166626-167204_12-24-1953_02-16-1954SERIAL NO. OF ROLL�t'�f] DEPARTMENT C c f } @ ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP PERMANENT RETENTION DATE TO BE DESTROYED If Limited LIMITED RETENTION DATE MICROFILt-EED CONTENTS NUMBER OR NAME OF FIRST DOCUMENT OF REGULAR CONTENTS NUMBER OR NAME OF LAST DOCUMGNT h1ICROFILt1ED SIGINED Operator JOINT CITY COUNTY MICROFILM BY Supervisor Original to cur Chrk ..,. �. \ ( 626 CITY OF ST. PAUL FUE"cit NO. _ \e OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO/UJNCI/4)RE OIUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY (DMMI�%% e�r l�v4L%C�'Z SSIDNEa , T. DArF December 17,_1953 RESOLVED, ThKt the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract therefor, .and hereby awards contract for furnishing all labor, materials and services necessary for and reasonably incidental to Roofing and flashing on the Wilder Community Building, Case and Jessie Streets, St. Paul, 11innesota, to ROOFINGS INC in accordance i-rith.City plans and specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal'Bid #436-+ of said Roofings Inc, at a contract price of $603.00, such bid being the lowest and said Roofings Inc. being the lowest reasonable and reliable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to drou up the proper form of contract therefor, and the prover City officia.is hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of St. Paul. C. F. No. 166626—By Severin A. Morun- di , aon, by regveat— Resolved, 'rhat'the Council hereby. F. B. 4364. aDprnveg the ward of the Contract therePote aad hereby awatya contract dor futnlahing all laen. _ _ _ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 6M 7.63 and hereby ig Ajr""` utoo Coungel:l e Proper form of contract draw up the authorizedr C/tY 0H1cinL1hberebY afire on behalf ofothexGute eeltl contract P.B. 4989 ty of St. Paul. Adoptetl by the Council December Y4, 1962. Approved December 24, 1953. (December 29, 1953) e 41953 Adopted by the Council 196_ DEC 24199 Approved 195— In Favor 6 Mayor Against to City Clerk PRESENTED BY 0 j C. gyp. 168827—By Severin A. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE ,OF THE CITY C 1.66627 aY,araa . -- !urnisbing aD la or, m ee[yieea I.nrrtagry:, er. '�io1� fgA� An►&95 17, 1953 RESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards contract for furnishing all labor, materials and s-ervicee necessary and reasonably incidental to the Wrecking of the building at the following address and lot preparation as described herein: East 17.33 feet of Lot 4, McCloud's Subdivision of. Block 2 of Vandenburgh's addition to Saint.Pa.ul, according to the plat thereof recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota, also described as 238 East `hirteenth St., St. Paul, Minn 9 to MINNESOTA FLOOR SURFACIPIG, City to pay Contractor $520,00, in accordance with City specifications therefor hereto attached and the FormalBid#4366 of said Minnesota Floor Surfacing Company, such bid. being the lowest and said Minnesots? Floor' Surfacing Company being the lowest re?sonable and reliable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the pxbuer City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of St. Paul. Formal Bid #4366 j COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney eM 2.68 -OW" W DEC 24 199 Adopted by the Council 195— DEC 241968 Approved 195— An Favor Mayo - ,I�� Against C r. No. 16os2e-By Severin A. fottlG- ((''�� (,t�� eon by request— 166 l28 Resolved, That the CouncLL Hereby 111 �I 1J City MA-" approves the award of the Contract CITY OF ST._1yAUl cgmmlttee therDefor, end herebyy, awards , _ a isontract far furnishing an igbor, ma- terials and services neceasery antl Mai OFFICE OF THE CITY t sonably_ Incidental to_the 1 ckinj., of herein: PRESENTED BY West 22,88 feet of Lot 4, McCloud'- 1953 COMAISSIO burgh a Addition Ho 9tk. PaulVacmrd- 'fng to the plat thereof recorded In P, the office of the Regl¢er. oy.?>-- Resol ed, That the Council hereby approve L�mffWgr of the Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards contract -for furnishing all labor, materials and services necessary and -reasonably incidental to the Wrecking of the building located in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, at the following address and lot prepera.tion as described herein: West 22.66 feet of Lot 4, McCloudSs Subdivision of Block 2, Vsndenburghis Addition to St. Paul, according to the plat thereof recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds Ramse,, County, Minnesota, also described as No, 27.6 Thirteenth Street, St. Paul, Minnesota to MINNESOTA FLOOR SURFACING, City to pay Contractor $660.00, in accordance with City specifications thereforheretoattached and the 1 ' Forma.]- Bid #4365 of said Minnesota Floor Surfacing Company, such bid being the lowest and said Minnesota Floor Surfacing Company being the lowest reasonable and reliable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper, City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract ori behalf of the City of St. Paul. Formal Bid #4365. DEC 241953 C6UNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 196— Yeas Nays Halvorson DEC 241953 Holland pproved 196— Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor Mayor Peterson /l Rosen / Against Mr. President, Daubney ptJIiT1S1�D----' / 617 2-53 ®,� u Original to cur Clerk s CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM COUNCIL 166629fNO. _ __ RESOLVED, that upon appeal of Dayton's Bluff Baptist Church from the decision of the Commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings, and upon the favorable recommend- ation of the Board of Zoning, the building line on Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 6, Lindley Heights Addition, is hereby changed to ten (10) feet on Euclid Street, and twenty-five (25) feet on Griffith Street,, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 AD - 7 C. F. No. 160629—By Severin A. Mortin- son .by reqquest— ResoLved. That upon aypcg of Day. ton's Bluff' Baptist Church from t is de• islon of the Commissioner' of Parks, Playgroucul. ad P.M. Buildinggss; and ! upon the favorable re otbmendaponof' the Board of Zoning, ctha building line Lots 1, 2 and 3. Block 6, Lm Heights Addition, is hereby Aungged to ten (10) feet on Eucnd' Street, and twenty-five (25). feet on Griffith Street. I Adopted by the Council December 24. 1653. Approved December 24. 1953. (December 26, 1953) 4 Adopted by the Council 195— DEC 24IT68 Approved 195_ In Favor Mayor Against a • MRS. AGNES H. O'CONNELL HAROLD 1. RIORDAN City Clerk - Chief Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE December 23, 1953 Mr. Timothy P. Quinn Corporation Counsel B u i l d i n g Dear Sir: . The Council requested that you draw a resolution granting the appeal of Dayton's Bluff Baptist Church to change the building line on Lots 1, 2 and 3. Block 6, Lindley Heights Addition to 10 ft. on Euclid and 25 ft, on Griffith. Very truly yours, / c City Clerk :1P Dear Madams In the matter of the appeal of Daytonls Bluff Baptist Church to change a building line on lots 1.2 and 3s block 6, Lindley Heights. Additions the property under consideration is located adjacent to the southeast corner of the intersection of Euclid & Griffith. The zoning is "A11 residence. The three lots.under consideration are presently platted to the long dimension running in a north south direction with frontage on Euclid Street. The applicants desire to divide these three lots in an east - west direction into two parcels which will front on Griffith. This proposal is being advanced because Griffith Street has sewer and water and gas and also because it comports with the existing frontage into orientation of the other lots in the district. In order to accomplish this change, it its necessary that the Council establish a building line of 101 along uclid and a 25T building line along Griffith. If this is done it would, in effect, constitute a re—platting of these three lots so as to orient the fronts of the lots along the easterly side of Griffith Street. In consideration of these factors, the Board of Zoning recommends that this appeal to estgblish a 101 building line affecting the subject lots along Euclid be granted with the stipulation that a 251 building line on 10V3 along Griffith Street also bee stablished. Very truly yo sJ C. D. Loeks f/ Planning Director CDLsFSExecutive Secretary Enc. Board of Zoning ? J 7 2,3 m The Board of Zoning . Saint Paul, 1Vlinnesota . (OiNY.Nb lY 01101M.Nt't NO. RO. JVLY 1. IW) A. A. HECKMAN IMIOIDINO ORFlCQI C. DAVID LOEKS IDaWf1Y[QCRRMY L W GRIM. MYDR L MRHV— W. J. RICK A. H. SCHROMM CDT AuatrtC.T JVUW va"U . JDiY.Mi{ 279 CITY -COUNTY BUILDING SAINT PAUL !, MINNESOTA December 16, 1953 Mrs. A. H2OIConnell . City Clerk Building z Dear Madams In the matter of the appeal of Daytonls Bluff Baptist Church to change a building line on lots 1.2 and 3s block 6, Lindley Heights. Additions the property under consideration is located adjacent to the southeast corner of the intersection of Euclid & Griffith. The zoning is "A11 residence. The three lots.under consideration are presently platted to the long dimension running in a north south direction with frontage on Euclid Street. The applicants desire to divide these three lots in an east - west direction into two parcels which will front on Griffith. This proposal is being advanced because Griffith Street has sewer and water and gas and also because it comports with the existing frontage into orientation of the other lots in the district. In order to accomplish this change, it its necessary that the Council establish a building line of 101 along uclid and a 25T building line along Griffith. If this is done it would, in effect, constitute a re—platting of these three lots so as to orient the fronts of the lots along the easterly side of Griffith Street. In consideration of these factors, the Board of Zoning recommends that this appeal to estgblish a 101 building line affecting the subject lots along Euclid be granted with the stipulation that a 251 building line on 10V3 along Griffith Street also bee stablished. Very truly yo sJ C. D. Loeks f/ Planning Director CDLsFSExecutive Secretary Enc. Board of Zoning ? J 7 2,3 MRS. AGNES H. O'CONNELL - City Clerk CITY OF „SAINT PAUL Capital of MinnesotA OFFICE OF CITY.CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE November 17, 1953 Zoning Board 274 City Hall St. Paul Gentlemeni The Council' referred to the Zoning Board, for recommendation, the attached appeal of Dayton's Bluff Baptist Church for a change, to 10 ft., in the building line on Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 6, Lindley Heights, situated on the south side of Euclid between Griffith and Johnson Pkwy. Very truly your Is, City Clerk /� HAROLD 1. RIORDAN Chief Cl.,l - b St. Paul, Minnesota November 16, 1953 To the Honorable, the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: I hereby appeal, under Seon 20 of the Zoning Ordinance. for the establishment of a buildin Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 6, Lindley Heights, situated on the south side of Euclid St. between Griffith St. and Johnson Pkwy., at 10 ft. from the property line on nuclid St. I propose to construct a single-family dwelling on Lots 2 and 3, said building to front on Griffith St. Very truly yours, /1 1 v A, i. ORIGINAL -TO PAYOR eived o,( CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF CITY CLERK ._. w • • Vm Oyu. RE-C,EIPT N9 1451 ''-.-E vN 3 5 7 L cru ST 7' ''O jV4 76e ST= y4 NQS IV A 7 -Ek NQS 943 l 2n� Laid over to_. 3rd and app__' 1 1, Al YeasNays Yeas Nays /aly�reon Holl a /Marzielli tnd All.itelli ,/Peterson ortinson /✓ Mortinson 6. Peterson l Rosen Rosen v l"Mr. President Daubney Mr- President Daubney (/ �crefi% THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1.� That Ordinance No. 5840, approved July 7, 1922, as amended, be and the same is hereby further9amended so as to re- zons Lot 1, Block 2, Franklin Addition to St. Paul, from "B" Resi- dance District to "C" Residence District. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and s'fety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication. I yeas Councilmen Nays ori,in.l to city clerk - C. F. No. 166630—Ordinance No. 1oM5— OR D I N A P By Severin Monensin b3' request—MOM g l �r71Er }� M ordinance amending, Ordinance No. 9690, entitled: 0 "M ordinance for the purpose of pro- . motfng the pub"c'hesith, netety, order, j-- Marzitelli romenlence, Prosperity sod general ttor+ rroi4� hoop ding for the•ciesetfica- Q 3� PRESENTED Peterson - Rosen Ari_{ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5840, entitled Attest "An ordinance for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity and general welfare by,providing for the classifica- tion, regulation and'restrietion of the location of trades and industries, and of buildings used for human habitation and for specified purposes, and the height and bulk of buildings hereafter erected or altered; and regulating and determining the minimum 6` size of lot line courts and other open spaces, and establishing the boundaries of districts for said VV purposes," approved July 7, 1922, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1.� That Ordinance No. 5840, approved July 7, 1922, as amended, be and the same is hereby further9amended so as to re- zons Lot 1, Block 2, Franklin Addition to St. Paul, from "B" Resi- dance District to "C" Residence District. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and s'fety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication. I yeas Councilmen Nays 142vor"tsa—� Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson - Rosen Mr. President (Daubney) „ Attest City Clerk 0 JAN 12 1954 Passed by the Council In Favor y Against Approvgd: JAN 12 1954 / � 1 MayoM / 1 AGNES H. O'CONNELL City Clerk nAROLD J. RIORDAN Chief Cle,k CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of MlnneSota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK \ ° BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE December 23, 1953 Mr. Timothy P. Quinn Corporation Counsel B u 1 l d i n g Dear Sir; The Council requested that you draw an ordinance to rezone Lot 1, Block 2, Franklin Addition from nBn Residence to "CII Residence. Very truly yours, City Clerk The Board 0 of Zoning Saint Paul, Minnesota (YTNY.Mm Qf pIDR1u.C[ I.o. RR. MY f. I.R) ' A, A. HECKMAN ,ry1QQ101N0 OFIICQR C. DAVID LOEKS QxQCUf1VQ QQCRwQYMY g M. ORIMQ CLYDQ L MQTHVQN W J. RICA ti N. QCNROmHR. JU UQ YIWIUM4 ALYm.TQ J7Y CITY -COUNTY BUILDING SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA December 23, 1953 1.1,rs. Agnes O'Connell City Clerk Building Dear 1,Irs. O'Connell: This is in the matter of the petition of Lorenzo Digaetano to rezone Lot 1, Block 21 Franklin Addition from "B" Residence to "C" Residence. The property under consideration is located adjacent to the southwest corner of Edmund and Ifilton. The property under consideration has a frontage of 33.61 on Edmund, and extends southerly a distance of 1241 along ?Tilton. At present there is a converted store building located on the property which was constructed in 1917. Up until a few years ago, this building, was utilized as a bakery. The applicants desire to rezone this property to 'IC" Residence to permit four family occupancy, it being their position that due to its location, the structure is no longer usable for non -conforming commercial' purposes. Field investigation discloses this property has been substantially improved by extensive repair and remodeling. There is also space for off-street parking at the rear of the building. In consideration of the desirability of residential occupancy in this building as distinguished from the commercial activities which formerly characterized the use of the site, the Board of Zoning finds no objections to this proposal to rezone the property under consideration. If this is done it will enable the applicants to use this existing, structure in a manner that is more in harmony vith the established character of th.e ::i strict than its former use. In consideration of these facto s, the Doard of Zoning recommends that this petition be Zra.ted. Very truly yours, C. D. Leeks !� Planning Director ,;xecutive Secretary >r Board of boning LTON ROSEN FRED DRIVER -Commissioner Deputy Commissioner CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEONARD C. SEAMER, Valuation and Assessment Engineer HARRY A. JOHNSON, Chief Clerk CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, Chief Cashier November 23, 19x3 To the Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: I have checked the at -ached petition, filed in the matter of rezoning Lot 1, Blcck 2, Franklin Addition / from Class "b" Residence to Class "C" Resiuence District, and find that, same is sufficient. R:WT se Yours truly, Milton Rosen Commissioner of Finance 0 St. Paul, Minnesota To The City Council St. Paul, Minn. ` h Gentlemen: REZONING We, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 ft. of the real estate affected, have acquiesced 'herein, and we, owners of 50/', or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Nonorabl� Body to change the following described property: LOT 1, BLACK 2, MUNSLIN ADDITION 92 2 from a "B" district to a "Ca District. This petition is made pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance No: 5840. Record Owner Lot I Block Addition'/�,'h�°�"� THI IS ETITION TO CHANGE THE CLASSIFICATION AND USE OF R ER e- / ---71--r---V -f;� State of P1innesota S q County of Ramsey ss �d s being first duly sworn, deposes an� says that he is t e person who circulated the within petition consisting of page_ ; that the parties described above are the owners espectively of the lots placed immediately follow- ing each name; hat this petition was signed by each of said owners in the resence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the rue and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so de cribed, Subscribed a d sworn to before me this day of Notary Pub ic, Ramsey County, A4 inn. I- l `� My Commiss on expires St. Paul, Minnesota To The City douncil St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: REZONING We, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 ft. of the real estate affected, have acquiesced herein, and we, dwners of 500/ or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to change the following described property: LOT 1 BLOCK 2 rRLMMIN ADDITION from a "B" district to a "0".moi esiienr District. This petition is made pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance No. 5840, 411411 THIS Owner Lot / Block p� Addition1111 ccc«cJJJJJJ ti - THIS IS A PETITICN TO CHANGE THE CLASSIFICATION AND USE OF State of Minnesota,, County of Ramsey ss{ Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the pe son who circulated the within petition consisting of page ; that the parties described above are the owners respec ive1y of the lots placed immediately follow- ing each name; that t is petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described, Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of a Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My Commission expires �• I I 9 ' St. Paul, Minnesota To The City Council St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: REZONING We, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 ft. of the real estate affected, have acquiesced herein, and we, owners of 50y, or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to change the following described property: LOT 1 BLOCK 2 HAILNSI,IN ADDITION from a or ,district to a "a" District. This petition is made pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance No. 5840. Record Owner Lot / Block Addition THIS IS A PETITION TO CHANGE THE CLASSIFICATION AND USE OF State of Minnesota County of Ramsey ss being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the per on who circulated the within petition consisting of page ; that the parties described above are the owners respect vel'y of the lots placed immediately follow- ing each name; that th s petition was signed by each of said owners in the present of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true ano correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described, Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of Notary Public, Hamgy county, mann. My Commission expi es To The City Council St. Paul, Minn. St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: REZONING We, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 ft, of the real ^ estate affected, have acquiesced herein, and we, owners of 50, or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to change the following described property: IAT 1 BLACK 2 pR&maN ODDITION from a °Bn _district to a yap District. This petition is made pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance No. 5840. Record Owner �/ Lot / Block Addition THgum PETIT TO/�HANG HE CLASSIFICATICCNNAND USE OF PR�& /L _ •�f Q,y� � J,�/3 C/' h State of Minnesota - County of Ramsey ss_, a being first duly sworn, deposes and says th t 4eieagerson wthatithelated partiesthe describedeaboven consisting of P 9ei_: are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately follow- ing each name; that this petition was signed'by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the trud and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described, Subsczibed and s rn to before me Q o thi "gay of vtc Notary P lic, Ramsey unty, Minn. My Commission expires uuFF Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minrr. My commission Expires Sept. 7, 1958^ ,. St. Paul, Minnesota To The City Council St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: REZONING We, the undersigned owners of .two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 ft. of the real estate affected, have acquiesced herein, and we, owners of 50% or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to change the following described property: from a �� eaiclenc8�istrict to a „� n sid=^�A District. This petition is made pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance No. 5840. Record Owner Lot Block Addition THIS IS A PETITION TO CHANGE THE CLASSIFICATICN AND USE OFF PROPERTY./% � � W4-* mew' 4" q / 411 a State of Minnesota ;ss Cou ty of RQnsey being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is 't a person o circulated the within petition consisting ofV page ; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately follow- ing each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described, Subscribed and swo to before me oQ this/5day of /on•�9 - -� Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My Commission expires 7LIM. A R SI) NotnyPublk. Rlmuy ComtP, Mina My CbmmjaWn Sapite, Sept. 25.195Y STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) SS' COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) I, Oscar Hapsch, being first duly sworn deposes and says that he is the surviving spouse of Violet Hapsch, record owner of sAtuate in Ramsey County, Minnesota, lana described as follows: Lots 2 and 3, Block 2, Franklin Addition, that she died on ma"3 0 — lfco , resident of Ramsey County, that no probate proceedings have been taken, that she left no child or issue of deceased child; that she a left affVt as her surviving spouse and sole heir at law. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day o6� 1953. GEORGE N. STAUFF Notary Pubik. Romney County, Minn. My Curls son f .pu- Sept. 7, 1958 4 St. Paul, Minnesota To The City Council St, Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: REZONING We, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 ft. of the real estate affected, have acquiesced herein, and we, owners of 509: or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to change the following described property: from 1_zl 1 listrict to a District. This petition is made pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance No. 5840. Record Owner Lot Block Addition THIS IS A PETITION TO CHANGE THE CLASSIFICATION AND USE OF PROPERTY. State of Minnesota ;ss Coun yARey being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is t e person who circulated the within petition consisting of__j_page ; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately follow- ing each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described, Subscr' d and s r to be ore me this -day, Nota PublRamsey �ty,nn. My Commissi n expires -- EDNAUND QREju TO gL- RELQNEr> i -- — ai I I i PREVA0.E0 Ui TuL Ct7v ��pNNWu�L'ARn Gc_r. r— LF— GNU. 2874 �t NpR"i H {" c OG' '- St. Paul, Minnesota September 21, '.953 To the Honorable, the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen, I hereby ap-peal, under Section 20 (o) of the Zoning Ordinance, for a permit to remodel a building at 922 Edmund Ave" described as Lot 1, Block 2, Franklin Addition, into a 4—apartment building• I am informed that the building was constructed in 1917 and has a gross ground area, delineated by its foundation walls, of over 11000 sq: ft. Very truly yours, c � � 166 63 Council File No.---.-------_--- _---- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT i PRELIMINARY ORDER C. F. No. 166631— and "' whereas, A written proposal for the making of the following Improvement, PRELIMINARY ORDER Censtrneting ern tai lights en 'Summit Mall from Won ,: h. Street to itln ,itt. �nct�'+ih/t t�" o o The undersigned hereby proposes the making of thefollowing public improvement by th'`6jij "Mi.6aul, Yia.: Constructing -.ornamental _lights-, on- 3u�@-it, Mall..frpn_WpbaQhB._Stxt{�k------------------- _ to Rib_e Street, including the construction _fif .cables, condnite,., pull--- ----------- ----- -- ---- ...boxes and-other._appurtenances_where_necedeary-.-----(Part;-_41._.._------------------------ Approach Project.) ...... .......................................................... - - Datedthis .............. 24.....day Of...----------------- ................ PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :vis. Constructing ornamental--lighta_on_-Swomit_Mall-. from_Wabneila-.S xeet---------- to Ric . eStreet`.- tAgludinq.-the_ constrgctipn-.o ._Cabs,esu...cnnsluita...F�------------------------- boxes and other appurtenances where necessary. (Partof.Capitol................................... .............................................................. A roach Pro act ) ......-----•---•----•------•----------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul.................................................................• -----•-------•------ therefore, be it - - - RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof, 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketa� of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. <.- "Adopted by the Council ...........................................- :,-:....:._...:�.,,----- YEAR NAYS K -C 2: 1953 Councilman FErppfp k Holland MORTINSON Approved .-------------------------------------- --------... - lw`JMAXrA(1f Halvorson PETERSON ROSEN------_ - - Maftaitelli '£�� .......... ME. PRESIDENT Daubney 1000 ,-,B •41W® NOTICE TO PRINTER CITY OF SAINT PAUL ` WlfD^$ COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE No. Dec. 22 19 53 RE�OlilD, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 1; 440 514.6757968 X580 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS S_ ,COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED___ _TO IJc i b, -o9 S�@5l ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. DEC ;9'3 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_ CITY COMPTROLIbTt APPROVED___ 1Q__ - C.es - "'6'2_IGW33-- -- e beio 1l ' f f i j Lam—, q♦ ,I ` NOTICE i omuuntty reaeurerat be dre(vn on 7p U Pemberetlt �g�O2•45. v tpi�g Ae I e Per it pecks on file In th805 e PRINTER Cit,cOr ptbroller. lof COUNCIL FILE NO.---- gd o[flce the ISA.'pt9 the Council December Dec. 23 Jr- 24 4Provetl Dettlnb r 24,—� e (De"e 19 b- U- 195])2' 48 V,ED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE j 4�`7j[R'. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF k i y}6�[___ s , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED_ _ 'aTTO_�LD Z__.. -INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL._ __.-DEC � 4—__1953 .__ _--. 19— APPROVED_ 19— cm coNrrRo�uk SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 3 402 102 04 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL FILE NUMBER_. ROLL ALL HALVORSON AUDITED CLAIMS _neo. __22_- 141— HOLLAND MAR—ELLI /- —IN M ORTINSON „- 1 FAVOR RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY PETERSON _V OAINST ROSEN IN THE AMOUNT OF $ �� "� �j,�0 514.6/�j --. COVERING MR. PRES. DAUBNEY � 57968 NO. TO 580o4 INCLUSIVE, AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI I _CHECKS L"'" even PER CHECKS ON FILE�OFFICECITYC ITYCOAPPROVEDTOTAL rvVX DATE CHEC�' NUMBER IN FAVO f{ OF TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS RETURNED %/ BY BANK BROUGHT FORWARD 961 587..37. 57968 Milton Rosen 5 539 19 ® 57969 " " 19 426 57 57970 Co. welfare Bd. 113 456 13 57971 Frank D. Marzitelli-Mun. Equip. 2 573 86 57972 " " " " 4 865'00 2 476 24 57974 " " " " 1 779 05 57975 " " " " 22 295 00 57976 N N N N 1545123 57977 " " " " 9 692 25 57978 a " " a 1 813 35 57979 N " " " 621 86 57980 " N a N 5 771 94 579$1 N N « « 4' 375 50 57982 769 64 57983 " " " 813 91 57984 « " " " 1 030 33 « « 6 048 z 57986 " " 112 093 20 d 7 91 82 657 57987 7988 " " 25 46 57989 " 7 963 02 57990 Robert F. Peterson (Re»air Shop) 5 942 16 57991 693 92 57992 N « « « 2 492 24 57993 " " " " 2 424 57 57994 " " " 921 58 57995 " " 2 262 53 57996 Board of water Com.nissloners 1 071 72 57997 " " " 3 614 30 - 57998 " " " 203 93 57999 a " " 5 225 74 58000 Norris 0. Ha$vorson 667 59 58001 a " 2 140 7+4 58002 Board of Eduoatlon 2 423 65 58003 Severin A. Mortenson 737 42 58004 Milton itosen 1 91 90 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 3 402 102 04 AL CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE OOMFTFkOLLER FILE NUMBER. - HALVORSO NOL LZVL HOLLAND AUDITED CLAIMS Dec. 23 ,9_53 MARZITELLI MORTINSON PETERSON -- IN AGAINST FAVOR RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY ROSEN -i 42 107 82 IN THE AMOUNT OF S COVERING MR. PRES. DAUBNEY +Yw CHECKS NO. ..7f L1LLL�---TO INCLUSIVE, AS THE CITY CQMPTjHOLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL PER CHECKS ON FILE_�I E OF ICE APPROVED—_.rvo3 Q6BY v/T noL�en _ _... TOTAL DATE C " NUMBER IN FAVOR O� TRANSFER CHECKS CHECKS DISBURSEMENT RETURNED v/ BY BANK BROUGHT FORWARD 3 402 10.2 0.7._. • 58005 Edna M. Bielke 4 463 81 2 19 58006 Walter M. Ohristoph de Anna 561 58007 James T. Logan 283 24 58008 Am. Linen Supply Co. 271 07 58009 Berglund Lumber 00. 712 29 58010 Brissman— Kennedy Co. 89 25 38011 Crane Co. of Minnesota 206 11 38012 Guaranteed Concrete Co. 80 30 58013 Hagen Supply Co. 219 23 58017+ Hawk Mfg. Co. 154 11 58015 Lax Electric Co. 289 42 38016 Nicole Dean and Gregg Co. 136 4o 58017 N. W. Refining Co. 665 07 58018 S000ny Vacuum Oil Co. 127 92 58019 Mrs. Frank A. Ubel 75 00 38020 Milton Rosen—Postal Revol. F. 1 1 58021 9 95 58022 American Linen Co. 249 6o 58023 a water works Assoc. 75 00 58o24 C,)ngress Out Price Store 28 22 58025 Farwell Ozmun Kirk and Co. 340 31 58026 a N It . 157 41 58027 General Electric Supply Corp 18 23 58028 John F. hand 80 55 58029 Johnson and Barnes 16 79 58030 Minnesota Fire Extinguisher C. 77 40 58031 Mobile Radio Engr. Inc. 77 30 58032 New York Tea Co. 47 49 58033 Nort.iern States Power Co. 30 14 58034 N. W. Bell Telephone Co. 116 55 58035 a a a 325 80 58o36 O'Briens Food Market 15 84 38037 Pabst Incorp. 74 86 58038 Sanitary Farm Dairies 2 83 58039 Scnultz Grocery 56 90 58040 Swanson's Camera Sales & S. 39 80 58041 Teaching Film Custodians Inc. 30 00 58042 Len Thole Radio & Appliance 34 6o 58043 W. R. Thompson 2 80 134 50 58044 ® Tremco Mfg. Co. 58045 Twin City Dumpster Serv. Inc. 122 00 58046 a " Fruit Co. 33 95 58047 a " Surplus S lea Co. 10 50 58048 Ty;e,,riter Sales and serv. 27 25 58049 Universal Sign Co. 105 50 58050 Valentine Clark Corp. 34 68 58051 Van Hoven Co. Inc. 375 00 58052 Van Paper Su7,ply Co. 58 90 58053 Lydia e• weber 43 00 58054 W. M. Welch scientific Co. 237 54 58o55 weatern oil & Fuel Co. 466 80 58o56 J. W. wheejper 66 oo 3bO57 De Graff Wolff 255 00 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 3 444 209 86 X M1 LOTION RAn"njO ASSESS. ^ G V3 VT Council File No --------- --- -------- . N.. 186839— ' L[eI 4P 2te emrenC. cl CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading and surfacing with bituminous material, the alleys in Block 3, Clarke & Wilgus Addition and Schmidts Addition, from Jessie Street to the North and South alley, and from the northerly East and West alley to the southerly East and West alley. Also constructing sewers in the easements to be obtained on the northerly 4 feet of the southerly 6 feet of Lot 4 and the southerly 4 feet of toe northerly 6 feet of Lot 16 in Block 3, Clarke & Wilgus Addition, from Bradley Street to the alley in the rear of said lots under Preliminary Order ......_i56319 Intermediary Order. -.-.i5.-072 Final Order..._157346 approvedSe tember 11 19 51 ----------------------- - A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE ITHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in. ............................ ..equal installments. ut 2 9 IWI Adoptedby the Council- ........................... ................................................. 19......... City Clerk. Approved...._...------ ---------------- ----------------------- 19..-..... Form B. B. IB File 11708 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment December 1 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses fol grading and surfacing with bituminous material, the alleys in Block 3, Clarke & Wilgus Addition and Schmidts Addition, from Jessie Street to the North and South alley, and from the northerly East and West alley to the southerly East and West alley. Also constructing sewers in the easements to be obta{ned on the northerly 4 feet of the southerly 6 feet of Lot 4 and the southerly 4 feet of the northerly 6 feet of Lot 16 in Block 3, Clarke & Wilgus Addition, from Bradley Street to the alley in the rear of said lots under Preliminary Order— 156319 , approved June 12, 1951 Intermediary Order 157072 __ approved August 14, 1951 Final Order 157346 _— approved September To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the ex- penditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improvement, viz: – Contract ............$ 1.699.00 Cost of construction...... Force ..... t – Force Account 4,487.04 Engineering ......................................$ 341.89 Inspection fees....................................$____33 -98 -- Postal cards ...................... ................$— 2.34— Publications ...................................... 17.55 -- Court costs for confirmation ........................$ _ 5.85 — Total expenditures .............................$ 6,597.65 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $6L597,65 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of F3;�fince. 2M 12-r.2 -a :h Council -File No..-------_----------------------- By........................................................ C. F. No. HUM— n the matter f e a'e>ament of beneata casts antl ex sA for cttr rom the south Ida f oy[.Avenue from Lexington Parkway to Oxtord Street der Prellmiaary, order 180885, Inter- mediary Order 181101, Final Order 181382, approved September 90, 1952. A public hearing ham been had upon the asseaament for the above 1m- �provement. and said .cw+wm 8b ` *•I -, CITY OF ST. PAUL e Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for curbing the south side of Hoyt Avenue from Lexington Parkway to Oxford Street 0 160895 Intermedia 161101 161392 under Preliminary Order .................... Intermediary Order....-------.........---...., Final Order.......-...--.---..-------.. approved .---_September 30 52 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FUR�IER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ........................equal installments. Adoptedby the Council............................................................................19... ,. ...-...- ., City Clerk. Approved--------------------------------- -------------------19 --------------- yi .t -- =.!Ca:.... -------------- Mayor. Form B. B. 18 - - File 12013 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. Report of Completion of Assessment December 1 _Ig 53 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for curbing the south side of Hoyt Avenue from Lexington Parkway to Oxford Street under Preliminary Order -1895 approved August 13, 1952 — Intermediary Order 161101 approved September 2, 1952 Final Order 161392 approved September 30, 1952 — To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the ex- penditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improvement, viz: Cost of construction ................................$ 1,195.37 Engineering ......................................$ 72.00 23.90 --- Inspection fees .................................... $------ Postal cards .......................................$— .54 Publications ...........................$— 4.05 Court costs for confirmation ........................$— 1.35 Total expenditures .............................$ 1,297.21 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $x•21 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the -said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. _ %rL�X.Zd�c. � �•�•/ Commissioner of FilWce. :m 1x42 -14EF3s8 C. F. No. 166636- 1. -n tt— of the assessment of _ trete ,s.S ena exp vac-.fR� Council File No---- ---------------- !� 1Fe to CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for curbing the north side of Pinehirpt Avenue from Mount Curve Boulevard to Cretin Avenue under Preliminary Order .......... Intermediary Order...._162006._-..... Final Order ....162j11}......... . approved...._December.23.................19...�r�. A public hearing. having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ------------------------------ .equal installments. Adoptedby the Council. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- .-..19------.. 1, City Clerk. g Approved-------------------------------------- .......--------- 19....---- Y Mayor. E Form B. B. 16 File 12083 / PUBUSHSD,-� s V CITY OF ST." PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment December 1_19 53 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for curbing the north side of Finehurst Avenue from Mount Curve Boulevard to Cretin Avenue 7 under Preliminary Order_ 161669 _, approved October 23 1952 Intermediary Order 162006 approved November 25, 1952 Final Order 162316 approved December 23, 1952 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the ex- ; penditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improvement, viz: Cost of construction ........ ........................ $_261.02 Engineering - 100.00 Inspection fees ....................................$ 2$.22 Postal cards .......................................$ .66 -- Publications .$- 4.95 Court costs for confirmation ........................$- __ _ 1.65___._ Total expenditures .............................5 1,393.50 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $ 1,393.50 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as c completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of ncE. ^m 12Z2mx Laid over to --- — 3rd and app--- 1 r Adopted__ � Yeas 'al vorson Nays Yeas Nays alv�rson / Ho land Rolland M—itelli zation charts for the various departments of the city government. tinson 1-1%rtinson eterson 1-1;cterson 4o .n �� Rosen r. President Daubney r. President Daubney necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. 8 qir?i1D:3A Original to City Clerk ® �' / C. $. No. 166037—Ordinanre No. 1OS37— g3' Mtdina Rosen— An ordinance amending Ordinance No. ^^'2, entitled: O. dt t. 1.61 (i 37 ' PRESENTED BY NO / o/3 fixing the number that may be appointed, and establishing organi- Ji Yeas Councilmen Nays Halvorson Holland `l, -I&FAiteni=- Martinson \ Peterson �J Rosen Mr. President (Daubney) r Attest,/141 City Clerk IM -2 —1 8 JAN 13 1954 Passed by the Counpil - 6 In Favor CD _Against JAN 13 1954 Approved: AI,�l Mayor An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7842, entitled: "Anadministrative ordinance relating to the appointment by city officials of officers and employes in the Classified Service, fixing the number that may be appointed, and establishing organi- zation charts for the various departments of the city government. Thisis an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preserva- tion of the public peace, health and safety," approved September 30, 1937. This is an emergency ordinance rendered 4 �6� necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of Saint Paul does ordain: SECTION 1 That Ordinance No. 7842, approved September 30, 1937, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in Section 9 (Department of Finance) under the heading "Valuations" the following lines: ^1 Senior Engineering Draftsman 2 Senior Architectural Draftsman" SECTION 2 This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance, rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION 3 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Ji Yeas Councilmen Nays Halvorson Holland `l, -I&FAiteni=- Martinson \ Peterson �J Rosen Mr. President (Daubney) r Attest,/141 City Clerk IM -2 —1 8 JAN 13 1954 Passed by the Counpil - 6 In Favor CD _Against JAN 13 1954 Approved: AI,�l Mayor erisinet to City Clerk PRESENTED BY C. F. No. 166638 BY John E Daubney. Mayor— Resolvetl, That the Purchasing to h, CITY O au the written consent thereto by She Mayor and Compptroller, to M evi- denced by their entlorsements. hereon, OFFICE OF nd wtth the 1—ht of the councn. given hereundgr. Is h¢r¢pv ^' ICIL RESOLU'?4: "atP'ctSSHRL °FORMm" DAH COUNCILNO. --- I,i ills.)(.) FILE r�TAgent, nwritten consent ttythe 1ayor and and with the con�ent of the COIDbe evidenced bye Council, -iven hereunder, is hereby authorized, pursaant tc See. 291 of the Charter Of the City of Saint Paul, to forthw4-th purchase, without advw tiscomplei�ent therefor or the Transportation, for the ses and receipt of competitive bids in the remises for Rescue true,- with complete set of tools and ggsipment and cost for 'Defensr.ent, Service and Transp , purposes of Bureau of Civil Defens of City afableSaint asPaul foll ws;ll1 the tatter's oehalf, of the a -.-re _:ate Purchase prise of .8,913.4 , P Y 50;a thereof to 'oe paid b;; the Staie of i,annesota dnd 5', p thereof to be Haid by the City o£ St. Paul: ` to Cit of Saint Paul, and that the ; of ul: ice, that this represents and involves a case of an emer.ency where fail -Lire ry tc act promptly, as aforesaid, will wcrlc an =n� e to be paid by City of Saint Paul, in aforesaid portion of said a:;gre;ate purchase pd of said City the stun of *4,456.73, and no more, shall b,- Payable from vaie therefor as certified bysate the as Civil Defense Fund- Expense- Code 10. 2-C2, Comptroller Undersigned hereby consent to and csncur in fereroing resolrltion and all authorizations thereunder y .g CLLR DEC `' 91953 Adopted by the Council____._ --196_ COUNCILMEN yeas Nays DEC 9,9 IT,51, alvorson Approved— 196— olland /IGCarzitelli _ In Favor Mayo --i6rtinson t --Peterson _ 'sen ----Against �/ fir• President, Daubney PiJBL1SIi11D 6M zea ' Original to City Clerk a ~ ' , 64 i CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE"`If f 39 NO. — OFFICE OF,THE CITY CLERK /r/ �) �("�JCORNNCIIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY j'� _ - // / / 11 / //„j, . r // // , T7 hahar 29- 190 RESCIND), That the Purchasing JgebZbe, and he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Comptroller to purchase from WILLIAM H. 2IMLER C011TANY11 - Rubber covered snow belt for At.hey Loader model 125, at a total cost of $414.38, without advertisement or competitive bids, as this is the only source of supply and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Yunicipal Fkluipment/1003/131/ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-59 C. F. No. 165639—By Frank T. Maai- telll— Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, an he Is hereby allthorizetl, With the consent of the Comptroller to vvur- he" from WILLIAM B. ZIEOLEA COMPANY 1—Rubber c red s belt for Atlrey� Loader model 125, at a total coat of �r19.3B, Without dvertI9e- ment or competitive bids, as this is the only source of supply and no advant-. aBe'can ld be gained thereby. Charge Municipal Equipment-1903- 131.L, Adopted by the Council December 29.1 1 1959, Approved December 29, 1953. (January 2, 1954) Igo Adopted by the Council 195— Approved 195— n In Favor vT Mayor i Against �' IG1') 40 origin,] to City Clerk COUNCIL NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OU I�'�([/J'p�r./ (R'ESOLLUUTIIl��X1/-.)N-/—f/fT/�5E ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY - ,/' / / ,�n _„ w /1 Y �C DATE------------ WHEREAS, ATE ___—_---- — WHEREAS, The Commissioner o$ Wblic Works has reported, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency during the period frord;December 23,to 29,,.1253 which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of the Department of Public Works for more than eight hours per day or forty hours per week in doing the following work: Snow removal Cindering icy hills and intersections And WHEREAS, This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Necessity of keeping city streets free from snow and ice after recent snowfall. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the employees who performed such work in accordance with the provisions of the Council's salary ordinance, Ordinance No. 6446. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 5k1 2-53 - C. F. No, 195690-11Y Frank D. Marti- . telli— Resolved, Thflt the proper Clty ay certflinfl employe es in tlhe111ePart mnt of public Works for extra employment ns descrtbetl In the resolution. Ada"", Dy the Council December 29, 1953. Approved D -em er 29, 9j53. (Januar Adopted by the Council `CE; J Approved --195_ In FavorMayor Against _ ori¢inal to City Clerk PRESENTED BY • COUNCIL � � 441 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED,—that the Highland Spring Water Company be permitted to erect an over—size private garage at 1100 Randolph Avenue, subject to approval of the plans by the City Architect, and subject also to the provision that sidewalks abutting said premises be kept clean and free of lee and snow at all times. C. F. No. 188841—Hy Norris O: Halvar- Resolved, That the Highland Sring Water Company be permitted to erect an over -size private garage at 1100 RandolphAvenue, subject to approval of dthe bct plan. by " to the theCity c.sfonithai prov sidewalks abutting said premises be kept clean and free of ice and snow at all times. Adopted by the Council December 29, 1953. Approved December 29, 1953. (January 2, 1954) D,,- C , , ',95a COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays �"� •", Halvorson Holland Approved 195— Marzitelli M Mortinson _.In Favor yor Peterson 2Against Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 6M 2-63 " • HAROLD J. RIORDAN MRS. AGNES H. O'CONNELL Chief Clerk ' City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL 40 w Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS e 386 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE 0 December 22, 1953 �t7j Mr. T. P. Quinn Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir; The Council requested that you prepare a resolution 17ranting the application of Highland Spring Plater Co. for .permission to erect an oversize private garage at 1100 Randolph Ave. Very truly yours,, City Clerk ;iOTICE OF APPLICATION ERECT 41Ot!3iA p,%cVfttW FOR PERMIT TO 'i dV AN OVERSIZE PRIVATE GARAGE Notice is he-eby given that pursuant to Section 15-13, Ordinance No. 7210 of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, ap- plication will be made on December 22 1953, to the City Council of .he City of St.' Paul, Minnesota, by Highland Spring "ater CAmp any Erect f a aWVb for permission to sit S�Lrage on the an oversize private followinL; described real estate, situated in Ramsey County, Minnesota, to wit: Lot u , Block 2 Lexington Park Plat J�1G - Nettleton vacated Addition St. Paul, Minnesota. On the S side of Randolph St. Ave., between Lexington SW Ave. and IEdgcumbe St. Ave. No. 1100 Randolph St. AW."' Dated at St. Paul, Minnesota, Uacember 7, 19 1,3 Norris 0. Halvorson, Commissioner of Department of Parks, Play- grounds And Public Buildings. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PERMPF TO ERECT AN OVERSIZE ' AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PRIv ATE GARAGE PRINTrR-S N"I" is 1111161 given that P.—U-t doaon I5-13. e,dh,oa Na STATE OF MINNESOTA, St P.M. COUNT] OF RAMSET. s'' - µt to iII 111 ' ns c ' Fl. 0. Warming, being duly &u:m n, on oatle says that he is, and during all the times Paul Legal Ledger, herein stated has been bnsi+tess manager of the rteteap. net known as Saint ,rata' and has /hurl knotcledge Of the /acts hereinuJtcr NOti Ce, ,O%•.,,.. ..... therein of the That for+nore thun one year prim to the pubiication ...... was printed and ,..0 U��. arPl1C?t17R fOr.•pe I'mi.,C,. ... hereinafter described, said newspaper daily except published in the City of St. Pail, 4n the Cootty of Rhnscy, State o/.�}4in,teshas time newspaper has been printed Sunday and 7}fotday of each week; that during all said said of publication within the City from which it iti.. the English language from its known Office in Column and sheet /arm equivalent in, space to at purports to be issued as above stated day two inches wide; has been issaed daityedx ssl filled least 7x50 running inches of single column, with in said place of publication, q+ pP and Dlonday from a known office established and printing the some; that daring all said u,orknten and the necessary matertal for p+repaving cent of its news cohtmns have been devoted to time 1n its maicemp trot less than twenty-five per the comnumity it purports to serve; that during all said time it has local news of interest to and Ads not been entirely made up o) Patents, ' not wholly duplicated any other publication, has been circulated in and ,,a, its said place of publication plate matter and advertisements; two hundred and forty (2.1,1 copies regularly delivered to paying to the extent of at least cuss matter in its local postoffice; and that there has been on subscribers and has entry as seomtd of the County Auditor of Ramsey Cmotty, dlinnesota, the affidavit of a person the existence file in the office knowledge of the facts, showing the name and location of said newspaper and having of the conditions cmhstitnting its qualifications as a legal nevxspaper. ;iotiee of artilicat ion for oer©it ,.,..... hereto attneted ......,.„., That the was cut from the colops of said newspa e[, and was printeagdpp and published therein in the English 112:1 Three ),, sucessicc acLNA that it was first so published oa language, owe each teee♦a, for • • • • • • •�3 19-57, and day the .....9th.......... of ...!)ecembor................ Ay.''aea.2th oJ-oaeh•• jo4+ and 4nclnding 44ChilredEy •loth . • .. • . thereafter onW..eUg$ llgg•QIA!w. .... "19.53.; and that the following is a printed copy being the day of .. • • •' "”""""' as caset A tothecon hpublicatitortlh type used) inpositiot�tand of said voticsled�edh sof izehand .1, dWghijklmnapgrsl--}z - t a ti- , H. O. WARrAING �.Qt day of 7�eaemher.:..... 19. 53 Subscribed and sworn to before me this ..... .... • t.... I. B. WARDIIN- G-� NCtary Public, Ramsey County, Blinn. -� B1.9 coomiksimt erili,'as Anr/ll.st 19, 1950. Affidavit of Publication STATE OP MINNESOTA, County of Ramsey, . ................ 1('t,DCI;,AI,Hi1T........................... being duly mom, on oath says: that he now is, and during all the time herein stated has been clerk of the North. west Publications, Inc., publisher of the newspaper known as the MMUDMI&NM, St. Paul Pioneer Press, and has full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated ( NOTICE nF AP TION FOR PER- I That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the ptlT ro sa IsCr RRIZE VAn JUtAms PRIVATE GARA06 ,3'ebr tt.en tha ana.at is. prinmd .KOtice•.of-applloation. Ear•. pea -it -to itreot -an - oversime- o"1111e ormomre too. too f the Clty of St. in, , .P- - �mn°to, lcet Ilaa 111 M a! December Ito`�n°bt:"k°Hun`- Canto attached, said newspaper eej El�sorinot weer C°�pu (o prr: tense iouowm ee � ..privste..garage...Hi"nd.5pring.Watrr. was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication on the 1tree"iai me .uuaM I sfemrn coaalr. Nlvne�lktn, in the city of St. Paul in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, from which It to =u° lot C aa, Le=mrton Perk Piet No. tb— etueme 't purports to be issued daily, at least six days of each week in column and sheet form ontM aaawoa, ae. P.w e�'maewn. me s..me of Rrnaof h equivalent in space, to at least 450 mooing inches of single column two inches wide; ioea; o.'ii�odRmAe°eomn at. Edam's° has been issued from its known office as above stated, established in said place of publi. bt, T. n st. Paw, nnmaot., ahem. cation, equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and NORRa o. vAtvoRsoN. ml DMblir en[ P(P=rb. printing the same; has had in its makeup twenty five per cent of news columns devoted el a,ei. Nf mwirome. a wmm emmmer. to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which (P.P. w'M. Shur. on, Dec. p-10.111 --- has Leen done in its said known office of publication; hes contained general news, com- ment and miscellany; has not duplicated wholly, any other publication; has not been entirell made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and near its said place of publication to the extent of at least 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has had, and now has entry as second class mail matter in the local postoffice of its said place of publication; that there has been and is on file in the office of the County Auditor of the County in which said publication was made, proper proof by one having knowledge of the facts, of its qualifications as a newspaper for pub. lication of legal notices That the ........Saki......... NOTICE ........................ hereto attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the English language, aWAX6dF7[RrYeYYfG for .....three.. ns .......... s w )wmkg; p Wednesda „ninth.,......, day of that it was first so published on ................Y....... the DQeembe;,.„ I9.53, and thereafter on ,Thursday,-Fridayf each week to and including the ....eleventh....,-,. day of .... December,,..,,. I03. sad that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to wit: . E c a e I. h 1 I k 1m o P 9 r= e° v w a)_ o � ..�� Pte. Subscribed and sworn to before in, tlds..23rC.kley of .........., 19 �3 ..... ..ry... .......................... Nota �d'ul ic, Dakota County, Mienesom J. N. "r �Yf.12c. My commission expires Not ry Public, CIA,-Q,,,,,ic, Afno.19 fid) eodm ei on Expires Aprd 30, 1958, Farm J" Orisinal to City Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL 111E NO. — OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU IL SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ��j- — DATE COMMISSIONER_ — WHEREAS, Clemens C. Kessler, Chief Timekeeper, Bureau of Police, Department of Public Safety, died Decevber 26, 1953, and at the time of his death there was due him for vacation time two days, totalling 9.26, RESOLVED, that upon theorecommeno-ation of the Chief of Police, with the approval of the Commissioner of Public Safety, under Chapter 531, Laws of 1951, the widow of the deceased, firs. Frances Kessler, be paid the amount of $29.26. C. F. No. 166642 --By Robert F. Peter. Whereas, Clemens C. Kessler, Chlet Timekeeper, Bureau of Police, Depart- ent of Public .Safety, tlletl December 26,5 ontl al the tinfy of his death there was due him for vacation time two dors, totalling 129.26, Resolved, That upon the recommend at of the Chiefof Ponce, with the 11ePSafety. untlerroval of th CChaptei 531. Lawsuof 1951, the widow of the deceased. Mrs. Frances Kessler, be paid the amount of {7926. ILA,Td opted by the Council December 29, 5. Approved December 29, 1953. (7anuary 2, 1954) DEC 291969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council _-195— Yeas Nays alvorson DEC 29 01 Aland Approved—__- 195— ,l arzitelli `tel iNlo�r nson —In Favor — Mayor terson �ttosen ._-Against , lit". President, Daubney 5M 2-53 " Ori¢)nd to CI` lark COUNCIL 4,;;643 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO Cl RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY j„�✓�- A r` DATE nenp nbPr 19 1057 COMMISSIONER RESOLVED, Tli t the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to iourchase crit'_: the consent of tiie Comntroller, 36 NI.S,A, Strsa.lined Fireman' e Hel"et,_ complete with "D" Ring, from I,IP;F SAFETY APPLIr .CE COI PAidY, at a total coet of $396,00, without ocivertisement or comnetitiVe bice rs this is e nater.ted artic7.e and no adva.:ta;,:e coul.d be, `eined t'r_ereby. Charge Fire Sun^li 8—C2 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays —1 vorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-58 r. C. F. Na. 166643—By Robert F. Peter - Resolved, Thal the Purchasing A ent be, nd he Is hereby author zed to purchase with the n nt of the Comptroller, 36 M.S.A. Streamlinetl Fireman's Helmets c .'An"I wah '•D" Ri from MINE SAFETY APPLI- AN�E COMPANY, at a total cost of $396.90, lthau1 advertisement or c petitive bids as this o patened art)c)e a d o advantage could be gained Chahereby. Vp AdothepCo'unc8) December 29, 1953. Approved December 29, 1953, (January 2. 1954) Adopted by the Council 195- 7 1 Approved ---------195— In Favor--�=��--�-- —_ --- / �Y- /_Against C� F. No. 166644-11y Robert F. Peter - .a— pp PP� othrle.l to City Clerk 8 ersoe ed hereby tn.thorizetl'tolY of A. {j,i'644 CITY OF ST. p car ain a ployee, to the Department NO. A. AI of Public Safety for extra employment OFFICE OF THECl' asAescribed in the rolution. dopted by the Council December 29. COUNCIL RESOLUTION 195A3pproved December29. 1953. (January 2. 1954) PRESENTED BYRobert F. Peterso �r -.-,D- F—macemDer 29, 1953 COMMISSIONER—.__ __-_— WHMMS the Commissioner of Public Safety has reported, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency during the period from November 16, 1953 to December 15, 1953, which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of the Department of Public Safety for more than eight hours per day or forty hours per week in doing the following work: General clerical and stenographic work in the Bureau of Administration and Records Division And WEUCFAS, this emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Using present trained personnel to compengte for recent reduction in clerical force: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the employees who performed such work in accordance with the provisions of the Councille salary ordinance, Ordinance No. 6446. o r G 9 i96� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_— 195_ Yeas Nays DEC Halvorson Holland Approved 195_ Marzitelli v Mortinson _-_—In Favor - . - Mayor Peterson 0 Rosen __Against - - Mr. President, Daubney 5M 0 2-53 'A*• Original to City Clerk I COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL 1C. F. No. 166645,—PS, Milton amen by OFFICE OF t{1E CITY CLERK request— Whereas, it appears that there Was AA^ COUNCIL RESOLUT40N—GENERAL F an Inadequate sum set up in the Work- men's Compensation Fund to pay work- pensation during the year 1953,sondmthat by o thereof an PRESENTED BY %(.(.G Demergency exlsla within tithe Ing; COMMISSIONER(o Se beoLt 26 of the City Chartet; there- . trolleResd be aafl)e� Mayor and Comp - WHEREAS, it appears Lhat there was an inadequate sum set up in the Workmen's Compensation Fund to pay work- men's compensation during the year 1953, and that by reason thereof an emergency exists within the meaning of Section 26 of the City Charter; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Mayor and Comptroller be and they are hereby authorized to borrow the sum of $40,000.00, which sum shall be credited to Workmen's Compensation Fund, 31-Gl; be it FURTHER RESOLVED; that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to execute and deliver to the party or parties making such loan a note therefor, payable within one year, at a rate of interest not to exceed two per cent per annum. ., :- " s 13 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays DEC ✓Halvorson ���olland Approved------- 195-- ilVlaraiteIIi - �,9rtinson — In Favor— —"— ��_"- Mayor Peterson /Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubney j . 2_ta . original to City Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL -- _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CIC'bY'r quest -65B -Ey Milton Rosen.' Whe "" It appears that there coU CIL RESOLUTION—GENET n fnaaegnate mount set P n see Judgment and Como�roiseu Fund to pay ludgmehts ren against the! PRESENTED BY �2�G--f City of Safnt Paul and for s ttiements C PRESENTED 10NER-- --- made during the year 1953; therefore. t be it resolved. That the Mayor and Comp troller be and they hereby authorized to borrow the aura of 530.715.00, whichsum shall be plared ,n ., meat, and C.rapr-- , WHEREAS, it appears that there was an inadequate amount set up in the Judgment and Compromise Fund to pay judgments rendered against the City of Saint Paul and for settlements made during the year 1953; therefore, be 1t RESOLVED, that the Mayor and Comptroller be and they are hereby authorized to borrow the sum of $10,715.00, which sum shall be placed in the Judgment and Compromise Fund (No.' 29); be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to execute and deliver to the party or parties making such loan a note therefor, payable within one year, at a rate of interest not to exceed two per cent per annum. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays a��lvorson iIiolland / Approved------ 195— ,1 Etmitelli --- — ,-5fortinson In Favor --i Mayor !� Peterson —frosen —...—Against � President, Daubney PUBLISMED =- 6M 2-53 r tY d Pfl' i Or1,in.4-ty City Clerk - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. LICEIISE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYIZ � . December 29. 1953 commisSIONE L-2 —•'�- i J RESOLVED: That On Sale Liquor License No. 4230, expiring January 31,1954, issued to Harry W. Stathas, Vernon R. Colon and Jones Bar and. Grill, Inc. at 351-3 University Avenue be and the same is hereby transferred to Harry W. Stathas, Vernon R. Colon and William W. Ellis at the same address, that the bond filed by the transferees is hereby approved and the Corporation Counsel is directed to notify the surety on the bond of Harry W. Stathas, Vernon R. Colon and Jones Bar and Grill, Inc. (jointly) that it is released from liability arising after the date this transfer becomes effectite. TRANSFER (Licensees) Informally anproved by Council December 15, 1953 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-63 C. F son—Severin A. Mortinsoa O. ober, ,- Peterson— Robert F. Resolved, That On Sale Liquor L/- nse No. 4239. On January 31, 1954, Issued la AHaa ry W. yy thas. Vernon R. Colon antl Jones Har and' erianddrytthe nc at is he eby`transfernied antl aRniw- S ythas, Vernon R. Colon i tltlress, that the bond aHletlh bys tme he transferees is hereby approved the Corporation Counsel g directed to I Harry the e St than, on'eR Colon that it Is r sensed Fr nd mi ba illty iaari t atter the date this transfer becomes ing eReetivo. I( Adopted by the Council De 3. emcber 29, 195 Approved December 29, 1953. (JanuerY 2, 1954) Adopted by the Council— 195- - 9;'712 t Approved __195_ _,�,In Favor = ' May r I —__Against CI OF ST. PAUL APPLICATION FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR�cENSE W. s��tga9t�hase�--,1.1Q35 W.Iewa,St.paul 4,Minn. Application No f APpl3eafit.-'Y�..�on. _Ctrlan�3�I,�daho .$.1a.P..a�ul 1vllnn,_-Age: �� u 8-1346), W1111am W.EI],]._e_,1Q.98._..-... Telephone No.-..N.Q....31M............ _.— oen. P -- Eni tl awnsAm L1T�o Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? Yes_,_.._two applicants_._ are now operatinEre psent establishment. -- _..-- When and where? ......... At..P..reeent at�._Univeraity Avenue, gt,paul� Minn.- ....... If corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation.. ....... . ...................... . .... Whenincorporated? .._-------- -- ------------------ _.....-------- ------ --- ---------- __.....-..-------- ------- ------...___....----------.............._..._..._----._. If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members? ----- _...._...._.....------- .......------ ._--- .._.__....._...._..._ How many members? ....._...._------ _-_—_---- ------------- —._----- -.._ Names and addresses of president and secretary of corporation, and name and address of general manage' - ..... _ -- ...._.............. Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known._A.RCIIor---_Casualty_-_Con�p_any hae ... rP a[•nt hnnd_ _ Number Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward 351-3 :University: North WesBerna and 8th How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets) How many feet from a church (measured along streets) ?............ $._h1©ok_s-._,.._„--.-__---__._._..__.._....___..._.... How many feet from closest public or parochial grade or high school (measured along streets) ?....._.._8 _blocks Name of closest school- .---....S.'i-VIX10e tla ..__.-----_.-..._._...-_.--.-__---------__---..-----.---------- How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance?_.._.._..._Li..._industry ---__-_---- _--- - ................._— Onwhat floor located? --------- ..._ 9.14 ....... _... ---—..---- ----------- -------- _..... --- -- - ----...._...._............_...---.-- Are premises owned by you or leased ?_.1 Z4-9!A_.....If leased give name of owner...�4Chmid%! s Brewery _ If a restaurant give seating capacity? ----100-------..._...._..._ .... ......... _.... ------ ------------------.--- ................... _-------- If hotel, seating capacity of main dining room?--.._........---.-.-.--..._....-.----------.---................ .... ...... _......... ........ . Givetrade name ............. uAQPhq-x..kQt P&ea----------------------------------------------------------- ----------- ........................ Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: ....... .... — (The information above must be given for hotels and restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sales). Howmany guest rooms in hotel?...-........-...----.._.........._..._..._............ ....................... .......... ................. ..... .... _.... ...... ..... ................. ...._................ .. Name of resident proprietor or manager (restaurant or hotel) ....................... _.... _......... ,_...._........... ..... ... ............. ..... ................ ... Give names and addresses of three business references:............................................_..._...._..._....__-...._...._......................_...------..__....---- I ...... ...1...... .Wil]il�m...FOS ..$.fz. .. AV.e.,..,..... St...Paul.,..._Minnesota.................. _........_......._ 2.._._Tw1n�StaY..ssx'>n nal.._411.._Cos...__...... ..................... _ ................ _...................... _......_...._................................... .........--- Harold Dokmo 1389 Universit Ave St Paul, Minnesota 3...._...__.._...._ - -�-_.._.. _ Y ....... ... ..._........... _.................. . s__- ........._...... _..._. ...._........_,. THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION BE ATTACHED: Issuance of license is not recommended Application checked by Dated......_.._........_.__.............___._.._..._.._.__19. ...._. ..........._..........__._......................_............................--'---................_......................... _...._.........._......_....... _.__---- --- License Inspector. OTHER SIDE STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF RAMSEY, Harry W. Stathas Vernon R. Colon and Will W.Ellie bi, ih t duly sworn, 06 e ve deposes and says ttthhhaett��� read the foregoing application and know�C the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of3�-linowledge, information and belief. Subscribed and sworn to before me �16L -. 4th De ember Harry W. tathas this............_..._.........._.....day of_._.._..__._....—�- ---19 No Public, Ramsey County, Minn. Vernon R. colon My commission expires1959 ': -I STATE OF MINNESOTA, l as. COUNTY OF RAMSEY, 1 ......-_ ................ -_....... ... -_..-..-.._.---..being fust duly sworn, deposes and says that..._...._.._ a_ - of-of _....... ............ .......... ....--- ............... — ---- --------- --- - ---- — - .._— a corporation; that .......... .--------------- ---_........... ..................... _........ has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of...._..__.. -__-...___...._—.-knowledge, information and belief; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said application was signed, sealed and exe- cuted on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said application and the execution thereof is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. Subscribed and sworn to before me this. .... -------------- -..---.._..day - --............ -i -- — — Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires ...... .... .............. -...._---_.-.-.- IM-u-M .41W® Orialn.l to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL _ _ CFILEOUNCIL NO. LICENSE COMTTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY December 29, 1953 RESOLVED: That Restaurant, On and Off Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarette licenses No. 6604 all expiring January 31, 1954, issued to Harry W. Stathas, Vernon R. Colon arid Jones Bar and Grill, Inc. at 351-3 University Avenue be and the same is hereby transferred to Harry W. Stathas, Vernon R. Colon and William W. Ellis at the same address. C. F. No. 166696—By Norris O. Ralvor- Petersonerin A. Mortinsan—Robert F. OH SaRe"le Bev re eat Restaurant, On and No. 6609 all expi n4 anuaetle licensee Issued to Aarry W, Stalhas, Vernon R. Colon , d Jones Bar and Cr1R. IneHar, the t 3;s1 meU lav Kerte Avenue it and -.d WW Smthas, byernonagrretl to d William W. gills at the Colon: ,. adtlress. same 5 dopted by the CouncD December 29, 1D53. APProved December 2g, 1D53. (January 2, 1D39I TRANSFER (On Sale Liquor Establishment) (Licensees) Informally approved by Council December 15, 1953 n COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_ 195— Yeas Nays 0, E V v Halvorson Holland Approved 195— Marzitelli i Mortinson _- .—_In Favor/—!�-- Peterson Mayor Rosen Against��� Mr. President, Daubney 6M '2-53 ' Orivin.l 1. City Clerk to I�)�•➢ CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �(�� December 29, 1953 COMMISSIONE RESOLVED: That Gas 6ta,1 Pump License No. 7677, expiring March 1, 39541 issued to Bruce Hammett at 1431 Marshall Avenue be and the same is hereby transferred to Clarence A. Parker at the same address. C 166649--By tiThal F sonNSeverin A. Mrnso1111 Peterson— p TRANSFER LlcenseVeNo. 7677, eapAiThat Ga. ngli March on ml,. .1954, Issued to Bruce Ha ll at 1431 (Licensee) Marshall Avenue be ad the me Is hereby transferred to Clarence A. Par- ker at the a ddress. Adopted by the Council December 29, 1953. ApprovedDe18ry tuber 2.129'411953. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council—__195— Yeas 195_Yeas Nays Halvorson) :) Holland /f Approved —195_ MrzinSO I D — Mortinaon __ _ __In Favor -- �1-'-�--- _ � Peterson Mayo Rosen _� Against t Mr. President, Daubney sM 2-53 °+• Original to City Clerk _Gi 1) -4) CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. _ LICENSE COMM1TTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PRESENTED BY COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONE—o December 29t ]953 R—�✓ RESOLVED: That Confectionery License No. 9546, expiring September 2, 1954, issued to Michael Shadur at 624 Grand Avenue be and the same is hereby transferred to Michael Sha 1r at 19 West Fourth Street. TRANSFER I C. F. Na. 166650-11y Norris O. neh.,_ (location) n— Severin A. Mortinson—Robert F. Peterson— Resolvetl, That Confectionery LI- nee No. 9546, Xplring September 2,' 1954, Issued to Michael Shadur at 629 Grand Avenue be and the same is hereby transferred 1. Michael Shadur al 19 West Fourth Street. Adopted by the 1953. Council December 29, ApprovedDecember 29, 1953. (January 2, 1954) COUNCILMEN Yeas � Nays �Il�alvorson �I�olland iPlarzitelli rtinson ,1'sterson sen r. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 '+e Adopted by the Council_ 195 — Wim- A Approved 195- 1114 qr Li Favor G-- n ' / __ /// Against Mayor Ori¢inal t. City Cl.rk C. F. No. 166651—By Norris O. Halvor. petersonerin A. Mortinson—Robert F. CITY OF LICENSE COMM= S Resolved. That licenses plied for by h, persons na ed en tie list t - OF �NCIL NO 5 OFFICE TH tacked to this resolution be and the me are hereby grantetl, and the C1ty' COUNCIL RESOLUTIO'Pon u,e"".Y-e°tt nto the CIt1y. lrea6 Isu PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER--, y of the required Sees. 1953. Med by the Cauncll December 29. ember 29 1953 -� Approved December 29, 1953. ---- Qafivary 2, 19541 • RESOLVED; That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be bnd the sane are hereby granted. Irving Ross 627 N. Queen, Mpls. Foot Peddler App. 1962 New Morris Bergen 11 1963 " Anita Damico 815 Payne Restaurant " 5135 ° Old Loc. Cigarette " C Barbara A. Lenertz 2515 Franklin Off Sale Malt " 6715 Martin J. Jackman 518 S t. Peter Restaurant IT 6766 new " Cigarette Edward Bless 695 N. Dale Auto R.ep Gan " 6778 " Old " Milton C. Olson 134.7 University Cigarette " 6781 " New 11 Xrs. D orothy Johnson 378 Jackson M. A. Dev (1) " 6788 ° Old " Morris Holtzman 494 St. Peter u M. A. D. Loc. " 6789 " u M. A. Dev (1) 'I 11 fl n B M. Mach (1) B it Kenneth R. Carel 805 Rondo Ytr Veh Dr. 6925 Walter 0. Fanson 1973 Reaney " 11 6965 „ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney d 5M 2-53 0 re nu 91853 Adopted by the Council__ 195— H" Approved` _195— -In Favor % may l !�4 Against Robert L. Ross 516 Jackson & 168 E. 10th M. A. Dev (2) A_1. Auto Parts, Inc. 388 Como COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 2nd Hd Auto Pts. 6761 " 6767 B Adopted by the Counci_195— Approved--195- -In 195— Approve'' —195 --In Favor -- Mayor _Against C. F. Na. 156852-33Y Noris O. Halvar- B?.l sdh_Severin A. Martlnsmn obert F. Ori¢In.l t. city Clerk CITY OF Pet erson— Resolved, That licenses appplied for by the persons na ed orf lh llst this -01- be and she INCiI NC•, OFFICE OF TH taened to Fu City sameare r hereby granted, and the "' LleErasE eor TTEE Clerk Is insttUeted to Issue such y `Cess tteesa CILY meetrequied COUNCIL RESOLUTIO upon thepayment s Adopted by the Council December 29, ¢-7 29 , 1953 PRESENTED B _ P .1� 1953. Apprpved3 Decaembry er 29- 1953. COMMISSIONE8.1:/"— the addresses statedo RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following person;lat be and the same are hereby granted. Mtr Veh Dr. App. 1961+ Renewal —2 Hampshire Joe Goldberg 293 1967 B Wil:',iam Wee 397 Charles Richard J. Pickhartz n n 1968 " 24.34 N. Lexington College It 1969 11Thong s Francis 114 W. tt " 1971 It Truman L. Hjelle 1450 Payne Raymond E. Pliscott „ u 2327 863 N. Prior 'i 3663 It Roy Urban 335 Arbor it i]LLL d JWV John F. McNulty 863 Central John Splinter 323 Thomas LdY & D.C.Pickup ° 6725 n Marjorie A. MCGOrman 266 University M. A. D. Loc. " 6757 „ 11 t d M. A. L ev (2) 11 M. Mach (1) 5 er.. 414 Jackson Isaak Snyder. M. A. D. Loc. ileo (2) " 6759 " it 11 It M. A. M. Mach (1) Robert L. Ross 516 Jackson & 168 E. 10th M. A. Dev (2) A_1. Auto Parts, Inc. 388 Como COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 2nd Hd Auto Pts. 6761 " 6767 B Adopted by the Counci_195— Approved--195- -In 195— Approve'' —195 --In Favor -- Mayor _Against 6 52 odKi"i 1 CILY Cl.rk COU`:CIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSFf ComiMTF.E COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _ DATE December 29. 1953 COMMISSIONER—. — "— — PAGE N0. 2 (Renewals) R. C,Eayes 2275 Wycliff Gas Sta 4P APP• 6768 Renewal C. J. a H. W. Anderson 1573 University 2nd Hd Dlr. Gen. it 6770 Everett Thomas $00 E. 7th M. A. D.` Loc. ° 6771 " n n M. A. Dev (1) n n " Max Swafford 471131roadway it it Ronald J. Rhein 1100 Grand Ban -View Post No. 6210 V. F. W. 698 Stewart u n „ u M. A. D. Loc. " 6772 " M. A.�Dev (1) M. 1'lach (1) 6773 " 11. A. D. Loc. 6775 " M. A. D. (2) " n M. Pesch (1) " n n Joseph P. Kennedy 4$3 University M. A. D. Loe. " 6776 a n ,t „ u M. A. Dev (2) " b a 467 University M. A . D. Oper " 6777 " Henry W. Ryberg 1877 Grand Mtr Veh Dr. ° 6859 " Cyrus Doughty 202 Sherburne n 6943 " is COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays ) n Halvorson ( Approved 195— Holland 1 Marzitelli �- Mortinson --- In Favor Peterson Rosen __Against Mr. President, Daubney SM 2-63 -45W" Council File No....................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT PRELIMINARY ORDERS C. F. No. 166653— and Wher es, A wrltlen propoeat.tor th. PRELIMINARY ORDER. , 3 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of thefollowing public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Reconstructing the ornamental lighting system on Lexington Parkway 'from - - --......- - - ..........._.._....... _ .......... --- ..-- ...... ................................ ....- .......--...-- .-........ ---......... - ................-"-""-. ""-.... 8glby.Avenue..to..Smamit.Avenne--by--zemoving. the.. present.. lighting... standarda.-and-.---.... furni ahing...gftd. installing -new-_lighting._staadards......................................_........-.........---.----"-.- Dated this..... Z9..............day ot........................................ ...cember. - ........1 190 ,, Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :viz. Reconstructing the ornamental lighting system on Lexington Parkway_ from .......... _..---_-- Selby Avenue to Summit Avenue by removing the present lighting standards and Su rni.ahing...amd_Wtalling..naw..lighting.-atandaxds.................................................. ----------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................................... ...... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof, 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ............................................... L raw YEAS NAYS CouncilmanF>mnrx3cx Holland DEC 291953 MORTINSON Approved ...................................... fki=x >rmx Halvorson PETERSON ROBEN o 'DRUM Maraitelli MR. PREBI DENT Danbney 1000 7-40 Q�0@ Mayor. 7 / $1JI3LISMZ 1-666,54 Council File _No------------------------- C. F. No. 168859— --- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT whereas• " written P"foul for the making of the following Improvement. and JnCondemng and taking an easement In the Intantl a ess y for sio61es, cuts a tl fills i. the grading and -facing PRELIMINARY ORDER. he E. and weal Alley Irnm Churchill Street t° Lexinnggton Parkway ��1 rhe North and Sou[h Alley prom 1 ]I t A� The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the amity of Sal 'j1t Y�au�, viz.: Condemning--and--taking- an_easement--in-_the-.land. necessary-- for-_slopesF_. alae......-.. and fills in the grading and surfacing of the East and West Alley -_from..- .._--___ - ---- Churchill Street to Lexington Parkway and the North and South Alley from the ----------- ................------------------....... --------................ ---- -- - ...... >raat..emd..Yiest..Alley-.ta..}iatch..Straet....all.-in..Heger=s..Suh.ar'..lot-.6Il.-I.akall`s. Dated this... 21th...day of- ------- - --------------------x.........----------- .., 1983..... _ i Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, :viz. Condemning and taking an 's ilt_in._the_.land_necessary---- or. s19PB8.---g1ii6--�Dd fills in the grading and surfacing of the East and West Alley from Churchill ---...--------------........................- - -------......---- -- ---- - _-- Btreet..to_ .Lexiri ton.Earkway.-gnd.-the.-North..and-Houth.Alley--from--the-Easy-end-West Alley to Hatch Street. all in Hageiman's Sub of Lot 606 Lake Camv_:V..... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul...................................................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED; That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To State whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adoptedby the Council---------------------------------------------------- ..................... YEAS NAYS Councilman7h%iREI"m Holland 0EC .., 9 J MORTINSONApproved --------------------------------------- ..--------------------------------- - m Halvorson PETERSON ROSEN a Ika�cx - D --- Mazitelli '17_ Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT Daubney 1000 Original In City Clerk CITY OF ST."%sPAUL COUNCILFILNei. ¢ LICENSE COM@ffTTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 1 �_, DE!Cember z9, 1953 COMMISSION RESOLVED: That licenses for permit to conduct Bingo Games applied for by the following organizations at the addresses stated, for the days, dates, and hours indicated on each application, be and the same are hereby granted. W St. 14ichaells Holy %ine Society W East Colorado Avenue 20 Periods App. 6749 New Women's Club of Holy Childhood Church 167 W. 7th 50 " " 6774 Renewal St. Columba Men's Club 496 Selby 50 " 6787 11 C. F. No. 166555Ry Norris O. Halvor- son --Severin A. Mortinson—Robert F. j Peterson— Resolved. That Bingo Games licenses applied for by the organizations named the list attached la'lhlk resolution issue and the same,re herby granted. 1 and the City Clerk is Instructed to such licenses upon the payment - - - intothe City treasury of the required (ees. Atlapted by the Council December 29. 1953, Approved, Dere ber 1929, 5,)1953. DEC < 9 1253 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council— 195— Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved_ __195— Marzitelli / 1 Mortinson -----.—In Favor _ Peterson Maya, r) . Rosen _ _/—Against Mr. President, Daubney 5st x -6a INTERMEDIARY ORDERS C. F. No. 16 In the tter o£ gratling antl swfac- Ing with bltuminpus material the alley in Biock I, H. M. Kenny's Subdl,i — / f Block 11. SHmmn'c D1vlsipn, from p 61 TT Mackubin Street to Kent Street under �.(/111 Preliminary Order 16— approv NO. Dec�ni�r Q .1'61. "rfY: .1 I'll INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of grading and surfacing with bituminous material the'. alley in Block 1, H. M. Ranney's Subdivision of Block 11, Stinson's Division, from Mackubin Street to Kent Street under Preliminary Order 166414 approved December 49L"j The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1,., ,That the.said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is grade and surface with bituminous material the alley in Block 1, H. M. Ranney's Subdivision of Block 11, Stinson's Division, from Mackubin Street to Kent Street with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 2.585.45 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 26th day of January 19 54 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council 19- Approved 1.$— / City Clerk Mayor File 12427 Councilman HALVERSON Councilman HOLLAND Councilman �ARZITELLI Councilman MORTINSON CouncilmanPETERSON Councilman ROSEN Mr. President DAUBNEY n C. F. No. 166651— �' j� 7 !n the matter f condemning and .../// taking an easement in the land neces- sary for slopes, cuts and tin' in grading and :..ARZtTELLI surfacingg with bituminous feria] the lley +.ORTINSON Ranney's subdivision of Hlock 11, stip- s Divleion from Mackubin Street t� to Kent street under Pre112ninary Order aoSEN 188415 approved December 4, 1953. NO• DAusNEv . The Council of the city of St. Paul • having received the report of'the cote- : missions, of Flnance pp n the above Improvement, _r_, hrovement, a d having considered I er-hv a.n INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 1, H. M. Ranney's Subdivision of Block 11, Stinson's Division, from Mackubin Street to Kent Street 166![15 __a roved December 6 1953 under Preliminary Order - PP The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 1, H. M. Ranney's Subdivision of Block 11, Stinson's Division, from Mackubin Street to Kent Street in accordance with the blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portions showing the cuts and shaded portions showing the fills with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ j 50-00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the -26th day of January 9 19 54 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. i�`53 Adopted by the Council y 19— Approved T9— File 12426 Councilman HALVERSON Councilman aOLLAND Councilman :..ARZtTELLI Councilman +.ORTINSON Councilman �TERSON Councilman aoSEN Mr. President DAusNEv City Clerk Mrar,y COUNCIL FILE NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In '.'ie Matter of grading Mackubin St. to a width of 50 ft. from Orange Ave. to viheelock Parkway C. F. No. Iff," - In the matter of grading Mackubin Avec toawidth Wheelockf 50 ft Parkway uorange nderPre- liminary Order 186355 approved Decem- ber 1. 1953. The Cote^tl of the City of St. Paur having rr� (he - - e r• under Preliminary Order 166355 ___approved December 1, 1953 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Grade Mackubin St. to a width of 50 ft. from Orange Ave. to Wheelock Parkway with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 3.782.36 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 26th day of _ January , 19-5�_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council !Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council G E 1, �1 9 1954 19 - Approved ce' `-'TIT�- \ / City Clerk Mayor File 12429 NALVERSON Councilman 40LLAND l�l�•'r �- Councilman 4ARZITELLI Councilman HORTINSON Councilman PETERSON Councilman ROSGN Councilman DAUSNEY Mr. President / �- 6'?c/ , C. F. No. 166659— In fhH mat�t�t t 'aendemping antl t the king n in land gratlingr f Mackubin St took width ISo ft. f:pm orae P� or°a"r NO. Parkway under 1689.56 approved December 1, 1953. The Cotmcllf the City of St. Paul having received the report of the com- -- misaloner of Finance pnn a abnvel imprc r, INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Mackubin St. to a width of 50 ft. from Orange Ave. to "+heelock Parkway under Preliminary Order 166356 ---approved December 1, 1953 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Mackubin St. to a width of 50 ft. from Orange Ave. to Wheelock Parkway in accordance with the blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portions showing the cuts and shaded portions showing the fills with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 25-00 0 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 26th day of _ January , 19 54 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council y 19— Approved 19: / City Clerk i Mayor File 12628 �- Councilman HALVERSON rMLISHED � % J Councilman I70LLAND Councilman NARZITELLI Councilman MORTINSON (� Councilman PETERSON Councilman ROSEN Mr. President DAUENFY 1. n1 1 i G41i 1 COUNCIL FILE N0. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of curbing Hyacinth Avenue from Earl Street to Forest Street C. F. No. wailw— In the =,r Z,Avenue rbing Hyacinth Street under PrellminaryeOrder 169357 approved December 1, 1953. 'Vel City of st. Paul st under Preliminary Order 166357 _ _approved December 11 1953 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is curb Hyacinth Avenue from Earl Street to Forest Street 0 with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $740.68 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 26th day of January, P 19 54 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council 2 -, 19- 4. 9- , Appioved !�'r t� �I C, �RrJ`„�� !� / (pity Clerk � Mayor File 12432 (� pUBLISHLD___-------"' Councilman HALVERSON ('ouncilman Councilman HOLLAND / Councilman "ARZITELLI '/ORTINSON '�. Councilman PETERSON Councilman i Mr. President ROUEN DAUBNEY Council File No...............M166 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of......._o�enng_.an._alley-_20._ft,_.,a.xatn--ji}-_s]gk..13,...Q4eSbro¢k,,..%zSEIo......... Duluth St. to the west lines of Lots 5 and 12 in said Block 13 by taking and condemning the vacated east and west 16 ft. alley as platted originally in Block 13, Overbrook, from Duluth St. to the vacated north and south alley; also the south 2 ft. of Lots 1 to 5 inclusive and the north 2 ft. of Lots 12 to 16 inclusive in Block 13, Overbrook RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROV. ING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREONAND FDVNG TIME OF HRARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES C. F. No. 166661— under Preliminary Order ............................... approved -------------- 0ctober-20:.._1953....... ............. Intermediary Order_.. 166168- ......... approved-------------------------------- November 10, 1953 ............... Final Order .------------------------------_1661117approved-----.-------December .. 1953------------------ v The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ---------- 271h ---.-.-._...day of.... -..January ................................. 19.Jc.1+...., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter.{a r.c `� 9 1 Adopted by the Council.------- ---......................... ------------------------------ ..1.. ... -- --- --- -.- - City Clerk. Approved------------------------- ----_-_------ ............ 19........ --------- ------------------ ...............------------------ File 12407 � Mayor. Councilman HALVERSON.. Councilman HOLLAND Councilman M aRZITELII Councilman MORTINSON Councilman PETERSON Councilman gOSEN Mayor DAUBNEY . ..ML Q.1' I File No. ---i1(;6,% Presented by Commissioner ------_ S REOLUTION OF COVNC:L gppgOv_ p So AH8E8BM C TIME OF HEARING THENEO�O CITY OF ST. PAUL i.. Resolution of Council Approving Asses's'ment'i' - and Fixing Time of Hearing Thereon b In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing, reconstructing and relaying cement sidewalks, Estimate No. 5, Contract 52-M-61, 1952, District No. 3 ASSESSABLE. F.0e 161225 Fillmore Avenue, south side; Fairfield Avenue, north side, from Eva Street to Hobertson Street F.O. 161394 Sherwood Avenue, south side, fromrlandrau Street to Kennard Street F.O. 161494 Fifth Street, south side, from Pedersen Street to Ruth Street NON -ASSESSABLE: C.F. 162492 Resolved, that the Commissioner of Public 1�orks be and he is hereby authorized and directed to cause the necessary sidewalk extensions to be constructed at the locations listed below: Intersection - N.E. & N.F. corners of Jessamine Ave: & Flandrau St. Intersection - S. E. & S. -s. corners of Rose Ave. & Flandrau St. Intersection - N. E. corner of Hazelwood St. & Ames Ave. Intersection - N. E. & S. E. corners of Hazelwood St. & Jessamine Ave. Intersection - N. E. & S. E. corners of Hazelwood St. & Fellows Lane Intersection - S. E. corner of hazelwood Sc. & Maryland Ave. C.F. 160134 Resolved, that the Commissioner of Public 'forks be and he is hereby authorized and directed to cause the necessary sidewalk extensions to be crnstructed at the locations listed below: Intersection - 14. E. rornars rf C'ran�-e .,ve. .. k i � ', � � i� 4i. �i f f' 1:. }� �� F a C', t The assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment beand the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 27th day of January Janu 1 19 54, at the hour of jo o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City Of St. Paul; that the commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. 19— Adopted by the Council 1958 � t DEC 9 V City Clerk. Approved 19— Mayor. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 41po Mr. President,4L— HALYEQSON PUBLISHED HOLLAND MARZITrLU MORTINS014 PETERSON j ROSEN DAUBNW NOTICE C. F. No, T"ll— COUNCIL FILE NO.__ TO Re olvetl,That hecks be tlmwn n J the City treasury, to the aggregate ''II PRINTER numberetll58058 oto S81�vinclI.usiveece6 n@O• Zw per checks oR flle In the oR[ce of the ly 53 City Comptroller. --- --- � Adopted by the Council December 29, . 1953 ' Approved December 29, 1953. RY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE l anuary 2, 19541 a i 63 401..85 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED_ –INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL.__ --- em eoRrrreo, , .e APPROVED_ SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 3 507 611 71 1 v ; t ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL z COUNCIL •„ UPL LATE TO c Y CLEftK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER - ROLL CALL AUDITED CLAIMS --Dec. 24—_—,B53 M ARZIAN SON �V _IN FAVO PETERSON II.VV// RESOLVED. THAT __ ----AGAINST CHECKS BE DRAWN ON 6 4 . THE CITY TREASURY ROSEN R. PRES. DAUSNEY-qt- IN THE AMOUNT OF $01. i '" «•1 CHECKS NO.�5L[�tt0/ ,-- 85 "al_�—INCLUSIVE. pg p SOF --. CITY COMPTROLLER. COVERING AS ADOPTED BY THE COU-_ APPROVED-- PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE THE TOTAL ATE DRID CHI.CK — IN FAVOR OF CHECKS DIEEN . C.ECKSBY T R BAK� BROUGHTFORWARD 3 444 209-816 ® 58o58 Milton iiosen Co. 58 415 122 47 78 58059 Automotive Serv. 58060 Avis Films Inc. 170 00 58061 Howard W. Belmont 25 84 58062 Bishop Tow. Service 198 00 5806 Bodine Piano Co. Inc. 56 00 Calhoun Paint Co. 30 89 58065 Jipmy Cashill 54 00 58066 Citizens Ice and Fuel Co. 231 76 58067 Downtown Ford Co. 52 38 58068 Dual Park. Meter Co. 56 00 58069 Electric supply Co- 3 80 58070 H. w. Fisher Photo Supply Co. 71 50 58071 generator Specialty Co. 9 362 00 58072 Goodyear Service Co. 36 58073 Grand Grotto K. F. 58074 Haberlan Machine works 11 25 58075 Hetfield (4ueenan Inc. 3,2 54 58076 International Film bureau 111,00 58077 Lamere and Kolar 228 00 58078 Lange Bros. 37 96 58079 Langevin Paint Supply Co. 185 65 58080 Larryls Glass & Mirror Co. 51 40 58081 Malmon Pontiac Inc. 29 32 58082 Mo Clain and hedman Inc. 375 15 58083 Midway Chevrolet Co. 37 79 58084 Midwest Equip. Service Co. 2 67 58085 Mothers Friend Laundry 108 47 58086 National Bush. & Parts Co. 326 14 58087 Nortnern Fence Inc*. 367 50 58088 N. W. Concrete Products Co. 2 93 58089 Charles Olson and sons Inc. 19 24 58090 Park Machine Inc. 155 14 58091 Paulson Auto Sup,ly 107 17 58092 A. S. Peterson, Typewriters 2 25 5809 Plastics Inc. 7 31 5809 Power Brake and Equip. Co. 159 09 58095 quigley Motor sales Inc. 91 55 58096 Roberts Office Equip. Co. 62 00 58097 John L. Schmidt 50 15 $8098 A. P. smith Mfg. Co. 30 21 58099 ® Smith -Dunn Co. Inc. Standard Spring Co. 48 131 19 00 58100 58101 Frank Straohota 82 00 58102 Sugar Beet Products Co. 19 00 58103 Terrace Auto Supply Co. 133 27 58104 It n d 204 77 58105 Catnerine E. Novak 108 00 58106 Herbert Kellor 83 23 58107 Beni. H. Brynildsen 85 13 72 65 58108 A. E. Trudeau, Boll. Ca1'eterlas SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 3 507 611 71 odcin.l I. City CI.rk COUNCIL CITY Of ST. PAUL rile NO. �FTt- OFFICE OF T1IE CITY CLERK C'Q/yn{y�U//N/jCIL RESOLUTIO//N/—GENERAL FORM RE PSENTED 9Y � � J, 'VL X.r' DA December 2 -I 1`J53 RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, to issue Purchase Order to PETROLEUM SERVICE CO. for approximately 5,000 gallons Diesel Fuel for the Bureau of Municipal Equipment at a cost of x$.1085 per gallon or a total of approximately S$542.50, without advertisement or competitive bids, as an emergency existed where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interest of the City. Charge - Municipal Equipment - 1003-134. And Resolved that C.F. 166438 is hereby cancelled. C. F. No. 166664—By Frank D. M -1i telli— Resolved, That the Purchaaing Agent be. and he is here by authodred, with emergencytexis competitiveas an a to act 1 promptly woultl oth a hardship to :the best interest w She ha at Charge-Municlpal Equipment -1003-134 And Resolved That C. F. 166438 is heAreby dopted byceltheCouncil December 30. 11BApprovetl December 30, 1953. i. (January 2. 1969) DEC 301953 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— YeasNays alvorson MID 30 t: ^c ; Aland Approved---- 195- --Marzitelli ,,14ortinson In Favor Peterson ,-Rosen - Against J ,X'r. President, Daubney 6M 2-58 i. erici^.1 to City cl.rk �• ('- CITY OF ST. PAUL ;TILE NO. e—s'lYd4i Dc� f OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY December 30, RESOLVED, That the proper city officials be and they herein are authorized and instructed to execute on behalf of the City of St. Paul an agreement with the Minnesota Department of Highways covering maintenance of trunk highways within the City of St. Paul for the year 1954. ✓COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays �lvorson --H-.Iland -Ka-rzitelli -191'o'rtinson ,Ifreterson -Ro-sen -"Mr. President, Daubney 5M z -6a -465"" C. F. No. 166666—Ry Frank D. Marzl-I teni— Resolved. That the proper city ffi- clals be an tl they herein are authorized a d 'netructetl tot. execute on behalf of t ith Ctt a oMlnneaotaaul lj¢ a8teoment trlBhwaYs ring maintenance of of trunk highwayy: -Within the City of I. Paul for lh year 3954. Atlopted by the Council December 30. 195$, Approved Deoember 30, 1853. (January 2, 1954) Adopted by the Council_- - 195- V „-� Approved 195- _ __In Favor - Mayor i Against urigln.l to Car clerk ° 166666 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILECOUNCIL NO. ---- OFFICE __OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COON RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER - r�— DATE RESOLVED, that out of the Plorkmenle Compensation Account of the General Fund, weekly compensation of 435.00 be paid Harley B. Smith while he is totally disabled by reason of injuries he received on December 3, 1953, while employed by the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, and that X6105.00 in final settlement, to and including December 25, 1953, is now payable. COUNCILMEN Yeas INays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubucy 5M 2-63 '. C F. No. 166666—.By Norris O. HalVor- CoResolved, That out of the Workmen's �n p n tion Account of the General 1. Cpl eHarley g Smith whll he h totally tllsabled by reason of {n 0 he he received on December 3, 1853, J es conle Plnplo` e by the Depembrent of parks, Y8 ntle and Public Buildn incthat s165A0 in anal setaenA i 1s and psAt gs, . an yylu le. December 25, 1953, noW dap1e Council December by the tuber 38, Approved December 38, 1953, (January 2, IB54) Adopted by the Council 0 ­ 195— Approved—.----195— In 95_ Approved 195—In Favor - __ Against COUNCIL origio,1 to Cu, Cl -k CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OU CI ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _ DAT �nuuJSStONER--- _ WHEREAS, Adolph Sterk, Principal Clerk in the Bureau of Parks, Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, died December 27, 1953, and at the time of his death there was due him for vaca- tion time fourteen days11 , totaling $217.00, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That upon the recommendation and approval of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, under Chapter 5313 Laws of Minnesota for 1951, the widow of the deceased, Mrs. Anna Stark, be paid the amount of $217.00- C. F. No. 166661-13y Norris O. Halvor- Adopted by the Council— 195— COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Approve _195_ Holland Marzitelli In Favor Mayor Mortinson Peterson i _fj' Againsit Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 6M 2-66 " 2,1:,E) o>iem.l t. city c1.rf� NO. _-�° 1- CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL a, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ppT COMMISSIONE RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby confirms the appointment, b -1 -he Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public 3uildings, of Anthony J. Lefto as a member of the Examining 3oard for Refrigeration Equipment Installers. C. F. No. '11669—By Nor is O. Halvor- son— ` CITY Of eSaf that th Paul ehCou ca o8 m6 : tof Parks he appointment , by the Commissioner issioner Buildingser .' of Zjh` unda and Public - Retrlgeratlon E. f thEx mPintng H ar for Adopted by the Council IDstallers, 1953. December 3o. Approved December 30, I953. (Japuary 2, 1959) I I 0 Adopted by the Council COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DA!, i' - . . alv rson olland �rzitelli (� Approve' 195— � /`L\-11=�/Jp� -- ,Kortinson In Favor Mayor ,-V'e�terson' i ,K en _ _f!�LAgainst —� ,X'r. President, Daubney 6M 2-63 December 29, 1953 Honorable Council City of Saint Paul, I?,innesota Gentlemen: The Building Code requires and creates an Examining 3oard for Refriqeration Equipment Installers, this Board to be made uo of the City Architect as Chairman, Two itegistered Nl chanical Engineers, one licensed Refrigeration Equipment Contractor, and one Journeyman Refrigeration Equipment Installer, these anpointments to be made by the undersigned and confirmed by the City Council. Confirmation of the City Cou:-Icil is requested for Anthony J. Lefto to serve on the Examining 3oard for Refrigeration Equipment Installers, his address being 423 University Avenue, St. Paul 3, Ud nnesota. Very truly yours, Norris O. Halvorson . Commissioner I NOFi: al �Citp of Paul ' MfNN'so A- a - C;dP�RTM4Nt,OP PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, *N ', !,PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Halhp'e 2 NORRIS O. HALVORSN, Commissioner FRANK L. LOSS, bepd(y.l;bmmissioner W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ALFRED H..SCHROEDER- ERNEST W. JOHNSON - Supt. of Playgrounds Supt. of Park My Amh8ael December 29, 1953 Honorable Council City of Saint Paul, I?,innesota Gentlemen: The Building Code requires and creates an Examining 3oard for Refriqeration Equipment Installers, this Board to be made uo of the City Architect as Chairman, Two itegistered Nl chanical Engineers, one licensed Refrigeration Equipment Contractor, and one Journeyman Refrigeration Equipment Installer, these anpointments to be made by the undersigned and confirmed by the City Council. Confirmation of the City Cou:-Icil is requested for Anthony J. Lefto to serve on the Examining 3oard for Refrigeration Equipment Installers, his address being 423 University Avenue, St. Paul 3, Ud nnesota. Very truly yours, Norris O. Halvorson . Commissioner I NOFi: al Oriaivei to city Clerk it I�)al.`� ILENat CITY OF ST. P,�UL FNO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY December 30 19$3 COMMISSIONER �–�-�rL –'@—^ DATE > RESOLVED,That the Purchasing; Agent be, and he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, to purchase from the STDI ULAN HAalllRE C%TPANY, 4 Superflame No. 1313TS Oil heaters at a total cost of $444.00, as per Informal Bid No., 684, as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interest of the City of St. Paul. Charge: Play,roands/1087 C. F. No. 166669–By Norris O, Halvor- a. – Itesolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he Is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Mayor and. the Comptroller, to �uVyrchaee from the 4 STOupLerMBameHNAoH.D1313T5 OO�a�. at a total tort of {494A0, as per Infor• m 1 Bid No. 889, as an emergegcy exists where failure to act Promptly i ould work a hardddp to the-;bmt Interest of the City of Bt.. Paul. Charge: Playroundg IBR, Adopted bye Counca December 30. 1669. Approved mbar II 1�"AI\ )1g63. J� f COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays Halvorson `� '' I •'f' Holland Approved 195__ Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson --In Favor Mayor j/� Rosen J Against Mr. President, Daubney 6M 2-53 original In Cu,Ci.rk 166670 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM December 30, 1953 WHEREAS, under Comptroller's Contract L-5359 dated November 19, 1953, the Hurley Construction Company is proceeding with the construction of retaining walls and related structure at Lambert Landing and Shepard Road from Sibley Street, and WHEREAS, the aforesaid main walls, designated to retain the roadway fill, terminate on each side of and are on a continuous line with Pier No. 3 of the proposed Chicago Great Western underpass, it being originally planned that the bridge structure including piers would be erected under separate contract to be begun about January 1, 1954, and WHEREAS, due to foundation conditions involving one of the existing railroad bridge piers, it was necessary to redesign Pier No. 3 and its approach steel span, thus delaying the bridge construction, and WHEREAS, if that portion of Shepard Road from Sibley Street to Chestnut Street is to be opened to traffic in 1954, bridge piers Nos. 2 and 3 must be con.. structed during the present winter season when the river stage is below normal elevation, and WHEREAS, the Hurley Construction Company had submitted a low bid for the present contract together with correspondingly low prices for additions and deductions in unit quantities to the main contract, and i WHEREAS, the construction of the two bridge piers embody work similar to that being done on the wall and it is feasible to add such work at the unit change prices bid for the major items and to arrive at an agreed price for falsework and dewatering, and work can be begun on the pile driving before the revised detail plans are fully completed, and WHEREAS, the Commissioner and Chief Engineer of the Department of Public Works recommend that this additional work be ordered under the existing contract for the purpose of expediting the completion of the project; therefore, be it GY1.1.1 to City On,rk COUNCIL leo J;?() n CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RES LUT/(]/�/f—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY y RESOLVED, That the CaEmVssioner of Public Works be authorized to order the Hurley Construction Company to proceed with the construction of concrete Piers Nos. 2 and 3 as additional work under its contract on the following basis and approximate estimates: Itegs subject to bid change prices. Concrete in place - 400 cu. yds. at 432.35 $ 12,940.00 Steel Piling driven and concrete fill 4,000 lin. ft. at 3.55 14,20000 Reinforcing Steel 18,000# at 12.50 2,250.00 Wet excavation 230 cu. yds. at $ 2.25 517.50 Backfill 130 cu. yds. at 2.20 286.00 $ 30,193.50 Premium for additional insurance, approximately 2,940.00 Estimated cost of dewatering, 6,000.00 Estimated cost of temporary steel supporting beams and falsework 13.000.00 Total 52,133.50 The aforesaid work to be chargeable to 1953 - 31-E1 Fund and be it further RESOLVED, That the order for additional work shall not be effective unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto in writing and shall file such consent, together with the additional insurance required by the Cosmiissioner of Public Works, with the City Comptroller. Ado DEC `I 0 1941m - Halvorson it ted by the Council— P Yeas Nays IJ �Y Halvorson ^ y, c Holland l 1 Approved `� `� n 195— Marzitelli Mortinson __In Favor ` Ma Peterson O Rosen �. _ Against Mr. President, Daubney y / I MRS. ArNESH. O'CONNEU. City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE is Mr. Timothy P. Quinn Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: December 30, 1953 HAROLD J. RIORDAN Chief Clerk The Counc 11 adopted the attached resolution, C. F. No. 166670 Today, subject to your approval of this orocedure. If satisfactory, will you please indicate your approval on the resolution or by letter for our files and return the resolution to us? We understand that Mr. Shepard would like to have the resolution published as soon as -jossible. Very truly yours, City Clerk Council File No ........... .. RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL. AFFROV-; J-66671 ING TINE OFBESSMENT AND AHARING TEIEMO ANDD RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROV TAE AWATIME OOF F DAMAGES ON FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON ANL F. No. 188841_ �ARING ro n,e ,apt er : tmnY o��g, ON THE AWARDP"'' �' In the matter of ..... ._Partially,--opening,-_widening-_and extending -Summit Avenue from_Dayton Avenue to Central Avenue; Park Street from Central Avenue to F'uller Avenue; and Rice Street from Summit Avenue to University Avenue and from University Avenue to Como Avenue, together with approaches and connections to intersecting streets as proposed to be opened, widened and extended under C.F. 136542, approved May 22, 1946, and C.F. 149337, approved August 12, 1949, and approved by the State 'Veterans Service Building Commission August 15, 1949 by condemning and taking the following described lots and parcels of land, all in the City of St. Paul, the same being part of the lands necessary for the above described improvement: Lot 10, Block 1, Auditor's Subdivision No. 75, St. Paul, Minn., except the south 67 feet thereof and subject to an easement for ingress and egress over the east 9 feet thereof, , under Preliminary Order_ ........ 165935------------------------------- approved......Octobe-- 53 14, 19 ._ - ---953 - - ...... Intermediary Order.- ..................166219 approved_-- November 17, 1953 -- - . ­­ ........ ........ .......... approved Final Order------ --- --�---------•----•-- ---------•-- 166496 -- ---------------------- ---- --December------- - -15 -.,.---- 1953-- ------------- - -- - - The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter asAeAhe amount Of -- damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the -------- 27.1•eh.................day of....-_Janna_ry ............................. 19-54...., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. DEC 30 1953 Adopted by the Ccuncil _---------------------- D E C 3 0 1953 Approved----------.-.....---------_ _--------------- ... Foe 12405 Councilman HALVERSON Councilman HOLLAND Councilman MARZITELLI Councilman MCRTINSON Court, il... PETERSON C'uuucilmun ROSEN Mayor DAUB NEY ......--- -- .........., 19. ------ City Clerk. 19-- ------- ---------- ----­--------- ---- ---- ......... --- .......... M�aayor. _4D-@) NOTICE To PRINTER CITY OP SAINT PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO._ Dec. 28 — 53 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY c�TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF = 1;909.97 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED�8_1_6 -_TO_58Zl8___-INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF T ftIYOC;��JTROLLER ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_ - CITY COMPTROLLER APPROVED_.____ I NOTICE clrr of SAINT PAUL W TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL ILE PRINTER Dec. 28 19 53 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 37 568.79 f_ COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED_. 8109 _ TO_58164 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. DEC 30 T': ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL.____.____-_.-_ DEC 30 1'» APPROVED_._.. - 1-12 'x nx 19 ITY COMPTROLLmx \\ L C. F. NO. 166672-166673-466679- / Resolved, That checks. be drawn on H(@ a ` the Clty treasury, to the aBg"gate 1C 1�I�d 1666 de) �.�������( NOTICE amount of X2,661.71, rnvermg cheeks number¢a 66]69 tb 69170 inelusive, a9 ION COUNCIL FILE NO. - TO per checks On "e to the oRice of the City Comptroller. PRINTER Adopted by the COuncll December 30, 1Bb3• Dec. 2953 Approved Deeember 30, 1963. I - 19_ (January 2, 1969) 62 OLV ED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY 5810 TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF f ,r(�a COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED- jj �`JJ_ _TO__58270__-INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. b L 0 1353(�"' 9 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_._ _-.-._____ _____...._-_._-__19_ _--_ CITY COMITROLLER APPROVED___ 19-- BY_. a - 7-!x •lo/ 1 0 CITY OF SAINT PAUL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ROLL CALL HALVORSON1 _^ AUDITED CLAIMS I COUNCIL 9 B 1�1 672 2 FILE NUMBER_ Deo. 28 53 HOLLAND IN FAVOR MORTINSON PETERSON ROSEN 10 _--AGAINST LE 5 79 jrdpE RESOLVED. THAT jCV D rN ON THE CITY TREASURY - COVERING MR. PRES. DAUBNEY IN THE AMOUNT OF 5 .—. 