 llnvern, Estimate Nu. 2, grad avenue. $fL9.00; W. A. Duver,. u. g�uding Leslie avenue. t Duly. Estlmute No. 2, grading nue. $4x,.00; E. Carleton. Est grading Chatsworth street, $ Doherty. Estimate No, i. Pbale sewer. $1.870.00• T. Linnan. I grading Nebraska stree 0-m. OD; C. Nonnemucher, E. 9 E$ FM by Board of Aldermen, May 28 1. Bleler berg. Butt. Conley. Cope- er Dur nidn en, Gehn, Sanborn, r. President -10. June 3. 1891. By Dir. Murr'av-A'y F Nu. 31- Itesulvad. That it warrant be drawn In favorf Lewis Baker. President Board'of .school losretors, un the city treasury, pay - b le out of the school fund, for the sum of $MXI. W be used as u cmLLln'ent fund by the Buurd to School In soicha i Adopted by the. n al Ire Iy May 2ll 189E \'mt,.-Messrs. Ihulholzc r. Cu•trllu. Mrt'uf- 128 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COALMON COUNCIL. ferty, McNamee. \linea. Oppenheim. Yun 91yke• Bir. Preside¢ c -a. refs to the Board of Publfc Works to 1a- v •cig to and repvort: Id ys-U. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen M,y 28 Is Lilis Impre • Ler t proper and necessary'r If so. send ttre Cuunet I u direc•t- 1891. Yeas -Aid. RlolenUcrg. Botts Conley. Cope- land. Dorniden. proper order flog the work to bo done. Adoppted by the Board of Aldermen May Gehun. Sanborn. Sullivan. Mr. President -9. 19, 11+�J1. N ays�l. Yens-Ald. Bielenbergg, Butt. Conlet-, Cope land. Dobner. Dorniden. AVprut-ed June 3. 1681. Gehun. Melody Sunburn. 9u 111 run. Mr. Pres) dent -11. Itesul veil. That the Board of Public Works Eeaney Nuys -0. Adopted by the As, May 20. 1891. 31`1 By r. 'IfF No. 3A- ]'ens-Alessrs. Banholzer Costello, Oppeu- helm. ]'nn Slyke. ]Ir. Presl�evt-0. csolved. That the Ron rd of PubBc {Yorks be Nuys. Instructed to sprin kle Greenwood avenue from Concord street to Isabel Approved June 3.1891. street. .Adopted Uy the Assam Dly Aluy 1891. lend, Dorniden, Gehun, Su111 vu n, AI r. Yresi- dent -8. Yeas-Alessrs. Ban hulzel Custe1,;,. Jl1' forty, McNamee, Aline,. Oppenhci m, \'un 91yke. Mr. President -e. _ IIr Ald. Rett. Bd F No. 18- Itesulred. That Aldermen Ad, Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May 28, Conley. Malady and Gehun be and hereby ore appointed a mi ties to confer with the Im. Yens-Ald. Bielenberg. Butt. Conley-. committee ap- fainted painted by the Assembly for the purpose o[ Cope- 1¢nd. Dorniden, Gelmn. Seaborn. Sulli von, proper headquarters for acentral po- lice station. President -B. Jail Purposes. and atnbIf 9 for the ppoo]Ice service f the Nays -0. Approved June 3, 1891. city at the centra] -tution, the said committee to report to the Board of Aldermen before Boni - action. ,Adopted Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May 19, B6 131r. . cCaffert}•-A'y F No. 39- Uonley� CO nail. Dobner, Doral en, Gehan, Malady, Ordered. That the Chief oP Police be. and he is hereby directed to employ Sanborn. Sulltyna, Mr. President -11. ono man and ne team In additionto the four Nuys --0. Inc. and four teams already authorized by Assembly Approved June 3, 1891. File No. 1, for the purr f ussistfog the - Po ice officers in dispus ns of dugs, his c ppensation to he the same as others a act- trij and pu}•able out the By Aid. Bott-Bd F No. 21- of general fund. Adopted Ly the Asse bly Mny 28. 1s91. Itesul veil. That the Board of Public Works Eeaney Yens -Messrs. Bnnholzer. Cwcellu. AlcCuf- fart}. Alc Nttmee. 911neu. a street Lo be sprinkletl from Gruoen brier urenue w Eust Seventh stroet. Oppenheim.Ynn SlyuYse. MO Presldoat-e. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May 19. lAUt. ``Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Mny 28, s F� lundns D b eBr,Ie Durnlde Bu 6ehnn.e 1, 1891. Yens-Ald. Bic )burg. Bott. Conley. Cope- Me Sanborn, 9ullivnn, AI r. Prest dent -11. Nuys --0. lend, Dorniden, Gehun, Su111 vu n, AI r. Yresi- dent -8. Adopted by the Assembly May20. 1891. Anys-Aid. )inti n-1 Yens-\lessrs. Bunhulznr. Custellu, McCaf- -arty, Oppenhelm, Approved May .m. svi. Van Slyke. Mr. President -0. Nays -0 - Approved .tune 3. item. By Ald. Bielenberg-Bd F No. 14- Resolved. _ That the Board of Public Works be. and It (s here bydlrcetod to canes Arundel between Fuller street By Ald. Boit-lid F No. 22 - and Uuicereity be avenue. to be sprinkled us per petition Ilesolved.Thut the Board of Public ]Yorke cause the hereto utUtched. Adopted bythe Board of Aldermen May following named streets to be sprinkled: East Fourth street, from Marla t -en to 19. 1t19t. Mapl street; Hudson a nue. �p!! v from Huffman nfenuc Yous-Ald. Bielenberg. Butt. Cunlev. Co Vt'- )uud• Dobner• Durn idea,Gchn w Cypress street. and I'nu�f user s[rcet, tram Areude street to Earl u. Alulud horn Sullirun. AI r. Prt•side nt-11. Y•Sun- street, during the. season of 1891. Nuys -0. Adopted Uy the Board of Aldermen Alny 1!1, 1RJI. Adopted bhe A-cinbly Mny 20. 18!1. Yeas-\lesyr'ss. 1binhulzre C'ustelln. \IcCuf- fe6rt Yeas -A Id. Bielenberg, Butt. Coaleyy-. Coppee• haul. llubner. Dornhlen. Y. Oppen Lei m, Vuu SIYkc. yl r. 1're,hent Geller. )Ieludy, Sunburn• Sullivan, If,. President Nay -0. -ll. Nu -0. ApPnv ed .lune 3, 1891. AduPted by the Assembly May 20.1891. - ]'sus-Alessrs. Bnnholzer. Costello. McCaf- frrty, Oppenhelm, l -tel Slyke, Mr. President -1;. 13yAld. Sullivan-Bd F S. 1.5- It is hereby N,ys-V' AVVroved Junc A. 1891. urrll'-d by t lm Common l'.mm.11l of the Clty of St. Paul: That the mnttcruf constructing cross walk _ ol the suutil side of 9ummlt I' ue, ¢cross [ilesreluoii avenue. he By AUL. Butt-Bd F So SS- and thesnmeishrrchy R-1- veil. Tirol tl�e Bun rd of Puhlir Work• OF THE CITY OF SA •ause Lhe following sLreete iv SprinklingDis- trict Yo. 2 to be sprinkled during the season m n 1891. subject from rttiire to time by rer which the s. of said body9 Rive. discontinuing Bald 'prinklin�i o see streets or parts of streets fur such time as said Common Connell shall determine: to .uqul rt street. from Greenbrier avenue ArcadCabin avenue. from East Seventh street to �Poo1,t20D feet north of Margaret street. a M gxret street. from Enst Seventh street w Coble avenue. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May 19. 1891. Yeas-Ald. Bielenbergg, Bott, Conley. Cope- land. Dobner. Dornide . Gehun. . clad}, Sanborn, Sullivan, Mr. President -11. Nas te0. Adyopd by the Assembly May 20, 1891. Yeas -Messrs. Banholzer. Custellu,res(-af- fer[y.Oppenheim, Van Slyke, Mr. Pident -6. Nnys�. Approved Junc 3. 1891. By Aid. Gehan-Bd F No. 15. It is hereby ordered by the Common Council f the Cfty of St. Paul: "hut the matter of the construction of a wooden sidewalk (six feet In width) on Jess- RI street from Rice street to Sylvan street be. and the same Is hereby re- ferred to the Board of Public Works to in- vestigate and dr report: I tills impp mentproperand necessary'' Ings the wu rk to be dein n prupc•r order direct - Adopted by the Board o(Aldermen Aluy 19,' la'll. Yens -Aid. Blelenberq, Botts Conley. (, land, Dobner,Dunviden.Gehun,ASelssdy.Sn,- burn.Sullivan. Air. Presltlent. Nnra�. Adopted by the Assembly May 2(1. 1891. Yens -Messrs. Bnnholzer. Costello, McCaf- ferty, Oppenheim. Van Slyke. Mr. President 6. Appro. v Approved Juno 3, 1891. 26 - Common Council onstruct`io of a oil the east side Air,} street, to and the s e Is IIere UY re- ferred to the Board of Public \Yorks to in- vest)gate and report. Is tills Im�ru •e meat properand orde refill rt f If so, send t le Council a pro gg the work to be dune. 11Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May 19, 1891. Yeas-Ald. Bielenberg. Bott. Convey Cope- land, Dober. Dorniden, Gehan. Melody. Sanborn. S ullivan. Mr. President -I 1: \ave 0. Adopted by the Assembly May ?% 1891. Ycus-}lessrs. , Van Sly Custellu. Me ident fart}, Oppcn hei m, Van Slyke, Air. President --6. Nays -0. Approved .1-11-3, 18!11. INT PAUL FOR 1891. 129 By Aid. Cupoln,de Re It Is hereby ordered by the Common C;uuncil Tf the City Of St. Paul: hat the mutter of ereetilig uad maintain - In gasoline lumpp follows: ne on Arkrlglit street, in center of block between Case and Jenks streets: One oneen Arkwrighlonks Unitt street, Inventor ofb Lock betwson streets; One on Arwright st kstreet. curner.f Lawson street; 0 ne on Arkwright street,in center of block between Lawson Bgand Cook streets; beiwecn Cook antl htAlustrcct.1n center n olia streets; of block One on Arkwright street, in center of block between Magolla and Jessamine streets. beiwe'n Jessamine asnd Geranium str-ts. ck One on Arwkrlght street, corner Geranium street. One onArkrfght street• in center of block between Geranium and Ruse streets. One on Arkwright street, corner Rose street: One on Arkwri4ht street.in center of block between Rose andOne 0. corner or Maryland trsets, One on corner uP Rose and Ross and ICy`lut ktstreets'�� One un corner of Geranium and De Soto streetso One n corner of, Geranium and Clark . streets; Onein n middle of block on Fred street.north side between Burr and Bedford streets; be and the same Is hereby referred to the Board of Public Works to nvestigate and revert. �a this improvement pro per and necessary? If so, send the Council a proper orderdireet- inag the work to be done, Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May bi 1891. Yeas-Ald. Blelenberg, Butt, Conley-. Cope- land, Dobner,Dornlden.Gehnn.Melndy,Snn- burn. Sullivan. Mr. President -ll. Nays 0. Adopted b}' the Assembly Alny `dl, IBB). Yeas-ASessrs. Bnnholzer• Costello, AlcCut- (�ty, Oppenheim. Van Slyke. )Jr. President Nay". Approved June 3, 1891. By Aid. Bott-Bd F No. 31-- It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: That the matter of constructingn sewer on Canal street between Lhe 311saiesippl river and Fifth street be.end the some Is hereby referred to the Board of Public ]Yorks to in - 'ti 'to it nd report: vFi t -Is this improvement proper and necessary? Second -Give the Council an estimate of the espe es thereof, and state whether one- hulf ut" the cost thereof 1s to le paid into the city treasury before the contract is let. Third -Can real estate to be assessed for saidImprovement be found benefited to the extent of damages, costs and expenses necessary to 1al incurred thereby? Fourth -Is such improve mentasked for upon the •Ilstitlun ur npplleatlon of five owners of a con{ority of the property to be sed for sued improvement? n I•'ifth-Send the Council u plan or Profile of said Imp o emcut. as required by law, if yon report in favor of the same. Sixth -Send the Council n prole•' order dIrentIng the work to Ile don,. ISO PROI•EEDINGS OF T Adopted by the Board of Aldermen yin: 19, 1891. Yeas-Ald. Blelenberg, IIott, Conley. Cope Innd.Dubner. Durniden.G.han. M.lady. San born, Sullivan. Mr. President -11. Nuys -0. Adopted by the Assembly May2U, 1891. Yeas -Messrs. Bunholz.r, Costello, )IcC.f ferty, Oppenheim. Van Slyke. Mr. Prosiden' -d. Nays -0. Approved June 3. 1891. By Ald. IIO1L-Bd F No.:V- It is herby ordered by the Common Council f the Cit yof SL Puul: That the utter of condemning un ease - intent for sewer across blocks 28 and 20. Lv- man Dayton addition to St. Paul, be and the same is herby referred to the Board of Public Works t investigate and report: First -Is this Improvement proper and nec- essary. Second -Give the Council an estimate of the exile se thereof, and state whether u ne- half of the cost thereof Is to be paid int tb. city treasury before the contract Is let. Third -Can real estate t be assessed for Bald improvement be found benefited to the extent of damages. costs and expenses nec- essary in be Incurred ther eeby?by? Fou -Is such improvement asked for 'Poolthe a mpxtition or uppliention of the own- Bessed for such lmef the pro�erty to be us - Fifth -Send the Council a,'plad or prefile of said Improvement• as required by low, 1f Yen report In favor of the same. Sixth -Send the Council a proper order di- reoting the work w be done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May 19. 1891. Yel-AlandnDobnar. Doll, d r Geht,1.nlc,. Sue -i born, Sullivan, Mr. President -11. Nuys 0. Aduptd by the Assembly May 20. 1891. Von ea_Messrs. Bunholzer. Costello. M'Caf-' reirty, Oppenheim. Van Slyke. Mr. President Nays -0. Approved Ju ne 3, 1891. Bis , by ordered by the Common Council o[ the City of St. Paul: e corfilner of Capi placing andler of line Wheeler at that street be. and the ume Is hereby referred to he Board of Public Works t l.costigute and roppe t: Is Lids lin eementproperand n.cessuryy'? If so send the Council u proper order tli- recting the work t be done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May 19. 1hi 91. yy luYd!tDubner, Diorn(dffGeh¢ulfolatly Sin: born. Sullivan, Mr. President -11. Nuys --0. Adopted by tire Ass.mbly May ^.A. 1891. Ycas-Messrs. Banholzer. o -+tele. Naar- feisty.Oppenheim• Van Slyke. )I r. 1're.ident Nays 9. approved June 3, 181R. By ala. Sulli v-nn-Bd F Nn..4 HE COMMON COUNCIL It is hereby- ordered by the Corral- t'c, ucil [ the laity of St. Paul: That the mutterof constructing u sewer or, Iris place, from Lynnhurst avenue went to Lynnhurst avenue east, in Union Park. Elev- enth ward, be, and the same is herbyre- ferred to the Board of Public Works to ht - t •tigute and report: First -Is this Improvement proper and necessary? Second -Give the Council an estimate of the expo se thereof, and state whether one- half of the cost thereof is to be paid into the Ntreasury before the contract is let. Ird-Can real estate to be assessed for said improvement be found benefited to the extent of damages, costs and expenses neces- si y w be incurred therey? Fourth -Is such Improvement asked for upon the petition or application of the own- ers of a mu7orit)• of the property to be as - sed for sueh improvement? Fifth -Send the Council u plan orproillo of said imp rovement. as requf red by law, if you report In favor of the same. Sixth -Send the council u proper order directing the work to be done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May 19. 1891. Yeas -ABlelenberg• Bot t, Conley. Culx- Innd. Dobner, Dorniden. Gehun. Me4tdy Sun- , born, Sullivan. Mr. President -11. Nays. Adopted by the Assembly May 20, 1891. Yeas-3lessrs. Banholzer. Costello, McCaf- ferty, Oppenheim, Van Slyke, Mr. President -0. Approv. Approved June 3. 1891. By Ald. Copeland-Bd I' No. 35- It is hereby ordered by the Common Council t the City of St. I'uul. That the mutter of grading Arkwright street from Rose street t ilfurylnnU street to the grade as changed between said points be, and the same Is hereby referred to the Board of Public Works Ulm and repporst: h'1 t -y? this Improvement proper and necessary. Council an estimate the ex th thereof. and state whether one hal[ utpt he cost thereof Is to be paid into the ;liv treasury betre the contract is In Third -Can real .slate t be i ssessed for paid improvement be found benefited to the extent of dnmuges. costs and expenses neces- Fuurtlrto -llscuuch If'c,rcb,ecr ant asked for 1pon them titton or applicnuou of the own- •rs hM of njcri ty of the property to be as- - d for such Improrenient? Fi ith-Send the Council u plan or vo profile d sold improvementas required by law, if Sixt iUSoird lather Coufnullit me '.erect In the work to be done. Proper order Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May 10. 01. Yens -Aid. Blelenberg, Butt, Conley. Co e- nd. ]to let. Dorn iden. Gehun. lleln�y. t iborn. Sullivan, Mr. 1'resldent-17. .s \di,pterl by thr Assembly 3lny 20. 1801. Yeas-Mrssrs. Bn uholzer. ostello. Vcof- _•rty.Oppenhelm. Van Slyke. \Ir. President 'I' Nuys. .1 q-1-0.1une 3. IR91. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 181 By Aid. Copeland-Bd F No. 3e- half of the cost thereof is to be paid into the It is hereby ordered by the Common Council city treasury before the contract is let. I the City of St. Paul: Third -Can real estate to be assessed for That the matter of grading alley fn Row- urd's addition to the established grade. as said improvement be found benefited to the extent of damages, costs and expenses nec- per petition of resident property owners at- essary to be incurred thereby? tirehed, b and the same Is hereby referred to the Board of Public Works to investigate Fourth -Is such improvement asked for upon the petition or application of the own - and report: ers of a majorltr of the property to be as- Pirst-Is this Improvement proper and Belled for such mprovement? necessary? Fifth -Send the Council a plan or profile by lw, if Second -Give the Council an estimate of the exp. se thereof. and state whether one- of said improvement, as required you report in favor of the same. half oP the cost thereof is W be paid Into the t !t treasury before the contract is let. Sixth -Send the Council a proper order III rectl ng the work to be done. T hird-Can real • tate to be assessed for Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, May , 19. 1891. said Improvement be found benefited w the extent of damages, costs and expenses no Yeas -Aid. Blelenbergg, Bott. Onley CoP. Malady, xary t be incurred thereby? Fourth -Is such Improvement asked for land. Dobner, Dornidon. Gehan. Sanborn. Sullivan. hit. President-il. upon the petition or application of the own- of n majority of the property w be as- Nays. Adopted by the Assembly May 20. 1801. .'sled for such improvement? Yeas -Messrs. Banholzer, Costello. McCaf- Fifth-Send the Council a plan or profile ferty, Oppenheim, Van Slyke. Mr. President of said improvement. ns required by law, if -6, you report in favor u[s�me. Sixth -Send the Councll a proper order dl- Nays -l. Approved June 3, 1801. recting the work w be done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May - 19. 1891. _ Yeus-Aid. Blelenbergg. Boit, Cooley. Cope By Ald. Sanborn-Bd F No. 39- Resolved. That the 'Mayor. Cur oration land. Dubner. Dornide Gehan, Nelndy. Sanborn, 9ulltvnn, Mr. Presidenir-II. Y P Atwrney and City Engineer and a commit- tee of three from the Assembly be and they Nays� Adopted by the Assembly May 20. 1891. are reduested to unite with President Cullen Yeas -Messrs. Banhulzer, Costello. McCaf- forty. Oppenheim. Van Slyke. Mr. President and it Gehan. Butt. and 9nnborn, of the Board of Aldermen. In receiving and enter- taming the Committee on Streets, etc.. of Boston „lays -0 the Common Council of the City of Fredayy. Approved June 3. 1891. next Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May - 19. 1891. Yeas -Aid. Blelenberg. Butt. Coaleyy.Cope By Aid. Blelenberg-Bd F. No. 37- land. Dobner.. Dorniden, Gehan. Melsdy. It is herby ordered by the Common Council Sanborn. Sullivan, Mr. President_ll. f the City of St. Poul: That the mutter of erecting and maintain- Nays --0. Adopted by the Assembly May 2(1, 1PD1. i i ng gasoline lumpps on the t side of Rice Front Peas -Messrs. Banholzer. Costello. McCaf- forty, Oppenheim. Van Slyke, Mr. President street, one at eae'crossstreet between .street and Northern Puclfic railway cross ng. moi. be and the same is hereby referred t the Nays -4. Board of Public Works W Investigate and re- Approved Jute 3, 1891 port: p y ueptoper - Ifsutisendthe . unDl Per order di? recting the work to be dune. IIy Ald. Sanborn-Bd F No. i0.-- : It Is herby ordered by the Common Council Adopted by the Board of Aldermen. May 19, f the City of St. Paul: hI Yeus-Aid. Blelenberg, Bott, Cooleyy. Cope- That the matter f p��ing Dfniden lane blocks, between Selby avenue It' ad. Dobner, Durniden, Geltan. Melit y. Sun- born. Sullivan. Mr. President -11. with cedar and Ninn avenue. be and the same is hereby referred to the Board of Public Works to in- NuyB-b. v tlg¢te and report: Adopted 6y the Assembly atay 20. 1801. First -Is this Improvement proper and Yeus-Messrs. Banholzer. Costello• McCnf- terty.Opponhelm, Van Slyke, Mr. President• necessary? Second -Give the Council an estimate of -G. the expo se thereof. anti state whether one - Nus -0 y, half of the cost thereof is to be paid Into the Approved June 3, 1891. elft'y treasury before the contract is let. - Tlitrd-Can real estate w be assessed for said improvement be found benefitted to the By Ald. Copeland-Bd I, Nn.:iP- Council extent of damage. is and expenses nec- ' rt' to be Incurred thereby? it is herby ordered by the ommon nci] f the City of St. Paul: - e. Fourth -Is such improvement asked for That the otter of grjidlnR alley in C. the matter upon the potitlon or application of the own - Subdivision of bhu:ks '1.5 and tm of Arlington Rills addition. between York and t of t mn7ority of the property to be ns - sassed for such Improvement? Sims st sects, be and the same is here by to- Board Public Works to in- Fifth -Send the council u plan or profile of ,aid improvement. as required by law, If you fe-ed to tire of t • tigate and report: improvement and nec- n.1wrt in favor of the same. Sixth -Send the Cuuneii u proper order III F lrst--1, this proper e:se.? recting the work to be done. Goof ec""-Give Council by the Ilourd of Aldermen May 19, e- IBlliilepwd sutiein theexpense ti e andwhethe 182 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCI1, Yens-Ald. Bielenberg, Butt. Conley Coe- rtr. 11"Namcc. \line u. OpM'anoim. %'n, Innd. Dubnt r. Dorn Iden, Gehun. I el. y. Sluice. If,. Prestden t-8. S:tnbont. Sul.ivu n. JI r. President -11. Nnya-i). Nays -0. API>roced June 9. 1591. Adopted by the Assembly May 20, 1x91. Yeas -Messrs. Banholzer, Oostello. McCaf- f ety.Oppenheim. Van Slyke. Mr. President - Nays -O. B}• Ald. Cu eland-Bd F No..5:i- Approved June 3, 1891. It Is hereby ordered by the Common Cuun- ell of the City of St. Paul: That the matter of R crossing n the .out It behind thlp.11bart a tcet. across Cook st hereby referred forcet the Board of Putblic \Yorks to Investigate and repport: Is this Impprovement proper and necessurv% By Ald. 9nnborn-13d F No. 43.- If su, senU the Council n pr uper order di - Resolved, That the Board of Public Works reefing the work to be done. muse St. Albans street, from \Inrshal] n e- Adopwd by Board of Aldermen Jiffy Ztl, e w Iglehart street. to be spg tinkle during 1801. the season of 1801, subject co such orders Peas -Aid. Biel,nberg. Butt. Conley. Cop�po the Common Council may give dlscont(nuing land. Dobner. Dorniden, Gehun. Melody. Mr. the sprinkling of said treat o any part President -9. thereof. r Nnys--0. Ado ted by the Board of Aldermen J1ny Sea Pt Ofessrs,tBanholzerOoste17o1�.IfcCnf- 19. 189)P Yens-AId. Biclen berg, Bot', Coale}}'� Coppee-,•ferry, Me Nnmee. Mlnea, Oppenheim. Van land, Dobneth r. Dorniden, Gehun. `te lsdt, Sirke. JI r. President -e. 9anbarAd n. Su II-vuo. Jfr. President -11. Nuys -o. ilia N¢ys-0. Approved Jone 3. 1891. l. Yeas_\fessr. _a a trolzer Co tello,�Nc•CnP- ferty, Oppenheim. Yan Slyke, Mr. President Nays- 0. - Approved June 3, 1891. _ By Ald. Copeland-Bd F No. 55- It Is berehy ordered by the Common Council f the City of St. Pau]: idownik e n ubotho ides of Lawson wireot, from Diississippl to Arkwright street. be and the. same Ls hereby referred w the Board to By Ald. Dobner-Bd F No. 52- Investigate ¢lid report: Is this Improvement proper and. n It Is berth ordered by the Common Connell 1 sur ? eces- P the City of St. Paul: If so. end the Council a proper order dl- Thnttlte matter of condemningg nd open- •ting the work to b. done. Ing an !ley �Ixteen feet wide, the ugh tae' Adopted by Bo¢rd of Aldermen May 2s. c ter of block ten (10) of Berscy-Woul.up'.. /H!il. faddition. said alley w un from east w west Yen. -AIV. Rielen berg. Batt, Coale}'. Coppee rom Grigg. street b Syndicate avenue, be land. Dobner, Dorniden, Cohan. N,Indy. Jfr. .ad the xnme Is hereby re (erred to the Board President -9, of Public Works to investigate and report: Nuys -0. Flrst-Is this Improvement pro Adopted by the Assembly May 26 1891. necessnry7 Per and Yeas-3lessrs. Ranholzer, Costello. McCnf- Second-61ve the Council an etimnte of fluke•. Mir \Y esiden6-eu, Oppenheim. Van the expense thereof, and state whether one- Nuys -U. hall' alf of the cast thereof is w be prld into the Approved Jone .31891. sty treasury before the contract is let. t Third -Can real • tate to b%,ssessed (ur said improvemeat be found efited to the extent of damages, Busts and expenses nece . try to a i.currhditmloreby'1 s Improvement'If asked for e pan f In mnjoritthlypOf t1 e1lprollenty wmbe as- It I., All]. to rnie,md by t e Common Connell . 'sed for such Improvement, r f the City of St. Poul: eFifth-Send the Council elan Prefile Thut the ma[wr of grading alley In block of sold improvement as requl red by low. if No. 12. Fairview addition, from Jenks to you report In favor of the same. Lawson street. be and the surae Is hereby re- Slxth-9end the Council u proper order forre.d to the Board of Public \Yorks to In- c work done. v• r gale and report: Adopwd by the Buurd of Aldermen Muy CO, plra--1.. Lids improvement Proper and 1691. rrccssurvi Yens-Ald. Bielenbelg. Bott. Conley. to Second -Civ, the Council an estimate of Prod. Dobner. Dorniden, Gehan. Neludy. )f r, the espe Ise thereof. ,u,d stow whether one- PresiAent-9, half of the cost th,reof Is to be P.e late the Nays -0. city treasu ry before the coutrnet Adopt itbyr.itBA.,I ed zbry C`wiell<' NrCnY- _111 tlmreal ,stat, w be d for I -cos pn,tt mint l,e found beneflted w the OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. FOR 1891. 138 exWnt of damages. costs and expenses nee- e6Fry w be Incurred thorebY? ourth-I, such improvement ked for ,peon the petitioln or pllcation of the own - e sed for such `"ioft ementrty to be us- e Fitch -Send three 'ounoll a plan or prufileof said impprovement, as required by htw, if you report In favor of the same. Sixth - Send the Council n proper order directi891.ng the work w be dune. Adopwd by the Board of Aldermen May 26, 1 _ Yens -And. , Dorti berg. Batt. Conley.Cup.- ad . I�e lend. Dobner, Dorn idea. Gehun. Jteludy. Nr. President -9. Nays -0. Adopted by the Assembly Mny 20, 1P01. Yens -Messrs. Bunhulzur. Costello, McCaf- ferty, McNamee, Mine,. Oppenheim. Van Slvkc. Mr. Presidont�i. Approved June 3, 1s91. W. P. JIL•Iln.tr. President of the A..a•m hly. Cpt.nEx'. President of the Board of Aldermen. Tuna. A. PRENDER-T. City Clerk. Junes. - OFFICIAL PUBLICATION /lf Ordinances Passed and Re-ItItinne Adopted by the Common Council Of the City of 9t. Paul. Ordinance No. 1.5()6-Bd F No. 4:+ - An ordinance w end s ctiou 3 of itace Number 1101. entitled "An ordinance to regulate the sale of fresh or butchers' at, game or poultry." approved Feb. ^_0, Tim Common Council of the City of St. Paul Sections 1.0 TiO`iuws-tion :1 of ordinances Nn m ber l]Olentltled "A or ilnnnee to Into the sn le of fre.h or btu tc hers meals tie or Im.Itr3- upprovetI Feb. ^U, lKs0, I.•andthe .sn to 1, hereby umendud .0 its to rend it. fol - See. 3. Ahy person or parson. guilty of a viulutiun uY any the prurl.imis of either of the foregut ngsectlun.sltn ll, a pmivonvictiott thereof. be tined nut le.. thus twenty 1$20) lulls r` aur mora Limn qne humired 18100) dollars for ,very sueh viulutiun. Seat. This urdinnnce.hnllwkr effect and be in force from slid after Its pu blies tion. Passed by the ...rd uY lder Amen .Joie 2, 1091, Yeas-AId. Bieletiberg. Butt. Cuulv11. cope- Slla . D,olvr. Dunddc,. Geluut. DlcludY. nn burn. Sullivan, Mr. President --ll. U. U.rine Prth, litof Buurd a Aldermen. Passed by t11e As.emhlY •luno 9. la.d. Yeu>-Messrs. lhtnlmlzer, Costello. DlcCuf- ferty. McNamee. Junes. Oppenheim. Vun Slyke. JI r. Yrr.ident- n. uys-0. W. 1'. MURRAY. Pre.ideut of the A.,volhly. Approved,Junc 12. 1.s9I. i A..tit\furor. At Wet: To... A.ItoPYRlCsEuatut.t.rtrn..l'ity .lune la. ' Ordinance No. 1.507-Bd F Cfi-- Annnarks and grounds I If Ito, ty oC St. PtPa Paul. The Common Councilof the City of St. Paul do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. No person shall drive or ride in any public park or ground in the City f St. Paul at a raw ofspeed execedingseven (7) miles pper hour. Sec. 2. No person shall ride or drive upon any other part of any park than the avenues and roads. Sea 3. No coach or vehicle used for hire shall stand upon anv part of any park. for lerson shall engage in any msive, Insulting or Indecent y park. norcommlI anysons sll indl-itttor Sea 0. No person shall carry firearms or t'!toot birds In any park, or within fifty yards hereof, or throw tonus or other issllea therein. animal or offeNo nsive scatteallr for wubstnnceen f any kind into any park into ,y lake. stream, Pool or pond, within the limits of any park. Sesh or er fatvlt1, any take. stream. pooperson shall disturb h orppond In any puurt of any park, ov annoy. strike. la- lurc imorkill nay birds or animals kept y � ender the direction of the Board of Park Commissioners. either running at large or confined in any close or In or discharge y fireworks within any pork. u Sec. a or poison shall alfix any bills or n Lle In any park. str"-,, Pool See 10. No or Pond wiLhin¢the limits of any park. Sec. ll. No iperson .hall or. break. or In u ywfee I.Jure or deface the trees, shrubs, ,,I_, I. turf or any of the buildings, struct- s, fences, Bents, benches r stntuaryril<e, inanyy Pollute y lot, ntui a. II stree nm. pool, pond, well spring within ut y P 12k No person shall turn attle.n oats. .wine. horses, dogs or Y other n imuls loose In any park, or shall any animals be permitted to run atularge therein. Sec. 13. No parson shall Inlure. deface or destroy ally notices, rules or reguhttIIns for the government of any park which ore post - B•d or adixed by rder 'r permission of the oard , f Park Commissioners within the "'It' nfmny park. Sec. 11. Nu person shall ""a potirk fm• business prrpuses. or for any trnnsnypurtaun of farm other products, dirt o ) Ilk, muterlal. or Por the passage of anl'ttw'sm. e Sec. 1 d An( personrw ill) shall violate an , [ the foregoing rules and regulations. shell Ue guilty of u mfsdemeanur. ural foreuch and o y 0%- se shall be ened um le.s than the ttm of five dollars ($5.00) nor mora than fifty dulhtr. ($10.001 Sec. 10. This ordIrmare :hall Luka effect I... d be in force from and after it. publicu- tlun. Pus.ed by the Board of Aldermen June 2. lKil. Yens -Aid. Bielenb-1 Pott.Con1e5'.Cope- Innd. Dobner. Dorniden. Gehan. Mcladv. &ury born. Sullivan. Mr. ll -k , t -II. Say,- O. i'nt.t.E Pre..ideltl of Bum -11 fl '.\Ide rn,ele o. 134 S PROCEEDINGS OF T Passed by the Assembly.June 9. 1801. Yens -Messrs. Banholier. Costello, Elm quilt, JlcCxfferty. McNamee. Mineu, Oppen helm, Vac Slyke. Mr. President -9. Nllys0. W. P. MURRAT. Yresident of the Assembly. Approved June 13, 1891. ROBERT A. S]IITH. Mayor. Attest: Tnos. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk, June 16. Ordinance No. 1.598-Bd. F. No. Si - An ordinance granting unto The M. A. Ged- ney Picorticok' IT Company permisiIgion to use a ifTo the City oft St. Paul. 1n the SlYth word of TheCommon Council of the City of St. Paul do ordain as follows: Section 1. That permisslon and authoriutyy is hereby 9111, and grunted nto The M. A. Gedney Pickling Company to use and oc- cupy for the full Porto of twenty -Ove y'enrs from the date of the passage of t61s ounce. for anufacturing Corpuses. in the line of business in whlcil said companyy is now engaged. manufucturinq pickles. rinc- gar, mustard, and condiients. and all •grumees nereln names let Snid business at all term of this ft -Jake u prsyear of not less than grant Is made upon on that grant the City of St. Paul. as per annum for and during the tf no he. above spoof fled. payable annually In ranee. Sec. "-. That permission and authorit' hereby given and g n Wd unto the said' M. A. Gedney Pickling Company. W or construct and muintuhm on said lots one and two (2.) n six%y (W) feet by ninety feet brook -veneered two-story bulldlnR, y stone foundation. or use in their .IT h' ent' five (75)'Ifeet sm bovextho r de o sthe street upon which said building fro rte P the And Provided Further. That this ordi- naneeshallnotbe construed as gnnrnntee- ing or warranting any of the rights hereby granted; And Provided Further. That the grantees herein named slulll compleW sold building and have said bull cess in operutlon •Rhin ninety ffq) days from the Collage of this or- dfnanee.and that before the expirntfon of Sold be r of Lwent�•-five yours said building Shall be removed from Snid above-described tr,emisce by Said R ,tees, nnrl in case f ail. ro to remove outit building wl ill In xold time, the .same, or such part the rcof xs may hereafter remain upon .aid pp e. ses. Shell become the property of said City of St. Pant. Sec. 3, No right, requfred Under This or - 3E CONLVON COUNCII. dinance shall be transferred to any other ,or ratio.. tom pan person or persons. unless the consent ofythe Common Council of said city hall be first obtained. Sec. a. Said grantees shall and will for- ever indemnify and save harmless the City of St. Paul uR¢Inst any and all damages. Judgments. tial m.s, costs and expeases of same, which It may suffer or may Un rec�v- cmd or obtained fororagainstsaiof city from or by reason of the or growing out f or re- sulting from the passage of this ordinance, or any atter or thing connected therewith. or with the exercise by the said grantees of privile es IT by granted. Sec. 5. If said g antee shall fail in any re- speet to comply with the provisions of this ordinance, then all the rights and privileges heoeb,%granted shall be forfeited toanid City acceptance of the provisions thereof, the lime to be approved by the Corporation At- torney. Sea 7. This ordinance shall take effect and be In force from and after Its publica- tion, and the acceptance thereof as provided In Section six (6) of this ordinance. Passed by the Board of Aldermen June 2, ]891. Yeas-Ald. Bicldenberg, Bott Conley. DO l- er. Dorniden. Oehun. 1lelady. Sunborn. Sullivan Mr. P--Iden1�16. Nays-Ald. Copeland -1. O. O. CULLEN. President of the Board of Aldermen. Passed by the Assembly..June U, 1661. Ye¢s-illessrs. Bunholzer. Costello. McCaf- ferty, MoNamee. Mineu, Oppenhelm. Van Slyke -7. Nuys -Mr. President -1. W. P. MUTTRAY. President of the Assembly. Approved .Tune M 1691. RODEHT A. SDITH. Mayor. Attest: Tuto. A. PRENDERGAST. City l lerk. .June 16. No. 1,5(,(T­-Bd F An ordl and oex ¢te street railwayf aI nesmlto the City of St. Ynul." approved .September 20. 1889. No. 12'7. The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do ordain as follows: Section 1. Who section one (1) of said Ordinance No. 1227 p -vides meng ether things for a certain line of railway which ma c be ops ted by the W ors therein p rid d, t. -wit: ••Another line commencing at the intersection of ,Jackson street and Fifth street; thence on Jackson street to Fairview street, at its intersection with Uni- versityto xvenuo. suet; thence on Falri•lew street the intorsecttonIf the north BID, mf Pennsylvnniaavenuewlth.Jucksonstreet: thence on Jackson street to SyetlmI street: Chmlce nn Sycamore troll to Courtland 'trect; thence on Conrtlund street to Mary- land street.' And. whereas. it is deemed exp �dirnt to al - w the said the St. Paul City ltnl Irony com- ra cy W mndifY Purl of the Iceution of the ')ore line of railway Its hereinafter rovided. The St. Paul City Rnllwny Compmnmy afore is hereby empowered to dl fy or OF THE CITY OF SAI elionfRec the following part of the locution of said line, viz: "Thence un Jackson street to Sycamore street; thence on Sycamore street to Courtland street." Su that In ileo of said part f said line last mentioned. the s n e may be constructed and maintained its fill- jolly. on Jackson street to AT, -trees. and thence on Acker street to Court- land street; thence on Conrtlund street to Maryland street. Provl,led, that nothing herein ontalIt shall affectt11e uppplicutlim and operation of said Ordinance 1'"7, with respect to said line as modified, but that said Or To llrespects as it said line nnsply dinIn edtuhnd been originally set forth in the said Ordin- ance. Sec. 2. This Ordinamo shall take effect from and after its nhlicatiml, and n written acceptance of suits Et. Foul City Railway Comtuny, exceuted by its president or vivo Cres dont. r secretary. and tiled with tiro city clerk of said city wmtllin thirty (:to) days after the publication of said ()T'Ill nee. Passed by the Board of Aldermen, June'_, 1891. Yeus-Ald. Biel-belJrr. Bott. Conleyy. Cu1B Sanborn. Sullivan. Mr.aell Presidentn11Dlelutiy. Nays). D. G. CUi.Le President of the Buurd of Aldermen. , Passed by the Assembly Juno fl, 7891. 1.ens-Messrs. Banholzer, l'u,tello. McCaf- ferty. McNamee. Mineu, Oppenheim. Van Sivkc-7. Ky. Presiders tr 1. \Y. P, MrItltAl'. President of the A,sembly. Approved June 13. 1891. RODERT A. s- ­.Mayor. Tnos. A. PRENDERGAST. pity Clerk. .Ilene 16. By Ald. Sullivan-Bd F No.3- veres.lvrd. That III- eltya enue.I.,slubmittcdbyttheiollt�itytF.n- gineer. ptncio fl,, the curb Ii lie ntteen feat from the MCert Ione. be adopted: and that the Water Ilontd be notifled to move their hy- drants to the It "'if the proposed curb. Adopted by the Buurd of Aldermen .tune 2. I991. Yeas-Ald. Bielenberg• Bott Cooley. loppee land, Dobner, Dorniden. Gehnn. illidu<ly. Sanborn. So ITT von, Dir. President -11. Nuys -0. Adopted by the Asset mbly ,lune 0. 1891. Yens -Messrs. Bunholur. Costello. MeV ferty. McNamee, Mineu. Oppenheim. Van Sl ke, Mr. President -8. �LLYs-0. Approved June 13. MITI. Bit F No. 4 - In the matter of the repport of the Board of Public \Yorks, dmed Muy 18, 1891. It Is hereby ortleroof by the Common Council of the Clty of 9t. Puul: That the Board of Public Worksof the City of St. Paul Cause the following Improve- ments to be made, to -wit: ('ondemn and take ul "o mmrt in the bond ubuttingiono. the alley l I Just'Ph R. Wclde's subdivis [ black '27. Arlington Bills' ndditlon to 'he iPuttl. In sold City. Imce+.cry to construct. tl,o .rope, for cuts Dna nu, IIT ,'a tog SIT!" Iwey. to file rstublished grade thereof, nhown by the Profllc of ,n la grade un file In NT PAUL, FOR 1891. 131) the office of the Register of Deeds In and for Ramsey countyy, and In the office of the City EnRR1 neer; suiU slopes to extend one and moo- t o cutr r1fill,feet indi-tedbon ont the pl nn ifs said slopes attached to sold report. and to of filed III the ofllce of said Board. Tlmt said Board shun proceed without de- bay to assess the amount. ns men rly as they can asccrtaln the same. whirl, will be re- quired W pay the damages. cost and neces- eery expenses of such lmprove.mentupon the real est¢te to be benefited by sold improve- ment, as provided by low; it being the opinion of the Council that real estate to be assessed for such improi-emont can be TAmmI beneflted to the extent of the dumaRos, Bost. and expenses necessary to be Incurred there- by. Adopted by Board of Aldermen .Tune 2, 1891. Yens -Aid. BiclenbergR, Bolt. Conley Cope- land. Dobner. Dorniden. GOT-. Mclndy. Sunburn. Sullivan. Mr. President -11. Nays. Adopted by the Assembly. June 9. 1891. forty. s -McNamee. Mince, OCpopeIThelm, Van Slyyke. Mr. President -8. Nays -0 Approved June 12. 1891. Bol F No.5- pp fit ublic Wturks datedeMay 19 f180the Board of P It is hereby ordered ll t In Common Council l till city of Sulut PHlll: That the Board of Public Works of said City f St. Paul cause the followingRimprove - ents to be made, te,-wit: Gro T, Keston street• between Dooley avenue and Doswell avenue, in said contralcas pity. That said Beard cause said work tlmW be lot. half of Ther estimated coot hbei'ngtfi tt paid Into thecity treasury, slid after said work shall beplaced ❑,der contract, sold Board xhall pnxeed without do1nY to uses, the amount us- nearly as they eon ascertain the same. which will be required to IT Y the costs and necessary-Pensesof such improvement nom the real estato to be benefited by s¢Iol It, as provided by law: it being to of trh suchCounImproemecil that nt stun be fited to the extent of till' costs ses necessary to be incurred oy Board of Aldermen June 2. . Bielenberg. Bott. Conley. Cope - rt. Dorniden. Gehun. Mebldy,9an- nn. Dir. President ­11. ry the Assembly.)nne fl, 1891. Imo- srs.Bittiliolzer. Minea. Oninenhei m. Van Approved June 12, 1891 BIT F No. 6 In the mnLWr of the report. of the Board of Public Works dated ]Nay 18. 1891. It is hereby ordered by the Common Council f ibe CIt1 of SI, Pnnl: Tbnt the Beard th Public \Yorks of the City of bSt.e multi �ttu w i the C^Int.w^ tg Inni�lr t n kc oat enst meat In the marl abhuil"" on til 188 PROCEEDINGS OF T street between Mount Air, 't --t and Arel street in id city. • • Vn y to rnxtruc file slope- for cuts aadetill. In gradin n h Linden t bushestreet tti�e abetween ins eof. a, ni owr y thi heeI2eglste0 asrdo frude Dcedn In file In d for Rums. Cone .'dnd ion the office rf the City I v !I'z7 foot ons d xextend d 'orde or' foot of ad on-lullu: or r1 n, as naiented on the pian or said slop.[ attached to raid re ort, and to be file(] in tilt .flies of said RuurdP That sufd Board shall proceed wlthoui delay ussesstheamountan r% they can certain the same. which will be re- ggtired W pay the d gmrges.pcost and n theyreal ntutn to hr llvnmp^ua-�Ven t Bupon ndeO a nu,ess ruse damage.. cost bexpense' ur}•`1.1x• IFFr= thero- y Adopted by the Board of Aldermen June °. 1881. Yeas-gg Pe In ad. Dob.,,..le n)rrinl ra..n Gentn D)d luny, Sun Horn. Sullivan, 511. President -11. "Y' -0. Adopted by the Asx•mbly.lune a, IPm. forty,' Mc\umeeBa\Ilneu,nt�'�,xte Heim t\oh Slyke. Mr. President -8. Oppenheim, Approved June 12. 1891. Bd F. No. 7 - In the matter of the report ofI. Board of Pub- Itlls herebYork.y Or dated aredlby tl�e Common Council That the Board ofaPuFhlic Works of 1d City of St. Pau,, eau:. the following said to be made. W -wit: Condemn and take an easement in the fund abutting on Carter neon ue, between County marl anti Eustis street, In said city. nemssary to in- struct Lhe .slopes for calx and 9I Is in grading said Carwravenuo between fi,d porn ts, W the estabil.bed grade thereof. 'ts , ho)an by the profllo of sufd prude on 91e Jn the nflite Of Lhe Register of Deeds in and for Iismse Count yy y, and in the office )f the City Engi- t ser; said slopes to extend ane and ase -holt III) feet on said land for every foot )f cut or 911 as indieated + Lite plan r f sufd 'lopes ttuchea to said report. dad to be filed in the nflite of if Ifd Bou rd. That sold OoarA wilproceed wition.tdlup j to assess the amoont . r e 1 s they ; ascertain the some, whiell will toe requited to Pay the damages. Ist' and 'y e epestnte iofhe tbelvt ei (i`ny=:;yid r„p„nrtenrceni r provided ovid d by law: Itfx• ,, File opi neon of j the Counel l that real estate to l>.• u_ s .- .d for such Ithe ex tentof t fee, rrtu t cull l)e found t>,�d t•d to t qe, eosin vnd expen- f ses v to be incurred thereby. 2 Adopted by tie Board of Aldermen..lune e 2, 1891. 1, Iund,tDubncrBDora en.Gehnn CDlcl d3 Sin- bborn, Sullivan. Mr. Yresldent-11. S Nays o. Y easy �Ieb'r hl3¢nitul>ll�. ('�st+leo �\fet'af- HE COMMON COUNCIL fort]'• McNamee. .Mined. OPixx:theim. Van N Slyke. Mr. President -8. ays-o. Approved .lune 32. 1891. Bd. F. No. 8 -- In the matter of the port f the IIonM of Public Work dated tiny 1& 1891. IL Is herebyyvurdored by the Common Council That thetl3card of Public Norks of the City to Stiff Pnuaetn to -wit: fol GradegTerprnwelune, from Floralstreet o Lawton street, In nn e' city. That said Board c use said k W be let by contract, a s provided by law. Ithout -huff thetlmuted cost being first Paid into the city et reasury; and fter said ork 'ball be IF placed oder e - toustracsessidiBoarount1as nearlyith they oan .'Lain the same. which will be roqultod t) ascertain the cost and nocossnry exmrrV .r prove -eat can be found benefited to the ex- tent of the cost and expenxrs necessary to be Incurred thereb�yy. Adopted by 13unrd of Aldermen. .fume 2 MI. yo I an dnDobner. DoniidI, hate MeladyCSa- born. Sullivan, Dir. President -11. i \u' -0. S" 1891. ensIF -Meears, 1by I ,"Iol ter,IC- leu. M O,f- terty, Ifo\nmee. 1111nea, Oppenheim. Van 51)ke. Mr. President -8. P aY=_ -0. Approved June 12. 1891. Rd F, No. 9 - In the mutter of the report of the Board of Public Works doted Muy IP, 1891. ;t Ls hereby ordered by the Common Council t the City of St. Paul: Thatthe. Board of Public. Works of said 'ityo[ St. Patel cause the followln rim provn- nen t to be made. to wit: Construct n sower OF Case street, from Forest street to Cyprrxs treet in said city. together with the neces- ury cutch busing and manholes. That said Board cause ,aid work to be let �ncontract. as provided by low, wlthento a,- If the estimated cost being 9rnt puid into he t•It-v treasury: and utter said ork shall c p a d r rd o ntrnet, said B.; nod shall sed without delay- Uo v sen thameunt. r, urh- : thOy c+ u ertnln the s `hick wfil tor• regu`red tusepu33" the costntnntii spry cx we-.' of such imp nrvwment ei 1 t nut real .state t: e)d t�Yit eextenot`r,f tlt�mvis nn f PtherBO.M oto be f Aldermen June 2. r IDerbedq�RnCte honCoo'tN lady. liven, Mn Yrosiden t -II. eyJoal� ', Bnlzr(telnMeCaf- OF THE CITY OF SA forty. Me Nnmre. \i t:ea- Opl-11-1111. Vuu Slkye. Mr. Presidcut-a. nays- 0. Approved Jane 1°. 18111. Bd F. No. 10 - In tho matt.' of Silo •port of the 13nurd of Pnbllr. \Narks dated ➢lay N. Issl. It"', hereby ordered by the Conrmarn Con Heil TI alt the $<. dufl'tu blie\VurksnfsaidCily- from t: Id .ar( ,. n Ir . ,. wIr .to V et That salt Board mtuse 'old work to b; let by contract. as prorided by htw. without one- half th. estimated ens[ Ixrng pu.Trensrtry. and fl thetheC"j url<s1 �rk be d .slmotlol Board sem 11! proceed without delay to assess the amount rl w - irle�Y trod tuccrttihelov:�ttu otl which `u DUY necessary of nn dt im Prnrement "Pont reel .state to !re b feted by said improvement as Vruri dcd by law: ft Ix•iog the opi niun of Lhu Council that rcn7 "Flo! te tc. hr! be u ".d for s •h im pnrremonL uta be' found Uo nefltcd to tie ext.nt uC the cult uml ry to be incurred the rrhy. expenpWd by the Board of Aldermen June .. AA1tltlPn Yeas-Ald. Blelenlx•rg. Bott. Cunlev- Cols•- Innd. Hui our. 1 >rnidc n. Gelmu. hfel-dy. Sunborn. Sullivan. DLr. Preside. t -]l. Nuys. do!, I by the A. tblY June o. t!11. Yeus-1liessrs. BunIFulzer, Costello, \fcCnf- ferLy. McNnmeo. Mines. OppOn ilei m. \'un Slvka+. Mr. Presidcnt�8. Nayx�. Approved June 1:. 1891. Bd F No. It - the mutter of the •port of the Board of Pnbllc Works doted tiny 18. 1861. It is hereby ordered by LIFO Common Council of the CityRoxof St. Poul: Pu That the rd of blic Works of the City of St. Pauleauso the following Improve- ments to be ludo, to -wit: Condemn all' take an easement In the fund ubuttlngto Syndicate avenue.. betwecu Summit avenue and St. Clair street. In sufd city. 'cessury to IuRstaidt theSyn<]ici to faxen ueunbetiween Frad- nid points, to tin estubl i.hed grade thero . is shown by the profile of snit Brit le on file In Rnmscy County. and in eoa9tee of Ilhe ICily� F, (f�fla,,e)r); Bald slug to extent o d o - hul[I1911 us in�7lrultOan,d on File pinuit tf+foItti!:1 in"t�re wfllce 1irfr+nidsR ra rrl.ort, nnJ to he HIuJ That said Buurd shall Pnx•rwl wit 6nut de- lnyto.sses.the ,mount,a mau•Iy- theY� urtain the sne. wIFieIF aeillt rs Ire r - h;"�ira�iew mp,y the a,mnge.. east. ,m1 m, •e;�- �ul e tater` ., lVorflted obv Haiti app ,,- rtc,i ns provitetl IFN law: it IVilig ISI opin- ion of the Council ]hut rcni estate n he nseus- d forsmd: improvement , : Is• fou ml benefited to tie a xt.or of the dnmugls t,nl nd :_ts nttO.n to Ix• incurred lhercl>.r`1xlr V . • • •stt ry .. Adopted by the Buurd of Aldermen Jane 2, 18)1. Yens -Aid. Riek•nls•rB. Boit Cunlev. Cnee- lnnd, nonce r. Darn sten. Grhu n. )Ie lady. Sunhnro. Sullivan. \lr. 1'resi dent -11. Nays o. Adopted by the Asaem illy".1 one e, I8n1. INT PAUL FOR 1891, 184 Y,. s-1Ie'.r B-1 lsor, Costello, \IeOnf- fert)'. Mc N,um e.. Minus OpPcahln.. Vuu sivkr•. Mr. rrsident.-a. A pprured .lune 12. 11-11. B F. Nu. 12- t Ir: SIFe mut oar uP the gyrt f the Board of Public \\'ark+dated Muy 18, 1x91. It i+ herebyordered by LIFO Corn moo Council f lift• City of St. Pard: 7'Irnt the 13uurA of he bile \vingI of the City of It. Poul. coax• Lilo foil Condemn - • :ts to Ix• n nAc. to-avlt: Condemn tad Luke nr, enscn t Ir: the land abutting ( Dooley a, ine b twcen Gurdon ave le nd ['aunty rund.exeep, that part afraid avenue. soil: o block ••1)' St' Anthony Park north In said eit`r. ueeesstr ry in eunstcuct the slopes fur cute :d fills Ia grading Haid Do. oy li.slc belw"ca s'd poin Us to the •sttb- red Rradu thereof. aV 'hnavn by Lilo profile of said grade on ale in the nmee of the IA•gis- ter ul' Ih•cdV f n :u:tl fur ]trmscy County, and in the u91ce of the CtY Eng(neer: s,ld slopes f!1'- feet on s id ctend ono pod one -hal 1 Inml for every tout of Ont or till, s Indicated n that "T'I or Vold slopes attached office to said on and to ire filed In tltu omc. uP said Bua I'll sni l B� and 'hail proceed withoutde- lay touVsaLtluhehalls tat Iw hichlrlVtll ti,,Y be 9tir-d ,, pay tie innruses. cost urd nee s- cxpenses ut'npc It im >rovemcut lup.a th. enrol. to be benefited by sui<I i prove- na�r�t.+ts peovi dcd by; t being the opi neon f tl:c Con Hell that real .stat• to be owed [ur V ueh Improvement e+rn be f.nnd benefited to the rxlent. of damages. costa uud uxp... es T to be irrcureed thoreby. t Adopted by the Board of Alderm.tl June 2. Iasi. S"sus-Aid. IIiclenlx•r1R�. Batt Conlcv. Cup - Surf rho Ili ca u,r Mr. 3'ros ldu��L�II�Icinay. Adopted by the Assembly .lune 9. 1891. I-can-ylessrs. Ban] 1,,v I. t'ostello. Mcl'nf- ferty, \I[•Namee. Millen. OPltealtefm, Van SIVke. Mr. President -a. Nuvn-p. Apjiruved .ill ase 72, 1891. By Alrl. Dernidcn-Bd F No. 1:1.- ke'olvcd, I'hat file Braden" \"arson ave- nuc.l'rom Lexington avenue to Pleusam uce- nue. un indicated by the red grade Iine on the •ter mpur:•vio9 profile, uud as rc•u - u<I+•d�bv t l Pity Ii.. ... J. In•. n ids t`h. hereby :ulupted-ns CIFc es[n hushed g nrie. Ad"etea IFy the Ii.ara of nia.rmen June In I:d+rs DIIIII ile norul�Io:rltuGcmt�tlt_�h�la+ly, Sant, Sullivan. Mr. Pr"idcnt-11. Nucs-11. A' IF hV II:e AVscm illy'.n nr 9. Ia!II. \-en.--\ie rs. Iia Hilal'.'. CuxteRo. ylCCnf- 1'er1Y. Me Nnnee. Mi m•a, Opeenhln:. Van Slvko•, yh'. President -Y. .leerored .tune L". 1891. Rv .1 Id. Su phot n-ihl F No. 14- ltesolre:l. 'I'hnt the grade of Law t on st reef. I. -troy: ual<Iund Vtll,l 1" eraud areal•. ns by the n•d grude line on the auom- 138 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1501. 139 panyitiR Drofi le. sad ns recommended by the City Engineer. be. d the same is Dere by By kid. Coppee1¢nd-IId F No. il- Resolved. Tient the Whit. Bear ors o[ s malority of the pro�crty to be as f ferry, McNamee, Dlinea. Oppenheim. Van adoppted as the established R tRe grade of u ae. from East Seventh street to Mince nesse fur suoh lmpruvemmnt! 81yy kc. Mr. Yresident-8. Nay. Mr. Adopted Uy the Board of Aldermen June 2, et Poll.. avenue, as Indicated h the red grade Filth -Send the Council u plan r profile Im U law, if Approved June 12. 1891. ' 1891. Yeas -Aid. Bielenberg, Bott. Conley. Lupe land, Dobner. Dorniden, li nc un the novae punptng pr rr ole, and us roc- unamended b the City Engineer, be and the of said Y you reporttl in favor the squired on rend the Council t eB u proper order Gehan. Moludy, 8nnborn. Sullivnv, Dir. President -11. same 1s hereby adopted as the established I, directing the work to be done- Nuys -0. Rra Adopted by the Board of Aldermen June 2, Adapted b y the Board of Aldermen June 2. B'd F No. 6tF be drawn upon Adopted by the Assembly .inne 9. 1891. lens -Messrs. Bnnholzer. 1F91. 1891 yeas -Aid. Bielenberg. Butt. Conley, Cope- Itesuhed, that city orders the city trcu,u ry in favor of the following C'ustellu. McCnf- ferry, McSnmee, Mines, Oppenheim, Van Yeas -Aid. Blelcnberg. IIott. Coaleb•. Cope- land, Dobner. Dorniden. Gehan. Dleludy. Inn$. Dobner. Dorniden.Gehan. Mcludy. San- timed persons fur the umumr set upPusDc Slyke, Mr. President -8. Sanborn, Sullivan. DIr. Yresidmtt�ll. burn. Sullivan, Dir. President -11. W their reslxctice names. said xmuuut to be Nays --0. Approved June 12. 1891. \uvs�l. Nuys -0. Adopted by the Assembly lune 9, 1991. ober 'cable't he "y �nerul fund": bb p, J. Dli tsch & Co.. $11.91; Fenton Metallic Adirpted by the Assembly June 9, 1891. Yeas_Messrs. Bnnholzer• Yeas -Messrs. Bnnholzer, Costello, Dlccxf- illfg. Co-. $8.75; DIu- t'rmrn. MAI; John Duw- - Costello, McCaf- ferry. McNamee. )fines, Oppenbeim, Van ferry, MeN, e. Minea. Oppenheim. Vat. Ian d Sone, $141.81: Donaldson, Ogden d Ca., C. B. Sly ke. Dir. President -e. Slyyke. Mr. Yresldentr8. $1.00; Edison Elect. Light Co.. $1:32; S Co.. &5-t.; Williams By Ald. Coaleyy-IId F No. 2f- Nxys�l. Approved June Nuys�i. Approved June 13. 1891. Willtums. Si.60; Griggs Bras.. $1:L5; Peupie's Ice Co., �SG:Jt; Robl. AL Resolved. That the do at the gra( Y alley in block 2 of Hopkins' from L", 1891. Sm(th,chairmun, $12,50; Patrick Conley a xdditiun, wncouta street to Itusabel street, as indicated by the - - her. $L".50; .l oseph Dflnen, member, $L'.50: \Y. A. \'nn Slyke, member. S12.W; A. P. Wright, red grade line on the accompanying profile. and member. $L^.50; Geo. ds tsch, member. as recommended by the City Engineer• be.the same is hereby adopted as the e. - s By AId. Dorniden-Bd F No. 6� Best, ved. That the Board of Public Works By AId. Conley-Bd F 63- Itis hereby ordered by the Common Council Neill. Chas. Liedman. member $L"".50; H. F. linin. secretary. $12.:t tablished grade. Adopted cense the s rinkling of St. Chair street, from P of the Citc of 8t. Paul: Adnptod by the Board of Aldermen, June Uy the Board of Aldermen Jane 2, 1891. C'olUorne to Duke street. to be, discontinued. That the mai ter of lu ing nn o0tngon or 2 1891. Yens -Aid. Blelcnberg, Butt. Conlev. Co Pt•- ldupted Uy Board of Aldermen June 2, ]Poll. sgqware nrtificinl stone sir ewulk on both sides rf Cnnada street, between Ninth .beet ur d yam's-Ald. Bielenberg. Bott. Conley Cupe- hind. Dobner. Durniden.Gelauta. Dloludp,Sun- land, Dobner, Dorniden. Gehan. Dleludy, yens-Ald. Bielenberg, Butt. Conley. Cope -Grove street, whe•c such sldeall, is not nal- born, Sullivan, Mr. President -11. Sanborn. Sullivan. Mr. President -11. Nays laud. Dobner, Dorniden. Gelmn. Mel¢dp, ready hall. be and the time herby re- Nnl's-0 -0. Adopted by the Assembly 8snbuna. Sullivan. Mr. PresIt untr11. m ferrel W the Buurd of Public Warks toInnes- Adapted by the Assembly June 9. ]P91. .tune 9. 1891. Yens-Diessrs. Bttnholzcr, Costello. McCuf- Gwe--O. Adirptedbythe A.csembly.lune9.1901. Liggate and report: First --Is this improvement proper and ycus-Dicssrs, Beal I cr. Costello. DlcCnf- fort McNamee. lines, Oppenheim, Van Betty, McNumoe. I Inea, Oppenbefm, Van 81y ke. Mr. President --8. }"vas -Messrs. Bnnholzer, Costello. Meaf- forty. McNamee. Dlines, necesssry7 second -Give the Council all estimate of 61 •ke. Dlr. Yresident-5. N¢ys-0 Approved June L", 1891. Oppenheim, Van 91vke, ,I r. Prest-R. the expense thereof. n nd state whether one- the Nays'. Approved June 1"_. 1891. Nays --0. Approved June L", 1891. halt of the cost thereof is to be paid into elty treasury before the contract. is let. - B Ald. Dobner--Bd F No. ^7- y Resolved. That - By Ald. Bielenber Third -Cam real este to to be essessed for said improvement be found be'the. extent of da mages. costs till espouses - Bd F No. G9 - drawn the the fullmving pints, as up- proved by the Plat Commission, and as rev- g-Bd F No.61- I{c°olved, That the Vlurket hall be granted necessary W l incurred thereby? Fourth -Is s n •h impruromenn asked for I{osulved, Tlmt an order be or cit treasan•v. as 'able out of the •'lural ' re ommended by the City Engineer, be and the .amoare hereb neve ted b• rho fro • of charge W the Germania Turnverein during the Tnrn festirnl held from June upon the Iretltiun r ap Plicntiun of the at to be p yr.mernt iuu�d,� in the amount r f S'.9 050. L Forge and Bolt Cu.. a �•� p Common Cuunctl of the Uiity of St. Paul: robe 20 tu. ane 2l. 1891. owners of a mq o 1ty of tae. parbxu•ty as,c,,cd for situ. Improvement? In favor of the C`Idexg W ppar F.stimute Nu. :1' fur the Sixth street i Maiseh's Subdivision. St. Poul. Minn. Academy Heights, 9t. Paul, ltumsuY conn- Adu rued U 1 ythe Boartl of Aldermen, June 2. 1R9f. Fifth -Send the t'onocIt'phtn rprufile improcemeat. realuared bylaw. if Uricige,u'erstructure. Adnpte`I by the. Huard of Aldermen .lune t�i ty. Minn. Yens-Ald. Bielenberg• Bntt. Conley. Cope- of said ' yuat repur[ ran fucur of tier• ,x roe. 2. 11,J1. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen June 2, Is ad. Dobner. Dorniden. Gehsn. Melody, San- Bi nth -Send the Cuunril a Prulrer order yeas -Aid. Birh•n leer$, Batt. Conlep. Colx•- 1891. burn. Sullivan, Mr. President -11. directing the work to be dune. land. Duhurr. Irunddrn. Ocham. 3lcludy. Yens-Ald. Bielenberg. Bott. Conley Cu e- Sur, -0. Arlo Wd b the Board of Aldermen June 2. P y Sanborn. Sullicun. DIr. Yresident-11. land, Dobner. Dorniden. Gehan, JleluJy. Sanborn. Sullivan, Mr. President -11. Adirpted by tdm Assembly Jnne 9. 1891. Yens -Messrs. 1lsnholzer, Oostollo, Mccaf- lA!11. Yeas-Ald. Rielerberg. Bott. ('unto •. C'opu- Nuys -0. Adr >4d by the Assembly .La tic 9, 1891. Nnys�. forty. Mc•.Namee. Milicu, Oppenheim, Van land, Dobie•. Dorniden. Gehan. .1cludy. Ye.ns_1lessrs. Bunh ilzor. t'ustello. McCaf- AdoPted by the Assembly June 9. 1891. Yeas -Messrs. Bnnholzer, Costello. McCut- 9R•ke. Mr. President -8. Nn3-s-9• Saidborn. Sullivan. Dlr. President -11. Nays -4. forty. Dlc\';none. >liuru, Oplenhei m. Ynu 9h ke. Mi. President -9. forty. McNamee. Mine.. Oppenheim, Vuu Approved June 1"_. 1891. Adopt -,I by the Assembly .roar 9, 1891. Nay. -0. S]yyke, Mr. President -8. Yeas-DL•ssrs. Bnuhol-r. C-tellu. 31 Ca f- " APpruved Ju, 12. 18!rl. APProred June L", 1891. - fert.. Dlc' uI i . )linen. OPpr nhci na."Na. Slvkc. DD•. President -s. _ By Alderman Copeland -Bel F No. 62.- Nays -(1. - It Is hereby ordered by the Cum mon Council roil Approved .luno I2. 1891. Bit I' Nu r91 - By Aid. IIielenborg-Bd F No. 30-- f the City of St. Paul: That tho matter of constructin an (81 itesohrd. That an order be drawn uu the City Treaas ity. payable unr f the 'bridge Itesohed. Thut the City Engineer be and ifiht font woodon walk on both �IAes of b nd fund." nu tine amount of 5:1.10. in incur he Is hereby instructed to p re arePlane noel s ecifications for u wuodeu bridge across the p Ienvse a street between Pnvne ¢venue and Greenbrier arcane be t he is hereby Bd F' No. 6+-- f l'. Stone. runtractur, to pec e,timate No. -c J and tinaf Great Northern ref hvuy on Lexington ave- and same referred to the Board of Public Works to ir- Resulted, Tla:tt city ander tae it i upon 4, 11 rplenaenta to e,thoule\o. i hradge annus the. one. v' tigxtz and report: the ('ity Treasurer in fucur of C:eurge ]twin, fur t�m Dli� .. 1 .sect xn ft� •t\'i.n•ou�ua l'culaul It. 1{. Ad opted by the Bce,dof Aldermen..lone", F'i ext -Is th(s improvement proper and lata Tnxusn roe fur the sum ofuf-ax lm udred tt,-1rNa 1$617 A', dullurs, Pay- right of Adopted fly the Beard til' Aldermen ISol. Fens-AId. BIelenUer nemssnrvl forty -novena and ul'1hc • General Fuud."tor the Pur- 1n.a1. &N.t, Conlev, Cu F• fM- land. Dobner, Dorniden. Gehuu. Dleludy. Sun- Second" -Give the Council anestimateof the exp thereof, and state whether oue- ¢blc-nut pose of paying city's portion of the Co tudi- \teas-AId.ItielCuborP.Rutt.Cunley.Cupe- laud. 1)uhne r. Dural I`n. eelmn. Mein, lmrn, Sullivan. Mr. Yresident-Il. Nays -0. half of the cost thereof Is to lax paid IoW the tin's of court huusr• and c ty Imll pup roll. Adopted by the Baa rd of Aldv ram•¢ ,lune, SanaUnrra. Sulliv;aaa. Dtr. Pre,ident-11. Adopted Uy the Assembly .Tu ne 9, 1P91. city trcusnry before the• contract idle.. Third-C'na real ,,tote to M• assdssed for 2.1991. N:uv,�a. Adopted I,v alae. enable .lame!]. 1801. Yeas-Dlessrs. B¢n holzer. Costello. McCxf- terry. McNamee. said improvement be found tenelited W the yeas-AId. Blrlcn Uerli... Butt. l'uole v.lope- bind. Duhner. Uuranieleaa, Gelmo. Dfelurlc. D"ens-Df,sir-.l3uuUulza•i.r'u,teilu.McC'nt- Dlincu. Oppenheita. V¢n Sl ke, Dir. President. extent of damages. comas noel e.xlaxuyes neves- Sanborn. Sullir ¢n. DI r. I'resulcut-11 fe 11. Db\ Dlincaa, splen heua, Van -9. sn rp to be incurred thereby! SIv6c. Mr. 1 - teat -e Approved June 12, 1891. F'on rtln Is such um provement asked for the A<firl by alae Asemblr .lune 0. 1.�JI. Nuy.-11. 'Pun petition or application of Rhe own- YearMessrs. M-1 ow- Cu,tcuo. DleCaf- .\ ppruvcd.l It 11" 12. 1891. - 140 PROCEEDINGS OF T Bd F. No. 70 - In the matter of the pport of the Board o Public Work, d:rtrrl \htp ^.P. 1.PII1. It le hereby ordered by the Communi Coun_i f the City of St. Paul: That the N rd of Public Works of sa City of St. Paul cause the fulinaa'I ng Improve mit to be noel.. to-trft: G'adeSin, street from Earl street to Cypress street• in sun CTyyI,t sold Bunrd calla said , mk to br b, by contract. ns provided by law. wiWautunr Iutlf tl:o estimated cost Irving tint paid hit, the IU2 lbeasory. +ted uftrr sui�i ,cork sltnl It plu •d odor • mtrnet. sn id Bunrd .bull Procced withoutdclay- W asst•,., thraniounin ly :Is Wry can „see rt+tin the same. which ,,Ill be ren , cd to amy the coatam t m•reaea,y e. pmtsre..t uch tit nrorrment. npm: tow rot 1 estate to br I,,- In, ted by dd inn prncemrn[ the Council i,llat rc �I lestat,t b, -a -c cd fur such improvement ea, be found lx•nriited w the ey[ent of for c.'t and c�lx•nnes uecesany to be incurred they. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen June 2, 1891. Birlenberf ]audits Dobn r, Durni(en. Gehan 1i Melatply, Sanborn. Sullivan, Mr. President -11. Nuys_. Adopted by the Assembly .iunc 9.1991. Yeas -Messrs. Banholzer, Costello. NlcCuf- ferty, 3feNnmrr, .Minn., Oppenheim. Van Slyke, Mr. Yresidenir-P. frays -0. Approved June 1-- 1891. Bd F No. i1 - In the mutter of lho re{ rt f the Ran rtl of Public worker anted dlnv 3ith. 7X91. It Is hereby uMered by the C'um mon l`mtncil f the City of St. Paul: That the 13 nerd of Public•. Works of add City of St. Paul cause tltu Polloaving Imprnrc- me t m l>r moor. to -wit: Grad • Ifeavitture- o. from iLumline namme to Griggs st reef. in tt _nitd city lr+t s: orf Ruurd r sr noo a,.,k to hr let by contract, us pntrlded by law, w'f thnutour- proceedwitth,,,t dc•Ittyt to t+ u�k: tWeumount arty they c erbtin the c•h x•111 the nvini red nus Vny the cost nv nil n ly a "M•.nsrs of s t •I: Iry Vrovr anent upon oho ton] estate tar be Ixmrfitrd hY od Imp-tn'r"n t. as provided ba' btw: it bring the opinlun f ihr Coll -Ti hitt r,al rsl n[r to found benttldt�d to 117x• torieltit uf)t the crr.�i nn nr( r Trloptedt by thio i2t�:irrd cif nA ldrrtnc ��c.lunc _ VIM.Io layd"s f)ubarBirlt)urnittl, ,Bu Gchnn�t Jlrlll ly. 9unborn. Sullivan, lir. l'residrn t-11. Nays -t. Adopted by the Assembly .1 n ne 9, 1991. ycus-llt•ssrs. Banholzer.l`usb•Ilo. llcCuf- r , Mc. mccresid. entMi•u. SiUVix•nhrint, van yke. Mr. P nys-9. Approved June 1',. 11=,. Bd F Nu. In the matter f the repport of the Board of Publir o wort , tinted Div, >. I.s1.4. TE CONIMON COUNCIL It is hereby oI'll d byy the Common Council : f the l'Ity of Saint 1' ml: City the au*Bolrd of Public Works p said meat, fSt. Paulcuu.w it: Glade Ci ltsworu- t nt to be made. to -wit: Grade Cboulev rd �nrret. from Frani street to Como boulevard 6 til city lTc said Board cause said work to be let by e:n trneL, nx provided by Ina. without I:i to lI lefCLilyt'f rind+�tr}. iltni ,lI. ftcr suidt work slmll be placed un ler ntra It, said Board sloth Pn reec•d vitbout�tl icluy Lo nes s the :nt ns nearly s tbt•v c , wurGdn the which will lx. reg ul nvi ttu`puY the cost and t upon Wu n• a� etst all. III Is, bc.. 9[rdab➢ viol Imprm'ertxlu t, its ridrd b law; It br- Ing the clinioo of ,bun/'ounril that rcul cstair to Ue assrss •d for .: net, Impro...,t ,+ br f n n I M•nrfitetl to the -1-it aof the 1-tabd rvlwusas necc-ii,y to be Incurred Adalitrd by the Board of Aldcrmeu June 2. 11191. Was-Ald. Bielrobrr . Bolt. Cnnlev. Cape- ]and. omI: nd. Dubner. Buri Iden, G,fian. Melady. Sunburn. Sullivan, lir. Presidcut-ll. Nuys -n. Adopted by L. Assembly Cost rias -Messrs. Banholzer, Cperili ll McOan frrl v. illcNn Ad Mineu. Oppuvbef m. Van Slvku, lir. PreslUmtt-8. lays -9. ' Appro red Junto 12, 1891. F No. 73 -AY AId. Dornideu- solccd. That nn order tic drawn in , aitpAo at b. of ilh4y, lP!11. Sold t i t to bu �f the •neral fel nci of the treasury y"' St. Poul. . by the. Board of Aldermen .iunc. Id. Blclrnbrrrr. Rett. t'unlrY• "in: r. I)ornfdco. achuu. llcluy S Ivan. Mr. Presidrat-D. by the ssrmbl Y..1 are 9. 1991. s. rs. lind-lzrr. Costello. McCaf- \ttmre. Minru. O --Beim. Van Approcrd ,tum• 1'3. 18)1 1v Aid. Sanborn-Bd F No.:4.- Ii -1-d. That. ihr Ron rd ,f Fire C'omin. - ium•rs _P Ix' nnrl they nrr brreb)' uuthori zed to ell timer eon dem nrd burse. herrtarfon• re_ , t •d to ihr l'mn mon t'on mei 1. tt nil thea' x oath -turd br pit rrlmsc three liorstYs r •Nhtrr chu same so run dentned and to be oltl. Adopted by the Rmtrel of Aldermen .tum• ]'ens-AId. Riclrulx•rg. Reit. Coalex- nd. In Jlurnide n, GL•Imn. Mrhtiy, ` burn. Spllivnn. 11 r. I'ru.ident�li. Anye 9. Adnptrd by the Assem blY .lune 9. IAM. Yens-MrSsrs. Ilnnhul zee. 1'ustellu. Mc- MI:^ca. UNIx•nheim. Van S131kc, Ali. Ndent-,. nys--Mr. McCx ifrrtv-1. A pli-ved.lunc Il, 1811. OF THE CITY OF SA Bd. P. No. 78- I1t the mutter of the report of the Board of Publie Work. dated Oct.30.I991. It is hereby colored by the Comman C'm I,II of tlm City of St. Poul: That the Board of Puks blic Worof ..11 City of St. Punt tulle the following Impnn'c- ment to be made. to -wit: Gntde LSvadicnte 1. from Summit aatuue to St. Clair t� In ,.1,] cult y Tle, said B tl e .., id w irk to be let italf'no by contract, as provided by low. without une- estimu[edcostbetag9rst Pnid 'oto ,,,, cit, treas+l ry. and after -Mark shall hr Placed under•n It ntct, enid Board shall pranced lylthoutor illy hr uswtki �brbnni nt whirlr`will by requtrud to pay tbetcrst"+vii a Y e.v{ensrs If &h improvemcat ttPun sthc real estate tto M; Min Ntotl by said Improvement. us provided ly luau; it a,,ng the epi nimI ofthe Cilion'il tltut reel estuto to found ou led ted to'ii e c %moi <e i�°� co t abti t a peones necessary to be incurred thereby. dopted by the Board of Aldermen J une °, 1891. Yeas-Ald. Bielrnberg. Butt. Con leu. ' b- lend, Dokter, Duraidcu, Genua. )le1.dy. Sanborn. Sullivan, lir. Pesident-11. r Nayao Adopt-e.d by the Assembly.lunr 9, 1801. yeas -Messrs. Ban bolzer, CastelloMcCaf- ferty, Mb Namec. Mine., oppealici m, van Ste, Mr. Preslduv L-8. ays_). Approved June 12, 1891. By Ald. Sanborn -Rd F Na. All - Resolved That+t J� tt : mmittee of ata l three o[ w-boin ,ball b. lot of the Board f Aldermoa. and shall Iw aminted by the President of that Board -Io two of 'hum ,hall be members of the Assembly and skull M• np xanted by the Chnirin of the Assem- bly- 'l all by t Ppoi [ed t d ,shall Ile called III'. •'Comm lttce un Itcyuisittt toes: ' RResAv, dAl1That all ndetllistt'ltl Git useshe tl a Assembly ahalltllr referrcdtto said •t m m lttc•e and be reported un b3' liso cummittre before the sums arc nrted upu n by rlLl:cr �ALIA111 oy the Board of Aldermen June., ISM. fens -A ill Ricle nlw• , Bort. Cnnlev. Cupe- Innd. Rubner. Dornidr. n. Gehun. atctudy,sun- born. Sullivan, Mr. 1'residc1t-11. Nays n, Adopted by the. Assembly Janc 9, 1991. Yeas-lfessrs. Ban bolzer, Ctrstclln. Mcl`.f- fcrty, McN.mrc. Mine -I.. opfhci m. Val; Slyk, Mr. Presidm:t-A. ANtlru ed June l.. 1991. Av Ald. Sanborn-Bd F No. PI- licsolved. That u: order 1, drawn on the ItY trensu r3'- Vn Yuble .,it of the xx -ral III fun. in fa order' vr of BcuM'n \\'nrnc r, 11l •.idem of the Board of Firu C'om m(ssim,s of tht• City 'If St. Paul. foe the num of two honored Iurs. he at to tie used is . c.aliugcat fund by shill 111, .1d. Adopted by the Board of Ald-roca.lnne ^_. 1811. yens-Ald. Blelrahrrg. Bolt. Conley. Co[le- R INT PAUL, FOR 1891. 141 lend. D.Imrr, lb rni(Icn, Gehan, Mcbtdy.San- born. Sullilan. )Ir. President -11. AdaA&)lnel. m by the As9emc.r. CJune 0, .1991. M Yeas-]INuo . llnnbulzrr. Custcllu. 1. a n }erty', Mr'I,c,!d Minml. UPix•n bei nt, Van Slyke. lh•. President -8. N ay -0. Approved June 12. 1891. DY Ald. Sanborn -Rd F X..P^.- IL is hereby ordered by for t'u I. Cuttaeil rf the City of It. Pool: at for l to r e f runstrnctingn t block sidewalk eight feet dr no thc 11 - tuulareaucsideofthel blicsguuruor.,pj4_sk at for corner )l' Summit and Portland e r.le ll the s c in hereby referrcda to the Ward of 1'ubliu worlts to ittaestlgate at itrrPort: L'l lvt--Is this i mPro"invot proper nod uec- ",ary. Second-(Iitc Lbr CtlltHeil 14n esLllnlltc Ili till, r.v Anse thereof', and state whether In- ,I of the cost thereof Is to be paid into the clt� trenstu•y 1x•15 re the contract is let. 'I bird-ll:m real estate a) be ussrsscd for said imprnremelnt br found ben fl"d to floe extent t' dnmuges. •a.'U tt d uapcnws ncc- nry to I»• incurred thereby? csFou rtl:-ls .'urlt Impr+ re. eat ckecl for t,pon f or Pe titian or ppplicatio t (If the wn- e•. of n majority oP th • Vrol)erty to be as- ' •d for sack be Council uvnmen t' fsaid-Send tlm tsa plani,rd r PmO Iu of said improvement. as samr. by bout if you report in the C u the i, p,, Slxtll Send We Council a proper order di- roAeting the avnrk w llo dune. d,,t 'y the Bmtnl of Aldc•rmen.lune 2. Iso.: I'"'­Rlclenberg. Butt. Conley Cope- land. Dohurr. llornidun.Gelu all lir holy, San- born. Sullivan, Mr. Presidcat-11. N"Ys-0. Adopted by the Assembly .1 enc I VIN. Yras--Messrs. Banholzer. Cost'IIn. ,fuCaf- fc -ty. McNam.. ]l Ic+t, Oppenheim, Van .luau 12, 1891. tura-Bd F Nn. St- -1crod by the C.... Council I:.righi ierL 'tae , to t•:t�r �tne nr r .... s • •t, from St. OMir st reel to t • rhe n t' f P same herr by tv andB.ardrrpor of Public \Yorks to in: -1 uml report: -Js this imp-racentprop-rand noc- d-Giro the Council nn estimate of for ,.III Imll,rilletm.... t b, f -u A Mmctltaxl to the o:': tent nl' damages. cits and ncc- rsFin tt'y to M� Incurred tlterr v uu rth-Is s:tclt Improve moot ."I, _cd for upon thotprlitiutt or upPlicot rl of Wr own - the of e+ n flurlLy of tltu hropurtY w Ile u�- _e ' •d fur suet he prurummlti pp oP1s�aidtimprovcimmtttnrireq uilred by luav,d if trt in fnvnr of the same. YtSml: Send tiro Couneituprone orderdl- redting the work to be done. 142 PROCEEDINGS OF THE, COMMON COUNCIL 0 OF THV CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 149 .-Ad„pn•d b}- the Board of .Aldermen. Jut Yens -.11d. Rit•lenberg. Butt. ('onh•v. heti, DOI) 1) idea. Gehan. �il,C1uppp ,� Stillborn. Sullivan, 31" 1'rrsideu1-11. Nuys 1. Adupted b}' lhr Asserlbly.Tune 9.1591. Yeas-\Ir.srs. Baul,u I -I.. Contcllu. DIrCn'. fcrty.11cNumee. Miura. Oppen�elm. Vu Slvl:t•. \I r. President -,v. Nays-0. Appruved Jaue 12. IS()I. By Ald. Conlev-Ild F Nu. 84-- It i, hereby urdered by the Common C'ou tori f the (illy of St. Paul: Tllnl he mailer of In\'Ing crus wall: u:ru.s lltuuulu sot cru t. ill it: iutersetiou wit] Norris od with Spruce Ire •t,, lx• and tin same i. hereby referred to the Board u Public {Yorks to esli;rate and report: u Fir.ut-Ts tNs Impruvemeut prolx•r enc I SecooSc-ory? d -Hive the ('oil nail n estimate o the cx • se thereof. and state paid her on1. I of [IrC coat the rent is lu be paid inLu thl cit, tn•u.ur.1 before the cootrurt is let. 'Third --('u nt ",f .iu be rnssrssed fog `od im P'o rc�mrnt he folad Ix-urfitrd hr the xtent of du mages. ��st.::ud e.v D,•u.u:s ueees- y to be iacu reed the re II s il'uw'th-Is such im prurenrrnt skrd fol upon thepetition ur uppli catlori of thee as. res ed a majority of the prulxxrt}' to, be us- e': +A fur such improvement% s Fifth -Send the Council a phun or profile of said fmprc •emetlt. as mgni red by law. If yuu ort la favor oft hr sum I. repixth-Send the Con aril :t prof- order dlrecting the work to lm d ane. lduptcd by the B.-IIof Aldermen June2. INin. InY' llubner.li)olrnidei (;dB <•Innn \fuWily`91iu- born. Sullivan. }Ir. Pr'1,sG nt-Il. Nuys- Adupted by one Assembly .JuIRI Yeas -Messrs. Banholzer Costello, McCuf- ferty. M,,Numec, Mim•u, Oppenheim, Vii.elyke. 3Ir. Prestdent-8. �ays-9. Approved June 12, 1891. , I Aid. Dobner-Bd F No. K; y ordered by the Common Council T[ the (;pry• of St. Pnii l: hus the mntier of placing ngusooll no lump at the corner of {{'lacier street and Cn dtul uvmme. Ixx and the same is hereby ro (erred to the Aonrd of Publle Works to Ilivosttguf and report: Flrst-I.s tads Improvement proper unci n Seo lP2GI •0 1bC l'uulteI] un c.cllmnlC of the t. tfuse. t\hereof. and shale x•hetber ll e- haltof the cost thereof Is to be pull Into the Cl 1'ht tel a -IC¢ it real t �hur ibe n 1„�tta�u.�assrd for said Improvement he found Ix•nrtlted to the Cxicnt of dmmagcs, rust.. laid c.x pc uses uures- nnry to be Inca reed tI br'r 1'unrth-Is . neh ImprnrernrnI asked four upon the ix•Iltlou uriggollrnGon fIII,. n- 11" of u mnjorl ty of the prupvrI, to leas- sossed for sorb Improvenu•ut Fifth -Send the l'uu arn pbuI ur'1roll I ut sold lm >ruvemaut. us regalil red by Inx', If Yctii x tin �� WrlpI'll thafavor Co nluclln uCi dl recttng e work to br done, Ironer thorder Adopted by the Board of Aldermen June 2, •ns -Anti, B[C abCr9.Bott.Conlev,Coppee Innd. RubnerDondden. Gehun. 'Myl Sunbom. Bulli van. Mr. President -ll. Y ays--0. Adopted by the Assembly June 9. 1591. Yens -Messrs. BluII I.er. C-tello, McCaff- rrty. McNumce. illineu• Oplreuhrl m. Van Slvkc, Mr. P-lden 1-8. No Approved June L°. 1891. I BYi �I adrc`b3�'Orrdc(n �llryltl �CRnunon Council I' the C'ily of St. Paul. 'That the matter of cuudemnirlg and taking nn ruxvurnt in the Innd ubutting Oahe ulna.. in Charles \Ycidr'sSubdh-isiuu of block .it. Arlington Ifllls addition, uccrssnry to n.,truet the slopes for cuts and tills ill grad i ng sou i d a l Try. bt•. v nd i ire done 1. hereby ref reed to [hc Board of Publie Works to in - r ligate and rcptrt: 'oris mp-,I-oput proper and ri n r% rt�r,mcl-Gmil ive for Cou•a -timate of thSer.xlx-use therror. curd title whet I,-one- la lf of for cost thereof is to lx• paid Into the city trcusu ry beftre the coOtrurl is Irl. Third -Can ecu] -tate to be U-111ed for said imp r "rolut be round bencllicd to the extant u[ dunutgrs. rests :aid expenses neees- y to le inenrred thereby? s Fourth -Is such improvement asked for upon the petition ur upplleutiun of the own- er, I, majuri ty ut the prulerty' to be as -•d for such ImprnvementY , 1 nfth-Send the Cunudl n plan or 7tmfile of olid impruremolts. ns requlr •dby law.if le yuu report in favor of same. Sixth -Sand the Council a proper order dl- retti top the work to be dune. 1991. Aduted by the Board of Aldermen .Tune 1. ,.nms- AldBie gg.Bu leyyur - AN ud}u•sp-te0.d.3 `•ivuRurG 3unbrn1C ul, Mr. Icsdent-11. byAssembly .f a toe D. 1891. Yens -Messrs. Banholzcr, CustCl . i McCaf- ferty. McNamee. Millen. Oppuullei.M Van 31 yNke. Mr. President -R. Apuypruved .Tune 12. 1801. By Ald. Cnp..lnnd-Bd F No. P; - It G hen•hv urdeped by the Cummon Council , r the Cliv of St. Palin: a i citseme Ituint the lu' i, ubutt ng on nkthis eller In block F. Edmund Rice's Second Ad - 11") ... d- lllhn, .........silly to eenelruet the slur1xoas for .;It. laid fills In grading said allay bo nuA r. tome In hereby rehu•rrnI to the Board of r8I'rst uIIC nese ibis I�lup' level ent (props r' and u•ressurp? Second -la I' the Clal'u•II an 11a to of hr exp•sec thcreuf. una still.. whether one- uIf of the rust thereof is to be paid it to the Ityy trLiasury before the cunt rust Is Ill. nhI IrnlpruecmcnL le tfofor n nd atto lx•ucflth �l to the ..tent of b rroure, eu.,ts to ld expenses nce- snrp to lx• im•urred therehy? Foprth-Is such improvement asked fur pun the pe tit, nn our appl lent len of the Own - ere of a majority of the property to be as - sassed for such rovcm imp cnt? Fltth-Send the council n plan or profile of said impprovement, as required by law, if you reppoort In favor of the same. Sixth -Send the Council u proper order di- recting the work to be done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen .tune 2. 1tl•Jl. Yeas-Ald. 131elmnberg. Butt• Coaley•AoPe Sanbon� Sulllvnla,rMlr.tPres derlt-1 \felndy. Nays 0. Adopted by the Assembly ,June 9. IR9t. Yeas -Messrs. Bwaholzer. Costello. McCaf- ferty. McNamee. Miner• Oppeuhetm. Vun Slyke. Mr. President -FS. r ays- o' Approved Juno 12. 1891. By Ald. Copeland -Bid No &4 - It is he urdered by the Common Councfl of the City of SL. Peal: That the mutter of endemnlugnnd taking un easement in the I nuuttinng n Ark- wright street, from ltosr street to Muryla t, street, necessary- to Construe t the slope' fur cuts and fills In grading Bald street. nes and the same is hereby referred to Lila Board of Public works to iuvostigute and report. First -Is this improvement proper and ace- ""'Y'd the Comteil nn estimate of the elf of the suet thercufds to, be whether one- half th- city treasury before the contract is let. Third -Cato real estate to be n 'sensed fOr eto) thc xtent of cdamng t be tfots' led n x�ense. llec- . ars c eesary t be lac erred thtrebyl Fourth -Is such im prorement asked for upon the�letiGOn or el plication u f the uw a- ers of to ujo ity f the property to be as- sessed for such ie pprovemu tot. Fifth -Send the Council u plan or profile of sod Impprovement, its required by law, if you e ort In fuvvr of the some. r Sixth -Send the Cowell u proper order di- recting the \vork to be clone. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen June 2, 1 YellasotAnd Bl) ildrg, Gott. Conley. Cope- land, Rubner. llorn lde,ident n.Mcludy,Sun- born Sullivan, lir. President -ll. Nuysta.ted Adopby the Assembly .Tone 9. 1P91. Ycus-\lessors. BnuholzC r. 0, I. stcllo. McOnf- r...., no.c,ru,ee_ ]Innen. Oo lxmhelm, Van Approved June 12. 1691. By C Ald. Copolnnd-Bd F No. A9. It is hereby ordered by the ommon Council of the City of St. Paul: That the matter of opwning, widening and (60jtnf ut Uclwce.lA rkwat to right strcetnwnlsMlsy IselppI street. le wad the same Is hereby re- ferred to the Board of 1'ublle works to in- vestiguteand report: First -Is this Improvement proper and n'o'ly7 9ocoul-DI •e the ('uuncll nn eeLlmnlu Ot tho -p-se thereof. anti stub• whether une- halt of the cost thereof Is to be paid int,, the •Itv trensu ry lx•fc re tam contract Is let. t Third -Can real estate to be nsselsed for said improvement°be found benefited to the extent of dmm�gcs. costs and expenses neces- sary to be incurred thereby? Fourth -Is such improvement asked for upon the petition or application of tile n }} e own- ersofmajorit of tie property to be as- sessed v wont? stfor such irtnpro c Fifth -Send the Cuwicll n plan or refile of said itapor. ucur tfaihe squired by �aw, if you rt,pur 91xth-Sa•ncl the cu nein n proper order directing the work to cb, done. Adopted by Bmird oPAldermen.Tuve 2. 1891. Yeas --Aka. Blcicuberg, AOtt. Cun10Y. Cupe- Innd,Dobner,Dornldcn.Gehnn,Melady.Sun- burn. Sullivan. Mr. Prestdent--11. Adupted by the Asecmbly J one 9, 1891. Yeus-i v,�rs- Attu- oeulhefm MCC Approved June 12, 1891 By Aid. Dorniden-Bd F No. 90. Resolved. Tlit,t the tolho, ing pints, as P: proved by Lire plot commission xnd ¢s rceum- Cnded by the City Engineer, be and the some •i c hereby xceepted b3• the Common Connrilnu[ the City of Sj't, Paul' Lnucr's Subdivision. St. Paul. d,... Caster Street Addition to St. Paul. Ad, pted by the Board of Aldermen June 2. kill. Ycus-Ald. Birlenberg. Butt, Conley. Cope- haId'Dobner.Durnldon,Gehun.Dlelady,Sun- burn. Sullivan. Mr. President --Il. Nuys --0. Adupted by the Assembly .blue 0. lA9l. Yens-yiessrs. BanholzCr, Costello. JleCut- tm•ty, }leNnmce. Mlneu, Oppenheim, Van S1\ e.IM . President -8. Appityruved June L'. 1891. _ u Byy Ald. 9nnbBB d F Yo. 92- Itesolvedorn-. That the oard of Public ]Yorks to cause St. Albe.bano. street toit is obe besprinkledfrom Iglelmrt street to Selby avenue. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen .lune 2. Vial. Ys -And. Biclenberg. Batt. Conley. Copw- ltucuul.Nol'a r. Dorvlden, Oehnu.\Ieludy.Sun- buru, Sullivan. Mr. Presldent-Il. N nys�l. Adupted by the Assembly June 9. 1991. Yens -\I, ounce. I3nnhcha, Costello. . Van frrty, Mc Numco. Dllncu, Oppenbuhv. Van SIy ke. :ale Presidents -8. Nuys -o. Approved .lune 12, 1891. Byy Ald. COpCinnd-Bd F No 03-- Iiesoived. That warrants be drawn upon the Illy treusnry In favor of George Rcls. City Treusu cors us follows: One. payublo cut. of the general fed. for pemmttlontof the street et andtwwer fort of tcex for the ILLxtpp half of the mOut,, of May. ]spa: ," fun do (c rYable he sum of f .41,1aila1. pi Youla ofd the campunxntlon of the inspectors of work. to, employed in the City Eril6l.cer's I epur4 mint, during the month f Mny. IRDl: and One, puyxble nut It theolocul Improvement fund. for the sum of 82"14.99 In puymmit Of 144 PRO XEDINGS OF T the compensation of livery for the City Eu. grocer's .Mae fur the month of May. tsal. Thesevarious sums being the autuants of the pay robs us certi fled to by the laity Ell gi neer. Adopted t y the Baird of Alderman June 2, 1691. laud. tol)Ird` Bi:Dorn ide Bod'o(;,•I antClini ltllchaily, Sanborn. Sulllvau, Mr. 1'redidmtt-D. Nuys -0. Adopted by the A-anibly.luno D. ls91. feY3us �MNume,BLLr\Iliueu r•Uppp �, I',�i n,�cCl- \dc Slyke. Mr. President -s, Approved June 10. 1,111. By Ald. Callen-Bd I' Nu. 95 - HE COMMON COC\CIL By AId. Gchnn-fid F' No 98. tr do tin:ycd. Tllherelby ts Ll proper cit to """o. by deeds of warntn ty Le the Paired States of Am-1,it Block eight (61, of Rice and Irvine's the erection Itdd tatbui ldf1 IetvutWbc'.=, lie then po'lutted .Stats msuch a le,n, p purposes Adopted by the Build Yf Aldo m ¢.luno 2, 1891. lacd�aIIT rndr. UC tui Ie il,Ganu\leis ly� +in- burli. Sullivan, Jlr. P,esident-11. Na Ys -0. A duptsl by the Assembly Jun• 9. 1&01. '',ns -Messrs. Bitaholzcr. Custcllu. MvCuf- G•n}'. Inca. Oplamhcian. Van SI YI:e, Mr. President -s, Nays-rl. 1 b•sulved, 11""' Tho gra do of the alley i„ black 11. St. ruul t e Pprut rd .face It. 1911, I'll'! •r. from street to the pill of th, LLllpc, us f adieu ted by the red Brod. line un the uccompnl,yicg lrruli lc. and as recommended by tie Clty Engi n•cr. and rho soma 1, hereby By AId. Rett -fid F No. W_ ullopted us the es- tulriisa', itI ad,. Itcsulved. '1'hnt tin• Iluu rd of Public \Yorks Adopted by the Bout(] of Aldermen Julie 2. .c ('un way -arra to he a sprinkled from 1891. Yens -Aids Biclenl>erg. Butt. Conla -. ('olxx_ yy iiotimna, avenue to Jiuple)a rcpt. Adupipd by th, Huard of Aldermen.J.ne2, Innd. DubI Dor . mien. Grhun. Jluludy' 9nn 180 I. Tcne-Aid. Bleleuls•rg. bora. Sullicu n. )D. President -11. says --0. Boat. C•nnlrv. Cope land. Dobner.G,•Ica ill, Malloy. Adopted bAy y tb, ssembl.Jona 9. 18!11. S anborn. Sul ln, ill r. imI)uruldpn. PresI I t -Il. s)1 NnYs--0. firiy Vamee.B\Il nauI•�Uplxxcl,aiuLlc Vun Adopt 7 by the Assembly June 0. 1691. Slyke, Mr. Yresldcut -s. Nuys-0, Yens-Mssrs. Buulralzur. ('ustello. )IeCnf- ferry. Jlcsnme(•. )fine., Oppaitheina, Va. Approved .Tune L", 1691. Slyyke. )1r. President -N. Nays-(. - Approved .lune L, 1801. BhtA..o`lvIIlL7'lutl the 91 of Blech .street. fru Maple - street. to Buck street. ,as indi- • ted by the red grade line uu the nacos- nnnying pn)Hle.:old as recumm�ende<1 by the By Ald. Malady -fid F No. 100-- 11 N kes City b[• and the some is hereby I .!,d thus. the Engineer is hereby directed . I,, I., nduptid ,as the esta blislrptl grudp. Adopted by tie Buurd to report a gr+ la for the street on tlo• north side r[ block Il. Bpll'v addition, of Aldermen .lune 2. Jell. known as Isabel street from Stan; ,treat W Ycus iAId. Blaen l,erR. Rett. Con1pY. t'uf't'- ]and, Dobner. Dornlden. io Ada st rcpt. \d,eted by the Board of Aldermen. June Coln,,. ]dcludy S:o,- born. Sullivan, ill r. 1'r,si idea -11. 2, I,!It. Nays -U. "2 "I YAid. Biclen burg. Butt. Conlp •. Co land. noncar. Dun,iden. Grhnn dandy. by th, Asecmbly Junc o' 1891. ''ens-)Icssrs. BI Will. y- Sa"hot•n. 9u11i ane, Jl r. Presid,nt-ll r. Custcllu. McC,af- ferLY. McNresid )linen. Oplrec Nays -11. beim. Volvo I'residecL-N. ldoptatl by the Assembly .lune 9. 1891. June9. 1 A ys-0' Approved .June 12. 1891. Yeas-}fpssrs. Bunbatnbl \IcCaf- ferry. ]Ie Nnmee, Miners, OPP'n helm, Van Slyke•.Presidant-M Ryy AId. Cuplaad -fide I, No. 97- Approved .lune 12. 1891. 9utck 1. Cunxe'nt elditiuu(hFr,unt l)le)IctYmy - ;treattoAr�wright st reef. as Indicutvl by i:he red geode li nc ou Lip n�comlmall ag )o•o- le¢nd as Be ART. Rieleuberg-Rd F No. 1tR,- i e nn,enl 1, by the City Ec- be antl the some Is 1, ra by adopted ;[.a ltesolv,d. Timt the'rndeuf the following .ha as c,l nllc rs. us InrBcnted iy tl, red'rude lines on the opt,di by the oa. :aero. pn llYing prufi 1, c. and us reelm- Adopfed by the Board of .l lde rano, .loop'-', nded by Ill. 891. un• ('ity I'.IIVII,rv•r. be and the re hereby adopted I,� ice established Yens -Aid. Biphn, be rg. Rett. l'. o,ley. ('u18'- '+ru and. Du hart. Unrnide u.G,h:ill. Nr huly..S:i,,- Bulli run. JIr. 1'resid,•n t-11. '1Ad�ptedbyta-Ass :11hg• in blue l: 11. Iw•wi., Sepal d nriditinn. Iron, the euutl, Ilnu If lulu 111 nal LI to Way- ,bly .lon•9. I,UI. ill":, st.. lit. All •r Sndtb's subdivision '"ens-JIt's. rs. liunhul n•r. t'ustellu. )II -car- pluck •stay. McNnmet•.()plx•nhO of sell Ll, c; of I'_'. Stinsun's dl ri slu c. from Dale a. \'an to IY J1 r. Preside I '. N � av' street Kpnt .[rept. .\,topted bythe Buurd ofA1dcrmen Jun,2. IN!11 APPrOVC(1 .f,tne 12. 1891. . Yens-Alrl. Rialcnlx'rg. Mott. (,I ley. Cope - OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 145 land,Dobner, Dornlden, Gahan. Melody. San- OFFICIAL PUBLICATION born, Sullicua, Mr. President -11. Nuys -0. - AdopWd by the Assembly .1 sane 0. 1x91. Yens -Messrs. Bun holier. Cwt ; 11inil1aC\u`n Gf Grill... a- Passed and Resclutlons Jetty. Mcsumae. Ml ilea, Oplmn a Adopted by the Common Cas ¢ell of the 4l)•ke, Mr. Prosidantr-6. Nuys -0. City of St. Pani. 4. Approved June 12. 1891. - Glinl\•ANCE NO. 1510. By Ald. Gehxn-Bd F Nu. 107- A'y F Nn. i.\ - It Is hereby ordered by th, Common Pon nail An ordhmnce gm ail., unto A. F. McGregor f the City of St. Paul: tad Willi.. McTuugue, partners as Me- 7'hat the matter of the o-netrnetion d a Gregor uad McTeugua, permission W use u wooden dr¢ln on Colmnbla strect(west side), portion of the ]eve, to the Sixth ward of at the Intersection of Amh street. be, and the the City of St. Paul. a... is hareby referred to the Board of Pub- The Common Council of the City of St. Paul Ile \Yorks W Investigate ¢1111 report: le ordain as follows: Fl rst-Is this improvement pro and and y:,etlon 1. That permissfon and authority ncaessary7 41 herv:by given turd grunted torte A h'. Ma - Second -Give the Cou nail un ntitnnte_ of Gregor .nil Will McTeague. partners as the pipe ase thereof, uud state whathar one- , Gregor k McTungne. [o ase and aaanpy i¢If uT the cost thereof Is W be p+t(d Into the fur the full pa rind o(4n �lU) Ucnrs from alto Ityy treasury before the uentrnet Is I,t. date P Lhe passage of t ala dinuuco. for c Ttdrd-Can real • ,I; to bo assessed fur in.,, motoring pntupux.s, to -w•1 t: Munufuat- exid Improvement be found benefited to tha urhtg, consisting o P steam boiler making, extent of damages, costs u d expenses lice- sheet iron works and n1l tldngs necessary essary to be incurred thereby? and Incident thendu; Tint portion of the Fourth-Issuch improvement asked for Ie .a In the Sixth word o[ tie City et gt. upon the petition ora )plication of tb, uw.- Paul, deseriled as foluws. W -wit: urs ut a .ninthY t t�,e property to bo as- Lots tl, roc Ci) lid four (ii, of block no •d for such Icep lit! hundred and oighty-three (188). In Robert- �Flfth-Send the l'uutell n plan or proHi, of s n, Addition to West St. 1'nul; provided said impprovement, as required by law, If you that the .said grantees herein named hall repo t in favor of the same. employ in th•.ir said business at all times Sixth -Send the Council u proper order during the term of this franchise not less directing the work to be dune. than tweftty-five men. Adopt01)', tie Board uP Alderman June Thls grunt is endo upon the express con- t. 1891. dition that the grunteas herein named shall Yeas-Ald. Biclenbcrg, Batt. Conley Cope- pay to the : ald City of St. Pull as mm- lnnd, Dobner. Dornlden. Gamin. \Ielndy po, ,¢tion and renml fur.ihc privileges lere- Snnborn. Sullivan, Jir. Praaident-11. by granted. the sum of one dollar .I per Nnya�. unnuno for and during the tuna hereinabove Adopted by the Assembly .tune 9. 18! 1. specllled. lmyable nannully in advance. Yeas -Messrs. BnnhoIz . Costello, illcCuf- gas, 2. That permission and authority Is terry. McNamee. Mine., Oppenheim. Van hereby RI -en and granted unte the sn[d `Ic- Slcke, Mr. President -8. Gregor k Mel'an to erect, construct and Nays -0. intuin un said iota three (il) and four 11) e Approved J..a 12, ]sill. a0 feet by !10 feat brick or brick-yeny radone- 'Wry building for uscia theirsuftl buslun.9s. Sall b.udin however. shall be two stories By Aid. Gelann-Bd F No. 109- to front. fill width. and extend back sixteen Resolved. That tl,e cumpansnuon of feet. The s id nulldfng to be above th, Henry Galvin, the Sergeant t Arms ,f 1f.,r le of the levee In front of sold lots. which the Board of Aldermen and f the Uung Shull be built under the directions Assembly, be and the s. is of d •cu ding W the Illst"Itluns of the axed L the su of ave (&x.00) dollar8 Building lnsP,oWroi rho city upon ontnining ` for eneh meeting attended by Id Sergeant. u permit !Tto do, and the da Ow of the at Arms, and that his lime be placed un rho Pruppr fe,s therefor; provided. Inuwavar, that pay roll by tha City Comptroller, with the tine shim nay and smoke stack W be used In ity officers. the pompe su[Ian to c connection with said bust cess hail a tend f om the Hrst toy t' ,Mvvy. 1991, and to acus - ut least seventy-tive fact unove the grade of tinue from month to month. atilt the street upon which said but, frents; Adopted bythe Board of mouth., and provided further. tint this ordinance 2. Hill. scall not be construed us granting or wur- Ye¢s-Aid. BlelenberR. Butt. Coulay Cope- ranting nay of the rights hereby grunted; land. Domer. Dornid,n, Gallen. wholy. ,u,d provided furtier, that the grantees Sanborn. Sullivan. Jia Prasldentl-11. h.rein nnm!II shill complete said building, Sanborn. and said Iasi ",ss in operation wWou Adopced by the Assembly •Tuna 9. 18!11. a,in'tY days from tho pa.ss.go of this ardi- Yens-Messrs. Banhultcr. Costello. McCuf- t, ce uud that before tiro ext, ration P forty. McNamee, Miners. Ofilxnlelm, Vivo s i�l term of ten (10) Yeats 'uip bufldinp Slyke. Mr. Prasidant-i+. shill be removed from said It I= d Nuys-/). pp • nixes by aafd grantees, LLnd In •ase f Approved Juno 1'2. 1891. fnllum to ramuve. sold nuDdirag within said 'V. P. JfetatAv, time. t1,a same. or such, part the us ma President of the Assembly. thereafter remufn upon sufd p emisea, slaulvt ('0. l'aLLEx, licence, the. property of sold City of 't. Poul. Pr• -Idem of the Bunrd of Aldermen, gee. :1. No IRhtsIvanulrt•dunderthisurdi- Taos. A. PaEnnxa.-T. CILY Clerk. shall lie transferred Llm,Yutless Lie Janne 14 son+, company or corpuru n 146 v PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL consent of the Cummuu Council of said el sh all be dr t obtained. e.4. Sald gra rr tees,hnll and will fovea ademnifr and .ore harmless the City of Pn ul aglil rr�t any and all 'I moues, f •lot...mien,. c,.t,t unit cspeu i! u[ , mt "I left it. ntav ,utfet•. or that may iw recover ruhtnined for or ng+a i n st su id •Ity frolu 11 rmtvmi of the gro\ting out of. ur result 1. tium the 1 .si ge of till, ordinance, or In u1 matter ur tlr Ing con netted thrruwit h, ur wl the exert iu• of the .UI id grantee, of the prii iegc,hcrebv Fronted. Sec. 5. It'suid grantees shall fail in any r ,pest to cum,ly with the irorfsions of i1 itrd;nam;c. trren all the ri,,-LL, and pri, ileg mret>)• N .tell shall be forfeited W saw Ci of tit. 1'uul. Svc. 6. The said grant,hall file w11 the ('ity l'Icrk. wtitlti ees it ilii ray dav, after ti puhlicution of this urdirin ace. their tri ttc ru•ceptanee of the provision, hereofAi, the sun to be ujtpriivcd by thC' e orpo,I- ion cornc Sec. 1e in 'Iti. dInun,o .hall take ,ffc1 t nin Laud tail. necepw nt•e and thafter enof, it. ns publ(er in See 6 of this ordtutuce. - Provide Pill 'd 11 the A,x•m illy June 9. 1s91. fere McNal, a iJlin("" 0pl`-Reimi`Vat Slyke. JIr. Presdent-21. Plx:n President of the Assembly. Passed by the Board of Aldermen .June 11 1, 91. Innd.tDobnet: Durniierg. III It dtq GehuncMcludy Sou born. Sullivan• Mr. President -D. Nuys0. CULL - President of the Bo¢0.,d f Aldermen. Approved June 17, 1101. ROBERT A. SRITH, Mayor. Attest: THOS. A. PRYxnE GIST, City Clerk Juue 20. - A'y F No. 59 -Ordinance -No. 15ll- Anordinullt't•ltlltlmrizing the U weer, Of lot the stn` is adjacentlock s of St. t ltheret i, su thatthearea; under thesidewalk., nu said streets -hull ext. ml to the ln,irlc ot'the cu rh line. The Comment do md+tin it, [oBuw,Couua": oP the City of St. Paul S •etiun 1. That the owne'rs of lot 7Of block 8 of SI. I§oil Proper he. and they arc herehy rmthorized .ord permitted to exc:rcnte fur areas. turd to eun.at rust .ren walls under the sldewnl k, on the,creets adjacent to said IOL so that the said :trtuu slrull cx tend W the in - sr le of III,, curb lire Orr salrl street+. Said an thurity i, granted upon lite cundl- tion that tilt• ow'ne r, of still lot shall uompl}}- with the lows and ordtuunces of the city lvitli respect to xl LLrlltlnrr ' P for arena w• G t,. G,. n Thi.! r i dlntnce s its fan s effect and be in force from :une after 11 pn„uge. Pulsed by filo A„emblv,lunc 9, 180i. le ty JlclNumcelft\Iimd:t�rOtppenj l., Nufn Slake, JIr. President -8. Nuy.A. )IURRA 11 President a til • A­mbly. ]891.Passed by the Board of Aldermen Ja ue 1G, Ycus-Ald. BielenM•rg. Bott, Conley. Cope- land. Dobner, Durniden, Geha.. .Nlelady Sanborn, Sullivan. Mr. President -11. Nuys -0. President of the Boa d of A derme.. Approved June 17.1891.ROBERT A. y Attest: Tons. A. PRENBEnn DTTCILy Clerk. June 29. A'y F No. 31- -n open LhletCity Trea,.rerftu favor Of Lien following person fur the -1 ..lot set opposite W their respective names. said "mount W he charge- able to "the local Improvement fund:" S. I Jus Gross and wife. u nin .etc., (Vest Seventh street, Cr`f.iJO: EB T. IVlldeq opening etc.. Rondo street and other streets, 81425; Geurim G. Ferguson, opening, etc., Rondo Ila nets udtw-IfeIt „uWrti l•`•irg�•0 Rollo streP. et nal reeother street,. i<;#.^_.� .incnna .... ......... oru tile bly June 9. Iteust )IUssrs. ll nhozer.Costello1DfeCaf- 1. (m'R-, Jlc Numee. Mince, Oppeuhelm, Van slyke. )It. President -fl. Nuys -p Adopted by the Board of Aldermen June A 18"91. Yeas-Ald. Bielcnberg, Butt. C..1%y,� Coppee and, Dobner, Dunriden. Gehan, illelady, shunt. Sullivan, Bir. President -Il. Nays -O. Approved Juue 17, 1891. .'y F No. 43 - it the mutter of the. reppoort of the Board of Public Works. doted.fit 8.1891. t I. hereby ordered b the Common Council if the C'Ity of SBI It I'tul: That the Board of Public R'orks of said Ity of Faint Puul tvwse the following Im- ruvement to LO mode, to -wit: Construct a -wit--wcua Iris place. from Lynnhurst avenun est t0 Lynnhurst avenue hole,. eusL, in said city rgethvr with the neccssury cusin tchbas u.d r That ,odd Board cause,uld work W be let / contract, u, prodded by law. withoutone- tf the ectim+t r 'I Cost being ons first !. old into P m city trent „r • n nd aft •r 1 t said work , hall pini• •d t oder elay rust. .cold Board sl . 'oceeltwithout tdelay to assess filo amount, hich "ill lx• req u they to ascertain costae a�i ce.,ury exlx•nses of t ch ImpWvement lot um ORI estate tube benefited by said Iprurement ns provided by law; It being Iaspsessed for suchttImproven colt tun o"natebto and be.e6ted to the extent of the cost and xuses necessary to be incurred thereby. iuptcd by the Assembly June 9. 1891. funs-Jlossrs. Ilunholzer, Costello. BI.Caf- - OF THE CITY ON SAINT PAUL FOII 1891. 141 ferty, Metiamee, ilfinen, Oppeubeile. Va. Slyke.Prusfdcut-H. N y, o. Adopted by the Buurd of Alderme..l nue 1G. 1891. Yens -Aid. Bicle. I', Bot,, C'Onle}•, Cuppee land. Dobner. llurnidmt, GehIJleludy Sunburn. Sulli von, Jlr. President -11. Nuys -i. Approved June 17. 1891. A'y F No. 44- In the matter of the rut. of the Board of Public Works, dated. are x, 1801. It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council Of the Ctty of Sdt. Poul: That the Boarof Public Works of said City of Suint Paul cause the following im- provement to be made, t0-tvir. Grade Kich- G Good utvnnc in smond street from aid ci thyyuter street. to That,nid B..rdcause c irl work W lw let by r tract, u, provided by In . withuutone- half the esti muted eusL swing tint paid (Btu the city treusu rr, loud after ,aid work shall be ropceed without del"Y tolured no er t.!•s:at'vs the nmuuntard � u. n�urly n, they can 'I,tortnin the .0 to thayrcu!` c,tut: to b,u lwnedted by •said improvement. as Prodded hJ' Inw: it being thooplulun of the Cun ncil that rest estate to tw n„e+sod for such lepra vt•mcnt can Ix• found bonetited to the extsut of the cost and expenses necessary to be Incurred thereby. Adopted by the Assembly.luue 9. 1891. Yeas-Ke_ssrs. Bnnhulzer. Costello. JlcCaf- fcrtY. Jit Nnmee. Jfinc+a. Oppenheim, Van Slykiden e, JIr. Pres it -8. Nuyst U. Ad. ted by file Board of Aldermen June 18. I. Ycus-Ald. Bielenberie. Butt. Coale Cope- land; Dobner. Durniden. Gehan, .1cludy. Sunburn. Sullivan. JIr. Presideut.-11. Nays -o. Approved June 17, 1891. A'y F No. 4G - Resolved. That the following named banks be and they are hereby designated fur, the receiving and depusitiug all money received by tine City Treasurer ut the City of St. Paul by vitt.. of his otIt, spun the terms and cInditimrs as named in tate prupo els of said banks. t. -wit: The Merchants' National Rank of St. Paul. Tlrc Fl r.t Nnti innl Bank of St. Paul. Tie National German -American Bunk of Tue Staudt nnvinn-Americ¢n Bunk. cin) Bunk. h S_, T e f Paul. n Com-�sBnkoPS The Snvi 6 The Nest Side Hnnk all St. Poul, The St. Paul National Bunk. The People's Back. 1'lac Germania Bnnk of St. Paul. and The Bunk of Ill.""loin. --- ..... ••-•i TI at said banks shall ferty, Jlc Namee, ilii.... Oppenheim, Vuu Sly9<e, Mr. President Nny,- o. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen J une 16, 18:II. Yea, -Allo. Bielentterg, Bott. Conley. Cope- land. Dobner.11urniden,Gehan.JlemdY.San- born. Sull[vuu..lir. 1'rtsident-11. Nays -l. Approved June 17. 1891. By Mr. Murray -A' F No. 47 - it is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City uP St. Paul: That the mutter of opening and extending Jny street, from Ctondo street to L`nlversilpp uvonnc. be and the some is hereby referrmi to the Board of Public Worl•.s to investigate load report: First -Is this improvement proper and n Secondy •G ive the Council u estimate of the ezpr ,e thereof, and state whether ono- halP ft he cost thereof is to bep id int. the •itv treasury before the coutrnet I. let. ` third -Can teal tate tt be a''e: d for said imp -cnit•nt iw found be nested to the cx tent if -s- cost, id exlawnsesnec- ary to be int ret there Y. `Fou rth-I, such Improvement ked for .polo the petition or nnnplicatiou of the owa- s of a m lority of tie pro?erty to be as- s. - •d for such improvement. Fifth -Send the Council n plan or prodlo If said improvement- as required by low, if You report Ha favor of the same. Sixth -Send the Council a proper order Castel In. Me- Oppmahcim, Vun by the Board of Aldermen June d. Bielonberu. Butt. Conleyp.� Coppee llorniden. Gehan, Melady rullivan, Mr. President -11. i.fune 17, 1891. By Dtr. Onfie beim-A'y F No. 48-- Ites Ived, That the Board of Public Works cuusu Martin street to be sprinkled between Dale street and 5t. dlbnns street. Adunted he the Assembly.) one 9. 1891. Ycus-Jfcssrs. Banholzer. Costello. McCaf- ferty'• MrNuniec. Dlineu. Oppenbeim, Vun Slvke. JIr. President -8. - Ad,leAdop ted by the Board of Aldermen June 16. 18,11. Yeas -Aid. Bielenberg. Bott. Con le . Coppoo laud. Dobner. Durrdden. Gehan, .1.91, Sanborn. Sullivan. J1 r. Fresfdent-Il. Nay. -0. June 17 1891. Approved ler, f re safe keeping ut the funds By Jtr. Vnn Slyke-A'y F Nu. 40- n in such sum us shallbe ¢p- tte,Olred. 'Pint the ]>lt of "Abbott and ty Treasurer, which bund Ancker's re-arrangemont of Iols ed to the Common which, uud W. flock 4. Dotlglus Add. St. Puuh Rnm- a conbt. Jfinn.," us .Pproved b •tie Plut •Asol.cr. fnne 9.1&11. Cnghn, be and uhesanamended lythe City Iiunholzc r. Custcllo, WC -f- Engineer, hr uud ale came Is hereby accepted 146 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL consent of the Common Council of said c snBll lx first obtained. c.4. Said gruutecs shall and will fore, Pulemnify and save harm less the City of au] agiiin.t any and iGI damages. Jut melits. a•laini" r,,t, and cxpeln,es of I., which Il. mny,uffer. or that may be. recover Ohtni lied for or against at([ City ft I. by reason ul'tie geoIving out of. ur res u 111 n•um the pu,sage of till, ordinuncc. or In to atter lir thing Cun net ted therewith, or w1 the exercise of ills said grantors of the pri, iege, hereby grunted. Sec. r. limbi grantees shall fail in aanyr sliest to cumlllly with rile pruvlsious of it Mina lice. t enall the rightsund privileg bmcbv gra stud sinal[ be forfeited to sold Ci haul. Sec. 6. Tilt said grantee..,. hall file wh the City Clerl:. within thirty day, afro tl publication of this urdinaoa. their 'ruts nHPta"Cc of the pruviSion, hereof. the still te ul�pruvt•d by the Corporation Altorm Sec.'Phis rdi mince .hall take •ffei and be in force from and sitar its public: tion. nod the accepts lice th�e•co[, no provide in Sec 6uf this m•din:unr. Passed by bile Asx•m Illy •June U. 1891. Ycas->lessrs. Bunhulzer, Costello. McCal ferry \IcN:amet. \linea, Oplenneim. Vu $h•ke, Mr. President -ti. Nuys -0. W. P, MURR.IS. President of the Assembly. Passed by thm Ill, Board of Aldermen June 1, 1891. Iand,t Dobner: D, nruildt` n, Gab aacIlelady,Sua born. Snllivaan. Mr. President -D. Nay, -0. Pre,ident of the Boardof AI r Umrmen. Approved June 17. 1591. It I)BEtIT A. $VITA. 3 Jane PA. favor. Attest: TROs. A. PRENDEItGA6T, City Clerk - A'yF Nn. 59-Ordinn lies -Nn. 1511- An d i nonce nethorbving the un-ners of lot 7 of block 8 of St. Poul prolxr to c -cavnic the Streets ndjucent thereto, .su that the areas under rile sidetvulltS on ,n id 'teethe b line. Thc••C'umrtatln 11 ilu ncil nuf tilt f itS' nf1St. Pupal Lp a dam a, follows: Section 1. That tilt owners off.7o[blocs: P of St. Taal Prulxr b• unl they are ierthv ant s. :le ql ami permitted to excavate fair z1olcoarta,, and to const ucr area walls under the $0 that i tile ,uid nroo,,Im ll i�xtu ndtlu`the int Side of the enrb line un ,acid Sir"Is. Said ant I,uri ly i.c granted upon the condlp-- tion witla tiketltalw,alanda,rrt1111ssnCCtiUtftlhea�lty°vitth r 'pecttoexCuyo'1TOo furnrtu wan,. S•a force trtltl •e, hall inkeeff"t and t>c In vat re to pm at after its pns,a'e. Pus •d by the A.——hlv.lune0 tsm ferry. McNamee. ylincu. Oppeuhc(m, A'un' Slyke, ylr. President -8. Will" Alcan"r, President of the Assembly. Passed by the Board of Aldermen Juncl6, (I 601. CI Pens-Ald. Bielenberg. Bull. Comely. Cole - land. Dobuer. Dornidea, Gehan. Melody. Sanborn. Sullivan, Mr. President -11. Nays -o. O. , CE President of the Board oOf AldeULLrmeN. n. Approved June 17, 1891. ROBERT A. SVITD, Mayor. AttCS t: TFIG6. A. PRENDERGAST. City Clerk. June 2A. Itcnu,Ived, That city orders be drawn upon the L'1 ty Treasurer in favor of the following Persons for the sono. lit set opposite to their res, ve names, said "mount to be charge- able to "the local Improvement fund:" Jtili u, Gross ud ife.ape loK. etc., West Seventh street. M-60: Ell T. Wit. er.openingg Getc.. Rondo street nod other streets,$14.1 : eorge G. Ferguson, opmfun to., Rondo IluIllnetnudtust F. wife�t pix ui lgs.e Ftwdti stro t lid ether streets. ri.ri: Josenh Marhnrnto u+- one asscm my done U. 1891. • rs. Runholzer, Costello, McCaf- Sumee. 3ilnex. Oppenheim, Vae President-li. by the Board of Aldermen June d. Bielenberg, Bolt. ConleyY� CopPee ner. DOrlo en. Gehan, 3telady, ullivun, Mr. Presldent-11. I June 17, 1891 ,'y F No. 43-- 11 the mutter Of the repo rt of the Board of Public Wurk,. dated .lane 8. 1801. L 1s hereby ordered by the Common Council P the Cf[y of Snilit Paul. Phut the Board of Public Works of said Ittyof Suint Puul rause the PBI lowing im- vement. to le made, to -a -It: Construct a I rax place. it,,- Lynnhurstuvenue r �t ltu ,Lyn Bllurnt arca ue east, in said city. tgether with the necessary eft'it lie ssnd nbolr,. That ,libel Board cause said work to be let n tract. as provided by lot w, withoutone- If the reasury. Bost Lein$ first paid Into ria}- are rder. olid aft. , Id vrk ,I:¢II �tplacud a lisle c Bernet. ,old Board eliull red vlthunL dcgluy to assess the amount, i early u, they can nsecrtul1. the same. a ich will Ile required to pay the cost and ce.vsury expenses of a' •h Improvement to the real estate to Int• benefited by Id iprovemcnt as" provided by law: It being e opinion of th. l'oI lei[ that rcnl ost¢te Lo uv,c.sed for such improvement pent can be o, lid benefitted to the extent 'If cost and n ses necessary to be Incurred thereby. duPtcd by the Assembly June U. 1891. i eras -Meyers. Banholzer. Costello, McCnf- OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. FOR 1891. 141 terry, McN¢mee, \linea. Oppenheim. Vn❑ Slyke. 31 r. President -8. Nays -o. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen .1 nuc 16, 1801. Yens-Ald. Bielenberg. Botts Conle.yy-. Cog - land. Dobner. Dorniden, Gehan. dleludy Sanborn. Sullivan. Mr. Prosident-11. Nays -O. Approved June 17. 1801. No. 44 - matter of the report of the Board of Ito Works, dated June x, 1891. ereby ordered by the Common Council ,c City of St. Paul: tho Board of Public Works of said f Saint PauI Ctau,C thefullowingim- nett to be made, to -wit: Grnde Rich- eetfrn Said . Lerhyue(er street to Icla ...aid Ilmard en us -c sniU work to lx let half the estimnied cost being tl..t paid Into the city treasury, and after said work Shall lx placed .ler cuutract, sdd Board shall proceed wlthunL "clay to p,"es, rile umuuat, arly as they m n i scar •niiu the ,.air. which wall bo be req utred to 1nay the cost and necessitry x c ,es of 'urli Improvement p upon the real estate vi bN� benefited by said improvement, us provided by hew: is being the opJulun of the Cun ncil that real estate to I t ,e.. •d ftn•such impro.,meat can lx found btmefited to the ext,ni of the cost ¢lid exocnsc, necessary to be incurred thereby. by the Board of Aldermen Jane d. Bielenberg. Bolt. CouleyI Pude- •, Dorniden, Gehan. JJ y. Bili van. Mr. President. -11. d June 17, 1801 A'y F No. 46- Resolved, That the following named banks be and they are hereby designated for the receiving and depositing all money roccived by the City Treasurer of tlnu City of St. Yn it by vl rtue of his office. p n the terms and conditi oils ns named Itp tie propu,uls of said banks. to -wit: The 3lere lmBts' National Bank of St. Paul. The First Natluual Bank of St. Purl. The National German-A.11Bunk of S TPUSrnnrlinnylnn-A merf rasa Bank, St. Paul, and ferty, Me N,mec. Mines. Oppenheim, Van SlI c. Mr. Pre Neat -v. Axys Aduphtcd by the Board of Aldermen June 16, 1801. aYea-Aid.IIott. Conley.Cope- lnd. ubn.D"'i.III,eludy.Sxn born. Sullivan. Mr. Pl, lodebt-M Nuys-0. Approved J u no 17. 1891. By Mr. Murray -A' F No. 47 - It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council f the City of St. Pn ul: That the matter of opening and exteers I to l all from Rondo .tis to to L'uiversityy to venue. beard tlwsumo r herebyrePigato to the Board of Public Works to Investigato al d report: First -Is this improvement proper and ,spry? nSecond-Give the Council anestimate of the expa•n,e thereof, and state whether one- half of ate cost thereofis to be paid into the city treasury before the contract is let. Third-C'un real estate to be assessed for .said improvement be found benefited to the extent of deniages. costs an" expenses nec- asary to be Incurred thereby. F�uu til -1, such improvement asked for a lino: the petition or atilt, ie, tion of tiro Own- ., fa m: Jority of t�m property to be as- e-. •d for soca iron ovtmtntf s Fifth -Send the Council a elan or proille of said improvement. as required by law, If }-oil report nn favor of the same. Sixth -Send the C"I"lelI a proper order directing the order to dune. ldupted by the A,scin mbly •lone 9.1891. 1'ca,-yle.,rs. BuB Ii r. Costello. Mc - 3 1i Cnfferty. MC\nmce, nmL Oppenholm, Vnn Slvkt, �I r. I'revide nt-8. Ns . Arluptuye0d by the Board of Aldermen Julia 16, h.91. Y as-Ald. Bielenberg. Butt. Conleyy. Cone- hint oppee land. r Dobner. Doniden. Gehan. Melody. Sanborn Sullivan. Mr. President -11. Nuys, 0. Approved June 17, 1891. By Mr. Oppe m bei-A'y F No.48- ItesulveU. That the Board of Public Works• ua,e Martin street to III, sprinkled between Dale street andthSt. Albaus street. d by lduptee Assembly-June9. 1891. s- Yen)Jr_r,. Buniml.cr. Costello. McCnf- fertY. MeN neer•. 3liness. Oppenbetm. Van $1 vke, Mr. President -1. Any, o. Ado )ted by bloc Bward of Aldermen June 16. 189. Yeas-Ald. Bielenberg. Bott.Conlcy po lady, bind. Dobner. Dornddel. Goban. M Su"born. Sullivan. Mr. President -11. Nay -,-0. Approved June 17, 1891. sThat Said banks hall ate keeps ng of the funds B3.11 r. Vnn Slvke-A'y FNo. 40-- ueh,umus,hullbeafp- 12t,olved. '1'Imt the Phat of "Abbott and g11Treasurer, which bund. Ancker's re-arraegement of lots u. -I, ave_ Ito the Common C'Ouncil and W block 4. Douglas Add. St. Paul, liam- -e, county, \lin n.." u, spproved b • the Plot uhulzeprYtrostcllo1 HcCnf- F.nRiNver�be vend ileesnminls LacrebynCCeptetl 11T 148 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COSI\ION COLINCIL by tam Common Council of the City of St. Rv 91 r. Vssn Slyke -A' F No. ;VI- Adopted't I . ltc,ul ved. That the Board of Public {Yorks by the Assembly Junc 9. 1891. cause the following streets to be sprinkled Yeu -} s tessrs. Bnnhulzer. Cuslello. AlcCp f- during the season of h411, subject to any or- ferty, AlcNumec. Alines, Opp- beim, Vun ler whieb Lho Common Council may ggive Slyke. AI r. President -9. from time to time urdoring tho disepntinu- i\6ys-0, rte o[ -std streets or f carts thereof; Ado )ted by the Board of .Aldermen June Mount Ido stre,,L, from De Soto street to la, hssa Bivuli street; Bedford street, from Nortb Yeu,-Ald. BwlenI rg. B.'" Co" Culw- ,trl-et to Nl lnnelmloa .street. land. Dubncr. Dorniden. Gel,a n. Ale naly. Adopted by file Assembly Jane 11. 19!11. Sunb,rn. Sullivan. \Ir. President. ll. Yetis-Alossrs. Banholzur. Costello. Afe:Cnf- Nay -0. [erty, AleNuniee. Mhaet, IOppenhei m. Van Approved June L', 189. Slyke. it,. Presidmlt-8. 3's-0. - Adoyted by the Ilnurd of Aldermen June 19. 1 1. liy Alr. Bun bol ter--A'y I` \0.56- Yens -Aid. Ria len berg• Cunlev.Cupl,- It is heresy unle rod by tbu Cuv)mun Council land. Dubncr. Dnrnide n. Gehu n. Aleluily.Sun- f flat City of St. Yxul: barn. Sullivan, 9Ir. President -I1. That ilwm tta•tof cundrm ninR and t++tkinC Nuys -0. I.an ,sem enLlln Lhl, hind nbuttingon TClrrace AIIllruved J.0 17.1991. from Floral street 10 Ie, wtue t,no , my t000nstid., tthe In -a ,furcal, null - d lis ill grad i ng said street. lw and file some 1-� hereby r •fcrred to till, B,,,, of Nuhlie: it Mr. Bnnnol>.e Vy F Nu, fri.- \vurks fi)tilvestiRnta and report: It iv here b3- orderee7S by the Cut. mon Couu- FIrs�Iv Lhis Imyruvement Prot- an I 'il of the City u[ tet. Poul: '1'Ir:a t, the mutlor of erecting :and m¢Intu,in- tlSecond2(31-c the Cu,rncbl n :,timate of Ing nn oil lamp at aal llnrrisun av a be tial os )ensn thee" - and ,tale tw'hcther one- and the ,amt Is l+�ereby referred to cite Board half of! the cost ,I'! leo 1 to be Paid Into the of Pnblie \York, to investigate and •port: city treasury before the contract l.s let. Is t)ds Improvement Proper and In,—' - 7hird-Cali real (-.,late to Ut•nsse.ed for . IrS-? .. said Imp a veir-A be found bonefited lu tho � If co. end the Council u Proper order dl- exlontof damages. cost sand expenses notes- 1 A tate: work to be done. + Y tU lw bra•u reed thereby? Adopted by the Assembly June 9. IRU]. s"" Fourth -Is such Improvement ,ked for S'cu,-Ale„rn. Banhul>er. Costello. AICCnP- 1>,Pon till- pe'titiun or nPpifcatlun of the own- forty, Nehmen, Alines, Oppenheim, Van ego. main rl tv of the Prvrlferty to ba•. us- Slyke, Mr. Preside lit -8. • sed fur,mels im pro rem en 11 `u3's-U. saFifth -Send the not to phos pr prolle of AduPtcd by the Board of Aldermen June said ImPruvement. +egau red by haay. IPM-'IRUI. you report in fu cur o[ the some. "Yhn,-Ald. Bil-lenberg• Bott. Conley. Cupe- SixDa�eml the Council u proper order InndnT)obner. Dorniden, Cohan. MeladySun- directing the work to bedone burn. Sullivan. Mr. Yresident-11. Adopted Uy the Assembly June 9. 1901. lays -0. Ycus-\Icssrs. Banholzcr, Uostetlo. McOaf_ Approved June 17. 1891. fcrty, Ale\nmee. Alfneu. Oplwnheiul, \'an Sic Mr. Pre ideut-8. - Adopted by the Board of A ldermen June 1U, By Alr. McCafferty-A'y F No. o I8UI. Ytesol Ved, Thnt the grade f East Third Yeas-eAid. Bio lenberr. Butt. C'un ley. Cop,street, from Earl street to 1VbIw Bearave- ]nnd, llubne r. Dorn iel<•n. Gchutl, 1. SeludY. 1 tic Is ermt­Iicated by the red tqf "ll s Iilie on Sanborn. Su 111 an, Mr. President. 11. 1118"1 `., ponying Profile Nay d reeem- Nay-n p. tded by tam City Engineer. be and the Approved .Tune 17.1891. same' is hereby adopted as the estublished grade. Adapted by the. Assembly jam, 9, 1891. BY McNamee-A'Y F No.s-Messrs. Bun holzer. Costello. McCaf- IL is hereby ordered by the Common Council forty. r,. ''mel- Mince. Oppenheim. Va. f the Ci[Y of St. Puna: Slyke. AI r. Presid_t_8. Tl:attnc mutter of erecting and maintain- N;vn-11' Ing agas lump no Martin street. betwaen St, Ale )led by the Board of Aldermen June Pet'n-and Rk.,nt-ts. be tel [be s e Is 19. ]9!If. her rc Ye r,*,,, to the B+u+t rd )f II'u bile 1'e•uN-Aid. Rlc len berg. Rolf. Conteyy Culw- wuIkLtoinresitguleamtreport: 1, thts Im- land. Dobnar. Dorniden. luehnn. M Indy, Pro s-enrent p�oyer nml nce:essur>-'r lf,o. Hemi Sanborn. Sunt v¢ar, Al r. l'rexident-11. he c:uo nc:il n yruyer order directing the ay, raA'k to (,'lune. - Approved June U. 189I. 1 Pt 1 by the A blv.7une 9.1891., _ ]' \I B I t Cu,lellu. Mel'nf tett M \ M , OPlwnberm, Vno BY Al r. Op fanhelm A'y F No. E7. +Ivkr. Ala. 1 la,rde.I li-n a lir.,,l reel, lint the grnde f the slleY In dol block "n. Alackubb1 and M arsliall's dditlon, Adopted by the Board of Aldermen. .lune Prom Dull- st rel -t to Kentstrecl. as indicated a, 18.1. Uy the tell grnde line. on the uccom saying ]"•us -Aid. Rielenlwrg. Butt. Cooler . Cope- ppr�l� lc, uud as recommended by tam City and. Dubncr. Dorniden, Gehnn. \h•huly, Engi acct. he Auld the sameis hereby adopted iunborn. Sullivn n. Af r. Tresldcut-il. us the e,blhiished rude. it y'_0 Adopted by the Assembly. .lone U, 1891. Approved Ju nc ll. 18J1. Yeu..-Mussel-. Banholzer. Cuetello.AlcCuf- OF THE CITY OF SA fert3-. Ale Nnmee, Alineu• OPPen beim. }"nn Slyke. Mr. President->;. xy 0. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen .lime tU. 1S Yeas -Aid. Bielenberg, Bott. Conh'v. Cnp land• Dubncr. Dorn, bin, Uelueu. Ale Indy. Fan boto. Sullivu n. Atr. President -31. Nays -0. Approved June 17. 1991. By Mr. Jltnea-A'y F No. liesolved. Th¢t the Bonrd of Publir \Yorks Kunio trceltobe,prinkled. from State .•t rcet to Rrown oven m•. Adopted by the A„l,mbly.1 one., I.u91. Yeas-]les..rs. Rnnho lzer. Co,tel In. Alal'uf- fertY. Mc Nnmee. )linen. oppenhe•iur, Vnn Slyke. Mr. Yresident-8. Adopted by the Rourd of Aldermen .Tune a. IF91. Yea -Abd. 1. Ill berg. IIot [. Cunlcy. Cobx+- land. Dubner. Dorniden. Gchnn. Melady Sanborn. Sullivan• If,. 1'renidcul.-Il. Nays -0. APP rove 11 .Tune 17, liaJl. By Alr. Aiinca-A'y F No. ab- li solved. Thu, the Rourd of Public works lwrinklodet fel to Czar n e.ur Itill,teat tat ]rubel street. roe '•e e h AdoPtetl by the Asst•m hlJ• .I a In, 11. IF91. ]"crts-Messrs. ]lu nllulrcr. Co,tcllo. Alel'nT- forty. AleNamce. Miner, OPpenheim. Van Sl'kc, AI r. President -S. Al"a. Adupk;d by tlau Board ufAldcrmeu June Ill. P91. Yens -Abd. Rlek•nberg. Bot 1. CunIcy.0 a 3' land. Dubner. . Yll. en, den- Aleludy San burn. bulli van. 9Ir. I're,ida•nt-11. Plays 6. Approved .Tune 17. 1871. Ilv AI r. Vun Slyke-Inn•Ay F -1 ''''12eso1veJ, That eu•dnnca. with the 4tnlesi P Alinneunnofli,entitled sl it leg'"Ali ilftuto lc end Tho chnrtc, of the City of St. Pan]. the samo (wing an net entitled •An net titled an net to reduce the law incorperr+atiug tha City oT Ft. Paul. in (lie l'ounl , uC ltanr- :o- ,aumenduto yMlhcrcuf uud' e�crtaine of h,., nets relating to sufd city auto one ncI and to et d the "`c t e. widen net a -un I pproverl Mun•1 , unut thuusuncl eight. bund red vuri ta.•�r.� f+ �du�rolemlent+al ltl .�retu.,�l�ppnra�a•il 11 t�noifl ,sil, dfallnedebt ll f the 1 It,S l 1111 null bear is tI. l ikt t l nail,. It $f501X1U, pe r e rt Ix•r annum, sP¢rinp,e m{ a nn [I ly othe1tnn. eton l n9cn of the CiTy of Sn lbt. Puna. ithtsar de Ciiv of New ]if It, salol •rtlticates slm ata J my 1. A. D. ]Sid, and um• -1 1'. ided of iheaggre- gate �Hamount rstdaythe .mptl11 becmbe•r Ai111N!Y. ture the fand o e -third of the aggregate amount oP t.hem ,ball he made to mature on the first duy of lumber. A. 1). 1SW, and one-third If tbo [NT PAUL, FOR 1891. 149 aggregate um:>unt of them shall be m le to t oro it tho li rse day of September, A. D. ISIM. Rc,ol veit. fu rther, That said -ti 6cutos it re issued fort lit, Purpose of. and the proceeds thereof shall be applied exclusively to t.hc purpose of t:tkin • up and cede-infi4 the eer- ltacutas of r 1, tednoss of the B rd of Ed ;.I! I of tam Ci%y Ynul 1vleiclr ween s tl anI I r on Lhe do day of Am re,; A. or sup and fur tan ufree ubl sum to bu used for supporting the free Ift bile schools f said tf said City prior to'July 1,A. D. 1891, and for nu other pal rpo., and said proceeds shall be applied Best to tho redemption u Id puyy- Ibtedness In tint of said • •rC Ment,., of lac, he order of thou nturit3'.1) tlmt On— ti r,t mn[uring sirultl bu ar,t redeemer' and p aicl; and. sac Il l.af`+Iny huhu c alas to IIIc pny.o.ote of •.'Ito ,al- i- it nub+ - nttoMarch:;t. A. �D, lRd,c and Prior rl to .luly 1. A. D. 18.1, or supporting u frco Pu d�e are Iron uustedd city until all said pru- oelZe .I,cd. further, That the Dhcynr. City of Nlgtro Bei \lean lof thatAsneu�ILIC m l itho Cl,utrmuntr of the Committee of ttrd nys and deans of the Bunrd if Aldermen l,ureby appointed and constituted acom- mitLL•e, null are hereby u thuri-il and di- ected w neguteiate tho ,nate of said a•ertlfi- cate, su ter be b.ssned, load cause the p ids thereof to ire apPliud to the der prion ted - and pray u) t of said -rt licates of iudebf the Bonrd of Edu • tlon. and to the other Vu rVi r,e ubovu stated In tam sorrier, and s her •rnb•fur• vet forth. Id they n e di - '":"i I. all the ,•rtifi- t YY eates of indebtedness su re,iec-d and paid. AdopWA by t he Assembly .1 n no p. ls9l. Yrus-\Icssrs. Bun holzer. C6sfallu. AlcCaf- fcrty, McNumec. Min -it, oPlxnheim. Va. Slyke. Nh,- amec dmrt -9. AdoLL)ted Uy the Board of Aldermen .tune Ki. 17)1. Yeelan Aid. Biolenberg. Gott. CunlcyC.p. Sanborn. Dubncr. llur I rest entG,hMoludy. Snpburn, Sullivan, Al r. Yresident Nays --t Approved .tune 17. 18111. Av F N, at- BcsuolvcA. ?shat the Bonrd of Public works be and is hereby uuthorized.lvlth the consent of the continelor. to modlfythe c(ntrtict for to I v Min ity lila street, from Boek street to the r;esi_rfty limit, fhrretofnrc entered h, pr -no ufr ale Ist n ellen a urn my ,tone Rot tears, Idcb, through cr- rot Irl" 11 for in Lhe a iginnl rename to the some bt•ing l cry for the p' o ler protect Ion If the ,trmt�thu erica for aid guttcrn lot to excel- 1 the ,n of two Ira lid red and fi PlY du liar. IG:i6 i. Aduyted l y t l A'.- 11 , Jon, 9. 1891 Yea, -\I B t 1 e: .-I0b, Mh Nuee.\I n. ODPanna int. }an Slyke. Mr. i Yrenrten l i"c 111Ys-DI r. AleCafferty_-1. A do fled Uy the Bunrd of Alelermen June ]d. Ist, Yeas--Ald. IDelenberg. Bott. Conley. C'o�e land. Dubner. Dorniden. Celmn, Whit y, Sunburn. Sullivan. Alr. President -11. Nays -0. Approved .June 17. 1891. 150 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL BCS lved. That it cit order be drawn uT the city treasury in favor of George R, Eye 1. for the sum of .{tv-'O.i,U fur t bu fisc BOBof pl Sc nInspectors.u.>e:. employ .oath of Dla}•, iS!11: s id m,frrtt o charged to the school main tenancC fund. Adopted by the Buatrdol' Aldermen.lu ifi. Intl. Yeas-Ald Bielenberg. Buff• Cooley. Dr. ner. Dorniden. Gehan, Melady, Sallot' S, Adopted by the Assembly .lune 18. 1991. Yens -Messrs. list hulzc r, Costello. Ell aft. McName. eOP=heim. Mr. Proside NRys- 0. Approved June 19, 1801. Ed F No. 113-- By the Cnmmittcc on Claims of the Board : Ald"Inun- Resolved. That acity order be` drawn upc the city treasury !n favor o George Rei City Treasurer, for the Som tij' tC3s.( clT7, ft the mrplseof paying tache�s and tRlue of tye Board ul' School Iu,l aft to rs, for tl mmitll of June. 1.,91, said hunt to t charged to Ad� dbylt thoB...dof .Mr emen Junes 1891. Yens -Aid. Bielenberg. Bott. Cony' leDOT ur. Doruiden. Gehan. )Iclady. Sunborl Sullivan. Mr. President -10. Malys -0. Adapted by the Assembly June I8, Yeats-Dfessrs. BiIlln1z .. Costello. Elm g1611st, McNamee. Oppenheim. Mr. I'resldeu Nays -0. Approved Jan. 11). 1891. Ed F No. 119 - In the matter of the report of the Board o Punic \\'arks, dalte�l .Tune 11.1891. It is hercb..rderud lythe Cummun Cou nci of the C'icy of St. Paul: Tl," Lhc Burl rd of Public \Narks of sn Olt. Of St. Pard ai use tie following improcry mints tO be mndc. to -wit: Sireep Summit avenue. from Sel by I,, con, to DwOrk a, lu street. in Iu be s! ill le[ byT,ontraert aspro,ided `bv ln`ty with. Out enc -half of t he Cst; !mated cost Ixei,hg H rst paid into the city trasurv. and otter said ark '1111 Ile ptne'd , ndfl r 'unLrnet Siad Baird slmll proceed without dl�lay to nsse."s I lc amount us ucnrly :le till'. inn :su•el tai I, the sale•. which ,vial be ren u; red to pay the cost and neressurr exle;sCs of such imprncc_ mint open the real estate t. b. be uefited by aid imprv,v.mcnt, as pruviricd by hl,v; 't s being tieopi n ion P the Con .IT that rail estate to Im asse„e�l for sub im Pruvcment n ne found ix`nefi ted to Ile 'stent of the costand-fiense, nCUCs,nrp lU le lucu rred thereby. Adopted by the -curd of Aldermen .Tune 0, Isle land �sDrhair Dollar,Dor-olden. nlioGt. Cooley. ehul;.'I malady. N San )urn. Sulliv;ui, -)Jr.. President -Il. or.. -0. ldiipr•'l by the A-cmhly .lune ie. 1891. Yeas -Messrs. ➢anlulzCi'. l'u,tcllu. 0ulst. McNamee. Oppenhelm. Mr. President _i. Nays -R. Approved .lune 19. 1891. W, P. Mvnnev, President of the Assembly. O. U. CD'DLEN. President of the Board of Aldermen. Tnos. A. PRENDERGAST. City Clerk. .lune 0. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Drdlnancea Paxeed and fteeolutloen Adopted by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul. BIT F No, IM --Ordinance No. 1512- Auurdimineegrouting toF.dwardE. David - n. guard i:u;. tie right to construct and ul`All! a 11 S;trll"its tripe In the various rooms of the -Union Black," so ealled )o - anted on the south I" feet of lot 7. nnt� all r. The cOf ommon Connell ofit ork 19 (if ttl e`Icity oll I nt. Paul du ordain as fellows: Sectiun 1. That permission and authority are here by given and grunted into Edward E. Davidson, gnnrdim,. to enhtrnct and mniil L•tfn sonatas rap, in the ramous rooms Of the "Union Blucic' su culled, located n the "oath ]hj feet of put seven. and all of lot s, it block 19 of St. Paul Proper, upon Oblaln- lugaPropel• permit therefor. All work to le done undo the supervision of the inspec- tor Ot bui'Tg�s. SEC. 9. Taus ord lnanm shall be in force and ctrcetfrom and after Its passage and 1 ,I,u sed by •the Board of Aldermen .Tuno16. 1.U!rt. 3 pe la nd`asT)f Iner3il lbnrnitirBolt Gel an �e\1 lndj•. Sunburn. Sullivan, ill r. President -11. Nuy-0. O. O. s, T'rrsiden t of the Ito: rd of Aldermen. Rased be thrse Assem bay .N nc 23. 1nJ1. Yeas-Mc•,s. IInnlulzerCostello. F,Im- Inisi. McCafferty. M!n,4, 6rt, einn, Vnn It kc, ill r. President -s. Nny,-R. \V, P. Di vaner. President of the Assembly. :1 pprovrd .iu nc Gi. I891. B0111:31T A. SBITa. Ill Or. J w,c :a. Attcst: 'Taos. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk Id F Nn. 104--o rd imnu•O No. 1.513- ,. Ordinance permitting .Toho 1i1e l t, ,• ;Ter np.n a portion .f Victoria .street and t here ulx•rnte tie '.Laughren Patent Hy- drx;llic Srrcen.., 'lie L'om man Cuulicil of tie City of St. Paul du ordain us fol amts: Section 1. 'I'hnt T.-n!"I'u, is herChv given alto I: icscl to enter upon Victerin affect. be- lie Grcaill t lh\orrthern than lrlwry`�1grapnny."at d here to npernte the '•Laugh ren :Patent Bp- raulic Screml." and in .co doing he is heroUY u t ho ri zed to escavitte from said street, be - OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1801. 151 withinsth aild points istlblished line,rof said stcethe '011 as lias lie may be auth.rizcd su In d. by The written ppeormission of the City Euginpcer first gl von. 'Pads permission Is given sddohJuhne liiiaael understanding that the 1 shall leave said street in n good o f pro wr IL condition after he shall Love Ha Ir, I', ,is work on said street, and in .such•eoliziuu as he CILY Engineer Shull direct. SCC.:. Before the C it �y Engineer shall gi ro any permLssiun to do any .f tie , rk uu u, said struct. its herein s xe,I lctl. the sdd .lulus ICiesel slmll eseunte and deliver to the. City of St. Paul a bund in these., ,f two thous- and (8:.000) dollars, eondIli uned that Ile will hold harmless the City of St. Paul from any damages. costs or expenses- that the City of St. Paul nmy sustain by raas.n of the uper tion of : aid muchluo us �e�elunbuve. sleci- tied: andpeal- to leave said street in a gaud wfthpuid r ekildition when le i, through Sea 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and floc n„uge. Bud the esecution and dolivoiy of &lc bond herein provided for. Passed by the Board of Aldermen June la. 1891. ill ) IaudnsDobne BleDur; hleI'. ;inlets!oily, Sanborn. Sullivan. Mr. Presidear_ll. ` NRY's 0. President of the Board of Aldermcu. Passed by the Assembly June , 1801. Yeas -Messrs. Banholzer. Co:13stello. Elm- Suist. McCaffertyy. Mine., Oppenheim, Yso ] ke, Mr. President -S. Nre ays-0. \V. tPu AsPreidentofbsembl Assembly. Approved June '25. 1891. Roesler A. SaITR. Jfuyor. Attest: THos. A. PRENDURGAST. City Clork. June 30. Ed F No. 106-0rdinance. No. 1514 - The Common Council of the City or St. Paul do ordain as follows: Section 1. Permission Ls hereby granted to tthisst.taaul )to a of t and nminta n i`,, tliei�thirrl story of tlho building kr o cu as the 'Lowry Arcuda' shouted in the blocks letween Fourth and FI fill Streets and \Vaabasha aind St. l'oterstmets.thusoeercainwouden partl- tionswlhieh have. already bCca constouted and are now situatedthe .'III Sec. 2. This ordinuuee hull take effect and be In force from and after ILS passage. Passed by the Buurd of Aidermmh. June 1G 1891. bb COP - and. D hoer,d. DorWden. Gehan. Minae y, Sanborn. Sullivan. Mr. Presidout-11. Nuys. G. O. Ce`e,`2, President of the Board of Aldermen. Passed by the Assembly, .hmc::1. 1-1. Yeas -Messrs. Banholzer. Costello. Elm- uist, McCafferty, Mines, Oppeuhcim. VanSIy ke. Mr. Preid Int -A. Nay . President of tlee Assembly. Approvednos. a 1801. ROREN A. S ST. C Mayor. Attest: Taos. A. PnENDEIIGAJT. CIL. C:Ierk. .lune 30. Ed F No. 1Q2-0rdlnnncc No. 151:"e - Au urdi nonce b'1'n;ltlll • to Charles A. Moore rill, ri ri,to erect an muintuin a buy win- dow a ` the vest halt' f lot four 1+1 in block thirty-four (31) of St. Paul Drupe r. The Common Council o[ t to City Of St. Pawl lu ordain as follows: Section 1. Permission mid :mtl I 1i is Jia„ � ytu eruc1anIt andgranted aatubCyi;ar le duo: from the second story of the brick and steno build!,.- located on the west half of lot four (4) in duck-_thit•ty-four iron of St., Paul Yroper, upmti'I, obmiwing m proper pecmit therefuc Suhl bay window is not to ostond more than eighteen Inches over the street liSuo. " This fAVIIb,aoC0 shall be in force and effect from and atter its passage and publica.tnn. Passed by the Board of Aldermen.lune 15, 1801. Yeas-Ald. Bic lenberg. Butt, Cunlcy, Cope - band, Dobner. Doruiden, Gehai,. Melady, Sun- burn, Sullivan. Mr. Provident -11 Nays -0. D. D. GI!i•i•E\, President of the Board I. Aldi rmea, Passed by the Assembly Jilt 1601, Yat, -Messrs. Banholzer. Costello. Eli.- S.lt, MoCutfer%. Mi,ces. OPpa'ohcim. Van lyke. :lir. President -N. N,ys11. W. P. )Icaewr. President of the Assembly. Approved June Yfi. 1891, hon- A. S511TH. Mityur, Attcst: Taos. A. PRESDERaasT. City Clerk. Juno 30. Ed F No. 136 -Ordinance No. 1519-- Anordinuncesupplmnontul toanordinance. No. 1 en 7, title( . "At, urdlnall- autlo riz- I,g'I'he St. Paul City: Railway. coinpauv, to construct. alaip, maintain :out O�lentto street rBihvuy It Be. in the city of St. uuL" Ippruvcd Sri t. °9. ISS9. Tho Coe, mon uOuncil Of the City of St. Paul do ordain as follows: Section 1. 7'he time .f completion of ,chat I, ki I. it, the Langford nh cute It ue of streetrunway-, as provided for a uddeseribed In said Urdimwce No. 1 7. a, 17.110",.", viz. "T io-ore on I.angfordilcen uc to corm v rand toot t. ruilwa' ,!hich b si ld i hdioa ile Uf y ,;d; . to tae cumpletivl b • July L oull t. bore). will l to the 1,1 clay i Angus t. A. D. l Ul. with the sa meciteded i f said time ig e ppv."d b Inst mentioned had hien uI ill any Wayby said g the ecu l without of any way Impairing li i vi the effect of said urdi n;oeu. •l,. us betula odi lard. i bee. n This Its public. "lull take. elYcIt ten from and atter its public, ll atm! „written company. of ,aid y I'n,ll City It ai away comp, nye executed by its I'rc"idcnt or Vice. Presidcnt or Sucn;taary and IIIaI ",'ith the Cit. l'lerl: of ,nl l car. ",',1 lin thirty f3nt daysafter the Boardof ofthi, June 16. P:1"l'fl by the Board of Aldc ran•;, .lane I6. 1..11. 1 -ens -Aid. Oiclenberg. Butt, unlcr. Cu e- land. Dubucr. Doruiden. Gehu u. AIclu�y-, Stan )ern. SUllivnn. Mr. President -11. Nnys�. fl. O. Cc ass. President of the B.n rd oP Aldc ruler. Passeythe AssmblmyJlIIu. YensdMbers.Bnholr.C_tcl". Elm - 1` 152 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COM31ON COUNCIL t1 t, McCaffertyy. `.lumen. GPlxxn1 1m, Va. hind. Dubner, Dorniden. Gehnn. Dlelady Slyke, ,Hr. Presi(len U -ti Snnbont, Sulltvun, Mr. Prsidvvl-ll. IK uys o. Nay., I. W. P- D[cnu ♦x. Ad" 1, by Lhe Assmnbly June 2.3. 1891. Pre.id -11 u17 b. Asseu, Y. Ymts-\lensrs. Ilunholzer, Costello. Elm- APPr•aved.lune'_'.onViI. tj 11aG illcCulfert •. Minen, Oppce,helm. Van lou orate A. .Bntrn, \Iuyor- Slyke. PI r. Pro idea+-fi. Nays -0. .lune W. Attest: Trios. A. PnE.'nexc.tsx. City Ck•rk' App-dJun, •25. 1801. Bd F No. 101-Ordinn rico Nu. 1517- Ali r dine rice ell gi air vhu n of Vxr llykc utreet to Vari Uyke �ven'rme The Cumrnmi C'uu nt•II of the CILy uP St. Pan Section ll.0 Thatthetune of Van Dvkc Ixrt lelt d thesnl� moIs hereby' clato,eduid to Vau Dyke _. This rdlnunee -h.Il Lake effect ad d be In R01force from and after its puss'uge. Passed by the Board of Aldermen ,lune I6. . Yens-Ald. Bielenbcrg, Butt. Cunlev, Cupe- lund. Dobler, llorolden. Gehnn, Melody, San burn. Sulldvun, ilI r. I'residcn t-11. Nays -0. President of the Bon d uCf AI(Ciermeu. pulsed by the AssenWiv .lune M. ISO(. Yens-Mssrs. Bnnhulzer, Co,[ellu. Elm - q ist, McCaffelf)% hlinma. Oppenheim. Von Slyke. Mr. President -8. Nuys 0. President of he A-sitmbl'y. Approved June 1-1, 1891. R...b A. 9JBT.I. Mayor. Attest: THOS. A. PItE\DF:BOA6T. City Clerk. June 30. By Aid 'Resolved, hatlthe BoardNo. of Puld \Yorks nee two -V boles W be construcWd n Ouse street. tween Edgerton snoet and .lesie street. said murk to ire dune by thecicy st,Adopted by the Board of Aldermen June ,Ado Yeas-Aid. Bicleolmrg. Bot,. Coaleyy Cope- land. Dobuer. Unrnideu. Gehan. Mcludy, Sun born. Sell Ica n. Mr. President -Il. Naoste Adopted by the Assembly Juno ::1. 1891. Yeas -Messrs. Bnnholzcr. Castell,,. Flat - q ri 't. illcl;uffer[yy. 1lincn. OPDt•n bei ua. Vun Slyke. it r. Prsirlen[-8. Navy -n. Approved June 25, 1801. t Ald.9ulli von -Inc h' No. n- thur(ze, w'repor girnrle un Iivinu. l:lIse, •nu kom Qniecrstty avenue to ChIca �,•o. mil-e- kee & St. Paul Shur`( Line fso cul ll•d ). Adopted by t11e Renard 1f Aldermen June 16, 1891. Yeas -Aid. Bielenberg. Ilett. Cooley Cope- Bd F No. a5 - Res 1 • etl By the Common Council f the City of St. Paul. tbut city orders be drawn luxU,n alto c ty treasury 1, le fthe rl of i_Inbtus full- I_ ts W Ix• `lulrgeuble W the ,,Local Im pros evtmrc Fuml:" Damages oit Account f C, Ie of G nude on Ito adulpb and utbar Streets to- Fruna Ruth and -11 ...... ... ..$125.39 JlYron W. Cote ............................ 51.60 ....................... o .. ... .. 410.00 llam���es Account P Cha go f G ratlu onoA rclr and other Streets to - Y.'1'. Knvuuunglr ..... .. .. .... ..... 37.00 Damages on Accuunt of Easement n Alley Rlock 2. Seburmeler and Ev- ans' Addition, to - Charles Goenee .. ... ... . 50.00 C. Nonnemacher• Estimate No. 1. grad- IngAlley in block 3. Hill's addition.. 97.7.1, Adopted by the Board of Aldermen .lune 10. 189. Yeas -All. Bielenborg, left. Conley. Cope- land. Dobler, llornirlcn. Gehan. Meludy,San- horn, Sullivan, Mr. President -11. N.Ys-0. Adopted by the Assembly June 23. 1P 1, Ycas-Dleesrs. Banhulzer. Costello. Elm - ((77 dst, JleCuffertY, Dllueu, Oppeahelm. Van sJlvke. Mr. President -8. -0. Approved Approved June 25. 1891. OF THE'CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 153 of Id Ilirlcnlx•rg. Bot t, (orae)'. (+)Ix•- Ivr. I IuriAdon. Gchan. Melndr.vnnl- an. >lr. President -II. Rnliholzer. Costello. F.Im- �sfierty, \Iinru• UPix•u Lei m. \'nu xl Jum _, Br Ald.lSanborn-Bd F No. .,- Resoved. That the Board of Public Works be and it is hereby uuthorizerl to n oke coni traets for the hire of Iivery for the I " I said Board iii the perfurmauce of its +mr it,I I tis between rtes date ad nthe Sunt day of Decernber.:\ 11. 1891, to -, a aunt not t.- ced{nR taco hundred do llat n� (•Air )tedby the Ruard or A]dermen.Iaue 16. 891. }-ens-Aid. Ric lt•ubcrg. Bort. C'onlcv. ('ole_ land. D,Sutli Nil. Gehnn. \Ie1m1Y. snrmern, caaurrl+�. Mr. Proiaent-n. \ria -0. Ad��ph•d be the Ass Ildv Jeno 3't. Alrl. Yeats -Messrs. Banholze . Costelli nro. El qm- vist. McC.ffcriv. Alineu. ODpenhc, van 91 •ke. Jtr. Pn•sfilc I -8. pprocct Ba-Ald. Pooley-Hli Not)]. Resolved. it, Carl Neuh au,er he lanrl he 1herc•bv • alloyed 1 s au rb•rpre ter fur the Innicilin lrtCou rt.and that he stout reed rc as mpe vol. Ino for his sercicos us su(•I, inter_ preter�+I he s+f toren, c-Ilvdollars r Doth: and tun City e (omiitrollcr s1,u I1 leVhuct• the naniv of said interpreter uo the Dep roll with the. rite ,,nice r+, Adoplcd hpthe Board of A ldt•rmrn. .lune 16. 1801. Yens-Ald. Blelenlx•rg. Bolt. Conlcy. l'op(•- Iind, Dubm•r. Burn Iden. Gehnn. Ilelndy. Sanborn. Sol[] ru ln. Mr. 1 -IlIent-11. Nuys -l. Adoptotl by the Ass= bly .lone 23. 1891. Y, ns-Messrs. Bnnhulzer. Custellu, Elm - i t, �McCa ffa•rt)-. Mlnen. Oppenheim. Van M— Mr. Presi1ent-8. n'., ­().Approved .Inae'=i. 1801. fly Abd. B1,1 (erg-Bd F No. I1l- It if hereby ordered by the Common Council othe J' of St. Poul: Tl+ut thWoe matter of grading an niley it block fuer llv, trvet a h Di,urirxll uddition� bet woes Fuller street and Aumnt , rues from Diu,it, It to Went. street. as Ix'-rtpetl- III" hereto nttuched. be id aha :u c is 1,1 re byrolgI faz vd tri, the Board of Pu bl lc Wo ruts W Incest and report: First -Is this improrc•meuL propernal net- t S(ri,n I -Give the Council iu estimate of tae e.1xmse the n•of, and stats Io thv, ane- hnlf „f tbo cost thereof Is to bepaid into the cite treasury lx•fore tum contract is let. an, to ,aid hoin-Con rent lett nIt bene Hted til for n�nroaeemen c•.Pet �,tuat f s, ncurr is d Isesanec- s 'r to Is, Incurred improve", +•Fo rt lr-Is .'uclr imPr vu eat asked for upon III, pvtdtlon or t licatiohe own- uf I, nlo'Ity ftt�Pm n of tproperty to be as- ." iter such ImGruvc •ntr `t•Piftb-Send the Council n plan orprofile, of ,aid imlirnvenlent.,lx renuire(1 by ]ab', If you r' -port in favor of the -same. Sixth -Send the Council it proper order 11- ie I. tine wort: to be Hole. Ade ,ted by the Board of Aldermen. .lone its yea, -AIA. Rit•lenbc rg. Bo Lt, Conley. Dob SulltM .n, Adent lleludl'. Sanborn. ivan. )I r. Preside nt-]0. Na vsJl. A di+ptt•d by the Assem dy June 23. ls'91. aobolzer. 1't•ns-llcssr+. BCostello. Elm- Sist. )h•(nlf,'rt p, )Brien, Oppenlledm. Van lvke. Mr. I'rv,I(ent-S. Nuvs-{l. AUproced .lune':''. laol. Rd. F. No. IV— Ilsula'ed. By Lhe a'om molt Council of the Citi" of St. 1'nul. that city orders be drown I,Pun the t'ity'Prclist, in fll_r of thefol- uaving persons bar the umpunt set onnoiW to ua•ir r etivc m s. , id nano. to l + cl,urRa�n bli• to "Tl�o 7.ocn1 I[n Proaroment Fund:' \V. V. Doherty. Est'mate Nu. 8, Phalen ('reek coney st 'e ,,.00; .Toho Anderson. dumnges. •bange ,t Rrxde Un ffofn. ,tree[. 'i W..'✓1: Oalr nnA BumRa rd ler. Estinmte \o. Il and final. grading Jenks at root. Ct.(X20.84: I'. 1 ober't )" Fsrlmute Nu." saPvI urntt rY o Nu. rid mol, r. Murgnre. t. rt.rc1 ill. \\'illinnt RodRcr CC Co.. itis G. W. J]errill. fr'IfM1: l+- C. Sha rp,he Adontcd by tRun r(1 of Aldermen .lune III. 1X!11 Yeas-Altd. Ilieleulx•rg. Ruth l'unley. Dob- Doeniden. Gehnn. Mel:uly. Sunburn. tiullia-u n. Ji r. i'rsiden[.-10. A d; (. A by the :l Ihol- . .Conte). Ih!II. }'r•,ts-\lessrs. Runl+ul zer. (ostcllu.F.-m- itllst. Met'utf(•rty. Mine., Oppenheim. Van Sivke• Mr. 1'resn eat --S. Say, -o. Approved Jane'_'. 1891. Lao PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Hd F Iia. 117- lot 1'unr 4) of block forty-four l+f, of Kitt - In the mal ter of ibe re Port ul' the Itou r,I ur I sr url(li tion to St. Poul. lying northwust- 1'I blit Works•,h,te(].f ,Die 11th. ISui. c,�lyvofn 11 nc drown from the nurthuusk'rly It i. hereby ordered hr 111,• Common I Let c( ace uf.ul11 lot ton puin,t on tine westerly Tro f the t'itr of St. foul: s'de ofsuid lot, twenty -H re feet southerly of hat the 23uu rd of 1'u blit Acork, of .,id the mrrtbwemly c nee ut said Int be, nod ('ity of St. l'uulcau'e t Ile fDllo\villg innprvDr the sa one in re furred to the Hoard of Public meat in br made. tu-w, I /'ou vt rnel n fun r- leorkv to iu vesttgat.t• wed report. LC ut woudca-sidev�alk ILL. IJ:e east .fide rd nFirvl-t, ulln �i tnpro"ri t prvgx•r amt 'Ortont Ntrvvt. brtwern N-1, iii -et :Int •.vv„'e, )loon t A iry-vt Pee I. ill n,id rife. �(ruod --bice the l'DunciI a �nlimnte of That .aid Huard vlaul pruc,-e,l w-itouul the �alx•nne there' f.I; nbuel,wbriber one - "e', to oases" toe umou„t. Ila urn rlv o. they Im II' of the eovt thereof is to Ix• Duld into the ran ,n. crtutl, the name. which w,i11 lie r - eily treunu rr br•fDrc the e,m inu•I in Irl. yuired to pay the cunt nod ,1 - 'I`lilyd-('u„ real a+rule lu be „'ne-ed far peu.es of such m praveun•ut npunvthe nvu v,id un procrnu•nt III- found I-i'litted to the estutc to Im he m•tlted by ,,id 'mpro vemeal. e.v to l,t of damage. ,-o. t, „ Id ea,x•ttx•' mi- na provided by low: it IX•Ing floe upini,m of ( Hcy to be loco recd thereby:, the ('Dual ll that vF'o, C I teal enuue ID oe o..r -n,-d ,I 111-1. noel' imprDrcme,It untied for fur such im )roccmeot •, „ hr fu, d t •, •rel •, )n toe 1 l.1 hI N ,r f, t I e"I petit Ion or up le prolte of o uwn- ID Iola e.\tell( of tl,e l• Int •l l,d (•\pr,lne. ( ul' ,r I„Il Jr el•ily of t�,l•. ,11•ulx•ri )'to !x• un- necessal•, b III incnrrrd lht�yyc oy. Sod for'uch impmermentr Adoplcd by toe Ruarrl of.\lrlero,r•o.I„m lf. vr•F.if111-Sca.l the eoum•Ilaphun ur pn)Hle of 1,91. aid ingrrocrnu•ut. rev required by ILL W. if yon Yeas -:\Id. Meleolxug. But t. Cullley.l'ope- c,)url ill lLrDr of roe''rtne. Inud.: Uubnrr. lhrruidon. heluu,. Motu dy nth -Scud for l'unnclln I Iterorderdt- SnnbDro. Sullivan. Mr. 1're.i rte„ t--71. ,-etiag toe \rorl: to hr dune. \nc.. ' Adopted by the Rau rd ul' :\Idr•rnX•n .lune Adiepted by toe Av'ennlrly .1 1- ^_:t. IN,I.� In. Inln. Penn -Mennen. ISunhDlrer. 1'uvtello. KILL,- I 1-cn.- Aid. Hie bo,ln�rg. Roti, ('Dnh•y. ,i,i't. Mc('alrerl\•. )lioe,,. (Ipp,•„b,•Inn. Van� !1 1.Do(mer. l)Drldden.Geou n. Mchoiy.&u,- ,;list. Mr. i're.irleni S. Duro. S\ Rivas. Mr. 1'revid(ou--li. Approved .lune 7.i, Is91. \dhpted by the Annenlbly.l 23. hell. - {'et Menace. Itw,f)oI-e. t'untcllo. Elm- ��Ii.t, y1cC,r 11'e rt \', yilnen, ()pIN•nhein,, Van Ivke. yir. 1're'1llent-n. lid F' No. Ila- S,Iy..-It In[hemntter of ih,•re wrl rel' ua unci rd or .\Vprnced .Inns '!zl. In!II. Public Work, dated.nm• 11, Ino(. It iv hereby ordered by Ibe Connnuu Con Lei _ f rhe l'itr ul'S4. I'uul: - Tl,ut the ]I. -A of ['obit,- \corky DI' laid Iiv :\Id. S,lllirnll--till F No. L'hi. C1 — of S1. I'„n, I,-nnne t I,,. fu l IDwI I lmpr„\'e- Iii oereIy1'!Irrr(Iby l be CD,n mon Cuuncll •ret to I"mudc.l I -\ti l: f: rn de A (ley i n block ,f f or('li p of St. 1'nul: ele\ ,Ili. J,ew�i.: S((uod additiuo t„ .1. Th Ill tor• I,ntIve (f constructing u sewer I • I ll it said city. n 1)ucluu , •. from Luunr ovenuco 7'o rt maid fico rd ,-uuse Haid \ruck to In• lel l ale ve lin red a and on Clevehtud uye- by f t;o 1.rt. nn provided l(v law'. wit bout Doe- , ,-. fru', Ihlytuo 111'enul- to \iorsball uvc- I,itlf toe estimated ,-osl bl•i lig Ii rvf paid 'nt I. ,Ice, 1) and to .runne is hereby referred to I he City Trrusu ry. and „ftrr.wili wort, 'ball. 1111• HILL” ,.f Pu bl it \cork' to invcstigute hr• pl ill:ZI(ler co,trar•I, .aid Board .Dull onrl report. proceed wi thuul drbgy to annr.vv the nuunuil. ! F'i rvt--h ihiv im pruvenault proper Lund •uric Ihey ,-on a certain toe vwm'. oerevvu rv:• \receuv r\fill be req ui red Ito p,ty Ihr rural ,aid nal--C:icr the ('un aril nn estimate of .) e.'peoven o vucl, npruvetm•ol tor�ralI) ve thereof. wad mute her D upon toe real enhue to be lx•nrli ted by Haid Iallf ul'toe coot thereof in IPI be paid into the tproven,eni. nn pruvide,l by h,w: it befog city tr,-nna ry lx•1'Dre toe r�utnu•1 l.n lel. tl,o upllniDn lef the CDum•il tl,int real enuue tu' 'I`lii rd -I renal rsinte to br uvr•..ed for be u.' • 'ell fur noel' itnpruren,ent e o be void in,provemem ill. found lN•ne HtcdvtD the fou mlvbenefited to the r'1tl•,11 of the eo.vt lied ,•\-I,-,11 ,)f)hLn.nge” cant' and -lib Ilnr•s'o-s- •xpenw•n mecennury to be iocurred thereby'. nu,;v to rt o,- loon reed thereby, Adopted by the Ruurd of Aldermen lour[ .Fuoo-In nuc(, innpruren,eut asked for Inpi. o pun toe pel i I ioll or apptirLrtl on Df it,,, own - Pru. -Aid. Itirlon berg. Hun('mule e. ('ulx•- rIv ul'„ mnjurite of too to .,ty to IN, un- Iwnd.Hubner.[)Drllid,-o, (1;1, It a. ,liel,i,ly.ti,,1- v(vv •d fur .Ile11 inlprovcmr•n1r Dorn. Sollivau. Dlr, I'rcvidr•,Ii-II. Fifth -.cod toe l'u\n„il ,n noon roti le Says -L ol'va in iugnv\'ena•nl. nn rrquirrd by lu"' if AdoptedIby the Ansem illy ,lune Wit. Incl. 1 , -un rrpoet In favor or the nlllne. [-ens-)Ie.nnrv. Hao ooln•r. ('ovlello. F:Ini- Si.vlh-Seod the eu, m'il ,r pro,x�r order ,) oint.)It•l'ux:l fferty. )I inea. Opil\" oelnl. a„l(it.,-till t l,c work to be dam•. Slyke. )f r. 1'renid,-I,t-n, :\dupt,-d by toe Hoard of .\Idermeo,lune fIf. Inn(. ApprDyl.ed .Ism•_:,. Inn[. 1 -\Id. Hieleobe.g, Hott. Conley. Col- Soon- By ol - Inml. I)ub,I,-r. Imra iris n. hehn,I. \fl. Indy. Soon- _ - � Duro. S,1lli vol,. \I r. I'renidr•nl-II. \syn --Il, Ry .\Id. C'ul, le�-ISd F \o. ISS- \dirpterl l(v tor• Ian .,I blr .I one :'i. 1'111. It. in oen•b3 ordered by. toe l'un, n,uo Cuu mill c-e,n.--. ylr.vvrn. Itnnoolze i. ('ontrllD. F.Im- ,If 4beCilyDfSb Pilot: 1u i.vt. Mcl'a fferl v. ylioeI,. Op,lenli” to VILL. Tout the mutteruf widen „,Siad, vt reel Slyke. ylr. 1'revi,lea i n. hutw'een Hruudway street un it l'il,e retrem, by \syn -a. tundemni ngnnd taking all uIn1 portion if Approced.lune',ti. IKt,, OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAIL FOR 1891. 165 Ry :A Id- Hoti-HIt F No I'.IT- It i, hereby ordered by the C'ommDa ('ouneil of till. City of SI. Paul: •L'hat till. matter ulgradi„g aIle'- in block f lionize rs' ,cur gc ,elLt. ,aid blor6 eiulntoIn i, of Ur„kd.'narrangement. haul of )teLeall's reserratirrn to %t. haul. ix•ir 1111 tl.'a me is hereby referred to the 13uo urd c \c of Publiork.. I, in\enticllte and FIrNt-In this impo rv,•Iarllt proper uml u•r7 s, to the t'um,ril n •vtinuue 'r t he ec )r n'c toerroI and 'tale nwbeuler une- oalfvont thereof i. to be pui(1 into Ill,circ vranure Ix4orr t he coot Pact is let. Cbirup-C„i, real l-noue lI lx•ut,11 ill 1'Dr said In,prDvru,e l,I ltc fun red bencHi'vi to tor• -lent of Ilan, , ,-ost"toll e�,x•ascs oe,-en- .ary to be. incurred thereby? Fourt b -In .ucl, innprDve,m•m inked for n pun the petition nr applirntion ul' the own - ,i o. urorit\- of ibe prulx•rI, III be an- ne'ieFift f.nb Im prnrrmrut: orw-k•mt n,e CDuaril «„Ian :it nr(IHIe If \ lilt, repirrt I,. lfavo. (If for 'ano.. b}' law, i l' Sistll-Sem( ibe ('o„a,-il n ,Irolx•r order rli recti l,g I oe \rDrl: to Ire done. \dDpted by i be [Sou rd of :\Idertoetl .I nm• Ili. INili 1- •on -:\Id. I3ie Dorn rf�.•. 13ut t. ('Daley, ('Dix•- Innd, Ix,lrm•r. horn i. Pr helms. Melody. Sanborn. Snlli \',n n. NIL. I'rv'ide,nl-11. \dopted by the :\neem illy .tool. Sl. In01. Yea.v-Mcn.r'. tin nholze r. Cunn•Ilo. iLst. )lccufrert yllnea. Uplmuhei rel, Cnu ,•kn. yn. rre.bfi,-at—n. Sayre -o. Appr D, -d .I on, _i. I11I1. half ILI the cu.lthereof is to be paid iota the ri l r t re:rn„ry be fore t he root raet I. let. I`bird-Cu„ real estate to lie twat+'ed for stud ou inrp r, veellt It 1'od benefited to the esle:n (It rim amagre”. costs it, Ili cs pensee nvt- c to be tocurred the rr by? , ( `Fo'ii rt li-Is .orb improvement , .Iced for opo„ toe petition or„ )pheattoo of the own- ersofa o\a, t, of tile. property to be n. - v vl for vu, -1, in,provcmel,t? sr F'i I'ih-S.•ml toe ('uu mill a plx„ or profill-of lid inn proceno•o t. on re I fired by I,tw. if you ti! II ill I';Irur of t It me. with-S,-od tor• ('oum•il a proper urrlrr di reefing for work to be duos. Adopted by the Bot,rdof Ald-nien,Iunc Ili. In!Il. 111. Rte lenlx•rg. Hutt. C'on lev, Co )B- lood. Iluoner. 1), [idea. hehan. \lela,y gaol"o.n. Sollivon. Mr. lo, Id, 't -H. \ diept,-d by III,, ,\ s.em illy J 1I nc ":1. Id!11. l"ens-)Ie. I" 13 illbea. r. Costello. Van 1luint. MrCutyell r. )linen. Op,xalbei rel. F,m slyke. )1 r. 1'reviilcut-n. Snvn-o. %pp. o"d .lune °.S. ISM III Aid. Nuhn•.-Hd F No. 1:0- I I. I :0-reI ordered by the Com it 11 Cu,nncii f i ,L. I "" o f 8t. l§w, : Thal toe „iter of grudmg \'w1 13ureo v heel. ('rum Wheeler street to Fairview Love- and nue. be. and ibe me i' orrrlry rete rrl-d tD for hoard Dl' I'ubli,- {corks tD ia\e.tignte report: u Yiest-Ls thio in,prov(•nnrut pruperand neo- 'tl .r�1I—Ghe ole t 61 1, entinmte of ep. cibrreuf. IUD( state I, bet bol- r - 133 .All. Holt-Hd F' Nu. 1^v - It In hereby ordered b\' Ihr• l'oniloo,l Con a,-il f ibe ['fits of Su1,14 Iholl: That I Irnnuticr of eonretrue[ ing I ewer on, MILI'9Uevt ni le,11. f1'on, Arrack lfeet ill Men- Ilout'cerci. br, and the 'In n1'. • v 1L"'. toy. re- f -red - fcrred It Ihr Hourrl 1 Public I\\-ork' to in- restigntcnnd report: First -In tl,iv Inn,troveme111 proper :and 'tees'' rvr Srum,do-e ice I,.,-Cou mitt n •.tinm tr of e.vp file •nnthcrcol, 11l,rl nurb whether oar_ Ry Aid. IAlb urr-H(I F' No. 1:11.- 11 is hernc� ordered by the I Lo noI,1 Council f the fy -Cont I he '11,1 ter of pond 11g a gonoline lump lot I Ili ,-order of Albert tool HI„ I r retreel.'. hr• ILL" u1e sol le hereby n•frD•re(I ILL the Ilunrd ul' I'„Ilelic' \corks to luvcsligute and rc�`urtt hiv impro-nient proper hall ntn- Iry? r ,If su .eml the l'Duucil a proper order' Ili- Ieclillg toe work to lx• dam•. bolt' Ili Iocet,I loereuf in to be paid into the city 'I`I,i i rd-Ca-l'a i, rt, In•fure toe coal rt, rt to let. relll •'tote to be uvn,-. yell for red !,III cr mein[ be fuunJ Ixmrlitell to the lyte„I Ry Aid. SfelaJ - Rd F' \o. I1F- ) It is hereby ordered by the Cumnloll Coum•il I ref dLLnmgen. ( I, oml "pen-, n ' r ur\- tD br it •u • •vd toerel>.v? 'r `Fuji of tilt ('ily of St. Paul: rid -Iv fine[. in,provenne,It nsl:ed far That the mutter of n pluck c rallc o es.l'ngr• upon the petiliooDr:l))lpbcatiunof�ocuwn- nmuh It,ibc rt ,l reel corm•. of lN�' „ 1 thennme in hereby referred to the Ruurd'hurl, cry of a nn:,.lority of t11e properly iD be os- 'mprovemenl! ul''Public\cork. to inye.tigutr• unll report: Fi f111 -Send the Council it pot' or profile Is thin lt,, yr, 'Lent proper aofl m•eesnur -:• of',lid impruvennen t. II' requited by of w, if If so. .' ( the ('D1lncll n pro,x•r unser cl'i- yon report in ih \-or of one sa ane. c •ling the work to hr dam•. r A(I sed by toe Rourd of AIdel ml- o..I I. ' Si\111--.cud the C!ouneil a pro,x•r order Ili - � rr,-til,g I or work tD hr do m•. Ili, "It Adoloed by till- Ruurd of Aldrrmrn.lnm• Yet -Aid. ttielenix-rg. Hutt.l'unlry. CDlx•-Illi. lural, D.0oter. Do ole, heban,. dy. Inv(. 1”can-:\Id.Ril-lenberg.HutLCooley. l'Dlx•- Sunborn.Sulli—L, Mr. I r(•.ide,11 If. laod, Iliebm•r.I/urnidetl.(',han,)lellody, Sit - \nyn-n. \dilpted by toe Anvembly ,lnm•:'.:t. In!II. horn, Su llivu n. )i r. 1're.ide,lt-11. \syn -n. liens-Mev.rn. lh,uholzrr. ILsir•Ih I. F.I III- \duptrd I>.c the Annem illy ,lune :,C1. E 11 i.1 M,-l'n frr•rf r. t n• Uplx•abei m. \'nn . }-en.--Menvrv. Ifs n,bolu:r. ('Dnitelu. F.Im- -s. . I ayI'renidel,t-n. Sppeo, . l-1 Ilnl, M,-11, 11',- rt c, )Iloe,t, ()p,xm ori m. \'an Slay�ke. >I r. Prrviilrnt-n. A ppruve(I Jit ne :'..-I. 18111. .\„yn-D. — .\pjrrucrd .fum•`ni. Ivlq. 133 .All. Holt-Hd F' Nu. 1^v - It In hereby ordered b\' Ihr• l'oniloo,l Con a,-il f ibe ['fits of Su1,14 Iholl: That I Irnnuticr of eonretrue[ ing I ewer on, MILI'9Uevt ni le,11. f1'on, Arrack lfeet ill Men- Ilout'cerci. br, and the 'In n1'. • v 1L"'. toy. re- f -red - fcrred It Ihr Hourrl 1 Public I\\-ork' to in- restigntcnnd report: First -In tl,iv Inn,troveme111 proper :and 'tees'' rvr Srum,do-e ice I,.,-Cou mitt n •.tinm tr of e.vp file •nnthcrcol, 11l,rl nurb whether oar_ Ry Aid. IAlb urr-H(I F' No. 1:11.- 11 is hernc� ordered by the I Lo noI,1 Council f the fy -Cont I he '11,1 ter of pond 11g a gonoline lump lot I Ili ,-order of Albert tool HI„ I r retreel.'. hr• ILL" u1e sol le hereby n•frD•re(I ILL the Ilunrd ul' I'„Ilelic' \corks to luvcsligute and rc�`urtt hiv impro-nient proper hall ntn- Iry? r ,If su .eml the l'Duucil a proper order' Ili- Ieclillg toe work to lx• dam•. 156 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COII-\'f`II. Adopted by tilt• hoard or :V drrmru .luno ud-Glee -the Cou-il n •stimnte o 16. 1Fol. the r- lenst• 111creof. Ind stn be whetlie r oiler ]'elv-A Id. Bielenln•rir. Bot I. i'oldiy'. ('o1-- Imll' til" t be e"' t then•uf is fu trc nuld iatu for Inud.Dobuer. l)oroidro. Geha11. >lelnd r, Su o- cite uvnntlry'1-fare the caul rust Diet. born. Sulli-e. >Ir. President -I1. 1`lom-Cu11 real•.state to LS, a. esSed for N uy,�l. ,aid lulprocement Ix• fouo I benefited to the Aanntrdbyum.\ea•n,hly'd1,m•23,Inp1. eaenfardtltmtgen.cnntnumiespe,lnimm�•es- Vea,-Menne,. Ibulbolie r. l'o,tello. halm- ui 'y to Ix• im•u rnvl tl,r,'uhyi �1Milt. )1rCufferty. \II t1o•n. Opin•1lrei nt. \'all I Fou yob -In .'ucll (mnn,vemullt inked for Slvke, Mr. P,I.Sh11•,I t -n, upon for veli tion or upplicutlon ortheown- $ays-9, ern ofn. 0 riq'of the Prnp•ry' to be ¢,- Approved•d fur with impruremrut:• "FIfG1 Send the Cou pelf u pine r profile of nu id imI ementanre11nlrud bylaw, if ,'port l,1 ruvur the name. Bp AId. Bobmo'-Bd F' No. l:r_- 1i.vt 11 -vend the l'ololrll n properoed,rdi- It in hereby ordered by ter Cond000 Coll o,il Ireti111r tbu work to Ix• dour. 1 P the t'Ity 'It St. Pa111: Adopted by the Board of Aldermen .Inue Matiro matter of ,Inrill;;nCil solim• It, Ili. Iw11. n tI.,• cant ni le of �'rm well :, bull -:\Id. IBrlrnin•r/,'. Root. t'onliy'. ('np•- vuy Ix•tween II,- yr rnitr`v m.... 1rrl- vi,�i, 1. Bcbner. born ides. Gehan. Melndy. lorinl rand. lx• and tbo , rr1 i�, al,n•rehy, r _ born. Sullivan. Br. Preideot-II. ferred Ur the Board of 1'11,1,11• \1 "arks to i; N:ly's-n, esGi,•ub• and report: \dopted by the :\.svolhlp .11011• �1. I+•tll. cls t111s onprovrment proper and o11_ 1't•n,-yla•snrs. Ihonbo].: C-telh, Elm- ' l". 3II-catTerta-. \Koro. Opin•nhelm, Viol �llvke. Mr. 1'reido•nt-n. rir`,a ,e ml u1i cottm•u ,l ill ;1x•1 brace di_'' N,1ys�. r Aop c •Gag tethde Ik wu tll• don :\ or ppr a .1 t. _.r. 1,111. dby tua ord of all lu ar rnmu .ne 16. 1Na1. - Lens --Abd. I3ielrnl n•rt,•. Bo, t. Cooler. Coix•- land,I;o,•r.11orl lidro.Gellvo. Mrluily. Sn11- Itr :\Id. Ito„-BdF'No.IJtI- burn, Su11ia-nn. Mr. I'rrsidrllt--I1. 1fe,ola-ed. That the )blit of PuIAe'., b - Nays -11. liri,ion rf lot .t of hl,x•k of Suint Pau, \d„ptetl by the :\„r,n bey .Talo•'_". t. Ism. Norlb opt luta. n. n�>proretl by the Plut Com- Vens-\Iinvrs. Banholie r. i'ostello. F;In1- n orb n ended Liv for City Sint. )Ir(. utTirty. yiiorn. Ilpp"'dwit11. \ no I Fo,gi nrcer" Ix• and tha�m , the iv e, Mr. I'rridrm-n, ivented by 11r Common Colo nci 1, o f the YCi`ty Nay, -JI. of St. i'onl. Approved .fora•'::.. Is911. .\oo .tea by the Board of Aldermen .Ione. 11i. Io,I. Vru,-AId. liivlell bre//.. Bot t. l'o,11e}} t'nl{rrto• to lid, uobner. Borl,iden. Gehan. Mrlady. By Ald. 1)uboce--Iia F Nu. I:CH 16orn. Sul lieu n, b[r. Prrident-11. It is llrn•bp ordered lea- the 1lom moo t'on11-i V1Na)',-J1. •11 of the City of St. Pool: \dopted by rile A,sembly.luar 23. 1891. Tl t, II r matter of 1 bori ill; n g „ li, 1'1•u-Me,nrs. Bnnbol�er. Conrlello. Elm ,i nr�ot[ the with Cn of the a •nL fu,�l< lir ,1 oist.,yly('I (fent Y. yllm ,. lIpWnheim. Van -it11 l'arter a t•vot •. be. and hlrkl•. \li. 1'r[nident-c, , I.hexame`inhereby referred t o the ifoard of N,1c,-, Public R'orks Uri u,tii,'lotio of remrrt: - :\unr ,a ed .tone..i. I,nl. Is Oil, nlmroa�emunt Dru{x•r Ind oa,- it s 1 and the. Cuu aril a prulx•r order d1- T e •tlnl; tit, -work tar tx• rlooe. It ,\ id. Colx•In m1- Rd F' No. draw,, Adopted by obi Bonne of Alderme11 .11o1e oi,' Ituso n'ea. '1.11¢2 ao, "I be ditwn o tl,e IPaI, 1'iLY 1'et•aso err i,1 [tit yob' of U,r l it F.ngi tier. Ve, -Abd. Itieleol •r4'. Bot1-l'olcer, 1'01 ._ for the Blom �f ,1L10ri f r Lhe. 1111 Ixrs of a rid "D,,boer. 7)orlxldeo, l:ehn n- \h•l ......" ,tl't-ot food fur tla�l'It`� F:o,l.err', Ie - ,bo S1111i yot n. Mr. Pn �idrm-II. I I'Imrot. tr,eJ', Irl • out', f tl1 •ger ar1t1 fond. :u\ar--0. �:\dopted Ire the Boa rd of 911ermeo .loge Ydnph• r Lhe Anw•m blc Y-ran-Mliffer ,Millelra: r. penh,lo.1"e1t,--AId.IiielenM•rjr.Bott.Co1Grv.Cupe- Iti. t. MC. lrer't a t -s. . flplx•1lbei ill. \'1111 In ml. Bohn • ilornldr,l. Gebn,1. \ieladv. I ke.M I'residem-,. S,tnbor�. Sotllinoll, \fr.', i'reirlenf Nuys -n. Nur.-n. Annroved.)a¢e 25.I,ul, ndtlpa•ahYnlrn„emhlr.I¢Ie•_-.t.u:nl. \-ens-\Irssrs. Bnnllnl u•r. Costello. Elm- .___ vl nlisp MrCn Re rt r, Ili pea. GPIn•n bei rte. Vnn 'ke. D[r. Pr1•nide111-,. By Ald. Co111r}'-Bd F' No. I:tJ. itis hereUv orae red be the Cum moll Count -11 f the t'i�v cf vt. 1'oiu l: That the•mnt0.'r of pluciug u xru nice curb infront of lut.s:i. 4.5 and 6, block,. Napkins' ad and 'epail-hor ,ill, walk 111 front of vti 1 l nio t a: ural lu a.v--i ill: n sieh .tum• side - killfrontof utlllotn:111J ,col :r. In• end the sumo o I referred lu the Ilan rd of oblit. \Yorks is 1impr it;ntr told report: First -711 this imprayrnu•nt ).upon• and netrseury'r :\ utero red .Mor ^_. i. INn I. By AId. Bie len berg-I3d V No. 142- R-olved. That tregrade oftrealley from V.-hirtorl nacau• Io Gaultier vt rect. bc- twien Ellen el eel nml CLurles street, n, In- dicated by the red ;; rude 1111e un elle , - pnnSl ,r; profile, rid nn recum minded by the troy I?ugineer, lx• and the some Is hereby adopted Its the estubllshed grade. OF THE CITY OF SA Adopted by the Bun rd of :\Idernu•u.1 a ur ]c, 1891. Venn -Abd. Blrlenlxo•I:. ISott. t'onley. t'o{n•_ bund. Dobner. Durnbdeo. Gelid o, ylelad r. Snt1- barn. Sulli rn n, \I r. I'renidenf-ll. \aya U. Ydupti•d by for :\n,t•mbly .Ione Sl. I,ol. nlst.nYltl'uliertyIinen l)nln �u b,ilnt. FVal. , ke. Mr. Prr,idrnt-, N., -J. A pprored .I o oe S,, IS91. B' AId, Cul-land-Bd h' Nu. IJ:f- Rr-Pred. That the Board of Public Welk, •uuw ore fullowirlir ntreel, In eprinklillti Ui.triel No. 2 to Ix• sprinkled darnel. the -a- 'oilof lelnl. nubJecl to nrlr order arldrb the Common Cou null. from elute to time. by- re. - Iatiun of paid body. tnuy t hrak, . dinyantu111- logsald spri t1k 11 o>,• m .cy,[ecce, or more, of s for ,orb ilroe us ,old Common Coullncilcil ,bull determine: Paynr,trrmu•, prom ca,r ,tree, to ar11k, tenet. \dopted I�r t hr Itou rvl of :\ Ide rnlen.l uoe 16. ISM. lenix'ri;Boot. Cooley t'op1._ lural. I)oboe r. o l Ib: . Geha o, ylrloay. .born. Bulli ynll, 31'.. P,­Ideol-ll. Adopted by" Ili,- of it mhly .I c tie 't. i,al. Y"eon-Messrs. Bnllholrrr, l'o -1-i. F:Im- 5Int. yleCJtlTe rt a'. Mi,1rn. Gym•nlri til. \"101 1ykc. 11 r. Presirleot Vnrorer Br Aid. Suol ru--Ili[ F Nu. 144 - It Is hereby Urdu red by the l'om mon t'ou cell ,f Lite ClI lir St. Poul: Tl at forat. t tterof consti-lV inF and n talnl riff u illy -foot wooden idi walk• fi,Kelher wit 1, tllc neccs.s,t 'y t walks. un the [rest sideof('Imtnwurtl, n[ree t. i' rum C lir roll., reel Lu el by y Ie• be Itlurl atbtrl lull, be oa the some is hereby- ru fi rn•II to the bon rd ` oY pu I'llI, work. to inrestigati ural .cornet. Is this imnroremeot proper oa m•r_ t `If Z ,emI ire VIolueitler di- n •tines the wok U, be Ili. prober ou Adopted by the Board or A III- o,eo .1 nor tel, xat. Ira,-Ald_Ilodxllb-o.tt. l'on1C) t'ulx•- land. I)o boor.. Uu rnldrn. Grb1e1. Zee Indy, Sanborn. enlllyuu. \li'. Pec ideut--11. Nu9s. 9. Aduptedbv[he \,.renlblc Y-eas-Jlrnsrs. leuulwlze r, t'oiellu. F a., ``1st. 11'a 1. Plicr[r, I ora. Gp1x•111o•i 111. \'u 11 lake. yl r. 1'r.•niceot--,. Nay, Approrea .111 ne '-',. ln911. By Ald. Gehan-Bd F' N r 14:1.Besul led. That nn ordm• be drama uu the City Treusuryln fal'orol'Geur�re Bei,. City 9're¢snrer, in then of 11¢3 -aid rat if tbu street and s i tG•nnnre fund,. to pn' for meet and ru r u forte for war ,t mib c(.lone. In 1 - tbu dent half of the n t t oty Erg weer the )upsell ec aude.1 to e- the City Engineer and a 1'ed uad ullutced by the Board of Public {�orks. INT PAUL. FOR 1891. 157 ii:Adopt.•d by the 11 1 of Ahl,rm a .none Will. Vea,-Alli. Biele nim t'1'. Bot[. Conley. Cnl-- b,ml. Nil Ibito •. Dorn dee. Gclon,o, y1e11idy.Snn- bS1t1IIrn11. )Ir. 1'renldrnt-11. Nuy,-n. \dopted Iry theblr .l uoe S{. ISO).l. 1{n,lrlain, clrer. 1 entello. F:Im- 11nist. \I et'n tTirt r. )linea. OPIx•,1re1 m. \'nn 81rkr. yl r. 19rnideut-,'. :\ nprorid .l a m•'Si. 1891. Gehan BTI V No. IJtr- wl. fluit 1• Bo• md 'If tb1 od ober n r• hrruby bo retei[ to 1muB fy,tlmt ce .toil 11, ul t lent reett:ns ln,r tl o,Kun'Ilu�ur .11 el �.. .from Bice street [u l:uultier ./reit: to rid Idaho tt:\Ilnoourle ,t -'t trout UlLLuke l Irmo and :.,.it ]la rluu ria 11uu.e ou �fr,nt,Lukill'ol,no`andl Pbnlru e t o,\Ilnnuapoll.s u 11d held Ke num. (rum a, provide encu to you- eupoll, nredra so on to Proridu Pur tem con- ,1uuruon of drnnty ncco•nsl,ry to protect tit, ee[s to be 1: polled under nniA eonttatrt. ntu tint n. t [o a tr •d four tbuu.+aad dollars, 111 m:11 tilt of air cfJ,,•tbc eo -ot of said eootraet- ucb nlodi 9cutlull of said coutruet. o1f\,rlopb•d by the rmn, Bon Mot AldreIuee la. ill. 1"ea s --:\1d. Miele, b.- Butt. CooleyY.9au•- land. Go1m•r, t. Mr.idea. Gelm1. \te body. Son - 1 ,oro. So lliyo o.. n. Pre idea Nuys -n. Ycirnted by G1e A-embiy.luue ::t. ISM. Trus-yless rx. Bao bolter.Costello. Elm- i,t. \Irl'ail'rrtr. Mioelo. Ul,p-the th. Van ��lyke. It r. President -S, Nur,-11. Alrnrorrd .Ivor n. IS91. P ry AId. 5111Ii yon -Ba F No. IJ.- Ite+clued, fbut. the Board of Puhlir Work, t• berrby authori led to en, rr two ,gusu- I`I`m• lama. trout I o. rrt11 id, f Summit x•t ween Soelliulr and Full , n 1u ml (lured ou corner. of Grand it-ouer 11 i f ubll id- street. 1 Ado,ted br for itoaed of Aldermeo .Inm• pV. Vr ,-Ala. Iter D-okle . t. oot. Cope" haul. Uubur r. Dunlideu. Grban. Stelnd r. ,horn. Suilirn n. Mr. l`rri tient-It. ;nN 1ov,-Jl. Ydirptcd br th,1A.-embiS.lum•'_':i. 1,!11. Yi�tl Me i,tiferty., 111mnt.`•, O ppeolu1n,. E ne ke, Mr. P1 .,b en[-,. N1tr+�. :\ I�nroava .I 11 m• ..i. In!II. By Ald. v:utbo r,t--Bd F' No. 14,1-. It is hereby ordered by the Coni -loo Cuoutril f ihr City of St. Pmol: That the rano,. of the erection and m¢in- leunnee of st:. f FIs actor a feet to rt on IuIrton riven lir, from Victoria al street re y re- n red otbeI be. and the sumo is,-, o to- ferrrd Gr tl,e Tinned of PuUlic \Yorks to In- restigute and report: 1118 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNcH - I tl I pro Iemelit proper ;old - ex ten t u f do mage.. -sn rued "Vpc:uesnec- V •c to lx• ineu sed the,eb} Y I f sI •til ire l'oun•ila proper order dl- �'t\F illi rt b -Is such impruvenleni asked for d re(i I: cLe nvn to bo dune. upon Iho {miifiuu fir It (plica tiuu of rice ud'n- :A Inpn'd by the Board fit' Alderill .lune I ors It a majority It' file property to be its - If. )sol. sensed rut• sol, - It I Iprove it t7 rens-,\Id. Ilielenbel'g. Ifni I. Col. ley.lupe-•i Fifth-S,vol ole con ori l n phut ,,'[troll le of bind. Dubuer. Uuruiden. Gehan. �Irludy. .adllnproerment.:tsre;luired by tau•, ifyon born. SI111tt ial. JI r. I'I esident II. to, in btr or of tl e.nmr. S N.1}sal Ixtl;-Send tb.. t lin-af l . til r order III- y, ed by tm :\.� milt .Iu �t, bNll •`IIII � fit'.r 1 'upe poil, to be done. t 1"r•nItanrola l'I��tello. F:In;- I Adoptelov the Rua tri of Aldermen .lune 16. 3 I\'i5L1 `rl.'nilia9 v. nen. I`o ppenbeim, Val, sit. J 'oke It.. fees -idem -t+. lens-Aid.Itielenrerg.Ilott.Clolbey.Cutx- a}:s-U la old. Ilobner. I)orniden. Gelnn. Mo.]. y.Sun- Approved.lnne "�'. 1191. bo rn. SIIIIivaIl, \I r. ['re.idel t --II. Naas -fl. o,� -ed rr the :\.sr til hiJ"l�. un•:;1. IM,n \'env-Jlessrs. llaoholger� Custellu. Elm- quill. Jle(Stfie rt}3 )linen. Oppenheim. run Ry :\Id. Riell-u be rg-13,1 }' Nu. l:al- .Ivke. �Ir. Pres] rir•It-1. Itis hereby ordered b� UIe ('um moll Coo to. it 0 \a } -.-o, of City of Sl. A Iteral: pproved .{ II Iry 25. 1191. t,uf the matter or runt,. not i lig tad I:lking :r tient is the land +Ibllttir;g on ('t,nl.-i -- rllrtl�rsfreet. from Froot .sf reel to Bnnlevurd. necessary to eon.iruel the slopes For its and fills In �grod ing s+ id. st rent, I` II}' :\ Id. Dubuer--Rd I' No I.3_ - I 1 un• sumo is �erebr referred to the Bourd II is berelo' old e rad by ole C'uuuuml Council ori,oblicll'orl:s iu in venlig:fir nod n•pIo't: tl' the ('Itr of St. I'Lool: to Fl -t --I, iii,. ilnpruvern•ol proper ;null '1'hltt ibe nmtter of eomI iningand taking tl13 usennr t iI; ibe road abutting n Kes- I C e tae C nun 1 -I t 1 t I t frolo Doolr y fit e; I• to Doswell tl t . there. I. and 'tal'. '1 t1 ! n3 to eo llsit ur�t the rio't's for hI If t tl st thereof I. t r, plod Into for I It. 1 r 11.E ; radiltg i(I street. Ue and city to n. try helole the cunt rno Is let. the ser I. berrry re frrred to the Board of 'third-l'an real e.noe to he a .e.sed fur 1'Il teller\\'oaks to investigate nod report: slug ImpruV enrent t foul 1 l t11eA to ort' F 1 I. tt,is nnprovennn proper and evb nt of dun Ir_ costs 1 pr nsrl ntr- nlry to Ix� ineu reed ire re ry'- mal -Give the coonril a estimate of 111,11 Frt l; -..Is such Inlpro; 'onr'IIt asked fof; tl n�ex n• .ethereof.undstnt" wbetheron•- II nun the l I;. I Uelitiuu fir applicntiuu of iter nwu--Imlrofit ens].fit( f is to be pill,] into the of n ma,iurit)' of the. [taupe rty' to N. a. cin' trru.0 ry before it u• emt)'art is let. sed for.surll improvennot:' 'I It. rd-('ua real e.sbte to be assessed for `t Fit '411 -Scull the Co,I n•it a plan fir prolilr I solid improvement be found hen•dt,d to Lire If sled in;procemern, nes reoul red b}- law. if' extent of datlln;n•s. costes unde.vix•oses necus- rrpurinfavoroftres:nn•. .u'J'tu lx• ineu ,red there,}.:• } Sim li-Send the ('o II nI•il n prulx•r order di- ` Fuu ri 11-1. socll Improve moll t. asked for e •ting t he work u. he duo f' n ibe petition fir applfellt ion of the own- Adupiell by ibe Rua rd fit' \Iden ole I I!.!", of :n n;uluri u'of tiro Drolx•rty to be u Ice ISJI. Ln such impp, emont: .s If([. Itieleoberg. Roll. 1'o ober. !'upe- F'il'th -Send the ('ornel l a plan fir prod le of Itn;d. Dobn•r. Oorllidell. Gehnn. .;Neta lly, sod im'n'ovenll- tit, us rrrluired by law. ifyou S:\Ihurn. Sullivan. Jar. Presill t -II. ,•puri I ten cur of the same. 0 Si xllt Send the Connell u Inopr•r order, \I pt lI II \ -1-1111113 23. lsa1. d'Ie,•t illg the uurk to lx• doge. S I JI 13t I 1 C-octello. F.Im- I \dopfed by the Bonrd of Ahb-tiorn .tune qui t. J{ cuffie`i, )Arae. Oppenheim. Y.tI If. Is II. .'Ivke. Jnr. President -1. l"ens-:\Id.Itieleuberg.Itoft.ColdrW'olx:- Nuys--9. It.od. Dobner. Doruiden. Gell. r. )leludy. A pInuved.lon•^:,.Ino. ;burn. Snllivn Inidelii-11. Sn\nvn-�I. -._ Ad�tpt -d by theI�A.sn ehly.1 tool• 2:3. 1891. ren--s-Nessrl. an hal I(". Cuarllu. Elrn- fly oni.i. JIeC:n1'e rt}-. Jlin•n. O t enhrim. van } :Aad. Dnru ide n --Rd P No. I:el- Slyke. Mr. I'restdl-nt-l. I P Itis hereby ordered by ate 1'om num cut veil Nny1-Ir. Tfate city or St. 1'11111: :A pjlrnrea .lune']'e. 191x. ho- the moue,' fir eon deumi ugnud nasi ug seasement in the loud oath ting oil F'or.te l' treet. from 1'a It on street to , lot. reef. ole d ­.Iary- fit runstruct Uu• in a•s fur cuts :nod - ' it is in gnldfllg sol i(I street. �u•.. ad the .. is hereby referred to the Boned fit' Puidw \Yorks to investfgne and report: Ry :\Id. DI;bII,•r-Rd '" F No. t ` First. Is t11is ollo..velbeni prufx•r null aer- It i1 hereby red ry the Cantmll ncouncil oft] 1. Ilyoordef Si 1'loul: St�ciani Gl re. irl- ('alt of it all elllmale of'That II a initt i.•r of conlenlnrng and ntking t 11e tense tt,ereu f.:nld still,- a heihelo - lament in the lural ubllttillg ou lieu'Itt half ot'tbe cost thereof is to he paid into tt,r + iron; Until li tie +n oo• to Griggs vitvir,ia,.ryheforeuneoniroet is lei. su.vllt.Ileeessnry to const ruclthc Nopttt�,s Jet - Third -Cauls real-estate be to assessed J,It a Its and fill., It, grading sold 'street. b(' and told improvement be found heoeflted to the the same f-srereby referred to file Board of OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1591. 159 Public works to investigate and repo) t: First -Is tills improvement Inoyeralld nee e r}, s9efoaond-Give the Couucll an •stimuto of the exile se thereof, and state whOlIrr uI t- hfol(ofLllecost tr, 17. i.s to be lniiti i I I I, the art?•ireas } lxf t•tbr coot raft let third -Can real .tato to be 1 1,11 ,aid imp, t l r found bent 11 I t Ire e�Antt [ I h •+..Iv a Id c I Ice s try to bo Incurred there!)}'' t Fourth -[s Snell Improvalneol asked fur upon tt,e petition or a 1plicntiuo of ire 1 - er.of. nla}oritp of t�n• properly to hettI�- e sed for suer improvement:• }'lith -Send the Council if plea ... profile of said improvement, it, re loired by low. if } r .port Ili favor of i be same. Sixth -Send tae Connell u proper order di - rerting I.rc work to be d(,ne. Adopted by the Board of A Idr•I'nu•o .1 toe It;. 1891. Yeti ld.Rirlenberl!...Ifo(t.Cunky.Cope- lanl. Dubuer. Dorni,lru. Gehau. Melody. Sia nburn. Sullivan. Mr. President -11. Nays -U. Bhlzei 1' op ,Iaew )t IJ' ore Aosenl .I IIfie ':'i. I 1-cav Jte..r.. anor. ;. EIIII- ,luist. MrCa Regt i. Jlinr•+I, Oppenheim. \'nII Slyke. Mr. In,o -,it . Appro,ed Junt 23. 11!11. By Aidermun llott-lid F No. I:e]-- or,c ed. That the Board of 1'n ilia R'urls •rose I l a st fl; ox, eve o tic to Ix• sprinkled 1'rulrl Rates uceu u to JW 1)1e sl reef. Adopted by tae Itoarll of A Idem,"..I toe W. I S91. Trus-Ald. Bie len be rg. Ban. Conley. Copy_ land. Dobner. Doruiden. Gelm r;. \te lady. Sn o - burn. Sullivan. Dtr. l'resi dent -.11. Nays-. Adapt b) tl A..u•m rl} .lune St. isul Yens-\Ui liollit.er. C:s"rllo. Ern 11oi t. McCafrel- . Millen. 01,1-tleiul. \un Ylvkv. Mi. P...i, ent.-S. \ups -9. Approved .lune '1'1. 1591. Bit F No. Ifs I1d F. Nu. I:ar Resoled.'I'Imt to warrant be dran to o fire. •ity, Ireasn rJ'. pa>-ablo. out of the general t'anl in fri-rof.lo it R. Fisb.orbist-i,nre , 1". thesun; of dual in kaapnuml of sr•iees odere I os ala expert wit nese on the part of Ito. airy' tit ale trhol fir fill- matter fit' ole ap- prentfo t I tl len} it rea.0 her fu JII m t III Ile 1, bur ire oprnl i t ' I;g I l i 1 f Sl It to fit reef R t -St IlSoll.)te olo' tit. aid warrant Lubtdl.livered Isupon there bring tiled Ili tile .11i", ofthe cit jl'onl pt tulle l• n Irulx•r recl-i pt. fur . ad .sum wi t h f t,e. emr•nt of t he ('urporutlun :1l Corney thervtm.l-oo. :\dopled by ibe Icon rd of:\Idernlen .lune 16, arts Ye:Is JId.I{ielealrerg.Rott.l'uldey.l'opr- I:n;d. Dohoer. Doo nk en, Gebanl. Mo. u1 s•�N;hohal. SII IIivnIl. Mr. President -11. J2 n vs -o. ")T!d by the AS- JAI- .Intie:;t. ISM. Yens-)lessrs. Banholzer. Costello. Elm- quist. 311.Cllfl-rty. )knee, pptenheim. Yat .'Ivke. JI r. I'..... Nu3 -11. :\ joinoved .1 it tie ".9. 1,1111. [ill F No.`.s It 1 I. "Prat the Sevt•It Verner, bunk of St t I the Capital bunk f St. Poul -and O 1 t bank of St. Poul he. and they for. I r•re bV' deits signated blinks in vlllcll the C It} 1`rulteurcl of the city of St. Paul. shall detrosit money IeeefVed by him as such City '1'r•nvulel. b'c.0 veli. further. Thal lxdureuuy moneys tedeposited under this resolution each of (he sold banks she n deposit with sort, I-- tier a rural pay�ablo to solid o]ty to St. Pa.]. rl signed by tut less than live ITeohulhist, derl r Ire city fit St. Pool, o rreties, w o bund, sI.iill Ix• i 1 the m of al f d1IN1.IM111 1 sl.' II be I tt 1 ned v Chu CommC on uunell. Adopter 1,3 ll a lioord of Aldermen .Aloe II 119;. 1 --.\Id. Rte lenlx•I g. Rut t. Conley. cope hold. Dubuer. Dornide n.Gelm n. )ictally. Saihiv orlt. Sullivan. Mr. Presie dnt--Ll. N uiI, \I Ill •III it \ el-oblv.tune �f. Ikll. yrir-IlesIlifol Nef. Costello. Elio JI:1 atl tV Alines. Opl-itivim. You I L JIIo . l 4,17oui S. m i-, Apjtro - •d .I Ione -M'. 11111. Resolve(]. That an o idea' In• Ilruwn on the general fund Ill 1'o vol- of Robert A. Smit II for the sum of seven I nu in -d Ili •teen loll .61- 10U dulhtrsi d719A"i). bring umonnt of redelnp- _- tiun from fin. era] tax sate of lot.:'. I..S, Work S. ]tire un(1 Irvint. s nddi If uo told City UnII ty.) till .0 le Imriug Ixru rrroueonsly Ry .\Ills Grim o -ltd F No. 1:;9. It is hereby ordered by uta common l'uu aril �rnpe n(Ie by ennsre C(m niS. Intd it being are- •.V- to redrr to uta .n tm• in order tri elr;n' 'Ifi Ile(,ity of St. 1,nnl: '['flat the, matter of I rrrru nn nrrtm: gua- t"I of, Ie of the Property ttriog Oansfr err, to obi n• lamp tit the south Vre.teornel' of Jessn- thrunitedStates for the rat ill I, it building. t our street nod \•ate vt reit. be. and tt,e o�n na• i bervbv referred to the Ri nrd of Adopted Toy the Roard of : hh-nen .Inn• I'll hlir ]Pork. io investigate and report: 16.15!11. Yens-:Ald. Rfelenbrrg. Rett. Coln le v. Crgm- Is t his lnlprocrment. pros•runl n•• ssnryt If .,, sr nl file 1'unn'. 1 n 1...of `'(Ir(to, Ifond, llobnrr, Durn{dela. Gelan lie \leludy. j dirt•ting Ilan work done. Sanborn. Snllivn n. JI I - drot - ll. 1 ll by iter Ronrd of Aldc horn .tun• la. \toys -11. I II Adopted by the As. I IJ .I Ian• S'. I'll l t n'-�J Ills Ibl-lenlx rg. I3ut1. Coll It'I ('oltr Yens-Jlcssrs. Bunrulzer. Costello. Elm-. uist Joe( feri}' MIllea. Opl-i helm. Van land. Dobner.Dorniden.Gehull,Melady.San- 1) Sullicoto. Mr. President Ivke. Jar. Press de ni-1. Nays -U. l. 1 \ 1, pied llv rite.\ssem blv .lune :;l. 11!II. Aptol.lune'.Y,,.1591. 1 Yrns-Jlessrs. Bant,ulze r, costello. Elm- 160 PROCEEDINGS OF T. foist. Mecn Re,'t}t. Mines. Opperareim. Cn: Slyke. Mr. Presi •nt-R. Says -0. Approved .1 ne t, Ix!11. By AIU. Gelmn-Bd F' No. IWI- It is hereby ordered by the Gtrnmun (',,I Of the city- or St. Poul l: That tbemutter of the erection and muia- tenunce of four gasolf tie lamps on the Je,au- mine street 1) 11 M• and the some is he reb}' veto ed W the liourtl of Paa blit \Corks to in- • Ligate and rvport: t Is this tm r v sent prnpa•rund necessur -i 1fso' sent �'tile cwnen a proper order e_tingthe work to bu done. r Vdup[ed bythe Bunrd efAldermen.lune l0. sill. Yeus-Ald. Bieleolx•rg. Butt. Conle'.Copc_ haul. Dobnar. lluru ldt•u. Gebnn. 31rl�de. San born, Sullivan. Jfr. Pvc,fdrnt-11. Nn t -s-9. AdyIll d by Ibv Assem blp .lone Isl'I Sens --Messrs. Banbulrrr. Costello. Fhn- yuist. McCafferty. Millen. OpItenfleim. Cao: Slyke. M, rrr.ideot--x. Nnt-s a. Apprnyed .tom• 2.5. 1891. By s A%UL Geltan-Bd F Nu. 1G1. It ihm eby ordered by the C'un I Cua m•i I l f the Mty of St. Pllni: That the matter :f thl- a a -octim: ozf c walks over Parkarcane. a the Ill anter- `etiun of .le mint antM•tguolin sl vett.. he. and Rhe sumo is re ferrc I to the III rd or Y bl'e \Yorks to 111-tiente and report: Is this improvement ProPcrnnd n If so. send Ole Connell a Proper onlerudi- recting the work to Ix dune. Adopted by the Board of AJdvrmeu .lnnr I0. 1x!11. yeas-Ald. Bielynl,crg. Butt,ConleI ,atall. Dubner. Durniden. Gelmn, il1el,aA\-. Sanborn. Sullivan. 3L•. President -11. Nays. Adopted by the Assembly .Ione 54. 18111. yeas-illcssrs, 13nnholzer. Costello. Flat- 11,1-C. lm- McC'uil'rrty. Jlineu. Oppeabeim. \"no SI}y-ke. I r. President -H. N ly,, APP- ed.1 it,,, 2.. Ism. BY Aid. Geta: -11d F Nu, la - It Ic hereby ordered by the Comm", t'mrncl I f the City of Suint Paul: That the matter of the erection f a guso- I[ne hemp on nor vast e r of ()fit u d Atwutvr s treets.berol the1L`u Is hereby referred 1) the Bunrd of Public }}'o r k.s hi' in- •slI to an a report: y In alt is Improvevrenl. proper nml nett•:�snrv: If _.. • as ore coama t pruner ordi•r directirn gsthc wort: to be dem•. Ad yivil by the Board of Aldyrnaeu Nov Rill. land`s Dubl. nef36•Duru •Ill u3u Oelmnrl'Mela, saaabor n. Sulliru n, }I r. ]'resident -11. NnJ`Z \duetted bJ- tbv A-viall y .Ism• .X3, is 1'eus-3lessrs. Bu: aholre�, Costello. Elm - IE COMMON COUNCII. 'joist. illcCntfert,y•, Miami. Opproheim. Can Slyke, Mr. President -x, s-0. APpropyd June Jfi, 1x91. W. P. Mnm.AL-. Presideet of the Assembly-. Cl'n"al f'resi dent of the I .Vit of Ivrk. re u. rs, :\. Ihle\"nt:llo.\xT, l'ily l'lerk. .In nc :41. OFPICIAL PUBLICATION Of Resol u[lon Adopted by the Common Connvll or tlm City of St. Paul. III the matter of the r •port of the Buxrd of Publly Rla'ks. da4•d Rune la. IR91. It is hyreby orderyd by the Common l'uu m•Il f 1 a. City of St. Pun 1. That tflc Ruurd pf Public works of sold filly or St. !'anicursethefullow9nikimproce- •nt to by mode, to (: rudy el rk wrlgbt fly t reg ti from Rose street to illarylund street, i i I ci ty-. nt sad Board cause sola ,pork w be let Ity run true[ as Vruvlded bylow. wilhuut one- " tirtntted cost Itciug Hrst pnfA Into the CIt3- [euusnry. nod uftarsrtld vt rk shell Ix• Pbacetl undyr-vunirnct. +aid Boad sflnli tr rd witbuul nlelay to assess the u nt ail they ertnin [flan w Lich will be required tus p:U" the cost annd n rY vsrenses of , •I Imprvvmem :pun st re n•u I. It. to lac etre nellteA by id tla Pr at. ns pr ided by haw; It bI log inti plot of Orul �uneil that r•ul estate to by us.e-d fur such impru • n �nt cur be. tua:d lxmvHted to the osirnilof the cost uud ,vases necyssn ry to t>L inru reed tlrrrelry est. alrl'unert I' t noels. Gplx•ttflefnl. vaa l - Sl says Mr'rt•slilcl: R. Naas-1.. I 7. Il Ad Ard by the III rd of Aldermen .July Is!11. Yeas-Ald. Birlenix•rg. Itott. Conlg}'. C'upe- bt1uL Uulrner. Unruidrn. Ill, ". �Sn a el Ili vlai.I'residen t-10. Nuys 0. A ppn:yed .1 n Iy 8, Ixal. W. 11. Mr1tltA r. Pre ideal of the A -sem bly, ]'resident of Ihr Ilounl nl' Aldermen. Taps. A. P-MI''ll-GIST, Clly Clerk. .lulu !1, OFFICIAL I'UBLIC:ATION '.Sf Rvxolut ons Adopted by Rhv Common Cnlrnrll of Lite (nits t•f x 1'uul. File No. i_ - Besulyed. Thal order` lea• drawn upon the ity`tfo r,thr Oyin rft"o of the following to - Ioi, "Ice kv Balli n 'dumoiiuL tt" hu ge� �ble to •aae gona•rut Card:" Reis, city for mu7'reu.uo. r. Fchire Depnrt- oerl�t t'ora tlugea F'uml of !1Iu}. OF THE CITY OF SAI 1x91.316.37: Thus. 1. Geltun,.ahlvy) s Lump Inspector from May I. 18!11, to Jnne 1. ISM. dtlupted by the Assembly June'M. 1%91. yenx-\lessrs. 13un holrcr, Costello. Elm- ,Juist. McCafferty, \linen. Oppl•nbeini. V.I. SI -ke. Mr President -s. Adopted by the Board of Aldernlen .foly yens-Ald. 131elen ha•rg. Butt. Conley. Colx•- land, Dobner. Dornide .. Mclady, Sunburn. Sullivan. Mr. Presi dens -10. Na -vs -0. Approved July 19, Ix91 In - t In -the mutter of the.tort of the Board• of Public works, doted t vm Ill. 18!!1. Itis hemby ordered US the Como:t Connell f the l'Ity or St, Yuul: That the Bunrd of Public Works of said City of St. Paul cause t he following im truve- ment to be made, to -wit: Grade the a�le��- in south holt f Smit la'. eu bdi,ision f bio k twelve O=, uP Stinsun's (1ivlston. St. Paul, in said city. Tlmt said Bma•d cuuse said w irk to Ix• Ict by t•ontrnet. as pnrvided b)- low. wahnutune- lat IoasUm a ted Bust being Ih'st paid Into the a•ItY trensur3', and after said work skull Irl• Placed uudcr cunt nret. said hoard shall purnc•od wObout dclnp 1+: u.sv.s the amount. urly .they •u: nuvrtuln the sa which will u.1 ;v o tu13aj' Lbe costs `nod ry e."Ire nsrs of a •h Int7>royyment n total), I real estate to bi• Lcnvtited by std 1 Vru a cut. ns provided by haw. It 1x•11 g [hl-abe gPl niun u[ the Cuuucil tLut rvnl csI ire to found I-clitte 1 t, sessed or lit he a sail strut the co�tn"n d pp uses navossu ry to M• incurred rthrmhy. 1 .Adupterl lay the Asscia1, dune 41. 181;1. ]'ens -Messrs. 41,,ullze r. Costello. Elm- :fufst. McCutfert\'. Mines. Oppenheint. V.I, Slvkc, 311. President -x. �n3-s-9. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen .July 7. IfIrli Y -e Ald. Biel -burg. Butt, l'upley. l'opr ]and. Dobner. Dnruide n. Mclndy. Sunburn. Sullivan, Mr. 11resideut-10. NaysO. APpro-d .lull' 16. In]n. n 1, the le No. tit- imutter of the n•nort a f the Bou rd o[ Public }Corks lhaed .Ione '1. 1891. IG is hereby ordered by the Common Cou sell f ll'e l;!, ' o St. Pat,: That the BlwaM of Public Works of the Ctt}' rst.Paulatusetbefollowingimprtv•- t to belande.to-wit: construe t no clInt xu tout w odea ldewalk o : both -Ides of Lr... bel vr`u;l.nba•ttin• o 1, u•�-t utanal-um7 That said Board .bull proaecd withunt de- I.ytoussa•.ssthe Inco ant as n ., , n' [bey ertnirt the -u Ryl:iyl: trill !til• r ,all uirl,dl [o P,tY the muust rand •ec. `Y •y `roue•- of en :b !mprnt-ea:ea usuunsLhe lel I isat to W p IIll,d ted b9 ld Im- Pruyclfal " pro o cd Ir,,11- Iuw: IL Irving [he opinion uletic Cuu coil Haut mol estate be be us.essed for suyh improvement ane be NT PAUL, FOR 1891. 161 found benefited tothe cctent of the east and u x• uses os Ileeeswtrp to be Incurre.A thereby. lntyd Ile?' Assentbfy .73. 1x!11. yeas p-Messrs. 13un holier. Cl'ostello. Fim- iluist. MrCafferty. MInc.. Oppenheim. Van lpke, Mi-. ]'resident -x. Nt vs�. �\d�rpted by the Board of .A ldyruayn .lnly. i, IN,11. 1 Yeas -,\Ill. Bi y len dx•rg. Buniryl'ope- bnul. Uubnrr. Uoruidea. Mellid lndy. Su,uboru. Sullivu n, }I r. President -10 Sups.... 0. App ru ped .Int}- Ill. I8!II. A', N No. 69- Rcsolved. ]'flat in a cord) ice with the provisions of all art ufatbe Legislature of the Stuteof MI n nesota. ent filed "At, net tunmond Lhe charter of the C'iry-of St. Paul.thr mole beingau uytent Iled'An act entitivd un net to reduce the. low incorpn ruling the Pity of SG Paul iu thv County of 1{am ry uud f State f Minnesota.., for several acts antlendv- tor, there, f, wad cert et. and r acts rlr (I tf be to su ld 'whirl, let as aj)pv ,cd •ml the which ua•t was u rproyvd rMarch :, .arm thounaul •igh1. fluntirrd and srrinty- four. (IH"�4., nntl the nets umyndI y thereof 1'atll um sere US lnxtrm•Wd to note sad lesm•. Which a of the said city-. which sh, cY`at the nate urn per cent Pr abh•semi-non mal lJ".the Prim snug oe P vno • nt n 'tl n: rt• :r genes the t'ity :ret. Yuul in the bear d of ll•ty l ork. Snt sit. all([ on-third n s thil (if dote .gg -gI t , an Ilat n l n :r all be of the tat I- oil ort of thrnllshnll be mode to rhture on not the 1st doh,1 of Septemlwr. A. D. If!B, and one - be .1. or tto nnatur, to nmmurt of them shell by made to nutury l n the 1st day of Sep- temtx•r. A. D. 18!H. ltn<i of a -third of the ag- m,tureontthv 1st fday of sSeptembc .A. nt IS1.6. o Itesulved, fu rl her, That said eortJ6eutesare issued for the purpose of, uud the Proceeds thereof .-hull bl• npPlietl •a'•Insi vele to [be pit reuse of laking p nal toying the ut t - aa, I— : d flouting inde�rtedor•ss of the `JIClay u(sl.`liall. w hick esi.ted l r the .Ath of \ba'ch. A. D. 181n, and fur I other purpose: ,and .swill Invorl, Ieds simll Ire appl(rd flus ttingllf ndv'II ne.+.s iln tl esurdt'rn of alts mutor!ly, s that that atlhervOr first •.mall be ar.l aakee opaat fall. It d pr v..N u e.sha t.led. •d, further. That the City Tryus- rCompirolle-and the Chairman r dta• of \l uys nd Menus of the Aldyrmy n. and thr Chnirmanor the of 'dl 184 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Slikt. 1bca Rertc. Millen' upixuheiro. CaI b1j•ke. Mr. P' ideni-N. Nay,-). Adopted by the Board of Aldermen tial; i. ISD(. Yea, -Aid. Rlelenberg, Bolt. Conley. Col.. hand. Dobm•r. Dunlidrn. 3lelud3. Sanborn Fullivau, \ire President-Ia, Nuyk. n. Approved .l Illy S. litlll. A'v F No. IO- Ttc,ol vete That .'ty order, b,• drnaro mite the Cl13-T r li.,ary to fuyor'uf till, followbly freta, [or all a anhuu nt set oppo,it. to their nblit�etiyc n me- .aid n h o[ -to lxeh-w- tu ••t hr loculi pron.nxnt fu ml:.. ;final 1'. Tho cull a I,' anll wife. doom".. I'm pcning. 111 -rri ng. ear.. I:..ndo ,tleet .,Id Ft. Anthony a •. SMA: Charles Thorlt dl ag,s bre' ul .nw. etc.. C:asl• st rem. P` K) Nays --0. \dopt.d by the.\ss.mbly .lura• Wit. I.DI. 1-cos-3tes-r,. Banholzcr. Costello. F.Im- i I. \IrCufY.rt,,11-. 3finea. upl-ibei., Vaal ply k" 31r, 1l -b ent-S. adopted by the Board of Able, la,n July C. SDI. Yea, )Aide Bie linb.rg. Ru11. t'onl.y. Col.._ land. Rohner. Durnideu. ale holy. �:I 11 born Sullirau. Mr. Prrsld,-nt-10. Nuys-). Approved J a ly- to. IS01. A'v F No. ',I- - li.elyetl. That a warran u.• dr,nvn ou t a, I•Ity treu„rr, pa3'ublr „t of the general la nd. in ftacur of .A. N. NclSou.Cuu nt c'hra*- ur.r. fur the sum of f'Lai. t hr sa uu• f.ing in 'dmnption of lot eight block four Ill. of Rubm•a I and Van Ell addition. from su Ie mode of Suid Primites Ila Ire .indgment rendered fur the lines agalill Sl 'aid pr'ol.•rty for the your ISNi. lens-3lessrs. ilnnholier. Cost.11o. Elrrn- S,i.t. M,Cufb•rty'. alt m•,I. llpp,•nllei,n. Yu In iyk.. Mn I'r.Sidl•II t- S, Says -p. Atlihpted by the Board If .\ Idol lli. r:.I:nlr ]'res -A Irl. Blelenlxrg. Rota. l'u.1 ,y. Cope_ hand. Dobner. Durnideu. 3lehtdy. Snnburll. Sulli,mn. Mr. President -10. Nay, --o. Approved.Inly 10. Mil. tan -I. Dubner. Dornlden. 3lebtdy Stillborn Sullivan. Mr. President -10. Say-). \pproved July 10, ISD(. By 31 r. Gp11xnbeinl-:\'v F No. 74 W., That the Ilnnrd of Public Works ore hereby Inst ueted to -an. the aideuulk :I i hr nor, h side of Funlmi t avenue. I otweell Virginia uyeoo. and 3ye,ta•ra n'e I •. to I.• remaircd under the cont rnct forbuilding and Ite�tlnnt�il`lry� tht�l:\„eel illy .l uo. St. IN:i. 1",ohs-31e„r5. Rnobolr.. r. l'o,tello. E1m- I`ui�t, 31.CatT. ri v. \limen, Dpp•hlhel nr. Viso Irkc, yl r. 1'r.sident-,. Any-,- IL Adopted by the Bou rd of Aldermen .]illy 7. IS!11. Teas -Alli. Ilielentlerg, Bott. Conlev, Cope- land. Dubner. Duruldea. 3leludy. Sunburn. SI lli,an. 31r. 1'n• ident-IU. Nays 0. :pru.'ed .l it lv In. ]sill. Ily- \'un Sl,ke-A'y F No. 75- It., 1 -d. Thai the mutter , f the di,con- tillunnce of tit• [i -u electric• liglht, In Suantnit Park. andof the nI bte nnn.o uP Iectric lights in Ince Park. Irvine Park. Central Park. Smith 1'n rk :end I.n hayetW S,luli e. Ire n 1 the surae is h.reby referred LI the Rourct o l' Pi b11,11'orks to i n ve,tig:te it nd report till, I +eessity ,all p nn,ty the lx•of; , nd that the Boai'd of 1 ,it k- Work, will, into. with I het r report i n the n 1) r. norther. rend to th" Cuu ucil the prolierorder to curry Into elreet the intent of their r.pm't. \rlupG.it by the• Ass,•m Lie Jun, L'.41H!)I. Yeas mv.s •s. lino huller. Cusiollu. Elm- 11i.t. mcclltrert'. 31luon. oppenheim. Can Irk.. 31r. Pre,id.11t-E.. Nay. -0. adopted by it,,. Runrd of :kIdermmn Jaly :. Y.a..:\Id. Ilich•nbe rg. Butt. Cunlev. CuPe- :r I. Dubner. Ihrruiden. U -lady. Sanborn. 1 Ili yu n. 3l r. President -1U. Nay . 1 Atli ........ t.Only III, IN!II. By .unhol-,-A'y F No. A0- -- ttevufi-ed.11 BTLui the prulxr city officers lx :t all they are hereby uutLorized .,III dirreted to •inter Into a contract of belnnll'of the City Rb• 3Ir. Bim, uist- A'y I' No. S•l- of SL ]'nil avith the St. Poul Armor}}' Asso- liesolved, �hut theCity Engineer N. ,and notion forthe corm of ono year, far th, leus- he hereuhiituthorired to -expend It sum not Inrg of the arinm:vLufldingllnsuidelty'.inac- •sceeding'P,._'00. to 1.• pu id out of the s.m•rug. vert a, with the term, of the proposal bond fund. Dn for c n -trioti mi of I, aorta h.rcunto ap Ixnded. water uutlut to tlu• Ed ertou street sever \dupa•d bar the:\,sora Llr .lour la. (SDI. p o -ided tout permission to to the work cion 1'enS-310„r-. Rathholzer. C-tiEller- be obtal n.d from Ib,• Chicago. St. Pail. Olin- ,lu Isla 310'test y. 311 n,•u, 01ppenhrinl. leuppolis & umahn Itul lawn)'. "Irkc. Mr. President -S. \Uo )ted Ly it.,. A." mbly.lum• v3. (NII. Inas-0. Y.tu'-3lc.-r,. Ilan Lolrer. CoAvIlu. EIrII- Adirpt..i by til. Board of Aldermen July-, Sl uist. Mcl'aire rt y. Vim•a. opl-dwim. Cion I -Ill. lyke. 31r. 1'r.sido II t -S. Vexs-.\Id. Ilio1.nbe ir.13ott,ConIcy.(•ope- ldoph 1 by the Rourd of Ald.rnn•n .l.11y Sntlirnu�i31 ni'Pn vide rt•n.10 le lad}'. Flan lxmu. r. ieD1. NuyS�l. Yt•u,-Aid. Bielculx•rg. I1ut 1. ConlcY. Calx- Approved .lily 10, LDI. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 168 By Mi. Van dyke-A'y F Nu. ,I- Inml. Dubo, r Doraiden. Gebun. )laludy. Tiesolved. That chef; nide of'L'n tum nyen ue. d -Il. Sual+a'sornn.Sulliyun, NNinPre.iem from 3llnnelhuba street to Chelton avenue. „Imli'a"A by the reed gr:tdt• line o I the. I"-- Na -II. \dilpied by the As,ennL ly clam• ut. (SDI. np::ncing PruHle.uml a, ncurthtnedd.d by \"en--3l.ssrs. Runhulzer. l'urtello. Flm- tIt,- Iy ng neer. be and Ibe v:lme i. herebJ' adolted us t hertabli,l I t grade. �I tli.t. \IrCatTe ri r. 31im•n. Ilpper:bei n,. �'nrl Slyke. Jir. I""", ,.nl-s'. 4,Iopted by tn. :, SSrm blr Jun,"_'_".3. IS!II. fav, 1. Trus-31e„rs. liunhol lei'. Co,l.11u. P:Im- hotel, Mlca '.ray. 31im'a, opp.nl.im. .-\lip roved July In. 1,91. Slyke, Mr. Pr.sideat-S. I'll ,id.nI of the A..embly. Znle on",id Icy tar IS.0 ill IIf :\ Ill ermell .1111y ll. ll. Crti.eu. '. Ism. 1'l, 1. Rielrllberg. 13ot1. Pooley. Pope- 7'I ide .rf the In In rd of Aldermen. 'I'h ,\. PIt F.\I1hltnn�T. t'11 y Cl- k. In :dell lobos . Poroideo, ale li.l3'. �ollborl:. :ollly:ao. M.. P""id'-1 -lo. .I oily\(::. Noys-U. .\ pproe ,l J o ly _ RaMr. llur:hulirr-.\'y F No n2 - r,! I 2- rdered h.' Ibe Connnnou t'ou evil d' LL. City of St. Pan l: 'Phut Ibe matter of :• on ro.i Ingo rullIiuu •ro-s- uc ross'I'n-c aver..... at [he Inter_ .ertwvenartri .. nmith Stea yc•. be ural f be snhmr hereby referred to thr M -A of Publia \\'t)r ks to i,. a'('�I lgn it - First -Is this itnprucrumut 1) J.". veld neccssnr;I, IC so nd It.,. Council a propel order '1.- re,ting 1 howork to l.• dune. \doptcd by Ilse As ,-nl b,, Jon. Yea -31.s Ba boli, t•u,tello. F.InI- `Df.('nlTerty. 3limvh�Ilplxnbeinl. Cno Yrosidon t - S. Navy -0. :\duptrd by f or Runrd o1' AI,Ic rnnm .I lily 7, Spl. Paas -Alii. Bir lin 6c rg, Boll. Cuulec.l'npr- land. 1), ubner. Durnid.n. M'.1 lr. �allbo elle stilli'an. Mr. 1'rr=idem-I0. Nay, 11. Apt) (I Jaly In. II -U1. Bit F. No. t.i;- IU 1I 1. mut terof Ibe report of Ibe Board of Public \1'u rks doled aharch a. INTI. It is I.reby I rd. red by ihr 1'i illi illi nl l'on m•il )1'1be Cit yof SI. ail l: 7'hut ihr (tun rd oof hen Llic ,,tag- of Ibe l.'Iip of St. I'u: 11. ,Ietto Lr:f Nuala"imp tend .ni. Io be mad.. to -wit: op,•n Und .stead �I slice twenty" -,i-. I.' feel a-nd. all roogll u lots l., IS, I11 and ,'0. (\feet Si,,Laud ural B"Onr(..... Curalpanr's subdiyi,ion ul' blucl::nt, Brcnr land hoty.a., additlun to v1'rst Ft. Poul. in Suid city..a n I.mrlil:g •a d t,hking the north ti'.n ty-Sts .Nil trot of lots L. IS and 1l/, ami 11.1 north IKe ni3'-si "I. P.rl of the west halfof lot:ro. 11'cst Sid. Lund nod Cottage l'mulnuny's s ubdivi,luu of block :In. Ran I In .In.lcun's additlun to \1 't St. Poul, beteg inn St. 1':a rn 1. 31inm•sut u. TIIa[ -aid Itou rd shall proceed without d,•- Illy t.-. -the nmuu:It US ,oar13' is they t -an ascertainnme, n'III.II will br re_ mired to tiny Ib. dumage...ust ural n - ,ry ..'pens., of n.h Impruy.m.nt it ere, the real •stole to Ira Ixm•IIICII by Said Ilm� pruyem.nt. as provided try tui': I I Ix•ing ih. n -e- d for 'Ira 1h mei 1proax•bat m,,nt ` I.. fou bd I eneBicd.0 th (tent of l ,mug.-. eu-i and try to Lc inearml therby i��i,n•rii;�`iLetia::hrd :If AId" t,nen.Jn Ili. (NII. 1'.lu-AIII. Bicl.n L,•rg. Butt. t'ornlry. 1'nl OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Of Ilydimanc•an 1'ns.e1 and Rr•.olatlons Adoptee d by thCommon Co. -11 of the City of Ft, taut. Itd 1•' No.:I111.0rdinancc No.l ia. An-linum•e 1w,rlaining Cburle, F. Arrul to a baleen r. 1'h•reit. l'un: no ill Con veil of for City If St. Pant du (imam n. follox--.: •v, toll I. "I'Imt Ix • iss'on be it,(] 1, lart- by agr:: need u"I gi yell C lairle, F..\nrd t,, on- ntIbuild n I konvaml platform and lutes. to lx built ul' wood in the rear or it, hricic building u:I Son til itnhe rt street. in the Cit, nt'Sl. Patel, said building lorat.d o I lel .'gilt IS.I bloek eight i..l Bur.ill. C Robert', All, it inn to N% -A St. Paid. TLc s e of sold bu leor:y and pl:n f: nem tar Le forty-hvr I45l f •et i,: lenge b. eight ISI feet i width. and III CL qo.u,, in height from (street grade, avith hour and platform on each -1 Iu fed un top. pu,IS to I) ,'y incb, lir is im•bis. ami to la• am'hored to said Lriek building. Said work to. be dome inter the dhv,lion of til,' InSpeetor of Buildings of id -Its'. This I rdi ulna,• shall take effect a! I', be I for,. iron: nod after it. publit•n- ioit. I;.v,-d bIli y the Board of AIrrm•n Jaly 1 -!II. C.a,-.\Id. IIwl.nlrl•rg. Bolt. I'IIn ley. Cofie- luml. Duhn.r. IIur,Iidr n, \ieladv. Sanborn. Sh Iliyunl. 31 r. 1'r.sid,•nt-III. I'rr,idrnt of the Board of :Vdrrnh.n. I'us,.d by tril.:\ssenl Ley .Iuiy- 11. IS!Il. 1'r:as-31rs.s. Rmnn la -In' F. n slyke. Mr. Fuueo, yliuon, oppru Lei nh. Can Slrkr. 31 r. Pre,Id.II i - •. Nay. -u. \Y. I'. 3leuunv. 1'r,•,id.lrt of til. Asu•m Lly. App --d .Iu 1, I.. axle Itlrlit:l2T A. FnaTli, 3111yn1. :\t l.,t:'I'lil rs.:\. I'u t:s pall<o.yST. City Clerk. July _T. Vv 11 No IN In the mut ilei of the report of the hoard of 1'n bili \Corks. dated .lune N. lain. It i. Lcrvhv m'dr red by the Common k�Luncll f the City ul' St. Poul: That the Board of Public Work, of swirl Ctty of St. Paul cu u,. the following impruve- 164 PROCEEDINGS OF TF[E COMMON COUNCII. d, be trade. to -wit: Grade Allec i 1 rot,lotb nopted tothe este of of the costs and bio•nt •k b:. Puirvk•x' Addition In St. foul, in I ex ,eases necessary to be incurred thereby. ,' 1 city-.dopted ` That Said hoard vau,e .aid work to helet by the board of Aldermen Junc ](I. 1Sn1. by coal rael. uS p t., blOd by lam, withunt one - peas -A Id. RlelenherF. IIott. Conley. Cope - Imll'Ibec inmled eost being first paid il!lu I'llcity area, it . and ufla•r ,aid work shall he ,meed under sr nr:u•I. said Ruurd 'hull mads ])(Ili lle r. Durnfdnn Gehnn. \telauly. v i1;I Sullit-ua.'Mr. President -ll. !Nays -o. l proceed tvitbollt deer Io u,se,S ibe. an ,nt, \dept nl by file Assembly.luly 14. ISHI. nrl�' 1 S they tial a, ertuin file ami p"u,-Messrs. Run)I, r. El mtlnlSi. Me_ "Well ".It be r,juh,d ti, rate Ibe ro't'und c'lmnsr, of such t rperovrmcut Numee. )linen. Oppenheim. \'un Slyke. Mr. President -i. !rp`un Lba`real u,bte to be llonetl td b\' said ' npruct•menl. as provided by ba x : It Ix'Ing Nnr,-H. :\pjrreved July 1;. Inrll. the opinion oY ibe Coo ncil 'hill real estate to be a:.. •.Sed ro,u •b imp roveaTat eni be ruuud benelli tn<to I e, extent of Ie eo,t and -- exldoja,l d!hvt it.,- -mblvc.1itt-Sb l�siilby. peas-th, r,. lianeotrei. Costello. F:hn- ti.'t. Jll'uefie rt r, Ylin•a. /11!{x•, bei n�. \'an lake. JI r. 1're,i in}` . Adi ,ted LY Ibe Board of Aldermen July. 1. 1 -eon -:\Id. Ilielt•!Iht•rir. Rett. Colur•Y.Cope- 1e: opt•- lanl. hnerfur aider. Melad Y. S,Inbora. Sulliv:r a. DI r. 1're,jaeuI-Io. Nuys 0. Approved .111lY 17. Isla. Rd F No. 114. lie,elved. 13v the Connnu l'et n'it , f IIt Ctiy' ot'Sl, I'n it 1. !hot , ei IN ordee be nmol pen the City out... in favor d \1'. A :\tk"n, for 371- out of the Si xtli dt ace "Rrhlge linlldinp Fund.., - Adepted by- lilt• 13ourd of A Ido ruu•u .lune Irl Isili. Ie,rs-.11d. Iliel"Ol g. Boll. Colne.,. 1'"1x• howl. [),lila, r. Uurnidcn. Memdy. Snabdpn l're,ident-In, Adigrtrd by the :\'sem blY .luly t. ISM. J'c -- %it •, Rnnm arse, F.Inlqu 1,1. Me Sal `. ylinrin: upnen1a.1n, \'nu Sly kr. Mi I're`iden t--�. Nay',-- II. Approved AolY 17. 11111. Rd P Su. ILxI- 11 the nmteruf the artdI' for Boll"I tf Il uI \V rk,, dated.rune 1:,. IS7u. It Is In•relly ordered lo' the Co.oit C, It n•iI '1n ee of ly-er �t. I.tbl: 'Iwi the Rrnu.l IIf Public ul'urk, ul' .mid city ar St. ram coos,• tee rtllox'ing imPn,rc- •n1 to br n ode, to -mit: I'u ee with cedar blocks, nt'b wit li gruaite and conal reel n sewer , I F:a,t Sixlli ,beet. Trona Ro,nbel Street tutee Soutl!tt'ea'terlY endof the i"! 1, in,Il hrieeeI,oe:tlydriti one city. includ- e then •edn: rt ,ewer n d ens in tee x•rn'iin•,.a`Irlat;ng"�uai dextrin. to � T1oa • a i ler tae e u ,acts . '1'but'Snid that' d eau .aid xnrk to ee let by cont ruet, a, prtvided be Etta. tvithoul pa.- Inlf I Ill 1i on ted east lx•ing it"t paid 'nit teeeity trt•ndury-. i dalter ,a'd ,nark Sllnll are �dntmli hr. Oh. ntruet. ."tail Board ,Ball r iti wit d��lae It added, tea• "at n hivwrit!.. oIy a,'u`�ey e tut un h're l¢•rentirr�i Flu nude the costs"��nJ 1 �'neced,ury•.-•es of sa cls �I lxrn tilt realIxcn,,btte to hu Ix�n•fited t'I�p"`alta dery laid , , provide 1 by tut i[ lx•ing thee{_, f the el. I, it ibitt realed4te tt Ix• uddt„asrl ,for ,ueb im Prurnne nt ton Ix• It,, Ald. Coulee, No. 11 is hereby ordered by the Continua Council i f Ibe City of St. ",alar 'Phut the totter of gradin and posabb Sixth strict to it full width ,rum l,tim bel ht,vb !t II erred uI, st•het lb and the some Is h %%( t,hv referred to the Iep rt of 1'a hair_ \\'arks to tills F'i rut -1, till, tri provemerlt prolx•r oral nee_ , ury7 t -` o Id -Gine the Council an esLlmuts of I I n�ox xn,e tecreof. and 'bate whether one- Idnlf o� the cost t hereof Is to be Pu id i oto Lilo cit!• tn•asmy' before tae euntruct IS let. I hi rd-(""' real •slide to be uSnersetl fur ,"rill imnnrrement he found beneHtedto the extent of (manges. costs and expense., necex- y IIIbe ineurred thereby- •uF-arth-1, such Imnroytndt•ut asked for a1) It In. nmJIIti tat ur It mal len tun of the owa- prorertY to be a, - ,ed aur due I Im pro,emmat? ,t F'i fr h -Send ibe Council a planar pprutile ol'"rid in,prucen!rnt, ns 1equlre, Iry land Ir Yen rv•per'r ill rlyo,11 1 ane. Si..ih-Sc It Ore Cuu,ell n prolxv' orderAi- re •t Ing inn wt rk Lr he don•. Adopted by Ibe btnrd of Aldermen June III. eas Ill 111. Do' i i r. !!`lural lent`(:el nal �`Memil r. Sanborn Snllivun. Mr. 1'reSiAcut-11. Nay, --I1. \doPled by theAssn, illy Ju ly 14. ISM. Na in! `JI I^!en. opfealleim. \Fn lmt�tl vke. JI r, :\ rre,idellt-�. Nav,-b. nj>rtced .July 1'. Ix;tl. Sd F' No. t•,'- ResulccA. Taut an order be drawn "pua he Pity T'rnasury lu fide,), of Geo. Rely. City rensoI, fur t lir sum of nine thousand one +i.ideeddllnd Ienty'-nine .,and 11-T) ($9_ l� ea,, nrwpas ate tx�et nal 11t �I'tMay I`I,111.'itid a mu nettnt ttou bet[t1arger1n to he wad fool. Adopted by the Reurd uf:\ Idermru Jun�lf,. S:11. Yen- AIrl. Itmkn ln•rg. Ilett. ('olt"v.Cu{x•- td, Iloba,,. Dorn Iden. Grim,, Mcluily.Fun- ellivun. Mr. 1're,i deal -11. \d�'pted lo- Inc :\S,ably.[ll - t, 1"]. read -\It•, rd. linnhul,,r Fant\11Si, Mc - nm" •. >lit^"u. Gpr ala-tm, Van.1 yk". Jt. Aly-,-11y-O- r. :\Pnruved .7nlY 17. Iran. OF THE CITY OF' `,An -T PAI=L FOR 1891. . 166 Rc :\Id. Sulli vn n --Rd FSu, Ia- Ile,oived. That an under be drawn o I tbe. it, Treasurer. in favor or 1'.Stone. to --the ,um of being ihe....... dot ft rF, lot- entBridge nl and Joint. 1, ! to No.:i and final. on ern•t fur the eurl- ,u•uctiu I of I.vooden bridge o« Ibrmliur It I1, nc ru„ the right of nay of the treat \ori he rn ruiimn}-. Adapted by the lion rd of Aidernlen .Ino• W. Iain. 1"eas-:\Id. Ili,lenherR. Ruta. 1'onley. Cuix•_ la m!. Dolonr Dorana,Gebnn.Jleladc.5nn- eon. Sullivnli. 11'.. Pre,idenl -II. NnyS-a. Adopted by the :\„etahay .Iola t. ISM.kt. pea, --Mess,. Imnholrer. Van Me_ pre.,k , Mtn•n. Op{n•n Id"i nl. \'an .tyke. JI r. Nay, a. Approved .lmy I:. Is!II. By %[d. RuO-Ild F -No. 1:17 - It IShereby ordered by- the Con a 11'ounell Of ibe City of St. -1'an, : Tlmt ill e m iter of grading Frust '1'bi rd direct, from Earl Si r"rl lu thIlie east city Ii,nits. Ix•. and ibe ,a me i, hereby r"fd•rretl to the Runlet! of I'nbile \Cork, to iacedllgnh• d r,ireport: u 1'1 -Is tht, imrro, nem propernod nee_ ` rrirni-lice ibe (:.orocit a wain le of the calx se reol'. and ,ruts"In-tber en- Inlfof the lout tbcn•uf is ro be paid Imo the eity treasury before ill,; coot rues i. let. third -con real •bur to br assee,t•o ter duan Impnn-cnt•nt tx• ren ud Il v,pen to the exiellterd,a[Inlge,.,•t,,, aid exp"odes n,t- n' to be inrarred tlu•r"by:• •. `• Ffon nth -1, ,,ch int nrerernenr asked for nVun ,,he Ix•t iUuu ar uPpleot nun of the un'n- , el n ntujm•i 1�' of tee 11re{n•rlY to be n,- r.,.d fur ,aril un col I ,alae `t sold fiScud the Cmnl 1 vk, .r nrofi le of nnid lmprtcrmclit. aS red1ua`.i by Ion'. if r •Vert Irl rn car tf til" ,on roue. Sixut-Scud t be Coe aril n nroln•r order di- ro'tinq file soil: to be done. Aduplerl by it.,- Board of :\Ido rodeo .Ione la. ISM. l"t•u,-:\Id. Iliole11hcrg. Rott.Conbe Cofv- Innl. Dohm•r, llornidl•li. G"1inn. \leerily. Sanborn. Suillcun. Mr. 1'renidelt-I I. -\dopted b lhr Anal blr.lulc 14. Is!a. Yens -)1,,11,11. Ruobela r. F:Inupddl. Me- Nnmee. Mine,. UPp•uhei m. %'Ill Slyke. Mr. President Nuys -H. Apprtrv"d .1,03 17. In111. By Ald. t'ulxda nil -Rif F' Nu, bis__ It Is I,erebyordmro 1 by the !'amnion Counell t f the City of St. Patin: T)t tin• neuter t l,l grading pork 'beet. Yn,nd tCy'r re„ to F.a rl reel ,. IS -and t It, m • ,e i, hr n•ba- ref",red o• Ibe Ihnrrd or pnblir R•••rkn iti in ce,t il,•u Ir and repo,! : First- Is t nl, i nd prove mien t prv.I x'r nod oee_ Set lid-Gice tan• Conn•il , ""1 1, of the ex n•u.ue the arm'. and Ml 1, audio•, o - linit o� utc cost Incrcof Is to Ix! paid I,.", thecity trm[nu rbefore the fecal ra cl 111 1"t. Tbtrd-Qr It ...I e,bte to IS. Said tnrproceme«t be found beoetlted to tae extent of da,n ages, rest, and e.5nen,e, nec- : 'arc to be it r"'d thereby': F' t uuirth-Is nurh Impruvenlent "ked for upon ill,- petition orapplivittion ofibe own- er, -n- soPanudoritvol'lbt. property' to Ile`ils- e+sed or Such improve meat, S Pifl h -Send the Conned a plan ,I- o prefile fsaid lmpreven!"nt. as re��lred be law. if yen reptrt ir! rart,m errhe ,t me. Sixtb-Send Ibe Council,, peeper order Ili- rerting lee work to be done. Adopted br the Roa rd of Aldermen .Icer Ib. ISM. pe, - ld. Milena erg, Ilolt. Cou II an al.Dol net oV Poideu- tel un. J{e lady Snn- born. Sullivan. Me. i're,i idelit--11. N,ty,-Il. \dented I,,- he :\,d.�m illy .I my 14, ISM. 1'"11,-Jle,srd. Ranholrer. Flnitlll Isis JIr- Nnur"e. Jai nen. Oppeubein, pan Slyke. Mr. I'residrot-, .,ny,�. Approved .1oly IS. IS!II. I t A le. l'o1x•bl nd-Rd F h eclat o It I, hereby ordered by the t'ondtnen Cull nail ,If the Cit}' ut' St. 1'uul: I nand taking That the mlutn• er eenl"'I ea.virentin the Irl( to) tr,g o Sim, ,�tr"et, from Furl Street to Cynre„!street. v toe n,trnrt file ,lope, royal, t, Ind fills in grading Said Street. be not Ibe ! S hereby e,fc rrrd br Ibe ISunr'd ar Vuh- lit�\Ie 1.1v"Stlgao and repn•t: Firrst,t - --1I, till, improvement prone, and nese n ? nal-ry-ttce 'he Con ue11 O:all rilm,ate of Imif ii c•cu illi are It 1`sl t i`tL�tt•luild ti I tip to r eil�• Irensu ry bt•mru the runtraci is Irl. 'I b'n1--Can real stat, to bu a St•. ed ren ,aid li n,)rrtcrw"n t be fuuud be tae • Ieal of change,, cosi, at d "In.a", nee_ any to III. i eta tienI ` Feu rih-I, t.o•Ir imVrocenenl,ked ren Ilbuo Un pt. tit ion or uppliculitn of Ibe own- tl, a}orite of the nrunerty to be n,- i•� d torr ,neh lmprov"niert'• ,I Fil'tb-Send ibe l'olneil n redo or tIle of said improvt•rn"It, ns re11ni red by Ins.t. if report to favor of the sanle. Pa. -tvihe('on nal l a prop,, or der (I.- Ad i- work to I . don•. r Ado wed ec tee Rolyd of :\Idcr,n•n .Ino• V; lis Iso'. pen, -_\Id. ItirlDo. at, t, Ienl laalrY.l'oln•- CnnlSo.o.`ollican,MrtV• ,b v�-II,Memdy-. \ars-p. 1di�pleA ey t ee :\„eta illy .I tl l IAmholzer. F:Innisi. Jlr_ Nance, Mined_ un{xneelnl, \'nn Slyke. Ate. f're,ideat-•. Nap, -n. Apprer"d .Tal}' I". IS.11. IIS Alt{. G"Imn --Rd F' No 1-- 1, I;Y tie Ad,rm illy uv 1 Huard of \Itle,'n er the 19 tp of Gt. i'nul. Snue of Minnesota. lent the proper eltY eHirerd nen•bv lout riteled to 1,111" tlft'" tnol"tm dol - 1 r tGyl!fSXI� of tu• bond, of b" ('itv [ Or St. Poll in lei 'ntlonnofouetbeuS,inddol- lnr'IJl.(M7(ri�t�r�elt.lx•aring late of Aug. 1. IS91. nd Interest aT til" at" of t'onr [all �x I,, ttht• {x�r ,don u[n. rnvnble dt mi -nand 198 PROCEEDINGS Oil THE COMMON COUNCIL thins -sal nt,u:ey of flo flay I � I'n:rl ilr I its ('I1y of Na„ York. prl sella 1 Pn ublr'ou till.• dgY ul' A ears+t .\. 11. !L'I. Ix•Iri}• till styy ; yen rs I'ron: he dust• of :. iter the 1rf ti•+ l dr,l l : r . ".I. ie lr•ti.- ut�ureufrlhi" Ihir ul )li i'vorl R. edit led. ^,Au tri L:nuthorlar•ore 1'iic o f S,. I'nlis, Iss e bgpds nrr ure reef igi If adduls r,g,l bili ld hot,... bent ko, ell, Frt. !n. e,e.. for `hlr'!:I,itI 1 xra•..begdrtpotproed ,erb. err rthn turd .old h, f he' "' .r, - vofth,• Irr u•rr•xt :orrl .xiri l:irtt Fiord" u'ilxthrr`eruu:edx therearf xl:.t 11 be Diueed iri tllre ells trenau r, for the and Ir. r.pit::l par_ poses, iaa pru,idi•d b.' the "Id . adopted by the lbrg r,l of :\Id,•rnteri..l rely 7. 1x!11. Iii•lei.ISDf.guol.r•,. f'rrn• Stul,Irlm. ,orood•. 3e�horn. Slli,uu. 31:. I'rexidegt - Ig. \dieted b, fire-\.-l�rnbl� Yeux-31ea rx. ISR ...... t:Imusrist. >I,_ \R 3iil e, Uplx•ribei ni. 1'00 �Irke. 36:ni�i.�si,,gt i- u)'.c-0. Anpr'-d.Irr 13'I Nit. Bit F \o. IIIA - Bvsol,ed. '1'Imt a x', 'r sit be .1 r:, „'rr oo the /'I t)-'I'ren s:o�,. pn3'n ld,•:,� r : of the � •rnl fun,. i,t 1'u,ir ol'31ex�r+. Fhoid renes. �ouire. Irl Coo beau, fur sits pit ni Icrrr1o11. r. with i rest of ,!.;74s front M.. la!U.:uul R'ilL iulorrsl In:KBa_'n. front Muy La. 1x01. is pac- rtt of two ,'Mall, iudgmeul., o11ered Is • t"i f St. ul aorl ill staters or ngrailtst 1 , t u I':r the Cbirnto.\iilwu (tree .A .t. 1':!01 ,. Apsn' Co.,, Uue for the son: of It.IS, .April Ix. Incl. stud one forb'a.;_l Int lit laol. Adopted up ate Ibmrd If .\Idrrnu•n .Ince 1x!11. Sena -Aid. Iii,•lelstx•rg. Itott. 1'upr•In od. bit uer. -han. 3leludr..xulll,an. Ms. Prrs- drut-x. \dieted Ir, the:\ss,•m Sly. .lull N. Incl. Ye - 31,•ssrs. Bnoholie r'. F:I cirri. t. 3Ir_ at � 311ueg. t,plx�g beim, \"r rt �I, kr. 31r r`I'reniderrt-�. \u3 ski. A aero, ed .l ala Ir, la!rl. I od ke Muloteouoee fool. In ft„or of ernge`¢,��..1'u,'n,m.grer. ser nm �x,yrm•nt Is rel' the a:: htry nail e r rpe gaglioo of he Ix•r- utployetl for the pit rpou.• . f elesl rsi r,t gd rriot;a:m.mh:g1,J1n .`!. 11 11. fgm.v.•. rexgfdonr:tglrc.I.neor- • silt• ndrrplea try uteriirrgrd .rr alaerrgeg Jray a. bit,d1 . - \Id. Iii •legbe •. Nott. ('u:t try. l'opr• bit, it 1, Uoroidr �i. helm r:. Srvl li rRu. A dialed b, _. • A.xe rrr buy .10 ly IPo,1. 1".•:,.--31e. r+. F:l nrouixl. 3Ir\umee. ]Ilnrn. U ppeo ilei or. \";,g fly ke. 31 r, i'reaider:t-1{, Al ,\ parcel, .I rr I c :t. Ix"JI. Bd I: N\ 11;7- I:e.i I, .I, That w:o ret. be dr::w rris Ito• ri13' Iren.rr:3'. pa3alrb• o:ri ofI ho Bu 111,1 int Inspetor'. 0"partrg,•IrI It f lrrI ;,,isono ting to }!tKl.:tl in I'u,urof the 1--o'a red lit the iritis lreslolntiog �flirrrtii ifl\Ilml ls,,l'Is•n I n 'Ite ttf I It If tl �•: I:,ly ur d enolx•o.0 ti mg of xu d Ix•raoua for i heir --,'ire`dmriog the oro it of just'... la:ll. nx ahowrrID au id e.. Adopted lrY t hr Bonr Io rrA I,ernmsr .July _. ol. 1"ens-:\Id. Bir•le rt he rt. Bo11. Conb•y.l'glx•- luud. I,olrger. Ihrrltid,•rt. t:,•7mrt. Sullicn n. 31 r. 1 , 41.lers(-!I. \dieted Iry the :Assembly.1 tl1, _. Ixill. Ye-M:•ss,•n•F:Inoluixt. 3lv\i,nter.\Ibmu. UI Ixr'u belrg. 1',: r: 813'ke. I'n sldent.-6. \Rys-.p. Appro-d July :I. 1.x91. Bd F No. IILS- Besulced. Thiltpts be dnncn up I .r tre,rx:lra'. n:n� �:'ble ggi ,rr the hxni ,nprr,,,•rm•nt rami. i r„rrgrcegrte Beix. .''I re:,. r: re r. Io pay ore Pe r.ug. Domed i ih„Irr,r roll. he reto ug oe,ed.,tod o,ade rl purl olloleo !ori, t'rm the .s t ,`pp u Ir) Ilo-I ei r'resee +. invenymmI of th{tee -_ s,ln,od euro , ::rico of sod Irsous their 3 n.�•,:e,s 'Drigg the r ro:flrS•l:,f .lune. 1, 91. 1 1 .Hid pity II+.Rod tot lit ,. 1311 F \o. In:1x3 Iiesui, 'I'Itnt 1 1 Urr r ell ..w!Is £ ed. :, w-ar ntr t 2'A (Ml Dean rt mens fuml. in it. of Ireorge It, ix. city 'I auunwtiu;r to•H.7,!.hl. tor sit I!l ries I.. 1'oltee Ulfic, r.. Ifni Aduptrd by the Ronrd of Alderme!r.luly R. �'� Ixy etre.. tli�uumtlt a, shote It Ill. - Lull.. Boat. furl lei. Colu•- the mF full lureto aoul.'- 1. Allout•,1 by the itou rel of Atdernterr Ju ly 1 od' D, Dor ifleo 'il I:IDI. Uobm•r. I,rrr:tid,•r:. Uehu n. Sulli vin. 1'rrsideut-p. ^_. 1x:11. .3Ir. 3'x-li. J'• - \Id. Bielm lest Butt. 1'uuh _,. l'o , ZI Lduph•:i Uy the Assent buy Illlt' _. Ix!It. ]and. Dobner. ),I,W Ie... Uehau.Srllli,',:m I'.� President -!r. Yeas-Messr+. E:Inoluist. 3fr\ifnmr. Miner. 31 Y:ot Sl, ke. Mr. Prosidont--a. tea Adopted by the,\xn•ni613'.lull _. Ix]u. gJ-dielm. n cs-J!• Leprold July:1. ISM. Yev, -Mess's. EI : "ossa. 3Ir\,ogee. )Isola. 1 r. 1'resi11,•rt-{. U"Ixm hvi nt. \',o: SlykeNis. I. Anor,„•, JuIyi.ISM, _.._ 13 1 i' So lae- Ites dl d. Tbut wisr,ults be druwuupou Bd F \o. Il;!i- t 6e el ty t rtglxu ry. nxyn bur ou t of t hu Bourff of Public \forks Iund. umouuting to SIM. III Itcsol,ed. Tl:nt a w,r.;gt bed a -I "poo furor of t he lx•I-or,.v marred to it's, Pqv-roll t he Pity 'I'rensll ry. p,,Yable out ,r the street bereto aneuye(I rknd sr= u part of this OF THE CITY OF 'SAINT PAUL. ROIL 1891. 197 -Ration. for the s, n s,•t oppoxilt• to l hour ",� lets rc rmm •.a. In'nu.' cr t of tits axlury m Ix•nm Hun of Hold! 3x• _w for Ihclr r,la•ea sin,hrt lite m roll, of Jr,ue. IMI,I. is shown b.anl,l nU. roll A11opley d by t�te Bun rd of .\lopnnr n. Jul' soya --o. Yen+ -old. 131,•len hers. Boat. l'mrlu''.l'orl. suod. Dubo,•r. Dorn 111r n, nehrin. .� tl 11 coon. lir. Presi11enl-9. Adopted by Ur,• Aaw•mbly 1',v, xhei m,a `.y FI`Ilj lo,IS' r. PI -1-1111-11-1t. �liien. I I`lx•rt -Jl A pprored Jul, :1. IS91. Bit F Nn. lse- Bexul,rd. 1, I'll, . ,rr , rt. be drums on. Ilse t•Ity trruaro•Y. Payable out of the F,tu l til Icpllr!ment too( . ttrnuuoting to r31.1_.I.N/ In fxrtrr of til,• person, r:u oast in the pay roll hereto nn neer, and madcu port of this reso- lutiou.forthesmnset opposlletuthelrrc- xix•ctivI,., o .ilr Vu} ! fihc sa lary and r mlxotautiort of.,dd lx suds their xo r, �r a dal ri nt the month of J o n,•. Ixrll. n. abuwll Inc �uirl prey roll. :\tlopted by Ure Itourd of A Id, r:mm .July ^-. xY, h •r• Bot!. tiro le Yen. -Aid. Biel, g . .. I hot U IDrhner. Dornidr u. I:Than. tiulli rn u. 31 r. Presideot-n. Suss -P. \di,ptrrl by the :\ssem blc, .iul3' _. lx!rl. Yra YI ssrs. Elms tI 3Ir\umee. 3liueu. opfR .help. Vast Sly�e. 31 r. I'rrsi rlrnt-li. slys-e. A pprored July :t. ISM. Bd F No. 171 Itrsol,ed. This, wnrr eta lxx den.,, spun sa lr: r,�f„odRomi uitrti na�I,(%1.-rrr• tg Ynw•.!r'uf the pi•raons namel, d its the ill, roll hcreLu,or- xr I and losoI P , If 1 1- I tl for Lite ,in, ti I .i 1 tl 'I t an 1" ,nl cut nt ,un Ireoxnf mu of anld -b tl I r l t tumt th IPJ 1,11 .'I oly 1 ,!all t` m Adopi,11 I, ih. Hoot I 1' \� I,•r,gen ", 1x.1. Yes Ald Biel,olx•tt.ISutt.Corder.Cupr- luol. Dolomr, Dorgi11em I:ehug. colli c,a u. I.1 r. {'resident -!r. A AnypIrI doete,l Ira' the Asoplktl .lolc Yen. -Messrs. }dmrlu Mr ale\utuce. ]linen. (/'Igen ilei m. l"n n 813' Ise. 31 r. 1'reai,e n, -It. Approved .l tt l}•:t, IxUI. r,Irea during the mouth of J,Ine. ISM. as, Ahnwn by slid my roll. Adupf a -d by I�n• Bonr 1 ofA lAern is July. ISui. 1',•u -A Id. Rk-I,•n bents. Bill I'unl,•y. t'oIx•- luml. Ih rbua•r. D......•u. I; n. %null ru n. )I r. Ihrsi11enl-n. s�1=11 A 111 ptod by t he A-10,13 .I is Iy '. IS .I. Yens-3lr.s.rs. F.Ino plat. 31r\ano \linea. O`lx•uheimVisit. Y,r S73'�e. Mr. I'realdenl-!!. ay -1. A peso-il .1 sr 13• :1. ISM. Bit I'Nd1Z1- Reaol,ed. '1'Isut wnrrr fa {x• ,Irnar rr the city trruxory puyuble of 1 .4 the �It �• nmce� n Sbar, fuss,. nmul'utl pto r.n:rY.th iu hl, of thue Irr s r • e,l Bs liar Pus rolls be rete ,edn undlmude ansa of list, rrsulutlun�fur the sun art uPPusih• to ihelr reslx•rtin numna. ill vu vmmtt It the snlnrr stud eumpensxtion of said Ip,,-bs for their ar •vices during the tooth If J, e. Ixeffil. ns sbuwn Up said u3 rolls. to ,it City eer a. >I.Arli.:l'!: City �'rrua ' •r (ell rl. is . $1!n!i.lili: I.nw Ilepnrl mrnl.1117'ki!1,1111; -lurk, 31Rste is a 'roll. :El!N; Citr t'lerk'n. poly roll. Aduete(I by the lion rd of .\hlermeg .l my I",1. Yu. J)o Id. Lh•b•uhrrg. Botl. Conley. Cups Mr.Uub oe r. Dorn ides:, I: nim n. Sulli cult. Mr. i'rusidrnt-n. \uys A,oeted by the Yensbei m. 1'n rt AarmblY-Iul', _ix!o. ElmuuslmMin- 0Y) ine UIx3'- Slyke. .Mr. President-rr. .-( A pprored .Ju IY J. 1891. Ild F No. 17 - Itesol,ed. Tholt l r wurrurrt he duw� ro i her the rtmuuut fill, it,.for ioFmuu[iu�osuttiuu 18111"1 :::•1`olsl" slid umoant t, b,, Ouirs-ilbli, t t 1 fund. 11 11 I by the Buu rd of Ald­­- It. Jsaly 2. ISi 1 - \I1. IbelenlwrR. butt. Cunleu'. l'opr 1 1 D 1 er. Dornlden. I-Ins,I S it un, Mr. Pre orn[ p. . is' 0. Adipted by the Assembly Ju)3 9. ISM. t. ()yl tbcim`\stn Slekc Mubit'r`Pillomb identr-bate-o. Approved July :I, Ixtll Bd F. \o. Bd F' No. 1:_'- Itrsol,e,. Plaut a tvarrs lit be draw" t {wn Resulted. Tha, warruots be den t, r: Spon the t'ity 'rrunaurY, 11st able out of till Fl rr the Cit, Treu.urv. pncnbleoot of tits_ 3B11r1-'� Depa rimrnt }'and. in Tutor or Ueorgc Rein. Ipul''curt f,o:d.,nnuuntioir to 11.fh A.!1!1. in t'ity'1'rennurer. for the amount of 11:r.Y13SK 1'ncor of the ix sous named iu the Puy roll fur the pu,munt or the Fire DePRrtment pity Is to annexed :and made n pru•t of thin re- roll. fur [Gp mouth of.lune• ILII. solution. for the .mm set opposite to their Adopted Ur the Board of Aldermml .July 1, •s -tine names. in payment. of the .sit lit ry it"Al II BM -berg. BoII Xsnde '. C.J.- ao� comlx•naation of sold Irersuna. fur their I� Yens -Aid. u r, 3 1 188 PROCEEDINGS OF THE f'OMMON COUNCIL __.,........,_... ................. . bled. Dubner. Ilurnideu. Gehan. Sollicen, half of the asst ibm-e.l,Stobe pnidintothr .tl r. E'residl nt-0. Pity Treasury Uefore the contract is let. 'Third --Can real •state In be assessed for Ad, pled by the -k-ecoid, July 4. 1S'UI. sold imprurenu•ut Ix• found ben,,Hted to the Yens-\Ic:;s Ehinjui,t. McNamee. Mitten. - Olriwnhciru. Von Slyke. Mr. President--li. extenol'rhtmngen.,o,tsand expenses nec- -Lt.,! tube Inco m'ed thereby. rsF'or \ -n. rth-Is'Lien Inns-ovement asked for - App�'oyed July a. Is01. trpur. Ore polit5,m ,rr' a rphe+n i,rn of the own- - sora minority of t�e Un+perty tole as- - _ , .1 1'ur Suri+ buUrorement:• `r F'iftb--Send the Council a pirine or 7>nulle of ,a id imprucenmut. n, requed by law, If 13d F' 1711- yu+� report in fnyoror the,ame. Si alb--Sond the Coi+ueil a pruia•r orderdi- 1, j 1{esol red. That w:rrrn+rts be drawn +poo i,l ing the trork to Ire dam•. r Adopted by the iioned Alderman the Cin' Tien'ery. Pnyu blr out or the F'ngi- "o.nir Depsrtntcnl rued. amounting to 1'1.7,,. in favor of Geurgr h'ei s.n Cita 'lens- of July 7. ipAl. Teas-:AId. Rielenlxo'g. Bit"itc•y. Coq•- I rr cr. to pay the persue, Lia med in the par- hued. Rubner. Duruiden. ylelndy. Sanborn. St Ili v+ut. AIr. Presirirut-!0. oll hereto anneard and mule a part of chi, \+ly.n• dation. for the sun ,et app: to their " Adupird by the Assem bly. .lmy 14, 1891. es restive name,. rn p:ryyuuv I Lir the ,u ht ry 'if um� •omlensn tion rsoris fur the[- Yeo, -Messrs. Bunholzcr. F-Imquist. Ali -- ..nti le • Mees during the month of .lune. ISlll, us Nnnee. \linmt. Oppenheim. \'an Slyke. Air. PfeLe" " shown by said lav roll. Naays-0. - Adopted by the Ruurd ol'A ldern+en July2. 1,91. A pproved July 17. 1+;!11. Y,;a AId. Bielenl--g. Bort. Cunlcv. Cope- . land. ll-obner. Rurn Iden. fiche n. Sill 11 IIr. 1'resi dent -0. - Suv,-0. Adopted be the A-mbh July 4. 1sOb IId F' 179- Yeas-Afe.,sr... Elmo O) enheim. Van Sly vNaznenl�I...... Resolved. That city orders le dr+twn poo tJ�Mr \a}'>-0. t,, the Citr Treusur } A PPrured .l ulc a. ISA:. fniub iu fayoroftt hep fnllowingh persons. for the amounts set opposite to their respee- rice mt mess - Ki rklnnd nod Starkey estimate.. No. 7 and - S. Arcade street sewer system. ffiH,{,UO; \t'. ';l Stucke, of nh• Su. 1. sewer Liu Oakley ' Ry At( Conley -Rd F No. 177- +r t ' mus. 6^40.50. Adupted by the Board of Aldermen July 7. It is hcrclry orvlered by the Common Cuonel l + 1'the Cityof St. Pan]: IS9I. Ven,--Ald.Bielenberg.Hott.Conley.Cope- That r; netir+Ru cement 'ide lnI Rohner, Duruiden, Ate lad Sit burn. S• in thec st of cast si deur li rond)ruystru.t, bet -en betwmen Eighth and Ninth ,t rests. be nd Sttllivun. )I r. President -10. Nnys-0. the some is hereby re ]'erred to the Rounil of Adopted by the ,A.s,rnrbir July -1{, 1kJ1. Public At'urk, to investigate uud report: Yen,-Monsrs. Iburholzrr. Elmqulst. Me- ISihisimpruvemcnt Proper and ueet•„urvI - If so: send the Conneilu Proper order di_ Numee. Ali'. Upleuhrim. \'nn Slyke. Mr. Yresi nett-,. resting the work to be dune. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen .lull. 7. PoII. Nay, --0. Approved July 17, ISM. Yeas-Ald. I311nnberf�,f. Botts l'onic r, tope- - Isn't. Dubner. Dornill tm. Melody. nitborn.' Sri 11, Dir. Pr--dent-lo. Rd F No. 1F(� Resolved. Thnlcityurders bedrnwn upon Adirpted by the Assem bly14. Ikd. Jul,,lmr � Ban bol the cit}' trcnsut'Y D+U'u ble out the general fund, iu htvor of the following for nor. tList. ylc_ Numee.)linea. Oplet+beim.\'nn tyke. Mr persons thenmonots.alt opposite to their respective ePresident --7. Nays__0. +ores: r+I,r,ndrrpL.1 Bros.. 164.00: I. G. Duggan. E Approved July I7. Ike. 86.15: Same. 10. ; F'. Il. Merrill, 110.U0; T. ,i. By Aid. Rie inn berg-Iid F' Nu. 175- It. T. O'Cou nor, clerk. tIi _5: Charles L. It Is Iren•br urrle red hp Oe tun+rnor+ toi+ncil ]Inns, 11s7..iR: Cullet:'.. It, I ey and boarding t'the pity of St. Paul: mbles.I.I%1; P. J. lingua t „o.. ffiR.CtO: Tint t. the muttrr f grading Lewis Pnrk. Duncan Conus ll, rS: P. C. I, I, U, &.3.90; \\'ill- bettvc-n )ht faun and-Vi'oodhr'(9 un Jlilfurrp 'um P. Ali", 3- for damages grading Itllcy. street. be and ihr sunm is hereby roferred to $3s: Mr,. Johan;. Ritchie. q>r damages. the Rua rd of l'n hill. \York, to i nvestigateand "c"mer, on l.nw.sun Street. "SAX). re"ort: Adopted by the Board of Aldermen July 7, rs[-I.. this impruct•ment proper nml Ikn. ' Yeus-Ald. Bi •lenberg. Beet. Conley, Cope- Seroml-,Give the t'ouncil an estimate of lamp Dobner. 111 -Iden. Melady, Sanborn. the ecpcnsc thercuf. and 'lute a'bether one- Sullit-u n. Mr. President -10. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 189 Nays -O. I Names, Mines., Oppenholm, Van Slyke, Mr - Adopted by the Assembly July 14, 18A1, Yeas -Messrs. Bunholzer, Elmquiat, McNa- cone, Minna, Opponholm, Van Siykc, Mr. President, -7. Nays. Approved July I7. 1891, Bit F No. 181- Resolved, Thnt city orders be drawn upon the city treasuryy, nayablo out of the printing and Ittutlunery fu d, in favor of the follow- ing persons, for the amounts set opposite to theirreslztive numms: Globe vublishmq Companyy, ?a�'.'i; Die Volkszcitung. 1:.'1{,l.,0; Wtslelst.ed, & Co., 143.99; poll slum Borl:utdi & Cu.. 110; ll. ll. 51ur rill & Co., 17D8.87; H. M. Smyth I'rl nLlug Cuin- pany. 190.50. Adopted bythe Board of Aldermen July 7, 1891. Yens-Ald. Blelenberg. Bott, ConloY, Cope- land, Dobner. Dornidmt. Melody, batinure, Sullivan. Mr. President -10. Nays 0. Adopted by the Assembly -lull 14, 1891. Yeas -Messrs. Bunholzer- Elmquist. Mc- Namee. Mines, Oppe,hetm. Ven 'tyke, Mr. President -7.. Nays -0. Approved July 17, 1891. Bd F No. 189 - Resolved, That city orders be drawna 11 the city treasury. ppayablo out f Lhe po ice department fund. Ia favor of the following nreous, for the amounts cut upposl to to limit North -SI -I Telephone Exchange Cum- �ny, $IrL'Zp A & W. McGuigan, /7'3.91; J. L. Ienr 1'3.50; F. Y. Peyyer. 111.75; James Kon- ;dey a7.50; Chmster 011 Company>M.°0: 9crib net-Libbeyy CumVany 8;:1X3.37: Schmitt& Son, 11.1:5; P. el'Brieu. 111.10; Mlles & Eiule. ai.an. .James Cleary. 6411.50: Jaams Murray, 1381..5; . MoNnmc•e,133.85; St. Paul Saultutlon Core - pled Adod by the Board of Aldermen July 7, 18A1. Yeas -Aid. Bi D -LI r(r, IIMe Conley, Cope- Dobner, Dorulden, Mefndp, Sanborn, Sullivan.9ulliDir. Presideptr10. N ays -0. Adopted by the Assembly July 14, 1801. Yeas-Ald. Bunholzer, Elmquist, McNu- ee, Alto,.:, Van Slyke. Mr. President --7. Nays -0. Approved July 17, 1891. Bit F No. 183 - Resolved. That acity order be drawn pun th• city treasury, pay able out If the Sixth street bridge fund, In fever of Chicago Forge and Bolt Company: for the amount of SM -150, being Estimate No. 4, Sixth street bridge su- perstructure. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen July 7, 1591. Yens-Ald. Bielenborq, Bott Conley, Copo- lund, Delmer, Uorniden, Me�¢dy, 9unborn, Sullivan, Mr .President -10. Nnye-0. Adopted by the Assembly July 14, 1891. Yeas -Messrs. Bunholzer, Elmquist. Mr. Approved July 15,1891 Bd F No. 184 - Resolved, That a city order be drawn upon the city treasury, payable out of the 13%d- wuy bridge fund, in favor of Kirkland & Starkeyy, for the amount of 110,WO.00. Broul - Yum] -Kirkland & Star- key, EsaBridgand final, constructing Broadway brid6'e substruotu re, 110,169.30. Adult it by the Board of Aldermen July 7, 18UI. Yeas -Alt. Blelenberg, Botts Donley, one. land. Dobner. Duruiden, Melody, Suuborn, Suittcua Mr. Preeldent-10. Nul sem. AltoVtod by the Assembly •Tiny 14, 1891. Yoas-Messrs. Bunholzcr, Elmquist, Me Names. Mlnea, Oppenheim, Van Slyke, Mr. President -7. Nays -0. Approved July 17, 1891. Resolved, That city orders be drawn upon the city treusnry, payable out of rite lighting fund, lu furor of the following persons, for Lhe nmou nts sot opposlW to their res ective umea:'St. Poul Gas Light Com Pan y,,W0.00; Robert Seeger, $3.993.00. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen July 7, 1891. Ymte-Aid. Blelenberg, Hot t, Conley, Cope- luud, Dobner, Dorulden, Melody, 9nnborn, Sullivan. Mr. President -10. Nays 0. Adopted by the Assembly July H, 1801. Yeas -Messrs. Bunholzcr, Elm�1 1st, Mc- Namee, Alineu. OVpunbelm. Van tyke, Mr. President -7. Nuys --0. Approved July 17, 1891. Bit F Nu. 186- Resolved, That n city order be drawn alum the city trrusur . payable out of the water apply fund, in favor of the Board of Water Commissioners, for the amount of 68:4.V. _Adopted by the Board of Aldermen July 7, e Assembly Jul - 14, 18.91. Banholzer, Ti mq est, Me Oppenheim, Van Slyke, Air. Approved July 17. 1991 Bit F No. 187 - Resolved. That city orders be drawn upon the city treasury payable out of the local Improvement fund. In Pavor of the following persons. for the amounts set opposite to their respp m, v. ontees: W. A. Davern, Estimate No. land final, grad- ing Leslie avenue and Milton stroet, 6711; O. E. Snnit .Est imam No. 4 and final, grading Lincoln avenue, 11,'64; Keough & Donnelly Estimate No. 5 uad final, grading Albert av t'¢ 170 Bit F No. & PROCEEDINGS OF TI Keough & Donnelly. Estimate No. gra�rmdg Arbor lst,;etg.ta$139n50i u- e. 6710; J& Clnftey, Estlma[e Nc 8 frading Miuvbaba. M.565; C. C. 'timate No. l.gradingg lley, block spark Addition. $187: E. Cnrltou, 4. Chatsworth treat grading, Trencyy, Estimate Ne, e, grading t. 61.316; A. Olv aloe Estimate No. Cleveland a 391: C. Stone, 1, 6E¢dog Randolph n d thea f00; . Carlton, Estimate No. 2, ¢wood place, 8510; O. Bolan, wife, oQu Btak,n 62.090; Frank I n for laud taken for the open - $G 0. y Board eof t Aldermen July 7, 1891. s Blelenberg, IIott. Cents Dorniden, Melody, Sanborn, r. President -40. ,y the Assembly July 19. Ibid. ism. Banholzer. Elmq ist, Mr n a, Oppenheim, Van Slyke- Mr. July 17, 1891. That city orders be drawn upon msury, payable t of the and or of tho following Deraoue, Tor s set uppold to their respect ice Adopted by the Board of Aldermou July 7, 891. Yens-Ald. Blelenberg, Butt, Conley," bPe, land Dobner. Dorniden, Me lady, 8 e Sullivan, Mr. President Nays U. Adopted by the Assembly Julyy 14, 1891. Teas-Measm. Banholzer, F.Im n t. Mc- Namee, Mines, Oppeuhelm, Nan Slyke, Air. Pre.lden1-7. Nay. U. Approved July lb, 1891. Ed F No. 189. Resolved, That city order, he drawn upon Lha liver, treasury, pnyy--able ut of Lhelr the following persons, fortheamounts set oppu- slte to their respective names: C. Nonnemaoher, Estimate Nu.2 and final, ggfading alley, block 3, Hill'. Addition, $17.25; C. Nonnerracher, F,etimate No.2 and final, grading ail_,�'y, block 2, 8eburmeler &Evans' Addition,ti• F. Beyer Estimate No. 2 and final, gra ingg alley, block 25, Mmokubin & Marehall'. Atldltion $66.90; Keough & Don- nelly, Estimate No. d and final, grading Slmp- on avenue. $185; N. C. Johnson, Estimate Na. 2 and final, constructing Dawson street [E COMMON COUNCIL ewer. 651.50; N. C. Johnson, Estimate No 2 sad Heal, constructing Freemont street sewer, 670.50. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen July 7, 1891. land. D bld. uer.. IDornlbd u. ott, Conl`eey. poen, Sullivan. Mr. President - 10. Nay' O. Adapted by the Assembly Julyy, .1. 1891. Names ei Mines, Oppenhm, V n Slyke. Mr. President --7. Approved July 17, 1891. Id F Na. 190. Resolved. That city orders be drawn upon the city treasury ayable out of the fire de- partment fund, in Invor of the followhig ppeer- .0im, for the amounts bet opposite to their respective names: Ames. Wrigbt & Co.. 625.75: Ahren. Manu - Adopted Dy the Board of Aldermen July 7, 1891. Yeas-Ald. Biolenberg. Hott. Conley, Cope- land, Dobner, Dorulden, Mclady, Sanborn, SulllvnnsMr. President -10. Nay. ldop[ed by the Assembly July q19, Ifl91. Numee, Mlnea, Oppenheim, Van 91yke, Mr. Pre.ldent-7. Nays--0- Approved July 17, 1891. 8 F No. 191. Resolved. That the contract bearing date Ione 211 1891, between James H. Burne Bud the City of 8t. Paul for the did "g of the ,job prmting for the term of one year from the late of the approval of said contract, be, and .11 OF THE CITY OF SA the same is bereby. approved, nd that the proper ity o11lcers sre hereby directed Lo ex- seute old pontraof nn behalf of the city. Resolved, further, That tine bond ponying said contract. and approved by the Corporation Attorney. rvhlch said bontl-la in the of $6.500. with James H. Bar-- it urne as pas rincipal. n to tl,o City o St. Paul, for the faithful erformance f aid ntrnet. be. Bud the same 1. herby in all things, up- proved by the Board of Aldermen July 7. 1891. Yeas-Ald. Blelenberg, Bott Cooley'n Cope- landDobner. Durnmeu, Mul.dy. . nborn, Sullivan, At Preeldent--ill. Nays. Adopted by the Assembly July 19, 1891. Y -Bas -Messrs. Banholzer. Elmgqmist, Mc- Namee, Mines, Oplamhelm, Viol Slyke, ]Ir. President -7. Nays -0. Approved July 17. 1891. Rd F No. 192-- In the matter of the report of the Board of Public Works dated July B. 1801. It I. hereby ordered by the Common Council of the Cit of St. Pool: That the Board of Public Wo,kBof the City of 8t. Paul cause the following Improvement to be made, to -wit: Condemn and take 11 easement in the land abuttl ngun Chatsworth street. between Front atmet and Corno boule- -th street, between said y lata. to the ee- mbliebed g gde thereof. Be sl�o D • the pro- Bersier odie of salf Duds Inrand for R.., III I It, the fou nipof s n d 1. the mce of the City Engineer: sold sto a to extend one and one-half IISii feet on old land or every foot of cut or 911, as Indi- cated on the plum of aid lupe ttached to said Sosrtlt, and to be filed Iu sthe ofhe of Ta.hat Bald Board shall proceed without de, c y to assee. the a ant, as n arVy thea ertaln themsume, which will be r yulmd to pay the damages, cast nod n11­ ch exponses of such improvement upon Lhe real estate w be Dene11ted Dy said impreve- ..at,aspro vldedby. nw; itbeing the upinlon of the Council that real estate to be assessed for such Improvement can be found benefited to the extent of the damages, cunt and ea- penses ncessary to be incurred thereby. Adoptedeby the Board of Aldermcu July 7, 1891. Yeas-Ald. Blelenberg. Butt, Cuul.y. Uope- land, Dobner, Dorniden. 5fel¢dy, Baoborn, Sullivan. hir. Presidout--IO. Nays- 0 Adoptod by the Assembly July�9, 1891. Mc- Yess-Messm. Banholzer, EE q Name, mire., Oppenheim, Van Slyke. Air. President -7. Nay. -i. Appreved July 17. bill. Bit F No. 193 - In the matter of the report of the Board of Public Works dated July e, 1891. itis hereby ordered by the Common Council of the "eel of 9t. Paul: That the Board of Public Works of the City of St. Paul cause the following Improvements W be made, to -wit: Condemn and take an [NT PAUL, FOR 1891. 171 mseme,t I, street. betweenh Duel" abutting o Keston avenue, fu said It r ae.a.t d Doswell y, necessary td n tract the elopes for cuts and 011e in grading said Keston strgeet. between sold atreete,yto t e es- Hleldfbe Id gxd thereof. Inbthen V't of vuo Re inter of Deeds site Iv and for Ramsey county d In the office of the 0."'41. ity Engineer; said elope 219117.% ex4 Morel` ane and one-half t11Z1 feet on sold land for every foot of out or fill Be intli- rated on the plan of aid lopes tt..bBd to id report and to be filed in the office oP Bald Acard. That said Board shall proceed without de - la" to ¢s. es the amount, "h s early they certain the same, whloh wilt' be r limited co pay the damage., coat and "ecce my expenses of such lmpproveumnt upon the real estate to be belle ted by such im- provement, Be provided by law• it being the opinion of the Council that tea estate W be assessed for such improvement can be fouud beciefited to the extent of damages, cost and e A zpen.es necessary to be Incurred thereby. d opted by the Board of Aldermen Jul l 7, 1891. Yea,-Ald. Biolenberg, Boit, Conley, Cope- land, Dobner, Dorniden, Malady, 9nnborn, Sullivan, Dir. President -30. Nays --0, Adopted by the Assembly JuIYy 19. 1891. Yea, -Ill... rs. Banholzer, Elmqufst, Mc- Namee, Mines, Oppenheim, Van Slyke, Mr. Preeldent-7. Nays -0. Approved July 17, 1891. Ed V No.194- In the matter of the report f the Board of Public Works dated June 29, 1891. It is hereby ordered by the Common Council T the Clty of St. Paul: That the Board of Pub ilo Works of the City to btu' Paude.ato-wit: he Condemn later take un [ mt in the laud abuttivga Term— Lane. ,between Floral street nd Lawton street. In said city, necessary, to construct the slopes for cuts and fills in g ¢ding said Ter- race Lane, Nei ween a,I l streets, to rh,- tab- Iished grade thereof, a.shownby the profile of said grade on file in the office of the Register of Dfiicosot ih Clty Encf my could elm ed Ito erthe lead ono and one-half (1✓ ) f�eec on aid land for every toot of cut or 1111. as Indicated on the plan of Bald lope. attached W said report, and to be filed In the office of said Board. That said Board shall proceed without de- lay to assess the amount. as nearly Betsey can ascertain the same, which will be required to pay the damages, cost and necessary expenses of such improvement upon the real estate to be benefited by id Improvement, Be pro- vided by law, it being the opinion ofthe Id Council that real estate to be ssessed for rmt the extent of he damage., cast and expenses necessary to be incurred thereby. July 7, hillAdopted by the Board of Aldermen Yeas--Ald. Blelenberg. Batt, Cooley. Cope- land. Dobner, Dorniden. Malady, Sanborn, Sullivan, Mr. President -10. Nay' OA Adopted by Lhe Assembly Julyy la. 1691. Yeas -Messrs. Banholzer, Elmqulst. Me- 172 PROCEEDINGS OF TI Namee, Mines, Oppenbelen, Van Slyke, Mr. Presldeat-7. Nay" July 17, 1801. Bd F No. 195--- In 9f�In the matter of the report of the Board of Public works dated June 29, 1891. It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: That the Board of Public Works of the City of St. Paul cause the following Improve- ments to be made. to -wit: Condemn and take an easement In the land abuttingon the alley In block 7, Edmund Rice's Second Addition, between Buffalo street and Mississipyyt street. In said city, necessnry to constructt is slopes for cuts and fills in grading said alley Ix, tween said streets, W the established grade thereof, as shown by the profile .f said grade e file In the office of the Reglster of Deeds in and for Ramsey county, and in the office of the City Engineer; said slopes to extend ane untl one.halt (1% feet on said land for every foot of out or $11. as indicated nn the. '\'hut sold Board skull proceed without dc- luy W assess file amount, as early they can ascertain the same, whie I wllI he re - quit. WpUy the dnmuges,costcud necessary expenxs 1i' ch imp- emeet upon the 'ere W be benefitetl by said Improve meat as provided by Inw; ib being the opin- lon of the Council that real estate to fw as- sessed for such Improvementcun be fou nd benefited to the extent of the dnnutges, cost and expenses necessary to be incurred there- by. Ada 71801,pted by the Board of Aldermen July . Yeas -Aldo D.rta;rg. Botta Conley, Cope - InnDobner, r, Dornid liven, i Melady, Snnbortn, Sullivan, Mr. President -10. Nays -0. Adopted by the Assembly Julyy 14, 1891, Yens -Messrs. Banholzer, Elnnyulet, Me- Numes, Minea, Oppenheim, Vnn Slyke. B1 r. Yresfdent-7. Nuys -0. Approve. July 17, 1891. Bd F No. 198 - In the matter of the reportof the Board of Public Works, dated Junc29.1891, It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: That the Board of Public Works of the City of St. Paul cause the following improve- ment to be made. W-wlt: Condemn and take us shown by the profile of said grade on filo 1. We office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey county d in the office of the City Engineer; said slopes to extend one and one-half (ly.) feet ou s¢Ill land for every foot of cut or fill as lndlcnt% on the plan of aid slopes attached to snid re ort. and W be Illed in the office of said Board. That said Board shall proceed without de- lay to assess the amount na nearly as they cru uscertnin the same, which will iw required W pay the damages, cost nod necessary ex- estnte to be benefitted b mens upon the neul y said Improvement IE COMMON COUNCIL as provided bylaw; It being the opinion of the Council that real estate to be assessed for such Improvement can be found benefited to the extent of damages. cost and expenses necessnry to be incurred thereby. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen July 7, 1891. Yeas -Aldo Bielenberg, Butt, Coale 7, Cope- land, Dobner, Dorniden. Melady, Sanborn, Sullivan, Bir. President -lo. Nays -0. Adopted by the Assembly. July 14, 1891. Yeas -Messrs. Banholzer. Elmqulot, Mc- Numee. Mines, Oppenlieinn. Vun Slyke, Mr. President -7. Nays -o. Approved July 17. 1801. Bd F No. 197 - In the matter of the report of the Board of Public works, dated duly 7, 1891. It is hereby ordered by the Common Council Tbatsaid Boardeausesald work to be let by contract, as provided by Inw, without one- half the estimated cost Using first paid lot. I1 city treasury, and atter said work shall be Vlaced under contract, said Board shall pr -..d without delay to assess the amount, as nearly as they can ascertain the same. which will be required to pay the costs and necessary expenses of such improvement, upon the rent estnW W t>c benefited by sold -prevents preve tsat, as provided by law: it being the opinion of the Council that real estate to be assessed for eh Improvement can be found benefited W the extent of the costs and expenses necessary to be Incurred thereby. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, July 7, 1891. Adopted by the Assembly July 14 1891. Yene-Messrs. Banholzer, Elmqulet Me- Namee, Minea, Oppenheim, Vu. Slyke, Mr. President -7. Nuys -o. Approved July 17, 1891. i Bd F No. 198. In the matter of the report of the Board of Public Works dated July 3, 1891. It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council oI the City oP St. Paul: That the Board of Public Works of said City of St. Paul cause the following improve- ment W be made, to-wI t: Construct a cross - alk on the cast and west sides of South We- basha street across Water street 1n said city. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen July 7, the Assembly Julyy 14, 1891. rs. Baubolzer, Elnnqulst, Me- OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. Names. Minea, Oppenheim. Van Slyke, Mr. Bd F No. 203. Presidentr7. In the matter of the repo Nays -0. Public works dated Jul Approved July 17, 1891. It is hereby ordered by the of the City of St. Paul; That the Board of Pu Bd F No. 100 - In the matter of the report of the Board of Public Works dated July 3. M.A. Gfouncil It Is hereby or.ered by the Common of the City of St. of I: That the IIonnl of Public Works of said City of St. Pau 1. cause !ho following improve- ment to be made. to -wit: Construct across - walk on the south side of Summit avenue. across Cleveland a....le. in said city. Adoptee by the Board of Aldermen July 7, 1891. Yeas -Aid. IIlelenberg. Bott. Conley, Cope- land, Dobner, Dornidon, Melady, Sanborn, Sullivan. Mr. President -10. Nays -0. Adopted by the Aswmbly .Iulyy 14. 1801. Yeas -Messrs. Banholzer. Elms uist,BIc- Namee, Minea. Oppenheim, Van Slyke. BI r. President -7. Nay -0 Approved July 17. 1891. Bd F No. 200 - In the matter of therport of the Board of Pahlle works dated duly It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: That the Board of Public Works of Bald City of St. Paul cause the following Improvement t. be made. W -wit: Construct a crosswalk on the west side of Lnnr. avenue. nanr.;s Uni- versity avenue,: on the west side of W h soler avenue, across University avenue. and on st side of Moire ..once, across the alloy betyween Carroll and Iglehartstreets, in snid n (Adopted by the Board of Aldermen July 7. 801. Yeas-Ald. IIlelenberg. Butt Conley. Cope- land, Dobner, Dornidon.Melady. Sanborn, Sullivan. Mr. President -10. Naps --0. Atloptcl by the Assennbly. J"y 14. 1891. Yens -Messrs. Banholzer. F.lm�p 14. Me- Namoe, Mine.. O ppenhelm, Van Slyke. Mr. President -7. N.Y.-O. Approved July 17, 1891. Rd F No. 201. In the matter of the Board of Public Works dated Jnly 8, 1891. It is hereby ordered by tho Common Council t the City of St. Paul: That filo II it of Public Warks of said City of St. Paul cause the Inllowingimprove- mentto be made, to -wit: Constructs, cross- walk on south side. of Cook street across Burr street, In said Cityy. Adopted by the Cil of Aldermen, July 7, 1891. Yeas-Ald. Biclenborg, Bott, Conley. Cope- land. Delmer, Dorniden. Melady, Sanborn. Sullivan. Mr. President -I0. N.Ys-0. Adopted by , Assembly .flay 14. IA91. Yone-Messrs. Banholzer, Elms uist. Nc- Nameo. Minea, Oppenheim. Van lilyke. Mr. President -7. NuysO. Approved July 17, 1891. 173 rt of the Board of y 0, 11891. o Common Council Pub works of said City of St. Paul cause the following improve- ent to be made, to -wit: Constructan eight - foot wooden sidewalk on the south side of Lawson street. from Mississippi street to Arkwright street, in said city. fhnt.snid Board skull proceed without do - lay to assess the amount as early as they can nscertaln the ='and' ame, which will be ro- quiredtopny the costs and necessnry ex - est to to be nses of such nnefited b mold ent -Pon the Improvement y provement as provided byy law; 1t being the opinion of filo Council ttnnt real estate W be assessed for such itopmvomont can be found benefited to the oaten t of the costa and expenses necessnry to be incurred thereby. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen July 7, 1891. Yeas -Aid. Bielenberg, Bott, Conle . Copo- Innd. Dobner, Dornidon, Melody, Sanborn, Sullivan. Mr. President -10. Nays_0 Adopted by the Assembly July 14, 1891. Yeas -Messrs. B..It. or. Elniv�7ist, Mc- Namee, Mines, O penhelm, Van Slyke. Mr. President -7. Nays -0. Approved July 17, 1891. Rd F No. 203. Ln the matter of the Board of Public works dated .July 8, 1891. It is hereby ordered by the Common Council C the City of St. Paul: That the Board of Public works of said City of St. Paul cause the following Improve - meet W bo mode. W -wit: Constructuneight- foot wooden sidowalk on the north side of Charles street, from Chatsworth street to Lexi.gW, avenue, In ssid'city. That snid Board shall proceed without de- lay to assess the amount, as nearly s they can ascertain the same, which will be re- quired - e. re_ W Pa h timo.ruvemen6 t�uons the rent the extent of the costs and expenses neces- snry to be incurred thereby. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen July 7. 1891. Yeas-Ald. Bielonberg, Bott, Cent e . Cope- land, Dobner. Dornidon. Bfelady. Sanborn, Sullicun, D1 r.President-10. Nuys Adopted by the Assembly July 14, 1891. Yons-Messrs. Banholzer, Elin fst. Mc- Namee. Minen, Oppenhelm, Van Slyke, Mr. Prosidontr7. Nuys -0. Approved July 17, 1891. Bd F No. 204 - In the matter of the report of the Board of Public \Yorks dntod July 3. 1891. It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council f the CILy of St. Paul: That the Mord of Public Worksofsaid City of St. Paul cause the following fmprove- ment W be made. to -wit: Construct and 174 PROCEEDINGS OF TI maintain a six-foot wooden sidewalk. together with the neeessnry crosswalks, on the went .side of Chutsworth street, from Carroll street to Selby avenue. In said City. That said Board shall proceed without de- lay to assess the amount as nearly ..they certain the s which -I" Mbe r - Csnredofsuch iheproaoment Pons they rex? tate to be benefited by id improvemen t, provided byy law: It berg the pinion of the Cou dell that real tate to be n - seesed for such Improvement c be found benefited to the extent of the cants­'IncurredYd o - Adopted by the Board of Aldermen bJ ulyx 1891. Yeas -Aid. Bielonberg. Bott. ConleYnbn.Pr.o S land. Dobie. r. Dorniden, DICIndy. Sullivan. Mr. President -10. NAdoays pted by the Assembly July 14. 1801. Yeas-Messm. Sunbelt- Elm% ist, h1c- Namee. Mines. Oppenhelle, Von Slyke, Mr. President -7. Nays 0. Approved July 17, 1891. i I Bd F No. 205-- - p In the matter of the reportr of the Board of s Public Works. dated July 3. 1801mm. IL Is hereby ordered by the Coon Council of the Clty of 6t. Paul: That the Board o[ Public Works of said City of St. Poul cause the inllnwing Im- provement to be made. to -wit: Construct a den sidewalk. .1. (8) feet wide. to front or lots S. 9 and 10, block 2. Second addition Merriam Purk, in said cliy. That aid cad without debt w=5 the .menet as nearly as timy can as retrain the same, which will be required to pay the cost nd necessary expenses of s 11b ,ted by m idtimprovementeRtslepp to ideltl by lea? I Litten Mtbe nPi mond for ch ,mil that rent can bo found benefited to the eatPevt of the costs and -oci dl. necessary to he in- cu n- d thereby. c Adapted by the Board of Aldermen July 7, y the As.emby July 14. ,801. c. Be. holzer. Elmqufst. Mo- en, Oppenheim, Van Slyke, Mr. July 17, 1891. Bd F No. '.A7'- In the atter of the report of the Board of Public Works. dated Brune 21). 1891. It is hereby ordered by the Common Co. dell P the City of St. Paul: That. the Boned of Public Works of .said City of St Ynul.causethefollowingImprove- t to be made. to -wit: Pave Maiden Lane mi th -due blocks between Selby .vevue a.d Nlnn venue. In said city, Bald paving to be done in the a ring o11891. That said Buard cause aaki work to be let by contract. as provided by law. withoutone- iheci etretau ry. andsntber,ing dstorkdshall be placed under contract said Board shall IE COMMON COUNCIL proceed without delay to assess the amount as nearly as they can ascertain the same. which will be required to pay the costs and necessary expenses of such Improvement poo the real estate to be benefited by said Improvement, as provided by law; it being the opinion of the Cou ncfl that real estate to be assessed for such 1mz rovement c.. be foudnd bene,ted necethe ex �t obef the ur ea and eypenses ssry Ado pled by the Board of Aldermen July 7. 1801. Yeas -A Id. Bleleoberg. BOLI. Cente.v. Cope- land, Dobner. Dorvidon. Malady. Sanborn. Sullivan, Mr. President -10. Naystod. Adopby the Assembly July 14.1891. Names. " Insrn �•Oppenheiimr anm Quist. Mr. Precedent -7. -0. AppNaysroved July 17, 1891. Bd F No. In the matter of the re.pnrt of the Board of Public Works dated July3.1891. It is hereby ordered by the Common Council f the Ctty of St. Paul: That the Board of Public Works of said City of St. Pool_cnuse the without de- they can to Pay estte the extevt of to {netes.ted thoreb vx Adopted by tl a Board of Aldermen July 7, 1891. Yeas-Ald. Blelenberg, Bott, Cnvley. C�pe: land, Dobner. Dorniden, \fclady. S n Sullivan. Mr. President -10. .Ways -0. Adopted by the Assembly July 14, 1891. Yeas-Mcssrs. Banti d..r. Elmilulst, Mc- Namee. Mine.. Oppenheim, Van Hlyke, Mr. President -Z Approved July 17. 