231573 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLHRK . 2j_ �� - CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. • '�= . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �f• • 4� . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �/����� � �. COMMISSIONER Robert F, geterson o�T qI -� _ µ{. 'Whereas, Additions which might prove to be necessary in the Improvement , described as 9drm and Clear IWater Sewer in FIFTH STREET from Minnesota Street to ,; Cedar Street and in CEDAR STREET from Fifth Street to Sixth Street, Comptroller� Contract L-6862, Hurley Construction Company, Contractor, have been provite�d for � in the Specifications, and ��€ �� �7liereas, It has been found necessary to make the following Additions: �' ADDITIONS , •` . � , M[aterial excavated from Shaft "D" at Cedar and Fif th Streets was unsuitable or backfilling so Class 4 gravel required in accordance with Section 33 of the S�ecia Frovisions at the unit price of Bid Item No. 14 � ' " � f Class 4 sand-gravel material 1353 cu. yd. @ $6.00 $8118.00 � ; P rovidin tem orar y y g g p y pedestrian walkwa in Fif th Street b re-settin board f 'nce for a protective barrier Lump Sum $ 100.�67 ! • Total Additions $8218.67 ( � _. , - j - and G ; � . ; � � �lhereas, The total addition is $8218.-67 and the Commissioner of Fublic Works �has �,agreed with the Contractor that the amount of $.8218.67 is the correct sum to be added • � ; �to :sa� d contract; therefore be it ,'`�' � . � , j - � '�, �` r � ''�~I. ! ��' "'' � � • � , esolved, That the �ity of S�t. Paul througli�.�ts.'City Council approves the fo ego- ,- ing•°�ddition��made in a¢�cordance with the;Specif,ications in the sum of $8218.67, �aid _ _�amour� to be'ad'ded to '�t�e� lump sur�� consideration �tn8med in the contract, known as �l� � , Comptr lleris Contract U-6,862, a�d�whieh;,a�nount is to• be financed from Local Improve- , ment�� ode 0920�-JO1, $1�i27.30 arid'�;�ro�i�Urb,e,n Renewa�. Bonds, $6591.37. t ` - � Y � •/ t.� 't• ' � � t� . y'P: . ,f !i� , i,� ,I •� . , t• .r (}}),� '� .� 1'� f, f , .+� `:' � ,� � �' � f � ¢ , ;� ��N 171967 � 4 ''� , COUNCILMEN � ' Adopted by the Council_ '1�9— • ' ,�Yeas Nays � . , � Carlson .�R�! 17196� � . Dalglish Approved 9_ 4 Holland . ' ; lyieredith n Favor E ' . � Peterson Mayor Tedesco � Against j Mr. President, Byrne � � PUBLISN�ED JAN 211 �7 ' ,' •� � � �22 ��� 23�5�3 DUrLICATE TO PRIN7ER I . CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCIL N0. ' _ � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � � PRESENTED BY � � � � COMMISSIONEa_gQ�t'E �� g�ter/OI1 DATF � �I — , . . . � ' iil�er�aa, !►dditiot�� �+hieth wigbt pi�om� to•l» nec�ssar�► in th� L�ro�►�a�nt dsscrib�d aa �r� and Cl�ar '�ter �wr in 1t� �TRE� lrc� Mian�sota Str��t to'� C�dsr Streat a�nd in GBDAR #�TRB�T fro� �'ifth Stre�t to �isth litr��t, Co■ptroller'a� Contrsct L-6a62. �nrl�y Congtruction Ca�any, Contrsctor. ha�� be�n provi!!d lor� ! in Cb� �pscifieatioas. and � �ihsrats. It has be�n found nec��sas�r to raka th� folloving Addition�= ADDIT�Dlf� + , . � . • , , . , . � „ � . �� ' � �tsrial �.taa��ted Ero� S�ft �"H" a't G�dar and �Fif�ti ��tr��ta vba unsuitabl��far b�ckfillin� so f�lase 4 grav�l ��s requir�d in a��ord�nc� �►ith ��ection 33 of the ial Pro�isiona at th� unit pria• of �id 2tra ib. 14 • �� , . . , . � , • Cla�s 4 sand-=ravel �at�rial 1�53 aa. yd. E �6,.00 �8118.00 `I . ' � Providin� tiipaY�rp pedestrian walkway in $ifth Stteat �by r�-sttting board f nct far a proteotir� barrier �.u�p �ua "� 1`OQ 67 To�ai l.�dditiqn� �8318.67 ; .. , . , and � �.. . . r , . ,• ��nas� �he� �otial addition is �8218.67 and the Qa��.a�ioaer of �ubli.� �lorks�has � ses�ad wiCb tba Contre�tor that the �naunC of $8218.67 is th� carr�at sua to b� �d'd�d � to aaid contru�, thsrefor� ba it , ��' A�solv�d, That tfu City of �t. Psul throu�h its City Qcwncil approv�s tha fo gc- ing addition� sad� in accordaacs aith th� Sp�ifib�tione in th� sus oi� $6218.67. �id uounC to b� add�d to Lh� lur�p aw oonsid�ratio� aaa�d in tha contrsct. known as �fi Co�ptroli�r's Contraat �-6862, and �►ith asaua� ia eo b� financAd fro� Local Iapro s- •ent� Cod� 092Q-�01, �1627.30 �►d frc� Wrb�a R�ne�al sond�, $6S11.39. d �; COUNCILMEN ,���V 1719fi7 � Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays .I Carlson 1 Dalglish � ����� 1 7 196� � Approved 19_ Holland � i Meredith In Favor �, ,, Peterson � �yor Tedesco A gainst �� � Mr. President, Byrne ' � , ��2 • aI;