0 9 581 4 CHECKS NO. -51 TO INCLUSIVE, AS ADOPTED BY THE LOUNCIT -' - - PER CHECKS ON FIL N THE FF CE T CIT PTR LER. ��ot=:j7 APPROVED TOTAL DATE NUM ER IN FAVO OF RETURNED %/ TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHTFORWARD 3-507611.71 _ 513109 J. L. Connolly -Pub. Util. 17 73 ® 58110 Bernard T. Holland -Libraries 2 14 58111 John F. Hand 1 559 25 58112 L. Markham 354 00 58113 Stwte of Minn. Comm. Taxation 2 218x13 58114 U. S. Dept. of Labor 15 80 58115 Milton Hosen 14 878 00 58116 a a 2 526 16 58117 W. S. hwatt, Vet's Hous. 17 43 58118 Voc. Soh. Petty Cash Fund 28 74 58119 is a it n n 46 46 50120 Mr e. E. La Barre 6 32 58121 Herbert B. Crommett, Architect 1 306 29 58122 Mortensson and Abbott 407 57 58123 Toltz King and Day Inc. 1 052 20 58124 Kenneth M. Wright Studios 12 oo 58125 Minnesota Flr. Surfaoing Co. 170 00 58126 Bootn Cold Storage 5 301 58127 Dugdale Const,*. Co. 1 500 00 58128 Price Electric Co. 396 00 58129 E. A. Danneeker 62 19 58130 Thomas J. Caulfield 114 10 58131 Albert Bayer 4 55 58132 John E. Blomquist 25 00 58133 Brauns Highway 23 50 58134 The Cardinal Co. 25 00 58135 D. K. Cartier 25 00 58136 J. F. Krebsbaoh 4 75 58137 Lsther Barak 108 00 58138 Baglio Bros. Fruit Co. 76 62 56139 Booth Fisheries Corp. 22 62 58140 Capitol Meat Co. 67 6o 58141 T. E. Carpenter 45 00 58142 City Dalry 225 48 58143 City Produce Co. 323 21 56144 Consumers Milk Co. 555 37 56145 Crescent Creamery Co. 947 78 58146 Dixie Cream Donut Co. 40 00 58147 Home Service Dept. 74 28 58148 King ki das Flour Mills 206 10 58149 Kisch's Food Market 179 43 58150 • Charles A. Lindberg 27 80 58151 Minnesota Milk Co. 1 025 45 58152 Morton Sausage Co. Inc. 363 44 58153., Nortnern States Power Co. 20 75 54154 Purity B,4eries Corp. 2.96 86 5155 Red Star Yeast and Products C. 40 50 58156 Restaurant China Co. 9 90 58157 St. Paul Milk Co. 1 233 41 56158 Sanitary r'arm Dairies 1 401 35 58159 Security Wholesale Grocery 207 65 58160 Wm. Segal Wholesale Grocer 2 013 38 58161 Vander Bles Inc. 953 27 58162 via.,dls Food i"arket 89 33 58163 Wilson and Co. Inc. 201 43 58164 Witte Transportation Co. 9 17 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD C 3 `45 180 50 I . CITY OF SAINT PAUL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK _ OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER HROLL CALL AUDITED CLAIMS L HOLLAND , ARZITELLI -IN FAVOR MORTINSON O PETERSON _ AGAINST ROSEN MR. PRES. DAUBNEY 21n , ADOPTED BY THE CQUNCI NYMeEP APPROVED_ CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER COUNCIL B" 671 FILE NUMBER Deo. 28_19_53 RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DR^WN ON THE CITY TREASURY J. 909.9,7 _. COVERING IN THE AMOUNTOF�B CHECKS NO. 381 (� TO 58218 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON F L IN THE OFFICE F Ty E. CITY GWAi EF. C . — TOTAL DATE RETURNED V TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 3 545 18a 50 J 58165 Joe. DiMartino 64 00 58166 • J. C. Bernhard—Register Deeds 2 50 58167 J. J. Fitzgerald 36 75 58168 Community Rural Telephone C. 3 00 58169 Arthur C. Doyle 25 00 58170 Earl Clinic 5 65 51171 Sibert Coffee Co. Inc. 5 00 58172 Wm. •.. Heck, M. D. 56 00 58173 Louis P. Hiniker, M. D. 43 oo 58174 Industrial Steel Container Co. 25 00 58175 L. J. Michienzi, M. D. 16 00 58176 Mario J. Ranelll 1 29 58177 Leo R. Reid 50 00 58178 St. Paul Truck Crane Service Co. 25 00 58179 F. Serratore 25 00 36180 James Steele Constr. Co. 15 00 58181 Twin City Building & Improve. 10 00 58182 Ancker Hospital 32 00 58183 Bethesda Hospital 27 50 58184 Brown and Day Inc. 28 00 58185 Dr. J. Cleveland Cradle 5 00 58186 Drs. Endress Iand Endress 5 00 58187 Dr. Harold H. Feeler 28 00 58188 Dr. V. P. Hauser 22 00 56189 Dr. Laurence D. Hilger 35 00 58190 Dr. W. J. Hynan 14 00 58191 Industrial Comm. of Minn. 35 20 58192 Dr. Karl Frederick Johnson 10 00 58193 Drs. D. R. Lanvin 41 o0 3 t'194 Dr. R. A. Lee 6 oo 58195 Dr. Wm. J. Lick 77 00 58196 Dr. Roger W. Marks 87 00 3 197 Dr. B. J. Mears 9 00 58198 Walter Meisel 1 $0 58199 Mounds Park Hospital 154 45 58200 Alfred Peterson 43 70 58201 Dr. James W. Reid 6 0o 58202 Riverview Memorial Hospital Inc. 149 43 58203 St. Johnis Hospital 6 oo 50,204 N Joseph's Hospital 180 75 58205 St. Lukels a 62 00 58206 St. Paul Physical Therapy Center 7 00 58207 • Dr. M. M. Sarnecki 72 00 58208 Drs. Schons, Medelman, Peterson 10 00 58209 Dr. E. A. Smisek 4 00 58210 Drs. Smith, Pearson and Wolff 181 00 58211 '••6nolling chiropractic Clinic 55 50 58212 Dr. A. R. Stolpestcad 33 50 56213 Drs. Wenzel, Rollie and McKenzie 26 00 58214 3t. P. ttehabilit,,tlon Center 19 50 5,;215. Dr. Carl C. Chatterton 5 00 58216 Cherokee Drug Co. 5 75 58217 Earl Clinic 9 00 58218 Dr. M. B. Hanson 8 0o SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 3 547 6.90 47 CITY OF SAINT PAUL ..CIL �ll� DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER _ FILE numEIER _ R HALLO-SONOLLCALL AUDITED CLAIMS _ neo. 29 ,9 ANO IN FAVOR MART�NSN O D soN RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BED A ON THE clTv TREASURY ROSEN ---0 AGAINST 2 23 17.96 IN THE AMOUNT OF $ I G V ._, COVERING MR. PRES. DAUBNEY }� CHECKS NO.— 821 TO 5a2�o INCLUSIVE• AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL— ryy4BeP PER CHECKS ON FILE,1N HE OFF5 THE CITY COMPTROLLER. APPROVED_. LL�� TOTAL _ _ DATE INFAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT RETURNED / ._ NUMBER BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHTFORWARD 3.547 090.47 • 38219 John Bergeron 70 00 53220 acme Linen Service Co. 305 27 58221 Addressograph Multigraph Co. 79 33 58222 American Family Laundry 10 36 58223 S. Berglund Lumber Co. 593 05 58224 Burroughs Add. Machine Co. 123 52 58225 Capitol Stationery and 11fg. C. 96 65 58226 Graybar Electric co. Inc. 66o o3 58227 Griggs Cooper and Co. 90 00 58228 International Harvester Co. 4 5770 fQ 58229 Johnson Print. Co. �+55 58230 Marvin Law Book 00. 90 00 58231 Mall Tool Co. 25 32 $8232 New York Tea Co. 96 25 58233 Northern States Power Co. 1 493 4 58234 Northern a a 8 1.85 8 38235 N. W. Publications 765 oo 58236 Na N. W. Bell Telephone Co. 80 90 58237 1 oto 67 58238 N. W. Refining 00. 1 492 81 5829 Roe James Glass Co. 38 03 582 0 St. P. Book and Stl,tionery C. 97 04 38241 11 a " " 82 93 38242 Leslie Schuldt and Co. 158 22 58243 Star Launderers and Cleaners 3 94 58244 Supt. of Documents 75 00 58245 Viking Press Inc. _ 87 71 58246 Ward 'Tranefer Co. 17 48 58247 Western Union Telegraph Co. 44 37 38248 Westinghouse Else. Supply C. 631 99 58249 Linsmaster Baking Co. 66 34 58250 quality Park Envelope Co. 48 35 58251 may Engraving; Co. 18 76 58252 hosenwald-Cooper Inc. 35 50 38253 George T. Ryan Co. 71 59 58254 H. E. Baleen Co. 12 50 58255 Smith -Corona Inc. 53 13 58256 h. X. Stahl Co. 159 21 58257 Standard 3tov ge buttery C. 150 10 58258 Market Seed Co. f10 50 ® 58259 Mays Inc. 2 20 $8260 McFadden Lambert Co. 23 62 58261 Al Mergens Motor Co. 4 53 58262 Minnesota Fire Equip. Co. 5 25 58263 Minnesota Pub. Wks. Equi:,. 24 05 58264 -Aim.- Grp. ii.aideapra®_a�r�aane� 58265 C. Neubauer C,i bon & Ribbon C. 2 8o 38266 N. W. Tire Co. 3 98 58267 Paramount Plea 25 00 58268 Elner C. Peterson Co. 30 00 18269 Photostat Corp. 410 29 38270 Power Tools Inc. 68 11 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 3 370 263 43 Original to City Cirrk CITY OF 5T. PAUL COUNCIL 9 FILE NO, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLVED, that the proper officials of the City of Saint Paul are hereby authorized and directed to accept and file, from the Associated Contractors, Inc. that certain storm sewer, drainage and public utility easement covering "the west five (5) feet of Lot six (6) and the east five (5) feet of Lot seven (7), Murray Lane Addition to Saint Paul." COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays -Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 11 C. F. No. lent— N 166675— By Frank D. Maral- ' Ve That 0 thel City of SaintePautpere heircbyi thortzed nd directed to accept and file, from the Associated Contractors, Inc, that ceannd ub bl rtain storm sewer, drainage tithe weaticflvetll(6) feQCP nl,ott elxrf6g tl the east flue (5i feet of Iut seven (7). Murray bane Addition to Saint Paul:' 1953,AdoPled by the Council December 31, �I Approved December 31, 1953 s /January 2, 19531 DEC 31 1953 Adopted by the Council 195— I_'; I:- ij Approved—__195- -1-In pproved195--1-In Favor----- Mayeir — Against �h r Associated Contractors,, Inc. BUILDERS OF BETTER HOMES EUGENE MURRAY, President OFFICE TELEPHONE: LYLE A. MURRAY, Vice President _,Mynaxy L OR 5-8871 GLEN A. MURRAY, Consimction Saperintendent J - KENNETH J. MURRAY, Construction Superintendent 5720 WAYZATA BLVD. GERALD J. MURRAY, Assistant Secretary MINNEAPOLIS 16, MINNESOTA M. F. MURRAY, Secretary and Treasurer December 30, 1953 2 City of Saint Paul Legal Department City Hall & Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota Attention: Mr. John J. McNeil, Assistant Corporation Counsel Dear Sir: We are enclosing a storm sewer, drainage and public utility easement for "Murray Lane Addition to Saint Paul" corrected. Will you please present proper resolution to the City Council. Yours very truly, A CIA TED CONTRACTORS, INC. L. A. Murray V LAM: cm enc. • • R E S I D E N TI AL • • C.OMMERCIAL '`rs. 7,urnle- has -i-,,,en conscientious service to tine l,utnority, particularl-r durin- the -rears of its ber-,inning and for -ration. She '.-as '-iven her ti -ie and her energies in close attention to all phases of the responsibilities that rest upon this puhlic authority. 'ler unselfish devotion to the di'_icult tasks involved in her five ?ears of service should be riven reco�ni_tion as a hi --h t;•re of civic. contribution. It is therefore further RZ,'0VjET), that the City Clerk enter this resolution upon the permanent recorc_s Of this Council, an -d! t". --t a certified copy Of t;r_s resolution wig be fonrarded to : xs, Darnley. . COUNCILMEN odamsl lu city clerk CITY OF ST. P NO. — C. F. No. 186876—Hy John E. Deubney— Holland OFFICE OF THE CI Be 1t hereby Resolved, That the Maeo to City it or thorns COUNCIL RESOLUTION— of saint -Paul, express their thenke Mortinson --. _In P,0 appreciation to Mrs. Charles T. T, who served for fiveH11 y�at+� ns t the Ho��a PRESENTED BY lasloner PRESENTEDYi. •oment .'Authority —.—Against COMMISSIONER— -- relay has 'glvl• . a to the Ault the Be it hereby RESOLVED, that the members of the City Council, for themselves, and on behalf of the Citizens of Saint Paul, express their thanks and appreciation to llrs. Charles T. '�urnley, who served for five years as a Commissioner of the Housing and 3edevelopment Authority of Saint Paul. '`rs. 7,urnle- has -i-,,,en conscientious service to tine l,utnority, particularl-r durin- the -rears of its ber-,inning and for -ration. She '.-as '-iven her ti -ie and her energies in close attention to all phases of the responsibilities that rest upon this puhlic authority. 'ler unselfish devotion to the di'_icult tasks involved in her five ?ears of service should be riven reco�ni_tion as a hi --h t;•re of civic. contribution. It is therefore further RZ,'0VjET), that the City Clerk enter this resolution upon the permanent recorc_s Of this Council, an -d! t". --t a certified copy Of t;r_s resolution wig be fonrarded to : xs, Darnley. . COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Ha.1vrtrson Holland I Marzitelli Favor Mortinson --. _In Peterson Rosen - —.—Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 CL.4 <'• 1 13C53 Adopted by the Council--195- 3 ouncil_ 195- 3 Approved----- 195- --__ yor PUI?LISHLD, L- -42---_/��� Origin.t to Cit, Clerk ORDINANCE W,���� 2nd_Ist' K, 0.�3 PRESENTED BY Laid over to _— --- 3rd and app Adopted.— — L C.F. Frank D 7i rdini i re No. lOLia— Yeas Nays Yeas m An ordUun— --ding Ordinance Halvorson "An administrative ordinance fi�dmg the com- Holland Holland Marzitelli Marzitelli approved January 23, 1925, as amended. This is an emergency Mortinson Peterson Mortinson Peterson Rosen Rosen THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Mr. President Daubney Mr. President Daubney 1925, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by O� Origin.t to Cit, Clerk ORDINANCE W,���� COUNCIL FILE NO 0.�3 PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO C.F. Frank D 7i rdini i re No. lOLia— m An ordUun— --ding Ordinance No. 6498. entitled: An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 611116, en - -'A. «amm+aTMaii ^rr =.nrn -t'— "An administrative ordinance fi�dmg the com- pensation rates of certain city positions and employ- ments, it approved January 23, 1925, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: atat'r� Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6446, approved January 23, 1925, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by O� striking out 4W Section VIII (e) Secton. Th s ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Holland Marzitelli Mortinson(- Peterson ortinson(-Peterson r Rosen Mr. President (Daubney) Attest: p City Clerk 1M 642 8 I£ 1 JAN 15 1%4 Passed by the Council Tn Favor Against Approveh. JAN I/ M/ayor ingy/ �. PTIRI TC,T.1� ! - I ' 'x)79 odamal to cie> clrra CITY OF ST. PAUL iILENOt NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C. F. No. 166678—By Severin A. Mortm- CO IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM on_ R. o r. That the =per city p y e arae hereby uih rued to pay PRESENTED BY 1/C/��� DATE c main Uloyti In the Department'. COMMISSIONER_ of Public tllltles for extra employ -.— m t described In the resolution. _ Adopted by the Council December 31. 1 Approved December 31. 1653. I January 2, 18541 WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency during the period from December 16, 1953 to December 31, 1953 inclusive which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of the Department of Public Utilities for more than; eight hours per day or forty hours per week in doing the follow- ing work: Checking bus schedules and loadings, and Supervising the activities of the City Market, and WHEREAS, this emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circum- stances: Submission by the Street Railway Company of proposed schedule changes, and Saturday and Sunday work made necessary because of Christmas tree sales at the City Market, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the employees who performed such work in accordance with the pro- visions of the Council's salary ordinance, Ordinance No. 6446. 1903 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council —195— Yeas Nays 06C 0 3 1 6il3 Rolland Approved—._ 195_ Marzitelli In Favor —' Mortinson _—� - May r Peterson Rosen � Against / Mr. President, Daubney 6M 2-63 'r Oridnel to Citr Clerk C&ACIL t CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE COMI+II,TTF.E COUNC.IILLJ RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ////���iC'/!� G _ /, - , /�A7E-- December 91, 1953 COMMISSIONER_- RESOLVED: That licenses for Restaurant, On and 0£f Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarette , Application C 6699, applied for by Francis B. Cowley and Ralph E. Dague, at 327 Thomas Avenue be and. the same are hereby granted. NEW Informally approved by Council December 15, 1953 Old Location COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Aland /Ntarzitelli / lortinson --Peterson --Rosen -Mr. President, Daubney 6M 2-63 C. F. No. 166679—By Norris O. Hnlvor- _Severin A. Mortinson—Robert F. Peterson— Resolved, That licenses for Restau- a� t. On and Off Sale Malt Beverage tand Cigarette, Appllcatlon C 8698, p lied for by Francis B. Cowley and Ralph E. Dague, at 327 Thomas Avenue be and the same are hereby granted. Adopted by the Council December 31, 1953. Approved December 31, 1953. (January 2, 1953) (- t L. l : 1 ���J3 196— Adopted by the Counc J Lig 3:S jApproved 195- --In Favor — May r __ _Against 1953 r . . RESOLUED3 That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. C. F. No. 198990— By No, a O. Halvor- son—Severin A. Morttnssn—Robert F. .Ori,iv.l to Cltr Clerk West End Commercial Club Bldg. Corp. Peterson— Resolved, That.. licensee applied for by the M. A. Dev (2) " CITY OF persons named on th liat'UNCII attachetl to'this resolution be end the NO. LICENSE COM2U.'i"IT;E OFFICE OF TH ci,'clerk Lyenshuctgra ed,1. and COUNCIL RESOLUTI _ PRESENTED �1 /' 'thee Ilrensea upon payment Into thaeb e Ctty' trceaury of me required fees. Adopted by the Council December 31, l _ N COMMISSIONE I N " 6804 " Approved December 31, 1993. r 31, M. A. D. Loc. " 6805 " (January 2, 1959) 1953 r . . RESOLUED3 That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. M. Mach (1) " It West End Commercial Club Bldg. Corp. 6810 M. A. Dev (2) " 823-5 W. 7th M. Mach (1) App. 6786 Renewal San &. Chas. Karter 436 University M. A. D. Oper. " 6803 " R. M. & B. E„ Washington 165-71 N. Western M. T''ach (1) " 6804 " German House, Inc. 444 Rice M. A. D. Loc. " 6805 " 6813 " M. A. Dev (2) n n n M. Mach (1) n Ti. Tach (1) 9 It It The Waltz Corp. 645 Selby M. A. D. Loc. " 6806 11 11 9 24, A. 'rev (3) r n n n u u u Frank C. Graves 932-4 Arcade 11 n u Charles A. Wodicka 544 University b 9 11 It John Jacoboski Martin Dahlquist John A. Drexler it if COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays NOlvnrapn � Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 5M 243 1 569 Rice 329—W. 7th It 11 572 N. Dale It It In Favor Against M. den (1) M. A. D. Loc. " 6808 " 1$. A. Dev (2) h e n M. Mach (1) " It M. A. D. Loc. " 6810 M. A. Dev (2) " It M. Mach (1) " to M. Mach (1) " 6811 M. A. D. loc. " 6812 " M. A. D,, (1) u It u M. Mach (1) " it " M. A. D. Loc. 6813 " M. w. Dev (1) u u n M. Mach (1) n u n Adopted by the Council_--195— 195— Approved---195— Approved __195_ Mayor Mayor - 'OriQin.l to CRY Cl.rk CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCII LENO. LICENSE C01,111ITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY December 31, 1953 COMMISSIONER- --- DATF PAGE NO. 2 (Renewals) Richard T. Aplikowski 572 Rice hi. A. D, Loc. App, 6814 Renewal Ir 11 11. A. Dev (3) " Ir it it M. Mach (1) " " " Wm. D. Hawn 1129 University M. A. D. Loc. " 6815 ° M. A. Dev (2) u B B n ° M. Mach (1) n It n John W. Egan 183 N. Western M. A. D. Loc. " 6816 " n ' M. A. Dev (2) " n n rr �� M.I"ach (1) " It" Dennis J. Maloney, Jr. 820 Hampden M. A. D. Loc. Lev 6817 ° n D M. A. (1) rI �� Y. I'lach (1) Owen A. Kuehn 605 University M. A. D. Loc. 6819 " " " M. A: Dev (2) it M. Mach (1) Milton Smith 679 E. 3rd M. Mach (1) " 6821 Albert F. Loken 439 University 1-1. A. D. Loc. " 6822 ° rr " M. A. Dev (2) u u n u n n M. Mach (1) u n n u Woodrow W. Schmidt & M. M. Sullivan 603 w. 7th M. A. D. Loc. " 6823 " B " M. A. Dev (1) " 6824 " Wallace J. & Norman Rossbach 426 Selby M. A. D. Loc. " 6825 ° u If' M. A. Dev (4) " n u R „ M. I'Iach (1) it " n COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council__ 195_ Yeas Nays Holland Approved 195_ Marzitelli Mortinson -- ____In Favor -------- ---- — Mayor Peterson Rosen —_Against Mr. President, Daubney SM I. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 _" 6 Adopted by the Council— 195— __ _In Favor - _Against Approved _195— Mayor Orland b City Clut CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. FILE ------- LICEIUE COMI[TTEE COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM December 31. 1953 PRESENTED BY _ DAT COMMISSIONER ---- PAGE N0. 3 (ReneTaals ) James Morelli & Nannie D. RobertsonM. E I l nnehaha A. D. Loc. App. 11 6826 Renewal —17814' • A. D. (2) n " u u u T:.. Mach (1) n Payne Ave. Lodge No. 963, L. 0 . 0. M. Inc. Payne 1007 3 M. A. D. L99c. " A. Dev l2) 6827 " �� ,i u M. M. Ilach (1) it n n Mae L. Harbour 81 University 3 sit I4, A. D. Loc. " M. A. Dev (1) 6828 " it it n u Henry Swanson '1199 P e M. A. D. Loc. " M. A. Dev (3) n ,6830 " n M. Mach (1) " " Mrs. Rose Tilley 1].05 Selby 11M. M. A. D. Loc. " u A. Dev (1) 6831 „ 11 u M. 14ach (1) it u Florian Welsch 1199 Rice If M. A. D. Loc. " M. A. Dev (1) 6832 , " n M. Mach (1) ° M. Bach (1) 6833 ° Geo. Storlie 1049 Payne Edw. J. Skok 628 Selby M. A. D. Loc. " if. A. Dev (2) 6834• ° M. Mach (1) 1121+ Payne M. Mach (1) " 6835 ° Irving Sorlin „ 14. Mach (1) 6R36 n Orrlena Magnuson 6262 S elby COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 _" 6 Adopted by the Council— 195— __ _In Favor - _Against Approved _195— Mayor COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays son Holland Marzitelli Martinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 6N 2.52 Adopted by the Council— _195— ------In Favor - _.—_Against Approved--195- Mayor odcw.l w City CI. k CITY OF ST. PAUL CONCL FILE NO. LICEN4I COIMTTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE December 31, 1953 COMMISSIONER-- — PAGF No. 4 (Renewals) Richard L. & Steve I.Schwietz 956Payne 14. A. D. Loc. App. 6837 Renewal n M. A.Dev (3) n M. Mach (1) Archie P. S chweitz 1080 Arcade 14. Mach (1) " 6838 n Ulm. Whalen 415 Univer ity M. A. D. Loc. A. Dev (2) " 6839I4, " n Mach (1) u n n It 1559 University M. A D. Loc. M. It. Dev (1) " 6&W D �� 11 „ u u M. 1'6ch (1) 'I u n Katherine M. Baker 570 Wabasha M. 1. D. Loc. X. A.Dev (1) " 6841 " n n n M. Mach (1) n u n Wm. G. Schlosser & Martin Schreier 11. 4. Dc. ° 6843 1638 Rice M. 1. Dev (3) „ M. Xach (1) Joseph G. & Robert G. Tschida X. Mach (1) ° 6845 499 Wabasha 14. A. Tschida, S r. 319 Robert if. Mach (1) It 6846 Sauna & Plichael Steinhauer 1957 St. Anthony i4. Mach (i) „ 6847 „ George E. Lamberton 535 N. Dale , M. A. D. Loc. I4. A. Dev (1) " 6848 n " n u M. Mach (1) I, n COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays son Holland Marzitelli Martinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 6N 2.52 Adopted by the Council— _195— ------In Favor - _.—_Against Approved--195- Mayor oa:m.l t, Civ Cl..t )8 I_ .1 '1680 CITY OF ST. PAUL FFOENCII NO. LICENSE COhIIIITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY - COMMISSIONER_—_ _—_—__ DATE Decerber 31, 1953_ PAGE NO. 5 (Renewals) Reuben Carpenter 2190 University M. A. D. Loc. App. 6849 Renewal M. A. D ev ( 2) " " " n u IL Mach (1) n tl u Wm. J. Whelan 501 Wabash_a M. A. D. Loc. " 6850 u u M. A.Dev (2) It n u M. Mach (1) u n n Dora hlogel Geo. Rinky Shaindel Bender 2162 University M. A. D. Loc. " 6860 " M. A. Dev (3) n u n X. I'lach (1) " n " Frank Carbone 680 E. 7th M. A. D. Loc. " 6862 ll if M. A. Dev (2) ° n n Chris Christensen 1567 University M. A. D. Loc. " 6863 M. A. Dev (3) " ° n M. l4ach (1) n u Clemens X. Janish 625 Selby M. A. D. Loc. " 6864 " " u M. A. Dev (2) " " n " M. Mach (1) " 11 n Joseph Degidio 425„W. 7th M. A. D. Loc. ” 6867 " n 11Y. A. Dev (2) It n M, l"ach (1) Charles E. Swi.antkiewicz 541 Rice M. A. D. Loc. " 6868 " If " M. A. Dev (3) Orville M. Jackson 1199 Jackson M. A. D. Loc: " 6869 M. A. Dev(2) " " M. 14ach (1) n n u Frances L. Fleming 1728 University 1-1. A. D. Loc. " 687211 11 It M. A. Dev (2) u n it COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council__ 195_ Yeas Nays hFalvoraoa-- Holland Approved _195— Marzitelli Mortinson _.__—In Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubney uM 2-b3-400— Original to Cit, Clerk LICENSE C01012: "I'EE CITY OF ST. PAUL iou'c" NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENEkAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER—___ __ _ ___ DATE December 31, 1953 PAGE N0, 6 Rene gals Clarence H. Shuck. 329 Kent M.-'^ach (1) App, 6873 Renewal Rose, Daniel & Anthony Lombardi & Theresa Lenzi 670 Payne M. Mach (1) " 6874 " Andrew Kap as & Louis Trigas n 82 W. 7th t•:, A . D. Loc. " 6876 IT " M. A A. Dev (1) n n n George Green " 380 Como M. A. D. Loc " 6877 " n " M.�. Dev (2) M. {ach (1) Arthur W. Pfeffer, D Sr. 260 Rice M. A. D. Loc. " 6880 " �� M. A. Dev (4) n n IT M. Xach (1) " D n Harvey J. &Louis H. Buron 1537 University M. A. D. Loc IT 6881 tt M. A. Dev (3) n IT It r'.. Mach (1) u it n John Boulton 948 Raymond A. D. Loc. 68811 3 n M. A. Dev (3) M. Mach (1) " n n Rosa Kubitschek 1141-3 Rice M. A. D. Loc. " 6885 ° n M. A. Dev (2) " IT n n M. Mach (1) " n n R. A. Lacher 1822 Grand M. Mach (1) " 6887 " Peter LaNasa 553 Jackson M. Idach (1) " 6888 " Raymond Nadeau n 844 E. 7th " Pf. A. D. Loc. " 6890 " M. A. Dev(2) M. I`iach (1) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_ 195_ Yeas Nays _ Holland Marzitelli Approved 195_ Mortinson — ___In Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubney SM 2-53 ++ Drid..1 b Cit, CI.k 0 ` C , •S�� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. LICENSE COMETTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLEtK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER— December 31# 1953 DATE PACE . 7(Renewals) S. D. Macent & A. J. Branca 2513 University M. A. D. Loc. App. 6891 Renewal u n u _ M. A. Dsv (3) 'I M. Mach (1) 5 u u n Frank C. Machovec 995 W. 7th M. Vlach (1) " 6892 " Helen C. Mandel 274 Rice M. A. D. Loc. " 6893 " " M. A.Tlev (3) " II M. Mach (1) V&R. C.Metzger 787 Payne M. Tach (1) " 6895 " Louis H. & Barbara Meysenbourg 490 S. Hemline M. Mach (1) " 6896 " Catherine Huot 1764 University M. A. D. Loc. " 6898 " " " M. A. Dev (2) n It M. Mach (1) Fred Merrill 467 St. Peter 14. Mach (1) " 6900 Helen Boosalis 1960 University M. Mach (1) " 6903 " James E. Glaser 492 S Aamline M. A. D. Loc. 6905 " n ° M. A. Dev 443) M. Mach (11 " u Anthony M. Pitzl 1101 W. 7th M. A. D. Loc. " 6906 " n " M. A. Dev (2) " M. Mach (1) u u n NataleRocco 921E Rice M. 1�ach (1) " 6909 Irene G. Kellermm 1580 St. Clair M. 1,ach (1) " 6910 " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ftanumnow— Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubncy IM 2-53 .. _—__In Favor ----Against Adopted by the Council___195— 195— Approved----195— Approved 195— Mayor Mayor ONC CITY OF ST. PAUL FIIE 1L NO. LIGENSECON -JTTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY December 31, 1953 COMMISSIONER----- —_-- DATE — PAGE NO. 8 nerals John Adams u n 742 N. Snelling 0 n Thomas Skarda 10151"1. 7th Gilbert Galvan 648 Jackson Alton W. Larson 651 S. Snelling Celeste Kielen B B 792 E. 7th � u Henry A. Henault 65121 S- Snelling n n 'Leonard Ruberto 453 Collins U Joseph W. Blum 223 W. 7th n n 'Mrs. Elizabeth Venditti 1234 W. Kellogg II 11 if n John J.W osika 731 Randolph BerniceSchultz 1951 University Tyko & Linnea Sjoberg 470 S. Cleveland n 1 u u COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Holland Marzitelli Mortinson _____In Favor Peterson Rosen _Against Mr. President, Daubney 5N U63 *' M. A. D. Loa App. 6911 Renewal M. A.Dev (3) u B M. Ilach (1) u B n 11 M. Mach (1) " 6912 11 M. I'ach (1) " 6913 n M. Mach (1) " 6914 " M. A. D. Loc. " 6916 11 14. A.Dev (1) M. Mach (1) It n n M. A. D. Loc. " 6917 1' M. A. Dev (5) n 11 u 14. Mach (1) " if " M. "6ch (1) n 6920 B M. A. B. Loc. " 6921 M. A. ev (1) M. Mach (1) u n M. A. D. Loc. " 6922 " M. A. Dev (1) n n 11 M. Mach (1) ° n D M. Mach (1) n 6923 u M. Mach (1) " 6928 M. A. D. Loc. " 6929 M. A. Dev (2) M. Xach (1) u n v Adopted by the Council_— 195— Approved 195 Mayor i Orl¢inel to City CI ak CITY OF ST. PAUL F�°E"SII NO_ LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED COMMISSIONN ER___-- DATE December 31, 1953 PAGE NO. 9, Renewals Joseph P. Kennedy 463 University M. Mach (1) App. 6930 Renewal John R. Lonnes 2024 Marshall M."'..h. (1) It 6931 1' Mary Ellen McQuillan 654 Selby M. Mach (1) 06932 " Henrik Ohennesian 775 W. 7th M. Tlach (1) 11 6933 " A.J. LaBeau 1946 University M. A. D. Oper. " 6934 Plik Dietsch 349 Rosabel M. Mach (1) '1 6942 " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 5M 263 APO— DEC 311953 Adopted by the Council_ _195— U L 1w 95_uLC 31 �'� Approved 195— / ----In _In Favor Cq�� Mayor —.—.._Against Orisln,l to Citr Cls k i k t (f {S CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No. _ LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUT=E)ATE-Docember RM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER-� i o L-„_ 31, 1953 RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persona at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby grantedl Fred Watters 1260 Payne Ave. Ldy & DC Pickup App, 6392 New Lawrence Winkler 1266 Hudson FDSTF V M Loca. ^ 6714 It Wally P. Flannigan 81511 Payne Restaurant ^ 6790 " Donald 0. Ruedy 349 Ravous Motor Veh. Driver 11 7026 B Kenneth McKenzie 241 E. 14th ^ " 6989 " Jack D. Seiger 234 W. 5th " " 7053 " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays rson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 56f 2-68 i. C. F. No. 188881—By Norris D. Halvor- son -Severin A. Mortlnaon—Robert F. Peterson— Resolved, That licenses applied for by ttie persons named on the list ttached to this resolution be and the same am hereby granted,, end the City Clerk Is Instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment Into the City treasury f the renired fees. 1953. Adopted by the Coupcli December 31, Approved December 31, 1953. 19 January 2, 1859) DEC 31 M3 Adopted by the Council__ 195- 31 f Approved 196_ o ___In Favor ayor Against C. F. No. 199892—By Norrie -.O. Naloor- wn-Severin A. Martinson—Robert F. ONsinal to City Clerk ? PetFrson— Resolved. That licenaes applied by the person. named on CITY OF ST.attached LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CII to this resolution be and the'' NO. same are hereby granted, and the City Clerk is instructed a issue such ncense. upon the payment into the COUNCIL RESOLUTION-9 CgdoPtted by the Councll7ecemibe�r 31. PRESENTED BY / /�, �, c/� /J 19Appraved December 31, 1953. (January 2. 1959) 1959 COMMISSIONER_ � /�rl .(it—,.._ /1 �T 11, RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addressee stated be and the same are hereby granted: Nationwide Food Service, 333 Sibley Restaurant App. 5917 Renewal Darling Olds, Inc. 758 Grand Ave. Fdet£ V. M. Loca. " 6131 " Northern States Power, 72 W. Kellogg " " 6132 " St. John's Hospital, Women's Auxiliary 390 Mounds Blvd. Orig.(lintainer " 6136 it Arthur 0. Tweet 1137 Lane Place V. M. Ope-ator " 6370 9 Mrs. Strandy's Bakeries, 688 E. Third Bakery of 6497 " Louis Rauscher 1306 Payne Grocery " 6592 " Frozen Meats " 11 " Off Sale Malt n n n it " Cigarette " " " Walter Heck 1950 Hyacinth Grocery of 6596 " Off Sale Malt " it li " tt Cigarette I1 it " Louie Aronson 170 W. 4th Parking Lot " 6672 11 Miller & Holmes 721 Arcade Gas Station " 6694 " " itOrig. Cont. " it" 11 tt Cigarette 11 n n Ernest Salmorson 492 Jackson Barber to 6718 " Adelaide A. Phillips, 737 Selby Restaurant to 6724 't n " On Sale Malt n n if Off Sale Malt it Cigarette It " of COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 196— Yeas Nays Nwhtyi — Holland Approved 196_ Marzitelli Mortinson ---In Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen ____Against Mr. President, Daubney 511 2-69 *' Original to City Cl rk CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO 1a D LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Page 2 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER—__ DATE December 31, 1953 Henry Pappas 414 Broadway Barber App. 6726 Renewal Erickson Gas & Oil 1529 White Bear pas Station " 6729 " V. M. Loca. Clarence J. Gott 206 E. 7th Barber " 6753 ^ Henry P. Niemiec 1141 Forest Grocery " 6769 " Butcher Off Sete Malt n n n Cigarette R. C. Hayes 2275 Wycliff Gas Ste. 1 add P. " 6791 " i' V. M Loca. :lawik Motor Co. 1865 University V. M. Loca. " 6796 " Robert D. Jacobson 1580 Grand Gas Ste. " 6797 " J. T. Sylvester 818 Payne Restaurant " 6800 " n " Cigarette Elliott Neff 596 University Hardware " 6851 " Mrs. Rose Tilley 1105 Selby Restaurant " 6853 " On Sale Malt n n n Off Sale Malt n " Cigarette Scott-Burr Stores 171 N. Snelling Confectionery " 6854 " Clarence Parker 1431 Marshall Repair Garage " 6858 " n " Q. M. Loca. A. P. Herschler dba Herachler Saida Co., 230 University V. M. Operator " 6935 " A. H. Betz & Phillip Schwegel, 1200 N. Snelling, V. M. Loca. " 6938 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_ 195_ Yeas Nays Holland Approved 195— Marzitelli Mortinson _---In Favor ---- Mayor Peterson Rosen --__Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-63 :• 4 oAginvl b City CIuY- _ CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL N�. LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Pagb 3 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEMED BY DATE December 31 1953 COMMISSIONER— Bernard F. Gretz 230 A. Western Gas Station App. 6954 Renewal t L u J 4 I9bg COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_— 195— Yeas Nays Nflb e . ,,,s'�3.a Holland Approved 195_ Marzitelli Mortinson ----In Favor ayor Peterson I Rosen ----Against Mr. President, Daubney 551 2-6a " C. F, No. lg8g&7— ` Resolved, That checks be Graven n ahs City treasury, to the aggregate NOTICE mount of 3517.828.97, covering ehecke numbered 98271 to 98322 induaive s TO Per h cksp an Ne 1n the office of the PRINTER COUI Clptlopted btr therCouncll December 31; 1953. y A111­tl December 3t, 1993, (January 2, 1954) COUNCIL FILE NO.__ Dec. 30 53 - 19_ RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $ 517 828'37 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBEREOIGG1.__TOrL 22INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. \ r ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_.. APPROVED___ 19 BY_A-a.-- -.� BROUGHTFORWARD 56271 Samuel G. Crea & Josephine 0. 58272 Mary Crea 58273 Sam Taruscio, Jr. 58274 Capitol Awn. & Shade Co. 58275 Milton Rosen 58276 A. J. Tschida 58277 Frank D. Marzitelli 58278 N N 58279 M N 582870 N N 58281 Frank D. Marziteel 58282 ' N N 58283 Board of Water Commissioners N N M 58285 N N N 56286 Robt. F. Peterson 58287 N N 58288 Norris U. Halvorson 58289 Bd. of Education 58290 Joseph J. Mitchell, Comptroller 56291 0. D. Loeks, City Planning 58292 Milton Rosen 56293 Bur. of auditorium 58294 Antoinette E. Kellerman 58295 Elizabeth G. McMahon 58296 Mrs. nelen Sullivan 58297 Ann F. Campion 58298 Lawrence A. Soler -Water Dept. 58299 State of Minn. Val Bjorns,n 58300 Mun. Finance Officerls Assoo. 58301 Crane Co. of Minnesota 58302 E. A. Danneoker 58303 East Side Grocery Co. 58304 Farwell Ozmun Kirk and Co. 58305 N N N 58306 Johnson and Barnes 58307 Muxlow Vet. Hospital 58308 F. E. Quimby Co. 58309 Rogers Sery-Wel ® 58310 Co. Welfare Bd. 58311 Co. N N 56312 Mies belen McGinnis 58313 Lawrence Soler, Water Dept. 56314 American Linen Supply Co. 58315 F. H. Bathke Co. 58316 Bishop Tow. Service 56317 Farwell Ozmun Kirk and Co. 58318 N N N 38319 roreman-Beaton Co. 58320 hagen Supply Co. 58321 J. w. Rulme Co. 38.322 Kin, Pig Co. SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 3.570 263.43. . 11 335 00 11 335 00 00 142 50 163 232 19 758 88 63 076 32 X�9969 555 443 60 117 790 80 53 748 13 503 67 828 83 530 16 345 57 262 50 1 242 74 1 136 81 150 00 6 25 362 78 300 00 120 00 108 00 30 00 30 00 46 84 1 425 00 100 00 121 79 44 15 59 65 187 88 214 44 22 41 158 50 147 00 32 90 39 516 12 41 170 11 12 27 11 10 119 29 172 33 97 00 165 94 196 84 30 10 130 23 306 25 3 947 40 4 088 091 80 I � I CITY OF SAINT PAUL��1 COUNCIL ft DUPLICATE TO CIT( CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER ,.° :" AUDITED CLAIMS -- Dem 3�_ ,B HOLLAND I MARZITELLI —� IN FAVOR MORTINSON RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY PETERSON ROSEN MR. PRES. DAUBNEY ___AGAINST _ IN THE AMOUNT OF S ori' 517 828-37 —, COVERING ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI APPROVEDrvoxaelo CHECK NUMBER ,I CHECKS NO. 58271 PER CHECKS ON FILE IN 3 _ RV IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER CHECKS TO 58322 INCLUSIVE, AS THEOFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. TOTTAA L DATE DISBURSEMENT RETURNED BY BANK CHECKS BROUGHTFORWARD 56271 Samuel G. Crea & Josephine 0. 58272 Mary Crea 58273 Sam Taruscio, Jr. 58274 Capitol Awn. & Shade Co. 58275 Milton Rosen 58276 A. J. Tschida 58277 Frank D. Marzitelli 58278 N N 58279 M N 582870 N N 58281 Frank D. Marziteel 58282 ' N N 58283 Board of Water Commissioners N N M 58285 N N N 56286 Robt. F. Peterson 58287 N N 58288 Norris U. Halvorson 58289 Bd. of Education 58290 Joseph J. Mitchell, Comptroller 56291 0. D. Loeks, City Planning 58292 Milton Rosen 56293 Bur. of auditorium 58294 Antoinette E. Kellerman 58295 Elizabeth G. McMahon 58296 Mrs. nelen Sullivan 58297 Ann F. Campion 58298 Lawrence A. Soler -Water Dept. 58299 State of Minn. Val Bjorns,n 58300 Mun. Finance Officerls Assoo. 58301 Crane Co. of Minnesota 58302 E. A. Danneoker 58303 East Side Grocery Co. 58304 Farwell Ozmun Kirk and Co. 58305 N N N 58306 Johnson and Barnes 58307 Muxlow Vet. Hospital 58308 F. E. Quimby Co. 58309 Rogers Sery-Wel ® 58310 Co. Welfare Bd. 58311 Co. N N 56312 Mies belen McGinnis 58313 Lawrence Soler, Water Dept. 56314 American Linen Supply Co. 58315 F. H. Bathke Co. 58316 Bishop Tow. Service 56317 Farwell Ozmun Kirk and Co. 58318 N N N 38319 roreman-Beaton Co. 58320 hagen Supply Co. 58321 J. w. Rulme Co. 38.322 Kin, Pig Co. SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 3.570 263.43. . 11 335 00 11 335 00 00 142 50 163 232 19 758 88 63 076 32 X�9969 555 443 60 117 790 80 53 748 13 503 67 828 83 530 16 345 57 262 50 1 242 74 1 136 81 150 00 6 25 362 78 300 00 120 00 108 00 30 00 30 00 46 84 1 425 00 100 00 121 79 44 15 59 65 187 88 214 44 22 41 158 50 147 00 32 90 39 516 12 41 170 11 12 27 11 10 119 29 172 33 97 00 165 94 196 84 30 10 130 23 306 25 3 947 40 4 088 091 80 GrIcInA to City Clrk CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRES&TED BY � C\ COUNCIL FILE NO. RESOLVED, that the appointment by the Mayor of Rev. Melvin A. Hammarberg as a member of the Housing and Redevelop- ment Authority for a five-year term ending September 15, 1958, is hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays :--Ii Irv, orson Holland _--ffarzitelli ,-Mortinson ,fe-ierson ,,Xr. President, Daubney SM 2-63 -093�0­ C. F. No. 166684—By John E. Daubney. May.— Resolved. that the gp�inunent by he Mayor of Rev. Mel n A. Harnaour- berg as a ratunber of the Homing .ad Ftdevelotanant Authority for a Rve_year tem ending Septernber 15. 1958� 1. he -by pp ved. Adopted by the Connell January 5. 1954. Approved J,nu,,y 5, 1954. (January 9, 1954) ; I I � 5 19% Adopted by the Council-196— JAN 5 �54 Approved ____195_ —In Favor yer- -lAgainst -0 1-5-54 Note for Mrs. O'Connell ... This letter is for your records only, and is not to be taken to the Council meeting, as the resolution was approved by the Council today. J. E. D. (14tv of "544d Paul AutwWta JOHN E. DAUBNEY MAYOR January 5, 1954 Mrs. Agnes O'Connell, City Clerk, City of Saint Paul. Dear Mrs. O'Connell: Please be advised that, effective immediately, I have appointed the Reverend Melvin Hammarberg, pastor of Arlington Hills Lutheran Church, residing at 1092 Ivy Avenue East, Saint Paul, to be a member of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority for the term expiring September 15, 1958, subject to confirmation by the City Council. Very truly yours, C Ma o 4 r r�E= (Mg of 'Saw Paul /% �ixentttttr JOHN E DAUSNEY �YOR CERTIFICATE OF APPOINTMENT OF REV. MELVIN A. HAMMARBERG AS COMMISSIONER OF TIM HOUSING AND REDEVELORffM AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAM PAUL, bfflTNESCITA . . . . . . . . . . Date: January 5, 1954 WHEREAS on the 31st day of December, 1948, pursuant tolaw, the Mayor of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota did appoint Mrs. Charles T. Burnley to serve as Commissioner of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, and it now appearing that the term, of Mrs. Charles T. Burnley has expired, NOW, THEREFOREs pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Housing and Redevelopment Act, Chapter 487, Laws of Minnesota of 1947, Article 2p Subdivision 6, and by virtue of my office as Mayor of the City of Saint Paul, I hereby appoint Rev. Melvin A. Hammarberg to serve as Commissioner of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota for the five-year term ending September 15, 1958. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto signed my name as Mayor of the City of saint Paul, Minnesota, and caused the official Corporate Seal of the said City to be impressed hereon this 5th day of January in the year Nineteen Hundred and Fifty Four. 1___4_;_/�;' Ll&=L� r, City of Saint Paul (SEAL) r7m A oriffi"I is City CI'rk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C. F. No. 16660—By Norris. 0. Halvor- I— � "" "'b"' T. Holland, Frank D. COU CIL RESOLUTj9N- GENERA� FORM Marzitelli. Severt. A. -tinsam. John E autmay," ayor— PRESENTED BY Robert F,)Peteno jalton R.— harass, Lambert S. Gill — Cal d EOMMIS&ONE 1964. of fr.. this life no J .... ry 3. age of sixty-four years, after but Is P.7 a of faithful arr�,cc on. t the interest of his reffamunity its chits serious v. - bensain.vt Unp—Thl'eth's .11 of1jus activities in outor :,,,,'a,re.eSpcvI.IIy d.df.1 WHEREAS, Lambert S. Gill was called from this the Lima Of his "' " of the Retail January 3, 1954, at the age of sixty-four years, after many ap-� years of faithful service on his part In the Interests of this community and its citizens In various capacities. It would be almost impossible to enumerate all of his activities in our behalf, but we are especially mindful of the fact that at the time of his death he was Chairman of'the Retail Division of the Saint Paul Association, a member of the Saint Paul Athletic Club, and a Past Potentate of Osman Temple. He was also the former Director of the Saint Paul Credit Bureau; he we -a "RBoreas the 18th in 1942 and held that post for four years I World War II. His untiring efforts during that period to be on hand several mornings each week to appear at the Armory during the early morning hours to help bid farewell to Ramsey County boys inducted into the military services was very laudible; and WHEREAS, his demise has occasioned grief and a sense of deprivation to his family and hosts of friends and acquaintances throughout this community and an Immeasurable loss to the City of Saint Paul and its citizenry; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that we, the Mayor and the Council of the City of Saint Paul, in our official capacity and in behalf of all the citizens of this city, do hereby extend to the members of the be- reaved family of the deceased our deep and heartfelt sympathy in this hour of their tragic loss; be It FURTHER RESOLVED, in token of our sympathy, that this resolution be spread on the minutes of the Council of the City of Saint Paul, and that a copy thereof be sent by the City Clerk to the sorrowing family of Lambert S. Gill. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council--195— Yeas Nays J A i Halvorson Holland Approved Marzitelli Mortinson ---In Favor yor r Peterson Rosen --L-Against PUBLISHED -_L7 - Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 AW" 060-1 W City CI�k COUNCIL NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ( �. _ . 31� 'DATE J6nuall 5,X== 1954 COMMISSIONER- 2�4 WHEREAS: Montgomery Ward & Co. 1400 University Avenue, applied for and received License No. 9556 for Christmas Tree License, expiring September 1. 1954, requested the cancellation of this license and refund made to them inasmuch asthey did not engage in this business this year, therefore, be it RESOLVED: That Christmas Tree License No. 9556, exniining September 1. 1954, issued to Montgomery Ward & Go. be and the same is hereby cancelled and that the proner city officers be And they are hereby authorized to refund to Montgomery �,,ard and Co. the fee of $ 15-00 posted for said license. CANCELLATION INFORIvALLY APPROVED BY COUNCIL December 28, 1953 (Refund) Appn C4599 Attn- A. - i,. Hooper, Oper. Mgr. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 1161.rid _,�Crtinson -Peterson - -4fosen M'r. President, Daubiiey �.'4 2-63 -090�-" C. F. No. 166686—By N0111. 0 b .,_,Halvor on—Severin A. Mort n obert F. Peterson— Where,,. 10m' 1%,rd & Co. tjm_rr 11711 "Do AVenU;. pplied f. and recei�d lAceme No. .556 far Christmas TreerLicense . iring s -P equest�d�tlf tember 1. 1954' a c..c tion of this license and fund made to the. inasmuch as they did out en .n this business this yekr,,, the%gleor I be it Tre Resolved. That Chr. cense NO 9556, ex. pi'.. cpicra.�sr 1954, issued to Montgomery Co. be and the same Is hereby =1.'d and that the proper city officer, bel and they are by -thori-d to I re"Ind to Montg= j. 11r.rd . Co. the fee of $15.00 posted or rid, license. Adopted by the Council anuarY 5. 19M. Approvcd January 5. 1954. (January 9. 1954) '-.� M4 Adopted by the Council _195 Mir� � "M Approved--195- -In Favor Against Ma7 Original to, City ChA �11 - (':': 68'1 CITY OF ST. PAUL Cou"C" NO, LICENSE COM41TIM OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK .... COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY January 5. X= 1954 WHEREAS : Harry 0, VieIleiz desires to withdraw Application C 6719 for Photographer's License at 2-12 East Sixth Street and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore, be it RESOLVED: That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Harry On VieUelix the fee of $ 16.67. deducting $ 8-33 from the original fee of $ 25.00 posted for the period the applicant ooerated 'on the application and to cancel said application -for license. C. Fn No. 166687—B� N.tri. 0. H.1—r- an __Se,e,,n A. Marthea—Robert F. pctc_._ ,,Whereas. Han -y 0. Viell— desirf: withdr— Application C 671 or Phot,gtrapher's LAcense at 112 Fast Sixth Street and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon. therefore. be it ,Re,,I,ed, fT1,,t.1,he p per city wyl- " a be . h � c hMby authorized 1. refund to Harry 0. Vielleux the f� of $16.67. deducting .33 ran, the ort last fee of $25.00 'd 11 r the inaru the applicant op`�'�',.'ted a. t he cppl ca on an a can f aid appli all,, for license, Adopted by the Council J,nuary 5. 1954. Approved January 5. 1954, (January 9, 1954) WITHDRANAL (Partial Refund) jpjl 5 1934 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council _195 Yeas Nays Halvorson JAN Holland /1,7 Approved_ - 195 Marzitelli Mortinson ----In Favor Peterson May Rosen —_ - —Against Mr. President, Daubney .1m 2-53 -owlIl-1. original W City Chek UNCIL It CITY OF ST. PAUL CF OE NO. LjcENsE COWITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM January 5 a= PRESENTED BY 1954 COMMISSIONEI_2c��_ - RESOLVED: That Gas Sta 2 pimp Lipense No. 9343 and Portion of License No- 386 covering Gas Station L Add Pumpp both expiring June 1. 1954, issued to Leon Kinney at 1266 Hudson Road be and the same. are hereby transferred to Aaron Rainsey -at the same address. 0 H I r A. 'T C Fu No 16668a- 1. —Se'cri. Peterson— Res,ived That cenev canse Ne, 9343 and Portion of id No 386 covering G,ut Stati-11 Ad both xXiring June ii 1954, "�"y " "' "' 'a 1h anion 1re "`�dreby ,load be �t transferred to Aaron RarnttvY the ,..v addre" the Co -61 J-11naly 5 Adopted b' 1954, Appr­,d,,f,nu,tr) 5. 1954. n ... y �, 954, TRANSFER (Licensees) t JAN' 5 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council __195— yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Appr ved--195— Marzitelli Mortinson ---In Favor Peterson ---Against Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 *­P�­ Odgi—I to City Cl�k CO NCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL Fl LEE NO. LicENsE CO11MTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C UNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY January 5. A= :L954 COMMISSIONE RFSOLVED: That Restaurant, On and Off Sale Malt Beverageq Tavern$ Dance Hall and Cigarette Licenses No. 7557, all expiring April 12, 1954, issued to Oscar Robins at 126 West Central Avenue be and the same are hereby transferred to Oscar Robins at 489 St. Peter Street. C. Fh No. 166611S ­11Y Norris 0 H,lvoFr- -Severin A. MoriJid-h Robert V'et e—h— Re,ol,ed, That R­iadr.nt, On add Off Sale Malt Beverage, T—er., Dan- H,ll and Cigarette A, . g�. No. 7557, i-. d to Apri.l. '%V'Jt C�ntral Ave - 0—r Robl­ , hereby a od th� " - n�Z­fhered 1. 01 arMhi­­� 189 St Peter Street, Adopted bY it,, Coa-l J—a-y 5, 19" 19� ADI, ­,rd Janulry 5, (jan,,ry 9. 195,l) TRANSFER (Location) T-nformall,,, aoproved by Council September 22, 1953 5 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays orr.. ,4.11and Approved 195 195- --ga,zitelli zi -Mortinson An Favor --- Mayor -6terson ) Against _.Rosen g'r. President, Daubney 51'd 2-63 -09P�­ Orl,1.0 to City Cl,,k Co CITY OF ST. PAUL FiLUNCIL E NO. LICENM C014n= OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PRESENTED BY COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM January 5, 1954 COMMISSIONE /4���DATE R T *t to conduct Bingo Games, applied for by the following ESOLVIDt That licenses for per.ml organizations at the addresses stated, for the daysq dates* and hours indicated on each application, be and the same are hereby granted. Pre -Kind. P. T. A. Bureau of Jewish Educ. 1464 Sumalit Ave. I Period Apo. 6866 New C. F� No. 166690—By Norris o. Ralvor- so —Severit, A. Mm,jc..o—R.bcrt F. Peter - "td, Th.t Bingo Games license Resolve by the organization ,.—d "Pas' on be list attached to this resoufi�dn. ,"d the same is hereby Wted-t-;; b�',d , c City Clerk is lost— h the P. "t 'us such license upon t Y. into tile City treasurY of the req ired fees, Adopted by tile Council January 19" Appr,vedj Jnu,ryg 5.,.19 u."y 541 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council __195— Yeas Nays Halvorson JAN 5 1954 Holland Approved Marzitelli Mortinson -In Favo Mayor Peterson r) --Against Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 51M 2-53 -49PO .. Or,.[..[ Is CU, C6A CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. LICENSE CO10117`TEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY P___ _ _�� --) 17, -r--DATE COMMISSIONE ZZ Z4� January 5, 1954 RESOLVEDs That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. McGill Warner Co. 226-32 E. 10th Pkg Lot App. 6720 New New Loc. Morrison Ladies AppPrel 81 E- 7th Kemieth Edmndson 431 Wabasha COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson -An Favor Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2.63 -00�" Closing Out Sale (30 days) App. 7029 New Pitchmn Peddler I Da. App. 7096 C. F� No. 16�691—By Norris 0. HAIV0'_ So —Severt, A. moftics—El.bact F. Peterson— Resolved. That licenses-apphed by the per an 1,he I. I _"' ""al c .1t.ch.d to this res. tI-- ad 'he .c are hereby granted, and the City Clerk I, Instructed to issue such 'iceasas upon the pay..nt into the C ity treasury of the ­nqaIrad fe.. Adopted by the Cou ell January 5. Appr—d J .... rY 5.951954. (January 9, 1 4) j r,. �j 510 Adopted by the Council __195— rv.VP Approv ---195— UaT.r . \1 Original I, City CI ­k CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL VILE NO. JjCEjjSE COISMTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �'— - — I January 5. 11M 1954 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER__ licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses statedq RESOLVED: That be and the same are hereby granted. Sam Sevak 182 E. 7th 2nd Hd Dlr. Gen App. 6794 Renewal Karl A. Niva 419 Sibley M. A. D. Loc. to 6807 of It 11 11 it X. A. Dev (2) 11 M. blach (1) Abe Wiesberg 287 E. 6th M. A. D. Loc. 11 11 X. A. Dev (1) 6842 11 46A. Jr. & Albert C. Tschida M. "'ach (1) 6844 11 616 Cono yro & Mrs. Elither L. Orr & Benjamin J. Thomas 6861 150 Bremer Arcade M. A. D. Loc. It M. A. Dev (2) Da. -ton' s Bluff Gom'l Club 770 E. 7th M. A. D. Loc. 6865 11 11 it of 11 M. A. Dev (2) to it X. Mach (1) Carl Fink 597 Broadway M. A. D. Loc. 11 11 M. A. Dev (3) 6871 11 Gino Andreassi 22l E - 7th X. A. D. Loc. Dev (4) to 6875 it 11 it M. A. Sanuel G. Guzzo 299 Eo 7th M. A. D. Loc. 6878 It 11" 14. A.Dev (3)-ol 14. 14ach (1) In, Patrick Guzzo 159 E. Kellogg 11. A * D. Loc. A.Dev (1) 6879 M. M. I'lach (1) COUNCILMEN Adopted by tu---r-s 0. El'oh,_ c -a Mortason—Robect F Yeas Nays so _�u'-.­' A. pRefe."MeT. That ucenses applied Inc t the Us' this resolution be an b�, the P-rs,,s named On Id ! to Halvorson a inched and the are hereby granksti, h A p ' the asn" Issue so Ctry clerk h, onshurted I t�h into c Holland Marzitelli licenses upon the payment City treasury of the requh.d fee- Adopted by the Council Mortinson ---In Favor 19541� prroted J.nu.ryq ""15151 A (January Peterson Rosen _—Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 `s�­ oflxIo,j to CU, CI -k CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL tILE NO. C0109TME OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM January 5, )MIM 1954 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER-­­­-­ DATE PAcE No. 2 (Renewals) George Koury 186 Grove M. A D. Loc. M. A: Dev (3) App. 6884 Renewal Michael J. Petrucci 455 W.7th M. A. D. Loc. it 6899 1,4 A. Dev (2) M. Mach (1) NicksBallas Ng and Ernest Ball -as X. A D. Loc. 6901 185 E. 7th It X. A: Dev (2) 11 11 M. Mach (1) Constantine J. Manos Adr. Est. of Jarnes Ma-nOs X. A. D. Loc. 69o4 241 E. 7th M. A. Dev (1) X. Mach (1) 1,16—is Esrig 5?5-27 Broadway X. Mach (1) 6909 It Carl H. F Ord 11 X. A. D. Loc. 302 E. 7th X. A.Dev (3) 6918 it X. Mach (1) Matthew J. Russell 600 Broadway X, A. D. Loc. 6919 It X. A.Dev (2) 0 M. Mach (1) 11 Walter Toskey 902 Farrington 14. A D. Loc. M. A: Dev (1) 6924 It M. Mach (1) ArVmr F. Porter 856 Payne M. A. D. Loc. M. A. Dev (2) 6926 X. I'Lacb (1) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council __195— Yeas Nays Halvorson Approved---195— Holland Marzitelli Mortinson ---In Favor Mayor Peterson Rosen ---Against Mr. President, Daubney 5%1 2-63 -40t- M fl 002 OflXi,,1 W City C6,k COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. LICENSE CONCI TEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY January 5XIM 1954 COMMISSIONER— DATE PAGE NO- 3 k NM�ewals Yjrs. Fern Gregoire 928 Arcade M. A. D. Loc. App. 6927 Renewal 11 M. A. Dev (3) X. 1qach (1) 14ollAe.Alpert 412 N. Smith Grocery 6937 Butcher Off Sale Malt Ci,arette Frank C. Graves 932-11, Arcade Restaurant 6963 11 On Sale Malt Off Sale Malt Ci-arette, xxxxxklkxx Robert N. Kopp 2209 Bayard I"notographer 6993 Stanley S. Rubin & Joseph Gordon 1340 Grand Grocery 8996 Butcher 11 Off Sale 111PIt 11 Cigarette L. H. Brewer 794 E. 7th Auto ReD Gar -6999 0 11. Craighead 1365 W- Iowa Photographer 70o8 11 Standard Oil Co. 1111 University Gas Sta 6 P 7017 11 Harry Cohen 370 E. 7th Junk- Dir 7021 11 M1 5 10 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council __195— Yeas Halvorson Nays 'i M -F i�M Holland A proved _195— iMarzitelli Mortinson An Favor Mayo J, Mayo Peterson JO Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubney 51M 2.53 4;jE�­ Oriwinal to City CIr,k 9 c � i CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE; CITY CLERK FILE NO. ---- COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY WEIRREASt the Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported, In accordance wi6h Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency during the period from December 16th to December 31st 1953, which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of the Water Department for more than eight hours per day or forty hours per week In doing the following work: (1) Securing operational data in connection with survey being made for Purification & Filtration plant (2) Repairing gear on coal conveyor (3) Clearing ice away from intake at Mississippi River Sta. (4) Repairing water mains, various locations. (5) Taking emergency calls at Storeyard. (6) Checking leaks on Mississippi River conduit (7) Eriving and servicing truck. AND WE3MEAS, this emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: (1) Necessary to complete tests after working hours. (2) In order to put equipment in working order. (3) Necessary to continue working in order to keep ice from piling up. (4) In order to put water mains in service as soon as possible Mr. President, Daubncy 69 2-53 (5) Nights and Sundays (6) In order to finish in one location so as to be able to move to another location next day. (7) Taking country crew to and from worke THIMEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the employees who performed such work in aocordame with the provisions of the Councills salary ordinance, Ordinance No. C't F 169693-13y Severin A. PA- t'" 5 IM Rc..—d, That the tro city offi- cers hereby COUNCILMEN are aut o ed to pay certain crop oyes in the Was 'I Adopted by the Council 195 Yeas Nays ruent for extra ennph,yme�r scribed in the resolution. Adopted by the Council January 5. 54. JAN 5 i�54 Halvorson Approved January 5. JN4. (January 9, 1954) Holland -7 Approved— --- Marzitelli —195 Mortinson Peterson --In Favor Rosen 11'1 ---Against Mr. President, Daubncy 69 2-53 Original L. City Cirri, CITY OF ST PAUL COUNCIL fill NO. C FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER-- DATE RESOLVED, that out of the Water Department Fund, weekly compensation of $35.00 be paid Orville Klein while he is totally disabled by reason of injuries he received on December 11, 1953, while employed by the Water Department and that $70-00 in partial settlement, to and Including January 4, 1954, Is now payable. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 6M 2-53 -0jD-­ C. F. No. 1666114—By S—ed. A. it a.— Water Bls,'d, kly Pg. tion of W5.00 be paid 0-ille t� while he is totally disabIg by reason of I" Doe be' ii. --p'l= by the Wall Department and that $70.00 in partial! settlement, to and including Januaryl 4 1 1954, is ,, y,bl,n.il d t by g .p ed Cou J..u.'y 5. 1954. App—ed January 5. 1954� (January 9. 19MI j,r'J" 5 19% Adopted by the Council--195— Approved 195 ---In Favor Mayor --Against ICIN05 original to City CI,,k COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL ME OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK AUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY December 22, 1953 Cc DATE MMiSSIONE RESOLVM That the Northern States Power Company be C.sF. No. 166695—By Norris. 0. Halvor. on— Resolved. That the Nortbp State.sl Power Company be given ronts to 'I given permission to install one pole on install one po e on northwest earba,r, University and Aurora, two poles on west aid. of Robert. north of Univer., northwest corner University and Aurora, sity, 12 poles on west side of Capitol Hetights between Robert and Arch. with d Ir necessary anchg;� an L.� real, to " " "tn 'or an TXp'h'.n: C.­Pmy poTMhIch will two poles on west side -of Robert, north be reenoved. Pat.. ad wiles to be removed when requested to do so of University, 12 poles on west side of by the Common Council and cost of mid removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. Adopted by the Council January 5, Capitol Heights between Robert and Arch, I"'. App,.ocd,Ja..ary 1954. mary 9 M) with necessary guys, anchors and wires, to replace existing Northwestern Bell Tele– phone Company poles which will be removed. Poles and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. tq 5 ISM COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL---195— Yeas Nays JAW 5 1954 Halvorson Holland A Marzitelli Mortinson -----In Favor or Peterson 0 Rosen —_—Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-63 -4S4"' OdKi—I to City Clek PRESENTED BY Vi 106 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FOR�( Jant:,Pr, R�SOJ,'!ED, Thnt the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor and liprpby awar�s contra ct for furnishin, all labor, matqri:�' F ind services necessary to install a four-fpot overall he.1 �,:ht chain-link fence on two sides of th,� play,,,round at Laurel and '.12c.1cubin Streets, St. Tlatil� Minnesota to 17�GJLFY Cg,�FIAHY in accordance with City cpecific,:,tions and the Formal. Bid #4378 of said Crowley Pence Comparly, at a total contract rrice of �`�677.00 arProximately, sach b4-1 beifl� the lowest -nd said Cra4ley Pence Company beinF, the lowes� reasonable and reliable biider, �nd the Corporation CoLinsel he and hereby is dircrted to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, -nnd the �rcp-r City cfficiiis hereby are a-ithorized to ezecute said cont-�,ct on behalf of the city Of St. Paul. C. F. No. 166696 --BY N.11is 0. HII-1- son— F.B. /�4379. Resolved. That the Council hereby spproves the award of The Coal .. I Committee therefor. ad hstsby awards It von ract for furnishing all labor teria4a and services necencary to Install a four-foct overall height chain-link fence on two sides of t e Playground, at Laurel and Mackubfi� Streets St Paul, Minnesota to CROWLEY FENCE or C MPANY In acmrdan- I,- - COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 6M 2-63 -OOD-1- at a total contract price of $6jj:6d IPProx=e,l SCUch being the I"'st y lid bid ... y i,any beinf, the lo�raw.t ' Z'..ablc`an� reliable b cider, �nd the Corporation Counsel be and er,by is directed to draw uP the therefor ad Ptoper a form If contract 11'reby � a t I Pr ' C ,e a-thor.-J"i. ex"Lo"'J"' contract on behalf of the ,Cylte said Pa It ' C If St. F. B. No 4378. Adopted by the Council J,111,,ry 5. 954. Ap-provediar-ry 5, 1954. (January 9, 1954) jAN' 5 1954 Adopted by the CounciL-195— JAN 1EA Approved 195- --In Favor 374� Mayor )—Against OrI91-1 to City Cl,�k CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COUNCIL FILE NO. P"'111697 RESOLVED, that a warrant Ve drawn in favor of Mrs. Clara Benson in the sum of $3.00, being a refund of the fee paid for a journeyman electrician certificate of competency for Harold F. Benson, who is now deceased. C. F, No 166697—By Norris 0. Halvor- ,,Resolved, That I I—Ant be dlav,u favor ' Mrs. Clara nson in the sum of $3.00, being a refund of the I I, '�e Pa 'dt for, a Journeyman elertrl ian ert P. iflea e o ,mpe ency for Haro d Benson, wh 0 is rov, d —sed. Adopted by the Courn, L.4. January 5. APProved January S ' 1954 (Ja ... ry 9. 1954) JAN 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by thc Council-195— Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland App ved___ ____195_ Marzitelli Mortinson ----In Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen .--Against Mr. President, Daubitey 6M 2-53 'QGWI- Paul A DEPA�T*m OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNM AND',PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hollj,�Zbne 2 NORRIS 0. HALVORSOR, Commissioner FRANK L. LOSS, Deputy Commissioner W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ALFRED H. SCHROEDER Supi. of Farb — City Achffed December 31, 1`153 1-11r. � imot" y P. P'uin.r, u Cor ' poration Counsel 316 City Hall Dear Sir: ERNEST W. JOHNSON SuP4. of Playgrounds ','Ie have received a request from ;.trs. Clara 13enson, 819 Blair Avenue, St. Paul 4, for a refund of $3.00 which is tho amount paid for a Journeyman Electrician Certifi- c ' ate Of COmPctcncy for Harold F. Bcnson, her husband, wrio is now deceased. The 1954 Certificate will therefore not be reouired and we recommieno' that the refund he granted. Yours truly, A�led 11. ochroeder CITY ARCI!ITFCT, Approved by Ij 0. !Ialvorson -Commissioner I - ( _'; 1q -,' (; W9 orist-1 to City CI -1, CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. I FILE - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESCLUTIOW-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY January L 1Z), COMMJSSIONER— DATE RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Comptroller, to purchase fro?ft 14INE SAFETY APPLIANCE COMPANY one M.S.A. High- pressure Oxygen and Air Pump, motor operated, and one Y.S.A. Dryer for same at a cost of $1040.00 lees allowance for old pump to be traded in $50.00, ma�ing total amount of $990,00, without advertisement or competitive bids as thise are patented articles and this is the only sourc of sup ly and, no advantage could be ained thereby. Charge Fire Fund - Supplies 8-C2. 0/1� � 67U 4 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney ISM 2-53 4EPO" C. F. No. 166698 --By Robert F. Peter - Resolved. That the P.c==dA.9eat be. and he Is hereby 'C", t Ueu, to the consent of the ';�WAPkJ Purchase 'WANn.S.AM.S_A_ Fujh:j ANC. V. Pump' Tofo pressure Oxy3en ad Air operated. an one M.S.A. Dr?,er or same at a cost of $1040.00 less al 0 far old purop to be trd;%0m 7019 m.k In', . total Mount of .00. �vith ,mt advertiserneat or bidd as these are Patented Prt thla is the only source of supply and no advantage could J�l S9,aired therchy ,,'a C Charge Fire F.n — T c - I Adopted by the COunci January 5. '954 A�pr­cd January 5. ID54 (January 9. 19541 JAN 5 195-4 Adopted by the Council 195— Approved 195- -In Favor BY — or Against i4 Oriffl—I I, City Cltrk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMhUSSIONER____ DATE December �0, 1953 RESOLVIM, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Comptroller to purchase from SEAGRAVE CORPOPATION, 1 - Seagrave Aerial Ladder pipe Ub335 with 1-1/411 at $250.00, 1 - I'Iountin�g bracket I'lanufacturers #4640 at A20.09, and 3 - Interchan7cable tips - 1-1/2"3 1-311,11 and 211. All thread sizes to 2-1/211 National Standard at ��115-00 ea. - $45.00, at a totall cost of $315.00, without advertisement or coripetiti7le bids, as this is the onl­ sotirce of supply and no advanta,�e could be gained thereby. Char�e: Public Safety Repair Shop/1005- C. F. No. 166699—By Robert F. Peter -1 'I"— R .. 1,,ed, That the Purchasing Age I be. and he Is hc­bY ..thorid. �Alo 'f th C to the consent o . "pU-II"'OR- p ,�,rRhase from the SEAGRAV* C ATION. AWT_.dder pipe U4335 at .00. 1— Mounting brackeld Manufacturers No. 4640 It S20.W. an �Int-chappable tips—ilY, land 2d..All.tth$r- to 2!2" NiltUh'a St.. 'd 15.00 $45. at a total cost of $315.00, with- (l2livertisement or competiti,e bids, at I as this iso the only source , supplY could be game and no dvant,g, 'hereby. Chargc: Public Safety Repair Shop 1 005. Ad pied by tile Council January 5. 1954. App,,vedj January 9.5,1919 4. nuary ,41 1,54 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council _195— Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved— —195-.- Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor Peterson Rosen —Against Mr. President, Daubney SM 2-53 -QN— origba,] to City Cirri, COUNCIL NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL3RESO�UTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 'I— _ DAT CoMtAISSIONIER____� RFSOLVED, that the proper City Officers are authorized to accept the sun of $600.()o from the Great Northern Railway Company in settlement of Registered Bill No. 3-2378y for the cost of repairing a Fire Department vehicle2 damaged by a bus owned by said Great Northern Railway Company and driven by its employees George A. Fors. Ne 1,6,:�Be R,b1,1 F, P1111 Fe..L_ th Propel Mt'y a'- I e are .'i-ri.ed to $�00.Do from the. ""'t Ztie.e-t of RIIIWIY Company 3'68 far the —t 0 Regi,te,red """E'Nue D.Wi�o­t -hide. of epa rLob a d,maged 't Y a Fho',ao'C"ed by _. idd .,I y ,apany Great No hero .P,.y A. d,iven by its _. George F.&P ted by the C --'L J'"""'y A "S'* Appr,vedj J,nu.,Yg 5 191954 o. -Y 54) ' - 1954 Adopted by the Counc*'�" 155— COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays j A, Fq Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson aApprov in Favor Peterson Rosen ---Against Mr. President, Dauloney 6M 2-53 -400— 01W-1 t- CIL, CI -k J� , "." CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. -9 �'I), OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RE�ICLLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED ay COMMISSIONER--�� I)ATE- WH-,-REAS, James V. McLeod, an employe of the Department of Public Safety, was injured on the 20th day of October 1950, when struck by a car while on duty, and WHEREAS, the City is obligated to pay for medical and hospital bills, salary and permanent partial disability the sum of §4839-53, and WHEREAS, said James V. McLeod commenced an action against Roy L. Klingsporn, the Party responsible for his injury on duty, being represented In said action by Hoffm'a'nn, Donahue & Graff and Harold W. Schultz, and WHEREAS the aforementioned action has been settled in the amount of 48250-00, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the City a draft in the amount of $8250-00, In which the City is named as one of the payees thereon, and the proper city officers are also authorized to accept the check of Hoffmann, Donahue & Graff, payable to the City, in the sum of 83629.65, in accordance with Council File No. 166345. N-� 166701—BY R.t,,,t F. P�t­ lj,�tllod. In em - of Publi, —h 0 JAN 5 104 Yeas COUNCILMEN Nays Adopted by the COuricil-195— Halvorson jiir"', :'. - ffoliar'4-- nA proved— ----195— Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen -2�Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2.53 -0900-1- Grizinal t, City Ch,rk 161 i702 COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES04UTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_ DATE RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Public Safet7 is hereby authorized and directed to petition this Council for the vacation of the southerly 9 feet of the northerly 18 feet, except the westerly 25 feet, of Lot 32 Block 14, Whitney and Smithis Addition to St. Paul; it is hereby FURTHER RESOLVED, that the time for completion of the sale of the above and adjoining property is hereby extended until such time as said vacation is complete. C. F. No. 1667M—By Robert F, Peter - Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Safety is hereby authorived and directed to petition this Council for the vacation of the southerly 9 f9t of the northerly 18 feet. ex, -,,Pt - _sterly "� Fee'. of "'t I Bock 14. WhIlre, ad Smith. Addition to St. Paul; it is hereby Further Resolved. That the Lim for — 'tio. of the sale of the above '%1 adjoining property isidhereby extended until such time as So e.ca- tion is ""Plet' Adopted by the C—cil January 5, I� Approved January 5, 1954. (January 9. 1954) 14 JAN 5 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council-195— Yeas Haivorson Nays JAN 5 1954 Approv d— 195 Marzitelli Mortinson ----In Favor — Ma r Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 49MAO— I 0,1glu,[ I, City CI,A PRESENTED BY COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE 'j;;niinrY )13 195). RESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards contract for furnishing all labor, mnterials and services necessary to rebuild platform and hoist on 2 -1/2 -ton Truck, Car #66 for the Bureau of l4uninipal Equipment, to E. HOIBY BODY C%IPAITr in accordance with City specificl-tions and the Formal Bid �r4377 of said E. Hoiby Body Company at a contrect price of $765.00, such bid being the lowest and said E. Hoiby Body Company being the lowest reasonable and reliable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City cfficials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on beha�f of the City of St. Paul. C.t F.. No. 1667W—Ely Frank D. M­J� el — F.B. #4377. Resolved ' That -the Counc I hereby .,prove. the d of the Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awau-cla contract for furpishing all labor. m,- ter,als and services necessary to re- build platform and hoist on 2�'­ an Truck. Car N' of the Bureau up oip"S Municipal Ectu ment, to E. BOBBY BODY COMPANY in accordance with City specifications and the Fortartal Bid No . 4377 of mid E. H.iby Body Can, pany at a contract price of $765.00. such bid being the lowest and sold E 0 iby Body Company being th t r,,- .... We and reliable bidder, a nd the Corporation Counsel be and hereby ,a directed to,draw up the proper I ­ of contract L. herefor. and 'he proper C ty officia hereby th""'d ' , Said c '_ to to c —to contr I on hall of the City of St. Paul F. B. No 4371, Adopted by the C.un­ 954, Appr ... d Ji, 5 , 1954 'J� ju�ua" ry 9 19�' li'� " 5 199 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL--195— Yeas Nays JAN 5 Halvorson lie �App ov��— 195 Marzitelli Mortinson _�In Favor ".y Peterson () ' Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubney Sm 2.63 _Qi�­ Council File No.— PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT PRELIMINARY ORDERS and C. F. No. 166704— Wherea.i A written proponi for the aking o the following linp—e- PRELIMINARY ORDER I inent. viz.: OPen � Wide, and extend an alley 0 ft. i Id!h in nj,,k !� n ­x P-, The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz . open, widen and extend an alley 20 ft. in w.idth in Block 2s Essex Park and in Government Lot 3 in Section 26, Township 29j Range 23, from Stillwater Avenue to -the north line of Lot 1, Block 29 Essex Park, by taking and condemning the westerly 10 ft. of that t of ve- Lot 3, lying southerly of Stillwater Avenue, weater� 2! Lake im as— Kaak 2, .rj� y ��& I ark,and easterly of alley day of Essex Park. Dated this 5th A : I A , /') PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Cpen ` wjd�n and extend an alley 20 ftiiin width in Block 21 Essex Par and In Government Lot 3 in Section 269 Township 29s Range 23s from Stillwater Avenue to the north line of Lot 1, Block 2, Essex Park, by taking and condemning the westerly 10 - ft. of that part of Government Lot 3s lying southerly of Stillwater Avenues westerly of Lake said Block 2, Street, northerly of Lot 1, Block 2. Essex Park� and easterly of alley n having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul Essex Park. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 5 V54, Adopted by the Council YEAS NAYS Halvorson Councilman MARZITELLI 9.11 End— JAN 5 19% U1323mm"M Approved MORTINSON PETERSON ROSEN MR. PRESIDENT, DUUMIMM Mayor. Daubney ID I- a- 5- Ll PUBLISMD PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. -Ttrj- Council File No ........... . . .... IC. 1. ... —.1 'Whereas,' a written - I., th. siting .1 he followilg =vment. viz.: Construct a sew . ennard Street from the "istingeMwe �%, Case, Ave a point fet north of Sims 7— csented to the Theundersigned hereby proposes the making of thefoHowing public improvement bythe City of8aint Paul, viz.: Construct a sewer on Kennard Street from the existing sewer ...................... Qn Quie—Ayp of Sima.KVImna . ................ ............ I ................. Dated this Sth day of ............................... January Coun cil man . . .. ....... PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the r9aking of the following improvement, :viz. Construct a sewer on Kennard Street from the existing sewer on q�se Avenue to a point 60 feet north of Sims Ave, us. ---------------------------- ................................... . ......... . ........................................................... n .......... ..................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................. .......... ---------------------------------------- therefore, be it RESOLVEDi That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ........................ ------------- ............. YEAS Councilman-Frmehm;— J A N 519% MORTINSON, d-- ...................................... ------------- ------------- - p —P*ftft*ffT&— PETERSON ROSEN —T-ft� - - .. . .............. ................... -- - ------------ MIL PRESIDENT Mayor. 11; r �000 7.49 -40pp-@ COUNCU, FILE NO. INTEB14EMIART 01WDERS By �ldenig ,od xto,di,g -, allm 20 . ll� wld� ,. Block herida Ave. to the (�hi,1�91,, Wl'.— INTERMEDIARY ORDER Pe'.. St. T B'1 "d " ""' In the Matter of opening, widening and extending an alley 20 ft. j in width in Block 1, g South Highland Park, fro� Sheridan Ave. to the Chica 'o, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railway, by taking and condemning the easterly 10 ft. of Lots 26 to 30 inclusive, and the westerly 10 ft. of Lots 20 to 25 inclusive, Block 1, South Highland Park; also by taking, and condemning, a triangular piece of land in the northeasterly corner of Lot 30, Block 1, South Highland Park, described as follows: Commencing on the northwesterly corner of the above described proposed alley, thence westerly 5 ft. measured on the northerly line of Lot 30 to point of beginning, thence easterly 5 ft. measured on the northerly line of Lot 30, thence southerly 5 ft- measured on the westerly line of the above described nroposed alley, thence northwesterly to the point of beginning under Preliminary Order 166482 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is open, widen and extend an alley 20 ft. in width in Block 1, South Hiphland Park, from Sheridan Ave. to the Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul & Pacific Railway, bT taking and condemning theleasterly 10 ft. of ots 26 to 10 inclusive, and the westerly 0 ft. of Lots 20 to 25 inc usive, Block 1 1 South HiThland Park; also by taking and condemning a triangular piece of land in the northeaster y corner of Lot 30, Block 1, South Highland Park, described as follows: Com- mencing on the northwesterly corner of the above described proposed alley, thence westerly 5 ft. measured on the northerly line of Lot 30 to point of beginning, thence easterly 5 ft. measured on the northerly line of Lot 30, thence southerly 5 ft. measured on the westerly line of the above described proposed alley, thence northwesterly to the point of beginning !a aesBvdanea w4th 448 agid made 8 Pt her-ealf, 4h4-4a4e4ed pertiens rhowing tke euts a..- --epr r4y*�Rp tUe 41:,. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 50.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the -2ndday of February 19_i4_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall �_uilding in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvemengnd the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Counci OAK 19_ Approved JAN 5 19% — 1(juty Cl&k Mayor )C"" File 12435 PLIBLI SMD. - , _ "ty Clerk Mayor C Councilman HALVrPSON Councilman Councilman 'AARZITELLI Councilman IORT;NSON Councilman �ETERSON Councilman ROSEN Mr. President DAU9NEY COUNCIL FILE NO. - By C F. No. 166707- 1, t he matter of gradJng and f.eirg �rth biterm— rnatrbl th. alley 1. Eloek 1. 'Vie" from R.th Str—t to P.=S� .d- Pr.1i inar Order 1�12 approved INTERMEDIARY ORDER Dec=mber Y4. 1953. In the Matter of grading and surfacinz with bituminous material the alley in Block 1, Hazel View, from Ruth Street to Pedersen Street under Preliminary Order 166412 -------approved Decem8er 4, !953 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is grade and surface with bituminous material the alley in Block 1, Hazel View, from Huth Street to Pedersen Street with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 2, 91L. 13 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 2nd day of February — 19 51- , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall �uildin, in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner -provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council -1-"' 5 199 1 19— J A N 5 9M Approved 19— ity lerk File 1201 Mayor Councilman HALVrRSON Councilman _"Q66%m9-- Councilman MARZITEW Councilman �AORTINSON Councilman �PTERSON Councilman ROSEN Mr. President DAUGNEY '19L� S COUNCIL FILE NO By C. F. N.. 166708 -- "In the 11111, 01 10mil—hig and king an awment in the land ne,es- ea ry for I.P.. ..,the and flne in grading and -,"""g — inatc. INTERMEDIARY ORDER [Zk kiblimmin hil the alley B )ck 1. Ha�el View. fr h Street to Pedemn Street unod'er"Purtelimmarl, Order 166413 ap- p—ed December 4 , 1953. � Viol " ' I �t. In the Matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 1, Hazel View, from Ruth Street to Pedersen Street under Preliminary Order ----L66413 ----approved D cember 4, 1953 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance v upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in grading and surfacinp, with bituminous material the alley in Block 1, Hazel View, from Ruth Street to Pedersen Street in accordance with the blue print hereto attached and made a Dart hereof, the hatched portions showinF the cuts and shaded nortions showing the fills with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 50* Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 2nd day of February 9 19 54, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council' j A i,-,, 5 1954 19— JAN 5, iarf Approved 19 City Geerk Mayor Mayor File 1200 7PT-IBLISHFr) Councilman HALVrRSON Councilman Counc' Iman I—ARZITPLL Councilman �ORTINSON Councilman 11 P I G RSON Councilman ROSEN Mr. President DAUBNrY COUNCIL FILE NO.— INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of curbing Fauquier Avenue frcrr, Atlantic Street to Johnscn Parkway, exceut Where Food and sufficient curb now exists C, F �'- 1661� th. kw,y e ­pt wher.IV —d I I ­­ m�� ­j� �erl,- � ..pr—ed D�-- P-1 under Preliminary Order ----- 16-6359 approved _�_ece-ber 1, 1951 The Council of the City of, St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is curb Fauquier Avenue from Atlantic Street to Johnson Parkway, except where Food and sufficient curb now exists with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 2,126.75 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 2nd day of —February —, 19 54 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House, and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. 1954 - 19 - Adopted by the Council N j P, N I y le-rk Approved __19— ty File 12434 Ma r Councilman �ALVERSON T�7131 Councilman ITTLIL7MY— L' Councilman �ARZITELLI Councilman AORTINSON Councilman PETMON Councilman ROSGN Mr. President DAUBNFY M�� i 1j COUNCIL FILE NO. - INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of curbing north side of Nevada Avenue from Victoria Street to Milton Street C. F. No. 166710— lo the matter of —rbi —th od. of Nevada A—ue from Vigtod, Stteet to Milton Sti--t under Prehminat,y I Otd- 1661*" Ipp—led D—rob- 1, The Cound of the City of St. Paul --Wed th�, -h! r under Preliminary Order 166358 -- pproved December 1, 1953 _ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is curb north side of Nevada Avenue from Victoria Street to Milton Street with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1,750.67 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the---?Ii—dday of February 19 —51t at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall �—uilding in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council IAN 5 IP54 J Approved 19— City Cie-rk Ma or File 12433 Councilman PALVIERSON Councilman "OrrA"Q-- Councilman 'AARZITELLI Councilman �ORTINSON Councilman PETERSON Councilman �ZoSPN Mr. President DAUBNEY NOTICE TO PRINTER CITY OF SAI� PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION I C( i -al I I COUNCIL FILE NO._ Ne -0. 31 RE50LVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF '? V'. .57 ?4 045-08 $ _T P �__' � �5* , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED --TO-- --INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL- 9_ 1A 44_ APPROVED B 166711_166712� Thai it. 'g CITY OF SAINT PAUL i", illl�jj —unit, of $75.031.65,,�crfng checks TO numbered 5a= to ffiel-Ne. as COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO.---- PRINTI per checks on file in the office of the City C.-ptrolle, Adopted by the Council January 5, 954. Dee Appr—ed J—..r 5, 1954. 2 31 --ig--53 (Januaryy9. 1954) Z) dE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 0', n5u, 583 COVERING CHECKS NUMBER"---- .--TO-583-80- --INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL____ A PPROVED_ — — JAN 5 1951, _19- 9- 7-52 ­&. O�R SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD o 4:1162 136 88 � t 4A PL, CITY OF SAINT PAUL DUPLICATE TO C�TY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLL�R C FOUNCIL ILE NUMPER R HALVORSON LLI ----IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS :T RT NSON ETERSON R OS -N 1:D --_A.AINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECK. BE R-N ON THE I CITY TREASURY MR PRES DAUBNEY IN THE AMOUNT OF 5 74 045 - 08 5 19% CHECKS NO_ 5832*3 TO 58373 COVERING INCLUSIVE. AS ADOPTED By 7 E COUNCI PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE A �FFICE OF TH T Y �10 11�', APPROVED 311 RMBER TOTAL DATE ECK U IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSE' ENT CHECKS RETURNED BY BANK BROUGHTFORWARD 088 091 BO 0 38323 Northern States Power Co. H. 2 603 98 58324 W. Sweney and Co. 261 52 58325 West Publishing Co. 68 oo 38326 Wm. H. Ziegler Co. Inc. 244 f32 56327 Roy L. Hanson 80 00 58328 Milton Rosen 4 486 84 38329 Frank D. Marzitelli 6 489 96 58330 Board of Education 1 811 89 .58331 Norris o. HaivorBon 332 91 58332 11. M. kiackner 30 00 58333 Dr. Clifford Brownell-Educ. 50 00 .58334 University of Minnesota 228 00 58331 Clair MoMann-Johnson 271 94 5833 Dr. Dale Harris 50 00 383)7 Milton riosen-Poet&l Revol. 1 173 26 38338 Herman A. Heinbuch 129 60 58349 Anderson Machine Tool Go. 71 88 383 0 Co-operative Laundry 30 89 56341 Elk Laundry 15 99 58342 h. W. Fisher Photo Supply 0. 92 35 38343 J. L. Hughes Go. 56 37 38344 R. E. hulme Co. 130 90 .56343 Logan Bindery 661 oo 58346 Lyon Chemicals Inc. 84 00 58347 Minn. Dept. of health 3 50 38348 Park Asohine Inc, 41 42 38349 Ry. Express Agency 16 77 38330 H. A. Rogers Go. 93 19 58331 St. Paul Sausage Co. 137 23 38352 Transport Cle�,r. of T. C. 36 21 58333 Milton Rosen 3 210 39 36354 637 00 58333 6 933 43 38356 36 362 01 38357 Esther D. Brewer 20 10 58338 Duke Barghini, Sec. 300 00 58359 Rayoond W. Vick 4 4o 58360 Dr. Laurence D. Hilger 25 00 58361 Dr. Schons, Medelman, P N 7 50 38362 Commonwealth Elec. Co. 1 616 3o 38-363 Lew,Bonn Co. 57 25 38364 Drovers Market 99 37 38365 Geo. A. Hormel and Co. 92 45 38366 A. R. Madey Insurance Agency 3 937 88 .5836? The Park Store 149 92 38368 Ramaley Print. Co. 203 85 38369 St. P. Book and Statlof,ery 0. 69 47 38370 " � 0 60 36 58371 A. Schoch Grocery Co. 52 33 38372 h. V. Smith & Co. I�l 48 38J73 Stand rd Oil Co. 3 73 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD o 4:1162 136 88 � SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 4 163 1__�.3 4.5 q .4 CITY OF SAINT PAUL "12 COUNCIL DUPLICATE TO C�TY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLiR FILE NUMBER-- _�A`­V""' RO(L.CALL AUDITED CLAIMS Dec. 31 _ AR.'T.L'I M _ RT'_S_N I �D_­ FAVOR RESOLVED. THAT CH;�j:;�RAVWN ON THE CITY TREASURY ,.TER..N EN ____ACIAINST IN THE AMOUNT OF S_ �OVERING ­BNEY -JAN 5 19% 58374 CHECKS NO,_T D 38380 INCLUSIVE. AS ADOPTED BY TH�CR�Cl PER CHECK S ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF APPROVED 312 (�C TOTAL DATE NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TIANIFIR CHE_S RETURNED V D!SBURSEMENT BY BANK CH ECK. BROUGHTFORWARD 4 _16Z 136. 88 64 oo 38374 George J. Hurley 3837 Lucy X. Koch 128 00 3834 Geneva Lee 120 00 38377 Industrial Comalsaloner 13 73 38378 Capitol Transit Inoorp 26 00 38379 F4rwell Qzmun Kirk and Co. 139 07 38380 North Star Bus Co. Inc. 493 75 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 4 163 1__�.3 4.5 Coilneil File No. Byz ................. IGI),4113 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for curbing Montana Avenue from Fisk Street to Avon Street RESOLUTION 8ATU'yWP,,A§ KENT C. F. No. 166713— Of under Preliminary Order ---------- Intermediary Order Final Order 1�2625 .............. . approved. ............ 19 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to e submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. 'T R - / R RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable BE IT PUP in ......................... ..... equal installments. M 6 19M Adoptedby the Council ............................. ....................... ........................ 19 �_y Clerk. JAN 6 199 Approved ------------------------------------------------------ 19 1 *a,or. F.— B. B. 18 ..... . .... ........... -,-/ I _: I I - q - I File 12099 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment December 8 19 53 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for curbing Montana Avenue from �isk Street to Avon Street under Preliminary Order 162066 Intermediary Order 16239 approved December 2, 1952 approved December 30, 1952 Final Order 162625 —, approved ianuanr�.___ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the ex- penditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improvement, viz: Cost of construction ................................ $ --- 2L-4-74* 16 Engineering ...................................... �2 Inspection fees .................................... $— 49-48 Postal cards ....................................... $-- * 96 — Publications ...................................... $ 7.20 Court costs for confirmation ........................ $ 2. Lo — Total expenditures ............................. $ 2,631-12 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $ 2,631-12 --upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. -m 12-2 ­qk7F­ Commissioner of F�e. Council File No ------------------------- I (-, 6714 By----------------------------- - CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for curbing Hawthorne Avenue from White Bear Avenue to Van Dyke Street RESOLUTION �TWYING ASSESS- buENT C. F. 14.. 16671� under Preliminary Order..!§?44� ............ Intermediary Order 1.6265.2 .......... Final Order 1.6.2-915-7 approved.---J�Ia�;�-Y..?4� ............ 19 A public hearing having been r upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment haN�ing been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FU R RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable 3T ilk ........... ual installments, jAjj 6 Adoptedby the Council ............................................. ................................ 19 0A (L,E __4 . Z�gi7ty Clerk. Approved ------------- --------- ---------- J9 .... . ...... ............ ......... t� ayor. F— B. 13� 18 File 12125 ig(oq CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment December 8 __jq 53 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costiand expenses for curbinp Hawthorne Avenue from White Bear Avenue to Van Dyke Street 13 under Preliminary Order 162L46 approved Januaa 6, 1953 Intermediary Order 162652 approved January 27, 1953 Final Order 162957 approved February 24, 1953 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the ex- penditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improvement, viz: Cost of construction ................................ $ 2,700.00 Engineering ...................................... Inspection fees .................................... $ 54-00 Postal cards ....................................... $ 1.62 Publications ...................................... $ 12.15 Court costs for confirmation ........................ $ 4.05 Total expenditures ............................. $ 2,912.8 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $ 2,912.82 -upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. 2M -52 Commissioner of FTInce, I fii ), -�' 15 Council File No ----------- ----------- ----------- By--------------------- ------- ---------------- CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefitsp costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Alameda Street from Wheelock Parkway to a point 30 feet north of Orange Avenue RESOLUTION RATIFYING, ASSESS- r4ZNM C. K No. 166715 -- under Pr.eliminary Order i� Intermediary Order ......... Final Order approved 12 19 5.3.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment ha�ing been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey fo I r confirmation. BE IT FuRTyrElt RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ------------------- .... . ..... equal installments. JAN 6 10 Adoptedby the Council .... . -------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 City Clerk. Approved------------------------------------------------------- 19 F.— R. B. 18 I C1 File 12185 L I :-�/ - �'q / t —B ISMD— CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment December 8 in tbe matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Alameda Street from Wheelock Parkway to a point 30 feet north of Orange Avenue under Preliminary Order 163214 approved March 18, 1953 Intermediary Order 163554 ppr.,ed_____AP_ri_1 t ­l4 -19-53----- Final Order --------------- 16-3903--, approved May 12, 19_53 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the ex - V penditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improvement, viz: Cost of construction. ............................... $ 1, 635.00 Engineering ....................................... $__�33 - 00 Inspection fees .................................... 2.10 Postal cards ............................. ......... $-- -. 84 Publications ...................................... $— 6.30 Court costs for confirmation ........................ Total expenditures ............................. $ lt809.94 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_!--8-0-2--94upon* each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. 2.4 12-52 Commissioner of orizi—I to City CI ­k COUNCIL )"4"] CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE January 4. )954 COMMISSIONER_ RESOLVED, That the Purchasing "gent, be, and he is hereby authorized� with the consent of the Comptroller, to issue Purchase Order to SPERRY U'FICE FURNITIME COTAJAITY for two 4—drawer Steel General Fireproofing Cabinets to match Cabinets now on hand in size 31_�' at a total cost of $10.90, without advertisement or competitive bids as this is the only source of supply and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Police Fund — Supplies 7—G-2. 4 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 6M 2-53 C. F. No. 166716-13y Robert F. Peter - Resolved That the PurchasiD9 A49eut be and h� is hereby auth-ited. with th� consent of the CO_W_011;;�" issue Purchase Order ,ANY for OFFICE FURNITURE CO I_ 4 -dr,_,, Steel General Fireproof - "'R Cabinet. '. _,.h cabinet. — an 'h'nd '" "" at a total cost of $147.90 . ithout ad ­r I­ert or r.rapetitiVe bids as this is be only source Of supply and no dlanMgc could be I.i..d thereby Fund.SuyplWs 7-G-2. Charge Police Adopted by the C.u..j January 6, 1954�lnovcd January G. 1954. A (January 9. 1954) j p4 6 1964 Adopted by the Council 195— JAN 6 W4 Approved 195- --In Favor Against COUNCIL Od.l..l � CIL, Cl -,k CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. I oil LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE January 6. 1954 cOMMISSIONE10��h,__"l— RESOLVED% ThatRestaurant, on and Off sale Malt Beverages Cigarette Licenses No. 6599. and Tavern and Dance Hall Licenses No. 6600. all expiring January 319 1954* and Mechanical Amusement Device Locations Mechanical Amusement Devices (3). and Mus . ic Machine (1) Licenses . No. LI -27, all expiring November 1. 1954. all issued to Henry J. Belisle, Jr. and Earl L. Montpetit at (jointly) at 615 University Avenue be and the same are hereby transferred to Earl L. hontpetit (only) at the same address. TRANSFER (Licensees) Informily aoproved by Council December 24. 1953 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 -4EPO" C� F. No 166717—By Nto�"ia 0. Halvor. �n—i�-tju A. M-11 oa*._R""`t peleral Ra -11-t- t t " t oil sale Malt d TW -t- a ,...ea No IS"' No. i;. 'I 'I Hall Ueenses a "' eeh. 31 195i an January o-ica'L-Cation' eeho ie Amusement (3). and HUB" ut Devieea a. - cal AmuserneLieenses No. 1127. a d in .a bM-hineN (1=or 1 1954, .111 il, piring ovoilat, J� and r -�r ty Henry j. He tj ) at 615 eby I petit at (J.indytha -et... he Ave'"' b'd t" art L. 'on tit only) tr.n.,er,a _ �tAtdh,epxmeb add'e". hell January 6. ed Y he COu 1954- 0 irs). App, -d January 6., (January 9, 4p 6 190 Adopted by the Council _195— JON 6 1954 Approved ---195— r May- APPLICATION FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LICM.R$8- Application No. --.-.-- Name: of Applicant___ 36r] . . . ........ Residence Address --- - -------------- . ..... Telephone 2148 Are you a citizen of the United States?___Y2.a . . ................. --- ----------- Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, eafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? Whenand where? ... . ......... ........ ...... .... - - - ----- --------- - ------------- ---- If corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation ..... ...... __ ....... .... . ... ..... ------ When incorporated? --------- . ......... — — - - - --------- - --------------- If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members? ..... .. . ....... .......... How many members? ------ - ------ Names and addresses of president and secretary of corporation, and name and address of general manager Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known Akanadbnza-t-ts. *Annel I ng -Rumber Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward 615 :lUniversity NO. Dale and Kont How many feet from an academy', college or university (measured along streets) How many feet from a church (measured along streets) ? How many feet from closest public or parochial grade or high school (measured along streets) Name of closest How are premises classified under Zoning On what floor Are premises owned by you or leased?_Lean&__If leased give name of owner Rre Qn- If a restaurant give seating If hotel, seating capacity of main dining Givetrade name.- ------------- PPITAQWt G10 -----------_- ---------------------------------------- - ---------------------_-_---- .......... ----------_---------- --_------- Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: Main Barroom only . . . ........ - ------------ ------- ---- ..... ..... .... . . ............ .. — ----- ----- -- .................. . . . .... . ......... ............... . . . . ..... .... ...... ..... ..... ..... ................... . . .... ......... . ..... ........ . ...... . . .... ... - --------- ------ -- - --------- - - - -- - --------- .. ..... ..... ...................... ......... .. --------- . ......... ..... ..... ..... ... (The information above must be given for hotels and restaurants which use m— than one room for liquor sales). Howmany guest rooms in hotel?--__.._----- — - - - --- - - --- ------ ----- --- ------ --------- -------- -- - -------------- . ............ — - ----------- --- - --------------- Name of resident progietor or manager (restaurant or hotel) ...... ..... ..... .......... . .......... ... Give names and'addresses of three business references: - -------- ----------- --- ---- . ......... . .. . ................ . ... .................... _... . Stgn0. . . .. . . . .............................................................. . ... . .................................. . . ........................................... . ................. . . . . . ................................... . ......... . . . . ........ ...... ........... ........ . ...... . ....... _ THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIEFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION BE ATTACHED: Issuance of license is not recommended Application checked by Dated. ... . .... . .......... — ----- --- License Inspector. SEE OTHER SIDE STATE OF MINXESOTA, COUNTY OF RAMSEY, .......... ...... ....... I&K L. being first duly swom deposes and says that he has read the foregoing applicaiion and knows the contents thereof, and that the game is true to the best of his knowledge, information and belief. Subscribed and sworn to before me t�his .. . .. . ..... da Notary Public, ��amsey County, Min�n DL commission expires_..._;aD&_?3.s_19�. STATE OF MINNESOTA, � as. COUNTY i . .. . ..... ..... ................ .... . ........... — — ------- --------- - --------- - ------------- ---__--__being first duly sworn, deposes and says that -.-.—tjie,— Of . . ............ . .......... --------- a corporation; that .................... ........... ..... .... __haz read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best knowledge, information and belief; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said application was signed, sealed and exe. cuted on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said application and the execution thereof is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. Subscribed and sworn to before me this__ .............. . . . ........... day of - - ---- — - ---- ............... .... ............ . Notary Public, Ramsey County, hUnn. My commission expires ..... . ............. ........ . . .......... 14 IM -11— .4§W(a COUNCIL I. cit, Ck,k VILE NO. 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL LICEYSE C01011TTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 5? COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM January 6, 1954 1PEM'-TE- C.M icense No- 4132, o,,piring January 31, 1954. issued to RESOLVED& That On Sale Liquor L same is hereby tr,4nsferred Helen Marchal at 1066 East Seventh Street be and the to Henry J. Helisle. Jr. at the same address, that the bond filed by the transferee is hereby approved and the Corporation Counsel is directed to notify the surety on the bond of Helen klarchal that it is released from liability arising after the date this transfer becomes effective. a F. V,��a gil�Ely.rN That On sale LAquor I ng janjUyyjQ rc s at e a . a It,,. t et ve I in 0 slerle I h� b cl,e­ t a e . 610-. �" 'Iet I at e t1- sfere it is he bon an I e I th e nd h!, bY P led n it ere a rove to 0 f at I C unse, I is I n -of Is arc a 'r he b. Ile - M 'I I "isin lab I Y Ir, " le sed ' rn. is r, e. 'c hl I :. be. Iff Ad.p ed y he Coor. il r (i. I t lq� - J....'y ". ..... A pr,ved ...... ry 9. TRANSFER (Licensess) Informally approved by Council December 2A, 1953 Adopted by the C-A�'L COUNCILMEN yeas Nays 1954 195— Halvorson Holland Approved -------- Marzitelli Mayor --In Favor Mortinson Peterson Rosen -_—Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 `05S�­' a CITY 0 S UL APPLICATION FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR Application No. Henry Belisle, Jr._. . . . .......... .......... . ... . ..... Age--1-9-- Name of'Applicknit -- - ----- --- -- Residence . ....... : .................. Telephone No._.Da. 7355 Axe you a citizen of the United States . . ... . . ......... ................. -1 1---,-- — ----- Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? z� .1 57!�--Af R =Eunq&-C:km�� ............ ..... . ........... . ....... When and where?----M-ar.ch-,195.Q-----!�tX5.-V�n!Y-er—sA-tY --- - ------ --------- --- -------------------------- If corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation --- ........ ............ ................. ..... . Whenincorporated? — --- ---- --- - --- - --- — - -------- -------------------- - - - If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members? ..... ...... -- ....... ............... . ......... . ... ...... ... . ........... . ... How many members? .... . ... - ------- — ---- ---- ------ --- Names and addresses of president and secretary of corporation, and name and address of general manager Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known We..9-t@.rA 9 .... ...... .......... .... Numbar Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward lo66 1. 7th :'St. Paul, Mi4n- West Farl and Soventh Streets 2nd How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets) How many feet from a church (measured along streets) ? --------- - --- --- - — -------- ---- ------ How many feet from closest public or parochial grade or high school (measured along streets) ? ........ . ... . ................. .... Name of closest school- -- - ------------ - --- . ........ How are premises classified under Zoning Ordjnance?---.-Q9RTgrc� ----- -- - ---- ----- ------------ --- — - - - — — ------------------------- -- On what floor located? -101 --------- . ................ ...... . ...... . . . .... . ....................... . ..... . Are premises owned by you or leased?--it.M-led If leased give name of owner.—SchmiAt.S-J37--ewBrY-...-.------ If a restaurant give seating — — — - — - ----- --------- If hotel, seating capacity of main dining room? . .......... Givetrade name Xv.vWl .... Recr-e&tdQxl ------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: There is one large room in which �he dining_-Roopais jAgludgd (The information above must be given for hotels and restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sales). Howmany guest rooms in hotel? ----- ------ - . . .. . ............................ . ............. . ............................. ...... ... -.- . .... ........... ..... ... - - -------- Name of resident proprietor or manager (restaurant or hotel)... .................... ..... . . ... ..... ..... .......... ..... . ............. . ... ........... .... Give names and addresses of three business references: ................ ..... ................ .... . ........................... ... . ... ........... —.- ... . .......... . ......... Vin—Lota . .... . ........... ............... ...... ... . ...... ..................... . .... - - - - ------- 2 x4y�!��ota ..... ...... ..... .......... ..... . .... . ... . ................ . ............................ ---- 3--29- FAIII, mimumatla ....... ..... .... . .... . ............................ ............. --------- -- THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIEFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, By AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION BE ATTACHED: Issuance of license is not recommended Application checked by �ated .... ...... ............. . ................ . .. ................. 191 License Inspector. SEE OTHER SIDE STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF RAMSEY, 88. Henry Be 11a, Jr. _-being firat duly swom ............. . ........ . ......... . deposes and says that he has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of his knowledge, information and belief Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21st December 53 ........... . ... . ..... day of---... ...... ----------------- -- . ........ ... Notary Public, Ramaej-e6unty`,'Minn- My commission expires 1,0tary Pa MAPTD4 j, LYL,", STATE OF MINNESOTA, Ra,, C�-' ' " r'Y' 1": , COUNTY OF RAMSEY, ission F�XPU6_1 D�C- 1" 1-9 &at duly sworn, deposes and says that___ tne- of ...... - -------- . ... ...... ................. a corporation; that ................ . ................ . . . ........................ __-has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of.. edge, information and belief; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said application was signed, sealed and exe- cuted on behalf of said corporation by authority of ita Board of Directors, and said application and the execution thereof is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. Subscribed and sworn to before me thi& ...................... . .......... day .......... ..... ...... .......... - ------- - ----------- - Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires -- - ------ ---- ----- ---- ---- -- COUNCIL Ro — 'i �T' 19 I C original to gty cl�k CITY OF ST. PAUL FI LE LICENSE C0109TTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL, RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM January 6l, 19,54 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER(-21C-'�4� rMOLVEDI That Portion of License No. 6324. exoiring January 31, 1954, covering yarchal at 1066 East Seventh Street Boviing Paleys (4) issued to Helen is ferred to Henry J. Belisle, Jr. at the "be and the same/M hereby trans same address. TRANSFER (Licensee) Informally anproved by Council December 24, 1-953 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, DaUbney SM 2-53 -4EP-7- C. F. N� 166719 --By N—i. 0. MI—r- _So,erin A. Mortineon—Robort F. P"'-- R—Wed. That Portion of Li ---- No. 6324. expiring, 11 ,,v,rl,g 11 111 1- d M_h. at 1006 Flat Seventh St=Helen be and the sanne it he b.,. I re y transferred to Henry J. Be We. J1 the aarne ad — Ado pled by the Co—il J.—ly 6. 1954. .1pp­e1ja.1.n.1r1yy9,6, 1954. 1954) am 6 10 Adopted by the Council _195— JAtj 195— Approved Favor Mayo ----Against U'6720 0drinal t, City Cl,rk cc CITY OF ST. PAUL WUNCIL NO. E LICENSE COWETTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY January 6, 1954 COMMISSICINER_9_Z'4� DATE MOLVED: That -On Sale Liquor License No. 42219, expiring January 310 1954, issued to Henry J. Belisle, Jr. and Earl L. Montpetit (jointly) at 615 University Avenue be and the same is hereby transferred.to Earl L. Montpetit (only) at the same address that the bond filed by the transferee is hereby approved A and the Corporation Counsel is driected to notify the surety on Henr7 J. Belisle, Jr. and Earl L. lbntpetit (jointly) that it is released from liability arising after the date this transfer becomes effective. TRANSFER (Licensees) Informlly approved by Council December 24, 1953 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson - --In Favor Peterson Rosen —Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-63 C. F� No. 166720 ­BY Norris 0. Halvor- so —Sever'n A. Mortlesco—fl.bft F. Peterson— Resolved - That 0, gale LAquor IJ - No 4=� expiring JanuarY.31. tq'�T,'is.ued to harry J. Belisle, Jr. ad Earl L Montpetit (jointly) at 615 University Avenue be and the saine son,_ 1, hereby transferred t. art L. on i petit (only) at the stahme siddreas a the bond filed by e rarsfcrc,�o is he p ... it and the Corpora on dir !t ad to notify the surely ,0=i ap a"' I a Belisle. Jr. and r ��n'tpt'iyt ('Jointlyi that it istrel se "T "buity rising after he date ,his transfer be-rhas effcati,% Adopted by the Council Ja sry (3, 1954 Appiovad January 6, 1954. (January 9, 1954) JAN 6,199 Adopted by the Council _195— JAN 6 iW Approved 195— Mayor Original to City Clzk CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. TTCFNSE COWITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE T January 6, 1954 RESOLVET): That licenses for Restaurant, On and Off Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarette, Application C 6946 and Mechanical Amusement Device Locationg Application C 6947, applied for by Henry J. Belisle, Jr. at 1066 East Seventh Street be and the same are hereby granted. NEW (On Sale Liquor-E-stablishment) Informally at)proved by Council December ?)+, 1953 Old Location, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 C. F. No. 166721 -By Norris 0. Halvor- s,n—Se,er*p,k. Mortinson—R.bert F. Peterson— Resolved. That licenses to, R.teu- r,nt. On and Off Sale Malt Beverage and Cilarette, Application C 6946 and Mecha , cal Amusement Device Loca- tion, Application C 6947. applied for , t by VlAenry J� Belisle, Jjr.,he lD66 E�t Se e'th Str st be and same hereby gr med. Adopted by the Council January 6, 1954. App,oved January 6. 195 ( Js.u_y 9 1 1954) JAN 6 19% Adopted by the CounciL--195— JAN 6 1954 Approved _195 __In Favor Mayor/ Against tO i'722 Orlwinal to City Cl,,k CITY�OF.ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. LICENSE CQIMET�M OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY commjssloj,IEIJ�� January 6. 1954 RESOL�7,1): That On Sale Liquor License No, 4121, expiring January 31, 1954, issued to the St. Francis Hotel, Inc. at 7 and 9 West Seventh Street be and the same is hereby transferred to the New St. Francis Hotel, Corp. at the same address, that the bond filed by the transferees is hereby approved and the Corporation Counsel is directed to notify the surety on the bond of the St. Francis Hotel, Inc. that it is released from liability aris'Ing after the date this transfer becomes effedtive. TRANSFER (Licensees) Informally approved by Council December 29, 1953 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-63 -4007- �C- F, No, 111,,2—By Norris ?Raf son—Severin A. Psterson— Mortinson— bert F, Resolved. That On Sale Uquor Li- i,en8e NO. 4121. expiring January 31. 1954, Issued to the St. r-- Hotel, t 7 , and 9 West Seventh Stree be and the same is hereby transferred a, N, I to e N— StddFr.n0a Oi�- Corp. at th, sahn r t filed b e a ress. th. � bond IY t1de thanferses is hereby ap- proved an t e Corporation Counsel Is directed to­rotjjy the b 1. =ty 0 thet Land Of the St. IF-- 1. ji� tha s is released train liability arisin after the date this transfer i N��tive. beOmnes Adopted by the Council January 6. 954. Approved January 0, 1954. I J.O 9 JAnUarY 9 1954) JAN 6 1954 Adopted by the Council _195— AN 6 Approve 195 --.---In Favor M --Against CITY OF ST. PAdL APPLICATION FOR "ON- SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE. --- Application No.---..---- Wev St. Francis Hotel Corporation ...... ....... Age ---..---- Nameof Applicant .......... . - ........ ............ ............... . ....... 9 W. Seventh St. Residence Address ...... ..... t ......... ...... .... . ............................ . ........ Telephone No 11�!!­UD . .... ..... ... Are you a citizen of the United States ?-­-.--­--­--­ .................... . .... . ...................... . ... Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? When and where? ---- - ------------ ------ - ------- - ------ - ----- If corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation __St. prancis Hotel Corporation ----------- . .......... Whenincorporated? ......... .. ��q! all — -------- ---- --­­.­ - - ----- -- ------- - -- ---------- - -------- ---- -- - ------- ------- ----- if club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members? ..... .... ...... ..... .. How many members? ------ ----- --- Names and addresses of president and secretary of corporation, and name and address of general manager Sam Aidner, Be rl Hills-, I Calif. . _p-sident Jack L. BrooksSt.lPr cia Hotel .......... - -------- . . ................ General manager Joseph Sbmikler, 0#sm - - ------- - ---- - ----------------------------- - Wm- 0. Derrough. St. Louis Park,.Minn., Ssc*- ........ ...................... ........... .... . . .......... . ...... . .... ... - ------- . . . . ...................... . ......... . . .... . ... . ............. . .............. Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known ---K 14 94 ­AA� �c - - --- - - -- - ---- - ------- Number Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward 7-9 W.seventh North wabasha St. Peter How many feet from an academy, college or University (measured along streets) - ----- ------------------ -- How many feet from a church (measured along streets) ? --- -------- ----- How many feet from closest public or parochial grade or -high school (measured along streets) T.6 bl.osks -------- - - Name of closest school. -------------- -- Ass=tic.n - - --- ----- How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance? .... . ... ... . . ......... . On what floor located? . ...... - -------- Are premises owned by you or leased?­!9Ast5-&----U leased give name of owner-AtePARI —Th8atM4'01Q.-- If a restaurant give seating capacity NOW Yo . r - k 0 - i ty If hotel, seating capacity of main dining — — - -- - --------------------------- Givetrade name- .................... --­----­------ ----------- ------------------------------------------------ ­ ----------- -------------------------------------- Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: 191 Guest Rooms & Small Dinin Rooms .. . ....... .... ....... .... Empire & Embassy Rooms .... ... . ..... ..... ........... ... . ..... ......... . ... . .... ...... Main Barroom & Main Dining Room & Coffee §492 .. . . .. .... . ... . .......... . .. .......... . . ............... (The information above must be given for hotels and restaurants which we more than one room for liquor saldW Howmany guest rooms in hotel? ......... -!9.1-.--.-.- - ---------- - ... ................ ............... .......... .. ............ - --- - --------- - ------------ --------- ---- Name of resident proprietor or manager (restaurant or hotel) !T Brooks .......... . ............. Give names and addresses of three business references: - - - ------------------------- . .. . ................................... . ........ . ........... .......... - ------ I------ ----- -- . . . ......... . ............... ..... ............. - .............. ............................ ...... ............................ .... . . . . ........ 2 ­Jr?j-;-1?—AnZ-Ei1Wk--GD - - -------------- - -- ­­ . .. . . ................ .... ......... ­­ ......... ..... .... - ---------- ------ ---- -------- ............... ­­ ............... . .............. . 3 ------------ - !�- !! -, .... ........ - - - ------- . .... ................. ...................... ..... ..... .......... . . . .... ........................................... . ................ ... THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION BE ATTACHED: Issuance of license is not recommended Application checked by .... . ......................... ­ - - - ­ . .......... . ................. . .... . ...... ........... . .... . ................................ .................. ..... .. License Inspector. SEE OTHER SIDE STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF RAMSEY, as. .—being first duly sworn, .... ................ deposes and -says that he has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of his knowledge, information and belief. Subscribed and sworn to before me this _: .............. ..... . .. day ------ 19— ...... . .......... ........... . ...... Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF RAMSEY_ .......................... . ...... _--being first duly sworn, deposes and says that-_ of ]Fp�A4M__Rotel 09�.2_rat�p�n ....... - ------ a corporation; that ... ..... ............... .. .... -__has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best edge, information and belief; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate *seal of said corporation; that said application was signed, sealed and exe. cuted on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said application and the execution thereof is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. .. ........ .... ��Ahdl Subscribed and sworn to before me this . . ..... d 0. cezib er, 53 19 Notary P 'c ey County, Minn. �y commission epir 5-V .............. 7 im.i.i-ro .4glo.@ original to City CleA COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. LTCENsE COIVTTTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 69 1954 PRESENTED BY January CCUAMISSIONER��— A MOLVED: That licenses for Hotel 191 Roo-. Confectionery$ On Sale and Off Sale Nalt Beverage and Cigarette, Application C 7064, applied for by the New St. Francis Hotels Corp. at 7 and 9 West Seventh Street be and the same are hereby 1P.M90M granted. F� N.. 166723 --By N.rri. 0. H.Iv.r- __S_erin A.' Mortinsor—RObert F. 't"" R=aclve�.—Tbat Ucensez for Hotel 191 S Confectionery, 0. Sale and off S.ic M,It Beverage and..Ctgb.y�tte� APPlication C 7064. aFplied I r th New St. Francis HOte . Cor at 7 and P� the �fest Seventh Street c 3. ssra. c hereby granted. Adopted by the Council January 6. 1954Ppr,ved January 6, 1954- A (January 9, 1954) NEW Informally approved by Council December 29, 1953 JAN 6 1%4 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays JAN 6 1954 Halvorson Approved —195 -- Holland Marzitelli Mortinson —In F; avor Mayor Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubney 6M 2.53 '400"' 0,10-1 to City CI,rk COUNCIL r4o CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE J Ci i'424 LICENSE CONUTTFE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 69 1954' ' ;0 anUary COMMISSIONER__(/,2d­fi����- ���J� RESOLVED: That On Sale Liquor License No. 4220, expiring January 31, 1954 issued to Glen Triviski at 767-75 Wabasha Street be and the same is hereby transferred to Glen Triviski at 2550 West Seventh Street, that the bond filed by the transferee is hereby approved and the Corporation Co,insel is directed to notify the surety on the bond of Glen Triviski at 767-75 Wabasha Street, that it is released from liability arising after the date this transfer of�location becomes effective. TRANSFER (Location) Informally anproved by Council October 20, 1953 j A,% 6 1951 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council _195— Yeas Halvorson Nays JAN 6 Holland Approved 195— Marzitelli -In FavoT Mortinson Mayor Peterson Rosen ----Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 -40!0" &11�w /Z- Z_ CITY OF ST. PAUL APPLICAT,WN �F�R ON SALE" LIQUOR -LICENSE Application N Nianeof Applicant ........ .. .......... ........ .... ..... Residence Address.! ..... . ............ _._ Telephone No.25�� Are you a citizen of the United States?___.- ...... . ....... ..... ............... - ----- - Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloonj cafej soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? ............ ... When and where? ...... .......... .... . ..... .... ___- - - ----- ------- - -.-- -- - if corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation ..... ........... ............ ..... .... ..... ..... ... .......... . ... .. . ....... ......... .. When incorporated? - ----------- - - - - --- ---------- if club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members?... ... ................. ... _ ............. - ----- ----------- ------ How many members?_-___---- — ---------------- Names and addresses of president and secretary of corporation, and name and address of general manager ............... . .... . .......... ........... ..... ................ ...... . ... . .. ........... ­ . . ................ ......... . .... .... . .............. ................. . . .. . ..... ........... ..... .... ...... .... ..... . . . ..................................... ... ................ .... ........ .... �oe Give name of, surety company which will write bond, if known "Number Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along tree How many feet from a church (measured along streets) ? ----------- ----- - - — --- How many feet from clos:�t4ybb..lic or parochial grade or high school (measured along streets) ? -- - --- - ------- - ---------- Name of closest scho ifi a How are premises class ed under Zonir. el_ On what floor located?---,,IZILA�,.�----�s.----!� - — - --------- - - --------- - - --------- ------- - Are premises owned by you or leased? LXV t ------ - leased give name of owner If a restaurant give seating If hotel, seating capacity f Give trade name ----_------_----- V — ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ -------------------------------- Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: — ---- ----- --- .. . ... . ... . ...... . ........ .......... ­ ---- - ----------------------- ---- . ........... - - --- - ---- ------------- ... ..... ........ . ..................... ---------- -- - ------------ - --- ...... - ------------ (The information above must be given for hotels and restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sales). Howmany guest rooms in hotel? ......... - - -- - -----_------- ----------- . .. .. . ..... . . . . ........ ..... ............ ...... .. .. ..... ..... ..... ................ ­­­­­-. Name of resident proprietor or manager (restaurant or hotel) ............................. . .............. % .. ........... .. . ............... ........ . .......... .. Give names and addresses of thr%�j�yinqs ref(�ences: ;0K . ...... - ---- - ......... ..... .............. - --------------------------- ----- -------- - --------- - --- THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION BE ATTACHED: Issuance of license is not recommended Application checked by Dated .......... ............ . - ----- - --- . ... . ............. - --- - ---- ---------------- ------ - . ...... . .... ............... ..... License Inspector. SEE OTHER SIDE STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF,RAMSEY, sworn, deposes and- says that he has read the foregoing application andknows the contents th`&wf, an�thatA4v69MTV— true to the best of his knowledge, information and belief. S before me pbscribed and sworn da th Y 19 —,W- le -Public, se County, Minn. My commission ex& �2 STATE OF MINNESOTA, a,. COUNTY OF RAMSEY, . .... .. ......... . ......... -....__.-_---being first duly sworn, deposes and says that - - ---- of ...... ........ . .... .... - --- - ----- - - -------------- a corporation; that ...... .......... ..... ....... .................... .... ------- _has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best edge, information and belief; that the a eal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said application - iiras Agned; sealed and We- cuted on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said application and the execution thereof is t he voluntar� act and deed of said corporation. Subscribed and sworn to before me this.. ............ __ ... . ........... day — - ------ .... .... .... - ------------ ----------- W Notary Public, ]r --;s Y 6�untY, Minn. My commission expires ---- - - ----_------ L14-11-W qW@ Odwinal to City Clerk COUNCIL NO. TZCENSE 00109TTIM CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION— RAL FORM :�:�G E �N PRESENTED BY ATE_ 6, 1954 COMNUSSIONE. RESOLVEDs That licenses for Restaurantp On and off Sale Mait, Beverage and Cigarette, Application C 6762, applied for by Or�±lle M- Jackson at 12.99 Jackson Street be and the same are hereby granted. P e0o"', NEW Informally approved by Council December 17, 1953 Old Location COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney bm 2-53 -000— C 'I 11c,. 169725—By Nj-.-t- 0- "al"i .�—S,,a,,in A. Mort mor—Robert e9MAT—L t, On and off !j�eulo. ran, . C V . P_ and Cigarette. A,�F , M f.l.ekd,.fo.r b�' 0-1 e . ackaon at 1199 S at be and the same am hereby ra d ja...,y 6. Adoptged n1yy ihe Clunlil 1954 ' Appr,ved(j,nuary 6. 1954i january 9. 1954 JAN 6 1W Adopted by the Council 195— JAN 6 1" Approved 195— In Favor --��gainst y or origi—I to city Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL 11,6726 FILE NO. IX ENSE CO1ZaT'M OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 54 COMAMSSIONE RESOLVEI)i That licenses for permit to conduct Bingo Games, applied for by the following organizations at the addresses stated, for.the days, dates, and hou:rs indicated on each application, be and the same are hereby granted. St. Francis DeSales Rosary Society 426 S. Osceola Ave. 2 Periods App. 6994 Renewal M C. fr�s No. 166726—By N.rria . H.I. Vo "n—Seocrin A. Mortinso—Rob- bcn F Peter�on­ Resolved. That Eh" applied for by 'he rgord=.. n.haed on the list attached to this resolution be and the some is hereby granted. and th�bClty Clerk I. i—t-dcd to IMe . I _ �pn the p:=.� into the CL?treasury of the ' d _ "Opted by the CMcU Z—.Y 6. 1954. Approved JJ:nnuUmary 6. 1164. 1 9. 1964) JAN 6 1%4 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Halvorson Nays JAN 61954 Holland Approved---195— Marzitelli Mortinson --In Favor 71 tm-y-r) Peterson Rosen _—Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 orifft"I to City C]"k CO NCIL 0. 1 -Ci 117?� CITY OF ST. PAUL FILo N Lima coMaTTFE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRISINTED BY January 6, 1954 COMMISSIONE RESOLVED. That portion of License No. 6561, expiring January 31, 1954, covering Restaurant. On and Off Sale 14alt Beverage and Cigarette (Only) issued to Glen Triviski at 767-75 Wabasha Strqet be and the same are hereby transferred to Glen Tri:7iski at 2550 West Seventh Street. F. No. 166727—By NOgls 0. Hal or- -" -eeo—Robert F. A� M "I a==��-t portim .451t. -T 6561, .-p--&'— m" si. iot Eiev- p�xhvurant. 1, "'tte (.Wy) J—.d to emge =4 k;',at767 75 W-b--j-��—,geftt Gie. T1111 'o ­'h.reb be ertri e to Gle,�hT,= M 2850 Ze. street. JanwrY 6- Ad,p d by the Clunlil 1 954' Approved ja­ry 6.,19M. (januery 9. 954) TRANSFER (Location) Informlly approved by Council October 20. 1953 TAVERN AID DANCE HALL IMENSES DISCONTINUED. JA% 6 10 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL--195— Yeas Halvorson Nays JAN 195— Holland Approve Marzitelli Mortinson ---In Favor �7any.r Peterson Rosen —Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-63 4990"' 0,1ghsl to City CI -k COUNCIL I CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. LICENS COMMITT17- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �COUNCIL �RESOL�UTION­G�ENRAL �FORIMI 6, 1954 PRESENTED BY .T_ — COMMISSIONE That -0 applied. for by the following persons at the addresses stated, REsOjVED: censes be and the save are hereby granted. Elizabeth Stout & Margaret Marsh Restaurant App. U709 Renewal 899 Rice 91 On Sale Ma t I if Off Sale Halt it Cigarette Mrs. Strandy's Bakeries, Inc. 51146 11 940 Rice Bakery Harold N. Pittelkm-T 511 University Grocery 5496 11 if Off Sale Malt it Cigarette 11 Cleveland Gethers 319 W- Central Tdy 11� D.C.Pickup 5?87 Kenneth J. Olson 505 Como Gro cery 58o6 11 Frozen Meats Off Sale Malt Cigarette Wilford Madison 539 Rice 11 11 Grocery 5855 Frozen Meats Off Sale Malt 11 Cigarette Harold E. Wesson State Office Bldg. Barber 5915 Glen Triviski 2550 W- 7th it 11 M. A. D. Loc. 6312 M. A.Dev (2) it it 1. M. Mach (1) 11 Rosa Kubitschek 1141-3 Rice Restaurant 6793 11 11 11 On Sale Malt It Off Sale Malt It it Cigarette COUNCILMEN Adopted 1 C- F- No. 169728— son A. Yeas Nays pe,=Verin JeAva.d; '.h..' a 'd-r,� -P&-d for by Halvorson to this resolution b�'—,'U, __ d hellby granted. a last --t.d AL "he �195_ to issuld the Cj& Cle'W_l Holland the Payment Inta'th'euch limnses, up n the required fees City treasury of Marzitelli I�54 d-pted by th� C.—it January 6. Mortinson In Favor Approved. 4anuary 6. 19M. Waruary 9, 1954) Ayor Peterson Rosen —Againat Mr. President, Dauliney 5M �53 49W" Orizinal jo City Mrk ;': '19 I ( � � 9 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL I,T�ENSE COI1FZTTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMhVSSIONER__ DATE January 6, 1954 PACE 110. Alfred William 556 Rondo Restaurant App. 6795 Renewal 11 11 On S ale %lt Off Sale Malt Ci�_arette Robert J. Ga13 ivan 372 Wabasha M. A. D. Loc. 6818 M. A. Dev (3) n U X. Mach (1) Phillip Kirmer 382 Wabasha M. A. D. Loc. 6820 14. A. Dev (2) I M. Mach (1) Xrs.137elyn Hayes 106 N. Smith M. A. D. Loc. 6829 11 11 M. A. Dev 2) it 14ach Klein Super Mts, Inc. 522 S. Snelling Grocery 6857 Butcher It Cigarette Walter T. Johmon W. 6th M. A. D. Loc. 6882 It M. A. Dev (2) M. Mach (1) Florence A. Anderson 107,& W. 10th H. A. D. Loc. 6889 it. A. Dev (3) 11 It It. Mach (1) Richard D. Weiss 420-44 Ildn Gas Sta 3P 6852 Otto Rohland, Sr. 461-3 W. 7th Grocery 6959 Butcher Off -Sale Malt I COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney SM 2-53 -09W'- —In Favor —Against lg ette Adopted by the CounciL-195— Approved 195— Mayor Phillip Greenberg Co. 808 14ississippi Vera Hill Clark 1752 Van Buren John E. Kelley 140 Front COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson —In Favor Peterson Rosen -----Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-5a 41PI— Junk Dlr. It 7019 " Beauty Shop it 7022 U 1 AM Gas Sta P. it 7032 It Adopted by the Council 195— Approved _195— Mayor orizinol to city cirk CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. LICENSE C*29= OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK_ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY January 6, 3954 COMNUSSIONER___ DATE- ne is John W. Lux, Jr. 967 W.7th Orig. Cont. App. 6M Renewal Off Sale blialt Cigarette Park Li(Tior Go., Inc. XUZ 168 N. S nel ling Orig Cont 6981 It a Off Sale Malt 11 It Harold Gulden 1202 Payne Corifect�onery 6983 U 11 Cigarette it Victor Gloat 1022 Payne Gas Sta 3P 6984 11 11 V. X. Loc. 11 Raymond G. 01eliefske 623 Como Gas Sta 6P 6991 it 11 Auto Rep Gar It 11 it It 11 V. X. Loc. It is 11 Gust Johnson 1qnber Co. 3102 Como S- E- Mpls- Fuel Dlr 11 it 7017 Francis S. Pariseau 695 Arcade Gas Sta. 2P 7010 W. E. Otto 1200 Earl Gas Sta 4P 7012 It Auto Rep Gar 11 John Kurka 1039 Hudson Rd. Bakery 7015 Phillip Greenberg Co. 808 14ississippi Vera Hill Clark 1752 Van Buren John E. Kelley 140 Front COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson —In Favor Peterson Rosen -----Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-5a 41PI— Junk Dlr. It 7019 " Beauty Shop it 7022 U 1 AM Gas Sta P. it 7032 It Adopted by the Council 195— Approved _195— Mayor JAN 6 i9ft COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Halvorson I Nays 6 1954 Holland Appr --195— Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor -4 Peterson Ma7�) Rosen 0 ---Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 -004— oxi.i..1 City CI,,k 1. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. — L16ENSE COMMTEE OFFICE OF TkE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY January 6. 1954 COMMISSIONER- DA PAGE No. 4 (Renewals) Leonard Kowalska & Howard Johnson 680 University Gas Sta 4P App. 7043 Renewal Alban A.- Hurst 243k, Rondo Fuel Dlr 7o4,6 Edwin F. Janssen 365 University Orig Cont 70.W 11 Off Sale Halt ft it Cigarette It John & Sal Ruberto 12 W. 9th Cigarette 7076 %bert Hennessey 958 Rice GasSta 3P 7079 Koppy �lotor Tric. 228 W.kellogg: Gas sta. 4P 7087 Gerald Williams & Paul. Hanson 666 N. Snelling Gas Sta 3P 7091 It 11 Auto Rep Gar it Yo,ron Riedler 1342 Van Buren Elec App Rep 11 7092 it Ford Deep Rock Oil Co. 84 s. 6th, Mpis. Fuel Dlr It 7098 11 Anthony Cassello 357 UT)per Levee Xtr Veh Dr. 7155 Nate Horne 297 E. 7th Cigaretlb-� 7222 Forrest B. Brandt 579 Van Buren Mtr Veh Dr. 71.82 11 Stephen A. Weinhandh 1722 Rice Yltr Veh Dr. It 7232 JAN 6 i9ft COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Halvorson I Nays 6 1954 Holland Appr --195— Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor -4 Peterson Ma7�) Rosen 0 ---Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 -004— Orld-1 W Car CI�k CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. I C, 6 7 2 19 FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Public has reported, In accordance with Section 55 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency during the period from December 16 to 31, 1953, which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of the Department of Public Works for more than eight hours per day or forty hours per wak in doing the following work! EmLergency street and building repair Dispatching man for emergency sewer jobs Dispatching motor vehicles for street, sewer & bldg. repairs Operating equipment on emergency street repairs C- E- 0 166729—By Frank D. M ­j, Hauling materials for all emergency work teIII—N Emergency calls for sewer maintenance re RewIved. That the er elly I'd- ,.�T -re hereby ..th.gg tO Pay Mr Removing snow from city streets ;QbIj'-Vy,1Xe- I- the Npartrta.t A ' Cindering loy hills and intersections d—ribed In'1fe"r='..'.P"y"-t I Ad'Pted by the Councii January 6. Tending fires at Asphalt Plant on Sundays and holidays 954. Approved(J.nuaU 6. 1954. Emergency repair on bridges January 9, 1%4) Emergency Inspection on alleys and garbage cans Emergency garbage pickup. Drawing plans and specifications for grading & paving jobs Servicing municipal equipment And WHEREAS, This emergency arose by reason of the follorring facts and circumstances: Necessity of keeping fires at Asphalt Plant continuously, answering emergency street, sewer, bridge and building repair calls, need of emergency inspection on alleys and garbage cans, need of garbage pickup, need of keeping city streets free from snow and ice, need of completing plans for grading and paving jobs, need of keeplAg city equipment in good running condition. THER ORE BE IT RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authortzod"to pay the employees who performed such work in accordance with the provisions of the Council's salary ordinance, Ordinance No.6446. M by the couAiL— 6 1954 195— COUNCILMEN Adopted Yeas Nays JAN 6 1914 Halvorson Holland Approved 195— Marzitelli Mortinson --In Favor Peterson Rosen ----Against Mr. President, Daubiley 5M 243 -OEPO-1- odiri—I to City CI,rk i-11 V 1143.0 CITY Of ST. PAUL COUNCIL I FILE NO— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL *OLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER-- ZC'OU I)AI—j---a�-51-1-954 RESOTLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Comptroller, to purchase from McCr= WAI'dJER C01,1PINY 500 Election �laps, 1954 Precincts at a total cost Of $575.00, without advertisement or competitive bids as this is a copyrighted articl� and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge General Fund us 31D9. C F. N a. iGS730—By Severin A. Martin - b Reealved.-That the PaurchAlting Agent te, and he I- , -Lb. he �roraptra.= ch— frara McGill Warner C F �t tlp..y 500 -lec hot M.NS, 1954 F'recino a at . total "'d ' -12, corailtilUZZ bid. th"f.'Ift.—ti—ent or aVole and no advantage copyrighted ML=d could be IlRetchynCirge General Fund— A d . p ted- be M . "A. Y the Council January 6, Approved January 6 ' 19M. ( January 9.1954) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-63 JAN 6 195' Adopted by the Council 195— JAN 6 IM Approved 195 In Favor —Against 0drinal to City (71-1, CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL FILE NO. 11-1,116,731 WHEREAS. The Corm issioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency during the period from December 16 to 31, 1953, which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings for more than eight hours per day or forty hours per week in doing the following work: 1 Tending Como Greenhouse heating plant. 2 Building skating and hockey rinks. And WHEREAS, This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circum- stances: 1 Constant, even temperature is, required at the Como Greenhouse and Zoo. 2 Demand for completion of new installations and inability to obtain additional skilled and experienced help. THEREFORE BE 'IT RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the employees who performed such work in accordance with the pro- visions of the Council's salary ordinance, Ordinance No. 6446. — 1 C. F. No. 166131—By N0111. 0. H�a­- per city officem alution. Adopted by the Coumil January 6, 1 1 954. Appro—d(J-1.11y J... 1954 jAN 6 1%4 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL-195— Yeas Nays JAN 6 1964 Halvorson Holland Approved _195— Marzitelli /A Mortinson —In Favor Ma�ot Peterson Rosen ---- f�!_Against Mr. President, Daubiiey 5M �53 404— original to City Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C U CIL R TION GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY r,,, January 6, 1954 ,I ))// DATE -------- RESc)LVED, That licenses applied for by St. p-1 Courtesy Benches, Inc., at the addresses listed beloi�, be and the same are hereby granted: Address License 1199 Arcade Street No. 1631 418 N. Cleveland Avenue er 1632 2102 Como Avenue se 1633 1634 2093 Cono Avenue 1635 618 Cmo Avenue 1636 623 Ccmo Avenue 1637 600 N. Dale Street 721 N. Dale Street 1638 618 w. Minnehaha Avenue 1639 1215 N. Dale Street 1640 935 E. Maryland Avenue 1641 1200 Forest Street 1642 1037 Grand Avenue 1643 1644 1099 Grand Avenue 1645 1682 Grand Avenue 1646 616 W. Maryland Avenue se 1647 1201 White Bear Avenue 1285 E. Minnehaha Avenue er 1648 720 N. Hemline Avenue 1649 719 N. Hemline Avenue 1650 1321 Payne Avenue 1651 1652 1199 Payne Avenue 1653 1020 Payne Avenue 954 Payne Avenue 1654 1143 Payne Avenue 1655 1050 Payne Avenue 1656 1657 1219 Randolph Avenue 16 8 5 859 Randolph Avenue re 1659 514 Rice Street . 1660 593 Rice Street . 1661 786 Randolph Avenue 961 Rice Street . 16 62 C. F. No. 166732—By Frank D. Mami. tolli— . Resolved, That Courtesy search licenses applied for bZ St. Paul Courte. sy Bench's. Inc. or the locations ...ed on the list attached to this ms- ,,utlon be and the same am hemby granted, tor?d the Cltr Clerk is in- st'vete issue such I mnscas upon the p.y.e.t into the City treasury of the ,.Vmd f— d.pted by the Council January 6, 1954. Approved January 6 1954 (January 9: IDNi Ofl.1­1 t� Cit, Cl -k CO NCR CITY OF ST. PAUL FILEY NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESE N TED BY January 6, 1954 RESOLVEDo That licenses applied for by St. Paul Courte ' sy Benches, Inc., at the addresses listed below, be and the same are hereby granted - Address License 1105 Rice Street No. 1663 620 Rondo Avenue . 1664 618 Rondo Avenue " 1665 458 S. Robert Street 1666 459 S. Robert Street 1667 427 S. Robert Street 1668 1220 Selby Avenue 1669 1160 Selby Aven7e 1670 1040 Selby Avenue 1671 919 Selby Avenue 1672 857 Selby Avenue 1673 1728 Selby Avenue 1674 171 N. Chatsworth Street 1675 705 E. Seventh Street 1676 415 E. Seventh Street 1677 1775 E. Seventh Street 1678 591 E. Seventh Street 1679 801 E. Seventh Street 1680 310 W. Seventh Street, 1681 621 W. Seventh Street 1682 1032 W. Seventh Street 1683 506 W. Seventh Street 1684 477 W. Seventh Street 1685 1209 W. Seventh Street 1686 365 N. Snelling Avenue 1687 763 N. Snelling Avenue 1688 201 N. Snelling Avenue 1689 1585 Marshall Avenue 1690 699 N. Snelling Avenue 1691 660 N. Snelling Avenue 1692 510 Snelling Avenue 1693 1200 N. Snelling Avenue 1694 1202 N. Snelling Avenue 1695 147 X_ Snallina Avenue 1696 i732 OAKI"I W city CI�k COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. 'OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY January 6, 1954 COMMISSIONER_ DATE RESOLVED, That licenses applied for by St. Paul Courtesy Benches, Inc., at the addresses listed below, be and the same are hereby granted: Address _License 644 S. Smith Avenue No. 1697 710 S. Smith Avenue . 1698 778 S. Smith AvenVe . 1699 62 W. Winifred Street . 1700 542 Stryker Avenue 1701 878 Stryker Avenue 1702 71 W. Annapolis Street 1703 61 W. Winifred Street 1704 1337 St. Clair Avenue 1705 919 St. Clair Avenue 1706 1159 University Avenue 1707 2304 Como Avenue 1708 264 University Avenue 1709 216 University Avenue 1710 1089 University Avenue 1711 621 University Avenue 1712 2205 University Avenue 1713 320 University Avenue 1714 979 University Avenue 1715 924 University Avenue 1716 1955 University Avenue 1717 800 University Avenue 1718 481 Rice Street 1719 481 Rice Street 1720 2230 University Avenue 1721 440 University Avenue 1722 447 Rice Street 1723 500 University Avenue 1724 860 University Avenue 1725 379 University Avenue 172' 2513 University Avenue 1727 2180 University Avenue 1728 '6732 OrW.J t� Cit, MA CO NCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER- DATE &nuary 5, 1954 RESOLVED, That licenses applied for by St. Paul Courtesy Beaches, Inc., at the addresses listed below, be and the same are hereby granted: Addresses Licenseg- 425 Oakland Avenue No. 1729 959 Western Avenue . 1730 679 E. Third Street . 1731 679 E. Third Street . 1732 285 W. George Street ' 1733 412 S. Wqbasha Street . 1734 175 Pleasant Avenue ' 1735 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-63 -qEW1- JAN 6 1%4 Adopted by the Council _195— JAN 6 1954 Approved--195- --In Favor Mayo�--Against Original I' CRY Cl,,k FILE 73 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 'A_ 94 S TED BY DATE N' 166733-11Y Nrrj, 0 �d thlMe"'.. ­j:T '953 His WHEREAS, Almighty God, In the exercise of inrtnite wisdom, has called from this lifel on Sunday, December 27th, 1953, at the age of eighty-six years, Adolph St,rk' after fiftY-SiX Years of faithful valuable service to the City of Saint Paul and especially the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, and it is here recognized that his activities were not confined thereto but were generally in the interests of this community and its citizens; therefore, be It RESOLVED, that we, the Mayor and the Council of the City Of Saint Paul, in our Official capacity and on behalf of all the citizens of this city, do hereby extend to. the members Of the bereaved family of the deceased our deep and heartfelt sympathy In this hour of their lose; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in token Of our sympathy and esteem, this resolution be spread on the Official minutes of the Council of the City of Saint Paul, qd that a copy thereof be sent by the City Clerk to the sorrowing family of Adolph Sterk. COUNCILMEN JAN 6 1954 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council 195 Halvorson JAN 6 1954 Holland Approved Marzitelli Mortinson —In Favor Peterson Rosen Mayor Mr. President, Daubney —Against PC13L 1.,;) 1: q 5M 2.53 I I (-,i i734 orl.1-1 ta City cl�k CO NCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CL�ERIK U�NCILRESOLUTION�—GENERAL FORM No. 1`1734—By Millar, R­th-�—,i,y Be d, By the Council of t e, 0. PRESENTED BY of S=ePaul that Slern, B by i De are co oration' ha� DATE derju, COMMISSIONE.Aze�: d and dig�t:ed it all ara d t e r a vacate. an or b re -_rc, tr.e 'r 'I 'e X' , h.rc,af.�tlkcct . i e neo Y Cityi0f Saint Pa a a cat, r c.f o— ng, widenin "9 RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint 'Paul that Siems Bros. Inc., a Delaware corporation, hereby is ordered and directed, at its own separate cost and expense, to remove all buildings, fences, tracks and other structural installations therefrom and completely vacate, on or before March 15, 1954, that certain tract or parcel of land heretofore ta- ken and condemned by the City of Saint Paul in the matter of opening, widen- ing and extending a street to be known as Midway Road, pursuant to Final Or- der, Council File No. 145601, approved September 21, 1948, and other pro- ceedings, according to the Charter of said City, which tract or parcel of land is that listed on said Cityts Assessment Roll No. 106,79 in said matter in the then ownership of said Siems Bros Jnc., and for such taking and con- demnation whereof an award of damages in the sum of $10,750-00 was thereon specified as payable and accordingly heretofore fully paid therefor by said City to said Siems Bros. Inc. as the claimant thereof shown to have been en- titled thereto, subject to the express obligation of said Siems Bros. Inc. to so �ake all aforesaid removals and entire vacation as and when ordered by City of Saint Paul. RESOLVED FURTHER, that said Assessment Roll, by reference, is hereby incorporated herein and made part hereof, and the Corporation Coun- sel is hereby directed, in behalf of City of Saint Paul, to forthwith serve a Certified copy of this resolution upon said Siems Bros. Inc. and to take all proceedings in the premises to the end that such removals and vacation in respect to said parcel of real estate taken and condemned as aforesaid be effected according to the provisions of this resolution, it appearing from the records and files in said matter that the aforesaid taking and condemnation and award of damages therefor were duly ratified and confirmed, in said mattert by the resolution of this Council, Council File No, 146457, approved December 15, 1948, and that said award of damages in the aforesaid sum of $10,750-00 was fully paid by said City to said Siems Bros. Inc. under and by said City's Comptrollerts Warrant No* 79113 January 21� 1949, JAN 6 10 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council _195— Yeak Halvorson Nays JAN 6 1954 - Holland Approved— 195— Marzitelli Mortinson ----,-In Favor Peterson Rosen —Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-68 -098�­ 0 Minnesota ss. y of Ramsey . I � n:1 I -n, That at the City of St. Paul, Hoby Certify and Retul --dav of.,9� A. D. 195-!�-- personally, by han*g to and leaving with-64/7�/-- a true and correct copy thereof - 40� Dated this day o A. D. 195 Taking Property Approving Bond - - - Sheriff's Fee Service $ HOMAS J. GIBBONS, Levy - - - Sheriff of Ram�by County, Minn. Copy - - - Travel - - - Total - - - $ By— Deputy. 11. r.F 0. M H -U i�633� L. P. sHELW ASKS THAT YOU MAKE A RECORD 07 THIS. STATE OF MINNESOTA) County of Ramsey CITY OF ST. PAUL 4 Mrs. Agnes H. OlConnell_,_ Clerk of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota do hereby certify that I have com- cil File No....- 166U4 pared the attached copy of Coun January 6th, 19 as adopted by the City Council . - , and approved by the Mayor January.6th,.. with the original thereof on file in my office. I further certify that said copy is a true and correct copy of said original and the whole thereof. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of St. Paul, Minn., this. .11th day of januaryj A. D. 19-54,... city Original I. city Cl"k CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. "OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE PRESENYED BY RESOLVED, that the Citizens lee & IPue.1 Company be per- mitted to establish an automomatic ice -cube vending machine on the north side of West Seventh Street, 185 feet east of Davern Avenue, in accordance with Plans dated December 7, 1963, and subject to the provisions of any and all ordinances pertaining to such use. C� F. NO. 166735—By N,Mls 0. H.I,.' so, E Resolved. That the Citizens 1. & "I Coapny be Pemitted to Ostalonsh so Aut�. U I On 'he c ce-cube venifing S notth side Of West S,," hla� t"a 1, It 3"ee','85 feet east Of Dave, A I, a,,. rdance with Clans, dated V' ber 7 1163, and su Ject to theDper"ov-1.- slam Of any and an rdanatne inq to such Use, - P -W_' I dopted by iho Counon j FIX naary 6,, Appnoved janna Joan 6 1954. sty 9,'1954) JAN 6 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL_195_ Yeas Halvorson Nays JAN 6 1954 Holland Marzitelli Approved _195 Martinson --In Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-63 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul 2, Minn. P999nmr. �� I ...... 195 You are hereby notified that the Council of the City of St. Paul will consider the matter of application of Citizens Ise & Fuel Co. for pemit to install and operate an ice cube vending machine on the north side of lest Seventh St-; 185 Ft. Fast Of Davern Ave. and that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building on Decernber 31, , 1953 , in the City of St. Paul, at jo:oo o'clock A.M. milton Rosenp File 12425; Page 1 Commissioner of Finance. .AW@ MRS. AGNES H. O'CONNELI, City CI.,k HAROLD J. RIORDAN Chi.f CI ­k CITY OF SAINT PAuL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 306 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE December 31, 1953 .wn- Mr. Timothy P. (;�iinn Corporation Counsel B u 1 1 d i n g Dear Sir: The Council requested that you draw a resolution to grant the application of the Citizens Ice and Fuel Co. for permit to establish an automatic ice—cube vending machine on the north side of West Seventh St., 185 ft. east of Davern Ave. Very truly yours, City Clerk The Board of Zoning Saint Paul, Minnesota A. A. HECKMAN PRUIDIN. OFF.— C. DAVID LOEKS C=cLrnw s=ww"V .OW@ W QR.M. U J. R.- I.. SCHRO-M. — A� j�m v�umff. 279 CITY-COUNTT BUILDING SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA December 16, 1953 Mrs. A. H. O'Connell City Clerk 1�uilding Dear Madam: In the matter of the application of the Citizens Ice and Fuel ComparW for permit to establish an automatic ice -cube vending machine on the easterly portion of an exis�ing filling station s ite located adJaAnt to the northeast corner of Davern and West Seventhl this facility would be located approximately 15' north of the north line of Seventh Street and 31 west of the east property line. This would be just to the east of the existing driveway which provides access to the DX station located on this site. The Zoning Board finds no objection to this proposal and recommends that the permit be granted pursuant to the applicant's plans dated December 7, 1953. Very truly �01s, e . 9. J&k-) C. D . LOeks Planning Director CDL:FS Executive Secretary Enc. Board of Zoning I I PT Q, vrabog A FT, 37 -71,11 31 F T — 7 tts ST City of St. Paul Office of City Clerk Date 3 To Honorable City Council of St.Paul, Minnesota AP'LICATION is hereby made BY -0 I T 1 -1 EN j (�.,E- 4 r=0 Q— 60 �Name) 600 SEL -13Y, Y -r ai5 Do/ kAddress) I (I'hone ho.) For per-qi�ision to install. and operate a FTLT.Ti4 STA PION DRIITE-IN REFRESH=T MISCELLANEOUS /r,,E 6()13j: New Remodeled No. of pumps No. of gas tanks Cap. of each tank PjURKTNG LOT. Customer Employees Private Public New Remodeled to be used in connection with Location: Lots Block Addition also described as description on back of page 7FS7r—eeT and Number) �C, �- 14�±4 4fo kSWnature Of AppLicant) By— �44.t ep eR- 40 D I 77dress) -CPhone NO—. T— Plan Approved by: Date Date Approved RejEcted Board of Zoning Comm. Public Bldgs. Comm. Public Safety Description: except part taken for- widening w.7th street oomcdenoing at intersection of original northwest line of 1-1 7tf� street with east line of Davern,,thence noxth 150 feet, thence northeasterly parallel with 4 7th treet 185 febt,, thence south 150 feet thence soutliftaterly 185 feet to beginning, being in east one hall of north east one quarter of section 21, township 28, range 23 CITIZENS ICE& FUEL COMPANY PHONE OFFICE & SHOWROOM CEDAR 600 SELBY AVENUE 4701 SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA Dece�.,ber 9, 1;,�,3. Honorable -myor vs, City Muhoil. Uehileann: de Mve ly wisn Ue Awomquenz oil oo-gany to place STAWNEndhE waoAnc an z-oir prwerty atn-e nort�east oarner of Daven, aid nesc oevent. Street. "he niand for t1la location of tLA,. buildinE; have been submittea to We Board of Zonin, and wore apqroved at their meetinE of December Bth. do would like to mve Ws ioe cUe vmQj ow"qM: for --,-.olid,-,ys, but it is yo late to end mt n0tices to Ge nearby property owne, ME love wx Dublic hearing. ,;e are -,creby aplyijj�; for im-iedi,,,te infonial ap�orcvai so that we can pInce am opwme t�e ve&or unUl t,, ,Mir, hearing can be seld. If t -,.,e �)lacin,,� of ---As veyor is not finally Myra" R -G, t -a -t til,le, we will comply tdt�-, whatever decision you may nake. YOL12b very truly, JITIZE.:3 Ml S� ?-'EL COIIPA:.y 0.1,1-1 to Cit, CI ­k PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER COUNCIL H,6736 CITY OF ST. PAUL F1 LE N FICE OF THE CITY CLERK AESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED, that Richard A-Sedin and Edna H. Sedin be permitted to remodel their refreshment stand adjacent to the northwest corner of Arcade and Sherwood Streets In accordance with the plans dated November l7th and December let, 1953, subject to the provisions of any and all ordinances pertaining to such use, and subject to the condition that a bumper fence be constructed along the alley with no access to the property. C. F. No. 166736—By Norris 0. R.Iv.,- i ELTnived That Ucbard A. sedba and I H S� Edon ;;i�_, din be persai— their _..t stand Tenal to n.,tb..t _fg of Arna sad, the .—d street- , ':ad ners- =tN.v.,d'b-.r . pro Ur at. 1953. aubl—t , , 914 ordiannee. 119's en ditiOn an n d %Ib�= to d subject es tied tence be t1gartgoth e; �vith �raaa to the P-Apd'a-d by the C.Men January 6. 1954' proved January 6. 19�4j A Ap (j_..ry 9, 1954 JAN 6 is" COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council _195— Yeas Nays JAN 10 Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Approved--195-- Mortinson —In Favor A�ayor Peterson Rosen -----'—Against Mr. President, Daubney 6M 2-53 -01W" HAROLD J. RIORDAN MRS—AGNES H. O'CONNELL Chief Clerk Cily Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL, Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE December 31, 1953 Mr. Timothy P- quion Corporation Counsel 3 U 1 1 & i n 9 Dear Sir. The Council requested that you draw a resolution granting the application of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Sedin for a permit to remodel their drive-in refreshment stand adjacent to the northwest corner of Arcade and Sherwood in accordance with their plans dated November 17, 1953 and December 1, 1953 and subject to the condition that a bumper fence be constructed along the alley with no access to the property. Very truly yours, 7V e City Clerk OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul 2, Minn. ........ 195-3.. You are hereby notified that the Council of the City of St. Paul will consider the matter of application of Mr. & Mrs. R. A. Sedin for Perm to remodel a drive�in refreshment business at northwest c6 of Arcade and Sherwood. Property described as Lots 5 & 6s Block 1, Kings Arcade Park. and that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building on December 31, , 195 3 , in the City of St. Paul, at 10:00 O'clock A.M. File 12�24; Page 1 14W@ Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Finance. The Board of Zoning Saint Paul, Minnesota A. A. HECKMAN C.,DAVID LOEKS W. J. RICE J�U. ��Umr_ U- 79 CITY -COUNTY BUILDING AINT PAUL 2# MINNESOTA December 31, 1953 Mrs. A. H. O'Connell City Clerk Building Dear Madam: In the matter of the application of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Sedin for a permit to remodel an existing drive-in refreshment stand located adjacent to the northwest corner of Arcade and Sher- wood this is described. The property under consideration is described as Lots 5 and 6, Block 1, Kings Arcade Park Addition. The zoning is "commercial". The present facility was estab- lished pursuant to council permit under the date of March 14 19509 and was enlarged pursuant to another permit issued by the Council April 18,, 1952. The property under consideration has a frontage of 83 feet along Arcade and extends easterjr to a depth of 125 feet. There is an existing entrance on Arcade and a driveway that functions as both entrance and an exit on Sherwood. The applicant proposed to enlarge the existing building by add- ing a new structure with a basement. The new facility will have a size of approxAmately 201 x 50'. The Zoning Board finds no objection to this proposal and recommends that the permit be granted in accordance with the applicant's plans dated December 1, 1953 and November 17, 1953. Ve y 7 C ? , D. oeks PlanninE Director Executive Secretary CDL:ek Board of Zoning 0 il � 6 -) 3 6 City of St. Paul Office of City Clerk Date �s 3 To Honorable City Council of St.Paulj Minnesota AP�ILIGATION is hereby made By k"ame) A -�-6 (ilhone No.) kAddress) For permi:�sion to install and operate a F1j,LTTIG ITArION DRjjrE-jN jjj-�M-SIEMNT MISCELLANEOUS_ New 1-7 Remodeled No, of pumps_____jo. of Car tanks Cap. of each tank PATiKING LOT - Customer Employees Private Public New Remodeled to he used in connection with Location: Lots Zj��Block Additi.n also de.rcribed as kbzree an uuM e —4Stgfn—at 44of VpPlcan�t By. . . . . . . 'q&5 c4siff V4 15 6 -CAddress) krfiullu 140. Plan Approved byt Date Date Approved RejEcted Board of Zoning Comm. Public Bldgs. Comm. Public Safety N R I C i i'61 7 prisin,11 to City Cl�k COU CIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE N NO. �FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Cor IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED CommiSSONYER AA- DATE Denpmhpr 31, 1�53 RES,ILVLD, That the PurchaS4.ng A-,,ent be', an6 he is hereby authorized, wLth the consent of the Comptroller to purchase fro- "01�ROI,', CALC IAT1 i:,3 ' .A(,:ITT.l CC., 1 1,,onroc Add -ng List4ng 1�aclilne, at a t,'�al �cst of $2'N.00, without advertis.�rrent or competitive bids as this is a latented article ano no advanta-,.e co,dd be :ained thereby. Cliar e Corj-,issioner oj' ?inalice 0,1`�ice &pense 6A- 3 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney sm "a .060— C. F. No "i " "" R"`_ neaafv�d. ITET BQ`APu`=g Agthl be, and he Is hereby stub. the consent of the COM opheller to put. chase fl�ro Monroe aILWatqL,A chi% Co.. I Monroe Addi ll�; Mac ne, at a total cost of $:177.00, with- out advertisement or g�,mpetitive bids this led I' and " ad - a' " a Pt" 'r"'l C�ha to W e Voted 'reby R r ge' dssl� ner of FLn. ease Co A ;. -c apt y t e r I. �d d h _o_n 'an.. 'y s: Approved J nuary 6, 1954. 1 .2 January 9. 1954) 1 jxg 6 04 Allopied by the Council 195— JAN 6 its, Approved—__195- - X --In Favor Mayor ---L-Against Original W City Cl -k COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE,CITY CLERK UNCKIESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Aj. 'e'r A— — V14 T 19 �L RFsmvED.That the Purchasing kgen+ be, and he is hereby authorizedp with the consent of the comptrollerj to issue Rirchase Order to McCLADT 8c TIEDMUl for one Secretarial Yetal Desk, Shaw -Walker #6034PRH to riatch Silvertone desk at Comptrollerts office at a total cost Of V41�.50, without advertisement or competitive bids as this is the only source of supply and no advvnta,,�e could be iained thereby. Charge Comptroller - Office &mense 30A2. CO'UNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney BM 2-63 C. F. No. 169738 --By Milton Rosen by That the Pur=:A�l be. 1.1, he.-Cgy.," III the lh I't�:.' to PurchasesOrd,r t; to McClain & Hedimat I,r no — I ,,, re Walker No. tIgggi to _Wh all one So eft desk at Contptroner's�Off c at . total cost of $144.50, without adverbsensent " competitive bids as this is the only source Of suPPIg and no advantage could b t-HertWined emby. Charge Comp. ice ""Pe"a 3OA2. A by the Council January 6, 1984!.pted Approwd Janus y 6 IVA. - (J.n..0 9719m) JAN 6 IS% Adopted by the Council 195— JAN 6 1954 Approved IUD_ In Favor Mayor Against . 4 aggrag4e Cl� OF SAIW PAUL an a Ing checks NO.— clus COUNCIL FILE a,,- COUNCIL RESOLUTIO co in N .c.. an file in the of the city comptrollen "Aa.pted b5 the Council January 6. --Jan. 4 ig— 53 Approved, amary.6.11954. January . 954) RESOLVED, THAT CHECK S BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $1 005 392.48 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBEREDjL8�-�l----TO--5-�-4,�--2 -INCL SIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL— --JAN � 61954 ....... JAN 6 1954 c" com— APPFROVED-- 19-- y Lf _R --h CITY OF SAINT PAUL DUPUCATE TO Cf� OFF ICE OF TH E COMPTROLLER so ROLL/CALL HALVOR N! � AUDITED CLAIMS HOLLAND 1 MARZITELLI I ------IN FAVOR .ORTINS N� ' P ETERSON 4.—;) A.AINST ROSEN MR FREE. DAUBNEY JAN 6 ffA ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL— APPROVED- 313 ��C ECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER 7, COUNCIL FILE NUMBER -------- Jan 4 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWIW� THE CITY TREASURY IN THE AMOUNT OF S 1 005 392. CH ECKS NO38381 T.�8432 INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE I N� �T 1_�F F 51HI CITY COMPTROLLER LIR TOTAL DATE RETURNED V TRANEF R DISBURSEMENT By BANK CHECKS CHECK. BROUGHT FORWARD 5838b Milton Rosen 1 980 16 38382 17 687 06 38383 594 75 38384 4 4il 96 58383 11 397 00 38386 26 25� 71 .58387 12 294 27 38388 9 802 55 38389 640 24 58390 Empire National Bk. of St. P. 94 302 62 58391 First National Bk. -533 514 88 36392 11 111 N 286 209 09 58393 Benjamin M. Storey 2 0 00 56394 N. W. Refining Co. 6590 65 38393 H. A. Rogers Co. 5 23 58396 Wolters Auto Supply Co. 8o 49 58397 Brown and Day Inc. 50 2_5 38398 Card Div. Lib. of Congress 125 61 58399 Carroll AV. Food Market 57 94 38400 Carnes Stamp Works 8 90 '58401 Clay Carpet Clean. Go. 34 oo 58402 Coca Cola Bottling Co. 236 80 38403 Co—oper-tive Laundry Co. 14 18 �8404 Country Gentleman 3 73 38405 E. A. Dannecker 83 89 58406 Detroit Stoker Co. .50 40 58407 Dresser Trap Rock Go. 897 28 56408 Fast aide Grocery Go. 48 51 38409 Elk Launderers and 01�aners 3 o4 58410 Elkhart i3rass Mfg. Go. ina.' 6 24 58411 Follett Library Book Go. 1 88 38412 G & G Sales Co. 10 01 38413 Charles M. Gardner and Co. 2 25 38414 Geiger Go. 113 46 38413 B. F. Goodrich Co. 20 38 38416 Gopher Bear. Co. 37 92 38417 Gopher State oil Co. 9 50 58418 Grand Av. Motor Go. 63 34 38419 Grinnell Co. - 83 86 58420 58421 Gruber Auto Elea. Co. Backer Art Books 45 3� 58422 Harvard University Library 20 3 4 oo 38423 Murraj M. Hauben 15 7.5 38424 Haughton Elevator Co. 38423 Norman F. Gilbert .336 .50 238 55 38426 Frank Shypulski 108 00 58427 Nelsen and Glewwe 24 92 38428 Neuman's music Co. 52.52 58429 Olson �ros. Meat Market 17 85 38430 Ryan Grocery Store 91 57 384�1 Milier Supply Co. 144 27 58432 St. Paui Milk Co. 10 59 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 1 005 392 48 2.d--I� Laid over -Adopte 3rd and aPP--- -- I —��T Yea. Nays yeas Nays 4W,wr� —J�� Holland Holland M arzitelli Marzitelli Martinson Martinson V Peterson Rosen Rosen Mr. President Daubney Mr, President Daubney 'A 0 I o'W"I to city Clerk ORDINANCE I C6740 OUNCIL FILE No i PRESENTED BY. ORDINANCE NO 0., e�e An ordinance granting permission to the Minnesota Air National Guard to establish a skeet range at the southeast corner of Holman Field in the City of Saint Paul. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission is hereby granted to the Minnesota.Air National Guard to establish a skeet range at the southeast corner of Holman Field in the City of Saint Paull, to be used for the purpose of training Minnesota Air National Guard personnel in ground training phase of aerial gumery and permitting said personnel to shoot and discharge such weapons therefor on said skeet range as directed by the commanding officer of the National Guard stationed at said air base. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peaces health, and safety. Section 3. -,This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approvals and publication. C. F. No. 166140--ordina.- No. 10240— By Robert F. Peter— grantirt . pe Appftv" a* t6 96nA orporation use Yeas Councilmen Nays Mamiteni Mortinson Peters n Rosen MrWHolland Daubney) Attest: -- -City Clerk JAN 2 2 19% Passed by the Counci n Favor 2 —Against Appr'6�1d. Mayor f MARSHALL F. HURLEY JAMES F. SULLIVAN ROBERT E- O'CONNE L j. jEROME PLUNKETT joHN j. MCNEIL A511-A.T. To the Council CITY OF SAINT PAUL LEGAL DEPARTMENT TIMOTHY P. QUINN CORPORATION COUNSEL January 6, 1954 LOUIS P, 1HEA"A" _ 1111L A6118TANT Gentlemen: A form of ordinance granting permission for the National Guard to establish a skeet range at Holman Field is hereby submitted. The purpose of the ordinance is to grant specific per- mission for the use contemplated, making it a specific exemption to the prohibitions contained in Ordinance No. 2395 which generally prohibits the shooting and discharging of any weapons within the City limits of the City of Saint Paul. Attached to the proposed ordinance is a letter from Major C. R. Sproat of the Minnesota Air National Guard, requesting such permission and stating the reasons therefor. Also attached is a letter from Mr. N. C. McMahont Chief of Police, stating the lack of objection on the part of the Police Department to such use. May T suggest that both letters be read to the Council? yours very truly, T Marshall F. Hurley Assistant Corporation Counsel Encls. vrFH-B MRMSOTA AIR NATIONAL GUARD RASE Holman Field - St. Paul 1, Minnesota k�' W6740 30 December 1953 5 Mr. Timothy P. quinn City Attorney Court House St. Paul. Minnesota Dear Sir: As a part of our Pilot Training 11rogram, we wish to establish a skeet range on the south edge of Holman Field. The purpose of the skeet range is to comply with the ground training phase of aerial gunnery for our pilots. We are aware that existing laws forbid the discharging of firearms within the city limits, however. we are wondering if there is some provision for special authorization to establish activities of this kind in areas approved by the Public Safety commission. The range would over— look the swamp area to the south of Holman Yield. Would you kindly advise me of the procedure we should follow in getting permission to establish and operate this skeet range. Sincerely. C. R. UN, T Major, Minn. ANG Base Maintenance Supervisor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota ��5eradwetd al Pallic Sajell Tenth and Minnesota Streets, 2 BUREAU OF POLICE ROBERT F. PETERSON, Commi-ioner N. C. McMahon, Chief JOHN C. FELDMANN, D—ty C -1,,1—r j,-nuary 5, 1954 ::r. Timothy ;uinn C �orporation �ounsel Court "iouse Saint 11aul, �Iinnesota Dear Sir: Attention- "r. 'larshall ifirley Pursuant to your request an investigation was made the informal acolication of l�lajor Sproat, Air , ' ing, 3u; -rd, Holman Field, for pci,nission to establish a shot gun, skeet, and trap range at the S-,, corner of Holma,, Field. Assistant 7hief Franll� Schmidt contacted "aior -proat who pointed out to JLjTj the contemplated location. The locati n is in an isolated part of the airport consisting of swanpland, the closest re3idence bein,7 abou,', 1 rpile auray. lNo shootin- of a s'not,-un could possibly endanger the life of any residents, and the Police )epart!�ent can see no objection to the use of this property for such a nurpos - Th,� Purpose 0�' this range is to train National '�uard personnel and all shootinC vi0 on. � will be done under strict sjjper- Very trul y ur)s, C. iE Pol i ce Tj Gri.1-1 to Cit, Cl�ik COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE , NO. OFFICE -O-F THE CITY CLERK IL RESO /�� LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRIIENTED BY , /� COMMISSIONE'__4�_� DATE RESOLVEDO that the following resolutions and orders in the matter of opening,widening, and extending HaLalwood St. to a width of 60 feet from Maryland Ave. to Ivy Ave. by tak.ng and condemning the west 30 feet of the BWJ of the SEJ of Section ZZ, Townal-Ap 29, Range 22, from Maryland Ave. tib Ivy Ave., undcr Preliminary order No. 1065569, adopted and approved on September 10� 1953, viz: Intermediary Order 0. F. 165930, adopted October 14, 1953; Final Order in Condemnation Proceedings 0. P. 166165, adopted Novembpr 10, 1953; Resolut,= Approvin§ As3essment and Fixing Time of Hearing, etc. 0. F. 166583, adopted December 22, 1953; be and the same are hereby repealed. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson —In Favor Peterson Rosen ----Against Mr. President, Daublicy 6M 2.53 -000" C. F. No. 166741—By Milton R-en— lZol-d. That the following t In � in b. ns and order I e inn or o .P..I.g. widening, and extendinl Hazelwood St. to a width of 60 fee from Maryland Ave. to Ivy Ave. by Lakin v and condeninhig the —at 30 nary Order Na. 165569. adopted and and! F. be and the sarn e her��by Ad. tg ar pled by e council 1954. Approved January 7. 1954. J.n .. y 9 . 1 954) jAjj 7 1%4 Adopted by the Council 195— JAN 7 1W Approved_ __195— ay.r A origi,,l to City CkA COUNCI CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE L NO. ,/'P'FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C$VCIL RESOL N—GENERAL' FORM Ur -f r PRESENTED BY L,'K, �,Dccember 30, 1953 MOLVED, That the 1urchasin� AgA�t be, and he is hereby authorized3 with the consent of the ',layor and the Comptroller, to issiie Purchase Order to McGILL �4AFSER CO�'?ANY FM 8 M Voucher Checks at a total cost of $262.50,wihhout advertiserrient or competitive bids as an emergency exrl.sts where failure to act promptly would wor!� a hardship to th e best interest of the City. Char,,,e aeneral Fund — Financial Forms/31133 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubiley 5M 2-53 '48�'- C F No 166742—Milto, Rosen. by requ,s'— Resolved. Thai the P.-h-ing Agent be. and he is hereby authorl-d, With the consent of the, Mayor and the Comptroller, to JZ Plr,llpp- Order to MrGILL WAR R COM ANY far 8 M Voucher Check, at a total cost of $262.50, without advertisement or com petitive bids as on emergency zst; where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the bcst interest of the City. Charge GI.—I Fund — Financial', Forms 31G3, Adopted by the Council Janu,ry 7, 1954. App—rd Ja..ay 7, 1954. ( January 9 . 1 954) ilk% 7 1954 Adopted by the CounciL--195— .JAN 7 IV Appr7ed — 195— L In Favor Against I-�14 C -43 Orixt-1 to City Cb,,l, COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. ---- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PRESENTED BY -2 N IL RE!�LUTION—GENERAL FORM January 6, 1954 COMMISSICINER-'/'�'--' Z I — DATE----------� RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be3 and he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Comptroller, to purchase from ST. PAUL BOOK & STATIONERY coml`kNY 1450 various size Plastic Kleer Book Jackets; regular stYlei at a total cost of $119062, without advertise- ment or compf-,titive bids as this is the onl ,y source of supply and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Public Library - Library Service - Supplies - !6-A3o. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, DaubiieY sm 2-53 1400", C I H -1- I . No, 166743-13Y Bernard T. Age" ng land— all "'al,ed Thai the Purcha be' and h� is hereby author ed th consent of the Conaptroller, to �',,`ureh ... I,.- STU"�AUL B11" & ST,�TIO,N'11 C,0B..k jy 1.4t�o, e ,. ,, K,,e aek without style I a total cost of $119.62, d .d—�ti ent or competitive bi s 8S stia'e only source of supply and 'e advantage could be gained thereby. 'Charge Public Library ASLibrarY Service — y '"gPl'e.a­ 1 6 - Adopted b he udl J.;.sry 7. .54 A�p,­cd i,nuary 7. 1954 (january 9, 1954) J AN 7 1954 Adopted by the Council 195— i AN 7 04 Approved-- 195— In Favor gainst Mayor C F. No 166744 t,IU_ - —By Frank 1). Aja,j_ Whereas, Deducti.oa �hjc 4 1 Original W City Cl�k `aVc to be necemary 1, the b ndght an CI C,11111b.d .� S . . . . an Cl= COUNCIL NO. c—ptrAlYland PIA- to T.Ylor A . E FILE OFFICE constructe"' Contract L-5362 %OYB��juee� "On Company. Inc., �--Lra,t­ h.1c been 0mvided for,in the �,,a -ti- ja cm COUNCIL RE In and a' -.It price. at pu t,,d the e: Wholea PRESENTED BY ,,, %jt has, been found neces-, D CCIMMISSIONER___��_MZIT��I f- —1— led,,, �-auary 7, 1954 1; 1 1 1 , " I �.,! ") OR,: - - ' WHEREAS, Deductiori� wi�ikh might prove to be necessary in the improvement described as Sewer on - and from��layland Place to Taylor Avenue, Comptroller's Contract L-5362, O'Brien Construction Company, Inc,, contractor have been provided for in the specifications at unit prices stipulated there in, and WHEREAS� It has been found necessary to make the following Deductions: DEDUCTIONS: 30 lineal ft. 121, V.C. catchbasin connection @ $2.75 $ 82-50 2 openings to make into manhole for 1211 catchbasin connecti-ons and completing closure - @ 10.00 20.00 Deduct for reoil.i-ng street as in accordance with special clause in specifications. 665-00 Net Deduction $77_67_._�O_ WIEREAS, The Total Net Deduction is A767.50, ncw� therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. PaiLl through its City Council app4ves the foregoing Deduction made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $767.50, said sum to be deducted from the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as Comptroller's Contract, L-5362, for the making of the above improvement. The Commissioncrof Public Works has agreed with the above named contractor that the sum of $767-50 is the correct amount to be deducted from the above contract. "JI 1. k�',IT�TIELL - -- --------- Comptro er COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 -09190- 01 Brien Constr-action Co., ZnAc. BY -S'S'--' Works- A� pled by the Coure? 195- 1 JAN 7 1954 (_I�ppr.,ed -In Favor Mayor —Against /C Othri—I W City Cl�rk co NCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE' NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUICIL RESOLUTIOI—IEIERAL FORI ATE---. WHEREAS, The Commissioner'of Public Works has reported, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency during the period from December 30, 1953 to January 6, 1954, which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of the Department of Public Works for more than eight hours per day or forty hours per week in doing the following work: Cindering icy hills and intersections And WHEREAS , This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Necessity of keeping city streets free from ice THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the employees who performed such work in accordance with the provisions of the Council's salary ordinance, Ordinance No. 6446. C. F., No. 168745-13y ,,cu Frank 11, M,r,i- reftlec"Id, That the �roper city ufn- ra ,a hereby certain a' )i out orized to pay f Public W.`,k',e`ar" the DePtntonert as described In hr extral etmPlOyment e re I le ,,Adopted by the so u on, 54. Council January 7, Approved January 7. 1954. January 9 � 1954) JAK 7 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council _—_195— Yeas Nays JAN 7 1954 Halvorson Holland Approved Marzitelli Mortinson - -----In Favor Mayo�? Peterson Rosen --Against Mr. President, Daubney 6M 2-53 AD'- il Original to City Ch,,k CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES)PLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_ Januarf 6, P54 C� DATE RESOUIZD, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Comptroller, to purchase from SEAGRAVE l.'QRPORATICN one Uniting Type Siamese - Connection with three swivel inlets and one outlet with leather carrying strap, at a total cost of $123-00, without advertisement or competitive bids as this is the only source of supply and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Public Safety Fund 1005* F N,. 1111-131 ..be" I Peter -'Vdle' 'j -d That the Poreh ei Ab be Its hereby anth C W the e 0 `COaPZiRA- ef e urch Ir S G Pe bunese Con - ON e nitin pe I inlqtS and nection with lhrl_thto"�'�Mneg nS' "he' Id, by I ea on" I a tot er -.nt or U_ it In be e'd I it ty th - Eu - Dale U tt.�y ad- n""'W'. Ch . r by the .. e "d P ed '954 11 Approved January 7� Zi (j.nuary 9. 1 0 4v� JAN 7 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the COUTICH-195— Yeas Nays Halvorson JAN 7 1954 Holland Approved—_, 195— Marzitelli Mortinson ----In Favor yor Peterson Ma Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubricy 531 2-53 1 st Laid oi-er to 3rd and app ---Adopted Yeas Nays ye- Nays Holland Holland Mar.itelli Marzitelli Mortinson Mortinson Peter -son Peterson Rosen Rosen Mr. President Daubney Mr. President Daubney orixt"I to city cI"k ORDINANCE 1-(-,',1;747 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTEE) B /m/a ORDINANCE NO- /C" Approved eta to 10rr" C. F. No, 16"741—Ordinance No. 10241— By Frank D. Ma-ite131— i Am ordnance settling the claims of claimants hated therein against the City of Saint Paul. The ro,n,il of the City of Saint Paul An ordinance settling the claims of claimants listed therein against the City of Saint Paul. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper City officers are hereby authorized to pay, out of the Judgment and Compromise Fund to Frederick A. Collatz, as attorney for claimants listed as follows, the sum listed opposite each name, in full settlement of their claims against We City arising from damages to their homes sustained by reason of City oiling operations in the alley to the rear of their homes, on September 17, 1953. John�&, and Dorothy Tuchner 1818 East Hoyt Avenue $162.00 John C. and Lucille Marx 1812 East Hoyt Avenue $162.00 Edward T. and Alarie L. Snyder 1824 East Hoyt Avenue $162.00 John A. and Rae V. Laska 1830 East Hoyt Avenue $162.00 Raymond S. Brown 1834 East Hoyt Avenue $182.00 Section 2. Said sums shall be paid to the said attorney upon execution by claimants and delivery of releases in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all damages sustained by them in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. This ordinance Shn'll take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays H�Ird it.ffi 'ti . ..... t' i "S.n Rosen Mr. President (DaubnV) Attest,;,;, -z /4 - V 4i,�Zo� City Clerk im JAN'22 1954 Passed by the Coune Tn Favor Against Appr�ved: Mayor Im o,IzI­I to City Cl.,k PRESENTED BY CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ICIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE- janu@l:y 51 1954 COUNCIL NO. FILE 11 -SOLVED, That the Council hereby �7proves the award o� the Par,3�,asiM, Co.TmtteC and hereby awards contract for furnishing and delivering to the Water Dep�,rtmentj Hanline and Carroll. Avenues, St. Paul, Cast Iron !later Pipe 3pecial Castings, to the UNII'ED STATES PIP -Ts '� FOUNDPY �;01'11ANY in accori3nce mith City specifirations and the Form] Bid #4368 of said United Slates Pipe P, Foundry Company at a total contrect price of appro'cirlately 5110,199.00, such bid bein,-, the Im.,cst and said United States Pipe Foandry Company beiril- the lowest reliable and reasomble bidder and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is Oi,ected to �raw up the proper foina of contract therefor an6 the proper City officials hereby are a-Ahorized to eyeoute said contract on behalf of the City of St.Paul. F.B. #4368. C. F. No. 166748—By S,Verin A. Mort- inson— .Resolved, That the Council h pproves t c award of the Pum=3g C"=.eh'I'd hIll,dyall-clecomr.c, L. and live to for rin to the Water Department. Hatolipe and Car- roll Avenue. St. Paul, Cast It.. Water P,Pe&cW Castings, to the UNrrBD STA PIPE & FOUNDRY COM- PANY in accgdance with City " call.. and � --. Bid Nrneii of mid United State. Pipe & F ... dr, ComPAny at a total contract price of apfroxtrnately *110,199.ou. such bid I be ng the lowest and said United States Pipe & Foundry Company being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby IS dIMCte to ch,aw up the proper form of contract therefor and the proper City officials hereby am '"In 11 11111te said contract b:1h1.ldot1 the r F. B. No. 4368. _,,y of St. Paul. is Adopted by the Council January 7, 54. Approvcd January 7 1954 (January 9. '1954) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays AN 7 1951 Halvorson Holland Approved _195— Marzitelli L: Mortinson --In Favor ayor Peterson Rosen ----Against Mr. President, Daubney SM 2-53 -EW"" OrIzinat to City CI,rk PRESENTED BY to CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM January 5, 1954 IL'�SOLVIM, That the Council- hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor, ard h,rrb.F awards contract for furnishing all labor, materials Ind such services as are reasonably incidental to removinL�' the, existin�- overheaC, Coal Bunker at 1-1cCarrons Station and installing a new Coal Bunker, to M,% F�qC)S BOIL�7� _� �7G. C011PANY in accordance with City pl,,ns and specifications , nd the Formal Did #4399 of said T.4m. Bros Boiler & Mf,-. Company, at a contract Price of �� 2).i6qw003 such bid being the T, lowest an�, said 14m. Bros Boiler �: MfL,. ComT)any bein�, the lowest reasonable and reliable bid6er, Rnd the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper forr of Contract th9refor and the proper City officials, he-eby are 2uthorized to execute sail contract on behalf of the City of st.�c I. F.P. �14399. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 _QD0­ 1. No. 11,111--B, S,1,rI1 A, M*11- =cd, That tho Council tureby ?yngg theoraw f the Contract rise th fZno d hers%oa—ft ,7tr. t for furnishing all Is r, con - sl' -1 ch se -i— Isks— JAN 7 10 Adopted by the Council _195 JAN 7 10 Approved __195- ---In Favor —)—Against Mayor Petition ---- I (- ') 7 5, Op Council File No.— PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT c. F. 1,,,. 166750— ,.=-6, A written pr -f -sal for the king of the 1,11,,I,g 'i": and StCons' ruct a sewer .. Mac= 'e.t 1— 0"ng, 1 a feet out 'he=11,t , .1 h of ne _ PRELIMINARY ORDER 27, Becradiret Addition haVing IrWe� 1� presented to he Council of th.c rl— of Saint Paul thc,rllr�- u—, , . The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public—improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Construct a sewer on Macicubin Street from orange Avenue to a poini. is-fpp+ south of the north line of Lot 27, Bgrn ine Addition. Dated this 7t' day of January —, A90— Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct a sewer on Mackubin Street froat Orange.Avenue to a point 15 feet south of the north line of Lot 27, Bernadine Addition. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council JAN 7 1954 YEAS NAYS Councilman MARZITELLI JAN 7 1954 -MrTmmm I I Approved MORTINSON FAKRXNT13— PETERSON ROSEN QNT'Z��'v MR. PRERIDr or. im 4-51 .0600"g d NOTICE . CITY OF SAINT PAUL I ( i i )' "4" 15 1 TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO. - PRINTER __ Jan. 5 19 54 6�(R SOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF '7' y " 214 �6'1.24 58433 .58485 -- COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED TO INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. JAN 7 1954 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL - JAN 7 10 APPROVED- BY C.RF. NO. 166751—IrA7.52— e 31 1 ci ew Ved That cheek. be dr— C,t, 6 amounty0f W=,y ,�,.�Geather' numbered 58433 'Mh CITY .1 SAINT PAUL .1 , k. I.ehad per cheekS an fil to I "5at5h38 ffi_ -'th'�a COUNCIL �ILE NO. ------- City COmptroller. of COUNCIL RESOLUTION PF I AdOPted by the Council January 7. 954, APPrOved January 7, 1954. January 6 .. ary 9 . 1 954) 19 54 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS 13E DRAWN ON THE-(;ITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 279,188-78 515433 $_l;KPQZPP_4X, COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED _A0PP#__TO_ - 5 8538 -INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCTI_ JAN 7 1954 JAN 7 190 APPROVED--- __19 BY-- SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 1 220 1.53 72 CITY OF SAINT PAUL DUPi_1CATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL FILE NUMBER ROLE�ALL HALVORSON: HOLLAND AUDITED CLAIMS --Panua _54 - MARZITELLI --IN MORTINSON 0____A�AINST FAVOR RESOLVED, THAT C.EC1. BE R—N ON THE CITY TREASURY P ETE—N P ... N AMOUNT OF 5 214 761.24 COVERING MR. PRE$. AUBNEY___ IN THE jj" 1964 AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI CH EC R CH No — PE ECKS _0L C�INII_11111, W�TOO F1 'TY COMPTROLL. APPROVED----�_ TOTAL DATE CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER .1—K. RET�JRNED DISBURSEMENT BY BANK C—CKS BROUGHT F013WARD I: 1-ou 39z. 48.. 58433 Jose Boman Go. 17 07 134 58434 Sta Via Oil _32 58433 St. Paul Fire Dept. Relief A. 40 On 00 58436 Baglio Bros. Fruit Co. :L63 90 58437 Beadle Equip. Co. 572 24 58438 Booth Fisheries Corp. 13 50 384J?9 City Produce Co. 145 So 384 0 King Midas Flour Mills 147 20 38441 Kisoh's Food Market 223 65 -58442 Maas Keefe Co. 99 00 58443 Merrill—Chapman Go. 21 60 38444 Morton Sausage Co. Inc. 207 94 38445 Peking Food Products Co. 7 20 58446 security Wholesale Grocery C. 1 202 39 58447 Security 0 gZ9 93 38448 8 38 58449 Ward Transportation Co. lo 94 38450 Wilson and Co. Inc. 91 80 56451 Witte Transportation Co. 17 70 58432 Nicholas X. Bartone 120 00 .58453 MiltonRosen 75 484 31 56454 0 8 11 449 27 38455 0 74 208 51 .584.56 Hichurd C. Fernald 128 00 584.57 Farwell Ozmun Kirk and 0. 46o 97 38458 General Eleo. Supply Corp. 790 78 38439 1 486 93 38460 J. B. Geyer 3 00 38461 Hamline Hardware G o. 9 72 58462 ' Lewis metal Piating Co. 168 60 3a46� National Lxpert Window Clean. 474 oo 5846 Otis Elevator Co. 942 00 58463 St. P. Builders Material C. 274 76 if 0 111 0 144 96 ,58466 38467 Wm. Sewell & Co. 1 550 80 .58468 J. L. Shiely Co. Inc. 326 48 58469 u. s. Supt. of Documents 12 75 58470 Villaume Box and Lbr Co. 91.3 69 38471 H. E. Wedelstaedt Co. 170 97 38472 Yale Univ. Press Film Serv. 7 00 58474 Zinsmaster Baking Co. 10.5 90 25 00 5847 0 56473 Wm. M. Keenan Mrs. Ray Mann S. O'Leary 5 00 1 4 _58476 38477 A. Shetka and Soria Inc. 30OA0 58478 Snelling Plumb. Co. 145 94 38479 A. E. Wickworth 27 00 56480 American Standards Assoc. Inc- 1 00 169 21 58481 Blaine Electric Co. 58482 Monroe Bloom 4 oo 5,�483 Brissman—Kennedy Co. 34 54 54 43 56484 Gardner hardware Co. 58483 Lax Eleo. Go. Inc. 38 82 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 1 220 1.53 72 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER_ ROL�,OALL H­VO�SON' AUDITED CLAIMS / HOLLAND 1 MARZITELLI --_--N FAI.R MORTINSON PETERSON RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY AGAINST 64 427. ROSEN MR PRES, DAUBNEY IN THE AMOUNT OF 5 JAN 7 1%4 CHECKS 54 COVERING IFIMM CITY NCLISIVEL AS C MPTROL ER ADOPTED BY THE COUNCtI_­T PER CHECKS ON �T_- �­'. OF 1 14 - APPROVED__ -1- 7, BY B ­ TOTAL DATE CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF T-NEFF C H ECKS RETURNED v DISBURSEMENT BY BANK - EC�S BROUGHTFORWARD 3.220 153 72 58486 A. J. Tsohida Contr. Co. 513 42 38487 Orvukke Klein 73 77 38488 James V. Me Leod 787 50 38489 Milton Rosen, Com. of Fin. 249 73 384go Milton Rosen, 4 0 210 83 �8491 Milton Re n, 67 13 58492 Milton Ro::n, 2 348 go 58493 MSlton Rosen, 39 803 51 38494 Milton Rosen, io :L26 4o 38495 Ace Repair and Key Shop 71 50 38496 Arthur M. Adler 4 85 58497 Antiguarlan Bookman 12 50 58498 Berds's Food Center 113 82 38499 Brown and Day, Inc. 98 02 383oo Capitol Staty. and Mfg. Co. 177 42 38301 Electric Installation Co. 99 00 38302 H. L. Ettman Sponge Co. 61 28 38505 Foley Manufacturing Co. 324 85 11 80 58504 Garland Luggage Shop 38305 P.R.L. Hardenbergh Co. 21 58 38506 Jacks Manufacturing Co. 105 78 38�07 Langevin Faint Supply Co. 33 99 58308 Loyal Larson 7 30 38309 League of Women Voters of Mpla 2 07 58310 Martindale -Hubbell, Inc. 43 00 58311 Minnesota Envelope Co. 79 88 38312 Me Laughlin -Gormley -King Co. 5 37 38313 Minnesota Salt Co. 3 100 00 38314 Motor 4 oo 58313 National Cash Register Co. 2 80 58316 National Fire Protection Assoc. 6 oo 38317 Nelson Oil Company 1.32 23 38318 Nelson Oil Company 6o4 75 38319 North optical Co. u 65 38520 N. W. Bell Tel. Co. 832 26 38321 N. W. Bell Tel. Co. 99 22 58522 H. R. Peterson Go. 17 28 58523 Rosholt Equipment Co. 657 21 38524 St. Paul Book & Staty. Co. 111 11 11 4 5 78 ) J, 58525 0 0 11 369 a 38526 3 852 Foundry 442 4 2 9 ;4 3932; 58529 St. Paul S. 0. S. 15 00 41 oo 38530 Soareorow Press 23 71 58531 Schultz Shell Service 56 55 58-532 58533 The Thomas Company Amherst H. wilder Charity �o 00 Civil Service Assembly 250 00 .58-534 58335 Johnson Printing Co. 660 25 38536 Minneapolis Star & Tribune 15 60 38537 supt. or Documents 6 75 58338 Transport Clearings of Twin Cities 5 43 1 284 581 26 Oriffin.1 I, City Ch,,k PRESENTED BY U CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOtUTION—GENERAL FORM I (1 16'4*1 5 11 COUNCIL FILE NO. January 8, 1954 In the matter of the construction of Piers Nos. 2 and 3 for the highway underpass at Shepard Road and the Chicago Great Western Railway Company trackv under Preliminary Order C. F. 152591 approved June 13, 1950, be it RESOLVED, That the plans,and specifications for the above named improvement as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved, and be it further RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this improvement. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 551 243 C. F. No. 166753—BY Frank D. M,­j- will— in 11, matter of the constrm,tom of I,o,'s Nos. 2 and 3 for the high�y :Underpass at Shepard R�4d and the, h U pa Y rac , under R. _y Co. - C I.Icago Great Wester. , �k Preliminary Order C. F. 152591 . approved Jore be it "', 1911, ,,raos-iled. That the plans .hons for the almc, and pc,i- I mrnt b named I on -e; of Pjs rallied by the Com ' ls`�Zne bl" Works, be and the am h—by .me are He,., aPP­ . and be it f rther 7 d . That the Porchaalrof Agent L, old he Is hereby directed to Use for bids I" this irnp—corentadver- I Adopted b the 954. y C ... cil jaroa. y 8, APProvedjJ.gUu.,ry, 8. 195,' 9, 1954) JAN 8 1954 Adopted by the Council __195— JAW 8 1954 Approvea _195 -.--In Favor elk 40 M y I ----Against 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app —Adopted yeas Nays yens Nays v.ra "t -on --.I. �-- �.nl --11.11and In I, i itelli 4o.inson -fdortinson _4�eterson _�R..en /Mr. President Daubney -I- r. President Daubney s I. CIO 0-1, ORDINANCE, 166754 COUNCIL FILE NO ORDINANCE NO PRESENTED BY—_L6-Z— —�4� Yeas Attest: An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 19840, entitled: "An ordinance for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity and general welfare by providing for the classification, regulation and restriction of the location of trades and Industries and of buildings used for human habitation and for specified purposes and the height and,bulk of buildings hereafter erected or altered; and regulating and determining the minimum size of lot line courts and other open spaces, and establishing the boundaries of districts for said purposes" approved July 7. 1922, as amended. This is an emergenG7 ordinan e rendered necessax7 for the preservation of the pablic pemme, hea1th and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That ordinance No. 5840, approved July 7, 1922, as amended$ be and the same is hereby further amended by deleting Paragraph kk of Sectioh 8, Article I, and substituting in lieu thereof the following: "Section 8, paragraph f. Off-street Parking Requirements. (1) Defii�itions: For the purposes of this section, the following terms are defined: (a) Off B'O* —king Space. An area not located on a �Ub­1!21. ftreet, highway, alley, or other public thoroughfare of not less than 180 square feet, net, exclusive of access or maneu- A vering area or ramps or obstructions and not less than 8' in width to be used excluvively as a temporary storage space of a motor vehicle. (b) Special Purpose Off-street Parking Facility. A place prepared or used for standing five (5) or more vehicles off the stkeet, highway, alley, or other public thoroughfare with or without a fee being charged thereto. Such an accommodation may consist of�an open lot, storage garage, or other structures or accessories that may be on the surface or facilities above or under the ground. Such facilities may or may not be co- operatively established and operated. (a) Vehicular Parking Place. This term shall be deemed to have the same meaning as the term "Special Purpose Off-street Parking Facility". Councilmen x6acroW Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson 01 Rosen "A � in bne I Mr. es en au , roved: Approved an to Yoyyrrn Mayor Cor�orakion Counsel. Nays Passed by the Council To Favor gainst Clerk -2 -4_jE��-s (2) Autii—Of4ty tfo Require Parking Facilities. On or I r lie errective date of this amendment, all hew or substantially altered uses or structures shall be provided with off-street parking space to the extent required in sub- paragraph (3) of paragraphy , Section 8, and in accordance with tie requirements and proce- dures set forth In this section. Said off- street parking space shall be under the owner- ship or permanent control of the owners of the property to whom the parking space is accessory. No application for a building permit for a new or substantially altered structure or improve- ment or use shall be issued unless there is included In the application for said permit a plot plan showing the location, design and arrangement of the cfff-street parking spac 8 required in subparagraph (3) of paragraph 7, Section 8, and a finding that the requirements of Subsection (4) of paragraph I of Section 8 of this ordinance have been complied with. Provided that an existing building or structure in use at the time of the adoption of this amendment may b ,reconstructed, or structurally altered, to an extent no greater than 50% of the value of the building, exclusive of foundations for the purpose of continuing said use without any extension or expansion thereof, without being subject to the off-street parking space requirements specified in subparagraph (3) of paragraphl, Section 8. Provided that residential structures which are converted or structurally altered after the effective date of this amendment for the purpose of furnishing living qUarters for a greater number of persons or providing additional dwelling units shall be subject to the off-street parking space requirements of this ordinance. This requirement shall be held applicable in all zones and dis- tricts for uses cited In subparagraph (3) of paragraphY, Section 8, and permitted by law with the exception that the area bounded by Kellogg Boulevard, College Avenue, Cedar Street,M�nth Street and Sibley Street as they intersect one another in the order named and except property abutting the southerly side of Kellogg Boulevard from Seventh Street to College Avenue and on both sides of Seventh Street from Sibley to Broadway shall be exempt from the provisions of subparagraph (3) of paragraphl, Sec�lon 8, pertaining to the schedule of off-street parking requirements. (3) Schedule of Off-street Parking Requirements: Off-street parking space slal=e provided as follows: (a) Dwelling Units. One off-street parking space for each dwelling unit located in a stpucture erected after the effective date of this amendment or a structure which has been modified or converted to provide additional dwelling units after the effective date of this amendVent. Required off- street parking space accessory to one and two family 2 - I C i )' -4, �-) /0' V� residence shall be located on t1e same plot �or premises as the structure to which the parking space is accessory. Required off- street parking space accessory to structures containing three or more dwelling units shall be located on the same plot or premises on which the building containing the dwelling unit is located or shall be located not more than 300' therefrom. ,jg&jjra e Procedures for the Establishment of v ki;�ing Places. 1. Vehicular Parking Places having a storage capacity of less than ten (10) motor vehicles: Plans showing the lay -out and design of vehicular parking places with a capacity of less than ten (10) motor vehicles shall be approved by the Traffic Engineer and the Planning Director prior to the issuance of any building or work permits necessary for the construction of the facilities and structures required under sub- paragraph (5) (Design Standards)j paragraphY of this section. 2. Vehicular parking places having a storage capacity of ten (10) or more motor vehicles: No person, firm or corporation shall establish, maintain, 41ter or operate.a vehicular parking place having a capacity of ten (10) or more motor vehicles without first obtaining a Special Use -Permit therefor from the City Council. The procedure for the issuance of this SRecial Use Permit shall be as follows: (a) The application for said permit shall set forth the name of the applicant, the location of the premises to be used, and the ngme, nature and location of the use, if any, to which the parking facility shall be accesso3zy* The applicant shall submit copies of lan drawn to scale shokng the arrangement'*nd design of the proposed vehicular pWing place, the location and number of vehicles to be parked,the location of the proposed driveways, -valls, curbs, fences and other landscape features, includ- ing notations as to the proposed surfacing and provisions for drainage. Said application and plan shall be filed with the office of the City Clerk who will thereupon refer the matter to the Board of Zoning for Investigation, study and report to the City Council concerning the advisability of the proposal. (b) Upon receipt of the report of the Board of Zoning the Council shall conduct a public hearing at least ten (10) days after written notice to the owners of the several descriDtions J.��"q)7,54 /0) of all property within two hundred (200) feet of the borders of the site proposed to be used for a vehicular parking place. The Council in granting any permit may attach reasonable conditions thereto with reference to requiring walls, fenc4, hedges or other features to facilitate traffic safety and to protect adjacent property and may limit the operation and use of said parking facility to the end that the development will comport with the character of the district In which it is located and that nuisances are prevented. (c) Favorable action of the Council on the application shall be recorded by the passage of a resolution which shall set forth any special limitations or oondi- tions attached to the granting of said permit and which shall record the Council's favorable action to be pursuant to and con- tingent upon the faithful execution and compliance with all of the requirements and provisions set forth In the plans submitted with the application and in accordance with the provisions of all applicable ordinances. This permit may be revoked -by the Council at any time that the aforementioned requirements are not complied with. (d),1 Upon receipt of a copy of the above men- tioned resolution authorizing the establishment of the special purpose off-street parking faclilty which is issued by the Council, appropriate officials in the Building Depart- ment and the Department of Public Works are thereupon authorized to issue the necessary building permits for work on private land and construction permits for work in the public street. Design Standards. (a) All special purpose off-street parking facilities�.shall be provided with appropriate means of vehicular access to a public street or alley as well as required maneuvering area. (b) Any special p f treet parking :) PO f �:t facility located ffams= hall be s or cement binder pa ving`4-phalt, bituminous urfaced with concrete, ,:or gravel if treated with asphaltic or bituminous oil in such a manner so as to provide durable dustless surface, and shall be graded and drained to dispose of all water In an approved manner. If, � i754 (a) No part of a special purpose off-street parking facility located on an open lot shall ekt.end closer to a street than one-half of the set-baok which would be required for a build- ing on the premises on which the facility is located. (d) Special purpose off"street parking facili- ties which are open lots having a capacity of ten or more vihicles shall not be located closer than eight (8) feet to any adjacent property containing a structure the ground floor of which is used for residential purposes, or closer than eight (8) feet to any adjacent property located In a residence zone or district. (e) All off-street parking spaces and vehicular parking places establish9d pursuant to the re- quirements of paragraph Y- of Section 8 of this ordinance shall be situated on the site so as. not to encroach on the minimum yard areas esfab- lished under the Building Zone Ordinance and the Building Code. (6) Maintenance and Operation. (a) Special purpose off-street parking facili- ties in residence districts or zones shall be used solely for the parking of passenger auto- mobiles and no commercial repair work or com- meroial service of any kind shall be conducted at such a special purpose off-street parking facility. purpose (b) Special/off-street parking facilities shall be maintained In a clean and sanitary manner and kept reasonably free from trash, rubbish and windblown dust or dirt. (7) Penalty Provisions. The provision, management and utilization of parking facilities as required in this section shall be a continuing obligation of the owner or sponsor of a given use or structure so long as the use or structure is in existence and so long as parking facilities are required here- under and in connection -therewith and it shall be unlawful to discontinue, change or dispense with such parking facilities without establish- ing alternate parking facilities that meet the requirements of this section. For the purposes of enforcing this ordinance, failure to comply with the conditions$ terms and requirements set forth in the Council per- mit, authorizing the 6ptablishment of a vehicular parking place required under the provisions of sub -paragraph (4), paragraph I of this section, shall be deemed effectual to suspend the rights granted under said Council permit until such time as the proprietors of the vehicular parking place have caused the design and use of the premises to comply in all respects to the con- ditions under which the said Council permit was issued. 5 A 12 It is the intent of this ordinance to minimize traffic congestion of adjacent streets by eliminating the necessity of occupants or patrons of the uses specified in this sub -paragraph (3) of paragra#hZ of this section parking their automobiles on adjacent public streets or highways. The said penalty provisions applicable to this Ordinance No. 5840, also known as the Building Zone Ordinance, shall apply to any violations of this section. In addition, at any such time as the parking facilities re- quired hereunder shall fail to continue to be available,for the purpose, the *wilding Permit for the ptrpoture to which the parking facilities are adjunct, and the Ponformance . '-:i issued for the premises and the Council permit required under sub -paragraph (4), paragraph,8 of this section shall be suspended until such time as the premises are placed in conformance with this ordi- nance. Section 2. That said Ordinance No. 5840, as amended, be and the same hereby is further amended by adding to Section 17, Article V, the following definitions: bb. Alteration. flAlteration", as applied to a building or structure, means a change or rearrangement in the structural parts or In the exit, lighting or ventilating facilities; or an enlargement, whether by extending on a side or by increasing in height; or the moving from one location or position to another; the term nalter" in its various moods and tenses and its participial forms, refers to the making an alteration. kk. Dwelling Unit - a room or group of rooms in any buildin$ or portion thereof designed to provide living, sleeping and culinary accommodations for the exclusive use of one family. kk.k. Family - one or more persons customarily living together ai a single housekeeping unit In a dwelling unit as distinguished from a group occupying a hotel, club, religious or institutional building, boarding or lodging house, or fraternity or sorority house. Section 3. That said Ordinance No. 5840., a nded, be and the same is hereby further amended by adding t'o%retlon 20, Article V, the following: t. Relax or very the provisions of Section 8, paragraphX, subparagraph (3), pertain - Ing to Schedule of Off -Street Parking Re- quirements, upon submission of proof that t4 stri—et application of said Schedule of Off -Street Parking Requirements would work an unreasonable hardship in any particular case; O�W� W City Clerk ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. /b BY ORDINANCE NO provided further that the Council shall expressly find in each such case that such relief shall be consistent with the public health and general welfare and in accordance with the purposes of said schedule of off- street parking requirements and provided further that the Council shall expressly find that the anticipated demand for off-street parking space in any particular case is not greater than the amount of parking space pro- vided as a result'of 'the relaxation of said Schedule of off -Street Parking Requirements. Section 4. That said Ordinance No. 5840, as amended, be and the same hereby is further amended by deleting Section 22 and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "Section 22. Unlawful Use; Certificate of Conformance. It shall be unlawful to use or permit the use of any building or premises or part thereof hereafter created, erected, changed or con- verted wholly or partly until a Certificate of Con- formance to the effect that the building or premises or the part thereof so created, erected, changed or converted and the proposed use thereof conform to the provisions of this ordinance shall have been issued by the Commissioner. In the case of such buildings or premises it shall be the duty of the Commissioner to issue a Dertificate of Conformance within ten days after a request for the same shall be filed in his office by any owner of a building or premises affected by this ordinance, provided such building or premises or any part thereof so created, erected, changed or converted and the proposed use thereof conforms with all the requirements herein and in the building code set.forth. Under rules and regulations of the Board of Zoning a temporary -Gertifi- cate of Conformance for a part of a building may be Issued by the commissioner. Upon written request from the owner, the commissioner shall issue a Sertificate of &onformance for any building or premises existing at the time of the passage of this ordinance certifying after inspection the use of the building or premises and whether such use conforms to the provisions of this ordinance." Section 5. This ordinance is 118 rendered necessary for the preservation Section 6. This ordinance shall passage, approval and oublication. 7 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Halvorson HoUand Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Appr d Rosen Mr. President (Daubney), Attest ;�� I / 'j- 1 114 4, ' City Clerk 1M 6-52 8 6'W&Wj!Lrj_& to'be an emergency ordinance of the public peace, health and safety. take effect and be in force from and after its 3AT4 2 6 1954 Passed by the Council 7 Tn Favor (5 Against 2 6 1954 Appr d Mayor ctu of '�sainl Paul Tb=ufibe L19pfartrnpnt JOHN E. DAUBNEY MAYOR i ��'T 13, 1954 Members of the City Council, City of Saint Paul. Gentlemen: Certain aiiiendments have been proposed, as recommended by the City Architect and concurred in by the City Attorney and the Planning Director and myself, to the proposed off—street parking ordinance, which are presented in the form of a substitute ordinance at the present time. # I also would like to call to your attention that both the requirements of the Veterans Administration and the F.H.A. haw provisions for off—street parking facilities. For example, in the minimum property requirements for properties located in the State of �Unnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota, the F.H.A. requires in its Bulletin III.P.R., Revision No. 32, Section 804—A, "A driveway shall be provided from street or alley pavement to the garage, if any; if no garage, a driveway, includ— ing a 20—ft. parking space, shall be provided, ge4erally extend, ing to rear line of dwelling, or, in case of unusual difficulty or hardship, other parking space acceptable to the chief under— writer shall be provided." Similar rulings are in requirements for V.A. financed housing. yours Very truly 42 M yor -W�8 AT -j. QU of Saint Paul ,Minnesota �i"rtfflfje pepartmnt JOHN E DAUBNEY M�YOR January 8, 1954 To the Honorable City founcil of the City of ,,aint Flaull !.';innesota 71entiemen: As has been. reccntl, 0 Clty Council ChmiborL;, y demonstrated in th, - One of the greatest needs in rosiCiel-,tial construction in the (�Jty of Saint Faul is the provision for off—street parkim, facill-ties at the time of initial construction. q lomes have md are beln,- built tlhit have no provisi-on for off-str" 0 t park--*Ln7, and tIJ_s leads to bitter controversi 's wlien, at a subseque-it date, alloys arc so",flit to 1— installed h- condermation pmeedure, or the 7radin, and surfacin� of a dcdi.cated alle-,'. Tn man- instp,.nces, the honseholder has -�rovided himself w - ! ' th a 7ara -e if.ril 'ch r,oes not �eet the proposedl �rade or hqs instdled facilities which would be extre-jej.,- costly to .,,oCjif_ . y to confor, to the proposed plan. The Cornoration Cmmsel, to-,nt' er with the Citv Plannin- _10irector, the Flannin7 T�oard, the Ci.t,7 Architect, and a representative ­mun of citizens, has worked ,,,t an arendment to Ord� -Ir,re 'To . 9Q0 w1rd-ch reatires off-street parkinr,, facilities to he 3-1-nned for �t the time the builrlin,7 permit is issued. This proposed amenriment is liiited to new residential construction or ti,e sifl)sta�itial remodelin,�! of existinr residential stnictures, w5th a r-ovisi -on thnt in har-lsliip cases the Council woiiad have the poi,rer Lo wa;ve this ron,Lire,nent. Very trul,- vours, i: - 4 , or 70 0,W-1 W City cl-k ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. - PRESENTED B ORDINANCE NO An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5840, entitled: "An ordinance for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, order, convenience, I prosperity and general welfare by providing for the classification, regulation and restriction of the location of trades and industries and of buildings used for human habitation and for specified purposes and the height and bulk of buildings hereafter erected or altered; and regulatin and determining the minimum size of 9 lot line courts and other open spaces, and establishing the boundaries of districts for said purposes" approved Sly 7, 1922, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That ordinance No. 5840, approved July 7. 1922, as amended, be and the same Is hereby further amended by deleting Paragraph kk of Section 8, Article I, and substituting in lieu thereof the following: "Section 8, paragraphl. Off-street Parking Requirements. (1) Definitions: For the purposes of this section, the following terms are defined: (a) Off-street Parking Spacee An area not located on a public street, ' or highway of not less than 180 square feet, net, exclusive of access or maneuvering area or ramps or obstructions and not less than 81 in width to be 'used eicolusively as a temporary storage space of a'Fotor vehicle. (b) Special Purpose Off-street Parking Facility. A place prepared or used for standi ng five (5) or more vehicles off the street or highway with or without a fee being chn ged thereto. Such an accommodation may consist of an open lot,storage garage, or other structures or accessories that may be on the surface or facilities above or under the ground. Such facilities may or may not be cooperatively established and operated. (c) Vehicular Parkin Plac This term shall -in Pl-c be deemed To -have the sa�me�m�e-.g a;�the term set Par in' "Special Purpose Off-street Par ing Fa�cilitylf. Yeas Councilmen 3res Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Martinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Daubney) Attest: City Clerk Nays Passed by the Approved: -9 In Favor gainst M"2 1, f , i P­�'5 4 (c) No part of a special purpose off-street parking facility located on an open lot shall extend closer to a street than one-half,of the set -back which would be required for a build- ing on the premises on which the facility is located. (d) Special purpose off-street parking facili- ties on open lots shall not be located closer than.eight (8) feet to any!adjacent property containing a structure theiground floor of which is used for residential purposes, or closer than eight (8) feet to any adjacent property located in a residence zone or dibtrict. (e) All off-street parking��..spaces and vehicular - parking places established persuant to the re- quirements of paragraph.,( of SeQtion 8 of this ordinance shall be situated�on the site so as not to encroach on the minimum yArd areas established under the Building Zone Ordinance and the Building Code. Maintenance and Operation. (a) Special purpose off-streOt parking facilities in residence districts or zonos shall be used solely for the parking of pass�enger automobiles and no commercial repair work �r commercial service of any kind shall be c6nducted at such a special purpose off-street par�ing facility. (b) Special purpose off-street\parking facilities shall be maintained in a clean dnd sanitary manner and kept reasonably free from tr h, rubbish and windblown dust or dirt. (7) Penalty Provisions. The provision, management and utilization of parking facilities as required in this sect6ton shall be a continuing obligation of the owner �r sponsor of a given use or structure so long as t use or structure is in existence and so long as parklig facilities are required hereinunder and in connectiM therewith and it shall be unlawful to discontinue, d�hange or dis- pense with such parking facilities wittout establishing alternate parking facilities that meet\the requirements of this seotion. For the purposes of enforcing this ordinance, failure to comply with the conditions, te�ms and requirements set forth in the Council perm�t, authorizing the establishment of a vehicular parking place required under the provisions f sub- paragraph (4), paragraph/, of this section, hall be deemed effectual to suspend the rights graited under said Council permit until such time as the pro ie - tors of the vehicular parking place have caused the design and use of the premises to comply in all#e- spects to the conditions under which the said C u permit was issued. It is the intent of this ordinance to minimize traffic congestion of adjacent streets by eliminating the nqoessity.of occupants or patrons dLf the tises specified in this subparagraph (3) of paragraph -I of this section parking their atitomobiles on adjacent public streets or ]�Ighways. The said penalty provislons applicable to this Ordinance No. 5840 a ,?Jo known as the Building Zone Ordinance: 11 apply to any violations of this section.� In addition, at any such time as the parki' 9 faciliti�s re- quired hereunder shall fai� to continue to be available for the purpose, the building permit for the structure t I hi h the parking facilities are adjunct, anj wthecuse or occu- pancy permits issued f or t*e premises and the Council permit required un4er subparagraph (4), paragraph _P of this eeotio* shall be cancelled and btoome null and void."