1801. Id F No. 210- the matterof the Dort. of the Board of Public Works, dated e.i n _,, 1891. t Is hereby ordered by the Common Cou net] of the City of St. Pau I: That the Board of Public Works of sold iity of St. Paul coos, the fo]Inwinglmprove- c ,t to be made. to -wit: Gp, an alley six - lon (18, feet wide tbrnnglt the a ter of ck tell (101. Versey-Woolsey Il addition• r Griggs street to Syndicate •, ore. in Id ciht ty. (-end, ,Inlet. Ig and taking that oath orth(eight (8)f feet of lots to 1.5116 tos30o lncluslthe e all insaid Ill. Cityy o1 St. Pei Thatsatd Bt lay to assess i ,.a ..certain OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL FOR 1891. en (10). and being In the Commisslooer of Health. Iinnesota. the same Is herebyy -feet shall proceed with., de- Public Works to ill-tlg .meant ss ,early as they First -Is Ude Improve same. which will b re- necessary? _ ises necessary to ve incurred by the Board of Aldermen yyJuly 7, d. BiD r In don B tt' Co.l5.a . der President -10 nburn by the A.-cably.Tdly 11, 1891. aceFBanhniter, Elmqq 1st, Mc- Oppenhel m. Van Slyke. blr. n 7 1 July 17.189 1. No. 211- be drawn in favor for the aum of $I.- e-third of the n iontinin. the month of June, tact. an u.... e .. +. t of the general innd of the City o St. Paul by the Board of Aldermen Juiy 7. 1891. Yeas-Ald. Bielenberg, BIjulD. Mr. fmrId oit. Conleyy. Cope - laud. ohnerP resldento.I0McladY. Snnbern. N.Ye Adopted by the Asscmbly July 14. IBf 1. Yea Zl sae Banh Iter. Enn i- Mc- Namee. Mlnea. Oppenheim, Van Slyke. Mr. Preside n1-7. Nays -0. Approved July 17, 1891. BVIdMalady-Bd F No. 213- Resolved. That the grade of Isabel treet, from State street to Ada street, as Indicated by the red grade It.. do the a1c.T anying grofile. and us lneer,be En - and the s duc i a ebyhadopted .s the established Rrade. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen July 7. 1891. Yeas-Ald. Bleleoberg. Bolt. Conley. Cope- land, Dobner. Dorniden, Meln ly, Sanborn. Sullivan h1r. Pe.sfdentrl0. Nays -b. Adopted dby the Assembly .Idly 14. 1891. Yeas -Messrs. Banhoitm er. Elq 1st. Mc- Namee. Mines, Oppenheim, Van Slyke. Mr. President -7. Nays -i. Approved July 17. 1801. By Aid. Bott-Bd F' No. 214 - It is hereby ordered by the Common Council ofthe C1t 0 ", St. Paal: That the atter of o tructinR a so from t line [lot 4, block 26. Suburban Hills addition. to the intersec if Burns yuthe and Mound streets, an recommended 175 the 20, 1601, be and 1 to the Board of e and report: rent proper and it an estimate of ate whether one - be paid Into the t tr.cti, let. be d for I benefited to the ad expenses - ent asked for :.tion of the o .9- raperty to be as- 't? 'Plan prole auired by law, It c. a proper order di- e. Aldermen July 7. a the ABsembly.Tuly 14, 1891. Banholzer, Eled fat, Dic- a. Oppenheim. Van Slyke. Mr. July 17, 1891. he Common Council ntructing a sewer on . Edgerton street to refer ed the BoarA vefinent te and per and d be a ed for -filed w the expos see neces- nt asked for tion of the owao- 7erty to be . - ,lan or proille of ed by law, if you a proper order 10. ,Idermen July 7. Adopted by the Assembly Julyy 14: 1891. Yeas -Messrs. Banholzer. Ealmq ?lees. arc. Name.. Mined, Upped aI m, 66 President -7. Nays -0 Approved .1 my 17. 1891. By Ald. Die.ladY-Bd F No. 218- it Is hereby ordered by the Common Council f the City St. Paul: That the atter of constructing a six-foot 176 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL wooden sidewalk, together with the .Dees -Adopted by the Board of Aldermen July 7. .try crosswalks... the south side at Ring street, be and the same is hereby referred W 1801. Yens-Ald. BVIenberg, Botd.. Contey. Cope- tha Board of Public Works W investigate land. Dobner. Dorniden. Melady. Sanborn, and report: Is this improvement proper and nee- Sullivan. Air. President -10. Nays -0. essary? If the Council n order Adopted by the Assembly Julyy 14.1891. Yms-Messrs. Banhulrer, n. send proper directingthe work W le done. Elm9 ulet, Mc- Nemec. Mil eu. Oppenheim• Van Adopted by the Board of Aldermen .July 7. tilyke. Mr. President -7. 1891. Nays --0. Ycas-Abd. Biclenborg. Rott. Conlev, Cope- land. Db.er. Ilorniden. Molndy. Sanborn. Approved July 17, 1801. Set 11 van, Mr. President -10. - Nnys--0. Adopted by the Assembly July 14. 1891. Yeas -Messrs. Banhnlzer, Elmq lilt, Me- Namec. Alines, Oppenheim, Van Slyke, Mr. President -7. N.ys-0. Approved July 17.1891. Byy Ald. Conlev-Bd F No. 217- Itosolved, That the St. Punt Gas Light Cnmpnny be Ind it is herby permitted l,1 bi n pipe dnuhr on Fnst Fourth street, from Olive stroct Io the Trout Brook sewer; III of ltd work W be done at the expense oP said Gas Light, Company and under the direction Of Cite, CILy E.RI nae r. AdopWd by the Board of Aldermen July 7, 1801. Yens-Ald. Idlolenberg. Bott. Con toy. Cope- Innd, Dobner• Dor III Malady. S+unborn. by the Assembly Julyy 14. 1571. ssrs.Banhnlzer, Elniqulst. Mc- nea.0ocenheim. Van Slyki, Mr. Approved July 17. 1891 By Aid. Dobner-Bd F No. IL Is herebyy ordered by the Common Council or the ORy of StPool: That, hat ileo nl.twi of IlryingIsix-foot wood- lid ood,. sidewalk, with suitable cross -walks, on the ortheasterly side f Keston .street, from Duuiey avenue W Doswell oven uo. be and the some Is bmrcl referred to the Heart] of Public works to 111-thollo tied report: Is this Improvement proper and rue- "s,uryf If w, ,enol the Council a pruper order di- rect, ogthe work 10 be done. Adapted by the Board of Aldermen July 7, 1891. Yois-Ald. IDclmdlerg. Bold., Conley, Co{x=,- bund. 11obner, Do idden. MMlndy, Snuborn. 9ullivun. Al r. President -10. Nays -0. Adupt,,'d by Lhe A.ssem illy July I4, 1891. Yonv-Messrs. Bnnholzer, F.Imr7 dill. Mc- Namee, Alineu. Oppoubtlet, Vnn Slyke• Al... President -7. Naps -0. Approved July 17. 1891. By Ald. Colx'huul-Bd F No 219- 7tesolxed, TI uL the grnIt of Sima "rrot. from `Yp ess st.roct to F,nrl nlreeL, ns Indl- eutod by the red Kende Ileo on the neeom- Cluty _x cc" be land rtboamooi le hereby ado tie Lha ostublisbed grade. ItBy Aid. l I her bye, ordered by the Common Council f the City of St. Pur 1: That ;)city matter of layys ng a si z -foot wooden hlewalk. with u Rublt• croswxlks, on the north silo Of Thomas street, from Syyndicate avenue W ILrmlinc uvenne, le and tire some le herby referred W the Board of Public Works to investigate and report: Is Lille improvement proper and sec. 8If •'lrry. so e and the Council n proper order di- ra:tlnl: rLc work to be done. Adoph+d by the Board of Aldermen July 7. 189 . Innd.tsDobncr13iI)or. den.BMol>idy,IlSu nboPn, Sul llvim. Mr. Presidont--10. Nays -0. Adopted by the, Assembly Jot yy t4, 1801. Named Minces Oppenl elm, VunmSlyke, Mr Press,le It -7. Nays -0. A ppruved .told 17, 1891. u f Lho CIL oruerea My toe, Common Council r y of St. Poul: That the mutter of Inying I. six-foot wood- en sidowulk. Wgnihrr with tho necessary Cn tho lnorthnsl lRrrfr Cuter avenue. at; follows: e. from the west lincof Iot 81 to nnrthenstcrlyy lino or lot f39, in block 40 of St. Anthony P 11 north; ul.cO on the muaWrly side or said C: r uvo- unue, from the oust end of the, present walk thnorther oy sideofsnld Caiteraveinne.sfr. Keston Creel, to county road (pfxe.tition ST tnnhed)), be nod the xnrno is hrrcby re ferrod W the Board of Public Works to investigate ind report; Is this Improvement proper undnnecesanry? if., ,rand the Council u proper oder ;1l recti nK the work to he done. Adopted by the Board of Alderman July 7. 891. Ymus-Ald. Ble mile rg, Butt, Conley. Cole- nnd. Dobner. Dorniden. Afoludy. Snnbnrn. it Ili van. Mr. Ym-i dent -l0. Nnys`l. Adopted by the Assembly Jul1y ui tilt. Mc- Vnmee. All ca, Op•{euhelm. Van elykc, Mr. sides t-7, Nays -0. Approved July 17, 1891. By Ald. Dobner-Rd F No. 221- It is hcrebv ordered by the Common Council oftho City of st. Aral: That the matter (if In}•i ng a sl x -foot wooden 1ldewalk, with suitable crosswalks, on tho OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 177 north side, of Dooley avenue, from the county rand W Gordon avenue, be and the some is hereby referred to the Board of PubBe Works to l n vestlgateand report: isthis improvement proper and necessary? If "o. send the Council it proper order directing the work to be done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen July 7, 1801. Yens-Ald. BIT nberg, Bott. Conleyy. Cope- land. Dobner- Dornide.. Molndy. eInborn. Sullivan. Air. Prceident-10. Nays. AdopWd by the Assembly Jnly 14. 1891. Yen --Messrs. B,L.holzer, F an Mist, me- Namee. Mines, Oppenheim, Van Slyke,. Mr. I,residont-7. 'days --0. Approved July 17. 1891. R.y Aid. Dornldcn-Ild F No. 2vi- ishereby ordered by the Cmmm�n Council Or th Clty of St. Paul: Thnttho mutter of the cret•ting and mein- taining Rn -olive -laps, us follows; One In P at tic southwest corner of St. Clifl- Frte streets, on, hump at t4rc Ilan t.lrwest cor- ?OfSt. Clair and Oneidit streets amdooe I LLmp ICI the, sou 11, west corner of Bt. Clair and Webster streets. bean, the, sono is herby re- ferred to the board of Public Works W I.- c=LIgnW and report: 1 is this improvement punpor and necessary. If;ea. send the Cnunell u proper order directing the w ork to le done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen July 7, 1991. Yens -Aid. Rlclanh ice Roth. ally. , Cope- lond, Dohner. Ilorniden, Molndy. Sanborn. Sullivan. Mr. President -m. Nays 0. Adopt.eol by the A...mbly July 14. 1891. Yens -Messrs. 13:n holze r. Flmf uivL. AIc- Namre. Mlnmr. Oppenheim. Van dyke. Mr. 1'recident-7. Nnys�. A pp nrt•ed .11IIV 17. Iwll. By Ald. Dor lick. -Bd F' No. •_t - Illshr•rctrY.,bredbytheCon...I Corurc11 d Lbo cl tY uf.96, Ihud: In the nmth•r d sondem ulnK and Inking al rx.w�uu•n t, in rho Laid .butting un till un f strep 1. front Ntederhoetcr street to ('Upulrihrlrlye"cnts and fill., necessarlxtrcet s id tthr s rn• Is hereby referred W the �Rourd of public Works W levcstignte and re,pp rt: N'i rst-Is this improvement, proper and .Des-ary? Feet•und-Glut the Connell an ustlinate of e- tlo•rzp�• sr. thenhereo b, toI aid n one- thereof I tool [ of i�he sort LlLc ren[ Is W IW 11RId Irl W Llle. r 'IY IL treasury before the contract is let. hid -(:ILII real estate to be a-c.sell for rid lmprovermmt le fan nd benoli Wol to the r•xletrL ofdanILLt,7•s.,Dill,,undexponcesne,;es- s yto he incurred thereby? s N'um Lh-Ls such hnprev..I tikod for ofsto the ,,, ltlou or app l lentop of the own - sofIt I"'jority of it property to be as- s, s•d for.sn,li im recon,. n t.? F'i ft4r tion, the I I lucil it plan or prutlle Of el said lrovene•ut, as required by law. If you re mut �I favor of the sante. L i [L -Send the Council a proper order directing tbo work to W done. •AdopWd by the Board of Aldermen July 7. 1891, Yeas-Ald. Bielenberg, Bott. Coaled, Cope- Iand, DMImer. Dorniden, Moistly, Sanborn• Sullivan. AI r. Preside,nt-10. 0 Nuys- Adopted by the, Assembly .Told ]4, 1801. Yens -Messrs. Bnnholzer. Elmqulst. Mr. NnnI - Minna, Oppenheim. Van Slyke. Mr. Pres1dent-7. Nays -O. Approved July 17. 1891. By Ald. Both Bd F No. 22A. It Is hereby odero<t by the Common Council ofthe City of St. Pard: That the matter of constructing wooden cide.rali, (111 feet wide) on PILO, Oe avenue Is this Improvement proper and necessary? If sI, scud the Council u Proper ardor dl resting Ute work W be done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen July 7, 1801. Yens -Aid. Bieleal-g. Butt. Conley. Cope- land. Dobner. Dorniden. Melody. Sanborn. Sullivan. Air. President -10. Nnys�. Adopted by the Assembly July 14, 1891. Yms-M1lcssrs. Bnnholzer, Elmqulst, Me- Nomee. Allnea, Opponheim, Van Slyke. Air. President -7. NaY'_a. Approves July 17. 1891. A Id. Butt-Bd F No. 220- 1 hereby ordered by the Common Council the City of St. Paul: lot the matter of erecting and maln- ilnq agasollno Inmp on south side of Min - )'It street. between Greenbrier avenuo Walsh .street, be and tho some I. hereby red to the Board of Public Works to In- Jgatr and report: this Improvement proper and nocessnryy7 r. send the, Council n proper orderdl- JUK the work W be done. :lopted by the Board Of Aldermen July 7, •us -Aid. Blclonborg. Boit, Conleyyo- , Cop I. 11ob.or. Dorniden, Molndy, f8unborn. Adapted by the Assembly Julyy 14, 1891. Yeua--Mescrs. Bnnholzer, F.Imr Mist, Mc - NI. Nine.. Opponhei m. Van SSyke, Mr. Prosidcnt-7. Nays Approvod.iuly 17, 1891, By A Id. Butt--Bd F No. 227- It is hereby ordered by the Common Council f the City of St. Paul: That the mutter of constructing It wooden -walk on West.sidc of Map le,street across Hastings avenue be and tho . nee Ls hereby referred to the Board of Publle Works to In- vostll(,gate sad report: is this improvement proper and necessaryy? c If .so, send the Council r proper orderdi - r •ting the work W be done. Adopted by the Bcard of Aldermen July 7, IfL91. Yeas-Ald. Blclenborg, Bott. Conley, Cope- 178 PROCEEDINGS OF T land, Dobner. Dornlden. Melady. Sanborn Sullivan. Dir. President -10. Nays -1. Adoys_pted by the Assembly July 11 4. 1801. Names. Mlnera. s. Oppenheim. Van `3i yko. Mr President-?. Nays -0. Approved July 17, 1891. By Ald. Biblenberg-Bd F No. It Is is hereby ordered by the Common Counel Of the City of St.Paul: That the matter of laying a crosswalk a III south sidevf Blair street, across Arnnr del street, be and the me is [hereby [erred to the Board of Pu blte Works to In- vest1f�{ate and,repott: If Girls imps the scounci proper and necessary? Ilrecting the work to be done. proper o Adopted by the Board of Aldermen July 7. 891. Yeas -Ale, Bielenberg, HotMet. Conley, b= and. Dobner. Dotvlden. Meteor. Sanborn. July 14. 1891. Elms list, Mc. Van Slyke, All ' Approved July 17. 1891 By AId. Bott-Bd F No. 229 - It is hereby ordered by the Common t'ounc 11 of the City of St. Paul: That the matter of constructing wooden crosswalks s follows: One cross vnik c the orth side of Freemont street, x Mendota street and one three -plunk c - alkacroseNewport a� nue. pPPo !tell Brewer's store. be and th same fa herbe- y r ferredtothe Board of Public Work, to la_ vestlggate and report: Isithls improvement p oper xnd necessary? If so. ..d the Council u prooperorder di I Adopted by thahe workt Board of Aldermen July 7, 1801. land, sD bid. nerB,IDorelden,6 Malady, Sanborn. SuRlvan. Mr. Prosldent-10. Nays -0. Adapted by the Assembly JulL• 14, 1801. Yeas-Messre. Banholzer, lmqqMc- Namee, Mlnea, Oppenheim, Van Slyke. Mr. Presiders 7. N.Y.- 0. Approved July 17. 1891 By Ald. Sol lIvan- Bd F No. 'ir.0- IC lehereby ordered by the Common Council C the CIt., of 9t. Paul: That t atier of grading the alley in Ill it bounded by IInlverslte. Lyonhurst, Prior a dOakley.v..uc.. -sportively po- Did of a -third of the property holders attached. bee d th0 same Is herby referred =tII" and o[ Public Works W i.veatigatd . Flrstrls this ilice mprovement proper and o Second -Give the Council n ti mote of the prps se thereof, and state w-it one- half trethe rysbefore thoraco �trnctislc4 to the c Th1d-0an real estate to 1: seealsed far HE COMMON COUNCIL said Improvement be found bene fired to the extent of damages, costs and expenses neces- sary to he incurred thereby? Fourth -Is such improvement asked for upon thepetition or application f the own - of of410 itv of th property to be as - d for . rch Improvement? own - so -of Fifti --Send the Council a plan or profile of said improvement, asrequired by law, if you repport in favor of the same. Sl xth-Send the Council a proper order di - •I Ing the work lobe done. I Adepted by the Board of Aldermen.July 7. 801. Yeas-Ald. Blelenberg, Batt, CoaleY, Cope- Innd, Doher. Dorniden, Malady, Sanborn, So 11, va n, Mr. Pmildent-10. .Ways -0. Adel- d by the Assemb'y.lul 14.1891. YearnMessrs. Banholzer, ElmQQulst. Me- N¢moe, Mine., Oppenheim, Van Slyke, Mr. President -7. Ngya-n. Approved .Illy 17, 1891. By Aid. Moldy-Bd F No. 231- Resolved. That a warrant bed awn on the city treasury. payable out of thegeneral fare, in favor of D. W. Lawler, Corporation Attorney for the sum of t1Y10, to be us9d as s cnpitrgent fund in the .fele of [he Corpora- tion Att,rney for the payment of costs and expenses In cases in which the City Is a pa rt�-.and for 1 ncldental :De.ses oft "'I". Adopted by the Board of Aldermen July 7, J. Yens Aid. Blelenberg, Bott. Coded, Cope- land. Dobner-, Dornlden, Aleledy, Sanborn, Bu l liven. At,. Presideatr-30. . ys O. Adopted by the Assembly Julyy- 14, 1891. Yens -Messrs. Banholzer, EI 1st, Mo - Names. Alines. Oppenheim, Va.. yke, M•. President -7. Nn, s -J). Approved July 17, 1891. By Aid. Dobler-Bd F. No.2a2- Resolved. That warrantsbe draw. upon the city treasury, payable out of thf general fund, as follows: One lu favor of Warner, Richardson & Lawrence, attorneys of record for Adam Heim d others, for the sum of $102.11 In Re pqy rat f a a dgm t rendered In favor of Adam Helm u d others, and agalvat the City of St. Paul fur said so m. Feb. 10, 1891. One in favor of William G. Robertson and H. R. Freeman. for the sum of in pa meon,Vf a Judment nder d�lvafavor olf Id gre Robertson and Freeman, ad agalost the City of SG Paul for said sum. Feb. 'l/, 18191. One In favor of Elizabeth Weinman for the u of 4T7.W,In full p¢y meat ofd Jud L 'I'm onaered In favor f id Wein no, n.od H last i1hle Illy of 9t. Pali for said sum. One Iv favor of Harry Caldwell for the sum If 13t) ifas-or of solldd Caldw0.ell.tn dengafoe[ :he City of St. Paul for said arm. Ju ve A. 891. One in favor of Christian Aleyer. Jacob W. Potter and William Funk, for the sumf @2.35, in payment of a lodgment rendemin of id Afeoce Y tier a d F�nk enmd ever lli tho City f SL Paul, for Id s lova 9, 1691. u OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. FOR 1891. 179 Allot which judgments were duty entered expense, sewer on Thomas street. from n p d perfectd of record in the office of Arundel st reet one hundred.and twenty (120) tile Clerk of District Court of Ramsovcounty feel easterly: the same to be constructed D1lnneeotn. S:dd warrants Shutt be lelivomd under the supervision of the City Engineer, ply- upon there h, -i nX filed lith the City rad the xpense of englusering to he paid Comptroller proper snttefactio ns of sold by said W,Xner. Judgment,. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen July 7, Adopted by the Benrd of Aldermen July 7, 1891. 1891 Yeas-Ald. Bielenberg, Butt. Conley, Cope- 1-eas-Alrl. Bielenlx•rK, Bott. Conley. Cope- land. Dobner. Dornlden. Melody, Sanborn. land- Dobner, Dorniden, Melady, Sanborn, Sullivan, Mr. President -10. Sullivan. Atr. Pn,sidentr-]0. Noys-0. Nays -0. Adopted by the Assembly July 14. 1891. Adopted by the Assam bly.luly 14. 1891. Yens -Messrs. Banholzer, Elmquist, Mo- Yeas-Alessrs. Banholzer, Elm% ist, Afo- \times. Mfi ea, Oppenheim, Van Slyke, Mr. Namee, Ali nen, Oppenheim, Van Blyke, Dir. President 7. Prwsldent-7. Nays -0' Nays -o. Approved .July 17, 1891. Approved July 17, 1891. By Ald. Dorniden-1111 F No. 2.34-- B Ald. Conley-Bd F No. 237 - Resolved, me per fission be and the same sled. That on July 22. 1891, which will Is hereby Rrnn ted to Fronk .loosen to a sot. b "Derby day' at the state fair grounds, all Intnln rad r to 'teles n the north ,the public of9e s 1 1 the City f St. Peal be �111e of and within the lines < f West Seventh close11 from rad after 12 o'alook noon. street, opposite lot eight 1A) of Onsie -1 Itlop Adopted by the Board of Aldermen July 7, I the city of St. Poll 1, Alinneso Ui. upon the' 1991. ndi[ious and pruvi"I by nrtic le Mot i s'ns-Aid. Bielenberg. Butt. Coaley, Cope - the Municipal Code. Innd, Dobner. Dorniden• mclady. Svanborn, Resoled. fu rthur. That hefore said toles Sullivan. Air. President -10. are re ted. the said Frank .Innsen shall axe Adopt d by the Assembly July H, 1�1. Cute and serve on Jho city a bund 10 tho sum 1-cos-Afessrs. Banholzer, Elmq fist, Ain - of Al; 00, 1 poo lye ttnidilions d In ac- Nam e. Miner, Oppenheim. Van Slyke. Air. a)rdxnce with tho pravi.slon of salrl article 58 President -7. of the Monte, pat Cade• Noy". Adopted by the Bcard of Aldermen .July 7, Approved July 17. 1891. 1991. Yeas -Alt(. Blelepberg. Boit, C-12'. Cope- land. Dob.- Dornidon, Alelady, 9 ll-ri, Sullivan. Mr. President -10. Nays 0. Adopted by the Assembly JaIS 14, 1891. Aic- Yeas-Messrs. Ihlnholzer, El nnqq List, By Ald. Sanborn-Bd F Nc. 23R- Somee. Afincu, OPPeuhelm, VF Blyke, Ale. Resolved. That the drsde of the alley In Preside I— block 1, Heldemap'e dditlon, from Dolton Nays -0 street to Vlctorlastreet, as indicated by the Approved July 17. IFA(. red Xrade line on thea ompanying pro9le Adoptedshy the Boed of Alderman July 7, Hy Ald. Boit-1111 F Nv. 235- 1891. Yeas -Aid. Biolenberg, Bott. Conley. Cope - Res heed Thnt [he Box rd of Pu 11, Works land. Dobner. Dorniden, Melody, tlanborn, be and a hereby ordered to discontinue Sullivan. Alr. President -10. sprinkling Ala rqn re,. street, from Hope street that Ill. ' by the Assembly July 14, 1601. to East Sea-ent I street, pr,vidd Street SPrinkllug Covtracter consents Adopted Yens- Messrs. Bav holier. ElmquJet, Mi - 'Names•. Dflnea, Opponhelm. Van Slyke, bf thereto. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Jnly 7, President -7. 1601. Yeas-Aid. Bieleulwrg. Batt. Conlf3anbo�tn, NnYe�- Approved July ]i, 169]. MelndY. Sullivan. Mr. Presid-t- 1) Naos-e. Adopted b, [he AsaemblY •1 Elm .,l 91. - Yeas-A,Mc- essrs. Bunh,lzer, Van g1 kr, all. Nemec. Mirex. Oppenheim, Y Pmsi11ent-7. By Ald. fianborn-Bd F No.23lF- R s Ird, That the gr8de of the alley In Nays -0. A pp roved.iuly 17. 1891. Mork 2. Milt ori a additlo., from Mi(ten street I to Victnrl8 street, as Indicated by the red q,ad. line on d d be tho •City Engi cera be - and the same Is hereby adopted m the estab- B,t12Ald.es,l Ilshd grade AdoPted by the Board of Aldermen July i, BirItd. Thtg-B P. TF Wagner is hereba IAin Cope - Yeas-Ald. Blelenberg. Botta Conley, Oope- granted permission to construct at hie uw 780 PROCEEDINGS OF TI ]and, Dobner, Dorniden. Melody, So -be Sullivan, Mr. President -le. Noy". Adopted by the Assembly Ju]yy 14, ]sal. Yeas -Messrs. Banholzer, Elmoiniat, Mc- Namee, Mises: Oppenheim, VnR Slyke. Mr. President -7. Nays -0. Approved July 17, 1881. By Aid. Copeland -Bit F No. 242- [[ le hereby ordered by the Common Council 01 ting a sewer on Ia fro in Lawson street to sewer, be and the sa.c le the Board of Public Works rnporta By Ald. Sanborn -Bit F No. 2+5- Prvwement proper and neo- Resolved, That the Board of Public Works ! cause St. Aihuns street, from Iglehart street j to Carroll street to be. sprinkled. AdoD 18AI. WU by the Board of Aldermen July 7, Yens-Ald. Bielenberg, Bott, Conley, Cope- land, Dobner, Dornidep, Malady. Sanborn, Su1BvaD. Mn President -]0. Nays. Adopted by the Aewmbly.iuly 14, 1891. Yens-Massre. Banholzer, Elmrlaet, Mc- Namee, Mines, Oppenheim, Va. 91yko, Mr- Prssident-7. A pys-11. Approved July 17, 1891. IE COMMON COUNCIL said Imppr veme t, as required by law, if you 'reSi chi Send rthetCouncil m •ting the work to be doneg proper order dl - Adopted by the Board of Aldermen July 7, 1801. Yeas -Alit. Bielenberg, Bott, Coale , Cope- land, Dobner. Dorniden, Molady, Sanborn, Sullivan. Mr. Preeldent-Io. Nay. -0. Adopted by the Assembly July 14, 1891. Yeae-Messrs, Banholzer, ElmQuleq Ito- Namee, Mines, Oppenheim, Van Slyke, Mr. President -7. Nays -0. Approved July 17, 1801. eecona- ive the ooueeri] ¢a estimate o the expense thereof, and state whether one, half o[ the ,at thereof Is to be paled mW the city treasury before the cont at is let. Third -Can real estate W be nase.seel to] said Improvement be found benefited tothe extent of damages, costs and expenses no. ....ry to be Incurred thereby? Fourth -Is such improvemen„ asked tot upon the Petition or aPP:Icatlon of the own - 0 of a majority of the property to be as. rortn-beptl Lee Council :t phtn or profile of sold Improvement, ¢s required by law, If you spPort favor of the same. r So. ft -bed theCouncil a proper order directing the work to be done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen In ly 7, 1801. Ye.s-AldaBielenberg, B.G. Conley, Cope- , land Dobner, Dorn den, hlelndy, .1 o'n, Sullivan. Mr. Presldeut-10. Nays -0. Adopted by the Ass.mbly Jllly N, 1801. j Yeas- Messrs. B.nhnlzer, El nn ulI Me- Namee, Dilnen, OPPenhelm, Van Slyke, Mr. President -7. Nays -0. e Approved July 17, 1891. Ry Aid. Melody -Bit F No. 248- Itesolved, That an order be drawn .n the cily treasury, payable out of the general toad, In favor of Georqe Hels. City Tceaeurer, for the sum of ane thousand d(llars; to be used as a revolving fund to pay off members r the street fore. who may be discharged enuring the month; payment to be do u Pon presentation of certificate duly Signer] lard of Aldermen July 7, berg, Bott, Conley, Cope, ideu, Melody, Sulllvau, By Ald. Sanborn-Bd F No. 2L3- Nuys �Ald. Snhborn-l- IL Is he or by the Common Council lduptod by the Assembly Julyy 14, 1801. of the City of St. Paul: Yen.-Messre. Banholzer. E1mf .let, Mc- Thnt the matter of constructing a sewer on Nage, Mines, Oppenheim. Van �lyke, Me Bogue ave.uo, from Fl.k street to Victoria Preeldont-7. street, and on Victoria street, fro Bogue Nays -4. venue W Laurel avenue, Ue and the same Is Approved July 17, 1801, c. hereby referred to tine Board of Public \Yorke to investigate it report: J-. F1rit-Ieethis Improvement proper and nec- - weary? - Second-Gtve the Council an estimate of the expense thereof, and state whether one half of the cost thereof is W Ue paid I,,&, the' cityy treasury before the eon tract ie let. liy Add. Bieienber, Bd F No. 247- Th1rd-Can real estate W be a: Sassari for Besnlved, That the plane and speci9catone said improvement be found here flf d to the of the Lexington a enue bridge across the extant of damages, costs and expenses nee- i right of way f the Great Northern - ilwnyy eawry to be incurred thereby? ;ue hereby appproved, and the City Clerk is Fourth -Is such Improvemcpt asked for hereby :u thorlred W advcrtiee far bide for upon the petition or agplieation of the own- the constrnctlon of the same. ere of s majorityy f the property to be as- Adopted by the Board of Aldermen July 7, sassed for such imp ovoment? 1891. Fifth -Send the Cbuncll a plan or profile M Yeas-Ald. Blelenberg, Bott, Conley, Cops - OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL FOR 1891. land, Donner, odenPD i, eMelody. Sanborn, Sulli10. Nays-0.AdoJoy Yea9ted Messrehu Ranlno xe�,JUSImay 1�i,1 Mo- Numee, Minen, Oppe.h.lm, Van Slyke, Mr. President -7. Nay. -O. Approved July 17, 1801. By 1.d1 Dobner-fid F No. 248- Beeolved, That Lhe grade of the following stream between the points named, as Indl- I•uWd by the red grade Ilnea on the aocom- ' 'yiug profiles, and recommoded by the City ...I-ee , be and the sumo are hereby .depend ns the established grades: Manitoba Phme, from Hewitt avenue to the St. Pont, Minneapolis and Manitoba Railway right- way. Wheeler urenue, from Hewitt avenue W the St. Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba Hallway right-of-why.Hewitt avenue, from Fairview avenue W AWIutr . seet. Fuirview avenue, from Hewitt avenue W Bllles Evenue, Taylor avenue, fr.m Fairview avenue to ARE, H wi ave from Hemw Hemline .venue wilt nue, Griggs street. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen July 7, 1891. ulald d.. an, Definer,D.eikle.jo MedySnborn, Sullivie.Ur. Preetdent- Nay. Ad.pte by the Assembly J ulyn 4, 1891. Yeas -Messrs. Bonhulzer, B nuns[, Mc- Namee, Mines, Oppenheim, Van Slyke, Mr. Presldeut-7. Nays ­'i. Approved July 17, 1891. W. Y. AssetAbl President of the Assembly. O. O. CULL.N. President .f the Board of m Alderen. Taos. A. PaESDEuoAST, ICfty Clerk. July 24. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION of Ordinance. Passed and Resolution - Ad -ted by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul, OaDINANcE No. 1519-A"F No. 107- An ordinance grunting Teilboys and Knapp We W move . frame Uul Win, and to'" be the same. The ummun Gio n, of the City of St. Paul do ordain usfollows: Section 1. 'Phut permission and authority I. hereby given .nit grunted uta the firm of T.Ib ,ya suit KuGop to eve their 11 %, ry frame building. be ngtwelvo feel long Uy ten nerof South Robert and Wood streets, onwide. and situate -- if,. northeasttthe 181 St. Paul a d Debtroseaid of wav of See. 2. This ordinance shall take effect end be In force from and after its publlca- GOn. Passed by the Assembly July 14. 1891. Yeas -Messrs. Banholzer, Elmquist, Me- N.m.., Mine., Oppenheim, Van Slyke, Mr, President -7. Nuys -U. l President of the As embly. Passed by the Board of Aldermen July 'lt, 1&91. Ye. -Aid. Bielenberg, Bott, Copeluud. Dubuer. Durnido I, Geh.n, Melody, Sunher., Sullivan, Mr. President -18, Nap, --O- O. O, Cot.LEN, President of the Board of Aldermen. Approved July 23. 1891, RnHEST A. SMITH, MayOf. Attest: THos. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk. July 4). Ordinance No. 152p5-A'y F No.84- AWeigherdiniohce to oof C.. :and rIn Spector ofduties Wood of the City of St. Paul, and to regulate the In- pectimh of oul and wood of said eltyy. Thu Conunuu Council of the City of St. Paul du ordain as fellows: Section 1. The Welgber of Coal and In- spector ut' Woad. U.toro entorhi6 upon the duces o[ fila o81ce shall take unit su bscribs uu oath of o@o and file the sante with the City Clerk, and shall execute and deliver. End W t11u City of St. Paul with two or more .reties, W UB nppruved by the Common Council of said city, as to sufficieney of sure- ties, and by the City Attoruey as tutor. and •ub.n. in the penal sum of nue thousand do lines (81,000) ondltioned for the faithful discharge of his duties. 8ec.:.- Such office hall be styled sad known us -•City Weigher of Coal and I. - scupe •tor of Woud of the Cityy of St. Paul:' and ll huvo and Sow lose fiice in the center pupootthe tionnsiness wlmreluo his n of servllee.itsl all f most lhkely be required, or as near as practicable. Sec. 3- Tho Its W be used by him in his business Shull be udj[ =d and sealed by the Sealer of Welghte and Measures of the City of St., Puul ut Ienst once ht every three onths and such other times as ren aired by the Mayor or Common Council. up� he shall receive therefor a cortifiente thereof, to be preserved and filed by film; and any neglect of duty lu this respect by sold Welgber, ufter subject him to a line e of eof Doir t less than twouttgi dollars (VA) or more than one hundred dollar' (830(1). Sea 4. rlhe scale now fixed ..it used at the market house, In the City Of St. Paul, Shull, for the purpose hereln described, be the .reel.! Seale of the City of St. Paul, uad shall be ® used by said Weigher for the pur- poses of his uce; but the Weigher shall be } 182 PROCEEDINGS OF THE, COMMON COUNCIL I at liberty to weigh any coal over any other Ordinance No, 161-A& 11 No.:8- In r scale the said city. Ab Ordfnnuce to regulate the storage, head - The Welgher of Coal and luspector of ling and stile of petroleum, gasoline, naph- - k Wood shall keep a register or all coal and the and other dangerous liquids. wood weighed anti Inspe ted by hfm. and ! Tle C ton cit tom of the Ci y of St. Paul if {{{{i uch rester shall be at all times open to the lD urdah. Its follows: inspect SEf on of any person interested in tiny TION 1. It is hereby declared W he oil- n - we weighing done by the weigher. to tI n r - Ixwfu1 cur any firm Oreo, - . pereun. ]w.sun., hers of the Common Co..,.,l. orany commit- poratlou w stureor keepp Or ole within the we thereof. and to the Mayor of the city. corporate limit.., of the lAty of St. Paul. any It 'ha"the the duty of the R'elIher W welgll; crude petrulr;mn. Kasolf ne. toptha. benzine. ' nil coal aad all wood sold for use inn cem Plai lit•, s irl t, gas or fl Old containing any the publte. schools and pub] lc bulldings In the mater!'!' oP n explosive character and used City, of 9t. Paul, an no delivery [cont or for Illuminating ptlrpo •s, except In the muu- wood shall be received at nny of the publie nen hereinafter provided. buildings nail schools except upon the ter- V.°. Nn u r Versuns. firm u - '= tiflc'tee of the Cf[y Weigher of Coal trod In- ration Shull keepafur sale, or st•11 hp retell Wood of the City St. Paul. bnildla S[. y i• spectorof tit and any (thin the City of Paul, The City Wefir er of Cnn, and Inspecwruf I u.I of the articles mentluned fn the firs[ Wood shall give a certificate showing the .u•etimn f this ordinance without first hay. amount of coal weighed or wood Inspected; Ing obtained n permit u W lu from the Igo provided however• that all welghingv done'. f Fl re Commissioners of the City of 4 for the Ci f St. Poul. us oereinbefure pro-' 5t. Inn ntl. be done ,filed, shall without any expense to Sec•, s. Every person or lersons. firm or the city. corporal inti who. having a :1 veil a to S permit At the nil f every three months the keep.,tore o, sell, any of the articles men- { .; Weigher of Coa]'ud In'peetor tit' Wood shall booed in section one (1) of this ordinance, !report W the Common Council o'Ithe Cf[y of shall post such permlt In a conspicuous place 8t. Paul, on oath, the number of los of ¢oat un tine premises so used forthe storage or sale sighed and the number of cords of wood j of such articles. Inspeetetl by him, and also produce to the Sec. 4. The Board of ['ire�nditrr i'sionere ( Comptroller of the Cloy of St. Paul the books t ' for the City- t S[. Paul, aft l the 'sent of 11 containing the stubs of sll certificates Issued the t'ommoaoCuouncal t said city, shall have by hfin li deinill-du' (nK the 1 i 1 - s month. If the Weigher of Coal nil Ins ton of loaner. poo app ration, to 8 t permit .� r r Inn tin ,toraRc rind s'lle of such articles as are Woad y deputy, shall know ugly u men tivaed In flee Hret section of this ordl- # (1 g wlllPully give w the owner ur drI, -r uP any ,Vance. Provided, Iruw-ever, that no Ruch per - chicle coutxi ming any load of cool u wood be ill building Ij I I snit shall granted a such shall acertiHeute oP the weighturamount P •out ave been i aspected by the Board of Fite r his, t. or wood over and above, or below file tree' l•uun mis.lun ec :ony person cling der r ig ht or me'sun•. tit the sn rue, ennt•la Inslect- their uuthorty, and cert! fletl by them as a fire - ellall forfeit and pay the sum [ twenty-' { fire dollen (V -and on con victiuu f such proof building, and fit for the storage or sale five ofebse his oRlee'hull be declared r ct tit. of such articles as are nontioaed in the first 1 5i AIn ny Berson altering, changing m• de fn1intf .1ection of this ordf nonce. �. e rtl flea f toes Any persue, pa•kunns, Hrm u cur- lnnnpuaut•tur,' Ither us . onvmR. W theweight o or prntltfon within the City of St.rPaul. W the weight of caul t f x•rnrd• '1 hoe- got warehouseexclusivel hall uponont•iction ihnreut GO fined n t. pnruf hui ]din y 1� . less then twenty dollars i!'IA) aur wore thou `avl Pur tin vwrtgr; of such articles as are red Ib [he first sections of this ordinance, it one hundred dollars (4100). Any person violating any of the p rvkh,u, :and pruperiv rcutiluwd fur that purpose, may i� of til' ordlutince, u who shall fni bila conn- air I Y to the Board of Fire C•om rni-ft nets of t, i! 1 ut once with an of the req, orad said city for a permit to use such building for once p Y Y q Pu rpo.e' nth - and if such toil shall be d d pr ties n pu uvfsf n uP til s _ >e U r pr I, u y Y anted b void Bnnrd of Fire i diinrt tubo slanll a¢tlec n - h�u ud r Kr: (; rm sslonek I, ,tiny LInutile Sole ur delivery of stall thethe a• n.ent. uT the Cum moa [ mil of said vttp first hnt•inK been shall ,l -' wood purchased or delivered in sold city. as tin-obtained.ithey aforesaid, shall uiwu vlctlon be Hued in state in the time ,rr the period ha which bl, such puarnose, the sum not w ed flftu doll n (45Ur Pur ch Ou BdinK n ay Ito acv Cl tin " sine It Ren 'rad d fa 12 oCOVuy'lr •rat of telnc•Ir Li are hell la n •t a teed a 111 rr 'emrnlo io fn me. the sold fine only be fmprisoned o t .asci ecJ -a• o'd, duria the time a nch permit shall .ties using ...h t six[ dx 1� wa - Seyt.. y This OMiuunce ,hull take •Beet, house shall r. rt be eu lrJect W [hc pros I.viunstuP d be in force from and'ftcr its Vob I leu_ [be filet Rav:tlon of thin urdinnnpe; provided. ..it be [ tact err, pe .sono le rson,, iirrn nrcryo - Passed by the AasuutbJ Jttae ::i. 1891. [ton mar Ito Krun ted ,t pernrll hT said' Board i{ Yesss-Messrs. Bnnlau lze r. Costello. Elul- of Fire .Commissioners and 1d Common ' dVat. H¢CuRerty. Dlineu. Oppenheim. Van C'uuncll tu'lure hot uxcet•dtuBk� twenty-flvn ('25) gallons of in a Iron yke, Mr. President -8. gasoline Rxlt;mi.cd Iv ays-11. W. P. \I c[tnA v. tank to be set un a platform raised at least t q., i Presldeat of the Assembly, elRlrtrrn inches ubnve [he Kroulid, no d stook. j Kine free. ci rculatiun undernt•n til wid tank. nfl,l i, -u redgulvaa Passed by the Board of Aide rrnerr July 21, n Ir -,Ito doublelit Ib91. Ized Iron. with Jumble lop -til dcred seams; Y us-Aldiu Blelenberg. Butt. C'upa•hlml.the opening for filling said tank to be of DO -r, Dorniden, Gehan. Mehady. Sullicu u, Inure thea one and one-gmlrter (11.) inches Mr. President -9. in diameter, wad W be mile of iron pipingq Nuys-Ald. Sanborn -1. w-Ith iron screw cn p; said pipe to be flnngetl O. U. Ccl.bE e; un the tar side of sold tank and soldered. ' President of the Board of Aldermen. Provided further. that say Per p,,- tg r- i A ovedJ I 27. Illi]. 'ons, firm or corporation Approved PPr u yray Deut •Fire ROBERT A. SHITH. NaYor. led by BOnrd a Vermit said Attest: THos. A. PRESIDERGAST. City CleYk. COmulls'IOners alld ,old ConimOn ODno- July eU. ell to'tore not exceeding fifty (50) OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 188 gallons of gasoline In an Iron tank. w be Dobner, Dorniden, Gehan. Melody, Sanborn. ode of iron not lighter than No. 12 boiler Sullivan. Mr. President -10. Iron, with riveted and corked seams; the Nays -0. O. 0. CULLEN, o ning for filling said tank to be not more President of the Board of Alermen. than one and one-quarter (14) inches 1n Approved Ju ly27, 1891. diameter. with Iron crew ea p aka plug.. BO BERT A. SMITH, Mayor. Said tank shall be owed lid de-. Attest: TBos. A.PRENDERGAST, City Clerk. cacbed from all other buildings at least ten July (10) feet, or such further distance as uyy be deem ed advisable It dBoardoPFtreCom- e"oners. or an per ou acting under their j - nuthority, who hall have the power to de tarmine finally whether said tanks, bualtlingS and warehouses are constructed and ]tented g3. yl r., Op )wlm--Any F No. 14 - In oeordante with the provisions ,I. ti«wlred�That the Board of Public Works ordinance. uppeend action In the matter of the gradinlS Sec. 6. The Board of Fire Cummissluners. of Suisun. Burgess, Topping, Atwater and or any person Beting iider their suthurlty. 1 eland streets and Capitol avenue. from Shall at all reasonable tines be lit Itberty to Grut to a chat- to Dule street. and that they enter Into and upon env p emises used for the return to the Cuu nell nny and all orders that ed In desflr'tt sectionofarticles ismenti ": oil-, ite �trec tsar the improvement of any of Ito hetherapermithas been gg unwd, -t)to, to ldupt ed by the Assembly May 18, 1091. the parPose aT Ins ectinR the .aid premises; Peas-31o,srs. Hun baize.. Cus[ello. McCnf- nnd the Board of Fire Commissioners. or nay ferry. McVnmee. Dlhrea, Oppenheim, Van, one seting under their anthurity, shall have Slyke. Mr. President -7. In- if they deem necessary to order there fiuys-U. move, of any tank or vessel used for the stor- Adupted by the Board of Aldermen July 21, ago of any of file articles mentioned in the IED]. first section of this act, to any other part of Ycus-Aldi Bielen berg, 'of" Copeland, the premises oroRthesafd premises. Dobner. Durufile-. Gehan. Melody. 9anDorn. Sac. 7. Any pereOn or persons, Hrm Sullean, 31r. President -10. corporation using spy tank r ve 1 for the NUYs--O. purpose of oto ring aby tit the urticles me APVru veil .(lily 7;. 1891. flo ted In section one of thisdlnanee, Or who shall sell or attempt to sell• or expose for sale, or who -hall have same a pun his ur their premises for the ppurpose of sale, without having first obtained a permit so to do, shall be guilty of n breach of this ordi- Rv 3Ir. McCaff-ty--A'u• F No. T-- nunc¢. lt'sol sed. That u committee ittee of two mem- Sec.8. No crude petroleu11unoilI, ti ]tapir bets of the As se mbly and three members of the, benzine. camp gene. car P l' �•' s the Buu rd of Aldermen lx appointed rid.. - in burning fluids shall be kept or store In a ae into the e'p¢diency oT Pr vldtax (runt of any building oil any street. alley. lVtrele r'Im hula ace facilities for u. of city ddewalk, wharf lir Jut for u lunger time than Iruspiud nuJ police department. Is sufUclei,t to receive It In-store rIt'I r' All upled b,tlle Aestmbly J -lie 23. 1891. file same, and In u ) case 'hull ash time ex- yeue--yl_s It B'nlmlzer, Costello. Elm - 11 be between the Mines O 1- • "'"".allied shall \ 4'SlyiIc McNamee. •ted [welt t. qulst. 0. } VPer hours of U ti cluck a. m. and 6 o'clock p. m. berm. \'mar Slyke, 31 r. President -8. Sec. 9. No person ur Vernons. Hrm or cur- Nays --0. Vuratiuu 'hall leave standing til r unc railway Adupu-d by the Board of Aldermen July Yl, .IdInR, or at n}- depp�n within. [he corpu rule Is'I. Ill' its of file City of St. Poul. any It the art(- Ycas--A ld. Bielcu berg. Butt. Copeland, •les mentluned i n ,r•etlon 1 oft his urdin-ce Dubuer. D. -Iden. Gehan. Melody. Sanborn. for a longer period than 48 hour., after ur- Sullivan, Mr. President --10. rival. Ney'--U. Sec. 10. AB; person orpersons violating Aprooyed July 27, 1891. bey of thep -i-dons of tlrl, umin.-.hall Boater, by a Hue nut to e . � l the sum - of yye 1, b d -doff - (IN) tddollar, vietlunt before aha 3lu nlclya1 Court of this city. Sec. 11. All urdinunces and parts of Drill- A•y F' No. 87-- n •es of the CIty of Sl. Paul which are to-' In aha• matter of the - rt f tin Hoard of cronsistent with til, rdin-ce be slid lire Public Wurksdnted .July' l:i• ib. 1. same re hereby repealed. Itis hereby Ordered by the Common Counell Sec n12. Thisrdlnnnce .hull take •Rust t f the City If St. Paul: and be lu Porte front and after its I blies-' 'Chat file *Rourd of Public Works f laid t' III. City ofst. Paul can,,, the following� imps 'e- Passed by the Assembly .lune 23. ISIM. lie rt to w made. to -wit: Grade Va Bute ""- Mels- Banhulzer. Costello, Elul,- street. from Wheeler street to Fairview ave_- yuf't NIcCliferty, 311nea, Oppenheim, Van nue. In .said city. - Slyke, Mr. President -8.W. ! That said Board cu- said work to be let Nays -U. President of the, A,Isern' , . I elf the estimutped cost being flr ttthout one- wPo Id into the cttFtreusury. and after said k ,bell be Placed der •.'tract said Board .shall Passed by the Board of Aldermen July 21, I Propel without delay to assess the amount, 1891 wJ nedrly as they earl ascertain the Same. Yens -Aid. Blelenberg, Bott, Copeland. w9nich will be required to pay the costs and 184 pe PROCEEDINGS OF TI -neceon sth a real estu4 to be beneltitednbym'e Id i Improvement u: provided by Iso; Itbei- tide opin don ;f Lhe.Cou acid Ll,ut re¢I estaW Lo be assessed for such Impro nt con be found benefited W the extant of cam,, vosLs •1 theree.s xpene, necessary W ur be incred Adop�+ld by Lhe Assem ely July 14. 1891. r er. MiMessrs. Banhu in, an est. . Mr. e. Minea. Optmnhoim, Van Slyke, -r. President -S. � Nuvs-0. { AdopWd by Lhe Board of Aldermm[July 21, 891. Yeas-Ald. lichen Bott. Copeland, Dubncr. Darn Iden, Ge Tun• Mrludy. Sunbon;. Sullivan. Mr. Presideut-10. Nuys -0. A P p raved July r, 1891. A'y F N,.rt, In the matter of the report of the Ifoanl of Public Works dated July 13. IWI. Itis hereby ordered by the Ctol"um Council f the CI, of St. Paul: That the Buurd of Public Works of the City of .St. Pit uIcause the following Impruvr memm s to Inc ade, tctWIt; Widen Univorsl[y avenue W it uniform width of 1:1) feet, from Raymond avenue W the west city limits in said m[y, condemning mid tflkingall that laud between K;tym and avenue and tiro west (.I" limits not already cuI'lItilrnred ur dedicated for public X, t ri p I. fertu weidle ntle ten- lineofoaf I".. of strip shall be the eeliter lino of Ifn!verslty originallytleftlaid t Imtu'eeo sold Imintselre Ing it ;e y of St Paul. Minn sota. That 'aid Board eh -11 proneed without 1 lav'too , s the not a urh- , t rico U s be'gca au •etity the same, NhioT will _ be Inindr to pay the m ctree, rusts and access, ry pees of a li i proveuout. upon thL ren1estate to be benefited byy said bra ruremm[t. as pruvlded by law: it being the upiniou of Lhe Council that real estale to be assessed foruch Tnprovement clue be found be1,fiWd W the extant of the dnm:µes, costs and expenses necessary W be Incurred G,erehy. AduPtd ss tide Assembly Fie 14, i8 Al Yeas-Messre. "hom zVa Fire M MPrNa- meit-mea, Oppenheim, Van Slyke, Mr. Yresi- de Nuayy s 0. Adup 2b ted by the Board of Aldermen July DYrie.-AdJdr. Bicsle b rX, Butt,tt , pnelhotuodn. uonPrt, Aalady,Sullivan, M.'reidiunt-10. . Nuys -0. APProvetl July r, iWI. IE COMMON COUNCIL Nemec. All ea, OPPenheim. Van Silk., Mr, President -7. Nitys-0. Adopted by the hoard of Aldermen .July 21. JAN. YAdd. BielenlmrX. Butt C'retard. Doh - r., Dor llorniden, Gehan. Mclndy. Snn bon;- Sul - 11 to, Mr. President -10. - anys O. Approved July 27 1818. A'v F No. 90- InthennuLWro[ Cha r •port of the Board of Public \Yorks intd.I ul v 1:1. JIM. It is bcruby o d ,red by the Com;man Council f the City of St. foul; 'float G;u Buaivl of Public Works of said City oe Ff. Poul mase the fullowlug Improve - Glut to be made, re-\vit: Erect 2'. In- Mts Iumps o FnlrmunLa veo ¢d Dulo strait -follow Urwit: Une � north side f Fairmount -venue, furl!-wuv •tween SL.Alhaus sO •tot and Crur:us Place produced urtherly: o• uL ,utl,we un tui Crocus Plare, slid u st •urn of Fxir- ntne I�ortTe Cnstorly side of Date street, opposite r tlauasalrly curer of lot 4. est Crocus Hill• in said {V city. Adopted by the Assembly June 14, 18111. Yea.- Messrs. Banholzer, N.Inupdet, Dic- Nunue, Minea, Oppenhoim, Ynlsident- Van Slyke, Mr. ?. Nets -4. Adopt ul by tl,o Board of Aldrrmm; July 21, 891. Peas-AId. d,.. Geller Itott. Copeland, Ilub ner•, Mr. Pru. ell -Il MeluA)-, Sunoon,, Sullivnn, Mr. Yresideutr ]u. N Appr... ucc. 1.1.1y A'yy F No. 91- Iteullved, That the draft of leas•• of prop- • t3' o I lot one I11 f block ci KJ i teen 1181 f Bice & lrcinc's addition to Lhe City of St. Haul, su Tmlttel by the, Corporatimn Attur- ey, which sold pntporty Is ILused for the �urpnse ,' x city jail, dal, lull th•1 sumu Is r •by appproved, and the proper city olifcery trerbcre )y authorized unddi Ice tUd WcxeeuW nail lease b ltheA o[slid city. AduplCd by the Assombly'.lu ly 14, 1891. Yeas -Messrs. Bxnlrolzer, Ehu• uist McNu- e. ,1.I c.. OPpeuhelun, Ysn S13'.. Mr. Pres - lent -i. Nuys -0. Aluptcl ly the Board of Aldermen July 21, 8!Il. lobnHer Dolrnf•lte,, Ge nl ail•, tel�,ul) (Sanborn. i illi -ii, Mr. President -10. Nu3•s-0. Approved.fuly 27,1891. tpl- ]o the matter of the •port of tiro Board of A'y F No. W - Public 1Vorks doted July 13. 1891. Resolved. That the plans and specifications It is Inereby ordered by the Common Council for the improvements to be made ou the Pt he City of St. Paul: ioroperty rented for a city J:dl, nbmltWd by Tlnac the Buurd of Publ(c Works o[ said the Com mittec en Police and Workhouse of City of SL. Paul cause the following improve -'1 the Asne ably. and the.. Committee ou Police melts W be made ro-wit: Etter and n:' n of the limtrd of Aldermen, actin • d fly, w. Lein a gas Ixmp un Martin street, betweenr�t. i :a nd the same Is hereby approve t lad cb•1 Peter unit Nice streets, at the nth Led [ :City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed the alley In block 11, Ewing k Chute's Oddi to advertise or bade or the duinIg of the tion. ark Bulled for by said duns and specifica- Adopted by the Assembly J ul3' 14, 1891, tions, including stetll oelfs. Yens-Messrv. Bun holier, Elmqulet, Me— Adopted by the As eem bly July 14, 1691. OF THE CITY OF SA Yeas -Mees... Bxuholzer. FLrugnisL. McNu- Mlneu, Oppenbehn, 3"aa Slyke. Mr. Prei•,e-y".-,. Adopted e. AAUPted by the Board of Aldcrmo,a July 21. 1891 e Yeas -Aid. Blelrnburyr. Boca l',nmod. Duh- nuru Dlden.Oebun,Mel¢ly. Sun; bar , Set - livan,Mr. President. -]0. a3's-4 N . Approved July 27 1891. solved, That the ugreement submitted be Corpurutiun AL Wrnrv, Tenrlug date 112, 189E between the Pity of St. Paul ant] .teat Not tiler Railway Codmpau- to the eowtruction ofabriKeuuT1rehe ofLexmgton avenueI old city. slid isherlghtofwayoftheCreat Norther way Co pn S. be and tl;e some he hereby tdrd, anal the pr per city oiticers a • di. to essell to s rid contntel oil behalf of it}-. opted by the Arse hly.luly 17, Md. nM-Mesere. Bxul,olzer, F.Innquist. McNa- inea. Opptahelm. Val, Slyke, Dir. Idem -7. ys-0. lupted by the Board of Aldermen July 21, as -Aid. Biclenberg, Bott. Copeland. ner. Dornlden. Gehsn, Melady. Sanborn. van. Dir. President -l0. y° -0d July Y. 7891. Ived. 'That the run true, °ebmitled by rpuratlun Attorney Imtwt n Frank 1 . nd the Oltr OfIS 1'uul. LeBrinii..• eta. 1891, fur' Xrdl nii,,• the uLL proxCl, uHan,line n urb14 he ml the s hereby appro,�i1. and the proper city : directed to txetu le said tvu tract o0 of the city. ,ted by the Assembly Jul>> 14, 1MJ1. -Messrs. Bruit zer. F.Inu nist. Air- , Dlinca. Upprull •im, V. �Iy ken Mr. by the. Board of Aldermen July 21, J. Bielenberg, But. C"n1a,"d. orfden, Gehau. Melady. Sit u. Approved July r. 1891 By Dir. \'un Slyke, Chairman -A -y F Nu. 95 - It Is hnreby ordered by the Cumnum Counefl uftho Cityof St. Paul: That the nratter of condemning an e moot forthe construction of a storm -water seweracrossbhmksX 11d36.ArlingWn Hills addition. be, and the canoe fs hereby n•ferred G, the Board of Public Works to investigate udreport: Firs4-Is this {mpruvemmnt proper und nee- essary7 Second -Give tiro Councilu •stI.'a"! of tile exe se thereof• and state x9urther m le - half otPthe cost there •f is to be paid rota the tty tlsmsury before the contract is let. Third -Can real estate to he assessed for said Improvement be found benefited to the eiWor ut damages, costs and expenses neces- sary to be incurred thereby' NT PAUL. FOR 1891. 186 Fourth -Iv such improvement asked for upon tl,enpetltion or ¢pplicution w f the o - sedifurabi Improveme nf°erry W bees- ,� FIB 1;- Send the Council a plan or profile of I improvement. all req utred by Ixw, if you r •port in favor of the same. Sl.v Lla-Send the Cuu null a proper order di - •ting the work fu be done, di- ­1 ed bS the Assemb'y July. 14. Isar. Yens-D[essrs. Ifanholzer. E}Imriulst. Me Nature. Mines, Oppenheim, Vu, Slyke. Mr. by the Board of Aldermen .duly 21: d. Bfelenherg, BotL, Copeland; orulden, Melady. Gehun, S¢ubore I ulyr 1891 Slyke, Uhufrmu n-A'y F No. 96- urdered b, the Common Counefl r if St. Paul: n ; tWr f eobstrocuoX storm from the Edgerton street sewer .•n Creek set across block 46. referred to the Board or Fnlelle Warks to In- Istigate uud report: First -Is this improvement Proper and inSers otic-'Gi\ the( ell ai esti n;n to of the ex mase the reuf, and .tate whet lawne- hxlf of the cast theruof is w be Puld into• othe cit\v treusur3' bC [ore tin• eon tnacL is Ira. 1 bird -t'a,• m. 1 •elate to a. d f n said Dnp vement tae forma ImneBled °tto tL, rxteutot do agescolt, a d -peus- mt- ary to Ito incurred thereb)'Y , c`FI;l rlh-Is ;ch in,pn oat Junked for upon Ila• pelitiun or u Iplivil I If the own- ers of a mn,jurlly of 1 , pr•Ijmrty to be ns - v +d f;r sm•In lnlproverural Fifth--Seod the Council x plan or profile of said impruremunt, as required by law. If you report in favor of the same. Sixth -Send the Council u proper order di- reeling i- e •ting Ifo work to he donne. r Adopted by the Asse al hly,I ulv 14, 1891. 1'eus-ylessrs. iianbolzr r, L'Imtpdst Me - Na nnor•. Minea. Cppenhelm. Vun .Slyke. Mr. President -7. Nuys. Adopted by 1 he Bou rd of Al d,rmm. July 21. Itw!' 1Bas-AId. Bie{euhr•rg, Bolt. Copeland. I-bner. Dur..Iden. Gel,un. Melody S:•nhe•n. SuIV% Ali-. President -10. Nuys -0. Approved July. 27, 1891. A'v F No. 97- $esoly d. That x city order bc• Ir -g. upon the City Treasurer in faror of George Reis, City Treaeurnr,for too sum uY 1710, payable ut of Lhe ••}lea I. I fund," for the purpose of puyinK olty s portion if it,. Custodmns of C rt House tad City hull px3'roli for June, 18111. AdoptedJlby the Assembly July 14. 1891. Mess-essrs. Banholzer. EImq 1st, Mc- Numee. Mine.. opimnlletm, Vuu Slyke. Mr. President -7. Nuyx-ai. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen July 21. 1891. 189 IrkOCEEDINGS OFT111, COMMON COUNCIL I; Yen.-Ald. Bielenberg. holt. Fuule ', rope- FoulfII-I. much Impruvoment asked for laud. Dubuc r. Kuru Idea, 111ehtdy. Siw burn.'1.1 1 the pefill uu urutldleu ntlon oribe we- S"Bli,an.Mr. President le, efM llf ll rllil,lerltSS' f i�,e property to be off. j Nay. -o, se.red forxueh Int rr.,v!vueuti till Approved July -, 1811. �t Fifth Send theoeuen it plan or profile of srrlll lu1 pl'nt'I!1111'll I. a. Flrillll'I•,I Ir)' law. It yell {{ AlV No. ea. 171111, lit furor of the .erne. �Ixlh-Scud the Cue urll a proper order dl - ite.upved. That city orders Is- drawn upon • •I lnK Iho Irnrk to be done. 1 nd11pled }? the elty treasury to cavo' of IIIc feu11x'I„K by rhe AP„ember JIIIN' n, twd. persunx. fur the uumuut. set r,plu relrr to ihelr. \'ru.-Messrs. Bunhulzr r, Nluufulst, McNa- r11speetive nLLtm•.. Pldd atm rl ni to he -harge. I ere. Y1111r•11, Dppe11IIe1111. \'xnPrc»- uhlc to "the euurt. bun N, (1 1.11.1 IIu 11 m tinte- 1' Nny.-u. uwle. fund, 11. 1,. 11111, .'A •cut»: Board of Water Cotund.alunerx, dIHAI; JuLu Ihrrv9url Adopted by the it uur I of Alderuu•n July 21. Seem, dlfC: q; Bdlxun Eleetr•ie Light .III I.ul, j Power Company, dlLp1: l+Inch, Yao SIyek •C Ik I ea, Aid. i1 l;u., dli.i._*'; TUumav 1•'itr.pul rick, flkl.;t!I: St. i( Yanl On. lJgllt Company, d4ls.s7_ Miles ,( liuruidlm!1l:ehu Dlelt. .CSrinhorn. tl111llyn I'remiJellt-111. Rape. ?'a5: Meeadler Bros.. R•'ssr. CUurh.x -de; Nuys --o. TrowUridge. d'.5a; Mnx Cnnnu. \-1111111110. Approved,luly Bras, 11, 6eorKe Ruts, Clly T-alllrrr,Fl todlua's Unyy roll for .lmc. )All, dam. - 'Adopted by the A-Inbly Jul)D. I»!II. Yeas- M-srs. lbinledzer File, uist. xl e- Numee. Mines, Rppenhelm. Va11 sS1 ke, )1 r. ISy of r. ileo hnlzer-A' F y No. IU- It i. bcrebv ordered b)"IIIc C'omuun Cuuncll :'resident- 7. I'! IIIc Ciiv of St. 1111,11: N. -0 wooden 1Ilxithe ism tie(u[la)'feglt.�l\aymond-e- Adopted by the BonrI of Ald,rnmo July'2l. �ide,rulk on IIIc Bust side of 18171. 1'eus-Ald. Iilclell berg, tinct. Pooley, CoIle. •. pion. I.angfold 1111191 to leuley ve- 1111' Le uud the ace Is hereby referred to '1 pard, Dubner. D.ruiden, Melad)', �aubiru, III.. Bun rte ul' Public \1'url:s to my -.tlgatu find 5.111 von. :N r. Pr-sideot-lo, re p„rt: Is t hits iwprucenlent Nay.. --o. Jul)' 27, 11!11. 'I proper and urcesxar}-:• If s r, se 1d the C( Net LL prober order Aopruved JireetlllK tin• work WU,•done. \duph•d by flue Assembly J..ly} N, Iw11. . - :'ens- )Irn.r.. Bunholzri•. Elan ulst, Me- \lunrr. )slum. upprnhelo. \'m1 :dyke \Ir By 11, McNumre-A'y F No. nM.'- . It Is IIereIIy ordered Ly IN. Colu loulr 1'+m 9.111 r ftbe Clt)• or St, Puul: '1'IIat Lhe lnilItrof Inying n t• swnll; m I west sldc nr ! i seal tivi, IN la'1'nP»r')IIn 111.1111111, I .tr'eut, I»,uud I, 'e wane Is herr by rvfrrrod III the Huard fir Publle Works to Iuce.I IKUM find replrrt.lslmpnrrenu•nl proper nnJ necrxsu rvk if ». r, reed Lhe Coolrcll a proircr ord.-, di - 'e"lig IIu• work ti, lrc dome. dopted by the A»r,•Iu 111.1 .I IIIy II, 1.111. :'ens -Messer. lion Lolzrr. El m,lu"I M�- Namee, Millen, uppeale-in" \9111 Slyke, Mr. Pre»IJI•ut-7. Nev. e, Adoptedbythe leae,1 ul' At,] I,!., .July 21, Itlal. Year -Aid. ]neb•nheeg. Itott, Po',e Weld, ISobnur, torn 1,]111. Gohnrl, M,•I:Ill v, SI 111x11'11, stili vun, Mr. Pre.IdenI Ie. Nny.-o, Allpruved July 27, Impl. y' plMr. D !pen hehe -A'y F Nu, 1111 IL I. 6ero�ry ordered be Ihr 1'onunoll Iouru'll ntatehe1 11 er tI I That the l.1 nr my oIirSI ew. 1111111 hl sl reei. from mnJl6 ..ren ne �u Pull+•Kr uv1'uu1• wIU1 Ium�, IM 1111 rebyln• �['111 I to [hailIf br uud till. -- IN-( If rd 111' 1'nb- ,1'rIle I • W uk. lit InvealKutr uud rvqu reit: Re of red. 1'hul •ItY I,rde rs be druwu III, a 1F'Ir.f-I. till. Imprucl.rnent pre{»•r and uu Ibr 111.1 uvu.0 rp Ile ru cur of rhe fulluwluRR !..nry' 1.•rrlm», rue Lhe ununnll. s1•t ol., Ito to thulr tlecuud-ISlvc Ibu Coa, nu mllnuue of "..J.ellvenuf m. xald a nluu lit. to be .1 argIf, ,1111 fix1s•urs+Lhrrruf, uud .hue whvlI one- ; Irlr Lu Ihr+ pn•mklh�g 11»xl'MMI1111sit funU:" hnlruf Lhe uu.l Ihrrrnf Is III he puld Imo the Y. Fe3•eu, E.tlrmu• Nn.2, mprlukllul� Uletrlet , 11p Lr11nxu ry before I Lr rgrrf�t r1 I. Ire. Nn. ;k 3x;17.7.: ane•. 1':.11 nude Nn, Sprink• '1'111 rd -Cru real r.lntr Io Vn• rJ for Ih1NIL 1111 No, 1 dl,(uuJ7+:.nurr. +NIL at. sold Inlpro venom! be (911191 Irlilr+lx l.r III,• .\'11.2. SprI1lk IInK DI.l rirt No, fi. }JJl.lu: an1c. ...lento(dnnulttes 111.[1 uud rzl.•u.rs urns 1':.I boon• Nn. " SprinklluK ULLrlct Nu. a, .0 ry to We Inru rued Iherrby'r 31,GL..1; 'I'. IW III)'. Extleate Nu. 2, Spriek- I'r1•Jdlolt 7. . NUyr-II, A dolled by III,• IlourJ of A ld,•ru1„It ,I u lY 21. Trus \LI. filrlru berg. Ilett- C.I.Itiud, Ruburr. IhrrulJrn, Get vel 13, Su a Lurn, SI Illy ,-.. r. Ih'-kh-ni--lo. Nuys . A pproroeJ .iuly 27. IMn. Ail' F No. bN- It-olved. TII oily urderhe drnwll open ILr..lty uralsury lit fuer' of .L1hu Ilnnt, for t he ..num nl of tN:S. pl 3'ublc ant ::rt . general fund, being for dnoluKem , I account or eb1ulK,r t f Krud,•r ou 111,• -Y III block 2, Sr11111'IIle11'r r'unA F:rnnl: nddlll ml. \,]opted I,y IIIc A..eln Wly •III Nnyll\IJ. HIYl�lit. ,glyke . Mr, Nny.-11. AAuplyd Ly the 11 of Aldertuou July 21, Iwd. \'ru. At IIIc Irubl•rg. (lull, L'upelmrd, I hrbul•r, I't•1•slJe Ilorrdre.1derhnu. 1lcludy, Sunburn. Null! von, 11 r. nl In, Nn3'r n. A pprurel.luly t7. Iwo, IA OF T11x CITY OF SAINT PAI -I„ POO 1891. 187 Ilnir'Dlatrk•t No. 2, d71q.7x1; 'i'.!tellly, Esti,nub, No. 2, Sprinkling DI.trlvf. Nu. p. UlL.W. AYednP-•Mux.rxhe AsseulblvJely IfIxxl Held 1zu,rN,mel . Me Nuece. Mhleu. oppeuhelnl, Vau tlyk.•, Mr Pre.IJuut--7. Nny»--e. AdIN, 1,IN I Ly the Iluurd of Alderuu'u .1 a lY 21, 1,111. Yeas-AI,1. I31C11•tl lx•r'g• Ilett. (,epelluld, .beer. liur•n Iden, 1b•hu1. MuluJy. Sutlburlr. Sullivan. )Ir, Pre.ideut Io. Nay. -x. Approved Jul)'27, IMII. 106- Itemulred. Tllxtclty orders be drswlr open tLLclty treasury it, favor of ILL• fultowing relpecltivcfor aunlesujolint 'et uddnmouli Io betchuo I hgL- nUlc to the local Im plrryemeot fund:" Ttlnrnton & SIn1 w. }:stimlde No. A, 1 illus St. Clair st ora, 3,x5: T. Swceu•y. F•stimute No. I, grading Paeillc street. Ji U,; T. Sweeney. F timate No, 5. gradlitb Yucific xtreel, j51o;B. l'nrleUrll. KruJing Llnwuud PIxce. Esti mn to Nu. ;1. L•T„i4: J. U61gcy.grnd- K Mhmel a is mt,,vt, Estlfile a No. ,. 31,- 5Ji.fro; Mary Johaxnn. dunnges Wropening, rte., Cure street. 3"15. Adopted by III,- Assembly,luly 14, luill. Yens -Messes. tion hnlzer, F.Lmlul.rt. )le- Samre. )Ilneu. Upiu•uhv IN. 1'un blyke, )Ir. Ly IIIc [tear,] of Alderme-n .July J. Blell is r'K. Ituu. (Sj1-h rd, r Ida Ir. Cole rr. Mesad)'. Sufi born, IN. P-Adeu t -lo I July 27, 1.91. By Mr. Ol;pt-aheho-A'y F No. los-- It Is hereby ordered by the Coalition Council Tf the l:lty of Sr, Paul: hat the I tier of coudeluafiuf a td taking un euseoleat III Ib,• I,nJ nbuttluK n,1 Yui Iluren street from }'alrvll•w nvemle to Me[- ay.........us-v llt•3, to cort.ti,art fill' I, pe. fur cuts find tills lit Rrudllgxuld street, b• and the nolo Ix hereby referred to it,. Board of 11. Ill, Works u, lovcrtlgrue and re. port. First I.thl. lm pnn',00ent prup,•r and here er.ary" Second III- the Cue urll uu e.tlntute uf, ff I- ince. I hereof. a nd.tulo whetherlin�- I tlf of Lim eu., therm, Is W 1) pxld In to the 111.1 l•en.ury before tlmeonlr'url I. let. 7 her I C. real I•sln G+ to ho .sessed for meld Irnpru......lent be found Iwnell led to till! ex G'nt uC duuulKe., ro.ls find ezplol.l'. uuc- urxurY to be lit ll suc%fed Ibel•b)•i Fourth �-I. h hnprnvelnent n.kwl for n p11u Ihu un prtlll, r nppllrnllun fir the owu- arx 1111, an, "'Icy fir Ihu prop"'lY to he us- nl for .Lrb {ngmrreu..... •,,l•'Iftll emend it C'oun ,II n pt I1 or• j-111, of xl ld Im ruvuuumt. u. rugal rad by Inw, If you Nei iu hl 'or of the .nee. Sixth -mead the Counull it proper order Jlrecling the ""` In bit dune. A, 11 Ly Ihr A..rmbly .ldy III IMII. 1'cux--llc..r.. Ilan bulze r. Ff jubu. McNu- lia.•I'. Mune'. uVpnlhalul. Vita mlyku. Mr. by ff.,- Iluurd of A ldurulel Ju ly Yl, Rubner, ilnrul II•u. (let I.. Nl 1.,jY Copeland t�burn. Sullvuu. Mr. Ill. -Idem- lx. Nay. --x. A 1,p ed July 27. Iwi1. 13Y \Ir. C 1peu helm--A'y F No. IIx1_- II Is f the here�1)' or -l -ed by the Cointnon Council City of St. Pull: 7'hut t.II,•nmLtcr of eumluut111nK and Inking all ex.I!mert In file land abuttIT, un the alle-v in the month half of tlmltll's. If, IN. pion or Week 12, tltln.otr.. dlrl»Intl. oNLdivis to construct t he x19111. for cut. and fills In grad - lug .old alley, be nod the ne is hereby re- (erved to IIIc Board of Public \York, to fn- s'Ig''e find report: v First -Is til Ls 1. IN v, meaIN- 'If- proper and IN e tl gid- civ. the Connell atl• thasto of Ihetxpensetbereof.xnd atutewhetheroue- half of the cost thereof Is to be paid into the N, trenmury before Lbe contract is let. Third-l'LLn real estutc W be assessed for said improvement be found benefited W the extent of dumuges, cu»ta d espeusos f ee- s ury to be incurred I Nereby'r L Fourth -Is such imps veeent asked for upon the lm tItloll orappI ieutiun of theown- "ll of u nfu)urity III the property to be as- mex.,•U fir` »null Improve In L•11 t:' .F f fth- Send the Connell a plan fir profile of maid lulpruvrment, as required by ILLw. if you report la Cu vee of tile.amu. SIxtL-Se. fid the Cuunclla prulxr order Lit- he work to be dude. AJup[erl Wy Yuu;Me.nt WlY .7 11E• If, l.xl..the Asse Nunve. )in Me- ies. CPprullu1. VLLn Slyke. M'•. by the Iluurd of Aldvr en July 21, J. Bieleullerg, Butt. t'upclxnd, ruiJen, Cehuu, Melody, Snn born. Ir. 1'rrsidvlr L-- le. I July _7, IMII. By MI'. (I rPonllLlul-A'y }• Nu. 110- 111. I;Ns 'fir per Ly tlrc Cunl neon Cuuncll J, lite Coy el, St.puol: Thal Iglu uu,tter of ceuJumning nod tukluK In. eawnunit b1 Lhe land I utting the n1IoY 11 block II. Lowlri Seeuud uddlt.lo;uu " ince»xury In truce the.lumr Cut• cut. uud 1111» In erading .old eller. �u find the s 1. lo -by lerr•rred to the Iluurd IN T'u LInore 1, Wurkr Gr In- v,•,tlgulr 111111 'ollul'[: Flr.l-I. till. Inlprovin t proper and nucux.try'! . Wreuul3 Clru till. Council all I stluuW of be ex1xnl.e thti uud tutu whuthur enfn !air,) the ou.t. thureuC Is W bit Puld Into the 11 ty transitory Before tit. eIntraet IY IIIb. 1'hlyd Cue red c.tatu Gr bit uxsux.oJ Cur odd Ingn'uveuumt be fu it" d be1o11tum W the +xtuut of dallluge». L•o.tx u ul uxlie Ile. nee. !..,try to bit Inum•rud twAY7 Fourth -•b suab Intpruvumuut axkad far lane of ua t 1tr li uJurliy o� �IlulrnM�ml of Ihu nwa- 1 I porty Lu be Iw- Iu»mud fur much Im prevuuinutl Fifth -geld the Cuuncll u proper orderdl- eeling the work to Iw Jmm. AJopWd by the A.xerubly July 11, 1801. Vous-Messrs. JIun11eIZer, &Im9ulxt. Ftw 188 PROCEEDINGS OF THE,C'OMMON COUNCII. Name., Mluce. Oppt•.h.im, Van Slyke, Mr. nee. 5111.,. OPpeuhelm. Vun Slyke. Mr. Cu� 8t.8U� L. w.rA could h Cu. 49.tU: I. F.� All- Yresldunt-7. NxJ�'a--0. P N -le ut-i. Nuvs-0. Allupted by the Board of :\Idermen July 21. Adopted by the Board of Ald.rreuJuly 21, 1891. l'eus-Aldo Rlc leuberg. 13uu.. Culaa '"I. iSill. Yeas --Aid. Blelenb'gg, Butt Copeland, Dobner. Uondden, llchun. Moledy, Sx uburu U-lmer. Uondden. Guinn. Jleludy. 6nniwrn, Sulllvuu, Mr. President -19. Sullivan. Mr. President -10. N.Y.-O. Nuys --0. Approved July V. 1891. Approved July 27. 1891. A'v F No. 11.2- That order be -drawn upon the lid F No. 114- - IW Iced, fly the Common Council of the Retoived. nn cl ty l runxury In facer of the fol Wer. t,l,y of St. Paul, That u city order be drawn sonsfor themm�untsetopiecute I 1 their re- you the cllY Irenxur>• Ill furor of W. A. spectiv...'it .said umounta tl bI• char;'•- Aiken fur f37U-1eel of the Stx to stf cet bridge able t. Ulu Board of Educu[lon Bind: Ruurd' St. Ynul Lullding fund. Atluptod by the Ikmrd (If Aldermen June 18, f Wat.r Cu81411.._: Ti O,• Iu.uru u,u and Trust, Cum Pu tlY. Ms., S: S[. I'uul Snnit,tlun Cum1�, 81:,.1.1: St. I'nul INUI. ) exs-Altf-, li lelen LerK, Butt. Culdey. U>Pe- lfurdwureCumPant. F4.Wunl'. J. 1'huu+psuu, land. Dobudr. Durniden. >IelxdY, Sullivan. Mr. Yrrshb•nt- IU. Ik1.fA; Nur[hwo-twee ThonlV`otl-Ilouxton r.Iee- trlc Cum Puny$M.5J; Northwestern TelCph, rae Mln Sou Nn rs-Nu+l lxrrtt-1. AJ�rV ted b3' Lilo Asxembl3' Jnly 14. ]bUl. Excllullgu l'utu yy: 1y BIx.IM1: nt•.w>tu 1 Cum Puny 81L.r>U;eb Ilex h Hale. 84.W; Meet" \Leas --Masers. Itunholzer, Llmyuist, yte- \'an `Slyke. Mr. ler Bros..84.49; N. C. Lowe,;30.119: Lobigh C'uul and I roe C.mpxn)•. 88.1X1; Ada M. Imoir, o, Numee, 511ncu, O.Pemlleim, 1'resld:01 i. V-11,00:.lustus Knl l lert_ 8:1.19: Joh mxun Elect lir N:ty's-O. Apumvtd July 17. 1891. Service Cum pony. 81!,.10: Jllsou S So wdell. m.01; .I. I.. Hertr_.Y Non_ BS.I*; W.eet Pu bush- - It, Aid. Melud))•-Bd F No. 946. IGesulvCd. Tn be drown on the tt utttvetur•f.11t'S. Shedle t Aekur Conl Hcll at at, order city tarso rY- paYn ble t f the general Cum '. 8i '.i5; r}^ E. W'td.ls[m•dt K Cu., az.idi` C. R. ScuO. dl8a 1'1 iu fuvnr ut Ocugfe Itrele: cRy •Preasnrer A dupted b}' Lhe Ass.nlbly .l Illy I3, 1891. fur the sum of me thuusnnd daflarn1 to be I"are Yrue-Mk-ssre, Bflnh.lzt•r. Elmyuist. McNu_ lee.Mine'. UVfealta nl, Van Slyke. Mr.Prent- u ed us u nvulcing fart to Nu3' off of the stn•e[ Pure. who + y be discharged dont-7 during the month: eyntent t. he rude upon of crf�Srllcute duly signedby the Nuys -0. Adoppted by the hoard of Aldermen July prrv.ntut.lon City %l1`la ern Aduplud by the Board of A Idernlen July 7, YI, IMJI. fens-AId. itloleu b.^X• Rett, 1'OPt'lu nd, Dubne Due den. Gelmn. Me ludo, Sualwr u. IMJI. Yeas-AId. Diel llix•rg, Ro[I.. Conley, CuPe- r, Sullivan. Mr. YresidOn L-10. lend. flubner•, i)uru Iden, Melody, Sullivan Nays -11. Air. President- !I, ApWo rd July 2i, IMJI. rl ,'.s-AId. Senllwrll--1. Adie p[Id by the Assembly July 14, 1991. 1"eas-Messrs. Be1IhOlzer, Flat ulst. Mo- Vm+%iyke, Mr. Nxmtr, htlueu. Upik-uhelm. Yresid.ut-i. 1 B}' Df r. Van Slyke-A'J" F No.. it by the C.vn tun ('.unci) Nays -U. Approved July 17, 1891. I'is ltere1, eerie red [ tile City of St. Paul; W. Y. MnxaAY, That the nl atter of olxning. wideling and Presldeutofthe Assembly. tending Cleveland avenue M0 feet wide. fruul U. O. CULLEN. Randolph street to the ill Isdssippl r a e • •Is Presldent of the Booed of Aldermen. ,,site fur by the aam•xed l%llOo. Ix•tun,l the l'Il b- THlls. A. PRENDERGAsT, Cl[Y Clerk. July aU. Y111 gate au l rel Ort:d'o[ Iicr\Yorke to lIllSn Firells this inlpnrvereut prolx•rund nee- r e em?Id-Giro the Council no estimate of _ ,Ile ea t ses thereof- and stalk- whether ill ,,- Is to be foto the halt.pthe cast thereof paid t Itpp trensu ry Uefon+the contract Is let. for, OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Tldrd-Can ra•xl estate to he IN sessnd improvement Iw fuuud benrlitted to the ex- -_ tentofdameges.eoxtsund e.porises m•eessarY Of Ordinance. Passed and R ... [often* to beIncur,% thereby[ Fourth -Is such impruvenlmlt asked for Adopted b the Continua Council of the P )" u1w �I Lbe Dt+Li slue or a plication of the .,vel- it f F., to be xx- City of St. Paul• t main property •d fOr such I r eats �Flfth--Beal otrutawnee xo. 15---11d F' N. az- Au Ordlueue,.11Pn OPrb,tinK ter fur uud the a cit l 11luu o Vr.fllt• of said Int ver • t, s re,lul red b1' law. if )'oil Ile • tiuu the 1 r ut to The National e"a', pp [ lorfflrur�of iht• same. ro8irth-Sind cr order di- BUIlding and T.Oun of tin s m of olhirs. ..I [u report the Council u prof r •slag the work t+Im rico•. Per, �f Cce ummlltMd Adopted by the Asst•tn air July O. 7891. The. Common Counell of the City of St. le- Messrs. Runbulzr r; ElmuuisL McNu- Paul do ordain us fellows: OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 189 Section 1. That I order Ix• draw.,upon uler Inlo a c rntTnet for sc lring n +sic in thz Clty 4rensury of S1 F'n I+1, pnyubluuL illIbe city durinRrl.he s of the g ernl fund, in 1'uvor r f the Nn tfunnl 18!11, ns I+ns been lila curium dunnK pmc'r BuildlnR +d I.o St"b"' for the ` sum of 3e NN,r nd for and naasfactlurl of Its clniill 1, 1meonl mnud assn, It Is l tt decided adlvl„ble Lunt ski; xRelnsL the (:Icy of B[. 1'xui fur du nuges dune prm�iei ells 11, o;.Jc In 111 the parks where 'to the went one -hull of bitx•-k "I I,"of West Nt. n u"I Ims Leen prorided fur "I ut her sen- Pxul Prower. in Rrudlnqq Ifull nrenue, as by suns, and the report of the Cnnl miIt.ce Pn Clalmx to tile. Whereas, 13y an act of for Lrginht t.uro Cn- DammonCuuncllofdatk-tbe7lhdnyof .July. Iitled'itit art to amm�d the charutrof the A. D. IBPI. will more fully flPW`xr; said order Pity of tit. I'll.1 and the nets umendal.I to Ile dellrered only Ilpoll Its BIInR ,rtf.11 the thereof." npprorrd Murch 2d, 1885, the L'lty of, City Cam VLroiler tGlunrl absolute rrcei Pts to St. 1'nu l isnuthuri-d to appropriate fifteen Lha city In .sati.cfncti.n of sold claim or de- Ian mired dolinps In uuY Year l.r the 1 ay men t. mnud. oY music hl such o[ Lila public parks of the Sec. ' This ordinance shall take effect city as the Common Cunneil may determine, and be in force from and after Its publico- ur I lion, Whereas. A large number of filo rltlzena Passed by the Board of Aldermen July 7, and ,•1d, is of the F.I.vontll ward have 1801. x•tll loved the Cormmn Council lww PCU lluu Y as-Ald. llielt•tlh,cjr, Butt. Co`rclxnd. 'u•n•tu I r xedl to make an .1, cup Ixtfon ,,.bn, n Dur+i'lr ,.l rG'+t ine.%Iell, ly. Sao for muslu'f O1 .t-d.I atin,KCxI c1uts blind etuol,l Naps --0. res ��rlt Presid,ii-fthe llonrdof Aldernx•n. Now, thrrefore, be It r .,ureal, That Cllr Passed by the Assam bl3 J.Oly "• INUI. Vruper city olticer8 Ixr. nn'd I�hry are hereby Yeas -Messrs. liailllrn•r, l;ostdlu, F.In+- mt ho rlr.,•d and d l re"', to cuter Into n cl dsL 51cr'aRC rl y, \Iincu, OVPanbclm. Van tructwltl+ Sclbrrt's build to furnish music SI IYke. Mr. 1'resi'le. t-8, for out-doo, cuu,`rts In Rice rear, er.ry �Sxl- NIIYs-a. 11'. P. MI!ROAv. rrl.y a van lnR duel mr the sit rose+a. n of P •sl 1 •ill of till Asvmbly. Ite'1. the areae[ to he expended[ therefor to Approved July .M). IMJI. he 875x. IIOnsirr A. % 1. May'ur. 1G•solced fU ellen r. 'Ther, 1, and to herb)' At test: TIIOa. A. i'lrxsuEtulAxT.l'Ity l;lerk. Ppr Ilei,ted iht•�Il rn of elle lll+mI red it(, 9 Aug. L _ / fol the Odbyntn 1 ark bund. - V \doptod hY the Board of Aldcrmcn .July �. lith. Ordinance lqo.152:1-BrfFNil. '-"f8- Yea- -Aldo Ilielculx•rg• B,lt. CoWIand. An urdlnanee permiltlllu 1. F'. Conklin to Dobner. Dorn Iden. Gelmn, 5lcludy..1.11 van. urt;rt and a,, arc Ilgll ts. 1%1r. President -9. The Common Poll nctl ofthe ['ity of 8[. Paul Nays-AId. Sanborn -l. do ordain as follow.,: Adopted by Ihr wssem blY July 9s, tWll. Bastion 1. Permfsslun and a Ilhurity 1, Yens- Messrs. Costello. Limn ll s Mlnml. hereby given and Rrantd unto.J. F. Conkhe Op Pen bei ill, Vnn 813'ke• T r. Presiden L-6. to erect end malntall+ t re lamp tmsis Illirty Nil)'s-}leases. Ba 1, McCutfcrty-_. ,f eat ur more altar, On ill he + ler edge of the Afou'l,d •lulY _ 1fl91. sfdewaike Iu front. of Ili,- followluj Pluecx. veil filakenuin'e 1, 111 antF'I fti"treel. the ArrdIII frust of the Arcade. Dickinson and the Ger- Rv .\Irl. Cuule� franlu Runk buildings: ou Wabluhu street. In 'ItCsolved. Illus the City Engineer i.h,raby front. of the Arcade acid Germnnin Bonk ,lotborized rind 1.01 reeterl to r• steps to buildluRs and on St. Peter .tree[ in front r f Is- c nsl.ructed from the of IlIFidc t' silk- Dleki,1sm'.s Gross l3 hx•k],.Going, sukl work Nistln S,rc.tbridgetoBrndle'street.theex- tO be clone under the suM'rrislun of Ihr tally I+enee. thereof not to cxccerlt one hundred Engineer and without exVenso w the city. I(U) dolhtra, mid [o ln: paid out ol'tllc grnk-rml Sec. 2. This oro I=nure shnl l t, ke efTeet and fund. be in force from and after its passage alio AdOpled by the Ruunt of Aldermen .July 7, put Heatfon. Is! I Imssed by the Board of Aldcrmcn Jut, 21• llVhul`t; I�Il. Ili npen l Gcl t- , Melnily, opelaudSanborn. Yens -Aldo Rlelenlx•rR• Ref L. COlxehlnd. ,yullivn n, Mr. 1'realdent-16, Dubne'. Dorm n. Geh in. Melody. Suets rn, Nuys- Sllllicnn. Mr. President -10. Adopte0.d by the A.ssunlhly J uly28. 1891. Nnys-0. Y,ae Messrs. Banholrcr. 0,stello. Elm- o. 0. ,Joist. Mcl,'nlTr•rl,', Miu... Oppenheim, Ven President of the IlOard of AWern+en. Slyke. Mr. PreskonL-fl. Passed by the Arsenlir)"•lull"!SBIMJI. h:lys-0. Yeas -Messrs. Rau I(, .er. C,e Ill.. Flm- AlrVroved July w, kill. 4Inst. HcCxfferCy. Mine', Uplxmheim. Vaal 1 kc, Mr. Preside -a. _ Nays -0. 1V. P. '%1" v. Yresid0atof the Assembly. - Apti-ved July'!'. 1891. I3p Ald. f:nluul-fid F No. U2 -- ROBERT A. SILIT11. Mavo .. ]t•solced. That n warrant W; drawn on the Attest: Tans. A. PH--Dis-A T. City fleck. eit.r trensu r}'; Wlyuble oil, of thel�e + cal fund, yt,F, 1, in furor ur George Bels, City Tr v,. tr, for [h,• sum of $15.150 In payment of tics exlx+nwe -- of the tolministratien Of the hn• dep n tment. R C rniOee on Ntmel s, IGmd. and 1'n mks. f the 1'Ity of S[. Ynnl, In l• the monLln oC .l utv, AI FINo. 58- IMn. The. '+rid e. peLsc !x•InR. ns shown liy R'heroxs. The City of St. Poul bas fulled to the pay Polls uY said dCPurtmm�t, us c.r[fued 190 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CWHIVION COliNCIL by the Board of Fire Commisslenere, and pre- Rd F No. 2 1- sented with this resolution. Resolved, That Cl ty orders be drawn upon Adopted by the Hoard of Alderal- July 21. the elty treasury, payable out of the general 1801. f!:, in favor of the following named per- Ycas-Ald. Bo lenberg. Roll. Dobner. Dor- sons for the amounts set opposite their re- nidea. Gchnn. Mrlady, Sanborn. Sullivan. Mr. specti ce rues : President -9, .Joseph Anstett. $:5.06 -Joseph Guion, $0.66; Nays -Aid. Copeland --1. Rouse of Good Shepherd, $01.30; St. Paul Adopted by the A.scmbly.Jnly 2N IPoII. Sanitation Co.. $75.110; St. Paul Towel Ex- Yeas-5lessrs. Ran holzrr, Costello. Elm. vbanf�e, $c.m: Cullen's Livery and Boarding guise. 51cCaf£rrty, Jlinea. oppe n helm, Va. Stabl, 11:31.00; Eldredge& Rif R, $3!1.70; Jobn 61yke, 5D•. I'rosident-R. Iia th`r, $!11.110; Raasm us Ilansen. C!Il.fq; Martin Nays -0. McNulty. $01.00: Ed. Lynch. $101.50; Chas. Approved Ja 1, 2131901. Miltheis.#IR.00: Nic hardy, $91.00: W. S. Run- yon, $7.96; St. Paul Bruns Works, $:*3.45; Board -- f Water Comm issioners, $45.(12; St. Paul Gas A Ald. Dobner-Bd F. \0.2:57- Liglit Co.. ffIi,1Xi5.47: Globe 1'u bushing Ce. 5 $9R7.4H; Dlc Yolkszrliu u-,. C2t'iO.tNi; Robt. War. Resolved, That the Gasoline Lamp ('o1,- r91 Til- iCo.. li-ei: Chicago Bridge & lean rerefer tx and he is hereby nstructcd to e- C,o., ,p2 eve Lhe gasoline rump at the (erne, of As- Adopted by the Board of Ald-nien July2l, bury a - the and Bbtir street. to the corner of 19511 Blasr and Aldine streets; and that not IC. Yens -Aid. Riel--erg, Il ei t, Copeland, axil removal lm glen to the Board rd o[ Public Rohner. D -lib t. t:olan. \(.hilly. Sanheru, Workks• Snllivxn. Mr. F'rc.idmtt-10. Ad ted by the Board of Aldermen .lay Nays -0. 2(. eas Ad idW, by the• Assembly July 2R, 1991. Yelcl, d. Rielrnlx•rg: Bolt. Cnprlund. Yra6-)le.sre. Buuholzer. Costello. Elm- Dnbner. Do^•tpden�G^ Imri MchrdY. Sanborn.'. rluisl, \I.CatFr`rt},. \linea, Oppenheim, Van AdoApproved July 2 pted by thi`•Assembly Jul)' 2s', 1991. ov!I. 1891. Yeas -Messrs. Bunholzcr, Clistello. Elm-'. Suist, McCafferty. \ripen, Opolhrim, Van; ix lyyke. - Mr. President -8. NaYs--0, APproven July'lll, 1841, Rd F' No. "-lir -- Re.sol-d. That. city orders be drawn upon -. the city D•ensu ry. nxynDle out of the tire de- purtment 'und. In fever of the following 1 amed persons fur tom nmuunts set opposite R Ald. Gchnn-ltd F No. 25R.- I�helr re+Ptetivc aunt..: enol ,ed. list nn order ha drawn on the• •1 ty treasury. in favor of George Reis. City. ;P."'pa Dwyer S: Bros., 85.75; :\rc•hibuld \V Leel c1 tl puny. SI01f X10; -Itnm:dey 8oru, 00 "';"'pan)' Treasurer, in the sum of K4M.50• payable our J.:.e,r Oil tom {.any. 5:.'11.!X,: Itolaot Berger, of tho street and sewer maintenance fund, to Kayy the street atnd sewer forces for the fh'st Cl:l.ld: Upon Took Line. $19.52; Lehigh ('nal and trout c tpnr-y, #1,57.61; .lyptacs F'eastcr- nlfofthemtlends Jul,, lirJ,, in :t c,rdence 5th the Pay roll cerci lied to by lthe City-Rohin.ouI&Cary. maker. Cl:i.lHn St. Paul Rrass'1Vurks.S"6.H: 1,`I X10; Jnme. Cleary. 340,:A; Engineer, null np troved unrl allowed le the \i ne ndler Bros.. #5.; n; Scribner Libby Co.. Board of Public I-orks. Adopted by the Board of Aidcrmco.lulY 21 ffLSS; St. Paul Itmmcuttlug r mean}•, CLiMI; Hoye., Bros. S Culler, $76.58: A. F. Sta•wurt, 1891. Yeas--Ald. Biel,abrrg. ]left.Copehund, $7.511; J. P. Gribben Lumber • r ! ay-, $si.W: George .1. Mbseb. $17.10: C.ntW Hackett Dob ter. Dorniden. Gehun. Mehuly. Sunburn. Hnrdwnnr comm nv. 5)7.!X1; St. Pant Foundry Sulliivun. Mr. President-Ati. Na3's_-0, oro pst.y, :?;t:E•; \Vateroul. Engine. Works c company. Y. $14.1X1; Nicoll L hear.. $1.74: John Adopted by lite As.r nth lS July ^.,P, IRUI. DharGn Lumber eon patsy 5.'. _; Charles August Yens --Messrs. y1, Minzrr. Cue lei . Elm _ qq ''t. McCafferty, nen. UPIx`n ilei m. Van Friend & Son. $L. ; Ilnmmer. $i.ql; \V. J. FrenurY, $I9.S-: ,lolls n. Cudworth S -- Sly kc. Nr. President --N' Co., 8:k;11.8!I; 1`. Berkman. S'631; Griggs Na}'s--0. Rn,.,. $I,i:i+.17:Antlon Rossing. $�'00.W. Approved .July29, bill. Adoppted h the Board of :\Idr•rmert .Tui 21. drip Y Y - Yens -Aid. Riclenlx+rg. Boll, Cv,peland. Dobner. Dorniden. Gehalu. )ir lady, San horn, Ryy Ald. Gchnn-Bd F' No. Sf1- Resolved. Ihal.tbeplatof Slone t IA-gcrs' Nullivaaa Mr. I'residr•n t. -I0. Nu3'.4-0. Addition to St. I•uul. \Ii nn.•. as approved by \doptrd by Ih1• As:4•m hl}' •luny 29, 1801. filo Plat Commississi on, uad xe recon mmtded Yeas-\lessrs. BRoll) zer. (!..,fell,), F,Ino by the City Engineer. be. and the .some. i s quilt• McCulrcrta-, Minos, Opl-Beim, Van hereby, acre Joe11 h))• the Common Council of the City of 6t. Ynu 1. Sl,ykc, 11r. President -R. \ 1-}'s -11. Adopted by the It rel of Aldermen .11uIY 21, 1891. Approved July'93 is91. Yetis-Ald. Bielenhorg, Nott. Copeland, - Dobner. Dorniden. Gehan. Alelads, Sanborn, Rd F No. _iy}- Sullivnn, Mr. President -10. Nov, -0. I-%ot ved, T111,t elft' oMers he drawn upon the city trcvisn r}•. nn Snldeloot of the sewerage Adopted by the Assenibly•luly'-'s. 18!11. fund. it t'avor I the following amed Per- Yras-)Lases. Banholzer• Costello. F.Im- Mcl'alTcrt Y, \i Inca, Oppenhelm. Van sons for the lunounts set ,Ill still their rr. spectivv cam- '- Slyke. 51 .ProsbI t -.R. P. Maloy, E.tiumrtc No. :3 supplementary Nays --0. Approved .l my "�I•', 1891. 'ff25.00; to Nu. " and final, Dit-on 't, seem•. Sleuktou \ Lindquist. Estimate No. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL FOR 1991. 191 2 and final, Payne n nue noes Blvtumon etmosewer,$;#400: W. Stovktu I, Fstinlal No.2and final,ttakll•y avenue sett'er.$:t.,50 N. J. Preston. Esti mat, No. 2, and final Seventh street sewer. $201350; T. Mnh;v. Esti ate No. 4, supplementary to No. 3 and final Fuller street C2i.00; W. J. Preston Estimate No. :3. supplemental v to No.2 and final. Laurel avenuesewer,£5.0'I; W.I. I' - ton. Estimate No. 4. suppleno-mar3• to No d find. 11 -all avenuo sewer. VW -011; '1' Reilly. Esf mate Nu. R, ru pillt•meu fury to Nu 7 an11 final, Milton street '1'. :R31M3tYJ Stockton n IAndquist. Esti nuGr plemen Lx ry' L, Nu.4 and li n:d. On LNriu ntie. sewer. C'3;.II0; 'rhurnton Sha w, Fslim:rh No. 4,upplcnlentary 4o Nu. :1 nod 11,11,1 Oil, -.+Creel gr%using and s1 -eying, #1i 1111 If.. &.Joh,1.un, F:+dilate No. 4, .tipple. .eent:ary to No. :I Rud final. Mound .l reel wer. $-5.50: Hansen S .lohusnn. EstinuGr No. S, su pplemenl+u ry to No.4 nod final. O.a•. la a and Yleasant o'catir sewer 1,50.00; F111Dnhert v. E.tinatc No. :3. supple. .far, to No.2 sod flat-[. Hope street .elver #°5.00: 1'. Doherty, Estinmt - No. 4. sn pple. mentarY fo No..l and tilal, \-!,tori. strcel c. $21W. 4c, ,,pt,d by Lite Beall of A Idcrmen.lmy 21 1991. Yeas -A Id. Bielenberg. Roll. Cup,la nil I ohner•. Dornlden. Geh;u-. ){,lady. Suu burn. Sullivan. Mr. Prc,id,nt - I1,. Nay.. Adopted by the :\ssemhly .In ly 2R. IR!u. Yeas -Messrs. Banholzer. Coslcllo, Elm 1bo. Mct'N if-•rtY, MiRe.. Opp,phelnt, V-11,SII •kc. ?[r. P-idmn v. AppApproved .I my '�1. 1891. B}� Ald Jle{nrlc--Ild F No. 2113- Res.{ved, That Board of Public Warks v,lus, Colm'ado't reef 11, Ix• sprinkled, begin ning at. the -lel'-Gun 1,f South IJobe•lI strtetandcaling of inter-tiunof Clinton aventl e. Adopted by t[m Ronrdof Alde rnoou.loly 21. 19111. Yeus-Ald. Bodealterg, Butt. Colxhoud, Dobner. Dorniden, Gehan. Mclndy. S, of Snlllvu... Mr. I'msident-III. NtLY,.-II. Adopted by the olzr iCosy11•I lo1..1 Yen_NlesRaul r. 1. SlyRllrl- ri t. inr•a. 31c1'affer(Y, I)p1scoheiut. Van ke., :il\ir. I'rrsi den I, S. -Y -0 Approved .Imy 211, IRd. fly AId. Melody -Rd F No. tat-- Jill., here hY or'den•d by the Commno Council f the Pity of SL i'(ul: 'rhlent .hidcwnll: r,n flea nlih11�dc Shin Gates lreet, ween Gakdalo �ty tt c and Itivlw-- uue. be and the i is ber'eby referred to rt he Board of public �t\Yorks to investigate 1 rl re tort. u is til'. ImProycment proper null ncressN ry:• If.o. send the Couorll a paper di,.else-, the• Adpto he done. otrte vl by The Board of :v ldernter-J1tIY 21, R!II. yeas -:\Id. Ri elcnln,,g Rot t. Co1,ehu--rl. Dobner. Don-ideu. Geb., Dlelndy,. st (horn-. Sullty(n.N %President --lo. Nays-�. 4 AdopW l by the Assembly July "S. Milli. Yeats-Mcssrs. Itmtholzor, Cdstcllo, Elm- Si.t. hb-Catfert}' }finer, Oppenheim. Van II'ke, Mr. President -R. Sass -n. Approved .July.!). 11391. Ry .\Ill . Mrl(dy-Rd F N6. 2(15- 1 It !s Ile rcl,y orIf red by the Common Council 1 f the City of St. Ynul: 'Phut the matter,' ing it st,c ,street. I rom :lade hereby Ito red- U she Board be and the s(am is s b) IR referred m the ortof 1'Fir't \Turk+ Ir, ill rest Il ltd prop" F'i est- Is 11 -is mtpru ,.ureal proper and 11 u 1-• srruud-Give the Council all ,stimato of the l• -pease illereu f. and nfall ,liether O half of the cost thrteof is to t pad into file cit)' tr,R11I try before tlw contract is rut. Third -Can Ileal estate to be assessed far elid improvement be found benefited to the l lent of danurges. costs ami expenses neva :u Stu be, incurred thereby? F'uo rt h --Is .u,h improvement naked for of it t be pct i t inn or tlPplicutiort of the owu- ofa ma,lorfly of thio property to be as. .t•.sed fur such improv.mon t% Fif7h-Brod the U,nm•ll x plan or profile of said laps,vement, as required by late, if You r 44,ort fo fuvorof file slime. xth-Send the Council it proper order directing til-• work to he ,lone. Adopt rd by the Board of Aldermen July 21, 1,91, Trus -Aid. Biclenlwrg. Bolt• Colxland. Dobuc r. Dorniden, Gchnn. Mebtdy, 6 -born. Sullivan. Mr. President -10. Nays -o. 4dopfed hyi be AssemblyJul3'.Rl. I891. "rust)lease.. Banholzer. Costello. Elm - ,1. McCafferty. \linea. ODiwnhcim. Van Mr. P-Adr•nt-8. Ry4-(. Approved .101y 20. ISM. sty Ald. Boeleol-g-Ild F Nu.21Ai- It is herchy ordered by the Common Council ..f 1111• l'Ity of 8f:. F'aul: That the molter of erectiltg slid mnintnin li- inga Buni(, lamp on file no ndbeast corner. of I:rotlo nal Lafond street., he atnd thesamr leerily ref.rrcd to the Board of Public \\"ork. to investigateLnd roper[: Is t 111. imp,-enient pro ter and nrce.sary. If roll file Count.. it pruprr order all._lfng,t lc tv,rk tobedonc. \doptrd by file Board of Aldernien Judy::{. Y,ns--.\Irl. dell. b^rg, Nebo Copeland, Mohave. 131'. den, it t-, ylela<1y. Sxn born. Snlli vll--. Mr. I'n•sfdcn t, IU. Saps o. \dual cd hr the A-enibly.luly Costello. . Yeus-Me.sr.. 1S:o ill -,r. Costello. Elm- 11ni.1, Ill.,,, Rc rty. Miner, ODpcn lei m. Van X151;1•. 51 r. I'residcnl, A. Ns' Apl,rovrd.1111Y'N- 1X91. Itr :\Irl. Iti1.11.1-Ix•rR-Rd F No 267- Ihrrrhv....I 1I by the Common Coun,fl I the City of St. Paul: That theronttcrof,rcrtiltgnnd mafntalu- hlg Rusur i:lrotiu and"lioudu hirer-is::1. Southwest cl,ater lit each ..lit on Rondo street. l Aweell St. Albauls nal Grotto atroets: end also be- 192 PROCEEDINGS OF TF twsen ls hereby tto unit eferlrod+tu the Board of Pulll- Ila Works to investigate anA report: 11 If tso'his !send LIm1eGru nc�l rnit proper sender directtng the work to be done. or Adopted by the Bmtrd of Aldermen .July ^_I, 1891. Yeas-Ald. Biele:ob-ir. Botts C'I"'" lolx nils Dobner. Dorniden, Gehxn. MeI it Sanborn. Sullivan. Mr.President. to. Nays -0. Adopted by the Avse•mbfv Ju ly 28. 7891. Ye.s-Dlessre. Rn aholze r. Costollo, El.;; q Ise. Me( `affert Mi ran, Opponhefm. V. 41yke.IMr. President -8. ^Jaye -o. Approved Ja ly ^_9. bat. By Ali]. Sullivan -1311 F N. 26s- It Ishereby ordomd 113- it,, Common Couneil f the City of St. Puu l: That the matMr of opening RnYmond nue, from SG Anthony x5 -en lie to Wabash Ir- e be nail the same 's hereby efect the Board of Public• Worr rks 10 investlgaolto" ad a Flynt - this Improvement P1,11 • and ne esSecnp1ed-Give the Co11.r 11 a estimate of half oY the co.t herr oris state IntP: idt lento i f,, isy trex,n rY he fore tLe contract is Jct. t Tl I- Can real estate to to I -se• sad for sxltent fovement be found benefited t. la, gas, costa and e.xpene"s n •. S Lo be it' Incurred thereby% e s Fourth -Is tell boric are It asked for upm. the Petition lir pplleu tion of the own - s of fu su Jpt i t:l' of the PruArrty to heirs- as"' e as- sn mprnrrme,t `? Fadd improvement. the Council : Pbtn Peelle Of salt! I. favor th sura- vl by law. If you "dost n Ythis of the some. sixth -Solid the C'ou Heil a prup:r order directing the work W be done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen July 21, 1891. Yeas-Ald. Bielenberg, Bott. U._I.,,d. Dobner. Dorniden, Gehxn._ Melody. Sanborn, by the A., mnbly sial} 28, IBYII. ssre. Bnnholzer, poste!!., Elm- ;afferLy, Mine,,. Oppe. bei m, Van Approved July 29, 1891 By Ahoreb lady-Bd F No. fit of the Cli onlered by LII. Common Council That. the m,tt8r ft. alaying n six-foot wood. c. side'Wild un tow asst. Idn. c of Ohio sLrea•t, 11-1 Prom Ie herr) ysrofe; rtn�d Ato LbrlFienard of Pu be 11 W k to tovestle alae and n•Po t: le this Imirovem t prop. 111 nc u y? If s" send the Council lie properorder dtreoting the. work to Ix- done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen .July 21. 1891. Yeas-Alri. RIe.IrnbcrR. Itott. Copeland. Dobner. Dorniden. Gebnn. llrlady. Sx about. Sallican. Mr. Presidont-in. Nays -0. Adapted by the'Assembly July 28. IBl1. Yeas -Messrs. Bnnholzer, Costello. Elm - :E COMMON COUNCII. Si t. M Cxffertyy. Mines. Oppouheim, Van lvkr. 51 r. Presldent-8. Nays -0. A pproved Ju ly 21, hill. By Ald. Melndy-Bd F No. 2i0 - It is hereby ordered by the Cnmmoa Connell f the City of St. Paul: That the matter of covstntctln6 :a six -toot node. sidewalk , the t -ldr of Ohio street. from Isabel street t t [ Pvge, except. where surh walk o f the eumt atmenslons are IroadY laid, N, and the s Is herehy Iseed to the Board of 1'u me Warks to In- ' .'Ligate and repo,,,: el, thinimPnreement n,prr nail necessary? If so. seed the Cmr net n nrnry• r order a1 rce Ing the work to be done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen July 21, 8!11. Ven, -Ala. Rfelenfierg, Boit. Conelantl, Dobver. Darn idov, f;eh:an, Mela11y, Sanborn, Sullivan. Mr. President. -10. Nays -0. Adorned by the Assembly July 28, 1891. 1"ens-Mca»rs. ILan holu•r. Costollo. Elm - v1 ho. IiI.Caffert y, Miae+a, Oppenheim, Van ivkr.-Mr. Pn,sid, 8. Nays -0. A Imruved .I a ly A. 1891. BY Ald. M,holly-Rd F No. 271- 1, Is hereby ordered by the Common C....11 f Lhc CIt3' of That the m:+tter of pine,ng slid war!., all e Kasolina hemp on the snuthosoo corer f tjresnm+Tvi °�atitn°fe�rcd`taihc°Boma"°i Piddle Weeks to In referred ere Band report: o Is ads haprnrrme II pn%tor and aeeesearyy? If so, 'enA the; Cotlnrfl proper order f1i- m •t Ing the work to be don r. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Jul, 21, 1811. Yeae--Ald. Bl..... g. Boit. Copeland, Ilobner, IMrniden. Gehun. Dlelady, Cnnhorn. Sullivan. Dir. President -10. Nay's- 0. Adoptefl by the Assembly',fuly 28, I80I. ]-ass--Messrs. Ban holier, Costello. Elm- Mulst, McCafferty, Mlnen. Oppenheim, Vila IIke..Nr. President --8. Nays -0. Approved July 29, 1891. Ra y Ald. Snborn-Bd F` N., 2,2- lt is hereby ordered by the Comma. Council f Lhc C'Ity of St. YI I. That themsLterofarecting a.nd malntain- InRKva:.strootlempsonHnRue avenue. Jr. m V Ic•torin steel t to Lexi ngtun even lie, un alter- n.W corners Ind I50 fret apart between tate [n r'be•. and the .a m is hereby referred Lhc Baror 1". bill Works toinve-stigate and -port: Is thIm Vn+vement Prop -land ssx71 v? If sn, d the Ct m•il r orderdi- re ting i]I, work toro Ix• doprope le. \11onlad fiy Lhr. Ron rd of A Mermen J.., 21. B II. Yen --Aid. I,Llobner. Ilnrnidle,,.Gehit N•{Re oIntdi.y,Csoelxn'blaonrn.. Lhc Assembly Jr. ly 1i. 1891. Aunlwly. r. Costollo, Elm- rs ty. all aces. Oppenheim. Van sidc t-8. tly L(1, 1891 OF THE CITY OF SA By Aid. Sanborn-Bd F No. 2=1 -- It 1-- It is beret, n do red b3' Ibe. Common Co,otcil .f Lhe City of St. Pool: That tlm atter of the c nstrurtinn of a s-toweeC ¢n 1 OX Dela uvmn I'.. be �oldtthe roL[o Is hereby referred to the Board of Public Works to investigate and report: Flat-ls this im pry+''"meat proper and t�4ee Dail-sive• ihr Oloolit a •'th- o - th p. eotb f I.tato nw'�n:�a eniu Ihr On - half f LI owl tl f tube CIC)• treasury I.•fom the contrnct. is lel. Third --Cao real ,•s1 to to le u "ss"d for e aid In,pf ,',n:e4I t�'orts+aodeMv prnrse�s sex a1'e- r tube mrurred thereby? saF no rth-111 .orb ilnnn,vrm alit _k, -it for u Pon tl:r 1x;ti 4ion or ppll"otion of the -a - up - ofe mJt>rhvof the Prop"rty Iso he a. - for seF'ifLlt-Send ih" Coo m•d a plan lir pnAil",rf said i v"nte lit, n.. rv•o:,irrd by law. tf You rt t�n ff:evor ,.f ,.e an,o- r VPI alit-S'nnrl Lho Coum'il a Drope•r order directing Lhc week t+` Ix• done. Adopted by the Rnu rd of Aldermen .July- 2I, lied. Yea' -Ail. fiirien he•rg, Bo, t. a ,wland, Ilobner. Dorniden:, G"h:o,, Melud)'. .Sunboru, Sullivan, At,. P-Mdent 10. N 'Y,- -0. Adopted by tire Ella - I... Assov, hly .!:11}"28. InJt. Yeas --Messrs. I anh aulzer, a ,st.11o. j1,0. Mr('»ffrrt l'. Min". UPIa•n beim, Von yke. Mr. Presideul- 8. Nays"' Approved .1,tly 29. 1891. ByAid. Dorniden-1111 No. 274- It is hereby .rile and by tin• Common t'on sell r f Ibe t')tv of St. I'altl: That Lire matter of Inyl ng a erossn'nik + Jelrerseo avenue across Arbor s l rent•. Ilsau crosswalk on Puhu•o sG•ceC atl•l AIbur at t. also u crosswalk on Ar1).1 .t rent ac 110111 .lofforson avmme, be anJ t he. su me is herehy referred W the• Board of I'a I i" \V orks to In- tiQK to nail relor!, 1 is iso. s,od t ems lit pIt and nen :a y'r If s •lid the C....... il :a pnylu•rorder directing the work to be done. Adopted by Lbe. Board of Able•rmcn .July 21, 1891. Ye- s Ald. Bielenlx•rg: Batt. CoVvInml, Ilobner. Dotmiden, Gehxn. ;Melndy', Sunburn. Su Ili r,ttt. Mr. Pr"xilh I. -In. Nay'-+,. Alto by th" \screen blv .I o1J' 2X, IBni . ll"ass-yles'r'. Jinn hot vo i. Costello. Fill, 4t. MUCutfe•rty. Minora. Oppenheim. Von 1 ke. Mr. P -Ad t-8. .. ays-ii. Approve,] J my _ I. 18!11. By AId. Dorniden--Rd F No.-.', It is herehy i -h rrA by the Common Council f Lho City of Paul: Thatthe maturate reeling and lanialain- gasoline tum ps as follows: Oneon Arbor "fee L. betwL•en Jolie,sun "ad crate streets, tete-ner h-iffr `on hx d'nrbor �ot.i" or. one southeast c race of Jcffersun lid Arbor. nuc s Iton Arinnorth rrw rtre•e.•trtlbt•t�w emtliJe fft�rrn r laand "asPalace streets; one no Arlo, street, between INT PAUL, FOR 1891. 193 ,lames anil Pall, be and the same is hereby referred to the Bonnl of Pub]to Warks fo ln- s[iggutr nnA report: S Is tlli' improvrmonL proper nail tlecessnryy? If 'o, sentl the. Con nt•il , r pc orderAi - re • I i % t he wurk to he dun.. ,duet ed by the guard of Aldr,lin-July 21, hint. S"seas--A ld. BlelenlorR.Bolt, Copeland, Ilobner. Iho- den. Grhan, Mclxdy, 9nn born. Suilivan. Mr. Pres1dent-10. \Id I t 11 1 y tl a A.vm bl v J a ly ^_8. 1891. l'f o.s Mesnrn. Ran) holzer. Costello. Elm - i t. St-(Ylfferty. Minos. Ome,""cm, van Mr. 1'ne'i elan L-8. Nuys '. A Ppnrved J u lY ^^-9. 1!.Jl. R,1 F No. 27r,- -- Ito'olv",1. Tl+nt cJtY Delors M• drawn Pon thrrity treva'u ry. Wryahle u+l f the local w provuntrnt fund, io favor fir Lhc following t•d Ptrson.s, for the amounts set opposite heir ro+peclive na V 1'. Tanthult. Estimate NO. 2 and anal, gr.d- Jn P,,I,,lew arena . iliukl.Ou; 1'. Tont holt. Estimate No. 2 and Hnul. Frxtling Simcoe 't rest, b17.711: E. C"rlotan. Fstimnte No. 4 »lid Boal, Feuding Linwood pill f�'l;.(NI' P. j I1x13'. E'tlm ate'..A an d final,grA,1.g •ob:: 'ct un, KriNM: T. Llnnnu. Estimate No. l amyl foul. gruriivlr 1L• ymo+:d area lie, 1 4 91.00; t'. C. Andrv•ws. E'Gmato Nu. 2 d final, roiling lley In Mitek 16, S,tmmil Park d- �1,,nn, $rise!dEs : l'. F.. Saneen. timate No. n td itnxl, gradi.g Diituleh»lua street. fiL,g'IJMq; F.. Carleton. Estimate No 5 ..it Heal, grading Chatsworth strtat, $292.50; J. Forrestal. Estimate No. I. sttpplementnry to (1 by Lhr nurd of Aldermen July 21, A lel. Blelenberg, IMt',- Cop" land• Dorniden, Gelmu Dlelitdy'. Sanbor.. DI r. 1'rt silent -10. U. • 1 hY the Amssaboy .I a 13' �• 1891. Mrsars. Bnnholzer, Costello. Elm. I-C,atrrrty. Mine.. Oupen bei m. Van Approved July N, 1891 Ry olds Ab•l('"I- g -Bit benoby ordered Uy Lhr Common Cou Hell f the Pity of SL. Yttul: That. Lho matter of const rusting. sidewalk we,t. side of Albeumrs le trent, from F�ron[. the street to Maryland 'treel..la, and the I, la•ruhy rufrrre,i to Lbe. 13oard of Pub- II"++\Narks to invest!Katu Hud report: Is t]it, imp ov,m•nt proper and n Cassa y? If sent! the Council ,a prolor order dirrrd ug the work to be dun.. \11opted by the Board of Aldermen July 21, her yeas -.,Id. Blelenhurg. Bott. Copeland, Ilobner. llorniden. Geh.I. Dlelady. Sallb Se llivnv. DI r. Presidentrl0. Nadosp-11 sYens-Maeros. to BAnsnsehmolbzleyr, laClyoste. 11!0. Elm- 194 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL julit, McCaffcrt> Mine., Optvuhcim, Va Slyke, Mr. President --8. Nays 0. APproved July 1, 1891. By Aid. Gehan--Bill F No. "SA- IL Is ho -by ordered by the t'ommnn Cou nci Of file City( f St. Pail: That fbc al! I of the construction of ; sewer on Jncksoa streetand I'aircicn street. from Fiffecnlh street or[r,Univcr,dr a venue to l'enn,ylvnniaeve o .' e. rm cl within may demo acccl,,;1t'Iry. i13u,••x ai or Publi. Workd I bc ...... t, hereby referred to ,aid BonrA to inve,ti. Rate :wd rcp�rt First-I.s this imp-- cmenl proper and n'c cssnry? Second -Give the Couuril so :slimat, of fire oxppease l hereof, and stat.•ore - half ol" the cost thereof ix t 11,• paid into the city tiro before Ila contract is let. Third --Can teal estate to l,• loot -,ed for said Improvement be found bem•Hted to the extent of dau, mages, eta a td e�pensr, nec- essary to be Incurred therchyi Faurth-Is such improvemcn� ha,ked for r upon the petition oapp'leallun of te - ora of a majority of the property tl• br {;t,- -sena rile Cue, c 1 a plan ur pruHle of said impr,)ancnt, a, reunited by Law-, if y oou reprt in favor of the ,sac. rxth-6eud the Council n proper order directing f.it, work to be done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen .DI ly °l, Sol. Yens -Aid. BieleahrrR, Batt. C'opehmd. Dobner. Durn'deu. 'ohan. \leludy, Savhorn, Sullivan. Mr. I're,ident-10. Nays-tl, Adapted by the As,rm hlr .lmy:'F. IPo I. Yeas -Mess",. BmAmizer. Costello. Elmo- gist. \IcCafforty. Muter, Oppenheim. Van Slyke, Mr. Prc,idcnt-P. Vay,-0. Approved July' -9. IR91. OFFICIAL PURL ICATION Of Resoltlt on Adopted by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul, Minn. �Rcsol yrd. That fire sum of $9.089, now In the city treu,ury to the `r,dit of the asess- cnt for the filling. grading and impror-InR Langford Park. Ile and the ,time is hereby a.�Ipr,prhlt,d nod placed to the reditof the nRlnrrr far the pnpiest• of carrying nn tar neces,nry work no ,aid I.n ngford Park. ,:fid money to be Paid oat upon fire proper vourhe'..'r A Engineer. Adopted by the Board of Alderman July °l. Stu. Year,-Ald. Biel r•u berg. Co x•hlnd. Dobner, Gchan. 3lcludy. Sunburn, Sit liyxn, Nit. Pres- dent-P.a N¢3's-Aid. Dorn idrn-1. Adopted by till Assembly Jnly ^_S. 1891. El., Ran holzr r. Costello. Elm - qui st. 3lcCafforty. 511 a 1. Upl,•nhrhn. \'xn Slyke, Mr. Pres[denir-P. r .Nay, -n. A ppro vd July 2_9, illol. W. P. 31FHHAy. President of the :assec1mbly. O. O. C.t,En, 11rt`sidcnt. of file Board of Aldermen. I'll -'s'. A, PflE DH A,T, VIty Clork. Aug. 5. OFFICIAL: PUBLICATION Of Ordinances Fussed and Resolution. Adopted by the Common Council of the City of St. 1'aol. 0,dinames No. 15_4--A'y F No. 58- The Common l'on ncll of the City of St. Pani vin ordain as bdlow,: Section 1. 'file Pity .;lerk is fi-eby direct -- cel Io draw his wurrnnt rlpon file City Treas- aI, or St. Paul in favor of Georg[• r) tie. By All]. Gehan-fid P N,,.:'Fi- or Ili, attornem. far Ihr , (rf ,.'90, to be It Is ,I byord-ed by rho Common Cou nciI In -late, ed�r that bningri br eumsrtl rh t.l;se mirrpro f the Ci`o y of I. Pail: 1 v ,aid Ilorb nr talo file trrn,u ry of St. £awl That clic met] er of theo -tion :aid ma in- fire the vacatlon of un alley in bbrk 15 of it. nunrr of nor Rasoli nr L•smpoa fhenortheust Fairview addition lo .rid (-If !`p vin •orner of I'nirview noel Arch st recti. I,• and dart ;m equal and r;1uicnirnt amount of hind the [sore i, hrndry n•1'rrrrrl to Ihr D'mrd of In said block was dedicated for an a11e3•by Public Works n. inreal ignu•aud report: ,xiA lhrehnr atihe time of sdA vecntlon. Is bilis im11rro ce meat prrrper and n rc.,ur ? Sec. 2. Thin ordinance shall take effect Jf sn. srn'I the Council a I",orchi- D»re add uftor its Passage. rectinR I he w•o'k to be door, Ihrs,rd h{'floc Asst`m illy Ja ne u1. 1891. Adopted by the Board of ,\ Idermrn .hely SI, Yens-)Ii•srs. Ilan bol>rr. CoMello. Elm - 1P91. t -t, 31cC'affcr(.1.. 311nra. Oppenheim. Van Yeas --Aid. Bir cohere. Idd.t, cnpelaud. �hPresidcm-S. Dobner, Dorn idrn, Gr ba rr, 31r 1u[IS•, Sanborn, Nuys --n. bull Ivo n. Mr. President--ifl. W. I'. D/tou+Ar. NaY's_-0' President of the A,sembly. Adopted by file ,\u emldy Jllly Passed by the Board of Al(I-eco Aug, 4, \"aS-3fessrs. Dunhillzer. t'cr,Icllo. IP91. ' qq i 2, 3Ir[:;ufrrt v. Minea, Oppenheim. \'au Yeas -AId, Dielen herr. Roti. Co 11"y. Cnpe- Slvke, 31r. President-,, : Innd, Dubnrr, Ihrrn tele n. Gehan, Melady-, \a3 -s--0. S;r r; ]•liar. 6ullivnr;. 31 r. I'residcnt-II. 3'^- Approved Julll, ln!11. i \x3•s--ll. tC. P. Mbl O. O. co"".s. Prc,idrnf of t he :\-cms,rmlrl3'.Prr 1.tit'.the lionrel of .\Idrrmen. 1891. Prr,idcnt'.f I IU• ifml r'1 o1',\1r-1 Approved AugRO�lERT A. SI.ITH. Nlayor. TnoS. A. PDENDF.Ia;.\sT, City Cle•I'Im`II.rk. Attest: Tn.& A. PREyDERGAET. City Clerk. Aug. 1. Aug. 10. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL FOR 1891. 195 Ordinance No. 1.525-A' ))• F No. 140- land. Dobner. Dorniden. Gehan, 3lelady. San An ordinance ¢ntho,l Ing Jacob Meek to 1>nrn.Sollivxn.Mr. President -11. erect an addition to x frame building.Nays-0. The Common Council of the City of St. 1'nul Approved Aug n, 1891. do ordain as follows: Section 1. That authority and permission is�denybniven to Jarwb i•mcited rul,m nlot the U. - A'c F No. II5- llding Randall'., •ddiilm, Re,olvcd, tlraf the Route of the alley in blockl9. of Roberttr& distnvice of S', IrcL to the ,t rest: fife sabl ud! Ifuward', ndd throe. •from Mendutn street to Forr.st strut, us InAlcntrd by the red grade dltion to be "S feet in length and 16 fret in improcrment to he door lion on the tcmmpan}}'InR pnrHle, and a M1eigqht; the said It for die -tion an[I {vith tar approval of r rum mender] Uv file Clty Engine-, be and 1, here iu therstablished the lilt fosvertor of the (,hy 'If St. the same o, adopter] Paul.1.3 Ser. 3 This ordina nor ,]loll I.nk'• cffrr6 3t1op1cA by Ihr Assembly July :2t. 1891. Ehn- from andafter it pxssngr. A1-1 )cns-Mess",. Rnn holze r. Cortelln. 'Iuist. M,Cnffeet�`i)Iinen. Op,'enhrim, Van Yussedb3'ihrA„rn;bly.IuU-A.IP9L 3'ens-Me„r,. ;Ir. l'o,Mllo, SI k, Mr. Presi •tit -S. 1st. 3Il•CnQr•rly. Ili mea. Oppenheim. Vnn dyke. Nay, -0. by the Bunts of Aldernrrn Aug. J. Mr. Prr,i, ent-S. Is-\dopted Nuys-tl. \\' t'. Moult,, 3'rn,-,\Id. Rirlenherg. ]tett. Conley. Cup-- I the :lssenrbl3'. I'oard'of laud. Dobner. Dorniden. Gehan. 3lelady, San - A ]der F¢ssrn by [be Board of Aldrrmm; .luly 4, Mru, Sulfivan. 3lr. President -1L Nuys IP91. -41. Approved Aug. 5. 1891. Yeas -Aid. Rio lonben. �lot t'onlrv, Cntil- land, Dobner, Doruidrn. Goh:ur, MchiI r, ean- born. Sullivan -I Nmyv-Mr. Pr-Rirnt -1.A'y - I' No. ilf O, O. t rbr It is hereby ordered by the Common Council ree ['read ut of file Bwud of Aldrrmrn. A pprucrrl :\uR ". 1891. hCity of St. Paul f III; That the inntter of condemning and taking Ro aEitT A.\\11TH. 31aynr' Atte,L: Titus. A. Pees uaao.l,T, t'itr ]'Leek. Ila e:lsemrnt' tilt`I:llld abutting n IIsher .sunt. Irom 3lagvoliv street. to Mlnnc.?n Aug, ill. • a-cnue nr nr{- to construct the slopos --- for ruts unit tills In-grtiding said strict, be and the same is ber by referred to the Bon rd V'}} F S. 101- of paid b. Works to invoetig; lc and report: Ite,olrcd. Thnt perml,sion be, :ud flu' fau ais hr ruby g,unl.ed to ,Imam, Civary to First-Isthi,improvementpruperandam- essan'Y rrec L, m;dninin and rperate..s r les �t Second -Give the Council an estimate of nrtbwrst corner of'Clli rd and Oli rr rest,, the rxponsc tbercuf, and stain whether ono- io the Pity of Ft. I'nul, Afton.. upon Ibc r'm halt' If file "list thereof is to be paid into the Altion, and a Pn' Avd by arlit lr iA; of the 3l "okapi] Cody. '•Itvtrcusury bcfncethe contractlslct. •l hi rd --Can real estate to be ; 'sensed for Resolved further. 'I'ImL br [ore , Id sales said be it emoat be found Ixnedtrd to the are erected the suid Jana•, Clrary shall ear- cute and sear un the city k bond to tbo,um rxDmt of dnnmgrs, Costs :nit expense, nee e-ary to b,• incurred thereby[ of $1,0IN; pun the rondo ion, and iu b'ori rib -I, , ch improvemrut .ked for ,cenr'I- with the provi,ton,ol' said -rIb. e M of upon fire petition o ,,Plication off thrown_ the['d lei pal 14>tle- ]dopted by the Ass[•mblr July 14, IA . res of a majorit�• f t�a, prop-ty to h,r us- ,A for such Im royamr tit': �tp•ifth-', }•sus-3irssre. Ilan hnlzi•r. El mi,l;ist, )I r- Mr' nit the Cou veil n plan or pruHic of Naa_, Aftosa, Oppenheim. Van lylo President --7. swirl imfIrrr vemrnt, ns required by Inw, it you report In favor of the same. III - Yny Ad tell by the Ih; I oI Aldrrnrrrr Aug. 4, Sixth -Scud the Council a proper order resting the work to be Anne. I P01. \dopted by tho Assumbly.i a ly _'N, 1891. Yrls-Aid. Bir1,riberg, Belt, Conley, Pope- land, Dubnrr. Dorn(deu, (,•lull. Melody. Slur )'.mi-Mossrs. Banholzer, l`oslr11". Bill list. 31t•Cnfferly, Dlivr;l, Oppe nhelm, Vav born. Sullivan, Mr. President --11. dlykr, Nlr, Press cnt-8. Nays- 41, Approved Aug. 5. Il^u. Adoplyd by ibrl Board of Aldermen Aug. 4. - 1Sp1. Urns -Aid. Bir ]valve rg• Butt, Conic]'. Cope- 11. land. Dubnrr. Daraidrn, Geh;ur, le y, Sam A'vF Nn. IO- born, Salllvnn, 31 r.'1'resideot-11 f{c,olvrrl. Tirol III -grade if the xllry In \nye-0. block 4. 3tackobio & 3lnrsball', add itior;. Approved Ang, 5, 1991. from Kent, ,,t to Mack, An st re, 1. „ in- dical.edbythc,rdgradrDnc on Ihr:cror - pany." .ro[l]e, and :ls ra•ommm�rlcd t�v the ix• Lhc ,: m " b"rrby A'y F Nn. 11�-- City F.agm"e r. mI u, the r,htnli.sbed gradr.l Itrsolvrd- ThattheRrorle of Sixth .street. ndopted \'Iopled by Ib, As-„•rnb13• Illy :T. Ikll. from Kittson street to rile \Crit abutment of Vrx,-Mr„rs. Bunholze ell". Elul tor. 6i aril st mel bridge, tis inAiraf rel by the foist, )1 cl'ngr rt y. 3liorx. tlpprn Veba. \-x r; red ;; rad" Ileo nn the tccomyarytng pruHle City EnRin[•er. Slyke, 31 r. 1'n•,idcat-S. `u),,-0. " voila, vroom mendr'I by the be and the same is hereby adopted as rho es - by the Board of Aldcrmco Aug. 4. tablishc,I rntdr. Aduple' Uy the Assembly. July -'8. 1891. Md. Yeas-AId. Bielctibr,g. Bou. Conley. Cols•- Yens-3lessrs. Baabolzer. C'ostcllo, Elm- OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 197 196 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL land. Dobner. Durnlden. Gehan. Malady 'Mr. President -11. �1st. McCafferty, )linea. Oppenheim. Vnn court fund in favorof the persons named in Municipal Court. I lyke. Mr. Pre.,ident-A. the pay roil of the pre - Nays-) rented with this resolution. for the sum set. Nuys -0, d Aug. S, 18UI. APVroye Adopted by the Boardof Aldermen A ug, 4, o oposite their respective names, in payment jYeas 1891, o�' the salary and compensation of Id r -Aid. Birlenlrerq. Bot L. Conley.('+elm- n .,for their aeryi ces tori ng the month of 1. land. D,bner.IDornbden. Gen:tn. Jlelflriy. &tn- Jlxv, 7891. a -shown by said PnY roll. Dnrv. Sallbran, Mr.President -ll. Atlopted by the Assembly,luly .18.01. f Nays --0. Ycxs-Measre. Bxnhulzor, Costello, F.Im- f� f Appeared Aug. S, 1991.�Idlu. McCafferty. Mines. Oppeahelm, Van lykc. Mr. Prest 1.1 cut -A. -- Pioneer Fee— Company. ;q; H. M. Smythe Print Puny, 537.75. A'yy F No. IIB- Adapted by the. Board of Aldermen Aug. 4, Ia9leas-Aid. Adapted hY the AasemblY JII y . [ell�l- Elm- fens-Dlessre. Bnuholzer, Com, It^l, here loy ordered by the Comma. COn nclI f the. Cit fSt. Pxul: Rir lrnherR. ROLL. Conley. Cone_ }mo 1st, MCCUHerty. Mineu, Oape thelm, Van That the tier of enndemninK and taktn land, Dobner. Dorviden, GoM1an. Dlelndy. 9av- jly ke. Dlr. 1'resldevt-8. a nt in the lam" abutting on the h, n. S dlivan, Mr. I'msbd,nt-11. alley in block 4. Mnt•.kobin & Marshall's .ddi' \aya�, i' mon. in e • 'n y to •nnRtrnet [hr "Iupea for APprnv,d Aug. 5. IRDI. I ,at. an(, fills in grading said alley, be and the R nmr is hereby referred W the Ronal of 1'll - g 4. Ile Works to Investigate and report : A'yy F I'y 121- First this improvement land, Uobuer, Durnlden. Gehun. Melody, - -Is proper and ft•snlved, 7but w,rr1nI b1drnwn upon the necessary? city treacur3-, pPxyublr out of the city otHcere' Second -(:Ire the Council an stinrnte of Iy tmn,ditn fKYable the born, Sullivan, Mr. President -11. s ppersons named In the expo tic tharro f. and stns• w-hrl her of •- the pay rolls Prosented witlo th(s resnlHtinn. Nays -(i. Approved Aug. S, (frill. half of the mst thereat is W he i» fid into the for the sum set dpioosite to. their respective %�, cite hrnsnry before the contract is Irl. names, in payment. of Lhr alary and com- Third to hr for j -Con real estate :t ,(•sRrd pIxionsutlon of said persons for their services said improvement. be found benefited to the Suring tho month or .July. I991, as shoran by rid its.. Iced. Tlrnt, city o dere Iw drawn uPou extent of dmm�R(•e. •o.: Ls n a ,.greases n s. pay >Ils. iherrny't , ` lire city treasury pa'..Dle notor their tsr 'peed re "asseseme n[ funds." in favor of the fur the set OPPo- to M• "m•urred adapted by i ter AsRetnbly .1. , 1891. e Fou tl,-Issuch Imp ecment rI:rA for Yens-Dlessr,. Banholzer. (bsWllo, Elm folluwiuK Perarns, amounts site to their respect(re mates: W. J. Preston, upov the petition, npplicatiano fitter ( ts- i,ict, .4 Cafterty, Mines. Oppenheim. Van ars o[ a majo ILy of t11 propert3' In lmrw E,timnte Nu. .1. FF.atl malitte t: O. 1. rHall ale- H:mscu, sessesi Fluke. Dir. Preslr ant, H. d for sac la im{rr entk - N J.+-0. Youncil ?' I ( - Fifth -Send the n. pion or nrolile of ,\�loptrd by the R,,rd Of A ld,,m,n. Aug. 3. Il treStnes . it other tee ii�f divKfr Rsvdocaj .treat vd . I. st divg Ii. ]lornu. Estimate No. I, gra s id ImProrrment. as ren ul tett by Intr If you 113J1. p t In favor of Lhe same. qK } r 91xth-Sprat the (.ou di- SI�Zla: J. Sixth street, fft ; R. Tlwmpsou, Estimate anti a Prnp•r order htndits Dubnor.lelbrn,Ide rR�rGehun.lt yl (flay, ting the work to Iw Clone. Sanborn. Su Ili aa. Mr. Presi rte nt 11. rAdopted ]i by the Assembly JUIy 28, (SNI. Nays -41. Unv1- }:smmnte No. :. gradin` Bur`ess and tre.ta.$2.M; G. Bolan. 1'_stimnte No. 0l- Yeas-ilieesrs. Rnn huizer. Ca,trlln, Elm- Appnrced Aug 5, 1181.11.181.11.. d� {q J Ist. McCxHcrt3•. Miner. 0 uht•inl. Vnn - Slyyke, r. Preeidont-A. .li Nys-/1. y i Adopted by the Roard of A Idernien A—. 4, A'v F' 18N1. Resw red. th ntwnrrnnt, tm drawn iI Yexs-Atd. Bir I..b rg. Batt. Cnn iris. Coim- ihrclt,v treasury, ppaynblo out of the ltitnl 1 d.Dobner. DarniAcn. C,chnn. Jlrlxdy. Su„- fmproremen[ foml, amounting W SZO, in iTrenau b 7 F boirn.sra u. -um :il r. rresidnnL-ll. rnr ear Crnrq.e Reis. inty rer. to may Nays -fl. the pe -ons n mad in the ,ny roll nresent•d EI.1[St.W: N. Feyy n11.n No. 3, sprit/ Dl,trict No. S, g1.,M: N. Fe))•un. F.sLImaW No. Approved Aug. 5, ISM. tate this resolution. for t�re num xeL opp reit, 3. sp,I,kH, • DlxLrlet UY the AsKevrD19 July :11. 1tS91. their stair rr,1x„Lmve ns tier o[ spit"m'nt f [or ar Adaptc(t Veen-Mes,rs. Bnnhol.rr. Costello, Ell a- y .. pawn Pereons A'Y FJ I, No. IIn-- their ren x!cLl rr sr rice, turinir it - month 'shown 1st. tucC.I erty. Mine., 01twoh,tu. Slyke, Mr. Preeidont�8. Hesnlved. That w nLc be drown pun •IraJ'. 189 by su id ma.v roll. thecltY treusurY.mty.w.,outnf Adopt%d by the A_mbly .luly•.Is01. }pdopted 1,,, 11 InsPceWr's dap rt_net fund. In favor rf Un• }vas-3lensre. Rnnholur. Cost lin. Ell. In d,Isrt- art. McCafferty, Jllsea. O Van by the Board of Aldermen Aug: 4. persons named the ony rob of -aid pcahc. m. Fllvkc. Mr. Pm I -,IL - S. ..ymavt evL presen tea with this resolution for the a t onPoalte their ­p.`t"nn rs !)if (lost..it d b the Board of Aldermen Aug.. Lhe p • y K' < of salaries at/ co nen,uliuv Id parser8 for their service, during the IF91. )',,,,-Aid, RlelenlnerR. Ral.l.. Conley. Cope- ' E. July. I.YDI, as shown by Haid Puy roll. Adoptedler the Assembly Jo IY 28• IS91. hand. llabnrr. Dorn Iden. Grhxn; 31cInA3'• San- ; r Yeas -Messrs. Ban latae, l:ostullo, born.Salliran, Mr. President -11. y let, McCnffert v. Mlnea. Unnenheim, Van Flay,--- APP,vvcA Aug. S. IFOl. _- tllyke. Mr. President. -N. 1 0. ' Ad(yiPtetl by tho 13urrrl of AlAcnn,n Auq. 4. -- 1891. alae ci tfu td:u Inrfuvorabfe11 lee tfnlloty ing per - Yeas -Aid. Blel-N-rx, Batt. Conley COM'- By ylr. Elm9ui,t-A'Y F' No. 123 - toga• f r fur alae amount sat uV{wsite to their i' land, DODner, Durnlden. Gahan. Me1ndJ-, Sen- It i hereby nrdrrM Dy the Common Council bora, Sullivan, Mr. Prr•,Iden[-11. Vo+c3vr uli. meat 4> Nu. u diifiEalemaW f tl (: i y a[ St. Paul. • NtW, . That tl ,ter of u snsoli ase Is in front ApPrn M Aug 5, Isin. 't u •ung. s • u Cluceiand v vm tmute No. 9, Plaulev creeti of the alley betwr,n Beaumont t d Collin., trr,t On De Soto ,tr-t. be and the s i, w lir Dubnrt ` u Y sewer. _ -- hereby •ferreA W the Board r. Pnblie A'yy File No. 120- Works t�i nvestiguW and report: a t ty That warrantsbedrawn upon it,, I, II, 16 improvement proper and sec I: treed, oltY treasury, payabic out of the Municipal essary7 OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 197 If so, send the Council u proper order di- land. Dobner. Durnlden. Gehan. Malady 'Mr. President -11. recti.9 the work to be done. Sanborn. Sullivan. Adopted by the Assembly July ::8, IP!Il. - Costello, F.Im- Nuys -0, d Aug. S, 18UI. APVroye Yens -Messrs. Bunholzer. L,t. McCatforty, Mtneu. OPlmnhel'it- Van �Iyke. Mr. Prenldent-S. - NaYs-0. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Aug. A'y F Nu. Ir - Resolved. 7'h¢t pity orders be drawn 4. 1891. Yens-Abd. Bielenberg. R.U. Cunlry. Co3re- the city trcusury, payable o utof Lite ••prlotli no fund," 1n favor of the tollow- land. Dobner, Durnlden. totems. Jlelndy. San- and stationery ing peramfs, tar alae amount set oPDosite to Dorn. Sul,,env. Mr, President --11. I their raa es: F. Driscoll, Jr.. 55.304.&(; 57; A. E. Melg en, N¢yrU. APPruv ed t\.K. 5. 1M11. Pioneer Fee— Company. ;q; H. M. Smythe Print Puny, 537.75. - Adapted hY the AasemblY JII y . [ell�l- Elm- fens-Dlessre. Bnuholzer, Com, A'v F No. l:'•4- 1st, MCCUHerty. Mineu, Oape thelm, Van Re ul yea. That warrants Im drawn poo jly ke. Dlr. 1'resldevt-8. the pityy treasury. payable out of the Board fund, lu farm• of the Per- Nays -U. pdopted by the Board of Aldermen Au9.4, of Public Warks in the pay roll of said depart-', 1891. nous nutued cntandpre, ,tedwlththis resolution tor'. }',us -Aid: Bielenberg. Bott. Conley, Cope, Sao the sum set opposite theBpeetice names land, Uobuer, Durnlden. Gehun. Melody, - in payment of the salary and cumpen,atiun during the born, Sullivan, Mr. President -11. of said pe rsun, for their x•r vices month of July, 18,91, ue ehuwn by zuld Pn}' Nays -(i. Approved Aug. S, (frill. roll. Adopted by the Assenabv July 28, lld6. _ than huizer. Castello. EI.- S-cos-Messr,. It helm. no A') File. 1'J8- mineu, Oppen Dl r. President --8. its.. Iced. Tlrnt, city o dere Iw drawn uPou rJlyke. Nays Mr. Adopted D3. the Board of Aldermen Aug. 4. lire city treasury pa'..Dle notor their tsr 'peed re "asseseme n[ funds." in favor of the fur the set OPPo- 1891 Butt, Curley. Cope- folluwiuK Perarns, amounts site to their respect(re mates: W. J. Preston, Yeas-Ald. Blelenberg, laud, Do bier, D. -Iden. Gen... Melody, Sun- E,timnte Nu. .1. FF.atl malitte t: O. 1. rHall ale- H:mscu, ,uMr. President --11. 54.-r0: .T. u t . de80: 2. Nu3s-o. Ap prayed Aug. .Ia91. Il treStnes . it other tee ii�f divKfr Rsvdocaj .treat vd . I. st divg Ii. ]lornu. Estimate No. I, gra SI�Zla: J. Sixth street, fft ; R. Tlwmpsou, Estimate _ A. No. 1. gradin` ChatsworthBarges. 'Phut lx• drawn pun Unv1- }:smmnte No. :. gradin` Bur`ess and tre.ta.$2.M; G. Bolan. 1'_stimnte No. 0l- Rewired. wort t hu treasury. Pnyahle L f the En Ni- thel �I, Krudfng King treat. 5?45: T. Reilly. city trq Ilepfl...... lulu r3'fun d, amunntinq Ra•is. CIt3' tr\a.:i. 'prink lintS ISlstrict Nn. :, 3N98.90; T. IJ'. F,tinaute iV o. +prinkling llistrict tomi':'.i111i.IX1, In f¢var of eo1w Treasurer, to pn3' the persons and in he i on. for B,II .i, Nu. 9. t;L'�B.JN: N. Feyen. F Yimate No. 8. Distrlet No. '4 A810.70; N. Fgylui. P,roll Vn:so nt •d w'th this renolut the sum stet nulxrRt[, their reslx.etive roar vs. ivklbar F'.tuuntc No. J, ,Lrinkling District No. 4. klieg i yu}mrnt of the.' InrY urrd ca Ix•usulWu fur their eryices du rl ¢,v the EI.1[St.W: N. Feyy n11.n No. 3, sprit/ Dl,trict No. S, g1.,M: N. Fe))•un. F.sLImaW No. of sold Imr,ons .' ori[h of .lair, 11911, u, shown Dr sold pay mil. 3. sp,I,kH, • DlxLrlet UY the AsKevrD19 July :11. 1tS91. Adopted by the A\ ell1 I '. -IuU' �• Itlill. Adaptc(t Veen-Mes,rs. Bnnhol.rr. Costello, Ell a- YeuR-Messrs. Ru aloin•. r. Coetella, Elnt- Upin•ralreini, \'aa 1st. tucC.I erty. Mine., 01twoh,tu. Slyke, Mr. Preeidont�8. 1 let. JluCngertr. Mines. ke. 11r. president -s. }pdopted tlly N 0. by the Board of Aldermen Aug: 4. Adopted by the Bou rd u( Aldermen Aug. 3. IMJI. Butt, CunleY. GOpe- }'ons -Aid. BlelenberK. 1891 Ycus-Alai. Rie lenire rK. Batt. Curl lay. Cape- lu.d, Dobner, Dorvideu, Gehun. MeledY• 9nu- Inna. Daburr. Uoruldcn. Urhn n. Melody. Sun- barn, Su Ilirun, Dfr. Preslde.t-IL Duras, Salli,.n. Mr. Pre,ident-ll. Nuys_ -0. Nays --11. APPro,.d Aug. 5.1891. Approved Aug. 5. 1891. _- F No. 1•-'0- kteauylvrd, That rl W' orders be drawn A'y 1' No.1"11- sewn By Mr. Oppen helm -A' 12e,.I,W. rbsi the Ctty Engineer is hereby alae ci tfu td:u Inrfuvorabfe11 lee tfnlloty ing per - authorized andInstruct W to •u a the b- In the ulle3• In block elevmr ill) toga• f r fur alae amount sat uV{wsite to their i' structiuvs St. Pnu1 Proper, to be romov,d by the street Vo+c3vr uli. meat 4> Nu. u diifiEalemaW Yorcu' br n+st•mbl Jia di, I9'JI. AAOV DJ 't u •ung. s • u Cluceiand v vm tmute No. 9, Plaulev creeti yd }-ens Dlesnrn. Buuholri r. Cu,t•1 �im. \jab w lir Dubnrt ` u Y sewer. 1st. DIeC'nffert -. Mlaea. llpWlI Slyke. \dopted DP the Assembly July %'8. 3891. Elm - Mr. Preside nt-3i. days -0 Adopted by the Board ,f Aldermen AuK. 4• leas--Dlessrc. Ranlaolzur, Costello. `SI'k Pi t-8,eu, UPPenheim. Vnn 1,,91. Yens-Ald. Blelenlmrg, Bott. Con ley. Cope-'. ie. widen .Ys -fl. 198 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Aug. i Adopted by the Assembly July 28. 1801. 4. 189L I Yeas -Messrs. Bunholzer. Costello, Elm- Yeu.-Ald BielenbVeg. Bolt. Cooler. Lupe- I quint, McCuHm4r. bfineu Oppenheim, Vxu bI nit Dohucr, Dorniden. Gehuu, MrL•idy. Sun- SlvkC. Mr. Prenidunt-s, een. Sullivan. Mr. President -11. I 14­0Nqv.-U. Adopted by the Booted of Aldermen Aug. Approved Aug. 5, 1891. I, pow. 1Yeas-Ald. Bieleuberg. Butt, uonleCo 11111,. lly, ulruer, Dorniden. Gehuu, Me1xd Y, 5 unba-,v SUlliyun. Mr. Pro- dent. Il. A'3' F. Nu. 1:91- Nu3's- Besulred. TIruL pity orders be drown upon Approved Aug. 5. 1891. "•••^••. treusu,o-. pu3'ubIt•uu tof Lhe gruernl favor f Lhe fulluwiug porson.. for nit'et oppos ltd. to t.oeir nutue.', V'r..: Ieoln Ue. clerk of Supreme. Court. 3•=G: $1..50: James Cleary. 8s8; F. 1'. seeretur)^ of State. Si.2U: blerri ll's apply. 51.15. •d by the AssL'wbly .1 u1y 28, 1891. lV.,es. Buuholzer. C:CItello, Eli - Mine., Oppenheim. Yr o I. President -s. opted by the Board of Aldermen Aug -Alit. Ble leuberK. Butt. l'or lel'. ,l'ope- Duhner, Dorairh-u, Oelmu. \h•hidy.5,o1- RIM n. Mr. President -Il. s -U. )roved Aug. 5. 1391. A'y F No. 1:51- Hesolved, That city alders be dnlwn ups. the city treasury. payable nut I f the pollee depurtment feud, Iu favor of the following named p•rsuus for the roan to , set apposite their respective names: George Rel s, City Treasurer. for Jmy pub• roll. vulice deprort- C t. SM.1936.51: E. Mei\amee,!__.70; St. Poul Rubber Cumpnuy. F:I: J. L. IL envy. $.7fi: A. Durr leis 44. \euptedMby fit(. �\s,,Ialdy,luly 1N, ltaJl. Yens- essrs. Bunhulzer, (ostell.. Elur- 1luist, McCnHerty. Mines, Openhfl pen, Van SIVto Nr. Yrrsident-o. Nays T. Adopted toy tie Board of Aldermen Aug, i, 1891. - - l ,,-Aid, lllelenle- Boll, Cuulev, Cope, had, Dobuer, D. .1.1 Gelmu. Mebody, A' No. I:sl- Sunburn, Sullivan, bla1.i Preeilent-11. ,.F Ilii .nlred. That city order, be drawn spun • the citl'trea,u rp. puyub ICnut ;of sir "Ilgla- \ape -O. App'ovel AuK. S, 1691. Ing fund." in fu ver of St. Paul Gas Light. ComUun}' for $11,M4.87. bed, Ig egg, egute• amount for gas furnished city fur the mouth ' of June, 1891, road 0 mouth,'' interest or, pub - --- 11c IumU,. Adopted by the Assembly July "H. 1891. 12ceoiced, That city order+ be drawn upon Ycus-Messrs. Blm baize r. Costello. F.I m- tat, MCC.fferty. Lir pity trcasnry, ppayable nut of the schoul fund•itifut-oroftliefolluwluKnitnipemons yy \linen, Oppenheim, Van Sit ke, Ali,. President t'or the amounts set oppus,te their respective -s. Ir uy.-U.names: ,I epi Dbxea C'ruclble oompxny, Adopted by the Ifuurd of Aldermen A UK. $7fA; Northwestern 1, sad ane comp try, 4, 1&Il. Ycus-Aid. Bieleuberg. Botts Cou1CY. Cul»•- F.dhon F.Icciric Light re ponsy-. $11 :*I: N. C. �'w O• fral; St. Pit.[ Sa.iDdlun con: puny, land, Dobner. Dornid, I. Gehuu, it I n-' 3'S'fHi' born. Sullfvuu, Mr. Piv.,ident-11. Nays -0. Adapted by the Assembly July 28 Issu. Ycus-Messrs. lereholzer. Costello. Eh: - Approved Aug. 5, 1897. 11ui"t, bICC:lrterty. Ili nen. OVprabelm, Van 11rke, Mr. Yresldeat-s. i Nuys -U. A'y F No. ITS- Adoptod by [be Board tf Alle•rn„11 AuK, 4, 18!11. Resolved, T1mt elty urder.. la• drawn upon I 1"ores-Ald. Bieleuberg. Butt , CoUe- the city treasury. rayuble out f the "Iced hand. Dobner. Durable.. Gehuu. blelndy, San- .V'j : improvement fair .'in favor' of the fell,),,_ I tog persons. for the umou tits set oppusitc to burn. Suflh eon. bar. Prrsideut-Il. Nay. -U. Lhelr respective inapt: Charles 0G Fowler. damgges to 11111, furt•hange of Krule <m F:un- AUU roved Aug.:.1891. dolpll „Lee R unl _ rther`,t n^•t.-:E727.H0;_•C. r 'r. green nK U.glie uVe- : yfaluney, F.. ti mu le No. s. 'ennsvivunlu,tyenue. 540750; .f. R'. F,stlinutr• Nn. (f, grading Seventh 7K5; Delo - Bumgmoh-. Estimate• ado ng Fairview street, 3765; 31. -timate No. 7, grading Gat, street. A. Dxyern. Estlntee No. 4 u , grading avene, 378?m : T. SweenC>% Edi_ itrudI ng Paei He street. $595; C. E. 'timate No. 11. erarlina A'v 1' So. Wt Resolved. That u City older be drawn upon the eity treu.0 ry, pu)'able. out of the water Cupplc fund• in favor of the Hoarrlf Water omndssioners, for the sunt of $117.09. A doptcd by t he A asem bIS J u ly'L•t, 18N1. Yens- f-srs. Banbolzer. Costello, Elm- lulst. M'('arte0 Mlneu. Oppenheim, Van Slyke. Mr. Pre,lUcut-H. t 0. led Arlupled by the Board of Aldermen Aug. 4. 1801. Yeu"-Aid. Bk•ieoberg. Butt, Cooler, CoPr lullI lobner, Uurniden, Gehan, Jlemdy.San- bor., Sullivan, Mr. President -11. Nays -0. Approved Aug. 5. 1891. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 199. A'y F No. 13,i. That the Board of Public Works of said Resolved, That i1 city order be drawn on Cit;\of St. Paul cattle the A 11 %'ing lm Irove- the. city treasury in favor of G. W. G. Ferris meat to lx• made. o -wit: Grade the A�Iey to S C'o. for Hfty-ix and forty -one-hundredth. block four IL, blackubin and Mitrshall's ad - ti rt it,.aid City. brG,% dollars, payable out ul' the "special li , L } Uridgqe feud." That .aid assn1 ended. said work tube let Adopted by the A"sem m3' July "••s, lo, by Contra -,t a le,' ed try lute. without a ero iikt, Mees"rs. Btalhrizer, of-lielm ritr- baD we esL;unaed ntn,rtr,g ld , -k men �,1st, Mecflm,lde ylilleu, tippenheim, \•,a1 the ftv ire•;,.Ilry, nndnfter, ":lel work .hull IYke. Mr. Pre.idollt-n, lay pl:ted under •, ,[tract suiel Board shall Adastet. Icer sed w'itho, ltde11,u .'ce it t ,r mun0. pted 113' the Iton rd of Alelern1e 11 AuK. 9, . 1r1_ s requ is ertnin the same, U!II, ae-sl w'I111be n•ell,ired to tpn,y the parts and Yens.. At,]. IiiolenberK. Butt. Conley Cop;- I ee en : ,t ,.e+ of -t •h to land. Dobuer. Duruideu, Gehuu. M la,3'. sau- upon stlhi• ,v�1� estate to be. benetited by said burn. Sullivan. Jl r. Yrrsident-Il, i nVrut'euu•lit. n' Prayided by late. It bel nK \are -U. the• opinion of the C.... no, that real e,tllte to Approved Aug. 5. Istel. be a, I, h . such lurpr -ruent cue be fun rod b•urlitell to the extent of the costs and expenses uece.sury to be incurred thereby. -- \ !.pted Iry the As C,ably.luly2s. Is91. A)' F Nu. I:C-- S"ea"--Messrs. Bombol"i.. Costello, Elm- l<e City u . Tint city rtdere be drawn upon 'I t. McCall'et'ty, Minna. Oppenheitu, Va. tin• city tix'nsu r}'. Vuyably rot r t' the :trees sl�ke•, M.. President -s. :Ind sewer m:It lite Uu nee YII nit, in favor tf the Ad) \t alb tire 13on rel of Aleermell Aug., following persons, for the rot snot" set op- ulr tee Y g• {>e Ite• their s e'Ir,e nut s Dux ,Y Is91. L'bull. SHIM: D. }.. Bell. Car's=rl:'G. Mih'It, yea. -Ale. MCI"wu•rg, Bots, Coulee'. Colte- +!45.05; \Yeasts. Howard S inns. 112; It. Seeger' Isnd, Duhuer. Dura islet.. Gehuu, Mcludy.San- lKi,; D11leudho' B,os.. SIQ: C. w', llaekett. horn, S a III vnll. Mr. President -11. Hardware C. pang'. f+. 2:5; t'. G. Draper N'V'^-n, Co., GS •e L.: HuUalsun & Cai:v Company. Appvved Aug.., 1891. 87s.ut; William Rodger S Cu..312:.N;; Che seer K•. P. bluaanv 011 Coutp,ny. ¢12; John Martin Lumber President. a t' the Assembly. Cum PaoI, ,1.11:5.04; loeringer � Son. 8:ta.75; O. 0. Alderm W. Rooker. f4h; St. Ptu,l llanlwure l'um pail}. President I'Hnt Df the ST. ('t of Clerk. \oyes Bro,. ('uticr. '37.65; Amerieull Toe's..\. i'iigx nr:m:,t sv, t'ity Clerk. blunufavturing Compan -, 312; D. Byron. ;: Aug. M. St. Paul Britss {Vurk".31?'40; R. E. Patterson. Adopted by' the Assenibly.fttly `w. "IH. Y'. Broula lar. ('.steno. El yui,t, %l,CnifCrty. Mitten. Oppenheim, Van .1 eke. Mr. President -8. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION `a)' , -U. A,.pt(d by the Board of Ald'rmt•o Aug. 4, Isol. Yeu.-Ald. Bieleuberg, Butt. (7aine))•. (:upe- land, Dobner. Durable", Gelain. Melally. Sirto 4)f Resolntitn Adopted by the Common bt, n, Sullivan, Mr. President -Il. Council of tie City of St. Paul, Nuys -U. Approved Aug. 5. 1:0.11. I'd I' Np. I n the nlaB -,of the report of the Boardof Publie� \\'arks, elated August 4, 1K91. 11 ie ier�d,p unlered by tire Collin Council A'v i'. No. I:W-- e f lire CiiV of SL PuuI Re,uI'el, I'haL n x'urrant he drawn by the •t'b:tt.th.• Bourl of YuUlie\\'orksot said City proper city umetn•s fur the sum of ;t:1U, to the triter of henry (;I, , In payment for w Ices e.. '•rgru111-rot-arm., f Ibr Comm.n Pannell fur the nlont h of J til)'. A. D.1&)1, pu3'- able out of the gruernl fn rod. Adopted by the Asxnu bly .l of ul6}'x 2+, Intal. l'ai,-blesslw. nunhulze r. ... Rhn- uutst. McCafferty. )Linea. Oppenheim. fit 'd be the Board of Aldernleu Aug. 4, 18!11. Yea,.-Ald. Itle•h•nherg, Boit. ('only •. Cupr- land. UuUuer, Durulden Getnm. Me 1.3 Y. San- born. Bulli rune bl r. Pres1dent-11. Novy -0. Approved Artg..l. Pont. A' -v FN 1, I:PJ- 1, the•.iutter of the.port of the lbeird of Publle Works, datede .July 28. 1891. It is hereby ordered by the Cmmn- G,u ncll of the City of St. Paul: of St. Prool cause the following loipruvententa to be made. to -wit: Pare Sixth (Utll) street. Dom Sm It h o ecu roe b, Cul lege• uvea uo 1 n sold clWirti.,Id lBoar d cnusllll Cuid work w be let b}' cont rne•t. as provided by law. without one - 111f the resinates cost being Hrst Auld Int. the city t rcie ury, and after said work shall be Ida under contract, sold Board shall pre- ­Cd ro-need without delay to assess the amount, as nearly as they van re ce tafn the saine. which will be ren "-d to Utly LI.'""es and Ilecessary e.v p•Ir.+es of sueh Imp oven ants it pen too real 'state to le lrcnelltcll by Bald Ila pr..vement, ass provided11y law; R to -i ILK the opt tion of the Council tout (real wase to be assesseed for 1.11 improve 1 ent can be fou all benefited to the extent of the costs and Cxpenses necessary to be incurred thereby. Adopted by it,, Bull,(] of Aldermen Aug. 4, 1811. Yeas -Aid. Bielenlerg. Batt. ('unley, Cope- b,od, Duhuer. D ... fden. Geian. Melady. San- born. Still I Vu u, Me, President -11. Nay. -0. 200 PROCEEDINGS OF TI Adopted by the Assembly Aug. 11, 1891. Yens -Messrs. B¢nholzer, Codcllo. Fhn- qulst, McCafferty. Ile F mice. Murray. Op ,en- list., Van Slyke. Mr. Vice President- 9. Nays -41. Approved Aug. 12. 1891. Bit F No. 291- - In the mutter of the report of the Board of Public Works dated Aug. 4. 1891. It ishereby ordered by the Cmnlnmu Couuofl f the City of St. Paul: That the Board of Public Wurks of said City of St. Paul cause the following impruve- reents to he made. to -telt: Construct a storm water sewer from the Edgerton street sewer across blue k s 35. 30. 46 and 47.ArIluxton hills addition. W the right f w - of the Chicago, St. Pani. llinumtpolio SyU malls ltanway company: thence �l�nS. d ight of 'ay W Lha Phalen Crock sewer. 1❑ .'aid •itv, the •est of said sewer to be Paul out of the se\\'r l'u;n• bond fund. That said Board cause said work to be bet by eon[r¢eL, ae Pn,vidul by\vi[ho ut o list[ theest t•ust being tl -st puid llnt�I the city treasury. Adopted bl' Lim Board of Aldermen Aug. 4, 1891. Yeas-Ald. Bielenborg. Bott Canley, Cup(•- lend, Dobnfr. Dornldeu. Gehan. Meludy, San- born,Sulllvau, Air. President -11. Nays -U. Adopted by the ASseuibly Aug. 11. IM]. A-mas-M...... Ba¢hmlzei, Costello. F:Inr- yulet,Mc(.'nffertY, McNnnH•e. Murr.y.Oprun- helm, Van Slyke, Mr. Vtee President --U. Nay 8_0' Approved Aug. 11. 1891. Bd F No.'_W,- In tl,eniuLWr of the repot , f Ole Board oi' Public \Yorks dated .. ug. 4. 1891. It la hereby ordered by the Common Cuum•il [ ilio CR,,14• of St. 1'uul That Lhe k3ou 4 of I'u bile K'urks of the City of St. Paul cause the tolluwing inrp,ovenlent. to be made. W -.nit: Condeum u ill tukc an •,t fur e, n: tructnrg. LIRAl,g. n•Par- iegen� d ma lntalubbi x ew ucr s. ,de1 find through the following\•describes tlnml. t wit: Th&7. eey ten [1111 feet of lots 1:l end I8, end ilio westerly ten , In) feet of Int. 1.2 LLnd I8. block :ti; J., the easterly '.i, y ('JJ) feet of nuts IJ rid Is. bluck:16: Iso the. easterly twenty (m) feet of lot 24, block 46, nl I of Arlington Hills udditlon; also , strip WI, (b)I feet in with, . extending from the. rtlley In said block 46 to the smith iinc of block 41 ,ilio• , enter line of sold strip belug a straight line drawn through the northwest corner mf lot 36 and the southwest corner of nut 48. in said block 46. and Produced te the suuOmrlr line of block 47, Arli egtun Illlls add iOon; thence ee easterlywo (IU) ft h, width along the south side of said block 47 to the Phalen creek .sl•wcr. That said Buurd scall pne� d without de- lay to assess the amount, as nearly as lhcy can ascertain the sume, whirl, will be revluin•d tic .."the dumeges, crostsnnd necessary ex passe. of such improvement n. Pn lied le`- I the sume W be paid out of the ww ago lulnd rand. Ad.Led by tem B,,,,d of Aid,,,,,,,,Ang. 4, 1891. Yens -Aid. BlobolesI g. lit,, Comiey. Or land. Delta- Dornldeu. Gehan, Me" soli wo_'8ultivan• All. Vice President -11. NLLvs-0. Adopted by the Assembly Aug. 11. 1891. E C0113ION COUNCIL Seas -Messrs. Banholzer. Costello. Elm- quist, McCufferty. A[eName, Murray, Oppeu- heim, Van S13,kc. Mr. Vice President -9. . . Nays -0. Approved Aug. 12. 18:11. President of the Assembly. O. O. CdPresidentt of the Boardof leIe rme n. Taos. A. PUEs uEaaAST. City Clerk. Aug. ]3. OFFICIAL. PUBLICATION. Df Ordinances Passed and Kesolutloss Adopted by the C -in o t Council ut the City of fit. Paul, Jrdinu¢ac No. 1.520 -Bit F Nu, 2;:1. �Alr ordinance appropriutin�; ni t •y for and directing the• payment W Frank [Hit t of the su of u e hu ud real dollars, pursuant to report of Cumn,I [tee of Claims. pile Common Coaucil of the U1tS of St. Paul to ordutn as follows: Section 1. That un order be drawn upon the -ity treasury of St. Paul. gluyublc out or the eneral fund, In favor of Fn. it Il art, fur the n of uric hundred dollars. In full ompeu- �utiulr for and nti.f.,tlmn of sold Frank liart•selahil sudaentamlugainstthe Cayf >r. Poul fur inIurirs r n• •tl w-I,ile In the •tnelll�\naLLrlthc Sevenu,urnersendi1l asu 11 thon by tth. tics o re - of e cunt, ince claims will more �u lrly u pear: suit order to be delivered only merit hY. 9hng with the City CnmPl rmBer fill ,,d :ahsoluG� rreelpts W the slit' of s:,tisfuc- I , of naid -1¢in s and do 1, ,tl. (Set_ Thi, ordinativ.sh 11M�ake eReet and a 1'ussetltbyflhe Buudrdf of Ali -men Judy 21, sill. fens-Ald. Bielenimrg. Butt. Co polls nd, imbue,, Dornldeu. Uehuu. Melady, S,anbnrn. 5, Ilirnn. Dir. President -19. Nu -9. (1. it. 1'Ur.De N. P-sident of the Board of Aldcrm^o. Pin, by the AsscuiblJ"Aug. 11, ]SUI. Yeas-Jlessrs. Ihodmlze r, F.Imquist hlcCaf- •V`y 51cNituice, Minea, Oppenheim. Vs. ke. JI r. President -8. Nays -Mr. Custr110--1. W. P. Mean v. President of the Asaenibly. Approved Atg. 13. 1891. IJOHEIIT A. SuLTH. Mayor. Attest: Titus, A. PRENDERG."T. City Clerk. Aug. 17. bdo-ne, No. 15t-ild F N..316 - Ln Ordinance Authorizinif And ew Schoch W cruet u frame burs ;mil table. .... ........rue l' ,ell of the City of St_ Paul du urJai,l us follows: Section 1. That.1l.th- Schoch be and he . l erehr author, zed find Ix: n lILed to erect rid can 'tr act u brume bn rn and stable on the car rid of lot. six (61 :mrd seven (71 of Fred ,Itheu'..otdlvi.lon of block v -o a (61) Iluyton'. udditlon [uS[. Poul. Suld o be .itin -d on the res,end of ..slit iz and it ('I. "S' ate aley in .ad des: k. unJ to le situated Pp rOywon pmt u n d erOy uu nut 7, Il of which ori chap be ane uit, tna ,I rectio¢ and supe rvlalo t of OF THE CITY OF S, the Building Inspector of the City of St. Paul upon obtaining the proper' permit therefor. Suc. 2. TI is ordinance shall take effect ami Ile in tome from and after its publl- n Limn. Passed by the Board of Aldermen Aug. 4, IMJI. YcLia-Ald, Bialcnberg. Butt Cmnluyy, Cops- Innd Dobner, Dorniden, Gelmn, Melto 'Y' San- born, Sullivan, Mr. Presideotrll. Nays -6. O. O. Cbhurr , President osthe Board Aug.Alderman. Passed le the Assembly - 11, lhlo. Yeas-Nexsrs. Banholzer. Costello. hoElm- gist, McCafferty, McNamee. Murray, Oppon- im, Va. Slyke, Mr. Vice Presidentr9. Nuys -0. W. P. Munn - President Assembly. of the Assembb ly. Approved Aug. 'LILT s 1t ILT A. 6\11THAl . My.r. Attest: Trios.A.PILENDERGAST.City Clerk. Aug. 17. Bit F No. 249 - Resolved. That the druftmf the contract for th..rectio. and construction of a brick veered add ILI0. to Lilo Quinty school. by Charles Mugue.bcnrl¢g dote July I&IFJI.be and tem same is bembyy ;approved. and I the ''mper city officers are it me 4d to execute suifaml- tract on the part of the City of St. Pune. Adopted by Lire Board of AI(Iermen July 21. 1891. Yens-Ald. Bleleubmrg. Bott, Copeland. Dobner. Dorniden. Gehan. Malady. 5u. bent, Su111vun Mr. Presldent-10. Nays. AdePtad by the Assembly August 13. 1A!II. Yens-Tlessr,. Ilnnholzer. CmsWllu. Elm, Iuist. McCafferty. Aic Nnmue, Alinun Oppen- hulm. V -Slyke. Mr. President -9. Nays -0. Approved Aug. 13. 1891. flit F No. 2H. Itesolved,That a warrant ledrawa upon the n•ity treasury, payable ut mf the general 1nd, In favor of Henry F Hoyt, AI. D.. Com- missioner of Health. for the sour of WrI.71. in pput must of expenses incurred in caring fu small -pox patients during tl,emonth of June, 1891, ns nppeurs DY the 6111 of said Cc I - in asloner bearing data July 1, 1dUl. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen July 21, 1891. Yeas-Ald. Blelenberg,Bott. Copeland, Dnhner. But. den. Gehan, Milady. Sanllorn, Adi,pted by the Assllembly Aug. 11, yy1801. YeaMies. OPpenhBlemeirms Vat Slyke,r. . P es- Ident-7. .ro NAppv . ,r-. .Bilubolzer, Costello -2. 1891. BUId. Dorniden-Bd F No. 256-- Itosolved. That permission bu and the sume Is hereby grants+f W P. R. Smith W orae inhdu it pe W .cµlae n the north fl ids of nod ct at bout 150 Lhe linos of \Vest t lost of a Point th where Pleuslinttavonuet intersucts said West LINT PAUL FOR 1891. �Dl Seventh street, a n the conditions and as provided by article m of the Municipal Code. Resolved, further. That before said scales are erected the said P. R. Smith shall execulc and deliver W the city u bored In the sum of 11.900 upon the conditions and Int accordance with the p visions of said article 59 of the Municipal Code. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen July 21, 1891. Yeas-Ald. Bielenborg, Bott, Copelurid, Delmer, Dorniden, Gahan. Moistly, Sanborn, Sullivan. Dir. President -10. Nays-04 by the Assembly Aug. Il, 1891. Ycas-Messrs. Bunholzer, Costello, Elnt- yulst, MMcCafferty, re M.Numec. Mince. Oppas- heim. Vnn 81yko, r. Psident-fl. Nay -0. Approved Aug. 13. 1891. fit, By Aid. Bielenborg-Bd F No, 282- It Is hereby ordered by the Common C.., icll mf the Clty of St.Pnul: That the matter of grading ; lley In twaeblock Aurora seen c�ndsll•nllerei rt•LulG from Kent W Dale streets. as per its Lou hcraW flit., bed, bound the same is hereby raforred W the Board of Public Works to Investigate and report: First -Is this improvement proper and n cossury7 S.cond-Give the. Council an estimate of rid stupe whether one - the ex ease thereof, u ilei, ore the cost thereof e W tr paid let. the city treasury before the contract be Is into Thirdroan real estate to be assessed for said t.fthoment be found ,c.pebenefi; to the extant of de mages. casts there Y OXpenaCY neC- a to be incurredImprovement O4Fourth-Is such improrom est asked for upon the m Bolen or npgpI hau len of the own- [ fl Jorlty of the proporty W be as - ,...d for such lmprovamoat? .said Imp, vemolniCue requireduby laws, Ifyou report m favor of the same. eSixth-fiend the Council u proper order di - r •ttog the work to be done. Adopted by the Board of Alderman Aug. 4, 1891. Yeas-Ald. Bielenberg, Bott, Conley, Cope. land, Dobncr, Gehan. Melady, 6anborn, DS r. µys the Assembly Aug. ll. 1"" Built r, Custollu. Elm- .affcrty. McNarms, Milieu, O Pon - Approved Aug. 12, 1891. But F No. 284- Resolved. That city orders be drown opo, the city troasury. p ysblc. out of ilio local Improvement fund, in favor of the following named persons, for the amounts set opposite to then,-pectivo names: Annie Rosenholtz, damage W load talon foropening. ate., Rondo Ilig 1262.50; M. T icy Estimate N 8grading ( te street. $391: Nin S. McBride. 11 mage.. W (arriidt1, n ,nt o[ chang f g ride on Martin xtr(1et. g_� W: Warren Scl orf Asphalt Paving Cum- puny�six months• In Wrest W April 30, laill, o u t reserved, 1116.72.. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Aug. 4, 1891. 202 PROCEEDINGS OF T11 {� Yeas-Ald. Biel, nbe-g, Mutt, Con toy. COpe- land, Dubner, Dorniden. Gebn n. Melody, Sun - barn, Sullivan, Mr. President -l1. Nuys 0. Yens - by the Aswoubly Aug• Il, l.. �t Yens - Messro. Banbolze❑ Costello. Him - gist. McCafferty. McN¢mee, Murray. Oppen- i� Lolm, Van Slyke Mr. Vice l'rij .'it -U. �j Nnys-0. I Approved Aug. 12. 1891. fin - I'� Bit F No. 2&5- Itesol-d, That warrants bo drawn It pun the city trousery payable out of the health department tun1,In favor of the persons 1. named in the pay rel] of said departmen[, presented with this resUluOun, for the sum + sot almoslte to their respective names. in payment oY the salary and contpensat nun for t then r servleesd i ring the month of July,1901, as shown liy said pply roll. o Adopted Uy the B and of Aldermen Aug. 4, 18a. Yeas -Aid. Blelenberg, Bott, Cogleyy, Cope - lead, Dubner. Dorniden, Gulli.Mid. Y, Sun- born. Sullivan, Mr. President -11. Nnys i Adapted the Assembly Aug. 11, 1x111. '.� YUus- Messrs. Buu hoizer, CUxtc IIU. Elm- eill sMcCafferty, McNamee. Dturr:tt . pctNa3•,Vun 9lyko, Mr. Vice Yresidnnt-U Approved Aug. 12, 1891. I - Bit F No. 286- ' Resolved, That a warrant be drawn upon the City Treasurer, payable Out of the street and sewer muintenunce fund, in favor of i. George hula, City Treusuror,fur the payment. Of the salary ¢nit wmpensntlun of the per- sonsemployed for the PurVose of cleaning and repairing structs un(I sowers for the sue- On h¢If lit alto month f .7uly. ending July 1 dl. 1891, for the sum of 811,0.'1.70. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Aug. 4. 1691. Ycas-Aid. Blelonborg, Butt. Conley. Cope- hillDubner• Dorniden.Gohan, ylelady, San- born. Sullivan, Mr. President -Il. Nnys. Adoptod by the Assembly Aiig. 11, 1891. Yea.-Dlcs Bunholzer, Castello. F.Int- Iuist, McCafferty. McNamee. It U11ay, OpPen- lielin. Val Slyke, Mr. Vice Prosldentr-0. Nuys -i. Approved Aug. 12, 1891. - Itow dved, That city order be drawn upon �I the airy treasury payable ouL Of rho"oily i ( hall not court houw! ...... rnnnco rand," in favor of 1 sign lb&- Clty Truu.urur. for {'. Hkt{.fiD, being ton uuxutdlan's tiny roll fur Lhe month of JuIY, lydbl. AAupWA by alio Ihmrd of AlUnrnen Aug. 4. Not, Yuux-AId, Iilulmdwrg, ISOII, CuulOy, L'Upn- lanl, Dobnur. Dornldnn. (h+lmm :Muludy, Sntl- born. Nulllvun, Mr. President -JI. NnYB,i. AAotiGnl by rho Asreuddy Aug. 11. IMII. Y.,.-Mo,y . ISunhulwr. Cnaullu, mill' qulxt. Dfc(affurty, MMcNuuux•, Murray. Up f� Ixmhulm. VuVa..slyke, r. VI,,-. 1'ruxlduut�U. Nuys -0. Approved Aug. 12. 18111. E COMMON COUNCIL Bit F No.289- lic-lved, That a warrant bu drawn upon the City treasury. payable lot or the hwill improve fuel, for tine sum oP B_,iXd.47, In raver oC Geo. IAds, City Treasurer. to pay the {wrsmnx monad in the uttuchud pay roll for their survi- as Inductors n public work during the month of .funy , 1891. Adopted by the Board of All t rmen Aug. 4, IMI. Yeas -Aid. B1,10nllerg. Butt, Corlhy UUpe- land, Dobnur, Dorniden, Gclmn. Dl.1,14. Sun- boro. Sullivan, Mr. President -11. Nxys0. ldopted It,, the Assembly Aug. 11, IMJI. Yeas-Mcstrs. Ilunbulzer. Costello. Flol- luist, McCaffc. ray, DleNumec, Murray Oppen- heim, Van Slyke, Dir. Vleo I'rosW nut -U. NIIYe o. Approved Aug. 12.1891. Aug. 1. A.D. IF9i, between John Dow James A. F. Dowlnn land Francis S. Dow Its et O' t. 1':atrnr ave to the Pu m+e .sneer. during the ensuing year, Ix•. :and Lhe same is hereby approved, and the proper city limen rs are hereby directed to execute said contract o behalf Ilcliull�cof the cit� d, further, That the flood necom partying sold contract, executed by said can trustors as principals, and I . J. ba out( Thomas Manning as sureties. in the sum of 8$1100, bearing date Aug- 1, 1891, given for the falthful rrformuucc of the contract flbuvo dcscribetl, be, and the scum Is hereby up - proved. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Aug. 4. 1891. Yeas -Alit. IIichvilxrrg. Ilett, Conlev, Colx- land, Debit , Dor, le Gohan. DICIudY. S ui born, Sutura,. Mr. Presidont- 11. .'Nnys-0. Adopted by too Assembly Aug. 11. 1891. Yells-Messr-s. Itaaholrer. Costello. Elm- inisr, McCafferty, McNamee. All .... Y, oppen- hoim. Von Slyke, Dir. Vice President- U. Nuys -0. Approved Aug. 12, 1891. Bit F No. 292 - In the matter of the report if too Board of PubLe Works, dated Aug. 4, 1891. It le horeby ordered by the Colmuou Council Of the City lit' St. foul: Thatthc Blul;ard Of Publle Works of said L'ILy n(9t. Paraise rho fol-hr to lx• nuaAu, to-wl t: CuamLrtic, a -ower an Llnwnod place. Between G rutto street flat] OsecOlnnvunuo, In .aid l•ILy Logethcr with the nuccxxnry ea whbnxlu. null muni nlu.. I'hub xulA hour! enu.v xuld work to Is! lel. by cuntnwL ux 11n•uvld-1 by law, without ono' huditlme.tlinlllsIcost Isiing Ilr.t NuIll 111111 lou city trousury, nod utter said work shill 1 pluvod under contrary, sold Board .hull provow, wtthnu6 dalny to asre•ss the uuu nynL, I bo sums, w noun,9 n8 Llmv cal a.certu n t wlUch will Iw requlnul Ur payy t.hc rusts and npOa the ex PunBo. of xuuh Im pruvutnnui upon Liu real a u pr nr b0 by la ttxl by nn it lugmlirdan t. a. provided h haw• it being he elitswid of Lhesuch Council GIIIL rill estate Int bio nawesud for xuuh IotpruvomcuL cru by OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 208 found berolited Utthe-eclitofthccostsatd licundthe storm is herebyy referred to the tipll my t0 tm mnu trod thereby. Board of Public Works to InvesLlgnte and re- (I e- AdUpted by the ]l- it of AIdermeu Aug. 4, port: Isil. Is this Improvement proper and occessurv? Yeas -Aid. Biclenberg, iSIILL. Onnloy. GIIx+-' If sO. w•nU the Council n proper order di- lund. Dubner. Dorn Iden. Gohan. Molndy. Ser rocthtg the work to be done. horn. SuIli van, Mr. President -11. Adoldeil by the Board of Aldermen Aug. 4, Nays -41. ]sDl. Adopled by the Assembly Aug. 11, Ipm. Yens -AIA. Illclrnbor -Ott. Cun Ic Cape. - Yeas -Messrs. Banhoimr. Costello. F.Im :amt, Dubner, Durnitlou. Geh[llt. Muludy, Sun- ,jokt. Mt,Cllfferay McNamee, Murray. Op barn, Sul liven, Mr. PrGxlde!!t-11. Ix11nhelm. Van Slyke, Mr. Vice President -U. Noys�l. Nnys-0. AdUpted 1,Y Llle Assembly Aug. 11. 18111. Approved Aug. 12, 18!11. Yens -Messrs. final+olzer, Coetelio. Elm- nulst, McCafferty, McNameU, Murray Olf Iloriiit3 Vnn Slyke, Mr. Vice President -9. Na. -a. By Ali], Dordiden--0d F No. '-Jr- Approved Aug. 12, 1891. It ie hereby ordered by the Umnmon COunc•11 + f the I:ItY of St. Paul : - That the matterUfconstructinga t -foot.' Undo" s+downtk Un bath sides of Arbor ISy Aid. CUpcland-Bd F No. "s- trcet,Nxtwmn.inmoSstrn•etand Grace strcot. Itis ben•I�y nnlerCfl by the Common Council he and tbo hereby referred to the f the. City of St. Paul: Heard of Public Wurksw lnvestlgata ani] re-, That the mutter of abating :tnaIsnnce.eon- port: Ntmy of a pool of snagnont water on the I this Im PPr veme t proper still necessary? land Immedtutcly south of Case street, be - I f so, send the connCll a Vrilwr order direct- tweet Cyppr s and D¢ChCea streets 1xe od 1.9 the work tO be done. the same Is hereby referred Ur the Board of Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Aug. 4, r Ynalc Works tU InvestlRnta+ and report: 1 Yel -Aid. Bfelc rbc rK. ISutl.. Conlev, CUPpc First-L,tthis improvement propertied nee- lead4SDohner- DorU Eden. GChun. �iclurly cSec<nd--Give the Council all estimate of Sanborn. Sullivan. Mr. Pnafdent-Il. the exp see thereof, and state whether ,no - Nays e- Nnys--0. half Uf the rust thereof is to he paid lute the AdUpted by the Asseuihly Aug. IL 18111. 'ty trvnsu ry before tine-atruet is let. lens -Messrs. Bunholzr r. Costello. Elm-'. ttTlitrd-Cun real estate to be assessed Por said heist., McCafferty. McNamee. Dlurray, Op improvement be -found benefited to the ex- p•nheim. Volt Slyke. Mr. Vice -President -D. Lent Of dummies. cost a unit expenses necessary Nava -0. tO be, incurred thereb, ? Approved Aug. 12. 1891. Fourth -Is such improvement asked for upon the petition or application of too own- ers of R majority of the property to be as- ecwted for such Impprovoment7 Ity Ald. Butt -III F No. "!17- Fifch-Send the Council n plan or profile of It is hereby orderild by the Common Council s.Id improvement, u9 roqulred by law, if you, Or the City of 9t. Pa. I: 1 c tore In favor of the same. That the matter of erecting a lit mnbttsin-' r ;•Ixth-Send the Cou"cll a proper order dl - i ng a ga.Ult tie 'it lamp on southeast corner' reeting the work to be done. of Greenbrier Oven lie and Minnehahn street' Adapted by the Board of Aldermen Aug. 4, Ile'ind the same Is hereby referred to the 1801. Board of Public Works to Investigate and Yeas-Ald. Bielenberg, Bott, Coale Copo- o l: i land, Dobncr, Dorniden, Gohan. Melnliyy, San- n �s this improvement proper tint] necessary' born, Sull Ivan, Mr. Prosidont-11. If sU. senthe Council a proper order Nnys-0. rli resting the work to be done. ldoptod by the Assembly Aug. 11.1811. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Aug. 4, Ycus-Messrs. Bunholzer, Costello, Elm- Ip91. quiet, \fl:Cuderty McNamee. Murray. Op- 1'ens-AIU. Itlelenhcrg• Bolt. Conley Cope• penhetm, Vnn Slyke. Mr. Vice President. -U. hand. Dobnur. Dorden. Gohan. Moludy. Sao- Nny7 -0. born, sulllvaa. Dir. Iiresident-11. Approved Aug 12, JAN. Nllys�. Adopted by the AssemblyAing. 11, 1.191. - Yeas -Messrs. Blot holzm•, uusWllo. F.Im• grist, McCuffort9, McNamee, Murray, Op- By AIU. 111) No. Val Slykc, Mr. Vice. Presidia. . It ix howby nrdorod by too Common Council Nnys-0. I f the OILS'Of St. Paul: Approved Aug. 19, IBUI• I 'Phut Gm matter of paving the alloy Ia block .e l•n (7i In Whlanoy K Smltll's all Gun be unU rho aero Ix Iwroby rofurrud W the Board of Public Works to btvo.tlguU! and report: Ity Aid. 011101"nd-ill F NO.:MI9- i••Ir.t-I. this Improvoolelt prolwr and It 1. Imrrby ardrrrd 'y 1, it Cum was Cou licit neees.nry7 t fl•hl•Cll yet St. l'unL Secant]-Olvo the Council un osLlmnto of 'That. ton nwtt.l•rof eroe6lagool nwhitnbr the ux1xnt.c Lhur!nf. ant] .OlU+ Wloj,Iur ono- Irlg glt. Illtnlrx ml Pnyrll' Iyl!1I111!!! lil•LWl!1111 - Villi Ir( rile I'nMt 1111+r1•Irf IM W IMI Illllll InB1 t.11u Ileliflitllrlll Ilei JnlMllrrtho. xtrl•et" Ile.ntlinont i slyyy trl•asury be ore t is contract I. ley. .trvi Ix•Lwueu Playuc nvenua nuA Fulgl+rasa Pld rd -Can rural oxDIW rr Ix+ nIt .( A far . Erre L. BCd furl Lrnu•t but ween Uollinx unit .nIA Ingrnnvemont bo fount bmic it to the Dllnnelmhn xl roots.Dllnnelmba xtr.•t between eztont of dnuulgus. costs "nit expmsea nee- BCd ford .trout. and I'layne "venue, Becutur c. ury to lic hwili h!d thorubyl stmctbvtwtv;u Bedford n lid Bolwmontstra+La, F'ourth-I. such Imtiruvumunt "shed for Z02 PROCEEDINGS OF TF Yeas-Ald. Blelenberg. Bott, Conley, Cope- land.Dobner, Donddma, Gehan. Melady, San- born, Sullivan, Mr. President -l1. Nuy". Adopted by the Assentbly, Aug. 11, 1891. you. - Mosmw. 13-holze•. Costello. EIm- lulst. McCafferty. McNumen, Murray Opps l - holm, Von Slyke. Mr. Vice Prosident-U. Nays0, Approved Aug. 12, 1801. Bd F No. 2&5-- Resolved. That warrants be drawn upon the city treasury Duyuhle out of ails health aepurtmcut fund In favor of the persons named In the pay ell of said department, psresontea with this resolution, for the sum t nnnnsiW W their resoeetive names. In as shown tiy said PPay roll. Adopted by the Ty of Aldermen Aug. 4, 1801. Yeas -Ali. Blolenborg, Boit, Conley, Cope- land, Dobner, Dorniden. 6eh..I. Mchtdy, San- born. Sullivan, Mr. President -11. Net's 4. A.YPWd by the Aseomhly Aug. 11, 1801. Yeas- Messrs. Bnnlwizer, Costello, F.hn- quilt, M.C.Rerty, McNamee, blu rray, Oo- perile,�mm,, Van Slyko. Mr. Vice President -U. Ap=ish Aug. 12. 1891. Bd F No. 286 - Resolved, That Is warrant be drnwu neon the City Treasurer, payublIs out of the stn, I and sewer mal utenunce fund, in favor of George Itcis, CI[y Troueuro r, fur the payment of the salary and compensltlun If the per- . sonsemployed for the purpose of c1e.nh,g and rep stringg streets and sowers fur the acc- end half oftho month of .July. ending July 31, 1191, for the sum of 811082.78. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Aug. 4, 1891. Yeas -Alda Bielenborg, Butt. Cun Joy-. Cae- p land, Dobner. Dorniden.Gehan. Melady. S_ her Sullivan, Mr. President -11. helm. Van blyae, Mr. vice 1'relortemr-u. Nuys -U. ^n Approved Aug. 12, 1891, jl Bd F No. 288 - Resolved. That city order be drawn upon the city treasury. payable out of the "city hall and court house nn tntennnee and." I. favor of George Itcls. City Treasurer. for 8D13.59, being the eustodiul s pay roll for the month of J 11Y. 1ft91. Adoptea 'y the Board of Aldermen Aug. 4, 1891. Yeas-Ald. Blelenberg. Bott, Cnn Joy', Copo- land , Dobner. Dorniden. Gehan, Mcludy, Sun - born. Sullivan. Mr. President -ll. A, opto AdoPWd by the Assembly Ang. II, I(i�Jl. Yonas-ilfessrs. Dan holler. Costello, F.Im- quist. McCafferty,11feNarntr, Murray. Op- pebem ni. Van Slyke, Mr. Vico Presiacut-U. Nnys-0. Approved Aug. L°. 18131. E COMMON COUNCIL Bd F No. 28a - Resolved That n warrant be drawn upon the city treasury. payable out of the local Improvement fund, for the sumof 82,501.47, III favor of Goo. Rels, Cltyy Treasurer. to Puy the persons. named In talc attached pay roll for their services asInslx•eWrs t n public work during the month of.lulyy. 1801. Adopted by the Bourd of Aldormon Aug. 4, 1891. Yens -Aid. Blelenberg. Butt, Conley. Oil- , land, Dobner, Dorniden. Gehan, ilfhldy, Su- born, Sullivan, Air. Presideut-Il. Nays -0. Adopted by the Assembly Aug. 11, 1891. Yens -Messrs. imnhulrer. Costello. F.Inn- lu 1st. McCntTerty, McNamee, Murruy.Oppeo- holm, Vnn Slyke, Air. Vice President -9. `y -0. Approved Aug. 12.1891. Bd F No. 20I- Resoiveil, That the contract bearing date Aag. 1, A. D. 1?91. between Jahnn Dowlan, James A. F. Dowlan and Francis S. Dowl.u. doing business under the dem nume of.lohn DowIan & Sons. and the city of St. Paul, for the furnishing and delivering of fuel W the city of St. Paul for use In the Publle schools during the ensuing year, le, an a the same is hereby npDroved. and the prolwr city omcers re hereby dlnwted W execute e.id contract .1 behalf oY the stay. t Re.ob od, further, contract. ex a the nd nneom panyi dors said incipa .,,executed Vy said coo Thomas ae principals, and I'. J. Itowlinhe sum tied Thomas Manning its Aug,. 189 g the sum he 88,000, u Per g ante g. 1, e c gi yen for the faithful , be, and t of the a is het above drscriburl, M;, and the surae is hereby ap- proved. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Aug. 4. 1891. Yeas -Aid. Riclenterg. Bott, Conley, Cope- land, Dobner, Dorniden, Gehan. Meluay, San- born. Sullivan. Mr. Prosiderll-ll. Nays -0. Adopted by the Assembly Aug. 11, 1891. Ymas-Messrs. Banhulzer. Coste•Ila. Elnr luist, McCafferty, McNamee. Murray, Dppen- heim. Van Slyke, Mr. Vice President -9. Nuys -0. Approved Aug. 12, 1801. Bd F No. 293 - In the matter of the.port of tlw Board of PubLe Works, dated Aug. 4, 1891. It Is hereby ordered by then Common Council of the City of St. ['nut: That the Board of Pubic works of said CItY of St. foul cause the following Impreve- nnents to be made, to -wit: Construct a •ower be plaiud oder eontnaet, said Burd shall pro( ed without deluy to .+secs the amount. nearly as they ca usuortuin the some. 4vLlch will bereyuiled to payy the lusts nod nus Lllea.Yrcnvencent l estate tases fhsul.1inefitpid to +lira upon Improvement. as provided by law; it being tiro opinion of the Cnun,it that real estate W he assessed for such improvement can be OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 208 found botmotvl WLhe r.xwntuf thecoetsnnd l lenndtho stme Is heroin Inreforred to the exppenses necessary to be. incurred thereby. Board of Public Works to vestigateand re- Adupted by the Iloard of Aldcrmmt Aug. 4,. port: ]891. I Is this ImpPnvement pro,wr and necessary? Yeas-Ald. Blelenberg. Bott. Conley. Cope- If Bit. send the Council a proper order dt- huld. Dobner. Dorniden. Gehan. Melody Sun. recting the work W be does. Is Sullivan, Mr. President -11. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Aug. 4, Nay.�0 " 1891. Adopted by the Assembly Aug. 11, 1801. Yens-Ald. Blolenborg. Bott, Conley Cope - Yeas -Messrs. Rnnholzcr, Contrllo, Elm- Inn(, Dobner, Dornldme, Gohan, Melody, Sun- quist.. MnCaDerty. McNamee. Murray. Op- horn, Sullivan, Mr. Presideut-11. l mbeim. Van Slyke, Mr. Vice President -13. Nays --0. Nays -0. Adopted by the Assembly Aug• 11, IBUI. Approved AaR. 12, 18!11. Yens -Messrs. Bmnholzer, Costello. Elm - 'In kt, ylcCaffertyy, McNamon, Mnrnly. Op- penheim, Vmn Slylce, Mr. Vice President -9. NnYs--0. lily Ald, Dordidoe--Bit F Nn. ?Jfi-- Approved Aug. 12, 1801. It. Is hereby ordered by the Uommon Oou ncll t f the. City No St. Paul: -- That the matter of constructing n ix -tont wtwde. sidewalk on both sides of Arbor Ily Aid. Copel.nd-Bd F No. 299. - street. betweol.hames A,e.tand Gracost-l" Itis hereby ordered by the Common Council Ino and the same is hereby referred to the �I f the City of St. Paul: Board of Public Works to l nvestigatean re-. That the matterof abating a nuisance. con- px,rt: 'sisting of spool of stagnant water on the Is this Improvement proper and necessary? land immediately south of Case street' bo- IP sa, sand the coundl u proper order direct-' twee n Cyp rens and Duchess streets be and Ing the work to be done. : the same is merely referred W thio lloard of Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Aug. 4, Public Works to InvesCilplte and report: 1891. Flrst--Is this Improvcmont proper and nee- Yels-Aid. Blelenberg. Boit. Conleyy Cnppc-' esslrp? Innd. Dobner. Dorniden. Gehan. Aiclad.. Second -Give the Council nn elulmat. of Sunburn. Sullivan. Mr. President -11. till exp les thereof, and .hate whether er c- Na.s--0. holt cid cost thereof is W he paid IoW the Adopts( by ths. A.,sennhly Ang. 11. 18!11. city treasury before the contract is ler. Yeas -Messrs. Ilunholasr. Castello, Elm- Third -Can real cstnte w be ussevsed for said rlulst. McCafferty. McNamee. Murray. Op-'. improvement be -found benefited W the ex. Ix, helm. Van Slyke, Mr. Vice -President -9. tent of dama6rs. costs and expenses necessary Nov. 0. to be incurred thereby? Approved Aug. 12.1891. Fourth -Is such Improvement asked for upon the petition ors plication of the own- - ere of a majorityy of tam property to be ae- se sed for such fm rovementl By Ald. Ilotl-Bd F No. 297- Fifth -Send the Council a plan or, profile of It is hereby ordered by the Common Council said Improvement, as reilui rad by law, if you of the Cl ty of St. Ata 1: report in favor of the same. 'Phut the matter of erecting and maintain Sixth -Send the Council a proper order di - I INK n gasoline all lamp on outhenst corner rttting pile work W one, - 1tGn+enbricr avenueand Minnehuha street Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Aug. 4, he and the sumo Is hereby referred to the 1801. Board of Public Works to Investigate and Yeas -Aid. Blelenberg, Bott, Conlsyy Copo- o l: Innd, Do or, Dorniden, Gehan, Miltly, San- rt•�s this Ira rrocement proper and necessary?'� bora, Sullivan, Mr. President -11. If so sem Lhe Council n proper order' Nays -0. rlireei lag the work to be dose. i Adopted by the Assembly Aug. 11. 1891. Adepten by the Board of Aldermen Aug. 4.' Yeas-Mesre. Bunholaer, (/oetelio. Elm - , j tl ul.t, M.C""rty, McNumce. .lfurrnY, op- 1'ens-Ald. Bielenborg. Bott. Conley. Cope-', p.crib in, Van Slyke. Me Vice President. -U. lined. Dobner. Dorniden, Gehan. Melady. Sun- Nuys -U. horn, Sullivan. Air. President -11. Appruuit Aug 12,1891. N,ly.�. Atlopterl by the Ass+mbl,Y Ang. II - IIll - Yyus-Messrs. Ibunholze r. Costello, Elm- qui.st. McCafferty, McNamee, ilfurr.y OP- By Ald. Conley -Bit F No0,_Nr- ponheim, Vnn Slyke, 1f r. Vice-Presiaent_9. [t I.s hereby ordered by the Common Couact I Nuys -0. f the CIL. of St. Paul: Approved Aug. 12. 1[sll. Tint aha mutter oP paving the alloyy In n be .seven (7) in Whltncy & Smith's addition be and the same is hereby roforrod W the Board of Public NN Works to investigate and report: By Ald. Copeland -fid F No. 208- First -Is this improvement proper and Itis hereby ordered by pilo Common Council ncoessury7 )fthe Cityofst. pull:Second-Give the Council an estimateof That the matter of erecting and maintain- the sopa se thereof. and state whether one- ing gas hoops an Payne ¢venue, between : half of the cost the (if is W bo puld IoW the Bean moat tool.J_ streets, Bcuumoat : city treasury before the contract Is let. start M•.tweun I'uynn oven uo n d Edgerton IV real estate W be assessed for . tnwt. Bed feel street between rCollpns and said Improvement be found benefited to the Minnchahu streets. 511 n nchaha st, between extent of dnunages. costs and oxpensea nee- tiedford street and 1 Wynn avenue. Dealtnr', clary to be Incurred thereby. stnrL bet ween Bedford and Ben. moctstrcrte,. fourth -Is such improvement asked for 204 PROCEEDINGS OF TB upon the petition or appplication of the own- erxotn majority of tiro property to be as - »t. • 1 for such irep rovepmnt? Fifth -Send the l;ouncll it plan or profile of said Improvement. as required by law If you r port In favor of the same. 51xih _Sood the Council a proper order Af- ro •Ling le work to be done. Adopted by the Board or Aldermen Aug. 4. 1891. Yeas -Aid. Blelenbgf. Bort. Conlcy. Copa- i�,I`r,'.suui uo °Mr. Preslao„r`-11. adr.san- Nuyx.. Adopted by the Assembly nhol.e Aug. 11. 31491. o. Yen»-Dtex,ra. lion holzcr. Costello. F.Im- gal,t, MeeaRerty, Merama tI U.hiray. Op- penbnim, Von Slyke, Mr. Vico Prusldentr U. N.Y.-O Approved dug. 12. 1891. By Aid. Blelenborg-Bd F No.' - It is he roby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: That the matter of laying a crosswalk on the east, and also on the west side of Alnc- knbin street. stress VonBureu street, be uad the sumo le hereby referred w the IIoard of Yu bl is Works to to ve.tigute and report: I, this Irepro emer t proper and accessory? If so. send the Cou let to proper order dlrect- Ing the work to be donu. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Aug. 4, 1891. Yeas-Ald. BiClenberg. Butt. Conley. Cupe- lund, Dobner. Dorniden, Gebun. 111clady. Sfln- horn. Sullivan, Mr. President -Il. Noya-0 Adopted by the A.sembly Ang. 11, 1891. Yeats -Messrs. Ilanhulzar. Costello, Elm- quist, McCaRartr. MoNumec. Murray. Op- Iseuheim, Van Slyke. Mr. Vice PrexldeutrJ, Nuys-. Approved Aug. 12. 1891. By Ald. Blelenborg-Dd F No. J02- Ic Is hereby orders by tiro Common Council T the City of St. Pawl: That the matter of erecting and maintain- ing a gasoline lamp on the northwest confer a f Van Bmmn and St. Albums streets bound the sumo le hereby referred ) the Board of Pahl ic Works to investigate and report: Is this ireprovemont props nod accessary? It su, aced the Council n proper order dl resting the work to be done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Aug. 4, 1891. Yeas -Aid. Blelenborg, Bott• Conloy. Cope- Inno. Dobner, Dorniden, Goblin, Malady II.. burn• Sullivan. Mr. President -11. Nay. 0. Adopted by the Assembly Aug. 11, 1891. Yeas -Meson. Ba1lholxer. Costello. Fp.I�.m- ""in,. McCarronVitro Slyke, Mr. VI a Pceld OL -U. u - Nays 0. Approved Aug. 12.1891. By Aid. M.1mig-Bd F No, aRi- 1t Is hereby ordered l,y the Common Connell f the City of St. Paul: That the matter of cotlstructing n sower on DearMlrn street from Livingston avenue to State street. Ile and the same is hereby re - E COMMON COUNCIL ferred to the Board of Public Works to In- vestigate and report: First -Is this Improvement proper and i e-rol'y? Second -Give the Council an estimate of the expo satthereof, and state whether one- holf aP the cost thereof Is to be paid Into the cl hi treasury before estateoto rbc ix let. d for sold Improvement la1 found honefited to the extent or anmxges, eta n d e.ps.-. nec- C4I .. h blsinee` 1, lmlor .. t naked for c8 on th jactltMn or agypli,.ti.n of Lire own - t majority of Lire p^%party to lx: ns - d fur such (reprove to jifth-Send the (; ncll ..plan profile of amid Improvement reel rod by law- It you Slxtl _Send favortire Counlcll u properorder di - r Adopted by e ting the work to be done. tiro Board of Aldermen Aug. 4, 1891. Yeas -Ala. Blelenberg, Bott, Conley- Cnpe- land, Dobner, Dorniden. Ge an. Melody, San- born, Sullivan, Mr. President -[l. Nays -0. Adopted by the Assembly Aug. ll. 1891. Yens -At...- Bmnholzer. Costello. Flm- ist, McCafferty. Mo Numee. Murrlty. Oppen- j helm. VailSlyke. Mr. Vice Preside. -I'. N.Y.-O. Approved Aug. 124. .18111. ItAid- 1. harsh rYo ordered byl the C n.mon Council I the Citmuf St. I. Thntthe utterof grading Blair street, from Fry street to Fairview avenue. be nd the same Is hereby referred to tire Board of Public Works to Inve,tlgute mud report: First -Is this improvement proper and neo- assury? Second -Give the Council an estimate of the expense thereof, and state whether one- half of the coat thereof Is to be paid Into the t T Ity treasury beforethe contract Is let. hird-Can real estate to be ase -sed for Bald Improvement be found beneatod to the extent of drunUrs, costs d expenses nec- eesary to b< Incurred tbenuby? Fourth -Ls sme improvement asked for upon the petition or prevenient of the own- ers of a mn]orlty of the property to be ns- s•seodfor such Irepprovement7 LFifth-Bond rho t:ouncll m plan or Pro010 of sold irepprovement, us required by law, if you rep rt In favor of the same. Sixth -Send the Council a proper order di- re ting the work to be done. Adopted by the Board of Alderman 4ug. 4, "'it, Yams-Aid.Blelenborg. Bort. Conley, Cop•- land. Dobner. I.id.a` Geb.n. Melody. San - tern, Sullivan,Mrlir. Prealdentr-11. Nuys --a. Adopted by the Assembly Aug. 11. 1891. Approved Aug. 12. 1801 By Aid. llobnar-Bd F N..:105-It la hereby ordered by the Common Council of I1 C'Ity of St. Pn I That the matter of'pinchlR gasollno lump In frontof lotforty-two In block forty, St. Anthony Park North• be and the some Is OF THE CITY OF SE hereby referred to the Board of Public Works to Investigate and report: Is this Improvement proper and nocessur yi? It so, send the Council proper order di r •ting the work to be donu. Adopted by the Board or Aldermen Aug. 4, 18111. yy hind, Dobauo . Dornld u�O Butt.n Metal , Bnn- Imrn, Bullivun. Mr. Prtsldentrll. Nay. -0. Adopte by the A»aom bly Auq. 11, 1891. 1'c+w-Mc,s re. Ilan hnlzer. CustClio. Elul ,l ul,t. h1uCURerty. -At',' c Namue. Murray, Cppen- beI. Vun Slyke, Mr. Vice Proelde.t-U. Nay. -9. A yproved Aug. 12. 1891. Ily Ald. Molady-Bit F No. 809 - It In booby order vl by Lire Common Council Tf the City of St. Paul hat the mntterof luring. els-f-tw-den sidewulk, together with the n •uas,nry e=-, alks,on the south side t Bunker street, um Onkdnl - o •-nue to Harvard treat, ba u d the some is hereby referred to the Board of Public Work.to inveetlgute and report: Is this Improvement proler and necessnryy7 If w. .'•nd the Council for Ier orI rol- e ting the work to be dune. r Adopttid by the Board of Aldermen Aug. 4, 181)1. Yens-Ald. Bielmils rB. Botr, Cooley. Coppe Saud. Dobner. Dorniden. Gabon, Mol+uly. Sunborn.Sullivan, Mr. President. -11. Nave -0. Adopted by the As Aug- 11. 1891. Yens -M ... es. Bnnholzar, Costello. Elio. qul.I. McCafferty. McNamee, Mggy, oppen- hrim. Van Slyke. Mr. Vice President -J. Noya�1. Approved Aug. 12.1801. 11 Ald. Dobner-Bd F No.'307- ttesol-d. That an order be drawn upon the clay treasury, payable out of the fund collcul, ed .pun Lino se.smont for IIIIInR• favor ng nd Ireppr In Lrou" rd Purk, in favor of Gco. Re1s,City rex ora r, for the sure of 15,440. to defray the cost of the completion of the - Besnlvcd, further. That the City Engineer be and he le hereby instructed not to create n y Indobtodnes. or do rtnY work unsaid park that will oz --it 1h cost sold sum of 85.410 . . ti l the further order of the Council. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Aug. 4, 1891. y Iand eDubncr EDolrn lerf�Gehnn 2sfeliitlyLBu - born, Sullivan, Mr. Pe-ldant-11. No '_0' Adopted by the Assembly Aug. 11. 1891. Approved Aug. 12, 1891 Rd F No. 308 -- Resolved, That it city order III drawn upon the City Tnrnsnror, ulynb1, uutof thogcuural fund, In favor of �V. G. Stricklund. for the INT PAUL FOR 1891. 205 sum of K5.17, satisfaction Judgment In favor of Morgan It. Nichols, administrator. Adopted by the Board of Alderman Aug. 4, 1801. yy land,tllobnter Doroldeng GuhnBrltn, Melatly, :)un- born, 8ullrv¢n, Mr. Presldunt­ll. NnYs-0. Adopted by the Assembly Aug. 11, 1801. Ycu.-Mexxr.. Bnnhulzur, Cotten", ftlm- qui.t,Rorty. McNnmue,Up- ponhaim. Vun Slyke. Mr. Vico Yro,IACuI-U. Naya-11. Approves Aug. 1'.,.1897. By. Aid. Callan-Bd F No. 809- K • olvod, That the Board of Public Works are hereby in,trncted to cause the sldewnik the we teriy side of Smith vc rue. [rum Fifth street to within about 110 feet of Sixth street, W be repaired under contract for bullding and reparringwoudon sidewalks. Adupttd by the Board of Aldermen Aug. 4, 1891. Yens -Aid. Blelenborg, Bott. Conley. Cope- Innd. Dobner. Dundden, 111e1udyy Geban, San- born, Sullivan, Mr. President -11. Nays 0. Adopted by the Assembly AnR, ll. 18m. Ye4'-Mex,re. Bnnholz er, Cu.tello. F.Im- Innim, AIR I, Me HIr. Vice I're.idont-U.pmn Nays -0. Approved Aug. 12, 1891. Common Council -First-is his Improvement pioper and nec- essary? Second -Give the Council an .timate of the ex rose thereof, and state whotb . ono - half of he cost thereof Is to be p+dd Into the city treasury before the con truct Is let. Third -Can real estate to be 'sea»e for said Improvement be found benefited to tilt extent of do' nges, caste and expense. neces- sary to be Incurred thereby? _ Fourth -Is such improvement n ked for upon the petition or applfeatlon of the own- ers oT u majority of the property to bo as- sessed for such improvement? Fifth -Send Lire Council Von pprofile of .aid improvement, a required by law. If You Eixth-Sendrt in favor of Councl!umeproper order directf r the work to be donall Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Aug. 4. 1301. 1 Yeua-Ald. Bi.lenberg, Bolt, Conley, Cope- land, Dobner. Dorn Idea. Gehun. Mcl.dy. Sun- burn, ,.u,,, vu n. Mr. Prosld ant- N.Ys-0. Ado+,tea by Lire Assembly Auq• 11, IBUI. Yous-Messr., Banhulzcr. Co.telln, Elm- qulst M.C.Rcrtyy. hlcNnime, Murray. Ola NLLYI., VluI Slyk.,-Mr. Vice L'msldcn1-V. Approves Aug. 12. 1801. 11 Aid. Sanborn-Ikf F No.318-- lterelved,'I'hnt the Ikmn1 of Public Works 206 be and W rete rue.0 and me fj city co f1 i •puirf, within. ithin ft a -pea soltlar sti 1891. p 4, I yeas - land, D D born. S N Yons- � ,luist, pwn Nuys- s- Appn By AId PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL nreby authorized and instructed I recelvin5 and depositing money received by ,11 woodut, sidewalks on Selby uvt, the City Treasurer of the city ue St. Paul, by - Summit avenue and Dalestreet, virtue of his office. an assessment for the same under Resolved, further. That said bunk shall cit for constructing,. relaying and give bonds for safe keeping of the funds de- sldewalks, unless cement block poli W91 in said bunk In Socia Bun, ns shall he arc built in place of said sfdwwulks Ilp proved % the City Treasurer, which bond tydays nft-rthe notive IsMerced'sliull bo submitted to the Common Council owners thereof, as directed by the Cor its npprovul. herotos.tteclmd. (Bd F 819.) I Adopted by the hoard of Aldermen Aug. 4, by the Board of Aldermen Aug. 1891, Yens-Ald. Blelenburg. Butt. Conley, Cole - A Blelenlerg, Bott, Conlcy, Cope-; lurid, Dobmr, Burniden. Geller, Mohuly, Stn. uer, Dorniden, Gchnn. Melody. Sn n- born, Sullivan Mr. Pmsident-11. van, Mr. President -ll. Nxys-0. Atilt) by fila Assembly Aug. 11, 1801. by the Assembly AuR- 11, 1801. Yous-Messrs. Banholzer, Cost. o, Elm- s+ s. Bnnholzeq Costello. Elm- I Pest, McCuRerty„1lcNxmer. 1lnrrny.OVlen- OnRurty. McNamee. Murray. Op -I beim, Van Slykc,Mr.V too President -9. Vun Slyke, Dir. Vice Yrosideut-U. Nuys -0. Approru❑Aug. 12. IBUl. - 1 Aug. 12, 3891. [tosolved, That the Board of Public Works be nod is he•oby roqucsfeit W notify all own- s f roperty fronting on .Selby .1 .1 cr. ft.-ito and Dale street. whose prulerty fronts on wooden sidewalks. that unless withha thirty days they imnstruct ce- ment block sidewnlus In front of theft prop- erty, such sidewalks will be repaired, and the ,Urge expouse thereof assessed upon their :it, 'rty. Adopted by the Beard of Aldermen Aug. 4, 1891. Yeas -A Id. Bielenberg, Bott. Conley. Cope- land, Dohner. Dorniden. Gehnu. Mchuly.Sun- born, Sullivan. :lir. Prusident-11. Natya-o. Adopted by the Assembly Aug. 11. 1891. Yeas -Messrs. Ban in 7,er. Costello. Elm- lulst. McCafferty. )foN nmeq hlurruy,OUpen- hcIm. Van Slyke. Tic Vice President -U. Nays -0. Approved Aug. 12, 1801. ByAid. Sanborn-Bd F No. 3� It is hereby ordered by the Common Council f 1110 City of St. Paul: Tlult the mutter of erecting and malntaln- og n gas street Innap n the southwest corner f F'lurxl street and th0 alley next south of Grand avenue, and ane at the s.uthwesc cor- ,free of Floral .street and Heather Place, be 1 it the same is hereby referred to the Board of Public Works W invesItg.to and report: Is this improvement proper and necessary? If .so, send the Council u proper order direct ing the work w la done. 1891 Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Aug. 4, . Yens -Amer Bielenberg, Ilett, Conleyy. Cope horn, Dobner, Dorniden. Gehan, Mel y, San- born, Sullivan, Mr. President -11. Nnys--0. Adopted by the Assembly Aug. Il, 1-1. Yous--Meters. Banholzer, Costello. Elm- loist, McCafferty, McNamee. \Iurray.Oppon- helm. Vun Slykc, Mr. Vice President --9. Approved Aug. 12, 1891. Bd F No. 321 - Resolved, That the Star, bank of St. Paul be and it Is hereby designut.ed as a balk for Ltd. Sanborn-Bd F No. 322- hereby ordered by the Common Council the City of St. Paul: 'it the matter or condumning a stri of end fifteen feet in idth, running terom wester ly lwe of lot 10 w the westerly, line A 8, in block 71 of Dayyton and Irvine's tion to SG Ynul, accord l,og W the plat on u the olflco oP the Rugisterof Deeds of this county-tho southerly line of id strip being parallel with and two hundred feet distant from file northerly, Ilnu of Sumnilt ....... eouo, as the some passes Tots 18, 17 and ]b, in block 71 uforesuld-tor u public alley, and opening u public alley thereon be and tine satme Is hereby referred to the Board of Pub- lic Works W Investigate and report: First -Is this improvement proper and necessary? Second -Give the Council an estimate of the exrose thereof. and state wbether ono - half of the cost thereof is to bepato into the Ity treasury before the contract is let. t Tldrl-Can real estate to bo assessed for said Improvement be found benefited to the extent of damages. costs and expenses neees. Bury w be incurred thereby?e Fourth -Is uch improvmcirt asked for upon the petition or np pllcuUon of the own - crs of u m,lorlty or the property to be us Messed for such improvement? Fifth -Send the Council a plan or profile of said impe-ement. us required by law, it you rep ort to favor of the sum,.. tlixth-Send the Council u proper order directing the work to be done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Aug. 4, 1891. Yens-Ald Blclenberg, Bott. Conley Dorniden. Gchnn, Ale 2 y, San- born, Sullivan, Mr. President -ll. Nuys -0. Adopted by tine Assembly Aug. ll. 1891. 1'cos-A1 d. Bnaiholzec Costello. Elm, ulst, McCafferty .rNnmee. Murray. Oplentmfm, Van Slyke, iif r. Vice Presiduut-9. Nays -0. AUVroved Aug. 12, 1891. By Aid. Seaborn-Bd F N...T". It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: That the matterofnstructing n sidewalk eight feet wide. of Porthand stone, on the north side of Fairmount a roue, from St. Albans street to connect with storm sidewalk OF THE CITY OF SA laid and fronting the rceidt nt•0 of F. B. IColl.gg. 430 feet cast, be and the same is hereby referred to the Board of Public }Yorke to lovestigate and report: Isfids improvement prolernnd necessary? If sr, sc,d the Council n proper order directing the work to be done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Aug. 4, 1801. Yeas-Ald. Bielenberg, Bott, Conley, Cope- land, Mohnen. Durnideo, Gchnn. Mclady, Sao - burn, Sullivan, Mr!President-Il. Nays -0. Adopted by Oi,. AssenrblY Aug. ll. 1891. }'ens -Messrs. BuunI 1,,er, Costello, Elm- iuust, McCafferty, McNamee.Murray,Oppen- hoim, Van 8tyke. Mr, Vice Proddent J. Nays -0. A pprovod Aug. 1'l. 1801. Ily Aid, Gehan-fid F No, 3Z - It Is ho -by ordered by the Common Council f fila Ce of S[. Paul: That file matter of surtucing and construct, mg stone glitters .n Fourteenth street, bei tween Robert street and Caroldaslrm.l, L. s lair points s were affected by a re, ehango of grade on Jackson and N'ourteenth streets, be and the same is hereby referred to the Board of Public Works to Investigate and report: First. -Is this Improvement proper and essury? nl Second -Give the CO -I'll an •etimntc of Illef- ease thereof, and state whether one- mlt oP the cost thereof Is w to paid i ate the ityy treasury before the cont.r•uet iSI et. c Tldrd-Can real • state to be ussessed for ..,aid improvement the found boneflWd Wthe �x fent fdamages, east. and expenses.-es- snry to iltiu incurred thwreby? fourth -[s such Improvement asked for upon the petition or : pplfcation of the uwn- er,.f a muJority} t P the property to la•. re. •.",od for such ire r e en t? x I'I ftlr Send the team acid u plan or proNle of said improvumw a urs ren aired by law. If You rSart i rr favor of tile. same. l"I' Send the C'Amell n proper order il9recttng Llnc work to be done. AUopted by the Board of Aldermen Aug. 4, a!Il. Yeas -Ale. Blclenberg. Batt. Conley. Cope - hold. rn [).hoer, Dorniden, derit-, hleludy, San- born. Sullivuu, JIc. Presidcut-Il. Nays -0. Adupwd by the Assennbly Aug. Il. IR91. }'ers--Messrs. Bnnbulzcr, Costello. Elm- lulst. \ICCURerty. Mo Nnnree Murray. Oppen- U s� ,hcim. Van Slyke. Mr. Vice P1si( mr J. Saye -0. Approved Aug. 12. 1891. BTA Id. Gch- nn-Bd F No. 3-I Itesolved. That the City Clerk be and he is he -by instructed to roti fy the St. Paul City Itailwuy Cungnuly that Acker. Jackemi and I'u lrvlew aroow, from the corner ut Cortlnnit ad Acker streets ton pointon Fairview stremc 309 feet south of Valley stroct, are In cadincss for laying the tracks of their r ti- ed, and that the emxindOr 1f Fairview street• and .tacks.. street from the ioer8ec- tiun of Fuirview street to Thirteenth street. tel If be readyprior to Supt. 1. 1801. A hunted by file Board of Aldermen Aug. 4. lam. Yous-Ald. Biclenbcrg, Butt. Conley, C.pe- PAUL, ?L, FOR 1891 0 2 7 land, Dulmer. Dorniden. Gohan. Melady, San born. Sullivan, Mr. President -11. Nuys. Adopted by the Assembly Aug. 11. 1891. Y. -m-'.. Banholzer, Costello. Eim- hluist, illeCufferty, Mal....... Murruy.Oppen- 0im, Van Slyke, Mr. Vice President -0. Nuys 0 Approved Aug. 12,1891. By Aid. Gehan-Bd F No. fYlB- It is hereby ordered by the Common Council o I. the City of St. Paul: That themutter of the creethut and mnin- tununce of u gasoline lamp on the northeast corner of Valley and ,Extrriewstreets be and tine same Is hereby rotor red to the Board of Public Works to Investigate and report: Is this improvement proper and nevess:u•yy? I[ s., send tine Connell n peeler order dl- reetingthe week to done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Aug. 4, 1891. yeas-Ald. Blclenberg, Butt, Conleyy, Cope- luod. Deb ner, Dorniden 6ehao. Melady, Snn- horn, Sullivan. Mr. Prtsidentr-11. Nays 0. Adopted by the Assembly Aug. 11. 18JI. Yemi-Messrs. Bnnlmlzee Costello, F.Im- T114lulst. McCafferty. McNamee. 1M. -y. Opium . Van Slyke, Mr. Vice President -9. Nuys -0. Approved Aug. 12. 1891. By Aid. GehaLll-Bd F No. 320 -- It is herebv ordered by the Common Council Illy reet. it, pper uccotnpunyn, peon, oe ono the same I.s hereby eferreil W tire Board of Public Works to Ipvost4guW and report: First -Is this Improvement proper and nec- essary:• Second'e -Give the Council an estimate of the expe thereof, and state whether one - of the cost thereof is to bu putd intothe cltY treusu ry her the contract is 10L. Third -can .,,- .".I'd_ nt estate w Inc nesessud fur Built improvement be found benefited to the extent ut dx Li ges, costa and expenses neecs- snry tole Incurred thereby' Fourth -Is rich improvement asked for upon I ecmcti thin or Lippination of flue own- ers e, a slant, of the property W 1x: as- sv sed for such Improvemont? R I th-Send the Council u plan or proflle.f said improvm m if, as required by law, if You ro)port In favor of rho some. Sixth -Sand the Co. ncll u proper order di- feeling i- rcelng the work to be done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Aug. 4, IRM . Yens -Add. Bielenberg. Batt. Conley. Calx laud, Dobner, Dorniden. Get..,, 110-4, Sun- burn. Sullivan. Mr. President -11. Nays -0. Adopted by the Assembly Aug. 11, 1891. }lets MCCUQortYunMcNh. amee, Mur78yEOp- lm- qu s . Nb,ho. Van Slyke. 111 r. Vice Pn;T(hult-9. A pprovod Aug. 12, 1891. By. Aid. (khan-Bd F No. 33I - It is hereby orlerud by Lire Common Council Of the City of St. Paul: 208 PROCEEDINGS OF TI Thanthematiorof the grdlag.from Tsnrfuclag and guttering of Jt -ksun st net, hi, tetmth stk y bo no a spry to stildr atlreet bctw wnrubovmae mon[lonod poi nts, bo sad the ie hereby referred W ea the Beard of Pub- lic Works ttc lin-tigule and roe rt: First -Is this in p div mens proper and nec- t 9ecund-Glue the C.0 nt•1l •stlmnto of Lhe ex ems thereof, and Stalttwhethur neo- half otptho cuA thereof iS to be paid ut the Ity truusu rn I -f (re the conttn.ot Is let. t Third -Cu cal estate' W be u sed fur .,aid improvement be found benefited W Lhe extent of damages, costs ¢ d expenses aoc- Fourth- l ouch ftepro um t asked for pr -b" a Poa the Petition r Ppli"tto, of the own - or s of u tn¢jority of the property W be ne- d for such Improvements �F'ifth-Send the Council n plan or r sold Ian Pro"no t. Itstbc required by I.1 -11111111.2f r Sixtlt Send ,the Council ¢ proper order dire work W be done. Adopted by the Board of Aldarmen Aug, 4. 1611. Yeas-Ale.Bieleaben. eha Cooler.CepC- be n, ufflva. Ur. Prete Gehnn. MCIdY, Sen born, Sullivan, Df r. I'residuat-11. Nays 0. Adop M by the Assembly Aug. to lo, ]'ons -[Massa. Bu McNamee, r, Costello, Elm- Ponh .. Vasty. McNamee. Murray. urdtalOp - penhCim, Van Slyke, Df r. Vire President -0. Nuys -41. Approved Aug. 12, 1891. By Ald. Copeland-Bd F No. 3i"- It le hereby ordered by the Common Council IE COMMON COUNCII. Resolved. By the Common Council of the ty of St. Pun 1, that the fl unts of money necessary W raise by the Lax levy to bu endo the year 1001, for currying on it,. best.,. the different deportment. ad funds of sa id city, be and are hereby designated us follows: 1. Interest and sinking fund..... NBS.GtS.88 3. Certificates of Ind btodocss... _53.:^6.68 5. Police department............ 1NAM.51 B. L1gbting fed ,. ................. 160 ,000.00 Watesuply fund.........5,000.oo PBilofCa ontrol.............. 16,510.00 9. School nfllary fund.......... .. 1 300 000.00 10. Be) -1 mulntens.nce fund..... 11. Building Inepoetor's depart- nt... ...... ...._._...._.. 11,047.10 L". H .... department....... 14.4f19.7U 13. Court House nd City Fi�tll o Intenance fund........ 21.:00.00 14. workhouse fund ............... 2.5 ,010.00 I., Eng(ncering department.. 45,/00.0) 16. Board of P,bIIe Work,........ 19,.500.00 17. City ofncers'salnry fund .... 46.641.10 10. Street uad sewer inalnZatoee fund.. . ........ .. .... 150.000.00 00. Judgments ...................... 4.100.10 1. Print Ing and emtlonrY- 40.001.01 2^-. Muoici pill Court fund......... 12.900.01 23. Library fund ................... 15,000.00 Total. ......................... $1,644.000.00 And the City Clerk is hereby instructed to transmit W the County Auditor of Ramsey County a copy of tide resolution Immediately after the approval of the same. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Aug. 4. 1891. Yeas-Ald. Bielmlberg, Butt, Conley, Copc- gd. Dobner. Gehnn, Meludy. Sullivan, Mr. Preside nt-9. Ng�-Ald. Sanborn --1. AId. Dorniden not voting. Adopted by the Aseembly Aug. 11. 1601. YUas--Messrs. B.ch.lxer. Costello. Elm - let, MCCuRrty. McNamee, Muret% OU- Ixxnheim, Vun Slyke. Mr. Vice I'rest de fit -9. Nays. Approved Aug. 12, 1891. Jus, Vice President of the Assembly. Presi¢ont of tiro Bond P itlermen. To os. A. PnENnsao- City Clerk. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Uf Ordinance Passed and Rasalittle- Adopted by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul. Jrdl..... No. 1537--A'y F No. 174- Sn ordinance changing rho name of vavenue Godrlcll aenue, from the Interseca tion of Pleasant westward W the city dim lt.. W Crocus Hill avenue. rho Common Council of the City of St. Poul do .,date tie follows: SeCtfoa 1. That the name f Goodrte1, uvo- e, from the intersectio¢ f Pleasantn - e westward to the city 11.12., be d utile time is hereby changed W Crocus VIII ave - 1 Sec.2. Thio otdlnuncc shall to k. effect upd In force from and after Its ptl.sagg Passed by the AesemblY Aug. II, 1Pii1. Yeas-Mossrs.B an holze r, Coate l In, Elm q .let, OF THE CITY OF St McCafferty. DICN¢me•, bones, Oppenhem, Van SIl'k -, Dir. Presideut-0. Nays 0. W. P. M'"" y. PreAduntot thee Assembly. Passed by Ilio ]learn of Aldrmet Aug. I8, 'Sill. Yana -Aid. Ilielenhe'g. Ilett,Conley. Cupev inns]. Dobner, Dornid,a. Gel-, 31.1. y, Sul- llyuo. Mr. P-sident--t0. Nay- Ald-1unlwrn--1. President of the Board uC A}tlermma- Approred AUK. 10, IN01, U. U. est' AAST Mu < Attt: mo - _u. A. Pu .�I�r.s ecty-!;l1rk. Aug. .4. - A'v F No. 143- Be_','d. That it w grunt be drawn un the ity L,Clt�n ry, anyRble outf the getterul fund, In fa ror of Cuc],ran dr Walsh, In the t of>n:: t51.70. in Pe}-mant of the Ity'spro- I,,Itrtiunte . baro of the-ndif )f Tool hist riot. No..J, tit' Itumsay atil. Dein resets. ua provided by to :tet of Lhe lt-egi.,- Iatureext.UdiuRthr cltY iimi[n iu the Yeur ISS,, a pertion of whiCll school dist,tet was included within the city limits by such ex- tension. Said warrants shell be delivered only upon the bund whicli said Cochran C Walsh held and said. distriet being uurrendered up t [ltosnla-et1 further, That the 'esolution f the Glm moa Coe neil, being Assembly File No. 13, nod nppruved D11Ly ^_„ 1891, "'Id C,i a 1a uwi ng is a trllrrs s ie fmror of sold he yarn S , a, met the sem of ?0:30.27 for the purport . es hcfi n I eve stated. be tl d the some. is he Aeby In all things re PCuled.' t Adoptrd by the Ansae blv Aug. I1, is91. ]'ens--\fensrs. Costello, T:Im, uist DlcCaf- feerty. Me Na -e. DDnes. OPPtun hcifit. Va. Sirke. Dlr. President--.. Nd,pted r. lone -o and o' Adopted by Lha board of Aldermen AUK. 18, 191. Y4r , skid.Bleleal �nlelntlt-t'o,s,Iaad,Dob- licaa, Dir. 1'residevt-10. Y' Sou hero. Sul - Nays --0. Approy ,,1 A uK. 19. Is.. .INT PAUL, FOR 1891. tog Tltnt the. m iter of widening Ninth street. between C bun and nflnnesote. streots. W u ,norm cloth of sixty feet, be and the same t:' hctreby [nforreit to I Board of Public avorl<s to investigate still report: First -Is this improvement proper and a eesvt r}'7 Second --Giro the Counell an estimate of ate exile neo thereof. :tad state whether uno- half til the cost the reef is to be Pnld Into till circ - ur}'be Pure the cuntnmtis let. Thi rdtasC Rn seri estate W be .'se 'sed for said ileprucement b, -found benefited W the t -"'it of bu I"w erred " and expo ace nce- e Fourth -1N -ce i in ProvtYmenL n -ked for u'tu he Itetition ul1til ii -tile,of thewe- of e- v ot ft ft R �i��l� tnipco.l`e tilt arty to bvatu- �tFiftl,-Send tl,o Connell n pion ;e Prugto of sold iptVrvta-Cment, as requin'd b}' In w, 1f you re purl in htcur uP the 'eine. 6i.vtL-:loud the n Cotl ncllprop_ orderdi- e •ting the work to Iso dune. r tAdopted by the Assembly Aug. 1�1. 1691. ]int -alas s. Ba l 1 er. C -tell.. Elic- luist., -ffrty, il[eNtantee, Dlineu. Vail by the Board of Aldernien Aug. 18, Id. lliclenbcrq. Muhtt, CMuniuyC eg,lor, dnSan van - Mr. Presideut-11. d Aug. 10, 1891. By DIr, Oppenheim-A'y F Nu. 147- Resolved• That city reties be drown ue{ion the city tre�sury� yableoutof the aq rel fund, Ia furor tit hU. S. IIe:tn. Sheri lP ufoFt¢m- sUycottn[)•. furnislmd tC Is, in,,,, . eo miry nrleo nor nCor Mu 1691 $110.88; for dune 1891 3132.6'J; total, L"'46. Ado Pted by the Assembly Aug. 11. 1891. Yens -Messrs. BoulaiNer, Costello. Elm- nnist. McCaffrty.M \ammo, nines, Oplan- by the Buurdot Aldermen Aug. 1S, d. ISlelonberg, Bolt, Coale)) Cape- r. Duras Rien, Gehnn. Melody. San - aa t, Mr. President --11. 1 Aug. 19, 1891. A'v F` Nu. 1J.;-- ices, la -ed, That the raft, of the rnntrncl That the matter of grad i ag the ube pproaehes was'; be't 'ing dale Jutl' :1. I.S!il, between Ilio I'll ad Lrer ern' er've..... ben d he same St. l'uul Artnery .4 'u,lion it, the Cit}' of St_ Paul be. and the anile is hereb)' unproved. I, he referred W the Board of Pu lle Y ]V t'f �s to Investigate ted report; tad :ho Dropar city ,tlieers are directed to to the sanw ou behalf of llm ti ly� First this ImI_P provement proper and t o�8tuicorld-GI the Council estimatethe Y c,er half oath. met therreof is to bottpand state w nld lido W the i': city Lr.asury before the treet 1, let. Third -Can real stuW to be sW for _i said improvement be found bo¢effted W the cxWn•'t f damages, 'ta a d expcos.. oec ,I y to bo itcnrre8 thereby? o Fourth -Is such improvement ked for ' upon the petition or app9catlon f the - 1 lid erg f a fllerity of the property W bewte- ;J .Ply __0. A pPrured Aug. 10. ]591. for snob Impprovement. eLFifth-Send the Council or Is of j: ¢ plan pro s id imps voment, as nelulred by law, it you j it in 1 n favor of the came. Stich -Send thework Connell a proper order D la hnroby orden•d by the Common Couneli of the City o[ SM Puul: die. Adoptedthe by the Board of [Aldermen Aug. 4, I : 16!11. Yens -Aid. Blolenberg. Bert, Conley. Cope. 1 i I: ad. Debaser. Dort, den. Gehan. Me lady, Saa- burn.Sulllvan• Mr. PreAdenc-11. Nnr.�. AdopWd by the Assembly Aug. 11, 1891. Y-.-M-.,r.. B.nbolzcr. Costello. Elm- lUlSt. MCCaIrurty. McNum ee, Murray, Oppml beim, Van Slyke, Mr. Vico Presidout J. Nay -0. Approved Aug, 12.181g. ,. Bd. F Nu.:133- IE COMMON COUNCII. Resolved. By the Common Council of the ty of St. Pun 1, that the fl unts of money necessary W raise by the Lax levy to bu endo the year 1001, for currying on it,. best.,. the different deportment. ad funds of sa id city, be and are hereby designated us follows: 1. Interest and sinking fund..... NBS.GtS.88 3. Certificates of Ind btodocss... _53.:^6.68 5. Police department............ 1NAM.51 B. L1gbting fed ,. ................. 160 ,000.00 Watesuply fund.........5,000.oo PBilofCa ontrol.............. 16,510.00 9. School nfllary fund.......... .. 1 300 000.00 10. Be) -1 mulntens.nce fund..... 11. Building Inepoetor's depart- nt... ...... ...._._...._.. 11,047.10 L". H .... department....... 14.4f19.7U 13. Court House nd City Fi�tll o Intenance fund........ 21.:00.00 14. workhouse fund ............... 2.5 ,010.00 I., Eng(ncering department.. 45,/00.0) 16. Board of P,bIIe Work,........ 19,.500.00 17. City ofncers'salnry fund .... 46.641.10 10. Street uad sewer inalnZatoee fund.. . ........ .. .... 150.000.00 00. Judgments ...................... 4.100.10 1. Print Ing and emtlonrY- 40.001.01 2^-. Muoici pill Court fund......... 12.900.01 23. Library fund ................... 15,000.00 Total. ......................... $1,644.000.00 And the City Clerk is hereby instructed to transmit W the County Auditor of Ramsey County a copy of tide resolution Immediately after the approval of the same. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Aug. 4. 1891. Yeas-Ald. Bielmlberg, Butt, Conley, Copc- gd. Dobner. Gehnn, Meludy. Sullivan, Mr. Preside nt-9. Ng�-Ald. Sanborn --1. AId. Dorniden not voting. Adopted by the Aseembly Aug. 11. 1601. YUas--Messrs. B.ch.lxer. Costello. Elm - let, MCCuRrty. McNamee, Muret% OU- Ixxnheim, Vun Slyke. Mr. Vice I'rest de fit -9. Nays. Approved Aug. 12, 1891. Jus, Vice President of the Assembly. Presi¢ont of tiro Bond P itlermen. To os. A. PnENnsao- City Clerk. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Uf Ordinance Passed and Rasalittle- Adopted by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul. Jrdl..... No. 1537--A'y F No. 174- Sn ordinance changing rho name of vavenue Godrlcll aenue, from the Interseca tion of Pleasant westward W the city dim lt.. W Crocus Hill avenue. rho Common Council of the City of St. Poul do .,date tie follows: SeCtfoa 1. That the name f Goodrte1, uvo- e, from the intersectio¢ f Pleasantn - e westward to the city 11.12., be d utile time is hereby changed W Crocus VIII ave - 1 Sec.2. Thio otdlnuncc shall to k. effect upd In force from and after Its ptl.sagg Passed by the AesemblY Aug. II, 1Pii1. Yeas-Mossrs.B an holze r, Coate l In, Elm q .let, OF THE CITY OF St McCafferty. DICN¢me•, bones, Oppenhem, Van SIl'k -, Dir. Presideut-0. Nays 0. W. P. M'"" y. PreAduntot thee Assembly. Passed by Ilio ]learn of Aldrmet Aug. I8, 'Sill. Yana -Aid. Ilielenhe'g. Ilett,Conley. Cupev inns]. Dobner, Dornid,a. Gel-, 31.1. y, Sul- llyuo. Mr. P-sident--t0. Nay- Ald-1unlwrn--1. President of the Board uC A}tlermma- Approred AUK. 10, IN01, U. U. est' AAST Mu < Attt: mo - _u. A. Pu .�I�r.s ecty-!;l1rk. Aug. .4. - A'v F No. 143- Be_','d. That it w grunt be drawn un the ity L,Clt�n ry, anyRble outf the getterul fund, In fa ror of Cuc],ran dr Walsh, In the t of>n:: t51.70. in Pe}-mant of the Ity'spro- I,,Itrtiunte . baro of the-ndif )f Tool hist riot. No..J, tit' Itumsay atil. Dein resets. ua provided by to :tet of Lhe lt-egi.,- Iatureext.UdiuRthr cltY iimi[n iu the Yeur ISS,, a pertion of whiCll school dist,tet was included within the city limits by such ex- tension. Said warrants shell be delivered only upon the bund whicli said Cochran C Walsh held and said. distriet being uurrendered up t [ltosnla-et1 further, That the 'esolution f the Glm moa Coe neil, being Assembly File No. 13, nod nppruved D11Ly ^_„ 1891, "'Id C,i a 1a uwi ng is a trllrrs s ie fmror of sold he yarn S , a, met the sem of ?0:30.27 for the purport . es hcfi n I eve stated. be tl d the some. is he Aeby In all things re PCuled.' t Adoptrd by the Ansae blv Aug. I1, is91. ]'ens--\fensrs. Costello, T:Im, uist DlcCaf- feerty. Me Na -e. DDnes. OPPtun hcifit. Va. Sirke. Dlr. President--.. Nd,pted r. lone -o and o' Adopted by Lha board of Aldermen AUK. 18, 191. Y4r , skid.Bleleal �nlelntlt-t'o,s,Iaad,Dob- licaa, Dir. 1'residevt-10. Y' Sou hero. Sul - Nays --0. Approy ,,1 A uK. 19. Is.. .INT PAUL, FOR 1891. tog Tltnt the. m iter of widening Ninth street. between C bun and nflnnesote. streots. W u ,norm cloth of sixty feet, be and the same t:' hctreby [nforreit to I Board of Public avorl<s to investigate still report: First -Is this improvement proper and a eesvt r}'7 Second --Giro the Counell an estimate of ate exile neo thereof. :tad state whether uno- half til the cost the reef is to be Pnld Into till circ - ur}'be Pure the cuntnmtis let. Thi rdtasC Rn seri estate W be .'se 'sed for said ileprucement b, -found benefited W the t -"'it of bu I"w erred " and expo ace nce- e Fourth -1N -ce i in ProvtYmenL n -ked for u'tu he Itetition ul1til ii -tile,of thewe- of e- v ot ft ft R �i��l� tnipco.l`e tilt arty to bvatu- �tFiftl,-Send tl,o Connell n pion ;e Prugto of sold iptVrvta-Cment, as requin'd b}' In w, 1f you re purl in htcur uP the 'eine. 6i.vtL-:loud the n Cotl ncllprop_ orderdi- e •ting the work to Iso dune. r tAdopted by the Assembly Aug. 1�1. 1691. ]int -alas s. Ba l 1 er. C -tell.. Elic- luist., -ffrty, il[eNtantee, Dlineu. Vail by the Board of Aldernien Aug. 18, Id. lliclenbcrq. Muhtt, CMuniuyC eg,lor, dnSan van - Mr. Presideut-11. d Aug. 10, 1891. By DIr, Oppenheim-A'y F Nu. 147- Resolved• That city reties be drown ue{ion the city tre�sury� yableoutof the aq rel fund, Ia furor tit hU. S. IIe:tn. Sheri lP ufoFt¢m- sUycottn[)•. furnislmd tC Is, in,,,, . eo miry nrleo nor nCor Mu 1691 $110.88; for dune 1891 3132.6'J; total, L"'46. Ado Pted by the Assembly Aug. 11. 1891. Yens -Messrs. BoulaiNer, Costello. Elm- nnist. McCaffrty.M \ammo, nines, Oplan- by the Buurdot Aldermen Aug. 1S, d. ISlelonberg, Bolt, Coale)) Cape- r. Duras Rien, Gehnn. Melody. San - aa t, Mr. President --11. 1 Aug. 19, 1891. A'v F` Nu. 1J.;-- ices, la -ed, That the raft, of the rnntrncl -- was'; be't 'ing dale Jutl' :1. I.S!il, between Ilio St. l'uul Artnery .4 'u,lion it, the Cit}' of St_ Paul be. and the anile is hereb)' unproved. A'v F No. 146 - 1, In hereby ordered by the Common Connell tad :ho Dropar city ,tlieers are directed to to the sanw ou behalf of llm ti ly� ,'thCnf S[. Paul: TI a1.e 'v o the inulter of Cudem ning end tnkle, Adopted by LhC Asn•nihly Aug. il, 18!61. Sen -hie+,:eta Ile oholier, Costello. Elm- n mail enc the IunU ttbutt(ngg n Pdno nit reef, Crum F'IfLh street to 8-c! h116tm,t. mist, McCall-ty. Mt'Nnmaro. Minea, oppet- •-wary to t•onstruet thetl,pt•LL forcutsand int• bel ill. \"ao Slpke. Mr. Pre-sident-9. nils Io grading euid street, bas d Lhe st o NI yn--0. \dopted by the Board of Aldarmen Aug. 18, "s he ehc n•ferr d In the Board of Publlo ]Yorks to incosei gut, and report: IS91. Ya:ts--,A ld. Iii alaubarg. Bort. l'onlev. Coes First-Istlit.tmprotement prope mtdnec- e`SUc�,nd-Git'e Inns, Dohne r, Dernidan. Gehnn. Melody, t born, Sullivan, Mr. Pn sid,vt--11. t o the Council ft estimate of [Ire o. p nsa tli Cron:', ed state whether o r .Ply __0. A pPrured Aug. 10. ]591. hx1Y of the coat Gtoreo1 is cu be paid int. tiro city trcnsu ry b,fure the onis let. - Third --eau reel es[ItW W be. 'edfeet i lit be found benefited to the By Mr. Murray -A'Y 1' Nu. 1411- ax La•¢t of da wages. costs t fid oxpmtses nee. spry to ba Ineurrod Lberohy'! t sFuu D la hnroby orden•d by the Common Couneli of the City o[ SM Puul: rth-1. such Ian Provementons] cee for u110 the yeti Lion or applies tion tko own- PROCEEDINGS OF TILE COMMON COUNCIL ers of u majority of Wu• property to lac a.- 'third -Can real estate to be ssessed for Sea•d for such imprurennnt% staid Iwproccn+C+tf he found beerdfod to file fth-Send the Council a Plan or profile of client of damages, costs :+ d e.vpenses Lee - said inip,o-tuent, ns retial rcd hY Inw, If Yuu r . dry to be Ipcurred thereUy:- re11run!nf.,orofthesunk. 4iata-Send the. ('un aril n proper order di- Fourth -Is such impr vomont asked for upon ibe petition or app(lentf nt of the own- roetinK Lire work to be done. also f a +aajority of the pro)n,rty to be as - Adopted by file Assembly Aug. 11. IS91. Ye;>_s-Me-S. Ban ILL I OMCllo. I:I Ili- . •d 1'or s,.,h impro-c-t- n1•I'i fah -Send tfln llou„cil n pian or proal lc o[ r�uist, McCafferty, NI,N yin-, %Itilea, Oppco- said Improvennnt. as re,lui red by law, lis you t•im, Van Slyke, Mr. President -9. sues -0. Ic1"" in N'or of the same. Stith -Send the Council a propty order Adopted by Alm Board of Aldorin king. IS, dmr,tiug the work to be dune. 11"!11. Adupt,d by the As'somhly Aug. 11, IS91. Yea,-Ald. RielCnnerg. Butt. Grllley, Cope- ,'tnd, Dob oer. ll.rnirlen. Grl,an. M,ludy, Sao- fens-ylcssl•n. Bunholzer, Cush•Ilo. Elln- �lu,st. MCCn Rrrly. yic Nn neo. Jll acus Up- borloSullivnn,ylr.Prosident-11. Nxys�. peoheinr, Van Slyk,. yl r. 3'residont9. Nuys-- i . Approved Aug. D. loll. Adopted by the hoard of Aldermen Aug, IS, Intl. - Y,as-Alcd. BielenbCrg. Butt, Conley. CupC- A'y F No. 1{9- Ianl, Duhner. Dorniden, Gelato. Mclady, San burn. Su llivan, ylr. Presitd-t-11. Itis hcreiry ordelad by the Cout tog, Colon'ii Nays --0. t'the Clty of SL. Paul: Approved Aug. 19, IS91. That linmcnt+n:a tn Ila•r of comet, nl og and taking n easetln land abulting m Sixth - strcet.. D.rnr Rosubel street to the abut mC 1 eight (n). Iticc & Irtt'Ine's lion, be to-' m v •cl from nod oil. of said lots fort low t b. the Sixth sir,ct bridge cost of kiliso„ By Mr. Vun Stvk.-A'y F No. 151- Sf ly I +nees.ary to eonntruct the alope, tOr BesoD.rd, ']'flat the plat of Snmr's d- cuLs end 1111, in grudiog S: Irl st rte t, h, and ditioo to Sat. POOLILS app ro red hr fire Ylxl Aho Sumo i, Ile ceby referred to Ihr Bou rd of Public\YorksW ino'eolgatc ant report: Con. n,ixsion and I'S ;,• mcnrlcd try cflc•Clt,v Epgi alert b, nd�theusan, 1, Inreby c- I'Irnt-IS this inrprov,n,C It proprr and e •pt„1 by file Cum+non Cuu aril of the City •esBurS% n Second -Give Ifle Connell s estimau• of of bt. Paul. \dopt,d fly the Asscn,bly ,Aug. II. 1891. the ecpensorbereuf,and slato, 1,, her ono- halfutihecon t l benof i s t `I"pitillinto Aho Yean-Me,nrs. Banbulzcr. Grsicllo. P•.Im- 1,lint, yfct'aI"Ity,MeNnnce.Mln,a.Oppen- citvtreasury b,forc tb•, contruco is lel. beim. Vol I Slyko, ylr. Pm int. -0. Third --Can real estate to 1". assessed for said intpl-or nt be focal beorlitcd to Ili, -Nays-11. Ad�rpicd by Aho I{oa rd of :A lie rn,Cn Aug. IE. n S t- rctentordat+gcs, costs noel cpe"'.e ry tubeincurred lber, by%s'.. .. es,a m 1Sil. Ycus-Aid. Bieleol8•rg.Itott,Coniev.Cope- Fm,rth--ps Such iuprruvenuatt asked far I:uul. Duhner. Uornidon. (;I. an. Mcludy. S:ul- ,IfIlia petition or apttdientinl of the own- horn. Sullivan. Mr. Preside.,,t-11. ",f a ma5ordty of Il,c property to be a,- Nays -o Sensed Cor such lmprovemm�t% Appro,,10 Aug. 19, 1891. FI[Lh-Send the Coucella Alun I prod lc of s• id flopro-ou:+,t, an ro pthed by law, if you - _ ppart in furor of tilt• salol•. ro9iatfl-Send the Cu,I n proper orde, di e Ling the work to M: dune. rAdopto,dbythc Ry y1 r. \'un 51 ke-A'y 1' No. I:i2- S - As,embly Ang. ll.lE91. 11.I Resolved. That lhrgradr. ot'Unihersitynvc Ycus-yl,vsrs. Ran embly, Cost F.l o,_ luant, ylef'u Rc rt Bitah, re, ylinen, opprl,_ t e. true Vandalia stre,t. to Cleveland a-• � od of ifle 1),Idg,, I ,d aI'll. cflestoo "dd helm, V:a„Sly ke. yt r. Ptrosid e•ni-fi. arrnuo (runt Vandalia Street to Prior NavS--0. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Aug. 18. , e indicated 6}" the redirradc•Ii.cSua the111ae •onrpunyin,r prolilc and as r •, r ,- 1801. Yeas-Ald. Bielenl,erg, Boot, Cooley, Cope- n I,d 1, the CBy Engneer, he u r t ib, sa ' N fleroby ndept.d us [hr csmblLeflcd m hard, Dobnrr, Dornd,, l iehaa. \],lady, Sun- grade. bora, Sull ivao, Mr. President -11. Naye-O. A\dop[cd Irp tflr;\Sscmblp Aug. 11, 1891. Yras-Messrs. Ilaohudzcr. Custollo. Ebn- Appnrved AIIK. Il, IE91. lu Intl M -Cute, ray, ylcNn ag. Mtnc.. Opla - art nt, Van Sly l:e, yl r. President -9. _ \aye -0. Adopted by the Board (of Aldermen Aug. IS, A'y F No. 150- 1191. It is here by ordrred bythe Common Council V"als-Aid. IDclenbct•q, Rot t, Gndry. l'apr- of the flay of St. Paul: Iand. Dolour, Dornidro. Gehun, y[elud Y, Sul, - That the matter of condc+noing and taking b, Nn, SOW at,, Mr. 1'n•sident-11. an oas.mont In for land ubulLing , „ lllive street. from FI it [I oto, t tp Seventh Strn•t, Noyrov APProvcd Aug. 19, 1891. noccssary to c' structs the slops for rifts Incl fills in Read Ing ,all s re •l, be and the 'ante ' hereby referred to the ISon rd of Pub- - licWorkstoincestlKI, and mp.rI: Bi) Mr. Irp1pcthein--A'v FNo. First-Istldninproveneut proprrunt nee- C,ZR,*u Itcaulr-cel. That city odors be of wn ,I pan Ib, cif }- trcasilry. p;tpaa blc out of the ]„cul Seco rd -Glc• the I;cnt�ell u, •,thcatr of the cs x•I,ea•S thereof, and stale w�ILMhcr ane- mpnt -co'l, fund, in favor of thn followf„g , n,ed p,•rw ms, for Ihr unts s,t opposite � hull'u�the cost th(4-f IS t city t,000,ury bef- th­o,:�Lro be Paid Into ib, :rct is let. •LL tbrir resp,rtivc „amen: Silas 11. F-1 and wifr.damag,n to land OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL FOR 1891. 211 taken for opening, etc.. Rondostreet and Yeas-Ald. Blelloolwron g, Bott' Cley Copcc- land, Dubu• Dornidcu. Gehun, 111-1-4, S:td- other streets, $10I Henry IS. \\�enzell, us- signee of Samuel Carmen, damages lu Iand . bora. Sullivan. Mr. Prestdcat-11. taken for o minlleyy through Adam Got- Lynton Day- aoil Nays --U. Approval Aug. 19. 1891. of Uiolk 1l,, Aan's solid risig tun's adibtion, 129.80; GuSGtve Anderson. FOp- daunages to building and improvements - rn ace ... tof opeudu alley Ibn, ugh .\. fiat- 19., Lyman flu t: By \f r. UPPeahnim-A'S F \o. 157- i.,, ziuti s su bdly inion of lrI.lk Il-olr-ed, 'That. n warrant be druan hY tlw addition, crlAduPted Gy the. Assembly Aurl. It, 1891. Cr city oaieo rS, unya bio to the , nderor n, thc. Board of St. Ynts- Mc..,.. Bandu l -I., f.ontellu, Flnc I. Guluslm. president of Paul Wotkhousc direcons, for file sunt of ,lulst,. ylcCuffev.fy, McNamee, \lim•a, Op- five thousand dollars. for the purpose uY par- . ponhctm, \"uo Slykes Mr. lot .1 flaring nnttl•rIals n,d su PPlics fur natd wurk- Nays -9. Aclup[ed by the Board o(Aldrrrnea Aug. 1St flour,, ,Ili I, warrant to be Paid out o[ if gen- IS91. Yeue-Ald. Ilio-lenberg, Bott, Coole3'. Co Pt- rad fund. e Adopted by the Assembly August It. 7891. Itatnhul Costello. F.Im- I;tnd, I)obm+r. Uorniden. Gehun, Mello Y. Saa- Yeas-\Icssr,. zcr, M,t'u lfe rty, yleNnm„:. \linea. 0lriron- burn. Sullivan, Mr. President -II. Nnys-a. I,li.t. flet n,, VfurSlykc, Mr. President -U. Aporov,vl Aug. 19, lb'91. Nitta moi. Adapted by the Board of Udermen Aug. 18, _ IS91. Yeas -Aid. Blelcnberg. Nott, Conley. Copc- Itr Mr. Dlurrny--,A'y F No. 1.-,1- land. Dobn ers Ilurn[den, GChno.Mclady.Snn- C`Y: ugin c'uu Ertl. b,Mr. President -11. f' hulldian�Q1onTliaLstflC coo tech +add; to ilivun, Na).s Approved Aug. 19, 189I. eight (n). Iticc & Irtt'Ine's lion, be to-' m v •cl from nod oil. of said lots fort low t b. Vd�opted try the Assrmbly Aug. 11. 1691. Yens -Messrs. Blood ,r. e'usiCllu, Elan-' -opin-n- Iiy Mr. MrCall'e rtY-A'S' F No. 158 - ,mist. ylc/'n iT,rtp, M,Nanoo,, \linea. Bcnolc,d, That x wurr;t+,t be Irnwn on the being. \alt Slyke, Mr. Presldeut J. •ity treasury, Payable oaf. f Glc gco,-.1 + o NLLSs--O. AduirtC,l by tl n• Board of Ald,r+nen Aug. 1St + $7,1It in htvor of 1'. PCLelcr, for Loa S m of g., in pay cant for rho to rl,isl,inK unci pl:u,t- IS!Il. l'o„i,'3'. Cope lag of a tavr in Sumn,ll Scluun: xlwut Lho ]'cos -,\Id. Bicln,l8•rg. BOLL. land. Dobn•r, I ,unidco.Geflan. \Ielndy,San- , tab o[ Nut'Cn,b,r, 18!X1, +�� Adold ed by ibe Awcnthll' Aug. 11. I'm. loan. Su Divan. Ml. 1'rCsid„,t-II. A'eus_-yl e,srs. Ibcnholzer, CosiCllo, Elm - Nuys -U. ;., ,lu,st, \IcC;dfcrty, McNxm.e, Mince, Oppcn- ApprovCd Alig. 19. 1891. bcinr, Vxn Slyke, Mr. I'nsiclCut-U. - N I,, Adopted by the Board oP Aldermen Aug. 18, 13 • Mr. O rPen bei m--.A'y F No. 15- ay"the t'un,tnrn Cou cell IE91. Aid. IBc•le nberg, lintel Conley, Gehun, Melody, li is be re�y orrlCred : ,It the C'Ry of St. Pau':al ncats- land, Dubuc r. ]tund'Llo h' n•Snllivn,, yf r. 1'resiJC,rt-17. 'I It 'Ire '.tfcr oY nSlrucling a plank, N;'3'S-lis cross w Ik on the South side of Cut cull st reef. is ;Appruv,d Aug. 19. 1891. Clntswurtb Street, be and tI. same I, by referr,d to the hoard of Public - "orks to in"c,dgatc nal report: Is iflis improvement pro of o,c, a'y%, carder I Ilv ylr. yieVamc,r-A'yFNu.lf-0- If su sand iflC. Council as Proper li ie Hereby urdcred aY the (:unman Councll dircetinq iI wall, to be dun•. Aug. ll, tS9l. of the Pity of St. Paul: '1'flul. ihu f e'ln ntru Cling a Stun. Adopted by Bi, Assmubly Moan -Messy. Itnnflolzcr, C„nlello, F.Int- matter sldemnl:c. together with the n-cesSary granite luist, MICU Rerty. McNala e, Mi n -a, Opp'.. Curb. oo filo south side of Fant Foul -1111 Street. beim, Van Slyke, >I r. ]'resident. J. in t'runt of Iota 9. J, 5 LLncl e, block 2, Hopkins' IS here - N. s-0. +dui tial; to St. pnu1. h. and the same Public Works to Adopted by the Board of Aldrrmen Aug. In, by rr (erred to the Buard of 18111. Cu,_p invc,ttgate and re Port: and neceasnrY7 Yeas -Aid. BlelenberK. Bott. Coldey. InI,d, Iiobner.Dorntden, Geh.n, MCludy, San- Is this ireproccmenL proper If so.srnrlIbeCouncllnDru1xrardordirect- born, So ll iv an, ylr. I'rcnid-11-11. ing If;,. work to be dune. A's,'OIL�IY Ang. Il, 1191. Nuys -0. Adopted by it". Yens-Jfens rs. Ban '1 1.Costello, Elm- :A ppnn-ud Aug. IU, 1191. lb-Catfcrty. Me Name.. Mines. op- - quist.. p,•nfleill , Vail Slyke, . r. President -9. By Mr- Ban hnlzcr-A'y F Nu. 151F- Resolt-fd.']'bntthe gas hemp „ow 'no lot A, block 'C, lr• nPon lied and placed to the cur- .orof Irvine ark. Ad.pted by the A-v.1111y Aug. ll, IS!Ii. Af rtu Dllnca. FOp- ,lu yl,.CafP,rtyS.aoMeNantc+C,o 1 f \"alt SIYko, bit. Pr,nidottt=u. 1x•n n m. Nays -U. .Ado ttCd by Lha Board of ,A ld, rntCn Aug. 18. 189. Nays -U. Adapted by the Board of AUlc rnnn Aug. 18, 1'eaS-Aid. Ilielc nberq. Ruta. (:Onley. Cnpe- hurSullivn+1)','rr bac. �lchafn.l1l1Indy.9an- Na 's -U A pprov,d Aug.lU. 1891. By yl,. C,r,Ielio-A'y F No. NJ- 212 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 0 OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 213 It js hereby ordered by the Common Council Pf the City of St. Paul: kat the matter of opening u alley i Work 18, Lymfln Duy Lun's nddltiu❑, from M "block. W the ,our of lots ]i and 15 of Said block. be and the same Is hereby referred to the Board of Public Works to investigate and reprt First-oIs ibis improvement proper and nee- `Jecond-Give the Council a t estimate of tho exBenae thereof. and state rwhether one, - If of rho coat thereof is to be p Id Into the city treasury beforo the con trxet I let. Third -Can real estate to Ito n ,ed for said Improvement be found benefited to the e teltutrdamage. a strand expenses n cat snry tube incurrorl thereby upon [hoourtt peal flay oriapplicutlutnrt lathe tlr fur rsg f b nloocl't' of the prolno, t b- fls "_cd h-Send the Counofl arlplan or profile of • said improvement. as required by ]uw, if yen s�pport favor of the same. reeixth-send the cub nvil n proper order di - reeling the work to be done. A,b, Id by the Ass-ntbly Aug. 11, 1891. Yeas-Me"rs. Bnnbolzer. Costello. Elm- belst. McCafferty. MCNumc-. Ml:ma, Op- bliclvt. Van Slyke, Mr. Y%tilde:[-9. Nays- 9. Aopted by the Boarof Aldermer 1dd 591. Yeas Ald. Rielen burg, ltut t. Con leJ'• Cup - hood, Dobler, Dornlden, Gehun. \Ieludy. Sun- burn. Su111tmn Mr. Presldeat-11. -N-ay-a. Approved Aug. 39, 1891. By Mr. Mf to 11 1. oor. I y F No. '0- ,I by the Common Council Of Culnstrllction of aselver tt-from fm Prospect Terrace all(, the -r iv heroby 1,M of PublierWorks to in- pro-•ment proper and ac - Council �ales tient, of rf, and state w bother o roof is t:o lx� ot- paid iaW ilea ro the cu tract is If. stobefor betoned oll eneflteddt the . I'd cad titaspouses neo cto Imp t'icatlon ofthc for of"Lae properly Lc beats Youoe cont% as nim ired lan by Ia �,r if lyuu [he o Councila proper order to be don,. Yeas -Messrs. Banholecr, cosh•Ilu. Elm- qufst. i11cCaRerty, \tcN false, Minea, Oppeu- helm. Van Slyke, Mr. President -9. Nays 0. Adapted by the Board of Aldermelt Aug. 18, 1891, Seas-Ald. Bieleuberg, Butt, Cmlley, Cope- land. Dobner, Dornlden. Gahan. \Iehldy, San- born. Cullivan, Mr. PresidcbL-11. Nays -0. Approved Aug, 19. 1891. liy Mr. D1eNume -A'y F No. 1i13- Besolved. That M. M. Flint Is hereby fr-t- ed permission to1 trust a sewer in the alley it, block 2 f Hopkins' addition, from Wacuutastreet to the r of lot 5 in said block, all of said work to she done under the direettuu of the City F.ugi beer and at the ex- pense of said M. M. Flint. Adopted by ilia Assembly Aug. 1111. 1891. ]ens -Nudes. Buuhulz.-. Costello. Elm- quist, MCCufferty. Metnmoe. Minea. Op- penh,im, on Slyke. )It. President -9. Nuys -0. Adn t[ed by the Board of Aldermen Aug. 1P, 1891. Yeas -Aid. Blolenbcrg. Mott. Conley Cup, - land, Dubuc r. Do roi drib, Geh:Ila. \tuludy, sun- boru. Su Di Sao. 9l r. President -11. Nuys -O. Approved Aug, 19, Ism. By Mr. JI(nen-A'piM- It 1. here 65- ordered by the Common Coulit'll f the City of I. Paul: That the mutter of that truer f land - inR at sou Lhw-.st c of t:an<• strOM n d Fi u.Ssel street; I.r' thane- s nrth along test Iids of I2 ury lel sIn•ef. 1_�i be - thence east . along Minx street ill; feet W with ginning, same U-ing 'level --ed with stagnant ,vats-, d:In Kerort' to ImaIIh. and b-Licit 1, hereby d-cl fled obblo. r y ale COntodadfoa-r of Itoalth, I d Said : ui,ance is he by referred to tl:o 13uard of Publit• \\'arks to io ,'o,...ocot report: F'I r,t-Ts this im Vruyenteut proper and r: Se-oudY rGit-e the Con n -it x - estimate of the c.vpense [h-reuY. and ,tate whether one - It lfo[tl:osustthen•ofLStobePaid IoW the city treu.tr rc before the em:traet is let. Third -Can real estate W be i sed for Said Improvement be found ben-9tcd to tho I stent ofi damages. costs and cxlx•uses o. s - t }- Lo be -arrld thereby" 6 aFnu ra .orb "I"rovcment asked for uPonfttl`onlxx 1.1111 nofatip icathot of ital S- "rdfor_blSmProyemertt�perty' [o be�tru teFlfth-Send Lhe Cou vt•II a plan n1, proal- of e d Imps r remelt t. as rogrti red by Inw, i[ you r ret iII fuyur of the same. -Cri.sth-Scold tlrc Con nctl a Draper order ]ireclluK rho ta-urto U: le dortc. \dopa ed Uy fico Adson blY Avg.li. 1P!n. \-,•a,-Ald. BaUlmlzer- t'nwlello. F,lmoa i't. dcC:tn'crfy, McNdrt:et•. \linea. Oppenheim, A dirp[ed b}• the Dotard of Aldermen Aug. 18, UI. Tens,,Aid Bio leobe rK. Boat. Coney. Cupc- Ieml.Iloboer, Dornirl-n. Gebnn, )Icindy. Sun- burn. S:I lliyn n. Mr. I'resi dont-11. ANuys-yca. Pprud Aug. 19, 1891. By Jf r• OP)1ten beim-. kea lveri. 1'Iuat the Bmn rd of1luld,!c Works uI d they are hereby- di n•eWd W t,S • the llmu ,cline Islip now -located oil nortllSi IC of gtml ,t root, bettetvn Chatdwurtll :all 1 Ox- urd streets. to be conn:ved to Iho northwest cr t f s%Iby -cul e all a 1 Chtsworth ;ttrect; also th g�asoline Inmp located un the crab rile of EtlTttttrid 'areal, bel wlron Ox- brd duvet :cod Lexington aveuur, to be re- Itoved to the solltllenst corner of Solby ave - me and Chatsworth street. Adopted Uy the Assembly Aust. 11. 1M.O. A'}' F` Nu. he,- YCtl-Jlsrs, 13nnhulzer, t'ostellu, EIS- H-nui-ti. the Board of Public Works quidt�VLescCni,rt y. Mt•Nauu•c. Mivma, Opix• la: nod it I, hereby Inst-It"I to dtrcet ibc helm, Y alt Slyke, Mr. Pn ,id-nl.-U, •int rnchrrs fur thegrading of Sti -Ituey strot•.t Nuys --0. fro n Cul r d street W, I ),B' direst W Adopted b}'the Board of Aldormon Aug, 18, dot of with the said Turk, aP pruvidtd for 181)1. II 11", cunt rue t Ilcretufore approved. fens-AId. ltielenherg, Mutt. Cooley- Cope- I -\dupted by the \neemilly Aug. II. 1891. hand, Dohn r. Dorn idea G,liun. M,htdy, S:In- 1",, --M os, r,. I:n oholzer. C"Ib-fo, F:Iat- horn,Sullipnn.Mr.i'r-'id-n1-I1, nui,l1d M -1'u 9',rt p. McNamee, Mho.a. Op - Nay -), p -n dei ni. \'nli Sly k-. Mr. Pro.,!, vnt-!i. Approved Aug. Ill. 1891. Nays -11, .\dupted by thelluard of Aldermen Aug. 18. IsUI. _- 7 -,.;(,__,\Ill. Die lenhe rg, Boli. conlcy, Cup- Inml. Dubber, I)e'lliden. Olhnu, Mehldy, Sul, By Mr. Minea-A'S F Nu. (SIV- burn, lullivxu, Mr. president -ll. It'., fi c1,, Uy uric red by the t'unlmon Cun veil Nu}",- 0 f th, t'Ity of SL. 1'au l: Appruved,%ug. lb. ]s91. That the matter ul' stagnant wal-r on Intl IS, 19, bud'1U,PubC•ktt Ari tis Sc-und a I- , - - ditiouIotlt.Poul,alta-I'S.,I d -oil 1:tpob- Ila ouism, by the Comm i+'ion-r of Aenith, lip \I r. Oftpellieim-A'}' F No.11'fl- be a tl the . n • is lu•r:•fly referr-d to the 1t •,ulye,l. I'bxt the t.'ily Cum pl roller be. I'm, )ktnrd of PnUilc R-orks to iii yestigate :cod n_- ud be is lier:•by ant hurizC�l bud ordered I. port: druty wnrrxut' upon aha c Tv ttraau ry. px}'_ }'ir,t�I' [hie impruc-mcu1 proper .cod abh,,it„f tb- ioler-et and 'i u k to Ig fund, fur :al II -`I `ynau,i of all luterest t upon. whet nS-11111 C',Ivo the Ctrancil a •,Ilnurle of due. t'h-avec- pr rtes fur u.y m,•nL to- tbeesp- ,e tbureu F, i :I "al, w-b-ther , : - el It to '�tb 1bc t tc lutr:Ke aur slue:.- of IUllf of 1�be cO,[l bereutf i, obe'ta id tutu tb- i"I'logtth"amea ytbn 9unuCial r aneyot •itv trersttry la tae- l be -uotru- 'I -t. t b--ity in N- w Y- k. t 'f bi rd�:an real •,t tc to tee a -b" -d fur \,opted by the A,�etnbly Aug. t 1. ]SOI. aid imPr�tvom- 1 f :d b 1 1 t I _ leu. Mo. Itntdutlzcr, brit flu, Elm- • t dnnmg rid, yx bet. : u 1 'st. A7 l 1}r r1 y, DIr N:uuur. Alinen, Oppnn- :sr,,o le inoo reel tabes, �l�y'- b -i m, \'au Sly kc, i.i r. t'r-sident-II. LFuur th-1S -o. itape vole 1,r: •r,k-d for N: ys.. o. ,'poo the pelitiva ore: ppb-ot�iuo of tb- u - .\dupted by the 13onrd u[ Alderme: Aug. 18, ofa unjol tv of the Vrop-ray lu be wa,- IPU(. •d for'ue to irn pruv-mout % \-e;tS-Ald. Die leoberg, Mott. Conl-y. Cfm-- `t 'Ifth-Saud Aho Uu:aell a plan o V-Iih- of laud. Dubuc r. Duruide:, G-bntl. Jlelud v, San- uid im tl rven:-ut. n, r-��ulr-d by law. il' }'uta Uuru. .Sullivan, Mr. I'rceidout-Il, f %e ,tl'uyur of the Erna Nat - stir -Send rho l) Ibda proper order Apprut,-d Aug. ill. ISO I. directing Ibc worLu k e done., Adopted by the Aseendrly :\tag. 11. 1P91. - l'a. MIessr'. Ilalrholzer, Cu,lellu. F,Inr-' \'FNo. I -,()- lo -Int, a.IITer- MINa :11iuc;t, Oppe° - Hosolyed, 'rima the cO tra,t. bedrlag lute beim, Van .lyre -H. ,lou - t- IM'JI. b-lw-eu 1111, Great \l'o're ro Band Nov. ed 1' rid 1,o to i. rid he 'iI'- rl',tit. 1':ud fur opo u: u - [' Adopted by the Buu rd of .\Id-rrtte: Aug. 1P. :t (trice tl`uk during the. .o rant of tl8ll1 ire. 1891. ud Ibc ,aa:- I, b-rv•I ;p : p1rroy,�J. and the Peas --Aid. Bi-le:beK. Butt. C'ed-}'. Cop- 't II tlicord :Ira h-relw nuiburl zed Sud I:tl: 1. Dobler. Dora idol, t:-1 btu. Mel:rd S. .SUIt-. Ili n�t�t-d oicsccui-daid contract uu Iltc Vart I Saltine. Mr. 11 residout-11. of the city. Nxyfl-�I. \dopt-d by rho Ae_sombl}- Ar .g 11, 1891. APVroc-d Aug. 19, ]891' ISaubolz-r, t'ostelb,. Elm- lulu, McCaifert}',MoName-, rl last, Opperr- -- boi:u. Vitt SI}"ke, Mr. 11re,itlelt-9. Na}"' -p. A'y F No. 167. \doldod by the Board of Aldt-to Aog. IS. Hcsuly-d. Tbatordel, be drawn all" the ISUI. ci ty treasury. puyn b leou t ol'thegcoe r,r l to ud,' St•a s-Ald. flah lb-rK, I]otl. C, icyCupe- uf the IS,- n1, bort•1„ named fur Ibc' laud. Dubu-r. Dornlden. G-hnn, Moholy, Sao- o:t,, •t upposl". II cot s, 1, )) born. So III, a, \i r. ]basad-nt-Il. tom ori of said Ire rale;, fur sort i-, Srrl v rot o:ltic, Nx5',-0. n[ -the Boa rd of Abatem-vt:., follow.: Appruy cd Aug. 19, I,U'1. It. A. Sm 1111. &I: O. O. Cullen, ?l S: 11. M. Sullivan, fir: J. F'. Ge loin-3'_1i:.10„ph Dlioeu. a12: Walter Sanboru,.83. Adopted by the Afiat•m blP Aug•11. IP!11. A'y F No. 171- Yeus--5lessrd. Lino hal z1, r. Co+hilt, Ehb_ I In the matter of the report of the Board of ]ui,t, MCCufferty, >I-NnuI--, Miners. I)pp-n-I Pobli-\1'ork, dated A ng. It. ISUI. hemi, \'alt Slyke, SI r. President --9. It is h -r -by- urdmv:d by the Common Council opted -fibs Citp ut'.St, Paul: AdoptcU by the Board of Aldrnnc❑ Tug. IS. '1'h:at the Bo:vd of 1luh'II VYui-I:P pr the 18:11. � Cit}- of Sl. I'nlll -;airs rho following Imprnce_ Y,,ii -Ald. lifel,nberg, Mott, Pooley I'upe- III-nI, to b- In: de, to -1 it: Comlemn bad intoe Inml, Dobner. Dora idcll, tieh:m, Mcl adv'• iiuo- u 1 e crit in the land abutting nn the burn. Sullivan, Mr. President -11. nDcy 1 hl Ibluek 11, L-wl Sct•ond ndtlil.I.I In N ups -0. 6:tid c!1.)'. n '\- U> C•u❑s1 -LICE tbt• Irl fes Approved Aug. 19, 189E I fur vats "I'd fill, in grading said'alley 214 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL to the established grade Umreuf, as shown It is h-eby ordered by Lhr Comair Council b the profile of said grade on file in the uBfce orthe Cit' of S[. L'anl: y of Ube liegb for of Deed., in Lad for Rani,ey TI the Huard of Public Works of the county. andin the offs -of the City EnKluecr; City of St. Pan] cause the following fmprovr -aid Slopes to ex Lend one and ane -mail' (It_ i mems Io Io- made, to-, it: Condemn and take feet on sold land for every foot of out or fill :in easement in the land abut Ling on the alley s i.diO,t,,d On the plan of said elopes fit- in the south half of Small's s( lAivision of ,noted to enid rep rt, suit to be filed to the block 12, StInson's divislon in said city. neees- o®Oc of said Nrard. 'nry to construct aha slopes far nuts : d fills That said Dourd shall proceed without de- In grading sold alley to til, esu illi shed grade Ine'to.s,e,s the amount. I. nentlya.they'can tbcreof. uI show -I, by tlwprufile. of sutd grade ertoin the same, wldclr will are rellui-I to on tllc in the office of the lb-K,ster of Deeds pay Lhe dan„ ages, cost and necessary p - n and 1'or Raam.sey count', to d in the olliee. v of such ' II11 ' •meat upon the real I— of the City Eli inc­.; 'and slope: to extend tau to be be,eti teU by exld improvement. nae n e and oil •half (11,1 fee[ o .aid land for (pro'idedtb utlaw;, ebr.V"tb tto be las e-ved for pl an irfsnid ,Icpes art n�•bn`rllrt�, t.aid report, mil imncilpru,emont can lxx found be_ptod to .I U to be filed in t ho olticc ot'said Dowd. alae extent of Lhe damages, rust xud expense That said hoard shall proceed without delay necessary to be. (ucueerl there by. to asses. the a wunl. as nearly .S atm}' Ad.PU•d by she ASx•m illy AuK. H. 1891. can ..curtain the samC, which N, be tr Yens -ills.,.,. Itauhnlzer, Costello. Elm- till! led to PILLthe damagp s. cost unit nel,e - lul.t, M.CafPcrty, McNamee. Min-, OPpen- .s ry e ptoses of cb improvement upon -in., Van Slyke, Mr. President -9. the real o.tnte to bI, lx•nefit,d by said I— N.Y+-U- pmvemenl, n. provided by haw: it being Lb. Adopted by tbdltoardof Aldermen Aug. IS.' opl alma of the Council that rent est W, b. Ix: 1891, ase - ,d for such inu,rorem„it can be I tell YI•ns-And. Ittcl,nb, 9. Botts Conley Cope- Irooelited to aha ,xte 1 ,:f damages, cost and Innd.lbbner. Durr,ide,,, Ueha n. Illntly. Sun- exPelles ,ureas. ry to be bleu. red therby". bora. Sollivun. D1 r. President, ll. it, by t he Assn•Inb1y An g. l 1. 11191. Nays -U. Yen. --Messrs. Bnn bonze r. Cont elle. Approv,.l Aug. 19. 1891. v. Mim:a. Opl....- beim. V.n SIykI•. )1 r. 1're,id,r,t--9. - Nays --Il. Adopted by the Board of Aldtro„•,I Aug. IA, A'y F' No. lit- 18!11. Seas -8111. Birlcuber+ Butt. Conley. Cols.- Pu o n. - 1n the mutter of the tsz r. of the Board of Ino(], llobner. Dorn id, -O. 0ehan. ht I•I,I San - 1, is by Work aiedllb,- 11, tIl boro.Sulli)"uu, Mr. rt•r.Sidell-H. J, It l( hO'I ordorcd by the Common Cou nefl f Lhc Pity of St. fall Nays -fir, That the Board of Public M'urks of sn id APPru„d Aug. 19. le4d. Citvol'St. foul clunsuthe following improve- - • L to be made. t2, wit: Const rucL n ewer n Hague. .,enid from Fl.kcunr .Erect t Ytr- rin street, and on Vic[orna street frau, I lit ,og,,bare,ueh Laurel. y .....b251'. ai rs city. together with the necessary ad, dors las ,d,d m.11bole.,, : old sOworlrig to be done auntr one out et. That said Board cause Slid work to he let by toutract as provided by'6law'. without oot- halffile estimated cost I. KHrat p.dd',to aha city trcnsu rya and after nand Werk aha 11 be pit , on dercontractsaid Board shall pro. :ed without delay to assess the atnuu n t. ns i I ly as they can ascertain the same, whiel, wlllrbe mgnllred tAl Prly Lhe rust. ami It I. xrY ox"penses of sash i mprovemon,f Ip.n tilt s vi estate Lo be benefited by said impr-e- .tent. n, Inlrided by Ina,; it being file upiulon oftle Cuuncil that real estate to be • asses -I for -It in,pnrremen f. can be found benefited to file extent of Ll,e costs and ex penees necessary to be incurred thereby. Adopted I)y the Assl•mbly Aug. 11. Ih91. Yeas -Messrs. BullIn ,', Costello. F.Int- nui,t. M'Cafferty, McN ruse. 111ocn, UP- Penbelm. Von Slyke, Mr. President N.Y.-fl. Adopted by Lbc Boardof Alde•mmn Aug.19, ISOL . Yea.-Ald. Bialenberg. 111LL Copcluml. Dobnur, Durn Iden. GChan. Melody. S:u,horn. eullicnn, yl r. I'ro.idout-10. Nays -9. Appru,cd Aug. 1!1, IAUl. A•y F No. 17 - Ites',1 l 1. That :II, o'drr be trnvvn upon the l' fly '1'rcflsur3'•prlyuble in of tl,e police IepurUncnt fatal, in hl,orof Joh„ It. Iloltun. for %F_"d.8:t, fn pay nnl•nL d flu• ,Mary of said flolton for sc rete, r,mhoe d..s a linennu, of .Ti til, mbu: int rel t, 1, ma h from Dfu _ IA91. r 1 , P J to Jone, IIII \dopf ed b, ihr .\.,Iran hl3' Aug. If. IA91. \',¢._Messrs. Ilan lh-Na, ueal•uo. L•'Int- 1.111 cvan cSiJ'kc `J1Nuf'n•�.id,nt��!i. t)P 1.•I, N:n',-0. Adopted by ibe B.nrd of Ald,rrm`n Aug. N, 1,,,J1. Yen, -:\Id. Bielenh-pt, Bolt. Cop,lnnd Dob n, r. Dor„ide,. Oel,n I. ilrbuly. Sun- burn,. sulkvnu. MI'. President -In. Rugs -o. A ppro„d 'Aug. Ip. 1S91. Pn+.id,nt of til, Assl•ni illy. 11. D. C;'I,t. rte P'. PH nt of the .1 Board of :\ Idormon. A. Pllt;\"P4:1<t is\vT. Pity Cln`ri:. Aug.:\Ing. 24. - OFFICIAL. PL'BLLCATION /1t :1rdhLrI's.ed and R..olntlon, Asn n a pted try th, Common Connell of file A'y F No. 153- Cit' of St. 1'nol. In the 0tutter of the report rf the Board of Ind F No.:t I4-Ordinu m•e No. Publie Work. dated Aug. ll, ls01. Au ordin:anec to amend.ection _.f Ordinance OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL FOR 1891. 215 No. 419 of thn Cil, or St. I'no 1, entitled "An ordinance in 11 i0too to iulpounding Hill - units." The Common Coum•tl of the City u( St. Paul Ol. 1jlfo a, folluws: •rio„ C '1'b' t sell I _' of Online.•, No. 419 rn. tlin Cityof St ) ilil'nritlyd \o ovli- fl an in retail,)" [n I „pourud" un IIs," bon d III,. ,aniC In nle inclmended within ",I,] , I,] to the [rr.!!oh r ncl mind nn0 fStI soil rvli„ ail tl:ul Innrrl .1 Ihr l'It 3' nl tit. Paul no ilial nod der ribrda, follo" to-wft: ( inner. nc I, III I!::: inter,ertloo of Sn,lli„g nue and I n ,r,itv.,enu,, in said ci Ly: itbrllnni,tg!)a to oK I'n i,ersit' ne los to I'ri rr ave Ihcnre on Prior ;Ivenuv to St. A nlhmly :I a1 (,.!u,: then I,ISl.Antno,yll,I•- Clecelaod nv,oll thence oil l'Iece- I�uol ¢venin• to Da,ton nv actors un tonaro to 8nr11iuKtn)rcI fie: then.. I Snolliugln m to Enircr,ityravcl me. it, phare of bcginoioK. '1'I,is b,„oordlonm•e sball take etTv,t and iifra• front ;tell its ubliruoon. 'as_,l bfryth,mBoard of :\I,�rr'IneII Aug. 4. 11191. ltl Dollni"..oro I)irlr•o wi �Cli h"oloun.()In�laly.(:tirlrn'- bull b„rn. Su 111,11 o. 111. ProSl dent --11. (1. (). I'rc.idr of of 1h,Ilo;trd of .\Idern,rli. ISI..ed np d,r :\.,r l„oly Ang. bNIL r. l'ost,llo. F:Inr- i.t, Mit She e, -NIL Mien a, OPPe,I- I •„1-!t ilei nl. A'uu Slyke, yl r. 1'r,si In No.,s 4). Ilr • ident of the A.seool}'. Approved Aug. 2"11!11 It lu.ItT A. Rn rrn. Mayor. Anle,t: Tuo,. A. 1'rtex ototo.t,T. Pity l; lurk. Aug. :it. r- III F No.:iln--O rdinnoce No. I:,tt,- A„ IO rll Lou r,,.:• to uIn •n I , ,:tion, Ix'•, 121 of (Irdinu m•e Nu. 41!, of hc City of St. tiI'nul, enfied "Ali ordionne" io r:ladon to !nI ThelCoul m('imncii of file City of St. P,IIII to ordain a, t'ollow": 8 -tion 1- Th.l .,.Lion tx'„ (21 of ()rdl- �I ul roti; led 0 419 of ihr ('it' of ILA n,ordtnand lu re l:d Loo to tmpon u,....e dl -d oui ' 1, and the sums i, hereby u I •nd,d n •!cited b}' ,ddilig to to, territory I, n" i t within , 'd ,rdioa n„• • II thul�r P:u't of ihr Citj$'' of St. Pool hoardedn ad dsscri bed t, fur I„ws. 'file r'ost ballot trun mens. ,,II attar of onion 2, the , radia%' ta q' ll?" r loll itu! l 8. orstill :all that portion of tube ,ion of ,Pout 11 ,eefio,l a.. unit .0 that pord.I, .r,e,u.m. u Ind 14. :all it, taw nslli r^s.rmtKn'I 22. 1., IWIL-e trndJ'. Minae,,, ta. i3 my e'n o ucksami of the right of wu3" of Iha• ('Id,ago, Li,Irling' S No,SO'thl•r. IL,Iilro:nd ComproJ'. Ike It, Io forn,2.l�f tom unit aft, rl nl t, I Will, otlun. and Pns,od by the Bard of OAldermen Aug. 4, IS91. hbloYnrden.a . s-oAb lladst. .BDieoreoa. ibId',Crtrn•g., .iGdeIeloolottl-tn.iCM. mdoey. Cupe IIeldy, San - Su Nu), - O. O. Cr fuel". Presid,ot of f he Ito:u•A fir :ildr rna•u. Pn,.ed b, the Ass,nn illy' Aing.:S'.. 11.1. 1'r:a*-AlrssrS. d:oho'N, r, Costello, EII,t- qulsr, Met'uffert-. McN:uncc, Miura. Up- penbefnt, Vnn Slyk,. )Ir. Pre,ideut-9. Nays -9. W. P. Ass -1 Y, P!" 1. sit of the Assembly. Approved Aug. ',, 1191. AttC,t: T'II.a. A. rl<SNEW j'OAST. Elly CI,[k. Aug. 31. Ild F No 317-Ordinoneu No. IRiI- An ordin.n,r granting unto L. T. Lefc•b, rO nod it. D. lh:slau .lets. trldiogg and doing bu,lnrss us,o- artners under tl,e firm name ,( [w•febvrc & D.,lo.riers, in the City of St. foul, permision to 1. Pur 1 of ills lease 111 the Sixth ward,.( the,IVy of 8t. I':dd: Thr Cemmol, Cuuncil of the City of St. Paul do ordain as follows: Slonvbp Ki,enrtI rl Ir9-It�.,l .laauthority � ic l.efnb,n• @Da<Inuriers to use lull oerupy for the full par toll of twenty-five Years. from .I II Iy 1st, 's "in for IIall IIfitILu ring pu rpu=es ,n tllo Ilne ,f bu.iue.s it nvbi,h said I.Cfebvre & De,- Inurier, :t •tgaged. tnrn'it; n nnnfue- rriic,rr.nd sheet. metal articles. that ting , I 'tion of the lr,co in L,e Sixth ward of the (stay" of St. I'nul. Uo-wie: I:ots roe 111, two ('=1. threw l:tr •a ad four (i) of block pool, or ltebe'tsotrs :tddttfon t et. rant. pro- 'Laird that fit till-tine-duringid the term.; this fru m•h Ise [he. sl fit 6a,d Iol herein or d .hall employ in [heir enid huslness n month ly : -m'age per y,arof not lass tluun twenty mon. 'Pills grant is mule upon the express euul ition th:Il tar g -tees her,la named shall P,y to file City of St. Paul, ns compensation unit rental fill' the privilrKges hereby granted, too m of out. dollar (ILC) per annum for and duri lag the limo I,,reinalrOve specitled, pay- able annually !n advance. Sec. 2 Thatermis.ion and nutlm'it y is Itereb, Ni ern xn �l granted "nit IIn, ,nnfl Lefe- b,re & lle,lxuriers Lo er •t. ,instruct laid tnuintxin I n said above-deS,•ri bed lots, onr two-story bI.elk building for use In theirs id bl,,ines,, till S:dd two stories t. be above. file grade of the levee In front of surd lotS, and 'd,u frame sheds n sob: lot,, ,ill ILP wltielt bo ilrliogs 'boll be built under the directions e,l nc,or,fing to th- tnstructions of file Building Inspector of the said city, upon ob- tniniogixo•mntstoddso, and the pay rnont of [he pr„Per tees Lberefor: I'r aided. Imw'e3'er, that the chimney and n, ke .leek LP be used connocfun )vlLlI st ,;It, I,uSi Iles. sllull extend :lt Iefl.l twentY- H,efeet ubuve th e e grade of the Dakota ave- , bridge; and provided further that till:;= It !ILK or worrantdrK any' of the right, boreby granted; and provided further, that [he Krnntees herein named Shull c.,Pleto Sold 1111(llugs and bane sand husinttislu upertuol try Oct. I, A, U. IE!Ul; and that Ix•forc the ex- pirattun of said term.vt• oa-ave Yall r id buildin f trs shall be removed fromears Suid nitrovr de,criitled prenlises by said giantel•s; sol In case of failure torentu,e ,slit built]- i )ts x•itl,in SLid tinnc, the same, or s aril rt thorcof ns mu, thereafter remain. shall lre- conu� lite prolx•rity of sni(1 City of St. Poul. u . 8. Nrights a 'aired underthis ordi- St•t ,haul be tranefl)rred to anti. atlas. pl�ns.o n r {>Lr.ons. cum Pant fir corlrEration. u lllrss til, consent. f the Common Cou ncll shall be first obmincd. Src. 4. Slid glant,-•es shall and will fae's. i miennifp nod ,ace harmless Iho rsaid City of It dulaos St.n1t. ts. b'inut. I.sb and-penases go[ Is nic 216 PROCEEDINGS OF TIIE C031MON COUNCIL which It mus sit lie r, or that may be roeuv- ltd F No. l! red it obtained t'rum o• against . a id city for 'Resolved. That elty order.., he drawn upon ear by reason of ill, Kranling of .nen, In I- the city tr,,,t.ur)'. lit:,yxbl -out of the Kenoral I egln or for or by n urn of the Kn urblK o,lt fund, In Jacor of t:, followlnK Int Cd - (ur ru,u fill troy, utl,u p:ln.nge of thl� or- .,. furumiu nr, sec upllusi Lunw L�Cir IlivaneC ur any mailer or filing ;nmecl i,l er perfive n arni- therewith,. , will, the e.le rc is, by the +:lid Arutine Maaufueturing ContpnnY, grantees uftg he privih•eg s herehr ranted. (two dl IS) eollcetion of Karbage Sec. 5. If said K ut,e it,,iI fail i , from April 1;, 1891, to Juno 15. r ill net toc,aoplyl will, tdeg lit o,lo,. ,If lhi�.' Inti... .. .. .... $Lfua.a. 1 pci,�ilr.aus l Ai,oi„„ My. h •reb)'�grali '�I� Khalil Ir rfurteitlod Ill Idt• nxld de.t ruction t' Ka r11uK , 01 lond Uity of St. Paul, IilnlI for ]lay. IR91..... t S1.1--1UN) Sec. li. 'I'ImL said gnuticu, -boll tllc with Adopted by Lhc Bard of Alderntm, Aug. 19, the City Clark, within thirty days after the 1801. publication of this urd iauuee. their written y,,a AId. Ili,lellherg. Butt. lt�vepta ul' the provision.. the real. Lhc lural. Bohner. Dorn ids ll. Gel,alt. Sleludy,San- te Lo be Ii ra! uVVru roll LY Lite Corporation burn. tin l l ir,m. YAll 11rodde[,t-11. 1. Ser. 1'l,., ('ity of hl. P-1 e.rpres.IY re- Adiptee by the. ,k-o'bly Aug. 25. I8'Jl. svrro. the right to gr:o,t :,1 any time to ul,l' yt•:Is-Me.. r.. Ihn:dolze r. Costello. I:Im- pernun, Ilan ur c ,IIIIt 13- or curpon'tiol,. Ill' ".-L. Slc Cnlferl }', Sle Nnmeo. M,Irray, Of, right Lo a,l,;tru(•I um7 openito a ntc:un or iiia pen ll,•i n,, V. Slyke. Mr, ]'ire Presiden L -a. O b er r,Itlw:Iy n o±n the mo'!It itrent3'-tl we feet. of .aid lots. Lf Approved Aum. _6. 1891. See. 8. Tilt.ordln:lllcc shall take slyest unll be in f',rre from nod nl'irl its publication - Iud theeC!,,I, thereof, a, prur ided i, S ere tui 61if 111 i.; Ord innnct•. See. 9. '1'1,100 .III)' roninance he ret afore pn,sed i1, o,lning prori)y .- io,in ;stent t' -d by the Il ill, n•.bybb-i-alcd.�` Y:used by Lhc Itou rd uP :\I, ir•nne„ :\,IK. 9. Incl. Veit.-Ald. lticlool-lr. hail, Conley- conl'- land, Dobner. lloruido n. l:ol,u n. lfe hal}-. S:ue bl I. S Ilivao, llr. Ill--id-t-11, N nys 1. G. ll. P:tast'Yn oIha e„t. -f te Bord of i.Aid, irmun. e by Ido As.emhly yen. -Mesa r+. Itan bolter, l'o.Icllu. qui.t. i. VIII Srt Y, 31,:Nume.e. of tteu. Up- pel,dnim. Van Slyae. }Ir. I'n'.ide,t-9. Nuys -U. 1\'. Yre.tdcoL uC the :\n.omtrl :\Veru ved :AuK., R. e:E1 1nl'I'1i. Dill ler A Og.31 Tllia.:\. Plte\llY.,fi A41'. City Clerk. A ng. JI. A'y F Nu. 17S- I. Thal the Cit t 1'lerl: ht•, ami he I. hen: o3'uulh.....f l:,I1 rli ret,# ,1 t oaf rant rr LIIe ourrhnse of ";'I 1";". for t i Inc do VVut ni eat+ : rd ofie,.. that #thele it}-: e„l,l O1 [, •t Io ire ,1: 1,. gonrle rly loo n n•h ni ni sl:[nnm'ry to wd, Clerk sit iacie„L for 1 h,• +•Ilii I.I,m rierl)" Verio,ls 1 to he PUn,ha.ed a[ wholC.xlo prico.. ;I Sabi 1'lcrii i, rel rthor i,,,t routed I,, ic.oe 10 oflit-ero,'depart,oent re,l,I icing 5l at i„ ocr, Io�l1 :t ,ni a nholl he propo r. :; m1 r rrl. n, th,•Con,lnon ('onocil orl}'the l,nl��ulif of ,tntion soy p,: vhaec,�f,t,id ,Il.trihnlc,l. ,I. hrrelnbcfure l'tj,,, d. Ada Le,l by the ISourd of Aldermen :\ug. R, ,,e, 1'e,I. -A Id. Blohmberg I{olt.SIMM ,Ilrl. Ito hien Itoe„idcu. Gehull, Dielmly, unhorn. 1u llivxn, SI r. 1'rc..ident-IU. Nnv U. Ido Nl h)- the 11 mhl)" Atlg. _1,. 1491. Veit. -M c.. r.. ISIt„hol'rer, t' i0t . 1 F:11,1- ,lui.t. 11 el, ao,'t}-, M,N:,,o c,,, Mi 0-. t he L'a rke. 11 r. P, e.let•„I ,I. Nara -011 `- Approved AuK, M ISW. B, Ald. C -h -Y -Aid F No :ill- Ito.ulvid. That tl,c Corporutioa Attorney he amt he i., her, to a the m•t r IcKI,I nro,a•ur1l,IK. Ur trotml -I the St. 1'uul �8 Northern Ytu•Itl,• It:dlru:W Con, (It tSt. 1'u '11. sllnm•apolis y Matti- lohu Itullrund Cumpxnyand the Great Nortll- e t 1, I: uilrw d Cml,pany to brl,Igc the right-of- I,ny of s:dd eau panics where th1•y :r .cs tore street In said riLr. one ul.o acid riKh[- olI11, :ightvt Durt.Il i et. t nn intorsici hon wild Eighth street. in .old city. Adopted by the Board of Aldt•rmcli Aug. 9, 91. ]'1•:,. -Aid. Biehm berg. lint[. Coalcy.Cope- Imol, Dub,„•r, Durn lien. GCdun, Melady. S,tu- honn, 11 r. 1'n•�ident. lJ. Nxys-AIJ. Su lliv Lhe A:n,-I. AJuptoe LY .,.em Ul}- year-Menars. "anl,:I,, . Costen.. Elnl- qui.l, nlW;dyferly. Mc-Namee. Mina, Opp - Approved Aug. 27. 1891. 11, AId, 7)orn Iden-Bd F No. 312- Revrlved. That:[, oiler he rl r,twn In favor or tb,• Itunrd of Contn,l 1'or III, -It 51::4i.n2. Ise ing the Cil)''. nuc -1 hire If the e - peodilore,of.nid ISo:od' :IlntxininK tin' p.11y nd c , tY ho.pi, alht IJun houw and oor f:v n,. and ontdour tellerit VrdurinIt them ,nth of .I ulr, Itr1, be paid ol out of 1he Bun rd of tC on trot fu mld fu [ho treasury Of t be City t T St. Patti.A do,'icby tl,e iioar<I of Aldermen Aug. 9. 1'en,-AId. ISirlenherK, Bot t. Conlev.Cu`pe- IT e- lunrl, Itohncr, Unto Irian, Geh:o,. Meiady. ; n- hor�, Sullivull. SI r. L'resident-ll. Nn3-0 ' \ 1, ted Ill, 11 1.-.emlily AUK:=i, In,ll r;ltl,- 1 n ll, It :holy -'t (.oviellu, it[is1 11 V ofTe Slc rty. NnmeV c. limen. O - pea hci m. 1':ot Slyke, SI r. 1'n•.ieent-9. Noyeoe.-i. ' AVued Aog. '-":. IaUl. Bd I' No. lte,olved. That chi)orders L-l-wo upon OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAl'I<, FOR 1891. 217 the t•I ly trensu ry payable olll of the eo,lrt ho mi city hull tlnlntennnee fund. in f v of the full uw'ing nn , •d pe ms, fir tl,e rr nits "I upponito llthcir lesVectlre oOsI,IGriKg, i Co.. $IS.IiO; It. C Clark. $7.50; hoard of Water Conunissiuners. 411.W: Vac - unto Oil Company. 1."^: St. Poul Gss Light Compant3•. I146.9n; JoIit, Dotvinn S SI Is d9S,alf; 7 bo,I,:w Greeley, $92.fS I; I'! 0 dergu.l Wall 61 DeckerKl(:n.. :FJ.>•'/I: 1'. 1.\Icdtrine Con:pnn y� V.rd1; F. G. Drxper S Co.. N.','; A. 1,. ilumun S Co., $'-5; Standard Oil Com Pa "y' Mo.s Kennedy, $lu,,li: Edi.mn h:leetrie Light S Power Co ly. $1".U6; L. I.. Slay L'o.. NU. AdlllIniopted ry te IIon rd of Aldcrmon s\ag. ri, 18!11. lDItroblen. t'u„t. 0l. lams flu hoer, horn ids n. l:ul,;Bn. MehWy. Soli Lorn. 11 r. lht.i den t-!1. Adopted by Lha A--),13' AuK. 1. 1S I. Vests-Mes.I•n. Illtnl,olrer. Costello. I•:In,- lui.l, litl'nlfurty. SieNmm•e. Siurr;,y. Olrpen- 1,eill,. Van Slyke. 11 r. ]'ice le, t-9. Nay -0. Approved Aug. 27. 1891. 11,1 M ltenol-11, That Hly u deIre draw'u u ran Lhe city I � ,00l:')'. 11 1. o oft of f lit•r. ogle., fuav ml. 11, for of Lb1• fulluwlnK "'"To % n Ia.•r fir ti u In I., set o pposil Lll ulelr rt .pest i I, I,I„n1,n,o1 Marti,,McNll lt)', $!II: It. Dan.en, #lits Ed. Ly -h. tel; Juhn Buf lr•r. $!II: Ni, Ihod}•, $91: Janteri SBlrray, $14 II/; George Mil -h. d :' Adopted by the 13oard of Ald-orn Aug. 1S. R!II. ]'mu -Ali. Biel,:nbmCuller, 0w,-land, Ibbner, Uuarn idea. Gedn. Meb,dy, S.wbu rn. DI r. I'rosiden t --U. Nn)'s__ \du,ded by Lhe:\..emhly' AUg. '�', lridl. 1'esu-Messr.. 14u1ih,N;... l'1t.lello, EI",e quilt. Dl cl'IIITr 1311 Mr. Vill'c, 7', penhei un. Van Sly lit', DI r. Vice P-11111111-9. Nays -A1. A in -,ed Aug. 27. 1801. Bid F No.:c16- lb-1red. Th at o elly 1 h•r. he dn,wn ulKrn tl,.. sit, Irc:I„Ir)'. 1'n>'uhle rut of 1h1• .t rest. :dncmince find, in IF --r of 110 filrin too" tvlpe[�on,. Ill, lie a000ln „et ,t' W it n+spe't`ttvo art B. N. Cook- Do, I'notr linr(Iwan• c1 - }Ilil12 Iiir 3t Ililm:tn, 4lk 85: lV r11,1, ��It1oikil,e. +"WI; It. Vollnu•r, Net: Maenel,•r Ihos„ y.1d; A. Job.L 44J.5n. $11 .5: F. Mormd, MI; .lobo Martin Lumber cum Viae. $I.OG.:ill: 1'. If. Ke11Y Mere."0l e. ruin ny. l on ao, }2.1!5: Americ:ol M:,nu ract„ring „VIIUJ'. F. Skok. $1 I.�i: Nieels \ Rosi,. fit..�I M. F. Ficldir,g, d_u,.fN1: I'. .1. }ligan S t'o . $IO.In: lV Slllnch. -110AU: I --to erga,i $I; Cli,le, CII company. Ya: Rolri,Iwll ,l C„rY co,n pit[,r, $4.,n. A Bootee ba- tic Board of A ldcoueo AuK. Is, Ott" D,. yy bnler. ).rr„ f h -O. Gebuil. \lo lu,ly. C�,ir Ixrrru 11 r. i're.ident-!t [[ Nxve-II. Adopted by the A.nem bly Aug. -,. IS9f. ye:t.,-Nears. Ill, zer Costello. 1,ba- Kuhn,, Van �S iykt} lV Mr. Viet ee. Murray, 'peu- It-lldonlr9� Nuye-0. Appr.-I Aug. 2!• 18111. fid F No. tc37- Ite+ulred. That a the smiths of June and IuIY• "b"y'less m Is, ,[r; per rport p Captain of 1'ulice; this Imounl being repur[cd eurrect by tl,e Board uta 1'11 b11C \Yorks and Committee oilCluinns. \dupted by Lbt• Board of Aldermen AuK. 18, Iml I. Vea.._Ald. Blit leobr•rK. Camay. Colxeu ml. Dubucrl,iden. Ge1,nn, llelady, Su,l born. JI r. 7're.i ee„t-9. Nlly. 1, Adopted by Lhe ]I,, I., .\,IK. 2:S. Istll. vett»- calf . Bu MrNm!r. C'uslollo. FOl- 11ui.L. DlcOutfurty, DMr.N •e. Dl11 troy. lllr 1 -,y;mf Vnu SIykC. Mr. ]'Ice YresidcuL-9. A pnroved Aug. 7. 181131. Bd FNo.X - I:e.,,lved. ThatcftY ardor, be Irnwo , pun 1". 'Itr treu.ur)•. m,ruble o, t II Lhe .ehool fnmt'n f of the. fulluwinK n, n •,I nor- nl..forall•I'll Olt, nut oppoaltutttheir tt- rlt•cl Ivo tante,;' . Ed uealiollal S S' cotnKp1y nteyer &whorl, &IM. ; Prun,,lraflt.l:f; tfumll m pu�18St. Ynul F'Ire un I Murine I nsu ral,Y.nee e,; m;p)ait $lii(1; Kenny Brits., ffi79.9Yarn: A in,. lc:,n DI:, It ufact,l ring compnn Y, 8; 11'i l Haiti Thnnms.S4SS.i2; St. Paul Gan Light PPa11Y. #aN.57; Globe 011 •ompnny, N.90; eoA,loptui by tho hoard of Aldermm. Aug. I8. ]sal. Y,­-Ald. Bielenberg, Conleyy.. Copeland, Doh,Icr, Dorniden, Cellan, MCIa(y, Sanborn, Df, 1'rcaident-U. Nu)' ll. A:I (I by il,C Assembly Aug.'%,. 7891. yeas- Mrs . Ilanholrer, Costello, Ehu- ;!o!,I., SlcCun'erty. )lo Numee, Mumuy, Or- ponhetn,, Val, Slyko, Mr. Viee I'rosidultt-9. Nays -0. A pa roved An,,. •'I, IRm. 131 F No.;[ R-olvori. That eftY order, Ito Irawn upon t he cite(nvwmry, Payable out of the "Relb). brldm• tuna." ❑, ruvor of , 0. D- tr1Brh,ge Work,, n.(-tiin of the m,IbY a I,riojO, yip-Struel, Fisti- d,1'. No. f, upplomentul to No. 5 ural final, rd A duptc,l hY 1.1-e ]3oani of Aldennm, Aug. le. ISO ]"cnS-AIJ..de . hers. cm, -,Y. C 1"',orl. Ino hoer. Ilornidun. Guhltn. Mebuly. S„li burn. Nit. I're.i'I 1-0. Ant.... Adapt 1 by the A:: 1 ly AA !W i. Rauh, Irtl. (! . tl ll,. Elm- 111i.t. Met'na'erty.11cN:arnee.1111rruy,l[lrix•n- ,c11,,. Vito Sly kt•. SI r. Viec Yn•.idont-9. NaY, A 1im'uved AUK.-'?. I... Jot F No.:BO- ltesolred, Thal cltY order, be drawn upon 218 PROCEEDINGS OF TEE CU111MON COUNCIL the city Lr-:l,tlrV. PnynLlc out ,[ the••SWI, -tree. i. bridge fund." in furor o! the Chicago Forge and 111,11 oo alraoy. c>u.t rtctiull Lit IhC Sixth Streetbridgo sl Ilerstroctfl re. little No. 5, 114,343.71, and },,timutc No. U and lib:11, t I; Sl yi. Adopted by 011• hoard of Aldenn-n Ang. IN. tl!Il. Yl•:IF--A Id. ISie l�rl tK. 1 land, Ilohm:r, lhrr::irl1•n, Geb:o1, Nleliul Y, Snn- hon:, Sullivan, 1Ir. Presideot-11. 1[filPted by f ie A --coil blY Aug. '•5. 1NU1. Vous—cclor . liIb-Naror, I'o,i•Ilo. 131n:- IIUI,L, TIcCS lyk,. r. VI,o .. Mnrlay.HPPeo- h-itn, Van slYk-, ]I r. \-lcc Pn•eident—!I. Nays—U. Appruv-d Aug. M IS91. Isd I., No. :DI— I2Csolvea, Tllot city "'dors b- draw" Litton the city tr-nsu rr. nuy:tLlc nut of Ili . ", ewer fund. in favor of the followingnum-d Pcr- ,ons, for tilt- :1 Lois set oypo,it- to their resyoclivc "annus , rkhtmI S Sturkoy, Bslinmtu N. 0 n d Ha" 1 Arcade uc strt S- . •r ,3steol, ff,..�':1; W. C. Doherty-. E,Omnte No. In, 1'bale 11 creel: r eystenl, ffiI],/1:o1, st-we A[IOPtC[I by the IS"nod oC .\Id-rrn-if Aug. l,, 1X91. 1'oas—Aid. Itlelenbcrg, Hot1, Conley. Coot - Inn". Dohnt-r. Dornill-, G-hn". DIc1nU y, sun- Iront,SI,Ilivuo, Mr. P-Sident-11. N:qs—U. \do PteU Up Lllu AssenyblY Aug. ��, INS I. P,!op ub,as—Messrs. II:o.holz-r, Go,1-Ito, Rlm- In ui, \'w SlykJ, Mr. Vicr 1'rMidenl).-i.l Nays—U. A Piroved Aug. 27, 16.11. Dd F No. 34'2— Itesulred, That cit)" o-h er, he dr.,w 11 upon the ctrea-u r3', Puyn Ul-ofr i. of tl:t'K-nC rail fume, in favor of rho fol lowing na I d Is - s, for til . II"t- a ants set opp—lb. their rl Sp—tive na"Ie .lis-p11 Guion,.los-ph Auacil. >KKi.nl: Iluu,e oC I;ood She iu,.11, -41.:,�; .iniac, Mv- harn. fT.5; Dell ry �ioti-rnFF:,- ham. $S:'i: North tc.N;:j In 'cele va' H Fa- cbnnKo l,l; Cloul :INi.:,fl: I:uberl \'r rrin gaol &,Co.. 617; Charles L. Ibfas, #til tri; St. 1':wl Snnitnihol Comp:uly. ,'10;.41); It orrill'. Toih•t Sup 11y, 8:3. _ i. Ai�oplud by the Bourdof Aldermen Aug. 11. IS!11. Ycxs—Aid. I3lClcuberg, Ihnt.Uool-3t,1'ult•- lu"d, Doboor. Dornidcn, G-han. Nlelit. y, Sun- boru, Su llirun, Nil. Pr-ki, Nlly., /. A dopt-dyit.Am -91. . lt-1\ N"ItisIhorc Coslcllu. Elio- pdSL Mrt'a iter, Y. Ill, N: Oplx•u- hcin,, Van Slyke, Mr. Vicc Pr-eidcul—'J. Nuys—U. Approvud Aug. C. 1601. Bd F No. 313— H-roi—d, 'rhut clic orders la: dran'u 1Pu1 the city ir(.•:t,ur)' V:U'abb•ouL ol" the "local iugrovinto 1. rami," ill favor of Iho folloainK Uave Persons. [or t.b- ulootlut, of opposite rtb-ir mSpoctive jt- ph Sah its dufou Iray ) o rn l :mcount of uhungc ofg-S to 11Pert' grade Itmldo11.11 sulcal. •tc•.. F6.65; W. A. Duvura, E,ti- late No. S and t] ill, grading Good- Nich ii-ol— N4:3; M. Trr r, I•:st ima, o. it nud Hnal, grading Got- ntr-t, f1.4:111; Dale C IpLl nagunlur r. Esti mato Nu. 19, sup- id-nl-utaNo. II mill tint, 1. grulb nK .looks av-et. !I:CI I.1o: 1'. Sx' u•)', I:,tilmltt! No. I. - IIIPI-m-ntul to No. 1 I d flnni, Knuling Nl issi,-i ppl Street, #14:111 u'1'. Swoeney, :nt- Nu. 5, s111'Pl,11lento to Nu. 4 un 1 Honl, •u111ng Hun11Ne1: 1':Irk. #Il!1; 'I'llorn Lon J ,bnw. E tiI ala• No. :nil iflnit. grldmK St. C1.0, sr.rt-t•t. SL.:CLL: 1. E.1 Norlou olk- ing oil n—o-a of opeuiug .11. ,l nr•t, G. \\ ylcrriil, e.<limntfuA t•ust, cls.. fur `"'bill ldluKs.:k l'l. ' A11opied by t':- Board of Aldermen Aug. Is. d. N"e:��—Aid. IDornklrn, DLitt, tannic.. CoPc- lu t Dubuc r, Dornideu, G -h -1 Nlcludy, Sun- burn, sullit'uu. Nlr. 1'rc limit -11. Adopt -d by the onhohly Aug. . INUt lh- Itunolrcr. Cast„Ito, Ebl:- 1 I -i rat, \'oft Slyl, . Mr. Vic” Pr-idelltt—Jlpp-n- N:t3',-0. A PPtroved Aug. 27, IN'Jl. Hd 11 Nu - 11 Flu• u• «or of Ihv ePort of tlln Board of '] ablic Work. doted AUK. 17, ISM. It 1, 1 n'b3'ord-r-d by the Co"ouo" Cuunc•il f the I'ilr of St. 1'u 111: "batt r1, Itonrd of "urHu Workn of said ('lay of St. Paul I. Lis- Ib- fo11ow111K improv-- c•ot.sto be rllulr•, GI-x'IL: CuostnroL :t s - 1001 wooden sillt-trnll:, tope.th- with Iho. II- 1ry rro,swall:-.oil Illu oorl b Side of Puc•Ilic ,1 reef. [rum Furrst'n-L, u, ,fester sLr-1f, ty. in ,aid ci 'I'bnt Said lio—I -Ihall pro"Ill, wll llollL delay Lo ruses:: the a noel it t, rt, I •: ray they cal sccnuin the + e. which will Lie r-,llfir..d to Vny til- cast. +m1 I - V o. P -n, -s of ,u -h inipn n'-mcut If'•peill I he• real eSUH, Io be b1"-1fb:d b'y said im- provemcufLihc l "unclip Lint lural lt being es 1,111, it- IS. o�u 1s.ed for such holoovemrnt nail be taunt, •bl \1'LL d to[bo -.V te11t of I.IIoand e\' pet - u -t• •.s , 'y t be ' tet 't l i hm'-by. At olot.o by [rhe BomllroflAlder: ien Aug. IS, 1,91. V-as—Abd. llwhl obrrg. holt. Conte)'. Col.; land. Dobnor. Do. nbd-n. Gchnn. Atulully,sun- bor". Sullicun, Tar. I'r-siU1•nt II. N ay.s--11. A11oPicd by the Asse ulbly Aug.''