D001360CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR � � � ADbID�iISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVLSION �: �oa �3�0 �_ l0-a3-�� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consis�nt with the authority granted to the Mayor In Secflon 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of Director of the Division of Pazks and Recceation to amend the 1997 budget of the Town Square Park speeial fund, the Directoc of die Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to ame�l said budget in ihe following manner: Division of Parks and Reereation Town Square Park 388-43183-0299 388-43183-0557 Current &u�et Miscellaneous Services 5,178 Transfer to General Fund _� 5,178 �,�,. (740) 740 0 Adjust 1997 budget to allow for the transfer of funds for the City's PC replacecnent program. .r v ' " � Prepamd by: Activity Maaagec �� � �� a�quested by: Department Director �'fl �� 1� - �-�- � �- Amended Bud¢et 4,438 740 5,178 DWAflTMENT/OFRCE/COUNQL DATENJITIATm GREEN SHEET �y S� NO. � ParksarxlRecreation ����,�J�, 10/15/97 �t3�� CONTACTPBi50NANOPHONE INITULLJDATE INfT1ALAATE +c Wittgenstein 266-6409 � ���+rr�air anccroa ar cour�p� _ R FoN �pTV ATTqYiEY �_CITY Cl6tlC MU5TBEONCOVNCRAG@IDABY�ATEI ,�pNµGN.SHi1nCE�3DIP. � �SACCOUnT1na MAVORpR/SSI5fANT1 � Pali(s TOTAL t OF SItliATUiE PAGES� Iqli ALLlOCA11OWY WR tW/U71tik7 AGTION FIEQUESim: Approval of administrative order amending fund 388 - Town Square Park pECOMMENOATONS: Appove W or qejee[ qtl P9t50MAL S9iVICE CONiRACTB MU6T ANS1MBt TIIE FOLLOWINO OUFSilONB: PLANIi1NG COMMiSSON _CML SERVECE COMMISSON �. H» thie ppwJfrm wx wpkad uder � emtract fw tla tleprtrnantT _CIB COMMITTEE � YES NO � STAFF _ 2. Xw tlin PM�rm evar beu� a uty amWeYasT �DISTNCT COUNCIL YES NO � 3. Dos thM WaoNfpm P^� � alWl,wt mmWY P� bY d+Y ax�mt dq emdoY�Z SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVET YES NO &pltln r Y�s m�wan on sspr�4 aFrt wl stbch b 9�am aMsl. INITIATING PflOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOflTUNIiY IWIw, Wlut, When,lNFere, Why): 7997 budget needs to be amended to allow for the transfer of funds for the City's PC repalcement program, ODVANTAGES IF APPROYFD: This fund will be abte to participate in the City's PC replacement program. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVFA: REC�lVE� None �C 2 1 1�97 f �iTY CLERK DISAOVANTAGES IF NOT APPpOVFD; This fund will not be able to participate in the City's PC replacement program. OTALAMOUNTOFTqANSAC710N S O CO8Tlf1EVB�UEBUDOET�(CIPCIEONq `I% NO uxox�asourtcE Town Snuare Park ncmnrrrun+eee 43180-43184 HNMIWAL MFORMATlaN: IEXPlP1N1 e , � V Y