! Section 2. That said Ordinance No,� 5840, as amended, be and the same hereby is further amended by dding to Section 1?, Article V, the following definitions: bb. Alteration. "Alt ratioh buildizi� -orstruotur:, mea� arrangement in the structur the exit, lighting or vent i or an enlargement, whether�., side or by increasing in hd from one location or positi term "alter" in its various and its participial forms, an alteration. as applied to a a change or re - 1 parts or in ating facilities; y extending on a ght; or the moving n to another; the moods and tenses efers to the making kk. Dwellin ljiNp3t - a room ot group of rooms in any bu rportion thereof designed to provide living, sleeping and 'pulinary accommo- dations for the exclusive use,,of one family. kkk. Family - one or more persbns customarily livinF-together as a single ho�eekeeping unit in a -dwelling unit as distingui�hed from a group occupying a hotel, club, ieligious or institutional building, boardirig,,or lodging house, or fraternity or sorority\ I house. Section 3. That said Ordinance No. 5840, 4s amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by adding to\ I Section 20, Article V, the following: t. Relax or vary the provisions of Section 8, paragraph -P, subparagraph (3), per�ain- ing to Schedule of.Off-Street Parking Re - requirements, upon suomission of pr7o-oflthat the st'rict application of said Schedule of �ff- Street Parking Requirements would work a� un- reasonable hardship in any particular casf; 0,W,,l w City Clerk -54 ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO - PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO Yeas provided further �hat the Council shall expressly find in each suchcase that such relief shall be conBiatent!with the public health and general -welfare and in accord- ance with the purposes of baid schedule of off-street parking requirements and provided further that the Council shall expressly find that the anticipated dem"d for off-street parking space in any particular case is not greater than the amount oP parking space pro- vided as a result of thea;el&xation of said Schedule of Off -Street P king Requirements. i Section 4. This ordinance shallItake effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approva;1 and publication. Councilmen Nays Passed by the Halvorson Holland - -In Favor Marzite- Martinson Peters n Rosen Mr. Presidem, t a ney - A ed pprov : Attest: City Clerk IM 6-62 Mayor UITY PLANNINU BOARD of st� Paul Mrs. A. H� ul';Oruleu city ui.rk BulldlnR / 6 � 7,1-71/ October 16, 1953 Under this data of January 29, 1952 the City Council referred to the Planning board a -quest that a study be undertaken of our Zoning Ordinance with a view to praviding amendments to the existing Ordinance which would be beneficial in modernizing its provisions. The Planning Board has been working on this assignment during the past year and a half. As apolicy matter, it was felt that an amendment re- lating to the provision of off-street par" space should be the first order of business, DUring this tims Mayor Daubney appointed a Citizens I Committee consist- ing of representatives of the Real Estate Board and the St. Paul Rome Builders I Association who, together with the office of the Corporatica Counsel, worked very closely with the Planning Board In the preparation of this amendment. Copy of this Ordinance,which has received the approval of the agencies and groups cited above, is transmitted herewith together with a copy of our "Planning for Saint Pau3.vv Newsletter describing the nature of this work and a report relative to the content of this Ordinance. When this matter Is disposed of, the Board will proceed with the pre. paration of other amendments of a similar nature pursuant to the Council0a original request. Very tray Yours. e. a. ��� EAKRFS E. A. Knutson Chairman Enc, - "Planning for Saint Paul" Ordinance Report CITY PLANNING BOARD of St. Paul October 16, 1953 Memorandum - Information Relative to Proposed Amendment To the Zoning Ordinance Providing Regulations Pertaining to Off-street Parking. I. BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE - This work was initiated at the request of the Council that the City Planrdhng BoaFd undertake the formulation of recommendations concerning the modernization of our Zoning Ordinance. At the request of Mayor Daubney, the firs. item on the work schedule involved the preparation of an amendment requiring the provision of off-street parking space incident to various categories of land use Lr the community, with the suggestion that the first category to be treated be dwelliriga, The attached Ordinance represents the effort of various sub-committese of the Plan-" Board as well as the Planning Board meeting as a whole together with collaborative effort on the part of a special Citizens' Committee appointed by the Mayor, represent- ing the Real Estate Board and the St. Paul Home Builderag Association. The Ordinance itself was drafted by the office of the Corporation Counsel in collaboration with the staff of the City Planning Board and has received approval of all of the agencies and groups cited above. The requirement of the provision of off-street parking under zoning is by no mama unique in American cities. According to Bulletin 24 of the Highway Research Board at least 185 localities in 29 states had, &a of 1950, ordinances reguiring the pro. vision of off-street parking facilities in connection with various typea of property uses. This figure has undoubtedly increased substantially in the past three years. (See attached "Planning For Saint Paul" Newsletter, "Zoning for Off -Street Parking" dated July 15, 1953). The amendment under consideration is patterned after a model ordinance recommended by the Highway Research Board and adaptaii to our local conditions here in St. Paul. It is also consistent with the requirements of FRA and the Veterans' Administration GI Home Financing program as it pertains to the requirement of off-street parking space incident to dwellings. II. WNERAL REQUIREMENTS. This amendment will replace paragraph "kk" of Section 8 of the Zoning Urdinance mhich is the portion presently used to regulate off-street parking space. The proposed amendment retains the essential features of the exist- ing regulations such as the definition of an vehicle parkinS pl4ce , and the requirement for special Council permit. In addition it supplements these regulations which were ambiguous, in many respects, by providing administrative procedure where- by a permit from the Council may be obtained. In brief, the Ordinance as amended would require the following, (a) One parking apace per dwelling unit (other categories of uses to be added later). (b) A Council permit (based on a public hearing) for all parking areas used for the storage of five (5) or more vehicles - (essentially the same as the existing provisions). -2- (a) Design and maintenance standards pertaining to the establishment and operation of parking lots to the end that hazards and nuisances to the public are minimized (clarifying existing provisions). III. SECTION BY SECTION CONTM.. The proposed amendment has four sections. Section one has.seven sub -paragraphs containing the main provisions of the amendment. Sab-paragraph (1) defines, (a) an off-street parking space and (b) a vehicular park- ing place. &a Sub -paragraph (2) sets forth the Councilga authority to require off-street parking space In accordance with a schedule outlined in sub -paragraph (3). It stipulates that no building permit shall be issued without complying with this Ordinnee. It provides that existing buildings which are in use at the time of the adoption of the amendment may be structurally altered or reconstructed to an extent not gr6ater than 50% of the value of the building without complying with this section. However, it also provides that no permit shall be issued for remodeling residentiaf structures to accommodate a greater number of dwelling units than are now in ipe unless the off-street parking requirements are complied with. Sub -paragraph Q) further exempts the down -town area from its requirements. Sub -paragraph (3) "Schedule of Off-street Parking Requirements." This anendment, as drafted, applies only to dwelling units. The Ordinance is set up, however, so that other categories of uses may be added from time to time merely by adding a paragraph to sub -paragraph (3) o As a policy matter, it was felt to be more workable to treat each group of land uses as a separate amendment. It should be understood, however, that this Ordinance is drafted with the intent of eventually including all major categories of land use which require off-street parking space. Sub -paragraph (4) sets forth the requirements for obtaining Council permit. Brieflyp the applicant files plan of the proposed parking facility and an application with the City Clerk. This is referred to the Board of Zoning for investigation and report to the City Council. The Council conducts a public hearin- and either grants ord�nies the permit on the basis of the information received. Like the existing Ordinance, this amendment also provides that reasonable conditions my be 'attached to the grant- ing of a permit with reference to requiring special facilities as walls, fences, hedges or other features to facilitate traffic safety and to protect adjacent property. When the Council grants the permit, it is recorded by the passage of a resolution which the applicant may then present to the apDropriate officials of the Building Department and the Department of Public ejorks to secure the necessary work permits. Sub -paragraph (5) sets forth certain minimum design standards for off-street parking lots stipulating means of access, surfacing of the lots, fencing, drainage, etcetera. Sub -paragraph (6) sets forth minimum standards of maint operation which protects adjacent property and the general public from ;�� d public nuisance conditions which might arise. Sub -paragraph (7) provides that the requirement to provide off-street parking is a continuing obligation so long as the uses to which they are incident remain in operation. It also stipulates the penalties applicable to the Zoning Ordinance in general which shall apply to this section (same as for Buildinf7, Code, misdemeanor, One Hundred Dollars (9100) or Ninety (90) days). In the event that subsequent to -3 - the issuance of a building permit the applicant no longer complies with this ordinance, such an action shall be deemed effectual to suspend the use or occupancy permits issued for the promises. Section 11 contains miscellaneous definitions which are necessary in conveying the meaning of the Ordinance. The term "alteration" is defined so as to exclude routine repairs of buildings which would come under the provisions of this ordinance. In other words, buildings ir but may not be altered which are presently -in use MY 'bb� kept in routine mPa ly th to and extent greater than 50% of its value without first cOMP, ing wi the Off- street parking requirements Of the ordinance. The term "dwelling unit" is defined because the Ordinance requires one Par" space for each dwelling unit. The term "family" is defined to supplement the mean - Ing of the term "dwelling unit." Section JIT. This amendment contains an appeal provision which allows the Council to relax the strict off-street requirements of this Ordinance In the event a find - Ing is made that the a ctual need for off-street parking requirements is less then that required under the Ordinance. This paragraph supplements the existing appeal provisions of the ordinance which are quite broad and afford ample opportunity for rels�xation of the Ordinance where strict application would operate to create an undue hardship. Section Tv. The Ordinance shall take effect 30 days after Passage - C. D. Looks planning Director ORDINANCE An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5840, entitleds nAn ordinance for the purpose of promoting the public healths safetys order, convenience, prosperity and general welfare by providing for the classification, regulation and restriction of the location of trades and industries and of buildings used for hwnaa.habitation and for specified purpose and the height and bulk of buildings hereafter erected or altered; and regulating and determining the minimum size of lot line courts and other open spaces, and establishing the boundaries of districts for said ptu-poses." approved July 7o IW2. as.ananded, THE COuNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAINS Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5840, approved July 7, 1922, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by deleting paragraph kk. of Section 8, Article 1, and substituting in lieu thereof the followingi "Section 8, paragrephk Off-street Parking Requirements. (1) Definitions, For the purposes of this section, the following terms are defined$ (a) Off-street Parking �?ace. An area not located on a publj� -street or highway of not less than 180 square feet, net, exclusive of access or maneuvering area or ramps or obstructions and not less than 81 in width to be used exclusively as a temporary storage space of a motor vehicle. (b) Special Purpose Off-street Parking Facility. A place prepared or used for standing five (5) or more vehicles off the street or highway with or without a fee being charged thereto. Such an accommodatiOn may consist of an open lot, garage, or other structures or accessories that may be on the surface or facilities above or under the ground. Such facilities may or may not be cooperatively established and operated. (0) Vehicular Parking Place. This term shall be deemed to UF have thes—ame meaning as a term "Special Purpose Off- street Parking Facility." (2) �MoEi%,to Require Park�% Facilities. On or alter the effective te or 9 amendment, all now or substantially altered uses or -,2 - structures shall be provided with off-street parkIng ace to the ext&nt required in subparagraph (3) of paragraph X Zetion ti and in accordance with the requirementax procedure; set forth in this section. Wo application for a building permit for a now or substantially altered structure or improvement or use shall be issued unless there is included in the application for said permit a plot plan showing'the locationg design and arrangement of the off-street parking spaces required in subparagraph (3) of paragraph J. Section 8 and the Council permit authorizing the p 'pecial Purpose off-st t arking facility required in subpara- graph (h) of paragraphjel'��ticn 8. Provided that an existing building or structure in ;a at the time of the adoption of this amendment may be reconstructedo or structurally altered, to an extent no greater than 50% of the value of the building e1clusive, of foundations for the purpose of continuing said use without any extension or expansion thereof� without being subject to the off-street paTking space requirements specified in subparagraph (3) of paragraph;., SectiV 8. Provided that residential struc- tures which ary converted or structurally altered after the effective date of this amundment for the purpose of furnishing living quarters for a greater nimber of persons or providing additional dwelling units shall be subject to the off-street parking space requirements of this ordinanco. This requirement shall be held applicable in all zones and districts for uses cited in subparagraph (3) of para- graph 1, Section il., and permitted by law with the exception that the arra bounded ty Kellogg paulevard, College Avenue, Cedar Street, Tenth Street and Sibley StreTt as they intersect one ai�qther in the order named and ext"pt property abutting the southerly -side of Kellogg Boulevard f -om Seventh Street to College Avenue and on both sides of Sevsni,i Street from Sibley to Broadway shall bt exempt from the proTisions of subparagraph (3) of paragr !ph Section 8, pertaining to the schedule of off-street parking requirements. (3) Schedule of Off-streei; Parking Requirementv off-street parking space shall be provided asr'Nollows: (a) Dwelling UnItS. cus off-street parking space for each dwelling T--te-& —i -strui ture erected after the effective date of this unit oca n i amendment or a otructu:!a which has been modified or converted to provide additional �,weiling units after the effective date of this amendment. Requimd. off-street parking space accessory to dwelling units shal:L be located on the sww plot or prvm:Lsaa on which the bi,ilding oontaining the dwelling unit is located or ahall be lo-ated not more than 3005 therefrom. (4) Requirements ffr CounOfl yermit, The City Council may permit a vehM� —parkir ­pTa_cW_13i_a_rqu3G district but no person, firm or corporation shcIll esta)1ishq maintain, alter or operate a vehicular parking place or special purpose off-street parking -3 - facility without first obtaining a permit therefor from the City Council, The procedure for the issuance of this permit shall be as follows: (a) The application for said permit shall set forth the name of the applicant, the location of the premises to be used, and the name, nature and location of the use, If any, to which the parking facility shall be accessory. The ap- plicant shall submit copies of a plan drawn to scale showing the arrangement and design of the proposed vehicular parking place, the location and number of vehicles to be parked, the location of the proposed driveurays� walls, curbsy fences and other landscape features including notations as to the proposed surfacing and provisions for drainage. Said application and plan shall be filed with the office of the City Clerk who will thereupon refer the matter to the Board of Zoning for investigation, study and revert to the City Comcil concerning the advisability of the proposaL (b) Upon receipt of the report of the Board of Zoning the Council shall conduct a public hearing at least ton (10) days after written notice to the owners of the several descriptions of all property within two hundred (200) feet of the borders of the site proposed to be used for a vehi- -Aar parking place. The Council in granting any permit may attach reasonable conditions thereto with reference to requiring wallss fences, hedges or other features to facilitate traffic safety and to protect adjacent property and may limit the operation and use of said parking facility to the end that the developmant will comport with the character of the district in which it is located and that nuisances are pr t d ( ; . Zavoraele� action of the Council an the application sbaL11. be recorded by the passage of a resolution which shall set forth any special limitations or conditions attached to the granting of said permit and which shall record the CouacilOs favorable action to be pursuant to and contingent upon the faithful execution and compliance with all of the requirements and provisions set forth in the plans submitted with the appli- cation and In accordance with the provisions of all applicable ordinances. This permit may be revoked by the Council at any time that the aforementioned requirements are not compiled wit.h� Mr-ra (d) Upon receipt of a copy of the above-mentioned resolution authorizing the establishment of the special purpose Off-street parking facility which is issued by the Council, appropriate officials in the Building Department and the Department Of Public Works are thereupon authorized to issue the necs88a27 building permits for work on private land and construction permits for work in the public street. (5) Design standards. -(a) All special purpose off-street parking facilities shall be provided with appropriate means of vehicular access to A public street or alley as wall as required maneuvering area. (b) Any special purpose off-street parking facility located on an open lot shall be surfaced vith an asphalto bituminous or cement binder paving, or gravel :if treated in such a manner so as to provide durable dustless surface and shall be graded and drained to dispose of all surface water. (a) Me part of a special purpose off-street pVking facility located on an open lot shall extend closer to A street than one-half of the set -back which would be required �or a building on the premises c# which the facility is located. (d) Special purpose off-street parking facilities on Open lots shall not be located closer than eight (8) feet to any adjacent property containing a structure the ground floor of vhioh is used for residential purposes or closer then eight (8) feet to any adjacent property located in a residence zone or district. Maintenance and ationt ta) Special purME. off-streeT parking facilities in residence districts or zones shall be used solely for the parking of passenger automobiles and no commercial repair work or service of any kind shall be conducted at such a speciaLf purpose off-street parking facility. (b) Special purpose off-street parking facilities shall be maintained In a clean and asnitary manner and kept free from trash, rubbish and windblown dust or dirt. -5- (7) Penalty Provisions I The provision of parking faciUties as required in this section shall be a continuing obligation of the owner or sponsor of a given use or structur-a so long as the use or structure is in existence and so long as parking facilities are required herein under and in connection therewith and it shall be unlawful to discontinue, change or diffpswe with such parking facilities without estabUshing alternate parking facilities that met the requirements of this section. 'The said penalty provisions applicable to this Ordinance No. 5840 also known as the Building Zone Ordinance shan apply to my violations of this section. In addition, at acy such time as the parking f aciUtisa required hereunder shan fail to continue to be available for the purpose, the building permit for the structure to which the parking facilities are adjunct, and the use or occupancy pamits issued for the promises shall be canceled and booms null and void." Section 2. That said Ordinance No. 5&0, as smandeds be and the saw is hereby further amended by adding to Section 17, Article V. the following definitionas bb. 11teration - as applied to a building or structure means a choFi �,reu7angement or relocation of structural parts of the building or the waargement of the structure by the pro- vision of additional structural members and elements. The term "alterationP does not include repaire incident to routine maintenance necessary to keep the structure In a safe and son- itary condition in accordance with applicable laws and requirements. kk. Dwelling Unit - a room or group of room In any building or porfrw�reW designed to provide living, alleping and culinary, accommodations for the exclusive use of one family. kkk. Fromily - one or more persons customarily living together as a sEEW"housakeeping unit in a dwelling unit as distinguished from a group oocupying a hotel, club, religious or institutional building, boarding or lodging house, or fraternity or sorority house. Section 3. That said Ordinance No, 5840, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by adding to Section 20, Article V, the followings t. Relax: or vary the prov siorA of Section 8, paragrap4A, sub- paragraph (3), pertaining to Schedule of Off-street parking unto upon submission-o?-P-ro-OT79af-tu-89TOT-a-p-pli- UT j '._& Schedule of Off..tt parking Requirements would work an unreasonable hardship in any particu2ar cass; provided -6 - further that the oDuncil shall expressly find in each such cue that such relief shall be consistent with thapubliO health and general velfare and in accordance with the pur- poses of said schedule of off-ttreet parking requirements and provided further that the ouncil shall expressly MA that the anticipated demand for off�strqet parking space in any particular case is not greater than the amount Of parking space provided as a result of the relaxation of said Schedule of Gff-strest Parking Requirements. Section 4. This ordinance ahall take effect and be in force 30 days after its passage, approval, and publication. i) OFLANNING,FOR SATNT PAUL" Publication by the City Planning Board to stimulate interest in planning saint Paul for better livIng Office 274 City -County Building July 15. 1953 Noe� ZONTNG FOR OFF-STREET PARKTNG The r eVirement of off-street parking through zoning is becoming mcr e and more coic-lan in American cities. According to Bulletin #24 of the "Highway Research Board" at least 185 localities in 29 states had, as of 1950, ordinances requiring the provision of off- street parking tacilities in connection with various types of property uses. This figure has undboutedly Increased substantially in the past three years. t Persons who have made a thorough study of the parking problem as It affects American cities are generally agreed that zoning regulations which require the provision of off- street parking space, In proportion to the actual demand, are absolutely essential if parking and traffic congestion resulting from new construction is to be minimized. As reported in the above-mentioned publication, detailed research wee conducted through- out the nation as to prevailing practices with respect to off-street parking requirements for various activitier such as stores, theatres, shops, residences, etc. The re3ult-is a model ordinance which is recommended as a guide to local oomminities vho wish to add this type of regulation to their zoning ordinance. At the request of the Council, the Planning Board is presently in the process of preparing a series of amendments to modernize our Zoning Ordinance. First on the program in an amendment which will require off-street parking on the basis of a prescribed 9 chedule in relationship to various types of land uses. The staff of the Planning Board is presently conducting local research to measure parking demand-generRting characteristics of various activities as a basis for verifying and refining the standards which have been suggested by the Bureau of Public %ads. vle have found, for instance, that the parking demand generated by churches varies from A occupied pews per car to 8 occupied pews per car. The average demand same to be In the neighborhood of 4 occupied pews per car driven to church. Similar data is being developed for various types of shopping centers depending upon time of day and location. Parking demand incident to a typical shopping center mngea from I car per U8 square feet retail area to I car per 475 square feet retail area. When ell of the information is In: the result will be expressed on a sliding scale which will vary with the size of the facility. with respect to residences It is estimated that there are now 945 passenger care for every 1000 dwelling units in the community. When viewed in the light of the trend In Increasing_ motor vehicle registration this will produce, for all practical purposes, a parking demand of I car space per dwelling unit. The first amendment of the ordinances which will be before the Council in the near future, will apply only to dwelling units. Other categories such as theatres, stores, etc. will be included as our research as to thelocal demand for parking space is completed. C.D.L. Ofliri,al to Citi Cl�,k 1 ('6755 W CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLVED that Report No. 1 as submitted by the Citizens' Advisory Committee to the City Council on January 5, 1954, listina projects for vAiich bonds will be issued in 1954, be and it is hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubncy IiM 2-53 -49S�0­ C� F. No. 166755 --By John E. Daubney. Mayor— Resolved. That Report No -d I as suib-11ted by the Clticn, A, via,, Cor"'i".. '. he Cit� � ... oil on January 5. 1064. Ustinj proje.t. for ethieh bonds �otfl b� Issuent 1. 1954. be and it Is hereb� agroved. Adopted by I e p.refl January 8, 9"' Appro-d January 8' '954 (January 16. 1954) 3AN 8 'a Adopted by the Council 195 JAN 8 Approved -----,In Favor -----Against January 5) 1954 To the Council of the City of Saint Paul, !'inn-.�sota '-on tI e.-ien: Coancil File No. 166124 adopted 11ovember 5, 1953, confinned the appointment by �he Vayor of Saint Pa,a of a comnittee of seven citizens to act as an A�visor,., Cormittee to the City Council with respect to all matters con- cernin,7 trie expenditure of funds made available for cit-,- purposes by action of the electorate on approvin,, t;,,e Second United Improvement 3ond issue. Tn Pccordance wit�, the prov,-sions of that resolution, your Committee has consulted wita the City'L TocImnical Coamttee, and herewith submits itL, first renort to yo,ir bod�-. "'here were thirteen major items listed in the 9ond Onl�nxnce a,=oved by the voters, an I, uT)on advice of the oomptroller, we have assic-ned code numbers to them w�,Icli Ii -M identify each and wi.11 enable proper controll�n� acc-ants for each item. Tn makin-I "irst report for projects to be �iven T-riority in 1954, we have taken into consideration those projecLs which becalise of.work heretofore done in T)reparin- specific plons ana spocificition5 are, or soon �:J_ll be, ready to proceed. '!!e advise some projects which appear to need immediate attention. We have �iven priorit-r to other projects which, when completed, will open areas in L�aint Pal�l which have not developed )ecaise of the absence of sewer facilities or other essentials of proper development. All projects reco-nmended are for iryiediate attention, and -nost of them sb,,­_ld be completed durin�,, "ou will note that the total cost of I)rojc.cts recommendec, in this repo -t is less than the amount of bonds it had been proposed to isjue in 11954. Therefore, in accorciance �i4th the plan submitted to the voters, 7 -our Co­c,�tteo w"ll later aunent the priorities for 1��4 after further con- s * i - deration of other individual projects poszible to c-),�plete, or L;t rt, d1irin- that year. 'trects and 'r�_d,es '�ond Fund 200 Sewer 'and lund #210 Library 1.3ond Fund #400 kuditorium Dond Fund #410 Public Safety 9ond Fund #100 Health Bond Fund #110 Total $ 1,249,uuo.ou Total 569,000-00 Total 165,000-00 Total 70,000-00 Total 50,000,00 Total 200,000.00 "o the Council of the Cit -T of Saint 3)iul - Page 2 r,arbV,e Disposal Bond �,und #200 Utilities Bond Fund #600 n',ducation Acquisition Dond Fund Ij-'300 l,'ducation Pehabilitation Bond Fund #310 January 5, 1954 Total p 125,000.00 Total 100,000.00 Total 770,000-00 "otal estimated for cmpletion of projects started -in 1�54 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,44-0,000-00 Total of all proj--,ct Dond amounts auproved in tnis report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �� 3129d,000.00 Tlidi - viw.,.al fund breakdowns of the above referred to fuld5 are attached hereto. 7espectfully suoTrdtted, Chaii7aan, Advisory Cornittee M" . 0 0 P�,OGRRSS REFORT Iii If :,ND APM, OVAL S UYYY�RY - 12/23/53 Tot�l .uthcrization S38,)�C,0,00 TICHI;ICAL BOND FUND AUTPOPTZFD C 01 VTTM ATFHORIZTID LPFIROVED Public Safety 500,000.00 50,000.00 450,000.00 Health 200,000.00 200,000.00 --- Streets and Bridges 12,200,000.00 1,249,000.00 lo,q5l,000.00 Sewers 8,316,000.00 569,000.00 7,747,000.00 Garbage Disposal 125,000.00 125,000.00 Education iequisition 8,500,000.00 --- 8,500,000.()0 Educ-tion Rehabilitation 2,500,000.00 --- 2,5no,()00.00 Library 315,000.00 165,000.00 150,000.00 Auditorium 350,000.00 70,000.00 280,000.00 Muscum 1,700,000.00 --- 1,700,000.00 ,"thlotic Stadiun 2,000,000.00 --- 2,000,000.00 Parks and PlRy�,rounds 1,,�00,000.00 --- 1,500,000.00 Utilities 750,090.00 100,000.00 650,000.00 38,956,000.00 2,528,000.00 36,428,000.00 —71 ! —_, 1 U, 50C J()S�FF, J. !.JTCHT�11 12/29/53 CjIY . 0 0 0 PROGHSS KTORT ff-1 PRCJ']CT AlOC'.TTff ;.ND APPPOV�,L STP,v,ETS AH RPIDG�S 13.01'D FT2'D - ',4200 Total. .uthorization �vl.2,200,000 TT',CHNICAL C0171TT71 ADVIS,')!'Y ','011 ITT::E CITY COUNCIL Project r.pproved ;,pproved Approved No. Project Amount Date Ijno un t Date ;.mount Dato Resolution ST -1 Randolph ;,ve. Syndicate 12-23-53 to SnollinF 85,000.00 ST -2 Lexington Ave. Selby to Swamit 85,000.00 12-23-53 ST -3 Como Ave. - Snelling to 5/8 mile west of Raymond 145,000.00 12-23-53 ,I.ve. intersection ST -4 Shepiard. Road - Jackson to Sh,�rman (part cost) 180,000.00 12-23-53 ST -5 Rondo Ave. - Rice to Wcstcrn (1/2 cost) 1�4,000.00 12-23-53 ST -6 White Bear Ave. widQninr, 45,000.00 12-23-53 ST -7 Territorial Road - Emerald to Eustis 30,000.00 12-23-53 ST -8 Maryland Ave. - Payne to Westminster 110,000.00 12-23-53 ST -9 Short Lino Route - Right of Way 50,000.00 12-23-53 ST -10 Northern Route 50,000.00 12-23-53 v1 ST -11 Sherard Road - Sherman to Sumac and Randolph to West 50,000.00 12-23-53 Seventh STREETS :,ND BRIDGES TBOND FUND - #200 continued TPCHNICI,L C011'ITTFE ADVISORY CM-1-ITTEE Projoct ".pproved Approved No. Proj,,ct Amount Date ;,,nount Date ST -12 St. &nthony Ave. - Oxford to SnollinF and at Pelham and Vandalia 50,00a.00 12-23-53 ST -13 Rico St. - Sherburne to x 50,000.00 12-2 G.N. Ry. Bridge 3-53 ST -14 Whoolock Parkway Brid�o o,,--st of Rico St. 160,000.00 12-23-53 ST -15 Traffic Control Siv:nals 15,000.00 12-23-53 TOTAI, !',PIIROVED 1,249,000.00 12-23-�3 CITY COUICIL �.pprovpd 'Molmt Date Resolution JOSEPH J. ��ITC:`.Ll, 50C CITY CO"PTROLIM 12/29/53 jOSj-,M J . 111ITC11-LI, CITY cOJJPTROLLER 50c 12/2q/53 0 pRO,,p,7SS P.F1 OFT PROJECT '.I-L(�'TTOF �PPROVAL SUNM B017D FIT11D - i'r-21C) Total Authorization �o68,316,000 TEC1-NICI 1, COII'TTTFIF fDVTSOFY C()?,'ITTEE CITY COU'!CI1, -pproved Project Jppr.ved ;mo_ Date Resoluticn v Project km'unf�Date SE -1 Rice Street, Nebraska to Wheelock Parkway and connection to Sylvan and 140,000.00 l-_2-3-53 cottage SE - 2 Beit Line exter-i on - 81,700.00 12-123-53 Phalen Lake, Hazelwood A SE Y.ittsondale - East Brcnh -3 Lexinrton-�,raxid 147,000.00 12-23-53 100,0()0.00 12-23-53 SE -4 Test Side sewers 12-23-53 Sr -5 Preliminary engincerinm 100,000.00 12-23-53 Unallocated 300.00 TOT;,L APPR.OVFD 569,000.00 12-23-53 jOSj-,M J . 111ITC11-LI, CITY cOJJPTROLLER 50c 12/2q/53 PROGRFSS R1:PCRT ','I PROJECT �.LLOC-TION YD ,"PROV-L LIBR.',RY BOND FUND - #400 Total ,uthorization 'V315,000 TECL'NIf,,',L COI�TITTH J)VISORY C011'ITTEE Projcct Approve d --�Apur.-ed � No. Project Amount Date Amount Date Remodeling Music Room Main Libr-,ry 18,000.00 12-23-53 L-2 66 Side Chairf - SS -T Room, 1, , lain Libr-,ry 5,650.00 12-23-53 11-3 New LiChting Main Library 33,000.00 12-23-53 4 Brnnches 6,000.00 12-23-53 4 B=chcs outside �2,000.00 12-23-53 L-4 RepointinE Main Library and branchus 16,C)OO.00 1 )12-23-53 L-5 Concrete w-�Ik, etc., Main Library 5,000.00 12-23-53 Front stops and walk, Riverview Brr�nch 4,000.00 12-23-53 L-6 Passenger cicvqtor, Main Library 35,000.00 12-23-53 L-7 Regrading lot to correct seepage, Hamline Branch 1,500.00 �12-23-53 L-8 Iron handrails, lAqin Library and 4 branches 3,750.00 12-23-53 L-9 11 now toilets and piping, Main Library 3,300.00 12-23-53 CITY COTICIL ,,�ppr.vod � i,mount Date Rosolution LIBRLRY BOND FUND - #400 continuod TZC1�jj,TTC �1 COI-l'ITTEE -DV1S,,',KY M17, ITTEE CITY COTY11CIL Proj,-�ct j,pproved -pprovud N 6-.-- Projuct -mount Dato ;�M, on t D� t o ."mount D7to R �slution L-10 Redecorating, Main Library - ground floor 3,C)0().00 St. :jithony Brmch 2,000.00 12-23-53 L-11 Now Books H-�ydcn Hts. Branch 12,000.00 12-23-53 Ford Pkwy. & Rico St. Br -inch 5,000.00 12-23-53 L-12 Furniturr� & Equipm�nt Hayd,m Hts. Branch 3,000.00 12-23-53 L-13 Vusic and languago rocords .1 Main Library 2,000.00 12-23-53 L-14 Film and Equipm�nt 3'r -in Library 4,000.00 12-23-53 Unallocatcd 800.00 12-23-53 TOTAL i.PIIROVID 165,000.00 12-23-53 50c JOS'�R! J. IITCHELL 12/29/53 CITY COIPTROLLER -C-ITY -COMIX IL Approved Amount Date Rejolution 50C JOS�IIH J. MlTCF.!']LL 12/29/E3 CIT� COT.'PTPOLI.'T. PROGRESS REI'ORT ffl PPC)J'�CT ALLOCkTION AND ,�PPPOVAT, AM21TOPITTF POI'D FJTD - -,1�110 Total Authorization t350,000 TFCFV,T(,PkJ, CO.'7.'TTTFF ADVlSORY C011 FrTFE Project pproved Approved Wo. Project Lmount Date Amount Date A-1 Replace 1686 balcony seats 53,500.00 12-23-53 and repair platform Theatre A-2 Electric sign - Vieatr� 7, F-01). 00 '— 12-23-53 A-3 All new toilet fixtures 7,-00.00 12-23-53 and fittings - Tlieatre Unallocated 1,5CO.O0 12-N-53 TOTAL APIROVED 70,000.00 12-23-53 &I -C-ITY -COMIX IL Approved Amount Date Rejolution 50C JOS�IIH J. MlTCF.!']LL 12/29/E3 CIT� COT.'PTPOLI.'T. 4 PPOGRESS RIPOPT '[I PROJrCT A] T,CrATT011 tFD APPROVAL MISCELLAIMOUS BO1,D FUYDS TMHNIC�',L COT YITTEE ADVISORY COT,%�I=E CITY COUNCIL Project 7pproved Approved Approved No. Project Amount D,-, t e fmount Date Amount Date ResoluLion 50c JOSEPH J. MITCHELL 12/2q/53 CIT,' COI'PTIROLLER Public Safety Bond Fund ,1�100 Total Ywthorization $bOO,000 PS -1 Fire station rehabilitation 50,000.00 12-21-53 Health Bond Fund #110 Total Authorization W0,000 11-1 Health center 200,000.00 12-21-53 Garbage Disposal Bond Fund �220 Total Authorization $125,000 G-1 Housinr "facilities * 125,00400 12-23-53 Utilities Bond fund �600 Total :,utPorization 0750,000 U-1 ReplacinF tie rods 100,000.00 12-21-53 50c JOSEPH J. MITCHELL 12/2q/53 CIT,' COI'PTIROLLER Project No.. EA -1 FA -2 EA -3 EA -4 9 0 0 Project Maxfield Ames: , Site Building Hayden Heights Homecroft PROGRESS R7PORT #1 PROJECT ALLOCATION AND APPROVAL EDUCATION ACQUISITION BOND FIRTD'- #300 Total Authorizatio - n $8,500,000 TECHNICAL COMMITTEE ADVISORY COT.WITTEE Approved Approved Amount Date Amount Date Total Approved 280,000.00 12-29-53 40,000.00 12-29-53 150,000.00 12-29-53 150,000.00 12-29-53 150,000,00 12-29-63 770,000.00 12-29-53 CITY COUNCIL Approved Amount Date Resolution Above projects were approved by Advisory Committee without being referred to Technical Committee. JOST7,FH J. MITCHELL 50 City Comptroller TA/5" To the Council of Lho City of Saint Paul-, LUXTesot"I Gentlemen: & Council File 110. 166324 adopted November 5# 1953, confirmed the appointrient by t ac '1101.1 'xyor of Saint pawl of a ca-,Mittee of seven citizens to t as Advisor-, committee to the City Council with respect to all matters cOn- action cerniw � the expenditure of funds made available for city purposes by of thr, electorate on approving the Second United Improvement Bond Issue. In af;cordance with the provisions of that resolution, your Comm.ittee has conf,ulted with the City's Technical Comnittee, and herewith submits its ft,st report to your body. , T'here were thirteen major item listed in the Bond Ordinance approved by the voters, ends upon advice of the Comptroller, we have assigned code numbers to them which will identify each and will enable proper controlling accounts for each iten. In making this first report for projects tc bo �,iven priority in 1954, we have taken into consideraVLon those projects which becatwe of work heretofore done in preparing specific plans and specifications are, or soon will be, ready to proceed. We advise son.e projects which appear to need immediate attention. We have given priority to other projects which, when completed, w -ill open areas in Saint Paul which have not developed bcca;.1se of the absence of sewer facilities or other essentials of proper development. All projects recommended are for immediate attention, and most of them should be completed during 1954. You will note that the total cost of projects recommended in this report is less than the amount of bonds it had been proposed to issue in 1954. Therefore, in accordance unith the plan submitted to the voters, your Committee will later augment the priorities for 1954 after further con- sideration of other individual projects POSsible to completes or start, during that year. Streets and Bridges Bond Fund �f200 Total $ 1,249,000-00 Sewer Bond F�md #210 Total 569,000.00 Library Bond Fund Aw Total 165,000.00 Auditorium Bond Fund #410 Total 70,000.00 Public Safety Bond Fund #100 Total 50,000-00 Health Bond Fund #110 Total 200,000.00 To the Counc-U of the City of Sal nt paul - Page 2 Garbage Disposal Bond Fund #200 Utilit,ios i3ond rund 111600 I'Mucition Acquisition Bond riund 4%0 Edmoation Rehabilitation Bond Fund '1310 ianuarj 5, 3.954 Total '1 125,000-00 Total 100,000.00 Total 770,000.00 Total estimted for completion of projLcts started in 1954 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - $ 1,440,000-00 Total of an project Bond mounts approved in this report. 4 3,298,GOQ.00 Individual fund breakx1owns of the above referred to funds are attached hereto. RG13peCtfMY submitted 0 e'�4� /��— Advisory Cong-AttGe PROGRESS REPORT #1 PP,OJI,CT f-I,LM'�TIOIT :'JID APP-10-VAL SMV,I�RY - 12/23/53 Total .uthcrization S38,956,COO 50C JOS7Pu J. !.�TTCH'�Ll, 12/29/53 CITY COT.'11TPOLLFIR TECIII�ICAL BOND FUNID AUTTIOPTZFD �OYTITTETP AUTIHORIZIM APPROVED BaI,,NCE Public Safety 500,000.00 50,000.00 450,000.00 Health 200,000.00 200,000.00 --- Streets and Bridges 12,200,000.00 1,249,000.00 10,()51,000.00 Sewers 8,316,000.00 569,000.00 7,747,000.00 Garbage Disposal IZ5,000.00 125,000.00 Education ;,cquisition 8,500,000.00 --- 8,500,000.00 Education Rehabilitation 2,500,000.00 --- 2,500,000.00 Library 315,000.00 165,000.00 150,000.00 Auditorium 350,000.00 70,000.00 280,000.00 Musoum 1,700,000.00 --- 1,700,000.00 Athletic Stadium 2,000,000.00 --- 2,000,000.00 Parks and PIRyErounds 1,�00,000.00 --- 1,500,000,00 Utilities 750,000.00 100,000.00 650,000.00 v 38,956,000.00 215'�8,000.00 36,428,000.00 50C JOS7Pu J. !.�TTCH'�Ll, 12/29/53 CITY COT.'11TPOLLFIR PROGRI:SS RV,'FORT I'fl PROJr:CT %1IOC',TTOt! '-ND APPPOV,,L STR7FTS ATTD BPIDGS BO1,'D FT?TD _ I ,4? 00 Total Luthorization �12,200,000 TT`,C1111IC.,U COI-"TTT�E ADVISCTY ','01'YITT-�,E Project pproved .;.T) -,roved No. Project !,mount Date Amount Date ST -1 Randol:,h ;,ve. Syndicate to Snelling 85,000.00 12-23-53 ST -2 Lexington Ave. Selby to Summit 85,000.00 12-23-53 ST -3 Como Ave. - Snelling to 5/8 mile west of Raymond Ave. intersection 145,000.00 12-23-53 ST -4 Shepard. Road - Jackson to Shorman (part cost) 180,000.00 12-23-53 ST -5 Rondo Ave. - Rice to Western (1/2 cost) 144,000.00 12-23-53 ST -6 White Bear Ave. wideninr 45,000.00 12-23-53 ST -7 Territorial Road - Emerald to Eustis 30,000.00 12-23-53 ST -B Maryland Ave. - Payne to Westminster 110,000.00 12-23-53 ST -9 Short Line Route - Right of Way 50,000.00 12-23-53 ST -10 Northern Route 50,000.00 12-23-53 ST -11 Shorard Road - Sherman to Sumac and Randolph to West 50,000.00 12-23-53 Scventh CITY COILRXIL ,",pproved Date Resolution STREETS ,ND KIDGES �OND FUND - #200 continued 1� JOSEPH J. VITC�-.LL CITY CO!'PTROLLTIR 12/29/53 TECT!N'IC;.,L COI 1-ITTEE ADVISDRY CO,'!'IT',EE CITY COLMCIL —�,,ppo-.d� Proj,,ct 1,T)proved . It No. Projc�ct hmount D'Ac ;,Tnount Date _-1,mt Date Resolution 11 ST -12 St. 1,nthony Avc-. - Oxford to Snelling, and at Pclhvm and Vandalia 50,000.00 12-23-533 ST -13 Rice St. - Shcrburnc to G.N. Ry. BridFc 50,000.00 12-23-53 ST -111 Mcclock Parkway Bridgro 0-�st of Rice St. 160,000.00 12 -?3-53 ST -15 Traffic Control Siumals 15,000.00 12-23-53 TOVIL 11PPROVED 1,249,000.00 12-23-53 1� JOSEPH J. VITC�-.LL CITY CO!'PTROLLTIR 12/29/53 Project No. Project SE -1 Rice Street, Nebraska to 100,000.00 Wheelock Parkway and 300.00 connection to Sylvan and 569,000.00 Cottage SE -2 Belt Line extension - Phalen Lake, Hazelwood SE -3 Kittsondale - East Branch Lexinrton-Grand SE -4 I'lost Side sowers ST11-5 Preliminary engincerin,�, Unallocated TOTAL APPROVED 50C 12/2 q/53 PROGR'�SS RFA OPT 4,1 FP,Q,J'F,(,T '.LLO1'.TTO!' 'TD P PR OVA L SE-,r,R BOKD FUND '-'210 Total AuthorizRtion $8,316,000 TECHNICi�l, C01T'ITTFT-1 6,I)VISOPY CW'ITTFF 1�pproved f,pproved Am'Unt Date imount Date 140,000.00 12-23-53 81,700.00 12-23-53 CITY COUI�Cll, ..PlDroved 1�mount Date Resolutim 147,000.00 12-23-53 100,000.00 12-23-53 100,000.00 12-23-53 300.00 12-23-53 569,000.00 12-23-53 JOSE111 J. MITCHELL CITY COMPTROLLER : 0 0 0 FROGRF.SS R1!PC)RT Jr"I PROJLCT ' LLOC',TION N -D -PPRGV:�L LIBR,',RY BOND FUND - #400 Total .uthorization '�315,000 ADVISORY CMI'IMM Tplprovod Amount Date CITY COUNCIL Amount D -to Resolution TECITIC L C011'ITT-HE Proicet Approved Projo t mount Date Remodeling Music Room Main Libr�ry 18,000.00 12-23-53 L-2 66 Side Chair6 - SS -T Room, Main Library 5,650.00 12-23-53 1-3 New Lighting Main Library 33,000.00 12-23-53 4 Branches 6,000.00 12-23-53 4 Brrnchos outside 2,000.')0 12-23-53 L-4 Ropointing; Main Library and branches 16,000.00 12-23-53 L-5 Concrete w-,Ik, otc., 11ain Library 5,000.00 12-23-53 Front steps and walk, Riverview Branch 4,000.00 12-23-53 L-6 Passenger elevator, Main Library 35,000.00 12-23-53 L-7 Regrading lot to correct scopage, Hamline Branch 1,500.00 12-23-53 L-8 Iron handrails, 11,.in Library and 4 branches 3,750.00 12-23-53 L-9 11 now toilets and piping, Main Library 3,300.00 12-23-53 ADVISORY CMI'IMM Tplprovod Amount Date CITY COUNCIL Amount D -to Resolution 50c JOST�R! J. 1'ITCHELL 12/29/53 CTTY COI PTROLLER LIBR;,EY BOND FnTD - #�00 continued Proj,jet No. Projct TECM-.1C J M!'ITTTEE -mount -DVIS�FY ',011-, TTEE ,',pprovud Dat� .munt D. -tc) CITY COUNIL "PPI-6vud D - P �solution L-10 RodccorRting, llain Library - ground floor -t . 3,000.00 . 1. St. ',nthony Br=ch 2,000.00 12-25-53 L-11 Now Books H-�ydon Hts. Branch 12,000.00 12-23-53 Ford Pkivy. & Rico St. Brqnch 5,000.00 12-23-53 L-12 Furniture & TIquipmrnt lviyd�n Fts . Branch 3,000.00 12-23-53 L-13 Music Pnd lan,,u.og.c records I Eain Library 2,000.00 12-23-53 L-14 Film and Equipment 11nin Library 4,000.00 12-23-53 Unallocated 800.00 12-23-53 TOT:�L i.P!)ROV'D 165,000.00 12-23-53 50c JOST�R! J. 1'ITCHELL 12/29/53 CTTY COI PTROLLER 50C JOS-PH J. MITCHELL 12/?q/E3 CITY r,'O?,'FTPOLI,':.P, PROGRESS REPORT #1 PPOJI�CT AT10CM011 AND APPPOVAL AUDITOPIM' POI'D FJND - -,'1410 Total Authorization $350,000 TFCF�',T(�'kl, COII'TTTY-',F ADVISORY Coll ITTEE CITY COMIXII, Project Approved Approved kpproved 140. Project Amount Date Amount Date Amount Date Re.;oluticn A-1 Replace. 1686 balcony seats 53,500.00 12-23-53 and repair Platform - Theatre A-2 Electric sign - Tlieatre 7,500.00 12-23-53 A-3 All new toilet fixtures 7,500.00 12-23-53 and fittings - Theatre Unallocated 1,500.00 12-23-53 TOTAL APPROVED 70,000.00 12-23-53 50C JOS-PH J. MITCHELL 12/?q/E3 CITY r,'O?,'FTPOLI,':.P, I 0 Project No. PS -1 H-1 G-1 U-1 0 PROGRESS R'WRT ,k1 PROJV�CT AILOI�.MOJI &ITI) APPROVAL IFISCELLhNTIOUS B01,I) FUNDS TMHNIC�',L COIT-ITTrE ADVISORY COMI'ITTFE P.pproved Approved Project Amount Date Amount Date Public Safety Bond Fund /�IOO Total Authorization $bOO,000 Fire station rehabilitation 50,000.00 12-21-53 Health Bond Fund -#110 Total Authorization W0,009 Health center 200,000.00 12-21-53 Garbage Disposal Bond Fund ff220 Total Authorization $125,000 Housinj facilities 125,000.00 12-23-53 Utilities Bond Fund ,�600 Total !.uthorization $750,000 Replacing tie rods 100,000.00 12-21-53 0 CITY COUINCIL Approved ,',mount Date Resolution 50C JOSTM J. MITCHELL 12/2q/53 CIT',' C017IROLLER f 0 Project Nc. FA -1 EA -2 EAw3 FA -4 0 0 PROGRESS R7,PORT #1 PROJECT ALLOCATION AND APPROVAL EDUCATION ACQUISITION BOND r,,tRTD-- #300 Total Authorization t8,500,000 TECHNICAL C0114ITTEE ADVISORY COT-21TTEF CITY (01PNCIL Approved Approved Apj-r-�d Project Amount Date A Amount Date Am,unt Date Resclutift Maxfield 280,000.00 12-2c)-53 Ames: Site 40,000.00 12-29-53 Building 150,000.00 12-29-53 Hayden Heights 150,000.00 12-29-53 Homecroft 150,000,00 12-29-53 Total Approved 770,000.00 12-29-53 Above projects were approved by Advisory Committee without being referred to Technical Committee. JOSEPH J. tdTCHELL 50 City Comptroller lf5/54 Orizinal to City Ch,,k CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE 9F THE CITY CLERK & COJANCI�LAES�LUTPI—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY T' n. COUNCIL 166 75) 6 FILE NO. RESOLVED, that Council File No. 166388, approved December 3, 1953, be and the same is hereby revoked. 3 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 -04190"' I C ' F. No. 166756 --Ry Norris 0. Halvor- I son ' Bernard T . Holland— Resolved. That C-11, File N,. 111188, al.111"I'd lhle-lba.r 3� 1953. be and th tons L. creb, v ked. I.Adopted by the Council January 8,� 54. Approved January 8. 1034. (January 16, 1954) I j AN 8 1954 Adopted by the 9 Council-195— JAN 8 1954 )App d _____195_ 'roye —In Favor ayor Against 0 original t, city cl-k PRISENTED BY C. F. N. 166757—By N—is 0. H.1,­ WhIrel.6 The City did .. .q.1re, by woner of Taxation of the' '67W CITY OF ST. I convCyan.ce of tax-fomfetted land. fr.. the . , 16 1, ) Minnesota. the following de- NO. E/OF THE CIV'A'hed � """ po"y: fee, ge 40 fee, the west AOLAON-4 320 of north Block 5. Otto's Addition WHEREAS, the City did acquire, by conveyance of tax - forfeited land, from the Commissioner of Taxation of the State of Minnesota, the following described Property: Except the north 40 feet, the west 320 feet Of Block 5, Ottols Addition to St. Paul - and except the south 10 feet, all Of Blck 8, Otto's Addition to the City of St. . Paul, and Lots 6 to 13 inclusive, Hillcrest Addi- tion to the City of St. Paul, for the PurDose Of its being used for Park and playground Purposes; and WHEREAS the City did acquire, by conveyance of tax - forfeited land, from the Commissioner of Taxation of the State Of Minnesota, the following described property: Lots 1 to 5 inclusive Hillcrest Addition to the City of Saint Pau, for'be Purpose Of Its being used for library Purposes, and 1951, the WHEREAS, by resolution, C. F. 155619, adopted April 5, following described property, to -wit: That Part of the east 26 feet of Prior Avenue lying northerly of a line commenc- ing at the southwest corner of Lot 7, Block 129 Lane's Highland Parks and running thence northwesterly to a Point on the west line of PrIor Avenue which is 6.5 feet north of the north line Of Hillorest Avenue and lying south of a line which is 134.93 feet north of the north line of Hillcrest Avenue, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-63 -01WI- --In Favor -Against Adopted by the Council 195 Approved -__195_ Mayor 1 (""67157 odgi-I to City CI,,k COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM I, ill�NIEI) IYEP Co. 'IS 0. DATE was vacated as a public street known as Prior Avenue; and WHEREAS, following the resolution of vacation an opinion was given to the Council that the property described as Prior Avenue herein, upon the vacation thereof by said resolution, did attach to the property herein described conveyed by the Commissioner of Taxation of the State of Minnesota to the City of St. Paul and did acquire all the aspects of the said tract of land conveyed by the said conveyance of tax—forfeited lands; and WHEREAS, the Council has been inform�d by the Com— missioner of Parks, Playgrounds and'Public Buildings and the Commissioner of Libraries, Auditorium & Museums that the portion of Prior Avenue vacated by 0. F. 155619 is not needed for the development of parks, playgrounds or libraries contemplated in the acquisition of the tax—forfeited lands above described, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper City officers of the City of Saint Paul are hereby authorized to convey to the Commissioner of Taxation of the State of Minnesota, under Laws of Minnesota 1953, Ch. 144, by quitclaim deed, the following described property: That part of the east 26 feet of Prior Avenue lying northerly of a line commencing at the southwest corner of Lot 7, Block 12, Lane Is Highland Park, and running thence northwesterly to a point on thew est line of Prior Avenue, which is 6.5 feet north of the north line of Hillorest Avenue and lying south of a line which is 134.93 feet north of the north line of HIllorest Avenue, upon the finding by this Council now made that said portion ofthe property is not required for the public uses set out above. IC354 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counlo�195_ Yeas Halvorson Nays 30 9 JqS4 Holland Approved— __195-- Marzitelli In Favor Mortinson Mayor Peterson Rosen ---Against 105 PLIBLIS Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 `01W" Orbrinal is City Clrk � — -Z FILE CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO -Kr i5 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO % RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Januaa 7,195h COMMISSIONER—'— DATE RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorizedp with the consent of the Comptroller, to purchase from R. L. POLK COMPANY seven 1954 City Directories "St.Paul" at a total cost of $350.00, without advertisement or competitive bids as this is the only source of supply and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Police Fund — Office EKpense 7—A-4. JAN 8 10 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council--195— Yeas Nays Halvorson JAN 8 Holland Approved �195 Marzitelli Mortinson —In Favor Mayor Peterson Rosen Agains Mr. President, Daubney 51 SM �53 -404- C. F N . 166758—By Robert F. Pet— sun _. Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be. hi I, and c its hereby auth.lited, vith t le crulsen 0 t 11 Comptroller, to I tj Pure h.. fourn R. L. POLK COMPANY !,Ivan I.111,C1,1.Y,,DI.11vIor1,a "St. Paul" , . t is 1 $350.00. without advertisement or competitive bid, as , his is the ouly source of supply and- mC�Idvahtagv be -uld gaine thereby. urge Police Furd—Office E.Imus, 7-A-4. ILAclopted by the Council January 8, 54. Approved January 8. 1954. c) IJanuary 16, 19541 JAN 8 10 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council--195— Yeas Nays Halvorson JAN 8 Holland Approved �195 Marzitelli Mortinson —In Favor Mayor Peterson Rosen Agains Mr. President, Daubney 51 SM �53 -404- Original to City Cl�k CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI�JRESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM P�RESENTED BY COMMISSIONE Of Janua 1 1954 RESOLVED, That the Purrhasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized,�,ith the consent of the Comptroller, to purchase from WM. H. Z:[ECIM COMPANY one 2025 Hy�. 111 Gear Type Pump for Model 4C Shoveloader on M -VT -1 Tractor at a total cost of $11 9�-O' without advertisement or competitive bids as this is the only source of supply and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge - Water Department. JAN 8 1%4 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195 Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved ____195_ Marzitelli Mortinson —In Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubney ISM 2.53 -491S4— 166759—By Severul A. Mart - Resolved. That the Purchasing Agent b in te. and e Is hereby authorized. vith he consent of the Comptroller. t. purchase from WM. H. ZIEG LER COMPANY one 2025 Hyd. I" Gear Type Pump for Model 4C Shoveloader on MM_ VT�l Tractor at . ',.to) cost of, $119.80 without advertisement or emn- pclitiv6 bids a, this is the only source of s,pp,y an d no advantage cluld be gained thereby. Ch.,, tal Departrae.t. Wb Ad.pt—ed h 1954 . y t e Council January 8, Approved January 8. 1954. (January 16, 1954) JAN 8 1%4 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195 Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved ____195_ Marzitelli Mortinson —In Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubney ISM 2.53 -491S4— -l'oOdlid-1 I, City Cl,rk CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL /---�OFFIC"F THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. 9OUNCIL RE -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER— DATIL—janUa 12�4 RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, to issue Purchase Order to BORCHERT INGERSOLL, INC. for one 21211 Dia. Pinion Gear Shaft with bearing, snap ring, bushing, etc. and labor boring out flywheel of diesel engine at a total cost of $2o5.59, without advertisement or competitive bids as an emergency existed due to bre;kdown of engine transmission which needed immediate repair and failure,to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interest of the City. Charge - Water Department. 1�mon- ' Cl I, No. olt-'rdl'oed. That the Fh . h, e'.rse e Is hereby u t Ith t Of the Rl�yor and the ,n;Omelroller. to issue Purcli,s&Olde, OIL one 21 F'�TRT INGERSOLL 1 2' Dia. Pinion Gear �hff- Ith" I bearin% snal, ring. bushing t abor -Ing out fl,.h.., .etl�,.rtd engine at a total Cost of $205 59 �jt east ad'ertisement or ­Petltl�e' bidh"t a" emer do— feney edsted due to brsak" 0 engine transmission n ed ed t -ed t I"" e P Pt y t he '.. I I t " Id ­rk h.rd.hIp beg n e tp of the City rg:_ ale rtm at Ch opt W y I ' C.unei e 19 Ad d b he I ja nh.,y 54 8, -PP--d J..uarY .8., 11954 (,anuary 1 954) JAN 8199 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Halvorson Nays JAN 8 W4 Holland Approved--_ 195 Marzitelli Mortinson —In Favor Peterson ----4 ayor Rosen rL-Agains�__­-�/ Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2.63 '01P011- Orlifinal to City Clerk PRESENTED BY I C" `6 "�16� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM D A T E - - _j_a_n_U_a_ _r_y --- 7J _1954 RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Comptroller, to issue Purchase Order to BURROUGHS ADEING MACHINE COMPANY for Maintenance Service covering Burroughs equipment for period of December 1, 1953 to December 1, 1954 at a total, cost of $558.80, without advertisement or competitive bids as this is the only source of supply and no advantage could be �,,'ained thereby. I � Charge - Water Department. 14 C. F. r�o. 166761—By Severin A. Meet - In_ _ 7 "lived, Thai 'he Ag,'rh be. and he a h ..... d the consent of the Comptroller t� is_. Purchase Order to BUEUROUGiIIS AD ING MACEIM COMPANY for Mit�):; tens— Service C.—inin Burroughs, equipme, for er 195, . to Dettembepir 11.1`95-4f.t Ntaiai'�'..'i 01 $558.8D. without advertisement ., competitive bids as this Is the only source of =ply and no advantage could be g ad thereby. Cluirge—Water Pegartanant. Ad.p cul by the mareti Isamory 0, 5 .19 Xiproved - m 8 1914 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council-195— Yeas Nays Halvorson JAN 8 1954 Holland Approved-- --195— Marzitelli Mortinson ---In Favor Mayor Peterson Rosen —Against Mr. President, Daubiiey 5M 2-63 APO" Orlitinal to City CI -1, PRESENTED BY CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. File OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM WHEREAS, heretofore payment of the sum of $250-00 per month to Madeline A. Hurley was,authorized, for the care of her husband, GeorgeJ. Hurley, an employe of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Pliblic Buildings, injured April 14, 1953, and payment of said monthly sum has. been made the past four months, and WHEREAS, it is necessary that payment for such care be continued for another two month period, therefore be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 176.071, Sec. 132, Madeline A. Hurley be paid the sum of $250-00 per month for the further period of two months, being for the months of January and February 1954, for the care of said George J. Hurley,, payment to be made fim the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund. F. NO. 166762—By Norris 0. Had, an— Vhereas. heretofore Payment If th I Of UN.01i Par mouth to Madeliti: Hurley was authorized for the qer husband, George Y. Orl— Olent for such cam be c6nUnu 'r anoth be R ar two month Period, I ed7io h.mf9m' Resolved. That Pursuant to Minne- sota Statutes 176.071 Sec 13 Madeline A. Hurley be Id 'th ' ' j Par month fo?'t9e R:rih��r If Jlo of two months, being for the Zero, nibs of j1IUsrY In ftb,u, rK 1964. for the care of said George j urIeIp, F!ityrnent to be made from the'Wor!Fpens Com. Pensation Account of the General X`Uad. Adopted by the Council January 8. 1954. Approo,d January 8, 1954. (January 16, 19m) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195 Yeas Nays --Halvorson JA N 8 -Holland Approved ----195-- -Marzitelli ,4ortinson --In Favor 'f�eterson "Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubiiey 51d 2-58 I f, , I_; - - OrIKI-1 W City Ch,,k - Y ) 4 ( D, CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C UlI�C�RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C. F. No. 166763 --By N-1. 0. H.Ivor- itan— PRESEWED BY A 7111". Alfred 1�dlch,oader COMMISSIONER- E ahlt..t, h.. re'.... to b City D cil to hold a public htth�l City , AT to, to Ider a& gThAs about the expenac '"r, by r._._ - - _ ..L Is rd treet rnpre particularly d crlb.d . L., 2i la thony Park North.' h -ti, 9. St. A. SE�int, Paul; ond he City oj 'w- - 'h.t WHEREAS, Alfred H. Schroeder, City Architect, has requested the City Council to hold a public hearing to consider any complaints about the expense incurred by the City of Saint Paul in removing a dangerous structure at 2381 Buford Street, more particularly described as Lot 26, Block 9, St. Anthony Park North, in the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, it appears that the last known record ownersof the property &re Charles W. and Helen F. Sutton, Odd— fellows Home, Northfield, Minnesota; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul hold a public hearing in the Council Chamber at 10 o'clock a. M. on the 20th day of January, 1954, to consider any complaints about the expense incurred by the City of Saint Paul and to confirm the amount thereof; and be it FURTHER RESOLM, that the City Architect notify by mail the record owners of the property in question at the last known address. JAN 8 19M COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Halvorson Nays AO JAN 8 1964 Holland Approved _195 Marzitelli Mortinson ---In Favor J, Peterson Mayo -Rosen —Against PUBLIS- D Mr. President, Daubney ,63 MARSHALL F. H RL.1 JAMES F SULLIVAN ROBERTA. O'CONNE L J. j EROME PLUNKETT JOHN J. MCNEIL AS -T -T. CITY OF SAINT PAUL LEGAL DEPARTMENT Mrsi Agnes H. O'Connell City Clerk Dear Madam: TIMOTHY P. QUINN CORPORATION COUNSEL .4p.0 Re 2381 Butord Street January 7, 1954 LOUIS P. SHEAKAN B-CIAL A-ISTANT I am enclosing the preliminary resolution which is necessary for setting a date for.hearirrg as requested by Mr. Schroeder. 4 As you will notice, the hearing is set for January 20. Before that date I will prepare for your benefit another resolution which must be passed by the Council on that date. Yours very truly, �1,1� P12.tt Assistant Corporation Counsel Encl. JJP—B Paul UBLIC BUILDINGS PARKS, PLAYGROUkOt, a 445 dfh' iH� 2 NORRIS 0. HAi .041, .11. Commissioner FRANK L L 4i — . missioner W. LA MONT KAUFMAN .-A 16 K SuPf. of Pants Coy hit ERNEST W. JOHNSON Supt. of Playgrounds December 15, 1953 Mr8_ Agnes O'Connell City Clerk St. Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Madam: Please file a statemc­nt of expense In the Office of the Reg- ister of Deeds, for the purpose of creating a lien on the property known as 2381 Buford Avenue St. Paul 8 described as Lot 26, Block 9, St. Anthony Park'North. Th! is Property is owned by Chas. W. and Helen F. Sutton, Oddfellows Home, Northfield; with an interest held by James Mandeville Car- lisle, Washington, D. C., Oscar Luckett Washington, D. C., Dept. of Oublic Assistance, 108 East SI.,th Street, St. Paul 1, and Gust Johnson Lumber Co., 3001 Como Ave. S. E., Minne- apolls, Minnesota. The expense was Incurred by virtue of the wrecking and remov- al of the dangerous dwelling and accessory buildings there- from. Following Is an Itemized statement of the expenses as per Registered Bill No. 4-1357, dated December 15, 1953, copy also attached. Expenses of Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings in connection with con- demnation of 2381 Buford Avenue for investiga- tions, notifications, and condemnation $20.00 Speci-fications 7.00 Minnesota Floor Surfacing Co., 1405 Albemarle Street, St. Paul 3, for wrecking as per Coun- cil File No. 166122 170 00 $197.00 We are today asking the City Council to hold a public hearing to consider any complaints about the expenses Incurred and to confirm the amount. Yours truly Al ed H. Schroeder Ciff ARCHITECT 0 IGINAL COMPTROLLER S REGISTERED BILL TP PEBTOR CITY OF SAINT PAUL 4 1357 DEPARTMENT OF—P-2—A—P—B REGISTEREDBILL DATE RENDERED December 15, 1953 Chas, W.' & Helen F_ Sutton REFERENCE Oddfellows Home Nnrthfi P Id Mlnnesota TO THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Make all checks payable to the TO BE CRED11 ED TO APPROPRIATION ITEM CODE (City of Saint Paul) and forward NOTICE to Commi 87ioner of Finance, MIscl. & Unforese e n 31_ G-4 Room 113 City Hall. Expenses Incurred In the condemnation and wrecking of the building at 2381 Buford Ave., on Lot 26, Block 9, St. Anthony Parl iNorth; Expenses of Department of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings In connec- tion with condemnation of 2381 Buford Avenue for Investigations, notifications, and condemnation 20 DO Specifications 7 DO Minnesota Floor Surfacing Co., 1405 Al- bemarle Street, St. Paul 3, for wreckin as per Council File I'lo. 166122 170 DO 197 DO REGISTERED AND APPROVED 1ERTIFIIEO CORREC N 0 Halvorson CITY COMPTROLLER COMMISSIONER Frank L. Loss, jd Othrinal to City Clerk C CITY OF ST. PAUL FoUNCIL LE N OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 0. 8, r54' NERAL FORM PIE1111TED BY COMMISSIONE i,__ RESOLVED, That the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company be granted permission to erect and maintain telephone booths on the following streets in the City of St. Paul: South side of Fourth Street west of Wabashd Street South side of W. Seventh Street west of Colborne Street East side of Dale Street north of Grand Avenue I COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 -QP�­ North side of University Avenue east of Rice Street On Sup&rnick Lane soutWof Maryland Avenue ;C. F. No 166764—By Frank D. Mani� Resolved. That the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company be granted,i p ronission to erect and maintain tele - Phone booths on the following streets 1, the Cit' y or St. Paul; South side of Fourth Street west of�� Wabash. Street. South aide of W. Seventh Street wvst� E.f C.lb.rcneastrcet�et north of Grand' ast side of D Is Sir Avenue. North side of University Avenue east of Rice Street. On A Supor - nick Lane south of Maryland, -.Us Adopted by the Council January 8, 1954. Approved J .... ry 8, 1954 (January 16. 1 954) jhjj a 04 Adopted by the Council 195— JAN 8 1954 Approved --In Favor Mayor -Against C, 6 5 O,dXj­j to City Clkrk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OU ESOLUTION—G NERAL FORM U� PRESENTED BY DATE JanuaFy 7. 1254 C Co E OM SS MMISSIONE ef�'�'d i" A'snt and he is hereby REscLVED, That��.6u,.h..irlg Agen be, and he is hereby authorized, with the consent Of the Mayor and the Comptroller, to purchase from ELK RIVER CONCRETE PRC)DkJCTS COMPANY 152 Id-neal Feet, more or lessy of 2711 Class A, Reinforced Concrete Sewer Pipe at a total cost of approximately $682.48 as per informal bid #703, without advertisement as this is for an emergency repair and failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interest of the City. Charge Paving Plant - Reconstruction of Main Sewers - 1001-139* C.t F No 166765—By F -k D. Marn- ad — Resolved. That the Pu,ehaamg Agent be. and he is hereby u iba".ed' vvith the W the y,r and 1�e to '.'vhT. K C a "" E" RIVER CONCRETE PRODUCTS COM- PANY 152 Lineal Feet. more or less, of 27" Cla s A, Reinforead Concrete .�,wer Pipe at , total -1 Of i an'ttely $682.48 a, pe Inf-ralia Id No 70� .. �vithout advertise ent a th is l� �.or_tn pernergency repair and failure '.. I Pb'ey ­ld ­rk . hard - Mup in the I interest of the City. Charge Paving Plant—Reconstructkon W T ain Sewe—ID01-139, Adopted by the C—il January 8,1 19,4. Approved Januaryl 8. 11954. (January 6. 954, AA Adopted by the Council COUNCILMEN ISI54 Yeas Nays a pis Halvorson Holland Approved _195— "P" Marzitelli Mortinson —In Favor Mayor Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, DaUbiley 5M 2-53 `44W" Origi-I to City Ch,�k 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUN'4 NO. FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY /)C DATE JanUar-y 7. 195h COMMJSSIONER M.4.��j A — RESOLVED, That the Purchasing kgemt be, and he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the CorTtroller, to pur&-ase from SPERRY OFFICE FURNITURE C01PANY two General Fireproofing No. 54 RL 4 -drawer letter -size Filing Cabinet finished in Court House brown to match present equipment, at a total cost of $164.00, without advertisement or competitive bids as this is the only source of supply and no advantage could be Cained thereby. Charge &Eineers 10-133-151. JAN 8 90 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council-195— Yeas Nays JAN 8 1954 Halvorson Holland Approved ____195_ Marzitelli Mortinson —In Favor Peterson Mayor� Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 -000— C.'F� No, 166766—B3 Frank D. ,fli ResOlVed. That the P­hlli�&A. Ohl ?.a b d in 11 Ie 11 hereby a.th,ad it h, _S_1 of in C' troller. to Ir e - P, chaSe from SPARY 07FIlCE FUR- NITYRE COMPANY t— General Fire- proo , ir� NO. 54 HL 4-d­'—,Ohtt,,A_Sj.S Filh,g ;�bl­t flniShed h C , . Se brOr' , 0 MItch prfSSOt Squip­t, 'da I roSt Of $164-00, �llhoot adveitt"O"'t -1 e—Petitiv, bid. thl. IS the on' SOubCe Of Supply and no d—to e ey e I!ngi 0. d e alned thereby. a_ 10� Ch"g rs _B 151. Adopted by in, Co. '3 1954. n il January 8, Approved January B. 1954. (January 16, 1954) JAN 8 90 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council-195— Yeas Nays JAN 8 1954 Halvorson Holland Approved ____195_ Marzitelli Mortinson —In Favor Peterson Mayor� Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 -000— edlies] ts City Cled, COUNCIL NO. I (11; 7 6 7 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTi6N—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ard T. Holland —DATE january 1. 1954 COMMISSIONFh Be- MIEREAS, The Commissioner of Libraries, Auditorium and Museums has reported, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency during the period from December 1, 1953, to December 31 inclusive, 1953, which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of the Department of Libraries) Auditorium and Museums, Bureau of Public Libraries, for more than eight hours per day or forty hours per week in doirg the following work. (1) To accommodate groups using branch libraries for evening meetings; (2) display flag on Christmas Day; (3) evening Bookmobile schedule and (4) waxing floors at Main Library. And WHEREAS, This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Evening meetings, display of flag, use of Bookmobile and waAng of floors. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED Vat the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the employees who performed such work in accordance with the provision of the Council's salary ordinances ordinance No. 6446. C Is" d� 'y ..... d T. Hot- .—W:d,"Th`.'1 the '�- ' ty ffl- cers are hereby out =doito Pay ­tsju sjrapj�ye. inj the Deff'runent s, 'do" '" and '—','.i,= e.i 'Libr.rr.as!o i., —Ir'as ue'm� I,I I ,yment as described In thecoo he" Adopted by the Counell an ry ii� 1954. Approved January, a. 119544). 1 (January 6. 95 JAN 8 1TA COUNCILMEN �4.pted by the C ... il 195— Yeas Halvorson Nays Holland JAN 8 IVA Marzitelli XODUA= , Approve' Mortinson rMT891:119 n Favor Peterson r % Mayor' Rosen Daubney ----Against Mr. President, MaWIX -Awl Original to City CI ­k 7 CITY OF ST. PAUL COL1461. FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU RESOLVIiON ENERAL FORM E!E��!E B JI/ to 0 9 M, —A 'f ­rc January 7, 1954 In the matter of constructing ornamental lights on Summit Mall from Wabasha Street to Rice Street, including the construction of cables, conduits, Pull boxes and other appurtenances where necessary. (Part of Capitol Approach Project), under Preliminary Order C. F. 166631 approved December 24, 1953. RESOLVED, That the specifications and estimated quantities for the improvement submitted herewith by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved, and be it further RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is herby directed to advertise for bids on this improvement. C, F. No. 166768—BY Frank D. M ­j_ of I oneant-1 U1hla o c"at1't'cL.'191 'fl- Vab,sha st­,ut. I; %; rl.ding the r ... tr-eti.n Strect, in - conduit,. pull he cables. t� b—'s and Le,nane,s vhe'c Ilece—'*y" ""..'�Pr.i ,,spite] Approach p,.jc 'I un nar c6t. under Pre- ) by Order C. F 1 63, approved Lee c aem r 24. i9m r sit at I e aPeelfleati—a and ent 11 1 a or lithe hoprov- at lie here 1, b, the er . blic a rk.. Y I I I re e AP mved � be and f r r and be - Wed, That the Purchasing Agent and lie Is a a v a Ld hereby directed to ertise for b 3 on this improvement. dopted by the Council January 8 Approved January 8 1164 (J-nuary 16.' �­COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council _195— Yeas Nays Halvorson JAN 810 Holland Approved — 195 Marzitelli Alortinson --.---In Favor Peterson �Malyo Rosen --Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-63' G-914 Council File No. 164 17 6) �) PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT PRELIMMARy ojtDEjtS and c F. No. 166769.— Whereas, A written p, for the aking of the fOUpWj.g'P J� .: i-Pre-racnat, PRELIMINARY ORDER (�hqn4e the grade Of Rose A,etme s ��right street to Westminster — i. � I 1,T, , tl�e , grade as The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvemeAt " � .4` . it " thV 1 the C y of Saint Paul, viz.: Change the grade of Rose Avenue from Arkwright Street to Westminster Street to conform to the grade as shown on the profile on file in the Dep tment �of Public Works. Also grade Rose Avenue from Arkwright Street to Westminster Street to the proposed change of grade. Dated this 8th day of ianuaX�P;-' Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Change the grade of Rose Avenue from Arkwright Street to Westminster Street to conform to the grade as shown on the profile on file in the Department of Public Works. Also gred Rose Avenue from Arkwright, Street to Westminster Stree a Rose to the proposed change of grade. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvelftent. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To reportupon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council- JAN 8 1954 YEAS NAYS Halvorson Councilman MARZITELLI Holland A�4�� Approved JAN 8 195& MORTINSON DWRRNNqw PETERSON ROSEN MR. PRESIDENT, DGURPW Daubney Mayor.7 im 4-5t .0g3!I,.8 Council File No. �'Oyo PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C"' N" �hllll. A ,,, In. the . of the funtan and Con Owing NProvement, in thdamning and taking ',ad a. a."'em �Uft ' ad finain"It'y the Mr." - PRELIMINARY ORDER Avenue from I of ...�jrgd e c h astanimter St,,ot to" the b"at to � an P to thjIe of 9"Ole having been pr= COuhO11 Of the City of Saint The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public i -91"a be it � roverne 'oy tjt.-dq_Of Saint Paul, viz.: Cond maing and taking an easement -in the land necessary for the slopes, (MtR Md- fills in the grading of Rose Avenue from Arkwright Street to Westminster Street to the Proposed change of grade. r-_1 — 0— PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written Proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: cuts and fillf in the _Uading of acessary for the slopes, Rose. Avenue from krkwright Street to Westminster Street to the Proposed change of grade. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul - therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improver nent, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council- JAN 8 1954 YEAS NAYS Councilman MARZITELLI Halvorson JAN 8 1964 jja&xUM= Holland Approved MORTINSON rnmxvm PETERSON ROSEN MR. PRESIDENT, ZEURM DaubneX Mayor. im 4-61 .49�. 8 coUNCIL NO. 0,1.1_1 to City CI -1, CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE LICE�JSE C0109"'M OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM January :L2, 1954 DAT PRESENTED By — COMMISSIONER— RESOLVEDII That On Sale Liquor License No- 4181, expiring January 31, 1954, issued to John EsslAnger. Inc. at 1927-31 UniversitY Avenue be and the same is hereby transferred to John M. Routs and Harold W. Nelson at the same address, that the bond filed by the transferees is hereby anorovcd and the Corporation Counsel is directed to notify the surety on the bond of John Esslinger, Inc. that it is released from liability arising after the date th _ctive. -is transfer becomes eff� TRANSFER (Licensees) Informally a -proved by C01"cil January 5. 1954 Old Location COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Holfand Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, DaubIICY 6M 2-53 400"' C.t F - 111111—ByI'a'g.,,i., A. I.s.N . Ficber, I, I11d* That 0", S�Ile J= I'll-, cense No. 4181, eXP An - 1954, Issued to JohAn Essl I airr, Inc. at . I , Land the 921-31 University 'o same Is hereby transaZe de John 'Id �ge at M d "r It & Ne"'Ifiled the =e .',I'dress. �]. b bond Fed I - y "-td he a a I on the bond t' "' a by the transferees Is hereb and 'he C, 'rt' C" to 0 If hn ", the surety . n it ist rabs-aad .e .. he data 'o n "' I "ar s ro L bi L'y r I, tr to . I be I ". a Ifee't_ a. Ier a r e e Ii Ad i.I.d by the 1954 APproved january 12. 1954. �january 16. 1954) 3 0 1 ?� 1954 Adopted by the Counci JAN 1,) 1954 Approved 195— In Favor 0 -Against CITY OF ST. PAbL' APPLICATIgN FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE lication No._ -7� "giL. ame of, Appilicont_� Residence' Ad�essz/fl�.5 Y-4 96hone Are you a citizen of the United es? ................... .... ; ---------- Have you ever been engap�o in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? ............... ..... ............. ......... .... ..... ......... . T ..... . ............ When and where? if corporation, give name and general pL �Yration .......... Whenincorporated? ------------------ -- -------- --- -------- - ___ ------ - --------- . ........... . .. ....................... : ........................ ... .. ... . ........ ....... ...... ..................... ........... If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members? ....................... _ ...... ...... ........ . ---- ------ -------- --- Howmany members? ............................. ................. . . . . . .............. . ..... I Names and addresses of president and secretary of corporation, and name and address of general manager Give name of surety company which will write bond, if kn��_ Number Street Side Between What Crdss Streets Ward e, 7k I. XY How many feet from an academy, college or university (Tnwaswred,37 t.WWT_111 How many feet from a church (measured along streets) ? How many feet from close"xiblic or p�7bchiai/gxade or high school (measured along streets) Name of closest schoo . .. . .... . . ....... _10� . . . .................. How are premises clas.iflep d (,�,6yffng 9rdi . .... ............................. .................... . ........ On what floor located? - ----- IA;7��m;ze V_t�� --- — -- . .. . ........ . . ......... � _­�­ * � -- -- -- ----- Are premises owned by you or leased.? leased give name of o If a restaurant give seating capacity .. .... ........ ....................................... If hotel, seating cap o m dining room?--.-------- ...... ........ . ..... .... ---------- Givetrade name.... `t .' ."� _f :&Z ---------------------------------------------- ----------- ------------------------------------------------------------- Give below the name, or nu her th des cription of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: . ........ . ... . .... (The information above must be given for hotels and restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sales). Howmany guest rooms in hotel? ..... ...... ----- --------------------- -- -------- ­­ - -- - - - ----- - - - ---------- ­- ------ ------ ........ .. .... -------------- - -- Name of resident proprietor or manager (restaurant or hotel) ...................... ....................... ....... ......... . ..... .......... ..... ................. ...... . . Give names and j0dresses of three ' tine i ef8, .......... ........ . ............... - ................. . ................ hil a Xgnces* .............. - ------------- C-a 2,�l ... . . ... ......... . .. . .......................... ............................. .. . .......... . ........................ ..................... ............... . . ... ........ . .. . ...... . .............. ­ ..................... .................. ..... .... ............. .......... ........... ....................... ......... ............. ...... 3... ..... .... BY i�� APPLECATION MU$T BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION BE ATTACHED: Issuance of license is not recommended Application checked by Dated. ..................... . .......................................... 19 .......... ............ ......... . . . .... ................................ - . ......... ................ ..... ..... .............. ... . License Inspector. SEE OTHER SIDE STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF- RAMSEY; .......... first C'uW sworn, dep6ses'and says that he has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same in true to the best of his knowledge, informiation and belief. Subscribed and swo before e this__'Z� - -------- day of.-.-"" A 9, tZ, Notary Public, Rant!�ey County, Minn. ) ' - 7 M commission expir STATE 0 MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF RAMSEY, 88. .. ......... .. ------------ ---- --- first duly sworn, deposes and says of . ............. . ........ . ........... ... ------ a corporation; that .. . ................. . ............................. ....... ... . . --has read the foregoft application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best knowledge, information and belief; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said application was signed, sealed and exe- cuted on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said application and the execution thereof is the voluntary act and deed of Wd corporation. Subscribed and sworn to before me this....................... . ......... . day Of ..... ......... ................ ....... .. Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission h COUNCIL NO. oflel"I to city ch"It CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE LICLNSE C01097ra OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1954 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER - On and off Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarette. pESOLvID: That licenses for Restaurant, _ Id W. 14elson, An ication C 71?3, applied for by John X- Bouts and Haro � Pi reby granted. at 1927-31 University Avenue be and the same are he run A. Mor - F. No. 166772—BY Sel ,usor—Reberl F. P11 au - _,"d Uo... Re . %., -a. for R..t e 'ant , On �nd off Sale Malt Bevel.,9., und Cigarette Applicztoall.C! 717 ,,u -PPU ' n fti and ed for.b ' t 19 7 Id W. % an, . _31 ver Flora the sarne — .ity Avenue be and h—by , fdrinled Adop e 'y the C-61 January 12. 1954 �p,oved January 12. 1954. A (January 16. 1954) NEW (Liquor Establishment) Informally approved by council Janw.r� 5, 1954 Old Location 3AN 195— Adopted by the Council COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 12 I-RA4— Approved --- Holland Marzitelli In Favor Mayor Mortinson Peterson Rosen gainst Mr. President, DaublieY 6M 2-53 ��" -W L ORDER ­h.g an, COUNCIL FILE NO. By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of .. .... graveling and oiling the roadway on Ivy Avenue from -------------------------------------- -- - I --------- WinthroDSt. to Fcath--S-t -- ---------------- -------- - -------- - -------- - -------------- - ------- ----------- -- ----------------- - ­ - - -- ---- - ----------------------- - ____ under Preliminary Order---- J6Q00 November 24, 1953 - - ------- -------- - ---- --------------- approved IntermediaryOrder -------- ----- 4 ------------------------------------ approved -------------------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is grATeland-oil- the 1d�wqy__on__Tvy__Avenue__from ro. -Win-throp-St t -o -Ruth St -------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- — ----------------------- ------ ---- ----------------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. JAN 12 19E4 Adopted by the Council ----------------------------------- -------- - 192 -------- ------------ JAN 19 1954 City Clerk. Approved - --- --- ---- - - --- -- --- ------ - 192� File 124i8 Councilman Councilman JimWommovAN WOLLAND Councilman Is Q MAR71TPLLI Councilman dhMaesnown MORTINSON Councilman - " PrIeRSON Councilman dikMi� ROSEN Mayordftmlp� DAUBNEY Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of oraveling and oiling the roadway on Ivy Avenue from WinthroP to Ruth Street. under Preliminary Order approved 166300 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: November 24y 1953 The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 3,976.28 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ 1.6 - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUA N 0ding Land 12 3 Hillcrest Terrace 10 13 3 do 10 14 3 do 10 15 3 do 10 16 3 do 10 17 3 do 10 18 3 do 10 19 3 do 10 20 3 do 10 21 3 do XXD= 10 F- B, B. 10 (B) DESCRIPTION CITY OF'�. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSES ED VALUATION Land Building 22 3 Hi-11crest Terrace 10 13 4 do 10, 14 4 do 10 15. 4 do .10 16 4 do 10 17 4 do 10 1K 4 do 10 19 4 do 20 4 do 10 21 4 do 10 22 4 do 10 23 4 do 10 24 4 do 10 1 3 Murray Lane Addition Flat 2 45 2 3 do 45 3 3 do 45 4 3 do 45 5 3 do 4�- 6 3 do 45 1 4 do 45 2 4 do 45 3 4 do 45 4 4 do 45 5 4 do 45 6 4 do 45 7 4 do 45 8 4 do 45 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED Landi/Al-1101ding 9 4 Mu"ay Lane Addition Plat 2 45 lo 4 do 45 ir 11 4 do 90 TOTAL $1040 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated—December 15 1953— Commissioner of Fiii*. F— B. B. 12 St. Paul, Minn July 13, 1953 -- ----- ­ ---------- 19 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause th-e-following improvement to be made: - ---- ------------ - -------- Ivy Ave... Wst) ------ ----- ------- ---- St. Ave. from .Ruth Street.. Winthrop Street -.St. Ave. to .... ­ ­­ � .. ..... ­ .--St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION �,Hj4crest Hon ,es, Inc. 12 3 Hillcrest Terrave 4�4�' �� S. thru 3 &ecy 22 3 Hi .1crest Homes, Inc. 13 4 S. thru 23 -4 4 24 4 4 Z C c h RD, , " Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance G 3 1953 F)EPT-. 0 53 December 1 19— To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 166300 approved November 24 19 53 , relative to�q graveling and oiling the roadway on Ivy Avenue from Winthrop Street to Ruth Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $1.66 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ and the total cost thereof is $ Inspection $73.26 Engineering $239.89 Frontage 2,398.93' and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 1h 5. $aid improvement is—asked for upon petition of three or more owners of propert subject to assessment for said improvement. Comm�?" Works. 2. 7.49 .06!0.8 Hon. John D. Marzitelli Comissioner of Public Works city of St. Paul A-—.. DI-1— JOS. PAVLICEK D�'L. AMOU— S, ITITION JOHN M. GOT -I -ER, S-1. M— ,rnEQ—.— UR oil 13-1 -1 C----' JOIIN P. MULLANEY, Su— Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost on Ivy Avenue from Winthrop Street for graveling and oiling the roadway to Ruth Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 166300 approved November 24, 1953. Estimated Cost ------------- 4 3,976.28 Cost per front foot -------- 1.66 Inspection ------------------ 73.26 Engineering ---------------- 239.89 Frontage ------------------- 2,398.93' yours very trulY-t,,- liepa Approved for tranr-missiO- a 0 f Fina �,e to C a C s f P 1 Ork. 1 orks commissioner of P B,R�u O.F CO & CITY OF SAINT PAUL EO . GAREN, S.— Capital of Minnesota P.— A.— C�.. E' MLMB0E OF PUBLIC WORKS 'EN� .1. DEPARTMENT FRANK D. MARZITELLI, COMMISSIONER C— E—.— HERBERT S. WEST HERMAN P. PRANKE, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER B— GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CHIEF ENGINEER MAURICE W. HEWETT T.— E—i—R December 1, 1953 EUGENE V. AVERY Hon. John D. Marzitelli Comissioner of Public Works city of St. Paul A-—.. DI-1— JOS. PAVLICEK D�'L. AMOU— S, ITITION JOHN M. GOT -I -ER, S-1. M— ,rnEQ—.— UR oil 13-1 -1 C----' JOIIN P. MULLANEY, Su— Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost on Ivy Avenue from Winthrop Street for graveling and oiling the roadway to Ruth Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 166300 approved November 24, 1953. Estimated Cost ------------- 4 3,976.28 Cost per front foot -------- 1.66 Inspection ------------------ 73.26 Engineering ---------------- 239.89 Frontage ------------------- 2,398.93' yours very trulY-t,,- liepa Approved for tranr-missiO- a 0 f Fina �,e to C a C s f P 1 Ork. 1 orks commissioner of P Laid over 'pted 3rd and app— Yea. Nay. Yeas No" Halvorson Ziiolland Holland ,,Ma-itelli Marzitelli Martinson /Rosen Rosen President Daubney Mr. President Daubney j4 ORDINANCE V6'6`74 UNCIL FILE No OR C' PRISINTID BA�L 77 11 DIN�ANNO�:����� C. F. N1. I By Mfltn.7 An ,di - - th� smnl. IL b An ordinance settling the claim of Stanley A and Ruby H. Wel against the City of Saint Paul: THE COUNCIL OF THE CITr OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper City officers are hereby authorized to pay, out of the Tudgment and Compromise Fundp to Harold L. Ratchick, as attorney for Stanley A. Rydel and Ruby H. Fqdelj the sum of $189.00 in full settlement of their claim against the City arising from damage on September 17p 1953, to their home at 1846 East Hoyt Avenue, by oil being sprayed thereon during oiling operations by the City in the alley to the rear of 1846 East Hoyt Avenue. Section 2. Said sum shall be paid to said claimantsupon their execution and delivery of a release in full to the Citys in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel� for all damages sustained by them in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. This ordinance sball take effect and be in force thirty days after its passagejapproval� and publication. APProved as to forrn :Ze-- (:�� C Yeas Councilmen Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Daubney) Attest 14 City Clerk im "2 -00�-8 JAN 2 7 1954 Passed by the Council In Favor Against Approv/ JAN Mayor origind I, City Cle,k -0 .. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL NO. FILE DATE january n, 1�54 RESCLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be,and he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Comptroller" to issue Puxchase Order to BURROUMS CORPO,'ZATION For Service Agreement on Burroughs Machines in Comptroller's Office from December 13 1953 to December 13 1954, Machine Nos*1037913, 1311624, A970137, 14998063 A288300, and B-1-15778 at a total cost of $294.00, without advertisement or competitive bids as this is the only source of supply and no a6vanta,�e could be gained thereby. Charge - Comptroller - Office Expense 30A2. c - bi. - - bf. ��,.;.tl�66775--Hy Uilton Rown, ReSQI�ed- Th.t th. jAN 12 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counpil--195— Yeas Nays JAN 12 M4 Approved Holland Marzitelli �ln Favor Mortinson Mayo� Peterson Rosen ____Against Mr. President, Daubiley 6M ?,58 .4610- $2D4.00, V4thQVt ndl�.it&,WZi glitivelbida-du this,is the oni.y..."' n n. d—tage uld ii.i-PPt thereby Expeme 3OA2. mAd.pted by the COU111 J- ­y 12. 34—ed Jan-y 13, 1954. (j­U.'y 16 jAN 12 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counpil--195— Yeas Nays JAN 12 M4 Approved Holland Marzitelli �ln Favor Mortinson Mayo� Peterson Rosen ____Against Mr. President, Daubiley 6M ?,58 .4610- I C 6 77 fii fidgh,el to City Cierk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FORM EREsgNTE"y DATE January % 1954 COMMISSIONEiL RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized� with the consent of the Comptroller, to purchase from MONROE CALCULATING MACHINE CC11IPAN`f one Monroe Adding Listinl- Machine Model 410-11-11 X for the Bureau of Receipts and Disbursements at a total cost of $279.003 without advertisement or competitive bids, as this is a patented article and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge - Commissioner of Finance - Office Expense &A-3. C. F ' No. 166775—By billion Roser— Resolved. That the Purbaslixg Ag. be. and he is hereby md1acalzed. W the consent of the Comptroller; 31�N 198-4 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council Yeas Nays JAW 1954 —Halytirson Approved_ Holland Marzitelli Mortinson ---In Favor Peterson n Rosen ---Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 -QGPi-" no ad­nj�!e could be jiumed thereby. e qmmissioner of Finance­ ,Char,;; ffice nnae BA -3. Adopte by the Council January 12. 1954. Approved January 2 9) January 161 i J4 31�N 198-4 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council Yeas Nays JAW 1954 —Halytirson Approved_ Holland Marzitelli Mortinson ---In Favor Peterson n Rosen ---Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 -QGPi-" ("'77" Original to CRY CI,,k COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNJ00L RESOLMON—GENERAL FORM MW/_jy1fflw1�, RE50LYED, that the use of the Auditorium Arena be given to the Central Livestock Association, Inc. for its annual banquet and meeting on February 1 10, 1954, at a cost of $31D&O, the bal- ance of the cost of opening and operating,' estimated at $1,000-00, to be set up in Auditorium Fund 1021. C-, "-dN-. 106777—B, Be'--ld T,).Hol: In — Rosen—John E. b ,jft0n ney, y._ Resolved That th totJ= Ar�na be gle Ise at Ue Audi-, a 11� --k A!.oq gen to the Central nnual bourt far It. 'at' W - balarlo' l-' It a cost -1 . Febr 0I ofesthe OPetatl arn " Cost of the I upan, I nd set up AmZaterjduj�t be ,,Adopted by the Council -a 1021* St. January 12. Approved J -n --U 12. son, 19,54. J ary 16, 1., JAN 12 IM COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL-195— Yeas Nays JAN 12 IS54 Holland Approved --195— Marzitelli Mortinson —In Favor -y-r Peterson 0 Rosen -----Against Mr. President, Daubney 6M 2-63 -000"' EDWARD A. F U RNi. MANAGER Tellpho.. GAfi-ld 7361 The Convention Ensemble ARENA—II,000 Square Feet Beat,.. 1510". — Stoll loo -I EXHIBITION HALL 'Ifflo 81dar. I'let See, 8--- A�TTDRI"" T`iEATRE .at,.. No,, BT.34 Blilloem Elate Lull AMBS HAI,L 55D Bee,Uas 16o it coln&ITTEE RCDMS BERVI"S AVAI[LASLB A -c C ­t 110-D Vella E,.& -d D -o C,lr,,t III— VOIIA TalrPa.—T.I—h P. A. By't- �d`lld Draft -3 for C,raboatto, Machln­ H t ard Cold Water Dr, Dee, ... tions Gae, Bt ed C.—aard All j DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARIES. AUDITORIUM AND M SEUMS BERNARD T. HOLLAND, a - ARTHUR F. COLEMAN. MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM "IN THE HEARTOFTHE SHOPPING AND HOTEL DISTRICT - 143 WEST FOURTH STREET SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA November 25, 1953 Mr. Bernard I. Holland, Commissioner Department of Libraries, Auditorium, Museums 179 city Hall Saint Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Mr. Holland: Vie have had a request from Mr. Norris K. Carnes, General Manager of the Central Livestock Association, Inc., for the use of the Arena for their annual banquet and meeting Wednesday, February 10, 1954, on the same terms they have had in past years. Under these terms the C entral Livestock Association, Inc. pays the sum of !,300-00 with the balance of the cost of opening and operating to be set up in Auditorium Fund 1021 in an amount estimated at .11000-00. For your information, the meeting in February, 1952, cost a total of 1,1805.73, with the Central Livestock Association, Inc. paying $747.20 and the balance of $1058.53 to be paid by the City. Thanking you,, I am, Yours very truly, SAI NT PAUL AUDITOKUP111_ C�- e�, 1Y I EAF:KW Edward A. Furni, Manager C. F. No. 168778—By rrank D. Marzi- t.1li— Resolved, That the Council he= Original W City Clerk tv t rprmoves the ward of the Con " NO. CITY OF ST. PA — ties therefor, and hereby awards contract 'or '. h ' ". '.be'. ina. OFFICE OF THE: CIT Isrial- and =V, necessary and re ... nably rcid—tal to the wrecking UNCIL RESOLUTI —G th B il� ga firchiding .11 - h:r- My b ulldi. a such - -rar,. 00 l.nce' t U addresses and ot prepa. r tions described as follows: ut, 1954 PRESENTED BY ;17A ".'ll Rice, Street. more Partic r, RESOLIM, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards contract for furftishing a;j labor, materials and services necessar7 and reasonably incidental to the wrecking of the Buildings (including all accessory buildings such as garages, sheds, fences) at the addresses and lot preparations described as follows: 311 Rice Street, more particularly described as (except part for Carroll Avenue) Lot 41 Block 2. Irvinets Addition and 254 Cathedral Place, more particularly described as Lot l' Mattson Place� except the east 33 feet thereofs St.Paul3 Minnesota to ROSE BROS. LUMBER & SUPPLY GEMPANY, City to pay Contractor �1580.00, in accordahce with City specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid #4398 of said Rose Bros. Lumber & Supply Company, such bid being the lowest and said Rose Bros. Lumber & Supply Conpany being the lowest reasonable and reliable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of St. Paul. Formal Bid #4398. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays —Hawersel+— Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Datibney 5M 2-53 '1490"' Adopted by the CounciIJAN 12 1954 195— JAW 12 19% Approved--L�-195— In Favor mayor --9—Against -7 P 'T �;- �A C UPI,! Orial-I to City CI,rk COUNCIL �V) �79 ; CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLVED that the Ramsey County Agricultural Society is hereby authorized to utilize the facilities of the Ramsey County Home for the 1954 Ramsey Uounty Fair to be held July 29 through August 1, 1954, subject to approval of the Ramsey County Welfare Board and the Ramsey County Board. C- F No. 166779—By John E. Daubney, "='r - That tile annually County Agriculture Society Ill holell author- I.ed t - Otilb,e tile facilitl Y oary County Horne the na e Y C 9 , iouAtY Fall to be held July 29 th"Oug ugust 1, 1954. ..bJeet to Pla"Oval Of the Flanuey County Wtl- fare Board and the Raxosey County Bear . 1,,AdOP(Cd by it)' Council January 12. 54. Approved January 12, 19 4, Q ou.ry 1 6 . 954, JAN 12 1904 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195 Yeas Nays -HatvInsun— JAN 19, 1954 Holland �ppirti,ed—__ ---195— Marzitelli Mortinson --Ilnl Favor Mayor Peterson Rosen --Against Mr. President, Daubiiey 6M 2-53 OrW,,l t6 . City Clerk COUNCIL LICENSE CONMTEE CITY OF ST. PAUL Fit, NO. — OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRE=E. Janupnr 22, 1954 Co ,o DATE RESOLVEDt That licenses for Restaurant, On and Off Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarette, Application C 6801 for 205 Forbes Avenue, and Restaurant* ApplicAion C 68029 for 2051 Forbes Avenue, all applied for by Villiam E. Chaawn, be and the same am hereby granted. jAN 12 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195 Yeas Nays -f �vorson JAN t 2 10 Holland pproved----195— Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor M:ay;o�r Peterson Rosen ---Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-63 -404— C. F ,, 16678(�By S—ern, A, Mor- ,nasa� I—Rebert F. Peter­— Resol vin That Ifte.sea for Re,sto­ "It. On d Off Sale M"It Beverage NEW and Cigarette, Applit,tion C 6801 for Infornially approved by Council 205 Forbes Avenue and Restattrant, Applicatt,n C 68W , for 205% Forbes A— .11 -P hed for by Willianot E. P Deceiqber 22, 1953 Chap granted. be and the mane are hereby Old Location jqAdor(,d by th, C­r,jI Jannsry 12. 54. APIrl—c! J,,n.,,ry 12 19 4. (January W . i9541 jAN 12 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195 Yeas Nays -f �vorson JAN t 2 10 Holland pproved----195— Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor M:ay;o�r Peterson Rosen ---Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-63 -404— Original to city Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL LICENSE 01011,11:TTFE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMAMMASSIONE (�ZZLn:2f— I X _"� — DATE Januqryl2o 1954 RESOLVED: That licenses for Restaurant, On and Off Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarette, Application C 6765, applied for by Thomas V. Sullivan at 1573 Randolph Avenue be and the same are hereby granted. JAN 12 199 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195 Yeas Nays JAN 12 '1954 4 WQW.QU---- Holland Approved________195__ Marzitelli Mortinson —In Favor Peterson Rosen ---Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-63 -ORA—*- C F No 166781 —By No rris 0. Hah,ar, s,c—severin A. Mortins—Robert F. Peterson Resolved . That licenses for Restau- WW' nt On �nd Off Sale, Malt Beverage and Cigarette. ApplicaVti11SuC'.6765. �p plied for by Thomasbe . Ili u at a Informally by Council 1573 Randolph Avenue ad the anan. approved December 17, 1953 are hereby g anted. Adopted by the Council January 12, Old Location 1934. Approved January 1954. .12 (January I . i954i JAN 12 199 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195 Yeas Nays JAN 12 '1954 4 WQW.QU---- Holland Approved________195__ Marzitelli Mortinson —In Favor Peterson Rosen ---Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-63 -ORA—*- I C6782 Orizinal I, City CI,1k COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. LICENSE CW=TEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENYED BY C) '7 January 1.2, 1954 COMMISSIONEk� DATE RESOLVED: That license for Bowling 8 alleys, Ap-)lication C 6705, applied for by the East Side Branch, Y. M. C. A. at 1075 Arcade Street be and the same is hereby granted. W C� F Na. 166782'— By Norris 0. RIvor- s.ri—S.—m. A. M—tins—R.bert F. NEW P tors— Resolved. That license for Bowling Informally approved by Council December 15, 1953 New Location a r Application C 670 �. applied '.,an"'ffir East Sid, Branch. Y.M.C.A. y at 1075 A reade Street be and the same i., hereby g—tad - Adopted y the Council January 12. 954. Approved January 11, 11M, (January 16. 1954) JAN 12 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council-195— Yeas Nays 'JAN 12 1V Holland Approved ----195-- Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor Ma�y Peterson 0 Rosen — Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 -000— I C ( i "11 18; 11 orlgia,j to City Cl�rk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. LICENSE GON4JTTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE J 1-2, 193-4 COMMISSIONE2'Lea--12- RESOLVED: That licenses for perrdt to conduct Bingo Uams, apl;ilied for by the following organizations at the addresses stated, for the days, dates, and hours indicated on each application, be and the sane are hereby granted, Rehabilitation of Youth Services 156 W. 9th imacuilate Heart Of 1�arY L; hurch 1550 9111""At 10,Periods App. 7278 Renewal i it It 7413 it C, F* No* 1111, -- 3 By Norris 0. H.lv.,- son—Severin A. pateasor_ Mort I ns0a—R0b,rt F. Resolved, That Bing- game. liaereass aPPRId far by the *rg.-I.ti... nomead 'h' ", a st attached to this resolution be a ad the serne, .ad the City C,,Ire 'hembf granted, such It-" ', a Ir a ',.&ad to see upon Payment Into c City treasury of the Ad Pted by the Counctrequild fees. 1954.0 1 January 12, APproved Januar 12. 1954. (January Y16. 1954) jo Adopted by the Council 195— COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays JAN 12 Approved 195— Holland Marzitelli Mortinson in Favor or ��Ryo �) Peterson Rosen -----Against Mr. President, Daubney 6M 2-53 '000 .. C. F. No. Norris 0. E121—i o , l:r6j7:4A "Yortinabr—RO"Ort so P�ee',e`l,'�'� That 1jeeTda applied la psr.ff'=hn,'g, the ' ae UNC't NO. --Ot ut and the oright,11 I, City Ch"T" CITY OF b.7.I.Pad and the C,t E tons are her as -loY gr,-d-t�tdl he ICFNSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THCfer. is lratr,-ae �',, "j�'t.wt at L itcenses upon -thp.ye fired f nu -a. ..—y of " r' 12. COUNCIL KSOLU�Tl city tr Conn. I January Adopted by the 1954 A�,,­sd January 121,,1411)4- ir PRESENTED BY (January 16 ing persona at the addresses stated RESOLVEDi That licenses applied for by the follow be and the same are hereby granted. Joyce G. & Theodore m. Allen — Restaurant 471 N. Dale App.06373 New Old LOca. cigarette it A16y, G- Tankenoff 553 WabashOl Fdstf.V.M.Looa." 6486 it New too"' Lawrence E. Schmidt & Joseph ZiekovskY Barber 6949 1079 W. 7th Fred & Gladys Monji 852 University Restaurant 6961 Samuel E. Chase 98 Eaton Junk Dealer 6988 if Old Loc. miles E. Efron 402 Robert Orig.3ont. If 7106 it Cigarette if 11 Erlyn A. HilkEl 977 Arcade Eleo.App.Rep. " 7109 New Loca. Video Electronics CO."Ino. 373 university Flec­%P'Q-'ZeP' " 7138 old Loca. John j. Bush 243 Maria Vtr.Veh. Driver " 7172 Clarence St. Martin 620 Front Ave. Cigarette to 7193 If Old Loca. If 7225 if Peter J. Memmer 1045 Hudson Road Grocery It it Butcher Cigarette Milner Hotels, IuQ- 45 E. Sth Cigarette 7259 Melvin Gilbertson 904 E. 6th Mtr.Vah.Driver 7303 Vorbert J. Bieniok 147 Sims Mtr.Vah.Driver 7300 Marvin Jackson 196 W. hrlinEt— Mtr.veh.Driver 7361 Thomas Maskrey 449 Marshall Mtr.Veh.Driver 7392 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coun� tl 1 � _195— Yeas Nays JAN 12 1W Approved—— 195— Holland Marzitelli —In Favor Mortinson Peterson —Against Rosen Mr. President, Daublicy 6M 2-53 '14909" C.SF. �So. 16678S—By Norris 0. on— evero" A. Mortinson­Ro�ert F. Othrinal to City C6,1, Peterson— lq�1­1. That licenses applied CotZITTEE CITY OF , y ' 'r- th = .tm.h�d to .�.-d the same are hereby JNCIL NO. LTCfNSE I OFFICE OF TH Ierk �Fantsd, ..d the CitK . e C is instrue ad au to Issue COUNCIL RESOLUTIC It Ic"' "' up.. the p.y.e,,t dints the Ity treasury of the req. re fees. BY ,Adopted by the Council January 12. 54. COMMISSIONE . I / Z�� , on—ed lan..ry .. III.. pry 12, 1954 (January 16. 1954)'_ — RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. , John licNelly it 600 N. Western Confecticriery IPP- 5470 Renewal It 11 Off Sale Malt it 11 11 It CiF-arette 11 Earl E. Lockwood 954 Rice Idy & D.C.Plant 5577 Church of St. Agnes �48 Lafond Bowling 8 Alley 5969 Cigarette George Thompson 1608 Rice Grocery 5973 Off Sale Malt 11 Cigarette 11 Edward F.Sandusky 251 Edmund Grocery 5997 to Off Sale M31t it Cirarette Owen A. Kuehn 11 605 University Restaurant 604,D it Cigarette 1. George R.Ferbst 11 498 Lafond Grocery 6133 11 Frozen Meats to of if 11 Off Sale Malt it it it Cigarette John J. Verstraete 1, 567 H9 1 11 Grocery 6131P Butcher if it it Off Sale Malt it Cigarette Vendomatic Inc. 206 W. Elroy, lipis. V. M. Oper. 6161 Thomas E. Thompson 2933 Brunswtck, Yols. 6346 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council-195— Yeas Nays Holland Approved __195— Marzitelli Mortinson —In Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen A gainst Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 -41WI- 5 "1 " 11; _)Q f -I 0".0 1. Cit, Cl.,k CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. -L:[dNS-- COIKTTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY January 12, 1954 CqMMUSSICINE DATE PAGE NO. 2 (Renewals) Vendall Go., Inc. 816 W- 36th, 11pls. V. Y. Oper App. 6386 Renewal A B C Vending Corp. 1117 E. 28th, Ypls. it — 11 64,84 Willys J. Holmquist 46,3 Columbus, XPls- If .1 6673 Mrs. Louise Carney 774 Capitol Hts. Grocery '6680 Off Sale Malt it Cigarette If len Thole 783 University Br. Veh. (1) 6728 Stats Hotel Corp. of Delaware 339 Wabasha Hotel 296R. 6764 11 Tavern 11 13 11 It Dance Ha 1 11 11 it 11 On Sale Malt 11 John 'louts & Harold W. Nelson 1927-31 University M. A. D. loc. 6870 11 14. A.Dev(3) It M. Yach (1) Vera Coronado 154 E. Fairfield 11. Mach (1) 6886 Edith Hobart 589 St. Peter Beauty Shop 6939 Mrs. Louis Finn 118 S. Robert Confectionery 6941 If 11 11 Off Sale 1�alt If 11 11 It As It Cigarette It J. D. Sansby A&�r, Est. of Harry Sansby 800 University Restaurant 6955 0onfectionery Off Sale Malt Cigarette COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195 Yeas Nays Holland Approved— 195 Marzitelli Mortinson ---In Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 -400"' OAginal to City CI ­k CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. FILE LICEN9E COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE January 12, 1954 PAIE NO- 3 ( h enewals) Harold A. Daniels 375 Robert Confectionery App. 6968 Renewal George G. Wilke E.J. Gass 320-2 Wabasha Ptestaurant 8975 11 On Sale Malt if If it Tavern 11 t Dance Hall If It Cigarette Harold Darnes R 1102 W. Larpenteur 11 Grocery 6986 Fr. Yeats 11 Off Sale Malt 1. Cigarette it Gas Sta 3P if Paul Zoschke 36 S. Fairview Gas Sta 4P 6990-10 Lew -Is Ybtors , Inc. 163 W. 6th Auto Rep Gar. 6998 11 Applebaum's Food Market, Inc. 11 1817-19 Selby Grocery 7001 U Off Sale Malt 0 11 Cigarette 11 is Singer Meats, Inc. Butcher 7oo6 Walter IVIaldemarsen 149 E- 5th Barber 7013 Ted's Recreation, Inc. 11 1084 W. Larpenteur Restaurant 7018 if On Sale Malt 11 it Off Sale Malt if Cigarette 41 11 Joseph Kab 30 14. Water Junk Dir. 11 7024 11 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council__�__195— Yeas Nays Holland Approved-- —195__ Marzitell! Mortinson —In Favor Peterson Mayur Rosen ------Against Mr. President, Daubney 6M 2-63 Original to City CI,rk CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. LIANSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER January 12, 1954 DATE PACE NO- 4 (Renewals) Patrick Capece & Peter Paul 225 W. 7th Restaurant App. 702-A Renewal On Sale Malt— V Off Sale Malt Cigarette R. C. Robweder 613 Grand Elec App Rep 7033 Christ G. Reiger 1051 Ark-wright 11 Grocery 7035 Bulcher I. It Off Sale Malt Cigarette 11 WITI, ]MUM Gotlieb 92 State Junk Dlr. 7039 John Porte it 362 S. Snelling it Grocery 7044 11 11 Frozen Ileats 11 Off Sale Malt it 11 Cigarette New� Sto Francis Hotels Corp, 7-9 W- 7th Hotel 191R. 7o66 Cigarette On Sale Malt 11 Off Sale Malt 11 Confectionery 11 Ralph Stolp 256 S. Cleveland Auto Rep Gar 7072 Joseph L. Gruber It 1039 Rice if V. M. Loc. 7073 Cigarette it Floyd A. Kispert io6 ist Nat'l Bk, Bldg, Barber 7077 St. Paul Scrap Iron & Metal Co. 290 Alabama Junk Dir. 7081 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL--195— Yeas Nays Holland Approyed---195— Marzitelli Mortinson ------In Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen A gainst Mr. President, Daubney 5H 2-53 -0GjR0­ �4 Original to City CIrrk L#NSE COWTTEE CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COM&USSiONER__ DATE January 12, 1954 PAGE NO. 5 (Renewals) Walter Gayman 1590 University Beauty Shop APP- 7083 Renewal V. Y. LOC. 11 Hiwayan Club 1246 University Orig Cont 7089 It 1279 University V. X. Loc. 7090 Frank Ashby 1139 Payne r- BJUrtcher 7093 J. W. lee 565 Rice Barber 7094 E. J. Hebert 923 Grand Gas Sta 5P 7110 Hotel Commodore, Inc. 75-79 N. Western Gas Sta 2P 7128 A. R. Kolar 506 S. Smith Gas 6ta 2P 7129 11 11 Auto Reo. Gar 11 Peter Schawang 16 E. 12th Photographer 7131 Ervin Stoss 136 E. 12th Auto Rep Gar 7132 Luther Greer 2115 Sargent Photographer 7139 John E. 14ueller 874 White Bear Gas 6ta 7152 S. R. Caspersen 946 E. 7th Cigarette in 7156 Otto F. Isaak 458 E. Xa�l.�d Grocery 7166 11 11 Butcher It Cigarette L. A. Parranto W N. Hamline Gas Sta 2P 7196 JAN 12 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays .4111111bPff"99— JAN 12 1954 Holland rMroved___195__ Marzitelli Mortinson —In Favor Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubney 6M 2.63 -000-1- Original W CitY CI ­k CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 9UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY C/ ?)A � 'L�t� k 4 No COUNCIL FILE NO. January 8, 1954 RESOLVFD, That licenser, applied for by Frank Kiperstin for the inrtallation of courtesy benche 15 at the addresses listed below, be and the same are hereby granted: 39 S. Cleveland Avenue 1337 Randolph Avenue 1820 Grand Avenue 1104 Grand Avenue 721 N. Snelling Avenue 1565 N. Hamline Avenue 2256 Como Avenue 1221 N. Dale Street 600 N. Dale Street 1321 Payne Avenue 871 Payne Avenue 1775 E. Seventh Street 969 E. Seventh Street 833 E. Seventh Street 705 E. Seventh Street COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 -0!e3!0­ No. 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 C. F. No. 166786—By Norris 0. HeLvor- son—Severin A. b�?rdnson—ltobert F. pete—n— . - Ilasolved That 15 Court Bench Ucemes ap�lled for by V=Mperstin 't the locations nanced on the Im att-hed to this resolutlon be end the sam� re hereby ggd1ed,Ls:Wnd the City Clerk is instructs to Us such nce.sca upon the payment into the City treasury of the r uired feco. Adopted by the Counci Jamary 12. IVA. Approved January 12, 19M (jamary 16, 1954i JAN 12 1954 Adopted by the Council --195— JAN t2 IN b—In Favor Approved—_195_ Against Original to City CI,,k CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. UNCIL RESOLUTION RAL FORM PRESENTED BY ��&PL—ENE COMIYUSSIONE to zq� DATE January 8. 1954 RNSOLVZD COUNCILMEN yeas Nays -WaIWA-ion Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubiiey 5M 2-63 -430— That the Northern States Power Comparq be given permission to excavate for and build transformer vault under the sidewalk with connecting duct between present vault and proposed vault on the vast side of Broad- WaY, north of E. ]Pour* Street, as shown on attached sketch. C. F. No. 166787—BY Fr -k D. Marzi. teW— Resolved. That the Northern States "I", Company be given permission to excavate for and build vault under the sidewalk with ena- be t_ necting duct e ee' V" and Pro Vault .r_dwp. d on thp. =ttelde ot as he '. north � Street, wn 0 lt� E. Fourth Adopted b� attac ed sketch 9M. y the Council Ja�uary 12, Approved January 12. 1954. (January 16. 1954) Adopted by the CounciL------ ��rn- 12, Approved —.--195— Favor Against�_ S7. G-857 Council File No166788 C. F. N.. L667ae.— PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT, Whereas. A written p,.,".d for the on making of the following roproventent. and via.: Grade I'd with b -- he u., to - from MeTona Ave, to Addition No. I Bloek 4, Berland P-111' a - -'t PRELIMINARY ORDER ROB- Stt! '9'-'Olhet �anitr-gr 0ont Hsx�owaod St. tot a point 160 ft' east , Ttw?�j . having b— pra- The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the 'following public improveRok"W619"tRy &f Saint Paul, viz.: Grade and surface with bituminous material the alley in Block 4, Berland Addition No.1, from McLean Ave. to Pacific St. Also construct a sever on Pacific St. from -the center line of Hazelwood St. to a point 160 ft. east of Hazelwood St. Dated this 12th day of January 19 unclman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: —1— — Berland Addition Noel. from McLean Ave. to Pacific St. Also construct a sewer on Pacific St. from the center line of Hazelwood St. to a point 160 ft. east of having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul - therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature,,,extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council— 'am 12 19st YEAS NAys Kel*evaon Councilman MARZITELLI Holland ? 1954 Approved MORTINSON PETERSON ROSEN �a MR. PRESIDENT, XECUM Daubney May.. I -51 Ct,) �ouncil File NoA (ill, ils�. F. No. 166789— PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Wherea.. A written propowl for th making of the following improvement. 'it.: and inCondemning and taking nn easement the land ne—at for a opes. ent5 w.nd — in the 'red g and .-r-;j i th biturninaus material the a' from F PRELIMINARY ORDER Mark 1, E... Park .st ;.-nth to sm wj!'7 A hall. .9 bl. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessar-y for slopes, cuts and fills in the Usding and surfacing with tdtuminous material the alley in Block 19 Essex Park, from East Seventh Street to Stillwater Avenue. - Dated this I Pth day of jam'A� 19 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: 11-4-4 -a cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley i Block 1, Essex Park, from East Seventh Street to Stillwater Avenue. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for,. or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council 3 fl�� 1 �4 1954 YEAS NAYS Councilman MARZITELM Holland ARAD 21 U 9 11 Approved MORTINSON F an= PETERSON ROSEN �-�-:y®r. MR. PRrSIDENT, bdMdddd Daubney, im 4-51 .0!0.8 Tl MI G-899 C ... cil File No. I (1i i7w PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENIc F. N- 1-9� A —tett wop"'I f" the ,4kflg 0 the f011o-Ing and G—d. ..d —f— ith blt�­. ,� in. m,te,i,l the &Uey sn ack 1. Ms­ P—k, �— e_ PRELIMINARY ORDER A�v'— h."41h kV.��go The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public impro�ient-L� the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Grade and surface with bitum:Lnous material the alley in Block 1, Essex Park. from East Seventh Street to Sti-Uwater Avenue. Dated this 12th day of January 4 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade and surface with bituminous material the alley In Block 1, Essex Park, from East Seventh Street to Sti.11water Avenue. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council JAN 12 1954 YEAS NAYS Councilman MARZITELLI Holland JAN 12 1954 XCI)EE920OU Approved MORTINSON Bmw3amm PETERSON ROSEN MR. PRESIDENT, Dmmm= Dautiney Mayor. j- /(' - Jar. P I � IM 4-51 Oeyo. 8 Council File No. 16 6 7.9 "1 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENIc F. No. 169791— Whereas. A written proposai for the making of the following imp—ment. and "16and.mring and taking an easement in the land necegaz dT, for slopes. cuts and fills In the grad n ng .1 and SU PRELIMINARY ORDER w th biturninous mater al the alley 4 Essex Park, from ra.,..ier The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvenient by the City of Saint Paul, viz.. Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes) with bituminous material the alley i1l cate and fills in the grading and surfacing Block 4, Essex Park, from Fauquier Avenue to Stillwater Avenue Dated this ----- 1-2th day of January 4 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, allt,L; and fillr in the grading nnd surfacing with bituminQuA material the alley i Blank 4P Essex PArkP from Fallql"p-r Ayflnup to c;tllwater Avenue' having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council JAN 12 YEAS NAYS Heaveose jp4 19, 1954 Councilman MARZITELLI Holland CRUM= Approved— MORTINSON Faamaa= PETERSON I 1 ROSEN '—,� MR. PRESIDENT, BZDM0= Daubney Im 4-51 .148�0.8 Ivlayor. 16- PUBLISHED- G-909 Council File No.- 16,6 7 9 2 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and and .�urfaee PRELIMINARY ORDER =. The undersigned hereby proposes t4e making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz. - Grade and surface with bituminous material the alley in Block 4� Essex Park, from Fauquier Avenue to Stillwateir Avenue Dated this 12th day of January, -- Councilman. 17 PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: rt"aae gna.mirface with bituminn"s mAteriAl the n1ley in Block lit Essex Park, from Fauqu;Jer Avenue to $tillwater Avenue having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council Jo 12 195, — YEAS NAYS 1181-par"Mr— JAN -2 1954 Councilman MARZITELLI Holland MIdDGEREM Approved MORTINSON PETERSON ROSEN MR. PRESIDENT, bLM=XZX Mayor. im 4-51 Oapk. 8 Daubney PT-MrJ= 17 C ... lil File No. I Ci �P M,� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT I -- � C- F, NO. 169793 -- and Wh--. A �ltten Pr —king Of the following ' —1 1 , , '— -') -,"rn—t PRELIMINARY ORDER 'hj ;,u .."Oi The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following Public improv4&ent,by4W7Cjty of Saint Paul, viz.: Condemning and taking an eassale it in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing with bit-miMotul -t-ri.1 the allay in Block 51, Berland Addition Nool, from Suburban Avenue to McLean Avenu— PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: —1- . cuts and fills in the gradingand surfacJng with bituminous material the Alley in Block 5y Berland Addition No -I, from Suburban Avenue to MCLM jLvgnUe_ having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Mnance, Adopted by the Council 1954 YEAS NAYS Councilman MARZITELLI Holland JAN 12 IW' xmob-aw= Approved MORTINSON k -RUM PETERSON ROSEN MR. PRESIDENT, BXLXM IM 4-51 OJEP�.8 Daubney G-83 2 Co'Uncil File No. 1667M C. F. No. 166794 -- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Whereas, A written pro sat for the on Inprovernent, ,i:Tng of the following and —Grade and wrinte W'T —""" 'he ' e T 31. It V=Und Addition No. I!fy. Abb.. Ave -e Aven. hving a pro . "!e�tt' j PRELIMINARY ORDER eb., ' The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Grade and Surface with bituminous material the alley in Block 5. Berland Addition No.l. from Suburban Avenue to McLean Avenue Dated PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade and Surface with bituminous material the alley in Block 5, Berland Addition No.l. from Suburban Avenue to McLean Avenue having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissiorier of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council JAN 12 19" YEAS NAYS 981*9ree- Councilman MARZITELLI Holland 19S4 kbD=CXK= Approved MORTINSON RXXXIEMM PETERSON ROSEN MR. PRESIDENT, BXKXMM y Daubney Council File No.-A(�; L42 -W(15 - PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C. F. No. A66795 -- whereas. A written proposal for the otalting of the ionowing imptownieut, and Conde=ng and taking an e—ent ii�a and necessar Tfor slopes, cuts �m grad .1 and surfacing PRELIMINARY ORDER —t r .1 the .11e,7 in The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvemeni by ""the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopesp cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 4p Berland Addition No.1, from McLean Ave. to Pacific St. Dated this 12th day PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes., nuts Anrj fJ11A jr� the gr.di"g and surfaning w-jth.-.bjt;,mjnGj.A Aterial the alley in Block 4. Berland Addition No,l, from McLean Ave. to Pacific St. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of saicj improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council— an I?. 11ri, — YEAS NAYS Councilman MARZITELLI Holland � F P an= Approved JAN 12 1954 MORTINSON ]JAMMUO PETERSON ROSEN MR. PRESIDENT, BMMMM im 4-61 .06�.8 Daubney �May. PUBLISITED Li�l File No' .