=. 1S91. Y,aa,-Nle.sr.. ISunbolaer. Costello. Elio - I luist. TIcC"II'1u'I)'. WNuulce. Tl UlTLY. GI1- peuh-f u. Von Slyke. M'. Vice IILI- Nn3"•-41. Ant, 0 c I Aug. 2i, ISJI. It, Ir No.:HH- 1, the "u Iter of Ili,- ,rt ,f Ilm Dourd of fl obiir \Work. dal .1 ,i'i g. S. I JI. It ', In. -I ordered by 1 be l",I moa Council f tln•I'ity of St. I':t 1i l: 7'11:,1 leo• Itonrd 11PobbC \Vm'I<s of -rid Pityof'SI. Purl r:lns-�bc. In l low.ng iruprov'•_ cmi, to be til: it-, to-w'la: Conetrnt•1. a f lot w ,oleo sidewalk o—ey{t win— walk of di"lorlsfon, t� alrenlly I:ddl Loge ebur vlill. tic u-ecs,r ry �e cos, ',Iks. ! I Lh- west ,ide of Ohio street, frorut Isabel ,it --1 to a jrolut wbem the - tht Pln"k walk is now nid. ill sI Ill city. OF TILE CITY OF SAINT PAIL, FOR 1891. 219 Thnt.nid 13onid sba 11 In 011 -el without III— Illy to LLS-I t h herr; nt, a[i 1x1111 • Lltlle y ,I a I,—, l' such imc rt-:lwtm•1--oo Yowl poufs-- o I'rovualen Il lain "lau. to bn bc"eHlod y bunci: In:Pn n'[ I -u I, I, pr ;anti IIy it. a befog ale npiltiolll ..r fllc ('lulncil Ll:;lt coati -tole 1,,: It, a„e,st•d fur +cl: Inlprot,en:eul earl, be I�,:I Lia beuellted t„ tbo-trent of abe eust-aud ,�In•rls,•. urv'esna ry to In• insured alio"•, v. A11opuvi by the Ik1:1rd of.\Idermel: .\uK. in. Vd:1s—AI” Itieo-Ilid rg. Itotf. t M,. bi.l'op,._ land, Ili rbm•r. Ilurnidl•II, I:-hull.Mel:idy.S::::- horn, SIIIIivu n. ]7 r. I'rc.idrlla - II. \tNlPicd h\' 111,• As,en111iv Allgll sf .:M1. Is'n. \ItusNlvCalforty�iNil Narmr•, NIL!,.;:3,:.l it —1- im, Van Slyke, I'll. Vi ee 1 `I'e.id-11, d. N:t3's—II, All to cd A,lg. r, IS9I- )Ill P No. :34i— Ir. Ih1• marcor ib- ,•port of if,,, Itonrd of I'll hl is NVorks:1111,•11 Aug. 1 Ism. It i. Imr-by nd:•rr•d by Iblnt ( , I nI L C. of tin• City of St. I'll :l l: 'That till liollr'I of I'obbe Nv'nk, of -aid Cit}•of St. Paul cuu,c tl:-fill lowing iIt .1�- ie- mt,tube. a utlu. 1„-x'it: 1'un.irm•L + foot wooaeu sid-w'nl k, t,orog-1 her with the I : - etrol•i, ftrrn n'1)lfhl aro u1, SnaiiU oo ilii: -I. city. I Ith, •t - i T! 'It Said ,loan, shall oro -e-11 toil bout Ilr- I:fy to4bt-.. ..... l mrly:<th-3'call r,crrttin Lbe same...... I: tt'i 11 he r-, plir-d to 'nty the eo.t-t'n Potlt he n11I)I I-`111111� I`o Ix• b -n 1 -oIProv-on. •fired by said loi-I lrrnll•nt• uS Prov111[•d by law it being til -opinion of the 1'ollucll0"'. '•116 t'no IS, b love, 11"o-llted-11 r b1� t11'1 -1v ticlll 0f tibioe.Spe LSI, mtl„ary to It in heIllt•. [ Adapted I1}' the Iku1rA of Ald-, torn Ang. 11, Is!11. V-as—Ala. Itleh•nlmrg, Hatt, Cota-)'. lonth Dohnto, Dornideu. G -barn. Nlc lad v, Snll- horn. Sullivulf, Mr. PreAd-ot—Al. N+1ps—li. \dopLetl b)'Lb-.ui ld 1"l}'A1Ig Si, 1191.11,0\Ica ulfri'i It\IcN1l n+t•v, Murr:qu.t)IPI"1-. 1 cl n, Van slyki, Tit. \'ice Prr•.sident—U- Nnys—U. Approved Aug. 2, 11:111. ,ry -11e s of anvil Il 1pnorun,l•Ilt u Po1u I�he re:a estai-. to. in Uonent-d by sold upon •I:1. s Pru vin •d !ry lux': it. ll,boR rho opil ..f tiro Cuu ucli Ill:al real - Lit- t'o b-. nsses� Cd fur such ,nlprov[ u;,•at s- n Ire [nand b-nelli-J to t11C exi-nt of till• . and t -s Prn,es n-ces,ury to Ix• iin-or-11 th-n•bv. \11opfed by the Icon rdof .\IJe rote.,, :\atg. 1N, 1"II. 1'eus—:\ Id. Hie lx•I'g. lint l.. Cot11ec, [ Snn- - Hob::, r. Ih,rllini de::, (:eh INleluily. unl'I:, Snllit'u 1:. Nl r. I're.,adelll-11. N:I r,—o. \d„ule,l br ti-banholhl)' Ang. IN91. \" ex,- J1:•.. r.. ISlluholrer. 1'oaell, r. M1:Im- ,I -i.l, Mel':I II',•rt,,, :t1eN:ttnee. 11,Irr:ly.11llln•If- beim. \"n 11 SI3'ke, Nl r. \'ice I`re,id,oll- u. Nay '1111, App 'o-11 Aug. r. IS91. Ira F Nn.:N9- In the "inti. -rot rho reIn.,.1891I. lion rd of It i. he r,•iy ord-n•d h}' IbC Conlin on l'.ou ncl l r (the t' iLy I r f SL. f 1' l I I Tb:1 t. the Itonrd of uhlio Works of said City of st. I'nnl -nllw the fullCor,K mlprove- •nl.. to he ar aa-. Io-u'ilh: l'ou yrurt.: - wal . o11-n'snolt ak, with -alto,,- rtross- rnik,, oil tb- nun, -ide of '1'hunuls .tree[, from Sllydicute n—one to flxnlliue avenue. 111 •li!1 cit)'. I' atsuid Itonrd Shall proceed wit.holla dr Illy to a'-'s Il ILL, nmoutut. a bice, tr ly Il f ""I'y ,Illi re!1 t•Iu par the So cr�-ts and nen•s,ury - pon-s of ,ol-li improvm•lent upull the rent -ante to IS- heoo0trd Uy Snid im pmcrmint., ns Pruvid-d by low: it b-in� the. o,, l tl If tin• l'ou a !iI l hal. real estate U: It• "su•s,-d for loll im Pnlv-mcut eon b- found bCncli t1-1 to the-vtt:', the •o Ls Ind evpens-I n-1 - 'r Io he inclfrrvvi [bcrrby. -:rA ilopt-d 113' LhC Board of Aldernit-n Aug. 18. 1'cun—:\Id. Itiele able., Botts Conley, Cnpe- Innd, Rohner. Doral Iden G-ian, T[e11uly. 5:111 - burn. Sullivan. Mr. 1'r-sident-11. � Nass—o. \rlopb•d by IIIc ASsemhly\11i1ste11 011. F.In1- ISaul:. )I r. In ia. Nit-Catl'crty Mc\am-e. Alarm)', Opla•m h -.i 111, Vuu Slyk-, TI r. \'11c I'resid-10--9. Na Ns -1). A pprored Aug. 27. 1891. Bd F' No. M: Ill the moiler of 1111 .port of the Hoard of ISrI P Nu.:IS— 1'o Ulic Work. d. Aug. I:t, 1X91. 1)3' rho Common Conned In til-. niaDCr of til- Il l-1, of i.h1 Board o[ 111 Works dated Aug. ISI. 11 Board It ie 11erehy rod-nvl C Lbe Pity o(S1. I'nLil: 1'11 l- It bs hereby ordered by til- Uo,nnloff Council ncil' It �otuf! Itoil �vin� imPmvs if c 1'the "Y of st. Pati: C t} of St�['"!'In Ile nlnde, to -tort: Cunstructis-Inhr T11u1. thr Itonrd of I'll bei:' Works of Said no n[+to on the• `net .'file lot Broad x'03-. C.il,y of St. Poul cans- the foilowillg impr"v-- sidewalk tI, F:ighah and Ninth strectu, in ."1id city. cote to br made, do -wit: Conat nlet n sol f r strn•It to 7'Imt said hoard -lull Prmeed withuLit du- o Maryland ,t over, from Ldg-rloil to^,ri1f,er layto rise's the nnloonl Rii IS tylreonbrier uvCnLic, III slid City, hast els and m:ltjhnl--. will tired Inn ascertain thesnme,w'rl I will, the nen•+sury catch That Hnurd uta s, .aid work to be Irt to pay it,, lost, and neccssar3' c-vpz,LIZ Snid by -oil tract, ns ProvlAed by law. ill I,out opt' 1 first lot" Ur b+meHi-llriy slddnlm Prf�tn'mr SPr'ovid- hnlfibe-stimnit•dCoa being ISUII and after wrid work shit,, ,1 ,injon�eit.ln ilw city t reu,ury. runt cool Said Ili, rel Sh., cblltl,atrv•�nllr,,ob,to'U-1nSScSedfrrllurhllrm- Im Placed tater ponce -d without dela>' to ale t;dnl lit, -mould, tile)- C ,Lot is ntoffthc costs nt mu land rr•5 11 1,ru—Scary try i m as n ,ray a which will bo moatred Pay Lh , Costs urlJ , lye incurred the rely)'. 220 PROCEEDINGS OF TIIE COMMON COUNCIL Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Ang. I8.. found benefited to the extent of file damages. 18!11. c lsts and expenses m�ctssatry Io be Inmlrred Yeae-Alit. Bielenberg, Butt, Conley-, Cope.-', thereby. Iorsd, Dobncr, Doruiden, Oehan, Mclatdy, Snit- Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Aug. IA. bora, Sullivan, Mr. PresidLu,t-Il. IA91. Nnya�t, }weal-Ald. Bielenberg. Bott. Uonley, Cnpe- Adopttd by the Assembly Aug. Li, 1891- : bond, Dnb,o- Do, dden. Cehun, Melfdy, Snn- V,-ao:-Messrs. Banholre" Costello. Elul- horn, Snlllvan Mr. President -ll. I ui,l.. Mcl;ufferly, DicNnn:m•. Mur racy. Oppen- Nuy1-q Reim. Van Slyke, Mr. Vice I'resldent-9. A( opn•d by the Assembly Aug. ;:�. 1891. Nays -U. Ycus-\lessrs. Banho{lei. Costello. Elm - Approved Aug. r, ISM. In,isL, McCafferty, Mevnnnee. Marr::y, Oplx'n- beim. Van Slyke. Mr. Vice President -9. Nays -9. A ppncve'f Aug. r, lain. Bd E No.:fSl- In 1'ub!bmatter o Work itis herchy or I f the Cityc 'Phllt the Bi C. itof St. Pa tato be n ty to rile quirts to i.'Stattc n .ts nmyldf Lhe extent w nc Iucu, the report of the Board of rated Aug. 1:1, INi 1. -ed by the L7omn,on Council pill F No. TM. In flit- matter of the report of the Board of Pu blit- Works dated Aug 17. IN9I I1 is he rehy aria red by the Curn ot.o na Council f alto l'.i t.5' of St. 1'au If: Tint the Icon rd of Yuhlio l\works of said City of 91.. Pa 111 cause the following I'll Whe made. to -wit: Orale Eatst Tlo rd street, from Earl street to the east city limits. In said l• -11y. Tlmt swill ,Boarda,jw ,,1dc-asesaid work to ill, Ica by coto, est, u provided hY Inco. without uoe- theelt ated t-nd. bel ng first cold lobo the cityndtreasury; slid after e::id wor�: shall Ix� pluetd , :der delay :lot, cold ItthV shill I. I beadwithoutdelay s assets Lhe umnu rat.: rh ns they enn , ply .ulna t.hl, same. which will by rC.pdred G: coy the coat, unit ntaa- rcal,stitestorL srlx�nedier{r'culenL Pon the ysi nap..... eat, as provided by tel 't being the ona inn of the I nein tl,ut real estate to be tsstssfxl for such improvement enn he found hersefated to the extent of the ews1s and ex- pensu= n Cea F.ry to Ill -Incurred thereby Adupnd )y the Board of Aldermmn Ao.g. IS, ls91. Yeas-Ald. Bielenberg, Bott. Coale} Cope- , Innd. Dobncr. Durniden. Oeha n. Melndy, Suu- born, Su 11 icon, Air. Prt-sidcn' -11. N ays�1. Adopted by file Ass:•mhly Ang. Yous--Messrs. Iinnhulzrr.. Cnslrun. Ehu No. :Z- quilt. Vil; Sly l ray. AlcNamee. Murratr.Ol:ix•::- In the matter of the •port. of the Board of li�Nn \all r� 911'ke, Af r. \'ice Yresi de rat -!1. Public W arks duns Aug. lit IPIII. )-s-- IL IS hereby ortiered by Lhc C,;ninton o':".:ll APPruced Aug. �. IP!Il. of the. Cfty of St. i'uul: That the Board of Public W'orksof t.he' City of St. Poul cause the follow' ng Improve- 11,1 F Nn. mo,I W h -'sale, to-wlt: Condemn a rid take In [ht- to atter of the report. of the Brinell of ant in tlm land abuttingo Fisher Public \York.'dated Aug. lit 1 st res et, •between Ala •oolin street and Min 1111 herebyorrlcrelbythc l'un:num l'ouw,I apulie syeu ue. In sail of U', neceesury W . m , f the Cit}}- of 9t. Paul: to t the shines far cu Is and fihale grml reg'. 'Phut tilt- Uoard of Public Worksof the City s.I,, F'I,hit street between said street, to the ofSt. Pagl cause the follow!': inapmvomens established gra ie thereof. as shown by the to be made. t -wit: Condemn o d Luke an rofllo of said grade on fill, in the udlce of the ase mat ill the land abutting on Tatun, ave- �efffflFWrof D -ds in fall fcr Ramsey cuu,,by. nue,rlw.I wain Mun:ehal:u street :and Chellon a tl In the office of the Citny F.ngin•er; said iixvnue In said city ecessary t.0 construetthe mope W extend ane fad c e -half (lhl feet slopes for ant,. ,mit 6111 in gaoling said 1'ntum .-add Innd for eccry foot f cut or till. , y :: c between "'ill : id ao mct�. o tlw , fub- IudieitWd oo the Plan of said elopes at tachcd li.hed erode then 'o[, :ts sl,owo b3' Ilio pn:tilo tar sufd report, and to be tiled io the ollfce of I of said grade un file in the calif ce of the ItG•gis- 1 Boa d rf Deed, ' n 1 twat 72un:>;cy counts'. unA Said said 13mtrd shall Inroceed without tntfe uttlec oftheCity F.ngi met- r: wild,lepra delay W assess the a fou t, ns ao rl yv: to exu,:nd one and on t -half (1'¢) feet on xuid they c: scortafn tau same, which ill Innd for acct:r fu u : of rut ur fill, us Indle.nted rat• olulrreda to payta, the demnges. Costs :rrt n, t,e li 11 ttWfuc,c beitiled lrin the C1ilaeun +nidnirl up -I tht3te:tl pasture W lxr� line fl C 56} r ,id ifhutnl�t rat u a u Proymn,,t. Presided by la il. henna. That said Ino:t rd skull Pr ctx•d without. Ic- the opinluo of rho Council that ren, it " G: Ixy to ass ss the •mount, �r + n t 1y til Cy be assessed for such Improvement. enn he can-e-tuln the tsun:e, wrhlc•hr will be r - d of I'nbli- Works of said .rose the following !n:provee I, t I-wnsnor it: COtrurt t ,ax- wnik on the th side ni front Rice street to 9ylynn 1 shall proceed 5 fillonlI d- munnt, a :trly as they ,e s ,c. whish tvl11 i, r - alosts and ,Ieeux,'atrY : provemcat I.P.I. the real IILeI by said tproyrment. v; it Iwing tin• opi nion of real esta - W Ito assessed for rat can be nod be nt-tlta•d to cost and exix•nsys necessary by the Bmirdof Ahlermen Aug. 18. d. Blelennherg. Bott. Conley. Copt cr, Dorniden, Gehun. Met ly. San - 'an, Mr.l'resident.-11. by the Assembly Aug.:" 1991. '`fTeBuuholrar. t',ntcllo• Ebo rtyy, McNumec. Murray. 01, Vnu Slyke. Atr. Vice President -h. Aug. 27. 1891, OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL FOII 1891. 221 9lulrod to pay the damages. cost and feces- Yeas-Ald. Il{elenberg. Roto Conley, Cope- . ry expenses of such improvement upon the I hind, Dobner. Dorniden. Oeban. Melndy, Snn- n�ulestulotu he Iwneflted by said improve- born,Sulllvau, Mr. Presidnni-11. nonL, as provided by law; it being the NnyS-1. optnl;" of I'I Council that real estate to be I Adopted by the Assembly Aug. 25 1N!il. setl for such improvement enn Iw found Yeats -Messrs. IlnnhulT!r, UosWllo. F.Im- bcnefited W the ex of damages, costs nod '. luist, Mecatferty, M.N. Manny. Oppen- nses necessary W be iota rred thereby. helm, Van Slyke, Mr. Vice President, -!1. e.�dupn!d by file Boardof Aldermen Aug. 18• ApPro - Aug. 7. 18!11. H!11. Veas-Ald. Bielenberg, Bobt. Conley Co1w- laud. Rubner. ]lorniden, Ol,hnn,. Alehldy. San- born, Sullivan. Ill. President -Il. By A Id. Dobner-Ild F Nu..'MR- NuJ'.s-f Itis horcby ordered by the. Common Council Adopted by the Assembly Aug. 25, pill. 'If "le"" of, St. Paul: }'u:t,-Musts. Bunhol'.e,. Cost`lb Elm- That the matter of astrneting It ll: foot if uisl., \I,Cntn.rty, Alc A;mm•e. MurrxS'. Up .widen bridge connecting the four" slit- f penhebn, Van Slylle, Mr. \'ice 1'resi 1,. L -U' ursg ¢venue with alley in bloCl.' ui rf St. Nays -41. �Ant.hony Park, be. :tad Lhc sun', hi herchy ro- Apprlrved Aug. 7. 18!11. f,,rred to the hoard of Public Works to in- vestigate atnd report: - Fi-t-IS this improvement proper and necessary? 'yAld: C>,m That Bit FNB.:� &•coud-live the Council un `stimnte of liesol yid. Tl:nt there he, :old there is bore- the ex pensu thereof', and sta to whether on - Icy ::ppncpriatuvl oaf of I.he roods f n the city I air of the cost ibeteor Is to IS- paid into the trl•nlory no[ oO:erwiw xnpa'oprioted nod lx�- city treasury before the contract islet. longing to th, fund raised for t.,e purpose of t Third -Can road 'state to be assessed for lighting the City of St. Paul. Lbe sun, of three .Said in:proven:cut be found lwnetited to the thousand. five hundred I#:t,:r1Mh dollars. the e.xt-tor, nL of damage s. costs nod -peones oeoes- e. to be used unler tl:o df rection of the 's: 3'tu lw lncu rred thereby' City F.ngims•r in pinulog Idailional Iig{nts Fonrtb-Is .ut-h Impruvemmnt asked fur upon Third street, betwema IVxbuFiot .'treat ',lupan the {cern Llon or upplfeuOon: Of Lhe uwn- utd T1101 Ftreet from the -,til to Lhe 141h dnY t s of a mnJority of the property 1,1 bo us of 9oplenalx•r. A. D. 1891. ..sed for such lin Provufi mea ? Adapted by Ute Bounl of Aldermen Aug. IS, stFlfth-Send the Cunneil a plm, or nro0le of 1891. said improvement, its required by law. if yuu fess-Ald. Bielenberg, Bot L. Cooley. Coax`-'. ree�'Irt in favor of the slime. Inrsd. Donner. Durofdon, C -ban, Aleludy-, 11x.' SIvth-Send tlm Con nein :t prop,r order 1'resldl,n:t-U. dirocLing the It; to be done. Nays -Alit. Sanborn, Sullivan -9. ,\duped b5' Lbe. Bon rd of Aldcrmenn Ang. IA, Adoptod by the Assembly Ang.''-I. lh! I. 18!11. 1"u:s-Messrs. Ilunholrm•, l:ostello, Elm- Vons -Alit Bielenberg, 11.t.[. l!onley'• 'I; list, McCutTet'ty, M,N:tmcr. )I:: tray Van: Ie'I,I iobncr, Durniden. Gclmn, Mclud}•. Slyl:e, Af r. vice 1'rcaitlunt-1. hon:. 3ulll vnn, -If'. President -11. i!Fnyw-=Mr. Oplwnlu+itrf�3. Nuys -0. Approved AUK- r. 1N!II. Adopted by Lbe Assembly Aug.'=•�. 18!11. Messrs. BuubolzCr. Costello. {n11t. )IcCufferty, McNnnnea•, Murray, 0111 - beim, Van Slyke, illr. Vice President -J. Bd F No. 'kin}- Nays -9. Fiawlvt•d, Tbnt the Plat n[ Duddc'S addition ADpruved Aug.'' -i. 1891. W St. Pnn 1. Itnn:sey Couoty, Alln: ns ace- prov l by the. I'Int,'onon lssbuue. r. null:�. n• - - e dad by the City Engineer, bc, xnd the same is herchy accepted byy Oto Common By Ald. Dobner-Bit F No. M9- O'bricll of One City of St. 1'uul. It in here.h3' ordered by Lhe. Common Cuuncf l Adapted by the Banti of Aldermen Aug. 18. f Lbe City of 51. Paul: 1891. That. the atter of placing o gasoline Imnp /'- Vests -And. Ble{enherg. Butt. Conley, St-' on the north ali O)Io t f Long avenue, at the land. Iluhm•r, 11or:dde n. Oahu o, )fohtdy, Sao- I'�trk, Iw,th lnod aor ll c e: nmla�i k ernb5�nf •rrnd�ttY burn, Sulli ru n, AI r. I'n'siders t-1le 1. the hoard of Public- Works W h,restignW it Nays o .Adopted by the Alexin hir Aug. to lo,L art: er and u • .. teats--)L•esra, li:uaholzr r. Costello, Fam-' tela Lois In, pr a `u[ prop ce. lar . gntist, Me/'nffertp, Alv.Nanm•e Murray. OP-, if eo. scnul tau Connell LL Vro{wrturdordi- Ix•nbein:. Vain SIS-ke. DI r. \'lee President -9. rectlag the work to be done. Natys-!1 AAopted by the Board of Aldermen Aug. 18, Approved Aug. r. I191. I8'Jl. Ymcs--And. Biel -berg. Mott. Cooley. Cop_ land. Dobvee Born idea, Geh:u:. Melody, burn, Sulllva,a, Mr. President --11. Bd F No. 357 T- N1ts s--0' Resolved. That the grade of the alleys In Adoptcd by the Assembly AnGosq I1 S11 Rlm- hloeke fit :ad ,,5, Arlington: Bills :ulditinn, ''ens -Messrs. Bnnheltor, fronn Walsh avenge. to Arcade street, ns fn- I, Iso McCafferty. .1cNa race. Murray, Oppeo- helm, \':uf Slyke. Mr. Vice Presldenlr9. d iennvl ray the rod grmlC Iioe un pile : •' - Nu3.s__Il. p:tn}'i,:g praline :rad :ts 1 rn fended by the Approved Ang. l:ql. N:nglneer. Iw. lair thntt. rue 1. he. rap :ulopn• •: os the e,tobli I;:e l grade. Ad." by alae Board of Aldermen 4ug. IF, By Aid. Bielenberg-11d F No. 360- 191. 222 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL It in hereby onitru l by the Cuurmun Counril f [IrC City of St. Paul: 1, but the n at G•r of XrndinX altIIeY o .Ioltn.l en's subdivision of Mork nae 111. stir,- , loe ed, V.I.Beren an,j\IIn •I rn Ira L t. III o W - 1 t Aru mil I t t I) the n i- I r.ly rc fen 1 to the Iiottrd of Puldirl \V arks to invtsLig:n,- d mpurt: sell Pb­[, ilei. int Vrncttecnl Pnrpe r.ulol m•c_ �ticron-a-ice ihr and Int. a "timate of the rxpr n.w•Ihrmuf, nod .tu[r lirhel her' - hull'ufthcco,tth,-rrof I. Gr be paid into llh,- trcaeu ry heron• the erre tenet is lot. 'Il bird -Cue real `SGLG• to :v id irttl r aImvrmm�,- t. lrbho,-r.ttri,rm:lLryme'-lt I.v lniiGvl t ftho. r rhoelrrte L'ytels•merrrod ..• Foan'i It -Is snoh imle-emrnt :wk, -d fill- if orof the on- �rsof :L talo iia' of the property to 1 a•un,- 1 i[ih'ernd ihi�cou u�il a phut a prnflL of wld imp L. os rCrl Ili and by law, 11 po , ret tit f.L rf Lln• a'i., I _Vend the Coutlnillau :roller orderdi- rrrl I1IR Lhe work Io he dom•. All, by the lioard of Alde-Ion Aug. Is, b!) . Yea.--Ald. Iti,-lealwrtr. lint. Cnnlec. C�lx•- I:nel, Iloh mlr. Iroruide n, Grh:Ln. \1rIIidY.SnII- born, Srtllia':, n. M,. Prr.idrnl-11. N...so I. \dopt,-rl by Ihr boat I,l A, I :=T, Ik!11. Yca,-)ItS.r.. Ikan bol rr i. (a rM arra, I•:Ini- rlui.l.. Mrt'aM-i't Y- Mc N:um•t, illnrra)-. Ilp- In•nhrim. \':I tr Slyke. Mr. \'ics I'n•.idenl --!1. Ways --u. A pin ed Aeg. :7. ISPI. By Ald. Dielenberg-Fid F No.:3G1- hereby I'll ,I by Iht l'n I'll Council r f tore CILv of St. Patti: ' thy m:tttcr of 1 a X acilim• tIntel, from the .orlthavexte• Ir�ne r t tl I ase corer•I u[ I.nfnntl bud !: rottr stn, t. br; nrl the.. . 1 1 hY refrered to for Ciao nl IP hila\\ I-.' Irra r,l rg:nt unl I t I.' hi. 1 rot prop r•r noel _ ., II 1 1 l'ortncil r( bran I. rI)i- Ir GIr„ IIx• walk le br dour :\du peed 113the Ironed of Aldermen AUK. I%. IP!II. 1 -els -.\Id. Dieletrbe rR. Bott. Cunity. Copc- laud, D,,brarr, M Dornidel:. Gehl, Malady, Sun - born, Vull Clan, r. I'residuut-11. N-3-1-) . va Ad" - d by the Assembly Aug. S. IP!11. 1'cux--Messrs. b:m huleer. ' rIxlu�ni,htr, itn1I, oVCannlT, F(I)m MuNam,--, Murrny Sly'"" p- - ill r. \'ice President --n. Nuys.,l. • nPUrocl%1 Aug. :i. 15'81. By :kid. Mote--D(I F No. Uf It. is ),,-rally ordered by the Corriere Coaneil oft),r City n(Vt. Paul: Tlutt Ihr matter of rondrmninX and tit luK an easuLncllt In Lhe Innrabutting oilFunt Third st,,et, front Fart sGi•eet "I""' 11 clip limits, a eL •s.ury to ron,trurl Liar slnin•s for mnsand Ii ILI, IP 9jading said Snrvt. ln•. and f.hr .ant,- Is here y r,-fer .o I elm It rd er Public\York. to invrdtiga G• ami report: First. N this iu.provenumt proper and uccuss:uy7 � &xuud-Give ihr Council an esti mnW of OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL FOR 1891. 22:1 the rxln,Ir.o [Ilcreof. uml rtula. wile Cher une_ late wle-infothe .\dopn•d by Ite Doonl of Ab1,- -e err AeS. 11, term leo fart avid,- from Ch-teel siert' Io , In+ll. int avhere the i•n•ek, avhtele is till- ont let of Volt b:Ll(ot'lilt 1. -1than•nf is 1. -Hort• 1.'I`ll YrIrl. IS!rlt IN.- Ito('. ('ntd,-y, i'ulx•- Lti aiu race. a ptits into he A I.si..ippl Joltn W. Nnr[in. for tiro citI Lrexxe thx ,-onl a'r' id ill. ird-t'un rr•:al `.tato to Ira :w .ed 1'nr land. Dobe,- r. Dorniduli. G, -Ira n. ,Itlndy. tion- nc,- r. i f:aa-or If born. sellivan. Mr. 1'rr,.ident-11. nr of iFL:L�U.F} w'Gr Interest( tlien-oe ut. III,- •:\lid h I Illpruvtmoni br toned bem•fiG rl Lo elm Nnv -n. rat, it i per rent`. I, li ni from Sent. IIitlnm,-dm� of d:u....o , r.t.: ml r r.r . m (- n)to(a Iagl red ill,- a;. •, •xpet be Atoll 11 Ile.\�.tmbly Al 1'u. '_N. A. II t'HI I L t tl Yta.- -M Itnn hole'. Co to 11 r, F:I el- , that t I , IK t . drmd in the l onrt" .uelt IltrVnn entrnl nsk,-,l for Mc/ nit,- rly, MIN: I,,. \Iol ray. (Ip Dl,tr.ct On.1-1. of the (.onet) of Riin,.ry and It, artin Itpolr Ihr In•titio,l or an rlicnLinn of the o - as u. sGt'e o' Minnu.o GL, in flaa'or , f -I,1 , Ix'n b,-iVILIr SI)'i:r. yl I'. \"ice i'. -bb," tit. Paul, Ll,r '24th \ of +I mlorit}' of Cpl prnl,.')f' Gr b,- t._ for ell ai rdn.t the City of un day Stpt - her. A. D. IH', 'I, ie lr sold vl .n�h im nruvanra nt7 �t Fifth -send the Council a or' of A ,y,roa�rd .\ng. �. ]w.n, of l l n for Lhe dt r of 14.1439.54 and Idle prellh. Cid impr n4.:L, rerluin•d by -Illy. il' yon ,iudgmrmi. a' ,utislkd (art. 17- l'S`- to file exleut. -- aa'h' •I as rr\rort in fn ae err nl the wore. i.vth-:3r m1 the lnomcil :I Drolx•r order di- ref @I.UJi. Ald. ('oln•Iuml-Dd 1' N.r. :f�i - Said urdtr, to be drli,ered only' lipulr LIis rcnng Ihr work to IIe• done. Illy! . berth,' ordrmd by the I.iieoeun Cnu veil being Iilyd in the 011ier of Ib,- Cit,' Comp- sutisfnctier ul' c,aid iudguu,u N. dduptod by We Ito:anl ul' Aldrrnwn nag. 1%.,, r Llrr city of Sl. Pluto tmdler proper or the antito of , ndtmrnng ;uul tukiug \dopted by the Dunn1 err :\Idrruu•u Aug. u Y -1 -Aid. 11wh•n1-ti. Dun. Qnulcy, ('u x•- land, Dolrnr•r, ' Dorn id en. Gelinn. N, -Indy, Van- an �� Carne i are land nbu rting , I York lei. A'UI. alrutwrrll C)'nrrS..Lrra•i and F::IrI .L,rnt. 1'ra'-AId. lilulrn bt•rR• Ito. L, Con ley, ('ape_ horn, S,tllivun, \I r. i rosid,•nt.-II. Wit. stir cuts land, Debnrr. Ihrrnidel. (:shun. \tc Indy, Vun- to cu .tract tilt slops 'nr Noll,It .4 net ry fn XrndinX told �I cert, hr, ui d the born. Sullirun. Dir. 1'residrnt-ll. Adoplo by the As, Illy AIiv. '='r 1%UI. I uml•tlll�s '1 t •`r.. cd tin Ifn.nd u( lel \ y. li. VrrL. IS holm, l'r t.lrllo, F:I nt _anti nn I )V h, .usnG ll CporL 11 It(`t,-bar.l.a•IS.mlmlrc,1CotrrIlhtll.F.bn- 1 1. >Ic( til .la, \IrN:ttnrr, )Inrniy, Il - liatln, \:u )Ir. Vita ['used r.ppril Fir.L I tilt. Inipi rear ant. IrinPr i uml I • ylrCallrrty, ills N;mnv, \It r UY Ob- .Slyks. col N­­ r tr 1 St�rimd-G.r(. the Urumll : .Coon G. of Ix Iht int. \';ut Slyke, il1r \'leu 1'n•.ident U. :\Ppr r •d An„ !i. IP!II. Ihr rx x•ns,-S hereof, amt stut,-lw),rt her une-' Nay.I. Aug. _i. ISM. - half o� the ,-est. thrrtrlf is Lu Ire quill iota the 1 Approved .itv Irru<I.rY In•.fnru ihr rmltrarl is let. for Third-Cnu r,-.nl r,tnt¢ In hu us.r "d br lou nd br u`litcd lu'Che By Aid. Conisy--Dd FNo.:ial-- Lid IwPnry,-mcnl _ `-c ltnL ut danmXr., L'u.t. nl :'Dtn•es ; iaimnh•riedlh\rt I Il 1. h,-n•hy ordrn'd hY I.Irr• Com molt ('o,. m•71 ftle,cilyef Sl. 1'IIIII: ItviAld- 'rtl'y-inr br it n•td t),e',- by'; J -on y ho Cnnmmn uu m:!I rr`Fourth-1, tSol'lr Sl. 1'aItI:S"`!'.a i,bal. the rmn,-r oft tsl ruri.lnX n .ceavrr Imnl'ea'rnttlrl ukrd (rel' of the l'itJ'or the Inion r ,ppl!rnli I. of Ihr oaa' I I- 'Phut tile nrtl. rf I alley lir rr Sihltr from I'nlrnl sLr.-It .to the ltcn•. be ml lh,- . . III -by rofsrred G, Ilan d td he It by Lim Ire uta trra,jrrrity oft the m'uprrW' to be ux- bloc kl bun mind by Cllivurs ley. I1'l"l llr.l. imnnrvr men::• and IIe I:Ir•)• ar,-nur,, mSl,rriivr•I )'. prtet_ Itoa rd of i'llblirlaWOrl:s to -byesefIa v'T•td lo`,t-ch `'tint Fifth --.:end Ibt l:outrcil : pl;r 11 or pronto of inn i tbmhod. In• xnd the,am ri. hrrrby . in- port: F'Irst-1, tl cis lmprocemrnt Pn gree and nuc - , iw Pre vrona•ut. as vIple-d by I:nv, it 3'el 'erred d, the III r:u'd of Public \York, to Ligate, r,-lgrl: C,S:ir3':' ,p,rgqCid Iort in I:tvor of tilt s:Llnr. 's tt til ihr Council a Proper ordcr'a int -I, this iinpn,VenIIIII proper and n Second -(:ice tilt Council an •siinmlr of the expense tbe-of, and state lehrther on, cel r-Vrml 11,;cling for work to hr d,Ie I,, Srem.d-Give the Cnu nett nn �stlunnr of hill if rust thereof is to be id into IIIc pa Adopted by Ill, Board of Aldanm•n bug, the ry osr. ihen•ot', and stab• .c hclher nt r city Lrtnsu ry befom S'a am'earl. Ifl Irl. Third-Cxn hr pr 15:11. pair Vrus-:\Id. 13irlenhrrg. Dolt, Conley. Calx•- hal l' Of Lhe rust ibmrof in to hr 1 into the Ix`bl 11-1 11 Ltis IrL.I real estate Gr a,Se..ed for sold imnr enL hs found h,- n,-fll,-d Lu Ihr n.j�Ke lural, Debn .. D's-niden, Gtlmtr. ylrlud), Sau ,tri l�h l,iur. irY II fur II. t. t. I.dnmaRr S, •o t.:ml t rrL '\prn.s, t • • Boni, Sulllt�t,, ill1. I're,Idrat Liles fotlud he 111 1 L the 1 Ir to br im•u rn•d thcn•lr F til I. alt Inrnr r� tvk,-d tot N.r,v ar. s ,eL- A,I, rsrirel by t he •nbla 1n .'.. r. I.,rl 1 f I ire'. r.Ln ard 1 r'a. I I - 1 i er'1 be�elo'' upon Cha. pttiGnlr apphcn tri o,Lnf tpc awn 1' • - tl Bar bol a:t' r �b Ila , - ; Air i..r llr•rty Mahar tot coal'. u Fifth ml III,- (1me,11a plan or I, itil,•u( ilur.t Ile i,, -mleJ.Inpp1 manor preh, n VUe 11, -. \Ir. \'r, -e I're.rdurri. J 1 1 P " �- it, Chu G bra:ar- ud Ibr rr�ra t ,-nlui red by law, If You �•,ort f tl .':a t `. I th-Send til,- ('ou mrd a proper nater (it_ Naysr of 1 of ptopr(ty r - •d f 1 ,prurmmmt:' Appl ovml Aug. - . ISUI. Fifth-- Brod Iho Uon null :t plan ur irrunlo o[ n•, -t IIIg the aa'nrk to ),r door. ;Cid iln Ul'uc(vna'Irt• r(` rectal and by Inw, if you Adnptcd by the B,strd of Aid -lore Aug. 1P. r,-p„rt in favor of the lame. Iso 1. Vs:as--AW. Ilwirebr tf. Bell. Con ),')'. Cnp,-- SI>tlr-St ll Be. Council u prnprr order Iid I1. No.!1,7 . r nl b, rin's'e pan dirrrliegli r. work to III. dom•. ltr•,.1 vcd, I'liat r w.i Aug. 18, Inml, Dobner. Unrniden. GrluLn. Mel:ady,San- here. Sn l Mean. if r. Fr(`sident-Il. pG-11b t It it o f Aldermen the City'I'rutsn mt:L pny;. blr Ont o' Ilir�fnl\d Ado y Ibr us. cot n d n. •�.-- ISUI. Cols - Yny's_-fl. colla`tell uprm ...n for opening, a'idrliilig :Ind rxt,-nding Itirlmabrrg, 1tntL, l'mlley, Mcl:uly, Sua- by the Adu ard by the Assrm hl AUK. ;. 1%pl, leutholxcr, Cu,lelln. F.Im- ul,-uL L.1 trot gin feel a-idr from Che,DulL ,t rcet lu land. Dobner, Dor. en.,, Gohnu. is til(• elle bm•II.Silllivuu. Mr. 1'resllient. I1. quist,MrCIGTerty.)1,kNynnsO. Nurr:i)•, IJpp(,n- erinl, Van apoint where ,-nv.•k, which of Fnn mniP ravr.umpf ir. into Ihr \Ii si.- try As,mnbly AUK. -h, 1s!11. Slyke, \l r. `Iinn-Muret.-p. Nnye-II. (if ]'ri yr r, in furor of Ihr Coln milia Avruur Adnptcd I.lie r,. It. holzrr, Cuarllu. P.Iw- i nnprucsd Aug. ls!d. Suciug Fund. Sufc Deposit-tle and Trunl. 1'rxs-Yl rs, MrC':t lTrrLr. McNanmri D11Invy. i1p11eP- . C,r opnny of I'hil:tdelpll i:. 1'u., for Ilrc ,I nr turd'. I' laTIU1.4S. the rron ut tilt rite beim. \'Ira SI,'ke, Mr. Vier 1 rr�ideni-U. _ IA avitlr inlera.t L. OInut, (col Lbr -4LII dxy Nov 11S.SS, )11. Ix'r ern V'r of Sr•Plrutl n•r..\. X111. in JIM an -at rl' Lha, rr led Aug, :.7. IS91. D Ald. illC Indy -Dd F' No.:ll'd-- S rrGtin Imlgmeut ,-ad rr,- I int till' Pisn�ict - If i. hr rely ordun•d by the 1'om man Con nt•il l;i r.nt of the l'oon'y ref IL:I ntdey, stale of \tilt- of the Clly of Sl. PftUl: 11, St tilt mutter of pSolo c ting acre- .11., ill fa -rot Michael .1. i)'l:onl., Or and I Dr•In appellants, unrl agaiu,l the I By AId. Grllan-lid F• N,,.:f� i- \Ifc,-,Irtt•1.I,tI the noel Ill side over Ihr water ny. Me ' of 1h. Paul, rl•,poml,-nt, f I,'aid sum on It 1. hrrrby ord,riali by the c Inerlt l;ou aril )Ix rein Vil.afrl Id's Cily of It. 1'anl: box, t m•r Ch,-roker ii-euv. br and th0 saineis hereby to the Beard of Public r'Lhe lie drawn ne it-,' Cit 3' I '1'llnt for Imalcr of Ihr pa-, of Jacl;sun n•frnr•d Works ti, Invr.DXafe and mpnrl: Alse 'but nn order ml of Ibr fund rulirrtld ,Iruot, free. Greve dt- to I nivrrsiLy . vr- '1'rru,u elrLh. I, till, int Urovrmrnt prOlx•r and necrc.:Lry? n•r. payable aqua the a. cadnuu.t and rea.io-meat fur lac ca t. with ceder I r Pine blacks, ur ihr Is hereby referred W tilt if So. send the Cuunrilu prulx•r order']' tee'- ing 1.IIr truck to br dour. the upeniug, widouiug and rx0.•udiuK of a 90 and s;uno 224 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Imard of Public Works to Investigate and re- I the same is hereby ,-ham.uld to Goodrich uv. port: First. Is Lb is l mviovement Proper ulad nee -I co ur. See. '. Tlhis ordiu¢nty shall tulle ctreet essury., and be I, fume from m'd after ire pnsagc. Scro ul Gave the Colmcll ¢n estimate of I ,mal i y 1 t A �.aclabay Aug, 25, Is!». the e,,cense thereof.,cid stem whet het one half u� the cost thereof is to be fluid into the 1 1s -M Buuholzer. CostvUo.MCCaf- I f1•rty, M,Nuntta•., Mioet, Uppenloinn, Vun eilI, treasury befoty: tiro cool nu•t is let 7 lord -Can real ,-,tale to be n sed for Slyke, nl r. f'r,•sid cut -N. Nuys -U. ,aid I ptovement be found bunclited to the W. 11. Mra-y. evbmt of dunluKCv. costs and cxP- e. its- President of t he Assenbly su ry to hu incurred th1•reby:' Passed by the Board of Aldermen Sepl. Fourth -IS such im proveml•nt a. -tied fur ulwn the la Utiot or uppllcutiun of me o - I, IS!n. 1"cos-Aid. Biclell berg, lion. Conic)', t'Upc. ccs of t najority of ilia- property to hoes- 1 sensed for sue h improvement? 1 baud. Cullen, 1).beer. Dorniden, Snubonh. Sullivan, Air. Vice President -10. Fiftla-Send Lite Council n phtn r motile of said intpnrvement, its reduired by �aw. if Nuys -d. JOIIN' F. GE11AN, you report in favor of the saute. Vice Pcesidellt of t Ile tial, of Aldermen. Slxu,-Send the CoUncB a props' order . Anprevod S"". "I.";'! dicteling the work to tic. alone. I Roulnar A, S, l a. mayor, Ado ated by tLe Board of Aldermen Aug . AL14:s1,: City Ulerk. Taos A. 1'ItY.N ueiu:.\sT'. Is. is!)�. Yeas -Aid. 13lelenberg, Butt. Conley. Cope- Sep 1. 7. land. Rubner. Derrida.., Gvlm'. 1lcludy. Sun- burn. Sulllvun, lir. President Nays U. Adopt4•ai by the AsscnablY AUK. •'L5. IRUI. Y,eus-n1,-srs. B,tnholrer. Costell'l.rElan gala L. Me',tlrert y, nloNantee. Muray. Op I.•nLrim. V nu Slyke. It,. vice rresideat- o. Nays -U. Approved Aug. 27. 1FJ1. 133, Aid. Durnidcn-Ibi F Nu. 371- Itrsolved, Thu, the Board f Public Works w the sprinkliPg of Guudnue si deet from W's,'ern uttnue to Itichnioud street W bo by the Board of Alderman Aug. 18, IU. Blelruberg. Bott. Conley Col - r, Uurnld,-it, Gelaun. Melody, Sun- s I tl, hl r. I'rt•nident-11. by the Assembly Aug. i. 18111. Eltll- Approved Aug. 27, th111. Pre.ideutof ill, Ib rat of Alder,ove. \v. P. Mot. Ar. 1'rosilho t of tllC Assembly. nos. A. YIt1:NUeltu tcr,City Clerk. Aug. 31. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Ili Ordiunnren ll I'and Resolutions Adopted by o the Cm ulna Cotmcll of the City n! St. 1'xul, t)rdiunneo No. ]GC, A'y F No. 186- A n orciirhnnco rlmnginK Lhe telco[ Crtruu, 11111 layerCn ant ails Int1•ncCUUn of I'Ir_ns- nt uvcnuc westward to the City limits to Goodrich LLv,•ttUa. The Common Con nett of the City of St. Poul In ordain Its follows: S1•ctlotl I. That the n of Cuneus Ilial avenue from the int.•rsectiun of Pleasant uvenue westward to the city limits be, and Urdinu ncC No. 1•' No. 150- , An onlinanec nuthurizing Lhe issue of certiN- - utes of indebtedness. -I TIcCCotnmer. as (Couneilof t he City of St. p+lul du ordLLin 0)Bow,: Sectors 1. That the Conunitt.•c of Wuysuad MCans of the Assembly null the cmarittee of \y¢ys and Ml4lnti tC LLC ISourd of Aldcr- men, acting land nary, be. :old they oro hcrruy all mdetated and d]ra.•cted id 's.h.v tcrtilicatCs of imlCbtcti ness.,us 1aa rr, ed Ly ait,a or, liC- r , :a r suction t rreC 1:11If a ,tet of the Lt�f{.',islnturo of the Sint,- of hfinncsrt:trn- titl`d'•Au nett ameml the charter of tide t'Ity of I Paul; t).c s• me being nt net on- t.itled an ,act Cntited 'Au act as reduce the low im'or"I'atiog till• Cit))• of St. I'taul, ill the l'ounty of Itnmsey ,and State of Mill neaot+t. :cid LLC several acts untendntor i flit ,f. and •ertuin of her act relntl ng to s+id,-ity, luta I ,• act, and to amend- the s;tmc,' which act was tp ar-cd Marc]. it it 1, (.ald, olKhlecu �humlrvul Ind seventy-four. 11x71), land the , •ts unlondatory thervol'.andI1Ipletnell hal ttltereLo.' a rprot•ed March 24. IShI, in antici. proton of tjle cul eciioo of tile taxes for I.hl• IISUI in the amuunlsnml for the raising fuels for t).e following flurposCs, to -wit: N'ur thepltymen tuf inten•st on uut- ita.,at LU,tds. HollI.ne any - e tof Lhe pr incl pal o Ialou It nI, nt I trtil m aturity.......e p ... .. FSt1,IMMl W Forrlhe su plxrrt f tile pollen de- pr"alli t of still t• it)' .............. Kt,IXX1 ou F`or tilelightinK ofsnid :fty........ 12s,lAXIW N'lr the paymm.t 'y ..Ili a Ry of its bills soul oxpc'nditlme, fur nailer Leto oil For IIt,• Payment by said ray of Its I rtlat of talo exlreuditu nes of the Itotrc 11 Control .............. It,") out ForY.lm su Pport end nalntommcr of LLC pull u, ree schools of still city, land fur the uyment If Ulu mploy'—f the I�m"'d If School II rrtorsof the City of St. Paul :Ue-hot 110 FurCllr elpport. Uf tit,- dcp:a r[nmot of alto ISuiidhlK Inspector of sold city ................. ..... ...... .. 8,500 Ili For the s". plaart• of the health Ic Part nhent of said For the Uuynlent Ly ,aid rile of Its portio1n f the Ian In ten ansa- of Lhe court house and city hill[... 17,04. W For the su apart of the workllual.w of sold r�ty..... .. .......... 20JX)0 W For the paymelt of salaries and OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL FOR 1891. 225 clerk hire of the engineering de. 1 the amount of land to the street vacuted: Pnrit - of said city.... Boa 3U.(NIO W and, whereas. the said el C. Stout paid ha to For Lite support of the Board of the, city trcusu rp undor tLC provisions UI' Yu Ulie\Vorks of said city.......... 15.51) 00 twenty-seven ('27), Special Lltws of For Uto Pity men t of, alari-of Lho M ium..•+otu, IK19: therefore. be It 1:11i - re f said city'. laud for tied. R,-,ul red. 'I'huL the promise. so d,-dicatod Ir. lot Otherrr lee luoridcd for.. 35,50 W I to public a us a street, in hell of t).c street F'ur ulenoinKnnd rep;tirinK streets, ru•:tted. be and the same is lo -by fi-I at sim,y lks:old crosswalks 12:1,01/000 '. 1 he sum of ..,txl. For printmgnndstut'on-v fol the ft solved• further. That there be und k depnrtme t, of -tai city 3'2,U'tn W 1 by approprmtrd,lel ect apart in ill,, city For the support of the 1 Ivi pal 'tca—t-Y, out of t hu geue•ni food. U., sem.11' u r�. Of.:itl star.. .. rtu�. .. IU,fKX1011'.Y.lftl'lilt et' ung moneys in said treason trot Sec.:'. The r, -r tancutCs shall he issued from oth-w'i,c :lpproprisated, lad t).0 cloy- trlel. tint,- to tinkle hy,tld curnnlittec it, the slum airy is ).,-,-city : + th'lrize f u id I, t roc ted to slhull be a erossary I,. provide fund. Por the over the sold sum of ?:tUU to the '+ id J. L_nests uses net purpose. xs sbtLod in sen- f':`titonl. And that a proper city order bo ion me U) rf this ord,nun,-,-, which ,ai 1 hrntt•n open tbeeity treasury i I flavor of sLLill certifi-tes shall beau' dote Supt. 1, iN!ll. J.C.Stain for -.11 sunt. lad shall Is. I'surd to mature net later thug ' Id d,d by ill,- Assembly Ang. 2.5. IS01. ttlp2, ;ami s).all draw Interest Yrns-yte,,rs. BlualI " Costello, . e- at Ute •ate of li 1 er eat r lar , n' Ilai.t, nlcllul[u Sit ,, Miae , U )peu- und mmc� o[ avid cern llentcs Shn�l h,- sold afar' net na. \'un SIS-Iic. ylr. I.....th•n t -!l. a - c -n lin tea man Imt rued tbt.er'e�t. Jnia ) par : •� 1 h I f Aldermen Salto. l Ado dell a tile Board o fte-,atcs sllnll be mode cable xt for 1 5 flu. 'l1 rof the l'it' Isnl Nae of Lbe l'Itg Tn•nntre } Col. - St. Orat lhC finnncinl age nrork Lbe Cityof Yens Co'lly Iii IMbeer. Ioruil,alSanborn. S.Corn. St. I icti in tit,- City oY Nety tock, nml „id i bunt. Ch,llen. Rubner. Durnidcn, Jun loco. Urtllicntes shall state for trldClh of ' Plaid de- I S1,Iliru n. DI r. Vice 1'resident-IU. partments the proceeds it said c,,tiIj%t,, Nags �). ,nlall h,- used. App cured Sept. :t, IR!)I. tirc.:i. This urrlinunce mull lake c• free nod be In force from and after Its pltnliculiun. -- I'aaed lay a a, A.wem).ly .\,Ig. 2.;, Is!II. Yens -)?cars. Banhol.- Co,o.11o, E an- 1ltist, yf,-Nurner, nlie,n, l)ppt•nhcim. Val: 11yke, nlr. .M, -C tTerty Nnya-Mr. Meahre,-rty-l. I'rrsrdof A tealienSnay. Passed by ?lac Board of A Idea Seat. I. Yea—Ale. Bi]lot berg. Butt, Conley. ('ops_ Incl. Clt len, ]lot or. 1) ideal. Julli va n, M, Vire President -d. N:y',--'\.Id. Sun Lorn-1. Atlil'rosidc 1, of the Board of Aldcrutt•n. Atli reel hep 1.:1. al.h ILI utIneT A. Sporn. \Inger \hest: 7'uos. A. 1'iteN nlmo AST. City Cl,.:!,, Sept 1. A', No. -:a- WII • The Common Council of till City of St. 1'nul, at n u oe ing held o,I the 1st dos' of OcLnLer. A. D. ISv1L dill adopt it %, •sal utioll eating that. p'ldlion of 1'Icnsulat place, ,Itu- Ur t:1 -en I'lonsuntarunuu, :•o. t uP the west. Ili., il of tut ?went y -four 12, 1. ill said block Ili a•" ,A).`tn l e Stu[ the wr,i Ilse of l,1 surrll (7). 1, said Ulou+k tour (A) whom said _t lino I, e tended so as to meet each other, said hlov6, four (11 • lad titres 831 beinK blocks LL eco IJI uodt four 11, of .1. C'. titoll [� s ndditUn to SUltunit Turk, in St. Palal. Minm•sout: and. -ncrcus, said 0unmun Co,tncil at itIctinK hold OCt.3. A. D. Wil, did ado at a s dution tixhhg the vah,o of the lam s t' catrd at fill): ;old wh,-tta,. the staid s ootCht (13181, Lho •u lu n Lte 1. 'It t he ole in i,e, 1G1U.d. n,c laxed hyla re-natiou of the Common Cu Curl 1. w s by J. C. Stant Dtirl it to the in•neu rY nt' tl�u ty o f St. t'n1d for 1 he fl u rpo.r tan d 't n 0 rdcr that 11 certain re:trtxngrratent huh a Iltttia,g ;;f .1. C. Sten Cs .S and udditiono to tit. 114 light lunt he daiha alld has Ibcclti •dtI1111wutvltbr tl n licN.- ,"Id Stunt t'l onhiie -,c no :,sa I.reet, and a mart u[und ut thetierof said t Inition umrcman C,luivuleut to value and nttu to IS0- Itosulred. That ;, order bedrawo h n the cit)' trcusu ry. ptpab l,- out of tlo, city olltcer.: -litry fund. all favor of John E. lbaggc,lnlil- ler. for the sa of rroo, I iruynn•nt of his u lacy ua City11Wclgherof Coul nod In,pr,-t'lr I f Wuud, 1'ur tllu months of May. Jane and July. hall. \doptcd by t.be Aably AnK. Ycns-ylrsstes. llnnllulrnauor, Co, collo. McCu[- it•rty, McNamee, Mbteu. Uppcnheio:, Mr. Ir'N7. t)�s�l. Adopted by Ute Board of A111,1A111,1111,11erl•11 Sept. 1. I'!l, . YcuId. Iticlrnbm'K, Bol t, Cooley. Cope- land. Cllllela, Rubner. Ro,'IUden, Saltburn. Sollivtul, Mr. Vice President -10. Nuys -U. Approved Sept. 3, ISM. lis Conmaittec on Jail Site-A'y F No. 181- Itosulred. 7'lutt the City Clerk be and he is 1 en•bg eG•d to 1 dvertise [or aid. far f r e.�to Ili- ased in IacatillK the matt' I:til bol old iang, teen rdir'K to the plansnnd,peeificn- tiens un toe in the utlirr , f E. I. Ba.afoo aiold acct. Ronin Iki,GllliDue oil a: k. St. rail. l n ll. Adopted by tit,- 1'eus-ylrn,rs. Built orbrayr, A(7a>gUlsltlu•_'. i ). tIl.c f1ortynlcNytu. Utpelu).cinal 1, 1 1. .,dem-7. Na, Ys -11d . Adopteby tam Board lar,\Idcrmru Sept. 1. lspl. Yeas -Aid. lticl,-nlw rg. loot?, f'unlcy. Cope_ Inn11, Cull,•al, Roboer. Roroidelh, Site[ S llllirull. \I r. \'lee President -!U. Nays1, A Ill -red Sept. 3. 1+9I. Ba- ytr. Minna-A'y N Nu. ln'_'- II deb.)' of St.d by the Uunnuuu l'on aril of lltt• City ul Jt. caul: 926 PROCEEDINGS Oil THE COMMON COUNCIL 'l'b;rt the ,ntler .f ^reulinK Raker el nroL' Ir.II, Cherokeeu Ir •�ea ne I. ('III' m;wa :t I", and Ire I+ 'ehy r. torted i ii.. Hoard of 1'.b ,`e \Yuri. to III ve-:tiKuto curl Ceti, Iimprerer.e.t feop. amt ntr- cuZ., -Gi •u tlr. Can nail u •sli.nrte of the I. I.ld a cher..,'. r rad sh,terwheLbur r - hulT of Lhe cast thernulf i. t. be I lid inL. tiro cityLrun,u rY b.fure Lhe conLrnet I, lei.. '1't ird-Can e:a e.cut. br he n,ve..ed fur said iellt. b. 1—...I benefited Lu Lhe r Lt•IL of <Inul:.-•o,, • rsts and o_vPen.,es net•- Lu bo i.ru n'..I hereby? e, . F'uti rt it -In s teh1 1pr .loot. f asked fur '.- upon Lim I,eLitiull a .pieiothe ere .f tool ri Ly of the lpropt."Il erly t. sessorl Ler sut�b i � roti Ft Rh C -Sena the ouncil a Pl nn I , if Yoe .:iia Imprv, cut, u.. settle. d LY law, if you 1. titvin t f the settle. i cSrt �tll_Se al rUhe C(ru ,cit it prrp.r anter direrti ng th. wv,rk to be -11 A dopWd by the A,s . by Yells -Messrs. Ibtnhnlzer, Cosbdb, tett,. McNani e, Mine.. Oppenheim. Mr. !'ccs-IIdem-7. N ays. na.ptet(•dbyfile H.ara.fAmmme. Sept. 1. 1891. Ymes-Aldo IhclelrbrD Dort, , Pi Inoa. C r.n. a Pb i, ent ileo, Suvbarl:, Itrlo,. Mr. Vire 1'residcut-l.. N __o Approved Sept, :3. I891. HY air. 1linen-A'y F Nn. 1,8- Iti.herel,> orrlen•.I by I).,.CuIIIIII r Cm,.eit of t11e Chiet y 1: "1 tSto. rPu.[l u That temp othenr,1,- est, coPuqu street I- and the same Y' h.tr by refern•d item -d of Pabli. Works to i. ve.:iKnt.:Iod n pul:�tbl,im ,ruvemet„ lo..e,s:u. .:• If so. seal L�:e�/ou oeil,i,ro PeC Itlarrlur direic- IIIK t bw work to be duni,ruper Adapted by the A, enlbly Aug. Y:r, 18!11. ]'e:..-Mc,sn. Itunholz'i. Co,tello, M -Q f- fertp. h[cN.meet Mincx. UppenheI m, Mr. President. -7 Adup d by the 13onr1 of AIII r,rrel, Sept. I, 1sill . }'ens -Aid. IhielenherK, Dolt- Cunley. , SunCbuup Sool,i,Culylr. Vie, 1n•sident-10- NIY-o. rne- . App- ed Sept. 3, 18!11. HY Jlr.O rp.n )' F' N.. I,�i- 1:.Is herecr) arar•red by we Cou Igen Couneil r r tbo city of St. Pout,: Thatth'. mtterof can, trucl inq it . eNcr En,t Sunu.It n,v.ue. frc nl Central Park drive , hundred Iain t,rr uty IILMII fee, est.rl, be, anI Lhe ,:foie is hereby referred b.the be of Public Works IIIIn r.stiKulc , 1 rope t: n t�lra�i, wit hoer„t.!e.t nr.per and ntt- ts�ecYnd-Give the Coonoil n estimate of Lhe espmrs. the reof, notl .tate whether r ball' or ibe lust there d' :s t , he paid mt.:rhe eilY trell,ury' before 11 1, Ir.,I N lel. Third-Cun real est. to to be us,essed for said improveln,I be found beneflted w the .r teat u(rinnmgo,-ru,t..:wd -111 ,es nut s tY tub,• inrll reed the rebY'. . meek mpruvmt"o,t. :t+keel fur ono r 11: petitiull a cotta hcrtti.rr of the o - �rt :, urn Ju tit: .f the nrupr"t?' to hr n�- .:. •d ,'ur r �Ir it orovemeotr � �ePittb-Sendct Ire Cru ,ciln Pl r, rprod le of (rl i n1rrocen,un L, ,s cr plired VY 1:, w, if you af,of 111.1, di- tli ���n Ire, tlC-it :f r.rp:�r .race Lhe w -o I'k to he Biro..„ t \•Il ulrlerl ICY Ll,r• A..:•m bly .\n t'.115, IM, 1'r •:t. -\I •-. r.. It.to le,li •r, t,. rm. Sl, N.1'al'. eri r. \ic Nnlm•e, tlpp.Ilhei nl. \':r II SIy'k:•, yl r. N d 11. opl Adopted by the It.0 rd oC Alde rtm.I Sept. 1, Veil, lII Id. Ilielen h-1. H.1I. Conley, I:IoI. Callen. Il. -e P,. dell ide o, Sanb S1 Ilic;ur. Mi. Vice I'rc=:dent.-Ifl, Nny,-11. Apptvv.rl Sept. :t, 11A. A'r F Nu. Ip0- .ILeduIr,;L II,t till!cu ltId,t. ,rato;; idata At— '!5. 1.!I I. b.twer•„ P. 11. Nb -berry u, 1 L1'Iliie. doinK h:I+hl,"::., NISI y S )1'Iri 4;. nr,rl the CiY It St. Punt. 1.r th.Ic - �dollligthe bu i ltling , ileale un hl, , (I I rfabio.k eIw 'Wen lis,, Irl-, .0 Irrimiwrnddi- t.t t t l 1 11 t .'t a11' t JI it.1 I. to "able 1 d l t 1 1 I, 1 b) 1 1 d 1 tl `� a t. fli. het., Ihr I. d tr r. roc Lr. ,old net:; b:.baro, the. r [yy Adu of ed b,' the As.emhl vl 18.1. -rie,.r,. ILtlrhol'ri•r. ,.stella. EIIrI- 1t .t" NM':IRertY. McNun,ee. )linen. 11n - pr ,bei nl. Vnlr SIJ'kc, lir. Pr.siner,t-!I. Nay, -.. Adnnru uptvd by i ,,- Board )f AbleSept. 1. Yea. -Aldo Hiele ohe rK, lb,d (7unley. C, pe- Iunl, Cullen, I)ab ne r. I)arrridull. Sun our,:. S r111irun. JI r. Vi.e I'resld.11t-19. Nnr.-o. Apprured Sent. :i. 18111. A',r F' Nc. 1111- lu the mail e- ,I he r•p,rt ui the Dunrll .f I'rl bli. \Yorks dated AuK. 2.. 1891. ed It t. hereby urde rb, the Cun.nan Gmuril f the City of S[. 1'nti l: Thn, the 13un nl of Public Warks of slid city I of . I Pune cue to the fol o'e, K impr rvu- •nts I be Had [o-n'it: Const ru eta ,ix - [..t «len �,Idc}v:a k, tuget bcr wrtll cho -r�nik, : Omer n fr_tj�theO , urth .II of Cart It. from the '1 it r t tut n [uI, I .I' rIS line u[lot:tu. i, bloek 411. St Anthony l rf l.fnrrn �hetil ub ctrl of tLif p�usd `,rnve iur e It ,vulk on Goldon u, e t 1 '[ t t al,. all OIt mrtLherlyside If. d t ter one omn K,slon,tr•ttW count} r: ad. That said Ilan rA shall Prurtrd w'LhouL Ic- hty to a cess thea I 'nrly ns they ertnin the s ,vl Ich ,,III be r - "nnNl r. l•+etlr,,ttesIun( h.r-p'Inbcenthe tur`• beesvnraidd h ,alpl vfrln nchuc.ehrt - l IPro-•nlenl, tp',ri Je 1 h)' In, : It being the. uplolo lr of he Caoncil tlmt r'nI e -.tutu to be nvse,sed fnr..ell impr t null, mart be fu ind b, I, . if (I to the extent ref the cu,ls anti ovpeuses nec- essliry to be incurred the by. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 227 Aduptetl by the \.,en, bly A—. ``_i, 1F!il. Yrun-\le+.�r>. ltun `I,�Nra n,eee"e rma.F.�„- quts6_ McCnifer,Y. D- penlrelm, \"nn Sly I. Mr. Ple.itleo t, !1. Ado ,ted by the Don rd .f Aldermen tient. t, Isf,. -A Id. if ielenlvrK, fiat I.('rn:ley.(`Pe h,od,t'rl lien. Hobnr•r, Darn idea. S.Il,birrn. Srl llivan. )I r. ,ice Preslrle„i-M. i Nay -a1, A pneoved Sept. 3. IS91. A'y F Nn. "the matt+•r if the report of the Ilonrd of Public Work. dated Auir. "-'r, 1*`.1. IC is hereby uriered by Ihr ('omnum l'ou ncil of Lhe Cit)' of St. Paul: 'rmv the Hai,rd .r rra,ue W.rh.r ,:da CII, of St. rgl euu,e,in• (oouwl.K tmprove- ent to h, made, U, -,r71: t'onni tact. u fmt } :odea ,ide,rulk, toKe,ber rich be tory a yolks on the Icr11, amide of Ilett' -4, ras,t IlooloY arcane. tett" the count)' rood to l:or- doll .tenor. in said eity. 'Phut suit) Hoard shall pr • •eel wit horn tlr•- InY / as,evc the enro,InL !oh iclilr ,y 11 bti bey t� •rt:,iu we } rl(lli cud to pay (he t �tit�. •; ml tl i� re. acuses or e bel Imed bI cnL ti��r`ii •state• tobotba Ise; i by , ul a '1Ier1 b, In, it LeinK the apt Dian i the Corineil 16x1 real"' he a to be n„e soca for fele impr , t n be ...I,l i .Clil e(1 to thec't t. f it r. .I.' 1 .I tt tl Ad }Pita 1), 11 : As.— mbl} "I>, ter. I Ul. 1'en,-Mes,rs. lixr,bul�er. ('..teI•:Im- quict,. )IaCn Rvrty. MI. Il're,iIsi \lI ma, UP- penl,eln,, DI r. de.Ilt-9. Nay,-.. Adirpi.d by ,he Donal of Aldermen SI•P,, 1. uI. Yens -Ala. Ihielenho rK, Ilett. ('.niey, ('opr- Inud, l'ulle n, Hubner. Ile rrlriden. �.m burn. SI Ilivun. Mr. \'ire 1'rr=iaen[ la. -N." A lour, en Sell,.:. I191. lu the ma tee sport 'It ib: Runrd o[ I',I bIIe \Y—k,, rks dnterl IL I. he. rt•.by orae reel by I.he Cumm.n C.rl Heil fare the ur K1. Pala: 'thal. the. iiourd or Public Wlllr s of said t'.itY .( SL. I'm,i enu�r the fnlloainK hnprove- •oi to h. telae, t.-,}'iL: Cuntroel a Ie foot -)"de" si:lr,}': [III;, (rKe, her wolr the „1, rY t talks, r : the tall tl1l ilfHarr Iitn lrker ,Lree[,\(�om Ou kdnle ureom `'firut. said liar 1 slrnll Po rceed w11.boI11 ne1,I)L 1r .sr .. the onto rl rat n. r r ly :rs IheY eat:Ii rr I I:r• .:one. w bleb wi 11 Ire cerin i red irr,} C . -t. I I I Ll y Il t. l In� bem•Htr d by 'o I I ­' t Ill In,,: it heinK tht• 1. f tl sac 1, litnpeor1en r.itratl tI"e Ile ll nil hr oclitrvl 10 ,he e�tellL o(the c.,ls n1i11 erlrr•Ist•.. mi- n')' In I'incurred thetr•by. e>:\nnptea by the Axarm bl, AnK. ^^_5 11111. \tI` \I(�CnR„rt)M.N�Inu.�. rrsine )lit" a, 1.Op rioi, pen dei nl. \'all S13 he. Mr. 1're,ide n,.-!. Nov, -h. Adirptell by the Hon rd of Alae rn,.n Fclrt. 1, 891. Vcns-Aid. Die lenberq, holt, Conle)', C.1u'- land, thllun. V rbnor. Hurn idea, Fn nbo rn S Nar'ntr. )I r'. ice 1're.l cleat -IU. Nay J',-.. Anprv,red Sept. J. 1s91. A', t' Nu. 19 - In the rn:,tl er of the report of the D.ard of Pnblie \\'orl<s dated A.:K. 9i. 1,!n. 71 1. hereby urdereti by the Uonr n,un Cuo ncll T'the Cit}- ut St. Rrirl: IInt th. Hnn rd of Public Work,: of said City If St. 1'I cause llm folla,ri.Kin,r •- cut+ to be , ode it: Cunt tactpars�i a' flintw .den s1lcwltlk. together with the nec- Itry.�rras,walie,. on Hr, loll I1, side of Gillen street, from 0.1WHIII nre.ue to Hrown nvenne. Thatsaid Hard shall proeeediitbolltdo- Iny to asset.. the anlall.t ;is I early It, they e", rt the snit"!. }vhieil will �lirt rt,I to any ties nd e cost, a pr.s•, .f ..Il cls it"pro eniput. upol,i the teal estate II, be brnetiled by -At 1.lprove- ct. : s Vtnr'!It by law: I[ b.I., tbn t�poinioll of the Council that real estate t. be je­essrd for -ch tmprorement Duo be Coo,Irl he o•.... l ,o ,, hetftrlt If ncurr,Id thereby.Ia c>pe..e,I.e I",[W Iidanted III the Asmnbly .Auq. 25, Ih91. Yeas -Mees r,. I3anhol.er. ,osteon. Fhn- rloi,t, \let', R.rt c. 111eNnmce, Jlia 1, Oppen- heim, \'n1: Slyke. ill r. Prt'sfdeot-9. Nnrs al. Adirpted by the Donrd of Allier nlon Sept. 1, 1• Il Y.- Ald. Ibelelhr, K. Dot 1. Onnlry, tone_ land. Cully rr, oubm t. lhrr It I. ti.rr burn. ti n llic:oi 11 r. \ rcc Fn e,deot -In. \ray.. r. \pproYcd S1111. :I. 1891- AnIs- lo Lhe ern iter cif the Porunf the [hoard of Ilehh, \York, doted A,_ a" -, i, Is!II. 11 is hereby ordered by the Con, man C'llllllell of -the City If St. Iwai: That. the Dein rd of Public Work, If Pity of St. Paul •nu,e the follow-:..;; it"I - md, W be I nrlr, n, wit: ,oust root :t s't, fr,ot wooden sidewalk. together with the nee - 'u11, un etlorthea,terly IIe of K,�ton r�.tr•et. from Dooley n vgnue to Do, well nreone. in curl eft)•. •rlrnt,:,ia Dam'a,hml i,r..rea}riumntaelny. to:r..e., the nn,uulr t, : srn I}}' t, they ran er�:a r, the .vane, wbwhtw be�rt.I red co p:U'tl,o eusL, :, Irl rr •s my expen,r.s (snel, m prrre:m•u'ihc�reul e,tnie to Irr• beo- r•litlerl by nu rl 1ln prurenl circ, s pruridel Icy Inul rlNtn.� Bio the t, pi nionrir fr,rMnch uticll >,Ilnt r •rat , I t I —, ntIII 1 t r t ate er..`,s uml e>Ptns mit.. ,tr) to lx. m C11:ed ibe reby. d.ptod ley the A>,cmbly Aug. el ls!:1. I\sL \I`CIti ty. ISN INi INl llirulr Olen- bei nr, \ aII S13 kr , NI. 1 Tebbe lt. 9, y' Nn,- 11, Adapted fly the IArm<I of Aldermon Feet. 1, 16111. Hort, c'un1'Y, 1, Md. llielen he 1 haul, Mi. II- Pr,s.le"t-1lcn,Sanburu,Sul- li,-nrr, ..\I r. \"ice I'n•,ident-In. Approred Fe It. 3. Isla. f??8 PROC'EEDINGS OF THE COMDION COUNCIL 0 OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. FOR 1891. 229 IT, the matter of tl,e report of the Boatrd of Fourth -Is such improvement asked for P,tblic \Bork. doted Al,g. Li, IS91. open till- petition or applicailon of the own - IT i. horebp ordered by the (loin muu Council erg of a majority of the property to betas - of t he l'Ry of SL. 1'nul: That the Board of Public }Corks of the City s, -ed foralch in,nrovement? Fil'lh-Send the Council it plan it trodle of St. I'uul eu,ue the following improvements of .aid improvement, a' r,nluared by law, if ire bC nmde, LU \cit: 1'o nst•uet Il plank sees- roll: on the south side of Carroll street nerosn you report ill favor of the .:line. Sixth -Send the C'ounc'il II proper order Clo,t.tcorth street in said `it - t 3. Adopted by D,e Assembly Al,q. •,5, 16:11. die cTin •til • ' o k work to be done. 1 \dopa, I by the Assembly AUK. 2'l-. 1891. 1"I•ns--Ml-ssrs. 11. it hillier. Costello. Elm- !,list, Me0dle,t3". 31e Nn me,. 311ac•n, Oppen- Yens -Messrs. Bun bolr.,r. Costello. MIT.. quit.3h-CaIT,rl} M1 Nuntee. 3110 -a. On- bein,, }-n I, Slyke, 31 r. Press(tent-9. Nuys -9. pen ilei m. Vun Sly k,. 31 r. 1'resi dent Adopted by ike Board of Aldermen Sept. 1. 1S1i1, Adopted by tbl- Hoard of Aldermen Sept. 1. IN91. Yea -Ald, Bieleuberg. Boat.Conl,p. Copra lens -,\Id. Ilieh-nl-g. Bott. Cooley.Cupr- land. Cullen. Dobner. D-oiden. Sao born.' Sollivao, 31r. \'ice President -lo. Inorl. Culll'n. Dobner. Doroideo. S:t, lllorl,. Sullivan, All-. Vire President --IU. Nays -o. NI,3'N-0. Approved Sept.. 3. 1591. A pproced Sept. ;l. 7891. A', F No. IN- Icy Mr. F.Imrl uist-A'3' F Nn. 1!l-!)-- $esolcod. By the ANsmllbly and Board of It is hereby' orde rrdby the l'um mon ('minril Aldermen f the City of ST, 11-1. State of Dimnesotn, r7'bnt IhC pr, (per sill- officers a , f till- City of St. Paul: That the nuatterof condemning and taking „I•rehr io.NLrurt,d 11 issue fi fiS 11111111191- no ,us„nent In the land nbu tG ng on Ilio ,aBry P,,,tl i,Sclri�,oinnl�innslof one hhr(teund dol- star block u. Arlington hills addition, n •s- 3 to c -,tract the Slopes fur suis and fill. lar. (?t t_s1jl ,h, bearing (title of Aug. 1, Intl, in Kruding Bald alley, l,c ml the s me is aid interest ut the race of four and ono -half ro^nl.foli" ill ao 1 hm',l,p re fcrred to elle Ito..d of P.1,11\VorI, auG rnport: toirst .!Ielin!fi nunclnl �CltS frSt. }a'-, c -r , •1'uul IKate First -la this im pruven,ent prober, and nec- in Lhr City of New York, pri nripnl �,nc- � ensu rp? utile on the first day of .\ugua, A. D. 1!l-_ , lie- ticv.•oud-Citi the Council all est.imnt , of ingtlaity years from The dateoi issue, for Nee :, 'i l vl in ( 1 orpu. s pros t , "net" of Ibe ex amens thereof. and state whetherone- I,gJlof the costthereof is to be paid into the T _' I,egislut Ure of Lhe StllC o(3lis nesotu. coli-,it)'tr,nsltry before the contract IN let. tled "An ort alt aa,Ll,urizc the. City of St. Paul. to isete boons for the erection r f :adds lienal Third -Gan real :.sate to be asses -sett for td improvement be found bem•fited To the I nliltlings. hCatinK panni. ate.. for hospital elite n pl damages, costs and expenses nee- purposepproved Feb..S. InsI. S;ddessa',. to be Incurred therobv? shLLll I. newoti:led and .sold by till• "commis- Fourth -Is such Im proremrtt naked for sinners oTtheint,rest and sinking fit Ill. upon the petiliol, r ,I..tior,oftbr•ow1,- the proceeds th,rr•of shall til• placed til the era of a Inaba if the prula•rl>' to be as - a, are:usury for the said hospital pal rposes. Is provided bS the net. s '.`d for sIxh fmpr,vement. eFi fab -Semi tl,n Cou ncll a plan or protllr of 1\dopted by Ibe Assem bay A og.^-5. 1891. 'cuN-Mos.vrs. Ranhulzrr, .sit id im provem,nL, ns reyu(red 63' Ian'. If yon Costello, Elm- rI est. DI A"mer. Aline", Oppenheim. Van report in I'uvor of ihes ins. S,xTh-Send the Cmmoii a proper order Slyke. Mr.I P.-iden T -s. idhrct ;�I ing the work to be done. Ss-McCaffi tv-1. Adopted by the hoard of Aldermen Sept. 1, Adopted by the Assembly Aug.:=i, 1F91. Peas-Mes.rs. 1591, Yeas-AId. Bir•leo 6l- rg. It"II, Cop1eS, Coln•' B:Inholzl-r, Costello. F.Im- ynist. MCCuRcrty, McNari 3Rnra, Op- \'lin Slyke. lama. Cullen, Dobner, Dornidet. Saubort. peoheim. Mr. President -U. Nays -o. Sa Mixon. Mr. Vice PreNident-10, ! Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Sept. 1. lay. -(1. I, Appro-d Sept. 2. 1891. Tons-AId. Iltrdm,berg. Butt Conley. Cu{m- - hand, Cullen. Ilobier. Dornide n, Sanborn. Sullivu n. ]I r. Vice Presidet-IU. „ By 'Ir. F.Imynist-A'rFNo. 1!F- Nny.s-U. A ppnn'ed Sept. 3. 18!11. It ie hereby ordered l,y file Cotamon Cell r I' tbu ('sty of St. Paul: '1'llat aIle matter 11 consirul-i i nK II sower on Ile Soto et rent from Fuurplier street to kti, I. By 31 r. Jlcla l�etI y- Vy F No. ?1N1- ebul,;street.andoa Minnebuhn .caret from Resolved. That tlrC grade ref \'nn its ren De Soto .t rcrt t+, Rivoli street, be al 1 the li,,t• T. herchv referred to The Ruard of Pub- \Vorks to investigate and report: stmel. front Illi rview avenue to \\'celernvl•- uoe, us ind seated by the red grade lino on the first-l.s thi, improvement fool -and nee- meompanping profile and u mded by tl,o City Engineer, be ind The smemis here- cssnr3'? by -dopted as the established Soule. SCcmld-Give the Cu,mcil an •timate of ehetheroae- A(I 1t l ly the Assembly Aug.'=5,1591, ails expense thrrcof. aid state re.F-Messrs. ISunhnlzer. Cote•Ilo. Elnt- hal[ of the cost i.bereof is Io be n,aiJ into the rIui,t. MrC.OT rty. McNluo-; }Iiia.", Oil - Ht )e thecol,tr,et. is let. 7 bird-Cun -Tl estate to be n.sec.ed for penbeim, Vnn Sly ke. Mr. President -9. Naps__o fid improvement Ito found betl•literl to the Adopted by the 13uurd of Aldermen Sept. 1, extent of dumag,.. eo.aF naafi expeaees ITT-- .,try till,, Incurred the.1'y? lull. Ycus-Ald. BiCleld)-g, 13ott, C-11-3. Cop- land. CoIIen, 1lohnr•r. Dm"niden, Sanborn. Sullivan. 31r. \-leo 1'residrnt-lo. Nays --n. Approved Sept -3. IP91 ISy 31 r. Vnn Slyke--A'r F' i:esolerd Tloat the Icon rd of I'oblic R'orks N, and ibey are hereby 1lit strtctA•d ind di- edto nrv,eeed fortbwit I br make. eom- 77rlete and confirm the assessment of Jmm�ges. 1, •nellts. rests Till ex penseN for for opl•n inK. Widening and ext nano of 7.uRl• t'onmnncl 1'balen :a 'rn ne in ac ordu nor ,vith the fial rrder of Ibe Cum moot t'ou aril approved Jam• W,. IPSB, in so far as said order appli, to snit opmdnKa . 'itle,aipg : ml rxleislon lint ween t be east.I. of Lake Como and Thr nest shore of lake 1'hnlet, -\dopb•d by for Assent bay Ang,':%IS91. Yeas -)leases. B;u,bulze r, seaen�. Rin,- uoollt-Im�3'uI Slak 3.e, \31 r... 'e "len It 9. O]>- s• Adopted hytli, Bonrcl of Aldrrrul•I, Sent. I. Is91. Yens-AId. Blrleihe rg. ltatt, ('ool \y. 1'.ope- SallticCullenn. \'ki,, ]'Ia si Ir�llenir"111. ,anmrrn. Say". Approved Sell. 1. ISM 'lcF N, Mrt-- -I D •r . Th:at city n det'N 6l-. drill" upon he city l'•I•a Nl,r3' I,:, )'able ol,t elf lhe. lue:d i +l mceme„t I. d. Ili to ver of tl,e fullew'lig- erl Persons. far the :t , t. set ooposl t" t oat Noir n•sln•eliye n :a ENtimute Nn. li. ,1, \\'. 3lu lona•)'.', Gal, II InKut• avenoe, fL:,IU: 1•:s tbnulc No. lo, Dnlc R IS:t,n,;,rnrdl,cr. gntl- iog Fairvien' street, areal; I:st hit ate• No. S. C. Nonnelnucber, Sending McLean avenue, 4.16i - :Je Estimate No. ,.'1'. Sweeney. g'udlnK ]':a- side str-t. IX, : F.sti",aie Nlr, i.'1'. Lin nn n, grading Nebraska et ill. nt.nn•Lv, f..wLi H ,atr. No. 9. J. W. 3lmoney, gruding Pennsvl- nu uI av`nue,ifFai.'v11: I':Ntimnfo No. 7. J_ 'NV. 3lalonc•ygrad gSC rentb Street. 8.0-41; Esti- n arc No. 4. Keough 8 Uon nrlf3', grading Fair- ,b­ ncm,ur•, 11.445: Rolwrt C. Illne. do mages for rba.p5 o 0. f grade r I' Buo lolph street, :f:r_}.39; IL. 7. U'l'oo nor,fllY. 1 Adopted by [be Asselnbl3' Aug. =`'. 1597. }It tis LL nl .IlcCo. ftfl-t3DlcNaImc -d Mo" ea Ellm- ]n 1 i Vun Slykes e. Mr. rtdenl--U, N' Nays t Adopteo d by the Iward of Aldermen Sept. 1, P 11. Seas-AId. DDob l,r, Ilett.Co, Sit it., I-nd, Cullen. Dobner, Dat -In. o, Sanborp, Slt lllv:an, 6f r. \'Ice 1'tesidem-111. Nays -a. Approved Sept. 3. l.ttll. A'y F' No. yµ__ icesnl yed, Tlatab eu3'r„fives be drlm'n upon the c11y tre LL.nrY, Pnynble not ref the respec- tive ...... meut. Illmis, ,i 1':avor of the follow - I uK-maned pc rsons, roe ts,e am...... ta set uppo- sDc• t het r d Pj:T•ei i ve „n nu•s F:.lunate No. 4. Tho ,us Relll y, epri tl kl!IaR, liis\riet No. 2, f!Y'ti Sp: F:a im nb• Nu. J. 'I'hun,us Re1113", ,ri',Kling. Ul.st rtet No. !1. 3.NM.Sf; E. - t a It Ito. . it_'1'homp,111l grading W. avail street, far Ash Estimm� No. 2 1, ; H A. tavern. Rr:uling Ashland areae, f2.9t0; F.a.i- Sixth street, f3,:V3; Estimate No.'s. Da-rn. CradinK 13urgl'cs street et li Estimate No. 4, G. Bolan. gri ling street, f81{.SU; Estimate No. 1. G. G grading 1'erraee Ince, a�TT5: F,stimntc TI thou A; Shaw. grading \\'luslow 9 1.510; Ell innate No, ]. Keo'uRh S Do ('r E,Itian CIMn,R ¢d InR S)1, l/:Ilit`na,"iF'nal, Bewi it fabenn". $126; Est! mui oo�No. 1. \P loge p:at'ing alley block 24. St. Paul 1 8970: Estimate No. S, ul •ta t and tJ nal. ('h ieago }-orgrNe and Bolt Bolt :aty,sixth No. 4. W. .1. 'upiton. Ftat :sllmute No. 4. R'..1. Preston. F'Isk ' 3265: ENtimute No•r.FmDueynae. 1.1 tholt,gradgd,I.Ins; F, No. 1. W. J. 1'reaon. Case street sewrr. :dTerty, M(-Nalal-, Minta. Oppen- S13"ke, Mr. President -9. by till- Board of Aldermen Sept. 1, •-Ceas-Ald. Bielenli-g.Butt, Conley. COIT- hind. Cullen. Dol Io. DorniUen, Slinho I. Sullivan. Mr. President -10. Nays -11. Approved Sept. 3. 1"]. . Ie my d. 7'bat. fitly orders be draw" blain Lha city Lrenaa ry. pays bleoutof w-na generd fund. in favor In the flet raving-mtnerl I, - sol,F, or the ,mounts set opposite to Tltpir ' l4ilye nun,es: reoaldrd of \\'user Commissinnem. fl;L'.F'r: St. Paul Sttnllatlorl Cumlpnry, 01.15: North -et - n Tcle Ibuue E-ehuugo Camprop'. F19--'; Globe Pu�11a,I"g Companyy. fl.'_'iil.ol; Azutille ,Iin, -twring Com Pully I.are nall sulyl,*2,- 500. 1 ' Aal , ui 1N!ll. Adnl,ted by tl,c Assam 113 K }-ens lMessrs. lion uol3er. Costello, Flm- ,,TdI. 61 of :tTerty, Mer. P -s Mt -0. Op- pe.nbelm. V:ut Slyke. 31 r. President -!a, Nnc -ll. Allotted by the Iiuurd of Aldermen Sept. 1, ISol! , Yens--Ald. Bieleuberg, I"T. Conley, Copr land, ('"ilea, Dobner. Dornidell, Sal,buru, Sullivan. Mr. Vile President --111. N rays -U. AUn-1111 Sept. 3. I,49I, A' F Nu. _Y16 Resolved, Tbnt city orders be drat" upon The city treasury, alga ble tut of Lbe police fund. In favor of t�e fcllow'inR-nnuu•d per- ., for the lime is set oppotibC tutheir sn rosrprettve comms: NleNumee. $14 10; Beat - tl(•'/.Inc Works. NI; NuYes Bros. .\' Cotler, g"t- 4:, AdoDted by the Assem blS Aug. 25. 1591. Tens-Mrssrs. Rnnholeer Costello. Elm m - yuisl, McCalrerty, 3b;Nnae. Mines, Oppe„- ,, tVan Slyke, -,Jr. Presldeut J. Il\nys-t. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Sept 1, "n Vena -A ld, lilel,nhcrg. Boil. Conley, Cope- land, Cullen. Dobner. Dornideu, Sanborn, Sullivan. Mr. Vile President -ill. 230 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Nav -0. AI•Pro-I Scpt. 3. 1891. ;his se['1 rs to a peri ntendlnX rho on true- 'i tion of the addition to the Adam.. ell. R,lt,in.on t'nry 1',.n:- .r. J'. 11 �:1: Nicol, h Deun.:9A$,: \Y it Ilxl:l Adopted by Lhe Ato b I AnX. 25 1807. Mlts,L .0 Co., 1s'Im; Doyen Isms. R Cn. r. mit".1, .cents: Geor •• :11it=r b. #`_'0: I: -l".. ]'ras-Messrs. ISnnholier. Costello. Mot �'I oi.t. Fit•1'atl,ri e, 7.1,1 nee. \line:, t11r A' F Nn. :'A7- Yic.nl r,-1 that t3 a lc rs be drntvn t pun p Tan SIS tie. Mr. Presidcn t-111 huts LLc city t. J 1 3ohle not of the .•hoof' fun[I.'l l-"1"ur of tilt. follow.nX I:nm,•1 r Ad�pI dby t1,a Board of A ldr rme n Sept. 1, IS91 s. forthe a a.t. ort opposite tori tuft, r rupL:ctivr nn mms Tran -,A .Hie len N,ir' Halt. Corley. CI:I- Ie o. 7)ub Her. Dort.idrn. SNb, \I r. }'Ice It. L. Polk \ Co.. 110: F. 1),i -Al. Jr., £G0.`a1; W_ Rod Ker, 11..s: F. 5. w"'l,obornrr. 7'rr•sident-S. Nuy.-All. C.J'Maod. Solli-II-2. N:.N1..; H B C 't.u.. 'lJ?frU: Bolt.d of Wool-, Cu 1 1 #_'fl ftl, Aptoll- SCp[,i, JIM. \\. 1' Iii now r. A 1 pt Aby tl " A •mill}' AUX.2 1:JI ] -FI IS I:ulrer. Cast Il 11 Ptecide t f 1 A,,` told}. J h I:tnw.s i. Nt\ Mi a. Ople i nn,o . \:' \ I nidentof for rr It 1 fAldtmm. .'It_t1.A. a Nforty 1. Pill-o[:Itowb'r.Cit) Jtrk. T, pt i. A, opG•d by the Ihrn[d of Altle Imo" Sept. 1, 11.;11. }'cos -All. Itie leo be rX. Bu11. Cn.. ice, 17,w� haul. cvurn. Duhocr. D,rculdeu. S:u1bo,.n. OFFICIAL. PUBLICATP)IN S: Iltia t, Jr. T.te 11rus.dent lo. A pprotrd Sepl.a, 1891. Df Itesoltrtlon,a Adopted b3 to, Cemmun Coon,11 ill Ihe. Crly of St. Moll. Bd e• moo. a -I;- lirtulrrd, 'Chat t 'tn t. br Jr.,,-,, ustnt ti,•.olt'en, filar city eraer. he drown n� h,e city Lrt n.11ry, pnT, file om , too nnrr= load, to tut of the Iollut.io ed forth �ntmru at. set uppo�itc• Ito il .Ix•otfre nn nr 1- I;ha rtes N'rie.Cl +C Gnn. 1n,:tf1; 1. H. \'dNla r lI I.um pan J-, _{.'�t1; kdtv:r rd \Ic- N'nmee. 1(1_._4; Jame. Fe ncicrmukrr, A uqu.t hammer. 9; r,: Thr l,lio Axle Gn Com ran)". 1.1 Jol:n ]lvrttn Lumber t hr coy ire:tsu rt'. PI^3 nhlr out of Ihe pu Ito rl •pnrtment ;fulid, iut-or of (:rorue FLri., cit)-s',r•n.nrrr, i,rr'ulr . 1 I+r .: IJ,wa.,l. to tray the Nre[�uunu rd i11t11u• P:r J-r�ll pre- ,:icd till tl:in'r .uloltloo. Ihe • ulrp, circ to Ihcir r�.�pi.. •u u.p _.i,t of tilt 'a In l,3'': I 1 I� t:lm� titlun of .rid '.i p, ,tuns for their .,rt'ires duritn t• the Iouotl: of AoXost, IN!.1. \du{It ell by the hoard of Aldernlr.. Sept. 1. I.ul. mpany.l_'I.INI: linhcuck Stur:lXr rout 'Prot PUI.J'. 41fi: 1' I':otk Lioc. lh:.tw; }"r: -A1,1. ISirl,uhel •. Itut1. C'uul` 1:1 1"1 nllrtl, Duhorr.�hornidro. .antro rn, R,lt,in.on t'nry 1',.n:- .r. J'. 11 �:1: Nicol, h Deun.:9A$,: \Y it Ilxl:l Galli a-: m' Ji r. \'Ire I're.irlr 111-11., Mlts,L .0 Co., 1s'Im; Doyen Isms. R Cn. r. mit".1, .cents: Geor •• :11it=r b. #`_'0: I: -l".. \lir -_NI ht the \..eto illy GeP[.:t. If...11. 1' •:I. --FI n.:l 1". Fllo ,IIIif1. .1_: l,cirr 1. ('olrl lr::r I 1_T.:Sa: A. 4:. rloren. Aa; Sl. Pm11 I4rn \York., 1_ll.:tn: (hulze ll I".. `'utterly. ( Ill goer. CPpen heir... \'lln Sly l: e. .ir. i'Iv �.ideot-.. Fl ntl erirns[ lira.,, 1II:i.11d h'lymt Hrus., s]_'; you Dr.g l'.onlp:ta.. :LJ.i0: G[IXXn Hrus., Nuys - o. Approrrd Sept. J. I.fil. 11.1.\: Ito:trd of Wutor Cumtuisriunr rn, M 50: St. 1'nal Gi Light Com l't .t . 1Si.1U. --- Adupird hp the AEnr•m b13A, 2"t IY91. Teas -Me -ti. B:tnhoC-tello. Ell- loint. Meech rty, MvNanlrcr..eo, Mira, flppon- beinl. Vao slyke, Mr. 1'rrnident-9. .\doptt+od by the lto:tnl of Aldrrmet. Sept. 7. 1491. Te:ts--A ld. 171 uINr. g. Ifo[t. ('unity, Cupe Sold. Cullet., Rohner. Dorn idrn, Snn horn, Solay-_rl r. \'Ire I'rrsid cot --111. Noy. --0. API'my1N 91•))I. 8. 1691. A'y F No. 21n- R:ult'.vl, 7'I.:tt. un unlet hr drnwa 1x)t. III, City Tre:I st. n,r in (near of C. H. Johnson or +siKnc•e, tlwobl:, o.Il of the f-ol, raln,;d fur su pout[ rod tn: ioten:t nt•e f Ihe poohlic flrc nchool�. for Ihelsu n of 1. fi0, in pay rotor of vert -ices for til, ncn'Ischf but tot pa rtt tilt i Mnrrlm 11 and \'tern cin stmet s. I �Alw�lhutu order he draw'u ulat.l the Ca. Treu�o roc in' olIfrond,or n - nigm•e. fur Lhe nittll : f 1::N:Li, pflyI'] uui of lila funds ralstal fortbc .upfu+rt and n lotl•- ,ol._ of the pl.bliC fret schools, to'plly for fill F Nn. 3,I1- R,e ,Ived. Thal warrllnis he drawn upon hlerily lrea.0 rv. pnJ':Ihlr out of the Ihrard of I'll)he\Vurl:� fond, it, f1 t f Ih r�on. ed t. Ill,-paa rII of\.I od rlep: t u ritocol nd prL•.Ieoted nIth Il Ills nsola Lio.. for the pu=rt oppo.i to to their .rsprnlit'c nutncs. in cnu•ut of Lhe wdaty and r nnlrrn.ntim. of nil lrnons for their s, vterS durinX the I 1.1�. of AUFo.I. ISfo, :In nl.urcl. by .aid iuty- 1^0l.rol.. A dnpird bytlu• haled of Akh-n •.. Sept. I. Yens --A lr1. Ilirlr.. h,rX, Holt. (lull try, CuP'•- ht 1. it m l1luro irl,o. Sn,ro ala, un : t11. Fl it r. \ I,-,- "ire l'rvsidrot-IU. a�- \duPi,dby the A..r•n. hit Se Pt. :t. Is9I. Yeas -Mew.[ Ituohulrcl. C.,stelh, Eln, 'Inint. MrCailerly. M,N:..m•e, lrppenhei n.. Slyke, nl r. 1'resideot-N. N oyn-o. A Ppruyed Grp[. :t, Ir•01. Bd F Nn.:lsl- Rt ohl,d, ThIt I, var-ot, la• drawn upon OF THE CI'rl OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 231 the city Lrrus..ry, P:yahkr out of the lural I WiII'll. , It I.:II b: -en o.mle to appear by .nprutrmro t. fund. il. fat �r of l:i•""o. R, -i,. lila St. t'uul t'i[)' Itutltr:ty Uom p:toy that. C it )''1'reunu ger, fur tilt .um n(t.r pn - Lhe rr nn r:t.n IaLln Kr o-1, for -6- 11119 tlmrol' c rlrtiu.l of Lha Ilnrsor P:trLs Ihe Pr +o n mea It. tl.r Pny r.rli Vrr.entrd tl.o •roll with Illi. 1-�I:1Lion. Iht• - 1.- .' I uppo.iir ill' line. herein . o•nhoned to hu -.1, rmd their reslrer•tivr It I�Ir:ttmrnl of for ''Ihi.your.....der ordiuunre 12!t, ot'Lhe electric thtry nod cum pm'i �ttio..I,t,[ .0 i.l p. rsun. fur sy�b•m n(.'ll roalp u: v, width w'll -M.'r by -I'll, ndLhht tilt Public Thom srrtnr..r.1 I ...... o'l pubbr wu k. t •.I. tt 111 HIL suRrr by su 1 dor' ,r Lbe rmltl .1 1'�I. LI- fol.. :\d )"t. 1 I,s'rihr It. ..1 1 1 \la, .01, 11 .' P 1 It s Ire. Ihnt the i tVe for 1 ., tot - Is:11. plrlin;; nod uPer:tti::K the liar.'' a 1U, of •• }'r;t.-.\1,1 I;i. l,•ulrr rte. is ,1 .. 1'•:II Ir\. Cup'" oa,•. hcreill:tfo•r :10 Llo 1,1 .hall hr - a - Ill d. L'ullen. Ir,l,il.•r. D"I ll.h 1:. ..tob..r ll. t lied 11 til amt o.Illh,; Lao :lay of .I II IJ'. A. S I:I lir:.tl, FI r. \"irr 1'rr.lorol -In, D. I41:, A d,.phU1 ht' Ll:r A..ri1.. :t. IIA. Iris -'Che liner IIIY known .lark hl •ri. I:ne dc.. 1 0,l ur.l:n on'e 1 t LI i .eLlua of Inrk- \' 1 h fel .luek- rN I 1 L- r- APprotrdSCPt.J. 1191. tolo Ilitil; II h rtt 1u.1 .-Erect rho Inttlser L.on of tilt orlh" lint of Pran.y lt-noin nrr un with J:r.kyt nttrot.: tbenrr o. .Ile k son's; lh to ltd h' No. :6'i ,Ir: I.hr St, lu Uuu rt la ud .t rre6; tbcnru Rend a'ed, paru .[.t a uC,ldl-d u,,- Ilrrt•rl to F1nrY ht1.d c •rt. us L)' ireuso r', pay;ti,lrnl oft,. il)' 't. m.... ha' ai lin ore Yo. li:.l which, by tl f I 1 LI .d t 'aid uoll. I'l d, w to br c rm- 'j UI l.•d b I'rru [Ile 1st duJ of SCVlemhe r. ,� mPct ..Il l,nuf the: Ih„ i'. of Ibr (-tt 1491. U:n err. for Ibri �. 't ir,. d.. Xth,•.. oh unlInIiIIX t ,lu;ard b3'y Iile Ituu rd ill Aid, :urn wept. 1, I.91. In]N'd:t.r�.C-'.1\1i. hI. ..IiiRrl.r.11 D1u1.r,1u1i.de1'r u, unit Ill.. 1". tarot -.. \d�.plea by tin• :\..rmhly �rnt. 1.91. Moll 1,,: ;01 Ill k cf.\Ir- 1'ert)', Ir Nn n:ee" tri+pro A pprut-ed Sr Pt. J. 11-.1- 13,1 F Nu.:wJ-- Rr.ulred,'PIlat:t t b. c1l:ttro 11 the �,rnhl,11.rut�.,tt1.,�0rrdrl�tr[- �ntfuml.ri:tt':it�or of 1 ,cin R:�in. 'ItS 'l1re:tsurrr, for ilo� .0 I.1 ,f� �NIJ.99:, oc in otof.112 rxpe s,, oi'Ahr :Ido.inl.Lr:tliur. u[ ithr It"drP.trL m 11t of till, Pity of Dt. I'nol, fortlo•mou[h of Al -l". l"d. Allopte.l by t hr It, rd of .A ldr rnn•I. St-pl. 1. 491. Birlrnlll, r;:. 1t . rt t. Cunlep, Cupr- luml, ('till,•11. li.rhnr r. Dor..idr n, Sanborn. til Ili t�u n. )1 r. }"irr L'rrsiarni-10. \dnpbvl by tl:r A�,e nllrla" Sr Pt., 1801. 1 t Itr Ab'It'u II'Lrttl tit l\II�\bo,"t (,'S, m. Illi. \'nl. tilykr. M.. l'rr.idrol-s. Nuys -Jt. A ppro vr[I Srpt. 1, lsnl. yl t:.ol Iv. P",ident ul'[hr1'\cam mldl. .Iyu. ld,\"ire I'msidrnt. of rho Hun rd of .\hirrmen. '1'nu.. :\. 1'Itexlr L:aonsr, t'i1y Clerk. SPt" 7. - UFFIC•IAL 11l'RLICATIOS Df It, iutiorl Adopte,l br the C.I000l r C,rttr: ell n( rile Cif)' of G[. I':t ill. By Ald. Grh:o.-Bd F No. :iu - S�rood-"Che. Ilno•kdillKn frutn F;:W,rilrA L - It old iuotyl„um 1,ark. the Lime ui'tlre rumpuu- f whir 11 i, flxed by drill urtlinun,v o Ir 1. for, Nur. I. INTI. 'I'hir.l- '1'i Ii1 r ko41,the ykrr At'u- li. dC.r:rttt�h:'tlint I.td toll lt Sof"\Vi:11- flr�d�cltr+�vt I ld �trykcr throeu , krr o, ­ J l rrihrt 'ulfnnlordinaoroi.rtobeLunt- plclyd u1t or bL•[uro Nut. S:rid a slut 11 nLin tn3' wet)" lo(pair r peridai'ire �.nv or h:e'�roa-i'ni„usor- di,r;tntm No. o, for obio,.Iiu 1, of mP.11y n -id amletho m, spill that the m plc tioof t t: lin'ur purt.. of lines hntuthesuid 1st ally of .Io1S. 18!Y_. nh:dl !:!bo -- be deemed 11 de Rtalt the port .,f Waal oryull>', mer s.. bjrct said "ol paneW : ty furl,•itu rr ur l�emtlay prrscri bed by s1t! Dr- dinnncc N,r. 1257. And prucilled furtllor, T tat any dehtult of ro nlptttty In a 1 pletlnK toll upe.rntingg aid li acs al, parts of lints before nudttipnetl front and It D.er rile I-l"i. of. illy IW2 shall •ncl,r Lne said outnpnnv lhtble to ;,!I forfell- and prnoltle+ provided in said Ord!, o:o N�`„i_37 to the Hume rxtt•nt u. 1I' said time of rmpi,hoo nad he- tlsrd therein ILL the Llmr a<11,1011 rxtonded. \dupted by t he Assembly Auif, ?;, I4!11. }I't I c:or-tyIt�tiamee �.Nipelnlo� �cnl- Ilu,i Nup.-ill r. Yresidrat-l. Adopted by the 13 -rd of Aldermen Spt. 1, 1.91. }'ells -:\Id. Itielrolrt•rK, Cun lea"CuPriroul, 'It IIe1:, Uub nrr. Uurn idua. S:tn hur.I, SIIIIiva1:. Flt. \'ire 1'nreideut�9. '. N"Y.-AbI Butt -1. .\Pproyrd Sept. 3. 1491. {V. P. Mtnotw T. President of tilJ1.l, A.�_Illby. }'ire Yr eident of tb,, 11 u,d ill' Aldrr:non Tuus'.LA. 1'ah:ND .n T, City Clerk. 333 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Of Reaolutin Adopted by the Cmnmon Cruncli of the City of St. Paul. Rd F No. 379- Hasolrcd, Tllatua order be drawn on the •itv Ireu+u ry in Gly ), of G.orKo RCI.. City 7`ri•asu roe. Ix the su of UIU 17, vnyablC out of the stn:et and Sower , 'otonuuce. fue rnd. to pa[cert y the and raur fcus for th; m11 of AIlgn.l. 18:11,[ in accordance with rhe p,v roll recti lied to by Ili,- City F.u- ginecr. liI plrrevec s,l uad allowed by the lion rd of hPublic R'ur - AduPWd by file Boarkd of Aldermen Scpt. 1, Is". }'1.14+-AId. SiclCnb •rq. HOLL, l:onley. Cope. 'no, Ilobner. Dor:lidcll. Sunburn, SII llicuu. Al, Vice Prcidcnt J. N uJ's tel AdovGxi by the A,semblY Sept. J, 1S'JI. Yeas-)IesSrs. Ii:ul hulzo r. Etruquist. )Ic- Ulrrt}•. Mc Numee, Oppenheim. Van Slyke, Mr. Presl(1-t-7. N uyS�l. Anprovc;d Sept. R 1H91. W. I'. )Icunnr. rre.ident nr t;e asseruhl}•. Vico President of the Roarl of Aldermen. vc h Tu oS. A. YaIIN \'neltf:.11T, t'ILY Clerk. 1 L. ill. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Of It-olutlon Adopted by the Common Carr if of Lite City of St. Paul. Iib F No. Tr3- LI the Imd 'of tbo n•Purt , F Lilo Board of Public \Nock, dated Soirt. i. ISUI. It is hereby ordered by the Common Council Tt the City of St. Paul hat the Hoard of I'liblieWork, of,ald City of St. PaulcaaS`Ihc f Ito 1 to lx• I,, .Gen d: lnlstru,t ata Winslow arenuc. from Prospect 'I't cram to I obel street, in +aid city, together with the mr•essaryentchb.-bl,s id mm�holes, I'Ilat. Sal [i 0ard cause Said leuck to be let by tont pact. as provided by law. without one - IIUIfIbcI tinuocd cost being It est Laid tnl) Lhr city tn•asu rp, and after S aid ark .Shull In• placed under c mtruet Sit d 13wrd .Shull In. "'""d x•ilhnutdelay to assess Lim amount. u•arl}'as they caI nsccrlaln the came. which well Ire n�qulred to pay the costs uud -try rghm;Ses n[ n•h lelprovenant u n inobc roll CstuW ho lN. beno0tcd by Snirl 'mpruremeot. :a. pr,y[ded by haw: It being tae ��ni ales of the 1'.ounull LII;at real exGalq 4l IHS d for such improv I •nt call be found ou mlSt bCol. ted to tIII.P. of If the covls and •.Y pease, nc-'al'y Le be incurred fill Y. Z,," -it by the Hoard of Aldermcn Scot. 1, 1F!II. Yens -n hl. liieleuberg, Holt Conley. Cope- land. Dobncr, Durniden, Sunburn. Sullivan, Mr, Vice President -9. Nays -n. AdopG`d by Lhe An-nibly Scpt. S. 1,91. 1"eu.-)IeSsrs. Ballholier. C,ntello. Mef'af- fert}', McNamee. Murray, oPpeahcinL \'a 11 Slyke.. Mr. Vice President -S. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 333 Nuys -0. . of lot til ice (al of block sLcty-eix Iffl, Pnseun by the hoard of Aldermen Aug. IF, A VPruvrd Sept. lo. Ind]. •;u' cud \Vtmt St Yuul Proper. All of ,alit work shall 1.1. Hiclenberg, Butt, Cun ley. Cnpo- be done under the di roctiva of the Ruildfug Yea, -Aid. Iaud, Dobue r. Donitdcn, Guhau. MCIxdY,San- I nsllcotor of the City of St. Yuul. upon ob- it LIIon•ftrl•, burn, Sullivan. Mr. Yresldentr-Il. Hy Ald. Ilobner-Itd I+ No. :IXo- AId. I ai uiag a rerm 111-no See. °. �hls orlin:mrc shall IxI effort unit Neys-0. O. O. CnT.LB liy That :w order bo dncw•u on the I be in force from Wait after its PuhllenA alt. lfl, . of mvu. t\""abi the City 'I'rcu-i- Ili furor of F. Y. )Iel'nnn I,, the umouut of two lomdred Iifty-four Passed by the Rou rd o[ Aldermen Avg. i'asSci bJ'itbn 1p Sept. 8, 1891 and (254, dulhars and tifteeo i I; i uls, in pn.1.m,•;It :sill RioICl;herg. Mott. Co uleY• ('ope_ OPlx,nhot.. )Ir of Esti m:ltC No. 1, IDlmlioe aro; le Ivicig�• Ixnd, Dohnor. Dorablcn. Gebuu, Meb,dy. Sail fe rt•n.: )1�'N nohec13u)I'I nrcu�r J nppmucb grading. S: III[ unmuut to be charged '•lir born, Silllivuu. Mr. Prc.+ident-11. iPrevident-7. I. to the idge (loud F'u ud." - .__ Nays -U. Nay, w. P. MattTIAY, A, pt it by the ilo:ard ill Aldermm. SCpt. 1. ItSUI. G. U. Ct'LLeN, kb President of the Assembly. Vea.s-:lid. Hiclenbcrg, Hntt Coldcy, Cope- 1'r•.sid,•ut. of for Ito:uvl of nnc.11. ASseln boy Sc ll. S. IsUi. Apprurcd Sept. Il. 1S9I. land. Callon. Got,,. . Uornidou, Suu bora, Sul- Passed by the Yeas-)h•Ssrs. Hnnholzrr, %ustti Hu, McC:d- ltouraT A. Sanru.Mnpor. It,, )I r. Vh, President -10. fi.I.l y McNur�ce, )cd,.;: OnvCrlhelul, )1 r. AtG•st: Taos. A.P1tENVUR0AST•CItYClork. 14. Nays -ll. I'residellt-7, Sept. Adopted by th I• Asxcmbly Sept. S, ISU1. NaY>�I. }'e.ts-, b_r5. IlaOho lzer. 1'ustello. McCal'- to y. McSsine , Mural)'. ) junnhciul, Va. \V. P. 1IUItitAY, Yrr_.ident of the ASSemb1Y- Slvke, Mr. Vice P.-soleut-S. �uJ's-U. Approved Sept. I1. IS91. )laver. Ily Mr. Van slyke -A')- F No. 2"11- CII}' F:ngiucel b • nncl ApproYca sept. 1Q 1391. Hoar:uT A. liar l•n I. Arrest :Taos. A. Pelf pun -ST. City Clerk. HCsol red, Tl;nt the he is hereoy Ili ^ vt d G, eau... c "Illog al, - do.. Mr6en. Sr1, H. nue from Culve- ty area uc dof.he salte --ir of Vice Pi-idellt. of the Assembly. gn,u ads. nod Como a cum• from the end uvcuuc, and d F. Gra An, \'ice President (it the Huard of Aldermcn, the e•I trucks oa :lid r'onm I through Como park to Snelling aael uc: 7'noS. 1. L'ara'ntmOAsr. City Clerk. I,rdiMurree No. 1, 1.". IId F No. 897- also ltatymond from Voly .1•slty to r.allgford Illy Sept. Il. An ordinance permitting the Pioneer Fuel ! u,nuues, w be Sprl nkled trout the 7th of I4Lh day Sop- -- CmvpauY too cI'ect a board b•ueu oil 11c it SCvtc caber, A. Il. IPoII, to the of that aY and YrinCe strtrold. 'L'IW; Coo ue[1 uP the CItY of Sr. I':tut roilrrh ,Snr1AId,1logrobulllbe psi 1 out utrlhe 14, '�. S OFFICIAL PUBLIC Coal moll du ordula xs h,uew.: ural fund. Sept. 1, Euotiou 1. TlotL vernhis loll is hereby gnlntcd in the Yioneer 1`acr Corn :ln J' to creel n tight 1"I"', xt Lite intheas, feet h AdopG:d by lbc Hoard of Aldermen -. 1841. }-i.qS-AId. Riclenberg• Mott. C nley, Cop . - Of OrdDarrnocs Pa sed and rteeolutions board fel oght gl; .+ of I3rou�iwuy I 1 Prince 't reel.. r I laud. Dobner. In-liden, Gehan, Mc1;u1Y. )1 r. Adopted I, thea Co,.,,Lou Council of rel er I'uul, nue hu "'14d (IUII feet ua I3rini u'nY President -9. the Cbf, of Sf. Paul. end two hundred f1 feet un Ilriuee street, il� Nuys-AId. ,:Inhere. Sullicxn-"_. Se�It. S, 1891. tt )• Aid. S:m born-Ordinuuee No, 15;IJ':-Hit F oCII muu ucr as not to 1atm•ferC with the Ree door Adopt+•d by t he Asscnlbly IDulbolzct•. Costello. Elm- So.:Ul- , of sa Str,sc s, said work to he un- of Dol ldings. Yens -Messrs. McNutt- Minen.OPiRn- TheCommot, Council of the City of St. Paul loo"Illiu: der thedlnrtuu o.ln.Spector Thisordi nance Shull t ake effect and [uist,AleC'nlfe.rt)). heim.)Ir. 1'reSidcut-8. Section 1. Permission is hereby gra nG•d Gr Sec.::. Il. in fun•.e front and after its puhlicunoo. Aldermcn Aug. lr'. N;lys-0. Sept. It. 1SU1. H. W. Topping toereet and itudayain n baro n lots Ib and I8, block 40, Sununit Turk ud- titian. where he has 1•assed by the Board of Is!.] - VeaS-AId. Illeleu berg. Roht.t. Conley, Cope Approved - now commenced to r •rt it. laud. Rohner, Dor oidml. Gcau. Mclndy, Sxo- sec ^ 'Phis �ordinanc . 1 ll t keeffect amt Ixrrl . Sullia ;oi. )I 1 esideut 11. 151 F No. "_INi the vert of tiro ltunrd of le i , fin" front and aft it .,Lor, Nay. 0. O O. cull.[:.". I tl m: Iter of 1 I I'c Works dated 7uIY7 1891. Passed by the H,lloflof A�dc,mcu Aug. 4, [891. I'r•Sldcnt of the Hoard of A111'rmeo It 1, hereby ordered by the 1•ou niou Council Ye:u Ald. 13ielenhcrg. Ilett. Conte r. Co ,e- Pusscd b the Assembly Sept. S, lsU1. l'ostello. Ale- f the. City of St. Ynul: the Hoard of Public \Necks o[ S:dd suit. Dol r. Du'obb.n. 0ehun, \Ieluil •, } SaNayS-0. fess-MYssrs. Banholzer, MCNunmc. Mlucu. Upla�nhcilu.)1r.',ci{y That of 9t. I'nnl causetin, fnllowln6lmp,'oY�� aborll. Sulllr+lll. )Ir. 1'resident-ll. Cxll'ur4v. tto he nmde. to-avl\: ('.oustrllet n u\vtL`Ar, ui IDnYL)n 0. O. Cvbl.es. President -7. urcnuc, from L:urin uvenu Pre.sid,•nl If It.,, Hoard of Aldermcn. Nay,'. W. P. MVI HAY. l'Iec,•In ml urenue, and un Cleveland avenue in [ sacd b ti ],Seal[ la Scpt. S, 1591. President of the Assembly. t' 1)Cyton nvcuuC to III rS it, o cnue, the nocessu ry cutel;- 1 s -)ft Hurl I cr Co -stella )te(':li ApprovCd Supt. Il. ISUI. 1 city. tog,•ther with aid saeering to be erty, McNamee. Miaeu• ()ppeubciru. )Ir. HoLIERT A. S111Tu. )Ia 'or. hums suit manholes. '�doue. y. sidellt-�. 'riles. Plte.-oaaO AST, City Ierk. under aur cootnu.•t. •hat sold Iinnr[1 cc .S -e x11 work to U,' let Nuys -0. ,Attest: A. ' b,.', cat,'uco h,s r)rovfd d tie law, without unr W. F'. JlraaAY, sent li. hal[ the estimated cost bolo ,first void Into President uY IIIc ASse ui bl} Approved Scpt. I I, II!rt. the ei ty ireusn nnA uftor said work Sluall HollrltT A. "'I\layer,. ___ b, pinced under ntraet, Slid Huard s11a11 LTH. I. [(.test: Tilos. A. I'il-1 a -ST. City Clerk. No. 1.'{tf Rd F No.:G'J+- vroc,rd without,clay GUSec�css the a garlic. •'[lin iho Sa sent. 14. Ordinance An oAionnee Krautiug 1, Jacob iluusou the a. nil 1y xs they can n -ill I, req pay' lbecusts i^lit t•. ,-r,•eL suet nluil;vdn u I'ranic bnru, city of St. runt which `red rte r errs,: ry e.'pans •S P otlt 'rLcOunuour, t'onneil I, rile upon the m:d estate to be benefited t" sxid it Irdinroiee No. 1',01 - It -1 F' No. %nl- do orhlia n. fol lows: Section I. I'enniSsinn and authority nr • i nprovenu.ut, as provided 'but `l,;inR the Co:. aril tl;utmr,.ltilt III ordi alone anthori zing \\'oI IT I,chnaln to be rah}' gelated to .lut•ob Ilnnson to eret•1 and the oplroou of N' Sussed fur such improve t•an be construct a fen nhc soled. inGti 11 a , nit , r e -half Story Inoue rlu tn[ Midn'uy (Feights, to at found hencdtud to the e'tent of the •osts veil of the t'ity oC SL Poll deo dnin:u follow.: barn nu tut ^_I�. block 9. uvea his obtaining a pr, mit therefor, snit esvenses uceessurY tube incur redtiere- by. So,itinnl. 7`lult vernliasiou is herebY Rrnut- yet•. 9. This urdinuuce slml�lx; ill force and b11Cu- Adopted by iho liuurd of AldCrmo❑ Sept. 7, 1 GI )Volff r Lelmuo; G, I. oliStru"I u D'mnt' had twc De feet II1 c9'e't from unit after tis passage suit Pu IeUI. width by si.atcun reef n cuytb, and twelve feet In height, upon Lho tion. 234 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. Yeas-Ald. Bieleaberg, Bott. Conley, Cope-' lid F No. X1i fi la nit. Rubner, Doridden, Sanborn. Sulllvan, Mr. Vico PmAdm,t-U. RrsUlved, That warrant., be drawn on the lty treasury. p:tyubW (,,it of the Munlcf ml Nuys -e. Adopttnl by the Assembly Sept. R, I87H. Court fund, in favor of the Persons name In the Pay -roll of the Munleival Court, presout- ! Yeas -Mt rs. Bahl I"", Costello, Elul- yd wtth this resolution, for the. sum set oppo- luist. MvC4tferty. McNamee, Miura, Pl+pen- site to their respeetivo names, In payntent of beim. Mr. Prl,sideu4-8. thes4lury audcumlmusation of said lto rsnns Nny,-0. Al proved Sept. 11, 1891. for 1liei r services During the man th f gust. as shown by snid pay -roll. lS9I. AdopteJ by the Buurd of Aldermen Sep L. IS91. t iiti, ltd FNo. :37?- i l Resolved. That. wurr .fits be drawn ,' In}dn Dobler. Rorrohiu Suollorn. Su1Hvuu. Mr. Vire 1'rr.ident J. the elty trea,!+ry, puynbh•uutof Ibe Bull, Ing Nays -ll lo,peeLor's Je nh•In:enL fund, in favor "f tile'. lclopted by Lho As,ombly ScpL. R, 18111. per+",. earn e(� in thde pay 11111 of s•aiJ depn rte- 1 t udepreeontoLI tl •s, I (Lion, f fens-Yles.rs. Banbulie r. C I Will,. Me_ (, If ,y. Tie- Nnmee, Jia a un. Oplreuhui,n, Mr. t ft .stat 1 d I L [ N Ys e. sfil xl 1:)t• I pp l IJ IsI o by 1 Approved d Sept. 11. 1891. Id. 1 Y. "Adopted by 1It, Bill, Iit of Alde teen Sept 1, is"1. B:eienbe rg, It,ril Onley. Cape- fid F No. 3 11 ILe,ol red. T'hxt warronl,be drawo uo : tile. Jeas--AId. I) It r. Dornideu. Saubu ln, S pli Ivan, eiLy LreusurJm cut.ut'Lila city ufliecr Dt r. Vie" Pttsideot-0. Nay, -I1. ,ul:arY hill 1. in favor t 1' I. {n• .o s nu,no 1 In the Puy -rolls pr with M,tsresolution. \doplerl by the As,em illy ScpL. R. ISHI. ghted for the sum sat apposite to their respective l'mIs-Jlcssrs. nal,hulzo r, ('ostrllo, JIeCo f- !!:hoes• in payment of Lho shlal'y ttnd elooN. - j ort y. McNnnx•e. Jlinmt ODpeu bei ln. Mr. fres. sstio, of rat id persons for Ih der s vivo, t or- I- id •fit -C. Nay -I- Ing tlw ton :Lea of Aug!Is[, 1891,.11 shown by w' I Pay -rolls. Approved Sept. 11, 1Snl. Adopted by Lho Board of AIderntell Sept. 1, I Ioll. ltd No. land, Dobner. Dorl. nWeu,I8anb rn.l Su levan, ,ld, Resol red, T'nn4 war t nL. be Ir:awn upon , M, Viso L'rtsidont-o. Nays the eiLy [reals rY. Uoyuble nut of the health -0. .l clouted by the 11,,luibly Su It. S. 1891. depart ria; n t. fuocl, in furor of Lire Perwans a medln till P+tY ro'I ofr,.h(1 JeparLn:ceL and Yeos-Mc.st's. lhtnbulrer. t!"siellu. 11e. - Dresented with 7: i.s c,. lutlor:, fur tem sum Cage,,; MoNulose, Milieu. Opt Lein:, Mr. Ill -7. s,t,)I,i W to tholrreslpcetivc sues, i n pa '- Na, Itr: "[snid "[tile enl:ary :tri rl ,t Pens:ati()"of - fur their serriee,r duan th • , tl ApPrUvl,d Sept. 11, 7891. of Auga.st. 18111. shoavn by s6,(d PI,tY end l� Adol Wd by the Board of Aldermen Sept. 1, IV. Vens-Aid. Bie lenlx•rg. BuI L. Con toy, Cope_ IatrJ. Rub nor, Ron,iden. San Uorn. Snell JI r. Vlel Pre,idoot-9. N ays-�1. A.lopb•d by Ll:o A,sw:drly Sept. R, 1501. l arts--lfes,rs. Buo hal zur, Cull Wllo. AI,Cuf- frrty. Me Namer, Mioen„ OPpeol,elm. Mr. III Is A V Approved Sept. 11, 1501. Bit F tbwdved.That w I nut, fie ]raw., a Lho •itY Uvmsu('y. 1 a:aLic Ubu rge Rl . Cft" 'I'rea,u re r, fur u n uf+F'-:A:.,mL "f the lo,ul Imn(r,vcde'nt ttmn,tfur till u:Y"tl: uflAue1gi- ir:g Pur gust IA!Ilr A,luptetl by the Buurd of Aldermen Sep- tember 1. 18,1. 1"ea,-.\Id. IBrleaberg. Itot -Cu Ili 7o'­ huad. Ilob nu r.I rumen. Sanhora, sac Brun. Mr. Vico President -P. Nay' d -,- .ldup M , t be .11 nmly Sept 1801. Yeas -]Ie+, rs. ISxoholre r, t "stall". McC:tf- fertY. MlNa­ Mim•u, 1) allele-., Dir. Pre,ident-1. Nny,�. Approved Sept 11, 18U1 - fill F No. :I.- Re,olved, That tJ:e draft of eontrt. hear- legdnteis",. 1. A.1). 11111. In4wueem: Nlehu- Its Flye,: and the CItY of St. Poul. tort "" arthe ntrction of n eo ,blmttio, Iron s d � �.u -o "I bridge acres, till riffI:L ur w,ay of Llro l: root Northern Railway Cu rr(p(t''" o, Lho I, I, (If LcXl light andr al ln• slid tela IatHee ler, Ire ' apnrore( IrrulwrI eye `Lret tlrmrfred uml dirceta•d WeXu•,te snid tntet on lnel:alf of ,:Lid cit) uA dopted b)' the ISUarnl of Aldurmen Soft. I, ISM Yen, -Aid. Bwh-hberg, 14dL. Coolly01po- hard. Duhner. Dorniden, Saoboro. Su;llran. MI'. Viso YttSitluo[-!1. Nay.- 11. \dopted by the hhhollr. Sept. l 1x!11. Yeo, -Waft ,. Icon hol'rcr. Costuilu, F:bn- nni.t, Jlt. Prert Y. Mt•Narnee. Milieu. Oppun- hein:, 31 r. Preto ntJ. Nuy,-0. Approved Sept. ll, )SUI. Bit F No. 3m - Io the mot Wr of Sheropurt. of the It ou rd or Pohl lc Works dated Aug..11, IS91. IL he i, hereby orae cud by the Cutoa l I Coahell rf LCity of SL_I'uul: That Lhe Board of Yu bill, works of said OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 3:i 5 City of St. I'uyl mtuse the following improve- erne fund." in ftror of the followingg r cl • t to al, mude, to -wit: Gnulo till III yY In petsnns, for the a ounui set UPpuslto their Htb ' r' rraligemeat of block seven (i) of respect Jo names: tri McLeail'sLReservatioo to St. Paul, and the al- ILenry Galvin, cum mnsaLion for serv- ley in block eight (H) of Pruke's rearranyo Ices as sergcnnt u� arms to Sept. 1, alma of blocks 2, 8. Hund 16, npd lots I to 11, IWO........... . ..... ... .. ... ........8:1(1.00 :f cf.ean's Ite,ervation to Carl Nenl,ll"I", sercices 41 let', InSt. I' Il, all PIIrt c M Sider onecosubniroet y, snid grading to be dorso in "I'll +!1}atlto rB'ard ofllAldermon Sept 1, Ado t 1 b t That said board o: s• sale-] work W Ilute lSUl. I y contract, us proa-Idetl ills 14 w, w -i tlaout one- 1"ru,-Aid. Bielenberg, Bott Conley. Cope- h41f tem estimated c• st briny fil'St Paid Into land. Doloo r Dorn {dell, Sanhnrn. 611111ra n, the city treasury, he it :tft+!r J , rk shall JI r. \-ice 1're1ide be placed rider enntruct. ,:dd Rourd sl,nll N+lys�l. roceed without delay ,, assess the amount, Adopted by the Assembly Sept. B, ISUI. nearly they ns sunt„ the snI Yeas -M,-41- Ilnol olz, Cost •Ili , whlohwi lbs evluired to Lpuy the costs and Cutfertyn JleNnnee. Jt h:w��Vin•n hells, of r. f -I 1 1 shot t I're. ids - n y „rues 1- 1 -[ t he 1. flit d 1 Y said Nx)s-0. fir t ,s I Il Ib31 i. l' mgt ❑,e oPl i f tl I. 1 tl t I t [e be- f 1 1 9 t , be Bit r No. 391 fours 1 bt .fit d W tl t 1. f r.t and I tl a matter of the ,'Yuri of Ilia lloard of Peril t 1 i a . 1 till Pit l: I, Wt I,. dated Au;r 3l, 1P!Il. Adopted b3' the Board of Aldermen Sept. 1 It i herel:r o(dercvl by till Cun,( loo Connell 18!11. f Lhe CItY ut SL. Pail. YL•,t,-Aid. BlelcI ]berg. Bolt. Conley, tope ( Tbut the Ituurd l,4 I'uldic Works of Lla" I: nil Dol n r ]turn lde n, Snnlwrn, Sullivan.,. City of St, P:ntI eau," the f'ollnwin �Imnn,ro- Mr. Vice President -9. moots W be made. to -wit: and take NnysJ. Ian en,omm:t in elm land abutting le- Sixth Adoplerl by the Assrm by Sept. A, 1F91. nest lmtwcen liuw bel Street and the south - 1 e:ts-Jles.rs. Itnnbulrer. Coslellu, I:I m- s..sterly rod of the Sl Xt I street bridge (sn :luist.Mel'It BertY.\M,Nanme,\linen.Opin•n eIlb,d1 in saidcity, nece,vary to emistr pct Lho be!m, V, Slyke. Mr. PecsiI -.It-s. Slopes for cuts nml fills in gnuling s:dd SI.XLh N.Y.-). Ircec between s+dd points. to the esUtbli.bad Approved Sept. H. ISMgrade tl,orrof, us shown by teas prulie of ,aid Brads op file in the utas" +f Lhe Regt.ter of -- Dred, ill nnJ fur Rumscy county. and I, Lhc olein• of Ll:o l'ILY Engineer; s:dd Slopas LU nd F No.:IW- trend ono :tad one -holt (I'..1 feet bund In Lire antler of Lhc r Vurl. "I' the hoard of for every foot of eat or lill :t, Iodi itlrit on I'nblie Works dated AnK. nl. ISM. till, plan of ,:dd ,lone, a acl:etl 'l ,n d 1. It is hereby 11nk•ntel IiY the L'o:nn:ou Col ... ell i le- t, and lobe tiled to the omee ur said Ito, rd. f the city or SL. rant: That said nun rd .Imo Prucecd without de - That the hoard of Piddle Works of ,tid'Iuy Wx.se+. Lhe nnmu uL, us nearly ns Lha•C-:t„ Clitn• If St. Paul cat ,e Lhe following impro re- n :t I in Ise ,ante, avhieh will I n`uir 1 r L W la• made tib r -wit: Pave n'i[h enlnr Ity{' rLbc rinmages, rusts had fit ,+ry , - block,Third .-tnv�t.. from IS rood waJ' W lilt• se. of ,u •h i +pr ' m t o„on Lho reai 'rlort , lIt viadect , os, the llpy u( way i�.uh" tar he beoeflled by r nice ,Vrovement. of the ralirond,, h: ,aid city. n provided by In it I)"Aag the.pintos Uf That sato Hoard t , ,ti I work to be let tile- Council that el., Istat" W be.,,,seed for by e mtr4ct n, proatdod by ko i, without 1 fit ' e leh Imrrucement u,n bo funnel hemefi Glti to tont{the e.t ionated to,41„log li Inh the ex[cot. of the damn ge,. costs and e.Xpcnses the t•1 y trnt,h,y; tad after ,aid work shall nere.sury Lo be meal, red therobY. rrucrved without delay to n till all onot Adopted by the Board of Aldermen SePt. 1, I. thi-Y •ar as crt`tia Lhe , "I- which arllt ten• real ui marl to P:aY the cost+rood Yrus-Aid. air. lrnbcrg, Bo 1, Conley, Colrr- rY o Pouse,s ,t' suet: im Provomen, hh:d, Doboer. Dorniden. Suoborn, Sal levan, o the rout e.hhr W be bceeliWd le-}' said JI r. \'ice 1're,ide eL-U. ,I rovemeet.: , Provided by law: it Wet•• NaY,-0. the oPinluo of the- Council tlott real slice" to ArloPterl by ills A,sombly Sept 8, Is!n. III, :e scud for ,u •1, ,m{rrovrmcnt c r be Yens-Jlr,sra. Battle -1, Cusl.cllo. Flill- folodbee.fiU:d Lo the extent of tee cost and ,I ut,t. ;1,1., erty, JleNumee. Mul-ra.1, Op- x�� W be incnrrud LhorcbY. {n,o hlio JI r. Vice Yre,ideut-s. ` Atlo{;tad b;l,t hchon nl u[ AlJcrtue,a Scp[. ,. any-s-�1. IS!h, Appnaved Sept. 11. 1891. Yeas-Ald. niclrn berg. BML. Cunt S`t:iaborrtn, land. Dubhre-. Duro Iden Ge -9 - Solltruo, Mr. Vice President -9. lid F N". 3!cf- Adopted bS [he .l.senr illy Sept N IF91. In till maitre- of Lha Port f the- Board of Yu,es-Mes r. lbtnpol'ir r. Cn,trllu, Elm- Public \Vnr!c. dnt.evl Sept. 1. lspl- e�� ist M,Cofrerty, hlc Nnnoro. Uppeolaetm• Mr. It,!,. hereby or lord by tar Cutnmon Council Vico Yreskirut-S.um City of St. Petal: Nnr,-Mr. M o rray--I. `hat t he fie:tol fi t ramal tv,:rk, "f anal city. Approved Sept. I1, INUI. of St. Pool cause Lho toll" -fit imp rovumeo/ to be mude. W -wit: ll" the gasoline Iamb' from it ,outhwrst. c or l.af.ad ILd F No.:W- nc,olved, TI,ItL pity "ilea e-8 bo drown upon ,hCl Ly Trc.D roe-. Ila Sable" It of I1, "gen fid l:rutto ,Erects to ilir. northeast corner of a" l etrev(s, Ir: 'aid 'i" Adopted by tl,e Buurd of Aldormea Sept. 1. 1801. 234 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. Yeas-Ald. Biclenhorg, Bott. Conley. Cope-- Bit F No 385-- lid Du I"obner, Dorniden, Sborn. SullivRn. Ri sulred. That warrants be ant uoI the 51 r. Vice President -9. •'1y trunnurv, payable a It of it It uie" 1 ' NaysJ. Adopttrl ill, the INsse thly Sect. 8, 1891. Co rt filed, in favor of the persons unnm9 in the p:ly-rull of tilt- Municipal Court, present- \'cas-Mes,rs. Broil olzer, Costello. Elm- cd with this resolution, for thesum sue oppn- lui,t. M,Cattv r1%JfcN umoe, \licca, 01,1-1-s'te W their •spucti vo nh m,,, 1.1 payment of hci m. Jar. Prosideut-S. I c.'alury and comp o..I'll I of said' persons NnysJ, Appruved Sept. 11, 1891. fur theirserviees during the month of Au- Kest, Is91. asshown bysuid lilyy-ru11. — Adopted by tit, Boor,] of Aldcrnma Sept. plot. Mr, Vico President -9. N lys-41. l -en, -Aad. 131e1,.n lx•rK, Butt, ('ead,y, Cule•- Iid F No. 377 - IM Sanborn. Duhner. Durnidcu. Sanborn. Sullivuu, "ken Itcsolrud, That warrants he drown Ikon the t•,,y treasury, payable. outof the ButldiaaK' \'{cc net J. Nays -0 Inspector's d,Ieo-tvmnt. ft- ml, in I'I ver of the Adopr,d by Lhe Aesemhly 6rpL. F, 1tl91. 'e runs naalecl In the ph Y roll u[ said drpxr4 nL umlepr • anted w th tads res, lute,, fur You.-J{e,sr.s. Ilanholrer, CusWll, n. Mt•- t Cu11'erty. Me Num e, Milken. Opllonhcim. Mr. ?ahe sums tt�Ipusi W. Choir ru,poetivo lit mos in pRymo Itthcsaltt ry and cumP I'n•sidtn 1.-7. Nay,J. it itiunof said pv.-Ii. Pile Chir service, during Lho Approved Supt.11, 1F91. ,tun Lll of August, 1891, as ,hown by said pity I"upmvCntent, uB Dnlvidud by I,w: IL leing roll. Adopted by tho Board of Aldermen Sept. 1, — !Fill. Ye;w-Aad. Bielun he rK, Butt Conley. Cop,- Bita- it, red. That warrnntsbe drawn anon tm Ialilt, Donner. Dorhdden. Sanborn, 9ulli vena, city tre;k,ury, payable out or the. city ulli„r r. Vico Presifl,lot. 9. Mr s lar)• fn uti. In favor of the pa•rsn las curved In Nuys --0, the page -rolls prew;n Wd with this rusulutAun. Adoj,le by Cho Assam illy Sept. 8. ]P9I, fur tl in sum set opposite to their usl-tivo V,a,-Mrs,rs, Banholzcr, l'osW110, McCaf- a an a,s in payment of Lbu a:durY ;led uouapma- e ly, McNxm,e, Minot Oppenheim, Mr. Pre,- idcnt-7. .ation of ,a t'l persons for their silt nes lur- ing the amp nth of August, 1891, us �snhown by N'Ys-a. seal Pay -rolls. Approved Sept. 11, 1x!11. Adopted by the Board of Aldermea Sept. 1, — 1591. Pmts -And. Bielenbc-, Bott, Conley. (lopu- Bd C No. 97N- Itee.1led, That warrent.. be drawn upoao We city treasury, Paynblo out If the. health do•part meal. fund, in far.,. If the pe-ne, mod in tau pay roil of said olepn rtnnent and presented with this rosolut 0a, for the . n n setu)Iasi W Lo their respect] ve nam es in meat, of Lbr, ,alnry and Iona pensutiun of Isa;l persue. [or their s,rvice..s during the m eta Of Auga,t. ]stil. as shown by said payroll. Adupterl by th - Board of Aldermen Sept. 1. 1A91. Vons-Ald. Bicho olerK. Bell, Cooley, Cope - Inn 1. Duhner, Dorniden. Sanborn. S1111111111.Mr. Vice President -9. Nuys �. Adopted by the A,sembly So 1. 8, 1891. Yeas --Messrs. Il:tnholzor, Co,Wllo M af- furU•. McNumce, Mlue.;b;ODp4'n helm eCJf r. 1'resfdent-i. Nay s --U. Approved Sept. 11, 1851. i loud, Duhner. Dornlden, Sanborn, Sullnnn. 31r. Vice President -9. Nll)'%J. \dupted by Cha• As„: tVdy Supt. 5, 1891. 1'ea,-Mcssra. Inmhulzer. Uustellu, Mc- CallcrtY• JloNumeo. Jlluuu• OUVotbeint, ail r. i'res p I s -t-7 . Nn Is-) APUruvell Sept. 11, 1891. Tilt F No.:LC,- R-1-1, That the draft of -I ao(rurt. ix•ar - I," talk. �cpt. 1. A. 1). Ism. b1•.tween Nica11 Its Feycah red the CityIf St. Pont. 1'ur th, a. trent on of a I.o t a"Ittioll Iron and Is Dude, bridge xunnes tin right ut way oI Cho Great Northern Railway Cum Pany. on Cho 11 m, of Lexington avenue lx� and ill(! same Is approved, and Cho proper city officers •e )arborized and directed to execute said ea tract on behalf of s:dd cit. n y '. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Sept. 1, 1891. Yeas-Ald. Blelenberg, Bott. C, ley. Copo- Innl, Domer, Dornideu, San bore. Sullivan, Mr. Viet- President -11. Nay, -U. Adopted by I It, Assenhbly Sept. S. 18!11. Yrn,-Messrs. Bunholzer, Costello, Mo.- apni,,t. MWa ert))', McNamee, Mine., Oppon- hcim, Mr. Prcon co t_ S. Nays, 9. A pprovul Sept. It. 1891. Bd F' No. 3A9- In the ,ror the report of too Bunrvl of I'ublle \Yorks datcd Aug.31, IS91. It i, Lerch -y ,rnr rod by t.hu num boon Con ueil f the e City of SI. 1'uaal: That thBoard of Publio works of said OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891, 2:15 City of St, Pnpl cause the following Imppr • •- Bit F No. :t`,l'- Ij Be,olvcd.'rhat warrant, be drawn on, too 41 •try trrn,htrY. • vab1C to George. f1%Is, Citi Tec:wurnr.fur t�,:unaoff•Lsa.net of the local lev inblock eight (8) of Drake's rearrange ihhhpm vom,nL fund, for 11—yfor too engi- neering deportment for the mouth of August, I )Noll. A dupted by tar. Board of Aldermen Scp- W mice 1. 15!11. St. foul, in eni I city said grading to be done Yon, -AN . IBolcnbrrg. Bell. Cody. Copo- under one Dont runt, lund. Dollncr. Dorn idea. Sanborn. Sullivan, 1 : Mr, Vico President -9. N lys-41. by contract, as pruvided Ihalf t.lao estimated cos[ being tl est paid IoW Adopted b}• the A,s,nh illy Sept F. 1891. .. Yeas-Jfu,srs. Bxnhulze r. t'o,lello. McCaf- ferty, Me Nxmtk•, Minva, Oppenhol to, ill r. President -7. be placed under contract sold Board shall Nay., -f). -,proceed without delay to assess the amount, APlot oved Sept. 11. 1851. loud, Duhner. Dornlden, Sanborn, Sullnnn. 31r. Vice President -9. Nll)'%J. \dupted by Cha• As„: tVdy Supt. 5, 1891. 1'ea,-Mcssra. Inmhulzer. Uustellu, Mc- CallcrtY• JloNumeo. Jlluuu• OUVotbeint, ail r. i'res p I s -t-7 . Nn Is-) APUruvell Sept. 11, 1891. Tilt F No.:LC,- R-1-1, That the draft of -I ao(rurt. ix•ar - I," talk. �cpt. 1. A. 1). Ism. b1•.tween Nica11 Its Feycah red the CityIf St. Pont. 1'ur th, a. trent on of a I.o t a"Ittioll Iron and Is Dude, bridge xunnes tin right ut way oI Cho Great Northern Railway Cum Pany. on Cho 11 m, of Lexington avenue lx� and ill(! same Is approved, and Cho proper city officers •e )arborized and directed to execute said ea tract on behalf of s:dd cit. n y '. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Sept. 1, 1891. Yeas-Ald. Blelenberg, Bott. C, ley. Copo- Innl, Domer, Dornideu, San bore. Sullivan, Mr. Viet- President -11. Nay, -U. Adopted by I It, Assenhbly Sept. S. 18!11. Yrn,-Messrs. Bunholzer, Costello, Mo.- apni,,t. MWa ert))', McNamee, Mine., Oppon- hcim, Mr. Prcon co t_ S. Nays, 9. A pprovul Sept. It. 1891. Bd F' No. 3A9- In the ,ror the report of too Bunrvl of I'ublle \Yorks datcd Aug.31, IS91. It i, Lerch -y ,rnr rod by t.hu num boon Con ueil f the e City of SI. 1'uaal: That thBoard of Publio works of said OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891, 2:15 City of St, Pnpl cause the following Imppr • •- oral fund." in fat of tine follmring n h 1 for ,et opnoelu tlmllr alit to he mud,, to -wit: Dnatio the oil g, In Ro ,arrangement of block seven (T) of persons, the a �oll. •Bp„Lice nam,¢ t McLean'slteservation to St. Paul, and the al-' Henry Calvin. cum mention for serv- lev inblock eight (8) of Drake's rearrange Ines as sergeant o arms W Sept. 1, I ant of blocks 2, 8. 9 and 19, and lots I W 11, block 11, all part of 11rL,,an's Resc,votloa to 1 1591 ....... ... .. .... ... ... ..... ...f30.00 Carl Neuhauecn, sarcines is iliterlmeler St. foul, in eni I city said grading to be done in Municipal Coll rt to Sept. 1. 1891.,.....5 Is under one Dont runt, Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Sept. 1, That said board c: use said work W be let b3• law, witholtt one- 1891. Peas -Alli. Bi,lehbr rg. Bott Conley, Cope- by contract, as pruvided Ihalf t.lao estimated cos[ being tl est paid IoW anal. Dnnnr. Iklrlldem, 8alhburah. Sha alien,, the city treasury, and after said work shall Ur. Vice Pie,idenl-ll- be placed under contract sold Board shall Nays-�). Sept. 8, 1691. -,proceed without delay to assess the amount, Adupterl by the Assembly ]I, holzur, Costello. nrlY , th,y cam to ertnin tilt- sit a W I )'ens-Jlrss- \t,•\unuca•. Jlio,u. ppix'o helm. Mr. whfoh wall bo rc,uiro f h ply 1,halcyon and c penises o s r j Precnl4}ut opusssar)' the real estate to pro bun,btted h)' said Nuys -U. I"upmvCntent, uB Dnlvidud by I,w: IL leing _ the opluinn of the Council Lhxt real ,¢tate [o I r Ito as.,r ',d fur .,let, Improvementcru be Bit F No. 391 - found benefited W the ,xn,nL of cost anti ox- Ll Chu mutter of the report o[ the Board of p,nses to Ie incurred thereby' Board Aldermen Sept. 1. Put tic Works dated Aug. 31 1891. Adopted by the of 1891. Y;,-Ald. Bielenterg. Bott, Conley. Col - IL is hereby ord,reoi by thy: Cummnn Cocnrn of the Clty ill' SL. pain: TIdlt Lhe hoard of Public Works oC Lha land. Uohnur, Uurnideu, Sanborn. Sullivan, City of St. Paul cause the following Inipruve- Mr. V ice President -9. menu to too made, to -wit: Condone and tike. \ahs -0. by the Assrmhp Sept. P. 1A91' t to easement tit til, land abuttinl,•on Sixth Adopted Yml,+-Mcssr,. BauhoPzer. Cnsb•Ilo, Elm- to pe L. between ]tusnlwl street noel the south- s.estcrly red ill tau Sixth street bridge 1,n mist. Ale(•a RertY. JleNanorc, Jlinea4ltppe•ae elllelhinsaid clLy,neces,.ry WconsLrnet the h,im, Van Slyke.. lar. President-,. slopes forcuts red hilae I n Brading s;dd SIsDI Nays -fl. Apprut'ell Sept. H. {8411. street betwCl, ah wad pointe. to Llan usLnblished grade th—Cif, ns show¢ by the prod c of .aid BitF No. 390- In the matter of t.hc report of the Board of I'unlic \Vork, dated Aug. ill. ISM. Itis ,Deny ori, reel be th, Commnu Connci I 'If the Cita' of St. I'uiil: 'plat tau Bon rd if Public work, of ,aid .Citof St. Pond cause the Inllna olving impno'e- meet ie Ill, made. to -wit: Pawitce I de• blocks Third street. from ISroudway ti the Thir] street vladert across the 19nt of way. of Ilio rtilroolds. in across That sill, Board e;lttso void work to be let by G)nl rxct, as provided by how. withoutono- lotlt the-61nawd rust lxolnK lirst paid Into til, e} 1 treasury: n, . ter s:dllt, as"esslhoo nkl aunt! u.aween ely is they t axCe't du tile'. , t' which trill el rerluin khl W poly at.le cost It, • ry a Pe:,es pl' s ch nproremrnt upon the real estate W lw tbenefited by s ad imprucemott, us pruvidrd by hiss; it being the oPl nio.1 of the Cotnril Hutt real ,sLUW W Ile ;4” 9,, for such improYcallenC can be found lEnolled to the extant of th • cost and my to be i aacurred thereby. t• Xdupfn:(] bylike Board of Aldermen Sept. 1, 1891. Yeas-Ald. Blelenberg, nett, Conley, Cope- 6ullli.�an�IMtrr%,I too PreSId,ntt-9p„ Sanborn, Nay upted s 0. A dby the Assembly Sops- A 1891. yea1 isim- t,MeC tit, rty11Costello. M,Nalu,c. Oplichetm.Mr. `'Ilea Presidve t-7, N`ys-M rurray--1. Approved SCpt.11, 1891. Rd F l,,, 17- Besulvnd, Tbntcityy orders be drown upon the City Tr,nsurcr. Ilal•nitlo out of the "Ran ),ods 1)"'i nn file111 I for R' :y m"rd, lunil I n athc t nitd tee a,d a nyi BT I(11,) feet,! u" ;,III Lund Cur er root If rut or fill 14 Indicated nn Ih, Plnai of sold ,lone.. attached to .- id r - pof t, enol tube piled in the k, c, of san tlionrd. 11Rt solid lSuurd ,I lull proceed without II, lily Weases, the,analilia lie nearly( Lh,)"can inicermin toe sane, which will IIe retiuired to pay twf damn l'ImlprvmtmcL itPons Lim real i�sulte to Ienbeo,Ht,d byy quid intpnpr,nh,nt. n provided by low•: it leing the opinion of the Council tint n•.ul cvtate to be m..isied for ei impnpc,mrnt inn bo found benefited to theextent o f I,, (I: grs.costs and expense, nceess:o•}• to be incor'rd the ruby. Adopted by tike Ilan rent Alderman Sept. ], 1891. Yeas -Aad. Bit- lenb,rg, Butt. Conley Cupr- ho Donner, Doluble., Sanborn. inl11-1. Jlr. \'Ice I'ro,ident-9, Nays -0. 1. y,a,- d ,s the Assembly Sept. t lo. Y,us-Messrs, ISPMcNk lir. Costello. FOp- tlnLb lle`Ir. VIce�P_,Ioliat-8.slorrxv. Op- penheim. Nay, -11. \Pprvpet-d Sept. Il, 11-9i. It(] F No. 3!B - In tine m.ntL,r of Cho roport f the Board of Public \Vont, tinted Sept, t. ]18111. It is hereby ordered by title Coalition Council f ib, City of St. I'nnl: That ire Renard of Public wo"-of said City of St. Poul cit ase tine following improvemmet Joint, from Ill, to b n ;ol thwest r rn,rl ufgLn'o uti mud Crutto slreetsnto the. northeast corner of '!"it stIll!"s, In ,Rill efty. Adopted by the Board of Alderman Sept. 1, 1891. 230 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Ycas-Ald. Bielcnherit. Bott, Conlcy Cope- land, Debuer, Doruiden, Sanborn, Sullivan. Mr. Vice Presldelt-9. Nays -0. Ad,,p'ed by the Assembly Sept. 8. 1R91. Year -Messrs. Il+Lnitolzer. C,;,tello, Eim- qui,t MGC;t IFerty. McNamee, Murray, Op- pm:hcim, Mr. Vice Pr•e-lentr-X. Nays- 0. Approved Sept 11,1591, Rd F No. 394 - In the matter of the report, if the Board of Public Works dated May 2s, IMJI, and Au- gust 25.1891. It Iv heeby ardFn•d byulthe Cammou Caancll of the Cityo ot f SPa: That file Board of Public Works of said City a[ St. P:tnl rn a,c the fullowinX impr,,vr- •aLstabemurle.to-wit: Grade Sinustreet fromE lrl street to Cypress street, surd York strec I. from Cypress street to F.xrl sure[, In said city, said grading to be done under one u n[ract. That said Board cause saill work fo be let by,,tract. ,, provided by Iaw,,I, thoutoat� half the estimated or st being first paid later the city trensury, and after said work shall be placed under cnnlrnnt. said Board ,ball proceed wit lout, bty to nssoss the amount, us nearly as they can usecrl sin the ,ams which will be required to pn))• 'I cusi.s and ry Pensee nC i +•1: P rano t s. al is the real) esta I• Lo be benefited by said !:','o Pero 'e eat. +.s prurilled by btw; it beb:X the npmion of Lbe Con "ell that real '$tn[e to asmpr be assessed for saeh improvement C, ta be found benefited to the extent of the ,sts and expenses orcessury to be lat•urred tbere- by the Bonrdof Aldermen Sept. 1, Bott, Conley. <;01ro- Sanbtrrll, Salhyan, by for As,em illy Sept. 8, lR91. Bash olzar, Cstolla. Elnn- nMtrty.MeNnnn•I+. Ml!I aY.O'pon- Approved Sept. 11. 1591, By Ald', Sanborn-Ild F No. 396- It is hereby ordered by the CDtnmon Council of the City of St Paul: That the matter D- InvinX crus, .I!k, nero 1, I L avenue of ih . t. l l f St .\I b 't l; on the west 11 f C 11 1 Farm Gni:t 1 it 1 t i C hill, be. iXN tl - t ne �s 1 by r Ierre,d to the Board of Pol lie Work [ t1 - y r 'nou., and 1 t: Is till, Int tire vernel:t prDpor and n If s d the i-oun•ll n proptr�e[r dirertitngst he o k W In• doac. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Sept. 1. I Rif Yeas-Ald. Blelenberg. Britt Coniry. Cope- lind. Cullen, Dobner, Dornidel, 8unborn. Sulllr In. Mr. Vice President -10. Nays -d. Adopted by the As,embly Sept. S. 1891. Yens-MIS,+S. Iinnholzer. Costello, Elm- gn{st, 1I,Cnferty, )Ir Njonee. Murray, Op- pm+heinl, Mr. Vice I' -,idem -S. Nu1'IDI Approved Sept. 11. 1891. By Ald. Sanhorn-Ild F No.:N.Y- It is he -by orllo-1 bC the Common Co;mctl of the City,,f St. I'dolI That the atter e f 1y -ndln�• II•*- n block 14 of Woodland Lark addition „to Std Paul be, and the same is herby referred to the Board of Public Works to Investigate and 1 rL: rI,F`irst-IS this Improvement proper and nec- cssxry? Sell d -Give the Council nn estimate of Lite c.-,11xense tbertuf, and state whether one•- Imlf DI'tbe east thereof Is to In- paid int,, the cit))- trainery beforo the eontrae:t is lot 'I'hnrd-Can real estate W be ese,ecd for said improvement lie foundbeneflWd W the extant of damages. costs and expenses rivers nary t0 be incurred tl:ereb}? Fourth -Is .uclt Inn pre cment asked for upon [Ile yeti tion or n{)P1{entlon of the o - noramaiority of tlw ptn)x:rt3• W hna+d seed for Snell hoprovca10ntr Fifth -Send [he Coll nal u plan lir penile of sold Iml)r-i mnnt as-juired b3' ht w, it you reI)fir[ in favor of file sanle. elxth-Send the Connell a proper order di- recting tlm work to in- done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Sept. 1 Isol. Peas-Ald. Bielcoberg, Bott, Conley, Colre- Inn 1. Cullen. Rohner. Dornlden, Sanborn, So I_ lican, Mr. Vire I'reeident-ince Adopted by file Assembly Sept. S. 1901. Ycus-D[cssrs. Buuholzrr, CIstullo. Blm- yul,t DIcCulFcrty. McNamee. Murray. oti- pen Ilei m. D1 r. Vice President -8. Nny Approved Sept 11, 1891. By Ald. Sanborn- Bd F No.3%- It i, hereby ordcrcd by file Common Conneil t' the Cify o[St. I'+t 11 l: feet matter of cou,u•ucting neldewn;k c f •et In w' lth, of Porti Old atone. an file I north side of Fairmount avenue, from St Albano tmet 440 feel. east to connect wit It Stine sidewalk n w hdd fronting eeiden, of F. B. Kellogg• be. and the a • Is herb y referred to the. BOIr of Pub11c1Work., W ro- ve stlgutc and repo - 1, ,,, Im�nrvement pro ,cr and neccs,°ry7 if .s r. ,r d the Couueld a I,ropnr order Ili recting the• work W he doge. .Adapted by the Board of AId-men Sept. 1, I.I. Yeas-Ald. IlielenbrrX_. Rott.Co D Iry. Cnpo- Innd, Cullen. Dobner, Dnrni]I,,, San barn. Sullivue. )fr. VI P Illent. 10 h ) -U 11 { L 1 le) tl A hlr Sept N, llo, R-1 Irm CDetelln, EIm- ,joist. \I C g. t3 \I A,,, I,. 3l array, op Ia nhcl m, 11 ) 101 Yre 'Ideltt 8 Na)v 0. A pproved-Sept. 11. 1891. Rd F No. 399- Itcsolved, That nu order lw dnlwn upon the city trc•a,11ry In favor of Chu Azotl nr Munlfueteri ng Connpftoy% pa)'°hle 0111 of 1110 general fund. for the slim of 1In 6.i1U, in pny- cnl. of sold a ,pangs 11111 for the cnllec- tiion of garbage from June 15. INUI, to July 15, INU 1, Adopted by the board of Aldermen Sept. 1. 1891. Yeats -A Id. Inelenborg, Ilett, Conley, Cope - OF THE CITY OF SAINT PATL, FOR 1901. 237 Cul!vu, Ih:bne r. D...... n- snolhorn. Sulli- That Lhe mature of emeorneting a six -font +, Nil. Vile President -IU. 1 wooden ,idewalk n I tho north side nt Davtu I N::t,.-p. even lie, hot ween )VI -ler street anel Fall - 1 v 1 ).I.C.. . i l ClCI I'n•sident of ibe heli3' of Alderme , \dmued ny file .IoIlo Ir,. SIAO- ll. }torr u)r•.tfit:�rcuh: flit. C11 +•I` e'e ) Ie'Siu_ Nnvs-)Icssrs. F.Irnquisi. )j 1'CU 1l' Y= Approved Sept. 11. Is91. lid F No. 4(M)- Itenolveel.7'bnt cit)' orders he drawn) upon Lhr oily Ireu, 11 ry, n fu-, of Lho pere,,ns : sed In the altaebed list. for the am runts �n Id I I+t ift' �loe'a+� .ir r •,pert ia[ fund 1oil C•eto be tPblhelntioa SHIloorlto, a fare rhunge of Xrado j. a11ey block 2 S •he'meirr .� Evan: uddi- tiun, C45: C. It. Breckinridge. for opednK i Iwidening of VNestseaculll Str-)-Sul. Adopted by the Beard of A dcrmeu Sept. 1. Is.)]. Yr: Aid. Iii, nhe•K I':1'. Cooley' lura, I:a+d, Callen, Duh aer. Sullivan, 1'resident-le. \d Gpiwl by the A-DI1113' Sc rt. N, \-e•I"hl`t �n11'rrty tblole ,M.Irlen- luis beton, )I r. Vire 1'residen t -S. Nays 1. A pose(• Se Pc. It. 1n1:1. clow avenue. l petitlnn atumhcd), a. an t. sonic Is h-eby refl•rred Ur Cite Board of Pot - He \Yorks to inceetl Xato and report. tnc Is ilii, improvement proper and i es 'ary:' the Council a Proper order diLopt"'I by wort: to dune. Adopted by the. I4onrrl of Aldermen Supt. 1, NU 1. Yeses -Abd. ID,bo a•rK. Butt. Conley, ('opo- �, laud. Cullen, Dobn•r, Doraidr a. Sun bora. Sullivan. Mr. Via• P-Ade•n t -lo . N:ys u. Adapted by the x,srn+bly SopL. S, iS01. Vents -)leer.. Ibtltholzer, ray, 1•:Im- quist. }irl'Vie,t}) Jle Nn leer, Dl urru3'• Cppcn- '. \'ire I'rr.ide ni.-N. Nu Approved Sr pe. 11. 1k:1. Ilp Aid. 13ott-Ind F No. 41M - It is herrhy arde red by the Common Council f fhe. City of St. Punt: f block •k That the mnttn•r ui' Kradlag ullrY it 54 of Arli l+ul or: Ilius to( 11m; bc, and the 1IjoW, re!erred ,,the lio:o-d of Pob- Il „rks to ++ vestige ti• and report: First --Is this lnipr,,ventenl Droper and neees, :' 6eeond-G i ac 1 he Cmmri I :t n tsLimate o[ the r'pcnse iberent and ,Lute wh(I into of o-bttlf of ib.ro. Ctrrcot is to he ould unto Lhe city tre-or)- %bore the ,I none, 1, let - ,n I liuR * tconlent I found Inmas, it'd o t e •xncuc of danmgos, ocuts l rid exlxats-os net - v to be into recd thcrcbyr MFoer rLh-IS sorb im Prua'nnte+L +t, for ,tool the petit ion or 'be inlie nY theawn- DI + ii +CJD city Gf lhD prnpety to ter. ar srts ed fur such I'll �inJi,Sonl Lhr caaaeu n plan or pion e I xafelriir 1Dr'fncnr of tl le I, mired by low if Yon rl Vting t )Sen, rk t+� bo doom Propm order dl rL ado rated by the f nt+ i n[ ,\lderme +Sr Dt I. -Aid. Itb•b nhe 'e. 1 olt- Conley Col` all r Doh oe r. ID.,11 n. Sunburn. Vire Pre Idiot -10. 0. led by t he A,.vm Illy Sept. N. ISUI. I e,lfrrra lt11 a Nloorl. \I:n rty:•oppCm- Approved Sept, ll. I191. By Ald. Sullivan-Bd. F No. 403- It Is bere•hy or le•red hp file I;no Cau unit Of the. City Of St. l'I'D : Ily Ald. Sulllvun-Bd I•' No. 404- `I, 04- herrhy ordereA by file Cym mein Co11ncil lit On, (%i tY DI'tll. ]' til: That filo matder of ce nstructiog. ix fo,,t made ,ill •a-nik or tle, ,omit side of fl lylun ar t n )front of on 3. Men•iarn's Seco xdditiu nnbr Merriam Park -pati Lion in [mud, of Board of I'ubIi, Works -be -aril file s Is hereby referred to file Board of Pu otic \\'Grks to inve,tlgraw lint report.. IS [Ills imlr+v:v,•+m'nt propernnrl m•ce .+'s:• 1f sr sr Gd tla• Council a Proper `u circ direeting the nock to be dune. Adopted by in,- hoard of Alderman tiept. 1, 1111. Yens-Ald. Blcletberg, Bott. Cmticy, Cope- land, Callen. Dobner, Dunddon, ;unborn. Sullivan, hl r. Vice l'resldent-10. Naps -41. Adopted by the :Iie, lily Sept, N, ]Sill. Yens -Messrs. D:mb'Ncr. Costello. Ell - Iuist ANCutFertY, )1e N amur. Sturm,, Dppcn- beim, Nll. Viet President -N. Nays 1. Aoprovod Sept. ll, IS91. By Ald. Britt-Bd F So. 405 - It -Dived. Thnt the grade of the IIIIY In Rogers' rearr agement of W-1, :. MO-In's ration. from Cypn•,s Stec[ to Fnrl �trnrt n od;cnmd UY filo and Xrade Ilse ort Lbe e• +:`ea:ying- profile. and as e r t- aded11h. the Cita' I:nXi Beer, bee' r It rho ne 's hereby I:IDIO.'I as inn es nhli,lt11e.1 }card et Adopted lrp the llo ted of Alder Sept 1, pal i. 1 :\Id IiiClrnherX', Dorn; .15nn born, I 1 �('nlleu, 11,0 •r, S II v Sir. \'Ice Yre.lde:it 11. \nYvtli. Adopted Uy the Ash mUIY Se`Pt 9, ISAI. I Icits)f CafFet3'�lMcNnll�me, )i�u rI,,.,I pnn- Ireia+. DI r. Vie'. Prusldrat-s. N p po 1. .l proved Se1,1.. Ib, 1891. Bp Ald. Bolt-Bd F No. 400 - It Ix hereby unlrred by the Comeau Cuu nett f i he City of St Yaul: Tlml. the matter of enn,LruetinK 1t wouth sidewalk sax feet wide. together with ail fila 238 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 'sings. or M,I—ti street. fn M•t. to ]lest!, st'vA be. aid tine rehv referred to the Bonrd of YUD to I,n'estiKut c and report. ,pro vCn,00t pro Per uud Corder nodira y7 t he ouncl l „ Proper orderr din•et- rk Co be dare. by the Board oY Alderman Sept. ], s-Ald.lilelenberan g. Bott. Cley.Cope- Cull mr. D.burr. DornIden. Sanborn, Sul '. - M A is . I e"id It 10. pl. vl 1sy tl A.' ,nu•r. era}', bIJ'y5ept. S. IRm. \len. ISnn balzrr. / rray,o Elm- .: Mccnnertr. Jlr.NayD, I/ppen- Dlr. Vice 1'reNidcnt-R. -a. n o 'ed S,pt. 11. 13U1. ,^ er petition hcrelo attachen, be, and the a t. • by re Pe ,red Wthe Bonrd of Pub- li w ,rk to InvestlK ate and repo Is this lnlpeovrmant nrnper Pard eti -aryl If co. send Lite Cuu Heil Propel order direcc- iu the work W Ire dune. Ill,pt,vl by the B„unl of Aldermen Sept. 1, 1n91. VC„' --Alit. ISiC.lenlx•rg, Bott, Conley. Collo Innd. Cullen, Hubner. Horn hien. Gehan. Sun- burn, Sullivan, Mr. Vice Pre.ddont--l0. N 3 Blo tol 1 ti t X 1 II Mlrtnuy, OppCn berm AIr.Vice tl're..�ideut11 +1 Nay-- 1. Approved Sept. 11, Ped. By Aid. Gelbu,-1311 F No. 411 - Bit F No. 467- 11 e hereby ordered by the Common Cou„uil ft,ola']d. That city ,ales Ix• mien upon of Ib,• f'it)' I'mil: the city treanu rS fn fin vor 01 7�ny for -Craig '1'hn t. the unl. u•r of r st ructlrtK a Pr,qur 1'riw'tion fur the ngKregute. umourt oY.co, reel ho" hCtavecn t he ltler street eew,•r,RA M1.i1iU.N and 1 ,forest. n' folloe.: the'aud ,r I< Neu a Tenth 't tact, nrd 13s1ubecaY I•:Iti main Ivo. 4. vt ntetiuo otl InrKing the 'penihr'Lree•L ee Fort. ud bufldiu C27Ufv Estinuttc No. D c K ho-gt l0 a fete, street, be ftnd ticlwnnm iS and final, construrtiuu of t vard build- hereby refetted to the B acrd of Public Narks tug,, idr E,tinlxte Nu.3and •ibutl,'t, ,true- to iuva'tiAmteand sport: Linn of kitrhe„ lou miry builJiu Ks. tH.I13..; First -1, the ten Prover—it Proper a d sec F.Ithm1W Nu.3nad I1nnI. col,>truetion or con- .Wry;. inK C rridor. N.6; end um ants [o ie'199ero„d-(i ive the Coaocil uo ,nin,:tW of Lhe ouirl ant of Lbe halpir,tl hoildiog�fo nd. e'peose thereof. nod stale whetimr m e -hull' AdoPw`d Dry tl,e liourd of Aldermen, Sept. 1, of t be co.t Lherc if i -s Who paid hbW the rby IhYi !brine„r}' beta,, [Ino cootrue[ i. ICL. }11!. C lle Birle nlarg, Butt, -e. ley,Colx•-: Third-t;nr, ..cul ,Lute •, be a",,11 , for lard, Callon. b,rP , llarnidrn. Su„hurn.'sti,l inn]rrurmront be l'oubd benutl tted to the S, Ilia , Ji r. Vir cYrlrcide„t-10. extent d'llnnuyres. •nets and exPrawl mice' Nx}'.tr ll. Na- to br incurred ihercbyi \dupbvl by the A'Iembiy' Sept. "I" . IHUI.rY�,u rib -Is such Im Provemeni. 'keel fur ol>- Vens-Me"ts. liunholr.,•r, Cu'U•I lo, F;bo- n tb,• `a•t ltim, or upirlirxtion o[ the , �,Hist, MCCan„t'1} Merrily, Ilppeobeim. Mr.lsI:r. m'iority o[the '-perty to he nest .l,.,1 f ,• PresidCnt� S. a •h Itop:oyenrma: aa• Snye-0. r1'i�ith Fond thr Council s plan or profile o Al prayed Sept.11, IPoIL said im pruvrmm�t, ;, required by I.,a', it you M,xtrt in fn cur of the same. l.cllr-Scud the Council a Proper order'11 IS l: Aid. )leal --Bd F No. 409- -0 ing the work W be dune. Adopnvl by the Buurd of Aldermen, Srpt. 1.- t is hereby urde red by the /summon Cuu Hell I In!n. fthe City of St. Paul: Ycu'-AId. Birlc„ht•rg. I1,IL1. Co ed Cy, tope- . That the In tter of laying a ,,lank r s'- Innd, Callen. Dobler. DrrniuC r, S:m barb, S,rl- vulk nr rosw Milnomib It,cit. , t the 'curl, sido of George street, bC, Lodr the XltmC. IE liven,\'Ice I'residCrit- III, hereby referr,l to the hoard of Public Nuy.I-o. Narks W is ve'cigaW and }dophvl by for A"rmbly Sept. n, IStll. report: Ven -MCI','. It:':II" , ,I ,lo. I•;InI- 1, this imp oa IreI t roper ae,l , •ssnrv't \MeC', M.1y. McNamee. Mu, rx3', 1)ppe„- I( w, se ,d Lbe Cor nci it n proltrr order di- beim. \i r. Vier I'resident-w. -I Ing i bo work W be du.' .. Nnys-II. r Adapted by the Board of Aid C nnen Sept. Approved Sept. 11. IRUI. 1, is 1. 7 - Pine-Ald. BielCnb-9, Butt, Gouley. ('.opC- lnad, Cut I., Dobler. lloruiden, Sanlarn. Snl limn. D1r. Vice President --10. Nsys--U. AdoptCrl by the boibml.- ""'it. R, 1891. ­rs. Ilnnl,olzcr, 1'ostelln. Elle- .1st -11n- uf ll. M r. VIcrty. MCNnmlw•. )I err:13'. Dpocn- hN. Mr. Vfce ProsidouHB. Nays -0. Approcod Sept. 11, 1891. By Aid. Blelrnherg-Bd F No.4v- It I hareby ordered by the Conmmn Council P tbe. City of St. P,uil: n That the matter of laying a six foot wooden sidewalk on the east side of Avon street, hr- Meon Martin street and St. Anti uty Wren ue, N i� fly At(]. Illelobberg-Bd 1+Co.413- It is hereby orderemmon d by the CoCouncil f tl,o Clty of SI. Parol: That the uWr of Krnding alloy In block t-r lu,, \Inrknbin 5 DBtrshall' uddiUan, ItC- el, Dlartib sell Faller. Iron Mncubin to Dent vtrects, :u per petlttan, hereto att sled. Ire. and tie same Is hereby referred W the Boa rd of Public Works to Incuskntto and ,- d re- Pist-fs this Improvement proper annec- e firrevar)-'I Second -give do Council 1, 1,01"W oif ne- Of it it t•h,e the rl•of. and state whether haut'tho e, cwt th-co is to he paid Into Llie el!,t treasury befo rC tl,contract is I It. lhe ml -Can nvtl estate to be u'se_sed for OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. cxbolt 1)t auu o,,S. flitteds ld n.ale.",.rto r Ile c - w Uy to be i ue —d thoreby. r ` C1 IFo rtl,-Is such impnrvemebl asked for all uo tl,o petition or :tpl,licstiar, of the o '- of a m,r)ority of tl„ pnrlre rty to h i al for Inch Ir„prov,•roertt Il Fifth -Sorel tlm,•u,r veil a e'l b or proline of lien iI to a"), rot, a. r,vluire,l by Inw, It you I iu favot�o l' the 'araC. ,,Stix Lb -Send the C,ub,'ll :n proper urdcr di - r •LibW the work 1., he dobe. r llopted by th, b,ntrd of Alderuu,u Sept I. ISM. Veal l'.. liieler he, Ii Nt, 1 o„h•)', ('„p, laud. Culll•I,. lhrhrCn, D,., nidrn. n.Irbun,. sullh'up. Mr. Viet Yrraf l -10. Nays�). A,lopted by Lhc AK�I'nl bl)' S,•lu. H. IWJI.EI,n- 1"CnI--Meslrl. Ilnaba , Cul-llo. gtll'L, Dlt•Cu n'crt.y. Dle Vuu,eCe!'. Dlu rr:,y, UPpeb- beim. Df r. Vire i'rceldenU-S. Nuys -U. Approved supe. 11, IfiUI. Ity Aid. D,l. bill"ll Bd 1" No. 414 - i: be re Uy, rdererl by the Com mou t'uuhrufl Yutt l: '1'llul, the matter , f plec• f the city ut' irK ;t a „oder 'Idc- wullt, etuhL t'eCi wide. , , Ibmwy Itr,, t. b,•_ Lha•rr \Ve.I, hrrrbyl',Ifl',red ter rh,"It'r1rr,lrol of 1' b lir rlW,o k. lu i, stiK„to nodt Is thin lro4r ,',neat prance, ol,l Iu,„t:,. .... o) I[ v nd lm l'.m nein ,r VruPo, „rd,rcli,.rt- ,lui't. NIuC,tdrrty, Murray. M.. vire rre'ident�7. NuyX- i1. A,,Pr,,,,d SUPt. 11. I891. 239 Oplxmbelm. By Aid. Ilobnrr-ISdblu- Ite.ul�-tvl, 7'bill Pore, , ion bd Ie. nth” I hereby gn ntc,I to l:oo", l Drew to ur[, rn uiudtiu wnl uperttu wales a the north'ide of Auburn avenue. uud within the Ir'omLi a etu`rtc r`ot Hui ur(itni thirty ity- tl 1 ttalrl ;old u' P I d ba'tttr[irrl ��,1 Dlunfcipn l Co Jr. tte.;nct d.Iiv-iii (;gee I)-,' niie o 'uta �uit dehaer ill fthe cit to of pilot a UUill , the t ifl,blspun Checoullft lion, lind in accord- if the provfsiun of said article fa of Ci the Munlclpltl Code. Adopted bJ' the ISo—I of Aidenven Sept. 1, Iwai. VCu'-Aid. Itie.b.cr,g, olo CurdC} C'opc- ]nml, l'ulle b. IIee rr, deet den, 9un,borb. Su11ir:, r,, DI r. \'ire I'rrnldcrtt-111. A duph)j ba' the Ban,•m bly Sept. S, ISUI. V,I. M\Calferty�l)IZ-1111'e. Mu'r.y. Gldtetn- bu'o,. Mr. Vice !"re, 11 Approve) Se Pt. 11, ]Sal. Ir,g the work la be dole. A doPle,l b)' tl,,- Ilounl of Alder,m", SrVL 417-- Limb l�ulrmep Coa ootl 1, IWI. I ` V • -Altl. It tensa Ker. Bu, t. Cm,lc}-, /'ape- Ityls ho -0!y ordr nvl Y :Irl, h" -l rinribg u oneavalk a t Inml.tl'rllc,,. Iloboer, Itornidun, Grbu o. S,r - , b,Lnno Cr of ,year ,r - the west .ide of Ilam pdntr , a Iewo, Sxllivun. Dir. Vire 7'rr.ireot-lu. acr'i t;v avonur W. unA tho wln„1hs hereby o \dueled by the AlXem hly Sept r. Iw!n, ,erred to rl,'.• I3un rd of Public \Narks W In - }"e IN-Dlcelrs, Ill."[ r,u r, c-I,llo. 1:1„i_ Mclis IT,•rty, McNunrr•,•, Murray, Cppeb rctiKute and report, t rope, and l ere'.ux ry"( alt Iuist, hebn. DB •. Vire 1, v,idcut-S. n�rt'uutlb,, Council u pro fl,rordcrdircctf dune. Nays -0• I ug the work to be Adopted by tho Board of Aldermen Sept. 1, Approved Sept. 11. ISJI. 1M9I. --- Vers -:\Id. iilelenberg, Mutt. Conley. Cope- Innd, Cullen:, Dob ne r. Durvlden, Sanhorli. Sullivan, )Ir. Niru I'msi icor- 10. By AId. All-billy1' Nu, 41.'r-. l'or,aril /. X. 1H!1I. It is h,'eby orde. red by i b,• l'+„elm,, T the City of St. 1'un 1. \dupted Dry Lha Asse lubly Sept. 1'eus-ylessn, l3unhulzcr, t'osta•Ilo, I:In✓ '1'I,nt tlw matter of erectlbg ubd mutat uin , uist. Mrt'alferly. MeN:uncc, Murr.,y. UPPL•u- in6 4, Ian, pS •ts follow" lino �eoatbCxst tieinr, Dir. Vire 11-1, lit -R. •r Prospect TerruCe;a„1 SIrjy -arerk`,1,:. etnldd le of block we.t tilde ut' Stry 'if _b SC.pt. ll, IRol. trtiwect corner Odorob, ubd Sir "kir: tbe Approvlvl , (beast er Colorado 'a„ l titrykcr; one — muddle of Wiwi, .CII 'idr of St ry kc r, hr- Heins and I olunul,,; u , ort hu'csl ISy :AId. Uubnur--ltd F Nu. IIS-- twecn ,the,etcor- Inniddle Itkherebp ordered by the Cuninau Cmnu•Il rurnerHeinsandSlryxer:a Imr Delos xnd Stryker: ono. of Muck lila f the l'Ity of St. Paul: on •IC Ide ire t,C b Delos:unl bel; al.wt rC- '1'hxt ilea mutiC4 of pitcing :t Irusswnik Crum well uvcouC, urn>ss I3xY- 'ul ut the Kasoli m� lump. 1'rum the uboae- the 1' rPuhli Ihu ,[ s,dC oI .. he o,d the sumo is hC.rub}'refer- desa•rlb,rl lu,ttiun'. lx+ nd 'C'), t' to the rrbou rd of Ii.I ,..I W t,o Ilourd if Pit blic Narks to lavestl- 1„•-dry ed \Vorksto inv,•Itigutu. ,all report:gate oel-c"llry'! uud rC Port: Is U,is im truvCment pruner Hud rocssnryi 11 it file Cunari l u proper order Ai rrCt- I t so. 'end �hu C'011llcil u prupor order diruot- I f so, sand D,K tho work to be duce. by Bourn of :\Ideramr SCpI. 1. Ing the work W be done. Adopled by the B01 "I of Aldermen Sept. I Adoptod the I VCus-AId. Bielenbrrg, Buri, Curly. l'u re- UI. Venc_Ald. lBeienbcrk•, Bolt. Cunlcy. Cope Snnburu, IIII,d. Ca Bctl.Dobbrr,norrlll,.n.S:lrbltl'l1�Su1- Innd, l'u lien, ItePro alit --1 n, --10. Ilcun. )L. Vier Ih•esidrnl-In. S. lien u. Mr. Vice President Nuy°-11. Nuys -at. Aduplud by the Assanbly Sept. B, li.Yll. Adopted by the Assembly SrPt. S. Islll, F.hu- Y„ -Messrs. Bnnholzur, Custcllo, Elnl }'sus-Dlcssrs. Ban baize r. C'uNl cllu. 290 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL lui.t, Aic1� tier I,, Mt•Nam-e. Murruy, Oppon- NII3 -9. beI nl, Mr��le I+restdeut--S. APProeed Sept.11, 1891. Nuys --t. Approved Sept. 11, ISM. J - OFFICIAL PUBLICATION fly .\Id. Dottier-Ald 1•' Nu. 419. - It i. hereby uftlered by the Couuuon Cuu aril Or Ite-Intlau.'Adopted by th- Commuu r I Ih-�ity of St. Pun l: Cunm•It of the City nr St. Paul 'I'but the matter of PlaCipg a .Id -walk u ' I he mtIt Bide. of I'YnI b;`1', -o aer r.. Ilnyl-.sn IN F No. 4 -"- be rid ih- sa s ber-t!y Iefer+ed W,-ret.x, A tuajorily of t,r %idr•ot. ere Iettht�Boardlof "It) R. \\'orl:s to investigate ofProperty'ubul.Ling nPUu and uloag if,, ]III,, aml report: of A..,bury a -lo- bice. petitioned ill,, Coen- ' I. this hn rov-m-ni prop, rand occeusary? 1 1111'uloCil If the Cityof St. PaIll to vuCat- If su w ail t�+-. Cou Ucil a prop- order (11-1 tb- oast -rly' ten feet told t be aw-9i-rly len f-oL ion the Iwork to hu don-. r of tl:e ,aid Asbury I veU u- b-ttrecn lupi tel Adopted by the It lid of Ald-rmmn Sept. 1, Itweu •:t^d Men m•hnhn sI-ol, wl:1-1t said p-- 1RPI. titian duly sets forth the factsund reasons for Yeas --Ali. ISielenberg. III) Coul-y. Coli.•_ sold va-at ion, I I oras duly:u•coal Untied by U I:+trl. Cull -.I, Uolo horn idon. Sunburn, plat:Ifi-sof:t. propos-( to Ir- vat-ated: Und Slllli vU n. JI r. Vico Pr-9idenl.-lo. Wh-txms, , he ISoartl of Aldenua,t of sold Nlly'.�1. Cit>> of St. Paul. uponfor Vn•.enlution of sni[I Adu d -d by the ASsembly' Sept. S. 1891. )elitiun. d--nied it expellent that it,,- Ycus-Meyers. B:u:,olz -r, Coslello. I'lnr ec ;-ilei with. a+>.d ordered SUIJ peWtiun tally[. AI-Caffe rive McNntllee, Murray ODpc+I_ to 0.ifIced of recoil with ih- Cily Cl-rk, and brio:, NB'. Vice PI-.id-ot-8. m61-- to be givm: by pub 1.0. fns prowid-d Nny.-U. by low: UUd Appruved Sept. ]l. 1801.`1'ber-us. Uo•notl--wa.giv-obypubli-u- tire In the ollit•inl pu p -r ol'sa id cit>' for four _- er.ks, tbn,mnC ernthe �[ h day- of,.1 t ly A. D. 1891, ,S lh-•-RI Pt tl:xt..i'I pet itiou mo been Ily All]. Dohn-r-Itd. No. 430-- tll-d vwitl: iht• Cily Cl-rk. slating in brief it. It i. hereby orden•d by tl:a Corn mon Cuuocil p,j-Ct, nail shut th-woo- would 9 ,enrd amt t'tho Pity of SL. Paul: -ousldet �d by It Ilex rd of AId-.men of the inat Ibe mntt-r of plHciog a �s9walk St. pool +0 'Inlay, the Ist dayof awr,ss'Iaint-r -or or front I;"... Northern '. T-ptentb-r. A. 1). IS+JI. nt :,1U o'c10-l:intb-af- railway bridg- to .outb-a.t c n •r of block i-ro ant of solo day, in the cono-il chamber 49. St. Anthony Turk. ht• • all I,(, S ne IS in ti--itc Imll nt'said City: and ,on•hy r-for� •d to Ibe Booed of 1'u hlic Wurlts \VIO-vs. At the [lin Yo d phtc- last afor-- tolUv-atlgaL-uodrepnrt: ,su ill for l he iov-.tigution and eonsideratlon this i Prov •nt proper nod 1 •s try? of: uch proposed . cation of .aid I tion of ;iso, .ead the Cpmt•fl a prop:•, ord, direct- xfl.lri:-urinKlull Pt'u r:t.V....._lefl, ni��l I)Iing • g tlm work to be du Is. o(tb- o Inion thntttbrl• 9nm- : nil Al Opted by the Board of Alder m -n Sept. 1, P . t e�•us Itry n P91, proper :oil t but the purvlui.it e, t he re for I:uve V -ns -Ali. Blelen berg, Bott. Conley, Cupe- all U-t•:I Compiled Ivitb: ]and. Cn Beu, Uobn-r Uorpid-n. Guhnn, San-.. Nile Th-refure. 14- it Bc.olv-d. '1'hnt + b to. S; Ilivun, Mr. Vice I'e-id-IO.-111. ill of saki -,tstcrly l -n fret. Ud { Nays- Ili 1at-rly leo f --t I) .ofd As,or Adopted by rho Assvtubly Sept. 8, IS!B. IH•tw-et Capitol nvenur• 'Ind y�i o:ri-1 Olhn V- _.\[e. B: nholrr l'ostollo. A1rL'uf_ etn•-t, s tlo• snnm npl r.srf r--ord alt Ih- H f-rtyl�s AI-NHn,eu. Alnrru yr Uppen hal u,, Air. [lice of the Register ..f Deeds in and 1'ur Lbe Vi •el'resldult-S. :('out iY of Bnnlse Y. Alin Uc.ut:a. h-. :,n 1 the Nu Ye -0. sou: • is he n•by della red W be vacated Hol ifs A pplol ed Sept 11, 1891. co, ti d :t, asked for to said p-0tien and U. 11 -sed lytl:u Board of Aldcro,-n Sept. 1. 1991 Dv A41. Uobner Bd I' N,.421- 1 e -Aid, llielon burg. Botc. C;lo I -y, l'oPt- It is ll-hy halo, -d by the Common Cou;mll lurid. Cullen, Dnb,:ur, Dorntdeu, SnUhurn- i f th-Clty of St. Pua1: Sullivan, t Mr. Vic- Presidm,r-10. 'I'hni Cb- t:ntter of rinriog:r Crosswalk over \Na y-�at U. from t�:e nt-rstetlon of f,ong 3.1 .. F. G vwit.l�i lb,ymomla u- til west sid-o(I Vie -President. of the Board of .\Id-rtten. +l,;r�niund nv-a Ur•.. hr•, ami l,- • i. Ile n•by Pulsed by t,- A9smn,lY SeU t. 9. IS!11. ,•f.• ted to t,a Board of Pu,1ielWorke to lu- 1,u - I'. JI..rs. uhoize r. loal-llo. F.1 :- e.t1lgnt-andr-porr: I:st.11 CNxtii--, Murruy'. Opp-nhelln, \ire t 1. this lmprovemelit Pri:IlCr olid 1 to .' uryt ��1' •- Peo.ideot-;. If 9n, .enItII Cooncila prop- ordcrti r--t-I ,t y.-Mr.%IkCafl, ty-1. ing, i lm work to hu nolle. .los. MI's" ,,Adopted fly the Board of Alderroon Sept. I, I'r- uCi of III,-As.mnhly. TI. Appruved S -1d. 11. W.I. Vena -Aid. 13ie1-t berg, Bolt. l'o141-Y. Cope._ Routp Cr A. SalTn. Al oyer. I: Iii. l'ull:o i. Dolamr, Uonddeu, Snp born. Sul- Att-.t: '1`I1o9. A. I'trx ul:nGAer, ('it)' it rk it von. Mr. Vice I'resid-ut-In. a Sept 14. N U.';' j Adoptod by Lb- Asst•mhly Sept, Is, 1591. Vea-M-ss:'s. [fanhulr.-,', cold -Bo. Elm anis[. M-Catfeety. MvNa mos, Murray, Opp -t- I By Aid. rlwl-nb-rg-1'd F 4_.a- ,-hn.Yr-.lien[-S. i Be.u]-:-d. Thm the plot nt Dot m'iy'a uddf- OF TILE CITY OF SAINT PAUL FOR I8111. 241 tion to SL. fool, Rant'y Coto; ty, AIIUI., n n'rp covet -flyby thU. e City att ulla m.•er �I>e ,li Uis tl,o o unit liy hereby aa.•opte,d b file Common Council of the City of SL Pool. Adopted by the Board of Aldcrn;ca Sept. 1. s91. Yen.-AId. 14Do nol. Butt. Conley. Cup-- Sel1, Cullen, ft -e Pr . Dornid-o, Snnbur n. Sullicun, Mr. Vire 1're.Id-nt-Ill. Ad o Pled by Lh- Ilaul ,IY Sold, 9. I'I'- V :11. V -u. -Messer.. IM,Naut-r, Co-raY. }:ho- lui.. M . Vwerty. A1-Nanm-, AIUr,'Uy, l)ppen- bein, AI r. \'i -.e President -S. Nay, -O. A ppruvWl Se pL. 15, INfll. By Aid. Butt --Bl] F N.4'2i- IL is hereby. ord-rtvl by' I.h- Cotnnml: Cu;l l:-11 .f tl:e oily of St. 1'uul: That the : ti-r..f pla-i:tg I. .......d -o tro.s- dk m•ro..ttHope sl reel. oo the\ort I: side ol w EUst Slsth .tree[. be nod till s:onu ',. he r -re referred to 1h- Bonrd of Publit, \Vo elle to iu- e:tigau•. nail report: v Is [I;i. is Inrovmocnl pr: )per and I's r .cod 1. he.-ou m•il a prop-. or 1'.. diretet- %to work to he dune. r 11'Adopted by the hoard of Aldermeo Sept. 1, I.ol. Y -.ns -\lessee. Biclen berg. Butt. Conley. Co oebd 1t•, Coil . Bohner. UorUdnn. Seo un hr I. Sulliva t, Mr. Vlee PIesideot-10. Adopted by ib -A s.emhy S-pL. N, INJI. V-.;a.--Mes.r.. lion helrer, Cos, ity :igdL. MICalrerl y, McNauu•e, yl uraY. ill boon. Mr. Vico Presill-t--81 Nay. -9. Approved Sept. Il, IS'll. By. AId. Bolt-ISd I` No. I'GI- II I, Io- ordered by th- Commop 1'ounett or Lhe e U I I. 1'uul: TI :It the taller of grndiUg alley ill ..u -k Iib. leo Wlan's d till..lat of Ilo,-ii 1-fert's nodi Lion. ba nod till. same 1, h-n•hy stilt to to rho Board of Publit, lVurks to in c-stigaic :mil report: FIX -Is this improvement proper ;old o -c aryl• S tend W- the C neilII.timate Of tl xp(. tl I d state I I tl )lair Of tile rost tl rC f .,to be l 1 1 tl e city t,e. Y bey - 11 e t i' 1 t. 'l'hl d I.nII real .tnG to h•t t d for wild Imp U -mnent b- found henedp d to Lhe es teat r f IUnmg,e costa n :d ex Ol Uses U. - ary to be Incurred thereby'' tal'm rah --Is ouch In:proy-ment ahe sked for op- o the Pett ti on or •tpplicu tion of tu of u m tl rity of Lhe Property W he :t.M..sed for such Intvi p ivenlCult dtlf hod i rvr�,UCIo t. U t rt•g1aI t reds by I-, i by y'ou i Ort In facer of the .atm•. Sixth--S-nrl thr,Council:t 1), -rordCrdi- rCeti tag the O,ork tab- door. Adopted by the Boar( of Aldermeo Sept. 1. \"ons--A1d. llwh- btrlg.Uo ll.. Cold- S:�nbui�ll- h+od, C'Ullen, Su 111 wall. Mr. Vfa• P.-Ideal-Ia. NUYS- ll. Adopted by the Av91•mhiY Sept. P. I.91. VMIr- Messrs. Bnnlo dzrr, t'us1-Be. Eh - ,td.t. A1-l::IT-ei I, AI-, ice, Ylor,'ny.OpPr•II- Ilcin,. Mr. Vic- P.+e. ideal. -i•. N; Ya -b. APpe-ed Sept. 11. IS 1. .toe. MIs-, fico President of the A-Urnbly. JI IN F. GCIIAN, Vico-1'rc.idmit of Wr ISunrd of Aldernten. TI A. PILeN DEInGAST, City Clork. Sept. 14 -It. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. Of Resolution. Adopted by the. Coultuou Connell or file City of St. Paul, By Hr. I:I,n�loi t -A FNo '='3 - It 19be r-,3, ordered I'$y the 0ommon Couoail ,If for lily of 9l.. uu l: 'fl Ill the 'alter if grading to ,[ partial gran- the I'll ru ntipg north nail .outll. In block 3, u( KcBor's < bdiv000llof block 11. Lpmuu Duytoll" uddidou. be and thC.nuw is hereby referrv:d to the Board of Publle Works to 1nv-sttgxi- and report: First -1.s this iv:provenient proper and I - esSn rp'r th,�c oil- Ih lh- ltorld tl ut het, to Of ex pence Ibe h". --f. and state �w�at her otle half r sil rt sl. thtrti Is to be Paid into tile -Iry Third -Clot b Cfore Lbeeo n[raet Islet. 'Phird-cart rein estate to be dit"d ed fm' .aid lmprov-nronL b- fat. it be expels W the -t-, 11 lu mages. -, st_s ud expoases ne�- r easnrS to be incurred tltetnlryi I'otrtl:-I9 such Ianpruvement asked for upon the p anion or applioatiuu of the uwu- ersofanot joric1- of the preporty to be as- •dforsuch pp' a,"nc? at•I'iftb-Sand Lbe�Cuuncil a Plan or profile o[ Bald imprev-m-nt s required by law, If YOU resort In favor of the saute, ixtl:-Seed the ConnOf a Proper order dire -ting the work to Is- dune. \dept -d 1 the :\esemhly B -Pt. 8, Intl. �luit.sElul- McCafferty, McNanitle, Milot. OpP-tI- beim. Mr. Cite President -8. Nay's , Adopto1d by rho Board of Ald-nuen Supt. 10, ]Sole Vous-Ali. III( )erg. Butt. Cooley, COpo- land, Dobuer. Metndy, Sanborn, Mr. I're9l- dent-s. Nny9 9. Appruved Sept 16, 1891. .1119. \h EA V e l .Ident of the A s Illy. tl 11 t t t h 1'r-.-11 t of the ltuard ofAt,[r.o ru. 1'IfU A pU.,oEdi , City clerk S -pt, le. oFFICIAI. PUBLICATION. of ItelolettlotI. Adopted by the Common Conucll of the city of St. rail. llp F No. 311-- Kueoccd, UI from and after this dole the It, P 15111 'If al .0111th.lparltnents shall A,Itth, by 1 If ASSemby S -pt. 8. 1891. Yeas --Messrs. Ian nholzer, F:I;oouist, McCaf- ferty. amee. McNtlpPenlUdol. Van Slyke. Mr. President--,. Nnys- Aduptt•d by the Board of Aldorla- 8, -pt. I.", ISO 1. 242 1'KOCEEIIINGS OF THE CO.IIMON COUNCIL }'a:,.. -Adds II\It•Iu;1111'r Ihx.t. ("I'll CY. Cope_ loud. Do 1""1r. J'. Sal: bora. I r. Yrasi- dent--N. Nays -+1. Approved Sept. 16, 18111. A -Y RI -d-11. Tlol' 011' oder 1„ drltwn ulna' the eitJ'Irensnry. Tivable out ul'Ih,• ••+, err hub. 1 city bail ni intronoee fit 1.'� in favor tf G,•fr,'Re11SIIi� f•litj''e ,io-hlli Vrti'm ofCu.lodt:ul's tray rdl fur tele Im,nt,l of AOKost, 1891. Adoph'd by the As.emblJ". senL. N. INUI. }'sus-St,•ssrs. Ba„holzcr, (: a.e,.•Ib,. Slot\I r. ferry. SIC Namcr•. Mina.,. t>I,peohio,, I'N,ideot- Nny,- Adupte1.dby the Board of Alderu,eo l5. 1X91. }vias-All,.I Mi -J lun'K. Both ll. Mr. Cope- land, llubner, M".Ixd}-, S:olburn, '1 r. 1'resl dant--N. N:tys-0. nvprp,ed Sept. m, 1Sv1. K"sul tsl, that aitl lordert 1, orr11llwa upuotivu city' irea,ut'y nr 3'x ou •.pee ot. nd. : furor f Lh,•tfullox'inK - s ewl pe ,fat the .oaou o[w set opoo,ite t l•xnirr o:una,,o, • . KrndillK Ark wriKh[ .t root. 1•:sti- 1; is No. 1.3-f0.5n: A, filoKies. Rrudinlr Cle,e- lundnyelloe.-31ih to No. 6, d!Li INS: i, No. 3. KnldioK Itnndolph street, F.stimute No. :i, gl i`in.IXl: I.. E Shepley. Krndio, Redford et rest., Estbnate No. 1. ;51o.(IU: L. E. Sh,'pl,•y. 'dine� Bedford street. E,Ilmutt. EI I.:nwl.rto: W. J. Pr -1,111. I',sk .t r"et seas r E'l 4. 1\ 6. Ei1r{ i0 1 1 h S 1 k 1 a, Iuml r, a t ,f h K •. of Krndt, ulI Iinndul\d, sl reel. liN f.,. j Adopted by the Assemhl3 :rpt. Ir.11. }vette-Messrs. Bnnholrer, Cost"I lo, McCaf- ferty. McNx to'e, Millen. Uppenhelm, Ill,. 1'n•solent--7. Adopted d ' dup[ed by the Bou rd of Aldurmeu Sept. 11, Will. I:tnd�I Duhot'r14il Jet,'1 Ia!;,! Snohun,00'Ir 1'ruvi- dent-8. NeYs- .pproyed Sept. 16, ]a9I. � A'Y F No. ^D- 1:"Nul,",I, tlmt ci13' or 1"rc he 11 .111" 11 up�ru tho e,s dgy t-ur5', payubla o out f thtIe K• ul - footle 'n ht •, of the t'ullnwi,IK-II:,II It•d - S, for the � Irx ,null is sec opintsite to t�1„ir rci,peci ice 'races: Viltoll>.no pi A. Iolt.t, 311.75; St. S:IoltaDol, Con, pat o,Y. 37.5.1111, ArIopll by the Asseln Lly Sr Pt. F, : 1. c iy lLDlt\ roc in'll, OpPc hId. lM.1P-1- -7. C-1- a -7. N11 `-0. Adopted b, tlrc Board if Aldarmen Sept. is, X01. Y-, t Add. Illalcll 11,1:1 gill llott, Q,oley. Coto•- Ial,d, 1loi)_.. Mahl, Sn It, rn. '1 r. 1're�Iduot. Nnye--4 Approved Sept. tri, ISM. By Sl r. Up-lo-iLo- A', 1'No. _11 - I" SJ,-,, , 'That the 1'ione, r Fuel Collipallp be ullowrd, nt I heir own rust iuid expense. to rephrro the Ras hoop lust how Sit anted at tl , lothwrst. Curuer oft nth and Robert strvtitx w'itl,,w uI •r ner Sixth poR b rt Srati ll tt curd id:: thro'nlono•ter and areuDl"r,iK- l'Is. ,Said dmotoe to meet. the• ppruraI of 1be B.,: ... I of Publla ]]"arks and the St. Poul flan I.i_,ht Coo:uo , Y. lopled by 11, A\•�l•tlllll)' Sepl. X, IN9I. McN�rs. ISaolmlzer, Costello, McCa1C- •rtc. McNunu•,, Millett, tlppeohelid. %Jr. 1'resi- dent-7. Nnt-s -0. -II,pted by the Board of Ahl"ro,no Svpt. 15, INP-. }"eve --Aid. ]bele o ,,rte. hart. CooleY. Cope- Iaod. Doboer, N1,11idy, Sanhoru, Mr. Pn-xi- dent-a. Nays -e. Approved Supt: 16, 1891. A'y F N LI the of o ar tIll" reo prt of tete Board of I'u bltc \arks dit Sent. N.IN!II. It i, rebs a lcred hV Ili• Coo -loo Council of ih" Cit, of St. fail I: Tdott the 1luard ulP tblic ]Pork. of Naid City of St. Plenl a , w• iha foldowiaK improa-emdol to he o ,d,, to ,it: Abao rho I uisunea of s w,00:trr bloomt•, wat,I III,- followln;.- d"�erihed I�;Iod, by dratninKo,' flillioRurbutlr, gait C'o one: aR : 1 plot 157 fart w �.. t. „f the Irtheast le un 1 h" o mth low the mthwest col r •e Lioo tax'It '. I, Ili,- 1 r `toI - TIMI feet. w 1, 1,-1, s the polnit of b"RiuoloK; theNlce est 117 fea L; th"ocu - u,1h . foot: the III II u�I�ll'IIV sl et: o Itt tlpt),­­r inK torth'Jl rli�atl to .I KlR, olot "AI feet 1 In; f B II 1 INIfeel s,rutll f f use Sid11,it d tau. sod work to lr itt. b, roti att, ;I' prodded h}' law. wi i hoot of e -half the estimated cost h"inK ti est. paid into rho city treasury: and after said w,rk Nh tell he. phtecd t oder , ttract said Board shall pr - GI taithu 11. dela}' io ns •ss t11r amoutl t. I IS' ns I bay coo l,. stain Ihoa a,hiatl- a�ISl , e, pd red to ropr the Cost uodto I •Nsnry. •rpt of In I it I [ ..poo tl�n real i•st n1- Nw Ill, I y eft : it ;i!lg.Ili l- f , a Ince s pr ,died by I Lav: it heillR LIIe. unity' of Il,e Grlleeil [hot mol colors Lu In: d for such mpruvemeut tun ha foutld n+.esxc n beeflt,•d to the exteot of t he encu and expnpsus nvcuSntu•Y to be loco rrt•d thereb}'. -\dodo ed by 1110 ,\ss,•olhly S, III S. 1H!M ]"et+,NIL . lion bol zee. Cunirn.M .I-r-i- rty,IMcNumne. Mioea, UpuCa �eim.'1 r. 1'rI•si- mNat Nays A dnpted hy'Lhe Itourd of Alderlueo Sept. 15, lata. fens-AIII. Bi'd,nb,•rtt. Boll. Conley.01,- Inotl, Doboer, M"lady, Suoborn, Mr. President Apptvcal Sept. la, Isel. A'J' D, the m' Uer of the ''bort -,I the Board of I'oblir WIlI'ks ,duet rl tie ri. N. IN!II. It is bcrehv o,-d,.reel by. L�Ie t'olliloon t'uutlt•11 of the roily of St. Paul. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. FOR 1891. 243 '1'lott, the Roa r0 of I'ohli,• \]'ori: of =rid t'ity of St. Poll c o,�e rhes folb.win;- io,pri,a-, t In h,•. o nd C, to -tate: ir'viog. LII DCnrbnrut street ntend I.idtlRsbin"n,cn �t.. Lo Sl:up Ntr,el. ill said Cit> Lo;reiller with elle ,p;,t,ary cutchbasi III !"it m;mhulrN. rbni stud ISnxrd oause N Ji l mark to he let Ir}' v ntr:u•t. ns Pro,ide,l by lute. to lthont one- 1olo ti,'tt�it�, -masury.;o.dtuft-r , ddlw�rkl� 1,.Ill III, ..Ivied ithooll dvin} Till it said tIrl nuunuiL inn lel Ills w e' "' winch • will t they rpt IIs crtn ill the s tchich will be redoi ed 11, ix S the Cu.tIri 111 uy [, tsc.I of such nolrro .smear tstha , en eylute io be beuelit ed liy .aid tI I sort :Is prualdo,l b5' low; it biillR tl„��rpinli,o of Cher ,; cl mrle lot •I th I,e :w .Merl for .ncl, i np:'oa,,nevt ,t fo„n;ltbeoafited 1„ e ru be m, of rellrthereft od expa„xs ocr".sn r}- t r r by. Adnple,l by ills Asnrnthly Sept. }'run-yle.Sr+. Iia lz,•r, Cosicllu, SlrCuf- fertP, bleNnmee..'I thea. Oppellbelol, Nil. I'll - J Nt ]dirpt"d by tio• bon rd of Alderm,•:, Sep,. }"sus -Alis IB,•I dilly. Itutt, C „iJ', Pop,- Iami, IIobIICI', yltln,ly. N;,oborli �t'1 r. 1'r,•ai- dent--S. Nny. Atrpi,o"d Sept. W. 1*91- A'y FNo. .1!1-- III the molter of It re p;o't of Ihr Ronrd of 11oblle Work. S"pt. S. l.ol. I [. ieher"hY ander"d hJ' t he 1'uIII Ingo C„11 n,•II of iht• City nr Si.. P:t„1: 'fhut the lS,wrd of Public Wolk, of said City of St. Paul clots, t h,• fol lowi bK l opt ter he oa,da. to -aril: _ I;.IruetI,t �r�d, wall.. toiretbrl 111 r drool Irb t he utl I I I Fx,ta 4`oort 1, r t rcel.riu front ef I t f 9- nd a block 2. }Iolrkin� udd{t lord io S1 1 nal, in said rely. 7 hat. wdd board Shull proeved ten bout de- hty to uNNtnini1the tsiitnc.t t�h leh nrl)luh they gain d tnl pay the rostS union r� Ilralii•xl,e nl of nI ell Ivl"ro-oo-ol. etpoorell e.�i nLr to b" bei,titi-d l 'mpr„a-,•no ot, p roridnd by Ia,e: it heioK [he opinluu or the CoI I eil t11nt relll astute to be asse -d for o•h i I I ou ran be food be defiled to Ill" _toot of the 'oSt, :Loll e�pclls,s u,n.- r to Ix Incorr"d 4here hY. \uA�lopted by the ANsenlhly Sept, N, 111 4. Nilr., Intoholier, /'u,tc'b,.i Dlr(`t r. arty. 'IaSame,•, nrn"a, olden 1'Nay, ticot- 7. AdorI r,d Ill -for botp'd of Aldrr,oce n Spt. Boll. t' ollr}Co ', p"_ Dollnl', Nle b 3. Saoboyo. 11r. I'n•si- d,• -N. \ it :Lys II, A pprn aryl Sept. IG. INYd. A'y F No _'r In lha molter of the I •p„ri of the IS, :, rA of 1'obli" Works dale:: Sept.:t. INn I. It i. hen•IIy ordered by 1.he 1'oo Coon roar acid 1 the City of .1 Pnlil: Cl Phnif Stiel'u,Il Coos". Lholrhld to aIIl:.kha f 1n111 mn nb ills W Ito rood". UrWIt: I•:reet noel III - :ti„ Rur I' mps on 1'n Y"... r bI11--o tr•x Ilxxt ca nitl'n>1oeVltrcets.onieFi it o met tt- Kertou Bedford ,hent but�rtY•nr1 Pullins ansted>Iillo�llnhn stmets, onMlllneltn- hu surer hetwrru B'dr, street and Pxyhe ayeuue, unrl ou Decnt ur surer belwren ISaI- ford and Ik•ntlnur It -Stenos, In Nnid city, Said hon ,+ to bo pht"ed CJI neer apart. ],�uilt,d by till' Assembly Sent. N, ]NOI. 1',• nM -. 14n hulze Cosi allot NWEzr. ICEam,Mieu,r r OoPeoheim, I're.idenl-�. NoyN-V- Adup ted b3. the Bnnrd ofAldermen 9ret. 15. ISBI. Butt. Conley. Copo- Innd, Doboer. M"lady. S.Ll,horn. 'I r.. A', No. �.!- ivloc sus. the Bnnrd of Aldermen of tho 1'ily of St. Paul,'Ite •ti l,K held ole Lila Ist d a ,[Septa ober, A. rD. l6!Il. d id adopt, ro s- ,d,ilioll aI•,t i:;g the •:.lcrly tco fact r d 1hr wesov U• inn reel o[ As I, S •m r be- twrruCwio,a a,enu":ma'Itun".'if""d"•y ..-don ta-beret, N, The Assembly of.oldcity 1EB1. adopt ,lied I1,ollail o1 Sepcem her. A. D. tt'phc r(o rC, Ise IL Resoi reit That the caluo of said premi.,w +o a -'ratted t. atorenid bc. od the r:, ,- herah5- ttxod ;tt ther fl,o a u od red :tod t h l rlJ' dullr„'s IK01I, t1o, si id „ heiaR nal. i"ss 1 Illo It Dlop.rlionnv, Ita'- ';,hlt of i Ii erty 1 o�tinK opo 1, ilia I--oli,", so 1;11 i �{'. ,w"o,ainR- •nt furtu�utioufot 1heY'.-A.D.I"Ve. •,Adopted f. Lha Anent III Se ,L. �. 1N!d. lens-Slrssrs. Bauhulz,rL r."odllu, Rl r. NI,-N:oo,e Murnty, Uppeo bei m. Mr. N-MCPeifer All1 Leel hY the Bnnrd o[ Aldarmen Sept. Ifi, laud Y ell-} Bir lIally. ,Batt, l' r. lrY. Cnpo- huui, Iluldicr,'(dud}". Sauhuru. Mr. l'rradent Aid, toyed Sept. 16. 1801. B,„ I rd IIIat the City NnKlne,•r is hem6p div •reedond o,e:also It .. k to be cull Nt ructein.iroeed d on Lha _south still' ofa rota "'""!:I' '"rt::'rd Severe. Adopted by the Ass"mblY Feet .tu118)lIEitn- }'ra, - I,ssr,. Ihtoholzcr, Sle.'alTert 3'.'1e\nose. Slut'ra T, UIIPen- heinl, \l r.% 'ire 1 '.idem -8. N:Ics-n' Sep'. Ad"pted b} -the ISnn rd of Alrlcnnerl V 1', Intll. Yell.-AI,I. IIdady.K alnlM a,rl ,ttPill, Incl. DMhody. uhII,•r, el drill II -s. A..Vnlyrvl sept. 16, INYII. By Sir. Sloan J"-A'y F No. 1.'-,% Itrsol,ed, Phot a ea000lttee t six, three of w11onl shall due me nlu•r. of the A�sambly. nil three „I' w'hum Shulldhen mhe rs of Iho i'rrsid."ll of�:It, linonlbh nppolntpvl h" 'ao 2.44 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL •esUgato the advisability of rv!ulring all be ns sed for -ell UMIr-le'llollt crit be teucKnlpll nod oth 1.• wire. .U'11nK fun nd hemelited "' "" cele... o..... costs all] el pules (n the buSlne.S diNL[II'Ls of the city ,"Id , Ic, ex pell.'es aecessa ry to he. Im:ui re,I IIierilbg., bl Ixn pbuod 11. Cn I loin. order ground I nA Ado led by the beard of alde-1vu .opt. Iho polos n•mored from the Street.. and Illi[ 1111 Cummittec report ae to wllnt st rears it Ix ir. IS!, . Vea,-Ald. 11Mv,,l,erg, Batt, CnrdeY• CuI- deemed ndwLsablc cu make suet requlr�' I:md, Dahmer„ Durndden, filcl:ufy. Sanborn, cuts. m\dopk•d by the. Assembly Sept. 8. 1801. fif r. Yrc.iJoutr-V. Nuys --0. Yearx-MUSsre. 13xnnlolzrr, Costello. Elm- Adopter) by the A .wfly Sept. 2:. IS01. uuISL McCafYCrty-. McNamee, \linea, CppCn-. Yeu,--}lessee. lfuo hulzer, Co.telln. F.Im- hcint. Mr. C!ee I resident --S. Say',-II, IuiSt. McCnttcrty. McNanme. Iduruy, Oppen- betel. Slyke. Mr. \'Ice President- :l, adopted by Isle Board of Aldermen Sept. 75. ISO].Approved Nnys -11. Sept. 23. ISO]. Pens-Ald. Bielenberg. Pott. Conley. Oope-'i Fuller street, from Kcla street to Dale siree't. in sail ria)'. ua1, Dobner, fifuludy,Sunhor, Mr. President -N. - Bd F No. 448- Nay. -t1, A ppruved Sept. 18, 1801. 1,.v na'ticrof IIIc report of file Board of I'u11hlic \Corksorl,lJ:ateJ Sl•pt. 1fi, 1F!11. IL Is fereby e11 by I.IIo Common C...oil - 1' tfe Pity of S[. pool: A'y FNn. .'37-- '1'hac the Board of ]',.bill- Work,' of Snld Ci tp of St. 1111111 cruse the followfug inlprove- Itexulced 111nL life Grade of York street a meat ter be ntxdr, o -wit: colotrtmt n Ntorin frons Cypn•.ss. treth to E Street aS Indicated ibe ,grade line nm the a- I In y nnl»u y K by "Wer site ill Sibley Street, Irom Tldrd ' i r e sn•eet to [he fif is.i.1sippl rlwcr in said coy. ole prolile, and ;1s recum mended by the• City Eu- a uSL of Snicl Sewer ar Ie paid out of the Sew- gleetr. i. hcleby adopted n, a r•1Ke hood Yu el. bll.stni1l 81ntdeune Adoplell b - tllc ANsem hl ' Se rt. N, lA!)1. r, �wt,llu, Tin .wuJ lion rd a arse Said work to be let by contract 1.a pruridyd by Into. without once Yaw-MCNvs. lb-holz [ El llr 'half Lhe es[i mntcJ e. t belllg flr,t pule) foto e dxt, Alrl;n n'ert ', fife Numee, fit arra U y• Ppml'. helm, the elle In•nsu ry. fit r. \'Iec I{resldent-S. Allopted 1,3 the Board of Alderniml Sept. Nays -41, Aduricd by the Board of Alpermen Sept. 1 r. INVI. - to -)perm.. Bielexiberg. Britt, Conley, ]fie INUI CubpellulA. Duhne•r. Durniden, yl -lady. Stu1- Yea.N--AId. Blelenberg Hott, Cnnle , Colm. pond. Dubnlcr. Melncll'• :.album. My Press- bora. M,. Prwldent--u. 'L'. dont-N. Adopted by Ibe An.Mmbly Se rt. INUI. Yelln-Me•xxrn. Blllllorizer. �oxtello. Ei,n. Ng.,,i" . II11INt. filef:u ll'to'I y, 1,,,VN:1mlee•, Mllnvy Opp,n- Approved Sept. pile 1501. helm.Slyke. 1,1 r. \"lee I'rv.sidlot- 41. ]V. P. MraRAT. PreSldent nC the Axsembly. Nuyn-Jit, A pprored Sept. 2.1. IN111. Jrra. 1,11 S mA. Cfro I'n•sidonl of the ASxembly. - It.I CULLrr, Prexident of the Board of Aldermen. pay AId. Tonle v- I3d 1"'N o. 4frN-- ',,'blit TanN. A. PIIY.n oenn ANT, t'ItY Clark. Ite.olyed, ifo lluwloK plxt, nS np. Sept 21 -IL 1 by Lh1• Plut Conlin 1s 1..... rod aN revs inemed by Lhe• City 1;oKlaeer, he and in here•- -__ by a,ecpted bythe CCmdl of the ommon ou City of St. Paul: OFFICIAL. PUBLICATION SI aria rlui'I'errn -e. Aliopted by the Board of Aldermen Sept. i lntll Ilf Ite-heilnn. Adopled by Isle Cunlmnn' Yeax-AId. Itielenh-ti. Hott. Gurley. Coptr Connell of if,,, City of St. Paul, InoJ. Duhuer, D -Vide", Malady. Snobor . Yf r. Pre, id ent, it. Nays -m. ltd 1' No. 411-- Adopted by- life• ANScntbly Sept. 1, ISM. ILL .b I- %,ver of life report if the Boll rd if I'nnlie \Vurks dated SC lt. J4. INV I. Ycols - _N ,Sr.. It:, I Izcr. CONlullo. F.Int- Il lll.f., McCalferty. Mr.Nn un s�. Mllrruy, Uppoa- It i+ be ruby ordered by e�lo Common C000eii helm, \"all Sly lee, fi[r. Vlce•,,'resideat- U. I )fCity of SI.. Paul. 'l'llut Nuys u. ,ll,, the heard n[' 1.11 file Work, of laid Appeared Se pt..1. lilt, of St. 11:11.1. 'au", the• tollou'ioK fill prove- u be. nolle. to-wi t: !trade the alley ill block' .los. 1f1�'r:A. \'ice 7'.1f;S.tMI or the Assam bi c. Addition to fiD1c•ku fill .l )lar,bull', Addi-j U, lir. CI'1.I.I:N, tionl to St_ Pnnl. bell -Ill Aarora ayeluc mol 1 Pry Silent of the it I of Aldcrnen. Fuller street, from Kcla street to Dale siree't. in sail ria)'. TnuS. A. Pur:�'uuuoA.T, City Clerk. Sept.24. Tfe said 11-111--e -Ill stork to he act b}-eonr.0 t. an pro, lit e y all 111lout one. half ale -linuted cost lei.9 first paid into the city In•awury: and after laid ,work .Mall fee placed under v ntraet ,:1.d Board Shull proceed w'Itllunt delay to n •s. the amount, :LIT:Iv Lhey can a.t el�b1111 Ile s1 o w'hleh ,will be repaired to pay the eo.t la�uI necessary ".'Pence. of .0 :II lulProcement Upon the real estate to bo henefiterl by said 'mprovemeu4 ns vi the pry lute: )L In•I lig the uplluun 1.l' Lllc Cuuveil tllxt real esLn le Io OFFICIAL, PUBLICATIoN' I Ordinnne•ex 1% ...ed aril Rcxnlntlnns Adopted by if,, co nllnnn Conne•it of the City of St. Trod. Ordinance No. Mr -Rd F No. !f44. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL FOR 1991. 1 245 Au ordluan,e aPprnprlutinK money fur and di -Haig the pa) cn i. Lu Sunil SImkS of it.. um 1.0 to baud red nod Iwcll Iyfl,d did - limit. pursuant to report of ,,'amid.Lee', of Clai.S. The Coalition Council of the City of St. Paul do ordain ne follow.: Sec .on 1. That aIorder Ix• drawn Upon tho el, 'y treasury 1.t' St. foul I,, favor of Noun 4111 ks for the. Sum of one hundred atIwent, - livedollur.. in Cull Cumpeosution fur lad x;aLisfuctlon of 111.1 t•luim n11J dunmml ' Kuinxc Ile City of St. Paid for the 1.,C by tie city ufeldewalk prfyileKeN a II \1'a,IlinKLun, Xla'- keL. elxth and SL. i•eter Ntl'eeta, HUM Llllg un iotonelmck one. Its, and Irvine', alai ltion to St. 1'uul, the ,acne uelog -ed for nlurkeL I 1. rposex May. Joue Au13', Aug -t ilei Se1r I",, payable out. of Lhe gclla•rul alit.d:rn .add ulYlel'v, htl d1•Ilt'e1'ed ally upon III. Illi IIK with Lhe 1'It3' ContytrullCr fold t Id absolute recoiuw to the city a .1ucfxt'uc- tuu of .till clump u. de:.unmd. Soo... 1 bis oreluuullx•. aWdl bd:r egect and he �o furca Crum od at for it tVuu. l ussuJ UV LIIO 14uurd u[ Aldernlelldern-, July 7, INVI. ]'nus -Aid. Hi,lell berg• Butt, 1'1. lacy, Cope- Ill ope- Uomu•r. Ilundden. Memny, �nuuunL, S 14liy 11, JI r. 1'rC.l Ilan[ -IU. Nuys u. U. U. Ut'LI•..o Prely'he oC Ilio Belie t. 2, 18M.ucn. yeas l e Lhe•. litinI fly Sept. 12, INV I. ]'e1.. A'y N.r.. lion holu•r, 11"-d .I ., Vaf- ferLY, McNamee, ylluen. Upllcabcl m. V. Slyuu-7. Nnyx-Mr. Costello. Mr. Prenldmlt.-:. 1', .LlemeAv, Press 111111( of fill- ANseln bl}•. Approved Se•111.'14. IMIL Ito I-lr.ItT A. .fIITII. Mnylrr. Attest: TnuN. A. I'IIY.]UY.IIeIANT, 1'4 L3' CIe•rk. 6opl.:N1, Urdlllnuce No. IMS -lid F No. 421- I'he I;eunlou Coupled of the Pity of St. Mull do ordulnnn lelpoor: SeLtlon 1. T!' j: City Clerl< IS hereby dlrN•tCd l , d-ol his woao'aur upon thI• CItY 'I'rtoaxllr•r o! SL. Paul 111 fa ver oY Ccorgc Doef no, or Ills ntorm•y, mr the solo .d �fxu, to be fluid out of ''the Ineul aupnvrvenelit 1'1. nd." .it INJmK LIIC n Irl he:retotore p;dd by Isle sold Duehne Info the tevie-ry of SL 1,au1 for ibe 'delil.lull'of n alley fu 011'ek 15 of 1'nl n'lew AAdltlun to �alit city. , nppea r111K Lhnl. nn •glial and 111uwa lcot:l.. ... [Irl IuaJ III stud beck w•un (ie, ii,a Led fur an :I ll,y by s:oJ Doehneat the time of slur) •avalioll. C-. Orelielnce No. 1.121. approved Aug. 5, 18 V1, I. he' city re)ealed. SCC. J. Thi, rrlll mere .haul talc effect to d be In force from :lad after its I,e.-go. !'nus fed by the lion rd of AldI•rmell Sept. 1, ISO[. Yeas-Ald. Blel-b-9. Bolt Conley. Col- haod, Cullen, Dohner, Durniden. Suuhoru S. Vt ...'M Vise I'resideut-10. Nay", Ie B F. or Alfie "ice l'rc.ilent ofthe lySep 2 AIU,rmon yet"_ by the A.anhiily Sept 1, lie, SUL Pols-,1lessrS. Bnnllolu•r. Co.tcllo, Elm- I. Mcl'nifer(y, )ic\unle•e•. )l ileo, opfxu- helm. \'all SIYke, %fr. President -9. Nnyx-u. I'I'esidell t. of the AS -1.1,1Y. Approved Sept. 21, IWII. t. t: TA'. A. p'I1CN11K Ill A9T, (:ILP C'I,rk. se 1) Bd F. No. °.K.3- Itc-s'olced, 'That city o dere he drawn upon Lfe CIL,- Treusmrer, payable on itf the "school (lobi." in fu rue of oeortpe It hii City Tre- y for the following pay rid S hereto at- tuebed, being for the In!h ul'.1 a Iy. 10!11: Offs -IS, I3.•u rd r f Schoouul lospectorS. Z NM; mech-de-LI'dl lnbor•rl.+, Board of School In - specters, '11X7 77. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Aug, 4 ISUI. Yeae-AId. Ili, Ienbc rg, BuLi, Cunlcy. Cope- land, Dorn,r, llurlidun. Cehuu, DloludY, Sun - horn, Sullivan, )It. PreSldent-11. Nuys --U. Arlupt,d by the Assembly Sept. 2L. IPoII. Ye.. -Messrs. ltnaholzer. F:I rill11let, Mo Numee, )tinr;l, onpculehm. \'nn Slyke --U. Nn3's-. Ile -S. Co,wllo, McCafferty. Mr. ['rest dent --3. Approw,d Sept. 24, 1801. Ity AId. Cehno--Ilonrd I' No. 37fi-- Iardofedalinetherk,, ntinurY onlerrent to K, ISoard of 1'a bite Work,, g ofJlg thea Street I rfuc lug and Kulle!I'I IIK of .bu•Itive e. 1). Irom Uroro sU'eeL 111 Univu•r.l ly oven all. hu uud Ula Nume Is hero by rip led nnJ all Pro- t, • IInK.x i II Ibe mater mmol l led. Adlade d by the Huard of A Ide-1.-1, Aug. 18, NVt. Pow. AId. Iiia lculx•rK. Butt. GgrCland, llolrucr, Duruldru. I:rhan, Melody, tlunlx)rn, Su I I I vital, 1,f r. 1'resldol t-- lit, Nuys -d. A'Io pl.evl Iry' Ihr Aexom blY SrpL-�'. I801. 1'Ca.-Me!.1xl'x. lhenholz,r. CoxtCllu. Elm- I!chnul.1t. Mcl'nlYerl.y, McNmnee. 1,11 ecru. oppen- h. Cnu Slv v. Air. P-lduut--V. Nuy,-A. Approved Sept 24, l(M. By All]. Dohno1-1111 F No. 4aN-- lte.1ulved. That, the proper oditers be and theyy are here•hv ant thorizell to Ixxlu•. III blear of t11e Ibmrd of \Cater C lutilSel-erN df the city of St. Paul. oma • e tl hate of noobteNl- na.Sa, to the am...... t of fiN;,tell.2a to bo dutel Jan. 1. A, ll. INUI, and one nr Isle urnun nL of s2i,fil:l.N; to Ire dated .Moll• 1, A. D. IN!11, both bearloK Interest front ditto of issue nL the roto of four 14) per rent n n11 nt. PILYRtile senll- 1• Ily 11 ot111rn il� :ltd both maturing .June a1. X. X11-IN!AI, pl rNnant le: An;let to amend till sh!":;1rler of the ritp of St. Pxu1: the Sum. a IH:f IlUl'I Cll tit llvl. "All act nal tied an act i I1. 'educe the• luteIllarr pormt!ng the r'13' of St. Paul. ia 1h. my of atm ms,y and sante o[ Dlinnesnta. and the oll'nl :wte :Lmendalury ale reoY, :Ind cerDlln m, cts re!utiug to .mid ally into nue nc t. and to amcad the same" wlueh act one np- ppow,d March fiftheiKllteCll hmnl ped nnA enty-four IN74), ;Ind the net�umelldutory ti__lfand SuPplen1a1b1l there Lu, appruvoel Mareh 24, A. 1). 1 !'1. Adopted by the board of Aldermen Sept. lo. ISU1. Yens-Ald. Bieleuberg, nett. Conley, (,,,p,- ,..d, Dornidca, Mebldy, Sauhorn. )I r. I'resi dent -V. Nays -A 246 PIPOC17Is1)iNGS OF THE, COMMON COL'NCII. QAdoPlerlliY tlI a A.1.1etlthly Sel`t.'-. IS!1. one. for ihr nmortniS rPPnSitc to their J Yun,fUi.11. 1 M It 1 1' "cilli. F,Im1 m s: C} C Ate rl.mon A—. \\ I •: �J r. gI\. 11opr.dhy the Itonro of AlderorC,t Sept Na ­II. 1', 1 ri. 1-rnsM Rira.•nherK, Rott. Cotrt'in't. A 1 Sellt. -4. -IL Pprov.•r 1111. Drrhner, RoroidcP, Dirlod Y. Snti�urn. nolo -- MI'. lhi:nident-'J. \nys--n. \anptea h3' [be A..1r•mbly : t'pt_•r'.1S'9I. nd r Nn. rr- Itcmhr l I I 1) of drrs be tt op. 1 VI - IS rhrdrer, I'r retcllo. Eln,- hi �N;r mer. Mr, rr:t )'. IIPp(`n ll' I . ( il,a T I Ivnhle o"It'of Iirl Io td t) I lira:ro. nooc. 1 I rr 11 1 1I C, ti. 1 \ IJ I'. \Ir \ir•n I'rt.olenL !1. L1a- orf tha full Lhr• App, rted .S. Pt _4, Is.rl. sitrihmr rC' n�cllt'.•'il ttl l�nl..l Bell, %fl{;.; ( riKKs Electric Li Klo. Coral arts. iI_.nn; ltobllu.i'n (7o". (Sohn Mnior l'nrlorinK ('uropurr,'. .tl:.B -I NN III -I fl:: F'crvl. S io b,trl. r}44.n' I..... It \\"iter colo misxir'P�r's, x•!t_:�: \en1:1xm Reduer & co.. l .l:n :. s H Isis) oP .C. Co., oi:'. Nr rtnwt.u•rr Il.rrdn9oc(''onPa ' Mits iI':tul C:r. I�iKlrt Cunt' "'oo oil J.\IitscltfiCo., Sr'._r: S[.7':tn�ii'r'u odry silk Pnrrv. 41 t.S.S; IZohcrt ,\ Smit.Ir. Hi_.:'n: I'mri A. ry W. A. -"+IYx t; _?I-. ;u: nt I'. \\riKh t.-V'_'.:':l:xC `'rF,e "Arlontca n) th. ISun rd of Aldelnotn S pt. L. o".. D...irlr.R Bolt, Cnnl C_. Cope- I:trnl, Robncr, 1JoeP idxrt. Mcln'IJ', sn mlorn. DI r. rre.idont-n. \ IA 1 Pl[ I 1 11 r• A.�em hlv S. Pt Intl. \--\i It I I l Wit. Illi. I:Int I nl C II t \I \ 111 nl) . Opp, Ir kc. Jli N o APPI uv(xl Sr PI ::L ISJ1, ISd I' Vo. t 419 upon ' 'rders hC drnty it Ite=_uh'Cd, t h: t cit) r Oil, ci Ly trrnSU I;J', I'apnhir lint nl I.IIe ".1't 9119 I I(, el ni.li nlenaP.. i I"iItaaol of the tnlloaaurR calmed pts I: farthC ma'runIS set oppusitr to I I (Ir resp(,. uanrt'� "Nia-lil-itrun, tl0 N \\' H:o.a ( Co .rei; St. Peal It. w" \\'ori:.. #''.!xr: G. \I it Scll, u k L,l .1. (:. Ila KK:ur, Jliitim unoii Sii�A• Wit. ;i.oix \\ f •r yy Dn.. C'li linurof Pilot0I to• W 41S Chi 1 tid. I0 .1 It'll.-.'I.r: �' A. \ )lucked Ila, dw:r rri C- ntPart), H I V 4E'.o.I' tik.rI \Ven,ott. Ilownnl S Co.. .Ir 10; P. II beR3' A[e,; it"Weeo:,tpam'.•N nU, I10e rl It pet l Sulr. 'h,' ICohin.on \ Gtry Co., %Ilo t. \\'. FI'I'u nl. [or Hlnukr',nl�trb �hoP, it4t, bl,llnruot,l Adopted by the Itr'ald r f Alae rrrrcr, Srpt uesrl\..L 'rintl nn3' oraor< ne arnwn t pot, the ouat ttrY. nnY:dde nnl'�r u,e •seir«rl frrna,"I'a rrr th.• i' I e. p�•�- .rorto, r-�,onnt., t, o Iho: ict \\'i 111911 R'Itorirke, fl:t:t411; C:. \. Clnrke, f:U; Edi.10 rr }-Ire, rir Li Klit un 1 1'uwcr Cunr�nny. flo. r;J 11. 'Cool onxi; North4 r.1tt•rtr I'rre- pp1 r 1•:.crhnn RC C.nm1r 1. rXt0; m�3�rl tiros 1` It(): St. 1':,,I C. o. Light ClooPnnY. a4.vl. Adurlte<I hY Ibc 6unr11 of Alacrmett Se Pt M. Soil real.-,vd, nn•lenh.-rK, B( It ,nde3nt°r.r�­r. 1 1 Dol 1 1 Y 1 AI I rl I) it k' ll) S 11. =1. IS'11 M`I iCTcr13'14\I,.N 1 kl 1 il). UPIPun t \,llr,s'ly". Mi.\lce P-Sidtnt U 2\.13 nrP. Appoved 5e Pt. °4. ISnL Itil F No. 4sr- Ite.1olred.Tbat(•ity orders he dtetacn upon tl 't\' Iro:tnui 3'. payabli,opt of the "IlKht- IoK511I,d.l'rni lblv.onoullt'notfol ol l"'a�ittlo heir 't.I'nt lt:a:ILilrbt Compunp. 3.1.`19+.7-; itob- oli 34:+r,.l>h1 \dop-i by Ill, IS.:¢d of Aldcrmml Sc Pt, 15. Inod,t�l toh,tcrAil.Sirl lC1rncl K•t ltot Mel:nlJi il sti Io-, N a3' n Adr'pted 13 11 \..'.lobi) Se Pt. "" I.1!Il. l'rn9 \f _.. It I uIrCI, Cust. Ilu. F.hn rini.t. \i C( x111 IIJ, MuNntm'e, Morray, I1pPco 1 . ho. \',rrr SIS ke, Mt. \'ler I'r. S,dcnt. 1, N :\ I l r 't erl Se!'t. 24, ISOI. \ '- A1d. 11 'len h. ,K, It'll I, Cuolea, Col. 1 I Rnhmr. Dorniotn. Mehtdy. snohoro -._. M 1 e"l'll'ol 1 N Ia So' 7S Il N .4.'i. by it'l A.¢rlrrhl?it". SCI'! �-r• 1• i' Mr I.r .ula Cd 'Chet r•ity 'dors ho drawn upon A doPl rri IIuyit i.r•r [. IlI.I 1'nl el,r the clR) t,r r.nt ). Paaablrr i[rf tbo "poli.v Cnll'"rty• Me Na me. \t I I d nt fnml.' t foi of the [ol lun toK V':u sly6 AL V' r. I h;Ii' .I, rr°� d h�.reunc for t�hnv c am uutn sot opposi p• \xy -n. ot'Iteir rrsp._•t ra'r• tour'.: t A ppnrvcd Scpt .'J. I101. I 1 \1 �• 4 I I note, .:4 rfr; 1•' D1rN nloeo. f xt \ D .7 9.11 Schr,rmCir•r\\ K L. Rd E N'r. 4.91. Co..K.4.97; N. \\ 1 Ie Pltottc Ex" l 1, C auIITI SIx dr;taan oPu 11.51); Dao Nrit 1911}, Ell.o vxhle lint of thr "1 rn Adop P•d b) Ib.. Hon rd of Alderm .n SCPL M. t nd"to favor ufll'1ofulluw las;; n.putrl Vrt L9'JI. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAIL FOR 1891. 247 RirlcnberK. ISul.l. cooley, Cr'pe Pr:u-Mt•..rs. It:urhrdzrr, Costello, Elrn- I: ,ol. DobncVoas-Aid.r- Rurnideu, AlcludY, SILUboril, JIr. lois", MrCnll'crl y. MrNaPrer, Alurrny, I"'J"o- 1 1 \ SI)kc Mt. Vill Pte�idortt--a. \ o N J'- A 1 1 tro L 1 \. mbl)' Se `'t _'. iS. 1. 1,1 a td Sept. ':4, ISM l txn M..st+. It,ndroln•r. 'u.pliu. Elm . Mr(::`fTert) M,. ;......... Al rr rr':.) t)np"tr Reim. V.t ,'lyko. S1,. \" ire 1'tt Ihl 1' No. 441-- N:tY.-0. A R,e Iverl. 'I'Irnt ;111 111111 hr Jrnwrr un tbu r•it J'trcn.n r)'pnynble nrll of thr"wft[er.nP- cl 1'nml." In f:tt ur of the Iti';t rd ul' \\';der L lid 1'. No. 4:t f 11 II .'Ir Itr.ula-rrl. '1'101 rite ur lerS he d :.. rn o k .forth. ror 1 I \ '1 1 t he lily I-ool v. 1'uJ':tnlr tof'I".. prix - Adoptea the lto:r:l of Ald.r o..rr s.l't. 1:'. 'nK nod .t:tt•i„oniy loud," in f:r a -or of Lhr• tel- Ino 1. IowinR-nnumo I'r'r thr :t , rlrrt. set \"eus-A hl. ISirlen hr-rK, Mot, Gnev, pe- I'er.un.. I:tnd. Doli r. Dornideo. 11e latlr3'l, Si, Coborn, olnoSiletotbeirvslt•'eliaei�rrS1Pn C lune I'llblislrlrnr cut 'otJ:rrt-1,1.11 Ir;: Vulksreit r, riK. Sh-rv.4n: Ir. 'l lri.r�'l1. .I r.. +r;41 Jti: Arlulor'1 by the A.seoi hly Sr nL. ;"`'. IS•.o. R.L.Pol:s Co_S:u; \voi. I'r.1an.RSCo..+I: veal-.�Icsnr>. 13u rrh'iG.rr. uu. rlur- F: A..inudJ'. fl i, I) I_ ('I rt ir., \\, .t 1'rll' I -t M <.. Itr,tY, \Ie Nnmrr, Jlur r.tY.( Ipptrr li':Ir nK .•u I':rr 3' +1,,: li. YI ,'tl t'rhuirrK be \ II : Sl. ke. Mr. \:r el'i. .1tdcrrt J. adopt• d by the Mould r.f Ald-olcrr Srlrt. t:', Apltro.�-d Sc -lo. 24. 1.191. i1. }'ens -Aid. Iti.•Irrrb. . Iir'1 r, ('oolrv. Copr- Rol I) ' Imr. Meht'Iv. �:t rr lr„rrr, Mr. 1 N -n Ild ItF \I 44-1 1 „ or r� I,t r1 1 11 I I \.19eo'l SeC l' 1�J1 1 t I - Ihh o t r l 1 li.mhulvrr 'ua. I Ili ITt t nL f u r d. w T.l ' of 11 . Ful low nR o i d rP,iL. S\IoC,t ll'ert Y, \Ir\':rinee, Mnrr:ry, l App. ir- Ix'r-u o. h'r Abe :t ort. .uG ePPo.ile to their Iten. \-n SI)'I:r, 31 r. \'tee 1'r..s idem-o.rliee not „n o NII.Ys-ri� r�.i �rC. Nel � 1•:.lim:Ce No.1, setrrr. lri. A"orovcU SCp1.94. 1191. plurc. ot9..-Slio'r•. E.ti"tate �o. nmitH trn1, I \ 111 II F' 10. 4:tp ,.1. t \ 1 1 it ;. Iteeol ved, 'IY •It city 11'11''.1 bC it t lk n t Pon I 'k t t 4 i l i. n C R 1 ihC city Iren.0 rv, IllsYnlde nlo. of Ihr• "It'col F -I I G. 111 , 4 I K 1 ;ol 9Rr.r t, im rrovenlr Alt fnmr to to of of the fr Ilon nlK it x C. It I I -'t No _ ;old Hnal. n;Lmed Per=onS for the litooll nlS net olrPe.1ile xi adlnK All.n nKl t SRtIL k13:50: \k illmm A. to their re�Sp •etaae naurr .. Ilavor r. T. -I t : I. K ii .\. I It l \ful�rncI; 1•:et. N' N Vo rl tlna 1. other sl rc.i 'I \ olj I \. I)n Kra(IinK S••rr•trtlr st re ftS.�'S: T. S 1.\ .4anddoal.K,'ubnKlSnrKe.1snmiotb- Esritnnte No. n ml fl mil. Kradinx, 11 .rri to t,t. In, it Jx':, .I. If: I. I:+ti ln:Ite Nn.S l •her. ' Stilmttc No' J i , ti mil. .1ewernn Il:r11 :I cello',?'IR:7.. Itvnii. It rcet. l:4S; C. Nmineni'. 1 Naim;ne Nn. I. KrndiaK 1'x19'1 n c. f4"_A: nd Ileal. KralinK \IrLem nae It•. ; Old rt e.io r.'t n•ib• \o. 2, FISI. street S:t.:rh; DhCy L' F'Ineb. ;1.11 IaK.:Ii n e- .1)'vt f .r tr; 1'. 'I`,inlbolt. F:Stimnte tt rri n11ey op- I,. IS_ ' S 1'acm;ol No`(Ir KI.Ir71rIR Euirairw •.#N0. dal tuxes to rot, orr :r nt of ilei) A, pied oy thr• It ou nl of A'I dernppl Sept. I:i, .Peal""K. floi): I ­Ina,,'h \.lel "'o , ...n,t +- isM. sten oo enlr of Prup.•rly, f1S rd Holt, cunir• Adopted ny ore Road rif Alderarto Sept 1."r A. as Ala. Ito hid-li K, y. n. NI,- IRSII. I ted. Rohner, Dot rodeo, Melxd Y. Sarrnorir, bit l'eus Ald Ihelrnb..i K. It 't 1. Pooh 3. l'u Pr I . 1 ' Innd. Rob oer, Uur n,At n, Dlel.tdy, S:urhuru �' -- \t r. Pro lilt -t J SCPL.'"'. ISlll. N n}'S o - \ \f IS rl I'. t. . Iel o. El'o Adu Vlcd Ir)' [he. A.sr tel ly Sept __ 1•!rl. '1 M C p t \le\ 11 r:rY. Cppc,I 1-enS M Ita 1 1 ( '1 11 } 1 rl hr ;r . l .rir s13 U. Mr \ ret 1 a rdtut n. Iola[. :d L tT 1. \7_\ \I 1111 a -I Na}a o hoitn, Van Slyke M,\ wl, 1 tc.sidr Irt 0. AI'pruved SL'pt. Ihrl. Nay, -n. APP roved SepL :4. IS9 I Itrl P No. 440- It"ohuL tl tt i' 1 dr,two on tl. Ild k'Np 4J'- [ [in 1 J hl t 'I iIo "+I ar. 1 111 Ir' }rrrnurS he dl•nwn IrPoli a Yd," I fl I , hrl u 1-"molite Nr 11 'tl t I ),I'll, ,lnle lint of IIIC =red W.l'. Iluh.11.y sr orri'net. I"":.leo C.l k\.;I 'i r.d tool."111 111'1 tullun hr� r Inco'ul Jolnll, Moran :Chrn. Y. t jl I,r llir ror not-'"'I'tOPPo.1ul I.I-iI fnAdopicd by the Roar I of ,A dor ureas sent ' 1 p 1 ti'n "alio, C mtP:un. 5, DIr n 11'.1 15. lbn So' "1'„ilt•1 S r 1, 1". ' i'_'TG: AA'. .I. fre:ux•y. FR:f:''; 1'rn. Alrl Ibelenl Itr it ('onler ('r pr \7 I R rr•. #.L''r SI.•. crr.1 .\ ILuhe,l. rn Inml, Doer, Rort 1 r Mrind), S'orhr rir t It Ir.,t. \V,tri'IrKt urr & Co.. ri!: Ell v Sf r. Yn:Std. nt !i. - It t ol: Il, '. of Good Sh. Phe I'd. *Q..45: \nye 9' I- -\ to tt.,;, r;t;c.Itvl.1. Rvlrie4:\Viillul AdopWIl b3- t he A9 11)ly Srpl !!". 1501. nnnl, ..IonldL $;Z. 248 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Adopl,d by the Bourn of Aldermen Sept. MYS91. 3'cu�Ald. IiielenberK. liot4 Conlev, Cope- Ixnd, DuIlner, Dor.tden. Malady, Sficom-, Mr. Pn•siden t -9. Adpl,d by the Assembly S, o. P-'. 1S!N. Ve:aos--Messrs. t'ut'ee 1",,1'ostcll0. L•'I,n- p"ist, Nel'x tl',rty. jN N( ,e. Mn I -;,v, 1rp{ron- oeim, SIS'I; e. DI r. Vf„ 1'tesident--9. Nays -a. \pprovel Sept. 'L I. Bd F. No. 1411, II: Lhen,nf our.t' the r,port. of the B,: ... I of 1',I Ill., \Yorks dx'ed St - d. V, IS91. IL is hernIly ordered by I�I. Conn. it Council .f toe city of SL. III' it l: That Lou Ifo:, ell of I'll hl i, W.rkS of maid City of St. Poul ensu ill,- following iulprov,mcll, to be inside, to -wit: Surface nod c.nst encu .tone Katt.•.F'urt,moth str„t,from Rob. crt street. 1 ,Point aril feet. E:at of duckso„ .�Li„I. iu �•t'd ,ity. 1'ouL said Itonrd u Se .aid work to lm tut I.y c.otnt,t, ne pr t�idfvl by Ivor. avitboo t., lin oil ,shoal tfvl "• Ise lying Ii,st paid ioLu Ice oily trovsu rY, nod niter fluid seek dull t' be placed " ad„ c o"t rust. lid I3.:n•d sh:111 I ,d without licitly to n + ih, I nt t rlv ,s Lh,y t •,fain Lh,��l� w'i'tch rill be. reuuir,d to pay til, t•.stsau"ml p,os,s.f Such improvement mai but feu nit beurlltcd to the extent of the o-sts tad noeeswry ,.x I. oses o. '.,.h im prov,mo o..l .pop the real ,stat, to Ile be, llc,o-11 1 lo, .aid Jail 'em,nl, aS pr.rfd-d by law: it being Lho opinion of the Cou m•i l that ren l usi:, le to bo n "sled fur ,al •h int prov,ille It earl be found beoefl led ill Ilio extentfit' LhC c.lstr and ,.x p, uses necessary tub, Ineu rn•d toerel"y. It by by til, Burd cf Ald,rm,o Sopt. i, 1, !;, 1'eL�Alte, Dccbcrg, BMcl Coni,,. Copn- IIIfid. Dubuc,. Dorniden. Mehnly, Sauburu. Dir. I'r,sidenL--9. Nays-�1. Adopted by the anhol fly Sept. _:.1591. Pets- Nle Sser itMeNw ere i'urray, Elm- Ip�im, \tau.. lyk ) DI r[Vi1c,L1'r�n�ida"L j)pa•.n- Nay -0 Approval Sept. 24. 1S9I. In the n •ttn•.r fit the r,port of file Board of Public Work, datvl Sept 15. Istll. it is hereby o lered Iy the. Common Council of the I;i t,Y of ar oful. 7'lutt f lie lfoxrd of I'I,illi, Work, ot'snid City of St. Paul taus: the folluwhat iniprnvement to Ilemole.,towil: C.n sf,liel n[.eweron Ea,t Sam mit av,.nue, from Cell nal 1'a rk drive to u point 120 feet west there froll". in maid city. to- her Inuihole. That said Board cause said w,rli to lie let by rutnef.:a. pr.yided by I:nc. without nae -Into Loe osl.imaU!d c.SI. being first paid Int. tea• city treasury, unit after odd wok shall I plmlt xitL ot�dela run na�said ssBoard 11 enitSha ll rcu� �n9y :is they can a ertulu the eumv.I, vh will b, re"I"Ilr d t. p: �Lb, coxtx :old n,c,Ssa rY expenses of such improcomeot upon letl e.mt,t" b, Lm,elitted Ile sold improvntelieo„"t, is proridert b}• law: it being the coin tun of toe reafelt.11.for ,.,It imp-clu eat ecia be found benefittedto filoextortre I hereto'. reex uen.us necessary W d pled y file it Adopted by filo Buurd .f Alderumn Sept. 15 15'11, 1'caS-Aid. Biolaaberg. Iloit. Cou ley. Col ro- 1; d, Biller, Durniden, 3folndy. Sanborn, Mr. P -d -t -9. Nuys --e. Adop•II Iry file Am"hly Sept. 22. IS.d, V,u.s-Mt"su:Ssrs. Ban tolzc,, Costello, I: 248 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Arlontld by Lhe Bourd of .%lderalln Selo. 1.5. 1191. Year --Aid. Illrluuhug. Butt. Conley, Copt ,Sod. Ihrl'ucr, lhout Ira. Melaa Y. Sanborn, Al 11rr,idenl.-!1. A dnpird l'Y I.hr As,rin l'lr Sr u. 22, I0. It: Ihnlzdr f:o,t Cllo. Eln- quicl`AIcCUIr- ty. It: I.,Dinrrav,Uplx�:- Virr 'rt.iden L--9. %jqu- - I. :\PPr,rvea SrPt. 21, 1,9I. Ba F. No. I4.,. In ihrinnt lvr of the rI•pori of ills Mtard of I'll hl it Work, aura Srl,t. 1:,. WII. It. in hrn•IIy orad red ", Ill,.. Comnmu CI dc11 .,f Omrityuf St. Paul: That the Ik,artl of l'ol'l ie \fork, of ,aid City ,If SI.. Pu it cau,e, the fallowing in Prdyt•mmlt to be tnnde, h, -wit: Surfm.•e :old eon' tr 1.1 stone go! ter, ou 1•'mlrtrontll ,r rccLhvuu lh,b- TtSli-I to t Point :XrO feet. Itut, of Jackson .tn•v 1, in wtid city. Phut sn is board -u., ­jd work W Ix: let. l'v _,t: It, Provided by law. witbnut half ihr. r,tinm[va cost. l'ri ng li rai ot `rd colo tl'e city lrnvellrY-:moa oi'l'er d rtrk ,lotll. Ire Plx�•uIl l ,Idols alt t,, said iskull prcCeCd w-itboul deello i to S--S-- in, nay .' O,Cy ': i nee, v�Inill the n� u'hlCl' will br nquin•d to PUJ' Lhr rest+ fir.- x pcu,es of ih, imPnryr• in. wta'.. not leneliora Wmien oxtrnL of oho costs dd nerrS,ury Cx Pr o,C, of ,dch in provemrut npotl the reel CStnW to l's lC ImlrHted l'v .nix LllurI of the Cuun,-il tl ut ,real e�iutc to oiddI l's. u.�r,Srd Cor seri, im ProvrlliroL sur: l',• 1'uW Iron a bed u-tIIs rxWntofthe cost,and �x lxeoxC, otx;ee,I'! o br inf u% 111, II Se .\darned by 1m Bourg rf :\IdrrtnCn Sept. i, iS!Ii. BiClcli ItoD, Codice', heed. DoboCr, Dore, ididt.0Cd. Mrinrlp. S:ahurll. N:ty, Adel I I I 11 C A..'11 SIT', ISol. I31 1 ,. .. 1. Ile, Elm vt, f C tf •rt Y. t \ •. AI OrPt n Iti tu`I rite V. sly -kr. Mr vlc Pill ult--n- Nny-,-n. Approved Sep[. 24, 1,91. Brl F Ix tl'c lir trier of 1hC report of for Bourg of 1'n l,lie ark,,r d1 Sept. (I 1M11. Iyof St -Pan ly tl't C'o,n mon Council or thr Ci t)b That the Bran d of Ih,l'lic Wor1.S of seal City (olio lit of St. 1'n,ll Cau a tht IIg in,P roveme r hr S„mn ,dr [o w. [marl sal It'll rk �Icl� o t���t ,1it PIaL 111 foot ♦ t the"ood wa . inrd ei[]' t ler wiDl brir, unh.dr. u - B Tbx I I, l e uII Ia- .r , k to bel half t. 7 1tYl ,Itbout Dorf -half Lira tr`sl tl 1 .'I. 1 i K If t, u l Into the Cu v' tt•e:t,u r), nod after ud t o 1, hall be ptlurrd ondCr •t ntno•t ,aid Board sl]od] . pro - •ed without dela J' it ue,t•,. the un.- lit. : iris :,,,the [buy ten II : s'tal'e tbC �amC, w-l'h�h w I I lir I'Cq t o pay the Co,t, toed drrr.va ry ,•xPCo,rs itoprovolo rot ,IPon ti,C n"il C.nItu tI Ix• beot•IitWd b„aid Ira Provo •I [. is ItrnvirlCd l'y It,,,: it bring the oPlnio 11 of the Cm t rile that n`Itl e,Latr to N- fie Ito, d for Suchlintprovelnent call IS,, folmd benefitted to they of of the I ,t, told -non- uec.•SStIry W lc. incurred Ihereby . AduPt `d by the fb and of Aldermen Sept. 15 IST I3h4enberg. But t, Conlry. r. Cupl- land. Dobner, Dorniden. MeladY. Sao be rue M1'rr.Ident-9. Nuys -0. AaoPWd Iry the A,x•nl l'ly Sept. _2. IS 11. V" ;'^11-Itlfrrt IMt1 'u,•, 111.rulo.UEbu- mViol Fri. V,SlykC. Dl r. VWo PruidCtlt�9. Nay, A pI?. A ,nrvlJ SCP,. 24, IS!II. ISd F No. 447-- ]n thr tmttteI o[ Lhreport, of Lhlo Board of Pu lids war kS dated Sept. 15. 18'n. It i. h,Trly t rdrrld by the Common CuunCll of lin-cit, sof It. Plot: 111m, the Ibno,j of Public Rork, of the City of St. 19 ,,11 Cause the following Inlpruvenmut W IS. III"( e, it 'it: Condmun and tat ke all it In It., lural abutting on \'un fill non i-1, Lrell tweFail i,w rived llu nrd\VIoeb!r .aid will' .easy or •ov,truct t�l't���l"Prn-rifer cut` and refill, in KradillK said V:lo Ibsen st. reef. 11-w- l .aid area[`. W the -tubli.hed grade thereof, n. 'bun':, by the oitle If Said grade "II Ii If m Itxmxy cow Y. d in thr o1Hce of tat• CILy E:n Kinser: said uu .�I�mr, to r�tCn t1 nor and on -If I It.) feetI wdd luod for C -ry foot of cut or fill indl- catCd IIII I I- piton of mid Slolru, Lbtched Lo mid 'v[Sot. ,ad to be It led in the elite, of .aid Ilea rd. '1'Il!It ,aid hoard Shall l`r'oceCd without delay to a •.a, in,- amonot. net I •• a, they a:tri e,1-tatin ibe,ante. which will lt• r,,aired W I:t}' the dnmaKe,. o.t, andmates„urp Cxpen- of curl' im„rovemmlc upon the real C,4tfe evil•. l'rm IitWd l'Y .:mid Inarovenm I'. a. oro- vided It,, In,,: it. heidKthe oirinlon of thoCo,tn- cil that real e,L:ttI to be . vrd for each im- I�ott,tfil'rduloI [ too nd l smlttedtothe ex- ' G l 1 vl thereby. a -1 - - -'- es_m led by it- Board of Al delis- Scpt. If, IS'n. VCa Ald. Ith-bu - K. Ilett• Coale)'. CuPe- Iand. Dobner, Dorniden, Alulad Y• Snob mrn. Air. P -11h l'-9 Nay, --o. AdoPWP by I III ­­Ilbly -pt. 22. 1891. rt. AI Catn.,I IMcNataeS- Mu rralltr.O F.Im- deim, Vao Slyke. All-. Vico• Pre.11hol 9.PVCv- Na}', L. A pprovul 6C Pt. 24, loll. Ild }` No. 449__ III matter of Lhr re Pert ,rf the Board of 1'n Ir11C \York, d.Wd Sr PLInn 1. It I, herehJ ordr red by it,, -' 11. ora moo Conoeil -ti-cit of St. "oI 'Pleat the Bon It u[ rut tic W ork, of `rad City ,f.'t. Paid them ll K iauorormmnit W bo oat it: 1 d ih :Ile)' n block :r. A rll ngtun IIIII, midition to St Pxu 1 b .-So Edgerton ,treet and rayne Ito. tae, in ,aid 'phut -II Iloard t• said work W Ira let lv nod tract, ns provided lY low, without. r C bx1[ the r,Llmuted r. ,t being first Vttid IIIW tilt t ity 1-t olry'[retltafteidrltula redo baritti tl;m ceedt without dt. hty to a- a the amount, u` nearly us they can ascertain Lhe same, which OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL FOR 1891. 249 will be required W , y Lho cots aria n v. - m not. to be mad,-. to -wit: Item 're the oB W.-Imnses of S `ft 1 tp-l-etueut u,e: the 1 to W W be benefitted b ald I IprC •e- by low: It being Int p, on Aurotx •Gnu • , d Fullor street, between hale ,tad IYletorixu'troete i81n num- bcr). ent. ns provided the ,,pin- Ion I( LbI Council that roll e,otW W be ns,o.s- and place the oxalo on LattLel-aeon uu, betwtvrn VirWtd:o strnet and Luxingtun ave -- d for auch ivlprov micut Can be found lone- HLWa W the oxtoot of the t-,1 , and I,,I-see rice in ,ald city, s:"it lamps W be placed 1.50 fee[ apart. yy to be Incurred thereby. n Ado by the Board of Aldnrmr,I SCPL. 1.5 Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Sept. 15.1x91. pted 1891. ta. V,tu &AId. BleleoberK. Britt, Conley. Cepe- YellS-A Bleleaberg,Bott. Gouleyy. C, land, Duluor, Dortuden. Alcludy, Sanborn. hoed. Delrio. Desalted. Alelsay, Sun born. Air. Pre,ident 9. Mr. P-Sidem-9. N uYs-0. Noy.- Adopted by Lbu Assembly Sept. 22.18(o . AdoPWd by the Assembly Sept. l'2, [8711. Yeas-Ale..r,. Bunbolrcr, Costello. I:Im- Yell, -Messrs. Bunhobter, Costs to. EIm- I,uSt. MCCafforty. MaNnmee, Murray Oppen- Inlet, McCafferty, McNamee. Murray, t)ppen-' helm. \-un Slyke. , r. Vlee 1'rt•Siden t-9. helm, Van Slyke. Mr. V(ce President -ll. Nuy,-0. Nay . Approved Solt. 24. 1891. Approved Sept. 24, 1891. - Bd No. 450. In the Inattor of the teporl of tlu! Board of Yu blit Works dated Su d. if IKJI. { It Is hereby ordered by t�m Comnmu Couuefl' I u the Cl ty If St. Paul: Thu" the Bu:trd of Yullir. Warrior -111 City 1 S[. Pani Cauw the (u1lowlnK Impruvt ment 1. W be mode. W wIL: t Con tract a u den crosswalk ,the north 1 t ISide of Enxt Sixth ,t reet., uu-S, thole greet. n `aid eity. 1, L Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Supt. 15. ]891. I: u Yeas -Aid. Blrlenber8Bout, C:ale. Y• Co{xr A land, Dobner, Dorolden. Melody Sunburn, Mr. Pre,ldent--9. Nays -d. AdorWd by the A,acm lly Sept. 'l'2. ItAll. q Yeas-MmetrS. Danhulrer• Caro-llo. Elm-! is lul.t. McC,tffur[y. MCNamCe' At tray, Opptm Lot m, Van Slyke. Mr. Viet, Pru,ld.11-9. ' Nays u. Approved Sept. 24, hint. - B fi 11 11 No. 451 In oho mujWl [oho oporL fthl Uuard of Pull \York, dated SCIrt. In. IS 1. it It Is hereby urdo roll by tau Cum mut, Cou null T( theCly IS St. Paul. hat the Bunrd of 1=iie Work, of the City 1� Of St. Paul uuuSo the following I,n Provummlt n W be made. W wit: Couture-atthe I, tern etiknnw lob SW wart live,, uc. rt lu said city Adop e,l by the Bunrd of Aldermen Sept. 15, 1, ISDI. Yeas-AId. Bielerd-g, Ilett, CouleY, Cupe_ In land, Dobner, Dorniden. Airindy, Sanborm P Mr President -9. N"9. Adopted by the A+emnblY SeF,t ::L INUI. Yeuv Ale.,r,. ln,holrur. ;o.W 111, Elm- 1t hIol.t. M,,CuwertY. MCNxdmr. AlurntY. Uplren-'. elm. Van slyke. Mr. VreeYreeidmrt-U. N ay. -I. Approved Sept, 24. 1891. AId. Dorniden-Rd F No. 4.W- eSolved, That nn order Ix; drawn in favor the Board f Control for the sum of 1:1.98. befog the city's clue -third of Lira I,. tand�ounty I oSPital. almsl>t)nt- ani the undo t -door relief of the poor during oor .and ,nth of A"K ,1. 1x91. to be paid Dui. of Board of CovLrul '1uud in the trea,ury of •Ity df St. Paul. dopted by the Board of Alderman Sept. 15e by the aem Axbly Se it. ^_2. 18!11. Banbolsur, �oaW7lo, Elm. .frerty. MUNnmee. Murray, Dppun- Slyke, Mr. Vice-I're.ldunt--9. 1 Sept. U. 1891. tt Bd F No 95.1 r ordered by the Common Connrl i muLf St. Paul: Wrn forertl tlwgrind maboulln- Ine 1llump on wide f]lopo hundred and twenty-flvo (lam) foot trt'erd W tlmhoanl of P.rd , Work. IS I , and report and iartM1e Cooni ilea propern order ill - Ao k W be dome. y the Board of Aldermen Sept. 15. 1.BielenberK. Bott. Conley. (A txt- r, Dlrniden.Melady, Sanborn. (Ag o. r. -9. h the A.-mhl Sept.22 1891. rs DUnhok.-, .[ello, Elm- Herty. Mc Nn nu••�, Murray. OpI-i 31yke. Ali. VI_ Yresrdent-9. I Sept: 24, 1891 Bit F No. 4rv2--- BY A!, .Botts Bd F No. 4M. IC IS hrruby ord'-d by Lhe Common Council In Lhe n t,W.r of the report of tbC hated If t' Im, City of St. IStul: Public Work, dutod sept. i5. 1891. Tltxt the mutWr of Ill,trurtlugg It i, [,baby or to rod by hC. Comnmu Cuu dell hutch streuL. (sora En,L SovC.ntlta tneut rte E, - If the City of St. Paul. Mhndota St;'otf be lit 1 the s a is he rohy That the Iloard of Public Works of said referred W the Bunrd oaf Puhiic Work, Win City of St. Paill cause, rhe following Improve- vestigate and report: 250 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL ■ OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL FOR 1891. ' , 251 pulse, Me penleim. Nuys -0, Approve ByAid. D Itis hereb o I time! That til n ant for of let 8. :North be t fire Board Is ort: i•ury? assury'? thio Improvement proper and nee- !by the City Engineer, be and the same, are I hereby adopted as Lhe established grade. e the Council an estimate of Ailey In Drake's rexrrungemont of block otthercol unit state whether a •-'i 8. McLesn's reservation. from Earl street W cost the tart le W be fluid Into Lhe Beater street. Jr. ray before tioxt ­ntractis lemisesser: trot 27Kilfvr,•t rtretli westerly frFou omr Fourtstreeth street.i Point ve entreal be found Ionefited W the Adopted by the Buurd of Aldermon Sept. 16, amages, wets and expenses neves- liv"il- incurred theroby? Yens -A Id. Blelenticri . Bott. Conley. Cope - Is such improvement asked for. land, Dobnor. Dorniden, Molady. Sanborn, etition or J)pBeuten of ere own- hlr. President -0. .f Or lcY u[ t ro projrcrty W be us- Nuys --0, such Impr.,ve,ne ntr Adopted U9 ties Assembly Se Pt 22. 1801. sad the Council u pian or profile t' Ymas-hfessrs. Bnnhulzor. Costello. Elm- veent, as rtgrdr d by law, it you 'in 't. McCxQerty, McNamee. Murray, O;- avor of the same. lonbelm. Van Slyke, Mr. Vice President -9. end the Council u proper order di- Nuys -0. work W be done. Approved &;pt. 2f. 1891. by the Board of Aldermen Sept.. 15' II d. Bielenberg, Bolt, Conley, Coire- • . Dorniden, Motility. Sanborn, Mr. By Ald. Meludv-Bed F No. 459- -9. IL is hereby ortlered by the Common Council 22, 1k91. I ten City of St. Paul: by tiro Assembly Seppt, , Tlrat the mutter of Lire construction of u Bou baize r, CueWllu. Elm- six foot wooden sidewalk on the east aid. of Cuiforty. MuNama•. Murray. Olt Ohio street, from Lulwl W Aunapuhs. to- Van Slyke. Mr. Vico; President -U. ; get with tire n ••essary crosswalks. be If Sept 24, 1891. ri ul the same la hereby referred W the Board ut Public Works to investigate and report: is this improvement p r and neciessary7 If s send the Council a proper order di recti ng the work WbeduI obnor--Dd F No. 456- Adupta] by the board of Aldermen Sept. I6, 189 y ordered by Lac Common <%ouucil Yeas-Ald. Biclenberg, Bott. Conley, Copo tv of St. Paul: land. Dobnor, Dorniden, Melady, Sanborn, hit e matter f ndomnfng Ill rose president --U. 0 slopes on Gordon nvequu in Deet N:ty.s�1, in pluck 8U of St. Anthony Park ndoptd bs-tho Assembly Sept. I, the sumo is hereby referred to 1•eus-Messrs Banbolzer, Costello, Elm of Public Works to investigate and past, M.Cuaerty. McNamee, Murray, Oppon- tbisim vcuaent and sec- het m. Va. Slyke. Mr. Vice President -9. pro proper Nuys -41. f Approved Sept. -44. 1891. Sccopd Give the Council un e+timate u Iim expen+e thereof, and Mate whether one- halfof the cast thert•uf is W be paid foto the - city treasury before the cot tr at is Ice. B Aid. Sullivan - IM F No. 460 - Third -Can real estate W be assessed f said iml o ement by found benolited W til Y IL i hereby ordered by the Common Council .xterIt orf damages, ct sts and expenses uec-' Thatethm-¢test of laying a six-foot woodon rs Were incurred Lhereby7 esFOLarth-la each improvement .sled for .?)it lication of the• ot"n aiduwalk in fruit of I�,ts 11 unit 12 block 25, Merrham's rearrangement f blocks 24 W 28 upu the putitlu I or Ofmuj0 Ito>• of t,,, property to bo + inclusive, un north side of Marshall avenue, Amos �s •d for such Ile n venom t7 +'ePifth 1 ,)ween Laurel uvea ue slid street, pu- [iron uttaohcd, be :cad the sums is hereby Send elm Council u plum or profit of s required by low, if yet rCteig. W the Boar. of Public Works W In - suid improvement r Ort in (navr Of the +amu. v,,tlga , and report: Is ihi+irnprovemcnLproyer and Peres-ry? hCixth-Send filo Commel a pruner oil- If s e, se d tiro Connor it proper order directing the work tr Ue dorso. Adopted by the Buurd of Aldermen Sept. 15, ng the work to Is, done. ! dtAdppted by tine Board of Aldermen Sent. 15, 1891.r Blelenlden Batt. Cooley Cola'- Bielenberg. Bolt, Coal ud, DAid. Dohner. Dorniden, h]Oludy, Sunburn, 1.1'eus-Aid. Inuit ])ulmer. Durniden, MelmlY. Sanborn. Mr. President -U. Nuys 0. Adopted by the AssemblY Sept. 2', 19)1. Elm- Mr. Prosident-U. NDYs-41 AdupWd IrY the Assam 615' Sept 2' 18"Jl. Yeas- Messrs. IIunhplzer, CusWllu, rluist. MOCatfc rty, McNunreu. hlurruY• OUPe n- 1"ens-Mer:,rs. ISunbmlzer, Costello. Elm- McCafferty, McNamee, Murray.OPPon- hcim, Van "lyk,. Mr. Vice Preaid-L-9.]idle. het m. Van Slykc. Mr. Vice Yre.1dent-D. NuYs-0 Approved Sept. 24, 1801. Nuys -.D. Approved Sept 24, IMII. IIy Ald. Butt -Bed F' No. 4.I - Resul isl' That Lhe grade of Lfic followlpg streets need alley, between Lhe points n mod. mdicatd by the red grade Ii to len the c- repunymg profiles• and as recommended By Aid. Rett -Bed F No. 461- Itesolv,•d. Thattin grade of East Third st-A, from White Bear avenue to Lhe east city limits. as indicated by ten red grade If.,. on the accompanying proille, and its recon mended by the City EniI,,�Ineis oe undthesum is hereby adopted as Lire Cstablished grade Adopted by the board of Aldenno, Sept 15. 1,91. Yens --Aldo Bicienberg, Bott. Conley, Cope luntl. Dobner. Dorniden. Melody, Sanborn Mr. President --0. Nays -0. Adopted by the Assembly Sept*"2 , 22, INH.Ymps-Messrs, Bafiholzor. Costo to. Elm 1 Olmt. V. aficSlyke, MrNVI.a ['ren�id,ftyi Option Nuys -0. Approved Sept. 24, IWI. By Aid. Sullivan -Rd F No. 4r?, Resolved. That the Board of Public Work,. Is hereby authorized W construct crosswalk, I. the following Umee/: On rho west side of Aldh o.streat iwrons 1" I uvmule. un nort.le �•-�.+'tTF6 of Manhull uvcnne acres, Amus street non- )n e:[st std. of Amos straeL across Mar- sh 11 avenue, also one on smith sideof Rondo street across W i Ide r qve o ue. Adopted by the beard of Aldermen Sept. I5, 18!11. YeasAle. IIlclenbcre. Butt, Cuncly, Copy land: Definer, Dorniden. Melady. Sanborn. Mr. Yreeldent-0. N.Y Adopted by the ��t1eem ssbly Sept. 2"-, 19B. Yeas -Messrs. Ranholzer•. Costello. Elm- ist. McCafferty, McNaee, Murray, (tppen- hem im, Van Slyke. Mr. Vice President -f). Nuys -0. Approved Sept, 24, VIOL B Nesoh•ednberne IIdFNo.4Gi- nll. bu grade of the following ye, as indleated by the red grade II P, on th. uccompagyI g emfit and s recum- mended by rile City l: ngineer, bound thesame hereby adopted tilt•. osurblishod grades: are Alley In block 14. Woodland Park Addition. Alloy to block 61, Dayton & Irvine's addi- tion. AdmU18111. ted DY the IIoand of Aleermen Sept. I.S. Yeas -Aid. Bielonbcrg. Boot Conley, Cope- land. Dub Per, Dorniden, Melady. Sanborn. Mr. Prealdent U. Nit Adopt�Bd by the AssemblySept. =. IRfll. 1'eae-Hearts. Banholzer, COaWll'( Elm- quist. Mc,:afferty. Me\amce. Murray, Oppen- heim. Van BIYke. hfr. Vice President 0. Nays --0. Approved Sept. a, 1891. By. ear by ordered by troo Cuaen Council of the City of St. Paul: Tient the mutter ofconstructing un of fit 181 (pot wooden sitlewnik ler both ,Ides of Lawson atrept. from Earl to Forest street, bo mad file rune is hereby reforred to the Board of Pub- lic Works to InveetlguW uad report. Is this imp ovoment pruPcr and ecessary't I f so. send the Council n proper order dtrect- Ing the wbrk W be dune. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Sept. Ifo, 1891. Ycn,--Aid. BlClcnbcrg, Bolt, Conley COPc- land. Dubuur, Dorn [den, Melady, Sanborn. Mr. Presldent-0' N.Y". 1 Adopted by the Assembly Sept. 22, 1801. Yeas -Messrs. B¢nholzer, Castello, Flm- qulsl, McCafferty, hfcNamae, Murray, Oppen- helm, Van Slyke, Mr. Vice President --0. Nays -0. Approved Sept. 21, 1891. By AId. Copeland-Bd F No. 4615 -- It is hereby ordered by the Comoro. Council of the city of St. Paul: That the mutter of co:rstrneti ng a crosswul k olght(8) feet wide across Arl ingtm, street. On the e:4't lido of Payne avenue, be rued the ane ie hereby referred W the Boxed of Pub - Ile Works to Investlg¢to and report: Is this ire pruvement proper and neeesaar}•? I,'.. su send Lha Cou gcll a proper order direct Ing the work W be done. Adup 3oard of Aldermen Sept. 1, I 89. Yeas --Aid. Biclefterg, Roll. Coaley, Cupe- land. Dobner. Doredden, Melady, Sanborn, .Mr. President --9. Nuys -0. Adopted by the assembly Sort. 22,1891 Yens -Measles. Bnnhplzcr. Costello. Elio - 'list. MCCufertMNamP, Murray.O ppen- h.hNpn, V -un Slykey, .ticerest, ent-9. Aaypsrov.d Sept. 24, I891. By Ald. Copeland, BdF No. 466 - It in hereby ordered by the Common Council of elm City orf St. Paul. brine, That the matter of removing gasoline from Pe avenue betwoen Mlnne- haha and Jessamine streets and placing the e tie following nand street,: o�O,r thcast corner Rose dArkwrlght. Ono southwestcurner Maryland and Ark- wright. One w.st side Arkwright street 150 feet th 11. Yland avenue. n One wast side Arkwright street 150 (Cut nt tlr Ryucinthstreet. FI c 1 mpI, un Edgerton street. between Brainurvlagn veue and Wh tc Bear road. One lamp on north side Lawson street, be- tween Payne and F.dgerton. One lump on southeast corner Jessie and JenksAreo[e. Om, lamp on northwest corner Bradley and Jenrki streets. Oil . In p sent[: side of Jenks street, be- tween De "our and Arkwright. O ' lamp on southwest corner Edgerton I i Or liege.. one : ]a n southeast cursor Edgerton nod Dyacloth. One lump on south side Maryland avenue, x;tween Puyno and Edgerton. One lamp on southwest corner Geranium and Wei de. Ona• lamp on north side Fred street, be- n Ifrid fore and Ibtrr. One Inmp on north side of Cook street 150 •.tenst hllsslssiflpi. eOno Ixmo on south side Cook .street, be- Nt„ Arkwright cod hIrMo, my. iue lump on northwest cornor Lawson and •Menemy. One lamp on south side Lawson street, be - m a k ribht and McMency. On lamp on northeast corner Jenks and I. Menemy. One lamp on s nth side Jenks, between kwright undMeMenemy. One north Ido .Icssamin". between Mc- lenomy mad Mississippi 252 PROCEEDINGS OF T One southeast corner of Geranium and ,t,iL.dosoutheast theast corner Geranium and Cy- press. One north side Lawson, between Earl and Cypress. One south west corner Jenks and Cvpre_as. One north side Jenks, between Furl nod Cypress. Be d the same Is hereby referred to the Board of Public Works to Investigate and re - purl: Is this liner r • tent proper and ee;e'saryl 1 f se. eenU the Oounti l u proper order direct ing the work W be done. Adopted py the Board of Aldermen Sept. 15, 1kill. Yeas-Ald. Blolonborg. Bott, Conley, Cope- lmul, Dobner, Dorniden, Moludy. Sanborn, Mr. Prt•.sldent-9. Naps -0. Adapted by the Assembly Sept. 22 1891. Yens -Moes- Bunbolzep Costilla, Elm- quist, McCafferty, McNamee. Murray, Op. p nheim, Van Elyke, Mr. Vice President -9. uys Approved Sept. 21. 1891. By AId. Batt-Bd F No. 467- It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of file City of St. Pnu l: That tae matter of c ndrmning :and taking •rent in the land ubutthlh• on thn ally I,, binck 54. in hills addition, a -.,- by referred to the Board of Public Werke to W Invest1, and report: Firstr-Is this Improvement proper and nec- cessary? Seen ad--Gi ` the Council an estimate of the exp `ase thereof, and state whether one- half of the cost thereof is w be pat( law the Lacy Lreasnry before the contract Is let. •Heir(] Cu real .tate to be a d for t rolemen obi o found 1e benefited to the exten cry to he inou reed the. rv.byP ezlx,ues ret ei the petition or (application t f ti ed wrier., +f a majority of talo property to be assessed for such improvement? FI fth-Send the Council a plan u profile a .aid It rn ovemmof .tlbe sequl reel Uy 1n W. if you n5itxth--Send the CouncllI, props order di- recting the week belle dune. r Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Sept. 15, 1891. Ye.s-Ald. Bicleriberg, Butt, Conley, Copt Innd, Debater, Durnlden. Melody, Sanborn, Mr. President -0. Nuys 0. Adopted by the Assembly Sept. V. I -L Peas --Messrs. B.nhol,., r, Costello. Elm- lul.t, McCnRerty. McNumee, illurr:ty. Oolwo- helm, Von Slyke, 51 r. Vle, Preside lit -9. Nuysd. A pptovad Sept. 24, 1891. By Aid. Copchtnd-II Plus - I, i. hereby oido red by the Common Council f sec City of Rt. Pant: Tbut the matter of opening. wldentng ami •xtevdI, Clark street ten )v' Ith f.i xtS six !13ii feet Dern Caw; atr�rot to Maryland street. In, :and tam C Is hereby referred b) the Board of pull lic Works to investigate- and report: IF. COMMON COUNCIL. First -Is this Improvement proper and nec- ry? ," • Second -Give the Council an estimate of the es -ase thereof, and state whether one- half of the Lest thereof is to be paid into the city treasury before the contract is let. Third -Can rent estate to be assessed for said impmm vamlt be Lou riW d benefitted the extent it (amages, d cost and oxpe•�ses neces- sary to be IncurreI jerebyT Fourth -Is such Improvement asked far up - o tie petition >r pplimWon of the owners [a majority of the property to be assessed for suclI Improvement? Fifth -SL nd the Council a plan or profile of sold itu pntvement, as rmlideed by law, if you port in favor of the some. reel xth-Send the. Council It proper order di- re9ctingthe work to be done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Sept, 15, 1891 Yeas-Ald. Iiiel..berg, RMott, Conley', Cope- land. Dubner, Dorniden. oludy, Sanborn, Mr. President -9. Nuys --0. Adopted by the Assembly Sept. 22, 11001. Yeas--M�vse'. Baaholzer. Costello. Elm. quiet, McC'uRorty, MoN..-,M nrnn•.Oppen- h0m, Vali Slyke, Mr. Vice P"'d cntr-9. Nnye -0. ' Approvrd Sept. 24. ]R91. By AId.Snnborn-Bd F No.47'2- It is ben•hy ordered by file Common Council 'it the City of St. Paul: That the matter of n chuage 0f grad, on Maiden Lnbe from Nin¢e.' nue to Srlby ave - fluc bound the e o is hereby referred to e Board of Public Works to Investigate .,all rep.rl.: First -Is this improvement proper and nec- e sary't Seeond-0Ive the Council a .timate of the o pen a thereuL r d statewhether one half of the cost thereof it to be paid Into the city trent try be Pore, the contract Iv lot. Third Oup real estato to be are sed for rind In,prvrvemevt be found nenefiteel -the extent of damage., cost and expenses "Co.- e�sry t: be Incurred thereby? Fnurth-Ls such Impmventont. asked for uporrftaeti wjerity rlP all I, tion of the wn- � :d for ..eh im o property to be to rr•Fifth- end tie Council a plan or profile of said improvement. :tie roqu I red by inw, if you r (,art in favor I t in =,. e�i.x th-Send the in null n proper order dl - re •ting tam [vork to be. dent. Adopted by the Buurd of Aldermen Sept. 15, 891. Yens -Ale, Bi.leDor,d cn, Batt, Conley Copo- land. DohnLr, Donllden, Malady. Stn Horn. Mr. Approved Sept. 24. Ik91 By Ald. A,,tt-Bit FNo. 4T,t- It. ie hereby a bl d by the ('ommob Counell r f the Ciliate r ityer SL Pan l: Th se lbe?nt Ian ale (lurid :tbu ni ¢uandI aliley. lar block Re in•r • trr3ngement. and tiro alley i., bleak s, Drake's rv.nr-rominent of OF TILE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 25:1 McLean's reservation, necessary to onstruet City oI St- Pnul. Minnesota, for the yanr 1891, the elopes for cuts and tills in grading said he nod the same is hereby fixed an follows, alley. basad the me is hereby referred to viz: the Heard of Public Works to investigate For the First, Sotand• Third, Fourth and and report: Fifth Ateass me to districts (covering all the Flrs[rIs this improvement proper and net- property in the original First, So ... d, Third. usury? Fourth and Fifth wards): Second -Give the Council an estimate of Mills the expense thereof, slid state whether ,no- Interest and sinking fund ................ 8.(G half of the uostthereof is w be paid into the Department Funds- Mill.. city treasury before the contract Is Let. Certificates of Indebtedness.... ..... ..2.1u Third -Can real estate w be assessed for Police department........ .,n.K', said improvement be found benefited to the Lighting fund ............. ...........1.31 exWntofdnmitges•toetlln(lexpensesneces- Water supply fund_ ���..0.95 eery to ba inuurred therehy? Board of control ............... .....o. lfi Fourth -Is such Improvement u: ked fur Building I ... setor'e department.... O.Ix) upon the In,titlon or application of the own- Health department...... ........ 0.12 '-"f' rs of a majorityy I the property to be as- Court blue "ad and city hall motnte- e eed for such impnrve.m cat? a food.. .. .. .. ...0.18 ea none .. ........... Fifth-Setd the Council n plus or profile of Workhouse fund ......... .............0.21 .aid Improvement, as roq.1red by law, If you EnglneerinR dep¢r[meut... ..0.27 reppoort in favor of the same. Doard of Yubiic Works................0.10 Slxt I -Send the council u proper order di Clay olllcers' salary fund ..... ........GAI routing the work to be done. Street, sewer and bridge mainte. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Sept. ]5. ace fund... ...1.25 1891, Judgment., cost., anddePar[- Yeses-Ald. Blelenberg, Bott, Conley. Color- slant ........... ... ................0.06 land. Cullen, DuUnor. Dornldc t, San corn, Yrmting and stationery. .... .....0.a3 Mr. President -0. Man leipal court deportment...... ....o -]I Nuys -0, Library fund.. .......0.12 Adopted by the Assembly Sept.'22, 11+91. 7.85 Yeas -Messes Banholze r, Costello. Elm- School fund.. ................................ 2.40 quist, McCulTenrv. McNnnuN:. Murray. Oppe n- Total......... ..........1270 We. Air. Vice Lmsiden t -R. For Sixth Assessment (covering all Naysov of the property in the Sixth ward,) viz: Approved Sept. 24, ltl!Il. Mills. For interest and sinking fund...... ...2.46 For depurtment funds .................. .....7.k5 For school fund .............. .............. 2.49 By ARL Dobner-Bd F No. 477- _ Resolved, That a city order Ito drawn neon Total... ... .......... ........ . 1270 the city treasury in favor of the Board of For Seventh Assessment District (covering Water Commissioners for ✓IA0.fi15.1:i, Ix;l hg the' alt the property In the original Seventh word), amount Clue for the use of tbile Irydnlrr is aCInR the territory annexed to the city In the from Den- 1, lti6o "water s 1 91. sold filed." amount year 1885), viz. U) be aid net "water sitf fund," a t Mills r u ton yy payab o in city ce'tlfimt[e. of Irrtlebtednt. For Interest and sinking fund. .. .. ].:w: ue provided by Sec. 30, Irglelati ve net. A. F .tor department fundus pp ....... .... e1 posd ttY the Board of Aldermmt &+pt. lf. Eor school tend ........ .. ............ s.4b rove. March rd 21, ld . na,p 1891. Total... Asses ........ District l cl, Yolte-AId, r. bi berg, Botts Conley, Cope- For the Eighth Assessment Ulstriot (cover - land. Dobner, abets Iden, M, bay. Sunburn, in all the property In new territory "A" an Mr. Pre.i(lemt--it nexed to the city in the year 18^2), viz: Nei Mille Adopted by the Assembly Sept. 22. 18111. For interest and sinking fund... 275 Ye -M : rs. Built olier, Co.telln. F.I m-' F'or department fund.... 7.it5 m caws quiet, McC.Rerty, M.Numeu, Mnrrxy, Dpiren- For school fuvd........... 2.J0 helm, Van Slyke, Mr. Vice PreAden,-9. -_ Nays -i. Total .. 13.IX1 Approved Sept. 24, 18111. For Ninth Aesesament Ulstrict (covering all .iok. yDNgA. the property in new territory ••I4," I sratetl in Vice President o[ the Assembly. Little Cnnadu and McLean townships, nm D. O. CpI.I. k: N. 'nexed t0 thO city ill L11C year IMKS), pix: Pre..sident of the Board of A Idermen. , MIII. Tana, A. P11 -11.110-T'. City Clerk. For interest uta Hinking fund....... .... 1.82 . S. Sept. 28. For department funds.......! .............. . o For 1Lhool land .... ........... '...... ..... .. _- Total ...................'........-... 11.BU For the Tenth Assessment District (cover OFFICIAL. PUBLICATION Ing ell the property 1n the now territory lecvt- ed fn It,serv, a 1 Mc'Lean townships, ea. xed m me city in are yen' tier,). via: Of Resolution Adopted by the Common no Mill., Council of the City of St- Paul. For mter,et and .inking Ffund............ u 9.4 For deportment funds. ..... '.a5 ByI2Ald Cooley-Btl F No 534- or echo,! fund. .. .... ... 2.40 C1ty of Co St YaIll. That the tax levy upon euoh Total .... ..... .................... l0., e.elved, D the mmon Council f the dollar of bea.eeeeed valuation of the real and Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 9, personal estate within the city limits of the 1891. A, 254 PROCEEDINGS OF '. I,bo Bott onle Co )e- Yeos-Aid. BDo, rags , C y t land. Mr. Vi , Don Iden. Oehen, Melady, Sul If,... Mr. Vice Pren [dept -10. Nays= Adopted by the A ssembly Oct. 7, 1891. Costello.Yen 13tichud-. f t.M CnRert McNamee. Mines, p O pen- belm. Mr. President -8. Nays -9. Approved Oct. K 1891F. F. GERAN, Vice President at the Boardd of Ald,rmen, W. P. MURRAY. ss President of the Assembly. TILOS. A. PRENpE/IRART, Cityty Clerk. Oct. 9. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Of RexoltiOonAdopted by In, Common Council of Ln, City Rf Nt. Paul. ltd F No. 484- R,solved, That city a der be Inlwn upon the city tro:tsury, Payable nut of the "Genurnl Fund" In 1• vorof the following nom •1 per_ for fir, :amounts set opposite their re epoch ve mtmos: Hen rY Gulvin. eervicvs as.erg,antat arms. 1 @,2.5 - C I . n 1 attended eve meet ages n. services as l n terrlreter MI cltpalN 'HE COMMON COUNCIL c se thereof, and smMwhether one-half of tpe•tihe cost thereof is to paid Into the city trensnry before the contract is let TI.lnl-C'on real estato to be assessod for said improvement found benefitted w the extent OT damage. c ,Oats and expenses nuces- "' }' w I ei ecu'Xii tllc ,h,y S LI�'ounth-lssuch imPre wentaskedfortip- o Lha petition ',h, Of the owners f a mal or ty of the propct2Y to be nss,seod forsucb improvement? Fifeh-Send the C. -Il a plan or profile of snivdlfmiplrrfuvor of the as miliC.if I � by law, ifyou Sixth -Send the councilaproper ordordl- rn ,ting tine work to be done. Adopted by the Assembly Seppt. `L'. 1891. Yeas -Messrs. Banhulzur. C stello, F.Im- gnlSt, McCalferty.- McNamee, Mineu, Oppen. Adigoed by the Board of Aldermen Oct. It. ISI). Yens -And. Bie'onlerq, float, Cunloyy. COI)e- Innr1. Dubner. Dura Iden, Molndy, .YnOli•un. Mr. Vic, Pre.1dentr-9. Nays -9. Appr.,-,d Oct. N, 1891. W. P. MURRAY. President of Lbe Assembly. J R. F. GER AN, Vice Pn+mdmrt. of tbe.Beard of Aldermen. P11118. A. Palos ..UA ter. City Clork. Ort ill. Court.r5op tember, IkJI, &:1; St. Paul Armory Ae no R - tion, rant from 14130.1891 , to Sept. 20, 14'91. $1,.600: Brown. i& Co_ 815; John W. - Lux & Co.. $13; P.Lutz, f40.r, St. Hort, $77.50; Schunemun & Evans. SUA; Churl,, OFFICIAL, PUBLICATION. ReblholdsUn,?218. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 6, Of Ordbee-Oe Plis-I fly the Common 1811 Connell of the City of St. Paul, Yeas-Ald. Bielenberg, Bott. Conley, Cupe- Gahan, MelndY, Ordinance No. Lri19-A'y F No. 1R7 - land, luno Dornlden, Art urdinunee fixinn the time for the e% Iru- .13, 9ullivan, Mr. Presidont-IU. "Ys�. tion of rights a d prat vilego. granted for Adopted by ttne Assembly Oct. 7, 1891. the occupancy and n of Lhe Sixth wartl Paul. Yeas -Mier- Banholzer, Costollo. F.Im- lever in the City or SL LV bores 0' the Common Council of [Ino City It McOaifertY. McN--amen. Mines. Op{wp-'uf or, St. Paul has �yy nrious onlinsncosgruted helm, Mr. President -8. rights still pitvi eg6us to di part to Nayso Appruvhrl Oct. B, 1891. ase portions of tlm Sixth ward levee In the (•.ity St. Paul, which oral "notes ore for O. O. CCI.t.EN, President uP the Board of Aldcrmon' of dill'erent periods of time; and ft is the 1V. P. M"`Ay opinion of the Council that the rlghb, and I lu send levee slmuld be President, of the Asxmbtyy. firivilegce granted mnde w terminate as near its possible, arta TIIOs. A. PRENI)EROART, City clerk. about Lite stun. Limo; mill that the ordi- Oct. 9. ,it 0 grunted for the longest period of time will terminate, according w the pn)- Yisiuns of sold ordinance. during the year 1916. Now, therefore, the Common Council of OFFICIAL PUBLICATION the City of St. Pout do ordain as follows: S"tnou 1. That all rights and privileges toy by fill ninth wary hareaOf Resolution Adopted by the Coalition to use any ported of the Sixth ward levee. to Use portio Counc 11 of the City of St. Paul. In the City of St. Paul, shall he drawn and Mr. McCRHerty-A'y F No. 263- E drafted So that the rights and privileges al- drafted quired thereunder by rho grantee shall hx- It Is hereby ordered by the Cummou Council plre at It date not later than tho first day of f the City of St. Paul: .I uly. 1l_;- ThatthematteroT constructing u sidewalk along the east side of Chatsworth street. be- Sec. ' This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publlca- tween St Clair street snit Grund ...nu.. and crossing on St. Clair street across Chatsworth I.on. Passed by the Assembly Seppt. R, 1&91. street, be and the same Is hereby referred to Yens --Messrs. Banholzer. Costollo. McCuR- the Board of Public Works to investigulc and repors --Ia this improvement pr -per and nec- erty, Mc Nsme,, Mines, Oppenheim. Mr. Prosi- dent 7. Nape- 0. e-Veyo? W. P. Second-Glvo the Council an estimate ofthe AssembMURRAYly President of the Assembly OF THE CITY OF SA Passed by the Board of Aldermen Oet.6, 1891. Yens -And. ilielenlerg. Bull. Conley COP[ Im,i , Cullen, Dobneq Dorn idmn, Mourdy. Sot liven. Mr. Vico Provident. --10. Nuys --0. JNu. F. G. -ti. Vice Presidont of tine Board of Aldermen. APpreved Oct. S. ISI[. O. O. CUL-t.RN, Aviing AlaYor. Attest: THus. A. YnENPmurwtlT, City Clerk. Oct. 13. - Ordipsnco No. 1.540-A'y F NO.'10- An onBnuneo n) rizing Intl[[• flowers to • •t a frame u clo.n. Tho Colainuu (follows of the City of St. Paul Se ordain us tut per Section. L Tnnr. permission ie herebygluon and g.Rnted to Isuat Rowers to erect nod ieitruct n One-story frnmo kitchen, 11x2' •t. on ,r n,frowned byy him on ane ,rata Ido of iflr oven uu. in [he City of St. Pul between Third lord Chestnut st,Ur t'Z knoaw.n and dosm lbod as,, part of lot. ane (I i led two 121. bhxk Ixty-throo, 1941 I-me'a Enla'rtru+- nclit w Rlce & frviro'. Addition to St. a 1. m same to be so bolt nd con truct••d n - der Lhe sui r Isbn mod con tad of Lho In- le ur Rulldi ng. f nid city. upon ob- Laim.n v P"Inr onrnrit thsi,reror. S,,. .. L'n 1. orMail o shell take ,IT,et and Ise in force from .,.it after Its pnsraife. Ynseed by file A.RCmbly Sept. 2', I8lll. Yeas -Messrs. BRUN, mr, Costello, Eim- quist. MOClliferty, McNan m Alinea, Orpen- holm, Van Sivke. Mr. Presldeut-9. N.Y.-D. 1V. P. MURRAY. President of Lbe %.Sen. III& Passed by Lite Board of Aldermen Ort. d. ISII. Yen. --And. Bicleuborg, Bott• Couloy, Co11C- lund, Cullen. Dobnor. Dornideu Molady, Sul- Ilv:ll-.Mr. Vice Presider t I0. Naays -O. Jon. F. Vice Pnrvideat or the hoard of Aldermen. Approved Oct, s, Md. O. C. CULLEN, Acting Mayor. Attest: Taus. A. PRENDERGAST. City Clerk. Oct. 13. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Of Resul"[loll Adopted 11.1 tine Coalition Con ni-H of the City of at. Paul. Bit F No. 511 - In the matter of the •)url of the Board of Public Warks dated Sept. S. IMI. It I.v thereby , Ie,e by the "ommou Council of he ClCit ofSt. 1'au l: Thattho Board of Public Wer-. of said City of St. Paul corse Lhe fallowing !.Ip n itiout t to be made, to -wit: Abate the our, ofstti,'nsnt or Impure water on the t'011owing doscri lR,•d Inn[I. by draining or til l{nlf, u both, w -wit: Commencing at u put. t 3.5 feet est of the northeast vornor of the west 1. of the northeast'A of the sou th west IAofsection 3i, town '111, raturc 't"; thence run or .,)all. 100 feet. which is the point of beginning; INT PAUL FOR 1891. 255 thmnce runnlugwust 107 feet; thence running South fit) feet; thence running cast 107 fent: thence running north 50 feet w point of I ginning, beim,' u lot 50 feet by 107 feet on ltus- .soll at_ t, IOD f,ct south of raRe street, in id city. That euid Board ellnll proceed without delay I. u so s the nvmunt, tu: n rly us tlmj• eon ostun. the asmo, which will bu em Hired to pay the duvnnges, 0-1., and n sury •Xpen- ol'.ucll In, Pruvemont up,). the real ,.tato I rbe bntmilted by sand imprUvemen I. a5 pnn- idol by Inw; it being the npinlon o the Council that real estate to be assessed for s mit improvotrout can be found benefited w the orten L of the damage.. coats u nd expen- a uonssnry w b0 incurred thereby. oAdop[ud by Lhe Board of Aldermen Oct. 6. 1891. Y,u.-Ald. Btelmlberg, Butt, Conley, Copt - land, Dobnor, Dornlden, Gohan, Melady, Sullivan. Mr. I'middmlt-10. Nuysted . Adopby [Ino Assembly Oct. 19. I81. Y'ene-Maser. -Bunlnnlver. Elmquls L, Mc- CaRerty McNumec. Mineu. OPW oh,inn, Van Sl kc. M Presiders t -R. Nay. -U. Approved Oct. 1R. 1861. O. O. CUr.'EN, Pru.ident of the Board of Aldermen. W. 1'. MURRAV TRO A. PnuNnieuow<ST. Cit v lClXiOubly. Oct. 14. A'y F No. 184- Resoived, that alt order be drawn In favor pf PutricIt Gleeson upon the lost Impruve- mentfupd, for the stem of Pour and IB -1W lidluri}t.18, bOlog nmuunt Overpaid apo. •rtiflcat,- of Sul. No. 61:48, Issueit. gninst nuts 14 and 15, block :10. Syndic.. to Addition NU. 5, Pur the grading of Albert even u,. disc. that "I +rd,, b, drawn In favor of 'nthorine Daly upon the loe:ul Im pruvemu at fu ud fort to sum of ninety-sv sun and 7101 iolhars 18117.77) being ip aoourdunce with recon] mOndatim. of Cummitteeon Claims and ,Osulutiou of Common Council approved AIRY i. 1891, abating the penaltles and cost un lot 1, block 96. West St. Paul Proper. the ruding of Dearborn street front Bidwell e xlet to State street. Also, that an onlerbe drawn in favor of '.Anel (;. Stour upon Llai sewerage fund for th, sum of forty and 6&IU9 dollars 840.66). being nnauu tit of redemption of Certificate No. 83Gi, erroneously Issued ug.111A let 16. LMock 111, Stetson' subdivision of block 111, yman D,yton'., for the sewer on Mernotn :treat Ah; 1, [hitt Rn order b0 drawn in favor of C. D. li,rr upon the IOcal Inn pruvenlenL fund fur hu 1f eigI w I, Rod 16 -ILIO dollars 818.161 �be] ng for the redemption of Certifi- iste Nu. 1911, crroucously issued against 1 .is I and 9 o f Oar ver's Subdivision for the upon i ng If Oak street. Also. that an order be drawn in favor of ,harles Nortmnyer upon the local impruve- ent fund fur the m ing 1f thirty-two and 4-101) dollar. ($:3'.14), beinterost and e antis. uo lots I w 5, Brotikvulu Second ad- Itiup, for s10ties and grading Lawson street, bee n• being cutitled to l.-Ims on t--0 'LLme Ifo prUVe[rlprr L. Also, Haat an order be drawn In favor of W. ). Douegre upon the lucid improvement 4 f'; 256 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF S fund for the surnor one hund-cd four and I land. Cullen, Donner. Dorniden. Moistly. ferty, McNamee, Mine., Oppecheim, Vat 24-pxldollars. 0104.'M).lx•ing h sent for the Sullivan. Mr. Vic Presndeut�10. • Iemation of Ccrt IScute., of Sal a Nus. 1070 to Nuys -0. Sly ke, Al r. President --8. N.ys-0. 6)(434 grid 6118 to 61;2, ern •u ill r issued for Approved Oct.8. lkd. Adopted by the Board of Alderman Oct. f the grading ui Us )!fill undo Irclnn 1 avenues. Also thus 1,u onlcr be drown in, fu our of too 1tlD7. Yeas-Ald. Bielenberg. Hutt, Conley. tope Merclmnt: National hunk upon the local im- land. Cullen. Dubner, Dorn,Iden, Melody -IU•sent.fund for Lhc aur a{)we�tyy and'. i dollars 1620.34), being for tl,u •deep- By Mr. M.rraV-A'y F' No, _12sh Sullivan, Al -Vice President. -10. tion) ,f f'ertitlrat.•s Nos. , SMI. W. IIFJU3. Ix- Ilesolvcd, That the. mutter of plachif Nuys -0. Approved Oct. X,1891. ,.g orsold for sidewalk., t h, onto street lumpat the northeast comerof IAond being city property. and Gruuu streets be referred W the Board. _ A lrw that un I it b1, drawn In fn f A. If Public Wury s to Investigate- and report Dunumt u{mn filo Ior:l Improvement fund the necessity and propriety ahereof. A•y F No. 233- forlhosumofnuchundredthirtyy-)In and Adopttvl by fila Assembly 81. pt. 'L'. 7001• Resolved That ci ty urdurx lx•drawn upon rs Iof 10 IW dollars 16139,(111, below for Lloe "di ml Y •as--llexsrX. Costello. El l't'4" . MLc.f- 11111, of Cur locales Nus. ;34W. Kr14. U11wb 1411. Ierty, AlcN:mile. Mlnun. Oplwnloim• Van Lila city truueury, pnyublu too geuenel 9017.31:01 and 44111, crronmuxly Issuoal )gslna.rt I Slyke. Mr. Presldent--X. south seven nntl :1,r-hnI Y feet of lots 1 stud 2. nYx--u• land In favor of tie follow)a nomad per• suns, for tho amounts Iatu77)posl to to their m. block 17. St. Paul 1'ropc r, for file rclpavhlg of Adopted by IIm Board of Aiderruon Out. 0. x restive oumuX: It, L. Folk 6 Cu.. 6t: A. 1:, 1. Ale Iii an, 6175; : It, L Coal and Irina Ours ate. Jackson Xtruct. Bald solo loth,rf mnunms. pfd, Ad'pbud by too. Asw,m blY. tlupL. R IXoi. I Y,ms--MA. IYlulunlrurg, Uutt. Conley. Oil se Harman Ikoal r'un U• S;n, 6'�th SL. foul Yeus-Mcnsrs. Ihwholrar, L'ustel 11,. Mu af• haul, Cu lion. Uobuur, UvrnlAun. Muhuly, �ul- One LIghL C'umpaty. b14V; A. Ilundeh, 60; Wllllum Aburi. W.M. 17aLy, M.Nunna•. Mlvm,-Oppouuulu,. Mr. Ii van. Mr. Vice 11 ... blunt. tri. I. Adopted by (he A—Libly Sept. 22. IA01. 1'reslduut--7. Nuys --0. Nuys --11. Appr,vel Oct X, IRM• Yeau-Aleeern. Custtdln, El nupds6 AlcCaf• Adapted by t.br ISuanl of Alrk•nucn ilei• forty, McNamee, Atlnua. ,O) nhcl nn, Van Slyke, Mr, Presldent--8. Ipte 11, lsill• Yens-AId. Mid, berg. Ihdt. C'ou In Cupe" Nat's -0. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. luod. Cullen, Dolrnor, Dorniden, AtulndY• A'yy F N(,.'—'KI— ...... Mr. Vice 1'resldent--l1, 'That e, IXfll. Ibc lteod. city urdurx be drown ulIsnl AuYnrr ;d Oct. s, 1X91. I the city treasury. Payable out of Lbe •'prin L- Yeas-Ald. Blelonberi1ff,)loft. Conley Cupe- {mid Cullen Dobnor Uornidun, Muhl y, Sul - 1 I ,- i,g and stationery 11, nd." 11, favor of the — following nomad Iwrsuns. for Lha nr )aunts Il van, Mr. Vic. Pre'd ant. -IU. N.Y.—n. set oppuXlte Lo thulr restxrotive names Approved Oct. 8. 1091. By Mr. McUegnrty-A'y F' No. MI,— IL Il. Merrill h Co., 6•JI9h2; Fh M. Smyth f[esoh•ed. Thutan orderb, drawn u , the . Yrh,Ong Company, 6191.00; Wedolslm•dt h — , it tri•usur In furor of Flenoura N. Schaffer Co., epled ' y Y Adapted by the Axeem bly Sept. 2'1, hill- her nwlgue for the nom of MW.r., with In- A'yy F N%2a4- rr F.Imqulst. hlcC¢itnrty, Me- to restfrom Ian. 13. 1SW.,puytble out of the Nance, Van Resolved, Thateity rders lx) drawn u drawnpon Mi! Minn..pponhclm. Blyko, general fund, O,e eunae being i1, 1saymeIt of Mr. Presldent-88. the city trousury, payubla�uut "local improvement that ecrbtin judgment rendered 1. fnvur of Nuvx-rl. fund,' In [u -1,r of •Lhe follow - log said Eleouru Sclaxff,r and ulvlosL the Clty Ad11ptwl; by ttl,o Ifoard of Alderman O.L. named persons, for the ;amounts set op - puslte Lo thid respecti vo n amps: of St. Paul. in the Dist )let Court of Ramsey' f,, IX!h. Shite, Allnocsota. Jun.13,.I8W. fur Dale h Bumgarine r. E.stimulc No. it. gred- n sty, j Yeas--AId, Tile lenberg, Bott Conley COIX'- raid sane. Said ardor to be deelf vcred un,ly land l'a, Ile Dobuer. Durnidua, MoladY• Sul- Ing F':in-iew :vane •. 18,0101; A. Gl ogles, Estimate No. n. upon their - ui,g pled with the city Cunn l'- Ilvun. Mr. Vico Prusiduu L--10. troller a proper satisfaction in said judg- 7. grading Cie cr land uro.ue, 62 a5; Keough h Dovnclly, Extlm.to Nu. 5, Nuyn-n. `•vt nAwpted t 6 ding Fairview -en , 6;357; T. Lin.on. A ed Oct. B- I.I. by the Assembly Sept. 22, Itl01. pPruv c Estimate No. B, gruding Nebraska street and other street.,. 60.449; J. W. Maloney, Emi- Yeas -Messrs. Banholzen tell.. Elm- McCafferty. McNumnc. Mine.. Oppen- I — mate No. 7, grnding Ilugue avenue, 61{08; J. heint. sale, Van nlykc. Mr. Presldent-9. W. \IuloneY. Fs[(nasI4 No. 10, grading I'en- NaYx-�1Nu. 731- Ylvanlu avenue e705... ;George B. Crapxey, land tuknn n s••ou Adopted by the Hoard of Aldermen Oct.6. Rexolvel, Tlistu city order Iw drawn upon Iri91. ! Ihc. treasury. f the tt nt olxfninq. etc.. Casa street, 1_245: Elias F. Urake. dutaages u ac - u city aayublIt oil[ ite=1 Yews -A W. Blulen berg, Hutt, andcy. Cope- food. i1, fnvur 1,t t ie J. Y. Gribben Lumber count of opening, etc.. Sixth street. M. [ land, L'ullel, llulrnur, Uurdduu. Afel,aly, Sul- connpuny fur Su48.li:t. f Adopted by the Assembly Sept. 'l", IeUI. Yeus-Messrs. Iivnu. AI r. Vice YresldmntrlU. Aduptud by the Assembly &+pt. 2', 1891. - Castello, F,Imyulst. MCCuf- forty, McNninee. Alines, Opp'" bel", Van Nuys-(1. Ycaa-Messrs. Costello. BlunquleL Mc,.,- Slyke, President -S. Apprn-el Oct. 8. Is01. fery. McNavnee. Ml ee.' Oppco beim, Van SI ys-0' 0. SI kc. AI r. Yrcxident-X. y Nuy6�1. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. --- Aduptud by the Board of Aldurmon OCL Xi. 0, iAji Yeas--Ald. Blelruberg, Bott. Cur, ley. Core- A'Y F. T=- 1x01. Resolved, That un order be drawn In fnvur Yets-AId. BlcIcnberir. fiott. Conley, Cope- loud, Cullen. Dubner, Doru Idea, Melody, of Alfred S. llull, payable out of the ge1,eral IunA. Cullm,, Dubner. Dorniden, Melody. Sullivan, Mr. Vice President -10. fuel, tar I. I,- sunt Out seventyy-five 1675.110) Su ilivnn, Mr. Vice President -10. Nnya--U' Approved Oct. 8, 1891. dollars in puymcut of nls serrlcux a. were- Nuys --0. Lary of the comm i -l". oppololeJ `iY the Approved Out. X. 1Xm. — Itouxo of r •Preaon nntl rex at. he lust ausxion ut the leglxlatu re b, iulre ivw nntl relx)rt A'y F Nu. Ito Ived. That city orders be c]raw,, upon on s to the matters it viii, -ed in flail -'West St. � — the city treasury, payable out oP the Nati .L% duestire- ou, Upectivo ntsseasmcnt t.nde," In itror of the Adopted by the Asw•na ily Sept. 8. IwJI. A'yy F' No. 2:L"- Yeus-Mcsars. B.1,hulzur. Costello. McCuQ- Itesolre I Tbitt a city order Is• drown spun f I Ing named persons, fur the smounte set onioxite W their respective nanms: d•rty. kir Namen. Mines. Oppeulteiht, Mr. Prex1-'. tie city treasury. pnyublu out ..f the -'sprain{ A. Pi. lfatys, dmm�ges saw+meat oil M.Ma•u- ant, 7. bridge fund." 11, fnvur of F. rP. McCann. f r cal street. 6115. W,: R'. A. Durvrn, F_etlmutc NLL)•.,�. 114�1W, Estimate Nu. 2 and ❑nal. grading No. 2. grading Ashland avenue, 5l, Ifro; Dine Aduple,l by the Rood ill Ald)•rmcan Oct. 0, Hnndme nem, 1,e bridges nppr)ncl,tn+• `_. h ➢1,u mgardner. Estimuto No, 1, grading IWt. Adup•eni by tine Assumb y Sept. 1891. Cope- Yoxtoll.' Elmqulst, McCaf- I' ---Aid. ltloleaa berg. IWrt. Conley.ens -Messrs. Cy Stick.e elreet. 6]711; Keuugl, h Donnelly, Estimate No. 2, grading CIL ft.. street• 11510; AINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 257 I Nicholas Fryyet,;Estlmutc No. 5, sprinkling streets in Dtstrict No, 3. 6EC'S.W; sumo. Esti. mate No. fir District No. 4. 61,040.1:; umin Esti "Is" IFo. ,5. District No. 5, &557; same, Estimate No. .5, District No. 6, 61,:H3.fi0; James Hansen, Estimate No. 1, sewern Margaret street, &510; 31. Lnx, Estimate No. 1. gradingEllie street. Sl, u mAT. Lux. Extl- utu No. 1. gruding alley Inc.In W olde's`ub- tlI, islon. 61711: J. D_ Ni-- R H... .. , h Kaw ora 111ell.o. street and LVI.I Ana. Jacubeun. damages an ango of grade on Winalowavont lens--Alesere. Costello. Elmquist.6McCaf- fert -. McNamee, Mlneu. Oppouheim, Vu. Sly�e, Mr. Presldent-:.,. )'e --o. Adopted by file Board of Aldermen Oct. 5. 1X01. Yeas-Ald. Bleleut.erg, Butt, Conleyy. Cop s- hod Cu Ben, Dubner. Du Nity.,�I. rnidcn. Malady. S Van. Mr. Vire Prcxidem,-10. LL Approved Oct. S. 1X01. 1'y F No. 236 - It Is hereby- ordered bythe Common Council f the City of St. I'au l : u wooden sidewaltk oil tbe.s'outhhe Liatter of taide of Lnun.•I avenue, between Victoria and Milton streets- be and Ibc same is hereby referred to the Board of Public 'Works W investigate and report: Is Lill., im novcment proper end newseary'1 in sit send t�m Council u proper order direct. lug file work to be done. Adopted by the Aeeembly Sop t. 22. 18al. Years-Muxxra. Cux[clm, Elmquixt. McCaf- ferty. McNamee, \linen, Oppenheim. Va. ilyke. Mr.;President--8. Na3•x-0. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 3. Is91. Yeus-Messrs. Bleicnberg. Butt. Conley. Grp •land. Cullen, Dubner. Dun)Idu t. Mclody, Sidli Mr. Presidem 1--10. NnYx-�. Approvetl Oct. S. 1891. Vy F No. 2:38-- Whercux. Thr Common Cuu nclI of the City If St. Paul. I-elofore ordered tloBoard of 'ubllc \Yorks 11, )spurt whether u charge of •rade on SIx .street, from Willlus street o Kittsoo strcn 1, 11, said city, .s shown by u ed line un a Pr111111, a. vexed to said order. sous Ii r h�� �i1! OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL FOR 1891. +gip j Bury to ho incurred in making said change o(' of said dt;r would, on thr '"2d day of Sep_ Krellaforesaid; and 2;58 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL tember, IS91. at 7:311 o'clock Wherwei, The Assembly of said city. on the Council in • la n- at the neroessnry and prop,; r, unit holler Met es- Whereas. In accordance with said Order, `j tow to be useessed for void Imperovcment the Board of Public Works did make a report • could be found benefited to the xwnt of d, the Common Council of date July 13, 1891, damages and cost, h, be Incurred by said or damage, ec "ding a change of grade on the ul- Bing " provemeut; rad lee rmun 11, and sae tb i,I block 2, Kel- Whereu" Iu • •+ dance lth rid < vier tar's subdlvrsiuo of Dlook 1I.Lyman Dnytov's +port .sncecssive tereswd, end Deing of the opinion that the weeks, [wise in each week. that the Assam- same is ostensoryY and r bly of said cityuwo ld on the 22d day .of Sep- Therefor¢. Be It Resolved That the Board of Public Works did make u ddillov, find dist proporty could be rowed V, the Common Council of date July t.i. beneflwd to the txtentof dumagus, costs and W the grade it. 1891. L 7::i0 o'clock p- it the oP Carroll street lwtween hent and St. At 1891, recommending a change f grade or expenses necessary W be Incurred Iv making Council chamber In said city, •on liter •h bans .treats be. uvd the same is herelLy 5 b proposed chnnire of grade; and 'the nR�d .n Sixth street between the west it., of Net[ said change of grade ns awreseld; and street and the east line f Kictzbol street.. Whereas. The Assembly of aid city. on W I rens. At tDe time and pinto la t I Igg- shote n onlance with tl�e red hoeo"ed n Lhiet nim ed ufl le, :Del ng thefor d that propert> De found beneflwd the tlth day of.luly, Ir9l, adopted said -port and, us up p change of g .tile, surae referred to In 11 the proceedh.g, the Comma nnCannch ot utter hearing el( Ppeery i had In regard to said ehuuge: and, be It fur '( � Lhe extent/ u(tl vtuges. costs and expenses a d ordered the 131y Clerk to give the n rice wry to be incurred iv making aid 11 -fired by laver avd rcR'Deraus, - change of grndt as afnrevuiQ and The City Clerk gave notice In the Whereas. The Aveembly f su id Ity-. on official payer of sold city. for three successive otlopwd that the same is necessary and proper, I Resolved, Thnt this order and the Therefore, Be the 14th day of 7uly, 1891, aid a weeks. twice in each week. that the Assembly port and order d the City Clerk te gl ve the ( sold city, Id- on the 22d day of Sepwm notice re,ledred by Inca: and be r' 1891. at 7::f0 o'clock P. m.. atthe Counci] it resolved. That tha grade repres wI,, said chung¢of 8rattle be reftrro I of Dale street, between Ronda and I� lehart to the Board Public Works. Whereas. The City Clerk gave notice In the chamber, in sift city, consider such me, - official paper f Bald city. for three euecessly' posed change of grade; and ` k. twice in each week. that fire A..embly Whereas. At the tlme and place last above devi noted fur uch sed charge, of f said city would oo [he tluy f Sepwm qq s the same, which shag I required W PUY tilt (erred w in II the proceedinKe I,ad in asgnrd damages, c ,its and c.xpevse of such Ira ou.T1 e bar. 1891. ut 7:.in o'clock p, m at the C:ou Heil grutle•. the Common Cou il. f[er bearing chamber. in said city, consider such proposed all persu us interested. and hei1w; of the W .void em�age Of grade: untl be 1t fu rth¢r pp ant upon the rout ¢stave w b¢ DCVO- Resolved, That this order wed the Chunge of grade: unit apt n Ian that the same is necessary and profile fiord by'aald hnprovement a:{ re.entin said ovIded by rop IIdchart sof r 1 L pp ado t r f+ g g beh,g Lhe g red Inca � of Lite Common Board Thai Whereas. At the time and PlFace Ine desfg- pre1pc it the to the of Public \Yorks rad epinlon -t", said Council tont a tate U) be assessed let Board Shull proceed without delay of gsrt Council, uiwr blearing all grade, tileorrud. Coted rat t.e alley rBnning northe uvd south In b, -a me the amount asu as.e s .such improvement coo be (ound benefl ted to »early as they scertaln the 'extent of the damages, costs d mmorn pe blocat het a lieller's subdivision of - ll. Lyman Inwresttd. and tx•in u( the a Inion [ tile dernannie outs h wall be ray abed to pay the punct, urs' w be incurred thereby. 8e a d exP,msev of such Ira- Adu" doby LhcAssemby Sept'*> 189(. s . iv necessary and proper Dayton'.. addition. be and the same is he- by - Theefore. Be It Resolved. That too grade changed in ucco rdunce Ith tire. red line f Sixth street, between the west line of Nell shown u r the annexed pproflle, being the �eferredfl[o said a ovIded r ➢ICNnniee,`fines, Oppen- p y lust Van Sly Inca; it being the opinion o[ the Common VanSlpke. streetand the eastlineof K it[son street, be me Inall fire prneeedlyR bud and tiro same is hereby changed in accordance in regard to said change; unit be it further .helm. Mc ['resident -9. that real estnw assessed for Nuys. with the red line as shown on the annex"Q Resolved. That this over slid the profile 'wbCounlit a f1` suoh improvement can be found benefited Adopted by the board of Aldermen Oct. 6, w the proflle. being the same as referred to In alit' representing said change of grade 1xt referred Board Public \Yorks, the - the proceedbrggs had to regard to sand change: �,W the of and said unit be It further Board site proceed without delay w assess - Revolved,Thatthis order r,ad the profilo the amuu rat. as nearly ae Iwy can ascertain Costello. Elnt- Sulli vu rl, ➢t r. Vice President -19. luiwt,'Va. ee. `tinea. Oppen-. Nays --a. representing said ebuog• of grade be referred the sante. which be Stan royulred wupuy the Styles,r. PN helm, Vnp Slyke. `I r. President 9. Approved Oct. S. 1591. Nays- o. w the Board of Public {Yorks. and that said lamages costs a d ex pvvces of s h lot - the Board shall proceed without delay w ass 's pr enc upon the real estate to oe bene - •Ided Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, Oct. 6, 1891. the amuuut. as "early s tM1el c� r uva¢rcafn flwd by id Improvement., as p o by the be to the law; it hcivg the Vlnlon ofthe Common ' same, which sltull rtvlulrtd Vuy dumngus. costs and expenses of such improve- Council drat real tote to be : ' es' d for land, Cullen. Dobner. Durniden. `Windy-. tut upon the real •stave w be benefited s ch improvement can be (ound beneBWd w Sullivan, Mr. Vice President -lo. Nays -0. A'y F Nu. 2}'. to said ImProremm,t. :L. pmrideit by law; i[ the extent of Lite damages, Costs and ox- Approved Oct. 8. 1991. In the mutter of theeport ( the Board of thingthe opinion t the Common Cuuncii Venses aucessvey to be Incurred thereby. that real est rte to be tensed for such im Adopted by the Assembly SVItm. 1891. f ll works doted Sell 52. 1891- tV. prevenient ca' be found benefited w the ex Yeuv Messrs Castello. EE luist. Me- IL iv hereby ordered by Lite Commou Council - f 111.At, of St. Paul: Wait of the damage,. a Sts and expenses Cuffer[y, McNamee, Mln¢n. Uppen helm. Van urred [hereby. 51y-ke. Mr. Presld¢nt-R. necessary [u D;h'?, A' • F No. 211- That the Board of Public Works of said Adopted by Assembly Sept. .2. 189E `)-sem {�herans, The Common Cou null of the CityCityo[ St. Poul, cuuw Lhe following improve- meat f be rand'. to Orado Y,•as-Messrs. Costello. Elmquist, ➢leCager Adupwd by the Board of Aldermen Oct. G. -wit: the alley ht [St. Paul, heretofore ordered the Board of block bounded by University, Lynnhurst, PtRUlic ty, McNamee, `linea, Oppenheim, Vun Slyke. 1899'eus-Aid. Blelenbrrg. Batt. Coale Co M yy R'n rks to report whether n timPge of Prior unit Oakley avenues, In said city. e on Curroli Street. President -N. PL` N.Y­(). land, Cullen, Dobner, Dorniden. `lelady, if o Dettveen Hent and That said Board cause said work to be lot rot [to .atresia. In said citJ'. u slmwn by Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 6, Sullivan. Mr. Vice President -10. - 1891. Nays --o. a red by o tract. ns pr sided by law. without one- line on u p u axed w said order, cans h If tho Yeas-Ald. Biel' "berg. Batt. Conley. Cope- AP proved Oct. 8, 1891. ndle estimated cost belnlgfirst P+tld Ivtn y and prop. and he Lher rent e s the city treasury; an 1 nCter it work `t land. Call— Do r. Dorniden, Melady.I Sanborn. Sullivan. Mr. Vice President -lo. Lute to be •s shall for such improvement . bo placed der "tract sold Beard shall fid he foundbenefited v. ed Oct.Uc[. P, 1991. A'v FNu. 2in- ApproApproved un to the extevt or oro ed ithuut dela to us' the amount Y damages and costs to be incurred by sold hu- Len Iy _ t'i hereuv, The Common Council of the Ci'y f St. Poul heretofore ordered ti u,Be. rd t f provomoen0: andLhaY c a.c¢rtufa the ween Rill be re,lui red to the nn id 'yy F No. 219-- Public Work. to report whether a chan�[e if pay cost R'ht In accordance wit], id order, ry' pensees [ b Improvement Lhe Board Pit 11, upon ubeneflted tV heress The Continue Council of Lhe Citygrade un Dole S r • t betwetm Itundo and Iglu f St. Paul herefore ordered the Board ',art in byy of Works did mnku a repU t the real estate U� be by said to tl.e Common Council o[ date Jnne 3. 1 91. Ira of streets, said city, us shover, a red Pu 1,11, Works W report tvhecher a hang' f Ilse on u proflle:annexed W id oget,. t provumev t, us provided Dy love; it being .dlnK a change f grade on Carroll the opinion , f the Council drat real e.taw'to street bat ween [fent grads of tl,o alley in blank _ or 'fi'ller's sub- necessary and proper and whether real ¢stew wed SI. Albans streets. be e' •iesed for suoh Improvement can be land that could be found division of block 11, Lyman Dayton's uddi- to be assessed proper Improvementenuld be Lion, running from East Sixth street w the found beoeRted [o Lhe exwnt or damages', property be noflted found Sencflted w toe extent of the costs and to the extent of damages, sites In said block 2, running from Maple and coats w be Incurred by said improl" costs and expenses expenses necessary to be incurred thereby. necessary h• be Incurred In ma 'Ing such Adopted by streetw Elchenwntrl sl rest in sold city, as went; and the Assombly Sc >t. V. 1891.{-'• change of grade as ssoresuid; and fens--Mc.Brs. �oewllo. shown by a red line un a proflle unntxed-to Whereas. In accordance will. said order Bu"hulzer. F.Im- Whrrexs, T.e Assembly of slid eft,.. on lui.st MtCafPcrt v, MCNxmcro. Mluea. Upptu-��' .old order, was twee try olid proper. nit the Board of Public Works did make a report the pill day ofJ line. IR91. adopted s Id report helm, V;u, Slyke,-J(r. Preslden[--9. d whether r'ul estate to be "Iscs.ed for said Ira- to the Common Council of date June i, IS91, prevenient could be found benefited to toe reCommending6said Improvement, :rad that m ordered the City Clerk to give toe rootlet, Nnys--0. law; extent of damages und ensts to be incurred propert - euultl be found benefited to the ex- and Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. Mired Whereas. Cit Clerk gave notice in the Q 1891. by said Improvement; and tent of �nmages. costs and expenses neces- OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL FOR 1891. +gip j Bury to ho incurred in making said change o(' of said dt;r would, on thr '"2d day of Sep_ Krellaforesaid; and tember, IS91. at 7:311 o'clock Wherwei, The Assembly of said city. on the Council in • la n- at the ,. ^ '. chnmbcr at], day of June I8, cl tS'• consider such JI dopted sold report unit prop sed change of grade' antl o orderedthe City Clerk to the :j'� a • t r; give ties rc•- Where: A[ Lhe time unit plot' last at d e an [red by law; d d'slKrmted fur Hoch proposed change of City Yry R ' oWhereas, The gra t Clerk gave notice in Lire I the Assembly- after heuring all persons in- tflcisl pa r f saltl eity, for three {^^.5,, .sncecssive tereswd, end Deing of the opinion that the weeks, [wise in each week. that the Assam- same is ostensoryY and r bly of said cityuwo ld on the 22d day .of Sep- Therefor¢. Be It Resolved That t x ttFF xggjj W the grade it. 1891. L 7::i0 o'clock p- it the oP Carroll street lwtween hent and St. At Council chamber In said city, •on liter •h bans .treats be. uvd the same is herelLy 5 b proposed chnnire of grade; and 'the nR�d .n W I rens. At tDe time and pinto la t I Igg- shote n onlance with tl�e red hoeo"ed n Lhiet nim ed ufl le, :Del ng thefor us up p change of g .tile, surae referred to In 11 the proceedh.g, the Comma nnCannch ot utter hearing el( Ppeery i had In regard to said ehuuge: and, be It fur ; I; sons intereswd. and being -of the opinion, ther that the same is necessary and proper, I Resolved, Thnt this order and the Therefore, Be it resolved. That tha grade repres wI,, said chung¢of 8rattle be reftrro I of Dale street, between Ronda and I� lehart to the Board Public Works. of and that said troetn be and the same is hereby changed Board shall pn seed -[snout dehty W a A i necor' a with the red Ilse a shown rho amount. us+v •n Icay they tato scertaln the annexedaproale. being the sn � the same, which shag I required W PUY tilt (erred w in II the proceedinKe I,ad in asgnrd damages, c ,its and c.xpevse of such Ira W .void em�age Of grade: untl be 1t fu rth¢r pp ant upon the rout ¢stave w b¢ DCVO- Resolved, That this order wed the 1 profile fiord by'aald hnprovement a:{ re.entin said ovIded by rop IIdchart sof r 1 L pp ado t r f+ g g beh,g Lhe g red Inca � of Lite Common Board Thai ,h 8 to the of Public \Yorks rad epinlon -t", said Council tont a tate U) be assessed let Board Shull proceed without delay me the amount asu as.e s .such improvement coo be (ound benefl ted to »early as they scertaln the 'extent of the damages, costs d dernannie outs h wall be ray abed to pay the punct, urs' w be incurred thereby. 8e a d exP,msev of such Ira- Adu" doby LhcAssemby Sept'*> 189(. •t. p ant u n the real Po w be b estate I. 1 v. 1 enh I Costello, G lu F fi[etleby improvement, b• .In,- said a ovIded r ➢ICNnniee,`fines, Oppen- p y lust Van Sly Inca; it being the opinion o[ the Common VanSlpke. - .helm. Mc ['resident -9. that real estnw assessed for Nuys. 'wbCounlit a f1` suoh improvement can be found benefited Adopted by the board of Aldermen Oct. 6, w the i' extent of the dam agns, costs and a IS,11. pease. necessary to be in, therebyy. x Ymte Messes. Bleienberg. Rott. Conley, �l 1 Adopted DY the Aveenibly Sr '?,'ADI. C'oo'Inn d. C till en,!Dobnet-. Dorniden. Melody, Year `fessr.. A:mholxor, i Costello. Elnt- Sulli vu rl, ➢t r. Vice President -19. luiwt,'Va. ee. `tinea. Oppen-. Nays --a. Styles,r. PN helm, Vnp Slyke. `I r. President 9. Approved Oct. S. 1591. Nays- o. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, Oct. 6, 1891. Yeas Ald. Bielenberg, Batt, Conley, Oolx•- - ' land, Cullen. Dobner. Durniden. `Windy-. Sullivan, Mr. Vice President -lo. Nays -0. A'y F Nu. 2}'. Approved Oct. 8. 1991. In the mutter of theeport ( the Board of f ll works doted Sell 52. 1891- Itr IL iv hereby ordered by Lite Commou Council - f 111.At, of St. Paul: A' • F No. 211- That the Board of Public Works of said # t.'. {�herans, The Common Cou null of the CityCityo[ St. Poul, cuuw Lhe following improve- meat f be rand'. to Orado - y - -wit: the alley ht [St. Paul, heretofore ordered the Board of block bounded by University, Lynnhurst, PtRUlic ser( R'n rks to report whether n timPge of Prior unit Oakley avenues, In said city. e on Curroli Street. if o Dettveen Hent and That said Board cause said work to be lot rot [to .atresia. In said citJ'. u slmwn by _ a red by o tract. ns pr sided by law. without one- line on u p u axed w said order, cans h If tho }(.. ndle estimated cost belnlgfirst P+tld Ivtn y and prop. and he Lher rent e s the city treasury; an 1 nCter it work `t Lute to be •s shall for such improvement . bo placed der "tract sold Beard shall fid he foundbenefited un to the extevt or oro ed ithuut dela to us' the amount Y damages and costs to be incurred by sold hu- Len Iy • { . provomoen0: andLhaY c a.c¢rtufa the ween Rill be re,lui red to the nn id pay cost R'ht In accordance wit], id order, ry' pensees [ b Improvement Lhe Board Pit 11, upon ubeneflted i of Works did mnku a repU t the real estate U� be by said to tl.e Common Council o[ date Jnne 3. 1 91. Ira r' provumev t, us provided Dy love; it being .dlnK a change f grade on Carroll the opinion , f the Council drat real e.taw'to street bat ween [fent kll wed SI. Albans streets. be e' •iesed for suoh Improvement can be land that could be found '....I property be noflted found Sencflted w toe extent of the costs and to the extent of damages, I` costs and expenses expenses necessary to be incurred thereby. necessary h• be Incurred In ma 'Ing such Adopted by n 'i the Assombly Sc >t. V. 1891.{-'• change of grade as ssoresuid; and fens--Mc.Brs. �oewllo. Bu"hulzer. F.Im- Whrrexs, T.e Assembly of slid eft,.. on lui.st MtCafPcrt v, MCNxmcro. Mluea. Upptu-��' the pill day ofJ line. IR91. adopted s Id report helm, V;u, Slyke,-J(r. Preslden[--9. d m ordered the City Clerk to give toe rootlet, Nnys--0. law; �J and Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. Mired Whereas. Cit Clerk gave notice in the Q 1891. iapathe official paper of sad city fur three successive Yeas-Ald. Bielenberg, Bolt, Conlcy, Colx+- waeka ttvlec In ouch week, .iliac the Assembly ,land, Cullet/, llobner, Dorniden, ➢fatuity. 2110 PROCEEDINGS OF TI Sul lJvan. Mr. Vfee President -10. Nays -0. Approved,Oct. R. 1801- A'y F No. 248- In the matter of the report of the Board of Pubbc Work, dal ed Sept. 1s, I801. It is her ordered by the Common Council of the city of St. Paul: That tlic Board of Public Works of said City fSt, Paul cause the following improvement to beade, to -wit: Open. widen and ex- tend Raymoad avenue between the north line of Desnoyer Park and Wabash avenue. I n said citt•,cundemefsgand taking all that in le two said Palo.. not ¢]ready con- demned or dedfeated for public use. lylug within the Imes of a trip eighty IBib feet wide. the east line of which strip shall be the cost Line o[ Rapmood a enue. being In 8t. Paul, Mfnucsota; boat snld Board shall pro- ceed without delay w assess the a.a..ta.. nearly as they can aseertutn the same which will be required w part 'edamages, costs and necessary expc.ac. of such Improvement up- on the real estate to bo benefited by said im- provement, as provided by law; It being the opinion of the Council that real estate to be ssessed for such improvement cue be found benefited to;the extent of the daat, lbc costs slid expenses necessary to be Incurred thera - b_Adil ed by the Ae.emhly Sept, 22. 189I. Bi Bnnholzor. Costello, Elm- heim.I.,I Slyk., Mr. Pre rdcntlf9. OPlren- Nnys--0. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 6, 1891. Yeas-Ald. Biclonberg. Butt. Curley. GO ye - and Cullen, Dobner, Dorniden, Molloy. Sullivan, Dir. Vice President -l0. N.Y.-O Approved Oct. B. A'y F No. e+t- In the matter of tiro report of the Board of Public Works dated Sept. 21. Iii Itis Lereby ordered by the Common Counef l of the City of St. Paul: That the Board of Public Works of the e the following Improve. of 9t. Paul cause Cit 1 Y 6 b made to- wit: Erect :md m nee amt [o e tutu a ggasoline lamp uo the southwest corner of northtl and Argyle streets; also one oe the northwest Earner -of Hatch and Argyle streets. In sail city. Adopted by the Assembly Sept. 22. 1H9I. Seas. ,M ca"'. Bn nbolzer. Costello. Elm by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 6, 1. Bielenbc rg. Butt. Conley, Uope- Dubner, Dorniden, Mclatly, Sul- Vlce President. 10. I Oct. 8, 1891- A'y F No. 24� In thematter Of the report of the Board of Public Work. dated Sent. 21, is 1. It Is bereb.tt• ordered by the Common Council of the City of fit Paul: That the Board of Public Works of said [E COMMON COUNCIL City of St. Paul cause the following Improve - me atto be made. to -wit: Construct a six foot wooden sld-walk on west side of Arbor street, from James street to Grace street, to- gether with crosswalks across Jefferson ave, enue and Palace street; also on the east side of Arbor street, from a point 1h0feet north of Palace street to.Inmes street, together with crosswalk across Palace street, in said city. That said Board shall proceed without de- lay to assess the amount as nearly as they can ascertain the sane which will be required to pay the costs and necessary expenses of 'h improvement ul1nen the eel estate w be benefited by snfd Improvement, ne pro- ided by law; It being the opin on oC the Council that real estate to he assessed for snch Improvement can be found benefited to Ole extant of the costs and expenses neces- sary to be ].carred thereby. Adopted by the Assam Dly Sept. 22.1801. Tens -Messrs. Banholzer, C„stello, Elm - 1 uist, McCafferty, McNamee. Minea, Opiren- helm, Van Slyke, Mr. President -9.9. Nays -d. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 6. 1091. Yeas-Ald. Bielenberg, Bott,Conloy. Cope load. Callen, Dobuer- Dorniden, Dfelady. Sul- Irvnn, hlr. Tice Prostlent-10. Nays -l. Approved Oct. 8. 1891. A'y FNo. 246- In the matter of the report of the Board of Public works, listed Sept. 21, 1891. it Is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the C1tyy If St. Paul: That the B urd of Public [Works of id City of St. Paul cause the following Im- proveme t to be made, to -wit: Construct a plank crosswalk on the west side of Muekubin street, across Van Bureu street. in said city. Adopted by the Assembly Sept. 71, 1891. 1•eas-Messrs.; Banbolzer, Costello, Elm - !u iIm. lm- 1aim. Can Slffvke DNc Prs(d, 9. u, OPpen- N,3'a4 . tdopted by the Board of Alderman Oct. G. 1891. Yeas-Ald. Bielenberg, Britt. bConley d, Cullen, Doner. Durable., Dleludy, Su11f-ri 31r. Vice Presidemrl0, Na s �. y A r novel Oct. S. ]Rill. Ip A'y F No. 247 - in the matter of the n1it, of the Board of Public Works dated Dt uy 21. 1691, and Sept. 21. 1FUl. It is hereby ordered by the Common :Council of the Oby of Bt. Paul: That the Board of Public IVOrks of said City Of St. Paul cense the fullowingimprove- ment to be made, to-w•it: Grade ton partial grade the alley running east and west through block ,7. St Anthony Park. In said cit33•h. Tat said Board cause said work to it let by contract, provided by law, with, paid i n o the the estimated cost oiling first paid w clic city treasury; and utter id ark Shull be ph cel t rder contract said Board strallproceed.without delay to assess the mountas ncnrlyus O,eyy can ascertain Lhe which will be ray lfred to pay the costs and ti-asnry 'expenses of mch Improve melt upon the real estate w be leneljted by �nid flat77trovement, .prodded by Inwy it be- ingthe3uptuicnoftheCounell that real es - OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL FOR 1891. 261 estute to be assessed for such improvement It is hereby ordered by the Common Council c it be found benefited to the extent of the costs and expense, necessary W vbe Incurred of Ore City of St. Paul: Thnt the Board of Public Works of said (pity thereby. Adopted by the Assembly Se4rt. Z', 1891. of St. Paul causo the following Improvement to be made to -wit: Construct a crosswalk Yeas -Messrs. Banhol-. Costello. Elm- on the west side of Hampden avenue, across yulst. McCafferty. McNamee. Mine-, OUPcn- j University avenue. In said city. holm, Van Slyke. Mr. Pres Went -0. Adopted by the Assembly Sept. 2-1. 1891. Nuys --0. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 6.:,� Yeas -Messrs. Ba.holzer. Costello. File. rluist. McCafferty, McNamee, Millet, Oppen- t891• helm. Van Slyke. Mr. Preefdent-9. Yen.-Ald. Blelenberg. Roti. Conley. Cope-' Innd. Cullen- Dobner. Dorniden. Dlehrdy. Sul-', Nuys -0. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. G, Ilya n, hie, Vice President -10. N-ys-0. 1891. Yeas-Ald. Bielenburg. Butt. Conley, Cop1xy.. APProved Oct. S. 1891. Innd. Cullen, Dobner, Dorniden, Mclutly, f the Cit y •t rd Paul: That the Board of Public Works of said Sullivan. Mr. Vice President --10. !City of St. Paul cause the following Improve - meat to be made to -wit: Construct u lank p Nuys --0. the Approved Oct. B. 1891. It. matter of the report of the Board of Public Works dated Sept. 18, 1801. It is hereby ordered by the Common COu ncil the City of St. Paul: It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council, - oP t City of St. Paul: That the Beard of Public Work, of said : p'y F No. 251 - ' Olty Of St {'aul cause the follow) ng lmprorA- , the matter of ilia report of the Board of I, the Works, dated Sept. to 78 h 1. merit to be made. to -wit: Construct a side walk of Portland stone, six feet in width, on It is hereby ordered by the Common Council the north side of Fairmount avenue, between St. Albans street and a point 440 feet east f the City of St. Paul: That the Hoard of Public Worksofeaid City thereO}, in said city - of St. Purl cause the following improvement That.uid Board ehull proceed without le- lay to assess the amount, as nearly as they to be made, to -wit: Construct It mr-willk c oss Tat nter aven no, from Great Northern uutl canascertain thesamO, which will be re- war bridge to the son licast corner of qt. l red to Inn the costs and uccessary ex- block 4s, St. Anthony Purk, nn said city. penses of such Improrcment upon ,the real estate to he benefited by said flat orovement, Adopted by the Assam lily Sept. __. 17MJ7. Ycus-Messrs. Banholzer, Costelkr. Elm - the Council that real estate to be assessed for such Improvement can be In ""itbenefited helm. 1'en Slyke, Mr. President -9. ay -0. to the extent of the frosts and expenses nec- .Nt pied by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 6, eseary to be incurred t iv.,by. 1691• Adopted by the Assembly Sept. 22. 1891. Yeas -Aid. Bielenberg, Nott, Conley, COl1e- Yeae-Messrs. Banholzer, Costello, Elm-'' land. Cullcn, Dobner, llornider, h[clany. Sul- ryist McCafferty. Mc Namev�. Mines, Oppen. helm. Vun Slyke, Mr. President -9. Iivau, Mr. Vice President -]0. Na3's--0. N.Adopted Approved Oct. e, IH91. by the Board of Aldermen, Oct. 0, 1801. - ld. C Alli.. Dimer. Boit, Conley. Cope- land, Cullen. Dubner. Dorniden, lltel:rdy, A'y F No. -Oc In Sullivan. Mr. VIceQ'resWea-10. the matter of there rt f the Board of Public \Yorks dewd STr IN, 1801. Nuys -0. Approved Oct. R, 1801. It Is hereby ordered b the Com man Council Y f the Cit y •t rd Paul: That the Board of Public Works of said _ A' F No. 249- !City of St. Paul cause the following Improve - meat to be made to -wit: Construct u lank p In in the mnttet of the re aunt of Lltc Board f I e o cros�wnik across hien .min avenue, e nue o¢ the Public Works date fn I d Sep[. 17. 1 J . south sale of George street in said city It is hereby ordered by the Common COu ncil the City of St. Paul: : Adopted by the Assembly 9ep t. 22, 1891. Yens -Messrs. Bnnhulzor, Cinstello. F.lm• TI Tbut the Board of Public Works of said lulst, McCafferty, McNamee, Mlnen. Oppen- City of St. Paul cause the following improve- meat to be made. to -wit: Construct a cross- helm. Van Slyke, Mr. President -9. Nays -0. walk on vest side f Pascal avenue, ¢cross Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, Oct. 6, Dll nnel,uha street, in said city. Adopted by the Assembly Sept. 22, 1891. 1691. Tans -Aid. IIielenlerg, Batt, Conley COpe- Yeas-Messrs. Banholzer, Costello. Ebn- ladd, Cullen, Dobner, Dorn Wen, Malady, quist. McCafferty, Diclnmee Mine,. Oppe.- helm, V..Slyke, Mr. President -9 Sullivan, Mr. Vice Preeident-10. Nays -e. No o. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 0, Approved Oct. 4, ]801. 1891. Yas-Aid. Bielenberg. Botts Conley, Cope-: - Iand. Cullen. Dobner. Dorniflen, Mclutly. Sullivnn, Mr.V Ice President -10. A'y F NO.'353- Nays -0. I Ill the matter of the report < f the Board of Public works. dated Set 17. 1s01. Approved Oct. S. 1891. It is hereby ordered by blit Common Council - of the Cita• of St. Pull l; A'y F No. 250- That the De rd of Public works of said City Of St. Ynul cause the following ImprovO- In the matter of the sport of the I3mtrd of meat to be male, to -wit: Construct three Puhlfc Works dewd SeUt. 1,, 1891. crosewulks across I'ufrmount avenue, to be 262 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL , OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL FOR 1891. 263 located follows. to wit: One one t side liven. Mr. Vice President -]0. of St. All, as street. one to connec[ sidewalk Nuys -0. unt •nlgeo wales Approved Oct. H, 1P91. allrof north westf sidewalk on sFle Crocre, one ut the north end ofCry ii l uir•mounl Crocus place. In said city. ovAdoj ted by the Assembly Se t. !eI 1801. _ Yens -Messrs. Bevholzer. C steno. filmMr. quilt. D1cCaHerty. McNamee. Mines, Uppen- Oppa helm-A'y F No. Tu'� holm, Van Slyko. Mr. President -0, ]i sulveil. That the City En macer le hereby authorized to eapend tbC u f lot to ex- Nuya_- Adopted by the Bontd u[ Aldermen flet. e. cad 8100 in p.ttin6' the sidewalk In proper condition 1891. Yeas -Aid. BlclenberR. Boll. Conln��. Cope-. ut the trance to the alley br tween the Onera House bulidinq and the Ciinmberof C.rora r building: the coot of land, Cullen. Dobner, Dorniden, Mclntiy, Sul-' IIvan, the same [o be charged to the generel food. Mr. Vice President -10. Nuys -0. Apprbved Uct. H. 1tMJl. Adopted by the Assembly So t. 22. 1801. Yens-Mevsrs. Bnnbolzer. Costello. Elm- „ul.c. Dic(`aRerty_ MrtNnmrr. lain_ lnnr.._ Ad6pted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 6, 1891. A'y F No. '154- Yeas -Aid. Blelenberg. Bolt, Conley. Capr In the matter of the report f the Board of Inn_, Cullen. Doboer, Duro,den, hfelndy, Sul- ILPis Loire yorks dated ord ..d byS the Common OunncB Iivan. Dir. Vice Preslde-10. f the City of St. Paul: Nii) That the Board of Public Works of said Appr owed Oct. B. ]fi91. Cityof St. Paul cause the following improve- eu t to be made, to -wit: Remove the third Tamp on Territorial road southeasterly of By Dir. F.Imqulst-A'y F Cromwell avenue, and place said lamp off It is hereby ordred by the Common Council the seat side of Cromwell avenue a[ a polat of the City of St. Paul: half way between University ni varsity avenue and That the matter of constructingg n sewer on Territorial road, in sa(d city. Minnclmha street. from the Phalen crock Adopted by tho Arse bly Scpt. 22. ]&Jl. r Lu G reonbrier avenue, be. d Ibu same Yens -Messrs. IIan holier, Cos4llu, Elm- f.s hereby re(orred to the Board of Puhlio q uist. MCCUIIerty. McNamee. Dfineu, Oppen- Works to invescigflteand report: Lei m, Vae Slyke. Mr. President -D. Is this Improvement ro Nays-D. If so, send the Council a propos order direct- Adopted by the Hoard of Aldermen Oct. 8, pi the work to be done. 1891. Adopted by the Assembly Sept. 22.1891. Yens -Aid. Blelenberg. Bolt. Conlry. Cope 1-pns--Messrs. Benlmlzer. Co cello. Elm - land. Ca ileo. Doboer• Durn Iden, Mehidy, Sul- gist. MCCngerty. McNamee, Minen, Oppea- Ilvan, Mr. Vico President -10. :helm, Van Slyke. Mr. Presiden1-0. Nuys --0. Na s--0 Approved Oct. A, 1891. Adopted. by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 6. Ib91. -- Yens-Ald. Blelenberg, Bolt. Conley. Colle- land. Cullen, Dubner. Dorniden, Melody. Snl- A'y F No. 2u'- Iivan. Mr. VICC President -10. In the matter of the report of the Board of Nuys -11. Public Works dated Sep L- lit IN91, Approved Oct. 8. 1891. It is hereby ordered by the Common Council f the a cardG tPaul: Public Works of sold That the B City.. of 9t. Paul cause the fol owing improve- B Dir. Elmo iso-A'Y F No. �9- e tto be made, _wit: Construct at.- ice' Ived. That the City Clerk bu, and It. le foot wooden sidewalk on north side of Day- hereby instructed to publisb all proceedings ton a enue, be Wheeler avenue and of the Common Cuuncll that Neve ppawed Fairview avenue, in sold city. both bodies and been app •d by the Mayor. That said board .hull proceed without de- Ado➢red by the Assembly Sgt. 2', I.I. lay.. to assess the i • rlv u the Yeas-9lessre. Banholzer, Costello. Elm- can then i e, n li arch will be n gnlst. McCe Harty, McNamee, Mines, Oppen- ele Icmit-Min d W pat the costsuu aid nc,....ry ea per - helm, Vnn 91yke-8. s of such Y v it upon the rca es- Nays -Mr. 1' sldent-l. tate - be ben titedi by id Improve- Adopted by Lhe Board of Aldermen Oct. 6. ant, as provided by slaw; It be- 1891. inq the opinion of the Council that real es- Yeas-Ald. Blelenberg, Butt. Conley. Copr tote to De itssossed for such improvement can 'land, Cullen, Dpbber. Dorniden, Dfelndy, 9u1 - be found benefited W the extent of the costs livan, Mr. Vlce President -10. d expenses necessary to be Incurretli Nnys-10. tl Adpted by the Assembly Sept. 22, 1891. Approved Oct. 8, 1891. Yeas -Messrs. Banholzer, Costello, Elm-' - qulst, McCafferty, McNamee. Mines. Oppen- A'v F No. 200- helm, Van Slyko, Mr. Presldent--9. Bneolved. That an order be drawn on the Nnys-0. city treasury In 'ballot of Mrs. Yungg for the Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 9, sum of 859, payae out, of the fund: rinsed ibOI. � fur the support and at 1, t . ace of the pub- Yess-Ald. Bielcbberg, Bott. Conley. C,q[ lie free schools oG;said •i ty, in Paymaut f land, Cullen, Dobner, .Tilden, Die Y. Sul- I her claim agalnst G. J. Cassells, contractor, he having duly authorized the payment of Id sem. Adopted by the Assembly Seppt. 22. 1801. Yeas-Messys. Banholzer, Co Cello, Elm. helms, Van Slykes} Mr'=Idar t 0. u, Uppen- NnYs-6. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 6, 1601. Yeas-Ald. Bielenb,w�, not t, Conley. Cope- Innd. Cullen. Donner, I)o Widen, Mcludy, Sul- ivan, Mr. Vice President -10. Nuys -0. Approved Oct. 8. 1801. A'yF No. 2a5- In the matter of the report of the Board of Public Works dtcn Scp L. 17, It N hereby ordered by clic Commuii Council f the City of St. Paul: That the Board of Public Works of the City of St. Paul cause the tellowing imprt• oement to be made, to -wit: Eve_t d maintain gas lamp don the uthwest c f Floral street a d theRiley next southrof Grand n anus, to said city. Adopted by the Assam DlY S -( t. 22, 1891. Yeas _Messrs. Ban hulzer. c,oetello. F.Im- Iutst, McCafferty McNamee. Ali nen.Oppcn- helm. Van Slyke, Mr. President -0. Nays -0. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 6. I.I. yea s-Ald Bfelen berg, ]Mt. t. Conley. Cope- nd- Cullen. Dobner Dorniden, Melncly. Su] - Ivan. Mr. Vice President -10. Nays -O. Approved Oct. P, 1891. w24- arm n nt be drawn on s paid for said license M en donIt e appearb+q th at no peddling bus h oder sold lice-s.and that the s me bas bee eadr-dforcancellntlon. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 6. 1891. lundiCu Ben, Dlobn lr Dornideell n Meluddy. Sol-.. Yvan. Mr. Vice President -10. Nays -0, Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 7. 180I. luist. hcCatferts. yaMeN-acc, Mi,c`,O pen- nen- heim. Mr. Preemen t -e. Nays -9. Approved Oct, 0. 1891 Ed F No. &50- 11 the ttcr of the report of the Boayd of Public iWarks del d July 18, 1P91. Ilia hcrrby orderod by the Common Council f Elio Olty of et. Paul: / That tho Roar•d of Public {Yorks of :said i City of 8t. PutHcaueo Lhe following improve- entto he made.-tu-wit: D[atrituin two (2) electric lights In Bice park. Irvine park. Cen- tre. park Smith park and Lafuy •tte silulre. r apectively. in said city. until NO` 1, in niter which Id electric lights will tie sus- pended until May 1, 1892 J,. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 6, 1801. Yens -Aid. Blelenberg. Bottic o,%y, Copr Innd, Cullen. Doboer, DorWden, Malady, Sul- Ilvnn. Mr. Vico Pres1dent-10. Na s -0 - Adopted by the Assembly Sept. 22, 1&+11. Yeas -Messrs. Banholzer, (;patello, F,lm- lutat. McCafferty. Me Names. Mlneu, Opann- helm. Vav Slyke, Dir. Preside nt-9. Nay -o. Approved Oct. P, 1801_ _ By Ald. Conley -lid F No. 412- npproprluted outttor Lbe funds pere be. ad lollectederpo the assessment Cur the titling. gradingu d improving Llaugford Park, Cho sum of 41,0':5, r -ed by the .....Helot for then doing am of said work, or so much thereof ns y be nuc- thecontractfuriPi°ie-opro emenit, and that rdnrs be drawn upon tho Icy Crease ry In favor of such perwns + r the mount due. p oldotted by tgheeBou d of Aldermen Oct. 6, 1801. Yens -Aid. Blelenberg, Bott, Conley, Dope - land, Dobner, Dorniden, Gehnu. Dleludy, Sul- Ilvan. Mr. Presldentr10. Nuys. Adopted y c ltaby the Assembly Oct. 7, 1891. -Moa.rs. 13un holvor, beCostollo. Elm - IA. McCafferty, DlcNamee, DDneu. Oppen- im. Mr. President -8. Nays -0. Approved Oct.9, 1891. Bd F No. 478 - Resolved, That elty or tlers be drawn eon the city Lreesu rv. payable out f the "fecal Im provemcut fund,' In favor of the follow - our. ed pars_ s: for the umo u n is set oppo- Ing h Estt, Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 6, 1, 91. YeuB-Aid. IIielenllerq, Hott, Conley. Cope- land. Dobner. Dorniden, Oeban, Mola 6u1- Iivan, Mr. Presftlent-10. Nays --0. Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 7. 1801. Yeas -Messrs. Bnn holier, Costello. Elm- ]uist, McCafferty. McNamee. Minna. Oppen- helm, Mr. President -e. Nays -0. Approved Oct. 9, 1891. r 284 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL . OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL FOR 1891. 21313 Rd F No. 479— I Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 6, Resolved, That warrants bcdmw 1 upon the olty treasury, Payable out of the " rgglneer- Ing dapy fund." favor f 1891. Yeas—Ald. Rielenberg, Butt, Conley. Cope - art ment to Goorgc cis, City Treasurer, for the sum or 131..23.67 j laud. Dobner, Donddml, Ochs., Moistly, Sul - Iivan. Mr. President -40. to pay the persons named in the pay roll Nay -0 rase this resolution. in prvment Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 7, IRR. of sa urwith y pensation of euid pp t - sfor theIrservlces during the monthof Yeas-51e.—s. Banholzer, Costello, Elm- julst, McCtgerty. McNamee, Mines, Oppen- September,1891(beingtheof9aeforce). Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 6, hcim, Mr Presldentre. Nays—O. 1P0 1 Approved Oct. 9, I891. Yeas—Ald. Blelenberg. Batt, Conley. Cope- land, Dobner. Dorniden. Goblin, ilieInay. Sullivan. Mr. President -10. — N¢ys-0. Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 7. 1891. Bd F No. 4M— Yeus—Messrs. Banhulzor. Costello, F.lm-' luist, ,IcCuftert •, McNnmec, ,linen. Oppen- Resolved, That city orders be drawn upon h M Presidym:t-8., tlm city treasury. I xyubin out of the "fire dc - hn Nmuy -0n partment turd," favor of the following - Approved Oct. it, 1891. named persona, for the amounts set opposite to their respective names: -- Aaron Mark_WO; C__C._Berk— & Sons, Chat warrant be drawn upon the payable o t of the "assess-: in f.".r N Geo. Reis, City ,r the sum of 8",0, to pay oho "er- n the pay roll presnted with n, in payment fur deleivery fur- eering department during the Win or, 1891. the Board of Aldermen Oct. 6, Dorniden,Gehnberg, Botut, Conloy. Cope - Dorn, Meludy, Sul- siden1r10. ' the Assembly Oct. 7, 1891. Ran holzer. Costello, Elm- 1rty. McNamee, Mines. Oppeu- Approved Oct. 9, 1991. 11-, Bd F No. 481— qt Resolved. That a warrant be drawn upon he the city treusurv. payable out of the "assess-'. meat fund," in favor of Geo. Reis, City Tress- 'or, for the sum of g^_,70.5.H, to puy the persons named 118 the pay roll presentedYatth this resolution, " Paymont of the salary and compensation of -aid p-rsom for their ser, vicesduring the month of September, 1801. li Bc (Being the inspectors on Public Works). 1 Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 6, th 1691. Yens—Aid. l:lelcnberg. Bott. Conley. Cope' tit land, Uobner, Dorniden, Gehun, Me]udy, 9u1- la Iivan. Mr. Prosidentrl0. ° I Nays -0. 1 Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 7, 1801. °I' Yeas—Messrs. Banholzer, Costello. Elm- Th luhu. McCaffertyy, McNamee. Mines. Oppen. cb het.. Mr. President -8. C. Nsys-0. bit Approved Oct. 9, 1891. Th Ph on. _— o0 Bd F No. 482— >F89 Resolved, Thatelty orders be drawn upon fin the city tratem y, payable out of the police Ge department fund. In favor of the following- Teinamed Persons for the amounts set opposite 2. to their respective ❑once. Charles Friend 8 Son, Y3.40; St. Paul Rub- 189. Ler Co.pany. $3.75; J. L. Henry. M. } N ,dopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 6, as—Ald. Bielenherg, Bott, Cooley, Cope- d, Dobner, Dorniden, Gehun. Mc1%', Sul - an. Mr President -10. d.pte d .dopted by the Assembly Oct. 7, 1891. ens—Messrs. Banholzer, Costello. Elm. st. McCnderty, McNamee, Miner, Oppen- m, Mr. President -8. .YS -0. pproved Oct. 6, 1891. F No. 485— esolved. That city orders be drawn upon city t. treasury, payable out of the "res pec assessments unds," in favor of the fol- Ingg-named persons for the amounts act ,l-cive names: noitcito Koerespdeamags on account of age of grade. Winslow avenue, 1246.75; ,mss french, damages on account of age of grade, McMenemy street. C"1.5; H. teubrer, Earfmate No. 1. ¢rxdtn¢allev In sewor on Margaret -treat, $78. by the Board of Aldermen Oct. q 1. Bielenberg, Butt, Conley, Cope land, Dobner, Dorniden, Gehun, Melady, Sul livan. Mr. President—]0. Nuys—O. Adop by the Assembly Oct. 7, 19"91. 1'eus—,l es.rs,y Banhoizor. Castillo, Elm mim,, Mc CPresitla Moi umoe. Allen, Oppen Nuys -0. 1 Approved Oct. 0, 1891. Rd F No. 486-- Resolved, That a warrant be drawn upon the city treasurer, payable ont of the "street nd sewer maintenance fund." In favor of GeorgeReis. City Treasurer. for the pag- ent of the salary and compensation of the Parsons employed for the pn rpose of clean- ng and reps ring streets and sewers during the month of September, 1891, for the sum of 'A'179.54. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 6, 18IR Yeas—Ald. Bielenberg. Batt. Conley. Cope- land. Dobner, Dardlden.Gahan,Melody,Sul- livan. Mr. Presideof_l0. Nays- 0. Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 7. 1801. Yens—Messrs.yy Banholzer, Costello, Elm- leist McCr. Prerty. McNamee. Mines. Oppen- Nays-9. Approved Oct. 9, IMI. Bd F No. 487— Resolved, That warrants be drawn upon the city Lrensu ry, payable our oP oho city of_ tleere' .�alury to nd. In favor of the perwns umed fo the pay roll, presented with this resolution, Por the sums sat Opposite to their respective names, in pay ant of the .a 1, and compmtsnGon of en(d persona for their ser Ices during the month o[ September, 1891. as shown byy said pay rolls. Adopted Uy the Board of Aldermen Oct. 6, 1sit, Yens—Aid. Bielenberg, Bott. Conley. Coppe- land. Dobner. Dorniden, Gehun, Malady- SuL Iivan- Mr. President -30. N¢ys-0. Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 7, 1891. Yeas—Messrs. Banholzer. Costello. Elm - qXt, MCCaflerty. McNamee, Mitten, Oppen Mr. President -8. Nnye—U. Adproved Oct. 9, 1891. Bd F No. 488— Resolved, That warrants be drawn upon the city treasury ynyuble out t,f the Mualc- 1DalCourtfundinPuvorofohopat cocci named In.the pay roll, presenoed with this resolution for 81.074.99, In payment of the salary and compensation of said persons for their ser, vices duri¢g themonth of September, 1891. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct 6, 1891. Yeas—Aid. Bielenberg, IS li Conley, Cope- I¢nd. Dobner. Dornlden, Gahan, Malady. 8u1- 11 van, Mr. Presidentr10. Nnys�ted . Adopby the Assembly Oct. 7, 1891. 1'eae—,lessrs. Bunholzor. Costello, Elm- quist. McCafferty, Me since, Mines, Oppen- heim. Mr. President -0. Nay0. Appros—ved Oct. 9. 1891. Bd F No 4F9— Resolved. That warrant, be drawn upon the 'it yy treasury, payable out of the Board of Publle Works fund, in favor of the per- sons n:mmd in the pay rolls of said depart- ment, and presented with this resolution, for the sumo set oppotito to their respective manic., in payment of the salary and com- pensation of said persons for their ecrvfee. duringg the month of September. 1801, us shown by call pav roll.. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 0, 1801. Yeas—Ald. Rielenberg, Botta Conley, Co, land, Dormer, Dorniden, livan, Mr. President -10. Gehnn, hlelAdy, Su Nuys_. Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 7, 1891. Yens—Messrs. Banholzer, Costello, Elm- quist. McCafferty, McNamee. Miner, OpPen- I elm.:Me President -8. Nays -0. Approved Oct. 9, 1891. I BdF olved, That warrants be drawn upon ity'1',easury, payable out of the "Build- nspector's dcpurtment fund," 1, favor persons named In the pay roll oC sold rtment, and presented with this resolu- forsum set opposite t0 their respective a. In pa went of the salary and comUen- a of said Perse¢s for their services dery h,?' of September, 1891, as shown by may R. opted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 0. s—Ald. Bielenberg, Bott. Conley, Cope- Dobner. Dorniden, Gchan, Malady, Sul- M-. President -10. ems. opted by the Assembly Oct. 7. 1801. s—Messrs. Banholzer, Costello. Elm- McCufferty, McNamee, Mines, Oppen- Approved Oct. 9. 1891 Bd F No. 491— Resolved, That warrants be drawn upon the city treasury. playable out of the "health department fund,' In favor of the persons named in the Pay roll of said department, and presented with this esoIution, for sum sit opposl to their res pactive names, m puy- mentof the salary and coni sntlon of said. pereone for theirservices during Lhe month of September, 1891, as shown by Bald pay roll. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 6, I8f11. Yens—Aid. Bielenberg, Butt. Conley. Co Ixnd, Dobner. Dorniden, Gehnn, Meludy. Sul- livan, Mr. President -10. Nuys0. Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 7, 1801. Yeas—Mtssrs. Banholzer. Costello, Elm. qulst, McCafferty, McNamee, Mines, Oppen- heim, Mr. President- 8. Nays. Approved Oct. 9, 1891. Bd F N. 41r.'— Resolved. That warrunt I e drawn upon the 31ty treasury, pa able out of the police do - =it fund," in favor of Geo. Bels, City asurer, for the sum of $14,816.51, to pay Lim persons named In Lhe pay roll presented 266 PROCEEDINGS OF TI with this resolution. in payment of salary anD compensation of said persons for their ser vices during the month of September- 1891. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oat. 6. 1891. ZYens-Ald. Biolenbergho . Bott, (ley. Cope- land, Dobner, Dortdden. Gshell, Melady. Sul Iivan, Mr. President -10. Nn s-0. Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 7, 1891. Yeas -Messrs. Banholzer, Costello. Elm - helmist, Mr. Previ, Mc ansa, Minea, Oppen- Nays-0. Approved Oct. 9. 1891. Bd F No. 493 - Resolved, Thatwarrantsbe drawn upon the house andcitscity \lull bma[ntenah,cut ofc@ fa nd.'"court la favor of George Bei,. City Treasurer, for the pm of 3710. W pay the persona nu ed In the ay roll prvse rated Ito tl!fs re' lutlon the sums east opposite heir respective es, pay all for ihu month 13f Sept---rf the . 1-1- 's Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 4 1891. Yeas-Ald. Biclenberg, Bott, Cun ley, Cope- land. Dobner, Dorniden, Gahan. Melady, Sul- livan. Mr. Pneident-lo. Nuys -0. Y,I_ Messrshe➢soba s -ruler �Costell0o, Elm- qulst, McCagcrt , McNamec, Mfil Oppe hn- elm. Mr. Presidena t-8. Nay- o ADfI Oct. 9, ]691. Rd N No. 494- ciRe- 11rdd, That a warrant be drawn n the ant fund yin favor of LG eorgu )f the firs, depart, City Treasurer, for the s f 314.905.63. W puv oiBcers and empl Ac. f t the moatho PL Sop - of the Cityy f St. totuber. 1(s'Jl, Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 6, 1891. Yeas -Aid. Bicle.berg. Butt, Conley Copc land, Duhner_ Durnfde., G@Imn, Melady, Lhe A,-mhly Oct. 7,18111. B -1-1-r. Costello, Elm- erty. McNamco, 1lI--, Oppen- ADproved Oct. 9, 1801 i - Bd F No. 495 -- Resolved. That warrants be drown upon the city treasurys, pup�bto out of tho boot fund," In favor t George Rel., City Teas- ` urer. W pay the ))arsons named In [he pay tulle presented with this resolution. In pny- ment of the salaries and compensation of said parsons for their services during file months of August and Septembcr, 1891. all follows: Officers--August8690; September. &sip. Employes, E.gincc- id Janitors -August, $22,130. Mechanics d Lab em -August, p18.,. ; September, 8816. Teachers and um- ployes for September. '91, til 1 W.18. Adopted by the Board of dldermen Oct. e, 1601. Yeas-Ald. Blelenherg. Bett, Conley. Cope- . land, Dobner, Dorniden. Oehan, Melady, Sul - !E COMMON COUNCIL Iivan. Mr. President -10. Nays -0. Adopted by the Assembly Oct 7, 1801. Yeas-Tlessrs. Ba.holzer. Costello. Elm - helm, Mr. Presiden618 umec, Mixon, ODI - N.Y.--o- Approved Oct. 9, 1891. Bd F No. 496- 7, the mutter of thted e report of the Board of Public IV orks doSept. 2+, lupi. It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul; That the Board of Public Works of said City of St. Poul cause the followiuv Improve- ments to be made, to -wit: Grade and surface Winter street, Yrom Jackson street to Rice id street, said Boa so uY That Board cause said work to I, let by cam race ns provfdea bay Inw, without one- half the estimated c being Nret Into the city tronsury, and utter Auld work shall be placed ander contract, said Board sha ell pru- col without d, lay W assess the amount Dearly ns they can uscertuf n the sumo, which will be regnlred to pnch ppr the cost, and aecosanry estpa a to be bereftod byy aldt lmoto vemthertnl provided byy law; It being the opinion toI [lie Cou nor 1 shot real .stat@ W bt! e, --.d for the czt rat of the cost, be found bene0ted W y re be Incurred thereat. expo.ees neces- sAdopted by the, Board of Aldermen Oct. 6. 1891. ]•sus-Ald. Blelenberg, Bolt Conley. Cope- land. Dobner, Durnide., Ochu.. Melady. Su1- Ilvun, .lir. Preslde.t-10. Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 7, 1891. Yana -Mess Bunholzer, Costello, F.Im- quist McCafferty. DleNumcu, Mince, Oppen- hclm, Mr. Prosldent-8. Nuys -0. Approved Oct. 9, 1891. Bd F No. 417-- [' the matter of the port of the Board of Public Mr Se11��t. 2., 1s91. .It la hereby ordered by t11c Common C@uracil t the City of St. Pou]: _That the Board of Public Works of said Board cause said work to be let aspav£dedb Ina brsthoatone- s ry; and afrers-Id tkd boll mdTcontract id Board shall be of mprovement, ��revfded by law; It Wing he opinion of the Ca nil that real estate to w eessed for such Improvement can be nd benefited to the extent of the costs and pease.. necessurYY W be l.curred thereby. Adopted by the (Board of Aldermen Oct. 6, 801. Yeas-Ald. Dlelenberg. "Ott. Conley. Cope- snd, Dobner, Dornldon, Gehen. Melady, Sul- Ivfln. Mr. President -10. Nays -0. Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 7, 1801. OF THE CITY OF S2 Yeas -Messrs. Ranholzor, Cos ell., Elm- qutst, McCeBortyy, McNamee. Mhea, Oppen- heim. Mr. Pre 1.1-8. Nay.-. Aporovcd Oct. 9, 1891. Bd F No. 509 - In the matter of the report of the Board of Public Works dated Oct. 2. 1891. 11 1, harcby ordered by the Common Council oP the City oT St. Paul: That the Board of Public Works of Bald City of St. Paul cause the following imp' rt W be 'le w-wit: Construct x slx- foot wooden sidewalk on the north side of Marshall avenue, In front of lots 11 and 12, bhwkZ. Merriam'.s rearrangement f boc lka 21, 25, 28, 27. 28 and 29 of Merriam Park, in said ,INT PAUL FOyyR 1691. 267 Rusin, M CPffesidenM. amce, Minea, Oppon- ZN 0. Adopted by the A850m U1y Oct. 7. 1891. Yeas -Messrs. Banhnlzer, Costello, Elm - gist. McCaOerty T1cNamee, Mines, Cppen- tm, Mr. President -8. Nays -0. Approved Oct. 9, 1891. F Works remove c \nt paid Board shall d without de- rote One southwest eo nerlCDlaryland Illy W us s Lhe amount. as 1 they abe andrArk- w ight crtuin the sae, which wi ll - qu1rW W the caste and necessary ox- Onaeet eld@ Arkw right street, 150 feet th Merylu.tl uvo. ue. none any, penees of t h Improvement upon the al� estate to Ix benedtod t ysuld Imp o ems t. as .t side Arkwrlght street. 150 foot n th Ayncin th Barest. ed 8-filpproof led by law; It being the opinion , the •d for Five lumps o. Ed too st root, bctweon B ll Bear 1cAIl that rent estate to be es' improv rat can be found benefited W rd uv a ¢nd \VhIW road. Onel mpvo O, side Lowson etre'. bo- the ex W.t of the . is yd expense, nee - s r'toAd.bf twee' P...... m a and Edgy '. etrvet ov aoutllcast corner .lassie and teVlby the Bo1aN Aldenven Oct. e,. 1691. Joke One lamp on northwest corner Bradley ;and Yeas -Aid. Dlcle abate• Bott. Conley, Copo- fund, Dobner. Dorniden. Gehen, yleindy, Sul- Janke .treat. One lamp t south side Jenks street, be- Iivau, Mr. President -10. No ys-9. twee. D@ Soto ad Arkwrlght. O lame on southwest corner Edgerton Atloptc, Uy the Assembly Oct. 7, 1891. Yuv-Mes.'rs. B rah II_r, CO stella. El. - u d ()rang . O lamp southeast corner Edgerton louse McClIfferty, McNamee. Mine , Oppen- In.lm, Mr. President -8. a dHyacinth One TernPo south side Maryland avenue Nuys -U. Approved Oct. 9. 1801. between Paynes l Edgerton. and Or. lam thwest corner Geranium - twee' Bedford a."Irthd Burr de Fred street, be- Bd F No. 510- One lamp on north side Cook etre.!, irk feet Resolved, That the Board of Public Works e t e tssissfppi. O eln po rthaldo Cook street,belween h, dth-y urn hereby lirectivl to re f Mcntmcorve A k aright son the gg s,�,b a lump located at cast end the nixth�strcet bri dgu W n poli On west side of nor On lamp thwest r Luwsov and Hope street I-5 feet'. rth of Margaret street Adopted by the Board of Aldc rmen Oct. 0, One luny p on south side Lawson str@o[, be- (wean Ark w hand M'M"emc. Isu Yell -Mess s. B-holzer. Costello. Elm- eg O o lamp ov northeast cornu Jenks and Mc]Heveumy. foist, McCulFirt M Names. Difnea, ()p pen- h1.Im. Mr. Press cv t -S. O 1 n utllsldeJe.ks,betwee.Ark- N ay.�). Adopted by Loe Assembly Oct. 7, IP91. wrlghtato McMenomy. One north( side Jessamine, between Mp Yeas -Messrs. IIun oulzcr, Costello, Elm- Menemy and Missiesrnei One southeast co r of Geranium aad Ittlst,McCalFerty, McNamee, blinen• Oppen- beim. Mr. Yrusiden t-8. Mendutn. ' One southeast corner G.erauium and Cy - Approved Oct. 9, 1801. Approved Oct. press. One north side Lawson. between Earl and Cypcess. One soutwest corner Jenks and Cypress. One Jenks, between Earl By Ald. Dorniden-Bd F No. 513- north side and Cypress. Resolved, That an order be drown in favor Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 8, f Lhe Board of Control for the sum o[ 81,- 184.52, being the city', ne-tblyd t toe ea- oln 1891. Yeas -Aid. Blelenberg, Bott Conley. Ccpo- pendicure of said Board m Intatning the [xtrmauud outdoornthosell al almshouse and poor 1 poor during the ]and, Cullen. Dobner, &r. ide n, M.Indy, eul- liven, Dir. Vice Prdsident-10. Nnys�. month of September, IM Lo bi: Pull out of the Ilonnl of Control fund of the City of St. Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 7. 1891. Yens -Messrs. Bunholzer• Costello, Elm- Puul. quiet, wCatfert , McNamee, Mince, Oppen- Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 6, helm. Mr. President -8. 1891. Yeas -Messrs. Bnnholzer, CoaWllo, Elm- Nays -0. Approved Oct. 9, 1601. 268 PROCEEDINGS OF 4 By Ald. Copeland-Bd F No. 51.1, I, is hereby ordered by the Common Councl of the City of St. Paul: That the matter of constructing a cross walk on the south side of York street, acres! Arcade street, be and the same Is hereby re ferrel to the Board of Public Works to Inves- tigate and report. Is this Impprovement proper and eeessar- i II so, send the Council a proper order direct. IPg cbe work to be done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. e. 1891. Yeas-Ald. Bieienbcrg, Botts Conley, Cope. land, Cullen, Dobner, Doraiden, M.I.dy, 8.1 - Yvan, Mr. Vice President -10. Nal's�. Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 7, I.I. Yeas -Messrs. B.n holzer, Costello, F.Im- qulst. McC.fforty, McNamee, Minea, Oppen holm, Mr. President --8. Approved Oct. P, 1891 By AId. Botts-Bd F No. 516 - It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. P. That the matter of constructing a three - plank sidewalk on the north side of Howard avenue. fmm Newport avenue V1, point1, I hundred (200) feet cant of .aid Newport uve- uue, be, and the same le .hereby referred [o the Board of Public Worksto i_r.Ugatc and report: le Ibis improvement proper and necessary? If so, send the Council u proper order ill work to be done. 1801 Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 6, . Yeas -Aid. Btelenberq, Batt, Conley Co te- ]nnd, Cullen. Dobncr, Dorniden, Melnjy, jul- Ilvan. Mr. Vice P -10, hil nt Nuys --0. Adopted by the Assembly Oet. 7. 1891. Yeas -Messrs. Banholzer Costello, Fire. qulst. McCafferty, McNamee, Mineu, Oppere helm, Mr. President -8. Nays -i. Approved Oct. 9, 1801. By Aid. Blulcnberg-Bd F No. 517- It is hereby ordered by the Common council of the City of 9t. Paul: That the atter of laying crosswalks on both aides of Burgess street, across Como avenue be and thm e ace Is beroby referred to the konrd of Public Work. to investigate and repots: I. this improvement proper and ... essury, If .o, Bend the Councl) n proper order direct - lug the work to be done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oot. B. 1891. Yeas -Aid. Blelenberg. Hot' Conlev. Coppe- land, Oullen. Dobner,Dor.lden, Meludy, 9u1- livan, Mr. Vice Prestdont-10. Na x-0. Adopted by the Assembly Cot 7. 1891, Yeas -Ma ars. Banholzer, Costello. Elm- lul.t, McCafforty, McNamee. Minea. Oppen- Approved Oct. 0, 1801. By Aid. Blele.herg-Bd F No. 518- It 1. hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: HE COMMON COUNCIL Thu" the matter of ]¢ying u six -feet wood- en sidewalk on the east side of Avon street, between St. Anthony avenue and Murtfn street. be, and the same is hereby referred to the Board of Public Works to investigate .ad -Fort: Ie this Improvement proper and Ieces.ary7 If so. send the Cc ell a proper order direct- ing tho work to be done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 6, 1801. Yens-Ald. Bteleniterg, Bott, Conley, Cope- land, Cullen, Dobner, Dorniden. Melady,Sul- liven, Mr. Vice President -10. Nuys - 0. Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 7, 1801. Teas -Messrs- Banholzer. Costello, Elm- qulst, McCafferty. AIcN.mee. Minea, Oppen- heim. Mr. President -8. Nuys -0. Approved Oct. 0, 1891, By Id. Sullivan-Bd F No. 510- lt fa hereby ordered by the Common Council f the City of St. Pi That the matter of opening Fairview av- e.us from Alontreal avenue to West Seventh street (petltlon attached) be. and rho sums fs beroby referred totlm Board of Ptl bile Works loInvestigate nod report: Flret-Is this improvement proper and nee- essarYY17� Seexl t Give the Council an estimate of the exllllesnne tbmm f, and state whether one - citof th0 cost thereof, Is to be paid Intothe cit?• treasury before the contract Islet. 7 bird -Can real estate to be ..eased for saidImprovement be f ... d benefited to tbo extent of damagescosts and expenses a--- sary 11 11 incurred thereby? Fourth -Is such Improvement asked for upon the petition or upplieation of the o or ors of a suctrlty of [Ito property to he as- sessed for such impprovement? Fifth -Send the CouaeB a plan or profile of suidfmpproveclent, ns required by law, If you report In favor of the same. 81xth fetid the Counell a proper order di- meti ng the work to be done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 6, 1691. Yam.-Ald. Blelenbii Bott, Cogleyy, Cope- land, Cullen. Dobner, Dor.lden, Moistly. Sul- livan, Mr. Vice President -10. N. -O. Adopted by I he Assembly Opt. 7. 3601. Yeas -Messrs. B4Obmzor. Costello, Elm- ]ulst, McCafferty, McNamee.Alines, Oppen- heim, Mr. President -6 Nays--(). Approved Oct. 0, 1691. 3y Ald, Dobner-Bd F No. 620- a ,l beroby ordered by the Common Council of the City of 6t, Pun l: That the matter of placluq a six-foot wood_ ;n sidewalk in front of lots 1 .2 and 3 in black I of St. Anthony or (petitio. uttachedl, e and the same 1. hereby referred to the ­ 3dof Public Warks to herci ttgato and ro- Ort. Is this Im [rovement proper and necassury? '.f so, send t is Council a proper order dlrect- ng the work to be done. Adopted by the Board of Alder... Oct. 6, 891. Yeas-Ald. Bielenberg, Butt, Conley, COpe- OF THE CITY OF S. lend, Cullen. Dobner.Dorniden, MOlndy, Sul- livan. Mr. Vice Prestdent-30. Nays -0. Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 7, 1891. Yeas -Messrs. Banholzer. Costello, Elm- Iuis6:11r,CnHertyy, McNumcq Mine., Oppe.- helm. Mr. PreslUoat-8. Nays -l. Approved Oct. O, 1801. By Aid. Dobncr-Bit F No. fi_"3- It 1. hereby ordered l•,V the Common Council o f the City of Wit. Pouf: That the matter of placing u crosswalk over Minno is in street. On file west side of Pascal avenue. be. and the same is hereby re- forred to the Board of Public Works to Irives- tlbbato and report: Is this improvement proper and necessary? It so. send the Council a proper order direct - Ing the work to be done. Adopted by the Board of Aldenm.n Oct. & fan Yeas -Aid. Bieleuberg. Bott, Conley Cope- land, Cullen. Dobner Dondden, Meludy. Sul- Ilvun, Mr. Vice Prestdont-30. N7o 0. Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 7, 1891. Yeas -Messrs. Bunholzer, Costello. Elm- luist, t,M,CmIlc , MrNamte, Minea, OPpen helm, Mr. Prestdent-8 NnPs�i. APprovea Oct. 9, 1891. Byy Ald. Copelatid-Lid F No.523- Besolved. That the Board of Public Werke be, and they aro hereby uthorizcd to erect has lamps (1:50 ono hundred and fifty feet .Part % .iessa0mine street. from Payne avo- ue to Bradley street: also on Cese street. from Payae avenue W De 6oto gree[. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 6, 1891. Yens-Ald. Bieleuberg, Butt, Conley. Co land, Cullen, Dobncr, Dorniden. Al.111y, odd Ilvan. Mr. Vice President -30. Nuys 0. Adopted by the Assembly Oct. Z 1801. Yeas -Messrs. Banholzer. Costello, Elm - 1 Tim, MMc afferty. MccNamee, Mill Oppen- Nays-0. Approved Oct. O, 1801. By d. Alclndyy-Bd F NO.528- IL lsherAleby ordered by the Common Council of the City oP St. Pull: Phut the mu iter of . pinnk crosswalk on the west 81 do of Oakdale avenue across Out.. street. and south side of Gates street across Oakdale avenue. beend the same is hereby referred W the Bon rd of Public Works to in- t cstigute xnd repos: Is this iruprocemont proper led necessary? If so send the Cou ncll a proper order direct- ing tyle w<.rk to be Xdone. Adopted by the Board of Atdermen Oct. 6. 18111. Yeas -Aid. Birlenberg, Bott, Conley. Cope- land, Do liner. Dbner. Dorniden, Melady, Sul- Iivan, Mr. Vice President -10. Naya-c. Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 7. 1891. Yea.-Messm. Banholzer, Costello, Elm - \INT PAUL FOR 1891. 269 gist. McCafferty. McNamee, Wool. Oppx:n- hetm. Mr. President -8. Nays -0. Approved Oct. 9, 1591. By Aid. Meludy-Bd F No.5-n- It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Pau is That the matter of roostrueting u sewer on Greenwood avenue from Ise1 - rest W De- los street, be, and file same is eroby ref.0= tothe Boardof Public Workslo investigate and- port: First�Is this improvement p1'opor and nec- es.nryl Second -(Jive the Council as Tailcoat. of the expense thereof, and state whether me - half of the cost thereof Is to be paid Into the situ trousury before the con truer is let. Third --Can real estate to bea.sessed for said Imprnvoment be found benefited to the extont of dnmagea, costs and expenses neces- sary to t>a an re thereby, Fourth -Is such improvement asked for upon the pctitio. or application of the own- ers of melority o[ the property to be as- sessed for such improvement, Fifth -Send the Council a plan or profile of said Improvement.. ns required by law, if you report in favor of the some. Sixth -Send the COO neil a proper order dl- recting the work to ire done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 6, ISol. Yees-Ald. Bielenherg. BotL. Conley. Cope- land. Cullen. Dobner, Dorniden. .lfelady, Sul - liven. Mr. President -10. Naps. Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 7. 1891. Pena -Messrs. Ilnnholzer Costello. Elm- teist McCafferty, McNamee, Mines, Oppen- heim, AI r. Vice Pres1dent-8. Nays -0. Approved Oct. 9. 1%1. By Aid. Bieleuberg-Bd F No. 5W - It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the CI[y of 6t. Paul: Thatthereatter oferectingand maintaln- lug gasoline lamps ns follows: One between e¢ch oI the present ones. Como uveuue be- tween Rice and Union stroots; four on Union trent between Como avenue and Lake Como boulevard; three on Luke Como boulevard between Union and Chatsworth street.. be, and the same fe hereby referred to the Board of Public Works W It v.stli= and report: Is this im [rovement proper and noces.nr I If so, send t� � Cou veil a proper order dlreet- ing the work Ito be done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Out. 6, 1801. Yeas -Asti. Dolor, berg.Bort, Con ley,COpe- land. Cullen. Dobner .Doraiden, Melody, Sul - Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 7. 1891. Yeas -Messrs. I3¢nholml. Costello. Elm- Mr. lm- Mr.M.Cyffer resldi t - Nay. -0. P� Miami, Oppen- Approved Oct. 0, 1891. ily Aid. blelenberg-Bd F No. Nil- s il - IL Ishere y ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: That the matter of condemning and taking 270 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. I,,, .nxument In the IunJ shuttle lilf nn ",!V'. e ul• elte troneury before the contract is let. loy 1. block 0 Maukublu k At.. all's n(Idl- 7hlyd�;un coal :state to hu us.ussod for to construct the slopes for said Improvement be found boue0ted W Lim cuts and till. 1 Kruding said ulloy.b...ml Lite dxtent of damages. cmu. tied ex!wnsoe noc°x- same Is hereby' reforrur to the Board of Pub. Mary to be incurred thereby? lie works to Investigate and report: Fourth -In much Improvement asked for First -Is title Improvement proper and lice- upon the petition or u rplleution of the own- cssnry? era of u majority of t n property W be as- Sec.rd-Give the Council an estimate of sussed for such Impfrrovommat? the expense thereof. and state whether oma Flfth--Sand the L'uuncll a pian or profile of half o! the cost thereof Is to lie paid Into the suld pm trevement as required by now, If you .Ito treasury before the contract Ix pet. report f n bear °f the same, .IV reuI estate to le nes.seed for Sixth -Send Om Councll u proper orderdi. said Improvement bu found benefited te tit° rectlnKthe work W be den°. cx tont n[ rlamngex. costs and oxp,-neex nates- m. led by elle Board of Aldermen Oct. a, scry to Iw Incurred thuroby7 1601. FpurtI . ch Improvement asked for Yens -Ala. BlelentwrR• Ilett, Conley. Co1x� upon the ID petition or upplicatloll of the wn- land. Cull.n. Dobnor. Dornidun, M.ludy, Sol- tile n s]ority oT tit. property to be us- liven. Air, Vice PreAd-t-10. sess°a for e..h into". emont7 Nuys --0. Fifth -Send the Cou nein a piny or profile of Adopt[•d bythe Assembly Oct. 7. IPU1. said improvement. as requlrea )y Inw, It you Yeas -Messrs. Bunhnlzur, Costello. Elm. reparc In favor of the same. luixt, MeC ,ff.rty. M.Name.. Minta• Oppun. Sixth -Sena the Council roll n props order dl- mei m. Mr. Proxmon t-8. reetl nR enc work W be dune. Nays- 0. Adopted by the Bourd by Aldermen Oct. 6. Approved Oct. U. 1801. IIi01, Yea,-Ald. Bielenberq. Batt, County, Copc- - Iand. Cullen. Dobner. Dornlden'. Melody, Sul liven. Mr. Vice President�l0. ' By Aid. Bott-Bd F No. W- Nnys-0. It is hereby ordemd by the Common Ceun.il AdnpWrl by the AemmblY Oct. 7. Del. I f the Cit]' of St. Pnu7: Yeas-Mexxrs. Bnrrholzer. Cnstelia. Elm- That ince matter of cuntlemning and toklnR quiet, McCafferty, McNamcc, Aileen, Opfer- n e se ent In the land abuttlnR on tiro nl- hotm, Mr. Presidents. legs in block 2, Koller'. eubdiviii of block Nays -0. 11. Lyman Dayton's addlttm,. e -is ry W Approved Oct. 9, 1891. on street the slopes for amts and fills in grad, 1ng sold alley.. be. olid the snore Is hereby n� rcgrraaied Lo the pBvoarcl of Public Works w ivvus By Aid. Deride. -Rd F No. N32- OFiretfx thio im'-p-cement proper and nec- It is hereby ordered by the Common Council exs¢ry- of the Clty of 6t. Pxalo Second -Give the Council an estimate of That the mutter of constructing u six-foot the expense thereof. and state whether one - wooden sidewalk on both sides of Forster halt of the east thereof is to be paid Intothe it treasury before the contract is let. street. from Bar street to Onat.. street. be. e i and the same Is hereby referred W the Board n hi rd -Can reel estate to be assessed for of Public, Works W Investigate nnJ report: a id 1 prorememt be found benefited to the 1. this icepr -cent proper and rc lir-y% xfeut.f d amages. cores and ezpensts noces- Ifso.send the Council a proper order direct; eery r l Incusuch tImpure t Ing the work to bedone. Fnurtlr-Ts such improvement asked for Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 6, upon tic petition or application of the own - 16!11. .re ut u mnjorltY Of the pr°perty to be as- Yeas-Ald. Bfelenberg. Bott, Conley. Cope- seestd for such he C u Council a 9 land. Cullom. Dobner, Dornlden. Melody, FifLhSend the Co9t ascii u plan y l profile of 8ullivun. Mr. Vice President -10. said 'mprovement Ittirea by law lP you Nuye�1 pp Lin fuvoroftirosurno. Adopter? by the Asw,mmy OcL, i, 1!611. mSl zinc -Send the Council tt proper order dl- Yero-Afesors. 73unh.lzer. Coxtt•Ilo. Elm- rn •Ling the work W be done. IuL t, McCafferty. McNamee, Mmes. Oplwn- Aaoptea by ince Board .f Aldermen Oct. e, helm, Mr. Proolaent-R. lf.J l' Nays -0. 1-uns-Aid. Blcl.ntwvK, Batt, Conlcy. Grpe- Appruved Oct. 9, 1801. land, Cullen. Dobner. Dorpiden. Mvlady, I at- Iivnn, Mr. Vice President -10. N nys 0. - Adapted by the Assembly Out. 7, 1891. Yeas-My-srs. BnnhOlzer. Grstvilu. ' F.Im- ByAld.l3ielenborK-ff'1FNo. 63+- nutlet. AfcCeffe rty, AicNamce,Mlneu.Oppen- It f ile 2t nodm•.a by the Cummov Con nein holm, Mr. Prnident--x. f the City of matter Paul: Nuys --0. That Lhe matter of ,, b,ttng and taking Approved Oct. 9, 1891. lit In the land nW Maci tor u e a,- toy du addition W M¢ek colo and - Ma genu x uaaBl.n t w m. -tract the epics for cuts end Bile cin gradlmr ald By AId. B Ill- a -Ba F No.r lK 11 he. nail the same i- hcreny efnrmd w It Ix hereby.,dered by Lire Cummmn Council ➢cord of Publi. Work. to Invextigu4 f tile. City of fit f'nnl: lir 1 report: That Lhe mutter of mndemnlOt,l ane f+[klvK First -is thin Improvement Prolwr and nec- n ex v t In It,e lumi hutti rig nn [ho ul- vssary?• lug In black /i. Wood it Pnrk Addlclom, rcc- Second-Give the Council an timate of �¢ry to i street the lolws for cuts unit the expanse thereof. and state whether one- ILL. In grading sold alley. le, and tit° secs lint[ of the cost thereof Is to be paid Into the Is hereby referred to Lhe Board of Public OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL FOR 1891. 271 Werke to Invustlgate and report: That the matter of condumning nail takli g Fl ret --Is this Improvement proper and nee- un mtsemunt In Lho )and abutting on the till os.vnry'r In G.txlum•s nu bdivisinn of block 107, Socmld--t;lvo the Onunell so estimate of Lho Lyman Duytoa's addition, necessary to con- oxpclsse thoreuf. and state whether ono•half struct. the slopes for cuts unit finis In grading of tic cost thereof Is te be paid let,, the city said alto , be. ltnd Is a roby reforrc 1 W the treasury le fore the cunt ract !slot. hoard ul'v Public Werke to Investigate also Third --Cull real .s➢tW to be uxscxsed for refec said Improvement be found benefited to the First t: -Is this Improvement proper uud nee - extent of damages. costs and expenses races- essaryr nary to bo incurred thcreoy? Second-Glvp ilia Council an estimate of Fourth --Is such Improvement asked for the ex nee thereof, and stat. whether one tile tit. petition lir, .'P I, tort of flue awn- tient of the ensL ul°r.ot ie to b° puld Into tic r. crx of a majority of the property to be us- oftP treasury beforo tbo contract Is lot. sees.d for such ImprovemenO Third -Can rent astute to be assessed for Fifth -Scud the Couch t p hm or profile .f 8.111 Impruvomm�t Im found bunetittod W Lilo .rill Ile lrvrv.rncut.. ns mrlulrtd by Inw, If you extent o[damagex, costa and espouses nve..- re r rt �u favor of the same. liry te be Incurnnl thereby? Ixth Send the Council a proper ardor u- s Fourth -Is suoh Ile pr.vvmcnt asked for up- rtcting the work to M•. done. or Lhe petition or application of the owners Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Cot. a, of a majority of the property to be assessed 1891, for such..lmprorem°nt7 Yeas--Ald. BlelenberK, Butt. Conley. Cup, Fifth -Send the Council u plan or Profile of land, Cullen. Dobnor, Dornlden. M.ludy. Sul- said Ile��rovement, al, required by low, if you - llvnn.Alr.VicePresident--1D. 'r.pp rt in favor of the secs. Nays --0. Hixth-lend the council u Proper ardor dl - Adopted by the As mhly Oet. 7. 1991. rectinR the work to be dune. ri-- YuMessrs. Bnnholmr, CusWlto. Elm- Adopted by the Rmtrd of Aldermen Oct. fl. qulet, McCafferL�q. McNamee, Milieu, Oppen- 1801. helm. Mr. Prvshlent--s. Yeas -Ail. Biclenlwrg, Bott, Conlev. Coppe- -0. l.ad. Cullen, Dobner, Dor don. M.ludy, N.Y.A pm=it Oct. 9. 1801. Sullivan. Mr. President -lo. Nuys o. Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 7, Is1. Ycus--Messrs. 13.nluil- . Costello. Elm - II Isbereby ordered YIf F the Commm� Council j lieimt. Mr oVIL, 7 �esl le t�8. ' hllnca, Opixn- t the City of St. Pau,: Nuys --0. That the matter or cnnd. eIrt. olid tukitior Approved Oct. 11. 1891. C in the land ubu[tlnR on the uiley Ino Howard's addition, from Forest .v trent w Mendota st,c.t.ecessary to • niecrue. lopes for cuts and lots In grading said alll,y, be. and the same Is hereby referred to the Board of Public Works to investigate and re By AId. S.111van-Bd F No. 1v1!1 - port: Itis hereby ordered by the Commuu Council F1ret-Is this improvement proper and acv:- of the City of St. Paul: ass irv? That the matter of contlem ring and takinjr Second -Give the Council un estimate of t on till, land abutting ole the the expense thereof, and state we ether one- an eas.men l If of the c.stthemot is W be paid inte the Prior Iving between University. Lyn nit uret, cicv treasury bef ,re tit or is lot. Prior and Oakley even nes, necessary to [.on - Third -Can real estate to be asseaeud for street the slaps far cuts and fills In grndl rq said improvement be found benefited to the sad alley, he, and thesame Is hereby referred ex -ntof damages, co.. is and expenses nec- to the Roard of Public Works to Investigate elf-ry W be Incurred thereby? and report: Fou tit -Ie such improvemenc ked for'. Fb•ofr-Istblaimprovemeneproperandtire- upaOn the esti ciao unit ❑Pllc¢tlori of the owv- a aro ofu majority of the pro Petty to be us Sec lid -Dive the Council an -timate of d for such improvemant't itre expense thereof• Intl state whether one- eeFl(ch-Send the Council n Plan or proal. of half of the cost eb°mo[is ttr be paid into the xeld IlePPr ..inert, us royut red by law, if yea clTl l -"o nhr fol r t tore is let.�d for r •pert In favor of the wtm.' s¢Id Improvement he found benefited to the LSizth-&+lid the Council u proper order dl o"it' of damages. �` sus and ex3wmses ooces- •ting the work w be done. ry to be Incurred titoreby7 Aduuted by tM1e Benoit of Aldermen Oct. 8, eoFee th-Ts -malt Impr. creent asked for "- 18,11 -Aid, elelenbcrq. ➢act. Cnnlcy. Cop up u the ploitlon u app licutlou of the o land. Cullen. Donner. Dornide n. Melody, Sul- e P a ):city f the P 9, rlY W be an f Ilvan. Mr. Vico Preelden[-1D. - •d for such Improvemomt'1 - :f Nny----0 -.Fifth-Send the Councu a plan or profile oB' xaupted by the Assembly Oct. 7. 1891. s Id Improvement, ¢a =11, v by law. If yew^ - Yeae-Messrs. Bavirolu•r. Costello, Elm- j rep I In favor of the quls t, Me( ffertyy Mc Name.. Mlnvu. Oppen- di stir -Send the Council u proper order dl- +� Iteliu Mr. Prositl. nt-8. j re •ting the work W be done. 8 Nn S. Adopted mY Lite Bourd of Aldermen Oct. e, ApPmv+d Oct. 9, 1891. Iset. Aid. Birlenbera. Butt, COnk•Y. COP.--$: �� -- land, Cullen. Dobuvr, Dornideu• Mclady-. I it". Mr. Vice Pre -!dent -10. By Ald. Bott-Rd F No.539- NnYs-b. It Is Imroby ordemd by the Cumelon Council Ado,ted by the Assembly Oct. 7, 1891. of the City of 8L. Paul: You_ essrs. Banholzer. Costello. Elm- 272 PROCEEDINGS OF TI quiet, McCufferty, McNamee, Mines. Oppen- heim. Mr. President -8. Nays p. Apuro rod Oct. 9. Isill. Bold Conley-Bd F Nu!-- fiesolvcd, That the Board of Fire Commis sloncrs Is beruhy uutliurizud U yyselI thchee Clmmionl comptlaz or. Ito the Lown elf \Vh stun. ,or o liere of io 1 I. for dr id du�ar,.toawn o dens f said town -in Ing flue ut later than the month of \lay-. If i) Adopted by the lost o[ AhPermeu Oct. ti. 1891. Yeas-Ald. Blelenberg, Botu Conley, Cope- land, Cullen. Dobner. Dorniden, Meludy, Sul. Baan, Mr. Vice President -10. Nuys 0. Adopted by the Aesem bey Uct. 7. Ix!11. Yeas-Afesst�. Bahia)._ , Costello, Elm- ' luist,McCederty, McNamee. Mines, Oppem PP A roved Oct. 9, 1891 By Aid. Bott Bd F No. 5t1 - It Ishereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St I'au : That in the mutter of condemning and taking an easement !Il the. land abutting oil lions •y strerot from Payne uvenuo to Green- brier uvtmac. necessary to construct the slo les for eats and fills in grudmg sold street Ix ng the approaches W the Reuney street bride, be and I c same is hereby m, ormd to the Board of Public Works to Investigate and re ort: First -Is this improvement pr:per and nec- osssry? Secodd-G Ive the Council an estimate of the expens thereof, and state whether one-half of the • 't thereof is to paid Into the city tmusur before the contract is let' Thin Cnn mal estate to be • esosaed ton said 1 rovement be found benefitted to the exten o[ damages, ooats and expenses feces Bary Lelseurred tlpe,- ? F'0 th-]e such improvement asked for", on tl ppeetition Or applies o1 the owners of u syority of the property to be assessed r uchfm rovement? to fth-Send the Council a plan or profile of e d im rovement, as required by law, if you p Int Fn favor of the sumo. Sixth -Send the council a proper order dl- ecting the work to l - done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. B, hifl. Yeas-Ald. Bielenllerg. Butt Conley. Cope- land. Cullen, Dobper, Donddea, Meludy, Sul- livan. Mr. Vice Pmsident�lc. Nays 0. Adopted by tem Assembly Oct. i, 1891. Yeas-Messrs.yy Banholzer, Costello, Elm- lichistln>.'MrCl't•aBsideutM.-t9 amus, Mines, UPPen- N.Ys-0 Approved Oct. 9, 1891. [E COMMON COUNCIL 850.000 oto per tout Mends for hospital pur- poses, be and is hereby, repealed. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 6, 1591. Yeas-Ald. Blelenberg, Butt, Conley. Cope- land. Cullen. Dobuer, Dorniden. Mclady, Sul- Ilvan. Mr. Vice Pres1dent-10. Nays --o. Adopted lz the Assembly Oct. 7, 1891. Yeas -Messrs. Bunbolzer, C ),tells. Elm - quist. MLCaRerty. McNnmee, Mine., Oppeu- helm,Mr. President -8. Nays -0. Approved Oct. it. 1891. By Aid. Sullivan-Bd F No. 517- It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the Cicy of St I'.ulco. That the. matter of nstrueting n ross- w•alk n s University avenue, -[bout 280 feet east of Prior avenue. be, and the same Is M1 Board of Publls \Yorks hereby roterroa tr t o to Investigate and report: Is this imomvemenc proper uud necesenry! If so, seal the Council a proper order dirout- in the work to Ue done. A if ptY pg, •d b the Board of Aldermen Oct. 6. l PJ1. Yeas -All. Blelenberg, Bott, Coaley. Copa- Isnd. Cullen. Dobner, Ducatdoil, Mclady. Sullivan. Mr. Vice President --10. N.3-8 Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 7, 1841. Yeas -Messrs. Ban holzer. Costello, Elm- luist. McCutferty McNamee, Milieu, Option - At r. Prosident-8. Nays- 0. Approved Oct, 9, 1801. By Ald. Gehan-Bd F No. r4 It Is hereby ordered by the Common Coun- cil of the City of 8t. Paul: That the matter of the construction of it three feet wooden crosswalk over Thirteenth trent midway between Temper"lice and Canudu street.. be, slid the same is hereby roterred to the Board of Public ]Yorks to In- vest)6'atc and report: Is this Improvement proper and necessary? ,r'f so. send the Council a proper order direct- ing tilt work W be done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 6. 1891. Teas-Ald. Blelenberg, Butt, Conley. e - Co land. Cullen. Dobner, Dordiden, Mclady, Supl- livan. Mr. President -10. Adupicd by the Assembly Oct. 7, 1891. Yess-Messrs. Banholzer. Costello. Ebn- lulst. McCafforty, McNamee, Meuse, Oppen- heim, yl r. Vice resident -8. NTiNays-0. Approved Oct. 9, 1891. By Ald. Gan-BF No. :SU - It Is les rebyehd ordered I- the Common Council of the City of St- Paul: That the matter If the construction of n .lx -foot olden sidewalk on Penusylvwda (both sides). .hare asked tar by property owners. be, and theume I. he ro ['erred By AId. Sullivan-Bd F No. 515- W tho Board of Public Works to Invest it o Resolved, ny tele Common Cou null of tM1e and re ort. City f St Ynul. That s resolution M:Ip6• Ls illis lmpnrrement proper uud neces.a rt'? Board File No. 192 and approved July 17. 1891. If so. send tilt Cowmil u proper order direct - la thorizing proper city officers to issue I Ing the work W Is, done. OF THE CITY OF S Adopted by the B-Ol of Aldermen Get Is9I. Yeas-Ald. Bielonli-g, Butt, Conley, Cope- land. Cullen, Dobuer. Dorufden, Molady. Sul- livun•Mr. President --10. Nsys-o. Adolltad by the Assolntrly Oct. 7, 1891. Y as -B ui inion. C,- lo. Iib ui�t, Mu- C.Rerty, Me Namce, Mioca, 0ppenl�tcitn, Mr. President --8. Nuvs-O. Approved Ool.. e, -11. ❑y Ald. Gehan-Rd F No. f.;l-- It is hemby ordered by the Cummou Council ofthe City of St. Paul: That the m.tterof grads ug of CO." ave- Rce istreet and Turk .,lent, be. between . d the same is hereby refurred to the Board of Public Works to Investigate and re- Ft irst Is this improvement t proper and rac- cessury? Second --Give the Council all cstimate of the ex mss thereof,and .tate whether ona- half o[ the cost there "f is U) be pull into the eft treasury T it,, the cu otntct Is let. q hi rd Can real estate to be assessed for said improvement W found benelited to the extent of damages. costs and expeases ote- es+ary to be loco rred Lhrn•.I Fourth- -Is such iniprovmnnnt asked for up -the Pori or xpplicutio 11 of the uwsera f a majority of tees property to bu esus,,,,:, for such Improve men t:� Fifth -Sand Lhc Cuuncll a pMn er pro0le of said imdrovement.• as rUqufmd by law, if you report it i.e., of the same. Sixth --Send the Couoclla properorderdi- "COng the work tune dune.. Adopted by tete Board of Aldermen Oct. 6, 18!11, Yeas-Ald. Blelenberg, Bott. C;! [o Cupp' land. Cullen, Dobuer. Dort 1d Mo1- adY,NSullivan, Mr. VicP e resident -10. uys 0 Adopted by the .] nholz y Oct. 7, 1801. Yea-Messrs.Lianholzm, Costello, Elm- lulst. McCafferty, McNamee, Mines, Gppen- hotel, Mr. President -S. Nuys --0. Approved Oct. 9, Is'91- By Aid. Gehan-Bd F No. 652- IL fs herehy ordered br the Conmlutl Connell f1) (31tvuf St. I'll" l: That thematic' of the construction of an eight -foot wooden sidewalk u" both sides t f Como live, ue between Rice street id Park .venue. be, and the same is hcrn•byt rcfm•rcd to the B( rd of Public Works to is vtst191, ei and report, and semi the Council It proper order directing the work to bo dune. Is thls i nl prevenient nrnper and lecessary? 1f so send'"I neil 1t proper under direct- ing ties work to he Done. 1F!]dupttd by tiro Board of Aldermen Oct. 6, II. ]'d. Cullen. Dealer. 1So l Conity. lady. Sana. Callon. Rohner. Durdidan, ylahidp. Su leers-, y[r. Vita Pms(de ntrl0. Nays -0. Adopted by the Assembly net. i. 1,891. Yess-Messrs. nunhulzer, Costello, F.Im- quist, McCafferty. McNamee, Mines, Oppen- heim. Mr. Prosiaent--x. Nays -0. Approved Oct. 9, 1891. ]INT PAUL FOR'1891. 273 I I By Aid Gehan-11u F No. 5&J - It is hereby ordered by the Comm.. Cannot f the City of St. Paul: That tho matter of elle construction of u six-foutwooden sidewalk n Linden street (oast side, he[wtwn Arch and Mt. Airy streets, le, and the ss • is herubre nfurred w the Boned of Public ]Yorks to i y vestigate and report: Is this im Irovemout proper :std nceeseurv? If so, send tic Council a proper order direct. I- the work to be done. Adupicd by the Board of Alde ninon Oct. 6, 1x91. Yoas--Ald. Biulonburq, Butt, ConI Copc- lund, Cu llcn. Debncr, Darnldan. Melody, Sul - I vas, Mr. Vice President -10. Nays -U. Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 7, 18111. Yens -Messrs. Banholzer. Ulstello. Elm- iuist. nlecatrer[y, MoNanese, Mines. Oppen- heim, ylr. I'resldent-8. Approved Oct. 0, 1891. By Aid. Gchan Bd F No. 554- . It its hereby ordered by the Common C"uncil T[lila (:lty ui St Paul: hntthe mntt4•r of the construction If a six-foutwooden sidewalk on Linden street, -est side• between yet. Airy and Arch streets, be, and the same is heeby referred to the Bourd of Public Works to investigate and effort: I.s thts improvement proper and ecessary? If... send the Council a proper order =m` flaxlite work to be done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 6, 1801. Yeas-Ald. Blelenberg, Butt. Conleyy. Cope- ""I Dobner, Dornidml, yloludy. Sullivan. Mr. Vice Pre.fdent40 Nuys --0. Adoptes-MdeISu by the Assemlzbly. Oct. 7. 1801. Paassrs. uhoor, Costello, Elm- gnist McCafferty, yleNumee, Mmes, Oppen. til ito, Mr. P,esident--8. Nuys --0. Approved Oct. 9, 1891. By Ald, Gahan-Bd F No.55fi- It is hereby ordered by the Common Council f the City of St. Paul: That the matter of c tstructing areight (x) foot wooden sidewalk, together with the necessary -111-1 lc, on the south side of J essauthm street, from Bim street W Abel street. be, and the saint is referred to the Baird of Public Works W investigate and no - port: Is tills Imp ovamen,, proper and necessary - If sup semi the Cou soil n proper order direct- Ing[hc Werk W be done. 1801. Adopted by tho Board of Aldermen Oct. 6, ]•sus -Abd. BIelmlbcrg,Bott. Conley, Cupo- lend, Cullen. Danner, Dorniden, Molady. 9u11ivn n, Mr. Vice President -10. Nub's -o. Adopted by the Assembly Oct 7. 18!11. Ycs-\lcssrs. Bunhulzer, Costello. Elm- luist. 11e('uffcrty, McNamee• Mines, Oppmt- lei. r. I e -f lent -8. Nuys 0. Approved Oct. 9, 1891, B Ald. Cullen-Bd F No. 562- ]Vhereas, The wooden building, No. 303. II 274 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Wubnshu street, by reason of dilapidation, cas become imminently dangerous to prop- rty,thereftTe, Resolved. 'Phot the ownerof said building Is hereby nodded W have said aysiiia' ^e- mceed or Wry down within ten le "rid afterser- vice Of u I ly of this preamble u aid resolu- tion upon t�c owner or ggoat of said build- ing; and if sold bulldl,gis not rc this r in the fiat, and in n •r indica Wd in this s- olution. the sumo is hereby declared a public nl filum e, uud t Im Clhlet of Puiiecis directed. under the direction of the Mu)'or. W c said building W be removed uL tlhe eypeose of the owner. Adopted by the Boaad of Aldermen Oct. 6, 1891. landasCu le{enDtiner' Dorniden'e Ai ludy. Sullivan. Mr. Vice Pr,sidnuU-10. Nays -0. Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 7. 1891. Yeas -Messrs. Banholzer, C-tcllu, Elm- qutst, McCafferty. McNamee. Minna, OppOn- hefm. Mr. President -8. Nuys -0. Approved Oct. 9, 1891. Bd F No. 563 Resolved. That un order be drawn on the city treasury In favor f the Cit Treasurer u It th.amount of'1.1LEZI.c r,_ uel, or the street and sewer muintemmce fund, '.Pay the partial pay roll of tide street force for the month 0 Setembcr. 1891. Adopted by the board of Aldermen Oct. 6. 1801. Yens-Ald. Bielenberg, Bot[, COnely, Copt, In,d, Cullen. Dobuer, Dorn Wen. Melody. Sul- livan, Mr. Vice President --10. Nuys 0. Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 7. 1891. Yeus-Jlossrs. Banlmh,c'. Costello. Elm- lulst. McC¢Herty, McNamee, Mines, Uppen- h •'m, Mr. Prosldent-8. Nuys -U. Approved Oct. 0, 1901. By Ald. Sullivan-Bd F No. 584- Iris hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City ,f St pan l' McCafferty. McNamee, Miner. Opponhelm, Mr. President -8. Nuys -O. Approved Oct. O. 1801. President of the Assembly. O. O, G N, President of the Board of Aldermen. TORN F. t4ER rix. Vice A. PReltufrho Board Of AldClerk. on. Taos. A. YRENIIEHRA9T. CILV Clerk. Oct. 12. bFFICIAL PUBLICATION Of Ordinances Passed and Resolutions Adopted by the Common Co me 11 of the City of at. Paul. Ordi mince No. 1541-Bd FNo. &56 - Au ordfm neo autborizi nB the refum,ing of certain a obey pp id on tire reassessment for the openlnK of 13roudwny street from Grove [rest to Thirteenth street. The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do ordain as follows: Section 1. That a warrant be drawn "poll the city treasary, psyable out of the fund collected pt, the reassessment for the Opening of urnadwayy street between Grove rt and Thirteen hili street. in favor of 11. J. Luh rbauer. for the sum of $15. W refund to said 11. J. Luhrbauer the amount paid by aim m, reassessment for the open n�[ of Broadway street from Grove street toThir- th street, fur the east etc-lmlf of lot 1 9, f block id of Dewey. Base & Rohrer•s ud- ditiuu W the Citv of St. Paul, the 'aid a senthaving peen heard and authorized Babe Dl , strict Court of Itumsey. c linty. Said amount shall tat delivered u dye1 pen there being Hied with the City Comptroller a receipt for the same. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be fn force from and after Its passage. Passed by the Board of Aldermen Oct.6, 891. Yeus-Aid. IIlelen,erg, IIott, Conley Cop,- end. sullen, D."acr. Dorn ids n, Melody. Rul- ' livau, Mr. Vico President -10. Nuys 4 JNn. r Vice President of the Board off Aldermen. Pusses by the Assembly Out. 13, 1801. Yeus-Messrs. Benholzer, Flmyuist, MuCnf- ferry. McNumec. Milieu, Oppeab der. Von S, ku. Mr. President -8. uve-0. That the matter c f con: truutf lg sidewalks W. P. Mumtwy, In the following ).laces: Ou west .side of Al- Presidentof the Assembly. Approved Oct. 15. 1-f. dine street. a Duston ave e: o north f M ross rA oshstreet; O. Olin sic shu'1 h td on the east side oPulmos street Attest: Thus. A.LY rolill IIleT. 11 'hall u also south side C Itondo stroe[tnu erns Wilder stn u c he. and tcawsx, Cit- Clerk. Oct, 10. the 1s hereby referred to tie Bonrtl of Public WUrks to Investigate and report: -- Is flit improvement pu olx;r and to arT7 I[ so. s,ad the Council proper order diene- Ordinh ce No. I:H2-B11 F No. 309- Inii�f the work to b, dune. Adupted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 6 An ordinance •batt llq to t•om ruck and cut- traelors with the City of St. Paul. 1891, - jTle Common Council,f t he City of St. Paul Yeas-Ald. Bielenbergg, Bott, C,nley. Cope- \Icl:ady. Sul- do ord,In as follows: 1. when contract is ordeed W laud, Cullen. Dobner. Dorniden, liven, Mr. Vice President -10. Section any be made or let under the provisioner the city Nuys -0. hart, r, ur file er- nmmhdatory thereof, Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 7. 1891. for any public improvements, cit leer on Yeas -Messrs, Banholzer,Coetello.Elmquist, streets, public grounds, public buildings or OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL FOR 1891. 275 other structure, or for reputrs thereto, such claim, and the name of the court in tvbieb the contract .shall contain a speelal Ihrovision for sumo is pending. the puvment of the laborers who may per- Seo. �. All contracts let by the City of St. form work or labor on :thy st ch work or im. Paul W any person or persons For gqrading, provemunt. Out Ofthe amount due to the con- streets, public grounds. public buildings or tractor or contractors therefor from the city, other structure , public Improvement. shall before any part or portion thereof shall Le be made to include, b referoneu theroW, the jruid W said contractor or cwhtrneWl s. their Provisions of this ordinance. h ins, agents or assigns, o. he•civatter pro Sec5. All ordinances of the City of St. 'tried. Poul In any manner contravening, or in any Sec. 2. When contracts aro made as stated respect incou8i.leut with the previsions of l06ectlon I o. this crit":uhce, it 'hall be the tills ordinance, ore hereby In all things m- dutyofthe CltyComptrolle'. before auditim, Dcaled. n estimate fur any work, W rmlutrc f tae Sec• 6. This ordinance shall take effect on tractor or c�mtraerr's u full lint of all pery slid be in force from and after its publica- sops whohavebeet employedbyhrmor them tion. on said "0' timetlleyhnac worked and Passed by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 6, the amount rine from him or them to math of 1801. - .aid laborers; whi,lh statenhent+ball be sworn Yeas -Aid. Bielenberg, Butt. Conley. Cope - re heforo sun dpcer uucllorized w admin- ]end, Cullen, Dobner. Uornitlen. Melody, Sul r. beingtrue, and as cunlnlningn Ilvuu, Mr. Vic, Provident -10. full list of ullehersons lid [he mounts or Nays -0. sums due to uch for bWor theater; and JNo. F. GEHAN. thereafter it .hull be the duty of the Vice President of the Board of Aldermen. Bald C-atptroller. when a hud its n. c.tine te. Paaaed by Lhe Assembly Oct. Ii,. 1801. to annex said sworn stalemmht. W the same as Yeus-yleserv. Ilanholzer. Eliat. McCaf- purt thereof: and said work shall be paid for ferny, MoNumce, \linea, Opponbefm, Van Gy the City ,f St. Pawl If the mount of the SI ke. hi r. President -8. ,statute Is sufficiently large, If not. then pro Nuys -0. uta: and. i[ there sh¢I I be :sly st rplus otter W. P. Mmar wy, paying fur said labor, the sumo shall be Psid President of the Assembly. to the contractor or contractors. Provided, Approved Oct. 15. IWI. however. that, if the contractor ,r e,ntrllL`- O. O. CULLEN, Wrs, shall make and file with the Com ptruller I Acting Mayor. h and u vit that all the labor fm' which un es- Attest: Trios. A. PRANDEan AST. floristic is asked has been paid for, the Comp- City Clerk. troller mayy walve tho- e statement before prOct. 19. vlded for I I lids section. - See. 3. If in case there may be any claim A•yy F. 149 -- for labor do,e and perl'ormtd for any sun- {v""" By an Act of the Legislature. tractor or uo,trnuwrs in Lhe performance of entitled ••An Act W lit Lhorize the Common lien work for which an estimate is asked for. Council of cities to vacate roads, streets and (dell may for any ro:[sou have been omitted alleys in Cerehln cases.' approved March 31, from the trontnwwr's sworn statementeh work , the 1x01. push ,idol ru� dol ns 1tied. eivftb the Cumi air; izedih In cases wheon re aril bo of let nrdy8 all have yauthor- d'.ri yy ler, at any time lurid' the tprovitni,asf of alae $lett laid uu[ by chs hoard f Park Commis - work underthe contract. and orddn Wnilays stoners of any city in this state, pant alio after the allowance by Lbu Dunic for Public shores of any laky wholly or Portly em- s Works of Wu gaol csthnate rider any con- braced within the limits of any public park. Lrnct; d, upon the tlliug ,C 'uid claim ns upon the petition f any pars„ Interested ¢foresafd, the Comptroller shulingi ce the con- fn the reversion of th, streets, roods and al- trucwr or contruewrn a -tire thereof, and, if Icyi, w lw vacated, or any portion teerof, and the contractor or contrautors dues not con - p, tile, recommendation of rho Board of sant W the payment of the .robe, the amount Yark CUmmissione re of such city, W vacuto thereof shall be; retained in the city treasury, any street, road and x I. lying within the I f there be u sum ryuul to the amour t uluinierl II m its of such boulevard, or witilhi the dis- d e lie co ltract�r,r cuntractore. or, if less, canoe c[ 1.5u feet therefrom. without my com- the whole amount o int due t,the mntructor ur I peusution being paid into the city treasury of contractorsfora period of IO days from Lhe saltl city therefor; u,d date of the allowance of Id final estimate. Whereas. Certain pernons In I"stod in the when. if said laborer o laborers have not eversion f certain 'creels and de lying taken the act .....y legal steps towards put- (thin tlhe limits of the boulevard laid out by tial aid claim IoW ]uttigmenr, the s mu the Board If Park Commissioners of tire shall be puid over W the contractor or tun- City, of St. Paul on the shorts of Lake Como, true.- h ,o titloned th, Common CUuncil of tib, DI t n4contrucUini Ur c,otrwio I-."ugfuvor a iteeta tSt.a Paul for the vacation of certain ago s , y g within said bou levard and with In of the person d,ing such ark uVUn y the tlistnvcu ol'150 feet therefrom. which pp LIt alma with the Cumptr-Ilei ria fare aid. titimI to enc Cmnmo, Counell bears date Dioy or laboron any tertian will, the City -f St. 1 5, 1801; Poul, elm u e1.nll bu told obit,[ elm city And wheroa.. Pim Board of Park Commis- teuaury. If th-re are fun,,s upplicub:c Chore-' stoners Uf elm City Uf St. Paul hate um- tU due the ,'ontrectur or c-ntractors, and the .d,a W the Common i... genii of tat City of untso paid shall becharged up against file St. Paul that the pryer of the Bald petl- uctor or c,ntrnci ors us pnA-meat on said tioners be granted W the extent f v crib,' c r CG Procidod. l,uwerer, 7hnt the Clty those portions f rhe streets hereinafter u[ St. Poul shall not I, any creat. bn Ilul,le tU m c Itioneu anal dosed bed; puy %y Judgments rendered as above spI' \ow [hero for,. IB IL resolve[!. b.y th, Com - fie ,unless there sllull be file with the City mon <'uu acid of Lhe City of St. Paul, That all Cum Ptro.ler, within said : xty days, a notice that portion of the state road from at. Aa - of t1Is commencement of tLe suit on such thony W St. Pawl, as authorized by an act of 276 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Ise Iwl t1. n the limits of the bo.1 lard nrwouind Luke Como. ua established b the Board of Park Commiaslouers of the City of St. Paul, suit all that portion of id state rood lying t (thn the distance of ]6i/ feet nP :tt y portion of said boulevard, be ane the some Is hereby in all tit ings amttod. And also all that portio. Of the Uoulevtird, nr street as shown on the olnt of Warro.dale, Id the same is hereby 1n H1 It portion u[ Lhar. treat or I named, and which rune Clark's subdivision of block d Lnke Como, from south - t, ae shown d.. the plat f lying southerly of and Ith- boundury Imo of id Luke as established by the Board loners f the City f St. same is hereby in all things t art and portion of the r Lake road• as shown on tine o Villas, Iyin(u en.c n[ the avenue, how. ° ddition, f record In the .taro[ Deeds, and easterly feet of Lire mr terly boun,- C . o boulevard. as •stab- d of Park Cori IN icners Paul. bo and the same Is menti as provided by ]nw: It being the opinionof I" tmneil that real esthtofnu lie hone flied to the extenTioY tltu� dierm ' s, ars L=' and there es netessury W be .....reit Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Sept. 15, I8o1, Yeas-Ald. Biolenberg. Bott. Conleyy. Cope- landColin- D. -Id.., Melody. S..bun;, Mr.1. rosId..,r9. Nays -0. Adnpl,- the issombly Eltm la'fa IDIc C.f ]sus-Me=ars. l3u aholzor, l'I t. forty, Me Nurace, Miami. Oplwnheim. Vu. S, yyke. DI r. President -A. NuY'-O. Approved Oct. 15, 1891. tt-Bd P No j% I. That tb, Board of Public Works Ity Engineer be ad they thorlaetl W spen:I not to t sed utting Commercial street, from .cot to Hudson avenue, In a safe ble condition. INthe Board of Aldermen Oct. 6. Id, Blelenberg. Bott, Conley. Cope- -.. Donor. Dorniden, Mcludy, Sul - y the Assembly Oct. 13i 1991. ars. Banholzer, Ellnqust. M.Caf- imoe, Minea, Opponhe(m, Van 'resident -f. Oct. 15, 1901 lieim. Van Slyke, Mr. President -9. -- NaPs-O. Bit F No. i9B- W. P. \1ifa AY, In the tier of the t of Lire Board or President ul file AaeemblY. Public•\Yorke dated Oci�i4, 1891. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 6, It la hereby otdetsd oy tbo Commo. Council 1803. - ftho Cityof St.Pnul: Yeas -Aid. Bielen berg, Bott. Cuul.yy Cuppe That the Hoard of Public OY said City land. Cul ion, Dnbner. Dorniden. 3f.ludy' of St. Paul mluse the following nmprovomante Sullivan. Mr. Vice President -1U. to be made, to -wit: Cooetructubridge«c rose Nays --0. ad .ver the right of way at fila St. Yxulh .lour F. Ge ftAb Duluth Rallway . mpnnp. within the lines Vico President of the Board of Aldermml' f h'uut ler Btroet. in sold city. Approval Oct. 8, 1891. o lu O. O. C -,,.N, Acting Mayor. Tlmt said board cause said work to be ]at by A[tost: Taos. A. Prsltxsrsuesx, City Clerk c°n tract, as provided by law, without one - Oct. 19. half the estimated cost be(INK first paid to OIL city treasury; and atter aidwork 'In be placfx] uodere.ontnlet. said biardshull pro- cecd without delay to assess the nmoupt, Its Bit F No. quo- nmarly as they can ascertain the same, which In the matter of the %port of the Board of will be mqut red to pay one-half of the costs Public Works dated .futie 25,1891. l and necessary expense of such trap roro in' It is hereby ordered by file Common Council ;pen the rent estate to be bemfltted by said t the City of St. Pani: ImProt-emcnt ns provided by law: it being the Thee the Board of Public Works of said ..pin inn of t.1.. Cor. nein thus coal _.I,! to be City of St. Paul cause file following Improve- assessed for such Improvement can be fund meet tobe made, to -wit: Open Lake Coma' benefited to the extent of one -halt of the and Phalen avenue. between Humhne nit costs and 1.epe.so necessary to be ineurmd Snelling acenu.s. in n(d city, .mdemning thereby. file balance to De fluid be ot'the and taking till that Innd between Hemline bridge bund fund. a d Snelling urenues IYing within t1.. Ilucs' AduPt'd by the Board of Aldermen Oct. G. of a strip eighty feet wide, the center line of ]891. Rett. Can1eT, Cope which sari > hall Ire the or 11 If.. of file Yens -Aid. Bielen b.rq, North one-�mlf of s w x of sectlmn 2'. tow.. land. Dobnor, Dorniden. Gehnn. Melody, Sul - 29, range 23. being in the City of St. Paul, : livan. Mr. 1'msldent-10. Tllnnesuta, Nays -11. That said Board shat[ proceed with nut de- Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 13. 1891. lay to assess the amount, us nearly as they Y., Messrs. Banh.I.er. Elmqufst, IdcCuf- can a -certain the Same. whlcb will be re-, ferry. M.Nxmee, Dfi..ca, Cpp-helm. Va. quimd to pay the dumngce, costs lad .sees- Slpke. Mr. resident -8 scary expenses of such improvement upon the Nays -0. real estnto Lobe bonefited by sold improve- Approved Oct. 15, 1891. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL FOR 1891. 271 Rd No. 490- city, necessury to construct the slopes for In the matter of the report of the Board of cuts and fills In grading said alley to the cs- Public Works dated Oct. 5, 1991. tablished grade thereof. s shown by the It is hereby ordered by the Common Council i pprofile of said grade on file In Lhe cues of the f Lite City of SL. Paul: Register of Deeds In nit for Ramsey ecoaly That the Board of Public Warks of said 1 In the office of the Cit ( F.n Kinser, . till Cit;of St. Paul cau.so the P RuwinK Improve- slopes to extend no d u :-half !1'�) feat [s to be made Wwit: Grade the p- : cn sold Innd Yor every Poot o11 slit or HII us in- prouches t, the He...Y tract bridge, be- aicated on ala plan of said slopes attached twee. Payne avenue and GreY•ubrier avenue, to said report, and t> be filed In the once of t'thaf] LNt said Board cause said work to be let by y IThit atisa d Board shell -,-it without do- n trnet, as provided bylaw. 'ithout re- toy to masers the amnunt-ns nearly us they can half the estimated •est I+ci1K ti rat let , into r •ertain the same, which will be reaiui red to the'try+ trousury, the eosts and ry ex- pay rhe dunnages. test nod provem`1c r. rr e peneos f sash I";Pth mea[ to bn paid out of l lx+lses f oce s x the brl.ge bond fund. . tate to be benefited 1 . aid tl tol) ement Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. f+. a provided by law; it Ucing the opinion of 1801. ffic Council that rent estate to be assessed for Yens-Ald. Biolenberg. Butt. Conley, Co such improvement sun bo found beret ted to hued, Dnbner. Dunrlden, Gehnn, Melody, Sol the extent of the damages. cost and expen- livan, Mr. President -10. sea -,curry to be Incurred thereby. Nuys -0. Adopted by the Board of Alderm.n Oct. 4 Adeptml by the A.s .v ly Oct. 1:1. 1HUI. IMJI. Yeas -Messrs. Bunholzer, Elmgnist. SlcCuf- Y.ue-Aid. BIIlen berg, Bot.t. Cooley, Cope- fertY, M !N..- Miner., Opp ­ h, nn, Va. Ixnd, D1Uner, Dorniden. Gohan. Melody, 8..1- 81yyke. Mr. Presideut-e. liven, Mr. President -10. NnYs--O. Nuys Approved Oct. 15. 1891. Adoptetl by the Assembly Oct. 13, 1801. 1Yeas-Muesrs. Ban holier, Elniquist, McCaf- ' forty, McNamee. Minea. Oppenheim, Van Slyke, At r. P -4d, ut--A. Hit F No. rm- aye -0. In the mutter of the report f the Board of Approved Oct. 15, Mel. Public \Yorks dated Scut. Gi. ,Poll. IL Is herebytty n[order.d by t. le Commo. Council if the CSt. Pule �BdFNo.fA2- That the Board of Public Works of said City of St. Paul cause the following ire trove- I In the mutter of the report of the Board of ments to be made, to -wit: Grade the alley In 1, is e�Vorksl; `u d Uct. 5.1891. Howard's addition t. said city y ori y the Common Council That said Board cause sutd wok to be let I of the C)ty of 8t. P. by contract, as provided by law, without one- Thnt the old board of Public Works of I:nif file estimated cost UeInK first paid Into sold City of 8t. Paul cause the follon'I., im- the .icy irons.. ry, unit nfiersum work shall Provomenis to Ue de, to -x -It: Grade the be placed tin de, contract said Beard shall alley in block W. Artingfin Halla addition. proceed Ithoat delay to a ss the amount. ; ss d Weil. avenue from the north line .[said 1 they c crtdn heens Iley to liunnry s[rm+t,inauldc(ty,enidgrnd- whlult will he required to a ny the costae, nd Inrhat sold ,I, -der nae contact, n esthuy rd re 1 estate tui be beneflted by sand U' aootract. ns c 1 3, d x'ork to be let 1.111 Y provido� b law, tvltbout one- ImProvement s provided by law; it bolos hal. the stimnted cert being first paid into Lhe opinion of the Cr unetI that roan estate to the city trousury, and tiftor id work shall foundbe sbesed i Htedrsuch te the slaw aftosa tn. costa and be placed t oder •o �uct, said Board shall for no, ywiI ut deli to :fossas the amount, expenses necessary to be h -rad thereby. which rill s required red treseertuln Lhe same, Adopted by the Bourd of Aldermen Oct. 4 I pay the costs and 1891. necessary expenses of Buell improvement up- Yeas-Ald. Bielonberg. Rett, Conley. Cope on the real estate to be be.efltod by ofd in- land, Dnbner, Dorniden. Gohan, Mclxdp, Sul- Provement, ns paraded by law; it, being the Ivan. Mr. President -IU. opinloo .(the Councf] that rent estate to be Nays -fl. assessed for such Improvemcot call be found Adopted by the Assembly Oc•t. 1'3. 1801. � benefited [o the extent of the coats and ex-� Yeas-M.esre. Rnn holic r, Elmqulst. MCCnf pensee m•ecesarr to Ue Incurred thereby. forty, McNamee. Minea, OPIa`nhef m, Vun Adopted by t tie Board of Aldermen Oct. 6, Slyke. Mr. President ", 1891• Nays. 1, nd�tDobe. Dora de .bLrg. GNt..' MeludyCcu, Approved Oct. 15. 1891. liven, Mr. President -lo. NaTs-0. Adopted by Lhe Assembly Oct. 13, 1891. Yens -Messrs. IIanhalzer. Elt qu McCaf IIdFNo. 501-- ferry, McNumce. Mi.eu, Oppurbefm, Va. 111011 matter of the port t f the Board of Slyke. Mr. President -9. public Works doted Oct. 5, ]A91. uys-9. Uri,, hereby ordered by the Common Council Approved Oct, 15. 1891. the City of SL Pan]: That the Board of Public Works of said CILY OI St. Paul cause the following Imorove moat to be made. to -wit: Condemn and take ' Bd F No. 503-- tn.-.cutin rho land aImttb.fl.,I the alley In Lilo muttcrof the rapor6 of the Bard of in block 54, ArlinKton Bills udtl ition. in still Public Works doted rept ".41, 1A01. 278 PROCEEDINGS OF TI It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the, City of St. Paul: That the Board of Public Works of said City Of St. Paul cause the following improvements to be made, to -wit: Condemn and take nn easement on the land ubuttingon York street between Cypr•ees street and Earl st reet. in said city. necessary W construct the elopes for cuts and fills I. grading said Yorkystreet, between said streets, to the establishedK.ade thereof. as shown by the II t file oP said grade on file In the office of tine Register of Deeds In and for Ramsey county, antl In the office of the City Engineer; auid slopes W extend one and one-half (le_,) feet on sand land for every foot of cut or fill, as indicated on the plan .f said slopes attached to said re tort and W be filed in the office of said Boar. That said Board sholl proceed without de- lay to assess the amount, as nearly es they can ascertain the same, which will Iw re- quired W Puy the damages, costFor d neces- sary capenses uP such improvement upon floe meotses Prov bedbby lawn It belong tl�e oDln- len of the Couodl that real estate to be es- sessed for such improvement con Iw benefited : W tyye extent of the damages. cost and expen- �� sus immessary to be incurred therehy. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 6, 1891. Yens-Ald. Bie:enberg,Bott, Conley. Cope - ]and. Dobnor, Dorniden, Gelman, Melady, Snl- by the Assombly Oct. 13. Win- �ssrs. Bwoholzer, F.Inni st, McCaf- ti 4nmep. Mi t. Onot obl•ltrl. Vun- Approved Oct. 15, 1801 Bit F N.. 561- In aha matter of the report of the Board of Public Warks listed Oct. 6. 1801. It Is hereby ordered by rho Common Council f tlw CI[y .f St Pal l That the Board oP Publle \Yorke of the City of St. the cause the following Improvement W be mode. W -wit: Cuudemn uod take nn easement In the hand air Front inn the alley in reservation to Ste Poul, sad themento block 7 of all Ifiblock 8 of Drake's rearnaugcmont of block. ? 8.0 and 10, and lots 1 W Il of block 11, all parts of McLean'. reservation to St. Puu 1, in said Illy, "",'a ecessary W construct the slopes (cream unit fills m grading sold alley, to thohen -Lot'] I d grads thorn.(, as shown b etude un file in tare .file. of thin Register of Deeds In u U oPoce of th tend one :in for every f the Plan of be fit and u it That said certain assess th pertain the pay the da ctilms of air a to W be P'. Druvlded b �E COMMON COUNCIL. land, Dobnor, Dornlden, Gelum, Melody, Sul- llvan,\Ir. President -10. Nays -0. Adopted by the AssoFairly Oct. 18. 1891. Yens-11ssrs. Bmrholzer. Ehnquixt, McCaf- ferty. McNamee, Mines. OPpenhelm, Van Slyyke. AI r. I'rosident-H. Approved ). vod Oct. 15, 18111. Bd F No. 505 - In the matter of the ryport of the Board of Public Works dated Sep, It t. 2.8if>01. is hereby ordered by the Common Council P the City o[ 9t. Polll: That the Board of Public Works of said City of St. Paul cause the following imrove- it ent to III made, to -wit: Condemn and take an casement IF. the Innd abuttl n¢ on Sime street. between Earl street nod Cypress street, In said city, necessary W construct the slopes for •uts and fills o grading said Sims street between said street., W the established grade thereof as shown by the profile of suit grsuto on fide to the office of the Register of Deeds in unit for Ramsey county, and In the omce of the City En- 66ineer. still slopes W extend one ant one- Iralf (1',1 feet lou said land for every loot of cat or fill. n. indicated lou fore plan Of aid slopes attached to said report, and to be filed it, the office of said Board. That aaid Board shall proceed without de- lay to assess the amonoy as nearly ass they calm nucertu In the name, which w ll be qrd real to pay tiro damages. costs and tmce.- sun• expenses ul such improvement upon the real estate to be benefited b))• said Improve_ moot. as provided by law; It being the opin- I.o of Lhe Council that real estate W be as- sessed it such i nprovernent can be Pound beneated W the oxtunt of the damages, costs tint] expenses necessary t0 be Incurred thereby. Adopted by the BOmrd of Aldermen Oct. 6, 18111. Yens- Ald. Blelenberg• Bott, Conley. Copo- pond. Dobner. Dorniden, Gahan, Melady, .,o - . 11-ri. Mr. Pnirldent-40. Nuys -U. Adopted .. the Assombly Oct. lib, , Al Yens -Messrs. Banholrer, ElmqulsI McCnf- forty. McNamee. Miller,. Uppenha Fit. Von Oct. 15, 1891. fid F No. '1)11 - In the mutter of the report of the Board of Fid fur Ria sty county, an in the public Works doted Uct. 'l, 1801. e City Engineer; said slopes W ex It Is hereby onlered by tho Common Council d one-half (1ki feet on said load Ptho City of St. I'uul: - oot of cut or fil�, as Indicated on Th ht thin hoard oP Public Works of the City Fluid slopes uttacimdtosuid report, of St. Paul cause the fuilowing improve- > b • mode W wit: Con emu and P u n rd. cents [t e ed in the ofilce o s i Don Board shah proceed wlthey an us- tuko un easement within the lines of fFamiuler of I amount as .surly they can Fix- ntrert, across and over the right of way of same, which will be required W the St. Paul h Duluth Bsilway company, for inngge cost and neeesxnry ex- str wt and bodge puriwsen, in aaid city; con- ch Improvement upon thin rout es- i demnmg Find taking un easement. for street benefited by sold Improvement, ss and bridge purpuaca. amnia. and over that y law; it beim" the optnlon of the pport of th. Iglat oP wnY of time St. Paul & .t real estate W be "" eFl Por I)mrluth Railway company lying, within the '+'moot orin be found bonofitcd to linea of Natul-er street prout eod across sold A thI damng' cost uad expenses right of way. I bell ncurred therehy. That said Ilunrcl sluall proceed without de ry te Board of Aldermen. Det. It, Illy w unxoss Lhe umou Fit, Fix neurwy us they can a rorwln the name. which 111 be re- l. Bielonberg, Baty Conley. Cope.- quireFl W pay the dumalfen, coat. mud neces- OF THE CITY OF SE sary expenses of such improvement upon the real estate to be benefited by said Improve- ment. as provided by law. It being the opin on of the Uouncil that real estate W be ms eased for such improvement can be found benefited W the extamt of the damages. cost( and expenses necessary W be Incurred there by. Adopted by the Board o! Aldermen Oct. e, 1x01. Yeas-Ald. Blelenberg. Bort. Conley. Cope- land, Cullen. Dobner. Dorniden, Gehnn, Me, Indyy, Sullivan, Mr. President -]0. NUYs-0. Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 13, 1891. Yams-Mc.sra. Bunholl-, Elmqul�t. Mc- Caifmty, mm McNamee. Mines. Oppenheim. Van Slyke. Mr. President -8. Nara -o. Approved Oct. 15, 1891. Rd F No. 507 - In the inn, ler of the 'port of the Board of Public Works Fluted Oct. 6. 1801. It is hereby ordered by the Common Council Of the City of St. I'aul: That the hoar' of Public Works of the City of St. Paul cause the following improvement to ]e made, to -wit: Opeo,widen and extend the nIIey in block 1, Reifield'e t bdt,l.lo. of I oss 1:. 1:1 and 14, W liken :and Hoy ward's Out Lots, between the oast line oP Al atz's subdl- ision Find Gaultier street. in sold city; con- demning and taking all dint bond, not uI- reudy condemned or dedien ted fur alo, public tdying within the linen f said nIIey prn- ducetleasttoGaultlerstreet: also the south five (5) fee of lot 10 and tile. or, It five (5) feet.( lot Il of sold Belfied- nub, vislim. (wing in the Cftp oY 9t. Paul, :til an-sots; That said Rourl shall proceed wthoutde- lay to assess the amount: us nenrly an they call uncertain the sume which 11 I'm req ulred W pay the damages, costo and necusxury oxpenxex of such impruvemont ole, the tool entat, W le benefited b� old onprovement. an p vldod by'law: 11 •pug the opinion of the Council Hutt real estate t. he -,seised for such Improvement cull be found benefited W Woo extent of the damages, Inst turd ex. peones necessary W be Incurred thereby. Adopted by thI Bnnrd of Aldermen Oct. 6, 1891. Yea. -Aid. 1'•lelenberg. Bott, Conley. Cope. land, ;oil net. Dornlden, (Cohan. Melady, Sul - Mr. ProspdenG-10. Nnya-0. Adopted by the Assembly Oct. I:i, Ixfa. Yeu.-Messrs. Banholier, Elmquist, Mc- Cafferty, McNamee. Minna. Oppenheim, Van Stoke. Mr,. President -8. Nuys -0. Approved Oct. 15. 1901. Bd F No.508- In the matter of the report of the Rourd of Public Works dated Out. 1. 1801. It Is )retch ordered by rho Common Council 'If the Ctiy of 9t Poul: That Wo Iiuor I of Pu bill, \Yorks of the City of St. fool cause the following Improvement to be made. to -wit: Condemn uod tit I un movement in the land abutting on East Third street, between Eurl street rood the cost Itt.y limits, In still] city, n • •s y W construct the slopes Porcuts and Bll.strIn ending said East Tilled street, between sold points, to tire. esuablishld Resale thereof. as shown by the profile of salt] grade on Idle In thin ounce of the Register of Duods in and fur liamsey JXT PAUL FOR 1801. 271, county, and the office of the City Engineer; said slopes to extend one and ono -half fl) Peet on said land for every foot of cul or fill as odlcutcd on the plan of ss.id slopes at - inched W said report, and W be filed in the office of said Board. That said Board shall proceed without de- lay to assess the umount. as nearly as they can uncertain the same. which wl11 be required to pity the damages. cost and necessary ex - pensesof such improvement upon the real estate to be benefited by said improvement, as provided by law: it being the opinion of the Council that real estate W be assessed for such improvement can be found benefited W the extent of the damages. cost and expenses neceseory W be. Incurred thereby. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 6, laid. Yeas-Ald. Bielenberg, Bott Conley. C.I) ]and, Dobnor. Dorniden, Gehant Melady, Sul - livan, air. President -10. N.yn-0. Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 13, fird- Y-Messrs. inn holier, Eiml1 tat, Mc- Cufferfyy. McNamee, Mines, Oppenheim, Von Nice.Mr. President -8. N ays-o. Approved Oct. 15, 1801. It AIV. Conley -Bit F No. It - It ishereby ordered by the Common Council of the City oP St. Paul: That the ulatter of constructing and layl ng u new wooden sidewalk on the northerly sldo of Spruce :filet, from Cmnn f streot W n point 250 teat west oP Spruce streot (ea asked for in the annexed pedtlonl. be. and the oy referred to tho Board of Pub- Invustiguto and report: ovemen I proper turd necensaryl c Councll it proper order direct - for he done. the Board of Aldermen Oct, 6. Blelonbur . Butt, Conley Cope- Dobner. Dornlden, Molmfy, Sul- o President -10. the Assembly Oct. 18, 1801. r.. Bmnhelxer, F.Irm,,ulxt. Me- Ynmee. Miteu, OPpernilelm. Van Approved Oct. 15. 1891. By AId. Botc-Bit F No. 524- Hm"Ived. Thutthe ggrade of tiro alley in A. Gotiinn's subdl vlslan of block 107, Ly- Duy'tou's addition, from Forest street toaC frees street. us l,:dl YI catud by rhe red grndI Ilse on the m:compnnrog profile and and sumendednpc b9tndopteit us the estuli I Isbell 'rude. 1.Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 1891. Ycnx-Ald. BlelenleeK, Bott, Conley. Co w- lunliv:d, Cullen, Dobner, Dorniden, Mein y, ;a Iu. Mr. Vice President -10. Nuys -o - Adopted by the An-bly Oct. 13, 1891. Yens--Mansrs. Be,,] I.er, Elmo ulst. Me-.- R�rty Afc.Nnmle. Mines, Oppen�wim, VollSlyyk., Afr. Prisideot--8. Nays --0. Approved Out. 15, 1891. 280 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL By Ald. Blele nberg-Bd F No.525-- I council t a meeting held Oct. 8. A. D. Resolved that the grade of the alley le 1980. did mlopt a res hoinn fixinng the value block 9, Mack Df arshall's ndrB tton.irom f the I:md so v c U -d dict ®:iW: Led. d, whereas. %eat street W Muck, bin street. a, indicated I the said num of ffii he valuation f tine by the red grade Iine o h, a n,p nyf¢g Premises vacated, as fixed by r lotion of proal,, and as recommevded byctbe ity F.n- I the Common Council. . % J. C;t.. Wnt gmeer, be, and the same Is hereby adopted un ! paid Into the treasury of the Cicy of Paul the established grade. for the purpose and In order thut a certain Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Olt. I arra gement and replotting of J. C. SWIG's 1891. 9econdn the tion to St. Paul mlguL be duly Yens-Ald. ;Bisk=,r;; Butt. Cuuiey, Cu Ie- li recorded; and. whereas, un e t f land land, Cullen, llubner. Dnrniden, Dfehuly. �u:- hos been dedlcnWd by the saldn J. C. 9Wut liven, Dir. Vice 1'residcn t--10. [u public usn as a street. and m a Part o[ and Nays -0. at the time of said •scatlon more then Adopted by the Assembly Oct, 13. IS)L equivalent lu value and area W the amount Yeas -Messrs. Ranhoizer. Elmllulst. Mc- '. of laud in the street vacated; and. whereas, Ca ferty, McNamee. Minea. Oppenheim, Van the said J. C. Stout paid inW the city treas- slyko. Mr. President -P. ur3' under the pmvlsions of hapter tweetyy- 11ays-o. I s vet (27). Spc•cinl Laws of Minnesota 7880; Approved Oct. 15, 1891. therefore, 4 it Resolved, That the premises s,, dedicated W public use ns u street, to lieu of the street ucuted, Is+ unit the same Is hereby fixed it By Aid. Sullivan-Bd F No. 526-- the slit f M. Resolved. That the grede of the alley I,I Resolved, Further. That there be nod is the most nortle"" rlyy block in Union Pnrk• 1 hereby appropriated and sct up•+rt in the city from Prior ace nue W Ly nhurstnvenue west, treusu rye >ut of Lhe 'local Improvement as indicated by Lhe red grlde line un the tic fund., the sum of sio0. a Il the It trensv ry nying)n-11 and n recon en led by Is hereby s Lhorlied d In a rucWd W 1 p an the City Enlace be nna the me is horoby ver thv aid sum of $<1(MI W Llte a Id J. l.. fid ` Wa sa [ c via bl is) d gnadc. Stout; and that a prope city odor he drawn AdopWd by the ]fear d of Aidurmen Oct. 6. pun file airyy O'n ry In furor ,f said J. U. 1891: SWut for snitl sum. Yeas Aid IIlvlenberg, Butt. Conley OVpe Re,solvd. Further. That resolution A'y F land, Callen, Dobner. Dnrniden, Gcl N • No S n Proved Sept. J, IlNJI, be and iill hereby In dy; Sullivan, dr. Vice President 10 (utl. N -sem, rtopold by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 6, A QoPted by the Assembly Oct- I3, 10.11. 1891. Y-cos-Dtessts. Bnnhulzer. Elmqui-t, DicCef- j Yous-Aid. Blelenlxrs'• Butt. Cooley. Copo- fermf McNamee, Minea, Oppe¢hei n,, Vnn Imld, Do )Vic Dor¢ido l G'ball Melody, 9uI- 9I Presidno-S. liven. Dir Vlce Presid-t-10. 1va3's-o. Nuys -o. Approved Oct. 15, 1891. AdopWd by the Assembly Oct. 13, 1891. Yeas -Messrs. Bunholzer, EI joist. Van CnaertY. Me Name, MIIIZ OPPnn ,c Me - 51 -ke, Mr. Froeident-P. By Ald- Conley-Bd F No. 577- Resolved. That the Board of Public Works pp - ed Oct. 15, 1891. be.. and tile, u e Lerch' nnfitnri-d unit in- 1 by io the sidewalk inn the north- I -- stmet. tram Cuunaa street ate x- sl of Cunndn scmet. W : Dy Aid. Sullivan -Bit F No. St4- tui ed. Itc- Iced, That the City Engineer be., nod Is o board of Aldermen Oct. 6. hereby Instructed W construct u mttebbmin n the east sideof Lynhurst "venue e¢scut BielenbCrq. Rett Cooley. I its intersectio¢ with I ynlul rat .vein st. n. Dolmen, Dorntdcu. Melody. Ad enlist by the Buard el Aldermen eOct. G, Ce President -10. 1891. Y n. Aco 1 oanethug. Batt, Conley. , Sit[ - e Assomby Oct 1:1, 1Fo1 land. Calico, Vi, DPrc.i , Dornlden, Melody, Std B:mholzer, F.Inu77 ui't OSc- liv:ut. Dlr. Vice President -l0. ere, Minos, lip pelllnoit Van Nel's-U. 'deut--9. Adopit•d by the Assembly Oct. IS, 1891. Vans Dlessrs. I3, b llxer. Elm. ulst. DIe- Approved Oct. 15, 1891. Cu Rert} M.Namee. Mlnen, OPlxttineI., Vu¢ Slyke., Mr. President -8. Nays -0. ( Approved Oct. 15, 1891. By Ald. Conley- Bd F No. 542- - \vbemas. the Colo.- Council of the City e of St. Paul, at a meeting held on the firstday of October, A, D. 1S89, did i dept a resolut.iu I Ry Ald. Dobner Rd F No. 546- ' ,mating tient portion of Plommit Place sit- Resolved, 7'Inat permission lm hereby given uate between Plcusant avenue cast of the W D. DI. Robbins to grade Vandalia street. west line of lot twenty-four cN), in said from University venue to the Territorial block three (:I), find east of Il'a wet line of nod, work to be deal under file direction of lot seven (, ), in said block ck four (41, when tllo City Englnaer. and all expenses incurred said west line is extended .so ae to meet ench I the grading of the street to be paid by Mr. other ; sultl blocks four (i) and film, I; . Robbins. 1 - being blocks three 3) and four (3) of J. ((,1 Adopted by the 13ourd of Aldermen Oct. 6, St. ut's addition W Summit Park. In SL. Raul, 1891. fl Dlinnesets; and, whereas. sold Continua Yeas-Ald. Bicle.nberg. Bott, Conley. Cope OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL., FOR 1801. 281 }i ` i1t land, Callen. Dobner- Dnrniden. Gahan, Mo- Bd F No. 560- ladV. Sullivan, Mr. Vice President -10. \vlterea-s. The St. Paul Gas Light Company Nays -0. heretofore paid IoW tine city treusu ry the (. „ AdopWd by the Assembly Oct. t:i. 1891. nn f four hundred dollars, the amount r Yens -Messrs. Blas holier. El incl1 uist. Dle- attract m s udv;ance Payment for file vueut- - Caforty, McNamee. Minna- OPpellmim, Vnn Ine of an allay iv It] tick three (3) of Lind,- Slyke. Mr. President 8. n subdivision of lots nine 191 and Wit Nuys -0. f 10� of Hyde Park addition to St. Paul, as by Approved Oct. 15, 1801 ;ferm+ce W tbo prexeedt nit' f the Common Oouncil Bute Sept. 17. 990. fully d .' , of appears; And whereas, So vacation for certain I•!„t - ns has been held W be Wchnicully dcfeo- five, ,,,it the ov-,along ale 11 an the hall Petitioned fore•t •• cation of euld alley, Rd F No. L59- will It Petition is now before I he Council for Whereas. The owners of the proem ty abut- ting upon and along Lhe line of the ulicy in lu•th.n thereon, leof Now, therefore. be It Resolved, That an !'1 block three (3 , Lindcnutml's subdivision order be drawn up m the city treasury of the lots pine (i) nit ton (70). Kyrle Park adds- City of,, Paul, pI in fiver of the St. Paul 1; tion to St. Paul. have petitioned the Comm on Ga. Light Cum easy. fur the toof four Council of the OILY of St. Paul to vd the hundrd (3-103) dollars. paid us nfure..fd, i. alloy in said block three (9), Lindemlte v's _ sum and ainun tit to be used unit 1pproprint- :! .a on of Iota nine (01 and ten f10). ed by said Sc. I'nul Gas Light Company W Hyde Park addi[lon to 9t. Paul, nehiclt said Ity the ndYl o cl Payment hereby regnRed potftiml duly sets forth the fuels and reasons �o tine vumatWn of said ill ley anew. far said vacation. Ind was duly uc,ompxn ted Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. bye plat thereof us proposed W be vacated; ]Sol .ad Yeas -A Id. I Butt, Conley, Cope- j ,� Whereas, The Board of Aldcrm en of the obU`berq, City of St. Rin 1, upon fisc prosentntion o[ I:uI,] Cullen. Dobner. sora me n. Melody, Sn]- 11 Vine 1'residevt-]0. _ 1;!� said petitlon, deemed It -ins ant til t the Naye-1. n ter be proceeded with, and ordered vdd Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 13. 19111. Petition to be filed of re'ord with the City }'u;�s-Meest�. Bun holier, F.Imr uist, Mc- Clerk, end no1lce W be by Y v giren publication Cafferty, McNamee, Minea, Oppeuinolm, Vnn pprovided It Inw: slid, I Slyke, Dlr. Pres l dent -8. ;m\Vhereus, Dae notice by publication In the Nny` o. ufaclnl paper of said dtY for fear weeks, Approved Oct 1fi, 18!11. crag nn the 21st day of August. A.MURRAY. D. 1991 W the effect 'hat sold "'tit"" had -si P. file Pn ni of the Assembi . y boffin filed with the City Clark. sLutivg In 0. 0. 0. C of brief its oblu t. -and that the .same would be president of Lho Board of Aldermen. card heard and ennUdered by the Rnurd oP Alder- o. F. Gxnwx. !: ,Tn be of the Clty o[ Sl, hunt. o¢ Tuesday. the ! Vice Pre idm,t of the Board of Aldermen. 6tbtday f October. A. D, 1891, at 7:30 u cluck i Attest: Tilos A. Pnx:soloul x. City Clcrk. in t he afternoon of said day t the col ncI l chamber to the city half of said cit,,; end Win arem, At the time unit place hast for" - said. r the invmti Cuth- Rod e t sidcratinn r eu,hrp PP sea vl tion of sada auey, OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Buard It AI<lermen after hearing all I,ernuns .. lnterosted, cad being of tle, optnfun Lbut til, game is •ass ry nit prope nit that the Ll( Itesnlutiuns Adopted by the common prcrequisitee there[nr have all Leen coin Piled Cannell of the Cl of St. Paul. t9 with; now Ghoroforu be it Resolved, Thu[ all of said alley in binelc A'v BdFNu. 2!711- three (3). Lindemann'. :til uliri-inn t[ IOL- I I, the mutter of file eport f the Board or SIne(9) nd Wn (301. Hyde Park addition «n P"hlie ,ver ksdated Oct.13.1891. t. ruin. as the -n ,.0 appears of record In she It, i sherehy' oracred by he common Council t thee of the RegieWr of iced, In and fee til, f the sty of st. Pani: County of Ramsey. Minnesota. be ..It I in That the Board of Public Works of said II 1+1'i came Is hereby duel fired W be vacated id i City of St. Paul cause the followingimprove- discnntmued as asked for in said Petition meat W be made, to wit: Construct u six (8) and its herein above .specified. flwt wooden sidewalk on the south ids uP Ado ted by the Board of Aldermen, Oct. Forest strolit, from Bny street to Canton a 6, 1891. street, in id city. Yeas Ald Bleicn berg, Ilett, I'll yl Cope- Thae said Ronrd shall procced without d I -y Iand. Cullen. Dobner- Durn idml. D[elady. Iay W assess the amount, as nearly as they- e- Sullivun. Mr. Vice President -10. can + certain the same, which 111 be to- ..11•. Nays'-O. Nays 0. haired W pay the costa find necessary ex- ,I1o. F. GepAN, passes of s h 7mProv,mept eon the mal Vice President of Board of Aldermen. ! esUlW W bebene6Wd byy aid improvomeut, Adop'ed by the Assembly Oct. 13, 1891. provided by hlw; It 1leing the opli lon of Yeas Dlc-srs. Bnnholzer, Elmquist. Me('uf the Council tlnnt real rotate W W assessed for Herty, McNamee. Mines.. Oppen beim. Vnu such ImV vemene can be bonefitcd to the II 81y ke, Mr. President -8. xtent of the costs and expenses neceirsary W Nu➢s-O. be Incurred thereby. , \\'. P. MI''il-, Adopted by the Assembiv Oct. 18, 1891. Presided of Lhe A.-sontbly. Peas -Messrs. Bnnbotzcr. Elmquist. Me - Approved Oct. 15. 1891. CnRerty. McN umce, Minea, OUPen beim, Mr. O. O. CL h1.x N. Acting "'ayor. Vice Pmsldcnt-8. Attest.: Tiros. A. Pill, R.A.Y. NIIYS- 0. Illy Clerk. Adopted by file Board of Aldermen Oct. 20, Oct. 19. 1891. {I 282 PROCEEDINGS OF 'I HE COMMON COUNCIL. Yele -Ald. Bielenberg, Butt, Conley. Cope- A'y F No. 293- B nal. Debater, Dorniden, Gehan, Melady, Sul- 1 n the matter of the report of the Board of Irian. Mr. President -10. Public Works dated Oct. 13. 1891. Nays --0. It Is hereby ordered: by the Common Council Approved Oct. 21. 1891, of the City of St. Paul: That the Board of Public Works of .said City of St. Paul cause the following improve. - ment to be castle, to -wit: Construct a six (6) I foot wooden sidewalk on the west side of Lin- A'y F No. 291- den street, between Mount Airy street and In tare matter of the port of the Boarder Areh street, in said city. Public Works dated Oct. 1:1, 1891. That sold Board shall proceed ithout do - It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council layto assess the amount, as nearly as they Of the City of St. Paul: can + scertain the same, which will be re - That the Board of Public Works of the City yuiredtoIlay the costs anal necessary expen- f St. Paul cuuso the followinglmprovemcets ses of sue, Improvement upon theaeal saute to be made, to -wit: Construct u six (61 tout to be bunented by said impprovement. as pro - wooden sidewalk. together with the neccscary- sided by law, it being tlm opinion of the crosswalks, on the east side of Linden street. Counci] that real estate to be assessed for between Arch street and Mt. Airy street, in such Improven ment can be found beefito ted said citytheexleut of the costs and expenses neces- That said Board shall proceed without de- salry to be incurred thereby. lily W assess the nmuunt, us n'Larly n, thZ Adopted by the Aseemblp Uct. 13, 1891. ..'I ascertain the same, which wlifbe nvpureJ YI _.cssra. Bunholzer, Elmqulst, Me- t, pay the costs and necessary expenses of Cuffert}} McNamee, Mines, Oppenheim, Vat+ each nmprorement upon the real estate to be Slyke, Mr. Prosident-8. benefitted by said Improvement, as provided Nuys -0, b low, is being the opinion oY the Council AdopteA by the Board of Aldermen Oct. that reel sante to be nssessed for suck ink- 2(I, 1891. prevenient mut be found benefited to the ex-Yeas-Ald. Bio:celwrg. Butt, Conley. Cope, tent of the costs and expenses neco vary to lend. Dobler, Dorniden, Gehun. Mdy, clu, Sul - be fucurred thereby. liven. Mr. President -le. Adopted by the Assembly Uct. 1:1, 1891. Nays -0. Yana -Messrs. Ban hoLec Oct. me- Approved Oct. 21, 1891. CatfertXX McNnmec, Mmes., Oppeu hei m, van S]y ke, illn President-& - Nayste. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 20, 1891. Yens -Aid. Bielenberg• Botts Conlry. Copy land, Dobner, Dordiden. Gehun. DlchWy, Sul- Ilvan. Mr. President -10. Nay, -9. Approavud Oct. 21. 1891. A'y F No 2I— .In the mutter of the report of the Board of Public Works. dated Oct. 13. islil. It is hereby ordered by the Common Connell of the Clty of 6t. Yxnt l: ch That s Board of Public Works of the City of St. Paul cause the following mr- provement to be made, to -wit Construct n three plunk sidewalk on the north side of ft ward avenue, from Newport ave'like to u point two hundred (200) feet mist of said New. port avenue, in .said elty. That said Board skull proceed without dc- lny t> aus assess the mount. early as they can ascertain the same, which will be re- opened W D+ay the casts and necessary expen- es of such fmprovoment upon floc rsI share i to be benefited by said Improvement, as pro- ided by law; it being the ofli n ion 0f the Council [hut real estate to be nssessed I- : tch improvement can be found benefited to the extent of the costs anti expenses nacos- . sary te be incurred [here by. Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 13, 1891. Year Messrs. Bunholzer, Elmqulst. Me- Cafferty McNamce. Mines, Oppenheim, Van Slyke. fir. Presidentrl0. N Lay _0' Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 20, 1&91. Yeas-Ald. Bielenberg, Bott. Conley, Cope- land, Dobner, I)-raldon, Gclucn, Mcludy, Sol- M'. Preside. t-111. Nays -0. Approved Oct. 21. 1101, A'y F No. 294- 1,;y n the matter ofthe report of the Board of Public Works dated Oct. 13, 1891. It ishereby ordered by the Common Council t' the City of St. Pani: or the Board of Public Works of said City of St. Paul cause the following improve - out to be muds, to-wlt: Construct a six (6) h,>t wooden sidewulk n othe want side of Avon street, between St. Anthony avenue and Mar- tin street, In said city. That Said Board shell proceed without de- lay to assess th...... t as nearly as t hey can is- b,in the some, which will be required W pay the esL un"" necessary expenses oP such trop rumen[ upon the real estate W be bent lit luby sold improvement, us provided by law; It being the opinlun of the Council that real estate to be assessed for such improve- ent can be found benefited to the extent of the costs and expenses necessary to be In . carred thereby. Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 13. 1891. as- 1'e)Icssrs. Bunholzer, Elmqulst. Mccaf- ferty, McNameeMinea. Oppenheim, Van Slyke, lair. Prsidennt-8. Nat's -0. AdopPted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 20. IS91. Tens-Ald. Bielen burg, 1•ntt. Conley, Cope- land, Dobner. Dern idea, Ochs. I Mcludy, Sul- livan, kir. President. -10. NLnps n. Approved Oct. 21, 1881. A'y F No. 1" In the matter of the port of the Board of Public Works Listed Oct. 13. 1&1. It Is hereby ordered by rho Common Council f the City of St. Pa.I That the Board of Public Work. of the City of St. fuel cause the followl ng improvement t+ be ode, to -wit: Construct u wooden sidewalk on the sumo side of Laurel avenue, OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 283 between Victoria street and Milton street, in said city. Thatssld Board shall proceedwithoutde- lay W assess the amount, as near] y as they can r scertaf l the same. which will be re- quired to pay the costs and necessary expem sea of such Im l ovement upon the real state to be benelitetl by said improvement, as pro- vided by law; it being the opinion of the Council that real estate to be assessed Por such improvement can be found benefited to the extent of the costs and expenssneces- sary to be Incurred thereby. Adopted by the Assembly Oct' 13.18'1. Yeas -Messrs. Bunholzer. Elmqulst, Mc- Cafferty. McNamee. Mines, Oppenhelm. Van by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 20. I3ott. Conley. Cope- lubun, Molndy, Sul - Approved Oct. 21. 1891 A'y F No. 276- In the matter of the report of the Board of Public Works Listed Oct. 13, 1891. It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the city of St. Yall : That the Board of Public Walrksofsnid City of St. Paul cause [Ile followl ng inprovement lobe made, to -wit: Construct aneigbt (81 foot wooden sidewalk on the south side of Lawson street, from Earl street to Forest street, in said city. That said Board shall proceed without de- lay to Issues the amount. us nearly as they can -certain the same.which wl11 be required to paty the costs and necessary expenses of such Improvement upon the real estate to be benefited by said imVrovemont as provided by law; is being the opinlunof the Council that real estate tra be assessed fur such Improve - mens can be found benefited W tine -lent of the costs and expenses necessary to be ln- eurred thereby. Adopted by the Aasem bly Oct. 13, I&ll. Yeas -Messrs. Banhnlzer. Elmc uhot. Me- Cafrerty. McNamee, Miners, Oppenlnenb Van by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 20, d. Biclenbearg, Bott, Coale . Co>L- by haw; it being fire opinion of the Councilthat real estate to be nssessed for such proversent call t Im- to the eX- ttent of tire costs and foundbenefited s[ necessary to be Incurred thereby. Adopted by the aIssembly Oct. 13. 1891. Yeas -Messrs. Bunholzer, Elre 1uist, Me- C¢fferty. 11cNamee, Mines. Oppenlmim, Van Slyke. Mr Ptvsident-8. Nays 0. Adopted by the Board of Aldurmw Oct. M. 1891. - Yeas-Ald. Biele nberg, Hutt. Conley. Cope - lane, Dobner, Dorniden, Cobalt. Melady, Sri I- I lvan, Mr. Prsident-lo. Nays (t Approved Oct. 21, 18.91. A'y F No. 298 - Io the matter of thereport of the. Board of Public Works dated Oct. 13, 180E It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City 01 St. Paul: That the Board of Public Works of said City of St. Paul cause ,he following Improve- ment to be made, to -wit: Construct a six-foot wooden sidewalk in front of lots 1, 2 and 3, block 61. St. Anthony Park addition to St. Paul. in sold city. That said Board shall proceed without de- lay to assess the amount, ns .,,rely as they can as crtain thosame.which wicll be required to pay tho costs and necessary expenses of such improvement upon the real astute to be benefited by such Improvement, us provided by law. It being the opinion of take Council Llnat rani estate to be assessed for such im- teat of the �an be f cad ex enefited to the cx- be Incurred nth ereby. ]moss necessary to Adopted by the Assembly Oct, 13. ISM. Yeas -Messrs. Bunholzer, ElIngtist ML- Caffertyy, Mc\amee. ]linea, Oppenheim, Von Slyke, Mr. Prsident-9. - Nnys--0. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. eo. 1801. Yeas-Ald. 111clonberg. Bott. Conley. r Cnp ,aod. Dobner, Dorniden, Gelmn, Mcludy, Sullivan, Mr. Proslde+t-10. Nays -0. Approved Oct. 21. land Dobner, Dorniden, Gehun, Me!¢ay, A'y F No. Sullivan. Mr. President --10. In the mutter of tire report of the Board of Nays -A. Public Works doted Oat. 1:3. 1891. Approved Oct. 21, 1891. Itis huroby ordered by the Common Council f Lbo City uI St. Pxul: That the 1301."" of Public Works of -fit City of S[. Paul const the following improvement A'y F No. 207-- to be made, to -wit: Construct u eight (81 In the matter of the report f the Board of foot wooden sidewalk, Wgather with the ar Po III Work., dated Oct. 18. 1801. eseary crosswalks• on the south side of.lessn- It is hereby ordered by the (Common Council mine .�troet. from Rice street, t0 Sylvan of the City oY St. Paul: street, in said city. That the Board of Public Works of sold Thut,Laid Board shall proceed ithout du - City u[ 9t. Paul cause the following improve- ,lay to assess the nmuunt. as nearly as they went Wbe made. to -wit: Construccawmxlen scan ascertain some,which will arequired sidewalk on the east side of CI atawortlk 10 pay the costs and lace usury expo arses of street, between St. Clair street natal Orund aV- ng 11 provement upon the real smt0 t0 be ue, together with cr sswtalk on St. Clulr benefited by saidImprrovement, as provided street, across Chatsworth strec;t, in said city by law; it. being tine pinion oft the Council That said Board shall proceed Il cat de- !. that real estate to be assessed for such im- lay to asses the amount, as nearly as thug I provement can be found benefited to the ex- can ascertain thesame, which will be reg1-hed tent of the costs and expenses necessary to to paty the costs and necessary ex pen. 's al he Inncar_ thereby. such Imprnvemont upon the real skate w bei Adopted by the Assembly Out. 13. 1891. bonefli by said I provumeat, ns provided Yens -Messrs. Ilunholzer, Elmgnlist Me - 284 PROCEEDINGS OF T CaRerty. McNamee, Mines, Oplmnheim Van Slyke, Mr. President -u. Nays -O. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct.:'). 1801. Yeas-Ald. Blclenberg• Bott, Conley, Cv.- !.adp , Dobaer. Dornidon, Gellan, MClssdy. , At r. Vice President -10. NOYn-0. A ppruved Oct. 21, 1RUl. A'y FNo.3IX)- Iv the _"I 'ter of the report of the Bmmd of rnbhe works dated Oct. 12, Did. IL rfa hereby ordered Dyy the Cit, of St. Peelthe Common Councll : That the Board of Public Works of Haid CIEy ot'94 Paul cause the foims,bu, bti,ove- me t to be units, ro-wit: Construct a cross- es lk eight 18) feet wide. erose ArIinKWa street u n the enol side of Payne uvCnm, in - Id city. Admired by the Assembly Cut 13, 1801 Yens Messrs, Bunze hulr. Elou ulst, bic- 7afferty McNum ec. Allure, Oppen�,ci m, Vun by the Board of .Aldermen Oet 1. Slelenherr,, Bott. CorulOY. Co Pc Dornl<l en Gehuo. Mclad Y. Approved Oct. 21, 1801. - A'y F No. 301- 1- the matter of flue rpart of the Board of Public Works dated Oct. 12. lipid. It 1s hereby ordered by Lhe Common Council of the City of St. Paul: That the Board t f Public Works of file Cltyof St. Paul c¢unethefollowingim Prov, (3j t to be made, to -wit: COUstru -t n three feet wooden crosswalk ,cross flit'I-';th tree'. title between Temperunce ,,it Cao ad. streets. to said city. Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 13, 1891. Yeas -Messrs. Banholzer. Elm, uist, nlc- Cufferty, McNamee, Atho n, Oppmi min , Van , 3 Adopted b • the Board of Ali ermen Oct. 20 p 1 1891. Yeas -Aldi Blole . 1i. Conley Coppc ) 7 orni Innd, Donner, Dornidon, GClinn, Melody. Sullivan. Dir. President -F0. ' ?i t' Nuys -0. Approved Oct. 21, 1801. t' B,.Mr. McCnRerty-A'y IT No. 302- ?' It is hsroby ordered by the Common Co a aril the City of St. Poul: V Z. That the matter orc netructin sidewalk on the so tJ, o ids of Peg lv.nd nen - .. between bei d Dule streets. c al m at the east Ilam f lot 4 r Weed & Wllllue ro tnKement of block lJ of Wood - lead Park edditie. W St. Paul, ad extend - In Wthe went Iran of lot 0 in said block. be xnit the seem is hereby referred W the B. -I of Public Works W IuvestiguW end reort: Is this Iia to 'inProper unit necesenry' li I[ so, send the Councll n proper order direct- Ing the work W Iii dour. Adopted by rte Assetn bly Oct. 13, 1801. , it 1Voss-Meseta. Buelmlzer. Elmqulst, Mc- IIE CODIM(IN COUNCIL Carl11•. McNamee, Mimul. Oplenheim, Van Slyke, Df r. Prtrelden t --X. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct.. 20, IX!11. ]'ens -Am, Bllo-Iden. Butt, Conley, Cope- 1.11'au M biter. O1 -it -1n. Oohntu. ]tielatl Y. Snl- Iivnn, Sir. President -]0. Nays- 1. A "Proved Oct. ^_l, I801. W. P. M-InAv. President of the Assembly. O. O. CU,t " President of if,,,- Board of Aldermen. Titov A. v` t . ,..Avr, City Clerk. 0'.'..L. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Or ordimrnrrx Passed and BexOlrrtlonx Ado ,ted h the C.omn,e C... It o 1 Y c f the City Of At. Paul. Ordinance No 154:- A'y F An ur hon neo gnntinK pern,lsslon W the bon rd of School F ispeetory [o a set n ersrun eel ad 1 ste in SL1Pau1 ae un the Jef- f The t'Ommoru COu Hell of the City cf St. Paul I. ordain es follows- Ssation 1. Permlie, en is hereby II,, ted W the Board of School Inspsctone-storon yor of tltot City of St. Pall ml hi -se. in recar dunce with the ith-sand en ns here(. to ed, gip n theJeP- ,itrI,;e tstwentT-1hree ('Si)Sfeelt fromthesichooa b`Bdhi tin sold dW. This ordinance hall take effect uad be in farce from and after its pileauge and publication. Ynssed hY the Assembler. 189 y Oct. i, 1. Y c,esMCCatTe rt9Barthel MuN meGC-ocM( cl a�r0 Elm- heim, 31r- Presid.n t -S. PPon W, P, ML BRAY, President of the Assembly. P ... ed by the Board of Aldermen OeL20, 1801. Yens -Aid. Bic len UerK. BOLI, Conley, Cope- land Cullen. DoDnor Dorsi Y• e dM 1 ad Su lilvnnPresident-10. Mr. Vice Nu •s D. 3 JOHN f Aldermen. Y(ec ovesl dent Of the Board of Aldermen. Approved Oct.. M. 1801. O. O. CmNISu, Actinic Mayor. Oct. 2ti. Tans. A. Prsl:N uexawsr. City Clerk. Oct. 2fi. Ord!. No. ].511-A'y F "' .25- Anord,nnncenmeadln•Ontinuncc N 4 O, Lce and Ho per unllionte ,nein Kr unW Lcc q nth In f permission on to use t portion of the Paulin the Sixth ward of tit. City of St. Paul" W Nereus, Sec Lien one 111 o1 he Cit o No. 113x, wit Common Cornru of the cur r St. Paul. greted perm lnsinn and unthority W Lee nod Dote , se an u upy a rtioa oP the levee in the Sixth and o[ Lho Ciry of SF foul fur the period u1 ten years from Dec. 3, 18and W6er us, It In Deemed desirable that the limo grunted by said ordinance shall be made I o it id re ns ear practicablo at the same rim. with other ordinances passed granting OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 285 privileges in the West St. Paui levee. loud, Butner, Berard- Gohun, M.ludy- Now, Therefore, the Common Councll of. Sullivan. Mr. President -40. the City or St. Paul do order, as fol lows: Nuys -O. Section 1. flet said Urdlnunce No, 144E be, O. O. CUthe N. and the some 1s hereby me ded by striking P --dent of the Board of Aldermen. "at from Section a of -ofd rd uma.c the Approved Uel -'L', 1801. tword, "for the full period of ten yen ra from O. O Cv EN, Lhe date d' approval n[ this ori' , cel" and Acting Mayor. I,, In Ileo heroof the follow{nK word., [o - wit: until the firm day of .holy, A. O. IVIIi. Attest: Tues. A. Petaauersnwsr. Sec.T 'Chis Ordlnnncealntll txkeetTectund �'City Clerk. be fn furca from ad after it. publleuttou, Oct. 26. Pa -d hY Llte Asses, illy Oct. 13. 18111. Yeas-Mesar.Bu oholcit. Oppec iac. . Vau til, it bf c.Namme, MinCa. Oppenheim, Vun Slyke. Mr. PrCsiduutr-0. A'y F No. at. Neya-0. Ih,solved. That a r funding ardor (or the W. P. YIURRAv of twenty -,"'n a nit Ighty-two President of the A --mill}}. _U. (52.9:.) be drawn pp , the Cllr Tr.us- rssssed by the Buurd of Aldermen Oct, toe fit favor uP Elizubit th Muller, Jacob 20. 1801. ILIc11Wr, August BIc1,Wr, Wlllium Itich- ]'eus-Mesars. Blelenberg. Batt. Conley, ter and Annu Welter. 1.1it wit � f Int C tt lend. Dubber, ll.rnidon. O�h�� biclnd3 block 2, Buzille's addition owners St. Paul, S11ltlivi Mr. Prcnident 10. the a Id sum being Lhe umou overpaid Nuys --0. by a I(I owners o account f t id pro ty Iming.vorlissessed $::'x,08 or h ectur ul Pntsl Oct of the BouN of AldNrmen• jr" ek sid cwulks on Wltbsshtt street. east side Approved OCE... IR01 '.'Estimates Nos.2u,d'3of 18861.,' 50.03 Por U. U. Cc cr.en, ArtinK Slut aprinklinK \\ubssshet street ('P�h,klfng Dis- Attcst 1'nos A. YtteNualmwsr City til k Lrfct No. 4, se of 1888), it .."I sur SIR=Septi 2a. 1691. Elm- Mine., lm- Mine , Oupen NnYsO. Adopted by the Board by Aldermen Oct. 20. 1H91. 1,!% -Aid, Iiielenhme Bort, Cooley, Com, In, ido boar, Doto don Gelate. Melody, Sul Urdlnunce No. I;Ar,-A'y F No. 210- live,, Mr. Presiden t-10. An ortlinanee at to' ding Ordinance Nu. I3fAt, N«yrov- being r rdinunce gr:eting unto John' AVV vcd Oct. 2". 1MJ1. Grant to d Thum Cume rob, clip rtnera s the Vallcy Iron Works, the prl,ilege to vSEn lain portions oP the leve in tie ! Sixth Ward of tle City of St. Paul, A'y F No. 112- Whermta. Byy section nen Ili f Ordi n:tne hest Ivod. By the Common Council [the No. 1308 Lhe CU. oil Ceu Heil of the CILy of CILw oP St. Paul, lrh LIIe proper City o®ern St. Paul Kt:tllted (ermissio i end urhorl , W Is- structed w Iss-e. negOtiaW and sell John Great and Thomas Cameron to use and bonds of the City of 9t. Poul, Iv the elle of occupy' n portion f tho levee in the Sixth twenty-five thousand dollars (32,5,0(.7, in dc- \Ynrd of the Cic t f St. Paul for file P riod of nominutlons of one thousand dollars (31.0001 y and ell beura date September first, A. D. ten eacap. Itt3111 2. ISO: r yy yy I• 'till I8J1. ted in WreYtut the ruW of9r oenL. er \Vhgrant It Is demised deslrsb t Gla Pt P time granted ea said ordinance shall be made uponagency yablc semi annually at the In the iii - W ozp ill,1 nothe diem. ae., a the• 'tinyfN,[ the e p eels[, Paul in the time with the Other oM st ores pissed i. runt City ut Now Turk, the l)er. pal payable on City W heref r the West St, Paui levCannell f the first dry from Ile ]er, A, D, issue. bong AN Wherefore. theCommon mon Council u[ the � thirty years t'rom elle duW oP Issue, for the City of St. Paul do ormdn us follows: purpose t Improving Lake Come In the said Sect ion 1. TI tt a rd Urdinu nee No. 1:3011 ba •I Ly si �1 Its shores, and making theit sit e Mutt. from hulne1. •tlen i uncof tsaidVdrdinuuce the Earl of t �fu pt led.rUg,slulturetYf-taut he Stutl. of lido, "Fur the toll+iVeriiui of tern earn from Sifnneuota. entitled '•An Hct . 'humin" the the deicer Lho prlvflt•ge of 'lits rdfn:m cel•" City of St. Paul to Issue bunds for the per. rtin • [if IICu tbere.•f the f.110 i of im n,vin Cmno Purk, in the Cit of ,nit ..r K P K Y A ntil tit• diet du of J 1 sleds u head. A rD 17 a ..it Tie onla, full wit: Q c pro p A. D. t-2. y Y. I •gids nP .�nfd beide +hall De dead In the 5 •c. '. This ,rdlnnnoC hall be in f+regi 1 y treusurp to tiro credit of s lit p C , and take etfe,t from unit aftcr,ts}u bliention. elusfunere.f said city, tedahullbe exo nded Pained by [hC A. bly Oet l;l. IX!'I by Hid Buurd In the ImptoYement f Bald Yens --Messrs. Bunhulzer. F'I m,lulou, McQtf- Lake U. ,act it shores. jetty, McNamee. Mi sea Oplienhcim. Van Adopted by the Assembly OCE.13.1891. Slyke. St r. Presidcut-X. 1'eaa-Mesarn. 13eholzer. Elmt11ulat, Mc- Nsys-o. Cnl7erty, SfeNumeC. Mlnea, Oppen 1m, Vun W. P, MURIIAY. SI}•kc, Mr. Preside. t -X. President of the Assembly. Nuys -0. Passed by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 20, Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 20, 1801. 1891• Yeas-Ald. Bieleu Lerg. Butt, Conley. Cops- 1 Yens-Ald. Bleleaborg. Butt, Corley, Cup, 286 PROCEEDINGS OF T land. Callon. Dnbner, Dorniden, Mclady, Sul- Iivan, illy. Vice President -10. Nmvs-0. Approved Oct. V. 1801. A'y F Nu. e-- Itesulved. That the City Treasurm• of the City of St. Paul bo anit, Is ,,arab • tborized and directed tu.nvest uIt,,a tends hmeln- nher mentioned, in the purchase f certif- lentes of Indebtedness, as authorized to be is- sued by T,11 n ortlIDance of the Common Cou oil entitled •'An ordlnnnce authorizing the Issue of certificates , f indebtedness." approved Se t. 3, 1891, as follows: lie Is authorized to Invest the surplus cash belonginq W the Broadway bridge fund. to the ex test of "".tii0. Ii the purchase of eer- ti9cutes of lnd.1,V-dness Issued under .said ordinance for the raising of funds for clexn- In¢and repairing streets, sewers, sidewalks and crosaws,ks. He Is authorized to invest the all plus cash neat issued Ulmer Said n^tll Ing of funds forthe cleuntt streets• sewers, sldetvulks Be is authorized W Ince: belonging to the Warren S� Ing Company fund. W [ht in the purolmsc of the car .rh ess issuod under sufd raising of funds for the pr tiny for thecdepurtments of e is I tborized to inve( Ing company Tu lid. [o the extent of 8'2.000, in the purehnse oWe f the certates of Indebted- ness issued miner said ordinals- for the rnisi n((,,at' to ntls tar the support of the Mu- nicip;d Court of sutd city. Ile is uatlnorized to invest the eu rplus cash belonging to the sewers- bond IM. to the extent of S8,000 In the purclmse oC certlflcutes f indebtedness Issued under said ordlnuace for the rulsing of hinds for the support of thedoduplefppnl Court. AptM by the Assembly Sept. 2'. 1891. quist. McNamee, Mines. Oppenheim,, an by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 20, 1. Blelenberg, Bolt, Conley, Copp r, Dornidmn. Celina, Melody Sul- Presnden 1 Oct. 22. 1891 B Air. Elm ufst-A'y F No, 201 Y 9 Itis ha Ui ordered b the Common Council Y y of the City of St. Paul: That the matter of erecting and Gera n ins, two gas lamps in (runt of the German American Lutheran church, north side of the street, Margaret street, theaIle Is street andd Cable avenue, be, maddthe sumo is hereby referred [o the Board of Public Warks W , th "at !.b and report: is this improvement proper and necessary? It so, send the Council a proper order direcU ins, the work to be done. AdopWd by the Assembly Oct. 7.1891. Costello, Yens -Messrs. Buuholzor. CosWllu. Elm - I E COMMON COUNCIL mist. McCafferty, McNamee, Mines. Option - elm. Mr. Prosldent-8. Nuys -0 Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 29. 1A91. TeasCull.Bi crgBott, Conley, Cope- b, nd. Callen, D.b,.er, Dorniden,Moistly.Sullivnu. Mr. Viae President -10. Nays U. Approval Oct. 22, 1&J1. 'v F No. VO - Council of the t slid Common Council ;hut 1t is necessary that I the office and doparL Inspector of the City of 1891, to March 1. 18M. as sistants us are now cm- rtment. the same being vlded, however that the rtment shall not exceed law. Incin¢ the suin of deasrs. Bnnholzer. Elmt uist, Mc- MoNemee, Minea, Oppenhmlm, Vun r. President --P. i. it by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 20, 11d. Blelenberg, Bott, Conley, Cnpt` c- 1 -len. Dorniden. Moludy, AT,. Vice -8. fid. Bobber. Su111vim-2. BMr. Mlnen--A'y F Mo. 271-- ftesolved. That an order be drawn on the City Treasurer. payable out of theBDolles de- partmeni. fund. In favor of John Byun. for work dune on the public pound, for the sum of ($5.50) live and . -100 dollars. Adapted by the Assembly Oct. 13. 1891. Y•as-Messrs. Bxnbolzer, Elmqulst, McCaf- ter%. McNamee. Mines. Oppenheim, Vun Slyye. Mr. Presidcat-e. Nays 1 Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 20, ]Dirt. Yeas-Ald. Blch nl e, Bott. Conley. Cope- land. Dobner, Dorniden, Bohan. Mcledy. Sul- livan, Mr. President -l0. Nays --0. Approved Oct. 22. 1891. By Mr. A1cNumee-A'y It No. 212 - It is hereby tird, by the Common Council of the City of St. Puu l: That the matter of griadlug and surfacing D Ilio. street, from Como nvo,,ue W Chats- worth street. be unit the same is hereby ere ra- y Perred to theBoard Y Public Works o I ubl c \Vu ks W invea- cigate still report: First Is this Improvement proper and nev- es r,? Second -Give the Council an estimate of the expense tbercof, and state whether one- half of the cost thereof is W bepaid Intothe e1tY treasury her ire the coutract Is let. Third -Can real estate W be assessed for :aid Improvement be found benefited W the uxrenter dumages,costs sell expenses nee- essury to be Ineurred thereby'? Fourtb-Ls site,,, Improvement asked for upon t he pctit in and application of the own - OF THE CITY oF S. ers of u majority of the property to be as- sessed for such improvement? Fifth -Send the Council u plan or profile of said impprovement. as required by law, if yin re pp rt in favor of the wine. n etxchtSend the Couneiln proper orderdi. If the work to be dune. r AdopWd by the Aesem lily Uct. 1'3. 1891. Ymaa-Messts. Bnnholzer. Elmcl7utst Mc- Cntfcr% McNnmce, Minea, Oppen lminn. Van Slyke, Alr. President --8. Nuys -0. Adopt;d by the Gourd of Alderman Oct. 23, 1891. Yeas -Aid. Blelunbmg. Bott. Coult, (%u >e- land, Dobnor, Dorniden, Gelian, Malady, Sulli- Approved Oct 22, 1801. By At r. Al u rray-A' F No. "73- it Is hereby ordered by the �ummun Connol l St. 1'nu I: ( the City of That the matter of moving the trees on Cornu avenue. between like unci Union sirnet back W ten tact (runt the Prulz'rtyy line on each eidoattlie street; aIle the regratl- Ing said Como avenue. front Bice street to Union street. be, and the sumo is hereby re- torred to the Board of Public of Works to Ip- veatlinttu mad report; First -Is this Impruccment proper and nec- usy? V-cond--Gi,e the Council un estlinate of the expens thereof. still state whether one- half of the cost then of is to lie paid Into the elLY tronsu ,,,try bo hero the contract is Int. ' htrd-Can real estate to be assessed for sad improvement ta; found Ixnedted to the ez Wntlifdamages. costs and expenses neves-� suFourth-L euchl Improvement asked for upon Um petition or up di, It, of tint wn- ereot majority of the property to beits - seseed for suh Improvement? Fifth -Send the Council a plan or profl to of slid Improvement. as rejuired by Inw, if you rfn favor of the same. me it ag t j)Sixth-Scud the u nca proper order di- e work W Cubeduail e. Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 13, IP91. Yens -Messrs. Bnnholzer, Elmi asst, ilIc- Cnfferty. AlcNamee. Mines, OVPen�mi m. \'aa Slyyke. AI'. Prestdcnt-8. pays -ll. Adoi ted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 21, 891. Yeus-Ald. Biel -Berg. Bott, Conley. Cope- land. Dobner, Dorniden• Geham, Mcludy, Si - Mr. Presldmu-10. Nays -0. Approved Oct. 22, 1891. B Mr.D enhelm A' FNu. 17� Y PP y IC Is here, v urda•.red by the Common Council It Inc (lty of St. Paul: That the matter of grading, fllling and Int. We tying Ln'gfurd Pxrk. In the City , f St. Paul, Irl, and the some le hereby referred W to the Bun rd of Public Works W fnvestfgaW and report: Firstrls this improvement proper and nec- essary? Second se a the Council anwhether estimate of the ex :thee cost there and ante aid into one - list ity tie clic oust ore tj:f is n is told foto cbe city Third -Can before the colo be[ is let. ?'hind -Can coal escatu to be assessed for IIVT PAUL FOR 18B1. 287 said improvement be found benefited to tiro dxtent of damages. costs sad expenses neces- sary to be Incurred thereby? Fourth -Is Cush improvement e=ked for upon the petition or ullpileation of the own- of fur suohil y of thoproperty to be as- �ch'1[th-Sand the Uuupell n pima or profile of said im�r vtmcnt as required by b rt you rel Urt ❑ hiv r oof the same. tllxth-Smnl the Council u proper order di- rcctinKthe work to be done. Adopted by the Assam lily Oat. 13.1801. Ytfls-Messrs. IIan tolzer. Elmrlulst. Mc- Caf)`erty, McNamee, Minea, Oppenheim, Vna Mottled by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 20, Ions -A Id. Blelenberg. Botta Conley Cupe- il, Dobner. Darn Wen, Gohnp, Mcludy, Illvnn. Mr. President - 10. .Y. -O. p p ro vttl Oct. 22. 180 1. Sir. Oppenheim-A'y F No. M- eso - ivett. That city orders-bu dr¢wp upon trensu ry, payable out of n he pri n t I ng I�atutlonery f and, in favor of the follow- -named persons, for the amounts set opp- Be to their respects ve names: Globo. Pub- dng Co.. 811s. 2F \Vin. Berlandi & Cu., 0; Wvckoff, Se rte S Benedict, 50 Is; Wcdclstucdt & Cu.. 83.1; H. M. Smyth 3197.10. dopted by the Assembly Oct 13, 1991. ens -Messrs. Bnnholzer. Elmqulst AleCut- Alclumee. Minea, Oppunhelm, Vun ke, Mr. President -e. ¢y. -O. dopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 20, L as -Ala. Bielunherg. Butt, Conley, Copo- O. .beer, Dornldeu. Online, Melody Snl- Approved Oct. 22, 1891. It y Air. Oppenhefm-A'y F No.278- Itewlved that city, orders be drawn uppon the city treasury, pBayable out at the polity dfpurtmentfund, In favor of the following - named persons. for the amounts set oppt site "I "'Ir re pective rues; John Noff, 8.2.35; A. Hurnlsch, s0; J. L. Henry, LU: George J. M itsch & CO., ft"M ; E. McNamee. 820.11: P. I. Began & Co.. 412; N. W. Telephone Exchange CUmpaav, 8171. Adopted by tlne Assembly Oct. 13, 1891. Yeas-Alessrs. Banlnolzer, Elms,q III' Me- Caffertp, McNamee. Mines, Oppenlmim. Van Si$ke, Mr. President -8. Nays -0. Adopted b the Board of Aldermen P 9 Oct. 20 ]Pin. Yeas Ald. Blelenberg. Butt, Conley. Cope- land. Dnbner, Dornidea, Gehun Aiulndy. Sul- livan, Mr. President 19. Nays -0. Approved Oct.:'2, 1891. 6y Mr. Oppenheim -A" F No. 270-- Besoh•ed.'1'hut city orders be drawn upon the city trtasury, payable out of floe ,pan house and city hull muhdenante fund, in Is- ur of the fallowing -armed persons, for the 288 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. amounts sec opposite to their respwclivc I Ily Mr. Op1aen]aim-A'y F No. 282 - names: liesolvatl, That city orders be drawn upon ,lolnl Doty an & Suns, $IRI 47: Griggs & Co., the city treasury payable out of the -'school $4.2F; Donal, sum Ogden. & C'o.. 42 amts; V{I- 1'u nd," in favor of the following -named per- lanmu Bros. $2.;0: SL Pn til Ice Company, suns for the amounts set opposite o thulr ru- $54.03: Max Drmau. $13; Foos & Co., $4: A. O. .1--tivu .amus: Neill, lig cmtts; Board uY \Vnor Commission .1. F. Gribben, lumber, $11.10; Charles Mas- ers, $95.61: \piles &Hale, 83.48: Edison Electric', gec. $1,41,330: L. W. Arnold & Cu.. $13.05; Light & Po y.r Compnnhy, 1:3.92; S[. Paul Gus Ilmwo, '1'nmuc & Co.. &P 40; J. E. Allman. LI'ja Com VanYy $IIX{.4_: 1'rendm•gast. ISrus., S2S(1.95; C. It. Low.•, $30; Russell & Co., $63; $5.:311; Ge -ire ]liltsch. S2:07; Maendlrr Bros., Huwlry F'ucl and Fued Cum Pn.Y. I.a'; $175. Syhnrll&Tlwaving, ff134 r10 Minnusuta Slat, Adopted by the Assam blv Oct. 13. IR!il. tl Tile Cutn pan}'. $50 Ji iron & Sowd,n, Yeas -Messrs. Bnnitolrer, Elrn,'1d sa .lf n Ian I1. S , J-das Paihlort.lsVA..; 54 Peril Cafterty. McNamee. Min-, Cpl+enh elm Von Rurd Cmnpupn, $Itl.U7: M. A. Luby. $2'J:LS Blyke, Mr. President-tl. Ileo O 1 Compp y. ffi9b.60' Jolrn Dowln;I. & Nays 0 ffil 111 Ti: N:tthfln F'urd. ff134; Mills & Adopted by the Hoard of Aldurmcn Oct. 9A. IIulu 'YJ `.'5: Edisotr F.Itwtric Light Company, 1891. 38.15: St. Poul Sanitation Co.. 330.04- St. Paul Yeas-Ald. Blcloula-g. Botr, Conley Cope- ,Gats LIgbR Cum puny, $1.:311; C. A. 7)unn. $I5; land. Dobner. D -idiot, Gehan M..Iudy. Sul Nurthwestcrn Tele+hove Cumpanv. 81.2; Novcs 1I,an. Mr.Pr,sident-10. Bros. & Cutler, $2 75; Board of Wutcr C.m Nays--0. rn issk>nc rs, 3IR.96. Approved Oct. 22, 1591, Adopted by the Assembly OCL. 13. 1891. Vons-11e,,m Baa holzer. Elmquist, 111c- Cufferty. McNamee. Mines. Oppenboim. Van By Mr. Op heir --A'y F No :730 - YCesoly , That, city onlur be drawn upon the city treasury, anynulo ouL of alae lighting fund, in favor of t1ac St. Paul Gats Light Com- for LVi.RKl.B3. A peed by the Assembly Oct. 1:3, 189 1. Yetis -Messrs. 13ao`ilnenr,• UPlmnueim, Mtn Cafterty McNamec, Sig.. M . President -8. y". Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 20. 1891 Yeas -Aid. Blelon berg, Bot t, Conley. Cope- land, Dobner, Dorniden. Gtun ff. Mu lady. Sol liven. Mr.Pr .,Idcnt 10 Nuys-(. Approved Oct. = IR!Il. Lhe Ive: Ing sl W ^H and u hull ball Pnrk rF Np.'-'RI- lur, he drawn pen blr outof •lie"n•s wcU favor of Lhe t'ojlow- thc amounts set norm - hnrfta Aelll til tv Iavint Cort p ay. + Rent 'Inset. ,� .tract I$,I,)Om•I genre. F. �Y. SlcCnn n_ Irr;arl- Estimate No. :3. B'2:5: Y. ttding Dooley avenue. Estimate P. Dola-13'. sweold ng Summit an-- ,:at Nu. E. Sl+e cry turd et til. street,. Estimate Z 4, iugh & Do n ur.Dy.gradi nil C111".),Imuto No. 3. c;cill. by tho A.j,sem bly Oct. 1:1, 1X!11. a Bnnholror. Elm qul,d. M,C- -Nam aro. Illeca, Oppenheim. Van Prosident-R. by the Board of Aldermen ort- 20, d. Biclen berg. Brett Conley C,pe- tr Dur n fden, Ocher. Mel iy, Sul real dr n[-10. 1 Oct. Sd Incl Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 20; 1891. Ycts-Aid. Bielenberg. Botta Coati onley Cope- land. Dobncr, Do -Iden. Gahan. Melody, Sol- Ilv:ul, Mr. 1'resiaenl--lU. Nays-, Approved Oct. 22. ]891. B 11 r. OQ ppu hnci m- -Aly F Nu. 2X3-' Its: of I. Ti 1. n t•ity ler bo d u I� the city trensu rp. payable Out uI the hosp=11 huiltl�nK in nd. in 1.- of C. II.Johnston. for B Adopted lap the As=om bl➢ Oct. 13, 1891. Ycus-Me,srs. Bnn 1. a,McCuf- fcrtv, McNumcr. Mines, Oppenh,lm, Van Slyke. Mr. President -i. N: y. 6. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 20. R!tl. utas -Ata. Blclen rag' no tt. Co racy. Cope- land, Dohncr, Do raid, o, Geban. Moluay, Sul - H -e. Mr. Pres111ent-30. Nays -o. Approved Oct. By .\Ir. Vun Slyke-Bd F Nu. 26- It i, ho•reby ordered by the Common Cuun- ui I Of thr City �,[ St. Pnnrl: Tlmtthert�I,, the hof ard' dbuttlng lior onlWinter st-t. Ric, .street to .Jackson street. my to const r netala elope. forc,, sand 1111., in aping sold : tr,ot, he, and Lh ,sum, Is herby referred o the Buanl of Public Works to IvvesclKate ;cud report: First -1.. this impruvemm�t proper and nec- a sSccuad-Girt r the Council n a stim oc of tl,e ,xlx•nse th, reuLand statewuethcron,- half OI the cost thereof i, o he paid Ino the city treasury !,clan; the contr,,t Llai. rhlnl-Can rent tate to be s•d for sold Improvement bu funnel henefltW o be t uC damage.. costa and c.pco. s vtc,s- xrurY to bt•. i n-rn-d thereby? t F1,rth-Is -uch fmpZ!Zn?,ntu:ked for upon the peitl,t. ur uVPlfuutluaa at the majority noil the propony to be se, OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 289 :•ovement7 1slopes attached to said'report, and to be filed ouncli a plan or profile of In tete office of said Bound. to requlred by law, if you That eold Board shall proceed without de - same. lay to assess the amount. as nearly as they i cll it proper order di- can ascertain the same. which will W ro- be dos, F aired to pay the damages, costs and .eees- emhly Oct. 1:t. 1861. cry expenses of such Improvement upon the holzer. Elmquiet, McCaf- rent estate o be benefited by avid Improve - linea, Oppenheim. Van merit, as provided by law; it heinsg the oPin- .Idenfr8. Ion of the Council that real estate o be by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 20, Id. luck -berg, Bott, Conley- Ce-11- pa- ieR Dorn Idea, Guhnn, Melody, 6ul- Approved Oct. 22. 1891. Nnye--0. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 20, ISin- Yeas -Aid. BielenbergI Bott. Cuniey, Cope - By Mr. Opponhcim-Aly F No. 286- lobi. Dobner, Dorn iden, Gehon. Molndy, Sul - It is hereby ordered by the Common Council liven. Mr. Prestdeut-l0. f the City of Sc. Pani: Nuys -0. That the cant of t•onstruction o1, sower Approved Oct. 22. 1891. on Portia ud avenue from Avon to Victoria street be. and tate same is hereby referred to - the Board of Public Worksto investigate and A'y F No. 28$ - report: In the mater of thereport of the Boartl of First --Is this improvement proper and pie- PuUllc Works dated Oct. 13. 1891. e Seco.d-give the Council an estimate of the It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council expen.e thereof, and state whether one-half of the City of St Paul: of the cost thereof 1. o be paid Into the city That the Board of Public Works oL the City trow_snr', before the contract is Let. of St, fan[ cause the following improvomeat Third --Can real estate to be assessed for' w be made, to -wit: Grade "I.e is Park." in said improvement be found bcnefi ted o the Lewis' Second addition, in said .1 . extent of damages, costs and expenses .aces-'. That said Board cause said work to be let sa@ao be incurred therobyf by contract, as provided by law. without one- urth--I. , uch improvement asked for' liair the estimated cost being firstpaid Into upon them petition or apppllcatho of the i the city treasury, and after id work shall oP n ] Ity of the property to be w tw �lnoed der contrnei, said board shell aeesed for such ImprovemevtP urouecd itho t delay o assess the nmouv4 Fifth Sena the Council a plan or profile of which will be reqma t uired o tithe oo.ts am s id imp vemo Gas required by law, If you y p t ii favor of4ha same. ce sary cape nae. of each lmprovia ant up- replrth tie nd the Council a proper order di- on the real estate to be "A.e. byxaaid im- ``] _ �...o.. r. ..a ........ .. o ..._. ... Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 20, Ban. Yleas-Ald. Blelenb rg, Bort, Cents Cope land, Dobner. Dorniden, Gahan Mel ady, y, Sul - Iva.. Mr. Preelden-10. Nays. Approved Oct. 22. 1891. No. 287- le WLter . th'M report orks dal ed Oet. 1 r byordered by the 6t. Paul: the Board'oP Put f 6t. Pau l cause the f< to be made. to s L in the Ian n block 5. Arlington tl, lb sold it" neccs. poe for te cud Hll the estahli-hea p aby the pro91a f s I, its of the Ftogle to o[ y C -7.e . d in th 1d .lope. to ezl X) feet o fill n said luno Indicated M round Me ane rapeu Oct. 13. 1891. Elmqui.t• Me- oprocbelm, Va. by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 20, d. Bislenberg, Bett, Corriey, Copa- n Dorniden, Golan.. Malady. Sul - Approved Oct. 24 1891. r the Board of isoli- o. Council A'y F No. 289- ; Werke ,f the In the matter of the re' e rt of the B Ing lm prove Public Works, dated Oct, 6, 1891. Board of Condemn a d It la hereby ordered by the Common Council butting on the t the City of St. Paul: Ills dditlon o Tbnt the Board of Public Works of said ry W covstrvet City of St. Poul cause tl a following improve grading seta m t to be ads. te,-wit: open. fano d de thereof. s tend Uleveland avenue o a width of elFbry grade on fl I, in oa0) feet, between I2abdolpb street nil the ds in and for MI.sslssipPi Iver, in 1d clay. condem.ivg mac of the City and tnklvR all Lbat land between avid nolbte is eveand ry foot of belu.e. lying within Lbs 1l ass of u strip eighty se pleb tit said I (80) feet wide, the center line of whtch strip 290 PROCEEDINGS OF TI shall be the present center line of Cleveland avenue hetwtron said Pulnts That said board shun proceed without de- lay W assess the amount, as nearly as they can ascertain the same. which will be m- euv ired W pay the damages, coats and neces- expenses of such Improvement upon. the met estate W be benefited byy said Improve- ment- as prnvided by htw. it "slog the opin- ion of the t ouncil that real estate 1i be assessed for such improvnt ofement can b, found I,a l,dhad pe sesto hneeeseary to be incuuma r V there- byt ex Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 13, 1801. Peas -Messrs. Bunholzor, Elmquisk McCaf- ferty, NuNnmHe. 111nea. Oppenheim. Vnn Slvke. Mr. Presiden1-8. N.ys­". Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. N. 1801. Yeas -Aid. IIielenUerg, Batt. Conley. Cope - and, Dobner. Dorniden, Gehnn,Meludy, Sul- Ihan Mr. President 10, Nays -0. Approved Oct. 22, 1891. W. P. MURRAY, President of the A: nam bly. O. O. CULI.EN, President of the Board of Aldermen. Jxo. F. GEHAN. Viae Prosident of the Board of Aldermen. THes. A. PHENDEse AST, City Clerk. Oct. 26. OFFICIAL. PUBLICATION. OtAdopted by the Common�Council of the City of St. Paul. Ordinance No. L548 -B11 F til. 426 -- An ordlnance granting It. Havens the right W erect u one -and -one -half -story frame barn. The Common Council of the City of 9t. Paul do ordain as follows: Section I. Permission and authority are hereby ¢ranted to M. It. Hurons to erect and maintaina one -and one --hal P-sbory frame. barn on lot 6 in block 38 of St. Anthony Park North. upon his obtaining a proper permit therefor. Seo. 2. This ordinance shall be In force unit' effect from and after its passage and publica- tion, Passed by the Board of Aldermen Sept. 1, Ii101. Yeas-Ald. Bielenberg. Bott, Conley, Cope-' Iund, Cullen. Dobner. Dorniden, Malady, Sul- Iivan. Mr. Vice P ... Identl0. N.ys-0. JNo. F. of Al Viae President of the Board of Aldermen. Passedby the Assembly Oct. 27. IPoIl. Ycus-A ssrs. Banholzer, Elmqquist. Me- CafPerty. McNamee. Mines, Oppenheim. Van Sl y ke, Mr. President -S. Nays . President of the Assembly. ApprovedOet. 2P, 1891. O. O. CULLEN. Acting Mn 'or. Attest: Trios. A. PHENDEaGAST, City Clerk. Nov. 2. E COMMON COUNCIL Ordinance No. 1547-Bd'F. No. 471 - An ordinance grunting the American Manu- facturing Company privilege to grade it portion of the levee to the Sixth ward and erect a building on the same. The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do ordain as follows: Section 7. That farm fission and uu tharlty i' hereby given nod grunted W the Americus Ilam adoring Company W grade and oc- cupy, until July 1st. 1016, tar ma nu fneLurlug t rp.ses. that portion of the levee In the �Ixth ward of said aity us fail": All or lots 1, 2, 3. 4 and h, black 2. Bezille & Robartc' addition, not Included within the'trlp fifty f,et wide lying north and running parullul with the south boundaryy line of the levee. Sec. 2. That permission and authority is hereby gtvi5s and grunted W the American Manufacturing Company to move their (uuu- dry building now located no the souther ly yort or lot 3. block 2, Bazille & Roberts' u ltion, in a northerly direction, and to be lo- cated on the piece of land described In see - titin 1: also that .said American Manufactur- bdg Cs He any be allowed to increase tlm Him a t'sa a builds ag, maJng the building when Ut larged 60x150 feet long. Construction of the building to be f brick, with stone founds - tion and gravel real: said building to be built under the directlons and ceiling to the instructions of the Building inspector of said city. Sec.3. This ordinance shall not take effect or be in force until the American Manutnet- tiring Company expBressly agrees and bind themselves to bolttl under sea), with two sureties approved by the City Attorney, in consideration oP the passage oP this urdl- nance. W remove sold Dullding an or before Jul yy 1st. ]Olid, and to Indemnify the sxitl City of St. Paul ngni nst any losses or damages caused by their occup.ncy of said land. Sec. 4. Ties ordinance shall be In force and effect from and utter Its pubitestion nod acceptance by said comps ttv. Passed by the Assembly Oct. 13,1891. Ye.s-Messrs. Bar".1.er, Elmquist, McCaf- ferty, McNamee. ]linen, Opponholm, Van Slyke, MO_ President --8. Nuys W. P. MURRAY, President of the Assembly. Passed by the Board of Alderman Oct. 2e, 1801. Sens -Aid. Blolanborg, IIott. Cnnlec, Cope- luudd,, Cullen, Dobner, Dorniden, Mel"dy, Sul- IIv:Cn. Mr. Vice Presldentl0. Nuys -0. JNO. F. Grin AN. Vice President of the Board of Aldermen. Approvtvl Oct. L. 1891. O. O. CULLEN. Acting Mayor. Attest: 'Tues. A. PHENDEHGAST, City Clerk. Nov. ,. Ordinance No. 1,548--Bd F No. 60,3- An ordinarto tborizing the occup=of =.Of the Mlssissippi river for akatieg rinks. The Common Council of the City of St. Poul do ordain as follows: Section 1.Permission is hereby grunted W Joh. W. Smith to,)..ot, r.ct oco.struct u skatingg rink at or near the westerly bunk of the 111ssissippi river, between State street Had Evil street, said rink to be wholly on the Ice of said river. of the fullwin dimensions: Ao teat by 5W teak W be surely fenced in and well guarded; also W construct u skating rink at or UF' THE tUITY GN SA near the east side of the Mississippi river. between Robert street and State stmtt, said rink W IC wholly on the Ice of Said river, of the following dimensions: 200 feet by .500 feet. to be safely fenced in and well guarded; also to construct a one-storyy frame buildicl; within the bounds of one of said rinks; the hole W be constructed under thesuparvis- lon and direction of the Inspector of Bull d- ings. and the payment of city fees forthe per- mits. All of said structures to be removed. and the river left unobstructed, as soon as the skating season If over, u d each of said buildings W be20 feetby 50fect. and one story high, Sec. 2. This ordinance sh.11 take effect and be In force from and after its approval. Passed by the Board of Alderman Oct. 20. 1891. Yeas-Ald. Bielenberg. Bott, Conleyy. Cope land, Dobner, Dorniden. Gehan. Mainly. Sul- livan, Mr. President -10. Nays --0. O, O. CULLEN. President of the hoard of Aldermen. Passed by the Assnmbly Oct. 27. 1891. Yeas -Messrs. Banbolzer, Elmqquist, Me- Cnffertyy. McNamee. Mines, Oppe.heI., Vun Slvko. Mr. President-& Nays. W. P. MU)t.Av, President of the Assembly. Approved Oct. 28, 1891. O. O. CULLEN. Acting Magr. Attest: Tnos. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk. Nov. 2. Ed F No. 344 - In the matter of the report c f the Board of Public Works dated Ati ust 17, 1891. Itis hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: That the Board of Public Works of said City of St. Paul cause the fallowing Improve- ment to be made, to -wit: Construct a six- foot wooden sidewalk, together with the nec- essary crosswalks. on the east side of Ohio street, from Winifred street to a point half any between Baker and Morton tmeta. In Bald city That Ba.ld Board shall proceed without de- lay to assess the amount, as near), as they can ascertain the same, which will be re- quired to pay the costs and necessary ex- penses of such improvement upon the real astute te be benefited by said Improvement. as provided by l.w, it being the opinion of the Council that real estate W be assessed for such improvement can be found beneflted W the extent of the costs and expenses neces- INT PAUL FOR 1891. 291 School In.11-Wes, bm e, and the sae is hereby approved, and the proper city officers urs authorized and directed to execute said con- tract on oehnlf of the city. Resolved further, that the bond of John Leslie, in the sum of 51,000, with E. J. Stilwell tad .John W. Lloyd as surctles, given for the faithful performance of said contrm:t, be, and the some Ls Imroby approred. Adopted by the Bmtrd of Aldermen Oct. 20. 1801. Yeas -Aid. Blolenberg. Butt. Conley. Cope- land. Dobner. Do rdlden. Gehan. Dlelady, Sul- livan. Mr. President -10. Nays- 0. Adopted by tha Assembly Oct. I. 1801. Yeas -Messrs. Bunholzor, Elre .1 IH McCut- ferty, M.Numee, Mine.. Oppenbeim, Vu. SI ke. Mr. PresIdent-S. Nays-0. Approved Oct. IS, 1891. bearingg data Nem) .loslin. Of fire Coi- f oats to said for !fireCommissioners, for the furnishing of fuel W said department for one rear from date of contract, and one of which is between Albert Boidigbeimer and said Board of Fire Commissioners and is for the furnishing of hay for said department for one year from I'.. date of said contract, he. and said con- tract, are Imre", approved, and the proper city oPocers ars directed W and said con- tracts an the part of the city. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, Oct. 6. 1891. Yeas -Aid. Bielenberg, Butt, Conley. Copptt land. Debater. Dorniden, Gehan, Malady. f8.1 liven, Mr. President -10. Nuys -0. Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 27, 1891. Yeas -Messrs. Banholzer, Elmqquist, Mc- Caffcrty M"N"nee. Dtinna. Oppcol ai.' Van 91 ke, Dir. President -8. Mays -0. Approved Oct. 28. ]091. Br Ald Conlev-Bd F \o Ma - Bary W be Incurred there"}. Ytesoh-ed, Thut the Joint Committee of the Adopted by the Board oC Aldermen Oct. 20. Board of Aldermen and Aesem bly un Juil 1801. Yens -Aid. Bielen berK• Butt. Canlcy. Cope- Sites be, nod they are hereby authorized und empowered W make such changes In the loud. Dobner. Dorniden, Galrm, Bleludy, Sul- plans of O)c new city pol, on Third street. 116. President -10. llvnn. Nays-�1. - ns tF.ey may doom necassnr}} up , consulting with the architect building, uta Adopted Uy the. Assembly Oct. 27, 1801 o[ sola total cost of which slut not exceed one thousend i-arts-Diessrs. Banholzer, Elmquist. DIaCuR 11eNxmee, Mine", Opl)e0_1, Vnn dollars Jetty. Slyk,. Mr. President -8. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 6, 1891 Nays -0, Approved Oct. 28, 1801, Yeas-Ald. Bielenberg. Bott. Conley. CoUo land, Cullen. Dobner. Dorniden, Dlelady. Sul. (Ivan, Mr. V(ce President -10. - Nxys_o Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 27, 1891. Bit F No. 430- Ycn'-11 sets. Bunholzor. Elmquist, NlcCaf- Resolved, That the draft of contract bear- forty. McNamee, Mlnea, pp.. hot.. Vnn Ing date August28. 1891, between John Leslie and the City of St. Paul. for the furnlshingaf Slyke. lir. President -8. Nays -0. stationery and material W the Board of Approved Oct. 28, 1591. 292 PROCEEDINGS OF TI lid F No. 566- 1. the matter of the report of the Board of Public Works dared Oct. 1.5. 1891. It is hereby ordered by the Commcn Council of the Cit yy of St. Paul: That the Bourd of Public Works of the City ofSt. Patel cause the following imr�rovoment w be made, to -wit: Grade to a partial grade the alleyrun ningnorth and south in block 2 .P ICel: 292 PROCEEDINGS OF TI Bd F No. "d- ln the matter of the report of the Hoard of Public Works dated Oct. 15.1891. It is hereby ordered by the Common Council f the City of St. Paul: That the Bourd of Public Worksof the City of St. Paul cause the following imr•rovereent to be made. to -wit: Grade to a partial trade the alley run ni hR north and south In block 2 of Keller's sub vision, block 11, Lyman Davtn's addition to St. Paul.in said city. Tbat said Board cause said work t be let by contract, as provided by law. without one - into thefLit y trthe easury. andaftersaid workdshall be placed der contract. said Board shall pproceetl without delay to "sense the amount, wsmtrly as they can ascertain the some. htell will be required co pay the costs and uponecn the real estate t enses 0f booubeneflted by said improvement, as ppro-ded by law: it being the opinion of the Co neil that rent eshtte t be assessed for sucheh Improvement can be found benefited to textent of the costs and expenses necessary W be Incurred them- by hem- b Adopted by the -Board of Aldermen Oct. 20, 1897. Yeas-Ald. Biel,nberg, Bott, Cecil Dobner, Dorniden, Gehan. Meholy, Sul- livan, M-. President -10. Nuys O. Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 27. 1991. Yens -Messrs. Banhnlzer, Elmgn iso. MCCu[- ferty, MIN—. Mines, Oppennefm, Van Slyke. Mr. President -S. Nays. Approved Oct. 28, 1891. Bd F No. 567 - In the matter of the report of the Board of Public Works dated Oct. 10. 1891. It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the Cit- of St. Paul: That the Board of Public Works of said Cita of St. Paul cause the f ollowing improve- , ot t be made. to -wit: Constructs sew,r n Beech street, from East Seventh 17th) street to Mendota street. I , said city, tegether with the necessary matchbusins and man- holes. t: said Board cause said work to be let Tnn by contract, as ted c st by haw, without rfno- half the estimated cost Ser n6 first paid Into the city treasury, and atter sold work shall be pieced under contract said ss Bnerd shill rOCeed without delay t0 aeaCae the amount. as nearly ns they can ascertain the ssme. whichwill be required to pay the costs and necessary expenses of tach improvem.•nt upon the real estate to be benefited by aaid im prorement, as proyided Sy law, it being the opt pion of the Commll tont rept esrxtI, W lea )essed for such improvement can be found benefited the the extent of the costs and expenses necessary t be Inco rred thereby. Adopted by the Ifo¢rit of Aldermen Oct. 20, 1891. Yeas-Ald, Blelenherg, Bolt, Conley. Cups - land, Dob, Dorniden, Gehan, Melady, Sul- livan. Mr.nerPresident-l0. Nuys 0 Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 27, 1891. peas -Messrs. Banholaer, Elmqulet. Mcflaf- ferty, McNamee. Mine", Oppenheim, Van Slyke, Mr. President -6. Nays. Approved Oct. 23, 1891. LE COMMON COUNCIL Bd F N...568 -- In thematter of the report or the Board of Public Works dated Oct. 2). 1991. It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council f the City of St. Paul: That the Board of Public Worksof said City of St. Paul cause the following improvement to beade, to -wit: Grade Ilety in block nine (9). Mackubio and Marshall .s addition t St. Pilot between Martin and Fuller streets. from MaCk.bbl street t Keat street In .said y City. That said Board cause said work to he let by con tract, as provided by law, without. halt the estimated cost being first paid int I he city treasury, and after said work hull be placed under con tract said Board shall pro- ceed without delay to assess the amount. n arty as [hey can ascertain the some wh'e'el wi I I bo regal re tl t pay the -a- and necessary li expenses of such imp ro,ttcrtupon the real estate t be benefited as pprovided by law: it being the opt noon of the Connell that real es- tate to be assessed for such Improvement can be found benefited to the extent of the costs and expenses neessary to bet ncurred thereoy. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 20. lBUi. Sens -Aid. Bielenberg, Butt. C�nloy. Cors, lead. be . Doruldc.. Gehan. Meiudy, Sul- livan. Mr. President --30. Nay, , Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 27, 1901. Yeas-Dlessrs. Bnnbolzer, Elm ills[. Dic- Ctforty McNamee. Mince. OPpen�eim, Van Slyke. Dir Pr 'den". Nuys. Approved O. t. 28, I891. Bd F No. 517J - In the mutter o' theeport of the Board of Public Works dated Oct. 19. 1891. It I. hereby orchood by the Common Council or the City of St Paul: That the Board of Public Worksof said City of Sc. Paul cause the following improvement t be made. to -wit: Construct n six-foot wooden sidewalk nthe north eidoof Penn- anla avenue, from the west tire of lot 20, k he nand Sherburnt e's additfun Stoc, As o St. Pa1ul, to L'OrIcut street, and o. the south aide of Penn -Vivaria avenue, from Fal rvlow et"', to L'V rient street. In sum cat That said Board shall proceed wit. to assess 1ho amount, as nearly as ascertain the same, which will he r[ Pay the costs and necessary expense Imprmemedt upon the rete' eetntC ,aid improvement, us provided by ng the opinion of the Councd shut to be Cls_Cd for such rm Provo- • found benefited to the extent of ad expenses necessary to be incur - by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 2), d. Bielenberg, Butt, Contey. Cape- r. Dorniden, Gehan, Melody. Sul - President -10. by the Assembly Oct. 27, 1801. stirs. Bnnbolzer, Elmvvuist. D[c- feNamee. Dtinea,Oppenheim, Vup Prosident-8. I Oct. 28. It)'JI OF THE CITY OF S Bd F N. 570 - In the matter of the report of the Board of Pend lc Works dated Oct. 19, ISid. It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: That the Board of Publele Works of said City of St. Paul cause the followingrmprove- ents to be made. to -wit: Construct n chrcc plan k crosswalk on west. side of A IdI ne street, •res, Duytn uv nu ; also a three -plank ue,osw lk n south .Ido f Rondo street, s wilder avenue. In said city. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 20. 1891. Yeas -Aid. Bielenberg. Boit, Cnnlcy. Cope- land, Dobner, Dorniden, Gehan. Meiudy. Sul- Ilvan, Mr. Prestdent-10. Naysted . Adopby the Assembly Oct. 27, 1897. Yeas -Messrs. Bunhulzer, Elncluist, Mt•- Cngerty. Mo Nam re, I'll Op7wnhcim, Vnn Approvers Oct. 28, 1801 Bd F Ne. 571- Inthe matterofthe report ofthe Board of Pu bile Worka, dated Oct. 19. 1891. It Is hereby ordered by the Commou Council f the City of St. Paul: That the Board ol'Public Works of enid City of St. Paul cause tic following improvement to be made. to wit: Construct •rosswmk ss Unlve-Ity ave""' about281feete:tst of Prior avenue, t. sold city. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 20, 1691. Yds -Abd. Bielenberg. Butt. yCope- land. Dob. mly. Su Doriden, Dfoludy. Sullivan, Df r. President -10. Nays-(). Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 27. 1601. Yeas -Messrs. Bilaboliar, Elmquls[. Mr,- Caderty, MCNamtC, Mines Oplanhcim. Va. Sl vke, Mr. President -6. Nays -7. Approved Oct. 28, 1891. Bd F No. 572 - In the matter of the report of the Board of paidC Works dated Oct. 19, 1891. It is hereby ordered b the Common Council of the City Cf St. Paul. That the Board of Public Works of said Clty of St. Paul cause the following improve- ment to be made. to -wit: Construct a cross- walk over Mlnnehuha Strect, on the west side of Pascal avenue in said city Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 20, 7691. Yeas-Ald. Bielenberg, Bott, Conley. Cope- ladd. Deb net. Dorniden, Gehan. Melody. Sul Iivan. Mr. Prestdent-10. Nays -0. Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 27. 1691. Yeas -Messrs. Banholzer. Elmquist, McCaf- ferty. McNamee. Dimes Oppenheim. Van Mr. Bly dys President -Fl. Adproved Oct. 28, 1691. Bd F No. 573- In the mutter of theeport of the Board of Public Works dated Oct. 19. ]691 It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul. LINT PAUL FOR 1891. 293 That the Board of Public Works of the City of St. Paul cause the following improvements to he made, to -wit: Construct a crosswalk across Como avenue, from the southwesterly corner of Como avenue and Burggess street to the northeasterly corner of as id streets, m said city. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 20. Nut. Yrus-Ald. Bielenberg- B,tt, Conly ey. CnPpe- land, Dobner, Doi aidcu, Gehan, Melod, Sul- IIvan. Mr. Prestdent-10. Nayys Atlopted by,the Assembly Ont. 27. 1891, Peas -Messrs. Bnnbolzer. F.Imqulst. MCCuf- fcrty, McNamee. Mines, Oppenheim. Van Slyke, Mr. President -8. Nuys_o. Approved Oct. 28, 1891. Bd F No. 5r1- In the mutter of the reports of the Board of Public Works, dated Dhtrch 27, IM, .lune 27, 1890, and Oct. 20, 1801. It is lie by ordered by the Common Council Tf Lhe Cl ty of St. Paul. b at the Board of Pu hire Works of .,aid City of St. Paul cull ee the follow%% rmprovc- ic is t be made. W -wit: Grade W eBe street f the , woons lido on the nccom aiiyfng LLtro Edgerton street ntdlPayne ,nue; t the estublislned grade from Payne. avec", t a paint 300 feet east o[ Pay"' ave- side: to the .tuba. Bred, on the orth , and to the grade s shown by Um ac- panyingprofile on the south side, from u p.Iut88t1 feet east of Payne nvenuo to Weide uveiue. a slope wall to be constructed be- tween Lho upper and lower grades, and to the established grade from Weide avenue to Ar- cade street. Also crude under tine same non- tracc and )the stablished gr.de, Green- brier avenue. tram Wells street- to York street. in said city. That said Board cause said work to be let by contract, ¢s provided by inw, without one- Inalf tine estimated cost acing first paid Int the city treasury, and after sold Board shall groceed wlthout dein nt assess the amount. nrly as they c ascertain the same. which will be requiredto pay the costs and necessary expenses of such improvement poll the rent estate to be benefited by said Improvement. s provided by inw; ft icing then In. of the ssessed for such imd tont ren' estate be be acan be found benefited t the extent of hetcre tsund expenses necessary to be Incurred thereby. Ado I.led by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 29, Butt• Conley, Cope- Gchnn. Melody, S1p1, a_ fey Oct. 27."1891. . Elmqulst MCC1tY• , Oppenbelm, VaaU� Approved Oct. 28, 1891. Bd F No. .5i5- In the matter of the report of the Board of Public Works dated Oct. 18, 1891. I t is hereby ardercd by the Common Council of the City of fit. Yall That the Board of Public Works of said City of St. Paul cause the following Improve- ment te be made, the Condemn and 294 PROCEEDIAOS OF TI take an easement in the land abutting on the alley in block 28 addition to Muckuhin and Marshall's addition to St. Pau 1, in said city, necessary to construct the elopes for cuts and fills in grading said alley to the estab- lished grade thereofas .shown by the profile of said grade oi a file n the office of the Rog - aster of Deeds in and for Ranescy countyy and in the office of the City Engineer: said slopes toe tend ono u d one-half (ly) feet on said land for every foot of cut or 18111, as ndieated on the plan of said slopes attuehed tosaid report. and to be filed in the office of .,at d Board. That said Board shall proceed without de- lay to assess the amount, as nearly us they can ascertain thesnme, which will be required to pay the damages, ousts and necessnry ea- pensesof such Improvement upon the real estate to be benefited by said improvement, as provided by late. It being the opinion of the Council that real estate to be assessed for such improvement can be found benefited W the extent. ofthe damages costs and c.. {e,ses necessary to be incurred thereby. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, &t. 20, 1891. y Yens-Ald. Bielenberg, Bott, Conley, Cape- Iadd. Dobner, Dorniden, Gel un, Melod. Sul- livan, Mr. Prcefdeotr10. Nays -0. Atlopfed by the Assembly Oct. 2', 1891. Yea. -Messrs. Banholzer, Flmquist, McCaf- rty. McNamee. Mines.. Oppenheim. Van SI)) ke, Mr. President -B. Nuys o. Approved Oct. 28, 1891. By Aid. D.b,er-Bc F No. 580 - IL is hereby ordered by the Common Council If the CIS, of St. Paul: That the matter of plu�ing a gasoline lamp on the orth side of Ellis street, half -way be Raymond avenue and Long avenue, he and the same is hereby referred to the Board of Public Works to Investigate and re- port,. Is his lin vement proper and necessary? It au, send the Council a proper order direct- ioxthe work to be done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct, 20. 1891. Yeas-Ald. Bielenberg. Butt. Conley, Cope- land. Dobner, Dornidon. Oehan, Melady. Sul- Ilvan, Mr, President -10. Naye 0. Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 27, 1801 Yeas Messrs. Banbolzer, Elmqulst. McCaf- ferty, McNamee, Mines, Oppenheim, Vnn Slyke. Mr. President -8. Nays -0. Approved Oct. 28. 1891. IE COMMON COUNCIL land, Dobner, Dorniden, Gehan. Melady, Sul- livan, Mr. President -10 Nays -0. Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 27. 1891. ]"eats -Messrs. ➢aeholzeq Elmqulst. McCaf- ferty. DleNumec, Mines, Oppenheim• Van Slyke. Mr. President -8. Nay-(). Approved Oct. 28, 1881. By Aid. Dobner-Bd F No..N ", It is hereby ordered by the Uemmon Council of the City of St. Paul: Tit tl,e matter of pluctnR u gasoline lamp on then th side of Ellie street. half -way between i Raymond avenue and territorial lad. be, and the same is hereby referred to the Board of Public Works to Investigate and r e ort. ]s this improvement proper apd oeceaeury'� It so. send the Council a peeper order dirge in the work to be dime. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 20, 1891. Yens-Ald. Bielenburg. Bott, Can ley. Cope- luud.• Dobner. Dorniden, Gehen, Melady. Sul- livan. Mr. President -10. Naye-0. Adapted by the Assembly Oct. 27. 1891. Yens -Maser.. Banholzer. Elmqulst. McCaf- ferty. McNamee. fifteen. Oppenhulm, Van 51 I. Mr. President -8. Nuys -0. Approved Oct. 28, 1891. By Ald. Bott-Bd F No. 584- Iicsolved• That the Board of Public Works be and Is hereby authorized to remove off lambs now located on Ross street, In cem.er of block between Earl and Frank streets, to npoint forty (40) feet west of present locu- tlon. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 20, 1591. Yess-Aid. Bielenberg. Bott, Conley, Cope- land. Dobner, Dorniden. Gehan. Melady, Sul- livan, Dtr. Pr..id..t-10. Nays- -o Adopted by the Assemblv Oct. 21. 1891. Yeas-Dlessrs.,Banholzer, Elmqulst McCaf- ferty, McNamee. Mine., Oppenheim, Vun S,) c, Dir. President -8. N ys-O. Apyroved Oct. 28, 11t9L Bd No. 585 - Resolved, That city orders be drawn upon the city Lreusu ryy, payable out of the resppeeet- ive assessment fu ds, in favor of the tollow- i,, named M) ns, far, the amounts set opyosite W_their respective names: waterin By Aid. Dobner-Bd F No. rAl- • street, 8415; It hs hereby ordered by the Common Council change of gr Tf the City of St. Paul: streets. 8750; hat the matter of placing n six -fent wood- a change of, en sidewalk, with suitable crosswalks, on the .streets. #1.11: north side of Ellis street, between Hampden I triet No. 4. avenue and Territorial road, be, and the Feyen, eprin oa is hereby referred to tM1e IWaN of Pub- 8, 44119.47; Nh he n •Works to investigate and report. No. 6. Esthm Is this im11leevemeut proper and necessary? : )riokltr If so, scud tlio Council a proper order direct- 4748.00; Thu Ing the work to be dune. No. 0.Esti" Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Out. 20, ,pri ukIi or I 1591. le". pnvine N. Ycas-Ald. Bielenberg, Batt, Galey, Cole- ui tx; . L I misefoners, raising pipes on Jacksoe I te. damugas for u OF THE CITY OF S2 Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 20. 1891. Yens-Ald. Bielenberg, Boat, Conley, Cope - kind, Dobner. Dorniden, Delta", Melady, Sul- IIvlm. Mr. President -10. NeyeO. Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 21. 1891. Teas -Messrs. Banholzer, Elmqulst. McCaf- ferty. McNamee, Mine., Oppenheim. Van Site. Mr. President -8. Nays0. Approved Oct. 28. 1891. F a city order be draw •" upon payable out of the • .ewer - or of Doherty. Eati- finul. constructintt,�, a sewer ek volley to 49.i>OD, hoard of Aldermen Oet. ?0, enlerg, Botts Cnnh,y. Cole- rniden. Cohen, Melady. Sul y the Assembly Oet. 27, 1891. srs. Banholzer, Elmqulst. McCuf- Mb"a, Oppenhelm, Vun �m:sidcnt-8. Oct. 'L8. 1801 Bd F No. 587 - Resolved, Thatclty orders be drawn upon rhe city treasury, payable nut of the riming andedp rsons tend.h set opposite t ed Dersuus, for the amounts set opposite I their respective nflmas: D. turn. I, A Smi. 43.50; D. D. Merrill Co.. $1 tI.S'L; H. E. Wedelstaedt & Co.. 11168.27; Jas. H. Burns, 41.7"5.76. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 20, 1891. Yens-Ald. Bfelenherg. Butt, Conley. Cope- land. ]).beer, Dornden i. Gahan, Mclady, Sul- livan, Mr. President -10. Nays -0. Adopted by Ute AsaemblY Oct. 27. 1801. Yeas-Mesnrs. ➢nnM1olzer, F.Imquiat. M,Cat- ferty, McNamee. Mine,, Oppenheim, Van Sivkc, Mr. Prsddmit-8. Apps Approved Oct. 28,1891. Bd F No. 588 - Resolved. That cit, ordersle drawn upon the city treasury, puyboa le t of the `lighting fund." In favor et' the fill Ici-bi -"urnver. suns for the amounts set opposite to their respective names: R. Seeger. 113,978.28; SI. Paul Gas Light Co„ $26.2.1,. Adopted by the ]Board of Aldermen Oct. 20, f 191. Yeas-Ald. Bielenberg. Bout, Conley Cope Is nd. Doboer, Dorniden, Golan. Melady, Sul- livan. Mr. President -10. Nuydops-0. Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 27, 1891. Yeas-Mesare. B.nholzer, Ela iaL McCaf- Slvke. Mr NYresldmlillm,a. Oppenheim. Van Nuys it Approvov ed Oct. 28. 1891. INT PAUL FOR 1891. 295 Bd F No. 589 - Resolved. That city orders be drawn upon the city treasury, payable out of the '•local improvement fund," in favor of the follow- ing named persons, for the amounts set o0 oosite to their respective names: Board of Water Commissioners. 404750; H. S. Fuller, damages, opening Rondo street, $A.25; J, W. Maloney, Estimate No. 11. grad- ing Pennsylvania avenue. 0'"0; Dale &, Baumgardner. Estimate No. 12, grading Fairview street, 4425; T. Llnnan. Estfm.te No. 7,ggrading Nebraska et al. streets. $799; A. Gingles. Estimate No. 8, grading Cleve- land nvimu. 4869, Adopted by tho Board of Aldermen Oct. 20, lull Yeas--Ald. Bielenberg, Bott. Conley. Cope- land, Dobner. Dorniden. Gehan. Melady, Sullivan, Mr. President -10. N.Y.' Adopted by the Assembly Cct. 27, 1801. Ymts-Messrs. Bmaholzer, Elmqqulst, Mc- Cafferty. McNamee. \tinea, OPpenlieim, Van Slyke, Mr. President___ Nuy.-0, Approved Oct. 28, 1891. Rd F No. 591 - Resolved. That city trdem be drawn upon the cityy treasury pr.y.11, oat of the '•Board f I'uUllc Works' fund, in f..vur of the follow- ing -Domed persons, for the amounts set op- pnsito to their respPtteti vs. names: Dlerriil'e Tildct supply, M; Robert Warring- ton & Co.. 412. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 20. 1891. Yd. And. Bielenberg. Butt. li aleyy�� i.9py,r. So, Dabney, Dorn] den, Gchnn, Melutly. Sullivan. Mr. President -10. Nays -0. Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 27, 1891. Yeas -Messrs. Bunhelzer. F.Imquist Mc- Calferty McNamee. Miner, Oppenheim. %'an SlAke. Dir. President -8. Nays- 0. Approved Oct. 28. 1891. Bd F No. 592- jes Ived. That city orders be drawn upon city treasury. epnyublo out of the heal city expo s fund, in favor of file following -named persons, for the amounts set op posite to their respective names: G. W. Merrill, 416; 1. E. Norton & Son, 418. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 20, IHil. Yeas- Ald, Blelenberg, Botts Conley, Cope- land, Dobner, Dorniden. Glibnn. Melady, Sul- livan, Mr. President -10. N.Ye-0. Adopted by the Assembly Cet. 27, 1801. Yea.-Dfessra'. Runhol zcr, Eimqu lst, McCuf- fercy, DlcNamee. Mines. Oppa;nhelm, Van 31 ke, DI r. President -8. ivYave-0. Approved Oct. 26.1891. Bd F No. 593 - Resolved, That the plot of "Dauer,', Be, e, Addition to St. Paul, Misr....as approved by the Plat C.mmis.ion and es recommended by the City F.nafineer, be. and the same is he -N sereppted by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul. R 296 PROCEEDINGS OF T Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 20. 1691. Yeas-Ald. Bielenberg, Batt. C..IOY. Cope- land, Dobner, Dorniden, Gehan, Melady, Sul- livan, Mr. President -30. Nay. -0, Adopted by the Assembly Oct.. ?71891. Yeas -Messrs. ➢anholzer. Elmqulat, McCuf- fertyy, McNamee. Mines, Oppenheim, Van Slyke. Mr. President-:. Nays 9. Approved Oct. 28.1891. Bit F No. 595 -- Resolved. That an order for four (I)della- be drawn on the city treasury out of the Aldermen Oct. 20. At. C..ley. Cup T - be., Melady, Sul Oct. T. 1691. Elmquiat, a Oppenheim,, Vu. yApproved Oct. 28. 1691. B ltesoivTtiat¢tile Bour606- ,it, Public Works be, and they ere hereby requested w prose d at one. w the change ret grade of the .streets necessary for the construction of the Broad- way bridge Ad.,) by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 20, 1891. Yeas -Alit. Bielenberg, Bott, Conley. Cope- land. Dobner. Dorniden, Gchnn. MelodyA Prealdont-9. Nays -Aid. Sullivan -1. Adopted by the Assembly Oct. V. 1891. Yens -Messrs. Banbolzer. Elms uist, Tfc- Cuff-tyy,� McNamee, bfinen, Oppel Seeim. Vun Style, Mr. Preeldent-S. Nay's- 0. Approved Oct. 28, 1881. :lie Common Council Out to HOW streetbe, "'I Lb Same is -shy referred w the Board of Public Works vestigate and report: 1at-Is this improvement proper and pec- arond-Ga ive the Council estimate of o o thereeef. and state whether one- f pp troalothe ry before the c.n ruccost tbareof 1, to bet islet.w the bird -Can real ::to to be a . - d for I improvement be found beneflted w Lbo aVy [rit and he Incurred t foriierehy7 expenses nec- it the petition or ittpplicatlon of Lias for up a majority of the property to be asseOeed such improvement? 'fifth --Solid the Council a plan or profile of AE COMMON COUNCIL said imdrovement. Its required by law, If you report ,n favor of the same. c sixth -Send the Councils proper order di- m( tingthe work w be done. t.doptd by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 20, 18C 1. Yeas-Ald. Bielenberg, Bott. Conley. C.pe- land. Dobner, Dorniden, Gehan, Melady, Sal - liven, Mr. Prosidentr-30. Nays -0. Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 27. 111 Yeas -Messrs. Banholz:r, Elmquiat. MOCaf- erty. McNamee. Mines. Oppenheim, Van Slyke, Mr. Pn+side at 8. Nays 0. Approved Oct. 28, 1891. tt le hereby ordxred by the Common Council f the l:ltyof St. Paul: t That the atter of the eree:tton of. lamps on ,Teseamine street from Payne Ave- nue w Br idlev street: also on Case street First-Ia this improvement proper and uee- e Second -Glue the Council an estimate of the exile o thereof, and state whether o halt t rhe cost thereof is to no paid law the ItYy treasury before the contact is let. c T.ird-Can real estate w be assessed for sold Improg meat be found benefited w the oxTj. io bedin v c� therebyd expenses neces- S Fourth -Is such Improvement asked for upon the petttlon or application of the own - upon of n majority of the proporty w be as- sessed Tor such imppm'am.-It Fifth -Send the Councll a pian or prodle of said Improvement. as required by law, if you sport In favor of the same. r Sixth -Send the Council a proper order di- retine g the work t be dune. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 2D, I E191. land. Dobnler, Dlorn Iden. ". MeladyCSul- livan. Mr. Preslden[-10. Nuys -0. Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 27. IR91. Yens --Messrs. Banbolzer. Elm, , at. Me- Cnfferty McNamee. Mine", OpiscNe:im. Van Slyyke. Mr. President --8. Nays -0. APprovcd Oct. 28, 1891. By Ald. Melady-Bd F No. 6W- lt is hereby ordered ny the Common Council of the Cltyot St.Paul: That tlm matter of placing and maintain- ingonegnsoliit lamp ontho otneestcor- of P pect terrace and Winslow be. and Pro s e Is hereby referred t othe Board of Public Works w investigate sad re- peIstthts imptvement proper and necessary? If sn. send the- Cuunctl n pro(�erAiaRlor direct- org the work torldih-t Adeptd by the ¢ea,d of A Ider at. 20. polis. ..... Yens -Aid. Rielenberg. Bott, Citniey, Copo- Iand, Dohaer. DoroldenGeb.n, Moistly, Sul- livan, Mr. President -30: Nays- 0. Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 27, 1891. OF THE CITY OF SA Yeas -Messrs. Banbolzer, Elmqutst, McCaf- ferty McNamee, Mines. Oppenheim, Van Ste. Mr. Presideut-8. aye0. Approved Oct. 28. 1881. ,d,-Bd F No. 001- idered by the Common Council .,St. Paul: mutter of the construction of elk on south side of Robie street, treat, be. and the same is hereby he Board of Public Works to in- n met t up p,op rntd e, direct W be dome. prop; der direct - f the Board of Aldermen Oct, 20. Bielenberg, Butt, Conley, Cope - r, Dorniden, Gehan. Melady. Sul- :esidert -]0. y�he Assembly Oct. 27, 1801. Banholzer. . Elmqutst, McCat- biineam , Oppoehei, Van resident -8. Oc t. 29.1891 kid. Dorniden-Bit F No. 602- heroby ordered by the Common COO ucil the Clty of St. Paul: ,at tho matter of erecting slid maintain - 'gas lamp on the northeast corner Of iso, street and Douglas street be, and the le hereby referred to tdhe Board of Pub- Vorks t Investigate anreport: thisimprovement pli oroper and ecce,,sary? thsende work t be dente, pper order diroet- I.pted by-tti-e-Board of Aldermen Oct. 2D. Ias-Ald. Bleleaborg, Bolt. Conley. Cob . Dobner. Dorniden. Gehan. Melady. Sul - n. Mr. Presid.ntr10. 'Y' s�. Iepted by the Assembly Oct. 27, IR91. :as -Messrs. Banholzer, .In IAL erty McNamee. Mfnea. Oppenheim. Van to. Mr. President -S. tysDpol. iat•Cd Oct. 'A3, 1891. ByIred'IThat the oard f Public Works Ip- e hcraDy a thoriud w -,,;move the most we.terly gnsnline lamp o St. Anthony nve- ue to cast side of Prloverle, in center of blue k between Rondo and Carroll streets. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 2. 1891. yeas-Ald. Blelonberg. Butt, Conley. Cope- land. Dobner. Dorniden, Geb"n. Melady, Sul. liven. Mr. President -10. Nays -1. Adopted by the Assembly Oct. Z, 1801. Yeas- seers. Banbolz.r, F.lmqulst. McCaf- NT PAUL, FOR 1891. 297 ferty, McName.. Mine.. Oppenbeim, Van Ste. Air. President -8. Nape. Approved Oct. ?P, 1891. W. P. MUrsnA Y, President of the Assembly. O. the C Board r.N, President of the Bard A Aldermen. doeNF. GEHdofA. - Vis. President of the Board of Aldermen,. Taos. A. Ynevne.Runsr. City Clerk. Nov. '2. OFFICIAL PALIC TION Of Resolution,, Adopted by the Common Council of tho City of SI. Paul. AM No. 8'I the cit Itttevaue t a city order be down upon Y y payable lit of the "w r yply Iuvd,' in 1. -of the Ronrd of ut'uter Commissioners. fur the amount of iatl.W. Adopted by the A., -bly Oat. 2- II,YII. Yens -Messrs. Banbolzerlmquiat, McCaf- fert_v,McNumec,Minea.OppZicim, Vun Slyke. Mr. President -8. Nuys -0. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 3. 1891. Yeas-Ald. Bielevborg, Bott. Cooley. Cupp • I rad. Dobner, Dorniden, Ooban. Sun,,urn, Sutl- li van -10. Noys-0. Approved Nov. 5, 1891. A')- F No. 307. Resolved. That a city order be sawn upas, the city treasury. payable out of the 11. 1 Ing fund," in furor of the St. Paul Gus Light Company, fur the "mount of $8,U78.18. Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 27, In. Peas --Messrs. Banbolzer, Elmqutst. McCaf- ferty, McNumee.MmeaOppen helm• Van Slyke. Mr. Prestdent-8. Nays -0. Adopted by the Board Of Aldermen Nov. 3, 1891. Ymcs--Aid. Bic lenberg. Botts Conley, CoFe- land, Dnb inr, Dorniden. Gohun,Sun born. 1ul- Ilrun, blr. Presid.nt,-10. Nuys --0. Approved Nov. 5, 1891. A'yy F. No. 399-- Hesolved, That a city der be drawn.ulwn the city treasury, payable out t the ^R. T. lit expenses fad," 1n favor of R. T. O'Connor. Clerk, for the amount of $7. Adoptd by the Assembly Oct. 27, 1891. Yens--yI-rs. Banholzer. Elmqutst, bfcCnt- ferty,MeNamee. Minea.Oppenhel m, V u i Slyke, Mr. Presideutr-8. Nays --o. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 3. 1891. Yens --A Iit Bielen berg, B:titConley.CoPo- Iand,,Oobver, Dornlden. Gehan. Sanborn, bul- livan. Mr. President, -10. Nays --0. Approved Nov. 5, 1MJI. 298 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. A'yy F No. 309. named persona, for the amounts set opposite Besolvod, That a city order be drawn upon o their rempertive names: the city treasury, payable out of the "sewer- I James Wheeler $Wfi; Brown, Treacy & Co., age fund." In favor of P. Doherty. for Esti- $7.55; John Martin Lumber company, $20.76; mate No. Lconstructing Edgerton street over- J. P. Gribben Lumber company. +D 10.30; A. F. flow aawer, for the amount of $70.5. 9W wort. 12.50; The Babcock Trunefer and Adopted by the Aesombly Oct. 27, 1891. St,,r age company. $25; E. McNamee. $18.55; Yeas --Messrs. Banholzer, SIm11uI.L McCaf- .1. H, Schurmoler Wagon company, Ni; Dom farty.McNamee.Mlnes,OPPenhelm,VunSlyke, aldson' Ogden & Cu., $4.38; Prundorgnst Mr. Prseldent-8. Bras., $37.6'1; .f. F'en.term.ker. $3 411; Charles Nmys 0* Friend & Son, $26.50; Annul, Ebert & Co., Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 3, $61.80; Go p Mi tsab, $30.75; Georg' H. Allen, 1891, �+; Union lank Line 111.2J; Nloole &. Dann, Y.uP--Ald. Blelonberg, Bott, Conley. Cope- $1.95; Noyes. Bros. & Cutler, 186.06; George J. land. Delmer. Dornidun, Gehnn, Sanboru,Sul- Mitsch& Co., Just'". Cudworth&Co., ,Ivan, Mr. President -10. I $211.x5: L'lligb Coal and Iron company, Nnys--0. '160.N1; rho Gutta Parch. and Rubher com. Approved Nov. 5, 1801. parry}. 1501; C. W. Hackett Hardware eompa- ny^$I1.31; Western Rubber and Belting twm- n r_ .5• Abrin% M-of%nt„rina n,. .an,. A' F No. 310- I company, $18.50; Bt. Paul Ice company, N11.:J0; Resolved, That city orders be drawn upon GmrRe Winglingg, $40.00; Ll niceties, {Varner & the city treasu ry, Pay9able out ei the ••xchuul�Schurmcler $'2,W; Robert WurringWn, t^_; H. Lund," In favor of LlI. Yellowing -named per- H. Preston & Co.. $12; sins, for tilt umountm set opposl Le their re- Adopted I,y IIIc Axmumbly Oct..7, INUI. .pective cause: Yeo+--Jlessrx. Buoolzer, Elno ulxL McCuf- John Dowlnn & Sons, &3,901.88; Rt. Paul forty Melva meo,Mlnea.Oppenhuim,VunSlyi(e, Hardware oompnily. fiJ34.07; St. Paul Gux Mr. lsrc.idont--.. Light company $2• F. J. Schultze, "0; It. NUYx-0. Rittmuxtor, 137.50; %Villlum O'Rourke. 622.2"; ! Adapted by the Hoard of Aldermen Nov. :1, Ni a Brun. & Cutloq $8'J.53; Mlles &Hale. 1801. $78.25; L. W. Arnold & Co.. $44.40; E. H. Alli- Ycus-AIV. BlclenhOrK, ROLL Cooley, Cupe- hum.83.24; C. Li. Lown, $ill; Brown. '1'rmtoy lend. Dobner, Dornlderl, Geluw, Sanborn, Sul- & Cn., tNi'd4.9h• J. Y. Grlblen Lumber com- (Ivan.. r. President -10. parry, $44.44• Erdlsou Electric Light and Power Nuys -0. company, 610.27; N. {V. Telephone ExchunBe Approved Nov. 5, 1897. 10up.19k$14.40; F'tnchc. Van Slyek. Young & Ad. Will by the Assembly Oct. 27. If491. A'yy F No, ;Iltt- Yeu.-Moxnre. Banhulz,1 r. Elnupa l't. McCuf- tie aired, ThnL of ty onlorm be drawn upon -ferty.MeNumee,Mlneu,Opponholm.Vun Slykc, file city treasury. payu I o outof tho rex wet• Mr President --8. Ive assessment funds. In favor of the c'Now- Nuys-0. 'Ing -named p'rxuna, for the amounts ant oppo- Adopled by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 3 j site to Lh.lr re.pLetiva name': 1891. E. Shepley, Estimate No. 5 and final, YO ux-AId. BlelenborK, Bott, Conley. Cop" )+urhlg lied ford of al. streets, Mjl tR Aug. I,ad, Dobner.Dornidun,Goimn,Swaburn,Sul• fbu ll' n, damages for a obungo of grudo nn i Ilvun, Mr. Prosldeut--10. J., lemon mon and Fourteenth streets, Nil; Juhn A. Nuys --0. and W. M. Sleex, dnmtges for a change of Approved Nov. 5, 1691. ggrade mr Jucksnn sod Fourteenth xtreatx, @14; Chas. H..Johnson, damages for a change of qrude on .Iack.on and Fourteenth streets, 1080; J. FI. AlcNamnra, Estimate No. 3, grad - A'77 F Nu. 311-- Ing Hewitt avanuo, fM'S5; A. C. Huebner. EeW- fU+ clued, Thut city Orders bo drawn u >on mute No. 1, grading McMonein stoa1. the oat$ Lrenxu ry, puynbl,1 Out of Ike •'pain' $1,215; M. Lux. Fstimate No. 2, grading Ellis lug ural xtalonory loud." Its favor of the fol PtrO.L $AI• : J. D. Moran, Estlmato No. 4, lowing8 named persons. for the amounts set grads ug Slxth+.treoq $4,700; P. 1'nnLIwIL oppp islW to thorn ruepcetivo ¢anus; F:et1. No.4 sed fOnui, grndlnl!ff, DooloY nv- Wllllam Borland] & U+,. $;LS; D. M. Smythe onus, $314; W. A. 1)¢vorn," Estimate I•lvo. ;1, by the Board of Aldormun Nov. 3, LM tonborg, Mott. Conloy,,opo , Donddon. Guhun, Sanborn. Sul - Approved Nov. 5, 1891. A'y F N%312- ItOmolved. That city orders be drown upon the city treasury, Uuyublt out of the ••fire do- partment fail( n favor of the following - A by the Board of Aldermen Nov.3, d. Blelunberg, Butt. Conley, Cote - CF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL FOR 1891. 299 Lund, Dobner, DU[nldeti.Geliuii, Sanborn, Sul- forty, McNamee. Miueu, oppenhelm, Van livan, Mr. Presidentrl0. St., Mr. President-& Nays -0• Nnys-0• Approved No. 5, 18ll1. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Nor. 0. 1801. Y ens-Ald. Blelouherg. Butt, Conley, Copo- bold, Dobner, Dur.11 Gchun, Sanborn, By Mr. U Ienheim-A'y F No. ;115- Sulbvau, Mr. President -lo. It is hereby ordered by to Common Council Aayr od Nov. 5, 1x"4. of the City of St. Paul: pp ov That the matter of lowering and rebuilding the sewer on Robertstreet, from Sixth street hereby referreY to tile Board of Public Works W Investigate nod report: First -1. this Improvement properand non- of'ary? Secuupod-Give the council an eah` 11 halI. f uY tilt cosiso h thereof is teand stnb paidt Into tile cIW treason$ before Lh' contract Is let. Third --Coo real clan"• to bo aseeee'ecd for .aid improvement be found benollWd W the extent of damage., accts and oxlen.,1e ¢ecos- .rry to be incurred them, by'+ Fourth--ls uch haprovemont naked for open the petition or application of the own- erP of u m.Jority of the proterty to be as- xe'xed for such Improvemcntl F'Ifth--Send the cannot) u pian or profile of sold Improvement, us required by low. If yon repport In favor of th0 some. sixth--Sond the councll u proper order di- recting the work tobe dans. Adopted by the Assenlb y UUL. 27. 1x91. te1r'trcMante-u-e.ASkrklclnlqnu. VlPpuMSclYL'kuef- ,McNmUln.s,Oppm Mr. side Nuys--11. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 3, Imi. Ycam--Ald. UlelenboR, Botts Conk yCope- land. Dobner. Dornfon, Uehan. Yn l3idlh•an. Mr. Presidtut. Nuys --9. Approved Nov. 5. 1891 A'y F No. 310- 1, the matter of the retort Of the Ixmrd of Public Works turd Oct. 20, 18111. It is hereby ordered by th. Common Council -m�Lh,o i!,ty ninnrA Info Public Works of said A'y F No. 318. In the matter of the report of the hoard of Public Work. ituG•d 1891. It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council I the CIL$ of et. Paul: Tint tle BOnrd ut Puhlle Works of sold Clty of St. Awl cuu.e the following Impruve- m'nte to bu mode, to:wiI- Grade Cumo eve - nue from Hloe street W Park avenuu.und oon- trucL x xow0r nn said Como avenue from Saco street W Park avenue. In meld cityy, said Kradtrg and sewering to be done manor one cuntraet. Thatsnfd board cunx0s.k1 work to l/e let by ouutr..I. ux provfdod by law, wltlaontmw- I if th. cmmm. 'd cost b.1 og first paid In thu.ity Incase ry, aid after Paid work shall be placed undo• contract, said board shall proceed without delay to a.sexs filo amount. u. nearly as they an a.c.rtuln the mama which will be raqulr.(I W rpay oho coax nnrj up�ns ho roa�rC1tuW 1' ebmmflttud by aid thtitupinlouauf athu UOuutll baht real -It t' d be assessed for such improvement caul be found benofftted to the extent of taw nests and expenses necessary W be Incurred there. by. Ldopted by the Ale itn'" Got. 27. 1801. Ycus-Mcxnrm. Bunhulzor, F.Imyul'L McCuf- fcrty, McNamee, T 11,11, Uppunhulm- Von Hlvke. Afr. P ... ideut-8. Nnys 0. AdopWd by the Beard of Ald9rmen Nov. 3, 1801. Yea.-AId.RlclenbcrR. Bolt, Cunt'$. Ceie- land. Dobner, Dornidun. G. no" Sunburn, Sullivan. Air. Prosidont-lo. Nay' -0. Approved Nov. 5. 1891. neat W to rnadc. to-wfl., CouWmn and take - an eamement In t cO bead abutting on tho alloy ba cloak bounded by University. i,yu n hu ret. A'y 1•' Nn, 8lfl. Prior and Gnkiey avenues. In sold cl ty notes. It Ix hurobyy ordrrod by the Commuu Ouu ncll nary to construct the Ploppoox for cut%and fills f the Clty of St. Poul: In grading raid alk+y to tlae t%tublixhed Rrudc Thnt the mntUsr of ¢ change of Bradt on LiorcoL as shown by [he Profile nC sold Bruno Broadway ""strew., Ietwuuu Who Mlxslx.Ippl on file In tho olli a+ of the BeKlmtcr of feed' of river wul I'rl LrteL. be and tho Panic is and for Romsey county, and 1, the oitlto u' hereby rofcrrod to tilt liourd of I'ublln Works Che City Enghmorysakislap.P oaz"md one to Invo%tlBute and report. wad ono -kelt (1'ti) t'at. on ante land fur ansa$ Fllwo--Ix the trop rovement poopur and ,.a- foot of cut o• fill, ns in mn the Plx¢ of b%'oryY Paid .loiw%attnchoA to raid report, and o bo i 8teoul-Gila the council nn t•'tlnmte of flied In oho adieu of'ald Board 1 tam expense thereof. and -tate whether (it w - That %old Beard shell prom•ed without do- bull of the cost thercor I. W Ile pnld into the I ey to asxexP -t- o amount. nP nearly nx they cityy treasury before Lho contract Ix hat. conn'ourtuln the xame.whlch wllI be required Tldrd-Can real emWtu to be asxoxxod for pease' ad .uclanslmprovumonte8-c.st. anduN mnc,cmeµtl eyrcul u:ltenttnnf dnmue[ree. I. uamtnd W expenses ed rn lou astutete be benefited by sat Impovemont. exsary W be hocurred t a,"'by7 n. provided by law: It being the opl nlen of Fourth -]x much ImpovOm'nt asked for the Council that real estate W be axeaxxed for upon the petition or a apllcutlpnn of the own- the tzwut eofetho tlulmuBex,+c a stand tax-'�eu:ssel or�uiuhllm +r vamunt7 anY to be sa• I nscs ne+i by Itis Ailloon 1y Oed tlZ7 18DIl. said fm's ov ment�ux require bylaw, by law, If yrofile ou Y..s-Mcssr.. I uriholmr. Elmgni.t, McCuf- I report n favor of Lha sumo: Y 800 PROCEEDINGS OF T: Sixth -Send the Council proper order di- eeottng the work to be done. Adopted bo the Assembly Oct. 27.1801. Yeas -Messrs. Banholzer. Elmqui.t. McCef- ferty�. McNamee, Mines, Oppenbelm, Van 91 ke. Mn President -8. N . Adopted by the Board of Alderman Nov. & 1891. Yuae-Ala. Bielenberg. Batt. Conley, Cope- land, Dobn.r, Dorviden, Gehaii-7. ilii. Prosl- N.ys-Ala. ...born. Sullivan, dent -3. Approved Nov. 5. 1891. A'yy F No. 320. It I.s hereby ordered by the Common Council upon ers o Spon the Improvement proper and use - Give the Council av estimate of I thereof, n dstate whether one - m t thereof is to be paltl ,lt. the .r, before the out ruct is Ie t. an real estate to be assessed for v ent be found benefited w the inmal= tsts a d expenses nece.- es .9h Improvement ked for ti Lien or applloatlon Of the own- iaJority of Lhe property W be as- 3uC111morOvement7 indl the Council n plan or profile of vement, as required by Isw, if you avor of the same. Ind the Council a proper order di - work to be done. by the Assembly Oct.2f. 189i. �asrs. Banholzer, Elmqulst, DlcCnf- Iamse, Mines, Oppenheim, Van Presideht-8. by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 3, d. Blelenberg. Bolt. Conley, Cope- .Dcrnldnn,Gob en --v. dr. Sanborn. Sullivan, Mr. Preei- ier.TWlfbvll 21. V ordered by the Common Council y ofS t. Paul: m Mile' of a change f grade oa nue, from State Street teen tree. IZ t a h, .e 0.I. erred w the Bonrd of Public Works rte and report, tbetmprovement properand nec- live the Council an timate of I thereof, and statewhether one - y befoOstmthereof thelconts to act Is leaid t? the e.l tate W neee.ea for ent be found ben led W to ams be e erre thet�b�d expenses neces- Issuch improvements ked for Itition application of the own- jj ftyr If the property w be as - on n6 impr, 111-nt. ad the 11 v plan or profile of •em.n[, as required bylaw, if you ,or of the same. 3E COMMON COUNCIL Sixth -Scud the u ml a proper order df - r, Ott ng the work to be done. AdoPu-'d by the Assembly Oet. %. 1801. Yens -Messrs. B¢nlullzer, Elmqulst. M.CaI- fertl'. McNamee. Mine.. Oppenheim, V.n Slyke, Mr. Presfde.t-8. Nay _-0. Adoted by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 3. 891. Yeas -Aid. Brelenberg, Bolt. Conley. Cope- land, Dubner, Doroiden, Gennn--y. dXvys-ells. sunburn, Sullivan. Mr. Presi- t--3. Approved Nov. 5, 1891. A'y F No. 322. It is hereby dered by the Common Council f the City of St. Paul: That the iter [ n change of grade on State Street• from the Misdssippl river W Keotut•ky street. be. xnd the is hereby refers ed to the Bonrd of Public Work. to Ia- tigate and report: t First--I.s the Improvement proper andneo- e. 9cy 8on d -Gin the council astaten •atimaw of f. hlalf ofp[he Cost thereof I. to be puIII let(, the Ityy treasury he for tiro c.ntruot is let. c Thircl-Can real estate t. be e.se d for said improvement be found benefited to lire extent or damage,. nest. and expe..c. neces- y to bo lncurretl thereby., s Fourth -- Is uch improvement ked for upon the petition or apph.ation of the own- : of n aJ sty of the property W be es - .se of fur suchrlaiproceme ti Fifth -Send the Council u plan or profile of said imp rovement, us regulred by low, if you report In favor of the same. Sixth --fiend the Council a proper order di - r [Ing the work done. Adopted by- the Assembly Oct. 27, I'll. Yeas --Messrs. ➢enholzor. 'Imquist, M.Caf- ferty, McNamee, Minea. Ooppenhelm. Van Slyyke, Nfr. Presldont--8. Nays -l. Adopted by the Board of Alderme. Nov. 3. 1801. Cop- land. Dob l . Dortildd... Gehen C7nley, Cope- N.ys Ald. S.nborv- Sullivan. Mr. Pre.i- dent--S. Approved Nov. 51891. By Mr. Van Slyke--A'y F No. = It fa barn Iy ordered by the Common Counell f the Cit �of St. Paul: That the cnstruotlon of alae ev on the line ,f Clark street produced through the blocks whom tin .trent isnot alcall dedl- c.ted, between Maryland street and Lowson ttreat, be. and the same is hereby referred to hVpe !;card of PubllcWorks W tnvestgxw and reFlrst--Is this Improvement proper and nee - 1 CSS oo.d--Gin. the Council an estimate of the cxpe se thereof. and state wbethor hall of the cost thereof is to be paid Inte the Oil, treneury before the contract Is let. Third--Cxn mal tate to be s d for .aid I or name nt be found b ... flted W the y W be incn>gee� costs btyd expenses neees- s Fou[th--Is 'uen improvement 'ked for upon the is, or application of the own - OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 801 s of majority of the property to be as- Y... Aid Bleloo b.rg, Bolt. CjI-IeY. COPe- •d for such improvemen tip ]nntl, 1; bIm , D.rnidoe. Genua..a"burn, s Fifth --Send Llre Council u plan or pruHln of Sullivan. Mr. Preslden4--lU. said "prov.nrunt. as required by law, if you waya--0.d Nov. 5. 1891. report in favor of the supe. ppr... Sixth --Send the Council u proper order di- re •[InK thy work w"done. Adopted by the As.•h.l.- bola. 1801. Yeas --Messrs. Bun hotter, F.Img Ilse. MCOen fert.y. McNamee. Mine¢. UpW nheim, A' FNo. 3'A -- Slyke. Mr. President -if. Y rays -0' I I PubllcWor ks doted 0ol 1t%�i11e-u Board of Adopted by thn Board of Aldcrmml Nov. 3, It 15 hereby ordered by the Common Council 189], t we Clty of SL. Yaul: Yeas--Ald. Bich -berg, Bott, Conley. Cope- That the Board o[ Public Work. of said Ixnd. Dubner. Uorniticn. G.bun. .an bu rn' CTI, o[ St. Paul cause the Yollowivg Improve - Sullivan. Mr. I'resldmht--30, e t W ,ads, tv-wit: Condemn and take Nnvs-A. a 'me t in the laud abutting on the oset- Approved Nov. 5. 1x91. erle side of Gordon v lie between curter and the alloy in block 39. St. Anthony Park North. in said city. s ny w - By Mr. B nbolzer--A'y F N . 3^_'7-- street Lha slopes for cuts nntl fills i grading It is hereby or by the Common Counell id Gordon u be twee" sold "IN W f the CItY of 9t. Poul: tee es Wpllahed grade thereof, as hewn dy That the rn utter o[ ,Ines nq th reo gasoline the prole oT "aid Rrndo on file in the officeof lam pe on OSte-vvo r ` be. and LhC s e is tiro Fio✓ulster of Deeds In d for Ramsey lu by f ed W the Board d thoIIclWork. c ty, pd in the.Me- of the City En ri....; to lnvostlgate ,rid h Sport: aid slope to extend one ¢ a -half ,l,�ii Is this improvement proper nntl ace .urea feet un said land for every foot of v t or fill lf.so. seed the Council a proper order IIII r sIndicated the plev t d Iotree air i ng the work to be done. as w eaitl qpo l, and W be filed in the Ado, by the Asscmhly Oct. 2l. 1.1. ..cc of said Board. Yous--Messrs. Bavholx.r, Elmquist. McCnf- That said Board shall proceed wlthout de- ferty, MCNnmee. Mineu, Uppeabc,in, Van a,I u.se fhe ¢mocco, which u thro9 SI ke. Mr. Presldovt--8. ertely the s Inch or y] .� Kkc. M. eloIred W paY the damages, costs lid s - Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 3. ry ezpepses of each improvement upon the 1891 real estate W be booci ted by said Improve - Yeas -Aid. flielenberg, Bott• Conlcv, Cope- eat, as provided by law; it befog the opin- land. Debrief, Duraldeu, Grlmn. Sanborn,Sul- ion of the Cmmcil that real estaW W be ne- M.2. f... .00h rmn--dent can be found Nuys --U, and expenses necessary W be incorrect there - Approved Nov. S, 1801. by -- Adopted by Lha Assembly Oct. 27. 1801. YeaJg-Messrs. Banholzer, Elmqulst, McCaf- Is such imU ,ht"em.nt asked for of the own- ferty, McNamee, Miners. Oppenheim, Van By Mr. Elmquist-A' F No. 329-- Slyke, Mr. President --8. It is hereby ordered by the Common Conteh Paul • Nuys --0. A,:opted by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 3, f the city ofst That the atter of Hing. widening and F.x.c Seven tli street on t1, north 1891. Y '--Aid. BI lonberg, B tit, Cuv ley. Cnpp ,..ad Ids, from Broadway street to Rosubel street, 1 .d, D.bnec. Dorni"en. Gehav, Snnborn.sul- he. and the Is hereby referred to the tourdof Public Worksto i nvestiguteand r levan. Mr. President --]0. N .-a. port: Approved Nov. 5, 1891. First Is this Impre-m.nt proper and ace eo peel Sime, Pmsidentr-4. !a -`Y ..d th. Cornell On estimate of - mal V taw Lu t>c se sell for I By Ald. Conlof-lid F No. - - '1 nut ]w and theeamn ant Iw round bcneeied W the ver ages. coats xnd expenses neces- , Ecentved. pnrml..ion I is hereby grunted w Damaarus Co. neurrd therehy,eKniu ht -s Templar, of St. Paul, to use ' drill Ball Market na[I for the Is such imU ,ht"em.nt asked for of the own- and occupy a rind of from date of approval hereof til etltlon or appllentidn r:tJ ity of the property w be its- Muy 1, 18ff_, on the Ors[ nntl third Wednesdays u •hrimpmcemmrt, of exon month during said p, d. the Board of Aldermen Oct. 20, Ind the Counell u plan rr profile of e t, as required by law. If you v r [ tin, .ape. Adopted by 1891. Yeas-Ald. Blolenberq. Batt. Conley. Cope- ind the Council a proper order di- land. Dobver, Dornide.. G.han, Melody, Sul- . x in be done. by the Assembly Oe'. 77. 1801. s. Bu.nolzer, Elmgnlst, McCxf- (roan. Mr. President -10. NxYs-0. Adopted by the Assembly Oct. Ti 18ym. Nemec. hikes, Oppenheim. Vnn _ Yensili^tuea BrO hVana Slyku� t lr. President --8. eo peel Sime, Pmsidentr-4. by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 3.1 l-11801.1 Approved Oct.28, R02 By Aid. Corwl Resolvpl. October ii. if the mutter of .antr imp( lane rs p - westsidenf 1 100 feet south are hereby an Adopted by 1691. Yens --Aid. In nd, Dob.or, liven, Mr. Pre Nays -0. Adopted by PROCEEDINGS OF THE CO1010N COUNCIL I F NO. 5(14- • final order approver, dl proceedings had In r the nuisance of stag - at a certain ntiscel- fronting 50 feet on the street, and being about street, It. and rho same rd of Aldermen Oct. N. erg. Bort, Corley. Coles- ` , Geban. Melody. Sul - 10. tmbly ItOct Y". 1891. .er, ElmrluisL, MCCaf- naa, Oppenheim, Vaa Approved Oct. 28. I W. Y. MUnawr. President of tlm Assembly. O. O. CULtt:N, President of the Beard of Aldermen. Tu ori. A. PRENDERGAST. City Clerk. nov-9-11, Ordinance No. 1550-Bd F No. g)6 - An ordinance granting to Albin Black Icr is imp to build and maintain a •ortgo t older Fifth street, in the City Of St. Paul between the Lowry Arcade and the Morrill building, for steam pipes. Tire Common Cnmmll ,S the City of St. Paul do ordain as follows: Section I. Thnc consent. term issioa and authority a I-eby given and grunted to Allan Black. of St. Paul. to construct and maintain a tunnel or conduit under Fifth street, in said city- tram the Lowry Arcade building to the hlerri 11 build nit thenorth- stcorncr Of St. Peter and Fifth streets, Llu ougI,which to conduct steam pipes for heat]. su(d Merrill buildin6•. Sec.'. Said conduit shall be laid trader 'aid street and I it such place as shall not Inter- fere Leith water, gas and sewer rotther pipes (ready in Said street. and shall be construct - under the supervision of he City Engi- e•r and d is, so car bi a. it up pr sec id c W the of 1 Iemnify and save the City of St. Paul harm- ] less from all claims and actions against It re- s Itisl,• env nv way from the destruction o x•r tion of said conduit. Saior bund shall be cu ritles to be approved by he Cto- ood and ocient _ ity Comp - OFFICIAL PIII3LICA'PION I tn>uer. Sec. 4. Nohi.g in this ordinance shell ho OC Ordinances Passed and Roaolutions o •onetrued as to absolve old grantee, his Adopted by the Common Council of the 1 heir or assigns, from any lejal liability or lean nay uroceeding to restrain o abate any city o[ Jt.,rayl. nulsit arising from tic construction o Ordinance No. 1549-I1d F No. 604- o1x natio. ut said Conduit, .or from any Ilur An ordinance In relation to ]slug frame hililp I7om injury to persons or property re- Iwelling mrd barn within the Ore limits. ' sulti ng from the negligence of the grnpl ec The Common Cannel of the Ctry of St Paul herein. his contractors. servants or employs, du ordain as follows: j In constructing or operssting of said conduit; Section 1. Annie F. Dubord Is hereby au- nor to render the City of St. Paul liable to thorind to change the conditions contained any persue, corpo_it..Cor damage caused in moving permit No. 40`0. issued Oct. 1, 1Sail. 1 by he "re" Lion or operation of sold Con - so as to permit said dwelling and burp to be dnit by he grantee herein, his heirs and as - raised up to the grade of street r levee n signs: and said grantee, his heirs and assign front of said premises. and not les ved off i shall protect and save the .City of St. Paul the same. being lot 6, block B. Robertson's harmless from any suit or claim for Injuries nidi tion to west St. Paul Sidiraising it nd n dumages musing from their negligence, or ark connected therewith to be done under ! that of their contractors or employes in t to the superyoib,h.0f the Inspe for of Buildings ! construction oroperution of said conduit. .ad in •corduvbe with tie laws and ordl-! Sec. 5. The City of St. Paul reserves the mores of the city, and payment of all proper! absolute right. is ruse this conduit, the right city fees for same. I to construct which Is hereby greeted, shall Sec. 2. This ordinance hall be in force in any way Interfere with any, use of sold from and niter its approval. ,met by tire said City o(St. Paul wldri m y Passed by the Board of Alderman Oct. e0, In the future be •one or be deemed by the ISM. Common Council of said cityy necessary W Yeas-Ald. Bielenberg, Botta Conley. Culw- hove rho same removed; and t to said grantee land. Dobner. Dorniden, Gehun, Meludy, Sul- hall. PP n proper notice from said City' of llvan. Mr. President -10. St. Panl.utf0rthwith move said coudult at Nays --0. h is ownexiwnsa, e.d by the an- tancennd O. O. CI; LLaN, use of the pri cileg-bereingranled expressly President of the Board of Aldermen. agrees so to do. Passed by the Assembly Nov. ]0, 1801. Sec. 6. Thbs ordinance shalt take effect and 1 -pus -Messrs. Bruilin er.l;ostello.Elm(utvt be in force from and after Its passuga. McCafferty. McNamee. Oppmnheim,Van Slyke. Passed by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 3, Mr. (•resident -8. 1891. Nays -d. Yeas-Ald. I lelenberg. Butt Conley. Cope. W. P. DiUnawy, and, Dobner, Dorniden, Ge air Sanbern,SUl- Presidentof the Assembly. ]Ivan. 11 r. President -10. Approved Nov. 11. 1801. Nays -0. Ro BMIT A. S]i1Tn, Mayor. O. O. Curl s, Attest: THOS A. PBENDEBGAST. City Clerk. President of he Board or Aldermen. Nov. 16. Passed by the Assembly Nov. 10, 1891. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 303 Yens-Messrs.itunhulzer.Costello,Elmquist Bit F No. 431- McCnfferty. McNamee Oppenheim. Van Slyke. Resolved. That the draft of coutract, i or - Mr. President -S. I ig date Aug.28. 1891, between the 13 Paul Nuys -0. Hardwarecompany and the City of St Paul W. P. 1lnutwr. for the furnishing of hardware and tcrial President of the Assembly. 1 W the Board of School Inspector=, be, and Approved Nov. 11. 1bU1. the same Is hereby ap proved, and the proper 11 1. T A. Saurn. Mayor, city officers oro alitt(orized m, directed W Attest: Taos A. PRISNPeitr,AST, City Clerk. executesaid contract on behalf of the city. Nov. 16. Resolved, Further, That the bond of the St. j Paul Hardware Companin free Sum of siz hundred f14i00) dollars. with C. W. Hackett and H. P. Gates as sureties, given for the faith tui performssnce o[ said contract. be, and Lhe same is herejty approved. Ordinance No. lml-Bd F No. IN7- Adopted by the ]roar(] of Aldermen Oct. 20, Ao ordbuinle authorizing Mrs. Mary J, ]891. O'Brien W move acertnhr two-story frame Yeas -Alda Blelen berg• Butt. Conley. Cope - dwelling, ( w standing rn lot three ier ), land, Dobner. Doniden, Gehun, Meludy, Sul - block twenty-five 125), K ttson's addition, liven. Mr. President -10. and erect a frame addition to same 17x181 Nuys -0. Pert. two stories hii,•h. Adopted by the 4ssombly Nov. 10. 1891. Tire Common Coum, l of the City of St. Paul i Yens -Messrs. Bunholzer, Costello. Elm - do ordain as follows: dot McCafferty. McNamee, Opiwnhoim. Section 1. That authority and permission n Slyke. Dir. ('resident -8. I, hereby given end granted to glary ,f. N.Ys-0. O'Brien to remove that certain two-story Approved Nov. ]I, 1891. frame dwelling houu now stunning lot :r. block ZTi, Kittson's addition, to let 4, on 251 - 0f Kittson's addition. and to build u frame addition to the same 17 by IS feet and two ! By Aid. Sullivan-Bd F No. Wjr- stories high, and he Improvement t0 bedom, 12esol ved, That the City Engineer Is hereby under the direction and with the u 1 rroval of authorized W construct cutchbast ns on rho the Inspc.t rof Buildings of the City of St. eastsideof tinhurstavenue rear at it its Pint eon neotlon w•i tb Iris place. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect. and Adopted by the Board of Alderman Oct. 20, he in force after Its passage. 1801. Passed by the Board of Aldermen Nov. e, Yeu -Ald. BlelonberR. Bolt Conley. Cope - 1891. land. Dobner. Doriden, Oehan. Meludy, Sul - Yaw -Aid. Bielenberg. Bnbt. Conley. Coles li van. Mc Proslderit-10. hind,Dobner. Dorniden, Gehun, Sannonn,Sul-1 Nays --0. liven. Mr. Presldent-10. Adopted by the Assembly Nov. 10. 1891. Nays. Ycus-Messrs. Bunholzer. Costello, Elm- O.O. CULLSN, lulst. McCafferty, McNumee. OI!, . ve President of the Beerd Of:Alderrien. Von Slyke, Mr. Pelsldent-8. Passed by he Assembly Nov. 10. 1801. Nays. Ycus-Messrs. Bunholzer. Costello, Elio- Approved Nov. 11, 1801. 2rulst. McCafferty. McNumee, Opponheim. Slyke. Mr President --H. Nuys -0. W. P. Me Assembly. President of the Assembly. Approved Nov. 11, 1801. BRT A. S. -Til. M Attest: Tues. A. P.aueiwST Cltyalyrar. Clerk. Nov. 16. - That the draft of contract Iwnr- it. 1, 1801. between Wyckoff, 9eu- edict cad the City of St PLL for got typewrIters, desks. xad me - for same W the Board of School be, and the same is hereby rip. the proper city ocers ate nu- t directed to executeffisaid contract the city. iy the board of Aldermen Oct. :al. . Biel..bei r.. Bott. Conoly, Cope - v, Dernidon. Geban. Mebsdy. Sul - by the Assembly Nov. 10. 1891. essrS. B. ....I e, Costello. Elm- Cnfferty. McNumee, Oppenheim, Mr. President -S. I Nov. 11, 1991 Bd F No. 590-- Res(dved. That a city order be drawn a roe the city treasurer, puvablc r r t of the Po I.. department fund, in favor of Conrad Fischer for six and 70-100 dollars (66.701 Adopted by the Bound of Aldermen Oct. 20, 1891. Yens -Aid. Bielenberg, Be tt. Conley. Copp (and, Dobner. Dorniden. Oehan. Meludy, Sullivan. Mr. President -10. Nuys -0. Adopted by the Assembly Nov. 10, 1891. ,c _V Bunholzer, Coatello, Him- �ulst. McCafferty. McNamee. Van Slyke, Ir. Presirlent-7. Nays -Mr. Oppe n letm-I. Approved Nov. 11. 1891. Byy Ald. Cy -fid F No. 507- `V,i.m_ Tonlehe Commission appointed for the erection of hospital buildings f�.r Lho Cl It, of. t. Yuui and C4, 0 of Iinmseeyy had a verbal understundir with Daniel H. Moon. to the effect that =aid '.Hoon should ell and convey to the City of St. Paul lot six (6) Of block fourteen (14) of Stinson. Brown and Ramsey 's addition to the City of St. Pau:, the some to be used to connection with the of her property in said block upon which is erected the city and county hospital: 304 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. And the said Hospital Commission baa. Ppu - McCuiferty,McNamee. C'pPonheim,Van Sly k t W snid uuclersLunding.crected VOrtions Mr. Preslilent-d. of the buildings used in cunnoctinn with said Nays -0. Ityy 1 county hospital upon said lot 8; ¢nd ApDro,etl Nov. 11, 1891 it bele desirable Lhat arrnngem,nt. should be made for the p,rfectinK the title of. f said `aroperty h id City a, lit. Poul. nd for Ising of Ponds for the payment of the put- Bd F No. ii0'J-- chasa price of snid lot; now, tborefore, In the matter of the port ,f the Board of Resolved by Lhe Cumv,ov Council f the Public Works dnWd No,.3, 1891. City of St. Paul. That the arrangement, for Itis hereby ordered by the Common Council the purchase of Lot No. 6, Block No. 14 of [the City of St. Poul: Brinson. Rrown and Ifumscy's addition to the That the Bmtrd oY Public Works of said City,P Bt. Paul by the commission nppoinwd Clcy ofSc.Puulcaus,chetallowinpimprove - for the purpose of erecting additional hos- art to be mode. W -wit: Erect and ain- ppitul Duildi age for the use t the County of tain one gas lump on the north sido of Ramsey and City of St. Pall M, and the Jturgurot street, about 1PP 1. the lamp on same is hereby approved and confirmed; and southwest corner of Hopo and Margaret 'tshall he the duty the City Comptroller to streets In said city. Include the sum greed W be paid ]Or sola Adopted by the Board of Alderman Nov. 3. lot- t. -wit: the sum of d:i,13{ nod intcn:st, in 1891 the tax levy estimate for the year 1801, pro- Yens-Ald. Blolenberg, Butt, Conley, Coppe- vided that the said Danlol H. Moon shall exe- land. DUDner. Dorniden. Gehan. Sanborn, Sul- cu[e W the City of St. Paul a perfect tar- liven. Mr.President-10. r my deed of the said propp Paoli and clear Nuys -0. of all Incumbrances, wldoh shall be p- Adopted ,. the Assembly Nov. ]0, ]891. proved by the Corporation ALton,G ,f Lhe YerLs-Messrs. Banhnlzor, Coswllo. Elm - City ed b Paul. which said deed shall be de- lulst. McCafferty. Dle Namee, Oppenlmlm. livered In sL t to the National Germra- Van Slyke. Mr. President -8. American Bank Vf the City of St. Paul, the Nays�1. • to be held In escr w until LM1e City of Approved Nov. 11. 1891. St. Pull shall pay the said� it , interest there,,. The said aan, of,i+,134 .shall bent in- terest xt the raw of T per c •n I. per 11 num ur til paid, from the date of the pPruvnl oT By Ald. Dorniden--Bd F NW10- f i[1 dead by the snid CurporutlOn Attorney. Itusoiv,d. That an order D, drawn In favor The City Cum ptroller hemby Instructed T the Board f Control for the + lf ,d ¢ tnorized to audit the said sum of 51.M7.80. bel rig the city. its-third of thmif ex - {.13f. together with the accrued tvterest pumbrore of "Lid Board Iv aletafngptho the -on, a practicable after the it d countyy, hospital ,almabnuBe and pp I1,' lid W the pava,ent of the mrtn and o tricot elief dapp ri mort during ove.shxll I,nv been 1iuld into the ci tv tars&- Lhe month off OCWber. 1891. T be paid out of ay. And IL Shall be LM1e duty f tbo City Llre Rourcl oP Control fund iv the troasu ry of Clerk W draw an order upon the City Tress- the City ,f St. Paul. er for the am,unt so uudi ted by the City Adopted by tiro Board of Aidormen Nov. 3. ComPtrnllo r- 18.1. Adopwd Dy the Bourd of Aldermen Nov. 3. lu ita7)olAiner.RDornid agG Butt, Sanborn S - 18 rl. Yea At BlelonberK. Butt. COnlcy, Cnpo- Il van. Mr. P,eafd,nt-10. Ivnd.Dobner. Dorniden, Gonan.S,nborv.SUl- Nays --11. Ilvnn. Mr. Presidentlon. Atlopted by the Assembl,.%; 10. 1F91. Nny.-0. Ycus--Meesrs.Bunlmlzer.._ to El m, uist. Adopwd by the Assembly Nov. 10. 1891. McCa gerty. Me Namee.Oppenheim,Vun Syke, Ye*ts--Measrs.Ranhu lzer,Gmoollo. El m+{uist. 1i r. Preeldont--8. hicCuifertyy.MCNamee, Oppc111 mim,Van Slyke. Nxye-0. Mr. Presltlrvt-e. Approved Nov. 11. 1891. Nuys - _ Approved Nov. 11. 1891. by Aid. Biolenberg-Bd F No. 611 - It is hereby ordered by the Jommon Council IIB F Nu. 6�-- f the City of 8t.Pnu1: Resolved, That Lha contract bearing daW That the matter of erecting and mafn[aln- Oct. W. A. D. IPoII, by u d bctwem, J. C. Ing gasoline Iampos, a foll,we: ova at tiro Prendergast, I- F. Pmndnrgast nod J. .1. beast cornor 1 L the vorthmet aorno rn[ Pr,nt. derl1,,•ast. doing hmMi s n ler the firm Athan. street; o nd .'tyle. xs Prendergast Bros., uvd tire F Iler trees and St. Aibane atreoI: one , t name City of St. Paul. for the furnishlyq ur it •t- the vurtheast corner the Fu1cm,L6eaBstreet u�f� tin up i the net, city ]nil two [i, 6 Bich- Grotto street; r t`no a he and tm troer be, e. an S tit, Boynton s her to hot-air furuutes, the same la hereby referred W the Boards f be. uvd the ,e la Hereby In II th hr es up- u prove r, and tM10 proper city or -11 all. Public Works to lnvestigaW and rape rt. thorizea d dlttv+Wtl G, extv:u W sat In- is ch Ls tmpro,emont propor and c =nry? tract On behalf of the city. IP so, send the Coudvfl x proper order direct - Adopted by the Board oY Aldermen Nov. 3, ing .p work W be donCC�� 18,11 Adopwd by the Boartl of Aldermen Nov. 3, Y-esss-Aid. Riclenberg. Burr, Conley. Capp- 1891. land, Dobner. Dorniden. Gehan ban n, Bul- Yeas-Ald. Bielenberg. Butt. Conley, Coppee Ilvan. Dir. President -10. land, Dobnor.Dornlden, Gehan, Sxnbor-, Bul- Nuys-�. IIvan. Mr. Prosident-10. Adopted by the Assembly No,. 10. 1891. Nays --0. Yeas -Messrs. Ban holzer,Cos[e11o. Elmquist, Adopwd by the Assembly Nov. 10. 1891. OF THE CITY OF SA MOCaBertyyn. MONflmee�Uppenhef m. V an Slyke, Mr. Presment-e Nays. Approved Nov. 11. 1891. By Aid. Sullivan -Rd F No.612- It fs hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of et. Paul: That the matter of irr¢di.K Myrtle n,mme from CI land av a to Raymond oven e b a -d the same is hereby eferred w the Beard of Public Works W Investigate and re-', port: F'irstr-Is this improvement proper and nec- essaryl Second --Crave the Council an estimate of the expense thereof, and state whether one half of the cost tbereo[ is to be paid into the elytreasury before the contract Islet. 'lthlyd-Con real estate to be sseesed for said Improvement be found benefited W the extent of damages. costa and expenses -eces- easary to be incurred thereby. F-urth-Ia each Improvement eased for upon theme titWn.ar application of tM1e own f a jortty of the poroPerty w be re, Fwd for such Impr ve ntr ifth -Send the Council a plan or profile of said Improvement, as required by law, if you repo tin favor of the same.pmper or Sian -Send the Count, a ser dl- -Send the work W be dove. reAdopted by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 3, 1881. yy Yeas DeflumvB.l Dornidc.. Gider.,la9..borrn. Cope- land, Sullivan. Mr. Preslden-10. Nays 0. Adapted by the Assembly Nov. 10. 1891. Yens -Messrs. Bflnholzer. Costello. F.Im- nuist. McCafferty, McNaee, Oppennelm, m Approved Nov. 11. 1891. Bd F No. 813 - Resolved That a arrant be drawn ,n the dent fund }' In favor o(t Qe rRe OR, a+epCi[ Treasurer. for the sure of 516,O11.W, W pa; officer. and plover of the fire depa toren 1 the City of St. Paul for he montg of OcW ben 1891. AdOpwd by the Board of Aldermen•No, 3, 1891. Yeas -Aid. Blelenberg. Bort. Conley, Cope ran Dobner Dorniden. Gehan. SxnDory NT PAUL FOR 1891. 30 Yeab -Aid . Blelenberg. Bott, Conley. Cop land. Dobner, Dorniden, Gahan,Sanborn, Sul- livan. Mr. Preatdent.-10. Nuys. Adopted by the Assembly Nov. 10. 18411. Yeas-Mesars.Banholzer•Costello Elleq fst. McCflRortpp, tic Namec,0P;en1cf c,'VmIslyke, Mr. Yreslden t-8.. Nays -0. Approved Nov. It. 1891. Bd F No. 817- pp Resolved. That city eblerout of he�'police the city treasury. pay department fund." in Pavor of the following peraous Por the amounts set opposite W their respective -nares: A. Burnish, $0.00: Wm. Abrish. $22.50. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 3, 1891. Yeas-Ald. Bielenberg, Bott. Conley. C,Pe- laod,Dobner.Dorniden,Gehan,Sanborn, Bul- livap, Mr. President -]0. Nays 0. Adopted by the Assembly Nov. 10. 1891. Yeas-Messni. amen. Va. lyk,,Mr. Neel: P1eGa8erty, McNamee, Van Slyke. Mr. Yreai- d N.Y. • Approv. Approvod Mov. Il, 1801. Bd ..Iv 9- ]vod. That city, orders be drawn port the city treasury, ip yable out f the "local Improvement fun tl." In favor of the fellow- wg-names Dernona. Yor the amounts set op- posite W their respective names: C. E Sandeen. Estimate No. S. grading M ivnehA. street. 8i?i %0: -1. �V- Melouey. Eatt- of Aldermen Nov.3 ,Bott, B Cop GehenvlBnnbrrn. _W. bly Nov. 10. 1891. Costello. Elm- Yamee. Oppenheim. Sulllva Mr. President -10. Approved Nov. 11, 1891. Nays -U. Adopted by the Assembly Nov. in 1891. - Y -sae -Messrs. Bnvholzor, Costello, Elm- qu McCaRarty, McNamee. Oppenhclm- y ,ec131yke, Mr. Preatdent-8. Rd F No. li'd)- Resolved. That •Itav der be drawn port Nays -O. 11. i891. thecity Crease rS. ❑❑ yable out cf th-'let favor G. J. Cesx11 for MSO. Approved Nov. fund." in of Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 3, - 1891. Yeas-Ald. Blo"..berg. Bott, Corney, Cope 1 land. Dobner, Dorniden. Geha-, Sanborn. Sul- Rd F No. Old • Resolved, Their, city orders be drawn upon '', liven, Mr. President -l0. Nays --0. the city treasur vxble out nt fire'•& lel yy P fund." 1- fa ar of Nicholas relcis Adopted by the Assembly Nov. 30. 1897. ar zer, Coswllo, Elm - bridge Yeas -Messrs. y. Mc quiet. MoCnHerty. McNamee. Oppenheim. Estimate No. 1, constructing Lexington ave- Van Biyke, Mr. President -8. nue bridge 5606. Adopts by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 3, 1801. Approved Nov. 11. 1891. 07' f;• 806 Bd F Ree hc PROCEEDINGS OF THE COAIMON COUNCIL I land, Dobner. Durdde.. Gehan, Sanborn, Sul- !1- That city orders he drawn "Pon Iivan, Mr. President -10. , nsurv. payable out of the "Inter- f Warren- Nnys-0. Adopted by the Assembly NOv. 30. 1691. IT,;ostello.Elmqquisa. king funtl," in favor haltPnving Company. hlterest on Paving Portland ave- Tens -Messrs. Bunho,_ McCafferty. McNnmee,OVVen heim,Van Blyke. :ontrnots, ppaving Western avenue. Fstt- Mr Presidentre. Nays -0. 813.51; paving Dayton avenue, W stern avenue Estimate No. Approved Nov. 11, 1891. :a• s. ng e Adopted by tho Board of Aldermen Nov. 3, ITT ]"Bas -old. Bielenberg. AGehanfey.Cope- InIli Dobner. Dorniden. Gahan. Sanborn. Snlllv.o, Mr. President -10. Nays --0. Adopted by the Assembly Nov. 10. 1891. q �slgs M CaBertyyBe McNam- �sOPPenhelim. `' o like. Mr. Presldent-R. Nays -0. Approved Nov. ll, 1891. Bd F No. 822- Resolved. That city cyders be drawn upon the city Ireasury, pa able out of the "Bre de- Irontm on, CompT oy for 8199.99' of Lehigh Coil and Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 3, 1891. Bd F No. 825- Kesolved. That warrants be drawn apon the city treasuryy. payable out P the "Building inspector'a d tlpartment fund." in favor of the pee.t snamead areae. ted In Wl til •this seiaolutinn. for the sum act apposite t. thelrrrespec•Ivn names, in us.y at.1 the salary and camps lag them month of October. W. as shown by .aid pay call. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 3, 1891. Yin Ald..-nidenr G lmn. Sanbor., SOI Yess-Ald. Bielnberg, Batt, Conley Cope- .•. -- Gehan,Sanborn,Sul- NAaY>rr "Oed land. Dobner, Dornide., Iivan, Mr. Preslde.tr10. pp O° „lov. ll. Nays -0• Adopted by the Assembly Nov. 10, 18511. - Yea. -Meseta. B. nbolzer,Costello.Elmqufst, McNamee.Oppenheim,Van Slyke, Bd F N.. a26- be drawn upon JicCafferty. Mr. President -e. Nays-0. Resolved. That warrants 'the city troxeury. Qayabie out of the "Munic- fund: in favor of the parao•:a Approved Nov. 11, 1k9i. i al Court pHmed la the pay roll presented with tilts resnlutlon, for 81,074.90. in payment of the salary and far ton of said persons for their servlcee during the month of October. Bd F No. e?3- ' Resolved, That city orders be drawn upon out of the "hos- of 1891. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 3, the city treasury, payable f pita) fund." fn favor of the out for the amounts set opposite to their : IMJI- Cc ppee 'i, BDolrnlden. G.Im.. anborn,61u1- persons, reepeotive names: land Dobner Ivan, Mr. President -10. Prendergast Rros.. 61.4.70: O B. Dodge.6&50. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 3, AdoVte by thI Assembly h0v, Ip, 1891. 1891. Yeas -Aid. Bk9enherR. Boit, Grnloy. Cope-' Yea. Messrs. BxoholzecCostello.Elmt alar. Nxmee,OpDe.heim,Vnn S�yke. Iona.Dob..r.Dornlde..Geh.n.s.nborn.Sul-, Iivan, Mr. President. -10. DfcCPcee,nye•.fM Nay. --0. Adopted by Lho Assembly Nov. 10, IR9L Nays -0. Approved Nov. 11. 1891. _ Yea. -Messrs. Ban ic.1-1 Costello,Eimqulet, . McCaffert .illcNsmee.Oppenhefm,V.n Slyke., Mr. Presldnt--8. - Nays -0, Approved Nov. 11, 1891. Bd F No. a Rosolved. That warrants be drawn upon the _ cityy treasury ppayablo out of the' Board of Pub is Works C md," in Pnvur of the person. Bd F No. 024- named In the pay roll of said departme 1. and with thio resolution. far the Resolved. That warrants be drawn upon the city treasury, ppayable out of the'•sebnl Reis. City Trees- Presented aum.yse, opposite to their respective names. nsation for during fund," to favor of George P. urer, to pay the persons named in the pay of said person. tbeir aervlces the of October, IR91. as shown by said pay rolls presented with this resolution, In of .month colts. m..t of the salaries and compensation for their servlcee during the by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 3. said persons moth of October. 1891. as f ,flows: IRAdoptld Yeas-Ald. 131 Iceberg. Bott, Conley. Cope - Laborers and mechanics, 6080,25; .Ricers of Boa rd at School l.epeotors. 6690: teachers Dobner,Ddenit-lO.Geha.,Sxnlurn,Bul- and employes, 698.517.78. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 3, Iivan Adopted by the Assembly Nov. 10. 1891. 1891. Yeas-Ald. Bielenberg, Botta Conley, Cope - Yeas-Measts. Banhotzer.t, tello,Elm4ui.t. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. FOR 1691.. 307 Ii's McCafferty, McNamee.Oppenheim,Van Slyke. I Bd FNo 632- That warranmbedrawn apon the t . Mr. President -6. city treasury, payable out of the court Neys-0. city hall mstute.ance fund:' In I, house and Approved Nov. ll, 1891. favor of George Refs. City Treasurer, for tho sum of !718.87. to pay the pe ne named in the all with thisresolution. Rd F No. b-6' -- ply presented Resolved That warrants be draw. upon the I. Payment of the salary and coinpnsation for their services during the city treasury.? ou: of the "City Ofll- of said pots... Salary (u nd," in favor of the pe eons month of October. 1891 (being city's o.e-half Ijl�i cors' named In the pay rolls Dresenaed with this share of Custodian's pay col their i Adopted by the Board of ldermen Nm•. 3, resolution. for the sums set opposite to 891. In of the salary 181y'... ! •,l respe tive names, payment ant! compensation of said persons for their Yeas -Aid. Blele.berg. Boat, Conley. COP', 1d.... Gabs.. Sanborn. Snl- II durl.g the month of October, 1891. �wari.RO}in..r. or by Bald rope. as shown pay Ns -r Adoptetl by the Board of Aldermen Nov. I ys Adopted by the Assembly Nov. 10. 1891. 6, 1891. Yeas -Aid. Bie'.enberg. Boit. Conley . CoPe- Yeas-Mesvre. Banhotzer.Castellp.Elmquist, MoOnfferty, McNamee,Oppenheim,Va. Slyke. land. Dobner, DornidOR. Gehnn. Saobor.,Sul- -wan. President -10. Mr. P..ident--8. it Mr. Nays --0. Nays -0, Adopted by the A-sembly Nov. 10, IWA Approvod Nov. 11, 1891. ` ; yeas-Messrs.Banholzer,Cust_,to.Elmqu 1st. - +! McCafferty, McNamee, Oppenhoim.Vxn yke, Mr. President-8.No. 833- F 1. Nays -0. Bd olv Approved Nov. 11, 1891. Resolved, That warrants be drawn aloe the slay treasury, payable out of the "pollee de- - _ pp.rtment fund," In favorof George Rera, Cay of 8.1,733.18 to pay {y! Treasurer, for the sum j the persons named In the pay roil .reamed Bd F No 82,9_ Resolved, That warrants bedrawn upon the with this resolution I❑ payment of the salary '•Enginoer- l and compensation of said, ppersons for their ,:!! city treasury, payable out u[ the Ina Departme a foal.' to favor of Geor6o services during file month f Datober, 1891. by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 3, Rels. City Treasurer, for the sum of I�Aldopted to pay Lhe person .named In the pay roll pt•e-',, yeas -Aid. Bielenberg, Bott. Conley. Cope- sentedwith this esolutlo.. in pavmento.. ,land.Dobner.Dornlden.Gehan,Sanborn.9u1- the salary and compensattun of said c- i Iivan. Mr. President -10. during the month of Octo for their services ysys-0. bar. 1891 (being the office force!. � AdoVted by the Assembly Nov. 10, 1891. Adopted b- the Board of Aldermen Nov.! yeas-Meesrs.B:mholzer,Castello Elm 01%. Elea, . 9 Yeas-AId. Bielenberg, Pott. Conley, Cope -I McCafferty, McNnme&Oppenhetm,�'an -0. fund, Dobner, Durnide., Gehan, Sanborn, Sul. I, Mr. Presided Bran, Mr. President -10. Nays--`. �y Nays -0. Approved Nov. 11. 1891. Adopted by the Assembly Nov. 10. 1691. YY' YY :. yeas-Messrs.Bsnholzer,Coate kl,In st. - Slyke, t feCaffertyiMeNamee,Oppnheim.Van Bd F No, 834- Mr. President -8. Resolved, That city orders be drawn non - �-`� i ?r! Nays --0. the city treasury I. favor of Geo. Refs. City , Approved Nov, ll, 1801. Treasurer, for the payment of the trees. - ewer and bridge inspectors. as listed to the. out of the y. payy rolls hereto attached, payable followingg fund.: Seweraggee fund, 6x13; ape- Improvement I By Ald. Bielenberg- Id F No. 830- clef bridlfe fund. 880; local $esolved. That the Rcard of Public Works' fund. 6513.85, a.d loci.gal assessment expease0 8.7'. be, and the are berebydirected to cause the f' -dor- ad lby thekB , of Aldermantotal of 3• following the( to be made. -wit; lamp side of Thomas 11891. ' Remove IbasolI ne north street. between Avon and Vfctaria streets, to Yeas -Aid. Btelenborg, Bott, Conley. Colo- Sanborn, Sul- southwest corner of Rondo and Grotto. land, Delmer. Dorniden, Gehan, remove lamp north side of'. livan, Mr. President --10. streets: also Thomas street, between Grotto qd Avn Nays-lt. to ids of Rondo sitreet, half- j Adopted by the Assembly Nov. 10,1 -1 streets. sn.th u1.i. way between Grotto and St. Albans streets: Yea. -Messrs. Banholzer,e ` Slyke.' iflo,EImt also remove lamp at ortbweat d7rner of MrOafPorty, ilicNamee.Oppenheim.Van Grat. and Rondo streets to northeaktc.,..r Z. Presided --0. of G• otto and Rondo streets. Naya--0O' Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 3. Approved Nov. ll, 1891. 1891e. - Yas-Aid. Bielenberg, Boat, Conley. Cope- I land, Dobner, Dorniden. Gehan. Sanborn. Sul- By Aid. Gehsn-Btl F No. 637- Mr. Preeident�l0. N37- i Iivan. Resolved. That permisslon Is hereby grad. N.ys--0• y Market Adopted by the Assembly Nov. 10, 1891. ed to Paladin Comma.der tooccupy Tuesday evenings Yens-Messrs.eanholzer.Costello.Eimqulst, falh far drill putposea. on further notice. McCuffert . McNamee, OppeuhelmA1. Slyke, until Mr. President -B. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 3, N., 1691. Approved Nov. 11, 1891. Yeas-Ald. Bielenberg, Batt, Conley. Cope- W y. t� it 808 PROCEEDINGS OF TH land, Dobner. Dorniden. Gehen,Sanb.-Sul- liven. Mr. President -lo. Nay" Adopted by the Assemblv b Nov. 10. 1801. Yeas -Messrs. Banholzer,Costello.Elro4uls, Mcl:ufferty,MeNamee. OPpenheim.Van Slyke. Mr. Prealdet-8. Nxy.­0. Approved Nov. 11, 1991. By Aid. Gehan-Bd F No. 838- It.1, ordered by the Common Council f tbr`Clty of St. Poul: That lLv matter t erecting bas Inmps on Sunr�iit n en ue. from Vlc'0.g street tc x Dint on said avenue. 3.400 feet west Prom exld street. be. and the same Is hereby referred te the Board of Publle Works to Investigate nod repport Is fid:s Improvement proper and eitifsolisend LheConnellx proper order direc- Ing the work to be done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 3. 1891. Yeas-Ald. Bielenberg• Bott, Conley. Cope. land, Uobner,Dornlden.Gehan.Sunborn,Sul- Ilvan. Mr. President -]0. Nays o. Adopted by the Assembly Nov. 10, 1991. Yeas -Messrs. Ban holzer.Costello.El mt11u it. McCxftertyy. McNemee.Oppenhelm, Van SI) ke. Mr. Presiden". N."" Approved Nov. 11. 1891. k HdF810. In theNom torr ofdated the report of the Ronrd of 2 Public Works 1891. e same fund, to be paid out mAdopted ito , Itis hereby ordered by the Common Council f the Citv of Sr. Paul: That Lhe Board of Public Warks of said by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 3, it of St. Paul cause the foflowingimprove- ir meat to be made. W - wit: Condemn a d Blelenberg. e leadDornlde.. unborn, d�vamlMr. take an easement In the land abuttluq on [he alley runaing north and south in block 2 of S Kellor'a subdivfei on of Shock ]1, Lyman . }! Dayton's addition W SC P¢ul. In said city. i neceseury W construct Lhe slopes for cuts and Nuys -Mr. Oppenheim --1. fills in grading said alley to the established shown by the of said Approved Nov. 11. 1891. grade thereof, as profile Rrudo on file In the omce of the Register of and 1u the ., Deeds in nd for Ramsey county, omce of the City Engineer; said slopes to ex tend one and one-half (1'.) lest o said land gy Ald. Gahan-Bd F No, 648- for every foot of out or fill as Indicated on 1 the plan of said slopes attached W said report. ad W be filed in the once of sold board. t ;{ r, Tbat said Board shall proceed without de- lay W asses. the amount, a early as tlrey 1. - nvenue. bo,txndvenpthes aitchce Parksle can certain the same, which will ired W pay the damage., costs nd nee e- - se ry expenses of such Improvement upon the real eatute to be benefited by aid Improve- tj and tpFl e nG es provided by law: It being the 1e this improvave st ement proper and a-- amnion of the Cou ucll chat real estate W be esgcorond-Give the Council an estimate of ed for such improvement can be founu benefited to the extent. of the damage% cost the expense thereof, and state whether one - d apensas necessnry to be incurred €.. thereby. Adopted I by Lhe Board of Aldermen Nov. 3, canto treasury re isdlet, t T�third-Can reel ptute W be assessed for hem. Yeas -Aid. Bielenbxrgg. Batt. Conley. Cope- aid.iniprovement be found benefited W the land. Dobner Durnlde Oehan. Sanborv, 51 �Prea,dentn-io. 111 R uivan, r. Noyes. Adopted by the Assembly Nov. 10, 1.91. Yeae-Messrs. Banholzer. Cmtello. Elm - E COMMON COUNCIL 3ni.to McCafferty. rty. MON.: e . OPPeuhelm, Slyke. Nays -o Approved Nov. 11, 1891. Bd F No.'HI- In the mat -r of the report of the Board of Public Works, dated Nov. 2. 1891. It ie hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Pan 1: Tlmt the Board of Public Works of said City of St. Poul cause the fullowlug imp mems to lie. made. W-wlt: Condemn nod take an easement in the hind .butting on Renney struet.twtween Payne onueand Greeobrlat e. in -aid city, seryy te construct. the lopes Por cuts and fills 1n constructing the apPro" ouches to the RosoeY treat Igr e between .'id avenues W thoestabllebed gra e thereof, as shown by the profile of sald grade on file in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Romsey county. and in the office of Ibe i'it .Engineer; sold slopes te extend min and -hu1P�1�3ifeetonanidlnndforet-ery foot of cut or fill ns Indicated on the plan of said slopes attached to said report, and W be Hied in the umee of said Board. Tb at said Bo.rd shall proceed w.thou t dc - to rice �s the amount ss nearly as they can ascertain the sumo which will be required tp ppyes l)f di h lmproveslnPat upon he real exPcas astern W be benefited byes og the pinion oY provided by. at res b the Council that 1 urate to be assessed for such Improvement can be found benefited to the extent of the damages, cost and ex- penses aeenasury to be incurred Lbe7% Adopted by the Doard of Aldermen Nov. 3. hem. BOLI. Coale Ycea-Aid. Bielenburg, y. Cope- land. Dobner. Dorniden. Gahan. Sanbora.5u l- Bvuu. Mr. Prrsid.ro-IO. N.p ed nanOny `d by tit AsaemDly xnr. lo. 1891. Yeas-\lessraBanholzcr. ostello.Elm uist. ylcCxfferty.yleNjonce Oppenheim,Van Slyke. \(r. Pres?dept-8. Nays -0. :Approved Nov. 11. 1891. Bd F No. fi4'=- In the mutter f the report of the Board of public Works dated Nov. 2.1891. It is hureby ordered by the Common Council Tf ""City of SC. Paul: hat the tl.ura of Public Works of said City of St. Paul cause the followingImprove- nu oessetmencinciia fund nb )ondamtting n the alley. in Howard's addition. between r'orest street and Mendota street. I. said city- necessary W construct 'bas, opes for cuts Ind flus in grad - id IIuL netween old streets W the esmi,lished ads thereof. as hown by the pro ft ie of said grade on die 1. the alike of the Register of Deeds t. and for the sonnty .ad It, the umee of the City Euglneer: aid slopes tr stand one Ina one-half (1'i) feet aid land for .very foot 1 out or fill, as ionto ted on the 1 Ian of said lopes attached to sold reoor�. slid W be tlleit st. Lhe umee of s Board. Tdh.t s.ld Beard shall proceed without do Ian W asstas the amou t. as 1 ly as they .. lain the sume.whichwillb, required to pay the damages, coat and necese y e plows of e 1 improvement upon the real OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL FOR 1891 309 robe beneflted .by said Improvement. thereof not W exceed thinY-five dollars, and of the police depart• estate it bei to be nsseesednfot or thent e same fund, to be paid out mAdopted tas he Cvideuncithatlaw; hg found benefited W by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 3, such Improvement can the extent of the damages. cost and expenses 1S91eas-Ald. Bott, Conley, Cope- neceseary W be Incurred thdroby. by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 3.: Blelenberg. e leadDornlde.. unborn, d�vamlMr. Adopted 1891. Yeas-Ald. Bielenberg: Rot'. Conley. Cope- Gahan. Se Presider:, Nays�l. holzer NC- Lis and, Dobner. Dorniden. Ivan. Mr. President -10. Ycoap-Mes.m. B nthe 10. Elm - McCafferty. McNamee, Van Slyke, Mr. Nays -0. q ulst, President -T. Adopted by the AssemhlY Nov. 10. 1891. lu.Elm'uisW.' Nuys -Mr. Oppenheim --1. Yelw-Mesere.Hanhoizer.Cus:el Oppenimme.Vau Slyke. Approved Nov. 11. 1891. McC.ffert .McNamee. Mr. President -8. Nays -o. Approved Nov. hili 1891. gy Ald. Gahan-Bd F No, 648- _ Itis hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: By Aid. 9ullivan-Bd F No. 61.3-- That the matter of condemuln f an ease- On ltfsherebyordered b' the Common Council nvenue. bo,txndvenpthes aitchce Parksle of the City of St. Paul: of a truss- hereby referred W the Board of Public Works That the matter oP constrm•tng d. across tj and tpFl e walk on the south side aP the sameeIs'her Y Wildrrxvenue, be. 1e this improvave st ement proper and a-- I referred W the Board of Public Works to in- esgcorond-Give the Council an estimate of vestigate and report: and nece¢saly the expense thereof, and state whether one - Is this lmp rovement vrope, Cuuncil x order direct - W the hitlyP sbeG the tle c 1t so seed the proper lug the work W be Dono. canto treasury re isdlet, t T�third-Can reel ptute W be assessed for Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Nov. aid.iniprovement be found benefited W the 3.189E Yeas-Aid. Blelenlwrg. Butt -Con le -Col gas, costs and ez es neu- ..Wyto beaioc rred LberebyP pens land. E) or, Dorniden, Gahan, • esFourth-Is such Improvement asked for Sullivan. Mr. President --10 plicu upon Shu petitio. and appllcetion of Lhe Own- N.Ys-a- Adopted by Lhe Assumbly. Nov. lo. 1891. ,me tie titian or oo of the own - m of pp s c p to be a - Yeas -Messrs. Banholzer. Costello. �Yiitn'- MOCaftertyy. J£cNnmee, Oppen f a t , °d fur such impo ti7perty 'upifth--Send ouiet. Van Slyke, Mr. Preeldeu tr-8' - the Crp Heil unplao or profile of s id improvement Its required by law, If you Nays -0. App=d Nov. Il, 1891. po L 1. favor of the same. reelath-Send the Council a proper order di - r ting the work w Ix done. -" LAdopted by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 9, - By Aid. Sullivan -Rd F No. M4- 1891. P e Itis hereby ordered by the Common Council I9YensnnnDnxr Dornieng Ge6tan Suntwrp.S �etu tin .min �,.. c ac avenue. on north nertZss Amos street l.9 .treat. access hereylre- le came is by re- public Works W inves- pro rendtdirec a proper order direct - !di of Aldermen Nov. 3, the Assembly Nov. . )1. Banholzer. Costello.1016Elm- fferty. McNamee. Oppenheim. V Slyke, • r. Presmen- Nnye moi. Approve Nov. 11, 1891. By Ald. F (:Ovley-Bd 11%142.1- Re Ived. That E. B.e be and he la hereby authorized ad Instructed Wet Third treeto he new cito ty ]oailpon policepatrol telegraph syetemi the expeulse Approved Nov. 11. 