— ! Presented by Commissioner RESOLUTION, OF COUNCIL "PROV- j ING ASSESSMENT AND PUKING I TIME OF HEARING THEREON C. F. No. 166796— In the matt%tof 'the ��nt go! d for _ CITY OF ST. PA� 'M- Ea� A, e Resolution of Council Approving Assessment and Fixing Time of Hearing Thereon In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on East Avenue from a point 85 feet north of Fauquier Avenue to Stillwater Avenue; on Lake Street from a point 85 feet north of Fauquier Avenue to St i llwater Avenue; on Howard Street from a point 20 feet south of the north line " f Lot 14, Block 3, Essex Park Addition to Stillwater Avenue; on the southerly side of Stillwater Avenue from East Avenue to a point approximately 130 feet easterly of Waukon Avenue, thence southerly and southwesterly on an easement to be obtained and described as the easterly and southeasterly 20 feet of the westerly and north— westerly 140 feet of Block G, Beaver Lake Heights Addition, from Stillwater Avenue to Fauquier Avenue; on Fauquier Avenue from East Avenue to Pedersen Street- on Pedersen Stree t from Fau ier Avenue to Heaney Street, all of which is to bL known as iijessy Ext ion to ht Belt Line Sewer 3� em r "�Fark & rX min, - MU757 appro c FebruSI:X q ., 1952 Intermediary Order 1592o4 approved Ma,ch 25, 1952 Final Order— 159485 approved AT)r!l 22, 1952 The assessment of benefits. costa and expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 10th day of February , 19 514 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. IAN 12 1954 �� � A, U 1 �7 1. op e y , e ounc I — City Clerk. 01� Mayor. PU13EISHM �:Ljq a -q IAN 12 1954 Approved --19—. F!le 11973 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Mr. President, WALUPWOem— �4OLLAND MARZITELU MORTINSON PP.TERSON .a ROSFN DAUBNFY INTERMEDLARY ORDEZ C. F. No. 166797— In the matter of to c—UM-e from white Bear A�—.. Street on the north side and to the easterly line of 14t 2. Elock 2. 11-1 go.— Park D,�isi.. No. 6 on the —th aide B ­ - ­ ­ ­- !'- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of curbing Ivy Avenue from 1-hite Bear Avenue toCurve Street on the north side and to the easterly line of Lot 2, Block 2, Hazel Park Division No. 6 on the south side under Preliminary Order 166562 — --------approved—De-c-e---b-e-r--1-8-L-1-9-53— The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is curb Ivy Avenue from White Bear Avenue to Curve Street on the north side and to the easterly line of Lot 2, Block 2, Hazel Park Division No. 6 on the south side with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 7,572.70 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 9th day of February 19 54 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council JAN 12 1954 19— JAN 12 Ig54 19— Approved ity Clerk ayor File 12�47 Councilman "AIU&AGeft— Councilman HOLLAND Councilman �ARZITrLLI Councilman �ORTINSON Councilman IETERSON 'Councilman ROSEN Mr. President DALIONEY NOTICE TO PRINTER WiN11 NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. ------ TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION PRINTER Jan. 9 19 54 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 92 977.46 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED---�8—�96-----TO-�-A8714- —INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. i, JAN 12 19P, i— ADOPTED 13Y THE COUNCIL - JAN 2 19"A 19 APPROVED - NOTICE TO CITY OF SAINT PAUL -TY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO- PRINTER COUNCIL RESOLUTION ­_,janu �ra—iq--54 RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $ 100 579.(:,6 -COVERING CHECKS NUMBEREi1,--5-8592­--TO-.- _'j8643- -INCLUSIVE, ASPER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE C1TfA$fT2TiWER. 19 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL-- (I'- COMPTROL— JAN 12 1954 APPROVED ------19— BY— C7 AD NOTICE -CO CITY OF COUNCIL FILE NO ­ To UNCIL R� 166798-166799-16SM- 6802- Wit PRINTER Tht �o , I. 'C jq_�4 MSP59114, —erij, g eb, SMI THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON'I" TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 5 99?3 5 n PEI -g p AS PER CHECKS $ COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED um ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. �7 Q ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL-- c— All", APPROVED -- BY -- 0 COUNCIL FILE &Jan- 8 4 .5 - RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF s 1�4 252, 10 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED -585-U— --TO r ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. 8643 _ ANCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS JAN 12 19" ADOPTED By THE COUNCIL-- -- jAN c" comFrI-L­ APPROVED--_ 19-- BY— NOTICE TO PRINTER CITY OF SAINT PAUL 1, Ci )'79 "1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO.- - I . Jan, 7 ____ig 54 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 134 736.o4 -, COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED--38539---TO- --r&59.0- AS PER CHECKS 7 ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL- 1 12 19C1 .19— k�' c" comrri­� APPROVED— BY— 7 7 7 t7 CITY FSAINTPAUL COUNCIL DUPLICATE TO ITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER ---- ROLL �l jjlld.YQQ� � AUDITED CLAIMS _jan_� ----- 7 . ...... .... ...... ... 54- H LLAND MARZ -N FAVOR T:TEl_LT C) 11R NIIN PETERSON _AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECK. BE --N ON THE CITY TREASURY ROSEN IN THE AMOUNT OF $--- 134 --- ?,�6._I:I4 .............. .. COVERING MR. PRES. D UBNEY 12 !S�4 CHECKS NO. -50339- _—.513590 ------ ---- A. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL -- - - -- --- ----------- ----- PER CHECKS ON FILE IN E OFFI(5'E-OF THE CITY COMI , TROLI.R. APPROVED --- 4 BY. - T To 0 AL 11 DATE 'CHECK IN FAVOR OF TRAN —11 RETURNED NUMBER CHESFER DISBURSEMENT �Y BANK CKS CHECKS 8ROUGHTFORWARD 1 �i 284 381 26 -58.5 9 John Bergeron 70 00 585�0 Milton Rosen 2 298 83 713 19 54 196 03 58542 38543 894 83 .58344 107 7011 38545 0 2 733 97 1 38546 0 371 20 i� 56.547 Bessie BO.ckman 1� 700 `0 �i 38348 Walter T. Elnok, Jr. 128 oo�� 56549 Milton Rosen 180 go 58350 3 822 38 38351 Lambert J. Schneeman Ag. 11 23 465 11 58552 St. Paul Teacneral Retire. Alli 27 853 75 58533 Aoem Fast Freight Inc. 4 23 58354 A. S. Aloe 00. 67 97 58535 Anchor Paper Co. 83 30 58356 Blaine Electric Go. li 201 041 -58.557 Central Scientific Co. 99 58 58358 Crane Col of Minnesota 22g 01 3 8_55 9 Farwell Ozmun Kirk and Co. 1 73 .50 5836o 11 of of III ill 241, 38361 Foreman Ford and Co. 2.5 30 n Co. 2 50 38362 Gateway Tr�nsportatio 38.56 Grinnell Co. i 148 2 1 38364 Hamm Brewing Go. Ila 62 3a565 Hoeft Electric Co. 118 88 5E3366 X & C. Saw Service 7 4 56367 Louise Music Shop 42 99 Ili� 38368 Metzger Bldg. Materials 133 80 3b369 Mueller Go. 480 20� 36370 Masco Incorp. 24 00 1�1 47 56371 Nati,)nal Biscuit Go. 36372 Newman's Music Store 372 0811 33M Nortnern States Power Co. 8 790 57 38374 N. W. Publications Inc. 328 50 58373 h. W. Bell Telephone Co. 28 35 38576 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. 268 77� 58377 St. Paul Legal Ledger 2 877 46 56378 Alfred Sohupp 90 00 36379 Security Wholesale Grousi 178 53 16 88 58380 Singer Sew. Machine 00. 58381 H. X. Stahl Go. 89 32� 38.582 Transport Cle,.r. of T. Cities 3 98!, 58383 Trudell Photographers 10 oo,: 26 85 56564 Typewriter Sales and 5erv. 58585 h. B. WnItacre and Co. Inc. 1 370 93 58586 Witte Transportati.)n Co. 4 55 l' 56587 R. C. Wolfgfiram 316 50 58588 Anna Jurgensen 10� 80' 58589 Gertrude Rhode 73 601, 5�,590 Grace V. Schrank 80 00 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD '4 19 317 30 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMJ�THULLI,� ROL�CALL HALXal—I AUDITED CLAIMS HOLLAND .ARZITELLI -IN FAVOR 1419 MORTINSON 30- PETERSON __Q__A­N.T 38591 38392 RO EN 6 MR PRIES DAUBNEY 00 CC JAN I ADOPTED BY THE COUNC� 7 AFFROVED-----� ;A N 80 58.59� Albert R. Anderson & Helen 9 (�"I IK N. MI. E R IN FAVOR OF C OU NCIL FILE NU . 8 ER —y— jan.' 8 54 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY IN THE AMOUNT OF S loo 579.66--, COVERING CHECKS No_�8391 To 5 15 fy+J INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE N�DFFJCE OF 'THE CITY CO�APTRO B ­ TOTAL DATE RETURNED V TRANSFER DISBURSE ENT BY BANK C HE — CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 1419 317. 30- 38591 38392 Capitol Transit Incorp. Louis Kunz 6 013 96 00 CC 3859 Hugh Roy Conroy and Thelma 7 378 80 58.59� Albert R. Anderson & Helen 9 121 20 5659.5 Harry 0. Vlelleux 16 67 58596 Grant 0. helmer 231 23 58597 James D. Voigt 312 50 58598 Mrs. Ethel Green 7 50 58_599 Laura Larson 7 50 58600 Leonard Larson 7 50 58601 Chefol Train. Lunch Fund 7 71 58602 Harold Purtell Constr. Co. 27 ogg 85 John T. Jansen 6 88 -58603 58604 Director of Internal Rev. 12 2.51 78 38603. State of Minnesota–V. Bjornson 619 oo 58606 St. P. Musicians Ass'n. 28 00 513607 Milt)n Rosen 27 390 o4 38608 MacMillan Co. 273 10 38609 Manning, Maxwell and Moore Inc. 11 00 38610 Mo Clain and hedman Inc. 189 30 58611 McGraw Hill Book Co. Inc. 23 83 58612 Chas. E. Merrill Co. 377 40 36613 Miller Bryant Pierce Co. 171 20 58614 Xpla. St. P. & Sault Ste M. Ry. 1 2oo 23 3861.5 Minnesota Fence and Iron Wks. 3.5 00 58616 8 Ml�k Go. 31 36 58617 0 News Co. 212 97 56618 225 59 5b619 30 55 3,,620 112 00 58621 Motor Supply and Machine C. 7 98 38622 National Camera Exchange 313 00 38623 N Fire Protection a. 26 32 _58624 IN Geographic Society 6 2_5 5862.$ 0 Mower Co. 22 00 386z6 0 Science Teacners A. 4 62 58627 N—W. Press 3 57 58628 0 0 Refining Co. 2 6o9 30 386Z9 Photo–offset Plate Co. 62 20 58630 58631 Pier Foundry Plays Incorp. 153 7 50 00 .58632 J. F. Ptacek and Son Ino. 1 25 38633 R K 0 Radio PlctureB Inc. 82 00 58634 Raverty's General Service 7 05 56635 Recordak Corp. 57 30 58636 Reladorph Haul. Service 71 00 58637 Joseph A. Rogers Co. 10 00 58638 Rose Bros. Lbr. and Supply C. 32 64 58639 Row Peterson and Go. 146 44 58640 St. P. Book and St,,tionery 0. 137 3� 5s641 If " 11 216 o 5864z It N 0 8-5 91 38643 Porter Sargent 4 o.5 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 1 519 896 96 CITY OF SAINT PAUL CoUNC' DUPLICATE 70 CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE N UL ER_–JA,�,� M ROLLfALL Jan. 8 _,_ 54 AUDITED CLAIMS HOLLAND i FAVOR MARZITELLI� MORTIN SON� PETERSON ROSEN �) –_ ----AGAINST RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY 134 252 10 COVERING IN THE AMOUNT OF S - —,—. MR PRIES AUBNEY 12 1994 CHECKS NO_S 644 TO.F*L --IN.L..IVE. AS E ?,�.E CITY ADOPTED By THE COUNcl PER CHECKS ON HE *OFFICE F'_ IZI TROLLER 6 APPROVE— TOTAL DATE CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF RETURNED V TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROLIGHTFORWARD 1.319 896. 96 58644 Miltin Rosen N 19 433 83 1 483 53 58645 58646 A, J. Ts:hida Contract. C. 53P 83 38647 warren Peterson 45 84 58648 Perry A. Swenson Co. 5 737 11 8 855 66 58649 Davis and Davis Inc. 58630 Grudem Brothers Co- 3 496 50 58631 Charles harris illbg. Go. lo o38 4o 586.52 Hurley Constr. Go. 10 003 00 38653 Lee & Hoff Mfg. Co. 1 W4 oo 586_54 Tony Muska Elea. 3 817 00 .56635 Rydeen C,nstr. Co. 19 448 10 2 549 86 38636 St. Paui Electric Go. 58637 Sheehy Constr. Co. 6 345 08 58658 James Steele Constr. Co. 13 394 11 38659 James 0 11 ) 296 70 58660 Swanson and Youngdale 477 20 38661 A. V. Winterer and Son Ina. 7 238 57 38662 Jennings D. Mo Lellan and Son 9 386 40 38663 American Family Laundry Go. 6 16 38664 C. L. Ammerman Co. 8 83 3�8663 Badger Meter Mfg. Co. 1 lo6 8o 58666 Berglund Lbr. Co. 146 74 �;8667 British Information Serv. 6 92 58668 Buettner Weld. Supply 72 91 38669 Chamber of Commerce of 1. -he U.S. 1 00 38670 Cutler -Magner Co. 6 2o6 ?o 38671 The Diotaphone Corp. 68o oo 38672 Otto Esch Equip. Co. 66 92 3867� Fairbanks Morse Co. 10 53 58674 Gopher Plbg. Specialty Co. 32 48 3,8673 Hammerel Co. 49 $0 58676 Hersey Mfg. Co. 1 622 40 38677 E. F. Houghton and Co. 7 15 38678 Industrial Press 43 76 58-679 Instructional Fl..ms Ina. 30 -1-2 58680 International News Photos 100 00 36681 Johnson Print. Co. 819 50 38682 Judy 00. 1 031 00 38683 X. V. Market 17 84 58684 Scholastic Editor -Univ. of M. 3 50 58685 clement F. Sculley 00. 1 o45 93 58686 Singer Sew. Maonine Go. 4 95 58687 Special Libraries Assoo. 10 00 58688 .9t&ndLrd Unit Parts Go. 71 96 56689 Stonhard Go. 5 15 58690 Taylor Instrument Co 4 18 38691 W. R. Thompson 2 80 58692 Twin City Concrete Pipe Co. 33 20 58693 Victory Print. Co. 341 20 58694 0 0 429 25 38695 Water and Sewage Works 3 00 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 1 654 149 o6 0 SHEET TOTAL-FORWARO 1 747 126 52 CITY OF SAINT PAUL .. NC.L DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF TH E COMFTROLLER ILE NUMBER ROLL ��L _�i HOLLAND 1 AUDITED CLAIMS _._54 MAR ITEL " M -RTI ... NJ , ETERSON ROSEN MR, PRES DAUBNEY I -N rl. AGAINST FAVOR RESOLVED. THAT IN THE AMOUNT OF S CHECKS BE DRAIN ON THE CITY TREASURY !?2 977, 46 COVERING CHECKS NO. 58696 TO- IN­.I� . AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCII JAN 12 1954 PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OP­�E �t THE CITY COMP ROLLER. 2 1954 TOTAL DATE C. ECK NUMBER IN FA OF _TR -IF .HE RETURNED I/ I I DISSIJFSEMENT BY BANK C HEC.S BROLIGHTFORWARD 1.654 149. 06 58696 Kenny Boiler and Mfg. Co. 1 833 62 58697 Larry's Radio 5ervice 111 73 56698 J. B. Lippincott Go. 45 39 58699 Long's Col -Lege Book Go. 13 50 58700 Lowe and Campbell Go. 40 68 58701 Lyons Chemicals Inc. 3 299 10 3870Z Miltoi, Rosen 8 926 03 36703 John F. hand 1 309 73 58704 a. Keller and Sons 30 00 36705 Beatson and Kelly 30 00 36706 Commonwealtn Elea. 12 493 oo 38707 Hurley Constr. Co. 56 947 45 38708 O'Brien Constr. Co. 3 442 50 .58709 Prank Serratore 4o oo 36710 Milton Rosen 2 782 78 38711 Orville Klein 35 00 36712 VIllaume Box and Lbr. 423 36 3871) North Star Concrete Co. 913 67 38714 Minn. Paper and Cordage 35 86 0 SHEET TOTAL-FORWARO 1 747 126 52 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 1 8.38 ill 10 7- t �:jTY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OV THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER------- ROL�CALL LL&Lw.O—I _4 AUDITED CLAIMS Jan. HOLLAND � (0 -N FAVOR MARZ MORT � T.L.L�' PETERSON R OS EN AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE R—N ON THE CITY TREASURY go 984.38 COVERING MR, PRES. [ AUBNEY IN THE AMOUNT OF S -1 871 387 3 CHECKS NO.. —INCLUSIVE. AS JAN 12 1954 PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE 0111—E OF THE CITY CO PTROLI-ER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNC11— AP—OVE.- By_ TOTAL DATE CHECK' ' N IJIIJ�Y R IN FAVOR OF TIAN1111 DISBURSEMENT RETYURNE BANK CHEC_ CHE,S E3ROUGHT FORWARD 1,747 126 52 .5871.5 Milton iiosen 54 256 99 93 69 58716 N. C. MoMahon 58717 H. Lyon -Civil Service 4 32 38718 E. A. Furni, Auditorium 55 64 38719 Perris Jones$ Librarian 67 11 58720 Milton Rosen-Treas. Police P. 25 000 00 58721 St. Paul Institute 2 500 00 38722 J. J. Fitzgerald 41 oo 58723 H. E. Anderson 4 75 58724 Jules E. Arnould 25 00 58725 Chas. F. Eiden 4 75 58726 Molin Concrete Products Co. 17 25 58727 H. W1 Prodger 291 63 38728 advance stamp *orks 17 00 38729 American Library Assoc .54 oo 58730 a News Go . (Minn: Div.) 294 97 38731 N 203 73 38732 C—F. Anderson Inc. 31 57 58733 Audiometer Sa-les Corp. 37 85 58734 Ballard Motors and Ramp Inc. 16 75 58733 Beco Lab. 45 Go 58736 Bud's Landscape Serv. 95 00 58737 Bur. of Publio-tions 14o oo 58738 Byron Incorp. 27 00 38739 Chesterfield Music Shops Ina. 73 89 58740 Cl�rke Sand. Machine Co. 411 .5o 38741 Columbia Univ. Press 23 08 58742 Comet Press Books Corp. 2 6o 38743 Consolidated Ink Go. 3 00 38744 Glen E. Copeland and Assoo. 50 40 58745 Corning D.,nobue Inc. 227 34 58746 Crook and Hanley Inc. 552 41 38?47 Cudahy Pack. Co. 49 5o 58748 Curtis -1000 Inc. 382 50 58749 The Dayton Co. 18 60 58750 Dazey Corp. 2 33 58751 Dudley Look Corp. 62 97 587_52 E. P. Dutton Co. Inc. 67 32 58753 Ec)nomics Lab. Inc. 28 79 58734 J. W. Edwards, Pub. Inc. 161 95 38735 Farnham Stationery and Soh. 410 97 58756 0 Finn's Robert St. Drug Stroe 30 00 38757 Follett Pub. Co. 1 244 43 58758 Foster Corwaltants 1 80 56759 General Chemical Division 2 523 96 58760 Ginn and Go. 810 18 58761 Gopher Electronics Supply 48 12 58762 1). 0. Heath and Co. 286 o6 58763 R. R. liunttinf- Co. 157 52 Joslyn Mfg. and Supply Co. 13 24 .56764 58763 Latzju Gramata 12 50 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 1 8.38 ill 10 7- Ori.inaI is City CI -k PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE CITY OFFICE OF COLIN CIL RESOLI /Z 17- 11 By MIton aose— Lion a 1 �ed LEE" ssie _E I I "It -es nd I. '_ve�tM 'is L Cries APP3—agdh �d -P'r Ty 'in' h �v �h Id nd b d"r' the I""ited .'i Ld ds._ . red Id _ I I . . - I s I d -d —.d ed .d .b.I.'.d Wd COUNCIL FILE NO. MIEREAS, the Council did by Resolution No. 166416, Approved December 8, 1953, authoriz ' a the issuance and sale of $2,250,000 Capitol Approach Improvement Bonds – Series No. 9 and as the proper city officers have fully caused the said bonds to be advertised for sale and salid advertisement required bids to be submitted on January 12, 1954, and as bids were submitted and opened, examined and tabulated by the Council, and the Joint bid of The First National Bank of Chicago, The Northern Trust Comnany, Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust Company of Chicago, Stroud & Company, Inc., W. H. Morton & Co.. Inc., Robert W. Baird & Co., Inc., Burns, Corbe tt & Pickard, Inc.. Barret, Pitch, North & Co., American National Bank, St. Paul, was found to be the most advantageous bid. RESOLVED, that the joint bid of The First National Bank of Chicago, The Northern Trust Company. Continental 1101inois National Bank and Trust Comnany of Chicago. Stroud & COmT3any, Inc., W. H. Morton & Co., Inc., Robert W. Baird & Co., Inc., Burns, Corbett & Pickard, Inc., Barret, Fitch, North & Co., Anerican National Bank, St. Paul, be accepted and said bonds awarded to The First National Bank of Chicago, The Northern Trust Company, Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust Company of Chicago, Stroud & Company, Pickard, Inc' I W- H- Morton & Co.. Inc., Robert W. Baird & Co., Inc., Burns, Corbett Inc., Barret, Fitch, North & Co., American National Bank, St. Paul, at a price, namely, par and accrued interest with an interest rate Of 2.20 per cent and a premium of $1,878-00. YURTEM RESOLVED. that the Council hereby ratifies and approves each and every act of said COMT-ittee in connection with the sale Of said bonds. Yeas COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council Nays Hfilveroon Holland Approved— 1 5— Marzitelli Mortinson 4 -In Favor Peterson Mayo Rosen Mr. President, Daubney Against SAL 2-53 -QP4— ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Bonds and Certificates of Indebtedness are issued in coupon form, but ma be exchanged for Registered Bonds, both ass to principal and interest, at a cost of $3'1.00 Par Registered Bond, plus postage. Bonds are payable in lawful money of the United States of America, at the office of the Correnciesioner of Finance, in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, or at the Fisclij Agency of the City of St. Paul, in the City of New York, State of New York. Bonds are exempt from taxation. The City of St. Paul was incorporated March 4, 1854. POPULATION 1950 Government Census ................... ..... _311,349 Tire Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds are issued against d,_ forced installments of Local Improvement Aissessiments and we a first lien upon tile collection from said saireasurrents. The general credit of the city is pledged to pay all deficiencies in crivie the collections are inaufficient to pay the bonds in full. Provisions are made harmially throulh the budget for all debt service charges and a direct tax levied which mums amp a appropriations to retire all obligations at maturity. The Water Department rater under a budgetary control system. The interest .ad bond redemptions we fTyV rovided for by its earnings and are full faith and credit obligations of the City of gaint Paul and no tax limitation applies on levying funds for the payment thereof. . The value of the Water Works which includes real estate, plant and equipment is conaervatively estimated by engincem to be $20,000,000. The ity of St. Paul has never defaulted on an terest on its bonds and cestificarters always bOnn Paid promptPy'a,�t cipa Jr. Y of its obligations and th I and 'a ve maturity. City of Saint PwWt�Mii��ne'so�ta $2,250,000 �_APITO'L APPROACH IMPROVEMENT BONDS SERIES NO. 3 Not Exceeding 5% TO BE SOLD AT 10:00 A. M. (C.S.T.) January 12, 1954 OFFICIAL ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE OF BOND SALE Comptroller's Office, December 19, 1953. Notice is lecroby given that scathal proposals vill be ic(-ci,,d ;it tire offi- of th" City Comptoolier in the Court House and City 11.11 Building in the, Cit, of Saiat llmfl, Minnesota, .1, to 10:00 A. M. (C.S.T.) Januar�, 12, 1954, and tire Conocil will at sai,l time moot to prri ad consider bid., for the in, c of all or none of the following bond,: $2,250,000 Par Valuc Coupon Capitol Approach IniprovenicilL Bonds of the QikN- of Saint Paul, Minnesota, to be issued under authoritv of and in off re,pects ill full lompli-non with Chapter 315 Laws of Minacs. for'dii- year 1945, air aniciab!d by Chapter 611, Session Laws of Minnesota for thta yer r 95:3 :,.at C. F. Nf.�,J(115266, being Ordinance No. 10,182, approved Deceniber 8, 1953, and Council File No. 166416, approved December 6, 1053. These bonds will be issued under date (if January 1, 1954, in denominations of $1,000 each, to bear interest at a rate riot ­- !�vcding five per cont (5%) per anuum, Payable sconi-annually, and are social inatur- "g " follows: .. .1 amid Diet. .1 B..d Mmm-fty Numb� Arl-rou mar—fty Numb... A.­­ ,,all,- 70339-70388 S501000 1 71219-71293 375,000 ..... 70390-70438 �O,ODO j,::..",3y 11: 1,97'r, 71294-71368 75 Our, Y 1. 1957 70439`70488 1 1, ­ry 1, 1171 7 1 369-71448 Solana a', r000ny 1: rl 158 70499-7 _38 a.:= J.n.. 70530-70593 55.000 jrool­ 73 71449-71.U8 .1,0111, _y 19 J.'ru., I , 19 `0' 974 71.",29-7 7059�70648 35:0 71013 851000 J."oloy 1. in j� 11�7' 71614- 698 �1.000 55 lo .r - ,saa.,3 1 7064D-70703 71, 7 699-71788 la"isio y 962 70704-70763 GM 17-1 7l789-71878 90,001) ,ealloy 1. 1963 70764-70923 60 ...... 1: 1�78 70824-70883 71879-7 , 1973 03,000 j ..... 1: logo, -70948 150:0 J, 97� 72068 a,-).Ooo r: 1�,%�� : �1, 5 70884 0 72t68 iWoor .;:",,Y 1: il) 6 7011s-71013 6�,Ooo J,aar­ t, issl 72169-72�168 loorsr, 0. y 967 7101�71078 72269-72373 105,coo 71070-7 14 7 jkl"'.", 11: 1 Iwo) 89 71149-71218 6= it—ely 1: t 72374-72478 rOJ,OOo 8 70,000 J--3 I . linu 72479-72588 11 o.000 Under and by the terms of tire Ordinance tile faith a.d credit of thc Citv of Saiat Paul, Minnesota, are irrevocrably pledged to pay the principal and interest at- ilraturit� ,m the above bonds. Said offerings will bear internist at a single rate per annual, payable any such rate to be a(ircultiple of or—fourth or one­tcoth of one per cent and not i c,cc.d fiw per -ent 5%). Head. will be awarded on the lassis of tire Invest eq interest cost to the City Of Saint Paul. The ­T�aliifiecl a Opinion Of Chaplado & Cutler, Attor-3 s, Cho ag�, I is, fri,riig Ifin will with these bonds at time of sale andj all bids olust b, conditional. The opinion will state that the City has pOwcr and is ob[igtited Lo I— I taxts for the payment of said bonds sund interest without limitation of rate ., lin—ut. 'File successful bidder will also be furnished with tire Usual closing documenl.�, in - eluding a certificate that no litigation is Pending affecting tho issiviorce of the., [,.iid,. Tire form of bond licus not yet been determined but c ill b" TProccli IlY Ch�rlcrara & Cutler and the Corporation Counsel of the City'of Saint I an . Each bid must be accompanied by a certified or eirshice's ellock for two Per (-cut (2%) of the anialunt of bonds bill for, whi ell will be forfeited - liquidirti,d damages if the bonds are not taken and paid fur when ready for deliverv. Make check pavable to the City of Saint Paul. I No bid will be considered which is not in accordance %vith this plopo'cl or for belss than par and accrued interest to date of delivery unit tile right ei rvicrved to ri- ject any or all bids. Bonds will be furnished by the City of Saint prial, but defiv,-, sball [�, at lao- cilasol's -pel—, app ... imati-ly thil-tv day. fironr date of -le. JOSEPH J. MITCHELL, City Corliptroll,r. w. — I. — CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA DEBT STATEMENT October 31, 1953 GENERAL REVENUE BONDS: Purpose of Issue: Airport .................................... Capitol Approach Improvement ............. Court House and City Hall,...' Inter -City Bridge .......... ... Mintempolis-Saint Paul Sanit]s�']��j .�t ...... Municipal Market ................. ' Park. and Playgrounds ....... .............. Paving .......... . ... .... ­ ---- Safety Building a. Fin Alarm .............. Sehool-Scrial School-Terin Sewer. ...... Traffic Controi ..... .. Voting Machine ...... ..................... Total General Revenue Bonds Outstanding. SPECIAL REVENUE BONDS; Purpose of Issue: Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund.. . Water -Serial. ............................. Wat—Term ........... Total Special Revenue Bonds Outstanding Total Gross Bonded Debt .......... S 137,000.00 1,675,000.00 746,000,00 92,000.00 2,510,0DO.00 110000,00 254:000.00 72000.00 249:000.00 9,494,000.00 4,500.000.00 817,000.00 82,000.00 55,000.00 � 1. $20,783,000.00 3 1,663,000.00 2,261,000.00 900,000.00 ....... 4.824,000.00 ... $25,607,000.00 DEDUCTIONS: (Allowable Order Chapter 682, Laws of Minnesota for 1949) CITY OF &UNT PAUL, MINNESOTA BALANCE SHEET 1 . ,Municipal Market ..................... 11000000 Vot* M hin ... 1 0,000.00 .... .. . ' 55,000.00 'Lria"' '� GENERAL, CAPITAL AND LOCAL IMPROVEMENT FUNDS I i�a;ameai-A 053 1 Be. ppr.p. �Grneral) .... 50,000.00 1963 Serial Bond Retirement A School) October 31, 1953 ..... 4,000.00 Og Permanent improvement Revo yrog Fund 1,063,000.00 . 34,2 . 75.00 ASSETS: o ..... Water Sinkin Fund Aecurities) Current Assets; (Cash and .... .. . - 373,209.57 3.161,000.00 ------------- 12,877,918.81 Cash Balances on hand and in banks ............ $ 2,400,756.86 MARGIN FOR FUTURE BOND ISSUES ............. ... Perry Cash Funds ......... *-* .... * ....... 9,400.00 $58,550,897.30 lieccivables-Misceldro,cus Revenue 89,301.95 Valuation, excluding Moneys and Credits, in accordance with Chapter 682, of the Laws of Minnesota for 1949) I-entory-Materials and Supplies.. .... Bud 439,404.37 2 7'.8 fi� " t R W.ryi. eq=emeat8 ......................... Progress 282,675.64 .00&1 ......... ....... ........... Prepaid Expense 927,349.65 15,737908 ......... A.-ment-Tax Exempt* �: 23,019.87 � 2,839.84 118,463.17 206,835.56 Assessreenta-Tax Forfeited Properties .......... 1,768.22 1953 Total Current Assets ...................... I.vestmemts: $ 5.176,516,30 *10 General Sinking Fund ......................... 3 3,443,000.()o Local Improvement Fund ...................... 112,000.00 Library Real Estate Fund ........ ........... 50,000.00 9M School Bond Fumcla ............................ 2,400,000. Total Inveatereente ........................ Dcfrrred Assets: 6,005,000.0o Taxes Receivable -Current Levy ............... S 3,945,219.36 Delinquent Taxes Receivable ................... 594,017.98 -A-essments Receivable.... e;,- 61 ........... .. Delinquent Assessments Re� ve. e 601,300.07 ............. Total Deferred Assets ...................... 54,936.21 Fixed Assets: ...... 5,195,473.62 Land ........................................ Buildings S 9,035,236.96 .................................... Equipment .......... 21,663,170.35 ....................... Bridg� and Structures ............ ........... 6,660,269.52 5,468,427.00 Total Fixed Assets Other Assets: 42,827,103.83 Taxes Rereivable-Future Tax Levies ................. 20,783,000.00 Total Assets ............................ -i7-9 '987,093.75 LIABILITIES: Current Liabilities: Vouchers Payable ............................ Notes Payable... $ 560,129.62 ............................. Contracts Payable. . ....... ; .................. Awards Payable -Acquired I 282,675.64 393,038.66 roperty ............ Interest Coupons Due 206,767.59 ......................... Budget Appropriations ............. .. ....... 489.75 3,423,242.59 Total Current Liabilities ...................... S 4,866,M.85 Deferred Liabilities: Advance Sewer Payments ............. ....... 3 82,167.79 Official Publiratio as ........................... 1,013.18 Total Deferred Liabiliti ............... I ... Fixed Liabilities: ....... . 83,180.97 General Bonds Outstanding.. ................ _ $20783,000.00 Local Improvement Bonds Outstanding ......... 1:663,000.00 Total Fixed Liabilities ..................... 22,446,000.00 Total Liabilities .................. ........ ....... 7,395'r _j2— )24.82 RESERVES: Z=RWA General Fured...... ..................... General Sinking Fund $ 1,236,766.52 ......... I, ............... Unencumbered Balance -City all and Court 3,557,918.81 House Bond ................................ 7,105.56 Capitol Approach Improvement ................ SuNpere—Local Improvement 126,095.54 Fund .. ......... School Bond Funds 296,372.20 .......... I ..... I ..... Traffic Control Bondl�"­d ..................... 3,759,831.36 21,566.63 Total Reserves .......................... — - ...... .... 9,005,655.61 SURPLUS: General Fund -Available .......... .... $ 644,765.42 Capital Accounte-Invested in Fixed'"rs 42,827,103.83 Local Improvement Fund ............. ....... 114,044.07 Total Surplus ........................... Total Liabilities, Reserves 43,585,913.3 and Surplus.. ..... $79,987,093.75 CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA DEBT STATEMENT October 31, 1953 GENERAL REVENUE BONDS: Purpose of Issue: Airport .................................... Capitol Approach Improvement ............. Court House and City Hall,...' Inter -City Bridge .......... ... Mintempolis-Saint Paul Sanit]s�']��j .�t ...... Municipal Market ................. ' Park. and Playgrounds ....... .............. Paving .......... . ... .... ­ ---- Safety Building a. Fin Alarm .............. Sehool-Scrial School-Terin Sewer. ...... Traffic Controi ..... .. Voting Machine ...... ..................... Total General Revenue Bonds Outstanding. SPECIAL REVENUE BONDS; Purpose of Issue: Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund.. . Water -Serial. ............................. Wat—Term ........... Total Special Revenue Bonds Outstanding Total Gross Bonded Debt .......... S 137,000.00 1,675,000.00 746,000,00 92,000.00 2,510,0DO.00 110000,00 254:000.00 72000.00 249:000.00 9,494,000.00 4,500.000.00 817,000.00 82,000.00 55,000.00 � 1. $20,783,000.00 3 1,663,000.00 2,261,000.00 900,000.00 ....... 4.824,000.00 ... $25,607,000.00 DEDUCTIONS: (Allowable Order Chapter 682, Laws of Minnesota for 1949) General Sinking Food (Cash and Securitim) ...... S 3,557,018.81 Capitol Aprath Improvement .............. 1,675,000.00 I r, uter-City ridge ............................ 92,000.00 Minneapolie-St. Paul Sanitary District. , 2,5 1 . ,Municipal Market ..................... 11000000 Vot* M hin ... 1 0,000.00 .... .. . ' 55,000.00 'Lria"' '� ClomNo.2 subject to 25% of full value... .... ClassNo.3 sub4eetto330%offull value..... Class No. 3A subject to 10 full I i�a;ameai-A 053 1 Be. ppr.p. �Grneral) .... 50,000.00 1963 Serial Bond Retirement A School) A A ..... 4,000.00 Og Permanent improvement Revo yrog Fund 1,063,000.00 . 34,2 . 75.00 Water Net Bonded Debt .......... S 2,ik,ikii o ..... Water Sinkin Fund Aecurities) (Cash and .... .. . - 373,209.57 3.161,000.00 ------------- 12,877,918.81 Total Net Bonded Debt ................................ $12,729,081.19 MARGIN FOR FUTURE BOND ISSUES ............. ... 45,821,816.li STATUTORY BONDED DEBT LIMIT ............... .. $58,550,897.30 (10% of Full and True Real Estate and Personal Property .0067 Valuation, excluding Moneys and Credits, in accordance with Chapter 682, of the Laws of Minnesota for 1949) 1061 The or' ta e of the Net General Bonded Debt Of W Full ad Truest'al 2 7'.8 fi� " Estate and Personal Property Vnlu,dioniso ........... .02174 CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA STATEMENT OF ASSESSABLEJ`ROPERTY AT THE FULL AND TRUE VALUE REAL ESTATE VALUATION (1952) ......................... . $406,711,528.00 PERSONAL PROPERTY VALUATION (1952) Year Levied ClomNo.2 subject to 25% of full value... .... ClassNo.3 sub4eetto330%offull value..... Class No. 3A subject to 10 full $ 30,938,700.00 158,208,675.00 A A 0 of value .... Claes No. 3D :ubject to 20� of full value ....... Cla,m No. 4 u Of full value . 34,2 . 75.00 ion o ..... . 11,359,175.00 I,- ll-cle.lders E.amptic, ........ .. . ... $200,440,825.00 2l,fA3,380.W 178,797,445.00 $585,508,973.00 MONEYS AND CREDITS -100% of full value m of 5/l/42 per ChnPters 596 and 656, Laws of 1943 ........... 185,208,770.00 $770,717,743.00 STATEMENT OF ASSESSED VALUATION 1952 Real Estate Taxable Valuation ............. .. $137,128,759.00 Plus Assessed Valuation due to Homestead Law (Chapter 359, Laws of 1933) ............... 25,502,408.00 162,631,167.00 1952 Personal Property Valuation ................... 65,718,093.00 Less Householders Exemptions ................. 5,410,84,5.00 60,307,238.00 1942 Moneya and Credits Taxable Valuation as of — 5/l/42 and per Chapters 596 and 656, Laws of 1943 ........ ..... 185,208,770.00 S408,147,175.00 VALUATION -on . 33%% and 40% Bui,-$222,938,405.01 (Taxable Assessed Valuation -$197,435,997.00) 1052 Tax Rate -City Purposes ........... $90.24 1952 Tax Rte -One Mill School ... .... 1.00 1942 Tax Rate -County Purposes. , :: _ � 30.11 '952 Tax Rate -County School Tax Trans rtati Fund 1952 Tax 11.1"tte ='a ............. 9. -il 18 00 'State Rate Applicable to Homesteads ..... 4.58 TAX COLLECTION STATEMENT a TAX LEVY UNCOLLECTED TAXES Year Levied Year Collected Amount A A A I ,,, Amount Percent 1948 1949 1949 950 $11,697,917 $ S 78,271.96 .0067 1950 1061 13,122,352 15,080,622 2 7'.8 fi� " :0189 0163 108,436.98 .00&1 1951 1952 1952 15,737908 321:002 ' .0204 118,463.17 206,835.56 .0079 13 1 1953 15,051:286* .0 *10 Collection. a RESOLUTION HATDIYJNG ASSESS - Council Fil - e No ----------------------------------- MENT M N04 C. F. No. 16686t ­ In the matter of the assessmentit of d ,fl�; c?.sts an exper— for oan- By.................................. .. ---------- CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for .constructing a sewer on Rose Avenue between Arkwright and Westminster Streets under Preliminary Order 16;P67 ......... Intermediary Order Final Order ...... approved ------------------ 19 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment ha�ing been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT YURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in .................... .-equal installments. JAN 13 19541 Adoptedby the Council ------------------------------------------- .................................. 19 --------- t AN 13 1954 City Clerk. Approved------------------------------------------------------ 19 F ... B. B, 18 - — ---------- 7ayor. Ffle 12098 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment December 15 1952— In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Rose Avenue between Arkwright and Westminster Streets under Preliminary Order____16206� approved —December P1952 ----- Intermediary Order 162329 approved December 23, 1952 Final Order 162552 approved January 29,19�3 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the ex- penditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improvement, viz: Cost of construction ................................ $ 2,397.50 S_ 143.27 Engineering ...................................... $__O. 7 5 Inspection fees .................................... 1.38 Postal cards ....................................... 10 -35 Publications ...................................... --- 3 -45 Court costs for confirmation ........................ — Total expenditures ............................. $--?j-59-4* P-0— Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $ 2,594,00 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said impravement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of FfMdce. _'M 12-12 -11�- - I C. --BY Norris 0. F. No .1,66805 a on—& rin A. Mratinso —Ra r' Ckrk Per a orlid-1 I. City Resolved, That licenses applied for 11 CITY OF ST- by the persons named on the list i.0 NO. ed to this msolution he and the LIMSF COMMITTIM OFFICE OF THE ("w"mceh are hemby granted. and the ,try 11,r], I. i—Inucted issue —h COUN L ESOLUTION- ii.ense. upon the payment Into the "L city treasury of the rejuir.ed fey,,,,.. Adopted by the Cou-i J — , _1 IlIBER-1) It 1054. 13, 1954 Approved January 1613� 195 (January , 954) RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses steted be and the same are herely granted: Mae L. Marhoun 381 University Ave. Restaurant App. 4169 Renewal It 0 Cigarette If " " Leonard Raberto 483 Collins Restaurant " 4278 11 John Jacoboski 569 Ries Frozen Meats If 4926 It Alvina Bever 896 Mississippi Restaurant 4973 On Sale Malt 0 If Off Sale Malt If 11 It If 11 Cigarette 11 Cyril J. Laps 1140 Arkwright Grocery 4977 Frozen Meats 11 Cigarette It 11 9 Rose, Daniel & Anthony Lombardi & Theresa Lenzi 670 Payne Ave. Restaurant 5080 0 On Sale Malt If 11 Off Sale Malt 11 Cigarette 11 If Henry Spannbauer 383 University Bakery 5084 a Joseph Pillis 1102 Ries Grocery If 5159 " 11 11 Frozen Meats 11 It Off Sale Malt 0 Cigarette 11 Mat1hewr J. Ifteaell 11, Broadway Restauramt 5175 On Sale Malt Off Sale Malt If Cigarette COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Mortinson In Favor Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-58 -40— Adopted by the Council-195— Approved — - — --- —195 -- Mayor 0,L,,i­1 I, City CI -1, CITY OF ST. PAUL COUN FILE Cot NO. ---- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE COMMITTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Page 2 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER --- DATE Jamm= 13- 1954 Clarence Schiller 1194 N. Dale Grocery App. 5234 Renewal It It To ff Butcher IT It I off Sale Malt To It it ID 11 Cigarette it Wational Tea Co. 902 E. 7th Grocery 5272 it 11 Botcher it It off Sale Malt It 1. It it Cigarette Rath Biagini 549 E. MinnehahA. Grocery 5361 11 Off Sale Malt 11 Cigarette Ernest & El'ie Ruf 564 Payne Restaurant 5369 0 it If Cigarette IT 0 Gilbert Galvan 648 Jackson Restaurant 11 5375 It on Sale Malt it IT Off Sale Malt 0 11 11 It it Cigarette It 11 Dominick Ferrazzo 883 Payne Restaurant It 5586 0 11 II on Sale Malt 4 it Off Sale Malt 11 0 it to 11 Cigarette 0 11 It George Green 380 Como Restaurant 11 5696 0 on Sale Malt II 11 off Sale Malt it Tavern It it 0 Dance Hall It 11 11 Cigarette It :rton G. Larson goo De Soto Grocery 5761 IT It It 11 11 Off Sale Malt It to 11 Cigarette It It 11 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_195— Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved--195— Mortinson —In Favor Mayor Peterson Rosen -----Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 ARO"' orIZjn,i to City CI -1, CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. LICENSE OOfAMI OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Page 3 PRESENTED BY DATE- January 13, 1954 COMMISSIONER -- Basil H. Schulte 131 University Restaurant App. 5901 Renewal It It Cigarette It Edgar B. Frankel 217 Mt. Airy Grocery 5956 if Off Sale Malt IT IT it IT Cigarette it Chas. A. Gillespie 4197 Selby Masic Machines 600l N Snyder Bros. Inc. 519 Wabashe Restaurant 6165 " it Confectionery it IT Cigarette Wm. 0. Metzger 787 Payne Restaurant 6429 It It Cigarette Roman Zielinski 1059 N. Western Grocery 6557 Off Sale Malt Cigarette Curling club of St. Paul, 470 Selby On Sale Malt 6681 11 11 Cigarette It Emil R. Behar 657 Stryker Barber 6750 Thos. Isaac, Jr. 466 S. Robert it 6754 Joe. Fleischhacker 1143 Albemarle Confectionery IT 6783 IT Off Sale Malt It IT 11 Q Cigarette II Paul E. Milner 201 N. Cleveland. Beauty Shop it 6856 H John B. Mauer, Inc. 141-45 W. 6th Restaurant 9 6945 " On Sale Malt it Off Sale Malt It Bowling H 0 0. Cigarette COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved----195— __M2rz;ftTHi__� Mortinson —In Favor Mayor Peterson Rosen ----Against Mr. President, Daubney SM 2-53 _06�0­ Original in City Cl�,k COUNCIL LICEFSE 00�MITTEE CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. -OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Page 4 COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMJSSIONE DATE January 13, 1954 Christ Christensen 1567 University Restaurant App. 6951 Renewal 11 On Sale Malt 11 Off Sale Malt Cigarette it if IT Jos. M. Morgan 845 Edgerton Auto Repair Garage 6953 V. K Loca. Emmanuel Gamboni 923 Payne Barb er 6960 Arthur V. Blair 520-2 Mississippi Restaurant 6985 On Sale Malt IF Off Sale Malt n Cigarette 11 it Arthur G. Murray 5131 Wabashis. Ectel 7023 " Mortinson Bros. 676 Winslow Confectionery 7025 " It 0 Off Sale Malt 11 if 11 Cigarette 11 Jos. & Ben Nemo 156 W. 7th Restaurant it 7050 TV On Sale Malt It it IF 11 Off Sale Malt 11 Cigarette St. Paul Hotel Co. 6 3 3 St. Peter Hotel 7055 IF it On Sale Malt it it Tavern it 11 Dance Hall It it ff it Barber it it Frank M. Gaertner 433 S. Robert Confectionery 7o6o Off Sale Malt IF IF Cigarette David, Ernest & Joe. Yarasso, 635 Payne Restaurant 7069 0 n Sal Malt ff Wo Malt COUNCILMEN g-ArdezpTted by the Coun"cil 195 Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved _195— Mortinson ----In Favor Mayor Peterson Rosen --Against Mr. President, Daulnicy ISM 2.63 'qgj�l­ 0,10-1 1, MY Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Page 5 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE Jamary 11 COMMISSIONER_ Mrs. Adeline Kramer 95 E. 7th Pet Shop App - 7085 `Bwal Sehuneman's. Inc. 405 Wabasha Grocery 0 It 7095 Confectionery Bakery Restaurant Frozen Meats Barber To If Cigarette Weetlunxi Food Mkt- 927 Rice Butcher 7117 Sarah Klane 435 Wabpsha Confectionery 7142 to 11 it Cigarette Andrew Schoch Groc. 300 E- ?th Grocery 7143 to a Butcher to Bakery of It Off Sale Malt it of of Cigarette a Mike Rembish 42 w. 4th Barber 7158 Gray's Cut Rate Drugs, 618 Selby Confectionery 7170 " 0 Retawrant n 11 Cigarette It Arthur J. Treacy 1098 Grand. Confectionery 7171 It to 11 0 Cigarette john Routs & Harold Nelson, 1927 University, Restaurant 7175 if 11 11 On Sale Malt Off Sale Malt 11 Cigarette It Pabst, Inc. 798 Margaret St. Grocery 7177 n Butcher e Off Sal Malt to Cigarette Adopted by the Council 195— COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Approved ---195— Holland M � vzitelli Mortinson —In Favor Mayor Peterson Rosen --Against Mr. President, Daubney 6M 2-53 -06RO.- oriziall to cit I y Cl.,k CITY OF ST. PAUL CHOLEUNfor" NO. LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Page 6 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE Janaary 13- 1954 COMMISSIONER-_--­-- 011ie Ahlf 1213 Randolph Barber App. 7186 Renewal Stephen losbuba & Victor Schlbff 468 Waba-sha, Restaurant 7190 of it on Sale Malt of 0 If If Off Sale Malt If 0 If 11 Cigarette It If of Omuhr Xalrie 78 E. 5th Restaurant of 7191 of of of Cigarette Chas. Traybiatofska, 740 Edmund Barber If 7194 of HighlatifiRecreation 1209 W. 7th Restaurant of 7200 of If of On Sale Malt it If 11 Off Sale Malt to 11 If If of Cigarette If If of 1. Bowling it 11 It Albert C. Hostettler, 6 Guardian Bldg. Barber If 7207 Nick Gofas 139 F. Dale L&y & D. 0. Pickup 7210 Won. Artes 427 N. Exchange Gas Station 7212 Hall & Anderson 21 w. 4th Cigarette 7213 Aaron Goldberg 195 E. Indiana Butcher 7215 Wm. H. Fredette Pioneer Bldg. Barber 7218 Louis H. Horeish 914 Randolph Gas Station 7219 If to V. M. Location of P.O.W. Anderson 1245 Selby Elea. Appl. Repair 7221 D. Landy & D. Shellman, 619 Grand Confectionery 7224 11 of 11 Off Sale Malt If of If of of Cigarette of 11 of COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council— 195— Yeast Nays Halvorson Holland Approved __195— Mftzzitetf�— Mortinson —In Favor Mayor Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 -Oqj�P­ V. 0,10-1 1140ty CI�rk LICENSE COMMITTEE CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Page 7 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMAMSSIONE DATE JanuarX 13, 1954 Clarence Henschell 436 Lafond Restaurant App. 7226 Renewal On Sale Malt 0 IF Off Sale Malt If Cigarette Wm. L. Ceilky 819 E. Maryland Gas Station it 7227 Thos. Ninneman 1887 Randolph Grocery 7236 Frozen Meats Off Sale Malt Cigarette Mike Mischens 1395 St. Clair Barber 7238 Ruben ZamanBky 485 S. Snelling Gas Station 724o If V. M. Location it If Everett B. Olson 1722 University Barber 7241 Joe. Knoldgen 616 Rice Grocery 7256 If it Butcher 11 John W. Ssplding 235 S. Cleveland Gas Station 7257 Henry W. Hanft 120 Bremer Arcade Barber 7258 Frank Novack 106 Douglas Hardware 7261 W. H. Barber Do. 825 Thornton, Mpls. Fuel Dealer 7263 Rex Oil Co., Inc. 207 Como Ftiel Dealer 7264 " Weinhagen Tire Co. 175 Pleasant Gas Station 7270 " Francis Doran 52 S. Prior Barber 7271 It Henry R. Troje 830 S. Robert Gas Station 7272 If n It lee Station If IT 41 cation Rgmar-eige COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council---195— Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved— ---195— Mortinson —In Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen -Agairst Mr. President, Daubricy 5M 2-53 -01PO"' o,jal—I I, CIO Ckrk CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Page 8 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE Januag 13, 1954 COMMISSIONER_ Mabel Short 154 E. 6th Orig. Container App - 7274 Renewal 11 if Cigarette Russell A. Boudin & Albert Mullenbach 20 E. 7th Restaurant If 7280 On Sale Malt 0 If 11 Off Sale Malt it 11 Cigarette IT National Tea Co. 800 Woite Bear Grocery If 72 87 if Butcher P 7287 11 Off Sale Malt 11 Cigarette Kong S. L&I 1109 Arcade Music Machine 7291 Chas. A. Gillespie 497 Selby M. A. D. Location 7292 If 11 M. A. Thrice tt Perry Zoukas 238 Earl Music Machine 7294 It E. T. Wall 794 Grand Grocery 7302 n If Butcher If Off Sale Malt It Cigarette If It Florence WYnacht 389 E. Sidney Cigarette 7325 E. J. Robertson 166 Concord Barber 7326 " St. Paul Police Relief Ass'n, 101 9. 10th, V. M. Loca. 7342 " Cigarette Johnson—Bacheller—Ross, Inc. 736o " 2282 W. Como Photographer Paul J. BrIgl 447 Lafond Motor Vehicle Driver 7465 " Harold F. Wilcox 998 Woodbridge COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counilg�_"_S�A 195— Yeas Nays Halvorson 'JAN13 1954 HollarLd M Approved Mortinson --In Favor Peterson (D Rosen ---Against Mr. President, Daub"CY fim 2.53 -0104— /10 lst 2nd- lAid over to --,,,:- 3,d ad app_ Ad. _�� pted Yea$ No,. YI-S Z_-' Nay. vors.. a 81 ,'golland ,4.r.itelli '4(.1tinson t F"a President Daug'ney Mr- President Daubney' 0,18i'W � CIO cl-A ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO C_.F� 11 �dffi­ N.. W� An ordinance amending Ordinance No.78811 entitled A a—ding Ordin— MI. ­bUedz I., —di...— " '% ­� - d "%—A T drivi:An ordinance regulsting and controlling traffic, �' N' Vg�.",!. Idi— p—J. g and travel in the streets of the City of St.P'-�� providing punishment for the violation thereof� and ref-o4,�I�g s'1T' ­_ ordinances and parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith* This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, hej�lth and Safety, approved December 30sl937, as amended.0 This is U emergelicy ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of Saint Paul does ordain -Section 1. That ordinance No.7881 approved December 30, 1937, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by addin to Section 68 thereof the following : �No vehicle shall be left s�andirg on the west side of White Bear Avenue from Stillwater Avenue to Margaret Street.ff Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect v:dbe in force upon its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson 0 Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Daubney) Attest: — , / I'll 1 1*9 -City. Clerk 1M 5-62 JAN 2 8 1954 Passed by the Council In Favor Against AN .4 6 19W OrI91111 to MY Clork I cj" ;w �7 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL Cl� FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION N RAL FORM PRESENTE y SE cc'-"SESD"oNE—/� WE January 11, 195L_ RESOLVED, That the Purchasing A,,-ent be) and he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Comptroller, to T)urchase from VFEELER LME',i & BRTFDGE SUPPLY COMPAEY services to creosote lumber at a total cost of $146.50, without advertLsement as this is the only source of supply as per Inforrrzl Bid #7053 and no advantate could be gained thereby. Charge Sncw Removal 13-K6-251 C F, N. 166807—BY Frank D. M;­j- t,lll_ ,el.11101"d T h., ..d h� the is he, c , �lth consent of the Comptr&ler,, to iu U "s"D E SUPPLY MLER L purc 6ase fr,no WEIF & COMPANY services $146.50 lumber at a Intel cost f is the' .1110.1 advertisement as this, Bid e.d".P.Pl,`d,',u,rr '0 Id be gained thereby. ge Ch.,,gc S..W Ram01.1 13- -25' . I AdoPted by the CGU.cll JaX6 13,1 954. nu,ry APPI—ed January 13, 1954. (January 16, 1954) JAN 13 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council --195— Yeas Nays Halvorson JAN 13 1954 Holland Approved uAfffiteffi—_ ZL Mortinson –In Favor A-., Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 -ATER0-7- Orizinal to City Cle,k CITY OF ST. PAUL C NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1� IPONCII IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubiley 5M 2-63 -49P�h­ Resolved, that the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install approximately 20 lineal feet of gas main (and a temporary regulator in south bouls- varil in wooden box 3x3x2) on E. Sixth St. between Cypress and Forest under provisions of Council File No. 123001, Ordinance No. 8271, dated July 19. 1941. C. F. No. 166808—By Frank D. M,mi- tell I— ,,Ms,lv,d, That the Northern States r Com pany be given ycrunission to install ppr—ately 20 ineal feet of go. man, (and is temporary regulator r In south boulevard :n —d n b.. 3.3.2) on E. Sixth St. between Cypress and Forest under provisions of council File No. 123DOI . Ordinance No. 8271. dated July 19. '9'1' Adopted by the Council January 13, 1954, Approved Januar 13 16. (JanuaryyI6. '1954) JAN 13 1%4 Adopted by the Council 195- 3 IM /1'pp�ved In Favor Mayor Against Od,,h,.I to Chi, Cir,k PRESENTED BY j 11 CITY OF ST. PAUL ..�FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 16:' (1) � K COUNCIL HLE NO. RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to issue a warrant in the sum of $25-00 in favor of the Oil Burner Service Company, Inc., which amount is a duplicate license fee paid by said Company. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland hfurzibeiii ---- Mortinson ----In Favor Peterson Rosen —Against Mr. President, Daubiiey 5M 2-53 '000 .. C% I,, No 16HOL—By Norris 0. H11111- 'on- 11-1ced. That the proge, city offi- cer, be and they are here y suthcori-ci La f ""e a warrant in t o sum 0 $25.00 c Burner Service to favor of th oil Camps Ine., which antaubt Is a toy. da duplicate license Lee p. d y so Company Adopted by the Council January 13, 11. Approved January 13 1954 (January 16. �954) JAN 1,3 19% Adopted by the Council-195— JAN 13 1954 Approved - 4 Citv of,ffit,. 3paul M N TA D�XPAR7M�Ny OP PARKS, PLAYGROUNM AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall,. Zone 2 NORRIS 0. HALVORSON, Commissioner FRANK L. LOSS, Deputy Commissioner W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ALFRED H. SCHROWER Supt. of Parks Cify Ambited January 12, 1954 Timothy Quinn, City Attorney city of St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. Quinn: ERNEST W. JOHNSON Supt. of Playgrounds We have received and issued receipts for a duplicate license fee payment for 1954 for the Oil Burner Service Company, Incorporated, said duplicate payment in the amount of $25.00. We would appreciate your preparing the necessary resolution which will authorize a refund to the Oil Burner Service Company, Incorporated, 315 West Lake Street, Minneapolis 8, Minnesota, said refund in the amount of $25.00. Very truly yours, Alf H. Schroeder City Architect AHS: al 0,W,,l I, City Clrk CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Cq I dINCIL OLUTIO%—GEN �ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COUNCIL lILE NO. RESOLVED, that the use of the Auditorium Arena be given to the Minnesota Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, on May 5th, Sth and 7th, 1954, upon payment of the sum of $1,000.00; the balance of the cost of opening and operating, estimated at $600.00, be set up in the budget in Auditorium Fund 1021. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Mortinson --In Favor Peterson Rosen --Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 40�­ C. F. No. 166810,—Ely Bernard TDHOI land—Milton Rosen—Job. E. aub: no,. a' Reso rl�lri;at the use of the Audi- Lurie- Arena be given to the Minnesota Grand Ch.1t.f, rder of dthe7 Eastern Star' " h - th. M P .yg.'.Yt S'jbihT ­�- of $1.001D9W I' ad utheo%alance of the cost Of ape' R, set .perstln e —'ed at 600.0t). b up in g dget Fund h� lut in -Ullt-rhtra gl. Adopted by the Council January 13. 1 94' Approved January 13, 1954. (January 16. 954) JAN 13 1954 Adopted by the CounciL-195— A M 611 IN Approved-----195— xl-y_� FDWARD A. FURNI. MANAGER T.I,h... CA,fild 7861 The Convention Ensemble r -t lea Ril,k JOW21 ElDiTsITION HALL 5"No Sv— F-� AiIDMRx= T�TRE ..U. 3.00a swo. All N_ Slaw Lza EAMIaEy �L E -W 550 a.ti.9 IBO 14 COMMIT= WOMB SERVICES AvAnABUE A_0 V11" D-0 C—.t Ila -no Volm T.Ioh­,�111�0 '. A. Syl� Illd.—d D'Aft nu- f- ca.b=. Ml�..ry a., -d 0.14 W -W Dl.1 0—alI— ..' B`-" ,--d Ail A, - i "". , �; -I o DE%RTMENT OF LIB7ARIES, AUDITORIPM AND MUSEUMS BERNARD T. HOLLAND, 1-11-1 ARTHUR F. COLEMAN, .­4� MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM -'IN THE HEART OF THE SHOPPING AND HOTEL DISTRICT" 143 WEST FOURTH STREET SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA L -L-2 January 5, 1954 Mr. Bernard T. Holland, Commissioner Department of Libraries, Auditorium, Museums 179 CitY Hall Saint Paul 21 Minnesota Dear Mr. Holland: Please find enclosed copy of letter received from Mr. Walter Berglund, Chairman, Annual Session Housing Committee for the Minnesota Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, who requests the use of the Arena May 5, 6, 7, 1954, on the same terms as they had in 1952, namely upon payment of $1000.00. For your information, the total cost of this annual meeting in 1952 was S1580.55. Of this amount the Eastern Star paid 91000.00 and the balance of $580.55 was paid by the City of Saint Paul. Thanking you, I am, Yours very truly, SAINT PAUL AUDITOR M ZAF:KW Edward A. Furni, Manager C 0 P Y 3742 Washburn Ave., No. Minneapolis 12, Minn. December 30th, 1953 Mr. Edw. A. Furni Mgr., St. Paul Auditorium 143 W. 4th St. St. Paul 2, Minn. Dear Mr. Furni: In a few short months, it will again be time for Minnesota Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, to hold their annual meeting. In accordance with tentative arrangements made with you in May of last year, we herewith submit our formal application for the arena area. The dates desired are May 5th, 6th and 7th, 195L, and the seating arrangement required will be substantially the same as in previous years. The Public Address system will be needed and approximately the same microphone arrangement as was used in 1950 and 1952. The space will be needed from about 8:30 A.M. until some time before midnight, daily. We are to furnish the necessary piano and electric organ. In return for the above, the GRAND CHAPTER OF MINNESOTA, OPDER OF THE EASTERN STAR, agrees to pay the sum of One Thousand Dollars. Trusting we may have a confirmation of this agreement in due course, I am, Yours very truly, (signed) Walter Berglund Chairman, Annual Session Housing Committee C 0 P Y C' F. No. IWBII— Reaolved the, City dr— 11 NOTICE cl am unt ofjl6gol.3% Mverin2gg= .."b"' 87 to 58815 inclus TO per '.v f" t h COUNC ntychecks on,fUe in the ffi_ "a UNCIL FILE NO_ PRINTER Ad C ptrol er. ig..opted by the Council January 13. Approved January 13 1954. Jan. 12 54 (January 16, i954) --- 19 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 11 14 701-30 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED __58766___TO_3_T4_5_ --INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL JAN 13 1954 19 -- JAN 12 1954 APPROVEO___. 9— Y_ CITY OF SAINT PAUL DUPLICATE TO CIYY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLCER OL HALVORSONR �72ALL AUDITED CLAIMS HOLLAND i THAT CHECKS BE DRAVIN ON THE CITY TREASURY --,---IN FAVOR OF S 14 701.30 COVERING MORTINSON TO INCLUSIVE. AS FILE IN 'KHE OF01RA01F'k4IE, CITY COMP�TRO El, BY '.TERSON R.S.N -.,--AGAINST TOTAL DATE MR. PRES, DAUBNEY JAN 13 1954 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL Ap__ Isadore Lioldetaky Contractor C 'K 1-t E R IN FAVOR �F j �, - �� I -� COUNCIL 1� 1 9 FILE NUMBER------ J-n 3 2 RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAVIN ON THE CITY TREASURY IN THE AMOUNT OF S 14 701.30 COVERING CHECKS NO. 58766 PER CHECKS ON TO INCLUSIVE. AS FILE IN 'KHE OF01RA01F'k4IE, CITY COMP�TRO El, BY Montgomery Ward & Oo. TOTAL DATE 00 oo RETURNED TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CH ECKS CHECKS SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 1 8.52 812 40 BROUGHT FORWARD 1 838 111 10 58766 Montgomery Ward & Oo. 13 186 00 oo 38767 Isadore Lioldetaky Contractor 53768 Farwell uzmun Kir.& and Co. 270 26 58769 0 9 78 95 5,3770 kiall Electric Go. 78 21 56771 Joesting and k3ohilling Co. _56 32 58?'JZ Lockwood Trade Journal Co. 9 00 5877� Marten's Grocery 10 35 56774 &. C. Ma Clurg and Co. 289 44 33775 Kinnesota Mining and 14fg. C. 4 128 10 53776 Musical Masterworks Soo. Inc. 7 -50 58777 National Educ. Assoo. 39 84 38778 0 Recreation Ass'n. 1 08 38779 N. W. Bell Telephone Co. 16.3 05 .58780 N. W. Refining Co. 1 355 72 38781 Pan American World Airways S. 8 00 38782 Pergande Pub. Go. 6 30 38783 Petroleum S�rvlce 1 oo6 o6 38784 Publishers Subscription Serv4 1 85 58783 Reinhold Pub. Corp. 7 00 58786 H. &. Rogers 138 95 58787 Ro:iald Press Co. 20 .32 33788 St. Paul Book and Stationery 0. 428 83 53789 * d 629 o6 38790 Schmid's Food Market Z4 n4 58791 Leslie Schuldt Co. 116 oo 56792 3.11ver Arrow Co. 9 50 3379� The Sindelar Oo. 250 00 58794 Skelgas Div.8kelly Oil Co. 11 go 55795 6tate of Minn. bd. of Else. 16 oo 56796 Sun Rayed Products Sales C. 395 25 33797 Tablet and Ticket Co. 21 96 53798 Tvansit Supply Co. 961 zo 58799 Twin City Brick Go. 3 56 .58600 United World Films Inc. 96 29 38801 University of Missouri 14 09 58802 Veterans' Test. Serv. 25 00 58803 Visual Ldue. Consultants 35 00 .56804 J. R. wal,�er and S,as 539 70 36865 W-terou8 Co. 53 25 58606 Watson—Guptill Pub. Inc. 9 00 56607 Wenger Music Equip. Co. 171 o8 360'08 John Wiley and Boris Ina. 33 72 58609 ki. W. Wilson and Co. 70 95 56810 F. W. woolwortn Co. 14 5o 53611 George Warner Go. 52 55 36812 Weber and Troseth 38 02 58813 Wendell—N. W. Inc. 387 13 .58814 weyandt Bros. Inc. 14 4o .58613 Wm. ki. Ziegler Co. 2 40o 00 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 1 8.52 812 40 'I'll I(,,' 6'(� I Q origi—I to City CWk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C I RESOLUTIOIN—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY L com""Ssho""__5 RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized5 with the consent of the -Comptroller, till purchase from TWIN CITY TESTING AND ENGINFFRING IdUORATORY services ffir inspecting approximately 1930 Cubic Yards of Concrete at Concrete Mixing Plant of Hurl e y Construction Compary(who have Contract for Retaining Walls on Shepard Road),at a total cost of approximately $579-00, without advertisement or competitive bids as this is the only source for this service and Laboratory as the City Testin�_' kMOMU is unable to do this inspection, and no advantage could be gained thereby. .tFi No. 166812—By Fra,k D. M-1. Charge PIR 3001 T-5359. d� Thai I�h'c gent be, and h I. he, �' b.r �tchc consent of the (`­F�AI.Awit� 1. the only .."o W and as the City T"Vo is unable " do his and .. d—tage could he"by R 3001 M359. 'Y the Council J,,,ua,y 14, Janualy 14, 1954, ... �y 23. 1954) JAN 14 19% COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council __195— Yeas Nays JAN 14 1994 Halvorson Holland Approved _195— Marzitelli Mortinson -----In Favor Mayor Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubney aM 2-53 17 1 r 11 1" , 1, 11 F I Ist 2nd—__ 1,id .-r t -- 3,d ..d .1111— Yeas Nays Yeas..... Na),s Ha� sm Aosen 51r. President Daubney ,Mr. President DauhneY 8-4� 1 (368 13 PEI. t'. cit, cl-k ORDINANCE. 166813 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 1___/ An ordinance providing for the issuance of Two M1114cm, Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($2,250,000.00) =C ito'l Approach Improvement Bonds of the City of Saint Faul, ey County, Minnesota, fixing the details and description, and providing for the levy of taxes to pay the same, and declaring this ordinance an emergency ordinance necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paulp Ramsey County, Minnesota, heretofore on the 19th day of Jamiary, 1945, did declare the intention of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, to participate in and bear ita full share of the obliga— tions chargeable to the City, if the proposed plan for a Capitol Approach and Veterans' Service Building were approved by the Legislature of the State of Minne— sota; and WHEREAS, the Legislature subsequently enacted Chapter 315, Laws of Minnesota for 1945, and the Council of the City of Saint Paul subsequently and on the 13th day of March, 1946, did adopt Ordinance No. 8?22, designated further as Council File No. 135572, authorizing the issuance and sale of not to exceed Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00) bonds of said City for the purpose of paying the share of the City of Saint Paul of the cost of the Capitol Approach Improvement as provided in said Chapter 315, Laws of Minnesota for 1945; and WHEREAS, the Legislature subsequently amended Chapter 315, Laws of Minnesota for 1945 by adoption of Chapter 63.1, Laws of Minnesota for 1953, by which amendment it authorized the City of Saint Paul. to issue bonds not to exceed the sum of Four Million, Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($4j250jOOO.O0) for said purpose in place of the original authorization of Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00); and WHEREAS, by resolution Council File 166416, approved December 8, 1953# the Council of the City of Saint Paul called for bids to be submitted to said City on J*a=Lary 12, 1954, for the sale of Two Million, Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($2,250,000.00) par value of such proposed bonds; and WHEREAS, it is now the intention of the Council of the City of S�int Paul and it is now found and determined by the Council of the City of Saint Paul that it is advisable and necessary to issue at this time the additional Two Millionv Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($2,250,000.00) of bonds of said City for the purposes herein— above set forth, and to fix the details and.description and to provide for the levy of taxes to pay the same; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAM PAUL DOES ORDAINt Section 1. That for the purpose of obtaining funds required to pay the proportion of the cost of the acquisition of property and the construction of the share of the City of Saint Paul of Capitol Approach Improvement as provided by Chapter 315 " Laws of Minnesota for 1945v as amended by Chapter 611p Laws of Minnesota for 1953, there shall be borroyMd upon the credit of the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County� Minnesota, the sum of Two MillioN Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($2,250,000.00) and there are hereby ordered issued the negotiable coupon bonds of the City of Saint Pauls Ramsey County, Minnesota, of t%* �Kf.�.Valu&..uf Two Million Yeas Councilmen Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Daubney) Attest: City Clerk IM 6-52 -47�s-� Passed by the Council Tn Favor A gainst Approved: Mayor W_ v'l A. j; 14.1 �-J t 1:''t Jt-!�- -13 Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars 42,250,000-00). Said Bonds gqball be designated Capitol Approach Improvement Bonds—Series Number 3, shall be two thousand two hundred fifty (2,250) in numbert numbered from 70339 to 72588 inclusivey and Of the denomination of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000-00) eacht shAll bear date of January 1, 1954, and 91-11 become due and payable serially, Fifty Thousand Dollars $50,000-00) on the first day of January in each of the years 1955, 1956, 1957, and 1958, FiftY-five Thousand Dollars ($55sOOO-OO) on the first day of -Tannery in each of the -years 1959, 1960, and 1961, Sixty Thousand Dollars $602000 . 00) on the first day of January in each of the years 1962, 1963, and 1964, Sixt7-five Thousand Dollars ($65000-00) on the first day of Tannery in each of the Years 1965, 1966, and 1967, SeveFty Thousand Dollars ($70,000.00) on the first day of Tannery in each of the years 1968 and 1969, Seventr-five Thousand Dollars ($75000-oo) on the first day of January in each of the years 1970 and 1971s Eighty Thousand Dollars ($80,000.00) on the first day of January in each of the years 1972 and 1973p Eighty-five Thousand Dollars ($85vOOO-00) on the first day of January in each of the years 1974 and 19759 Ninety Thousand Dollars ($90,000-00) on the first day of January in each of the years 1976 and 1977v Ninety-five Thousand Dollars ($95,000.00) on the first day of January in each of the years 1978 and 1979, One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000-00) on the first day of January in each of the years 1980 and 1981, One Hundred Five Thousand Dolla a ($105,000-00) on the first day of January in each of the years 1982 and 19153, and One Hundred Ten Thousand Dollars ($110000o.00) OIL the first day of January in 1984. Saidd bonds shAll bear interest f— the date thereof until paid at the rate of per Annum, payable semi-ennuallv on the first days of Tannery and July in each year, which interest payments, to the date of maturity of the principal thereof sball be evidenced by proper cou- pons attached to each bond, and both principal and interest sball be payable at the office of the Commissioner of Finance in the City of Saint Paulo Minnesotap or, at the option of the holder, at the fiscal agency of the City of Saint Paul; in the City and State of New York, in lawful money of the United States of America. Section 2. That said bonds and interest coupons to be attached thereto shOl be In substantially the followIng form: (Form of Bond) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY or RANSE!r CITY OF SAINT PAUL CAPITOL APPROACH IMPROVEMENT BOND SERIES NUMBER 3 Number .......... $1,000 Know A1.1 Men By These Presents, That the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, for value receiveds hereby aelmowledgeS itself to owe, and promises to pay, to bearer2 the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) on the first day of January, 19...., together with interest on said sum from the date hereof until paid, at the rate of per annum, payable semi-annually on the first days of January and Tulv in each year, in accordance with and upon presentation and surrender of the interest coupons hereto attachedo as they severally become due. Both principal hereof and interest hereon are payable at the office of the Commissioner of Finance in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, or, at the option of the holderg at the fiscal agency of the City of Saint Fault in the City and State of New York, in lawful money of the United States of' America. And for the prompt payment of this bond, and the levy Of taxes sufficient therefort both principal and interest, at maturity, the full faith, credit, and resources of said City of Saint Paul are hereby irrevocably pledged. This bond is issued by the City of Saint Paul for the purpose of pro— viding funds required to pay the cost of the acquisition of the property and the construction of the share of the City of Saint Paul of the Capitol Approach -2- improvement, and is one ja series of two thousand. two hundred fifty bonds of like 16� date and tenor (save as to date of maturity), such series constituting the third issue of Capitol Approach Improvement Bond -s of the aggregate principal amount of not to exceed Four Million, Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($4,250-000-00) authorized by ordinances heretofore duly ad -opted by the said City of Saint Paul, and is issued pursuant to and in all respects in full compliance with the provisions of Chapter 315 of the Minnesota Session Laws for the year 19U5, approved Aoril 17, 1945, as amended by Chapter 611, Laws of Minnesota for 1953# and all other laws thereunto enabling* And it is hereby certified and recited that all acts, conditions, and things required by the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota to be done precedent to and in the issue of this bond, have been properly done, happened and have been performed in regular and due form and time as required by law, that the total indebtedness incurred under said Chapter 315, approved April 17. 1945. as amended by Chapter 611, Laws of Minnesota for 1953, including this bond, does not exceed any constitutional or statutory limitation thereupon, and that provision has been made for the collection of a direct, annual, irrepealable tax, in addition to all other taxes, on P-11 of the taxable property within said City of Saint Paul. sufficient to Day the interest hereon and the principal hereof when and as the same mature. In Testimony lfhereof, the said City of Saint Paul has caused this bond to be executed on its behalf by the lithographed facsimile signature of the Mayor of said City, countersigned by the City Comptroller of said City, attested by the lithographed facsimile signature of its City Clerk-, sud a lithographed facsimile of the official seal of said City to be imprinted thereon, and the interest coupons attached hereto to be executed with the lithographed facsimile signatures of said Mayor, City Comptroller, and City Clerk. all as of the first clay of January, 1954. Attest; City Clerk Mayor of Saint Paul ( SEAL) Countersigned: City Comptroller (Form of Coupon) Numb e r_ January.) $— On the first day of July, ) lg_, the City of Saint Paul. Ramsey County, Minnesota, will pay to bearer at the office of its Commissioner of Finance in the City of Saint Paul. or at the fiscal agency of the City of Saint Paul, in the City and Stnte of New York, at the option of the bearer, the sum of in lawful money of the United States of America, being six (6) monthst Interest due that day on its Capitol A—roach Improvement Bond, Series Number 3, dated January 1. 1954, numbered_. Attest: City Clerk Countersigned: —3— Mayor of Saint Paul City Comptroller 0, Y Section 3. That said bonds shall be signed by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk by the respective lithographed facsimile signatures of such officers under the lithographed corporate sepl of said City, and countersigned by the City Comptroller, and each of the interest coupons shall be executed by the lithogrp-phed facsimile signature of said officials. And said officers are hereby authorized and directed to so execute said bonds and coupons for and in behalf of the City of Saint Paul. The proceeds derived from the sale of said bonds shall be placed in a fund to be designated the "City of Saint Paul Capitol Approach Imorovement Fund", to be used solely for the purposes hereinbefore specified, for which they are being issued. all as limited and expresged in said Acts referred to in the preamble hereofj Section 4. That for the puri)ose of providing for the -Dayment of the principal of and interest upon said bonds promptly when and as the same ma ture, an& for the collection of an additional direct annual tax In an amount not less than five per centum (5%) in excess of the sum recuired to pay such principal and interest when the same matureq there is hereby levied on all of the taxable property in the City of Saint Paul, in addition to all other taxes, the following directs annual, irrepealable taxes, to—wit: For the year 1954, a tax sufficient to produce the swa of $123,700-00 for principal and interest, P-nd the sum of $6,185-00, being at least five per centum (5%) in excess thereof. For the year 1955, a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $97,850-00 for principal and interestj and the sum of $4,892-50; being at least five per centum (5%) in excesi thereof. For the year 1§56, a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $96,750-00 for orincioal and. interest, ard the sum of $4,837.50; being at least five per centum (5%) in excess thereof. For the year 1957, a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $95,650-00 for Drincinal and. interest, and the sum of $4,782-50; being at least five per centum (5%) in excess thereof. For the year 1958, a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $99,495-00 for principal Lend interest, and the sum of $4.974-75; being at least five per centum (5%) in excess thereof. For the year 1959, a tam sufficient to produce the sum of $98,285-00 for ptincipal and interest, and the sum of $4,914.25; being at least five per centum (5%) in excess thereof. For the year 1960, a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $97.075-00 for principal and interest, and the sum of $4,853-75; being at least five per centum (5%) in excess thereof. For the year 1961, a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $10M10.00 for princiDal and interest, and the sum of $5,040-50; being at least five per centum (5%) in excess thereof. For the year 1962, a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $99,490.00 for principal and interest, and the sum of $4,974-50; being at least five per centum (5)-) in excess thereof. For the yenr 1963o a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $98,170.00 for principal and interest, and the sum of $4,908-50; being at least five per centum (5%) in excess thereof. For the year 19649 a tax sufficient to 'Droduce the sum of $101,795-00 for principal and interest, and the sum of $5,089-75; being at least five per centum (5%) in excess thereof. For the year 1965, a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $1009365-00 for princips-1 -n,-. intere5t, �d the tun, of $5,018.25; beinp, qt le—t five Der certum (5%) in excess thereof. 13 For the year 1966, a tax sufficient to produce the sum of$98,935.CO for princinal and interest, and the sum of $4,946.75; being at least five per centum (5%) in excess thereof. For the year 1967, a tax sufficient to Droduce the sum of $102,450-00 for principal and- interest, and tne sum of $5,122.50-, being at least five Der centum (5%) in excess thereof. For the year 1968, a tax sufficient to vroduce the sum of $100,910.00 for principal and interest, and the sum of $5,045-50; being at least five per centum (5%) in excess thereof. For the year 1969, a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $104.315-00 for principal and interestg and the sum of $5,215.75; being at least five per centum (5%) in excess thereof. For the year 1970, a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $102.665 -CO for principal ancl interest, and the sum of $5,133.25; being at least five per centum (5%) In excess thereof. For the year 1971, a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $1059960.00 for principal and interest, and the sum of $5,298.00; being at lepst five per centum (5%) in excess thereof. For the year 1972, a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $lo4,200.00 for principal and ihterest, and. the sum of $5,210.00; being at least five Der centum (5%) in excess thereof. For the year 1973, a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $107,385 -CO for principal and interest, and the sum of $5,369.2�; being at least five per centum (5%) in excess thereof. For the year 1974, a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $105,515-00 for Drincipal and interest, end the sum of $5,275.75; being at least five per centum (5%) in excess thereof. For the year 1975, a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $108,590-00 for principal and interest, and the sum of $5,429-50; being at least five per centum (5%j in excess thereof. For the year 1976, a tax sufficient to Droduce the sum of $1069610.00 for principal and interest, and the sum of $5.330-50; being at least five per centum (5%) in excess thereof. For the year 1977, a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $109*575-00 for principal and interest, and the sum of $5,478-75; being at least five per centum (5%) in excess thereof. For the year 1978, a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $107,485-00 w for principal and interest, and. the sum of $5,374.25; being at least five per centum (5%) in excess thereof. For the year 1979, a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $110,340-00 for principal and interest, and the sum of $5,517.CC; being at least five per centum (5%) in excess thereof. For the year 1980, a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $108,14<).oO for principal and interest, and the sum of $5,407-00; being at least five per centum (5%) in excess thereof. For the year 1981, a tax sufficient to oroduce the sum of $110,885-00 for principal anci interest, and. the sum of $5,544,25; being at least five Der centum (5%) in excess thereof. For the year 1982, a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $108,575-00 for princin,l nn, interest, and the sum of $5,428.75; being at least five per centum (5�) in excess thereof. For the year 198;. a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $111,210.00 :or prircippl and irterest, and the su� of $5v56o-50; being at least five per C-ntum (5,�) in excess thereof. W cit, cl-k 3 ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO That the principal and interest coming due prior to the receipt of the proceeds of said taxes shall be paid promptly when due, out of the general funds of said City of Saint Paul, and reimbursement therefor shall be made when said taxes shall have been received. And the City Clerk of said City of Saint Paul is hereby CliTected to file a certified copy of this ordinance with the County Anditor of Ramsey County, Minnesota, vho shall in each of said years, beginning with the year 1954, ascertain the rate per centum necessary to produce the full amount of the tax for ;aterest and principal and in addition thereto an amount not less than five per centum (5%) in excess thereof, hereinabove levied for each such year, and shall assess and extend the same for collection upon the tax list in connection with the taxes levied for general city purposes of said City for each such year. Such taxes shall be collected and payment thereof enforced at the same time and with and in like manner as other City taxes of said City and when collected shall be used solely for the purpose of paying the interest and principal of said bonds when and as the same shall mature. Section 5. That the general purpose and object of the laws pursuant to which these bonds are being issued is to promote the public health, safety, and welfare by providing an adequate and efficient system of streets, alleys and public conveniences therein to meet and coordinate with the streets and public ways in the enlarged CaDitol grounds; and wherefore seld City of Saint Paul to effect the intent and purpose of said law is required to authorize and issue the aforesaid bonds. therefore an emergency Is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance declared necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety, shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage. approval, and publication. , Yeas Councilmen Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Martinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Daubney) t: V City Clerk Passed by the Council J AN 2 9 1954 1Z In Favor 0 Against JAN 9 19b4 Appro7ed M —6— 110 JOHN P. KARTHEISER CH I EF DEP UTY COUNTYOF RAMSEY WILLIAM J. PETERS STATE OF MINNESOTA GENERAL ACCOUNTANT OFFICE OF BURTON C. SPEAR SUPERVISOR OF TAX DIVISION EUGENE A. MONICK JAMES D. SWAN, JR. COUNTY AUDITOR S RETARY OF COUNTY BOARD RAMSEY COUNTY COURT HOUSE H. .1 - HERING, III. SAINT PAUL 2 PURCHASING AND ELECTIONS MINNESOTA February 2nd, 19% Agnes H. O'Connell City Clerks Court House and City Hall Bldg., St. Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Madam: In a"prdance with your request, I am attaching hereto(four)( ) copies of the Auditorls certificate covering thi�I t2,250,000.00 Capitol Approach Improvement bonds, Series No- 3 - Very truly yours, EUGENE A. MONICK, C AUDITOR G ner e al ountant wjp:jrm att - 4 STATL OF IMMMOTA CRHTIF1CA!r;ON AS TO TAX WNY C1, 130IMS UOON cmvy or. HAWxy AUDITOR 'S :�ojjj) RFG!8TER 1, tiie, underslLmec6 bO1110 ly qualirlad and acting Comty Atoltar of amwey County do hereby certify that therO was filed in rW OlTlea on the lst dvJ Of FGbVuQrY,1 19%1 a 0qrtjfj&d oopy of an ordinance, council jello No. 166813 being ordinatioe 110* 10244 dated JanuRry 29, 19%, adopted by thS ca.ty coma,, of the city of St. paul levying taxes for lo2,2509000-00 Capitol App3.,Oa0h Imprevanc-nt bonds series No. 3 dated Jamary Ist, 1954, as the BMW falls due, and to pay and discharge the principal and Interest thereof at maturity, It is I-areby f%wther certified that pursuant to section 475-63, fUnnOsOtQ "etutes 1949 so maended by section 6 of C11aptor 422 :,�earjlon LVWB Of 1,Mnn000te, for 1951, that said conds mve been entered and registered upon the County Auditor's bond reeistQr, rile so. 126. vW hand and CXVIO181 seal, this and day of FebruarY, 1954- EUGII� A. �IoHjcli, County Audi or# uty county Auditor STATT- OF DMINESOTA CERTIFICATION AS TO TAX LEVY 2 Pbl 1� � REGISTRY OF BONDS UPON 'M AUDITCR13 i3on REGISTER COUNTY OF RAMSEY CO Is the underslgae&�Ij�j'�"thq aly qualified and acting ng county Auditor of Ramsey County do hereby certify that thlere was filed in rS off Ice on the ist day of Februarys 19%, a certified copy of an ordinances Council File No* 166813 being Ordinance No. 10244 dated January 29, 19%, adopted by the City Como,, Of the City Of St. Paul levying taxes for $2025MOO,00 capitol Approach Improvement bonds series No. 3 dated January lots 1954, as the sane falls due$ and to pay and discharge the principal and interest thereof at maturity. It Is hereby further certified that pursuant to Section 475.63, �U=eaota Statutes 1949 as amended by Section 6 of Chapter 422 Session Laws of �Unneootft for 1951, that said bonds have been entered and registered upon the county Auditor's bond register, file No. 126o 0 WITNESS, vW hand and official a0als this 2nd day of February, 1954. EUG;1.1E A. kjONICK, County Audi -or, By, Z' po�ty County Auditor '(J 9 origin.] W City Cl�rk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F_. No. 166814—By Frank D. Marzl- COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM tell — Whe as; the COranussilner of Publi, Works"and ChlultE.ginc­ George M. PRESENTED BY Shelat rd advise he Council that In DATE—_ Orrup'.Vqn I, fit. ncc.,-.'y and ,; COMAMMJSSIONER Peelle L he C , to b . the set'les on a part tun, basis of a reglster,d� engineer to assist the Bridge EnOrcer sa Id R"P`V"17"' 1q.1, WHER EAS the Commissioner of Public Works and Chief Engineer George M. Shepard advise the Council that in their opinion it is necessary and expedient for the City to hire the services od a part time basis of a registered engineer to assist the Bridge Engineer of said, Department in the designing and checking of steel construction work for th EiChicAg-r Great Western Railway—Shepard Road viaduct and the reconstruction of th Wabasha Street deck; and WHEREAS, they further advise that the sajvices of Mr. E. J. Soshnik, registered civil engineer, can be obtained for such work on a part time basis at $5.00 per hour and that in their opinion the said named party is fully capable and competent to perform the duties necessary; nowq therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper City officers are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement hiring the services on a part time basis of Mr. E. J. Soshnik, registered civil engineer, at the compensation of $5.00 per hour, said services to be limited to the designing and checking of steel construction work of the Chicago, Great Western Railway—Shepard Road viaduct and the recon— struction of the Wabasha Street deck, said contract to be limited in time not to exceed six months from the date thereof, and said services to be performed by the party to be hired, at the discretion of and under the full authority of the Commissioner of Public Works and the Chief Engineer of said Department. jAN 14 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council --195— Yeas Nays 14 11M ,--Iialvor.o. -'g—olland Approved---195— ,,,Wirzitelli --Mort - inson —In Favor Mayor __!��Against -,-Ko'sen �Isaq _,Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-63 orighul ta, City Cl,�k CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL NO. FILE I RESOLVED, that the proper City officers are hereby authorized to enter into a license agreement with the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway Company whereby the said railway company will license the said city to maintain and use salt unloading pits under tracks of the railway company at Saint Paul, more particularly described in the license agreement attached hereto. C.'F. N.. 166815—BY Frank D. M—i- .1 1— R-1ved. That the r.p- City ffi; .it?cers are hereby z ,i.ed to ente I I Ile I.Chl,,. St P.T 1. M a d 0% h. Eig 11Y C11P11Y hereby lh -ld aff- ..y c..P.rly �411 Ilec­: city to maintain and jac _It 21. .1d .. in pit. under track. of the raliday c0raPanY at Saint Paul. more particu- 'lb larcy descr ad in the ilren- .�recaaeat attached hereto. l.Adopted by tile Council January 14. 54. Approved January 14. 1954. (January 23. 1954) i!%q, 14 IM COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL--195— Yeas Halvorson Nays JAN 14 ISM Holland Approved— 195— Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor 7 Mayor Peterson Rosen ___—Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 odZj­j I, Cay Cltrk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FORM WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Public Works has reported, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency during the period from January 7 to 13, 1954, which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of the Department of Public Works for more than eight hours per day or forty hours per week in doing the following work: Plowing and snow removal Cindering icy hills and intersections And WHEREAS, This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circums tances: Necessity of keeping city streets free from snow and ice after recent snowfall. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the employees who performed such work in accordance with the provisions of the Council's salary ordinance, Ordinance No 64A6 I - C.tF. No 166816—BY Frank D. Marzj� clli— Re,,Ived. That the proper city offi- ce,s are hereby authorized to pay certain employes In the Department of Public Work, for extra employment as dextribed in the resolution, gAdopted by the Council January 14. 54. Appr—d January 14, 1954, (January 23. 1954) JAN. 14 19% COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council __195— Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved------195— Marzitelli Mortinson ---In Favor Mayor Peterson 1) Rosen --Against Mr. President, Daubney GM 1,63 -AlPi" 0 1 rixi—I to City Ch,rk PRESENTED BY COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-63 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL ��ESO UTrl ENERAL FORM ; G (.')' P, f 7 COUNCIL FILE NO. C.t F. No. 166817—By Frank D, Marzi- 'Ia— P Re -lead, That the Northern state. C1- P1.1.yha,.,L,Tvg.. "Pr y 11 9-a ra- ,_rd In an .. a .... -t__. vi feet ran .'I Kenn .' ge and O.ge et_e. st, VI�L-11�:; and SYWI-te Pr"""', A nd —]Bohn. under Ordinaree of =1 �Fjj No. 8271. d Led ul 0-1 9 1 , 1: AdoPted 1941 1954. by the Counrnjuajnu_-y 14. Appr­od J--Y '4 (January 23 VA) Resolved, that the Northern States Power Company be given perdsson to install approximately 902 lineal feet of gas main on E. Rose between Kingsford and Kennard.; Osage between Orange and Victoria; and on Syndicate between St. Anthony and Bohn, under provisions of Council File No. 123001, Ordinance No. 8271, dated July 19, 1941. JAN 14 1954 Adopted by the Council 195 -- JAN 14 W-4 Approved--195- ---In Favor Mayor ----Against 166,8 original to City Cl ­k V COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DAT CoMMISSIONE WHEREAS, Earl E. Miels, an employe of the Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Police, sustained injuries, caused by a third party, while in the course of his employ- ment on the 31st day of July 1953, by reason of which the city has paid for medical attention and wages during said employe's disability, the sum of $158-50, and WHEREAS, said employe, thru hisettorney, has agreed upon a settlement of his claim against the party causing his injuries, in the amount of $350-00, now therefore be it RESOLVED I that the proper City officers are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the City a draft in said amount of $350.00 and to accept therefrom the sum of 0118.88 in settlement of the City's subrogation rights In said matter, said sum being the City's total liability less 25% attorney's fees, and to credit same to the proper funds of the City. C, F. No. 166818 --By Robert F. PcWl- son— Where s r1l E. micla. an cW11-tr of the &P:=ent of Public Sa e y, Bureau of Police, sustained the can d by a third party, whileth se of his employment on e 31A .=c day of July .. 3' fary in ..... . f which 'he City has Paid edle.1 attention and wages during said employe's dim- blMLtu d ,.t11.e sum of $158.50. an a, sald employe thr. his attorney, has agreed upon it settlement of his claim again .1 - p-rlg� ? his injuries bi that mount now thref;m be it Resolved. That I cem are herabj, a an behalf of e .11y, amount of $350.00 and to a—P from the -in of $118M in . of the City's subrogatio. ri I said matter, said saint being the City's 1� total liability 1— 25% attorney'. fees. and to credit same to the proper funds of the City. Adopted by the C ... ell January 14.1 954. Approved January 14L 1954. (January 23, 954) Adopted by the Council _195— COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Approved_ _195— Holland 4 Marzitelli Mortinson —In Favor Kay(�� 7 Peterson 11 Rosen ---Against Mr. President, Daubncy 5M 2-53 101RO", orisiall to city cl"k CO NCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUI�CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE janu!u7 1_2j_1954 OOMMISSIONEL_J�_ RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized, with the consent of -the Comptroller, to Purchase from R1JM STOKER CORPORATION Parts for Riley Stoker at a total cos t of $590.12 f.o.b. Detroit w/freight allowed and prepaid to St.Paul, W, without advertisement Or competitive bids as this is the oni source of supply for replacement parts for this firm's stoker,, and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge - V;ater Department c. F. No. ,6819 --By Severin A. Mor- tirs— Ag,snt I arts for., el.11 at � st to I t .1 " . t is .,a -- a i t e onl ource etil jac ent arts for of f r 'o ado.rt.go e's ai t e a r e..,t t. January 14, to e unc Approved january 14 .104"1". jisruary 23, JAN 14 19R4 Adopted by the CounciL__195— COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays JAN 14 1954 Halvorson Approved—— _195— Holland Marzitelli -Mayor Mortinson --In Favor Peterson 1_�_ Rosen -Against Mr. President, Daubiley sit 2-5a 1490" Original to City Ch,rk j V" , CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY R_ nuarV 12, COMMISSIONE 1954 DATE___�a­ RESOLVED, That the Purchasine Agent be, and he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Comptroller, to issue Purchase Order to MOODY'S IWESTORS SFRITICE for one Moody Is SpecLal LJJ brary Service for 1954 a# a total cost of $232.00, without advertisement or competitive bidsy as this is the only source of Supply and no advanta,e could be gained thereby. Charee Public Library - Library Service - New Books --16-A5 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-63 -4R�0-71 (;., F No. 166820—B. Bernard T. H,I- and— Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be. and he Is hereby uthori-d, with the ca;rrit of the Comptroller. to I r Ord asue rchase r er to MOODY'S INVESTORS SERVICE for one Moody's Special Library Service for 1954 at a total cost of $232.00. without adver- tis—ent or competitive bids, as this I. the arty source supply and no a d t Id b:f I No.g. c -u g. n1d thereby Charge Public Library — Library Servi—New B—Its­16-A5. Adopted by the Council January 14, 1954. Approved J,,ua,y 14, 1954. (January 23. 1954) JAN 14 1954 Adopted by the CounciL---195— JAN 14 ISM Approved--._195— In Favor Mayo ----Against I Ci ')149 1 Orial—I to city Cl.,k CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICIENSEE COMMITTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY - COMMiSSIONE e��ATF January 14, 1-954 W-19ERFAS: Roy Younghans dba Radio Cab has made Application C 6973 for license to operate as taxicabs uoon the streets of the City of Saint Paul two (2) automobiles , described as follows: Cab No, Make Serial No, Trisurance 8 Plymouth 13183353 National Inder�nity Company Policy Po. CAI -01891P 9 Plymouth 13196396, Expiring 12:01 A.M. ST .Vrch 28, 1954 W-HUTEAS: Said applicant has filed a copy of the insuran6l� with the City of Saint Paul and said r-olic has been anproved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, thereforp, be it RESOLVED: That license to oper�,te said automobiles as taxicabs uDon the streets of the City of Saint Paul be and the same are hereb,� granted to Roy Younghans dba Radio Cab. C. F� No. 166821—By Norris 0. Halvor- So —S-erm A. M-tinson—Robert F. Pete .. n— Whar .. ly You 9 C has 'juFt de A"li� db. Radio .b C 6973 for It-,,, to operate - t -1,1b, 1prm the -'s ot the :I" .' S.mt Pa., tw automobiles, described as roljows.� b ... 8: Make, Plymouth; Serial 13183353 . Ir.urn — National 41 RE10,aL JAN 14 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays Halvorson JAN 14 195A Holland Approved-- --- Marzitelli Favor Mortinson Peterson ----In Rosen —Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 -OGWI- 0d.1.0 W City C6A CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. LICENSE C011,1ITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—, GENERAL FORM PRESENTb BY -1 - COMWSS'ONE`L—� January 14, 2954 WEREAS: George W. Dikeman dba Radio Cab has made Application C 6969 for license to operate two (2) automohiles as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul described as follows: Cab No. Ilake Serial No. Insurance 15 Chevrolet A53JO01980 Exchange Insu-tance.Association an Inter Insurance Excharge, 81, Chevrolet B53J105297 Policy No. XP 4316, Expi -ring 12:01 A.Y. ST March 9, 1954 WITEREAS: Said applicant has fi2ed a copy of the insurance policy with the City of Saint Paul and said policy has been a�)proved as to fonq by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it R I ESOLVED: That the license to operate said autonobiles as taxicabs uron the streets of the City of Saint Paul be and the same aLre hereby granted to George W. Dikernan dba Radio Cab. C. F 8' —By N ... J, 0. H�I­r- -Severin A. M,rtI­—R.b,rt F. N.. 166 22 P,terson— N Woereas, Ge-ge W. Dik—­ db. E.d11 11b h,, -11, App1j,.1j­ C C., ji__� I. '_te two �i!,esyaslaxkabsup nthest (2) m,ts f S-i'll P-1 cf­rlb�d I.D JAN 14 1954 RENE�WNCILAIEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays Halvorson JAN 14 1954 Holland Approved-- __195-- Marzitelli Mortinson ----In Favor Peterson Mayor) Rosen ---Against Mr. President, Dambney 5M 2.53 -031�1'11 0691111 t, car cl-k CITY OF ST. PAUL CHOLEUNca NO. LICEIZF COM=E OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY J-__7 _L4' )_954 COMMISSIONE WHEREAS: 1,eo J. Allison dba Radio Cab has made Application C 7052 for license to nperate as a taxicab upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul one (1) automobile described as a 1953 Plymuth, Serial 13196588 as Taxicab No- 72, insured with the Casualty Reciprocal Exchange, Police No. TR 17084, exT)iring 12:01. A.!.. ST September 6, 1954, and NIEREAS: :.Said applicant has filed a copy of the insurance policy irith the City of Saint Paull and said policy has been ann-oved as to form and execution b.7 the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it U.SOLVED: That th� license to onemte said automobile as a taxicab upon the streets of .the City of Saint Paul be and the same is hereby granted to Leo J. Allison dba Fadio Cab. F N1. 166823—By M 0, H�1­1 Sevrin A. �jortj­­R.b�rt - J db" R.W. 4,&Uso, C 7D52 f.r 1P RENWAL 14 IS54 COTJNClLMEN Adopted by the CounciL--195— Yeas Nays A Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Approved ----195-- Mortinson —In Favor _—A Ma7 Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, DaubnLy sm 2-53 _kMo-1. 16 �" 1'CQ'dff COUNCIL NO. ---- FILE � �IL CITY OF ST. PAUL LIGEN,d, CO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r?-'� � DATE January 14, 1954 PRESENTED By COMMISSIONE WlmR.EASI Peter M. and Moran P. Isaac dba Radio Cab has made Application C 6948 -for license to operate tV'O (2) automobile as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of Saint Pault described as follows: Cab 3 1,1ake Serial No Insur ce 81 Chevrolet B53JO17000 National Indemnity Company Poli., ,y No. CA 105656 B3 Chevrolet B53JO15999 ExDiling 12:01 A.H. ST Fe�rua'rY 13, 1954 V--�ERFILS- Said applicant has filed a OOPY Of the insurance policy with the City of Saint Paul and said policy has been aporoved as to form and execution by the Corporation Cov�nsel, therefore, be it utomobIles as taxicabs upon the streets of the p-F,soi-VET). That the 1-j cpns(,s to operate said a tre are hereby granted to Peter M. and Norpri P. city of Saint Paul be and the s2 F,j N', 166824—By Not', is 0 Ha 1-1, —S­r1i­, A. M-Iti­­—�.b�.t F. Isaac dba FL-Adio Cab. '-son— —d has P1 '—se FcEIIEWAL jo 14 19% Adopted by the Council 195— COUNCILMEN Yeas Halvorson Nays JAN 'j, 4 1954 195 --- Approved --- Holland mayor Marzitelli Favor Mortinson Peterson --_-_Against Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 400- COUNCIL NO. ---- odgloal L, City Mrk CITY OF ST. PAUL ME LjCr7qSE CONTJTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM january 14, 1954 PRESENTED BY COMWSSIONEI(� WIM�w: Roger M. Brf)wn dba Radio Cab hal made Application C6852 for license to operate he cit of Saint Paul one (1) automohi.le as Taxicab No, 71 li�xin the streets of t I Y described as a 1953 Plymouth, Serial No- 13342847, insured to 12:01 AX. ST April ?, 1954, by the National Indemnity CO- Policy No. GA 105355, and WHEREAS: !kid apolicant has filed a copy of the insurprice policy with the City of Saint Paul and said Nlic7, has been a,proved as to form and execittion by the Corrioration Counsel, therefore, be it RESOLGED: That licenge to operate said automobile as a taxicab upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul be and the same is hereby granted to Roger I.I. Brown dba. Radio Cab. C. F —By Norris 0. 11.1 -- No Im= n u A. Martin- —Robert F prt 'Wh1r111mR1f1rA1,1'1pURr11n I'll- Radio 1b has ad c...n C6852 for itc.ow to orrate one (1) automobile as c Taxicab a. 71 upon lh' streets .1 the a lqCity of Saint Paul described as a r4( Ih So — 13342847 ply fit - T. Ira.r d to T2�. AT'. S. A if 7: 1954 by the National ndemmg C:..' POU�_' No 5 "d wheress: C.A1d'=hcu`oL has filed ""o'sace Policy withhthe City of Saint Paul and mid policy as been , roved b tv a, to form and execution yb e Col- PuTtion Counsel. therefore. c it es ed, That license to operate ta I b th mid automobile as r. u . t streets of 'he City of Saint pp -I g: and th;i.same are hereby Vanted to Roger Brown ribs Radio Cab. Adopted by the Council January 14, ,954. RmAL Approved January l41.19M. (January 23, 54) JAN 14 M4 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195 -- Yeas Nays JAN 14 195A Halvorson Approved Holland Marzitelli �ayor) --In Favor 'T Mortinson i Peterson Rosen —Against J Mr. President, Dauloney 5M 2-53 '01RO"' 614 O,jgja,I to City Ck,k COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL IILS NO. ---- nCE�1�3E C011�I,TEF OFFICE Of THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM january 14, 1954 PRESENTED BY OAT COMMJSSIONEL� as Auto Liverl uron �,IRMM AS Carl Peterson has made Applic7�tion C 7253 for license to operate , the street�� of th, City of Saint Pa711, one W avtoytobllc described as a 1946 Packard Sedan. Serial No. 16512253, insured to 12:01 A.1'1. 5T Decerber 28, 1954, by the St. Paul Mercury and Indemnity Company* Policy No. 2-22-5 7,160, and Said a a cly of the insurance policy J'dth the City of Saint Paul W=AS pplicant has filed a and said oolicy po-Licy has been anprored as to form and eyeclition 1,y the Corporation Counsel. therefore, be it FE90 LVED: That license to or-erate said automobile upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul as an auto lirerwy, be and the same is hereby granted to Carl Peterson C. F..N.. .g—Ey..N1= 0 a'a"sj. A . Petarser- arl Peters.. h- na ..' �.de C te on.hl=Non' C 7253 for �J­T!_IG _oRs as 'a — "" - be it poration Counsel, oper te REkT,"—kL a o Resulo.d. That "s sts -f said autersolu 'I" upon the stre 't Paul as an aut. li-ty. the City of S be and the sanne is hereby granted 1. Carl peW.b.n. h Adopted Y , Council January 14. 19 54�pr,ved January 14. 1954. A (January 23, 1954) JAN 14 1954 Adopted by the Council 195— COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays JAN 14 1W Halvorson Approved-------195— Holland Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor Mayor Peterson Rosen _L—Against Mr. President, DaubiieY 5M 2.63 '000"' of Saint Pai,l and said policy has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Ccunsell therefore, be it RESOLVED: That license to onerate said autoillobilesas tax-J,cabs umon the streets of the City of Saint Paul be and the same are hereby granted to !�'endel Gordon dba. Radio Cab. C.SF. No. 166827—By Nor,is 0. HalvOr- on—Severin A. Mortin—R.b-1 peter—n— Wh­­ M' .,10 G -d— dbo 7,, ­d� I -j­j RENEV�AL odwi—I to City CI,,k COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL, FILE NO. 110EN3E COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Yeas Nays COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY January 149 1954 COMMISSIONE R(:���/� �,A��DATIF WI=AS: Mendel Gordon dba Radio Cab has made Application C 6779 for license to operate upon the streets of the City of Saint Paill as taxicabs two (2) automob4_les/desrribed asvfollows; Cab No. Make Serial No. IrsurL�_nce 3-12 Dodge 32103033 Exchange Insurance Association Mayor) An Inter Exchange Tnsu--ance ---:Against Policy No. XP 4405 113 Pl- Expiring 12:01 A.M. ST ymr,uth 13014-492 I�arch 30, 1954 WHEI?EAS: YWIMMY ")aid applicant has fi led . a copy of the insurance policy with the City of Saint Pai,l and said policy has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Ccunsell therefore, be it RESOLVED: That license to onerate said autoillobilesas tax-J,cabs umon the streets of the City of Saint Paul be and the same are hereby granted to !�'endel Gordon dba. Radio Cab. C.SF. No. 166827—By Nor,is 0. HalvOr- on—Severin A. Mortin—R.b-1 peter—n— Wh­­ M' .,10 G -d— dbo 7,, ­d� I -j­j RENEV�AL JAN 14 199 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays J A N 14 10 Halvorson Holland Approved ---195-- Marzitelli Mortinson —In Favor Mayor) Peterson Rosen ---:Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 'AID— 16 1 ; 8 "? 8 Orliti—I to City CI,rk CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. LICEYSE CC"21Y-'TEE OFFICE OF THE CITYtCLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY January 14, 1954 COMMISSICINER_��— DATE WIEREAs: SaTrijel Gordon dba Radio Cab has made Applicrtion C 697? for license to operate one (1) automobile as Taxicab No. 124 upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul, described as a Chevrolet. Serial No. 21KJKlLk0F5, insured to 12:01 A.1'.. ST. Ila�, 1. 1954, EM by the Exchange Insurance Assocation an Inter Insurance Exc'nange, Poi.jcy No. XP LO�0?, and 1,,'HYREAS: Said applicant has filed a copy, of the insurance po?-ic,. with the City of Saint Paul and said policy has been approved ns to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it TESOL'VED: That license to nperate said autombile as a taxicab upon the strects of the City of Saint Paul be and the sare is hereby granted to Sanuel Gordon dba Fadic Cab. RETIAL t COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daullney bm 2-53 -400o" C, F. No. 16028—By Norris 0. Hot'.,- �o,­Sa­in A. Mandr.—Robert F. terson— W here,, -ul Gordon it . Radio C has 'j .b . de "'plicto... C 69T7 for license to up ... t, one it) automobile as To. ,i -b N., 24 Pon the Mucts a,- the hCi ly 1 San, P—I.Ideserbed .. a C cv,...t . Serial No. 2 KJK14885, hon' red to 12:01 A.M. ST May 1, 1954, by the Exchange Insurance Association F , in an Inter Insurance xe ange. Policy No XP 4407. and here.., Said applicant h 6 filed h ty of flat I ........ .. I" "ith t I Tn Plu I and aid policy has be ltfferoC.'�'- . .1 . I. 'a in a- ."ution by p.r6thrnrC..ndc1l`, therefore, be it Resolved. That license to operate I� I b said autorrobi e as -11- urn it"' �tracts of the City of baint out b " a here grant d to '�n u.) �.di "' G'�rden,"db. RaTj Cab. Adopted by the C .... it January 14. JAN 14 1954 Adopted by the Council-195— JAN 14 1964 Approved—_--- -.-195-- In Favor Ma -Against _j Othrinal to City Cl,,k I I , j �0") CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. FILE LICENSE C0101ITTE1, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,7 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_�L���� DATE January 14, 1954 I'MERFAS: Herman Gordon db-, Radio Cab has made Application C7153 for license to operate one (1) automobile as Taxicab No. 114 upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul, described as a 1953 Chevrolet. SerJal No . A53JI17712, insured to 12:01 A.�!. ST March 30, 1954o by the Exc�ange Insurance Association an inter Insurance Exchange, Policy No. XP 4405, and WHKF=: Said applicant has filed a colpT of the i-nsurance policy with the City of Saint Paul and said policy has been approved as to forn Pnd execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it RESOLVED: That license to operate said automobile as taxicab upon the streets of the City Of Saint Paul be and the sane is hereby granted to Herman Gordon dba Radio Cab. RENEWAL COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 -04DO-1- C. Fo No 166829— By N—ris 0, Balvor- so _Sc,e,i. A Martinson—Robe,t F Peterson— Whereas, He,m,,,, Gorda, dba R,di, Cab has trade Application C7153 for lire. to operate as T:,�Xicab No. 114-ne (1) ..to. In),, upurt the strees; of the City ol Saint Paul, described; as a 195� Ch—relet, Serial No. A53 - J,,77, 2. insured to 12:01 A.M. ST March 30. 1954. by the E.th..g� Insurance As ... stlon an loter Los— �nncy E—h—ge. Policy No. XP 4405, Whereas. Said pVie.nt has filed a 111-a "" p""y "' City of Shirt Paul ' ad said polk-,L .�,bcca a ffro-d as 1. for. and c—ution b t c Potation Counsel, th-efore7b. ItC11 Resolved. That license to operate said a.l...blie a., ttouc, b upon Ib, streets of the City of Saint Paul be Ind the same ate hereby granted t,, G, ,rdan db, Radio 14, =ed by he on unll 1.C1. 1954. Appr.v,d =ary 14, 1954. 1.1 y 23. 1954) JAN 14 1954 Adopted by the Council-195— JAN 14 IM Approyed—_ A--In Favor Mayor Against �j otigi—I to City Ch,tk CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL IQ) TV 11 FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE C0101ITTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY January 14, 1954 CCIMMJSSIONEft(��_ DATE WHEREAS: Theodore Cruz dba Radio Cab has made Application C6897 for license to operate one (1) automobile as Taxicab No. 126 upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul, described as a Plymouth, Serial No. 13170707, insured to 12:01 A.Y.1, ST February 27s 1954, by the Exchange Insu-ance Association an Inter Insurance Exchange, Policy No- XP 4315, and VTHEIREAS2 Said applicant has filed a copy of the insurance policy with the City of Saint Paul and said policy has been a�oroved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it RESOLVED: That license to operate said automobile as a taxicab upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul be and the same is hereby granted to Theodore Cruz, dba FadioCkb.' C. Fn N.� 166830—By N�;Jrs­'�s 0. HDII'll - s. —S,v,r,, A. Mol I l,—Rob,,l F, Peters..— ' — db. Radill C . ...... iod'e ..... 1h,(o .b has A, too C097 I.l """' " "' .. t' on' (1) ut—bill as T—rab No 126 Vu the streets 1 the City of Saint out. described a pi,­,nh, Serial No. '131701077: 1,-—H 1. 12 01 A.M. ST Feb usly -Said PPlil-rt 1— filed a insurance policy oAth the Cit'Y of S- "d P-til,nd said I;0hCY has beer Pp'o'� e as farm and execution by th�. Col p,ratlo, C*u"111, UierefoM,t be It c operate ,,Resolved, That —le bo pan the st id sotorl.bile as t— - u i, , r_j� of tile City of Saint all be HFIXVIAL and the same are 11—sto granted 10 T eo h dor, Cruz. db, Ra.lin, Cab. I.Adopted by the Courel .—ry 14, 54. 1 App,,v,d J 14. 1954. 0 �=�Y 23. 1954) JAN 14 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council --195- Yeas A�s 3 A N 14 1 9R; 4 Halvorson Holland Approved-----.--- _195 Marzitelli Mortinson ---In Favor Mayor Peterson Rosen ---Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 'O,igh-I I, City Clelk COUNCIL NO. 18 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE LICENSE COWITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERA FORM PRESENTED BY January 14, 1954_ COMMISSIONER—( 119V74J� N- DATE WHOT-0: Harold Nadeau d1ba Radio Cab has inade Application C 6976 for license to operate XX one (1) automobile as Taxicab No. 69 upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul, described as a 1951 Kaiser, Serial No. 034803, insured to 12:01 A.Y1. ST March 20, 1954 by the Exchange Insurance Association an Inter Insurance Exchange, Policy No. XP 4�, and W=,A9: Said applicant has filed a copy of the insurance policy with the City of Saint Paul and said policy has been an�,)roved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it RESOLVED: That license to operate said automobAle as a taxicab upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul be and the Same is hereby granted to Harold Nadeau dab Radio Cab� RENEWAL COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney SM 2-53 "OERO"" C, F� No 166831—By No, "in Q. lial—r- ,a —Se,,,,,, A. h1ortio-o—R.Ii-t F. reas. H.1.1d N.doon db. Radio 'b has —de Application C 6976 f-1 IC�tnw to operate one ( ) taot-olabil as Ta.J,,b No 69 upn I e in -et. of the City of Saint an ,described ,is 03"' to ��.Inse.�Isr�LaMlareh 20, 1954 b., the E—kninge, ins—n-PAssoli. tion an Inte, nsurlidnee Xchange. I policy No. XP 4404, an if Wi—eill, Said p�, e.nt has filed a ty of Saint oi­.ne. P.HeYlieft hthe of 'd I, P-1 and said no el as been, litprole C, as to fo,m and exe,uti.n by t e po,almn Counsel, Upe,eflire. be I t R—Ned. Th - at' at "onle to "P"' h Ad awomobile al ­,�.b or. I e -is of the City of 'in ".., be -o are he'.eb' t.d I. and the A b. 11,AdIdtNadeattidab Rano p d by e Coun el 3-13-Y 14. Aop,,,—d Janilao' 14. 1954� J.aaary 23. 19541 JAN 14 1954 Adopted by the Council-195— JAN 14 MA Approved --195-- In Favor Mayor --_Against "i COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 -400"' --In Favor — --Against Adopted by the Council _195— Approved-- 195— Mayor d,Lzi-I to city clerk '6 , COUNCIL No. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE LICENSE C011V TTTFE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL'RESOLLITION—GENER L FQRM z january 14, 1954 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER WBEREAS H. C. Gottwald dba Yellow Cab has made Application C 6970 for licenses to operate unon the streets of the City of Saint Paul thirt-,--four (34) automobiles as C. F. No. 166932—By Norris 0. Hale— taxicabs described sor—Severin A. Mortinsa.