18111 W. P. MURS,y, President of the Assembly O. U. CULr.EN. President of the Board fAldermen THOS. A. PHENDB¢OA-, City Clerk. Nov. Is, OFFICIAL. PUBLICATION Of Ordinances Paccad and Beeolutione Adopted by the Common CovacB of the City of St. Pani. Ordinance No. I..M2-Bd F NO. 470 - Au ordinance to mond Urdiannce No. 152, un Ut led '•An ordi .niian •e reg late the ater- nap hithn end other daof uppgerous liqulda Itne P Flo PROCEEDINGS OF TB passed bS♦ rhe Assembly June 2;3, 1891, and by the Board of Aldermen July 21. 1891. Approved July 27. 1891, and published July 30,]891. The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do ordain as follows: Section i. That sectmn 4 of Ordinance No. 1521, e¢titled •'An ordl... to to regulate the atnrege, handling and ..Is of petroleum, ggaa line, naphtha and other dangerous Ifquitlss' he amended so as W rend as follows: The Board of Fire Commfsaloners of the City of Bud consentthe of the Comshall havemon Council, upon with canon, toff"' a permit for the atarag, and le of such a ticles as ar mentiooed 1n the first section of Ordinance No. 1521' provided, hoavever, that no such permit shall beb grant- ed until such building hall have been in. spaded by the B� 6 or der FlOtheir ml thorny, raced ccgf.d by them ns are-pproof and Ht for theeenaturage and sale of such sittic as as are tioneo In thefirstsection of this ordi- ° That section 5 of Ordinance No. 1521, en- titled "An ordinance to regulate the storage. bundling ad ale of petroleum, gasoltne, naphtha and other dangerous liquids," be amended so as to read as follows: Any per- son or persons, firm or corporation having wt I. the City of fit. Paul a fii a -proof ouild- Ing or warehouse exclusively used for the storage of such ticles iN are named In the first sectica of Ordinance No. 1521, and prop- ' erly ventilated for that purppose, may apply r,o the Board of Fire Commlesioners of said city for a permit to use said building Yur such p rpose; and if such permit shall be granted Dy sitl Board of Flre Commlasioners apd the Common Council. they shall state therefn the time or the period 1n which said building ' shall be used for such ppu oy s"` which line hall in no case a sod a year. Aad dmr- t lug the time such permlt shall remain I. force, the parries using such building or warehouse shall not be subject to the pro- visions of the first section of 0rdln..ce N. 1521. provided that any personod r persons, arm or corporation may be grantea permit by said Board of Fire Commissioners to store m,t exceeding 25 gs lions of gasoline In fl raised at earn 8nfuches above thetground and so as Lo give free circulation uad'Fr=h said tank, aad to be made with 17 -gunge valvanized Iron with double lap -soldered ant d of more cnan In in 3 made of iron pi said pipe to be 11.1 tank and Bolden any pP00rso¢ or r may Cegrants a ling sad teak t In diameter, an with inu acre, on the inside c ?rovided. furthe, firmor e.7.0r- mit by said Boar store not exceed ❑ Iron tank to to E COMMON COUNCIL. Yeas -Messrs. Banholaer, Gostello,Elm4ulst, McCafferty, McNamee, Oppenhelm.Van Slyke. Mr. President -8. Nays -0. W. P. Assembly President of the Assembly. Passed by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 17, 1A91Ye a--Add bar �lMmadinerDorniden,Gehan,elady,PresD -B. Nays -0. Pricddentofthe Board of Aldermen. 19 Approved Nor 19, s91.c H ERT A 6xITn, lack. Attest: Taos. A, PRaR ceaoweT. Cityty CC Nov. M. - Alo.330- fte lved. That that certain resolution of the Co -mon Council of the City of St. Paul, ppr ed Oct. 22, 1891, a d being Aseemm3' File No. '42.a pd thorizing the laeulpg of bonds at Lhe rate of 4 per nt. pe a.nu for the purp . of Improving Lake Como and its shores, be, and the same Is hereby in all things repealed. Adopted by the Assembly Nov. 10, 1891. Yeas -Messrs. Banholzer, Costello, Elm- gis. McNamee. Murray. Oppenheim. Mr. alrman-7. Nays -Mr. McCafferty -1. Adopted by the Board by Aldermen Nov. 17, 1891. Yeus-Ald. Btelenberg. Bott,Copeland. Dob- er, Dorniden. Gahan. Malady, Mr. President R Nays e. Approved Nov. 19, ]ANI. SII By r. Banholzer. A'y F Fo. U2 ­ That That the free use of Market hall er evening sal¢ man Is tree. Adopted by the Assembly Nov. 10. 1891. Yeas -Meseta. Banholzer. Costello, Elm - helm, Mr.CCIH irmun °g amee, Murray OPPe¢- Naya-O. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Nov.17, 1891. Yeas -Messrs. Blelenbere. Bott. Copeland, n teener. Dorniden. Gehan Melady, Mr. Preal- ,t lighter than No. 12•boiler Approved Nov. 19,1891. pled ail corked seams; the g said Lank W be not more -- In diameter. with sena screw Said tank shall be removed ➢y Mr. Banholzer-A'yb F No. 333- r ch turtherhdlamnee asmayell of the City a St PauLhe Common Ooun- dsable by the said Board of I That the matter oY opening, widening and >ners, or any person acting extending Stewart avenue co a uniform thorlt1 wbo shall havo the wSdth o[ efglny f80j feettrom West seventh •mine finally whether said I street to Cleveland .venue, be, and the same s and warehouses are con- is hereby referred to the Board of Public ted in accordance with the Wnrke to investigate and report: Is ordinance. First -Is this improvement proper and nec- ordlnance shall take effect essary7 'rom and after ite publfeatto.. Second -Glue the Council an estimate of Assembly Nov. 10, 1891, the expense thereof. and state whether one OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL FOR 1891. 811 aalt of the cost thereof Ie to be paid lain the A'v F No. 337- city orders be drawn upon !Ity treaeury before the aovtract le let. SH Y bl out of the prm ti Q W be assessed for said[lrmp oxement be found benefited to The alnd altallonery fund,yinth, favor of the tollow- extont of damages. costs and expenses neces- .i sllata0 theimed r persons. rmmes am ousts set oppo- s ry to be incurred thereby Fourth js such improvement asked tori Globe Publls to Company 8868.31; De upon rth-J tl sacion yr applle.tton o[ Lhe own- Volkszeitu ng- $.347.04: D. D. ilferrlll k Co., ere of a majority of the property to be as- S31-dopled by the Assemblv Nov. 10, 1891. sassed for Buell Improvement? Fifch-Bead the Council n plan or profile of Yeas -Messrs. Banholzer, Castello, m- sald impprovement. ue required by Law. If you geulmim.tMr. ffChalrman atl ee, Murray. Op - report in tayor of the same. p metingS,.th the work [o bo dorm. proper order di. I Adop d by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 17. Adopted by the Assam Uly Nov. 10. 1891. 1691. Yeas Messrs. Banholzer, Costello. Elm- Yeas Ald. Bielenberg. Bot[, Coueland, g YeaIst. McCafferty. DloNamee. Murray. Op- D.Imor. Dorniden, Gahan, Met. y, Mr. peaheim, Mr. Chairman -A. President -8. Nays --0. Nays. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Noe. APpruved Nov. 19, 1891. 17, 18911. Yeo -Ald. Bielenborg. Butt. Cope laud, Dube r, Dorniden. Geban. Melody, Mr. Press- -' dmat--8. Nays. A'v F. No. hRe- Approved Nov. 19, 1891. R.U'.d, That city orders be drawn upon the city treasury. paya vorofble out co the "assent -- d 111 fathe following -named A'v F No. 334- Besolved. Tbat an order be drownn the pro emrent fu d r. payable fo the sum°uf Z local the ° favor went of damagerenn �awarle deandld'for�it,,, ondetnna tion and taking of an easement for slope. o¢ Ball .venae, from Prospect terrace to the snuth city limits. of lotsftvo (51 and six (6) of block onehuadred an rdern ha-) Of de eSt sa seed aonlvTOpdpon the Bald parses filing the', proper receipt for said num. Adopted by the Assembly Nov. to0. lo, Elm - Yeas -Messrs. Bali" Op- gtnsG McCafferty. penhelm. Mr.Chairmun�l. N.ye 0. pdnpted by the Board o[ Aldermen Nov. li 17. 189 - Yeas -Aid. Bielenber,, Bott. Copeland, Dob at. D._,d... Gehan. Melody. Sullivan. Mr_ President -8 went fun , to their persons, for the amounts set opposite respective names: L. D. Hodgi,. �k- and Fourteenth on acconnt f change Approved Nov. 19. 1891. A'y F No. 338- ite, lved, That city orders be drawn upon the efty treasury psYa.10 out of the •'court house and cityy hall maintenance fund." In tuvar of the tollowlag named persona, for the amounts set opposlte to their respect names , being the cltY's ' %share: .Toho Dow nn & Bons. !261.19; Robinson C•rY Co.. 3A.6�: A.O. Neldi. i+c� h- 114. � 03:...IdEdi- •Power Company. 114.18; t4eo. J, 0.,10.412. 891. y the Assembly Nov. 10. lo. ;ars, Banholzer. Costello. Elm- ofterty. M.N. Murray. Op - r. Chairman -8. by the Board of Aldermen Nov. r.Iden. Cohen. Memtlyt. , Mr.P . Nov. 19, 1891 op wu u,r ,,•• as -Messrs. Banholzer p1pnhet. Me- srty, MaNamse. Murray. Oppenheim, Mr. rman-8. ys-0. (opted by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 17, ae-Ald. Bielemberg, Bott, Copeland, ser, Dornlden. Geban. Melody. Mr. Pres1- n. ,De 0 roved Nov. 19.1891. F No. 339 - ;solved. That a warrant be drawn Im the trenaury, in favor of G -V Re a. City [surer, lot the payment of the salary and pensatlom of the persona employed for purpose of cleaning and ngald 8 streets severe during the month of October, for the sum of iU,080.93. toy be charged ae owe: to the ward fund. 19.280.6 to the 2sewer and bridge maintenance fund, o pted by the Assembly Nov. 10 1891. 3as-Messrs. Ban'mlzeq Costen Elm - t. McCafferty. McNamee,- Murray. OP, o' Mr. Chairman. da e 0 d�upted by the Board of Aldermen Nov. celle-Ald. Bielenllerg. Botta Copeland, mer. Dornlden: Gehan, Malady, Mr. Prest• t-8. nnr� oved Nov. 18, 1891. NIO PROCEEDINGS OF TH passed by the Assembly June 23, 1891, and by the Board of Aldermen July 2L 1891. AA roved July 27. 1891. and published July 30, The Common Council of the City of 9L. Paul ordain de ordain as follows: Section 1. That section4 oTOrdfnauce the storage, ge, h ed lin ordinance toreg coat. [be etoral7e, hands ag and sale of petroleum, eus- ollne, naVhthn end other depgerous liquids,' be amended so as to read sa follows: Tha Board of Fire Commis.foners of the City of St. Paul shall have power, by nod with the consent of the Common Council, upon appll- calion, to grant a permit for the .torage and ale of such articles as are mentioned to the first section of Ordinance No. 1621 i provided, lid until slush buldsucinpge shalls have been I" spected by the Board of Fire Commissioner., „ any person acting under their authority, d certified by them as Bre-proof and Bt for the storage and sale of such articles us are mentlonea In the first section of this ordi- nance: That section 5 of Ordinance No. ]521, ee• titled "An ordinance to regulate the storage. bundling and sale of Petroleum, gasoline, n�phtha and that dangerous liquids," be am.. ended so s to read as follows: Any per- ' parsons, firm or corporati.. having', within the C1ty of St. Paul n file -proof build- [ ing or warehouse eacluelvely used for the d torege of such titles a are named In tepe- fl:st o tl1,ted0rdhda.for that purpos21, and se. may apply a permit to use sale Del111 rhr.uuu and if such permit shall be granted I Board of Fire Commissioners and amon Council they shall emte therein e or Lhe perlori fa which said build!.. used for such purpose. which tme no case exceed one year. And dur- 1 time such permit shall remain 1n the Igartiell not be subject using such building or use haubject to the pro- of the first section of Ordlnane. No. rovlded tont any person or persons. rporatlon y ba Bgr .ted a yermlt Board of Fire Commiealoners tostore ...... .... vnll..nn nt tramline in a iron screw he i..ide of ed. further• or corpora - E COMMON COUNCIL. Y gas -Messrs. Bae anholr,0untello,ElmqquI L McCafferty, ll9Namee.Oppenbeim.Van ink8a. Mr. President -e. Nays -0. P.MURRAY. of Assembly. President the Assembly. Passed by ilia Board of A Aldermen Nov. 17, 18{11. Yeas-Ald. Bielen berg Bott, Copeland. Dolt ner. Dorniden, Gelded,111elady, Mr. President -8. Nays --0. President of the Board of Aldermen. Approved Nov. 19, 1891. ROBERT A. BRIT$ Mayor. Attest: Tues. A. PRENOORGA.T, City Clerk. Nov. 2:9. - AIF No. 830-- ltesolved. Tb the Common t p roved Oct. Fite No. IJ2, a bonds at the rs Adopteb by the Assotnbly Nov. 10. Peas -Messrs. Banholzeq Costello, Elm - y yIst, McNamee. Murray. Oppenheim. Mr. Chairmen -7. Nays -Mr. McCafterty-l. Adopted by the Board by Aldermen Nov. 17, 1891 Yeas -Aid. Blelenbergg Bott,Copeland. Dob• uer, Dorniden. Geban. ]Nelady, Mr. President -3. Nays e. Approved Nov. lU, 1891. By Mr. Banholzer. A•y F Fo. 832 - Resolved, That Lhe free use of Market hall tar the evening of Nov. 18, 1801, be and is beretY.sanies to F. L. M.Gbee nd others to hold a Pp blit meeting under the auspfoes of the Civil Rights League of the IInt It states, provided said hall Is not engaged for said evepmg, and, ifeo engaged, on any Oth- er ev,"I"g said hall la tree. Adopted by the Assembly Nov. 10. 1891. Yeus-Messrs. Banholzer. Costello. Elm- lufsf McCafferty. McNamee, Murray Oppen- heim. MrChat Nny. 0. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Nov.17, 1891. Yeas -Messrs. Bielenberg. Bott, Copeland, n hn...r. Dorniden. Gehan MeledY. Mr. Pr sl- 12fbol ler Approved Nov. 19. 1801. ime; the not more -- 0. screw removed 131 Mr. Banholzer-A' F No. 3M - dings at It is I -reby ordered by the Common Coun- e as may ell of the City of Bt. Paul: 2Board of That the matter of opening, widening and >n acting ;extending Stewart e W a uniform have the width of ighty IBO)a[eetfrom Weet Seventh ,her said treat to Cleveland avenue. lie. and the e e acre - le hereby r. -famed W the Board of Public I with the Warks tc investigate sad report: Hirt -Is this improvement proper and aec- ke effect es ry? timate o l9iii.catfon. theeexpnee,se ithereof,Candtastate wouil anhethe one[ OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL FOR 1891. 811 ialf of the cost thereof Is to be paid into the AI FONo. 337- city orders be drawn upon pity treaeury before the contract is let. HH 1as Third -Can real estate W be sse.sed for the city treasury. payable out of the print w - said improxement be found benefited to The and atatiouery fund, in favor amounts the t Opp, extent of damages. costs and expenses neces- . I% tomhe,, reappctive tmme9 eat oppo- nary to be incurred thelol reby"! pe 8688.81; Die Fourche Is such improvement asked for Globe Publishing Company upon the petition yr a pilestlou of the own- Volkszeitu n.. 8317. 4: D. D. 5'lerrlll & Co., ers of a majority of the property to be as- M8 doPted by the Aasembly Nov. 10, 1891. sewed for such impprovement? Fifth -Bend the Couocll a plan or profile of Yeas -Mesar.. B..hulzer. Costello, .- said Improvement. as required by law. ,f you quilt. Me rftCUairman em ee, Murray. Op - re ort t favor of the same. p Blxth-Saud the Council u proper order dt- I Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 17. resting the work to be,d, Adopted by the Assembly Nov. 10. 189 ' 1691• Yeas -Messrs. Banholzer, Coatelio. -Elm_I Yeas-Ald. BleleubeCebanott.5f l y Mr. y yea McCafferty. McNamee. Murray. Op- Dobner. Dorniden, Ud penhefm. Mr. Chairman -8. S. Nsys--0 Nays 0. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Nov. Approved Nov. 19, 1891. 17, 1891. Yeas -Alda Bielenberg. Batt, Copeland. Dobner, Dorniden. Gehan. Mel.dy, Mr. Prest- dent--8. N.Ys�• A'y F. No.338- Approved Nov. 1% 1891. Resolved. That city orders be drawn upon the city treasury, payable out of the •'assess- -- meat fund,,, I. favor of the follow 1m-onuthmed persons, for the amounts act opposite A'v F No.- respect' acmeir es: Nesolved, That no order be drawn on the . Cesp c Hodge. damages on account o[ change City Treasurer. payable out of the local im- u( grade m, Jack,on and Fourteenth streets. C"Y'Trent fund, for the sum of 880 m favor ; J F. Nordstrom. damages on account of of Verenn Knauff and Lizzie Neeser. In pay- ,change o[ grade on Jackean and Fourteenth t iant of damages awarded Por the candemna- Inco 83. G. Gerlach. t2 na and Laking of an eaaemeot for slopes on serewer on fffo to pI.%. $3. Bstimeer No. Bal avenue, from Prospect terrace to the l timate No. 2 and final, ggrading alley in south south city limits. of lotafice (51 and six (e) of ,half of Smith's 'ubdivielon. X1.06; W J. block one hundreds d d ser seven 107) be dell Preston. Estimate No.2 and floes, paving Sit. Paul Proper. Sl a[h street. 8475 ?9; Gust Yolkmefer, damages .red only upon the said parties Bung the �,change of grade op Wmelow nvanue, 819.75. prober receipt for smd sum. Adopted py the Assembly Nov. lU. 1891. Adopted by the Assembly Nov. 10, 1891. Yeea Mess BanUolzer. Eli. M r Yens -Messrs. Banholzer, Costello, Elm- Cefferty, MeN Murray. Oppenheim, Mr. gtflst, McCafferty. McNamee. Murray. OP- Chairman -8. penhelm, Mr. Chairman -8. Nays -0. Naye-0. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 17, Ad. p ted by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 18A 17. 1891. Yeas-Ald. B1.1c.berg, Botta COpelend, Yes, -Aid. Bielenberg• Bett. Copeland. Dobner. Dorniden. Gehan. Mel.dy. Sullivan, d nir8. Dorntdep. Oehaa, Malady. Mr. Preei- Mr Presldenlr8 Na" Napeov - Approved Nov. 19.1691. ApDrovad Nov. 19, 1891. AIF No. 336- ResolV%3 That city orders be drawn upon A'y F No. g3� . warrant these and asur:hall ablemainenancetfin nd�pfn cityntreaury. In favor of George Reisintlar, City favor of the tocitl iowmg� a�edtpersone, pToec Iva the, OOmpeasBTreasurert,onr of n the Per d ris ment of tehmployeyd for amounts set oPptts h res the parPosn of cleaning and rePa,dng street, names, beingR the city's ': share: h .Toon Dowlan fi Bone. 8261.9; Robinson &'. and sewers during oho moot f October, Ogden& Co..881.25 (#eoreellIla9n.18R•161dEdi• !TOB luwe:t to the pf tl�fd •®' (;the .,in edE. L. & Power Company, 814.18; (leo. JI. ,sttmree30% newer andwbridge maintenance fund, Museh k 00., 86.92• Adopted by the Assembly Nov. 30 1891. Adopted by the Assembly Nov. 30. D.. Yens-Mes,m. Bal 1111ar, Ovate to- Elm- Yees-Messrs. Banholzer, Costello. Elm- ala. McCafferty. McNamee, Murray. OP, quist, McOaftert,. McNamee. Murray. OP- penbeI., Mr. Chairmen -8. penheim. lir. Chairman -8. Nave -0. NOr' Adopted by the Board of Aidermeu Nov. 11'Adopted Aid. the Board . AldermenN.V. 17. 1891. Yea --Aid. Bielenberg. BotL Copeland, Yeas-Ald. Bielenberg. Beet. Copeland. Dobner. Dorniden. Gehan. Melody. Mr. Press- ddc.t-8. Dorniden. Gehan, Malady. Mr. Preai- dent-8. Nays --0. 1991. N.Y.-O. i Approved Nov. 18, Atm -ed Nov. 19, 1891. ruleed at least 18 inenes ado and so usegive free clroelatit said tank, nod cu be made gal le Irpening witfor . Th filldouini benotnot more than 1% inches m V Z 1 to be made of iron piping w1 cap said pipe to be SangOA un said tank and soldered. Prot that any ppeerson or persons, tfrt tion may De grantetl a Permit t t f Fire Commfasionera to stol of it `s 50 gallons gasolinefn an ode of iron not lighter that iron, with riveted and dark, oppening Lor filling Bald tank t 1. diameter, n ttiun I, Inches cup autl plug. Said tank aha and detached from all othel least 10 feet, or such further di be deemed advt..ble by the Fire Commissioners. or ny under their authority_w -- s iron screw he i..ide of ed. further• or corpora - E COMMON COUNCIL. Y gas -Messrs. Bae anholr,0untello,ElmqquI L McCafferty, ll9Namee.Oppenbeim.Van ink8a. Mr. President -e. Nays -0. P.MURRAY. of Assembly. President the Assembly. Passed by ilia Board of A Aldermen Nov. 17, 18{11. Yeas-Ald. Bielen berg Bott, Copeland. Dolt ner. Dorniden, Gelded,111elady, Mr. President -8. Nays --0. President of the Board of Aldermen. Approved Nov. 19, 1891. ROBERT A. BRIT$ Mayor. Attest: Tues. A. PRENOORGA.T, City Clerk. Nov. 2:9. - AIF No. 830-- ltesolved. Tb the Common t p roved Oct. Fite No. IJ2, a bonds at the rs Adopteb by the Assotnbly Nov. 10. Peas -Messrs. Banholzeq Costello, Elm - y yIst, McNamee. Murray. Oppenheim. Mr. Chairmen -7. Nays -Mr. McCafterty-l. Adopted by the Board by Aldermen Nov. 17, 1891 Yeas -Aid. Blelenbergg Bott,Copeland. Dob• uer, Dorniden. Geban. ]Nelady, Mr. President -3. Nays e. Approved Nov. lU, 1891. By Mr. Banholzer. A•y F Fo. 832 - Resolved, That Lhe free use of Market hall tar the evening of Nov. 18, 1801, be and is beretY.sanies to F. L. M.Gbee nd others to hold a Pp blit meeting under the auspfoes of the Civil Rights League of the IInt It states, provided said hall Is not engaged for said evepmg, and, ifeo engaged, on any Oth- er ev,"I"g said hall la tree. Adopted by the Assembly Nov. 10. 1891. Yeus-Messrs. Banholzer. Costello. Elm- lufsf McCafferty. McNamee, Murray Oppen- heim. MrChat Nny. 0. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Nov.17, 1891. Yeas -Messrs. Bielenberg. Bott, Copeland, n hn...r. Dorniden. Gehan MeledY. Mr. Pr sl- 12fbol ler Approved Nov. 19. 1801. ime; the not more -- 0. screw removed 131 Mr. Banholzer-A' F No. 3M - dings at It is I -reby ordered by the Common Coun- e as may ell of the City of Bt. Paul: 2Board of That the matter of opening, widening and >n acting ;extending Stewart e W a uniform have the width of ighty IBO)a[eetfrom Weet Seventh ,her said treat to Cleveland avenue. lie. and the e e acre - le hereby r. -famed W the Board of Public I with the Warks tc investigate sad report: Hirt -Is this improvement proper and aec- ke effect es ry? timate o l9iii.catfon. theeexpnee,se ithereof,Candtastate wouil anhethe one[ OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL FOR 1891. 811 ialf of the cost thereof Is to be paid into the AI FONo. 337- city orders be drawn upon pity treaeury before the contract is let. HH 1as Third -Can real estate W be sse.sed for the city treasury. payable out of the print w - said improxement be found benefited to The and atatiouery fund, in favor amounts the t Opp, extent of damages. costs and expenses neces- . I% tomhe,, reappctive tmme9 eat oppo- nary to be incurred thelol reby"! pe 8688.81; Die Fourche Is such improvement asked for Globe Publishing Company upon the petition yr a pilestlou of the own- Volkszeitu n.. 8317. 4: D. D. 5'lerrlll & Co., ers of a majority of the property to be as- M8 doPted by the Aasembly Nov. 10, 1891. sewed for such impprovement? Fifth -Bend the Couocll a plan or profile of Yeas -Mesar.. B..hulzer. Costello, .- said Improvement. as required by law. ,f you quilt. Me rftCUairman em ee, Murray. Op - re ort t favor of the same. p Blxth-Saud the Council u proper order dt- I Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 17. resting the work to be,d, Adopted by the Assembly Nov. 10. 189 ' 1691• Yeas -Messrs. Banholzer, Coatelio. -Elm_I Yeas-Ald. BleleubeCebanott.5f l y Mr. y yea McCafferty. McNamee. Murray. Op- Dobner. Dorniden, Ud penhefm. Mr. Chairman -8. S. Nsys--0 Nays 0. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Nov. Approved Nov. 19, 1891. 17, 1891. Yeas -Alda Bielenberg. Batt, Copeland. Dobner, Dorniden. Gehan. Mel.dy, Mr. Prest- dent--8. N.Ys�• A'y F. No.338- Approved Nov. 1% 1891. Resolved. That city orders be drawn upon the city treasury, payable out of the •'assess- -- meat fund,,, I. favor of the follow 1m-onuthmed persons, for the amounts act opposite A'v F No.- respect' acmeir es: Nesolved, That no order be drawn on the . Cesp c Hodge. damages on account o[ change City Treasurer. payable out of the local im- u( grade m, Jack,on and Fourteenth streets. C"Y'Trent fund, for the sum of 880 m favor ; J F. Nordstrom. damages on account of of Verenn Knauff and Lizzie Neeser. In pay- ,change o[ grade on Jackean and Fourteenth t iant of damages awarded Por the candemna- Inco 83. G. Gerlach. t2 na and Laking of an eaaemeot for slopes on serewer on fffo to pI.%. $3. Bstimeer No. Bal avenue, from Prospect terrace to the l timate No. 2 and final, ggrading alley in south south city limits. of lotafice (51 and six (e) of ,half of Smith's 'ubdivielon. X1.06; W J. block one hundreds d d ser seven 107) be dell Preston. Estimate No.2 and floes, paving Sit. Paul Proper. Sl a[h street. 8475 ?9; Gust Yolkmefer, damages .red only upon the said parties Bung the �,change of grade op Wmelow nvanue, 819.75. prober receipt for smd sum. Adopted py the Assembly Nov. lU. 1891. Adopted by the Assembly Nov. 10, 1891. Yeea Mess BanUolzer. Eli. M r Yens -Messrs. Banholzer, Costello, Elm- Cefferty, MeN Murray. Oppenheim, Mr. gtflst, McCafferty. McNamee. Murray. OP- Chairman -8. penhelm, Mr. Chairman -8. Nays -0. Naye-0. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 17, Ad. p ted by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 18A 17. 1891. Yeas-Ald. B1.1c.berg, Botta COpelend, Yes, -Aid. Bielenberg• Bett. Copeland. Dobner. Dorniden. Gehan. Mel.dy. Sullivan, d nir8. Dorntdep. Oehaa, Malady. Mr. Preei- Mr Presldenlr8 Na" Napeov - Approved Nov. 19.1691. ApDrovad Nov. 19, 1891. AIF No. 336- ResolV%3 That city orders be drawn upon A'y F No. g3� . warrant these and asur:hall ablemainenancetfin nd�pfn cityntreaury. In favor of George Reisintlar, City favor of the tocitl iowmg� a�edtpersone, pToec Iva the, OOmpeasBTreasurert,onr of n the Per d ris ment of tehmployeyd for amounts set oPptts h res the parPosn of cleaning and rePa,dng street, names, beingR the city's ': share: h .Toon Dowlan fi Bone. 8261.9; Robinson &'. and sewers during oho moot f October, Ogden& Co..881.25 (#eoreellIla9n.18R•161dEdi• !TOB luwe:t to the pf tl�fd •®' (;the .,in edE. L. & Power Company, 814.18; (leo. JI. ,sttmree30% newer andwbridge maintenance fund, Museh k 00., 86.92• Adopted by the Assembly Nov. 30 1891. Adopted by the Assembly Nov. 30. D.. Yens-Mes,m. Bal 1111ar, Ovate to- Elm- Yees-Messrs. Banholzer, Costello. Elm- ala. McCafferty. McNamee, Murray. OP, quist, McOaftert,. McNamee. Murray. OP- penbeI., Mr. Chairmen -8. penheim. lir. Chairman -8. Nave -0. NOr' Adopted by the Board of Aidermeu Nov. 11'Adopted Aid. the Board . AldermenN.V. 17. 1891. Yea --Aid. Bielenberg. BotL Copeland, Yeas-Ald. Bielenberg. Beet. Copeland. Dobner. Dorniden. Gehan. Melody. Mr. Press- ddc.t-8. Dorniden. Gehan, Malady. Mr. Preai- dent-8. Nays --0. 1991. N.Y.-O. i Approved Nov. 18, Atm -ed Nov. 19, 1891. .30 PROCEEDINGS OF TH A'y F No 110- 1 T at city orders be drewv pu the city treasury. payable oat of the hospital o food, In favor 1 the followinged pe ons, for the amounts act opposite W their pecW ve name. rep. B. Aoc ker. laryasHoepltal Commfs- toner, one year. to Oot. 23. 1891. $lOD; C. D. Kerr, salary HoaVyltal Commiaafone�. one Kerr to lar 2381891. $100; K. P. Cullen, salary Hospital Co Z. .toyer, one year, to Ont. S4, 1891, 8100;Prendergast, 9enretary of Hospital Uommtesfon, salary from Oct. .3. 181q. to ADrI110. 1891, b49.1e. Adopted by the Arse by Nov. 10, 1891. Yeas- Messrs. Banh.1-r, Coatellp, Elm- yuist, McCafferty, McNnmee. Murray. Op- penheim. Mr. Chairman -8. Nays o. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 17. 1891 �Yre Iorg�BCMe 1dGehr-Doviden,lady, r. Nays -0. Approved Nov. 19. 1891. A'y F No. 344-- 1 n the matter of the report of the Board of Public Works dated Nov. 9, 1891. Itis hereby ordered by the Common Council P the City of St. : That the B01.1 ard o[ PaulPublic Works of sued is tgo`be msCause Twit:fCondemuImprove- City e aneasement in the lana abutung on Winter street, between Rice street and Jackson street in amid city, necessary to construct the slopes for cute and 8i1. in gradingg Bald Wmocr street between Bald treats to the ca_ mbllshed grade thereof, -shown by the Dro- .le of Bald grade oil dle In he omce I the Register o1 Deeds in and for Ramsey county and in the office of the City En gaineer- Bald elopes to exaddtemd one anf.d o.e-half (1o , cut or 11") feet as In dicatedlon the r Ian of said .lo ea attm:hed to said report, and to be filed In the .111 Of said Board. That said Bonrd shall proceed sout de - 1 syn to assess he amount, to nearlyhas they ascertain the same, which will be re to pay the dam. M costs .d necessary zpnnsea of b Imertfvement unon the mat estate to_of expense. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 17. 1891. Yeas --Aid. Blelenberg, Bot Co r. P'. t nor, Dordlden, Gehan, felad -4. Nays -0. Approved Nov. 19, 1891. Byy Mr. McNamee-A'y F No. 34fi- Reaolved, That the grade of Van Buren street, from Snelling avenue to Hamll- ave- nue, and the grade of Wesley avenue, from E COMMON COUNCIL Simpson avenue to Hemline avers e,, a9 indl- oppa nylug pr°eles. the d s deo ,.IIn_ On by the 1/1ty Snglneer, be, and the me is hereby adoyted as the established grade. Adopted by the Assembly Nov. ]0, 1891. Mess -Messrs. Banholzsr.0 hm�oV nn Slyke McCafferty, McNamee,Oppen Mr. Prelloent--e. Nays -9. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 17, 1891. Yeas-Ald. Blelenberg, Bott, Copeland DoD nr, 8Dorniden. Coban, Melady, Mr. President Nras-0. Approved Nov. 19. Not. A'YYFNO.3.1- R.e olvedThat city orders be drawn po the city treasury, Pflyabie out t the ••policge� d8nmdr eot f sc for the amountthe wain-Plmate to the>rrespective names: ° to illast, Buford Burwell & Co.. 813; P.'J. Sc ram -&i a -y,, 14; iompd ay. am D50 k..at-; olohn COvnelty. 8' .11; : Northwester. Telephone Nay -M rOe -b em-A ldarmen Nov. 17,Adoped by hBoardo 1891. Yeas-Ald. Bielenbergg�' BOIt,COpela.d.D°b- ner, Dorniden. Gahan. Mgledy, Mr. President Nays o. Approved Nov. 19. 1891 Nov. d. - By Mr. MOCnffsrty-A'y F NO.348- It Is hereby ordered by the CemmOm Coumdl of the City of St. Paul: That the matter of the s luting of gasoline lamps on the following Lre `one on the corner of Kilburn and Como boulevard; baa on on the corner of Unlon arrest between de tirid. Comn.oand South street; ane on IInlen street becwonh Victoria avd Como avenue; one on Bust side of Como a d G rotto; o Cast aid, or Como avenue and Bt. Albano ,nue co Osage and C mC. o avevue; nun on Burgess and Como eo- n Como avenue between Bti nson and Front treat. one on Como and Union Greet, s th aide; o e oa Como beulevald be,woers1llburn end Chatsworth; one on Churobill avenue between Horton avenue 'it bridge aver 6metpNortherntwo oI-HroComad trnckebe, and the same is hereby referred to the Board of Public Work. to investigate and report: Its this improvement proper and necessary? If so, send the Council a proper order direct_ togg the work to be done. Adopted by tae Assembly Nov. 10 11181. Yeas -Messrs. Banholw Costello. Elm- qulst. McCafferty. McNnmee. Oppenbelm. Van Slyke. Mr. Prestdent--8. Nay . -0. Adopted by the Board of Alliance. Nov. 17, 1891. Yeas-Ald. Blelenberg, Bolt, Copeland, OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 813 Dobne,. Dorniden, Gahan. Melady. Mr. Pre91- I Bit olve�lat a otty order be drawn upon Nays Lhe ." treasury, payable out f the street ld s intensoe fund, to fC st f Approved N.V. 19.1891. George gets.. OSty=.-orer to WaT the W . P. MIINRAY, 1 don Lhe treat ,d fono- President of the Assembly. p oye Wm. A. VAN 9Lvxa. pppearlvg no the O11 for the first half or Chairman of the Assembly. No ember, 1st to 15th 1891, amouut- Oe DIILL6N. fag to Q1,814.88. luclueive, President of the Board of Aldermen. 1891Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 17, . Taos. A. PxeNvnxOwsT. City Clerk. 1 Yeae-Aid. Bielenber lady, oppeland.Pres Dob - Nov. 23. ver, Dorufden. Gehay. Melady, Mr. President 8. Nays te0. Adopd by the Assembly No. 24V 11, 1fB1.4 MCeMONameetMBh m`Vmy,Mr.VIC Pist. idem -7. B, Nays-. Approved N.V. 25. 1802.JOs. MINSA, OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Vice President of the Assembly. _ O. O. CIILL6N. ,if Resolutions Adopted by the Common I PrTBos. A. ident orPheNnsa°esT OI y Clerk. Coancd of the City of St. Paul. Nov. 26. Bit F No, 351)- In the matter of the report of the Board of - Publfe works dated Aug. 4. 1891, and Nov. 17189OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. , 1. It le hereby ordered by he Common Council of the C(ty of St. Paul: The, the Board Of Public Works of the City Of B ... lution Adopted by the Common of St Paul cause the followi.g improvement Council oY the Cl" Of St, Paul, to be made, to -wit: Condemn and take n asement for ounetructinkwalterwg. repnlr- 1nKend m Intaininti er across. under and through the following described land. A. F. No.3il- yy nd the waste 1yt10 foot of Ivts L"and to' bbek CiRy of to feet of lots 13 and 11. 9tt. P. nl, t'fhat the pro p cloy ®cera 35; ala° the ... terlyypp20 feet of lots 13 and 18, be instructed to Issue. negotiate mild sell or thnd block 49 and 47, Arils. iiton Hills addition, and li twenty --five thouaCitsnd Sdt.olarsaul t&"5.999) nmd� long the right f y of the Chicago, St. I nominatlonso, one thous1.and dollars (81,0001 Paul. Mlnncapnlle and Omaha Itallwuy Com-', fatale[ of the rate 141p Per A D 1D89eP, and In- pnvy Lhe •e ter line of which strip la do- -ri p Nidfollows:tnll street. oils pot nt 1321 feet enshe lt u[ iho oley of ahlosend1ScuPaul I. the Oity lof New it from the limit ter live of Edgerton street; York, the to fielpal ppayyable on the eat day of thence to a point on the east It ne of lot 24, C. September, A. D. 1ffR. bel.gthirty years from Walde's subdivision ,f bl.ck 46, Arlington the date of Issue, for the ur[h)it . ad oit. af fmprav- Htrrihessacoioneand distamt rof ssold t Lance [uramPolot nod making he cameCome. in ls pert oP Cemo park, In an thn east Iineof lot 4o of said block ane des- Bald clip, as authorized by innnectroutf$ that `ted [ant 77 fest from the vortheaet corner of sold islature of Ule Slate of M mouth Bne block 47t ArlingWn Hlls of issue ab rods ct authorizing tthe tper poas of gmprovin11 tion, and 38 feet west Of the center line of 1 Como park. In the City h [. Paul d apof said ,and ue; thence along the south side at April 17. A. D. 1888. The. proceeds f said srid h line theareoft os the Phaflen iCreek ewer thed redid be PI Id�Purk Ctheomtmisalo�ne yy t f In the City of 9t. Paul, Mi nnesoia. said city. and shall Jerk ndetl by Haid board That sold Bound shall proceed without de- In the improvement of MCI Co . o and ley to assess thtl amount. fls nearly no they cav IteA, __ ted b the Assembly Nov. 30 1891.E1 ascertain the same. which will be required to °p Messrs. Bnnholaer; Coate{lo, Dl r. pay the dama�, ,osis and necessary ex- t4 Yat�MoNamee Murray. Oppenheim, pensee of such provement upon Lhe real es- _ tate be be benefit«d by said imgovernor, pn d out of gist. provided by law; the same Lo Adopted by the Board Of Aldermen Nov. 17, the sewerage bond food. Adopted by the Board of Alliance.. Nov. l7, l"Y'e -Ald. Blelenberg. IIott Copeln.d, 1891. 1891. raid. Gahan.Me olt afrPrealdeo dept--oB. Dorviden, (:chars. Melody. Mr. Presi- _-8. Nays--0. Approved N.C. 19, 1&A. the Assembly Nov. 24, 1691. Wm, A. VAN SLvbly Adopted by Chairman of the Assembly. Yces-Mesera.Bnnholzer,COatello.Elmyvlst. O. O. CIIDLS+. McCafferty, McNamee. Murray, Mr. Vice Pres- Presldent of the Board le Aldermen. Ident- TROs. A. PvaxbagewST. City Clerk. Nuys --9. Nov. 2& Approved Nov. g. 1891 IS 314 PROCEEDINGS OF TH OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Ordinance No. 1 .S9-A'y F No. 324-P Aand u a of a part of tther Missl-stpoithe t river ancfor a ekatl,g rink. The Common Council of the City of Bt. Paul to ordain a follow-: Section 1. Permission Is hereby grunted w Charles H. Parmelee to occupy and use tar a kating rink all that traot of river bottom land described as follows: Commencing 100 feet west of the west aide of South Wabash. street bridge, near what is known as the northekle ly399 feet,lce the. cast 400 feet. thence souther,, 3011 feet to place of begi.nin¢. said I't be enclosed with good•-ubstknti-I fencing all around the same, and proper guards by day end lights by night for the prevention o accidents. Anfl on the close of the skating season of 1891-92 ell rights and prlvilefes under this ordinance hall cease and all fencing tlm here, building etc., shall be removed and the river or territory left in the aame condition as it was before the I nes- age of this ordinance. Sea, 2. This ordinance shall be In force from and elver Fie approval. ,._ .. ... o eao,...,hly Nov. 10. 1891. ....'., �• W. P. MIIAHAT, President of the Assembly. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 17. '691. Yeas-AId. Bfelenber& Bott, Copeland. Dob ner. Dorniden, Gehnn, Melady.Mr. President -8. N.Ye-O. O. O. dCu'fl l . President of the Board oP Aldermen. Attest: THOS, A. PRENDEBGAST. City Clerk. Nov.30. rdf..... No. 16i4-Bd F No. 676- n ordlnauce permitting Charles F.Ar'.If to erect . balcony, coal bf ne and bay windows on lot 6, block 9, Bazllle & Robert's addition to West Bt. Paul. he r mmo. Councll of the City of St. Pant same to co to be built Ot WOO.; end platform w be 45 feet in width and three stories in b -ii, t, same as .tmet grade. with floor and platform on e.. r story and routed on p. Ptoost to be six Inches by six i¢c•hes end at- tached to said buildhij. And permission is ereby granted to the said Charles F. Arrol toconstruct and build on the roar portion of sold lot six (8). and w the rear of said brick building, eight ...I bins for storing and keep Coal therein for use of said brick building on .aid lot six (6). That permission be and is hereby granted and gI n to sold Charles F. Arm, con- etruci two front bay windows w the said three-story brick building n South Robert -treat, and one bay window on said brick building on India.. avenue; the said bay E COMMON COUNCIL windows extending from the second story fl, of sold aso- and and third brick building tories therof. and to pup the roject from the main sides of said buil^Icg eighteen to twbnty-Pour Inches on street line. All of said work to be done under the dime - tion of the Inspector of Buildings of said cit- . Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect Rod be in farce from and ufwr its PPassage. Passed by the Board of Altlerme. Nov. 17, 1891. Yeas-Ald. Blelenberg Bort, Copelaud,Dob nor, Dorniden. Gehnn, hielRdv, Mr. President -8. N.Y.-O. O. Presldont of thO. cad of. Ar Aldermen. Pussetl by the Assembly Nov. 24, 1891. Yeas-Mcssrs. Ranlmlzer, Oostello. Elm- q ist. McCufterty, McNamee, Murray. Mr. Tice President-,. Nuys -O. JOB. MINEA, Vice President of Assembly. Approved Nov. 27. 1891. ROBERT A. SMITH, Maya[. Attest: THOS. A. Pnaxn..Ga T, City Clerk. Nov. 30. Bd F No. 008 - Resolved. By the Common Council of the City of St. Paul. That the Cly Comptroller be, nod he is hereby authorized and Instruct- ed to include in the flu estimate of 1892 the sum of Blnety-nine thousand flue hundred forty-seven and lis-lIXl 1809,547.651 dollars, to be placed In the "general fund" for the pur- poee of paying as-essments uiade agal.st city property since 1873 no to Mnmh 24, 1891. Adopted by the Bnard of Aldermen Nov. 17. 1691. Yeas-Ald. Blelenberqq Butt, Coppeland,Dob- ner, Dorniden, Get'. a, . lady. Mr. President -8. NayI Adopsted by the Assembly Nov, 24. 1891. Yens-Messre.BanI, as .Coswllo,Elmqufet. MoCaf7erty, McNamee, Murray. Mr. Vice Pra- ident-7. Nuys --U. Approved Nov. 27. 1891. 'd'No. 6;15 -- solved, That city orders be drawn upon the city treasury. 1,layyahis out of the "special owed on ao usessments fund•' i. favor of the following I. -.d pars... for the amounts set opposite to their respective names: 6tockwn & Liudqulst, F.aimnw No. 1, sewer on Payne avenue and Beaumont att•eet 4 f530; Guv'st V� Ik sde zona Wt�nslow avenue 9-dj: 'at PAUL, FOR 1891. 315 OF THE CITY OF SAINT 2 and final, grading Forster street, such rovement neomeahre expreal estate w nses of be benefited by said ulan, Estimate No. 2. grading Lin- G. Bolan. Estimate No. 8 W g Improvement, bylaw; It bein10 that real - stow ;t. 8163: Linden street, gg1.54t H. C. the Council the opiton of the Council can be ent casts , Estimate No. 2 and final, grading :Estimate dock 7, Rim's Second nddition.89 ; final, and ("and benefited to the extrrmch of tho fop eases necessary to be incurred thereby. ce ndeen, Estimate No. 4 and Syndicate avenue, 8880: W..7, Pres - mate No. 1, sewer on Hague avenue Ado ted the Board of Aldermen Nov. 17Yeas-Aid. Bfelenberg• Bott. Copeland, oris street. X02.50. d by the Board of Aldermen Nov. Deabtnefl: Dorniden, Gehnn, 111eledy.. r. res - Ald. Blelenberg. Bott. Copel.nd,PD�bs Gehn, Melody, Mr. Adopted by the Assembly Nov.24, 189]. Costello, Elm- raids., ye Rs--Measre. Bunholzer, ufst. McCafferty, McNamee, Murray, Mr. o 0. by the Aeeembly No. 24, 1891. Messrs.Banholzer,Coswllo,Elmquist, �lce President--,. Nays • --0. Approved Nov. -7.1891 rty. McNamee, Murray. Mr. Vice Pres- Approved Nov. 27. 1191. By Aid. Co land--Bd F. No. 646-- Resolved, That the Board of Public W,: rk. be and they are hereby instructed to remove ning easo2lne lamps un Payne avenue, be- tween Min nebahs and Jessamine -trouts. and place them on the following streets, viz.: One on the west side of Arkwright street. between Case and Jenks. b One Jenkit s end Dnw ole Arkwrfght street. One on the northeast corner of Arkwright and Lawson. One on the east side of Arkwright street, between Cook and Magnolle, One on the west siArkwrlght street, de of between Lawson and Cook. between Jessaminea.t st One on t a em M -"'.'a -A street, One on the southwest corner of Arkwrfght Street and Geranium. One on the northwest side of Wella Street, between Payne and Edgerton. One nn the east side of Arkwrlght, between Jessamine aad Geranium. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 3, 1891. Yeas-AId. Bfelenberg. Bort, Conley.Cop Dobner. Dorniden, Gehan, Sanborn. Sullivan Mr. President -10. Adopted by the Asentba Nov. 24, 1691 Yeas-Messr,. HRuholzer, Costello. Elm- Vist. Me.. rty, McNamee, Murray. Mr. `'Ice President -7. Nape Approved Nov. 27. 1891. Ed F No. 651 -- In the matter( Public Works It is hereby or, of the City of That the Hoa of St. Paul can to be umde, W- lan'e obdivlei ton's addition That said Bc by contract, as half the esti- the city treaSu be pined ani proceed with-, .. arty hlch will be Id F No. 652- Heeolved. That all proceedi.ge had by the Common Council In the metwr oT a change Of grade on the alley runing north and south In block 2. Keller'. subdivision of block 11, Lyman Dayton's addition to St. Paul. be, and e same ere hereby ....tied. Adopted by the Bcard of Aldermen Nov. 17. 1891. Yeas -Aid. Bfelenbergg,, Bott, Copeland.Dob- .er, Dorniden. Gehan, Malady, Mr. Presldent -6. Nays -0. Adyoowd by the Assembly Nov. 21. 1691. Yeas --Messrs. IInnholzer, Costello, Elm. Viet. McCafferty, bfeNamea Murray. Mr. Vice Preside.1--7. Nays -0. Approved Nov. 27, 1891. By Aid. Copeland-Bd F No. 654-- Ytesolved. That the grade of the -Iley, In street to Oakland avenue, nsilniin dicdwd b ythe red grade lf.e on the accumpanyingg profile. and as recommended by the City Eagineer, be. anbad grndme Is hereby adoptod as the ew lia Adopted by the Boarm d of Aldermen Nov. 17. 1891. Yas--Ald. Bieleoberg. Batt. Cupela.d, Dobner. Dorniden, Geha.. Melody. Mr. P-ml- dent- e• Nays- 0. Adapted by d,e Assembly Nov. 214 e. 1891. Yas-MeCafferty.aM N.emee. Mu,my, Mr- qq.o Vloe. Preeiden4--7. NnYs-0. m lanl. •sYgr.. � a - of the Board of Q 1891. _ ^yommon Council By eessolveope edd. That tae Board of Public Works Works of the City be. and t hey are hereby lustructed to move u •inglmprovement. ggaaseoline lama from the southwest. rner oI alley in A. Got-- an hot . and Pnl'ne avenue and place It an 107. Lyman Day 3 Uefwecteou a of of WeatmlO .w[ treet bridge. aid city id work t; be let Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Nov. law, wlthout onin halllll Dobner, Doriden. Gehan, M ll dy Mr. Pres f- rSaid Board shall den! --8. ssessthe mount. i Nays --0. �ertafn the same. Adopted by the A-aembly Nov. 24. lo. Elm - Pay the .oats and I YenS--Diessrs. Bunholzer, Costello, ul 818 PROCEEDINGS OF TH G McC.eert McNamee. Murray. Mr. blisoc President --7. Nays --0. yyApproved Nov. 27, 1681. BRosla dhThat en order bee draw, up o the city tmasuryiv favor f Albert Scheirer. Presldeut of the Board f SchoolInspectora, pay abltifee ,fill the Pond for the ll port and th the sum of $". to be used byrsaid OPresldeot as a Contin Rent fund In hls oHfclal "Pilei`y. Boit, 1, 111 Melody, Mr. Psl- by the Assembly Nov.24, 1891. essrs. Banholzer.Costello, Elm- afferty. McNamee, Mu .,rray. Mr. Approved Nov. 27. 1891 By Aid. Gahan-Bd I' N0.658 - It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council f the City of SG Paul: be Overton Mothe unt Alry street Y om Falrc(ew to Linden street. or within id i its. be. and the same is hereby referred to the Board of Public Works. investigate and report: F,rstIs this Improvement proper and nec- es9 Dona -Give the Coupefl n :timate of tie cape a there It, and stew whether one- half of the cost themot Is w be paid fnw the IV treasury before the contract is let. c Third --Can real slaw b be -sed for said Int uroveme nt in toun8 benedted w the extent 1 damages• costs and expenses a-- esry to be Incurred thereby. Fourtb-le such improvement ked for upon the petition or applicatlon a[ the ow ors Of a majority of i6be property to be as- sessed for such im provemens't bit the Counell s Pfno rosle of said improvement, as requlred by law. It you report In favor of the same. Birth _Send the Counell a proper order di - •ting the work w be done. reApOpwd by the Board of Aldermen Nu V. l7, BUI. gg pe 1. Dormden Geh--- lady.�Mr• President rr_Nays-f1 the Assembly Nov. 24. 1891. Adnpwd by M Cattarty. MCNamee�IMurray Tllr vi e re P Ident7. Nuys --0, Approved Nov. 27, 1801. By Aid. Gehan--Bd F No. 65fi-- •S� B is Newby o dared by the Cn)mmml Council ( of the C1tY of St. Paul: That the atter [the onstructlon of a Over on Fairview street from the pr,sont terminus of sewer on Jackson street north w rho Iptereeotlon of Arch street and said Falx j view, or within said Ilmtte, be, and Lhe same Is hereby referrod to the Board of Pub1h, ¢ Work. to investigate and report: E COMMON COUNCIL Firer --Is this improvemen proper and .... Seco7 nd-Give the Connell av estlmaw of Ehe expense thereof. and taw whether ole ,.If of the coat thereof Is W be paid Into the ,it, treasury before file contract Is let. Third -Can rest tate to be d for ;a, d improvement of a ment be found benefited w the ry to be I... r-, ill-ey7 et, vae- 1 Fourth -Ie such Improvement ked for ,poll thepetit, tit,n o ppplltcation of the own - r of lority rtntb pnroparty w be na d for each Impr 4 Fifth --Sand the Council a plan or proele of s Id 1mE vement. as mqulrud by law. if you ppoo favor Of the same. proper o �`Jlzth--Send the Counell a rtlnr, ai- r otl.g the work to he done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 17. 1891- yeas -Aid. Bielenber([ Bots, Copelaud.Dob er, Dornlden. Gt hon, Melady, Mr. President N.Y-0. Adopted by the Assembly Nov. lo'Hi . yeas --Messrs. BamelzeMurr el, Mr. quIce McCafferty, McNamee, Murray, Mr. Vico President- 7. N.Y". Approved Nov. 27. 1891. Bd F. No. e60 - Resolved, That elty orders be drawn upon the city treasury, payable outot the "lutereet nlid Inisphal kPncivg Corf mna.y. I.wreatfavor of WatreonllamoSchunt retained for pay1m, Holly avenue. D113.51. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 17, 1891. Yeas -Aid. Blelevbergg ott. Copelavd, Dub nor, Dornlden. Geban, htButt, Mr. Presf lent -8. Nave --0. Nnv. 24.169E Adopted by the Asst bly Elm - yeas -Messrs. Banholzer. Costello, 1st. MCCafre rt McNamee, Murray, Mr. Vice President-7� NeYs-- Approved Nov. 27. 1891. Rd F No. 801- Resofved, That cityorders be drawn upon thecity treasury.oayable tof the "water pply fund. in favor of the Board of Water Commissioners far 048.67. Adopted by the Board oI Aldermen Nov. 17, '891. Teas -nide. . Gell Iyerg� Botta COpeln President Dornfde n. Gehan, Malady. Mr. Presidnut n Nvys-0. Adopted by the Assembly N0v.:9, 1891. Yeas -Messrs. Banholzer. Coewllo, Elm 4u,at. McCafferty, McNamee. Murray. Mr. V Ice Presldevt-7 Nays -0. Approved Nov. Z{, 1891. Id F No. set Resolved, That city orders lye drawn upon the cityy treasury, pay able out of the "Board of Yublle Works to nd.' In favor of the follow Ing -named persons for the amounts set oppo- site to their respective names: Merrill's Tollet Supply, 88.00; Hob't War- ringto., 015.90. OF THE CITY OF 8A Ado ted bythe Board of Aldermen Nov.' l7. 189E Yeas -Aid. Bielenberg- But,, Cope lavd.Deb- Dorniden, Gohan, Melody. hl r. President Naost 0. Adnpwd bysi the Assembly Nov 24 l. Eim- Yens-o acre. Ban char. , Mlirr�y. Mr. bilet, lidde t-7. Metinmee. ce Prealaent7. A P o ed Nov. 27. 1891. Bd F No. 6a1 -- Ree lv r That city lidera be era upon the city treasury.p v.j if '11.1e vet of the wlig ting gasnlinen'am Ps October, 1891, :Li.ilRiiBr. .H,llgh Ling Adap ted by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 17. 1091. YeasBleleober 13.ottCOPeland.Dob- _ ....i,. _ Mr. President -P. ',Yays 0. Adnpwd by the Assembly Nov. 24, 1801. Yst, McCssrs. Banholzer. Costello. F.Mr. lot. MaCafferLS, McNamee. Murray, Mr. Vice Pres'dent7. Nays --0. Approved Nov. V. 1691. �Re olv d, Th t cit, orders be drawn .pupon. the city tronsurYayable out of the "res e ins a Se9st00vt foo sa for tnetnmounGQset oppo- g-name pe s NT PAUL FOR 1891. 317 Yeas --Masers. Banholzer. Cosw110, Elm- 1aG Mocafferc , M.N.- ,Murrey. Mr. bice Preataant--'1.' Nays -o Approved Nov. 27, 1801. Bit 86EU- Besolvea, Thor Cit Vnud.r. bedinenset=- the ILyy treasury. pa, u ,rf ISg-nam taanng •( in Ghe amounts setlopposite toe their respective m,.,,"�. Snnnfv. ell: Joh. Leslie. at. rant oaa. Adopted br the Board of Aldermen, Nov. 17. 1891. Yeea-Aid. BiOlenberg, Butt, CopelandDob. aor, Doruld,.n. Gohan. ylelady, Mr. President -8. Nuys -0. Adopted by the Assembly 24.1891. Yeaa-Messrs. Banholzer, Coewllo, Elm. uist- McCaffertl•. McNamee, Murray, 51r. bice President,. Nays A. Approved No.27, 1891• �Ite w their respective nuns: Bd F No. BW- Anme White, damages for •haoge oe Reaoh-ed, Thnt 1ty ordure be drawn p nrndc on Mchlenemy sUreot. $99.25: C. Bra- Lhe city treason-. Payable out of the "police r. damages for a change of Rrnde on Jacl department fun d.' to favor of the (viliin¢- on and Fourteenth streets, k71L": .el. Larson, a ed persons, for the amounts set opposite Estimnw No. g and svnl. grading Keston �„ their respeetivo es: ala- Wm. tract iotas: W. J. Pres.o.E.stimuw Nodan Louls Bougtc,m.UB: A ug Jobst, gall, Baal. cons�ructing Hague - u and Schmidt. 8y..80: A. Herm 1, 83: P. J. Ho mrin street - , .14'?.40:.1 �C Nelson. Estl- 4: E. Mrl,meu, 35. ate No. B and 5.u1. constructing Down. Adn ted by the Hoard of Aldermen Nov. place sewer, ,61Z1. 17, 189E Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Nov. - V-s-Ald. Blcle.berg, Bott• Copeland, I7, 1691. Dobner, Dorniden. Gehan. Melody. Mr. PMsl- 1•e.s--Aid. Bielenberg. Bott. Co lend.Dob de tc-8. . Dornlden, Gehan. Malady. Mrd. President � N.Y9-p, Nov. 24, 1897. nel. t. Adopted by the Asenmbly Nays --0. Yeas -Messrs. Bunhoizer. Co MulrrnyE Mr. Adopted by the Assembly Nov. 24, 1891. q 1st. Mec alrert�y, McNamee. Yens--h[esers. Banholzer. Costello. Elm.'y leo P resident-. quiet. McCafferty, McNamee, JlurruS• Mr. Naya-o. Vl, Presldo. t- 7. Approved Nov. 27, 1891. Nnya--0. Approved Nov. 27. 1891. --- By Ald Boct jj Fm nv. iho Common Council Hd F ?Eo. &ib-- - .f the Res �Ived. That city orders he drawn upov , theelty treasury. payable nut of rho'•eewer That fund:' 1n favor of the following -named per• oxtOndl street 1 sons, for the amounts set opposite to their re- hereby rto npeotive names: P. Doherty Bstlmate No.'l,Fdgyehorntontek toFrsb (storm star sowerE. 02,465: 'C Shaw. F.stlmaw No. I, Sibley :crest (storm a Seca water sewer), alas. BNo,'. Adopted by the oers of Aldermen Nu. ;lel[ uT 1-891. Ci[ CR Yeas --Aid. Bielenberg. BULL, Copelavd, Dobner. Dornldon. Gohan, Malady. hl r. Prenl- I saidh 1m dent, -8. extent Nays --0. Adnpwd by the Assembly Nov. ani, 1891. I Baty to d to the Boar¢ot rucrr.: ,. ,.. •.a and report: a Improvement proper and nec- the Council an estimate of oe .o(, nd stow whetn0 on t mront le w bo paid fnw the )efore the contract Is lac. real taw undb be nsseesed fur lent be fobonetlwd to the "o„ea .nets and eximn.. neen - a. 878 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL the Fonrtb-Is such improvement n asked owns extent Improvement said ugs be and found bexpenses enefited ne.es- upon the petition or app ere of a majority of the property to be as- I s FFourth -1. cu u h the-by?IImprovement asked for sensed for sock improvement) id - F1 [th-Send the GOum-Il a plan or profile of upon toe petition or appPlleprop rt the own - paid improvement. as required by law. if you .sewed for such majority Urovem.ppt party to be s 0p 'rt In favor OY the ,Rn1C. reg the Counch x proper order dl- wild Imp Send menfl as required by law. If YOU resting the work to be done.. same Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Nov. report In favor.1end Council a proper order dl 17. 1891. Yens --Aid. Blelenberg. Roti, Cnpeland.Dob- 'resting the work to be done. neq Dorniden, Geban. Malady. Mr. President j 1,Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 17, --s. Yeas -Aid. Blelenberg, Bott, Collelaad' t. Nnvs--0• 4dopted by the Assemtly Nov. �. IBOt. Dobner. Dorniden, Gahan, Malady, Mr. Pres - Yens--Mresre, Banholzer, Costello, Bim- dente s. 7uist yleCaffert+v, McNamee, Murray, Mr. Adopted by the Assembly Nov. 24, 1891. Vice Prosldiol,_• yeas -Messrs. "M.N. Costello. El Nays' -0• qulet. McCafferty, McNamee, Murray. Mr - Approved Nov. 27. 1881. Vtoe President -7. Nays -0 _ . Approved Nov. 27. 1891. By Aid. Copeland-Bd F No. 872- 1, is is hereby orderetl Dy the Common Connell P the City of St. Pan i: B tShereUy ordereddby the f:ommon Connoll That Lhe matter of gg adios Lhe alley in of Lhe C1ty of St. Pani: block two 12) of J.R. Weide'e addition and That the matter of placln a crosswalk over bl.ck one (1)SVelde'a Fourth addt- gg tlon. De, and the some is hereby referred to Chelton avenue on north side nl Minnehahn the Board of P i to Woike to Invstiaate and tenet De, and the same Is hereby referred to PP Lhe Board of Public Work. to Invstigate and mFitrst--L Chia improvement proper and nee report: essary? la ibis improvement proper and neceesarv7 Second -Give the Council nn stimnte of in gache worsend tk to be dine. proper order direct - if so, expense thereof, and scute whether one- .tdopted by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 17, half of the cost thereof is to rote paid into the 1691 city treasury before the contract is let. Third --Con ^cal estate to be assessed for yea.- -Aid. Blelenberg Botts Copeland, Dob .aid ImProyement be found benefited to the j nor, Dorniden. Gahan, Melady, Mr. PrestdOut extent of damages. costs and expenses nec.S- --8. aary to be Inourued thereby? Adopted by the Assembly Nov. 24, 1891• Fom•th--le h improvement asked for ape n the petiWon or application of the own yeas -Messrs. Banholzer, Costello, Elm - of n majority- of the property to be us- uist. McCaffertyy. McNamee, Murray. Mr. Or. sed for such improvement? Ice Presfden6-7. �cFifth--Sand the Council u pin. or profile of 9 pr ed Nov. 27,71. „portico Improvement, nt LM1e ae samered by law, IP you - cpixth-Sano the Council a prober order df- j De. -Bd F No 876-. f roctlog' the work to be 10 I By Ald. Dobner Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 17, It la hereby ordered by the Common Council 1891. of the City of St Paul: Yeas -Aid. Blelenberg. Boit. Cope Presided That the matter of placing a crosswalk a. net D.rniden. Gahan. Melody, M east side of 6heldn. avenue, across Wesley -p avenue. be, and the .amp is hereby referred Nays -0. to the Board of Public Works to investigate Adopted by the Assemb y Nov. 2f, IR91' and report: Yeas --Messrs. Banholzer. Costello. Elm- Is this improvement proper and nece.sarJ1 �ulat, McCafrerey, MON..-. Murray. Mr. It so,send the Councti a proper order il. ng Ice President- . the work [o be done. Nays -a. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 17, Approved Nov. T. 1(NII. 1801. jYeas--Ald. Bielenber Botts Ooltelaud,Dob er. Dorniden. Gehan. >lelady, Mr. President -8. By Ald. Copcland-Bd F No. o! � NaYp--0• It is hereby ordered by sae Common Council yeas- n�P-tMebgreheBaenholzee,NCoste�lo Elm - of the City of St. Poul: t1 That the matter of est.ublishi nR a gradeand j V1ce PrMcCantrty, Ma. smao, Murray. Mr. .ding Pay",oavenue. from Ivy Street to FV him Bear road, be. and the _.a,., ame fs hereby I Nay roved Nov. T. 1891. referred to the Boarn of Public Works to in- APP W, P. Nvaasv, vestigste and report: President of the Assembly. First -l. this fmproremept proper and neo- J08, MtxsA. essaryVice Prsidentof the Assembly Secy , Give the Connoll a. estimate of I p, O. GULLEN. the expense thereof, and state whether one-, president of Board of Aldermen. half of the cost thereof is to be raid Into the city treasury -,.,a the contract is let. TROs. A. PRENDEDGART. City Clark. •third -Can real estate tobe asaessed for Nov. 30. OF THE CITY OF SAI OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Of R-alutlo.. Adopted by the Common C ... rll of the City of Sl. Paul. Bd F No. 884- Resnlved, That city orders be drawn upau the city treasury, pa able out of the' ive he"ive assessment fund," m favor of the follow• Ing nomad persons. or the amounts set op- posite to their resppeeetive names: Annie White. tl...go. f.r a change of grade on McMenenly street. 8110.25; C. Brower. damagges for a change f grad, on •),,,kaon and Fourteenth streets. IIIC: N. Lareun. Es- tlmute N..3 and final. grading Keston street. 1108; 5V. J. Pecswn. Estimsca No.2 and final, constructing I,Tn. venue and Victoria street sewer. 814"^-.40; J. C'. Neeson. Estimate No.B and flnal, eunstructinR Linwood place sewer. SIM. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 17, 1881. Yeas -Aid. Blelenberg. Butt, C- lead. Doa- Per. Dorniden. Geban. Melody. Mr. President -s. Nays -0. Ad.Pted by the Assembly Nov. 24, )801• Yeas -Messrs. Banholzer. Costello. vital. McCafferty. McCafferty, McNamee. Murray. -Mr. Vice -President -7. Nays -0 p Aprovad Nov. 27. 1891 Jos MINEA. Vice President of the Assembly. O. O. Cvm.EN, President of the Board of Aldermen. TROs. A. PRENDERG AST. City Clerk. Dec 1. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Of ordloanre. P..aed and Reaolutioup Adopted by the Common Counell of the City of St. Paul. Be a No. 653-- Wh rens, the owners of the propertyy abut- ting upon and ainng the Ilse f Summit avemte, between Rice and Third streets. Ili" thn Clty >f St. Paul. have potitionetl the Common COuneli of the City of S . Paul to vac Ate�l] those portlons of Summit avenue _ . .. _ of fit. PmI des cri )sari us follows. ,own twenty -ulna ✓ .o .. .. ... .... . .. 3, and easterly of the westerly line of lot one I1), block elBhty-three (831. Dayton k Irvine's addition prepinced pad between the southerly line of -old lot ane (]). and the northerly line of s6ummit avenue as now occupied and improved Uy the City .f 9t. Pant: also all that. Dart of the southensl ter (Sale of the a tt heaet quarter t'41, 07 I thirty-six 13111, umn twenty-mne 129) renga twenty three iSi). deeded by Johr Nichols and sarab T.. his wife. kt the Clty o. St. Pat. and recorded Int Book'17 or - of the n .ads 4T PAUL, FOR 1891. 1 819 ,aul; on the Southwesterly and by the east Ine of section thirty-six (38). town twenty - live (2)). range twenty-three; and on the With exeterly end by a line parallel to the southwesterly lino of Johnson's i -arrange- ...I of part of block tbree (3). I -Is.'s nddf- �fon, and part of the eodthenst quarter (Sf) of Abe southeast quarter (ii) of section thirty - line June((Zi)town ) and tsixtY foure(641 (act wange twenty- sterly 'rom the southwesterly end thereof meas- ired on the original northerly line of Sum- mit avenue;which Said petition duly sets forth the facts and reasons far said vacation. and was duly m:companied by a plat thereof ss proposed Co ho scaled; and. _E _ mi,o I.- m.n Cmmctl upon the page not, ........ .. erly It.. of Summit avenue as now octopi a.d improved bT the City t St. Paul; and Ina Lha, portlmt of said Summit nvenue boundod aS follow,: 0. ,,,1,0 northwesterly aide by the southeasterly line of lot sixteen (IB), block three X31. Irvine s addition to St. Punl; on Lho eouthonsterly side by the north- easter) aline0 as no t said Summit eed by thetCicy of SL by pu biicatinn in the Ittour y for weeks, com- lay of Sepber, A. D. said petitiontemhad been ark, stating in brief its Same would be heard '.ie Common Connell of Tuesday. the fid day MI at 7:41.'clock in the Beans¢, a. 0.mr-mu. u „ consideration thereof was, postponed until the 17th day of November. 1894, at 7::30 P. in. and. Whereas. At the time and place last afore- said, for the lnvostlRntfon and consideration of each proposed vacation of Bald Summit avenue. the Common Council. after hearing all persons Interested and baling of the opf n- lon that the same is necessary and proper. ad that the preroquisitea thereof have been I n all roapects duly complied with: now there - fare. be It. Resolved, That all of aid Summit avoGo In the City of st. Paul described ae follows. to -wit: All that part of Summit nvemle lyf or South of the south line of Section thirty-six (1B). town twenty-nine (20), range twenty- three f7A)• and easterly .f the westerly line of lot one ill. block eighty-three 183), Dayton pori Irvine's addition. preduoed and be- twsn the soutkerly Ilne of said lot (l) and the northerly line of Summit avenue. ae now occupied and Improved by the City. of St. Paul,^ it tint part of the southeast quarter of of Irttino's addition to St Paul: on the aouun- oaswily side by the northeeaterly line t f .Said Summit nvenue, m Dow occupied and improved by the City of St. Paul; on the jsin sterly end by Lhe Stat line of ace- 'o"t" if. (.i8). town twenty -pine (20'. i range twenty -tares (ail. and un the north- ] easterly anti by ',line Pnrullel to the o..ntbwnptnrly. line oC John-,,,. rearra.Re 3S0 PROCEEDINGS OF THE I tiiees Land Part of the soutthessi, qualrter addef the southeast quarter S;a) of section thirty- {ne(a9)• Wwd eixtyel four feoi'westerly from throo 1231, an d thereof, measured on the sout6bweateiiYy the -original northo lyllnc by declared ssvenue, ratand ed and a,.continued, -a sked for io said petition. Rad as hereinabove epee (fled. A•uptod by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 17, 1891. Yeas--Ald. Bieleneerg• Bott. Copelantl. nobvor, Dorniden. Gohnn. MoladY• Mr. Prea- tlent--P. Neys--0. O. O. Cxl.tett. President of the Board of Aldcrmon. Adopted by the Assembly Nov. 2t. 1891. Yeas -Messrs. Banholz r. Costello. Elm 1st. MCCaftert�. McNamee. Murry Mr. Y%Nny ­O'ident--t- dos. Menaw. Vice President of the Ae,embl7. Approved Nov. 2i. 1987. Roaga, A. RGAsT Mevor. Attest: Txos. A. PaeNPEnnw",City Clerk. Dec. 2. - OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Cf oldhistrem pasAld a.- l Adopted by the Common Covnailof the Ctt7 of fit. Paul, nrdi nears No. ISS5frh 0A i' .qN, poach W con - An ordinance n tract a frame buildfne. f St. Paul The Common Council of the Citp o do otdaln as follows: pe Ixxlon Section ]. That nd tg� utedna .t. Pasch er;ciro v gcoentruct t No. 59 Went Thera street. in the Cltywhi 9t. Pani, of exceed a frame building. hick shall t ed 3f feet in width by 8o tees I'dl bo ldiog th by ]a ft tset in heigght. The sides of sa 8°ga, ec wf thereof shalt De overed with corru der and all rof vbd sof and -hall rectedo by thI Building the napector or the cftr or 9t. Paul obtaining of the proper perto tt 'rotor. ^. This ordinance shall take effect am he In force from and after its publication nm e pUproval. Pas'ed by the Assembly ,Nov.md] 11P9je Yea' --Masers. Bap bolzer,Castell o.El mqul'1 M eimen McNamee. Mines, Murray. MI lrsya--d. W. P. Mvaawr. President of the A'semhly. Ps'sed by the Board of Aldermen. Dec. 1 91. yeas --Aid. Bielenberg, Bolt, Copeland, Do er. Dorniden. Dollar,MMalady, Sanborn. Su Itvay.-- Nays --9. Mr. Pres1dent001.0 CoLr.Ett, Pre'Id t of the Beard of Aldermen. Approve Rouen, A. 9tll-, Maer. Attest: Tnos. A. PneNDennA'T, City Clerl Dec. 7. ,ommoN COUNCIL Irdlnance No. 15.50-A'y F No. 3V - .n ordloanoe granting permission and au- panryltt erect,and constructUnion a frame Cheri o ifs property at•ths foot of Weicnuta treat. 'he Common Council of the Clty of St. Paul do ordain follueCm Section 1. That lesion and authority hereby gntntod vW The 8h Pnul IInion )spot Company to erecta d ton'truct upon s roperty t tl c fee Wacouta attain. t d attachedato the gbuilding known ae Qoee deggaga and Eme ry bwllding. ge Irony frame lied ve d it, coraid hteeat7 and roofed with'Paving ¢lase, fl of to a:teed bti Inioga permii5v w do. and length, upon n iced b the or - the payment of the fees req. Y Unsure of thla city for such permit. Proem and after itapublicutllonll be Ipnp force Passed by the Arse bly No *; 2sa, ll, LE1m- Yeas-Merits. Bnvholzen CosWllo, get, McCafferty. McNamee. Mfnea, Mr. Pu sidevt�7. l' NsyrrB N: P. Mnaawr. Presldent of the Assembl7. Passed by the Board of Aldermen Dec. 1. 1891. Yeas -Aid. Bielenberq. Bort, Copels D'r,lldeen. Gehan.Melady. Suborn. 8nllfvtm. Nays --0. 0. O. cOl"i N. Approved net 2f 19y,Board of Aldorsmye°. Rosen, A. 8x1, CIM Clerk. Attest: Tnos. A. Pnetveaows,, y Dec. 7 - A" F No. xta- Resolved. That the bond f William E. Howard W the City of 6t. Paul under Lhe Pro- Isions of Ordi°uvice ho. lJa(1. Po asedb the Common Council of the tli1 , f3 Btu Dec. 2.ISislpe d approvM De Litton P the said William e. Howard herewith s.buttlId. said the Nano E• hereby released, xn Howard sod the sureties on said bond Ue end they n hereby discharged from y to nil oblt Dations thereunder, and that : Lhe be f the ^Manhattan CmpenY." a corporation duly organized and existing ad,, the lawn •f Lhe State of Minnesthe otai for tho s f q.5,s running to d with the s efetlesn thereon has been approve by the Clly Attorney,'tand in lie° Instead of said W it Ilam E . Bow'acd'theeosame being 111eand for d parPns I thereof, upon wltli Lhe City Clerk. Adopted by the Assembly Nov. 24, 1801. Yc¢.i-Diessrs. Banholzer, Costello. McCaf- ferty, McNamee, Minae. Dir. presid.o". Naye-9. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Dee. 1, 1001. Yeas -AIA. Blelevberlf. Butt. Conley. Dolt- ncr. Dorniden. Gehan. Dielady. Sanborn, Sul- livan. Mr. President --10. Nays -0. Approved Dec. 2. I891. A*, j¢ ll ved. That order be drawn poo the city trona. rer, In av for Davlel Mullen. ab D. O'Brien. atWlneya OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 321 53, out of the' -sewer food," extent of damages, costs and expenses news- ti mbS7 for Kr" payable sald amount being the balance and interest srry to be Ineurred Fourt tler Yf[thn�reetace foe syyha�e m, to Uelpald.11 i °nly° .poll the petitionorapplication of own Rs - W Ue as- with certit the ment7pro11a�y eessed urn dlinit rtfelthe etisfnc[fontoTl judgmeu. o pthe f r such improve of 9ed copy a the city In favor of said BAHT" rovement, as required by 1-1. if you entered fuinst Daniel Mul` 1891, mpill. pp rt In favor of the same. di- rSixth--Send Adapted 4 the Assembly Nov. 21. McCnf- the conuciI u proper order Yeae-Masers. Banholslr. P etcdeitt-e, r •ting the work W be done. 'Adopted 24. 1891. [arty, DSaNamee, mince, by rho Assembly Nov. B¢nholzor, ptcsb Nays-'.'. Adopted by' the Boxrd of Alderman Dac. 1, Yeus-DSessers. ,.-,llor. McC¢Iferty,Me, amse, Mlnea, 1891. Duo- uist, t-7. Yeas -Aid. ISIulenlx;rN. Bott,(k>l'Innd, Gehan, Motility. Sanborn, Sul- Naysecd of Aldermen pec. 1, r. Dorniden. Itvan. Mr. Plasldent--19. - Adopted by LheQBonrd 1991. Bott, Co 1 1 Cul Bielcob-Mcludy, Naysov d Dec. 2, 1891. Approve Yeas -Aid. len, . 9• Sunborn, Sullivan, Mr. Vise Presidont--U. Proilt - Naye--0. Y. Ived, That gasoline I c thus Wr Approved Dec. 2, 18711 heand o. ache Tempa orad cemo ,t a tho from - Rlco street to IInion t atlp'uo gGl ooft the gu ter on -id uv •nue an rat ° %bey ill be free from the Wlcgrnph polus y I Yis hcn by oraerna by'tne Cmmon Council n d tines nvd all ubstructlons. Assembly Nuc. 2i. 1891. f the Cit f fit- "'I: d y 11 ng so Adopted by the Bu nho7zer, Castello' Elm Thsstt[le, d the atreeff opcninnue aro Yens -Messrs. alcOnf[orty, mcNvmoc. Mlncv. u �Irrtion of Lvke Phulml❑d within thenmits of gofer, P sident-'f. the city of 9t Paul be, and the same Is here - Works W Nays 9.to Board of Aldermen Dec. 1, blvestigaW otrd of Adopted ifY the 1 andlrop - proper Firs I.i the improvementper and nee Yl. s -Aid. Rieienbcrg, Rott. Coapcluud, S bur D rllidcl, Grennan. McWflY. t ° council cel stimate of s9Rc<•nd-Give the c v Dob cn _ id t -In Sullivan. Dir. P Lhe a pease Cbereo f. evd tate whether one- Is W be paid Into the Naye--9. Approved Dec. 2. 189E half of the co t tl teroot alf treasury before rho contract 1s let. - "third real -- W be ed f r ssid improvement be found benef3tedsto the eaamngea."leta d?"Pon-'neo- B A hf err.,-A'Y F NO.:A,l- the 1.iarkut. hull e=cone ry to bu incurrod LherebyP t asked for asFotirth-ls improvomen ltuulved. That the use of by the mumtKers u[ the Nrene CAthulic fell u°h u�ou themotitiov u pppelicntioniofa oboown_ s Lho evenings uP Nuv. In, :e W have bean a free ust.t of Of ajorlt, of th ppropeT y � ° .,d for �uah impr nt7 hereby dealurod Saidhall. Nur. 37 18:11. stFf/th-Seed the Council a plan or pro file of t, as required by low, 1Y yon Adopted by the AsscmUiy Yeui-Messrs. Ba.thulzur, Cost`I iltufa F.IMmr- •Cnucrty DlcNumte, s• id impr ems ort P {nvor of the sumo: proper order dl- 1 re� .-tn-.-Sand the Council, q Ise. ML P idea 7. Nays -d. Adopteby the Board of Aldermen Doc. 1, d IN)1. Ya ubeetr, Dleltndy, n"ISan tram (,9u hitt iau, Jl r. len. U Vice Preside 11-9. Nays --ti. Approved Dec. 2. 11"Jl. zc. 1. Cul - Me. A'y F No. 3.52- It 1 herehy ordered by the Common Council the City of fit. Paul: That the is f gntd lug the \V est +is d - 1 you iron South Itohert :eruct to Annapo- lis erect, be. and the same is upon b hoo n referred 'Resolctvl, That an order e dtmwn Elle to the Board of Public works to investigateDScNamee-A'y F No. a57 - and report - prop First -Is this- Improvement proportion xnd nee- city treasury, Payable nut of the fund for the st epport and rain ten an. of the fire deppart- esgec vd-Give Lho cue tell 1 stimaW of t of vho ity of 9t. Paul, in favor of Ro- of the oxlw ,se thereof. u 1 state whie[Imr of r ben Warner. President of tso.he Board sol I'irc half of the cost thereof Is tv be Paid tutu the Lilnmtvt tuna far'.' d`Pr ,,dent.. $200'.. a nun eft„ -treasury nature Lhc auntrxct Is hut. o° t the Assembly Nov. tell., Third--Can real astute• G> be asecacsscd toe Ad ped by Bald i dpce. real be found baneNted to the Yens -Masers. Banholzar, CosWllo. Elm- no 3.22 PROCEEDINGS OF THE y .Ident�7. Nuys Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Deu• 1, c Nll1. Do iicr Mclady, Sanbomr �•, Sul van, sir. 1 Vfoo President -9, l Nays. Approved De,2, 1891. l B • 111. Costello-A'y F No. Ri:-, Iced. That cicy . rders be drown upon vuassessmont( dvunlf...roofI[horfollw4 Ing -named persons. for the aumall set p o its to their respective ancon.: k1 i Di E rin ff • Ne. P Reilly. FnU mute e� tr'et No. 9• $185-I1t 'u e, E.timu te No. � Ftycn,liE timate cNo. +f. 2, @47,3.T,8; Dil trio No. 3, hori.U8: same. F-.timnte NO. , sPrink- -Ing District Vo. 4, f:;_'.0; snore, Estimate 'prink"'or ; Itrict No. 5. $278.j3' Ertin� w So. syr Magngs Dfin, Estf- xmt .; f, .,.: Joh ,sun nu No. h. me No. 1. sewer on Mary land street, $1.513; L. E. Sheppley, ESDmnte Yo. 2, Par of and steering Sixth s�trreet, &1.525 J. D. Dior... Estimnw Nu. 5• En mgt SlFNo. 1 r seta'$2.11%in 1V. J. Preston. Duytov and Cleveland avenues. $='.21n: W..I. -o ...., I'm. to No. I, sewer o 1 W1 11.1 -ow 'radia$ hleMenenit' agnrdacr. Estimnw No. 3• gramale tick- treet.B014: yl. Tracyy E.rimaw No. 4, ate No� 4�g-adingtCurti,� L. xu`an.dg. mlton & 3hawi E.L`111ute1, Dssven ruEti- ,slow .,,,,Inc. $2:.10; w No. 4. gmdt ng Ash hu+d r.. e rboll ;ape d�Es CmE wSandeesnowEst4mn Nc. rl ding Chatsworth street, 114;0; N. F.xrson ,Imate No. 1, grading Tatum ¢venue $182 J. Lind, uist, Estimate NO-'- sewer Or A summit avenue. f114.45; l . Latso n. F.s ,ate No. 1, grading xe. : trout " I N rsm1, Estimate NO. _. gradiillg sKestm set $119; Tim ltearduu. s at cot of hang,of grade on fackson nn, es o�Irtn acrounttof • •ung Ellen gr. Rlerdo In do on Jan k uu n and Fourteenth streets, i"t Ann .I:... damages on account of chssnge o 'tlmale: Pio. her st rears 4 and final 1, 1891 n. Elm Bar;" All by the Board of Aldermen Dee. 1 Id. Riol Tt G6n1 ut' Srilli�can.tM+ Approved Dee. 2. IS91. B Mr. Costollo-A'y F No. 311, Resolved. That city orders be drawn upc COMMON COUNCIL e pity treasury, p, able out of the "sdrool and," in favor or Allen & Co., for W.W. Adapted Uy the Assembly Nov. 21. IMJI uiety DScCuffcrty,a McNamee, OsAll— EMr. .faent�l. Nx• s t[I 0. Adopby the Board of Ald2rmm1 Dec. 1, A91, yea.-Aid. unlr'sldrg uv n Db MuyBunorn,Sllian. Mr. V Ice President -9. Nays -0. Approved Dec. 2. 1891- M 3yy r. Costello-A'Y F Nu. 8.58- Resulved,ThoucityordlersleidrawlL u' 1 xxl :levity treusurl, pu '++' u o nlprovement fund: ,i° the amounts setfell+up- umed ersuns, u Upoogite to their respective comes: Ernest fe. Urocht. $jW; Timothy ltexrdon and wife• - 1. Adopted by the Ascorbic, Nov- 24 1891. Ious-Messrs. Banholzer, Costello. Elm- quist, DfuNumee D11ueu. Dh. President -8. Nays -Dir. McCafferty -1. Adopted by the Board of Aldannen Dec. i, 18u1. Cope,] t d- Yuas-Ald. Blelellberg, BOL[, D - + ° Mr.lV ice)obner Melady. Sanborn. Sullivan. \ave -(L Approved Dec. 2,1891 By Dlr. Costello--A'y FNo. 359-- xesalved, That clry orders be drawn upon the city treasury). ppuyuble It of the "pu deportment fund."ir txvorof rho following- nnmed persons, for the amounts set oppusito to their respective names: Prendergast Bell, 67.. P. O'Brien, agent. $11.19. Ad by the Assembly Nuv, 24, 1891. �uistts to Mc\ner.c. hleuerMr.oPresido n' G. :lays -Mr. McCafferty . -1 Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Dec. I, 1891. ylncls-r. Bielenberg. Boit Copeland, Db Vice Presidoutle-Pdy Sunburn. 9ulllvvn, Nuys -d Dec. 2. 1591. APProlo -- Rv Dlr. Costello-A'yF Ne.31U- Resolved. That elle or d t,I be drawn upon the city treasury. ,nyxUle ant of the" lin• do- partmenL fund:' in favor of the following - r umedpfns• for the amounts set opposite arse w theleresp•eth,e names: ¢- C. C. Berkman & Sons. �- Dnnald.oen, . Ogdn Y eje. Chaerles r. ¢Frie.nd & S ,anmaky. NO.3:i: Golla • .pun}', $196.8F; .10 I .o.. 341 a5: C. W. OF THE CITY OF SA Stewart, &,). St. Puul Brass \Yorks, $18.34; Thomsen Brus..8r2'=5; Thomson if sten Elec- tric comttmny. $15.25: Union Txnk lin°- Engine -bort j Robort \Varrmghm. V; Wnterous EnKlne Works Cumpuny f`"N; F. 1v. Redfield, 8.:.tx1: Lehigh Conl and Iron Company 415.91. Adopted by the AsscmblY hoc. 24. 18!11. Y-uas-Messrs. Ra allzer. Castello, F.lm- quist. McNamee. Dlitica. -Mr. McCtfc-D11.r . Prtslent-1. NnwAldermen Dec.1.AdYourtd 1891. BCepelund, Cul- Yens-Ald. Bicicnbcrg. oit, Ian-Dubner. Malady, 8111)" Y. Sulll von. Mr. Vice Presides t-9. Noy". Approved Dec. •-', 18'JI. INT PAUL FOR 1891. 323 sum of thirty thousand (FI0,0110.01) dollars to aid 1 the construction of a sewer for the Tenth ward, in accurdunua with the Mal act of the I,gislnture approved April `b, 1891,, Adopted by the Assembly Nov. 2C 1891. qq list sDJcCostello, i eaffertX. McNamee, Murray, Mr. Vice President-,. Nays -e. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, Dec. l; 1891. Yeas -Aid. Biolentx*Sa Bott, Cupolaad, Mr. lenVino Poresiden�9lly Sanborn, Sullivan, Mr. Nays -U, Approved' Doc. 2. 1891 A'v F Need 391- ce A'y F No. 313-- of the y of Resulv.f111Lhc school bulldingtles.ras of the circ I Pn it hereiot Ir� onlelessemdlthe Board oft Pu[Slic change of rade ued t whit her u 6e now rss •ks w r Wor or q nceled.gra be, and the same ore harubv ordered cu un Diaiden lune, from Nina avenue to y and the move •received frim said Insurunca av°nue, i sntd city, us sl own by a red Ilse polimes Irl ad into tho city treasury, tc be -a - In neces- held as u fund to cover any losses by fire on nary profile �d P...... rp�w �therd real estate w said school buildings. s xesch-orl, That upon said cnncellutfon as ba assessed for sold imo cut provement could be ntoresuid the City Clerk the city yreusuryt in j ,o-sts to°befllnctodurretO d1Bby said utmprovemsonta w draw orders upon favor of the parties titled thereto. for the +` Whereas. Ia accordance with said order, tho mount due said parties up to the date of cancellation upon all pulicies for re^steal of that Commonrd of 11Cuun� 1 offs date O°tr reyr 1801, Insurance now un file in the office Of the Sec- j retara of the Board oP 6choul Inspectors recommending n ohunge o[ $endo on Maiden ri`t% have nut been paid Por, except. bow- and thutrpmpeony no urldebe founto Selb d benefited ever, when said fund shall amount wtwenty- to the extent of tlumages, vests and expenses five thousand dollure 1!Zt ,,( 1), the Common Council may pproprtaw twenty thousand change accesseerf Q adbc nsnnfoeecuid and making said dollars 18"1,07 1toward the emreution any 1pherens. The Assembly of said city, on new school building tvhlcL may be ordered the 18th day of October, IS91, adopted said by the Common Council. report and ordered the City Clerk to give tho Resolved further. That from time to time. henever the city may Issne eernticxtee of ° Whereas. erect ITIm Cftlyu Clerkdgave notice in the indebtedness for vy uutl t%udlog Il.,B!ty 11 W e1 a er o4 sold city, for threo successive or ancicipetinn of cnllectiuu of tuxre, it shall P listhethu be the duty ut the Mayor, City Treasurer ued°f said cry aouldclonvtho24thtday f Novetn Comptroller to invest sold insurance fund In der, 189' nt 7:30 o'clock, p.m., at the Council the pure ,use of certificates. chamber. io said cxy consider such proposed Resolved further. Th¢t the City-Comptrol i,r change of Rrede; and be and is hereby authorized and instructed to Whereas, At the time and ppines Inst deeig- include in his tax -estimate fur each and every awd for uch proflosed Sauge of grade. year the sum of live thousand dollure, said I the AssemUly after 11 earfng all Per sum to be set ,side n, an insurance [and, to wrested, and baf to of the opinion that the P be used exclusively for the purpose of reoon- yy str letieg u repairing all public buildings s Thorefouce is re�xerltnRusolvud rTbat the grade owned by the City of 9t. Paul destroyed or oT Maiden lune. from Nina ¢venae to Selby damaged by are a be, and the same Is bemby changed ,,Be...�lved,Thnt ao f�rthC Insurance poll it+°acsanjance with the red lfne'ae shown on es any of the school buildings of this', the annexed profile, be ls$ tho same as 10- ofty be accepted after the passage Of this res- furred to in all the Proceeds¢, had in regard olutlon. I t said chungt -and bl it further Adopted by tho Asset I Nov. 24. leYll. Resolved. That the order and the pprofile Yeas --DSc srs. Bnuholzer. 1='111'0 m- I representing said ching� of and be re furred 11uist McGourty McNamee, Dlurray. Din Vice i to rho Board of Public `Vorks, and that said Yresidont-7. Board shall proceed without delay to assess Nays --U. I the amount us aeurly us Lheyy can aseertuln Adopted by the Board of Aldermon Dec. 1, the same. tvhfch shall be re+7ulred to pay the 1tK11 damages. costs and expensesofsueh improve• Yeus-Ald. Bleleuberg. Bott Copeland. aunt upon the real esUtte to be iwncflP d by Cullen. Dobner, Dicludy, Snaburv, Sullivan, said improvement ns provided by law; 1t bo- Mr. Vice President --9. Ing the opinion of the Common Council that Nays -0. real c.mte w be assessed for such imerove- Appruved Dec. 2. 1891 meat sun b, found beaefltod to the extent of _ I ticeldi curr�eas'teereny°d expenses necessary to Adopted by the Assembly Nov 2[. 1891. By Mr. McNamee-A'yy FN. lits'=- q Yuas-Mesrs. yyBanholzer. Costello, EA r. he cshered, rb tl he i and instructed troller ola I Vico Prsside It 1- DicNamee. Murray, °ludo in his tax estimate for the year ISM the Nuys --a. " PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL 324 •hereby Adopted by the Board Of Aldermen Due. 1, granted permisshm W string its wires , for the purpose of Purnlshing eIcWc light t -rooted. 1891. Butt, Copeland, Yeas -Aid. Blelenberg Sullivan' and Pmwor, on such Poles already or ter in fur-- In rleatl -ell Cullen, Dubner, 5[elady, Sunburn. dlnances or esolutions already cgs etre to er-ct'; regi Leto Mr. Vice President -9. N•u)'s-O.d givay said e the fol-'; and maintain sdvh poles m apd -long ward of the City of Dec. 2, 18'Jl. Approve µ.. P, MU a,:Av, the AseumblY. lowing etre,te ]a the 81xth Sin street, from it'll bridge, President of Jos. 111INEA. of the Ass-mU1Y• Souaul'tbtWatLsha ntrec[l �u strr.t, from South W. n- Vice President WDf. A. VAN SLYKE, f%unRreas Street; ou atretih. tmt�Congressdstreet to page strol: Chairman of the Ass-mb1Y• c fr lwi,eti O, C. CLILi•EN,am, President of the Board of Alderman. on Fli In SoutbaRobortfr street; a-'•huth l- rd JNo. F- Can wN. the Board t'Aidcrmen, by ac'in'g and matntelned undertbndlrectlon of the Ctry Engineer of said Vita l'residun11 of TlleN, A. PIIENnt'ROAST. CitY Clerk. su Pervislun city Courall hereby expressly ru- dee 7-lt _ The-CormUm, agrees the right to u`1BUY et ti wires from any OPFICLV1, 'PURLIDATION. t or ordionnees 1•tts-ed "'IR nd Heeolotloon Aa.... by the Common Council of the City of St. f uul. ordholllnnne No. 0. n_li, 1 ng a FI }' and Woo A.d Market of the City of St. Pmt,. TI a Cummun Cooual of the City' of St. Paul do ordain as follows-: Station 1. {Iter, Pon the and wtood mahe arroket Of the City O hereby locumod qrm the t a one-half of dition tot�the i`By,l,trtst 1'N�II,:;ntlEthe lanae Is hereby declared to Ue t OnUlic market where wuglus and led- loaded with onY or wood may toad while w:dtla, a ,I •h ase r. Sea 2. This ordinance shall tact effect and bee tue�ts from and after its DD bileafon. Adol¢ed by the Board of Aldermen Dec. 1, 1891. Teas-Ald. id teal, rR. Butt*COPeI-nit, Duly r, Gehun. Dtelndy. Sanborn. Sulli; nn Dlr. Preslden- N-ys-0. U.O. CULLEN. Prsaldant of the Board of Aldermen. Yeas 14USIrs' tbinhnlabry F.ImyyN,t1891,. Pres- mce, Mlneo. GPpenheim.VSUSlvke.sDf r. Pres- ident -7• Nuys -Df r. McCafferty `V P MUanwv, President of tho As-mhly. Approved Doc. 10, lam. OO�Enawer,tCi ys6lerk. A P_s i�le f any and a n the Part en said greets, or tot Y , f sameut Y it „e. 1"- '7 Y f Liss- to bL placed under ground' •.h manner as the Cummun Council may ore the said St. Paul Electric M-nufuc- ,g and COastrul,on Company ppshall have �fght to string wires upon f said streets�it that purpose. on any Irfull mplyr Ih all the Urov,sloas In regard prescribed In the ordinance. or nlssion authorizing tho­rp.r.tiolls len- the f o 'eon who erected and e. ;.nd that upon compliance witrleh uch isingsa h Coin St. tont Cu ptunv Mhull utinth. right to string its wires. aad to mac ams under the terms and conditions I, and lu said other ordlnunoes or reso- uns 1 `seribed. ,,s atlructlPonI zany 1511u11.uaas fln conidia I- to the taklvg 1Pect 1 this ord loutme. a bond i tee : um of icl y ugul, sc 1001 dollars. indemnity1 g said V -" damages or njnrl Ile o _ItlereUy y1,6r.exercise of it Dric t 7'tetl. or In any way arisl-gout of Lhe oon- etionormainten;tane of the usdaibyi the I Polcs. said Uond to beRPP rovn npiytwCousuoe turth,r re,,ul-co ltanIn erentieeIIIs as the Common Counetl may [ter ret alta and shall eti�l��gwit It IB s iput suh� Il nes I a aPof th is orJinnnce. the from the pia+sal `he said St. Pnu, Electric NI hall acti%hlu d Cunstructfon Com Pungy s w rry [lays -fie*. Cho,rP clerk, r fwtlttenrdl- Attest: TROs. Dec. 15. tlwutreu ww-.- --. uwith- - vi ion, hereof are hereby rcvokudland -- drawn. 8ca. 2. Tide ordinance .[fall Its11'Rett Ile JOS. DSiNF. A. President oP the AasemUly. d be In for m and nf4r publ,en- a as nforesuf ordlnurrot Nn. 1G'�.a--73d-Eqq�Iu�r'� ' [lon 4ud ucr:eptnn Ado ted by tits Board of Aldennon Dec. 1. P ALrlc a e 0" l.a lot Com IFall. let, berg.Bot t. c,pahRn. MnnnnfaCi.a rh'gtI-5 y R ieth surfer street' Durnid,m Cehn,L )malady. vnnbunl, Dpbuq A Pnf\laent-I0. �tuiho 9iziin `Vusi•a Ixthpoopsaof-frtil 1,tg electric 11K 11 Shays -U Ir. i'orthe j and lower. (Tho Common Council of the City of Or- Paul O. O� CULLEN. yreslde"t of tR. Sea rd of Aldoi mon. Assembt9 Doc. fl 1901. do ordain as follows: 1. Thur mho St. PaulElcctrlc Msis AJu fou by the Yeu-p-Muasra Baulmlrcr. Eliaq t, McCaf- �__ Segue" and Co ustruetion Cempuny ditton of the said lrutldIts ur premises; h tireSam. tire ba lin leo ufueturing that ld e were he OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. ferty. McNamee. 5linea. Oppenheim, Van Ordlnuirm No. to arned F No. 49f Slyke, TIr: Presidentim, An aranve No to amend Orden[ N entitled "An nMinance press aye -0. H P, M til CURAT. "'0, Rulatluns for pool., huapplas P(If St ree,d,nt of tb- Assembly. ign. a. Crovbd'22c Ju IY.•la. I 3.25 NO. 800, R CtlleN Annr-ed Due _14-1?Wt:'- Jnl . 18P7. �!` Acting Mayor _- y}' AitRst' THOS A. PREND&ROAST, Clty Cl'ei'R. The Common Council of;the City Of St. Paul dordain as aS: Dec. 15. 9ectinn I. That t Sec. 43 or 0 sm. entitled'•An ttdinnnce pre --- a d regu III I for the heultl Nth. Cit of St. P-ul." he amt Ordinance No. 1550-Bd F. No. 711- All privies must be dennei An Ordinance Appropriutim, $:ie. Hl In Favor I read as to lows: Of Anna M. Flitch. Thu Common Connoil of Lhe City of 8t. Poul once in each year, r o goer do ordain as follows: UY notice from tine Commission the S_,loa I. That an ble nut be ftthe leant Im� Health tyIn sPtHto rP and tall by the city tt•eeeurY. PP y'tt malls and odors Pt'el udlciul pproveme�t Pnnd, fn fav rot Anna M. Hitch. o fir'the sem of A86.29 heing amount uvor add I health are hereby de0lae a llf Plewsupt uvenueSe'ae having been---Ot for the SS Hea, tile lth ortanYtAssistant Ilmspe that sum too much opo- a mistake as to the Power to abate Ilia same. o➢titled rt Sassed. That sec. 45 of Ordinance No. 800, si of her pp ops Y aa.' •An ordlnanc, ➢rescribiug rules Bull egai CRY Md-'!. Tbis liic.n,c shall take ffect r d l to readBe f,l• I d ia;. In forgo from and -ftor its purlieu- IAO St. Paul", be nlmlc department of the CB tt Atiopted by the Board of Aldermen Dee 1, lows: a so ns s lu vll cases whore u nulsanee shall be found 1891• IIott. Copeland. In any building, or upon any ground th other Yams--Ald. Bieleaberg. tabs ithinthelurtsilction f the Clty Dobaer. Durnideo, Gahan. Me Y• Sanborn. I prem . Sullivan. Mr. President' -1U. , f 8t. Paul, twentsy' four hours' COM asp be gf van, Iv wrltlnC. the tAssistu toHeathIn- NaYs-iL O. O. CULLEN. I er of Health or Y er lessee. agent o ace - President of the Board ofe INUlrmen. I spanfief w th cUvllding or Premises. where ho d to r move and Adopted by the Assembly Uec. F.lmtenst'mMcO can be faun provided, that the oacu- Ye.s-Messrs. Bonholzer. terty, McNnmue. Murray. Opp un Shute Suchtnuistmce: pint or Wount of nap house or banding shun condition Slr}y�'ke. Mr. Vlcu Pt'esident.-8. y8"�' he held rcepunsiUlu fur its sanitary attCr isOr SIIC Inls Deet, led the s,1p10 id d months, provided JOS. DSiNF. A. President oP the AasemUly. FN'rlod of not less than s x :hall alyuppiy to build- Vice Approved Dec. 10. 1891. Mayor- th¢L thle scetlmt In Rs that eoutuin one fnn111y. only. by O. O. CULLEN. Aeting PRENDERtlA9T. City Clerk. All b or faTres the nee lessee tto1ithil sPble timer. Attest: THOa A. Gied"'gs` than no tenant for rtespm DeC. lb. r,tger' nwnC u IG'rY condltlon, Nhen the of Y fromthe - buildingis-non-resident, crabs at I'd, City f St. Paul the oo {or elf No. 151YF-ltd F No. 8f0-- to eUa 1 be held respmtat, U�; essnollnry and Ordinance OrAn, ordinance to authorize A. H. Rtgec ditton of the said lrutldIts ur premises; h tireSam. tire ba lin leo rest frame dwellings of St. Paul Council - -t the City that ld e were he T1 Cummun T1,1,1 dui Pollowe: a is vection 1. sPhnt A. H. Paget be. ra 1 •t nd cunstrnet slz Pen�lgtiextusnthe in the city limits- In vnseownerof such neglect of refusal [o nbato the s c. d n will: i r they shall be charge hereby au thorl zerl toe 1: •h notice. ba s n r be in - (6) ,an (1) starep tram, dwolllnR houW est St. able ill' Llm r Io11v us high maybe a Il - block 274 of IZober4 en's addition to permit carred n t .n oval hereof. Poul' upon hie obfaing of thpro o provided 1ec Wd bytsuit'Ir otherwise. In addition to tl'o thurewfor and the PUY ° ,'e fon 54 of Onitonnce No. 809. en - by 1 o This, ordinnneu shall take affect d TI L l>u ordii vc prewribingmentcof the and be in Porte from and, Its publlcatloo. titled "An the Bear ,r Aldermen Dec ], gal liana tar tl'e hunith de ar Aalopted by Cit ,t St. Paul .' be u-Ona,d n, ns t, read as I991Q --eta. BI _IenUer . Li,tt<.C.{w land• D.1 foThatsnee they the uwoer. lessee, -Rent or c - y ns .__-. E...t,. born, Snl- building or premiss In tlIn rlys'. O.O, CULLEN. President of the Huard Of Aldcrmeu. Adopted by the Assembly Dee. S• Yene--Mb-ars. Bunholzer, Elmuulet. mec-f" fe rty. McNnmeo. Mlnua, op1N`nhelm. 8ly ke Mr. Preeldent--N Iva W. P. DS11RI — President of the Assumhb'• Approved Dcc, 10, ,891. 0.0 . GULI.EN. Acting )ILL))'or. Attest: TRoe. A. PItENnEI(nANT. UltY t:lerk. Dec. 15. Paul Shull emp,oy. cause or pOt- nrt of tyre conten[9 of any enol esspoo (being there Ud and lof ;arc art ruU, to berme u to permit or the regulations Of tnmot of htatltu•^r �+ Nru /�• and _tion 7i of Ordlnunni v oe ,wP:''rhea any person Wdl- tof uthl.� It tumylof the ptrovislous or uuglocm to obey any orwiIo refuses G ii sl l 326 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL of these rules. orders or sunitsr� regulaBo¢a That said Board shall proceed without i as t Be- de ¢rtment Uf health n mita or , lay to assess the a I they Of q1,� - ertuin thensa1me.. ¢w�luch will bre_ 1 ..cs or fuses to mPly withN,o t 2 ala-'. mired - Puy the it hs ,sts^:�nd nn the of 875.00 for each and C,cry erten j This from u d afterce ) Who its Vubiica- 3 by the Board of Aldermen Nov. 17. kill. Bott. Dobner. D. -Iden, ..,,an. .idoptod by the Board of Atu-nnou .,ems. ]•nJl. y, orAid.Bielenm,g� Batt. Sanborn. Sol- net. Dorniden. Gehan. Aielndy. Sanborn. 9ul- nvnn. Mr. President -10. Nays -Aid.. Bielentiorg, Copeland. Melody. Yess-Messrs, BflnM1ol O. O. CULLET. CaRerty McNamee. Mot S1 ke. Sit. Vice Preside President of the Board of Aldermen. Znyy-0 Adopted by the Assembly Dec. 8. 1801. Approve . 30. 1891. Yeas -Messrs. Elmquist, Me aRorty. il1r Named. Oppenheim. VunSlyke. Mr. Presi- deut-6. _ Nays -Messrs. BethoNerP Dttvun�v. IId F No. 679 - President of the Assembly. Inpublic Worl Approved Dec. d, 1891. O.O. meN... Acting Mayor. j 11 1. hereby c Attest: THOS. A. PttETpEaOesT, City Clerk. fibs Cityl That the P Dec. 15. City of St. Pa moat to be in Deo- 8, 1P91. Elmquist, Mc - Oppenheim. Van sport of the Board of Dec. 1. 18111. y the Common Council public Works of said - By Ald. Callen-Bd F No. 67f sewer w Greenbrier avenue in said city ggruntedfo fire Board sf Control of the Cftyarueb That said Board 0 T by contract, as provided byelaw, without oni,� St. Paul to enter into contract with the Le- half the estimated cost being Hrst paid into high Coal and Iron company to 'tile delivery the city treasmillury, andit t atter said trork shill offal wood suit coal and outside aid deP trtr't' Pro sed wf without do -1 to essesr tl�eear^un nj;ktt� ass nearly as they eon use 6rt thetile sm same, untll Aub 31. IWJ_". which "BI be required top y Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. l0, necessary expenses of such he provomrne 1891. Yeits-Aid. Biclepberq, Butt, Conley. C -Po- w the extent to be of 81.75 per f,wt. upon land, diner. Dorniden, Gehan. McladY, Sul' 1'iprovementns provided by law, it be ng livan. Mr. President -10. the opinion of the Council that real estate be to Naye-0. flimili Uo neHWfor d to tl a e.ctso entof venu81 n5 Per tont I cowards the costs and expenses necessary to Nxys--0- Ir. incurredtUoreb Adopted by tilt. Assembly Dea 8. IFJI. Ye -M by ti Bunholzer. Elmquist. McCaf- I Adopted by the oar of Aldermen Dec. I. terty. McNxmee. Minex. Oppenheim, Van' 18Yens-Ald. Bielenberg. Butt. Copeland, 91y k,, Mr. Provident -8. li Dobner. Dorniden, Gehan,.Melmly. Sanborn. Nays_O. Sullivan. \lr. President Approved Approved Dec. 10. 1891. Nays -0. Adopted by the-.11)ly Dea S. I(i91. Yens -Messrs. Bunbolzcr, Eli n alai, Me- Curterty McNamt`a :1lurrxY, Oppen�tcini, Van IBn tlFielmnttcr of the sport of the Board of S1Yke. Me Vice President --H. Approved Dec. 30.1591• Public Works dated Nov. 30. 1891. ! It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council _ of the City of 8t. Paul: That the Board of Public Works of said City oP til Paul cause the following improve Rd6SP- an easement a oaths hind CUutdtI to on dCotmo It poidl l tile, Works dntedrin,7oort�,. 1S,Jltc Bonrd of .cut toavenue. between Rice street and Park avenue, It i� the City herobv rf St Ya nl�1C Comnwn Council n sold city, necessary to construct the slopes for Co.and Hlls in gradingsald Como nvenuo.That the [Ioardof I"Olby ing Imp( velure City thereof setween said streets, o tile established gRrade to be made,nto-wit: I he lCondemni uvtl take s� on file in the oPocc of u ads In the office block 14, \Vo>dlundiP¢rktudd ton ion tto st-IPuul io xled for Ramsey county of the City Engineer: said elopes to extend In said city, neocssary i gsaill alley l cher open one and one-half (1'il feet on said land for fur cutsatd fflls in grading sald grade eyihere'on every toot of cut or fill as indlcaWd on the' snid Stwn b9 Lholtu ntii nottsseid grade mil HI In plan oP said 'lopes attached to said report. s p nd to be filed in the office of said Board. the office of vile fiogister of Deeds, in and for OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL FOR 1891. 327 Ramsey county. and 1. fill -Rice of the City BR solved?That warrant be drawn upon the Engineer; said slo to extend one and -ne- ble out of the "police de - halt (1'�1 Peet on d land Por every foUt f el tY trensu r` iayn Cut or tll, s on on the nix„ r I,i partment tool." lu fa,•or ^err$ii,8ii.oLe to attached U, said r `VUrt, ut d to be Hled Ulty Te....ror, fur [hC u U •ell eve- ilothC.face of said Board. 'i, Pay tile` PersUn+nueso in the po lyy oat oP in,C sold Bonrd shall proceed without de-'. ted with this rasulvttiun io[sefd� ant. us , a 1y LheY Lhc salur Band co pevaa outbid( No - c i x nese til amo a which wl11 be re for their ♦'icoa tluring filo m ertain the + he le9l. ""brroul to Pay the dmv gel, costo d c1. a Adopted h the Board of Aldcrmon Dec. 1, sal Cxpensea of such Im. _,cn set upua the 1ti91. p Y Co land, retain: to be Iwnclitcd by saidprove- Yl`ns-Aid. Rlolo nherg, Dott, Sa' moat, HS provided by Isw: it being the ePiofon i for tileof Council nprothat reacuu b !Cto 1 Uass"an 1 Sttlwan,D.\Ir�Presider t4 lOhimM1leladY. S:,nUurn. t- thCextent of the damages,cosisnnd expm) N8Ys�1. acs nee svury Lo Ue incurrod thereby. Adapted UY the Assembly Dec. F, Adopted ry the Boar d ce Aldermen Dec. 1. Yeas -Messrs. Bunholzer, Elmquist, McCuf• Perty,: McNamee, Murra), OVP1od1O . Van 1891. Yeas-Ald. Bieleoberg, Butt, Copeland, Dol - SlNge.sM�r. Vire YresWon nor, Dorniden. Orhun. Melady. Sanborn, Sul- Approved Dec. 10, 1891. livun. Mr. President --]0. Anye__- - Adopted by file Assem dy Dec. ' 1801. Yeas -Messrs. Bunholzer, in' i, me n CaPferty McNamee. Dfurrat ADP''n c 1 Id edvea BThat warrants be [Iruwn upon dyke, Mr. Vice President -8• ble out of the "city Nnys�,.' the cft7 tneusurs. w,Yu favor of the pernons Approved Dec. 10, 1891. i officers sul,ry fuynd," in 5 wd wycl, Lids named In the pal rolls prt'en resolution. for t m sums set opposim to their espective names. In payment o1 filo sulary and names. of said persons for thol Ry Ald. Suoborn--Bd F No. G+;i- sen'ices durin4 the month of November, Iteeolved that the Bonrd oP Pu Ulic Works -hewn Uyy eu,tl pnYrulls. be, and they are horeUy directed to cans- the iuAdoVicd liy the 13ourd of Aldermen Dec. L gxsolino lump now located on the east side Isi11. of Victoria street. about 1W feet south t[ Yeas. ISielm vim. Bot, Copeland, Osceola avenue. to be removed to tilt south Dobner, Dornidai, Gehan, Melady. Sanborn, west corner of Hague avenue and Chatsworth . Sullivan. )It. Prodden D-10. street. Nuys -0. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Dec• 1, Adopted by the Assembly DeC• 8, 1801• 1891 Ycus-Messrs. Bunholzer, Elmyuist Mc- Yeis--Aid. Bielonberg. Bott. Copeland, C, or[yy� McNumeC.Murruy, Oppenhoim.Vun Dob^er, Dornlden, Gehan. Melady. Sanborn, SI ke. M - vice President '-8. Sullivan. Mr. Prieident--10. Pinye-0• NaYs--O• i Approved Dec. 10, 1891. Adopted UY the Assembly Dec. s, 1801. - Ycas-Messrs. Bunholzeq Elmyuist. Mc Van terty, McNnmce, Murray. Oppenlielm, Slykn. h1 r. Vica Yreadent--8. Bd F No. 690- uys�i. Resolved. That warrants UC drown pan Approved Dec. 10. 1801. the icy trunsurv, Puyuhl-out of the 1Suurd ut Public \Yorke fund, In favor of the persons Homed io the pay rolls of said department. ssnd presented with tilts resolution, for the 'sumssetoppo±its to their respective names, on By Ald. Dorniden-Bd F No. 6115- tit Dssyment of the s l+kry sad cont `r`uOg the EG;solve0 That perm lssion is hereby grunt- ut quid persons for their services during the Cd t -.(dila Sunstrom to extend the sandrock month of November. 1891, as shown by said sower on Oneida street from its present south 1 ay rolls. `rly terminus one huodroot and forty (1401 Adopted by the Board ul Aldermen Dec. 1, Poet and i lus o et lots P5. 26.27. 44, 45 and 46 1891. Batt, Copeland, feet block 6,Stinson's sub -division of Stinson. Y -sus -Aid. IhcleitUerg. Brown and 1T,' 's addition with said Dollocr. Dornlden, Gehan, Melady. Sanborn, sowern all of the work to be done at the ex- Sullivan, Mr. Prosideut�l0. pens- of stdd Sunstrom and under the direr- Nuys -C Elmyuis0. Me- tlon of the City Engiacer. Thn expenses oP Adopted Uy the Assembly Doc. 10. IN9t. engineerlog t- be paid inn, til-' city tronsury Cnffetx tyy51 McNum e�tli Murray. Opp:nUcim• by said Sunstrom. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Dea 1, I Vol. N ayeYO • Mr. Vice President. -8. 18911891. . r kid. Biciente B tt. Si illvimD lir. AVPruved DCc. 10, 1S President-10- N resident-l0. III NBYs-0. Adopted by the Assembly Doc. 8, 1891. fess -Df ssrs. Bunholyor. Elmquist. \lcOaP- Rd F NO diilor warrants - forty, McNamee, MurrnY. OPPC^helm, Van tl et citYvtrcasuod.l rY• pavotble outnOfrtl eii"buli�ld SI ke. \i r. Vice President- �. I tfingbl lnspCewr's department Lund,"lin-fu ask A'y' -0, of the persons numud fu the pay to pproved Doc. 10, 1891. 828 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL departmont, and presented with this reaolu- er. Dornideo, Cobalt, Meludy, Sullivan, Mr. tion. for the sums set opposite to their ro- I Preside -A d -unborn-1. spective names in payment of the Iary and Nuys - compensation of said persons for their sero- Adopwd UY tae Assembly Doc S. 14891. CuRerty.. \ic\amec, Murray. Opponln'fm. Van Ices during the month of Nwenber, 1901. as yeas -` Messrs. Banholzer, Elm u, t, c - shown by said pay roll. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Dec. I, I Slykes_' Vise President -e 16!11. Rett Copeland, Approved Doo. 30, 1891. Teas -Aid. Riclenberg, `_ DODPCR Dornlden. Gehan, Melauy. Sanborn, _ Sullivan. Mr. Yr --dent-10. NO' (I Bd F No. G�K.- Adopted by the Assembly Deo. R. 18D3. vThst Yoas-Messrs. Banholzer.'I'. sI' Mc V an tl�e cit, treasury. payable out O t thet"stm It forty. McNamee, Murray. Oppenheim, and server mnintenuncc fund." in favor of Slyke. Mr. Vice President -8. George Reis City Treasurer, for the payMont ¢vs�. of Lite salary and eempensation of the par Approved Dec. 10, 1691. sons employed fn ha .purpose o[ cle¢aloe and repairing streets and sewers during the Lh • month ending Nov. 30. ]891, Bd F NO' ffl2r Resolved, That x•¢rranta be drnwm upon the eity. treasury, payable nut of the "Dlunfclpal Court fund." 1n favor of the PPersons ¢¢esti fn pasy meppet of thesento ss acv unittllien, nsattiou of 00iontho Novemlwr'Q1891 ervices during rho 0 Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Dec. ], 1891. yes -Aid. Bielenberq. Boit. Copeland. Du - SullivDornia n�roGident-10. cludy. Sanborn, NO" 0. Adopted by the Assembly Dec. R, 1801. Yeas -Messrs. Bw 11olzer, Elmltulst. CnRertyy Mc?Inmee, Murray. Oppenheim. Van 91vke. Mr. Vice President --e• Naysov 1891. Approved Dec. 10, - That warrants be drawn s ry, payable out of the ,rtment fund, in facurot( censurer. for the um of $:I named i n the Pay rt )m;loneation of said p rsons for during themonth 1) November. office fon:e. the Board of Aldermen Dec. 1. Btolenberg, Butt, Cupolnnd, Dob - a. Gehan. Melady. Sullivan. Mr. 1901. lot. mLNa- Mr. Vice Bd F No. 801-- its be drawn opo[ Resolved. That warrants bis oat a drawn "assess tbeclty treasury. Paye iL7m 75, In Pavo is funds." amounting w . of GcorgDe Rels, City Treasurer, to Day thi persons need in the Day roil+ Presents, t itlheirirespecOn rr ti it" name.+,Ila spnvmmltpo�[ih salary and compensation of surd )ersons to their respective services during t�10 month 0 Nnnogglnet) 1n•!t L�•on99ruotiuin)cLinq and It very o on Adopwd by Llie Board of Aldermen, Dec. 1891. yens -Alt). Blelenberg,Bott, Copelnpd,Dol Gond half of 15th p 30th, ithe Beard for the sum of ff o,, 1. Adopted by the Board ut Aldermen Dea. 1, 501. Ycus-Ald. 1-.Ielenberg. Boit, Copeland, Dol) - 'or. Dornlden, Gehan, Melady. Sullivan. Dir. PreskitoAid. NuYs-Aid. Sanborn --1. Adopted by the AssemUly Dec. R, 1R9L yens -Messrs. Bunholzsr, Elmllufst, MCCnf- rerty, McNamee. Dfurray, Oillab mefmn , Va Slyke. Mr. Presideut�. Nays -J). Approved Dec. 10, IBUl. I'dF No. 60i1. Resolved. That slwarrant bth drawn rc Deh� city' treasury P.1- enL Lund. �n favor of floorgqe Bels, City Treasurer, tar the sum of ffI5.U10.(16, I. P¢Y of- flecrs and ourployes of the Oro letmrtment of the Clry of St. Paul for the month or No- vemhtr, 1MJ1. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Dec. 1, 1891. Yene-Aid. Bu, Gc erg. Bots. Copeland. Dohner. Dornidon, Gehan. Dfelal y, Sullivan. Mr. President -9. Nags -Aid. SanUorn-1. Ad„pttd by tlm AssemhlY Dec. R. Isol. e r[V s Me\eine Ba[Jiurca9• o1PPi list, it eim. Vnn Slyke, Mr. Vice Presldent�8. Nuys0. Approved Dec. 10, 1691. Bd F Nu. 607- RCsoived, That city orders be drax•n upon segs Leant funder in favor) of tl a following- ..,,..•mn 1',scan... for the amounts +ot opposite avel ue, and final, MIN OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL FOR 7891. 329 gg ¢ding Raymond plane and alley. $1Gi, : et opUpposite to their respective aures G. IV. f1. Bolan, Estimate lac 2 and flnal, grading Ma'rill. ff12: I. E. Norton C Soo. 110. ¢o item •hanfinal. 4; 41 q c �g ucnnuc, 189E.Ptd Uy the Bos1d of Aldermen Dec. 1. . Dornlden, Gehan, Melady. Sullivan. Dir. mat J. o. Moron, Fra to Nn. 8 and Rnai. Yeas -Aid. Bielenbe'R,Bud Copeland, Dub- mate 10 grading Sixth street, 82.13U.:'s: P. Doherty' P-- Iden' -9. Entiant No. 2, 9weemm' Summit n e Ald. Sunburn --l. #253.76: jG. Bolan. Estimate No. 1, griming Yeas -Messrs. Hun holzer, F.Imgmst, Mt•Cnf- Fourwe,ulinK Van Buz e�1 street >SilO. 'Estimate AdoV cli by the A\lurra[ly Oppenl slur. Van No. 1, grading terry. McNamee. Y• Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Dec. 1, Bl ke. fir. Vice President' -8. IFUl. Nayroved Dec. 10, 1691. Yeas--Ald. BlelenDerg, Bott. Copeland, APP Doll -r. D•n•niden. Gehan. Melady. Sanborn, Sullivan. Mr. Pros,it, -10. Nays --0. Adopted by the Assembly Dec. 6.1891. By Ald. Ban born-Bd FLNe• Plut. Contmtseion Yens --Messrs. Hanhoh:er. CEpp inheim�c IV., 1 ceRnOtyaeyt PPrpvedtUY Vlatl of Cit mEnKin er, Party, DicNnmee, or Its Bloke. Df r. Vice President--8.I� btaand the suets [is hereby xecepted by the Nuvs-0. Common Cou net' of the City of St. Paul. Approved Dec. 30, 1891, Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Dec. I. 1891. y�7jorAifden. Gelmt,er Moody Sanborn. IS Hd if No. 808- llvan, Dir. Prestrlent--10. Resolved. That city orders be drawn upon Nays the city treasury, Pa5'nhle out of the '•local -0. improvement fund: In favor oP the follow- I Adopted by the Assem- 6FPt-.bcb 1, Van 1pKite ed persons. resPedve mame,ounts set air forty MDeNnmco,Mtuloluyr, F.Inlqufst. D1uCnF pusd. BI ke. Mr. Vice President -8. Elizabeth A. Carnes. ndmi.ktrutrix of the pays -0. cetuw of Jowett Norrls. ode oteParka avenue, NAPProved I)ee 10. 189L. account of change of qr No menml w No 012 and soul. grading iml syl- v luavennc.1100. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Dec- 1. Hy Ald; M�f ThatBthCFBo u.rd P Punlic Works 1691. %-hereby authorized w remove the K,teollne Yeas -Aid. Blelen berg Bott. CS pvborn. 9n1-�I mp from O Dell street neer I,f cingswne Donllden. Gehan, lelndy, .'u avenue to theaouthenst corner of Derborm Kann. Mr. President-lU. street nod LV lnslow even uo. Nays. the. lionrd of Alderman Dec. 1. Adopted by the Assembly DeC. 8. 1891.MeCnf- Adopted by )nos -Moss's. Bunholzor, ElmOldst, Vu 189E Sunburn, o' Tarty. McNnmee. Murray. Oppenheim, Yeus-Aid. BielenberK.IIott. Cop land, Dob 81 'ke. Mr. Vice Presidmlt--e. I �iox D Mr. Pres dant-l0, study. Nuys -0. N¢ya-0. Approved Loa, 10, 18D1, Adopted by the Assembly Dce. R. 1801. y". -Messrs. Banholzer. 0.1 bleb', C n -- fertyi McNnmee. Murray, DPIx 91y kk Mr. Vice Presldent- - Bd F No. 699T Nuys -U. li.+solved, Thnt city orders be drawn up n . Approved Dec, 10. 1891. Ll,e city treasury. payable out [ the "W11ce - department fund." favor o[ the follow- I Bd F No. 7R3-- ing-named Persons. fur Lilo amounts set op-' post' to tile.' respective names: city trouaury, pxynble ut of [he •hoof ,1. d. C'Comnor, ill.+); Charles Friend dt Son liesolved. TI1at warrants bedrnwn upon the James Cienry. ff200.fA. or of GCurge Reis, Clty Trtusnlr 1::1"5' Hound of Aldermen Doe. 1, II tn. M Dap tl a 1>cr.on+ named in the nay ro Adopwd by the er tial with this res lulution in n •Y,nent 1601. Bot[,. CoPelund, j �reu'n los and c pp utio.) of sold per- Yeus-Aid. Bielern' un. Melady, Sanborn, (the su lurIr s nil 11ralering the month of yeas -Messrs. Banholzer. r.,m,o,,,., ....,.-- ferty, McNlamee. Dlurrap. UPiw nhefm, Van II, BL'ke, Mr. Vteo Prosidentr3. Nays -1 Approvel. d Dee. 10. 1891. lid F NI" 7W Reaalvad•'rhat city orders be drawn upon I the ill troasury. pu�uba , In favor o"thes I ssessnte[1t cz{x;usc fo Inwhlg-named pereoun, for the umoan )I, as follows: of ,a inspo tura 500:G1'ecersit iwher V36XV 80. e Hoard of Aldermen Dec. 1, 131elenbergg BottCnpelnnd,Dob- n.Gehan. Di¢lady. Brb un. Mr. r the Assembly DEIm, islDie- -rs. Banholzer, , .t.hn. Van ice OProid nlr6- et'et. "Iurr'e Dec, 10, 189E _, i 330 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL By Aid. Bot�Bd F No. 704- Dobner, Dorniden. 0ehan. Malady. Sanborn, It is hereby or(leled by the Common Council StNulyg� Mr. Proeidevt�l0. f the City of SG Fall: widening and Adopted by the Assembly Uec. 8, la91. Tltatthemvtter.f opening. Elba l=t. Mc_ extending Hazel nven Harvester avenue. be. Cuttort McNumen.. Di urruyr Oppenbeini, Von street w and across d the Is her ehy referred w the Board 91vke. ir. Vice President -8. U FPobirer �l Lc th ski provemevt proper sled hoc- AVVro ed Dre. ]0.1801. eSSee rid-Ofve the Connell eti eatlmateof the'odf ---- expense thereof, and state whether ono -half of the cost thereof is w be paid into the city trossnry before the contract it let. By i Aid. herDopli ordered by the• Common Council Third --Can real estate w be assessed for yf the CItY of 9t. Paul: said Improvement be found benefited w the aslant of damages. costs and axponaes 11 Thut the matter of pl.tc q n Rasolino lamp u y w Do incurred thereDyl on the nortltaiderfUnl 'Ity avenue.' cot s Fourth -4s such ImPruvament asked for .get of then= seetlon of Cromwell .venue. upon the metitien or pptloatfon of the own- j,y, avd the same is hereby referred In the ars of n afority oP the property w be ere- Berard of Public Works w Investigate and re - aced trot such ian rovemevt2 P le this improvement puoPur and neceA,I ey? seFifth-Send the Council a plan or profile of said im--SC.d he os required by low, i[ you Iran. send the Council proper order direct' rt in favor of the same. order dl- Ing the work w be G. repovth-Send the Cou sell n proper Adapted by the Board of Aldermen Dec. 1, ro •ting Lhe work to be done. 1891. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Dec. 1. Y -cos --And. Blelenberg, Bott, Copeland, 1E01t Dobner. Dornidon. Oc hon. Melody. Sunlwrn.. YCas-Ald. Bielenberg. Batt. Copeland, Sullivan, Mr. President--10. �IDentine. Dorniden, 0ehao. Melody. Sanborn. Nays-- (" Sullivan. Dir. Prnsidenb-10. pig 1fesoii ysrh Assembly Elmquistt..hicCaf- r NaYs�• PertY• yleNxmce. Elurr% Oppenheim, Van Adopted by the Assembly Dec. S. 11191. SI ty. Mr. Vice President --8. Yeas -Messrs. Banlmlzer. Elmquist. McCaf- y� ' forty, McNamee. Murry . -beim, Van Approved rte. Slykc. Mr. Vice President --8. Approved Dec. 10, 1891. No {t, Appy. roved Dec. 1.1, 1891. I -- y Ly Aid. Dobner-Bd F No. 7ik9-- B Ald. Blelenberg--Bd F No. 10 F- IL Is h"by ordered by the Common council IL is hereby ordered by the Common Council f the City oti'St. Paul: f the City f SL Puul: and malntaln- Thnt the matter of plming a ¢s' aline lump That the matter of er ting v u In the Orth eider of 1111nnehuh -treat, hnlfwa9 In6 gasoline lumps Como a between T.tum avenue and Prior nven ne,be. Center of each block between Ri�re and Union s d the antno is hereby reran d w the Board streets, also four lamps '"Chatsworth street be- of Public Works -Inv-, lgate and report: yEj • tweeti Como avenue and Chatsworth streh Ts this Improvement proper and necessary'? be and the same le hereby referred w the if so. Bond the Council a proper order direclr Ing the work w be done. Board of Public Works w investigate and re- Adopted by th0 Board of Aldermen Dec. 1, i port: 1891 Is this impPtrovemeot proper and ecessary7 yens-Ald. Blelenberg. Botta Copeland. fj. If so. send the Conneil a proper ardor directDobner, Dorniden, Oehnn. Meiady, Sanborn, Ing the work to bdone. Sullivan. Mr.President-10. Adopted by the Board of Aldeermen Dec. 1, Nuys --0. 1891. Adopted by the Assembly Dee: & 1891. Yeas -And. Blelenberg. Batt. Copeland, yens-Menere. Banh J"r Eltnquist. McCaf- Dobner. Doroiden, Oehun. Melody. 9¢nlwrn. fortY JfcNxmee. Murray, Op ami helm, Van Sullivt Mr. President -10. SI ke. Mr. Vice Preaidnat-S. . N ys �U. 1vaYs�1. S Ad pled by the Assembly Dec. P, 1891. Approved Dec. 10. 1891. I Yass-Dieears. Banholzer, rtlmqulat. 1icCaf- ': tarty. McNxmoe, Murray. Oppenbefm, Van Slyke, Mr. Vice President --8. Nuys. Approved Dec. 10. 1891. gy Ald. Dobner-Bd F No. 70D- t _ It Is herebyy ordered by the Common Council of the CltpPaul: Bold Conley-Bd F NO. 708- TI the matteroP placing u gasoline lamp i liesolced, Thatthe Board o[Publle Werke ut northwest corner n[Minnehahn street atid� aro hereby authorized and requested wmnke 9ynJicu'C avenue be. and Chu came Is herehy such chungo In thestr-, curb at theerle car- referred Mlle Board of Public Warks w In- t of Broadway and Seventh street as may vestignta and ropmo t: to them roam ezpedlent and necessary to glue Is this Improvement proper and necessary? beater facilities fr travel around thlr corner. If so, solid the Council n proper order direct - (a the work w be done by the attest force. inn the work w Do done. i Adopted by the Board o: Aldermen Dec. 1, 1 Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Dec. 1. ''l.. 1891. Bott, Copeland. 9 ' -Ald. Blelenberg, ButGCopoland. Deb- , Yene-Ald. Bleleuberg, OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL FOR ISM. 331 r. Doralden, 0ehan. Melody. S�muorn. SUI- �r .We hotel.and canned sued 1 ashless it, olpte aid Ilvun. Mr. PrealdunL-S0. by May 15,189'_, and that before the-Pirrttinn NUYe--O. of Lbis ordinuncc. nD Bald buildings hall be Adopted by the Asse bly Dec. S. 1891. lived from said alwva-described premises Yeas -Messrs. Banhulzer. Elmqui,'t.i Me Vafn byusald Kruntee; and in se of failure to re - the ferty Mc Nam Co, Murray. Oppen m m, a said bat wiihin said tlit.., m befte Slyke, Mr. Vice President -8. same ors •h part thereof as may Iv flys-0. rotnBut shall become the property of said Approved Dec. le. 1891. City f S6 Paul. W. P. Muu.Al. Sec. a. Nu rights ac,utired under this Ordl- P silent of the Assembly o shall be trans[Crretl w any otheer yeer- (os.Mtaa�. '-C or tattoo. 1 t f con - the Assatnbly, Pony onto o V1ec Yreaidta sunt of the Cummup Council shall be first ob- O. O. CUt.t.an. President of the Buurd of Aldormet. talrod4 Said gruncoa shall u d will fOrovor O. 0. (iUGLaN. the Acting \IuYur. Paulmn�ulnst uny'eand allssdamuRes ]udg- Tnos. A. YRexuea0As7: City Clerk. meats. olufms, costs and expenses of sumo which tained [suffer mora.utrii,,cIns muuidbe onCity for rot or byressevofthrgraIt tigof such privil[efe[sr or for, or by reason of the 91""K his or OFFICIAL PUBLICATION salting from the pnsea¢e 0 eted therowitb. re a y matter or thing or with the a C-ise by t e an grantee oor f O(Ordinances Yxesed and Reaolvtlona Lh` privile a herein granted. , sped to I owith the provislone of this Adopted by the Common Council of the .r.0. 5. I said Ke 1, ggshall full In nn is all bta .ad Ordity ofl ounce No. 156^.-A'Y F Nu. 1,.-bgrantedebuil beltorfCiwd w said City An ordinance gran ung Nic. Ehlenz. permis- 'Inn w ase a pOiLlOtl Ol the levee in the etSec. 6�uThu eaid Rrnnwesyyhnll filo with the Sixth ward of the City of St. Paul• Ii�tatlolu of thwithin ordlmmcerty ahla written ser tireCePt- The Common Council of the Clty Of St- Paul mice m ore iso rdinas thereof, the some w d0 ordain as follopwe: do ordain TfotUor K I,a;dante Nle Ehieui pe first approved by the Corporation At r Is horebN K v d Unto NIFI. Pur- gee• 4. This ordinance alutll take elfcCt and [o use rid a:cuPy for Dein I'oroe from nndulwr IIs P -1I1 len. pposes in the line of business Ill whicflaltar Pulsed by the Assam Uly DoC. 8. 1891. Nlc. Ehlenz Is L BnBe helm. Van bullder and munut act of ay"If du'td Yeus-Messre.. Mines, o1p-bel . - Poce furniture• until the Nt day'u Y- [arty. Mc Numee. A. D. 101r, that portion f the love. In the Slyke. Mr President --a, SIXtM1 ward of the City of St. Pa ed describe escri e Nays `- L P. MunnAv, as follows. to -wit: ets rm Pmsldent of the Arisemb lY. and four (1) block I88. Bobur4 oris ddltI West Bt. Paul, a pt the northerly feu pnxsdbY the Board of Aldermen Doc. 15, fact thereof; Iname ovidl further, the[ the 1891. _ Bott. Conley. Cope- gruntee berelo n r d shall mploy in his laude Dobn ••r,BDurtdd lg 0111-a- Melody. Sun- il business, at all times lutea¢ the term of barn. Su lllvun. Mr. Prealdent-l1. this said franchise, not Tess Brun twenty -fisc O. O CUe.l.en. pr)Ba econdltong tkat 1, . ounpton 6ero1n l Nets -0. •om�iensation�an aro aialcit of bl, rPvlileges l AUpr[roired Due�f the Board of Aldarmen. roti S liar (fill ISOuaaT A. SHITit. Mayor. here Y Bra° m her.Atteat: Trios. A. P1teaOmta Aar UItY Clark. per anmlm. for ataidtthI u lauafthely lin advance. Dec. 21. above specitled, P Y Thal permtsafon and authority is hereby Kiven and granted unw Nto. Ehenz malntaln On 'and' ^ w erect_ const u ud _ m e� ilea u two Imd one-half with the nec ass: ujd�• shall bo a •e red heat Iron, the outside fire -proof. All of tahl built under the direc the instruction of the 1 of said city. upon ubta and the payment of tl provided, howebc ver. t smoke -stuck to use said business shall ex Ore (25) fuer ebovo the .tree[ bridge: and prof ordinance shallnot Is, reeinted nod provld granted; 'ee6 hi A)) F No. SCS-- WlonKth, Bew�I_ Thu, the Board of - wre of the Cltyof SG Paul In wbich Denby uu tborfrerl w make But Iron or the aloe.ria Vhint in the Centr fs-to be bullding. and nlsu w e tabll hail be ! blunt In the muaunl trulnln b• and according to I City, In such mannurUs en the tl B �IldlaKK9s neceseury uud Urop o LO (lo. I which stent (let ezcCed in til( hce.for; sum Of two thu�tan(tiddollars. ...... ei. n1hly D I s )pper least bhn chimney cunnertion at least tt1' of the Wed Inspec- by the Board of Aldermen Dee. 15, J. Bleletl erg. Bott• Conley, OOPC- I 332 PROCEEDINGS OF THE land, Dobner. Dorniden, Geben. Melady, Sao- I born, Sullivan, Mr, Prosf JC.t­Il. N ays-0. ADProved Dec. 18, 1891- By Mr. McCafferty—A'v F No. 36t- -` It i Gleereby City Uf order Puulthe Common Council That the matter f constructing U sewer from lot 6, Summit Avenue Terraee. to con- nect with the sewer n Oakland avenue. be, and Lhe same is 1 to' reterrod to Lha Board o[ Public Narks to fnvestiguto and report: First --Is this improvement proper and Uec- o "`vt Second --Give the Counoil an estimate of I. ° lid store waid I r one- se Lhe the ez t bo a Id Into the •of fs u P peke cos t there It of t ha city treasury before tae cuntruct Is Int. Third --Can real state to tie assessed for said improvement be found benefited to tit.extent of damages, costs and expenses neces- sar to be incurred thereby? Fourth—Issue h Improvement asked for Upon the petition or application oP Lhe oly'n- ers of n majority of thhe property to be ale 6e6 led for D such Ire rovemen FIPth—Send the Council u plan or protl said impprovement, as re4ulrod by low, Ifle Y. I., re ort in tavor of the same. Sixth --Send the Councils proper order di- recting the work done. Adopted by the Assembly Dec. 8, i8U1. ,. ... o..o itr,•Namnn. Milieu. 1Veys—", . Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Dec. 15. 1891. Yens—Aid. RlelenUorg, MT. Cooleyy. Cope- land, Dobner, Dorniden. Gehan. muludy, San- born Sulllvun. Mr. President -11. Nays -o. Approvea Dec. 16, 1891. Ry Mr. McNamee—Ay F No. 38F Resolved, Tlmt tM1e Itourd of Firo Commis- sioners be. and they arc hUn+by autlmrized to sell and dis-p )so of certain orders of the Tuwn of \Vheaton to the Ststo Of Minnesota now In eltetduLW00y ufau(d O1erd. o Proceeds of te face y he same in the di ruction o[ the sod Boars to the cleasted f tithe Asacnebly Dec. & 1891 aidcity. p AAppenheim,tran Sly it,,, Peesid ai MMcNurrpc G neo N U. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Dec. 15. 1891. Yeas—Ald. IIlelenherg. Butt. Cunley. COpa land, DWmm•, Dorniden, Gehnn, hieludy. Snn born. Sullivan, M-. President -11. Nmy". Approved Dec. 16, 1trJ1. By Mr. MaNnmee—A'v F No. 3fi6-- esohed, I'dhut the Slourd of Firo Commis stoners bc, anthey are hereby authorized t l. sl,ll b�e old Bltunk oard of FiretlCom mi•ssmners, now t the town of Ashby}', for the sum of 81.300 c s1 and also to purchuse n single to k ,homn to yrm:eeds or the one sold toe the otie to be salward the purandi hicas 11,10N COUNCIL f the sipgle tank chemical, the price of the Utter not to exceed the sum of 81,1110, Adopted by the Assembly Doo. 8, 1891. Yeas—Messrs.ucCafferty,McNsmeo, Mines, V do nbetm, Van Slyke. Mr. Preslnir6. Nays -0. Adopted by tine Board of Aldermen Dec. 15, 891. Yu—And. Btelenberg, Botts Cunley. CSP-'aini lg�elxdySam )oW,, Sullivan- Mr. Prdhot11 Nays- 0. Approved Dec. 16, 1891. S' Dir. McNUmee—A'y F No. 367, Itesulved. That the Board n Firo Commis- aloners be. and they Uro hernUy authorized. P Purther notice, to sell x11 oondemned Cit f t of the Y prop • u and u Bre deP:trtmen St. r 1, u n use the proceeds of such stiles for ronlnctrng sold property so condemned and sold. Adouted by tae Assembly Dec. H, ce Ye»_s—Messrs, McCafferty, McNumoe, Mines, k Mr. Preen dontr 0. Oppenheim, Van Slyke. Nays—U. Adapted by the Board of Aldermen Dec. 15, 1891. Botta Conley, CoPe- Ycus—Aid. Btelenberg, born. Sullivan. Mr. Presidentr-11. lady, 9Un- Nxys-0. APpoved Dec. 16, 1891 vlrawu upon at the Ifght- 3eegor, on uc- line lalures for by the Assembly Dec. 8, ate i�Vnn Slyke Mr Presiden Mensa, by the Board of Aldermen Dec. 15, d. BIOIUnberg. Bott, Con ley. Cope- Cr,DOrniden: Gehap. Melady, San - van, Mr. President -11. d Dec. 16, 1891 By Nr, Van Slyke—A'y F No- I"— Ifesolved. TnntcItY orders be drawn neon the city, treasury. ppaymblc out of the "local Estimate Not Nland final. grading TNa raska avenue slid otner streets, 82052. Adopted by the AssemblY DCc.8. 1891. Ycus—Messrs. MICatforty, McNamee. Mines. Op nhefm, Vnn SIyke.M r. President -6. :•%y6--9. Adopted by the Board of, Aldermen Dec. 15, 1891. Yens—Aid. Btelenberg, Rett, Conley9. Copo- land, Dobhir. Presiden.Uhan, Melntly, 9un- NuYs--O. Approved Dec. 10.1891. By Mr, hlcNnmeo—A'y IF No. 370. RSUlvud. That city ordure bU drawn aspen the city treasury. payable out of the ter supply fund," in favor of the Board of Water OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOlt 1891. 383 Commissioners, water furnfehod for flushing A'yy F No. 371— •tobor and Novemlor, 1891. #'ri,50, Re: Ivod. That ettY ordern be drawn sl -P- sewers, O - 8. IF;n the city treasury. lavisblo , f of the the f-I- Adopte 1 by the. Assembly DeN 8. 16- Minos, tive assessments and," hl favor of the Cult }'sus-Mssrs. McCafferty• lowing -named persons..Pur the ,nu x` OP[lenbuim, Van SIYke• Mr, President—U' opposite to their ruljute No. - allll tluul. ay5—U.r W. A. Davern, Adopted by rho Board of Aldermen Dec.Doc. 15. Frudlrur Ashland tlnul, ewele{�1 i,g 6ummlt 1F91. areae Yens—Aid. Biecnberg• Bott, Con"' , Cope- y N Ixadtlual, corpt-cling -tone sIEUNmlut.o land. Dobner, Dorniden, Gehun, hIOW<IY• Snn- avenue. iNJl. #110.80: Lauer burn. Sullivan, Mr. President 169i 1891, 8706.84; Johnson & Ma Ma Nays—o. No. 2N nC. Johnson- w r onEstimate Mar., n.l . su1'o - APpruved Dec. 1G, 1801. pIntsryu UrNl `. Jul nsuo lEsiim tolNUSnnp- street.44' u.' Ir No. TI_ pie, entary ro No. land filial. ewe on Fre- Ry Mr. RUnho,I.er—A'y' loot street. f`'': ccuunt change Resolved. 1'In t city < dors be drown upon udeagesunon Juokson street the eiLY trcasu r)', PLLy nbb• t UC the rhos- brocht, ,l ullu6 Bj�ru- pltad fund:'In favor of \'IRinn R, Iger & o[ gr ant change fgrnlli UU.. E6Limute Nu. L eunaruehng the new and Fdamu•es hontreet. 6001; a on tece Berth ngnundru�crtrotnk„I91'ur oVin K ul- steam heating and Power plant for ci W and sed, F 1.i W. s 1. 6 hal Iia C. ,urs -hos & notnUfn cu YS. yy to pp Dec.ec. Ma. Adopted bS the AasemUly D y Yens—Moss Vnn Slyke. Mralpresident' 6 Udditlonu 8l`25.luck U. O1, ohelm, Adopted Uy the AssemblYDec. R, 1Ff11. Nuys U. O penheUn, Vnn Slyke, Me Pro>IdenG-6. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Dec. 15, veenbei ,Van eCaffo[ty, Mc�amce. —0. 1G p u •s Dec. N > ntu 1F91. Yeas—Aid. Blelenlcrg, Butt, ConnluY• Pn" Lund. Dobnet. Dorniden. Gehap. Muludy Snn- 1801dupted by [he Board o[ A en horn. Sullivan, Mr. President -11, Yens---Ald. Bielenber& Rett, Conley Gnpe- NLLSs—U. land, Dobner. Dorn idto , Gehun. Mcludp, San- APProved Dec. 16, 1891. born. Sullivan. Mr. rcesid int --11, Nuys Approved Dec. 16, 1891. By Mr. Bxnholzcr--A'Y F No. 34_ - That wurrun is tie drawn neon ..cot' Liesolved, rt tlne city tronsCry P°Yable out of the fund:'1a' y F'Qo d75— Alisolved•Th�t city orb I,u e d city hail melntonxneo ulr George Mels. City'1'rcusu rc`Jf the city treasury'. P:iY a out otthet�•cot rt favor of in the fa t of 8765. d. Pu)'the Persons :' inf res�lu louse and citythl,llwmn:�t11amed poisons for one a roll Pre -on witn rbcs pay :alar Und cnmpens tluo the s I Lhe f v v of then amount set opposite to their respective puyymeat of . Id persons for their services during of November, 1891. Cil city's one- names: Itubert A. Smith.ulnryy to Nor• L 1891, us 6sIIl1R9I, City ISull ConNor month � I holt share h tthc�Aesembly DCI.•.IR, 1891. CUort House and Conley,. sn1UTY d Y �g\Sines. #t'1.51:: Patrick as Court Hon se and City Halt Commissioner. ll--hSmce.Y-Ca'keDiit r tis Jest YyO a72.50;J nFe•aldCitylHall Commie. imtier, gd(y)pte Bourd uC Aldermen Dec. 15, $L",00; µ., A, sun Slyke. sonars ti,l Nov. I. 1Rf11.pted lolb'91, by the s111,0 ourt HuusO Hud CllidnrYltu ON uis IB'Ul. Aid Blelen berg Rutt, Conley. Cope- Gchxu, Mcludy, gun -s .5U: A. V. Wright, s:or City nNav si�i8U1. land. Ea,Uncr, Dorn idet, Mr. Prosideot—ll.Or 81'2 5ti urtlHtu�uesehlitsoh aril w 1 C) hot i,Sullivun, Court Hou Nm isulurU 1,rl, Nay—R Approved Dec. 16, 1891. idman l'mf a1=.5t': C y City Hall Commissioner. as Court Hou_e sad Houand II - City HnII.CUms A'y F No. 373— Hosnived, Tllat a city order be draws upon 1 the cit, treasury. 1'i Yable out I t the "police tl dopnrtmcnt/'und; 11th favor atlhetol pposlte l named petsuns, fort e umuu lit set upPu. i to their respective sums: i0; P. V. DwYC1 J. L. Henry, Mt John IlUst,l$ 81,H-0: W. H. S Bnis.. 8:1.72: ,1. Wagner, . r•, Breggor. ffi2. Adopted by the Assembly' Doc. 8, 1H91. Oc�lcansih� mss M blyke,t\1 r�IPresidcnt(iaVanca, N aYU Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Dec. 15. 189E IIot t. Cooler. CUPe- Ysus--Aid. Biclenberg• laud, Dobner, DOrnidrU. %1111 -al Mc Indy. 9°°' born.9uilivun, Mr. Preeldont--11. Nay's --0. Approved Dec. 16, 1891. tt• L• e,,. —6— -- 51, , a . (be- n)', 81: l vf tashare)e Ass•embly Deo. 18. 1591. a Vent Slykes n1r. Preai dent—Mil neo. by the Board Of Aldermen Dec. 15, d. Blelenberg, Bott, Coale'. Cope- ernD.r. 1dPeron. dentn161olal�y ,Suu- I Dec. 16. 1891 4Ii 332 PROCEEDINGS OF THI Intel. Dobner. Dorniden. Gohun, Molady. San- born. So Mr. Preeidentr-l1. Nays -0. Approved Dec. 16, 1891. By Mr. McCaftflrty-A'v F No. 364- It Is hereby orae ed by the Common Council P the City if,St, Paul: That the matter Uf constructing a sewer front lot 6. Summit Avenue Terrace. con- nect with the ewer n Oakland .venue.W be, and the same is I ereby color, d W the Board of Public Works to InvestilptW and report: First --Is this improvement proper and nec- essary} Second --Give the Commit en estimate of theez se thereof, and state whether half o13[he cost thereof I -s W be paid InW the of tv treasury before the contract Is hot. Third --Con real estate to be se"e"d for said improv"went bo too od benefited to the e tent of damages, eoscs and .sponse. neces- sary W be Incurred thereby'? F urth--Is no Im proven. I asked for upon Lias Imfitton or application of the u ars of . aj city of Lite property W be ass, for such improvement? s Fifth Send "pro' u plan or profile of r s d imppr ems t, ns rehuirod by law, if you 1n Laver of the samcil a e. cting thew work d pe, nproper order dl - Adopted by the Assembly Dec. 8. 1891. Yeas-Meaers. McCafferty.McNamee. )lines. Ouheim,Vun Slyke. Mr. President -6. -O. SpWd by the Board of Aldermen Dec. 16. 1891. Yens -Aid. Rlelcnborg. Botta Cooleyy, Cope- land, Dobner. Dorniden, Gehan. Mclutly, San- born. Sullivan. Mr. President -11. Nxys­a. Approvea Dec. 16. 1691. .loners be. ane they are bereny authorized to s 11 and dispose of certain ork+rs of the Town of Wheaton in the State of Minnesotan w In the euswdy of said Board, of the face value of 81.51X1.00,and devote the proceeds of Lha same in the diructioil of the sof l Board W the p ;sof the tiro department of said city. e Adapted Uy the A.C'_bfy Dea 8. 1891. Yeas-Diessrs. DfeCnfferty,McN. es. Miner, Adoptod by the Board of Aldermen Dec. 15, 1891. Yeas -Aid. Bielenberg. Bott. Conley. Cope- I.ad. Dobner, Dorniden, Gehan. Mol Y. Sen-', born. Sullivan, M-. Proofdcut-11. Nays -0. Approved Dec. 16, 18'J1. Byy Mr. McNamee-A'y F No. Jfitl-- H=Ao d.. That the Board of Fire Commis- sioners be. and they are hereby authorized W sell one double Wmk chemical fine now In a, by said Board of Fire Commissioners, to the trio of Ashby, for the sum Of ffi1.5(X/ cost,• ,ad also W porch • n single to k chemical to replace the em W be old, d to, apply the pxa;neds of the one sold toward the purchase COMMON COUNCIL f the single tank chemical. the price of the latter not to exceed the sum of N.µ00. Adopted by the Assembly Dec. 8. 1801. Yeas -Messrs. t Cndorty.McNamee. Dlines, Olrpenbelm, Van Slyke, Tlr. Proiddept�l, NAdopled Uy the Board of Aldermen Dec. 15, H891. Yeas-Ald. Rielonberg. Bott, Conley. Cope- land, Dobner, Dorufaen. Gahan Melody, Snn born. Sullivan. Mr. President -11. Nays-_ Approved Oct. 16, 1891. By Mr. McNamee-A'y F No. 367. HesUlved, 1'hnt the Board o Fire Commis- sioners he, and they are herebyauthorized. until further notice. tosell all c ndemnea property ol'the gra depnrtrnent uP [Ile City of Sot. PauT. and u 111h pgoods of such sale. and rood. g sn property sa condemned Adopted by the Assembly Dec. 8. 1891. l'.as-Mesar". M.11.ff.rty, Me Nnmee. Mines, O �enheim,0. Vun dlyke, DI r. Preaident­d. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Dec. 15, 1801. YCLLS-Aid. Bielenberg, Botta Conley. Cope - 1 vtl, Dnbver, Dorviden, Gahan, dy, MelnSun horn. Suilivun. Mr. President -11. Appove Appuved Dec. ]d. 1891. By Mr. Opppe hMm-A'y F No.568- fta;solved.'1'hnt city orders be drawv upon the city ereusury, prayub le out o[ the '•Ilght- ing fund" in furor of Robert Seeger- on c- at of bill for IIghting gneuline Inm pv for November, 1P!Il, ffi:,;ML . Adopted by taar.he illAssemfifeblYyy Dec. 8, 1891. OpppOlmum, Va. Slyk.. Pcre.1derl M6. PN ys-0. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Dec. 15, 891. Finas-Aid. Bielenberg, cb CUnley, Cope- 1,"it lloI er. Doralden: Gehan, hf elndy, 9nn- born, Sullivan, Mr. Pmaident-11. Nays -0. Approved Dec. 16, 1891. BUIr. Vun Slyke-A'y F No. 360- ifesolved. Teat city orders be drawn rpon cM1e city treasury, III out of the "lua.1 Improvement fund,' In Inver of T. Linnen, Est, o. No. Band goal. grading Nebraska ue .fill otner streets, $2.1152. . Adapted by the Assembly Dec... 1891. Yeas -Messrs. 3leCufterty, McNamee, Mine.. Oppenheim, V..Slyke,Dlr. Pre.ident-6. Adptod by the Board of -Aldermen Dec. 15, 1891. Yen s-Ald. Bielenberg, Bert Co.loy, Cope- land, Dobner. Dorniden, Gotten. Malady, San - Sullivan, Mr. Presidentrll. _ Approved Dec. 16. 1801. By Mr. DfcNamce-A'y F No. 570. R wlvud, Titut city nrtlure be drawn upon the airy trcnsu rya payabi. not of Lhe tar supply fund," 1. favor of the Board of Water OF THE CITY OF SAI Com mieOv�u�be>'nndcNuvemila.�r?IFNIt, 874.5h0ing roAdupted by the Assembly Dcc. S. I89I. Yeas- Messrs.;,Calfort)'.MaNamee, hfinen, Opppeenhcitu, Van Slyke. Mr. Presldeat-d' NuYs--0. AdopWd by the Board of Aid, Dec. I5. 189Ye1. nselAid. ornblon. aButt,ItI"Cunluyy..San- bor, Sullivan. Mr. PresiCirle« 11111alud.Y. San- born. Approved Dec. 16, IWJI- By Mr. Ilsuholzer-A'y F No. 371 - Resolved. '1'b t city orlors be drawn upon oho city treasury. I'll, 11 1' out of the •'hoa- pitul fm,d,"In Laver of William Rmlge Q& team heating N d powerµ planet tfor city the tend county bus ,ital. 64.7W. Adapted :y the Assembly Pea. S, 1891. Y�peas-Messrs. Mocufferty, DIcN'nmec.Mi non. plNu nh lm, Von Slyke, Mr. Presidun t�6. 'EI Wd by the Board of Ablermon Dec. 15, 18!11. Cunle Cn Yens-Ald. Bicho berg. Batt Y Pe - ]'I', Dobller.Dor Iden. Gehan. Mch, Y9an- hor,. Sullivan. Dir. Presidcu t Approved Dec. la 180L ByMr. Bnrholzc A'y F No. 372-- ltesolvod. That warrants De Irnwn opera the city ¢ treasury p y'abl,- .,It Uf filo "•u t ho d city hall mumt.mance food"' "I [fit P G"ergo Rel'. Cit'Trcusurcr. f, r the u of 67(15. W pay the pe v e •d In Clio puyr r ll press ted with thix resulu tion. , pay •n1. of the salary and •"I.,) sutler o[ said a for Lheiv ?-Ice. during the _.Qe�. v,,..•.... r.... ., (hr.inecltv's on by the Board of Aldermen Dec. 15, to-r,BDoorldon Ge1m.n�DlcludyCSum onn, Dir. Prosadenc-11. d Dec. 16. 1891. NT PAUL, FOR 1891. 333 A'y F No. 3i4 - Res Iv rd, That uiuy orders be drawn the city treasury. pp "hie out of the "res 1pie - Live ussesamente ft, fid." In favor of ll,e Pol- lowing-nntbod persons. for the aru oust set oppositetu their n'g}�ctive names: W. A. Duvern, E.timute No. 5 and goal, lrrnding Ashland alon.e 31.4W; P. Doherty. -.un. 11 8119 J0 IlLnuer Bros�weeI,g F..+t mato No. 1 and I ;tl, constructing stone sidewalks, 1891, 8706.87; Johnson S: Magnuson, Estimate No. 2 and final, sewer on Mary hmd sero It, $247; N. C. Johnson, Est mute No. 3. sulrole- uncuryy to No. 2nnd fieri. sewer un Duwsan street. 625; N. C. Johnson. Estimate Nu.3.sup- plo ntnry W No. E and flnnl. sower un Fre_ wet street 8::r; Frederick Lam bcocht damages on account chupgo of grade on Jackson etre •t and Fourteenth street, 8004; .lulius Bjnru- stud, damages nuc •neat change of gnulu ¢Jackson and Fourteenth street ,368: John C. Bettingen. pr perryy taken for opening ¢I - lay ,I j block 9, Idac-aubin & .ua?"hull's xtl ditiun, k126. Ad eptetl Dy lite Assembly Dec. S. 1851. --Dfesars.M -Cutf, rty, Mu'cumce. M1nen, O tpsevheim, Vnn Slyke, Mr. Prosideutr-6. Ado0 pted by the Board of Aldermen Dec. la 1891. _ Bolt, Coale Co Yd,t Dobner, Doirn l� n Gohuo. Mul:Wy, Sun- borrdi.5ullivun, Mr. vreside.t--11. Nays- _ Approved Dea 16. 1891. A e -n-"10275- ups R 1 d. TI ut cloy orders De drawn the citya trmtsurv, pay�hle out of , Im " art 1 u tl •ICY hull ni ntenunce fund:"n fall r of Lha fulhrwingncd parse s [ur the nmonnt set opposite to their eapectl vo u Ilubor' A. Smith. "alary W Nuv. 1, 1R'JI, us Court House rd City Hull Commieslonnr. 812.St�; Patrick Conley, sulxry to Nnv. I. 1891, as Court Huns" and City Hnll prmmisstoner. s,2W� Joha F. Gehan. I, ary W Nov. ], 1991. A'y F No. 57J- be dray. upon 8µ:J5; J Itesnlrod, That a city order the city. treasury. payable out , f Cho "police water 83.50: department fund," in favor of elan follox•Ing- no ed persons, for the amount set opposite gyE to their respective uenes: L. Hen rY• Bf; John itust, 810; P. V. Dwyer any, I ,1. A Bros.. 8:3.72; .1. Wagner, Jr.. 81.80: W. H.,g D. B rugger. 82. Adopted by the A"ecmbly' Dee. N, Adof Yeas ce Ycas-Messrs. McCafferty. MC Names, M1uea, Van Slyke, Ufr. President -6. Ory p r renheint, Nays 0. Adopted by the Board of Alder Dec. 15. 1Sol. 1891. Yeas --Aid. Bielenberg. Butt Conley, Cope- ills ady, Sun- Yeas f hmd. Dobner, Dor'ida-u, Gchun, burn. Sullivuv, Dir- Pres hien?--11. Iuavd1 Nay9--0. Approved Deo. 18, 1891. Nayt APto to 1 by the Assembly Dec. 18. ISO - ms V nl SIYvC-Her 11r. Pr, Idem-6.vea. 1 by the Board of Aldermen Dec. 15, or,BDermdeo Gehan. Dlulady CSuo livam, Mr. Presld"nt-ll. od Dec. 16. 1891.. 334 PROCEEDINGS OF T A' F No. 376- 4Yyhereus, A majority of the owners resi- dent within tie City Of St. Paul. Minn., of theIIw ard ;rty abutting u poll find along the It m' of Elallry In.,,,potitfoned the Comm.. Council of the City of St. Paul to vacate that pp )rtion of Elward alley t'hich lies between Ulocksfour and live of Proetz addition f Collins uutlots to St. Paul, which said pett- if.n duly sets forth the f,u:ta nail reasons for said vacation. and was duty accompanied oy n ty�Vot III' of Its pmpused to oe be`aDd; and `Vhereas, The Assembly, upon the presenta- tion of suid petition, deemed it expedient that the enactor bo pt- do d with, and o dered said petition [o Ue Illud of record with the City Clerk. and notice to Iw given by pub lieation es nrovi it 1 by In untl Whereas. Due notice by p blieat iol in the official papeerof said cry for fellriweeks, com- 'ncing o the 311th day of October. A. D. 1801. to the effect that said petition bad been ehd with the City Clerk. stating in brief ice object. and that the sumo would be heard and cmisido A by the AsecmblS of Lho City of 8t. Paul, oo Tuesday, the 8th du}" of December. A. D. 1891 at 7:30o'clock 1. the .11cierwn of sold day. at, the council chamber in the city hall oP sold city; and Whcrcus, At the time .,.it place Inst nf.re- suid, for the iuvestigatiou and consideration Of such proposed vacation of said portion of El alley. the Cummen Council, after hearing all person+ Interested, and being f the opinion thee the same is ce...ry id 11>ro ewr. .and Ment the prerequl.itee therefor hIb,en cmnplied with; now therefor, be it Resolved. Thatall of Said portion of Elward elle))' wluch Ices between blocks four and flue f Yroetz addition of Collins' out lots to St Aral. as thesume appears of record in the ,Rice of the Register ut Deeds in and fpr the County of Ramsey. Dlinntsa',, be ad the me is hereby declared to Ue vncat,d and dlscontf.ued as asked for In said petition and as hereinabove Mined. Adopted by the Assembly Dec. 8, 1891. Ye, N-Messrs. Bunhnlzer, McCafferty, Mc - Nam", Albion, Oppenheim, Van Slyke, Mr. President -7. Nays -0. NV. P. tAse he Arse President of the Assembly Adopted by the BORN of Aldermen Dec. 15, 1891. Yetis --Alit Bielen Uerg, Butt C,nley. Cope. 1nd n,,iDOUncr. Dornlden. Gehan. Melody. Snn- her., Sullivan. Mr. President --ll. Nays. O. O. CU LLEN, Prosfdent of the Board of A Idermen. Approved Dec. 16, 1891. Rune— A. SMITH, Maty, r. Attest: TIIGN. A. PRENDERGAST. City Clerk. Dec. 21. A ;y F No. 3ii- Whereas. The Common Council of the City of Se Pnul, at a meeting held on the 8th day tf December- A. D 1891. did odopt a resolu- tlon v ca ting that pportion of Elwnrd alleyy bleb Iter be two", blt)ck. 4und 5 of nostz ad- dition of Collins' outlots to st. Paul. Therefore, Be it. resolved. That the c.too of said preurises so vacated as uforev:dd be.. and the sem Is hcroby flacd at the eau of twelve hundred dollars ($l.W ). the said sum being not less th a fo oportlonato average value of the p pp,sty :abutting upon said promises 'u vaeateA, acc,rding D) the assessment for t ... tlon for the year A. D. 1840. HE COMMON COUNCIL Ad,pted by the Assembly Dec. 1, 181,'.. Yeas -Messrs. Banholzer. McCafferty, Me- Nlun , M(n.a Opponheim, Vun Slyke, Mr. Presldent-7. Nays --0. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Dec. 15, 1801. Yens-Ald. Blclenlwrq, Mott, Conley. C.P.- land, Dobner. Dornlden, h Gean, M.ludy. San- born. Sullivan. Mr. President -it. Nays -0. Approved Dec. 16, 1801. Byy Mr. McCafferty-A'y F No. 378- Itesolvod, Phut an iird.c be dniwn on the City Tmasurer, payable out oP the "bridbn; bond fund." In favor of Nicholas Feycn, for tire of 1207.50, for work done in construct - Ing the bridge across ills right O( way of the Great Northern Itailwuy company on Lhe hue of Lexington uvenne. Adopt+ d by the Assembly Doc. ,, 1801. Yeas-Dlessre.McCnRerty, McNamee, Mi.ea. own Vun Slyk., Mr. Presddent�.6 NN ys--u. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Dec. 15, 1801. Yeas-Ald. Blel,u borq, Butt, Conley, O,po- land, Delmer, Dornlden, Gebun, Meludp,Sun- born,Sullivan, Mr. Prosldent--il. Nays -o. Approved Dec. 16, 1891. By Mr. Van Slyke -A'3' F No. 38()-- .s Ived, Tliut a Joint mmlLLe of six, tire, from the Assmnbly and three from the Board of Aldermen, be appointed to receive competitive plans and spoulHcatione for Lire rolargementmld Improvementof the market house. Adopt cd by if,, Assembly Dec. N, 1801. You. --Messrs. Banholzer, Elmyuist, McCnf- (erty, DlcNano e, Oppe.he:m, Van Slyke, Mr. Vice Prosident-7. Nays --M r. Murray -1. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Dec. 15, 1891. Yeas --Alit. Blelonb,rg, Bolt, ConICY, Cope land, Dobner, Dornlden, Gclo, Melody, SUR- born,Sullivan, Mr. Prosfdent-11. Nays- 0. Approved Dec. 16. 1891. Br Mr. Ban holzcr--A'y F No. 382- Resolved. That the St. Paul City Railway enmpan be instructed to fell sh he ter means Ior travel from Tuscarora stroot, on West Seventh .street. to Fort Snelling. Adopted by the Ass,mbly Dec. 8, NiII. Yens-Messrs.Bnnholzer, Elmquisl McCaf- ferty, M,Nxmee. Diu rray. Oppenholm, Van Slrke. Mr. Vice Presidents -8. Nuys -0. Adopted by the Board of A dtrme. Dec. 15, 1fal. Yons-Ald. Blelenberg, Batt, Conley, Cope- land, Dobner. Dornlden, Gehan, Moludy, San- born, Sullivan, Mr. Prealdent-Il. N. v. -O. Approved Dec. 16, 1891. LV. P. MURBAY, President of the Assembly. Jos. M[NEA, Vice President of the Asx mbly. U.OCL-LLEN, president Oft] , Bmird of Aldermen. Taos. A. PRENDERGAST. City Clerk. Dec. 21. OF THE CITY OF SA: OFFICIAL PUBLICATION of Resolution. Adopted by the Cotumon Cominil of the City of St. Paul. By Ald. Conley-Bd F No. �- iiesolved. That the action of the Confer- ence Committee, its allow. by . resolution of tld committee adopted at its meeting hold Doe. 14, 1801. designating the mounts Of 0 otbe y df 66. Putil lord for ihe� thedet)auf�tthe Bmtrd of School 1nNPactors of said -Ity 1'or the. your I(,U2. and transmitted to the Co m - n Council Dec. 15. 1801. be and the same is hereby adopted and apps, 'ed, as amended In the scute me the utuauhed. Conference Committee Toa Levy Resolution. A Id. Conley-- Resolve t T lot Ia the opinion of the co.- fm'ence committee it will be .ecessary to also. by the tux levy to be made in the Year 18:-1. the am,unts of money ns detailed and itemized in the following Statem,nt, for car- ying,-n the business of id city and the of - it tairl1c 111 flurtheymar l8U'Ltand that phis omt motes recommends sold detailed and It m fzcd statement to the Common Cu ineil as rcpresitting the amounts necessary W be raised fur said purpose. No. 1. INTEREST AND SINKINU FUND. Inter^st noon bonded debt fur Lho year 1803 .................... $."07.315 fA Sinking fund ..................... L,tW44,5 Total.............. ........ 11710,000 00 Less minimum surplus Ja.. 1, 101100000 1N92.............................. Tax estimate .......... .... ffi110,(00 00 No. 3. CERTIFICATES OF INDEETEDNESS. elletgptlou of Certiflcates Nos. 1 to Nd inclusive, issued for the payment of floating Indebted - Dow of the City of St. Paul, due Sept. I. 1893 ................. ".010 00 3serest on Certlflcatse Nus. i to 50 inclusive. issued for th, Payment of floating Indebted- ess Of the City of St. Paul.for one year, at 6 per cent......... 21,000 00 Payment of DURting EdIKu- ess of the Board of uca- 335 tion of the City of St. Paul, for $'1;6.001100 one year nt 6 per cent.......... 21.0p) 00 interest ml Tax LevS Certificates Nus. d to 178.5lnclusive,for thir 12.90000 teen months, at 5 per cent..... 58,012 50 Imere.t onmiaceilaneous cor[In- ca" duo I., 181K'94 '95........ ffi2!1,987 50 Tax estimate. ........ ...... 1210-00000 No. 4. $12,00000 F11tE DEPARTMENT. As provided by law .............. $215.000 00 No. 5. $5,110o (lo I'GLICE DEPAIiTMEN'T. $Ie,o1000 AS $it15,00000 of gen- AupuntrrodM�paid out.,!.. era tonit........................ 15.000 W Tax estimate ................ $170,000 00 NT PAUL FOR 1891. 335 No. & $'1;6.001100 LIMITING FUND. St. Paul Gas Light Company's 12.90000 wntraet............ .......... $115A)" 00 Robert Steger's contract......... Go, 000 00 Tax estimate ................ $165,0(10 00 No. 7. $12,00000 WATER SUI -PLY FUND. For Public fountains, public bulldlugs, ote................... $5,110o (lo No. 8. $Ie,o1000 BOARD OF CONTROL. (. City'so.e-third portl,n of the[ _ cost o f supporting the poor o . city and county ................ $'.0' ,0o1 of Nos. o and 10. SCHOOL 31AINTENANCE FUND Two mills oo the usseascd vulua $12,10000 tion of lai i, es trust d to re - e-ulfze ............................. .11 . $'1;6.001100 No. Il. UUILDINO INSPECTOR'S DEPARTMENT. 12.90000 As provided by law .............. $II,o1000 No. 12. HEALTH DEI-ARTNIENT. As provided by law.. - - ..... ... $12,00000 No. 13. COURT HOUSE AND CITY HALL MAINTENANCE FUND. W-00000 Salaries......... . .. .. $Ie,o1000 lies, ore Fuel, repairing, Supp..... 20,00000 Tux estimate ............... $:1+,0110 00 Deduct one-half to be paid by Ramsey C'ounty................. $19,00000 Tax estfmate................ $19,6011 t0 No. N. WORKHOUSE FUND Salaries ............................ $12,10000 Supplies ................... ... S.tg000 Exponse. or clothing, for I.... t .. .. fuel. eto. 12.90000 ----- Tax Estimate ............. . 3i0,0o000 No. 1.5. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. As provided by law .............. $45.000 00 No. 10. HOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. Four members at $3,5110.......... W-00000 Can Clerk at $1,800.. $1,80000 Clerk ,.ire ................ .. ..... I�Ineidmital -pen-M............ 86,001 60 40000 Tux estimate ............... $18.20000 336 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL known and described as No. SW Randolph OF THE CITY OF SA' Nn. 17. Disposition and collection of 1st. McNamee, Mines, OPPealmlm. Van -TY oFFlcens' SALARY FUND. dead animals. garbage, etc.... Dlcsherry & Wbi W'. •o trout 20,1go 0 q BI kit. Mr. President iI. Mn . ............... $2.50000 for reconstruction of belldings President of the Board of Aldermen. Passedby the Assembly Deo.22, etI xeYs-0• Approved Dec. 2Ci, 1891. Twenty uldenncn Bt 310....... CIL" Com Ptr.11 1r1 . ............. .0000 5.500 0 on Third street for jail per 1 uses............................. 9,1X000 W. P. Mr. Assembly. Prlsldent of the Assembly. Cl ty Cumptrullcr's Clerk hire... 4.iNgW Jail rent ........................ 1,&N1()a City Treasur . .. .... City Treasure r'x clerk hiro.... .. 5.49X) (,0 8.1001X) Arm.ry rt .......... ........... Dun. R. Moon, Purchase prirl 3,59090 Rd F No. 728B uncoil .f the Resolved BY the commonem Clerk......................... hire..... 5.0(00 4.1000 r rot 6 block 14, Stinson, Brown and Ba. -y'. uddlt!uu. du ordnly as follows:Sectitire un City of St. Paul, that tho G f monBey City Clcrk's clerk ..... CnrGor:u lun ALWrnoy....... ... 5,!X10111 YUr ho Vp(tnl urp.se..... ...... 1 I • • 1'",he t a y W rBfse by Lhe tax!leve u be de neoea at, 1 Lae 1892 for carr ying av thebuslneea NY rst Assistant Coriwruiton At- 2,500 c r t fund ................... H. .1. horns claim..... ,,.0,00 1,02400 deer of the different deparments and funds.Y sof. torneY- stcoml Assistant Curp.tuti.n .. ..... Bonrdingcity prlsonors. witness n wa as tollows• .fty. Ne and are hereby deslg e 1. IaWrest and em king fUna.......a210,00000 Attorney�'........................ Corpuretiuu At- I.2W0 unit Jn Y fees.. W............... Mlscelia oeou-... 3,o it 00 G.F2835 3. CertldoaW of tndebwd.eas..... 210.1X10 to Third A.sista nt 1.2900 ....... .. ......... 4. Fire department................215.0000 W rn eY..... ..................... Corporation AtturncY's c•lwrk Nays -0. \Y P MURRAY To WI ............... ......... 1".00000 S. Pelfne department.......... ... 170.00100 6 Lighting fund.................... 165.00010 o ro........ .................. lore 1.(±000 1,200 7. Watareupply fund............... 5,000 Dinvnr's Stx�ruturS................ Market Ma stat Marko 1,1X00 No. 29. 8. Board of control.......... ...... 20," 0 .............. of weights flnA meueu res SeniorEngineer 10 W GENE uwL FUND. CREDIT. 9. School salary fund 1 246000 00 lBohoOl Mafvtenavco tund,I " Lit mflrkut...... ........ 1.200 Mnniclrnl Court receipts........ 3340110/0 0000 10. it. BuI1dInB Inspector's depart- 1`Iromno Lit market ............... IunRnratm�rket.... 8'00 N0(0 Market House "re ....... W-khousereceipts......... f S.r000 went ..................... ....... 1L9000 12. Health department....-. ....I 12,1X00 Streit] -Lighting I -cote,...... 1,2000 Bufldhorinspecwr's receipts... pro 5,(X00 500 o - >a. L artLouseandcityhailmaia- \Vutgher of C.ul and Inspector .[ W.ud .. ..... ...... ... ..... 1:211110 `1 ge recelpta....... ..... Clty Tro:Lsurer s taco i Pts. .... .. ]O.iN00 Wnance fund............ .. 19.00 0 14. Workhouse food.. ............- 30.000 ---- 0 ity Clerk's rocefpte............. 001%y-Cr Liquor licenses................... S,1X100a 10,000 QP77 16. E¢glve ov t........ 45.00 0 dle Tux ..ti-te............... 351.,8.10 Bute Lore' Ifecnwe............... f 500 M Narks..-....... 18.20 0 f it or I8. BouN of it 53.820 0 N- u. IB. Dog licenses ............ ...... Dray. wagon, truck, express. u.00p W 17. City gloats' salary fund........ 28. street. sewer and 1)riage main. funs.................... 150.000 All Ot, m sTrtaaT saw Elt ND m<tn -TENANc Y •w..licenses.................... 2.(10(0 labg90 Wnavice m. Bridge moa................... .. oD FUND. oil DDs.euLinenn.............. ... _... ower ,;entree, ................. 1¢Rq Ia zl. Printi¢g and stanonerr......... g8,1XX) ou 1'2.Uu10 Aa provided h law. .... _.. y ai5o!Xq Inwrext on aopusltp...... le 10110 ffi. Municipal "art tuna.. ....... LI fund .......... 15,00 0 No. 19. Nt. Paul Ru11wuY. Kross eurnlnRs 0.011 W 2a. rarY ......... Phalan Creak sewer ............. 50.0¢ 0 mttoo. I-). Total ............ .......... &500,000 Teeth ward sewers.......... 30.00 0 And the City let ie hereby Instructed to CovstrucLiun of bridge on l'11na- Chicago, 3fil- RECAP-LATION. trathan, the County AudIWr of Ramsey this resolution Immedletdy ant Liven oe, over waukeu & 9[. Paul rnilruntl ... a-X1,UIN/IX) 1. Inwrcet ana elnkinyy Pnnd.. 1210,1X0 0 '210,00 coat s to of the approval of the some. 15. No. 21. 8. Certia=,n of Inde%wnesss 4. Fire de artment............. do 15.1X0 011 Adopted by tae Baerd of Aldermen Dec. 1891. -TING AND ITATW11111, Police tl epurtment........... 6. Llghti fund 165.01711 IXI 165.00 0 1 yeas-Ald. Blelenbsrg, B.tt, Conle9 Cope - nornide.. Gahan, I�fehmy. P. YrinLing ami ad vertising..... ... ffi26.IX090 ng ............. .. 7. Water au Pply fund........... Milo 00 ) lend. Dobner sanborn,sullf van, Hr. Pro short -ll. StutWnery........... _............ _--__ 7.U01X) _--- S. Board of control..... ....... 9 and 10. Sehool funds.......... 20.00 00 216.000 00 Nay". the AtBallboy Deo. 22. 1801. Adoptedss- Tax estimate .......... .... 3&i.00900 11. Building In8pector'sdepart- 11.000 0 Yeas -Messrs. Banho zer Costello. Elm- a bDponheim, Van e t ... ......... ......... 12. Reulth dePurtment ... .. 1'2!000 Relst, Mr. PrexidevMleee, a NtI•,-,,, 13. Cnurt house �d ity hall grays -0, s1UNtcrr- -URT FUlD. maboU..ace fund.......... 19.00 0 Approved Dec. 28, 101. Two }udgrsat g-',100 each .. 38,0(00 lis Workhouse fund ............. 30,100 0 W. P. MURRAY. One clerk .......................... One tans clerk 2,,11X10 1,:!00 15. Engineering department.... 16. Board of Pubhe Works...... 45.!X0 0 18.200 0 Prosident of the Assembly, 0. 0. CULLEN. asci ................ One reporter ....... .... ..... ' 1;20090 1i. City 0111" , -I.ry fond.... 53.820 0 President o! rho Board of Aldermen. 18. 9L-.lot.t. sewer endo bridge TRO& A. PRENDEdec a Cy G1Crk. Tnz estimntw................. $12,000 ad enunce ............. I9. Bridge tuna.. ....... .. .. 150.1X00 20.00 0 l dee 2&IL No: T3. i ti Printingdna stationery.. .. 12110 _. I.Inrtwnx FON¢. .2. Libras p court funtl........ 12' 23. Library Pu nd............. .... 12,900 0 15.000 0 As Provided by In%............ 315,000 Phalen wreak sewer.......... Tem Ir xnrd sewers....... 51,00 0 30.900 10 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Tenth x .rd s •wt,r, as provided by Inw....... .......... ...... K0.0000 24. General ez Penses........... 485.000 _ Yh ales crttk sex or, :u providedby Total......... 82.240,9 0 0 Of Ordinances Passed and Resolutions ..."".. law. ........ .. 50.0090 ...... Less gene sal food cmdit**.... 500.011[1 0 Adopted by the Common Cou¢oil of the NF. -4. GEN F. RA D1111T.tazation.... Amount oecessarY w raise by -- 31,740.1)20 0 Clty o[Rt. Past. Ordinance No. 1561-Bd F :Io. 710 - =.B "'j. Estimated overdraft. fan �I IW2. 3170.000 ........ AdopU•d by the Board of Aldermen Doc. 15, An ordinepce John .I. ThGmaen Lily Local assessments on Lily pro(;- 101. to build a bay window. Council of the City of St. Paul _ er ty from 181 i to 0,547 G, Y •&s-Ald. Blel •ober Butt, Coale)', Cu L c q land. Dobner. Dornid. Gelmo. Met., om The C mon do ordain as follows: 1891. ..................... Reconstruomon of Mat ket n. Sulli oho. Mr. President -11. y. section 1. That John./. Thomson be, and house ............. .......... .... Pullco dlp;artmeu t ............... 12(1,000 15.1X00 Nltys-0, Adopted by the AssemI y Dec. 22. -h-. 1891. be is hereby authorized w construct a bay .1 window a tending foto Ravd.l h treat in z s Election ezpeuses, 1892........... 35,800 Yeas -Messrs. B.. . Costello, Elm- `� the second story of that testa n building NT PAUL, FOR 1891. 337 known and described as No. SW Randolph 1 III street, In the city of 9t. Paul, Minneseta.upun obtaining a permlt so to do, and the payment of the p pe fees tb.re[or. Sec. 2 roThLs ordinnare ebull tale effect and be 1, force from and after Its p snge.� Passed by the Board of Alderman Dec. 1. ° 1891. Yeas -Aid: IIlelenberg. Batt, Coppee ) la¢d, Dobner. D.r.lden. Oehan. Moledy, snnborrr. soil( van. Dir. President -10. Nays -0. , President of the Board of Aldermen. Passedby the Assembly Deo.22, etI fens -Messrs. Bnnholz. Va. Sst, Mc Mr. mile. Ilpeohelm. Van Slyke, eld., DtN rresla.nt -,. Nays -Mr Costello -1 1 41 W. P. Mr. Assembly. Prlsldent of the Assembly. X 11 Approved Dec. 28. 189E f R Ertl A. BRIT.. MugY Attest: Tolls. A. PRENDEanA.Y. City l;lerk. Dec. O. Ordinance No. 16&4-Bd F No. TlJ- i'• obin- An Ordtnn.ce to authorize Mary E. Robin- sonW rema tra me building• to ) The Common Coo sell oY the City of 9t. Paul i du ordnly as follows:Sectitire me In horobYhat (veno MriveyloE. Robins.. to frame bullding from let v two-nwry bet nine (9)� block t bcrf.ur-.. iii). raddition ofmo Robert fled Rand"ll's to the City dock Pau . to lot number seven. In the .¢ Seo. 2. Said removal sball be done under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the Building fu of sold 1111, take Uect tt'.ril. Z,I,r Sec. 8. Thlqordinance shall and be in force from and ufterlts passTBB Passed Dy the Board 1st Aldermen ]lac. 15, C! 1801. Feae-Ald. Blelenberg. Batt, Conley. Cope- laad, Dobner. Dornlden, Gehun. Dfelady, 9aulwrn, Sullivan, Mr. Presidents -IL Nays -0. U.0.ar Cf Aid., President of file Board of Aldarme.. Posited by the Assembly Dec. 22. 1891. Yeas -Messrs. Banholzer. Costello. Elm - p 1st, McNamee, Mine.. Opponheim, Van Slyke. Mr. Proetdent-8. �•8�'� Nays -0. \Y P MURRAY President of the Assembly. Approved DecRoa, 28, 18rt01. zT A. 9 A- Mayor. ' Attcat� T s. A. PnexnamlAeT. i7lty Clerk. Orden..- No. 1565 I'd F 724-- An 24-An ordinance authorizing the ere -tion of frame buildingg lots 7and 8 of b]ock 180. H be roan's addition to West 9t. Paix 1. Tire Common C.Dooil of the Cityof St. - Paul do.rdain as follows: .action 1. That D. D. Me hrrill %e. and be is l hereby auth.ri. d W asset d o truer frame building lots .Dd Sof block 180. Robertson's addition to West St. Paul, which said building shall be of so" dimensions u .hull be approved by the Building I.spnetor� of the city nl' St. Paul: P_2 oiled, however, this author! ty Is gran" ed upon the ... dltlon a permlt shell be ob- -� Ni 339 PIiOCEEDIN0 OF THr. VnMMON COUNCIL talned therefor upon the payment of the ,,[roper Pees, as provided by law. Sec. •l. This ordinance shall take effect and be In force from and after Its publlca- tdon. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Dec. 15, 1801. Pees -Aid, Blelenberg, Bat. Contepp. L`Ope- her n. SullivunMr Preald ntr-11Mo1ntlY, Ban - say". 0'0 CULLEN. Yresident of th.- Board of Aldermen. Pe.sed by the As -- Dec• ?2, 1891. Yee.-Diessrs. Banlad- , Costello, Elm- yuist, McNamee. D11nea. ODpenit Van 81y kc, Mr. President --8. N.Ys--0. W , P. MII..AT, President of the Assembly. Approved Dec. �. 1891. ROaauT A. SRtxx, Mayor. Attest: TRos. A. Pus •DOING -T. CItV Clerk. Dee. 30. 1 Ordinance No. 1508-Bd F No.72'J- An urdiL:uee authorizing to Columbia Electric Company to ereet pules and air, nK t l. etretelectolle from wiresthereon. to snot, to Ede rtes .street. and thence on Edgerton Street to Unneupolis avenue. The Common COnnell of the Cite of St. P:ml do ordain Its 1011owe: Section 1. There is hereby granted to the Columbia Electric Company the a"I'lo ty;. .right and privilege, to erect. t,a tel stein poles and relephhOne wires I Maryland street, from Payne It"One to E �Igerlon street thence m EdgerWn It met t„ MI neillm Is low governingte ttle NO thwest-11 ern he rTelepal one tEz- ch Inge Comp.inv; the work to bed a under the authority and direction of the City En- . gineer o1 the City Ot SL P.ul. Sec. 2 The OOlumblLL Electric Company hall give a bond in the sum of five tlums ore dollars, subtest to the npprov.I of the Ms or .ad Corporation Attorney, to save the l:i ty OY 51. Pah.tal ltmav lbe xneex8 one$ IO t e areait * a auY time W repeal this ordinance; an wnnteen ttl edaColumbia Electric tComPhis any shall romove from said .streets all poles ant wires arected by it Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take eftecl End assed bye in rthe from Be.rd of Aideroafter It, u It Deca115 1891. Yeas -Aid. Blelenberg, Bott. Conley. Cope land, Dobner, Dorniden, Gehan. Meindy. Ban burn, 8ullivan, Mr. Presidents -11 Nays -0. O. O. CIILLEN. President of the Board of Aldermen. P¢...d by the Assembly Dec. Z:', 1801. Yeas -Messrs. Bnnholzer.0ostello�Elm1 sial McNamee, Mloeu. Oppenheim. Asn Stiykt Mr. Yresident--8. Nays -4). W. P.. MDnaAY, President of the Aseem, Y. Approved Dec, 2A. 1891. R. RT A. SnttTR, Mayor. Attest: Trios. A. PRENDEROANT, City Clerl Dec. 30. Id F Nu. 618- Resolvud. That city orders be draw. upon he city treasury, payable out of the Vrinting ,oil stationery fund in favor of Wyckoff. eama.s & Benedict, for $125.25. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, Nov. 1801. Yeux-Aid. Blelenberg, Bott, Conley Cope- ¢od, Dobner. Durnidan, Gehun, thin born.Sul- Ivan, Mr. President -10. Nays O. Adopted by the Assembly Deo.. 22 1891. so. M wars. Banhol 1, Costello, Elm- Iuist, MuNnmcc. Mines, Oppenholm. Van Hylic, Mr. President -8. Naya-0. Approvedi Dec. 28. 1891. Byy ld. Cullnn-Bd F No. 880- l9esolved. That the proper city officers be. tad they ore hereby uutb razed to execute tnd deliver to Ella B. Lawton a qultclnim lead nt'the Cityy of St. Paul to all that part of lot one (U oP block one (1) of Cottage Lots [$dation lying asterlY and aoutheasterly of E. B. Lawtun'a Rearr.ncomom No. 1, Ram- sey county. MI Men= It sad also of lata six (G), seven 171 and eight l. Itl8) of E. B. Lflwto.'s R r, owner-rofsaidrani epttntc .argidreon ey1- Ing by such deed such In "' that the city may have 11f any 1. In sold promisee, as co -- eyed to it by one Egbert S. Page and wife by adeed bearing date ny 15, 1879, and recorded In Book '•92" of Deeds on page 494, to Lhe of- flcc of the Register Ot Deeds of the County of Ramsey and aind that the 3State Of Mimtesota, it sppearinK that the deed t said Page 110 P to the city woelahn to said , for the purpu.e of conveying to the DHy any in- to sald lot tand ie iother proLLppertyhave o nupo- an ed rorronsale o- lous assessment og of Randolph f said Prop, rtV for the grad- Aeopted by the Board of Aldermen Dec. 1, 1891. Yens -Aid. Biolenberg. Bott Copeland.Dob- er. Dorniden. Gahan. Melody. Sanborn. Sol - T. President -d0. Nuys -0. Adopted ss the Assembly Dec. 22 1III Yeas--Dinsara. BunhoenII Va. SI] ke Mr. McNamee. Mines, Opp y Prtiddentr-8. N-ys--0. Approved Dec. 28. 1891. Bd F No. 712- In the matter of the report of the Board of Public Work. dared Dec. 15. 1A91. It Is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Pnul: That the Board of Public Work. of said City of St. Paul cause the following Improve- ment to be mode, tolwft: hemuve a,trumo westerly Euanline lamp on Territorial road to the north side of Umv-mlty avenue, thirty feet east of the intersection of Cront-11 n enue, i. said city. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Dee. 15, 1891. Yo.s-Aid. Blelenberg. Bott. Conley, Copt land. Dobner. Dorulden, Geh¢n. Malady, San- born, Sullivan. Dir. President --L. NaysAdo,-0, N'Y' d by the Assembly Deo. 22, 1801. Yeas -Messrs. Bauhobcr,Costol10, Elmy sial. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL FOR 1991. 339 McNamee. Mines, Opponhelm. Vxn Slyke, I land. Delmer. Dorniden, Cehan, Mclady, San - Mr. Presldeut-8. born, Sullivan, Mr. Presldont-ll. Nays -:I, Nxvs�l. AUProved Dec. 28, 1(YJI. Adopted bytlm Assembly Dee. V, 1891. Yctw-Mossrre. Bun holier. Coote Elm- t1us ts[, McNmoe. Mine-, Oppenhelm. Van -- tllvke. Mr. President -8. N"ys-0, Approved Dec. 28. 1801 By Aid. Dondden-Bd F No.713- Resolved. That sr. ardor lw drawn on the troasury. payable out of the Board If Curr troll fund, for the sum of $hilfslJl9, belsq the city's one-tltlyd of the expenditures of said Rd F No. 718 - Board In main[. -Bing the city and county Resolved. That city orders be drawn upon hospital. ulmshunse and poor farm and out- the city treasury, payable tut of tho'•re- door relief of poor during t to month of No- pl etive asseexment fu ud," ht four of the vemher, 1891. following flamed persona. for rho -mount net Adopted by the Board of Aldermen. Dec. M. op Its to their rexpeetive numtre: 189E I Tnnthoit. Estimate No. 1. groa Sim- Yeas-Ald. Bieleoti-K. Butt Conley, Cope- cue street, $270; U. S. Express C:mppany, bund. Dobner. Donddeu. Gehun. Dielady. San-'. damages on account of change of grade mi born. Sullivan, Mr. President -ll. Jackson and Fourteenth streets, $400; L. E. Nays -U. Shepley, Estimate No. 3, paving end sewer Ad -pied by the Asemblp Dec. •YJ. 1801. ing Sixth street, $1.870; if C. Huebner, Est i- Yeus-Mossre.Bunhnl she m, elle EIniquMr. mate No. 3 grading McMenemy sumer, McNamee. Mine., Oppe $1,70,,; W. J. Preston, Estimate No. 2. sewer President -8. on Dayton avenueand Cleveland avera e. Nat -s-0. NAM Thor. ton &S Shuw, Estimate No. 5. Approved Dec. 28. 1891. grading Winslow avenue, $•510; Dule 6 Bum^ -- EsttImate No. Richmondadlog . sewer ein t•Winslow amuwe, By Aid. C.nley-Bd F No. 714- Engineear he and ?598, Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Dec. 15. liesolved. That the City he is hereby lustrueted rO Pre11t�re I d sob- 1841. yeas -Aid. Bl.•lenlierg, Bott Conley. Cope, mit to the Common Council tletuBod pin Ls land. DObnr, Dorniden. Gehun. Dlelndy,>an- and pecifloution. for the constrnet iu! .f horn. Sullivan. Mr. President -11. _ brldggoes along the line of Grove sreet. from Nays -0. the inWraeotion of Eighth street and said Grove street to Best Sce-th street, in the Adopted by the Assembly Dec• 22, 1891. yeas -Messrs. Banholzer.Costello,Eimgtdst. City of St. Paul, Minnesota. nd along the McNamee. Mines, ,Oppenheim, van Slyke, line of Burr street, from Woodward avenue to Grove street, in said city. across the rigght Mr. Preeldent-8 Nays -0. Ofwayof theSt. Paul &Northern Puolfio ! Approved Dec. 28, VOL RullWuy company, the St. Paul. Mmneapolle & MaMtolm Rxllway company the Grant the North- Northern Hallway comoany sari ero Pacific Railroad company. dm Adopted by the Board of Aleren Dec. 15' 1801• Yeas -Aid. Blelenberg. Boit, Coaley.Cope-; Dorniden, Gel"" Malady. Sun- SolF No. 717- Resolved. That cl ty or be drawn pen the city treasury, payable out of the 1-gpit.l land, Dobner. born, Sullivan, Mr. P-1 1-t-1 hullding fund. In favor of the following - fertile amount set opposite Nays --0. AdoDtetl by the Aanon )ly Dec. a. 1891. named persons. tD their respective Humes: p R, Donovs.. $,;.879.45. Yea. -Messrs. Bunhelzer, Costello. Elm- McNamee. Mines, Oppenlleim, Vuu Adopted by the, Board of Aldermen Dec. 15, qqulst. 81yko, Mr. President --8. 1891. yeas-Ald. Blelenberg, Bott, Conley- Cope - Nays --0. land, Dobner, Dorniden. Gelmn,Melady,Suti- Approved Dec. Y3, 18111. born, Sullivan, M.. President -11 Nayst Adopted by the Assembly Dec. 22,1891. I Yeas-Measrs.Bunholzer.Cos[ello. F.lmquiet, DleNamee, Mines, Oppenheim. Van Slyke.Mr. Bd F No. 715- Resolved, That city orders be drawn upon sident 9 PNu the city treasury. payable out of the •'lueal ell. A roved Dec. 28. 1891. Pp improvement fund;' in favor of the follow- I fog -named persons, for the amount set opPO• site to their r..=,Iva Mathias Gerten, dflmages on account of $119; Eve ! change of grade on Purk avenue. on sDc..nt of -Pen-'. Bd F No. 718- Tarbox et -damages ing. etc.. Mohawk avenue (now Smith ave- Res-lved that city orders be drawn upon Police Duel. $187: George Johnston, damages un so- nue). opening Rondo street and St. An- the city treuenry. payable out of the Department fund. In favor of the following- count of avenue, 8..'45.92• 4 named persons, for the amount set opposite Adoppted by the Board Of Aldermen Dee. 5. iF91. toPtl J Hogan,tive $1'2; names: Telephone Wagner, Yens -Aid. ➢IeleaDerg, Bott Conley. Cope -I EzcDange Company, $79C50; .john 340 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL 91.:91 George J. Mitsch k Co., $91.21: St. Paul Bd. F No. 72 - Rubber Company, 83. Resolved, That city orders be drawn upon Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Dec. 15, the city treasury. payable out of the sewer 1801. age fund. In favor f the following -named Yens -Alas Bielenberg. Bott. Conley. COPT' prrxons. for the amount set opposite to their land. Dobner, Dorniden, Gehan. Meindy, Sun-' re 'Vective napex: Darn. Sullivan. Mr. Prosidentr-11. P. Doherty. E+timate No. 3, FdVertun street Nuys -0. storm water sewer. 91.810. Adopted by the Assembly Dec. 2. 1991. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Dec. 15, Yeas --Messrs. Bnnholzer, CoetellO. F.Im 15111. 111Is4. McNamee. Mines, Opp0.) m. ho Yeas IIlelenborg. Bott, Conley. Cope- Slako. Mr. Presldcnt-8. land. Dobner, Dorniden, OeDnn. Melady.9ao- Nnys--0. horn. Sullivan. Mr Ptealdtt-11. Approved Dec. 228. 1691. Nays -u. Adopted by the AseomblyDec.2$ 1691. Yous-Measra.R.nholzer.Costello.Elm ulst, McNamee. Mines. Oppenheim. Van 8 yke. L-8 Bd F No. 71»- Resolred, That city orders be drawn upon sthe cit"fu nit sin favOut or of L}1e fallowing n�mee<3 uPp y persons. for the .mounts set opposite to their rexI_ tine names: Bo.rdaf Water Commissloners. 930.69. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Dec. 1.5. 1691. Y.as-Aid. Bielenberg. Bott. Conley. Cope- land, Dobner, Dornide.. Gt lmn. Milady, San- born. Sullivan. Mr. Preeldent-11. Nuys al• Adopted by the Assembly Dec. 2.1891. Yens -Messrs. Bnnholzer.Costello.Elm('utst, McN.mee. Mine.. OPPenhelm. Van 4 y1m Mr. Pre'eldont-8. Nuys- O. 1801. Approved Deo. 1 That city ordere be drawn ulpov .t cury, mtyab.e o t 1[ the 1 >�Wnvea fund." In favor of the to to ihoirpereaoecti.ernathe n oust trill, 510; I, B. Norton R910; clerk f courti A19.5.75. by the Board of Aldermen Ihc. 15. Id. Bielenberg, lift. Cooley. Copo- ..o.Gebxn. Mcludv. Snn- 1891. Elm - i . Va. ppro.45d Dec. 28, 1691 FQo.721- Ived. Tlmt city order. be drawn upon Welty Lreasur. •Flay ble out of the printing stall dery iuntl I tine11, �ntb oBow to thelrrespectivo n mss: ppu lube Pohl lsh I'm Company V1 V; Id. kszeitu ng. 91 Boa dopted by the Board of Aldermen Dec. l5. -And. Bielenberg. Botts Cooley. Cope- d. Dobocr, Dordfden. Gehnn, Mel ady. 9an- n.9ulllvao, \(r. President -11. doted by the Assembly Doc. 72 1a91. Mesar.. Bauholnhr l at a. SIl k1 will Vamoe, 511nen, Oppenheim. Vun Slyke. Mr. sidewt--8. syr ve n d Dec. 2R. 1891. Mr. ProsldOn Nays -0. Approved Dec. 28. 189). By Aid. Dobner-Rd F No. 721- Whoreas. The SL Paul Clty Raflwny Co. �¢"din pulortoiR t/ntd. rellne nl said comnot furnish e pu y n Gently deal"nutd Iw the ••9t. Aatb- ony. I It.. and Smith Park" line, trans- Porintlon facll.tles necessary to rea"`Z1 ecommndate the travel.." pubic xlang such line ns required by its charier; and Whereas, S.,d (allure of said pony Is u Bross inJustloo to a large umber of the residents of thl9 city. and Is detrimental to the interests of the city at large; therefore be it Resolved. That said Sr. Paul hereby mit mitflRailway furtl)with im' end It service along aid It,,. .o tint. the eamevehalt comply with the re qulremmlta oP Its charter. R"Olved further, That. I. the ice . Inion f the said linerinferrinr to that canderedn Council. no vprior 1tooDec 14 1891, will be regarded a. aro m Pliw nee by -fit r the Board of Aldermen Dec. 15, rBDolrntdau. hao MeloConti,dy B tin, Mr. Presden1-11. y the Assembly Dec. 2. 1891 re. BunbolzerCostello,Rimquf.t. linea, Oppenhem, In Slyke, Mr. Dec. 28. 1891 By Aid. Au Blvan-Bd F No. 730- 9 solved. That the pinta f Maceloster College uddItinn to the Clty of Bt. Paul end P Albert Len Cotle"o uadntlon tip the Clty of St. P •ul..s aPp_"ed by the Plat Contmf.- fon oT Hamsey county. be. and the same are hereby accepted and appro.d. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Dec. 5, 18Iii as OF Bielenberg. BOtt. Cawley. Cope - OF THE CITY OF SA .land. Dobner. Dorniden, Gehan. Melody, San. born. Sullivan, Mr. Prealde.t-Il. Nava -0. Adoptea by the Assent by Dec. 22, 1891. 44 Yet M NameeB Mines r�ODPeuhelire, VI o 8lvke, Mr. President -8 Nays -0. Approved Dec. 28. 1891. By Aid.Sullivan-Bit F No. 731- It 1. hereby ordered Dv the Common Council [ the Cit" of St. Pout: oo. That the matter of condemning an 0.ae- nlew addltinne bensnd the wsme inWherehy re- ferred to the Board of Publfv Works to in- tlgnte end report: v FIt"a this Improvement proper and nos ...nand-INv. the Council 'an estlmate of V1'IYhtrd-Csn real estate to ,be assessed for said Improvement be found benefited [o the extentof domseee, costa and expenses lm.es- eseary to be I ncurred th0-by7 for 'ton theID titlon or pplicattion ofvertnott athe own i 0. majority of the propany to be We- d for suoh Impprovement? -Fifth-9end the Councll n plan or profile of 'Id 1ppitoo Improvement C to favoroof the ea a by Inw, if you ro95zth-Asad the Counoll a prnper order re L1rot the work to be done. - Adoptea by the Board of Aldermen Dec. 15, Vol' Yeas-Ald. Bielenllerd.ng, Bottah.s Conley, C., b. rn. Su liva . Mr. Pres dent -I1. Melady. 9an- Nays-o. Adnnind by the Assembly Dec. 22. IBOl.-, Approved Dec. 28. 1891 By Ald. Bot�Bd F No. 732- BAid B ,That the Board oP Flre Commis- eloner. be. d a hereby requested to elcel u fire alarm Doz xt the corner of Cherry are and Borcmen "onae. Adopted bo the Board of Aldermen Dec. 15. 1991. Yees-And. BlrlenM+rg. Botts Conley. COW land, Dobner. Dorniden. Gahan, Melody, San b ,r.. Sullivan, Mr. Prealdent-11. Nays --O. Adopted by the Assembly Dec. 2, 1891• Y_ Haoholzer.Coatelln,Elmqulat McNamar. MtuSa, Oopenhelm. Van Slyke 51r. Prosident-e. N.Y.-o. Approved Dec. 28. 1891. sv Ala. AanDorn-Ba F No. Iie LDat the City anm Ptroller be, not se veherebydwithhold zed and dlrectad to m ad a Fire out of the f"P.d .dei' serve I the so- Department fund for Lht y 1691 the m of eight hu rs($9 40.45) hood tea the forty and 46-]pl dollars (Se.7a.+5) NT PAUL FOR 1891. 341 being the unpaid bl lis of said department for the month of Dea•mber. 1891. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Det'. 15. 1891. Yesa-Ald. Blelenberg. Bott, Conley. Cope- land. Dobner, DOrvlden. Gehnln. Meludy. San- born, Sullivan, Mr. Preelden til. Nay.- O. Adopted by the Assembly Dec. 22. 1891. Yeas -Messrs. Bsnholzer,Costello.ElmquI t, McNamee. Mfnea, Oppenhelm,Van Slyke, Mr. President -8. Nays -O. Approved Dec. 2S, 1891. By Ald. Gahan --Bit F No. 73i- Itfa heroby ordered by tbo Common Council f the City of St. Paul: TI)at the pacts) of grading. gutterl.g and surfacingof Jackson street. from Thirteenth street Y Fre errod to nth )tie t. Boarded of Public Works to Investigate and report: First -Is this Improvement proper snit nec- essarSecy? ond-0Ive the Council to estimate of the expense thereof, and state at Into one- half r the coat thereof is k1 ra paid 1t.W rho ole treasury before the contract is let. for sa dh Impmxeme t be found Ind ho ldiled ii -to the extent of dam.ge.. coat end ..Pon... nee., - y to be hlcurred therebyT Fourth -Is such improvement ­kcd for upon thepetitionyr a plication of the o - Ora f a o Jorlty P the property to be a.- sessd for such improvemevttl Fifth -Send the Council planprofile 5f aaid Improvemant. us required by law, if you report Is favor of the acme. r Sixth -Send the Mal, to be done. proper order df - Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Dec. 15, 1891. Yea Aid. Bielenberg. Butt, Co Is Cope- . lana. Dobner- Dorniden. Gehnn. Melody. 9no- NayS-O1vs.. Mr. President --11. Adopted by the Assembly Dec. 22, 1891. yeas-Meears. Bnnholzer,Costelln.Blm�l let. McNamee, Minna. GPpen helm. Vuv Slyke, Mr. Presldent--8. Nays 0. Approved Dec. 28, 1891. By Ald. Gehan-Bd Y No.TJe- IL is hereby ordered by Lhe Common Council of the Clty uY SL. Paul: That the mutter of the grading f Como anus, from Jackson street ;% Park De avenue, d the same Is hereby referred to the Board of Public Works to Investigato and re- Pon' e- W First -is tillsproper un Improvement d sec- t T e :3e cuvd-t11ve the Counoll an estimate of the expense thereof, and, state wether - half of the oust thereof and, to be paid foto the cit treasury before the 0ovtract is let. 0 1'11 ird-Can rear tate to De sed for said Improvement Ire found benefited to the extent of dsmage,s coats ane expenses uece.- y to be lwourred the -by? .-z all. h improvemet ked for upon thempetitlon or pphcation of the own- erased for such improv of a property. be aa - Fifth -Send the Cou.cll n play or profile of 342 PROCEEDINGS OF THE said improvement. as required by law. If you rep .rt in favor of the same. Sixth -Send the Council u proper order di- recting the work to lut done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Dsc. 1E. 18.)1. Yeas-Ald. Blelenberg, Bott. CouleeY. Cope- land. DObaer. Dorniden. Celts.. Melody. San- born.Sullivan, Mr. President --11. Nays -0. Ado. ted by the Assembly Dec. 22. Im Y s-Jfessrs.Bunhulzer,CoeteligEl Sq yke, McNamee, Minen, Oppenheim, Van 31yke- Mr. President -8. NSYs-0. Approved Dec. %. ISM. By Aid. Gehan-Bd F No. 7'37- It Is hereby ordered by the Common Coun- cl I of the City of St. P. That the matter of condemning an ease- ment for slopes on Como avenue, from Jack- son to Park avenue. be and the same Is here- by referred to the Board of Public Works to Investigate and report: First -Ie this Improvement proper and neo e ary? Sca.nd-Give the Co,tncll an estimate of theexpvense, thereof, -and state whetherone- halt o(the cost thereof is to be paid Into the alty Lrensu ry before the contract is let. Third -Can real estate to be assessed for said improvement be found benefited to the extent of damages costa and expenses necee sery to be hmurre� thereby? Fourth -Is such Improvement asked for upon the petition or application oP the own- ers of a majority of the property to be as- sessed for such imp rOYem at? Fifth -Send the Councll a plan or profile of said Improvement, as required by law, if you r port in favor of the same. Sixth -Send the Council a proper order df COMMON COUNCIL Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Dec. IR, 1891. Yeas-Ald. Blelenberg. Bott. Conleyy. Colxr In nd, Dnbner. Dorniden. Gehan. MeltZ. Sun - born. Sullivan. Mr. Prosidentr-II. Nays e. Adopted by the Assembly Dec. L. IKII. Yeas -Messrs. Bunhotzer.Cnstello.Rlmqulst, McNamee, Minea. Open phelm, Van Slyke, Mr. Posldent--S. Nays -9. Approved Dec. 28. 1891. Bd F No. 739- Resolved, That the action of the joint com- mittee in seleotinv Mr. C. A. Rend architect for the enlargement. and Improvement of the market house building be and is hereby cou- thme P, and the City Clerk, with the advice of luta either Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Dec. @2, 1891. Yeas --Aid. Blelenberg, Bott, Cooley. Cope- Ipnd. Dobnor, Doralden. Gehan, Sanborn, Sul- livan. Mr. President --10. Nuts --0. Approved Dec. 28. 1801. W. P. MURRAY, President of the Assembly. 0.0. CULL.&.,, President of the Board of Aldermen. TROs. A. PRRND&ROAST. City Clerk. Dec. 80. 1 Mk PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA. ]S9_'. ST. PAUL: T- HER- PRINT. 1599. CITY OFFICERS. - 1892. MAYOR, - - - - - - - F. P. WRIGHT. CITY TREASURER, - - - - - CONRAD W. MILLER. CITY COMPTROLLER. - - - - - - J. J. McCARDY. CITY CLERK, - - - - THOS. A. PRENDERGAST. Coni'ORATIO\ ATTORNEY. - - - - DANIEL W. LAWLER. CITY ENGINEER. - - - - - - L. W. RUNDLETT. INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS, - - - - C. A. F. MORRIS. COI\1181I0NER GE HEALTH, - - - HENRY F. HOYT, M. U. - - Ell. 0. %IMMERMAN. H. W. CORY. JUDGES OF M TNICIPAL COCRT, - _ �- JOHN TWOHY, .lit. CHIEF OF POLICE, ALBERT GARVIN. CHIEF OF FIRE DEPARTMENT, - - - - JOHN JACKSON. ENGINEER A'1' MARKET HOUSE AND AcTiNG MARKET MASTER, JOHN G. LEYDE. JAILER, - - - - - - F. M. ARBUCKLE. WEIGHER AND INSPECTOR OF COAT. AND WOOD. - J. G. HAGGENMILLER. INSPECTOR OF GAS LIGHTS AND GASOLINE LA)II'S, - THOS. J. GPHAN. CITY PRINTER. - - - - ST. PAUL DAILY GLOBE. PRESIDENT. CLERK. ASSISTANT CLERK. SERGEANT-A,r-Mims. COMMON COUNCIL. 1892. - W. H. LIOHTNER. THOS. A. PRENDERGAST. JOHN A. GILTINAN. . HENRY GALVIN. ANALYTICAL INDEX OF COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS FOR THE YEAR 1892. A PAGE Adams, Alexander, grade Asbury nvo- nue...................................... III Adverse reports. 13. P. W.. to be sent to originating body....... ... 200 Afton and Hudson roads, make hills passable ..... .................. .. .... 287 Albemarle street sewer.. " 9 Albemarle street sidewalk .. __ 'ZV. "Grl 2Al bertuvenuesidcwalk....... .....13:i, 197 Albrecht. [Emma, fere.... — 210 Albrecht. E ............... 279 Alden Place and Gibbs avenue cross- walk,....... Eighth ...........................153. 191 Alderman. Eighth ward... ism cv...S- 157 Aldine streetund Drayton avennccross- wal e,tr............................enuc.............. 79 Alio street ani Deytonavnue lamp 78 Aldine street and yet Uy avenue cross walk......, . ...... p •?57 ................................. Aldine street sad tlelhY averme lamp IOi Aldine and Taylor streets—remove lump............................ .................. "Fi Allou, Alliance Party—use Market hall....... 1613 Atmshousc oal and wood ................. 232 Amending Ad F 15(19, Wm L Ames' or- der.. ....... .. 331 American Hoist & Derrick Co., shed... 3l2 Ames. Wm. L ....... ............. .......... 817 Antes. Wm. L., order, amending reso- lu tion.......... ..'.......... 331 Ames oven an grade.. . ... ........ 196 A.m. A.m street cad Dayton at t::ce cross. wNk.stre t n ._ve ue 290 Amus street and .Marsha... avenuo crer stalk........nite .... .. ......288, 838 Ancient Order United l.... mea, use Market hall.....le -street.. .............. 820 Andrew and RobWinifred a recta. I ,, ..... 339 Andrew sod vehicles, street e, pimplull Animals or vehicles, not to drive on on sidewalks......... bre _.... k.. 178 Annan, Goodhue streets: etss amp.. 53 Annapolis and Ottawa streets, lump.. 339 Annolls street opening, etc............ 186 Arborapstreet sewer .......................220, 259 PAGE Arcade and Wells streets crosswalk.... 193 Arch and Fairview streets crosswalk Olt, 67 Arlington Hills addition. block2, RII alley, and sewer connections...._. . . 265 Arlington Hills addition, block 2, stagnant water. . ... ...... 231 Arlingtoc Hillsudditlon, block 4, ullny easement ........................................ 91, 130 Arlington Bills addition, blook9,al- 1ev grade.. _ ................................... 77 Arlington Ablls ndditlog, block 9, alley grading. ......................... .. ..... .52, 106 Arlington Hillsent. addition, block e, 6i ley easement...... diti........lock...291. 315 Arlington Hill ..... addition. block 0, at Ivy grade...11sa. itio................... alley 199 Arlington Aillsaddi tion. block 9, ..ley grab Ing tou till1s............................stag- 2i3 A Daut wn Hills addition, Uloek ti, stag- nant Arlington ........diti...... block, 7, alloy 1. i Ac—hien Hills addition, block 7, .121, casement .......................... lock.. 127, H2 Arlington Hills addition, block 7,n1- ley grndinR.... ... ... .... 93, 1220Arlington Hills addition, block 7, alley grade......................................... IIS Arlington Hills addition, block 14, al- ley easement. ............... ......... 177 Arlington Hills addition, block 19, al- ley grade....._ ........................... 177 Arlington Hills addition. block 19. al. ley grading .................. ... 194, 199 Arlington Hills addition, block 20, stagnant wawr.:.........................21:i, 2.r3 Arlington Aids addition, block 25, a 1 - ley easement .. ... ........ ........... 121 Arlington Hills addition, block 25, alley graaing....... .........70. 119 Armg stron, Geo. W., emus ............. its Armstrong street. remove lump........ 175 Armore association...... ......... .... . 281 Art.. Christ. et al., mpnir alley.... 961 Arundel street, new street car Ilam.... 391 Arundel street sprinkling ... ............... 187 Auctioneer lieonse. P. T. Kavanagh, rebate ........ .............................. 166 Asbury avenne grade .......... .......... 119 } �: rT ASSEMBLYMEN. i F. B. DORAN. F. A. PIKE. lit. J. DA LY. TIMOTHY REARDON. - WM. It. JOHNSON. JOHN SANDELL. WM. H. LIGHTNER. WM. A. VAN SLYKE,. JOHN H.tVOLTERSTORFF. ALDERMEN. FnST WARD. - - - ' - - JOHN COPPLAND. •� SECOND WARD. - - - Ell. 0. %IMMERMAN. TDIRD WARD, - - - - P. CONLEY. FouITIR WARD. - - - 0. O. CULLEN. FIFTH WARD, - CHRISTOPHER J. DOItNIDEN. SISTR tVARD, - - - HARRY FRANKLIN. SEVENTH WARD, - - FRED G. INGERSOLL. EIIOITII WARD, - - - - - CARY I. WARREN. i N1NT71 WARD. - - - - - HANS P. JENSEN. TENTH WARD. - - THOS. MONTGOMERY. ELEVENTII WARD. - - - - -0 ADAM C. HICKMAN. ANALYTICAL INDEX OF COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS FOR THE YEAR 1892. A PAGE Adams, Alexander, grade Asbury nvo- nue...................................... III Adverse reports. 13. P. W.. to be sent to originating body....... ... 200 Afton and Hudson roads, make hills passable ..... .................. .. .... 287 Albemarle street sewer.. " 9 Albemarle street sidewalk .. __ 'ZV. "Grl 2Al bertuvenuesidcwalk....... .....13:i, 197 Albrecht. [Emma, fere.... — 210 Albrecht. E ............... 279 Alden Place and Gibbs avenue cross- walk,....... Eighth ...........................153. 191 Alderman. Eighth ward... ism cv...S- 157 Aldine streetund Drayton avennccross- wal e,tr............................enuc.............. 79 Alio street ani Deytonavnue lamp 78 Aldine street and yet Uy avenue cross walk......, . ...... p •?57 ................................. Aldine street sad tlelhY averme lamp IOi Aldine and Taylor streets—remove lump............................ .................. "Fi Allou, Alliance Party—use Market hall....... 1613 Atmshousc oal and wood ................. 232 Amending Ad F 15(19, Wm L Ames' or- der.. ....... .. 331 American Hoist & Derrick Co., shed... 3l2 Ames. Wm. L ....... ............. .......... 817 Antes. Wm. L., order, amending reso- lu tion.......... ..'.......... 331 Ames oven an grade.. . ... ........ 196 A.m. A.m street cad Dayton at t::ce cross. wNk.stre t n ._ve ue 290 Amus street and .Marsha... avenuo crer stalk........nite .... .. ......288, 838 Ancient Order United l.... mea, use Market hall.....le -street.. .............. 820 Andrew and RobWinifred a recta. I ,, ..... 339 Andrew sod vehicles, street e, pimplull Animals or vehicles, not to drive on on sidewalks......... bre _.... k.. 178 Annan, Goodhue streets: etss amp.. 53 Annapolis and Ottawa streets, lump.. 339 Annolls street opening, etc............ 186 Arborapstreet sewer .......................220, 259 PAGE Arcade and Wells streets crosswalk.... 193 Arch and Fairview streets crosswalk Olt, 67 Arlington Hills addition. block2, RII alley, and sewer connections...._. . . 265 Arlington Hills addition, block 2, stagnant water. . ... ...... 231 Arlingtoc Hillsudditlon, block 4, ullny easement ........................................ 91, 130 Arlington Bills addition, blook9,al- 1ev grade.. _ ................................... 77 Arlington Ablls ndditlog, block 9, alley grading. ......................... .. ..... .52, 106 Arlington Hillsent. addition, block e, 6i ley easement...... diti........lock...291. 315 Arlington Hill ..... addition. block 0, at Ivy grade...11sa. itio................... alley 199 Arlington Aillsaddi tion. block 9, ..ley grab Ing tou till1s............................stag- 2i3 A Daut wn Hills addition, Uloek ti, stag- nant Arlington ........diti...... block, 7, alloy 1. i Ac—hien Hills addition, block 7, .121, casement .......................... lock.. 127, H2 Arlington Hills addition, block 7,n1- ley grndinR.... ... ... .... 93, 1220Arlington Hills addition, block 7, alley grade......................................... IIS Arlington Hills addition, block 14, al- ley easement. ............... ......... 177 Arlington Hills addition, block 19, al- ley grade....._ ........................... 177 Arlington Hills addition. block 19. al. ley grading .................. ... 194, 199 Arlington Hills addition, block 20, stagnant wawr.:.........................21:i, 2.r3 Arlington Aids addition, block 25, a 1 - ley easement .. ... ........ ........... 121 Arlington Hills addition, block 25, alley graaing....... .........70. 119 Armg stron, Geo. W., emus ............. its Armstrong street. remove lump........ 175 Armore association...... ......... .... . 281 Art.. Christ. et al., mpnir alley.... 961 Arundel street, new street car Ilam.... 391 Arundel street sprinkling ... ............... 187 Auctioneer lieonse. P. T. Kavanagh, rebate ........ .............................. 166 Asbury avenne grade .......... .......... 119 } �: rT INDEX. PA- \s1,laad in cnue sprinkling. - 10 A bland ui d Snelling , s sulk.. ro'0. 252 .1,sumPLi k K t \iarket }1 [nil At.a Iter .t t d.Ci. :t'ft1 Andiled cl S. 6 110 1 IS I+, 15, 20, 21 4 21, de, JI S, 34, 3:,. 36, 40.41. 46. 47,51. i' r1. 1i0, hL 91, 07, 7 IC 3 1088, I10. 111, I12. 1=_ 123, 127 128. EM I.M.137. I'll. 14'!, 1..'J. 15L 1- t 8 1 I Ilii last. 17:t. ]-ii 1!NI, 27 ^. 27h, 2136 21 XI "91 °!Y_ n,S. t0:{, :t(N, illi, St: i13 31. 1.t 324, fie, 340. BI Auditor's ubd ion No 3, Central i'n, 1. Pbtt 3:30 Amumri1-orporation atw ill llucli„iii- I 1 ti,u old g f 38 AudlWri I 1 t tt Wt n c b 1 48 A 71, tUi 1Illeolle and F.11-- It -It', 51 A-line CO..pa tl-tt K bid' forcol bo U, 1 gflrb I.e. 48 A ZOtmc C i! i011y, resob, Lion gmin c.. Ing t,r p.,J' fo, ell, cnott or gurbuge...... +t Bodeni,,, use \In, set 11 I 11111...... 30:5 lbnks street ease,ne„t 1111 94 k" t grade n[:.. 1111- .--_-. 3 lit 13" 3 kcr,t. -It l It] i. 1111.. 1111_ L5u B ker a l t I Ifs BBa�er el trent an,, ol Isis Chet tIi � 318 lamp s iII v.l[0'e 339 Hurn lel "'I D t it,o SS Bx helm J 1 _ Rxs,, Slu th U l 11 6,4 hath boa f et, t 1 1 taus,, Lir R t 1.. kl ... .. 131 li ut es n. e„ut, dl)Ic Ltuo „ttruv, 40 ni2 k Bi`a4s aa d S1 k. f IS yl sI B ill l C d l t Il y d .41 Benton n e lo, l.t, B if 1 d.. . I f I F 1111. ut Pic_ 4 1 =t 1 g ]gd R Ill II 1 11 W Ik ,\ H J I .axe Il y t. 1111. tib Ots Be lael" Uli I- \\'ll t 11 } lr l e W t. ; ; l 11 } i Ing bio ]Sciheld s ., bd _i . blovk 1. Miley grade...... �� ... ... 1::; Bel feld', ,.bdi,i,ion N% ilk & lil-3 worry. Idol,. bl k abate o i Bell. fr, 11 t 1, 11 ,e nil - No. 6.. 1 i Reil. CI N LL ,v .. 1,1:1 Bello", nl Winifl I el c Iq ss , Is :al Belvidere 4ra•t Chung,' ui r. ado JJ i8 Be nedltt C. H 1111.. 1111 .. 42 Ben,. G .. _. 1 3 I.N Bcrtrnm. ArnolJ..... .. _ S Tact bel association. use Market Hull.. 2{e PACE Bicycles .. 303. 304.:32" B t IIreef ] lll - 318 Bldwell street sell r .. .. "47 Ill d.a ell nod Baker +trrct IumV 318 "I"so, \V \V.order and d d . .. 110- Billson. \V. \V ., .. . .. I- 1311 -Ill st. changed to Wakefield u -1-29 11 L It and 1, \V I st .... 62. lifalr street, change of ]fru le ... 319 13 atr street e35calt) ..._ A.if lit, 215 Blair street grade.. 10 153, IN Bloir st real grading... - .fib, II_. 14't. 194 Blair !beet , 1 oomR, etc . -71, 1013 Rln,r �trcet un d 5mtpsoo I mp N7 Bou,d of Abatcoicnt, PaJ HS Board of Abatement andE,luallra- tion, members Appointed.... . - 151 Bo;ud of Control, contract Lehigh Coal , l I C'u. .. ...... 232 Board or Control. order. ... .. !1 17. 49. 86. b1s. 138 180, 181.21,.247.3011, 318 Board of Control. Print annual report. 10.5 Board of Equuli,.nt,ou .it Abatement, be' aNppol nted............ 1:51 B, urd of Fi ro Oo le I o n ere, con tracts :316 Board of Public Works, adverse report tob-aro, to on li,uting body "00 Itonrd Public Work e. clerk, Board PublicWork s, li V J -- 92 Board of PublicWorks, L t pairs oxponsee. 315 IS loot School Iod....... c. . ..e.. Itoo nt ingest fund...... s twit 1gol, 13a urd of ,el,00u naPnators. eontingont Curd . p 26 Board f S 1 I Inepe to Puhli,l, proceeding, Bonrd of Stn 1 I pact. reducing tut a be P id 1 s aW Le, tt 107 B rdrd of f Water Commiss,on a rs, certi- i- dcato of i, debt i es [o pny bell ot.- +: g Bug., Fd A d F runk Al. Josll n, to y 314 BUKgs.Edw d A i F k 11.J If.. frumb 1'.1,1, uil ii g 298 Ilollern,Ikera ISnion u Market hall 2411 B 1 (coupons, Cl LyC Pt 11 is clerk, 110 I¢I tip a' m 1i Eu iTl, .rd streetnpb�tigv..... . a5 Bonds. uP ge p •eed W special hr Idg f d bJ Boston No 1 t Be I E t C. steam Pip (rt Bot zet, Aug t. xi Bi'r ee t I K --o , -tre t Bradlsulk 1. ,3, 130 ey+fe t llowalk - 81, lollBrealey nod G-lori umt L .s a - 13tn�i,lt'rd ad i i net IOa s[ vols. - -. - 53 IS `'ewin- er Afl 1P1 1 11 ked Bridge tut 1 sP I 1 texnsfer funds from u 1pu r G>w n bridge............ W Rridg,. l� nay street, St. P. & D. R. B. ., Brid4 . upper town. pretgeds of bonds 'peel. bridge fond . a+ Brld tee. app Sown, Proceeds of bon,], to T, st Tl�led street pe.'IPg 65 Briggs. M.R. and S. Small, ¢team pipe 2UC Bramley, ElizalJctb . .. ... . 262 Broad Iva), bridge fund,[ n yestmoot in cel tiflcates of Indebted nes, . . . 102 ]irmLdway street. change of grade .313, '29'2 Itro¢tlwny street. lump.. .'0, T' Broudwu) street sidewalk ....82" W, I. Broadway. OII L•e. 6[h And ,thst reefs. alley Pacing ............ ................. 182 -71 TNDF.N. 1 - Brook -le set"Itil1 I t t 11 y grad W lir k 11 S0 o f addltl , block 1 R W , ii T J&( t t "b"Id 1111 . B i..C, 1 Inet Will Blown, AVnl ebL..l. _.. Ids Brnagemato, Joe. h 1; g rcpIurbr ;l H >- ti E ImoLi, It ild,i,g' F 1 ,edalPrlt . I , '4 pildings (Cr ) II II am4t t1 Burgess, ¢nJG 7 tl tlel-. - 11 Burgess. F. C . c1 14, Ito 1 Kess st,tfeet ousclncn . ..... .... R 1 tst 4. .'t tstop,11 11 - Ii d \I 1 BL t 1 I I I ti k B d IL 1 I1 t 13 x 1k 1111.. re, cro- t t I s 1111... l B.t orb 1\,c .86 finet t.. 1111 1 I)I 1.31! It t t 1 Ik _ 1. IN Ito Ltcrilc]d SY-w",ut .,.d1 1,,, \' I• Ile si dela ull. .,, es,me o ts. ....... Cumluuek. E �... 14 t'.,mpbell, 11 B otd s f I 1 tot ]oven nn 1 l+l t 1 d r t rc k I. 11.11. 1 1 4 1 l i e ] b d` .- ClninKat�sN•.n tl t t ,fill, K fMl Capitol and y dI111. III -1. lu ,p I CarboP etrcet. f l 1 fl ] 1111. J:tl li kl\I C k \1 J \1 .,t Ill+ Cart all sD c.•t -1 Ik. t """'r "I" d C twa il C Y 4 1 tl d Duke 't tl f Ik i ( yttt t L Il N M k t H 11 f0 l tl I T t l Ab i tJ k e 1 J+ -w., olF t i i h, & 1 -320 C a1 k id dit, #N (11,isi on N J Plat - -- Central pobet tattoo, rt -Olt -.- _, 4t 11 . I3o, _17 l'crtificute. of indebted Pcs,. _50d, It. 97. bH, 8!1. 101 llr1. IS Il 11 J !lo. Ni Certs lieates [ 1 brei .1et or fu 1 1 ..sol it Cert, 11 nates t 11 Ctrtlllcat"ll Itllttotbe ala cxlt•tl lui 2't hoe 1, f 1 Jett d ,rdl nance umtnd LK Ut divan c1 -_ W ._ ebb C ttldt tt s rel en 1 .. 1111. ..17:t, IU:I C :Hf uta f sill k13 Corti titntr, fl le-C-ilt elle] Io 18I draw orde vl C'erti haute, of sale reotemeJ._... _. .. loll Pnot: C sl l "4 l I.l 1 st t I Chicago le 10 Chat 11 �.1.-. .. ...153 C'hn rl 1 } ;1 I79 '4 CI , Ili t t 11 1 !)i CI .o II .t Cm jolago ofKf1d .0 111 , t stdlk. Iib. 210 U n It Ir,.rtet sWc\\-arilk and cl's nl. uII t , lr line 1nf, l lewull) S5 Cl stet, u,,b s nal and Como B(", ,den,. alk 17 Ch:lts, old,t t It Ill t. C u U.4 t b.lt to til, \I llltr and Luu 1 .Ll act, •li alk. .. ... .... ... LSC C b,- ke Into Cbei asci .u. I �I J30 ..11374,.iU (I k I I r I 3:t0 CI " k 1 King 't t 17 ,d I , k -t L l llal 1)t�.nito_ CI t• t t L d S ih 84 ,,I oI, n\ao,t 11 Ik .. 3 Irl CI„rago well-, Ind Chnnnel street eutcbbas,o ........ 111.1 . ..- 10 .. 1111. _. Chicago ncenue nn,i L•'a.vnrd Am- ............ -- treet.111. .7.. IIS'_ .1 Sfe[ I By. Oghl, 01r..2+T. 307 l'h ic.eKo. D( & St I . ,t right 1 Saye t¢ street with li . 1 18 Ft aw". . CI ,, W. CaSt. 11tlP I, ria l [ ( e 1 1 t rtit rer tl3l� S, o I CI o brill G g \ J Y RY Lii 1 A I CI; y, `I l bt I RJ" [3 ut h Ig, 64 Cha -ug -M.&.". P RY It"y city 'n,t H. J. H lu,m +2 / it toO , St P \I & O Ry- drop g t ,t I:uii tract t Iii K S I M. & O. LIY Co.,occ.. .. I y Chi t 1 I 51 CIl Ii d t .e[ Chs St 1 h Citv By. Co. , 31I6 L t CI i f[ t lnntingent land to 14S ' (1 C 1 1 II telephone „ i i 171 U u 1 ill d Aorlon ave,t 1tAf C,t) l�,oml ,olio r, . rtificietts of sale rd181 deemed. a drie.�� m' Ci 268,3111, 3_9 C I.J Comptr, rller, employ cl 1 bit � Cit r Com PD ollet. open caul astute ret- 1143 orcl............ 1111.. 1111... . 11....11. lbt' con,pt roiie,', PosvLge. �ea•......... 1a U11} CnvLpt roll reVt•rt. 1.. l riot 12 1 I ...i 42 4i ++ ^_4:: I8, Cit t gl el Prins ............ Citi I IKI .r, nioneY in purcheseot ,uamtd...moe3loecireJfor Td 13 lq'l or Co to 1. .. . ... :... . C17 CItJ I, gltlecr.d J-1111. ... ..233 City Kovetnme, t n 1 I',t3 officers. print annual reports of 115 vi IN DER. Pette PACE City puck fund, invest in certificates Election booths, pay forerection of, HV, County road and Carter avenue cross - Indebtedness .. ......... 26 walk _ .. .. 75 Cra—haw, Frank... 193 CI[y Treasure is books.,- m [ atf.n of City Treltsureccontiuhuttt d,street 3Jl ... Crocus Pines lamps..... ............ 192 and seer force....... . SSSS .. ....11, �. r 150 ................ 38 Crocus Place aucatmm.. City and county hospital. estimate.... '� Crocus (west) Hill Natation. ........._. 38 Claffey, jus....... SSSS ........ ........... 328 Cullen. I(. P ...... ............. 32,+6,"_17, 3.23 l. Claims. special committee ...... V: t Cullen,. K. 11.,e al,.... ................108, 139 Chime. small, to be settled when.. Clark. Jno...... ...... ......288. 13:3 3t7 Cullen, o. O., board equalization and obit an 'at........................ 11,17 Clark, .1 no.. chief of police.... SSSS SSSS 10 Curtice and Oakdale streeGa lump...... 181 Clarkstreet. lines of, Iloyt's uddtti on sewer. .......... SSSS... .............. 9 Curtice and Rivervlewsame I lam p....184 Curtis :and Mt. Hope streets, remove ... Clerk. B. Y. \i'.. salary ................ 247. _ 8 lamp........_.......... .. .. ..........21R. 2;•! Cleveland school. clock in old city' hull Drake's rearrangement, ylc Let's res Cypress str •et.owe..................+;1. 92 moved Lu........ SSSS.. _..... nes. .. Clevelual a 1 St i a es, fire 4S D alarm bt .339 ervation, block 9, al ley casement....... 149 Drake's rearrangement. McLeams res- Dull. Edward .... .. ..... 2F12 Clinton avenue, sprinkling d cumin- Elfelt, Bernhoimer & Arnold's addi- 2S6 Dakota avenue opening, Me ......... Sia .,.,I ...._........_..... _. ... .......11tH Clock in old city hall nmved to Clcve- Drake's rearrangement. McLenn's res- i er vatioa, sidewalk assessments, or Lu le street grade ... ........ 919 Dale street sewer .......................... 'K3•! ['andscho,,l..................................... 48 Dale street sidewalk..................... 148 Cobb & Stepbens. Drs., order. treating Duke street sprinkling.. _..........__.. EGi Dale and St, Albans streets and III - Nei a. ........ ........................ 3M colo avenue crosswalks................. ... 104 Subdivision, Code munictp:lU price &'2..... _SSSS.. . 233 Daly & Berrisford's Subdivision, Ly- Culinirne and Grace streets crosswalk Colicgeucenue and St. Peter streets, Gl man Dayton's addition, block 95, ail- loy' easement ............ .. .......1"_7. 146 quit claim decd, ItA. Donohue.- 49 Daly & Berrlsford's subdivision. Ly - Col insstreet sidewalk..... . ......... Hl, Coll ias'and Union street heap........ 104 181 oral Dayton's adds tlop. block 1,al- ley grading. .......1'!9.307 Colorcvl Catholic ,-hath. use Market Daly & Berrisford's subdivision, block 11.11..... SSSS .............. ...............:IRI Colufnbian Steain Pump Cc.. levee...... 2.23 9:i, Lyman Dayton's it Mitten, alley grade ..... .. .. ................. SSSS..69, 117 Commmcial street vide walk .. -.163.240. 259 Daw'sun street lamp ....... ... .............. 279 Contentssionerof Health, uppointl.ok- Exchange street sidewalk. ... .............. Ulf D ... rn's rearrangement Lexing[on keeper and watctualle .................... 307 Park Platt to Plat...................... ... 25,1 Commisuioner of Health ussistants_._ Commissioner of Health, circulars. col- 34 Davern, Wm. A ..............................317 Dawson, Wm., and Peter Siems, awn - tion lectiopf garbage ....................... 262 fogs............. .SSSS. SSSS.............. 102 Commission or of Health. record of grade Pataddition. block 6, alley grad Day"" avenue pu' ase ........... ...'H, No garbage collections. complaints, •m. - 101 62 Dayton avenue sid.w�:dk..........11R 213, 231 Dayton avenue and Aldine street Committee in legislation. sperialJoint, 324 crosswalk.. .. .. ... . 70 Com,, .venue bridge painting.......... 1R1 Dayton avenucand Aldinestreet lamp 75 Como a venue drop gates ................ 1T. Dayton avenue and Amos street cross Como avenue lames .......................... 181 tvia k....... ........................................ 2!16 Comas livenlacsewer ..................._332,319 Co.. avenue sidew all. .. . 178, 200 Day ton and Herschelavenue Jamp.... 7F Dny ton avenue.nd Pierce .ire [ 1 8 Com) avenue sprinklt[g lh Ehrmantraut. Yeter, scales_....._...... W ll von uad Summit a and 2,14220 Como avenue, trees to b - 11 ted 28(4 Co..enue, setting back trees... law 2tr 214 '!`hard street. electric light r p i .._.. 141 D ytonand Wheeleravenuc lamp .. ;F n Como avenues street car lino extension 170 Dayton. G. W., rent store to A - loot l;onio avenue anti Front street horse grading .........................................— 1'24 .use ................. . 118 .......... cur iiue.......... SSSS. ..eet,.am p, . Como ase:rad nge streets lamp... 305 181 it...... ok 81; Daymn & IrI.1 re's addition, block Fli. lk.................a .ion SSSS... .148 I, Pomo xceiine and ["inion vtrcet lump.. vol 181 7>nytun & Irvine's addition sidewalk. Dayton Como Boulevurd:ed Cnatswurtli street lan-4,55,56,57, block H6 ................... fi0 crosswalk...__ .......................... Come Boulevard and Kilburn strcet 297 ' I ...r ......... s i Dead ftmumis... _........ 2 Dead land mals, etc., cityoler.. advertise lamp ... ................... SS SS. SSSS.. IRI for .. ............. !Il for bids..als. Como Park street line.......... ._. arkk Core. d turd Brow❑ :N1e111, 170 ote.......lecti Dead animals. etc., collection. ete.. tp- pnrvaloC oout ."sass' a1 crosswalk...........__. ..........111, rtas lk C,,ncorcl street. remove ..obstructing tb'2 andG._.. D'aHas.a street and G.Ba.....ve croas- walks..mith............. builcifng-.......'........ .......... SSSS 307 Williams,........ad-224 Deuow, Smith. Kis lac & Willintl- Conduit............. .. ..... .. . Congress sarect serer.. . _...LS. 57, IW 127 247 dition, block .,. alley ease men t...285. 314 LeBow, Smith. Rlsaque & WManms' ad- block 11 CunnW, \Vat. L...... .. _SSSS _. ..__., .. Cooper,.l. W ........... .. ...... 26 dition, u, alleys grade........... De Bow, Smith. Risque & Willlums' acl- 1........:3117 Cooper. T W.. :and .Ilia. Dillon. [e ice... ;ad, ditto.. block ...,ley gqmding......221, 283 Cooper, 1'. tV.. cel I..... SSSS...... SSSS .SSSS.. Corn Plante• Oil t'o.,1'�iypine... SSSS... 30s 24.1 Decatur street a idew.lk............... 197. 250 DeFrancly'saddition dumping ground 202 162 Coridsh & Mend rick'. dtld Ilion i lot.... Cirporutiun attorney. contlugent WS Delaware avenue Sidewalk ...........49, Delos street sewer SSSS. _._._... ... •,:� _.. .. fund ........... ... ............... 16, �-SSSS.. 231 Delos and Sbtr'sey' streets In mp 184. 2:18. 318 Cortland st rest casement SSSS.. C. rtstreet slopes. SSSS .._. 17_1 „ Delos toll Markey streets, -.eye 5° lump ...... .............. .- Cortlum] una d]xrylana streets, cross- walk ............. ....................... 77 D mocratle copgressionnl committee, use Murl:et Hull.:............. ......... ISO Council meetings, Henry Galvin to at Domd.w's addition, block 3, .]ley tend ......... ................ ................ 170 named Denslow• street. _................ .... 2fkl I:VDE%. vii P-. I Peds Denslow street, alley named,,,. ... 295 Election booths, pay forerection of, HV, Depository, city, bank Merriam Park. W 110, 130 •'71 Derby Day, half holiday.. ISO Election booths, repair etc ... ....... Die Volksze] twig ...................... 153. 1!l. Dillon Jas., and T. W. Cooper, fence... 3&S Flection fund..'SSSS. . .. .SSSS .. 321 Election Judges and clerks, number of llimmerman. Wm ............................ 18 tiny. seri•lee................. ......... SSSS. 3111 Dugs, census and capture of, police I Election, judges appointed ]May IBV'_) 57 men and men with team............ 190, 242 1 Dogs, men with teams to capture, pay, "_ i2 ol), 56. Election (Nov. 8), judges appo!nted, 27.2, Donohue. Rose A.. quit claim deed SSSS. 49 r 73, 274 Election. judges and clerks, order for Donovan, P. H ................................ Dooley avenue grudl ng, refunding lar- racy. etc .... ....................... 321 der .. . ............... 63 Ellection, Judges and clerks, pnY........ tl:i Douglas addition, etugntnt x-ut.; r...... lR2 Election, places of holding. b7. fiF. 5U, 2. 267• ^� Douglas and Sturgis si met crosswalk 69. 96 Eleetiou iMayl8U2-, table ................. 34+ Dousmun andBanlil streets cross- Electric lights in parks .................. 132 walk ...... .. .53, 96 Electric light must, Third street, lluy Dow ler, Theresta C:ithurine _ .... 278 ton ;,,ad Summit aeon nes, repair_.... 141 Drake. A. M ................. ... 21 Dnakc's rearrangement McLean•. res- Electric light cud power 27.:X 357 Electric light anti power. wiring bid - ervation. alley grade .................... +1 Ings, proposed o^d imance...... ........ ... 334 Drake's rearrangement, ylc Let's res Electric wires .. ............. .......27, -.S, 337 ervation, blocks, alley grading....... 216 Electric wires in buildings. pro Drake's relarrungmnen t. \1e Lc n', res posed ordinance ................... _......... 33+ Electric 1'!7 ervation, block 9, al ley casement....... 149 Drake's rearrangement. McLeams res- wires, unttcrground........... Eleventh street sidewalk............ M. 06 ervation, block 9, alley grading...... 133 Elfelt, Bernhoimer & Arnold's addi- 2S6 Drake's rearrangement. S1cLcan's res- ervation, sidewalk assessments..:... 248 tion. Mock 8, alley easement.......... Elfelt, Bern"alley .0 Arnold'. nddi- S6, 28S Drake's rearrangement. McLenn's res- i er vatioa, sidewalk assessments, or Etter. block H, alley grads........... lfelt. Rerel re r & Arnold's addi , '!(3 der........._ ............. _.........._ - Doris. P. ................... ................Yb. 44 Lino, black H, aIle ygramng........... _m. Elliott. Daniel E ..... .. .. iss .7 Duke and Cascade streets, crosswalk.. 53 Ellis street grading, refunding orde. r.. IM Duke street sprinkling.. _..........__.. EGi EmPloves. city.sa Laries_.............0 187 Dump, Fifth ward, mm�ure, eta., re be E. oycs. city salaries. report of t•om- 43.^-++, 245 covered................... 11511 Dump, upper levee. tial-lmac_ 907 mittA•e................. ..........242,2 Engelbrecht. Theodore ............ ....... 3:1 Dumping gran nd. Dn Fruncly's uddl- Engine House No. 6. bell, to be re- am... .,,��.... 2V Duluth avenue ad Farquler street moved to from old city lull ... I5 Frickstrom, Cathertnn..... .. SSSS. 341 lamp.................. ................... 3,8 Erie and St. Clair streets. lamp 175 Dunn, Arabella. Lucius,. ancy, Wins- Esuhbueh, Uh;w„ coil, with matched low mid Oslo Beth, order.. ...... ..... 278 it lumber .......... .... ........... ...SSSS.. t0'! Euclid 116 E street change of grade..._.... -, 374 Euclid strcet ower ............ ...... .. Eva street no levee, mmove lamp. . . . 2•,_ Eagan. M. J - R+ op Evaand Fato Streets, near, tamps ra Earl street, drop gate GI Earl st[eet and ]turns avenue crass �� .. 2rJ u . Examiner, Stat,- Public vxumhte city ET ....... .... walk....... _....._........ '2f^ treusurer's books ... ..._ ............. 331 tr Earl anti Hester streets, alley between. ' Exchange street sidewalk. ... .............. Ulf easement ............. . 149 Earl street, Subu[bau and Burns ave- I F ..... nue crosswalk, ................... .......... 175 F uirmo avmtue. sprinkling........... Ilan Earl street and Suburban avenue to Fairmouet place vucatiun................. 3S crosswalk ...................... ....252 Fairfield avenue change of grade....... 4 Eaton ave[me, opening• ctemove rep 383 Eaton aven no and lerce, removeInm252 Flat view addition. block U. alley ease - mout .. ... .. .... ...... 4. 2S3 Fatrviewaddition. blocks 6. alley 2J3 Eastville Heights. fillnnd drain, stag- nant water..... . '1':i grade Pataddition. block 6, alley grad Eastville Heights addition, nuisance. 2112 Ing ..... .................lock...183.ley 242 Eastville Boigb ts, sLflgeuntitvntwa .., 21:i Fairviewacec addition. block W. alley Edgerton :and Rove streets crusswulk... 52 ts.crosswul s casement ................. Fairview SS SS .; 313 audditiiutai,ibli>L•It EtimundandGrottostm 51,11Ki Ili,drsalau Fairview k . Edmund and Grotto strectj1 1ntn V... c 64 .. ......... g,,.n water ..... ..... .... SSSS.. 264 Edward Street ;laid Chteugo avenue Faarviotr aven tie produlyed, cusemenc crosswalks.. ........ ....... ..;4, 162 for street_............................1.•34. 915 Edward and Water streets crosswalks 74. 1616. Fairview and Arch streets crosswalk 63 Egan, M..1., night wutel man at Mar- Fairview and Selly. remove lamp........ 107 ket House...............SSSS...... 12 Ihirview end Val lel' stmets.emsswalk. 77 Ehrmantraut. Yeter, scales_....._...... W Furquler street, see Fand1uicr street. Eighth street lamp ........... .......... 42 Farrington avenue sprinkling............ 193 Eighth and W.basha staroeta lamp ..... 142 Ferri agree avenue W Gaultior street, 156 Eighth and Wabasha streets, remove 142 alley easement..... _._......... _... Farrington to Gaultier, etc., alley rump .......... ................................. Eighth s[rn*t sldewalk.........81.81. S1. O5 grading .........................................— 1'24 Election booths, erection of., . 4u, 309, 334 Farwell, F. D........ _........ ................ 42 TSD EN. YAGe Fauquier and Frank streets. IamP.-._..:3'.'F Iglehart street sidewalk ... S3. IW, IN, 250 50 Fangwer cute 1 bteJn Fa uquier'L L hulp ;I' FuugnicrsLrtt is Gut II t -NV Fifth site t - "" '276 Fi f, stmt_ .. ... _ 'd I Fifth street. stugnl[nt water.... ___. .. _I66 11 tag, Fifth (east) s"eet opening.. ........ .. 1: Fifth .street, 't thin lines uL remove In ,,r 1 1 property. 1 tcleI ental - r ..... Fifthand ¢nd S bl y .tets. clectri, I g1 t 9 orgas 33G Fifth tr t l Saint 1avenueo s P_`14 Fifth ward d I t I b J reel fel Filth R': d 1 J' r Rv Co.• railw.n- 306. .Jacks street opening, etc .... .Jackson street 'I I 1k ...811 1 k truc1,s In Neu rth and Fifth wards, 301 302 rillinc-avenue chs R f -ends 3. 4 Fire Iimitseatended .. ,h _. u Fire Piotection. hSU t board fire J¢yz dti L i lat .... .. mrm cominsucrs bill. ... Fisher. Rud 1ph . 7 :L7 Flandrau 1 HnrS t"t . catchbasin. 11` Flanaagl NI I .. .... :it_, Flail r. (:: l Florida 'tt Ise, 3, Flynn. NitbUlas. ..... .. 24 Furnos,free Land Stn th -roue , valk.. .. s4 Fo, st t t I H [ t• ,• 6 Fo t d 11 nd,ta tY�n ;,11,3.Ire- .e 1 I .alley grading twen eusmen L. .. ... e Forrc.Utl. Jas.. 149 I.KI Fountain, drinking. Merriam furl.- Fountain, tri a ki ng. St. Anthun}' :t,l '- 319 •andTernlco Park. . .... ..... ... 2(u Fourth street sidowulk ... -.-.. . 81 115 Fourth st 1st a5 . 1 4 Fourth site t p P F'ourLh ( 'tl [ t t LI.IJ, 1' .411 fourth and Cn n.J st set. trip be III at sewer li l 1 -Ykl Fell III led Sibley t t .le t light of ga .. S31r Fourth street t I h tic k alt crt c et ( u; set e'1t1street'_. 16 Fol It I, i, tt PI 1 ( I tl veli ut Sevy [I [ 1 ' 1)0 Four. t 1'," t II I 1- cultert atLI t L ,t 'x Fru •. .Irl tt eh.ingt oignide Fr -noes an,[ Mendota street land I ti, n 1Y Fran'is and Host't h ainmg d pe filling l Frank sU [ _ n "9 Frankat i k i i steel t. tonal lex Frame h I I1 1 1 pi i, deo 33 Fraser. G tl ... .. Frei. Cniolint .......... ',li .int Fruit oreet lar- ear line... ._D1.:NF Front fled Stinson streot n, ollcy euee- :N, 1 Ua Fnnt nr d SL -�C Grey grua _.. -tae, 124 fl a w am t o , hue Pellet ,ir�et and Au—,a 1 ' h mps .1 lt-sig•Pita._:...:.::�-:::195. g a . r_ 191; Fulton street g r-dinit G PAGE Gulviu, Hen rY- .....22, ti4. 148, 39:5, Wl. 3.37, Galtm Itenr3 tt d council meet. lig Ger, baggs s, eta r5 1 r1. advertise for 91 bids. Garbage etc c ll ti etc.. approval 261 ofcntract ... .. . .. Go.It,. ,, collection, distribution of ci rculurs......... 262 Garbal(e. e nor of h-1t`i...to keep record of colicetiond 1 - pI int'... ............. ... .. 81, 262 G b g rOP : i of slleciul committee 170 It tised,,oreng' rs . Garbage, . solution refusing to pay 4x Grcollettioncf .. Gai huge. resole itmi reje t g bi 1 ( l' }8 •ollection Garvin. Albert Cruet Police, tont n- 148 gentfund .......... G:u rn1. Albert, Chief of 1 ollce. tele- 171 Gasoline street Jumnlps, uityclerk aaver- itsrforbids .-.1N1 Gaultier to Fulnngtoi [ ]l `5' 134 grFldmg.. G rat'lb street 1 Sh rl I u t ie 1 rat'l 1 'I 2M. ,*13 C II ( bd i'r i. Pla ( ad Ileo **Y t .• ' s, 100 nig.. .. ..... ... 9K G j., Bunk.. .... Y c 33!1 f >, 't t. 1 �t I 95 Gibb, " bb.Ik 1 Aia,. I'll,-. ...use alk ...Is". 191 Gibbs and Langford u 11 1&", „ C.and Longford nreu ... wash - Of (;kbh,aud Yrxtt :lveu nc o Ik.... 154, Iles. 191 1 h neo GI , be di . . Oft St. Paul daily. OtLtii paper.. .. 10 Gnrhth, m 1, ...... 145 Gnn'e u tf ml DellrbUrn Strect t•i ossw ul�u k. .... 221 Goa It vcn ue lamps. t u e uerrt sulk... 1 dl street sprinkling JlseonHn ned tat C 11 a Ann street ]k .,.1 2.6 Goia mlandAS ad toss ...1145 Goo-tv man it 1 .mug ...:.. 240 G lziao. C-loltne, urea t ll 27.5t t la A., subdi, inion, block 107, L. Dalton'., uddillo., alley enscnirm . 1361 216 1;,,l , A. subdl,kionWeek 107.L5'- 1).3 loaddition.111e1'sy grade 273 G„Iz..u1 ., l h Sig, I,, J- tl li , block It. till hof .... .., 2x7 G 9 rutzi-i l r ang-chi I Sigel s addi- et 1 tion, bloclr a, sta ..let ,rater...._.... 'L*2 Grace and Culburne streets. crosswalk 54 Grand -ren •r ..... ....Mi, 315 Gloat, Patr k ..........312 ( t No rel Bails y 1. lab Great Norilcrn By. Co., find other, ,Ad -t 1 5 ... 299 G t \ tl li Il,v J C... Gr sad Bun streets bridge .... 149, 316 Great North Ity-l.0 it on avenue bridge ..... .. ...... ... ........I. 24. 4e INDEX. YA.e Greenbrier avenue and Hose street 11 crosswalk., . Grotto anti Edmund streets cre—ji 103 Grotto andEdmund streets lamp 64 (:—to a "d Lafovd str t Ino. 231 walk ... .... IOa. 129 Grotto street sewer ... 149, 310 Grove street bridge. ... Grove street sidewalk... .. .......18', .lu Griggs. G. w. and E.. contract-oxts _..:illi Griggs ¢nd Minneiiuhu streets hemp... 287 Guinn, V. A., skrttmg r-uk............... 289 Haus Bros... .. N.. 31 Hogue acenue 1too934 Haguau e venue g d n re do alk) ani 34 Hague uvenuo e - y,I 219 Hag avenue side Ik. Hogue acenue 1 Ik un 1 sw lit .5 Hogue avenue and Chatsworth street 94 lam P. Hague avenue d Mdton street lamp. W Hague uad Snelling -venues cross walks......... .. 70. 2711 Hull avenue u d G g st a is him..KI.1 Hammer, Aug stairway... 1 , Hanson, Herm ,it with tched luoub I- ui H rd t H .. .. 156 15: H to 3 11- 'ter u1 d FI olds 19c ue caabb,dris. - - Hardy, Frank £.. order. Forest t 't't 4 Hesti swalk`` .. 7s Hastings. Leuls M bay w ho1 296 liuupe re, Pett I G U D t t s 'Ltgdulenn St 1 p 1 KQ H¢Yes. Ellcv,d 49 Hazel avenue P I g, abandoned- 271i Havel avenue Ptnlvg, etc ........ ... 167 Hazel Park, divisionPlat.................. 1W H uzlcten, Kittle. order ......... ... .... 16 Health department, assistants- 34 Health department. bookkeeper and 30 watchman, .. at Ilithicr. swan and wile... 8 Herschel and Dayton a ue 10. Howl tt atepuc lumplte la {.. 20v Ilowittxvenu sdt sulk. ,0 1` 11hi—tha and TI om tree. -e Tamp - rel luul iutio❑ Hickman, A. C... - L',l ti abatement -- 2,51 Hi 1, hoot. real North— 111 1, Jus. J., (Great N ihern �ce le0ra ;uJ tloni.. Hill street, rttu i g 'all "'N' •3611 Holum, Merman tt xis, re77>air alley Hoffman avenue spri.klirig di -on - tiourd i •en- tioued ... 1,} Hotfmun —1 d It 31. '4, 1171 ti HolcAd ssvbe's llt , block .If -Ivey Holiday illul(1 [)or e In I,. y 131. 148 HollHoll�n x4 eu ueeiln�l \I,uehuLu street enleawaI k....... y .................. 72 Holton and o,r7. 51 c e p� IltmP� out v n ]� Holz',, P '1. ldd i I:it Hopp. a Frene ,tet [s. drat ping 17, u d eking grail Hopc and \larg-ret susses crosswfl31 67 PAOg Hopkins econJ sidewalk..., ew tion.,Plat_......._ 211.'1 Horn ne street_6. wnik._..............81, 42 Horn. Henry J ............................ 42 Herne C Dunz, Co.. build additional sWry 203 Hmst tc.. u.di .. t prevent I l g d g C .. '120 H ton and'M 1 Ilabastrtcts lamp'7JiT H {itul )city uad county) wood and o.G . , Hospital, Tabitba society muintain...l 2 Hwpiml Pu reuses, pm cine of D. 1{i.l Moon's Vroper37 Hospital purposes, D. It. 'Moon's prop- erty. order.. 31 Hot i runner Ito, a :;It H ted Purk. est dgas main 1 Ito rd Park. gas 'amps How: 1 ard Park Keen 4> 39 Hoyt 11 t Uf outlets, e9 Hudson d Aft -ads. . ke hills {lass tl lt... Hudson a n e uo "cit les ..... _... +] Hydrants. Hoard of water t,ummi_- st ' siouet's bill". ............ .. 4i I Ice Houses and stables, eroction of. Iglehart street sidewalk ... S3. IW, IN, 250 Illumination. stat f"193, India Mound fu ti st 1 rt ll 218 cute 1 bteJn '9 Ivspe t of b Idl K E C SL k 5 d1p ty ivsPector of bnlldlnK steeds 11:3, 117 113 Inspl star UP bulldinge, employ 'cteU reeIusp,. } t f 1 9 In ,,r 1 1 property. 1 tcleI ental - 11' nd Irvine lnrgem t. ft and I add )tion, sldewi Ik c t 310 Isabel street s,d1.1 Ik 1 i Italian society, u M k t l all 'M "N Ives, i.e. H., attorney for [.Ogley...... Il J ,Tabs g Erick ... 98 311 .Jacks street opening, etc .... .Jackson street 'I I 1k ...811 1 k T,4 Jack_ tel tunderground .. - 127, .lull. 1tw CttS'-MtSbr.ry & %V itc's vel r ..'nod A i t. t is t os—ilk.1 1 J¢yz dti L i lat .... .. slit .Jenks street sew ..... ... hal Jenks street sides !k .. w 18'2 Isi rcvscn. Adol Ph 108 jets `i tr t Brainard n i k. John,tr,,t.idwa156. 111 I John Ito M I tell g. - 12 J.1—on, W. It . Board of Eqt tllzath n and Abatelolot . Johnston's I lili0on. block 1 S[ 151 1 I .alley grading 1.t Joluretont s bdl—I.o, t.-ri . oFrnnl.hl11 k I. elle 144 Eley Jovlll v.l Aand A. I1Ugg,. frame l ildi .... 29d .loslin. Frank NJ., ond P•.d -a rd A. Boggs. contrnel. bits"....................inti urg ................. Juergeassn. Hen ry.... Burgess .Tastier dockets. F. C. Burgess............ i, ^_113. Kasmirskl,Wm.,shed- 106 Kauffman. Joe. ........ . .... 26 Kavanaugh. P T. .. .. .. IN Ketghcr. Putrlck. assigtlee .. 190 INDEX. PAI 1, I -firher, Patrick, et uIs ga,biigc...... 261 Kell. Ci anti Fred rik ....... .. 23 Renuley Thus- ..M7 Ke, ,TI suit against city �...... 333 e. os.. Ke or street C .....................................:541 Kent treat ,i walk. Mackebill & s tr a Marshall's rolenVal ........ ... 54 Kent street sewer ...-.... . 104 Kent street sewer .. IiA ICeuC. St Terrace Iteurrangement I ridnil .1. C. Stout'e addition—coudem uati.n 32 Keston and Bourne streets c all. Kilt .pro street and Como Boulevard, lel King, Mati s eU 2ai Kieosstreet rid CI k walk eau. I' King street and Cherokee cl { x.t 1 � 1a !u'2 Klto.. st t dd[tiot. u, �I lit k bstruc- 1i tions inane .... _ .. 12c Kirtson's -add-ition. block 4 alley grad- .fig rad I pg 240 Kittson,s addition, block 30. alley Pat'- 174 ing. .............. .. ... I: n,pp street. c ,,,Ik.. .. 18:3 Ii.Opp :treat ea. . ...115 Boppp street. removeJuml I Knaphoide, Irudolph 217 Kron, Joseph-.. ....1. .1. .......... 108 L Lufond street crosswalk...... .... M57 Lafond street. new street ear line......:N/l Lufond and Grotto street.-, clo a alk 160. '331 Lafayette avenue sidewalk ....... 5'!, 81, 104 Lake COnto boulevard. open. encs.. ... 194 Luke Como boulevard t II Ion street, street c pe log .. 1N1. 232 Lake Como nd Plot. l u u'cnuePen mg.. ... ........ .. 30 Lake Como Villus, tandomn lancltur street...........__...... _... ..__. _......... 107 Lamb, Geo., repair sip s ............. 284 Lungevin, Edward, administrator of d0 estate......................................... Langfordavenue easement.... ........ 195 Langford uvenue lump . .. 287, 30F Langford avenue, putt t p -ubIt '.a- o 18 dition ... Langford avenue sp i kli g- .. 192 Langford Brill Gibbs O,c... cres 1.Ik 185 Langford and Gibbs avenue l 11out.. 185 Lan ford and Raymond d u venue 's - walk... 72 Langford Park, grade d l pr -- u5 Langford Park I 1 ce t lump :IDEI Leurcl avenue lam ps _. _2R; Laurel avenue sprinkling10 193 Laurel Chatsworth and Milton strects crosswalk- Lawler, D. W.. corporation attorricy.,. 16 Lawler, D. W., corporntiun nttornny. contingent fund ...................... 233 Law:" atreet Opmntlg, ate... ... 44. 132 Lawson street sidewalk. 71. Ili, 1.;J, 1, ]fico, 147, IHI, 157, 2'.I, "l>;l Lawson and Mendota Street-, lamp ... 64 Lawton. 0. B.'s, arrungcment, I] lore I and 3, block :A, Brown C licks s addition 75 Legislation. apeclaly I t mm�tt e... 324 Lchiglt Coal anti Iron Co.. .. 232 Leslie uvenue changed to Portland evenue................................... 197 Leslie uvenueides alk........... .324, 2'S3 Leslieave.ue and Vfetm fa,treet cross walk.. 1.......1...1...1... 4'! PAeE Levee. Fourth and Fifth x wards, Fifth l'Vard Trans[er BY Cu., railway trcacks..... 300.301, 30'2 Levee, Siath wn d. retnoce lumps... `L99 Levei;. S{.vth ward. Valle alron Worker, Levec. 513th Ward, y .,7 all part of. Levee and Eaton -nu.. remove lamp 232 Levee anti Eva street, remove lamp ... 232 Levee and Sibley street., are light._..... 90 Levee anti 'treet. Sixth wurd, deed o[ Thos. B. and Louisa L. Campbell...... 141 Levee. West Si P' I 11 d fact lf- t` ut ]N L 1 1'onsa,c Pc elrunU tlfinveb alio 1 eve street IuunP -- ..... ,_, UIi Lewis Park dnvex.0 • - - ...... ^'. 134 Lc,1,, Park greill ng, m.dify contruc t... 31 Lewis' 6econd Audition 811 lots stng- u t tauter .. 323 Lewls'secnva Adaitio�i, bl k 11. stag - ,,not water... 2'5 Licenses. applicants to ale affidavit_ . 110 Licenses, C do of Police to notify per 'ons w take nut before Feb.1 ....... 29J Licenses, In Peat ... ..... Licenses, I. li f.. ...... 299 Licenses, nu ce,egnlati g Issue and fees 44 License. railroad, hotel and restaurant runners.....................................:312 License rebates, orders .................... 18 Li cep se rebates ............ ..........3, 45, 166 License. saloon—Adolph Bremers's re- vo.................................... 201 License, saloon—E.L. Murphy's re - coked.......... -... ...................... Licenses, theatres and piavhuuses...... 34 Lincoln avenue bridge... ...... Ii5 Lincoln avenue lamp-. ... .. �i8 Lincoln avenue sidewalk ..1,18,161 Lincoln uvenue. Delo street. and St. Albans street crossw,lk..............51, IW Linwood Place grade .................. 304 l,fnwo.d Place gradin6.... .. ........ . '282 Linwood Place opening. etc .................. 613 Linwood and Newport avenue cross- walk ...... ...................................138, 151 Ill ttle, C. S . ..... ..... .. ..... 29 Little, Ellen L .. ...... Livingston avenen and Winifred streetro Limp. Lunust street sidewalk.. _...fL", p; Logan. Henry F and Katie. .... Il Lombard street sewer.............. 76, 120 I:Orient and Nash street crosswalk. 77, 172 Lumber, city clerk to advertise for 4i Prop ),.I, .. .. Lumber, .John Martin Lumber U Co., contract...115 Luc.,lobn R to s_ . .. .... 13: Lyons Curt g ed 98 Lyton street nod Park uvenue lump... 257 74 Mc MCCarrick (Carrick) Mary .................. 288 McCarrick (McCormick) Mary,........... J37 McCormick [McCarrfok) D1arY �.. 337 DfcCue, Hugh._ ..................................... 89 McDonald, Daniel .. .._. 317 Mcintyrc. K. F_ .... .3u 268, 30.'3. 329 11cI,eun's ]reservation, blocks 9 and 10, alleys, grade :10 Me Le• n s eservutiun. Drake'. Bear- McLeu u'treet unt—aan 113uteee evens n cross- 41 k... 08 Mcllunemy street bridge. \Viscuusin INDEX. Pao. Central R. It. l'.o.._._ _............._. 45 Mc\fanemystrect tlagnuun...... .... _... 1;8 Me]feriemy :treat grudg _... .. 3W DlcSherrY & WUite. morder. ........ .. 15 1lacllester Park, extend gas mains.... 111 Macules[er Park gas 1:11OPe. .. .. 1'_':i Mackubin. E. M.*, addition. blue 2. 182 stagnant waner. Dluckubin trrt nnew.... �'t re ��� .NII Mne ice bin stmt sod, walk t 1 -+ Mack=,street sprinkling / Muckubin and Burgess street, 1 P- Dlackubin & Mitriihal1 s eddili.a. block '24 + ley, slop \luckuble, & M : 1 all d lit( W I 17J 24. ullev appp 1 bi I g - Muekubi.&M arsll.11.adtllt block lob alley crus 1 Ik . Muck.bin ted \lar=bull's ,Lill: n alley and K t i •et er Ik..... 4 Dlackelan and Stinlon sire 1 lama-. 1F Magnolia street• r.muvelump -- ---1' illugnolhl.tr is xer.... ...1511 2M17 Maiden Lane er ...... ... .. 1J 3F w Mannheimer, Bobt 18n D(un nitelmer, Kobt ,bay 1 1 d .... X13 Dlnn ring, Thos.. et els. gab ge s ...-.. 138 Mautbe, A., ropnir bI]ildm \Earths, A ugus0. Pitetform elevator_ Itis Manual. City G.vcrnment. publish...,.. 'jai Manuel. Mose,.............. .... crow. M rgaret and Hope streets r: 1. k 67 Maria avenue sprinkling discontinued 174 Mori, avenue street car line. repeal.(' resolution c.vtendi ng time... .. ... \Jai-ia avenue st rest L'ar line, time "'los tended.. ... ..... t Marion street .. Market Hull, nut to be te,ed fret of c I nt r ge............. ..... ........... 120 lfurkct. Ila 1. u­nl'-_137. 13h, 14'2. 14.5, 166. 181, :.12. 221E 241. 240. 294.:305, 1na. 319. 320 Market, Public. parts of Second and Market, puhird blic, Sixts. desth tet eet uud Ltusa. 11 bel street..... -1 Mitrket Hou.' [ tri ti ai •r- ials t, be pu rch.esed iSt 1 15 Mi and lllnrke1,111, p tit o is re ferred tojount committct._ ... 4 Market :et Sev .I th ai it Wal"I'a ,tre11arlt etS Thid nrdtnd discontinued I'ntuI stalls.127 license fee Market House. eng Iter apt int fire 312 Dtmrkot House g •t 1 nonue, n rged into one office. 170 Market House.atman. _. �4. 342 Market house, fireman. \Vm. ,chnnidt.. 12 Market House. G. W. Dayton. fort .tore .............. ..c 115 Market Hou ]Flit w'utcl u. M. J. 13 Egan.. 1Iarketcommit House site. auditorium, joint, committee to receive (lid. ............... 48 Market Houe site.:mAit a cor- poration attorney to push its int :1C peel Ing bun ldi t. \ arltet Hou' ht ...I. A �I Y CUureb. .scold muniupulcnurt r.oul3:GS Market House. watehntan.....__....... 84 Market master and engineer n -rged late one. omen....__........._.......170 Murk:[ m:tscer... ..... ... ....... .. "_36 PA Market premis cs and Property adjoin- ing. nlutikelt )u Inoses .... ................. 2J0 Market shed. Third street, St. Paul \Vurehau.c old El.vncur Co ....... IL, of nr+hal l aeon 231 Dl:arsb;tll u1,.uue siilewnl k.. a3. :n"2:U,� 257..MA.j263 Marshall avenue and Amos .'treat+ cru." k... .... .. ...... ..28H.':GCi Marshal l11s Addition, to AVest St. I ani, )I urslmt. ll'st actiolls Di je t,�trIt ok 6. Ames 231 U,, 1 t- I lar........... ... 121 M 'sl I I D Coll ge PI alai 11 t.... _ -. 1.S M t 11 ( l (. 11� DI rl. Il t I J i s tp I i e ne ""I i 1 .... 3n4 DLitt 1 t 1 P Martl d ; t lsi DI it d d L. tt ti t t 77 Maryland and It eel. "Iritne les DlwLnll t !arradieg 11au ec t police bead[luarters- 112 Dlattock.. Clnts.,... .. IN, 11a3'al's canting t fund ... �..47, 10.2, 1113, Lil MUJJ I and certificates of indebt- otl U I \ort uerPlHfll)celebi u 313 Me.dott Road lvt Provement flid tri vest In ccl DfifnWs indebted ess .-_ _26 Mond0tt. street, stagnant water........... 213 Jlendau and Frances street. L•tmp, Iiia, 176 Marc cnciata :tad Lawson ItI'ec Ls, (unit,.... Ifo Mhunts hotnl, I "et covering....... ':0'J D[cn'i am Park baud ................................ 43 Mg, Park. Bank of, Cit De pas- 03intry................................... ........ Merriam Park, drinking fountain..... 319 41 •r rill Purl., e tc 1 gas n i 1'L' Merrill Park Loop,. 19 11errhou Park gas 1 l .. 125 Merriam Palk, Second addition to, sidctrulk........... .............. 293 1Lnv, Sy'str In, garUnire. resulutiun re- col48 Messerli & EA,l nell sl addition. block 3. alley grading ......._................... __f Metrupnht4ut Oneru House C'o.. orcnt covering .... ........ 2U,1 Mcyel.. GI r 'I. .... .. .;17 M!- UI ti tI t I 213 Midway Electric Light, t CO... .. .. Ire 11 id 1v :ly sen er. Miller, Conrad t\ ., ctil treasurer, cam tingnnt fon oil -trtting r nk for- 1:10 \till J L kuting rink .. ii7 MI It -L t. war ............. 303 342 1NIIto .'t t sidewalk .... 1 A 191 Milt Chtext t1 and Laurel trut ts k- SN Hili t .t t I11kis avenue lamp. 94 \lilt.. trect- d Seli 3 revenue lump. 93 Minneapolis. St Paul S Sault Ste Marie By. Co„ construct railway.... 299 M lnnohaba street. new street car line.. 301 1lirnnehahnstrec•t, remove lumps....... '.YrJ Milmelnabn street sidewalk... .. .. 50, 68 M uuwltn6n ,DAjt) :i�'�eL trcet hemp_.... 11intemlha streetandHolbm avmwe i usswalk. Minnhaliastr arnd . Streets imp. Levingl..e 287 min tamp - _. .. - - . 96 11 i um•h,lm sire.[ and Syndicate uve- nue Inmp.............. .... 108 Mleeehahu street and Virginia ave 7J nuc crosswalk ............. .. .....__.... M INDEX. PAII Y. Ml a nehnbit street and V1191 It I nvrtmc I,.IP . IXl Mlnnehuha, tlh9A ,Won ut i W sley nve . MPun crossings lnnesota Clvll Hight (, mmitwe use lfA M.rkdt. hall Minpeeotu Sone Uo., remove shed......:39+ hfluesoin Sone G>., shed ................ 248 Minnesota street stidrwuy............... 11innesuta street. C., St. ., M. and O. 212 muPyy........ ......p.... ..g. Ci........... M vent, torpor topening etc., oven en t, corporation 'LWrneT's upip- m ion, tevy........... 323 MfesissipPilstreet opening. orders.... 63. 1!10, 322 ,,It tchell, Mrs. Thos ............................... li6 Moon. D. H .................................. 81. 35 37 Moore & Cn..... 2222 ... ... ......... ... 2222 .. . Moore street still Terrace Park avenue lamp. ......................................... 192'6 Morrie, CI A F.. ori .. 326 Morris, CI A F.. elected inspector IlJ of bulli Morrison C F i eh�nt,.. ... 42 Morrison street, Corn Planter Oil Co.. Jay Pipe ......................... 215 Moana street easement._ .................... 1:4') Morton street grade ............. 43 M.,.. street grading .. .. UU hft. Airy street¢ewer 69 Mt. Hope and Curtis streets. remotset- 1am P ........................................ 2m_ Mullen. Dan'1. 222_...2 _. .. ...._..279. 3:54 Mulllgun. W. G..................................:w7 Munfeipal Code. price !'1 ........................ 23 Mulelpal Court, into Prete 2 X4 14:1 Municipal Court Poli InrY 12:26 driver . Murphy, F L s Iron licenserev k •d .Xkl hturp11➢, Id Di .. .. 276 Df urPhy'• 1 H ]9 )funny & F.ya Sublivislordu11, 1'6 Merriam s otWts. alley gr . 6 Myrtle avenue slopes. N Nash and L'Orl eat streets. t•,.kk-ik 17" i - National Laundry Co., oeil w'Ith relied lumber. .. .. . His Neill street sidewalk. .. ...... F2. 95 Neis.mn, Ur. J.C.. PnrtiLlons..:......... :Cil Nelson, Ole f Nolson's dditi r. block Bey. e- ...164. 21.5 Nclsus'+ndAltlo I lurk 5_ alley grade 164 Ms.. s addlWon, block 5. alley grad- f vR 2 ..110. fix, Nenh use . C I .. 22. 3'r 94. 149 w Neportateuue crosswalk . - .118. 17>a Nowp-t-d Linwuud :n'enucs cross walk. ............ I:U, 154 Nlckl, Miehael....:........... 22 22. ..... 1S'•. 201 Ninth stroet eelver .. . ... Ninth street sidewalk................Xl. 05, 144 Nih ave nth (a't reel end Smitsale51i_ ]01 wul k. Norri+, Spp and C 1 t st is .0. 104 North street sldewxlk................81, 81, 1W Northern Paeidc Railway Cu.. niter bail f Northmern Pacific 1St. Pan l) R R. Cu. drop gates Como and Lulu Kton _ n ccnucs ............... 2222... 1„ IF oleo St. Paul &Northern Yuci He H➢ Cn.l fuel. 310 Northwestern Fuel Co., contract, PAOP. Northw¢xwrn Fuel Cu ........................ 282 Northwettern Telephone E%el tinge Go. tl "d-w-und tel rex. I Murton and Churelllll venas, cross- 1N6 Ik N Isy Br & C itler re .. 11 is sm. John. ... ... .. ,2222. 89O Oakdale sort Curtieo streets lump......... 184 Oakdale Park addition, black 2. stag- 734 ant water.... Oakville Park, block 2:1, alley and lots below grade and 1 i-alile ............... 182,Oakville Park, block 26, alley grade..... 233 Oakville Park, block 23. 811 and drain, . magna., wnrer.... .. 252 O'Connor. HenrY! .. ..................137, 210 Offal. ere.. city clerkadvertise for bids 91 Official paper, pprint proceed lugs.....153, 107 O1Helu1 Paper, St. Putil Daily Globe ... 10 Ohio street lam Ps .... . 739, 752, 318 Obio street sidewalk. ....739, 283 Ohio and Winona streets lump . M. 230. 2.52 Old City Hall, bell to be removed W Engine It use No. G... .. .. 15 OIll City Hall. click moved to Olece- Iaad selmool.........._....._............- . 48 Olive. Broadway. lith. 7th streets, alley 182 PullingOlive street crosswalk. ... .193 011ce street+idewalk..82, t5 Ol ive a nd Pl tie streets. alley ea same nt. 285 Olive and Pt Ce streets. alley' Paving -i.. 174 Olive W Pine streets. ubstructlons ht alley .......... St1e ............... t!1 126 Olrttsted street .�idewalk.............. .. 294 Om.hn street sidewalk..lot, 1:11 Oppenheim. Ansel. st,,,waY-.. 2222.248 Un.•hurd .sir wi ubstructlonx.... 81 Osage street fled Como avenue iamu 181 Osceola and An wrading.. Itle. .. f8, 282 GL61twx ud Annupolle street lamp..'. 135 Ovorbeck, Herman ... Ourtlnw of wawa damngo 2222. 21. 44 Oxvford street sidewalk .. .......50, lis P Palacestreet sewer.- ......................... 174 Palace Street and Tornow uvonue crosswalk. .tPJ, 96 Pnrk avlaire grading funding 69 nr ler.............. Wn I irk fishy') fu nd.lin st In ere rt tea+ � indeHwdnesc.li 226 Parka, electric lights- t... 13'1 Park. purchase Kase of lane from Warren and kdna L. Carpenter..........134, 196 PI�sCal .,cone sidewalk 1.124, 148. iSXi I'nsc d and Taylor avenues. 1 mP .. . 287 Patterson ,lulls......... .. 2222 .. 4:1 t uTne avenue bridge....................47. 53 PeYUC avenue Casement _.. ..227,LJ7 Pnyue avenue grade .. ................ 26 Pa}'nc avenue grading............ ":p) Pa, tie ascus. lamps emoved ......... 64 Private avenue, stagnapt water........ 155 Pap 7, S. 1& 111, 20, 21. 39, .30. 90, 84. Is. eh. H,, 98, ]t'U. Ila, sill. 112. 116. 1.17, 139. 140. 1„ 1. 143, 167, 169, 160. 1711, 1118, 207,:%X(. 219. _A. 2:A. MLS, 236,'_117.247,268. .U9, .,0, 2.1, 2^,4.:30.9. 309, :510. 315, .116, i'39, 3:30. MI. 335 PeabudJ. A. M :2. 18 pension. 07. . .._ .:u7, 3:n Pension.�pol t ) f be to- est,edincer[inca- tit indebtedness 23 f.", i s Church,use Market Imll. .... 319 People's Party, use 111 arket 11.11............ 14.5 Pest (louse, money for fuel ................... 36 iNDrx. PAur. Peters. 11..1 .. 2222 ... ........... _2222.. 62 Peters, henry.I., shed. �.......... _.......12 IS Peterson, Mnrht C........ ... 2222... _. Is Petcrsen. Thos t Plath-n Crock C,street. Park 2222. fruit, F ulrih etreCt, sewer 2 W easement..... .. ............ Phalen Creek culvert at Seventh Trvlwbrld a+AUAitlon... .. 2222 treat from Fourth street sewer........ 28s Phalen Creek culvert at Seventh ]6 Fourth street to, sewer....... PPllittle , _... ....2.2 pstree!. 'len Creek sewer fund................li!1 Phalen Creek sewer fund, ttivestfn cel, 26� tifeates indebtedness.__ ............. Phalea street side track, C., St. P.. yl. Pioasupt uvouuu Uridgc t 1 2222. Pleusxnl 'venue bridgo fond, Invest & O. Ry .......... . 2222 .................. Pierce street and Daytonacenuu InmP 130 4_ Pinse street sewer. . 05 Pine street sidewalk.... ..............6'1, Pine street sprinkli ng diseontinun .... lir +obstrll 114 tions•• pine to Oliivee street, Ill 26 611cy : -'_ . ' Pioneer F'uul L .. ........ 2S'1• PLATS. Central Parkadditnan, uditur ssUb �8 division No. 3.. .. .qb Cornish & (len rieks ndditton.......:]UB Davern's rearrangement LC.vtngttum Pork plat to., .. = Geneva subdivl ....W, 164 Harei Pnrk, d( ton ,.. ' - ltlon.. 1!X1 Holr. P. M.all( 222 2 ... „ _. . Hopkin', Seconion.d addition..............ii .261 Janren's addit.._....._............ lots auvltlon Dlnrsllxll's 11vision, block e A Cs. 311 t 121 M.utl M .'1 II s df vixlon of C leg place ....5, 95 UIck tis Udi vl'lul tf lot Lla.k IiCsednlo 1X8 Park 2222. lift Sumnl lL Vlllt "' a3 Trvlwbrld a+AUAitlon... .. 2222 5y)p N'1 It.el &[Suitt U's addltiun. lot 7, s, It.ymoml avenue opening..... 9. Uluek r.......................................!KJ 6 PPllittle , _... ....2.2 J'. 4 Ietol ws...._ 22. . Pleti-at uvonue Uridgc. ......... 1 69 Pioasupt uvouuu Uridgc t 1 2222. Pleusxnl 'venue bridgo fond, Invest 2w In certl0atwv of lndcbt I Pulicu. ten trnl station, 'Cut I3U, las, ReulneY street bridge ................... Police be.dyuurwrs. mat 112 Police Iwnslou. orders... 2222.. 28X �^ Police,nn, enmry of eri5 c' ifiil. Rechtenbrich, Albert Policemen, dog Cousus... ..__. 45 Polling booths lobe erected A.,. �8 Punthun, Swan Ponth.a, S A., city eumptruiler, nost� 22,22,, age. etc 9:1 Pu thtnd .cense sewer 'ui140, uv onll.l. ue sldemr LLl k.14!i. 1141 Portland 16'3. 219 Portland avenue, formerly Leslie nve 197 Postel.. W., and I H Bial,kole, 1'a l'.4• tL IUl Pratt avenue crosswalk, Pru tt ane Gibbs avenue t,ross,v.Ali, IS5. 191 Prescut t. N. W.. mace building......... 27U tll Pressen, Wm J. et uI.R b ir, 2222..- Printing. cltY Jan, o nl g 1 printing, pruceedings�In tH I 1 Ve Pe 1>r P ri nt in K Proecedings, only 1n ofHciul 15:7 paper 2222.. 2222.. S..........rman PrmtlnK- expertF C. S. Scllurmun. order.,., ....................................... 247 PAI119 f'rinti,.g, tit, Paul Dully Glolw....., 2222 IU Prh•Ileves, speelul .............................. .13 Pr,ceedlogs,print.ingunly In Official 1.',a piper .......... ... .... Prucec lit gs• to.be printed In C111oi.1 iffi paper...... .............. Hall -ad runner, license .................. 311 Ramsey, Alex ........ ................... 42 Ramsey street sidewalk .............. ....5, 95 Randolph street grading, refunding order..... Randolph street sidewalk............ . g'i t01, 131 Havtwa street..1bAruetiops................. 31) HaYmond avenue boulevard, out grass 185 Raymond .venue crosswalk... 185 It.ymoml avenue opening..... j. - 17 Raymund avenue, out In passable con - did .... . 1&5 ........�.. RaY ondu�-enuesprinkling..... 20D Raymund and Carter avenues, remove lump . 308 Ruyn o 1 d Langford avenues dross- walk - ... Real estate. list of to he trausmltted W city comptroller. _2222. 16J ReulneY street bridge ................... 5 Ramsey street sewer.. _ ....................43, 93 Rebates, licenses .. Rebates. licensee d r 2 222 34, 45 18 Rechtenbrich, Albert Y..d.. ,6C5 ..... nChas... . . . ..... R,4oidson. .Ref11yT _. ....,36. 91 annual, city olHcers, to be gid............. 2222... .. ......... 115 lions. supplies may bepur- Iwithout, ah.... .. . street, remove lump.......... . . .alo 328 .ad 7'I m streetremove ........328 ant runllse..., I ,irl.no. r I _. ........ Chas .ill d6. 111 Itice, EU mund's Furst uUdition. lot 16, block 8. drain cud1111. stagnant water 314 Itac's 1st ndditluv, stagnant water....:NU Rtes, Ed.'. second udditlon, Ulock il. [Iles• onsenlcnt. d . uddltblock n. 1:1. 15U Rhee. Ed.'s eecouluti, Uloc (ley' grading 76, 130 HICe. E'.'x .d addition, block 6. n11,Y °al "%ul. t U I�IRe 231 Iticc +tree[ brleKo uPProuche LIU 30S Hlce street ]tire street Inuips... ... 2222 5l Ill- street, new street Cur lin .......... :f01 Bice street Paling..... ....� - 241 Rice and Charles street crosswalks 2222 2_11, 297 Rice & Irvine's addition, wooden awn- " IDK 2222. .. 2 .. IU Riff and hLu•yhtnd .streets, surface tearer ...................................... .. 188 Mice and Tenth street sewers. emumec- tihmon.....reet .... .sing . .............A4. 14: Richmond street grad....,..fu ndivg order. 33 Richnwvd street slUewulk.... ... 94, 131 Iileh to r, Fred ..,. p 114 Rtrn 11 t fled Cnge o straits lamp..... 134 12f .roll street change u[ grudn.. 241 it" vtt set Sewer... .. .. 266' Hobert street s w r, iowwtind rebulht 17 Robert (sou Gl)e tree[, navloK .. .. 185 RobertRobertsuu�s liiddition to West St. Puul..Mi4 W. W. Billson, deal..... 150 xiv IN DES. P -G, PAGE Roberton street and levee, nmuve Seventh. Sixth.Olite. Bro: 1 y Iley St. Paal S D lush H. H. a Ity street lamp _. Robtc st t change f g nb-, 71. 162 IG lot -.5 Y I N 1 l fi ItH Cu. 241 Roble street grade 53 c 1 I drop go to.' - - - Koble (fest) and Stall, streets 13 S[ I ! S \ tl Y fi R It C'u. walk. .. Rubie and Andrew stmels lamp........i3!1 -S8 d othe•i on struet rudwuY .. 299 St. Poul fi ]suer fie It K. lo., Grove and RobinsonSC y Co.. contract, scbou;Burr 15_ street bridges. .. .. .. 149 i �I budding ='�. .C':, •.sJ St. Pact S Norlhcra Ptiitl R. It. e Grove and Burr It rest t dye... ....x;116 Hob�neo SE pair Hubfnsun street s+dtw:dk 1 4 Sc foul S Northern Pu itl H. It., Hice rr` ear age t MeL 'iS .'t bridge .. .... 331 or-c-fltion, blank 11 Y grading. ^sc119 Rondo street-etel.. .. - 2>f S[ Y 1 S Nurtberu Pacific K It Cu.. Hi .street bridge a ro tcl .. 279 PI Ro L. F. N .. '8 St pilot Cit By Co. h Id horse car Ro-�abel W Wactoutit Itrects, UlleY upeofoR -til Ruse nett F 1 to t,c,,s crosswalk.. fire b.•gl i g at Co o avenueand F it .-cr t .. M5 S[ Paul City Hy. Co.. -tend Limo ROTC "met d G b i u ^-1.5 avenue 1- 1t0 St. Azul City 1L Co..bf I nod k dol } k- b 1 l !, block 241; y stet kat u l .' I 1 f so- R .' psal. .... .... d I ' . 7 g ( c ..... I.i? It 6. Ll t .. 'smn Jt B grad] Wesley aC R."'. .i 1 St Y ICiL3 RyC \I[ dSt rYknr av­ Got i I I es,.. .- ...... ... AS 1[ tert, Will .. .__ .321 St Ysul City H3 Co operate new ltudcman A. A ... ]0!9 line' 0l trle-end K.ice and Arundel Ryan. Al�oib, \I �. { stoefts, ote 301 'T" _ I ILYdeSLnuutettis mP Isl etn.PlAul Cit e ul f 34J S rdin ... . S[. Pall t,I Ry.Co.. sand...._ t racks St. Ame A adet S [ Music, erect 185 if on held ...... 312 SL. Paul D Globe, 'I'd medd [ ... I( St. :\Ibu -t L1... p ... JI 111i J2i lee St Puul Electric Mfg U C 'ter r two .;u. ... .. _,, 28 SL. Alban t •et sari kll g.... lsl. Uhl _-.1 St. ]sunt L el culcongregation, use \lark t Hull ^-12 St. Albans and Dale streets told coin avenue nrosst3alk .. 54 . ..... St. Pa bi,, s Light t C older form Jt. Albans street.Lincoln i �trect. ps S -Lh attest stairii 3 {q D:tlt Street Ik St. Albans street a¢ 1 Sh b 104 S[ Paul Ka d C S[. Paul H, Mf Cu, letce. 10.5 P 5tuguaut ate. 'lA et. Paul. Al. SbI Iiy. Cu. Como ut coon St. Alba street ssold SI U e e- 304 bridge, i ting.. .... 181 St. Paul, 31. S lot. ity. L G 'e and anehole, stagnaoL ter.. .. ... 3t. Albans street and Umyersi[y e- nr I Ilan streets bridge _.. 149. 310 St Ycrmanent Loau Co IS nue, box runway ...............__.... .... 3bt Yuul ........ St Paul Proper, block },land con- n 8t Alba - and Van B streets homp. d deemed for alley ... - ......116,171 St. Anthony .[venue R de -- ll St. Paul Pruper. Uluck { alley Krude 2G 6[. An avenue lamp.. ... 0;1 Jt Pt p block 2S alley 11en- S3P St. Antlmny avers un. t cc hoop .. Tutruc Park, k, Ss mg. _._ ... ... 178, g. Si.Puul R1 bb C ... 2e2 St Anthony avec ie nod drinking fuunmin Perk. ka ci 'fN St. Y:tul S:ttuMun Co. order..... 4 St 1'xul vhoavwtee \Ifs. Co., levee 114 St. Anthony sidew,d ,Its, .. 316 St. 1'md Title lnscru ace S Trust Co.. met .. - ¢n(. St. Anthony Park addition. stag order. .... ... 13 w ter. .... ItLl St. Pau 1'1't tlo Insurance & Trust Co.. M St. Anti y Park (north), bl I .Ix, c •a [ - 111 St Pu1il Title .Artrnc"S Trust Co.. tius4•e Geu. W.Armsty aria 11P t. Anth y I k 1 LI f II nR nd �dnti Job it Sl, Paul T11ur [a•. city tub Printing 152 nt n,,. 't Rnn t aur SL. An tl y P k( north) odd t 'Ut t Paul w8rohuuse SEI utor Co.. M k t shed 124 stage9 t let. . ... 115 S[ P tc street, arcus. ...1Ix, 119 St.ClaIv tr 'tgraodil g .. 131 SV Pete stlect crosswalk. . 138 St. Clair street sewer ir2 St Petei street. market purposes.......230 44. 1143. 15'_',:4)0. St. Cl:dr street sp,inklmgi__ ... St. Clairstreet sprinkling[I c tl t- 1.73 SL Peter street sewer. 268, 270, _e0,:'Bl. 315 ted - 1Mf SL Peter street and College a enue. St. Clair d E t t' 1 ip .. Sl. Jam A M h 1 use DI k •t 1.:, noir claim deed. Ruse A. Donoliuu . 49 Salaries, city employes ... ... 1871 hall.. ..... . .., ... .. . 13S Sslnrics, city employ's, reP t f om St. James A. Ill, I . cbnreL, use old M r- nuttee.. .. 4 43 244, 245 nieipnl Court Room In Market House Sat Salaries, clerk R. P. W. __. .247, 298 St. Johns Gernt. Evangelic¢) Lutheran Salaries, school teachers and em- '--IB ehurtle.................. .... .............. .. St. Lawrence etro"t pl in pit able I. PWyes............. ................ 1!Y, Sand. I.run t ks St. Paul 1 City Ry. conell[ St Paul 1Duluth H3 drop gut _ t 01 Cu., uc br 1R - .. ........ 312 Sc;des, Com a ... ... 13.2 Earl street ..... ""3 Sri, s. ou),c froon Hud ¢ enue to I. Paul & Duluth By., F auiiuier street Bates avenue. ... .. ..... .... 40 bridge............................................230 Scales, Neil street.... .... ......... ........ 19. INDEX. At PAGE I P,tr,E Scales. Peter ntrubt, H.tstin_g.s. Seventh. Sixth.Olite. Bro: 1 y Iley and Smit I1 avenue Sherman avenue uIS{ ktre.et os. .. ...... 2M d 'Ehrmda Sen 7 \ ik I i [ B , TI t ' Sch ff co,000.o 13 I School Inspect t g. t f I.. 13 Slumgl 3 ....... S Ice t t id tt 11, 1 l a - Sehe•ifer. Albt t I 1 nt lioaid at. front Fuurtb lice[.e S 11 •Y• \l ucoutt, bi -tl I S nth - Sellout Inspect f 6 t Illad.. 15_ t t•t•i e, nlleypat R ....-...... lb_ Fifth street, electric light St•liicklcr, bnicomc.,,. SchiRerm:ttis snhdivisioc. LJ"niuu ler.. _R..1 Sibley nod nr ens ........ .................................... �thley d F th etreeta. electric D8J Wti s add tl .:1 R nt tr a Schilke. Hermu , d.. rt l air a11eJ- 211 Iigbt e - 3'ty' Scllmuus. Henry .-. 'iS S1h1"a d 1 li 1 J to 1 [ 1 Schmuttss Hen Y t y . iud Sel i t Win.. f t x1 k t 161i Sehh, 1 Thi .t gh a gas1 1 - --- -- --.- of House 12 Sldex ilk s t d. J.i Scl 1 PI sol t [ 1 Sidew II (wooden t d 4' 11 F Seh of buildings, iI - 1 t I. ^-1.5 Jidctt Ik d t e[r IB w .,R Sidety I1 d feet p If [ 1,t .f'to 241; torney to tarnish statement. t 1 Scl I busedd tin d : gas c•Imseel by... 3L. Sid" '81ks. tchtcl f ulnott ec tiff t +1 It 1 [ 2H r it ri,•a ln. 1 ' Scl 1 PPI + Jct d /1 al..r '. Peter, and \{ D s Soh ❑ t i R 1 .. 4) g ....... 0' S o 't t o xn ..... N Soolir H , C. ... { S npso 11nue and Blair street 1 rip 10, Scott tl as. IT. ore .. ... 11' Sims streets admg. ................ 154 'a' Scudder and Gordon uvea lc, mos, Sine, :ti ett ewer. .. ... 3Ih Seulc r, x' ^h is d..__.. 185 if Sinurn s sit Udivision. block 22. Lcmnn Dayton's add ft,ou, alley vacation. !MI, ,1!1 Second addition to Mer im Poll k side c . th street urenv ..... ........ 119 x-tllk.. .- ....... see ut i it street.I t I lit ... _Js It Si.th street bridge superstruct to - fundi¢g order .. al kt R. Second sl. recta p .... Si xib atruet gridin [.......... -th In m ed. I'I Selby avenue 1 g is Ik Selby tot enue 1 I i �trect. ps S -Lh attest stairii 3 {q Selby xvonue std ilk- tiq Sixth street steam p p s .. . 2C.' Broad Selby avenuesidewalk d s 11. I .11 Seventh. Olive, at alley Selby avenue and Aldine treet crols Pov g 1 Si th. SC th Sibley d R t t 1 walk. Selby nvenueu ] \I1 t I - nr I 1.J•P f b - - IF cBlbY and Fulr I I 1 ]O' S xtlt ( t) t 11 :. l 11., 1., lbY i en e 1 yf Iluc st t l 1 Se.... I 3's S!.,p--. xtli t) street Sixt❑ ( stn street Metrop�lohn a Opera Sepp..Ino. - .. Sergeant etc -arm:. _.N tit if f,, it house Cn.. rest e'ovedng cY10 ISec also He r} Gnh in,) `;nth (east) street, remove lamps..176. M; Seventh street sidewalk..... _. 5. 0--o-.B0 Sct forth .tree[. under;_:rout I i ...127 ISO Seventh. Sixth.Olite. Bro: 1 y Iley pacing Se -cloth. Si.,,h. Sibley. ll uut.l. ulhY ]S_ -..... ls_ IIS I (t)street ou 5<P tIg Se tl street. Phalen c• it 1 _ +L F tl -t tt. _ St•t, nob str.eet PI 1 k 1 cit 11 nt, aim r-onrth tleec.=ettei - Seventh street. Yhu len c• k•rt r a s at. front Fuurtb lice[.e '1Mi Setcnth(cost giwltow ^til Seventh (east) t -I 1 R -' '2m Set cath (east) 't ..I P g Seventh (ensu t t.ide,alk 339 Seventh (w,,at st t .ex r - Seventh and Wabusha . tree[ market 74 .aJ c,nlnd.. prposes, di uu" ., Sheluduu. Wesley I \I n Ill —.m-1 e19 S7 Id n I W I Y .'tri ,IOfi mP o Sherb tree even le u d C r It c .treet etc) basin...... 2,1 Sherburn' avenue and St. Alluuis street. stagnant water.. -St.,.. . .. .. 214 Serbuvne :n en ue, :old s beet, hole, 1,g t. tet .... Nu Sherburne Killstell, Sherman street mote larup .. L'0 Sherman street sidewalk.. .... 2L6, 259 Sixth (clot) street sidewalk. lm, 199.240, 207 Sixth( t.treetsprinkling.. ,. 14S Sixth cast) street stairway ........ Sitthst) street and Holtman ave- ISO fI: till,ossIk JI -4.7 e t t-. grade ...... S[b (west, 1'1 Sixlltanod eh"oee p I g ,.N J 1W la relvvs 114Six11wa SItth ta d I. ,rticatc. itsbtenoe+s U Invest _ ward levee, remove ].air.3!) Sivth ixth rd leve" .,III creel, deed n[ Trios B tnd Lonisa L.Carnpbe ll.. Sixth wardl Valley lron W k- 141 nuP c f - -'kithg I J s L \1111 1 317 IS kat, F i itV. A. G - Stmdl S 1 M. It B g s .s[ p pe Smolt pox huspdal S. Ult... ... .F9 2t4. 91 Smith uvenuc sap. ... t39 Smit li avenue brie ge stulrwny.. ..... 339 Smith it-gic bridge. stairway frout Mutt to CIcrolic ll .. . m tl sid Ik . ,- 95. 226, 74 .aJ Sauth avenue d Chestnut tee,t 1 ro alk .. 284 Smith a eJ rerd a Fifth stre t eros' -SJ Smit), avenue and Forbes street cross- Smitlk to,cou, and 1 N' th street cross ., .. t r,tlk ... .. 2&t i Sero! l ted Sherman street fru ..walk .. .......... .... .....:.'a4 xvi INDEX. PAG.. Smith avenue and Third Leet ts' 2al walk. -' . lJ Smith, it qsl d.. Smith. Hobt. A.. m f etti KIe2. 116 food . RI Smith,6m h - - Soclling a la m I i -No 220 Snelling averlue sP i kll s .... Snelling 1 Ashl i lln sa 0 it walk Snelling u 1 Hugu a ues c 'o, .J ss- walk- i"7 SPrinkli " 08. W. 100 lig 7021 1(h, 12(. ]h,, 1St, 1:11. 118 1 151, 1'1. 1FII, I1 191, M2. -'II. T23, '234 6Prin Kling Dl st.rlt[ Ivo. _...,R. .9. W. 81. 107 SPrinkli Ig DtsLriet Nu.:f................ ns. R4 Sprinkling Dlstrlet,:+nod 4............7!I. Sprinkliug District 4 Sprinkling District I Sprinkling District Nu a .82. hl. 101 198 Sprinkling District Nu. 9. _. .... p0 Spruce street InmP.. .................Ila. 17, Spruce street sidewalk....... ..........XB, !M Spruce, Canuda and Norris streets cross Ik..0 103 Stables di 1 t C_ Stegne t at , 1•- It�l IX 11,, 14 Il 4 221,222--tl, 241, it 1 4 ' 3 b3 361. X4. 1X.. 32 , f14. 611, 125 Stagnant oyster. abate us rnpioly its poss-1ible...... .......... .................... 2 Stairs, east Fourth treet. - tell hasm. 841 Stairway, fast Feurth strect............:.it Stairw•ny, East Sist I street........ ....6 Sulirw'xy, Erik S..I at e F ...... !IS Stairway, Fourth '[ e L -- 1'4 Stairway from bl-if -11 s.uth side Smith avenue bridso it, CI t o ; uveuue ... Stairway, Smit It me b le I•iv Stairway. w 'st Th d L et. .. rp7 Starkey. E. C., mde .. - 1,30 Starkey street side. Iks. -... Stark ynanid Deles1L streets, 41L3X 31R Inml - 232 water ...... .. Starkey and watu sal aete IumP ...4:1. Ifil State fnlr illumination .......... .... 193. 218 State Fair week, illumination amt music ......... .. . _..._ _......... ..... 116 State Public Examiner, examine city vte strer'ehunk.' - - --331 Ftxte street 'hit g1,. of lit sue.. 3 State street, remove Ir g'a ......-... ilii State street opening, ere., money ' r_ 1X9 dens............ .r0ci....g older f �. State street opens R r I 1 III" ° de 316 Scute street sidewalk . Sl rte and East Rob!v streets a Las walk -- 's Steps. Sherburne 126 Steps, 8 ithe'en l Ilse 339 SteWe C. Cobb. D order, treat i g N.... _.. Steward. A. P., s :ales..... . . M Stinson', subdivision. bbuk 108. L. Dayton's addit tea, sill`}• eas loalt.... 149, 171, Stinson subdivision. block 103• Lyman =1', addition, ul IcY grade........ SR sbdivial o m Mock tai, Lyman Da I on'sadd r tlo n. ullcY grading 124, li4 Stinson', su Udi vision, black grafting man Dayton's addition, HIl marsh to abate - 3 nuis:meo ....... .. ........... Stinson and Frent streets, alley grad- 1-4 Sttmon and M acla:bm s1, reels Iall,..-.. 187 SL `k Exchange Hotel lamp..^ - c S.., mi ohilenu, potob........ ..... l.tt PAae Stout. J. C. addition ard angc clit, Kenwood Terruce condernna- ,t `;ttiund toldit'ion No. deal. tett et. 107 S[ran.. Jc 7 H M t p i t le 31N hutldho ........ 17 Street. rep expenses St rect and se, orf lrLul Ll K In 1. k .274 Street and sewer fore-, pay of dis _'1S charged I t IX Strcichenb g t � - .. �. 224 Stryker uvenut sewer Storyker a ren tic street u It lepeul -y resolution al—na sued ng time-... u 1 2 S ext, r Ween ue street cur line. Llmc extended ..will sus St ker ' e will George atrent 1 "walk ............ t .. -11,15 S[ y u 1 \\ l W 11if reel street crosswalk ............. ... 1611,, 191 Starlit, and Doughu ., LrccW' ero,awalk �V Snbtlivision of lot 2, block 7, Rosedale - Park, plat Srhu r ban Bit. u ue Id...L . l l;: street crosswalk ... Suburban --ace and Larl street crosswalk Sunt atu!,,r extend Rus mat n �..... 12Y Sumrnit nvenuc as lnmps....1^' Summit avenue sidewalk, pi. 93, 14. 124. 129, 137. ]l1, 192, 251 Summit Sulamit avenue sweeping. Summitad Clovt i xelae file 339 u alarm box... Summit, Dxytorl ve e and 11 rd Hl ,,vett' light Summit avenue and Third d t -t elce 1JX tr{c light pule Summit Park addition, alley grad ter. M Summit Park additto: , block 3. alley casement... ....... Summit Park addition. block 14, alley its grade........ Summit Park addition, block 2X, n11eY grade............... _....... _........ _ ...... 88 Summit Yurk, sido,wi assessment.... 316 Summit Pluto sprinkling ......... ...... 1111 Summit Villa Vlat...... . .. 161 SuPPlits. ed Witt ,Dei ¢r[u i'Llon. coo: 2pr pure lots Sylviiu street aidewalk.Icau.......uop.. 1:11 Syudmute and CiaPitgl avcuues, Ium P.. 1^_n Syndicate uvenul and Mulac alit 10X street lump. ..... ...... T T" rail ordinance -epenled 346 Tubitha society, maintain husplt al .. Tatum avenue sidewalk. .. 72, 7'. 1!ki Tax levy, amending resolution -. .-. e_NI Tux levy, include 13.000 fur both houses 277 1'u.v levy, h16s7 APP, street nuu, Knlents.......,... . 3ZI 71ix levy resulutlon....... aLipg 211,!1 Tax levy, reso altion nt.................................. 1 Taylor avenue lump ....... .. ......... ... _.. 2011 Taylor un 1 Ylfacal sett em Isnrpvt Ixnty 3X7 :iy.or ue •7 and ud liohoo avenue, renrove 100 lamp... Telephone Co. tunnel. atuuey receivd for, to 1 1 d, f e 1, g trun' i t .. I6 f t t t all ..RI Ten nessee street. stilowalk 45, 9. INDFX. PAGE: Tenth street Initial, Tenth street + v er k. ,,- Tenth street sid full....... SI -R5, 2 1 Tenth (east) street himp. 11 1S8 'L'eneh (east) street sidewalk 91 Tenth and Rice streets s v r mm t 1 42 1 tion t .. .. 1 .1 Te ale Purk uveuue lam" Tlumc" Park avenue and M o t eat )� Terrace Park d 8t Act bl y I, "_M trinkr nq tut Terrace Parke Id Wlld r, t ale.' I.a r V 2K, i rurr ThIli tre 111 Road grade. 2h5 Theatre licenses. .. 1 4 Third •;tract. rt nC, murk t ... .. it Thir streets. Dayton all Summit eve 251 acs, ra a'r electric 11 111. .... 111 Tl ir A,eat mur sited St. Paul 12- le—T Vrd�(o ice)sttree Slum Por Co.. I1 17fi. 17S Third (e:tIt, acreettua, "idgi•'tnetet IS I unds Crum uppI Third and 91UIcy streets. electric light :LIO r Rns... . Third streetaild S ILh a "ss - walk.. 108 Third d Summit 6 avenue I t le 198 light pole. Third and Wacoutu streets electric 111,6 li"tte"r gee......... .......... 2R4 Thirteenth street sldeavulk .. Thom uad Hiawatha streets, remove lain U....... ..............ov .. ............. Thom mru Reserve st feet,. remove IumP ........ .... .......... 023 Thomas street scIv St3 Thompson avenue sidewalk - . . 311 2,12 Thornton. Patrick R. P H., erect board ienee. 391; Thurstuo. C. B. S. Sen Toronto m•enue and Pa I -t rtet crosswalk "f!1• Trowbrilly's additiap pl L Mi 'Cnideuu, B ........ _. .... 112 Tscbida, Rxthrenu........ _.............. X11 Tucker. Nora .. ..i T enact. Teleplro ne Cu.. Eos 'sur to expend honey reeeivcd fur, I11 sure}}sing instruments .................... 13 'ywelftb street sidewalk ...... .......Is !IU Tyler street and Ninaluw avenue Is Ty .. . .. IM TSpothet:e, cit)' Job Prm ting ...... U Union Iron Works .. -'ss Union Park extend gas Ill. I.I U mop Park gni lamps 1 Unlun lark lumps. .... ... .. ..1,.l Union street eaasemant . IM, Irs 54 Unieo on . f et s d s ld e 1 cinp.. IXI Laron tre.tl p- --"" 1 Union streetsidewalk.. ... .... 1-1 Union and Cullers street hump,. .... Int Union street and Comonvenue lJoionstreet and Luke Como Boule- vard, open street between .............. 2;13 1. street L- nionstrectte Comui ,de, "15 red IIolmun uvenut... Wan lJ nim( street to Lako Como Roulerard. 1�6 effect opening.. '- "' 1Xl Union and I2Yde +Erects 1 I 7, nion and VioWria streets lame. Uulted States, repair headquit, Its .0 building ........... L-niversicy avenue cetehb i Irl Un1'11iversity uveuue lu nip , . 22, , tf9 xvii Year: Ullirer'aity avenue. a petit lig, et C....'-'Ni.:BX Untt•arsity avenue •cr lli,. iib, 201. �`s_"_e'9. 2:15, 21,7 ?flfi..30•G T2.5 I•ntversi[y ucenuc sidewalk 83 IM ['niacrsl L)even u1,, ~Jori kit Jos 1!1'3 Uni—toity eve a and St Allain, street, box runway.. .. -... 301 V"c—lox. .•1•oclts I'L•Ire '38 Croce, (weeq H 11 Fairmount isle,, . - - Sinnen'vsubdia too bl k:� Lyman. Duytun•s addition, alley . .... eJ, 99 We+c Croon, hill -. - 38 {Vest Side L:arld slid CatLxge Co. s Illbdivieion to Brown S Jackson', add i r ion to West St. Paul, al ley.289. 290 West St. Paul Rel Estate• nd Irn- PrON-callientSyndicate addition No. 1 11 ) . K7, 87 \'ulley Iron Works, till purt of Iccce. '2,9 \"alley Iran Works, frame addition... ;p5 Vuiley rand Fal n•Iew streets crosswalk T. all (police) salary of driver ......... 210 Vun Buren street grade ...... 116 Van Buren street ' `wer ... .. SKf Van Breen and MinnshuhI st a to ullcv Brading... ..... 124 Villi (4urenAlbans streets lamp. 9! Vim Slyke, W. A.. Board of Equd ilm tion mid Abatement ..................... 151 Van Slyke Court .................................. 91, Van Slyke Court, sidewalk. R'2 Vehicles or uplands, act to drive on sidewalks ..................................... 17X x1let., la street sewer. ... 50 51, f13 Victoria Terrace plat..... ^6u Victoria and ,Tames streets crosswalk 17 {-ictcrr.a street a 1111 Leslie at en de cross- nik 42 Victoria and Union street lamp .. 181 J Vunvenno and aha street nmp. ... . - - 181 \'ir�ipin avenue ¢nd Minnehaha street crosswalk . .. .. .... Von Arnold, C..7., buil.. ... .... 33 3 5 Von Arnold. Emma ..... .. ....... 335 W Wilbasha street. underground wires... Pl, Wabnshir (sou ch) street Ina p...... .... . t.;6 W:abxsha (south) street sidewalk......... 8, Wnt u 1 a and Eighth streets. remove. Ium Fl.. 142 V1•abasha and Etghtll streets lump...... 122 Wa i aha and Seva,th streets, market pal poses discontinued - .. "t0 W ucouta streets idewalk.. 81, 81, el, 95 Wecouta co ltosobel st reefs, alley open- 136 ng. W:trutu. Sl ble`. Siath. Seventh 13 '`I'ceta. 811',v pp g ... W e t d TII d street electric ,3Jf l,l light ras.. Wagner,Tnhu, estate of, frame build- 234Ing......... Wegener. Jno.. estate of,......... . 2Xg Wakefield to—nue, fu ruierly Birch 32J street... Wallace. Mrs. \ ary, repair frame burn 2pfi • Walnut s'reet's5iduw ilnp.l I �6-ls. we6r 274 {Varner, . 254 onncetvon. Wltrncr..'e, addition. IOL 19, stag - "art watat .. Wiemer. .T. \t.. second addition, fill I[I- lcys and Iola. and sewer connections 297 Warner. J M. second udtli tion, stag M,1, hunt wutt.r. . .. ... ... . IND 3S. Ao . Smith s 1 11 d -et P2�+f walk, ffi ?i Smith. t Smith. Root. A.. t J 1 t` K ' food_ ._. 4 1"2 1111 Smith, V\ F .. 1171 Suelli ng 1 1 1�i i tluClling Ii1 kll 4.. '1P ) Sneluand i1 1 as ue _. 0 SnellinR TI Ind nX es 0 walk... ..... Sprinkl) g Nre. IW Ifrl T0'. J(t 10 121, 11 lU 131 148 1 151, 1 4 1'\i lh lilt,IV-,. =11.3 '1 Sprinkling D .kt t \ F ,J NI tll 11 Sprinkl R D t [ h i ..- l s0 sprinkling IN- i •t Sprinkl RD I Sprinkli g D:[ 1 t T ' Sprinkling Diltliet \o. b b2. FJ 101 193 Sprloklmg District\11.9 _]I 1io Spruce street lump. N 7S Spruce street sidewalk t e t' Spruct Cu d ad N p IOA crosswalk Stablesu d1 'i c ... Ltl.. .f. . ,table, t e Hal Is li 214.214. 4 2,52 d ir.t. 263, 2671. "sA. 2s e, Sltl, SI4. 3IA, J2:. Stugnunt water. abut¢ ns lapid is ns -4 possible.......... Stairs. cast street. cutclsbamn. SAI SLuirwu>'• cost Fnnrth.,tract...... ..... ''-"4 Stairway. East Sixth street. 1�0 suti rwny. Erik S. JaberR 'Stirway, Fo urth t t -. 1771 Stnirwuy1 Smit) avenue 'real bl it b !t soCl1 fill Stalew y S as SLa-t Tlr d L t. Stn rke rkeS. E. C . 1- 207 Lin sl arkeStareV street sr tle Ik ... Sturlk¢y aadD Deh. street V Itl+ 252 LM Ilk SSlnaums yaud W e L tl nl - At 161 ark State fair Illuminationt1` FIs .,late Fair ekIlominarr n 1 110 Suite P 11 1.mine eit}' :331 -It ntetstre¢L cbu geof,rietre.. shite slices, r 7 V 161 state street ape ung. eat Scy or- 1 S SUate¢atreet pens K f mdln golder S�ti Slate street sidewalk 5lrte and East Retail trees .� walk 1_6 steps. Sherbu rnu 1 111 •Xt!1 St 's Smith oven t I 1 satin SleD, C Cobb. b. D order. treating Nwa t ... ...... 107 itcward s C cues .. blDuy ton's at d tioa elle yea en><ui. f� 1+J. lel. 2:11 stiPeou sn VVl a -I slur:. block 103. LS'man DaYtnn's additlu don. bI. Reade.. -ei a 7S Stins.n's subdf vision, block 1113, LS'mnn D:, -t.n's addition, alley gra( Ing 124. 154 Stnnso is �ubdivlsmn, block Pli, L5 un Dayton's addition. fill marsh to b to Stinson and Front streets, ally gmd 12+ Stto on stud Mnekninn streets 1 1 . - IE7 St ek Exchange Hotel ).amp. '= Stolz. Magdalena, Po rcb ........ ........ I:K PAOt: Stoot. J. C.. addtuuu and S range ant Kenwood Terruee cnndemnu 52 S'd nddi,jon No. ' d hand t' t. 101 S-ne. J. d 77 \l L apart I + e i1H b b Id nR . rP: i I 1, S t r dee o f rreo.tl: sen arg� I Street and f P Y f 1 rged SInatreiobnob g A ,s St }k St }k a t I . i. ...I f 1 tl- -tvi lou; f o ]' Sl >k Sl -,et, tion, d las k V street walk Stry ker u l&�` LL 1 \\ L w LIT I ""et crosswalk ..1611, 19) Sturgis :and Douglas s trects rrn'.swal 69UU Subdivision of lot 'I, llo k 7. Rosedale Park plat 2 Suburban B u Ila nod .. is ..l street er Ik 1 Eu I etre •t fiubu rbnr .252 crosswalk. summit :ta.nue, extend gas maln� __. _15 sumnrrt nvenue Rus lam Ps..- Summitavenue sldewulk. 1'J7. 14. P251 Sumo A nvenue sprtkhng..- Summ'L avenuo sw Ping swnmit nit eleveiand a ,, lire 3.19 alarm box - enless d 'Chi rd Sur_rinit.•Ieetrl.sliKht - 1711 and TI i d t - .t. I IUs St"' i Ilgh LeP.le• - Sumutts Park adtlltlu� ll y Rrud _ Oft Summit Park addition, bl •k :3,ll v enseme nt . .. .. (1, 117 Sr n It Park udel rtior, Id-. 14, Iley lin 9 -do. snmmlt P k dditiu block 2s, nllcy grade . Summit P k id Ik t IUI Summit PI 'prinkU 4 .. 11171 Summit V ll PI t Supplies for :Itv Dnp t J b purebasedx-itboutr 1 itfuu. 219 Syla-an street idewnik .�t. 131 9yvdcatc and Oapo1, . 1: I .. 1211 SY ndieuto uvenr 1 Mina I 1"8street lamp ....... e ab rail ordinance - pen led 1713 J,cium:isoe ue. mein tern Isnsptr nl !. ^_ Tac ventre Idewalk �'J, Tax le y, a elude . rn or amu.. u -7 P -4 - Tax levy, include t3.6(Hl fur both houses r7 Tnx levy. Mississi PPl Itren t upeI'll g 331 1udgmein s... ..... ....... T: x levy •:elution...'g vitt2269I Ta% IutS, sulntion dcs.....Liar 1 re ant . . .... ......... Ttr • roe Taplol unit P il -sal [t�et Ium P-�..I p ny.or 7 T P iur and Huhe n Teleple ,,o , tunnel. r eelced sl ex alnded furUltu`v¢yiuR ,or. tr .me lt. 1... ...... .. 13 a null. ...tll ur 'h'mp¢'.ante alsert t Tun nesse. .,tree [, siden alk .. iv 6: INDEX. Pau L: Tenth It rest) IMP Tenth streets .. ..AA. Truth street s d 11....... - -251 Ten[In east) s[ 1I`. IItl tenth (east) .,,=111L id all. 96 Tenth and HSC L ` loo lJ'- Terrace Park avenue Inml lei 1 lulnye Pork and', _ t 'Cerra-. Park d St. w i v • all dims( ng Iu t t 1 Terrace Y:ark and wild . 1 t Te H lg d .. it TI t 11- - Il TI d.'t t p i f k t I TI rd t t d Ik - TI d.'t t U L 1 S t 1711 repair1 RI TI nl 't t k L Inc S[ Y ul \V: 'ebou sc d EI t Co 1. Th rd (oust) st L lump ...115. 176. 17S Third (enst) street poring. transfer Tnilyd and Sibl ypstreet n edgligit Thigg rs . rd•treet d S rW t c ss -2F4 walk .. Third and Summit avenue elo tris 1JS light pole .. Third nd tv u to etr is )esti is :116 h ght nr ens Thirteenth street sidewalk Tlo unit Hiawatha strocts, r lac m amt lamp -'.......... up n '- Tl,,.- sell deserve streets, remove ... �.... iffi Thomas s[re t -- - - Stl3 Thompson al ,;walk:,--- 3!I Choral n. Pntriak H. Tltoruton. Y H., eruct bo d fen Totin. Ienu Sond. Y 1 -treat Tororonto vv .. 119, 00 crosswalk,.. dg dditl PI t ...... IA Tschida. Katalrcnu .. 3J. Tote nee. Nom Co. E 6 .Ir Tern I. Telmonehom va.d for Ceyypi nR I sIrumeetss. .. If 1 Iftl 't rt idewnik --_ih T} ler street d \V .'1 w � a TYP.Lhct n'. ci LS Joh Prr using ... U Coon Iron R k- .... '+s Union Park t it gal-lin1 Union Park gas 1p'. L t P k t 8 L t t 8 W 1. 1 -t tk 1.-. .. - I ion tr s eIgrad l b and f ing I ]g] Union e. t p .. ..... 1 Union street t Zell elk.. .. 11111 Union and Colli us street lea i talon.,treat and Comotia veJump. -"Ili) U u,_street and Lake Co.,. Boule- y rd, open street la we. ................ 7: 2 t' a ion strcottu Comu Boulevard. street edH.mnnnavenit - . rs nen Mrd, Union stoat to Lakc Co B 1 tF6 street aPen I. /. .. Isl Colon and I 'dort t 1 1 _ 1.1 ['niun nit \ to 1un ted BtLLles, repair headnu o'te 21.1 buviledi ng .. .....- 1-n rslt`' a e a atchbrrsin I-nf I ercit_ .t "'t -d Res Cnircreity vennr'mmps. - .-_, Pan I'nivetsity sicca uc. olrenirlg, l_tc.... Tui 31s l; rlicerwl t} uci nm 'c Ib. lUr, 2111. l'owersitv avenue srdew alk R.t 1M Unkerlilyd St S'. 1 kl11- U ala Alb -areal,, brx ruuu uy . -� �- ��� v \-,..arra>rl:rre. 3F Sil blia i bl k LY _._MJ 1111 Wlc tC dill)) an"'. voi 1 Stl 1. :Is ,itl l t \v tSt l rl IIY2S9 200 \V ISt paulli 1 Etat LT tSy di t 1 1 N 1 tI1C} 81. 97 VLLlloy IroWork till p tri. r level... 279 V-nlle,Ironn work tea¢ uddit! n... 305 \-ullcy and FairSlewstleeln Lli.swulk 77 an(lopes) salary of drive C26 Van Buren street grade { Mi Vnrn Buren street war . - LCI Vnu Buren and Miuneha St -Its. nllry grading ... .... 124 Von Bnrnn ` BAAIBoundso fOE Iuliza np 9t tion :ustl Abatement ........ . .... 151 Vou Slyke Court .................................. 95 Van Slyke Court. sidewalk. .. ........ F2 \'elninlos or :info ars, not to deice on id Ik .. 17s Vi,,.,Ia strect.'e war 50 5! 92 V T pincs.. ... al V-letorui and James ,treat Ik 175 V -i t•u.rsu .,treet and Leslie wren ur cross alk . 712 Virg d Joe 1 illi street 11 li treat 1F1 Vlrag n "Joe IBI \ _t ia• lkenuo dMi eh b street -:i V u I Arnold. C. .T.. ball ... .. 3'15 Von Arnold. Emma .. ... .. ......... Sit'( W R abosha street. underground i 127 Wabnshn (south) street Iam7 56 WabBshn (south) street lido lk - 187 WBbueha and Eighth streets. remove ]4_ \vn!u Pshu and Eeghtlt streets lump 1= Wsbasha I S •e ith tract k t purposes discontinued WacouL%to Bnsebellsteset. alley(I81. .I !1.5 pelt 136 R W:r It.,S bre}.• sis[h S th st "Icy Nr nn l Third ,tractelectric R','iJ6 lightori.LL agner dohn, estate of frame b I t- 231 Ing Wegener. Jno. . esttL f -m ... . 2Sg Wukcdeld nyen ue. formerly B;rch ' street... .... .. tfroul barn Mr 'V .'r-. .silica pp Wntnut street. sidea-n lkut . 1 218. e, 274 it \yurner, a nI.'s. ntld it i.n, h [ lb 'er 214 \Vzirne•rc J. ill 's tllltl lot 16. t R'. 242 alt nntm. Warner, .1. M.. sttoo t addition, fill .al- loys and lot. and sewer eo neotions 21st Warner J. M nit addition, stag 64 auntwater.. .. ... - .... INDEX. 'xviii _ PAuE I PAGE Warren. C y L. ld ! e Idh addrtrmoney :;lt ward ..151. 1 �- tl S 1 s l It 1 ...4 e. t Side 1 d & Cottage 1 subdf- .. i Warren rti fund, l nt t deal f t H S Jx M o ddltiun St Pa 1 11) nG t n 289.'910 rudehteclue�. 11" I \\ t \5'urren-Seh:rrlT Aspbxlt I�rt\ InK I'rr.. (Il- IVestern at'Luue, snttrwn) do\t n blull S, 1 d t ti \\ 't o ',nue to Aru 1 1 tt t. ul- W C r 6:1 1 R admg-� .... . 1"_4 -t lump. 64 Y WHse,a stru[ eherrq, ut _r.rU1 _{!1 W rnatl.r nUre•et .. Wese�nlnst 181 3 Water and Edward streets i•I usst'alk cr street puvinK--..,.w. Wl Wheelera,ennesewer..................,_J, _ .{, Walter and Starh,Y It-et' Wnn1 A3. 151 WIu,,jer and Daytont' ❑ ehr P.- - 25N tVatsou, Sidney 'n White, J. IV_ ... alley 1 L11, \\ h t y a S tl ." addition, A \Veber. Carl, mar nt:u K... ment of R d . .. .... {I Welde's addit ion and K block 1. +tugnaut \\ 1 t e - A S th s addition,lits �. S. 9, ' Pulse's outlets. tt to-. - IJ, ;.`?I bineh x, I t 2= � � � � tun Whitney � S LI s add til block 14, Welde. Chu u. aIle} e em,nt 1(0 alley upeui R .. -136, le:: _ . Hills xddrtr . \Verde. Chas., s bd it-rslon Arlingtnn Whitu y C Smlth's addition. 1 luck 14, u area wall.. .. Y.5 13111, nddi[ blue 11 ).' - 1 IGt "'it der and 'Terrace parkto nes, `- rng 1_3 \\"efde L " ul l I to h 4 lamp .. ..... Wi--Iu SH } rd outl is lot 15. al- '"I ton Il 11.- LeR t [c ..-9;J "'"I 11'O 111 Ile) and Icy etsem t .. -..� - IdN R ion.. 761 �� Wi16en S Heyward's outlota, lot I.,, al- lots and st. e 1-11 neo ... ....... hi0 - Weide..lers.R.'s:tUdlt 11 h 2.a Iles Ir }',,a trng s casemerlt.,,Rilhue treat srdetvulh Weide. J K s HnUrtl,n, 11 h 2. alle3 \5'l ail red (east) streets) rIMing .- 1!'I -. "r I ! easente t ..... 1�/ \Vi utfred est. str, t and Stryker \\'aide, It.'s addition, I Incl. ".- 11 }. ace rue aro alk . —.. Ib6, 100 Iamp 3,3!1 �•. .I . 1'I, Wrntfred and Andrew street, ;. Wmde.J H ndirt 11 eh 2 Il y VVrnlfredand Hellott'sstreets,rosswrrlk _,0, GIl .. ' _.l Rrndil. g ....... _. en ,title h III ,tree. and Livingston '0_ I, It r . 1 111. Jump.... stagna t t _._ :314 InmP. .. ..... .... _ 'f1`: ,. " addition.rII \W\'I. tle. bb Lk '..'L K- \Vmonx and Olim streets lam) ..... .:, tS IS8 t ttt'xter_ I enu'gradiri . .. ..... ru n WI '1 -t est lumps .. ... 318 •, Weide, .1. X., udditlu u. b11 elc { e r 1 ...... 2:u Wurs uw ween ue sWewafik .�J, IIS -. ear ... ..... urmt \Veide..l It. s Idditi I luck 4, t K \\ 1 e al a and Tvle street,, 2; •`'ad ' nun[ teat .. 'a! Ik ... ..... -� Weide, IL 'd Id IL , blu I 1 Wi lug of b r Idings. proposed urdi- 's 7 f, .1 {1 u st HRua t to 3:14 It itl 1 I L f II II }� Wr.c .In Ceuu:tl R. It. Cu.. drspe use Weide. .I rad lot 3 . et er 1 nam eLl urls. _" wit 11 flagman at \kyle e Y rrLvlt 1. i t lIt R Co_ lie. e Werde.J 1 tl ill -taS r Wrecunsiu C. tr Jt Y ntreCt b dR J , r ter Wclde. J It s Jtl 11 t I 1 k I \volt, rsturH Huh Il al !9.. S3N �1 1 _.. 1'4 Wood Hary st, rCo....... �I r d l t bl 1 I Woodbridge st et ever { Vol It tl 1, I Woodbridge. d Front streets nlles .t nt 1Vrrde,J LC 1 tl I1 r1 11 eh eulh... ' '7 e1. 1 ullev R 1 1 1 Woodland Park additf s bd slon \V U J It I �l Adt block ulblockl nlly9 I _...�­2" ', 1 II 4 1 1 '1:, NN ..it land Park bl k I 16 -u-- I \V d Jos It h t l l l r tlll lea' Rrude .... .... \1'OOdIx l u[h llddiLi { e[ f y - t k t ll[ tl{ IId d t W6 1 land for park l m Nacre n 1 ELI— _ w SL L t o e -IiJ. 13.E W"tR I 1 cut .- 11 L. Carp-ter. \\•IIs ,^ N � sL Wells st e t 1 tl K tls �. \\'uudward r t r s lewalk ._ .NI, 104 fund lil 9 Wolssrreet sl lettall .. 1 1-it ll 193 \Vrlglrt,F.Y,ma}or,contfugeut j Wright. I•'. P.. mayor, ordcr und eerLift- \\'ells and Al-il, ,i "Lel,- . nde J • [e of tndobWd ss Ge h Cher Nve I yn e R Wesley S)"Iden and li 1 I t 1 (ildl) celeor Lti n J43 I _ tOG er 1'S ".'"L W'tuminR ate to eme. t ..... Si 1\ .ley u d Siteld t L \Y)onling st eCL R rel`. I" +. mp_e - .. . _.. ,ts West -Hll t - Wyoming attest grad mR _...�� \\'yumiuRstrmtuPenluR t Ir, 2u6 m `-' r \\est St.P 11. tprr t. ant[ 1 le \Yy uud ,rte atrv•et. pill e 1--b 6{ • rat esti ecrtlbL,rL,s nt Inde bre dne:'s _'t. cunditmo. .... . .. .. .- .... __I .. West St. Paul lace,, railrnud fncilities 18; Y 1 \\est St. Paul levee. stenograph ... J 1 ...... York street,hungeol gra) ..J31N1 u We.st St. Paul Ileal 1ataL, an(IT pnn•rment Sy idir t ddltiun h . 1, York Greet sewer . . . 107 alleS vaeutlon_ ....8 N'� Yorkstnetsprink1mg. ....... .. u:*' •`.- '� West Slde.Land :mil- ttng C- - t Young. Augusta ... ..... dieielun block au. Hruwriand Jaen You ngman. C. W .... ... .... n PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL FOR THE YEAR 1892. OFFICIAL PUBLICATIOR Ana u,c City Clerk rx hereby instructed Countyy Auditor of Uf Itcxolution Ado . ted by the Comoro 1 u a t t [he R s•}C ty :t PY of thta asolutio¢ i dV to ft •r the approval d pub Council of the City or St. Pnui. 1 t f till—Kon'. A 1 ,l t IIS 1 • Ascamldy Jan. 4. I8W. Elmgvlat. DlaCaderty. Ii .' (. 1 f tbc t S } 1 I .A f \i] t O p. hcim. Vun Slyke. Mr. Prae- id — arV bl 1 ., 1.' u �b, t Id'c tl Ixa: 1 ryo 1, h tys— A'u] d by the Board of Alderman Jan. the bellows ol'tbe dafcn-nt. aelinrt- be 1 4.intr!. A'eai—Ald. 1310—berg. Eott. Copeland. v1Ls and fond' of s:dd city, au ire and ns fellow': Cehao. 'IcladY. Sanborn. Mr. Do (4 11 •bY illt. interest and slnkin¢fnnd._... Vi9.100(1f1 P 'sidnn[. 1. J. l tiuc t .- f 1 bt It - 1 oo')IX) N.t3's n. 4. h d } _ .. 1 IXXI IXI t U lan W ApprO\cd W. P. MI—Ar. n P.1 1.1 trL _._ _- b 1 t,l ti -d— ., ] '.aa bl President of the A-clnbly. -. t4 ut, - IPy !"Id" - ... 5.00a 0o -'O,lX1l16., O O. Cur.ueN'. Presldant of the Board of Aldermen. N. Board of Control ............ . !1. School'ahlry fund.-.......... 1 241ow o) Thur;. A. Pai,—uoAsT, City Clerk. 10. Se haul main tcnancc fund I Jan.;,. JI. Buihling Iusperd,r'> deUart 1 ant. II,Wn 00 12. flealldepnrtm�•�i t...-..��. .. 12.0o' nn it;,i] OFFICIAL PUBLICATION la. court hnn.e and c•uy utinb:nancc field ............. lo,lllq OC Il. W.. khou-fn nA.. ....... .... ;1o.1KX)01 Cf Ordinance I'asxed and Eexofatlene 1:,. P:u�inecrhla' deP:uanleut.-. ... 4.'1WIINI Adopted by the Common Council of Ir, Boar'l of Public Worlts.. .... 11: xXuro t1 City of St. Paul. t'Ity clW I y f i - 1 .1111F) 1. otfle In. t 1 Il..I d9 1J Nl( fl I \ 1 L7 A•y F.�'n. 40° 'Lhe it If 1 f 1 - -- oaf 1 all n 1 d burieinc Tabitha t Iain n ho+pllal at the ^' \I i Vil, trt Vund. 1 XXIf _ .n r of \Vucouta and East .8. I.tbrnrytoml............... .. ...... I. -o:9 ot) :5n,'IKX \oltlr xtt,et". Tbc Common l'ouncil of the Clty of SL. ph. ('rock cctrt '..... ....... hath tenrtl sower,............ JO.OUII w Yuol d. —did. ns follow.: PP-.00EEDINGS (IF THE COMMON COUNCIL Set tion 1. That permi-iun:Indauthor- it y 's hereby giyOln m,d granted to 7'ho to hospital ill ctheebrick tbulit!ndmiT silualicll gat the urthcust ")arca of t\' --onto an 1 EThis auttl, Er fly t'`�'grnnt dtti P�i14t 1: Paul_ press enudition lt:nt Said-�o-ielA. -hull o'it laNN, f Idly G'`tbt illi t h1p;II liO:dnnnccse mtuining r id hospital.,n n, uSre. °. Taus ordinance 'hull take eRect and be in fore- from and after Adapted by the ;%''s'"it"y' EI Yeas-\b�s. t3andlzcr, F -I nului't. Dle- Nunic, Mtm a, Oppr„bel m, yarn Slyke, Mr. Yn•sidot Nap -Dl r. 1'Ostcl to- I. Y resident or the Assebly. Adopted by the I3onrd or Aidermcrm.�sn. i, lf!!_. 1'ca'-Alli, lifelcal n•I'g, 13ot [. Conic)'. u�leh 'I CIlob-,•r, i:,,r, idea. Gc•Inna. Me. It.[ y. Seaborn, M I. 1'res,deot-la. Nay-Ald, Sullica,:-1 I'residc,nt Of th,• Board of Aldermen. Approved Jan.:. 1,92. R„11t;11T A. SyfIT11. Mayor. Attest. '1'1111'. A. 1'I<h: Pr. Itn.AST. .Inn. 12. C'ity'Clerk. Alv No. aS1- r •" It,•d. Tb:rt rilerde r_ be drsein upu the city t asn,ry. P', -nal, 1;l"', uo4 of the •• police ocprt alert fa art." b,cor u(the fell ut lug„ u ed perm,,:.. 1'1Ithe nt set app si tc�t„thcir reseed..- Ila 1: Geo. \titsr•b. �.,.w>; .I. O'C:moor,?1;13un- non S C,I . fill cent.. Admov by the All Yeats-MOssrs. Bu nholzer. Costello. F:Im- Iist.McNair- Mince. Oppenheim. V.I. Slyke• TI r. President -r. Nay. -0. Adovted by the Board of ,\ Idrmen Jnr,. 1. Bfeleaherg. fiott, Conley, Dobn•r. Dornide o, Gehun. iltr- aru. SUM' all, Mr. President Approved .inn. 9, 1=!r2.i, A'33- F No. 385- solot 'rhatibeph,tuf, "+u Udi-!lieu county Dltin n�,•.'uc(�ahy talc Phit Cmully, (un and a r conn ter,], d by the City Engineer. be. Hall the sums• I, hrreb)• accepted br the Common Council of the City oft Path Adopted by- the A.SI•nnhly Dec. __. I �I. Messrs. Itanholzcr, I'ostcllo. F.Im- qq i. t. McNamee. \finer. Clpp,mhrin- van Sly "e. Mr. President -S. Nuy'-0. Adopted by the Board „f .AId-nom, .Ian. 5, 1Sfr! Yens --Aad. Melcubcrg, Bott, Cooley. Cu Leland. Dubnr. Dor„idcn, GvI M,_ Int, Sanborn, Sulli.:un, Mr. Presidcli. lays 0. Approved Jan. 9. Me). A'y F.No. 3PG- Resolved, That city Orders be drawn uponihrcity treasury-payahle Out ftho 'pr,nting and statione.ry fund,' in favor If thlotstlsct ul Itostite ttt ttheitr respective n:u+lulsie I'uhlishi g Company, -114.24; .lames Burl,S. °:N:f.fit. Adopted by- the Asncm Uly' Dec.'-'. IS'It. nia ui't sM-Naaee]Mina. Oppcnhein, Van tilvkr, ?f r. I'residcut-s. Nat."6-n. A d�qued by the Board of Aldermen Jun. 5, ISO'2 ]'ens -A Id. Bielenberg:. Boit, Conary, jud ,le`a iborin �cSullivan,tl-. r. I'resideal -11. I'll -fi. Approved Jun. J, 1SD2 A',citorders Ir. Nn. :4 �- Ite.:i h- ��llty'•t rens„ryy pay ahle ,nut of th� upon ticsp-rtivc-nssc,sm turd , favor of ne tau: Wring named ed persons, for the „ntS ,et uPP,,Sitc to their respective n�C�gtunr, Estimate No. 7 and tins], grad- ing htaadolph Street and other streets, .+1.67X: Hermine Seinhurdt. damages, chi ogc of grade on .Ine"Im and Four- le,'Ilth street,, :KN.. . :1 Opterl by" iho Assembly Dec. "', 1591. y o -M,-mss Bunhulzer. Costello. Elm- ,lui'1 `MrNou }linen, OpPeoheim, Van Slyke. Mr. President -S. Says--. A do pled by file Board of Aldermen Jan. 5, I,W Y, -a' --Alta. Iheleni-g. Thitt. Conley. 1'oprlund. Doing -r. Dornfdm,. Gehun. Mo - lura v. Sanborn. Sullivan, Mr. Yrcstdent Nays -9. Anpnn-Od A'y F. No. aSS- Rcsulvcd, TJ_l t :a It Order be druwn „Pon the cit} irc-sur}'. payable out of fill. "'w-;,tcr supply fund." it, luvor of the Board of t\'iter Commissioners, 3,t.:. Adopted by the Asu•mbl}' Dec.'t'.. lk!u. YcaS-hlc'Srs. Ib+nh0l ler. Costello, Elm- rluist. )tnNumee Minta. Oppenheim, Var Slckc. \I r. I'rcsideet-S. \vys- AdoAldermen Jan. I RoanLff . 1 I rr pted by t t c i. 1"r?, il"cos-,\I,1. Bielcnbrrg, Butt. Con 10-. t'., ,-ball. Dubnr r. Dornide n. Gahan, -. � Inly. Su oboe,,, Sullivan. Mir. Presidnt IL Nays -I:, --Appruvcd Jan. 11..1n72. 4' c A t . 3'+l- llcwdycd. 'Phut city orders he druwn „Iron the city treu.0 rr'• Pny,nblcurr of the ..'r,drPA rina•I,l (ll U.' n all \'Ur Of A. Bocdighcin,cr, i13S.l i. AdopteJ by the Asermbly .steel, IF!B. Yeas -Messrs. Bunhulzer. Castello, Elm- ,i cMcNutt- ITMine-. OPlerheim, Vim rlrkc, \i r. Prc'Ident-S. \ays-0. OF THE CITY OF SAINT P:ACI-, FOR 150;,'. Adopted by tine Board of Aldermen Jan. 5. IW2. Yens--Ald. Bielenberg.Boit, c Conley. Copelsrld. Ihdmcr. Dornldrt,. Gehun. M- ladSan burn, Sollicau. Mr. P-Mdent-11 ). Nays -0. Approved Jan. 9. IS9_. A'y F Nu.:t90- HesOlye1 What city orders be druwn epee the city Or;asu rS, Payublc out of the S.hool fuutl." i1, ru von of file follow-ing- ned � ersons. bar the amount lel OPPo- sito t0 their resp,•etiA'e near.': Foelxen and Allm an.ie77.hi: John Leslie. tat Aynir CSmmim'alonclro#1-�tPaudl Gus Light l;Uoinpany'. :f 17 on Nurthwcstcrn Telephone FxOh}Egec, Gmappa Paul H.rdwart;-Cnerfut y. fL;I.". \oyes Bros. S Cutler. �I'-"1: Bar illi A Ynrt- ridge, f3o:10; O. F. Ili'Irklaud.M: P.Roeri e. ur X Sun, f;": E. H. Bnticr & Co.. fL2..N; 1.L.C.11-in,Nationnl Agency. ?9; .lolnn D,eu KSI.I; SF�ltn•111\'nnSI)'kr�l 1'utflng & Co., I!Z iZ:,1. P. Grihben Loather Cum pony. iks.59: C. R. bu\ac, co; Eriek.loIinsun. ilii; Edison Fli--trir Light tad Power C'Om- pany. f -)An: M -lo' S Ii -Ir. L_SX1: Mosl,nf. .kp Brus., $11 �t:,: F:. li. itilbam, 9`3:t71i: E. Lim mernoat,. @L"; \'sellum Oil Cont p:I ,Y. 1Aal11.6;n Cm b O' Rou rk t. Paill u n i 15th ,..1 1 Hyder, �fi3 f10; John B. 1--t-s.ilff\Cyckutf. Seamans S Bened ice. A_dopt+•d by the Assembly Ifee. :2, IS01. 1 ct\t `Nance It:\] meati a OU Ucnttn!i m.Ebm yllckc. \I r. Yn•sidcnt--s, NLu'-0. Adapted by th- Board of Aldennrn Jan. 5. ISD_. Yeas-Ald. Bielenberg. Botta Conley. adpeSan U�lrm vIedeSulliannNr.P.1 nc`Ill. Say, -o. Approved .tun. !1. IS92. A'v F No. 301- Wbereus. Thr Common Council of file City Board of lPublie W,Crk� to rel wtbct hIIIer I charge of gnadeon Sit:Oc street front the Jlis'Issipp, river to Kcntocl;y street. in said city. as shown by u red line on :a Pro - 11I an razed to Said order. vvIS 1,ccrsn ry noel Propr r. and whet I real eltate to be uS-;essed for su •h i, pruyrmentcould be. toum, benefited to the extent of Iti„muges and costa to be incurred by said imaruyc- xnd t \v ale rens, r , public Work Said Or_ der. the Board oC niollo- Works ditl slake report to the !'onau,,,n Cootie' of dote Noy, In. and I.that,p-pee y- cilultl Ian ifr„nrd ocut, no `xte...... you men ted wthe extent Hilo `bc f urn rrcds�� Irl ex pens-. mucs�: y t nuking un id cbnuge of grade it, aforesaid; n' t N' loth ll. The A.S'mu b off said city, -d the I... rias of Noy,dbar, ni,l. dupted .aid rc Uor[ ung ordered the City Clerk to gi rc the notice n•,lui red by" l:aw: ung. \V la eas.']'he Pity C'lerl: gave nrtirO in the otneial paper of Suld city fur three sue- eessive taceks, twice ,I each week, that the Assembly of said city would, un the 22d d. yof the Cuun It• r. e� lutinbr:nsaid city, P atcan- sider such proposed change of grade; end, Whereas. At the time aad place last designated for such proposed change of grad. the ks'embly, after lleuring all perwns inlereSted, and, being of the of in- io that the same IS necessary and proper, 'Plerefore. Be It Resolved. That the grade of State st acct from the Dfississlppl ricer [o Kentucky street d. and the same I, acreby changed in accordance with the ed line as shown oa the annexed Profile. being the same aS referred to in all the pr•-dings hal in regard to said change; od at d. be i, further Itusulccd. 'Phut this w•de the Saidm9c of gra pro- fllfertr•Inllr"fon tthe ROur, -a,111,PdIdic \Yorks. rn 1 that said 6uurd 'ileal Proceed without delay to al -c- the amount. as t nrly as they can ascertain the some, wlal ,' 'hull be req -111 to pay the dnmugee, cults and es penxsor �uOh improvement upon the oat -sate to he benented by .'aid Im- prurenlrnt, :,S provided UY law. sit ncilbeing thea°D�.tntlt• tot b- u eessc•that d I ruS1111 nl- pry meds can be found benefited to the extent of the damages. costs and expenses art' h, be incurred thm'ebY. Ittldupt vl Uy the Assembly Doc. 22, Mid. ! \ c♦t s)IeNtimet. Mine., oppolAheim, Van b�ly k,'. Mr. Presi lew -9. "Nay _O. Adopted by the I3oard of Aldermen Jan. 5. ]ntr!. yens -Aad. iliclonberg. Butt. Cenleq, u�N rresident-i char, ill- \uas-AIo. Sa abort -1. Appro-:ed Jun. 9. IS92. A' - F No 3%3- \'hcreas,'1'hc Common Council o[ the 130nrd of 1'uUli-+ re ardthe Works to report evh other tin,, ,'t ate. treet t I the centeOil tre r of uterine fRober[- ro sm t 'taco[, in said city. us shown by u red liar on a pn,tl lc u I Oxod to s id order,eche Icy umitaprop for and whether el u could h er u found ed benefited t tprove- on-111 e 0 - r •nt could be found Uc netlted to [ho oz - tent of damugeS and casts to be incurred by said improvement, and NN, hrrcus, la ac-onlunce w•ith.suid order, 'he rt tuluttrd ofO'e lw,m monPubut,\or ,'illGnmrll OPltra ,I Nov. I"' d to. ISul. r-commm,diaga clluuge of grade Filbaorc av I- from State street to tItob- 1100 street, and flint property could be foundb,fit,, ,, t'oe ncc extent of dilm- W be age'. coll, aa, Incurred ern milking said change of grade a+t' for -0d" and The Assembly of said diplon the loth day of Nuvon,ber, 1591. adopted air r •port null urdcred the Ci-I.". y Ctd to the nalirb rc'tluin,d ilk have sad s•i1\"hcrcus,'1'In,•t'u,- CIOrI gave far three ee h •e the olf`rmi papa' t f snfU city. fur L n Icnss,yc w ceks. Lwicc ill cuuh week. Lhsc the.-\•seu,Uly ut sella I•i[Y would un the _Ld day u! Ih•-a.•,n lx•r, I'UI, ut ::N7 it id look p. m'idelt Such 11 r,pused. mh roue of grade, s ; and PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMOTS COUNCII. Wbereas, At tilt tinge and place lust designated for curb pnrfa"I'd dodge 'I' grade. the Arsfmbiy• : fcr hearing all persons interested, ,old being of till .pill Ion that the sums. 1s oeecssar) olid propper. Tllaeforo, Be It Ilesolvcd, That rile ,rude of Fillmore a,volie fel 11 he -,,a;;:1 �I n:e all t et to Bl bertsoll street bcl,:url vol h rho i I reby' ell ull,.etl it cc rn I I edt Bill .bot nrtlu• ail e.acd profite. be fngthe�e:ltoet:le rr•fer,edl to it 'Ill tot; proccedingl m1d it tt„ 1rd to said dhudgt•: and he it fur1ther 1 „rt 9,c Ec,nbcd, 'e:u this ord..I I,,] I'll Ili ofilc representingsloid ch:u iso ul'grndr be I.. re"! i to the Board ill' I'll blir l\"ork pod thxfv 171 1 Mil pl orad I) t11l ut� IL _t -- 11 '1 1 '1 I:r t qulrc 1 f 1 )l 1 t111 t I t_- it i. 1 dstuU w to,. I- hold 1 t d tirrpt •nt :s plu Ihd b� 1.1 e' it hang the upllut of for l'oolrlluu t: ''1 bkpt real estlotett to be I 1 f -: 1 - I •t t I t 11 told t, LIt t o[Vthc, lomat"'. I-', : 1 d ra v u us ' Lu De idcuri.d tbe�rrb)'. s A-dopted b)' ibe :1.smill, Dec I -lo. Eloo gl. list ,\feNall 13MiII,�I� Ilppud bt•iul, Yvon 1 ke, Mr. PrL•sldent-s. Adapted by ibe• Bourd of Aldermen .loin, 5, 1892. Yens -AIA. llicltnb,, erMutt, Conley, C. Suubuf �bftSullie�r 11 iliJi r. lief ie 't �dy, 11. Nuys 0, Approved .Tart 0, A'S F'. No.:3!d- \Vllereras, The Com mon Cuu oci! of filo Citi f St. Paul herelot'orc ordrrud rile hufber Board df Public \\'ur6, to report It change of ,rude. oa F'oonticld u from State street st rtttt pie, said cit} - I > file a d I 1 ah1,'t andf 1 1 1 t1 w be .` l=a ed to exld ad be fundd b_ts•11tti tuilherl �Ir`��� of dAmu_ if gee a prorc \v hure.�s. ]o ateordancc tt i'll:aidt 1 r the Board f Public work. dill ucr l:u :t Noart to the Commol'11 K ola' �. u[ Jxtc v. 10, 1101. ru.. - I crit. and Lllxt. el,, upally ae old by found beuel3tod [u tl,,. orttmt of bona and U., cosh he ' rU In �.uof hu >, )1 rui furc- salll: u d wil"repe, Thu Assembly of 'told IBy. ua the 10th day t Noa'ewhur, 11•rl, udopteel said revolt : rid ordered be City I; Ir r'I< to give tole Sublet to 1 1 1 1 itt r1ud c III LAbercas, 0', 'itY Vl. k rive t[111 ee the file .1 pJ pct eel... owic` that file A.mbl t 1 elft f mod ole the 22d any of Daal ldl I•frt t'.N o'elock p. n„ t the Coll wit re•u bcr Irl id tit n-idm each pru111111'r,hvlege ofW lrert'autAt file t Id pb,cc haat design"led fon c_n •l, Ipr�rPi.,rd rino;, f gridu, the A-conblY, :atter It n, idl pe r is interested, and being of the toifI is (that file I. I.. ilecesaury prvrp •r. 7 he,claret Be it csulctel. 7'hnt� the gl'I,e of Fuirticld :'coot• t'ru111 Intl; .t rrc•t to, i'.. `bite 1.aI rl�ill ee loud uncnr ani II. lli 1 hr rrdtli ill• :Is shown On tlletp lloU\ed prolilc, bcilig 1bc s: mr ,1� referred illi ;dl ihr•Prurerding.rhaJ iu rogp rd to sold a•11:Inge•: a ld lu ill til rt her Breol Sed. 'I'h: of ell i. order ti ml IIIc pro- filerepr......ling.aidclologcof gnule be ' IInllee ad Ill to, 13 i ir, W It Acilsllulll 1'11b I1'. witllo Ic rote,, l\ to uesess the 11111 111 t, t nearly us file In• itt c,a11v1i itrt1d Itcorpoly fill hee duomoacg, ews, hritcNjti, told \I •h bowl cottuI Ile no t.. v 1 11eJ Ib cel ulw�: Ik bm pi, �he upi Ginn oecg - f the Gnn man r•un cilthat pet J` a.st ate to . a 1 f such ; I • tt co o he fol 1 Inttd to the rl it oC t he d:Ilmlgoe_cuaba load o<pevsos arY to bei rad LberobY. 1 l rpt l l} 1 A: l I1 D B 1 ]bas -\U ssl.' linnl 1 .l :bluer. �l 101 un qul.l, AleNu met. Mlnen, Upptn berm. sly l: c, Air. P.-ideot-1. Nays -o. Adopted by file Board of Aldennall Jun. l'ex1-And. Bieicn bcr;,•. ]toll Cooley. Im1y,liS: lab obnern.5u�litcno elli resident -I1. N :13.1 _0 A ppruverl Jall. A'p F No. :4!I, -;B3 - Air . Bunholrer- E-oh, d, I]'at 'Ill Pttibluns rcgn nolo, kei.s and umrkct sifes Irl referred to x j pIrotcoo riftae. vnsist ill, of rho Com- uinccuotPuelic Buitdiogs' ad the D1ur- ketaof file A-smnill)' nil the sums m- rl'btec ol'tlle Itu:ard d[,area. tote. Sider estigate and repl ort ae to the .ad i {qty t f pr flllure n urkets A rl: rll;ed Iry ImBa •leer blc Illy: ell , Ei b l ,1sM N . ItM 1 I' uPpa lenn \an fila kr. AI 1 Sesidul • 1. old by the Board of Aldermeo.lan -td iliticll�erg. 73utt Grn lep. od. D oil Sttlli14ol,r Nil.tpl-od-t11t. iabtrl Ir, u ut'ed J.d to. 11P2. A'y V \0.:10:--13, ylr. Aluf ray - It'-dI'ed, '1'b:1t rl order br Ira"a In laa-,.r of Frank h:. Ilurd Y, V:,ablc dot of for :Il food w'j r 111,1- '+• I y boor itY iry' nor poi,lr le cal: rlrr Ilralri of lov�ar 1 'Uf,� rglrII Aber I 1•J :a I, r I be e oll oo-oll .t,rtuontad by the Ilolila nae of of lir P:oor ........ t tt. 11 Last a•vs t bat I.t Irl 1 t cul sed 1 th, tv-, St.t la' dl I Ie rite ,iuc. �iuu. AJoplod by ibe �t =sr nr hly Dec. '_"!, 1191. 1"r ,• ml Nriuor:loll to n�:ICttOPulotrl lu.. \!:r tliSly ku. Al r. l'restdunt-1. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1892. A III lal l by thu R. -I of Aldermen Jan. Yore -And, Bil,D,rn Bolt, Conley, C i '. Sad. Udeour, Uol'll I, 1. Goh:1n, la, ,i 5;11,bornl, St. Iliv:u 1, AI r. L'residellt-11. Apps -0. Approved .lint. 9:1_ il:itiN,.39:1 o m,utor or the rel of of lb, Board of I'uhl ie \Yorks d:Ited Ill. 2:, 11:11. It is hereby ordered h)the Conlmoll Coun- •'I of the l'i tp of StPaul: That tilt Bo:lrrl of I'nblic NV,o-k, of the City of 5t. palik f los iell whit In p,r met. 1 ra d, to it: Out II, Slot o �uol clot 1 LI cath [ from Can dw t' tt 1 bel �I e t II 1 •idy. I I lg :old talo ng'tn st rlV :tA In od o Il,iboal I,, I Hllwl. t ".ft: Conontncmg t be alba .lolly dnil tf I;tlet " el y loos, t mod Broad war. titw oec norlll- e 11Y:o0 the "• ..1)' live o[ Ibupdw':ty. flilecu (,t U"L.tDlcnee we all) In du cel lice to tilt aarrry' IurasoY Kus.abel illI, puma 11 e'e i:o feet north, rlY of the Ill th,:c-, ly coral, of East S oth Street :Iorl I[ov:Ibel atrrut; ihence`.00th- trly :Ilodtg Lbe t uslerlp lige of Boauhcl street to oc I rtheastc rlY c d( Eu1L .•Irl ��[ melt' thence Secenth..trect fill Ito_J) ra �usturly ulullg the mrbbc rly Iloc oC lust. evtutF street to the Vlucc of beginning, be'Ig ill the I'ily' of St. foul. Mihnesotn. Tient said lieu rd scull pro ped wiLhunL Aeluy to a v the •1ll lou nt. .�n'o'1.)' i heY can us`ertuin tbc�+tllnc. \vI1it•11 tr111 be rerlufred to pay tole dam ngtl. custsand ne1•- 4hy areal -tai,stool'surh hnpruvbbyy esadt du I ,.- pn I enrcnt, u+ Vro,i did h3 bavv, it eclat rho roll elan of tee l:uu nail tll:It real clime to be uslrl.erl for sorb Inlprot eluent c I be Yon nil broefiled to tb,•catelil of Ill be otos. e..sts and r�pmr.ee ntreealory td be red iII.\r bhbeybrtboy. AasemIVlYUUpetnc.l22, iISM. 1da)jc. t I Elm It. .I A Slyhe. M.iaAdm e. : tri Nat -1. AAe Prtd by th, Btr'1 rd of :\Idermen .I.t u. 11!r'. l"sus-:\Id. Ii lc lc 11 bert, Boll. COla Co t IanJ, D bm I, U ern idol, i,cha: vIc In�). Suobol u. Julbvuo. Alr I'1 caltl t- 11. Approte d .I.I rat 1, In!1'l A ' N P o. Besolted, 't lelnhe hridgr o I Ite:aoeY stn•et, veer the ri gbt of way and nrprl:s of the SL. Ynnl & Duluth Ruiliupd Com poor Y, thIl, br. t ' oiLrlrled itruo ItIe IIIb I 1 1.-1 '1 I atl . o0 1 - 1 I ill tl lo. t_' 1•.t I:,rli .toll Lhu A l l nl lw n) t, m '"o"' Iy . 1d 11.1 1 1 \.: mbly Der 22Is01 l• ,.bolo li,lll- ct, yf �LPt-i' yllua.I. Uppru bean.l:e. Mr. rlrsidunl-1. It Nuys -u. A dopl.cd by the B,rurd of "Id -loco, .I:all. S ]oenl e -And. Binleo be rg. BVLt Ct•rrley, Coptlund. Dobncr. Dorniden, Gohan, M.- holy. Su aboral Sullivan, Mr. Presidcut - it. N:1yaroc0. dppctt Jan. !I, I192. A'' P No. 401 -icy Air. McNlnic - Bcsolced,'rbatthecontrloet Infurtheim- t amt reel t'Lruction f rho m i;j'l i boiidio,rt,II.11 provide, as coo of -condition" that all materials, nppa- ro to: and uppiientcs of ap."at Nll kinds, x'llxtso�cer c: IIc11 for by -said contract, shall b purrhesed of St. Paul firms, so f:Ir ll • s lidt I: teriuls, etc., cn abe, fur- Isl 1 b) '1tti' Proper ritilt of fthl I t slod be ga. lean to bidders to l t nt ,art. Ad i t 1 1 il l 1- I ly Dte. 22. 1801. 1 �I R 1 1zcr. Costello, Elm - )II Nalocc. Mille,a, Oppenheim, Vuu .Joy kc. Mr. Pl illeot 1. Nal s.0 A di,pt nl by IIIc Board of Aldermen Jan. Ivor. Yca -Ald. Blvlenherg, Bott. Coaloy, Cor Ire IIr 1, Uobom•. Ddrnidcl1, G. htoo. Ale Ln�Y, Snlrburm Sralivaa, Mr. President - 11. Nap. -v. A ppro red .Tao. !1. 110,. \t'. P. MURRAY,-erre I'residont ill' the .Assembly. U.O. CULI.gN. P.r idcot of the Board of Aldermen. Tu .s. A. Pil-to.13t1A- City Clork. Jaa, 12. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Of Ordila:ancts "'.-Id fry the Coivmov Council of the Cit)' of 1t: Paul. 1r A'y F No. 415-0rdioance No. 98- Anordimrnccto repeal sit rdin"nceen- t'LI 1 \n or, finance uutboriving rho f t oleates of Indebtedness." TI t, Cou Ili[ tl the City of St. Pilot I rlduln as full.",: -lion 1. That that certain ordfrairle. e, tlth-d'•.\n ur Bill lath-17ivK the f IlbcatcYlt Ll of iladebtedoevs," tcl�' 1 l asst d both by chs Aelom illy od ISuu rd of AlAermell .Ino. ld'J_, be. :,lid Ibu s:rmu i. hereby rel- led. 11 ie lordor dt lrl:ao I. '1 -11 t ke :.effect el - 1 flopoaft it'll a.sxlife. P I to, 1 ASM. nalrl). Jun. r!• Poll 1" N lino holier, Elmoplst, II 1 IT tat McVamue, Vlon dyke, AI r. 1'residcu t - NnYs-o. 3'rc. ai ess f te Aembly. I' b tl timadrd oof :\Idermen. Juv. ft}1. \11 It alenlrert. ISott. Conley, Cul t I,eod. Iloboe -, D., kt n, Ovltuv, \It•l�dy Sooborn. Mr. President 10. A.IJ's I 1'residcot of the Board of Aldermen. A. - ItIl A. Sw tTft Ahayor. Attest: Tads. A. !.t JuC u. I+. City ork. C PROOEEDINGS OF THE CO3I,�1ON COUNCIL A'y F No. 4.ri-Ordiounee No. l:rU.1-- of sera mt ..... ... Ver lith..\. D. IF9:le :end Shull draw inter - :tt the Ile of la ser cent Icer annum. An otdinanec unthuri I..i m. the istne. oego- tntleL- ' est eon lacntes.tail I".-Nd dation and sale of ccetW,f to of side The Cun Cot cll 'If the city of St. s forI_Lha Pacer[ Srzid fere arstes skull lrccsig wed 1 the Nu,or slid CiW Clerk. 'I shall mN tho '-to Punt do : t'ulluwt: Pauld 1. b, 11 the Prrl rer cit, placers sent of the •icy the .Ind hail bC end [the of Lac City of St. P:LUI he :rid the'• u -sauce tertiKned by the. Ptrolle'I nh;,B be nettle ptl}-able It tilt oMce of the ,If nnthorized and dirrrtcd Lu imI'. "le- i1111 or City Treasurer of Lite CiLf3-tl negotiate sad sell Ce rtificutes ..f dad by fifteen 1161 of at Lha bnxnci nitgency o a Clty St ,hall nes:: us Unn"I section throe (:11 of 'tact of the legis- Paul in the t'Ity of .New 1 ark; and the f3 ndnd section latero of the State rfr Minos ota ntttled state on their bice issued, respective) slmlli be "A net to amend the charter of the City they are (If Such form terns tis will of St. Paul." the s mr being au act eon- iucorW r- best uidsin iLetr negoLhlte rmt rly Iitled ^An act W reduce the hlw ! in the. County ,c. 'a. 'phis or( inauee Shull take effect xting the City of St. I'xul, Ninnesotu, and mal be In force from and utter its publi- If Ramsey and Scute r: therroo l', olid ett. the suctral nets nr enJtaGtry theScertain era) to said ci LS' into I Passed by the ASsembly Jan. 12, 1N(Yr. nets relating w n end the :u ,e wheel, rbtarell r(6t1,t. Yens-]Icssrs. Ran holier. Elmt u'et, Van Slyke. act, and uPpnr' C fltLl, elKld Har•. Necua'ertsy. McNamee, I LLCG w teen Was t ul seeenty-four pt74 i. tin Mr. ."Ideut- - the bets ameudutury thnrof lad to Pplt� 24, lMo, in ! N83'S-0. W. P. hil'itn AY. mental thereto. uppt'oyed blurcth anticipation of the collection of the lilacs for President. of the Assembly. Passed by the hoard of Aldurmeu Jun. for the year IBn t the am ou It and follows: 13. I89'L. 1 Cope - the purposes. us ' n For tilt payment of interest o Pals-liielenlwrg, Butt, Conley. I.ud, Dobner. Dornidm:. Guha4,, Melody. outstanding cert if.of j c San burn. Mr. President -10. dcbtedno" and 1 t} meat 1) tl Irl-_ Nays -0, D. D. 1�U1•I.EN, tlrl lrCl )ill of L'C.,trrfll'all•, of theiraturit:10[1(00 It President of the Board of Aldermetl. til"e do 1 ! For esu rent Approved Jun. 1'J. W.V. PartLoI Stift c•Ity._... ... ... all,"N1111yJ RoaFRT A. 53DTIl, Mayor' For the Ili rt of the fire dc- Ift.(ur+(rr ,lttast: A. I'assuEnr.Asx. nrtmeot of coed cit,...._ Ilglltibg of .aid city � rip) W Tuo3l.ts City Clerk. For the .... Fur the by said 'Ly of Jan. 14. tY. P. MI'nit Al'. payment. its portion of the e.v penditores fp ��' Presider:[ of the Assembly. 1: ni.l N. Of th0 loard of Co trot._...._ _... n,t✓it) For the support and moi ot"I I've OO. President of Ll:o Be.;rdo Aldermen, of the public free vehsols uL Tonus. A. Pit-,' city Clerk. .itcil.y un for the a)3.1ro "fill the employes of the Board of Jan. 14. ' School Inspectors of the City of - St.Paul............... .. ......... 98,00(100 For the upport f the)eparl OFFICIAL PUBLICATION meat of the Bill hhng Inspector of said city. . 4,00000 (q0 W Fot' [he son lit the health lir- o[ Itesoln tion, Adapted 1)y the Com- ppurt partmentofSaidcity............. :i.UW 00 Coaa.;,,,. ''' to ncil of the City o f St. Paul. For the payment by said city oP its portion of the mninlenum•eA'yy o[thecom•thouseundcitylmil 4.00000 F. No. ata-IIy bh. Costelio- Hevilvod, Tlult city older. be dnnru 1000000 upon the city treasury, pathe ylible, L.uL lit y........ ?or the payment of s:t7ar/l+s and Jerk hire of cbe e tgi nearing department of swill city....... 1*-"-)() 00 nor the support of tl+e Bourd of Public Works of said city....... 5,f0000 �orthe ofhche nrs nC saint d citof ya,,,,s of ] for clerk hire not (Ithcrwise pro- vided for_ .................................. '1.0.00000 Fur "'lint ng .ria rePui rl + streets, sewers, sidewalks :111, 1 erosswniks..................... _. 47400 W For printing and station -v for rt.v.tB If saill city For the isupport of the Municipal f.10U f10 Court of said ci tY.............._.. 6.01000 Se L••,, 2. Said ccrtiflcutus skull he itsucd, negoi.i ted and sold from time to time by sold otHcers as the Same Shull b:. necessary to provide funds for the various rises ❑rid p trpo-es. astnw hiWd in re •[lou I this ordinncc.cl+sail �crt iflcatee t1uL11 l be issued to bear date maturernotu hotel' tlnul , Sond �Nuct`ma- •'Printf 1+g and '[I "and, in tutor of William Ilerlaudi C C. - Ci, AdoA)ted by the Hoard of Aldermetr Jan. 16. 189. Vols- Aldo ISiolen born• RuG Conley. I l I Snub rn. Sun van, fr. I resident -Il. Nnys-0. Adopted by the Assembly .inn. 12. 1892. Yens-btessrs.ilauholzer, El Squeal, Hare, McCafferty, McNamee. van Blykn. Mr. Prc phot -7. Nuys-. Approv0ed .Jan. 13. 1192. A'y F No. 411. Hesul3'ad, Teat w'urraots be drawn upon the mtY tmaslr ry. Puy able ant of tilt School and,;, 1. laver of George Reis• Cityin 'e poly roll, 1- to rented y the Iwith,th is reso OF TIIE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1802. lotion, io pnymcne of the s.larics and active namesin lment of thesalary comtevs tion of wide peeson, for their tend com ueosotion of -,aid personsfor their s docent the ootf December, rPUY es during the ld nth of Ilecember, 1891, l ".rat shewo lrS aadd colla. us follows: Laborers ,d •'basica, it.t:t" �+e; da-:Adonted b3" the Assam bl3' Jan. 12. 1n92. sof Bsurvl of School I:, sla•cior.. 3aTo 1; 'Yea+- Mesar., liunbolzer. F:Im +est IIIA S V:In S�yke. teachers and e. cjdoy,,. :tli, V,l,.t4. A doUred b3" theA.Setouly .Inn i. 12. 1692. Hare. \1--f1crt3'. will, Mr. President -t. Yeas-Messn. Bonhulrer. ,­l McNumcv, \'u:, SIG Nnvs�. Adu Pled by the Board of Aideriaen Jun. Hare. McCntterly. Mr. President -7. i , I892. �- Na5's-0. Ado )ted by the Itourl of Aldermen Jan. Yens-Ald. BielenberK. Britt, Conley, J. )eland. llobne r, Durniden, Gehun, I bfr. President -10. 3. 189_. Yeas -Aid. Bielen berg, Nott, Cunit, 7leSnd '. Sunburn. I Nays�l. Copeland. Dobucr. Dora idea. Gchan, ble- Approved Jnu, 14, 1dP2. Ind , Sunburn, Mr' President -10. ri Lys -0. J,.,, I1 JBlJ A'y F Nn. 412-- Itesolvcd. •teat "..:'[:lots be drawn linen the cit)' treatu q', Payable rut of the rt 1 o, 'e and C:43' hall , in Lco:loae food," for lfleur 'It Georg, heel. City T-c-rer, for the sun: oI S777.911, m pay vented with dicta -,,I I hr n, Ithe ,, I roll Ilett n+lymen Ill" suho T, end cu npeasution of sold per tofur their serrleet during the n)luth e .1 December. In91 tbeiug city's ooe-lutlf share of Custodlaa's poly roll,) Adopted LY the Assembly Jun. 12, Intra. Yeas -Messrs. But.] lzer, El nu suis[. Hare. Mcculferty, Van Slyke. Mr. I resi dant-7. Nuys 0. Ad, -d by the hoard of Aldcrnicn Join. 13, 18 2. YmlanAid. Bielenbcrg, Bolt, Cn, c. lare land. orn, Mr. P resident 1 hon, 1fe- ILL�Iy. Sao bur u, Nuys b. Approved Jan. 14, loo^_. A'y F No, 4t3- lte -teed. That n'urrunts be drawn upon tine ci Ly truusurY. nncablc u11t of the "city officers' salary fund." in favor u[ ten par- sons named in the pay rolls pretenicd with this resolution, for the ,ams set uppnSlte to their respective nu vre- ""cat of the Salary lunl cum Pens ltiuns of ,uirl per- sons for their Sc rviees during the n until of December. In91. as sh-I by solid pay rolls. s I S! AdoUr',1 by the Aeaemb'y .lam. l . 1'oas-Lies,rS. Banhnlzer, Eh`14 U nest. Have. McCatl'erty, MuNamce, \'un Slyke. Mr. Pre,sident-7. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen ,Jan. 13, ldlr2. Yens-Ald. Bielenbeig, 11ott, Conley. Copeland. Delmer, Durniden. Gehan. Melody. Sun born, Mr. President -10. Approved Jan, 14. lh r2 A'Y F' Nn. 414- ltesolved. That ,.moats be drown upon the city treasury. payable out of the •'Health I)'Pnrtmnle fu lid." i [nvur of I'm persons named in the pay r )Its of soid department, and preseuled Ivlthitthis I'se- lutiun, fur the sums set oppose to their A'y F Nn. lifr- Rosolved, 'That an order be drawn on the city tren.eury in favor of George Rois, CItY R'reasurer, o the eu.>ntof;2+0.77, pay- able o, t lit the •'street and ewer LLinte- foe to rid tar ,ru3' Ll:e stnw`t lid rces flit tine nn nth ul Detenber. 1891, in rip[lance will, the paid• ell certiaed to tee City bngims•r d + >proret, and "Bol"d by the Heard utPubj�c ".orbs. AT by the A.Stmbly, Jun. 12, 189°. Y cue -Mesita, Banholzer, I:Imqulst, Hare- McCafferty, McNamce, Van Slyke, by the Board of Aldermen Jan. d. Bielenberg, Hott, Conley, .born, Mr. President -10. .inn. 14, 1892. A'y F Nu. }I7- Heaolvad. Th:tt n'ttrrunts 1)o drulvn U the city treasury. nayuble out of the •'�lu- nit•ipal Court fund." in I., I of the per- son., named in the pay cull presented with this resolution, in payment of the s lary and compunsntion u[ said persona for (heir Services duringthe month of December, 891. •ldopted by the Assembly .Jan. t2, 1892. Yens -\latera, H1Lnhulzc P. Slmt list, Hare. resident t�-, McNamee, V:m SSykt, Mr. Yrosident-,. N ays-0. 1doptcd by the 11ourd o f Aldermen .Jan. Id, 1'cas Bielenbcrg, Hott, Conley, Coreland. Dubuer, Dorniden, GJtfln, Me- lu,y, Sur+hurn. Mr. President -10. Approved ed Juu. I4, ]6J2. A'y F No. 418 - Resolved, That :l \,arrant be f drawn on the city tre;tsury. payable out othe •'Ore it,R,tm, fund:' in favor of George Itms. City Trntlsu rer. for the of of $D,- 'rloyc, of the e deparrtn eoay ltivcr, and If I It- C t}�l St. Paul for the mnatit of Decculber, idol. ldupted by the Ale-libly.lun. 12. 1892. Ycat-Messrs. Banhnlzer, aSl1iu Hera mw1,uu McCafferty. NI.Nu , yko Mr. President -7. Nuys -o. 8 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Ad led by the Board of Aldermen Jun. hilly,3, S¢ born, Ill. Presidcnt-10. Nays 1, 1$ 1892. Y...-Ald. Blelenberg, Butt. Co.le3'. .�, 14, 1509. Copeland. Dobuer, Dorniden, Gehan, Me - lady, Sannorn. Mr. Prestdeal-10. -- Nuye-0. \. Approved Jan. 14, 189". A'y F. No. . — Iteeol vtdk,4 ntbedrawnupon the city rble out of the , to lice d apartment uj n favor of Genrgo A' F No. 410- Hesoh Bei". CitS Tre,uu or he sum f $14,- fa ed, That warrants be drawn rho 810..51, tO ry v the m nnmerl rile `• nPen the city treasury. Pay,uUle mit of "en i eerl ng nepurt.i rand, in favorronl prisented is resolution. V'IY) a r` `I[ the sn 1 comp ensu- of (%urge Rels, Citv Treasurer. tor the eum of 1Gi,00IN to p.Y the persons n:mr d tion f v i 1 tic rsons sir .. vines during the month of Dec 1^!il• in the payroll presenter) with this re,olu- Adopted by the Asscml i893. mon in naymmry til elm "abtrYY tad e m- ot'sula Persons [or thci to 'leve, vias—ylettrx. ln,:d r gnisc, Marc. JteCnu'rrty. 'lyl<e, Sensntion 1ng the month of Deemnbcr, 1891. Using the oiHce force. Adopted by the Assembly, Jun. 12, 189" list, pt r. Presidcnt-�. Nays -0. Ado )ted by the - r Yeas -Messrs. Bauholzcr, Elm, I3ure., McCut£crty. MuNumec, Con S�yke' 13. IS! �. ]sus-Ahi. Isielc ut Mr.] esideut-S. Copeou: d. DObnur, Dur rail . Indp, Snr: born, ill r. Prusideut. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Jan. Nn3's-U. 13.180',.. Yens -Alda Bieleubcrg, Bot[. Cooley, Approvgrl Jan. 14, 1892. Copeland, Dobuer, Dorutden, Gehan, yle- I _ - lady Sanborn, Mr. President -10. I .) NuYe�). A' ',.,No 423 - Approved JuP. 19. IBD"._ ltcso1v 1. That warrants Se drawn upon the • ty trcnsu ry'. payable nuc C cho — "Uu Bdtug tt sPts;tor's deP:u'tmcnt fund;' n h...) of the per ons named in the pay A'y F No.4 0 Eesolved, That warrants bedrawn uPon roll o[ snid Icpu rtmmrt, uud uresmrted will, [iris nasal orlon, for tho rums 'ct up- the city treasury. Puyablu out Of filo out of iii.site to their ntpce`iv0 "it it' •bride'ty d"und•'res a mve ' p1.U7050. [xvur tof thcsrelarY : 1s a 111,11 fund,it ountiuK to 'f in o[ George Ruis. City Trous,try to p„y- the said persons for their services during Lilo , til of December, iS91, its shown by persons named in the pay roll. presented �u �d puY roll. with tit” resolution, for the sum set oppO- Adopted Up the Assembly elle to their respe •Live names, in p:V•nrcot of the "alar}' uud coin Pensxttuu of snid ye, -)less.. B: rholzer, Elmrlu lst, H;ur"McC;d£erty, NJeNatnee, Can Slyke, �r parsons for their espl"01)[or ill' 1'reside tit -7. inspect the month of Dccembcr, l g res_ and livery oil nglntering onstruetionl. Adopted by the AssmnUly Jun. 1'_', IMI'!. Adopted by tho,Board of Aldermen Jun. 1:4, ItlJ1. Yews-Mcsers. Ban),. zer, Elmquist- Ycas-Ald. Bill en berg, Bott. Conley, Aare. lileCafferty, McNamee, Van Slyke, Copeland. Donner. Uurniden. Gehan, ylo- Mr. Presiden-7• lad}', Sanborn, Mi. President -10. NuSs-0. Jan. Nbys-U. Ali. by the ..,rd of Aldermen Approeed J:ul. ti. 1692.23. 189 . Yeas -Alda Bielenncr,. Bout, Conley, Coppeland Dobuer, Du'atden, Gehan,— hiblyN. Sanborn, Mr. Presipent-10. A'Y 1' Nu.4'�,- drawn ApProvod Jan. 14. 1MJ2. Approv. ]yeso1, 1. That warrants he upon the city t .' r' payublo out of the 'Board f Public \York+ fund," in favor of A' F. No 421- the person, named in the pay IIs of said d •p rtmcnt, xml pre cntetl til this res - ninuorr.terthe,.n I set oppus 1c. t.[hair fie_ 1ved.That warr,.nlsbcdrawn not „i r°io respecmre namet.in nayrnent er ne l- Lilo eitr ermtrary. mtr,tnle uhool fund," In fn vor oC t eorgc itois, are :md coin Ve osatio� rt' said persons for ec CityTr.rm;uror, for the , o i t or i2nS:J5, weir sewn -e, during month of Decem- to pay 'the so a od lo idditioo- persons s be,. IS91. ns shown by said po,t- rolls. Ado,tcd b the Assombl Jan. 12, IB'y2. 1 pay ]I for Octuncr. Novt hl,rc n d her, 1891,Presenmd wit l: this resulu- 1"cup--Jlu. yrs. Ban lrol '. Elrnr uist, V:tn J�yke, tion. tion. Ydoptcd U}• the Asseu,bl3' •Ion. 12, 18(12. B¢re, Mccali'cr[y, )IIN nlnce, Air. Presidcnt-,. .ens -Messrs. Banholzer. Elmquist. Cun Slyke. N¢rr-U Adopted U}' rho Board of Aldermen Jun. Bare. McCxi£crty, McNmneu, Mr. President -7, 13. Ls!e. Yeas -Aid. Bieleubcrg. 1301 L. Conley, Nays --0. Adopted by the Board Of Aldermen Jan. CO,aloud.DObner,DolonI,Gel:an,Dle- Mi. President 13, l Yeas -A Id. Biclenberg. Butt, Co. hu;k,, Sanborn, -10. Nuy,-o. Copeland, Dobuer. Dorniden, Gchau, ylc- Approved Jun. 14, 11Y2. OF THF CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FoR 1892. Bit F No. 740- lady. San burn, Sullivan, Mr. President In tho atatterof D:e ::port of ton Board —11. of Public Wor Its dated Dcc. "-2, 1591. Nuys -0. It Is hereby ordered by tike Common 1"t',t+rt ley tho 13uB11)ioll orJkt )Elm eu12 let, Council of the City of St. Paul: Hare. y""'ufferty, )I,Namee, Murray. Mr. Phut the Bnurd of 1'u blit Worksllo,, n( said Vice I':v'eidont pity of tit. Paul vansv. toe fullotving irn- NN -l1, aan:vement to he rn adv, to -wit: Condemn 3's )d Luke :i eaklom:•ot for t•uoatroctmg, Approved .lull. 1:1, 1HU2. alteringuml maintaining it 16 oder and tllronglr tout pnr� of Intl fru rid of um'is udduinlr ul nut lots [„ at. Bd F NO. ;++-By Ald. Dol•ntdon- I'Hal lying wit lain rile line. of Clnrll sl reit Bewltrd,'Phutunorderbchruwninfa- eruduced acr rs, .aid lots. from ylxry land ! , 1. „I tl:o Boardlef Conn'ol for the sum of trrct to Bose st rco t. and from Conk st reit 'I J" .3 neiug filo �'ty's tie -third of the L l.awsun st rret, n•spcc[ively. In snid t odic arc u1' .aid board in Hurl ❑tu(nI. r o•It v. thi),•it3 u.I v my hospital, tlmshouse 'Cont said Board .h:t!I procee,l without n,l Poor Lnrn: �tmi uu tduor rel�iut of poor de to ­c"cum :, „ ea Iy : du - we r„ aria ur Decen,twr, le'Di. they can stir[pin lbl 'amo., which will id :,inn ul:t to Ix• Void out of the Board be ­qui—cd b, psithe d:,mnge,. car*ts and OI I;oat oI Illicit necessa',v es pcnscs If ouch innn'uvcmem Adopted by the Board oC Aldermen Jan. upon the ""I ,•stat' Lo be I acute,[ by said i vc ant, :,, 1), ",-1 oy law; is Iva -.All. Biclen Uorg Bott, Conley, behorIl,o rpinionnftnta COnncilthat ro.:l O„I„,laml,U brier. Uurniden,Gehan,Ale- est:iW [n, tike• ut.e��:'1 for "tel: nn provr` lad)', uu burl:, Suliivun, Mr. President r 1 can he found nenelitvd to i he cheat -ll. Ofetho dtinmget, t•Osts and ca'Penses neves- Nuys spry 1, oc loll rv.l IhcreUy' AdOpu•d by thu Assem UlY Jun. 12, 18W. Adopted b}- toe Board ut' .11dormon Jan. 1'cus-)lea�rs. ISun lolzer, Elmquist, Hare. McCu11'c rt}: McNamee, llurruy Mr. Yeus-Ald. llwh-o oc rg, Iintt. Conley, \” •e n•, l'Ident Cupele rid. Dobuer, G,•o:or. ylelnd}', far- I. born. Suilivn n. )1 r. President-tU. Approved Jan. 13, 1592. Nay,t AdoptelaNJ by toe :Asrembiy' •inn. l 18D'_i. Yens- -C:lIv . lbuuylk,Nal lv. Elmqui st, Hare. M ,idc rte. >a•N,nnee, Murray. yo-_ Br11' No, Vi •e Pn [tient-:. lietoltvd, 'Phut City orders be drawn NnSt-11. upon roc city trcasn rY• payable out of the .\pp_vcd Jan. 1:1, In: r_, -bOslobi fund.' is favor rf 11 V. Dwyer llro.. Estilmtte Nu. 1, plumbing, gusdt- ting, etc.. Itt coy ;tad county hospital, d BS F No. d. Iry Alh Bott Adoptcd by the Bunrd of Aldermen Jan. lrebyl ved. That toe Chief of Pol too is In�r hereby ins truc'e,l to cause a notice h he Yeus-:A Id. oo., IUorg. Bott. Coulee, ved upon all pertoos tv hose bu si neat Copeland. Don m: r, Dorniden, GPresi President requires toe taking Out :Y a linen se. that I:rdy Sanborn, Snllivun, illi. Yresfdent meas ”. 'd oven"• it taken out, prior, to -11. tho drso ny of r,br,Op* .eta mtat�iney Nay —n. ill be prostcutcd in the manner Provided Adoptcd Ary the Assembly Jan. 12.18P. b5 law. Yc:u-\lets rs. lSu'Ind"', Elmquist, Adopted o}' tot• Bou rd of Aldo anon Jan. Hare, yloCUt11'crty, ylcNanmo, Marray, Mr. I�'f12, Vico 1'n•aldent-S. Yea,--Ald. itielenberg. Brit r, L'on luY. Nuy'. C )chard • Dobo. Dorniden. Gcl:.n. Dt c- Atrpr ocd Jan. 13, t,192- III( 3D^_. III(I. .vnnburn, Solli, n, lir. Prctidcnt-il. ' Nays_- \Aupted oY the Assent civ .lana 12, ISD" lid F No 746- H \[A: 11't t} }7 \;ante \Inrray, 31 Hetolt ed, 11:¢t cit}' crinis Ue drawn \' I lent upon the ei is truttuly, i,ayrtole out oche A1,p� r •t•tivu : .esrrnent fault. in favor f Approved Jan. l3, I::r_. i like1efoBowing named nersnn". ror m�e atillolut tet opposito to [boli rospecmve riaA�:>.�ost foo,. ,htnn,ges. IODes un Golf Bd F No. ;4:1-I I, AId. Dobo,.r- a'con,• M�:: A..I. and '. l':tt Ceo. do mn¢os. Ker,dveal. Thal p"o:i"k., and :tutoor- n;o,{;o or e.bdo , , laeksou street ..it i 6y- u e hert•nv gitvr: :o:d ;, u: rid 10 .Iu irn Fou U: t cit, a"1 s: M): >; liza Ohxrlos, IS. Bos in o roar ,ri'"r: ,rid "ad'. kill to,- qI of gra0c o r Jnt•kson tA'cs'Icv tr vt nuc b,'[wccn Capitol avenin+ rtrcet:md Fnnrtevnto sIrc,•t, 170; Thor. ton ;tad 1)n+ca� ; , in Lhe catnblishcd •C 8huw, lsunmle No. 2. constructing grade. Said wor'c� to be done under the v, Ode. slden':,Iks, InOI. Yd.lia'..07. •u pL`rvismn 01 ']'1, City Engineer, and AdopWd by the hoard of Aldermon Jan. w' I linul. e.v pc'i�r to tri,• ell}'. :i, IsIC. Adoptcd oy lot Itn:trd of Aldermen .inn. Ccas-Aid. niclenberg, Botta Conley, 1,9-1 l'opclu rid. Uuouer, Ihrrnidon, Gehan, yl, Yeus-Ald. Riolen Ucrg. Bolt. Conley holy. Stillborn. Sullivan, Mi. President <;ol>Llund, Doo nor. Dorniden, Gehuu, 1, s -11. 10 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Nuys -0 AdopWli by dillA,sem illy Jan. 1-. guts 1'ca-s—ytc-rs. Banholzer, F.I:n, t, Ban.•. McCufic rep, Mc N:unce, Mole:ly. Af r. A'Ict P-sulcut-7. Nays I AVP+'oved Jan. 1:1. ISl2. fad Hc,ult'ed. 'Phut city order, In• dn,wn u pen theci L,vt asa,v, pay able out of til" •.Inc:tl in,prurumrll t. fits 1. In bicur of the follu)viug-lis n'it Vt•rsoll,, fur the` un,uuul. ter uPUusi u• tbuir respective m,mta: Edgar l;. Varney et at.. rub(] tai-[, for pursing ullt),'through Green: 1117. Ly -not Dayton', addition. * Adupto•d by Lhu 73oL0.ard of Aldermen. Jun. 6. 1NU', . Ycls 13icle Dolitu pot 1, Cannily. Co{eland. Dubnc r. Doraldeli - Ill" cu - holy. Sunburn. Sn llivn u, Bit- I'n.,idmlt by the A—ewhly Jun. 12, IST' ISxnhnlzc r, Eln,yuist. imr�ia-. McNwme. At, rnty, Ai r. Approved Jan, IJ, ISJ_'. I3d 718—py Ald. Meludy— lie dVcv 1, That the Cil)' }:n Kinner be ami hereby is directed ttilt oction istree, t ll or is noel brei u, d Chnago a[force. ' uov uaid work to b`. duc by the street Ad,� )—1 by tile gourd of Aldermen .Inn. u, ISO-. Yclo--A ltd. piele.nbCrg, Bott. Cooley. lila, l a5unliorl�o So 1)li tin u�t•`Al GtP I.—idem Nuye—. AdapteUd by the Aasun,hly Jun. 12, 1892. Yeae—A[etler linuh ftao,, I sy. Mt. Rum. AlcUulYurt)', illcNunnr, Ainrrny. AI r. V ice President -7. N aps--U. Appru ved Jan. IA. ISO.. Tuns, A. PneNu City Clerk. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION 1), Itcsolutton, adopted by the Colo- n Cooncil of Ill.; CIL}of et. Paul. l'om mon ('aunt it F No. 2—By Mr. Murray-- ResolYed. '1'h at the St. Paul Daily [:lobe, Lhc newspaper vhich i, printed and pub- lished under that name in the City of St. Pilin even' week day is the Year, be and is Keech) desn nated by the Common Council to ler ei �itN If for [l et)ror ls'aul I he �,nf,,, pits soot r sh:dl be designated; in which sold ct wgspu Per chain be published during nand t the all ordinances and other Proceedings m1 tnntter reoulrel byi„4�s laf the[th har- S[utc. i Mrof inuesota, p' ter of or last's perlalaine to this c, tyc and lo' -law,. ordiaanees. r •.wlulmne and acts of the Ceu r o t Council of this ('ity. to be publiel,ed in aul' public ucn'spuper. Pro- vided, til lit the publishers thereof will con tract to do the -id work In the sm oe man- ner and :It the same price now paid for the 1Idopted by the Common council Jun. "!Q. Ycas—Ald. l3ieleaberg, 13ott. Conley, Cn peland, Dobner, Dorn Iden, Gehan. Me- lody, I, array, ,-ib ,born. Sullivan, Messrs. ISunhn:ter. Costello. lilmyuist, bicCartorty, Al e Numee. Moven. Oppm,heim, Van Slyke, Mr. President—_M). NII,,e I. Approved Jan. 19, ls!r2, I Preside lit of the Cowtwo I :Oun-fl. Tpoe. A. P—N o.au A„r, laity Clerk. J no. OFFICIAL JIUBLICATION (Ill t Leon r 11 of the [ell city of St. Paul.1- OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1892. it Fourth—Is sac•h tmpr oyemeot asked for ,eon the D,titt, „ ap Vltcatiou of the of a nntjority of I.he property W bo a ­, ed for net, imo pryc went. Fifth— Send Lhc Conuei l ll g iderprutile f enid improve men l.. : , o,luired by Ial.•. ,rL in I. „ u `[ tine = race I, ifS ,`i rept "line. i_ tl, —SCnJ the Cou mil pruner dirccti„g Lhc work to be duoo. .Arlo led b)' the Boar, of Aldermen Inc. IU. 1N!r_. I'u 1 7 Ilur Vex—Ald. I t it. 1'.wlc)' pc u. ,i den. Snub --1. Nil fres, llm,t —'I a, NaS,ri. V'sui d 's the n to] U i., Ei, 160°. Yeas--Mb,s1.. into]Uri.,El. ptlet. Ifare. AlcCnit'ertp. illc Nanwu. -Al r. 1'resl- dent-1i. vay,—o. A ppruyed Jxn. !7. IS!1, 1V. P. Allo As"Y. I'reeid,•„t of O.o v`mbl)' 11- t).'d1'I'f"AN. President. ul' Lhc 73oard of A Check- n. 'Pun,. A. 1'nL:N uel<,: sT. City Clerk. Feb. 1. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Of Ordinances Passed and itexolutuna Adoptedby line Common COunell of the City or St. tool. A'y F No 40S—Urdipunce No J77tH [lir All ,din:tl,c,' aPproVri:t Li ng mu cy , nth, l irectinf.• the pe,yu,eol to Henry F. •Lu•rnn an 1C:[tie Lu; -+til, of lhe,l, 'no'' *121.:,11, pul'sila!L to the report of tI, Comm it..cc ou Claiuls. 'Che Couluoo, Connell of rho City of St. Poul du ordul, as lollutv,: Sec[Ioi, t. That u,I o dcr b, drown upon Lhc cin etre a,,, ry or the City u[ SL Paul. —.11 oot of tic,,ce-Ilt fo„d to furor abdtsatl ifw;tion lit' any nnd`all claims for da [toll cotnpen.'a tion fur rattan. in- juries claimed it bac, hi'l't[ so.,tained to Lhc person of sai 1 Katie Logan on Aug. 1:1. [NUI, upon the Hobert st•Cel. bridge•. In lid c 1, IrtTcre rca,on of tltc dofet•Liveton- silnitttr o Cl; In till ,o r., fully[ l)� 1 ar. Said order to bt Jelive n`�d only upon )said pt, rLiu, lining with the City Cow 'It t ire nod absolute rcc•i Pis and rclaina and the city in satism"loo of said claim olid cl,S 1-1.Th:, ordi nano. shall take•1Tect and le. In force from andutter it, publica- tion. AdopWd by the A-rmhlp Ve;. 1jeC.affer 13ueNsirev, Blm,luist. Rare. Al c(:atTerty. Melva met. Van Slyke. Mr. President -7. N u)',—[I. \V. P. M t- .,, Pre,ide;:t of the Asse--mbly. Adopted by [he fine rd of Aldurmci, Fob. 2. 1a!rv. Vtu,—And. 13iulenbcrg, Nott. Cun1eS. Caul}cl+Su bllot. Sulll ijoau,leMr.GtPreside t —11. NaYs-0. U. U. t'o 1'rc-silent of the tiourd of 1'AlUdcrmcn, Approved Feb. .3. ism.. RU it let A. SMITH, M.Y.I. A tw,t: 'I'uo..',. Pjt—aLllt;AST, Feb. n. CiLY Clerk. A'Y F. No. illi—Ordina„to No..IS:I— An ord i„unt,• dtclariug and desigwlting a pubic murket, in Lbc laity lir St. Paul. ,file Cuuuno , C„nacil of Lhu city of St. Paul do,ol i 1, follow.: Section 1. The �� i,uth Bide of ul —Third ,treat, frow Wit hued”, west W Se Yen cor- f,oa� \Vis b:lel,n eu,1., ore he re by designated and declared u u publie murket of the city of 1. 1 be i„ r 'n em 1111td aflelr its patake clrebt fc- od Pu blicuonun ,su t a`Adoptod litip 1.b.,• A--nbly.lau. 12.1892. Years—Mrs,rs. ISw,hulzw', Elw,inist. Ale- Csnc't)'. )lc Nam Cu, lido„ Van Slyke. Mr. Pr r ,idem \ups—U. \V. P. AII:I[ItA Y. President of the Ass,wthl V. Adopted by the lioardof Aldermen Feb. 2, 1.19 1'cu,--And. I elw,btt'g, Boil. Curly, Copoln lid, unbw:r. Duruidc I. L;,-1 Me- In11y. Sunburn. Sullivan, Mr. Yre.+ideut Nay, -11. Yresidul,L of the gourd or Aldermen. AP Proved Bu urm•t' A. Snta•tt. Aluvur. Atta.•et; '1'su,. A. 1-11IN pF:w:AeT, Feb,,. City Clerk. A'y F. N,,. li'!--Ordinunt•e No.,1572— Au o --More nlithuriii, L' the t„ue. gu. tti”. and ,enc ap ter te I, -of l Idebt- dne,,. '1'1ac Cumwod Con nein If th' City, o[ St. Paul du ordain as elluw,: SCC[lull 1. 'CIiuL Lhu proper l ollleers rt the Cit” lit' et. I'uul be. ,old they lire Keech' authorized and directed les issue. uegutiute :dud ,•II `ertttict[cs of indebt - edncss, a, pro, Wed by sectio[ tlttern (19) ,If section Lhrce I:li , [ all act of the Legls- luture of Sw[e of Alion"' Lu. ca Uitled of vu't tI,' numml t is charter or the City t. [Paul, th,• some being u+n net e titledKilo 'ul, ucl. entitled an art[o reduce Lhe inlull rating the City of St. Paul In tilt County of HI—ey and Stateof ,illiunesuts,I I th, s; at acts riucadfl- toly hereof a "main other lots re- lating to "id; Lily tin" u ucd uud Lo n 1 the some." which act was ' PI ved Alun.•1 li 1'13, (:+thy. eighteen I,unJredo d e„Ly-four Uni`11. les the act, : mendu- torpLhtnwfaud upPlementul thereto," a pruced )lurch :I, ISUL iu anticipation o[ the collection of dues for the year 1811, fur the ,111,porl of the public library for I. Irianlit or K"'A1 11,2. The certificates shall be issued. negoti,tWd and sold fruw time W than by Bald ottleers as the .sante shall hu Itee�essjuLry to provide toad, I'ur the t'uriuus ) 1 purim—,-,is stated in section 1 n (I ipf th i, ,rdlnaace, wUhich said •`rtfi-Ts 'hull bear date Sept. I. ISM, and -hall p • Is,ued tomilt"rt not Ixwr Ihun Noy. 0 A. D. Ing{ awl shoo draw interest at the rate of9 per cent perannum. sad nuneEf said ce rtthentc, shall bu sold fur lugsjdiau I. No. 7 1—p)- AIU. Copehind— ilA Il. is hereby ordered by the Connmo l Coca- F. No. il!I—Ity Ald. Conley— •il of the City of SL. Yalta: and tak i fe,olved, That. an order be drown upou Thut the nmmdr of thnlinndl butting on to u I.be city [eras" ry- for the eb In nl iwu hull- Clark. , K I east \VcI1,Istreef between Edgerton street slid drerl I*'!INh dellors, in fnt-uror.I ob fund for Arc:,(It street. in the. City of St. Paul, nec- Chief of Yolicc, for a contingent l'l,ief or Police, Duyable "-lir}' to con,Lruct the,I„PC6 fur cuts and the ottoc of fid depart meat fund. fills i , gentling,[reef to the esvro)- t o[ the police t Adopted by the Board of Aldermen .run. li,lerl grade I I,-- us shute„ b' the •+of the 5, ISO!, ]wt,—And. Bitic llterg, Bolt. Cooiey,. ti le of ,aid grade ou the in Lhe a Itegistm' lit Deeds it olid fur tRnmeeY in the uftce o[ the Copeland. Dobner, Uonddtu, GrhluL ille- County. Minnosotu, and Cid be Of St. oto lady. Sanborn, Sullivuh, Mr. presides[ thcg.fbeuelr i� lirebyy rel'wred the --Il. Board of Public -Works to Incestigat. and Nays 1. Adopted by the Assembly .Ian. 1!. Ifn2. lzw'. Ehn,lu is t, resort: "t—ls this improyemtnc proper :aid ]'c —Messrs. psi, l,o Bare, McOulYertp, McNamee, Murray, Mr. ° 6econld)—Give Council:m eetttnate of Vice I resident— 7. tit the c epee thereof olid sate whetherAppruYe Nuys -0•d Jan. 13, IPH'?. l e-hitlf of the cost thereof is to be. Paid lector” the contract \V P. McanAY. President of the As,ow bly. in"the [•icy treusul•y , i.,leL. 'Third—Cao real eetiW to be a —,sed for W. A. VAN SLY a Y:. president of the Assembly. said improve lent be found 1, incited W Vice U. U. CL LIa:N, the ostent of damages, cost, olid es pe nses President of the Board of Alder wen. necessary W be it or-, thereby. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1892. it Fourth—Is sac•h tmpr oyemeot asked for ,eon the D,titt, „ ap Vltcatiou of the of a nntjority of I.he property W bo a ­, ed for net, imo pryc went. Fifth— Send Lhc Conuei l ll g iderprutile f enid improve men l.. : , o,luired by Ial.•. ,rL in I. „ u `[ tine = race I, ifS ,`i rept "line. i_ tl, —SCnJ the Cou mil pruner dirccti„g Lhc work to be duoo. .Arlo led b)' the Boar, of Aldermen Inc. IU. 1N!r_. I'u 1 7 Ilur Vex—Ald. I t it. 1'.wlc)' pc u. ,i den. Snub --1. Nil fres, llm,t —'I a, NaS,ri. V'sui d 's the n to] U i., Ei, 160°. Yeas--Mb,s1.. into]Uri.,El. ptlet. Ifare. AlcCnit'ertp. illc Nanwu. -Al r. 1'resl- dent-1i. vay,—o. A ppruyed Jxn. !7. IS!1, 1V. P. Allo As"Y. I'reeid,•„t of O.o v`mbl)' 11- t).'d1'I'f"AN. President. ul' Lhc 73oard of A Check- n. 'Pun,. A. 1'nL:N uel<,: sT. City Clerk. Feb. 1. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Of Ordinances Passed and itexolutuna Adoptedby line Common COunell of the City or St. tool. A'y F No 40S—Urdipunce No J77tH [lir All ,din:tl,c,' aPproVri:t Li ng mu cy , nth, l irectinf.• the pe,yu,eol to Henry F. •Lu•rnn an 1C:[tie Lu; -+til, of lhe,l, 'no'' *121.:,11, pul'sila!L to the report of tI, Comm it..cc ou Claiuls. 'Che Couluoo, Connell of rho City of St. Poul du ordul, as lollutv,: Sec[Ioi, t. That u,I o dcr b, drown upon Lhc cin etre a,,, ry or the City u[ SL Paul. —.11 oot of tic,,ce-Ilt fo„d to furor abdtsatl ifw;tion lit' any nnd`all claims for da [toll cotnpen.'a tion fur rattan. in- juries claimed it bac, hi'l't[ so.,tained to Lhc person of sai 1 Katie Logan on Aug. 1:1. [NUI, upon the Hobert st•Cel. bridge•. In lid c 1, IrtTcre rca,on of tltc dofet•Liveton- silnitttr o Cl; In till ,o r., fully[ l)� 1 ar. Said order to bt Jelive n`�d only upon )said pt, rLiu, lining with the City Cow 'It t ire nod absolute rcc•i Pis and rclaina and the city in satism"loo of said claim olid cl,S 1-1.Th:, ordi nano. shall take•1Tect and le. In force from andutter it, publica- tion. AdopWd by the A-rmhlp Ve;. 1jeC.affer 13ueNsirev, Blm,luist. Rare. Al c(:atTerty. Melva met. Van Slyke. Mr. President -7. N u)',—[I. \V. P. M t- .,, Pre,ide;:t of the Asse--mbly. Adopted by [he fine rd of Aldurmci, Fob. 2. 1a!rv. Vtu,—And. 13iulenbcrg, Nott. Cun1eS. Caul}cl+Su bllot. Sulll ijoau,leMr.GtPreside t —11. NaYs-0. U. U. t'o 1'rc-silent of the tiourd of 1'AlUdcrmcn, Approved Feb. .3. ism.. RU it let A. SMITH, M.Y.I. A tw,t: 'I'uo..',. Pjt—aLllt;AST, Feb. n. CiLY Clerk. A'Y F. No. illi—Ordina„to No..IS:I— An ord i„unt,• dtclariug and desigwlting a pubic murket, in Lbc laity lir St. Paul. ,file Cuuuno , C„nacil of Lhu city of St. Paul do,ol i 1, follow.: Section 1. The �� i,uth Bide of ul —Third ,treat, frow Wit hued”, west W Se Yen cor- f,oa� \Vis b:lel,n eu,1., ore he re by designated and declared u u publie murket of the city of 1. 1 be i„ r 'n em 1111td aflelr its patake clrebt fc- od Pu blicuonun ,su t a`Adoptod litip 1.b.,• A--nbly.lau. 12.1892. Years—Mrs,rs. ISw,hulzw', Elw,inist. Ale- Csnc't)'. )lc Nam Cu, lido„ Van Slyke. Mr. Pr r ,idem \ups—U. \V. P. AII:I[ItA Y. President of the Ass,wthl V. Adopted by the lioardof Aldermen Feb. 2, 1.19 1'cu,--And. I elw,btt'g, Boil. Curly, Copoln lid, unbw:r. Duruidc I. L;,-1 Me- In11y. Sunburn. Sullivan, Mr. Yre.+ideut Nay, -11. Yresidul,L of the gourd or Aldermen. AP Proved Bu urm•t' A. Snta•tt. Aluvur. Atta.•et; '1'su,. A. 1-11IN pF:w:AeT, Feb,,. City Clerk. A'y F. N,,. li'!--Ordinunt•e No.,1572— Au o --More nlithuriii, L' the t„ue. gu. tti”. and ,enc ap ter te I, -of l Idebt- dne,,. '1'1ac Cumwod Con nein If th' City, o[ St. Paul du ordain as elluw,: SCC[lull 1. 'CIiuL Lhu proper l ollleers rt the Cit” lit' et. I'uul be. ,old they lire Keech' authorized and directed les issue. uegutiute :dud ,•II `ertttict[cs of indebt - edncss, a, pro, Wed by sectio[ tlttern (19) ,If section Lhrce I:li , [ all act of the Legls- luture of Sw[e of Alion"' Lu. ca Uitled of vu't tI,' numml t is charter or the City t. [Paul, th,• some being u+n net e titledKilo 'ul, ucl. entitled an art[o reduce Lhe inlull rating the City of St. Paul In tilt County of HI—ey and Stateof ,illiunesuts,I I th, s; at acts riucadfl- toly hereof a "main other lots re- lating to "id; Lily tin" u ucd uud Lo n 1 the some." which act was ' PI ved Alun.•1 li 1'13, (:+thy. eighteen I,unJredo d e„Ly-four Uni`11. les the act, : mendu- torpLhtnwfaud upPlementul thereto," a pruced )lurch :I, ISUL iu anticipation o[ the collection of dues for the year 1811, fur the ,111,porl of the public library for I. Irianlit or K"'A1 11,2. The certificates shall be issued. negoti,tWd and sold fruw time W than by Bald ottleers as the .sante shall hu Itee�essjuLry to provide toad, I'ur the t'uriuus ) 1 purim—,-,is stated in section 1 n (I ipf th i, ,rdlnaace, wUhich said •`rtfi-Ts 'hull bear date Sept. I. ISM, and -hall p • Is,ued tomilt"rt not Ixwr Ihun Noy. 0 A. D. Ing{ awl shoo draw interest at the rate of9 per cent perannum. sad nuneEf said ce rtthentc, shall bu sold fur lugsjdiau PROCEEDINGS OF THE CWUBION COI--NCIL par and • cro, int crr�t. Said rrrtiti- •ates.hulitbr ,ignrrl 1 tl 3L,yor and ('It3'Clenk,uhogholluthatlu :elf ,f the ( ity of St. Paid thereto, and .hall be ourltersignell ny unr uuy t-�,mptrourr. a all .h;dl be nude puyablr ui. Tile oilier of the P ity Trv�uvll err of It.,- Pity of Sl. Paul, nr IIL the if"o eb,l len •}• of tin• City of St. Paid ill Lbr (itty)f New 1-ork, and ,hull si xteon t heir la the I'nnd for which tl .1 ._I cti, ell. and 'hall all t", it , f to -h aul ten:l' n,yyill best nhi to their nt„o O,tinil. "1 i. urdinun-I, "hull u,ke I; t it Sre.3, I 1 n I be in force from and after it+ plebli- Ad o. en Pte 1 h} tl \.s, Inbly .inn 1.'9 ] .a: 11 Ital I nni: PI lues, Ha ro. NI t ,Il etir, Jlr Nnmer, lI 1 reel- denc-ti. Nnyv-0. W. P, if l:nte<A 1', Previdrut �,f the A-olobly. ltloot, Uv t i 3oatd of AInerueell Feb. 2. Isir'. Tens-Ald. Biel-li-tz, ]tot t. Conley, Copeland. Dobner. Dorukdep. G, n, 31c- 11tdy, Sunborn, Snell, yu. ill. P +i tient lJ. Nit} --0. 0. ere,idratof the hoard ofAldr tact. A ppro, ed I - Itoanrr A..Swrrll. Nlavot Attest : Tang. A. Plt ., its. 111;As Feb. r Ctty C'h.rl: A'y P. NO. aA3-By NI r. F,imquist- lir.olyrd. "C II;,I Lbr Pity Coen l,t roller bn. rid be is bcrrby :tai ho ri i, Il nal r npuw o red to oder pri llU•rl :Ito uoni rs of bis re- port for ihr O;tr 1S'JI. wbcnrvrr ihr s;ln,o will bra Iit, t 7 Aduplc 1 l th A. ly Drt. 2', Isnl Yens 11 lbloholl.rl. Costello, F.ln,\ k t 3i \ Mine..Cll,pnnl ei u:, Van.Illyke. lie 1 resideot. Nays -I1. to rd of Aldermen Adopted by ill" I n Feb. 2. 1S9r!. Yeas -:\Id. ISieboeberg, Bolt. Conley. Copeland. 1lobnr r. Gcilun, Jfelariy. 9nn- born, Su ll Ivan, >1 r. Prr. eldcllt 10. Nays 0. App, o, rd Pell. 3, 19V A'y F No. 4113 -By lir. Itnnholzrr- Basuvd. '1'h:le \1 illillm Srlonidl Uu and I Ile iv e(I rn ployrd :,. frrmmt fmm plot. I to nooo Itihr on rl.ot h,u.e, fit t "clary,f 4' 1 on[h, hu rune meat to date ;r t 1:. 1. and oorlDnuo up to April 1:, t AI I[v11J tl 3. e II lb- 22. 1,991 ] e' U _-' IS I l l- trlllr, Clne 1 (11 ( hrl nt. 3'an SI3k ,Jf A" po. ted by the Board of Alders et, Feb. 2, ISV2. Yens Ald. Ihrlrnberg, Roll. I ele3'- Co7,rbmd. Dobner, Duroph•n. Grluue. Hc- ittly3', San horn, Sulli von, Dir. President -I1. NIty, �. Approved Feb. 3. 1892. A'y F No. illy-ltv Dir. Iianhu1ze1- Hr.1 '1'loit It J Egen br and he fe Ir•rr by ell: plo}ed a+ teKht ,eatubro nean fm eooth at ibe market I it- In ihr Cif}' I,[ St. Vaal. at a -IID'y of $T0.00 icer Iooni.lt, lo"o.. loymeot to eon mend Ovl. I, �, I:..,I.nnd rontiour until May I, A'. 3 r1„plyd b,' the,\.,em bl3' D) IS91. Yru=-Nlr,vrs. Il:ueholze., Coll Ml -Nal;lv,, )linea. Unpenbet m, Veil .'tyke. 31 r. Prrvkdeot.---.1. 'ANrl„v [, o US iBoard of Fell. :C. 1'ell . _k It. IS-, DIIerip Mutt. Conley Cope hind. Dobnrr, t ll.n. Gehuu, elo- 11� Stub un, Slllllyall. D[r. d"ni 11 Na, n. A ppr „ ed Fe b.:1. 11192. 4;y F No. 4011- Ill flee matter of for report. of the Boned 1'1'le bliu 1\-ookddated .tun.12. 1S J2. tt It i" brruby ordered by the C'ummon C luf tl 1 ly f8t-work 11 1. tl r Ii 1 f 1 bile \Turk, of void city of St. ! aul t 'e the tui lowe uK Im- `I I'Ivemeot to bey niatlr. to -wit: Open, r den and r toad Ea,t Fifth street, be - 1 nnen Aluple 9treot uud Hope street, h, aid city, romirmneng and txl:ing all that band nut ain�ady condemned or Aedicated 7t res !I._3 --.1y111 f Itl,in lr�ot he lcuntor I- f I I s 1(11-01j,ld as folluwe, to ,yet. Ii, den Ini, nt the wort beltsturly u•I of HiKb h":d addition iu the cin t••r I�IflPiftb .trut•t: 1Jerm•r vaaerly iu t igbt line io a poknr oil ihr centre lino of Hupe et net :f;4.,1� sfrdi.nf oot he rly front for ldrloliuLnece'e Hope 1. as lb file eco to r Ikon of Sevin vtroet, o the 1'1t1. of St. Paul, Ninnesot:l. 11 t 1 Il 1 '.1 11 L d tbuut fdelay 1 tl t. nearly tl t l 11 1 1 III tl 1 f, c' and pclueo[ vu,.h a :u I t up. oIII,- in lb�• ne: I r,l u[e to b1• benefited Vby s:,id utpruyrneot, a� pnly ldeU by low. It brielg ihr. opinion of the Cultn�il Lhat real ,•.lair to bo uv.e:v•d for s Irl: 'nlprove- ntuntran bo found benefited to the extent I,f f or dnnugee, n1+le :rod Ovpense, nocrs- a y to be knt•urn•tl t hrn•bc. A I I It'.' b3 t1 \. Ibly Jan. I'� 181Y�, 1 - 3lry r' Itnohulzm, Elmq ui.st. Marr. MLCallerl Y, lir Naoo•e, Van Slyke. Mr. P.-idem-�. Nu y ear Adopted by the Rotted of Aldermen Feb. _ 1'euand,o lb, Itkrlburg. IS('otic,, I I ,boor Durnirniduo Dle- I.tlly. suobm n, Salle yam Dlr. \ice Yresi- ,b-nl 11 Nay+ 0. App- ed Cob..; I,W. A'3 F No. 4'd1- 1(reolved, 'Chat cit,' order, bo drayvn upol: III c I it} tl, uvin'J. pu}nble out of the it} hull nod t nit bon+, nontei ee fu nl,''eu favor of ihr following -named pe r,o 11 s, for the nolounl, setopposite to their r-protive name.: C. CI. Berg h.41 iii i.; Ron rd of Wilt-Cumnkssionere, 1N4.32; OF THE CI'T'Y OF SAINT PAIL. FOR 1892. VVklll:uo ItodK«_r.,c C,., ',bent.: Thomas Fitzoatri,' k• x14,..,1: Pit o,l,•rbu+t It...... 74 rnls, John DoIllall \ Sot if: V I lunme Ill-_ d' G f.g.' & C .4'1 . V. I lwyyer&lit os.i4. Fdi of Fl vt, e, IJghI g Pow- Compto-y, '15 71: Dooalcl,on. Ogden h Co., :I.n:,: I'hlenl: S %iklll,1 lid, al. N`,; Adam I1et•kr r. ?:t.12; St. 1'nlel Gav Light Com pun #In.41. Otein' city'" liull vhn rr ,�Il nbo ye bi l l+.i ldopied h)' 1h1 .\,�eenbly .I:Io. 1". M92.Ye.u, it•s.n. lin elholzrr, F:I u:,lu.t. hare, it l'u ar rl Sl y, Ni, Nnne, \'nl yke, Mr. Pr WIe ni i. Nays'. Adopted by the hoard of :\Id1•rin,•n F, b. !, Itl7 \i 1. Ihrlr,l h, rg Itott I ,nl Copt Innd l ullro Dub -t It I1 took ' 31 \' Indy, Sao born. Solt v.tn Ue. In -e 1'Ir dent -ll. Nuys -0. App -ed Feb. :1, IS!r2. A'y F' No. 4'_'0-Ity lir. Elnofld" - Itrstivrll. TI I Ihr C"., Eo_•'w,e, l er •Ui lulbori'zrd to e.c prod ill l'r1. 11uo, deed: ndiit'[y 111 I ,. tl, ,I I ed G, tht,Ic-I, nK„Ik,'�tl- '"II rl of Ihr trlep boor , :Ux113-. , e Inc PuIr. r, u1;, a nu orale f�rt':Im Po- ._ �iidrt •n„I,I:;rIII� i A(lopted by file\.. 1111 Jule I-'. Is1 1 -ecu llevu•s It:,,,1toI-1. Et null kt Hare. Nb-Catf arty. 31.N uta, r, Val IS \tr l .idrut Ad3N I)t �I by ill, Board of Aldre men F b. 2, I8J'2. Yeas--_ ld. Ilkrloill-g. Itult, Copeland, l'ulle ll. Doh or r. Ilornidrll. lh- Indy, 8nn born• Slllli,'nn, Mr. Vire Previ dun t-11. Nay's -a. Approved Feb. 3. 11fr2. •\'y VN,. 421 I3 M1 Nf 11 I u, It " beta by 1 I I by IbCommo : ('o1o:r41lll of Si. Paul: 'I'11.�t ihr o:tt ter of ror", ori log It l;;,idrel Lyne. brtwrra Sr 111y :nld NIou in fern11cto the it I of Pobllc \\ork+ t, in v I 1 I er pori. N t A, tl Impro,cm, nt pl pal tart nr, it ly 1 l • Ilte C , II all •+tin ul, of rile r.y-poovtl Inn• I �.o,d ,I•or Iul , I utr :-11n11"ol'the rust thrn•of i+ Lo br paiA nfo Ihr elly trea+ory I efore ihr to otlu,'t I '1h1 lio r -Ilan t •III r.tutr to hr Il*+r�.rd fol d Tinier of IPe b1• I„ood ben o - [O Lhr t•]Irllt�,f dmm�gn+. eo+te:o, to n- 1 sal tl -1.It, 1 1 ' 1. for al , the p. -low ppl Utica , 1 t. ofool:l)orit3' of lio., p1-,ty I,, u. 1 f k 1 i II 11, 1 I t pb,r of p til of I I II. e,lad LI, Ify Itcp of to I'' I yu 1 I t to I , �sth-;end Ihr C,llm'if a 1) op, dim ,nog Ito; wod ork to r ,�on. \doptrd by tl, \s.rlal ly . lin. 26. l+.l_ 1 rlu.-lir-�I lb k olz, I, F:1 uq oi.l. Ilurr. Mi,callerly. lfeNanrr, Mr. 1'rec:- rlent-i. Na} -s A d, ipted Ir)' the Boa.'I of Aldermen Y,--- -_-ll l It clen berg, Boit, Cooley. C,ptl; J 1. ell , Dobn r 1lod rtoen. IIr- Indy. S.olborn, Sulb,an, lie. Vice 1'revl rlrot--I I. Nay. -n. Approved V,'b.:1 1.7., Rrs, �I, e11 'I'lut city old, rs be drawn apo thblr out of file dnpu ren I•nt. load. ell f:t of the lollrr,cing-nurl� or.l peon.. for Ne :t mount, oppoior eu tilt 1 t' t U. \ullrl „*. \ 11 f\ C 411; All; _ A. Ito •Ili• 1 , $!n11.44); Chill ILv 1: C. I'. ii,'r lUn'.uI , Stas, '$J:,. a'e: U. hell �II.:JI; No, 11,11'e.irro Uoppe• and r:ls. IS\fork,. £x.711; Che,ter Uil Company, ('hnpp.l .roues. 841;:111: ,lame, bele +t el'I11:1 kr r. �5 i; ('I'll,I FNel l itl.l.i; llooloberli r.putlen" 3li!I;s3 I; rkbbl•n I, Il lel bet• Coln pill v. ;Id. N:t: •.nt +- q'be It. F. Uuud rich l'h:o:d ire, ogt so 1',�m pn =learn; Aleg. Il:tuul rr. 5.: C. \1'. Mnrk1. III 1 e, t [ t4, i e,o .) ; Jii„II .\ .ull.,•rle,-, $Ell.-. I.iodrl; r. \\"ornrr \ Srll urlorier. t1: 1>d- u,l Mr Nuuecc, 'll.h. lhumd ler'Ig" .1. I, :too; l:eorgr Nlel.rh. .ilc0i,: George .1. \I i- •1 ; 1. 1 1 `NI 1 hest- 'Itill I. k- `tuot,lor ve IN Irl: 4\ V .1 , 'I I I l 1 5 NwoI'\II 'l \ "Il C C'utl PII U1, I i t l4 ".11 196; F:. It. Pr -fol, ,@ Co.,C.tn3 St.. t'uenp;roitul Bra",:s: Ryan I1rng Coo: A. I'uuBra",\\u: 'crit,, $l:i ;:\. Stl ol, tinelLle (:onepinny, !. li. SI•Il le rine ker Wagon Company,..}l:iii: rebore -U hh'.y (loopnny. $an; \'nen out 1111 toll: ,: {.i6.ls; \Yuteruuv Engine t�ueopuoy, ;': union 'Enic Linc, b. -kill I 1 I fit, \ 11 Jnll 26, 1671. \' -.31 li l 1 F[III 111 ti 71ar,, 31 C talrtry Mee r r1., lir. ]'e"I dent -o. N:ys-o A, 1pted by the iloard of Aidernlen Feb. Yru+-AbI. Itisicllbrrg, Botta Conley, I'u p,ln oda 1'u lie "!:,I[)[ , Uoboer, Uorl,idrp.nAle- luly. 1 alliy uu. lir.\- ff t.t debt 11 N It 1 A'y F N`,.4:11- ., I ' al. 'I'lial ret -de., br drnw'o lie.. y 3 0 , tb,•rit} trea �u r}'. 11n y:,blu out of the '�I reel :old + 'r l' 11 nieu:l oee mi.' In I�Illuulls tuned up - for I ot"f app, -ire lio t�:, fly, IIIA. nl+ A olrl'I•I,I \I loll L 1. I '4 11 I. -I II- It y.fl1 .l.. I [ xl: .I.ib•t rya t" -:'r; .I. G. Du,;gul, F:I'u� 1'01' (',�u ll�le;y �. i-411:30: 31. 1'. Iriellliul1,,•. liml- b.Id..l�. W. Iho•I.etl IItlille o Conp; .7 A. Me:St, �. l'uul llln'tlu':o'e Cum gluey. }I..:i: A. Jobst. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL <16Ao: 1'. 11. ILCIIY Men•:Mile t'ornmto3', 1 ApProva•d Feb. a, In92.- 114A0:W.W.1 urd, tJ 5: }`. Mol'lld.$fit.:+i: Mart, Itllfo rd .\ fill }well Com1 111.!10; -- Mb,nrun„hs C St. r,21 Havlw'lY 'o r pa'Y. SIL -1 F M - 'I._f lll 1- A, F No.aKt '1'I be druavn I'II it I ill \I dl Hr t I. Fte.+ol ods ni coS order+ II the erty treiWury. P,Iynble t of C. illttsch. III tuber y. $:Lfi(lU!H; \oyes T?roe. S Cutler, tbC "Vr aping nd stationer)' fund," to $I.i 5; Y. Norl'rn.1114.50:1'rCndl, gl, nt lir.+., faro}.( file tollowbig-named Person. for B+J.ab: Hobinsoo &C -1Y Com poop. ?.2.!C{; IIIc umoubt.rt opposite to their respec- U._f 5o: K.I. R"', C Iiyuo I1ruK va,S tive num" : \V..1. Driscoll,$4.g,: fit,) C Co..;i:lu:tl.; t. Pool Foundry I;o'n lr:lny". ;,:?11: tit. 7':rue H:uvlworC Cmo- .Tr,a,( t'o.. 2-i 1!1.01; H. M. Smyth 1'riuUng Cnm- Pun3'.81:p. ''. Mill; Die oll<i,e It avg. #541.'1 It; 1\'yGkoR, SI':,mnns R lie $16.70; F. tit- Mo.1 Furuitu'\; I'ul,I p:a!)', 611.5: La..... Hros.. 114•:50: W. A. Leri +}13.15 J. 1'. Urib- n"diGt, Aa,ielr. r2d, ;5i: Globe Ilolahchrng Con,- bea Lumber Comp:Iay. 631}0; Du.\ R I'll P:tnc. $Ji22A;5; Jumps }?urns, 51.1'1.40. . i!I.+O; M. itrcen. , S. alAdupted At]opted by the Asnem hl}- Jun. 26, 167'2. by trap As.en,blp Jurl. 20. 18h2. I Yrus-)le..rs. Huubolzer, Fl I utst. McName,, Mr. )1'rest- Yeas -Messrs. Ilunbolrer.F.Im1 uist. ]iare, MGCalTcrty- MrNunmG. Mr. �'rusi- Hur", McCutl'erty, dent -i. dent -6. Nay')+ -0, Nuys -0. erCn Feb. Ado }ted by the llourdof Aldm Ado'rd by file 13uu rdof Abl,r aeo Feb. 'L. InJ12 Yeus-Aldo ISiCIGn be rg. ]Sot'.. Conley, loft_' 1'e:u-.\Il. HiClen bC rg. Boal Cool")'. Coeelnnd. Cullen, Dnbn era Dorlliden. \le- Oopeb:n0. Uolh•o. Doioar, Iloru idru. Mu Iady. Snub.}.. SuHi lea, All Vico rrosi- lady , Sioiboro, Sullr Y:ua, Ma'. \'it•C Pr Iat dent -11. drat -11. I N lay L" Nuys -0. Approved Feb, a. Id72. ApPOU (I Frb. a. In1),2. It ti�uid l.nll bee ]tesolred. 'That city orders be druaYtl A'y F No.4:3J- Iteso Ir "bat rily ordC r.. be drum upol, the ei ty'treu.0 r3 • Vn>'ub le oot of ibC uPo a the' "ity tn•asury. poi"able out of th0 followinK „t, erU Orate of ulebtolnes fund." ill (a- hat 1'Rht'ng rand." in faros I,r ter tm"ti ve noes, fordo, :nm -,,at set onno- of the loth nig uu led I r.+onx oPPosibalto tbCi, resp"et- �itetotheltr PP•CLive Iona filenof'et u"'I tYWurrtet`�ebarl' Asi11:ItI I'llwing Com- St. Poul GaePf.IKh1 Compno7'K:+s bills for Urbmer. NorCm labs nd Derem per, fail], six a otbti o"P rC.L to Juo. 1M11. tluf t;Nua)on'L,1a1•rrt and IbJ1i, oany. '1, aa,li n , ao L iced for p,1. mK S a L 561. le I ea dept I y LI �lf„nillorlri•r :at Ado ted by tl A,— ably .f o,. G, 1802 Floilruist. \i EI'nllu nt. S"afl MI . Il t11ul�,er Hxre, \1cl, IRtrt). At N. Sir. fres' Hare, \lei. aPrt'1)' Mr Num"". MI. V-si I dent 6. dent -R Nuys -0. Ado)te'1 by lhG D.ard of .\Idcrm"v FCb. Na3-s-l. A.,,I,W,l by the R.,,ard .,f Ald.rma•n Fob_ "_. 2, 1.72. \Id. Iti elmtlre re. Balt, Cloalry, INJ_. Yetle-Aid. f1wh-oberg. Hoot. (lonleY• ]-(•ate y n ell re h,nfl. Cull. Do burr. Dorniden. Me- , Cullen. Dobu. Dotnillrn, Me - Copelan der Ia, 9unbonl. Sullipu n, \I r. \-i.e Yresi- San b.rll, SulliyitYirc I'rrsi_ Of, dont-11. deno-11, Nuys -0. Nuys-.. Feb.3, NY-'. Approved Fell. 3, M 2. ApproYod ,y•y }• No. 111-111' \I r. nlcC:ttrcrty- ItaliarL Thaicit}orders W drall10 u poa'hr city ter:curt'. Pn-'nfail oat o[ the "ho.piwl Rind," 1 soros Id' tar b!,k: inK Gd VC for the Itloouut rl I site to tl I I+' � Will. H Ibe-, Irl •t o1K 1 't G,.. H:.tinlnto No.. serum hru'iag, etc.. slc.un 1 I I it 5a 1'cu F>I \I +y 111 ISa11 rely, JI j,26. IHJt )I1+ 11,1 rr. McCull'rrly, Mr Nnmrl•, Mr. I"e,,i- drat�i. Nuys- o. Ad.pb•a by wr 1?.:'rd.r nldermra r>rb. 2, 110- Y,- -Aid. Ibrlenberg, Iioti. ClIa Y. ('o)Cl:mtl. Cullen, DO— 1. Dorn idrn. Ole- bo:y, Sao born. S1lllia'uo, Mr. VierIlee,i- dent-11. Nuys -0. A' a4o1'II 4:t>- lt.- al, 1'hn1 etty- orders be drown u'ron the .I, ter:tSo rt'.roto P:Uf'l, 'blo nil." i not oil, the ru.+G s+I faro} G m of she follo.m,,-o; I.•rsnos. 1t'or the 1 m oat cit. II -t. Io Ihrir .-Pert"'.. 11\o".i: r nous F.flm,t 1, No. s nml final, n nlote ,tYG11 m•, Cilo:.1. Co rod. H t t No. 2,uu1 dual. s •x'c t• on Ih•ary 1 :t 't v:rli; D. \Iai,ler,brneh and wlfl•, dolmlgCs or uceount ,f 1•hnllgr of grade. .1 kson street lands 1•'nu rtr"nttl sLrrcL:'_Yi: H. C. Hurbuer. Esilm:dr No. gr,tdieg \IG \lellrmp .t }ret. #+illi; I. W. Mxloi •Y. H:.roto,", No I. a, tdi.K Uo1T uv - ?41 .11. I.a c, Hstiuulb• Nu. 1. Krati- liI(- 12raury Jr brldKC :Ilrproaohus ltnd "le}'. f"I" C. F:. S:II dI• m stiamto No. Y. KnullnK C.IIa[sworLh street. i'_'S.5; \\'. J. Preston, F.strmute No. 7. upplementary OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAI -L, FOR 19112. 15 to No. I; I1,d linin, Fi+k s\rrei . x 1100; W. J. Pre'tou. Estimuto No. 3,0supple- entnrr to No. ^_ and fill: 1. Case . a•t . ix,; 11% 1. r • tl,., ea No. 3 W�a final, see U \ , 1 l,l 1 \rt11 .tn,St. k ate Yo 1JIIsu P)le moot err t, N 1 d Itfnal. Uak 1")- u. 11 _ ?I'; .ILL F.vtrmate. No. :1. sopplee ' 16ury w lo -o; Ind tiolal, hull a •nut .GI .. r. v'Li: Stock. ton d Lindourst ` H:stimutl�INo. 3. suPPle- �rtttr to Nu 2 1d Hold, I'uraG : c �n Ie r. d5o; .I. C: 1Nolson. 'slilnu lel No1:1. supple ate Wry Io No. nd ti l�ul, Iris place sown.;IO: '1'IIornlun R SIInw. E,ti- m'e No. s uu(1 final, x'0olro sidex'a lks, it,gl. $766.lU1. \d.Pt(ut W' Un• A.srm illy .ion. 2t1, IS!f_'. 1-ou.-Tlessrs. Hanhoir.Gr. Elmou it. Hare. McCafferty, McNamee, Mr. Pres"i- denL�. NnYs-0. A 1 tvl b � Lhc I?ourd of .\Idrrmen A'y F No.43!a- 1, 438- HGsolvrl.'1'11a' G11y orders be drawn the cit)' [rCusu r)'. DuyublC out of tIIe u Pts 1 pl 1 1 ru.•or or the brl- I x': K t f [I oats R�tiirl of girl r oo Iol 's 1765. Adoplyd by the A.senrbl}• •lou. ri. 1+!1" \-ells-Mese rs. H:ull Ines. Motorist. pure, hlcCatrorty, McNuuiee. Mr. 1'resi- d'-wit-6. NI y' -o. Alb b!" b}' the Board of Aldermen Feb. 2. 1102. YCas-Aid. Hirh•nbI•rK. ,Sot'. Conley, Cnuol;md, Culh'n,c Dollbel•, lhv'nill a. Me- htdy, `Inb.rb. Sllllivap, Mr. \'icePresi- dent-11. supre, e A ppr.vrd Feb. 2. NO2.2 F"b1.2, In7' )IIurC- Mr. ISI,11. ('only 1'eun-Aid. ISiClun berg, e, Iir.olcrA, 7'but 1N lion rd of Fire Cnm- fJo1r01:end, ('.0 IICI1. DoboCr, Irornidcn JI- n,assionrr+be.uod t bei(, ooetlo-to oor- beol from filo water or ludy, Sunburn, Sullipa n. ]I r. A'ice 1'resi- ed mr romdce the 1110 old Ci1l boll. o)po,i to lirGG Park. and dent -11. toAylnrr rhe sums. on Engine HousC No. u. APproVClI Feb. :f. Inst, lolr'"d 63"the Awotohly •1 EU F.Imquist. - ,laic Yea. -Messrs. Ununolea, Fiore. McCafTurt3'.MGN:uneC--5. A' Ir. No. J:tIL- '_'bat Ire dr oro o3'n-➢fI'rl,' Balma Adnl>ted b by 111,• 1Ballard- of Ald Cran Ola Feb. 2, ln!r:, Meso lved, Gity ord rr+ Ibe t• r tn•aso r3". Pu ya hlG o J of teras.. -Aid. ISi GIGalboo,r Plot. Cooley. i Pon 11 Llae "toe.,I oopr,r all at fond:' (aper CI, rr htnd, ('11IICn. Dobnrr. DornidC o, hfc- o([he followiog-nanaerl P•r.' for LbeInl�p, ,..asllrrlicr S' nbol Sullrr,ln. Mr. Vier Pr i. n u' mo sec opporilr to ti mer to\V�a.l. Pns'[uo, E.I'ote Nn Nu. :1, op Ill.- b, No. _ 1d ,f n:d"1' btl:g v`r dent -Ii. Nuys-.. APpr ,a Cd H'I•. b. a, (n7!. nary 1et 11nU v •ct. ."x ?.' Hirk:,nd & - SLarkCy, F.stiloo o ,er A,,Ioll\a,))ICme 1: 1, A1I 1 x'i tr No !1 od it all. sy+tem. fio".. 1 l U 1. `til. A H \ JJ 13 )- Mr. I der olrer fi -. I 7 11 It un order lw drnwla upon Ado IIA b) tl A.'- all J i'Y Ile tV t p. pnp'tl,lc out o(tht• Ken S Wluw. 1 ea Me. r.. Il 11 ells, I rim I ,i. 1. Ilurc.�Jb'Call'G sty. ICN:unor, Mr. l'rtsl I sal f utd, wfu • I or Al, I ,.. Ibe su , of 12,'110, 9. wbI' I, m I ., m U'„ bv.iuvlal l c. worl<donC swirl Mo, l \VhiW all A d.InGd by u,G HI,:Ird "r .vdrrm"n Pat, I Hn. rl n,aeu aI rr file nldldi,Igol1 AvG.L It FCb. "_. ln:r_ 11,1111 street for :1. Juil. a 1d it1 Puy_ Ye -Aid. Ilirl tube rg. holt, o'oal"y I'upel ludo Culb•n. Uub mer. bo"ol .o. Me lent f said G>tras.:w tloxm b • the bill ni' sold} MrShvr1'y .l- White. ami bearing lad c, Sauburll, Sullivan. Mr. Viet• I'rrsi It ti�uid l.nll bee dGaL II. Ni,, ­ 11. do n, IPll.'li-said-dale unlerts dClirl red poly a ,o t wl, bring tiled with ,\pproprd FCb. :1. Itl!r_'. I.hr City ('mo)1 rl,IICt' full:md 40"I'llte rt- - IG:I�eP of oil l• bolos ad lGmum7s oguinnt Ibe Cil\,o[ tit. 1-nallo c int of .sell �II,IiIC A*, FIN, 1:17-- bG dr:lwn ork oI, all x a, rork in d `Itlool sod I bnildiot. u) to +. 1 Ju„ IY, Resolved. volt city I rdt•r. 1. ublG out lf'be Irp2. r\ A 1, you the cit )''r'11sur)'. mi f I t 1 tl • fell, I g Adl,piC111rr IhG AIssembly all. 14172 11 1 t� t ^ •t 1 lruv Ml �sls on., Flmlluut, McNmnee, Mr. 1'r.•si- t LI nth 111\I I a .. Iblrr, A 001crt Y• 1, '1 t. I7 hrtq, IZ.t1ma14•rC n. 1. Ed_ttl Irl. dr ' Na)e-0. ytrGrt OrGl'11uw .r x'rr.'-0J' ao.!li, ln92 AdoPP" by the lSnu rd .r Aldermen Feb. PP" Adopt'•d by IbCAs+rnlbly,tl 1'ef" Men. li h' I' R F I , t, 1 2. ,s,,,! tear Ald bll•Il llllrrg, Nott, Cooke, McCa11I I'3, McNujLtt, M, _ Com•1.1 vd, Collin.ill ao., Dorindrn, Me- don 1.-r Ia(b'. Sauburu. ffiIllicun. Air. A'ice Pmsi- Nays�1. (dopted by the Doa -d of Alder'm•o FC41. dC11t-I I. 2, Ix!'. Yeas -All. Bwlrnb,-1 batt. ('onley, A, II, •\Ijr,,Y1•II Feb. 3„16J'2. (':,)Gland. C adieu, D"he", Dor obb.o, Ab_ lud)'. Sanborn. SolliYno, Mr. Vire Presi- -- dent -Il. ,y•y }• No. 111-111' \I r. nlcC:ttrcrty- APpro ved FCL. a, ]tl!r2, 1. Appro I HI•solrcd. That nn order be Itaavn uPor PROCEEDINGS OF 171E C011ID10S COUNCIL, the eity t rea,nry, plly:tble int Of the Kt'II- eral food, 111 t,vor of D. W. L:,wIv r, C.Ir. poration Attorney, furthesum of 00 -Io. to be ,ed u, a a ltingcnt fund In the officeofsaid Uorporatiint Alaorucy in the puyinentorwane.,,fee,nmfen,t 111,wts n which the city is a Du rt v. and for iot!- dontal ex >eo,es of said utliel•. Adopt,, by the As rnlhly .tau. 2G. 1,92'. Yeas-Jle„r,. 111 .1, F.IIm uL, t. Hit", Mccafl'crly, M,Nanm,, Mr. l're,i- dent�i. Nays n. .Il]upted by the Board 1.f ,\Iderm en•Feh. 2. 1R!t:. Yen, -Ali. Ibelenler, }tui 1. Conil•v. larla.d. C. I11 len. Dohlll•r, Duroide n, NI,- Iutl r. Sanborn, Sullivan, \Ir. \-ire pi,-,i- Nays--O. tesi- Nays--i s0. Approved Feb. :3, 111. A'y F No. IaG - Inthen!attcrofthereport If the Board raf YuhIn. II-orks,hlled Jain. -I, It Is he relay , tiered b}' the I'ontmon Council raf the City ul' SI. Pan l: 7'hut the Itourd of Public I\'ork, of the City Of St. 1'uul cu u,e the foiiuwil:giltt- prurements to he mode. to -wit: `rat O. stn earl take a 1 eas,In cot for r I,tructing. altering. repairing; old Ilintalli z and thrvnl, I :, tr, tnl' land w,nty�two feet i1 Ir ,Ith, ext, 0 ling fr"m Fourth ,trees. to 1'1la leo ,r, •l, rule .I I at. Screnth street. the r ­til th acid which strilni, described It, follows: Reginning at the int.: e,erliun If the center lio,suf Canal street .::o I Fourth .street: thence northerly :dung filo center line rat'Can:a st reel, see tion with the n-,•st flue of hlollc wen, l.ynlun Dayton's addition: thence ill u 'trniRllt lice to n poll!t 0n t he center li m• of the Phalen creek eo (cert n ,,hr Set, ,, h street, produced and dl't lot';,o fee[ from thesuuthend thereof: thence 1 ort beriy alon slidcente' lift ^_S0 f • l I , Led of said r•lll reel Also Ing ft twenty - fn,t to width. extenl]iof Crum Cnn:d [reef to the fight of troy y the ce Iter C Duluth }tail road comp ray, the center lino o[ which strip shall beastraigh, line,dn,lit, seccuicee feet southerly from and parallel with th tth line elf Fourth ,Ireei. In x lid city. s 7'hnt said leaned nh!111 pr •,d without delay to u s tl!e :1mu11ot`a nnrl}' : they o;,.l o"erthin the �n me, trhich he Te.qu roll to pay the damages, e0sts n1t t1 nl:t' expenses of well iluf', co :, mtoj P r o v ilei b� law'; it being 1 0. .1d; I(". of title,: tn1.I1 shut real e,tate to he ns - 9 sed fortsdell imm'otroleni. elle he found be eht,d Iu the extcot oI dusttaae,, e d1,r, rad e.x m'nses ne".11.11'y' to ne int tied I Imre) }du,-upted tIy the.\ssenthly .l:l o. ^G. Is!i' I'eyl1•srr,. lt:!niluli.er. F:In!1I!Iist. Hart-, \feCalf, 1t . }Ic N'aoler. NP. I'rI I ent-G. Nays -al. \l]0pterl i!y the hoard of AldviI I Feb. •,Yet.r A1,1. 13 it le t l berg. Itutt- Co l!1, C ladite toSum❑l Colleo . Donne. . Me - den -ll. Nay -0. APBrov,•,i Feb. :I, ISff_'. IV. P )lett ltAl', I't'esideot of file A"nenbly. U. D. 1'1'I.I.t:N 1'r:•,idcot of the hoard if Aldermen. V'i„ !'reside rat ul' the Board of A r, k. n. '1'111:..A. PItI:Nn Y.III:A,'1', C'ILv GIerk. Fel'.6. — OFQFICIAL I'I'13LICATION Of Ordinxncen Passed and I[esolaGonx Adopted by the CO.Ou, I Vi. o..ON of file City of St, enol. 11 F IN,). , '- Grd!n"'In lin-SI, A .lnurdhlmme:Ilu,ie i r.i c.vet St ntsa, a', Academy of yfurio LU urea[ x fr'lllI1B addi- ieu. 7'h, (,'I immon Council of the Citc of St. Paul it,, ordain ;Is follows: SceGuu 3. 'Pant nut horny and permis- 1t1 ! e ami Gu• Salm: al hereby gnmt, Aead.l ira the Vit. Ag:lll!Iis ,tny :1 \lush to c •! n two story fr:uuu x, ltinx to tbrir mlidh,g, elnmtea l rvl s, mucks, of D;ly- said addition haul ion to ceod ul. lent i said addition let I11 not g t. :i.1 feet In vidtll by :d! reel hl nde. it,, .0 of ,nits w arksllnll In. dun,p,I,— the ,upttliniuu Ili the RuddillK 111speclur upon uetailting the permit Lbe r, for. Seo• 2. rI ds IIrdi it shall I'Ikc "11.,trad Ill in toren 1 ran! ami after it, pa,.,uge. u passed by the Iluarli of Aldermen Fcu' Yeas-:iniI ld. Ili, len berg. Rot. Conley, Cop,l:11I - Duh nor. Durno dell, Gebon, Air- huly, Smlburn. Sullivan -ID. Nay, }tr. I'resideu t -I. ll. G.�C I't.l. n N. Pr silent of the Rond �1' Ald •}men. P:Is�I' I by I I!u :\sx•m illy Feb. 11, I1.1'!. Yeas-yli•.sr, It.olo.x, l:im,lu 1st. Ilan', lel;n ll'ert }_ A1,Nalue,, \1lo era}',:JI r. \-sec > 1'n•si dl•11 t-,. NO3 ll. IN v. A. VAN SI KE. Vire Presides,, of the Asseu:bfy. Approved F•n, II, IrIJ_'. 11"InIAIT A. S>G TIL, Aluyor. Atte,l: T1101. A. Plicl.1..nr A,'r. Feb. 1.., City I'lerk. Rd FNo. .s;--Urdi;luncc No. l:oi3- Ali 0rdinul!ce ,Illproplri:tnox Imoley to pay file ehlmt ui bul, llniletun. 7'Ie Cut oil of the city of St. Paul dotos'dain:Isi follow': Section 1. '1'11¢111 ' ler be drawn upoin Lb, cis J" In•us111'y', pavnbleoat of file We :11 tool, iu lata, ut hlttr Ii;Izlelou. fir Ili, -sum oI ahree Ila Idled 4,,11 Dollar,, 11 ,:11,. to be in full pl}no.nt of all dullnlgc. sh1• .Isi ni m•11 ray' 1u,:un of i - jurie+ 1.1.e1, I;y bI•r o:l or ehont file IbLII (Illy o[ SeI :o!he r, iS'JI, by I':1llio!K through !1 11iu11•:oral del'eet in the sidewalk o Can- a I:l si reef. Ion ;l pp'.ars by Iter petit vin to ibecoo 11,10111'1 rin,'ll bearing "`Get. a, 1,91, s:1ld Heil', Ira In, A,lite red only upon aid I(il..u. Iluiiet oo I.`e •m in, l0 rl ml log the (I it Sl. I':1u1a re lensu s o nYull 1•1illo 0ml di o! ! IOd, [err d:0!ngc n sIII Ibe I; aura gaol thing, „1 forth lid petition. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. FOR 1802. Ser. 2. Thiserdinum'c ,b;111 take I]feet and bo in force from and after it, puhliea- tion. Passed by the hoard of Aldermen Feb. 2. 11r'. Yea,-Ald. Itieleoherg. Britt, Poole}', t' 1x'laud. Dohm,r, Dorntden, Gehulo Ml lad y, Stoth., 0. Sullitan. Mr. 11..idcot-11. Nays—n. ll. G. o I'n•si,leoLof d of .--\lire nlc o. I':Isserl II; the A hBoar,„ally I'e b. O. Yc:Is srs. Raw baize r, Isi ani uis 1, Il:ua•. }li-Calct'u!r..rl y, yle Nlonre. }'lee President Nay, 4t. \\'N. A. t-eN Sora,, Vice Pn•,ide of of 'lie :\s,etllblp. Approved Fe h. II, Isle!. Ib lacier A. Svn Tn. Mayor. Atte,l: Till) ,\. 1'n l:Nrar:l<1;.v r. Feb. Ifs. Cil}” Clerk. ltd F. No. 611- 1n the nI liter of the repo rt o1' the Ruurd of Public \Vorks. doted Dee. I, [,!;1. IL is bcrchr ordere'l1 hl- the mlmon Cnu acts nl the I,d") II' St. 1'1111 1� Tlt:it the I3ra:it I I'ublie Narks of ollnw'f o Lhr C. of St. Pmts cause the f >, itnplo:velmmt, to lie nolde. Ira -wit: Lower Ind rebuild the ,ewer a IL Ibert ,I rent. from Sixth street to the yli,sissippi rlv,1. in so id cit}-. That said L, and ru ,r saidr'ork to be let by roll tract. is ])"I, idch\' Ilan-, vrilh out onehnifthee-Imn"n, d lost being lint paid imoIhe city iroasurv.:n1 aftersaid boIrl: Au 11 he placed soder contract, said rn -d :hull prnct'wl Tit lout delay w se the amount. Is ur:fr h I s t hey can tocrt:dn Lhe Saone. whfrh will br relluirea t In th'e, cost, and n dry exye ase, of e-II�h mprove mea i. tl `the rxteut of 0' Per font upult t he rind estlic to he hcn- ofited by void ompr0 re men t. a, prod deli by 1.11; it 11 •ing till' olliolon Ili' the Cunn- il thnc real „fila• to he oss s'ed for sec 11 I fpr tem int •111 he toonlt be ueitt•d to tile. extent. of t!1 :IS pct foot. toward, the 1 lessor � to he io- corr, and ,.xpc. te• } arred thereby. adopted ray 11 1, Board of ahlermen pole's, ISO*.!. Yens-rlld. RieI,nberK, liott. CoulcV. Copeland. Dobu•r horn ode n. Gcl!a n, Mr Indy, Sunburn. Sloliit:t n, )1 r. President -11. Nuys -n. Yea, eel s'T., :\,sembly 1s!1'2 . Yea, fes.,+. 11;YI,N'Il em1yke, Hare,MIJdrrerty. McNulnee, Vnsl Slyke, ,Air President ,. N ays-n. Approved Fell. II- IF!u. lo I be mutter of I he reports of t he hoard Of Pnhbc \Yorks, dated Sept. i, and Ilse. Itl1, Iu•r,I1V' ordered by the Cooltooll 1'i111t- eii if the Pity ul' St. I'all: 'That the lioord of Poll lie Worl<s of `aid I'Ity of tit. V,int,au", the following im 1 t - pr s is Io he nurse. i Ill: m Gpe r!dnot c.xteoll Ravmood tween thcsooth line of Sur at I 0f t Irtb west I., of s„[iva J'2. lawn 20, range -1, and wilbush oven o, til sail city. anolenlning ml laking all ih:tt sums belweml wdd pniltts not already eondemoed or dediell eel for nuhlie use. lying within the linns of I it setonip •Ins reef tri Ic. he east line of wit II sl rfp shall be the •I,t Ii nc of said harm and ; ,all'.. in Ilewitt', out lot,. Isi division, being in St. Paul. }Iinne- wvtl. 'Phut said I3uarll Shull prnroed without d,hly to ll"e” the ,mount. :Is ,early as 1'lete 1 i•�'ni ul to pay tho•dx nngcs,Vi ests, anill 11 plinv f su Il imP 'cialtat seso dry upon the read e,[ate tra be honefitedI:— It ,It I,] oup,oplin rat. fto hni provi dud by law; it being the npio fon I.f [he Conncit that reel v 1 can be Pouu,i bench ted tor Ito the extent ofiniprove- lthe damages, costs and expenses nrees- ry 1 I b, incurred thereby. s lAdnpte, by the It rd of Altlormen Feb. Ven,__ I,1. Itielenbeig, Batt, Cranley, Cn1lcluml. 1;olon . Dorniden. GrIona Me- hlrl-y. Sanborn. Sulli volt, At,. Prosident --II. Nal'• U. .\dupted he the A,semhly Feb. O. 1902. Yeas --yl c,srs. 1b111holrcr. Elnnluist. Hare. Vcf'ati'erty. y1,11aume, Van Slyke, Mr. Prc,irlent N ny,--0. Approved Fob. 11, 100.2. It(] F No. 7s' -Dy All]. Dorniden- Ib_olved. Thai un order be drawn in fa - of the Hoard of control for the sum of ?n:VIndii. it . Iflhe said city', ynrdi In mlui nli ltuinlnlg Chi 1l el ty alnd county ho,pilal, Idmsbnnse n pour form and o Ilduor relief rat poor during the 1 ollllt 1t[ .Ian uarY, 1XY2, said Int Io be paid oa t. n ' the Board of Culllrol fun. Ad Opted bydtil, 13on rd of Aldermen Feb. 2, Yens -All- Riclenherg, Butt. Conley. Con,lnml, Dubm•r, Dorniden. Gchan. Me- ladv. Snnboro. Sulll Van, Mr. President Nays. -11. A& )tell by the A,sembly Feb. O, 110. Yens --Hosie. Rnnholxer. Elmhuist. Ilure, li,cafricrly. McNamee. Van Slyke. Air. Presid,nt -i. Nnv A pprotled Feb. 11. 1892. lid F No. 7.-4-liy Aid. Mc1ndY- It is hereby orderers by the Cim Imo Coun- cil of the U.1 V of St. 11u 111: TIIat the ¢miler 'If placing n plank calk •ti the x-rst end nl hingsl.rc•et nod Cherokee menu, hethu , I , and e l s Ili Ichy rrl'eri,d to the Huard of Public Works to intestigute and relxlrl.: 1, Ihi, impnty •tent pnqu•.r and acct,. try? Ifs �!ItheCouneilnpruperur- d- Ifreet 111 is the work to ill` done. Adopted ht the 110ard of Aldermen Fob. 2, IN!r!. Yen,- Ili. Rieleu berg. Rotl.. Conley, I'opelaoll. Duh oe r, Dornlden, GeI111n.Me- ludv, Snobotu, Sulli,un, Mr. President -I I. Nags -n. AArapted by ih1• Assembly Feb. O, 1802. • fi P ROCBr•.D1N(;S OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Yens-Nrnvr.. nLulzer. 61n quiet AI a It I, un under Lr dr:urn upu I the \IurPret i�lrtti1 rly5'. Jf r•Nnrr,Cc. l'n rl tilYke. I Iru•ui i lunar..tnr•nt fund I'or I.ht• , of .l.d Nn J'^- .aaa n In rn null fury ee r, t. i. - 711) i a Barr 1l' of A. -bo, rho Appr'.aud Fe 1. ll. ln!r_'. ., releherd'erK� b, lln. edr.•vntiuo of t'.."TI-le No. IJNn. 1-- ' r d IC, of ., stat aI want+ be draacb "r aI, - 1 1MIhr t. y 1'a1 I I Ir I'dI' No. �.;:,-Ity Altl. Hubm r, elCrolY. Lot. tl1 bel n''eh3 b_Pl rt) o.ed Ior fire deparL- IL I' I pLi t.h1 drna, lua 1 1 Allo tl 1 I 1 I,1`Ir tl`ra LhC hleonl of 'be e �II f 1 1 1 1 1 f faili U f::111 Hiooner ill: t 1 II I 011 ¢ 1 Jr) ul( - f b,IV av11t1 1' - t I, 1pai 4.711, bolik l\o. f o 1 11 1 JI11rrr [,Il m t r i Ir doted In f.rlrlr [ mord a,:ainvt d the city ul I t, hr ,ov ,. , I i„o net Int."ar J 1 lurk tb. �t rtA nr hlrr ,yj ford 9t. 1 aot0 I' Ii11 - t) 1. 1n91. unk addition. Iron the ur:trli rib fp, k ler con m et m of ;I,!nod G f 11 1 1 t 1 1 1 fl it 1. - .If P 11, 1e' I k. 1lult•d by the Ito,trll of 11deln,ell Felr poi .II, od,r,1to1'1. or f 1.' \, 1111. Ibeh IL.. "loll I'r nlrv. I'ai u1111 I I \ II, tl I. he >' ai St Ito".on. Cr'Ie bind Uubn1 r H1 r rola• I N�. al F`I Une I,I fav" I of 11u, CI rrr her 1113, sun hon n. So l lit I" . \7, - i loot - .Iunee, to, th f -ill F 1 taeleft f,unl Nut 3 [' I - 11111 I [ t N - \ 1 1 t 11 I \.. LI - FO) ", :I Ior 1u , I 1 1 aid "o.tI Paul ] .-11 '. It r'. IIIIft of t rr rim'. I v I No, : I. 1.?L rat( O Ila 11 olio"t3. \I:\. rma.\; , 513'ke hI � Prr liar t - n , f �nYf'e, f r I t. v1I 1 1r:r•� odr I III el Apl ru •d Fr b. 11. ke hod 1 hr ly-nrt I Fall for \nV 131 F Nn, 15-Iry t co , i.icen.c I - I t - • H ..rrlveal I'ha 1 be dra-, th re ,fur iI I_on vt fro, yl,, 'chi 1 t ) t l 11 I p f 1 l I .lud Df ctrl l 1 it 1 try [S 1 1111 11.a 1 1[ d t ( h loaf a lad , , r I p1 ,rl na , ire,edarrfleean�il .. nr A. 11. t.4I roar c,aptl plied r ol) an Ila. a.Il.c.+ fur re ar A. 11 PA- thatefliee of hr Clerk f I III ...... I.rr't "( finm.eye ny. '. l"'. Hnrt'r..ell-bl,la:her he�.Ilne l^r.}_V-ni: \lin nl .r ai 1 d 1 II 1 1 H. li. F'oa'Ier ,C t hate her , I:ill. f,f rU Renv \dirt Luta her 1111 bre, ed a 1}' opt 1 L u 1 1 - to Inn.r• .-i 1; F: sclllu l<uLmr Uutthel r ;,,.,o: tui( .Ira Corn ntrr 11 t. 1 I f - 1 j lurnr nln fl I; F. I1 sllauley, Lutehr r 1' i. .\cluptl rl to rhr Iiv.od ul .\Idr run r Irl NI ,. 1 k li 1 t, hl, Iehar 1 11., .pf ,' I °, Ye,an Ald. Iter la" hang, hurt, (' 11113' l 1 b 1 r 11, Collo htnll. I>ohnel Horl idol" I,a 11 tl,, ylt- t plra 1 t I 1 31;1 I,li; \\ II I.I In Fray, Inrl r', tion lion n, �ullira u, \I r. 1're,ident- neicnhroker I flu.1;11, N. \\'. 1'I­ 1l. cots, toll -broken !t., f1:At Adopted by the hoard of AIIII-ben Feb. Adopter" by for AnenlLly Feb.!I. I:r�. "mean -:\Id. Hielenberx. flott, Coble Ye:t.-Jle..rf. Ilaol I -I h:lne, inl. Hnre, yle(':1lle rtv. yle\:over•. \'atr SIS'ke• CoPelan d. Dohner. Herrod en. Genan. \I�•- 311. I'rr.i debt- S. lad}'. sap ha rn, Snlli l'reeident-I1. Ntt}­11'. N A plo ov11 F, -h. II,Iihill,er.l;lrtl Adopt d D1 tl •.f sn 11 F'eh " I. ,_ 11 hvl,I., rI IIJ. I,!I. V 1 It I IY the ISuardnf Aldornlen I h. tninl, Hare, 1ICC,t R1 rty, 111\,once, 1lbrray-, Mr. 2. l \ "II It all nberK Bo". CII1de3'. \'tee 1'resid out-;. TM F Nv. ;:,7- Approved Feb. ti. Revolved. '1'I oat , r ler he dr;ovrl Io [at r of rhr Sl. 1'ul,l 1'1•r'nI„nent ].u,r lr ' Cao, Punt' I,lro„ the I��eal1 11,1 velbeot Iia F Nu - l!1 fnnd [or the vola of tbreo dol or. ,o d Ill'- IC, of ., stat aI want+ be draacb "r aI, t v t i 1 i 1 r r, u fol the 1r r1erl o .at \ I th CIL) I y,b11• oat of ilia f 1 k It.oaIII.al -11 Io,: rn.l b" 11 k 1 11 dltion. (oras den,dk. a t) 11 i If I I F..t out \ I" Also ib:11 all 11111 b'. H" lou tla ISoe.11 , IIie ,it 11 i I h I 1' iD 1 ,t. l 1 11 f tl _t. Jul (�. I 1' I 1 P 3 1 1 - f It I 1 t 1 1 f I en'lrclF,f tl I I 11 1 t clotHi-t- I , II I t !}J 1 {e [ rho r.' m or Hoer 1 r 1 1 1 w m 1 t' ofl Sel ( d F Idli[iou,Isol 1 f Adoptedaby [he Hoard oI Aldermen N'tb ror the pt a[ling of Hnpa street. 2, -Q. OF TUE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1892 YCas--Aid, IllClrnberu. Mott, Conley. Indy'• Santorn. Mr. I'resident- f'onelnnd. Uohnnr. Ie -ole., t: chap, Me- lath'. San born. 5llll0':0,, Al r. I'resi,lent-11. H. Nal -o. ti ays-n. Adopted by 1 \. bl Feb R. ":inured hr the An.r•mhly F'e 1 \1 -.rte Ihanhol ler, Flmh rI t, \"man- 11 It: t 1-. r, ElbIqobt. H - \I 1 Iert �•. 11e Na,00a, \',th Slyke, hare, 1lr.t,1IT rt), McNo oea. \aII ,1)lae. ,Jr. PrelidCnt-i. \Ir I r-dcnt , Nay .r -a. Appluted F, L 11, t9l r.:. App - d Feb. Il. lu!I.!. H I F \ 1311 F No ,Ik 1 d. "I at 1hot rr,al t I , I rr I, r o"v LI t o11 111aa. 1\V fi-ohed. 'That a arrallto l o Aran n upon I. eit3'tre ils,Iry- pal able out If t11e elil,as I I 1f I ital,od o PILIIe -k, fund. , fnaor ul'n;oved in the oay11rrrlln of I I inn•nt ,o,d In 1 I th t11I. E l f t •a 1 t. 1 o he 11Tol,beIic to p i 'ih t ul aI. t 11bufir t the tl \ f I Ihr', I dnllnu th I I ollh Pedlar r I ) [ te r+ r -.1. vhula rl III s:dd pay fora )` n rnmj' rn r f narrl 1 fo th esnea'tit,e raft a�e' fur III. �t ntlsi n1I., Av-�ptr �1 b) the Hun rd of Aloa rtnvll Feb. - - of .l.inurrl I.' 1 .t k roti iia cry . u Aeiln(lted by the Ifo t, d of Alnc rinen Feb. 1.' 141 I. Helen herb Ito,", Conde), rnelnnd, I3ubI eI. Ilurn,dr•rI, Gehan, 11e e, I - Ira .. 5 u,ir n r,. ..nl:rvan yl r. Ihraulent ea "'o,ac Aid, Hlolrnheru Hot:. 1 llol nith r, 11 II I. jeland, robner, I id lads San ho rll, Sullia an. 1Ir t'ra e.idvnt It. N'nl'y- A:];, I er1 h- A-. oldv Fell ti, 19111 \ , \h. , It,r rl hr 1'. l.lrnr1n .t. door oto hY' [h<• A�+1-,I bla Fcb 1, 1.'i_r ]"eaa �I I3an hnl.er, 1 1 1 , ,11, i 11.1 \Iel;.I lfa , 31cN1a \ n S Yke, Fi 111(. R ). 11^Nam ve. ] a SIS 1<e.. H [ v,deni \.1)�- n Anon )od F, I1, INr,: v Anprovud 1 I. In:rJ. Itr .ola r d.1'1'1„ar ra .l rran t. he draaru unn n ItdF I" 7111 - IC-olveell. '1'ImI .:r ", I. he'If len noun rhr u� v, euynhle a nl' the ••, Fi1n�r �I'i nvepa2 fal nd 11t' 1 t'ol.; of therol t - I - 11 t I( 1 '1J ih I I I- I III 1 1 . tI 1 - 11. I. t I 'I"t l } I< I. l.' 1 c, ( tl IIII f'l It t I tl l adu- tl l 1 II 1 I tl IT vvlu tl tl a 111.1 ( I t I_ t ,, le ,aI t f tl I IA eon, I� f I f I their 1 1 t iherl ry I' 1 I) t 111 e "horn 17 l t f 1 1 , I 18 l I 1 tl of Jan unrJ'. IAn! l 11„I.hI� f ) 11 ,'tor than .'tllr I jo,iil.ny. 1 _ n ,hr to I 13 food In 111 III - Aih pled Yt Ihr Ilan rd ul Aldermen Feb. pay roll.. Adopted IIJ the Ito;nd .I :]Ir4ernlen PI -b. ^. IVIr:, Ye11-- 1111. Hielenberlr, liotl. Conley. Cvpela poli Do,niden. Gel ntll, yl, .. I IQ. Yenf Ald. 11wh 11lora. It.It t. Colde}', ml, per. I,uly. S:n oon, solli\':III, Mi. Prevldent C'n n•hoid. Iloloie r. Du rliideri. Ge1,:ul, .\le lir. 1'ro.idebt- --11. Sur. httL'. Sou bora.,,trllic,ln. I1. - \pprilved bJ' Ihr Afne mhl3. Peh. 1). I8112. h .. r \ 1 Merl h) t 1 e \,.r Ir lily 1 eh ", 19"_ 1 -\I r Ikan holm l Inolu l.t. 11 \1 Itr 111, McSa "' to Hlyl.o. lta._.\I Ob,l II II I In,l ror I'.II,1`11Io1. II:I n•, Nr l'I'er1 r. 111 Snmee, \'u Ii SI)'k, . "I' I IelIl l I III NuYn n. yl r- Preside„I-:. A,.Ito,erl Fe L. 11, A nnroved Peh. 11. 1:1. r'. _ IW 1, 1' So, Henolved.'1'InIt:I--not he drain„,IPo the ii I ) nor of the "Pr ISIF\ It 1 1 II t. I -I I'1a rI,r1I, [1 'tSt 1 - II t f1II1 .II, I. 11 tf I f0 orlm ft ty I f tl - 1f fll t I 11 I - 1'11 tho r aipalf I,I II,11. I, fli ta, 1 k II r. ;h Ili!, I t 1, 1 td III tlr o„111 Ita Itl tIII+Ia�Irl ntll 1, r n;I 1' hr "1 .. 1ry !:;M: tl I 1 1 l I I I' tleuI.a. dulin�' 1 neo .:It 11 I I to 1 or. do -to, 1 1 �I �.Innur ` 11 hvl,I., rI IIJ. I,!I. V 1 It I IY the ISuardnf Aldornlen I h. 1 A,!..,,,.dh)tl It odcI AldtllIa nIrah 2. l \ "II It all nberK Bo". CII1de3'. 2.i. Y nv--"-I Mich berm. Iirtt 0,oh.v t o 'r 1 o rl Ir rH cr 11u, rode, . Gehan. }le lady. S,Inhu'o Sbllrvu u. All. P, evident Copeland. I1„hoer. H.Irllidcn. Gchao. Ne. -11. �1 20 PROC'EEDIN(iS OF Till,' C'OUN(-'IL Nu Y• 0. Alto pl ed by for A— to blv 1'eb. 6. I.rr•. lady. San born, Sul l wall. \I r. President -11. Nnvs-..0 \"illi--\Ir.•r.. Ituu1 1,; r. 1•:IIa,I„i,f. Harr. \I"'1'a 1d�lpt"'d by fit,. .1,v"'mbly Feb. 6. 14!e 1,1 111.11 y. Mr N u I„l',. \";In.Irks. NIP. P1u •+i'1l'111--�. 1'l':ev -Mr„l's, Ii ,Ihulr."'r F,I, m . Nn y, - \':uillykc, I'rr•into[- Approrrd "c').NI . Ii. I�;r�. r. Nal-, _I -All]. Hielcll'"'!'n HOII. Con"Z_- l'o �l' 111111. In,bul'r. Dol It Gollan. Me- Hesolv"'d, 'Phut city order, he drawn Rd F No.-- tt tyt i'. ll IIll Il Hrsol,r,l.'/'I 11 III:pot Il ,• ,l F N;n., I , dl-1p,a , ., ItdThat , il,' md, r b,• ,I r,tw„ 1111, 111 loud. i 1 fa, o I t 1 1 I- rd t 1 n ihrI,IPity tern -,u l uy:lblr uu, f, roll ut 1 1 1 , I, 1d 1 1 I it`ll ,I; 11 ” t "olll�wt.l::,1 „ ':1 1n it f,l I gie1n 1 - fur 7 .'111 t 1 , n s tl :1lount act app, .11 to tlletl tc•�x•c- 111:t.. � I' I tot tl I 1 f ,,Icy l'omn iv IIIc tea. $59 21: C. N%; tt. III. iul.u. r :uA.t pint' roll. .,dopt.d b' fbr Bb oil cif Ald"'rm. I', 1.. A. & A. ,� \\'. Nl el:lligtl n.-#I.JI: A. 1.. \lu unit. 41 e] f i 21. o: .I obn M:,rl ill Lulu bre I'onepno,. o 2, IN!f. „II, !1.1; G. Nlil,eh, 17.21; \larmhrr Hn,s.. :N) Y,a,-,11d. Iiirl,•i li��t t, Cori i, r, clot,: .161111 ., \ Sol ;15"1", F. \y, Copclund. Uubne r. Uuru ileo G"'Lau, Mil_ Sl erg. fz2y: Grcal Sortbe rel IGull-3 ' Poen ]ud)'. S:ntbot'll, Sullivan. N7 r. 1're,id"'I:I pu uy, fl:f .L. Adopted by the Hoard of Aldc _„ . Nu}'. a rnlcu Feb. 1 Adopt 1 ti , A,. I I 1 1 Ald It elrn he rg It It1., l unlet', 1�ik„' d Dobucr, Hu; nideo, G1 bun, Mc +1 tl, Sent)' Hate. Nt '. ttr, ri }-, NI<N Inn 1, Na - Sit Th ', MI. Pm,idcnt Df r. Pre'I'll Nays N;I s--11. --fl. AUProved I',1 �. li, I.S:I �- Adi1 I l b I lie A-. ,oldy Fcb. Il, IAfr!. \dop,"'d by o A-eblp Fill). , lad°. Chm9 t'ru�\I�s3 Hnn bolror. F.1 mil nisi. _ Hun•. Nlr"a urrry. McNxwec, Murray, Mr. j Vi"',• I'r"',id"'nt -7. Hd F N.I. ;fir- Na"_ I. xc-v,drlvl. Thnt ,r rr,lnl, be Ir;.wn op.,n Approrrd F, -b. IT. rte. the •it}- Imasu ry.n fluy;e illi nnl of the, [illF No.: �. thealth deolu-tuu•ut luml." In f:n'u1'of,hn — Poil uwing-m1m11 p"'r,o,ls. 11:,11 "'d in IN, Hd F No. 770- pxyroll.oFsaiddrp:trtnl"'ol,uolI I.ol,d til thi., Hl'„Ilvrd. 1111orrlere be drawl, rrvulu tion. f'or Cbl- .o ni .rt opl,o site to ,hitt rreperlivr upu „hc tits Irrucu rt'. lo, out of �,l-hool o v 1l lbs p:,y mentof the snl:erc I'd 1 to sulmo 1 To. fund. "in rarul'�r ih”' rollow- pl-1 of sur per.run,. for t hwir s,•r. ir"'r ,luring lh"' cd p”' for tilt Ilt est : Icily to til rsmr� ,Ipp mond, of .Inounrr, Ir!r1, :,, ,huwn b e 'sprrtiv"'onmrs�u I F \11 .Ii i It I • pay roll.. Adopted by illi Hourdof All] ilul 1 i I 9 IS I f \1 1 IfI .I 11. °. IMY_'. 31 1 M. Hut lil)Y \ S 2•l- fi:); `III Ymt. Ald Ih, Icnb, 1. Il Itt ( f I vin 11. .h LNux C. 11 ( Rd 1n, r -J I I Cupeluud. Dob urs. Hol nrd,•1 G, :. Ni,• ., I),,t l A ('al- � f P. A. II ti I fll. Do„heul Sanborn Sulllvuu. NI,. 1'1l', uc ri .lobo C RonJ. -Nl.11 �.., .s, hd'eno fd lett rto Licht nod I'owrr Nny, 0 l 1 il'JI I I1. Muhlrr C \ \[a lianholrer Eluoltilst, 1- 1 t I I }•Dung S Co tk111 \luc•hl,"' \forks, ]1. -NI - IS nholi Ilr. fJ'1 Q, bbl-, 1 Poen pully ff/'. Slt; P`,itutrcrtik, \1 I v.1drnl -. h.umb, I I;b e11'"'.S, r, icl' l'ompuny. Stt.lo: I \a).-0 k I Kl'l ort Ii Pus., ttf!I r,; Chni'Irs NhI- Appro,ed Frb. 11, Ici, r3 1 lid h\o 776 N( II 1121_, N.)r"'v fir,,. \ Culler. It - l I Ihnt an order be drawn on the Cay t y In mt or of George Hole, City Treasnr,r• i,1 the rum of 12,r27.66, pay rtll,l\•Ixll •, I' HI F 1'I,aupt.; Willi:boor()'Itourkr. ofs4 I I c,l Phut w.,llunl. b, 111.1,' 111 I •nd , H ', f'.!I1)':s Wlllinm 11 I)rdwny, 11 ly 11•t•u1ue\. p,r,l b mt I C c art IO,I., 613 II St I I '1 1 ,. o is.(x1 S 11111 alt 611111 1c•, f„d flt,or of 1 I I I t 1 I )' fl S:"I: SI Paul IN , ( Iv il sol r 1 11 1 l0 1 } 'J'J 12 ,it.Paul (ins fn 6.1) a:r per„Ins a vl in n I:I: i gl ("III p .1 ,IJII _:,. I'. 1 Scl uier. t p,,y sou rated ,cit 11 this rl',oi 11t i„n. i 1, p:fyn1 .Ir the lu Adopl6d I,yIhr Hoard of Aldn sa rt' 0011 l-onl p,u,u,l, ui o.�lid ol-r sl Slur lh"'ir st •vi "', 1111 rioK for i lammn'. nrnir Il•b. ^. Is!r!. Tran -:1111. 1ti"'Icntrr rg. Holt. ('Doll'}'. of Is!r!, being city'.. hull'-.Imr,• of f o ('ustrnfiuo'. Co lipoid. Doho,•r. I)o ra. den. Gclut o. Mr_ p;e>> roll. Adopted by the Hourdof Aldl'rm"'o Feb Iu1,1, s,Ioborll. Sullirun. Nlr. 1'rusidt•11 t. 2, 1762. -II. Teas--Ald. liicll'n be rK. Ito,t. Conley. Copeland, Dob—, N':,c,-_o. Lyth”'illy' Frb. 6, Isa3. Dorui11rn. Gehnu, Ile- Yea., -Al es,rs. Ihm hclircr. F.Im92. OF THE CEPS IIP SUNT PAUL, FOR 1392. 21 flare. McCat1'eity. NlvNumrl-. Mlle ray, \1l-. , Reis, City 7'reasu rcr, for the sum of Vitt• I'l-iden -7. to p:, - oflirers it"d l'mPlopes Of Nay'__,. thl' flru depn rt incur of the City OI Sit. Paul Approrrd F1'b. 11. 1892. for l lo•. Im„it h of.Iaouary. InJ_. All'pl ed by t he hoard of Aldermen Feb. Hd F. No. X71- -All]. Hielcll'"'!'n HOII. Con"Z_- l'o �l' 111111. In,bul'r. Dol It Gollan. Me- Hesolv"'d, 'Phut city order, he drawn Ially. ne tiho rn, Sullivan. Mr. President tt tyt i'. ll IIll Il --11 1 1'. 1.1 I I f I t 111 • N ). I I II g II f tl t t tI , Adopt Ilvtl \ "blYFeb.P.lmr?. 1 \I .. I4 1 lii•r, Flm„nest.' liolln NI, ofu,lulllti I'r e11, 1ni. .11.111. L,luis N It 1- 1 G. I f \ If1 NI, I.n 1111} \Ic Nnmv,•, Van 5l yke, \II I Soo. T' -, 7 I H t. r V t N 'u Beddoo, CoulplIlly.111 1 I h 't ()it Company. },. X1 hell It \ 1 I I I 4pp1 of d Peb 11, ISJ2. Ppu 1 ft' lxl, 1' ./. Ho fl 1 (. fl II ,I. L. H,t a Ix \ A II - e-�J- — ” 111. ., H . A. .lobrt. Chiltr6dr6. all.fi,: Nott h,Yl-stl- rut '1°Pic- I(e,or It. 'I'I u,t city orders be drawn phuar F:xeh6 age I'l lalny, f�0.;o; Joh11 11pn1, the l-ely lrl-n,llt9. f,,9nbleout of the 1J!1:.; pl endrrgn.t. Bros.. �I.: n: I'. \. Peyer. 117.15: .lulm Alinrn. $'.G 1; F;. JI c- "loc,11 :u,r,snu•ot, f,eod.' In furor of the fnlln„'tuc uamrd person,. forthc:emollore Nulner•,>po.:lo: St. Paul Ilnrd,v:, el- Com- ,el ol,po.ltc u, their rospuetice name.: pa lir, 6n r�nl,; \\'l-lrli Itro,., 1!1,6:{: .b.1, 11 It. and f.. A. \\eidru l u nt r, 12.60: James c:. \\..al- rt t ll. I2: I. F•.. Norton.\'Joa. f.;: 1t.'1'. G'n0000 % l7,.2.`,. CI"'u17 `=\1 11:1. Adopird by fill- Board of Aldermen Feb. A dola l'd by till' Ib u1d of .\ill 1'"'b 2, I+Sl-3. MITI Cool,,, Nea, Nld. Il il'leub, MILT, Conley, topl'laod. I)obol'l. I)ol mcicn. Gellnn, Me C,Ipl'luml. Uubu, . 1mr61111 n. Grbao, Nf lady. S.m baro. 51111ivn o, All. 1'rl-1ldl'ot Indy. San bo ell. Sollivm,. NI r. President H. N;ty.-al. \dop,"'d by o A-eblp Fill). , lad°. Chm9 \dopt"'d by the Assl'm illy lr"'li, p, In\r', leu, \'. Itanhol".r• F.Im,luist, Yens-Me.-srs. Hull bele, "', 1•:10,1 o1.[, Iluel'. Nl rl'um•rt y. Mr Nulnel I. rn, y. NI r. lhlri. \I rt'u 11'l'rt y. Ni,•N, it Nlurruy. Mr. Vice PAdont.-;. Nays -o. j Noy. 11. Atli rod V,h. 11, IS42. Approved F"'b. 11, I892. [illF No.: �. 1111 F No. ;;:I - Ite.olvvd• Thu, oily ord,i•, hr drawn Itreoh ed, That an order be drawn upon 11poo Ihl' cit}' ir,•:,�Ilrt'. I yubh out of the the local iul1) o ement fund in favor f A. eu r, boons : utl illy hail 11111"'_ f 1 1 f II f II 4 Al. Drake fill the suns of one hundred and Igh t..f 1 Mars au,l vexl\' eight cents I f tl t t illi I"Ibl 1 1 for the redemption Or Cur ,et, to [h1 I1 -i t' L'ti t V 1'. Isruod ugm-t misoOlia- IT cltc n Italf vl f t I II '- , I I1 - J, Iln I)o„ lao A Sou'. '>♦1 x I \ ro t I t and for the gradl"T and gut - ter g I J tt"' str^.ct, the ,.me being the Dw ye, R Bro.. 11, I•.dlsLln Ele,tl1, LiFrht ofd t,.a ellurlal l,.ed ont, acut ed by the city. and Yuwt•e 1 oIuQany. tl-I.J 11 , 1 t 'JI, Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Feb. 2. Is'r_+ I: rlgge \ 1. f'l H1 Ge,rw, J V 1 t 1\ C., A I \t NJ,'(; 11 i- ea, Aid. iliclenbcrg• Boll, Conley, Wall. 111 J1 \I'Ihiw, H ilk. 1, II Hurtle,—!I If Dobner. Dorniden. GO—. Me- lly fl 1 g -I Rol -11h, A, S 1 lady, .unborn Sullivan. Mr. President 11. t -t 1011 Ga., Light I ,16pa6y, fl.:d; \ n, affil l),I l', u,pally. 9') Ifl. Na,r o A I 1 .7 by •lee Avsembl}' Frb. V, IAMJ. A dolu l'el by the o.oJ of \Idl-1 lac 11 Frb, \ \[a lianholrer Eluoltilst, 2, 1,92 It'rk liott, I'I nIt-Y, - Ila NI It ty McNamee, Murray Mr. Vice l 'e Idcut i. Pone-Ald. oil, e,: Dobor r. Dormdl-li, I:rb,t ll. Nil-. Nuy'.� I Inman ho rl.S�llirao. }Ir Prl-,I ,ut 1, ;Indy. I. :\pprovcU F,h. 11, I862. Na,NbyI ! L IT Ili 1 1I f l I =t. lid h\o 776 H \Ic( 11 . I \I .N 1 ,. NI L -t Mr, \ Ice 1 Il'voh-lll- ,. N;,). It - l I Ihnt an order be drawn on the Cay t y In mt or of George Hole, City Treasnr,r• i,1 the rum of 12,r27.66, pay -5_I), Approved I'"'b. i I. Isll,!, ume out of Lhl' "street and se,rOr'malaten- fultd.' to prey the street and sewer for tile month of January, INf12, In ac. Inlnn cu „'illi the pap oil cert,tl ed toby lid F No. 77:1. Ibe City Hngincerd approved and 91 Rc,tolved.'I'hat s „arrant h, druwo Ili lowed by th - Ilnard of Pu II a Works. tl'It)' '1'n ueu Per. pu}'uble out of Chu he Adopt oil by the Hoard of Aldermen Feb. 'fit part it m:." to furor of G1orge i 2, Isir-' PRO CEE,DINGS (IF TIll, CO�IDIUN t'OI-NCI[. 3 C Copeland, Dobner1Doro len, o(lah In,n'\le lady. Sanborn, STI Mr. ['resident -ll. Nays -h. Adopted by the Assembly Feb. 9. 1,w. Yeas--Af aesrs. Itnnhnl'r.er, t:llnllu ist. Baro, 1mr( norty, Metiantce, \-a:1 SIY'kc. At' . President -S. Nay' -o. Appror ed Feb. I1, ui:12. Yeas-AId. 13ielenberg. Boll, Conley, C.Pcl-1 Dob nor, Do, I'lor, Gahan, Me. lady, Sanborn. Salt Ivan, hlr. President -II, Nays -U. Adopted by the. Assembly Feb. !I. 1x92. H e a,,' Me('nlferty. 11a . Aleco , al til: uitr. "ice Preslucnt-�. Nays -0. Approved Feb. 11, lid F No. R. the Thnt cltl' ardrrs be dr;twn Htl F No. 'S2 -By AIA. Df clad}' - city Ho.. don the cit\' trcasu ry. payanlc o t of the I[ 1s her)ny ordered by tho (-omnlon Couv it or the 'ni fund," in f:wor of the tullo ainI a.\nod Cily of St. Paul: That them er of erce-I, pernot`n. for the mt n op Po- tt aitemWhe� one gasoline IamP oa tide sm lltheast corner of Cheroltee spective n1 IT Henry ser'-e'tn4 ofltrms, ser nd King eth•et be unA the same i !referred rendereit 11-111 October. Novcmlr, l;t1 ce, Do heroluv to the hoard of Public lt'"i to investigate ng ember, 1x91, fid January, IsIc.". .YI_): ('ail Neulluusen. and or[: Is this inllrovemont prop,[ ad 10-jele rendered us infer preter in M1funicipul Uourt Ocwber, Nose, n cc­ err}':• If s end the Council :t proper I bur, Decem Ver. IS91, and,lnlli 1x;1_. MINI; order diverting the Work to be done. Adopted House of Good Shepherd, hoarding female by the Board of Aldermen Feb, Y. MQ.pr lsonere, September, Oeto her, November and llecembe[, 1x91, Ye -pit. Itlelen berg, I3ott, Conley, fJ1P,9,, Adopted by the Boand o[ Aldermen Copeland. Dobncr, Dorrllden. Gehai- Me - 1'eb. 2. 1 S!r-. Yeas Aid. Dielenborg, Itntt, Conley'. C'opel and, 1lobner, ludo. San horn, Sullivan, Mr, President -1 1. N nYs-lr. Apopted by the Asxembly Feb. 11, IxA_, Ilonll den. Gehnn. Me lady Snn born, Sullit'an, yi r. rr1•sident-H. Yeas--Mes,rs. li an holzer. Elnlyutet, Nay's -o' Hare, MCCup1'rty, MrNanlce. Murray, Air, \'Ice Presldeut-;. ldopteei by the A,- hey- F'eb. U, Isla Na}'eIt - ll, Harey"a MtMatferty, \IcN1', .....fd Aoprn\'eit Fob. 11. IStr1. al- MurI r, y"Ice I're, id en t-,. Nay's -e. Alap- d Fri.. 11. 1S'J'_. -- Hd F N lid F No. 778- liesolved. That city order, be drawn up- on the cl Y trc ase rv. Ieyo bee o t of the inting and stat -cry food." n facer of Lha fol looting-n:tmad von mount x per' r yor 111, n IPP -to t helm e, pective James ]turns, &;tl9.it?: Bell-, Tr ... y a Co., 'Fla., e. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Fcb. 14 1, Yens -Aid. Blelen berg. ISon, Conley, 'Jo island. Ilohocr, IJora iden, (deb a., \te- lad-v. Sun born, Sullivan. M, YIn irlent-I IAd.. oys Yeaptel eby rs'its AHanbol'y il,b. , t:[. Hare, MCCuhoriy, MuIn rel Vice President--,. McNamee, city. le. N.Y.-o. APpro\'cd Feb. 11, 1112, d F No. 7 7 - 9 -Hy' All, Dob.br- Nsbr- hereby ordered by [ho Common Couh- 1 0[ Lhe y o Cdf St, Tont dna matter of pla`b'F n gasoline lam pAon the north .vide of i'nlvarstty. shoo saidty-Ilya ruet Cert of [be is or m'enue xi�n Prior a. -en Tod e.,eana I of I.aero byo ral'errud to the 1, - o Yunlsc t5'oras t tignte :did report,'. f iiary is this tm Prov n f[ 1'ro Pn'r add n order at Pec ting [the wotrk to be rill proem' Adopted by the Hoard or AIA, -Knell Feb. R, IxJ1. dors"'eit "It .t [lm 1 fat do [}lots v. M and b, block o[\Vbitvey & Smith -s etldttion to St. Paul, as nPProved by the Plat d(:ommis and as re om nenda,l dry the City.Ep- Kl.eer, be, nndrthotsame is hereby accepted by the (:O 1. mon Coo acid of the (,L(}' of -3 A _ [' "an l e loptod b}' tlto Bnnrd of All -roc. Feb, J. Yen-A d. CTcle.d, IDobner.l Dorno I,n11),[.ba('onMe- Iadv. Danporn, So 11 it'nn, Me President -ll, Nat's -0. Adopted by the A-cl.bly Feb 9, 11111. Y cos -Fie ss re. ll-holzer. Elunlu ls[, Hnre.:1ic Cotte Pty. ale Nnvfce.:lf array', Air. Nays --n, Approved Feb. 11. I192. Hd F NO. ;µa -Hy aid. Duliivun- It ishereby ordered by the Common Couned - of 'rhnt Ina dint Ice Sf c-loccning I slit lotd ado ,,, on "Tyra, n u It frout nd the a to Hpynfoedt nv hercbv rcicrrednto t Boardonrtl of Public he }Yorks to iovestignte and report: Firs[ -Is thisitnp....iment proper and O SSo of l C �G- the ouncil a ,,[[mate of the r..v Penne tb areof.:orI oto" nbetb,rone- bul,of toe c tbettrof Ls to br paid t in 1 tin 7I d- - -it Itfor :t d I nN.11tid to he e..<tent of d:tmuges, c .ts and u>;pe axes ntc essury to be illc rcd thc,chy, OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAI -L, FOR 1892. Fourth -Is such improvemeut aslted for upon the petitmn or application of the owe- s of a majority of the properly to be as- essed tot'such intpmventr It Fifth -Scud the Council a Iden or petiole of said improt'etnrn[, as rcT of red b>' lax', if yon'n favor or in, name. S l,thtt Scod the Council n proper order 'tirecttnt{ the weeds to be done. Adopted ny Ibu lioerd of Ald ,mien Feb. I,try, Yeas -All. Diolounerg. Boit. Conley, 'o Pel nn J. Dobncr. Uurtnd on. l;,nan, h[e- lady'. Sanborn. Sul:iv:tn. Mr. 1'reniden[-11. N Ity o)--�:. Allted by the Axnrinnit' Fen, 9. Yens-ll..It rs. Dan holier. F:r`."," st. H:tre. McCanerty. :M17 r.\:fmce. \I array'. AT r. lice President--:. Nuys -o. Approved Fen. il. I,n_', Bid F No. 7.91 lie Ald. Cnpclltnd- Resol\'ed. That: order TO. [drawn on the city trebxu rc. Iuyable out. of the - cal Im- pro o t fund," in favor of Ch .flea (Cell rand F-hiriko licit for the sem of s, to efund the u u1t pail on all Isse t.l Orrit[sly lm I,d, a"ain't lot ten %1llti)etn block[eleven I oI tlf eon son's addition to St. Yuul. for the pa ill•• of East Se -oath street. the loosed of Polrl., 15 oris Il avinq reported In favor )f refunding said anlnuo t. Adapted by the Board of Aldernt,Ii Feb.. 1812 Yeas-Ald- I1:, 1:'a bevy, Ifott, onlay. Copetaol. Doboer, IJe rn iden, (;,ban, All Ind S. Snn burn. Slflltl'ax. Mr. Pre,Oient-ti. Na--. Adopted by the Ans„Illbly F'eb, Yeas -Messrs. lianhefzer. F:Imouint, H.r,. McCancrty. McNamee, Murray. Mr. ['ice P -i-rit i. Pays -u. Approved Fen. I I, Ild FNo- n.t-Dy Aw. ('onlay R's .dyed. That the ( 'Sty 'rt- --or the City of St. Pull I— and Is Hera bp' athor- i.ed nod directed t: •. [ Part of the s plan conn belonginOlt I.he palico penxio. Told to Ina a Of FSu1>Ixl in the pure in,e of tincntast Lott iolebtednea'x a utnor- zcdeto he Issued by a rd-Tall,aof the n Council, entitled An critical-, ..,.an C the Is,ue of .ertia,ate, o[ fn de btednex,.'- it,, , I,:r!. Adopt,U ny Lae: Board of Aldcrm an Feb. x9-1. lleas-Add. 13icionberg. Bill. ['tial,}, mN,Ic•1>md. Dobn er. Derltid,ll. (:vhav, lfo- Son barn. �ulltten. M1I r. 1'restdent -11. Acts dopted by the Assembly Fon, U. Ir l-ens-C,ser�. Itanholzer. lr-y. r. hare. M,Cattert t'. II,N:ranee, M1i array, if r. t -Ice 1'rosldunt 7. Nay, A,o,. A DP ro )d Feb. It. n-. P. Meme., y. lire P11-11lit P11-1of the Al --ably. IT V President of tb e, Board of Al dorm,.. T dais. A. i'ue''l, Rb All. CI,y (:Icrl, Feb. ]n. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Of Ordinances Ptosed and Iteselutlone Adopted 11, the Cstntnon Council 01 the City or St. foul, A'y F No. al: --1 )rd inxtfce No. An ordinance declaring nod designating public market Ix the City or St. Paul, u d utho-,.ing the s, :-till . of frame build- ings for n irket Pnren. pos 'one Common - eeil of the City of St. Pum no ordain u, follows: Section t. 'rhotSisiherect,fromBroad- streett.rfrout Fifth �. t :tstr to Slad i,thRstreet. re hereby designated cad declared public ,.or iels of the City of St. Paul. Ss:v _. 'rhnt authrall,- and perm isslon le hercby given and gr.....I to the owners of lot it, a (-of block live (:l, ltnd of lots throe (S) and four ( 11 of block twelve 11.,1 all in Whitney and Solidi s addition. to crect frame• buildings on said lots to bn used for market purposes: said building, to be of such di monsoons :is .hall be approved by tUe , ilding inn peetu[ of the City of St. row and shall no built under hie direction and upon ob[:tining n proper permit thtre- or. Ser. J. This or,dnance;,.it shall take passage end be hn farce from and alter its passage anal publicanon. Passed by the As sem Ley er. 9. Itl9'1. Yoa arty, c lienitolzer, lylkc. Mr. McCafferty, McNamee, Pan 61ykc. Mr. P soden[--o. lY.t f the Av, I've side nof the crat dib fussed by III, Board of Awormen Feb. Is'""' \teas--Add. en berg. Letter, Donora, Genua. Melody, Still . Mr. Presid eat --e. r nN:tye--l1. President of IIID Berard of aldermen. Approved Feb, o I.xtl.. Ils. A. t•r A. D -TIT. Mayor. Attest: Tneos. A. 1'It e�'bettCity City Clerk. Feb. e0. A', F No. an:, -Ord i mace No. An nromaa tppropriattog money to pay the cluhn or I'. ,l. Ureic. The 1 •.ammo, ,'boned of the City of St. P.ul ordoin an follows: Section I. 'rhnt a x n[ be drawn upon the cl ty tr S'. payable o lit of the g....al fund, to favor of 1'. .1. Drell for the sunt of #1;.9. fill[ lo--nt bf :Ill damages .'us - ICJ ny' said 1-r, by reaso o/ the fact set Porth in this Velitian to the Mayor, Clerk of C'otn mon Council of the City f St. Paul, bearing dote Aug. '-15. IS91, -[aiming damage, in the su In of One Thousand Dol- lnrn to Ili coyer[} situated Ln the cellar of his ,into.. Nn. a1.. St. 1'e[er street. by re or the overflow or newer to the,tree is cin that viein SLY: :fid ordur9eha11 I delivered only upon and Drain executing nd deliv- ^he 'nY of SI. Paul a -rc eipt an t y, ttd 1 t 11 ]anagen claimed aro boyo .1 l aft, nn recount of Lho I J s 1 1 ord 111 tyli. I See. R. This rdmance hall tape ssage and be l clureatio from and ,[tor its passage and publication. 1'111 )CEEDINC., OF THE COJIAIOI (,()UN, 11, Passed Yc_--Mcsshs. Divided, rFh Im�lfist. Alc hdoPtofl by thc,Board of Aldermen Feb. CsfTert}•, McNomee, \'nn ,he. All. Press N Is!" tlent-e. Yeas-Ald. Bicleuberg, limit. Copela.d, Nay's -0. DoG D President of the A. klbly. Passed by the Hoard of Aldermen Feb. 0, y! W-1. y"Las-Ald. Hlclenbeig. Nott Cope:oml. Do by er. Dorm Oen, l;chan. Melady. Sul1i- Mr, Freakiest --k. I Nsys�. D. C) President of ate Itould of e,III me. A por.,,it Fc b. 17, 11. 12 HnnII,.1'1' A. Syll'1"1", Alat'ot'. Atteat: T n Ill. A. P uk,nt:It1;Al'l. Feb. `20. City Clerk. A'y F No. 445 - In the matter of the report of the Board of Yublic Worlts dated Jan.':!. llb,2. It is here Uy ordered by the ('omni on Coun- etl of the City of St. Paul: City doffhe St (oard Paul cause f lic the f\ollokwin ( Imd proveutents to be mnoe, to wit: Condenm and Wit un eua mens In the I:md I aging vOn the alley in block p, Macke bin and Mar nnll's addition to SL Paul, it, sold city, 111,l andtitleI. grimmu rn lid Lull - tlo[the estab` llshea grad' thereof. as shown by the pro- nes of said grade on die in the office of the Bogfster of Deeds to ;tel Ibr Ramsey county, d in the omt•e of the l'tty Engi- neer: sails slopes to extend one ; till o half (1'_) [eat on sued land for every lout of e it or till, an indicated o. the plan of .and slopes st[uchetl to said ,-port. nod to be tiled to Ise ani ce of send Iiourtl. That said Board shall proceed w'ithou[ delay to Bseess the amount, a nearly they can ascertain the same, which will be reel. fired top. - opay the damages, costs and n • •- essury ezcpenses of net, improvement upon the real state to b0 benefited Iysaid itn- ii-crate" as provided by low; it being the opinion of the Coun ell th at real estate to be assessed for such mployernent be found benefited to the stent of t costs and expenses mice- v to be •incurred thereby. Adopted by the Assembly Feb, 0`Is9.. "Yeas -Messrs. Bltnholi.er. Elrnluist. Hare. ,lcCa:T,rjy. AlcNantee. l':tn Slyke, Air. Presiders t-7. Nays -0. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Feb. lli, I8k1. Dobm.r. Dolrniden, Gehan,l Mclado ialid . AI r. Preaid est- v NIU's_" Approved Feb. 17, I1!12. A'y F No. 440- Besolvea, Thut fon order be drawn on the City Treasurer, pot .0 out of the bridgo bond fund, to N ichulus Fly no fur the pay- ment OI Estimate No.:3, for the con st rile Do. of the Lextnglon u e bridge o the right of way of ole Gtrent P., bridge rtlh N'n}•, nmO.nLmL'le f�,:,U7.w. 1doPt ed by the A-strioly' Feb. U. Peas -Messrs. Bmtlsol ler Film Oui.st, Ala•- Calicrty, -,I I. ce. V:an Slykr, Air. 1'reni. dent -b. n r. ormdem. (;Of,un. Melody, Sulli t - All. President-!). ! NNays -o. Approved Feb. 17, IMr!, R -11-d. That c!t}" orders be drawn 11 orsuJipl} fu,,, in}t:nuraofe thte follow ting named peramns for u outs set oppo- elto to their respeciire ..'Its: Board of !Vater Coul missionern, tl8k.lo. Adoptedby the A-embly Feb. 9, 1"eua--, easy;. lbuthol-r, Elmlluist. McCmTc,t1'. , cN dree, Vs. Slyke, Air. Preniden6-o. Nuys- li, Adopted It the Hoard of Aldermen Feb. 10. in7r1. D �bner. Dornmenc 1,chi3 m 1Me1 nd},leftl Sulli� yon, Mr. ('rest dent --!t. Nays-- U. Approved Feb. 17, ISJ2- A'y F No. 451-- ttlte.itg 'll- a}'ablc)oo ordersbe'Ir;l he utms1 n pitul fano," in fo-r of C. J.Thompson, TIV3.ln. Adtdocd by Assembly Feb. it. IS!F_'. Peas--Alessr13 s. anhol'<er. Elfro,on,. All L'arteny.' ` "Cro e. Van Slyke. Mr. Prost lent -4. Nava -o. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Feb. e. I s! 2, eRs Donner, Dolrniden�nl.'ec ,r.13 hy.eS�uja•. • . Mr. !'resident- it. Nays -n. Approl'ed Feb. 17. Is92. A'y F No. 4:i2- He'll" Id- That city orders be draw. upon the city trcusu rY, payable 4,.t or the 44,1-p Coma.y for rcre.vin staeud I:tnumaa, andeto her'cNotem her noir af�rDecember. r18'JI, fx;4.:s7. uta ldoptetl by too Assembly Feb. P, 16!"" ]'can-Alessrs. Tian holier. Elmnufist. Mc- ('aor,rt}'. AlcN times, l -n.1 Slyke, Mr. Press dent -G. Nays -o, Adopted by Lite floor,] of Aldermen Feb. ]Yeas-Ald, ISiolenberg, Nott, Copeland, Dobner, Dornide., GChot. Aleludy. So, an. Mr. President -!s. Nay., o. Approved Feb. 17, 1S!N!. A'y F No. cm - 'b"11.1111111; That city order. be drawn upon the city' treasury, payable out of the ••p4,. Ince at, partment fund." In favor of the I lowing sassed l alt opposi"' fill"' persons, for the nm tit set - :Clive dam es: olJum es OF THE CITY OF SAINT 11.AI'L. FOR 1809. Cleary. 39:3; John Connelly. ; A. Ila, nish. 4!1.:,0; Welch tiros.. 11.44,; 13. Hyan, �5s.75: E. McNomee, f:.:.!: A. E. Mellgron. {1.75; Chus. Mottled. 11:1.07: 11. J. Hogan, f4; St. Paul Towel Exchange, f12, Adopted by the Assembly Feb. !C 18':r!, Yeas -Mess. flanholror Elinquist. Mc carcorty. McNamee, A'an Slyke. Ill. Presi dont-I;. Nay- - 1. Adopted by flit, Hourly of Aldermen Feb. Ili. In',12. Ycns-Ald. Iitelenberg, Nott, 1-opeland, Dobner. b"mem t;ellaI,. Meludy. Sfaln Alr. !'resident!1. Nays- o. Al,prov ed Feb. 17, ,S92- A'y F No, 45 1-- Itc.solved, That a city order be drawn upon the ety treasury'. payable out of the '•health dePartntept fund;' in favored 1'. C. Lutr. for Adopted 11 th e Assembly Feb. 0. IsIC. Peas-yfessra. Ifanholzer. Elmquiat Mc- Cafferty'. Alc N:antce, Van S',}'kc. Aly. P -i - den[ -1i. Nays -0. Adopted by the Board of Aldcrnten Feb. N, 18!1`1. \"ean-Abd. 13iolcbberg, Bott, Copeland, Dobner. Dorniden. Geham Meludy. Sulli t. ylr.!'resident-U. No,'. Approt'ed Feb. 17, is!r!. A'y F No. 45 - Bosoleed, That city' orders be drawn upon the city treasury, payable out of the- e,,er fund.' to favor of Lha following pc rsons for the. utnou tit set oPpms itc to their respect iv c. nuWilliam.1. Preston. Estimate No. :3. sup- piemcntury to No. 1 and final. rebuilding Soventh streeta sir f:,0: Kirkland & Starkey, E,. matcNo. lO, supplemen kill to No. 9 and heal, Arcade strecis�w,rsy's- An, eAdopted by the Assembly Feb. !1. 1+!12, Y eua-Messrs. Itnnholxer, I:I m,lulst, AIc- Catiert3'• AleNatn ec. \'an Slyke. Mr. 1'r dont-n. Nays -0. Adopted by the Hoard of Aldermen Feb. 1st" Meas-Ald. ISlelento-g, Bolt. Copeland. Dobner. Dorniden, s;ebtm. All: ly. soit- m AI r. Presidtnl-9. NoIs 0. Approved Feb. 17, A'y F No. lNi - Resolved, '!'hut city orders be drawn up- nhe city [ury. pyame ant of the �'ge neral fund,"u in fa%or of the follow'in mel persons. for the :amount set opposite to their respccuvc n a St. Paul .trmor}-Aesoclation, t1,2U!I: .,.,.,)h Anntott, .1111,:4,4: I.. C. Bacon. f'.5: L"d. S. fiend. Shortff, $Itis Ir!: James Cnoloy. }177:k: !:lurk. fn: .lanes Civilly, flts.W; P. F. Egan, CI; Finch. Van Slyck. Young .\ 1'0.. 91:f:S: Fairbanks, Moret, & C... flo: Joss!'h euion. #13,14: Charles L. 71llus,1LCYJ.s,1: lime rinycr & Son. N. Hillman. $15.96: Me Sherry & While, l:etimate No, I,=J,41,0 and interest; Me Sherry & While. Estimate No. 2 33,000.50 still interest; I;eorge J. Alltsch & Co., 98:90; Meyers & Co., Q12: Alerrill's Toilet Supply. CIU: .John Minor. $1.8i!; William McOuigao, 3ss,:r2: Northwestern 1'eleplfond Exchange Company, 981; it. T. O'Connor, [22.05; T. F. !'rice, fe,.72: H. L. Polly & Co., $10; Placek & %il:mund, 5'.i cents: Prendergast Bros., f14.us: A. F. St la art f;i: F. W. Steeg, 941.115: St. Paul hoots,ag;nm Cornice Works., 126; Sei bn. -. s7N+- If. Williams. 3UU.:5: Chns. L. Week, K;.ns: D. L. Boli, 33. �,; Adam Decker & Co.. Mo, : John Bore, $Rlo0; Mrs. Al. II an 1; f7:.'N: John W. Lux, {!8.411; P. C. I.ul i..?Ilt.x,: Chas. Ile noldson,$_16, : Schune- M• n & F:v ins, !:,yN: Joseph Flenrey. 3;4.511: hos. Cody. 1_9.frl: Frank Anderson, $17.50: Ne" Sunt era. 3,:.:,U: Andrew Mattson. John tri-c'leed, fl'!.:,U: Aaron Sltoglund & Jenny Benson. 17.;10; Cuataf Peterson. ;12 1111 Adopted by Btc,\ssem bl3' Feb. !I, Yeas -Messrs. Itanhol-r, Elemilleit. Me - C .dferty. McNamee. Von Slyke, Mr. Prel d dent --u. Nay's --0. AAonted by the Board of Aldermen Feb. isk.j. Yeas--Ald. Bieleube•rg, Holt, Copeland, tobner. t.Air. Dorniden. Cehan, Meludy. Sulli- Prosed DaN:t)'s--4, Approved Feb. 17, IS92. A'y F No. Beloit oil. That city orders be drawn upon the city treasury, pavuble out of the •'lire department nund," in favor of the lol- Ioa'Ing named persons, for the amount set opposite to their respec five names: Allcn. Aloon & I;4,., aloe: iii. C. C. Berk. ('luo & Sons, sV,Al; Fi. B. Cbandler, fIC.5!i; es ter DnI l'odu Pa ny. j66.5d: George A. J.%i -, ft+,_^n; ,mhos Company, S'r, The ti P 6riohcn I.unl her Company, til; 'Phe At go I'archn and :C. IV. Company, and August Hummer. Sr,; ; Jin Ilan ke tt Hard. c Cid.,auy, f:iw.;t:i; .Iil9on & So wden. 'ft17122,1: 1, '!enol Ilan. it; George J. Mitsalt & Co...Jobs Af artiu Lumber Com - to y_fl.:r!: George Mltsch. :"8.80: At. P. hlutWuks, 149.0.5; Nicola & Dead. 33,19; Noyes III-- & Cutler, 914.48: John Poster, .lames Bothwell, f37; Robinson & Cary. 134.'dn: WOlkan. Badger & Co., $1,07: Scribner, Libby & Co.. ?S.45; A. D. Smith & Cn., two! ; St. Paul hardware Company, �1.Y: St. Pail Brass Work,. 3,M.38; St. Paul Ice Company. t7.:sU; Union Tank Line. Sia. A"I"Ild by the Assembly Feb. 9, 1N!12. Yeas--Ml.•ssrs. !Inn holier, EiniOuist. Ale d• Rer'.y. Mc Y:ttall. A'a. Stype, Mr. Pried - dent --o. Nay's_ -o. Adopted by the hoard Of Aldermen Feb. la, iso!, \'nas--And. liicicnborg, Boit, ":Opeland, Dobner.Dmmiden, I;ch;m, Meludy, Sullf- NMr. President-=!. ays --o. Approved Feil. 17, 189_. A'y F NoJis-- hesolvc.d. '!'hat City orders be drawn upon the city treasury, payable out of the "printing and sfail. nary fund," in favor of PROCEEDINGS OF T the following named persons, for the amount set opposite to their respective names: Globe Driscoll, Jr..,,o Publishing D" Yolkl icntun,,-.'N()tUr; Brown, Trency & Co.,seIt,, Adopted by the Asmbly Feb. 9. 18il2. Yeas -Messrs. Bh anolzer atiert, I•:Imyuis[. Mr. ('y, AfcNamee, l'un SI, Mr. Pre,i- affert. Nay's -J I. Ic.Adopled by the Board of Aldermen Itm2. Dol neer Dolrn id land en, Gitlin.. Melody.,, Sulli' v n, Al r. Ple, l dent -!I, nays -U. Approved Feb. 17. 181,2. A'v F No. 4no- Hesolt'ed, That war- to be drawn the ei ly treasury, payable out oaths '•school upon m .in t enan ele fund." to pay damage,, for the opening and extending u Buy it l rough lots I Is, IU :Ind 211, il,,ttlSrde Lana and Cottage Company's sub ll, i,iol, of Moak :if, Of Brown and Jaekson', ndaltloI, to \Vest St. Paul, in the City of tic Yaul. Afla e yuan, Ia accordance with an ordrer o[ it•e ('ot mon l'ouncil of Bald city, app ved Jul}' 10, Is - as eominned by the Board of Pub- IiUnleoink[ vi tOfin. W1illiout L.Conrait forthe Of sun, lt 1i off'I';ald lrRihdit istof thn one�ntfuroreof John li uRmun for the sn f }:x1111 in pay men, of the north 2h feet of tut Ir of said rubdiv kion; o n favor Of Albert fig t laid tenoned for the ,not of }., 1: n Po t Of lh o nanh YU feet o[ lot 1!1 0[ ,'rid I..: -One In furor of Annie M bdi s rum of nor o [ the of the a t )all litlot t'It ofhs: id rah pdf let Sald order If only said delta eyed upon ease .'„itl parties •x ,lingand tiling 'telt the City' Comptroller proper reset ply for said n ant,. Adoptedtby the Asso-1113 Poll It bell I ti l-ly, TIc Yamcl- l'an sl} te.M�,1}rM a • riye Na3's-1. Ili. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Feb. Yens -Aid. Biel evberg' BOLL. Copciaad. Donner. Dorn idea, t;ehnn, Melody, SaIll ,all Mr Y 'd IiE COMMON COLiNC11, Nays -0. Approved Feb. A'y FNo. lel,,Hy Mr. McCnifer[y- Resolved, That III, Order he drawn on the city treasury. payable out Of the "school inter turn fund,” in Invnr of ,\Ihert Seheffer, president of the hoard of school Juepeetors, for they of .fi,4Ni, to be used by" nn itl president a et onlingent fund a presid eat of,afd hoard ,e s Adopted by the Assembly Feb Hare asAl `C I'll AicNnmreee�. l'an nSlYke, N.Mr. President---. Adopted by the hoard of Aldermen Feb. V111 Ald. Dobner, Dorn ide`,!o Cehnn, f ibIti, ,Sulli- van, Mr. President- :t. N.Y.- 41, \pproved Pro, 17, 1192. A'ir F No.-li;:t- 13Y Mr. Eitnrlue t_- He9olred, That the phut of Trow bridge's addltton to the ("I' f St P,lul, n, approved , I Ylat 1 Ion and a aleade,l by the (It\Fnlrmeer berandcthu nu Is hereby tore •pled by the (-ora loon Council of the City of St. Paul .adopted by he Assembly Feb !I. ,? Yea, Afessrr Banholrer Flat 2 Flare Mc('ulTerty, McNnrnee, Van Slyke. Mr 1'resraent ;. Na3'9 U. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Feb. In. 1.12. Peas --Aid. 111elenberg. Butt. Copeland, Dobner, Dorn Iden, l:ehun, Melody. Sulll- 1, ntr. Yte,ideat--!1, Nays -U. A ppro,'ell Feb. 1 l8t,2. N"Ys-U. rest eat -11. A'y F NO. 4el--By At,. \'an Sl,ke- Approred Feb. 1-,. 1 ,,. I ltesofved that the grade Of Yarnc .1euue A'Y F• No. 4bl-fly Mr. Van.Nlyke- Itesolred, 'Phot the grade Of the follo,v' I alleys, as —healed by the red grans race amens accompanying pro lila,, and as no if'tled b}' the City '.,I tie, and the same are hereby adopted athe es tablishoa grades, a"Ii : All t•3' to block ':.1, St. Pnot Proper, and alley ❑ sa bdi,'i,lon of block I-,, Woodland Park ntldition. Adopted by the As,embl3' I•eb. U. Is!12, ]-las-Messrs. B;anhol,or, F,Im4ui, t, )±e- Cmfer[y, ae"t-e. McNamee, Van SIy ICs. Mr. ]'rest - Nuys -I1. dopted be the Board of Aldermen Feb. II;A, Isle.'. ,.beer. 11—lid CnCnti,ehan,liMelad Yr Sulli� van. Mr. Yrexldant-s. r Ivy street to [he White Bear roue, us I rttealed by the ed grade line oa he m•, pan3'ins atonic a - cased by the l'itl' 1•:ngineer. be andethe rn toe Is hereby- n t Pled ;as the established grade. V elolil ed by the Alianbof i-er.Feb. 0.lny. t. Hare, NeC- Ierty. bio Namoe. ,an Flykc•, Mr. Prestd enI Nay., - -11. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Feb. If, 1&ly. u Delta-, Dor" Wiens nGehan'1 AI QIadypelSaid. ", Mr, Presla eat - p. Nuys In. Approved Feb. li. 1102. Prustde"t of the Assembly. Yreaidont of the Board oft vex, Taos. A. Yet t:upeltr: n,'r. City' (, Feb. 2U. lerk. eu. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 159] OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Of BesOlation:\dopted by the l'On"oott Con.o.ii of tit,. City of .St, Van]. Bd F' NO. 7 II-- yyherca,. l u the proceed lnen for alio upon Wit d andira Of St: late street. Iron Ntbe north lane to[ylorri,cn'a addition toBunk Or street- nod lheocc in a d-- l'I line to the center of Dueas ,tract ant 'I'uylor street wrist. •I't t Board of Public y\'orl<s node and Goth ed alt ass Inert of bV rO.bl,, agaulst theI cul tale e, deribed in the ,Bate ;nlrherelo :a tut \ed. uud that 111, us'ses, alone so mudelaguln.st raid teat estate a+ thereafter paid into the a ,' rre-ceth : pall, 1l'her .0 b,1 r I pr ceding." it h;rx be. ads• to apn filu Mat tOI , pr.. L'n[,olnlade Ilud \'milt rem'd u, to thas, a rty in ..aid stat enlellt de.eri bed. ,a1. in il,-r of It (he aslesshent against ,pin, property Ought to In"o been 'l the s liens and :rn n ml, as s real I said erela eat rad (oiloluluq [bc real r•+Lute tL stein Ju. tied, , Nu,v'. ', dr wore, lie Il BesOlred. Thal un order be dra,rn on the city'paY- 'O'eout of 110 lucid inlpt'u,'elre'nt fund, in [:slur of Cco. Reis.tootle for iln• ofN;.h�; ql;, to rr: fimo to the part,,, e tilled thereto the s rid 1 oral, shown d t t. _ t' 1 'd t ,,hall I f l i t 1 L I 1 i [ I (, t 1 ,1 1- 1 ipt: fo[ the urs s' tents b1 r: vol paid ant Of .til I alp "'s nod b, I 1 ..f the r slot 3 1 r of elle ,nnn.e _ 1' n 1 - 1 ..t rtr. enc nlltesnl, ed, t'u1 tit r 1'lut Ill F No. Ur+ adopted bY'tbe dioard of ,\Iris raven Feb.2. Isll-2. aOd I,y the.\..e rO bly F'eb. !1, Is r. be rad the .I,,her• by is :tli thin gra re.- pealud apo uonuil, d. A d011t ed bl' the I;nard of Aldermen Fen. Veia,l- -Aid. Ibel al b'rg, 13nt t. ('Opcland. Buba m', Uornidon, (: e_han 3l styli y". Bulli- , Mr. 1're,id eat '. dopned blthe A.—oily Fe t"ei„ Al na.rs'. B:mhnlinr. F:Imnul,i. an Sc('a nO rtr. o :11n re. t)ppeoltelm, \" I, )"I:e. JI r, l'ret.idcnt S. U. 1lP. Mt'HItA I'res.d eat Of Lho Assetubj, J -II Pit tent or the m.:1 - of ,AId,rmen. hone:lrr ,\. till t'1'n, Ilir. Fel e A. I'Itl: a'ovru:.\�1'. l'it3' Cle. rl: Fol-. 2:, OFFICIA11 PI-BI.I (',\'PION 111' Ite,O1111iO1t .\dOt,t ell hr the COtn- .. �� 1 Ca mil :, I' the Clly til .�1. 1'1to1, It111F1 No.- Ite,olred, Ty ,.rhat rIt d^_rF be dru„'n npo111hc1ityI ,pn3'a ale otil of the "Ito, oil al fund, tri nfavor .,( the folia „'flag tined sit, i lt„11r,oa.. for the +anaouO seL oppo- e re,pe"i.... nhe a.: t I,. B. Uono,'an. F:sibnale NO. :I. i.."Aet. Ing city atilt county hospital. it 511h.5�;. Adopted by the Board of .\Idnrmon Feb. in, }'ca, -Aid . Iiieienberg, Bott, Copeland, Dobner, DOrnid on, (:eh an. Yfelady, Sulli- I. Mr. Presid -nt- a. aN:ly. o. .\dopled by the Assembly Feb. 2:1. bn,2. Ye:t�--yi essrs. Banholror, Eltro"ibt, Flare, ..\IcC:anerl Y, AlcNnrnee. y, Cp ponhei Murraall yl r. \'ice. 1'resldonL -tl. Nay, 1 Approani Frb. -11 In'U'_, \"iec 1'residenC'I'aL [ the Assembly. li. tl, t. Y.\. 1'residept of the Board of Aldermen. Ti-, A. I'nl:.tit:ni:.n�1'. City Clerk. Feb. e: OFFICI.0 PUBLICATION Of Drd 1asr•s . 1'u„ed ,all Itolatlnes Adnpted I,,' the. Con tenon Conned of thet'ily' of .st. 1'n„I. lid F NO. -, itl-- l-dinanec No, m7, - Ao Ordinance yrnnting perm!ssion to Lha St. Paul I':Icetrle Msn U facto ring and Con- t •a 1 1 and rt 11 111, .and 't ' g 1' p t the and - i f it t t f lF St L I f the pur- 1 1 f t 1 i-llneleltl lt• In -lit still The r'0 1 on co, ou!1 of the City of St. I to Ord Till ,a, lcol.rx- S1111oll L Tilat The St Paul ]:Icctric yl f tt - 1 1 true L tell C'onipnny ',1 ba t If t tet poles t l tO stela” a ; 19 thereon for electric llghline• tied tlle1f-ol,l,ing of poster along d u 11hr mhliv .. rd �f ribs till' of Sroll'lauit hlmne,Io..r, nptmt the t ns rad -t ennditions herein ,ieciido III, lop tis, unto a of of the 1'1tY Lngiaee�r. and up 1islid under the fol- loleingcondilione unit inst ,tions, to -n -it: ul�'ueh pol- shall be :1.a feet in height �v'c the grou101 :end ,hall not be loss tban IA inchl" a d bilin -ter it the bottom and a 1,11 es :tc the top. and rhilll be placed at ueh depth 1I1 the urvnnd s the t'ILY En - direct. to se cute their eafety; theyerl ullty:le planed and ,hail be Painted a dart: QOlnr fpr Ilne dislanco OI' sic feet from the ground, nail frim that point to elan top the}' shall he Ila fn ted white: they shat] be ..I at such distances apart from cachother nd at such place, 1n the s street, a ma.y be disiguuled bl'the Pity E,gineer.And in " may other corporations, companies or person, are no,r. Or sha:I be tit any time l iermafler Ito relit t ed by tltcCOa nCoun- III of,aio I'tY tO e, ct pole, or string Its far thr purpo of electric fighting In ,�afd cil3', or to ux the al rests of avid slay for till pnrpo,e of ,Ieelric lighting, and such eorpO nl ion or corporations, eo pony ol,,.pe caul or`,ernoas shallaeslre ter uslvnthenpol ed by .void St. 1'uul I'lectric Man bit-laroig sad ('Onetructlon Company for the..'pose of ortin r for a,h purpe.- urh (Or petition¢ en operson mpanY r ,hall It entitled to do upon the paying t0, aid t Paul Elea uric Manafnoluring \Inn1'. a,Irnction Com- pany. arta, ......so s, the proportionate PROCE'E )INGS OF THE C'011MON CUi-NCI.. share e - n of th 1, of pro and c ,,ting such poles. to be determined as follows: Upon the ,rection of poles upon any of said streets, said St. Paul Electric Mann factoring and Construction Company skull intatudiately report to the City i"agiacer thenor actual cost of sash pole., and the IrIl'- tthereof, and sold City Engineer Shull ascur and tdel, ratio, the actual c of the said poles unit [h, ere tion thrrenf.\and ,el -til, the at III tit which ho ,[licit lint) to be I k } reeortl -bei' f f f- flcerfo P bl' pe CLinn Cpo b f ppli—IiI, as f "I h pole•, so erected th, abbl cant- 1, I ay to idle tit P til 1•:lectt it \I.ronfaetu I tit Co nsL ruction Company on, hitt of nmJ actual u.,, of said poles so doterntned by said City Engineer, and in cil,c If u second app icatlon. the appllort shall buy o third of such Inst, the same to be ,Irvldell goodly between the St. 11;i.1 Elec irir Munufaeturiogund Cons uotian Company n d the if rst appllcad,, and sunt•, ss A'e ap- plicants sit ail pa}' their proportionate share of said cost is like ntuuner. and th, same to be divided proportionately iu nkl l t .n- ob.c., and all applicantspay mgit11e:u pro portional share of t t .ball be ,onl c• and be b> )rm�c a wttlt ❑ eitlt ti�ul'auln}tlectrtc _f:rmt[a,b Luring and ('ovstruct ion Company. o[ s polos, Intl shall le cot Wed to u, 1 I the purpose of electric lighting. And compare natl that if any othot corporation. company e O persoln shall procure, or has procured, like perm i.sH ion I'll ,1111 1 n council to erect poles to �oid ,- eeL', Any of them, and .hull have a tuully erected its polls o v rich s net ors e,ts, then the permission herehy„ranted Is with- dra as to such streets and said St. Paul Elletric \lanufacturing and Constnnctlon Company shall be restricted to using such poles already erected, or as tiny be ,rented before the St. Paul Electric Alanufncturmg still( (instruction Compaey si:nll have ere, to dlits poles therc,u, under bks costo, tions as hrrcin stated. See. 1. Said St. Plot[ FI,Itr is 11anuhao to ring and Construction l'Ompany 911.,11 at ell tinter obey s rich fu r I h er and rid did 11111:.. ani ire to sots as die Commoe G it or said It ty shy it tmpove In the pre- till shall when req nircd, rem ve ny or:dl Of9ad poles and l i cs from elf the etre, IS cat its own loll andexpense, when s c ,t J cd b} 'aid f onto.. Council; al d also, 1f so reyulred'place .ny 'It all 01 I under ground and •mote the 1)I it expense And the t'ommc n I r cl hereby revert es the power to at tri} 1:- I m, •rid or repeal din countable and nolh,u hot m contained shall be de,ed to ,rant anlexclusive rtuht, to the use of -smd streetsfm'thI purpose, herein contained, Sec. 3. Thc.hl St. Paul Eii-ric Maou- [acturlig anumord t'o uslructiOn Clnnpu.)' here- by11 ed by thcltll,Iltooti ofss 1111ittI"i1 Yl the stringing of wires lure -i, utiu Lhu V c o[ electric Ifight, and ,hall cat cal I times sa, e the Cityof St. yawl harmless therelrom and front rill damage, arising out of Ih,. the or axe rcise (if any privileges hereby granted' and lite erection of poles and the iotenanc, of ware, Along rid upon any of said streets, and .,hall ex"•t•ule a.d d,- 111er to said city a .Onll in the penal nano of five thousand dollars (6:,,fMk11, Not ing the city hurdlesis In the pre rises. Prior to tailing effect ol'th is ordinance, said be to he first approvedby the Corporation At lot acy, and the violation of any of the pro- vlsionsof this ordinance shall render the null mill void at the election of said Con nCouacif. Se 114. Said St. Paul Eloctrie Murufac- tliring ant CI st"let noI to sb all, within thirty day', O,= the passage nrd approval of this ,dinuucc. execute and Iib; with Ill: City heal, sot boml and a writtev ecPl ao ee of all the ,visunns Of thin linuu,e in firm to Ira �Ltp re, vcJ by i,, L,a, it 1 .hull l y f 1 i this ordl - Il it, ordiaa ..hull take effect t~1 be i,, f,lra.. "I In a J It"', Its publtar Linn and the Kling of s"id bond and accept- arortsa;a. :onPassed it, the hoard of Aldermen Feb.:, Intl_, 1"'as--Ald. Biel—lb-g, Nott. Cooley, Copeland. Doha— D.—de.,Cohan, Al. lal3'. Sanborn, Sullivun, Nr. President --11. N ays--o. President of the hoard of Aldermen. (...sed b3' 111, Asli—Wy Feb. l las . JS o11oliel, lillmlui,t, ('ale` \I,C "l.. \I \ unw r, Uppsvinoim. \ ao .:I3 kt. \It f iestdmtt. x a3-Y—U. }t, a AInlAtw y. Yn :I.., [ Approved•[ the Ass -ably, dpproed Feb <.s Ls. A. rt A. S 111•'. Afa,por- evl: Tiitl.,, A. PaEN pElil:it, I Feb.N'e_".1. Cite t'lerk. lid F No. 7s9—Ordinance No. 1.,78 -- Ali Ordinance grunting unto Kingsland Sntllh permission to use a portion of the 1cy'I, iu the Sixth ward of the City Of St. The Common Council of tide City Of St. ail do ordain as follow,: Section 1. That p,nni-o" and author. it i., ttereny gi,"en and grunted unto Kings- land Smith to use .,It 1—tipy for the full period from the date unit passngeof this or- dititmice until .July 1, A. U. IuI lis fr uma facturtug purposes, , r Manufacturing hour and all thiob., accessary an(] in—tae., thereto. that portion of the levee ro the hi,t11 w',r to the. city of St Paul described as follows, to wit' Lotsthret Ii,l four (4) 1 II - (.) of mock Ji to I oberison s ildai- ton to \\ est St Paul 1 'id d, That the grantee heron d .'hall employ m tl a and ' nam mss at all times during the t, of this Iran - t like a monthly :average per year not less than twenty uien. This grunt 1s made upon the express con li tion that the grant-,., heretoled ,hall pay tI the Cit}' It St. Paul ,.,,cold. hersalion and rental far the prlvileges eby granteJ, the sum of n C Ill M) dol Jur per amain for and during the time here- nahtce specified, payable annually in ad - C. bCrt. That t•permission and authority Ls gin and granted unto the said ICingslatid Smith to Crect,construct-and lbaintain on—id lots tln'ee 13), fitur OI and ate (:ll astone or brie, -v Cncered but ld lag ,bout an feat by -!I) foot. and a frame iron- elud el,rator with stone f„unllution for use In their said business. 'I'h tee car more of the stories O1 the said hu lhl;ng [o be above the grade of the street OF THE CITY OP SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 'nfront of said Int,: which building shall be built under the directions dad uoordillg to the instructions of tin• ISLdid111g Inspc, tot of said cit, uptoohtain.ug a ail ., oto and die olyliclul of 1111• pr.per len, therefor. Prov lt,J. III—, r, 'phut he ehlmu,v and n s iok—tock, if i to be u,ed it Itlt s:dd huninesn nb:rlf t' cat of th nits �nty t w'e tees aborti t` ale 0 t,. upon 11ioh th, -ai:hel building l Autl 1 - b 1 d rther. TIt tt 111., -rd "'all 11111. o lacd , •wtl tug' nil11C uy oft to,- tthls h,! tb, granted. And pitvided further. That Jul, grant,,, i herein nutted shall cntnplele,a ll bulldogs ami h.,I said bustles, :u operilliou w'itlnn o tri) ntoulhs from the passage of chis I rdint othat before ,-ho tspn':udolt of said Otaid. said-buii.I,uT shall be rerttored f -in tit uho)l de •ribcd premises b,',rid g mice,: mid i of fad Jur.' to r ,int hl:liding, ,-thin suit time. thenv 11th pa thea f y tit.:t,uft,r ren An ' 1 t h,tl btcomc tbevlprnlu',rf. of v:ild Gtty >1 is t'.ri 1 rights , �luirel u—b i11f� d dmuncc 9ball b nferre<I t n'I o n��ny per—I t unl I.. to f the t I ofsu'l city .hall 1 - 1 r, o11t, t -d-- cel [ that raid I�Inesluml tiiamilll may tr tlsler said rights to the Eiugsml Sntol\3 idling puny, r r , oor:rifnn about t, 11 e by kiln, said ooroerattun to mukeno t - for without the ,oneeut of said Concannon Coca nail. Sec 4. Said grnniees shall out will c for- adem.ib' unit s;icc hanuicss- the 1'il, df St. Paul n nst any and :dl tum ugca. j udgmenL, claims. nil expenses n[ n soma r luta It may' sulfur It Inst' Ue d, urcil ont:iined mr or �gr'w said tAy !rA r by r-111111 cat 111 e, or groI oat d �u0idle drum the or ge cal thus t a.ln or rc' • Or un}' i :a t,r r thing cc c i rcl,d threw .rtth, o i 1h the t� by tri, slid gran N of sic pr c,; re are tic gnun�,l. so,. If s At 1 sh:dl I':AI i _ ,sin It to , mpih 'thtihc 1, f du s hereby ,h,n all the rights �otl car , "'. I , hereby' gra, led shall I 1--, l t and SL G. 11 I 1 e shall It ,ill the l' I II '1l I. 1 ft. 1 publ t.t Ian of b 1 1 t o „ptnncc of tb 1 - Ir. tl t 'c o to be plo-o ;! b tit,- I ori lint in 1d t•. •phis nnlinunrt• shall duke ,Il,rt anba in frac (torn null nf1,a ibis punir:i- tlnn unit the at •,11'611,, the riot- t. i - pro vilel in sc, tl ,a, of tbi, orvbn Pu=sed ht' thI "" Beard o(Alde rlluun I 1—en. II;, s!r. 1"ca. Aid. iii u.Itch Roll. Cnpcmnt. llobner. 1-sulu n. Itch-. }I,!ady, .tiultt n. 11 r. Prestleltt—!1. Nit}', n. t). I1, Cl 1'r Sid- t of the it„ara of ,, IJ: Pa 1, by tit, A„ irt, Feb ;, r•`i' l� Y—s--Messrs. linhol,, r. t:lnnluist.Ilure, ALeCatferty. Al, Numee, Morrav, Oupen- heim. \'an Slykc. Mr. \"fico PrrJdenJ ,. Nays --u. W,I. A VAN S'A 1: 1:. \"ice 1'resldc•lit of the Assembly. Approved Feb. "5. 11T� Ron,. Ili A.\311tH, Mayor. Attc,t: Titles. A. PRENIIElo;AnT, City ('lent. Feb. 1, "-- o-dinanceN..157t-- CoII of the City of St. PaLil b) ."Jain a, follows: perm issnoo to h,-by tre -re,, vd fratm, building nttuute,l ob lot S blond. 11Paul i-gI•r, about It. hits and cct „.tit tri,-,tilpi, s w.ry IILnthI tslnr\- brick bui II'it- ,Aurid a smtit. scctil 'Phis ononce shall tuna — and be'1n force front 111111 utter its passagege nmue y 3 Hot a f'.ri,sel Uhu ItoarJ of Aldermen Feb. Its. Io;Inas Peas1.--A ills I[ICloa berg, Bolt. Copeland, Uohn-'. Oonliden, tach an. \I elady, So111- _Na )\s ---}Ir. President—I. U O 1 t' P—ill1 [ 1 r Board of Ai lean,.. 1 assed by the A,s,lnbiy Fre _';, tn]r_. 1 Rana..—r. Coslullo. E.Jon utla M,,otic rty. Ate—re e, Mur- p1 t,.11r P.ee 1'reaideni .. Nays 1 \\' A. \'.'nE. \'ire Presidede nt nl'the Assam Gly. Aptoll It Full bs!l. Po A. S,IITii. \layor. u„'taPoat: us. A. ea utaa;wsT. t eh. _.1. City Clurk. lid F No. HI:I--Orlinnilar No. 15s)— An Arthro,,•, nparopriating money fora d dir,rtiny the pu}'menL-to lillen L. Ltllle, of the sum of two hu o dretd untl Ilfly lT_51n 'ph r 1 von I'l, If the CI[l' of SL. 1':rnl dnl1. air t all rds: tient city 1. '('mal illi t. Pa he drawn upon ,it, rt c trcasu rY of Ft, Paul. ria}ams out I� tin• gen'rul fund [ f 1.7 n 1., for l lie + oft t d .d mid tl (tv dullyrs in tole o Iltpe-1 ion I., and 1'm' low o[ alit rim and leotard ga tact to th Cntf I 1 ] l y C. S Little on ani 1lot recoiled, whica 1 b} Ic fe litl alk on thu 'tlt i 1 f I .'t L 1 Ili }lcy(Cn I to Ity U1t' 1, 11111, II r t pP- 1 lion I,Ju hall, 11, t ib .I;— d un- ,il- henrirg lute Il,v. I, ] her sail order to sIdel ire red only neon there being filed w it h the t'dv Ctmytunic a f,farl absolulc r,lnts to thel,fty i11 euti,[actlon of sold claim ' C demand. Thi. nrd to and .'hall trite clfect tile b,in force fo e [rum alter its pu bilca nn. 1'uxs"l 113' the ISnurl Of Aldermen Feb. \'ca+ All. itcli.nberg. Iintl, ('.put l unit, ,all. Airs Doru il,nl, I:claat, \[,dud)'. 6u111- . stir I'residenl !. \a}'s 1 11, O, t; l`I.1.lit PCCsidill of the HAldermen. If Amerman. 1'a s by dile Avs-ably Feb, vi. IMI'.;, it as --yi essrs. Ii:tnholier. I•:Intl loot. hare. slcCatTert Y, 11-Nitrnec. Murray, Op- pe'It ,in, Mr. \'ice ('resident -8. PROCEEUINrn OF THE CO)I yION Pill NCII. \'ir•c 1're,i[Icnl o: ibu As-f;,bly. A p p re I Fe lr. "- I19r Itr A 111 AI t' Atlo.i Pllrl�. A FI1 rt.r -\.'. City Clerk. F'e b. lidF No. Nl I 0,duelo- No. I:,HI- A,I ordinance cruuliug permi-� it to erect n rruo me sired. The Common Cortin.. Ind the lilt}'of St. Paul do ordain a, ew,: 'cction 1. Ioiheril }' andlo l e t hereby givenObrto : to Lhe ad Olin lrtrutnr, of�the Cerate of nd F:riw al o, arc ed. to Bevin. act a 1'nuuu shed out to rcrcc•d one story en height. feet In ,'idth 0, )o feet in len gib upon the rear en,: of tut 1+, block I,'u. f Robertson', AddiUoo to \Vest St. Paul. Said work dit it he done a" t110 ,upc•r 'not n o[ the Ituioling In,pt�calr.r of the I'ny of St. Paul upon Cbtaminu the prop - mil therefor. Sec. '1. 'Phis or[IlnuccC .,hull be. in force and elrect from and :titer its le -sage and po hlfr,d n. I':Isscrl by the Ilearvi of :\Ideroor Full. Il, ID"'! Yeas-AId, Ibeh-tit-g, hell, Copeland, D obuer. UO12111 1 I; Cbuu. ylelud}'. Sulh- n,Jlr.l'r sident-u. aNJ}+ e 11. 0.1'1'I' 1'renldent of the 11 -rd it AIrl eroten. Pa .,lid by the .A -,O, 'y Feb. ::I. 1.'.r_. Yogis-Mvava. 1lunhulecr. P:l nal ui,i. 11un. Mcr `alTcrt 3'. Mea:uncr, Murray. Up p.nhenn. AI r. \'ire Pit ,ulr nt n. Nay., 0. \\'v. A. V -n \"IW Iidc u; of the .; Sncm ul}'. App-led-ledI'e n. . h. ':. Is::' Attest: '1'101., A. 1'n Nx'0Ld0;.,� r, 1'0y Clerk. Feb.:.. lid F No..awl -Hy Ald. Dole- Itu�ol.ed. '1'h:rl tb'• B.'a''d of I'll bile. \\"o rka be • ml it i+ hen•by Insirl0:ted to I.,penA ojo-ltter o 1, undthe llnal order or this boils for it,, upcuwg of Laker onto nod Pb:nelt avenue to ; ..11th e' elg ht). feet lexicon Il: moue :tel Sachin,; al :rd 11 ihC further order of ihi, body. n Adapted I�,' Lhe Ituurd of Aid.rmea F0, ?. co Iv 1 's- :Htelen berg. Holt. Penley, Copelalpol, Dnb leer, Hnlden. It i. \, Inst\, SJ i,'n. S Il\I , 1 d t 1, - 11 N,I 11)nt } 11tt Av. Il'h 1 't I' Hare. Mt( dile W', McN Jnrtt oppo::h"tn, Yan SI)'ke Nays --)I r. lire,idcnt--I. App -,ed Feb. lid F :1u.::r1:--lir' AId. nirlen berg-- Reaulvo 1, 'That the Pity Attorney ire. ono he ,' It rclry. dlreclerl Lo 11r red witimot dela, to take wh iilevcr u n that r 1ny be dry to ha,'c all Ihet tub,tr ociron, r mooedPrem I{avenx ate.el Ire t,yoeu I arroll and Itundo sU'cete. 9 Adopted by the Hoard of Aldermen Fell. I n!F_•, a, --Aid. lbl-lenl.erp. Boli, ('onlay, Cunelund. Hehner. 1'ornilen. (:ohon, yle- rad) Sanborn, S lli-it Mr. P-sident-11. Nays 1:. A doplt•d b)- the As -iii')' Fell. '!:i, 1"oa,--yl ea,r. Bilololi.o[, k:lm;lufst. Har., 11,Ca11'em''. McNamee. oppraile-no. 1':tn Sly ii C, )i r. fit ndcmt--S. Nays --Il, Approved Feb, Bit I' No. 701; -By Ali!.iBol[-- Ht•solyed, Thatthe• a'ity I:ngi o•er be and hm'Oby of c,,.ctell to r ICrnA n grade forthe alley-, in Idoclisnn and in of Mc. I..un . Hes --alioo. Adopted by the Itoard of Aldermen Feb. hi, IS4,'. Yetis --AId.clndyHiclenlic)g, ]toll, Copeland. Dolner. yl . Sullivan, Mr. I"osident--;. Nuys --o A tloplyd by the :\,ac nthl)' Feli. .8, No,. Yeaa-\lessn, nanhol'ier, Fimu[dist, flare. )b•Culrany, AIa S:unec ylurray. Up- ponhritn. Mi. \'I- Pr-ideul-S, No' a}'s_ _I h Approved Feb. -1.5. 1 !r,. Hd F No. 7! - I ly AId. Uo bner-- It is here b., orderad 1iy the 1lrrmnon Cou. it of the 1'ily of St. Pan l: "1'lla,the r 1 dt.r or {;radio_ Illurr street from Fry ntrowt to Fairview oyenne he, and the s, m ! 1, hereby rc i.rn•d to the Hoard of Puidie Werk. 10 mvd•sligate and report: F. - lr-Ir, tilt, Irrlpro,'emru0 Proper and .arra n Second- 1 n e the r'01111Cll estimate Of lite ex pen s.! thurcof. and son r• whether on, InuIrif U•re te rest tloof Is to be pall oto the city 1rrusury before the anut-eI Jr '1'hlnl-can real osi- I to br n,s.vacd for lid Imam v o m r•.nt be found Ircnc li ted to thu.xleul o[ damage,. cosi, ami expo Sr,N ,' to be ir. red thcrelty O hre" rlh I„ n r hoot p rr,veto.n t ell ror upon the petit lea lir ::Ir1111,utinrt lit the oavn e( rllajnrlty ul' Oil, property he sea lar such "I'; ear: tto.rsFil!h Send the lieun.' i I•tra pian or prollle of s ai 1 n„ Irr a u el11 :. 1 ed by hill. it ver raper In f:a, lir of the Ir hixul .nal ibe rttned �r m�per order dt ecUng ihu ,a-orl< Ie be Joao. Ado pled by Ib. Ifuhnl of A1, 1, -morn F,1 b. Ir:, I.v�r!. l ant,.\Id dy l lIto[l, lopsided, \I Ito bur, r, elJdy Sehullilia Jn \Ir. L'rcvndcnl [s I \ I rptul v it 1 or blv I'cb _'d, ISI! l r as -4 .', Il, N rr r.e t. F In lun.tib re ylrCa;ie Mram ce. ylurray. (Ip peoll-ol Mi. \'dee Pr -den[ --N, Nay.,- I. Hd F Nu. vd1- Hr�,nlved. '1'11 at city orders b. drawn upon the city tre1si,in food * rr .A the "pan e ' ail ,nalo dI' fond. r1 b-, of the soli r rwingnmocrl per roe thea int i set opuoslte to (holt r etpective nantes:o OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FQR 1891. Herinl:al h Co.. M. Adopted by the Board of Aldertne, Feb. lu, Itr!L'. Yetis- AId, Billenberg. Halt. Copelnml, Debrief. Dornnict, 1;i,han, Mclad S. Sulit Mr. 1 'idem v. Adelded b)'the A,sembl)• Feb. 'l: t, INTI'!. 1'e --yl ease,. Ilan holier. F:Imrl-t, Hare, M,CaRe rt)'. M, -Na in- ylurray, I)p penloonr, Mr. Vie;.P-I IICIIL-n. Noy- . Approved Feb. 1: r. IS;t•, lid F No. S'd- , Resolved. That city order, be drawn Open the .ity Itousory. payable colorthere ;I-artmenl food." 1n favor of lite follow- inA. Ifoedtgheini-, fist :1111. Adopted b)the liort'd or Aldermen Feb. Irl. ISIr!. Yeas -AId. Il i0vilberg. Boil. Cop land. DO[ oor, Horn Iden. "all. Meludy, tilli t. Mr. President- It. , J. ay' I. \depted by the :\ase mbl}' Feb. t:f, IS.r!. 1'o:rs -)tense,. Iianbolr.cr, I:Imyui+t. 'Hare, MC1'n ltert,v, Jlc Nam ee. Murray, it penitelno yl I. \'ice President- Nay- it, resident-Nay-tet, Approved Feb, _5. INrr_'. Hd F No. w:1 Itesel,' ed.'1'bat city orders be drown upon the cit,' t1l'asury, parable out ar Die "fight food." m favor el' tbo bllluu'iny: nu I0lbe rt Seng er. F:Noar t. :\I ll.-, by the 14ourd of .\idurnten Feb. Ir{, IS!r!, Yen, -Am, •rle rt. Iott. Cepelu nrrermldi,ofr am, yulaay. SullI -. Mr. Prr,nb•ut p. N - y nY,-1r, lupi e:l by the:\sve rn bl}' Feb, ::'I, Isle!. Yen.-ylrn,ra. lianh-...r, I•;Itnuuh t. Ifnre, Al-'anerty. Me Narnee. Murray. Op It nbeim•Mr. \'ice Yn.andr•nl--S, Nny u. Approved Fab. 11, Aid. Holt b) rier,d by the l-ommon t'nun- o❑ r f tl , C"y of St PJUI '1'hnt tho romi-of cunstr o-ol, a wooden iJwall: nc rotes Frust Sixth --I. art the " side of lielintun ast•nr c. be, and the Is herebv rete rred tu the Itoard or 1 ittblic \Y ori:s Io invt•stbiato and report: I tl l f t t dos LI l 1 'I I op r ord 1 t t, tl I l A Adopted b, the Hoard of Aldermen Feb b; IM•_ \"0aN-AId. liieleoberg. Hott, CIMIland; llebner. Dorn idea. [:elan, ylelady, Suit' \I r. President --N. Ad', 'it by the Aase lbb' PHI Yeas-)Ie„r,. Itanbolir•r, i:bol uisl, "Ole. y1 v.Catte n';. McNamee. Murray Op. penheim, Mr. Yme Pr-olont--N N:,3,- o. Apu rayed Fcb. Bd FNo, ul:,--Ify .\Id. Iiott- 1t is hereby o'doed Ify the Coratnon Coun- ell Of the City of Sl. Paul: That the mutter of cot,lrilcting a wooden crosswalk across Iloilo street, on the north sideu[ Margaret street, be and the same la lo -4;y referred to the Hoard of Public Works to n,esHgate and report, Is this improvement Proper and neves :t y' if so. send the Council a proper order directing the work to clone. Adopted by lite Hoard of Aldermen Feb. Ili. INIt_. Yeas -Aid. Itielenberg, Ito It, Copeland. H obner. Uorniden, 6ehan, Malady, Sulll VI, yl r. President --!1. a ata -{t. At opted by lb. Assembly Feb. S'S. IN:f'J. Yens--M-srs. liunholver. Flinquist, Hare, %jeC.afferty, McNamee, Murray, Op- ponhelm. Mr. V.- Prosblent- N. Approved Feb. 2:1. 11-n!. lid 11 No. S1Ni- Ite,olved, That an order In, drawn iit in,'or of F:. it. loopier ripen the tocol in - proven)ent fund for the sum of ,Ix ty-three tad loll (41:f.fi'Sr dollars, being for the re - delnptlon of Ce,toioato No. I'ldli If, Crrone usl}' is sued a gainst westtwo-tnirdsf Il t block West St. Yaul 1'ruper, n Hall u,'ome, as per correction of Itohe ard of I'ubbe \\-eel's. Also that un order be drawn iu fat'or of }Ilius Ifrol, upon the local 'ml)ro,re. Cut N the sum aft w C n Ly :tad SII IUr1 Col breva being for ibe red ern Piton of I,ertill- :Ite, :g o,. _Ind and glut, ianucd in error of lel tl. bl_k:1. Skidmore dna Cnssifiy's ad dit an. for theon Solbl' avenue. Adopted fry the Ifounl of Altleruur I Feb. tri,'.. r!, 1'e:as-AId. li clenherg, Heli, Cepewnd, Hobne r, Uorniden. (:Chnn, Mel-11Y,Sulli- . Mr. President -p. JN ay s—p. \aopted by the. Assembly Yob..:f. Isut. Yno,-Mc,ara. 14un bo Fier. F:Imdulsl, Hare. Are('arteny. McNutae,-. Murray. Up- peoltclm, AIT. Ylee President --g. Nuys. o. Approved Feb. tar, Ishii. lilt F No. SK - Itesel,'oil, That an order be drown en the city treavur\'. payhhI, out of thel,ene 1 I'Imd, in f:aa'e 1' of I:e.rge I,Cis, (.l\ P -J ur, f rr the sun of :rr.;,m, sand , r n to ro- nburse hlrn for Ill on.y advanced, as 1'ol- lox's: 'I'llPay th, cenernl fax on fol six 161 of block[ t lb fSt' Hrown A Ra ) old t far the Yen I 1`I'J] Y dAl Ara cunt tra t paid d va-tl 1 I for grading f Kili cn MI. Ih Said prude rty haying horn lately pur- 'te'-d uy ithe fits of St. Pool Iron 1). H, moon for hespl[al vurp,n s under a r.solu- o, the l'ommon Council. app- ed Nov, I hitt`:ll. Adopted by the Board of .\Idonnon Feb. M I,l- Yen,-AIA. Iflelonberg, Hotta Copeland. Dolnn- Uorniden. I:ehnn. Malady, Sullt- ,un.Mr. PresiA.nt-n. 32 PROCEIsl)INGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Nays -U. Cot(puny 416; Joseph Bothwell. 4411.10; Adopted by the Assmnbly Feb. 24, I,p", St. Punt Sanitvtion Com puny"51 40: A. D. Yeas --M cssrs. Ifnnho:ze r. ISinnlui,t. Satin & G,.. 21Jllu(: Ft. Paul liecdw;tre Hors, M.Cnaerty, McNamee, Murray. Op- l'ontpm:y-, Ei t.:4: St, foal l'himney Sx s, p en h cf, Mr. Vice Pre,ident ompan Y. 412H.11. -Y'-I Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Feb. A n proved Feb. Tl, 1S!r,!. IG, 1102. Peas-Ald- Bfelenherg, Nott. C'opolund, 'd l' F' III Id S ll' lid F' No. Nns- Ite,olven. Phut city uric r, he dr:t,r it upon the city trea,u rya p�,yublc oo [ of the ".! rest a se or m;tinu•.a:u c mad:' in rotor or the following namedt to -ons, for the ant et[ cl,posite to Lhcir re.,Petite n ..,ohs Martin l.um oar C'on,pun y", f. 3.a 1: 1, Mitsch, +lu.�o; .lame... C'loary, itn ': Srrib- •r-Libhcy' C'umpumy- ?1.1; 1: 1'. If. itelly Mercian the Com pill, y-. ':IA.Ap: eras: Arne scum Heist m,d D^, :'ri cl: (,'omit puny'. $7.2.,. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen It'cb. Yeas -Alda laiden!), K- 13,1 t Copeluml, Dobner. Dorm mien, , Io. Mcludy. Smlli- n, Mr. Pre,ident-!1. v Adopted by the A„ern bly Feb. 'I I,!1_, Yens-Nessra. Jul holzeq Ninulu l,t, Bare. Meddle ray. Masnmeu, nlurraS.Op- penheim, \'Iue 1'resideu l .-. Naps.1i. APProv ed FeU. Li, Rubner. Dorm u ; n. Mr. P[csldcnl :. Nnc -b. � Adb II US the .4„mnbly Voll.. t. -12., y­­c„r,. Itnn hot r.c r. F:imilui,[. it Mecwreru-, Mevaa,ee, nl¢rrny, penhcitn, n1 r. \'Ica I'reaid ant-+. Nay's -0. Approved Feb. lid ,o Nafro- Rosolved. 'That city' orders Ue ,Ira tau m t'fttreasuryme1 the poltIuu icedepartoen, 'fonrLater,'ihe following noted Per- , h ! a t :out set opposite to their rospet•tfve natn U,, III errlll's ToflM Supbly. $1.:-:; F:. AIC - Name,•. '!11),8:1; N. W. Tel, I•;.t. Co.,-.S:,:M,: ! ltd F No. SI7-13y- Aid. Gehan- St. Paul "tubber Co.. M. It 1, hmehbe-le,ordered by the C.Ion:on Coun- Adopte�t by the Itovrd of Aldermen Feb, •tl of the Pity' of St. Paul: hi, ISfL'. In It the mutter of the condemnntlon r Yeu,-Alda Htelenbur;IhOl ""-d. lots :it;0I1:1., bock 2.J -C. Stout's addl- Robner. l)-anice, (:ebml, nluludy. Suit] - tion and lot Ili, lfe:trrannementlic-,el t's \I I. Priacnl-11, 'Ter : Ce , per aecoln palying m't ition. he, v Nuy's-b. •tndri he same in herchy refErred to the Adopted by the :t tlthly FeU. '_':i. IMI'_', Board of 1'ublic Works to btvestigate ar d Yeas -Mu, ry ISunhu: i.er, h:hnlu i,t, report: H;.,e. Mer wlerly. .I,Nwuc,. Murray. 01, Firs! -Is this improvement Proper and pcnhefm, Mr. \'mc Presldmtt-s. net ... y:• N ay s -m. S toad -Give the ('ou Hell un e,t mate o[ Approt uti F'eb. I,4'_'. the, ypen,c thcreo', and state whether -lad l'o l 11tv,st thereof i, t, he puff -- filo the ci!y treasury I efore the Contrlmt i, let. ltd F No. Hi I- Third -('till mal ,,lute to be ;t,ees,ed itesolvod. That -it, order, be druw;l 11 Lor ,n irl imps v • nt•nt. he fulled Uenetited n the m!y it r1, payable : of LUe to the e.,tent:l,l'1d:"'aw-co-ande.tPcn- school fund,' e:0, `Intel of ate toll,)log- r„u r Fu be lo,11, •d 11 -rel)" on person,. aur the aro-It,ctoppn,:tu Culr rt l,-Ir•�roell Itncov Cement s -Net for to their resperty a male.: li opua 11: Ile-lition o till, at", of the The Andrew' Sem,el, 'art C nonny. of 1 :c,lority of Iheo uperty' to he R .1.1 F:_ Alhuuo t I 11 •Il-;nlu ry O of E.`.4a: Jona Roxm,\ I '1'lio Filth of IeConociltul phn.opruflle. + Electric F:neiv, utit ulAacr wPvny. uf11d reportO ,roc„meat. n, requiral U}' haw, ?I J5: i4; 1•:d iron elrlei tree $/ icht 1 niPany, I� il'yu,i in luvur of the ,:mine. E41i.:15; F':mit- \"au til)'y.il, Y -n .v1h-.. ,d lbe l'ou veil a Proper eater J. P. l: rihben I.IuO,er it tpanv. dire 'r„g the , ,rk to he done $112.+11; W..1, Ilan 0h 1'14:.: .alio I',tic, Adupte,l byi it.,Hoard of Aldeimea 1:. B. Mi am', fi.oi; Mlle,.\ Ride. Feb. Ili. I,!r, Ilerfll','Todet Sup Ply. X11: \aye, Y, -a--- Ald. Bieh•nbe lg. holt. Cup land, Bros &('utter, f71..1: N. \1.'I elepuonc K. Doh o.!, 1)orn iden. Geh:o i. ylelady. Sulli- change Company-. d1,: PrendrrKa,t Ht -o'. van, Mr. Pre,idenL--0I. *445.13; J. 13. Pewter,, 4,,); Yeople s leo Nays. ISd F No. S1m 1ty Aid. Ho -1, ,'I 'I'itut :1 order he drax'n upon the tv "I" :ry int favor of It. P. Call.I do.1. for thosanioaut of nine hundred (5,,o(O llars, bc!ng far rent of c nasal police ,tatlon on \y -est "Third ,treat. for the period of ,Ixit oath, from -g. 1, 1191, to Feb. 1, I Sat, aslper (case. ,"'Id amount to be pard out of the Ken eras fund. Adopted by the board of Aldermen Feb. .'ens -aid. dc.. berg. Mott. dy. S III Dobner, i)urrtiJen. Gehnn, nl clady. Su111 t Nay -1. Not Voting -Mr. fres "dent -I. Adopted by the A,sembly Feh. 1-e;ts-\less,,. Baollol'r.er, }.lmnuist, Hare. McCafferty. Mr.\'nm ee. \f urruY, Op- penheim, Mr. Vice /'re,fdent--e. Nay, -p, Approved Feb. 2:,, 184::. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1892. 33 Approved Fell, 25. 18!12. 1V. I' MD mtA r. President of the A-crably. \l'yl, A. V' 8 ­...Vice PmBldeltt of the Assembly. ll, O. CerJ,F:N. President of the Board of Aldermen. TIO- A. I'll.N11.11OAST, ('itv clerk. Feb. 20. UFFICIAI, PUBLICATION of ()rrlinwnces 1'a+sed and II- 'Itinna Adopted by the Cum moot Cuuvell of the City oI St. I•aul. 4'y F No. 964-Ordinunee NO. I5I_- At ordinocewraotlogp-rmf„td,!clL a tbority ata Angu,t Botret. to rt. moyea t­-,tory..... iro-,toryw Io 1. Uuf"ding. The Com mol, Utu mcil ul' the City of St. Niul do ordain a, follows: Sec Lion 1. That au Lhoripernti,- ,ion I, h re by given : ml Kra ntcd to An- gn,tHotzetto rl•.1111 u that to lain two - .+tort" rouden buildiinlg from In Idl f .1 bd, (120)1 of B1111,1tnld lboodall�, al tion to the City of Sr. P:od. to uvtl on lot 1 mbar iii, block fifty-Hve 1' I Bice and I n'ine', addition to the city of St. 1'uu l: ,all] work shall be done nmler the,uper- a-islo1, of the Building In, )cauls. Sec. 2. Tb is ordiolo.- ,�I;1Btake effect at d be in forfrom and after Its pa„n gu' 1'u,serl by the .x-e-bly Feb. _ 1, IS!r?. ISunllolyer, Ht Cuf- f sty. McNumce. OnpenheimVan . slyke, Mr. Presll]e n-,,. Nays W. P. Ai eltnwY. President Of the A,senibly. Paced by Lite Board Of Aldermen March S!Yl. Yea, -.41d. BielmlUerg. Butt Copeland, Dubnt Burufder. Geltan. Melady'. SaI born, Sullivan -v. Nays -Mr. Pre,ldent-1. G. G. President of the Board of Aldermen. Approved Murch 1Itope.T A. S-TII. Mayor. AIt t: Too,. A. 3'uENUL:ROAST. March. City Clerk. A'y F No. 41S-Ordinanee No. Ii S3- Alordinance Kranting Ilermis,fu❑ to B. Thu r,ton & Sea to meet a frame fel. iced. The ommon Counrll If Lha City of 8t - pan I du oralam Stenon 1. That autlturity an 1 permis- -lon (s hereby T's" lid grunted to C. B, Tlmr, Ol & Sun to et• i ulna lee shed tare nay' feet In tvf dtb by ""''1 feet fn length by twenty teat t heigh alt upon lu, 4, block 41. few, and iIrvin, s addition to St. Pull. Said work 'hall be dune node, the up�trvib Wainnlb tile ermit in,, t•enaid buliding. n to ere, ,a Sec. 2. This ordinan,c I)OL11 take effect and be bt force from and after its pue- suge. 3 Passed by the AsaemUly Feb. ^_3, 1H!)2. Yeas-Alc,ers. B¢nh of zer. 1Iure. Mc- Caffertyy, Aloxumec, Oppenheim. Vao Slyke, nl r. PreAd at -F. Nays 10. W. 1'. MtuulAy. President of the A,semblp. Passed by the Board (If dldor, Murelt 1, ISfI2. Yeus-All]. Iliclenberg, Butt, Copeland, Dobnc r. Durniclen. GOO-.Ale:ndy. San- Uurn. Sulllvao. Mr. 11-idcnt-10. Nay -0. 0- 0. CUI-I.EN, President of the Board Of Aldermen. Appruyed March 3, l8'X,. 1ROBHRT A. S>IITII. Alt -t: Nfayor. TO-. A. PIC} Id,a(;AST. Mulch City Clerk. A'y F No. 460 -Ordinance No. h184- An ordinnnee Kralttin �pern)ission to Ru- dolph Fi,uher w ran - n frame build- ing. The Common Cnn Heil f the City of; St, Poul du ordain It, i'olluwe: Sect tun 1. Alit rity and nsfuo is nierc6 tlgrwuted lude utl1t111111pll 0K,w h,tt:andinK ntthc,uu thwc,t corner of Sixth :and Wa` buchu s 1. reeL,, around. t , S to front uit S lav tb ,trect, a distance of si.t,y- fent from \V bu,hu el, reel, the sn a to be done under the direction of file Building In- ,pecO r. Sec ']'],isordna ince to be in force fru nd at,,., its passage, Pusxd by the Asm-1)lyy, Feb. 2, 18ff2. Yens -Mess,,, Ilanholyer. Rine. Me- CnlTert))', McNuolee. OPPenheint. Van Slyke. Mr. PreAdent5. Nays 1. W. P. fthe L'1le-1 Pe tioa nt of the. Assent ar Pa�sea by the sten rd of Aldermen, n[arah L IH{Y_', Y-eu,-A Id. If ildetGetButt- t'upelnuI Dobner, Durn mien,, elmn yleladY, San- born, su P e l Nays -Mr. r. Pm,dcn 0. O. O. Colder, Pre,ident of the Board of Aldermen. dpproruceded \larch 't, ]'Alva IteaEnT A. $]I ITR, ACWetLAlT, d�f105. A. PnENDEnd ABT. March 4. City Clerk. No. 459 -Ordinance No. labor - .1n ortll ounce providing tho'mode of:grant- InK special privilege,, The Common Connell of the City of st. Pa.Sovtlon 1. I' Thetis hereafter sl] getAill pri,il •Kc, W u tvt buildings, to re del nd reyair It, 0•e sect frame buildinK, i td oil other,{,acid trivtleges Kr,,OWd by the Com nun Cuu nci� hall be g,loa.d by l union,'; n`lo teptpte[7 rherefitheitchirter eat ty ,ue It speClul Vargas inn Iee9 as �trovided by urdinunce. This ordinance shall Luke effect ileforce from and after its passage. 34 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Passed by the Assembly Feb. 22.1, 189'2. holzer. H Ym[s-Messrs. Bal,are. McVaf- fertyy Sic Numei•, OpPerileiru, Van Slyke. Mr. President-,. Nays -0. W. P. MunnAv. Pmsident ul rite AssvoltlIY- Passed by the Iloanl of Aldonnen Df: "h 1, I8!P2. yeas -Aid. liiolen bl•.rg. Boll, Copeland. Dobner. Iluruiden, Gahan, 110adv. Sxn- h, rn. Sullivan. Dl r. Prestolot-III. Nuys -0. O. O. Cln,nY: n. Pnreide It)f tlm Board of Aldermen. Approved Marrh:1, IS!f. IC 1111a11T A. , . TH. Dlayut'. Attest: Tnos. A. Plll;\'11.11GAIT, l'It • Clerk House of Good Shepherd, $58.71; Morrill's Toilet Suppl '. 56.d++: Charles Osterstrom. (11.15; M. J. Elgxu, fi:dlli6: William Schmidt, R I.57.W. Adopted by the A,.ssombly Feb. 23, iSIV. Yens- Messrs. Bunholxer, Elmquist. f11tu}-e h�InV NtiN nnmc,l NrO.p� fccLP esi- dent-''* Adopted by tiro hoard of Aldermen N"Feb I, 181:. ),a.-Ald. Bieleuberg. Bott, Copeland, Dob rn,Sul vanldM . Freident-19. 6au- Neys-0. Approved March 2. I11r2. Murch ,. ) 1 y A'y F No. J9S-By 11 r. McGtlierty- Resolved $net urden 1) drall ' tlppon the Itd F tin. 7!111-I3y Ald. Gehxn- l'11y Treasurer, in fnv.lr ul' the fullmcing- uained persons for the arrotlnls set op- Resun-ed, By the Cuu�mun l'ount•ilr oi' positutothelrrespecli cenuntes,turefund due the l;lty of St. Paul. That it is uece.snty Io said per+ons amounts as rebate"" A. B. 18!11, W la thuL assistant, •xt,wding si 161 I1I II I1nl- ImInlStration of Ilcence. for the veto died only on licences for the year A. IT ileo he en Played in the a the dept rtneut of health. luring the Dlarch 1st, to 1 �S!I: 1, Weller. Pawnbroker Lieense No. 59, peri udoftheecar 1cY•2, from I Comnai's over of .f. flKlki. April 15tH, a t the Is hereh)>' to til anted to employ +t A. S. \feller. Pawnbroker l.icen sc N o W. Health ucb additiomtl ecessu rY assistants. t -x penseoi'the $6fr.lil. Adopted the A svemhl.er. 1'rovlrted,hoKever•thalthe of tsc said IcpxrLno•nt Yels ss lregx2. nfi,•rtylh[oM EMui�raY. :adminisovtion shall nut be thrn•by in•rensed heyund the Hare. )Tet Tnmec, appropriation f$121W. Df r. lice PmsidenL-i. Adopted by the AIs—, ly I•'et,.''M. 18!1. Elnalekt, Nuys-0 A,; by the Ilunrd of Aldermen -)te.srs. B:mholv.e . liar',`MeN:mme, Van Slyke. Mr. P-1-todept Sia re t 1. IA!Y:. 1. Bott. Copeland. Taus -A Id. Ilielent rg. San- Na)'s-Dleesrs.,DicC+t ticrty, Oppeuheint burn Su III— \t r. Pl-• idem -IO- . Adupted by the Board of Aldermen Nays -0. Maros 1, 189'?. Approved Mares :3. 1SV2. Yels-Aid. Biclenherg, Ituft, Cu nelxn,l. Debper. Buroiden. Gehun, 111holY. Sulll- - +, Mr. President -J. Nuys -A Id. Slot born -1. Approved Mareh;t. Irl^ . Bd FNo. 7V2 -IIS Committee un Lico mo of Lhe Board of Alde rrneo - Bcsolved. That the li,el ­ fel' for :Til the be undr'he.ur(Itne in, lfi" Id atlt bil0. e a_m itt 1, hundred dollarsoncb. ,r Yea'-Mi'sAdopted srthc `BanhIs ol,.,r, eh.Elni s0 ni.t. B. re. )Ic('utl'e rtY. )Ic Nanlee. Vito Slyke. Mr. Presiden t-7. Nuys -0. Mr. Oppenheim not voting. Adopted by the Board of Alde'n,o 3larch 1, 186_. Peas -Aid. Bielenberg, Bort, Copeland, Dobner, horn Iden, SaIll ro, Sullivan. Mr. Yresidrnt-S. )h•larl Nay, Aid Gebn n, y-'-'. Approved Mamh 3. 1,192. lid F Nn. SIO- I{esolved, That oily' unlurs be drawn up - no the „ity irenvll r)'. pn) able , int of t „ generul fund." in fttvur of the I'oll„K'inK c 1 nersuos for the amount set oppo - itetaa their rosl-livv It. T ir'Cole $5.10; Nui thwest. 'Fele hoot• E�eh Inge Cumpuny.$Od10: Frank lreot..Jr_ fG.10.1: Ary F No.l5o-By Mo. McNamce- Hesolved, that the hoard Of Publie Work_ be, and they are be rebv authorized and i"Itrueted t 1 nludify the contmc[ for II., grmI!ng of Lewis park (tile cootmetor senting thereto), so us to {{trovide for a dr,ri,ay along the rtherly sou ndary f said a rk of the width to be determined by the pard of Public Works, of to ex - by tw6vo feet in width; pro- vided that. suel+work .hall be done with- ol t any additional oust. Adopt 1 by [he As.enlhlp Feb. 23, IM12. yeas -Messrs. Bnnholzer. El no Joist. Hare, McCnfl'tov, Mc N; ire, Oppenheim. Vao Slyke, Mr. I resides,, S. ""I- Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Murch 1, 16V!. yens -A Id. Bie Dorniden. berg, 1. Melody, San lora SullivanMr. President-loy, San- Appro U. Approved D[arclt S, I892, A'v F No. alib- Retor�s Ule, untl $stay Board of l+ereby SchoolIn- -are .e I and empowen•d ll, have the ouW, H,d I seedlu . of .aid Botrdpubltshed + 'b, utlieial Paper of the City of St. Paul. Adopted by the Assembly Feb. 9, OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1892. 35 Yeas -Messrs. Bunholrer. Elmquist, Hare. McCafferty, McNamee, Murray, Mr. Vice President -7. Nisys-. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen )harch 1, I8W. N,c--Ald. Bielenberg. Bolt, Copeland, Dobncr, Dorniden, Gelmn. Dlelndy, San - ho it. Sullivan. Mr. President -10. Nuys -0. Approved Dlarcll 3„IS02. A'y F No. s70T7l Resolved, hat city orders be drnK'l, upon the city treasury, flays ,le mIL of the "police department. fuel:' do favor ut the following numtm persons, for the Menu nt set opposite W their resla:etive names: St. Paul S,udtationCnmp+u,y. �.I; Sec, r Robinson. $1'20.5:3; .John )V agger, $1.{5; W'. E Bus hmxnn, $1; P..1. Ilugan, $l; Miles l Hole. f01.,0; Georxv J. Mit.sch k Co.. Oppenheim, tap the Bunn) ofAlde'nleu iele'll Bot,. Culx•lund. en. Gelmn, Melady, Sun - Approved Dlar h a, 1,92. A'y' F No. J71 - Resolved, That city orders bo drawn upon the city treusu ry.tpuyuble out of the "assessments fund," i Iavor of theful- lowlne named pervuns, f:)r the nlnuu nt. se[ m posite W their reap dive l,ltmes-: JI. Lux, Estimate No.). grading Bonney street upprosches, etc.. $170; H. C. Herb - nr. Estimate N6.5, grading McMenemy troct. $I.VbI; J. W. )luloney, Estimate No. 2, grmB Goff avenue, f, Vl. Adopter) by the Assembly Feb. 23. 18,C. Yens- Messrs. Bnnholzer. Have. McCaf- erty._MoNnmee,_Oppephcim.Van Slyke, the Board of Aldermen. App,oved March 3, 1SW A'y F N, . 472 -- It -solved. That un order be drawl, upon the pity tmusur3'. pay ble out of the get l- e ul fund. for the sum i $'t•..8,, to furor of Wlllium S. Moore :md A. H Anda rsua, co-p:utncrs In bust aces es Moore & Co.. to {laymettG oY two ee Hain Judgmt•nts r derod i n fxvur of s+dA )I,wre & Cu.. alai $gobs$ rho City of St. Paul. one of wldch Is fur the sum of $q'a. +old entered 1U iu the Sup mine Courtof t It. State of )Ibine- sutu on Lhe 1Sth a } of F,:bruurp, 18V . the other of which le fu the sl,m of $Isl.tl,. demered up In tho District Court of Ramsev comity un the 2�d day of Febru- ary. 18J2. Said order shall be delivered only pen said Moore & Co. exeouting and delivering W the City Comptroller of the City of St. Paul proper satisfaction W said judgments. Adopted by the Assembly Feb. 2 1892. Yeus-MessrsBunhul.cr, Hare, MvCef- ty, Mcsunlee,. opponheim, Van Slyke, Mr. President -7. Nuys -0. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Mamh,l. ISra Yens -Aid. 13{elenberg, Bot1. Copeland, llubner. Dorniden, Gehun, Melady, San- born, Sullit'uu, Mr. P ... Idelt.-l0. Nuys 0. Approved March 3, 1802, A -Y F No. ala- , Resolved. That city orders be drown upon the. cit • treasuryy, { ayuble out of tliu Wr sl, pP�v fund. fu favor oP ibu fol - K lowing- Ito ale persons, f..r the amount sot Pp os, -it W their respective Humes: 1S, .p' of }Vater Commissloners, $102.25. Adopted by the Assembly Feb. W, 1892. yeas -Me_". fianholzer Hure, Mc- CaferL..11•. McNamee. Oppenheim, Van Slyke. Mr. President -7. lkays-Il. Adopted by the Ifou,l of Aldermen )Tares 1. ld. yeasr, ld. eberg. Butt, C,lpelborn, Sul- It,",,, ul- D,",,, Dorniden,.PI)[eludy, Sanborn, Sul - ]i Nap, Mr. Ptesidell-10. Approved \lures :t, ISS'. A'y F No. 474 --By Mr. Oppenh im- It is hereby rdured by the Co.... t'ou DCII of Lhe l'Ity of St. Paul: That the m tter'of sweeping Summit • venue. from Selby ave ue to Unlo sLract' be and the same is hereby referred W the Beard of Public Works to investiguk and report: First --Is this improvement proner and iteacs ,yi Second --Give 1 he Council all estimate of LM1u ex Meuse thereof, and stato hetller ne-half uP the nasi thereof is to be paid tato the may treasury before the contract !rt. Third --Caneel estate to be assessed for: • std Imp, v ment be found benetlWd to the extent of damages, costs and ex- penses once sar}i)tu be Inc urrod'thoreby'r mprovemovL asked for upon lila petit.lun lar pplicatiun oP the owonr+uf u mojorlLy of the property to be assessed fur stmt improvement% Flirts --Send lite Council a plan orill,'-fill f said hnprnvement, as r •,ulred by law. if 7}• 1 report in favor of the same. Sizth--Send the Council u proper order directing it.. work-L'o be dune. Adopted by the Assembly Feb. Zi, 1892. Yens -Messrs. Bunhulzer, Ham. Me- CuIIerty, 51esmine. Oppenheim, Van Slyke. Mr. President -7. Nays -b. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Marcs 1. 18V2. Yens-Ald. Bielenber6 Bott. Copeland, Dotomr, Dorniden, GO an. Moistly, San - born.Sullivun, Mr.President-30. Nuys -0. Approved March 3. 1S92. 36 PROCEEDINW; OF THE COMMON COUNCIL A'y F No 475- ItesoB'ed, That city orders Ire drown upon the city troam"y, Va1'a Ile :ou : t t. "[tredepurtmrnt fund," n favor of the follewi X red Ix f r the am, ant ee[ app .lite to ihei vet mea Amur, Evert S Co., 91v Mi: Arl beet itoe- rB,,b,Ihrcr,'t`_'s.,n: Chester OII ComnnrU'. t:SO:iti; Ucot'ge A. Doagber. 11_7.-'1: .I. P. O ribbon Lumber "I oy 3ll.sh: Aug. ILtmmer, #2.511: George Mitseb, R2x.I5; Jet' hn Dlartiu Lumber Coulpnn', Northwestern Full Uutn juicy, �2G1 °0: Aie" Ls C Denn, 9ti2.w1: Noyes ISrvrthcrs C Cut- leer.el_-^-1:John Illiiter. F3 �5� I'aper Cul - to +r Cumpa ny. 9'2M1: Ito b I, n. Cnr,v C Co_'SliU.t. The Silaby Jl:tr If: •t+: t\X Co. Pun' .a H: St, Pant 13rvaa Works. �.� s�" A. F . St,"rt, flo..al: ,It 1'zol Sb.im•d Ili- hoop n1-. 21: .1. H. "a 1., W."al C.ra t. y, a'37- l"acunm Oil -a pan,. Itt ion TrUlk i.ine. :kt:r..rll. Adopted by the .1-1lrb Ly F'I,,- Peas-Dless- 11-hulzer, Hare. Mc1 forty, DlcN.cne,, Oppenheim, 1-Slyk;af- e, Mr, President -7. N u3'a- 0 Adopted by the Board of Aldermen illarcb 1, ln!I.. Sous --Alit, Bieleoberg, Butt. Colx'laod. Irtobaa,So ltliranitri., GYn idamt lajj3 San - Nay -1r. Approved Murch 3. 1192. A', F No, l7ti- ItTbaj uethe eitl-,.sury, p¢) able tint rifaw f the open " It, ntiuf unit stationery fault." in b+ynr of the 1'ol lowing I:ued persons, fur the amount set opposite lu their respeetice namees: B wn,'1' 1ley J CO.. f5l: Pioneer Pre- Com Deny. 91r, Adopted by the Assembly Fell. 2I, 1-las-Dlessrs. Burr lrnize r. Hare. Mll;ul'- frrtY, M,Natnec. OI'pen helm. Van Slyke. Mr. Pra•sident, 7. Nays -o. Adopted by Lba Beard of Aldermen Murch1. 1.92.]"ea,-Aid. RleleuuerK, liu[t. l'n pcluud. Dub nor, I)erniderr, Uehun. \!clod S'. Snn born, Sulliya n. Sir. PrrslI', Nays -o. Approved \Inrel,;1,1192. A'y F No. 47S- Hcsulved,rllatcity-derslwdrawn oP- i.he city ire+tsury payable at of the --Xener;11 land." a favor Uf the following - ed for Lhe nmoant set oPpu- :1 .L tl ell -1 -1+ lose elf Anetctt, CCU„ $i -W; Char- . tatlreis, 911N1.511, Adopt rd by the Ass,•nrbU' Feb. --ti. Imp. 1"eua-\lasses. ISal:holrer. Hare, MOCaf- fr rty, . eNUnn- Oppenheim, Vun Slyke, ]Ir. Pre..ident-7. uys-0. r of Aldermen Adbr pted by the B r:v 1 Jfurcb I. ]tlUi. Y, e-Ad. i ebeK. B t. Copelannd, D,rbo rlDornIfda. Dul.y. Sa bnrn, Sulivan, Dfr. Yl-illent-lo. Nny-0. Apprnverl Dieruh :l. 1-2- A Y HU_.A'y F- No. ds�!-By Mr. III I lzcr- Itesolved, That. an order la• drown r the city Lreusury, p:rJ':tb ire UOL Lhe general irtod, in furor ,rf Churl es It Fn for the sun of ?:ell, to r n burro him lbe ni by bis •x Ve odeail for laeltlIT ret. I, itle post bou.~'e a during the winter sea- t 141, Ado Pted by the Aseeol 1,ly Feb. 'gid lfi�'. ]'ens-ytcssrs. Ilanbo lzer, hare. MccIf e 'ty, yteN:unee• Oln-vahelnl. Voll Slyke. )I r. Prarident-7. Nays -11. M hrchiltal�!F�y Lhe Hoard of Aldermen \-ons-Alit. Iiielenberg, Breit, Copeland, Iloburr. Dornidlo', Cella,, \lelndy. San- born, Sullivan, Mr, President -10. N'ays-0, Approred Marelr :3, In!r. ARu, lv,d.. That the/ ry 1•-ioeortbel¢ud he hereb,q i reel rutted to mase to be tun- - dot the blot,, oll ntructed t at:hrwuy ,'latero , by III, to It b1191 c the plans crlbnrit[eFeb.the Ci[vs III,in ler of which ch I'll Feb. '_':l, Ili;r}, the c '1 �.pafll It olt I'll gi a ral f }.t. and al:nll be of toille er:tl fund. Adoof, by I.IruAwsemhly.. in la'2. Sr,is-Dlc�c rs- lino hUlzer, Elmet rdst. Hurn. M'Cttl'crty, Dle N nnu•e, opp-l"im, OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. FOR 189'. 37 See nn d-1:tyo Ha• C,m noil an est unnte of [hc Hie reef .ml hederr c -h n� ru[at he a est thereof ie 1e tr paid at,, tle,'ity trea,re'y before the t'rmLrnrt slet- Th:rd (tan t cal -L Or In be na.easrd ler red en Vnevrnl,•ri t. be fouo,l ben elltid b• the extentof A:, van Kr_.. eo�tc nod r•x Ia,u- +I Fou .t y Ianu mnet red therebvi m pre ....rent asked bar the opetition -applwallorl of the f m.li will properlS to he .1,11-1\e,l for a„rlr Improvement:' Fifth - end the t'onm i l a pine, rprolile raid i......t b rt if?_gin refer ba vtlr- frit the t rr red ,t pr fuer order Sr die l b, tt ark to h it me. Admrtfd by the• tau nrby Feb-vl, Inn i Sexs-Moes c, rB:rn baize r, Elnu\uia. flare,Dfe N:em e. Opoer:hei,n. y':or .'Ivkt• n \I•'l':,tferly. .Dir'. Pn•sideal MaAldreb 10 PbrlIby tlrr If„n rd,if Aide r nrrr: , x!k:. 1] 1, ago < Ir leo xrg. IS -H, I,bm•r, -_,,loinldt• o,Coba Noy, -AId. l'on. prl:o urd.d. SSa uo bo rn, Sulliv:t o. Mr. tion. deal --1. Approved Dlun•li :L Ia92. A'y F No. 411 - or 1i l[er of I.be report of rho Board of Public Works dated P'I'lon:f, Is!Yl. I, i. hereby ordered by the l'ma ..too l bu o- 5 HI ttthe•/lilyofrfl Paul: 'Phot the at.[cot'I' a blit oll'os oil the jur-el you lc tra," Ihf• following ft pre.- !,I to be made to -wit: 0 -ii ust at e n \Bono L:n het w'ree Selby •,1 rift d Niaa oven ala. in a:lid ei h, �rrT bolt said Hearts rxrlu• said work to hr let by,ontt',trt.:t a I oc!dea by bill w'ithUnt r :ebul(t hr ostium ted cost being fi art. Iviid Hu I lo• clty tn'ensr+ry. and offer s:dd work .Imll be plarb I under runt root, said Ito:rnl ah:ill lrroeeed w. hunt delays a[be trei I + nearly :+s they ,: `rtanI i hesaaa, w-hirlt trill he reef a,,reds to pay the coats herd necessary e.v b,re once of + tlr utenefited -gement upon Inc rrr 1 est:tb• to hr• bby .aid im I -li voon by 1:1w: it being the olein ion of the art, I l o-, rent rotate a to nae •acrd fur ach extent 'I fi e n In• fu rrnil bem•ti ted u thea,y III. of -,rest. : red ; Druses fry h ltheA clu Lhr�reba'. ac\dairpted Ily Htc Asaem bly Feb -"'l, In: r2. Yexs-Mescrs. Bon hulzv r. ri+mintcl, Flare, yl,"Cn Beaty. \Ir Name,". UVpenheinl, \'nn dl3'I:r.. Mr. Free I,],-, rt -s. Aare -n. yl:�rt�li r'r'Ic•liy the Board of .1 lclerr+re:r Ileus-.\Id.l ibelenberg. Bolt. Copeland, D bnrr. Uornide•�, Urban. Diehul y. Sao born. Solllvu n, DI r. President -lo. Na,t•s.-n Approved Jture l+:f. A y F No. 49 -11v Dlr.F;Irn,!rli.t - R, -1,-,d, Thai a ei 1, order 1), - drawn \toe I o, ill%3r11,,ur-,lly-lllufir. and N_Iou dollar being three nrtths fourteen a- duY+'in lrrc.t,o, !M. -dcrtd pall Noa-. 11. IR!:I, for lot 1l, block lS[iuson. Br, rd It '.J Id't'I p nrrhuced for hoc pilin Irl fn m! •+ 1 : [o be paid ,at of } A,d ,pb•d by tlw :\- bly Feb. '3. M12. 1"r•. Nllleaars. Ilan" lan halin•r, Ebm afar. Hnr :11 •1'ni1'rrt y. Dle N,lour Opu,ol mor, Vr1 \IJ'ke, DI r. President -x. \revs --n. AdirPten by ux• Board of :vtdermen yI rch 1, la'!r�. i]"I, he rg, holt, C'ol`e bruit. b.ro.DUrnl,l r, IUr•IGn+ Dlebul San b ro.rvolliv:tn, \I r. 1'+•ait�lent--rel. .\pp re fleet Dtattb n, I".1'. \'y F No- J!rl-lir Mr. Ibov- It 1. berv'hJ' ordered by it,, ConenonCUun- IoftheCityofSL. Paul: i he ala tier of gruff ng Baker street I......erukernvon ue tol'b b• t dthe sunrr•is hereby"rri;ert•c•d to tthe Iten rd of fluidic,'orks to investigate and report: First -Is this improvement proper and l n y:• Second -Give the Council an estimate of the expense thereof, and state whether e- It ¢ If o f the cost therrof1 s to be paid ihto Lhci e ty treasury Lefore the eont fort rvl-Con fruit r_sUite to be ---rd for -.aid iulpnrremeot he found benefited to the rx tent of rl anlage -c, costsand expen- s�•i'ourths11l.�cael� int ptnycmenL ft-I:,"d for a poo the pet it ion o nppl ic¢Hon of the of it anti-ity o[ the property tole n `Fi'tathr� vend tint• 1 Witnci leu ]flan or Prntlle of .aid hot" eol. ns •quinti by htw. i 1' you n'Per[r�n I:trnr of ltl• same•. .tiixth--S,"trrl the lwerinell a Vmper order di recti ng the work to b . dml e. Ad'euopit•d by the Aacenr blJ' Feb. 23, IP.!Y_'. 1M,"". 13nnhulzer, Elav,av t. hare. McCaff-Iy. McNamee, Oppenhefm, D':ol "Ilk" 11 r. Precitlont--A. Nnl'a-. A d<rpttr1 by if,, Board of Alrlermoh LI DLr rcb R!N_. Ven --A id. iid,u. berg, Ro cha 2",.laud, b -a. r. Sulu, 1=chane \t 10. 4un- horn. Sal!ivx rr, Y1,. President--lU. A npprnt'ed Dhtndl a. IR92. It,"sol red. '1'Inrt the Corporxtfon Attor- v he. and be is requested IIIfurukh the I�,lunei l a .1 uletner: i. , rl' dam aln•s `mid by Lhe city ee :.,Iiof "f dries cool ved mlel ufined nn aremint of do(rciiyo sidu- at Yet --1 by the .lb -eche Feb. :1'1. IRO'l. ileus -Die tea. N!eN: cher. F.hmlalsi. I(:+rv•. If,Cr,It 'r•rt y. McN nmee• UPpen bei m. parr Slyke. Df I'. President -R. Noy Ado fe.-n.d by the Bu -d of Alder. - March 1. IR'J_r. Ad�rpted by Lhe Bunrd of Atdr-,u Dinrehl 1 funs -At d. 13i,•leub,-. Boll. Cup,"buld. A'y F NU.I�- Uuboor, D,rru rdeo. t.ehan. Melody. San- L[rsUlred,7'lat city leder+ be drawn boor, Sullivan. Mr. PresiduPt-10. 1 the oily tn•nsrt t'y. pnynhle out of tiffNuys--0, fund." [urea of I.hc following Alrlrr eyed DIa roll :l. 1tlfY2. or nabs ti per-os.for the concent set oppo- e ed Dors,, e, site to their n•specllre comes: St. Pnnl Haa Light 1'om paler, 9!1;_11.!11!. '. Adopted by the Assomh!y Rob. 1. la!C. A'y F No. dR7- Coal' Se;4u-Diessrs. Banbolzor, flare. Mrl'n f- • Ly. Jlc Nam,x•• Oppenheim, Van Slyke, I1 :s burehy ordered by the ori Co,r nett of Lhe t'ity of 91. Iitul: Mr. Yresideot-7. That the nartter of eb:tnglnX the 11tt'n 1r Nuys -U, of Brood wary .st reel between Lhe \1i1.'sls- �'� Prineesirrc foe width 'If Adopturl by Ilru Iiourd of Aldrrmwi Nin -1 b IM! -2 Dpi ria-cr nod fort}' Idol (let in the center of Sol(, Brood Sou+-AId. hire-AlcrK. Ilett. l'npelu ml. ten>'sl reel. be and the a 1e is hnrrbv r•- ape Dak er. Derofde 1. Ueha Di r•I:e IY. S.Irt- burn. Sullil'un. \I r- President -Io: frrrUrtigntr br'trll It peel,,, blit \V orl:s [u i ycc t r Nnys�l. First -is this in'l-ol,ment proper and Approved Martha. Isff!. oat, asn ry': OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. FOR 189'. 37 See nn d-1:tyo Ha• C,m noil an est unnte of [hc Hie reef .ml hederr c -h n� ru[at he a est thereof ie 1e tr paid at,, tle,'ity trea,re'y before the t'rmLrnrt slet- Th:rd (tan t cal -L Or In be na.easrd ler red en Vnevrnl,•ri t. be fouo,l ben elltid b• the extentof A:, van Kr_.. eo�tc nod r•x Ia,u- +I Fou .t y Ianu mnet red therebvi m pre ....rent asked bar the opetition -applwallorl of the f m.li will properlS to he .1,11-1\e,l for a„rlr Improvement:' Fifth - end the t'onm i l a pine, rprolile raid i......t b rt if?_gin refer ba vtlr- frit the t rr red ,t pr fuer order Sr die l b, tt ark to h it me. Admrtfd by the• tau nrby Feb-vl, Inn i Sexs-Moes c, rB:rn baize r, Elnu\uia. flare,Dfe N:em e. Opoer:hei,n. y':or .'Ivkt• n \I•'l':,tferly. .Dir'. Pn•sideal MaAldreb 10 PbrlIby tlrr If„n rd,if Aide r nrrr: , x!k:. 1] 1, ago < Ir leo xrg. IS -H, I,bm•r, -_,,loinldt• o,Coba Noy, -AId. l'on. prl:o urd.d. SSa uo bo rn, Sulliv:t o. Mr. tion. deal --1. Approved Dlun•li :L Ia92. A'y F No. 411 - or 1i l[er of I.be report of rho Board of Public Works dated P'I'lon:f, Is!Yl. I, i. hereby ordered by the l'ma ..too l bu o- 5 HI ttthe•/lilyofrfl Paul: 'Phot the at.[cot'I' a blit oll'os oil the jur-el you lc tra," Ihf• following ft pre.- !,I to be made to -wit: 0 -ii ust at e n \Bono L:n het w'ree Selby •,1 rift d Niaa oven ala. in a:lid ei h, �rrT bolt said Hearts rxrlu• said work to hr let by,ontt',trt.:t a I oc!dea by bill w'ithUnt r :ebul(t hr ostium ted cost being fi art. Iviid Hu I lo• clty tn'ensr+ry. and offer s:dd work .Imll be plarb I under runt root, said Ito:rnl ah:ill lrroeeed w. hunt delays a[be trei I + nearly :+s they ,: `rtanI i hesaaa, w-hirlt trill he reef a,,reds to pay the coats herd necessary e.v b,re once of + tlr utenefited -gement upon Inc rrr 1 est:tb• to hr• bby .aid im I -li voon by 1:1w: it being the olein ion of the art, I l o-, rent rotate a to nae •acrd fur ach extent 'I fi e n In• fu rrnil bem•ti ted u thea,y III. of -,rest. : red ; Druses fry h ltheA clu Lhr�reba'. ac\dairpted Ily Htc Asaem bly Feb -"'l, In: r2. Yexs-Mescrs. Bon hulzv r. ri+mintcl, Flare, yl,"Cn Beaty. \Ir Name,". UVpenheinl, \'nn dl3'I:r.. Mr. Free I,],-, rt -s. Aare -n. yl:�rt�li r'r'Ic•liy the Board of .1 lclerr+re:r Ileus-.\Id.l ibelenberg. Bolt. Copeland, D bnrr. Uornide•�, Urban. Diehul y. Sao born. Solllvu n, DI r. President -lo. Na,t•s.-n Approved Jture l+:f. A y F No. 49 -11v Dlr.F;Irn,!rli.t - R, -1,-,d, Thai a ei 1, order 1), - drawn \toe I o, ill%3r11,,ur-,lly-lllufir. and N_Iou dollar being three nrtths fourteen a- duY+'in lrrc.t,o, !M. -dcrtd pall Noa-. 11. IR!:I, for lot 1l, block lS[iuson. Br, rd It '.J Id't'I p nrrhuced for hoc pilin Irl fn m! •+ 1 : [o be paid ,at of } A,d ,pb•d by tlw :\- bly Feb. '3. M12. 1"r•. Nllleaars. Ilan" lan halin•r, Ebm afar. Hnr :11 •1'ni1'rrt y. Dle N,lour Opu,ol mor, Vr1 \IJ'ke, DI r. President -x. \revs --n. AdirPten by ux• Board of :vtdermen yI rch 1, la'!r�. i]"I, he rg, holt, C'ol`e bruit. b.ro.DUrnl,l r, IUr•IGn+ Dlebul San b ro.rvolliv:tn, \I r. 1'+•ait�lent--rel. .\pp re fleet Dtattb n, I".1'. \'y F No- J!rl-lir Mr. Ibov- It 1. berv'hJ' ordered by it,, ConenonCUun- IoftheCityofSL. Paul: i he ala tier of gruff ng Baker street I......erukernvon ue tol'b b• t dthe sunrr•is hereby"rri;ert•c•d to tthe Iten rd of fluidic,'orks to investigate and report: First -Is this improvement proper and l n y:• Second -Give the Council an estimate of the expense thereof, and state whether e- It ¢ If o f the cost therrof1 s to be paid ihto Lhci e ty treasury Lefore the eont fort rvl-Con fruit r_sUite to be ---rd for -.aid iulpnrremeot he found benefited to the rx tent of rl anlage -c, costsand expen- s�•i'ourths11l.�cael� int ptnycmenL ft-I:,"d for a poo the pet it ion o nppl ic¢Hon of the of it anti-ity o[ the property tole n `Fi'tathr� vend tint• 1 Witnci leu ]flan or Prntlle of .aid hot" eol. ns •quinti by htw. i 1' you n'Per[r�n I:trnr of ltl• same•. .tiixth--S,"trrl the lwerinell a Vmper order di recti ng the work to b . dml e. Ad'euopit•d by the Aacenr blJ' Feb. 23, IP.!Y_'. 1M,"". 13nnhulzer, Elav,av t. hare. McCaff-Iy. McNamee, Oppenhefm, D':ol "Ilk" 11 r. Precitlont--A. Nnl'a-. A d<rpttr1 by if,, Board of Alrlermoh LI DLr rcb R!N_. Ven --A id. iid,u. berg, Ro cha 2",.laud, b -a. r. Sulu, 1=chane \t 10. 4un- horn. Sal!ivx rr, Y1,. President--lU. A npprnt'ed Dhtndl a. IR92. It,"sol red. '1'Inrt the Corporxtfon Attor- v he. and be is requested IIIfurukh the I�,lunei l a .1 uletner: i. , rl' dam aln•s `mid by Lhe city ee :.,Iiof "f dries cool ved mlel ufined nn aremint of do(rciiyo sidu- at Yet --1 by the .lb -eche Feb. :1'1. IRO'l. ileus -Die tea. N!eN: cher. F.hmlalsi. I(:+rv•. If,Cr,It 'r•rt y. McN nmee• UPpen bei m. parr Slyke. Df I'. President -R. Noy Ado fe.-n.d by the Bu -d of Alder. - March 1. IR'J_r. PROCEEDINGS OF TFIE ('O�,ITION COUNCIL Yvan-Ald. HielenberR. Hutt. CoPellnd. Uobner, Dorntdel, Gchall. Dlelledy. San - h orn. Sullivan, .11, Presinent-In. Nays -0. A ppro wed Mareh:l.1\�r, P. \lest<A y. President of the Assembly. W. A. YA1' SLvgo, Vice President of the Assembly. O.O. CUL".,, P ra,itlent. of the Hnord of Aldermen. Trios. A PIIL;S Pear.AST. City Clerk. )h,rt•b ,. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Of Ltrsolution Adopted by the Cnm- Il,o„ Connril of til. frit, of St. Paul. AYv Nu. 4w'� Whe rets, tiltt. l.Y of ox'Iers resident I', ' the l.'lly of Ft. Paul. )liuocstda, of 011nt Phee, athe property ubuttmRupomou st •h majority along the of F'alrmnd ty of such owners of Property ubur.imR +Ipun and along the line 11 Cn+en, M.".. 'uvb m;,jurity of such x ern of prolx'rty ',bl,tLiue, anon umd alone, the Ilne of the alley way brreiunfter referred to have pct Hioned tho Cum mon Cou nt•11 of the l;itt' of St. Paul to vaeate salt) Fuirnio,ot I'hu'e: Rall alvo to aeon• Ih:rt port ion , 1'said Crocus Phlice hereinafter described and \,cared: and •"ISA Wt vacate tlo 1. norliOli of •Lha said aI- Mle)' bereinntter Ueseri btvl Ind vu .ted, hich said petition duly meets forth the foots and reacuns fel' =Hill \'mention and was duly sceoulpanied b). a plat thereof', as reposed to be vacated, and {Y be=s, The Board of Aldermen of said oft)•, upoll the I,resentst1011 of .sRid petition, deemd t • ,elient that the mutter be proceeded with and ordered said lxtitiu a to be tilal "'I f r. -rd with the (,fly Clerk. tint notice lu be given by PuU- Iieatloo, as provided by luo :sod Wlerm,, Due notice Was gi, it by attb- lloation in the oliiciul P+a fir ' of s ild VitV for four weeks, cenn,.ar oa file --%t11 day of Decenlher, A. D. IN91, to the effect City Clerk�stin[InRIHtU icf i is tolb.ieet':,hd that the same would be be,nl and eoosidd ered b the Hoard f Aldermen, of the City otySt. Paul..,. aul. on Tuesday, she seonnd day of February. A. H. Iz .t -11 o'clock Iit •{Itohaalube, in the City of St. Paul. ntaol�n- t tv l,ercns, 7'hnt At ale time amt place. list arOrea:lid, nor Lne inyesttgauoa :. nsidere-I of s •h proposed vt vation, the sulU Good of Aldermen, af., hearing all persons blterested, and being of tilt- opinion he opinion that the vacation of the property purni nafter described 1, roper, and that the peorequ Lite, therefor 1 all been dniy and fulls' complied w'i th Nou', Therefore, Resolved, That all that portion of West Crocus Hill, as described on the plat of APest Crueus Hill of record 1rlith In l hal"• Iouml,�hii Hef is!of o eof ll Jlllof west Crnl,'n8 Hill '.1, on file t d o[ •cord in the.Hico of the olid Register of Deeds. as the - Id tut is described and bounded On said recorded plat thereof; .lied also all that portion of the Alley obox's , v id plat of West Creels Hill which Inlimeluded ' thin the boundarle, of lots """ 141 •, ode ilice I5) of said West Groes, Hill '•R" according w the plat thereof a, the same appears if record in the oRiee of the Hegisu•r of Deeds fn .1111 Iunthe thC tna sume is Ibt�.Irebc deelaIt. t� be vac steel And discos tin nod A. asked for in ,at,l petition, and as hereinabove spa-i- ied. Adopted by the Assembly Fe.b.:'+, h;7'. Yelps - Dltsnro. Hnn Holzer. F',atist, Hari, McCafferty. McNu nee. Oppenheim. Van Slcl:u-7. Nuys -)I r. Pn•ddent-1. W. I'. MUltrswv, President of the Assembly. Adopted by the Huard of Aldermen M It I•cll I, it Yeas -Aid. fiieleaberg. Rett. Copeland. Dobner, Ilnrnlden. Gehl, i. MclndY, 'it" he'll. Slllli vltn. Mr. President -lo. Nay, o, U. U. CU LIEN. President of t he Hoard of Aldermen. Appnn ed March :h ln!r_. Ro D.RT A. SMITH, )iayor. AntE Attest. THos. A. PINPEItn ART. City Clerk. Murch 14. A', F No. 4Rs- Ite,olved. That the Corl%ution Attor- "IV he instructed to push ithout delay all sults pending again st the elty seeking tO in,l>edo the building of Ian auditorlan, the murl<et house site, us originally planned. Adopted by the Hoard of Aldermen Mare 1, 1. pi02. Yeas-Ald. 14 iclmpberg. HOtt. Copeland, Dobner. Dorniden, Gehan, blot ally. San- born. Sullivan, Mr. President -10. Nay,-nl. Adopted by the Assembly M arch F, IR'J_'. Yeas --Messrs. Ilunbolrer. Eirloiuist, Hare. MaCutft•rirv. McNnfi,ee, OPit 'beam, )lr. President--,. Nays -n. Approved 7dar,h 10, IS!1^_. Hd F Nn. Itesotvod. That war rants bedrnw n neon ase City TrCAsurer• payable nut of the ngim+ering depnrtmcut fu nd." in favor of t.,k,rRe Reis,Ci t y'prcasu nor. [or vhe su m of *S.IJp.aC, tit Dov the persons a.land i the 1R,y roll presented will) this irsolu- tion, in Pay, t of it,,! salary ncom- Ilsstion of vueh Ix•r nn' for Lhal ,it ��leesduring the monlhof February'. 1S!L. a -z the otFice forve). Adopted by the 3nnrti Of Aldermen Dl areae 1, IF0_'. Yens -Aid. Hielt•nle re,, Bolt. C Wholly, a. - Runner, push" GChan, Melo. S;m- born, Sullivan, Dir. 1'rosidenl-t0. Nay.' , AdopI,d by the Assembly )lurch R, IW2. Yeas-\les=rn. N I", bola. r. Ebmluist 1I.- Dletluffrrt.v. )Icnmee, Oppe,helm, Mr Presidoat-7. Nays -0. Api)-ved Mureb HI, Mr. OF TIIE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. Hd F No. S"" - Resolved That 11 -law, I`it In tlBoard y,f Publ ce citlitI)Po.k Pitful11d." intba\rprsnof the person, named in the pxy roll, ot'id IcPnrtvtenL an I Vresented Iv+Lh Ihin reso- lualm. far elle s vL nppust of to their respective rl+ltnr. �i 11 P+lpmenc of the a p and eon, Pensation of .+fid . Ips for their se nicer del ring t hed 1::,, oontll+o[ Febru- ;"ea-Aoi»pjed by ale ,as shown by sairolls. ISou rd of A1ldcnne1 Yea,. Ald. Ititltllberg. IlettCopeb,lo- Rohner. Dnrniden. Gchao. Richt y. Sull- born. .Sullivan. )Ir. Preside,l-le. Nl*v . A doth ed by the A-,all'bv %hui S. IR!I:!. Y 's,-)lessrs. Ilinh, ser. Elm,loist. Hurt, Mrt'ufl'criv. M,N;once,OPI-heim. )I r. 1're,ident. Nays. -0. Approved Murell Ill. IRff_'. Bit F No, n n-- Reso11vv1. 'Phut it warrant be druwli nn the City Trea-orer, psy:lble out of the "tiro Arpnrino•n t. fu ml." to f:, ". of I.eorge Keir. I:ity 7'n•.sll ser. Iran file son, ul'�FIJ.!Mp'f J:i, In pay otlkers and enlployr, ,(Ilse flee de pn rt n11c 11l of the Cit,l' I. Paul fol• the moo th of h'ebru;arY. Adopted by the Hoard of Alde'roe, Dh,rt•I, 1, IA!)2. Yeas -Aid. Hide"""s'. 6ot1, Copeland. Ih,bocr. Dorniden. Gell:m, Meh)dy. San- hurn. Sullivan. Mr. 1'n•ni dent -Io, Nays -0. Adopted by the Bilnhobly March Yees-Messrs. Ihm n; lee. lslm9nist Hare. MvCatr,rty, WNonce. OPpeul+ci o. Mr. Pro,tdent-7. Nays -0. Approved Sla,el+ 10, 1s92. Bit F No. S24- es, Rlyed. That. x it, b,' drawn apo ale ..step trese,Il;Ynsnpayable AIL el' this '•health department fund," in fluor of the folinll'i IIR-reamed personstnamed il+ the pay r des of d re pn rt olent n +d pn,_ eotellvith Illi, resole Lion, I'or the sl ni et oppo.atle lO their pes pecti rt• Iulmes.Iin lo,y meat of the ,:,bury ;And roto Penotion tit' said P'rsuns for Lh, r serl'ilev flu rine, the month+lf February, Is!rl. a, nown by ,alrl p;ly ro Ils. Adopted by the Bou rd of .-\Idcrmtl+ Man'h I, )'ens-Ald.Hielentn•rg, ISUII,Copehmd. D-11111,11.Dobner.D-111D-11111,11.e, G ban. Meludy. Silo born. S+I IIicI, n, )I r. 1're,lde nt-lo. NHS, -n. \d"pled by the Assembly Dln ElI r, 1 Yeas-Neesrs. Itxoholro, I•:I-hein, Ilam, Mhi :li i•rt}', DlrNumer. OpPe++heirl+. )1 r. I'reddenl -- 7. Nay, 0. A pprocvd Dlaruh W. 11!r'. Hesolved.'I'lott warraotS be 11 -Wo upon the ''ty O'tmallrr, m+yn bit out of lbe "H+Iilding lmsp,eior'e dePurtme 'it Ian i." n fx ver of Lbe persons asset In the pay rolls Of said depart,ncnl, and presented x;tn this - sins. fur the site, eel op- ofiite toales' •,neeayI 11ames. in Day- ulentof he ob ''y ml comnensntion of Rid ,c +, I,, In, it rciees d;tr. n;; the s ,nil, of Febr,Inry, ISff_. is shown by said pay nulls. Alto fell by file Hoard of Aldermen )lurch I. MU. Yens-Ald. Iiielenberg. Nott Copeland. Dohnrr, Dorniden. toel,a n, \]clod Y. San- born's Sulliv;ol, )1r. President -111. Nu ys- .+ \dope ed by the A,slohly \larch P, 1R02. Yee,--Die„n. Itanhol'ier. Elno,ulet. IDlre, McCaffeit.y. McNay e. Oppenheim. blr. President NRJ"11__0, Approved Hd F No. S.f R-o,ved. That it warrantbe drawn upon t be City Trtasun•r, payable out of the .'pollee department fund,'• 'n favor of George Iris, City Treasurer. for the. s In, of #14,SIG.51. to pay Ibe Persona sassed in 111C p:,y roll prevented WIOi this resol,I- tun. in DAY ,Cat of L1,e salary :uul eons nI'nnaI Ion of said per=ons fur their services dart ng rhe loot h of Fehr11arv. ISW Adopted by the Hoard of Aldermen )1are11 1. IsW. Yeas-Ald. ISie lenberg, lioU. Copeland. Dobner. D-niden, Gehan. McladY, San- born. Soliiv;ul. Mr. P-idenlr-1o. \ItoV e, esc ArlOplc+l by the Anlbly MarchIRO!. Yeas --Messrs. Banta Ler. 1, NRInf,l. Ilan•. NI Wa ffert Y. MCNamce, )I Ipr thein,. DI r. President -7. Nay -o. Approved Marth 111111.ISH.. fist F No. S.;- H,,olved, 'Phut warrnmts be drawn Ile tri r Treasurer. payabbi out of( lh, s Iolo l-tuod." in favor of George eis. City Tr, uso rr r, to pay t be pe scans, named in the pa' jl p,'rnellted with Ibis re- I(u- tion. i+I PnynpeoL of the nnlurles and cpul- pvnsationofsaid t " I't'or+beir services during the Imlo alt ul'II I�Cbrllnr) IN02, as follows: Laborersaod in,, oulirs. PVIO-U: ofbeers of Board of School I+�spcelors. M20: teach- llo em P loyrs. Sf`-::JP.18. tlAdopl ed )y the Hoard of Aldermen Dl ulr•11 I. ilk)". Ye+,s-,ld. Ichgl. lGeha Nott, .,Y. sad, Dobner, Donpide. n. Gehuo, nl,•I nily, San- born. Sollicnn. Mr. Pre,ident-10. Ado Adopted by f ile Acve,I ill)' Murch R, IR!r2. HitYea, -Jit -yrs. IG,o;,.as r, Elml!mist. -, Nl,C:dferty, NIe\unee, Oppenheim. I'n•nident, ,. N ays -0. Approved March le. IS!L'. Bit F No. Iitsolved, That l order Is, 'I wo t the t•ity tn'usur) illi favornf George Reis City'I' rt ason•. r, i, I.br sols of fLi 57. pnyuble 11+11 f erect. end sawed nein mm•e Lenfood, dli, ," too paw the. street and e farces for tie nt art 1, of F'cbntaZ � IN!r_', in aecordu ocr with the. pup roll eerti- 40 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Bed to by Lhe Citt' Engineer and u rro,ed \Vd .Mowed by the Bon'I II �uh7 is oris. Atlu Pled by for lioxrd of Aldermen Jlnnl, funs-AId. Iii,•Im,b,•rg. Itott. Colx•Ia 11 Sol. I tubae'. Dorniden. \Iebrdy, Fan born, S!d- livan. >I r. President -IU. N:rYs-n. A duel ed IrV toe An nibly Mun•1: N, I,;V2. Year. -Hos: rs. ltmihulzm, F-Iro,!:: ist. Ba ,•r . Af t•Cn ift,, McNan ee. Uppenheiu,. M r ']''made a F -S. Noy . -!1. Appro,cd >Ia,eh lo, li:'12. Iiesol,erl tbn, 1--o- nodrawn Pon the 111 ale I, I. ,:It or the t bo ,. uIa e 1 I.rll n: Inteu:rncc Inloll." iu f:,,or I,l'G,•,irge to 1 ,i ry" , l os - or Ili over , t+�,�!y toe V,r thlsfir so len alio lL l'e pa3' roll Vr o ted Irl: mluom °Ira vnreuL nt I.IIe exlxry o,sn,ion o[-.aidnsfortbeir services Buriog it,, -n Itlh i ooff February. IN!r! [1rei:,g riLy'. b:elf u[ 1'Il st�dia:,'s pay alt AIN jo-I by ,be Ruse rd of Alacrtoe:, Ain i 1-efts..,\III. Itielen be rg. ISou. C y. "a fl. Dohne r. Dorn iae n. Geba n, Alelxdy. S;r II burn. Sollfru n, -In. Adepted b) the {ns ail ly )I:creel �, lnV!. Yens-Alr�s:'s. If.re. Alcl'Irtrorty, AfrN amee. Ulrix•n bei o:. AI r.I'resiaeot-,. Nays -I. A bps, ,v,•d Ni a rt•1, lo. ISUl. Rd F No. 1— That- That Itt 1 lo,, b.- -1111 ul, , Alunie •re. paYatle ani of tlbr Person.. ilnnu,dt" flied," in favooc r f III I,uy roll orCseuf eel M111 this in., 'ulxry amt c m,evRnti in of said Pons for Lhclr sr 'Ices dosing Ibc mento ul February. eso!'. AII,g) I by the hoard of Aldermen Aiu roll 1. 1-2. Yeus-Ald. Iileleobure, hart. C, ,•btod. Doboer. uorniJ,•n. Gob`:,, Alelted Y. Snn- barn..1 lieu n. AI r. President -IU. Nuys -0, Adopted by to Anscmbly Ma -h S. i Yeas-ylessr.�. Ranoul acv, Elm,luist If., . AIt•Cxf e.rt M,Nanmc. U„enheim. yl, Yn,sident�,. Nays -e, Approved Marcl, lo, IBJ` Rd F N,, N31- Resolyed. Tloat Warr : is be ,Intlen ,:,o:, f I,o city treasury. ,ayabir Dot of tllr '•c try o salaryfheers'fund,” in Gaya' of Lbe Ver mri i nor taus Pe,. arca wiie this r saintion. far the soon, .ol r p- Iwsitc to Iheir respeetivc I .s, in puy- menl of toe salary and I nII9,' Ctun of said persons Yolt heir ecru cedonne lb( muntll ut February. 19!r2„ ,t. shown by said roes. Afltlpud by the Board of Aldermmi ;[larch 1, ilw2. Peas-AId, Budoeberg, Butt, Colx`bavrl. Dubner. Dornidcn, Gehay. Melady, San - bun,. Sullicun, yl r. President -10. Nnys-0. Adapted by Lbe Assembly Alnrch B, I992. Yeas -Mess". Bunhe I -r. El m,luist, Haro. )IeCnll'erq. yjvNaai-, onpenlminl, \I r, Nay s --0.0. A Pprorrd }Iurci, 1o.19!Yr. Rd F No. It2- Itesulml. Thut,arranls bedraa'nupon the city tret"-fable nut of the"emt- ernl .sen •r. bridee and local n•-Nt•ssmunl 'y !:se fit mis." t uLinF to 911157.75. in [n,ulrcof un o ,1.ge IWis�tC iiy Treasurer, to pxy thenamed in tbv par rolls 1 tl 11 ,sulutionfor the sum net opposite in LhmrteNn,e •liv :t}'n o It o'tbe salary rid rreom`innsutiou rt' su' 1 p s ens r [.heir 'cepa •ti,e ser- vir,sfor Lhe n ot�ltI of Febr Inly. 1992. For Inlx�cting and lifer}- on engineering ron- streetion. l Adopted by the - Board of Aldermen Al V, t, 1sT!. Yens .Ala. li -, berg. . Af dy. ana- bon,er. lwanidun, Gebun. t-10. Y. S:nr born, Sullirn n, Jfr. President -Ill. Nays -U. \domed b)' ibe Assembly \hl rcll S. IRIY_r. YAl I "' Rau hulzer. Elm, ulst. Ih,rr•. blcr::dfcri McNamee, UpPen�,ei m. Prenid:•nt NUYs-.-O. A mrroycd Aba rcb 10. 1-2. Ira Kcsolred. That city orders be dralro n the ei Ly ircasu rr. ,eyn blr o of tiles P olocal improvement fund." iu favor or the fallowing-numta persons, .for the xmouvL .ea u{{ ,osite ,o [hair resin+dive comes: 13, 8-11'e. flood "a ­st: Ang,I nt Rehiel. Ill:Georget1.11.Iiell.f'L50unrlin- "'e" . Adopted b}' the Board of Aldermen llxrch 1, INF_, Yeas-r\IRielrnbr rg. RoLt. ('o,elund, Iloboe r, Dd. ornide.,. Gebun. HeluuY. Sno- barn, sol l i ran. tIf r. Pres id en 1 -to. Nays --n. A dopled by III, Aasem bis MaII.II s, IBJ'. 1-can--Measrs. Ran ba l io r, F. n,r am Ilxn•, Dic('u Re rl Y. MI,Nne-. U I,t•n1�c1 m. Approved Allt rc 1, In. IBV_'. Bd F No, 9Ua- Hesull-ud. "b"', bat city order.. bu rl ruwn un. or,the city 1-�iry. pxYalrlc o, ,., ftlre ntang amt s,ip, mu Y fu ria." in fu car oP�Ie fauowin - eri g n,rnl persons, for the nnu:,t set ouponite to tlloir ro.ptvti ve no\\t�delstnedt C Co.. $!i: A. E. Alenllgrun. ,MI r t ts; 'Vyeko R, Seamans S Beedict. $1.91: IB ruwn. T' • iey JCo.. 67: r0. Adopt,o by ibe Itonrd of Aldermen \Ila rcb 1, 18ir eas--Ald. Blelent—g. Mutt, Copeland. D1-oboer. fbrniden. (3elusil. M,I.d3,. San- born, Sullivan. '!Ir. Presidcat--10, Nays --0. OF THE CITY OI' FAINT PAIL, FOR I892. 11 Ado,ted b)'the :\sse rn hl}' A[arrh n, 19!r!. 1',:eus-ytessl's. Rnoholrm'. Elno!ulst, r Ycus-Mesal-s. lion baize'. }:lmq uist, (lure. )I,Caiferi,, yleNumee- Uplrerlhei nt, Air. Prosldeot--,. IIun•. Afrt'afl'e rt 3'. HcNhmee, Oppen bairn, \I r. Presided t -i. Nu3"s-o, Nuys- 0. Approved Mar,o lo, INte. Appro,ed March 10, VS92. Rd F No. 9:ts-Iiy AId. Bott- lid d No. N:4.- II,•sol, .0. That the grudr. of the alloy In Hr.ol,rd.'fh:rL Cily �, 'der. be,lr:rtru 1l, bloeksn nod l lio[Itra l:res rrI rgen,rnt r1 •ell, ,r ntheeid in•u.or)". ,aruhicm of tlh„ of b1 --k, R, X. U, IU, : and lots In block erIT,"tt a of iI Irbpii sa doai uu,Ilt Ctt n,I in fS,or of the I'clloll'iog-alt riled II. ,til par,. (d Mt•T<euu's ,,er,atiu I. as indicated by irhe. red evade limes on theite- Ix•rsonri, fur the a rant set opposite N) 'om Patn'i Ig prolile. and rix ecuttl n,endetl their resperti„• mn�es: hr Lbe Pity Engnien , be anti the sante i, tVnrn•II-Srl:terf Aspludt I'xving I. hereby adopted ns the esGtnlished grade. IUDty , mntbt; ..,Irrest, ni 'e- Jx n. :!U, Is! at`rs>.t�n! "iv,Y,�r.-AId. taxi yl:\rl �l ltlelI`!11(y the Bouid of Ablertneu ndslto p g Art,,. del ares t 1 x ISielen be.,'R. Rot.t. Uope bract. Doboer I rntdon. Gehau. Alclnd San - ,nth t telrsl to Feb. r, I Ii , on :r It re Gal -d for parting Kent orad horn. Sullil'an, \t r. Pro.tdent-I11�• $NI.44. Adn,ted by the Poora of Aldrrinell Adopted by the Assembly \larch 5.19!1'2'. ylarr•II 1. IN!Y!, Yens-ylessrs. Banholzer. I•:I Iain Yens--AId. Itielro be r• ,Itatt. "apel-'an: Imre. SICCItifcrty. AfcN'nmce, oppenhei nl. Doboer, Doronl,• I. Galla:,. Dl eludyyl bore, Sulli. all. M, Pre.idcot-lu. r. Presidcn t-7. �.r}� U,ver Nays -4i. ,proiA1:tn•II Io. N92.V!. Adopted by for \��eml,ly Alareh s, l,e2. Yews-}[exst•s. ISO I:I:ol�or. Eho"ni-.t, Ila re. Me,':t lierty. HCN'u mce. Upprnhritn. Rd f` No. Kin-ISr Aid. Cbllen- ylr. 1're�idr•nl - :. N:tys�l' tie -h -rd. That grade t' the alley i A Pprorrd Shtrcli Io. INV!. block 11 of ItuzillcBC; Guerin', add ltion, xs $ r lines :, the; by the I mllea,ea gale u mp:n:ying'lroflle, avd ns rceununend- ltd F Ne N:te- lb -A -d. That cit," order., b, drat.,, , I,) - t.dI,the city treasury. Pay:rblr out of the II department rood."in Gamer ul'thc folio lr log -unmal Dersovn, for'1 an o,I ,it s t, p ,site to their reslrt'eti,e ma u8t-' 4�,:III Pw'nitnrr„,+;; Noyes 11, &C -l-, S19.7; PI'eodcrgus Bn $'!lY!t5: 148,n Ari•dded by the M-111 of Aldermen }bar. I, 1, ]sot' Y,, Md. Itlelenberg. be't• Colo. huul, Doboer, Iloruide n. Geloell. Mel,ad V. Sun - nor, SIit i,. n. JI r. President -Ili. d6nced by the Anvmblr Murvl, N. Isle. 1"e-}I,•sc ra. li:o:l,nlz�r. F.1 n, ,,,st, if:er,��nHeC,r lie:'[ v, Alc N:r,oee, II V,cnliei m. A o,r,l ea Alwv:b In, lN:r!. lid F A,vd'!'- Hc�olc H. Tl,ut , tv ,rad be ar le. It po, tl:e fee ,a'rin fol -of th" r ofrtbr "gee, -ria tuna•' -x incur ar'I IIIna.,mg- ed Itirr the :,t s, t op - i"”. if. :n��� , F.A CS� R •:o , Sht•ri iT, dll:,.. Mil -li & Co.. #H..!: K'i llix:n eta rtv, $a,!1: ,, 1 Nrn. Imnsun. $•!s: M. .1. [:gal,. =,u: \viiibtm T. Smith, ft:.. Adopted b, Ibr Itonrd of .�Idermml >Da !ii 1. ld. Yeas--r\Itl. ISieleb here. ISot L. Copebtnd, bobnm'. Dur , M, Pri,idGrient, Me I 1-10.ly. Nun born, Sullicun, yi r. President-lU, Nuys -o. Adopted by the A�sumhly Jlureh 9, 1.5!13. e 1 by the CntY .ani Deer. Ix> and the same III hereby a .to,ed as the 11tublishud I r Adopted by [he Board or Alderman hl arch t. rid. \-vas- -A id,oid,o, berg. Rut L. Copclaud. l Dabncr, IlarnidM Geluo,. MelM Swr- berm Sullivan, ill r. Presidom-to. NUVs-u. \rloptca b}' Lho Assam blY AI,u'ch n. I9112. Yens-Hrsst s. Rnn hulzer, Moo'neo. Here. ylcUufi„rty. M, -Name", U,oenheim,' SI r. President=,. ApproA pprov, . ed Jin veil Id, lvr!. RdF N11 ria,-Ily AId. Grdlen- Hesolred.'I'tort. the. grade ol'the :al l: ;c i, block :t of \VhiLony ::ort Smith's :oldit ion, s iodie,rted b)' the rv:a goad'. linea on the olo,Cierog oeernbeaundt thutsnine I, y ro 's crel,y Iu Ptt'd Its the este bl isbed gradea AapG•rl by [lir Board of Alaurmeo by the Assembly Hareh S• INF!. Ii:a r,hulrer, Fbin y,oivt. rll'e rt}'. A1c Nanme• Up,enmim. March 10, ISI'!. Bit F' No. S41 -BY All, Cuuen- Brsol -ed, Thut an order be brawn upon the local improvement fund in favor of Wil lttun Broume, for the redemption of PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL fled to by il,, City Engineerands 1�1 ul lid Id iluwed by the Be. d I u Work,. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen March 1, 159,2. Yen, -Al.. Bieleall(s'g. Nott. C.I.-land, Dinner, Iluroiden, Melody. Sanborn, Sal - Ili., Mr. President -10. Na}', --11. Adupb-•,1 by Ile_ .\„embly Al.” ` Yc:u-)Icsvr.I. Banhulzer, F.Inuluist. Ilur •. MCCa d1•rt c, McNumee. OPpmaheint, I'n•"I Int-... Nay ,�l, Approval Murch In. Is!C. w':a Rrvolyeq' dthal.:al,l drawn n tbu cit'!", :a, cubh• out of 11the t9 honor uud city ball nuatnteuau(•e f1uo1." ,f:aloe„I'Grurg,•Ilei,.Ci1J'1'n•as- m', for the vll nl of±Sn_:sh. to p,1V Ibe to e uaood 110 the to}' n,ll pre,ented with thio r ,null i, all. ill puymrnt of thesalary and um,la,asnton of ,aid person, 1'or then r sorvicrsdtning the month of February. 1sl)” bmaji eity'v hall,' of 3'lulodian , pa}' roll., Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Dl arch 1. lac. Year -Aad. idi-a. bell:. I3,dt. Copeland, DO--, 1),orn, Mr. GCl,n n. Dfclttdy. San- born, Sullivull, )I r. 1'rr,idrllt-In. Ad.pWl- 1vap ,l by the . 11. lolly}lure 1, .v, I. i i' .Yen, -)Ir„- Ifi-Nuarr. F.Innplivt, ffart•. Mcl'U lfortF', D(rNuuwr. alp ale tlhei n,, DI r. 1'resirlent-,. uJ' •-u. Approved Df:u'ch In. ln!r_. Bd F No. rip1- — lt(•sol vcd. That will a o t, la, raw n opo the onlay tet -a -1-y, payable out of the •')Iuuieipal Court fraud." In fill or of the. pCl'IU n, nllttied in t11e pity roll pre—ted with this re,olutioo. In payment of the 'alllry and Coralprrr,atlna of ,LLid ppl'Fph1, for their s rrlees dowing the mond, ul' Febrmlry. IMV. Adopted by the Runnd of Ald-inen filarrh 1. 1s!12, Yeas-Ald.Bielen berg, Bott. Copeland. Unbner. Durnidea. Geluul, Meal y. San- born. Ili—, , )Ir. President -10. Nays_(` Adopted by the A,semav March S. ISW. Peas --Meso, flulhulzer. Elnuluist. I{ate. McCutTerty, McNninev. Oppo ala e: m, 11'. President-,. Nay, 0. Approved March 111, 16ir2 Bd F No. K31- . Resolved, That .'arra 11 is br drawn upon the city treasury. payable oat of thio "telly oflCers' s:rl:lr.V fn nrl.'I n favor of the pet'- nam,•d in the pity rolls presented with this r solutio ll, for the sums ,et of, n poli le to their respective numl's, ipay- eat of taw sit larJ' :old (• nitonstun of said persons for their services daring the month of February. 18W, it, shown by ,aid rolls. Adupt(,1 by the Board u1 All...... ,,arch 1, 18w. - Yeas-Ald.Bielenberg. Butt. Copeland. Dobner, Dor nl(le.. Gehan. Melody, San- born. Sullivan. Mr. President -10. Nays -0. Adopted by the Assembly Mareh S. 1802. Yeas-M,s rs. Banlmlzer. Elrngi,t, Bare. M,C.fT' q. McNamee, Onpenheini, )i r. provident-,. Nuys --0. Approved )arch In, ISif'. Bd F No. 11:2- 6esolced. That warrants be drawn upon the city iren,u ry. pit ya bloont of law •'Ken- rxl sewer. bridge and lural a=s,'ssmunt ,•�p(1t15,• fun(Iv." mo Inting Lu flYi i.,:i, in lhvorof George Itek. City Treasurer, to pay the lel',on, (lamed in the pay all lS el og notd IIhlirrco�puiinnafor efit, sniupps to o r«nn dpnymnnt Uhhxry ainren ,it -i'l p is,rIhmetivravo v4 -os fill I.o of V,bruxry892. Fur n,poctiooncep engineering con- struetion., Adupad by the Board of Aldermen \larch 1, ISr„ Peas -Aad. 131elonbrrg. Bolt, Co Pe lit rid. T)obnor. Moro Iden, Gr. t-10. S:aa- I'rc born, Sullivan, )f r. eihnnnl de -10. Ney,-U. Adopted by Ibe Assembly )bard, 8, 1SW. Yeas-Mee,r,. Banhol zero F.ImI dist. iare. McCatterly. McNnmr', Oppe:ledn, Mr. Prv,ldent- ;. Nays: --0. ApproNed Marrls 10. 111. Bd F No. -NM jb, lved,That -try orders l- drawn or,. r LIICcity treasury'. p:ayn ole out of the ",heal intro vem eat ('undo" In fncorol'tho followingan'.perxun S. .fur tar amount ,rt u1hpnsilr tothetr re a,fi 13. Sta_h=en, fl(K) lid 'atere,t.: August llvhiel, 1'3s: George W. 11. Bell, il50ii I la- teresl. Adopted bSthe Board of Aldermen DlI r h 1, 1S!r.. Yrxs-Ald. Rielcn br rg. Bott. Copeland, Uoboer, Dorniden. Gehan. Melody, San. born, Sullivan. Mr. President -10. Nays --0. A rant, ell by the A-emoly )arrh S. 18!e'. 1-ea,--Mes,rv, 13-1 z.r, F.I m��77 u'St. loll. M-Cafl rty. MCNxmer. Oppenlwim, Mr. Prrsidrn 1- 7. Nuys -l'. Approved March 10, 1802. Bd F No. S9I- Ite,olced. That ei ty order,be drawn ut. no the oily irerlsu ry. ptays 11, rat 'if the '•11 riming and etulium•n' fund," I favor ofh tae following-nnmeta {x rowans. for the amount net oppowite I, tlin., re,pectice r, n)Yed,1Aacdt h Cu.. Ia; A. E. Dlellgren, ,10 le l,; R'yc kolT. Seaman, & Benedict. fl Axl: IS lute ll. T,, -3 & Co.. Ei.nO. Adopted by til' Bo:md of Aldermen March I, {SII?. Yens--Ald. Bielcobeig. Butt, Copeland, Dubner. Dornidrn. Geluul, Mehdy, San- born, Sullivan. Mr. President --10. Nay -0. of "rHE CITY OF SAINT PAITL, FOR I892. Adopted hS Lbe A,s,•it my )la F, 1,11'1. Yea, --Mosses, lanholzor. El Elmuui,t, Flare. '. )IeNn mce. Oppen bei ria, Mr. President- (). . , 7. Nays--(). A pprovrd DRlteh In, I8!12. B,1 F No. 535 lb-lvrd. That Pity order, brdr:.Ivo 1p - '�n Iheeily tr, n'. pn}'able out of tar ra.11 certi0cate of I le l.t ness drpm't un'nt f11n t bat- of the I'cllowinK-furl to [la - r rca,c�•t it'll anall- t vGl uppu,ilo tL tV :,rr(i,-,ealr[ .Alphldt 1'uving Coln- unnJ'• naohlllE Irate rr,t o r tl (III 'C- laineU to Jan. :In, IS!r� atd:, ileal imnt. for tuving Arnntlel ,trent. A't�..:1: •value, Ii .nth inna'rst. to Feb. 'Til, lar!, uu mount retained for pat inK Rent .t root. 114.41.1. do -(I by the, Coar(I of Aldrrnmu Yens -Aad. I l,n. ,ler;: Mott. "Iy. hood, DooneS lli-idr n, (;,•bah. Melody. ..ln Iwrrl, Sullivuii. Dar Yroside rat-lu- Aduetrd by the \,vena bay Mnrh S, 1,11 Yoav-)ie+vrs. Ianholzer. Elljoi,l, Hare, MWatTerty. M,,Natlree. Oppenheim, )Ir. Prr,tdral 7. Nays -0. A pproced )larch m, ltd F No. S:ai- Be,ulced, That ,'i ty orders be dru,vu up - j nthelty tasllrT. Puy:rblr nut. of tar 'police eport mmeat fund." in bat'0r of the following -named person,, for the nonoral ,ri.I 1 site to their res{roc ti ve n st"4''�ral Fnr'llitnr,• t'maa„ 11!atl�,ir.l.h: Nuys 13n1,. &enter, $I!l'; Prendcr>~udI Bv 'u f'2I7. ! , Portland Stone Co:n!muy, 148. A6,pted by the Board of Aldermen Mar: 1, 1, 1,0'!. Yea,-Ald. I3iclenuerg. That. cola-land. Donner, Rolando,,. Genual. Mvludy, San- born. Sullivan, Mr. Pl-ldon t-111, Nat,-(). Adopted by the A.srinhl}- Marc l: A. ISY2. Yen, -Heys r,. Ibudat .e r. Elnol unit, I nr,'. McCaIl'e, y, DlcN;one: Oppcobeiul, Mr. P,n Idem Nur -I` Ao prow •d )I:u'c 11 In, Is!") Bit F N,,. S3 - lie,olvrd, That city I fle- be drawn upon the city t re;u 11y. payable ont of it,,- _ ge rat I hr"geurraI faun, I" I,, favor of the foil o ving- namrd tenon,, for tae i alt c,•t op- posite to their respective n:uno,: F•d. S. (Sean. Sheriff, 111:'..Iii: buvfrewar Nl o, f roe, ur. f r. �,,: li"n Kc, J. M i toe h S Co., 'S!: William Platte. $3,Wl: Curl Ncu- hatusen.fi"i: M..1. I':gah. f70; )Yllliana T. Sol fu,. Ado pard by tar linnet of .\Ido rnuen ]"eau -Aad. BudenherK. Ihdt. Cuprha:d, Doblrur. Dorhlidell. Gehan. Melody, Sun hoer,. Sul 'Ivan, Mr. Preaideot-lit. Nays -n. Adopted by the A„suably March 8, IS92. Yeas-Me,srs. Banhul'.m. Elnwl unit, Hum. Mrl'affc sty. McNamee, Oppnn beim. Mr. }'n•s Ni,lent-7. ay ., -o, Approved March 10, IAIY'. Bd F' No. R3, -13y A ld. Ilot I-- 11 oked. Thlat the grade of tho alley in hloek,!1 and 10 of Drake`Ilan , r genhenl of block, 2. S. 0, 10, and lots 1 tu 11, block Il hll part , f Mrlaun's eler,ul io t. as indietiled by thhr tell grade If”( oa the nc- 1mVunyiagProlile.und us recunrn:endud by the City F.nKi T.". he and the sam hereby ndlpLc(I a, the oBGlbli.hu[161-ade.is A, 1, by the Board of Aldnrmen )larch 1. 1SY'. It"ena,-Ald. ISielenhea'g• Batt. Copeland. IMbner. Dornklen. Gehan. Melody, San- b,o'u. SullivLL u, Mr. Pro,id1nl l0. Nriv,-0. Adopted by the, :\hien ldy tlnrr6 S, ]AJ2. Yeav-)las-Srv. Ban to r. I•.Irn,111ist. I it re. % -0afferty. )IcNumee. Opl-do{nh. )1 r. President -i. N ray, -0. d ppruce,l Ma -it 10. ISh'S. it, F Nu. Kt0-I3y Ald. Cullelt- Ill- lved. Tllu[ grado of the alley in block 11 of Bazille A Guerin'., addition, as iodicalcd by the•l Krade linea in the m in,l panybor glue, an,l ns reemen- l- ed by they City �hgineor. ha o nd the same a hereba lotted as the e,taablished gr ode. Adoptod by tar Banned of Aldermen Df arch 1, llr_'. Yeas A d,nielell berg. Butt. opeland, Runner, bordden. Goh:t u, Mritid Sun bur:lyn. Sullivan, Mr. President -,a. Ns U. Adopted by the .\,sena bay \ILL soh 8_ 1992. ]'r,) Mesta. Bunhulzm', Elua ena, Bore. jcCnO'erty. )IONamec, OVpenheitn, ]I r. I ideal -i. N rays -0. Approved )arch 10, ISR. Rd 1' No. SIn-liy Ald. Cullen- Rl"d,ed.'Phnt the Kradu of rho xllcy in blork3of Whitney and Snhltll's :ulditon. a, lndwated b} -ill,, red grade lines on the L-hnlpUnyiug �rof{le, and as rouommonA- rd by rho Crty lnngirmer. bra and the Inane Is hereby adopted as the established grade. Adupled by the Board of Aldermen )I arch 1, INIY_'. Yeas-Ald. Rlelmaberg, Botta Copeland. Duhurr. Durniden. Gehan, Melady, San - horn, Nuill—, Mr. President -10. N.131 -0. Adopted by Lhe A ... -bly )arch A, ISP'. 1'uu,-)((•wars. Itunholzer. Elnalu i,t. (Darr. )Ic3'alf rty, McN:tllle(•, Uppenllei va. ,Mr. President -i. Nays -o, A p1, o,rd Dlarcll 10, 14W. Rd F No. SII -By Ald. Culleh- itevulved, I.],at an order be drawn upon rile local 'mprocemeut fund In fuvurof )v ill Turn Broome, fur the redemption of PRO CEEOINGS OF TILE COUMON COUNCIL tie following certl9'alcsof sal'. erm ie- ofwl} eI ucd fin_]ilt.,. tdiunuo to Fni r_ view II . tH,iuK Naa `I'1.�_'. INIi!1, Ii1Nil :r•f!Mill, til.". issue' on tats I and:{. 0. ..block 1.'0118, blocks IS.Afthodilli yard Addition No. -2. and lot. ad IS, bla•k I'_'. A. F.. nnmsOY's xddBion, fit the sun, ,f one hundred elgbty-olght a,ld :ct-11X1 dollars I jlR8.:;i 1, as per cenon, "atn.,W Huard If Public Work. for ithatement. Althat on Order be drawn upon the Ie socnl Improvement fund i„ to ver of (:. II. Benedict, for the red'nt pt ion u f Cert i 9cn to No. INi,7, ....t coasts {.shed 1'nr the grad- ing of Hagur:av'n lie. teem Lexingtn„ nc- nie u, Fuircirw nr • n,t 'sw'd nguiala Lddittinu �(url tl�ehlnrl:f fort)'-sew�lln`I' 4frIW dnllnrS f'FJ� Atil� nS p'r recommemla- tiOn of Boned of Pul,lie 1YOrks for ahn[e- t1tA1 o, that stn Order he it ellwn ,II , the IOcnl i mpeavementf Bob,__, 'cul inpi"auntSfor Itl,e rarr' neo11s - aes gding o[ Hu;ruc arumlm G•.c- ingtun e'en m• to Fuirt�iUw uw un(IB'do I it of lot. 15. N uud IT, block G, and t , Itvid'd '_ of blnek M..\. E Han - uddition,a ration- •nty and at,Y•s , r, ndu- 'k)""' ("o "I' Is p"r' r tion of Board n[ Public )seeks fdr abate_ ab 1. A inn, "'hat nn Order he drawn the Ineal improvement fnml in fa, or of F. It. Farwell, arm ms,uslr us„ssed for grunting flow e, fn n Le xl ngt' avenue to Fairview„1,tsHto ll,im•lusfvc, hlnck fi on'. fine( rrtl.\d 'nil-'Y nNn m,t Ing. rnnnd.,I thirty -'me it t,d,�Sn-IW loll:,rs t'tt:t l.Nl,, xs her r•or nu,ond eat. Of BnarJ of Public Work:c fnr':tbxtem,•n t. Alen. that an oreler rte drawn upon the local i , rat fund i I Raver nl Afor- r{tic&IFincl�rl,i, icing c . roa- � ern mn, d fur Rending Ilag„o uce„ue from Lexington ,e'en lie [n Fuira'it•ar nve„,le, nu t, is 1.., j and i. Mork 17. It, lel ad A,IdI- tilon No. ” t n infln,e b, -,y four -,,,(I Ii0-IW dol h,r�i1 {/IA.,N), us er ret ,mo m u, tion of Buz of I'ublie \Burks t'nr mind . Atlopted by. IIle Bnunl of Aldermen Alalvl, 1H!r,!. Ycn.s-1. AIA. Ilio len l,erg. Nott, nieln„rl. Dobm•r. Dern ids n, Gehan. Mel a tl)'. Sallhorn. Stliftw, 11, Al r. Pr, Noy Nuys -0. Ad ”' dd l,}'the :a s..e nl iris' Mnn•1, S. IS!r_'. You. —m eases. Itnuhulze r. Elmu„i.t, liar'. Mel'alTerty. McNees.'. ODpen ilei m. Mr. President Nays—n- Appro"'I Mitiel, In. Ilt". lid F No. sl'_' Its" Ald- S;ulnori, - It is hereny nrdured by the Cnmini rat i'n„m I Of ill City'of St. 1'nn1: That the mater ot,O ,eaten le {hint„ InRn: voile Vi � L,�'lie tat eget, On the �aide of Yi,�tnrin ho. !:)'n 1 the name i. hereby' re ferrr,l to and D, , rd ,.r r"clic \\"nrhs n. ,avesuuanr ,.rid non.o...... ,,d roper ,(• .,•rid tb,��t ,nil uptttPt6_ os ryde ressing the a , k to rte dune. r Morel, dted by Ibe Itox rvl of Alnerm'n Murch 1, IgtY_. Yea_—Ald. _lalenberg, ]tell, Copeland, Dobner. D. -Iden. Gclmn. Malady. Snn- lurn.!,ulllvan, Mr. Prosident-10. Nny-.0. Adult 11 by ill,-Assembl,Y M:lrv.II S. Peas -Messrs. Ibtnholrer. Bit.:l lli•[, Hun, Mccuif'rty, McNumce, Oppenheim. Mr. Pre,hien t -,. Noy's ,. Approved Merrell In-IS!1'! lid F NoKli-By Aid. Snall. - ltesolvinf That an order be draw. oat the city treasury, Payable out of the "general fund." In favorof . J. horn, for the sum of three thousand tenty-tour and five one -hundredths dollars e'b:i,R J.(1.11, in pay went of his bill for legal sen'Ices hd ex- penses In the case of'1'he City of St. Paul against the Chicago. Millatltbcari St. Poul date rauroad omptny,id Aag. _,, lam. said ordear to be delivered up- shere being executed and tiled with the City Comptroller a oroper receipt for said Hum. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Ila rch I. W52: Y,.S-Aid. Btulenberg. H.U. Copeland, .coal,. Dorniden. (;,ban. M'Iad Y. San- born. Santa'.., Mr. President -10. Nuys—ll. Ad —Al by the Assemble )Inn'.h M• Ilial. 1"e McCafferty, Dunhurnou Elm,lulm Hare. dyke. Mr.r. r id Nnmee, Oppenheim. t'an'Slyke. Af r. President -8. North—u. Approved March 10, IN!1!. lid F heron, Sa4—de re\d by Cthe Common e'oum I[ IS hr the or 1 0l the Ctty of St. Paul: That the matter of dress change street grado 0 Stork :heel, from Cypressheb, Earl street Bo and the some is hereby latest, to the Board of Public Works to invest{ gate and report: I'Irsc—Is this improvement pmlx,r and y'r n Sccoud—Glee t.b' Coo it an c'timatc of f he'xpcse therm t', and Cher e -half of the cost thereof tm is to be be paid Oto the city treasury before the contract Is Lt. ar Third—Can oaen,eut estate found henehted (to told he extent of damages. n to nn❑ expev nes ary ton red [hereby! n Fourth—IS such improvement -ked for uponnl he petition or application of the own- s of a molmity of the property to be as- e sed for such ""'-wement`. Fifth—Send the Connell a Plan or Prorile of said improvement, ne re,leired by law• if y n report in f...r of the some. S.." —Send the Couvcu a proper order directing the work to be done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen March ], Im!r!. Vol` M —And. Dielennerg. ott. Co Pemnd, Dobner. D—nidca, (!,ban. Melady. San- born. Sullivan. Mr. Pr—hicnt—lo. NnYs n. Adopted DY the Ass¢m DiY March Ef IHa•!. Yens—Mcasrs. Ban.pl'rI.. 1„ tst, Bare. Molcul-y, AtcNam'e. Oppenaeim. Mr. 1y,e 0. ant—.. N ayscy,. APP[ovca March 10, IF4W.. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891 Bit F No. M.—By Aid. liott-- It is hereby- ordered by the Common Court ell of the City Of St. Poul. That the matter of c nsirucling a sewer n Be unoy Street from Eat street Lo Forest street, and on Cypress .street from Reaney street to East Seventh street. be, and the tame is herebyreferred to the Board of Public Works to investigate and report- First—Is this improvement proper and n Seen .If Give the Council an estimate of thexenshal[o(hoeostr file rc f theof. ad stutobcto 1paldr onto the 'fly Can realb ete. ratto Ile o mares{ esssesset ]for said improvement be found benefited to the extent of damages, costs and expenses ❑cc- s ary to be incurred thereby nem eat asked for e Fourth—Is such impr upon the petition or appilealten oP the lvtn- s of a majority of the P-11 Lo ba es - o sed far H.Dn improt'emenn s Fifth _d the Council :t Plan or Pronlr. of s:dd improvement. 