—R.1,11 as follows: Pet rson— C� G'tteeald Yal:.F Whereas, H 'e Cab No. Make robs Fab has Serial. No. Insurance 18 Plymouth 1316a7l American General Insurance Co. Policy No. L 7436 19 Plymouth 15455139 Expiring 12:01 A.Y1. ST September 11, 1954 20 Plym�uth 15541376 11 11 21 Plymouth 13021107 It to If to 22 Plyrrolith 15643221 11 11 it 23 Chpvroliat A53Joi.7269 11 11 11 26 Plymouth 12517716 27 P1 yrouth 12c)72312 28 Plymouth 12834482 29 Plymnuth 12957502 30 Plymouth 1302o633 31 Plymouth 12654450 it 32 Plymouth 12997165 11 33 Plymouth 12936096 41 Plyrro,ith .13166456 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 -400"' --In Favor — --Against Adopted by the Council _195— Approved-- 195— Mayor Orlginftf t, CUY Cf�k A CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL �tCEDiSi COMaTTEE FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER—— DATE Janua 14, 1954 PAGE NO. 2 (H. C. Gottwald) Cab No, Ilake Serial No. Insurance 42 Chevrolet 2MJ71196 American General Insurance Co. 43 Chevro2e t A53JO26698 Policy No. L 7436 Ex-)iring 12:01 A.T.T. ST 44 Chevrolet A53JI30910 September 11, 1954 45 Chevrolet 21KK75786 46 Chevrolet 2M79244 47 Chevrolet 21KK79232 It it 48 Chevrolet 21KK72711 fI I, 49 Chevrolet 21KKJ19889 it 68 Chevrolet A53JO92644 it U 75 Plymouth 12480928 13 it if 80 Chevrolet A53JO26820 11 90 Chevrolet A53JO33849 98 Plymouth 1554,9632 99 Plymouth 1-2857150 100 Plymouth 15631293 115 Chevrolet A53JO27644 118 Plymouth 1292585 U COUNCILMEN Yeas Adopted by the Council Nays _195 Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Approved__195_ Mortinson --In Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen _-Against Mr. President, Daubricy 5M 2-63 bdsl�.l t. City Ck,k I ( �' i � IQ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. — LTCENSE COMIT"TEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY January 14, 1954 COMMISSIONER— DATE PAGE NO. 3 (H. C.Elottwald) Cab No. Make Serial No. Insurance 120 Plymouth 11933801 American General 1nsurance Co. Policy No. L 7436 130 ChevroL- t A53JO92551 Expiring 12:01 A.M. ST September 11, 1954 WHEREAS: Said applicant has filed copies of insurance policies with the City of Saint Paul and said policies have been aT)-)roved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That license to operate said automobiles as taxicabs uDon the streets of the Cityof Saint Paul be and the same are hereby granted to H. C. Gottwald, dba Yellow Cab. 0 RENEWAL JAN 14 199 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council _195— Yeas Nays Halvorson JAN14 IM Holland Approved Marzitelli Mortinson -----In Favor Mayor Peterson Rosen —Against Mr. President, Daubney 52M 2-53 4E�4­ Original to City Ckrk CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FI NO. LiCENM COMMIM LE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY C COMMJSSICINE��� January 14, 1954 ���DATE WHEREAS t AdolDh Lindstrom dba Yellow cab has made Application C 7154 for license to operate as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul, th5rty-two (32) automobiles described as follows: UL� 16 Norr" H ­ Potersono �:.�7�1­ Cab No. Make Serial, No. Insurance �her­. Adolph Cob y 5 4 r2 lh� ." to 11 16 Chevrolet A53JO17125 American General Insurance Com I p'a ny" 17 Plv ymouth Policy No. L 7435 15595300 Expiring 12:01 A.M. ST 51 Chevrolet August 24, 1954 21KKK73947 It 11 11 52 Chevrolet 21KY181499 91 11 11 11 53 Chevrolet 21IM75791 11 11 11 11 54 Chevrolet 2LKKK75664 11 It 11 55 Chevrole t 21KKK72625 56 Chevrolet A53JO04298 57 Chevrolet A53JO17112 58 Chevrole t A53JO17384 59 Chevrolet A53JO17279 6o Plymuth 15555553 61. Plymouth 12540627 11 62 Plymouth 15659092 It 11 63 Plymouth 15466931 it 66 Plymouth 15616480 11 U COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL-195— Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved— —__195_ Marzitelli Mortinson —In Favor Peterson y -®r Rosen —Against Mr. President, Datibney 5M 2-53 OdzI,&I to City CI,,k CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. LjCEl,'SL COISIITTTEE OFFICE -OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Januar�r 14, 1954 COMMISSIONER_ DATE PACE NO. 2 (A. Lindstrom) Cab No, �Take Serial No. Insurance 67 Chevrolet A53J139631 American C�eneral Iwurance Corapany Polic,7 No. L 7435 74 Plymonth 15633909 Expir'. . Lng 12:01 A.1'1. ST August 24, 1954 76 Plymouth 125o:L614 U 11 11 77 Plymouth 15635412 It 11 78 Plymouth 15535656 It 79 PIvmouth 12556754 it 86 Plymouth 12453081 80 Chevrolet A53JO92506 91 Plymouth 120303544 92 Plymouth 12453398 93 Chevrolet A53JO92698 95 Plymouth 15633928 96 -Plymouth 11542684 97 Plymouth 15617377 122 Plymouth 15522928 125 Plymouth 19327039 WHERL45: Said applicant has filed copies of insurance poiicies wifh the City of Saint Paul and said pollcies have been approved as to form and execution by the Corporati�n COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson —In Favor Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-63 -000— Approved----195— Mayor ib),H33 OrIKI-1 t' City c6rk CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. LICENSE C011,1ITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF___ January 14, 1954 page No- 3 (A. Lindstrom) Counsel, therefore, be it 11E�,LITEI)2 That licenses to operate said automobiles as taxicabs uron the streets of the City of Saint Paul be and the sane are hereby granted to Adolph Lindstrom dba. Yellow Cab. RENEWAL COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney SM 2-53 -004"' JAN 14 1954 Adopted by the Council 195— JAN 14 1954 Approved __195— In Favor tt, Mayor'� —Against 166634 0,1,9-1 to City Chrk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. L-IcEll� COE1,TlTE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY January 14, 1954 DATE— _OMMISSIONE St. Paul Drive—Ur—Self System, Inc. has made Applic?t--',)n C 7306 for licenses to operate as Auto c Rental Cars uPo' the streets of the City of Saint Paul eighteer '—B, N11"Itt 0, C. F. I.. —Robert or on (18) Automobiles, iescribed as f llolws: Petemn— L, 0 d f Where- St. P-1 DIlle Ul SVCS li,.tj. 11 No ITIL uran e' e tal No R al Make Seria '10 1 Chevrolet 21NK5688F6 Continental Casualty Company Continuous Policy No. CA 20007o6 2 Chevrolet 0068593-,54Y 5 Chevrolet 21V171854 6 I Chevrolet 21KK157367 ? Chevrolet 2-LKKJ64942 8 Chevrolet 21nJ66098 9 Chevrolet 21KKC48932 1� Chevrole t 2,11=26541 Chevrolet 21M33956 12 Chevrolet 0108658F54Z 13 Chevrolet 0105817F54Z 17 Chevrolet 21Y-KJ6?862 25 Chevrolet 2LM57367 C 26 Chevrolet 21Y-KJ?0599 27 Chevrolet 21Y-KJ71388 Adopted by the CounciL___195_ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Approved--- 195— Holland Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor Mayor Peterson Rosen --Against Mr. President, Dauloney 6M 2-53 '400"' 0,1$i-1 t, City C1,,k cou 63 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL FUNCIL NO. IMENSE COMI:ETTFE OFFICE OF THE LCITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY JanLary 14, 1.954 COMMISSIONER_-____- DATE PACE, NO. 2 (St. Paul Dri_�ve-U�-Seif 5ystem, Inc.) Rental No. Hake Serial No, Insurance 28 Chevrolet 21W66605 Cont&nental Casualty Company Continuous Policy No. CA 20007o6 Chevro--1-t 0086375F54y it 11 11 it 30 Chevrolet 21 IM60779 It it 11 It WHEFEAS: Said applicant has fil��d a copy of the insurance rn I i cy with the City of Saint Paul and said polic,-- has been a,x)roved as to form and executi-n by the Corooration Counsel, therefore, be it PY-, 32 LVEE That the licenses to operate said automobiles as Auto Rentp-1 Cars upon the streets of the City of Saint P-nul be an�' the sane are hereby granted to the St. Paul Drive -Ur -Self System, Inc. RIIET, WAL JAN 14 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195 Yeas Nays jo '[.,1 1984 Halvorson Holland Approved— —..---195— Marzitelli Mortinson ---In Fa I vor Peterson Mayo�) Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubney "IT T��-, 5M 2-63 -06WI- Original in City Cl�k � � 1, i ), 15) CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. — LICENSE C01',P3:TTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ' I�W� DATE Jan,.,y 14, 1954 PRESENTED BY --f WHEREAS: the MartinAuto Livery, Inc. has made Application C, 7252 for license to operate as Auto Livery upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul, five (5) -automobiles described as follows: C. F. No. 1!n�tBy Norris 0. sen—sev, n A. Mordnsmr­Rab"earVt�F. Petersou— LeWhL as, The Martin Auto Liv jt4,yery No. Make Serial No. Insurance ,,Ic :as mad re. Application C 7252 e to te as Auto 1A 'In 11 get ug� 90 -al 10 Packard 227119X3202 St. Paul lk-rcury and Indemnity ComT)an,,,, Policy Vo. 622-50093 11 Packard 22779X3128 Exoiring 12.01 A.M. ST A-�,ril 12, 1954 12 Packard 2277QK3131 11 it It 13 Packard 2-2799K3129 11 Is It 14, Packard 227792943 it it 11 Said applicAn lias f�3ed c,ples of insurance nolicies �,ith the CitV of Saint Paul and said D policies have been aooroved as to form and execution bY the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it RES LVED: That licenses to operate said autonob�les as auto livery cars upor the streets of the City of Saint Paul be and the sane arp hereby granted to the Elartirl Auto Livery, Inc. FENWAL COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2.63 '01iRit— Adopted by the Codbell. 195 JAN 14 195A Approved—-- ----195- -In Favor Afay.r --Against -3 _V. Petition I C, i �Ii 16 Council File No. - PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT PRELMINAELT ORDLRS C. F. No. 166836 -- and Wh--.� PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Sain! Paul, viz.: construct a monolithic conorste.gidewalk where none vjdatpj.�� reconstruct or repair the existing sidewalk,as neceeogy,_on the south side of V.Seventh St. from Dealton St. to Madison Ste PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Conotract a monoli-thic concrete sideealk where none exists, and reconstruct or repair the ex:Lst:Lng sidevalkPas necesoary on the oouth side of W.Seventh St. fr having, been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement, 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To rf�port upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council .-.--j N - A 14 1�-' I YEAS NAYS Councilman MARZITELLI I&BMWX Holland MORTINSON xl4akift Halvors PETERSON ROSEN MR. PRES1DENT,3&jkjNH Daubney 1M 4-61 .0151pa Approved JAN 14 19M Mayor PuBUSL-C'f'-.-) Petition Council File No. 16 1, 37 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C. F. No. 166937— and MWhereas, A written propo.1 for the aking of the following unprovernent. V i— Const ct a monolithic concrete side - w 0�u both sides of E. PRELIMINARY ORDER Ilk E;f'� '. . _ to . The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Construct a monalithic; concrete sidewalk on both sidos Qf I.Magaolia Ave. from Nokomis Ave. to Edgewater Blvd., except where good and sufficient sidewalk exists. Dated this—M—day of J-uary . _-- --MA4. I Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct a monolithic concrete sidewalk on both sides of R.Maimolia. Ave. from Nokomis Ave. to Edgerwater Blvd.,sxcept where good and sufficient sidewalk exists. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council JAN .1 4 1954 YEAS NAYS JAN 14 1954 Councilman MARZITELLI Holland Approved MORTINSON ZkR**ZR PETERSON Halvors6a ROSEN MR. PRESIDENT, j6EkjFff Daubney IM 4-51 q!jP4. 8 Mayor.�' PUBLISULI) 3 2.d -- 1 -id .,er to -- 3rd ad pp— Ad.p d le ye -s N.,. yen. Holland Marzitelli Martinson 4eterson Peterso Rose. R ... n Mr. President Daubney Mr_ P ... ident Daubney s -95p4- G odri'm jt, city cj.A t', ORDINANCE 161 N38 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED IY2�� ORDINANCE NO 0 c' F' N-* No. 10241— ,,ordinance regulating the installatia '.1 of telephone booths on the � _,aa— raslating am instatta public streets and highways withi n the City b=-T� gn=" ME, '" witnin th, City of rs�aiat of Se In Paul, and requiring permi ts therefo equiring Perraita thare or. Thla la an derad -- I This is an emergency ordinance rendered neCe a th� pUbU-, ,C peace, he p,,,,, health. and afetY. for the preservation of the publ qt� —T' 11 - ­jl �F t" y of Saint Paul and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN' Section 1. No person, firm, or corporation shA11v within the limits of the City of Saint Paul, install or maintain any telephone booth on any of the public streets and highways therein without obtaining a permit so to do, as hereinafter provided. Section 2. Every person, firm, or corporation desiring to obtain a permit to maintain a telephone booth on any street or highway, shall make application therefor to the Commissioner of Public Works of said City, and such application shall state the proposed location of said booth, the size of same, and indicate a willingness to maintain same in an orderly condition according to such requirements as said Commissioner shall direct, and to remove said booth or booths on order of said Commissioner or upon cancellation of said permit. Said Commissioner shall have authority to authorize moving of said booths from one location to another, or removal thereof, Section 3, Said Commissioner shall examine or cause to be examined, the proposed location, and if satisfied that the maintenance of a telephone booth at the proposed site or sites will not constitute a serious hazard or obstruction to traffic, shall refer the application to the City Council, together with his recommendation whether such permit should or should not be granted, and thereafter the said Council shall, by resolution, grant or deny the permit or permits sought, and if granted, shall instruct the Commissioner of Public Works to issue such permit. Section 4. Before permits are issued hereunder, the applicant shall post or maintain with the City Comptroller a bond or policy of public liability insurance in the amount of at least $25,940.90, approved by the Corporation Counsel and conditioned substantially as follows: that the applicant will indemnify and save harmless the City of Saint Paul, its,officers, agents, and employees from any and all loss, costs, damages, expense, or liability Vlich may result from or arise out of the granting of such permit or maintenance of - such telephone booth for which a permit is issued, and the applicant will pay any and all lose or damage that may be sustained by any person as the result of or which may be caused by or arise out of such installation or maintenance. The bond or policy of insurance shall be maintained in its original amount by the applicant at his expense at all times during which the permit is in effect. Where applicant applies for a permit or permits for more than one telephone boothv such bond or policy of insurance shall be deemed to cover all telephone booths installed and maintained by said applicant. Such bond or policy shall be of a type by which coverage shall automatically be restored immediately after the occ urr ence of any accident or lose from which liability may hereafter accrue. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Halvorson Holland Favor Marzitelli Affirtinson Peterson ----Against Rosen Mr. President (Daubney) Approved: Attest: APPrOve-d —aS to forrn City Clerk Mayor IM 6-52 1 t . A o'iffi"I'w City CICA ORDINANCE 166838 COUNCIL FILE NO ORDINANCE No:: �C57 PRESENTED BY I Section 5. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the Phblic peace, health, and safety. Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval, and publication. —2— FFB 2 1954 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci Halvors Holland In Favor Marzitelli Martinson Against Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Daubney) Attest Appro e �Z,61'0 IV. Z(7 � 0 City Clerk Mayor MRS. AGNES H. O'CONNELL . 6oy Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 306 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE -0014� January 13, 1954 Mr. Timothy P. Quinn Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir; HAROLD I ' RIORDAN Chief Clerk The City Council requested that you draw an ordinance similar in terms to the Courtesy Bench ordinance which would authorize the Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. to install and maintain telephone booths on certain streets, with a -orovision in the ordinance for a bond or liability insurance to protect the city also similar to the Bench ordinance requirement. Attached. is your letter on the subject. will you please return the letter with the ordinance? Ve ry truly you-rs, City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL LOUIS P. SHEAHAN =AIL F. H "LET LEGAL DEPARTMENT A.—T..' F. SULLWAN a ROBERT E. o-CONNELL j. jERO.E PLUNKETT TIMOTHY P. QUINN joHN j. MCNEIL RATION COUNSEL AIIISTANTI CORPO -42�-o January 12, 1954 To the Council Gentlemen: On January 8, 1954, you requested advice from this office as to whether or not the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company, which had been granted permission to erect and maintain telephone booths on certain streets, should be required to furnish a bond or insurance policy to protect the City from damages result- ing from such ins tallation and maintenance and persons who may be injured as the result of such installation and maintenance. it is the opinion of this office that the City of Saint Paul could be liable for injuries to persons arising from such installations and obstructions on the public sidewalk, and, there- fore, we feel It advisable that before such installatijns are permitted on the City streets, the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company be required to furnish a bond or insurance policy of public liability in a proper amounto the form to be approved by this office, which will indemnify and save harmless the City of Saint Paul from all loss or damage which may result from such installation, and which will pay all loss or damage that may be sustained by any person as a result of such installation. Yours very truly, T t J. tln.el TPQ-B Original 0 city Clark COUNCI L NO. M i839 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY and DATE January 15r, 1954 COMMISSIONER Be nard T, Hoj1_ WHEREAS, The comaissioner.of Libraries, Auditorium and I/aseums has reported, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency during the period from November 29th through December 31st, 1953 which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of the Department of Libraries, Auditorium and 14aseums, Bureau of Auditorium, for more than eight hours p - er day or forty gours per week in doing the following work: operate switthhoard, take care of ventilating system and supervise during various events held in the building. And WHEREAS, This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and cir- cumstances: No other trained help Rvailable to work daring events, including Saturday, Sunday and Holiday time. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the proper City officers are hereby authorized to pay the employees who perforiled such work in accordance with the p rovisions of the Council's Salary Ordinance, Ordinance No. 6446. t7I F. No. 166831t ­By Bernard T. Bel- .ad— _Re,tolved. That the tr.ncr chty ffi- ,a il. hereby ut .1fted to pay 'I ' ........ '-P' Do .f Lft)raric.. 11y.dBa,.i..hcmd —Bureau of Auditorium for ..t. a.- 'I.Ym..t a� Adopted b d—tibed in the reaclution. y the Council jr anuary 15. APPI—Id I ...... 1�, I.._ (J --U.0 23, 1954) 1954 195— �IL�MEN� Adopted by the Council y Yeas YE P4 �� JAN 1 r zi ell zitelli Approved _195— Meria-ra,ift Mortinson _�J- Favor P&MaUtQ__:_ Mayor Peterson Rosen __��Against Mr. President, Bdanex (,M I -Al -WLWj&9 Orlffln,l to City Cl�k COUNCIL N-1 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. LIC!,1113E C011-7TTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY January 15, 1954 COMMISSIONER -ATE KSOLVED: That license for Second Hand Auto Dealer, Application C 71-33, a,?plicd for by Thomas W. CumminFs at 2156 University Avenue be and the sane is hereby granted, subject to the provisions that the premises be completely fenced, with the "�,,'�Bxception of the drive,,ray entrarce, that proper abutments be installed, that the grounds be made and maintained dustless, and that side,,mlks abutting the premises be kept clean and free of Ice and sn­., at all tims. C. F. No. 166840—By N .—Se—fin A. M0MJ_..s'of�n_0' H-1-- P'terson— Robert F, 1 ReWived. H Id That Uccna far sec.a 71N. aP Auto Dealer, A ' n1i Plied for bY Thog..l.v!-K ""!tlat 2156 .ad c sarne UniveraitY Avenue be subJec to the Is hereby thIlanl1d. ,rovls'cns at he Prendses be the c1MP etelvy fenced. rl With 01 1 e d eway entrance. c c -c -P 0 u I at r fb I iments be I Ile t I nd. be I de te u . and tha I an c I tin ' prcmh�e be e I cl r t f e and s..W 1, ak the Council J1.1 I." I APProved anu r 19 4. - I (J nuary 23 i954 MF�,AL I Restrictions (C.F. P-25-1950) JAN 15 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council _195— Yeas Nays Halvorson J AN 15 1984 Holland Approved---195— Marzitelli Mortinson ---In Favor Peterson Rosen __�_Against Mr. President, Daubiley 5M 2-53 -4j3!0'T' o,igi,,l t, City Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FI LE NO. -- LjCEj;SE cOl-11ITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _-7 ' COUNCIL ' RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM January,15, 1954 PRESENTED BY COMMiSSIONE4 z DATE RE,T T-VED; That licenses for Or�g. Contaimr, Off Sale Jjalt Beverage and CiF_'arett6v Application C 7277, apolied for by Samuel C4 Joseph I. and Rocco T. Crea at 1569 Un4verEity Avenue be and the same are hereby granted, C. F. N,. 166841�HY Nireed. 0. 11.1-1- U., aa—Severin N. M nson—R.ta-1; F. ',n,,, "' Or"' .it and PU.d c Pt"- DIVI"gi Re,"V,d Thai I .-t.`­r 0 sa'� r IS.. Eralt, --.n ,a CM _ . --I ,I Ih. h-rty an A".." C.._ 1954. Appr—ed January 15,'19�. (January 23. 54) NEY (Additional cmners) Off Sale Liquor establishment Informally app,roved by Council January 5, 1954 Old Location j AN 15 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council _�195_ Yeas Nays 5 1�5_4 Halvorson JAN Holland Approved _195 Marzitelli Mortinson --In Favor �4ay� Peterson Rosen Against j Mr. President, Daubiley 6M 2-53 orlsi—I I, City C1,fl, CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. LICENSE C0129TTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY b / I _1/_1 11�- I r_r��A January 15, 1954 COMMJSSIONE I I RESOLATED: That, Restaurant, On and Off Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarette Licenses No. 1390 all expiring December 10, 1954, issued to Edward H. LIAI)Aer and Robert J. Hessler, at 158 Concord itreet be and the same are hereby transferred to Eduzard H. L'Allier (only) at the same address. C� F No 166842 --By N­i� 0, Hal-, �_Severfta A. Mortinsoo—R,bert P. Pet jel.j�ld, That ""tau"'t, 0' and COUNCILMEN S h Cigarette ""ote: "" Yeas Nays '"' 'I "in" ."­ bIr I.. IM4h t, Edward H.1 Halvorson bil'11d, L'Affi­ od . rt . "­Im C=d Street be and the aal4t all�' TR03FER h tran,fe—d to Edward H. LAIIJo, ­Iy� at the aame addro- (Licengees) Adopted by th, C,un,d J;,,,o:,,y la, 954. Applo-di January 15. 1954. Rosen (January 23, 19541 JAN 15 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council _195— Yeas Nays Halvorson JAN 15 1954 Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Approved __195— 14, In Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubney 6M 2-B3 -4aw'. 16 6 81 4 3 origin'] I, city cle,k CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. FILE LM ENSE COMIrr TTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM cz_ COMMISSIONE �TF.__ PRESENTED BY January 15, 1954 P RESOLVED: That Beauty Shop License No. 9695, expiring Seoteraber 15, 1954, issued to Doris E. Strathers at 1087 Grand Avenue be and the same is hereby transferred to Doris E. Strathers at 45 South Avon Street. TWISFER (Location) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 -AjS!i0­ C' F. No. 166843—ELY N.rme 0. 14.1-1, —Robert F. erSZver', A. Martinson n_ Re,olved. That Beauty Shop. LAW— N, 905. expiring Septemb�, 15 495,1 I— d W D.ri� E. Strathe ai m Grand Avenue be and the same Is hereby tr4nqfe_d t . Dori, E. 9t -u—, ,,t 45 Son h Avon Street. Adopted by the 2011-11 J­Uary 15. 1954. Appr—ed "J 15if,19 4 (j =y 23� 541, j A% 15 1954 Adopted by the Council __195— App,.,40 II _195- ---In Favor -Against `By -r I c 0dri—I t, City Cl�,k CO NCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILEU NO. LICENTSE COIA-ZrTTEF OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 15, 'R'SENTED By January 13, 1954 COMIMSSIONEL� JZESOLV.M: That 3Acenees for Restaurant, On and Off Sale I.Izit Beverage and Cigarette, Apolication C 7400, applied for by Flannah Lehmann, at 537 Gree—od Avenue be and the same are hereby granted, C. F+ th, 166844—BY N-111� 0 J"'WV ,.,--Sev,,i, A. M-t-SOn— 0" P""-,rThat lire— far R"t,u Re"I" " -t. 0, and Off Sale Malt Be­714-&,�. .jul i th, Aplication C C il.—.h Lh.---, at 531 ap'pll,d I,r �'Veaue be and the rue Greenwvd b, granted he,, Yb the C6u-"l January 15. dopted Y 19'4' Apliroved Jaaaary.,,IZ14' (January - ) (TRA113FER) (From Estate) (On Sale Liquor ' stablishment) E Informa2ly aoproved by Council December 15, 1953 jp4 15 195-4 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council--195— Yeas Nays JAN 15 ISM Halvorson Holland Approved-- Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor Mayo Peterson Rosen ___�_Against Mr. President, Daubiiey 5hl 2.53 -0604— Orkdn,l to MY Cl�k CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. LICENSE CONUTTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMI SS'ONE!� DATE January 15# 1954 RET LVED: That licenses apolied for by the following persons at the addresses stated. be and the same are hereby granted. JAN 15 1W Holland Approved-- ---195— Roy Pete Fish 1546-8 W),--te Bear Or -g Cent App. 6538 New New Loc. Wayne L. Nelson 1.1-87 E. Yinnehaha Grocery 11 7075 Old 11 it 11 Cigarette It 11 Is 11 Louis Krasnick & Lee Siegel b the persons named on the na" attached I* this --"t'on be,and'the' SM 2.53 ..me are hereby .ntd, and the city Clerk is I natructed to a.— suah Itranses upon the lattyment into the 380 Thopz-is Grocery 7148 Ad.,Ied by the C—on January 15 1954. 11 Butcher it 11 it amppa9m Cigarette ZUL3WM 11 1, 11 8 Lyle C. Jesperson I I I I Payne V. M. Loc. - 7269 Helen Walczak �' Plabel King Atim Est. of F. J. King 501-3 University M. A. D. Loc. 7205 M. A. Dev (3) 11 M. Mach (1) It 11 11 11 11 Stanley Starzecki ' 1110 Fo,-est Confectionery 0 7310 11 11 Off Sale Yalt 11 11 Ci7arette 11 11 It Warren G. 11auston 1198 E. 7th Gas Sta. 2 P 731-1 11 Acne Fast Freight, T-nc. 413 N. Prior Cigarette 7345 Edward L'Allier 158 Concord 11. A. D. Loc. 7311 I[ X A. Dev (3) it n Is El: Pia'l, (1) it Theo. W. Heistman & James 1.1 . Hoel 1200 White Bear Auto Rep Gar 7394 0 New COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Court JAN 15 1954 clL__195_ Yeas Nays Halvorson JAN 15 1W Holland Approved-- ---195— Marzitelli �4 Mortinson In Favor Mayor *licanse, Peterson C. F. No. 166845—By Norris 0. 1R.1— )Against son—Selerm A. M-tinson—Robert F. Peterson— Rosen Resolved, That applld 1,r i Mr. President, Daubney b the persons named on the na" attached I* this --"t'on be,and'the' SM 2.53 ..me are hereby .ntd, and the city Clerk is I natructed to a.— suah Itranses upon the lattyment into the City treasury 11 the -clatired fees. Ad.,Ied by the C—on January 15 1954. Appr—ad January 15 is 195 (January M. M) O,Iffi,,i to City Cbrk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL VILE NO. LICE�',SE C01211= OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY li COMMISSIONER—(f ATE—' January 15 P 1954 IZESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. Gust Bergstrom 3-134 Payne Ldy & D.C.Plant — App. 4310 Renewal Ra-Tnond J. Courteau 994 Arcade Restaurant 11 6423 11 of 11 Cigarette it to 11 Ehard F Nelson 1081 Payne Restaurant App. 6678 Renewal on Sale Malt 11 Off Sale Malt Ci arette 11inn. Amusement Co. 1077 Payne �Iot. Pic. 912 S. 6685 John Bal-lomo 8o6 E. 3rd Restaurant 6689 11 11 On Sale Y)alt 11 Off Sale Malt to 11 11 Cigarette 11 Fern Welsch 1001 E. Maryland Peaulty Shop 6782 Emil J. Lingle 1037 Payne Grocery 7084 Off Sale Ylalt It 11 it Cif,arette 11 Lec F. Hoye 1112 Arrade Restaurant 7114 to 11 On Sale Xalt 11 Off Sale lialt it Cigarette " Chas. P. S choweitz 1110 Arcade Confectionery 7123 11 Off Sale Malt of Cigarette Edw'. W. Bass 725 N. Snelling Butcher 7136 C. F. No. 166846 —By Norris 0. Hot... son—Severin A. Mortinse.—R.1aert F.; COUNCILMEN pote.— Resolved. That licenses 11 d f 1 Adopted by the I Council 195 Yeas Nays th by t e persons named o'T"t c hor I attached to this rescolootic, d I an he herebr, mine are grantnitibe e . an City Clark I. i.. ructed I i ... V The Halvorson h­racs Ment Into the City treaur4 othethesycouired f a. Holland ItAdo Led by the Council J ­Xy 15,1 14. p Approved 195— Marzitelli Approved January 15. 1954. (January_ 23, 1954) Mortinson --In Favor Mayor Peterson Rosen ---Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-63 Orliti-4 to City Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.' jjm�qm C0=Tm OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Janu-ry 15. 1954 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_, DATE - PAGE NO. 2 (Renewals) Josephine Spears 697 Case Grocery App. 7140 Renewal it "I it 11 1. Cigarette L. M. Deiss 81 N. Snelling Gas Sta 3P 7145 11 1. 11 V. M. 1.0c. Clemence L. Hudalla 1016 Arcade Orig Cont 7163 Richard A. Parlseau 771 Hudson Rd. Gas Sta 3P 7185 Orig. Cont .1 It Cigarettd 11 it Albert & ben Gleermn 1604 White Bear Orig Cont it 7202 Off Sale y1alt Cigarette Jack Price 363 Earl Barner 7211 Re Woll 42 S. Osfo-d Ldy & D.C.Pickup 7217 The Universityqub of St- Pavl, Inc. 420 Summit On Sale Malt 7231 Rmard, Louis R. Louis J. and Harold Lepsche 7244 1-199 White Bear Grocery 11 Off Sale Mat 1. it Cigarette 11 Gordon L. S tone 1135 Payne Barber 7262 C. F. Schulz 1574 Selby Barber 7288 Mrs. Kitty Lennon& George Richter 1581 University Rest�wrant 7318 On Salellalt 1. Off Sale Malt 11 Cigarette It COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council _195 Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved---195— Marzitelli Mortinson An Favor Mayor Peterson Rosen —Against Mr. President, Daubney 6M 2-53 1 1, 1 ofill-i I. COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL VILE NO. — LIC LNSE GOWTTME OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE January 15, 1954 COMMISSIONER -- PAGE NO- 3 Renevals y Lennon GporgP Richter yxs. Kitt- Tavern APP- ?319 Reneval 1581 University 11 Dance Rall George Brookshaw 838 White Bear Barber 7341 Anton Johnson 96Z Forest Grocery 7374 H fj 11 Cigarette Isaac L. Greenberg 976-8 Grand Confectionery 7385 Off S q-1 e Ifalt Ct arette if Easy Washq 'Inc, 537 Rice Ldy & D.C.Picku,? 7437 V. X. Loc. Frar-k E 11A ott 662 Grand Confecticn r- 74L'l Harry J. Scheibel 428 S. Wabasha Restaurant 746o On Sale Yal t Off Sale I-Talt Cigarette Hichaud Bros. 'Ine. 1059 Gr?nd Off Sale 1�alt 714,62 11 If Cigarette Raymond J. 8- Edxard A. Bulinski 7478 11 562 Rice Orig. Cont. 11 If Off Sale Halt U Cigarette Phillip Kimser 1.82 Wabasha Restaurant It 7480 It On Sale Malt Off Sal. Malt Cii-arette COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2.53 '41B�'­' Adopted by the Council --In Favor - - _—Against Approved-----195- Mayor O,Ixj­I to City CI�k CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL MILE NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays L:rCEN�;E C01111TITEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEMERAL FORM AN 15 04 Halvorson Holland January 15, 1954 PRESENTED BY DATE----- CoMMISSIONER_- - ----In Favor Mayo Peterson 0 PACE No. 4 (Renewals) Rosen —Against Frank P. Conney & 0. E. Ragogna 413 Robert Rest-va-ant Anp. 7482 Renewal 11 It Cigarette Tavern (I-MITTM) 7483 Clarence J. 9171OM-S 1941 Grand Confectionery off Sale Malt 7LO5 It I it Cigarette Mrs. Elsie C. Johnson 1347 Burns 11 Restaurant OnSale Kilt 7503 It 11 11 it 11 it Off Sale nq1l I, It Cigarette St. Pau! Lambs Club. Trc. 927 E. 7th Restaurant 7524 'I" on Sale l4alt Off Sale Fal t 11 it it Cigarette & 14el) 19 427 S- v�abasha Pauly _o Patient Restaurant on Sale Malt 7602 Off Sale Malt cigarette Alton J. llabrY 105 Wilkin �ltr Veh Dr. 7643 14orris Rosenblatt 771 HaVe Foot Peddler 7662 A 15 19% Adopted by the CounciL---195— COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays AN 15 04 Halvorson Holland Approved----195— Marzitelli Mortinson ----In Favor Mayo Peterson 0 Rosen —Against Mr. President, Daubiley 5M 2-63 '46!'" Gl: is OrIKI-1 to City Cl,k CO NCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. UTCENSE CO=TEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 2 COUNCIL RES OLUTION— N '.R A 0 R IM� _::� — PRESENTED BY ( I ��GE �LF January 15. Z�� 1954 COMMISSIONER—L— E_ DATE RESOLIM: That licenses applied for by the fc)llo,,-.ng persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted, Alma & George Craison 381 Edmund Grocery App. 4511 Renewal Butcher Off Sale Valt Ci,­,arette I,like O'Dowd 182 N. Western 1-1. Ilach (1) 11 6398 11 Frank Bild 488 Rice 11. A. D. Loc. 016 1,1. A. Dev (2) IT. I-lach (1) 111 Ed. Livingston �54 St. Anthony Restaurant 6751 It 11 1 Ci�-arette Ts-smu Shijo 523 Selby Ldy - D.C.Pickup 6784 Joseph H. Carter n2 Rice 1% A. D. Loc. it 111. A. Dev (1) 6907 It it Y. 14acii (1) Harry Schnitzer 2703 Territorial Rd. Junk Dlr 6956 Alvin Orth 930 Raymond Restaurant ?000 11 On Sale Yalt it it Off -Sale Malt it Cigarette Frank Jaworski 158P Corio Gas Sta 2P 7011 11 11 Auto Rep Gar 11 3t. Francis DeSales Church On Sale 1,.,It 7016 657 Jarms it Bowling 6 A. it it it 11 it Cigarette COUNCILMEN C. F. No. 166847—By Norris 00.1—r- Adopted by the Council _195— F. son—S—enn A. MortinsOn obert Yeas Nays Pl="�. That He— applied' for list on Halvorson by the per.... cooled ­ attached to this resclutt ' Trd ...e are hereby lied - d Phe I TTt 0 i= - Holland City Cierk is instructe, licenses upon the payrnerlt into the Ap proved---.-- _195— Marzitelli Cit,, treasury of tile requ r I.Adopted by the Courel an '4' Mortinson Approved January (January 23. 195c Mayor Peterson Rosen ---Against Mr. President, Daubney SM 2-53 -05E�­ Vi6l' Origin.1 t, City Cl�k CO NCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE COMMITTEE 6OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY January 15, DATE 1954 COMMISSIONER-_ PAGE NO. 2 (Renewals) Max Binder 195 W- 11-th Pki, Lot Ap,�- 7031 Renewal Jolin I'lann 94? W- 7th Barber 7o36 Stanley Machovec 999 W. 7th Grocery 7086 11 Butcher off Sale Yalt Ci,,,arette it it Arthur Tondevold 2311 Coro Barber ?08F,,, Joseph, Degidio 425 W. 7th Restaurant 7121 11 On Sale Malt Off Sale Malt Bowling 4 'Ci-, rette Hotcl Cortipodo,,�e# Inc, 75-79 N- Western Restaurant 7127 11 Cigarette Dance 11,11 1 11 Hotel 130R. Gec,-ge C.lictznecker 1338 Thomas Butcher 7130 Thomas 'W. Cum.tings 2156 University 2nd Hd. Auto Dlr. 7133 Andrew Laurinetz 475 W -7th Barber 7137 M v arvin L. Buber 51-' S. Smith Gas Sta 3P 711A, 11 11 V. Arthur 11. Schultz 736 N. 3nell�ng Barber Raymond Schouveller 526 W. 7th Barber 7165 Leo. R. Boutell 469 N. Snei�ing Restaurant 718 ' 4 On Sale Malt Off Sale Ealt COUNCILMEN C!Ado*deby the Council---!— 195— Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved-- _195— Marzitelli Mortinson ---In Favor Mayor Peterson Rosen ---Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 -4�7' 16i0re Original I, City Clark CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. FILE LTCEN31] - CON:E TEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY January 15. 1954 COMMISSIONER— DATE PAGE NO- 3 (Renewals) Clarence E. Ridge 407 S. Wab;�sha Barber An 7187 Renewal J. E. Watkins 23411 W. 7th Barber 7206 James Seibert 287 E. Fu,ley lee Dely. I T. 7214 American Car. Co. 747 14- P,ior Restailrant 7235 it 11 - CiLL, arette 11 Arth,jr A. Carlstrom 234 N. Snelling �'as Sta 5P 7239 11 11 V. M. Loc. (T�rs.) 1,1ary B. Erickson 725 W. 7th Restaurant 7249 1, On Sale Yalt Off Sale 1,1alt Cigarette Frank Varner 126( 13ohn Auto Rep Gar 7254 It 11 V. 11. Loc. 11 Eugene Plenty 765 V. 7th Ld,,, & D,C.Pickup 7255 James Ricos 617 University Barber 7260 Emil E. Kludt 670 Grand Barber 7265 Robert E. & Kenneth E. Pittelkow 419 S. Hardine Grocery 7266 11 Butcher It it Orf Sale 14alt Cigarette Ivy R. Fagen 495 Selby Barber 7273 Joseph Grabowski Joseph D. 1,1urphy 350 University Gas Sta 3P 7282 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council __195— Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved-- _195 Marzitelli Mortinson ---In Favor Mayor Peterson Rosen --Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-68 -49D- 060-1 1, City CI�k I,, ; 8 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. FILE LICEYSE -COK':ITME OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY January 15, 1954 COMMISSI ONER__ DATE -- PAGE 110. 4 (Renewals) R. A.B. Corooration 617 Selby Restaurant kpp. 7284 Renewal 11 11 Cigarette 11 U 11 Thorra s Skarda 1015 W. 7th Restaurant 7290 11 it On Sale� Malt Off Sale Malt Cifarette James F. O'Gara 164 N. Snelling Restaurant 7308 it it On Sale Ilalt 11 11 Off Sale 11alt it Cigarette Fred A. Dahnke 2436 I-1yrtle Gro cery 7312 CiFarette It It I�elvin E. Julson 339 Wabalisa Barber 1 7316 1,rthur F. Slater 1557 University Restaurant 7322 it 11 Ci�arette It Florence K. Holgate 778 S. Fairview Beauty Shop 7321, John J. Littfin 121 W. Winifred Barber 73Z4 Dan T Peterson 1630 University 2nd lidl Auto Dir 7327 E. W. FaYJ,strom 2913 Njcqljet, Ynis - Photographer 7331 BeiTnard P. Comiskey 492 Jackson Butc�� hdr 7333 1�rs. Ida Loskovitz Katz & Dennis &- Hubert I'larz 647 University Confectionery ?1336 11 11 Off Sale 11alt CiFarette COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 6 M 2-63 -09B�- 7 - --In Favor ---Against Adopted by the Council __195— Approved . ...... _195 Mayor .m '� BJ�6817 CAKI-1 I, city Cl�k CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. LICTEF113E C011111—TEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY January 15, 1954 COMMISSIONER--- DATE - PA_— ITO. 5 Nici, J. Vilkiis lolo W. 7th Gas Sta 3P App. 7343 Renewal Thcmas J. & Marie M. Gannon 2728 W -7th Restaurant 7347 11 On Sale Malt it Off Sale Halt it Cigarette Nelvin J. Volkmeier 674 Dodd Rd. Restaurant 7349 On Sale Malt Off Sale Malt CiSarette It Robert J. Ga2livan 372 Wabasha Restaurant ?359 11 11 Ci�garette Jo�enh M. X03ride 13 -9 3. V.'rJasha Restaurant 7363 On Sale Ialt Off Sale 111alt Cigarette Robert Keese Forest Lake, b -inn. 111. A. D. Oper. 7364 Theo. Hill 100 Earl X. A. D. Loc. 7365 11 11 M. A. Dev (2) 11 Frank J. Johnson 299 Yaria M. A. D. Loc. 7366 11 11 M. A. Dev (2) 11 Hickey Bros. St. Paul Hotel, 363 St. Peter Confectionery it 7367 Cigarette Lester B. Eighen Reginald Burt 2192 1',% Kellogg Gas Sta 4P 73?5 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council-- ___195— Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved---195— Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor Mayor Peterson Rosen ---Against Mr. President, Daubney 5m 2.63 -.451RO" COUNCILMEN yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-63 -40�­ ---In Favor ---Against Adopted by the Council — 4 195— Approved —.---195— Mayor 16 6 S 4 7 Orl.i..1 t� CH, Cl.�k CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. LTCE'i,!SE COlRJTTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMJSSIONER-.-- DATE-�L_-Januay 15, 1954 PAGE No. 6 (RenewAl s) 1brthwest Plastics, Inc. 65 Plate V. M. Loc. Apo. 7376 Renelml Ci-arette 11 1,'.Alton W. Ischer 1201 Race Gas Sta 3P 7380 11 11 Auto Rep Gar Frwik. P. Conroy 6, 0. E. Ragogna Music 1,1ach (1) 7382 413 Robert Warren Peterson 960 Arcade If D. Loc 'A: 7383 M: Dev Andre,r Kapy)as & Louis Trigps 82 W. M 7th Restaurant 74u On Sale Malt 11 Off Sale Y'alt Ci,arette Geo. 0. & Rayrarnd Kohls 738 Thoras Restaurant 7408 On Sale Malt Off Sale Malt Cigarette Henry & OlCa A. Kroening 741 Edmund Restaurant 7410 On Sale Malt Off Sale Malt Cigarette Theodore W. Bies 678 University Confectionery 7412 Off Sale Yalt Cigarette COUNCILMEN yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-63 -40�­ ---In Favor ---Against Adopted by the Council — 4 195— Approved —.---195— Mayor 0011111 t, city cl�k CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL rILE NO. L10E1bE.*CMa1'TFE OFFICE OF THE CITY COERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM January 15, 1954 PRESENTED BY DATE--- COMMISSIONER--- Walter E.i4elson 118o E. 7th X. A D. �;tvItC3 Ap!). 7416 Renewal 11 11 M. A: 2 Henry & Cletus Wittman 1110 W. Larpenteur CoriffEetidnery Off Sale Malt 7424 Ci,arette Roland, Elof & Harold Lundin 964 Rice Grocery 7436 it 1. 11 Butcher it it Off Sale 11alt 11 11 Cig arette Woods Cho6olat Shop 14 W. 5th Confectionery 7442 W. E. Patterson & W. A. Schaller 1130'l'l- Snelling Auto Rep Gar R. J. Kola 1565 Sherburne Barber 7445 Tillman Larson 1324 W. 7th Elec App Rep 7446 Anthony & Bert Friedmann 2661 W - 7th Ori� Cont 7448 11 11 Off Sale I-1alt Ryan Hotel Co. 402 Robert On Sale 1�alt 7485 it off Sale Malt Tavern (IM4TM) Neree Cloutier 46 Caubridge Gas Sta 3P 7512 Nicholas A.Opitz lOo8 Thomas l4tr Veh Dr. 7538 Nathan H. Chesler BenRose 2389 University Cigarette 755411 Karl N.3torey 756 N. Snelling Cigarette I 15195— COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Cof9cjNy Yeas Nays JAN 15 1954 Halvorson Approved--- --195— Holland Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor Mayo Peterson Rosen --Agains Mr. President, Daubney SM 2-53 Orldi­l is City Ci,,k CO NCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILEY NO. OFFICE OF TIE CITY CLE11 UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 1 (1 __661148 RESOLVED, that Klein's Super Markets, Inc. be permitted to establish and operate an employees' parking lot in con- nection with its building at the southwest corner of Como Avenue and Packard Street, also known as 1810 Como Avenue, in accordance with permitteels plans, subject to compliance with the provisions of all ordinances 6overning the operation of parking lots, and subject further to the condition that the sidewalks abutting said premises be kept clean and free of ice and snow at: all times. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 1 .11-1.1 zliolland 7ra,titelli . E.. e Tson Rosen ".44r. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 _qm�o­ C, F. No � 166848—By N.trl. 0. H.Iv.,- Resolved That Klein's So kat�- '"' he ':—"td "' ":.�.Mbli. and operate a, pI.,-. Parking lot In conoestlon with its building at 6e' southwest comer of Como Awnue and, P ckard Street. also knowon at 1810 C= Avenue. in accordance with permittee's plains. subject to compli- -.a with the pronfitima, of or -di- I nartoas: 11 .g!rjgg Ze operation ol &'rk'n bjec, Earth r to a a.ngdllI- that the sidewalks abut- ting said premises be kept clean and tree of Ice and somw at all times. Adopted by the Council January 15, 954. Approved January 15, IE54. (January 23, 1954) jpt4 15 195-4 Adopted by the Council 195— JAN 15 1954 Approved---- --195- --In Favor MaYA� —Against OFFICE OF THE. COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St Paul 2, Minn. You are hereby notified that the ...... ....... 1953 the matter o apl: Council �f the City of St. and Paul Will Consider Como era f the )1'cat'on Of Klein Super Markets to in employee parking lot at corner of and I'ackard St (property located in Block 5j 6 and 7 t. the Southwest stail thOnY Park Ad tion and in an UnPlatted tr f land. and that a Public hearing will be held in the Co 0 House an uncil Charnber8 Of the Court St. Paul, d City Hall Building an January 14, , 1954 File a' 10:00 O'clock A.M. in the City of ,Qpo-(g -12440; Page 1 Milton. Rosen, Cornmissioner of Finan�e. City of St. Paul Office of City Clerk Date September 22, 1953 To Tionorable City Council of St.Palil, Minnesota AP-ILICATION is hereby made BY KLEIN SUPE13 i��RKETS, INC. (Namp Southwest Corner Como & Packard Street Ga 78di (Addre'ss7 - Phone No.) For permi�lsion to install. and operate a �'TLJ,!�JG SI'PPION DRIVE-IN Rrl,MPS�'TENT MISCELLANEOUS New ReTnodeled No. of pumps No. of gas tanks Cap. of each tank PARKT11G LOTi Custaner Employees Private Public New X. Remodeled i--, - (to be crusLied rock and oiled) to he used in connection with Wholesaie Grocery darehouse Location: Lots Block Addition also described as (Street and Number) Klein SuT)er Markets, Inc. kSignature �f �Aplic.11nt KKK x BY x1KxxA (Add4uEast lUth St. Ga '1881 -s� �Fhone No.) Plan Approved by- Date Date Approved Re,-*cted Board of Zoning Comm. Public Bldgs. Comm. Public Safety . Oricinal 1, City CI,,k PRESENTED BY 'CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO.L OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK t1l. RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED, that Klein's Super'Markets, Inc. be permitted to install and operate a private gasoline pump and tank at its new warehouse and office building at 1810 Como Avenue, said installation to be under the directlon and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubiiey 5M 2.63 -qgWl- F. No. 166949—By Nomis 0. Z -be Wed. That 10ein*s Supe t1mitted to Install alji`=Z%tt,� a Priva a 9mmUne pump aild tank at itj� la— —ch—e and office building iat a, 0 Codato Avenue. said itartalatio . be — er the direction and to the th�facth`- a' the COmmlwioncr of j Public Safety. WAdOPted by the C.—il January 15, 54. Approved January 15. 1954. (January 23, 1954S a 1� A JAN 15 1954 Adopted by the Council _195— 'JAN 190 Approved (--In Favor --IAgainst MRS. AGNES H. O'CONNELL City CI.,k CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE Mr. Timothy P. (�ainn Corporation Counsel 13 u 1 1 d i n g De,r Sir: HAROLD J. RIORDAN Chi.f CI.,k 4";'' C? ?" January 14, 1954 )� ; 4! 17 The Council rea ' uested that you draw a resolution or resolutions granting the attached applications of Klein's Super Markets Inc. for permission to instill and ouerate a private gasoline pump and tank and to establish and operate an employees' parking lot in connection with their building at the southwest corner of Como and Packard St. , vacated, also known as 1810 Como. Very truly yours, City Clerk The floard'of Zoning Saint Paul, Minnesota A. A. HECKMAN C. DAVID LOEKS MMIDING 0"I ­R _qW@ II=C�� _W ­ J. RIM W GRIM9 myo" GERAI. J_JUS VI�UMF H. SCHROMM. 279 CITY -COUNTY BUILDING SAINT PAUL 2# MINNESOTA January 13, 1954 Mrs. A. H. otconnell City Clerk Buidling Dear Madam: In Uhe matter of the aplica le i, ar1kets Ine. for per7lit - to .ticns of K nts snp,_r R, d a perml_t, to 4ns)tall and op,.rale a priv�:te �ascllno pu:q,- facility an an e.rT)1Oy1_CS' lot t,,ieir new aarehm�--e and office buildl.nr, located ad4ac�ent to the .0�ltnjqest corner of Co,.no Avenue and Packard Street, vacated: th �s I is also kno�,m as 1510 Como. is contaj,je�l i - i 'lie le, -al descri-�-,UO�� 0' -,hc trac-1. nrlu-trr Tne nro d ,+,i on. The zon 1 n- s I'll-L.ht" anfl "hP a�-e t -in',: will. be loc- �e I we]', ��- thin uose,j 1�ump Islands anal undergro�nnl -tor th_,5 acil ran �-.ave 0 - the sito anli, threfore, th,re is no r,,ossible c.ffect the use of a 1jacent, pronerty. The 7oning Board recowiends th-�t this p.crmit be granted subject to a favorable renort fro -i the -_�urcau of Fire Prevention. The employees' parkin��- lot ijll be ding � a capacity of approximately loc�teda!Jacent to the east side Of tile '�)uil, - J�Ith 22 cars. I is t� be served by a 321 drivew;r� which also will _)rovide acuess t, Ap,�,Iicantts olans call for cn� approach to the truck-lradini_- area to the sDulth- tnis rk�,n�: area to be set back a�proxim�ltelY 1,9' frola t��e line of Cc,,o Avenue. The Zonin�., Board finds no obJection tc t:, -,!F, nroros-,! r ecL.:,i��enu�: Vni I t,is permit t�) e3ta1,l-.isi'. lot be granted. Vei-; trulY :� s L-0 C. D. Loeks plannlnL, Director CDL:FS h; "xecutive Secretary nc. Zoning of I •a l 7 'Z - i t i < O - a o <oj '. � 1 7 c � J a a H CL- R a - 4 r 1 ! ! o 0 I OrIzi­1 1, City Cl�rk PRESENTED BY CITY OF ST. PAUL CE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTION—GENERAL COUNCIL FILE NO. RESOLVED, that Donald A. Lux be permitted to establish and operate a drive-in "Dairy Queen" refreshment stand on the southwest corner of Snelling and Hague Avenues, in accordance with Plans dated January 1954, subject to the approval of the building by the City Architect. COUNCILMEN Yeas ­ Nays —1al-vorson ­11olland —Aarzitelli ­go�rtinson ,'feterson ,-Rosen Mr. President, Daubney,""" 5M 2.53 -06j�0­ F�Zo. 166850 --By Norris 0. Halvor- Resolved, That Donald A. L..' be permitted to establish and operate a drive-in "Dairy Queen" refreshment stand on the southwest corner of Snelling and Hague Avenues, In c- cgdanceb with plans dated Jan 1 4 t uary btdl�j..' yettheo the approva, the City Architect. 4 Adopted by the Council January 15. 1 1954. Approved January t5. 1954. (January 23, 1954) JAN 15 1%4 Adopted by the Council 195 ,,, [� 15 ISM Approved ---In Favor MajW A_ -Against OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul 2, Minn. ........... 195.4.. You are hereby notified that the Council of the City of St. Paul will consider the matter of application of Donald A. Lax, for permit to build a new drive—in refreshment business at the southwest corner of Snelling and Hague. s, and that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building on January 141 , 1954 , in the CitY Of St. Paul, at lo:oo o'clock A.M_. File 12450; Page 1 Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Finance. MR�. AG4S H. O'CONNELL 'city Clark . CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE -41" January 14, 1954 Mr. Timothy P. QAiRn Corporation Counsel B u 1 1 d i n g Dear Sir, The council requested that you draw a resolution granting the attached application of Donald A. Lux for a permit to establish a drive-in "Dairy queen" refreshment stand on the southwest corner of Snelling and Hague, in accordance with their plans dated January 1954, and subject to the usual conditions. Very truly yours, City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Chief Clerk 1 (�f 1( C". i � �� The Board of Zoning Saint Paul, Minnesota A. A. HECKMAN C. DAVID LOEKS �Vm �Wmy W a.1m. MY= � MaH GM— W. J. R1= —U. 279 CITY—COUNTY BUILDING SAINT PAU L 2, MINNESOTA January 13, 1954 Mrs. A. H. O'Connell City Clerk Building Dear Madam: In the matter of the application of Donald A. Lux for a permit Lo establish a drive- in tiDairy Queen" refreshemnt stand on the southwest corner of Snelling and Hague: the property is described as the east 1001 of lots 1 and 2 and the east 1001 of the north half of lot 3, block 8, Schroederts Addition. The zoning is t1cormnercial." The property under consideration was classified as "C" residence in 1922. Due to the development of c onimercial facilities in the area since that time, however, the land was re -zoned in October 1953 to its present commercial classification. The applicant's plans call for a standard bullding directly adjacent to the corner of Hague and SnellinC with a driveway from Hague and a drive -way from Snelling. The park'ng area which will have a capacity of approximately 19 cars will be appropriately surfaced and enclose with the necessan, fencing and curbing. The applicant proposes to Drovide considerable space adjacent to the west and south boundary lines of the property which will be planted with shrubbery and trees to screen the view of this facility from the adjacent residential property. When the Board of Zoning transmitted its recommendation to the Council concerning the re -zoning of this property, it pointed out to the Council that it -would not, as a general proposition, recommend favorably on the utilization of this tract as a drive-in refreshment stand or a filling station. After considerable study and careful review of the applicant's plans and proposed operation, the Zoning Board feel,9. however, that the particular proposal before the Council is of such merit as to warrant deviation from its nrevious recommendation that a drive-in business of this type should not be esta�lished here. The Zoninc Board feels th�it the applicant's plans have been developed in such a way so as to reasonably protect adjacent property from possible adverse effects that could accrue from a facility of this kind. The Zoning Board also takes note of the fact that the applicant proposes to use this tract as a customer parking area during the periods of the year that the drive-in facility is not in operatio'n thus relieving a critical traffic and park�.nC problem in this area. In ccnsideration of these factors, the Board of Zonn,7 recom�iends th-it this permit be granted. Ve ly aurs, 11DL.F S 7ceks pnc. Plannln�,, Director 'Ode Z�A, �4, 1-,,Ih 3z 19 -tt ',5 Al A-1 4 VE. ity of St. Paul Office of City Clerk Date December 16, 1953 411� To Honorable City Uouncil of St. Faul, Minnesota APPLICM01' is hereby made B,v Donald A. Lmc (Name) 2046 Iglehart Avenue., St. Paul Midway 6284 (Address) (.--hone No.) For permission to install and operate a DRIVL-Ii�, K,�KS�%iLNT 4DSODU32ECM New EJ Remodeled CD No. of pumps_ No. of Pas tanks Cap. of each tank P�RXIOG LOT, Customer Lm 1 ass Private Public Oe�r ED 'a 1---5 C) Remodeled 0 to he ised in connection v;ith at 100 feet of Lots I and 2 and East 100 feet of the North half of Lot 3, Block 7, Schroeder's Addition 0 Location. I�Lotls Block Addition also described as Southwest corner of Snelling and Hague --no street no. assigned. (Street and Number) ljul��Si'g-nJture of) Applicant) 3y 2c46 Iglehart, St. Paul Midway 284 (Address) (Phone No.) Plan 4pproved by: Date Date Approved Rejected Board of Zoning Cow. of T`ublic Bldgs. Comm. of Public Safety Origin.] in city Cl,,k CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL 6' N FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PRESENTED BY NCIL,�71_UTION—GENERAL FORM C0M.SSI0.E1_j&_L 6AT, RESOLVED, that the Master Contract between the City of Saint Paul and the Minnesota Hospital Service Association for payroll deductions for hospital service benefits be and the same is hereby amended as of February 1, 1954, to provide that the cost of Plan 3 shall be $4.00 per month, and $1.55 per month, for subscriber and family dependents and subscriber only, respectively; the cost of Plan 5 shall be 04.60 and $1.75 per month for subscriber and family dependents and subscriber only, respectively, and the cost of Plan 9 shall be $5.70 per month, and 82.15 per month for subscriber and family dependents and subscriber only, respectively. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson ---In Favor Peterson Rosen ___2�gainst Mr. President, Dauloncy 6M 2-63 -AW" No. I 8Sl—Bv,Ag!toft Rosen, by c,l C r Resolved, That the Mast between the City of What P�r Contrtahet au and I Minnesota Hospital Service A to edg:tion to, tun, n s hospital s'�vlPayroll fid cc bene is and the name Is' hereby amended as of Februn 1, 1 954, to provide that the cost of I- 3 shall be $4.00 per month, and 55 Per month. for subscriber and fallily dependents and subscriber only. re- spectively; the cost of Plan 5 shall be d Ijn11 o"th for. ub- Nit'- a..d 1. Ypde,.PT rutents and ub- criber only, magectively, a PI s 11 V. the. cost f,,an9q a )he $5.70 per nth and $2 Per mant for subscriber and iU .,y dependent, and subscriber only, etively. Adopted by the Council J.nu­y 15,1 1954. 1 Approved January 15. 1954, 1 (January 23. 1954) Adopted by the Council _195— JAN 15 190 Approved--195— May MRS. AGNES H. O'CONNELL City Clark HAROLD J. RIORDAN Chid Clark CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital Of MinnGwfa OFFICE OF CITY CLERK 111111 01 RECORDS :1116 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE December 11, 1953 2 3 Mr. L. 0. Seamer Chairman, Technic,�_l Committee B u 1 1 d i n p Dear Sir: The Council referred to the Insurance Sub—Committee of the Technical Committee, for study and recommendation, the attached letter of Minnesota Hospital Service Association with reference to an increase in their rates. Very truly yours, City Clark 0 MINNESOTA F C I I u! �NAI' Cl A 2610 UNIVERSITY AVENUE, ST. PAUL 14, MINNESOTA NESTOR 9477 1,)53 DEC 1 0 PM 2 2 55 December 3, 1953 SAINf -,0T�I',NE-S0TA City of St. Paul CITY CLERK St. Paul, Minnesota Attention: Insurance Cowdttee Gentlemen: Purs u&nt to the Master Contract dated the 18th day of December, 1951, between the Minnesota Hospital Service Association and the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, acting through the Insurance Board, we are hereby giving you no ti ce of an increase in rates as hereinafter set out. This notice is given pursuant to Paragraph 5 of the modifications of terms under the Master Contract which provides that the right to change rates for the contract on 30 days notice is waived, with the further proviso that the Service Association reserves the riFht to amend the contract or change the rates on February 1 of each year by giving a 30 day notice of the change. You are hereby notified that the monthly charge for the group Plan 3 contract for subscriber only will be increased from $1.40 to $1.55 per month. The group Plan 3 for subscriber and family dependents will be increased from $3.60 to $4.00 per month. The group Plan 5 for subscriber only will be increased from $1.60 to $1.75 per month. The group Plan 5 for subscriber and family dependents will be increased from $4.10 to $4.50 per month. The group Plan 9 for subscriber only will be increased from $2.00 to $2.15 per month. The group Plan 9 for subscriber and family dependents will be inc- ased from $5.30 to $5.70 per month. Ir The above increases will be effective February 1. 1954 Sincerely, Arthur M. Calvin President AMC:gh 1) 33 1953 B1 Ue Cross 201h It Filliversary INTHUR M. CALVIN T. MINNESOTA HOSPITAL SERVICE ASSOCIATION . MINNESOTA MEDICAL SERVICE INC. COUNCIL 0152 '01*1111 to city Mel, CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I L RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED By COMMISSIONER ��Z' - -..4 pl� DATE tilanuary 11. 1954 RESMV0 C., F., No. 16052—BY Frank D. MaMi- ell — Resolved. That the Northern States b That the Northern States Power Company be P—r C-rap.try .c givercyp to - - a.. 6 Univo`rtslUty Aver= a %= pole in . East If P ... at .rac given permission to install one pole In Gr.h.-. atl'ley I'll" If S—, south .1 11 P01�11'01 . Ilebr..k.. east of Rent, an ale % West 'I .I Ki ngsford, north of Je..ani.c de . vith necessary guYs. anchors and v,ir— �d , alley north of 111niversity lveme, last of Poles an W les to be ernovd vhen t��cluc-,I�drl. do an b, 111c.C. Inon , In, . d cost of said -to val to be b. Pascal, one pole in alley east of Sue, Car by tl� Northern State, P,we, 'y ,Adopted by the Co—cil January 15, 54. south of Graham, two Poles on W. Nebraska,� Appr­d J.n..,y 15. 1954. (January 23. 1954) east of Mont, one pole on West aide of Kingsford, north of Jessamine, with Mesa - eery gays, anchore and wires. Poles and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. JAN 15 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council--195— Yeas Halvorson Nays JAN 15 1954 Holland Approved �195 Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor Peterson Mayo� Rosen __:L_Against Mr. President, Daubney 6M 2-53 -APO"' Origin id to City Cl,rk COUNCIL 6 15 3 CITY OF ST. PAUL HLE NO. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PIESINTED 1Y GENERAL FORM '14, 1954 January DATI� RESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor and hereby awards contract for furnishing all laboF, materials and scrvices necessary and reasonably incidental to the completion of the Installation 0 of Gas Fired Unit Heaters and Ventilation at the Public Works Garage located at 370 East Eighth Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, to THEO. G. HELLE & COMI?ANY, in accordance with City plans and specifications and the Formal Bid No. "06 of said Theo. G. Helle & Company at a contract price of $2697.00, such bid bein� the lowest and said Theo. G. Helle & Company bein�_, the lowest reliable and reasonaltile bidder and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor and the rroper City o4ficials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf C. F. No. 166053—By Frank D� MsrZi- of the City of St.Paul. tc111- Resolved. That the C ... it hereby approve', the award of the Contract Committee therefor and hereby words F.B. #44o6. contract for furnishing all labor. ran tori.la ad se"k,es re—aary tiri� -asonablY Incidental to the completion of the Installatiou of Gas Fired Unit Heaters and Ventilation at the Public Works Cars c located at 370 East I Eighth Street St. Paul, NII—caota. to THEO. G. HELLE & C.unpard,. in or-; cordance with CAY Plans an spurn - 's. F, -11 End No. 4406 Heil. I I i.n 'G & C ="Ybidt i�, ,.d I T so contract price of $2697.00, uc belog t1cC1.,.1'1a1j"'1,gc, said Thu.. H 1, ng the 1—tst P,s reliable oil reasonable bidder and the r.tiou C n,,i be and hereby 11 ,I dC�.'Ta . up he proper fo,", ad in g I therefor and c proper of contract City offici 1, hereby are aullicnotel said run "act no bchslf W �1111 atly"11.1 ii. Paul. 1 13. ... 4,1.. Adopted by tho Council J­'jo�r J;', v*4' Appl,11d J.�Inuaor� 15. 1954 (J,unia. y 23. 19541 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays JAN 15 1954 Halvorson Holland Approved--"'— Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor May Peterson : Rosen —0 --'Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M �53 -43� .. C. F. No. 166854-1668 Resolved. That ch a be dra— moncr ".",-S,"o, 4ry' 1. the V' .1te. CITY OF SAINT FAUL .. crij checks C.UN.IL ME NO.-- -beced to ill.l. in l a per cheek.508.811file in itic .l h" 'a COUNCIL RESOLUTION TO the PRINTER C'Aty Comptm ler. 1954 copied by the Council January 15. Jan. 14 54 Approved JanuarY23 15 ig 19511. (January . 54) R S ED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON TVg,,CgY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 332 , MW XOPMX2M , COVERING CHECKS NUMBEREDA�_TO_ 58919 —INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_ __ JAN15195-4 __ ____19_ APPROVED— JAN 1. 5 1954 -19-- NOTICE To CITY OF SAII­ PAUL PRINTER COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO-_ Jan. 13 54 19 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 30 '60 $ 30.1 ?99.65 COVERI NG CHECKS NUMBERED­�8-46 - _� j � � 5_ ----TO-5� --INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL- JAN 15 1954 19 94 C" m­� JAN 15 is, APPROVED_— SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 2 154 612 o5 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL DUPLICATE 70 CITY C1_ER1 OFFICE OF THE COMPTRC?LLER FILE NUMBER HALVORSON ROL_e�ALL HOLLAND AUDITED CLAIMS Jan. _13 - .A "ZLL' -IN M. FIT N- PETERSON FAVOR RESOLVED, THAT -ECKS BE U-- ON THE CITY TREASURY _-D-AINST ROSEN IN THE AMOUNT OF $ 799- 65 COVERING MR PRES,DAUBNEY JAN 15 1954 .301 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCILZ�7�__7­77_7:�-- C.EC_ No 443� 7, INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECK. FILE IN OF 1 -7 COMPTROLLER, AE'&ICE Z APPROVED--­,�, --I !::zi: 10 Y - TOTAL DATE CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER C H ECK RETURNED DISBURSEMENT BY BANK S CHECKS BROUGHTFORWARD 1_852 812.40 58816 los. Pavlioek, 52 47 58817 111 67 97 58618 23 68 58819 32 23 58820 A,nerican National bk. of St. P. 242 7-51 11 58821 N. W. Bell Telephjne Co. 268 05 3882Z FiArwell ozmun Kirk and Co. 663 91 58823 11 189 21 586Z4 The Kenno: Co. 15 45 58825 Lax Electric Co. 87 02 58626 N. W. Bell Telephone Co. 273 o6 58827 a a 257 70 58628 Supt. of Documents 26 25 50629 Go. 6elfare Board 39 307 09 58630 Milton Rosen -Postal Revol. F. 1 979 96 58831 American Linen Supply Co. 300 73 36632 0 Aviation Publications 7 50 3683) Automitive Service Co. 22 07 58834 Blaaop Tow. Service 191 00 38635 Berglund Lbr. Go. 341 go 56,336 '1 33o 65 58637 br1s8man-K:1111ea; Co. 33 76 58838 Capitol Stati nery and Rf g. C. 88 50 38639 v N 148 39 38840 carpenter Paper Co. 152 49 .5ob41 Crane Co. of Minn. 64 82 56842 Cudahy Pack. Go. 87 47 38643 it. C. Duncan Co. 22 o6 58644 Fai-hell Uzmun Kirk and Co. .319 22 5884.5 Friden CalculBi.ting Machine 36o oo 38846 ha6en Supply Co. 239 47 58847 John F. Hand 228 23 58848 Lineer Broom Mfg. Co. 97 02 36849 Theo G. Helle and Co. 8_5 lo 58650 Hudson Map Co. 11 25 58851 Ivanov Studio 1 23 38852 C. W. Loomis Co. 290 25 588-53 Minnesota Salt Go. 3 100 00 58834 Museum Books Inc. 13 78 58635 R. A. Myers Co. 64 oo 58856 Nelson oil Co. 529 44 58857 0 v 111 205 24 58838 Nicole Dean and Gregg Co. 346 19 56859 Nort�iern St-tes Power Co. .526 76 5686o Northern " # 4 tK)6 .5? 58861 N. W. Beil Telephone Co. 251 85 58862 IN IN IN 340 75 58863 Utis Llevator Co. 67 3o 38664 Park t4achine Inc. 184 o4 -158665 PepBi-Cola Bottlin6 CO. 5z6 4o 38666 PittsoLIrgh PI-te G1,6B Co. 1 218 59 58867 Price Eiec. Co. 196 47 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 2 154 612 o5 iV �,2, -, r,� CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL DUPLICATE 0 CIT4 CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTRQLLF-R FILE NUMBER R971�CALL Jan. 14 HALVORSON! AUDITED CLAIMS .0 LLAINU MAHZITELLI -IN FAVOR MO ----N PETERSON RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAVVN ON THE CITY TREASURY ROSEN --AGAI NST IN THE A.01JUAd 0 20- 80 — — COVERING MR. PRIES DAUBNEY jRN L 5 1954 CHECKS NO -TO-- 58919 INCLUSIVE. AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI------- PER CHECKS ON FILE T:7 F�' I'C I IF THE CITY COMPTROLLER., ... ER APPROVED --- BY TOTAL DATE RETURNED %/ CHECK N FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT NUMBER BY BANK C H ECK S CHECKS BROLIGHTFORWARD 2 154 612 03 SHEET TOTAL-FORWARLI 2 183 232 85 38668 American Had. & Std. S. Corp. lo 4o4 32 72 84 38669 Farwell ozmun Kirk and Go. 3 650 79 38870 Inland.Coal and Dock Co. 62 58871 Lax Electric Co. 197 38872 N. W. Refining Co. 1 355 72 3887 Villaume box and Lbr. Go. 335 78 58874 R. B. whitaoe and 00. 233 51 58875 M. B. Coffee Co. 216 00 56876 A. Y. mo Donald Mfg. Co. 6 629 85 58677 W. B. Martin Lbr. Co. 81 90 36678 140 Canns Exterminating Go. 10 00 '56679 McGowuns 8 95 68880 Meredith Publishing Co. 1 8o 38881 Midwest Conference of Bldg. Orf. 25 00 58882 Minn. Fence and Iron Works 393 00 58683 11 News Co. 196 95 36884 Morehouse-Gorha-m Co. 3 78 38883 Montgomery ward and Co. 20 45 38886 Motor Power Equip. Co. 135 00 38887 Wm. Naiditch Co. 31 go 38888 Nati,nal Assoc. Seodndary S. P. 2 82 38889 Neubauer Carbon and Ribbon C. 13 30 58890 N. W. Bell Telephone Co. 258 10 38891 N. W. Cigar Corporation 36 al 38892 N. W. Bell Telephone Co. 125 12 38893 N. W. Radio & Eleo. Supply 0. 8 76 58894 N. W. Hanna Fuel Co. 116 11 38893 Novak and Ohri8tensen Meat 0. 74 64 38896 Nutting Truck and Oaster Co. 3 76 58897 A. L. Okun Go. 6 84 58898 Omega Mach�ne Co. 33 00 38899 E. J. Pennig Co. 3 686 34 58900 Henry H. PIttlekow 3 00 38901 Proctor and Gamble Distr. 99 84 38902 Progress Pattern and Foundry 49 1 38903 Pub. Affairs Inforin-tion Serv. 100 00 58904 6juality Park Envelope Co. 159 73 38905 Ramaley Print. Co. 489 oo 38906 Aoyaj Packard Inc. 2 42 389,11 St. Louis ll,,b.Llc Library 2 00 56908 St. Paul Jobbing Co. 24 69 38909 4 0 Linoleum Co. 1`73 00 58910 N N Plbg. and heat. Co. 234 73 38911 0 IN Sausa6e Co. 122 2_5 58912 0 d weld. and Mfg. Co. 12 91 56913 Sinclair liefining Go. 19 78 38914 Standard Duplicators 21 00 38915 N Storat;e Battery C. 427 40 38916 w. C. StantDn Lbr. Co. 187 40 58917 Steonert Hafner Inc. 113 17 58918 H. S. Stuttman Co. 36 98 58919 Sweeney Cleaners Inc. 6 ?5 SHEET TOTAL-FORWARLI 2 183 232 85 j it n - 2nd -- Laid over to 3rd and app- �;44�Adoptcd Yea. ay� Yeas N"'Y" 'Hplvor... "Holland NFA-itelli /Mcirlinson I.e>t,..n /R ... n o'c Mr. P—ident Daub.'ey Z -Mr. Pr—ident Daubney oriede,el w City Clerk ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO— PRESENTED I ORDINANCE NO fc), 7�ez c. r. xo. 'Mia' No. IQN7- -11 F-rik .4=-- A. rdlaacca .—ndia, Ordia— No. 607. aatilld. . -==':n= An ordinance amending Ordinance IWO. 7607, enti giftm�#VUGW.'�fo, the of the ed Service of, ;Vroved Febrtuny, 13. HW, " anee de(L I "An ordinance fixing the duties and reopo d""Pria" "r`M:�y ordinance t bilities and the minimum qualifications for he var of the p=11c Me-. h!t1i'lTd classes of positions in the Classified Service of the-- remelt of the . City of saint Paid city" approved February 13, 1935, as amended. This is an emergency ordi narce rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peaoe, health and safety. TM OOWCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PALP DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved Yebruary 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by strildng out the following ti - and the specifications therefor: Assessment Clerk Sagineering Clerk Rodman Surveyor's Aide Valuation & Assessment Clerk Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in their proper alphabetical order the following titles and specifications: APProved an to form ��ration C'nuilsel. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council %0bAfAe&&W -H8W6rffMr-- Holland in Favor MarziteUi Mortinson A gainst Petersoft In Rosen Mr. President (Daubney) App ved Attest: 7 Mayor City Clerk /Q-5 VA V1 In 11, 2nd__J�_ I -aid over to -- P 3rd and a P_ AdoptM Yeas ays:�� Yeas Nays ZHalvorson K /Y-Iland 7H.1 and Alar.itelli '19� R 11' /�ortinson /Pe�er..n 4'.terson /Rosen fir. President Dauba'�y �M r. President Daubney I t. Cie, Cl ­k ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO— ORDINANCE No PRESENTED Bj_� F. No. 166856 -Ordinance No. 1047-1 BY Frank D. mmiltent- ord inance arnending Ordl� 607. entitled. n ordinance tne duties and btlftl­ d p -filba— qal- . vt ,�4jr _,�: �� An ordinance amending ordinance No. 7607, entitl S_d_ '1�1 n —ndect. "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsi-'� bilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of po sitions in the Classified Service of the Paul city," approved February 13, 1935, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. TRE COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by strildng out the following titles and the specifications therefor: Assessment Clerk Engineering Clerk Rodman Surveyor's Aide Valuation & Assessment Clerk section 2. That said ordinan 0. as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in their proper alphabetical order the following titles and specifications: Approved an to form /Co -oration Counsel. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the -Ehivargon— Holland n Favor Marzitelli Mortinson A gainst Peterson a Rosen Mr. President (Daubney) App�� Attest: mayor City Clerk JM 542 -Qj�0-8 /0 j 7- V � Title of class: ASSESSIUM CL-','Rl( J'f�,.tjeg and revr.onB ibili tier � Under f--eneral supervision, to perform d5.fficult mid responsible clericcLl work involving the computation of special zseesment costs; and to perform related work as assigned. v.xamplF-s of work performed: To locate property from plat, by legRl description to abstract the came from field noten, and compute lineal foot f:'On!;aCf, quantiGies, and costs for the purpoi3e of opreading assesoments. To rev�se aesessmente and frontagen ae required for new platting and division of tracts of land, To spread. oiling and oprLnkling asFesri.�ientB, To lay out ano. map street flushing routes, and prepare tho list of streete to be oiled, To extend quontities on iork done by the sidewalk crews, and figure the total �ob costs to be nubmitted to the Yinance Douart,iient for spreading of assessments. To issue sidewal�: permits or receive n ,etitions for sprinklIng. To explain individual assessments to property owners, and to give information as to -arocedure for obtaining sprinkliY,.L: service or new sidewalk�. Minimum que-1 if !cat -'�.Ons' mathematics HiC -F -P)Ve-ical- 'h school r ,r,duation, with courses in Reehaftlet-4 OEI ee"Fieet a�ad eight yoars� clerical experience, at least three years of which must have been as a senior clerk in assestment wo�"k; or two years of college engineering or mathematics. Title of class: A,5811`11dqT SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS /0 ) V4- ) Duties and responsibilities: Under direction, to aosist with the supervision of the registration of voters and the holding of elections; and to perform related work as assigned, Examples of work performed: To assist in supervising employees assigned to the permanent registration division, To supervise the filing of registration cards and the maintenance of the registration files, To answer questions relating to. naturalization, election procedure, and registration requirements. To assist in the supervision of the setting of the voting machines and to arrange for suitable voting places when necessary, Minimum qualifications. High school graduation and nine years' clerical experience, at least four years of whicii must have been as a senior clerk in the registration burf!au o' a city of the first class in the State of Minnesota which uscs votinF, machines- (4) Title of class: ENGINEERING CLMY,' Duties and responsibilities: Under general supervision, to wait on the public in matters pertaining to assessnentq, permits and abstracts; to issue permits and house numbers; to keep records and indexes; and to perform related 5ub-profes3ional work as assigned. Examples of work performed; To give information to c6ntractoro, engineers3 lawyers and the general public concerning width and grade of st-'Pts, and legal descriptions of property. To issus house numbers. To issue permits to public utility companies for blasting, moving, and use of streets. To keep records concerning the issuance of permits, bonds. To keep records and indexes; to have charge of plats, profiles and field notes; and to issue equipment and supplies to field men. Minimum qualifications: mathematics High school graduation, with courses tt=and eight years' clerical experience, at least ars of which must havC, bqen-asz d'ffbilior cl�r!, jr, an engineering office) or two years of college engineering or mathematics. 10) Title of class: Duties and rosponnibilf.Uep: (Indor Dapervi6ion, to vcutin�' Z;e).,A room work; E.n& to Derfc- i rkj,�qod wc�rl- �1" szei�-'C'u' E�n�.vt'Diae of wolI I�arforaipd To f-,'.ght rods, aiC: Zor and cet To i--�;c tapeo, chn.,ins, an,- I ��ud levelc, To rocord and ro".UCE, notc C � To mgike filaid ckbtchcc ol,�L fielc r,:)tre, To rcsist the chiet of in the al.,ei-ati6ii z,�z�d c;�I,o o. �1,-) Purveying; �o make ink traciN.-m, To check tind c14-,nge ausa['omcn�l' vocore'_ To Live 4nformation to the pv��))J.c oo,,, in,, 1� (--I enginefjrinp� ecorde, M'.nimvj,i qualific��bions: Y.igh school �,rrrduqtioa w.,.th .-� .,!or cours�)D In cq, tno. one "'a"IT I a &�'.Pariencs as an engiueerl-a�-- aiud' Or ra.iUvalenr- Title of class: VALUATION XND ASSESS1W =RK Duties and responsibilities: Unrier dircc':LorA, to be rc,�ponnqiblr foi- the cic�ricai. vo-1, in connection W*th the valuation anci salo of ta��-forfoit,,d property, and r.bL spreading of �Arsass:-.Y-rita for .ocal :iz�iproven,,�Ilts; and to perfain related work, as :lssi,�ned. Examples of vioric perfor:,iod: To make p.�eli:PLiary estL7,aLas of )-Z;sas��ablo fr��nta7,co. compute assessable frontagas for local i,7icovcwcn-1-,s f.rom maps and pints. To determine ratus per foo� from co3ts furni2h-,d and takinC into consideration th,- valuation cf the property, a7id to exLend assessment rolls. 'To revise assessments as required for platting or sale of lands. To search r)ublic records and asSeMble iniftrmiz-tion and sbctistics� and to prepare leports. To be responsible for the preparation of !Ists of public lands for class ifi cati oi i, appraisal and sale pLrposes Lmd to arrange for the requirLd legal publications. To see thet the, proper official. action is taken by thp City Council, County Board, and other gov�ririental subdivisions in connection with tne class ific ation, appraisal, sell:Lng, and leasinC of tax -forfeited property. To write and rovise legal descriptions. To be responsible for the prepaia tion of statemeni�s and receipto, and for the applications for the conveyance of lands, and to :qalce reoori, . � thereon to the State of Minnesota. To have char -Ce of tho collection of delinquent accounts mid the cancellation of dofaulLed cintraots. 'To oxplain hidividual asses 3ment, L� to property owners alid to give general irif.-)raiation as to procedure on assass.,.icnts, condemna-tiolea, street vacations, real. cstate taxes, etc. To suporvise &-Rployeee assisting with the abo-ve i�inLmu,a qualificationst Frif,;l su'hool -,Y'auu-a�icn snd tea ycars� cleric�2,1 o,-p_r!ej-,ce, Lt ,.east t1l.o �-�Lrs of �jhicli nwt have been cicrk. OrW,,d � City Clerk ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO.— ORDINANCE NO— PRESENTED BY Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the first day of the first payroll period after its passage, approval and jymblication. Yeas Councilmen Nays MviHalverson Holland Marzitelli Martinson Peterson Rosen Daubney) Atte�t V3424 Y V City Clerk �m 8 .-Approveii: FEB 3 1954 Passed by the Council In Favor kgainst FEB 3 1�54 Appro� Mayor a T`-7�2L C�f --- as_ — �e � -c aiw r�-Lz--ez S,�z -VI f!7. put -- 3f :-5slz "ll'ase r, lum- E tz :�-- - i� 1:-, - - :- " � - c -, -, � s � " " 7 3, K. -az t�� ls�up--)oe 'e.: �SZUE P.": me7, Z;Ua S Coo ZI, t-- or, m he s X, k, YE4rm 3f off4c:e. 3:, loc Or 7--thr-7,atics, Cf Title of cljgs: ASSESSI;-1-1,11i (!L��,K LC ti U G '.I r.d Z cEpcn C jb�.j i ti Cr, - Under Cenera-- supervision, to perform On'ficult and responciblo cleriortl work involvinE; the computatioj of special assessment coots; and to perform rclatOd work -Re Pssigned, `xamplEs of work performed: To locate pro-,)erty from plat, by legal desc��iption to abstract the came from ficld� notes, and compute lineal foot Irontago, quantitieG, rind costs for the purpo�3c of spreading ncaecemeat., To revinz� aeseso;-ants ar ,�. fronta6oa ex., ro(_,Ui rod for new platting and div.'.BiOrl 0--f trects of Land ' To spread oiling and sprinkling aasossments, 0 lay 0 -at ana map street flushing rouues, Pad T)reparo tho list of' streets to be oiled, To extend qusr-titieG an vork done by the sidewalk crews, and figure the tota-1 Job costs to be subbii�ted to the Anftncf) Dopart,,-iont. for spreadine of 'TO 1,86110 3idowall' pormits or receive petitions for upriniciing. j'O O:xplain indiviciiial assosqmente to 'Property cumers, and to �ivo information as To procedure for obtaining sprinklin,� Gervice or new eidewalkF, Minimum qi).aiifications� thematics Eilgh school craduntion, -with courses 1. srloncn-, and eight yoare� clerical experience, -it least three years of which must have been as a senior clerk in apsess.ment woi-I,; or two years of college engineering or mathematics. 7 'Pitle of class: YALUATTON XID ASS:31� j;�:T Cj- Dutie.s �,,nd respol�:sibilities. I u�r direct' -on, to be ,Of tr.f� w the val.1--t-ion. ajA sajo of PPOPE'VtY, and. the 3prea(j-­jp and to of fol. rol-Ited wurk a - Of J;Oy.1c Perfor.-nod: '20 ria,, -C o-3ti,.r.atos of fr,, CC):'PU-10 O.S�3��r�.�able Mani an'l TO (io';Cm iria raLcs, p -r fcf)t from - - , cOjt:, fllrli,­,'i,��d ar,! 1,t, corsid,3z,at:"Lo,�j t��o va]1.1a'Gion of tlj, [.,ro, '35GOSme,16 J -)JA". to j,_La�)d 'VC aSjC�3,3.'&aIS LIS :­�Uired for lards. To ;earch P"L.Lic r0001-133 ald a�_Gc�.b16 -,d ��Ild to rep,.rt3. To be for t -he j;:,cparat� 'or, or 3 i�s tb' Of PU.lic la,;,�t� fc,r cl assijCj. cat ion, ap C isa e xpo., un ar.d t,) , Pr, i Lmd sal T_ f 5 1 t �' e r e. q L, I _� 0 C' I o f -I a u b I t i c, 1 To 3c'! th,,t thd' p7,oTcr '*f�t­ - _. ' C ial Lc�2_0,1 Ls Y'al:C"I h� Lhe C-;ty Co"�n'C' 1. COI!ntY hOaTdc 7 , -)d uthOr In cormectio;- i�jje c]acsi-fication, P�rla' le�asirlC 0' ta�--fcrfa*.ted To %Ivite and joFa, YO bci 3­,�3pcnsible t'It eSc-**_Ptionr. and for' the ap-pl c pruparation of E"', atu� and t for th�-- couvo:�aiic��. oj,- Jar,(j,., ,o iial a r' -'Ports t"OrOM to t:io .;-�,at,j ol' t�imve,;,)��a. Po havo,c Cll`("�',e of b"IC 130_11ecti,)n canceilzition o�' dofo,,_13.1;oe� coll-,zt,ts To oxo:Lin 'Go oro!jC3,ty j�jqe:,,z, a;" to )r)��C,Lxo on aZ3�3cs It S. t Sb--cet real ­tab,,� G�.c �11'0 8LINI'Vise t��!r�joyr_.O with the ahcv� T,Ale of class: SUM` ZQ 77ndur cupirvitio-n. to )c*rfor,;i .7,,uGin,. __'iell Far;: (jl roo!� i,.,o-k; ane i,o -oerfos.n �.--LLtod virk, ns ps,,:;.� ii i� E��:Pmpl�e of worl, p,,),fon!.sd: To sl.. -ht rods, ui�,, --'o:, taid c,,jt 7.,onume;i�.z, TO U3e Or,'! hC,�,I' 10VO:, is rocord and i-od-,icri fle'A 110 Z ;1�, to 5, . iald �.katch,,,3 and pl�t fi3l, To k3zist the c1li'A 0_* ParLy in t -he (:,F,) t`13 rn:.:rvc,ying inctrum,.,�i;c_ io mwce ink traciat;i To chck and chnn�q a.3seFfn,e;�t rocorc- To CIve informantion ',,,) tl,.:, 1,)ZLIAC con�..,�rri 1, pnd enjinee,ing r�tcordL,. Uif,,h -,clhool �,rauwiticn vlLh ind on, year'6 eq, L,vicLui� -is ni; ai&, rm�ln, 01' vjuivalent Title of class: ENGINEERING CIxRK Duties and responsibilities: Under general supervision, to wait on the public in ,,-iatters pertaining to assessments, permits and abstracts; to issue permits Zd house numbers;,to keep records and indexes; and to perform related sub -professional work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To give inform ation to contractorL;, engineers, lairycrs and the general public concerning width and grade of streets, and legal descriptions of property. To issue house numbers. To issue permits to public utility companies for blasting, moving, and use of streets. To keep records concerning the issuance of permits, boids. To keep records and indexes; to have charge of plats, profiles and field notes; and to issue equipment and supplies to field men. Minimum qualifications-. High school graduation, with courses `Ln and eigIA years' clerical experience, -at least three y�� of which M=t hzve been-a!� a sellior cl-_�I,:. a_n an engineering offica� or two years of college crWineering or mathematics. - Title of class: ENGMERING CLERK Duties and responsibilities. Under general supervision, to wait on the public in matters pertaining to assessm.nts, permits and abstracts; to issue permits and house numbers; to keep records and indexes; and to perform related sub -professional work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To give information to contractcr�,, engineers, lawyers and the general public concerning Adth and grade of streets, and legal descriptions of property. To issue house numbers. To issue permits to public utility companies for blasting, moving, and use of streets. To keep records concerninF the issuance of permits, bonds. To keep records and indexes; to have charge of plats. profiles and field notes; and to issue equipnent and supplies to field men. Minimum qualifications: High school graduation, with courses in and eight years' clerical experience, at least three years of which mast have bgen-;,�� a scilior cl-L-1: D -a an - ig engineering office� or two years of college cnUiieer or mathematics. Title of class: ASSESSMINT (IMM butieo and responsibilities. Under general supervision, to perform d�.fficult and responsible clerical work involving the computation of special assessment coats; and to perform related work as assigned� Examples of work performed: To locate property from plat, by ler gal description to abstract the s=3 from field notes, and compute lineal foot frontage, quanticies, and costs for the purpose of spreading assessments, To revise arFeesp.:ants and frontages rs required for n9w platting and divici-oa of tracts of land. To spread oiling and spr-'nkling assessments, To lay out anc- map street flushing routes, and prepare tho list of streets to be oiled. To extend quantities on work done by the sidewalk crews, and figure the total job cents to be submitted to the Yinanco Depa�t.nent for spreading of asGessmentB, To issue sidewalk permits or receive notitions for Eprinlhling, �o expDAn individual assessments to property owners, and to give information as to procedure for obtaining sprinklizc service or new sidewalks, ,Ilinimum qus-'Uflcations� , mathem�Lti a Iiigh school gyaduation, with courses n telence- and eight yoaxE� clerical experience, at least three years of which must �-nvc been as a senior clerk in asracF,ment wo---�'.; or two years of college engineering or mathematics. Title of class: VALUATTON NNID ASSESS ;]'I�T Cl::R( Dut'es and respol-isibilitio9: Under diroctio:i, to be reso�ms--"Lic,, i�ac connection idith the valuation a-)6 sale of property, and the soreadin2 of assessm:'nts fov jc;�;aI and to perform related work as assiFned. ExcLapies of work performed: To make prcl-;-n,.*,nary ost--in�,cs of asz�assabll. fru7.�LaEIOL�. To compute asoessable fvorlUaGos for local 4-:�ilaovemont-- mapj and plats. ,�o deternine ratcs per font �rom cusu-, furnica,:�d intD conjidera';'ion th� valiv--,tion of the property, ar.J to o��Lend assussment rolls. revine assessitents as requ4xeri. for plattinj_� or salc of n d s To search public records and assjmble informc".-I.Gil and s,,atistLcs, and to �rxepa-e r3port3. To be responeibLa for the preparW 'on of licts of public. I-a;id3 for class ifi cation, a-,prEisal and aale purpo,.�es and to arvariFc fo�- the requ-ixed lo,,�al r�blicatio.'Is. 'ro see that the proper o-'Cicial actLon i.� taken b:j tht! --ty co�Ljcil. couity Board, orj,� other goverimental subdiv.�sioqs Ali connection wjh c2aasj -fication. alpi-aisal -1 1 and leasinu of taX-forfeited PrOPe--'tY. To write and revise legal 6oscriptious. To be, responsible f�r the preparaUon of statetuits �Ir- recaipt,L�-, and for the appiientions for the convcfzl�ckl cf lellds, Inc to ra,,:e rerorts thr-,reen to -1hc ��aItc of Minr-.'cs0+-�, �G have Cherie of tile cz)-ilect-ion of delim,i',e�accm� t� a�-.0 �O cancellata'or, of dcfa,�Itec! coTl.tl'acto, To expl-in i-Tid""'idlual assc.(Sr�le--'Its to -�Jrc)� ' ,enaral infc):mation z.5 to prol:e�iure on Cl' 11; �:ondc7aii�ti�w,:, Ltrect vacaItiono -, r2al C��t"lto taycs� TO Sup(--I,ViZL" �"u)'-oycos :'sSistillf-, 1�iniinua �Id t'n C' 1 in Title of claas: ]"J:*"E"c 'I�r reu�c'?-Lil'Uiticl— arlc - t . f� olk, "0 Z� d to d vc--'k 0 n "u To rods, af'.G Zoz, and uet moilulc'lti— , ot, ch"A.no� an�! hane levt).."� To L1,30 tup !'0 rocovt and reduce fiel�� T4(.-ou'� -o arike field uAcetcliet, =3 P10, fie-,, R'Dt�)J, jo the w.' pv�,ty �n the o�2cratiun v—dl cc.v� , inic trneings ir,-dc� To n=k aN COM aw"Mwt wwr" To gla WomMon " tne pjAsc cuacwniug Ac moment -n(l anynearing rowrds ,,:,Jar cwwaa-'t r ORDINANCE WiS,57 COUNCIL FILE NO— )�d PRESENTED ll� ORDINANCE NO-----L� — C. F. No. 166857—ordinanee No. 10248 -- By Frank D. r4ar�ltett,_ An orch— , Or.— .. ding t...'n ,1miniMrat've. ordinance relat- ";.V� — - tb, An ordirian a amending Ordinance No. 3250-2-, enti "An administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of Saint Paul, approv— ing and adopting rules and regulations therefor," approved August 20, 1914, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCII, OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance Mo. 325022, approved August 20, 1914, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section 6 where they appear in the designated grades the following titles: .,/ Trace Grade 10 ,Engineering Aide 10 Surveyorts Aid -e 13 Engineering Clerk 17 ,/Assessment Clerk 17 Valuation and Assessment Clerk 20 Guard 15 Mechanical Engineer— Water Dept. 29 pireman—Shop Helper 16 Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended b y i32,serting in section 6 under the heading OProfessional". in the designated grades, the following titles: Engineering Aide 32 A Tracer 32 A Surveyor's Aide 35 A Sr. mechanical Eagineer— . Water Dept. 55 A Fireman—Shop Helper 37A Section 3. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in Section 6 under the Yeas Councilmen Nays M -Ek4vorsmr— Holland Marzitefli Al.ortinson Peterson R os en Passed by the Council Tn Favor A gainst Mr -an ney, tAppigoved ' Attest: Approved as n City Clerk INlayor I =�-f= � 2nd t 11 l,aid over to ,4 3rd and app._ I—Ad.pted 1 Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland �,lqortinsoa Marzitelli Peter.., Martin... o/ Peter.. z Rose, Rosen Mr. President Daubney Mr- President Daubney r ORDINANCE WiS,57 COUNCIL FILE NO— )�d PRESENTED ll� ORDINANCE NO-----L� — C. F. No. 166857—ordinanee No. 10248 -- By Frank D. r4ar�ltett,_ An orch— , Or.— .. ding t...'n ,1miniMrat've. ordinance relat- ";.V� — - tb, An ordirian a amending Ordinance No. 3250-2-, enti "An administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of Saint Paul, approv— ing and adopting rules and regulations therefor," approved August 20, 1914, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCII, OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance Mo. 325022, approved August 20, 1914, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section 6 where they appear in the designated grades the following titles: .,/ Trace Grade 10 ,Engineering Aide 10 Surveyorts Aid -e 13 Engineering Clerk 17 ,/Assessment Clerk 17 Valuation and Assessment Clerk 20 Guard 15 Mechanical Engineer— Water Dept. 29 pireman—Shop Helper 16 Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended b y i32,serting in section 6 under the heading OProfessional". in the designated grades, the following titles: Engineering Aide 32 A Tracer 32 A Surveyor's Aide 35 A Sr. mechanical Eagineer— . Water Dept. 55 A Fireman—Shop Helper 37A Section 3. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in Section 6 under the Yeas Councilmen Nays M -Ek4vorsmr— Holland Marzitefli Al.ortinson Peterson R os en Passed by the Council Tn Favor A gainst Mr -an ney, tAppigoved ' Attest: Approved as n City Clerk INlayor I =�-f= � O�Qft.l t. city cwl, ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. –2– heading 11clericaln, in the designated grades, the following titles: Assessment Clerk 40 A Engineering Clerk 40 A Valuation and Assessment Clerk 44 A Section 4. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in Section 6 under the heading "Policefl, in the designated grade, the title: Guard 38 A Section 5. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the first day of the first payroll period after its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Daubney) Attest_; City Clerk im r�62 ��8 Approved: I ( � � If", .' Z'4" a ,—civil swri-ici-Commissioner FEB 3 19R4 Passed by the Counci n FavQ% 2 Against Approved: IV- Mayor AN AIMMMT TO COUNCIL FILE ITO. 166B57, WEICH Is AN MUNDMENT TO ORD. NO. 322502' Amend Council File No. 166857 'by adding immediately after the material in Section 1 the line: "Fireman.Shop*Eelper Grade 1611 end by adding immediately after the material in Section 2 the line: "Fireman—Shop�Eelper 37A" Approved: 11 Seri T It Laid over p Adopted - 3rd and a p� Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Halvorson -.Ubimpm- 14.11and Holland ,*-itelli Mar.itelli ,'�I'ortinson Mortinson 4e ler... Peterson /Rose. Rosen Mr. President Dauhney Mr. President Daubney 39 Origloel to City Clerk O-RDINANCE I F0 6 8117) 8 COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO - PRESENTED BY-&�11 An ordinance amending Ordingnee No. 6446, entitled: "An ndministrative ordinance fixing the com- pensation rates of certain city positions and employ- ments," I approved JanuaTy 23, 1925, as amended. This is an emergency ordirinnee rendered necessary for the pre -servation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COURCII OF TEE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 644,66, approved January 23, 1925, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking act of Section III the following lines: C. F, No. lia85s--oding- No. 10249-�, 11� F—k D, M,rzite - 17 Assessment Clerk 18 Aes -di ... :d- —oding ordinanre; ".. '46. entitl inance ft)dntg 17 Engineering Clerk 18 1'.111,� ,d=m.u,,.e o,_df _r— y 17 Utilities Investigator 18 e _ o..ttioo. ..d .-Pl-y--- 51 c�' Section 2. This ordinarice is hereby -declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordi—ce shall take effect and be in force from and after the first day of the first payroll period after its passage, approval and publication. APPro--red an to form Cormpo�—�rnl-i-n Co-.-.­s,-7-1- Yeas Councilmen Nays -4151VOTW— Holland MarziteW MR' Mortinson Peterson Rosen Daubney) Attest: V City Clerk F E B 3 1934 Passed by the Council Tn Favor ------Against Approved: Mayor od,i..l w Cli, CI -k COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED IBY I DATE—_—__ COMMISSIONE WHEREAS, The Commissioner to blic Works has reported,in accordance with Section*53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency during the period from January 1 to 15, 1954, which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of the Department of Public Works for more than eight hours per day or forty hours, per week in doing t4fe following work: Emergency street and building repair Dispatching men for emergency sewer jobs Dispatching motor vehicles for street, sewer & bldg. repairs Operating equipment on emergency street repairs Hauling materials for all emergency work Energency calls for sewer maintenance Removing snow from city streets Oindering icy hills and intersections Tending fires at I -Asphalt Plant on Sundays & holidays Emergency repair on bridges Fmergney inspection on alleys and garbage cans Emergency garbage pickup Drawing plans and specifications on grading & paving jobs Servicing municipal equipment Overseeing inmates at workhouse And WHEREAS, This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Necessity of keeping fires at Asphalt Plant continuously, answering emergency street, sewer, bridge and building repair calls, need of emergency inspection on alleys and garbage cans, need of garbage pickup, need of completing plans for grading and paving jobs, need of keeping city equipment in good running condition, keeping city streets free from snow and ice and overseeing inmates at workhouse regular man was off. COUNCILMEN Adopte by C, F. N.. 166859—By Frank D. M-1- telh— Yeas Nays sesoived. That the proper city officer's hereby auth-fted b, pay cert,., n ent f Pub ir, Halvorson ;Tplorfs—inethe Depart. t as de- rnk xtra employmen Holland A�j scribed in the rcsolCuti-a-.1 J__y 19, Adopted by the ouncl !%in—A d January 19. 1954. Marzitelli (J.n..ry 23. 1954) Mortinson -In Favor Mayor Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2.53 411j��­ 11 OrIZI-1 W City CI�A PRESENTED BY COMAAJSSIONER-- CITY OF Sf PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED That the Proper city officers are hereby sixthorized to pay the employees who performed such work in accordance with the provisions of the Council's salary ordinance, Ordinance No. 6446. JAN T 9 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council --195— Yeas Halvorson Nays �IAN 19 Holland Approved ---195— Marzitelli Mortinson ---In Favor Peterson Mayo r Rosen —,D --Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-63 Oflzhud to City Clerk PRESENTED BY COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED, that out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, weekly compensation of $35.00 be paid George Kimpel while he is totally disabled by reason of injuries he received on December 15t 1953, while employed by the Department of Public Works, and that $1?5,00 in partial settlement, to and including January 19, 954, is now payable. I COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson —In Favor Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubiiey 6M 2.63 -06�0­ C', f C. F, N.. 1611860—By Frank D. M -1 - tell I— fusalved ThAt OLt f the W.1kraer" Cam Fanx.—tion Account of the General pan it -OD be ,d disabled hl mason of injuries he re- ceived on cember 15. 1953, While em - Wed by the ADepartment of, Publi Yrk,, and that $175 OG in part b, - to . tir 1,71tle ment. nd I luding January 954, Is new payahl Adopted by the Council Janu,ry, 19, 954. Approved January 19, 1954 (January 23, 1954i JAN 19 195-4 Adopted by the Council--195— JAN 19 1954 Approved—_ 195 -- Mayor Orifft"I to City Ch,'k I CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY A ) I ----a -7,A'_' pml,"—, — 14, 1954 RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Comptroller to issue Purchasc Order to MIGHl(Al HYDRP14T �z VALVE YIFG. C01,1PANY for one Set Cup Leathers (replacement parts for valve) at a total cost of $117.10s without advertisement or competitive bids as this is a patented article and no advantag,e could be _ained thereby. Char,;e lister Department. C. F� No - 166861—By Frank D. M,mi- t.111— """"t That. thb1yP-1h­i1g Agent be, and It I. h re a �he ransent of the C. uth.lized. �Ith I t P. -h.- Order in 'AfjMyAV DRANT & VALVE MFG. COMA,,, tone Set �up Leathers (re --t sf I _P""' $1 " i'v'� t' a "t" "" of P' Va"" at h d "a tit and no not - -rt"""" or e :b bid . "t. to - Patented --i". ad --Be e-Uld be the Ch."Re _, Do a In t Ad.iated 'y he p. rt e. C on _ e fLI. n '....ty 19. APProved January 10, IvA. (January 23. IvA) JAN 19 S% COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL___195_ Yeas Nays Halvorson JAN 19 M4 Holland Approved Marzitelli Mortinson Favor ---In Peterson Rosen —Against Mr. President, Daubney 6M 2-63 Onizin.1 to City Cl�,k CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK U C L RESOLUTI ON—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATE --January 11L, 1954 RESOLVED, That the Purchasin�,, Agent be, and he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Comp.roller, to purchase from HETHERINVON k BEZER, INC. Heplacement Parts for Hetherington & Berner Asphalt Plant Mixer at a total cost of 41113.91, without advertisement or competitive bids as this is the only source of supply and no advantage could be Eained thereby. Charge P,ving Plant 1001-143 telff 166862—by Frank D. M. -i - I ret th� '"'d as, hereby a. Id I cnt 0 the cogtroller to Par f- RETHER " (GTON'& BER: tlet&HZLC-� & Eler-er'llutpPh'a'll 2�'M I'Iit - total cast of $1113.91 without this 1. 'e -c -t I -r ­rnactiti­' bids a the an no ad ... tage Y source of --PPIY and Ich I could be -]red thereby. e in P, t 9 or Pav I Achopled by t e Council January 19, 1954. g an 001-143. Approved January 19. 1954. (January 23. 1954) JAN 19 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council __195— Yeas Halvorson Nays JAN 19 1954 Holland Approved --_195__ Marzitelli Mortinson —In Favor Peterson Rosen ffAgainst Mr. President, Daubney 5XI 243 -ORet— i orl0­1 t. City CWI, rn,wn Matz' - CITY OF ST. PAUL C. F. N.. 1�&6�BY Frank D OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK tala— , Additione and ticuee. W a in �hjA� reiiht p—a t. be Z65. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM thaMIT evineened de bed at wr .b front Ne t. Arft. .P to '. Cent` F J, *rCiMuot at PRESENTED BY D. IT I DATE d ter in a COMMISSIONER_ ipulate _ ej.Q�i.D, end y in the PEAS, A i i s no ctions which might prove to be necessar improvement described as S W n mack-abin from Nebraska to Arlington, comptroller's Contract L-5351, F. Moretti . contractor have been provided for in the specifica tions at unit prices stipulated there in, and WHEI�EAS3 It has been found necessary to make the following Additions and Deductions: A-Di)ITIONS: 1 manhole 10.6 ft. deep @ �', 12.00 127.20 1 manhole frame and cover 43.20 50 feet of 18" concrete pipe @ 3.22 161.00 Total 33 1.40 DEDUCTIONS: 62.50 50 feet - 15" clay pipe @ 1.65 72 feet - 1211 v-jtr�fied catchbasin connection pipe @ 2.75 198.00 _f Total FO - 5C Net Addition 50.90 WHEREAS, The Total Net Addition is $50.90, now, t�ereforej be. it RFSOLVED, That the City Of St- Paul tixough its City Council approved the foregoing Addition made in accordance with the specification in the sum of A50-90, said sum to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as Comptroller's Contradt, L-5351, for the making of the above improvement. 0 -reed with the above named contractor The Commissioner f Public Works has a, d to the above contract. that the sum of 450.90 is the correct amount to be addp .mptc1ler COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daribney 5M 2-53 -400— F, NjoretTiru com4las'sloner �ks Adopted by the Coun 19 1954 195 -- JAN 19 1954 Approved -- In Favor jday.r Against aMASIED - Cl 5_� odzIn,j t, City CIqk PRESENTED BY CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—..GENERAL FORM COUNCIL FILE NO. january 19, 1954 - In the matter Df co�Istructing a sewer on Itasca Avenue from Edgcum!'e Road to a point 5 feet west of Wheeler�Street, under 1rel-"ninary Order b. F. 163542 approved April 14, 1953. Resolvcd, that all - rders in tlie above niatter be md tne sarie are here -by ca:icelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in si,,ch matt�r discontinued. C, F. No. 16686�Ely Frank D. Mami- t'lliw In t e matter of construCti g - sewer on Itasea, A—ue from Edg=nbe Road to a point 5 feet west of Wbeeler Street. under reliminary Order C. F. 1.542 .Ppr.,yj L's 1. the b. pr" '4ftZd 1-1—d. Ttud . matter be and the same are hereby can- ,elled. annulled . nd reminded and .1 'U m pme.ededfings in 1h atter diseo no Adopted by the C.uncil January 19, 1954. Approved Janus yry A 11954. (J.nuar 23. 954) JAN 19 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council _195— Yeas Nays Halvorson JAN 19 1954 Holland Approved----195— Marzitelli Mortinson --In Ia. Mayor Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 '00!9"' Frauk D. Marzi- I ; r oalin,l to City Cle,k CITY OF ST. PAI Viclaity of Rayntood Awnue con -6. OFFICE OF THE CITY -R�'�`ti`,--y)SCt'aoty' st't� of M"' ­t" I city Paul.,,,,,, of tku, _City f I O-UNCIL. RESOLUTION—GENERA January 18, 1954 PRESENTED BY /M -1 V r - I)C , , T( DATE Re: State Project 6242- l/ runk Highway 280 -280 -Eustis Street Highway — vicinity of Raymd�YdAvenue connection) Ramsey County, State of Minnesota, City of St. Paul. WHEREAS, the Council of the City of St. Paul by resolution dated July 11, 1951, approved the general plan for the location, improvement and points of access to Trunk Highway 280 through the City of St. Paul as shown on the general layout plan dated May 8, 1951, from Station 160 northerly to Trunk Highway No. 36, and WHEREAS, the supplementary general plan and profile for layout No. 10 dated September 15, 1953, was approved by the City Council under resolution, C. F. 165837 approved October 6, 1953, and WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Highways of the State of Minnesota has sub- mitted plans and profiles dated November 23, 1953, supplementing layout No. 10 for the Raymond Avenue connection in the City of St. Paul, which said plans and profiles are on file in the office of the Ccumissioner of Public Works and a re made a part of this resolution, and WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Highways is desirous that the City of St. Paul, will not license or permit hereafter any encroachment of any nature, including curb gas pumps or gas stations or billboards or other structures of any kind whatsoever, on the right of way of said Trunk Highway No. 280 within the corporate limits of said City of St. Paul, as shown upon the plan and maps here- inbefore referred to, and WHEREAS, In the furtherance of the P. 4 11 being and safety it is desir- able and necessary to eliminate traffic It. A.d�� eliminating any encroachments whatsoever including gas pumps or gas stations or billboards or other structures of any kind whatsoever, now or hereafter existing in or upon the said Trunk Highway right of way, and WHEREAS, Said Commissioner of Highways desires, in the interest of public safety, that all parking of vehicles on said Trunk Highway be parallel with the curb and at least 20 feet from any crosswalk at all public streets intersecting said trunk highway within the corporate limits of said City, and OrIginol to City CWk CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY -2- WHEREAS, It is to the best interests of said City that all parking of vhhicles be parallel to the curb; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That said general layout plan for the location, improvement and designation of points of access to said Trunk Highway at the Raymond Avenue connection in said City be and the same is hereby approved; and BE IT FURIHER RESOLVED, That when plans and specifications of said improvement on Trunk Highway No. 280 have been campleted and submitted to this Council in accordance with the above proposal, the same will be approved by further resolution; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That said City does hereby agree and covenant that it will never permit or suffer, within its corporate limits, any encroachment of any kind wk.�tsoever, including curb gas pumps and gas stations, bill. boards or other structures of any kind whatsoever, upon the right of way of Trunk Highway No. 280 as shown on said plans and that to the above end said City hereby agrees that it will never issue any license, permit, or grant, or give any leave or liberty or any other consent of whatever form for the con- struction or maintenance of any encroachuent whatsoever, including curb gas pumps and gas stations, billboards or other structures of any kind whatsoever, upon said right of way; and that said City will cooperate insofar as possible to eliminate existing encroachments constituting traffic hazards and will take any necessary action to eliminate any encroachment that may hereafter exist on said Trunk Highway right of way; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That said City does hereby agree to require the parking of all vehicles on said Trunk Highway to be parallel with the curb and at least 20 feet from any crosswalks at all public streets intersecting said Trunk Highway within the corporate limits of said City. JAN 19 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ---195— Yeas Nays JAN 19 1954 Halvorson Holland Approved--195— Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor Peterson Rosen ------Against Mr. President, Daubney q3 - lcf5-q PUBLISHE'D_ 5.N1 2-53 0,10.0 t. Cltr CI ­k COUNCIL I 6i ')8466 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COQNCIL RESOLYTiON—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE 4C,0�_� DATFJanuary 18, 195), RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he ip hereby authorizei:13 with the consent of the Comptroller3 to purchase from JEFFREY 1,iAAUFACTC1H!NG CO�IPANY 250 611 x h`10 Ca. Ends R.H. and 250 6" x #10 aa. Ends L.H. for Jeffrey Conveyors at McCarrons Station at a total cost of $39Li-00 f.o.b. Colambus, Ohio, without advertisement or competitive bids as this is the only source of supply of these items which are replacement parts and no advpnta.!e could be -'ained thereby. Char,, -e Water Department. C. F. No. 166866 --BY Severl. A. Martin - Resolved, That the PU%hl=��Ijl an In b and ,, 1.1f h I&I 1picaller. 2TP I % c._c. ge h chase From JEFFREY MANUFA ". Ena; ENG CO A 0 " ' 'd . R .rPjd7',PNo'"1'0 ': V . L.H. f�r Jeffrey Conveyors at AM— Station at a total cast -f'JvM-00 f ­b Columbus. Ohio. without . vcrti-c-e-,, or competitive bidi as this is the an , th source of supply . c. It M. - c t rt and no advan- a- replacern— Ur Z tagcould be gained thereby. I barge Water Degrtment Adopted by the ouncill January 19., 1954 A�pro,ed January 19. 1954. (January 23, 19M) JAN 19 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council __195— Yeas Nays Halvorson JAN 19 1% Holland Approved 195 Marzitelli Mortinson --In Favor Mayor Peterson Rosen _–Againat Mr. President, Daubncy 5M 2-53 -49�0­ OrIffi-I (a City CI,,k I fl.i , ( ) g- �-1 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. V( FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C. F. No. 166867—BY Severin A. Martin- -1vcd. That the proper city officers COMNWUSSIONE-� �Ftc. �d PRESENTED BY et "11-1Z DIT am herebr, authorize to %certain :Zj`p.oy.pl.,'.Vt �.rd=d in the resolution. Adopted by the Council January 19, 19.54 . Approved January 19. 1954. (January 23, IVA) WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the 03datence of an emergency during the period from Tanuary let to TanUary 15th 19% which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of the Water Department for move than eight hours per day or forty hours per week in doing the following work: (1) Repairing Filtration Plant equipment. (2) changing piping for new pump, Highland Park Station (3) Repairing water mains and thawing out service connections. (4) Taking emergency caUs at Storeyard. (5) Obacking leaks on Mississippi River conduit. (6) Driving and servicing truck. AND WHEREAS, this emergency arose by reason of the following facts and oircimstances: (1) In order to put equipment in working order Immediately. (2) Water supply shut off therefore necessary to do work at night. (3) In order to put water mains and service connections in service as quickly as possible. (4) Nights and Sundays (5) Finishing at one location so as to be able to move to another location next day. (6) Taking country crew to and from work THUMRE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the employees who performed such work in. accordance with the provisions of the Counoilts salary ordinance, Ordinance No. JAN 19 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council _195 Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved _.____I95_ Marzitelli Mortinson --In Favor Peterson Rosen ----Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2.6a .01por'. origi—I I, city C6,k CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter� the existence of an emergency during the period from January 1, 1954 to January 15, 1954 inclusive which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of the Department of Public Utilities for more than eight hours per day or forty hours per week in doing the following works Checking bus schedules and loadings, and WHEREAS, this emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circum- stances: Submission by the Street Railway Company of proposed schedule changes, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the employees who performed such work in accordance with the pro- visions of the Council's Salary ordinance, Ordinance No. 6446. CRMF�Noets,`::t–�B: "Vft A. blortin. 1� am hemb th Dm rr c1tyotEbea 0 ern I L au Orized 0 DRY eartain gy, oyes the DePartmeat of Publit, Ut itlea for extra tooPlorment as de. m1lbod in the ma' ='Jl j­ry 19. Adopted by the 1C RU. Appmed j 19 1954. 23"1954) JAN 19 1�54 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council-195— Yeas Nays 1954 Halvorson Holland Approved ____195_ Marzitelli Mortinson — Favor Ma Peterson r Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 -098y" Orizi—I I, City Cl—k CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C(ANCIL RESOLUTION—GENERALI FORM PRESENTED BY COUNCIL 1�c ) FILE NO. __jL- " -� '. RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby authorized to Issue a warrant in favor of the Christensen Electric Company In the sum of $33.75, being a refund on electrical per- mits No. 74443, 74444, 74442, 74445, 7441-19, 74446, 74480, 74481 'F and 74482 issued to said Company, for the reason that said permits were not used. C. F. N - 166869—BY Norris 0. 11.1— Plaol,ed, %%.1h one hereb rg-'_= rant In favor of the Chrialagen ' "r 11 Electric =.y . the — of $33.75, bel��g n 4.4. electrical perrults No 14443 74444 ' 7 42. 74445 7445D 74446. 74480: 74481 and 74482 iw�-d to ;aid Cc ' party. for the r7as,n tha I Qd P.—It. not used ,Adopted by the Council Jantury 19, 54. Approved January 19 JW (January 23, '19%) JAN 19 1954, COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays Halvorson JAN Holland Approved_______195_ Marzitelli Mortinson or Fav Mayor Peterson Rosen _--Against Mr. President, Daubney SM 2-53 -09jA0­ citV Paul PARKS, PLA`1Gj;;Ig LIBUC BUILWNGS Colt ;Sne �p 2 NORRIS 0. H�L� �IiS6 ', Commissioner FRANK L. pq�.t��'(�T?issioner i W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ALAR6 H. Si:4,lOIED� ERNEST JOHNSON Sug a hrlo &AYA414 Supf. of Playgrounds ja,i�,iary 15, 19D4 :2. TWorlthy P, Quiwi jLVr 55r: -a v �� a 1: c,� ( I L, a Lm Cloislenn:i 7,oms W, Foul AE, for v refind 01 AMID? C!CC"--"ca! �C:r-15 L�: 74443 - 1310 AMA & . 7,-;- 74444 - 1340 AM 2.M 74442 - 1360 Au& 3,7--, 74445 - 2025 Clear 3. 73 74409 - 2020 Clear 3.M 74446 - 2029 Clear VV3 74420 - 2025 ivy 3.0 74431 - 2029 ivy 3, W 74432 - 205D ivy 3.75 totaling $33.75. These homes were not Wilt and the permits may be cancelled. T�o :�,,-Lz Fluijbi.ng I AM!% Co., 77S Lrand venue, St. Paul 3, too!< out dijpl�catc permits for to followinc. locations and are L L ent]LAd to a r&und of 152.50, 0, plim5inj permits to ac can- ccilow: L�(,�33 - 21,61 E :Iaryland �,7 .50 39032 - 2167 E ..�aryland 7.50 - 9031 - '2173 E �af7llnd 7. ')0 39030 - 2170 1 7 .!-)0 Q029 - 2105 E 001 and 7.50 09028 - 2101 7 ;�ar7lc& 7 . 50 ,-,��,027 --21�'7 - 7 . �)D :1. A. Y.Avoles, 11W loncock Street, St. Paul n took out Puplicate plumbinq :armAs as follows and these permits may oc cancelled and a refund of $52.50 made to him. 92211; - 2022 E. Ivy $7. DO 92225 - 2023 E Ivy 7.50 92220 - 20�'4 '-- ivy 7.50 92221 - 2040 E . Ivy 7. DO ,;22?2 - 2046 E . Ivi 7.50 92�23 - 2050 1- . Ivy 7.50 92224 - 2 0 5,j E . Ivy 7 .50 Ploasc prepare t 'J Acessary resolution UranUnj these re- funds, which I oil vescnt to the City Council. Yours Lraly, orris 0. Aalvorson CUMSSIMP, 060-1 to City Cl�k CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COUNCIL FILE NO. It'� � '(�J' -) (:, k 0� ) 0 y RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be ard they are hereby authorized to issue a warrant In favor of A. W. Avoles, 1197 Hancock Street, in the sum of $52.50, being a refund on plumbing permits No. 92219, 92225, 92220, 92221, 92222, 92223 and 92224 Issued to said A. W. Avoles, for the reason that said permits were not used. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daulnicy 5M 2-53 -41W" C P 1, .son— - 6 7 eIsOlve Ivor- Ue t ; at a a art oles t Offal SU A to I VV a in th 0. PlnMb' Cr Lea for 4 �'92221 I I ere I rea a I Id A: :aid Per - Ile on"ry 19. an JAN 19 1954 Adopted by the Council 195 �JAN 19 1964 Approved --In Favor — 0 --Against orisi—I to City Chd, COUNCIL 166871 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 0 IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMNJSSIONE .. RESOLVED, that the pro er city officers be and they are Nxrant in favor of Katz Plumbing hereby authorized to issue a w & Heat Ing Company in the sum of $52.50, being a refund on plumb— ing permits No. 89033, 89032, 89031, 89030, 89029, 890ft, 80029 89028 and 89027 issued to said Company, for the reason that said permits were not used. C. F. No. 166871—By Norris 0. Fralvor- .a.— Resolved. That the Proper city offi- _rs be and =,ara harea—Yautho= 0 issue . I in . of Plumbing & Health Ctan in the 'u I $52.50, bef a refund on In, I)% 0A .89031, i V. pie"Bil a d 8 ed to said ny, for the reason that said permits were not used. Adopted by the Coureil January 19.� 1954. Approved January 19. 1954. (January 23. 1954) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the ounciL--195— Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approve&�____195— Marzitelli Mortinson --In Favor yor Peterson Rosen __)__Against Mr. President, Daubney SM 2-63 -06W" 0dzIn,I to City Cl�rlk I C, 6,14 7 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL LICE,VISE COI'10:TTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Fit- NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY January 19, 1954 DATI_ RESOLTED: That licenges for Confectionery and Off Sale I-lalt Beverage, AT)T)lication C ?5089 ap,lied for by the First Arcade Wine Shop, Tric. at 772 South Cleveland '4venue be and the, same are hereby granted. C F� ,111TR,_N­, 0. H.Iv.,- I so . Uos.o—Robort F. P terso— Resolved, Th,t Ite-se, to' '0" S"' M"' B'V""' Ap"Re.".. C '_ a��11'.d I— b,', 'he '-de -Los S Toe . M S.-th C. levels" Ave Us _ sod the s.". _ ],.Ie�y _.led .d.ptsd U tl�s C._" '..'U. I L. ApprovId J- iry 19. 1954 (i y 23, 1954) ww (Off Sale Liquor Establirhcnent) Informally aporoved by Council November 12, 1953 New Location �AN 19 1984 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council __195— Yeas Nays Halvorson !:A N Holland Approved— _195— Marzitelli Mortinson L—In Favor Peterson Ma� Rosen OAgainst Mr. President, Daubney 511 2.53 -09E�§" Original to City CI -1, �ILE CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. LTCENSE CCI=TEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY January 19, 1954 CoMiAl SSIONER_�,_� Cr*__ DATE_ WaREASS Harold Chesshir dba Radio Cab has made ADID11cption C 6950 for license to operatet,:o (2) autornob--3Les as taxicabs unon the streets �f the Cit -v of Saint Paul, described as follolm' Cab No, Yake Serial No. Insurance 10 Plymouth 1301698�' American Gcne,-al Tnsurance Co. Policy lio - 1 B459, 1-1 Plymcuth 1-3ol44go Exoiring 12:01 A.Y. ST January 2, 1955 W FLE RE AS Said applicAnt has fil,-d a copy of the insurance policy -with the City of Saint Paul and said no2ic,, has been awroved as to form, and execution by the Cor-ocration Counsel, therefore, be it to RESCLVED: That license/operate said automobi.les as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul be and the sane Rre hFreby AERPR granted to Harold Chesshir dba Radio Cab. C. Fn No. 16687�1_Hy N—Is 0. Hal �b -de Appli-ti— C6M S. —Severin A. Mortins—R.=T1 P�,_ Wh­V. Harold Ch—hir dba Rodin C ban, f2) But— ,o f the Tt, REWi.-AL JAN 19 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council _195 Yeas Halvorson Nays � 'AN 19 '1954 Holland Approved— 195— Marzitelli Mortinson --In Favor Peterson klayo Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 -406pil­ f 66874 OrLwhol to City Ck,k CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. 110ENTSE CO1,11aTTLE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE,g_�'-A�- la�.���DAT, January 19 , 1954 WTT=A:3: liarvey 1-1. lan,,,e dba Radio Cab has made Apnji_c�tion C 6971 for li.c,,nse to operate one (1) sutorrrll�le as Tayicab No. 65 unrn the streets of the City of Saint Paul dexcribed as a 1953 Plymouth Sedan, Serial No 13121759, insured to 12:01 A.h. ST January 15, 1955 by the American General Tnsur=e Company, Pol�cy No. L 8455, and 1-."IEREAS: Said applicant has filed a coo of the, insurance policy with the City of Saint y Paul and said policy has beer ao..)roved as to form and eyecution by the Corocration CoLnsel, therefore, be it RESOLVED: That licpnse to operate said automobilex as a ta-dcab noon the strects of the City of Saint Paul be and the sarve is hereby Franted to Harvey �T. Lanre dba Radio Cab. C. F� No 1661174—By Norris 0. Halv,r- 'on—Sevcrto A. Mortals—Robeft F. Prt-s— Where., H .. ey M. langs dba Radio C ad, .b has an. . Application C 6971 for license to operate one (1) automobile 1, 11 1 open the "—t' 'f� c City of tiai� t Paul described as 953 Plymouth Sedan, Serial No. 13121- 759 - Insured to 12:01 A.M. S.T. January 15. 1955 by the American General In- sulance Company, Policy No. L9455. Whereas Said applicant has Filed a f I� I �,PY.fl SI.Il.tI."Ulan.Inedlolldlypowi�th the RENEKL ty P I sa 1, , has been approved a, to to= and mcccuflon by the Corporation Counsel, therefore. bc it Resolved. That license to operate said —to le as s tsic.b upon the st�reeta of geob' C f S� try o aint Paul be and the same is hereby granted to Harvey M. 1_angildb. Raldlio, Cab 1954. led by e Council January 19, Approved January 19. 1954. (January 23, 1954) JAN 19 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council __195— Yeas Nays 'AN 3 9 '1954 Halvorson ly Holland Approved--195— Marzitelli Mortinson —In Favor �K, Mayor) Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubiley 5M 2.53 -6h�*" k""75 Origi—I to City Cl�k Co %a CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE —1— L-EENSE COMMIT= OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY January 19, 1954 COMMISSIONE(I WIF'REAS & Dell A. Weller dba Checker Cab has made Application C 6377 for license to operate as a taxicab one (1) automobile as Taxicab No. 108 upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul, de �crlbed as a 1953 Plymouth S(Aan, Ser� al 1332' 106, insured to 12:01 A.M. ST 3eptember 3, 1954, by the Exchange Insurance Association an Inter Exchange Ingurance, P,,icy No. XP 4324, and WEE7EAS: Said applicant has filed a copy of the insurance noilry with the City of Saint Paul and sairl oolIcY has been a�,roved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it RESOLVED: That license to ooerate said autcnobile as a taxicab uo n the. str"As of the City of Saint Paul be and the same is hereby granted to Dell 4. 1�eller, rlba Checker Cab# C, F. No 166875—By Norris 0. Halvar- son arm A Pat= Moftinso.—R.bart F. Where.., Dell A. Weller db. Checker Cab has made Application C 6377 for license to operate as a taxicab one (1) out mobile as Taxicab No. 108 upon the stre ets of the City of Saint Pa.,. described a, a 1953 Plvmouth Sedan. change insurance. Policy No. XP4324,1 and i Whereas. Said applicant has filed copy of the insurance policy vvith the, City of Saint Paul and mid policy has been approved as to form and a.ccu_ tion by the Corporation Counsel, there - fora, be It Resolved. That license to operate mid automobile as a taxicab upon the LI streets of the City of Saint Pon be and the so a Is hereby granted to Dell A. W,IlerTd a Checker Cab . Ad.ptedb by the Council January 19, 1954. Approved January 19. 1954. (January 23. 19W RENE�NAL — JAN 19 04 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council __195— Yeas Nays Halvorson JAN 19 19544 Holland Approved---195— Marzitelli 4,� Mortinson ---In Favor M Peterson Rosen jAgainst Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 C. F. No. 166876—By N—t. O.'El-Ilm" I son—Severin A. Mortlasm—RObelt F- t. Cit, M,k CIT jp��teerres��Robcrt Barbeau dba Radio C UNCIL NO. ICE y Cab has made APPItcatig. C700 far rLE 1,10ENSZE CONUTTEEE OFF OF _use to operate three ..tm.ba - as taxicabs uvon the streets of the City lot Paul. described a. follo­ COUNCIL RESOU ",,S-jV90 6: Make, Plymouth; Serial �� .1 , 11 'e. Exchange in - PRESENTED BY U u'ry 19, 1954 ATE— COMMISSIONE WHEIZEAS: Robert Barbequ dba Radio Cab has made Application C 7009 for license to operate three (3) automobile as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of Saint Paulo described as follows: Cab No,�_ Fal�e 3erial No. insurance 6 Pl,-P,-.uth 13204361 Exchange Insurance Association .An inter Insurance Excharge Policy Ile. XP 4265, Exnlring 12:01 A.1". ST July 29, 1954 7 Plymouth 13161940 American General Insurance Co. Policy 110. L 8454, Expiring 12:01 A -yl- ST Janu,ry 12, 1955 121 Plymouth 13203630 rLychange insurance Association An Tntcr insurence Exchange Policy ','To.XP 4265 ExpirinC 12:01 A.U. ST July 29, 1954 NMREAS: Said applicant has filec4� copies of the insurance poDtcies with the City of Saint Paul and said pn3Jcles have been ar-,proved as to form and execution by the Corporation Ccunsel. therefore, be it -on the streets of the ,ES01,VED: That license to oaor�te said autorlibbiles as taxicabs up City of Saint Paul be and the same are hcreb�- granted to Robert Darbeau dba R --.d-(- Ceb. REIEWAL JAN' 19 19W4 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council __195— Yeas Nays mN -i 9 INA Halvorson Approved--195— Holland Marzitelli Mortinson _—In Favor Mayor Peterson Rosen ---)Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 t6i;("17i o,ix1n,i W City Cl�k CO NCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. LI C1, 1,,,sF COITIITFE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY january 19, 1954 COMAISSIONE WBERYAS: Virgil 0. Zabel dba. Capitol City Cab has made Applicatton C 696LL for license to orerate one (1) automobile as taxi -cab No. 106, dpon the streets of the City of Saint Paul, described as a 1953 Plyinouth Sedan, Serial No. 13489306* insured to 12:01 A.M. ST March 21, 1954, by the Exchange insurance Association an Inter Insurance Exchange, Policy No. XP 4318* and WIEREA�: Said apolicant has filed a copy of the insurance polic-' with the City of Saint Paul and said policy has been a�),nroved as to form and execution b.- the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it P!, S C' LVF LI: That license to operate said automobile as a taxicab uDOn the streets of the City of Saint Paul be and the sarne is hereby granted to IXEW Virgil 0. Zabel Hl- Cxinttol Citv Cab. RENEWAL COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daulucy 5M 2-63 *!B�­ JAN 19 1954 Adopted by the Council ---195— JAN 19 1964 Approved--195— In Favor C_5' 41�2�1 I Mayor "oAgainst 166,878 OHS[—] to city Cl"k CITY OF ST. PAUL CHOLENC I L NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE COM!ITTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM f nw,ry 19, 1954 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE WTJXREAS Arthur Dietrich dba Zephyr cab has made Aooltc�-tiorl C 7051 for license to operate one (1) automobile as Taxicab No. 107 upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul described as a 1949 Plymouth Sedan, Serial No. 121B4520j insured to 12*01 A.11. ST July 13, 1954 by the Exchange ins T o 0 urai.e Ass ciation an Inte, Insi),ance Exchange, Policy No, XP 4414, and WEEPEA3 Said applicant hass filed a copy of the insurance polic�, with the City of Saint Paul and said policv has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Gounsell therefore, be it RESOLVED: That license to operate said automobil�, as a taxio.-.b uoon the. streets of the City of Saint PaiLl be and the same is hereby granted to Arthur Dietrich dba Zephyr Cab. I C. F. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson ---In Favor Peterson Rosen —Against Mr. President, Daulaney 5M 2-53 --404­ :01 A.M. S.T. an m,,, -n—rance —caun­ No "' ,rc.s� XSP.id '�p"T.Lt lut. fflcd of the Insurance policy with tile of Saint Paul and said policy has rate sold T'I't 'i"'- 'I ":p as a ta.icab a. th " So al y �e her ". a Zephyr C� by the Council Janu,ry 19, January 19, 19�54. J.ou. 'Y 23. 1954) JAN 19 19U Adopted by the Council----195— JAI� 19 19b4 Approved---195— Mayor odgin.1 t, City CI -1, COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. LICENSE C0101ITT—FE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY January 19, 1954 Com miss I ON E UMTZEAS: John L. Dillon has made Application C 7063 for license to operate as Auto Livery upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul two (2) automobiles described as follows: Li ven, No. 'Eake Serial Insurance 8 Chrysler 7C)94153 American General Insurance Co. Expiring 12:01 A.X. ST 16 Ch— - 1. 1955, P,i1cy No. L 8298 ysler 70791332 Februar, 'V.'PI2EAS Said appl�cant has filed a ccpy of the insurance -�olicy with the City of Saint Paul and said nolic,, has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Cciinsel, therefore, be it RESOLVED: That license to ooerate said automobiles as auto livery cars upDn the streets of the City of Saint Paul be and the same are hereby granted to John L. Dillon. N�- REEWWAL JAN 19 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council __195— Yeas Nays JAN 19 ISO Halvorson Holland Approved-195— Marzitelli Mortinson --In Favor May Peterson A—Against Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2.53 ��" Orizinal to City Clerk COUNCIL No. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE LTCBN,qE COM'ITTTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY January 19, 1954 COMMISSIONER---�1:1��9;'?'Z-A�--�,-, DATE �MRLAS i Charles He I�brrow desires to withdraw Application C 773C for Notor Vehicle Driver's License and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore, be it RL90LVED: That the nrooer city officers be and they are hereby au,_t�_Grized to refund to Charles He Xorrow the fee of $ 1.00 and to cancel said anplication for license. CsFn No. 166880—By Norris 0. Halvor- . —Severin A. Mortinson—Robert F. pet on Wh:'cas. Charles H. Momow de ires to withdraw Awlicati— C 7736 for Motor Vehicle river's LAcense, and reclu, ts the re,tum of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore. be it Resolved, That the proper be slid they h b City of: flcers are '_ y author ized to re fund to Charles H. Morrow tl c fee of $1.00 and to cancel sold ap- p� cation for license. Adopted by the Council January 19, 1954. Approved January 19. 1954. (January 23. 1954) WITPDTZA�IAL (Refund) 381 C he stnut St. JAN 19 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council — 195— Yeas Nays Halvorson JAN 19 1954 Holland Approved--195— Marzitelli Mortinson An Favor Mayor Peterson Rosen _—Against Mr. President, Daubney 51M 2-53 4H?0-11 j. W. &- Eva Lj.pschiltz C...Fn N—Is 0. HalVor- - Mortiteem—Robeft F. 2153 Ford Pky. 0dri—I to City CZ�k Pet.. Re -1-d. Timt neeaae� -Plaited Lewis Yotors,- Inc. It CIT� bY the emns f - P named he 'o"'C, LICEIZE C01OUTTEE OFFICE a d '7 d d th City C b ' I'le," "i' . Y t ed "t' _.e su% It - _.e. F1 LE NO. U _P.n the "he C"Y— t,e ... itte Into �� ­�_'red i_ -Y he C..—i '.' '1" 19, C rbone 299-73 E- Vth COUNCILMEN -p- -'-d anua,y 19. 1954. (JanuarY 23, 1954) January 19, 1954 RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. Halvorson A. J. Reiter 214 University Gas '9ta 3P App. 3618 Renewal 11 Auto Rep Ga - Marzitelli 2nd Hd Auto Dlr Mortinson V. 11. Loc. Peterson Midtoi�m Yotors, Tric. Rosen 1205-L-5 University 2nd Hd Auto D1r 4204 11 11 Auto Rep L�pr 11 Peters I�jotor Sales, Inc, 320 University 2nd Ild Auto Dlr 554Z Paul J. Ebel Jr. 938 University 2nd lid Auto Dlr 57LI4 Ylax Altman 1427 WashinFton, S. Mpls. V. M. Opr. 6155 j. W. &- Eva Lj.pschiltz 2153 Ford Pky. Wenzel Lunak 1284 W -7th Lewis Yotors,- Inc. It 400 Selby 11 Louis D. Norne 8 E. 6th N. W. Airlines, Inc. 1885 University Rocco. Anna & Louis it C rbone 299-73 E- Vth COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson —T, In Favor Peterson Rosen --)Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-S3 -OjBitol- M. A. Dev (3) It 6537 " Grocery 11 6957 Butcher Cif,arette 2nd Hd Auto Dir " 6997 Auto Rep Garage " Pawnbroker IT 7o4l " Restaurant 11 7157 " Off S ale Malt 11 7169 " CiE,,arette It 11 if Adopted by the CounciL--195— Approved---195_ Mayor 0,10-1 1, City Cl,,k CITY OF ST. PAUL CO NCIL H LEU NO. I.ICEPSE COMl,:ETTLT, OFFICE,.OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM, PRESENTED BY Jan ary 19. 1954 COMMISSIONER_- DATE PAGE NO. 2 (Renewals) Chas. Kuralla 150 E. 4th Barber App. 7195 Renewal S. E.&. A. V. Hall 862 Selby Barber 7283 Laura Gaumitz 296 Pleasant Orocery ?314 11 Frozen Meats 11 It Off' Sale Malt 11 Cir,arette 11 Aloysj.us B. Heinz 1158 Selby Confection�ry 7315 Off Sale Xalt 11 Ci:-arette 11 H. Donald & Gladys 1-1. Carlson 732-1 . 343-5 Robert Restaurant On Sple Yalt 11 Bo�.lAng 16 A 11 Ct arette 11 Morris Berezovsky 236 S. Snelling Barber 01 7338 David Barry 390 Selby barber 11 7340 R. M.& B. E. Washington 165-71 N. Western Restaurant 11 7353 it On Sale Malt 11 11 Hotel 14C) R. Ci�arette Gla�73 Leininger 606 Selby Confectionery 7355 11 11 Ci�:arette 11 Timothy J. Howard 996 Selby Barber 7369 Univ. C lub of St. Paul, Inc. 420 Sumit CiFarette 7372 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 3M 2-53 -0WO" __ ---In Favor - - ----Against Adopted by the Co Approved--195— Mayor I. City C �,k CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL 16, FILE NO. ,ZEFSE COMETTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY January 19, 1954 COMMISSIONER_ DATE PAGE NO- 3 (Renewal) Geo. B. Leitner 945 Randolph Fuel Dlr. APP. 7379 Renewal F.J. Vartyn 1813 Selby Ldy " D. C.Planu " 7387 Louis k. Pilney 1032 1W. 7th Grocery It 7388 Butcher it Off Sale Malt Ci-arette Edmund Delke 175 W- 7th Confectionery 741� It 11 04�7arette It Ed P. I�LaH,unt 425 Oal-land Gas �tation 2P 7426 11 11 V. M. Loc. 11 Abe Yuihan 402 Robert Barber 7430 if 11 Beauty Shop it 11 11 St. Janes Catholic Church 496 view Bowling 4 A. .1 7431 it 11 On'Sale Malt 11 Fred Schwabel 1612 Randolph Barber 7443 Mrs. Margaret Fitzgerald Admx Est of B. L. Fitzgerald 1� Maurice O'Connor 501 Blair Restaurant Apo. 7453 On Sale Malt Off Sale Malt Ci.,arette Tavern 7454 Dance Hall 11 James Benaree William 560 St. Anthony Restaurant 7456 it It OnS ale ITAI t 11 It Off Sale Malt 11 Ci-arette COUNCILNEN Adopted by the Council _195— Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved---195— Marzitelli Mortinson ----In Favor Mayor Peterson Rosen --Against Mr. President, Daubney 5m 2.53 . OrIzi-I I, City CI�k I LIGE'!SE COIAlUTTV-w CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIt FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER - - -- - - DATE January 19, 1954 PIGE NO. 4 (Renewals) Witi. StXarie 11 719 N. Dale Restaurant App. 7469 Renewal 11 On Sale Malt Off Sale Malt Ciarette J. W.& Eva Lipschultz 2155 Ford Pky M. A. D. Loc. 7470 Clement J. 14iller 28P Como Restaurant 7474 On Sale 1,L -It Off �3ale �Talt Ci-arette John Graner 1091 Rice Restaurant 7497 On Sale Malt I, it Off Sale Malt it 11 if Ci-arette 11 Yale Johnson 380 Wabasha Orig Cont 7529 Off Sa-le Yalt 0 Cigarette 11 Joseph G . & Robert G. Tschida 497 Wabasha Restaurant 7542 it I] Cirarette 11 S. Paul Johmon 301 E- 7th Confectionery 7548 ll 11 Off Sale Malt 11 It I, Cigarette It John J. Woskka 731 Randolph Restaurant 7550 On Sale Malt 11 Off Sale Malt 11 Ci,arette 11 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council __m Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved 195 Marzitelli .1lortinson _--An Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen ----Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 Oriffinal to City Cl�,k CITY OF ST. PAUL CO NCIL FILE NO. ITCENSE CC�2-11= OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER— DATE January 19, 1954 Page No- 5 (Renewals) Loiiis M. Stranshy 282 Rice Orig Cont App. 7552 Renewal 11 11 Off Sale 14alt 11 it 11 Ci-�arette Paul T . Arend 917-9 Randolph Restaurant 7558 It 11 Cigarette it 1&q. Jaries Morelli 535 Collins Crocery 7564 11 Futcher 11 Off Sale l4alt Ci�arette Carl W. Sch-,qz 1008 Arcade grocery 7575 Butcher 11 Off S a,, Nalt it Ci -Firptte 11 App. 7585 Renewal Leonard E. Vanek 181? Randolph Gas Sga 3P H. J.& Mrs. H. J. Gulck 221 N. Snelling Elec App Rep It 7589 W. Johnson &- Ralph Barnes 925 Rice Grocery 7590 It Ci-arette 11 Paul Steinmentz 226 W. Kello,,F, Barber 7595 Ilynan S. Sigel 406-8 Vinnesota M. A. D. Ore- r 7598 H. A. D. L�c. 7599 M. A. Dev (7) ?600 Thos. M. Costello 713 Jackson 14tr Veh Dr. 7713 jAtj 19 J�b4 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council _195— Yeas Nays Halvorson i A�N Holland "/In Approved 195— Marzitelli Mortinson Favor Peterson i Mayor Rosen _____?AgaiDSt Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-63 C -al' No. 16688 Norris 0. H.1 -- A. Martinson—Robert F. O'I.hW to Cit, CI,rk r Pt,rw,_ Fasolled. That licensca applied far COUNCIL NO. FILE LICr,-,',SE COI-1j=E OFFIC, b y the Persons named an he list it at ached to this resolution be and the 1,r., 1,,rel gdr,nted. and the City COUNCIL RE C srk in ray r, -lass upon the �P��' y mt Eh1111,1. I. the PRESENTED BY t1lasus, of the required fee.. I gAdapted by the Council January 19, 54. January 19, 1954 COMMISSIONE ApprnVed y 19,l91954, j"a ,:7 23. 54) RLSOLVED: That licenses applied for by the follow'_'n�, perr,,cns at the addresses stated, be and the 5a�'e ae hereby granted. Calvin Croskey 2C9 I'larshall A. D. Loc. APP. 0809 Renewal 11 11 !1. A. Dev (1) 11 11 Wn. C. Stohr 65 E. 9th Pkg Lot 7o45 11 11- Gas "ta 4P 11 Ben � Louis Wolter 41,8 Unive-c.ity Confecticnery 7125 1. Off Sale Malt Ci..,arette 11 Sidne�, I -T. Salter 979 Rondo Festaurant 7160 On Sale. Malt Off Sale Malt Ci-arette 11 Itr5.3 trandyls Bakeries, Inc. 2048 1'�arsliall. Bakery 7370 53 S. Cleveland Bakery 7371 11 11 Ciarette Ray 'V�'. Novak c-' A]. M. C IListpnsen 7435 173 E. Robie Butcher Nick, Balla_- N. and Ernest Ballets 185 F� - 7th Restaurant 7458 it On Sale Malt Off Sale Malt Cigarette Mart-!, S, Inc. 738 TW.ve-sity Resta-arant 11 74,03 On Sale 1,a-lt Off Sale 'rialt C� �'Z-ctte COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council _195— yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved- __195— Marzitelli Mortinson Favor Mayor Peterson Rosen ----Against Mr. President, Daubney 3M 2-63 -41RO"' oaffi­j t, City Cle,k CITY OF ST. PAUL C UNCIL 0 NO. -- FRE !ZCE,!S-� COI�--_TTFE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM jamu:�r�- !9, 1954 PRESENTED BY CAT coMAISSIONER--- PACE 110. 2 (Renewals) i3iers Syster. Foo(1,3, Inc. App. 7498 Renewal 469 Wabasha �',rocery 11 Butcher 5 7500 y,rold i.schaffer 334 1 at5wo'-th Crocery 11 1. Ch� Frozen Reats 11 It It CIL�arette Geo. 11. lbrle &60-6 11. LeyingtOn Bo-,alng 12 A. 7540 Harvey J, & Louis H. Buren 1537 Un4versity Restaurant 7566 On 3ale Malt off Sale 1111alt Ci�-arette Sarr J. Berg 247 S. Snellimc Barber 7569 Ulein Super n- ts, Inc 1�8 Concord Grocery 7574 11 Butcher 11 Off Sale Halt Ci-arette C. A. Bartlett 1614 Uni-vergity Gas Sta 3P V. ml. Loc. 7582 11 11 Ci.-arette Theo. A. E�-aun 8- Carl B arfuss Orig Cont 75�Y4 1042 Univers4-ty 11 Off Sale Halt 11 Cjj7arette Cletus a: Ilivian Wiesner 7600 Z97 Ilaria Ed,,ard P. Ta�-lcr 246 W. Ke'Llc,,g Etr Veh Dr. 7747 Adopted by the Counril-JU I q 1954 195— COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays m 19 ITA Halvorson Approved _195— Holland Marzitelli x Mortinson In I'avor M�r Peterson ��_Against Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-63 'OOR"' Council File No.— PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C. F. N.. 166883 -- whereas. A written prormal for the mr vi aking of the follolving mprovetnent, and Construet a sewer an It— Avenue ,,-Te Edge—be Reed t* e ,, . ,t "f the eentev-1iZe, Qr PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Constr-act a sewer on Itasca Avenue from Edgcunbe Road to a point 286.8 ft. east of the center line of Fairview Avenue vacated(produced). Dated this---L9—thday of i Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct a sewer on Itasca Avenue from Edgeumbe Road to a point 286-8 ft- east of the center line of Fairview Avenue vacated (produced). having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council JAN , '9 1954 YEAS NAYS Halvorson JAN 19 190 Councilman MARZITELLi Holland 2&UDxKx)UM Approved MORTINSON PIXREUnaol PETERSON ROSEN MR. PRESIDENT, JADnoNm Daubney May im 4-61 qsr�s �' ""-� ('0 COUNCIL FILE NO-� INTERNEDL%RY ORDER By 'C. F. N.. 166884 - INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of opening, wideninF and extendfn�, Hazelwood St. to a width of 60 ft. from Maryland Ave. to Ivy Ave. by taking and condemning the west 30 ft. of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/h of Secticn 22, Township 29, Range 22, from Marvland Ave. to Ivy Ave. under Preliminary Order_____16� —approved September 10, 1953 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is open, widen and extend Hazelwood St. to a width of 60 ft. from Maryland Ave. to Ivy Ave. by taking and condemning the west 30 ft. of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast l/L of Section 22, Township 29, Range 22, from Maryland Ave. to Ivy Ave. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 125.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _16thday of Februa-v — — 19 54 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Comacil Chamber of the Court House and City liall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and p..ace of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CounciIJAN 19 1954 19 - Approved 19 City Clerk M File 12391 Councilman HALVERSON Councilman HOL6�ND Councilman MAPZITrLLJ Councilman MORTiNSON 1qF11 Councilman PFTERSON PUBLISEE Councilman ROSPN Mr. President DAUBNEY NOTICE TO PRINTER CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO. Jan -v I (-" f i 198 6 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 5- 5 481.98 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 58972 -TO- 59026 _INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. JAN 19 199 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL- APPROVED - "t -0-1* 19-- I CnY COMFmcl— BY-- NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO ­ PRINTER Jan. 15 4 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 49 301-98 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 58920 --TO-- 58971 _INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THEJKJ ff4fTOLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL- -19- c- co.— APPROVED------ BY -- w 7-52 C. F. No. 166885--166886--1668117- 'f; I Q , Resolced, That checks be drau- V4 it,. City trZesury. to, the aggregate C, .1 SAI amount f $117,5015, -ri., checks numbered. 58='t.: 59080 inclustw. as COUNCIL FILE NO.---- wr checks on file in the offirc of the COUNCIL RESOLUTION P, City Co troller. IgAd*ptTey by the Council January 19, 54 Jan. 18 19J4 Approved January 19. 19,54, (January 23. 1954) CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE 58 COVERING CHECKS NUMBEREDW --TO 59080 -. . . INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CIT� 50JIS4ROLLER. Jp'N ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL cc­� APPROVED- By- �y CITY QF SAINT DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTR�LLE_R HALVOFSONRC�j CALL AUDITED CLAIMS HOLLAND VARZITELLI -IN FAVOR MORTINSON PETERSON __­AINST ROSEN MR,PRES DAUBNEY JAN ADOPTED BY THE APPROVED - H NUMBER IN FAVOR OF Jan 1_5 - -- -54 RESOLVED, THAT CHICIS R1 -A- - 11F 1IT1 111EAS'JRN IN THE AMOUNT OF --49 CHECKS No-4-a924-TO.00py?�_ PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE CITY A. COMPTROLLER BY - TOTAL DATE RETURNED TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECK S CHECKS BROUGHTFORWARD 38920 Federal Truck Sales & Serv. 38921 Frank Gooksley 58922 Mrs. Ricnard Nittl 38923 National Institute of 14un. 0. 38924 Milton Rosen Nicholas M. Bartone 56926 Aces Bros. Lbr. and Supply 5,5927 * 0 36928 Keogh Contr. Co. 38929 Peter Lamettl Constr. Co. 38930 F. morettini 38931 Herman R. heimbuch 36932 Am. Had. & Ltd. S. Corp. 38933 Farwell Ozmun Kirk and Co. 38934 a 46 0 38933 Joslyn Mfg. and Supply Co. 56936 N. W. Bell Telephone Co. 38937 St. Paul Builders Material C. 38938 0 N 0 0 38939 J. L. Shiely Co. Inc. 38940 State of Minn. Petroleum Div. 38941 George J. Hurley 38942 Alice K. Dillon 38943 Madeline Hurley 38944 A. P. heraohler 38943 Richard M. Kalser 38946 A. C. Taylor-voc. School 38947 Malcolm B. Keok-Folwell Jr. 38948 Willis 1. Dugan 36949 Robert H. Beck 38930 buy Bond -University of Minn. 38951 X. J. Bailey & Go. 38952 Charles T. Miller hosp. 38933 Drs. Dunald R. Lannin & babb 36954 Russell W. Berthel 36935 John Lynch, Sr. 38956 A. V. Winterer and Son Inc. 38937 hudson Viking Sprinkler Go. 38938 Plate-O-Matid 38939 Chas. Harris Plbg. Co. 38960 Bishop Tow. Serv. 38961 0 N 111 38962 Highway Safety Appliances 15d963 Metzger BIL,6. Materials 38964 Nort,,ern Jt,tes Power Co. 38965 0 38966 N. W. Bell Tel4phone Co. 38967 N. W. Eefining Co. 36968 Restaurant Ohina & Equip. Inc. 38969 Ad. Seidel and Son Inc. 38970 Socony Vacuum Oil Co. 38971 Wolters Auto Supply Co. SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD Z, 1,83 Z32 85 26 gol 3o 4 93 4 oo 100 00 43 38 90 00 423 00 344 oo 8 713 03 150 00 20 00 144 oo 1 160 83 179 09 364 70 64 39 779 45 134 32 160 25 86 68 2 057 25 64 oo 98 00 250 00 25 00 500 00 70 00 385 00 103 oo--- 70 00 70 00 25 00 U 1010 25 00 27 00 134 18 119 48 92 38 284 92 170 00 198 00 11 76 58 go 1 486 91 918 20 150 05 1 322 21 391 00 47 77 136 38 20 09 V 5' CITY QF SAINT DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTR�LLE_R HALVOFSONRC�j CALL AUDITED CLAIMS HOLLAND VARZITELLI -IN FAVOR MORTINSON PETERSON __­AINST ROSEN MR,PRES DAUBNEY JAN ADOPTED BY THE APPROVED - H NUMBER IN FAVOR OF Jan 1_5 - -- -54 RESOLVED, THAT CHICIS R1 -A- - 11F 1IT1 111EAS'JRN IN THE AMOUNT OF --49 CHECKS No-4-a924-TO.00py?�_ PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE CITY A. COMPTROLLER BY - TOTAL DATE RETURNED TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECK S CHECKS BROUGHTFORWARD 38920 Federal Truck Sales & Serv. 38921 Frank Gooksley 58922 Mrs. Ricnard Nittl 38923 National Institute of 14un. 0. 38924 Milton Rosen Nicholas M. Bartone 56926 Aces Bros. Lbr. and Supply 5,5927 * 0 36928 Keogh Contr. Co. 38929 Peter Lamettl Constr. Co. 38930 F. morettini 38931 Herman R. heimbuch 36932 Am. Had. & Ltd. S. Corp. 38933 Farwell Ozmun Kirk and Co. 38934 a 46 0 38933 Joslyn Mfg. and Supply Co. 56936 N. W. Bell Telephone Co. 38937 St. Paul Builders Material C. 38938 0 N 0 0 38939 J. L. Shiely Co. Inc. 38940 State of Minn. Petroleum Div. 38941 George J. Hurley 38942 Alice K. Dillon 38943 Madeline Hurley 38944 A. P. heraohler 38943 Richard M. Kalser 38946 A. C. Taylor-voc. School 38947 Malcolm B. Keok-Folwell Jr. 38948 Willis 1. Dugan 36949 Robert H. Beck 38930 buy Bond -University of Minn. 38951 X. J. Bailey & Go. 38952 Charles T. Miller hosp. 38933 Drs. Dunald R. Lannin & babb 36954 Russell W. Berthel 36935 John Lynch, Sr. 38956 A. V. Winterer and Son Inc. 38937 hudson Viking Sprinkler Go. 38938 Plate-O-Matid 38939 Chas. Harris Plbg. Co. 38960 Bishop Tow. Serv. 38961 0 N 111 38962 Highway Safety Appliances 15d963 Metzger BIL,6. Materials 38964 Nort,,ern Jt,tes Power Co. 38965 0 38966 N. W. Bell Tel4phone Co. 38967 N. W. Eefining Co. 36968 Restaurant Ohina & Equip. Inc. 38969 Ad. Seidel and Son Inc. 38970 Socony Vacuum Oil Co. 38971 Wolters Auto Supply Co. SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD Z, 1,83 Z32 85 26 gol 3o 4 93 4 oo 100 00 43 38 90 00 423 00 344 oo 8 713 03 150 00 20 00 144 oo 1 160 83 179 09 364 70 64 39 779 45 134 32 160 25 86 68 2 057 25 64 oo 98 00 250 00 25 00 500 00 70 00 385 00 103 oo--- 70 00 70 00 25 00 U 1010 25 00 27 00 134 18 119 48 92 38 284 92 170 00 198 00 11 76 58 go 1 486 91 918 20 150 05 1 322 21 391 00 47 77 136 38 20 09 V i f_ ILi Lj —K - Y_`.' CITY OFSAINT PAUL COUNCIL LICATE l'O CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER--_------= RO L ALL AUDITED CLAIMS _ �.-15 --IB�+-- RDO MARZIT D AVOR M RZITELLI' --•-Iry F 'o AGAINST IN RESOLVED.OF CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY TERSON SE HE A F 5 481.98 OVERING IR.PRIS DADBNEY �yU 19 i95 EIISD 5906 INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS O E OFFICE OF CITY ROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUN _ V oM J APPROVED_ K°TAoE. i I\ TOTAL _ ._- DATE -- RETURNED \ GHE IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK `,IJU MB E ER CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 2. 234 534 $J- e 58972 A. J. Tschida Contraot. Co. 790 20 5897 Timothy P. �u1nn 300 00 589 7 Jos. DiMartino 64 00 58975 Air Reduction Sales Co. 3g9 66 of " 58976 Air Reduction 224 35 58977 American City N.at;azine 00 58978 " Hoist and Derrick Co. 9 30 58979 " Library Assoc. 90 75 558980 8981 American Journal of Nursing 5 00 News Co. ( Minn. Div.) 249 74 58982 " " M " N 186 02 58983 Anderson Machine Tool Co. 15 25 58984 American Public health Assoc• 15 00 58985 " Rad. & Std. San. Corp. 1 77 58986 " Technical Society 73 39 58987 " Topical Assoc. 1 00 58988 Arco Publishing Co. 10 00 58989 Aslesen Co. X71 45 58990 Beckley—Carly Cd: 19 02 58991 S. Berglund Lbr. Co. 443 20 58992 Fred Boldt Paint Co. 91 59 58993 Boston Book and .+rt Shop 26 64 ,58994 Boustead Else and Mfg. Co. 424 6 58995 S• Brand Coal and 011 Co. 9 58996 Brirgs and Co. Inc. 318 75 58997 Calffornia Teat Bureau 16 65 58998 Canada Dept. of Public Pritt. 2 00 58999 Cereal Soaps Co. Inc. 72 76 9000 Certified Concrete Co. 29 10 59001 Chicago St. P. Mple. & 0. Hyo 28 77 41 74 59002 Colonial Book Service 59003 Commonwealth Elec. Co. 36z 78 59004 Como Lbr. Co. 59005 Consulate General of Israel 2 50 59006 Aylene E. Cooke 4 32 59007 Coronet 2 00 59008 Ray Davis and Son 3 50 14 04 59009 Delmar Pub. Co. 59010 Doubleday and Co. Inc.. 60 83 59011 Duo Products N. W. Inc. 10 215 04 59012 East Side Motor Sales C. 2 61 59013 Eibert Coffee Co. 26 70 5901 Empire Clock Co. Inc. 59015 Encyclopedia Brittannice, Films 63 80 16 00 59016 Engel weld. works 11 53 59017 Federal Enterprises Inc. 590&8First National Bank 9 06 59019 fisher Nut and Chocolate Co. 421 50 59020 H. B. Fuller Co. 19 00 59021 Garltind Luggage Shop 2 51 59022 Garrard Pub. Co. 19 00 59023 Glovo Products Co. 59o24 Gopher Equip. & S. co. 95 79 59025 Grand Av. kotor Co. 52 70 59026 Gruber auto Eiec. Co. 67 o8 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 2 240 016 81 i LJ CITY OF SAINT PAUL' COUNCIL q DUPLICATE TO C TY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER_ --k -- R L CALL Jan. 18 HALVORSON AUDITED CLAIMS 54 HOLLAND ' nARZITELLI _ _IN FAVOR tORTINSON RESOLVED,THAT CHE(69Blf SSC:LI§N THE CITY TREASURY PETERSON ___AGAINST d(ppi� L GL�Q V6 J.�/ ROSEN IN THE AMOUNy go ._.COVERING MR.PRES.DAUBNEY /�{� r JAN 1^ 9 s V CHECKS NO TO INCLUSIVE, AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI ._ PER CHECKS ON FILE I FIDE OF T CI TY COMPTROLLER N APPROVED___i_ 14 - BY �I TOTAL ___ DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT RETURNED NUMBER BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHTFORWARD 2 240 016 81 ® 59027 Milton Rosen 2 776 8o 637 00 59028 3 258 10 59029 a w 594 75 59030 19 50 59031 Jerry Schmidt 250 00 59032 Benjamin M. Storey 59033 City of St. Paul sink. F. 0. 1 127 50 39o34 r 0 u Water sink. 37 180 00 59o)5 Milton Rosen 59036 George Kline 5 50 70 00 59037 Orville Klein 11 466 32 59038 Milton Rosen 59 09 Acme Sawdust Co. 31 0 70 590 0 Almanac Pub. Co. 541 94 §9041 American Hook Co. 4 0o 59042 The American City Magazine 238 13 59043 American Liiien Supply 00. 238 88 59o44 " News Co. 59o45 " n a l2s 0 59046 an;hor Block Co. 45 00 59o47 Apex Pest Control Co. i3 86 59048 Arcus—Ticket Campany 163 20 i 59049 AtwoodIS Coffee 18 00 59050 Theo Audel & Co. 90 59051 Audiometer Sales Corp. b35 35 11 59052 Badger Meter Mfg. Co. 108 67 I 5905 F. H. Bathke Co. 17 50 59054 Beoo Laboratories 13 52 i 59055 Howard W. Belmont 72 30 59056 BensoRobt.nBentleyoInc. C. 8 20 59057 255 01 59058 Blaine Eleo DO- 30 03 59059 Blue Print Service Co. 91 83 59060 Lew Bonn Co. 63 51 59061 Booth Fisheries Corp- 25 09 59062 gt. R. Bowker Co. 21 32 59063 Brissman Kennedy Co. 2 48 59064 Brookings Institution 220 79 59065 Brown and Day Inc. 57 54 59066 Burroughs Corp. 31 95 ® 59067 Capitol Supply Co. 180 00 59068 Jimmy 09-shill 9 39 59069 chemicalse ass SalesdandFTSafetyper . 4 59070 29 0 $9071 Clay Carnet Clean. 0 237 6 39072 Coca Cola Bottling Co. 60 6o 59073 Colgate—Palmolive Peet Co. 1938 59074 Congress Cut Price 4o 59075 Continental Safety Equip. 234 75 59076 Crane Go. of Minnesota 46 71 59077 Dance Master System 120 00 59078 Gus De Liei 12 81 590 R 9 E. P. Dutton and Inc. 35 80 590 0 o. , Eckhardt Co. a SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 2 302 283 00 Ori¢insi to City Clerk . 'r CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL ` FILE NO.-- -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION '—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE— WHEREAS, Saintpaulites, Inc. have requested the aid of the Department of Public Works in the use of certain equipment for the gathering of snow to be transported to the Battle Creek Park snow slide in connection with ski activities of the Saint Paul 1954 Winter Carnival; now, therefore, be it RESOLVE), that the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to assist the Winter Carnival organization in such needed activity by furnishing the services of an operator and one "Snow Go" equipment at the rate of $20.00 per day and one motor patrol at the rate of $10.00 a day, to be paid by Saintpaulites, Inc., for the use of such services C. F.No.I telll— '6"—aY Frank D:;;Matzl_ Whereas.thS etl atOtpaue¢s,Inc.ha Ive re_I qua le Itl cubc Works u�Partment f to ube transportehe tgathering o�rnon Park now slide In tO the Hartle Creek dvI al rp connection with ski Carnival;° the Saint Paul 19it Winter aesolved Thaiherefor¢,1>e It Public Works Is heh¢ry ommissloner of' sslet the Winter Cval athorized to at ni In such needed ac at �n.ration t Snosw Cl0 s of an opy¢rI or and ht e $20.00 per day and°ant at the rte of the rat¢of glo.pp¢ motor patrol at Salntpaulites,Inc.,for 3theoube Paid byy se lees. sue Atlopted by the C 1954. ouncil January 20 Approved January 20,1954 (January 23. Igyi) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council JAN w 0 W-'195_ Yeas Nays JAN 2 t C t +1eHaR4... / Approved 195— Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor 4�, � - - Peterson i Rosen Again.( / Mr. President, Daubney 6M 2-53 r• oriainal to City Clerk COUNCIL n ttn� t 7- CITY OF ST. PAUL HlE No.OFFICE OF OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL R OLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DAT l t RESOLVED, that the use of the Auditorium Arena be given to the Minnesota Speed Skating Association on February 28, 1954, the City to receive all proceeds from the sale or tickets, for the use of the ice. C.lF.d No- 166668—By Bernard T. Hol- an— � E. Daub- ney.h=bone John rnb""ve,Thnt the use of the Audl- Spe d S turn re- be given to the Minnesota atin 28,1854, to the Leh reacetve ajl February from the aale of tickets,for the us. of the ice. Adopted by the Council January 20, 1854. Approved January 20,1954. (January 23, 1954) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council JAN Q }9 65— Yeas Nays "a N 1%4 RvhT sen �/ Approved----- 195_ Marzitelli J MortinsonIn Favor �- - — - Mayo Peterson Rosen —1gainst �V / Mr. President, Daubney 6M 2-53 °f DEPAR-ENT OF LIBRARIES, AUDITORIUM AND MUSEUMS BERNARD T.HOLLAND.ccuxi..�oxan ARTHUR F.COLEMAN,pnurr couxie.iox.n EDWARD A.FURNI. MANAGER MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM "IN THE HEART OF THE SHOPPING AND HOTEL DISTRICT" Tdeph.n.GAr6dd 7861 143 WEST FOURTH STREET SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA 1 January 16, 1954 They Convention Ensemble —XNA-9,000 s`,--Peat Beating 16.00 Ice Rink 100x121 IC—In ION BALL 61.000 Square Peet Mr. Bernard T. Holland, Commissioner 8ver9 Service Department of Libraries, Auditorium, Museums ACnrroRIlrM THSATRS 179 Cit Hall Be.mg 1,oao Y complete Bt.ge Saint Paul 2, Minnesota AS New ET3ad BALL Oear Mr. Holland: Ballroom comptate St... Saw Luo Mr. Cushman of the Eastern Minnesota Speed Skating R"mBE BALL Association would like to arrange ice speed skating No races in the Arena Sunday, February 28, 1954. This kSALUS meet is to be called the Saint Paul Open, sponsored SntU,100 by the Eastern Minnesota Speed Skating Association. 14 COMMT177SE ROOMS The plan we have worked out with them is that there SERVIOSS AVAILASLS will be a fifty cent admission charge, the same as A-O Onrrent vo- D Volta Single and 0-phe.e for amateur hockey, and the Auditorium is to receive D-O OOrzent 110-120 Vona Tdephone-Telegraph all proceeds from the sale of tickets for the use of P.A.S7.tem the ice. Ind-N Dntt PI...for , Oemhmtiop MacMnerr Rn and Odd Water Yours very truly, Drdn 0— U... - Omnpre..edAir SAINT PAUL AUDITORIUM/ EAF:KW Edward A. Furni, Manager I �1 IGi odzinni to City Cl,,k COUNCIL , 0 CITY OF ST: PAUL FILE NO._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ C UNCIL RE LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY� -4 DATE COMMISSIONE RESOLVED, that the free use of the Auditorium facilities be given to Saintpaulites Incorporated for the following events and on the following dates: Arena Friday January 29, 1954 Evening King's Coronation Arena Saturday January 30, 1954 Evening Square Dance Festival St 1 u a Jsltuary 3 B n i}�' o t P el n es ' Arena Sunday January 31, 1954 Evening Musical Jamboree and Baton Twirling Oantest Finals The cost of opening and operating on the above occasions to be set up in the budget in Auditorium Fund 1021. c.F.Nn. 16681,l%—By Milt..Rosen by Resol-ven, That the free -_ of the paulltesuditori Incorporatedbforr the following events and on the following dates: Arena, Friday. January 29. 1954. eve- ning—king's Coronation. Arena, Saturday, January 30, 1954, evening quare Dance Festival. Arene,Sunday.January 31,1954,eve- Twigrll guContest F nals. antl Haton I. The cost of opening and operating on r the above occasions to be set up to the i budget in Auditorium Fund 1021. fAdopted by the Council January 20. e 1 Approved January20,1954. (January 23, 1954) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council Jl-i� 95_ YeasNays Batvarsart— i,) 1954 4i8iian"_ Approved—_—_ 196— Marzitelli Mortinson —�_In Favor ---�- �`—"� — — Mayo Peterson Rosen _—Against _ Mr. President, Daubney r 6M 2-63 � 1 t DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARIES, AUDITORIUM AND MUSEUMS BERNARD T.HOLLAND,......eiox.. ARTHUR F.COLEMAN,o..vrr cOxxioeion ex EDWARD A.FURNI, MANAGER MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM "IN THE HEART OF THE SHOPPING AND HOTEL DISTRICT" Tele,ha.a CA,0.147361 143 WEST FOURTH STREET SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA January 16, 1954 The 3�{y Convention Ensemble Mr. Bernard I. Holland, Commissioner ARENA-7.—B,xere Feet Department of Libraries, Auditorium, Museums / —.15,: 179 City Hall I..Ri.k I00— Saint Paul 2, Minnesota EXHIBITION HALL 6{,000 Blues Feet Eery BaAl.e Dear Mr. 1-Iolland: AUDITORIUM—TRE We have received a request from Mr. John Geisler, Mana in Sr,ten¢0.000 Q , g g Dam.lete Bta,e Director of Saintpaulites Incorporated, for the free use of All Neal Auditorium facilities for the following Saint Faul Winter STEM RALE Carnival events: Ballroom CO3Plete swe Bele 1,250 Arena Friday January 29, 1954 Evening 1UMBBY HALL King's Coronation ¢eel.560 2 HALLS Arena Saturday January 30, 1954 Evening Se.H.c 166 Square Dance Festival 1+co,®RT-rEE RooMe Stem Hall Saturday January 30, 1954 All day A-C BECF.Bcarred 1110-2200-220VoV110AVAE Paton TwirlinP. Contest Preliminaries Bmeee ooa 2-Phu¢ D-C CO It 110-220 V.Ba T.I.Vhone-Telr—h Arena Sunday January 31, 1954 Evening P.A.B,.tem Musical Jamboree and Paton Twirling Contest Finals ma..ea Dr.It Fluee for Corrbutl n M..Mner, H.t..a C.Ia W.- These are the events where no admission is charged, and o�.- ¢¢team in past years free use has been granted for such events, C=V,—,,I Air and will need a Council resolution to cover same. For your information, they will pay the full rent for the following events: Arena Saturday January 30, 1954 Afternoon Grand Parade ly Arena Tuesday February 2, 1954 Evening r q Coronation of Queen of the Snows i Arena Saturday February 6, 1954 Evening Torchlight Parade Arena Sunday February 7, 1954 Evening Eddie Fisher Show d These are all straight rental contracts and do not require a Council resolution. Thanking you, I am, Yours very truly, SAINT PAUL AUDITCRI EAF:KW Eduard A. Furni, Manager RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR"E :a NCOND'RMNAI7DN°rhtiD AWARDS OF DAM ORS AND AS. SESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of-__PBrtiallY opening, widening and extending Summit Avenue from Dayton ---------------- Avenue to Central Avenue; Park Street from Central Avenue to Fuller Avenue; and Rice Street from Summit Avenue to University Avenue and from University Avenue to Como Avenue, together with approaches and connections to intersecting streets as proposed to be opened, widened and extended under C. F. 136542, approved May 22, 1946 and C. F. 149337, approved August 12, 1949, and approved by the State Veterans Service Building Commission August 15, 1949, by condemning and taking the following described lots and parcels of land, all in the City of St. Paul, the same being part of the lands necessary for the above described improvement: Lot 4, Block 1, Irvine's Addition to St. Paul under Preliminary Order___-AA51A-------------- approved_____ ---------_- Intermediary Order--------166218_____________ approved-----November 17, 1953 Final Order_______________1661:9 _____________, approved______December_15z_1953------------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein,for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor,and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same,now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said y assessment roll,be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Resolved, that the said assessment hp And it is he eby determined to be payable -----------equal installments as-to eaeh par-eel of land deseribed therein. Adopted by the Council _____JAN 2'0 1954_____________, - - - `' Approved------------------------,19---- City Clerk. - ,- �- File 12404 --- -- - 'r`-------- - ---------)---- HALVERSON Mayor. CouncilmanH�LLAND Councilman M RZITELLI Councilman o MoanNsoN PL'B Councilman LISA?D '�3- /qs L1 Councilman�Iira'�4id PETERSON Councilman ROSEN Mayor @fflMg==ww DAUBNEV January 19, 1954 The undersigned oweud of the premises Lot 4 Bloek 1, lrvines Addi ion to St,( Paul, known as 316 Rice Street, St, Paul, Minnesota, hereby object to the allowance being made for said premises by the City of St. Paul in con.;emaation thereof for widening Rice Street, F and represent that the amount allowed is grossly insufficient for the damage and loss incurred thereto, for the land, and building and the fixtures and equipment, and damage to the business thereof, known as the Roma Bakery, and hereby objectsto the taking of said premises, in all things, i UV REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of---Partially openinR,_widening and extending Summit-Avenue-from_Dayton Avenue to Central Avenue; Park Street from Central Avenue to Fuller Avenue; and Rice Street from Summit Avenue to University Avenue and from University Avenue to Como Avenue, together with approaches and connections to intersecting streets as proposed to be opened, widened and extended under C. F. 136542, approved May 22, 1946 and C. F. 149337, approved August 12, 1949, and anproved by the State Veterans Service Building Commission August 15, 1949, by condemning and taking the following described lots and narcels of land, all in the City of St. Paul, the same being part of the lands necessary for the above described improvement: Lot 4, Block 1, Irvine's Addition to St. Paul under Preliminary Order__16593!1__-___, approved--------October_lb1 1953______ Intermediary Order------A66218___--- approved--------November-17,-1953_____ Final Order______________166119______, approved--------December_151_1953 ------------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land,lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof,and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of,and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ------------ --(\- ----- Commissioner of FinarCC"l�' 10" 92 RESOLUTION C.F.No.168892—In pe and ale m:ngr ou=+.�tvoo. SL tooa width of 69 M.from Maryland Ave.to Ivy Ave.by taking and mn the est 3D ft,of the 9—Ur rest%of the No#heart of Section 22,Township r, Maryland Avenue In the matter of____openingz widening and extending Hazelwood St.to-a-width of 60 ft. from Maryland Ave. to Ivy Ave. by taking and condemning the west 30 ft. of the Southwest I of the Northeast of Section 22, Township 29, Range 22, from Maryland Avenue to Ivy Avenue a c a 6 d � A 2 165569dSeptember 10, 1953 under Preliminary Order___-________ _ _ approve _____ 165930 _---------- approved__-__October 14, 195=3 a 3 Intermediary Order__________ _ _-, m 166165November 10, 1953 m Final Order--------------------- ------------ approved------------------------------4 a, A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or eas hments a therein,for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor,and also upon the assment»o i of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same,now therefore be" 4C Resolved, Tha ti irl Lha annexeduassessent m -e€She•-Commiasiellelt�e€�Faliatiee-- he>;ea€,maud�the= ndemnati--as set-fo.tit in,saidas"ooment Poll,ba m c h m ,�benefits;-�be^and-the�sam>:is-Ilere�^in..all=rRSA�k:. m r BrnStt�tP tti"t11�"ISi�tY i�t`�o�rk fog conSlanation. _o s as§essment-be-and-i* ' �7'•-J � ifr---=t>-=--egvat installments-as-to each parcel-of land-described--therein JAN 0. ls,---- Adopted by the Council ___ ___0__195,----------------- U 1954 - Clty Clerk. Approved------ / y or.`, File 12381 NALVERSON Ma CDuncilman ND HOLLAi Councilman ` -'„' PUBY .r'?•: I -, YRs y Councilman MARZ!TELLI -- -- Councilman ' MORTINSON / Councilman�' �a,K...� PETERSON � , Councilman @MdbZb9WMt= ROSEN Mayor DAUENEY / A t f q Y _ y REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of.....openingz_widening and-extending-Hazelwood St-.--to- a width-of--- 60 ft. from Maryland Ave. to Ivy Ave. by taking and condemning the west 30 ft. of the Southwest 4 of the Northeast 4 of Section 22, Township 29, Range 22, from Maryland Avenue to Ivy Avenue under Preliminary Order---165569------ approved________September 10,1953_ Intermediary Order-------165930October 1Ll, 1953 -----' approved-------------------- ------------------------- 166165 November 10, 1953 Final Order--------------166165 apProved---------------------------------------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land,lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof,and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed anddetermined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of,and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ------------------Y - - - Commissioner of Fine. RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of-__con3emning_an_d_taking_an_easement_in the_land necessary_for_slopes�_ cuts and fills in the grading of the boulevard and sidewalk area on the north side of Annapolis Street from Humboldt Avenue to Hall Avenue (RESOLUTION RAT(4WATI . AND AWARDS F DAM 2iATlON AND AWARDS OF E DAMAGES AND AS- SESSMENT THEREFOR F N� 166893— 165352 August 25, 1953 under Preliminary Order_______________________, approved______________---__------------------ Intermediary Order........165987------------- approved-----October 20, 1953 Final Order---------------166202--------------------- approved------Novembe --------r 17, 1953----------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement,and the awards of damages therefor,and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same,now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further,that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. able . Adopted by the Council _ JAN --_, ?0 1954 / ':0 1954 -�- ;W__ _V_AV=-z _Cc_ -��---------- Approved------------------------>19---- City Clerk. File 12391 HALVERSON 1----- /---L--"------------------'------ M'ayor. Councilman® HOLLAND Councilman _ MARZITFLLI Councilman Councilman old' , MOR-,SON \ _­ )- 2}- i q5- J Councilmanito#ilaYid' PETERsoN --" Councilman64dh44g@K2 ROSEN Mayor '_sem DAUBNEY REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS A-111:71. tF'rPqF-_EFYT OF BENLEFITM condemning and taking an easement in land necessary for In the matter of---------------------------------------------the---- -------------- --- -- slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of the boulevard and sidewalk area on the north side of Annapolis Street from Humboldt Avenue to Hall Avenue ------ August 25, 1953 under Preliminary Order-------------- approved_--------------------------------------------- Intermediary --------- 95 ------ - - ----------- Intermediary Order--------165987____ approved_--___October 20, 1953---------------------- 166202 r November-17,1953-____-____ Final Order--------------------------� app oved---------------- --- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land,lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof,and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of,and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ____________ __� --- Commissioner of Finaf RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR R.SO NCONDEMNAr10N0 AN, SEBS6,ENT.ZHERBFORS ANO AS- 168894— ..••.^ . _I•. nin8. In the matter of---Partially openi_np,, widening-and-extending Summit Avenue from Dayton ------- --- ---------- -------------------------- Avenue to Central Avenue; Park Street from Central Avenue to Fuller Avenue; and Rice Street from Summit Avenue to University Avenue and from University Avenue to Como Avenue, together with approaches and connections to intersecting streets as proposed to be opened, widened and extended under C. F. 136542 approved May 22, 1946 and C. F. 149337 approved August 12, 1949, and approved by the State Veterans Service Building Commission August 15, 1949, by condemning and taking -the following described lots and parcels of land, all in the City of St. Paul, the same being part of the lands necessary for the above described improvement: (except part taken for street) Lots 1 and 2, all of Lots 3 and 5, and that part of Lot 7 lying Northeasterly of a line from a point on the north line 50.90 feet from the northeast corner to a point on the south line 53.62 feet from the Southeast corner, all in Block 1, Irvine's Addition to St. Paul under Preliminary Order--__165936-------_-_- approved----October-l4,-1953--------------, Intermediary Order---------166167---_ approved.....November_10, 1953--------_-- Final Order----------------1661118-------___-_ approved-----_December_9z_1953------------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor,and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same,now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Resolved that thA said a on+ he And it is hereby determined to be payab! ---------------equal instaAments as to eaeh par6p.] of land deReribpd therein. Adopted by the Council --.APL-2D_194----------------, 19,---- , 1 4 � 1 _�'_�-y ------ JA ---- City Clerk. Approved-------------------------19---- --Fi le 124 HALVERSON Mayor. Councilman HOLLAND Councilman MARzITELLI Councilman O 8Councilman V%ff&7'm' MORTiN50N Councilman PETERSON Councilman dadbubmum= ROSEN Mayor DAUBNEY REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of---Partially_openinP,_widening and extendin----------------- -ummit_ 1111 Ave Avenue to Central Avenue; Park Street from Central Avenue to Fuller Avenue; and Rice Street from Summit Avenue to University Avenue and from University Avenue to Como Avenue, together with approaches and connections to intersecting streets as proposed to be opened, widened and extended under C. F. 136542 approved May 22, 1946 and C. F. 149337 approved August 12, 1949, and approved by the State veterans Service Building Commission August 15, 1949, by condemning and taking the following described lots and parcels of land, all in the City of St. Paul, the same being part of the lands necessary for the above described improvement: (except part taken for street) Lots 1 and 2, all of Lots 3 and 5, and that part of Lot 7 lying Northeasterly of a line from a point on the north line 50.90 feet from the northeast corner to a point on the south line 53.62 feet from the Southeast corner, all in Block 1, Irvine's Addition to St. Paul under Preliminary Order__L659approved-------October 14_ 1953----------------------- Intermediary Order______ 166167 approved____--November_10.__1953..................... Final Order-------------166419------- approved-_____December-5,1P53---------------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land,lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of,and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Fifie. IGil 95 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR 'Ise�y�on�mT�Ncu nanYmr.iATT AND CON- AND , SRSSMENT Fq'NBS8F0 S AND AS- C. F. No. 166895— In the matter of___condemning and taking for the Department_of Public Works to be - - -------�-- --- -------------------------- used as a District Warehouse, Lot 4 and the West j of Lot 3, Block 26, Kittson's Addition under Preliminary Order-----165979--_-------- approved_____October_20 .1953__--------__ Intermediary Order__________ ___ 166166 , approved___-_AQVeTber 103125)------------- Final Order________________166412------------- approved______December_8i_1953------------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein,for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor,and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same,now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll,be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Resolved, that the said assessment be and it is hereby determined te be payable ---------------equal installments as to eaeh pa eseribed therein. Adopted by the Council JAN-23 -1954------------------ 19,____ AOl 195 1 �W'j-k `�� - - ------- ------ City Clerk. Approved------------------------,19---- %�� File 12403 ----- ---✓�?-- ----------c HALVERSON / y Councilman HOLLAND Councilmana MARzirELu Councilman MORTINSON Councilman Councilman nt PETERSON Councilman BadhoilUMM= ROSEN Mayor mms= DAUBNEY 4 A• i �. 'i REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND At'4,4VH1v914_ENT OF BENEFITS In the matter of--__condemnine_and takine for the-Department- -of Public-Worksto-be -------------------- ---- ------ ---------- ------ - - used as a District Warehouse, Let L and the West 2 of Lot 3, Block 26, Kittson's Addition 165979 October--20,--1953 under Preliminary Order---------------, approved------ November 10 1953---------------------- Intermediary Order_______ ______, approved_________________�_-__ 166419 December B, 1953 Final Order--------------------------� approved---------------------------------------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land,lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of,and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ---------------- � v �-- Commissioner of Fina 1st—�— 2n d� Laid over j .l 3rd and app. — —Adopted. � F Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Halvorson alvor on Holland Z.10. Marzitelli ,-Afa-rzitelli Martinson /I -4f-ortinson Peterson ✓� �terson Rosen A osen Mr. President Daubney Mr.President Daubner— s tri it Orteral to Cit,Clork ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO— PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO C.F.No.166897—Ordinance No.100— 9,Frank D. Marzitelli— An ordinance granting permission to Associated Contractors.Inn to rough- grade Orange Avenue from Ruth Street T A�2nue. and Pedersen Street An ordinance granting permission to Asaociatied`,vti'. � ,,:h;+-'',"" ors, Inc. to rough-grade Orange Avenue from Ruth Street to Ivy Avenue, and Pedersen Street from Hyacinth Avenue to Orange Avenue; and also to construct is public sewer on Orange Avenue from Ruth Street to a point 133 feet south of Ivy Avenue. This Is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby given to Associated Contractors, Inc. to rough-grade Orange Avenue from Ruth Street to Ivy Avenue, and Pedersen Street from Hyacinth Avenue to Orange Avenue; and also to oonstryct a public sewer on Orange Avenue from Ruth Street to a point 133 feet south of Ivy Avenue, and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit therefor upon permitteets compliance with the following conditions, viz: 1. Said permittee shall do said work entirely at its own expense, and to the satisfaction and under the supervision of the Chief Engineer of the Depart- ment of Public Works, and in accordance with plane and specifications approved by him. 2. Said permittee shall pay the cost of engineering and inspection, and also for the publi- cation of this ordinance. 3. Before entering upon or doing any of said work, said permittee shall procure from the abutting owners such easements in and to the abutting property as may be necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, and shall obtain a written re- lease from such owners, releasing and discharging the City from any and all damages by reason of s said grading or sewer construction. 4. Said permittee shall furnish a bond of $5,000.00 to the City of Saint Paul, conditioned to comply with all the terms of this ordinance, and to indemnify and save the City harmless from any and all loss, liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damage or expense that may accrue to person or property occasioned by the above im- provements. 5. Said permittee shall, within ten days after the publication of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Halvorson Holland Tn Favor Marzitelli Martinson Peterson Against Rosen k Mr..President t(Daubney) Approved: Attest: s I ¢� City Clerk Mayor if 11 J- t Orisln.l b City Clerk ' ORDINANCE 166,897 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO Y�� (2) Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. seation Z. This ordinance shall take effectand be in force from and after its passage, approval and p blication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council FED It 1994 Halvorson c,' Holland Tn Favor Marzitelli Martinson 0 Peterson Against Rosen Mr.President (Daubney) Apprgved: FE6 4 1954 t Attest;,-- City Clerk j Mayor 1M&64 8 �✓ a. 2_- CITY OF SAINT PAUL Aa°°"'"°VLICE aocGE or M. GA C Reeu,a JOS.PAVLICEK C£O.M.GAAEN,Sun. Derr'.A6oV MAM o, Capital of Minnesota Pan.M..Crvv.Exn,xeee BUR—oe SA—TION JENS A.HOLMEOE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS JOHN M.COTTER,Sun. orr, ENu,Nesa FRANK D.MARZITELLI,COMMISSIONER HEREERT S.WEST B­.oe Mun,c,eAL Eqo,e,.E- HERMAN P. PRANKE,DEPUTY COMMISSIONER ARTHUR 7[.KOCH 6-1—oe E.—.1 GEORGE M.SHEPARD,CHIEF ENGINEER MAURICE W.HEWETT ® Bu u oa co.­... EV­ JOAN P.MULLANEY,Sum. T,,,,,EN11N.. ° EUGENE V.AVERY January 18, 1954 yf-� '_r. Timonth;� '�uinn Corporation Counsel B u i l d i. n g Dear Sir: ',Iill >ou kindly pre:-,are an rdinance granting permission to Associated Contr ctors, Inc(Fugene Murray, President and M. F. Murray, Secrctgry-Treasurer) to rough grade Orange Avenl:e fror.. Ruth 46 et t}p�-'Tvy Avenue and also Pedersen Street from Hyacinth ^.venue £O Oranl?e Avenue. Also to co,str,ict a public sew-'r on Orange Avenue from Ruth Street to a point 133 ft. south f Ivy Avenue. The foreJoing work shall be done in accorlance with nlpns and s-ecificati.ons to 'oe approved by the Chief Engineer of the Citv of St. Paul. Any cost for engineering and ins-ection incurred by the Citi- of St. Paul in tr, s connection is to be oad for by Associated Contractors, Inc. A bond n the aro,mt of "5000 will be required. The ordinance should be drawn asan emergency ordinance. The time of completion to be October 1, 1954. Yc,ars ver; truly, r f { HTH- IT Office -p4neer. hs..-rh ' an or BemT rein ORIGINAL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER N� 601 TO PAYOR R E C E ' P T b zz goo RECEIVED OF-.-----� --- -- FOR-------- PTROLLER Paul, Minnesota Zt S 1954 To the Honorable, the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen; We, the undersigned, do hereby accept and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of Council File No. 166897, being Ordinance No. 10250, adopted by the Council on February 4, 1954• ASSOCIATED CONTRACTORS, INC. By COUNCIL NO. O,i¢i".I to Cu'CI'A CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK '.W.106898—AV Norris O.Halvor- U CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM oR a� ,a•,. „ ,...i 't...-o_ pay PRESENTED BY _ _ DATE_- ' COMMISSIONER--_—__.— --_ - "�-- WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence Of an emergency during the period from January 1 to 15, 1954, which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings for more than eight hours per day or forty hours per week in doing the following work: 1 Tending Como Greenhouse heating plant. 2 Building skating and hockey rinks, wiring or rewiring them for lights and repairing the warming houses. 3 Installing and operating loudspeakers at speed skating races. 4 Extra police duty at skating rinks and in the parks, parkways and boulevards. 5 Sanding streets and wallcs in the public parks and the boulevards and parkways. And WHEREAS, This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circum- stances; 1 Constant, even temperature is required at the Como Greenhouse and Zoo. 2 Demand for completion of new installations and inability to obtain additional skilled and experienced help. 3 Speed skating races held at Como speed rink on Sundays. 4 Heavier traffic and increased attendance at the rinks over the holiday week end. 5 Fresh snow fall over the week end. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the employees who performed such work in accordance d by the e provisions of the196— COUNCILMEN ncil Yeas Nays Halvorson Approved —196— Holland d r C, Marzitelli _ - In Favor May Martinson l / Peterson J Rosen J-Against Mr. President, Daubney 6M 2-53 " IL r Ori¢innl to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCILFILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_.__—___— _—_ —_ .DATE Council's salary ordinance, Ordinance No. 6446. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council JAN 20 1954,95— Yeas Nays JAN 2 0 W44 Halvorson Holland Approved— 195— Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor Mayr Peterson Rosen __Against Mr. President, Daubney cM 2-53 1 a orizinal to Cil,Clerk ® COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C.F.No.166899—By Nulls O.Halvor- OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM — Whereas. Alfred-R. Schroeder, City PRESENTED BY Architect, has requested the CRY DATE c ou idelr to hold a p eta hlwut�the COMMISSIONER -,_ p�nse inn red by the City of Saint -- - Paul 1n removingdangerous st—I, -- at 2381 Buford Street, more par lu 1sr1Y known as I.ot 'a AIS"" th. WHEREAS, Alfred H. Schroeder, City Architect, has requested the City CounOil_-to hold a public hearing to consider any complaints about the expense incurred by the City, of Saint Paul in removing a dangerous structure at 2381 Buford Street, more particularly known as Lot 26, Block 9, St. Anthory Park North, and the City Council this 20th day, of January, 1954, is holding a public hearing to consider the expense and to confirm the amount thereof; and WHEREAS, it appears that the City Council, pursuant to C. F. No. 164754, adopted July 8, 1953, published Suly U. 1953, set a public hearing to consider removing the dangerous structure, and the Council by C. F. 165015, adopted July 29, 1953, published August 1, 1953, ordered the wrecking by and at the separate cost and expense of the owner, occu— pant, or other person in control thereof, and the City Council by C. F. No. 16530, adopted August 20, 1953, published August 29, 1953, directed the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to enter upon the premises and wreck and remove the dwelling and accessory buildings thereon and do any and all things therein necessary for the protection of life, limb, and adjeiEning property, and that the City of Saint Paul has incurred an expense of $197.00 in removing the dangerous structure; and WHEREAS, it appears that Charles W. and Helen F. Sutton, Odd— fellows Home, Northfield, Minnesota, are the record owners of the premises; be it RESOLVED, that we, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, do hereby confirm the amount of $197.00 to be the fair, true, and reasonable amount for such services incurred in removing the dangerous structure; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be directed to file in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Ramsey a statement of expense incurred by the City,£or the purpose of securing a lien on the property, pursuant to the Building Code. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council Yeas Nays :964 Halvorson Holland Approved 195— Marzitelli j�, Mortinson _ , In Favor —� — Ma or Peterson �` �/ Rosen, -Against 1161 q Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 Citp of,Vit. Pawl M INN�501A�' D�EPARTMENIOP PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City H011, Zone 2 NORRIS O. HALVORSON, Commissioner FRANK L. LOSS, Deputy Commissioner W.LA MONT KAUFMAN ALFRED H.SCHROEDER ERNEST W.JOHNSON Supt.of Pero CHy ArohBad - Supf.of Playgrounds N January 280 1954 Mrs. Agnes O'Connell City Clerk City of St. Paul Dear Madam: There is attached herewith a copy of Council File No. 166899, approved by the City Council on January 20, and published January 23, 1954 in the official paper. This has reference to the property at 2381 Buford Street, owned by Chas. W. and Helen F. Sutton, Oddfellows Home, Northf field, Minnesota. As you will note, the final paragraph directs the City Clerk to file in the office of the Register of Deeds a statement of expense incurred, for the purpose of secur- ing a lien on the property. If you will refer to Assist- ant Corporation Counsel, J. Jerome Plunkett's letter of February 26, 1952, you will note the procedure to be fol- lowed. Yours truly, li Alfr H. Schroeder C ARCH If ECT AHS..A CC for Chas. W & Helen F. Sutton, Oddfellows Home, Northfield James M. Carlisle, Washington, D. C. Oscar Luckett, Wash., D. C. St. Paul Dept. Pub. Asst., 108 E. Sixth St., Gust Johnson Lbr. Co., 3001 Como Ave., S E Mpls Mr. J. Jerome Plunkett, Asst Corp Counsel STATEMENT OF EXPENSE ON IIAiNTM WAEORINO OF ATB I DINaPAUL 0AT 9RFtED 2381 Buford Avenue Lot 26, Block 9, St. Anthony Park North That I, Agnes H. O'Connell, City Clerk, do hereby make and file a formal statement of expense inoursed by the City of Saint Paul in the removal and wreokags of a building at 2381 Buford Avenue; described as - Lot 26, Blook 9, St. Anthony Park North. STATEMENT OF EXPENSg Said expense, as hereinabove stated, was incurred by the City of Saint Paul on L Vacember 24, 1953, for wrecking and removal of building at 2381 Buford Avenue: Mmensee of Department of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings in oonneotion with oondemnatioi of 2381 .Buford Avenue for investiga- tion, notifications, and condemnation $ 20.00 Specifications 7.00 Minnesota Floor Surfaoing Co., 1405 Albemarle Street, SZ. L Paul 31 for wreaking as per Council File No. 166122 170,00 $197.00 Said expense, as hereinabove stated, was incurred by the City of Saint Paul on December 24, 1953• The author- ization for this statement is given in Council File No. 166899, passed by the Oounoil,of the City of Saint Paul, a cop? ! which is attached and made a part hereof. This statement is herewith being filed in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Ramsey, pursuant to Ordinance 7210 of the City of Saint Paul, Section 1-17- Dated 1954. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) 98. County of Ramsey ) On the day of February, 1954, before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared Agnes B. 010onnell, to me known to be ffie City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul* and who executed the foregoingstatement of expense in her capacity as City Clerk of the ity of Saint Paul under and pursuant to authorization given her to execute said instrument, contained In Council File No. 166899, passed by the Council of the City of Saint Paul on January 20, 1954, under and pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, section 1-17. Harold o an Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. my commission expires Nov. 22, 1934. 132fi15i3 STATEMENT OF EXPENSE ON RRED INTHE HFWRECKING SAINT CITY OF OF ABUILDINGPAUL CATD 2381 Buford Avenue Lot 26, Block 9, St. Anthony Park North That I, Agnes H. ol0onnell, City Clerk, do hereby make and file a formal statement of expense incurred by the City of Saint Paul in the removal and wreckage of a building at 2381 Buford Avenue; described as - Lot 26, Block 9, St. Anthony Park North. STATEMENT OF EXPENSE Said expense, as hereinabove stated, was incurred by the City of Saint Paul on December 24, 1953, for wrecking and removal of building at 2381 Buford Avenue: Expenses of Department of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings in connection with condemnation of 2381 Buford Avenue for Investiga- tions, notifications, and condemnation $ 20.00 Specifications 7.00 Minnesota Floor Surfacing Co., 1405 Albemarle Street, St. Paul 3, for wrecking as per Council File 170.00 No. 166122 $197.00 Said expense, as hereinabove stated, was incurred by the City of Saint Paul on December 24, 1953• The author- ization for this statement is given in Council File No. 166899, Passed by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, a copy of which is attached and made a part hereof. This statement is herewith being filed in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Ramsey, pursuant to Ordinance 7210 of the City of Saint Paul, Section 1-17. Dated l'1 w° 1954• l STATE OF MINNESOTA ) s8. County of Ramsey / On the :5, day of February, 1954, before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared Agnes H. O'Connell, to me known to be the City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul, and who executed the foregoing statement of expense in her capacity as City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul under and pursuant to authorization given her to execute said instrument, contained "in Council File No. 166899, passed by the Council of the City of Saint Paul on January 20, 1954, under and pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, Section 1-17. -" Harold J. Riordan Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires Nov. 22, 1954. a Oricinsl to City Cl.ri, CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL ENCIL NO. ,\ / OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ° It COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY - COMMISSIONE DATE_ Jariaary 20, 1954 UdHEREAS, I. J. Donnelly, 612 Drake Street, has made application for licenso as ho�,se sewer contractor, and Wd LRS,F,3, I. J. Donnelly, i accorda;ce with Jrd nance 1,1o.7661 has been examined by the Board of Examiners and approved by said Board for license as a house sewer contractor, and I. J. Donnelly has file(! a bond i:i accordance with Ord9_nance No.7661; therefore, be it RES,,LVED, That a license as house sewer cor.trectcr be Yereby granted to said I. J. Donnelly subject to the nrovisions of said ordinance, acd the Commissioner �f il)bi_c Works is instructed to issue said license upon payment into the city treasury (,f the required fee. C.F. No. 1O680D–.By Frank D. Marzi- ell t— Street rhos made app licatlon for llDcenkse s house sewer contractor, and a Whereas, I. J. Donnelly, in accord- j anance mined bytlthenBoaN ofeExaminers d appprovetl Wye sola Board for license as hh contractor.and bona ienaccaccordance with 1. J. onnellOrtlina chas e No. 7661; therefore, be It Resolved, That I license as house contractor be ht granted tows id I. J. Donnelly 4b]ect to the P of said o tlinance,arW /i y Commissioner of Publl Wort- {structed to issue aid JP payment Into the city tt'f required fee. ( 1954. Adopted by the Co Approved January (January 23, 1il� V/ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_ 595495_ Yeas Nays Halvorson k Holland n Approved 195_ Marzitelli Mortinson _In Favor 01 �Y 2 Peterson Rosen / _ —Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-56 ,+ odabmal to ch,C611, CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCILFILE NO._ A.'I1'1➢�� e OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK "' UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATE WHEREAS, the Sinking Fund Committee proposes to sell out of the General Sinking Fund $800,000 1-9/4-% United States Treasury :Totes, dated December 15, 1950, maturing December 15, 1955 as they are in need of money to meet the payment of $1,000,^00 City of Saint ?moil School Bonds, an obligation of the Generrl Knkin- _ural, and WHFP.EAS, the Council is of the opinion the above sale should be made, therefore be it, RESOLVED, that the Mayor, Commissioner of Finance and the Comptroller are hereby authorized and directed to consummate the transaction. C. F. No. 155991—Dy Millon Rosen— Whereas,The Sinking Fund Cormnit- tee proposes to sell out of the General Sinking Fund $80O124%1'+% United Staten Treasury Notes,dated December 15,19W ma- turing December Is, 1955, the they are In need of money to meet Paul Payment hoot Ehmass�aan obilgatlou L. i the General Sinking Fund. and - Whereas, The Council Is P the i opinion the above sale should beomade. (:therefore be it. L in of F'I ance esolved That t nd the Comptroller are hereby authorized and directed to consummate the transaction. Adopted by the Council January 29. 1954. Approved January 29, 1959. (Tanuary 23, 1954) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved_ 195_ Marzitelli t Mortinson __ .In Favor - � ------ — Peterson Mayor � Rosen ___Against Mr. President, Daubney SM 2.53 i Original t.City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE FILE NO.-- — OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY , COMMISSIONER_ WHEREAS, The Commissioner of blio Works has reported, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency during the period from January 14 to 20, 1954 which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of the Department of Public Works for more than eight hours per day or forty hours per week in doing the following work: Plowing and snow removal Cindering icy hills and intersections And WHEREAS, This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Necessity of keeping city streets free from snow and ice after recent snowfall. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED That.the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the employees who performed such work in accordance with the provisions of the Council's salary ordinance, Ordinanow No. 6446. C.F.No.166002—By Frank D.Marzl-' Resolved,That the proper llyo opHi- ertelncerar employes in the Department of Public Works for extra employment as described in the"`*`U'tit Adopted by the Council January 20. 1954. Approved January 20, 1954. (January 23, 1954) t* COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CouneiL-- 195_ Yeas Nays Halvorson Akaa Holland Approved .- 195— Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor Peterson n Mayo Rosen / Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 Orl¢inel to City Clerk p G 5 COUNCIL k t CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE danUary 20, 1954 COMMISSIONE ._ In the matter of opening, widening and extending an alley 20 ft. in width in Block 2, Essex Park and in Government Lot 3 in Section 26, Townsh'p 293 Range 233 from Stillwater Avenue to the north line of Lot 1, Block 25 Essex Park, by taking and condemn-ng the westerl- 10 ft. of that part of Government Lot 3, lying sontherl-, of Stillwater Avenue, westerly of Lake Street, northerly of Lot 1, Block 2, Essex Park, and easterly of alley in laid Block 2, Essex Park, under Preliminary Order C.7. 166704 anpeoved January 5, 1954• R73SCLVlED, That all orders in the a'oove matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled aid rescinded and all proceedings in such matter discontinued. C.F. No. IBgOpy_Hy Frank D. Marzl- telll— nd et tendfng an all 11 peg w'denfng in Block 2, �' ft.iv Width Ment J:t 3 I Section 26rui j me�I]*idth Range 23, flvm Stilitvater Avenue to the north line of Lot 1,Block 2,Ei& weanesk, by taking d rantlemmng the tt ly 30 n. f that part of caverne water Avenue lyweste�j therly of Stlll- .r northerly of Lot 1,Block g,Lake Street, d easterly of alley 1n td gjoPg rk� Fssex Park ,under Preltminary Order C.F.168704 approved January 5, 1059, Resolved, That all ders 1n the) bove matter be end the same are hereby anrnlled, annulled and re-`. scinW and ell proceeding In such matter discontinuetl. Adopletl by the C.U.en January 20, 1059. APproved January 20, 1959. (January 23, 1859) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council— 195— Yeas Nays 'u Halvorson Holland Approved _195_ Marzitelli DloPtinson _ In Favor ------- Peterson ;\- M Rosen ----Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-aa Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C. F. No. 166867 Whereas,A written proposal for the and making of the following Improvemeht, Olen,wmen and extend an •ev 4 PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public impravement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Open, widen and extend an alley 20 ft, in width in Block 2, >.ssex Park, and in Government Lot 3 in Section 26, Township 29, Range 22, from Stillwater Avenue to the north line of Lot 1, Block 2, Essex Park, by takin- and condemning the western 10 ft. of that Dart of Government Lot 3, lying southerly of Stillwater Avenue, westerly of Lake Street, northerly of Lot 1, Block 2, Essex Park, and easterly of alley in said Block 2, Dated this day of 199#—. l ss k. 20th January Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS,A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Open, widen and extend an alley 20 ft, in width in Block 2, Essex Park, and in Government Lot 3 in Section 26, Township 29, Range 22,from Stillwater Avenue to the north line of Lot 1, Block 2, Essex Park, by taking and condemning the westerly 10 ft. of that Dart of Government Lot 3- hying so,,therly of Stillwater Avenues, westerly of Lake Street, northerly of Lot 1, Block 2, Essex Park, and easterly of alley in said Block 2, having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul EssexPark therefore,be it RESOLVED,That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for,or desirability of,the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature,extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council JAN 2 0 1954 YEAS NAYS Halvorson Councilman MARZITELLI Holland JAN 2 n 1954 A - Approved 11 MORTINSON PETERSON J/7 ROSEx — MR.PRESIDENT,)fix Mayor. im 4.51 .442p.8®� Daubney n �// PUYUSuED Council File No.—] i PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C. F. No. 166805— andwhereas,A written prop sal for the making of the following improvement, vex. PRELIMINARY ORDER wh- - The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Reconstruct or repair, where necessary, the existing sidewalk on both sides of E.Geranium Ave. from Frank St. to Duluth St. Dated this 19 day of J.N 954—. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS,A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Reconstruct or repair, where necessary, the existing sidewalk on both sides of E.Geranium Ave. from Frank St. to Duluth St. 0 having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore,be it RESOLVED,That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature,extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council- YEAS ouncil YEAS NAYS Councilman MARZITELLI XuDauamm Holland Approved n MORTINSON xmiuummix Helvors+n PETERSON / —r ROSEN MR.PRESIDENT,E=A3= Daubney Mayor. //J,/i �� Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C. F. No lassos— Reconstruct o repair,where n s ry. the exi.Ung sidewalk both. and stiles f Hewitt Ave from Syndicate, St.to Hamane Ave.having been pre- sented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore,be PRELIMINARY ORDER it The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Reconstruct or repair, where necessa�r ithe existing sid*walk on both sides of Hewitt Ave. from Syndicate St. to Hemline Ave. Dated this----l9-day of January 95 4 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS,A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Reconstruct or repair, where necessary, the existing sidewalk on both sides of Hewitt Ave Pram syndicate St to Ha line Ave 4, having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul S therefore,be it RESOLVED,That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature,extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council JAN 20 1954 YEAS NAYS Councilman MARZITELLI cg �4 Holland Approved. AN 2 0 1 i MORTINSON x 1QAX .Y.1M Halvorson PETERSON ROSEN MR.PRESIDENT,DEMM Dalybney Mayr. 1M 4.51 1 R7.ISHED-� 7 Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C. F. Na. 166907— whereaa,A written Profp sal for the and making of the fonowing bnprovement. vir' PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Reconstruct or repair, where:neceeeary, the exieting sidewalk on both sides of Central Ave. from Chatsworth at. to Oxford St. Dated this 19 day of January 5 4 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS,A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Reconstruct or repairs where necess4a,the existing sidewalk on both sides of Central Ave. from Chatsworth St. to Oxford St. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore,be it RESOLVED,That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for,or desirability of,the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature,extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. S. To furnish a plan,profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council �A G rtS5*-- YEAS NAYS Councilman MARZITELLI nsr. ,vIYfl+ (,l 5 Holland APprovedg nI MORTINSON vIx Halvorson PETERSON ROSEN MR.PRESIDENT,Rama Da.ubney Mayo•. im tit .48�.e 1 _ Cuu.-di File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 18g908— Whereas,A written proposal for the and al-.ng of the following improvement: viz.: Reconstruct o repair,where n e5- PRELIMINARY ORDER sides the caaoexisting Ave. from a beth Ides of Eleanor e. from Cleveland .. n,S-.hnWnR,beer^-y'^d The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Reconstruct or repair, where necessary, the existing sidewalk on both sides of Eleanor Ave. from Cleveland Ave. to Fina St. Dated this 19 day of jnmlezy 154 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS,A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Reconstruct or repair, where neceseary, the existing sidewalk on both sides of F.l o4nnr Ave_ from Cleveland Aaw_ to P1na St. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore,be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature,extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof, 3. To furnish a plan,profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council JAN 2 0 1954 YEAS NAYS JAN qp 7 Councilman MARZITELLI JAN u 0 1954 Nk;Damgm Holland Approved MORTINSON RKXXNJM Halvorson PETERSON RosEx MR.PRESIDENT?UDXM X)PL Daubney Mayor l iD1 4-61 ` PT TS?T,I9IIED C.F Ved. checke be drawn on LTeag{iTy. LO LEC a�eCkg CITY OF SAINT P^WL i the CttY CayeTlaB - COUNCIL FILE NO.- NOTIC amount ofui.• bgygg;{pclne: CCSUNCIL RESOLUTION TO PT alley oa[de in the o>flce f the PRINT Ctty Co d9by hTe'Councll Sandan 20•� J&R. 19 Adapted by 1059. 1954. .—dJ unuo 23201059) E DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY,CTO THE NCLUSIVEAAS PERAMOUNT RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BCHECKS s 169 66a.54• ,COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED—9081—TO 1� -- ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. �^1 - .----19— _-- 41, \gDOPTED 6YTHE COUNCII—.-J�� - - - - -- _ jAN :0 1954 BY— _ APPROVED__—--- po ... -.� .. a c.'� � .. � t -♦ .- J._ .• '_ a. r._. __� ,,.� '�.. -_` )-.. CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER ROL/IL�CALL AUDITED CLAIMS Tan. —ig,IARI _ IOT ELLI —1 --IN FAVOR EOTERSONN O RESOLVED.THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY _ ___AGAINST IN THE AMOUNT OF 169 COVERING MRS PRES. UBNEY JA 2 0 1954 HRE-KS ND. 591081 54133 INCLUSIVE. AS �r O ADOPTED -- CONCI _ _ PER CHECKS ON [E�11 T_Y G oen ARFROVED � v ^ '18 TOTAL _ ATE MINFAVOROF DISBURSEMENT RETURNED NUMBER R AK CHECKS ` CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 2 3. 02 23.00 ® 59081 John Bergeron J 70 00 59082 Bessie Levenberg 100 00 39083 M11ton Rosen 10 ID00 00 5908 Q&ahley E. Triplett and Marg. 6 50 59085 Co. welfare Boyd 110 755 15 59086 W. O. Johnson 14 00 59087 Edgar Kelly 105 00 59088 A. E. Trudeau, Cafeterias 20 00 59089 Andrew Ekstrand 96 oo 59090 Mary E. Krey 32 00 59091 Elea Obst, Co. Treas. 416 67 59092 Community Rural Telephone C. 3 15 59093 Arthur w. nawkinson 5 00 59094 Joan i,. i=a`itz 45 00 59095 Thornton Bros. 25 00 59096 Western Underground Constr. 5 00 59097 Hankes Heat. Co. 8 487 43 59098 W. E. Uombold 175 95 59099 Sheehy Constr. Co. 5 865 55 59100 Jennings D. McLellan and Son 1 467 27 59101 Theo G. Helle and Co. 114 30 59102 Hurley Constr. Co. 8 643 60 59103 A. V. Wlnterer and Son 752 40 59104 Com.aonwealth Electric Co. 2 125 00 59105 Berglund Lumber Co. 1 447 67 59106 Farwell Ozmun Kirk and Co. 107 10 5;,107 a a a 186 28 59108 Cerner Supply Co. 12 84 59109 Graybar Electric Co. 531y 42 59110 Hagen Supply Co. 507 21 59111 Inland Coal and Dock Co. 9 773 61 59112 Joesting and Schilling Co. 94 90 39113, Kelley How Thomson Co. 158 76 + 39114 Langevin Paint Supp3,y Company 333 25 59115 Langevin Paint Supply a 202 05 59116 John-Leslie Paper Co. 2 6o9 13. 59117 Lyon Chemicals Inc. 86 56 59118 MacArthur Co. 110 23 59119 National Lead Co. 393 67 59120 Jonn Noren 117 50 59121 North Stir Pint and Varnish 3 92 ® 591$2 NortnErn Christmas Tree Co. 221 76 59123 N. W. Publil;:stions Inc. 32 99 59124 a a Refining Co. 1 234 97 59125 a N N a 1 635 39 59126 Park Macnlne Inc. 100 35 59127 Railway Express Agency Inc. 9 68 59128 George E. Robertson 124 85 59129 Ray Ryan, Groceries 78 60 59130 Schef£er and Rossum Co. 117 31 59131 Transport Cle,.,rings of T. C. 6 07 59132 Twin City Dumpstez- Service I. 122 00 59133 Van Hoven Co. Inc. 375 00 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 2 471 951 54 �1 1 1 i Original to City Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. LICENSE CM WTTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY // DATE January 2a, 1954 COMMISSIONER—(.✓.-�=2 -cx-- -K--�-� nsuvm That licenses for permit to conduct Bingo Games, applied for by the following organizations at the addresses stated, for the days. dates, and hours indicated on each application, be and the same are hereby granted. St. Pauldthletic Club 340 Cedar 11 Periods flpp. 7681 Renewal World War II Post No. 6845, 4.F. W. 14 E. 8th 12 " it7767 " RESOLUTIONS C.F.No.166910—By Norris O.Halvor- n—Sevi rin A.MortlnsOn—Bobert F. Peterson— Hesolved,That Bingo Games licenses ooHed for ey Lite orgaNyatlons nametl on the list trached to this resoWpon and thande�city Clerks Is hereby ns rut granted tedh o Issue such licenses upon the payment to the City treasury of the required fees. 19 Adopted by the Council January 21,, Approved January 21,1854, (January 30,1954) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council-- Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved _195— Marzitelli � 4leskineeB ----In Favor Mayor Peterson Rosen -----Against Mr. President, Daubney 551 2-fit Orisinal to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL i E ut NO. _ LICENSE CONNffTTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—1GENERAL FORM C', PRESENTED N � � z 1 L January 2I-e 1JJT COMMISSIONED_ �-- !!"�� r��'a�t'�'a-<.-� DATF RESOLVEDs That license for Second Hand Auto Dealer. Application C 7285, applied for by Darling Olds, Inc. st 494 East Seventh Street be and the same is hereby granteds_ subject to the following conditions, the property shall be fenced except for driveways, surface made and maintained dustless, there shall be no sign at the rear if the sign means a billboard, and that sidewalks abutting said premises be kept clean and free of ice and snow at all times. C.F.No.166911—BY Norris O.nalvor-, son—Severin A.Mortinson—Robert F.t Peterson— Resolved. That license farSecond Band to Dealer,Application C 7265. lie for by Darting Olds, Inc. t ;g9 East Seventh Street be nd the e is herebyy granted,subject tom 11 10110 Wing contlltlons,the grope y fence dd xceait forai d dus'tic.' here shall ben sign at the re r If the alg8kn means a bse A Pr irises al beatkelteWlean a�citing y{`a a d free et y the Council Januarye21. so W Adopted by 1959. Approved January 2l.]959. (January 30, 1959) RESTRICTIONS (C. F. 153586 9-1-90 RENEWAL JAN 21 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays ^.1filti -1-I 1vJ'� Halvorson Holland ! Approved 195_ Marzitelli 21ep9*son __—_In Favor =--- 'Ln ""/ Mayo Peterson j Rosen ___—Against Mr. President, Daubney o\I 2-53 va C.F.No.188912-By Norris O.Halvor- son-Severin A.Mortinson-Robert F. ` Peterson- ,( 4 Orlsinsl to City Clrrk Resolved, That licenses %plied for COUNCIL NO LICENSE COMKr ES to the to this named on the lisand t- FILE by the to thisnmdresolution be and the. same are hereby granted,and the City Clerk is instructed to Issue such ll- COUNense.upon the payment Into the cur pRM treasury of the regWred fees. Adopted by the Council January 21,' PRESENTED g _ — 1954. TE January 21° 1954 COMMI5510 - --- ^-T Approved January 21,1854. (January 30,18541 - RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated° be and the same are hereby granted. Window Cleaning APP• 5977 New New Lod: Alphonse VanDerHeyden 694 Winslow Richard J. Warner 7117 Knapp " 71 5980 n 11 n Clyde Poole 757 Cedar ° ° 6oi5 Ned A. LaMire 102 Wilson 6417 n n n • " ° a n Fayette Poole 537'N. Robert 6420^ John Frederich& Allen Glunz 6489n n a 624 Temperance " a Lacy Gerken 461 Temperance " " 6583 Thomas J. Baldwin & Hannah Baldwin n 6670 313 Sibley " Joseph W. Musil 236 Carroll Butcher ° 7248 ° Old° Peter$arcs 1447 Arcade Restaurant " 7296 ° New ° n " Cigarette " 11 Francis J.Wagner 893 Randolph Elec APP Rep Is 7425 Id]11am Nichols 1515 Selb7y Grocery " Z631 Cigarette Commerce Liquor Stores Inc. n n n 2163 Ford Pky. Orig Cont " 7723 n n n a J.W. &Eva Lipschultz 21M. A. Dev 2 ATA.55 Ford Pky. ?738 Dealers Mfg. Co. 2221 Ford Pky. Cigarette " 7764 Arthur Swafford 581 N. Robert Restaurant. n 7780 uOld n a n Cigarette 2 " Music Mach(1) " 7781 " " R COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council—_JAN 21 195�195— Yeas Nays Halvorson 17 "1 5954 Holland Approved _--195- 1 Marzitelli Favor LUTffir3or>—�' � Lin --- e� — _ Mayor Peterson Rosen ----Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 "6'5C— C.F.No.166913—By Norris O.Halvor- eon�everin A.Morthison—Robert F. Orighud t.City Cirri, Peterson— COUNCIL Resolved, That licenses applied lot FILE NO. DENSE COMIME to the persons named un the lest t [ached to,thls revelut be d the same are hereby granted,and the City i COON lerk is iriatructed to issue such b OR ses upon the peyment into the City treasuryf the qulred fees. e'1 PRESENTED BY- Adopted by the Council January 21,,••-tr— rT8nT58i�P, 21, 1954 1959. COM Issio E Approved January 21.1959. - (January 30, 1954) RESOLPE s That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses statedr be and the same are hereby granted. A 4174 Renewal Clarence Halvorson ar 1022 RiCe p fcSe Malt "pp• „ n Cigarette a n n 4820 649 Canada Grocery "■ n George Legan n Off Sale Malt n III n Frozen Meats " a n n Cigarette " <y 488 Rice Restaurant " 5548 n Frank Bild " On Sale Malt " " n Off Sale Malt n a a ■ Dance Hall un Tavern a It Cigarette " Aichele Fuel &AppliancesFuel Dlr " 5672" 909 Johnson Ploy. Meyer Barenbaum 626 Canada Grocery III Off Malt " 5935 " n n n " n Cigarette Ike Levine 307 E. 13th Grocery " 5989 " Ursula A. Callahan 962 Burr Grocery " 61�3 e a Butcher a a 0 a " a Off Sale Malt " n Cigarette " it " 440 Broadway M. A. D. Loc. " 6760 " John B. 4ose�pk8 a M. A. Dev. (2) " n M. Mach W n COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council — 195— Yeas Nays Halvorson Approved----195— Holland Marzitelli Mortinson _____In Favor_ -- --- -- Mayor Peterson Rosen ___—_Against Mr. President, Daubney 3M 2-fia r' bricin.l In City CIe k CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCILFILNO. LICENSE COHMIITTE:' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM p�/ PRESENTED BY January 21. 1954 COMMISSIONER_---__.._._-- —_ DATE PAGE NO. 2 (Renewals) Wm. Woetovich 625 Central Pk. Pl. Grocery App. 7037 Renewal 0£f Sale Malt " " " Cigarette " " " Domenico Ciresi 521 Jackson Crig. Cent. it 7062 " Cigarette n a n Carl A. Rraham&Willard Falk " 756 Jackson Restaurant " 7112 " On Sale Malt Off Sale Malt "' " d Cigarette " Otto H.S chwarze 493 N. Dale Barber " 7159 ° John M. Drexler �72 N. Dale Restaurant " 7179 ° On Sale Malt " n d Off Sale Malt Cigarette it n n George & Helen Damian 230 Front Restaurant " 7207 " On Sale Malt n n a Off Sale Malt n n a Cigarette " n n Frank P. Lenahan 601-3 N. Western Restaurant " 7229 ° On Sale Malt a " " " n a n Off Sale Matt d a n Dance Hall " " Cigarette COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council__ _195— Yeas Nays Halvorson _ Holland Approved ___195_ Marzitelli Mortinson _In Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen _ Against Mr. President, Daubncy nM 2-58 *• ' l0rizi-I b City CIer4 co NCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL 'IILENO. LICEME COWTTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM e,' PRESENTED BY DATE January 21, 1914 COMMISSIONER_—.- -- ---- PACE &O. 3 (Renewals) St. Paul Aerie#33. F. 0. E. 113 University On Sale Malt App. 7246 Renewal n n Off Sale Malt n n Dance Hall n " Restaurant " " " tl " Bowling 4 A " n n Cigarette tl a n Peter &Pauline Belgea 893 Rice Confectionery n 7305 " n ^ Off Sale Malt ' n ^ Cigarette " " " Walter Lenz 2572 University Barber " 7313 " Robert Belfman 676 Grand Butcher " 7332^ Florian X.*3-s ch 1199 Rice Restaurant ° 7357 " n a Cigarette Rudolph Mottl 438 Lafond Grocery " 7368 " " ^ Off Sale Malt " ' " n ^ Cigarette John J.Erick 1836 St. Clair Barber " 7386 ' ^ " Beauty Shop it " ^ Blanch Parrish z52 W 7th Restaurant " 7398 ^ ^ On S ale Malt " ^ Off Sale Malt it It " Cigarette " " " Geo rge J.Boehm 24 W. 9th Barber " 7440 ° Eigeneman Enterprises, Ind. n .�19 W. 7th Restaurant " 7450 tl On Sale Melt ^ n n n ^ Off Sale Malt a ^ Cig t COUNCILMEN A ee by the Council_— 195— Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved —195— Marzitelli Mortinson -- —In Favor ------- Mayor Peterson Rosen -__ .-__Against Mr. President,,Daubney 5M 2-63 ^'' oddn.I to City C6,k CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. LICENSE � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY January 21. 39% COMMISSIONER—_...__—_ —________ DATE PAGE N0. 4 (Renewals), Edward P. Winkel 429 S. Robert Restaurant App. 7454 Renewal Cigarette Max L. Binder 158 W. 7th Brig Cont n 7487 n ff Sale Malt " it ' Cigarette Mohawk Bar, Ind. 107 Concord Bowling Alley(8) " 7489 ° George Gekas 460 St. Peter Restaurant " 7505 " On Sale Malt n n Off S ale Malt Cigarette Tavern it 750 " Joseph West 81 E. 9th Pkg Lot " 7510 " Market House, Inc. 71-3 Jackson Restaurant " 7521 ° " On Sale Malt n a Off Sale Malt it " Cigarette Peter LaNasa 553 Jackson Restaurant " 7525 " On Sale Malt n n n Off Sale Malt n r n Cigarette St. Paul Elkb Club No. 59, Inc. 14 E. 8th Restaurant i 7533 ' On Sale Malt n n Off Sale Malt Cigarette Barbara K.Donohue 129-33 W. 7th Restaurant " 7537 ° r n On Sale Malt " Off Sale Malt " n n Cigarette " a " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL-- 195— Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved __195— Marzitelli Mortinson ___-._In Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 B ova �oNd..1 t.Cityclt,k COUNCIL NO. 1 ii CITY OF ST. PAUL rue LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM January 21. 1954 PRESENTED BY DATE -- COMMISSIONER------------- _—_— PAGE B0. 5 (Renewals) M. A. Tschida Jr. &Albert C. Tschida 616 Como Restaurant ppp. 7544 Renewal n ■ Cigarette yichael A. Tschida. Sr. Robert Restaurant " 754,6n 33.9 Cigarette Rudolph1208 Rice Restaurant " 7556 " Tschida " On S ale Malt n Off Sale Malt n n n n Cigarette B. J. Slawik Prop. Inc-1604 " 1604 University Pkg Lot 7567 36 S. Dale Restaurant n 7613 " Al Baron 11 Cigarette n Women's Work Exchange 378 St. Peter Grocery ^ 7617Restaurant " n Ray P.Traynor 733 W. 7th Off Sale Malt " "6 24 " Cigarette Joseph C. Chickett & Lawrence DeWanzRestaurant " 7628 n a15 W. 7th On Sale Malt " " ■ " n Off Sale Malt- Cigarette altCigarette p Thomas C. Skweres 475 Wab-ha Restaurant n 7638 n n n On Sale Malt " n Off Sale Malt n " ■ " n Cigarette ZEMERM COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci 195— Yeas Nays Halvorson Approved _195— Holland Marzitelli Mortinson —__ _In Favor —-- -- —__--- Mayor Peterson Rosen ___-__Against Mr. President, Daubney 3M 2-53 %�, 'Odci,ol to City ClerkNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. " LICENSE COMTTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _—_ DATE— Janesxy u,1954 ^4T COMMISSIONER_----- —"-- PACE N0. 6 Renewals 691 N. Dale Restaurant Aapp': 7640.Renewal Leonard Wiesen a On Sale Malt r n Off Sale Malt a • r „ n IF Cigarette " q 1601 University Restaurant " 7647 Imo CO., Inc. a Cigarette n n a ■ 44141_4F8 St. Peter Restaurant " 7655 " Nick L. Arpanit� a On Sale Malt a r a p q n n n n Off Sale Malt r r n n Cigarette " Frank E. Villaume, Ex. Est. of H. T. DeRoma " 7661 n 1355 University Restaurant q n p n a Cigarette n Joseph Y4 Silberg 474-6 S. Snelling Confectionery n 7668a a a Cigarette App. 7664 Reaeral Stanley Masloaki 94+9 W 7th Restaurant t " n a " n Off Sale Malt q a n n q n a n n Cigarette Sherman W. Clark 555 University Trailer Rental App. 7682 Renewal Joseph 0. &Robert O. Tschida " 497 Wabasha Off Sale Malt " 7683 1. A. Jr. &Albert C. TIchida a p 768 n 616 Como John Hilbane 1563 University LEly& D.C. Plant " 7688 " Vernon Oberg 1551 Payne Butcher " 7689 r Allen.Edwards Fuel Co`. 98 E. Hennepin, "uel Dlr " 7fg1 a COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council--Yeas 5— Yeas Nays Halvorson Approved __195— Holland Marzitelli In Favor —-- --- — --- Mortinson -- Mayor Peterson Rosen Against Mr, President, Daubney 5N 2-53 ' oaffln.l b City Clerk COUNCIL NO. �?a CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE LXENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �)� PRESENTED BY DATE January 20� 1954 COMMISSIONER—.--.-------- --------- -. news - Weston Lewis 465 N. Snelling $artier Api. 7693 Renewal N. Grotto Ori.g Cont r ' 7696 a N. V. Schwalen a Cigarette " " " n Harry H. Benson W Dayton Gas Sta 3P " 7697 " p 2 a Morris Amman 442 Wabasha O pgsel,e Malt p p " Cigarette a n Robert J.G allivan 372 Wabasha Off Sale Malt 7739 James & F. R. Coates 617 Como Trailer Rental " 7754 " St. JohnIs Hospital Ladies Amdliary n 403 Maria Cigarette 7755 ° Theo. J. Strasseb 1920 Eleano r Photographer " 7757 " Frank J. Wiblishayser 1585 Marshall Gas Sta 3P " 7763 " Geo. J. Cylkewski 1786 E. Margaret Veh. Peddler er " 7765 ° n " Willard Freeman 46 W. Delos Mtr Veh Dr. " 7813 " Bennie Katz 181 E. Indiana Foot Peddler " 7822 " David McConnell 463 W. Central Mtr Veh Dr. " 7827 " Roy A. Brown 998 Jessie " " 7839 " J AN 21 1954 COUNCILMEN Adapted by the CounciL-- 195_ Yeas Nays ,IAN 21 1654 Halvorson Holland proved --195— Marzitelli *eit4nseh —(—ln Favor Peterson 0 Rosen ___—Against Mr. President, Daubney 6M 2-63 " I oriaisal to City Clerk COUNCIL NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r/ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE—January 20-4 1954_ COMMISSIONER./v[ _1 RESOLVED, That the Purchasing; Agent be, and he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Comptroller, to purchase from FEDERAI, TRUCK SAT,FS & SERVICE one B-6427 - 427 cu. in. Continental Engine Assembly at a total cost of $887.25 f.o.b. factory, without advertisement or competitive bids as this is the only source of supply to install this assembly in Federal Truck #133 and no advantage could be ;rained thereby. Charge - Muri=cipal Eauipment 1003-131. C,F. No. 19691 ok D. M-rz tent— That the Purchasing Ag h b Resolved, uthorizad and he is o erebY t ller, to the ohsenfrom the Comp tOTRUCK purchase FEDERAL SALES&SERV ICE ins Assemblon 4421y Rh- in.Continental 71 �.o.b.facttitlVe bttls totaI cost of�of rscumee of PP1Y ost Lytle is t�leils In Fecoual only emblY ld Trunk I�dln.133 and no advantage ce gained thereby ui ment 1993- Charge—Municipal E9 p 131. the C.aecu January 21, Adopted by 19H. January Yl.1954• (7anuary 39,1854) V COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_— 195— Yeas Nays 1�5! Halvorson Holland Approved— 195— Marzitelli In Favor mr,diu .�—, —�. �^ Mayo Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubney --- 5M 2-53 '' /� ._� i1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL No. ORIGINAL— Y 1613 COUNCIL.RESOLUTION FILE CRY CLERK 1� FOR AUTHORIZATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS DATE T2T1[32Ly �n b94— P ESENTED BY HON __ _________- --'—_ • I roves the award of the Contract Committee R:�50LIIID, That the Council he e app therefor, and hereby awards contract for the Construction of reinforced concrete piers Nos. 2 and 3 for the proposed highway underpass at Shepard Road and the Chicago Creat Western Railway `:rack, to KRAUS-ANDI SON Or' ST.PAUL COMPANY in accordance with plans and specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal • Bid #4422 of said Kraus-Anderson of St.Paal Company for the contract price of $48,690.00s such bid being the lowest and said Kraus-Anderson of St.Paul Company IIbeing the lowest reasonable and reliable bidder and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of II the City of St. Paul. II IIFinance from P.I.R- Fund with reimbursement from 1953 City Aid for • C.F.ND.18CJ15 By Frank D.M.-1 El- Wil— Local Improvement Fund, Code 31- Resolved, That the Council hereby j approves the award of ' Contract Titter her,; ice.•_L ..'r.,��� , a-ITII' ENGINEER'S ESTIN�ATglat aw JJ,1MMW.MF FORMAL BID NO. 4422 NOTE. T E AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLE Y COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESENTING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. ST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOL4OWS V II PERMAN1. ASSESSED IMPROVEMENT NST NT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COT AG RENB'ITTEO PROPERTY - SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— - - CODE $ APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S $t — - CODE 3. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—E%EMRT PROPERTY $ROND IssuE—coDE <. APPROPRIATED FROM - - - - - - $ 5. COUNTY AID - f B, e f PRFund reimbursement from 1953 CAidforLocalImprovement FundCode 31-EL $ 1953 City OTAL - - - - - - - COPIES TO: I CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNENCUMBERED BAL- I N ABOVE TATE. PROPRIATIGNF TO LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO. CITY CLERK I `AB_ THEENT PREVOLVII✓CND FUND o COMPTROLLER IRN THE ABOVELAMOUNT6. A PUBLIC WORKS PURCHASING I TE FINAL R.E.OADOPTED_. COMPTROLLER n COUNCILMEN I` JAN N+ NAYS fl� ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL-----------'--T YEAS 11 FAVOR Sa„� t 1954 • II �GAINST MR.PRESIDENT (g s COUNCIL a� Odgin.1 I.city Clork CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE N0. 1} OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE_ January 18, 19511 _ COMMISSIONS ---- - RESCLiTED, That the Coancil hereby a-proves the award of the Purchasing Committee therefor, and hereby awards contract for furnishing and delivering to the Bureau of Piunicipal Equipment, 891 North Dale Street, one International Model '1D-18A Crawler type Tractor, diesel powered, with Bucyrus-Eire bulldozer Model 18',0-25, Winch P-25 and cab to the ROSHOLT EQUIPMENT COMPANY at a cost of $17,787.00 less allowance for one Allis-Chalmers model HD10W year 19118 Tractor with Sar-wood Tipdozer tiiodel CT101 to be taken in trade - x$3025.00, making, total amount of contract $14,762.00, in accordance with City specifications and the Formal aid jlt410 of said Rosholt Equipment Comcany, Bach bid being the lowest and said acsholt Eouipment Company being the lowest reasonable and reliable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are azthorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City F. No.166916—BY Frank D.Marzi- of St. Paul. C.Lem_ Resolved, That rd e 1�nPurcbasing ana_v thea i.reh Formal Bid AU0. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_— 5— Yeas Nays JAN } 1954 Halvorson Approved 195— Holland l MarziteIli -1 on ----In Favor -- May r i Peterson Rosen Against P[JBL1SHl;ll Mr. President, Daubney -- 5M 2-53 Orteinal to City Clerk { CITY OF ST. PAUL ;;°E"`IC NO. .a1�'°� 6_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,COU CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER____. —Df`T` RESOLVED, That the Plans and Specifications for Alterations of Shelter House at Valley Playgrounds, Wales Street 8 Valley Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, as submitted herewith, prepared by the City Architect under the direction of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, be and the same are hereby approved, the same being satisfactory to the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to adver- tise for bids thereon in the manner provided in and by the Charter. C.F.No.166911—By Norris O.Halvor- son— Resolved,That the Plans andSpeci- fications for Alterations of Shelter House at Valley Playgrounds, Wales Street and Valley street, St. Paul, Mnn lesots,as submitted here:ith,pre- the dire tion of the btheiCommissionerArchitectunder of Packs. Playgrounds and Public Buildings, be and the same are hereby approved,the being s lisfacto, to the Com-, Mssinner f Parks, Playgrounds and, Public Soil tlInga. and the Purchasing Agent "hereby authorized to adver- use for bids thereon in the manner provided in and by the Charter. Adopted by the 1954. Council January 21, Approved January 21,1954. (January 23, 19541 r COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council JAN 2'1 Ir 1 5— Yeas Nays _ 1954 Halvorson Holland ' Approved—_ __ 195— Marzitelli MmttV§=n __ _In Favor �r-- ll— Ma or Peterson Rosen -------Against Mr. President, Daubney SM &53 1669 18 Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT PRELIMINARY ORDERS and C.F.No.166916— Whereas,A written proposal De e making of the following proem PRELIMINARY ORDERI"conaemnmg aria ak+n..s-' nr The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Condemning grid taking for public school purposes the following described lands (Except the east 60 feet) all that part of the 4 of the North the Northwest 1/4 lying sst outherly ofo1/4 a lint of drawn from a point on the east line of said Northwest 1/4 786.07 feet from the Northeast corner to a point on the west line of the Northeast 1/4 of said Northwest 1/4 853.03 feet from the Northwest corner of said Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 in Section 21, Township 28, Range 23. of the Northwest 1/4 lying southerly of a line Y drawn from a point on the east line of said Northwest 1/4 786.07 feet from the Northeast corner \ to a point on the west line of the Northeast 1/4 t of said Northwest 1/4 853.03 feet from the Northwest corner of said Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 in Section 21, Township 28, Range 23. nuuy�cu uy �ic vuuuc YEAS NAYS Halvorson Councilman MARZITEUI Holland 21 1954 ynamam Approved JAN McMa+uisela Rxxaam= PETERSON ROSEN Myp� MR.PRESIDENT,)SEx"M 1M d-61 Daubney ATTL 1669 18 Council File No. 26thJanuary 5Lt Dated this day of Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS.A written proposal for the making of the fallowing improvement, viz.: Condemning gnd taking for public school purposes the following described land: (Except the east 60 feet) all that part of the North 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 lying southerly of a line drawn from a point on the east line of said Northwest 1/4 786.07 feet from the Northeast corner to a point on the west line of the Northeast 1/4 of said Northwest 1/4 853.03 feet from the Northwest corner of said Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 in Section 21, Township 28, flange 23. a�uvl�cu uy nuc--- YEAS NAYS Halvorson Councilman MARZITELLI Holland 2 1 195+ Approved JAN 1148R4rF?i86IQ PETERSON R09EN MR.PRESIDENT,RZRAI Y �J� r� Daubney Council File No.