'It,' ,luired by law, if n tin favor of same. 'on Sixth—Send the Cou hell n proper order direr Ung the x'ork co be done. Adopted by the Ifo:trd of Aldermen Jlorcb1, ISti2. Peas—Aid. Bielenberg. Doll. Copeland. Dol,ner. Dorniden. (,still.. Melzdy, San- born. Suldvan. A7 r. President -10. Na -0. Adopted by the Assenibly Murch S. 1 t1!. 1' AtcCaRerty'. AteNum— Mr. 1I'resl _arc, e, idenl —li. Naps 0. Approved Murch In, tsae- lid F No. Sit;- By Ald. Melody It is berel,y nrdv-11 by ins i'emn,na Cell m•il of tl„ Pity of SI. t'aul: That the mnBer o[erecLing and matntain- ing one gasoline limp on the norIhc.xt n Of Starkey and o.t'r ,reels he, .] and the n e hotel,}' referred to [he 1 toardo(I'abli, Works,. invosligate and report Is this Improvementproper and nolo` .,ary: I[ sn, sand the Council .proper or- ,c dlrot•ting the Nark to be done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen March SH!. Yeas—Ald. liiclenberg, Nott, 1'opel end, Dobner, horn Iden, Gchvn. M,o:ldy, Sun here, Sullivan, )Ir. President—Il,. Nays u. `a\denied by ill A—coubly Al arch S, ISS:H. Yeas—M e.mrs. Banholzer, Eltneuia, Ilure. Mc(atBerty. )IcNnntee, [tpponhcim. Mr President N a3'e-0. Approved Murch In, fSu2- lid P No. SIS- By Ald.."let ndY— It is hrrebv ordered b)' the Common Coun- ,0 of the ('fly of St. l'en's •Phil lila nmiA -r art gradin, Morton street D'om Sn h It.lemmr, s cel • t to {fid well d the .. -� heroby, referred ,the Board of Yunlic aw'o rkn to invicetlgnte and First -- tills improvement oroper and necna.,aryf Second --Gave the Council an estimate of the expense thereof. and State whether rte but of the east thereof 19 to be peld Into the city treasury before the oantract Is et. Third- r on real estate to be uenefite for s:ud trnpro f dam be found and benefited to N111 extent of damages, costs and expenses essary to sue improvement -red teemthereby? n Fou rah -IS such Im pro cement u.ketl for s own upon mthe petition tor apphetpon 0 tyeto he ors assessed for a to such improvement` Fifth --Send the council it plan or profile of aid Improvement• Its required by luw, if you report in favor of the H.me, hi ath--Send the Council a proper order directing the work to be done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen March Sir.. Yeas—Aid. idea. Gag. note. Copeland. Dobner, Dorniden. Gabon Me!—If. . San- born, Sullivan. Mr. 1'rCsldent—I0. Nayet1. A doolyd by Assembly ol March 8. 1e, Peas—Mensta. Damce. Oppenh fst, liars. M cCaRet A1cNam ee. Oppen hero,, Mr. President--,-. NeVs- -v. Approcod March 111, IB!I'., fill F. No. WS—Its Aid. Cohan— - Itesat, ed. That an order ho drawn pan the --police pension I. Il' in favor ,f John Patterson for ten 1fl0) Boil arm, being tine mpo Sed i non said P tLarmon while a pollCe ntttuer nn,I reoommcolic to be refunded ray theMayor. Adopted by the Board or Aldermen 51—h I SW. Yew—Ald. liiclenberg, Bot[. Copeland, Domer. Dorniden. Cuban. Mount y, Son - born, Sullivan, Air. Preside nt—to, Nays -n. Adopted by the Amsembly Murch 8 181F!. 1'euS--M'Ssrs. If.. holzer, Elm,l uisl. 11 ore. MCCu Rerly, McNamec. Opprnhclm. Na) -S._.0. ApproYcd March Ill, Iflr'. fill F No. S:,. - By Able sulltv:tn— Itesnl v,•d. Thnt an order for the %,moo t of {talo. puy'anle out, of the general fund, be drawn in favor of the Mernam Park band, fnr services rendered -luring the summer of ISM. . Adopted by the ];card of Aldermen March Vc,- Yeas -Aid. Bielenherg. BOB, Copeland, Do beer, Dorniden, Bohan, Melaaly. Sam born. sulha'an. Mr. President --1U. NnYv -n, Ado, ted by the Assco,td, \lure], m. 1511'. Yens- Alessrs.D.nhol zee. ElnnmiIt. llere. McCall—y. McNamee, OPPenhmal, Mr. President- N:tys-.II. Appr...d March to. IS92. IV I'. A" t'residont o[ the A..+embly. O O. t President of the Board of aldermen. Trios. A. PREAlgiiln Asa'. March la. City Clerk. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL 011FICIA1, PUBLICATION Of Ordlnnn ceN Passed nidi Resolutions Adopted by the Comnton Council of the City of tit, P.I.I. A'y F No. M-Ordinnnec No. isvl. An ordinance appropriating money to pay the elai to of P. J. DreiN. The Common Council of the ('ity' of Paul ao ordain "s =. 1,'1,: Sect for I. That a warrant be drown upon the pity trelsrry, payable out of the "sew nags moa." 'n fu,o, of 1'..1. Dreis. for the f fl75. in full payment of all damages Nus tamed b,v said DreiN by reason f he ism set rorth is his petstion ueihr mayor. Clerk and Common Coal o[ the City n[ SL- Paul. Dearing date Aug. ' lb. 1891, elaimmg damages la the .v -um of o thous- avd dollars to prop O rt}' situal,d to the c lar of his store at No. ,h4, St. Peter street. by reason of the overflow of the ,ewers it : the streets in that vicinity; said order shall be delivered only upon said Dreis ex ecus - Ing anddelivering to the City of St. Paul a ret elpt and releaso of all damage. claimed to have been suffered by him o account of the facts to ted in his petition Sec. Orclinnnce No. If`,d, approved F'eb. 17th, 1892, be, and file same is hereby re pealed. Seo. 3: This ordinance shall take effect and bein force from and after its pas-sa,^.e and no blfcation. Passed by the Assembly M arch 8. 181x2, Yeas-Messrs.Banholzer, Fiat uist. Hare. McCafferty, McNamee, ()ppc.hci m, Mr. President -7. Nays. W. Y. D ss m tb, President of the Assembly. illy. Passed byAld the Board of Aldermen March Iii, lA'J'!. Yeas --A ld. Bielenberg, Hot Convey, Copeland. Dobner, President Me \lela(ly, San- born, Sulll,nn, Mr. President -Vi. Nays President the Board of Aldermen. A pp,ll ruvetl Marclh 19, Vlttl .4.dt E n'r A. Syp'i'll, yl al'Or. Attest: Tlllls. A. PIt -pE1p:AST. Dturoh �3. Cot; Clerk. BdF No. SIN-Ordinoncc No. 13.17. An ordinance to regulate the granting of licenses and to prescribe the lees to be paid therefor In certain he5lunees, :n the CI[y of St. Paul, and to ratify and confirm certain ordinances of said city. ThuCommon Council of the Cit} of St. foul do ordain us follows: Section 1. All licenses, except for the sale of intox icutfng lin uors, which an; hero- Ber Issued ander and pornnat Io any o dinance of the City of St. 1':ml. Minnesota, where an annual fee of more than Iive doi- barN (1 i.00, is prescribed and charged theretoe', hall be Issued for the period from the date of the appiicat ire. therefor to the :list day of December next Nuc c ding, and Shall all expire on the :its[ day cot Dt- temoernextu,tertheirissmmce: provided, however, that whenever any such applica- tion for a license is made after the first of January of say year, such applicant Shull, upon compliance with all other r nuire- meats o1 said ordinances, be entitled to re yeara Been se for the r inner of a ,,h upon payment. it ad, Into. of 1I4u ,i e three hundred and sixty fifth part of one eb annual lietnse fee. [or each due from the (late of such application to the end of the year. See. Y. Save ;is umendcd and modified by this ordinance, Ordinance No. 766, em titled "An Ordinance to provide for the It censtn regulation Ing reg and control of it oat] genre ana employment ngev,s and railroad ticNet ag pts." approved April 211,1. and all other rd in specs of .pia c v pro- virl'ng for the licensing, regulation for co - tr I or Paso. is or cupol-, of any ,tall thing, ratified atndt..f rmedcted and Ser. 9. Thislvanee shall take effect and De In force front and utter it., pass. cc Ind publication. Passed by the Board of Aldermen March Yeaore s -Ala. Iden, Gcb. Dot[, lody, San- Dobner, Dorniden, cense. Melady. San- born, Sullivan, 9f r. President -9. .'vTayb--fl, O. O. cum..". President of the Board of Aldermen. Passe( by the Assembly March S. INW2. You.- M CS.ara. 13auholzc r. Elmelu ist,H:arc, McCafferty. McNamee, Oppenheim. Air. President -7. \V. P. MplBtwy. President of the Assembly. Approved March 10, 1191. Rung er A. SIB'I-ib Mayor. ALlC1,L: TIIeN. A. PRENDEI-AST, March City Clark. �. A'y F No. 441- In the matter of the report of the Board of Public Works dated.latl. ''L'ith, 1811., It It Is ereby ordered by the Common C.O. til of the City of St. Paul: That theBoard of Public Works of said Cit}' of St. Poul a use the following im- provement to be matle, to wit: Construct aprostreets `w err and tthe Solid rock Sewer o the hien Truth street; also eniarj(e it,, Tenth street .set, er, from Fort street to St. Peter street, and the St. Peter street sewer, from Tcnth street to the Mississippi river, in sold city. That .raid Board cause s idwork to be let by contract. as Provided blaw, with. out one-half the estimated cost being first paid into the city treasury, untj�a(ter said work shall be placed under contract, suit] Board all all proceed without delay to as- sess the amount. as nearly as they can as- certain the,ame, which will be required to pay the costs and necessary expense, of such mprovementto the extent of 42,1110.9b upon the real estate to be benefited by said i ,yrovement, us provided by law: it being tilt opinion of the Council that real estate to be assessed for each improvement can be found henrtited to the extent of f°.9111. u) towards the costs and expenses necessary to be incurred til ereby.t he balance Won5.3U) to be pili,] out of the sewerage bond fund. Adopted by the Assembly \larch N. 1N!r_e YeaS-Mex-re. 13anholz or, F.l to uist, Har McCafferty, _dcNi met. Oppenheim, Mr. President -7. Nays -o. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen March 15, Iso - OI' THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1899. Yeas-Ald. Bielenberg. Butt. Conley, Copeland, Dobner. Dorn Iden, Melody, San- born, Suilivan, Mr. President -le. Nays -11, Approved March 19, IS92. A'v F No. 4SI--B. liaze y Mr. •l•Ir t an order be drawn I. favor of Simon Jacob, payable out of the general fund for twenty-five 1}:::,) dollars, to be applied a, rebate on a me-brolter,' license for A. D. 11th'. Adopted by the Assembly Feb. 2:3, Is!v_' Yens --Messrs. B -Ir olzor. Rare, McCaf- ferty. McNamee. Oppenheim, Van Slyke, Mr. President--,. Nays --u. Adopted b1' the Boars of Aldermen March lo, IN92. Yea.-Ald. Bielenberg, lion. ('ovley, 'opel:end. Dobner Dorniden, Me 0 Sam horn. Sullivan. Mr. Preetdenl-I(i. Nays -0. Approved March 11). N93. i\'y F Nn. 4!15-B}• Mr. Flare - t is hereby ordered by the Common ('can. -it of the City of St. Paul: That the matter of constructing a sower on Congress street from Bidwell street to Ob d. street. be and the same is hereby re- ferred to the Board of Public Work, to it, - estigate Snit report: r First -TR this Improvement proper and n Second3�?Give the Council nn t• 'B"te. of the expense thereof, and state whether nI 1.1f of the cost thereof is to be paid in to the It fly treasury b"fore the contract is, fat. Third -Can real estate to be assessed for said improvement be found benefitod to the extent If damage.,ost., sad expenses nee tµy dry to be incurred therebFourth-1.1-h improlemont asked for upon the petition or application of the own- rs of., f a mnj ority of the property to be as- sessed for such improv talent:' Fifth -Send the C0ancil a plan or profile Of said improvement, as required by low. it you report in favor of the same. sixthSendth0 of a proper order directing the wort: to be done. Adopted by the Assembly March S. 1811+. Yeas-Dlessrs. Ban holzer, Hare, DIcC'ur forty, I cNamee. Oppenheim, Mr. Presf- dNuys-0- Adopt Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Murch I5, 11!1_', s -Aid. Bielenberg. Bolt, Cooley, Copeland. UOUner, Ilornldon m Mody, San- born. Sullivan, Dir. President M. Nuys- ). Approved March 1!1, A'y F. Ne. 491.- His hereby ordered by fife Common cll of the Clty of St. Paul: That the matter of construcliug athret, plank wooden Sidewalk on the north side of Tennessee street from State street to Wyandotte street, be.a` d the me is hereby referred to the Board ofPublic Wrens to investigate and report: Is this Improvement proper and neces- sary? If so. send the Council a proper m, derdirecting the work to be done. Adopted by the Assembly March N, 1892. Yeas -Messrs. Bunholzer, Hare, McCaf. ferty, McNamee, Oppenheim, Mr. Presi- dur,t-6. Nays . Adopted by the Board of Aldermen March 15, IN!Y2. Teas-Ald. 13iclenberg, Bott. Conley, Copeland. Dobner, Dorniden, Melady. San- born.Sullivan. Mr. President -lb. Nay, -r. Approved March 1:1, 181s. A'y F. Nr. tM-By Mr. M.Calferty: Resolved, That file City Clerk is hereby for uthorized un(l instructed to advertise proposals to furnish the City with lumber during the evsuivg year. A doPt ed by itte Anse mbly March N, IW -1. Peas -\less rshzer, Har, . Dan ole. DlcCur- ferty. McNamee. Oppenheim, Mr. Presi- dent -s. Nays -0. Adopted by file Board of Aldermen March 15, IN!N, Yeas-Ald. Bielenberg. Boit, Conley, Copeland. Dobner, Dorniden. Melady, Sanborn. Sullivan, Mr. President-lD. Nay -U. Approved March 11), 1192. A'y F ND.:4 1!ly Mr. M,Nanted Res,il red. nt I I ('fly Engineer i beruby IIesD uctrd fa notify the 1Vi-Il"in Centfid B:d lroael t'ompaby to construct. without drinv.a bridgeucross McMenemy street, on Nucle Plaits as may be approved by file city cugl m•er. Adopted by the A,sc ill}- Mattel.x, 1.9111. Yeas--AIrssrs. Banhulzer. Hare. Me- t'nt1'crty, cNsnme, Oppenheim, Mr. PresidMent-e. NaYs--e. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen \birch Fens -.112. Isielen be rg. Beit, Gouley, Crpc,nd. Dobm•r. 1)orn idea.}ielady. reborn. ,ellivnn. Mr. Pr-ident. -10. Nuys --0. ' Approved March 19, Vitt'. A'y F' No. 'All -fly Mr. Ilanholzer- lm,olved, That the ('fly Engineer Is Inst rutl tted' to c so the polling booties tD 11c ,• e,ted In still. places as n tact] -swelated by the IV. rd Alder- eesl ort .,Dau to be charged to file fund levied for electfen purposes. Aderl,ted by tin• Assembly March S. I89_'. y eaa-Mew. r.. lieuhol,.er. Bare, Me. C'alrcrty. Mc Nal c, OPpeuhoim. Mr. ,,I, !(It t- G. Nay, Adup-(1led by file Board (if Aldermen March 15, IN Yens -Aid. Bielveiberg, Bott, Conley. ('opeland. Bohner, Do -Iden, Me lady, Sanborn. Sullivan, Mr. President -30. Nuys -II. Approved March 19. 1892. 46 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCII, A'y f•' Nu. 50'3-Pv Mr. McNnmcc- It is hereby ordered by the Common Councilor the City of St. Paul. That Lire [natter of constructing •alk un Arch : treef, loculi side, Fairview st rcpt. Ire lt[id thu same is hen�hy referred to the Board of Public Workseel- W iu3' estiglttu:md report: Is this improvement Proter and np tally' If s send the Counbcil u proper order If the work W y dune. Adopted by the Asx•mbly March 8, 182'. Peas-Me'srs. Il an holwr, HRre. Me Cull-ty, McNamee, Oppenheim. Presidrnt�0. Nuysnt, Adupt+�(1 bay the Board of Aldclue'li Moab l5, 182. Yeats -Aid. [tielenberg, Bott, Conley'. Copeland. Dobner. Dorniden. Melody, Snlc buil,, Sullivan. Mr. Prt•sident-IV. Nays -0. Approved March 19, IS92. ILesulved, Thut stn 'ardor be draw]' i favor of K. P. Co Ilea of a1for the sum ..f one hundred and tll'ly (thou dol lu rs. being [ur mat of Central pollee stutioli u' \Vest Third street fur the period of enc month. February 1. IS92, to )larch I- IS9!. us per leas. teUfund.ount W be paid out of the general Adopbythb Assembly Starch S. l Yeu-s-Messrs. Ilunholzcr, Ilar Mc- Cnlferty, McNamee. Oppen]let m. Mr. President -ti. N ups -0. Adpled b3' the Board of A clan - \torch 1.5, IMr2. Yeas --Aid. Biclenbcrg. BotL l;oldev. Soni""".rn.8ullitbner.9. Dorniden. Mrindy, Nuys -U. \Id. Cullen not voting. Approved March Ill. 1192. A'y F. No.591- Resolved. 'Phut. city order, be drawl' upon the city trvusory, payable out of the •• peciul bridge fund," In favor of Nick FOycn, for the ltmuunt of $2.{175, being Estio(fret bridge n`t 'fit ingWn Irnor iun`1 niu wet n •t across Great Northern railroad. Adopted by the Assembly- Murch 1, 11fr,2. Y.;. Messrs. Banholzer, Imre M . Slu- Ctfforty. c Numce, Oppenheim. President --ii. Nay's --0. Adopted bfy the Board of Aldermen Slareli 1.5, 1821. Peas -Aid. Bielenherg. Bou. Conley. Sanborn Sullivan 3f r. res,,dent-`I0Iad3'. Nuys --0. Approved Murch 191892. A'y F' No. 50� Beeol'et That city orders be rl -II ileo the city treasury, uyublc oat ofraxthe •'! eller ❑c Par[rnenL fun' in favor of the fullox'ing-nnmetl perxons, for the xnloil ill • s t umPuslW W their respective name.: ,._Is u Cleary. t7.,; Northwestern Tele- phone Exchge an(;ompnn.', t79, Adopted by the As»embiy March 8, IS9!. Yons-Messrs. Banhol-r, Elmduist, flare, McCafferty. SIcNrmce. Opiam- hefm, Mr President -7. Na3'S-11, \d.7"T" by the Buerll of Alliermcn Siitrv•II 1 i. I1!Y, 1-cus-Alt- Bielenherg. Bott, Conley, Culielxnd, Uobner- Durni den, Melady, Sunburn, Sullivan. Mr. Yiesidel t-10. Aupsppruveove l Jlereb ]U. IA!r_'. A'y 1Nu fA7- itesofled. That city orders be dru3rn ,Iden the city treasury, »aYuhlcoutof the •al im pruvemcntfund,•' In favor of the fulluu'ing n¢mcd Persoms for the amounts xe t. gra Ander" a their raspec Live rumps: Ings Anderson. dumaires for slopes Oil 3c.) street, iIIJ °0: Wn ter Hewitt, dam- ages for o wulugallev. tr'tl. Adopte(1by the Assembly March 1. 189!. Yeas -Messrs. Banhol-l', 'I It, a!St. Ila hire. McCafferty, McNamee• Oppenheim, MNnvs-U. r. President -7. Adopted bJ' the Board of Aldermen Mandl 15, 189'. 1"ens-Aid. I3iulenlui'id lintel Cunh;ll `opuland. Dobner. Dorniden. Melody. Sam horn, eullivnll. Mr. President -10. Nuys -1. App -111 March 19, IS92. A'y F No. 59S-- Bcsolvcd. That city orders be drawn up I the city tIcasury, payable o [t of file ss[nent fund,' in favor of the toBw- ing-o tmed persons, furthe anampt set oppsite to their respect, ve names: Hoenry .1. Peters nail x -i l'e, IRnd taker for openiin and 'dewing, etc., Dakota ave - Ni .rW:It.'Phompsun. Estimate No. :. grading HILN'tron Ince, t'- - ldoptad by the Assembly Muruh S. IW2. Yells -Messrs. Bariholzer, Eiant[ist little. McCafferty, JlrNat-, Oplanl7lefln, lopted by the Board of Aldermen 'ch I.I. IS'. -- 11d. Biclenberg. Butt, Conley, land, Bobber. Duralden. 5leludy, burn. Sullivan. Mr. President -10. u3 -0. pro -ed ]larch 19. 1192. A'y F No. 50!f- Itesolved. That city orders be druwu up. oil the city Lretsury payable out of file rt house and icyy lo, it neonance (acrd." favor of the followi-9--armed penons� being city's half SJim-, for the react ,It opposite their respective n •e: n"-11; rt A. Smith, t n, 1 Patrick Conley, Slykc, .,rile F. 1. Wei Yt, $ W. A. Von Slyke, . Sl.+1; A. P. Wright. t'. 511: George Mltsr h.s$1_`.5f1: Clues. Lied['v aI112.:A: inion. ,1'2.411: Board of \enter Commis- 'Iunure. $.51.01; FwI Lyon Electric Ligplit unJ Yo3a-cr Cam 3auJ'. 31.;.97: Fenton M Laine ]lunufuctu �n Common}', 3-.1.:,0: Griggs R Cu., #a.12: )l nth Beek, �21.'SS: Miles S Hale, X13.,,; George J. Mit-Ii .Y-. Cu., 3.5.37; OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. FOR 1891. 47 St. Paul Gus Light Company, ✓F_ 8:'11: St. 1-eas--Aid. liielenberg, Bott. Conley, Paul Ice Company. $12.69: )lux Irtmul, I Copeland, Dobner. Decanter, Melody, Sam V2.541, Adopted by the Axsembly )larch 8, 119:. born, Sulliv so. Mr. Pres'tdont-10. -Nity -D. Ycas-M..1r . Ran hulzer, Eluolutst. hare. N1,CliffIrty. McNamee. O ppenlu•im. Apuroved Murch 19, 1S!r2. It,. P-sident--,. - NRYs-0. Adopted by file Board of Aldermen A'y F No.:A5-By Mr. Eimqulst- March 15. 1192. Resolved. That the Chicago. St. Paul, Yeas-Ald. Biclenbe•g, Butt, Conley, Cupelu ml, Rubner, Dorniden Mohidy, Sun- Minneapolis .0mnha Railway Company be, and Il i.. herelluested to construct an burn, 9ullicn n, Mr. President -10. Nay1�,. 3n bridge on the line ofPayne avenue and r s its right of way as Boor Rs pori ibis. ItcA Approved Sl:ircll 1!f, 1SV2 doptet by the Assem id March 8, 18J'. - 1"pus-Sleslri lMeNreme•, tilmlpast, Hare, 31,.Cu11'crty. Nc N;uneu, Oppenheim, Mr. Pr-ideut-7. A'v F. No. 510- Nays --0. flesolved.'Tliut city order, be dralvil up- Adopted by the Board ofAldermen March I the city tn•usurv. payable out , f I�he 15. IS!Q. 'sprit ng anti st,tiunery fund," ii favor Ye - AId.Bielenbcrg.Bott,Conley,Cope- ,ifthc follox'Iag-named pennlls. for the mil mt set opposite to choir fes D"c live Isn't. Dorniden, Melody. San- born. Sullly an. Mr. President -10. SuIl II III�(M. Sm)'th Pri sting l'om pony. KIIO. A duelist the A Sfurt•h 8. list. Nn. Approved March 19. ISM'. ilolli I,e - Yetis-Slessrs. Run holzer. Elnoluisf, - Hure. McC:tt[urt?•. McNamee. Oppenheim, McCuffert Mr. 1. . Nu}'s-b, A'y F No. .0O -By Slr.Oppenhem- Wherovs, B}• section ten (101 of an act of Adopted by the Bolted of Aldermen the legislature. app rev ed March 24, 1891 (be M ar,h 15, lMt! Yeas--Ald. Bielenbe'fr I3oI t. Culdey'. Ing the Bell Charier, so called), itis provided that '-The time of payment of any measy Cupeluml. Dobner, Roruidem Malady, now(lee. and herealter to become due the ,born. Sullivan, Sir. 1'resldeut-lo. S 1Vuye-u. Board ofWater Commisslonen from theCity of SL YauI, for woter,provided and furnished A.proved March 19, IkN_, for Il re protection, tit ro ugh hydrants, Is - hereby extended until June first (1st) ae thousund eight hundred and nicety three A'y' Nu. 511--I3y Mr. O )penheim- IIH9:t i; ondas a videnceof such indebtedness said city shall issue to said Board eertlfl. Resolved. -Phut an tinier be drawn upon the city iree[sury, pup:tble out of tin+ gen- cotes of rodebtcdness, bearing intere3t at the ruvf of four Ill per cent per annum, pay. cl •:a fund. it favor ofltol,ert:\.Snl'tb. fu able semi-annua113':'aatlwhic6certilicutes Mal for [ t Sum of fI.INIU, tube axed ns ,n tingent fund in the olflee ul' i.lo� it is further prociU ud 'hall be taken and considered by the Huard f WuterCemmis- liln)'ur, stoners as part of its slaking fund, and that Adopted by the Assemid}' )1:[ret S, IR!t'2, the some shill not be sold or negotiated, Yeus-alesSrx. Ran baize r. Elnoluist. Hare, SIcCrifferty, MIN -nee OUpenhcun, and that the same Shell be drawn payable onl)!tosuid 13oilrd of 1Y at"Commissioners. SI r. ,'resident-,. and that the said certificates shall be lasuuU Nu.s-, as aforesaid only on the order of the Com Adopted by the Board if Aldermen oa (:our cil of the Ctty f St. Paul after M:u.ch 15. ls!r!. Yeas-Ald. Bielenbe'g. Butt, t'o 11 le), [he indebtedness et-idenced thereby has by aid Ccmlril been audited and allowed, and Copehmd. Dobner, Dorniden, Mebuly, whi ch sn itl crrtiticutes shall be signed by Sit ;burn, Sullivan. Mr. President -10. vl\uy'1-11, the Mayor. Clt}'Clerk ao(l counts-igned by the Ci tv (F mcb .ler thereof, and shall have A 1)pruved Murrli 19, 1592, stumped or written on their face the words - cIssued under the low of one thousand eight hu nt red and vI ty-one (1891) for A'y F No. 512- water rents." And Whereas, said Board of Water Com- Re-lved. That oily orders be drawn upon the city treasury, payable out of the missloners presented the Common Council of the City of St. Paul Its bill for water pro - general fund," in favor of the following untied and :n ruished for tire, protection named persons, for the amount srl opposite through hydrants from June Ist. IS91, to Be their resuce-I names: House of Good She rd 171 5; McSherry ember 1st. I-,-- in the sum ofd'2048.06, ,'Tach bus menu nudi the and allowed by the A White, Esti[n ate. No. S and final. remodel- Ing Central Police station, 11,37'_'. N; 51. H. Common ('ou aril. Now Therefore. Be It Resolved„That the M undone, abstract clerk. $:S.25; Northwest 'Pelepimno Exchange Comp:tn}', 11L(lll; St. proper city otheers, ti, wit: The Mayor, City Clerk u d City Comptrollor of the City f Paul Sanitation Compouy, 1125 �I:L St. Paul be, and they arc hereby l,thori zed, Adopted by the Assembly Marvh 1, I1!Y!, Yeos-Messrs. Bnnhol'rer, k:lmnulst, direr ted r ll i siractetl to issue v certld- rate of indebtedness to the Board of Water it are, xicCntterty. McNamee, Oppenheim, Commissioners of the City of St. Paul for Mr. President-.. Nays -(I. hescam oft-21.d11.0ii. which shall be dated Jaa. 2. ISfr!, and shall be payable o the let Adopted by the Board of.kld,rmen March 1:,, 18w. dad nmetn tthroneee I18a1) 'blicflan d eight head an y- and s �enndrend 46 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COAIDION COUNCII. o2 -Dv Mr. McNamee- Pmts -Messrs. Banluulxe,, Elmquist .: by iadcred bl' the Common Hure, Mccalrurty. McNamee, oppen- 1 of IIIc CitS of St. Paul. utter re eunn r north to a I""" 1e•tlee street, north side, ov r frim. At, Prestde. L-7. Nay "-a. AdopUvl by the board o[ AlUermen street Ix' anti Ll,o some is ben: bJ' Board Public Work. u \(sect Is. IH!r_'. 1 esus -All]. Rieletiberar. itnl t, Conley. w Lhe of to and report: UOI land, liobam, D, 'n iden, Melndp. it, cut pr.lx'1' nd t •�•.- Satnb.r.. StWivan. Mr. President -111. feting LIIt fit, Council n proper ark w by done. Nu) -s rtl1. Apps 'ed Mn -b 1!i, isY2. d by the. A"embly March 8, MH 2 P. Apfarolel] Marcll 1!1, 1N!r2. Mess, v. Bunholicr. Gore, }Ic -- the Board of Aldermen Ialeo be ria Batt C (ley'. .., ,..o i,•o.Meladv.Suu- Approved Marc], Ip, INJ'_'. No. 50;3- t IL . Ivtvl, That its 'order be ]rnwn i favor of K. P. Cullen ut .1. for the sum of Inn,] 'ed .,ad flfty 11tY, dollars. helug fueu r rentuf Central police slio "" on \vest Third street forLi, the VrriuA of one non tb. lease...I( -, H u taw1Ue paid ]outuf the gcuerd unly the Asly March 1 - ycb,_ 3rfuair1a•. -r Cniferaty, 1,Nitar-oppenlmini. Mr. the Board of Aldermen }e len berg• Itott. Cuulev. mar, D1 rn idr n. Mrindy, \Id. C.IIe. bol voting. Approved March 19, 1Nt,2. A'y I No.50l- ILesulved. 1'Imt city orders be drawn upon city tn•asun'y, utynbh•.ufor the pemnlthe bridge fund,'' �n furor of Nick "'co, for the amount f r.Jr.6, lx•iuK Estimate No. i, roustruul bah un an'. o,xlr bridge , n Lex"iugton ua v,. orae, s Grant Northern ratirond. uCAduptrd by the Assembly Marchi N• 151,. Yeats--3lesere. Bun IIo D.cr, (lure. C.R.rty. McNamee. Oppenheim. Mr. President --6. N nY,--o. Adopted by the Board of Aldermenn March 15, IPU... Yeas -Aid. lib,lenbcrg, Butt. Conley. Copeland. Dobnrr, Dornidru. Melad}. See bar.. Sullivan, M, President --10. Nuys --o, Approved Marsh 19. 1892. A' F No. :tori-- y Uc U Resolved• That city order. wn rn •,pan hdcl aytm,ntufu nguyinlifa vfile er le out "f the tullowing: named Versals, for the ammtnt wea,capp.sit, to their respective luaus: James Cleary, 175: Northwester. Tel, "'''Exchange Compal.}'. 179.,; - Adapted by the Assembly \larch S. 187x. A'y F. No 507- itosolv,U. Thai city orders be till ten upon IIIc enly trefl5. ry, paya a!out of the ••Ir al improve ant. food. "ft, f a.r of the folle>wiug named Persons. for the amu" at L opposnw Gr their respective name+: elugrt Audersuu. l]unu,K,s for slopes on Je.k' trect. $I1o.29: W.Iter 11-itt.Us,- .9. for offmnitaK:d ley'. fell. AdnpG•tl by tbu Assembly )htr,h N. Is!G'. Seas-n/asses. Bunhblier, Elunpt 1st. ILu'c. \h•Cxll"rrty, Mc Nttnuee. Oppeu beim, Mr. PreAdont-7. Nays -U. Adopted b�• the Board of Aldmmnen M Yea 15, IPJ:. Yelan Aid. Bt Dob-, Dol id BnLL. Conley. Copeland. Sullivan, ivan,M, . P...I en. Mcht-10. . San- IIuru, 6ullivu u, Mr. Pruldunt-IU. Nuys o. Approved March 19, IH92. A'c F No. frn8-- Itesulrud. That. cit}' orders he dra up ity to sesepient fund," In pays aY r If (the of the ing-lamed l_,suns, fur the "mount set opposite to their respecttce snot s: Ilsley .l. I'ewrs anti wife, it Luken for o uxmtng and ''doping. et,., Dakota uv, a,t10: R. 'Thompson. Estimate No.2, grating Raymund place, Adopted by the Assembly Murch S. IB04. Ye.s-Messrs. 13-lod-a., Elm, nisi Ilare. 31,CnIferty. McNanmc, Oppen�uc1171 Mr. President -7. lay Arch l". 0. by Lhe Board of Aldermen, .March1 �, IH92. 1'ras-Aid. Biolenburg. Butt. <;onicv, Copeland. %b1m'. Dornirhm. Malady, Sunburn, Sullivan. Mr. 1, sident-IU. Nays -1/. Approved March 19. IH!r_'. A'y F No. no0- Itesolt•ed,'That city order.. b, drawn up- s the city trcasur3' II.Y;lblp of of the n r[ (louse and sityy loth ani ntennn,u fund." in favor of the foiluwing-named persons, being city's half ,bare, for the amount set. opposite tlmir respective n•Hobert A. Smith. U2.50; Patrick Conley, x12.50; John F. Gchup, 11'5..50: W. A. van Slyke. !12.50; A. P. Wright, $15.50: George Mosel, $IS.frll; Clens. Liedmun. 112.50: M. . Iain, 112..5): Board of Witter Commis - s i"d.U}: Edison F.leetric Light and Power Company. $15.97: Fenton Metalic. \lulu fnc to lingF,O; Gri" C Co., 11;.12: )lagg th Reek, :H':: -i: At Is S Hulse $13.TT; George J. Mitsch S Co.,15,37; 9 OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. FOR 1891. 47 S[. Parti Gas Light Comp by 1271 70 st Yeas--Aid. liielenberg, Bott Conley 3'uul Ica Coin pony, 1}'L.69�; Sf:tx L'rmnn: r. Dora iden, Mely. Sun.- Copeland, Dobnem born, Su11-ii, n1r. Pr,efdeot-10. AdopGm by tIIe Assam hlY \hnrin N, IPS. Yews -11 ssr�. BapIIolrer, III a st I lure, )I,('aff,rty. M,Nate- Oppm lo-Iur;. N.Y.-D. Apnro%cl march 1!I, 1,!1°. til r. Yrest lent-,. Nnys-o. Adopted by IIIc Board of Aldmrnen - :\'y Fallo.:.1r-Ify Mr. Emuquist- \I rclu 15, 1N9_. Yeas-Ald. Iiielenbrl'K. Bolt. Coaley. Resolved. That the Chicago. St. Paul, Slinnmtpolis&Omuhultailwuy Companybe, Cols- aud, Dobner. Ilornidm; Malady. Sun- ' nJ IL i. hereby reuuestetl to construct an iron bur.. Sullivan. Mr. President -In. Na, -b. bridge on the line ofPa}�ne avenue nad r x Its right of way its o ns p.., ttA P. Apfarolel] Marcll 1!1, 1N!r2. ! doP[etl b1' the.\.sem Ull' \filch N. IN2. - Yep_ -Messrs. Bunholzcr, Elm,luist, Hare; yieC:t lfr rty. At Nbuacc, oPPenheim, Mr. President-,. lo. 51(1- Nays --U. ttesol r,A. 'Plat city order. he drntyv nn a P- o the city Lrenru rv. paya,bh; nut , f the Adopted by the 13oard ofAldermen March lfi. In!a„ •gip riUtiog arm sL.atiilm'ry Fu ml," it fa vol i'ous Ald.Iiielenherg.Bur,Conloy'Cope- of the fo llouvinK-uemed Per s, for tIIe :nt set opposito to Ilei, roapi a aaif. Inn,], Uobn era Dorniaen, Malady. San - 1-n. Suit,, an. Mr. President -lo. uM. Smyth PHat!ng Company, ff3lo. Nays- n. 1 Ap P roved March Ill. IS!t_'. Adapted by the A.sem bI' dbeen s. Is92. Yen. -\lasses. BnnIIolzu r. EIn,luist Hurc. \1cCadt,rty, Mel Zaire,, Uppt•u he Nn, - Mr. ['resilen t-7. Nays-b, A'Y F No.)I[.UpPenhmm- Whereas, liy .action Len (101 or an net Of AdopLad by the Board of Aldermen llareh 15, 1P'J!. the legislature. app""e.l Mnreh 2L 1801 (be ung the BOI Charter, ao called), it is provided Yras--.Ald. I3ielonb-ir. Bolt. Coulc}'. abut "The time of payment of any money Copeland. Dobner. Dorniden, >Icla, y. now, due. and heroater to become due the Suuborn. Sullivan, Mr. Presmeut-111, Nays -U. floor,] ofWater Commissioners from theClty fSt.Paul, for iaterjaroiaide? endfurnlshed Anpruved DlnrcII IJ. IN!N_, for rite protection, through hydrants, is -. hereby ex tendrd until June first (1st) One thous:�ld eis Itundn•d and ninety-tb ree `and A'y 1' Nu. 5!1 --Hy Mr. ()Iipenbeim- IIHJ s e v i d enc, of so III in debtedness said city hall issue to said Board certlB- ltesulved, ",'bat an or( er b, dnew'n upon cater of Indebtedness, bearing interest at the citreasury. payable out Of LIn, gel"- Lytl the rate of four (41 per cent per annum, pay- fund, it favor 1' Robert 1. Snfth. Mu5'or. fur,bc "urn of fl.U(IU. to h, used ns able semi-annually:'and which certificates Ras forth er Prot-IJedhall re taken and It contingent fund it, the attic of the considered by the tabard [WaiterCommis- i uyur, stoners as part of its sinking fund, and that Adopted by ibo Ass,mhly Murria N, IP95. sold too same stall not Us Id or pegntiaiial, Yrus-Messrs. IS Nl]nolzer, Elm,luist, Hure. 31c1:fl1Pert }'. )IcNuntee. Gppell llet[ra, antl that the sum, shall drown payable anIf.., l of Water (:ommisslonere. M r. Presiduct-7. and shat the said eerti.cates shall be put uad N:Lys='.1 of ns aforesaid only on the order f the Com- Aduptcd b5' th, Bnarrl or Aldermon \larch 1 �. IHl . mon Council of the Caty tat after the i d,,bt,dn,ss evidenced thereby has by Yeats -AW. Biel -ab -g. that. 1'. , aley, Cop,l:tn J. UOUuer. Dornil]eu, Mi,hol,t. said Counctl been uudf[ed and allowed, and utas shall be signed by which said "t at eboru, S at iva n. Mr. 1'r aidcut--lo. ~•,Nuys -II, 1 'It. Mayor. City Clerk and countersigned by the City Comptroler thereofand shall have Approved Murch 19, IN!1'S. stamped or written on their face the words •'Issued under the law of one thousand - eige ht hundred and ninety-on11891) for A', F No. 5I° a And Whereas said Board of Water Com - Resolved. That city orders be drew, upon the city treasury, payablu out of the esio r. pro "cute,] the Common Council Ofit,.City of St. Paul its bill for water pro- ' geueral fund," in favor u1 the following ,idsd and furnished far fire protection named persons, for the amount setopposlts through hydrants from June lat. Will, to Ue their resrective names: Ilouseof Good Sheppherd 171.2:5; MCBherry cember 1st. lshl, in the sum of }2,048.06, which bus been ..allied ad allowed by the White. Estimate No.3 and final, remodel- Common C.-il. ing Central Police station, fl,37VA; M. It. 1 Now Therefore. Be It Restahed, That the M u ra ane, abstract clerk, $IH.25; No r t h x'east Telephone Exchange Company, 441.09j; St. proper eityo racers. to wit: 'The Mayor, City Clerk unit t Y$y Compt roller f the City of lra.l Swollen- Compot.y. 11?i!1,1. S[. Paul bee, 1 they areheroby nu[horized, Adopted by the Assembly Marsh 8, IH!r2. directed' and In.itrueted to issub a ecrtlU- Yeas-Messrs. Beanolzer. Elmpulst. to of indebh'daess to the Board of Water Hare. McCn.cr[y, McNamee, Oppenheim, M r. ,'res ide.t-.. i Com no se ion- St the City of St. Paul for the sum of 12. lNN.Ui. which, shall be dated N eys-(l_ Jan.'.'. Wirt; and shall be payable on the 1st Adopted by the Board ofAldermen March day of June. one thousand eight hundred I.% 1892. antl ninety-three Maui), aad ,bell bear I.- 10 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COT'NCIL annum tthe sald rate interest oto be payable secent m- annually, in payment of the indebtedness of aid U. - in beanners }ono accountsaid of Board atter provided and furnished for fire protection through hydrants from the first day of June, Ietd, to the first day of December. 111i I. Adopted by the Assembly March .S, ISir2. Yeas -Messrs. Banbolzer. M llcolm", Hare. Mr.Curtert-' McNamee, penheim. Mi. President -8. Nays Aopted . by the Board of Aldermen March d Yea' eas--Aid. Bielenherg, Botts Cun li Stiff Copeland. Dobner. Dorniden. Melady. Sulli- van. Mr. President --9. N nya--Aid. Sanborn -1. Approved March 19, 18!12. A•y F No.:,1�- In the matter of the report of the Board of Public Works dated March S. IS?2. It is hereby ordered by the Common Conn. ell of the City of St. Paul: That the Board of Public Works of said City of St. Paul cause the following int prevenient to be made, to -wit; Sweep Summit avenue, from Selby avenue to Calc street, in said city. That said board cause said work to be let by contract. as provided by law. witb- out one-balf the estimated cost being first paid into the city trreasudy, andafter said lid ark shall be placed Board shall proceed without delay to a seas We amount, as nearly the]' can as paytiort thetcosts and he same, h necessich ill ary expenses to uch improvement upon the rent estate to Ile benefited by said improvement. usfore, by law; it being the op nion of the council that real estate to be eS.ce..d for roc ,he extent of tthencostsla d expense, necessary to Ue incurred thereby. Adopted by the assembly Mnroh e. ISO2. Yeas -Messrs. Buuholzm•. Elmquist, linin. AleCaffertp, McNamee, Oppenheim. Mr. President -7. Nays --0. adopted by the Board of Aldermcu March 15, ISJ". Yeas -Aid. Bielenberg. Bot[, Conley, Sanborn, Sullivan. Mr. Preside int Mll,udy. Nays --0. Approved March 10. 1192. A" Resoti��d. That the grade of Lyons court. s ipolcatcd by the red grade files on the accompanving profile, and us recommended hby ereby adthe City opted as the eetabl shed grade. is Adopted by the Assembly March S. ]SM'.]'nes-ASessrs, Banbolzer Elmqui..t, R,..n Me,t aTrrty. Alt•\unmet•, Oppenhmm, li itorium 'fret the Joint Committee one - Auditorium are hereby instructed ditu to re- beipl bids for the Permanent ethou a site, to placed on the preset marks[ house site, u may be as c much of the present bantling as nay ur on- necessary, and report the same to the Common Council for approval. lyJ. Adopted b)• the .vsseu,bly .larch 8. 1.'IZ Peas--}lesars. Bauhalzer, Elmquist. blare. Met: alien}', AleN amee.Oppenheim-0. Nays --dr. Prestde0 t--1. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen March 15, N9,2. Y cos--Ald, Rieleaherg. Batt, Conley, Copclund, Melady, Sullivan -9. Sanborn. Nays -Aid. Delmer, llorniden, Mr. President -4. Approved March 19, 1Mr2. A -y F No. 500 -By Mr. McCafferty - Whereas, The Azotine Company have miietl in their conduct with Lbe City "for the destruction of gsrUuge," "according to the Merz system." as provided by their contrdeliver garbagect, and oar being behalftt. of thefe"y ere to destruction of their plant; therefore, Sint Resolved, That all bids for theycfel,ectlon of gaeage Ue and they are he yei teed. and the whole matter be mile fi altel ll- poned. a`lo tl le 9isee 'li:t nln Iz�At:tr2. Elenquist. Hart. MrCaffCrty. McNamee, Oppenheim -9. lays -Mr. President-].AIf led b�the Board of Aldermen Murch YebBull. Conley, Copeland,Dter.Dulol)_ San - ho if Prslcut- Nny-0. Approved Marcb 10. 1n".r:. A'y F No. 72- Itesolved, That the Cit}' Clerk notify the Azotine Mbor St. nufactu rin6 Company th ut the perCitformed bysaidcomp o y1ferowork done undo- contract of date April 1st. A. D. 1890. between en'RI'compsny ad theCity o1 St. Pun, for the collection of garbage, and that aid cempay be notified not to do any more work under sold contract. Adopted by Lhe Assembly Murcb K 18!N_. Hares Niqui eeCafferty. Me Names. OP epneimt, Naps --Mr. President --1. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen ),larch 15. 183.2. Yens-AIdBielenberg• Mott, Conley. Copeland, Delmer, Dorniden, Melady-. Sam horn, Sullit'an, Air. President --l0. Nsy s- I. Approved March 111, 102. by the Board of Aldermen Bd F No. 79'r -By Aid. Copelond- r2 Resolved. That the Clock in the tower of Bielenberg• Batt, Conley. the old city hall be removed forthwith by ,beer, Uorn W.n, Melndp, Sun- the City Engineer at Il expense net to ex- Bit Mr. President -10. Deed two hundred dei tars. and placed o the Cleveland school Uu ilding in the First March 19, 1892. anis OF THF. CITY OF SAI_ Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Feb. '2, 189'2. Yeas-Ald. Bielenberg, Butt, Conley, Cc 1, Cullen, Dobner. Dorniden, M,e- lae y. Sanborn, Sullivan. )Ir. Vice Presl- dent-11, Nays -0. Adopted by the Assembly Marc), S, 1512. Yeas--Mnssrs. Banholzer. Elmquist, Bare, McCafferty, McNamee. Oppenheim, Mr. President -T. Nny.-0. Approved March 10. 18!h_'. Rd F No. 815 -By AId. Gehun- Resolved, That an order be drawn upon the city treasury, payable out of the "real. sessment fund," for the opening, widening and extending of Mississippi street, from Grove street to Nash street, in favor of Ellen Hayes. for the sum,of f:Z.50. to re- fund to her assessment paid to that amount off said improvement on lot 3 of block 8, De Bow, Smith, Risque S Wiliiams' addition. it having been bold by the District Court of Ramsey county inat such property moa not assessable for said Improvement. a Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Feb. Ili, 18A'. Yens-Ald. Bielenberg, Botts Copeland, Doubt, Dorniden, Gehan. Melady, Sulii Mr. President -'J. van, Nays -fl. Adopted by the Assembly March 8, ISI),'_. Yeas -Messrs. Banholzer. Elmqu LS t, Hare. McCafferty, McNamee Oppenheim. Mr. 'resident-,. NaY.". Approved March 10, IS92. lid F No. 819 -- Resolved, That the proper city officers are, and they are hereby authorized and di. acted to execute and deliver to hose A. Donohue a quitelnint dead of the City of St. Paul to the following described real estate situated in the City of St. Paul, County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, to wit: Commencing at the southeasterly corner of College avenue (formerly Eleventh street) and St. Meter street: ru-mgtbcace westerly on a line parallel with the south- erly line of said College avenue 2:V,t feet: running thence southerly on a diagonal line until it strikes the easterly line of St. Peter street !Md feet from the place of beginning; thence northerly along the easterly line of said St. Peter street to the place of beegin- ing. Said deed shall be delivered fly upon said Rose A. Donohue executing and delivering a deed to the City oI St. Pallor all that portion of tiro following described ro 1 state lying a d being ithin tit. lines of College avenue in said City of St. Paul. described as follow.. to -wit! Commencing at the northeasterly corner of sold College avenue and St. Peterstreet; running thence westerly on a line paroll el with the southerly hot of said College ave- nue 23'i feet; running thanes southerly on diagonal Ilse until it strikes the easterly line of St. Peter street 9!1 feet from the place of beginning: thence northerly along the easterly line of St. Peter street to the place of beginning. Adopted by the Bonni of Aldermen March 1, 1892. 4 NT PAIL, FOR 1992. 49 Yeae-Alda Bielenberg. Bolt. Copeland, Dobner, Dorniden. Gehan. Melady. San- born, Sullvan, Mr. President -10. Nays --0. Ado- ted by the Assembly March 8, 1892. Yeas -Messrs. Banbolzer, Elmquist, Hare. McCafferty, A1eNumee, Oppenhelm, Mr. President-,. Nays -0. Approved March 10. 1802. W. P. MURRAY. President of the Assembly. 0. 0. CU i,EN, President of the Board of Aldermen. JonN F. GF.RAN, Vice President of the Board of Aldermen. 'phos. A. PRC: N'nF.lt(tAaT, City Clerk. March '. OFFICIAL. PUBLICATION. Of Reeolutlon Adopted by the Com- tuon Council of it'. City of Jt. Paul. A'y. F. No 513- It is hereby ordered by the Common CouR- c.I of r "' City or St. Paul: That the matter of constructing six. ftwt woodmi sidewalk on the east side of Delatve avenue between Baker street •aid tbutip is street be. 1lnA the sane,s hereby referred to the Board of Public Works to Inve.tignte and report: Is thin improvement proper and ncces- saryt if en, send the Council uproper or- der directing the work to be done. Adopted by the Assembly March 8, 1892. Peas --Messrs. Banbolzer, Elmtlulst, Hare, 31CCafPerty, McNamee, Oppenheim, AT,. President --7. Nuys -0. Adapted by the Board of Aldermen Dbtrch 15, 180X. Yens-AId. 'le" berg, Boty Cooley, Copeland. Dnbunr, nernidCn, Milady. San- born, Sullivan. Mr. President -10. Nays -0. Approved March 19, 189-2. A'y F No. 5H --By Mr. Banliulzer- Resolved,'Phot William Sclmrnstoin be,. and he is hereby' permitted W move his culls, now' locate, on Hudson avenue, to Bates avenue, near the intersection of said Hudson • veune. upon complying with all the erdinunces of the City of 9L. Paul. Adopted by the Assembly March S. 1802. Yeas -)lesser. BunhoIzer. Elmquist, IT are. McCafferty. McNamee. 0ppenhof. , Mr. I'residmit-S. Nuys --0. Adopted by- the Board of Aldermen Murch 15, Ih,12. Yensn Aid. Bielenberg, Bots. Conley, Copcbmu Dobner, . Prealp, at_lu. 9an- born, &tlliva. Mr. I'rcsiden L-10. -vaye 0. Approved Munrcb 19. 18!r2. Bd F No. 854 -By Aid. Dorniden- Resolved, Thnt an order DC drawn in fa- r of the Heard of Control, payable out of the "Board of Control fund," for the Still of 64-,31.'22, being the city's one-third offife expenditure of said Board in muin- 48 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COIANION COUNCR, t,,e,t at the rate of four (4) par ant per A. F No. 519- e id interest to be payable semi- K solved. Tit.t the Joint Committee ov natty. In payment f the debtntlnes, Auditorium ur hereby instrumetl to r - ot s td city to sold Board of W vier Com -bide for the Permanent auditorium to s. _I on cc .t of wall for pro vitleh 1 btipl-fined ov thei pore `Derercaent DURdine las add furnished for it- protection throng 6 as muc hydrants from the first day o[ June, I,ol, t may be necessary. and port the sem [o the Hrst day of December, hilt. the Common Cnuuell for uPProv dl. Ad ell Dy the Assembly March: it lnfr_', o `ldoptetl by the Assea,biy ill arF.lm �rui t, Rerty, McNamee, Mined. vp IT. President -8. by the Board of Aldermen March d. Blelenberg. Bott, Cunley', Job¢er. Dorniden. Melody. S..l- Approved March 19, 181x2 A',' F No. 517 - In the matter of the report of the Board of Public Works dated Dlarch 8, ]592. Itis he ordered by the Cammon Come oil of the City of St. Paul: That the Board of Public Works of suid City of St. Paul esus the following lot prove to be m de, Itew'it; Sl p Summit avenue, from Selby avenue to Dole street, in said city. said board chase said work to be let by c .treat, as provided by law, with- out one-half the estimated cost being first paid into the city treasury, and atter said ark shsall be p c tl under a ¢tract said Hoard ball Proceed without delay to a s ss the amount, as nearly, they can a ertain the same, which will mi required to pay the costs and necessary expenses If u h improvement.upon the re alto ata to to bebenefitedby sold 'mprovemen pro- vided by law; It bein6 the opinion of the C... ell that mal estate to be seed for ucIt improvement n be found ben If tted the tent of the s[s and expenses ,essiory to be incurred the n Adopted by the Asaer bly Murch 8, 189_'. Yeus-Messrs. Banlmlzer. Elmquist. Baro. D1 eCallurty', fdcNnmee, Oppt.hefm, Mr. Preaidcnl�,. Nays --0. doPG'd by them Board of Aldcrmr Murch 15, 1,2. yens-Ald. Riclenberg, Bott, Conley. Sanborn. Sullivan, Mr. res dtllbb" lit Mt'Iady. Nays -0. Approv ell March 19. IS92. A'v F No.:118- Resolved. That the grade of Lyons court. .e Indicated by the red grade limes on the byp ging profile, and as reternea ,led the City Engineer, be, and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. Adoplcd by the Assembly March S. leg2. Yen>--Dfessrs, Bun holier Elmquist. Bare, McCafferty, McNod- 01menhoim, Mr. Pmsldent-.. Nays-- Adopte0.d by the Board of Aldermen March is T2. 18T2. Is yetCopeland. llobneir,l Dorltiden�tMelud onlay y, Snn- borm Sullivun, Mr. Presldmit-10. Approved March Il, 1892. :ldopted by the Board of Aldermen March 15, he" Cooley. Y_ -Aid. Bielenbere- Boit, Copeland, Melody, Sullivan -li. Snnlrorn, Nay, -Aid. Dobner, Dorniden, Mr. Ymsiaent-4. Approved March 19, 181t'. A'y F No.: "'..0 -By Mr, McChtterty- Whereas, The Azotine Company have (Wiled in their contract lvfth the city "tor the destruction of garbage,' "according to the Meres,atem." as provided by their oontruot. and their being filo stated place to deliver garbage on behalf 'flit f Ilia city Since destruction of their plant; therefore. Rgqesolved, That all bids for t heycollection o,d the wholemaand ttertheybeare • dehnitelyepost- 11 und Adopted by the Assembly' Mamlt S, 181F_'. 1'c;ts-Di eaarreBu nbt•olxc. r.uist, Ham. Mc Crine;.i v. MN nr ace, 11 r beim -n. \aye -b1 r. President. 1. Adoptedby Ilio Beard of Aldermen Mnrcb ill, 18!Il. YensAid. r, Drburlr. .loci, Conley, Copeland, l DuMr.r. Dodder, Pes aru lDl'Vad}_ San - both, Nnys-U. APpeoccd M-0. in. 1sir2. A'} F No. u'22- Hesolved. Tbat the City Clerk notify the Azotine Manufacturing Company that the City of St. Paul refuses to pay for any work performed by said company for work done oder... trnct of date Apr, ;e0. A. D. bind, Det wee, v id company and the Cion f St. 1':tul for the collection or 6.Thus., d that said company be n titled not to do any work under said enniruct . mAdopted by rho Assembly Mnrell K ""! vena -Df easrs. Bandoleer. Elmquist. Har,, N,Cafferty, Mcm arms., OPpenteim, Nays -Mr. President -l. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen March la -!Mr-. Yeas -Aid. Hfelo ¢berg, Mott, Conley C' , apelnnd, llobn Dearer. Dorniden, Melody. Sam born, Sullivan, Mr. President -1 1. Nays --U. Arvroved March 14, 181`2. lid FNo,:B.',-By Aidthe lokinn th Hasol city That the clock in the tower of the old city hall be removed forthwith exby the City Engineer at n, expense nut sed tx'o he Bred dollars, at placed o the Cleveland school building lathe First nrd. OF THE CITY OI' SA Adoptee by the Board of Aldermen Feb. 2, 1892. Yeus-Ald. Blelenberg, Itott, Conley, Copeland, Cullen, Du Doer. llornfeen. Me- lody. Snn bury, 6ul li nun. Mr. Vice Presi- den D. Adopted by the Assembly March s, 192. Yens --Messrs. Sullied -r, t•Elmquist, Imre, MoCafferty, McNamee, OPpenhelm, Mr. Presitlent N.ye-0. Approved March 10. 189_'. Rd F No. 815 -By Aid. Gehan- Resolved. That an order be drawn upon the city treasury, payable out of the "rens- tfund," for the opening, widening ane extending of Mississippi street, from Grove street to Nash street, fn favor of Ellen Hayse. for the sum of }•2,,513, to r I= to her assessment paid to that amo . on said improvement on lot 3 of block 8, De Bow, Smith, Bisque &. Williams' addition, It having been held by the District Court of Ramsey county ""such property was not aseessable for said Improvement. Adopted by the Board of Alncrme. Feb. 16. IW.L Yeas-Ald. Bi climb g, Hotta Copeland, Dollar, Dorniden, Gehan, Malady, Sulli van. Mr. President -0. Nays -13. Adopted by the Assembly March S. 18!x2. Yeas -Messrs. Banhol're r, Elm"ulst, Has, McCmmirty, Dlc.lamee, Oppenh,im. Mr President -,.N Approved Mmrrh In, 1.12. Bit F No. 819-- Reso�ehayahaththe epproper city officers in"' r tea to eat u e ad d.li-r toe [tote A. Donohue a quitclaim deed of the City of St. Paul to the following described real estate situated In the City of St. Paul, County of Ramsey add State of Minnesota, to'it : Centing at the southeasterly corner El in street)i> d St. Peter atreemruelm l.. in. [hence osterly on a Ilya parallel with the auth- erllyl I ave¢ of surd College a 28'� test; i g thence southerly onn dnig nnl lino until it strikes the easterly line of St. Peter street hit ""Z07" eetfrom the place of beginning; thence northerly along the cincierly line of .aid St. Peter street to the be place of bet in- ning. Said Rose s• A. Donohoe a e xe ting and delivering a deed to the City of St. Paul of III that portion of the following deseriboil real astute lying and being within the lines f College avenue to sed City of St. Paul, described as follows, to -wit: Commencing at the northeasterly Corney' of said College avenue and St. rroet, Petest rumi,g thence westerly on a line parallel with the southerly lint,, of said College nve- a diagonal Ilne ", 11 [strikes sthe easterly live [ St. Yater street 9J feet from the plv.e of beg+efng: thence northerly along a the esterly line o1 St. Peter street to the place ofbeginning. Adop [otl by the Board of Aldermen March 1, 11392. 4 INT PAITL, FOR 1892. 49 Yoas-Ald. Bfelevberg, Holt. Copeland, Dobner, Dorniden, Gahan. Malady. San- born, Suit,,,, Mr. President -10. Nnyn-(3. Ado ted by the Assembly March e. 1882. Yes, -Messrs. Banhol,.er. Enroll, let, H ore, MCC.Rcrty, McNamee. Oppenheim, Mr. Preatdent-.. Nay s -n. Approved March I0. 18W. W. I'. MURRAY, President of the Assembly. President of theOI'.ourd of ha.l "I.. Vice Pmsidont ofTthte Board of Aldermen. Tilos. A. Pro's oemlAST, City Clerk. March OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. Of Resolution Adopted by the Coru- nron Council of the City of St. Paul. ".F ' hIJ- It. is liereby ordered by the Common Coun- cil of the City of St. Paul: f etit oat tile kter, Adewalkr of eon the eastgablei. Delaware nv •nue between Buker street ' nd Annapolis trect be. and the sane is hereby rtferrt•ds to the Huard of Public Narks to inccstigl. and report: Is this Improvernent proper and neces- deryP If so, sand tilt Cmine11 a proper or- r directing the work to be done. Adopted by the As,om bly Mvreh 8, 1882. Ycas--Messrs. 13nnbolxer. Elmyyulst. H.m, McCatrerty, McNamee. O pponlrtlm. DI r. President --4, Nuys -0. Adopted by the Board of Alderman ,)lure. 15. 1811 Yeas -Alt. I;ie lenllerk�, Rott. Conley, Copeland. Dobvcr. Durnitl •n, 31eln,y. Sun- burn, Sullivan. Mr. President --SO. Nays -0. Approved March 19, lslk2. A'y F No. 514 --By Mr. Banhulz 1 - Ra, of cd. Tb t William Schnrnsttin be, ledleis h av_by ttad to move his ,cul s vtluea toe�Iou flirts.. some, to Bates swine•, near the intersection o1 said Hudson • venue. upon complying with all tile ordinunccs of ilio City of 9L. Paul. Adopted by the A.-rsomhly Dturch 8. 189..". Y.Hure,a.\ICCs gm ay. McNtionce. O� ie itf eimt, Mr. Ire al lent -t. Naps --0. Ad pied by the Board of Aldermen Dllt 15, IS92. Yealu s -A Id. Ber. Dor lid BMul Con lay, Copeland. Bobber. Dorniden, Malady, San- born. Sullivan. Dir. President -IU. -nays--0. APProrcd DDta•h 19-189]. Bill F No. int --By Aid. Dorniden- Itesolved. That an order be edro wn in fa- r 1 the Board It Control, payable t of the "Board of Control fund," for the aI of 51.MI. 2, being the city's ..e -third of the expendltum of said Board In muin- 50 PROCEEDINGS OF THE C(111IDION C)U'NCIL talciingthe city still county 1:0, Atal, alms departm ntp d _rink toe and if Februf ars.ISv2. Adopted by the Buurd of Aldermen March 15, 189?. Yeas -Aid. Blelerber . Bort. Curley, San- born, Sulli'll., bit BPr".0olub-f 10. San - Nuys -0. Adopted by the Assembly Murch -2. Islr-'. Yeas -Messrs. E lmquisC..11ura olcCuf_ forty, McNamee, Oppenhernl, Mr. 1'rl'si- dert-6. Appa. Approved March 25, IBU'_. Bd F No. 855 -By Aid. ILIcll'nberR- It is hereby e rdered by till' Common Council of the City of fill .St. 1'nul: wT'at tile ooden sidewalk A oriiattvr ,the1 egst side ifta lar ford street from b'ront street W the Northern Pacitic raihrny. be r nl the inime is hereby referred W tor_ Iluurlol' Public Works to 1 ... stigate and r Port: Is this improvement Proper and ncces order directingtill! nnd ile ork to be ol.yu proper Adopted by the Board of Altlermen March 15, 189'2. C Yeas --Aid. Bielenberg. Bort, ordeY. Sanborn.Sulllivan. Mr.Presufluid. Definer, D.rnidrcIntu. Sloelady. Ad.p . Alantol by the Asscmniy Murch 2_', Is9-'. Yeats -"Messrs. Elmquist, Hare, McCutl'cr- ty. McNateee, DPPe.he!m. Mr. President -6. Nays -0. Approved Murch -<, 18W'. struct a sewer on Portland evenue, from Avon street to %'leteein Street, and on \"iCtOrin street burn I tlrtland .yeah, W Leslie avenue, in Said city, together• with then ury catch-bnslus and re-fill-les, aid .wc ring to be done under one con- tract. That said hoard cause said work W be o cout fill - ,out �s t ic-lialfnt the estimateas provided d cosi being first paid Into the city treasury. and after ,sidcontract said tflourd t Audi proceedwodeithoutdelay W assess the a roe at. as nenrty us •they ascertain till soe. which 111 be - qm uiredte pay the costs Still necessary ex- penses of sitch improvemem upon file sal estuto to he be ictito by staid Im- pruvemC.m,usprovided by law; t being tom _pinion of the Council that real estate to be uSscssod for such ImP-oyomenL moa be found benefited to the extent of the costS and e'pen", necessary to be In- curred thereby. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen "lurch 15. I`1'2- Yen. !r2. YensA Id. Bielenberg, Bott, C_nloy, Copeland . lli-n. Mr.tPrrlside'nt �IO.udY Nays -U. YeaItC\fessrs1iN:lrns,turi�lt' (I uytr, McCnfPcr- ty, McN.meC, Clppenheim, Afr. ProsidenL N.Y.-O. Approre. )larch Zia 18!1x. lid F No. Kt5-By A ft Dobner- It is hereby ordered by the Common Coun- •-I of the City of St. Paul: That the matter o[ placing a sixtoof ty. McNamee. OPPenhcim. Nay's --0. Approved March tLi. 18W. ild F No. 1174- In the matter of the Report of Low Iioard Of Public Works. Aaud "lurch IU. Is!r2. It Is hereby ordered by the COmmon Council Of the. City Of SI. Paul: That the hoard of Public Works of said City of St. Paul •ruse file following im- provements to be ands. "it: Con- Bid F No. 859 -By Ald. Dobner- ItIs hereby ordered by the Common Co.._ ell of the City of St. Paul: That the atter of groding Charles street. from the right of way of the Mtnne- sota Transfer Railway company to Hamp- den avenue. be, and Lhe same Is hereby referred to Lbe Board 11 Public Works to investieste and report. First --Is this improvement proper and ""V Second--Give the Council an estimate of th�one-halfnse ofthe cast thereof ereof, and tlsoto be whepaid OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. FOR 1892. 51 into the city treasury before the contract is let. Third -Lon real estate to be assessed for said improvement be found benefited to the extent of damages, costs unci expenses nec- essary to be incurred thereby` Fourth --Is such Improvement asked for upon the petition or application of the Owners of a majority of the property to be assessed for suchtprove ent`. Fifth --Send the Council a plan or profile of said improvement, as required by law, if you report in favorer the same. Sixth --Send the Council a proper order directing the work to he done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Yeas -Ala. Rle.lenhDor Bort, ConleMel.dy, Sanborn., DUurnfden, Mcludy, Sanborn. Sullivan,ivnn. Mr. Yr-idbnt--10. Nays U. Adopted by'the Assembly Mnrgi 22, 1892, Yeas -Messrs. Elmqmst, Here, McCaf- ferty, McNamee. Oppenheim. Mr. I'resi- dent It. Nays -0. Approved March 25,18V2. Bd F No. 860 --By Aid. Dobner-- It Is hereby ordered by the Common Cecil 11 of the City of St. Paul: That the matter of placing n crosswalk over Keeton street, on the north side of Bourne strc et. be, and the same is hereby referred to the Hoard of I'u blit Works to Investigate and report: Is this improvement proper and neces ary? If so. send the Council a proper or der directing the work to be done. Adopted by the Buflrd of Aldermou March 15, hi Yeas-Ald. Bielenberg, Rott, Conley. C_pehtnd. Dobner, terrible.. Melody. San- born. Sullivan. Mr. President -10. Nays -0. Adopted by tom Assembly Jtureb, 189:. Yeas -Messrs. Elmyulst. Hare, McCaf- ferty,McNamee, Oppenheim, Mr. Presl- de.t-6. Nays -0. Approved Maeh P5, 1891. Bd F No. 861 -By Aid. Bielenberg- It is hereby ordered by the Common Coun- dI of the City of St. Pam: That the matter of erecting and tui ring three gasoline lamps un the west side of Rice street, botwoen Mar)land streetundthe Northern Pacific Its i lway crossing, be, and the same Is hereby r ferred W the Board of Publle Works to in- vest)ggate and report: Is dols improvernent proper and neces- sary% It o. send the Council a proper or der dl rutting the work to be done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Murch 15, 1802. Ycns-All. Bielenberg. Bo. t. Conley, Copeland, llobner, Dorniden. Melody, Sanborn. Sulllivun. Mr. Prestdent.-10. Nay's -J. Adopt vd by the Assembly March N. 18912. Yeas -Messrs. Elmyulst, Hare, N. forty, McNamee, (lppen hal m- Air. Yresl- dr-6. Nays- 0. Approved Muret 25, 189.2. ,deed by the Common Coun- ty of St. Paul: atter of laying crosswalks on Grotto street, across Ed- be- :Ind the same Is hereby e Board of Public Works to .Id report: overlent proper End neCCe- end oils. Cannell a proper or- Ihe work to be done. y the Board of Aldermen Bielenberg. Butt, Cenley. Dorniden, Malady, San- o, Mr. President -10. Adopted by till' Asssembly March 22, 1592. Yeas -Messrs. Elmquist, Hare, McCaf- ferty, McNamee, Oppenheim, Mr. Priced- 'fell i. Nuys. Approved March E, 1892. III FNo. 8113 -By Aid. Bielenberg- It is hereby ordered by the Common Coun- I, of the Cicy of St. Paul: Ther the mutter _t'erectfugand tainingeght gasoline, lamps on Auro main - uvea it, and Folle, Street, between Dale and Victoria streets south, be, ..it the same is hereby- referred to the Board of P illi • t5'orks to invesligato and report: Is chis fin pruvement proper nod neces- sary:• If so, send the Council a proper or- der dirbuthur the work to be done. Adoptedby the Board of Aldermen March 15. 1 S2. Yeas-Ald. Bielenberg. Batt, Conley, Copeland, Dobner. llorniden. Malady, Sanhoe. Sullivan, Mr. President -30. NAdopay,. ted by the Assembly March 22, 1892. Yeas-Messre. ElmquL t, Hare, McCaf. ferty, McNamee, Oppenheim, Mr. Pres - Approved Murcb'_5, 1892 lid F No. 8(4 - Resolved. That city orders be drawn up. on the city treasury, payable out of the "school fund." in favor of the following - persons for the amount set opposite to their respective names: John J. Cullen. *18. Adopt,•d by the Board of Aldermen March 75, 18p2. Yearn Aid. Bielenberg, ,Bell.Mal Conley,, San- born. Sullivan, Dobner. Dresden, Malady, San- born. SulMr, President -10. Nuys -11. Adopted by the Assembly March 22, 1891 C.f. 1ty, McNamee E peen t, Hare, M rosf- ferty, McNamee, Oppenheim, Mr. Preai- dent-6. Nays --0. Approved March 25, 1ISR2. Bd F No. tons - Resolved, That city orders be drawn upon the city treasury, pavable out of the genpersonal nthe amountopposite favor et of t followinghe t s. for their respective names: s wooden sidewalk ca the north side o Hewitt avenue, from Ham, ine avenue to Syndicate avenue (Petition attached), be. Bd F No. 851'i -By Aid. Bil'lCn be rR- IL is Hereby ordered by the Common and the same i hereby referred to the Hoard of Public Works to Investigate and Council of rho City. f St. Poul: report: That file matter of (,tying un eight -tout Is this improvement proper and neces- ale..rdewulk r the nth side of 1 ssr-1 If so, send the Council a proper or "Itinnelruiru street, between Wcsh•rn use- r dlrecLin the work t0 be done. Per Uy ole and Arundel strut, as per 'tetiticit s her, an tlett( t%ferred the Board of Aldermen f Marco 15, i81r2. b to8file Rend Public Works ]"eland,, d. Bielenberg, Cooley, V) investigate and report: . Mel "'oPeland, Dobner, Uornideri. Melody. San - Is this fn. vement trOper and rmces- pro I surv7 If so, send rile Council u proper horn. Sullrvnn, Mr. President --]0. Nays --0. Ord direuti.g the work t.0 be dung. Adopted by the Assembly "lurch ^" 1892. Adopted Uy the Board of Aldermen yeas -Messrs. Elmquist, Hare. McC'af- "fan:h 15, 389:. fertS. Mc, since. Oppentetm.Mr. President Yeas -Aid. Ricleuberg, Bott, Cooley, eland,Irolady' - 1V Nays. Santo It.� Sullllivan,r\1'. Prelude Apprm-ed hl arch 25. 18fe. Na3s Adopted by the Assenbly "birch -'2 1x9'2, _ ty. McNamee. OPPenhcim. Nay's --0. Approved March tLi. 18W. ild F No. 1174- In the matter of the Report of Low Iioard Of Public Works. Aaud "lurch IU. Is!r2. It Is hereby ordered by the COmmon Council Of the. City Of SI. Paul: That the hoard of Public Works of said City of St. Paul •ruse file following im- provements to be ands. "it: Con- Bid F No. 859 -By Ald. Dobner- ItIs hereby ordered by the Common Co.._ ell of the City of St. Paul: That the atter of groding Charles street. from the right of way of the Mtnne- sota Transfer Railway company to Hamp- den avenue. be, and Lhe same Is hereby referred to Lbe Board 11 Public Works to investieste and report. First --Is this improvement proper and ""V Second--Give the Council an estimate of th�one-halfnse ofthe cast thereof ereof, and tlsoto be whepaid OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. FOR 1892. 51 into the city treasury before the contract is let. Third -Lon real estate to be assessed for said improvement be found benefited to the extent of damages, costs unci expenses nec- essary to be incurred thereby` Fourth --Is such Improvement asked for upon the petition or application of the Owners of a majority of the property to be assessed for suchtprove ent`. Fifth --Send the Council a plan or profile of said improvement, as required by law, if you report in favorer the same. Sixth --Send the Council a proper order directing the work to he done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Yeas -Ala. Rle.lenhDor Bort, ConleMel.dy, Sanborn., DUurnfden, Mcludy, Sanborn. Sullivan,ivnn. Mr. Yr-idbnt--10. Nays U. Adopted by'the Assembly Mnrgi 22, 1892, Yeas -Messrs. Elmqmst, Here, McCaf- ferty, McNamee. Oppenheim. Mr. I'resi- dent It. Nays -0. Approved March 25,18V2. Bd F No. 860 --By Aid. Dobner-- It Is hereby ordered by the Common Cecil 11 of the City of St. Paul: That the matter of placing n crosswalk over Keeton street, on the north side of Bourne strc et. be, and the same is hereby referred to the Hoard of I'u blit Works to Investigate and report: Is this improvement proper and neces ary? If so. send the Council a proper or der directing the work to be done. Adopted by the Buflrd of Aldermou March 15, hi Yeas-Ald. Bielenberg, Rott, Conley. C_pehtnd. Dobner, terrible.. Melody. San- born. Sullivan. Mr. President -10. Nays -0. Adopted by tom Assembly Jtureb, 189:. Yeas -Messrs. Elmyulst. Hare, McCaf- ferty,McNamee, Oppenheim, Mr. Presl- de.t-6. Nays -0. Approved Maeh P5, 1891. Bd F No. 861 -By Aid. Bielenberg- It is hereby ordered by the Common Coun- dI of the City of St. Pam: That the matter of erecting and tui ring three gasoline lamps un the west side of Rice street, botwoen Mar)land streetundthe Northern Pacific Its i lway crossing, be, and the same Is hereby r ferred W the Board of Publle Works to in- vest)ggate and report: Is dols improvernent proper and neces- sary% It o. send the Council a proper or der dl rutting the work to be done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Murch 15, 1802. Ycns-All. Bielenberg. Bo. t. Conley, Copeland, llobner, Dorniden. Melody, Sanborn. Sulllivun. Mr. Prestdent.-10. Nay's -J. Adopt vd by the Assembly March N. 18912. Yeas -Messrs. Elmyulst, Hare, N. forty, McNamee, (lppen hal m- Air. Yresl- dr-6. Nays- 0. Approved Muret 25, 189.2. ,deed by the Common Coun- ty of St. Paul: atter of laying crosswalks on Grotto street, across Ed- be- :Ind the same Is hereby e Board of Public Works to .Id report: overlent proper End neCCe- end oils. Cannell a proper or- Ihe work to be done. y the Board of Aldermen Bielenberg. Butt, Cenley. Dorniden, Malady, San- o, Mr. President -10. Adopted by till' Asssembly March 22, 1592. Yeas -Messrs. Elmquist, Hare, McCaf- ferty, McNamee, Oppenheim, Mr. Priced- 'fell i. Nuys. Approved March E, 1892. III FNo. 8113 -By Aid. Bielenberg- It is hereby ordered by the Common Coun- I, of the Cicy of St. Paul: Ther the mutter _t'erectfugand tainingeght gasoline, lamps on Auro main - uvea it, and Folle, Street, between Dale and Victoria streets south, be, ..it the same is hereby- referred to the Board of P illi • t5'orks to invesligato and report: Is chis fin pruvement proper nod neces- sary:• If so, send the Council a proper or- der dirbuthur the work to be done. Adoptedby the Board of Aldermen March 15. 1 S2. Yeas-Ald. Bielenberg. Batt, Conley, Copeland, Dobner. llorniden. Malady, Sanhoe. Sullivan, Mr. President -30. NAdopay,. ted by the Assembly March 22, 1892. Yeas-Messre. ElmquL t, Hare, McCaf. ferty, McNamee, Oppenheim, Mr. Pres - Approved Murcb'_5, 1892 lid F No. 8(4 - Resolved. That city orders be drawn up. on the city treasury, payable out of the "school fund." in favor of the following - persons for the amount set opposite to their respective names: John J. Cullen. *18. Adopt,•d by the Board of Aldermen March 75, 18p2. Yearn Aid. Bielenberg, ,Bell.Mal Conley,, San- born. Sullivan, Dobner. Dresden, Malady, San- born. SulMr, President -10. Nuys -11. Adopted by the Assembly March 22, 1891 C.f. 1ty, McNamee E peen t, Hare, M rosf- ferty, McNamee, Oppenheim, Mr. Preai- dent-6. Nays --0. Approved March 25, 1ISR2. Bd F No. tons - Resolved, That city orders be drawn upon the city treasury, pavable out of the genpersonal nthe amountopposite favor et of t followinghe t s. for their respective names: s PRucEED1N(;S OF THE COMMON COUNCIL B. Stassen. $1110; Henry Galvin, j49; P. C. Lutz, $114.00. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen March 15, 1892. Yev'—Ald. Bielenberg. Bott, Conley, borrn, Sndili an. Mr.r wide, Ill.laay. 5nn- Nnys-0. ]ewe t\feissrst1el ^lmduiabt'3 Barel -MCCof [erty, McNamee, Oupeneinl, Mr. Treat n dent-6. Noy' -0. Approved March ?L. 11J2, Bd F No, Resmvod. That an alder be di:.wn "poli the city treasury. 'r? — able ,at of we n _, ; eat fund, in Inver oI tho foliowp, usiite t persons, Tor the u se o to their respective nu e': Dale S Bumgardner, sF.stimate No. 2, Rrnding Stl ckney' street,Nicholas F. to, Estlmnto No. 4. Spr3nkli nR District No.. 87S9.Ki: Nf-rotas Feyem F-stimn to Ivo. 4. Sprinkling District No. 4, SI.N4.I,: Nickolas Feyen, EstimateSprinkling District No. S. ,6I.',.:tA: Nicholas eyel:stt mate No. 4, Sprinkling District No. p1,5t Addoo tell by the Iioanl of Aldermen Dl arch ts, ISW. Yens --Aid. Bielenberg. )Sell, Conley. COPelaSul11, nD1r lF�resid nt \(lltady, Snn koro, Nuys —oAd.. YcvsttMesthsrse Elmyufsi. DBare. McCtai- ferty. McNamee,o 0pPn h etre, Dir. Pre i- dent�6. Apr -0. Appproved Mardi 2v. lane. Ba F No. S67— Reeolved, That city order, be drawn upon the city treasury, payable out of the, ,o'er food. " in favor of he folio"' _ I ,l per- son, ofor the o cunt set opposite to \V rLheir yy ve n.eJ. fiP restonmEstima[e No. 1. sever on Minnehaks street. $212.50. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen March 15. 189 2. Yeas--Ald. Bielenberg, [tell. Conley, Copeland. Dobner. Dormaen. Jl clad}. Suv- her,, Su Ibvan. Mr. President -1f1. Nays. Adopted by the Assembly. Min _ March ' 189',f.Yeas--Dlesers. Eimyuiat, hare, DlcCaf- ferty, McNamee. opPentlstill. Mr. Presi- dent --6. Nays -0. Approved March 2J, laJ_. Bd F No. BGS --By Aid. Copeland-- it isi hereby City of Std the ('ommon Coun- t That the matter of confliistructing n c ,s w alk on both sides of Rose oro -' Edgerton street, be, antl [he an is here h}' ireferred tonvestigate rood Bo port:( Puhtic ts to I6 this improvement Proper and nece ear} If so, end the Council v proper or directing the work to be done. Adapted by the Board of Aldermen \!arch 15, 1992. Butt, Cotyle Yeas—Ald. Bielenberg, San, Copeland. Dobner, Dorniden. Melody, born, Sullivan. Mr. Prrehlont-10. Nays --0. Adopted by the A,aembly March .x2, 199'-r. lens—Messrs. Ellm,luisHere e- cCid ferty, MCName e, ppenheim dent—ri. Niiy,—fl. Approved March 2,. P02. Bd F No. sNi9--By Aid. Copelund— It is hereby- ordered by the Common Couv- •il of Ike Cdy Tf Ona hat the matteor of na eight ,81 foot wood- side=k on the west side of Lnfa}•otte •, Irou, Otsego reet t the right f a`oynor` me ,rent Nor Bern qo ley, be, and the same is in ore referred M the Board of Public Works to lav eeti—to and report. e. Ix this imm proveent -proper .d P— a ,r I „ 'e d tl,e Connell a order directing the „ rk to be done. Adopted h the Board of Aldermen Ji:irel, ]i, IF'J }'ens—Aid. flue, herK, Holl. Conley. Soohoo. Dobner. D11-idm Dlulndy. ,b,rrn, Sullivan, JI r. 11—]0. S:N ay (" \d,ptp(I by the A,semhly Murch V. 11tH. Yeas—JI"se rs. Elnnloi-t. I7«rc, McCnf- ferly. M,Ns"I • ()ppenncire, Mr. Presl- den (1. Nay, -0. Approved Mulch 25, IS92. Bd F No. S70-131 Ald. CoPelood— ILishereh- order,, by the Common Coun- ,':I el Ill. City or St. Paul: '!'hat the mailer oI R'radiing alley rn block No. I of Arlington hills dattme. ba twee. 1'aynd n nv real, ad Greenbrlor. nv • uo, be. sad the e , hereby' relerrednI the ISoard of I'tublic \Yorks to in, entigate and r --Is this imia'o,'ement Proper and n Set od—Give the Council an estimate of the c "'e thereof. and ,Lute wit: ether e hail oi" the cost thereof i, to be paid Into tti0 city treasury' before'the contract et. said Third --Carl real t'aba foune to d benessed tlted Ior to thede 'roof dant ages, cost and "'pens be "m y to be incurred thereby` n jeourLh--Is ouch improvement n Iced for upon Lhe pet i tionor applicatlorl or the own- ers of n majority of the property to be as- sessed for sucb imProrement` Fifth—Send the Council a plan or plotlie of said imp+r.-me ,l favor of the sa need by law. If you six b --Send the Councu a properorder directing 3110 -4 to be done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen \lurch I5, 1 .. n Seas—Aidd. liiclenberg, Bot[, (Jolu y snobtrn.n.l Sullilutn,rMr! Pre—len. re dent- l0. lady, Nay's—U. Adopted by the Assembly March J_r. la7_,. 1"ens--Mears. L•Imovist, Hare, McCaf- ferty. McNumee. Oppenheim. M r. President li. Naps— 0. Apprcyed March 45, 1118. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1892. lid F No. 871—BY 'old. M,-lad,y— nlRl lollved,l That Hre,t ity utt kni ineerr bili on 't on ltobie st reet� t coal Ecu t IitV;ibuIlia street to Concord .. Aa,pl•a by thle, BIue:,rd of Aldermen \-eus—Ald. Bb.leoberg, 13,41, Cont:-•, c,pelaad. D'Oul'- lhr,W n, Dbdady, Sanborn. Solli,'nlr, Mr. Preaid,•n t-10. Nuys -11. Adolrted by the :\,-embly Marin 22, Ia02. Yens DiMNarn""Eit,„IIII.I. Ila 1331 r. DI"i: f- re,ty I,pcul, I bu, dem-6. Noys—o. Approved Marc 1: _l�lali2. lid F Nc a7"—] . ty C'cPelaml— lt.l,ereb}-ordered h3, the Cco once Ccoo- T•'l,f the GI11',1 `it. 1'o„1: l :a tae, ter.de :arnmingn :Ik 1 lSr. so: et. ci, the ,olio �'Idc cf r::i loumord ayyo ue 1,e. i, hereby referred t„ IIIc Bcnra cf 1'uhli" \Ycrks t, Io,""Wail ind re nor[: 1.16If y::lrr ill tl,il tit Lol.... l...... r rvle/dir �1InF Iht ,'k to be d,oe. Adcpin•dt hythe hoard If Aldel alto Dlar�b Ycu,—AId. Bie leo b, rg, licit, t'c,1,y, CcpehtnAv Dohr„.r, Ilcrniden. Mclm ly. Snnlrorn..'u Ilia, n, Df r. 1'rusidu i,l—Jn. Adcpted by tl:p :\,.+e:ob1Y. Dl rch _'. l':,IIaJ Yea_Nle„rs. I•:lonlni,t. Iabre. J1,•'- fertY, DfcNnnme, O,Ix•o IIcin,, Mr. Pre,i- deol-6. No yl 11. Appro ye,l Dl:tre 1, Rdh' Nc. 57.1— Itcadl ,L Thal -1,Y order, be draw:: up c : the city tre,,:' l— payable out cit' tt IIe full,l,vioR-In•u al,of fo A f io fever of IIe ner,,,n,, „r ll:o a,n,,ot .ii,•hl000irre-'reef m defy, Iflr�l ,n:tr,.i:l: i, 11, 44r3`'ti it: Il"o,'. +,: \YciIT \ Lehlmo, o. "11: .loco \1'agncr, oil,. Ad,p15 by IIIc Board c[ Aldern,o DJ arc 1, 15, lad. 1-ups—Altl. Itieluo IIe rg. Iictt, ('coley. Copeland, Dcbne r, .11—i ,o yleludy, Sunburn, Sullivan, Jl r. I'resideot.-10. Adypted by the \" mbly loath '^'. 1,112. Yen,--Jlc,s, . I:Iln,llris t. Imre, ld,('al'- fert3-, Mc\amee. Oppen helm, )Jr. Presi- dent—(i. Nay, --0. Approved M. -Il ::i, 11W. Rd F No. 174—By Ald. Cop,•lund- 1te„ll,ed, Thal the Clt}' 1:ngi m•er be ;Lod is hereby In,t rueteli bn noti 1'y th"Cllleagc, St. Alo 1. Jl bit elip,iin t (all a1: Il,c to const rout, wiLIIcnt ,!,•lay,:1 ol,rk! ., their riRiit cfu nl'�nyoe it v,moe. rdur� i h :i Ino :tgreeoie rel idgy• t'itJ' of S[. Ylol� re htti v,� u, the hridgiog of ,t rept.. Adopted by the Board ,f Aldermen Mare 1, 15, IS!r2. Yeas—Ald. Bielenberg, lion. Conley, Copeland. Dobner. Dorniden, Melady,. 9aohora. Sullivan NIr. President—]0. Nuys -0. Adopted by the A,­nlbly March 22, 1892. 7'e:w—Mpa,re. Elco uist, Hare, MCCnf- fert) M,Nunlee. Ovenheinl, Mr. Prosi. dent -6. I Nuys -O. Approvud MI 1i 25. 1SJ2. lid k' No. S7!H It}' id. Dornid,v it 1. here II,, o der,d by Lha ConJnton C,u ncil of LII,- City of SI. Paul: J'h:tt. ibe :iiattur cf e,—tructiug a cros,- irulk ,n the we,i aid" oP IJousmxn ,tree[. Ii:t,: ill ,t n•, -L, he ,all lIIo v n b, i�� ii'•�•y r,, • ,d t„ Inc Board of P: blic \1',rks t o invent ma to and report: 1, !.his ioiprd,tw oe pro or and noue-e- u the CounolI v proper order dine B no, M,• iecrk W be done. na,nted y the owra or Alderman Jl arch 1:,, Ill_.b 1"can—Abd. Iiili—berg. Rat, Conley. ('cpcln nd, Bob nor. Iyumidcn. Die Aft, y, Suoborn, Sulliy;in. JI r. p,,e id"ut—lo. \dcplpd lr,' the :\ssem hly Dfaruh _2, 18021.Bure,e (':10'erl.Y. JiaN uu:"u, llppeul,ei vi, Dir. Pros- arot--,. Nxy,-0. App_-] Dl:trcl, '!i. In9'_'. Ikl F No. ,K J By Aid. Dorniden— It i, Inrehy ,tyle red by the Common Council of t he Cil, or St. Paul: 'Chat the umtter of uo tting u uros,- alk, tie d: aid�ofCasets„do. strur t. " �rUul:(11�t cut, t,c adht• a is •he ', by f.. ,v11 the lie: rI or Public \Y,rhs t, i ,ve,tignte and report: Is bi, imp ro,c:oeot proper -1 II' nd :ho ('otinetllte proper cr, le-1111-etit n�� toe ,acrlt to lw dnoe. Ad -1 by , . Bowra ,r Amerman Sall Soil—lo, Mr. President—le Adopted by the Assembly Mn -1,22. 1802. Yens - Mursr,. Elm,luist. Hare, McCatror- ty. McN.lae Oppenoel at. DS r. President Na3' Appr,vud Merch 25. ]Sit. fid F N., NSI—By Aid. Dorniden— It. i. b, ­ be ordered by the Common Cctl neil cit' ibe l'rty cf St. Yao l: That Lhe rot Iter of r,,, ata etlnE a t• rss- 'alk Au .tre t. Goodhue stn•et, ire and Ill, ,a me is hereby referred to the Board cf Public Works to investi- gato null report: Is t his ire pr,rement proper •Ind arees- ­ad the Council a Proper r direct io,r he work to be done. oAIJrr 1, I,5TT-d , the Board of Aldermen Mo , 119_. V,cu,--Aid. Bielenberg, li,tt, C'onldY. Ci .eland. J1,1 , Dorniden. Metay, Sanhoru, Sullivan, DI r. !'resident --10. Nuys --0. 51 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COLrNCII, Adopted by the As,embl}}• March 23, 18!r2. es Yeas-Msrs. EldelufstIT are, MrCuffer ty, Me Nemec, Oppeuh,&. Nle President -6. Nays -0. Approved blareh ffi, 1S02. Bd 1'. No. ASS -By Ali]. Dorniden- It is' hereby ords"A lz the Cn ommo Cotnuil of the Cit, of St. Pani: That the maticr of ceni,t'n"tiou u erosS- walk to Celial o street. across Grucc street, be and t he sump is hereby reterred to the Board of Public \\'arks to !"Vesti- gate and report: Isthis improvement. 1 open and neces- sary? If s send the Council a proper order directing the work [o he done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen March 15, 1PU2. Yeas-AIU. llieleube rg. Butt, Conley, SriUorn. Sullivan. \Ir11Pmsident-d0.d} Nnys-U. Passed by the Assembly )larch 32, 1S?2. Y sus-Me„rs. Ehm,.Nt. Hnre. 11cGip'cry ty. McNamee, Oppeahofm. Df r. Presidclit -6. Nays -0. Approved Dl arch 25, ts!r'. Ycas-Messrs. Elmquiet, Hnre, McCaf- ferty -6.. McNamee, Oppenheim:11 , r. Pres,- dent Nuys -0. Approved Marah.15, 18W. Bit F No' SSG-By Aid Simborn- It. is hereby ordered by the Common Coun- cil of the. City of St. Azul: 'list ties matter of constructing n cross. walk on itis west side of Kent :treat. ot-rowalk the alis , to block '15 of Mackubin & Mile,hall'a it dition to St. Paul, Ice, and the flame to hereby referred to the Board Of I, this, improvement ements to i esuiroutoand ntdnlcceS- nry'., lr so, send tied Count❑ a proper or- der directing the work to be done. Adcpted byv the Buurd of Aldermen Murch lie. ]P2. \-ccs-Aid. Bielenimrg, Botf, Cunlay. Stillborn, Sullivan. Mr. I'-blebt-101ady, athe Asembly Murch 1812. Y,.DsdassrE t, Hare.M- ferty. McNamee, O111s,ohernbMMcCaf- d r, Ny-0 Apsove. d 3larch'J5. 18V. • lid 1' No. SS7-By' Ald. SLLnborn- Bd F No. Sr;f--By A Id. Bot(-- It is hereby ordered by the Common Coun- ell of the City of 6t. Paul; It La hereby ordered by Ole ('Dolmen Cou n. 'that the matter of constructing a sewer •11 of the y of 5[. Paul: on victoria treat, between Laurel avenue That themutter ofconstructlog wooden rosswalks acus, Hofim:ui n cone, ep Ix.•. the and Ashlond .venue, had between Hague nt'enue and Selby ae en e, to accordance both sides of East Sixth street. end lu the BDnrd of with the attached petition, be. and the same ishereby referred Public works In fnvextfgnJe end ream•[: gun,a is hereby referred to the Board of llc Works to investigate and report: Is this improvement p(1Oper t ld nlCees- Ftrst-ls this Improvement proper and wary? if so, sand the lieu veil h proper be done. necessary. order directing the work to Adopted bey the Board of Aidertneu Second -Give the Council an estimate of the expense thereof, and state whetherone- March l5. 1SJ. Yeas-Aid. Iriclenbprg, Mott, Conley. half of the Cost thereof fa to bo pard I.' to let. Y'_ Copelutrd, DDbner. Dorniden, 31elLLdy, Srtu- thThiN LCan renlbeatnLetto heoasspssed born. Sullivan. Mr. Pre,idmtt-lit. said tmava fircnt be found benefited to the Nays. Adopted by the Assembly Murch ?2. 18W. extent of dam LLges, costs and expenses arc nagns.ea yeas -Messrs. Elimillbt, utire, McCaf' to be thereby: ,•.Fmirtob such improvement asked for t rty. MeN umce, Oppenhptni. Mr. Presi- upon the petition ornpplicatlon of the own - dent -6. r,11 o majorlLp of the property to be as- Naps-0.� Approved -5, leJ'L, sewed for such improvement'.' ,March': Fifth -Send the Council u plan or profile by law, It - o1 said improvement, as required j you report in favor o[ the same Bd F No. S34 -By At(]. Sanborn- Sixth --Send the Council a proper order directing the work to be done. adopted by the Board of Aldermen March It Is hereby ordered by the COm moll Court- ell of the City of St. You{;IPt}-. Bott, Conley. That the cc.'e1 of constructing eros,- \'chs -Aid. Bielenberg. Copeland. Dobner, Durant- San walks n South side e1 I.Ineoln hvcuue SL. Alhans Mindy, born, Sullivan. Mr. President- -til. across Dole street. and Street is hereby referred ut the .Nays--.. be. and the same Public \Yorks ID fnve,tfgnte and Ado P[ed b'the Assembly March Board of repport: Ie this improvement Proper and n -'s- Cf- Y cos--ylessrs. Elmwui bei Ha \I r. rr,yYresi- forty. Nb Namec. Oppen ary? If So. send the Co toed a proper or- dont--0. dor ltristing the work to be done. Adopted by the. Ikiartl of Aldermen Nuys -u. Approved if arch?:., IS92. March lb, 1993. Yeas -Aid. Biolpnberg. Batt. Conley, -- ' Copeland, DDbner• Durmden, Mel:uly, Mr. PreAdent-10. Bd F 10 18P -By Aid. Sent Santwto, Sullivan, it It is hereby ordered by the Common Coun- Adopted by the Assembly \tarclt °'L, tt,J'?. ell of the City of S[. Paul: OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1891. 55 That the mutter of grading the alley in Second -Give the Council an estimate of block three of Summit Park addition, to St. the expense thereof, and state whether Paul be. and the same is hereby referred to the Board of Public Works to investigate one-half of the cost thereof is to be paid into the city treasury before the contract is and report: let. First -Is this improvement proper ;ind necessary? Third --Can real estate;to be assessed for s id improvement be found benefited to Second -Give the Council a estimate of the expense thereof. and scute whinier one lite extent of damages, costs and expenses necessn y to be incurred thereby, half of the cont thereof e, to be pato i to the city treasury before the contract is let. Fourth -Is such improvement asked for upon the petition or application of the we Third -Can real estate to be assessed fur s of a majority of the property to be as forsuch improvement be found benefited to Se+fled for such improvement`. the extent of damages, costs and expenses Fifth --Send the Council a plan or profile necessary to be incurred [hereby` of said improvement, as required by law, if Fourth-ls such nneprovenlent asked for upon the petition or application of the own- you report in favor of the same. Six[h--Send Got Council a proper order ars of a mujori ty of the property to be as directing the work to be done. Scssed for such improvement? Fifth -Send the Council a plan or profile Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Murch 15. IsW. of said improvement n, vena led ley law. If Ye s--Ald. Bielenitere. Bott, Conley, yon report to facer of the s me. na Copeland. Dobner. Dorniden. Melody, San Sixth -Sent) the Council proper order direct ice the work in be, done. born, Sullivan. Me President --IU. Nuys -L. Adopted by the hoard of Aldermen March Adopted by the :Issein March 22, 112'. 75, Yeas Aid. Bielenberg, Bott. Conley, Yeun--Dlansrs. Elmnatist. Hare. McCaf- forty, Mi N.mee, Oppenheim, Mr, President Copeland. Dobner, Data ,dOn, Mr.mly. Sau- -6. born, Sullivan, Mr. President --10. Nuys -o. Nuys I Arproved March 25. 1X99. Adopted by the Assembly March ,L, ISW. W. P. MnllitA Y, Yeas -Messrs. Elmeluist, Hare. Mct'hf- tarty, McNamee. Opponhefm, Mr. Pr St Pr-fdont r,f the Assembly. O. O. Cabbed, dent -(t Nays -o. !'resident of the Board of Aldermen. Tilos. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk. Approved March 2.�, IS!". March '18. IldFNo. 849 -By Aid. Sanboni- OFFICIAL PURLICATH)N It is hereby ordered by the Coalition Coun- cil of the City of St. Paul: That the matter of the petition of .I. L. --- Forepuugh and others for the construction Of ]resolution Adopted by the C, of a wooden Sidewalk on [he north nide of 'tit' n Coaneil of the City of ht. i'aul. Hague avenue, front the west lint! of lot 46 fn block of le""s' ttd ditlon, to ,'huts ;d F No. S!1{-L{y Ald. Getun- w worth street: thence on the •est side o[ Be"' ved. '1'll t the following -named said street to Selby avenue: thence on the Ice guns be, and ,they roheroby p eo(nted south Side of said avenue to the e¢.,t set of city of elect ion for the sin Milton street. together w nth the necessary osswalk, and gradfag, be, and the same .tdges the i elf S1.I it be hold May a 182', tl .City it hereby' referred to the Board of Public Works to investigate and report: Is improvement :md props- YtttST WARD. Pfirst Ui,irict-AVlllium T. Young. Gus - this ,Send the proper s y:• If 1 the Council u Prot+er tnv A. Knaaft. George Market. ord er directing the work to be done. Second I)IStriet-7'. J. Mullane, J. Arm- Adopted by the hoard f Aldermen hrm•stcr, JDxeph Bl'n,ley. H. Louie March 15, 159:. Yeas- Ald. Bielenberg. Bott. Conley, Third District -H. Cnmahcll, I Jolt been. Jolt rte 'allbntith. Copeland, Dobner', Dorniden. Malady. Sun- Neu rLh llistript--Fwl. KDIIe3". J. Dl. la born. Suilicnn, DI r. Presidcut - to. Rohrer, Norl,s. Fifth District -Charles I, Johnson, Wil - Nu' S -l`. Adopted by the Assentb:y March ^'. 1S92 linin \"Dmig, N. P. Smtnlun. Yeas-Nfe98rx. Elmnuiss. Hnre. M,Cnf- tiixth Dfs,e let -F.. Magnnsnm J. It. Pat- Ducie, N'illium I'oppmi burger. forty. McNamee. G.. penhpim, Mr. fres,- dental. Seven0l DisLrfct-Peter Sch wrnklor, C. Nays.. F. Huebner. J. Folday. .ved Al -1, ?:�, ApproIH!r. Eighth Di,triet-Gus Olson, A. hitt, L. Anderson. Ninth Di,trfet-Honey Boureltier, Oscar ltd F No. S91 --By Ald. Copeland- flnis".. Wit into Dunlup. Tenth; Distrit•t-C. O. loulenstrom, F. M. It is herpbv ordered by the Common Cecil-Stcwa,t. A. Thmor)Son. Cil of the Cit, of St. Pa": ssl'oND WARD. that the matter of ct nstructine h n Pine street. from Olmsted to NVillia ns Firm District -C. F.. Watkins, Charles Street, be, and the .same Is hereby referred Ti m pec, .John Fitv.gernld. to the Board of Public Works to In'esti- gate and mPort: Segund Distriet-J:Imes Dillon, George I M. Gage, Martin Tobin. F'ir.1'11 chi, improvement proper and Third District-Clthrles Spiel, Christ necessary! Mever, .1. E. Sheehy. 56 PROCEEDING:', OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Fourth DistAct.-James Farrell,'rh lmas W. Jo Charle, D. Smith. Y , Ftfttl District -.Jacob Heck, Thomas E. Elaie. O. 3. Wergedahl. Sixth Distriet-G. A. Passavant, Wil Ilam Kemper, Emil pcurl. Sevm,Fh District -Lotti. Memo—, E. H. Charles, Edmund Kiely. Eighth District -Max Koppe, Df. F. Bic - v . I'ehrr Riever. NinthDistrict-Jame Alerehunt. Leslie Pari n. E. ,l, Ilei held. Tenth Dlst rieL-Daniel O'C,)no r, E. E. G mrnsey..lames S. How- F:level,th District-Ceorgu Kingsley, Petm'Q int, Nit•hol:ls Wilwer. I`,rst District -Adolph H. Simon. Grier D[. Orr, Christ Johnson. Second District - -Daniel Wallace, Ed. E. Good, James trill Third District--('hurlus Wilson, Henry 13—c. Thomas Marsden. Fourth District--I:ouia Fhew. Theobald Wtekersbeim, 11. S. Temple. Fffth District --\Nilson D, Wri6h,..1. W. Fisher. Charles Bend,. Sixth District --Robert 13 roon,e, W. F. Hulsiek. Frndk Tem pie. Seventh District --John C. Hanlev. J. W. Morrison, DI. J. Don v: n Eighth Distriet--Franit I.Indahl, E. 1'. Wade, John Meyers. First District -T. P. Grace, A. H. Heck, Peter J. Estill. Second District--Willism Christian. E. D. 'Libbey, W'i Il W. Clark. ThirdDistrict--H. J. Strouse, }V. 7'. 3claim. , T. J. Kavanaugh, Fourth Diatdm-Ant.. Milson. Euge.e T. Diehl, .Iohn 13. McCormick. Fifth District --J. E. Flannigan. W. F. Shinn C. H. White. Sixth District --James O'Brien, George Tapley, R. J. Holcombe. Seventh District-- % F. Frambeim, N. D g trop, Fravk Schlelek. Eighth District-W,lllom Str.b, E. L. Lnrpentour, M. Wiema.. Ninth District --John Kerwin, W. H. Hurd, R. Reber. Tenth District- J. G. Donnelly. Ed. Diotcr, F. Y. Be.... Eleventh District -Jells Wegener, O. A. A nderaon, W. E. Lowe. Twelfth District --Peter Sch.narth, Orrin Wheeler, A. Dertrurn. First DistrictF G o. W. Emmert, Charles F. Cardigan. John Seigw.rth. Second District-Tbomas L. O'Leary. Robert N. Seng, Barney Rya.. Third District -Robert A. Itinkwald. Win - ,or H r E. J. Murave. Feet n h District --J. H. Porto—, Josiah Fairchild, Willi am Brown. Fifth Uistriet--,ioseph Haag. Charles D. Parker. James Cleary. Sixth District --John H. Hormi h, F. J. Brings. James H. Hayes. S....th Di s Jo Miner. Jr., t:eorgc Sheebon, Char Id. Eighth Dfstdct--Fravlt A. Gies. Frank Wanda, Jolla H. Hayes. Ninth District -Joseph Gabriel, A. J. La- frainboys, E. Sorter. Tenth District --Christ Sehads. Frank Bookmire, Thomas Ward. Eleventh District -H. P. Moore. William F. Shaw. Frank Wetzel. Twelfth District --Frank Ayd, Anton Bu- lena. Tony Snyder. Thirteenth District-Hcury, llarrity, Will - 13a11. Fred }Loh.. La Fourteenth District --Michael Melvin, E. E. McClure. Charles Petzold. .1-11 w -A R.I. First Dintriet--Gilbert' Tessier, C. F. Hausdorf.0 tave S ... rd. Second District --James 1. Prendergast. W. It. Demerit, William E. Du Bose. Third District -Joseph Guion, George J. Exley. Wolf Schnpery. Fourth District --.john Norman Jr., C. T. L:•ydo, Charles McDonald. Sr. Fifth District--Amel Rogner. William Thorne. Rudolph Ronn. Sixth District--J:'-b H. Behrer, George J. S.I,nllb I e, Flecry,l. Peters. Seventh Utstrfet--Michael D. Shanley, L. Peabody, Dtichael Correll. Fronk Llghth District --Adam FIein: (:ass, Peter Tierney. Ninth District-- August Jobst. A. Glasser. Peter Daly. Tenth District- �H. T. Peiper. Henry Fro. klm, Mluhacl McCarthy. Eleventh District, -William Reimer, Ge�rgo Stoceu, John H -Thein. Twelfth District -William McAndrews, O. IL J. Briggs. Jos. Smith. Thirteenth District --Andrew Rupee, C. 11. Bronson, Frank Hyland. lel—T. wAR.. First District --C. H. Molehill, E. H. Ind. son, N'. P. F. O'Brien. S -rd., District --J. D. Miller, H. T. Drake, George R, O'Reilly, Third District -Joseph A. Humphreys, E. J. Stilwell. C. J, A. Morris. Fourth District -T. W. Sheehy, Ed Ing- ham. Juin es H. Watson. Fifth District -At. L. War.. 13. F. Wright. -J W'evl. Sixth District -Timothy Keefe, F. H, Ewing, Ed N, Slevi.. Seventh Ills trio, -J. J. Williams. It. C. Hine. S. J. Donnelly. F./ghth District -George S. Colburn, Dl.r[in Barco we, W C. Merriman. First District --W. J. Lux, H. E. Clark, J. P. By... Second District --Albert it oil. C. Won bC•r, I. J. Loughran. Third Uistriet--J. W Hellmann II. How- ard. E. N- Curler Fourth District --W. Gibbons, C. Eagle- br-ht. Pat McHugh. Fifth District -A. A. Ledeboer. J. C. lioupt. .lohuGebrkc. Sixth Ilistr ic[ -1:corse Gerlerh. G. Rosen- thal. Frank R,lly, Seventh Uistriet--}-r: Schumacher, M. Schorn, F. J. Bantu.... Eighth Distdct--P. Itedlinger, J. W. Hill- iard. J. D. Cougb Ninth District--Wlln. m F. illiaacli, A. Nichol, John J. Schmidt. OF THE CITY Oil SAIN'-' PAUL. FOR 18hl. o, Tenth District --Stephen Denier, 11. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Christoph, John Waldoch. Eleventh Uistriet--Henry E. Maguire, - John A. Moak. V. Render. Or Resolution Adopted by if,, Cry„nton Twelfth Instric•C--J.soph C. Humes. G. Reinhardt„t. J. Preston. Cnu nr•il of the ('ILS of St, Punl, Thirteenth Di— Ct-P.d Cahill, LN. E. r\'y F No..'.Jp- Rogers, S. J. Hi, e. Ir, the minter of the report of the Hoard of Public• Works listed March ._.m 1892.. .�t�til Itis hereby ordered by lbo Comon Coun- 'f of the C'ityof St. Paul: ' That the Board of Public Works of the Fif:st Dlsl rir t. -Oil yer'1'„pg. W..S cilli[• Pity of St. Paul, cause the following Im- .1. I h.npis het prevement to he made, to -wit: Construct tri M. Dht, Ed SLao u sewer on Congress street, from Charlton street to Bidwell Fy-eller b L'. Lim bn•ehl. L- .J. Dist rieL-J. J. Joyce. 'plioipu� (. ii- .street, !and on Bidwell str.et, from Congress street to Isabol sit,Third blit, Willi ' street. if aid city. said sewering to bedone .Ioseplt Tru}” Ulto Lun- rj"'n Contract, unl'In,t �p[I Board rasa said [ItF,uUrth "idDiltrict- if Fifth Di.iri,rl�'-williuoi alcTcaguc. \Vii- work to he eotract. ;as provided bylaw, without '-half the liar, Ruhlm a', Pubrtin Maher, Sinn une,by .stimuLcel cost being first paid I into the city tretanury. an aftte; sold work Dislrir( -.Tubo Mmldmt, F:- 1:. CI)-- '..hones Harvey. o+Seventh n shall be placed ler c+ frac oitl Hoer. Disl rict--.lolin I,I. ll,•ronlnn `+no, nit ceotl without del:[Y to assess the o as thev Peulo.r. Joml W mr,'". Eighth Ili.t riot-Pulriek Eg:[o. Ed. can a.eerlm. the w'hamhewiB be b r m,re to pay the snnte'and Sm,dgru.., ,I+Bne�li,.ch for d. Ninth Uig wt- Terrrnec 1),­e­n.Io1:o Ili •knui necesill testy 3 expeus.sof such mu - Vrnvemm,t upon the real estate to Te be„e- tl ted by said improvement, as Provided by t, Phar los Mr De", t. T,!ntht District-Jsn:es \V hit'.. Is\r; ,t being the opinion of the Council ,tulip. OI , \ilio s Gar ity, That real estate to be ss ed for uch i - IileventhtnDistrict -E,I M7 phy, .I. E. entcan be fu oasis benented to the ell vent Joh n+on. Hr n,:)' IIln�-._ I'wel Dh Dislru•t--Ilcrtoun Ihb+. Loui. Rosen "tof the costsand ex Douses num, ... ry incurred thereby-. t Adopted I the Asotnbly ]larch:"J. leis. hapm. MarkMc};IlistrUnt. Thirteenth lli rieL-Ii;tn limy le, Churlcs linen-Mea»rs. El m.tuis[. Marc, McCaf- J.Johnwn,.lohnHuelten. [stay. McNamee, Oppenhehn. Mr. Preei- aent--d- T—TU w' tltn, Adopted by the Board of Aldermen April 18W. 1-eas-Ald. ti ielenberg, Iiott. Conley, Fi,vt Dist rirt-.1. A. Iluru:, 1, '1'hoinus MrCavn. Iiecepv, Copelsud. Dono" Dorulde.. Gchan. Me- lady. Sanborn, cull hit.. Mr. Yrosident-II. Second Di shim .John 1'ottnK. 1'li ri Ft Nay-(). l3endixon. M. E. Nikon. 'lilt... Bi,UnctJ.J. Merrill, Charles II. Apprm ,sl April r, IS!12. \N. P. M-11AY, Diursh, A.l Slabrow'. President'If the Asscm bly. Fop rlh Dt.ti wI-C. J. Nuel\. P. N'. Iib 1,- srcl, Charles D. Hcn G,.y, U. I'rc.ldUnt of ilio lioartl If Aldermen. [. t.i:\ t.nru ntnn Tu .'. a. P.t: o'utnt'r• city Clerk. Aril e. F'Irst District -Dan Buke I. E.A. C pl::i \1'illiu I Jong.. Second Dintri et -A. 11. AA'o.(Irulr. IJ. J. ti ruiner.. Jol,n Don,. Ch i r. I'trlet--J, Di Ratlernm ,.Curti, \l. Chuli loll, l:. V," kmy. Fourth District -.l ue Ib Hinkel. Put_ I, hluud, D. Do nuelly. Ad" Ili! by kLl,r Board of Aidern ice 1 , d _, l i!r_. 'e .-Ald. Bicic,;b„rK. Itot t, Cmdev, C' •l Id, Dob Dm..... n. Gehu U, Me - II, Nil. PI-e.idl-o L -d. NUS s -Aid. Sz,:lrmr n. Sullivan-!. Adoptwl by. alis Assein blY APrll', Is:r!. Yeas alers. liso on. Mrr. olc • . ('os,elin. Eln,- . V Jlel'a lrerl)', YIr YUIm•e.Oppcn- he\-ice ['resident -i Nay... -..i. Appraced Apri 12, 1»p= Niye Pmsi:le.nt ul' t he :A ase mldy. I'r aid into, thcliourd mr Ald,•rntUn. TB +. A. PIl4:\I,rn1;A9T, Ci 1S Clerk. AprJ OFFICIAL PUBLICATION or ora ii » ra»»ert ,[e,a Re»me[tl.n» sling ted by the C.in,nun Connell of the f`ity of St. 1•anl. A•y F No. vAll--Ordinance. No. l3s,_ An ordill .. to establish cad fix the please Uf lin l inng the elections in all the election Theo Coram.a tr— of the C:ounml f fSt. Ilea.\. Of St. Pool do mrdain us follows: Secti­ialon 1. All general, m cipm d trios in s aid le oftj_i.hthl be ver'd�elec said dis- tricts at the fe 110"',ng places: ,n sa First e]eetmnt district tof the First word. c the southeast corner of Waverly place nd.1. be s S cond election district of the First word, ;it Thirdtielt•ctlonedistrri tof the First word, at N...01 I) -at ur sttreet. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Fourth election district of the First wnrd, at No. 7W Mississippi street. Fifth election district of the First word, at N` DI l Case street. Sixth election district of the First wnrd, at mo baudmg oa the w est s or Payne avenue two buildings rom fi Ross street —, 815. Se Seventh election district is the Arcade W ard, at the corner of Magnolia and Arcade .it_IS—No. )IMI. Eighth election district of the First word. L the corner of Sfms and Arcade btrects— No. 960. Ninth election district of the First ward, at No, 13" Payne avenue. Tenth election district of the First ward. .tthe corner of Payne avenue and Cook street—No. 1019 Payne avenue. n E('t)ALt w'Ann. First election district of the Second ward at 108, Hastings a% onus, near Earl street. Second electors district of the Second ward. at No, lin Hales avenue. Third election districLofthe Second ward ward at corner Fifth street and Maria avenue. Fourth election district or the Second mrdat east side of Hope street, near Franc isstrect. Fifth election district of the Second ward at 50:3 East Seventh street. Sixth election it St,.ct of tl.e Second ward atNo. 7.25 Minter- ba street. Seventh election district of the Second w ard'at No. 1104 East Seventh street. Eighth election dietrict of the Second ward at corner Taird and 'tell streets. Ninth ole etion district of the Second w 5 and et No. ErStillwater av cone. Tenth election district of the Second ward at Burlington Heights company store. Newport avenue. Eleventh election district of the Second ward at northeast corner Mcndota and Fre- mont atreetS. Tlliitn w'.1161. First election district of tele Third word at Smith park. enSL side of Sibley street. betweenE'if til aid Sixth streets. Second if district ofthe'third ward at southwest corner olive and Sixth streets. Third election district of the 'Third word - at east side of Kittson street, corner Sixth .tree I. in :'rent of No. Sig Kittson street. Fourth election district of the Tnird a du at east side of Kittson street, core or Eighth street. Fifth election district of the 'Third ward, at north east corner Pi n e: and Eighth Streets. Sixth ,lee it on district o! the 'Third ward. at West lido Sibley street. between Sixth and Seventh Streets. Seventh ell, tion district of the Third ward, at west sale of Rosabel street, be- tween Eighth and Ninth streets. Eigghth •lection district of lila Third wart, it No. i,S, Broadway street. l'OUR 11 wAan. First election-istrict of the Fourth ward. at Metropolttmi hotel, 115 West Third Street. Second election district of the Fourth ward, at No. 345 St. Peter street Capitol Apartments building), Third election district of the Fourth word. at Lot 10. Block 10, St. Paul Proper, being lot on north Side of Fourth street. near Cedar street. Fourth election district of the Fourth urd, at No. 1_'s East Sixth street, opposite Ryan hotel. Fifth election district of the Fourth word. at No. 411 East Fifth street. Sixth election district of the Fourth and. at Armory hall. south side of Sixth street, west of Exchange street. Seventh election district of the Fourth w {Vest Filth street. nrd. at No. 4, Eighth election district of the Fourth w d, at Hand building, 490 St. Peter street. Ninth election district of the Fourth yard, at southeast corner Cedar and Tenth streets. Tenthelection district of the Fourth W d. of No. 515 Hobert street. Eleventh election district of the Fourth d. at No. 578 Robert street. LiTwelfth election district of the Fourth ward -t Colonnade building, northeast corner St. Peter and Tenth streets. trI r wAAn. First election district of the Fifth ward, a[ P:tO t\'est Seventh street. Second election district of the Fifth ward. at No. "Ill West Sfveeth street. Third election districtof the Fifth ward, near corner West Seventh and Walaut streets, southwest corner. Fourth election district of the Fifth ward, at southeast corner of Sherman street and Smith avenue. i, fill el ectien district of the Filth ward, at No. 914 West Seventh street. Sixth election district of the Fifth word. 'at, %Ari West Seventh street. SoTenth elecifon district I the Fifth nrd, no t N. 540 West Seventh street. w Eighth election district of the Fifth urd, at No. fdl West Seventh street. w Ninth election districtof the Fifth wartl, st south side of West Seventh street, be Breen Itichmond and Colborne. Tenth election district of the Fifth ward, at No. 897 West Seventy street. Eleventh election di-t'i't of the Fifth ward. at No. 951 West Seventh street. Twelfth election district of the Fifth w rd, at No. 9N5 Nest Seircurb Street. Thirteenth election district of the Fifth way► at corner of West Seventh street and Le venue. Fourteenth election district of the Fifth urd, at north side oI Randolph, between l'Ictoria aad Milton streets. -TU ­­ 10i A lin, First election district of the Sixth ward, [ northwest corner o (loses street and Fuirtield a, none. Second election districtof the Sixth ward, at 149 South Waboshu street. Third elee ion district of the Sixth ward, t southeast corner of Robertson street and Fillmore avenue. Fourth election district of the Sixth ward, at northeast corner of Fenlon and Kentucky streets. Fifth election distric, of the Sixth ward. ;It northeast corner of Plato avenue and EZstreet. Sixth election district of the Sixth word, at northwest comer of Colorado unit Par- nell streets. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL FOR 1899 Seventh election district of the Sixth ward. at southeast career of South Robert and Isabel streets. EighthtnsftiSixth ward corner Stilt. ad Der, streets. Ninth election district of the Sixth ward. atnortheast corner of Hall avenue and Ge erg street. Tenth election district of till Sixth ward. at No. 518./)hm street, Scutt, of C� r;:e street. Eleventh election district of the Sixth ward, at northwest career of Morton street and South Wabaens. Twelfth election district of the Sixth ward, or, southeast corner of Onkdale avenue and Page street. Thirteenth election district of the Sixth 'ortl, at northwest corner of Concord and Anita streets. rt.tt 711 wean. First election district of the Seventh w and nt No. 3114 Bayton o Second lection district t of district Seventh Word nd Ilaril m sevileal. Summit ate rice ThiStreet Third election it,, riot of the Seventh ward at corner t)akl. nt and GI ad avenue S. Fourth election district of the u Seventh rd at No. 4.4a Selby a n Fifth election district of the Sel'el"ll ward at No. Ofd Selby ....c,. Sixth electiondistr wict of the Sri, ou Lh :1 at No. lite SelUy uve,ue, Seventh election des trier of tem Seventh urd at southwest corner of Date street amI Laurel avenue. Eighth election district of the Scveeth ward at northwest cornerof Lincoln avenue and Victoria street. EI(1111'll 11Al2D. First •Iecl.il,n district of Jr.tEightlh wand at No. ",Mil Louis street (broom faa.- lorv). Ind election district of the Eiglilh venni ;t No. 'L•II Cur1'oll street.. Tlkii clertion district of the b:ighth word lit sou l h West corner Marlin st Icut ud Wesl"na,euuc. • 'o;rth election districtof the Eigihilh 1 and at southwest cane, K,ol street him; Aut Fifth election district of file Eighth tv:ltd hit No. 4196 l; riversity til veilac. lxtI•Imctiou district of tem Eilrulb war,] 414 e F•.duuuul street serunrl dant. st ,,f]larh ill. Seventh elvelton dirtI ict ,I the F.ighllh • rd nt No.541 I'niversity c ad, rEigI li alt•ct tan dint letof tb,e F;ig bLii wee rd nt north cast career of Kanl Hod 1•:d- mun,tst'e•ts. Ninth cleetb,b district of the I•:igliLh yard, a1. Alinnehshn street. nuv UOnw uc_ cane. Tenth election dintriet of the Eighth urd. at Vwlll west -,u- if Kent and \' it )fur 11ttell" Elevc nib eh•ctiat, distriet„f the E:igbtlh 'It sou Fro thua,l corner if nt. aml \I I, ion steeel.. Twelfth cle,lion districtof the Eighth ward. nt north nide of F'rOlhI ,tree t, be- tween Ginittler and Nutilda nt r,:ets. Tld rteen til elect! lh district of the F:Ighcll word, at l:oniu avenue, near N. a - I rossing. N']ATII WAIL D. PirsL elcetion district of tho Ninth ward. :It nouthcast coruerTilton and St. Peter streets. Fceontl c,rthe x district. ,t' the Ninth ail. :it idsbaSba r of Ceh Mal ave- t d \ahl basila stestht.t� (1tI Tedceconcn fret. ethe Nlhh tiltvnnl, II 1c. Ver:u]It street. west side, ifDtweetl f, rove ]It I'll street.. Iburth rhe -lion district r the Ninth h d, ;tt. southeastco"" l"Orient and is 'I'1 i lee-1116t1'eet s. Fifth clertion district Of dile Ninth I. at northeast. coruer Mount Airy :angi dxtl Orion 4Lrict of the Ninth wnrd, t Int 11, ulOek 411. Ashiun & Shcrhllrnm's addition. Se 'unllh election district of the Ninth 'nrd. at northwest corner of Park and 1'niversity twenties. Eighth elvetwit district of the Ninth w'ard.;it K. of L. kali, Park live. ¢ e, he_ twren 1.310- uu"'111SyeamOre streets. Ninth cleettoo district f the Ninth we' at .southeast corner o f.fteksnn:md Sprnnh" Street.S. 1'ethtlI election district or the Ninth( IlFd. at NO, !Md4 CurLlnnd S[. le 111l election districtof the _Ninth wa lvd, :It Sou t beast corner Of Rlee and Aid g- nl lit Sl reel S. Twelfth election Ill.strl,t of tem Ninth 11d. at No. 111 Matto street. 'I'hl cillo lh clectla0n diStrieL of the Nintll Ird, on Val 1e3.South side , between eun- uchalto Warren Sarin IS. TENTII WARD - First election district of the Tenth ward, of booth Lmrnext to engine tbetwehouse en Taylorcast side Ind Hewitt avenues, nn Se •olid election district of the Tenth ward, at Hamlin, Citizens Come hall, W csle3' avenue, near Snelling. '1•htrd election district of the Tenth ward, at emime house lot, corner Raymond .all Hm apden nwemics. F urth election district of the Tenth wnrd, at Bayless avenue and Creat North- ern railway, near St. Anthony Park station. First ai ectlon district f the Eleventh 11 urd, twest side. Cleveland venae, be title. Chicago, 5111 w'aukon R St. Paul Short Line and St. Anthony v ue, lot 1, I,locic 1. Merriam Pari: Fourth addition. Scrond election district of the Eleventh 'a rd, al poll,, substation on Prior avonue, between O;tkl and and Fe`rontu ai minae, in Onion \'art,' ']')tied election district of the Eleventh wartl, at southeast corner Ashland and Snelling avenues. Fourth election districtof the Eleventh urd, at old Resell c'Down House, Snelling :ai near roarer Randolph street. See 1 C_. ordin.nce No. 14,22,''An ordin- e to establish and fix the ,In... of holding the elections in all the election dae- tricts of the City of St. Paul, approved Oct, 11.n IS. and all on.inane, and parts of ordinncos inconsistent wlth the pro of this ordinahace are hereby re- pleale 1, BO 1'ROCEI•:DINcS OF THE Ct1MJ1()N COL'NCIf, See. 3. This ordinant•e shat] take effect "loeul nssesemenle expense fund,"in favor and be in force rom and after it., passage. Passed by the Assembly Murch 22, D,.12. Adopted by f he A"c'nbly Murch "a 1894. Yeas -Messrs. Elmrluist. 11are, M,Caf- Ycxs--Mcssrs. Elnndtisl. Have. Mct'ef- ferty, McNamee, Oppenheim, Mr. President •rty, M,Namec, Oppenlmim, Dir. Presi- --a- Nays -h. clear -a. Nay's--rI W. 11. -NI 1'lo<A % Adoptcd by the hoard of Aldermen President of the Assembly. Passed by the 1101"'Iof Aldermen Aprii A rril .,, PH", -cr s-Ald. ttlelenherg, Buit, Conley, 2, IB!t_l Coacland. Cullen. DobncD r. orn irlen, ]le- ' \'ens-Ald. Bieienbere. Hutt. COnley.lady. Sanhurn, Sullivan, Mr. Vier Yresi- CopelandDonner. Durmden. (,',!ban. Me- lady, S:aorn, Sull':m, Mr. 1'ttstdent-ll. dent -11. Nay-fl. Nays-o. I1. 0. CI'r.t.n u. Approved April 7, ISR2. President rd the hoard of Aldernen. _ Approved April 7, IS!". . It'unaaA. S,,1 H, Attest:TIIOS. A. J-UP.N'nhI((.1fy April Il. ('ii}'i1erk.. A'y F Nn. Ila--Itr Di r. DI arra}' Resolved. ']'Ind. permis.iun amt xulh'r- ity is he eby ranted t - .Toho P. Itruggc- whn to build a addil ('rr to III, Icuse, ich addiLluu ieill r, nrIt,, of a one-st.rrc fro e building. IS h}• _'N it fun rh e....II cast 11 of lot three i:tl. block lifts three Iml of Rico d In'inc's add iliun to the C7(y or St. Paul: Suit ' - "Ill be reader the ervisinn of the BuildiuK In su>spector. � dopdal by the A-nibl3' Dlurcli Is!r!. Yess-Messrs. ELuquia. Bare, Dirt'uf- ferty. McNunree. Opperr lectin. Dir. Pre,i- dent-a. Nays -u. Adopted lu- Cllr' Ihiard 4 Alde.nn•n April 5, IS!r!. IS -A Id. liielenhr•rK. etl, l''rr 1e3', C eland. C' Iles U'hII' ides Dle�xd r, Sanborn. Sulli,n rr, ]I r.rr \'its I' NuysNuys -c. - Approved A rpil 7. 1192. A'y I•' No. S_,. -11y 17(d i!tec on Way, nod Means, R sal cad. Th: a,0 I,. fulluwinK chomp he - Paid out '[ Lhe 'M u)''r' • umirg le nt Miller, f:1910; J. F,.Strykcr,SI(p; 0.0.0 a lien, IG9: Disputcll'rintingCunr- 1any, 110(1: ]:onidd Steward, 615; Brown. 'rexey S Co., Y'_'I.uo E. \'. Sniallrc. #77.iir \Villia," DI. Cumphell. 93;.1:,; trl'Irc Yub- Mid.gComcwn T; .1. G. Americ:ur F,. Pn s.. Com purr}'. t:1n.10; M. It. Cut:a6: 1:. E. In.K,mrra. Spls. Adopted b3' Lhe Asscrn hey Dlnrcll _!. 189°. Puns-Messr.. Elmqul>n }hire. MCCuf- ferty,DIcN,rthee.01,1e1hcim, NIr.i'vesi- dent-0. Nucs-11. Arl'I'te,l by the [hard of Aldermen A 7-c s -Aid. Bi,"ll rK. B'tl. Corder. Co and C]rllen Uonm•r D :idea. 1 tirelc, Sanborn, Suilirnrr. Mr.O1\'ire I'n_er dent -11. Nn} -s 0. Appruyed April ;. 1 S1'!. i A'y VN,,. 526- Resalved. That city order, he drawn upon the -try h'easr: o'. Payable eul'I are A'Y F Nu.527- ltesulvcd,'1'Imtcil}' orders be drawn up - n the r•It, trcnnur,, 1al3 a rle out of the Ir .1cr r poly 1'rrrrd." favor 'f the hoard 'f \Yater Comnrissi„m•rs. to Ad„ldcll by the As em bly March .., 1SIV. Vca..-\Icssrs. L+Irn,Ittist, Hare, 1lcl:uf- I't•rty, McN:dnt't'. Oppenheim, Mr. 1'rc,i deet-ri. Nnye-u. Adrrided by it, heard of Aldermen A �'ril u. 1,,W. cIc,--Aid. Bieleol-K, Hutt. Conley, I Inud. Callen, Huhner. 1lorniden, NIc­ huly, ,:,born, Sullivan, Mr. \'Ice Preld dent-] i. l nys-U. Anpr'!d Al -117. ISJ'. A'3' F No. 521- He.'Ived. That city order, bedrawn rlp- n rho city tn•nsttry, Irayable out of f.he isperlal ,ridge to nd." n htvor'f the Pal- let i K -named I 'r. four thr• azrat ..[ ,;1rposhe 1„ fles rN pecilve nae 1 is N. r•.yen, EsD mato N,­finmi It 1, earl 't rnctinrl(t Lexington nvenuo bridge. #84..).64; M. Lux. Estimate No. 1gntding npprnncbos to Rertirey'screet nrldixc. etc.. $IY.UI; I'i Ltsbu rg Testing Lubrntury.aul. Adopt cd 63• the ,\ssemhly DinmI1 TSU^. 1"ex,-McNsrs. F,Irnnal,t, Hare. McCaf- t'erty. Me Nance, Oppeulreinr. Mr. 1-rt_.r deny U. Nays -U. \dupicd by file Board of Aldermen Avi1 5. IST2. 1 s--Ald. Bielenber;:, Hott, Cooley, lady.lu aril K. rSullivan, Mr Vi- rt Prc,i. dent -I itn N Pppp - A ro red :\ pril 7. ]N!1'!. A'y F. NI). a2!1 - It Iv hereby ordered by the ('omm, Coun- cil of the ('i[}' of St. Yaul: Thai the matter'[eo ndcnrrrinK nml tak- t in the mm2 abatla rrK'n Ili kr tslreet�rl'rom ('hl IpNrY x• ('l --k-- avenue, r ••• to ruastirriot tit lolx•s for cute and tills in;rrud Rrg stria cel. Ire. uml the .arm• i. here lo' re ti•rrerl ce t'rtlre Board 'I Pablir \VorkN ' in v-ti- Saleuml rt•Iwr: First-Ia this scup core mens proper and sa n Second} /Give the Council an estimate of the expense thereof, ;tad state whether one half of the cost thereof is to be paid in - OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1391. GI Ito the city treasury before the contract i at. Third -Can real estate to be n: essed for said improvement be found benefited to the extent of damages, costs and expenses nee essary to be incurred thereby:• Fourth -Is such improvement asked for uPonthe petition. orappiicntion of the own- rs fmajority or the property to be as S ssed [or such improveme-- Fifth -Send the Council a plan or profile of said improvement, m retluired by law, if you reportin favor of the name. Sixth -Send the Council aproper order directing the wort: to be done. A14upl ud by the -lably Dlnrch 1'c:ts-Dle,srs. Elntnrt 1st, Breve. Mel:aC- ferty, '1 `r, Oppenheim, NI1. Presi- denr�h. Nuys --0 Ado�lW(I by un' Board of .vde,.,n A�ril-Alid ,r, hi , Illelen he rg, 131 rt L. Conley, lu(Iy.laSalnbrrn. Sralivan` Dlrrr\'iieePr,ri- dent-11. ,Ways -n, Approved April 7, 181!. Ary F. Nu n_ it, vt' j3 lett city 'filer, he drnvn apo1 Lhes treuslrrv, payuhle'tl(of the xtlice de "1 panRncnt thud." in I'Ilvor of the Hrll)u'inK Chimed per sons. far t bca unnt, set opposite ]'their resorcliI nn nre��: SL. Paul Ice Cu._ $H-111: J. H \ L. A. tvela1; enb'rm•r. es,.al: P. H. Mt:tiherry. ?114.4I'renrlerg;r_sL Bnrs, 531A1d1: Wch•h Bros., d9.IN. A doptad by tic A�semhl3- Yous-Messrs. Ec. nisi. hare, Me. P.-isty, hfevuntee, (lPPenliaim. Mr. P N'y'•n {�li. Nx3's--U. Adupit•d by to, Heard 'f Aidermr•rr 1�­Ald. C..\efnnd. Culh.n. rD'hnc,- R'ruidcn:riMc- beut-aly. Sailann..Sullican. )Ir. \"Ice Pre.l- d-1 1. N ay-lS. AVpr'ccU Apri17. 1894. I, A'J' 11 Na. Hesohed, That cit}- order, be draw' upon thecity "onS., Payable urIt of the fa tirrl e1.• n fK1,;rt of flu- f"Ilhiain--o: nic theirn �t for the a art ,ct 'p fo itc t' n'ptirc Kano- Ilu_yrtv rI'kala, Sl; -711: A. Johst, $4.80; .lobo Martin I, a r' hcr('nmpxny. $124.16; (i. Mit,eh. 810-: IN arti' \lodnt. f;t(;o; S4 1'u KI Hnrdwut'c Company. 11.711: F. Stick. C. C. \V. Hurke Lt Ila raw:a'e C''m pv n>'. 1!1.44. Adopted by Lhe A.semhly yiureh 2!, Yens-\Ies.rs. I:I m,l lri,t. hare. McCnt'- 1'Crty, Sl eNurm'e. Oppenh,hn. St, Fresi- I 6. Nay. -0. Adilopted by 'he IiOu rd 'f Aldermen Apra,- VcaS-AId.I Sic lenhorg. It'tt, COnICy, I:' ichind. Oulle n- Donner. D'rnidrn. Me Iady. Sa lborn. Sdiliran, DD'. \-iec 1'rc,i- dent-11. Nii). -O. Approved April 7. ISu2, A'S FNo. r!- Reeolved. That city oI be drawn upon the city treasury. payable out of the •'1 rinting and stntionery- fund." in favor of the t'ollolviu¢ uanted persons, for the amount Set opposite t' their respeetivo names: Glob,- Publi,hin .tuli£IAr11S 13 -vu CorlIm.1'r95('A; Die If3K 10; }Vyt•k'if. tieum:fns k Brceenedict, Cit., %Vcdeletrcdt &' Co., d3{.:,5. Adopted by the Assembly Slareh "*, 189!. fcrt�v M t\nm s:, OppunhLlIrn, ir. Pre i- dent -/i, NUJ's--tl, Adopted by the Board of Aldermen At ril 5, IS!rv. Penn -Ain. Bielenlx'rg. 13ott, Conley, CO cluntl. l:ullen. Rubner, Dornidcn, Me- In(IS', San horn. Su H.van, 3fr. \"ice Yresl dent -II. Nays -n. Approved April 7, 11!12, A'v F No.5;i3- Resolv"I 'Phar city orders be drown upon Lhe el L}' trexsa r3'. Pu}'ublc cut of LhC school rnnrl," in facer ul' Lhc following umod Is Tsars. 1'or tlm nnmuuc set oppo- .ite Lo their res reel ivr• names: L. w. Arnoi(� & Cu.,-ilG1.74: 1. E. All- auu.i1!° , 13uzille k Partridge. ffi165.7u; R. ,11'pletu❑ C Co.. +f 12; Board 01' 1Vatrr Commis.lum•r.. VPfI..t0: E. A. Cnrnos. i,Wl; Ion D'winn C S e.., I'I.06, It;; Edi'al E. 1,. X P. C'.. fi3!Mt.2N; }tiles R Mule,Y:U. SU; Dryer. S i5; Nieols & De:trr. 9.11: N. \V. Teleldmnc K1N; Is'. B. \lilhunl,$247.M: W1Burn Il'Itorrrhe. f.53.7.,; J. It. Pewtc,s..r�tll: Ro O rd"4.411; A. Schueh Grvre,..�. 7•t, ra In.:;:t: nt.. Yaal Bard -ire 'IIs"hta. i_. ;A ill"' Allan Black, I1ai lv News, Botta a;. C A"'.0,13- 14n1clr'.`2, 1892. I, Oppenheim, FMcCnf- JI r. Yresl- Adopted h_v Thr Hoard of Aldermen Al Til 5, IS92. ]'ens-Ald. Ifielcnhcrg, Bell, Con toy, C'tchrnd. C'olle n, D'hner, Donldcn. Dio- larlr y, Sanborn, Sullivan, Mr. Vice Presi- aent-I 1. Na3'.-(1. Approved :%IK i 11. 1892. A'r P N'. M4 - 1:e.. lived. That e111- order, be drltva Tryon t he pity t rcustt rJ'• Pul-•�b IC out ul' LhC • l'cul imPI- ne't fu noo rl,' 111 fat -or if P. Daly, hvtim:rte Nu. :t Krnding Lincoln Irt11.3119. Adopted by- I le• Assaf bly March 9:t, 1&92. rens--Meso r". Bln'prlet. Hare. MCCaf- ferly, McNnnme, Oppcnheim, Mr. Presl- dent--6. Nays --Il. Adopted b}- the Board of Aldermen 1' ri I.',, 189.'. Cut) Chile. Doloror, Butt, ctden, Me. 62 PROCErDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. Ludy, Sanborn, Sullivan. Mr. \'ice Pi -i. I A'yy N No.::t+-By Mr. O rpenl+eim- No.,Tbntoath 01cl dent-l1. ILc budpermissinn Nay,-p.be A ppmved April r. 1-2 re b3' Xiven nd granted to L. 1L. II mer end I. W. PU,t W remove that .elblin ent-atnry m ruder om embuildf ng. i "cut, on the leceo`lit the font of O,turio � , t rect, front where the auto now :at slid, about one bhrak west to the font of Bugle Rest lved. Thjt. city orders be drawn street on snitl levl'c. in i be City n f St. P: ul. A 1� he city [rcusllly. puyubh: not of the ul 't w,rrk shall Ire under the aupervie�on I; lo,Pertorof Buildinu.. ighting fu to u htvur ul'the lotto,', nye• by the A.sunrbl)'D Persons for the amount ,.I opp-il, W ,r ca, M ]"r:i,-Mcesr,. Elm,l hist. lleCuf- their re,r)-etl,, nice, lobcrt. .Se jrcr. for I,ghtiog ga,olim- forty. Mc Numrl', pm+h net D(r. Yroslf dent -1 i. tum rs during N-,bruury. InY_'. .F.i.!1,n.0i; ,t. \u3��1' 2('l fliul Gu, (.,gilt Com patty, liuhting g February. I,u-. ap.:b:t.ri„ �`� Atdopteii by Ll+e urvl of Aldermen lumpp,. eft•.. AtlopX b}' the A„embly Murch '*'. I,!Y,. `t I h, l,l2. Itn,b 1"cos-Nt•+,rs. F.I cur t. Hare, \loll,[' t�`-\Id. BiellLttire rg. Butt. Gov ley. t' pct., Cul en. MV.9•., Dorniden, Mc_ Im'W'. MeNa () pPe, eim All. I'resi- dem-1i. Ind3", Suaborli. Sulli,o, yl r. Vice Prl'si dent --u. s - d fGd by ihe Board of All•ry ApProt ed April :. ISJ: A� I 11 Ala. Bielen'rcrg. It tt Cool Capel i C Her. Bulmer li 1 i N IatlY S D rn, Sullivan Mr. Vicc Pr - dc- Nay'_ -0, Approved April 7.1,0':. A' • NU.::3G- lyteFs Aved, That city order -s be drawn illr- n the c'ty treasury. p:ty+t ble .,It of the espeAte nsseasnu•n[fu uJ,,' inla"I of the following -named person,, for Ito! mountset Uppo,ite Io their r pc,ti, H. mC H. C. Huebner. E,Lim:tu• No. fi. grading, Sic llcnemy ,t ct. i12,i. Adopted by tl a A,setnbl}' Sl arch _^_, t, 1-ens--Sf e,srs. F.Imnu. Bare. M-. , lerty. McNamee. .,penheiv�, }I r. Pres+ deur--G. Nays- o. Adopted by the Bonrd of Aldermen April, 1Ml^^. ]peasnd.0 len. nbcrg, Bolt, i'ovley, Copeland. Cullen. Dobner, Dorniden, Mh: lady, Sanborn. Sullivan, SI r. \'ice 1"", deet -1l. Nays -o. Approved April 7. 1893. A'y F No.:r- ttosulctd. Thu[ cit}' nate rs be drs\vn "pun the city treasurer. payable nut ol'the nu ` medper �ns,, for fthe amount fselt oppo- I sit, fU their re,pcctive name,: Ed. S. Bonn, sheriff, 31,?2.In: James Ma- gutree AIQtYI; .1"'. A.1.11. $24117; Cha,. D1 AdoptedMeDy the \ssembly 1larch'_"C, ].,tr2. Yc:ts- as, . F.Imyui,tB o. re, Dll'Caf- ferty, \Il' Namte. Opp-heini, dent--0. Ad pti d by the hoard of Aldermen ADHI 5. ISP_'. � Peas -Aid. li,lenlle rR, Iintt. Conit•t'. Copeland, Cullen, Dobner, Dorniden. • lady. Sun Dorn, Su11i 1'ttn, Mr. Vi- I'resic.i- dent--il. Approved 0. A Approved April 7, 18102. A'y F No. "42- In the m,tter of llredaterelrorl of the Bwtrd nl Publtc Works, d >larrh ?.I, 1HJ:. It i'1 s hereby ordered by the. Common Conn. • of the City of St. Paul: That the Board of Polidie Works of i he City Uf St. Paul muse tit, following fill 'elle Its W 1) de. W -wit: Grade 14ik, st1_t. from Cherokee avenue to Chippea'x oven ue. in said city. Th -lo Boartl cause said work to be let by contract. as provided by law, with. out one-half the esttmatcd cost being, tlrst paid into the city trtneury, :ted ,flet said ork shall be placed under co tinct, said Boartl shall proceed without delay t - v the ameuvt, a+nearly an they cav aa - s the -rel, 'hrch will be reuufred to Paythenos is and neves,, e.p..... of seen improvcmevt. upon }he real estate to be benefited by s id impro..me, t, as pro. vided by law: it being the opinion of the su b cin provementthat real e s.. betate ofound sbe benefited ct in zteut f thea• sts and 'expenses ¢ ,ry to be incurred Lhereby. La ldopted by the As.em VlS- }lurch -', ]ti9'_'. Vca,-yle„rs. Elnnluist. Hare. McCuf- erty'. \Il' Nauur, Oppcnhei it. Mr. President -G. Nays -0. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen April G. NW. 1"ell,-Aid. 1%cll' ubc. K. 13.11, Conley, Colrc•IunJ, Cullen, Dobner, Dorniden. Me - lady, Sanborn. Sullivan, ylr. Vie, Pre,i- dcut-Ii. Nx� proved Apri 17. 1,193. A'1' F No. 513-I1v Mr. O7)peoludin- Ltr,olvah Thai xn or he drown UPon the local improvement fund for the sum of sl xty-1mu dW i' ollar, uud h3-I62.:f-r )III fat+.r ..f H..1. Peter,, being for x,s, eat, --men-1v old,, upon u purt of lot, [:uid^_. lil, street, \Vest St,"'M or til, being fing public strL•et, tt -.'Geed for the i ntdiog of Dnlos ,[rest Itnd�for sprinkling n 1887. Adopted by the Assembly .Murch L, 18!C', OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1893. 6.13 forty s McNamet;EOVUen DciH,i Mi. 1PCe. r deal -s. Nays -o. Adopted ill' the Board of Aldermen \ prilis. le --Aid. Bicleoberg. Bolt. Conley, Copeland, Cullen, Dotrncr. Moro ids o. Me- lu Y. Sub Dorn. Sullivan,1'tcei- dcu[-- 11. Approved pprnverl April ;, IV!L. - Alb F ll -:d, That eliror 1eretie edruwn u C li t}LT,, Ireton rl� u11tDets. ri rft f [wtAi tt ho�ovr oLad niv- hundmd and Iifty-two uud ten of:e-huutl redBu i(-.ua'.lol for thepurPu- paring 9,-l'-snu•nisov city and railO1oad Pte P et t, d D.- Mi I i IV 11 tt I) II,rIs01 Inrlu Grau 1' II ding EIII �[ :eU ildl 00 Gr:tdingD 1 y 11I ilii Grading It mood .tett...... :3510 Grading g liter oKd. oul lh street. ._ ... _ 69Pavang Btdfurdi,tee[ etd.-., Fhb5ixthstreet)fllge,ealvae[are 1,7Gr W0O Total ........ ... . .... .. 3",952 10 fn Juss;l onbes 1.Lere Fi�. elu tHeitui t�nunci d fund. "Adopted by Lho A,.sem lily Dlnn•h Peas -Messrs. Eim,l pis [, Fiare. DlcCul- fert}', McNamee. Oppouhelm Dat. Ple,ident NNays -o. _ Adopted by the fivard of AlJ ertn en .\pril of _. Peas --ALJ. 13Velenberg. Iiott. Conley. Cdy,'S tl, Cullen. Dobner, Dorniden. Me - lady. Sanborn. Sullivmr. DI r. Vi-Pre„dent --11. Nays- o. Approved April 7, 1892. Presidio 1. of tl ,! Asrom bly. President of the Boirdof AIdiL`rmen. BJ,"'). F. G11HAN, Vice Presidel+t al' Lhe Bonrdof Aldermen. T,b),. A. PIit:Nps:n1:A,T. April ll. Cit}' Clerk. Copeb`o- Do bncr1 Dorn den;PoGehun,uMe- S lady. Sabha— Su divan, DS r. resn idet-11, Na aab ldoptml b}' the Assembly Aprill,%]x9'_. DS}C'Vice ' uiIfe D'yt'"AIcaamlee - Optionhcim FI+Mr. rl',itll'ot- any,__". Appr.�vl'd April /:1, IB!Y'. O. O. V.b ::" 1'n•si dent ol'tbe Boartl of Aldermen. t Pt'esident of vie Assnably-. 1'nU,. A. 7'ue�'ot:uoAsx. City Clerk. OFFICIAL. PUBLICATION Dr lexoW tlnrra Adopted by tho Con,_ [non (:ouncil or the ('Ity of St. Paul. I, 1tile brutter of the r rrt of opt Lhe Gourd of 1'u ti l it Works tlat• ofOct.CL26, IV.,]. n' b l is 1 • m I,('it or . the Commut Cuba - TIa( the l'itS Uf SL. Poul: +Coun 'l'Icut the Itourd of Public works of said ('i t}'o[ Jt. Poul l'rtur•e 'ho followingim- pnrveull'nts in, made, LU `it:it Construct ifLPUtrttlun 1 uko n(m• from tl le cost linede of lot 7,\Need uud Willlu.s rearruou-t of block::;, Woodland Park addition W S Pau I, to file me,t hoe of lot II in Said rear-. litt�vti�l Illour d caid .lttll proceed without delay to u�„ss the a noun 1. i ear1Y as theY ca i 'seers y 1 the -me. `which will bereouirl'tl to nay the Qo,tq ud, uy 'x pease, of ,ocli in p,o cL enL opuna tho •ul e,Gt 4• to be beoclib•d by void im. the opinion of tlm run nJil that real estate fou ad Dt�elittd to �ti h, ez'PI of tl et cI fin osts od •z Pcn,e, stn.,, try [u he loco trod lLbcreb3-. AdupU•tl by till' lourd of Aldermen A"ot li!` ' Aid. Bnelcubeig. ho, Conley, ')In' uu-d. lt Dobner, Dorniden, Gebun, -,,dray.1Sanborn. Sulillan, Df r. Prest- rlrnt-I. Noy, -a1. Adopted be the AsScmbly April 12. 1893, 1'eu,-Jlessra- lunholser. C(utollu, hurl,. McCnll'erf y. YlcNume,, Oppcvhei m, N Mr. 1'ia• Prc,ill-L 7. ay, -0. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION I .11'Droced npril l3.le!u. Of Itesolutfop Adopted by the Common Ihl F NU. 875-i1v Ald. 'ene und- Councll of file City of St. Paul, leaol yell. 1'hnt ui order ls± drawn fill F No, ur)-F3}' Aid. Sunburn- theciy, "'coeur)' In favorof GeorgeIte1u IL is here Dy ordered by Lilo Common Coun- I Ltty "r�uet r fur till' "III f S742.56: II of the City of St. Paul: royeble putt or the food ruised upou the, '1'hatthe matterof eoneLructlp reuse ..smcit or opening, midcnlb r and block sidewnik on till, hurt h 'file of M., Bmm�wul teeetlito1Nnsh street In the ,hall uveun,, b,f.wl,en Alackubin �treet City of St. Y:ull. Suirl sum to be used he in I(ent street, I)e and the .+nuc i,�her •- ,uid Treasu r, t' lir n•fot t ,,' pitrtias by refeirLd to thettiut rd ..f Yoblic \5'Urk, encitl,d tben•tU t benmounLof assessment to incesciga it(, report- lruld tip u illi• property descri lied Irl the Is this improvement p per and notes- ub uexcrl ,tatcntl'nt. us is in said ,Intemeut ery' If so, send the to b a proper or. shown. Said ,um, phi II be refubdetl W d r directblg the, murk to he done. the o- ,h, entitled [lierbe only upon Adopted by lm Board of AId,rmon I present"c' :"'Itlid s thetoong of the rm April S, ]8'J.'. ceipt issued DY the City Treu,uror when H4• PROCEEDINGS OF THE, f'OMMON C-OI'NCIf. such ussessmants were paid up. which ", ,.Ipshall be Indorsed the manual, so re- funded. Adopted by the Roard of Aldermen March 15, IFr2. Yeus—A Id. Bieleubcrg. Bort. Cooley. Capelund. Dubn1-r, Dornid1-n. Melady. Suit. born, Sullivan. Mo. President -10. N ups—o, Adopted by the AsscmhlV April 11. ISr-'. Itunbolim, t'o.tello, S. McCnll'erty. M,Npm1-e. Dppenbeinl. yl Vice Presidrut-7. it N:trs—(L I Approved April I:;. IRr_' yl Na net-, Pen beim}Custeqo.I Mr. Vice President--•. Nays o. Approved April I:3, IS!r2. Ild F No. sIV—Hy All]. Mclady— Heso1V'cd, 7'loat Ote CicJ' E- face,- i hereby I,I stru tree to e�pe nil a su "I out es., ceding two hundred dol btrsllC'lNto in Idec- ing Int puss¢ le o,tedition 51. Lawrence str,,t, front Slut, ,trcet. to Nyaudotte street. and Wyandotte street. from St it �tn•et to P'loridx strYt. In the I. ltd F No, s;G—liy Ald, t'o telaud-- aC �tirlt wu%lrk tel Le tak.tt of SI the ��t rete Ite,olved. I'hat the I�uard of Public tl 1 sewm• and nuuntenumY fund. Work,. be. ural Ihc�' lir•hereby in.truvtrd I Adopted by the Iiunrd of Aldermen to erect one ,ohne lump oo \{'ustion- Mare ll lis lri9::. ,ter street, pho'L :foo t'cet teeth of tlo• ]'tan—:1111, ltieleldrerg, If�,t. Conley, bridg1- uV-er the Great Northern ruilxay I Cnpelanrl,D;do•r.7)urmd1-lt.ylelndySun- trucks; ulso to c,C -t one gasoline lamp on born. Sullivan, \l,. I'resideot—ll. tbcsuutllatst torncrof Mendolu11odl.uw- I Nays—u. t streets. Said lam Vs to he Laken front Adopted by the Ase1-lobly :11,,1112, 18'112. those rr• Dyed to Pavoe, tioc. Yeus— \lest,,. Itno 111,,2,•,. Costello, Adop11 be the ion rd of Aldermmi (lure. 31,011fl'Irt y, yfvNmnee. Uppon bel nl, March 15. ldm_. JD• \'ice Presidcut-7. Yeus—Alt. Itielennerg. holt, Conle3'. �: Nuys—o, Copeland, Dunoer. I)orltiucn. Meh1d3 Sao- AppruV'rd April 111. lR!r.•. born, Sullivan. Mr. P,r.,ident—lo. Nays -6. Aduptctl by the Assembly April 12, Yeas—AtCS.,. Han bol ler. Lust 1-1 lum , lie, Vir1- Presidcn [ Ito P' N11. e'9:t— McCnaerty, M�Namee. Oppenheim, Mr. Resolver,, That the Araftof contract be - Nays --0' — 7' twee¢ the City oCl f St. 1'11,11 and the liou- go. Mil Vrauka•:md Sl. Pool its il'va cont- A1,1,roved Altril I:f. 189'.!, pithy, s,l omitted by the colporttiun error -_ neY. nod providing for the con atiou tt of It double truck Iron bridge along the richt d' e'u1 of s:od railwxr tem puny amt et•rusu Hd i' 1 d,7 ISy Ali]. ItiBoard (I-- Pleasant If alcnue. hi•. end the sumo i Wlurkslbe, lund thevtare hcrelfy i_t'm11ed 'ulitiLq:11"Pi. ct�LeAattt 1-11n. Le telt cul to r •movc the gasoline I;uop from the tract of btlulf of said city. ortheast cur u,•r of Grotto sou Edmund let b3. the iluur[1 of Aldermen sift, I'll I I lbs so„I bels, c111mt 111 Groll„ .\pril 5, le92. and Edmumistreu•t s. fens—AIJ. 13ielenberg. 73olt, Conley. Adopted by the Board of Aldm'tn en ,'open;tpd, Doone r. Duro Iden. Gahan, \Ic•- March 15, 1,!3.11. luny. San baro, Sullivan. Mr. 1',esidcot— Yens—Aad IS Cr B.'ai Bot[, Conley, 11. Copeland. Dcbner Dorniden, \lelad3-, San- Nays --o. born, Sullivan. All. Presldent—lo. Adopted by the ;A11a hly sprit 19. 18!,22 Nays—o. ; 1-tan—MC,nr-5. Ranbolim', It .2. Pa ldoiltud by the A�.em biy April 1•� In!r_� Ilam. Me('uife ray Me Nn met. tl plxnhelnt. Yen? Mee. r.. l3n,Iboli-e r. In tis tell,,. Ila r,•, yl r. Vise President--:. , eCSRert V'. \IcNumec. O1,pmiheilo, yl r. Nays �1. Vice I'msldeot—,. N :\1,11,1111-11 April 1:3. 18!I'-'- Aplaypro V'en—d. U April l:t. Is+.C• ' Hrl N' No. stN,- 121- ire I. TI lit the Cit, ('om )roller be, Rd F No. N;B--Hy AIA. Butt-- oil 1, I. hereby nuthorlied UI Aosc the ltesotved That pmmi„loo b, ami is ant of the proceeds of the bonds is berehY 9' aottd Peter Ehrmuntrout to .t aid 1'or the ce'strucliun of a free wagon tet nt¢iotuin and operate I,nr scales at. 1 ridge for public lisp ueross the \Ilssis- No. It%9 Hast lugS;l ua,, it, I le City of St. 11,1,1 rlror. and known its the upper town Paul, DfInnesota, befog in front oI ](If briuge. bluek 9, 5th wube's addition, upon Lhc 1-u o- Aod be is hcrohy nuthorired W transfer diuniciplCod provided by article50 ,If the cut of the balance of the proceedsr, Mull re - Ado Cby ani ni'gfront said bunds to t_be cpociul Ado�t'xl by the Board of .1ldermej-� bridge lural. the sum of #il,iri'1.7,. Llm some April �. ISR. Io become up:trtof the euid ,Pette, bridge Yens—Ald. Ult•le nb„rR. Pott, Cooler, fit 1. to l>L u'n'1 ntl es pealed for such COP�Land, Uuboe r. Du roide n. lieh;un. Me- urpoStS n: Lhe Cum most l;ouncit shall lily, Sxnurl,. Sullivan, ylr. Yr•sideu t.—Il. �,emaftgqr determine. Nays -0. Ad, lot by the Huard of Aldermen Adopted by the Assembly April 12, 181'. April , ISV•2. OF THF. CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 7892 Yemo—Ald. Copeland Dolme,. D agilen, Gjhan. 1ely- ld. triembor cO lady. Sanborn, Sulllvun, Mr. President— 11. Copelnna, demott lady, Sanborn, Me Nays -0. Sullivan, Mr. Presldent-11. Nays --0. AAd dopted by the Assembly April 12, 1192. Peas—Messrs. Yea9ted by the Assembly April 12, 18uN. Hanlmlzer, Costello, Iluru, Mef7Itr1r '. McNamuY. Opp,lmim, McCnRerMes McNnmr8. anllolzer. Costello,Hare, McNamee,PPenhefnl, Mr. Viat President -7. Nflys-0. Vice YresY. Mr. Nays—b, Approved April 19, lad. Approved April 1:3, 1892. Bit F No. 897— Resolved That the City Comptroller be, tceoit untlof thhore pros Yds of the• bonds issued for the construction oY a free wagon brilip for puhlc use 'eros, the \fissis- ",ppt river, .,I know❑ us the upper. town b dgn. And he is he'b by authuriled Sundi_ eccetl W trunetor ou c of the halun1-e of the proceeds remaining from cid hued, the -um of f6,710.00 to the spuYlal ssessmu¢t fund for LIIC paving of F,:tst TLIrd Street. There is hereby upltmpstttM the suit' Sum of Z6.71n.00 so transferred fur the pur� pose of p¢yl¢g the balance r” red over nil ¢boyo the amount. that can b1- raised by assessments for said Imttnrovem1-nc ed etrce4 from Broat of dway, erect tothe ridgt ' • the right of way or Lhe railroad com- panius. under contract of IT. Reilly. Adopted b the Hoard of Aldermen April 5, 189_'. Io CopelandDonner, Donner, Dorielenbe n den.oGehm�nMe lady, Sanborn, Sullivan, Mr. Presldhnt—I 1. Nays 0. Ycos- Merers.e Hanholaer, vCoete Io, 18 Elm- uufat. Here, McCaaetty. McNamee. Op- penheim, Bir. Vice President—, Nnye--11. Approved April l:3. 1sJ:'. Hd F No. !Nlo III the matter 1,1 [ he report of the Rmt Itis 1Sol lwrleby orks rrletmd dlyttl u�s�Com0.mon That theef the Bourl,lo(rit SP VII f. P\forks of the City of St. Paul e¢une the Wolk, to be mode, to-Vrit: t3 rade. Ii11 and improve city. Langford Purk, lu safit Tluttsuld Hoard cause avid work tube let by contrset. as pro tided i out ora> "If the catimuted cost Ix ingtftr, 1,¢111 into the 1-i t1, trcusury, and nfWr sst uit ark 511-11 txt placed under contract sold Hoard ,ball proceed u-itbout serf the amount, :as n ; rly ,.s th,y can as as- certain tele same, whiell will be d to pay the costs and nese of reriuired uch impprovement upon tlerycnl o�tabOe,ce [o be bt! is ICd by .sa id i nlprn',1`C 1,uspru- C'mu cibl that real eslato to be usu�sstd for Such improvement can be found be'etited to the e.vtt•ntof the cost, and c.vpert see rt Adoptedt 1yt t�hr11 ,Boar( f Aldermen AVril 5, 1892, l'oppclland lober�Blee Dern den�Gchmt,n Me - Sanborn, 11 ty' Sanborn, Sullivan. Mr. President-- Nnys--0. Adopted by the Assent 11,y April 12, 1898, "os -111-.5. Hunlnolr,Cr. Castello. Hare. illcC-Iferty. - CNIlmee, Oppenheim. bf r. Vfoe Prceidcnt—,. Not •--ll }s Apprnlca Al,ri uz, 189-2. Rd F No. 898— In the matter of the rep7nort of the Board of Public Works dated :d ch :3l, 1892. R its Itordered by the Hd F No. 901— Common Coal,- n- of the City of St Peul: In the matter of the reportof the I3ourrl TI this of of dcausenllo of Pttbile Works dntetl April J, 18fM_. It C Y it Psul followinnf Inln- firtivC.Outtobemade. is here, y ordered by tho Common Coun- of the City to -wit: Conderno and take en easement for bridge purposes of St.Puul: ���I Werke o[ .,old c u thin the Iines of Lincoln neem •, ¢trues across Cit • of Saat PuuldcufnPublle J the follurving im- tniloverthat 11nurt of the right of the Chicago, MilwuukCC&St. pro vements let be m de, to -wit: Grade Charles street, Rxtm Paul Rail- ,.lie fgi,t of way of the Ml nnesota Trunsferftailt, lioylevnrd udditiuntund Manson Compmty ' aid uu i� livork and Slat. lit ton's addition, in said t•Ity. That TbutmSaid Iloaril d ea, suit to be let by s¢Id Hou rd Shull prnceed without delay trn cutest the contnaet, out one-half the ¢mount. ,nearly us t mycan necertttin the estl matcd�•ost bei I) If 8L paid into the city trersury. .tame. which will be rain, red to pay the dura and ufU;r sr shall be placed under ag,-s. tests cod neceseury expenses of such Improvement �ork cnn tract, said arc, shall proceed without delay upon the real estate to be benefited b - id J to as - st•s, the amount. a -'Carl -v a1- they ata ua- curtain ImprrvCment, as ¢ting Itha )low, the same, ,ldell will be cu erred the ppinlou of the Conner 11 estate t1, be J pensee of ,u1-1µ, ntltroce Ls and ueCessnr • es as.sassed for such im prove- lent Dan be found bone I , b ted men[ upon Lhe real estate to ted by improvement, to to the extent of the damages, costs and 1-.c pen se neees- said as tru- 11111-11 by law; It being the opinion uC the su ry to be incurred Lheroby. Council that reel estate to bo assessed for Adopted . the Huard lit Aldermen I Apri15, 78118. Wtheextonto[the coeisnnd 5 expeuseslted sec eSsarY W be f lieu rred thereby.to 64' PROCEEDINGS OF THE (7ODIDII)N COF"NCIL 'vell us.w.smer,is were puid up. which r ]scan -Messrs, Bardoil-r. Cuutello. Hare, of pt shall be indorsed tum nI nos su re- D1eC ud'ert y, >]c Namee• Oppottl,elvt, Mr. funded. ` \'lee dr;u Adopted by the Rontd of Aldermen Nays --0. Prtsi [-,. D[areb 15. 1F'J'. Approved April 1:1. Yeas-Ald. Biel -b -a. Butt. Cotdcy. Copeland. DuLner, lluruibm. Dleludy. tinu- In, Sullit'u n. Dfr. F'rceide I t-10. N nys-0. Adopted by the Asscmhly April 12, 1,9_. Bit Y No. hx:-B}- Ald. \Ie1nUy- Yeas-Dlessr®. BunLulzec rostella. Itenuh ed, Thus the Cic3' Engineer Is Hit? DleCall'erty. 11,Nun. ee. Oppcnbeim. ! bcreLy {natrucLcU'l,, .solum snot et D1 r. Vice Yres(Ucnt-,. ding two hundred dollars l Sit -,I rill Nays -o, Inc In pit"oldo m edition St. L,In pla _ AVprovurl April 1:1, In!Y_' -street, from Statctst reel to LV st r'ct. and lt' SauUr at _ yu nU Floe nt tret, from -Sf,xtb wnrI. d.c1. rhe to Florida St.!soul, cost Bd F NI, H;Ii-1 a the Copeland— ul'.uch work to be tak, n out of the street Benulc'd, That tile. I�oard of Publi, : and sewer and m;untenam'u fund. \Narks, be. nod tl:uy are hereby instructed Adopted by fill' Board of Aldermen to ,•rect un,. seine lama „u WISl iti n- M; re 115. 189_. -ter street, about :01 Ice, soot!, of'thI. Yues-Aid. Bielmtbc ir. Butt. C„n ley. bridge over the Great Nurtbern:tilwny Co{,elLLnti, Doboer. Dur[ndco, Dlel [racks: also tF erect o ns,dioo lair, born. !a Y, Bun- Sullivu o, DI r. I'rc.ideuL-11. the suu[Lcus[ corncrof Dlcmlota LLnd Lull- I Nays-e- �Lrv•ets. Said lamp, to b' Lukcn fron, Adopted by the. :1sseln bl3' .inti! 13, 18!N, those ...... u'ed w Pnvoe Wren ne. Vous- Dl,•ns rs. Itun holi'r. Costello. Adopti�a bis tl;e Burd of A]de rnic r: Hare. McCa 11'ert v, Dfe Namee. Uppmlllci m, Dlarut. 15. Is!Y. Mr. \-ice Presidi7nt-i. Yetis -Aid. Iiielen berg. Bolt. Cor,1eS, Nuys -d. UoPc land. DuLr,e r. Ih,rl,iden. )b -h Su o- AU. roye'U April l3, IF!1'!. burn, Sullivan, Mr. P. -idem -I I. A,lus tea b ohI o Assem bl A 12. ]'ens.-Dtesers. B unhotrer.f'F'�t, It l 1, . l para. McC¢Rerty, McN:tmc', Oppenhei,. Mr. It' F No. ill, VI,, President--;, ILCsulved. L'Irutl.hedraftofcror;Lrx'ibc- N.YS-e. twee. III. City of SL. \soul nod lh' Citica- Approved April 1:1, I8!r3. Ku. Dlilw.1dirc and St. !seal Itnilwny 1ran}-. ; bmilLN by the :u:'por:ttlrun utte providing for ane cone traction of u double track iron bridges long Lhe rich t. lid l'No, S77-I4y AId. 1{ie3enbcrg-- y III aid drailwuy "nnlnll,3. la �tamo is \'lean nt be, I ins Re olyeU, ut cite Itou rd of public b •rel v :tl,p r. a-cU, nd be proper city Works Ix•, u 1 Ibex ore. he -by instrocl'd „Hre • di •el.edrt to err •n to said e to re•mov'nthe gu.ollne lamp front Ib,• It act ,"n tbcl l;tlf of eLLid city. un- ,rlheust em m•r of GrutG, , ml Edmund Adolded by the Board of Atder Sltrects Lo the scut l,cust co,mruf Grutt+' Apri l:,, IS92. mr,n and Edmund sues Ln. as-Ald. 13ieleu bar; IioLt. Cooley. Atlor, by the hoard of Ablermen '„petit o,l, D„b Wer, Dorn Iden. Gelinn. MA cb r5, ISR. luny. sen born. Juilivan. Ji r. I9'esidm,t� Yens -Aid. liielenberg. Itott. Coaley, ll. `opel:and. Dobner Dornide., Dfelady, San Nays --U. born. Sullivan. All. President -m. A'111 cs L}' the Assam bap April, 72. 18!r3. Na3's-0. 1"eas--Dicssrn. Banholier, Cslcl it Adoptc<I by tlu•.1 ssc:n buy April l8, I.,jo. lbs n•. DleCuffcrU'. D1cN:tmet•. Uplam helm, Yea.-Dleenrn. B:ln boiler, Cosle ll.,, (lure, Air \"ie' I'r'side. r;t- DleCafi,•rLy. DlcN amec. (lppel;beirl;, yl r. r vs�. •. Vice I --l'nt- .\Vpn,ced April l:t. 16!r_'. N:ty,, I A Ill, lApri113, In!k 1 Bd F NF, I"H;- Bd F` No, S ;+--8 - AIU. lint[-- Itcsoiy'd. That the City Comptroller bc, 3 ml h' is be eb3 Lutboriied w Muse til'. Iicolt'ed, Tb:tt porn - ion be and fs rnL of the proeecds uf' it,, Lund, Is -by gra-el Peter Ebrm;tntruut to eU fo' the cuusi roc tion I It free wagon •set. 'moon and ape ale t La ul 1 iq' r public r .- tl til... n. N o. Iik59 Bust mgs:n er ur.In II L'tV(If St. Si [I1r: ce,,lad knot n11Lhc upper town I til DS t +uta, htuug un bunt of lot. E. bridK . r bitki {, scl lye be'v id,d ion, upon the• co I, And he is hereby ;tulhorized wtransfer dlLiuns anU :Is prvrvideU by urt:clr511 of the I out of the L:dancc o[ the procecUsn Dl u nicl pal Code. nn'nil;g from s:tirl Lu ads to the 'poell Adukted b}- the Board of ,\Id'rmer, bridge fund. tl;csum of#Ill,. Lbe snore to buconry a `naso of the nnld .q,uciul bridge Vc.,s-Ald. liiclenbcrX. Nott, Conley, (ooU. to be I ed uU eaponded fur ,troll Copr,]xnd, Dobn'r, Dor.idcr;. Gehan. Me- lu rpo90 x.. IIIc Cummer, l;uunell shall luny, Scroll, Sullivan, 31'. Pr'�idmut-II. i �, • •a (ter d",,, inn. Nays-� ' Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Adopted by the Assembly April L3. 18t', I April 1I., 18113. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR _ Copelanrl,rT)ol,nteleD rrR,de H.G`•.hOovy- 1892, (i:1 Id. Bott Cope Suborn, Sulliv¢n, Mr. Pn•sitlent- 1, d.Dobnelr,leDory dem uud Sanborn, Sullivan, Nays --0. IS a Mr. Ytesitlent-Il. Adopted by the Asgem buy April I^, 1I Yens Adopted by the Assembly April yens-McRers. - Messrs. BNa..., Cosimim: Bert)A McNamm•, Gppeu Iinnbolzer, Costello, Hare, McCafferty, M,N¢mee, Oppenheim, ice P, ilei m, Jlr. Vice Freslrl nt-„ Nays -0. Mr, Cice President -7. Nays -U. Approved April P, 9., APProved April 13, 1692. - i' co Lrectlof ThomiusnI{ellly. by the Board of Aldermen 1. Hfelenbe rg. Batt, Conley, 301ver, Dornide n. Gehaa. Me- ru, Sullivan, Mr. Pres blent-IL y the Assembly April 12. 1692. ars. Ban holier, Costello. Elm- . McCafferty, AtcNamee. Op - Ir. Vice President-, April 13. IS!M-' lid F No. 898- Ia the matter of the repport of the Board of Public Works doted M ch 31, 182, IC is hereby ordered by the Comm". Conn.• Io f the City of St Isms!: That the Board of Pub Ic Works of the CityPoul re. se oho following im- provementtobemade, tm,,1.V Comlemn and tike, easement for bridge purposes wi[Idn the Iine, Ff Lincoln teen tic. ncruss and over that 44 rt of the right of way of the Chicago,Idalwant'-8tit. Paul Rufl- lioiancvumrdadaitlo!" K Also -n entl's m� o1 ton's addition. I. .id, city. That said Board nh.tll proeeccl wtrhout dully W assess the mount. . I3' us they can uecertain the<nme, winch will Ue re,lulred Ur pa}' the dumaccs. cos Ls uud u11 e�r, cx ensesufsucn i prorement .you thereI estate w be "on eifwd by being the Improvement, ofa[he Cutin it til a null 'state w ole xesessed for such Imprrrve- , •utcanbefouod beactltedwthe extent of the damages, cosL.s unU'ansa ses .1 to -t eu[y to he! Ileo rrwa tl.oI. 5 Y of Aldermen the Board 26, 18[d. Common is mksthe owing Im- aid work to be I s Inr v, dpd by Iaw, with- egdm,twa'o L �,t•mg nr,c areY ndusnrdyra �a rear Raia contract slid sed without delay to a - :tshnioirlr�vilcsbetCyect �nU e -of .p au�red st upon I.I;e e 1 estate w 'd i ,prove bent, it., pro- -.--_ .X the _ opinion of -tire to the u.xwvt-of the I at d e�pmase ru Adopted by for ti rl3ootrdert�,y. April 5, 1892. 1) Aldermen Cur etlund, llobl�erle Dorniden,a(;�l Ia y, Sanborn, Sullivan,President-- Adopted by tato Assembly April I2. 1898. Yea, -DIe.ssrs. Bnnt,olzer. Costello, F;are, DleCul4urty-, Mf Nu M-, OppCnbCf m, Mr. Vice President -7, Nuys -0. Approved April 13, 1,193. Hd F No, Mil - 1 In ails matter of Lhc roportbf the Board of 1'ubllc Works dntetl dprfl {. ]6YY_'. Itis hcreLy ordered by the Comtuon Conn- ell of the City of St. Paul: mt CItY of St- Puu licence the lic \f illoeif vinR im� CBo I ants to bC made, tuwft: Grade Cborles street, from rim i�ht of way of tlaC Df(nnesotn Trvtnsfer liallwxy Company' uThui toldiiou�d °"`n e¢dia tori, Lp bo i- by contract, xs provided by low, noth- t one -lull the estimated cost boi.g first puid into the city trersu r3'. and :titer th'S ark shall be placed under contract. said aid Board shall e.le L 10 amount. ;Iss nearly xe td ley it, ne- eer[sln the same, which will la, er101in xl-d Io par the costs nnU vecessary expenses of -uoll Impp ovement upon the rent estufu to be beneNted by said improvement, ns , ided by Iaw; It befog the onioiou Rd F Nu, Bit F No. 6!I1- Li Bm matter, n, Resolt'ed, That the City Com cruller be. of thereby c IC nntl he is hereby authorized to close the is Council c1 ... toftheproeeedsof the bends issued fur of til Thal she construction of x free ger, bridge fur \flssfs- the Boa CItY of St. Pau public use r ss the 'ip.f river, and kttowv IS the .],Per P 'tit` 1. bridge, wwn Ana he is hun•by uthoriiod env ll- acted to cru nater outer be holo fill ¢nd Impr tit city, . TI tit surd IIF ace of the .race d' Inl , from id bunds tum f lb.710.0fi o•I U?n to the pecefnl .. i�r r�a'for she r::�r contract. I t dutlf tin i'ofd ineF t par•in� er Tlri�aee'v���c� T';. erebJ' VVr .riot d the e _ 11 be said of $6,910.W gu lrnn eferred fur the par- Board sisal! p p, pose of paying the balance rrpuf tori user " na,bn if te oho amuunl a sertnin tl,e n p,a ti�at can ia• r m r ¢i,ea by flI-Stam!. for .Wirt m..�...............- LLm, to pay the costs i' co Lrectlof ThomiusnI{ellly. by the Board of Aldermen 1. Hfelenbe rg. Batt, Conley, 301ver, Dornide n. Gehaa. Me- ru, Sullivan, Mr. Pres blent-IL y the Assembly April 12. 1692. ars. Ban holier, Costello. Elm- . McCafferty, AtcNamee. Op - Ir. Vice President-, April 13. IS!M-' lid F No. 898- Ia the matter of the repport of the Board of Public Works doted M ch 31, 182, IC is hereby ordered by the Comm". Conn.• Io f the City of St Isms!: That the Board of Pub Ic Works of the CityPoul re. se oho following im- provementtobemade, tm,,1.V Comlemn and tike, easement for bridge purposes wi[Idn the Iine, Ff Lincoln teen tic. ncruss and over that 44 rt of the right of way of the Chicago,Idalwant'-8tit. Paul Rufl- lioiancvumrdadaitlo!" K Also -n entl's m� o1 ton's addition. I. .id, city. That said Board nh.tll proeeccl wtrhout dully W assess the mount. . I3' us they can uecertain the<nme, winch will Ue re,lulred Ur pa}' the dumaccs. cos Ls uud u11 e�r, cx ensesufsucn i prorement .you thereI estate w be "on eifwd by being the Improvement, ofa[he Cutin it til a null 'state w ole xesessed for such Imprrrve- , •utcanbefouod beactltedwthe extent of the damages, cosL.s unU'ansa ses .1 to -t eu[y to he! Ileo rrwa tl.oI. 5 Y of Aldermen the Board 26, 18[d. Common is mksthe owing Im- aid work to be I s Inr v, dpd by Iaw, with- egdm,twa'o L �,t•mg nr,c areY ndusnrdyra �a rear Raia contract slid sed without delay to a - :tshnioirlr�vilcsbetCyect �nU e -of .p au�red st upon I.I;e e 1 estate w 'd i ,prove bent, it., pro- -.--_ .X the _ opinion of -tire to the u.xwvt-of the I at d e�pmase ru Adopted by for ti rl3ootrdert�,y. April 5, 1892. 1) Aldermen Cur etlund, llobl�erle Dorniden,a(;�l Ia y, Sanborn, Sullivan,President-- Adopted by tato Assembly April I2. 1898. Yea, -DIe.ssrs. Bnnt,olzer. Costello, F;are, DleCul4urty-, Mf Nu M-, OppCnbCf m, Mr. Vice President -7, Nuys -0. Approved April 13, 1,193. Hd F No, Mil - 1 In ails matter of Lhc roportbf the Board of 1'ubllc Works dntetl dprfl {. ]6YY_'. Itis hcreLy ordered by the Comtuon Conn- ell of the City of St. Paul: mt CItY of St- Puu licence the lic \f illoeif vinR im� CBo I ants to bC made, tuwft: Grade Cborles street, from rim i�ht of way of tlaC Df(nnesotn Trvtnsfer liallwxy Company' uThui toldiiou�d °"`n e¢dia tori, Lp bo i- by contract, xs provided by low, noth- t one -lull the estimated cost boi.g first puid into the city trersu r3'. and :titer th'S ark shall be placed under contract. said aid Board shall e.le L 10 amount. ;Iss nearly xe td ley it, ne- eer[sln the same, which will la, er101in xl-d Io par the costs nnU vecessary expenses of -uoll Impp ovement upon the rent estufu to be beneNted by said improvement, ns , ided by Iaw; It befog the onioiou 64• PROCEEDINGS OF THE COilIMON COUNCIL such assessments were paid up, which n• Sous --Messrs. BeDltoLe^. Costello, Hare, e lit shall be indorwd the arnouots su re- illcCuffert y. McNamee, Oppenheim, Mr. f Adopted \'Ica President -7. AdoPwd bS Lhe Ronrd of Aldermen Nays -p. March l.i. ld. Approved April I:3, IB!i2. Yeasn Aid. er, D arnid Butt, Conley. Copeland, Sullivan.DelmM, .onside. -10. y. Sun- borm.van. Df r. President -10. Nuys 0. Adopted by the Assembly April I'1, IB!C. 13 (1 F No. 88;-IIy Ald. Mcludy- Yeas-Messrs. BnnhOlzer. al folio. ltesolced. Tlult the Ciq' Engineer, is IInre. McCntl'erty. DlcNumee. Oplx�obl nt. hereby Instructed to exlx•uJ nsu•tt not ex Mr. Vice President-;. 'ceding two hundred Jullnnl¢201t) in pinu- AppNayrov. rng iu posesilio •ondiilon St. Latvv(m"_ Approved April I:f, 189^_. street, from State street to Wyando c' street. and Wyandotte street. frim St. I,n or rd strma to Florida street, in the ateal Bd F No, 876 -By Ali]. Copeland-- oP such urork totbe tnk�ut uut8t[ the street ILosolved, That Lhe Boa,d of I'ubli' i lad se\ver alld all lenun'e read. Works. le, and the}y ore bereby instructed Adopted by [h' BourA o[ Alderman te erE•a[ ore saline Inntp on Wustmin- ! Dl:[rclt l,. 1rV:. ter street, tbuut 300 feet south of file ]"ons -Alf. ItielCnberg, Bott. Conley, bridge over the Great Nort.ltern 1111wnY I Copeland, Dobner. Durulden. Melady, Sun- tn['ke; also to erect ono gasoline lamp oft burn. SullivLL n, ]I r. PresiJeu L-11, the southeast curnerof illendo[u and bow- I Nays -u. streets, said Inn!ps w be taken from AduPte_d by the 0ssenthly April I°, 1892. those rc caved w I'nyne aver uo. Yeas -Meas rs. Its'] holier. Costello. Adopted by filo llu+[rd of Aldmmtmt Bnre. ilI'Crlierty, M'Nnmee Up lenboin+, March 15. ln!rs, Dl r. Vice President -i. Yeua-Ald. Rielenhcrg, Batt Conley. Nu}s-9. CopclanJ. Doh ne r. Duro idea, illelady, Saul- Apllrovl•J April 13, 18-12. burn, Sullivan. Mr. President --IU. NAys-0. ' Adopted by the Assembly April 12, Iq9_'. - Yens -Messrs. Bapholrcr. Costello. Dare. Brl F No. a!i- V Carterty, McNamee. Oppenheim, Mr. ILesolveJ,Thalthedraftofcontrefbe- Vfee President1 tt Rrn Om City y Of St. Paul and the Clticu- Approved April 1:1,1892. Ko. Milivalakee and Si. Paul itelltray alm- puny, submitted by the co,purotion atter Itcy. and providing for the construction of +1 all ble track- iron bridge -along the right Rd F' No. q'.": --IS -AId. Itiel'uberg-- i1 `r'IS'pf'aid roil way eumfuloYand across > f'leusuut uvunu he, no 1 the some is Rosolved, That the Buurd of Public hereby upprovud, old Oe- proper city Works be, and thev ore bercby instructed ofhcers :ve directeJl to e�c'uw avid 'un- to remove the guaolf e. lump front Om tract on behalf o(snid city. ortl=,it eorr'r or(; rotto ,lad Edmund Adopted by the Bllard of Aldermen streets to the soot beast corm r of Grotto Aprils, 1813. and Edmundstrects. l"cos-Aid. Bielenberg, 73ott. Curley. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Cope!uod, llubrc r. Dornid,tt. Gahun, Dle- M eh 15, 18ir1. I luny, Sonborr, Sullivan, Mr. President Yeas -Aid. Bielenberg. !loft. Con len', Il. ar..,peSol, Dobner Dornlden, file no San- i Nays --0. born, suilivan . Dir. President -m. Arlupted by Lite A..lrmbll' April 12. 18W. ' Nays -0. 1"eas -- Messrs. Ila t I lies, Costello, \fnptul by the Assembly April 12, I.Vr_'. Imre. hfcC'nR'rt}'. illeNnmee. Uppenhelm, Your-illeesrs. 73,utbulzer. Costello, Iht r', DI r. Vice PreslJlrtc-:. \leUatiert}} McNamee. Upper bei cat. DI r. Nrys�i. Vice 1'_,'ient-1' Approved April1:f, ISU2. Nays -0. Appruvl.l April 13, Iso?. I - fill I' No, 8!Ilt- Bd F No. 878 -By Aid. Bott-- a dEltetivcd. bytuuthorrzrcl Lo, to b , Resolved, That permission be art] is amt of the close proceeds Of the Loud" ao Lureby gran 4l Yater EbrmuoLruut to �[n� 1 fpr the coo+traction of IL free wagon eE•t, mai"fain autd operate buy scale. at bridge r nubile ase um•oss the No.] Rr9llastmgs aver a e. Ir the City of St, sippi rifer. cud known as Lhe uplxr tow Paul, Minne..om, being it, front of Int 17. bridge. block 4, Schwube's addition, limn the cur- ' And he is hereby authorized w transfer dlti ons and as provided by artfclefr0 of th, I out of Lhe balftrleC of the proceeds rE Municipal Code. raining from said Lords to the spoeinl Adoppted by file 13ourd of ,\Idermeo bridge fend• tllceumof $II.Itl3'.1,, the same A i15. Iq!L'. to become a part of the said special bridge You. -Aid. BieferbE•rg. Bott, Cooley. ford. to be used and expondoJ for such CT -land, Dobner. Dornlden, Goll Me- ll 'Pose It Lltu Common CO d f shall fully, 8nnorn. Sullivan, Mr. Pru,idem-11. hereafter dewrmipe. Nn➢sal. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Adopted by the Assembly April 12, ISM. Apra 5, 1593. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUI,, FOR 1892. Yeas-Ald. Bielenberg, BotL Copley. Copeland. Dobner, Dondd • iGahan. Me - lady, Sanborn, Sullivan, 1., Preeident- 11. Nays --0. Adopted by the Assembly April I_, 189?. Sees - Messrs. Banff iaNtur Costello. 1Into, Mer':afroly). MCNamee, Oppenheim, lir. Vice Presfth,at-,. N.Y.-O. Approved April li, i?o,. BJ F No. 897- andohelf.sheieny Muth ullled to Comptroller he eeount Of the proceeds of the bunds issued for tIIC COnsLra Ctiun Of LL free Wagon brldFe for pubhe use across the Mlssis- ippl river, and known ns the upper town hrldge. And he Is hereby authurized unp ill_ reetedtotransferout oftlu• b,. h..,,...,. . Theret is Litee eb inn o[ Elult TIII 'it street. sum oP;68,110.00 so trn sPPred ldirr the Vthe ur� Pose of paying Lhe balance required over and above the amount tbut e;in be raised "wry of the railroad co�� contract of Thomas Ilei fly. the of the of Aldermen Bielenberg, 13ott, Conley, per, Dornlden. Gehno. Me - Sullivan, Mr. Presldent-I1. d by 892. Yeall-eMe. ers.e Banholzer, April Costello, Elm. quiet. Here, McCnrtert➢, AtcNomee. op. Nuys— Mr. Vice President-; Nays- ,. Approved April 13. 1892. Bit F No. 898 - In the matter of the repport of the Board .1 Public Works dated M ch 31, ]q!h2. Itis hcreby ordered by the Contemn Coun- II of the City of St. Paul: That Lhe Board of Pub Ic {Yorks of the City of St. Paul cue se the following im_ firovement to be made, to-wi t: Condemn npd t aka an eusemeht Por bridge purposes within ere lines of Lincoln a_%x across theand over that part of the right oP wry of the Chlcugo, Milwaukee&St. Pat I Rto way company lying between S[ineun's 13ouln yard dditipo and Manson and Sim- onton'sadditfon, in said city. That said Board shall proceed tvitbout delay W assess the nmounG as nearly us they Cap LLBCCI'La(❑ the Sllnt C, tt'IIICh will be req ulred Lo pay the dumases. E• l a t and neE•essury espeases of such improvement tape the ronl estate Lobo benadted by Wit Improvement, as provided bfl low, it reing thoopinion ofthe Cto W inso-ss.ij for ou ncII that real mupclamt can be fOuod benefited to tl'X.,-"rt Cut the damnges, costs and expanses peces- s r pled Incurredto be bythe tBoardY Of Aldermen Apri15, 6 Ga tt 00 CoPoland • IDobo ir.1 Do v den, oG' TIQ Indy, Sanborn, Sulllvnn, Mr. President -Il. Na➢s-U. Adopted by the Assembly April McCnrterty, 12, 78P1. Yens -Messrs. sale, 'n , penhelm, Costello McNamee, Up, Hare, Mr. \'ice President-,. Nays --a. Approved April 13, 189.1• Bit F No, 9W - In the matter of the report of the Board of Public Works dated March!N 18!E!. It iairs hert.eby ordered by the Common That the Board lo[ P Iblic Works of the proCitverent Pan to it,To muds, to -wit tail pia fill and improve Langford Park, ht said city. TI nt sold Bonrd cause said work to bo lot by contract, as provided by Inw, with_ put ape -holt the estimated cost being Orsi gold into the fit -v ercasurY, and ufwr said Boardrk s""" proceed will do out d biyneft said sass the smornt, as early as tlmy mm lo,: certilin the same, wh(ch tail! be regntred to P. the costs Dud Imccssflry expenses of such t rovememt upon the real ask¢to W be bcll. led by said improvement, Its pro- vided by law; it being the ernent,Fildom of the pro - Cot' Dell that real cstuw te be assessed for such improvement can be found beuellted w the patent of the ' eta un[1 expenses necessary to be incurred thereby. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen April .5, 1892Yeas-Al, Coperg land. Dob�er.e Dorn , uGeh gM ne- la Y, Sanborn, Sulllvnn. Mr, President-- Not 0 Adopted by the Assembly April 12, 189'2• Yoa[s-3lessrs. IInnholzer. Costello. Hnre, illeCufPorcy. 3lcNumee, GPPCn beim, Mr. Vice President -7. Nu0. Approvys ed April 13, 1892• "I thlNnutter "I the rpport'of the Board of Public Works dated April I, 1892. It is hereby ordered by tho Common Cou ,it of the City of St. Poul: That at th e IIo r artl al so iy Works of ,,aid City of St. Poul cause ty {ollowinv rte_ w noun oven uo, in said City. rk to, b3'Lcon6rn �t ns providedibytluty, u�tL- Out One-half the estimated cost belug first lul%lotothe city trersury, and after said Boats erall be bell proceed wit ittl..Itcr J lay tto ne certo, n Lhmou'111 ot.'+,sl rte ttr bili Ixlas I l•rE required to 1 nv the ts unthnecessary a pat of u h lm ovemert upon the real etew w be benefited by Bald improvement, as o - C. , by law; it being the opinion oftileCouncil that rent estate to Ile asvereent Can be fee sessed for w the extent of the costs and expad ens it tto ed necessary to be incurred thereby. 64' PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COVNCII. such users cols win puiei up, t\Lich re 'Ien.�-Messrs. Bavhulzer, Costello. Hare, oipt.hall bo ind-td it, neon n!s sn re- WCull'erty, McNamee. Gppeoheim, Mr. funded. \'ire President -7. Adopted by Lhe Roard of .\ltl- en I Nuys -o. March 15, Ifi.F. Approved April 1:3, 18!x2. Yeus-Ald. Bielerbere. Butt. Conley. Colrclund. Dobner, Durnide u. \Ie holy. tion- i born. Sullivan. \I r. Pres Went -lo. Adopt d by tho A""Mbly A Pril ]:, Is9_'. I It ri F Nu. s8�-By Ald. Mclady- Yoee-\lessrs. 13:r,Iholier. ,'u.tullo. Itesol vCrl. Tll lil. Llou ca F.n BielCer i Hare. Mt•CIII-ty. 31eNa...eC. OPV[:nbei m. IierabS+ustrnctCd Ut e.vpC.nJa 11111 ess \1r. Vwe Yresidcnt-,. 'Ceding 11111 h n red red'oilers l2"_UU)�lo pluv- N,t +�- nB rn plssable c[ oltt ion St. Lawrenec APprot'eti AP[il ]:i, ]tl street, [roto SLaw �. cet. to lV y;tndntt¢ street, and tVyun[lo[te sLre¢L. from St.I.a lvrence streo[to Florida street.lntho Sixtl, turd, in the Cltv of SL Poul, cast III F' No, P;!i-IiJ- At(]. l'u l[xle red-- of . [eh work to he ink. n out of the street Ite 11 -ed, That the Dour 1 ret' Public ue 1 .ewer and m'untenunre fond, Works, be. and they a • heresy instrnct¢d Atl IPlcd by the 13uurti of Altienneu tAl creat on solI'll. Imp or: Westni:,- Dluec[h IF. ]N9.. ter street,• tont :- feet south uf'the Yeus-1 Aid. RielcnberB. Boct. Cooley. br(dBe o1-er the l; r¢:[t NorLll err, ;tilwuy Copeland, Doh.¢r. Durnide.,:, DlelndY. Sun- tracka: also t erect o •. gasoline Ia1r111 on Dorn. sollivsso, Ni, Presld(".", Il. the southcast�•ur neruP"Iendota and Lnly- I Nnys�t sonstreets. Said hin,ps to he take, I'run, Adu It �[ b [ I the :\see 1 Y ) rill'. 18!r2 hose r 1 -cdw Pnlo,o,teenu¢. lbas-5b•11111 Iinnbolzor. Costello. Adoptn•d hly tho Buu rtl of Aldermen[ Ilnre. 11"C"111111 1. Dle Nunes, UPpen bei m, march 15, 18!8. Mr. bice 1'reeidt:ui�7. Yeo -Aid. IS i1 •len her;. Itott. Co,dey. I Nuys-, Copeland. D.loo-hoornideu, 9le In d". Su:1- Approved ill* 1:1, ll. horn, 6ni111v n. DIr. Pit-, idmtt-In. .Ways -n. A[wpted by Lilo Assembly' 1 -ens -Messrs. B;.n�olier-ContCllo.Imre, Rd F'No. boS-- \'McCORerty, Mr.Num ec. .(lppeuhcia[, Mr. Resolved, 'Clint the draft of contract be- N.Y-0. Presideat -, Nuys -o. Laves Lhe City of St. 1'unl :tad (hc Chieu- Allil-d April M. IN1r_. Ko. \I ilwankce :rod St. Poul Itnlhvay cum- ' nl:tny'• sn bot it"'I by the :o opo ration .-I-- a do do ;mhietl prnvidiol; for the eenstr-Ifto, of n track iron DridBe •along Lhe ri;rhL Rd F No. Aid. Itielenber.;; __ of a:Iv of ata den ue u'ay coin p:tnY and across Yleus:tnl he, ao 1 the sun a is l{usol vel, Th:rt the lionrd of 1'ul'ic hereby a lijoi,Cd. nil Lhe pm c y Works On, nd thev are be -by it strode' othcers;u'e direew[la to e1 �ute a dd cur to r•urove.�ttht• nusolinc lump I'rl i the tract' behalf of said city •1 r rthensL •oe uer d fI'll to and Edmund Adopts' b}' tho liourd of Alder .[reel stothesnothearsl coin, , of Grotto .1Pri1 :i. 1N92, 'mon nod Edmund strtets, Yeus-Ali]. 13i -b-bee'B. 13111[. Conley, .5 Adopcoa by the Boarrl of Aldermen (-ogre esti, Dubuc r. Dorn ides, (.ohne,. illt•- MYea 15, ld. I"Idy.ItSnn born, Sullivan. \I r. President.- "' Yens -Aid. 13ielen berg. ISott, l:o.l ey, Il. t'opeland, Donner llorniden, Melatip, S:ue Nays --o. born, Sullivan. Mr. President -lo. Adopted by the Assem alp April l'.. Iwr2. Nay's 0. Mo s- I3.tohulice. ( steno. Adopted by LI 1.'.' I ly April 12, I 11 •. 11 ( ff ty. McNamt e. UI 1 - helm, Yeus-Jl Cer rs 13 I 1- -r Costello, Ila 41 \' _ [ I lent McCa Rorty McNamte. Upper hei,o, M, Na., Vice Presedont-i. Aflowed Ali, 1:1. Nuys 0. Approvtd April l:!, Inly. - Old I' No, F!Ml- ILesuived. That the Ci Ly Comptroller De. Rd F No. S.8 -R}' Ald. Bul t-- rod he I. hereby outhunted w line the Re'olved,L TItisL ioc r'nis. tan be and , r ,ret "I Ill. pruroeds of the bonds is- Ilr�r No 1'e H&tl. d i to tl L't lial-aIts 1 tlK a bli Iss LI - MI Pont, mit"."oht. Den,Btin front of lot 1,. h[1i �lAe cr, red kn the uVpt'r town 1 h ek d, Sel,uub¢'s addition, rep n the eon- And he is I r•h)' nuthori�ed W transfer di eons and us Provided by urcicle:Itt of the out of tho balance of the proceeds rt M r i .1ldPat Code. ua'nl rel; from said nun's to Lhe spocinl Adoppted by the Board of Aldermcr, britllre land. the 6nnluf }II,D I.11. the= Apri l6. 18!1'_'. w become :r part of [leu sold .special bridle Veas-Ak. Bielcnbe rB. Itott, Co„lep,. 11,nr1, too¢ 11land d ex llo sled fur suv11 Copeland, Dobner. Dornidc n. Geh:n1. bl e- urpuse tloe Common l_=11; shall lady-, 8anorn. Sullivan, "I" Ynlsident-ll. �, • •a (teratieterm lee. Nays -0. Aduptcd by tht• Bunrd of Aldermen Adopted by the Assem Dl}' April l'2. 189L April 5, Iso'.. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1842. Yeas_ 63 Copeland.ld. Do Herm rn dein Gehun. fdo- Yeas - Co Ald, Blr. Dor it Hott, Conley, I;id y. Sanborn, Snlllvun, Mr. PruBident- Pel Sea Dobner. Dorn Mr. j Gehav, Me- lody, Sanborn, Sulllvnn, Mr. President -11. AcapwNays --0. Adopted by rhe Assembly Anril 12, 1892. d by tot¢ Assem Dly April L, Ing-', Yene-Mosat,. l invhul- Costello. H­ isBunhulier, Cusa:llu. McCoRerty, MCNumee, Oppenheim. Mr. Il;rro, MeryuBert}}•. McNern-, Cpinobeim. l -ice Preaidevt-,, \I r. Vlee Yrosl fico[-,. N eye -P. Nays -O. Approved April 13, IPW. Approved April 1:3, Ig92- Bd F No. 8117- Reso1ved, That the Clty Comptroller be. aleoll mm -1-11 t of ire pJro an as of lite bun[ieis.uea 1'ur Lim eons Lruc•tiun of u free gun hridne fur public usC r s the Jllssis- Ipm river, and knowv n. the upper [uwv h dBo. And he is hereby otltori.ed and 11- eete ] w tru n Bbdog of the 1 uuu in seeds rt of the o mint (ro Irl b<Iutls tl,c f fa 1'. I'll or the ectal cot fu ndo[or Lhe pnvinR ut hPx-st post bf pnyivlr�.. b,tla listr�ho red quer .,.it shove the ...not tl,u[ earn DC rnisetl by eseeesmenes for sold 7mtr w pay the cost of PuviuB said rFal 1�IIItt1 tree(, from Brusdwsy street to the bridge therriB ht of way of Lhe railroad con- Aanie., e d • o tone[ of Thomas Itellly A Prp 5 189'_'. . Adopted by the Board of Al do 'M e .. -Aid. Blelen berg. Bot t, Conley, Copeland. obnar, Do Drnli]en. Gehnn. Me - lady, Baubor., Sullivan, Mr. Prssidevt-11, Nay. -0. Ado Yen. t-eIde91er9.o Banholz r (@oate121oril 1 - - .11 Ii list. Hare, McCaftertyMmee. Op- penheim, 31, Vice Presid entNcNa Foye--0. Approved April 13. 1892. lid F No. 898 - In the matter of the report of the Board of Publie Works dated h1 ch 31, 1892, it Is hereby ordered by the CommonCPUs- Tleuttof the Boarhe Citd ofL. pant PPub is Works of Lhe City of FJt. Paul cause tto followlnn im- provementto be made. to -wit: Condemn and take an easement for bridle puI. rposes tindlnnerthe thatline, Pr[ ut tlmnuBle nn[ ro. the ChlelBo. Mil wuu ken .4 .e r. .. I y uy to ueoere thes�r• t Prt>cceA iv rthous they out t.h. Lha Imo, wDlcltlui-I Il be reynlre l w pay tho dumnlrwi costs uud nttessarV expenses f su 1 ( Ino v' ret e1�:itd Imhe Taal estate w be b dwd oby hety provenent, provided by w, it estate tgobe into. u�thao Conten but real Ment can be found bene fl duck Impruve- w the extent of the dam Ines, costs and expenses neees- s Adopted to be 1 Dy tiree t➢ riwhemy of Aldermen April S, 1892. 5 lid Ill IT of SL. Paul: of PuhlieWork., of cltJ- •'r'I a." "'`nBrortt Park, in sold Tleut said I, s. c said -1, to be IeL by tontruct. Itv pro[vl tied by out un .- Lh- . h.uf th Of muted ost I • • nrat !)aid Into 1 nth• Lit- t [re u r.V, and x work eh uftor s aid I w all A• BossrJ .shall t PlntM an der c , tnmt sold t. too amu..'. si r1 itllout dol;[)' to a. - so.. ortxin Do eve,n,e, l bbiIn,lvillsboC ecu.:t.- to pay the costs and news mired p _ aryexP "'X of be xnaleted by said imp o -anent,,[. pru- Cutcn 1 that beulaw; it Deing i ho e "'0 l'i hopinion ssef the for nab improvement cull be found boveilwd to the. extent of tho a ate nr d v.vpe„ses n to be Inco rred the ropy, Adoptod by the Moo or' of Aldermen APril 5, 1892. leas--Ald. BiC11111 g. Brett, Cnl Cop eland, Dobner, Dornideu. Geho un, Dfey, e- Ied}-, S ori, Sullivan, Mr. President-- il. Nuys -o. Adopted by it.. Assembly April 12, 189,. Y,us-Messrs. Bnnl,olier. Costello. Hure. Mr. Viet, Prilid- t-, .Nnbee. Gppcnhelm, Nuys, Approved April ill. 1892, B' F No. 9o1 - I t the matter (if the ropurt'of l.hc Ro.rd of public Works dated April 1, 181r. IL is hereby nrdored by the Common Coun- cil o[ the Clty of St. Paul: Cit. of S6 Panl to Publ11 f sidd 11(lwirluI [irnB Im, provemevts to be trmede, to -wit: Grade Chu 1 setreet, from the I�, bt l :way of the Minnesota -ono" Ill lCOnllllllly li+ Hnmpdeo uv i Thlrt'I'd Bout 1 r i •. let by contract Inole Id o `k w be Int one -huff urn csilvrnt�d ••net beiunll i'et plorktel ifter said s1ea11lrDeeph-cl untiborsurl ramal ira t. said Board shall prole¢' wltholrt delay w as- ..tse the amrlot. .... ....... ..... . lost. and necessary exnous�e of d by .esaldi[ tptoll tho teal estate to w; it beln.sho nni�l i!:..I.tP. w ins ozreuh`u[ use cos�s add �x belieduecossnry w be ncurred till- . tvses 64' PROCEEDINGS, OF THE CWLNION COUNCIL. s Ich assessment., were paid up, which re- Yaus--Messrs Bunlmlzer. Costello. Hare. ceipt shill be indorsed the anima., so re- lldJn .feet y. if"Name". Oppenheim, Mr. funded. Vice President--,. Adopted by the Roard of Aldermen Nays --0. March 15, 1FJ;'. APPro cul April 1:3, 1802. Yaus-Ald. Bielenberg. Butt. Conley. Copeland, Delmer. Dor Idea. ylehtdy. San- born. Sullivan. Mr. President -10. Nays -U. AdoPted by the A...mbly. April 12, 1SJ;'. Bd F No. vlf:�By Ald. Melndy- H are. M,Cnll'erty. 11c•N unnriC10Up,�ebei m, beech}'i osltru tt�d W exp onl a snirmrL exs Mr. Vice i'resid, nL-,.ceding tiro hundred lollarsi,sall) in plue- Nays-0. Ing fu )-sable-condi tion So. Lawrence Approved Apri 11:1, i802. stt, from State street to %Vyuud.Ute streereet, and Wyandotte street. from St. I,nwrenee,treut W Florida street. !.the Ill F N., S76 -By Ald. 1'u11>e18nU-- uf'Tnucl�work W betuk, ti o ntSt[ itl a s[reeL Resolved, That the l3oa d of Pubiin and sewer and m:un teuu dive fund. too, .1, be, and .bey r hereby in.trncted Adopted by the Board of Ald-mon ..erect Out, ,olio,. lump on tt'cstnnin \torch lfi, lBJ_. ,ter .Erect. bo.t :M feet SOatb .fill` o' bridge 13icleube1g. II.L[. Gouley, bridge over tLe Greif. North ora uiltvuy I Cupelanrl, Dobucr. I)urnided. Melody, Sun- tru,ks; also to ureet one gasoline lamp un burn, Sullivun, yl r. Pre video dent -11. the .south' corner of Mendota add La... Nuys -U. n ,Creels. Said I:mnps to be taken from Adopted by the Assembly April t'.:, 18Y?. those removed to Pnrne oven ue. Yca, - Mcsrs. lion bolter. Costello, Adopted b}y Om hoard of Allle. niro Marc. McC'aiferly, NlvNnmee. -0 holm, March 15,18W. Mr. t -ice President-, Pmts-Ald. Bielenberg. Mott, Conley. Nuys -o. C'uPeland. Bobue r, Dornid"n, Me lady. San- Atop -ed April le. I8v2. burn, Sullivan. Mr. I'residen t-10. Nuys -0. Adopted by the Assembly April 12, 18W. liars VMye U8_51eCuRertyeesns(.Nam caraboalimOppentarim, Vtee President --7. OF Pen Nays --0, APProved April 1:1, 1892. Fid F NO. S ---By Ald. Bielenberg-- Besolved, That the it rd of I'nblie Works be, and tbev arc hereby instrnet"d w vena, co , the Ka -lin, lump from the northeast rm•- W ,f (i rotnod Edmuml s treets to t ho Soul beuvf turner o1`3111111) G rutfu and Edmund streets. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Mar,h 15, IF92. Yens -A Id. Bielenberg• Rett. Conley, ^opeiand. Dobner Dornidea, Dfelady, Sun, barn, Sullivan. Mr. President -m. N uya-0. Adopted by the:\seem laly April 14 Ike-'. Yeas-\[oe.rs'. Bad holier, Co,to, l lo. I l or JfeCuiferty. McNum,e. (Ippon beim, V lee I'nsideu t-,. Nay. --0. APpro,ed April 13, Rd F No. a 1-.- tw,."a thetCitylaaf St.•Pnultof contract and fit" citi se- go. Milwud l:ce:[nd Sc. Paul Ituifvny c .m- ntaay.,uUmit2di gfor f rporuruc attor ,y. and providing for Lbe ,on9tructlon et at .lou ble crack iron bridgealong Ebe right d- way of sad rail way coni punyund across I'Icusuol oven ue. b,. at 1 the sumo is hereby uppa.-Od. uud ate Proper city olRcere:tre directed W evteu to said eud- cruct uo beludf Ot sold eity. Adoptd by the Board of Aldermen All, it 5. 1,112. ( �,Default, It.bler't,rpoiOlid,a Vllehui 11M - mdy, San[ruro, Sullivan, Mr. President - l. Nays --n. Adupterl by the Assemnty April 12. 18!W-. 1-eu.--Mev.rs. 13:t❑holier, eluvtello, Ilure. Ity. McNamee. Oppenheim, lir. VWe President-,. NO)'. -U. o Apprved April 1:1, I892. Ltd F No. vit;- d. BU F Nu. 878 -By Ald. Batt-- a`.. I III. ,cherebytuulboo, tltheCity nw trlusertlie Revolved, That permi.sion be and is onto]'the proc"eds of lite Load. is - ere grant,,] fetor F.brnmotraul to "u, 1 for t to ,onstruction of a free wagon act. maiotuirt uml operate bay scale, at bridge for pub]to use uc-ass the \li,sls. Nu, 1Ck,0 Hnstmgs oven oe.-inn the City of St. 9ippi river. and known as the upper town Paul, Minn,..lx, belong in Iron. of of 1,, bridge. block 3. Set., ube's addition. upon the coo- And he is hereby an thmi zed W transfer ii Lio i nn1d us provided lar article:ui of the out f the balance of the proceeds re - a AdClpal Co' e. uainiog from said bunds to the vpocinl Adupterl by the Board of Aldermen bridge Rmd. the sumof {ll,lnf.l,. the vume Aprf l 5. 18!h--'. t o be,oute :part of flat, said ,porial britlgo Yaus-Altl. Bleleo be rg. BofL. Conil,y, fund. W be used and expended for such Cupeland, Dolaner. Durnide n. G"han. Me- urI s lite um mora I;uuucll ah¢II luny, Sunoco. Sullivan, Mr. President -11. I �ne -e fterade[erm N'lYs�l- Adopted Uy Lhe Board of Aldermen Adopted by the Assembly April 1'1. 18x. .lpril 5, ]n"J.. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1892. 6;i Yeas -Aldi. Elielner, ¢berg. Butte Conley, Copeland, Dobner, Dorulden. Get Me - Yeas-Ald. Bielenberg, Bolt. Conley, Indy, Sunburn, Sullivan, Mr. President- 11. lad eland. Dobner. Dorafdea, Gahan, Me - y. Sanborn, Built.... Nflys--0. Mr. Presldeat-]I. Nays -0. Adopted by the' Assembly April ]2, IBl1_. Yeas EeMeasrs.eliDubofzelr ]Bore, lluro Mcnnfrrty:. McNale., 6 CosWlln, pPenhci m, C ,tell., MCCerterty, McNamee, Oppenheim, Mr. Fice Vloo Presitheat,-,, Nays!!% President-?, Nays -0. Approved April 13, tat„ Approved April 13, 189'2, Bd F No. 8i;7 - Resolved, ead and heeebynunid Glttrhtserb,e ucceunt of theprocceds of the bunds issued 1'ur the construction of u tree wngm, bridge far public use ucruss the Misa!v- 'ippt river, anal known as the upper town And he i bridge. reeled to transfer Out of t theleattncn of tie proceeds remaining from salrl bunds the um u( f0,?10.0'0 to the special assessment fund for the paving of East Third street. Th"" mis hereby upproprintd ththe said su.Pp0,710.W so) transferred fur e pur- pose Of paying the balance required over and above the ¢mount that cam be raised by¢ssessmems for said lane..-,..,....,. tier contract Of Thomas Really. by the Hoard of Aldermen M. d. Bielenberg, Bott. Conley, Dobner, Do"'a"., Gehnn. are, Soil tvaa, Mr. President -11. 892. YanAdopted LeMeser8 BanhoLer Acuate loril 12. ' Elm- .f.t. Hare. McCafferty, McNamee. CO. Mheim, Mr. Vice President-, Nay. --d. Approved April 13. 18!12. lid F No. 808 - In the matter of therepport of the Boxed of It1. is, creby ordered by heCrchun,msii2iCoun- of the City of 9L. Paul: Thatthe Board of pub Ic Works of the Prevenient W he made t.o ,,fjollo(;o dem„ and take an eusemenc for bridge purposes e line' Of Line .ad �O is ago tij art of tile rigl,l of way Of cbe Chicago, Ilwuukee&St. PnnI Iinll- way nompany lying between Stlnson'S ltoulevurd addition and Manson and sim- m Wn's addition, in said city. delaay W assat sold ess the umlu nt.c nsinearly�us they can uscertulathe same, wish will be ren fired W pay the dumuges. costs and Uega nary expense, of such improvement upm, the ronl estate W be benod Wd Uy UolaRIf nth .Pin 'On tufathe Cu,I nvldc l ltltxat real estxW W be aesussed 1'or rah Impruve- mencvs. beWuud benofimd to the e x tent Of the damages, to, and expenses reces- s Adopted 1 by the .Board] •of Aldermen Apr115. 1892. 6 Rd F Nu. 900- In the matter of the report of the Board oCY¢blic Works dated Mur,b 2811 , IL Is hereby ordered y the COmmou That the IIourd lof `Public �lVorke o[ the. procitven If nap Wlbe tmudc'l to-u�lt tvi i3 raid": till and hap-, LnnNO; city. Part,, in said Ti at said Board ,nusa said work to be let by contract, as provided by law, with- out ono -half the estimated cost being first paid into the city treasury. and fWr said work shall be placed under contract said Board shall proceed without delay to me. sess the nmonnt. n, nearly as they can Us- eertain t to name, rvhlch will be required W pay Lhe costs uad neeossery apensea of such intpprovementupon tiro real ostaim to be lwnetlled by said improvement, nv pro_ I cal by low; it being the ,pinion of the C On net that anti estate to t(c assessed Cor Such improvement can be found beneflted to the ex -W 31 o[ the casts and "spouses n Adosppted i`byc.leu -Boa, f Aidermon April .5, 1892. ti}pelan-11_1 ;obIr n Dorr .dB.G1to o.Gel neon(, 11!IY. Sanborn, Sullivan. 51' President -- Nays --0. Adopted by the Assembly April 12. 1802, Hare, sllcCniCercy, le Numeee OPP nh"I m, Mr. Vice President -7, Nuys -0. APProved April 13. 1892, '. Bd F No, 901- 1 In the matter of the report'.f the Board of "h"IIt P. is hcOrebyWrder,dalYLl o Commril 4, on i St Coun- ithattinl Of ae Bouvda of Yublh,-Works of said Cl t3'of St. Paul aauve the fellnwin. tnt- Provement` W be mode, to -wit: Grade Charles htr e 1111 nne9otn Trans tile far Ii¢ I wof ay Company Tbat aid itourdt cnu o eaidiw' to Ue h6' by ,ontrucL ¢s provided Uy low, with - u t one -hal [the ,stimaWd cost. being first o paid IoWthe City, trersated uad alter sad ark ,hail be placed m�d,r contract, laid u Boarrl shall proceed 1vill:ouL deluY to ¢s- s the 6m 011nt, Il9 nearly a¢ Lbey CLLn :t9 - certain the same, which, wall txm required to pat' tlm costs mad-Imect Bury expenses of u •h lm rovement ufR�n the read astute W be bell. ted y Bald im provemeut, as prn- Ided by law; it being the opinlon oI the Counctl that real evtaW to W nsseseed for suet iInProvement can be found benefited W the extent of the costs abe,nd expenses W accessary W fncurrod thorehv. 66 PROCEEDINGS OF TH Adopted by the Board of Alaermen April 5. 1802. Yens - Ala. Bielenberg, Bott, Conley. Copeland, Dobner, Dorniden, I; ch an, Me - lad}•. Sanborn, Sullivan, Mr. President --ll. Nays 1 Adopted by the Assembly April 1?, 18!2. Yeas-Measra. McNamee, Oppeahetm. Hare. e Proadd- Mr. }"fee Presldunt-7. Nays Approved April 1:3, 18012. Bit F No.. 902 - In thetat ter of the report of the Board of Public Works dated April 3. 1M2. IL is hereby ordered by the Common Coun 1 0[ the City o[ St. Paul: That the Board of I'ubiic Works of said Citoy of St. Paul ..use sus the following {m p sets to be mode, to a'it: Grade Blair treet, from Foirvisw avenue to Ter- ritorial road, in said city. That said Board cause said work to be let by contract, as provided by law, without om, hail the estimated coat being 11rstN aid into the city treasury, and alter smd ork shall be➢laced under contract said Board shall Proceed 'thou[ delay to assess the ant, as nearly as they can ascertain the same, which will be required to pay the costs and necessary expenses of such im- provement upon the real estate to be ben: tlted by sats imProvemevt as provided by law; it being the opinion of Lite Council that cal estatetan be ss 'sed forsuch i pro, at ement c be found bencllted the tS not the there bpd expenses necessary to Adopted by the Board of Alde iano App il180'-'. Yp• , Ald. Blelonhere, Ilot.t. Conley. udy,l Saab.Obt r. Sulliviaoi Mr. PrIlkic to Nays -o. it 1^_ 1.80'5. Adopted by the Acsen[bly Apr Yms-\lu"ars. Banholrc r. Costello. sure. MCCefro,ty. DleNaulee, Uppcolo, Mr. Vice Preeidear�Y. Nays -o. Approved April 13, 1692. Bit F No. 003- In the matter of the t of the 1112"dof Public W- le,ie s dted Mill :B. 18!r.. IL is horeby ordered by the Common C.uii- •'1 of Lhe City of tit. Paul: ,tu1' t the Board of u blit Work, of s Lid City of St. Puu] Cni 'e the toll uw(ng int- pruvoment to Le mode.{to-twit: C aide the Iley fu block three (:3), Summit Park ud- ditimt to St. Pan]. iu stud city. ,lett staid .Board cause 'Lid w irk to be let by •( "11 trust, us Provided by I;aty, without enc-l:ul[ the esti matted cost being first upuld Into sl ell by Placed iuiOle r Caotrnc t, said Board shall Inroveed without delay w as [res the t`heto rl)N - thcrt cn : ••rtLLv same. evhleh 'ill bt •quiredsw } the e.sLs and necessu y exfuw ossa of .licit I -.BILI tbv laidi Inmro-mectlws prow neC tlrJ's1"r3 tot .ow E COMMON COUNCIL Adopted by the Bonrd of Aldermen A 1tr[l;i, 3802D. ]'ens -AI. Bial. D. r i BOLL, Conley, CopoMe- lady.San Rubner, Duruiden, Pewit, t-- htdy. Sanborn, Sullivan. Mr. YresldenYr- 11. N ays�. Adupl.ua by the A-cmbly Marc],12. 1 lug, Yeas - Messrs. Ball",e lrr, II:n'e)IcCuiTert)'. Me Nan:ue. Oppenheim. Mr. Vice President -7. Nays -/3. ApprovCd April 1:3, 1892. Bd F No. 904- to the tter of the re pone` Lhe Board Of Public Works ciate )larch 28. 1841. It is herob o Iered by the Common l'oun.il utyLlmrCiW- of SL Paul. Tl[nG the Board of Public Works of sold City of St. Paul ••Luse the following im- �lur-ents to be South tifilbert street wit: Grade tuii street, rum west to Bidwell street. In Said citY. That said Board cuusc 'aid work to be let by contract, as provided by lavv. with - u [rc tau •-half of the estimated cost being first paid Into ULc city Lrutsu ry, and after sold work shldl be placed .11 {ler c [rucI aid Buurd shall proceed without delay w assess the amount, tae nearly clteY can ertuia file same. which iaill tw rc:luircd w pay the noses and necc,sury a peaces of smd: impprovement a ou the real estate w be Lenelit1d by Said imp... -hent. as o- vided I y ]nw iL being the epi oleo [ f Lila Cua ncltl that tool astute w bo nsnessod w ucl: im Dru ven[cnf can be found bonedted to til. extentf the costs and exiUmsts v Coss dry m be Incurred LLeroby. Ado Pted by the 13our( of Aldermen A rril :i, ISo �'eus-Aid. BieknLerg. Butt, Conley. lady, Sunhurjn Sullivan. Mr. Prost daat-- it. Nuys. Adoywdby the Assembly April 1^_, 382'. Yous-Mesare. 13nvh.lrer, Costello, Mare, M.Cntterty. \ic Nemec, Uppenhei m. Mr. Vice President -7. Nay s-). Approved April 13, 1802. lid F No. %_ [. the ter of the port of the Board of Public Works dated March 31, IRilt. It as hereby ordered by the Common Coun- Td of Lire City of St. Paul. hat the Board of I•ublte Works of the OI[Y at St. tot be u Ade, W-witfollowing p>,ftd`i- ([nn'emce p scala `u�-en a to Gen vuud '1'lo rw:erin .:aid city. condomning Said biking the foilow- ing-d-cribed Inod. to-wl t: Beginning at themust northerly curuer of lot 13 of rear- act f Iitnwood Terrace; thence sou theast.rly u ng ns o theaterl_v live of .aid lot p3 w the in tustcrly c.ra.I _ tad be,, ti= to io d expcpses black', J Eby, erly.n a duccd W Gscti la it taw: thence ., id line tat' Usce.la nce- a,ruer of let W. V' addition; the.,. 0.- tut ve of n radius of fifty OF THE CITY OF S9 feet, more or less, in that point on the urthwesterly Itne of said lot 1:3 produced s` 'terly. which is tangent w said curve, ddcurve also bel ng tangent to said ]lot, Of Osceola avenue at said southwestoor- ner of lot 30; thence from said flrsbnamed joint of begl�u[Itng ibeildtrcct line to the g In St. Paul. Min - Board Iluurd shall delay w: 0s the mount es n without That I hey n i�certain Lhe saute, wltfeL will be ey utretl tit Pay the damages, costa and 11 pro LI u real estate tr, be lTIIINMI Lb11U `clidd p ro vent eat, fl provided I Y law. it beteg tilt' uptnl ou Of Lhe Uou ncil (that real estaW to be ale o for such til cement e, be found benefited to the extant of the damages. test, and expenses neeessury to be incurred thereby. Adopted by tilt• Board of Aldermen Atari 15, 1802. d. Col eland, lUi>ti er.t Onrriilev lie iGolan., indfe' lad Y, 9unbo rn. Sullivan. JI r. President -11. Nuys nb Adopted by the Assembly April 12, ISM. [ 11drV MICatferty, McNamee, ()ppenlofut. Mr. Vice President -7. Nay. -0. Approved April 13, ISW. INT PAUL, FOR 1591. 6 Yens -Messrs. Banlwlz Costello, Hare, Vice MaCaffurtyydent-S. McNamee, Oppenheim, Mr. Presi Nuys-0. Approved April 13, 1883, lid F I. the amattor of thBoart7 of Public Works dated April 4' 189'_'. It is hereby ordered by t 1 of the City of Bt. Pheaul.Com mon C.un- That the Board of Public }Yorks of said City of St. Paul en ee the following Im- a wood enc to Iw made, to wit: Construct oodma cI&Os alit across Hope street. on the north side of Margaret street In said clAdopted by Ili, Board of Aldermen Ape 1 5, 180'.. Copeland DoL sir lDoriallim.Gol�nn, Afela� d 1, Sun born, Sullivan, Mr. President -11. N -y' U. Adopted by the Assenahl til 12, 7682. Yeas -Messrs. Bunhol.S Cop tri' \IcCatterty, McNamee. Oppenheim, Mr. },Ire President-,. Nays -O. Approved April 13, 1882. Bd F No. 007-- Ia the matwr of the pnl•t of the Board Roo Ani 110tiy.rkdl,,,d tie` tie cimuton Tl tat the B...d or or IC I. Paul of the Cfly of St. Poul cane to alae followtng im- provement to be nm[Ie, to Is n..truc[ ...deal .-w Iks u yHo`ifman o both-sldesw ofs East Sixth street.. tin said cityy. AlBrod iby file Board of Aldermen A pprf l,t_182, _ Yc - Ald. Biwlenberg. Bbtt Conley. �peland. Dobner. Duruiden, Gehan.:\Ie- lady. S..b.rn, Sullivuv, Ur. PreaidenL -H. Nnys­o. Adopted by the Assembly April L"", 1W2. V Ba F No. 911 - In the mutter of the IS Public }Yorke dated It Is 111 -by by 11 of the City of St. F That the Board of Pu City of St. Paul c prevenientthr."It lk wooden north side of Street to sa Wyandotte Thai said Boned shall ] ton to assess the amour ertaia the e quiredwto Day the costa pe ........ sesofsuImprove estate o be benetlted n a provided by plolon`of the Concil be assessed for a ic•uL It and of Coun- n ry ex - "I " real call .late to ement can be 0 I3 d. F No. 910 - In the mutter of the report of the Board of lid F No. UOIi-- In Lhe matter of the report of the Board Pn blto Works, dated April 3, IBf2. It Is hereby ordered by the C.mmon Couv of Public Works dates April J, 1s0'l. It of the of St. Petal: It. is hereby )coca d by the Commu:t Connell of the City of St. Pilot a t.City That the Board of Ppbl{o Work. oft id CI[Y of St lm vdcct the m. Phut. the Iluurd of Public }Yorks of 'Hill City of St. Paul c se. the [.]lowing toll`onagr Srovemen to be imr.s. East Sixth a•. sine mp rovemmit to be mune, to -it: Coa struct n cross -walk ou north side of Arch sir t, on west of tae stlJ city.a e strcot,;across Fairview street. is ':ltd city. Ad Board L9 tlw Board of Alaerince April Adopted by the Bu:inl of Altl.rrne[t .tpril u, 18!2, 5, IMJ'S. Yeas-Ald. Blelenberg Butt, Conley, Ycus-Ald. Biclonherg, Butt. Conley, Co wland. Dubber. Dorniden. Coy eland, Dobner. Dorniden, Gulmn, Me - lutlY. Sanborn. Sullivan. Geha.. Me- lo�)•. Sunburn- Sullivan, 51,_ President -ll. Mr. President- 11. Nuys -0. Aaopwa by [he Assem illy AprB.l•5. IBL@, Nate -0. Pet�p ilieears.hfinuht�l }"one-\I�ssre.-Bnnholier, C.uswllo, ,, en Cud ello�Hnra. lion•. ilicl.uttc rLJ'• MCNianmc. Uppe nitein:. Id.. Vice President-, MUCHRe�[ Y• \IeNnnmc• Uppen Lcim Mr. }'Ice Yresideut-,. Neys-0. Approved April 1:3, 1S2'. I 'Nays -0. Approve(] Auri113, ISM. Bd F No. 007-- Ia the matwr of the pnl•t of the Board Roo Ani 110tiy.rkdl,,,d tie` tie cimuton Tl tat the B...d or or IC I. Paul of the Cfly of St. Poul cane to alae followtng im- provement to be nm[Ie, to Is n..truc[ ...deal .-w Iks u yHo`ifman o both-sldesw ofs East Sixth street.. tin said cityy. AlBrod iby file Board of Aldermen A pprf l,t_182, _ Yc - Ald. Biwlenberg. Bbtt Conley. �peland. Dobner. Duruiden, Gehan.:\Ie- lady. S..b.rn, Sullivuv, Ur. PreaidenL -H. Nnys­o. Adopted by the Assembly April L"", 1W2. V Ba F No. 911 - In the mutter of the IS Public }Yorke dated It Is 111 -by by 11 of the City of St. F That the Board of Pu City of St. Paul c prevenientthr."It lk wooden north side of Street to sa Wyandotte Thai said Boned shall ] ton to assess the amour ertaia the e quiredwto Day the costa pe ........ sesofsuImprove estate o be benetlted n a provided by plolon`of the Concil be assessed for a ic•uL It and of Coun- n ry ex - "I " real call .late to ement can be 0 66 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Adopted by the Board of Aldermen April 5, 1892. Yeas -Aid. Bielenberg Bott'Cooley , Copeland, Dobner, DOrniLCn, Gcban, Me - lady, Sanborn, Sullivan, Mr. 1'reaidevL-I1. Nays -0. Adopted by the Assembly April 12, 1&H. YeaH are s f NeCafferty, 1fc Nfmro a Oppenheim, Mr. 1"Ice President Nays--- Approved April 1:3, 182. Bd F No. 02 - In tae matter of the report of the Board of Public Works dated April 4. MO.. It is hereby ordered by the Common Coun ml of the City of St. 1, a- That the hoard of Publio Works of said City of St. Paul cause the following im p oremenL, to bo made, to wt,: Grade Blair street, from Fairview vicenue to Ter- ritorial road, in said city. That said Board cause me work to be let by contract, as provided by law, without one half the estimated cost being aril[ paid into Inc city treasu ry, and alters d -ark shalt be placed under contract said Board shall proceed fthout delay to assess the mount, as nearly us they can ascertain the same, which will be required to pay the costs and necessary expenses Of such im- provement upon the real estate to be to ofited by said improvement as provided y law; it being the opinion of the Council that realestate to be assessed for'Cies such i the Cxtent of the costs and ea pensein fsfnefCC sary to be incurred thereb Y. \doptud by the Board of Aldermen A tri15, 181(2. �e s -Aid. Biclenberg, Butt Conley. ll ,Jcl:Sanbu)oa Sulb'DvulolmuifDl r. Prcaitlun, 11. Nnys-0. Adopted 6y the Assemldy April 12, 1192. Yea,-1lrssre. Bunholzrr, Costello. Hare. 11'CafTert}-. McNamee. Oppenheim M r. \"ice Presf'd2ty; . Nays --o Approved April 13. 1192, Bd F No. -AJ- I n the matter of the re ,ort of the Rn;ud of Public 1V o, ks dot" 3l nrtgl 31. Is'J_'. It. is hereby ordered by the l:ommon "ni" •il of the City of St. Poul: Ttnt the Board of I'u bile \Yorks of said City of St. Ami rouse Che folfuwtng inr provomenc to he mode.{to_wGrade thu Iley in block Hires f:9. Su In mit Park ,it dition to St. Punt, in 9,d city. TI L skid Board cause aid work to. Ue let Eby •on - tract, us prox'ided by l;uc, wthout one-lutlf Lilo estimated cost heing ti rs[ Puid IoW Lhe city trclwllry, and after sled t.rk shall be plleoed Model oltl•eLL, sail Board shall proceed without de113• W assess the amount, as ncarlyN as I leye can us -t. sain rho same. which will be quireW pay the costs and l� •eus+try exix axes of noel+ improvement upon the real estate W be, f'idrd hyfitoo la Y; it fbe n�afthe opinion i+f ffthC C cllicil h imProttreal emen[ Canebclfuuuds-lod for beu.-tired to Ile extant , f the costs and ex pease' necessary to be incurred thereby. Adopted by ale Board of Aldermen April',, 1892. Peas-AId. Bielenberg. Bott, Cooley. Copeland, Dobor. Doruidel, Gelao, Me - holy. Sanborn, Sullivan. 'N . President - 11. Nnys-j 1 Adopted by the Assembly March 12. 1892'. Yeas - M -s- Bardi.lrcr, Costello. il:o re.. McCal TerO3, Mc Nanlee. OPpooleim, Mr. Vice President -7. Nn'x . Approved April 1:1, Ise"-. Bd F No. 901- 111 tle inatter of tie report of the Board of Pubile Works daWd March 28. Isle. It Is hereby ordered by the Common CoulleR of tleC,ty of St. Paul. That the Board of PuIIfC Works of said City of St. foul cause tl, following t,- pprovenlents t.0 be made, [t -wit: Grade 31urWn street, fru, Soutil Robert street• 't to Bidwell etreet. In said city. w That said Board causesaid work to be let by contract, ns provided by law", w{th- ut uu •.ilulf of the estimated cost being first paid foto tle city trc%i ry, nv(I:titer sold work shall be placed oder norm, aid 1lmard shall prooeccl w'itlmut delayte asses tie amoum, i nearly as they can certain the saule. whirl wilt be required W pay the costs and tmcessltry exiwnecsof uch i pp sof utno ale real estate to be benefited by said improvement. as 1 - vided by law, it being te opinion of'tile Council that real estate to be assessed for such Improvement can be found benefited to the extent of tie Cost and expenses n snry to ire incurred thereby, Adopted by, the Hour( of. Aldomen AF rif 5. 1892. lens-AId. Bielenberg. Bott, Conley. no�Y.l San luritrolloltl Sullivan, Mr. President-- I1. Nuys -0. Adopted by tl, Asembly April 12, 182. Yeas-3laffer BNtim-er, Costeifo. Hare, cePrCferty, -7. umec, OPDenhei m. 1f r. Vice President -7. Nap -0. App roved April 13. IE.C.. , Bd F Nn. In the nliatWrof the report of cho Board of Public Works dated March 31, 1892. IL to hereby ordered by the Common Coun- cil of the City of S[. Paul. 1'liat the Bnnrd of I•ublic Works of the City of B;t. Poul cuusu the following Im- {rrncements to be made, t. -wit: Open, wi- den and extend Linwood place, from Os- ecola avenue. to I<enwroon 'terrine, m s:uu cit y. condom uiag Intl taking tloe follow- ing-desCrihed land, to -wit: Beginning at the most northerly coruer of out 13 of renr- mgene tt f Kenwood Tcrrnce; thence southeasterly alongnOrtheasti rly line of till lot 13 to the most eastcriT urner ,herouf: thence routhwe,tely alon•e the ouLleltsterly line of ,aid lot 13 and said haat-named lie 1 reduced W the north - Cas coy tl wesBterl of h S id II'm lit DSceOla aVe- no Yon su e W the southwest corner of lot 30, bl ick -, d. C. SWut's addition; thence esaU orle mo x regular curve of a radius of If fty r OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. FOR 1891. feet, more or less, to that point on the urthwesterly Iine o11 aki lac IJ prod urod westerly, which is tangent to ,uf l e-ve, ',es : Id curve also bel ng tangent to said line of Useenlu avenue:it said sent hwestcor- ner of lilt 30; tlertee (rein Said firs4numed point of tuugeney in a din:et Hoo to Lite pointof beginning, being in St. Paul. Min- flThn atsuid hoard shall proceed without delay to assess the amount, e nearly as they can useertalo lila same. which will be re,`utrel to pay tloe ctluiyges, cost, and n • •esary expenses of -uch 1 op , me t upon the real estate to be tx olited by' fit npror,ment. as provided b)• Iuw, it being the opinion of the Council that real estate W be -"'d for .suol: improvement can be found benefited W the extent of the lam:asc costs and oxpenses neoessury to be. incurreU thereby. Adopted by Ault 1 5. 189"_. the Board of Aldermen ld. Lupe land, Dobne,. Doruide `Gelot `,n M6' lady, Sao born. Sullivan. Mr. Presidelt-ll. Nuys -h. i cup \fes;raLh`• Banh,�l �• AprICo2tcI lo, Hare. McCafferty. McNamee. Uppeuheh,t, Mr. VicePresident-7. Nnys-o. Approved April 13, Isr2. Yens -Messrs. Banholxer. Costello, Hare, McCafferty McNamee, Oppenheim, Mr, Vice President -7. N.Y.-0. Approved April 13, 1892, Bd F No. 909 -- In the CoutterOf the Board of Public Workdated pril 4, 182. It fs hereby orderotl by Lhe Common Cuun- •'f of the CltyPoul. That cho Bnnrd oP Public Works of said City of S' Puul cause the following im- provement Lu be made, to wit: Construct walk reet. on the north side yof Margaret sttteetlso t 1. said clAdopted by the Board of Aldermen A rit 5, 162. gg Copel:aind.Dubn rl DornridevEfGehaC blend dy, 'unborn, Sullirau, Mr. President -11. Nays L. Adopted by this AssemblyApril 12, 7802. ]'ens-lies11. Barill.1 r, CosW1lo,Hare, 3 C 'Affcrty, McNamee, Oppenheim, Mr. Vice President-;. Ni y,ll. Approved April 13, 1892. lid F No. 907 In the "'for" f fill port of the It,) rd lof 11 herebyl,ti dered bv`rth,I,C mmou Cou ncll of the City of SL Puul: That the Heard of Public Works of the Cite of St. Raul muse to the following im- provement to be mole, to wl t: Construe[ wooden crosswalks across Ho7TmH11 roue, of both sides of East Sixth street in said city. Nil Vied by the Board of Aldermen A7Irfl,y 182. 1'eaa-Ald. Bielenberg, Batt, Conley. Cup eland. Dobner, Doralden, Gehan.:Me- Io3•. Sanborn. Sullivan, Mr. President 11 Nays -0. Adopted by the Assembly April 121, 182.. Bd F No. 911- I1 the matter of the report of the Board of Public IYorks dated March 33,782, It is hereby ordered by the Common Coun- cil of the City of St. Paul: That LiteBoard of Public Works of said City of St. Paul cause the following im- provement to be made, to -wit: Construct a three -plank wooden sidewalk on the north side of Tennessee street, from State street 10 Wyandotte street, In said city. That said BOa,d shall proceed without de. lawn to assess the amount, as nearly as they c• ascertain the snore. which will be ^e- quired to pay tae coats and necessary ex- penses of such Improvomont upon the real estate to he benefited by Bald in't e- ment. ne provided by law: It belag the pl noon of the Council that real estate to be assessed for such improvement can be 910 - Bit F No. Wf,-- IPublic In the matter o1 the report of the Board of Works, dated April 4. 189?. In the matter of the port of the Board It is hereby ordered by the Common Conn. of Public Works dated April 4, IsU2, oil of the City of St. Paul: 11 Is hereby ordto•ed by the C'om moo That the Bnnrd of Public Werke of said Con oil of Lim City of St. Pnul;t City o[ St. Paul cause the following im- Ch t the Board of Publfe 1Vp.0 of provement to be mode, to -wit: Construct said City of. St. Paul cause filo follawi ng woodon Crosswalk across East Sixth improvement W be made, to wit. Con- stead u crus' -walk ou north ''dc of Arch nares[, on west aide of Hoffman avenue, in said city. street, aeras Fairview street, b, said city-. I Adopted by the Board of Aldermen April Adopted by the Board of Aldermen A peal " 1892. _5.1892? Yeas-Ald. Blelenlierg Botta Conley, Yens-AId. Bielenberg• Butt. Conley. Copeland. Coppeland, Uobncr. D.- don, Golme, Me - lit Sanborn. Dobor, Dorn Wen, GChun, Mc- Judy. Sunburn. Sellinen, 111. President -11. Nuys-. 3'. Sentra.. Mr. Presidupt- II. Nays -0. Adopted b3- the Asembly April 12, 18W ldo it,d by the Assembly APri112, 18.92. Vous-1lrssre. Ihm holes-. Coetcllo, Peas-3lusrs.IInnlolzer. Costello. Hurn, Hare. MeC d vrty, lit^Namee, llppeubei McCafferty. McNamee, Oppenheim Mr. Mr. Vice PreA6nt-,. Viae President-, Naps -0. Nays-0ed Approved A Aril l:i, 182. Anvil l&. 182. lid F No. 907 In the "'for" f fill port of the It,) rd lof 11 herebyl,ti dered bv`rth,I,C mmou Cou ncll of the City of SL Puul: That the Heard of Public Works of the Cite of St. Raul muse to the following im- provement to be mole, to wl t: Construe[ wooden crosswalks across Ho7TmH11 roue, of both sides of East Sixth street in said city. Nil Vied by the Board of Aldermen A7Irfl,y 182. 1'eaa-Ald. Bielenberg, Batt, Conley. Cup eland. Dobner, Doralden, Gehan.:Me- Io3•. Sanborn. Sullivan, Mr. President 11 Nays -0. Adopted by the Assembly April 121, 182.. Bd F No. 911- I1 the matter of the report of the Board of Public IYorks dated March 33,782, It is hereby ordered by the Common Coun- cil of the City of St. Paul: That LiteBoard of Public Works of said City of St. Paul cause the following im- provement to be made, to -wit: Construct a three -plank wooden sidewalk on the north side of Tennessee street, from State street 10 Wyandotte street, In said city. That said BOa,d shall proceed without de. lawn to assess the amount, as nearly as they c• ascertain the snore. which will be ^e- quired to pay tae coats and necessary ex- penses of such Improvomont upon the real estate to he benefited by Bald in't e- ment. ne provided by law: It belag the pl noon of the Council that real estate to be assessed for such improvement can be 66 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Adopted by the Board of Aldermen April 5. 1892. Conley Yeas-Ald. Bielenherg, Botta Y. lad�e1Sanand Iborn, Sullivan,t Mr. Pres denth711. Nays --o. Adapted by the Assembly April 1� V!Y. fens -- Messrs. Bonholzer. Costello. Hare, NeCnrterty, McNamee, Oppenheim. Mr. \-Icc President- 'y= resident-,. Nays. Approved April I:S, I892. Bd F No. 9J2 - In the mutter of the report of We Board of Public Works dated April {, 1WN. It is hereby ordered by tie Common Coun- cil of the City of St. Paul: Tb nt the Board of Public Work, of said City of St. Paul cause the following im prol-cments to be made, to wit: Grade Blair street, from Fairview .venae to let - ritorial road, in said city. . - ork to be 'Clot said Board c let by contract. as provided by law, without one halt the estimated cost being (fret paid into the city treusu rye and after said 'ork shall be placed under tantrum snid Board shall Proceed w•I[Itout delay to assess the ssmon. us nearly ns they Can ... a rtain the same,"which will be required to pay the pest. -vd .......ry expenses of such im- revement pon the real estate to be ben- tited by said improvement as provided by law; it being the opinion of file Council that cal estate to be assessed fors such t - provement can be found benefste(l to the extent of the costa and expense y to be incurred Bwreb V \doPted by til" B.ourd of Aldermen App it 5, IBJ_'. YCuv-Aid. Bidenb,oh Butt. Conley. I idycl:Sanborn. Sullivan. .1iM io P. 11 Nays -o. I'�us�t�M scree Bthumlml el.embly Costello, ilfr. Vice Cuffo dhl• D1cNanor, Uppon beim Apps ,. Approved April 13. 1e92 - Adopted by the Board of Aldermen April o, 1802. P"ne-Ald. Bielenberg. Botta Conley, Me - lady. Sanborn, Sullivan. At r. Presfdunt- 11. Nays d. Adopted UY the A,sembly lurch 12. 1892. 1'eu;-Messrs, finnhulzeq Castello, Iluro. McCuffert)', M_ Numoe. Oppenheim. Mr. Vice President -r, Nays . Approved April 1;3, 1802. Rd F No. il(F1- L,�f1iIbibilll, Woirk, dared Marchir28. I8'Jr2d. It Is 1,eroby ordered by the Common Council of theCiLp of PWuraul. sired Tli0 fSt. Board l cause the following e Cruvemen1.s� tobe made,t>•W lt:Grace �forWn sth'et, from Sou Wth Robert street •e to Bidwell street. in sold city. That said Board cause 'i Id work to be I et by contract, as pruvide(1 by I'll, with - ,),It �-balf of the e,thented Lust being first paid int,*lhe city trmtsn rt'y, and utter .aid work shall be placed a tlCr Lunt tact to uissu theBoarau❑Imintn ItstnmtrlI I ssttl eY ca certain the same. whte I will be required to pay the costs and necessary expen.esuf ue11 oupprdvdment as eon the real astute W be benefited by said improvement, re i - vid d by Iuw, IL lbeing the uPlulon all the Council that tool Cs Lute to be assessed lar .such improvement eon be found benefited tothe extent [the e sLs and expense. pry to he inturm the n Adopted by the Board of Aldermen A 1111 5. 1893. �I'eus-AId. Bielenberg. fill I Conley, Iu,lY.l Su ltn ilrur UnSld llvnn'dM I. Presl,alllLet-- It. Nuys -l. Aaupted by the Assembly Apri l 1.2, 18W. Peas -\t"a"rs. Run inlmr, Costello, Here, McCafferty, SlcNumde, Oppenheim. Mr. Vice Preaid,.- . Nays- li. Approved April 13,11SW. Bit F No. W3- ]- the matter of the report ❑1' the Bomd Rd F No. of Public Woks dated Mill 31. Ih.r2. It is hereby ordered by the Common Cour- t, rim • tier of Lha port Board • I of the City of tit. Poul: Marc),Llao 92. of Public orders dote[ h 81, 1 Coca. by the Common That the Boar11 df Public \Yorke: o[ s id City of St. Pnu] rouse the fotluwing Im It is hereby ordered ca of tlae City of St. Paul. That the Board of 1'ublie Works Of the procement to he mnae.;to-wit: Grudo Aha 11eY h, block three !;1), Summit Purk ad- City' of St. Paul cuuso the following Im- : un W St. Yaul, in snid airy. That said prolOccents to be,nado, to -wit: Open, s- t.i lace, from Os- Roard cause 811 work to be let by •on. len and extend nwodd t Leola itcen uc to I: enwood Terrace, in said IIntel us provided by haw'. without one-half ilito city condom ring and LakingUleofoilow- flee estipiuled cost being Li rs[ paid sold cork ing-described land, t>•wit: Beginningst the city treasury'. itid lifter bo ❑nddr -n tract. said 13oard the most northerly torpor of lot 13 of alar shall placed without dobay to assess the ungemmit of Kenwood Terrace; thence shall proLeed u It, as near'µ as thea can : certain - theasterly -Oow northeasterly lino of s tori>• Corner the some. which ' 11 bC cup'red to VnY id lot l:l to the nest cu. Ileruof: thence southwesterly arrow the the costs and neceesary rxponst•s of shell estate W be li lire of sxtd lot IJ and said pro vnient upon the 'Call beocfited by :, 'd Impnla'ement.:ts pro- aUCin¢ .,otheauterly lustnonmed li nc prodlcecd tp the north - tiDence bS In v; It the Pinion fit the o"'! thence aster's Iinc of Osceola a , line of O,Ceola eVe- Cd, �,l tllnt read es td Ue assC-sed for i{ rrtlaivesterly o, said e to the uthwest r ler [ lot 30, ,cal c t coil be Ldund beueated iC doxpe I bt erne J. C. Stout's :Wdl�on; ahancCfiftt tr ticmiix Conti that stair neces,ary to be incurred thereby. erly do u regular surae o u ret ue o y OF THE CITY OF SAINT. PAUL, FOR 1891. 1 til feet, more or less, to that point on the urtll a lerly Itne of said lot 1:31 prod aced v'terly wilt•h is tangent to ,aid en eve. id carte also bel ng tangent to said II❑e of Oseeolu ' •nue at said southwust cor- e d of lot :Y3;athwo.e from said drs4name yoirnt of tang" nay i direct line to the I oi nt of beginning. being in St. Paul,',Ill- - nota. Thatsaid Rourd shall proLLed without daisy to as... the mount, :Is I "til us theS can usulrttln the eamd, which will be required to pay the damage,, cost. and II •cessary e.'Penses of u •h Improvement upon the real estate dr be benefited b • s^fd improvement, as providod U>>. law, it ilei ug the opi nloa of the U.nowI t eltL real estate to be nssessed for such improvement can be found benefited to file extent Of the damages, costs and expenses uecessury to be i neu rrod thereby. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen A❑r115. 1892. i;uix:lun I"IDuUut rletDOruiae,1.. Gehan,nMe' lev lady, Sa❑burn. Sullivan. Mr. Prosident-11. uys-ars Adupteu by tho Assembly Apr1112, 1891. Yeas-11[essrs. Qa❑hulrenUostello, �ure, illcUatferty. McNamee, Gppeuheim, pproved April 13, IS!,'. 1311 F No. Mr-- n the mutter of the report of the Board of Public Works dated April {, IS92. It is hero UY n 11m'ed by Lhr Common Cdoneil oi' 'ho Oily ut St. Paul: That the Board of Public AYorks of said City of St. Paul cause the tollowmprovement to be made, to witlung : struct u cross -walk oil north side of Arch street, across Fairview street. in said city. Adopted by theBuurd of Aldermen April o, 1811:. Ywls-AId. Bielenbere, Bolt. Conley, Co io land. Dubner. Dorniden. Gahan, Me- la,lY. Sanborn, Su l i i vee, Mr. P rosident-11. NeY.-I. Adopted by tho Assembly April W, Isill, I itr us\IcCuifo rive-\It�NnincL.UpPonhei nl. AI I. Vico President -F. N.Y.-.. Approved AlO1113, 1SIr2. Bit F No. 907 -- In the mattor of file rePOr' of C'!,;,V2. e, LsBoard of public Wurka tlatd :'larch 28>r, It is hereby u dared by the C,ranion Council of file City of St. Paul: That. the Gourd of Public Works of the City of St. Paul cause to the following Jan. provemcut to bt, mudo. to wit: Construct voodcn I,-,sw-Ik. across Hdifman ­nue. both nidus of East Sixth street.tusaid 0%Y. AuoQuxl by elle Board of Aldermen A {{i `II 11, 1892. 1'• .-Ald. Biele,abovg, Butt. Conley. Dooner. L,1,'el:aSanborn, Su llivan,leM rG President Nuys- Adoptedd by the Assembly April L", 1672. �s Yeas -Messrs. Banholzer, Co4tello, Hssra. McCaffertyy Me\umee, Oppenheim, Mr. V lee Pmsl dent-,. Nuye--0. Approved April 13,189-2, Rd F No. 909- 11) the matter of 'lee Board of Public Works do,,, April {, 1892, I t Is hereby ordered by the Common Conn. •'1 of the City oP Bt. Paul. That the Buxrd of Public Works of said City Of St. Paul cause the following im- provement to be made, to wit: Construct u wooden crosswalk scross Hope street. on llee north side of Margaret street i❑ said C1Atyy dopted by the Board of Aldermen Appel' 5, life.'. ' p_AldCop w I llob 'rlDorenfUen Gel :.0 �Aieln� dye Sanborn, Sullivan, Mr. President -11. Aduated by the AssemUlyApr1112, 1892. Yeas -yeasts. Bun bolzer, Costello,Hare. McCafferty, McNamee. Oppenheim, Mr. Vice President-;. Nays -0. Approved April 18, 1892, Be F No. 910 - in the mutter of the report of the Board of Publle Works. dated April 4, 1892. It is hereby ordered by thn Common Coun- 11 of the City of S[. Paul: That the Board of Public Work. of said City of St. Paul cause the f-Irging im. provement to be mode, to -wit: Construct wooden crosswalk acres. East Sixth street, on West side of Hoffman avenue, In .aid city. Adopted by the Buurd of Aldo4at.n April 5, 1892. Peas-Ald. Blelenberg Botta Conley, Cotmlund, Dobner. Dorn den, Oeh.. 11e- Indy. Sanborn. Sullivan. Mr. President- ' Nays -o. ' Adopted by the Assevebly April L', 18.M_. Pens-31essrs. Beabolxer. Costello, Hnra. MLCewertY. Mc Namae, Oppenheim Mr. VWo President-,. Nays -o. Approved Aura 13, 18921. Bd F No. 911 - In the matter of the report of the Board of Public Works dated March 28, 1892. It is hereby ordered by the Common Coun- cil of the City of St. Paul: That the Board of Public Works of said City of St. Paul cause the following Im- provement to be made, to -wit: Coretract a three plank wooden sidewalk on the north side of Tennessee street, from State street to Wyandotte street, In said city. That said Board shall proceed without de - la n to ire secs the -mount, as nearly as they ertain tie same. which will be -a. quired to pay Lae costs and necessary ex- penses of such Improvement upon the real estate to be benefited bye id Improve. went. :as provided by law: It being the b¢ussesed f lsthe Councilthat real ¢-t ato to suImprovement can be IN PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL found and expeeesento the ec necessary extent Of cu he inrred thereby. Adoptedby the Board of Aldermen. April 5. 1802. Yeus-Aid. Bielenberg, Batt. Conley, Copeland, Dobner, Dorniden, Geh,, - Dlo, -lady, Sanborn, Sullivan. Mr. President- ]l�nys -0. Adoptedby the Assembly, April 1'^Hnre- Yeas-Messrs. Banholzer-Costello, McCafferty McNumee, Oppeuhe;m. Mr. Vice President -7. Nays -0. Approved April n, 1892. Bd F 1111 y,beefifiur I Public Works dated report f .f the arch3l the 102. osrd of It is hereby ordered by Lhe Common Coun- cil of the City of St. Paul: That the Board of Pubtic Works of said City of St. Paul c e the [.,lowing Im- pnrovemeot to be a de. in her Construct 1 ht toot wooden sidew lk. tok. theeeawith tst side of oxford street, from Frontstreet to be right of way of the St. POul & Northern Pacific Railw¢y comeany. pace led iwithout That said Boar ham, - a delay to s the Ount, as ea ly as they can ascertain the same, which will be required to ps)' the coats and necestheyreal ppansee of such improvement up provemevt, tate to be, benefited by said Im as provided by law: it being tae opinion of the Council that real estate to be assessed For such improvement can 'hebe found beneti ed - pensesonecessary th to De Incurredcostthe rubBady x Adopted by the Board of Aldermen April 1. 1892. Yeas -Aid. Ble]enberR, Batt, Conley. Capel Sadnbo n, Sullivan, Mr. President - by y, ll. Nays -0. Yeas t M . he A FlannelzerPril Coe ello, Hare, Vice Pr eide¢t McNamee, Oppenaeim, 7. Nays -0. Approved April 13. If➢J'1. Bd F No. "`3_ In the matter of the report of the Board o Public Works dated March 31, 1892. It Ill o[ thhereby GILY of S1. ordered YnuI: Common Cou❑ That the Board of Public Works of the City of St. Paul cause the following im nstrue erovement to beMad pl- walk,Ctogethe eight -toot wooden its the necessary crosswalks, on the Bout R1 of himichaha street, between IV ester avenue and Arundel street, in said city. That said Board shall proceed withoc delay to assesbe s the amount, us nearly o required to pay he costs and necessary eb penses of such improvement upon the rel estate to be benefited by sold Improve as mon provided by law'; it being the oploic of the Couucil that rent estate to be a Bossed for such Improvement can be icon be peeesud to the extent ocostsf the necessary to be incurred nthereby. Adopted by tae Heard of Aldermen Dri I5. 189^_. Pppetas-Aid. Bleleuberg• Butt, Conley. �d)•.15unborn, Sullivan, Mr. Preldentr- Nd)'s-0. Adopted by the Assembll April 12, 1892. are, 11 Cufferty, DlcNnmeer. Opp -helm, In Vice President-,. Nay --0. Appsroved April 13. ]892. Id F No. 914- :n the matter of the Public Works dated report arch 31b1 ward of [t to hereby ordered by the Marc, of the City of St. Paul. That the Boardpan, of Public Works of the pro, ems t to be made, to-wit:causeifollowingContrt at a six foot wooden sidewalk. together with the necessary crosswalks, on north side of Hewitt avenue, from Hemline avenue S}•ndicuse ¢venue, In aaid city. That said Board shall prated without de- i sit to assess the o me , as nearWy as they rtain the a bleb 111 be re- quiretl to pay the costs and necessary ex- pgnaecs of such improvement upe¢ the real to to be benefited by id improve- nts, a provided by law; it It th pinion of the Council that real fie assessed for such improveme found benefitted to the extent f the - and expenses necessary to be incurred thereby. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen April ]871. ypeas-Ald. Blelnee. Dorni u, G Conley, C %, Sanborn. Sullivan, MrCP-kh ui mil, Nays o. Adoptedby the Assembly AprCoStil 12, am YeasfeMessrs. Banholzer, peollelre,O.Mr. McCafferty, McNumee, Oppenheim, Mr. Vice Presidentr-7. Nays -o. Approved April 13. 1892. Bd F No. 915- In the matter of the report of the Board of Public Works dated March 31, 1892 It is hereby, City Sib the Common Coun- s hek. said City of StThat the u fubIi Paul cause the W.rfollow'ing em improvent to be ..Is, to -wit: Cell' struct I -,..foot wooden Sidewalk, Logeher with the eCe56dry cro6swnik6,'on the north side of Hogue avenue. from the wase line of lot en, in block j, of Roger-' Addi- tion to St. Poul to Chatsworth street; on the west side of Chatsworth street from Hogue avenue w Selby Queue, and on the south Side of Selby avebue from Chats- worth street to Mitten treat, in -aid city That said Board shall proceed without 11 delay to assess the nmouat. ae nearly be shay can eecertafn the enmc, watch will be required to pay the costs and ne....cry real estate toB.bebean i ented by such Improve• meat, ae providhe ed by law; It being the belassessedt for such improvement estate an be OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL• FOR 1891. 69 found benefited to the extent of the costs and expenses necessary to be incurred thereby. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Apell h, 1871. Y ns--Ald. Bielenberg. Bolt. Conley. Copeland. Dobner, llornidon, Cohan. Dle- lady, Sanborn. Sullivan, Mr. President - Il. Ndy6-0. Adopted by s Lbe Assembly April .k 1871. yeasertlessM Bunbolaer.penh irit. Mr. Vi..Prrtp. McNnmaa. Oppenheim. Mr. Vice President-,. Apps -o. A- proved April 13, 1892. Bd F No. 918 -By Aid. Gehan- lt 1s hereby ordered by the Common Conn. cil of the City of St. Poul: That the matter of constructing a Sewer Wn Mt. Airy street, from Linden street to arren street, and on Warren street, from Mt. Airy street to Valley street, be, sad the same is hereby referred to the Board of Public Works to inves[iente and report: First -Is this improv men& proper told n Second -Give the Council an estimate of the expe..e thereof, and state whether " -half of the cost tuercof Is W be paid into the city treasury lxfort the contract is let. Third-Cdn real estate to be -.se-d Fourth -1s such improvement s-k,,d for upon the petition or fipplieatmn of the owner of a majority of the oroperty to Ire assessed for such improvement? Fifth -Send the Council u pian or profile f said improvement, as required by law, if you port in avor of he c. Sixth re -Bond shefCounali u Amenmus- order of Aldermen Yee.-Ald. Bielenberg, Bott, Conley. Copeland. Dobner, Dorniden, Geh:m. Me- lody, Sanborn. Sullivan, Dir. President-- l i. Nay- 0. Adopted by the Assembly April 12, M.,!2. Yeas--Dlessrs. Banhoirer, Costello. Ham, McCufferty, McNamee, Oppenbeim, Mr. Vice President -7. Nays 0. Approved April 1:1, 1892. Bd F No. 919 -By Aid Dorniden- It i.hereby ordered by the Common Coun- 'l of the City of St. Paul: That the matter of constructing a cross- walk on the east side of Toronto accaue, across Palace street, be. and the same is herebyreferred to the Board of Public Work 8 to investigate told report: Is this improvement proper and neces- Sary? If so, sand the Council a proper or derdiree ting the work to be done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen April 5. 181[2. Ye as-A1d.Bielonberg,Bott, Conley. Cope- land, Bobber. Dorniden, Gahan, Dlelady. Sanborn. Sullivan. Mr. President -11. Nays -0. Adopted by the Assembly April 12, 1871. Yeas - Messrs. Banholzer. Costello. Hare, McCafferty, MLNamce, Oupenhotm. Dir. Vice President -7. Naps --0. Approved April 13. 1892. Bd F No 920 -By All. Dorniden- It is hereby ordered by the Common Coun- cil of the City of St. Paul: That the matter of constructing a cross- walk on the west side fDouglas street, toss Sturgles street, be and Lhe ams t hereby referred to the Board of e Public Worke to investigate and report: Is thisimprovement proper and neces- sary` If so. send the GOdnCil a proper order directing the work to be done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen App it fi, 1871. yeas-Ald. Bielenberg. Batt. Cooley, Copeland, Dobner, Dorniden, Gehen, Me lady, Sanborn, Sullivan, Mr. President- il. Nn}re-p. Adopt .tl by'lie AssemA bly pril ie, 1892. Yeas -Masers. 13n¢holxer: Costello. Hare, D1eC:tiTBid T, McNamee. Oppenholm. Mr. Vice Proside¢t-,. Nays -0. Approved April 13.189'. - Bd F No. 921 -By Aid. Bott- It is hereby ordered by the CGmmon Coum ell of the City of St. Paul: That the matter of establishing grade and grading alley in block 95. Daly's and Berrisford's subdivision of Lyman Day- ton's addit ion, be, and the some hereby referred to the Board of Public Works to investigate and report: First -Is his improvement proper and n •c nry? Secroond-Give the Council an a whether the a thereof and .tato hapaid on- lu�ylp[ of the cost thereof 1s to be paid into Dhb Clty Trensu ry before the contract is let. Third -Can real estate to be assessed for said improvement be found benefited to [ to extent of dilcifi os, costa and ezpenses necessary to be iomvred thereby? Fourth -Is such improvement asked for uPon the petition or nUpHeathut of the owners of a majority of the property to be assessed for such im provement7 Fifth -Send the Couneil a plan or profile of said 1aua required by law, if you report in favor of the Game. Si.vth-Send the Counml a proper order directing the work to be dune. .Ido ited by the Board of Aldermen April 5, I8lr2. Yeas-Ald. Biclenberg. Bott, Conley. Copeland, Dobner. Dorniden, Gchan. Dto- lady, Sanborn, eullivno, Mr.Presldent- 11. \ups -0. adopted by Lila Assembly April le, 1892. 1'eus-McS.r.. Banholzer, Costello, Here, McCafferty, McNamee. Oppenheim. Mr. Vice President --7. Nays -0. Approved April 13, 1802. 7p PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Bd F No, 923 -By Aid. Butt - It is hereby ordered by tae Common Coun- cil of the City of St. Paul: That the matter of changing grade On Frances street. from Forest street to Terry streetbe and the Ionic Is hereby referred to the Board of Public Works to investi- gate sad report: First -Is this improvement proper. and "'c"' Second-/Give the Council an estimate of the expense thereof. and state whether one-half of the coat thereof fs to be paid Into the city treasury before the contract Is let. Thirdpeon reel estate to he assessed for Said improvement es found benefited to es the extent of eineturr costa find expenses necessary to be incurred thereby- Fourth-ls such improvement asked for upon the petition or application of the own- s of a malorfty of the property to be ue- sesGed for such iniprovenient- Fifth -Send the Council u pian or profile of said improvement, as required by law, if you report In favor of the sums. Sixth -Send the Council a proper order directing the work to be done. Adopted.Bfi'3by the Board oI Aldermen April" I. Yeas -Aid, Ilielenberg. Bott. Conley. IadyelSonbornbSulli Dan 6 .Pr"del-II. Nays t hoor dre, Adopted by the Assembly April 12, IS2'. YSas-Messr. an etreOpptmtheiar' r. McChfferty, e I're9ldent-,. NaYe-l. Approved 13. I892._ Bd F No. 9^.,4 -By Aid. Coaley- It is hereby ordered by the Commo¢ C.U.- -'I' ou.- of the City of St. Paul: That the matter of ,o¢stracti¢g ,rona- Iks on Canada street at the Intersection Dome isOe and hereby referred orris rtotG. the eBoarfdtb I of Public Works to investigate and report: Is this improvement proper and unless sary? If so, send the Council a proper or direc[ingthe work to be done. Adopted by the Board of Adnrmen Ap i15, 1873. Yttwn,ns-Aid. Bielenber§. Butt, Conies. Iatly.f Sun•UOrn,itSullD�un� Mr. 1'relscn-- II. Nays 9. Adopted by the Assembly April I2. 18!12. Yeas -Messrs. Bunhulzer. Costello. Bare. McCafferty, McNamee, Oppenheim. Dir. Vice President -7. Nays --o. approved April 13. 1892. Bd F No. 921 -By Ald. Sullivan - IL Is boreby ordered by the ^amnion Council of Lire Cit of St. Paul: Tlkttliesat,erof Aldine cLi Kta we s Dross Dayto¢ avenue be. and the'.'a is ahere- {. to referred to lir., Bears ' Publit { orka t Is thiscigateand report: Is this Improvement Count .nil neces-i Gary'! If so, senU the Conned n proper order directing the work to be dune. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen April 5, 1873. Yeas-Ald. 1310cuborg, Bort, Conley. Indy! Sanborn, Sullivan,d Mr.eller' Me - President Nnys�. Adapted by the Assembly April l"_. 1873. Messrs. ]htnitolze r, Costello, iter,. c ttffcr y, eNumse, Oppenheim. Nuys -9. Approe,d April 13, 18:12. Bd F No. 92i -fly AId. Sullivan - 1t is hereby ordered by the Common Coun- '1 of the City of St. Yrui' That the mutter of constructing cross- walks In the followng places: On tem east lan avenue, of it the the caslling t Of Snelliogfln1ec we across BagucatvI nue, be and [be sumo is hereby referred to the Board of 1'u bine Workstoinvestigateand report: Is this Improv, me lit p oiler •mil nccus- e:uy? I1 so, send the Council a proper order df reeling the work to be done. ldopteeI by tun Board of Aldermen April 181'-, Air., Biel., 1,'g• Bolt, Cooley, ._.. _, .,t,..,... •,.ni o /khan. Me. by the Assembly April 12, 189'2. Banimlzcr. Cletellc. Oaff`Gar".erb-. Me Namtre, Opp -- Approved April 13. 1893 Bd F No. W11 --fly AId. Copctund-- It is hereby orderod by the. Common Court •it of the City of St. Paul: That the matter of ggntdit alleys In block 25. Arlington Hills addition. be, and tire name is hereby referred to the Board of Pultlie W(rks W Investigatenndreport: First -Is this improvement proper and necessh�y? Second -Give the Ceuncil an estimate of the expense thereof. and statew'hetherone- half of the cost thereof is to be paid into the Thi tl treasury realestatetate he contract is i o be uGsG,Gedfor said improvement be found beneilted tothe extent of damages, costs and expenses nee essary to be incurred thereby! Fourth -Is such improvement asked for upon the petition or appiication of the own- s of a majority of Lhe property to be as- sessed for such improvement:• Fifth -Send the Council a plan or prodle of sold improvement. as required by law, It v t in favor of the same. Sixth- Seal the Council a proper order direct a ng the work to be done. Ailupted by the Board o[ Aldermen A'Iri1 5. 1592. l s-Altl. Bielenberg, Butt, Conley, Copehnd, Dobner. Dorniden. Gehan. M,•- Italy. Sanborn. Sullivan. hi r. President -Il. Nays -9. Aden G•A h3" the Assembly April L^. l('9'2. 1 -ons -Messrs. Banholzer, Costello, Hare. DicCafrerty-. )IcS:.nee, Oppenheim, Mr. Vire Preside. L-7. April 13, 1392. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1395. 71 Bd F No. lr�-Ry Aid. Copeland- Bd F No. 100A 13y Ala. t3nbner- It is hereby ordered by the Common Court It is hereby ordered by the Common Coun- cil of the City of St. Paul: cil of the City of St. Paul: That the matter of constructing an eight That the matter of opening, widening (8) foot wooden sidewalk on both sides of - and exlendiog Blair Street, between Al - Lawson street, between Edgerton street dine street and Territorial road, be, and and Arkwright street. be. and the same is the sum, iv hereby reforrotl to the Board hereby referreto the Board of Public of Yu bine {Yorks to illvest(gatean(l report: \fork , to investigate and report: j First -Is this improvement proper and Is this improvement proper and neces. necessary: sur}•." If so. send the council a proper or Second -Give the Council a. estimate of der directfng the work to be done. the expense thereof, and tate whether Ailupted liy tiro Board of Aldermen one half of the cost thereof is to be paid April .i. IND2. n[o the city treasury before the contract is Yeas -Aid. Bielenberg, Butt. Conlab,y. let. Cu to land, Doner, Dorniden, Galan, Me- 'fhird--Can real estate to be assessed for h dy, Sanborn. Sullivan, Mr. President- said improvement be found benefited to it. the extent of damages, costs and expenses N 1y6 -1i. n Ceasary to Its la:c,rred thereby." )doptedby the As v bl}„lpril I', IS!r'. F'0u th-Is such tmprnvement asked for Ycas-Messrs. 13 .Im . Costello, upon the petition or application of the own It" n•. )IcI1nIF, rty. McNnmee,fOpp,n beim, era of majority of the property to be ,Mr. Vice President -7. assessed for such Improvement- Nays -_p fth-Send the Council a pion or profit, Approved April 13. IsV2. r" said improvement, as required by law, if you report in favor of the same. Sixth --Send tire Counel a proper order directing the work to be done. Adopted by the Board of Aldorumn A ril5, 1s1. lid F No. !128-11y A. Concland- �'c; ,s-AId. Bieleabceg. BULL. Coale}', IL is hereby ordered by the l:ommon Coun- C, x•land, Dubm'r. Dorniden. Geh un. Me- cil of the ('try of St. Paul: l: (y -, Saub-ii. Sullix an, Mr. President - That the matter of constructing a cross- 11' walk on thenorth side of Rose street, Nays -p. Greenbrier Wren ue, he, and the naopted by the A.acembly April 12, 18M. ucroesis hereby referred to Lhn Board of VCas-Messrs. lianitolxer, Costello, [fare, Pu Dlic Works to investigate and report: M'- 'afrert}'• McNuntt'e. Oppenheim, Mr. Is this Improvement proper and neces- V1,, PresnlenL-7 If Go, send the Council a proper or- Neye-1 der3u directing the work to he done. Approved April 13, IS92. Arinpted by the Bunn1 of Aldermen Apr 1 . 1811 )'e.as5-AId. Bielenberg. Bolt. Conlev. Copehtpd. Dubner. Dorniden, Geimn.:11e- Ild F No. D:tl-Ry Ala. Dobn,r- lad}'. Sreborn, Sullivan. sir. President IL is hereby or(, bythc Common CO.. It. •Il of the t'fty of S'.l'anl: Nays -ii, Tont tSe matte r n file es a th o o PPink Adopted by the Assembly April l°,18!1.2. offenSidewalk onlhewestaideofT'as- Yeas-Messrs. ISaoholzer. Castell". I cal a •en belweon {Vynn, treat and Harr. DlcCalTerty. McNamee. ODpeo beim, Ln efordt uv n e with unable roes- ytr. Vice I'resirlent-7- vniks, bc, end the sumo is hereby referred Nuys -o. to the Board of Public Works to Inv c-aU- Approved April 13, ly92. ea t, ana report: ]s Odsimprovement proper and use.,ee- _ -• rY'' 1 f so. send the Council a proper or- der di rectieg the work to be dune. Adopted by tem Board of Aldermen Bd F No. 92D -By Aid. Cullen- Ay it .5, on It is hereby ordered by the Commyuan- e s-Ald. Bielenberg, Bott. Cooky, cin of the City of St. Paul : b teltand. holm- Dornirlon. Gehan, Me - 'Phut the neater of placing a gas lamp on Im'y. Sunburn, Sullivan, Mr. Prosiden't- the south side of 'Tenth street, between Il. Robert street and Jackson street, be. ;in,, N: y", the sumo is hereby referred to the, Board of Adopted by the As n:lt April 12, 1573. Yublic [Yorks to investigate and report: � 1-eas-Messrs. Banholzer, Cestcllo. Is this Impro '""'t proper ana n - Ilan • Jlr(a party. Ma^Num,r. Oppenheim, T, so. -end the ('ounce[ a propt'r or )t r. ,Pico I're sideol-7. der iI r,,t,,g the work In be done, Nov Adopted I,y the Board of Aldermen Approved April 13, IID'_'. A pr" l:i, I8ff'. Yeas -Aid: IIIc le ubcrg. Botr, conl,y, - s,, and, Dubner. Durnirle. n, G„lotn. Mry I,uly. Sunboro, Sullivan. )Ir. Prraidcnl- Bd F No. %12 -fly AId. Cnpeland- I1. I It is hereby ordered by the Coni milli Cost u- Nays--e.d of the City of St. Paul: Adopted hs the el xaembly Anril t'.'., Is!G'. Tlatf the anal ter of tonsLrncling u three 1",as- M ssr� IS aaholi.cr.('oslello, Hero, (31 plank eidrw:ilk ,n Uhe north still' of illy cCaf,rty. DlcNamse, Oppenhmn, Mr. 11'el is street. from Forest street. to Dten- Vice President-7,tlute street. bC, and the same N hereby r'e- Nuys-o. rerred to the Board of Public Works to I. - Approved April 13. 18992. vOstigut'c and report': .2;PBOCI"F.DINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Is this improvement p^oper and neons- 1 ' nary% ]f so. send the Council u proper or- der directing the work Le be done. Adapted by we It..rd of Aid,rmen, A pri 1 Itr.2. Vol," -Ala. Biclenb,rg, Batt. Conley, Copeland. IJobnel, Darmden, Grhan, Me - lady. San in, n, Sullivan, M, Pmsident- Il. Nays A rlont.i•d 1, - Assembly APfil l"exx-Messrs. ib+nhulzc. r. Cos teilu. Hum. bf,Catl'erty. MI -Nano,". Uppenh,im. Mr. V mt President-,. Nays -9. B ppro-retl April l:i. IA!i'_'. ` lid F No. p:} -By AId. Dobncr- Itls hrrt•byordrrrd brtbe Commoa Coun- cil of the City of tit- fall l: _'hutthe mut ter o[ p1;In1 nB solsolinc ILL mpoff the northwest corner of Lexing- ton avenue and Mill nehuhu street be, ;md the sof o blPLomeicme is h,tehy r.ferred to the Board Works to invcstigaw nndre - part: e Is ht. brprove.+eat proper nod ncc 1, If so, .endh te Cooncil a prol'er or- der d!r,ri-n the work to be done. Adopted by in, Board of Aldrrmvm April 5, Iso - Vons -Aid. 131cicub-g. Nott. Cooley. Cup,lxntl, Dobncr. Dorni,ie 'rGtp reside nt Iady. Sanborn, Sullivan, -11. Nay. --0. Adopted by the Aswmhly April 12. 1892. Pens-Mr_.srs. Hnnholzer, Cos[olla. Hun•. DI,,Cu Rorty, McNamee, Opp- nh aim. Dir. Vice President Nuys. Approved April 13. 1892. Rd F No. 1XII By Ald. Dubprr- It is hereby ordered by the Cu nmmon Coun- •il of the Clte of St. Ynui: That the nt iter of placing a six -tort wuexlen sidewuikun the cant aide. of Tatom between Minerimha stre-land - Chelton avenue (`>otition attached) be. d the laic , _ hrrcby referred to the Board of Public Words to investigate and report: Isthis ImPt'oven-ent prop,, andneces- sary: If so. send the Council aproper uta der directing the work to b, done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen n�ruu-AidIsar. :. Bielenberg, Butt, Conley, Copeland. Dobner. Durnidoa. Gnlmn, Mc•- lady, Sanborn, Sullivan, Mr. President. if. Nays -o. Adopted by Lhe Asssom blYol-Apr11 14, 181-_'. Yens -Messrs. lo N,nazrr, Costello. fturr, DlcCutrr., y. DtoNnmec. Opllenl+ei m. Dlr. Vi„ Yrrsitle nth". Nuys -0. App coved April 13, 18x2, Bd F No.935-Ily Aid. Dobno nit It is hereby ordered by 'lie Com .ton Coun- cil of the Ctty u[ St Paul: That the matWr of placing ;t crosswalk n the west side of Bolton avenue, ":toss Minuehahu street, be, and the same is referred to the Board of Public investigate and report: Improvement proper and a.-.,- ..,r.br Onunril a urocer or- Bielenberg. Holt, Conley. mer. Dornde in, Gahan. Dio- i, Sullivan, Dir. President I ho .A ssembly APr111218ff_'. ItnnhulCostello, Hare. SScNnmec. o ouenitelm, Mr. Aiiuroved April 13, 1892' Bd F No Hate -By Aid. Dobner- It is hereby ordered by the Common Co.._ 1 of the Citv of St. Paul: That the matter of placing a gasoline Jump on the north side of University ave •- , In front of Stock Exchanae hotel bout 150 feet east of Prior avenue. be, and .be is perch- referred to the Board of Publlo larks to torla tigxte and r port: Ix thle Improvementd coupoaii nit neces- order directing the work to be done, proper Adopted by the Bourduf Aldermen April 5, 181x'. iVp�eas-Aid. Bie!e.bera. Batt. Conley, 1 tly.l Saahurotl Sullivan7dn. Preaidantc- it Nuys- 0. Atlopted by the H phoiy April 12, 189-2 yen, -Messrs. Itnnhulz,r, Costello Ham. McCatfertY. McNamee, Oppenheim, Mr. Vice President -7. Nays -0. Approved Apri: 13, 1892. Bd F No 937 -By Aid. Dob.er- It is hereby ordered by the Common Cml.- ell of tine City of St. Paul: That the theastmatter def atto • Iym and crosswalk on ss Langford avenue. be, and thevevue, across here by referred to the Hoard of Public works to investigate and report: Is this Improvement proper and .aces sary- If so. send the Counell o proper order directing the work to be done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen A ril 5. 18112. -ens-Aid. Bielenberg. Butt, ConloS'• Copeland, Bobber. Dorniden. Cohen, Die - .ad y. Sanborn, Sullivan, Df r. Yresident- ll. Nays -0. Adupt.t•d le the Assam bly April L2. IB112. ]"ei�s -'lu ff s. Bn aau'. r, Costello. Han•. a Preside. Dtc Names, Uppeaheim. Mr. Vico Presldont-S. prov p App-rd April 13. 1802. Bd F No 938-:3y Aid. Dobncr- It is hereby orde d by the Common Coun •il of the City of St. Paul: That the matter ofplacing a six-foot wooden side walkon the west side of Tatum avenue. between Minnehuha street aad OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. FOR 1802. 73 Chelton avenue, be, and the same is here- by referred to the Board of Public Works to investigate and report: Is this impsary� If so. rovement proper and neces- order directing the work to bend t he cClonoe Proper Adopted by the Board of Aldcrmrm.' Acril5. 1992. Yeas-Ald. Bielenberg Boll. Conley, Cnp41and, Dnbnor. Dorniden. Gehun. Dir Isdy. Sanborn, SnHiroo. Dir. P-Ad.qt- the Assembly April 1^, 1592. . Bavholzer. Costello. Hers: I.Namee, 0 .... hot.. Mr. Approved April 13. 1892 Bd F No. 039 -By Aid. Dohner- Itlshereby ordered by the Common Coun •il of the City of St. Paul: That the matter of pplacing a croe--ilk no the north side of lieu ae street, across Keeton street, be and the same is hereby referred W if,, Board of Public Works to in a ti gale cad report: is o his improvement Proper and neces- nry. If d the Council n proper on d directing the wok to be done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen APP 11 5, 1tl92. Yo .-Aid. Blrlenberr. Batt. Conley. Cm{+,In nd, D,Ama r. Dorniden, Gahan, Mo - Intl Y. San burn, Sl Dir. President - D. Board of Public Works to investigate and report: k'irst-Is this improvement proper and . Second- Give the Council ua estimate of the•xpeo thereof counit .Mato pother ,one-half of the list thereof is to be paid tato the city treasury before the contract is let TI rd -Can real estate to be assessed for a imv v ent be („Unit benefited to the extent of d ... go.. c.stsund esp...- . Fourtl, a such jm rod thereby. the oprovemenion of for uupon s of petition le a[theaprortty [ the be assessed fort such improvement?? to Fifth -Send the Council a plan or profile itf Bald improvement. quired by law, y. report I n Enver oe tide eamr. Sixth -Send the Council u proper order dirseting the work to be done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen April 5, 1892. Yeas-Ald. Bielenberg. Butt, Conley. Cil lelnnd. Dobuer, Damidea, Gehan, Me lay, Sanborn, Sullivan, Mr. Presidentr- 11. Nays -9. Adopted by the Assemhy April I3. 1802. 1"res-Dlexen, ltunl+olzer, Costello, Hare, McCa Rortyy MCN'umee. op pri m, hl r. Visa Presideat-,. Noy". Approved April 13, 1894. Nuys -U. Bd F No. 942 -By Aid. Mclatly- Adopted by the Assembly April 12. 1892. Yeas-Messrs. Bnnhulzer. Costello, Hure, It is hereby ordered by the Common Coun- 1 the Cityof St. Paul: DlcNnmee, Opp, all Mr. tf That the m iter of so.itruett.g two -ice ,,1Calferty Yresldent-7. Nay, ­0. plank wood.. sidewalk.. the north side of Chicago avenue, from Eaton street to Nava Approved April 13, 1892. sheet, be,d the same is hereby referred to the Board of Public Works to tavesti- gate and report: chis and veces- Hd F No. 910 -Hy -kid. Debtor- it's kf so, erovement eod the Council, s Y:' a proper or - It Is hereby ordered by the Common•Coun _ der directing the work to be done. dl of the City of St. Paul: That the matter of placing a insolim, Adopted by tlm 11..rd of Aldermen Ap ell 5, 189'-'. lump on Carter arcane, In front of lot X3 in clock4u, it. Anthony Park North, be and ]-ens-Ald. Bielenberg. Hatt. Conley, Copeland, Burns,Dorniden, G,han. Me - the same Is hereby referred to the Hoard oI lady, Sanborn, Sullivan, Mr. President- 1'ublic Works to investigaW and report: il- ls this improvement proper midneves- aryl Il s., send the Council u proper or Nays -0. Adopted by the Assembly April 12, 18�y der directing the ork to be. done. Yeas - Messrs. Baubolzer. Coetelia.- AT Ii.re. McCafferty. DlcNamee, Oppenheim, Adopted by the Huard of Aldermen April D, 1892. DS r. V Ice President Yeas -did. BIelc.b,,fi,. Butt, Conley, Nays -o. Copeland, Dubner, Dorn den, Cohen. Dle- Approved April 13, 1992. lad). Sanborn, Sullivan, Mr. President -11. Nays -o. Adopted bythe AssrnnblY April 12. _ Yens-Mrs.".13-holzea Costcllo,Harr. DIc ClIRI'dty. Dlc•Namee, Opecohnim. Mr. BB F No. f. -Hy Aid. Ilielevberg-- Virn k'rusidrn Nuys IL is hereby ordered by the Common Coun 11 of the City of St Paul: Approved April 13. 18Y2. �Ilist the matter of laying crosswalks off both sides of 11 in. eh aha street, across Vit- - glair, and alsoonboth sides of Virgin. c linnch.h. treat. be. and s Dby 13d F No. 941 -By Aid. Hieienberg-- II is hereby rde ed by the Common Conn- the same Is herereferred to the Board of Public Works to investiRata .ad report: it of the Pity 01 St. Paul: 'phut Ike •tter of grading Burgess rest, from Dale street to Western ave- Is this Improvement proper sad neves alp: If so, send the Council a proper or - der directing the work to be dean. nue. as per petition hereto attached, be Adopted by the Board of Aldermen April and the same is hereby referred to tine , 5. 1992. PROCEEDINGS OF TIIF. C'OAI11ION COUNCIL Yeas-Ald. Bielenberg, Butt, Conley, Cnfeland, Dobner, Dorniden. Geha., Die lady. Sanborn, Sullivan, Mr. President --Il. Nays --0. . Adopted by the Assembly April 12 18ff_' , Yeas -Messrs. Banholzer, Costello, Here. McCafferty, McNamee, Oppenheim, Mr. Vice President-,. Nave --0. Approved April 13, 1892. Bd F No. 044 -By Aid. Mclady- It is hereby ordered by the Common Coup- cil of the City Of St. Paul: That the matter f butlding a wooden o st❑Irway extending from the foot of the bluff, on the south side or Smith nvcnue samebridgis hereby ce referred to the 13oardlof Public Works to investigate and report: First--Isthis improvement prolierand necessary:' Second--Give Ca• Council an eetimacc of vil ther theYhal(o( tlw1icust thei"o end n tied the `I aid i'nto the mty treasury before the contract 1 ;t. .srd--Can real e4 1uw to 11 four li elled benselited Jr.tocid impruyemcn L" the extent. of damages, costs t and •x - P Fuue incurred thereby? rtht-cIs g'unhto bynLv'eluent ltsked for upon the petition lir application of the owners of ;t majority of the Property' to be nsscaecd for suoli .m Provmn"n t': Fifth --Send the Council 1111 lan or profile f said improvement, as require) b3 lova if you report in favor of th" slime. directing ca(h.work LOthe thecil it roper order Ad"nted by the. Board () Aldermen Bmlenberg, Butt, Conley, Dorniden. Gehnn• \I". 9uliivno, Mr. Presldent-11. 1^_ Inro2. Bare, m, ill r. ApjLnn-ed April 13.150: Bd F No. 045--B)' Ald Me htdy-- It is l hof thus ordered.byl'nlli,Cm m mon Collil- 'Tllet the inntter Of Ixying Il1 111.11: vro's- walk olir the Ed waled IdttrfL.o of C�l i`cagod [lir sametis hereby re(ernd to Lhe Icon rd of P Is tthis\improeementstignte nandtneres- proper spry% If so, send Lhe Cpu cell a Proper ol` der diverting the work to be Bono. Adopted by the Board of Aideroo•u April 5. I8 Yens -Alt]. Ibeleuberg.Bolt, Conley. Copeland, re Uobner. Dorniden. [ela nobn. Me- Iudy.Sor., Mr. Psident-le. Adopted by the Assembly April 12. lslQ. 1lessrs, lixhliolzee. Costello, Dare McOnirerty.meNan[ee, Mr. Vice IRce- ident-7}', Nu.s-0. Approved April 13. her!. fid F No. 946-11y Aid. bMebtd- It is erebyordered by the ['a}•mmo. Coun- eil ot'the City of St. foul: 'That the matter of a change of grade a. Itob]e street. between Ohio street unit Bidwell street. so as to raise sold Roble street when, it crosses Charlton street, eight feet. or it, much as the City Engineer decals urlvis able. 1 Ile, an the same i hereby vfc reed to the Boardot' Public )Yorks to investigate. and report: Fir-st--IS Illi, improvement Proper and necessary? Second --Give the Count•ii un estimate of the expense ch -rad, and state whether m•-h:df of the cost thereof is to be. paid int" the city treasury before the contract 1 I •t. 'I thud --Call rcnlestatc to be assessed for said improvement be foundbenebred t" the extent of damages, costs told expenses •essnry I, be ilalur. d thereby'., n F'"u rth-Is such i mprovemept tusked for u`totl the petition o : PP1lcutfo. "f tho s of a majority., If the property to be asaesatvl for such iniprovmno❑t! Fifth --Send the ('oune.l a plan or profile .['said improvement. as equired by luw, i[ you report in favor of the some. Sixth--Sendthe Council pntperorder direct]ng the work to I, dorm. Ado Pted by the Board of Aldermen April .R2. Yeas -Aid. Bi le ober;;. Iiut[. Conroy, petard. Dobner. Dorniden. Cohan, Me - lady. Sanborn, Sullivan. M[. President says. Z Adon:rd UY the Assembly April 12. 1802. Yeas --Messrs. Bunholzer. Costal in, Hato, McCafferty, McNumeo, Oppenheim, Mr. Vice Presiaent-7. Nnvs-0. Approved All, 13, IMI". Bd F No 947 -Ivy Aid. M"hidy- I1, is hereby ordered by the Commcn Coun- cil of the City of St. Poul: That the mutter of laying n pill it mme- ""' o the south side Of Water street. across Edward vire et, be, ;tad the acmes hereby referred to [he Board of i'u Ulic Works to investigate and report: Is thin improvement proper and neces- sary, If so. send the CouneiI s proper order directing the x'ork iobe done. Adopted by the Board oI Aldermol April 5. ISU2. sus -Ald. Biolenberg. Rett. Conroy, Copeland, Dobner, Dorn Iden, Cell .. Me - lady, Sanborn• So, lilvon. Mr. President - 11. A Adopted by the AsB n.h i April l^_ Costello. Yeas - Messrs. eNam ver. Castello, Hare, McCuQerLy, M"Numce. Uppenheim. AI r. Vico 1'residem-�. Nays -0. Approved April 13, 1802, Bd F No a18 -By Ald. % ladv- It is hereby ordered by the Compton Couu- oil of the City of Sl. Paul: 1'hnt the tm tter of the construction of a 'x foot woolen sidewalk. together with [he neve scary crosswalks. on the ,.It u❑J est sides Of Winslow Its ue. from Prus- pe Ct terrace to the south[ city limits, be, OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAIL. FOR 1392. ❑d the ..me is hereby referred to the Board of Public Works to :nvestigat0 and res trti hs Improvement proper and neces- sary` If so, send the Council a proper order directing the work to be done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen April 5, 180". fens -Alit. Ilielonberg. Bolt. Conley, (1L Leland. Dobner, Dorniden. Gahan. Me luny. Sanborn. Sulli ran. Mr. Prestdent- AdopAdopted e. ed by the Assembly April C sten Yeas - Messrs. 1S,,Na Older, Costello, Hare. a President- .N.Y.-O. McNamee. Oppenheim, ,Mr. Vice President-;. Nays 0. Approved April 13, 1892. fid F No 040 --Ivy Aid. Dobner-- It is hereby ordered by the Common Coun- cil of the City of St. Paul: That the mutter of placing a crosswalk ou the north side of Carter at'enac the county road be, -tied the same is hereby referred to the Board of Public Works to Ic"estigate and report: Is this improvement proper and neces- sary? If so. send the Council a proper order directing the work to be done. Adnpteu I Llte Board nt' Aldermen A pro l 5, 142. fens -Ail. Bieienbrg. Boat, Conley, ('opelund. Dobe, r Dorniden. Gehan. Me - lady, Sanborn, Sullivan, Mr. President - 1. 'Nays--(). Adopted by the Assembly April t" 1802. Yens - M^stirs. Banholzer. Costello, Flare. hfeCnffm'ty, McNamee. Oppenheim. 37 r. \-ice President -7, Na)'s-0. Approve(] April 13, 1c0'. fid F No. 0541 --By Aid. Dorltlden- Resolved, ThaBot or, the hoed o[ Public Works emuse the f, lowiog st.efts it Sir. nkliug Dist flet No.5 lo be sprin klcd durin_v the setas!" of IS02, '.bake[ to oily order wllicll the C u.lull 4 oncil. from time to tune, by rasa lotion ofsaid bud y, nay n.ake, di.scontinuf air saidsprial<Iing ucli streetspr parts of streets forsoch l�i nuc :is said ('a moon ('off evil Maill del.er- t Chestnut street. from Pleasant avenue to Ieree: Walnut .atn•et, from Plcasunt Il\"cul ire to Irvine Turk drive: Sh -rman strret, from Pleasaot avelnle I, 175 feet south of Franklin street; ))'ilkin street. from Sherman street to .In feet south of Franklin street: L• oh stmt, frog. Romsey street to I;mldrich ;.•ell ue: Western avenue. frons Harrison avenue o, E, ooa street; "Pleusupt nve.av, from Thhd street to 1)eslerrt armlue; Seventh street. front Third stI,vtto Vi, - I,rHa street; F. change greet, frons Eagle street to 11'llken st feet: Franklin street from Eagle stret9 w Elm st rer•.L; Hallisey street. f- Wilkin street to Pleusunt u)e❑m, Forbes street. from Wilkin street to Douglas .st eco U Irvine Park drive: MCB"al street, from Wilkin street. to Douglas st r eet; GooJech avenue. from Western avenuo to 4_•(l feet oast of Smith avenue; Elm street, from Exchange street to edge of bluff; Dousman street. trot. West Seventh street. to Yon Minden street; Banfil street, from Smith ;t)t.nue to Western ol-nuc: Goodhue st reel. from CIIO' street to Duke street: Colborne street, from West veycath street to Superior street; Harl'IS 11 alenue, from Douglas street to Gnrtic],] street: Corfield street, from Goodrich ave.ue to Plea -1, lo-ote: St. Clair street. from West Seventh street to Colhurno street; \Michigan stnmt. Irum West Seventh to Colborne street; Sluith avenue, from 'Third street to Cliff street: Thompson street, front Eunuey street to Pleasant avenue; Douglas street, from Ramsey street to Umalricn avenue. Adopted by the hoard of Aldermen April Yeus-Ald. I icicuberg. Bott. Conley, Copeland. DOb.vv. Dorniden, l;ehnn. Me- ladv, Sanborn. S:tibvnn, Mr. President -i 1. 'says --n. Adopted by the AssemblfApril 12. 1802. Yens- Messrs. lbmbolzer. Costello, Elm. foist , -Hare. McC;aRerty, llcNam ee, Oppen- heim. Mr. Vice Prostdent-;. Nuys -al. Approved April I:3. 1M92. lid F No. YI--By Aid. Dorniden-- Resol-al. That the Board of Pubtle Works be and Is hereby instructed to cause to be repaired and rebltd the wooden side- wIks, whoreec•essary. as follows: On the north si deo] Sm-th Street. from Leech street to Otto street; On the south side of Seventh street, from Leech street to Colborne street; On both sides of Ramsey street, from Sun. mit it%enue to SC)'etltll street; On both sides of Smith a nue, from Third street to Goodrich .fence. Adopted be the Board of Aldermen April 5, IM12. Yeas--Ald. 131clenberg, Bott. Conley. Copeland. Dobner, Dorniden. Cohan• de. lady, Sanborn. Sullivan. Mr. Presidmit-11. Nay's---rl Adopted by the Assembly April 12, I80'2. Yens--Mv-s. Bunholzor, Cosle110. Hare, McCafferty. McNamee, Uppenheim, Mr. Vice President- -Nays --o. Approved April 13, 1S!1,2. Bel F No. 0'.3--B}• Alt]. J10mily- liesolvcd, Thot the Plat OVC. B. Lawton's i un gem erlt et Ilio I.orth half of lot. 1 ua,] :1 of block W of. Brown uad Jackson's addi- tion to West St. I'mol, as approved by the Plot Co nimisnloners of Rn lusey county, be and the slime is her ucc opted. �f 76 PROCEEDINGS OF TH Adopted by the Board of Aldermen April 5, 1802. Yens--Ald. Bielenberg, Bot', Conley, Copelsnd. Dobner, Dorniden, Gehvn, Me lad), Savbor.. Sullivan. Mr. President --11. Nass 0 12 18W. dopted by the Assembly APr Yetie-Mess s Bavholzer, Costello, Hure, MaCamerty. McNamee. Oppenheim. .Nlr. Vic Preament--7. Nays-.. Approved April 13, 18M. Bd F No. felt -By Aid. Souborn It is hereby ordered by the Com- mon Coun- il of the City of St- Poul; That the matter of constructing a sews n Lombard stoe t. from is feet e0ytie! crud set, be, and to the Board of Public Work. to investi gate and report: Flret-ln this improvement proper and n Seco.d-Give the Connell an estimate of the expense thereof, and State whetherons- of the cost there. fcity .....ry before the , .....Red let. The said imaroThiaement be found benefited to the extent of damages. costs and expenses a.c- ease" to be Incurred thereby. Fourth -IS such improvement asked for upon the petition or application of the own- ers of a majority of the property to be as- sessed for such improvement? Fifth -Send the Council a plan or profile of said improvement, as required by law, 1f you report In favor of the a.me. Sixth -Send the Council a proper order directing the work to be done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen April 5, 189':. Yeas-Ald. Biele.berg. Boit, Conley. lady . Sanborn, Sullivan, Mr�P esident, Gotten.alt. N.ys--0. Adopted by the Assembly April 12, ISM. Y -ea. -Messrs, Bavholzer. Costello, Hale, McCafferty. McNamee, Oppenheim, Vice President-,. Nays -U. Approved April 13, IBM. Ba F No. 958 -By Aid. Sullivan - Resolved. That the grade of the alleys in Murray d. Fay's subdivision of lot II Mer- riatti s ou tints, s indicated by the red orad„ lines on the • eco pavying pro r. ad as recommended by the City LL+ be and the same la hereby adopted as the . tabu.hed grace. Adoptntl by ilio Board of Aldermen April 5, 18V2. Yea. -Ain Biclen berg. Boit, Conley. Copolun f Dobner. Dorniden, Gehan. 51e ludynborn, Sulliv;tv.:d r. President -11. Nuys 0. Adoptd by Ill. A. e,-e,April 12. IBS. Yeas-Me.srs. Bnnholzer, Costello, hare, McCafferty. McNumee. Oppenhci m:'SIr. Vice President-,. Nays -O. Approved April 13. 1812. E COMMON COUNCIL. Bd F No. 05 Aid, Aid. Celt - It is hereby _._d by the Common Couneil of the City of St. Paul: That the m tier f the erectlon ed alntenan.. of gasoline Ia mps at the fol- lowineg pplaces. lo -wit: Doe on Lbe southeast d L street Park ton f Par y side he avenue eset foe vo herenuff Fourteenth f Broadwaystreet. be. Board the is t o ,, t referred W the Boned s public \V rkn to Investigate and port: carvthli if soProov I the PCo u null na proper IadY.Snnborn�Sulllvan, 11 r. Presitlevt-]". Naya�. Adopted by the Aesemoiy Apri112, 1892 Yeas -Messrs. Bxnliolzer, Costello, Bare. VS] a Yrosidon hNamee. OPPenhnim. Mr. Nays -0. Approved April 13. IBM. Bd F No. 900 -By AId. Gehan- It Is here Dy ordered Dy the Common Couv- III of the City of St. k'act: That the matter of the grading of U., I= log north and Im th (well[ .d) in block G, Ed Rice's Second addition, be, and the same Is hereby referred to the Board of Public Works to investigate and report. First -I! this improvement proper and necessary} Second -Give the Council an estimate of the expense thereof, and state whether one- half of the cost thereof is to be paid Into the city treasury before Hobo. he contract to let. Third -Can real estate to bs esee ... d for said imp -,,=t be found benefited to the extent of damages, Dost. Bud expenses necessary to be incurred thereby? Fourth -Is such fmprovement asked for ups n[ he o majtori ty of or the (property ton hbe own _ n d for such improve ent7 as eeFifth-Send the Council "Plan or profile of Bala improve meet as -ti-ed by law, if you report In favor of the ell.c. Sixth-Send the Council -Proper ordsI directing the work to be done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen April 5, 1872. Y.oe-Ald. Bielenberg. Butt,Conley. Copeland, Dobner. Dorniden, Gehan. Me- "ady, Sanborn, Sullivan, Mr. President --11. NaY.. Adopted by lite Assembly April 12..18W. `^Yeoe-Mss Me. Bnnholz0n n helmlo . Mr. Approved April 13, 1892- Bd F No. 961 -By A Id. Hot(- It,Ills- hereby o dered by the Common Council of the Clty Of St. Pun": That the mattr oP eonstructinq Men Gro swnik o the well` n"ue P Forest street, across Hasti- x be id the i hereby eerrua t the Board of Public Works W iuveetigate and report: OF THE CITY OF SA Is thllf .11 send er-Cuurop, ru and neces- :tryY proper or- der directing the work to be done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen A >ri1 5. 1892. �" s --Aid. Blulenberg, Bott, Co.)ey, Coppeland, Dobner- Durnidmt. Gehvn. Me- 1u,. Sunburn, Sullivan, Mr. Presldaot- 11. Nays -i. Adapted by the Aslo sembly April ]2, 1871. }1cCn ifeItyyess McNaunce, Oppenbeliu ,B Jlr. Vice Peesid_7. Nays --0. Appr.ved April 13, 1St. fid F No. '. 1 Aid is hereby ordered by c"m Com mon C on - •I] of the City of St. Paul: That the matt" of the taking f slup('s Crtla.d street, bwe etcl Svo:[more noil Magnolia streets be, and the i • 1. hereby referred to the .-rd of ,Publ is Werk. to l.ve.tigat and report: First - Is this improvement proper and ... Secoady Gl ve the Council an estimate of the l[ of t"seh ether of. and t thereof is to be ehr paid ihalf the city treasury before the contract 1s let. Third ---Can real estate to be assessed for id improvement be found benefited to the extent of damages, costs and expenses necessary to be incurred thereby? Fourth -is such improvement asked for upan Is ntthe petition or the lication of the own. ses.ed for such im Property to be as prthe prop Fifth--Sead the Comcil o Plan r profile oI said improvement, as required by law, if You Stxtli Send the Couort in favor of ncilaa a proper order directing the work to be done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen A )rel 5. 1892. �'eas-Ald. Bielenberg. Bott, Conley. G+ ,load. Dobner. Dorn Wen, Gehan. Me- Iu.Py, Sanborn. Sul llvum Mr. President -11. Nays -0. Adopted by the Assembly APii1�1112. ]892. yens-3leeare. Bnnholzer, Cost.dllo, Hare, A1cC.Tcr-tY, McNamee, Cppenheln, Mr. Bd FNo. It is he r( April 13, 1892. INT I�TL, FOR 1392. 77 lady, Sanborn, Sullivan, Mr. President - 1 1. NaVv Adops-0d.. by the Asee mblyyApril 12, 18 92. Ye -Messrs. BunhuCosWl"mo,Hare.iDicCaferty. McNamee,0penile MNayce Prceldent-7. Approved Apr1113, 15U2. Bd F No. 964 --By Aid. Copeland - Resolved. That the¢rude of the alley in block 4 of Arlington Hill. ad tion, a3 mat. Gated by the red grvde tines on the accom. theyCie pro tall. and as entled by hereby the yin ted as the eytnbldiahad g ails, Is Adoted pay the Ilourd of Aldermen Aprelle_189"_. YYppee Ald. Bfeleoberg• Butt. Conley, C.Melady.leadSanborn, , SullDivan�(1 Mr. GPresi- dent Il. Nays. Adopted by the Assembly April 1^_, Ieyca1)2. MICIIIe Mye Mc Na raclode, Oppenlleelm H Mr. Vice Posltleat- " Upon Nuys --0. A ppo\•ed April 13, 1892. Bd F No.965--By Aid. Bielenberg- Resolved, That Henry.luergensembe, and he is hereby authorized to remove thatcer. lain frame building situated on Lot No. seventeen (17) of Block No, one (1)of Michaels' lot bdivialon of block 14 of St, n. of's addition of the north one-quarter (%) section thirty-six (311), town twenty three (23), of range twenty-three (231. to d uppon Lot No. fifteen (15) of block two (2) of till M. R .... y'. subdivision of block No. Eleven (11) of Stinson'. division of St. Pahl, Mlnneeats. Said work shall be done under the supero Said of the Building In- specWr upon the obtuining of a permit therefor: Adopted by the Board of Aldermen April 5, 1SM. Ye.. --Alda Blulenberg. Bot%, Conley, Copeland, Debtor.Dorniden. Gehan. Me lady. Stillborn, Sullivan, Mr. President --1 l:' the Assembly April 12, IBM. . Bnnholzer, Costello. Hare. McNamee. Oppenheim Mr. !NCS -By Aid. Gehan- by ordered by the Common C.U.- Approved April 13, ISM. :e City of St. Paul: matter of crosswalks - the " streets, to -wit: one L'Urleut st side, aver Nash street; one on Bd F Nu. --By Aid. 11-B.-an- Itesolved, That llm grade of St. Anthony St , South side, over L'Orlont: one td street, west side, ever Mary- , from MuntgllmerY street to Cleveland avenue, ns indleuWd by thed �t; one on Valley, port h)alde, over', street, be and the same is hereby grade Ilves on the t• • ponying profile. and e • rt mended by the City -mgi- to the Board of Public Work. to (. and report: be, and the some is hereby udoptud u., the established grade. mprovemrnt proper and occes- nil the Cou ucI, u proper or- Adopted by the Board of Aldermen April 5, 1892. Ing the worlt to be dove. I Oy the Board of Aldermen Yeas --Aid. Blelenberg, Bolt. Conley, j Copeland, Dobner, Dorniden. Gehan. Me - 92. Lid. Bielenberg. Botta Conlev, lady, Sanboo. Sullivan, Mr. President -Il. I Nays -0. , Dobmer, Dormdeu, Gehan; Me- Adopted.by the Assembly April l^_. 1892. 76 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Adopted by the Board of Alderm m Anrfl 5, 1892. Yeas--Ald. Bielenberg, Bort, Conley. Copeland. Dobner, Dornlden. Gahan, At. lady, Sanborn. Sullivan, Air. President --11. Nuy-0 Adopted by the Assembly April 12, 1892. Yens -Messrs. Hanholzer,Costello, Hare, McCage.try. McNamee, Oppenbeimo Air. Vice President --7. Nays --0. ADDroved April 13, 1N92. Bd F No. 956 -By Aid. Sanborn - It is hereby ordered byPathelCommon Coun- cll of the City of St. u; That the matter of constructing a sewer on Lombard street, from Milton street 420 est, be, and the same is hereby referred to the Board of Public Works to investi. gate and report: First-Ia this improvement proper and aeoessary? Seeond-Give the Council an estimate of the one - halt (If the cost thereof, thereotl shoo be paidr Into the city treasury before the be is let. Third -Can rent astute to be assessed for said lmaro'ement be found benefited to the extent of damages. costs and expenses nec- essary to ba lncutred thereby` Four[b-Is such improvement asked for upon the petition or application of the own- ers of a majority of the Property to be as. sessed for 6uch improvement" Fifth -Send the Council a plan or profile o[ said improvement, as required by law, if you report In favor f the same. Sixth -Send the Council proper order directing the work to be done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen April 5, 1892. Yeas-A7�. IIielenberg, Batt, Conley. ..,...e ..., ..i.,,.,.. ri-nlden. Gahan. Me y April 12, I8!r. r. Cosi ello. Here, Oppenheim, Mr. April 13, 1892. Old F No. 958 -By Aid. Sullivan-- Rosolved. That the grudo of the alleys in Murray & Fay's subdivision of lot 31. Mer- riam's outlots, as indicated by the red grad,- lines on the accompanying profile, and as recommended by the City Engineer, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established e. Adopted Dy the Board of Aldermen Ap rd 5. I8p_'. Yeas -Ala. Bielenberg. Butt, Conley. Copeland. Dobner. Dorn idea, Gehan, Ale Indy, Sanborn. Sallivnn, .11 r. President Nuys -0. Adopted by the Assembly April 12, 181r`2. Yeas-Dleasra. Bunholzer, Costello, Ham, McCafferty. McNamee. Oppenheim, Mr. Vice President -7. Nay". Approved April 13. 18W. Bd F No, 930 -By Aid. Gehan- It is hereby ordered by the Common Council or the City of St. Paul: Tbat the matter of the erectionan(] maintenance of gnstlins lamps at the fol- io wing places, to -wit: one on the southeast carrier of Park avenue and LyWn street, and one on Broadway street, east side, 150 feet north of Fourteenth street, be. and the same is hereby referred W the Board of Public Works to investiguU,, and report: Is this CImprovement proper and times- sarv? If so. send the ouncil a proper order directing the work to be done_ 12, 189:'. >. Hare. ne. Mr. Approved April 13, ISM. Bd F No. 960 -By Aid. Gehan- It Is hereby ordered by the Common Coun- cil of the City of St. Paul: That the matter of the grading of allev running Orth i d South (west end) to block 6, Ed Rice's Second addition, be, and the samh 1s hereby referred to the Board of Public Works to investigate and report. First -Is this improvement proper and necessary? Second -Give the Council an estimate of the expense thereof. and state whether one- half or the cost thereof Is to be paid Into the city treasury before the contract Is let. Third -Can real estme to oe assessed for said improvement befound benefited to the extent or damages, costs and expenses necessary to be incurred thereby? ' Fourth -Is such improvement asked for upon the petition or upplicaon of the own era of tt a majority of [hn property to be "'Fifth -Send the for such improcrmen tl Fifth -Send the Council n plan or profile of Said improvemcar as required by law, if you report is favor of the am e. Sixth -Sand the Council a proper order directing the work to be done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen April 12, 1892. Approved April 13, 189° Bd F No. 961 -By Aid. Bell.- It Is, hereby- ordered by the Common Council of the City oP St. Paul: TI • t the matter of constructing ryt�jpp walk o the west sl de of FotBSt Itre'ts across floating" :venue, be d M1e :tree is Hereby �fermd W ilia Board ofPublicWorks W investigate and report: OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1892. 77 Is this Improvement proper and neces- ary? If So, Send the Councll u proper or- der directing the work to be done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen AttiriI s-5. 1892. i'•a-Aid. Bielenberg, Butt, Conley, Copeland, llobner, Dornlden. Gahan, Me- Indy-, Sanboru, Sullivan, Mr. President - 11. Nuys U. Adapted by the Assembly April 1:.', 1892. Yeas -Messrs. Banholzer, Costello,Hure, McCatfert McNamee, Opponheim, )It. Vice President -7. Nays -0. Approved Apri113, 18W. Bd F No. 062 -By Aid Is hereby ordered by the Common Coon- •il of the City of St. Paul: That the matter of the taking of slopes n Cortland street. between Sv-amore and Magnolia streets be, and the same is hereby referred to the Board of Public Works to Investigate and report: First --Is this improvement proper and n cessary? Second -Give the Council an estimate of the expense thereof. and state whether ne�half of the cost thereof to be paid into the city treasury before the contract Is let. Third -Can real estate to be assessed for •fid Improv ment be found benefited to the extent of damages, costs and expenses necessary to be incurred thereby? Fourth -Is such improvement asked for upon the petitioner ripplicatian of the own: crs of a majority of the property to be as essed for such Improvement*. Fifth --Send the Council a pian or profile of said Improvement. as required by law, if you report in favor of the same. 'sixth --Send the Council a proper order directing the work to he does. Ad by the Board of Aldermen Apr115, IPJ2. Yeas-Ald. Bielenberg, Bott. Donley. Copeland. Dobner, Dornlden, Gehun, Me- la11.dy, Sanborn. Sullivan. Mr. President - Nays-U. Adopted by the Assembly April 1°. 1802. Peas -Messrs. Bunholzer, Castello, flare, McCaffer-ty, McNamee, Oppenheim, Mr. Tice President -7. Approved ed Aprf 113, ]fill. - I Bd FNo. tW-By Aid. Gehan- lady, Sanborn, Sullivan, Air. President - I1. Nays --0. Adopted by the Assemblyy April 12, 1892. Yeas - Messrs. Bunholzer. Costello, Aare. McCafferty, McNamee, Oupenhei in, Mr. Vice President -7. Nay". Approved April ill, I8n2l. y Aid. Copeland - it the ¢rade of the alley in gran Hills addition, as indi. I grade lines on the accom- nnd ns recommended by leer, be, and the some is as the established grade. the Board of Aldermen helenlnlrg, Bott. Conley, beer. Dornlden, Gelian, •u. Sullivan, Mr. PreSl- April 12, 1892. Costello. Hare. penhelm. Mr. Approved April 13, 1892 Bd F Nu. 965 --By Ald. Ilielenberg- 12esolved, Thpt Ron uergensell be, and be is hereby authorized to remove that car. turn frame building situated on Lot No. seventeen 117) t Block No. one (1)of Michaels' au bdivision of block 14 of St in. son's addition of the north one-quarter (Sd) of section thirty-six (36), town twenty three (23), of range twenty-three (23), to pad upp n Lot No. fifteen (15) of block two (_) of Il. M. Ranney's subdivision of block No. Eleven (D) o[ Stlnsa.'s division of St. Pail. Minnesota. Said work shall be done under the supervision of the Building In- spector upon the obtaining of a permit therefor. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen April 5. 1bV2. Yeas --Aid. Blelenberg. Bolt. Conley, Copeland, Dobner. Dornlden, Gabon. Me - lady, Sanborn, Sullivan, Mr. President --11. Nays -O. Adopted by the Assembly April 12, 1892. Yeas -Mosses. Banholzer, Costello, Hare. McCafferty. McNamee. Oppenheim Mr. VI" President -7. Nays -0. Approved April 13, 1812. l t is hereby ordered by the Common Coun- the City of Paul: - T at 1 Towithe matter of sone oil over the one nt following streets, to -over Bd F 966 -By Aid. Sullgrade street, east sloe, over Nash r L'OH one on street: : one wash scree[, south side, over L'Orlo one oan- ]resolved, d, That flu; grade ry St. Anthonytto from tgamery street to avenue, fru avenue, on t'or reed street, side, over clary- M avenue, a indlenWd by the red land street; one on Volley, north side, over le grade line otin,as grade Il nes on the ecompa ying pro 1'airview street, be, and the same is hereby referred to the hoard of Public Works to and as recomme do, by the City Engi- neer, be. and the sumo Is hereby udoptud estigatc and report: all as the ostahlisbad grade. thio improvement prope • and neces- Adoptetl by the Board of Aldermen ;iry� If so, serol the Councll u proper or- derdirectin((,,• the tvorl, W he done. April 5, 1892. 'as -Aid. Bielenberg, Bott, Conley. Adopted Uy the Board of Aldermen Capelarid, Dobner, Dornlden. Gotten, Me - April S, 189'`2. lady, Sanborn, Sullivan, Mr. President -11. Peas-Ald. IIielene brg, Butt, Conlev, Nays -0. Copeland, Dobner, Dorniden, Gehan, Me- I Adopted by the Assembly April 12. 1892. 76 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. VAN OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1892. 77 Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Anvil 5, 18V Yeas-Altl. Blelenborg. Bolt, Conley. Copeland, Dob,,,, Dorntden, f:ehan, Afe- fady. Sanborn, Sullivan, Mr. President --11. N uys-0 Adopted by the Assembly April 12, ISM. Yeas -Messrs. R.rholzer,Costello, Hare, AlcCane IV. McNamee. OpIumbelle. Mr. V ice President--,. Nays -0. Ap provtd April 13, IS42. Bd FNo. 95s lly All . Smitign- It is hereby trdersd by the Common Cou¢- ell of the City of St. Poul; That the matter of coastructlnK n sewer on Lombard street, from Millon street 4.1 eat, be. and the same is hereby referred to the Board of Public Works to myesti gots and report: Fir.-t.Lhie improvement proper nntl v Second -Give the Co. nett an estimate of li the expense thereof, pad ¢tate whetherma, bait of the cost thereof is to be paid into LhThc n1 t(:ans before toebcontract en erased liar said finarovement esbe faced s and exsflted to the xte penses nee- ary to be Incurred theca U,V` e Fourth-Ia such Improvement asked for uponrft. to"Vty of thelpropertyt ton be win s o d for such Improvement? fls aeFifth-Send the Council ¢plan r profile o[ said imp'¢ fa.or of the gamed by Ivw, If y Sixthrt Send the Cau Toll a proper order directing the work to be done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen April 5,189'2. Yetis -Aid. Bielenberg, Bolt, Conley, lady. Sanborn. Sullivan, r.n President -It. Nays --0. Adopted by the Assembly April 12, 1892. Yeas -Masers, Bunholzer. Costello, Hare, .""'fort yy Me N mass, Opram eim, mr. Vice Presldont-,. Nays p. Approved April 13, 18W2. Bit F No. sift -By Aid. Sullivan -- Resolved. That the grade of the alleys in Murray & P., s subit visloa of lot 31. Mer- riam'¢ outluts, indicated by the d grad,. it,,, an the -onapanying profile, ¢d os recommended by the City Encloser, be and tl a some is Ire reby adopted as the established grade. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen AP}II 5. 18V2. Ycus-Aid. Bielenberg. Bolt, Conley. (:opolu nd. Dobner. Dorniden, Geh:tn. Ale lady"•9unborn, Sul tivan, 111 r. President -11. Nuys Adopted by the Assembly April 12. is -2. Yeas -Messrs. Bunholzer, Costello, 11are, D1eC¢Rerty. McNamee. Oppenheim, Mr. Vice President-,. Nays -0. Approved April 11 18V2. Rd F Nohe. 050 -By Aid. Gehon- It is reby dated by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: ainat lle nce t gr 0 lie l in asdInelIamps at tenaofthe fol- 10 owing places, to -wit: one on the southeast er of Park avenue and Lyton street, and one n Broadway atree t. east e.side. BAl feel north r ebbyon ele Fourteenth rn [he Board and the Public Werke to Investigate and•port: Is this Improvement propor ad --.- nary? If so. send Lha Caon,it a proper order directing the work to be done. ❑Adopted by the Board of Aldermen A V.t1115s- A/d. Biolenlwr Batt, Conley. 'a ',iSunborn, ullicDun, Mr.tPre deni-ll. Nay" Adoptod by the Assembly 12, l89"_. Yeas -Messrs. Banholzer, Costello, Hare, McCafferty. McNamee. Oppenheim. Mr. Approved April 13, 18M. Bid F No. 960 -By Aid. Gehsn- It Is Imreby ordered by the Common Coun- fIuttheCltyofStP nl: That thematter of the grading of Illev 'usea It s d 111th (west ad) in block n, Etl ort Seco ltd addition, be, and the 1s hereby referred to the Board ofFirst-Is thisimprovement Public Works tefe and repand proper all n nryz Second -Give the Council as estimate of the expense thereof- andstatewhether onehal thefor cit the cost ?before the cov[rabe otl is Into lei. y ,.reds red .aid improv Its be tfoundto obenefliod far the extent of damages, ro.la endo expenses y to be incurred thereby. been Foas -h -l. such Impr 'e ant ask ed for upun the petition or application of the own of v majority of th se 'rose to be as - sed for such Improve a t7 aeFifth-Send the Council a plan or profile oI said improvement as -slurred by law, if yoI report In tai or of [hes me. Sixth -Send he Council a proper order directing the work 1e no done. Adopted by the Boarder Aldermen April 5. 18112. Yells-Ald. Bielenberg. Doti Conley. Copeland, Dobner. Dorn Iden, Gahan, Me- lmV, Sanborn, Sullivan, Mr. I r dont--11. Nays 0. Adoptod es the Assembly ost1 l2.lo 18a Yeasorty. a. Banbolzer, Costello, are. le. Pr rad McNamee. Opponhelm. Mr. Vice President -i. Nayso. ro Appved APrf: 13, 181l2 ­ Bit F No.!eil-BS Aid. Bott- It is hereby o ib It by file Common Couneil of the Clty of St. Paul: That the matter of tolletrllcting wooden crosswalk on the west side of Forest street, across Hastings avenue, be 1d the same I,, hereby referred to the Board II Public Works roinvestlgate nad report: Is this Improvement Doper and neves- aryl IP era. eettd the Council u proper or- lady, Sanborn. Sullivan, Alt. President - Il. der diteetiag tim work to be dune. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Nays -0. Adopted by the Assembl Apri112, ]892. ,11111 fi, 1892. "cas--Aid. Bielenberg, Butt. Curley, Yens - Messrs. 131mhc{i;r, Costello, Hare. McCa Rerty. McNamee, Oppeheim, Coppeland, Dobner. Dondden. Cellan, Me- !a y. Sanborn, Sullivan, Mr. President- ent-7. Mr Vicc Prestdn Nuys -i. li_.Nttvs�i. Approved April 13. l8te:. Adopted by the Assembly April 12, 1892. Yeus-Messrs. Banholzer, Costollu,Hmv, - McCafferty. McNamee, Oppenheim, Mr, Bit F No. 911+ --Dy Aid. Copeland - Vice President -7• Resolved, That the grade of the alley in Nuys -0, A April 13, 18W. block 4 of Arlington Hills addition, as indI- pproved cated by the red grade lines on the accom- y in ended by - Bd 1' Nu. 902-H Ald. Gelutn- y the CitypEng'Onlinee r,tl beg antl the is hereby adopted us the established grade. Itis LC•reby ordered by tiie Common Cour- Adopted by filo Board of Aldermen April 5, 180". oil of the City of St. Paul: Peas, Aid. Bielenberg. IIott. Conley, That the mutta;r of the taking of slopes CuPe lana. Dobner, Der. olden, Gehnn, Cortland street. between Svcumo''e nd Magnolia be. • is Dielndy. Sun born, Sell[ vu n, Nr. Yrosi- an',streets dad filo` : i by referred to the Hoard of sPu bile dent -11. N.Y.-a. \vorks to lnvesfigflte and report: Ad Dived U�' [hc Aesem blY Ap it I^, 1892. p.,1lo. First --Is this improvement proper and necessary? Second -Give the Council t n estimate of y n -M .Bun hinder• .1111• M•Cn1tu,tiy McNamee. Oppenheim, Mr. Vi •e Yr idem --i. thexpense thereof. nad¢tate hether Nuys --0. re h alt of the cost thereof i to be paid oto the city treasury before the contract 1s Approved April 1:1, 1892. let. Third�ml reale to be assessed for - ,d improvement be found Ueneflted to tiro extent of damages- eoab ad expenses lid F No. 9135 --By Aid. Blelenberg- n a y to be incurred thereby:? ,mirth -1, such improvement asked for Rcaolved, That Henry Juergenson be, and he is hereby autho,i,,ed to remove that ver- u',s .. the petition or application of the own of a maJo ity of the property to be as rain frame building hunted on Lot No. one teen (17) t Block Ne. (1) of ed for such improvement` ,eFifth--S gad the Councila Plan profile 81letu lls' au bdivision of block 14 Stin- n e-1 a addition of the north ap{uarter (e) of said improvement. as rerluired by law, If you report in favor of the same. ofsection thirty-six (36), town twenty three (331. of range twenty-three ('231, to ix th--Send the Council a proper order d upp Lot No, fifteen (IS) of block two directing the work to be done. ll rpred by the Board of Aldermen (2) of ti. M. Raaney's subdivision of block No. Eleven (11) of Stinson', division of, St. A11��rt15. 189'2. - i'e s -Aid. Bielenberg, Butt, Conley', Pont, Minnesota. Said work hall be done und,rthe alpervod-01 the aDo ding IT- C col d. Dobn , Dornide , G•hav Dle- holy, Sanborn, Sullivan, Mr. Prtsideut specter upon the obtaining of .-permit therefor: -11. Adopted by the Beard of Aldermen April Nays -0. Adnptttl by Lhe AssenrDly April 1_^^, f89_^. Yeas --Aid. Bielenberg. Batt. Cuvley, yeas -Messrs. B:tn holier, Cnetellu. Ilflo. MrCelFor-ty, Mc,amee. Oppmrhehn. Mr. Coyeland, Dobner. Doolden, Gehaa. Me- lady. Savbora, Sullivan, Mr. President 1. \"arc President -7. --i Nays --0. Nuys -0. Appoved April 1:3, 1892. Adopted Dy rho Assembly April 13 1893. Yore -Messrs. Bunholzer• Costello. Hare. McCafferty, McNamee. Oppenheim Mr. - 'icePresident-7. lid FN,. !Mi:i-By Aid. Cellae- I It is he rebyordcored D]'the C'etnmon Coun- Approved April 13, l8u2. I 1 of I,e City of SL Azul: 'rhu[ the matter of crosswalks the - followi ag streets, to -wit: a on L'Orient Bd F No. WA -By AId. Sullivan- trcet, gnat side, a Nnsh street; ave Itesolced, Thnt filo gratle of St. Anthony Nash st a t. South side. over L'Oriont; o -Cortland street, West aide. over Marya from MptrLKommy scree[ to Ulev�clend oven ue, 11s indic11l•rd by the red land street: one yn Palley, north aide, over Fain lea' It Xo[le Ii nes on the e • ponying prone. - • by City Fit street • ul tl the some Is hereby referred to the Board of Public Works to and t mendedo the bc. a ed the same is hereby ad op Wd estigate and report: In Is this improvement proper and neves- the established grade. a Adopted by the Board of Aldermen :ury2 Ifso. send the Couuclluproper, or- der dircetint Apri15, 1892. the work to be dune. Ad' 1 tu(I by the Board Aldermen Yeas--Ald. Bielenberg, Bolt, Conley, Copeland, Dobner, Dorniden. Ge Ian. Me- of April5, 1893 lady, SnnDorn, Sutliv¢n, Mr. President -11. 1'ese-Ala. Bielenberg. Bott, Conley, No s -' Copeland, Debtor, Durable., Gehim, Me- Adopted by the Assembly April 12. 1892• 78 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Avril 5, 1892. Yeas--Ald. Bielenberg, Bott, Conley. Copeland. Dobner, Dornlden, Gehan, Me: lady, Sanborn, Sullivan. Mr. President --Il. Nay's- ) Adopted by the Assembly April 12, 1SW2. Peas -Messrs. Brinholzer. Costello, Bore, McCafferty, McNamee. Oppenheim. Mr. Vice President --7. NnyS--n. Approved April 13, 1892. Bd F No. 956-13y Aid. Sanborn - It is hereby ordered by the Common Coun- cil of the CI[y of St. Paul; Tho, the matter o[ constructlnR n sewer on Lombard streo6 from MII[on street 4211 west, be. and the same is hereby referred to the Board of Public Works to mvesti gots and report: First -Is this improvement proper and necessary? Second -Give the Council on estimate of the expense thereof, and state whetherone- holfofthe cost thereof is to be paid Into the city treury before the contract is let. Third-Caasn real estate to he assessed for eoid imarovement be found beneated to the extent of damages, costs and expenses nec. essary to be incurred thereby` Fourth -18 such improvement asked for Pthe petition or application of the own rs of n majority of the property to be as- sessed for such Improvement° Fifth -Send the Council a plan orproble of said improvement, as required by law, If You report in favor f the same. Sixtb-Send the Council a proper order directing the work to be done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen April 5, 1892. Yeas-Ald. Bielenberg, float, Conley. Copeland. Delmer, Dornlden, Gehan, Me- lody. Sanborn, Sullivan, Mr. President --Il. Nuys --0. Adopted by the Assembly April 12. ISP. YeoSas -\lers. Bunholzer. Costello, Hare, MCnflerty McNamee. Oppenheim, Mr. Vice President -7. Nays -e. Approved April 13. lWj. Ba F No. 98 -By Aid. Sullivan-- Resolved, That the grade of the alleys in Mu troy R Fay's subdivision of lot 31. Dler- tr outlots, as indicated by the d gad, n lines on the accompanying Pro file and as recommended by the City Engineer, be ad the aame is hereby adopted as the estahl noted Reade. Adopted by the, Board of Aldermen Apn15, lgir2. Yeas -Ala. Bielenberg. B,ptt; Conley. Copeland. Dobner. Dorntden, Gehan. At, Indy. Snnbont, Sullivan, Dl r. President -B. Nuys 0. 1'sP Me�rs'iBanholmer.Costllo, nllare2, DScCaaerty. McNamec. Oppenhef m, DI r. \"Ice President-,. Nays -0. Approved April 13. 1892. Bd F No. 939 -By Aid. Gotten - It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: That the mutter of the erection : ad maintenance of gaslline lumps it the fol- lowing places, to wit: one on the southeast corner of Park avenue and Lyton street, and one on Broadway street. east side, IPA feet north of Fourteenth street, be. and the same is hereby refereed to the Board of Public [Yorks to investigate arm report: Is this improvement proper and neces- sarv? If so. send tlm Council u proper order directing the work to be done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen AP r(15, IS92. n 1v LLS.,A 'TdinhLlii�'en,�iri�il.� n(lehe.t : Aprit 12, 189"-. list ell., Hare, mnheim. Mr. Approved April 1:1, HIM Bd F No. 969 -By Aid. Gehan- It is hereby ordered b the Common Coun- ell of the City of St. Paul: That the matter of the grading of alley running m alt v d South (west end) In block 6, Ed R1ce's Second addition, be, and the .'amsIs hereby referred to the Board of Public Works to investigate and report. First -Is this improvement proper and necesa.ry? Second -Give the Council ao estimate of the expense thereof, and state whetherone- list f of the cost thereof is to be paid Into the city treasury before the contract is let. Third -Can real estate to be muminted for said Improvement be found benefited to the extent of damages, costs and expenses necassury to be Incurred thereby° Fourth-ls such improvemenbi.sked for upon the petition or appllcatfoa of the own ers of a majority of the property to be as- sessed for such improvement? Fifth -Send the Council o plan or profile of Said improvement as required by Iaw, if You report In favor of thearae. Sixth -Send the Council a proper order directing the work to be done. ' Adopted by the Board of Aldermen April 5, 189". Yeas-Ald. Bielenberg. Bott,Conley. Copeland, Dobner. Doruiden, Gehan, Me - lady, Sanborn, Sullivan, Mr. President --11. Nsys�. Adopted by the Assembly April 12, 1892. Yeas -Messrs. Banholzer, Costello, Hare. McCafferty. MN camec. Oppenheim, Mr. Vice President--7. Nays- 9. Approved April 13, 189^-. Bd F No. 11 1 -By Ald. Bott- It is hereby' orderCd by the Common Council of the City') St. Paul: That the matter of constructing wooden crosswalk on the wast side f For street, ;acrgss Hastings avenue, bo td the ams i. hereby referred to II. Bourd of PublicsWorkstetnvestigoW and report: OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. FOR 1892. 77 Is this Improvement proper and neces- Iary'( If so. send the CouncD a proper or- der directing the work to Is- done. Adopted by the Board of Aldurmen A7>ril 5, IS92. 1'•aS-Aid. BielcnberR, Bott. Conley, ICopeland, Dobner, Durtdden. Gehnn, Mc - ,Ty, Sanborn, Sanborn, Sullivan, Dir. Pres)dent- II. Nay's -0. Adopted by the Assembly April 12, 1892, Yeas -Messrs. Banbolzer. Costello,Bure, VIcCaffert •, McNamec, Oppenheim, Mr. Vice President -7. Nay_+ -11, Approved April 13, 1816. Bd F Nu.962-By Aid. Gehan- It is hereby ordered by-che Com mart Coon - Thatof the City of St. Poul: That the matter of the taking of slopes I Cortland street. Ixtween Sycamore and Dlaguolia streets be, and the. sumo is hereby referred to the Board of Public \%'arks to i%.istlRnte and report: First -.Is ths improvement proper and necessary. Seeond-Give the Council an estimate of the expense thereof. and slate whether c e half of the cost thereof to to be paid into the city treasury before the contract le let. Third -Can real estate to be a9sess6d for aid improve meat be found benefited to the extent of damage,, costs ad expenses necessary to be incurred thereby? Fourth -Is such improvement asked for upon the petition or application of the own rs of a majority of the properly to be ae e w d for such improvement. ` fifth --Send the Council a plan or profile of said improvement. as required by law, if you report to to of the same. ixth--Send the Council a proper order directing the work to be done. V"opted by the Bou rd of Aldermen A1iril5, IS.W'. 1"ons-Ald. Bielenberg, Butt, Conley, Copeland, Dobner, Dornide n, Geh:m. Me- ha�y, Sanborn. Sullivan. Mr. President 12. 1892. 1, Hare. m, Mr. A pri 11:1, 1892. Bd FNo. DW -By Aid. Gehnn- lady, Sanborn, Suit van, Mr. Prtsident- it. Nays 0. AdoPtetl by the A.ceemblyy April 12, 1892• Yeas - Messrs. Bunholzer, Costello Hare. McCaee iPerty. M,Num, Onpepheim,, Mr. Vice President -7. Nay -0. Approved April 13, ISW. y Aid. Copeland - t the grade of the alley in Rton Hills addition, as hall. I grade lines on the accom. and as recommended by tear, be, and the some is as the established grade. the Board of Aldermen tielenberg, Rot', C? nley, beer, Dornlden, Gehnn, rt., Sullivan, Mr. Presi- by the Assembly April 12. 1892. !ssrs. Bunholzer, Costello. Hare. McNmee, Opapenheim, Dir. Approved April 1:1, 1892 13d F No. 965 --By Aid. Bielenberg- Resolved. That Hecry ,l uergeneen be, and he Is hereby authorized to remove that can taln frame buildingsituated on Lot No. eventeen t17) of Block II�Wp.one (11 of Mich aels' subdlcision of blo$k'. 14 of Stln- son's addition of the north oq�e-ify arter (4) of section thirty-six (36), t"-sfyS twenty- three (23), of nmge twenty-three (''1, to andop{roo Lot No. aftecn 115) of block two (2) of fi. M. Ranney's Subdivision of block No. Eleven (I1) of Stinson's division of St. Paul. Minnesota. Said work shall be done under the supervision of the Building In- spector upon the obtaining of a permit therefor. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen April 5, 1HW. YeIs--Am. Bielenberg, Boil, Cooley, Copeland, Dobner, Doruiden, Gotan. Me - lady Sanborn, Sullivan4U. President --I1. Nays --0. Adopted by the Assembly April 12, 1802. Yeas -Messrs. Bunholzer, Costello, Hare, MrCufferty, McNamee. Oppenheim Mr. Vice President -7. Nave -0. Approved April 13, 1892. It is he reby ordc red by the Common Con n- vil of the City of 9t. Paul: - 'fhat. the matter of crosswalks over the following streets, to -wit: one on L'Urient lid F No. 906 -By Aid. Sullivun- street, east side, over Nash street: oncoon Resolved, That the grade of St. Anthony Nash street, south side, over L'OrI •yet: ne avenue, fru Montgomery street to on Cortland street, - st side, aver Dlary- Cleve lend ave ue, as Indicated by the red land street: one On Valley, north Side, over grade ]lass un the myunylug proale, Fairview street, be and the acme is herebp mi as recommend edu by file City Engi- referred to the Board of Public Works to ser, be, and the some is hereby adopted 'estigmc and report: �.. the established grade. InIs this improvement proper and ne,,S- t Adopted by the Board of Aldermen nary? If so, sem) the Council u proper or- April 5, 1892. der directing tho work to be dont. I Ye is-A)d. Bielenberg, Bott, Conley, Adopted by the Board of Aldormen Copeland, Dobner, Dorniden. Geller, Me- A'ril S. 1892. lady, Savborm Sullivan, Mr. President -11. S"eae-Aid. Bielenberg. Bott. Conley, Nays -e. Copeland, Dobner, Dorntden, Gehan, Me- Adopted by the Assembly April 12.18r. .nom PRoCE,EDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCII. Teas-Messrs.13anholzer Costclio. Har,, McCafferty. McNamee. OpPen Vico President -i. Nays -0 Approved April 7; IBP!. . 41i'f-By Aid. Bull- ed, flint the grade ul the I. S""'""',iit, s 1Initi`411d I �. 4 ". ns on the.:.. nt P;myrnK. t -s b,"'y u.upteu u= .,... bd ytn Board o1 Aldermen o �. Bielenberg, Bott, Conde. DIlum. m. Sods HorniMr. r I'resideht• bythe Assembly April 1^-, trip!. 'ssrs. linnlloller, CO11M HJ e. hlcN antee, OPpen .etin A ppro,ed April 1:1. IBP.. Bd I' No. 9U'-Bc' Ald. S:mborn- It is hereby ordd reel by the Common Coun- -1 of the Ci[y of St. Paul: Tlhat the mater of P:t v,lor f'rutmlon Mean_ Iter :tspbu It pace urea t uftothe p:tvumenL of .feint It reetto the est side ui'\'ietor'ie +tree[ be. and the w is ncreby elervc•d lu the Board ur I'ubli . Works to investigate amt report: Ft,l Is this ire Prucentent pr'Pound try, n SE=Ii-thee the Cluter"tnbst i nlorether • 'he ,pens. thereart. a s w ."o-b"If the cost there"[ is Paid i tto the city treasury before the contrp"id et Third-Can real .state to be a e' e aid intp o n: be round benefited to the extent of damages. costs and expenses nec- essary to be incurred thcreby`t asked for Fourth --IS such Improve Icat:on of the upon the petition or . PP t to be owners of a majority of the property for such i provenlept. assessed Fifth --Send the Council o plan or prod", I said improvement, as re4uirod by tun'. if you repot,, in savor of the same. SixUt--Send the Council a proper order directing the work to be done. Adopted to the Board of Aldermen April i,, 734.1. Pens -Aid. Rj,Io rberg, pull, Curtley. Cupeland, DoLmer; Dornihlden. Gehan. h1e I.M). Snal u .n, Su i licttn. r. President --1 1. N: 3's AdoptoU. d b3- the Assembly April 1.. IxJS. Tea' -)les sMtubulrer, Costello, flare. hlcljatl'orly ,hieNumo,•c. Vppenbeim. her. Nice Pro•srde.— . Nays -U. ,,,proved April Y�3, Is42. fill Res toed lTltot \I heS UMto�tlyd f Public Work. a- here by ian[borized f the June nit 'I lamps b.". Snoan thlony and to be plartces.ede nd mninl .tied 1n therloilof Uuy[on .�enue nndePiereC strcett one on southwest corner of Dayton avenue of QD Aldine street; ll "ace andns t corner Hs-rhelavo-de. and one on the northwest corner of Dayton and Wheeler avenues. Adopted by the hoard of Aid, no. April 5, IaJ-. conte Copeland, Dobneir.t Dorn den, Gehan, Me- lody, Sanborn. Sullivan, Mr. President-il. Nays -U. Adopted b3" the Assembly AUrll 12, 1842. er M et'atrer`t1'•ss Me Nerner. eoppenus heimH Mrs. \'iec President -7. Nays --U. Approved April 13, 18'9'2. Bd F No. 4 -,0 -By Aid. COPeland-- R.solved. That the Hoard o1 Public Works cu the following streets In (luring theing lseason of ISR2. Iubje Sprint, Hey order which the Commonln C...od body. nue to time, by resu o said may make discoutinurn gtna[dPeLytnforn ueh ueh streets. or aur s o S time a said Common Council shall deter- mine: s illll-IlI 'T NO.'S. Third street, from Commercial Street to Maple street:a to test` Fifth street. from Marla aveuu feet west of Maria avenue; entb street, from Brook 'free[ to Du- luth`avenue: Mln nehaha street, from SeventhStreet Lrect oDe ,Mari of uycnue, from Cherry street to .North street: Bates uv eine. from Plum street to Set' - c thstre,t from Seventh street to Maple street, Third stent: Arcade street, from Seventh street to Sans street: Collins .lrC¢[, from Lafayette avenue LO Medford street: Beaumont Street. from Payne avennc to Dot. street; Mineshah. street, from Forest street to De Sy[o slrct ,tre from Medford street to ISeca[ur streot, MeaUmout . treet: LafIIY¢Ltc:lvt•ntic, from Nurtherlt Pacific ruswaCollins street; to Collinstreet: Bradley street, from Seventh Street to North street : PI ynt, even ue. frurn Bcau[nunt street W J j.re ler `It s reit, fro r Beean it, street t. Mi ichuha street: ,n Otsego street, from Lafayette ¢venue to Mt. Ido street: Muer streot. from Collins 't-ot to Junk. streot[ front North street to Wood - B Set, tv Hopkins"treel, from Bradley street to aDnerr nge stn:c Inrcristreet. from Burr street to Maul ley vsR: ppi {\'Yorest 11, its istee'%'e r sfrt�ela, hi issies-i street to Tork street. Irom I'ayou ave.uo G teen brier nccnue: West,'I"tcr Street, from York street to Lookout Place; OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1892 LuokOut Place. from lt"eSDninvter to Ail,Ivright stl'cet; Arkwright street. from Lookout place to Cast• street; case street. from Arkwri;rht street to .Jessie street; Clark street, ['rum Case street 7, Whibtll stl'eCt1 Real ey street. from l:olgrrfOn Sl reel LO E East stcet; Eltvc SIxHt sl root, f roil Maria avenue to Areade street; h'otest street. fl-unl „[emit street it) o'nsc arect: Edgcrtoo street, front Decatur ',root b> Flirt, ier str, :; Deb LO .[reel, from Ilupkio, sheer Gr hlionelmlut street; North street, from Bedford street W De Soto street. Lafayette avenue. from Collins street to Its Soto street: Fast Fourth Street, from Muria avenue to M.Ids street: Hudson avenue, from Hoffman nvenne to Cypress street: Fault uicr street, from Greenbrier avenue to Earl street; Cable avenue, from East Sevouth street to a point 2Nj feet north of -Margaret street; Margaret str: t, from last Se vcath street to Cable ave tine: Holtman avenue. irom East Seventh street on the northto it, terminus Ou the Smith .the Con av street, from Muple street to MMount Ida street. from DC Soto street to It I$ ;oil street: Bedford street. rr a hBnnehnha street to orth \Hastingse e,e nue. from hates -am, to Maple street: Adopted by the Infold of Aldermen A�i�n -Aldi_ Mielenbrr%r. Mut[, o'unlev. C.i,el and. Dimer. Horn idea. Gehm,. Mc - l. la,y,Sunboro. Sulll,a u. hf r.l'resideu[-i Nuys-U. \dopted DY the Assembly April l?, 131r!. leas - Messrs. Itnnholrer, Cosi ello. Hare, SlcCufPcrty, Mc Nunbe. Opia•nheinl. Mr. Vice President -S. Nnys-U. Approved April 13. IR7,'. Bd F No. 971 -By Aid. Cell:. and Cnll.n- ILcsulved, Tlutt the Bunrd oil Public \\'arks e t - the following streets ', Sprinkling I ire, Sts Nes.unlit to 41 - sprinkled dining the sins I, ul' IF'J1.suh- i'iiuntllfn�iu tnurG�t tinno,l }�resoluti„i� IniIt body, r lay r otl:e, discontinuing S uisPrinkh rs ro .uo•h s't rtwu s, r pure. p l'L[C¢t+. 1'„nnh time + Said G'„nlmull Cut reit sbtrl dote r,nine: t Stl nt,Ln•et, from Wabash¢ "rel to Cedarrid I ; Seroond-.tn•e[. Crum Mitneso Lu street Gl It„hc rl I ret• t Third It roe t, fr.n, .Jackson street to tit ocu \�4��,�Ir h stt•cet, Cron, Jueksol, street to It -„In sane. ~eFifih street, from Jauksou ut,, to 'Third !i,ect: Sixth street. fr Jackson street to umruit :t venue; Scvenill .street, from Jucksonstreet to Third street; Eighth street. from Jackson street to Wulmsha street; Ninth street, from .Jackson street U, Smith avenue: Tenth street, front .Jackson street to Rice .t'ee t : Eleventh Street front Jackson street to codnr'deet; Twelfth street, from Jackson street to Cedar street: Thirteenth street, from Jackson street Lu Robert street; En•hauge +[riot, from Cedar street to T Or,l street; 1'1 •:[sunt avenue, frum Tl,ird street to sixth street.: C llegc avenue, front Third street to Cedar Street; Summit avenue,from west line of Third street G, Robert street; Marko """Y! from Wubnshs street to St. fetor street ; Hill street. front Thiid st... A to Wind, ingtun street; Smith avenue, from Third street to Col- lege avenue: Fon street, from Seventh street to Tenth street; Franklin street, from Third street to Ninth street; Wash in 'ton street, from Third street to Seventh street: Washington street, from Hill street to F-rlgle street; Market street. from Third street to St. P'te'l Peter street, from Third sheet to Cni 'ity` ll.b,n bostreet, from bridge to L*nivar- 'Ity `[venue: Cedar street, from Second street to Como a Minnesota street, from Second street to East Summit avenuo; Robert street, from north Sad of bridge to Jackson street: Ja,k,ou street, from levee to Winter street; thence Oil Jackson street, from I'ennsylvania avenue to Sycamore street: Rice Sires I. from Tenth street to Front street; Engle street, from Seventh street to rail- road. Central park east. from Summit avenue to Central .vcome . Central park west from Summit avenue to Central avenue: Alley around United States custom house anti postottice: Fourteenth street. from Jackson street to Hobert street: lgI,I a t street, from W ablisha street to Ricostreet: Tittell street, from Walusha street to liieoestreet: Catralve nue, from Robert street to Rice street; Aurora avenue, from Wabasha street to Rice street; Unfve rsity avenue, from Robert street to It ice street: Sherburne ['Ciao from Rice street to 2;c feet east of Cedar street; I'.rk avenue, from Martin street to Au- mllrewsteravenue. from Hntversity.ve.ue to Como .veno Martin street,from Rice street to Park . /l gG PROCF.EL'INGS OF THE CO\IMON COUNCIL. Viola street. from Jackt on street to Brewster avenue; Sye amore stroet, from Rice street to Jack. son treat; Willits. from Fourth street to Grove street; Neill, from Fourth street to Grove street; Kittson, from Fourth street to Grove DIaTRo7v NO. 3. �t[(x•t: Afn - son, from Grove street CU Wood - Third street, from Juckso. to Commer- ward; Munroe place, from Grove street to tial street; Fourth street, from Jacks.¢ street to 50 Woodwuro. from Mississippi stteet to feet east of Kittson street; Fifth street, from Jacks-¢ street to Mt. Airy, L'Orientstreet; AdIupted by the Board of Aldermen Broadway; Fifth street, from Pine street to ^,5 feet Apr((1 i, A _ Conley. SSS' a-AId. Bielenberg. Bott, L of Kit[.on street; e Sixth street, from Jackson street to DUppelnnd, Dole-, Dorniden, Geltan. Ale- Mr.Presi deur-Il. Kittson at est; lads•. Sanborn. Sul Bvan, Seventh street, from Jackson to Brook rays -O. Adopted by the ASsen3bly April 12, 1802_, street; Eighth street, from Jacks to Kittaon Pens -Messrs. B bolter Co.eello' McNamee, Op penhelm ti ,treat; street• from Jackson street to Kure, McCafferty, Mr. ['lee President-:. Grove set; Tanthta eat, from Jackson street to N``y'-. Approved April l:5, ltf•J'_. Lafayette venue; _ Grovestreet, from Jackson street to ldopt, vl by tlu•i A..a•m bly April 12. leek. 1'e s-\It-ssl.. ltuoholi.,r. ['u,.t.•Ilo. llltre. Kittson street: 'thirteenth street. from Jackson street to Rd F No. OS'l-Ry Ald. IIutt- Public Plnestreet; Fourteenth street. from Jackson street Re 1-A. That the Gourd of Works •naso the No.2fol wing ssprinklels l tat No. to bb sprinkled to Broadway; from J¢ckeon street to Sprinkling District during the season of 18172, subject to unY Fifteenth street, Broadway; from Sibley street to Can (Ird.r which the Common Council from time to time, by resolutton oY sand big Y, Spruce street, rinkllD tin e utd s R In p oke, t g for ads etreet: Spruce street, from Broadway to Pine l 5ti streets. or Iualoof streets, or on O .til. o LunimOn Council Shull street tell time as said determine: Norris street. from caned. street to Third street. from Commercial street to Temperance street; Van Slyke court, from Broadway to olive r- Me le street: Firth from Maria avenue to d50 at Valley, beginning 100 feet east of Warren street, feet west of Muria avenue; frptll BrUOk street LO street, to Broadway: Sc,c.th street, Acker street, from Mississippi street toDOHA itl,lminue; t. from Seventh street Jackson street: Woodward, from John street to 175 feet to De Soto street; from Plum street to east of Monroe street: Marl. avenue, Somerset, from John street to Pine North etreet; Ruta¢ ur'I c, from Plum street to Set. street; Olmstead, from Job¢ street to Pine cath street: Nth1. etreet. from Seventh street to .treat;, Naso, from Mlssissippfto Pine street - Thirtl street; from Seventh street to Waverly Place, from WOatm(nsWr ¢treat W John street; to Olive Areade street, Slin sires[; Collins street, from Lafayette avenue to Wllliems, from Pln. street Redford street: street; Mississippt street, from Grove etreet to Beaumont street, from I'ay¢e avenue t0 Co.. street; from Eighth street to Ninth De Soto street; a.h. street, from Forest street to Temperance, street; Temperance, from Tenth street to Thir- De Soic Decatur street, from Bedford street to teenth street: Beaumont street: Laf.ye[[e avenue, from Northern Patine Sibley. from levee to Norris street: to Spruce street;', railway to Collis street: Wacouta, from Railroad Canada, from Ninth street to \'alley Bradley street, from Seventh street to etreet; Rosabel, from railroad to Tenth street: North street; Payne avenue, from Beaumont street to Broadway, from railroad to Valley street: Jenks street; Proble street. from Beaumont street to L'Orieut, tram Thirteenth street to Nash street. from Slyth street to Will- Minnehaha street: srest;tree t, from Lafayette avenue to Pi a street, iums street ; Oliva, fetr.5l�ti[ street to Peoneylviuif l raOtleg Burr street. fromCollins street to Jenks avenue; John, from Fourth street to Williams street; Burr street, from North street to Wood- atrc •t; Westminster, from Lafayette avenue to wstill avenue; a tre et, from Brealey street to railrd bridge ad Brook Beoki street Part'turkridge street, from Burr street to Lafayette, from Grove street to street; Grove Bradley street: Mississippi street to froLocust, I from Fourth street to street; Westminster %treem, OF THE, CITY OF RAI N'T PAI'L, FOR 1991. 81 5 -ark street, from Payne uvonue to l;reen- Also on the cost side of Burr etreet, from b nor ave mie: \\'estmms ter street. from fork etreet to North stroet to Woodward avenue; Also 00 lho souttl side of Hopl[ms street, f --loot place; fro Burr street to Bradley street; Lookout plae C, from l\-esltntostcr to Arlo Also on both .ides of tyood[vard avenue, \ uq w'Alk street: Arl: street; sl reel, (rum I.uol.out place to from Ifradley straut [n 15urr street: Also en the [t-c.t amide of Lafayette ave Cues street; t e, from 1ltsege St -t to the right of way Cau• -,et. from Arke,right, St rcet to Of the I:reat Northern railivity. Payne .... ul,; Clark street, from Ouse street to Whitall aduplt•d by the Board of Aldermen A ril5, 1,19" Greet: �'cl .--.Aid. It itIt, le, g. Ifutt, Conley, Rm nay street., from Edgerton to Ilaync C(Ipeh,ol. llill,lq •r. Ooro idru. (%¢lino, MI.- oo( cenbrior avenue, from Yori: street tO hdy. S.oib, pro, nnlli%.,o, }Ir. PnsideUt- II. Six I:ust it ¢testi. 1'rum Atari, ao ante to :\ ode street: ldopt, vl by tlu•i A..a•m bly April 12. leek. 1'e s-\It-ssl.. ltuoholi.,r. ['u,.t.•Ilo. llltre. I�,Ireet street. frog: S,r, ollt et (vet to \Iel',itn',oto'_ -N],N-: iippt•nhoiio. Air. Case street: FA-tooareset, Atm D,r:,tat' ¢[real r,t viae 1'rOeiileot-�. Ir: u,l (tier .treat: Apprloed Aprill:t, li'J=. De �olu. fr„m Hopkio.+t row i t,t 5tinnal,almts Nortll toll -l", frau liedlord .trc,�t. [„ De I : t \Ist reel.:tfayetiCnvoluc. 1'rum ['alit os `(reel Md F No. 'It;- Ald. ConlCy- Resolted. 'Phut the Board of Public In llc Soto sl reel: 1A'orlu its, and are hereby instructed to Iteanr}'strerl. from Greenhricr nn•nue 'y anus- to be repaired and relaid the wooden h,FI it] l etrest: lolloilks, where 1--snry,:t s follows: F.:,.t Fourth t...... O»m }I:I ri:l On the %rest side Of Jackson street, from t„ %fapN, st roan: fludeon a-lool, f Ibdl'mun u,on.e Orovc el tart north 7., feet: On the Cast side of J,ekson street, from I, Cylllees¢br".e[: Ili- ¢ treat to'I'hlrte nth street. Fml,luiur .creel, from Arcade etreet Lo tin both sides .,f Sibley ser et, from I:"I street: Fao st tact from Atm free ohrlCr ace - Tenth ,,reef to No street: On the side o['Ponperun •o street, of l Earl street: (,ohne :eve. ue. trona Fast I Ih etreet r„I' th, from r;igllth st roar to Ni,,tn streoj; chi the we 100. of \V ae.0 t.M;... ¢[Ninth I. be - le a po tit '_'1x1 feet oorlb NjO,Ao rot. .i reset: t gunning at street, t'ueace I"_e Icor north: , }turgor¢[ etreet, 1'rono HImC street (U AlsO beguovn, at 'Conti[ street, thence HIle nvenne; ull'm an nvenbe f.on, Eust Save Atli ;,0 feel south ; dist on the Cost shla of N'uCoutu street, e1 reetun lite oo th co its Lerminue on the Iron'I'enth xirnat o Spruce strtiet: nOl; Also un both sidestof t•:nnt Ninth street, Conway etreet, fl-Oul Afaple street to }ho'nu lti'I'llue: from Aiinnosot, street to llroadw a v, by the lioard of Aldermen I Ida xtrcl•1, from lie Solo et reef to pAdopled Aril 5, Iri!r2. �Afunilt Itivuli et teat: 1'I•:ie-:\III. Itiell•nberg. Moi.t., Conley, Iled Cord st reel, from :tllnm•Iluhn ¢creel I l'u lelnud. Dobm •r. Dornidnn e. Gehan. Dle- t` t,l north creel: la(y, Sunhurn, sulli.nu, M, P-idmlt- II t 6. v1 Ana. fnOnl Rules ,,vannic to ylAlt Iby I II I tt 1 Ih1. lIllerd of Alderml n 1d, I I 11 y Ih,• [. .- OIY ApT11 1°, 1H>Y'. Ail ,.I , i 1 Alli. hbe'g, Mot. Co i"c: Mc.. .. It heli,,. Custr llu. Hare. N,. AI r. CI,cla ornien. Gehlu.Aye, . d- Indy, Siw born.Suilivutl. Al r. YreeidCnt-11. Aire 1'rr.i4l.c nM -c Nnl'a n. \a}1, Appro\', d April 1:1, 1,92. Adopted b}" the A-1,ohiy April 1., 1" nn-Alcesrs. Ih .bolsi•,. Costello. Ihr re, - }IeCntITCrLy. Meunmae• GI'pehbaim. AI, \"tee Pree ide.l.-�. Nuys -3i. lid r` No. n„_. Resolved, That the lioard of Public Approved April 1:5, Ix!k'. Works li , and are hereby istructod to se to be repaired an relaid the wooden - sidewalks, Iib -o nccess.rv, as fellows: Bd F -By Ald-t'opC On the north sale of Fourth street, from Willlus .treat to Commercial street. Resolved, I{tsolyed, 'Phut the Itonrd of Pottle Board Also,m the souttl side of Eighth street, \\'arks be, nn,l are hcrOb.y i -muted to beginning cighty oi'e feet from Lo,.ust u soto 1), repaired and rohild tLe wooden 'id's.lks where necessary, as fell tors: street, thence %%'est to John street. Also on the S-111 si le of Eighth street, On the north side or North St rest. from from Willius street to Locusts[reet. De Soto street to BrndlCy etre e[: Also on Lhe outfit side of Etgh th atTeet, Also on the south nide of North street, 1 from Bradley etreet to Burr etreet: � I,Cginnlug fifty feet %.est of Locust slfeet, thence east to Neil street. Also on the north side t' Coiling street, Also on both sides of Ninth street, from rom DC Soto street to Medford street: Arse on the west side of Bradley street, li roadway to Ohyc street. Also On both sidl•s if Tenth street, from from Woodward at enuo to North etreet; I G Broadway to 011vc. �3 s,I Ole TIIIS COMMON I'lWN011, 82 1'110CIeleDINJ11d tum' to Llum, toy rt'xuluttol of x,td Jollity, ' Alin o4, till' uorlb fill" of \'nu 14lykl Island ill, ,4,o, rrnm Luwlua .11"4,4 111 \'Irl Irnrl; I'uart, (rusts ilrulldwny Lu I'lun Lill t. 1{4,11'1 IIt Aldal',IIIn urlp LIiA if l oily«III IIIVallllll rll AdIr 111111 11Y Ill' I a1�1!Ill1 til n.rt .olllh l it 11,14, xlrv,,.N tho Alwil 6, IMIJ. pllnuanr Ilul1, 'tun soy, 1'1,1 Alll. I IrI rlununu �6'ruun, In'm brl x Ar I n l u. 1 - Il 11 II r4, Ilu , II IIIII ' 1 1 ' t II 1 1 IIII , Mr. Ih•rxl �nll 11 uml 4,r: Y I u KL. a I ills n IHan I IIIIU tr L Ilbll , nllll . Mlulburls, lllvnll, dint -•II. � it Alb,4,n ill11 4: Ilolly n,I 4,4,11, h•uuI Uuln x1'..111 4,r Urut«r Nnyx-11, AAoplwl 4,,V Ihn Analpl boy' Aln'll I".IMI':. Ilurr, al nn:; 4,u, tram Wanlnru urrnun to AMJoIusoo 1'rnM Mo+, r,. Il,udlnlr.l, r, 1'uau'llu, 11 lrillllruil Nnuu•l, npp,•u huhu, Mr. Hl. t, 1 n Iroull ilvuu un; fYnm Ylrplu tl nvruuu to Mira NIIYd 11, Hl, ,11111111M MI I'111ILi 10 11 uvla N4,1h • nr nnlu', from 4,4,1,nnnn Appruvpll April UI, IMIrJ, I'I tut l4, YtNI Mw 1'r-Iflunt II. NIIY,-11, AdapLnA sly till• nxxmnnly April 14, I.IrJ� ll$ylll fill's .t ol'1Nnnliuii uvall Il1rd f 1'nnw- Mlxnrx. Isoon mlzur. Cts wlw, HurtI, Mn( afloorl,v: 11aYuulu'. Olt pnnhnlnl, Mr, Nal"w,11 sv 1 Ill Irn, YUu..ullt nvo,ub to IIA If Na Iry,- 'I'Iu1L Ina Ilnunl 4,Y I'uuur 1V uau'rn nvuuno; nilnn, from Wnxtm•n ,vauun Ip,.ulvuA, 1Vurk. na and "I'll hall ny ulMu'untnd l4, wunAl'1I la it ��i olwi�i to Moller a to Un r,, alrnd 111111 rum 11141 ill m tdlwwd rulahnrl al nom, emit IUnu ntrnal. nidnwalk., wnnnl nnrna.url' (If 1411 11,. al'1•111, rr,m .I rum: 1'11 rrn6 MI r1"'{, 6'11111 Ilial' mrnl'I III It'll" (111 LIII" Inlrth all«' IIgfL11 /Lrnq l unrtn s u n slay I{ ", llllun bll'r'nl,1j ,inn'll ('1111 1611,1 nl'1'1, 111. 111 11111„ AI., II, Ill. loss., nlAn so f Mlpl1, Mtrull I: p,Ivllll11 l.,. I1 / IIIIIIAI nil'„Irl, al rr111 I. rnitl l Alb, Ii Ins 11 pma. nt IC 111,61 +I root' I pl. A111IIIIly ,,.o 4,r, IP1111 Illllu b6'I'ul. !1'l 111 it IrLII Will's. I. A111111 11''11.'' upl.p.l blAu lir Null eland. Il',l0 IIIII. bl furl Muret .I IR 11l, Ifulll rubs ni l,mt l4, pl• r(V Ia ;Jon ISI I(IIAII btrrrxl Pnllln l4, II III'YI nil"solo II'nlll Alllll+ all bull 11'11111 Illln' ntl',b'I. In 111111 AA all IIII 1111411 Plllbn l( I,IrI'II Pt 1 4, 41111 4,1 ill I'Iw hl Nstill, el Ln'1' 111111 +111111111 JIIII.. el I'1'1I I' 1(11111 (,'11111'1' el 1'1'11, el rn'h A11111111 1141111 iI I'. Irlllll 1111'. ell'1111 I's Illllll Alm11 I'll p/Y1..III bl r1111� III 111'IrVI' PI1'I'nl Irl IIIIYr' alrulrl, Irlllll � alI'IIIVbra11V 1111..1'1', Irllll 1111', al I'u111 Il AIMrI rll Intl I atlna list','1'1111 IIY nll,r' 141;vl Is4,l n4I'b.1 III( udh bllla+ ill Ina duv'ul, Ir tui l,nal1r111111 Hlluflnl 4,u 4,14,114, u, Irnm MvIl p{fr11'I III Alar nn 111 0 1 111 11 ,I 111E Irl 111111II 1.'111'1' rIl II/11 ,Ilial null, Ili (II x111 MII I: 1111'11 IIIS II ill llw,l, 1'1111 ill 1'11.1, 6'Inll IIII'', ill 1'11111 I,1 111414, IIII 1111 1111/Y IIII 101'1111 bl'YI'111 I1 Illi; 1'11111 r'IIIP n 11, ,II 1f'dn nuf II In IlfnYl'ul I'I"''' II ;IIx IIIII IIIII wllnl bII III Ill III 111111 of . Il 1111 h Illll Ili nlll +I lull\, ,lot It Ito bl I'unl In u I bl 1I';d11 ill, Illllu '1'1111 Il ill rpll is 1111'/ll' nI IIII'I Ihu Ilunrd 4,l ,lldnrullll ululllW; (l'nlu Illbu .1 will In AA1I111Id11irJby Ilwl1, I'' Ill4V nll'nnlu I 111 IIYr'll lip 111111114"Itr1111 II/IIII IIIc Il VUI n A' Ill'I;11111:IU I) I ,1111/1)14,11, Ibdlnn I' l lalnn,Ill 1111'1111 x , 111 (hl 4,1(914,1: s11 )1 Ilflrll 11 pII III YII II YII 'l null nlll II i!Il xl ulllw.11 IfnIr1l III IIIII 1111 Iw.l Ill' IIV�rI III I1 AI' M1bj1111^�111 1,11 11.4,1 Illllll 131111,110 I It V.1111111111'uns 1 ipgdld tY Illy A"nxnm611 I4,( 1 IIII111P 1, 1'„4,l 4,114,. IIrL L,., uY�lulou 111:111 all 11 l'1, 161111 A411111 101 ,Ir,l11111I HIII III Muux11 �fo' lotlrn., I Pill III III 111 lir 111 ,.1"n', IIP, rdluul, tows Mll.hllll 0011111" III 11 au'1IIun1 1 YY Atoll lb l.rll I'III'♦l In un ill n'rI' Inn, 10111111x11 nrl,una Its IIIII1110111 II�Ifill IIHrlabill 11, 11111 x111 Rllll-I 111111 111111111 IIY xll 11 1, II III 111111)11111 YI 1l„1111 -ll n drrl 114 IIu' Ilnu 61 4,l Alllll nuns Ir, ,Y III. nllpNl 111111111111 I/IIIlnI1 1111 x1'1. III, Ali' unnlu,ur Inul 16, (UI11111Ni,j 1NBl' 'I 4,1114, Rl .x1'11 I,Iw IrAI 4,4,11 Ivgl 10ul,lull 111,011110, Irl rrnu f1In I/snd�nd1't/II IIu, Ibnurl , I 1111,11' ilul r1r,rl.�l �ur ulnl nlnnd Irlllll 160114 r6uuun Irl Will r4, •i111 (/ II 11111110 IIII "I 1,11, 11 pp 11IIII'II IJJIMr IIIxIIIPI NI I �ll In RIll I11It ILII II x111'11 �bP1r 1111111.11g11. 1,1111 Pooloft ONION l4, Il III 11111 toll 111 11N1� 111111 , IIIIY 1 Ion s 1 ,I ,nm It,, 1,11 oilI III xI1/1r1I1 IIu' •II,I I1, 1111 If"ll'I'l'i1'. I'll UI111i1 i11 r 111 � Irlllll 11111111111 NY 101111. 111 "I"'llnnl Ils: Il 1111•. IIY IuxlIlI111111111 fill, 11 'I�N,d rb111,U'111 ^npI+11)14,1111111 sl))Irlsllljl fill 14 I, 1'lall� rl•111�1, l•' Iruro HUII,Y IIY'rluu' In (Hoist II11Y ill i'�riill �i,r ll•an wnl�!II �I II !IIuli� y11rn nIIN, Illllll Hu«1y sly ;•tan l4, l'bll salla•. IlU rtl I'll aHdlrin. 11 ntl Ihu 11,1111 rola grill UI l 111 n",Iillll pat nlru'111' 1a.b llYlw11116r Pill I,,'In. »Inml, all's H'• '4,1111 n I nadl rll In 1 L ort rl. rrl ma• �1IkIll l4, Nl. �Ilru yq 1601 Irl .lr,•,.I 11,11111'1141'1»IIY IIYI•llll"Irl 11 11 till, IIII IIIbI �i11111 nl6'rl ill 1�11i!��l,I, IIII 11,11111Yr1rIIL, 111111 »III411: ' 11/lrt'a 141'111 6nY II1I1 161111rin Irl , 11 II Illllll II v I'II11r, 161, nn11111111 ,I Vr 111.' Millnd. I1,1r 111111., Ilrr�'ll'w•, n,', 1111111 1'1„4,14 111 x16'111. 111 l4, 1111IIPnV I IIIII/111 I YI'Il ll', fl, rrll NI. All„I 11+ -111-11...M1111'r /ll1111 Y„i'� I'1r 111llllk to N'1'I I Ole T1114 CITY 4,l' SAINT \'AIII,, 11411t IN112, 111 Ar11ndnl nlrnat, Imn bullar .trout to urAor wkly', the umnnwu Ooulull, 'row 16uvorxlty uvallunl tum' to Llum, toy rt'xuluttol of x,td Jollity, Mil Atuun» nlrnul, from Ilaarlrlch uv4,uun to Irnlrno11ul uvnnmll Inn,v ,unw, .114ouutl11nulq M,id 011011ldtnp r4, Ihtlrmmintnvuuuu, from 106 Allruuxxtrimt aunt x6'4,'1. or nrtx of xtrnutn far xl all faun un m1h 1'olmiun Toutsoll xlmll I'll r. In (lrotto Iltra4,41 miss. NI. Amnon wv,,L, Iroo, 1'nrrull otrnnt to Third xtroul, froul Juakxan stroll to(Jom• Xull avmuls' Al nrlln xtroul, frms, 61114, ntront to Nt. AI nu'rN,l »trn,t; Vu firth Mtrnlll, from duakxml xtroat to Ids hnuM ill nfutl k'rnllt ntraal, If I, Dalu ntrnot to on6•ana4, fam uoxt of Klaxon xtrunt: I+Ifth ntrrmt, from ,Il,,jcxnn xtrunt to of C yy. Ilnmd waY: opt I IVIli,, As opt by lhn Irnurd of Aldorinlu A1,111 Irlflh xtnn!6 from Ili xtroot to 711 font IMa9, Yom. -Aldo III1Ianbn rpp, Isla. col,lny, n,xt of I(Ittxun ntrnot; I' NIM Ih Ml rout, Irnm JuallMun nlrnat W U4, bdunA, Uulnurr, UurnlAuu. nulnul, Mu• lull}y', Nnu barn, Nulllvun, Mr, slit ntrnot; 1'r-Iflunt II. NIIY,-11, AdapLnA sly till• nxxmnnly April 14, I.IrJ� Nnvmltll nlrnat, front ,111ukxnn to Ilrmit Ntr,ll Klull;hlll ntnurt, from 'N.Itparl to I(Ittpon 1'nnw- Mlxnrx. Isoon mlzur. Cts wlw, HurtI, Mn( afloorl,v: 11aYuulu'. Olt pnnhnlnl, Mr, oil. rom i Ninth ntri.a. tram, Jaalmin xtrunt to Viol, 1'ranld.11l trnnt, A UI round April W. IMI'. �. 6viott"luvuxun from Juakxan ll 4,l Ila.11•IIV 11 Mll'm11, II'nlll JII4,11 MIIII ML rll't 11 '-• IIA If No. ow)- IIV A IA, Iso: 4:P0, 1<ILlnnll 114 roll; TtlrI list xtrunt, Onto di lb..n ntr.bt to 1'1110'if l.I IlubuMnlL TIu1L IIu' Ilunrd of 1'usolll' \Norton D'nnrpunllh al.runt, (rola dmdlnuu nua'n4 to 1, 4,4,41 urn urrnlry II ,......lull l4, .� 1 Ids/ 1.11 Ill I'111"Ills ri 111111 I'IIIIIIII 1111' Wllldl111 14,11 rnndwuYl I 1''Ifl;:"IIIII .i II I, orlllll JIIIII'mal pot l'ISII, to, 1Ibw llkn, wh�rn rutin'.+1 ry, nn Illllu IV. 111 11'111 dt111d wf I III1'1"1'tlIIY 11 Vl 11 IIII' I1', rill Ilrl' all' 'I'1 111 1111,1' al ',111: Ill Iwfly, M'1'11;111 pl1'n,11, 11'11111 0114. Y ptl'n/'l III 1!1111• Oso r,dh nlllnn 'or I torrid) nl1'Inrl, rit's, 111111 n«'1,111.. NIII'llbu el I'IrI14, fr11Is llyalllwlly to, I/111, Illlodlronl In hall qi rul'I, dt''t!ul Mldllx Irl 1011'1111 I'1 PI I'l.l, :.?IIIII IVI I'IM .I 1'11111, ll'IIIII I'Allll,lil No l:lt til '1'II III• Us,,,tildl1'111 I. 4,1 111111 dlfvn'I. AIII' 11;1IIIII'II 1 bV IIII' III III I'll orf Alil1'' I pullnu'p bl Pu.11 1'1111 ply 1111 l41111't, (1'1111 Ilrflllll WlY,V LII I)IIVII A ram r, IMd �'rld Ald. Ills Jon Ilul alilllllily. nr rO, Ivndlll'i r4, mlrl401 Il:hllu 11'llidn 1 III'Iulll AI n' Jou y, u1u111n.u, Ill lows, ��n I Irnu 11.1 luau uua4 of W,pr1111 dl lP w'I sol Il...... ll I w'xidinll INI 'IY 1' A door.11 #d, (mill MInxl4lrggd Illinois . In Jal'swoIill of IiI Wool's wows, ill"11,161 Nil's -ill In IYh ��t npI1rII Iry IIu;,A xIt,, 114 '1 j1 i"IIII 111, Iwo, 1 I .,1Y Ion" Ifll111111 ll,l', 111 ra °o�l ill A1u111'n1i xlrnlll,l Y1 P1�IM ((I�(1,11 It1111111 Ill", , 11111111 I'll"Is1 I, M lllllllydlll r (1' 1111 "r 111111 b1Yr111r I;1 Mill, ( (1c;4 ntl Ynrl'1111111, I .111,1 /IIII pI.IIIII Illllll 11111111 .(pilot 411 limit Algoot m,l Aprll III, Iwrq' pll (lnnil. films Mln.lxalppl Rluml Ill 1111111 . I -nlll IIYIIIIY 101por, follill Wpp1111111n1,1' x1mill, III V No lost Ilk AW 1'I n11I'Y �kos/1 41,11 11' 111 ItIlli x(111111 I Illanq �Ialll Illoll .tpnllf l4, 1111Yx Tilt lilt u r l It 11 110 1 1J IIIII IIT Ill....... III 111111 ll) 1111 41 1411 1 DI oll IIIA❑1111411)11. Ilrl I'h1 dl IIu ,/I IxaINxtll 11 .1111111 01111 IIIIIYI, pIl'11111101 In II; ill Pool fill /u rxl1111,. 6,1/1(614,1114,' 01, 1u111r11 I IInfliolm,,. 11,1111 hilfbIll MWO'l lit 11111111 I I11I11 IIuU. 11 xll 11'uY Irlll 1 w LI '111 INN (. Illlr..1111 In n: Is IIIII 1ll a MPIfIII,IIIIIUn 111111)11111 YI 1l„1111 -ll n drrl 114 IIu' Ilnu 61 4,l Alllll nuns Ir, fillls 11',11111 .11,111 1/l11'111r U01I 114664,1, 11 1 r•Y 16'111 b'Y..0 l4, 104,14,11 aI A 1 I sun Slog 'l 111IIIIIIII•Ip, Illll 1'11111 I'll'11(111 Iblh, r; Ihlf1ll' Ilusln �11 I1x Hud r Wa1V 111 ill, IYwlll l'111114,111d Ill 111111tllxlllulr 4olowlll. t/nlu Ill WHIM Irl st,111 1of IIIII 1111111111111: 111111 Y 1111, ,til 1 t,411�1till 1 1111, IIIwll1111 11'Il11111 I to 1 I�116n IHlyIto(' MppI' 4,1414 AI III IU Ibill M1irI� �n„tM„111H111rrIn41vo.Ildsn,Ih��a 1'11 It'll l 11111//161111aI IIIIIFI 116uuIwuY ludo H111ruorl Ill 4911Illy 1110.1: nlli I Nnrru4y Illgngllu. 111, 11 11, r IP4111a11 I list, n t, IHnn 11'1006,411116 alrnll Irl ill yy Vlr'd Nl 4,l lln,l 116411 d16,nl, Irwin 114111 .101110 111 will, Ajiyus A 1,fII I'1 IIsItI III 11M 4I I'ly'll 11 ro, 6n,r 4141 11 .1 041111 l4, IhnHlxyl III If Nn,l YIIc II 11 VI11'alI I Is 111 Illllll IVltll'lll xllvu,l I'I will. -1f1:J1 IIY Ald Ivuit'Y 14,4111 Ylx, '1'111 III (1111V11 4,l 1'llldln Inllla I,VI IIII (rill, I/n61Yal In w""Intl./' Ilrn (fIIIIIs IIIk,alrintl Ill I 010'1 IIYu111111 Hrl'llll Irl'Irt,11 11 nua tw Mnnauu 4,1��.IrJ,»ulpurL «r nuY HII rInk1111p IHatplr'I: p 11 In m'.p is, man kill I,Im,Ynlln', Ir,116nrvn xl sols, H, Itrnnk .0,",II 8-1 pl ocE IDINGS IIF THE, COMMON COCNCIIr Lovust. from Fou rtlr ct relt ;o Grote street. to ,rrr Willi us. from Foilith --ce, street. Neill, from Fou rt li �Tr,•rt 111 Gr Grorr -ret. Kittsun, from F'-urt lr .trrlt l., logo 1Lreu t: Gnrrr street to\\' M diem, Cnrrn tt:\rd fonrue Pince, from 11 ro` "t"" t„ \Vor,d word: AlounL Airy. frons 3lisci"WIll --t to L'Orie rrf ct reel: Adopted by tar lio:lrrl of Aidernrrii 4p s-AId. liirlenhcrg, Roti. C,rrdey. Indy,l 9ulnb( ru,' LIlli c::in�I rf: 1'n grid vet Il. Nay A doltn j by til, .\csl ir,bl} :\pr tl 1,. 1c92. I eAi \tes-rc.Ranholrrr,ppeole-in"l.M.- MCCn11'rr;3'• \ICNanrrc. VVpe rrherllr, 311. V loo I'rr-.ideal`-t. 1 uy,s-U. Approved April IJ. 11!1'. Bill No pili- lydrr:s he druw'o Itesoi-, Thal city ' upon tl a rli'O treasory. Pu,'nl'l it•. foltlow'i o;i .•unm I•tt rrr rt r'. "oro, our rrriL sr. oppo. site thr�ir n•clpecti yr mor re* I ie 1r3-Gnly nl i n. s •"Keno; -rat -arm.. nttrnd ins; fm Council i •elfin_.. 31u-rh. len'r rater • . 've rl `leuIr:i rl`r Cu �rreier i Diu niripal G out i�t➢blrcli. FGi: DI. J t�7 �rT•nc '011 on:or ut trkrt brgxn ows-." 31 nrr1h >�Ir; \3'iil lore En15mil h. srry ices rt- li rcmnn rat "earl:rL hnusu,•' 3l oculi, IHn2, f1:,. Adopted by the "on"' of A1lermcll April i,r ls!r,2, holt. Conlr}', vas -Aid. og, 13irleul r c,if nl, Dobllur. Do-uilb url:l (ban, N" Indy. Sanborn, Sullivan, -1 c. Na3. -0 Adl Pt tl T} 11 e \.- 11} 1Ca \I Di eCrP Nnnr, [}, 1t r CPV,- hritrr 31 r. \•ice -,_" ileo; -7. Nay nJ's-ll. A plrroyell April lot. 11112. IId F No. DSi- Rr etre h That city orders bo drawn alp on the it, treasury. pay able out. of ihr. court thnusc and city Lull ur:riptrn:lime fuel," in tutor of tho fnlrltltl'r �.Im r�i rat or p ill; s, being city, on [ho amount set opp-site t" their relpret- Ivr anulus: IIu,'.' e' Partridga, f:i.20; Board of \V'atcr Comnitsswn. rs, fl ll:ii: J a in 11 Bishop Ca, fl.r. John D -1a & Sons, son Eleptne Light&I'ow ore -m ) 1"'1• Finch, \'a til)ke. Young `\ Coelergadt GeorgetJ. Mitsch C Co„ s N:,: 1're Rros., -S.lib: Robinson S Cary corn pun} 3Villium Rodger R Co..;.112; St. I'aul Gas Light company, `4l.Kl.3 Max ('rmanu, sl. ,doplc'd by the Board of Aldermen A 1r115, IS72. l e•ts-Ald. Ri,',cri!x'rg. 11"tt, Conley. Copuland, Doboer. D.,nI e11, L:clma. Ille- lady. Sanborn, Sullivan, At'. Presidont- I1. NaJ"e -n. \do, -M hl' the AsscmblJ" April Ih 1A.T:. lCall". Irssrs. ]3:i lrlrolie r.Co.i ello, Bare, >I rl':r ne rt l'. 311 Nnerr, UI,1n•n beim. Mr. \'irr Presldeol--,. Nay. -o. Approved April 1:3, ISd F on Iteeolved. Tlrot n u:_not ire dfown thou tie the c,1y 1re... ' payable favor oo t' lieorge department und­ it, City Treasurer. for the sum of 314: r':i.a1. to pay oils errs mill employee oP the !tire deuartmant Of LTC C t nl St. Paul [or the oroeli of 1l arch, ]snZit :\dopied h) the lionrd of Alrleinren 1h'tollp_ec-. bvaAnlld�i'Rr'rit Iltnung, coot. Y. U.r. Iri. biraiirGehalAr. Ie+rllent- It. Nuy- Adus-ptrh.l by The A-rnl bly Apri1, In!r,. 1leccrs. ISnnhol it r, Coc12f ello, Ibrn Mrl'np'e rty, Mr N anrer, lip probes m. A \'i�•r. I'rreidc of Nays -p. A pproyrd April 13. 11!12. I id 1'No raw- 1111 r. be Slrnwo Rrs,rlvrd, '1'liuU rill' I it ihr city irr•usnf,cr'. pnf•thr• hallowing n ala pi bol nodi' Petr the ix of set oPpo' silled Prr.uns to ill,, rrspectivr•etwo.: 1'. \ IIw'yrr t IItur I:a Htlmalc No. plumbing :tad Fa, IIx to n•H for uew hospital. 31*", " .",N 1. Adoplyd by ill(-Rollr1 of Aldermen April :r, 11!i::. )'vac -:\Irl. I{ielrnbru I3 -1t, Cott ley. Copelnn d, Ilobnur, Duroldeir, Gehan,De- lui\y1 Ssa-lbIurln.LISulAi�vsrne3bl lry. pArsplridcot-tl Nay-li. cpl' 12 Ilo . Ilxre. 31e1crt J". lb-Nnnme. trplrtotheil :alf eeair,. ys—e. Approved April 1:1. IH!r', ltd F No.!6ci- ILcs)Ivrd, ','hal pavubl l.s be dnlw-n op"Il Ilecity-In". fit pnynblrout r the"rer- o 11i:our talar}' fuel," lir favor.. oho prr- nanlel in Ilto 6e -lis!., It tell \)'ILII I.hic�rr<nl alien, for the v,. in s" Trent r e tsitf Io ihrtr -'I L n 1 1 3 ' of.a Their l Bert itnoionn n4 thudo Titpulh of Mnich, 1H7!. 1.\s chew a Icy vddr pa}. oll..l \doirt ell by thr Itonrd of Aldermen -e -Aid. liiclenhcrg. Boll, Conley. C-PeI'nel, Ilobe•r. D-i'nillen, l; ulmn. 11 L- IadJ'• Sunburn. Sullicuir, DI r. I'rl -ITL -11. Tdote'll Adopted by Iho Assent bl3' April 11 1172. OF THE' CITY Ill' S.1J-, I' PAUL, FOR 1892. ,vg dI}l�•ufl'e ,1j,1e\IrNurm"I xr•GIrC t•u hrli u;ll:yl r. 3I, C1111,11"IN, e MNnnrty lrIU. lxnrhrlo, HMr. \'ice Yrec iderat-,. \'it-Pn�irll eL Na,..-LrNal _il. Approrerl April 1:3. 11!1_1. :\pprr IT- :\pril IJ, I-2, IT,] 11 Itecolvcd. 'phut. r uc brdr:r rr rr therily irr:t.rrry. I.;r aI.Il -out i h,•..lt�:ild� g in.prctor':.dc':a, o[1'rr oil."'-rr fue'or e t"Ihr•pe r:� r: rd. pfo) nor Irl oil. of id :Ire;iri i,•i :ord r rilcilli ilii. `u.olulio rr, h,r lira srt opprsilr tr cgive noun iu p:V nmol. or nor ot lilr'v and 1 ,�oirrpros,d i�,rr of .:lid pr rslrri. for their., �. li rr _ the tmnirb of 3In'e. I the i� howoiov. id 1,:r '-1111.1 A I 1 f I 1 IS 1.0 di o 11 I Aid. IS I bLrg. ISo11. 1 1 lend, 1l -hoe 1. Ielnidelr. Gelr.trr. 3h- hull tianhorm Snllirup, 311. I'relidrnt -11. \'lopted he the A--ohly Apt1112, I i. . 1'euc-3fresr.. Batil olirr, Co+Irllo, Ilam. lirl 111,11lr. McNa1e- Oppcobeilu. Nb. Vk • Pr, .idea; NAure `n.ro�rt" �d Ap111 V;, IH9r:. Ibl F No, pc9- ItrcolAeil.'1'hn;.w+rot. hr lir:rw'rr upon ore Pity '1'n•:rare I Sable I I of err "hla l; li d,.1,gualo rl fir oil." ilr rf;r roc .d' I lir fullow'iog o o nr'I prnirnc i r :1111 in the -1, hi, :rad prose o;rll n'illl ibis rv•.nl nlii.Ir. I'or lire• s eel op- pocilr Io I.IiQIr rrc peclir,• 1r rm�. in e1l,rl'tlr• snl:o;J' nod renpeu.nlion irl sail Prino;iurc Ihrirsrrv'llo 111 ri:rgihr Iraml" of Marr fir. Iri!r_', u..huwn bt' .,rid :ty tulle. - :\A Iodoptr III tI Itonrd of :\Idermrn Is Peas --:\Ir Itirlroh,•r;;. Itott. 1'onir•y, :i rad. IM . Torr. Dornfide n. Grlr:r l olr .aal , Sulll' un. 111 1'r, .ids of I1 Na -0 - All ay_v-Ir.Adohr ihr .l.cerobly Al,ril l_, Ica" ,'core-3lr.�rc. It:r ri bol r.,•r. l',,.Irl 112 I hoc•. 311n-av'e rte. 11rNx mt•I Ulrpenhrbir, \D' \'ilr• 1're.idern Nuys Approved AIll it 13. Rd I•' No. !Nr�- Itecnlvrl,'Ch:l1 warrant, hr drawn up�rn the oily LI'I ucll r3', pat able all of Ihl• .. 3luniripul l'o lir t fold... in fu vor of the percorrs tinned ill ill,- pity roll I'll 'enlell 11ilh Ili, ITT,. i I tl and t,t. Ili f said for -o" l ri K Ile noel of Ma".h, lc!r� dopl rd h}' the Ifon rd of :\Idcrmrn --AI I. Itil�lr� hr rg. I:rl i, I'onl:•c, 'oprland. Dob lir r, rl lurlridrr. Geloirr. llr� I:rlly, Snuborn. Frll lira n, lb'.. Yrr.idrlrt- N:1 l) I) A, I'll by Lhc Assr•m IT I Ap,11 12, lc'/T_'. Iid 1' No, -!n- lb"oh d. 1'hal n wurrao t lw drawn upon Ibr Ci 1'rr:,sri r'r r. ble out of ILII oolirrild,enrieroi 1'u od;' in favor of ' � � �,• Itr�r., city 'L'rru.0 rrr. for ihr s "•I", I'd., ' it ...list t br� pnJ- roil pm.eo Led �1 h ihiscoin, iiorr. in Inr}'mrrii of f Ire .:ll:rry ITT - 11,'"I rrr .aid prr.ous a ibrir ser - `u\,1,11 rrl io liel is IR end\i of rlAll[, r ) - \I7 Iflrlrr[rr4. lion. Conley, I I 1 Ilnhner, Dor uidrn. GClrap,llr- bid.1. �.i1 bran. SUIIIr.tn, )1 r. d I1. Preeirnl- N':rvs- o. Adi,ptrd by the.\ssrm bly Ap-ii 12.Ntr2. 31c1�n11'r1i'c.., 311N;unec.�tlippinihein, Air. Vwe I'rr*dent April 1:;, ISI)-_,. Till F N. •11- lb-drrd,'1'1,a1, w: rn rat+be Ilruw'n up 1111 •ill' Iry:rsrr t'y.r payabie 1i11. nl' tlr rt lens and r'ty hull countenance I'rr eluvol of 1:1 `1 Citp '1'n I The ti n[ f 'i.i A. to P:l perms oaHanano•d in Ille pay roll precentei! wills ihi� recolnlion. lir lutynirnt of the cnlnry and eompoos:G in11 of Hni1 peons for their x•'; -ire. ,,,wing th, loolith of Dfurrh, Ic'1:Irriug city's one-half of ens- Iodi:or'e pilr roll I. \doptl•II by tiro 13-1-1 of Aldermen :\ Swirl`\. IH•r!. -\III. liielr lr berg, IioD; Conley, ',1e•I:r el, Ihrhoer. Dorn idea; Gclralr. Dlc- I,rl S ill ro �nll Ili , Nr Pe-ldent- 11 \.rt \dirpil• I by ;be .\.cerrdrl)".\Irril 11, IFn., Ranlee. r, Cosueia Burr 1111 LII'rrt>'. \fir\alae-.. Vpor rr hrint. Mr. A pproc'•d April 1:1, 11!19. lid FNo. !rci- Ri "ohod, 'I1but "I ltit, he drit-I -poll t he l•i13'Irrx�ll rl'. hle out of the '•c11 gimvrinc dopa rtnil•11t food," in favor of Grorge r is. City Tivaslller. [or it,(-: um I f `! If1�Rh;, to 1"". tit'! he. S l it In 1- 111 pay II p t. - t i Ill tl tio : 21 I 11 salary their - a p I t f roll ' c ler the - . declog air mouth of Dla re•Ir, IHJ:,t110- ing the oils i.l• 1'i ri �•r. Adilpied by the It-urd of ,kidu mun :\pI'1I.,. 1-. Itlele berg. Ihdt, Cooley, Loo x•1 and, Do] r. Dornilnn. Gclmn. Me- lol3'. Snmwn. Sullivan, 3Ir. Yrrcidunt-11. Nay —n. Adopters by the Assembly April 12, ISW. y.{ PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COCS('111 Loeust, from Fourth It-l't to Grove street. Nitlius, from Fourth street. to GII'- street. Neilh from Fourth street Ie Grove h sTrut. ittson, frons Fourth .trent to Gno-, street: Madison, from Gruve street to \eoed- wurd: \Lenton place, from GtIII e street to Wood" turd ' Mount Airy. from )lisai=sippi .tr(,t•I to L'Ortenl. street \d opted LY Um Heard of Aldcrnlen A1Irtl ,. 1S!12. Yeas-A�d. Iitelenherg. I[ct I. Conley, lu��y,l Salnborn, Sullilun. DL'ti Pmslid`'lt Il. An Ar, lon 11}t11 Ily \PItl 1215 I.; Yeas Dn-ss. s. Runholr, Ol - o•I I, . Il.MO MCClt tfel't y, 'I'S antes, Ulrpe.lheitu, )1 r. vice 11resident-1. Nuys -0. Approved April la. 1802. Ild 1, No 9s't- liusulred. That city orders he brute It ,Open the i'"Y treasury. Uay:t111.• ons of the I.Iral tfl-or n4med 11 -ons.of. th,-aloo hint r et oplel. site their respeutice n Ileury Galvin.tL nouou"s.. n+,mond 't g tout Co.tneil meelin_s. Dhtrch. IY.r'. I'll, Neu lot users, <crric us ino,r_ pret.el' in M1lunirtptti Ccurl, t•Mut'c i., lr!N a2.; Df. 3. Eagan, .strive.. n. w_debnnm .tu rket hoose." Jtnrel., 1H!rJ..:lo; 11'I lliom F. Smith, services us liremun I,t '•murl:et house," March, 150,2, f3 i. Adopo•(1 by the liourd of Able"men April fi, Ic;l. veus-Aid. Hideo11(ol, Itot. Co.l l.•y, Ludy InStillborn �t.Suillti ttn,l .Ur t"lires�id�l.t 1. -11. Naystl Adopted by the A'_ulbly :\prit 12. 1M0.. 1 -ens -Messrs. Run luster. t'ostello, store. 'IWaMm•ty. DI \oases, Oppenheim. Dice Provident -T. Arty+ 11. Approved Apt II 1:1. 1303. Bd F IsNo.'kd- t o -cd. Thar city- orders hr drawn t t - n the •itr treasu rJ parulde oat of lhp ,• ,court inose endcity setts Imti nt el.:toec P.tnd," to firm'. of the folluwioF-o:,toed persons. bei..} cit)''s om•-half +hare. Ior thn a ant set opposite of their respeet- Ire n:tmt•.s: I­zillo Partridge. 1'3..11; Iloar.l of \e atm' Comniussioners, :}111.:3, : d alms 1t. IS ishop h Co., F3'+. John Uox inn C Sona 11 Fd n EIC \'an hlhL 8'. Il�Onn{;C r�p[,o} 1i,tl. Finch. }'�e. ndeergust G Gorge If Dl itsch A Co.. S :+:r; !'r Bros., 4:i.liU; Robins- S Cary ro pIony, \Piiliam Rodger fi Co., t.i_'; tit. 'nul Gen, Light company, }13110.30; Ma. crmonu, ?'. 1. AdoP�•d by IIIc Trento of Ald,•rm Clt AI] -or , 5, 1S!AIdY3. e . Rtrl D.'nid Mot, Conley, Copcluod. Dubnnr, lloruidell, GCItItu, Me - Indy, Sanborn, Sullivan. DIr. President ]I. Nay,- n. ISR2 Adopted by tile .\nEnm Ills April 1`L, Tees -)less.. Ru uhulrrr, Ibsodlo, Hnre. Dlt'l':10er13'- Dle Nuloee. Oppenhriln. Dt r. vire I'resideat-= . Nuys -.1. \pp ru,'al April l3. In?_'. Rd F No. VsV- itesolred, Thal a war," it be On of ow Cupon re the city treasury, paY; Out de Partment snobs." in tarot of George d_'iilu tot' rrotlicnrs andr t 11I.Yes orooft tile Pn). em ti re ,iCP:ttntont of the ,n cil)'oI SL. Paul for LIIe Ilmnth of Dlarch• lull., :\,InPtrd bJ' the lb"Id of Aldermen \I,,1 i., is r2. l este-AId. Hlelenbe.g. Butt, Conley. Copol'vunborll u,S o 111cun.tM 1'rt�sideut� Indy, N A rloplcd by the A,sem U1}-.\pril 12. I9!r+. Peas--Dle"r.s: H:it holr.er, Costello. Ila re. Dle('n He rl S. MeN un.r.•• OpPcll heim. Dlr. vice llrrsident-S. Nuys -o. :\pprored ApT I:S. IN112. Rd F No!ISn- H,.,d-d.'i'hat city order. he drown upon I.hr Lily •'boslllll P� ..ons. I'or oI hpoyxhle oult ol'llm wsttt ew oPpo- o 1 \'. 11 t Si Hr . L t male spi nlumbtnF and Fa. hxtu r,.s for uex hospital. nos. .\dept ed by the Honr(1 of Aldermen lens -.\Id. Iliclenoloo Ilett. Coolly - Coil"! born. t. Suil '; o,11 tPr'it' i�11. h uysutil. \doptrvl by Lhc ANEelnhl}' April 12, 19!.1. veus- Messrs, Ilmlholeer Costello. IIF DfeCnifclt\. DleNxnme, Oppenhelnl, U \tee 1'I esid,•nt Na}:' -e. A pprored April 13. IS!r_'. IidFNo. !1ST- w nts be,Irnwo upon c.y tnrinfra, payable DotIll the III- oiiicer salary f.. o,l." in favor of the it II ented wit11 etl in thu p:tY tells's Ibis 'e� olu ion, forthe soots set opposite is their resneeO re oonles, in 7o.yment of tl fl rt bri rl sen ii 1 I f, thetttl olt ttI of Dl atoh, lNr_'. IAS +hn"u by it, puJ ells.. Adopted by :nirv, liourd of Aldermen \7 til i, In _. ' ' 1-c s -Aid. �t.i�•l.SnhnrF. Holt. annlel'. Cole- and. Oobn,tio 11iGun,DoruilDh'. 1�L'residenL Indy. S:,,I in. Nuy 1. :\dopted by the Assent blJ' April 12. 1892. OF THE CIT]- 01' S:A13'I' P:1UL, FOR 189r?. ,qb cotCstl }bC'ntt'e tly4s yleNanleii, 'oppetotte llnlll,il r. Dh Culfe te.lr.ss\[cNnnl tr. l)plxnl e,li l,IHaIri r. \';ce President -i. vice Presi�lent Nuys -0. Nitys_(I. Approved April 1;7, 190_'. Approval April 13, hs!.2. 13,1 P Nc. f3Ss-� Resol,'cd. That w is bed r:.wo the tit 110 •:tsn l.r. wart open -:I btu ,rot III,• "Ruil.l- r I»t in it". perlur's dole? •ut Pups."I 1:.rur ul'ihope sn, .: wi iii ihr .,l obis M' Ii11 d.'ll:,ri�m.•ill �oml toe Sentell y"'iII1 '['I, `�cnl0000, for tlm II set oppcsile I Iheir reapectire oI,I1.li Io pnYl..c l;t of Ih,• �Itll,rr and eonl[e. athu. of .all 1". 'o I for their serriees ou I+_ the month .rt' Dhoe11. Is!I" r: above.;t l!v said p:ly-roll.. Adjo I l 11 It 1 I Alders n.•n ASFII M1. I . AI I IS' 1 I I It tl (•ons. v. (`opelnn d, Ihrbl .• tl)orukh.n. Cela... Nh- llobO, Sanborn, S.I silvan, Dir. President -11. loopterl Icy IIte A, ­...Illy :\ln'll I_". I.v�Y1, ,s-Dlessrs. ItnollcI-r Grslello. Ila re. }le Calb.m. M,'N;On ee. Uppenhei nl. DI r. \'lee I'n•sideot Nny -O. ApIol' vl :11..111:3, Hd F No. !NII - Itesoly. d. That a "'arrant be drtt"-n tpon the Lily' I'reosnrt•r, payable. out. of the ..pollee d,•partl•Ilt foodfuror ," 'n of Geer;;,• Rela, Citym'I'ru:tsu ter. for tine sum of 13!•11;,:,:, to par thn Ver `:n 11 me(1 to the Pa) " roll preseotrd will. tl.i.sur lu- tioo, ill puylnel.t of the. y I orlcsoom- pensatico of s;iid persnos [cr their ser- `11\dopled mob}! It.o tl[onrd ,Iyl,f tlAlde-not 1 \11. H'nh•nbi-m Roil. (:olt1eJ'. ( p, In od. Oobner. Ilormdeu. Guhan, DIo- Indy, dao born, Sulliv:,u. DI r. P-sidunt- Nnrs-o. Ad�lpl ell by Isle:\Esem Illy April 12.199.3• ve:;s-Me.srs. Iholho"er,Costello. }hire. \I CColre rt}'. Die Nuou," Oppou hello, Dir. Vire President-,. Nu -0. Approved April 1.3. INV:'.. Ill FNn, oso- Ira r' NSI.!.!C- i[esolred. That wa..... he drutrlt IG .Illre, 1. 'I'Io.I. wnrI"3a beds"".I .IpoII •I'n•:tso upon the situ o',00rr. payable out vets' the the 1'i ly ter, p.J"able o1.1 of the ..11.•I It 1. depurooe 111 1'oo L. furor .,' II rt Iloosc uml .•'I}' hull n 'otco:mce 1 of Ibe fullo"'in;: l.:tn.ell persona 11 � oned ill the o;od." fat of Georgo.-Hi't" City 'I'ren�Il I'o poy rolls of vtid oep:trlbent. and presented rely. t'Lhc E of #i'.fA. lu persoos ouloed In t,I.�Puy roll W+y nted 11 this 1 I for II, aIn I"I'llI I ''1 11 solute .n. It I 3 L t tbu I . t LI 1 t. o 1pou I J iu�1 ftl .11 v ,ted ermi cl sol .. .I' 1', S I 1 •�o..pensutioll [ 1 111 f II ,rt"ecs durho the ul;t 11 of o ,1 per.clls 111 eo'sen�Iee- lure o;C thr Doth of }I:t re i.. I;:!Y_'. us Sh,rwl. br Salo Dbtrell, Is,r11 beim; ettY's ant, -ball! of ous- todio ll's lute ro 111. I Iay rolls. Adopted by the Itoo r.l of :\Ider.uel; - \dolls ell by the Ilonrd of Alderman \I r'. April :I. 1s0^, ril.�, I" it -11d. I3ieleoherF, ilotl. C!oulcy, 1-ens--AId. Itieleo he r�. Itot t. ('coley. Pope h; (l. Ouboel•. Ucrnidel., (; e)('' MO_ Ilpel:oI,1.1)olloer. Ocrold-O. Geh:o1. Me- IuJY. .Mohave, .Sulliv;m. Dir I'resideoL lady. San bur o. Su Hit'u n, M1l r. I'residenL- li. -n. N'�J�'s-V. \d \d�lpn•d Ivy the AEnrn.bl)' April 12, 1901, llinil dirt, 1 - V - H 11.1 . L Iaollo. Ila. r, Costello, il.trc yl it tv. DI �. Upuenhcun. Mr. Dl )lel:Pit. r. cNuuar. Uppeubciu.. Dtr. 1'reideoi--�. ell•.. I'rrsldrnt-S. Noys--o. NaJ's-II, -Approved April I:I1I9!)2. A pprovcd Apr it Uit Hd F No, !e111- Re.olre,l. Ibe i•ily tre:tsll .1 rp,O'oblc• mit of It lo• `Dlu.I i,'i old l'onrl food.1 " fv rot ..f the p,• eo t. I.he P:I l -ell pr oleo 11 1. .el.;Wlt. i l I f u III't I'tlltl`ttl,. t.�`dti. lt;nIb,. II�ln 111 ul )lura l.. Ior. c. . .ill osis ed b}' iso• Roa'cl of .11del'ro en ttl.uui 'Opel and. o u.Der, 'a ni Mr: G,•h:o.. DI�•- I:,o}'. So.Ihc.'... S.Illirall, DI r. 1're.ideol- Adopted by tiro Asselu Ply April 12. is 12. I ]III F No. 993- - Re�l�lreli, Thattv;trr Out s be drown lipun the elle: t �npuhleo't of the" departr jit fund," in favor of Re_is. Cilr'L'rcasn rcr. for the.: om pa,the poraonS n e,I In III 1 II I I 1 ul titU rosot- t' 1 t I tl ulul'y arileunn- it fill their Ill.Iri..�fl111• moot]. of March. IS9!,sbe- i og I be 011ie.• 1'oree. AdepoA by the Hourd ,I ,\Idermen Cllpe lit llll IO�Ib. �i r�-Drs rn GelIl nl\Ir lour. S:.00r l.. Sullivan. NI I. President -It. Nu}'` -o. AAcpted by the Assembly April 12, I8t14. S6 PROCEEDINGS OF THP: COMMON COUNCIL Yca' M McNard-lreO Costel o. IIIM r. V,Cnff t) Vice Ptesidont-7. N:t}-s _0 Approved April 1:3. 1SM'. D 1 F Nu. n)1- Rc„ Ivcd, Th:a as -ant.. he drawn upon the city tronsonrn:.yahle ant of the .•3;cucral.. tbririge ml IuaLl :a - aot fee esa. r.i 11 1'nvur •uf Geurge`K'`i.s. ('it[Y Ti.,:,orce, to pay the p`'rsuns a dual n the pay rolls Prteoted 'iib thisreso- lution. for III, -1-sot upposl tl •Il ."'eland :: le' nsutioo mi" f 1 :tl fortheirressi,ect1ae.cnic"(: ti llomh of 1larch, IS!r3, (1•'(11'itlspecLi [lh':m(1 ItvL•t'y loll el ,, tlent' nst3`uct lon.l Jpted by the Board of Alderme❑ i5, I8tr_'. ,-Aid. Inelenbcrg. Hot, CoaMe- land. Dobner, Dormci en, Sanborn. Sullivan, Mr. Yresio eat -11. yes -n. p[crl by the Assembly April 13, MlI '. -Messrs. Baohulzcr. Cosn-Ile, . McCafferty, Me,,nmee, Oppenheim, Approv Id Ap it 1:1, IMI_ ulorn Resin red. 'Phut avnrnan(, be drown Lhe city t eta ry. 11 ble : nt ut the "fionrd of Poblir,�LVor k1 f1und." in of of 31:e sutlacPlrt for 1 e t-1 ITI tl r .:lotion. ler tl '.t I l I.' 1 till' their real •ctiac 1 ) .thin' and t P: nsati n of .ort P fur their sa t�niLc vs tori air the m„n til ,lr!' Mu rch, 75922, •n.. shown by said m'y nd M ri Adopted by the lions or Al oermen A 1 5. t'onle}', Yeas-Ald. Bi.lenberg, Bott C p.food. Debtor. Dornidcn. Gehun. Jfe- lady Sanborn, Sullivan, Mr. Iresident-11. rens- M 13an bolzrr, Co byllo, Wore Mc•Cufict LJ \I Nunme. Oppenheim, DIr V ice Presid- t Nuys 1. Approved April 1:1. 13d F No. fins -13y Ald Dorniden- ltesolred, That nn orderbe drawn in fa o[ tilt Board o[ Control, pay able out o the •'ISoard or Control fund." fur the sum e i_ nK;. S!I, being the• city s ons -third oI the c p^^Wella n: of the rot main[ Wining tilt city nd county hoep l talo Im shouse amt Pon,- fare, and outdoor relief of Poor during till month of Marcia IMJ'_'. Adopted by the Bonrrl or Aldermen \pall o. lu!Y_ {{, Ye:lun"rJ11UMm rte Du n'dn h cute\13. llu�y. 8ltpburn, Sullit'an, Mr. President- il. Nays. AdnPtotl by enc Aloof 1 Y eprB ;i IS ]'eus-M'•ssrs. IeN hulrer, 11:aro, J1uCul1'orty. DlcN nonce. Opl �•nlleim, 11 r. Vice President Nays -U. App n,re I April 18, ISO^_. Bit I' No. !NMI -BY Aid, I;leleoberg- haResolved, That the City Engineer be, and lie Ishereby instructed to remove obstruc- tions from the south side of Orchard street. near I.exingionavenue. Adupovl by till 13unrd of Aldomet[ A w,!l .'Is".. 1 .-Aid. UtelcobgS, Butt, Cooley, Copeland. Dobner. D. rn Iden. Gebon. Melndy. S.an born. vo lbvun, \I r. Yresident -11 N ysl, A 1 Ira ernl. t,3 the. Assembly April 1'!. ere- \ •u�-Me. M Nit'ne 1. o Iwai" t 11:Mr. Vic:tifer[} McNen,ec. OPpcullt'in3, 1 V lee. 1'residen t-, . Nays -p, Approved April 1:3. I,'!t'. Nys-U. Bd F No. All"I'hl' the Ansen,bly April 12. 1Slr!. -Pon lies.l led. but tan mica he tlrnar 1, n George ]'ens-Messrs. Iianholrer. Costello, Hart, McCafferty. MaNam eo, Oppenheim. Mr. the city trtasury, in fncor of lids. City Tn•aso cert in the s 'If Vice Yresident , it N J, Paya bl'• ant of the "elecitun er- m'rinyed It 1:3, Is92 fain:ll4!H_.'t ')' an"." j t I ti 1. xrt�n- mel Approved April cr 1. t Int. March 15. by "o.1 city Engi- .`. o�,pu•,I Itua rd nl:\Iderm'n n �AdoPtcd by the Bo:tnd or Aldermen April I'dF Vo. !1!MV- Resolved, that an order •Im Iraarn upon 5, f"h2 Bolt. Con Y. the city [tenancy in favor of Geo rel Itcis, 1'mte-Aid. ISielonbe rg, cite Treasurer. 'astral[and or?'.I.:.J:Iilate- I-ll''),IttSanlurlmC Sn111iynn.aMr��7'Irnsidn�n•t out of the Wan,, fund," to Pay the street11�[and starer far the month of Dinrch. Is!r3, in ac -11. 1.aJ n fomes ordaiice with the pay roll 1.1h. rd Lo by Adopted by the As.scmbly April I2, ts!r_'. Costello, the('itY L•' ngin eer and approved and allpw'ed 1'eos-Mabsrs. Itanllolzer, inure. McCalferty', McNamee. Oppcahetm, by the Board of I'u bile )rocks. Aldern:rn V Mr, \'ire President -S. Adopted by I.he Bmard of No" A„rt I i. 1!•'93 11 s -Aid. Blelenhcrg. 13nU.. Conicy. .1DP[O' dApr111:3. 1e!a„ a r Copeland. Dobm•r. Dornirleo, lu el::ol. -- Melody. Sanborn. Sullivlm, Jir�l'resideot Rd F No. 11X11- -11. Nays -U. Resolved. That wI rrnnts he d1, IP.n Adoptcld by the A,,,,i,hly .A Pri113. 1SSY'. file lily treunry.L PIa3':ablt out of the Of, 'riiIi CITY OF SAINT PAL'I., FOIL 1891,. 87 school rood," inful of C:ourg. Itcis. I county or lttunscy. Mlumsubt. be. :u, I the Cit,- Tre: . In buy I 1 - •a _ I .b) I I 1 to be �uetttW and tithe pay III11 -. I1 itl an :c: to" cot. rt-uharle-:,cicum rf s !Ifur _ k d f ,Haid pets tion :I.,[a, 10- .i boo. ,tilled. hoard la•n+al:un p- ring tmouth : I their so', Inn, Ct-1' •s duhe uarch. _ lt"aa` A Ad rpte'i by the of Aldermen IN!. 1l• 1.: bn u'.' m 1 m •ebonies 55L,.Fu: of IA ins:�ecp:r.. --AI'. lileln :berg. ,3otp C.,hon roL ui, ub - i'anldc bio- i:u�r. Sn snlli oI mol nf'Sei:nui -o -h- aL'_u: tench- rA 71 nbnrn. rn n. rin. crosier t- r P -til 11. o�,pu•,I Itua rd nl:\Iderm'n NUJ's --n. A Aril funs --Aid. Ihcleoberg. B.,". Cuu lc3'. O.. O. Cuht-t:5'. cols 1. Rubner, Dorooh n. (;,.I n, Mc P:'c,idcnt of the Iiu:u''1 rf Aldermen. \dupt'vl be llm deacm 613' April I_, Ir;!r_', lay. .Sunburn. Sollir:Lo, Mr. I'rc,iocul revs -Messrs. Bxnbulzcr, Costello, Ilxre, -11. 1.[eCatverty. M,N-ne'r, UPPcnbehe. Mr. I 'tocol-�. A l I t 1 by ill, -A, t 1) AI rid 1L 1,.1' _ a rr 1 \i It h t, I, t bell, Buri NVII. A V- S1.YI.1:, AI I' n tJ 1I n UIP .nil'. un, \L. \' \ - P 1 t of ole .Asnuobly. Pre, ld'nt App` -II, Approved April 1.1. ISD". A141.11'll April lit 1, J3. 1113nIi11T A. SJIITIi. Mayor. Attest: TBOS. A. Pllg\IIE 1 -ST, April l9. City Clerk. Ito F No. IfNI"- -- 1Vhe re as, the owners of the orupertS li(i F No. IrXil- ahutimgupon and along Theo line or the lb-0-:1.17hntlthe volae of the land rah and south a11cy In block in or of ta'ithil. the line, of till t urth and .loth the West St. Paul Real Estate nd Ito- pr rcd Sydicate Addition No. 1. i , the city Ilea in block four, 11 of Ulu [fest Si, pant Item Esta.' :tell lm1--co -ot S odic:[[. oroSt. Paul, have p-t,111ed th, C.minon Cou the St 1. Addiliun No. 1, in Lilo ('ill tell of city or out to a'ae:oe Ill of said alley running from Hage street to asked b: be a'uc:U ud by the adJni Wing ottn- ' s be, and the s tine i, hereby tired as :Itos street, W hich said petition dvi3' H to ilial loan: All ibnLl`lortioa ul'said ulley lay - forth the fnets Id reasons for rate aace. tion. and was duly accompanied by Ing It`twcen the north line oC the east a pint tb m'eof ar: proposed to be v3 •al ed: a d. Where:, s. The I3uard of Aldermen of said 1nA arc.[ Wiley i said block and State street i, tlfed nt fila sum of kind State a and furl a' dullnrs. t[)'. upon the presentation of said petition, The lido• of all that Portion of said alley de C Into it c,1pedient that till matter be s0 aril[ Lo be vncutedlying between proceeded as ith.:aid order,,[ sled pct IISled tl "loth 1 f tillt :;oil .'t 11 Yin of record w till Lhe City Cle I d ,in ice to be g •v bypuhl ca top us Pro vaed by law, and . l III, I d( t t t I 1 by home t t a mom of ono honored :and eighty dol- In Whereas. Due..till as rs silen by Publi- ILcsolvcd. furthu That an rder be o -otlon in the oatci.1 paper of stand city for dru a' Pun ibe •, [)' trtntsury pu ble four weeks, to. o S,mC cine on the !nth day of January, :1. D. loll;, tato tbC elTcet that said ,uta.f the ge ner:al land, io favor of GCn •ge Reis, City '1'rt`usu cert for lite sum .4 �tlia, petition had been tiled with the -I" Clerk, to pay the v,o ur• f that portion of Lhe. statin, h, britt Its ob,,cl. and that till ould be hCanl and conoid eyed by the :rl b nail sue th al ler of blurk four (41 -or dile Nest St. ]'I'll Reul F.stute; and 1 13ourt3 of ,\Ide re- ur the C:t J' of St. I'nul n'I'ucs d a Y. the l�dh day u[ 5l arch. ,\. D. pruveo:en[ S` m1iaLLc Addition No. l.in the Pity of .'t. Paul, Ivinga betweeS the IMG. nt 1::NI u'clocl: i the altcrnonn of said r It nim• ut the east and nest alley i day, at the Council chamber in the city hall y tnennS, Icaledob:uSJmuion• insgtreet, asked to 1), uav ncrs, that be- be- tvnCrels. At the Lln,. : no place Inst t ing the vuloc [tree by [ho C'om mon Coun- b d annted for d 1 r h p 1 1 f -tl I til I 1 Y both Sides of the 11 1 1. b d, bmug on Wed by 11 r id h t' 1 -1 t til r f I........i I11 \ 1 1 I Icy till Board of Aldctmen n,I, the „th da) of April Ism', al, ..3U P. In.. an 1. Al rid.,, 1 !Y2. 4'e:I,-Aid. t\'herene, At the time and plate last Bielenberg, Butt. Conley, GrPeitnd. flu be, Uornldco. Ge me. M.- u(oresuid, for the mvrstigntioS and conoid- Itr13', "llihorn. Sullivnn. Mr.'Presidont- rntlon of sort, proposed It n rtioo[ said ullcy. the Common Council. afler hearing 11. -v ays--0, :LII persons intetestud, and heing of the Adopted b)'the Assembly April 12. ISWI. opinion that the s le ie necessary and )"e;tn-31( ,r,. Iron 11) zea. Costello. Bare, pr, 'per. amt that the pre rerluGites there- for hart li been cons plied as In: Mcl'utterly. Mc Namei•, Oppenholle, Mr. r- •I. 1'r ,iilent-1. Nu -her-'fore, be itI �ulved. That. all Nnys�-p. bI :ortb nod s.ntbin illy. lying be tarCrlt Il,e north Inc nl'R:e call ml as e,L 1; (1 April l:i, ls!r_'. - alley :I said bi,,.k and Slate ,Lr, pt. o Id nlou all 'psu id mn-I :oitl ,.00tb Idle)'. t,-- fill F No. px�l- ",ab,i Ito ill(--olh �ne,d [be e:aa :uul IA•soi 'ell. 'runt till Baird of Public est oiler it aid block and I:;d c. street, t\'arks b•, nd nr • ho •bS 't stnacteti UI +the s:unc':Lhpt r M1' r : rd iu fila [nice of till Register of Decdetio ono for U,e Lr Utbt'r:•palrtd,tna rr1u1J the aroude I sibluw'alks, lvl:uri nitcsspry. ns follows: 88 PItOCiA.',IIING� OF 'rill: ('OM\ION col'NCII. W:llashn rlrer,of na�t t to Broadwayi .t tees, from On1-1 .trees tronr of S Irucn It) i tll 4i de' I S01-th .trees. to C, t1- t. reef: ;!I'll oll north side of Spruce .t r,et, frolli Itsvutd- -: y td Pinh1.111 .fide. wAls'Ion 1 EI tl t 1-l. from ('ed,lr si Ill- t. t Ii l t from tCedal strnothei ltt Itdl,l-rt 1st retli �I rtes. Adopted by the hoard\Idcrmco A pril:r. torr: 1"ens-:\Irl. Itiele florItuto ('un Mv, Inde,ISenlrorn nrlr.lIIn{al i1411i. 117'I�t ,in1 Vtloptrll by ole Ati+wnbly :April 17. Ih!r,!. }-eu=-Mercers. itnoholrer. Costeuo. Iiare. )icCall'erf:y. \Is'Nanier•, llppl-o bei m. )1 r. Vier I'rc�idelo. :. At yt•d .\ Ill il I:t, 1•"1.' trolll'r fall nnd abs -1111.1- rl-c,ipta to til, city in EnJilflltiOn 'If said claim and wde- h the Cor lora- nnd and -poll Pilin;: it 1 o[ s:nill action. "'III 4inn All�lrm-.Y « See. Y. This drill n:lnp•vhull tale etfccL nml he in 1'oree from and :t fl el- its �'assage. I'oe4rd by t11e .\ssnm hlr April 1:.. ISH". }'1-:n. \I ISnlhlrllelira- -NNee, )fcl;a dl -113 MNn-, Opp-nhl'im. I. \-Ice 7'residcnt-7. \\-.11. A. \-AN till"K4'. Vire rre�idCnt Ili II, Aseeln Illy. Psesrd by tho Illnvd of Alder mm: April Trus -:\Id. Itieleoh Ge l'opelamb Cullen. Ii on. r. t�hulirnlao-9 h -n. NCIadY• Sul - 1', Clot noto 11' Ihr.It 'd of Aldermen. Appro-d A1Iril _, 1 {{d 114:It'1' A. N 5>I'n 1. ay(r1'. Atte,t: 7'no.. A. I'n4:S'nvno nxr. April 1City Clerk. ltd RNo. Io 5 _I0' All S:loliorll-- -- ltl- of veil. '1'llnl l be g: 111. 11 I ill- ullc)- to blonF tel'["". .a, indi- Ilt-I3LICATION rated by rho rad ¢ :oh til n till• acrsnn- uFFICIAL 1 unving p'otile, ood : tee tell -l1 by i- tall' Iwnllnun,ev I'u .owl ;end Iicsnl utlonx the l'ity I:ngint •r, bl-.Iand the rune the grad... AilopU•II by then Colnnnaa Cannot of hl•1'ehyadopbyl- e V;.Idi.bcd Adopted by till liu:lyd of AIdrrnu•n the City ul St, 1'an1. ' A lril'�, Ir7_'. Oen Id. Itiel �. ISon, 1'unlr3'. ..........Cdpelonll, ,',' 1' Nu. S4:�-Ordin;ulet. No.NO)- --:, I4dbo,.t, Irdrllidro. 11e11nII• •\Il urd i mite', authorir,illg 1, It. i.sne. m•go� of in- Melurl v. Itrlbul ls. , II III i.I Is, Nr. 1'rul ^ ` notion nod an le of ler!oicates dent --It. lehted m•1-'. The C'oliltltoll Council of the City of St. Nuys -o, Aduplcd by the7':I tall do Ird in al- follow.. - \"ens-Ne'rr.. linobulrcr,"o.letlu, 31:`tir. SectionL Trill the proper city ollicrr' St. I'nol b,, at til,}, ore McCalTe rt Y. Jie N:o ole. ll :el- llbeirl1, .I' till t'it, of tired :Ind li..ectad to Palle. }'lee I'residrnt-�. herl-lty utltho irate nod cell e•rtilitulr4 f Indebl- Nayv-11. Argil I:i. I`p'•. oeguf oil ne..a. a• prnvill ell by vrrtion dfll'mt (I:n Approyed A. \",t �' S - of vert lull three I'll ul III orf of till' Ll-gis- 4ill-Yresirleis1., ibe As= -011Y. lator, Ili till- Slate of Mittl-01oentiued the Cfty 1-. l r. t'ubL4:�'. "Anorftono-ol f or c h an e.. of til, P;,ol. 11-• mall being :Irl a I sed P-Mdl-nt of IJo' I!,):, rd of :\Idl-rmen, rol.'ol:ItoA r, lily l'Ic 1-k. of : I net l-n,111,dAn net sI, ..idol.. till- :; w Tno,. A. inrurp ranting the'City ..f Wit. Pnpl, in the April ]v, Ill Mi r - l.;ecl- 1-n n It to I'lmll 1, tends• payable al the ulllce or it .:Itn:ttof stl'upu•n do tory a tl ou nils t'cl:nting to OFFICIAL PI-BLICATIf 1N thereof.Innll rl-rtnin other lid oily lend d :rt. and �: � rn"'d ,I, th SI. Paul in the Cilyl Neo' \'ork. ood 'hall 'tate "I shut.. favi Ilo• food for irhirll nrtw.I: ol'p,oc rt l}'lit 'illi huI"r,'tl :Ind p( /)rdlnnnnc 1'asn I by thel'om mors':i`,1 AI.•eighll,Ilt atC lil-rtl Coallol of the Crt31 t It. Pan,. 1 s 1 I sol 11 t approved A'YI•'No. '�rP-Onlil :rule No I.r l- \l.ntll Ill 1'I., "'nt') I flh_ I- AD ordiml tel- o1+orlmrmlln;; t le\ to 'I'.cllidn lin Dulls'farsd folio- pay, the claim ut hutlsrl•Iln If 'por ib, P113'Ioerit .If iI terl-sc r,Is IAInI IIst the l'it3' ul' St. I'n 11: or or Ila- Crty of SI. olt.ta ndiog Illy h Inds- ... ....R-1•.!.: kln.lq r ton ucil TLo Cur , 4d lot - tar Ibe sal9v rt of ti:e police-d,- - Lge'�u.00 r;niadI�;rr Seetion 1. 'I'ILal no order ill- denwn uu u'tmrnc„rrlldeicy. I 16e city I.r,n.Iiry in '':Ivor of I�atll re oa out Igo ppl oil- ItLheprl:tleV:o'I- 1 ' It dl' raid l -i13'. . .............. Ill,rw)n.fq 7''Adda for the split of T_'::o)n Pal food. 1111'1111 c -11pIle-tion t' 111 III,, p•hyon-atIle 1, ol't1 of the gl•IIl•I'III o11 of her cl:li nal not I'. it'Ih r:d 'IN'.a.oa ldepn for all :sod sati.l':u'I.i Isrt till lily of Sr. Paul for ..f the ISou ell I'f Cfo'hrt rt- dl'malld n In Joril-• e11 o abo11l the 19111 d:nr �r�i!sol 1-m r:ll• t to t of:, d'.1",- 1' or til- .tlppur r nal t 11 Ituil I I 1 •1.'I �(ww1,(10 of SePtmttltn liyo sidewalk oil the!ortllr.idl- of l'IIIII 13:1 t,f I t 1 Ila all tort! hell I I 11111, yCnul• bel ' ot'tr cel ltd tort 11 In hl-.. cur 1 ttLhant of .rad ty, tllpl.111' ,Ily street, a s toll et pcodll III • d I i 111 of I 1 t till I' 131-1 I pininl inLhut :l-rl gill :tendo . the d1'u'ict l- ell rt. of IGI nI seY cs uot3', in SI. it. I Immo or thea'.... Item; m•l- I' ot'till- court bosl.e and cit3-hsl 7.Ofd,Of 'hlet, she is Plaintitl' ate; silo ('itv of q t be deiirerrd 'II Wol N'or rbc IlpurL of t10 I'nri]drt'mldullt: s;litl orderto -e Com P - Inalse ul',tell cit3'.......... ........ 6AO oc with till-('il Duly up her filing Y OF THE, orrr (IF SAINT PAl'L. FOH 1892. >ip Pot -the papoent of .a L•tries and or about the 71.11 day of September. IS!Il. and clerk In- of }In• e.ugine,r- ing dt•pur•Lment ofleuid city..... !;!..X1.110 I'or the payment nl' silluric. of I;, by b,ing fllrawo from i buggy ori \Vest S--nt l: street. and ns fully. Orth in his" onolaint ag:tin't. the city S.. tool, npl' 4:ni11cityand for If erlain action pending lu tl:e "triol t •' for. rinl n......�L` loo- ciclk Ir: r in -J lH .� ...... ... ............. ) t Idl 1 for. urs of a arse n 1 h-j'alt '. i rel ell :lid ) 3 Jolsn Nu'rr' le .� 1 nstu duinti ll'ale b 'it. 1 e (. Y eteauio'• and r, 1 [I 'pau mg Paul the de(e rad: rat'. id r �r toil t ` e '. t t I l.tlk. nI d tem.-n;tl l.s .. ...... . ... .... 1 YJ11,Ix1 n del l Ill'. ed In IY upon s Id 1 IF liling j with 1'Ity l'um pt roller 1' 111and nh4a- 1•'orpriolinw and ntlltlom•ry for I , depart moot. ul'4nid city.._. .r.lwl'4(xl lute receipt to the city insati'l'a'-iun 1-f rid clnirll and drina nil, aTd upuu Ilia til 1'or the ruupurt"f oil. 3loaiclptll Co II rtof .aid .il r.."... ...... ,lrl,00 I ills with the Corpurntioll AlLormey a It,. "al of said ltl•I Ion. For the sop'a:I'I oC the Ituard Sec. ' '. •I'll i.. urd inuuce .ball take etTeet .It Poblir l\or l:s of ,ai I Cita' .. - :1-.l will iwl Scc.:'. Said cerlilirab•r..11:111 be I.. ul-d, and !re in I,-- from and after itr pass- ace and pubheation. Il infeA Tod .Dill t'ruln time to tin:c by 1 w-110 by the Asvemhly April I°.14!1'!. IiJ ollicer' ns the �unll- slmll be orcessnry tis provb; a fu utl. for the yvim and ,Il ]-o;ts- \I cs.rs. Iilmh,lrcr. C-tello, Iiare, M,,CarcertY. MI Namel'. Oppenheim. Mr. st,,ectiolI o of \said \-iue President -7. 'Iurlluse.;ls bis I rdi.anee, which l-l-rl tl'.it', .hull bear the Iiare f .1I loo'y I:II b. 1"13. Nays -o. \\'31. A. V,., Shan. III sl :III b, i-lu' I to In 'ttlrc got lute.. V e Pr id • It of it As.e lllbly. t bon November bills. A. 11, IS93. null .boll drnu' interr.t UL lh, [ate o[ iia per cool '. 11 ed by tlm Ilonrd oi' Aldrrnrtn I Apr; l`It!. 1..11..2. per :In otl nal, nail om I of said ce rLlfiCln }-l-ns-:tld. Ilil-leubnrg, ('oonl:lll:1, ('ul- �hnl I be .old 1'or less Lhan Vur nod accrued l oil -,t. Said 'el titivate. slo'll be siaoed len, 1)ohnl- r, Oo rllidl•II, G ..tan, M,Wly. St Vitali. Ylr. Chuiralt -'J. by Ibe Mayor nlld till- City Clcrl„ "Il, Nay -o. .hull allix use seal of the city It rets:.' all I'. cons -. 1;m be-ounlersignrd bYthlWoolpu'oiler• 1-1 ('ha C the Ituard of Aldrruu:a. is to I'lmll 1, tends• payable al the ulllce or .\Pprd yl Uri1 ":S, IoW. the Cil;r Trea.11rcr of the CitcIll 'ti1. Paul ut luolin:ua'ial IgIcy d lhv t'itY ul rof Ronslt•r A. Sari1. All e.t: Map - SI. Paul in the Cilyl Neo' \'ork. ood 'hall 'tate "I shut.. favi Ilo• food for Tool. A. 1'Ite�ntotl:.t4'r, \lay°. City Clerk. will •1 thl_y ore el", vl, re.p,elivelv:'Iud ,hail be otl'.. III l- of .IIs'II :1-;Icrnls I!,] aid In their n -•ot is t id ll. _ .:1.] 'Phis ordi Hall- ,hal l Into' 01'ec1 :nal be in force from and after it, p'Ibli- I,:itioll. Passedby h ly M arc h''_"' tethe E I anI I,I' \-las-nf essr.. Elm�l ;list. Hare, \Icl':li- ferl)', M,,Nunicc, Oppenh,lm, Mr. 11-o eat ,\')' 1' N;::,5 ll!-llydi mlocl- Nu. I.'+.I'_- :\ nordinm•c : n Pln'oin i I LIntul"I'l 11 PTY Nal-. o. t lsoelailo of Ilugh 1b•Cur alml nst tllo Cally of S1.. P:I III: rre'ident rat w, A"errdll -. •ell ill' the Ituard of :\Id cern en :t grit \Id. Itis len her;;. Cmx•laod. Call-, 4 Se ad' 'ulh- -I l u irni n. Grhan, k l S I. 11 r. Chairm nn -11. P- Coll h I'Itao'man of [hc Huard f .\Id rem en. IGrnl. tl A. St I I.i \ttl rat. TIIt1, A Plte 41 (: y A v r Nd -'i -(),insane.. No. 1..01 \Ii ordInarl, aplo,j 'iatillg noneey i 1 o:lyluelil of the •I.Iins ol'.Io111 Nu' -1 �r s.t rise City oll'SL 1':l II. 'I'Is�rl'imnoon 1'd 11 m'il dl !.Ile City of til. Paoli do dr111t H' a, (.11-- I ol l Iw. I I i 11'111 Itbr be d1aw: tp- r�ul c,tyf].inmvlrpa' bb Int II 111 ell tlno n Int:1111 .lulu Nlls'1 I. . rad ill 1 II r ,ra,ti n of Ilii Intl 1-o nlpcn u n sssl.:nal i.e' Cil.n of his •llolnand del11nte1 nlll-;.•td to hnyc I1,CII r,C,l Yl'd 113" Mini ole TheOnt ;I ('Dulled of lie! Cit, If It liltct ion I. •1'lottl-order oe drawn upon •riiv Vru'n l-3'in Hn orof II. -n Neon, 1'or for 'llto of T'!:*I. DaYubreI tul'theget... eIa I l'Inol.int: Ill cumpcns:li lull for anti sot- act l on of 111.1. 1 stud 1111, 1-1 T-'Anst Lill- l'ilY b til. l'a 1711',.. ,l.lurles letei rd :bout till- lib daly of S •pal elllh,r. n!I' 11111 1\'c.t Sei •.o "I". I, rcrL in te ('itY of Sl. 1'Tol. n1- fid l�v 'et furlh i 1, Ili. cdnl- nt 111 n vl I, l nefiotl pe nUlllg it the Circ III 1 o Irl .. t' Lhe 1'11 ted SI,III for the 1) I'll Irl of MI.,ne" la, In Milch raid Itugh M cl'al w'' the plait 1111 amt the ('i t3' of "t. Pant till- d0vintaol:. Said order shall Ill- dill ye red Dols upon ,01.1 \fol'ur. dliog roil for Pity l'dnl pt rullm'tltl l and -h'o- In". rel r pal s to the Ciq' I l l- Pt. Pant 1 sot. Iradion of said eblim :uol dennlnd�nml cy lil!ng will, Ili, Corporation Attorney a dislnl.s:tl of said it, tion. Src.'_'. '''Isis-tinun- vllnll Inde efreet lad hr iIt for"! from amt Infi et' it, I:Inn4rtge r, I pallill';y, ll. :l 1':t*sed bthe .\s,emblY \' ll IS Irl 1't,Ilo, (111 hcim, M h' \ -o" �Idt rat �. - \'icrill-Bidrd ,f ihl-.i ui Hilly. 1'u'.ed by the Board of Aldermru April I 1�'J_'. a a a 90 PHUCh:ED NGS OF THE' COMMON C'OCNCH, Yeas—Ald. Bleleaberg, Copeland. Calico, Donner, Dorniden, Glint, Moludy, Salli- van h r. Chutrman—v. Nays -4l. R Cdb L'bai rmmn of the IS"n rd [All dol mniee n. Approved April ::i. INA. [s. ' ,Vy111­a. Mayor. Attest. Taos. A.IPI<.. n c . t�rtCity Clerk. May _. A'y F No. 55h—By Mr. Ilaro— Re,lrl,,41. That the Board of Puhlie Wl rks cause the. f"llowing streets Spr kling District Nn. a to ba sprinkled dll riutVthe seasenor ls,9:2. sull,lccl. to ally rrriar whioh the Clonalont'nuncil. from Blue to time. by•s"Irl ti"Ir ut' ,ahotly oA:e. dis uliuluuV,ail s ldr:id Ikl lm= mu. rep 11LIY'e•L., �r feLrr •nts fur such tint, as said Uom rn n C�rll nail shall deterellt— - A'y k` No. it, I[y \Ir. Mel llncrt J' 9- 1Ta t. t.•rs Irl It' dahan. IL i. hcn'by "rdered by the C'u m.1n. C 'd of the('f ty' of Si. L'nul It 11 1 1 'I hl IdKr : S i It I t +reel, fr out+"nth er d of bridge II t 1t 'Chat ibct tt 1II I'Irrg It :,o'I o the corns 1 5 1 ley1 I. l 1 vt 1 L t o I he. and Lbe - t l.by -[ f the S 1 Walled-hI. front month end Board of Public \York. to I tve+tl o— and IufC cpor t. I 1}Will r I . tnv.[ni r"m I IrvinKst"n allan' Ia this Improvement pr.por and neves cry, If,,. send the C.... it a proper or IC'"ncurA +tnxtdnp"t; t lniaton a ,I e, front Concord +treat. to per direottng the work to be conn. I I April 12 1:! Adopted ly I\:- ablyP Col or.tdo ai reel. SLaW .trees, from Guhel sU 1.v1. W Iq) You—MI—s. ylna .. Booth 1' e C t,t lh , II ,fee' R'•rty. \Ic•Numee.. UpVenbeim, Nr. feet .00lh of C.o ucord etn•e[: Fl llnurrc oven zee, Irom south wabs.1 VI 1 sen[ 4 jv y.� f p tfleld tl t l t State sty tvo to . Ad Pr d by the Board of Ail—mel. .\prti Intt.,. 2n) fIn(i t t I let'tu Sonl l \Cub:v+hlt 'Yoa+ Ald. I stoic. be rK 'mope I:,nd.t 11 Dohs er.• Uornldoa, clear, M�lod,. ..III I treett"FaI,vn�J +tnet l'hwato, South Wahalha n. Mr. Cltairm.. ! VuNay+ a, air Ed—rd. 1' I abel '[ t South Wabushn Appro,cd Alrr:l'.Lt, 1,492. i' 1 1.oll.rdt sI!, C y, l t f O 7 t to zed , Icrred to the Bard "I 1 uhll[ \\'uks t" Iry Alla \Its fres street. tr, mCcreed-tt-let W Its Ftrnrei\,j,rdo-ed b.'lb, Cleom"n 1 ,, the City of SL. 1';rul: 'Platt the 1(icr of •" r Iruorinl.' nud ptkillV tw mt�ciueut in the lams abut tiuK 1 the alley bl k i S t Pat k 1 Iliony l 1. t tl .1 f t. 1 n l 1. u 1ti1 l Its) l IU . i- I .n.ly n_ tI [I t ; f PIM i 'tigat 1 F" I' his inn ',,.recut p,.p.r od Sug. A3 litre the Com 1 f thereof. a d bother l h -I t the l.oat her f- b tpaid ry i t' treasury' bei Th- d C n real Ls[ate. [ D for d' emenL be f [ h ri d td t ze1. e t v ryt d to he inog tied th bS 1�'ou Lh Is vu h imps asked f upon the petition or appy a 1 I of the ers of a majority of the property 1, he us sessed for,uch Itnpro, ement` Fifth—Se ifth Send the Council a plan or profile of d 41n ,ole11,e1. ins sumeed by I If you S' Ln --S rid the I.ouneil a properorder directing Ilse „ort, to be doe. Adopted by tl t Asset relny April N. 1 d_. 1e eas--Jl eslrs. B anholzur. l'osielll. flare, Mei.'.f erty. MIN.r.— Oppmmeira. bit. Vice 1 asidenl-1. N d. Adopted by the Ilo.trd of Aldermen April _3. l,!r_. \ 1.11+ AId itle1 Iib,rK.-l.' "b"' ', t'rrllen Dopper, 11 olden ;eb:m Slr hely, Sullivan. Nh.C'hal—an J. Nays -al. APpror ed Aprll 25, IS9Y2. 's S t119,..t .ct kdule anuc. 1'rm vt1 st reel. L" Palo, It, 1t` (Ata "rOakdml,t•[a cool t" Wu"kar} + deen . li 1uuc. from l'unwnl ,L out I ,I , R l t intra State Strcct to Brown iA"rndo s.I let. Ir n- Sorr tit I[obert e lto 1. Adopted 13 th hl}. .\pr rl l_. S PII.—re i3 h 1' Covt.11o, li are. Nc- rt t Mantle Opp..❑elm. Mr. \11 Nor— A d.l'old h} Ill. lieanl of Aldermen Aprti ] Aid.�l}iellenhore. Coprbred. Cullen. Do lr JlChJfi-rnan. Cohan Meho". Sulli \aye Al pro"t April 20 1192 A F No. 1- 1 y Mr, tIppel h,i II h 1 Y adored by the C n C It' I., 11 f rho I'lty "I St 1' 1: That the matter n( laying a —oder, ' le 'alts in trout,' f .Is 54. 51, 1 57, in bb.rk w or U.t3'ton .tad Irvin s a Idition to St. raw. be and hr, mac is heron, referred to the ItourA o[ ruohc Works to in,tstl- gree and report: I;If I I'nelt II 1), o'Ir told lec.•s_ s Alt h, cll pcr t pl o nye, drreelore 1 -.,k I, I d"te 1'na+A,",ed I` In' h A 71"` April o1. Is!r2. Mosses Rnnholtr ovt •It. (turn, Al cl'anerty. Di�N umce, Uppers helm, Mr. Vice a N1'restucnt ay -b. (IF THE CITY OF SAINT PAI 1., FOR 1892. 91 Adopted by the Board of Alderman .1pr11 \I r.an drawn upon Altesol �e 35ialenhcrg, Copeland, Cullen, ol[derlhe d,�r[l'hu[y , the city Eraalury, payable out of the •'gen ]"ens— AId. Deaner, Durniden. Gehan. NIcl,dy, Sulli' erul fund." In favor al Charles 11chihoidson, van. Mr. Chairman— !I for the sum of SILOO in pnyll on[ of articles to'the city sntall-pox hospital Nays --a Approved April d:,, lay_. Purchased And repair. a de, na per to .a billet date Murch 11. 11!r_, Adopted oY iho A-lothly. April 1_, lrik't. 1'c,+--yle�sr+. Ba nimlr.. I. Coltelio, Flare, 11,Cnrferty. \ICN am�e. Upj—hoint. Mr. A'➢ It E' i - 1 .try "rd1 reA hr the 1'o Vh. ] .)'d tt- .. N ays-1). l I f ihc• [ It "1 St. 1'.t 11 l: 1 .\ [ 1 let 1 } Ule hoard of Aldermen April nrltel, "I r' zeds. rrr rrilr l tl, oro .t [.r.,, cat I Ihc• Intel apt 1 4 1In 11 All Ihetn :berK, CopelauA. Cullen, Id i Allill9tl rt. Hit1- Uoh I ids It. Gahm, \I el '11. Suitt r 11 xddltiorl, letwr•crr I'u,Ie t,ertu, t d ethrier t ,trust to Nr. t. .I v:N (be 1 'I, I' K'adlnK lny l 1 I I b, n. Apitro,e d April, 11112. zed , Icrred to the Bard "I 1 uhll[ \\'uks t" Iry 1tiwaw crud—le- o: ` Firs[ [s this t pro—corat proper nod _Ij�. �L at>_yl3.l.e y" n tioc[lind G„e the Council an I stleratc of it . I I'LL '],I e,Ity Clerk he, and hn 1 [ hl yi,I r uctcrl t td lerli— for the expense hereof, and state whether b rl� I'"I "Ilcc tl"rt and n 1 "f o -half,( the cost thereof ,s to it t 1, Karnage.dozed uolucals �tatnd that, cle.ontract lto otthe city treasury h.role the •ut fat Lhe reception of b-1 1 11 - 11 the hid+rt t1t Third Ca. real estate to be ac cs. 1 Y h 1 f Ill—ting. of std, found bunotited tvpro, and ria eat of da i es etc xtnrY i, 11 1 t i }, 1 a Iglu td I.",to be f 1 h I Y Fourth 1 h - p .ked for tl'� -hall ha t Ilut d 1 hull .1n.,i f, r prtc'• for the "Hoelion, u yon the leltI cups f 1 e owrr f aUo city of Ih. 1 1 s, t be as- tr ",:I I r rl Aisp' cxl of the for "n c. t, 1,r ditthre, , ••tri d I ch tmPnUlnc ppyoid„ —c.. le t R:1olv,d further, 'Chat Lhe oon[r.tcE for - the collection rcno, al a.d dtsposnl of -r ,[{mitt entent. as red h„ i,tw, ff of e l ido anal and don't animals eh all prod. you report to re, or of %here t r Siz[h-Send the ( nr 1•r -u proper ordl th.[ .11 Kar b:,tie, olial,:etc., shall cot th h"ur of ret bre ,nA directing the wort. to I -e if,ne. daily' h• peen the Kht a , m ,It 'L t"l lowing-drserlbed distrtIta, AAupleA by the A�sernlrl,'April mcludinti Troth sides,( the followinK-unmod 'nter- NI +sls. le—h"Ircr. C"+i cyto t. 1{arc' McClti[erty, M,Numee. U,;1I m, Mr. strl'cat Bets, ommen ,ngat,hI of the h]iI-1.1ippitr{t'erI,edltrend- `oy`�i o o,eol. V i P ,mem. - the,,I on Itre,dway street to AAlrp d h, the B"nrA of Aldol met ]31 R1 t D Flghth treat to 11 1 t h 11.11—ba t cot A�trrl 'tt•i1 I^ r \I I Bill, 1 "pe1.1uA Cul to I - 1 In ge henlena It 1 ul t I I I elrurr. \IehtAy' t rllivu'. r11r C:hafrm.m- 1 Nintite—ce + r on We,, Ninths o fort, street; thence n tor[ street to West ! nth street. N1t,s -n Approved April !r, is r' �henee on "',.at Seconds street to Ch a strut s h I t'[ the h1 l l- - d h 1 K the M , - 11 f b g g AI I Niir rl} Iinr Souh then., ItylF r",51-131-lUrdC11i,11•uf111t11 omntul '', b�m kl"[cLh-bit ippir r. \ l' b t Indm,a ave C I f l t 1 1 1 That t. the ti f t 4 n1.S'otth x 1 " I l- ere. to South d Ik 11 tl 1 t t it I t IISouth Robert t the\I 'iI t river• and hence L. fr Ito Mil I 'L to Il\1"rd l 1. �, I street 1 along the Alt_ sl 1ppi river I, he I Ince of I and the "" n hI u•bv rrlenc to the hoard of puhhc \\'m k, W in, e,tlg'Itr cad ! bAluoilnumtuen cln4 a[ tyre intersection Of rel`r t: 11111 ,rrl P,' I`',1 nr'.r t 't Ua ton arca \ irgir it a,en ; tit.— o InIr' rl a r1.1 urV' 11 I I he, CII Dayton to Weston. Ihenceuon Western t e bin rpl,, r : br he do I or.\doptivl ' Seth} . tD!l to on Selby t" Arundel then cc to Laurel, ponce Laurel to hJ II r A+1erl hl, April 1 I Yeas—Nese rs. zee. Goshen.. It,Nt Arundel Sims, thence on Nma to Selby: trance on y Nart , Mr. MCCoiTerl Y. ilrN um t•e, Oppenheim, Mr. Selby to Vll, .alt; thence an Virginia to J' I :,dent- r I \il 1 R 1 t sidc ocity ]illt- AAymtetl Ir, the Ito.trA If AId:rinrr l; s'rideay. to he collectcl'rr ,ch .IIll—tAuof l 1 1 i 1 eat .\Iii B tiler . t'' pet: tt I l tl- Servo DObnor, ti' I -;elrurr. \I I rd v. II A l 11 I I S tl Utl AP .. * No t,, waileo Bun•, I a,t SI Illvnrr, M1 CIuf lr .r r ' ]I at,, t \ \am, e. UVix•nheim. Mr. Play— \' te{ It 'ill"a 1- - . Approved Aprl I'L5, IEfl rays-- . 9'3 PItOCI:ISDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Adopted by file Hulll'.I of Ablerneen That the Ifumdof l\u lie Woriolk 'If A li it ::'. I"tr!. � i the it nil l H3 of au �'cle --Alrl. liielcn berg. CL,V,,J od, l'ul- len. IOer, Uurnidui. O,�I,uo. Dlt-ludy, pniccineli 4s lu he pude, lu-,,it: ('o n.truel ,1 P, m• 1-i reel, frolic olmrb•d "1"""0"0ll\'ilteill-rlrcet. Sullivum\Ir. Chairman -=I.' ill .;lid cif S, to - Nil ti ,tooill, file necesary mtmhbasins , Appc„eIl April 1:,. 1. , 11 n unhulcr. ,111 tlTlml td Hoard31!e!- c. +till n irk To be - -- .n Ica Ly uoni rlli•t, „s prucide,lly In w ,vilh- A'y F No. 5C'_ u IT ane-h:lC the eel ,1111 ted tu�I b, it - lint p:ml intutl„ vile irIi Oly. sml after said It, lived. -'hat the it,:od „f I'u bile .uric shall h,' phill,l node. 1-o111i'uct shill Ivithu,ii {Yorke be mlh)' Inilui-iie,l Took, n,irMLfur the biro,f Ile ere rite Itu11-,l +ball pr ted delul' t, ,tile:un,uut`u •m[I, ,s tile)'t ��i iLe a of.atd It, or 1111,• prrl'urm;ulre u(il*tt:IBc, I I t lir i,1- Ile ,'.i id- ertnin the _ wb vill Im t I,linvi to pti)ll 'I. 1,ti upp1 _ cx1-eediog ane h ,ni b, 1 n11d hft) b Ila 1-r t, Matte III le. bent 111 I l y iJ Ila ft 1-I cd to fill. ISonld of Public Works to io- e1st t Ln: Prucian,nl,;I prucpled by lua,rtpeing Adopted b1- lbol'A",nibly April 12. 1, 2. the,pi ,'i til' file 0,11111-11 that I. ,a- -Dlt•ssrr. Ilam holier. t'o.,tello. Hare. M c.\Tumec, OPponhe D]r. cite Prts ulcnt tole IOIbc u.ces.,ed for .,1-h lope, ven,ent cull he found hi be he ueliled to ale exicui -Ii i,1- the cl ui. Dud c.c lrenrce Tu.,," . lL be N rt) -I. AI Ic1 t, Ilett I,, ii\ I l t A l I ted 1) it IS-,ar,i ,I m li \I it I�1_ I 1 \I . It 1 'tit, C 'I Ito. 1 \11 li I. 1 I;1-, C,i11an'I Col 11 \I V Ifs t \I \ .Opp, nh�iul. bit. Ilubn, 1 , (.,•taut Vi I Iv. AIN i.. I .s 1- t Sulhva. Dt,. (.tilt n t : I. \ 1 I to 1 1 y tileMuted A Alderuien N:tcs II April _, I."!. '\� I' Appro, ed fulllaud, l•ul .ou, len. U Ito,,. Ihil ,dill . (lehun. Ilelady. ' fid I' Ne. 1111! ISy Alrl. Ilcl 1, h,.rq "illi,-:, 1,. )11-. t'bnirinun-!I. A'y F N1.. :,rat-. Nsys-o. In the Dolt of lb, po'I,I The ISu., rd �+ppt uted Aplil ^_,. IV2 of Patti, Work' lial,li April II. 1' ApproyeJ April . 1`:r-'. It la hereby ordered by the,-o;nmeo C j -- l of ticl'tll f St. Paul Thal the Huard IIf Tabic\cul I..of vn,l [ill P No s9 111 tle,.l it u of II, r,pol d file I!,:n,d Pity of tit. I'it 1,l e , Idle following ion- ,1 Puhh1- \Virrks, 1`!12oun pr Dent to Ire uu,l,•. to -,rill 1'u j, lea 1S111ce It Ir herehy ordered he the Common C V1,orin lire,•'. bet Luelel a -, I,rI .\�lilu nd a nil I. 1Hau 1 r 11 If the Pi ty of S t. I'a11: 'Thal the Ilonrll ,.I I'ublb \V, k, of Ihr b,•tll i Haute,ve in• u,i11 nett •il r- lid('ily of Sl. Paul 11.• the I,Iltiwi,lg t,g1-ller Ili 1. ht• l: -'tun open,' tit to he t fide! I.o ,vii: 1'on- Itw, m'l' +I reef. Pruni n entchli;t<in'laid n, ii ale.. nel'hatls til rd , nidi„ ii'k 10 he 1-i ,'1101-a pu 111 1'01 hs1.11„ est til' 1•.;, 1-1 st rest to Fure�t let by 1-untrucl, :l. Pnlivi�leil he I�a w. wit l,- .I reel: „C)'pres. +I reel, from Ib•um•y (lot paid iota the city trea.iiry. :Tell aftersui,l to F::til S,•,',:i,l1, atreei, and ,n I':ui,lui,•r .l reel. l'ru1n, Fnrl-creel Io P.1t.t W crk .loll he placed "11,1;1-1- 1-u it r:,.et, raid c •cilli sl ree t. In said rii)". •:Ill r,•,veri lig Ito 1-'I .luall pit c ell ,cltbu,I1 dela)' In u,- h • nJ„ nJ rael. June tit 1!hot .. lbe u'nu,lnl1 till acne ti lir the)',•:,I1 x.- \(•rLtu til a same. ,chTell 'ill tic reit iii reit 'I'hnt.uid Uourd cause raid ,-ark LI, he let GY contr:,ut. as pTo, iJed oy�lum, ,cltb- t, duly the I.— .. ..... l I •ee try t•vpense. uul 01 c-lnlf the uslim al„d t ,st being 'Ir.t 'Into ,f. ich biipr 'til illi,,, the n•n1 ,cue paid file city Irmuiury, an,l after said ' to lu• bene flhd`tit, 1-''d imprnveme11i, ill provided by Inw; i,. being ale upi n;on til' n'orlt shall heplaced under runlracl, sl,l no:nal shall pnie", meth nut delay to in t le 1'�,lo„•II I.1:,1 ' •til e.t:de t, le :l..e..ed fee, Ir1l I npt•1 ""cot 1 -lit he I,1111d l,•i 1111 •Ile S ile mono tit. i „• art)' as they can xe- terrain the -n'ne, n�lac li mill b. re,lulred Iited ale eslent ,I' ,psis nil r\- �n•d To pal' The costs unit ncee -Try expense+til pe u'Y I, le 1- Il,•rt•he. such iu Vrovem ell upon the read estate to Ad,pteJ3ly lase :\mss mbl)l..\pri- 1!. Is! Y.,I leer. -14 t'llulrt•r,l',.1,•I lo.11utx•. be he Dell led by +uJ i':, pen eat, as pni- vi Jed by lave: it h1 -,n6 till` -lupin ion of P, r"), yi,C;ell'erl,', MvNatm•,'. 01,peiileloi, Mr. 001 "rid til tit real e.tate to be a-. cN ed for 4benefited V i'e 1'resitleli t, -i. un 1 , be found nu111,i intprovein,. 'a N11, 11 �'x ale' to me a 1(oll of The ;uul t _ ,s,s � Aduptell by the Burd of Abler alit e"airy to 11- lncuired ,hert•h),. ,o\J,pled Atrt l_!. Ilti12. lli file lenh"r}, C, p,•lnud. l'il l- I ly the Huard of Aiderim•„ A 1-'1:,. "IT., . Irl Iluloer. Ilorniden I:el,:,n. DleluJy. ," -\1,. Iiieien berg. Ii,It. Tonle)'. flu S, Ili,'n in, 91 r. 1'I,lirm:oi -!i. Cu,�i, nd. Ouloe r. Ilurnide11, l;elu n. Me_ � I ' ), nun hi,ru �ulliv:ui, yl r. I're.'Jen,t Nnyr-li. ppn,end Apr1 5. I;•:1-.. - I1. 1 , =:, IS92. \,bipted Ill- The ,\prit_hi 1.1!0'. A'y FNo. f91;-- \'ens--\le.+r.. ('o.lello, l:huloi.t. \I,•. Io the m -.ter ,lf ale repurt til the lion rd Numee. 0IlI ,,hei'i,, Vun Slyke, Mr. Presi- of public f\'ark. d:nett :\pri- ll. 1.'r!. It it hereby or len;d.hyt le C,t, oulI .nun-� J,,,l IT Nuys -n. -•� Of ofthe(,fly() St. Paul: Appro,,d April 2.. ISd'!. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PALL, FOR 1592. 93 Rd r Nu. 99i- lbax-\leers. Itnnhulaor, Oostcl)ST, FlnpluI.,, DIe CSlfeety, Dlc Nanlee, 0ppeu- Resolved. That an order be Jrnn'n upon nut of the "school beTo, \n 'uSlyl:,•, Mr. 1'reridnnt-n. the city treasury, payable a intenace fund." for the s m of f.,16. in n Nuyr--1 i- favor of Albert Rechtenbach, lit payment Apliro ce pri ' of I, judgment tendered In the District Conn of liamsey co ty. April 5, 1"92, i fa,'or or said I"cI barb nd ngai nst file -- Hoard of 1':�•ucation of the City of SI- Paul, ISd F \o, 1012- Ill Alt]. SaoIIOrh- forsaid sunt. It 1s hcrcby onlered ll' the Common Coun- .\Joptod by the Board of Ald r.rmcn April 5. ]6!1-!. cit of 1lie City of Sl. Paul: That Ile 1 lithe. ,1 t Instructing a cu Yeti --Aid. Hleluibere, lints, Coale}'. .i,i wvlk un lin• ' irlh side of Soler It C,pela nd. Ilobn e1-. Dorn i Jen. ,:eh:tn, DIe tt,v'Ime. fhent. 1sirtet. to Dluckulin Ind,'. Sanborn, SuIll'an. Mr. I'resideal- 11. ' - I, re,•t, i ,rdsore "it], the atluched Vital in.i he, aunl file .ume I booby !e - by the b) t1 a A.'. a li 11 AIII''I's,, ic,r, M l' tI D1s1- ft 1-I cd to fill. ISonld of Public Works to io- e1st t Ln: N.\u'ne (Ippnbeini, Vhn Slyke.My o a pnJ'oiceepmolr t proper and ueco1,0, fklu dent pruper Nays -p. Approved April :t7. ISM'. ! order direeiin)c the ,work lu be dune. Adu pled by the halted of AlJe rnien April -' Itd I' No. If 10 11) AIB. Sall ,' It([ Year -.\IJ. Itieh,Sul ,fin. Afid. Cul- Io,i.uoulHulner. Dtei, p, Sall tun, il" Chair- IG sliced. 1'linl 11, It I f 1te ) I I'ni k bo still it is hereby I 'ti t ! 1 .\ 1 11 . 11) til,• Asse n,ibly Ali, ill a,. buil: i ,vloeh ill. (',1y I - 1 ,1 til y,f St. Pai1I inty dep,. ttil, lu Ii of ; _ ." .ISanhuI- .1'.,,c o FIT ,\i, 11111 Merl v, McNtunve Oppenheini. The ity. lir plo„deti b)' i „v. 11 I t I by Il, Itil \Idernl,•n l'1-, .'d, I,1 •\.lt \I I Ir!r! AII,.:oJ ell rt pr l::�. Is!r! IS elenlur 1',m•I ,ml. till I,•,i. Dulrner. Mclnd r. Sullicnii. 111 r. CI1:,i r- .ou, I,iya,'x-11. - ted he the Ass,•tlbl) April 9', lsr! A:!, ' fid I' Ne. 1111! ISy Alrl. Ilcl 1, h,.rq I \.t' Din•,srs 1t:I,bolr.,�. 1'u.Ielln. Elul It1.IeelyuiJ,rvdhytheC.un,;nunCml- ,li,i.t. >IcOaliert y, M1 -N nen,, l,ppenhemi. 1-1of lbe l;nty of SI. I':l,i 1. \'ao 1:yke, Mr. 1't, silent >;. \uv.�i. '1'I :ii I I u mai tel til c•iectilig and maln- d wining it gu. time tamp nn the north ie ApproyeJ April . 1`:r-'. ni)' u,cn1 ' � l feel ,'1st of Nt. til SI. Alitlnit j -- be .al buns street, bv- unls ne is hereby referred lu the Huard of Public Works to lir- F' \0.11111 -It)' Aid. Copelu nA- ,•-tigutn:oni rel,urt: i�i1, tills lin proceiue.nt Draper ami neces- IL is hereby ordered liy Ihu Common ('.on- ';try'• I f so, rem- fi,c l'uu null n pruper'lr- u of u,e city of st. rnul'. der dit,,ti ig wu w,rlt U) he dine. `I'huf Iho n niter of grading slhq" 'u Blick No. 7,i Arlington Hills uddili,in. Alloptul by the Hoard of Aldermen April _l, I'1-, lin Puyne n e to I::een briar :, ce- 1'ens--AIJ. ifielenberg. Copeland. Cullen, e he.:,nil tbol�uim• i. be reby re ferrel Dnbncr. Dlt'Iady, Sullivan. Mr. Chairman Iu the Huard o , ii,yef 1`ubib, \\'arks 1rli- ,ide uI1 ec lt:--0. rsl- - Is t�IIetlin pru,-on eat pi'nper rtn,l _- Ad opt,;d by titc Assembly April 26. 169'2. a )"• �Seeond-"Ive Yeas-ffessrs. Hanliulrcr, Costello, t•:im- if". C"uncil it,, e.thoat, ,luist, M1-Cat1'en)' NcNnmco, oppenhelm. of the open re tl,er1-o f. and store "better can Slyke. Dir. President -S. u -buil fit thecal[ thereat'pni,l it It beeitylrex.,iry hel'ni'1• the contrat't Nnys-0. Approved Aoril"7. ISlr!. T`hil. rd-Can real e.t:le to he eeed for be ,d Imply reit 1•nii, he fuonJ he nclite'I to ll,'" intiJnuuge.. ,•...is nod ex pe n.es Lbr ,•x 11111 1•' Na. 1015 -Icy AIJ. SuRirun- ury t,i he i111 -u reed iheroIf ml• 1, Improcenieot :nsk('d for 11 Is hereby ordered by thu C'omm)n Coun curt -Is such uponi filo petition o': pylic:,t„n It file '1l of file('tTy of tit. Paul: . ul'u lnujnrif)'of the pr, perip iq 1.eti.g '1'lnt the n1u ter ul'nlut•Inq and Or fol h,1 �1=,u!sse,l for .ueb iliipru cemelil;. two Ktuuliu• street Innllis tit t10 - the Fifth -Send file C'unuetl n plan or propl, lom-Ing place.. town: ono tit iatl- corner fir Selby ace e and ,to olsuid improv:enu•nq ns required bylaw, ,cent sheat, anU ono ,.I the s,uthuside of Selby if ,i repurt In hlvor of the rune, Sl.xth-Semi the Conin,'il a pruper order :til IT Ilmttutn,l "'I", direeing the work to he Jou•. t t nets. 'not a ilia rely rah iPuhlie work's Adopted by the ISour,l of Aldermen felled In till, Board of to In - A ,rid .!. ]sir! -c, Itioleuberg, Ggrelunrl, cin- esiignit• and re pu 1-l: Is this i r • it roper nod neces- P r -Aid. len. Uubne r. Dlel,tdy. Sulli,'uli, Dir. l'l,sir- 01nlu Dry:• If sun send tilt• ('ou Deft a pruDcr or- o, t n-7_ m\nys-p derdlreclin)r the lvurkt O bederm Adopted by the 13ourJ of Aldermen April A'd'opted by the Assembly April ^_q IS92. =:, IS92. 94 PROCFHI N11S OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Yeas-Ald. Mclean-, CuPCIumLCullca. 11 this Im Drucemenf pmperuadneees- Dobeer, Mehtdy. Suliit':,,, 51,. Chairman -7.o)1 , 11 a, si nd the l:uu mail a prober Nays -e. co - de. Monnet. ng the work W he done. Aldermen Adopted by the Assembly April 21;. 111T2. re¢ -Mus rs. lianholrer, l,'oste leo. PARI14!L'. Adopted by the Board of �-Ste--Alit. BeI:•tt berg. Ibp•I:tnd.Cul- ' of i." bi, era y. M.Namee, Oppenheim, %'nn Slyke. Mr. { resident-,. hair- Ien. Delmer, yl. �I:tdy. Sullivan, Mr. Chair- Naye-e, n . --7 in-l-4. a Approved April-'!. 144_. N }' -11 Al fit 1!'tl \.' my 1Xm- - "Apr2. "'tell . 1, NI,Cfre,t15,, 1 fano-e,Oppu.Elm. yl:•l':tRerly. McNatm.•. OpP::nhel m. Bd F No. 10111 -By Ald. Bielenherg- pli.t. l Van S13 ke. Mr. Prexitlent--s. Rdsol Vnd, 'L'Itut the Il:ru r:I of I'll bele Nuys -t'. \Narks be, and then arc herelly it �Hnet e:l to remove the ga.olim• lamp from the Appro ed April ��. 1NJ'L fit thous\ cutner to the oorlhwest a rro: t of St. Albans tint \':nth Buren st reel. Adopted by the Board of Aldemlot April Iitl F' No. 10!11- ._.: 1.1 Ilea,-Ald. 13icte„brrg. Copeland. CO Ileo. Ip tl:c nuttier of the Ite I rt of But Board If 1':t bile y%orks. dated April I8, 14J. Duboer, Melady. Selli.'Rm. III, ('hnlro,nn Ellis herch, ordered by the h'n::11on C0111- _ it or the City oI St- Poul: That Ux• Ron rd of Ynbit, R'urks of the Adopted by the Assembly April'!,;, 11911. ('it , of It. 1'.111 eau+� the following 1m- reus-Messrs. Jl.Rholier, ('ostello. F:Im µlist- D1 cC.herty, \ISN av:ev. Opp:•ooei m, \'an Slylt C. Mr. President --n. 1'ruvements'to he Imide. to -wit: Coostskle • mut block sidewalk.1. the north si do o(rM.rsl:all ave . between Dlackubin t�ir• Nays -o. ltd Kent t. a 'ceyf when Ce- Appro.-ed April .7. 114'2. mo:t w�H l:s are already laid. :,,:tl except Iv block be Irons of the t t 1u1 feet 111 the - id po"tis. thewalk to front of .Iddetot f t to ere r laid Gr eon form to the grade and line of the st rout. 6l] F No. to _- B l :%1:1. Sullivan- It i 1::•reby ordered be 111e onium: 'That said Bon rd .hall pro Sed will of delay to :� the amount t n •only ('`uneI ol'the ('otv of �I. pnul:h That the mauler of ,uniting .: ,- thev cat as Haiti the -mo. w�l,ich til ll lrC equired tot pay the t 1,ts s ml necessary t.,vpe sidewalk filo Dm. e tri hiotleof Sonlololl,u of . ,-b tnpo -omen apo t the teslfitte Ibenehled nue, from Milton �1,eel to O.l (o r:l .t reel be, and the . l i, hereby referred to the real I r be 6y slid in,- err fit. : 'ided by Iaw •it being 14ua -d of Pobhe work, to investigau• null 111 �npiot rn fir t't tY Cou veil t11at real esUnlo rrt: rhes OR, eno,ot groper and ores, totbe.ssessetl for snCo i tlprovemcnl be fullod trenetiod to the e.tlent of t�ho so send 'ounc . proper or- o- ard e.vpeuses ne,e arY to be I,. - dnry? er directing the wurl< to be done. Adoptud by the Board of Alder uu'1t r •d tlt(•r•b3 e1pa`upied lIq the Gourd of Aldermen Appril :_, 18!Y. April ^,� 1Ntr1. n, s-AI:I. Itielenberg. Cnpelu ltd. haul- len, Dolrue r, Melady. Sullicu u, fir. Choir- len. ,hanu•r, yhdudy, Sullic.u. ]L. Clnury o.b, ner' ftl. burg. l'op. MEn ai - m In -7. V uy.�L Adopted bS H:C _\sse:::bly April Ro, in✓2. a V�q�. Ali'l", d be the Asrc alb l}' April _418!12. Yeas yI s�r� Ituab firer test ell: 1 I ,:- lui.t. yl a Cettre:ty, )1: N :n tippet 1 :, ] M r.. Itool: elver ('ustello, Elu:- µo _ t y1 h_ ty tiJ 1l,N.RR,e, Oppe.lititn, Vun Slyke, yl, 1',C.idt ot� s. Nan 11} I.., Mr. 1'1ts:deot . Nuys --n. _ Appri`nd ApriI_:. 19tr-'. N:t)'s-e. �� Approved April -7. V,92. Iid F No. ton --IS}' Ald. Solliv o- Itd F 10. 11r_l- lt is I v,Iy endo+ -d by the Co..Ino' l C oil- B; Lhe root ler of t Ito report of the Booed ,il of the City '1� I':,:11: 'Platt 1:1e t:f plln iag r 1 K:,. of public .Yon l:. luted April 11. 1199'. It Ishereby -der 11 by the mm.. Cou.- - oft' I:oups air�:fuuowi, Piaee..,�rt`�-.vlc ril of the ) or St. Paul: '1'I:a a...oi oI hliilo: street null Il,:g:a•aveo ou'ol:e l.t t he Sooalt- street the ItPunt of I'uhe ollurkingtoe , Cityof 1'ah r .c toe. lul lowiohh - tst turner of llagoe ;--one ne nod 1'11Iti-- to be o �: d:•.l'omA •m Ivo rte street. a at I betstmthwesl a of Hogue nd Cbut.w otrtl: tube ,:r fid tal:eot rot tt1 toe I:tnd abut itiox :Bake, s bet ween('LIPpc. otl:we.t of H�,g adCluit wo-th t. :d Cbe +'lee.0 .rideit)R tt �a tiny toe.y .. lot• slopes forgot, o,: o :ib s le f H the III. -I g „Yfxt;; td Ii k -[ tbe- id ire. l � Ih1f n V:e :d Iill ttl,:ei• :Mori tide of llat•s,. reeooe e ,lbl shed axle th 'd, .ho o1b thepolil-of between hlllton and lbal....... 11, street., ,id g,adet: o hie to the other o[ the Ieeg inter one u file ..RB, s'de of longue ave one hl_vloed of Deed. in and for linn:si• int tasty. In toe ottice of the l;itS bc�txU-et 1'Imt...... rb and st nest ss 1 , d 1 bereb)- n:ferretl to the oil runes,; .aid slope to e -trod a od u _Iif Buurd of Pu b11 rC\ysork� to invest ifir:It,- Rod report: I `yl le title uo Vudb alt Std luforn evt•rJ'�fuut of 1 to or n ],Ill. oI said OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1892. 90 filopes attached to still] report, Sud to he led fn file ofliccof sail] Board. That s;dd Boated altnll proceed without delay to :asses. the amount, as nearlyas file y coR esterloin the ,utile, whirl. will I" required to pay the dam.gcs, cem111.1, e!ont a11 ecessary'es pu ns�s A'., uch is pro n [I:e real e.tnte to be benefited by t id imply ents ent, : itrovided by Isw; Ic being t�''1 0 B l teilo that •ul est,':• t 1 t,'t ! I 1 -ell h it of can be found heoetlted to the "Inlet of the datio ges, Sus is bull t•.Cpellses msec -+'.n rY to he. Incurred thert•by Adopted by the limlyd of Aldermen A IN!Y_r. "c --All]. lit, ttberg. uupelund.Cul- In:l, Dobuer, ylnlndy. Knllit'1, n, nfr. Chxtr- mNnYs--U. A dopled by the A- 'oubly April Ji, 18!'2, 1-e:rs--Mu++n. Bxnholrer. Costello- Elnt- "ei,at. NCC:Hfurt l•, MmNa:lee. Oppenbeitn, Van Slyke, yi r. I re�ide11t.-S. .Noy. - .Approved April !t. IS92. Bd F No. lI,_3- In the matter of[he report of the Board of Public Works dated April R, It Is hereby ordered by the Common Coua- •il of the City of St. ,paul: 'ghat the hoard of Public \Yorke of the h'ity of -t. Paul cause the following fm prnoverro eats to be tn"'I' to -wit: Be air d Iay, where neve.. ry, the . den sidewalks on the following streets, to wit. On the Crest Side of Jackson street, from Grovestreet north s:: reel Ostttrsods o[ .I:tellson street, from to �1rom teentlt street; from Tenth On both sides of Sibley street, street toNorris street: On the J -'u lido of -Temperance street, from Eighth street to Ninth ,beet: On west side of \None u to sl reel. beginning it Ninth street: thence dal feet north: til so beginning at Tenth sl rcet; then c a :0 feet outtt: s 0.1 he nthe cast side of Wacouta street, from Tenth street to Spr„ce street: On both sides n[ 1•:xst Ninth street, fro. Minnesota Brc d ), ten thew t- 1 of l\ III -1 street. front FIILir St ret•I 11 tr all On the wast side oI \Villi,, street, from Sixth street to Seventh Street: Un both sides of iii it .Gree[, Iron, Fifthstreet t0 Si.% street: On the ens sotto oI Noill ;street. from Eighth st rectl.o,th to alley On born Bides or L.vo1 al eat. from Se'- ntl, s Set [o No n �Un 111h Jahnee Set. from Sev- aur sside+of tv"t tp tarot a streeir e Un bath sides o[ Ullva st:root, from Sey e Iatreul to [;rove street: On bole.1 des fine street. IrfromSC4'- en41, siret to Urorrve street: C On R+L a Ee of Br on:lx-:ly. from the alley n SCvuath and Eighth strcetn north to Jnrlho wIf"'Iesiae of Itrond from 1'avtl, t m to Cr- c street. On the north to, of Fourll, street, from Will'.. st... t to Commelnroo street: Onthe north sac of Eighth st reel, begin- ning 8+ feCt from L.eust street: themes w to John sire[: OR the south xi to of F:ightlt street, Iron Willius street to Locust street: On the north side of Eighth street, begin- ning W feet west of Locust street: thence east to Neill street: OR both sides of Ninth Street, from Broad- wav to Olive street: On both sides of Tenth street, from Bro.dwuy to Olive street. On 1 he tt rrth side of Van Slyke court, Iron Brtmdn"ay to PlnestreeL 1n said city. TN 1. IIB trot shall proceed without del y t x .'the soon, ,t ant, as tel early as they thin tt certato then lame tcltich "fit lee. rivinirehI L11 pLL}' tem 1'Ue Lx LLnd cee9- On t e realses of such Impruvelne by a }- rn Lro real whet, to be benefited ; .. be- e optol s, us Provided by haw; it be- ingtheopa-e ofteteCounciltintreeles- tate 41 he assessed for 'uch Ian pruventent o be. frond benefited, to the extent of the v.- Rod uxpe assts asci -aryW beIn- ttthere h,. thehv. A dopte•d by the Hoara of Aldermen A prf I R'2, 1802. ren.-Ald. DielenIn Copeland. Cul - 1,; Du b - Dornid et, Golmn, Me ally, Suljivao. Mr. Chitirm:tn-9. Adopted ss Il nhoh,As-Robly April Rd. lbl- Ve:t.-Messrs. Itunhulrer. C: melte, Elm. M1, -, _N er Lyy. Adeumee, Opp;. oeim. rxu Slyke. yl r. F'rt�side tit -4. Nay_o. Approved AVrI! 189-2'. Bd P Nu. 10"-:i- In,11if, ternor( the mPurL of the Board of PIIbBe \Yks hated April _!, 180!. It Is hereby ordered by the Co. moa Coun- cil of the City of SL. Paul: 'I'11u[ (hc Bou rd of Public Works of said City of St. pool muse the following i - �nttobenmdeGr-wit: Repair and �uy til m: 'oodem side.valks, w'herc I •cen- t '} on both sides of 4evett th BLreel.tfrom Leecl: -treet to OLtu venue: on both sine. ofs{tum sev street. Pruni Suntmit.ve- e to Seve Oil steect; o not[ Sides f Smith a e, from Th d street to-Good- rith .v(uac`a in Sall] c. Th.t ruin Routd Shull prteed without delay to assess Chu amount t' u • rl}}- t bey can aseert:do the wine widehavyl11 Ire e 1 I t Pus file costs I"""r, - sa y cv` fsnt•I, ItnprorCt t. '1 o Ibe •, 1 esLn[e to b(• d by Ietl by Sala i.: prure- �nL as Pre yid ed by law; it Deing Chu opinion o[ Re Cuuovil that vmtl Cstb, hr Is- 1141ossed tar sueh im Pruvemt•dt can Ire (cued bem•ated to the extent of tete t'nts thAlld e,snses nect...ury to be incurred e n[ nny. ny.. outed by file Board of Aldermen A au ter . -Ala. Bleleoborg. Copolaod. It•n`I-All].. Ilorolden, Gebam Melody, S: llivatt. yl r. Cltairm:w-9. Nuys Adored by Ll:e A+snmbl)' April Rte, 18W.rm,s-ylossrs. Bard anCoin Do. F.lo:- tniat. Mcl'anert v. ylc NI• ames. UN"nhei m. \ in Slyke. Ji r. President, S. _ Nx} -1. Approved APHI Ri, I8!r_'. 1:: Bd F No. 11123-- the matter of the report of the ISoard of Public troths dated April':!. Itl1r2. 1, is hereby unvte red by Chu Grn,nton Coun- cil of th.� Gity of St. Paul: 0 96 PROCEEDINCIS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL l '1'hnt ,.ho Board of I'nblic \York, of laid CItJlliUt. Plot -l", to, f 11 1 Isl- n ir- ,t rI f 1 loss ,tt cc[ acro. Str„c,n_t. arty. Adopted by the 13onrd of Aldrria'u A pelt..:, IN!1'l. t!len.,,'tol . Dora idt�o, 1:olol.,, d. liDle iud p. Ihvnn; I. Mr. Cbairmno- J. ' Nn)'s-' Adopted by the A hI---. AUplgrlm: 1n6--Mce,,. Dxnhol,or.Cuscllo2u, hBcllim- Clust. Altca II'ot'It.rMcN.novse, on Slyke, M c,ilon. Now -o. Appro 10 d't In Rd I'1'u. h125- •l'tlPubli��\Vork'Idm tdpo,t of April Ithe VlYourd her'.hy orrl --d by the Common Coon- •iloftbaCityorSl. Paul: That the 13ao rd of I'Ii bli'. \York, of ,:till n luwin" Chy of Sr o . unI t., the f 1 prevum'.nt to s laude, 1,,it: I:rc(:L alld A moi ninln n Rosati nr lunlli :It ib...... - F. west earner of (,cal n✓.'ton arcane ami +3 Afiuuchnhn ,troel,i,l .aid ch I. Adopted br the Ihmrd of Aldarmm� \1 1 Aid Iti:!oCh, Kr. Copcblml, - I . b Dori Id, n, Gelmo, . I.a,aY. bu 11 an. Al r. uhnirmuu 9. Adopted by the A iolte, 3' April 'el;. Is!r,�, Seas- M'.ssn. Ila 1,No 1, Olgbn; " 11dy1. Nice ufl'r riy. Alc No ul,•,•. UI'pcuhcint. I'I-idelll --N. pro A1,pp. Approved AI'rll �. ]!lir!. It(] F No. WIN;- )fill,. 26- ofIla' r'. Intl lir the lb,im, of I. I. Acorl„dated AI'I'll 22. INcr_'. 11 ix hI•I.y ord, v1 by I of Cnemm� Co unell ul' I hr-, I'uu: 'I tial f hr Inrd of 1'u title 6'orla, of nldd ('llynf Ht, I I camp Ibe fullow'lug Im provutnl!III In be m ode. low'\ l.; Cl Il el'nMMll'll lit 11111he ,1'1•X1 PI,11•„I' III II IMII1111I t Mro1•t, uvroMM Itanlll PI rI•I'I, la Hold alt v. Adnlo'.d by 11 Itonrd0t All rlll'.l, •1 Pell 1x Il •5'ra. uMAld. Iil'.Irnhcrg, rapl•luud, rul- h•II Dohinr. Ilarnl,Il•11, Bohan. 11'.h,dy, l t Sulllvun, Al r, CI I inuu--9, I Nu3'P-e, Vdu m b.• Ihr An,onlbly Apr112, i Yonn-MrxnrM, Ihm boh.pr, vest alto, Ishn• i iI.I. Met nll,'vl AIUN alai•,•, tlpprnhohn. 2'an Hly loo, Mr. �n•xldont-x, Nuy.n } I' d nI127, Islt.. 1 A irrvw A I I I I Ibl F No. IbY Tu Lhe manor of Ibo .'.Pori ul' Lhr Iluu rd of Footle \York, dated AprilIn!r!. It Is hero by ,rd'.rel Ill tb,• t'ulilliion Voubell of the t'lly or Sf, 1'0111: l'llnt the 11 -rd of I'u hHe \York, 01' III,- CIIy of St. foul culls'. the fullolNiog Un- pnlvrment to be n!uiv. to -wit: Ih,pulr pl n•Ill))tits woodo,l nide-Ill, n hath sides of fast Tenth street, from W'uWlehu to Broadway ,Lroei.on both sides s[t Sprna'. street frvnn Sibley' trect to 1 t r 1 I4 .lo:1, _PI io od, both .id,- u1 I:Icretnh a rr" (non Cc: t real ,o Rohort,treel : :d, oiI both ,ide, of 'Twelfth st r'.et [rani t'edaK sl racl w [tuber\ in•et: nlsn nn the =i le of E.-hange ,tr'.et betl,-eoo Wabu.sba nod Cedar .I rcet_a. \dol,I­ by the Iloned of Ald-men A lett _'. I,!r_. �'el s -A ld. Ihol'.libe'g, Cnp'.luid, Cul- Irb, Doone r, IJoruidcn, cbnu. Moludy, Sullivan. Ali. Chairman-U.U Nays --11. A dilplyd by the Assembly' April 211. ISV2. 1', u,--bloP,rs. If:Inholier, 1'o,t'.Ilo, F'IIo_ inl.r AlcCurty. McNn1m'.. Oplx•n buini. \':,il riiJ'kc. Dl r. f're,l b.or--,. Nip', -11. A pp ro rad April 27, 1N:r2. Itd F No, IIL„- In Ibc n : ,teof th'. repot'( of it,,. Itonrd of 1'I,blic Work, dut'.II Am'il:-. I,a'L It i, herebyonl'.red by tlwl'l emon"o. - vil it the ('ity of St. I':w l: That the Itonrd of Yubpe [corks of the Pity of tit. 1'uo clone the 1't-it: oo- `,rucruu •ate to he n ad e. hew it: f To- ..tract :l vo„rr;tI.. ori the colt side .t 1'0- .010o a,'.nuc acro„ I'nlnt'. street, Ill 'aid'" Adop„d ' by IIIc Board of Aldermen Aril �. In!r_. A ld. 1l elenbrrg. Copeland. Cnl- lull,\I)o Luer. Iloruiden, U'.hau, A (Lilly, Iliv an, Mr. Chalrniln-9. Y\dept od by the A liol-r. Aprilo'bel 211. lio- ru,-Mes,rM. IAm hulzc r. l'ostellu. Elury pli,t. ldwatyof-tty. Me.,'ano , Oppenheim, \':Ili Siylc'., Mr.l rrsld'.tlt--s. NIIy,--I1 Appror'.II Alen r. INN'. 11111 •Ity Ald. Dolene, -d I M,olvrd. 'Phut tea! crnda o1' \'uu Ihlreo Iroln Illindlm• riven, In Urlggn as iuliculnl by t.ho red Knulo Ilurn II 111„ Ile['n111 Ila 11 YIIIg Irl'n li hla, 11111111a I'ea- IIIiI1•idc11 by Ihr, 1'll�1 I:IIKI e•or, ha. n1111 AAdo 111„ null„ IM rr'.by a,lopted Ila tllu a"tllll- glsula. lIpvl tilt' the Itonrd of .\Idrruum A Irl l �:, 1x112. Ald, IImn"Idon, 1'apolaud. Cul Sell. Dolnhi, Ila I'lonn, Urhun, Molud.Y, Sulllenu, Arc 1!hnlrmuu 9, NN'n-o, INTI':. \ do d'.d b ' I h'. A ' bl' A111-11211 I > I � Cu.lnllu �F.hn- t incl I. 1'auM 11p.nrn. I anti Inter yl.. All, T• 1:1ent rr. Uppntihol nl. \'1111 HI)'li', All., 1 rl,Mlde nt n. ,killNe.ya. ,kill Apr1127, I4K'2, fill P No n111-I1y Aid. Sulllvnn- It,•,olrod, That the grade of the it 1n block _x!, \Voodlnnd fort: addition,from A'.andel ntrcot to Westorn uc be oo, as Indl- entod by the rod uredo linen un the accom li lt}SEigin. erobe. nd temisemocle hereby adopted as the established grade. OF THF. CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1892. 97 Adopted by the Board of Aldermen April eil. IHU_. .otiner. tio�nl:aen aeon"ni�i a.L,c'S 1, . Dir. Chairman a. Nays -0. Adoptedby the Assembly April;hl, iSte!. fees -Mess[.. Barilml-r, Cos elle. Elm hula[ McCafferty, McNamee, Oppenhol no. Van Slyke, Mr. Presider, --9. Nays -41. Approved April ;i, 111)2. `=not set opposite to their respeetive `iLc•,....aa„Y-swn. 11 \doptelln try the "ni'd of Altlero,00 AVi1Q'". IF el. n -Aids Dielrn burg. Cnpnlnnd, Cul- len. Iloin 1)orrdden. Gthe n, Melody, Sullwan. Mr. Cloormnn-U. Nay, -1. Adol,u•,1 by the :\nsenhly \pril 2r,. 1992. ytesPrs. I3nnbolicr. Contollu, Elm- Ini,L. AlcCxd'.rty, AleNacae Oppenheim, Mr. 1'rrsltlent-s. Nay -0_ Approvefl April' 27, tdi' lid F No. 1031 -- Resolved. Thnt ciry order: be dralvir ,Ipon the vitt' treasury. payable o t of Liu. '•genantl fund." in myor of Lou follow\ ng- D I F No. ]Il:fi- etl c,1is, I'or tliu nmou nt suL apple Ite,ol,ed. Trial city orders be drawn slim to t�!eft re,pret I, L- n upon tlo. city treasurer payable out of St. Paul Armory As,�cll [tion. 160: A. tits "„'liter ,llppll' ill nd," ll, favor of the Sweeney, t; ;:.1. Ohm;e. N:3; .1,s ph (;urea, following n:om•d parson,. for the amount P!t'w; hou--.): se of l;ood Shepherd, ;S..21: Jo- Net oppo,ile to their respeot ve names: septi AnStetL. >_'t .:is', Board of Water Cmil,m s n !re. SIU.^ -i. Adopted by the Dounl or Aldermen April Alto W,l by tl!e Rau of Aldermen y loft!. At rile, 189.2, r 'lens --Aid. Ihclenberg. U , -land, Cullen, 1"e:ls-AL ISiolenb-g. Cebelaud, Cul- ' Dobner, Do rniden. Uehun, Nlelody. Sulll- oil. is)- Dnrnl n, (lellan, Melody, von, fit r. Clolinmin--9. ullicun. J1 r. Chair un -U. Nays- b. Nuys�l. Adopted by the Assembly April'llt, 181:. doptrd by L As.+elllbl}' April '1ti, Sens --Messrs. IbmhNzer, Vostello, Elm- 'ens-MoSs . DnuhoWt, Costa llo. Elm• puist. McCafferty'. McNamee, Oppenheim, ,111 st. Jfc•Ca R.'ty. Mu Vunl". Upper hilln, Van Slyke. Art Yrexlden t- -'. AIr. resident Neve -o Nx3•s-U. Approved April 2' IP!r_' Approved April 27. I892. lid F No. Inl - Resolvod. That City order, h„ drawn ole thuclty tron,u rt'. ImynhI out of t�x• olfre depurtlm•nt fun J." in favor of the following -named par,on,, for lir! ani.ellil. sot nppnPi lc to their r"perti v,• r o m,: \(bort IIo'.dight•Inll•r,t;l'xIJtS;E.II.Chan- dler 74.:A: ch -ter 1111 1'enl,no y. P:H,N; The Eorokli I Ir,• III- lhtoularl ln'IuK 1'ntlll ally. VN; JI!M, I'el oorllllIn. P7Ii.i; 1'huP, FI Ieb l & Son, 17,Na: C. W. lluckrit I l It rel wan, I'om pulp•. P2i ,r.-'; dnPli i, 1•ml- lvorth & lJu.. P:25anf: Lor1cw•u'ul, Alln rd & Co., $15.12: Mlles &. ❑Iter, P'!.:x l; Uro. .I. Mitsvh &. Co„ $.57.25; lien. Athnr john Alarthl I,u III III., I. ollpullA. fi.h!; N. W. Thi i.on-llo,wn I I{lora•(e cam nap•, !7{,AM: I'ro mlc rgn.l. ileo.,, S12i,;{; �tylnl Walton II. HIlnol ooloe \V 11K(111 l51a11111 113'. ,.11'1.11[,: SI. 1'11111 II I'IIMM Work,, P2.lu; Ht, I'nuI I'ou u,lry Company. P5; 1'uluu'I'nnk blur, $1 51, Adulltad by the hoard of Aldornu•u AIIn'11 .2, Isle-', 1'rna-Ald. Itle 1puhl•rK, capalnu 1. Cul. 5 I Dub Ali- Ihrt•n idiot. Uohlm Mol • Y, Hnlllrnn, Ali-, ('hill ruuw -u, N nyx -u. 1\duptod by tho AMMom bey APr112U, Is11:1. 'uux-MrnxrP, itnnhnizor, UuM11d In, 1':Im ,IInlMt, AlrlhUh'rl r, Me Nuuu'c, Uppenhol ul. Ably SI3'lu', AIr. Pra.ldont.-x, Approved ppruvod April 27. Isu2. Rd F No. IMIZ- Resolved That. city ardor, w be dron up,n I bol,el ly tr'.usuIxnlml rV, ypnyublc. out of the of tlb,,.if„IlnwlnKx[Pursunxi Yorutl u amount set oppostte to their respective norm- Itro,rn. '1'rinuy J. Co" PI,IL(W; R'Idel- sturdt & Cu„ #s,o0; Ives, l'ubllshing Com - 11,1', e' SVvVekuautos oll'. So & Renudlrt. Swell Workn, $0,75; Ulobo 1'11 hllMlll'IK 1'en Illii,l'. m;l{5.15. Adopted by 11, Guard of Aldm•mon 1'unw ner, IPorli lm., cepa, INI. Cul- mly, Ira, Ihibna r, Durnhluu, (Jeb an, Ah•huly, Hulllvu n, Mr. Uhuh•uuul--Ir, A'll>'• .11. Adopted by the A..xom blY April 20, IsI., fans--Mo-xrs. 1.110 Izl,r, cost elle. 191ar 5ulet. AleCalh,rty, AWN¢nuw.. Oppuuhollw 1111 Hlyllo. AL•, 411.1dout- s. Nuyx-0. Approved April 27, I011, Dd P No. Will Ituxolvod. 'Phot rl1)' orders bo drown upmt Iha h alta'Irauxtn', PnyaiduuuLuf LIIo '41MxvMMmentP fu nA. ' l hlxur of l.bo follow• !i,wmomnl •Monts for the and mint set all1luu�h•,LI 6�Inogun+ilot tido nlnuit Mo. for j.Sol rn un Unir uvunnu P'2Lh Tl. C. Iia.,) Esthit, Its Nu. T, grading Mo Mo upm)• M , or 551u; t'. Htuur, EMllnutle No. 1. grndtng Iltl F No. 1143- Nulls sireel, fds'i: Al. Trncoy. (Til" to No. IA•nul •od, That eltyurdw's be dnnvll uP' '5, KrndtntrCurtive Mtrel.,'Fp11:,I, W. )telu- on tem city tie tsurv, tnp'uhlu unl of the aryl E,Ilmatc• Nu.;l, grading I{otf uvonlie, ^,leetiull expense fund, Ix!I'2." In Pnvor oP I P{7U; Dule & Itu nlgunhmr, Latimer. No. b. the fallowing 'III ed persons, for the grading Stleknoy streat,$4,15; W..J.Pros- 7 PA OF '11fix ctODWN ul{UNCII, its 111MCi•;AUINUN toy I,Iloy, to aferl+.Ulll. talo III \'1!. LIMN llel11111,1 tall, ICXtl Inn u' No. 2, nope; un ,1 Hund all 16 1Jnmte, N. I. ill Ir No. Ilklll-. I0• Ivnd, Till nn urvlrr ba drawn afuw Ntron1, N/i,Alll Ill Swelm uu, Iluworintr and rllbulldln nliw IR flCorr 111-1 still) it,, mluuuil�luuk elf lNLr or , ,ll X11 Wer, $2.110; .s1, I'll I. � 1 I N'ln�t. Rlid 1•uolnR nplrmlrho- In Ileuuoy -In-lo �rldlIttl+, r. 1111II 6.haY1lUu lnitullr payee general +nllx( Iru,,,1212.A Adopted by Lh1• Board ar Aldnrml,n iii Ilbe iM1111.1 fur A l,rll !2, IN(rt, hurl, Uupehuul, Col. � oriholr'Illniifll.n�11uuuuly I +old ,lou In lawyer ill' Mlvh, Nlv ILI/rkill Ymul AW, Hill l•u 6m Dohner, Ibaold1111, IIell, a. .Mnlud>'. 'tilllot . hnu1,11Nuldnl.n'Pool..1.....1"..I llbu Nulilvnn, Al r, Chill taboo -u' I. bore 11,11111 lll.A I Ndb lel by lila Al hilly ) ll 211, IXIr--', e,ed all)' spam Col' Cnbyll.r„ (ler a troller Xul.l,fuul.luu ill' , olb AleX.l•X, 11111111111 YI; I'. 1'11+11II 1a. 1.1111• lull, 1lunnlrn 1.l lv, AlrSuuu,;,, UpehI I"" 1Vnu .11111 llll111111, 111, AAr�lrliilnlw1111,y 1.111, IIInu•II of Alduruun, Nlykn, 11 r. I rorlwall ..., NuYI• 11'oa...lUd, Ittelunfiew, copnh"" l7nl• h Ili A up roved April.;, Llrt. hal, Inrbul, r, Uuruldvu. Unbuu, Y. Mulllvuu, Al r, Ulwh•uuua--Il 1'nem - Ill'.4 ., Hunholxer, 4..111 I'Ilnl• N uy.••u. Aiopt+,Il 11,1' U17 A+N1aebIY Aprll2n, INII'J. til " Nn. 10;17 Ylrll.••AI I,..I'.. Ian 11 bulzer. 0.9111110.1W IrP 111.1. MnUull'arl Y. Aiv Noma,. Uppeuhnlub lionulval,'I'Llnt uuY ordorN bol dr,l 11 upn° 11rna.urm', ublo out or the •'1W \tau SI,Y aur. ,tar.faloa•-N. the Ulty to kupRtllrtboaq fund,' III favor of thr Inb A�ivr d Aprll27, Ileo r 1.mm�u9llL Not low1il tai t u'; omlwihuh•it til". ,,,T11 lea Uohm'r. 1) 1, nelmll, Al.ladv. Hulllvnu. Mr. Chul.uaul I. Wright R Co..fili •- l'. Ilornhnrll. A71' Nuvtl• 11. N,m; I II.un Mnuufnoun•lultnumpa+Y Kngg, nal nut1lly t,oul Vlllly. 111�uY; Ibl, Nu. Iola 'I'll b„ draw l l.0 III. I,Inatrle A. Illlrlll.h, 1;1; (,', \V, I.o,li 11;11, 1i; 111+nrljll Il III.d, kl no ord l.1. I• I,v I r"'wil til Yohk, to I I ... r all halm. l71t,Y A Itxeh, Alt.tk; 11uor1o.l. ii It.,. I Nr oliir AI. YrI'' 661. .um uY A2,n Nl pllyado II. ti. Well AAt; J, II mobura libir J. Wnlnnr, AI`:ln; \Vuh,h111;ta; n. ,ill ill' Iho •'.trout, and ,opal; umbuunuucn I r eel." Ill uty Ill, •111L1.1e,1 laborer. on till, lubxt I;'ILw: 1'rmgally, .t Arne Ar7lul Ht. t una 1plbu Nnrlbu vr'1'l l'- ,I rnol. IolN�a Adu,Led by tlu• 11aurA or Aldurmou '"I Uumtally, tl: N.,$ W. 1.l. ,. lieriaa. lo?" Vlnm.Y, W. l A11,11,,: Mn.6 llufnrd ,v Atrll N. 1,1111 l'u l• RI A91 Luul. Ilm,pin. 15; \ llmul ,,tonalgqau, +1X11,,: llyl. All Illvh+uh,gW. 1'npnlu ill. Uulnu'r. Dorkiden, U.Ibp, Aln holy, Norwell, N.rthwoXturn ruhlthubn I4xnhlwun bum rem Inn Nulla tall, .sl r, ('Iw H•uuw-U. parry, tl7e.d1; Nnrtb lYn.u+rn Ilnriwure It. 1.. Volll of Co.. Ao' NIU,•• II A.,olibIy' April 241, INIYJ, "aay, tits.); hell by till 11Unr. of Alderluon AVrII All ol+tt,1� b)' tb; Ilnnhulxor. i"Itllu. Rho Alio tY, toIY�, e'en. Abl. Ilinlvill rgg, Cole, land, Colima' Mulll- Ynle«-.sInX,r., Me(:ai'la•L,y.'s Nunun;, UPill bola. \'uu Nlvkv.1''ro+Idout N, Uobnor, Uolm ldml. lluhub, Mebuly, Nln'. U, von, Al r, l'unlrwoll •U• AVpruvod April 27. VIII':, Nnyn- u, AdapWll by the A..am bly AVrll 20 I IIIN Ilr Al,rl1,(XII'+. VIII ,III;, II ll 1.tNl nuln llun vurnllel Ian, nlh,y ln.uloll lu Y.-Alo.,r., Ilanbolr.er, ru.Wllu, 1•;be• Uluek I.wouty-Lwu(UJ)uf Nbuluu'N.ublll" lull, MnUnrtortY, .sIo Numuv, UI+V,•nhnlnl' %Ir. I rn«hlunl--., Ind P No. Intl •Ily AI I liulh•a till' Ilenri el' 1'll hl tin 1'an 111yll Nays -•a• AttreYol April U7. INWJ, Ile+olv.11. lVurkN vuI ,o rho I'ollowlnl , I I In lip rluhlla lll.triul No. 1. to 1 .trill lel II II1.l II1 (III, eam" l e1. 1892, tall,llrntill". talky ' n•dur e•Idrh bill, Uuuunun 1'uunuroal it to tile. by I-+ o1a Llob ,f .lel body I1 n Illlu Ind I+ No. tell AIA. CoIa•huor itexolv.A, Till. nuit, orlly 1 all Ir +1'1111«• ,lou 1. 11...61 MrnalNl Io. Itrl..I< M. la.%ellvlll. 1, 1111 It,,. ill'. I ,11,I11'l,'lly 1111,1 Lreetlpel.el,of lh. hu lldl,+e le' Ir eoW urevLl alt et Ib1. „;t•1.r of I'II,Y m•-eN,'.o e,• „I tV.11+ 11'.;•1., 1.1;1• .1I e1.. to U„ 'alio t�be Iloo.f Wl•IIN.trv•I•I, ne,l .Ilnll I Il,•.N- •...IIhN.r f..Le. 1,1tl.l,l•AIII„fr,l�l;i, ...... Ibol ioee ' 1.11;• II1. r�.,t,+. of 111111 'Iola«Alnr.b,i h) I , NI -mo I. - 1111. u(IhI. aHY, f Apole.d 6) tilt. ilunrd of L, I�Irruu,u A Irl, J'J, II I �'ea. AIA. IIIulnnhu 1.M, uo p.lalel, rad• Ion. Ihlhnul•, Iluroldou, Uo•lu"a Mvindy. Nnlllvup .s1r. Uhun'uuul 9, N nY•— I' \dutlUd by Ill., .\..nal illy ;, prll 211. Ine•I, 1'.Iu,—Alv..r., Ila.. ouleoa', 1'urb,l 'l I'll” tnlxl let M, M. Naunnr, Uppnnhnlnl. 1 un Idly 1p, Mr. I ve-II ell N, Nit —d, Alllrovlal A"I'h127, Ill neey look... do..".1 ill. flat "It .pr 1 011 ;11+'11 .trl•I,L III' lrll l'I. of .LI'I.rl. et' for XIII' 1 rano• n..ald C.nunum Con null Nhull dub.•. IIINi ,',old .I ru.l, h,•t„'.+.;; l:eAor roll Mhl "til rl..el r. II1 \iepl.i by 111;. 11.;111',1 ,n AIIIUI.1111.+1 AI tall.!, I.wt. 11';,1.--AId. Illel.e h.rlr. (:oplrlllnll. I';II- I;•n, ileo elk, il. ;+,1,1+•11, Il.bu e, .sluhelly. Hnlllvnm Al r.l:llnlrlll;el,--a. \Ilopl.i b)• Ill, ,, +r,•n;nly April .11, le.. 1•pl;. M.,rrr. it;,b hill1.;'h l'„N111u,b lane• 11"x1. Mvlhl k'r, MaNn I. -A. Uppnuhnlul, \'nn rNlrhn, Al r, i'rn.Idoul.... NuvN• D. ApplN+v.11 A1,0127.IIN11'I, IIA F Nn, In14 1\'har.a+, 1'hr 1lennr. of "I it i ey uhul• tloa uu lho lino of lit” alloy hl Ulutlll VY of p\ v 31MIJOHMAIMENE t, Hlnnon'n nubdlvinlan of bleak. to and VY of Lytnnn Uaytill add Hl.n. Iron HIx Lh to k'rannnn NLreeiN, nava po�ltlPtlotl lhu ileal• been Connell of til. L;Ityy of St. I'll to vee auto the nnld kllov, whluh .old putlllml duly Hurn forth the faoto and rousunk, for .11th vauatlon, and wan duly uol•mnVludalI by u Ithereof uN pro In bu vnnalndl Ibl 1, Wlmrooll, ilio I�lolled IIIIrd of Ablerboo"upon Lit. pro.entoluu I to,I tutlunu, dnmuud IL IIx"1,111 01: Irl. 111112 (LII+ It IIL Iar III+ "Ilam Ill with anal wIl.wnl Nuld pal"k, l of u L I" to of I. rd wllh the Cl ty ('I,,? nuA uollno to Un 11vuu bV Vnit,llvallnu a. pruvlda I by awI nm6 Whornn., Uun uollno wan plv,)n by Inablt. oatlun In tho ofllolnl paper u! null ndy for I, wnoll, eeuuumu'In1 un the IILh (Illy of Mnr111 A, l), INIIV, Le Ihll arum that ma ell 1, kill" 11 lord boon Will whit it,,, City Cantil, NLnLl111 In 6rlut Hn nblm+t, baba IIInL the xoom would or board and o Ileo rand p UI. IlonrA of Aldarml,u 1t Ibu I .l or , I'nul, ,n I'un.Auy. rho IUtb du,v of APrll, INIr/, nt 1ala n'.Inai4 In 1 nfwrnouu t Hold Ilny, alt the Llnnnull rhnmllor In rho u1tY lull INT PAUL, POR INS;. 91) %,I I it of bloeltX )alt (10) and tworlty-two(',"JI ill' Lynuul UnYI n1ldlLlun in the C ll of NI. I'uu I, Train Sixth Nl.rul to Frauou. ii tel Ila 11 Ihr.ulvud, '19mt 46u vnlnr or Xnld plNnnlxo..uvlululaln.nforo- .uld bv, and Ih..anur IX wrl+byy fixed at 1 ,,.u1" nY 1'n+n' 61111,11.111 and alMhty dol• Im'N InINa, lh told .um bulb nal. lull. tinul a prnpnrtlnuute nrwvla vel llu of the Uruporl.v ahn"tlnl upon.ldpromlXaX.11 1' It 11 Ilellel•dl kir 111 I II. IIXXIr..11lolll fur I.uxal Inn for I It, ,,y1ear A. 11, Illxl, AdoIdvd by it,,, tabard of Aldarmon Atl'II.."!, Set, Yoe.- Ahl. Illelool I'M. Copeland. 0111• I ou. Ihlbo.r. i)urnldob, notion. Ill Nulllvuu,.st r, Ilbnlrrebl,. is. Nay^• n, \dotted by mill, Aill" e1.. April Y0, INIF7, �,'ou. ALI..rn, IlnnhulNor, Vol IVlul lull %1110afi'o,U., ,MeNamaa, Opt Iloilo: Van fl lyko, Mr. I ve.ldeul--N, NIL)•. II, A ppru,'.d Atrll.7. IXIIY, nrutlun of Nada 11rrope.nd vi l Wu or mall Ild 1,' Nu, lull—H)' AIIL (loluti— toy I,Iloy, to aferl+.Ulll. talo III \'1!. LIMN llel11111,1 Itme,lved, 'I h It lien llollrll of Pull le Ihnrnnf wu. pu.tpuulul umll M'erh. rnu.0 lila folluwlnl ntnwl to bo tbn':Yd (lay or Anrll, IN112, nl 7::N, p, Ili.; and. ;to le klud Il urn el1ff lho Nun.nn of INVY, Xu bJanl Wllo tell., Ili tall'+ lull, 111111 pit .;1 lll.l ..fere. NnIA, ter the Ibveolllntlo•1 unl voul llloru• to Illy Ill=1 Whlloil till, collIttlon colliInd from tluw W rano+, 1, ronulutlnn of Xnh{ Uun of ,lot, pruponnd vnnnUun or Nnld alloy, 6udy, may bulla. AlXuoutwulnl null Xprh lo- LIIII l:eia moll 111111 II II H, ILfLI+I' II U;1 fln1 Ill tar 11111 oil .Ilh1 .Leena. or tnrl I,I NtruoL, 111' for ..119 bltern.uul, and huhu of taut Ipbdon riot the noun+ IN navel«ar,l• and pnln'r, and Nu.h Imo, n. Ill.[ Collation Connoll nhrll dull,rmhm: Olinnom, xtrua, from Mboom. tlwt ton prorinpu.en. Ihnrufln• hero all bell num plan I wIU,I .('Ill .Iden to Volutnbin nlrunt, Ado{null by the Ilonrd a Alduruau AVrll Nola', Till". o, h. 11. 111'+nl vwL'1'hnl all rt.nld nlle,y lnvutvd lu hlovk 1111jjI,IV—t o 'JY. LIt., Yen. Ali, Illultluberit, Uol;ll(letter. Nhnlol'..0 blllrl.lnu of blku,6s 6ru Ihrbuar, Dern loon, (lelu"l. Mulndy, Nullb 111111 I,vekiy-told I.Y, .Y Irl'llllI,, 4.ylllll'N 1111111 11111 In ail. rIY NI. I'll all, n'elll 1'1411. .s1 r. 1'1111111111111 11, NII)•, 11, Vt x1.11 NLI'I•I,I III Ion ll nve..II•IN• .11tlll. 1, a.1 Aieilll,ll II,V 1111, A.Ntl111b1,Y AYI'1121I, ININ, n Upeur. of rovnrd In lila alive or Ila' Hn1• 1'nem - Ill'.4 ., Hunholxer, 4..111 I'Ilnl• Leve of U.nd. In 11 1 for Ihp Couuly , f+V Iuli. Moran urtnrtyy, MoNlov. Upponho al. lino«I.>', Allnna.uul. ho, wad tb. Nlwuv I. hvrnbyy Al+.111;1.11 ill m' rolnU all uoi 11lu,ln to Mlyloa Mr. I'ruXaunt-N. Nn,11 o. LI II IIIc I, n. uNlt nal ro. In ."111 ".111101 Had Al+pro,''+II April .7, ININl uN h opted by . en•Ino IL Adopted b)' t�,r Iluw•d of ,Udl'rmru A n•It (NII:, --- - �'ou.oAIII. Ili.lrnlu'rM, Cop.ln nA, 1'ul- lea Uohm'r. 1) 1, nelmll, Al.ladv. Hulllvnu. Mr. Chul.uaul I. Ind Ir No. Io� A— I Ily AIA, Uernldnn— Nuvtl• 11. It 1. II„rony or, crud by th i common Cour 11. CIINI.Il. (Al Lil oll or l.11l• II„Ila 1.,f AlAerml•n. ell ofthu Clay of St. 11111, 1: That tap maturer emlNlruotlnq . .411,1 Ade Ill by lb;• A.N1•II1111.v April 211, INIr:. 1'nll--Al.Ir r.. Il 1. bolrl,r. Corl.11o. 1:111;• NI fool w tl1o11 .Idaw 1 .11 U.tll NlduN of It1,•h (need. rl•unl Nludarhoufor Ntruul to 11111.1 �\Iel'oll"IeV M.NILIer•„ Iltp.e 11x1 m. Ilo.11rll•11 111'nlllln. With Il.e;•..oly MyoNn- Mo.. - \'ill, NlY ,tar. AI Y, I rl•.Id1'111 - N lay.•- I. wI1111., be, II a it X1111,91. boruby r. forrad t. lb. Hnoni of 1'11 all. \VorbN (a Invo.tl- . •nl ur I.hu A...n;bly. Nal.. Hui .;•pert: IN til It.,] .;Prelom. lit proper and n.enn- Apprev.d A toll V. 1.1II ."”' NI;. nunA t110 L7olINoll a props or. Il,a1t11T A. X11 IT". A l l..l.; Nfape. d.r,le.,v, le l L1111wor n tub. iom+. Adnpb.d by the Ilnurd of Ablormm, All '1'1111.. A. I'II ILNIntllll ANT. .silty 2. Clly I'll till,INIYJ. yon. AIA. Illoluaboro. hull, Uullol. nobler, UorulAon, Uubno, killNullb veb, Mt, Ch arabin u, Nuy. u. Itd II 10M.- Adoppi by til. ANXelII bIY ADprll 2n, ININ, \vi room. Ila, Cou"nuu (!.,%I it of Ihn ,'nu.-. Alu.. r., Ilunbulnar, 17tInUAIU, IVIn1 I'Ily ;,r Nl, 1'11111, III 11111.1,1 b'{f loud ee the IpllNt, MIn:IIIb,I'LY, Mo Nlllll earl lrlll olh-lin, II 20 I IIIN Ilr Al,rl1,(XII'+. VIII ,III;, II ll 1.tNl nuln llun vurnllel Ian, nlh,y ln.uloll lu Style' All'. 11;11Xllltllll N, NuyN..u. Uluek I.wouty-Lwu(UJ)uf Nbuluu'N.ublll" i Approval Atrll V7, Imell, lull I'Idu'I':I';IUNIIN ill' '1'111; rn)IMIIN COUNCII, 111{mw vu Pill bni Aid, n,iul'dj1�K uu Hund 11".1'I 1 I Inm Plrnul, fruw N'nnl nrn 1 nLnlnt, 11 u 111•n1r1111"null. n llnlIrlud by Iha Ilunrd of Aldnnul'u +111'11 Y7 :Puy, �'. nn• AIA. IlUdrldulnr, l'npI'hll'1I, 1'11 II'n, YIIIIbdMr, i�lriiirllu nil Illaluul, Mr,lud,Y, Nulls NirY• •n, QnuP• AlunnrP. Inllln'I by 1111, AN )' Allrn'tn, Inll'1. Iluuhn'Ilnn', 1 ual nllu, rtlw gill+l Mol h11Y1'I'I,Y, AIulY ulnen, nppnu Unll", 1'11 1 Illylu', M1t r, I rnplduul• r. �nyp u, Apll.'nvu11 Alo'd ni, INN, 161 Ir ry n, I'll', • I s A111, N 111 1 I u Ilnull vnd, 'I'61il 'bn 1111+l,� WoPkn arum lhn full„W lou gn'uklnd dln'luyu lhnn nnnu ill Ia7,+wl JJ al. In 11111' nrllal 111111th Ila• 1'111111"nn 11 u1uu1 ..'"Ill loon Ilnu', by I'1'n,lullnu 11t .1,1 s111 Y, III:V Illnkl'III+:', VIII1111111K 1 ; i rl, 1'1111'(1 Ili K-•�b h+1, 111111,1 n. f.nlihl II 111lunir 1'l 111 llld� Inllllll h'11'I'l 111 ll„ NII 11'11111 ,11 „ uu.1 halal loll Ihn Chh"w., )11hYNwj n Nil, f'unl N�'ufl I'llm. hr'dw, m,l nnllmu IIY'g1111.1 A Ihb,d I-V Ila, hull PIl 1If Aldo rna'u AIgIl 4V, INIr, I'np1'lu fill, 111 u. U -An .o', Unrl'Idr01, wd,uu, ).,dud Y. N'1111vnn, Ill r. l'Iwn•uuu'-.u. Nj ,Y, 11 111 -Is.Ul>' AI III :'n. ,11'1+I,nM Al fII IYP,i 1yI II',li ��li'ili•i' +1111 Il �:n .illi 1'I lyyrY hu, Nil' i'il,ll1'll .n.. A rjl'Irnvnd Allrll'I,, t 111 P' NII, I,P Ilv A 11nh'dr pmullwl, 'I'hNl Ila' Ilunlll ,d I'n 6111 11'+..11+ Ila. Il lld Ill+ I'I'I Ipp9'b,p :IPI l nrllal ul'W��ll'r�m Il, illvll'a X�1 of I�I '�I. Ir�ll rl it I. II I'll.' Irl d I'Ir d 61 I lld Ir1111 til frrl, Al 11117-11 11)' Ill-' IInn1'II III AIll 'l I11I'.' A n'll A,+u9 Faun •A111, Illrlru hrfu. I'npnlu'ul, I'll l� Ivo, IhIhnnr, Uurnuplurhuu M1tnln,g. NI 1111 r1111i Mr. Hill 1, r11mn -11, Nnyn - Adnpl rd 11.1II,I1 AXnI•IIIIIIY Alrll'Jn, INI'f, 1'nn+ )Ir+urr. lin II *....r,.'n.l Ill.+l. 111'1'111b'1•I t'. 11„Nn111 r1., 1111111.1111-'1 1111 Yon NIY lu 1, 11 r. f rrnldl'ut--X, Nuyn• u. APprurrd r\hill :7. IXV!. 11110- 111' •\Id. ruyrlu nd I IL In hr.•1•bY nidi i'rd by I hr 1-mm�'nn I'nuu 5 (d ill of 161• Illy' „I' Ulu t'llp 111 NI. I'll u': I ':'hill Ihr nun lir tit rou.Lrurl Inc a U.K nunlnr (irrn11Ulm rU''•rl, ,1 n.t .Id1' ,11 'rl, Ur. all I I'• .1r ilrndlry nu.. I _. II)' YI•I'I•P f1�d ..1lbn Ilan Pd til I'111611r \t rlrk In III1'I•MIIKIIII• II I.d I'r 1+111: ' I n•r and I X IhIN Im nvcr. m u rill I I' I • Im u1•II a 11.1 for I III' I nnr'Y I r NI nrn I I 1 I, I.1: In Ili dnr,r•. 'rl:llfl IIn• N'r I nnllu'dU K rd til' r\Id"r mr• Apr did II' tll' • Ilan ' "' INir_'. 1 A rill t- i 1'r I+ -.A Id, hln hnnmrtr, Irupnlundl Oil. hnl, `NlUnnr, Mand)', Mull.Yn... Mr. 111u11 r• luno Y. \Ilnlnl'd II>' 1111' Awwrml.11• APrll ve, Ia1rJ. 11'11.i1,n11i i'n IY.•rl,l'r Mi .ti �rrl i�lili"ll iil. \41u Mlrla', MI'Ilrr W.ml •r. Nuyr 1, Ap1a'nl rd Aln•II L'7, Inlr! Ild 11 N'n, IhMI• II,Y AId, Illdmn•- III �1, 11 r1� ll ilk. 111 X11 III 1! If MI 1'1111111',:III II MIII '1'11 .I III'' MIII ll,1'IIY I'illl,l l'lll'1111K II III PIT. ,1111+ Il 111 ,-II•I',Uh'111111, n1I N•1'Irll 11 I)''Id, •+I +Idll I'1'nll' N1'nn 1+111'" ,I 1'1,1'1111' 1'1111' +u,n'i, 11,1 uud Ih„ luny 1+ 1111 hr ra. u��r.i luhinrh till ii rj tnrif, I'll hl U' will, IN Irl 1111, I111111'111'11n111111 .....Ill", Illld IIIn1nn n.r1• II ,, nnul Iha I'un u1111 it Prupnl' order lunn'IIll 161• work In hn d11u1' Irl lln rd In Ihn Ilan rd ill nlllrruulu A �nnl "I, Ir1rJ. rnw ,1h1� Illrlr"b,n u, 111 n'hnld, r'nl 6u. Uuuuar, :I'lllnv�m n, Mnhuly, Pgllll 11 n. 11 P, 1'1111, wi'11+1l,❑ V, all)+ 1dnpl vd by Is. .1 +1+'+1111) Aplq Au, IptrJ, Yw1+ Mn+,11'+, Ihddudn'r, rn+11.1111, IEhu SIP irilu IMI ltkrl,lr,I :I Ii r".ld lil�w-I lippoll'o n. \IIIII,Irr11 ,I lrfll'Y. Irn'J. \'11"• I'I'r"11�'•III 1-f 11111 .\,•+11.61 )'. I I. I r. 1'1'14 IIs I'',1.II Ir ll1 .,Y illlr II„11fd u1 Al,laflnr11 I 'In111'r.11 1- III' 111i' Ili n�l'il ilrf .\ ,h'1'lln'll. '1'1111.1, A I''I I,NIIr:I1n An'l. 1'1111'11'I'k .11111 'I �. 11IS Ill 111-11 still. I. 1'llpnrll 111111 I111n11111111111P ,1'11up 1,111 by Ihn 1'11 unuuu 1!unupll ill Ill.. 1.11) of Ill, I'nnl. A'Y f' Nn Wol Ilydl wl ora No 1""113 All rill Ulnnrn Kl'111111111r un1,111, N'ullrr. •r !1111, 1111 Ikrll 111 I I w11111llrnlrr!I nll�rY It la'r�l ri'l`l' ill Ih.1 Nllt'h 11'111'+ of Illi' 1'1.1• r1t NI. I'llltl. 1'611 111111111++ I'm mill ill' Illi city of Nt. Paul lir Ill uw toll._: N1`rtluu I. That prrmlrrluu lull I'll tI v. Ili IN In•ranl' qi rl•II Iml Krn lllpvl nlLn 1611 \1'111, ln rI.. inla•Il li 1 . n uufucl.lu'h'u Cow �nnil Ibrs .. 161ir11 'It Ihnll�uwrnW.l•uYrthlNrnrdll Ila urr 'Intl. .I 111)' II rXI, 111111, fur 111111111 (1111. tlo'I11K I11rIr1.1•N, 1'Ir: n.11 l'nfnl•Inr111K ill' e n111uh1 +Irrl rn uK1'X, hull,,,IN ,r ho ulr In- Idr, •ulfr'• .111 uud all kludN of It " I .., 'i•ul r. hill :III' hn'unrrXl I Int fill( rr thou ud all thlu X ure- 'In 1'r., nUv11 l,hrulrrrn K I1' '1'1'11 II,I Int•Idrlll II'r.v11r, IIIIII 111111 lull Ir vl \II 111111111 till' 1111 Ir I' I'1rr II I Y rf til I'rl 11 1. dire Yl hill nr full- nN ill-WII: 11111+ 111111111' 1111 X11•'•1 7 .' IKI 1 X 111111• •n tl.11 11 r ill d rh 111 tll Irl It6 rk till lrl� . Ir h I1111I.luri ill -Haul 11 11 nuk 1)16'1: r'Ntit �llllr� OV 11'111': 1.1'1'1' ill, N:�N'I' II'll I 1„ 1,( 11 Nlp;, fill ,I. (I rlty luny rrlltilrr In +pan U.0 II til rrl'l 1'11+a11r111,Y IUr Iluul'll of Aldrnm•n Mpx II VIII1 Ihr +111111, IIn1' Ilf null. Ins+: I'v.I• Y 111+11, Ih'11 ih.1 l'1'•I•n UI•r'•I'. II I.tin`d n, Wirt 1'I•Ilr• h'll•nlll'1'K, Ilnll, 0n0 urll ni.11ll nl'11r1n,1' 11 16+11' w,lld 611+1111•,• 111 Ild ,1111, ++I `ly, 1'11 I„hl ll -I, Ilnllllnl', Iln l'II 1111111. MrII111,Y, I 1' I I• n f I, I Ih11r+ lll. 1..I .. II 11 11 III 11'111+1' 11 maul hl,Y uv1'ru K'• urr 1'uu111`+, Iluul 1 I NII�II1'1111, 11, I'I'11n 1111+111 I Nu>n •u. us."It I+Illnrl",Ipllll 1111.,1' In1I1 nn+l' '1'll l+ vlI 11,11, 1"'1,11,MN, 1111 11N111'11n^ I'm 1,111 1, -II IIIIII 1111• vl'NII 11'nn 1'111'1"II Ills rl11111 +111111 1111,1' In 1111' 1'I l,1' 111 NI, 1'11111 II+ 1'fr+kknll 11f 1111• Ilmll''1 of Allln 1'1111'1.. ,1 I'I-1'n 111,1 \I11,Y '• INIIII, , 1111IIn111+11111111 k 'I I'1'IlI11I 1111 1111. 111111 III'KI• 1'r IA, A. NAI Ip!A AI II )'til'• 111pY'1 r,Y 1{'1'1111 U'd. :III' till111 III nlIl• 111111111' I"I' 11111111111 ..1'+111 +1111 11111'111v Ihn 1 IIn1 I11'I'I'lL .\111`+1 'I'll P, A. �'IIkN Iblllln Ml', (!IIY (lln 1111, nbuvn npm1111nd, pu>v161n 'nunmll,Y UI ud� Mut' I'J. YII'11 n', Nur,O '1'11+1 pnrnl bwbm Hud Hill Ll Nil" 1'11.1 II.Y K1'nn 'llld YI'111.11n1 111111, 1111' +1'111 '1'111 'ill'nr,lu rn Ilndlnll Mnnufnnl of l It \' 1'' �\'rI MIN II I rpd,y urs I rill by':hill•„In num:'nun' 1'11111111 11, 111111.1, r-rll+l r'I I'1 will III II IIIIIIIII 1111 +11111 rin 11l, 1111111, U'll 111111 Illlli I I^ 111' 11'1` I'll,Y of N'. 1'11'111 '1'111'I 11.11 11nl llrf nY til ill+11.1111111v 1111 Ipoll n'= 1111'1111,VI,�'I' 1r 11111. yy• 11 1a. 11.1111'1,11 h1111'low ll;l 114+ Il.1111 r1011+,111 r 111 ..1111E 11'nn111,11 w1 b,1Y 1111 till ,111tH IIINIIII IIIIn hdl +11'r1'I, rl'ulll 1111111 In (1 Illdlll and lou lop, loon llu,nr llb •lu'nn, Lluh. un,� 11111 In11'1'll'y 1,11U,IIIIK 11+1 I -N limn IIInih 1111111, +I rrnl, IYr+l,Id1'uY Uuwhn wl turf fl''nn lUo„II'IpU In IIIIrIIn IPaal, Ila, 1'111 11111'11 Inll 111 111 lla ,bull 111, 1111 111 111111111' 1111' „Illlr I. 11111'1111,1' 1'IIII'I'all 111 1111' Ilnll l'I Ihr IIU•111'IInl. Hud uaa11rdUIp 111 for Ulnll na• II'pla of 111" II111 111list I"+pnrlm' 11f n„111 Illy Id I'llI'111'1V'IrkaIII UIYI1rl lKlllr1U111 r1'UIII•I1 I+ IIlln :III III'ti 1'nlpnll1. prnllal' 111111 111+aeP 111,11111111111111'nu '11'111'11111 N11In ,Il,, 111111 til 11111 PIII,Y' If ,1 r, pn11111111- ('ll 11 11 1111 6 )Ir1111111' 11i' pl v111r'1,l 111 f un prnlaf 11+1 llm P11l'I,rl IAud I ruudl'll 1'urllu`r, '1'11+1 161. nrdl 111`1' dln`rlluN /111' worst In 1, nn11, 1Jupind Yy Ihl1 Appl, 1111Y ApPll!J'I, INn9, II II II I'I'+111111 nnl 111, 1"111141.r,l I1+N11111'I1I111'1' hld'n ly' 11'11+ \II`n+l'r. 1,'Wi, �I1, 191111,1II�n11 .1111 Nnulrr. 1 Hilt m, 11uu'unl ov our II Ihn 1.111 it. urnuunll Hud prul ldlal lurllu'r, Ihn. Ihn uppnl'hnlul, nn NI,Y Ih a, A l', I'rl'r• 1,1.1111 d Rprnln,lnn 111 Inlln ill 111111 ons❑ II -`I 1' Isle .\111, b IlutlllluK aanndd l'u1nNIro „old Ill. n, �n apmol fl'11111 Ill+1,Il r n I l�ll W1I II III nIY ,11, II1,.1...I 1,liq'Iwl 1p'Ihl'ILmrd ul'rl ldnruu,n'M1hly I, Inlr'J, UKn ill III+, u'•,Ilplm'n', 111111 UuIhr I'll. It \hL 111.111• IWq'K, 11"{I 1'nlllny, '111+1111 l 111'111 11111 of nnln I„1.111 11+ 1111nn1+11.'I. ^11111 I Il lld l'K ,null 1111 11'1111 11'„11 11'11111 ,111,1 111111411 n -I, Ir,11111'I', Ilm'111111111, )PI1�1111 Y, MIII• 111'I'll, i111;I'fr1+Ilhnll- n, dI1n1'I llul,l Io' -'1111,n, I,y ,furl ulno'1-n•n, +1111 Ill n.lnn 111 ..11..111'.1 III ml.-,it,1 till l,I till 11111 till+ '1111 111 II nnlnn.111 111-1 1111111, lln+ ,ll 11111, ru .n„11 .\' Ir.. ,11'Iti"1l"I M1I'IY'r, Inl''J, ' Iulna Ihn..„ill ua Iuuy hr ru11f1 ur rrnnulb IMIII +111,1 n' -'In lar +1111 n'n„nl'1 Ile' n'n11 PIY ll' Illy f H I -nn 1. 1 ' I' N MIII 11' n -,f nn 11. Nnn. :L 1111 II Un, r-111nuI'd nn1'm Ihl, ur .1',1' 'I IIr1„1d 1,1d� 'I'b1-i1 Lin I�nu rd uY 1' 16111 • dln'tillnl +11111 Int Ilul,nrrlrrrll I,I IIIIY mIIr'P 1'IIYIu I'''ll I„11, 1.111111„141'. "'1',,,b ill' pr'1'ao Ill 111111' I IIIw„II IIIIII 111111+1111 11'„1111 'n ., I II' Yu11111r 11'v ,rl rrnl II MI1111,k 11 ,K Il llnl fl Pl Nu, 11 fu ha Pp1'l11 �l llnl dmlh llv I n' null 111 IPIt'�, all1111'11 111 II II,Y ,If .1„ . 1 .1 IIII,IIII of .old I'II,F p111111 hn Ih'al old lllln'd, , I ur'nf n Ib'1 I IIP 1'1111 1111111 1'1111 III'. 1, I'Jp II'I N111', 1, FIIII KI'111111111, X11111111 111 11Ill 1.11 I'VI-V II I un,i If) 111n11rur„Ire Pl I- II'l-od Ills I„ IlIll, II)' III- 11111111 III "fill 11111y, null lnikl`, 111,1„Iullwuup Pll lrl ap pl,tkil I'l 11' 111 N.. I'IUII IIv11111.1 inti pod 1111 dllln u K,•N, I'l,llln X, ru•In 111111 I'1 p111wr• of X11 llp', u❑ 1+111 ,II'rrl, uP 1111 I'I til nu'I,I+1, for ,unh I lu„ tie XIIId 1'ublluu❑ I'n 11 bol l +111111 dump. 1r 1111'11 II 111111' Ill ll'I'I'. 1111 I It'll Ir1111' 1,1' 11"'I,1 1'1'nd Irf r,l 11 111111" 4111111 ,11 111(1'111X1 X11111 11111,1". NII III MIII III'r1', I'In 1111 If,111111r Xt 1'1'11. In It. rut lfnlu ill'I's Pnn,uit nY l in Jfyue'I I. nlll M1h1 I I Ill Xl fl-I'l, of in' 1'.." 1lnp will Ill.. til ILIn 1d"I'l. by Ihn A.P.` uhl,Y 1prll !111, INW. lmdlu'+urr m' n'n' muJl1'r nr ghluu. ,,, n 1'r X- 111`X,1••. 1'unln�ln, IShuyulXl. Mr. ural till Ihnl'I.lrll li 111 111111 Lhn Ptl'I'1•I 111. 1,1' I. hr• rn111 urn 111 rr+111' .Ili IrfIr111'Krr hr rl'U)' \'111r.ip',r lr11pr 11111 111', 1111+ NIyk1•, Mr, 111111..• 'drnl- I, Krll.urll. Nvr, n. Ir rnid uruulrrn rlwll 11111 UI all., N11 vX 11, 1dlgnl•d L,r Uu• Il,nu,l ill ,\Idrrlurn Nilly 1'npprl'I In 1.1111.11,' \1'1111 :III` pl'n 1'1111+11+111 t6l+urduul"r1'. 10 all u11d prIvto 11, IX11; 1'Inu• \Id. I.W.ItlrlruhnIlut t, 1'nu1uY. rurN hrrrbY u'nullyd rlu'll bn I'urfrllyd 1u d i Ill, 1'up1.6111. Unhurt, Inlruldru, Melu'ly, Nul• wl Id 1'lly 1 f NI. Ihwl. Vnr, II, '1'61 nnld ur'1111rr..U,li1 Illi will Ilruu, 1I r. rnold'1nl- p. NII I U11('Irr11 WIIh UI IIIII'ly l:l,IJI h1),II fl1• I Ihn AI'�rrnrr,l lln)•�. INIY•', Itihllrnllml of .Ill. nr"khl r•, Ili Ill.. nprrplatllrr ill' Ih„ prnvirl, til. Ihrrrul. Ihr' r our In br uppr„Yid by ILr rurpnrulinn _ ' Allurury. Nin.7. 11'11IN nrdluuul'1'.hull lukr oll'rr1 ,\Iy I' Su.',70- Kr -1-d. 'I'huI list. IY'I'rrupu rrt•uf Lhl• Ilnd hr` Irl tuft,• 11'+111 Ilnd II ft1•I' 1111, 1111111- I'll1' til NI. ..1+111 hr. 111111 IN 111.1'1-11)' Il II11111Y 1•ltllml llllrl Illi• I.rrr :III I'r„ III'•I'rr 11', 11. pl'1 r- \lord In rrrl lr,ll 11 f UII• ,.dl' 111 Irrrl 111111 dlr'r1'I, til Ur I11 \'1X1. 111' it f111111X II 1' t'I ...rl Ism 111 '11 Ihr Ins r11n X1•of I I IrNi 11 I, 1' 1111• .\.. '1111i 1' r\+1111 _' I I. :III III 1 1 1'Idl•Ilt (•1111rXr IlN IIII1111111/1.11 1' Ili )11 r.1'X 1 ,.Ir Hill. 1.111 III I 111 I 1dr61 1111 rYlllllllm int 11'1 0:+111• l'Ildr 111. \II \Ill+'. 111111 1111 \'till 1 I •II 1 r LII II -d •AI nI1111I11111!I, aw NIVk'• ,111 I'n `MIII--' i u)P -1 \1 I' \I1 uun1. 11 II'I K Ill! III-, of 1 rILI11rI11Np'1f ln• 1111 Im rn upprul'I•d April f, IXtr,', nX I'r'•rldulll of 1.11.• A -.,.I Ill Y. fn 11111'•.: Y s I'Ru('I;I';ltlXul+ (11"'1'111; C(OI.N N ('111'\'1'11, 111'1'• Illll hul'1/I,r III Illvinl 111"•,111'p.1+ A,I1111111 4(11(1 lyl1y 11111pt1111Y (\rlllrrlllrr 11 �lllll'n Ir,lll rIr' Tl�:axl III 1111• I.111'r'h11.111f .'"•1'1111 "'11("•11 ",1 11d1h11.11ir•„ I,r111,1 .I .r 11.1'"1( Irl 11r1111n1111 1'11'1111, "111+111(1 .r1'IrI I."1. 114 11.1' �,II YIiII'lll 11'' IIII" III I"•I'I'rl Iru 1111 r'll I.11111"1� IK 1111111• I+r 111.11 111'."1 11,.1111, 1.) Ih1 4'11' 11' NI. Ihl rl 1. IIII uull.n•Icl'd 11 ulcr"1 Ilu'+11"1'11. '1.111 It 1111'Iylh'w IrI It. l "I: 11 111,1111 I1 hr�l�lul' Iillnl• r,l 1"•rt l ll1"l'r111. 11 1111'11.11"1 II 1•,111. �"1 II 11111.1' +11111 11111.1 1.11 1"14 IIII' I'111+1.Iy 1'( 111111' n, 11• Irl .IN•. Irl'"IIII' ,Il Irl(nl II., p11I.1 rl, r1 .x 1,11 1111111111 ("111"1 I'll1' •I"• Ir"Ir Ih1 r11 111'" :.11111"• Il rl•.I.'pI111 11, I III f I I 11 1 II I \'1 d I.I I IIv 1 11 1111 IIr nl P1'1 1111 II 1111 III II" lrlr 16r nn Vp..ly ."I I hr 1'"q 11u'nnlln IhI II nlldhlu IIIrp1.n 11 ,.I rl,yVIr Ih1 II, II,. rI ..f I 1 hr'r111 I. rlr' 1111 r1I11!III III •.I I"I 111(1 . ' Irr11'Ill" YII11'111 11',.11 "'ll1''Ir I 111911/111 r.1' Ih1I 111.Irl I.'• If 111111 tlrl hall+"• 11111'111 x11111 "x Irl" I hl' 1 11 11'1 II II.I I1,Irl, lir 111,1 ,.f ,1111'�III1I ,1. 1 Ixl Irr 11,1. 1'.11 IIr 'Irl .11 ,11 h1111,I Irl "'ll rl'I, Irllr� 11 I h1 1'IIY IIII' •I IIr V1.11 IIr 1111 11 rlllrl 1 Ih1..�1111,1r 1'I 111"1 ,II .. " "11 INI"I .rr. 1111(1)1. I�i1r�� "•b"1, hrlr. 11 •11111 1 II 1'.. I.I..... Irr I Ir11 X11 Irr 1. .x. 1'1Iu 1 Irl ,.'111111111y rl tl.r l,. ,IIt 1.r .Ir 11.11 .I iII. 1111 I'p1 up111tlnu I ltd •1111111111(1 Iia IIII, t.1 .111'1 11.1111. .11 r .•1'1111 1 1, ". ni Irr I It. ,11I, I'I rll ..( I61�\I 1"1111'11.1 I I' 11d III III •J rl 1'I I I 111 r111r II I1 IJ '.1 1I"IV 1 I'�i; I NNI Irl n��hr hI 111 - �I `I II nl roll NI yr 'I. A 1'1 "111"1 h1 lu"' 1111111' 111 \Irlr'I.I..n 1i ;' I. I•u'• 111.1+ \I1' Il1"111 rl lir 11'. b' 1111 11'1111111 11111."'1. III'. 1111'1 ' r,1 IIr I.I"I1. NIIIII'N h, 111 1'11.11'" Irl t" NII )'X II A IIIIr.11'" I M to I+rrf A (1I I_ \.r 1n111.111'h111411'h1111. III I, 111('111 lr"IIIIIII111 111.11" 111 ,111.1 1111"11" IIIIM '.I 11"1114.1 •111 I"11 11.111'.II,Ir11.� 111 In 111111 Y"'rlll,y I,I IIr, 1':,1,1 „1 .1 11 "111 w1'(" 11111"11' 11. 11.1. . I111 . . Illi r,lllr.lr YI.111 11f 111.�11'll. "11111.,1 ,111 111.1111111 '•1- 111IIr I ItV 11 M1.1 I. .1 luplrllY. II \ 'IY II '. \'" \1111.1'+ 'I •I, II ., III 1.' V1\11' N 11111","•, 11',p.'111t1111r, \'1.1 rlllrl vl,V i'r....l \11y • 11 A1'1p11"1 I 1 ll r' IIIr1.1 . \I I• IIr 1 \I "1 IXIN, M, Till: I'I'I't11l" SAINT 1'.11'1,1 I'Mt Ivu_ HIA Ilb•lah6w'K 11uL1, ""11--y- "11 "11 '1.-111(1'1 uu'w I'NI.I.' III Ul c. rr "d Ih., I A'v W ,,,. 1'r tx AId. '11pr111111d, I11h1.I'r, Illrlllrl r'11. 11 r'll\rl)'. N111 f1111W111{t 1/1111/11 p11'•.r11 r, 1111'Illi'11111111111 fir„11\r.l,'I'II.IIr•Il1'11'.Irr, I.It III'IIWII,111,II Llll- 1,1,111, 111', I'I'IXh11.114 -u, rl,l .,III11+I 1"• 1�1 1.1..•1(' 1'1•"11. •111 I'”' I. . • 1'1111 rlr• Ilr.l N'I., }:11; f:, 1111 rd"111�•I'::1 A Illi' r11 I' II„11,111')'. playllllll, Nllt ,f "I,r till lily "Id rt111111h1•ry full.(.' 111 flll'11r of \.1)'” IG11111111"'11. tl'::,'. II. \'.I lir •1 •.':1'. I' 1'. 1111' f1111"Iw lllu hrl111","1 lwr—l- 1111' III,, ,111IIrnvu.l J1 N.Y i. (XII':_ IIIrh II •111'1 �'nl', :\. IIIIIIIyhr'I 111('1', II.(:11 NI1.111I11 ,11 rlphlnl ll• 11 ((loll' 1'I,XI11UtII1, Tln:,, IIII •rlr'I' IIII 1'1111111.111'. !•:1 IIS,', II II I1.1n. - 111"11'y1 I1, 111�r1111', Tlr,l+l; ,I (•.III ,V, !111111'1' 11'111114 ltl I10.'I.I l.rll ,\ I '11 T:1; I11'111v 11. A Y Ir NI", :r1': --II)' M11 r, 11111"111 h1•IIII-• 111, }11,..; ,In111 ni.l rU11 I.II I.. h1'I' 1',111111111Y, 1�11"'I 1',11..1 'I'rv•4r'y .\ 1'"1., (1:111 \1'11"("'.1 Ir\ 1111, h1Y \ rl'll :hl, In1'J I(.'n11r1,"I. 'I'II III \\'11111111. IIII N'+1111 IIIIII I'll fill.11; .V'r, I'l11x l'+I II'11 lir l'. }11,11,111; NI'll11111'lIM 1'"rilll'1111)', {i l.li, A It, r r\M,I'111 I 11 r Yl.'nnl''•. 1'-I1'.�IIIr1111X1. I r•I'hl".11., h1, 1111,11111,\ Ill'll ( L, NIIIII I. 111'111; NI.I'11111 I I u rr IN ul'Ir l'r,lu'111111. .� N1111I r•,,, 111 r1 rr'u ill' llu,`\'llu MI,1'Ir r,, \1 r, I'runl Ir111111.11111111 r, 1'11111111 r111•rL W 111'",11 II N'111111lX }'..I hl. 1'11.1( 111'11 r. .VI, I'r 111 11"•111 .I N'lll" 111'.rpl'I' 1111111'1111 In'1lrrll"rl. It it'Illt It( II'.1'""1111,1111), h1. 1'11111 Ir1111. \"IY" 11. 111.1.,, 111"111 r 1,1,11'1" :h to Ii III (111"1 "II;V 1'11..111111 •:1, I;; ,I, H. SO'"1II.In11' ,\1',1111"•"1 by till, I1r111 I'"I If .\Illr'I'll1.,I, II.In,1r1'I111r�11!I,rlp11tullll'1'11 II"•rl111111I"111. LrI h1 .11111. 11'11y111 I', 11111111111',•Ttl. ,\1111'.1, IMI r•:, '.. Illi hl'11"•1111'111+, IIII 111 "111"1 1V"11'll 1u.1"'r Ilu' ,upore (,lou "d (1(111 u. du•nrinll ndupl n1' Iq'Ihl' \•.,.'ll. bly \Prll Ili I1... 1'111,• Air•,rrr, 1 1.1111.1, 1111"1.11,1, Air,. ry old. Ihnlrllb",ry. Mutt. I'uluny, Itr 1'•h 1. h'N, 11 ".I w11Y, Nld- .'l rlI", 11Y Ih1 Il.11ldllly 111+11TI.1,111I Ihr" 1'111' 111 41. \'11111111', 11111,",11111,111,, \'IIII StIt... •. 111 . I'I'I"I ., %I"1, 111-1,1', li 1111111, 111 1'I'r'r 111", 111 fl, I'.1111. Ad1 p; Irl by Ihr, \,•.'1111.1y \111'11 :'II, I,II': Adynl- a \.11" Alillr II�r•"I \III' �. Inlr!, 1'1• I•- \1"11""11. I 111" III I.I I Int �M1Ir- \11ll... Ill pl nhr•111 \ 111 h1)h \I I. 1'41.4 •\1'11"111' try 111.'IIIII I'rl If;\11'1 1'11.111 \I.Ir Ii, 1X11. - rl",V11I " Yrun• 411', Ills h•Il hr r4,•, Ilnl 1, 1'ul1II.1. IIYM ' AdnP.r l by I1.", 111111"(( of Aldnrin.'n M1iny`-n 1'npl"lu nrl, IBIhu1 r, 461111. Id111, n11lNr U', old ,\'I I' \n. Jon . I;, 1-, , 1'r•IAI�I. Illr'I"'I1 h.'r V. IIII I, 1'111(11)'' Il rn u, dl r. I'n'Jdr1a . \111'11. II, Ill•,r"11rd, 'I'll,0 rlly ur WI, IN' dru a'u III III11.11\ 11'1.1 rll l'1. rll )'111111' 1111111' 1111' , "rinrl)'. Nul ,"�Ir111,1. U111111'". flurr.I.I.•11n1 A 111 ",v1.1 1111\' �. ir'.r:'. II ,!II I,p111111'r11111,"h1I'11v1114.11'Ih11'rIII"1Nllly- 111'I.11..1 r. I•r1"11'1.111 1 111 "" 11"'1. fIr 1111, 111.11.- r.'I Ipp1 V.tY+ \IrI14uI1'"I NI "I,V' Irr: A Ir Si. 1 •1111 IrlIh"'ll'I'"�II"'1'1I\'"'1111111"": \\ 11111111. II. "rlul•r" A (Ill I;.11111IIII \'1. h1lll „1141) flr'r1111111,,• 1'11111 1111 .1.1"11. 1.' "1111 I1 .I "1.'1111 l.y 11111111 til " 111111111). II„•I,I 1111, }1,1�.1 - 11111 111"' I'll\ 11 1+111'1 1•"11111111 rr 11111 1111 ''Ir1'111111 °I IXu'!. 11 I h1' ,\1,111':II, (XII':, .\l r \.. 11,1 "', r Ilryl IIIc 1111,1411 I" X11 1111111y 1111.11 ,"," ., III" 111111111..1.111 ,.LVIII'`„"'111111)' 11 111'.,.1.. ,1'1111. ';I (11.111+1.. M"' III,III.•rl, '1'II111 IIII 1111111,1 Irl 1'11 hllr, .I fur h1I 111 111111111 '"11111111' VIII " %I...11'",, III, p1111'1111, \'11.. NIy 1111, nl IN.It 1. I d , 111'11.11Y 111, 11'.1.'I.'"I 11 p.1,111' ,.I" IIII M1I II111111 1,.111111"'411 .r Irr1.1I', �I,1r 1'1 II .1 1.11 1'II ....r....1.. 1111.1. hl 1111111111 1111'11 it .1111'. 1., h"•+pl'1r1,11"I I'. .I. 111 .'I+, 1(1'!11', \1(1'111 Nr'•I.1 I. 1111 ..I ,111"1 h"I 111 1h1' IIr111r.1 11 ;\1"11 "111111. ;111"y 11 .I II �I,."II r 111111M IIII",1111111"1. 111 IrlI:, r.lh l,r•I 11, 1111\ 114", 1'"111. "11111, }..1,"' " It. 11'1'1.1II.+, }Ir, I•'4J 11.,11, 111 r,1• 111.' I 1111.1'11 Ill It l' ["'1'111 11•1 1111114 r" 11. r \11•.+I', I Irr 1"1111., I'� 1111.11•'1. 1111 ,\111 hl h'll h"'1'NN, 1'11111""y, 1'1111 IY 11.1, 1111... r'1', 11141111'1II, Alrlw y Wil 1Y /11111111 Ih.!,. 11II.11111y,IIr1 rlllrl(, (XII^. N.11ilt•.', 1I,II1111.11111. \'.I 11 `11)11.•I'I I+ 111'1411, \11. I'I'1,11 II,1.I 11 11'11,11,1 bl II"1 \•XI•hl hlr Aprll'!n, 1, n' \111"•1" "1,11111, ISlu.. 111.1, \Ir \11 111.1(1 111111.1. 1111" M11111', �II. I'1'I'rl 'I� r (11"'(11 n. Nuy• 1.Nr11. III I.1 11.1111' '1 •\I�Irt Ir11 111.1 '�, Inlr: ,\1'11.11.1 Irl ,11"111.11.1 11 ,' I, 111 II ll" "I d \Ih ull Mill A:!'" 1 r 11 III h I I, v II I I. I I I Ind It II r Un' bh 1, V III\. I.. 11 I \ Ill" I• u 11,01 I IIr 1, I hell111111 11 I r r1I'I I i Nuv, I 11 r IIIrI d III,. Il v II rf III Il.nmd ' 1.1•I`r I. 11 I, Urn Id" II t ull. Nlil 11111 \II I'I'I..I,IIIII -11, ,\npr r1 I \III �, I•'r• " 1 I I I 11 hllr I AI rl I ;u Inv„ i 111, I,r•1'11.\11111, 1'111 II)'III., 111111111 1'11111 Vil 11111111"'11 11"11 . Ir.l: f I A Y I+ V.1 r I'1111III. 1'111' VI, 1'11111. 111111 I I.1 I' . 11 .11 I'.1Irl I.' \t 111'It• W ,11111 f!.•,111 Ui.1.'I'6.1 rIU'nrdrrr br du"N I1 1'111 ..r Mt, Poul I1r,11111' IuI1nN'111H IO. '111n11'.II•t IIII, .111'1'1 11. I"•I1111111IIr .Ir„ •I 11"11(( 11.1 ,r rel' I Ir.11.1111"11.,'111. 1111. toll" "11 I'I 111111,111."111 111NII'. 1 Ih ..1 11.1 ,1111.."1' 111'1111"1 "11111, \'1I \.1 :111 III nil IIIIIIIIII.Iir" I I1 1,0"IlllI 11" 11..1" .......... h 01111111".1111 1'\1'11r1.•rl Ii1...11.11. '1'11111111111.11.1 II. "1. tlN 1111""11 nr ,.IIp1,111 l�. IIr1.t' I.• -VIII I,1 III 1111 ,\+X11111111 \,1'11':11, 11111': II.. .111 11x.1+1111.I1.1)II111111.111II 11.1„'y111 h 11"1.41 \ NII( 111., j 111'1l.'n 11.1 \I1•"4, I'1"Ir111, ('III11. 11.1, \I"• \,111 Nlv lr", -. In 11. III 1111"11 11 \1111 II.11 Il.r . I.If♦1,'!111.1,111 III 1111".11 1'111111 .\ h '1 11 (IIII it rIl .� II 11 11,;:1,1.1 1411\.11 11111111, f' r 1 I' I 1'1111!"�(III11. 11111nu1111,111111,1 11 II.1 .1111"1' 111 1111 ,,I '' III 11, 111 1114.114 11 �N .I)r A,I.1111. f.1 by 11.1' 1111.4.1 .11 .11,11"11".11 M1l.ly \•'•1.11.11 AI,I'I l'!1'. Intl'.' 111,. '..1111.1, fII..1I111+1 I111111y, }"1 111111 n 111.11 Y1, .11111111 A11111411, Au.': \111'•111 .I,.I rI1,. ,, Irl' III11..111r'I'y, 11.111. I"."I.')'.1'Ipr.. 1. 1111 \11 111111^1111"1111. 1."11111111141'I"'rl NrI1h , \1. 11., 1,I ILI.Illt11 ' 1" f.'1. hl 1''1 III I', I� 1'.1• .\I.I I.111.11111."..'.......IIIt I., 1\111'NIIY. Nf11111 .111, 111 1 11111111 Y. r.) f'!'!•; nl.. r'I..III'4 Ih1o. 111 1,. I •.11,1 III'."I11' 11' 1'1 11111.'111 ' �'I1r111"III III 111. 11.”"-1''1 AW- ron .l rlllrl. 1,1111,....1,.1.1.1111' •4,11' .111111" \.,,1.111' 111111.' Irr' I '\1"1.1 ""11 11.11. I, I, 1••r \11 II'.. II Ir11I Y. 11.111 1'1111.,1 1'11. \II, 111..11,111 I'.I..I.I'.i,l'•. \Il 1'IIII '.11.'1 �1 11'. 11.11111 r 111 111.IIrr1 11" 1.1.11 At l' II'11 \11111.' IIr11" I. r, \ ,Irl h.vh" 111 I'1.. I.I"•1 I SII 1111, ..I \'.11+ I \ I \1 I \II- \111 +11111111.1 I .II1.I I•'I;' \I,11I111'I'"I 11 h• 111, 1•I .1 111 .1 l II \\' 111•If 1111 A111!.'I•,rll11r.11f 1111. \Ill Ill 1,111."'. !I,.It. .III IIf+I 1I1,111I I11"I IIII .111.111 1.111. II. (IIII !r 1111 ".I 111"`.' hl I'N111 -Id It.. It11. IIr "I ". 11 1', II 14 NII � 1' 1 111 I' I MI 111 II" I ,r 111 y 111 Il" It I IIr 11 I I 11 111 I) III " II 111 \I, I,I',11 I \I 1 ., 1,": I,I ," 1-• I 61' , "II I I'll. II III' InI I'll- I I MINI` III"1'111. 111/1/11 r\ 1111\I II. 1111Ir Illr IIrr .,I� r rlr 1111, rrrr Ilrl Irr Nlln �1 11 Illr. .I I. I,1 I rrr rr1r IIr r II Irn11r r.1 .11.1 Ir �.Ij I^III Ilir'r lnrl 11 III: rl .II (rrrr rrr, r .rl lr r I 1 Irr Ili lr.l l I :'I� I II Ir 11111 IIrrI I�� II,IIr .IIrr1 ��. rll n11 r'I II11r, Ill IIrr 11rr .:�. IIIY lir .IIr r I r „11rr II r 1 1 Ilrl Ir, IIr IIr, .r r r I.r r rrrr 11 r I I I r I I IrI .11x1 � I.... rr1 . Irr r.. rrrr 1 111 r1r�I I rrr I ,Ir rl I1 \ 1 II� r 1 r 11 r I r I. ' II' 1111x1 r1 rl 1 1Ir II .rI I I 1 I I, r ...r r. r I 11 x11 r, Ir"' 1r 111 II.r I� 11 1 1'rrlrr Irr rr 1, I I.I. �, IIr r1I1 .�rl IIr 1 111 Irllrr"rrrr rrI 11r�rI r,r.I 11,rr I r III IIrr I II.. 1. r .I I'Ir Irllrrrllrr 11" I . 1 1 1 I r• 1 II 1 I Ir I'II 11 rrr w1 I'r ill IIII Ilr I. I. I o-1 I r 1 IIII II , Ili rI IrIIl rl rrr 11.1 Ir'r 1111I r.IlI ISI. 1rllrl rlrllrl.r Ilrll 1. r` .�.. rl rl. VrI 1 11rlrr rrl,r Irll 1. r, 'I . I r III 1'r. III' I 111 Illrrl 1 IIIc II.,.III I 11.1. Ir.rr 1111 1" 1 � 1 bl IIIr 16.1 rnr I rIr1 I�Ilr 1 1.Irr I i , 11 1,.1. nIIIIII Nr I'rI.I. I 11rIrI r,r rl 11 I, I" ( I I'r ISN 1rrl 111„1 I' I r Irr I I' 1 IIr 1 rl 1 I I 1 1 w r 111'1 I rr 1 rrr �1 r 1 ' II 1{rl ,'I'Ir rl Irl IIrI II.r1 I I 1' Irrrr. . I x,11/ 1 r 1 1�1 IIIr Irlr l.r 1 Ilrrl 1 1 r1r Irr r.l., IIr rl.I 11. 111r1r Ir 11 rlr1rll 1 1'r r. 1Ir Irl ' rr 1\ II Irr 11'1'1 .Ir rl 1I 11 rr I•'' IIr I III' I r 11 r.l IIrr IIr rlllrl rrr '.rll1. Ilr� r 1 IrI II I" Ir ... I Ir�, r11.IIrr Ir I r. r1 1 I �I 11 , r I +1 1' I I 11 rrr IrI . 1'r rrr r I'rll�lrr 1111/ I Ills, r ,II r IIIA \ 1 IrI II "'II 1 . 11,1 Irl II�.IrI I.,I 11 1I1I�I I1 IIrr Ilrrr l.I .I 11rlr llrir 11 rl , . r 1 II 111 I. II I Ilrrll 1 rrrr lr 1 I'I 1 11. I Ir Irlr r. IIr 1.1x11 .r\I IIr I'Ir Ir rl r \I'I'I r.I Irr I r IN, rII. rr, rllrr .111rr rr lr.11 .I 11rr I1. IIlrl 1lr rix rlir rl \I' I I• Ir ISI r I I r l 1 irlri r1 Ilp rrry rrr II 1 Irr .r Ir r IIr Ir il.�y.lrr., Ill r' \. 11x1111 In• \r 1. .,. r.. r i 11r III - IIrr. il'lrll rll r IIrr Jlr I r I r I II" r Mril I II .ill Ir 11x, l rrr ,. 1I Ir r. 1l rill. r I r1r1 1�rlr r r Ir.. r I Ir rlllrrl, •I. 1. rrr 1 1 rl � ,�1 rl I ,rrrr I r x111 11 r1r I .r 111rrrrr .. nl rrr i 1 r 1 -0 Id Illi Ir I 11�1I r Gln ul. Ibrin U�� Irlr r. Wgnl� I �IIrrI 111 1'Ir Ir11r r.1 I + \ 1 \Irl rl rlr1111, I'. 1 1 I \� � III III 11� I IIIr IIr rrrr �I IrI Ilia rrrr .11 '•111 i. r.rl I.Ir�l rlrrr lrrN IIrr ail irlr Ir rl IIr 1111 Irl Irll 11rr • 111x, II• IIr rr I, III 11 I 'f 11 IIrr SII 2' rlrlWr II I \I'1rl 1r nlr � nnrr l,�I 1 r IIr I1I. Irlr r \.r .\rl��l'nrl I , 11rII�-r.l I 1 I1. r Irr. 1r 11 .II rI I' 1 r \ ISI II,r IrI Ilr 1 r r I1 rrr Ir, 1.11 Ir r, 11. Inll rllll 111 Il'Ir rlr rrr r +\ill rrr r rl 11.1„ I r IIII I \rr 11., tlr 11,1 I rr 111 .l IrIr .II h, 1 1'1 I hl1 rl r„ 11 \nll r (I�I�Ir �I IIrr Il.r 1I1 „1 1I 1111 I, I.I, 1 r 11.1 IIr. Ir r, I.. 11'Irr rrr I llrlr ,1 1 11 I rr I.I. Irr 1 I.,r 111 ' 1 I 1 IrI I 111 . rl 11 1 I V''I' 1'.11 Ir, 1'1111 Iwll'„ Ln:r .Ili r Inlet lnllrlil nru pr'.rrn. �I rr r rrr 'p ur rrrr 1 1 I'II II 1�,I IrI 'r rrr IIrr 11 lr r� � IIr' VIII 111x111'+11rr I 1111111�Irl I -III IrIIII1 r. 111x1. IIIr11 .rllrrI r•11111rr1!, IrI III Ir t wl+ll IN 111 rl III rll I'r SIIrlr-rr llr�rl Iv Irrl lrru.+. Ir..n I , r Ittr Ilrlrl I Irlrr I IIr Illlrl.l'In 111 rl 11 Irr r \I'r 4I I'1I x11. 1 Irr�lll 1111 11�1I�I ur'rll IIIr I. � IIr�I rrr I'1 Ii1r 1, 'I'II11 Illi' Irllr'r II1r u Ir IIII rllr lily rY III Illrrl r r. rrrr 11lrplll 11nla rr�l I I 1' IIIrII'I 111 rrr IIII. 11'u 1I r Ir- rrr IIII 'IIr' I'r I 1"III' Inl Ir nn I I I , Ir rI, 111r •I I Ir.11 I Irr I IIr I ,girl I wl 1' Ir 1 II 11 r Ir In Irl/ IrI rI II1 IIIN IIIc, IIIb' I111'I r �.Ill,r 1IIr I Ir111 ulrlrr II Ir Ir rrrr Ill' III ull ' 'IIr, Irr rr l� r rrr r I IIIc I rel it 1 r II 11r x1111 I' r rI I.I rrr 1r I1Irr �I. r . 11111 �II1111I Irr r IrI I IIr1r� I IIIrr111 IIr 1x1111 I� .x11 11r I'.1II I.r Irrlrr rrlrl r rl Irl, lrix "' IrI oI Ir rel Illrl 11rr1 r'nr, l IIl,r 1,. N 1111'11 trlllrl lllU llr.r 11 ll rrrr rrrlr I IIIc, rrrr r 1111x1 1lrr rl Irr r�f l Irr Ilrrllrl r IIr Irr Irlr Il Irr r...I .......I llU r In I r I rrrr rrrr IIrr. Irrll IrI1 III rr' r Irr. �1 r Irr lir Ir Irr1 11 I I""' II"I I I I IIr I I Ir111 1111 r rll rll rl .111 rr rrr rl•I VIII x111 rrr lrlV 'IIII rrr 111x1 I lu 111,. I rrr r rr lr�l I'' Ir lr rl II IIrr IIrr I Ulu x11 I I II r rr11 1 11 r Illirlllr� Ir Ir Irll11 I I Irn I r 1 IIr r. IIllr rrr 11x1 Irlrlr.r rl. ill'rl rrrr III11 lo- rrrr I lri Irl 111111 . -I r l,l Ir IIII r 1 rl l'11 ^Il Irl rill l'i Illlllrl 1r.I II r Irl IIIrr I IrI rlllrrl l�. Ill r : Illrr I I'rr r. ISI 4 I III IIIc IIrIr1 IIr ., rllrrr� � ��I III 11111 1x11114 IIrr r IIrr 1r Ir Irl I I �I Irr I 1 1!Illrr r111r Irl I IIS rr fell I II IIII I1r11 r1 III'ru 1 hI , rIl Ilrlrl Ilrl III'r II nII IIIIr 111 Ill rl IIrr rlln rli ullrr rr lr,IIr /. Irrlrilll lllll'1.r x11 I IIr rrr 1 rr111 IIII I rlllr IIrr III 11 r I I.rl I I I I ,rll II rl r 111 Irrl .rix rel Ir. 11Ir•III' r rlir I, I'�I 11111 r II I lir •1lrr IIII r.... rI, II•I,.r 1.1 Irl illlr.'1 II IIr + Ilrrr „1111 II II VIII' '1111 111111 Ir. .I rrr Irl �Illrl r 11111111 rl r I' rl rl 11 lrr,llr'IIIII IIr�II"I II x1111 IIr � III I 11 Ilrll 111 1 I rrr 111 Ix, r1111111r I.,rll rxlrr 1111• II . 7r I 11; 1 1r III II 1.11 Ir I.' I .rl� I I 111 I I Irr rrlIII I wIl II yI r I I IIr' 111 I I 111 ��I IN Il r'r- 1 IIrr. - 1'I l' IIr II 1 rll rl 111r r1r \u r , u IINi 1IRIW1SED1VGS IIF '1'111': I(IMMIIN I W NCII, m1 Ile rn olrcerl fnmlts �la.d salftllr thI{s P�III ,,it,,1 tl I t nee thereof pro 1 1 tt f Ilit, ordilila,e F •I to, ihr Itoard ,f All], Intl \It l __' Is r_ }ras AId. It elrl be rK. Copchold. 1 0l - lel Sell tt I. )1 l'1 Nays Cht'I lao .d till ll -,"d of \II I. 1 I111;N Il \. all \t dl Is } \I Bill, - I liall., M I ,III', I'I \I \ 1Ip pro hein. VI'll,iIr ke• 1It.1 t.-id,III-.. Nat. M 1 App- otd MH Atte,,[A- 1'Il1 II. . , � I'Itl\ May Ilii1'Irrk. Itu F' Nn. 1"mol-U nhmmrr N,'. I -v, Kasm Calot in , rret un irnu shed. ,rho Conmlo loul, it I Iftl cu\ (If "t, Plot] 'U intr1. 1 - i s to r,nd raill .1 ua1, l\ Ilya1 shed I„ feet llhark I_11ee1 „',de :,I'llIi fent lea_• nn Ill, e 1st _ I frit rl Int,:; aad 11 kI It 11 I1 I t 111 it 1 1. 1 I r l 1 1 I r.uaer d t ll' d 'ba', 1 f felt .t ld hr to foneirll 1 L. ,, v-, n ae •tn,l pablic tl o 1'a"ed ht Inr Ii alld,I \IItt.... t1 M \- s -Aid- Ito 1". l,rr� itutt. 1 1 ' topelInd. Ito"_r U,rni, I:t hal, M lady,=i,,aa, Mr. 1'rrsid,•nl-III. Nay- 0. 1 11 •Ifo 1[\ I I I ".II n\tl Ill 11 tet 111 ,I1 s.l, 1 \I It 1 rf 1-11 I:Im I --t II \7 1 IT L\ 11\ Op - p helm, \ ;,it Slyke 1 P11. resident t Nass R'. I'. nts Ar. I1cat off rho Ae-elaull .\'- 1 ,red \I ay7-2. 1 It :F 11 o'oI 1tt I: '111 1. .\.1 < I , ' Mal l,. j l lly I'iork. :f Illi F No. It y,. _Irl' .\I,I. �ulli.:t 11 drlaY to a ti t arlS a- It is 1111,- arde red ill' Ihr t'nlll lllnl, 1-.,,I I, oil of Ihr 1'11Y .,f Wil. '..1: (lilt ='hal ihr poll lel' of it tMar,,ha ll it \1 II 1.: retia rt root. from 1,Itl rhw 11 } I -pc t 11 1 upin Ill(- I Let t. t b, b,. 1 I ll s1,�d iu 141 ilii s ]IIII al' Ihrhl•11 aI• 1d,d I)I 1In-,lhe -`I1• al' Maare ur. hr, nod Ihr s I'lu l,lir q wrr1'rI rd111a the ]tuned I,f Work, It, IK to rl ,•pelt g-1. 1 -I 1s t, ry in b tl' mere, anent proper and 17 nar ,y'c 111-/:i ve tau' Cuoneilalesooatlr of t II May ti. 1192. the =• IMol the''It' ud hall 'helher ha!11 I •-a�af tld(t hr east the roof is to nr pa ill ,Inlo the a its treaty b,- ihr routruet 111 ht t r. Ifl,' 111 la�l II 1111ur1 \, s011 It 1 Thi rd -al t.l,ot•1. b rd lar Mr. 1'n ".1t at. Na,U, said imps-e-Fnenl be fauud beuellted to 11 t rib I I of I:I II II{rrs.l ��,1� III tt p. 11 1 -1 pel- 1 f ih,� al :l �111t ,fll Irl ap uty to N. - -d I' 1t .0 I tl I,I tl at' F'ttl t ill, l 1-I It pllat ,t l r dile l , I lf v ,1 inl ` 1 .I 11h1 t IIII I 1 I rrlrr ,lir I tl , l l k l, l d ,l :\ I l t I Irh, I t a t 1 I \ I I I t t • I \I I 1 .%ld, It'rh nl "K. I , I'cl Iud C'11 Ile It I 1 Moltd t. ��Ihr:a, 11CI I- IIIN:It .Ilay 111, 1192. \i 1:'T"', 11 1 11 \I �l IT it \I '\N , Opp - Al -lir, ippmIApi,r ae,l %hy 12, J19l Ibl I' No. Ie:,I I I, u,I• a1anll'„f Inr I' •poll al the Ilan nl ni ht.b rAA'urtk duh atl It ht . ­h' and 111 I CommoaCpnn- -I niIItlln f l l I- TIII. I ibr It I I kl' I Ibl tP nks al the it, , I I'.Ittl he 11110 \\WK i - pr I of to ne Io �id,, l I: rude ul- �I,II,Ir,k a ol'.\rli l,�I„II Ill ili� addition. ,1II \..1 1'.I nl Ir It "Id Lill ubner ii d rl1 \t I I Iq uitarl 1 1 1 'Ih [ ,n, half III 'I 11 1 I 4 I sl l ori I i, tl reit Intl t(11 I said n k -I 111 1 "I'”' I 1 I 1 1 1 m -t nl l ll ]hard shall pl I Irl idyl tr W ns - r11 ,1 Irl` 11 rel II c tiIII,,, rl,luir,d to l 11 I 1st. all t ret 't' dell vt s al' "Ire illlpr ,\ araC tt pl,a tllt� re:d t•sl air �be brel•Illell Ibr .:rid imlir e at. IIs �r, ridrd b)� nitr: it nrle;- uII���,hi ohm of h, CII oil II :II r • II,I-lu 11 to br us�es�c•d 11111 at 1, impl ltl•ui I I br foul d dee till d t , t Ir I�ttl•I t , t ]the east. ,ori e.c- Poll' Irl e��.11l Il, lir lal'1lrt rd tit rot'. \ I pled by the IS ,aid of Aidrrinell 1l:tt t, I.s.C. VII ;ts ,ud. Itirlrnbl•rK, Cnnlev. I I:I I„I. I,ahnrr. Dorl,idrll. l.rlm o-�Mrlady.�dy. X10 \I 1'I 1 t I 11 It I ly tl \..runt Jlat II 1�1_ \' \I Itul nolrl 1 nstrll. 1<II lout IIaII, ly k(- Mlt)' igen, rc, 1 ,npea hellll, \"uo xlykr. >I I'. ]'resident -p. Nit, \I'pra \'ed 11uy N1, 119" Jill F No. l a ihr matter „I ihr rr prl rl al' l ill• Raa rd at I'o bile \\'arks I t i. hrn•I,y n rdered I,v I nr Cna, m„h Con a- larto tlnata'r:lltl 'I'h:n Ihr R, n(rd or 1'u illu R k.- If. -lid 111,: sI Int f IIII t\ I K h'- pI ill t udr. t , n'it. Opea. r Aro ;a,rl Ixirod Itl:l'r si n•••t, nenyeell nidiar sheet told ihr 'I'I•reitoriui road. in id cite. r,;nd ill, InK nod takil,K IIII that 'aid rt of lul I:l a( 1\ill lloy :s , 1 lals lytoK oath f the tl 1 of ltMail street pl,durl Iru,t,t tl te•.t ltecufaforr -aid fat I:i to lhr'rerritarild road. I1F THE I'ITi of SAINT I'-AUl.: FON 1�92. 1117 That said hoard shall 1 od ,t'ithout Adl,plel \ll,\I11`t .\ISat1lllllly MaYI'a�l'Ih,, drlaY to a ti t arlS a- 1 thI t r In as t' 1 I ill he o,lulrrll to I tl 1 t' aloe I:I Ii \I C IllI 1 \I \ It t r I l l l \ Irl. MI I 'I s dI at `!. } I -pc t 11 1 upin Ill(- I Let t. t b, b,. 1 I ll s1,�d iu Na)� \I l,lor It Nl.lr l'_. 1-.!. 1d,d I)I 1In-,lhe -`I1• f h 1 1 I to o 1f 1 1 n br f i l (t'I t 11 't. t fihc Jam - ]SII \ IS \11 1{iI l[nUtl _• g-1. 1 -I 1s t, ry in b It 1 - 1 1 1. 11 1 as lu nd tl rcbt \1 d I) 111, IS I \Idl rl rl 11 f II itf I k for tie II May ti. 1192. pc I t ta II I, 1 it 1 II 1'. I, II 1 ,,I t. I l Io, to l a t l l r l l t l't t S t. 111 ht t r. Ifl,' 111 la�l II 1111ur1 \, s011 1'a I, m d desert bt I .IIII bo uu ded as fol Mr. 1'n ".1t at. Na,U, Inmos. I, �.It it: of It 1r t nK t 1 t t n the easel Alli dl 11 \' 111 \I I 1"' rlmc m1 d1I"" ( 11 11 t 1 Me C. l l Ili. t. 11 \I t: ii I \IeN ltaee f it,1 \ 11't \ to Lho 1 It' !-'I- I - 1 Ih. And oa lm tl 'd llppt Il nein \ ut .�I)'I„. 11 r. I t sid nl , ,\ 11 Ll "I':ch 1 i nl' II,1 fI 1 L; them( Vat - A pilrat', 11 Mtt� 1.. „r! 11 trrll' I I vurr I hal \\, thin a �tdius of 11 r.:t [eel to a point oil lho (test line of lei :Ief �li,l .Strand Addition No. 1. - - u Ito feel a a'I•h „f ill, .eallill-I ('order Ii 1 F• Nn. In]:f 14c :AL1. Cu pc lural of .aid lot :f: la -,I, n,u th tf extcrly in a Iir.olred. 'I'I,:il in, li,.0 r,l „1 I'o bill' et r:a lfht Imo to n lo,int 1n the \rest line of \l"ork� n .......'nr 'n.lrnl'I e'1 to di" I'll Int _ of I.ak,' ['olno Villas, :Ild _al root lo[ lop Linin• the sr .beet. h, aril ihr s �Ittlloust t,el said lot Ia,Io 1'111 'I' tit 'I'd I% II .ell i I ,1. II I f L all, �ou1h Imo of bt I t 1 Y i uar."I, u'ilh Allupirdb3ll IS.altl of Aldtnn . Mal Ill 11 1 f id lot 1 II I— Vr -Ald. Itlrlerin r�. II„I I, 0-1111 r r, ihlntl nrrih I.. a. ICI•( W south IInC of boa lrrard: ,n, aer .I lel.::, Iee1; tueuee 1'u prltl ml. DI,n„ell. IIe I'ladrl,, l:rh:a1. Ali• , alll to fe,l t., eIa I of hr�Innill �. ha ;In,i lad). Ttll in. ',I I 1'II-dl•nt--Ir, t 1, Io 1 t rd Io Ih:, hoard of \ 3_ I V I I I I I 11 \. �1 1 1 \I' I I 1 1 1 F 1 I s tl 1 L proper and I'O,t,II LI I I It 3 it n 11 \ Op- 1 l I 11 c leall I-Ilaut, of l 1 II A it,, sl\'l., \II P-- stdtl l th 1 It f 1 L L 7 tt uc N LLyslll A ppl"ted Able I° I`.I'. half fll - t 11 f 'tI be p.od lu Lo lite it t - r) htfore tim­ntrat,t Is ie L. 1 h- I I,l l to l sell for adlmlltten tU torrid to the alenl nl osis and -pea- or Bit N No. I11i1__I1y Ald. 1' ,eel:, a,l I ss.r)' to be incurred Ilom,b,y' I:t +ol red, Thal Ihr Itou rel of 1'ablie Fourth Is -such ilnpro eul Itsked for -t \Sal kn t rt se Ibl f. it ,\' K Ntll t �pt,ltklloK I) i 1 \ , t I t `IrI _ kl I upon the Po t it t rapplication of the ox'n- t lord f tl property to he :Is . Buri ttK 11 t .-I .:' I of I : 1- I' .-t t 7 r - I nt• '1 from Fon �I to A 'ad' 1 t I I i t ordm lvl iell do- taxa , t 1 tt nl i t F ftt - - 1 t1 C it plan or profile of- 1 - 1 - lent, I,, rc l l d b3 la,v, if fr illi 11 nII or 1 r Ie t llirecl. Adoplod by Intl) (•IIS, Ii,rd .,1' Aldr meal 3'1 report in fa, or of he same S,rll1 �rnd the Council a proper order \lay li. II }'Vas Alli. I: ie l rn bel �t. Ilnll, nn l C)'. direct nla the work to br don o. Adop l r I I,ylhe Ifo.M of Aid erm en \lay C 1pcland. Dobner, Ill, l I I -han Mt a, I,•tr: Iad3, �.l It, M Yl rsl It It Il N,Iy, I. Vrus Ald Itirlrnhcrb li tt Conley. Copel(tnd Moll - Ilormdr ( han Mr- Adopicd I3 tl \�sI I I I\ 11a III 1"r', la ly, v1111ic an. Mr ]'resident- II, 1'o:ts-.Mr�sr..l aah„ li.er, Costrlle, lilnt- not*I. Marr. M,"itil'ert3 Nie N:o ov Op- NaSc__ll. Adoplod b)'the Asselnbl)' May lo. prnhoi it. Val, Sly l: e, Nil. I'rr.idrut -.. }"eas- 1lrssrs. Il:lahaiier. C -jello, El - Nays -U. 9111,1. Marr, 11oCatTerly, 1IcN:ltu co, pp - Approved May i" Isle!. ponh'aa. it. �IS'I:C, DI r. f'n•sidont--'.t.' Nays -+i. lid F Na. Irl. -lie Ald. :%4ollt\':III-- — I I 1 That tl It":`d , f full . tl- ell Worli, is 1 I I 9t A b, r I K I I 1 III loll lf �elny He F No h.,s. By A111. Dnbner liesol rl d. '1 h.tt inI has lino hoop a I- ud 1 a r I , tl 1 oI lhtt est of Selby . od Aldine st re,•t. t-o1lllerld trxcl„r nt. end I t . Ior, 3 mstraeledll n, r. the e,1 o11ae lamp lornttvlol ihr rd by ill' Ill,ard al' AlI-II •It ,Irth .illi of i lenilla umr. I,:tl l"ay hc_ JI v d, 1412 nvern tim•I IioK u\ o,d Asnury -e. Ilett 1'e -.\Irl. Itis lrabt• . Coale Y, Copeland. Dohnl•r, Ila ra idr a, 1:,•I,au, Mr nd pilo th,.• :Il the ll Illi htvesl 1� Itarr al sitlll ars II III ream nrl ll l: it Moll lacy,.1u11min. Mr. 1'-ldeal 11. sleet(. and 111.tl I. of spell retot'al br Nat .-V. Fri -u W the Itlno'J of Public \Vorks. Ill% PI,(WEEII!SI;S OF THE, (')1N)ION- f'OUNC11. Adopted by tb,• li,:ard �,f- Aidcrut, :l i 1-e;:<. )I:�c rte. DII:,holrer, Co.tel:o. F.Iru- ASas It, ISa9, rlu iat. Il arc, McCa11'orty', AICNmnec.Oppon- YCns-A ld- Ili,•I,•nn,• I W. III-. t',::. Ivy, bcin,. \-nu Sl,sk.'. Mr- Pn•.idellt- J. 1'upcland.l );,hl:cr, Ilurl,iac0. I:clluu. Mcht Nay. -o. a •, swua:, ll. )I r. pre.ia,�nt -pl. nllpr„yoa >I ItY I9. Nayl -1 \do pp�d Ly ILc A=avubl5” Mar Iu, 1.!C. _ i"e:,.--M,•..r_. Ih,n1„d>.er. c„_trwl, FI,I: , Oblt. hare, A,rl'::Ii, rty. \I"Nuror'. trp Rd it :\",,. l:xl° 13y \I,I. flcl':ol \':,o.'IJ.k,. J1 r. I'rr�i,l, :'t !. at'h!, It h;,.lr, co o'udc to Iopc,r by Nay -stn the 5t. 1'I„111'lty Itallavav C....ip A Uproced Ah V' 12. 1.,:9. I::roy ,1I 1 � nd. b,r ,•.<,•ml- iitt F Nn. I: t, 1 --Ii)' :11,1. II„nnrr - Ite.,livt�d,,'1'll:vt for :.•: �uh:'r lu o'p ,�� ,il 1 1 1 Il l,ru„ i , I' AI 1 •1 I � ur,�.a ork.. .\doptcd 1".II c Ib ..,l,l of Ald, -t, I: N, IV\Sas-ISutl. C','I,I,J-. i o�,Cla na. Dolroc r. D"rl,idc:l.; ;eh:, o, Jlc- Sullia'aII, JIr. I'rc i,Ir 11 -lu. u\:r)'•-.a 1. Adopted by 11„� As.,'m bly AIuY lu, I.!r'. Ye: ..rs. IS:wl,der iio, Ell I, I. t. I1nrr. Mecall'c ri v. M,�:Ilncr. I1Ppcnheltu. YaI, Slyl: r. Jir. 1'rr+idcut !I. AprO Appproved )1nr 12. 1`n7. DIT k No. 01x0-135' Ald. Dorniden. - Re.olved, '1'ha r "1” he dr:l,vn '_.r of the lioar�i „fC�lltrn 1. Do yu blr out Of thl• Isom 1 1 1. [ I fit f. tl Ofd2,u51 S., b - - 6 th -t tl - 1 f i1 e pend,tun o4+m,1 lio 1 In I'll I, I'll ons' aa,l 11" nIy hu�p t tl ola.:l all poor f.trm ,nd aura ror relief of poor ,Iu b!g the mouth 011 April. I'J_. Adopted b5 the Ituurd of Aldcro:en May Ii. ISIQ. Yen.-Ald. Iii cicnbrrl.•. Mott. I ,nl,,, Copclan d. Dubnc r. Ito ru Iden, t m. Mr Indy, Sullic;m, DI r. Ih'eaulenL It, Nate I, Adopted by the Assem ul)y1 uY lo. Yeo.-MCssrs. IS:tnhoLrur, t'osl Cllo. I,,-O- loisl. Fluro, hlc Cati,rt)'. 11, Ni e.,lppetl- hoim. ruo Slvkc. yl r. preaid cot -:I. Approved \las I•'. Iid F' h"o. Ir0t -by Aid. C'onlev Rcsola-e,l, it:at ill order IS- d r:ovn i n ill, Or fo ul., fur rhe -c o[ R:IIro, for r of 1 -1,10 'houeo � b,rtwo onl lt.. from \lurch I, In!r,, toutJltiI. i, as Per leas ,.;id au1 t to be paid not ul the t;0.-1 fit, o... Adopted by the Ib,;o I of A1.bI cn M Itielcn he rK. R„Il. too ley. Ct�,elu ltd. Dol,n I", Unruidon. Grh:ul. Mu- lu y,3ullfvuu-!1. N I, )'e -ft, Mr.Irosi byi outvof.ew IK. AdoptcA by l:e A.hly )lay- IU, IY.!r_'. �udii„u f „f lin s he cd. provirl,vi rcfo fur he Crdi m,Occ „I' Ih,�IC ita11 0[ St. Pool No. I-”' of th •,•Icer i,.tc of said c IOill,icl:, by of uti'u, ,I'the t'„IIIm„n t oc•il of S„irl v of Salri.-:f. Im l � Im, ao, plotcd uu ibe luroi Joy. f I 1\ 1 I: 1 Iri ed 1''m II f the f.1 IIh l I l t Iiluml ,Dirt l„ Ila.. I1. 1 ; I�i the til, I. m,aa'I: .:. the Aho is :r - ' til,•• from ctrl r,ll toil ndixn Meuud I'llIc. ud hC Iioe kouavu v,. th1• Stry kcr to I,nc, de�cribcd i �:od tlydi mince 1__'7lu.Ir the io lcrsectio 1, .r!\\'ini fr, �rint oa StrI kora the � a Sr r)�k,tr at tl:ur lu Aunapulri. ri,ilc,ateu.ioo .lolll , uO- w Ir. I,,,- 1), rprC,jll:liC,•xuy of tlrl'Ip v:ci.ionS of lid ur,liau ncc 1'_"�, or the ob111Kalionn of tide Iilpun)' under lhu �mnl c-ecpf that m plc(lo of .aid IIneS Ir pilrt. of Iliacs rrprior tut"old first day .Iu IJ'. im". �I1011 ,It bo tI_..•1 a dcrnult "0 I.he part Dr ib,• y td o31 IJ'. nor p -ii t Slid mpa IS' t" auY forfeilurt• ul' pelmlty' pl.C- , I ri bra by.0 id urv'u"ace IT . "I, 1 I ' len anrtbcr. 11 1. q' dr ( It I l 1 , 11 I' K :Intl I F I id 1 I I' I' 1 •- he 1 (I tlO li1�i. do ( 1 I 1 I .hal 1 th • •su'd t:p:01 c liable to all forfc lure. nod pc utile. p�'ovldC:l i is „rainnncc ob-tlm If 'I'd tl it u[ r„ ublcti I, o<<It�•n n.�ed u,r rr!n ,u ulnttil- :,. �\dnplyd�hY Ihr lilarI .,f Aid,.... Jb:y .\Id. lair len bC ¢. It„t t. Coale , I h,bucr. D'0rl'idco. l;elr xo-1 N;,>'"- ib -n cu pc lx oa. }icl:td3-. Sulci ra u. Mr- 1'n•. ideal a. .\doptcd ny If.,- A..rolblY" Jlus W. r,•a.-. h, Il're r, cosi all,,, hfc- 1'v, iicri Y'. Ills moo hri: o, \"uu Sly k,•, N:15'�-JIr�.:'-. F:IIn'a nit. Marc. >I,•Nu .. \I,pr"ycd Iid F' No. I -I Re.,,lyca. •rl,::l city ,ra,•I-: he araa,: upu tW r P:, able , of n,e tlh,c:11 rilr�fnr..a.�.„r.15(: :t 1: I � h.rnr ol'Ihc follox'm;; t ted Ia1•r+roi.I(ur the Ili �+t ,Ipp,r.itrn In their 1 �.pcetive IILJ„Iscph Ii r:tu, on nu, uul:t of ..... K t:,Is[iuc .trcCt, ..}l a>:t!t!1; AdOi pll Jell.eu. IIL of op ,iuK lhrudo .I rtv.•t :old St. A"thuny uvenne,?._I�_. OF THE PITY OP SAINT V'AFI.- FOR 1311^_. 109 Adopted by the 11oan1 of Aidorin,•:I May Yen. -Aid- Itic10•:,hC rK, Rott. Cooky. U, hilt". YC:t.-0101, liielculr,•rK, ibx t. b'J" l'oivInud. Iluburl'. Dorniden. (:chan, .Nc- Ix:ly, Sullia'll n, Ji r. 1'rC�idcnt-Ill. a.l C'onc land, I)obnc r. D„ru!de:,. C:cha u. Jtc- b,d Y. SOIllvun. St I. I'rc.idc nt-I,,. Adupicd by thr --, n U1y )iup .. s`t. Na)'. -u. 1',•u.-\Ic. r. ,oholrc r. Cosiullo,F.; nl '.1 \deph•d by qu• AwowblY Ma)' in, Inv, r1, 1',•:,.-Jhrssr.. Bmih,dre r. C�nu•Ilo, F:hu "fin lh•1'1 )'. )tic Nnnmc, gxiYi. Ihtn•. V"I:lu•i ul. \lal,�H'kr. A(r. i'n widrnl-!r. pli.gn:ve. Mcrnfi'ertl', MrNnn,c,•. nppett beim Ynn SI)'k,-. 31r. I'rv.idc ut-!I. Nro=_o. Appr,,. ,•,I AIaJ' 1.. 1n:Y_'. NnJ".-11. Appr„yed An,y IJ. I.x. ill,, [hC month o(.\Frit, i,'J_, JS (ollnu' L borers !:.'u:.:Al: uillcer. II`IAdoptr,l hd F N,,. I li7-- h)' thr ll,urd of Alder moo AfxS' ,i, 11 2. It,•s, MS1. Tllut aa; Int. he drn.wu IpO0 ih1, c., '1'l...x. o..... ruuynbl,• , of rho Ilifn♦ lid F No. hh'rt- lis Ald. t'oliro - Iir�oly 'rha rdr I;,•'ba"I "h u::ll l: arpo r fumy” III,.I ,��I�i the p:,y rli�, l iso f .xiri A. Itoa,1r f,� rl::• ut' I':. ,I,.lo: 'dlpr -,1 whh this r 0t -oppo ,:IIIV b,•o :10,1-" :, pu :11,1,`„ I l e Kr oct.11 fit u theirµ .1x1 I f 1 L-.ry ,�drmp , t l i f 11 1 ill 1 1 of April, Il bl rr l: lot 'J bl ,ek 1...,,1 tui block oil k - -II I'- Im II r r\\ ;•1,. aaaoo, 1-� Ad„11•,1n I"J Ibc Ibolra ,�[ -\Id, . 11 Mott. r.. uley, yc AI 1. Iilcl,•tb,•r� I:,ot, tool'a D, Okh-o. (;chin. %I,•- ly. Al I'rv�idcul-lit l' ,eland DI.bm•r. Itormdeo. I:cl'uu, \1�1 J', Salilvaa. Air. 1'rc.ldrllt--lu. la, t,liaoo. r. A: s�- Ad•no ra by tl„ :\..; ;o hly \hay In. l.!r_, Nay. -u. Ad"picd by II„ :\.-cnll,ly AInJ' in. In!r-'. 1"rn*--Jb•�-r�. IS:l oltulecr. I „atcli, 1, Flm- ,Iui Sl. Ilur,. M,,, I I-rty. AfcNnloee, Ill, I ., -31' I4nn L,�laor 1 o. b.uo. F:Iwquist. Ila o. Jlcl :,0'rrly.. Mc]l, a'r,•. . r:r,I Slykr. )I r. i':, .hh•nt -J. p,•`h,Ili" trl,lrcohciul.\'u„IT, It,. .\h.J 1'rr... Ir." ! Nay.-O- AI'I,r,1� d.•I::y 12. IS,r_. Approa',v1 May 1'!. 1�!r', dcparLinent Iona." fn (nvor of GenrKO Reis, 'ity Tp ,surer, for the si,m of -IJ.Sin il. to '�. t S Ilycd. 'I'Ilul ayarralll. he drnwu up, Ih,• ,'i ) Ireu.0 rY'. pa)'n hlo nu 1. I f tl e Bit F' Nn. Il n;:r_ Itasolvcd. '\'baro mt. he drawn upon aluayahR "It ltil,liu�In�po sdn,olrlJI, fund`y In lueor,llid p�• xl the itll,- Iprt•seated the city rn:a.ur•. out of the ) in fOvur of l (, li is l l) ' -\,ill ul�.l' .0 ld d, Pu ri�ulc ll t t'd 111 ll' I ltuu. fm the SCtop- 1.' Tr:.t+u to 10u' II e I - 1 t I II , rpceti v, In c�a� in Pny. he Vaynrollp t I tl tl I t I r p ', t III ,lura and t Im Pel °upon r , 13 ( tl Ice+ dung the t- ( It n fur 1 - I 0 II, of April 1, I- u..hoaao by Said Puy. ill,, [hC month o(.\Frit, i,'J_, JS (ollnu' L borers !:.'u:.:Al: uillcer. II`IAdoptr,l and mechanlc�, of Iiourd of Se hool Inspector., },lqI'1' ; h)' thr ll,urd of Alder moo AfxS' ,i, 11 2. tearhors and eOO,I.y S.::Sr.:v"9.:11' Adm ph"I by the I3ua rA ul' Alarrnl„n rens--Ala. Ibeleubarg. I{oti. cooler M- t'opelmd, Inrbuer. 1-nldon, Cehou, Me- N:Iy r Ia,_Ahl. Itwi,it rru. Ib'it, C,:nlcy. lads. Sullivan. AI r. I-ry --to. 'op,d lOd, D ,boe r- It„rnlac u. Mrlu01J'.Ge- Nur.-:,. A:lonica by” t•hr .\.v,•tn lily Ahty In. IN92. leo,. Sill lieu o, All- 1'rc�iacut-I'I. Nn)'.-n. AaO,p(cd hJ' [II,• A..rn:blY \bty lo, 1S!r'. 1'cas--Me..rS. IT-Oh,li . I'ostollo, Fho- tis[, Ilurr,. Jlccult'e r'1'• Alc N:tmee. S�enheltn. \"un till ire. Mr. Presitle0 t -p. rcu.-Mcsr.. It;ulhOlzcr. ,.teuo. F:In' Tire \;ogee- ,lp- ,I„ist. II:t, Jl rt':1 t1'r rt y. pc rao SIJ'k,. Al r. 1'rc.iarnt-!1. APProa ed Muv 12, ISR_. - ., A,ps o A pprovod Jf e, a-.1-. 1.01' - Iid F Nu. II}in-- _- as hc.ul vcd, Timt be drawn ISI F No. 1„''✓:- u poo the city trc:l.ur aY�a blc o,I, of tho •.tlro d,•purl tucllt flloa3.•vin (nvor of Gc - Itesulcad,'phut n o tint be drnacn a Hei.. Ciiv'1'nol.0 rrr, ror the . of ffi 4. the,:ily trea1urs. payable Duro[ the "pop�o t•71.:1!. fitjll',dlircr�uua ,"mp1o3 of the dcparLinent Iona." fn (nvor of GenrKO Reis, 'ity Tp ,surer, for the si,m of -IJ.Sin il. to Circ lb—pal of the 1, iJ t, of tit. Paul far the month of Apri 1. ISir .. Pat' the pernn lis named m [hC pus roll pre- Adopf ed by 111,- Board of Aldermen oted a 1 thin resdiotmo, I I pa5'tucnt of )t `y y li, IS!r'. Lite salary and comp a 'anon of said nC - til -a)' - Y,• s -Aid. IS is lei berK. Rutl. Conley, s for their _r, Ices uriuR the mouth of ,oris ��]tll t, I rebind, lluhnl•r, Ilornidml. (iohuv, � W0�)". Sullicun, ,, r. I'rreiaent-Ill. Adopted by the Board of AldurI.-I Nay3-�. ISM, Alul' a, 1tJ'S. Adopted by the A.switibly biny 10, Ibel PROCEEDINi;1 OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Yens—Messrs. Iiunhoizer. Costello, EIn1- Yels—Dlessn. Bnnholzer, Costello, Elm- qulst, Here. MCC,drerly. My Numce. Oppet 'mist. flare, )IcC'alferty. McNwmef. Op- belm, Vnn -Slyke. Mr. Presidenl-0, penheno. \"un Slyke. Mr. President -9. Nuyc-41. N"Y"' Approved May I". Iti!r_. Approved ➢lay 12, I'M'. fill FNo. 1070— is he 1lrawn upon Resolved, That .. rr;ul I Lt l;ltt''r i'e LL.yn l', I'. lih• , n11 of the I e P:tt,l "engineotingd,p;o lv,ellt food." In r 'he of G,o rive heir. i'il3' '1'reaso r, r. for the so of wib'i 111. to p1,}' 111,' Persons uatneU n the pa5'-roll presented still the, re-111- stlar' ante c tion, in Payment of the 1 ) Phngli iurI of said Po'sol,-for the$r -or- s dnrillg the ,wafer .41rn, hcing tem Ufth-, force Adopted by the Board of Alde'men Mai' a6, IB!h'. Pes—Ald. Biclenher;r. holt. Conlcy. CUp ehlnd. DUhner. Dornidel,.Me- In,ly, Sullivan. "Mr. Prsideni-10. N wy6-0. Adoptl'd by the A��elllbly Mny In, ISU2. leas—>I essrs. 13:1nholze, Costello, Fiat- qui,t. Ilan•. M, Call'crl}', )1,N uume, GP- pelbcin, ln,l Sir k.-. . r. to I([ Nuys—il. Approved Mity 12, 1e!12. lid No. ItesoI1,d. Th That cityorders be drawn. op � the ciL • lre;lsurr, payable out or the ••favor 3 1 Ity. h c and cif' g-an-dp maintenance fund " in InSror S t til f Ilotyin-nanleJ ,rson,, for the C g P � .''!e to [heir res ec[ivu mount set oppose p ria being ml3•'s half share): I)1e L. Bell, 81; ,foil. Light an C Sons. Company. Edson Electric &Co_ and Powe' ComPane. yt.It., l; riggy •l Co., 'f -r Br ..m. St. is Kelly, It., t!Ai.m Mae r. Bier Brod., $:a; St. Paul Fou oinp company. ii MaxSt. Paul F'u rn itu re Company. 12.87: az L-rm un, $..:A1. Adopted by the Board of Aide[uten May ea ' • Yeas—Aid. I-ielenberg, I3otL, Conley, MCopeland. Dobner. Dortlidon, (;elan. Me- v, Sulllvun. Dir. P—ldent-10. NraJ'e--o. AdoPteU by the Assembly At;ty 11), 1892. Yeo.,- Messrs. Bnndrholzer. Costello, Elm- lieim.Ho 3f CafT.1're. td Ntmee, Oppsn. Nat's -al. ApprII -ed slay 12, 1892. 11,1_- BdF No. 1111-- _— Hesofved, Tltat sari nts be drawn upon He the cur treasury. mu'aideont of the "court lid F No. 1074— house and it,hall mI $n trounce fund." 1. income Georgi Inc i.,t Pity Treasnrcr. for Resely, d. That warrants be drawn upon the city trca,ur3' .. aid, out of the "D1u- th0 sum of L:AI to pay the persons named Icilntt Court fund.-' to hive[ of the persons to the pay roll presented with this r solu- mod in the Ila)' roll presented with this to pay --ill of the salary and ,omPem Batton of said Persons for their sere lo' S during the month of April, 18!1_ (bcingelly �.s solution• m payment of the s ,ory and rnpensutic. of sum persons for their ser ccs during tit. month of April, ! iNL t (Adopted halfof custodian's p:tp rolls Adop(x'd by the ll,:r of Alderme, by the Board of Aldermen 1111y 1' I ll'!. May u• 18!r2. }-ens--A Id. Bit-lenberg. Bolt, Conley. Yens—Ald. Ilwlenberg. Iloll. Conlcy. ('o Poland. Ilpbner. Doruhden. Gahan, Me - Co m1an J, Ilob n, r, Dnrn Iden. Gel,a tl. Mt- mA,y,l Sullivan. )I r. President- l0. In. Sitliic;ut, )1l'. 1'rrsidrnt—Iq Nays --0. Nay's—i! ldopteA by the Assembly' )lay 10, IB!r2. Ado Metl b -v the Assembly May 10. 1892. Teas --Messrs. ilnnholeeq Costello. Elm- 1'ras—Mc�srs. B:tnln,Izer. Costello. H:I tri- ,IuisL Hare. 1IcCaaerty. McNamee. Uppen- ,1111sL flare, McCafYerl;v, al, Ni men. Oplu-n- heino, Ton Slyke. Mr. \'ice I'r„ident—!li ilei.., \'an Slyke. Dl r. President- !1, NaYS--O. Neys—U. Approved 31ey 12, 11W, Approved May 12. ts!r!. B,No. lo; ;-- 13d F No. 102-- ,F It esolved. •Phut Ion order be draw. upon Resulted, That wnrra.ts he drawn upon : the city treasury in favor Of George Reis, the city treusnrY. payable out of the "as- t'it3''Prcltslnrrr, for 111,•su 1,t of :DI,1_b. ft8, e ty, general and newer funds."' In paYu ills out of[b, •',le, tion es pease food. favorofOeorgo Reis, ClIY Treasurer In pay t he personsnamed in the Pay rollspre,ente,l IS!C." to pn3' the oc , els Played to Put up elccU,m .not hs fortthe month of April. with this resslut$oh, for the , set oppo- Iter_, $n at•co rdu m•e wit h til, pity roll cert site to their respective name". fu pnymcnt III, to b5' the Citc Eogine,•r and approved of the s larie, anti comps n stem. of quid persons for their resp,ctite �en'ices oaring n 1 allowed by tllr Bou rd of Pobl h, Work,. tri.\doPted by the Itourd of Aldermen the month of Apr;), Is1,9-2being for inxpee tion d livery for engineering AePan- . in3- 1i, Is!1'". T,as—Aid. 1H,Icnberg. Bott. Conte., •n u melt), being to ttno ntont of el: in!!.:Ki; ln- ,factor Pay roll, FI.It!I :ci; II\'Cry, 1."o. Co peluto Doboer. horn idol. Gehsn, Me- lath, Sullivan. Mr. prc,ldcntr-iU. Adopted by the hoard of Aldcrmcn \u} -,.—u. DSav 6. I,9-, Yca,—Ald. B$el,nht , Boll. Conley. Adopt,m by the A,- nobly May 10, IS92. l-ens—)i,•ssrs. ISan hnizer. Co,tellu, Cu ,elunrl, Dobnrr. llnroidcn Geban, Me- F:Im,lel,LHunr.M,c:tll'el't}',MeNnln-,Up- lu�y.Sullivan.I'Iv�id,nl-10. pen h,io, \:m Slyke. )I r. Presldenr—U. Nuys -0. Adopttixl by file Assem bey May 10, 1692. 1 Nnys�. Appruyod May 12 1,92, OF THE CIT] OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1592. Ill Bd F No. 1076-- R-1,ed, That city ordersbe drawn up- on the City Trew,ury, Payable out ,f the t fund," b1 fxyor of the following named pp it, turtl, amount actoppo- site to their ri-Six'etive mums,: W. C. Ilougherl}', F_lti mute No. 1:3.up- ereek t�ln Ile, set" r��L011tn,l linnl, rhalon Adopted by the liourd of Aldermen May U, per2. Yeas--Ald BnDarr^ Bolt aleS pelanld.Dobner, Do Gelmn, Dle - Indy So ]I Mr. President --lo. Nays --U. Assembly \Ill 10. xtr2 Adopted by the Asse } y Yeas—ve. INIc. affertol Mc an tell.. Elnt- hemi,Hare. Mcl'nlic, P DLCNanteB, Oppca- teim, Vnn SIYke. Dir I'rrsident -. f,. Nays -U. Appoli-d May 12. W1 Bc F No. 10`— Hesolved. That et;y orders be drnlvn upon tb' t'itc Treasurer. Duyavle on t of the "geuerul fund" hnvr of till' following-nuoed persons.tfo' Lhe nopuor s'tuppnsiti . thet'respect$yenames: Eri.-s Ileus, dlld.6:t: l N,ul G Bch. , s Recut -1,t -arm S,cip Carl Nellhalvic"inter prefer II Municipal c,rU1 ser i ,: ren- dered is AVri I. IS!C. s":r: M$eloo-1 .1. Egnit. •uteri loon :tthoose." .itlary for April, lar_', f',b: \Gilliam P. Stall ll, fireman nt "m urket hoe se." S:i tory fro n, April 1 to 15, Ib!r2, in,losl ye.f"'.:a 1. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May It, W12. Deus--Ald. It!elenbcrg. Boot. CouleY, Ce,l'hs.uul. Dobner, Dornldeu. cehan, Mo- �tllllyan, )ir. Iutl1'residcut Nuys 1. elupAbB. 'ote11,, Ella an1,erlMnoI2. ,tui t,, coHI\t';utS!Ictktili Mr.1'res�i�Ilellt, I. Op. p„n tel. }' Na ys--n. Appro,,d May i'2. I!2. lid F No. I!78— IL Solved, 'Thal ,•ity Orden be dr;twn up - o the eit3' trensu l'3'. Vay"able o It df the :.nsseSStuenL for 111,.1 t1mUu 1,t,- tit,, ing person.,, w , 11, ,oug c. lc�dive o- mem' It •, uKl Uottnelly. E.tlm:tte Nn. 1. grllJing \\' inter st rent, fl,lrtir: I'. i.in can. F.sllmute Nu. I. g—ling Len'(, Park f 1•ewis' S and addition. f,ih; .l. Hansen. Estimate No. :1. sh Pplemetuary to No. " and doll. Margaret st vel. Sower. $2.i; J. r'hr$,tiansen, damages, clnnge of grime I.1—k—I trcet mm Fou.soul at n•et. NO: Mary \V. Retail, daomge, ,lunge of grade on .In,kson .ir,et and F'ourl,,nth st incl. #AO: G. Gerlicll. Fstinlute No. 1, grsdingallcy $U N'nod land Turk wddlttuu, 164.26; Keough, C Donnelly, Estimate No. 2. KrtdiUg \\'inb•r trret. 4f 9. Adopted by the BUnrd of Aldcrmcn YY s—Aid. 14i,Imlb,rR• Ilett, Co. Me- Co tclnnd, I oil r. D o,nid,-n, Gehsn. DIe- lu,�J'. Sullivan, Mr. Presid,n1-10. NI'ys—(I. Adopted by the Assembly May 10, IW2. Yeas—Messrs. Bnnholzer, Costello,"Elm- quist, Hare, McCatyerty, McNnmc •. Op- peitheint. Van Slyke. Mr President -9. Nuys -0. Approved May 12. 1892. lid F Nu. 1079--B3 Al(). )lelsdy— It is hereby ,rderod by the Common Coun- •Lyc, St. Ynul: That them oto' of hlyinb, n pit' cruse tl, ) •,t Bode Uf Concord street alk o e t t the inters •i thin of Brown a5'enuc be. u the. s hereby t • interred to i the tad 1 IS n ot'Yui•n}V arks to inrestl uta•u.d a t R e tort: �s this improvement proper and neec- ,ary:' If so, Sand the Coo ueil a Prober or- der IUreettng the work to be done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen \lav 11. 1.4!12. lists—Ald. Ilielenberg. Bolt, Conley. Chile landb , Doner. Dorwiden, Geltan. Me - lad Y. Su L'icau. Dli. Presldent—l0. Nu}'s—U. Adopbd ly the A.,.mthly May 10, 182'. leas—Mes,rs. Ibtnholzer. Costello F.hnq uis4 Har • Hill-,, M,Caffcrt , McNamee, 0, no, l;tu Slyke. Mr President—!I. A1 praot nt's May 12. IS!r2. ,c h t1 B(IF No. IOSO--133 Ald. Dobner— It $shereby ordered by the Common Covin •11 of the city of St Paul: 'flat the r t artl'r of—alloonling 1 eusenlent foSlopes in front of luts2, 3.4, o tad 11 f bloekSt. \nthony Bull North. bc. Itod 111e.sanle is hereby- referred Io the Board of Public Work, to investi- gate wonreport: Fir. t—Is this improvement proper and ... V • second Give the Council an estimate of the expense thereof. and state whether one. I of the cost the roof is to be Auld into the cit)' treasury belore the contract is let. Third --,'an reel estate to be assessed for said improvement be found benellted tothe extent of damages, costs and expenses nee t sory to be incurred thereby[ Fourlh—Is such improvement asked for upon the petition or application of the own- s of a majority of the property to be ns - se sed for such improvement" _ Fifth—Send the Council a planor pt" le of said improm 'ocnt, as re,lulred b5' law, it - you - f -your o t In lover of the sam e. ixth—Send the Council a proper order direeting the work to he done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen leas—:\Id. liiclenberg• 13ott, Conlcy, Copeland. UI I. Dornlden. Gehsn. Mc h.ly,salliyau, Mr. Prt•.sideut-10. Nuy's_u. Adopted by the Assembly May 10 IW,1. Yeas — Meyers. Bnnholzer. Costello. Elm,lufst, Hare. McCafferty,McNamee. Oppe Von Slyke, Mr. r.Pr Yresident-0. Nay`-- 0. e. A Pproyed May 12, IB9Y2. Bd F No. 1081-- r ite.,o]ved. That an order be drawn upon the city treasury I. favor of George Reis, City treasurer, for the sum of M7"7, paya- 112 .,, PROCEEDING, OF THE COAIMON COUNCIL his out of the -'street tad sewer mainte- e toadi' to pay illi atraet and serer forces Ior h. nth of April, IW.Y_, iv ao- rdimce 'fth the play roti certtth•d to by the City Engines Dd approved and al- lowed by the Bo¢rd of Public \Voll: s. Adopted by the hoard of Aldermen May Yetis-Ald. Ilielenberq. Bott ednlc}'. C.pel.-L Dobler, Dorn. den. Gehon. Ale - lolly, Sullivan. M, Presi1ent-10. NIY.- G. Adopted by the Assembly Af ay 11, Yeas-Alessrs. Banholzer, Costello, Elm - qua neiin' Van McCafferty, Yk , irr. 1 �esid est v9. 01)- pe 11. pen Nays -I I, Approvod May 12, 1,11121. lid F No. IOS'!-Py Aid. Dobler-- It is hereby ordered by the Common coon 11 or the City of St. Poll. 'Phut e mutradLl:e Idsnir cel. thI ttY--flthoo[rroadbed oettter of g(petamIn tact -bled I. tb and the n s hereby referred to III c.• hoard or Publiea\Vorks to in. ustigatI mm report Ftrst-IS this impru. etoeot 1,101'r and ntSeeun?-Gicc the l'ounril 111, •N imatr of thhe a%Viet sc tb,•re,'f. :an (1 nt etc 1h, 'ht be, Into the city It revs. ry before. the�..om runt fs of s it llmpro mmeut sbe found to, -a -e Il 1), as"11111I 'or in Cho extent of damages, colla and expenses v y to c Dei erred there Dy :• Fourth -Is suehimpro.'em ern inked for upon then petition or application of the v - of a!"I" r. of the pnrrty to be ` :as sed for such ilnpro.'ement:• .fg,ih-fiend the Coined u plan or I,ronle of said Ivor... meet. vs rednfred by Iia. , if yen report iv favor of the same. S1xth-Send the Council a proper order directing the work to be done. Adopted by the Iluvrd of Ali, r n:en May 6, lsie!: Ye -A11. 134lenb,-, M,II. I"onley, IT Acro d lionnr r. Doraidrn. 1 elms. \ir. a }' Sol l:v ao, AI r. Preside::( •-la. NuS` V. Adopter' b3 -the Assembly ht vv IU, ISSr2. Yaas-Mesvrs. th-hul ie r. CostcllD. I:I n: Approved May Ie, -12 Rd F Vo. laa'i Hesol. ed, That city orders be or. the eft, treason'. I)synole oat of the t Ii deportmrent rand,' In f¢a or of the fop - ous, fo r the mnou v t set to their esoppusitD Columbia Electrte Liht Cum k pnlw: j rens-}1r.,, .r.. Rn shot zor, Costello. Him - qui=t (Lar.. Alocaffm-, AlcNamee. Op- -ohr im, Val SI3'kc, mr, President-!:. Nay. -o, Alrpru -,I April 1':, 11112. lid F No. I1194--- R-11vcd, rhat warr-C, be drawn anon I'll "it" trc¢ ur', n 3'nl.le out of the '•cite utllce rs' sniur1' fund." -n r:tt•or of the per- ' lied in the pays roll presented with 11,ls resole tion, for the sums set opposite to their respm:tive nomes. in pays ent of Cho .olary and eom pensation of said persons for their servireS dorm g. he month of April, IS'12, As- shown by said p:tJ'-rolls. Adunttv� I the 11 -til of Aldermen A, IS'J^_. fens -:11d. Ille is l:brrg. Iiott, t'anlep. l'op,•I:Ind. Dobor r. Durl:idell. GCluan. Me Ind}'. gallica n, AIr. Prenideoi�lo- N:a)'s :. \d.ptrd by vhe 1',•:t.-}i„��rob1Y l 0, 192. h-ioly,t lu. FI - ,pIe:Inisbto. ilI:l:i, a r,•. Alc Calfa ft3. Ml'Non Op- Van Sly k,•. M, I'residrn[ N -\pproj;'o-o . yrd May 12, In!I':. Itrsnlce,I Thet w - l- be dross upon the eit3'trevsu rv, pa9'able out of the -Rourd of Pobhc \\'ork mm,f." :n f:n'or of the per- sue s o din Clic V:ay-roll+ of said depart t ml presented wttb this resolution, I- thcsum sec opposite to their respectivn 'n payment of tlae s: tl:tr¢vdcom- `lu:eusant .n �.f said te o :s for sheir3' scrt'ier69 rivh''hna t. Ivo th IrAP"il, IY!_ nhox'n by said pal'-rollu1 , ntad by the Ruane of Aldermen Af ¢y Adu ,,. lntL•. Venom --Aid. Iiieirn berg. Boit. Conley, l',.pet:tnd. Dobnee Dorn. den. Uchma. Ms - ady. Suri an. a,r. Prenmeat-- I Nays --v. 'dnpted hJ, Cho Assonbil' AIa3In. INW. \"cis --Hessle. Iha nboleer, Conteh.. Hlm- I, flare, A,DCaae My Nantee. Oppe, I, Slyue. Mr. Presldeot 9, Nnvs -0, At ed Ainy tY, ls!w. Bd V Nu. ms:--Ily AId. Uuolcy-- Iiesulvcd. 'float tem \Clay, he, :Cod he is •.rrhy a :th„riieu t .h: [ a: t ::t cul II!olice t� loo tells of tlue c ,t J".1� id o ,oto: •eine : cotnpens:a- :tin•-oo:tu t' IIIc J' dullnrsa`per . . he paid o uf,hr police food. i I I r l h Clic i ou rd O Alder men 11 Y t'cas- Ald. iberg, Itott, r y. !'opebler, Uunfden. Mcoal}. / Salht at:1. r. President u. by is ii ^trly`.pa .\II : Nvys- \dnpted by the Acsembl} AIr3 III. ISWL Id. ]helrpberg. Rott. Conk -3, \'e.ts Nle, -,sr,. Minimizer Rlmnhlnt, Dobner, Ilorniden, Geban, Air tiara, Neca rtl'. Alt•Nmnee. Oppenhel m, }nn, Mr. Ptostdent-10. ran Slyke. Mr, Prmadaat--S. Nat's )Ir. L'oswil1, -1. by the As embly May 10, 1892. 1 Arproved May ILI, 189-. of tl:o term of two ➢cars, begin::I-.l un. ISv., and that the •lectA•d ed aPD.i ntW shall hu�d euildn elHv e, mless Illled for .til the 7th dn3'uf .la nanr}elcet-. IB9e1 �I1 slit ::until Isis eat is Ju1J-d alit o lutitl rl. teAdoltted b)' the Common Council ]lay 9. IW.r-. Vevs-Ald. Piolev beri;, Butt Conloy, Duhnel'. D., nIden, Gohnn. yleh"' ; M,•ssrs. Iron l:.Ize r, lw,stt•Ih.. Hare, Alc- Namee, All -y. Oppenheim, Air. Presi- dent -la. Appro.ed Alvy le, 1 c:I File No. ! 133 \I1.�G ehan H ked, Thol Chart- A F. Almns Is i t rlectrd nod ad h• , or Ivsjx•clor of 14:1 ildt •! i". [or tl,�p 1tiy proal Alli ton or t_br Iran or slid '•lir¢ bc" gi m:nng o the ,th ,I^iy of jaliver 1, od ex Lent, t the tl 1 yof duiloa:y, ln!H. uvd oa tl l 1 sett ¢ml elected ,Inauned . Ado,oed by too Common l'punell \lay 1_, ISI,., Yens-AId, Bielenberg. Bolt, Conley, Dobner, I -widen, Gehan, Al elady; 8 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Of ltrsolnt tun Adapted bJ'the Coln C.-Ol of IhO city" IF St, Plot A'3' F Nu. III, 1:: t hr snit Ler of the report of [hr flu:tnl of 1'nbli. \\'orks doted Ort. 21, 1891, and May I, ISIO. It" hcrehJ• urde red by Ihr I'll u:: Colo - it of he Cityl: That the. li, d f 1 1 I \ \ k. . 1 1 ..t d Ci, �.f � l' 1 ] t 1 f II 1 in dl toen,m n b I t C Ii l: I'd I bluI, I I o o h. tl sale I 11. NV, ml : f 1 _ t line of 1:1' : \\ ctrl amt Wit hos ny,, Inontof Ido 1 lc 1, \ah- Ir,A Park ,IAitluu to St. I'Thto Dnl,• street. in slid city. lh L 11 B 1 hall uo•uered without Jelly [ .' tl [ u ly I luutd to pay the a sin and nC'Ue .. •v Pm:.'es of 'I'll ieh implovm."t ulP.. the rrvl est❑to ttbanC lined U.yy-s^id improvement, as provided by low, it l.oing IIIc opinion Of ill,VUu ncil that real estate O THE CITY OF SAINT PAIL, FOR 1892. 173 Rd F No. IUB!, -Fly A W Colley-- - A[essrs. Ru nbOlze l'. Castello, hare, AIcNu- Rceolved.l`hatthre rk, al, jud, en ut ••Alnrra]"� Opp-lo-im, Mr. President I�IN eloetwi: be -eh pato sum, f &ul for ' at the lion lel P• I.Li.n of Itlir_, N;tys-U. tsrpertc l:ti nl un ole. P: ': ole oft of the I'ult tion ry prose fu a l:' Rcsuly •d Appru, Mly 12, IP!1•.i. further. Then ortlrl he dru.vo un the Cit} Treu�ilry is Pu ver ut Geo. He In cl t)' t re.•tell rcr. PayablC out ut id Cund. for 1'rr•.ident of the Uun:mot: l'ou serf. T . A. I'Itr.x ht:lit:.1+T. CiL}' Clerk. All, 16 l t he sum ofI:i. •:,11, to pay snit' ]udgrs ad III ,le, ks .\dopird by the Boeb ,.f Ald,•rmult )lay 8. IS!r1. ren..-AId. Iliolenl-v Pott I'onlet-, l'o 3rlund. Dubnrr. DurnI&I, )leladJ OFFICIA1, PUBLICATION Su�livnn. )Ir. Presidt'nt-!1, _ ill It d.tiun Ado tell b III,- Cout- Adopterl LV Cbl; Asxon bt3' AIIt)' IU, 14'11., toot, can .1 the Clty of St. YUId. Yea. -Men. r.. Bn:dml.-m'. cnaeuo. Elm, �I ist. Ilan,•, )Icl'alfertJ"• McNalnl, : \'IaII Stykr. Mr. 1'rasidact--S. fill F Nu. Itnnl-Ry-\Id-Solli\-an- IC is hrrt by orderod by the Common Coun- Nlys-}I .Oppe l�l:ef ni-l. Appr :.ed \Ivy l" In1Y_'. cti of Iho l'i[Y o[ St. Paul: 'I'h:o[ern:niLerufrunstrurt�a•Iotu"uei- W. 11. NICnnt}y. I'resi 1 •nt f ihn A+o,bl]'. tion stool• si,iex';al l: o t n, o'ih side•.'" U ton .1tone. lelwem:LArll nd,•I street nand U.O. Ct'I.tex, I \VL•.tcrn,luve n s pc aloe+t of peti- Ibr Preside::t of tin• Board .t' Ald-neu- P, Co',"". tiom•rs uttnchod. mill the loot• is l:ere.- by n -r --d to Ihr Board of Po blic \Yorks t'b:tirma:: ur Ihr llunrd of A1,11 -len- T 1 A. I'�p nt-ol. Asx. t'it]" Clerk. Ipex r io.'c.tigme ami rr poll: t FIs this Imm'u...... mt b -p- nd nrre.- AfaYs16. if rr1cl it •rLing the x�orkintoe donr�tropur by the Board of Aldermoo A .ril '. Istr_'. -A h1 Pir lenhcre, IlItt. lopeho:d, urn. OFFICIAL PUNIACATDIN 'u Doln:er. Aleludy, :uui,an. Air. r I .%d}v (if Iienoln.IiL All . oad b Cho Com- ,1I b3' the As.ro:bly April 26. IS9.'. }-tnn�-]irssrs. Bnn bolzel' ost •11. mon Council of Cha l'ilJ" of St, i'aul, F.'mil ors t, Bare, Alcl'nfl'r t't )'. \ICN:u�toi:, n Cuoncil Filc No. J- Illvn,lld. OII:1.rnbri I, Val Slyke, lir. Prost, l rot -u. \uys-0, Gobs - 1G•nul.'ed, Tutt the coli non Cu:I l: cfl du Approved April :: �, 1892. P. Co 'r.r I...roreed tp lite rlertion vnd :tppn1 vt- I tI: Ins v•clor oI hull did,, -+for tho :ii}: t:P Chvirmvo of the Dourrl f Aldermen. 'Clint. A. Plte�ue nu,t s'r. City Clerk, St Puul fur the ,:lax pi red portion Alay [,. of tl:o term of two ➢cars, begin::I-.l un. ISv., and that the •lectA•d ed aPD.i ntW shall hu�d euildn elHv e, mless Illled for .til the 7th dn3'uf .la nanr}elcet-. IB9e1 �I1 slit ::until Isis eat is Ju1J-d alit o lutitl rl. teAdoltted b)' the Common Council ]lay 9. IW.r-. Vevs-Ald. Piolev beri;, Butt Conloy, Duhnel'. D., nIden, Gohnn. yleh"' ; M,•ssrs. Iron l:.Ize r, lw,stt•Ih.. Hare, Alc- Namee, All -y. Oppenheim, Air. Presi- dent -la. Appro.ed Alvy le, 1 c:I File No. ! 133 \I1.�G ehan H ked, Thol Chart- A F. Almns Is i t rlectrd nod ad h• , or Ivsjx•clor of 14:1 ildt •! i". [or tl,�p 1tiy proal Alli ton or t_br Iran or slid '•lir¢ bc" gi m:nng o the ,th ,I^iy of jaliver 1, od ex Lent, t the tl 1 yof duiloa:y, ln!H. uvd oa tl l 1 sett ¢ml elected ,Inauned . Ado,oed by too Common l'punell \lay 1_, ISI,., Yens-AId, Bielenberg. Bolt, Conley, Dobner, I -widen, Gehan, Al elady; 8 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Of ltrsolnt tun Adapted bJ'the Coln C.-Ol of IhO city" IF St, Plot A'3' F Nu. III, 1:: t hr snit Ler of the report of [hr flu:tnl of 1'nbli. \\'orks doted Ort. 21, 1891, and May I, ISIO. It" hcrehJ• urde red by Ihr I'll u:: Colo - it of he Cityl: That the. li, d f 1 1 I \ \ k. . 1 1 ..t d Ci, �.f � l' 1 ] t 1 f II 1 in dl toen,m n b I t C Ii l: I'd I bluI, I I o o h. tl sale I 11. NV, ml : f 1 _ t line of 1:1' : \\ ctrl amt Wit hos ny,, Inontof Ido 1 lc 1, \ah- Ir,A Park ,IAitluu to St. I'Thto Dnl,• street. in slid city. lh L 11 B 1 hall uo•uered without Jelly [ .' tl [ u ly I luutd to pay the a sin and nC'Ue .. •v Pm:.'es of 'I'll ieh implovm."t ulP.. the rrvl est❑to ttbanC lined U.yy-s^id improvement, as provided by low, it l.oing IIIc opinion Of ill,VUu ncil that real estate 114 PROCEEDINGS OF '1111•: CONINION COl'SCII. to be asse,sefl for such imprvtveme,tt can PuuI Showcase Manufactui Ing Company. be found benefited to the I 11u,e I Ing Lhe1 py to,f yvrft•iL4t be ih,, costs id c.lNuses nese y tssitl inti meso, Mich Pn'e,. o w r engaged. to wit: d uy is a.". curredathereby. Adopted by the Assembly Df ay 10. IH`.� . compo show cases. store and ofile, fixtures, until Yeas -Messrs. Banholzer, Costello, E:m Lire tl rst day of Jul7, A. D. 1916, that por- amec-. 1wst, Hare, McCaber[y, AlcNameo. Oppen- tion rrf the levee in the Sixth ward ,n the follows. to hot., Van Slyke. Mr. 1;4[c j City of St. P:tul lte,cribefl Bob - 183 Bob - Nays --0. wit: Lots one slid two, block of West St. Paul, ex - Adopted by the Hoard of Aldermen May erLsun', additim, to tun feet therco T. IS, IB'Je. Yeas -Aid. Bfeleaberg. lint, Conley, 1 e t the northerly �rovided, further, that the granter• DobnoI, Dorniden. Melody, Sullivan. ill r. emloy i b,� oat President S. 611`Limles Burin tien,their Lcrmaof Axysove , Id f hi.: not I .. than fiftemt men. on e - Approved May IN. iM. 1 Thi, t mud n the exnre,S i, P clition that the Its rein named W. Y. MI'I<ItA r, President or the Assembly. Krrntee shall pay to Said City of St. Poul, LS eom- O.O. Ct'[.r.s:n•. Iensat[oa and rental for the privilege, of one 11) dollar President or the Hoard of Aldermen. Trios, A: PFEN Delta AVT, City Clerk. hereby grunted. the ,um per annum, for and during the Lime hure- In Ma5. 10. , • Bove specified, payable an — alta uvve. Sec. 2. That per is,ion nd authority I,hereby given and the St. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION ranted.unto Poul Show Case Manu facturi rig Company it,erl,t. construct and maintille on ,atd herebygntnt'd prenli_esa two and un - ri,k-,eft half- sturybuildinir.ltrte of tlydlarraces Yassefl nod Heaulutlons with �,uue ba5cmen lxlAU ieiod. Ado PceA by the.Common Connell of by 11q feet ill length. w'itlt the nC�essa`i� fur Lheen rrying , the city at 'It. Paul.luthuildilig, bussreSS, ,It of 1.1,10, ,hall 1t�, brick ve A'Y F. No. 560 -Ordinance No. t51N1- urend, the outside of ,aid buildings to be All b1111, ',It bu An o,dtnrnce Lo grant market Privileges. lire -proof. of which "A. it)l t underthe direct{un a 1 according The Common Council of the C'ityot St. Paul [o le,• Inst nn•1 io u, of the of do ordain a, follows: using and ,In,l=," Jtnilding, of ail •it Y, ,10 to obtaining Section 1. That all parties -n market the I P,•' uits Su to do. aid tee Pxynle nt of Lho having tulle the publio tat corner of Third end St. Yc[er streets eh ail Ptxtper fee, t hcn•for: provided. however. tealthe atlrl snmke,t uck to be have and Cnj y the same exemption from ;our,eti j "• I In to ne •tirtn with said mu,ille„ the paying of Iteense Ices as are now ell j uh:dtext adlat Iexst twen ty-Il ve feet abase joyed by those oocuPl'ing stalls in the l;itv between j iii'' grille of the \Vxb;t,ha street bridge: Market House on vent, street, \Vabushu anti tt ,vldeA [u rt hr•r. tint this ordinance St. Peter street and street. Sec, e. this ordinance shall take effect shall not be const rued is vunrnntsing or w:,rr:mliug :uq' of the right, 1leremy and be force from and after its pussaga ]Ver' til •r. thr •nut- I gra oted:nnd woes[led fur ti Yassed my the A,sum blp .lftril .vl, (:tatCllo. Ebnquis[, Mc eereln 11un1ed hall coni plrLe sold Yeiu-}les,rs. CUHurt3. DIcN'nm,x•. UVPeo 1,U, nt, \';tn b�uil,llue nun llUv-eeaidlru,lnes,innpon[- tion Dy /1st. 1st. IBff : ivud I I t before Lhu Siyy-ke, )lr. l'r,•,idelit-�. e.x pi raDou of tills Ordinance ltli,nirl to ild- Nays--0.shall I'. )1ulut.t r' be removed from oR .aid above - .it Pn•Side .it of tee As,Cmbl y' le,cribed premise, by Said grantee,, and failure tU realo, Vaid bulldinKs Passed by the hoard of Aldermen May 1 incase of i•i tliiu ,aid Ore the Surae or ,uc It part hig, . HielmiberK, HOLT. Conley. thereof xs any thereafter remain Shull be - Yens --Aid. Donner, Dorniden, Grimm. Ingersoll, Sulli- ne Lhe t terty of the said City of St. tFvan, Mr. President -9. Na)'s__kl. j I nal. cquired t lder ITa 11 S.t•. .3. No riKhtS '""i"(1-ad U. O. Ct'1.t.Ex". 1 Or iiu;ttiee ,bull tie tra-ful w 'illy President of the Iionrst nl ,\Idrrmcn. of hvl' P„rs,o:. coni pally or corpora tion, u- Alipruvett >I;ar 19. IS!N less tee eoll,e it ,f the Common Cuu ncil HouEtrr A, Swrra Mayor. Attest: TI -1. A. Pol., tE1t,::\,T, shall be atli rst. obtained. See. 4. The Krantee, shall mud will fur - May' -'a. Pity t.•1e k. imlemnil'v and ,ave 1, rmluss tee �� �icirl'rtp — or St. Yau1 again,[ all damages. judKmeuts. silos ossa costs and e.x peluex of wh'eh it rely S,i IT,,r or that may be n �verelt ur obtailed front or xgui I,” said Bd F No. 1006-0rdinauce I;f17- ei[y fur or by rensou of the grant lig of Ax onllnanee KrantioK unt�i the SI. Purl ,old ori l,or for or by reason of the Showcase AfanumclurIng Com pony per- gron'Iog i,!,1. of or re,ultinR from the pas- ission to use a portion of the levee ill , • of this or Ilnuucr•. or uti\" nuttier f or IriWi the ear f St. Poul. Che Sixth wool of the 91st J''Cit" The Common Cou ucll of lbs �CitY't St. Iia iK coo nested Iherelritb e'i',f!�Se by lee Said grantees of the pr11-i Paul do ordain as follows; Iv til herein Kntnted. a o. IY Suid grnnttrs Shall Will any Section 1. That permission and a Lmurtty Is hereby Rican ani grant- r•sPe•et Lu euntply with lin provision, of (l u to W. 1[t Kook and Fnanl: this , rdierince. then all rJFht, and prlvl- 11` `tui ,hull me forfeited to hereby St. thet Itr)tnyae.tit1 ami "tyle 'if ihrundSt. .nidrCity of I 11 OF THE, CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR 1899 11:1 Sec. 6. The said grants.., Shull file with from Dale street to Western avenue be, the City Clerk of ,aid city, within thirty days after the publication of tiff, ordt- d the same I, hereby referred to the Board of Puhhe Work., to investigate and n e, their writ ten ucceptanceofthep - visions thereof, the same to lx+approved rt Port: N'ir,t: illi, impruvemm+t proper and by the Corporation Attorney.m•ee,sar}'i Soc. 5. This ordinance ,hall take effect and be In foree from atilt after it, publi- Second --Glee the Council an estimate of the e -•+ensu thereof'. and state whether c tion. al'ussed by the Assembly Iluy 10. ISp-'. :e -half of thv ,-,,,t thereof 1 n, bepaid iota theeity treasury before the contract W Hanholzur, Coetullo, Eltn- quiet, Hare. McCatfetty, McNamee. Op- i, let. 'Third -Call realestate to be asse,sed for nen bei nt, \'uu Slyke. )tr. Prc,ideot-9, =\audin.tit Y. said i,npntcemeI bu found honefited to t t. [dlnnuges,custs and a<pottse, W. Y. Mesta,," I ,• } t. be l;vu: rl thereby: President of tire A„enibly, Px.sed by the Hoard of Aldermen May N tl I, each fm too, emmit asked for ,INton the petition a application of the 17, IB9t. Yeas-Ald. BiClmtmerg. Nott, Conley, t -ne re ,.f x nutjorityr utt' the property to he assessed for ,osis improvement? Dabner. D.rniden, Ingersoll. Sri Fifth -Send the CouvcilapIII or profile Mr. President -S. ' Nays -0. , f said ilnpru Yemeni, us required DY low. if you rv•pn. in Gtvor of the some. O. O. CUI.LEN, Yn+sidene n[ Lhe Beard of Aldrrnte ll. Sixth --Send the Coll ncila pruperorder dlroctirR clic work to bo dove. Approved May I9, IBJ'. Adopted by the Assembly May 10, 111 ). Bone:az A. Satre. Mayor. Attest: Taos. A. Paen oanoasT, 1"5 -Messrs. Banholzer, Costello. NJ I51Tcrty. McNnmce. oppcnhetm, Van CILy Clerk. Slyke. St r. Pn•.sident-i. May �U NaTs_1. Adopted by till Huard of Alderacu — }fa1yens L,'11Td. -Ais i;leleuberg, Ilett, Conley, A'yF No. 587 -By C'ummittee un Ways an d Meuns- ReSolved,That2Wcopie-of the xuuuxl epp rto[ el tyothecr, tw p,dnted: r Adoplty the AssemhlY April 26, IB!YJ. Yeas-Messr,. Costello, Ehnqulst, Mu- Numec. Oppenheim, Vav Slyke, Mr. Pres- ident -6. N"" -0 Ad.PteI by the Heard ct' Aldermen \fay 1,. Itl!12. l sus -Aid. Biollmlerg, Butt. Cooley. Debucr. Dorniden. Gehan, Ingersoll. Sul- livun. Mr. President -0. Na s -e y v ,d \ u f9 ISIS2. :1 i fro �r .1 II Y A'v F Nu. 590- Hesolved, That the draft of eotiltue t. 'tlbmitted by the Corporatluu Att,rmer between the Julio Martin Lrmlber Com- pany. of the City of St. Paul, and Lhe City of St. Paul, for the furnishing of luutber iear be. dnId tire sanJet- isfire henrby uppn,vr�d, and the proper oity uFlicers are hereby lti rented to aid•ate the Said eoncrtet on behalf of city. Adopted by the Assent b ly May IU. 18U'2. Yens - Messrs. Banbolr.er. Costello. McCafferty, McNamee, Uppeob9fm. Van Slyyke. Mr. President-,. Adopted d. Aby the Hoard of Aldermen Mayy 17. 17. ISAi Yeas, Dormd. fileInger,g, Hot[. Conley, Presid, Dorniden. Ingersoll, Sullivan, 1,1 r. Y[esideut-B. N. - -o. Approved May 19, 1S9 .1. A'y F No. 591 - It Is hereby orderedby the Common Coun- ml of Lite City of St, Paul. That the matter of condemning uI. easement for slopes on Burgess street, DUDner, 1) rnklml. Ingersoll, Sullivan, Air. President -S. Nays -l. j :\pproved May 19, IS92. A', N' No. 592-13y r. Uppenh"lm- i t is herv•by orderur7 mp the Common Cuuh- cil uC the City of St. Paul: That the matter of erecting and main- Winingtwentygus lamps ort East Sixth street, between Hroadwxy and Huffman evenue brirl6h• included): one gas Tamp. i Fast Thircl Street. between Locust and of tna-he, to britl t two saeloot s 1 ge. F U o East Truth tr `et, betwepu Robert and .Ixek,un. :md o gas Iamp o 9pruee 'tree[. between Sibley sad Canada streets, be, end t11e same Is hereby referred to the Board of Public \V o, ka W Investigate and report: le this improvement proper and neces. If so. on the co n 1 e proper or- dertdirecting thewnrk to be dere. Adopt sl by the Assembly May 10, 1892. Yens --Messrs. HammUer, Costcllo,'Me- Cafferty. McNamee. Uppenhelm, Van Slyke. Mr, !'resident- NayV-u. Adopt ed by til,• Board of Aldermen NW lex,--Ald. Hielenberg. Butt, Conley, B. biter, Dorniden, Ingersoll. Sullivan, Mr. President -8. Nays -0. Approved May 10, ISW-1. A'}F No. 593- Itr•sOlved, That order, be drawn upon tilt CttY Treasury. puyahlC nut of the gev- erxl fund• in fit,oruf the following -named per ons, for the amount set opposite to their respective manes, for services on the Board of Abatement, viz : U. U. Cullen, x days, 119; Robert A. Sntilh, S da}•s, ?P2 1; P. Conley, 8 da e. 824; W. A. Vu,t SIYke, 11 days. M; Joseph •n llti PRnCEI•:DI StiS OF THE COMMON COUNCH. In till. Etter of the rc loci n[ III- Board D�,bne r. Dorniden, Ingonnll, Sulliynn, lit r. of P.bll, Nock- date- \la}- 10. IBlkr. Pre -,{.crit -n. Minea. I day. t: lValter H. Sanborn, 5 Adopt- I by the Board of Aldermen -t da)'s, S15. )lut'Ii. ]"its -.\Id. ISielen DerK• 13ott. Conley. E Adopted by the Assembl3' May If1, iN!r�. Cusi Duhm r. Dornidell, Ingersoll, Sullivan, (. Y •a -Mears. Bun hnlr.t elle, M,Caffc,ty. Nle•Nnmee•, Uopenheim, 1"a Ii All. 11r "idl•nt-..,. f } Slyke. r. P-{dent-�. N:1 -n t11 rade t11 _ f :h L TI jo-, 1 til , li 1 it d f I 1 ft f the I:rals All iled bJthe Board of Aldenoell May t� r Ile de I Ind fat Bn un.r} nly, ml3i the aline oC the City F;nKII1. er: f • 17, 1,,,! Yeas--Ald. ISielenberK. Bott, Clialey. - ;( OI Ilyd. UoDner, Dornlden, InKersuil. A'y F No. 5tid - ' De Sullivan. Mr. President --7. Nays 0 I< 1 'e 1. That an order Ix• drawn upon •!! theCity Trea-rer, Valuate out of Elle they can aacer[nin the surae, which 11111 he Approved Mai' In, Ie V.. general fund in Intel of Hobert A. Smith, jr try' a penses of such Imp( vCmenI uponsihu re til es Lute at -, b, heuented bysaid Ma%or, for the sum of !1,933.26 to be used nhe ruugent fund 111 the uthco o[ [ rnpro-al 'tit, as proeided hp law; it helms be 1ls.,essed for sueh improvements can be Mnye bleb �flitl sola. ,gel her wll h the fou❑d benefited to the extent o[ the costs anti expense., necessary to be Incurred A'3' F No. Vd By Mr- Gpllen helm a of }l2,Iappropr taf ed by a r ulu Lion ��• It Therch}urdiTed b3'vtbe l'unllnon Cunn • 1 0f Elle C11v .,f SL 1 +.111 of May F. IF91. ,s co lWngeut-fund for sum lleyor, be -ed1.the payment of the 11 Int.\nn, I J _I, .11 1. I'ntiidellL 9 : Says -a. Adl?ded h) the Board of Aldermen Thai the mnti-ru(eondemning for :, nal' lie suer t e +outlterlp ave I:,. reel of lois a. toilow claim,: Por serg i ndered and material far- 1 111 It' 1'1 Wel K" Bull.Cunle) !.:• tin. F; also the m,rt hrrly ace C.! rem of (shed for illuminating the Ci q" of St. V.N. Approved May 10, Io is 9. 12 acid 13: ol.o t he al, rthcrly _, feet of lot Il, all nn block I of St. Paul Proper ad- Paul durl❑K the -tato fair week of 1991. ol- and for music during Ela v k, a f.1- ,Great ditto, I shown In the attached plat, be, it! lows, Tn wit.: George Seibert. sad the s , here Dy referred to the \}' §tern bill,(] n e, f1W Pani Ktelot s Huard of Publ•irt Work- to to vle tin. report: Iwnd, Cloo: Jt. Paul Gate Light Company. :-.Yr1.JF: Northwestern Hardware Com- . First- Is till. {lepra vemeni arae-,' and pan}'. F,0 vent.: Prendergast fires., BW.8 ; usey'• Edi. -it Ele,trie Light Company. K!M 7 I 1: lr Inn c '1 't I ,I tt { t a tl tt. 1 at h tl Mast. Hot -I & Bfirwell Com may 9.76 , A BlIonqunst..ln; Wm. Roger & Co., �_.fl II of the t, the a �I' 1� [ 1a 111,, 1 ln«rtne envy yr asnlJ beiult u1+ «I Arthur. Warren S Abbott. 154: SL. i':1w German Acnmelt ]I,anrauce cum SS - •t Clord Can Ieal --Tate t, he -'ed , 3-il.t!0; r - J. MiDeb & Co., 1N. P. r3.yye & B o $46 .4 Maeadler f o'aid 1,nm"ve'no nt be fuuml 1 •cited Imre-. x5.50. C N H wkett & Co.. 92 cents, _ r the e_vtuot of .:Iniac e�. a .� ud '- Den+esu J «, Ix• toe „red there by- Robinson & Cary,-I13.I8: %an,•Drug let Colm any. Md5' P H Kelly V , Fourth 1 . -1 If a Tien, a.ke•li fol 1 y x{ G ,t J. Misch u pl,u the { i't n�lbe ati�m ��f the of I It31 of he p,e,'a•1ll tl ",1 \I F. K dJ & Bro.. #I':. Adopted by [I t-oetnbly May In. INT! j b 1I .J, rap ,vl Te Cee 'I 1 1. f le J Ic• 1 ,l,�olrl�r. Cu.tello Me - Von 1 ftl So ml the { I f 1 Ill ua eTm•nt I d I I w, -f`'ou loco file. me L u. McNamee. Ipp-helm. l k 7d P l, 1 f . • a report 111 -'ixt IT- -Semi the C'uum it iI Drula•r -,.der \a3ti td onted by the I3onn1 nl dldermry Ma}- direstilig the work to be dlloe•. Adopted DY the A -.e 11th I}- \Bee 10. iNJ_. I �. IF!C. Peas - Ald. Blelenberg. Butt. Conic}'. Ycos-Mos* rs. Ilanllol'rer, Co -tell-. Me- Ilohner, Dorniden. Ingersoll, Sullivan. C'xlferty, JICN'unlee, llppenllei nl, l"an Sia"ke. Mr. President-�. -11,F'n silent-�. NeJ"a-o ,�i �/] Nays a 11-1 by The Boarli ,f AI I A "r-rd'NInJ IU, I892 'f Adopted Mav 17, lar_ i t Peau Aid IBeleubrr:. 8. u. Coale}, Dune,. Douude Due r. Ill. Sana❑a - a. tI', a Mrh. P •.{dent- N. A', F N..- 1'I'huT i Nays -p It 1 1i an oder he drawl, -pull t I •u Anpt uveal Mai 1). Ike_ t e+t-Tl1 v. 1a gu I[ 1.-ly T«[I-n rm, lu 1 I I Tf 1. ' i I Irl{• e11t .,1 1 'L 1 and _.�. A'y F No. s.1.7,11y 11y MT. Beni Lir tier Thu 1)c. I ,11,1 efunll l 1 1 r11inl p 1 II f onlay 1 L1 Uset I _ f .ern 1 the 1 nlif, I� nl ei- 1: Iiesolvr I. Thal , n �. a ;I ne 1- hrl silt It I the Hill, 1,1._. c rd1:111 ,I nLt 1x11 +r mll•ktrrtl ilat'li, aer..1- 1 the acct Tony of tl �toT bf rl, uoi l 11 4 which 1 ore -net led l.lh,t.l F: n.rmeer .old Ipl 1 II ed 15 tI Bo.nd .f Puhhe 3, 111 1T 1 5gZf Ili k I T v� add{ 1t 1, iddp; 'o" t tl tYt _IIs I 1 •I I r Ihnld l I tV .i I I . 1 tfl l- 1 11 1 _I I4 1- Costello. \I Il- v. \I \ 11 the i1 t'.111 •d b} tl 1- f 1 I 1 t. k. \I v. I'll sd, TTI 'i I{uul�all1 f I' I k.l II 1. IT, IT Ter the 1 , of [he 1-1-,1 of A I t ted I y tin Itoar.l til-\Idylmel Ma, S Budding'Ili.' dint} Adapted by the Assemhl}llay lL\I"f! l.a-Aid Ihli-ub 1K, IT,it Cooley. n. \I li ub.,li.e1 «II. I 1 U.1, de u. InF•er-. 11 �ulllv:ul. { tyke. M 1 ,Bide tit \ Ntivg-I, App1 .v ell Mal 1. loll' Ro OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. FOR 1892. H-, A'y F Ivo. 5SM --:\Id. llielenber . B.D. Conley. Ylane K In till. Etter of the rc loci n[ III- Board D�,bne r. Dorniden, Ingonnll, Sulliynn, lit r. of P.bll, Nock- date- \la}- 10. IBlkr. Pre -,{.crit -n. It i� hercbp-ordered by the Common ['ounril of U°ie City erf St. I'unl. Novo -11. ! APIT-, it May 10, IS92. 'That. the I{un rd of I'll bli, lyork-of The 1 coy nr Ft. P,tnl u«1se u1e h1u(,veinK im- — I:rucumen[Io be to-wiC l'on[Irmn rid take an in Ill nt In the In rid nhlu tillK in -on -lit tn T11e alley in block :1. iilnni P:trk ad if tr;- A'}' F No. ;u2- In the amt toric the report ol'tlte Board of city. dition I : St. 1'+«11. i1 i 1 clip. I �uI }' Toeons- let the slope cn fur cuts and till, Paid ll'o rk.' doted May 9, IH!r_, IlI<herebyordered byfile CommonCoun- gr:uli } I 1 aIle t thr este hll=he 1 II of the t'itJ of tit. Paul. t11 rade t11 _ f :h L TI jo-, 1 til , li 1 it d f I 1 ft f the I:rals Thul the. Board of lablic W.rka of said Ct3' el JI. Ili II e, 'o Lhe following i made, t� r Ile de I Ind fat Bn un.r} nly, ml3i the aline oC the City F;nKII1. er: 1) ments to be tomit. Construct e y -foot wooden sidcwnik no the riot and Id nl 1 .'t n I rI rid 1 II' t fee�t�.r I S I od fore elle l 1 [ f - 1 o[ W'i nslow avenue. from Pros- p- Pel race to the south ncity limits, in +11t ur hll - 1 t KI all The yla f 'aid said -t} 'd . 1111 I utT 1 1 1 u -d Tepur t, tinll to I.e Hlul 111 1111 ufhee of sale It ,a rd. That said Board shall pi -i -ed wohoolan TI tt Board shall proceed without de- lay to assess the amount. as nearly as they ascertain file same which will he -0- delay to --s thea Int. as m Wily as 0ulred to nay the costs and necessary Cx- they can aacer[nin the surae, which 11111 he !. penses of ouch Improvenients upon the real e.luired to pay The Ihl mage., cost, :led .,lot( -to he benefited by said impro-, try' a penses of such Imp( vCmenI uponsihu re til es Lute at -, b, heuented bysaid meats. ns Prodded bl' law; it being the npinton M the Council that coal estate to rnpro-al 'tit, as proeided hp law; it helms be 1ls.,essed for sueh improvements can be I let -pinion of the CIni-il that real (-tate tube I-essed fors-littalprovetuent-till be fou❑d benefited to the extent o[ the costs anti expense., necessary to be Incurred foulol bele htef, to the. t L of the d:on- /, .' '1.' ad pee' .'. r3 to be There b3' \ i pt 1 63 tl A Sly hl or 1f0 1`ifl'2 red I IJ. A i ,nt I tl A. _ 1 I 51 I -! '411 1 - 7d .- Ii I Ilei.Cos[etill.Elm- I IBlI C TI. 1yy. McNnmee,Oppen- 1- V B I i. 1 '1 II l = II M di el{,- pe nhe Tm. \ an Styli,, MI. { n id, nt ,. 11 Int.\nn, I J _I, .11 1. I'ntiidellL 9 : Says -a. Adl?ded h) the Board of Aldermen Nils I A dirptl d by Ill, Ii. ulr.i of Ald.•I leen Mn3 1 Itl`r_' ylay I 1 - \Id. I -T. Ingers. IS ull Conley, D b D --den, Ingersoll Sullivan. Air. 1 111 It' 1'1 Wel K" Bull.Cunle) 1 n . f F D h D '1 InKet-,I I. .�ulliv all. M1 1 re.ide nt- :. V.N. Approved May 10, Nay- t Apmovld Mal IJ, IN!r5 -- A'y F Nu. 1;!ii-Ivy JI r. Uopenheim__ lte 1),. u . T11nT the C«rpornliru Actor he. ml he e herr] v instructed to 1, the o. lull- Tm em, 1pr >Cevmink.' to collttt I ❑ natter If Ill, 1 1 ll , -rd If tl 1 1 11 r C'ns rr { 11'•lCork., d,tCIM> .I' t -f thein It t eby nrdrrr I1, tl - f. 1 1 II L 1 [ lied to c.1 of 'Ji CITY of Sl l I 1 1111 flat the Iiomd of Public 1\ i f of 't I 1 1 t 1 hl Th As 1.1)13 Nay 10 18ff2. f ily d' '`t Maui oauau B1e roll m uig im Was - M r Ilan IP h el f -t fl , Elm- provcme t t 1 t t 01111 r 1ct l t II Ne t'afferl3 ll N L 1 e. Gp I'll u, t f t 1 t . - 11 t 11 peal elni. \:til Sia ken Mr. F reAdeut -9. with the } 11 tl 11 Nala 1 etch of i --t. 1 h 1K AdITled by the lha-I of Aldermen ny street nT I A11-111 1 t 1 t 1 1 That call 11--i shoill i 1without I 1 '\III It I,, Tell be rg. B D, Conley. Illy to ti -e- the, nal L 1 t1) Y 11 1 Bol 111de11. Ingersoll, F�11111vtin, ertain Lha yam . 'hie ll w II b. 1(nz } 1•t1t N tul� c lu P•tJ the cost, and nese } \ pen f f 1 ,nro•:,•m m+t opo t 7 :\par 1ve d May I!1, 19`7^. I[ 4 Hed1 I IT a 1 it 1 1 To, t D i f 1 I A vF Ne. � I 1 f 1) d I 1. I x it' -h l ll. pl l 1. 1, a de• of the :t111•y I ar} t 1 1 IInIY \ lie.1 I bdl vi.u,11 of block Ali. I.}'11u.I. additior. from Men 1 sae li Ii 1 1'. '1 11 1 1 do«t tl FI tr,ittmotivated by file post, 11 4 ipp, u , it cIx le line,tl CcnnTptin}'InK pro hen- A:1 SI3k Mr I lcaaoal i1 k•. and I. , 11ed ❑yb [h,. City Ea \ave oT g leer 11,e•e +end T1\the a1, I i� 1—by � Ad„ )tea by the IT,; ... I ,.f Alden nie11 adetn.d ns for ust bushed Kl ads May 1`. IB:r• ,\dine« •el by the Ae.-Thly May In 1832. f ` Robert B. Gerber, Jr. Albert B. Olson o Sftr1 City Clerk and Council Recorder }n Commissioner of Registration 117 tt convey. Mines,tlitvun. hl r. 1 - i da sW �+ YeeeU OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' M°°aye' CITY OF SAINT PAUL Slyeye ZAIa°gu BUREAU OF RECORDS VIM- a Board of Y as- tM copem❑ 386 City Hall - imon Coun- sl I Sullivan Nny,- St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 rks of said U{` Appro• lowing Im. $ Construct ( `f 6e tend from Pros Q15 A'y F N• Ilmite, In "f I It Is bet y aout without de. Th❑t t ,riy as they - IW alley Ill be -e w pessary es - 5 lots 9. 12 on the real lot 14. at I improve- aition. a/\/�•�/\/\� bet Lhe {{{{' u tha estate be tl ; on Bu ra of - report: ants can be f the creta 2 First- s incurred i neceom ag °1 the expo to10e&Im- s x o e -half lce•oppen. kk[[ into the islet. f Third.Aldermen r for Sala //1� n t0 the e. / O / / iUi (, %` l� L-] t. Conley, Illvaa. Mr. 7 FMI } upo th fi hsfth- r aurald I Fifth- of S�iztn h. directing u �7 bl__ Adopt) / v ( Aon AtWo- ]." Was- (ttcoIl%i" rtPry ocollect 1 11 o s Adop t, P a-- �� �V , / J m the tn- Map 1' failed to i - Ybncr.e:ts- 1 18, 189:. I Do Cello• Elm. hi r. Pre E Nuys- ( u' �` T-/ l amus. Op- Appro tont--9. rnum ay AgL! N / 7 �- O(nlry, Hesoly 8luIllvan, he is Ile) [ in tl 8 T wre unin q Won pot ,U d-. /V01 . Ing Por her instil ' uulredfi a alley 1n t , not block I I der the ;eal Men- der - :ed by Lhe 1 �doptt �i YBe- eau= s he -b Slyke, x - • lo. 1892. i Nays-