- 4: i, 2 '6 pe o.4:I1e r.c'4' Ja,- . -r r\Ir SBQ Al iQQ�r.V�Qw,,.&V ptozflrawup aaivc+z. ,. i.,L 8 I�Ogug OII j•`�© Q9'rXF'7�@ O�,`,:b6 w_.�_...__.._ _ r' ri'fTca <Rkdir���O � .#.1•.,�5'T^r�4-F;k�.6'i`t.,+lY%[a p � Dated this 26thday of January n 54- 4'; 4._r, ,.. N I e: a having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore,be it RESOLVED,That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for,or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature,extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan,profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council J AN 2 1 1954 YEAS NAYS Halvorson Councilman MARZITELLI Holland B f F mum Approved JAN 21 1954 R&TWINM PETERSON ROSEN MR.PRESIDENT,BZKXN= Daubney 5 l ypr. IM 4-61 l NOTOICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL ,. A O COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL PRINTER FILE NO.-- a�1£�9 .)� Jan, 19 —19 54 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF : 4o2 376.01 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 59134___TO_59187_-_ INCLUSIVE,AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. _ ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL.-- JAN 21 1954_ __I9_ (r ' -APPROVED_--_-___ 19__ BY— 1 C.F.Nb:1I6019-188070'x- p 6 Resolved,That checks be drawn on! -9 1 NOTICE the Clty treauery, to the aggregate] ,clrY Of SAINT PAUL amount of j900.89BY2,covering checks TO Pcer che[JcaBon 91eoln0the a°eiee oi'tne I UNCI L RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE No. PRINTER City Compt[olle[. 1�A�dopted by the Cauneil January 21,i q '1 Approved January 71,1054, -Jan__20 (January 90,1054) RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 490,8 9.22 59134 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED--_=39� _TO-59.239- ._INCLUSIVE,AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL JA- ' 19_ I `•~ � N 1 1954 1 1954 CITY CONP[ROLU- APPROVED__ ._ 19-- L19BY- M 7d2 11 4 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBERr ROLrALL — — HALVDRSDN AUDITED CLAIMS Jan.19 —IB HOLLAND M ARZITELLI - IN FAVOR PETERS RESOLVED,THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY ROSEN AGAINST n ,A�1I Q IN THE AMOUNT OF 5 402 976.01 _—.COVERING MR.PRES.DAUBNEY ADOPTED BY THE COUN CJ 'JAN �- i"si __ PER CHECKS CKS O I TOOFHE CITY ICOMPTROLL RS 4 APPROVED(,_ BY z eao 8 .-.` TOTAL _ ______ DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF RETURNED / NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHTFORWARD 9 471 951 A• 59134 Milton Rosen Y 1!2 179J0 59 59135 " " 640 24 59136 " " 26 306 71 59137 " " 28 734 46 59136 " " 11 955 15 59139 " " 11180 00 59140 " " 70 904 36 59141 " " 192 172 79 59142 Esther Barak 108 00 59143 City of St. Paul—Sewer Rentals 33 721 72 59144 International Institute 900 00 59145 St. P. Council Human Relations 5 000 00 59146 Aome Linen Service Co. 36 63 3y147 Anchor Paper Co. 43 71 59148 Brings & Co. -5 1 0 3,,'149 Carnegie Dock & Fuel Co. 2 416 98 $y150 " " " 1 378 41 59151 Crook and Hanley Inc. 639 42 597.'52 Eitens Piston Ring Sales 17 70 59153 Electrolux Corp. 2 88 59154 Elkhart Braes Mfg. Co. 69 50 59155 Elvgren Paint Supply Co. 133 38 59156 The Emporium 7 50 59157 Engel Welding works 28 50 59158 Esslinger Co. 11" 85 59159 Finch Downtown Chevrolet Co. 63 59 59160 Frejlack Fairway Foods 8 39 59161 Fuller Brush Co. 215 88 59162 Gaylord Bros. 1 80 59163 General Elea. Supply Corp. 225 34 59164 Gilgoeah and Bons 24 72 59165 Gold Medal Beverage Co. 43 20 59166 Goodall Rubber Co. 40 80 59167 Gopher Stamp and Die Co. 177 50 59168 R. L. Gould & Co. 96 36 59169 Grinnell Co. 158 73. 1 59170 E. E. Hale and Co. 176 76 59171 Ray E. Haertel Store 2 58 59172 Hauser and Sons 32 70 59173 Highland Spring Water Co. 11 20 59174 Henry Holt & Co. 104 17 • 59175 Industrial & Truck Parts Inc. 18 48 59176 Infiloo Co. 90 6o 59177 Informative Classroom Picture 12 44 59178 International Bus. Machines C. 559 37 59179 " HarvesterGe. 112 26 59180 Jax kifg. Co. 10 80 59181 Joe's oil Burner and Heat. Serv. 20 90 59182 Cliff Johnson 166 55 591Lee Lox Mfg. Co. 65 25 59183 Lenny Boiler & Mfg. Co. 136 75 59185 E. J. Keogh 50 00 59186 Kremer spring and Alignment Co. 20 93 59187 Lampland Lbr. 192 36 SHEET TOTAL-FORWARD 2 874 327 55 j CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL t DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER - FILE NUMBER—�— ROLLCLL HALVORSONII AUDITED CLAIMS — IB HOLLAND MARZITELLI ----IN FAVOR MBM NlO11 PETERSON RESOLVED,THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY ROSEN '------AGAINST IN THE AMOUNT OF s RR__ 3 21 —.COVERING RES. NEY �) MR.P DAUB L 1 1�J-". CHECKS NO. —TO INCLUSIVE, AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL —� NVMeEp _ PER CHECKSFI�THI E G MPTAPPROVED— yr- �uwornet[E7 _ TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT RETURNED V NUMBER BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHTFORWARD 2 874 327.5 - -,- • 59188 state of Minnesota 4 456 73 59189 Wm. G. Benson 30 00 59190 M. E. souther Constr. Co. 1 543 50 59191 Richard Watzl 256 00 59192 Milton Rosen 74 971 63 5919 Commonwealth Else. Co. 343 86 59194 IN 136 14 59195 Ray$ond Frazier 128 00 59196 Thomas J. Caulfield 108 00 59197 Roger Beesley 128 00 59198 Landers—Norblom—Christenson C. 43 23 59199 Lee and Hoff Mfg. Co. 74 20 59200 Leitner Fuel Co. 70 00 59201 Lewis Motors Inc. 2 09 59202 Liquid Carbonic Corp. 5 52 59203 Logan Bindery 558 70 59204 M & L Motor Supply Co. 39 92 59205 Mack Motor Truck Corp. 40 24 59206 Marchant Calculators Inc. 8 48 59207 Market Basket 7 95 59208 F. A. Marko Sign Co. 9 50 59209 Phil A. Maynard Inc. 17 60 59210 Mays Incorp. 7 10 59211 Mc Clain and hedman Co. 546 49 59212 A. C. Mo Clurg and Co. 106 45 59213 McFadden Lambert Co. 720 04 59214 McGowan's 88 80 59215 McKesson and Robbins 22 34 59216 Mechanical Serv. Co. 28 92 59217 Merit Chevrolet Co. 1 55 59218 Metzger Bldg. Materials Co. 14 25 59219 Midler Inc. 9 00 59220 Midway Chevrolet Cc. 176 62 59221 Midwest Audio Visual Co. 92 00 59222 " Equip. Serv. Co. 104 50 592 Mining Auger and Tool Works 22 4$ 59224 Minneapolis Honeywell Reg. Co. 52 1 59225 Mple. St. P. & Sault ate M. 1 684 14 59226 Minnesota Bear Co. 5 45 59227 " Chemical Co. 60 25 59228 " FWD Co. 7 00 ® 59229 " Historical Society 2 00 59230 " News Co. 125 24 59231 " Paints Inc. 24 80 59232 Moline Concrete Products Co. 70 13 59233 Morellits Food Market 17 12 59234 Wm. Morrow Co. 37 10 59235 Wm. Naid.ltoh Co. 38 15 59236 National Bush. & Parts Co. 99 86 59237 Nelson 011 Co. 415 75 59238 " IN " 675 75 59239 Nicole Dean and Gre;,g Co. 308 53 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 2 962 790 76 � . Ip IT a, 1 Ori¢In.i to Cur Clerk - FILENO. 1���►`)? COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Fra D. Marzlte li DATE January 14, 1954 COMMISSIONE WHEREAS, An emergency has arisen due to snow storms and icy conditions of streets, requiring emergency borrowing, under Sec. 206 of the Charter, in order to protect the lives and safety of the inhabitants of the City of St. Paul, and WHEREAS, There are insufficient funds available to properly remove snow from the streets and other public property so as to re- lieve the condition aforesaid, therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Mayor and Comptroller, be and they are hereby au- thorized and directed to borrow a sum not to exceed Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000.00)9 and to execute and deliver to the party or parties making the loan a promissory note payable to such party or parties bearing interest at the rate not exceeding three per cent per annum, said note to be payable one year from date of execution thereof, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the funds so borrowed be credited to the Emergency Street Snow and Ice Removal Fund, Code 13-K9 all of the said fund to be expended only for the purpose of re- moving snow and cindering icy streets. C.F.No.386911—By F'r'ank D.Marri. teni prperpnow St emergency' co itioon ns due tonow Stations and Icy naod(tton¢. of etmti. le eurRgency 6[� �R ur Rh�nr a:nr..rhs JAN 22 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays �t� 1� �alvorson JAfJ .. /Rolla d Approved 195_ arzinso r �ortinson An Favor � _ May r Peterson Caen J Against ,At, President, Daubney 6M &69 r s! ��► Od¢loel to CRY Cleh CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No. FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK / PRESENTED BY /COIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMAUSSIONE9 �✓ �./moo J� t C/ TCS 1T DATE RESOLVED, that a public hearing be held by and before the Council of the City of Saint Paul, in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall, at ten o'clock A.M. on Febru- ary 11, 19510, upon the advisability and necessity of the repair, replacement, remodeling, or wrecking and removal of the two-story brick and frame building on Lot 2, Block 6, Roberts and Randalls addition to Saint caul, according to the plat thereof recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota, also described as 541 Robert Street, because said structure is reported to be dangerous and unsafe to life, limb and adjoining property. C.F.No.166922—By Norrie O.Eialvor. son— Resolved,That a public hearing be held by and before the Council of the City f Saint Paul, In the Counca ^..amber of the Co.ri House and City JAN 22 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195r Yeas/ Nays JAN 2 2 1954 .-'Ha �oJlmd /l Approved 196_ a iteiii �1VIomson In Favor ^ -- �P�e'erson Mayor dtosen _ Agai st J M`r. President, Daubney II3I,ISIIED / 6M 2-62 -01W­ i MRS.AGNES H.O'CONNELL HAROLD J.RIORDAN City Clerk Chief Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE January 21, 195+ Mr. Timothy P. Quinn Cornoration Counsel B ui 1 ding Dear Sir; The Council requested th�.t you prepare a resolution (No. 1) setting a date for hearing in the mFtter of the condemnation of the two-story brick and frame building at 541 N. Robert St., on the property more fully described in the attached letter of the City Architect. Very truly yours, City Clexk ._ �Citp off- ipaul ' i lei NN t6ATA�'� �t •, i y�RA1(7M{NT.,pr PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AN 4.,PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City';Hull,,4bne 2 NORRIS 0. HALVORS6; , Commissioner FRANK L. LOSS, Dbputy.Commissioner W.LA MONT KAUFMAN ALFRED H.SCHROEDER - ERNEST W.JOHNSON Supt.of Farb Ctfy'AeeM4d - Supt.of Playground. January 21, 1954 Hon. Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: We are referring to you for condemnation action the two story brick and frame building used as a rooming house and for housekeeping rooms at 541 Robert Street, descrived as Lot 2, Block 6, Roberts & Randalls Addition, The building is 75 by 24 by 28 feet. The front porches are falling away from the building, which has a stone founda- tion, partial basement, and a hot water heating plant. There are four rooms on the first floor, seven rooms on the second floor and bath. There is only one toilet in the building and tenants must carry water from the toilet room for cooking. Housekeeping is very poor. Plaster has fall- en off of the walls and they have been patched with wall- board. There is only one means of egress from the second floor and the building is occupied by approximately fifteen people. The building is owned by the City of St. Paul, Department of Public Safety. A Danger Notice has been posted and we believe the building should be wrecked and removed from the premises. We, therefore, ask that you set a hearing in connection with condemnation action in accordance with Section 107.2 of the building code. Yours truly, Al d H. Schroeder -proved by C Y ARCHITECT Norr�Ojj/vorson / COMMISSIONER A Mn+�+asore,'' ! " Vaul pEPARTMERT OP ..... PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS?AND,`PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City,;HoII4 Zbne 2 NORRIS O. HAL!QRSQ,N,, Commissioner FRANK L LOSS, D¢PutY.69mmissioner W.LA MONT KAUFMAN ALFR90 H,,SCHROEDER� ERNEST W.JOHNSON Supt.of P.rb f�fy'AnhIted Sups.of%.ygrounds February 1, 1954 City of St. Paul, c/o John E. Daubney, Mayor, 358 City Hall, St. Paul 2, Minnesota Mrs. Agnes O'Connell. City Clerk, City of St. Paul 386 City Hall, St. Paul 2, Minnesota Department of Public Safety, c/o Comer. Robt. F. Peterson, 101 E. Tenth St., St. Paul 2, Minnesota Land Commissioner Hon. Milton Rosen. 113 City Hall, St. Paul Mr. Len Seamer, Land Commissioner's Office, 286 City Hall Mr. J. A. A. Burnqutst, Atty-Gen.. State of Minnesota 102 State Capitol, St. Paul 1, Minnesota Mr. G. Howard Spaeth, Commissioner of Taxation 209 State Office Bldg., St. Paul 1, Minnesota Gentlemen: We are mailing you herewith a copy of Council File No. 166922, adopted by the Council and approved by the Mayor on January 22, 1954, which appeared in the official pa- per of the City of St. Paul. You will note that this resolution has reference to the two story brick and frame building on Lot 2, Block 6, Roberts and Randalls Addition to St. Paul, also describ- ed as 541 Robert Street= and because of its dilapidated condition a hearing will be held on February 11, 1954, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chambers in the Court House And City Hall. At this meeting, the advisa- bility of wrecking this building will be considered. Notice of the hearing is hereby given you in accordance with Section 107.2 of the building code of the City of St. Paul. Yours truly, Al ed H. Schroeder A C y :Architect 164 023 Odslasl to City Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.— O FICE OF THE CITY CLERK OU L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY - DATA COMMISSIONS RESOLVED, that a warrant be drawn in the sum of $5.00, payable to Herbert M. Dupaul, being a refund for Examination Receipt No. 2416 for a refrigeration examination, a master certificate having been granted without examination. C.F.No.166023-1%y Norris O.Halvor. son— tTesolved, $5.a warrant drawn in m the auoff ES.OD,yayabte.too Herbert M.DupaW,belns refund-for Examt- tlon ..afro t o 82418 fora rree�(����¢¢,ra- don exbeen gran. a master eertl8cate having been granted without ekamino- tlon. Adopted by the Council January 22, 1954. Approved January 22,1954. (January 30, 1954) JAN 22 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays 195 ialvorson //olland Approved / --195— ,Marzitelli i _(/ Aortinson Favor - =----- _Mayor` ) -Person � l /Kosen Against l� Ir. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 " Vtp of'*,f. aul q$@ { e .. D,"EPA�t ll1l,Ny i1P C^. PARKS, PLAYGROUNEISf ANO;!OUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 Gity libll;,Zbne 2 NORRIS 0 HAVQIZ$0N, Commissioner FRANK L.LOSS, bApufy.Commissioner W.LA MONT KAUFMAN ALF ED H.�SCH�OEDER ERNEST W.JOHNSON Supt.of fork. '. `My.:Archited Supt.of Playground. January 18, 1954 Mr. Timothy P. Quinn Corporation Counsel Dear Sir: Please prepare a resolution granting a refund of $5.00 to Herbert M. Dupaul, 1314 Charles Avenue, St. Paul 4, on account of Examination Receipt No. 2416 for a refrig- eration examination. The newly formed Examining Board has granted Mr. Dupaul a master certificate of competency without examination by virtue of the "grandfather clause" in the refrigera- tion code. Therefore, he is entitled to the above mentioned refund of $5.00. Yours truly, Alf H. Schroeder C ARCHITECT A 16 924 Orisiesl to City Cirri, COUNCIL N�. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE OLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DAT COMMISSIONE WHEREAS, the Corporation Counsel has received informal bids from various law firms for the editorial work of codifying the ordinances of the City of Saint Paul, after due public notice, and WHEREAS, the Corporation Counsel has advised the City Council that the lowest qualified bidder is the law firm of Vennum, Newhall & Ackman, with a bid of $6500.00, and that such bid is a reaaonableild for the work to be performed, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Corporation Counsel is directed to accept the proposal of Vennum, Newhall & Ackman, as set out in their letter and proposal dated January 7, 1954, and that the proper City officers are di.:eeted to execute such contract. C M.N.1BeB7A—By John E.Daubney, r.by Whereas. The Co oratlon Counsel h s received informof £a, various as Brms for the editorialwork of �� •'^ or5yi°^ces,n(,the City JAN z2 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays JAN 2 2 1954 ­Tfaivorson 195— � Approved /Holland ,Iarzitelli =on In Favor / Mayor eterson / /{toren �_lgain$t 1t _JSt1r•L President, Daubney 5M 2-68 ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL MARSHALL F.HURLEY LOUIS P.SHEAHAN JAMES P.SULLIVAN LEGAL DEPARTMENT e..cu�Asl.uwT ROBERT E.O'CONNELL J.JEROME PLUNKETT TIMOTHY P. QUINN JOHN J.MCNEIL A..inwRr. CORPORATION COUNSEL January 22, 1954 To the Council Gentlemen: This will advise you that pursuant to the action of the City Comptroller in providing funds in the 1954 amended budget of x the Corporation Counsel for the codification of the Saint Paul City ordinances, this office has received informal bids for the performing of the editorial work of such codification. Bids on the printing of the code will be handled separately after the editorial work has been completed. On December 3, 1953, this office advised the kamsey County Bar Association and the Minnesota State Bar Association by letter that the Saint Paul City ordinances were to be codified and that the Corpora- tion Counsel would receive informal bids for the editorial work from qualified persons or firms on or before January 15, 1954. A complete newspaper story in the Pioneer Press of December 5, 1953, notified the public of this project, and the December issue of Bench and Bar, the official publication of the Minnesota State Bar Association, carried a full page notice of the request for informal bids for the codification editorial work. Three bids were received on or before January 15, 1954, as follows: Vennum, Newhall and Ackman, Attorneys, 86,500.00 Thomas Walsh and Lawrence C. Merthan, Attorneys 88,000.00 William Pd. Serbine, Attorney, 89,000.00 The firm of Vennum, Newhall and Ackman presented with their bid copies of codifications of ordinances of the cities of Minneapolis, Albert Lea, and Austin, which they had prepared. A copy of the codifi- cation of the west Memphis ordinances, which they had prepared, was not presented because the completed work had not been received from the printers. I have examined carefully the codes of these three cities and find them to be excellent works. Mr. Serbine was formerly Assistant Corporation Counsel and Corporation Counsel for the City of Saint Paul, but has had no formal experience in codifying of ordinances. Messrs. Walsh and Merthan, in 1953, compiled the law and Attorney General Opinions relative to the Minneapolis-St. Paul Sanitary To the Council -2- January 22, 1954 District and presented the compilation which is in pamphlet form with their bid. Mr. Walsh also advised that he had compiled the City ordinances of 1931. The firm of Vennum, Newhall and Ackman having presented the lowest bid and being the best qualified to perform the work of codification of the Saint Paul City ordinances, it is my considered opinion that the City d Saint Paul should accept their bid of $6,500.00 for the editorial work. I am attaching herewith a form of resolution accepting the proposal of Vennum, Newhall and Ackmann and directing the Corporation Counsel to prepare the proper contract and directing the proper City officers to execute such contract. Yours very truly, Timoth P. Quinn Corpo ation Counsel Encl. TPQ-B COUNCIL ORIGINAL TO CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FILE o NN C CLERK APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY Bernard T. Holland DATE December 31, �gfj3 COMMISSION ® R E S O L V E D, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. AMOUNT TRANSFERRED CODE APPORTIONED ITEM DR. CR. FROM TO 16-17 A2 Lib, Aud. & Mus.-Admin. (Office H�cp.) 15.39 16-17 A3 Lib. Aud. & Mus.-Admin. (Auto Allow.) 28.20 16-17A1 Lib. Aud. & Vus.-Admin. (Salaries) 43.59 C. F.No.166926—By Bernard T. Ho]- land— Resolved,That the following translers be made on the books of the Count roller, as by so doing n unavoida deficiency in certain Items may be met 1 by said transfers without hampering the work provided by the money in the items from which the transfers are made. Transferred from code 16-17 A2,Lib.': Aud. & Mus.-Admin. (Office Exp.), $16.29:from code I6-17 A3.Lib.Aud.& MUS.-Admin. (Auto Allow.),$2820; to de 16-17 Al, Lib. Aud. & Mus: p Admin.,(Salaries),$13.69. Adopted by the Council January 22,5 19$9. Approved January 22,1989. (January 30, 1904) _ 8 YES (✓) COUNCILMEN (✓) NAYS ,QN 22 195Q ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI -194-- Halvorson "® p��pnllan� ��� A —J APPROVED 194— MAT�jrAlli IN FAVOR Mortinson MAYOR Pederson _ AGAINST RosenOUNTERSIGNED Y BY i _ CITCOMPTROLL MR. PRESIDENT Daubney Bao 7-�I CITD-t C K CITY OF SAINT PAUL • NCIL APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY Daubney DATE January 15, 19__5__ • R E S O L V E D, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE I AMOUNT TRANSFERRED APPORTIONED ITEM FROM TO DR. CR. 2A2 Contingent Fund (Mayorts) $32.36 2AR Receipts 4 11.04 2A1 Salaries (mayor's Office) $30.84 2A3 Mayor's Office Expense 12.56 C.F.No.168926--By John E.Daubney. Mayor— Resolved,That the following transfers be madeon the books of the Compt- roller,as by so doing a unavoidable deficiency in certain items may be met by said transfers without hampering the work provided by the money in the Items from which the transfers are made. C Transferred from code 2A2,Contin- !gent Fund(Mayor's).$32.36;from code 12AR, Receipts, $11.09; to rode 2A1, Salaries (Mayor's Office), $30.89; to code 2A3, Mayor's Office Expense. $12.86. Adopted by the Council January 22, 1959. Approved January 22,19$9. (January 30, 1959) YES (✓) COUNCILMEN (✓) NAYS JAN 22 1954 Halvorson ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_ e Holland JAN 22 1954 -- Marzitelli APPROVED — —�__—IN FAVOR '1 Mortinson Peterson -- —_ ._AGAINST — -- MAVOn Rosen _ COU NTB;RSIG ED By.-I C. c ROS.R MR. PRESIDENT Daubney !0a 3-b Orieinel is City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE"c't NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE A DATE January 20, 1954 RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, to purchase from A. J. KOCH CCMPAN Y one Overhead Heater Core at a total cost of $146.49, without advertisement or competitive bids as an emergency exists and this is for repair of heating plant at Bureau of Municipal Equipment, 891 North Dale Street, and failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interest of the City. Charge Municipal Equipment 1003-144. C.F.No.188827—Ry Frank teHi— D.Marzf- Resolved,That thaslag Ageat be,ander he le herebyepurulhahorizd,with the swat,ofthe Mayor and the j KOCH COMPANY one-Overhead Heat er Core at a total cost of$148.98,with-! out advertisement competttive bitls' 1114. mergency exists artd this is for epalr of heating plant t Bureau f, Municipal Equipment, 881 Nprth Dale Street, and is lure to act promptly E ould work a hardship to the beat, Interest of the City. 99. Charge Municipal Equipment 1803- 1 Adopted by the Council Jannar.v 32, '&1959. Approved January 1954 (January 30,. 1851) C, V JAN 22 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council _195— yeas Nays k----- JAN 22 g HollandApproved 196— Marzitelli y , Mortinson In Favor Peterson Mor Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2.68 '' Orialnal to City Clerk F CITY OF ST. PAUL COU NCIL FILENO.. _ FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C U C RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER— DATE Tannary__21, 1254 WHEREAS, Formal Bid #4379, for 1000 Copies of the Building Code of the City of St. Peal was awarded to VICTORY PRINTING CCMPAPTY, the lowest bidder, it now appears that there will be demand for more copies than originally anticipated; also the new amendment to the Zoning Ordinance which has to do with off-street parking should be included in the Building Code, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Comptroller, to purchase from said Victory Printing Coluparry (which firm has their equipment ready for printing the first 1000 copies at this time) an additional 400 copies of Building Code @ $1.50 each and 1400 Copies of amendment to Zoning Ordinance on which they have bid ;110.00, making total additional cost of $710.00, without advertisement or competitive bids as this is the only source of supply at so great a saving in cost and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge - Public Buildings 20A4. C.F.No.166928—By Norris O.Halvor- .a.— Whereas, Formal Bid No. 4379, for 1,000 Copies of the Building Code of the City of St. Paul was awarded to VICTORY PRINTING COUPANY,the lowest bidder, " n appears that there will be demantl for or copies thanoriginally anticipated: also the O new amendment to the Zoning Ord- inance which has to In lwithudo off-street I parking should ee Included In the± Building Code.therefore. to it econsResolved.That the Purchasing pur- nt be.and he Is hereby authorized,with the consent of the Comptroller,to am chase from said Victory Printingg Com- peRY(which firm has their qui Pro nt Ej ready for printing the Brst 1,000 copies s at this time) an additional 400 copies n nl ti•u �9��, of Building Code @ $1.50 each and is Ft's 1 1,400 Copies of amendment to Zo,,:nq COUNCILMEN ordinance on which thy have bid $110.00,making total additlon l cost of Council L$710.00, lthout advertisement or cam- _195 $710,00. Nays petltive bids as this Is the only source tt of suppoly t so great a ving In cost}t v..t-- p� d advantage could be gained 1 _H_B`4 eoir��� k thereby. f: JAN 22 1994 Charge—Public Bullding 20A4. . Holland i Adopted by the CouncJanuary 22.+ /P 1954. I. Approved January 22 1854. ed_ 195_ Marzitelli (January 30. 1954), q u Mortinson In Favor � / � s� !'• �� Peterson / Mayor Rosen Agains Mr. President, Daubney 551 2-53 u odgm.l to city cl.rk CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FIL ' CO NCIL RESOLUTI N—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY r COMMISSIONEjr DATE January 21, 1954 Y R In the matter o£ grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 4, Essex Park, from Fauquier Avenue to Stillwater Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 166792 approved January 12,1954. R?SOLTID, That all orders in thea hove matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in such matter discontinued. C.F.No. 188929—.gy Frank D. M.-i- teul— fa ngthe with bi±uminousdlrn terhtl and star- facing alley In Block 4. Essex Park, from Fauquter Avenue to Stillwater gvenue. under Preliminary Order C.F. cnue, approvetl January 12,1954. hove Resolmatterrhbe and all the rsame the hereby ca ened, annulled ntl r sclndetl and all proceedings In such matterdiscontinued. ebythetie Council January 22, 1954. Approved January 22. 1954. (January 30, 1954) JAN 2z 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_ 195_ Yeas Nays — a}vorsa>r� JAN 22 104 Holland// Approved 195_ Marzit�}ti -� 0 � I;Yi on —.�In Favor ��� ax z-41'� Peterson /✓ Mayor` i Rosen Against / Mr. President, Daubney 514 2-52 Oriiinal to Cit,Clerk "11 i /30 CITY OF ST. PAUL FCo DENCII NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � MCRESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY January 21, 1954 C'OMMISSIONE D GATE In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, alts and fills in the grading and surfacing with 'ritumino,.s material the alley in Block 4, Essex Park, from Fauquier Avenue to Stillwater Avenue, under Preliminary Drder C,(F. 166791 approved January 12th, 1954. RESO 0'?D, That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in such matter discontinued. C.F.No. 168930—gy Frank D.Marzi- teni— takin the matter of condemning and. g an easement In the Zana neres-: gradinor slopesnd .cuts and Bila in the material a the allc ,9 ffih b1q�..s Park,from Fauquier gvenue to StBI- water Avenue,under Preliminary Orae-, C. F. 166791, approved January 12th, 1954. Resolved mV. That all orders In the above atter be ad the same a heby all cancelled _n ul;ea antl res indea and tlnued.ceedinRe 'n such matter aiseon Adopted by the Council January 22, 1, 54. Approved Januuary 22,1954. (Jan ary 30, 1954) V JAN 22 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council__ 195_ Yeas Nays JAN 2 2 '1954 . ~ Holland Approved 195_ Marzitelli Mortinson __ In Favor — Peterson Mayor Rosen n ---Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 +• Orl.inal to City Ch,rk CITY OF ST. PAUL Fi°E"`lt No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_ _ DATE RESOLVED, that Council File 166888 be amended as follows: Strike the phrase "$20.00 per day" and insert in lieu thereof "$20.00 per hour" and strike the phrase 1110.00 a day" and insert in lien thereof "$10.00 per hour." C.F.No. 198931—By Frank D.Marki- teW— aceolved,That Council File 1999"9 be emended as follow.: Stoke the phrase "¢20.00 per day" and insert in lieu thereof"220.00 per hour"and.trike the phrase"§10.00 a day"and Insert in lieu thereof"$10.011 per hour." Adopted by the Council January 22, 1954. Approved January 22,1954. (January 30, 1954) JAN 22 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays JAN 22 1954 Holland Approved 195_ Marzitelli / Mortinson In Favor Peterson � Mayor Rosen against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-63 *• 1 G-909 Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C.F.Iva.IgBg- and _Whereas A w+ltten yro lgne of the tollowing Im sproweanent Mal the alley n Slockl q m .. PRELIMINARY ORDER Seventh S,eF n9u1 A"enne to AFF. t The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Grade and surface c:*ith bituminous material the alley in Block 4, Essex Parka from Fauquier Avenue to East Seventh Street, Dated this 21st day of January 1954 ., Councilman. V PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS,A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade and surface with bituminous material the alley in Block 4 Essex Park from Fauquier Avenue to East Seventh Street. i having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore,be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature,extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council JAN 22 1954 YEAS NAYS Councilman MARZITELU Holland Approved JAN 2 2 1954 MORTINSON PETERSON ROSEN MR.PRESIDENT,BZDOM xx Daubney - Im 4.62 8 � Mayor. Council File No. (3693,13 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C.F.No.186833— whereof, follow proppopfar the $Ild I making of the follawlhg improvemenq y I wn ta1 mB:fnlo ccu°+ PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public imnrovement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 4,Essex Park, from Fauquier Avenue to East Seventh Street. Dated this 21st _day of January Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS,A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning and ^k;ng_Qn easemPn+ in th i narac y f c1 A cuts and fills in the grading pnd Alley— in Block li Essex Park from Fanmii er Av am a tn Fnqf S Seirentl, S e t having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore,be it RESOLVED,That the Commission of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for,or desirability of,the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature,extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan,profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council IAN 22 1954 YEAS NAYS Councilman MARZITELLI Holland ,IAN 2 2 195 > om Approved MORTINSON PETERSON ROSEN MR.PRESIDENT,BM&= Daubney / � Mayor. IM 4-51 < I l A. I F.tVo — r -388934-_c68g3S– s NOTICE i� r'�,y^Tha ti"k .�. tip the. dtaWn on egat, E TO CIT-pF SAINT PAUL ` '"TER RESOLUTION COUNCIL RESO � b91C �L FILE NO.-___ , n' ��pp o Jan, 21 16W; p;� ED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON TH —1954 €g�ITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF f .COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED. J c ___TO__59344 INCLUSIVE,AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. D AOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_ _ -JML N 1954 --- —19—. JAN 22 195�� � �_ APPROVED_____ i CnY COMIrrROLLgp wo a 19— J NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL • � 61 034 TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO.________ PRINTER Jan. 21 ie-54 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF x144 537.75 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED_--59 __TOQZ-9Z - ---INCLUSIVE,AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL.__ _..__JAN 22 1954__..._-19 APPROVED_— ''n..� 19-- BY v _ •_ -���— I CITY OF SAINT PAUL •'e' COUNCIL DUPLICATE TO ITY CLERrc OFFICE OF THE COMPTROI,_ER FILE NUMBER_ RO }a CALL oL++ AND {�_J) AUDITED CLAIMS MARZITE LLI ----IN FAVOR MORTINSON PETERSON RESOLVED.THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY R OSEN '�-_ AGAINST 44537,715 n MR.PRES.OAUBNEY I� IN THE AMOUNT OF$ 1-a� 5�`S��S --.COVERING JAN 17JT .-,ELKS NO 59240 TO S9�9� INCLUSIVE, AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI PER CHECKS ON FILK IN THE OFFICE FE7}-� CITY CO M'PTRLER. APPROVED �_-i�P-Y-f��-B ,-, 18e[n - �..J /J���✓a��+wv-� - TOTAL _ DATE r-K�N_.ER IN FAVOR OF TCRANSFER DISBURSEMENT REBY TU ,i ­ BANK HECKs CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 2 _962. 790-76 .. ----- ® 59240 Irene Longeway 128 00 59241 Milton ttosen 10 423 31 59242 " IN 39 740 70 5y243 ueorge Kimpel 175 00 59244 L. Peterson Construction Co. 18 549 00 59245 Milton riosen 5 124 99 59246 " " 54 104 16 59247 A—W Co. I. of Minnesota 3 816 00 59248 Advance Pattern Co. Inc. 13 16 }9249 A;uerlcan News Co.(M1nn. Div.) 164 78 59250 F.' H. Bathke Co. 83 81 59251 Booth Cold Storage Co. 19 87- 39252 F. E. Comton and Co. 106 84 59253 Co—operative Launderers & C. 3 60 59254 John A. Downey Co. 926 40 59255 EI Paso Public Schools 4 00 59256 H. W. Fisher Photo Supply C. 153 55 59257 Goodyear Serv. 759 36 59258 Theo. G. Hamm Brew Co. 2 417 52 59259 P R L Hardenbergh Co. 20 23 59260 W. W. Hatfield 15 25 59261 Howe Press of Perkins Inst. 59 66 59262 R. E. Hulme Awn. and Shade C. 99 50 39263 International City Mgr. A. 1 00 59264 N Harvester Co. 2 946 91 59265 Janseen's Grocery Co. 6 22 59266 Joyce Insurance Co. 127 65 59267 Kenny Co. 41 16 59268 Kleasun's Restaurant 17 50 59269 Lax Else. Co. 154 70 59270 Gael Lieberstein 3 00 59271 Louise Music Shop 26 76 59272 Lowry Restaurant 21 00 59273 -Lussky, White and Collidge 5 69 59274 Lyons and Carnahan 2 111 25 59275 Nissen Trampoline Co. 31 50 59276 Northern Mach. & Supply C. 15 12 59277 " Stutes Power Co. 18 50 ® 59278 N. W. Print. and bind. Co. 59 50 59279 N. W. Bell Te.Lephone Co. 301 89 59280 N. W. " " M 181 38 59281 N. W. " " " 185 53 59282 " " Blaugas Co. 2 37 59283 N. W. Hanna Fuel Co. 576 53 59284 O'Briens Food Market 3 98 59285 Otto's Grocery 22 87 59286 Panama Carbon Co. 21 60 59287 Paper Calmenson and Co. 219 78 59288 Pier Foundry Co. 121 50 59289 Peter Pirsoh and Sone Co. 2 09 59290 Henry H. Pittlekow 3 50 59291 Plastics Inc. 9 70 59292 Prentioe—Hall Inc. 386 88 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 3 107 328 51 I _ CITY OF SAINT PAUL PLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUNCIL DUray_ OFFICE OF THE COMPTR OL LEP FILE NUMBER_—..._ RO ALL HOLLAND » AUDITED CLAIMS ,____ 21 ___—IB�4 MARZITELLI ------1N FAVOR MORTINSON PETERSON RESOLVED.THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY --AGAINST ROSEN MR.PRES.OAUBNEY Iyt ..� ��� IN THE AMOUNT OF 5 .20 392.88 —.COVERING NO --NCLUSIVE. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL— �4..—T-~' PER CHECKS O IL THE OF��#4HE CITY ICOMPTROLL RS w�weex /. 6�J APPRO EO – l9 .ao ' TOTAL _ DATE \ NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT RETURN BANK V � CHECKS CHECKS x y. BROUGHTFORWARD 3-207 L1 207 32p 5 ® 59293 Acme Linen Serv. Co. 13727 59294 Baglio Bros. Fruit Co. 18 20 59295 Beadle Equip. Co. 1 743 oo 59296 Booth Fisheries Corp. 27 20 59297 City Dairy 156 52 59298 Consolidated Eleo. Co. 33 50 59299 Consumers Milk Co. 428 23 59300 Crescent Creamery Co. 691 66 59301 Dixie Cream Donut Co. 62 60 59302 Everfresh Noodle Corp. 3 60 59303 General Foods 24 40 59304 Griggs Cooper and Co. 45 00 59305 Kisch Food Market 49 35 59306 Charles A. Lindberg 39 82 59307 Minnesota Milk Co. 777 o4 59308 Morton sausage Co. 54 05 59309 Purity Bakeries Corp. 206 16 59310 St. Paul Milk Co. 932 44 59311 Sanitary Farm Dairies Inc. 1 050 63 59312 Wm. Segal Wholesale Grocer 981 28 59313 security Wholesale Co. 56 35 59314 M a 167 91, 59315 Vander Bies Inc. 990 06 59316 Vel—Tex Chemical Co. 4 4o 59317 Wilson and Co. 46 8o 59318 MOGraw Hill Book Co. Inc. 123 47 59319 MoL.,)uillan Bros. 399 00 59320 Midwest oil C. 37 18 5y321 M11Ler Supply C. 79 88 59322 Minnesota Envelope Co. 31 50 39.323 M.-)nroe Calculating Machine Co. 386 to 59324 Nati nal Institute for Blind 6 85 59325 " Mower Co. 20 25 59326 Neuman's Music Co. 146 83 59327 Northern states Power Co. 3 300 54 59328 N. W. Publications Inc. 219 00 59329 A. J. Nystrom and Co. 19 50 59330 Petroleum Service 1 273 75 59331 Power Tools Inc. 94 15 59332 Price Elec. Co. 35 82 59333 Psychological Corp. 6 70 59334 Raymer Hardware Co. 25 69 59335 Redlske Food Market 10 50 59336 Refrigeration Supply Co. 1 25 59337 C. Reiss Coal Co. 1 575 60 59338 Review Pub. Co. 5 75 59339 Rihm Motor Co. 26 71 59340 Robert at. Drug Co. 72 00 59341 Roehdlt Equip. Co. 3 603 QO- 59342 Royal Ty,ewriter Co. 33 25 59343 Ruffrldge—Jonneon Equip. Inc. 91 01 59344 George T. Ryan Co. 40 13 SHEET TOTAL-FORWARD 3 127 721 39 1 FINAL ORDERS C.F.No.16693"_ In the matter of rbmg Hyacinth COUNCIL FILE NO. Avenue from Earl,sheet to Fore6t By - - - FINAL ORDER In the Matter of---_curbing_Hyacinth_Av_enue_£rom__Earl_Street-to. Forest_Stree_t____-_ -- under Preliminary Order__--.166357------------------------approved December--1,193 - Intermediary Order---------------------------------------------------approved ----------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice,and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto,and having fully considered the same; therefore,be it RESOLVED,By the Council of the City of St.Paul that the precise nature,extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is------curb Hyacinth Avenue-from-Earl--Street-to ----------------- ------- ------------------------------ - -,-Forest Street --- -------------- - - --- - - - ----------------- ---- -- -- -- - --- --------------------- - -------------- ----------------------------------------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement,and submit same to the Council for approval;that upon said approval,the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council AN-2-6 ------ 192 ___. City Clerk. JAN %6 1951 Approved -- - 192-- File 12432 - Mayor. Councilman Mjismmnm� HALVER'ON Councilman INNWMEWN� HOLLAND 1 f Councilman Jisibm MARZITELL Councilman iie6 MORTINSON Councilman Councilman Jjhnoft� ROSEN Mayor moa Form B.S.A.8-7 Mr.Vice President(Petemn) CITY OF ST.PAUL • / / / DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of curbing Hyacinth Avenue from Earl Street to Forest Street. under Preliminary Order approved 166357 To the Council of the City of St.Paul: December 11 1953 The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is s 5,740.68 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - Yi2.29 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement,and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor,are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION Land Building 1 2 Clapp — Thomssen Phalen 975 6800 2 2 do 825 8700 3 2 do 775 4 2 do 775 10300 5 2 do 775 6400 6 2 do 775 10700 7 2 do 775 8 2 do 775 Lot 9 and East of 10 2 do 1175 10500 Lot 11 and West of 10 2 do 1175 5750 ItMIX Porm B.B.10 CITY OC 4T.PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF IFINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (g) - ' ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITIONL &Ll/�TI�1Jiding 12 2 Clapp - Thomssen Phalen 77005 5750 13 2 do 775 5750 14 2 do 775 6100 15 2. do 775 6700 + 16 2 do 775 7000 Let 13 and West 2.5 feet of 14 1 do 550 5500 Except West 2.5 feet; 14 1 do 55o 5450 Lot 15 and nest 3.5 feet of 16 1 do 725 5550 Except West 3.5 feet; 16 1 do 725 5550 17 1 do 750 7200 18 1 do 750 7350 19 1 do 750 7350 20 1 do 750 7800 21 1 do 750 22 1 do 750 8200 23 1 do 750. 6400 24 1. dp 750 25 1 do 750 8300 26 1. do 750 7900 27. 1 do 750 8300 28 1. do 750 29 1 do 825 10700 1 4 J. A. &W. M. Stees Addition 525 1850 to St. Paul, Ramsey County, 2, 4 Minnesota. 525 3400 3 4 do .525 2900 4. 4. do 525 4000 Lots 5 thru 8 4 do 1825 2200 TOTAL CITY OF ST.PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED Land VAL ITiccOng South 1/3 of Lots 9, 10 and 11 1 J. A. & W. M. Stees Addition 500 1600 to St. Paul, Ramsey County, Except East 20 feet; 12 1 Minnesota 650 3850 Lot 13 and East 20 feet of 12 1 do 775 4200 Lot 14 and West 2 of 15 1 do 775 3650 d Lot 16 and East * of 15 1 do 775 3550 TOTAL $20770 $223,100 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dater December 29 1953 Foam B.B. 12 Commissioner of FinanceTy a 1 St. Paul, Minn. 0 ' To The Honorable,The Council, City of St.Paul,Minn. Gentlemen: We,the undersigned property owners,hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: .uALrbing - - --- I,a�inthAvenue �' _ ---- ...- .St. Ave. r �- �_ from Earl. ---St.Ave. to...----FQ-rest.... ---- -------------------- ..St. ---- --------..St. Ave. E LOT BLOCK ADDITION 1 ? app ThomssonP l_e_rn11 2 2 n n It r ez L � � i Ci•" N T IAS _ 'rte6'� I S-A- -4 W-M SPsES 17 1y1) CIS n r 6M 11-62/470, 2 • C-333 St.Paul, Minn........ .......__......_._..--------19 To The Honorable,The Council, City of St.Paul,Minn. Gentlemen: We,the undersigned property owners,hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Curbing. _ _ __. _... - Hyacinth Avenue,-Both sides of_street, _____St. Ave. from. Earl_ ___- _ .. _ _St.Ave. to...___For.e.at_--------....--------- ... ._ .._. - - _St.Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION r l9 v .� � 6M 11-62 2 1 75 5.'/z,S.W.1/4- SCALE:-30o-,+.1" AVE. IVY ----- -- I F- HYACINTH AVE. - IL--- ORANGEFF --_ -- HAWTHORNE ,Ave.. o — J 5T.. - - l � y-3v Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Dec=ber 14, 19 53 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works,having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council,known as Council File No 166357 approved December 1, 194 relative to curbing Hyacinth Avenue frm Earl Street to Forest Street and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein,hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $2.29 . 2. The estimated cost thereof is 5,74068 $ —,and the total cost thereof is$ Engineering $320.00 Inspection $106.28 Frontage 2,512 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan,profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of prope subject to assessment for said ' rovement. l(/ .i .�.- •+.+ ��=+ Comm' sio of Public Wor 2M 7-49 I J) Gil Accovrvr�rvo Dn'isiox CITY OF SAINT PAUL JOS.PAVLiCEK ➢v.ury oe C...T.&R-- D—'L.AmouxTAxT GEO.M.CAREN,Sum. ' Capital of Minnesota n�.ux oe sAxI=.=pox pun.AseT.QM Ervmrv.e.� DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS JOHN M.COTTER,Suer. DENS A.HOLMBOE FRANK D.MARZITELLI,COMMISSIONER ➢ >.�0e MoNIIeAr EaurrMervr Op,�¢Exorry„- ARTHUR fl.KOCH HERBERT s.WAST HERMAN P.PRANKS,DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M.SHEPARD,CHIEF ENGINEER B,xewu oe Coaneanon M ➢�ueoe CE W.AURICE W.HEWETT ® JOHN P.}.{ULLANEY,Suer. E—.— 1953 December 9, N Twaero E-NE- EUGENE V.AVERY Hon. Frank D. Marzitelli Commissioner of Finance City of St. Paul Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for curbing Hyacinth Avenue from Earl Street to Forest Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 166357 approved December 1, 1953. --------------------- $ 5,740.68 Estimated Cost 2.29 Cost per front foot --------- ------------- 320.00 Engineering ------"'”"--" Inspection ____-__-- 2,512 ft. Frontage -------" -------------- Yours very trP1Y. eorge M. Shepar Chief Engineer Approved for transmission tothe Commissioner of Finance ran °l e c ks commissioner of Pub COUNCI LE NO.--- FINAL O.FINAL ORDEt CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION- PROCESDINGS C.F. No.166937—SY Frank D.Marzl- tew— In the matter of_condemning and taking-an_easement in_the lan In the matter of condemning and tak- ing,an ent in the land necr- slopes, cuts and fills in grading and surfacing with bituminous material, the alley in Block 1, H. M. Ranney's Subdivision, of Block 11, Stinson's Division from Mackubin Street to Kent Street under Preliminary Order_._-_166415 - approved--- Dacember_4_1253-_ —, Intermediary Order__ _____16fi652_ -_ ----- __., approved---- December_39, 1953--, A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice,and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED,By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature,extent and kind of im- '"provement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in grading and surfacing with bituminous material, the alley in Block 1, H. M. Ranney's Subdivision, of Block 11, Stinson's Division frcrn Mackubin Street to Kent Street . and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken,appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements,viz.: For slopes, cuts and fill in grading and surfacing with bituminous material, the alley in Block 1, H. M. Ranney's Subdivision, of Block 11, Stinson's Division, from Mackubin Street to Kent Street. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council_. JAN 2 6 1qsn JAN 2 6 1954 O (sty C erk. Approved_ _ .. _.___ .__ _, 19—_ May Councilmen: J�Y Marzitelli McDermott Mortinson Parranto Peterson Rosen Mr.President,Delaney 600 9-6a ` w C ` CITY OF ST.PAUL ~ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE '., ON PRELIMINARY ORDER A In the matter of condemning and taking an easement Iry the land necessary for slopes, cuts, and fills in the grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 11 H. M. Ranney's Subdivision of Block 11, Stinson's Division, from Mackubin Street to Kent Street. under Preliminary Order approved 166415 To the Council of the City of St.Paul: December 4, 1953 The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: cost of the above easement50.00 The total estimatedgb°ve•-imP+oventent Is $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement,and the assessed valuation of each lot or IT parcel as last reported by the Assessor,are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED Land AL�tgffing H. M. Ranney's Subdivision 1 & 2 1 Block 11 Stlnsons Division of 1300 8500 the NW. Sec. 36. 3 1 do 600 2100 4 1 do 45o 19oo 5 1 do 600 2300 6 1 do 600 2000 7 1 do 600 1300 8 1 do 600 700 9 1 do 600 1350 10 1 do 600 1800 11 1 do 600 1800 Form B.B.10 CITY OF ST.PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION H. M. Ranney's Subdivision Land Building 12 1 Block 11 Stinsons Division of 600 1450 the NW. of Sec. 36. 13 1 do 6oO 1200 14 1 do 600 1700 15 1 do 600 1400 16 1 do Soo 165o 17 1 do 650 450 18 1 do 650 ° 1600 19 1 do 650 1900 20 1 do 650 2000 21 1 do 650 1900 22 1 do 650 1750 �3 1 do 650 650 24 1 do 650 1100 25 1 do 650 1400 26 1 do 65o 1050 27 1 do 650 800 28 1 do 650 1500 29 1 do 650 800 30 1 do 900 2600 TOTAL $18,400 $48,250 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. L Dated December 29 1953 -- --- Commissioner of Fin Form B.B. 12 } I H.M.PANNEY'S SUBAFBLKII STINSON'S DIVISION MackuS n St. Kent Si + I d ca{es Cu{. A 1,d,wlesFill Typ—1 No{o— 30 + Figures above line show Cul or F.I I al properly I,ne. Figures below line s{row N dis{ance{o which slopes e,c{end beyond proper{y Gne. L— B—k N'3005 X Sec Bk N°9000 Scale: I"=40 I 0 e G6�.---- Ttiomaa Ava. H , M. R A N N E Y '5 S U B . O F 5 T I N S C N 'S D I V 1 S I O N m 15 14 13 12 II 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 I ti 38' ao' „ ,. .. .. .. .. ,. a„ go'L Oif 1 illi _.— Fr. r Fr Fr Tile. Fr. F 0 Fr. Fr Gar F' F., Ger R Fr c`er Ger. C.— Ho W I rA ~o. c'�• F� Ger Ha.., Fr.56ed 0 ��� `g * N F• � Fr.Bu Fr Ge Fr Ger. 1 `Im Shades * � SFore co Fr.Sh Ge. Ge _ Fr 1 IJa. rY r� 17 18 19 Z1 2Z Z3 Z4 ZS 26 Z7 28 Z9 30H.M.Ranney e Sub. H . MR A N N ' S S U B . O F 5 T 1 N S O N 'S D l U 1 S I O N Mackubin - Kent Edmund Ava. SI.Dr.2 N! 1183 is . Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance December 15, 1953ff To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works,having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 166415 December 4 191-3—, relative to Council,known as Council File No. approved condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts alley in Block 1, H. M. Ranney's Subdivision of Block 11, Stinson's and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein,hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. xaxxxx 2. The estimated cost thereof is$ —,and the total cost thereof is$ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan,profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part here 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of prop i subject to assessment for a ' rovement. Commi inner ublic War 2M 7.49 �8 `J DEC 1-D 11353 pEPT. Of cu d'' FivA�CE � 60 I C.F.No.198939— In Ne matte[of grmtling tl urfac- _ ing with bituaLLnous tenial the alley in Hlock 1.A M.AaM SubtllvLgioo COUNCIL FILE NO. M atNKBy ^uz •a=or_, - - FINAL ORDER In the Matter of_...grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in __Block_1,--H. M._Rannev's Subdivision__of Block 11, Stinson's Division, from -- — - ---- ------- Mackubin S tree t to Kent Street under Preliminary Order------ 66414--__------_--____-approved -__-.-December 4,1953---------- Intermediary Order---------------------------------------------approved -- -------------- - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice,and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto,and having fully considered the same; therefore,be it RESOLVED,By the Council of the City of St.Paul that the precise nature,extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is------grade__and_surface with bituminous material the allay-in_Blnak_l,__H�--M,___RannaX=s-_Sv_b_diYisina--°�--IilQck_-1]-,---Sties on__e_Dj vial on�_f nom_ ._Mackubirn_Street__to--Kent Street--_ ------------------------------_-------------------_------ ------ -------------- ----------------------- ----------------------------------------------- —----- ------------------------------------------------------------ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER,That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement,and submit same to the Council for approval;that upon said approval,the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said imprroNe>jelit'954 e ' eco dance therewith. Adopted by the Council--------------------------------------------,19'?.. i - JAN 2 6 3954 City Clerk. Approved -------- ----- 192-- File . File 12427hf'---- —�' May Councilman HALVERSON \� Councilman HOLLAND Councilman MAKI-MLLI Councilman jfiljjj� MORTINSON Councilman lbmliwi� PrTERsoN Councilman NJNWNb� ROSEN { Mayor ffnkMol� DAUBNEY Form B.S.A.8-7 ri- -?✓ CITY OF ST.PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE _ REPORT ON PRELIMORDER FINANCE f3Pl f ji)�' In the matter,of grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 1, H. M. Ranney's Subdivision of Block 11, Stinson's Division; from Mackubin Street to Kent Street. under Preliminary Order approved 166414 To the Council of the City of St.Paul: December 4, 1953 The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is rovement,and the assessed valuation of each lot or The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such imp parcel as last reported by the Assessor,are as follows: ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITIONVA kStlt�1 p DESCRIPTION Land l�tling 1 & 2 1 H. M. Ranney's Subdivision 1300 8500 Block 11, Stinsons Division of 600 2100 3 1 the NW , Sec. 36 4 1 do 450 1900 5 1 do 600 2300 6 l do 600 2000 7 1 do 600 1300 8 1 do 600 700 9 1 do 600 1350 10 1 do 600 1800 11 1 do 600 1800 Form B.B.10 CITY OF ST.PAUL l DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �f>�1fj46 In thematter,of grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 1, H. M. Ranney's Subdivision of Block 11, Stinson's Division, from Mackubin Street to Kent Street. under Preliminary Order approved 166414 To the Council of the City of St.Paul: December 4, 1953 The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 2,585.b5 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - $ 2-1(, The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement,and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor,are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED Land VAV Y2 ng 1 & 2 1 H. M. Ranney's Subdivision 1300 8500 Block 11, Stinsons Division of 3 1 the MW 4, Sec. 36 600 2100 4 1 do 450 1900 5 1 do 600 2300 6 1 do 600 2000 7 1 do 600 1300 8 1 do 600 700 9 1 do 600 1350 10 1 do 600 1800 11 1 do 600 1800 Form B.B.10 CITY OF ST.PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED Lana v"'�' i'ag H. M. Ranney's Subdivision 12 1 Block 11, Stinsons Division of 600 1450 The N. W. }, Sec. 36 13 1 do 600 1200 14 1 do 600 1700 15 1 do 600 1400 16 1 do 5o0 1650 17 1 do 650 450 18 1 do 650 1600 19 1 do 650 1900 20 1 do 650 2000 21 1 do 650 1900 22 1 do 650 1750 23 1 do 650 650 24 1 do 650 1100 25 1 do 650 1400 26 1 do 650 1050 P7 1 do 650 800 28 1 do 650 1500 29 1 do 650 800 30 1 do 900 2600 TOTAL $18,400 $48,250 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated December 29 lq 53 Commissioner of Finane@?� Farm B.B.13 -4W;414 ' St. Paul, Minn.- ------19 The Honorable,The Council, City of St.Paul,Minn. Gentlemen: We,the undersigned property owners,hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: -Grading and _sur-fa-cing--the a-l-ley-in-B149C-k---I,-14-M--Ranney" ------- Subdivision. Block ll_,_ Stinson's Divisi-o-n-_t-o-St..-Pau-1 -- -------- -- St. Ave. ... .. .. - ----- ----- . .. ... Kent Street Mackubin Street from- to-- - ---- -- ---- - , 4rx � 40' e:!f "7,L 5M 21.62 461414 • 8t Paul,bTinn .-----.-,`�_-d fC..-------19. To The Honorable,The Council, City of St.Paul,Minn. Gentlemen: C� U We,the undersigned property owners,hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: '- NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION 41 r30 e-o ` K _6M-11.6$ 2 NW THO_MA5 AVc. W I- F > EDNUNO AVE ns ----J ----— A v E UiAREE5 1 �L Q 13t: UNIVEQSIT`/ --- Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance December is 19 53 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works,having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council,known as Council File No 166414 approved December 4 19-S-3— relative to grading and surfacing with bituminous material, the alley in Block 1, A. M. Ranney'a Subdivision of Block 11, Stinson's Division, frrm Mackubin Street to Kent Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein,hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 1*1 Cost per front foot $2.16 2,585.45 2. The estimated cost thereof is$--, and the total cost thereof is$ Engineering $239.20 Inspection $46.00 Frontage 1,196 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan,profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. b. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of subject to assessment for sa11id improvement. Com i si ,—,cr ub is s., 2M 7.49Z✓ {C� ,yJ `'1• - DEC -I — C)�P�• fry Ic,: . n°�°°'C.—a R"u` CITY OF SAINT PAUL A°°°°N—D—CE° CEO.M.GAREN,-Suex. JOS.PAVLICEK Capital of Minnesota Dear...Accom+rexr Pan.A.—C,—E..— JENS A.HOLMBOE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS B.—°aSANS*•*�°� • JOHN M.COTTER,S- 0--Exmxee. FRANK D.MARZITELLI,COMMISSIONER HERBERT S.WEST HERMAN P. PRANKE,DEPUTY COMMISSIONER Bone_.0 oe Murv�cvn..E°°,amervr ARl'H UR H.ROCH Been°o,B,u°oes GEORGE M. SHEPARD,CHIEF ENGINEER MAURICE W.HEWETT E....ns. B-1'6 oe Coxaem,oN . JOHN P.MULLANEY,Su— T--E—.ae. . December 14, 1953 EUGENE V.AVERY Hon. Frank D. Marzitelli Cesnmissioner of Public Works City of St. Paul Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading and surfacing with bituminous material, the alley in Block 1, H. M. Ranney's Subdivision of Block 11, Stinson's Division, from Mackubin Street to Kent Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 166414 approved December 4, 1953. Estimated Cost ------------------ $ 2,585.45 Cost per front foot ------------ 2.16 Engineering -------------------- 239.20 Inspection --------------------- 46.00 Frontage --------------------- 1,196 ft. Yours very truly, ( �` George M. Shepard 1�y(7 �k Chief Engineer / ro Approved for transmission ' to Ccmmmissioner of Finance to ran^ a ite 1 Ccmnissioner of Pub orks fttl C.F-No.188938— In the—tter of ding Maekubib SL width df SO ft.from O[ang Ave. to Wheelock Parkway boder P-U-in.1 19U Orda..188355 appr..ved De-m�*v. COUNCIL FILE NO.- B3'- - -- - FINAL ORDER In the Matter of....grading Mackubin_St._to_a_width_of_50 ft. from Orange_Ave._-----_ to Wheelock Parkway------- ------------- ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------------- under Preliminary Order-------166355approved . ____December 1, 1953 ------------------ -------- -------- - - ------ -- Intermediary Order----------------------------------------------approved ------------------------ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice,and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto,and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED,By the Council of the City of St.Paul that the precise nature,extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is......grade Ilackubin St._ to a width__of-50--ft, from____ Orange-Ave.__to Wheelock_Parinray-----------_----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ____ ------------------------ ----------- -------------- ----------------------------- -------------------------------------- -- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER,That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and direetbd to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement,and submit same to the Council for approval;that upon said approval,the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council_FEB-_-----�J__4_____-____ -, 192-------- FEB 9 1954 �'f' ll/. �e�� �--------- City Clerk. Approved ---------- --------- ------- ,192.- File 12429 - - -- - - - �-- Mayor. Councilman HALVERCON n _ Councilman HOLLAND Councilman M R 11 MARZITFLLI f•, Councilman�B® MORTINSON s i' Councilman PETERSON n Councilman iii ROSEN Mayor DAUBNEY Form B. S.A.8-7 'I CITY OF ST.PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON-PRELIMINARY ORDER p In the matter of Grading Mackubin Street to a width of 50 ft, from Orange Avenue to Wheelock Parkway. under Preliminary Order approved 166355 To the Council of the City of St.Paul: December 1, 1953 The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 3,782.36 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ 3.31 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement,and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor,are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Bernadine Addition of the City Land Building 16 & 15 of St. Paul, Ramsey County, 300 1450 Minnesota Lots 17 thru 23 do 1050 24 do 150 (Except Parkway) West 63.54 feet 25 do 150 of Lots 26, 27 and 28 do 725 5850 East 42 feet of West 132 feet of North 132 feet of part of East 2i South of Cottage Homes Wheelock Parkway of 31 550 4150 South 88 feet of North 280 feet of West 132 feet of East 165 feet of 31 do 325 750 Form B.B.10 CITY OF ST.PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION Lan dVALUA�ON..1 ng South 120 feet of North 400 feet of Cottage Homes 470 1335010 West 132 feet of East 165 feet of 31 South 40 feet of North 440 feet of 150 450 West 132 feet of East j of 31 do South BO feet of North 520 feet of do 300 900 West 132 feet of East 165 feet of 31 (Except Mackubin St. & except North 2150 520 feet) East * of 31 do 550 TOTAL $4,700 $15,050 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated December 29 19 53 CommissionAYF,.a Form B.B. 13 t • St.Paul,Minn.._A106t.6......._.._.......19__&3.. To The Honorable,The Council, City of St.Paul,Minn. Gentlemen: ' We,the undersigned property owners,hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: mackubin street to be graded and black topped -___--- - - -------- St. Ave. from_ W11selock-. _ _.St.Ave. to-. -_._4S8Age_.St-•-----.__...-----.------------ __-St.Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION /0 3/ y -• C'0 .r -2/ RV�p1 6M 11.62 Ofp.2 /', 5.% SEC. 24 T. 29—R.2.3 _ Ar. :. a D ZL— W w is OR, NG AVE. r is cl Q• � S a / a • I - 3 ter" MARYLAi;ID --- ---=— -- - y4 KE. _--_-----------— -- —__ 4I Ol•GVtTIti STAMO RTa-AS 'Pl.-IS. Y" Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance December 14 19 53 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works,having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council,known as Council File No. 166355 approved December 1 —1959 , relative to grading Mackubin Street to a width of 50 feet from Orange Avenue to Wheelock Parkway and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein,hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $3.31 2. The estnatied cost theme g 1 3,782.36 %d th tgta�cost thereof is g nq neerinq 7f �8. 0 fnspecnion 68.69 Frontgge I,19�f - and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan,profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of prop subject to assessment for did improvement. 140- 0✓\�`ww Lb \�.'I\ Comi is oner Public Work 2M 7.49 DELG 151953 DEFT, OF w p;NATICE tl , 3--ax C.—&R—,. Accou—N,D.11110N GEO.M.GAREN,S— CITY OF SAINT PAUL JOS.PAVLICEK Devrv,.AmourcuNr eaN.A—.cr, eNo Neex Capital of Minnesota JENS A.HOLMEOE& DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS B„xe.,N o.S--- JOHN NJ.COTTER,S— E.-- FRANK D.MARZITELLI,COMMISSIONER HERBERT S.WEST HERMAN P. PRANKS,DEPUTY COMMISSIONER B1xenav R 11.K Equrvmerer • AR77IU }f.ICOCH Il�evn�oe B—. GEORGE M. SHEPARD,CHIEF ENGINEER , MAURICE W.HEWWETT )OIIN P.MULLANEY,S— T--EN—ee. December 9, 1953 EUGENE V.AVERY Hon. Frank D. Marzitelli Comissioner of Public Works City of St. Paul Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Mackubin Street to a width of 50 feet from Orange Ave. to Wheelock Parkway, under Preliminary Order C. F. 166355 approved December 1, 1953. Estimated Cost ----------------- $ 3,782.36 Cost per front foot ----------- 3.31 Engineering -------------------- 228.20 Inspection --------------------- 69.69 Frontage ----------------------- 1,141 ft. Yours very truly, n George M. Shepa. d !X� Chief Engineer Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance fEite li j` Ccffiaiseioner of Pub c rks B"eGE or G°NBT.a Reru. CITY OF SAINT PAUL--- "°`°"S.P VLIG°x GEO.M.CAREN,5"rr. JOS.PAVLICEK Derr c.Accouxrnxr Pax.Assn Cme Exorneea Capital of Minnesota DENS A.HOLMBOE? DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS B"—"°r S.NIrnr111 JOHN M.COTTER,S"rr. 0--ENO— FRANK D.MARZITELLI,COMMISSIONER HERBERT S.WEST HERMAN P. PRANKE,DEPUTY COMMISSIONER BuneAR THoa M"x1UR 7{,.Jr Eq,°iraexr • ARKOCI[ B°sen"or B.iwes GEORGE M. SHEPARD,CHIEF ENGINEER MAURICE W.HEWETT Ex°.neea B—AO`C...".."P.MULLANEY.S.". Tenrric Exmxee. December 9, 1953 EUGENE V.AVERY Hon. Frank D. Marzitelli Casmlissioner of Public Works City of St. Paul Dear Sir; I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Mackubin Street to a width of 50 feet from Orange Ave. to Wheelock Parkway, under Preliminary Order C. F. 166355 approved December 1, 1953. Estimated Cost ----------------- $ 3,782.36 Cost per front foot ----------- 3.31 Engineering -------------------- 228.20 Inspection --------------------- 69.69 Frontage ----------------------- 1,141 ft. Yours very truly, . 7 George M. Shepard Chief Engineer i Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance D. r"+ its li Commissioner of Pub c rks ' (P.- ORDER IN CONDEMNATION ) L PROCEEDINGS CO UN LE NO _ _ s C.F.No.109990— BY _ In the matter of condemning and tak- Ing n easement in the land ne_U FINAL OR IN CONDEMrfI w�cuts r�,ti- INGS In the matter of_condemning and taking-an-easement-in-the land necessary for- sloper - cuts and fills in the grading of Mackubin Street to a width of 50 ft. from Orange Avenue to Wheelock Parkway , under Preliminary Order_._ _ _166356 December 1 195 , approved__. - - - 3-__-_- Intermediary Order__- --_ - 166&59 approved____ December 35, 1953--- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice,and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED,By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature,extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Mackubin Street to a width of 50 ft. from Orange avenue to Wheelock Parkway and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easemepts therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken,appropriated and condemned for the purpose df making said improvements,viz.: For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Mackubin Street to a width of 50 feet from Orange Avenue to Wheelock Parkway RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council__ FEB_ 9_W_' E E B 9 999.4 - City Clerk. Approved-- - - - ---. ____ —, 19— Councilmen 9'r Councilmen ;c Marzitelli A4c.Bepmu�� v`1\ �_ Mortinson i Peterson Rosen Mr.President.,'Delza� :AO 9-60 _®� CITY OF ST.PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER G{ (A) �� � p'.. In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills inthegrading of Mackubin Street to a width of 50 feet from Orange Avenue to Wheelock Parkway. under Preliminary Order approved 166356 To the Council of the City of St.Paul: December 1, 1953 The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: cost of the above easement 25.00 The total estimated c'9 The is - - - $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement,and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor,are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Building Bernadine Addition of the City 16 & 15 of St. Paul, Ramsey County, 300 1450 Minnesota Lots 17 thra 23 do 1050 24 do 150 25 do 150 Except Parkway W. 63.54 feet of Lots 26, 27 and 28 do 725 5850 E. 42 feet of W. 132 feet of N. 132 feet of part of E. j S of Wheelock Parkway of 31 Cottage Homes 550 4150 South 88 feet of North 280 feet of lest 132 feet of East 165 feet of 31 do 325 750 X10= Form B.B.10 CITY OF ST.PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Building South 120 feet of North 400 feet of Cottage Homes West 132 feet of East 165 feet of 31 450 350 South 40 feet of North 440 feet of — West 132 feet of East * of 31 do 150 450 South 80 feet of North 520 feet of West 132 feet of East 165 feet of 31 do 300 900 (Except Mackubin Street& Except North 520 feet) East j of 31 do 550 2150 TOTAL $4,700 $15,050 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public forks. Dated December 29 _19_53_ Furor B.B. 12 Commissioner of Fi -7-7 -- 72 f Orange Ave. Wheelock-Pkwy. Indict l:ec Cut .. D-Indicat.-e Fill Typical xalolion fo Figures above line show Cu{ar Fillal Property line 6., uFigures6e,l°w line show O H dlsfoncc io whlch slopes ex}end beyond property line Lec Book f4°2681 Sce%1"-T�' >" W C O T T A G E H O M E S Q Z sir . � Y � n �srry. Q 50 31 Fr. Fr. Gr I Fr. l 4"Tree B- ret o 0 Q � 1 � 00 � o olo poo I O 0o p o o O 00 O 4-BSr. o O / ..B E. _ 1 14'Oak -� O� O� al0 00 00 Op Oq�I� oo U 2 St y.Fr r Fr. 1�2 6+ry J - QGr. IFr. i I uj 47.85' 40' 3lU 15 16 17 18 19 2 23 24 0 21 22 40 so' scar I O 25 26 27 28 i -SS• 8 E R N A D I N E A D fZ Mockubin St. Orange -Wheelock SI.Dr.2 Nq 1181 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance December 15 53 19_ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works,having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council,known as Council File No. 166356 approved December 1 —1953, relative to condemning and taking an easement in,the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Mackubin Street to a width of 50 feet frcm Orange Avenue to Wheelock Parkway• and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein,hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Xxxx 2. The estimated coat thereof is$ xxxxxx_ and the total cost thereof is$ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan,profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. _ iQ 5. Said improvement ''is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of pro subject to assessment 1 \\sanbment. commissi er o lie W ZM 7.48 4W8 t.SRN � rb t' 2nd k. Laid over to— z 110 ir —Ad.pt.d- 3rd and pp Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Halvorson 10,1 7..d and arzitelli I .1-itelli for "'on 'Iii.rtin— Peterson -90.en Mr. President DaubmY Mr.President D.ubney C.F.No.16W41-=d1= 01I.L.4 oil,Clerk By Frank D. !!No,10251— ORDINj�X.Art 78-9--e.Uuad-:---r -w—e An%=uve ordinance to the nt by Cfjy,.ffjCjal%.0f t officers -and employct". PRESENTED BY An ordinance amending Ordinance No-7842, entitled t "An administrative ordinance relatilge to the appointment by City Officials of officers and employes in the Class:Lfied Service, firing the number that may be appointed, and a.tablishing organization charts for various departments of the City Government* This is an emergency ordinance rendered--necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety", approved September 30,1937, as amended. The Council of the City of Saint Paul does ordain: Section 1. That Ordinance N0.7842 approved September 30th, 1937, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by adding to Section 13 thereof in the organization chart of the Department of Public Works under the heading nTraffiem I— Senior Clerk—Stenographer Section 2. Thisordinance Is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication. Approved as to form EEg 3.0 1954 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Count Halvorson Holland ---In Favor Marzitelli Mortinson -----Against Peterson 0 (a---- Rosen B i 0 'WS&I : --- 'Mr.President Daubney) Approv� 7 '7 Attest: City Clerk Ma 1M 542 8 J, odeln.l to City Cier9CITY OF ST. PAUL CO Nt9t No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ( j '_k Z. DATE COMM1WCNER_._ �✓ WHEREAS, Clemens C. Kessler, an employe of the Bureau of Police, Department of Public Safety, died December 26, 1953, and at the time of his death said employe had a total of 32 hours of overtime at $2.1714 per hour, totalling $69.52, RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the Laws of Minnesota 1951, Ch. 531, the proper City officers are hereby authorized to make payment to the spouse of the decedent, Kra. Frances Kessler, in the amount of said Qvertime, $69.52• C.F.No. 1:oa-8Y Robes F.Peter- whereas, Clemens C• Kessler, n e ploys. f the Bureau of Pond Dec of . 1 MSafety' t ttyla time of his den id e a Decber 28, head total' th Baemploy1715 of 32 hours f overtime t 92• per hour. Wtelling j5B.52. Resolvedd That Pursuant to the visions oY the Iaws ofCiMe°deer are Ch. 551, the proper hereby uthorized to ke peymenl ry to the spouse of the the amount Mrs. {n mount of t �1 Frances Kessler• a _ said overtime., 589.52", Adopted by the Council January 26. f.19A. proved January 28.1954. o (January 39.19541 JAN COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays An `.;6 1954 Halvorson Approved____195— Holland - -. 196— Holland Marzitelli ' Mortinaon In Favor — -- Mor Peterson / � Rosen —LABainst .\ Mr. President, Daubney 6M 2-65 +r ( original to City Clark COUNCILNO �943 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DAT GOMMISsIONE In the matter of the replacing of tie rods and other necessary repairs on City street lighting standards in the Merriam Park and Hill district areas and on various other streets as approved by the Council Advisory Committee. Resolved that this improvement be approved and the Commissioner of Public Utilitiesbe and he is hereby directed to do the work at an estimated cost of $100,000 by City Forces and that the Purchasing Agent proceed to procure the necessary materials, and be it Further Resolved that the cost of this improvement be charged to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, said fund to be reim- bursed from Public Utilities Bond Fund ##600 U. C.F. No.166943—ay Severin A.Mort- 1ue— Anisthe matter of the replacing of tjp ds and other ecessarypairs on City street lighting stand.r& In the Merriam Park and Hill district a end on various other streets as ap s proved by the Council Advisory Com- mittee. Resolved,That this improvement be approved andthe Commissioner f Public Utilities be and he is he, directed to do the work at an estimated cost of$100,099 by City Forces and that the Purchasing Agent proceed to pro- core the n sary materials,and be It Further Resolved. That the cost of this improvement be charged to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund. said fund to be reimbursed from Public Utilities Bond Fund No. 600 U. Adopted by the Council January 26, 1969. Approved January 26,1969. _i5 (January 30.1954) I...-: 1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 196_ Yeas Halvorson Nays - Marzitelli 196— I{ollandat Approved —195- 1 / P:irmftbo -�1n Favor ,-ayor Peterson n A gainst Rosen Daubney Mr.President,DeMney 6M 1-51 .mss Oricinel to City Clerk COUNCIL 1661144 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No._ Norrisd0 Hale rspn OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ernllr .H # a i C.F.No.198044--HY Narrls O.Halvor- �ertn' a €eiinson UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Maalrelif seLrin°A. Morti—nD ^rt F. Pelerson—Miltotl Rosen— PRESENTED BY John E.Daubney.May * r— COMMISSIONE — — DATE— Whereas, The Netlonal Enstilurete of i,hn F nAI1hrRY MAVMAY= Municipal LaW ORicers has portetlr tnat m�wr•- - WHEREAS, the National Institute of Municipal Law Officers has reported that the Ways and Means Committee of the'National House of Representatives has under consideration an amendment to the General Revenue Revision Bill of 1964, which amendment would impose Federal income taxes on the interest received from future issues of municipal housing authority bonds and upon interest received from bonds issued by states or municipalities for industrial development purposes; and WHEREAS, such action would be merely another attempt to insert an opening wedge in the long-attempted effort by certain groups to destroy the constitutional tax immunity of state and municipal bonds, thus requiring states and municipalities to pay a much higher rate of interest upon such bonds, with result- ant financial difficulties, particularly for the units of govern- ment on the municipal level; now.t0refore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minne- sota, hereby voices its vehement objection to such legislation, and the City Clerk is hereby directed to send a certified copy of t4l resolution to the United States Senators from Minnesota ands to/ he United States Representatives of r� D14-4r+e:t of Minnesota, and to the President of the United States. I JAN' 2 6 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays ..lA� s 6 1954 Halvorson Holland Approved—--- 195— Marzitelli Mortinson ——In Favor May Peterson Rosen --Against Mr. President, Daubncy 6M 2-63 '• HAROLD J.RIORDAN Chief Clerk mm.AGNES H.O'CONNELL Ci,y Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK g BUREAU OF RECORDS �� �, 386 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE • -@1 January 22, 1954 Mr. Timothy P. Quinn Corporation Counsel B u i l d i n g Dear Sir; The City Council requested that you draw a resolution opposing any legislation Of the type described in the attached letter of Comsr. Roseeot, Rosen. otwill note that the Commissioner recommended that a copy be sent Very truly yours, City Clerk -MILTON ROSEN r FRED DRIVER 'Commissioner Deputy Commissioner CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEONARD C. SEAMER, Valuation and Assessment Engineer HARRY A. JOHNSON, Chief Clerk — CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM. Chief Cashier .4 January 22, 1954 To the Mayor and Members of the City Council St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: I have been notified that there is a definite possibility and the first steps have been taken in subjecting state and municipal bonds to taxation. This also takes in federal taxation of "city municipal" housing authority securities and also federal taxation of municipal revenue bonds issued for industrial development purposes, an issue upon which no administration-- including the Harding, Coolidge, Hoover, Roosevelt and Truman administrations--has ever received the approval of Congress. Under the circumstances, I deem it advisable to recommend that we send a resolution to the president of the United States voicing our disapproval of this type of taxing which will in- crease the cost of any and all bonds which we may submit in the future. Yours truly� Milton Rosen Commissioner of Finance i Rase s o v oq National Institute wo �< ba it m of Municipal i' a ?W Law Officers a 11 INFORMATION IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRESEARCH COOPERATION 11t 726 JACKSON PLACE, N. W. • WASHINGTON 6, D. C. • TELEPHONE DISTRICT 7-1381 naL eocHset N.F. ORT January 21, 1954 gear Municipal Attorney: The House Ways and Means Committee has announced that it has p;ov,- sionally voted (the rumor is 13 to 11) that the General Revenue Revision Bill of 1954 will contain provisions providing for: (1) federal income taxation of interest received from future issues of municipal housing authority bonds. (2) Federal income taxation of interest received from revenue bonds issued by states or municipalities for industrial development purposes. NIMLO has upon a number of occasions joined with other public organizations in the Conference on State Defense to successfully fight off similar attacks upon municipal bonds. You will recognize the present plan for what it is, i.e. the opening wedge in the never ceasing plan to destroy the constitutional tax irmnunity of state and of municipal bonds. You are familiar with the constitutional principles involved, and the same constitutional principle applies: to all municipal bonds or none. The issue is basic and tremendously important, having as it does possible devastating effects on the future solvency and sovereignty of the states and their political subdivisions. With expert opinion varying between 1 and 1 1/2 per cent as the added interest rate cost, the total estimated cost of this program to muni- cipal taxpayers would aggregate millions. You may want to alert your city officials to the dangers involved in this matter and communicate your city's views to your congressional de7epation. Sincerely, Charles S. Rhyne General Counsel ('SR/mab WIN aIJ —0 Wo.✓ n W �A V n TRUSTEES JOE W. ANDERSON, City Attorney, Chattanooga,Tennessee RAY L.CHESEBRO,City Attorney,Los Angeles,California WALTER J. MATTISON, City Attorney, Milwaukee, Wisconsin HERMAN C.WILSON,City Attorney, Greensboro,North Carolina ANNE X.ALPERN,City Solicitor,Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania ALEXANDER G. BROWN, City Attorney, Portland, Oregon CHARLES HANDLER, Corporation Counsel, Newark, New Jersey DENIS M. HURLEY,.Corporation Counsel,New York,New York JOHN J. MORTIMER,Corporation &urisel, Chicago, Illinois THOMAS N.BIDDISON,City Solicitor,Baltimore,Maryland BARNETT I. SHUR,Corporation Counsel, Portland,Maine REGIONAL VICE-PRESIDENTS Region I—WILLMM L. BAXTER, Corporation Counsel, Boston, Massa- Region 5—JAMES MESSER,JR.,City Attorney,Tallahassee,Florida(Ala- chusets (Connecticut,Maine, Massachusetts, New Hamp- barna,Arkansas, Florida, Georgia,Louisiana,Mississippi) shire,Rhode Island,Vermont) Region 6—C.M.BRENNEISEN,ja.,City Attorney,Kansas City,Kansas Region 7—AUGusr F. WAr.Z, City Solicitor, Wilmington, Delaware (Kansas, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North (Delaware,Maryland,New Jersey,New York,Pennsylva- Dakota,South Dakota) ria,West Virginia) -Region 7--GEORGE E.MURPHY,City Attorney, Beaumont,Texas (Ari- aona,New Mexico,Oklahoma,Texas) Region 3--HENRY M.BRURsrLB,City Solicitor,Cincinnati,Ohio (Illi- Region 8—LEONARD M. CAMPBELL, City Attorney, Denver, Colorado nois,Indiana,Michigan,Ohio,Wisconsin) (Colorado,Idaho,Montana,Utah,Wyoming) Region 4—J.ELLIOT DRrNARD,City Attorney,Richmond,Virginia(Ken- Region 9--DioN R.HOLM,City Attorney,San Francisco,California(Cali- tucky,North Carolina,South Carolina,Tennessee,Virginia) fornix,Nevada,Oregon,Washington) STATE CHAIRMEN Alabama: James H.Willis,City Attorney of Birmingham Nebraska--C.Russell Mattson,City Attorney of Lincoln Arizona: Harry L.Buchanan,City Attorney of Tucson Nevada—Howard W.Cannon,City Attorney of Las Vegas Arkansas: Harrell Harper,City Attorney of Fort Smith New Hampshire: J. Francis Roche,City Solicitor of Manchester California: Emmett Tompkins,City Attorney of Alhambra New Jersey: John B.Graf,Corporation Counsel of Jersey City Colorado—John M.Sayre,City Attorney of Boulder New Mexico: E.G.Shannon,City Attorney of Las Cruces Connecticut: Harry Ossen,City Attorney of Torrington New York: Honora Miller, Corporation Counsel of Rochester Delaware: John P.Sinclair,City Solicitor of Newark North Carolina: C.V.Jones,City Attorney of Durham Florida: John E.Cicero,City Attorney of Miami North Dakota: Charles L.Foster,City Attorney of Bismarck Georgia: J.C.Savage,City Attorney of Atlanta Ohio: Herbert S.Beane,City Attorney of Dayton Idaho: Robert N.W.Balleisen,City Attorney of Twin Palls Oklahoma: A.M.Widdows,City Attorney of Tulsa Illinois: Charles S.Thomas,Corporation Counsel of Rockford Oregon—James R.Shick,City Attorney of Forest Grove Indiana: Paul W.Philips,City Attorney of Fort Wayne Pennsylvania: Daniel H.Huyea,3rd,City Solicitor of Reading Iowa: Charles E.Wittenmeyer,City Attorney of Davenport Rhode Island: William E.McCabe,City Solicitor of Providence Kansas: Fred Littooy,City Attorney of Hutchinson South Carolina: W.H.Arnold,City Attorney of Greenville Kmtucky: Gilbert Burnett,Director of Law of Louisville South Dakota: Thomas J.Barron,City Attorney of Sioux Falls Louisiana: Frank H.Peterman,City Attorney of Alexandria Tennessee: Z.Thomas Osborn,Jr.,City Attorney of Nashville Maine: B.W.Blanchard,City Solicitor of Bangor Texas: George P.Gleeson,City Attorney of Haltom City Maryland: David Macdonald,County Attomey of Montgomery County Utah: E.R.Christensen,City Attorney of Salt Lake City Massachusetts: Mark E.Gallagher,Jr.,City Solicitor of Medford Vermont: James T.Haugh,City Attorney of Rutland Michigan: Charles B.Coaadd,Village Attorney of Wayne Virginia: Garnett S.Moore,Town Attorney of Pulaski Minnesota: Timothy P.Quiet,Corporation Counsel of St.Paul Washington: Clarence M.Boyle,Corporation Counsel of Tacoma Mississippi: E.W.Stennett,City Attorney of Jackson West Virginia: Lyell B.Clay,City Solicitor of Charleston Missouri—Whitney W.Potter,City Counselor of St.Joseph Wisconsin: Thomas P.Corbett,City Attorney of Racine Montana: Melvin N.Hoiness,City Attorney of Billings Wyoming: A.Joseph Williams,City Attorney of Cheyenne L/ THE UNITED STATES CONFERENCE OF MAYORS 730 JACKSON PLACE,N,W. • WASHINGTON 6,D.C. V,ph...:MEtr,,Iir.,81969 .a offfoo of th.E.—ti-Df—f- January 23, 1954 THE THREAT OF FEDERAL TAXATION OF MUNICIPAL BONDS MEMORANDUM FROM: The Executive Director, The United States Conference of Mayors r This is undoubtedly the most important Conference of Mayors' communication which will be transmitted to you during 1954. It is with regret that I once again report Congressional action involving the direct taxation, by the Federal Government, of state and municipal securities. All city officials had assumed that this fundamental issue had been settled for a long time--especially since, when in 1951, the House Ways and Means Committee had refused even to report a measure of this character which had been submitted by the Secretary of the Treasury. I advised all cities three days afo (Wednesday, January 20) of the action of the House Ways and Means Committee in approving a substantive addition to the proposed Revenue Revision Bill of 1954 subjecting the following types of municipal securities to Federal taxation: 1. Municipal housing authority securities to be issued in the future. 2. Municipal revenue bonds issued for industrial development purposes. The Committee's official press release gratuitously commented that municipal housing bonds were really Federal bonds issued in a municipality's name. The fact is municipal housing authority securities are issued by local bodies spe- cifically created by, and operating under, enabling legislation enacted by a sovereign state government. As to municipal bonds for industrial development purposes, such bonds have been issued by a few cities under their charter and statutory powers as specifically granted by their state legislatures. The above action was taken by the Committee in closed or Executive Session, ( t1 without any Governor, any, State Attorney General, any Mayor, any County Com- missioner, or any non-Federal official being given the courtesy or opportunityl' \ ' of presenting testimony. In my service as Executive Director of The United IyV States Conference of Mayors for nearly a quarter of a century, I know of no b - 2 - siilr actionrave character h has been asmitadoes, theosovereigngand constitutional cpowers ofrthe 48tst states vandtheir political subdivisions. This letter deals with the basic constitutional�_ issues involved in the House Committee's action. It does not discuss whetheror—not there should be public housing or whether or not cities should promote industrial develop- ment through use of their credit. These matters are completely beside the opoint. int. If one type of municipal bond can be taxed it is only a natter of time before other types of securities will be taxed. As a matter of fact, I am reliably informed that one member of the committeety officialge that m nicipaaizethater plant bonds be added to the list. Every is taxed, all can be so taxed; (2) (1) If one class of municipal security issues can be taxed, presently outstanding bonds can be taxed; That if future (3) That if the above taxationto taxation, especially is sustained and uplpal those revenues from cit revenues canbe subjected ater, sewage disposal, gas, electricity, transit, proprietary at cetera. The framers of the Constitution were longlhistory ofy aware athehSunremerCourt to ax means the power to destroy." ort, the view that the Federal not a single case can be cited which supp Govern- ment has the right to tax state and municipal bonds. The Supreme Court's ed in the famous doctrine of intergovernmental tax immunity was first aanTheseveral opinions case of McCulloch v. Maryland in 1819 (4 Wheaton 316), 326 of the ork v. Un Court in the most recent mayor case (New ytt deems U.S. 572), decided in 1946, made it indisputably clear that state and municipal securities to be immune from Federal taxation. The Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution in 1913 was the States nwhi ly h ratified it, either by the Congressmen who proposed it onot intended, r by to extend Federal authority to taxation of state and municipal bonds. When the Amendment was before the Senate it was Senator Borah who pointed out that to tax the States' instrumentalities would -wrench the eewhole ct Constite for whiion ch of any iits harmonious proportions" and would "destroy the the whle are too obe subjectedttoaFederal dmunicipal taxation, the only proper way ssthrough ccharacter ws Consti- tutional Amendment. Entirely aside from the legal phases, imposition of increasein an iFederal tax on the two classes of securities would result immediateoln such future borrowingscovering rates which cities and states would have to pay the two types of bonds subjected to taxation. Consider the effect if Federal taxation were to be extended to all municipal obligations. Theut burden the borrowing of the tax would not fall upon the so-called "wealthy" bondholder And in most cities, it would be the real estate or city or state government. property taxpayer who woIt uld have to foot the increased , 1940, 1941,and 1942 should be pointed out that the studies conducted in 19399, indicated that (the most important by Professor Lutz Of Princeton ton all bondsY)cities could expect if the Federal tax were to be generally app The added expense to an increase of from 1 to 1'% percent in interest rates. cities throughout the Nation would amount to several hundred millions of dollars annually. It is emphasized the very essence of sovereignty is that a government be able to control its own financing and not oesubject t function- by some other government in performing any particular _ 3 _ I Now, what to do about it? It is urged that you immediately communicate (preferably by wire followed by letter) with every Member of the House Com- mittee on Ways and Means (listed below): (1)_' Protesting this closed door action; (2) Respectfully requesting reconsideration of the action taken; and (3) Respectfully requesting that those duly-elected officials of states, counties, and cities, who are desirous of so doing, be given an opportunity to present testimony in public hearing. The Tax Bill goes to the House on a rule under which no amendments are possible. It is important, therefore, that the Committee, itself, take action prior to the reporting of the legislation. It is to be hoped that when all the Committee Members are formally advised by city officiajG throughout the country as to the fundamental question involved, action will be taken in the interest of constitutional and local self-government. It is to be noted that in his Budget and Tax Message three days ago, President Eisenhower did not recommend imposition of Federal taxes on any type of state or municipal bonds. I should appreciate it if you would send copies of all communications trans- mitted in order that I may be fully informed concerning your official action. With best personal wishes, I am Faithfully yours, Paul V. Betters Executive Director By direction of the Standing Committee on Legislation. MEMBERS.• m HOUSE COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS Congressman Daniel A. Reed, N.Y., Chairman Congressman Thomas A. Jenkins, Ohio Congressman Jere Cooper, Tenn. Congressman Richard M. Simpson, Pa. Congressman John D. Dingell, Mich. Congressman Robert W. Kean, N.J. Congressman Wilbur D. Mills, Ark. Congressman Carl T. Curtis, Nebr. Congressman Noble J. Gregory, Ky. Congressman Noah M. Mason, Ill. Congressman A. Sidney Camp, Ga. Congressman Thomas E. Martin, Iowa Congressman Aime J. Forand, R.I. Congressman Hal Holmes, Wash. Congressman Herman P. Eberharter, Pa, Congressman John W. Byrnes, Wis. Congressman Cecil R. King, Calif. Congressman Angier L. Goodwin, Mass. Congressman Thomas J. O'Brien, Ill. Congressman Antoni N. Sadlak, Conn. Congressman Hale Boggs, La. Congressman Howard H. Baker, Tenn. Congressman Thomas B. Curtis, Mo. Congressman Victor A. Knox, Mich. Congressman James B. Utt, Calif. The address for all of the above is House Office Building, Washington, D. C. CONFERENCE ON STATE DEFENSE I I I Eighth Avenue New York 11.N.Y. January 21, 1954 OFFICERS: AUSTIN J.TOBIN — Executive Director URGENT BULLETIN I I The Port of New York Authority Chairmen C.E.ARMSTRONG PLAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE 'VOTES TO TAX city comptroller,Birmingham,Alabama CERTAIN MUNICIPAL BONDS. vice-Cha,mea DANIEL B.GOLDBERG Assistant sener.ICounsel OPPOSITION BY STATE AND MUNICIPAL The Port of New York Authority OFFTCIAL,9 CRITICALLY NECESSARY, Secretary EUGENE A.MINTKESKI Assistant Secretary WILBUR LA ROE,JR. Washington Rep ntative Iaveebn.0R.Ilding In an unprecedented action yesterday, the House Ways an Washington. D.c. Means Committee voted, without public hearings, to tax the interest CONFERENCE COMMITTEE. on certain state and municipal bonds. HARRY McMULLAN Attorney General,North Carolina The Committee voted to tax state and municipal bond interest SMITH TROY where the bonds were issued to finance improvement of property to Attorney General,W.hington W.COOPER GREEN be leased to private concerns where the governmental issuer does }Lot Mayor,Birminghemm ,Alabama pledge its full faith and credit or taxing power. The Com:iitte'er,s JOSEPH S.CLARK,JR, action also included a recommendation to tax the interest on local Mayor,Philadelphia,Pennsylvania ;lousing authority bonds. EARL E.HAGERMAN oe�n.Oho�°°°`° The importance of this action to all state and municipal JOHN McQUILKEN officers cannot be exalt.;erated. If Congress should enact the Director of Finance Sen Diego,California Committeels recommendation, vie xould soon have a test of the con- Pr.ident Municipal Finance Offices A,,-ietion s tit.Jtionality of taxing all state and municipal bonds. Even though PAUL V.BETTERS we are confident that the tax would be held unconstitutional, the E—utive Director fight to sesta.lish the unconstitutionality woula be a tremendous United Stat.Conference of Mayors g CARL H.CHATTERS drain on the energies and efforts of state and local officers and Executive Director the market for all state and municipal bonds could be seriously Amadca.Municipal Association affected while litigation was pending. If, by misadventure, the CHARLES S.RHYNE Supreme Court of the United States should hold that these municipal General Counsel Natianana,ttht.af Maaicipal Lew Ofldmds are constitutionally subject to federal income tax, the JOSEPH F.CLARK decision could have a permanently crippling effect on all state and 6"t"' "-to' ManmlpalFin...aofrc.,,Arsocietloamunicipal financing. HOWARD S.CULLMAN Thof New York AuthorityLack of Hearing Unprecedented New Jersey—New York LEWIS L.DELAFIELD The 'Nays and Means committee has always in the past Counsel T,iboroa9hB,idgeendTunnalAathorihaccorded a full and sympathetic hearing to the view of state and New York municipal officials that taxation of their bonds would be unconstitu- JOSEPH K.COSTELLO tional and a serious threat to the economy of state and local 6e<ulire Director r Now e Jereensy-PannrylRiverPod ih governments. We have no explanation as to xhy these present critical Nev..1.la suggestions with their direct impact upon the entire institution of state and municipal borrowing should have been voted on by the Committee without inviting; the views of the state and local officers whose ability to perform their duties would be so seriously affected. Joint Action Under Way While the Ways and Means Committee action is only twcnty- four hours old as this is written, there has already been established a liaison with all of the organizations of state and municipal /� officials Toho are concerned. The un!,',)d States C:,n.'-rrence of P,�a,ors, the Vi+rican t'unicipal A.;sociation, th, 1.1',nicipal Finance officers Association, '!:e Mational Institute of i:nnici;aL ;,aa Officers, and the National Association of Housin:; Officials are xorkin- tore'trier and through the Conference, :;n Stata Defense, a.i a cloarin- house, to concert their opposition. yesterday, just as soon as the Prays and Means Cormiittoe announcement leas :aade, rs Leleohoned and tele,-rapped Chairman Read, o" t e on' ,c:'a1C of all of the named or�-ani.zati_ons roque.^,tin,• an informal r_.',;in- at :ruin", cculd >xrlain the i:aoact ofthe Cx-onitteels proposals. The C1�alrrar. 'has pleaded t'� cross of his extremely 1,eavv duties as the reason why u,a',Le to hoci such a meetin- at this time, }Io.re✓er, he has ref�arred u; to anot er Co.mittoe .Temp r c t' rr:rorn we nov; have an a),ointaent. The siv,'estion to be ticat ..-. a:o .ro ,).ir argm.onts alth other a�:mnbers of 'Ace Coamittee. That is :chat grist r.e uoue a t`ue present time by all state and :rnnici-�al offic�:rs. A list of t.^ la,'rs r::i",pans Committee members is n-;,tac'.,ed. oar hope of conaria,- a --econsi.crat,tu^. of "'o Corn.-nitLee 1.3 drastic proposals recto in our i>ein, able to convince --,'ie .e 1)=, !7iat their action .vas precipitate and contrary- to the considered jus :.ent o;' a ilei'icd state act nunicinal o"ficiaiaom. Responsibility of con✓evi:!.:- t'-t; ur'a'ls' rf situation to a:ny :c:a'ocr of the. Co:unittee fro-, your area rests :+_;,n yvrt. The Specific Iss,tes our information is that the split in the L'ommirtse over the ta:caLio^. of state and :;r_micioai bonds .gas on sect.lonal lines -- that southern na:.v,:'s snos lu t..e tac and that certain. Northern members favored it on the :cro!:nr that i'• :•)ui- arse a block on the efforts of certain South=_rn municinalitics to "raid" North_m ini:c,try pith 'Jie m*d of tax e.. `I m. It: is unfortunate teat t`n. controversy on this issue should be fou-ht on a battle,-round' of the exc;)tion of state and :Tixilc'l ni lort,iarn co�rnmities .rhich r;oul3 :,ick t:; nit ov,_�r -heir vie,vo:int by taxi7r Uiose llind�cstrial" bonds :aunt, of course, realize that any such victory rroui.i fail ',e a d^feat for the: T s•rre can be no not advanta-e to a^C: :;mini,alit✓ :n ::,a!ar, an attack oa :th:r municipalities vrhieh can brine down tlse entire structure of ta: state and aunicipal bonus for all cora-;unities. If ti, is::i, care ct resolved o, its a,rits, certainl,, „iethoas can be devisod ::hich do not unixr:i,: L'ie tmdar.ental constitutional safe:,aard of state and .r.unicipal imiunity froi Ccderal taxa t!.on. So far as housin- authority honds are concernei, ne sane .`.un:imental principle i; at stake. The ',lays and h"3a?ns Co:r-il.te: annoanc.:nent deru:rf: b:r._.. "in -.ffr:ctlr fe.ieral bon is oecau,e the Feierai >.rvern::ient cora,."'•acs to i,.ei eficit•s. . can never cD:-,cede the -rinciole teat _'Fuoral aid turns local tovarr r­7a int:; federal a,enc i.as sub;jact to federal regulation. If r.unicioal lmusin bonds are 'axable or tYrat basis, what will ha)-)en next aitl re,ard to federally aiucd hi;hrray Acro•rams, airport _Tru ra•.s, and si;iilar• state and local ) ')J,3cts? The only safe rule here is for the Federal ;ovorn:nent to avoid an; snmblarce: o taxation of the 4nstrmqentalLtios or Cinancin r• of tap staters a unicioalities. FLFASE JIRC OR PHONE YOITZ OPPOSI'rIOrl I'0 " : 7A'SA''D l.isAf]S CO?f I"'i u FROM YOUR AREA TODAY. Austin J. Tobir Executive Diroctor, Vic p�"t of ?ter, yon:: Authority. G:Iairnan, Conference or. State Defense HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE REPUBLICANS DEMOCRATS Daniel A. Reed, New York, Chairman Jere Cooper, Tennessee Thomas A. Jenkins, Ohio John D. Dingell, Michigan Richard M. Simpson, Pennsylvania Wilbur D. Mills, Arkansas Robert W. Kean, New Jersey Noble J. Gregory, Kentucky Carl T. Curtis, Nebraska A. Sidney Camp, Georgia Noah M. Mason, Illinois Aime J. Forand, Rhode Island Thomas E. Martin, Iowa Herman P. Eberharter, Penn. Hal Holmes, Washington Cecil R. King, California John W. Byrnes, Wisconsin Thomas J. O'Brien, Illinois Angier L. Goodwin, Massachusetts Hale Boggs, Louisiana Antoni N. Sadlak, Connecticut Howard H. Baker, Tennessee Thomas B. Curtis, Missouri Victor A. Knox, Michigan James B. Utt, California THE UNITED STATES CONFERENCE OF MAYORS 730 JACKSON PLACE, N.W. 1 WASHINGTON 6, D. C. January 20, 1954 HOUSE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE TODAY OPENED ATTACK ON CONSTITUTIONALLY-RECO�ED TAX EXEMPT STATUS OF STATE AND MUNICIPAL BONDS Dear Mayor; Earlier today I transmitted copies of a Memorandum submitted to The White Houson this general subject. About an hour ago,the House Ways and Means Committee,which has been meeting in Executive Session, took the first step in House subjecting state and municipal bonds to Federal taxation. Specifically,the Com- mittee provisionally agreed to: ) 1. Federal taxation of city (municipal) housing authority securities. 2. Federal taxation of municipal revenue bonds issued for industrial development purposes. Of course, this is but the first step in another campaign to tax all state and municipal bonds,an issue upon which no Administration (Harding, Coolidge, Hoover,Roosevelt,Truman) has ever received the approval of the Congress. Further,the U. S. Supreme Court, in case after case,has held that state and city bot are constitutionally exempt from taxation,that the power to tax means the power to destroy, that if future bonds can be taxed outstanding issues can be taxed, and that ultimately the revenues of states and cities could be subjected to Federal taxation. Every city official realizes that Federal taxation of;its bonds would would simply result in an interest rate increase of from 1 to 1 1/2 pe place an added burden on state and city taxpayers of several hundred millions of dollars annually. AIRMAIL TO DISTANT CITIES - 2 - The Conference on State Defense (including the Attorneys General of the states and other public groups), in cooperation with the United States Conference of Mayors,has requested an immediate conference with Chairman Reed of the House Ways and Means Committee. As soon as this discussion is held you will be advised as to the provisional action taken today in Executive Session,without any public hearings. It is reported to me that the action was taken on a divided vote. It is of further interest to note that over the past twenty odd years, Chairman Reed has always opposed proposed taxation of state and municipal obligations on the basis that if such were to be done, it should be effected by constitutional amendment. V'ith best personal wishes,I am Faithfully yours, Paul V. Betters Executive Director odgia,l to City Clerk COUNCIL No. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE - ICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUrL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY -y"' DATE-- Co MMISSIONER_ AT COMMISSIONER_..- -y�� Z_. --_ _—— sos"n_ -- JCbe Resolved,IB6Ttl694the P oipo"Itherefor accepted,antl fl'a rtlingl a the Cur- se PnrMhal[Co[nthe C1ty Illy stnit Pie 1 lto' to stipulate In Ramsey County. Quilla fa Lisirict Court asctlon QulSt. - Wollinglon. PlatntitF. ^, ,.any. RESOLVED, that the proposal therefor be accepted, and accordingly the Corporation Counsel hereby is authorized in behalf of the City of Saint Paul, to stipulate in Ramsey County.Miwhe&ota District Court action "Quinn Wellington, Plaintiff, vs City of St. Paul and Wilson Wrecking Company, Defendants" for dismissal with prejudice to Plaintiff without costs,and release of Plaintiff's Surety and Surety Bond without liability, subject to release by Plaintiff of all claims against Defendants and said Surety arising from or con- nected with subject action, and the cancellation under stipulation between the parties thereto of City of Saint Paul Contract L5154-16, dated May 27, 1953, made and executed pursuant to Formal Bid 4063, between W. H. Wilson doing business as Wilson Wrecking Company, as Contractor, and City of Saint Paul, for the wrecking and removal of residence buildings on W* condemned real estate, 170 and 172 Carroll Avenue, in respect to the unperformed wrecking and removal work in connection with residence building No. 172 Carroll Avenue, upon terms relieving the Contractor from further liability thereunder and providing for the payment by the City to the Contractor of the specified money consideration thereunder in the sum of $156.00. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays n Halvorson 195— Holland Approved Marzitelli - w Mortinson In Favor _ Mayor, Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 5M &53 otI¢Inel to City Clerk V=�i CITY OF ST. PAUL FLLENCIL NO. ' e OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ESIOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F. January 25, 1954 COMMISSIONER—_.__—___ —. 1-�v.= DATE C.F.No.16 8946—Ey pphert F. Peter. on- 2I»soiverThat the,pri,:r -ffo oHIV WHf+NLEAS, the Commissioner of Public Safety has reported, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of en emergency during the period from December 16, 1953 to January 15, 1954, which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of the Department of Public Safety for more than eight hours per day or forty hours per week in doing the following work., General clerical and stenographic work in the Bureau of Administration and Records Division And WHEREAS, this emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances., UBing present trained personnel to compensate for recent reduction in clerical force: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the employees who performed such work in accordance with the provisions of the Couneil.ts salary ordinance, Ordinance No. 6446, COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved 195— Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor � > --- 1piayor Peterson Rosen _—Against Mr. President, Dauhney 5N 1-53 Orleln.l W City Clerk COUNCIL -(ii Is`l CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. LICEIM CC+A'IZTTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �f COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1954 PRESENTED BY January 12 26.COMMISSIONS DAT WHEREAS Mike Marchek desires to withdraw Application C 7677 for On Sale Malt Beverage License at 326 Grove Street and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore, be it RESOLVED: That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Mike Marchek the fee of $100. and to cancel said application for license. R C.F.No.186997—By Norris O.False, i—Seven"A.MOrNnsO"—Bohert F. Peterson— Whereas. PMPike Marchek desiresWithto Salesraw Malt ABeverage License esson C 7677 for 320 ^ Greg Street de requests theof return therefore.be IL deposited thereon, Resolved,That the `Propp city o6i- rs be ana theyy r herebyuthoriud to refund to MIke Marche the fee of $100.and to cancel said license. application for Adopted by the Council January 21, 1951, Approved January 25,1959. (January 90.1959) WITHDRAWAL (Refund) JAN 2 6 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council-- 195— Yeas Nays Halvorson JAN 26 1954 Holland AI Approved 195— Marzitelli Mortinson _In Favor May Peterson /' Rosen _—Against Mr. President, Daubncy \_ 5M 2-53 "053!�" F 7J S,Leq Orlci.el to City Clnk COUNCIL NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE LICENSE COP4ffTTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK p COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM P /� pAT•/' 's'�(/7f','-'_'" January 26. 7954 RESENTED BY( -, _ -- COMMISSION ASt The St. Paul Athletic Club posted the fee of $ 10. and made Application CC 7the�e for Barber License at 340 Cedar Street in error as they properly posted/and applied for such license under Application C7003, therefore, be it 29SOL91Dt That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to the St. Paul Athletic Club the fee of $ 10. and to cancel said application for license. C.F.No.186948—By Norris O.Ralvor- n—Sever in A.Martinson—Robert F.Peterson—Whereas.The f$ Paul Athletic Club \fit patiled on Cefee 7619 for0.and BarbermLaenseplt- at 340 Cedar Street s they props rly yosted the nfeerra ntla plied for such license under Application C 7003,therefore,be It Resolved,That the proppeer city ffi- rs be and they a hereby ,tl,.ried i to refund to the St.Paul Athletic Ciub the fee of $10. and to cancel said application for license. Adopted by the Council January 26, 1954. Approved January 26.1954. (January 30,1954) CANCELUTION (Duplication) Refund (fee posted twice for barber license) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council JAN 2 Yeas Nays )l�� ;I 4i 1954 Halvorson Holland Approved .-196— Marzitelli �0 _ Mortinson —In Favor - Malor Peterson I Rosen9—Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 oriciasi to City Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. 1 LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ) Co. .N �1 �`�f/t/ --^✓L DAT' January 26, +7�A�T _ RESCLMM: That licenses for Restaurant, On and Off Sale Malt Beveraga and Cigarette. Application C 7814. and Mechanical Amusement Device Location° Application C 7815• applied for by Fern Peterson at 506 West Seventh Street be and the same are hereby granted. C son Se e86 n4 A.MortinsonRob e �rris lrl F. peteaon— aats on and hOIt t£licenses Malt Beve ape r d Cigarette,Application C 7814,and Mechanical Amusement Device Loca- tion, Application C 7815. applied £or Streetby Fer be,ted othet o are Sheve ereby grAdopted by the Council January 26, 19 Approved January 26,1954. !J..—ry 30,19541 d NEW Informally approved by Council January 19, 1954 Old Location JAN 2 6 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council-- 195— Yeas Nays )AN 2 6 1954 Halvorson Holland 1 ^ Approved 195— Marzitelli � `� Mortinsonson —_In Favor -� Mayor Peterson , Rosen _—Against Mr. President, Daubney _ 5m s53 -Qp� ' origins]to City Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. ix EWE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �a:i� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ^L ,p PRESENTED j �, _ / 1 _ / January 26, �7 COMMISSIONER— 2_—., /����`-��- � DATE RESOLVEDs That licenses for Restaurant. On and Off Sale Malt Beverage. Cigarette and Bowling (8) Alleys. application C 7070. and Mechanical Amusement Device Location. Application C 7071. applied for by Donald S. Hefner at 4901 South A Rawlins Avenue be and the same are hereby granted. C.F.No.Io,1—By Norris O.Holvor- so—severin A.Mortinaon—Robert F. Peterson—That licenses for Resmo-I Resolve. rant,On and OR Bale Malt Beverage.. Cigarette and Bowring (g) Alleys,, aPPilcation C 7070, and Mschonlenl11 Amusement Devlled(ora b nDonalU B.I� don�C 7071,app 1 nor at 4PO5h South tia ins Avnnude be and the same are hereby gra Adopted by the Council January Y9,` Approved JanuarY"'anuary 30,1094. I( S lV Informally approved by Council December 31, 1953 Old location JAN 2 6 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council—_— 195— Yeas Nays JAN '6 1954 Halvorson Holland Approved 195— Marzitelli Mortinson _-In Favor i Mayor Peterson C Rosen -_Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 3-63 i0 ` IT� COUNCIL NO. 1.1itD oflgi'o`°cit'Chit CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE LICENSE CM4MI REE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM January 26. 1954 PRESENTED BY .%/ fes "' DAT COMMISSIONE -------- rate TEEREAS: Frank M. Thill, dba Radio Cab has made Application C 6996 for license to ope as taAcabs upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul two (2) automobiles described as follows C Make Se e American General Insurance Co. 50 Stndebacker X1067 Policy No. L-64% Chevrolet B53J129637 Expiring 12:01 A.M. ST 85 January 29 1955 Whereas: Said applicant has filed a copy of the insurance policy with the City of Saint Paul and said Policy has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it RESDLVED: That license to operate said auotmobiles as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul be and the same are hereby granted to Frank g. Thill► dba Radio Cab* C.F.N. 166951—Hy Norris O.H"','F n—Severin A.Mortis —Robert F. Peterson— k M.Thlil.dba Radio Whereas.Fran I.Thin C 6996 far Cab has made APP taxicabs unman th" license to operate a RENORAL Adopted by the Council 195— COUNCILMEN -_— Yeas Nays vJP A Halvorson Approve' 195— Holland Marzitelli � � s��� Favor Mar Mortinson ------In / // Peterson Rosen _ Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-6a ' 6 odrIm l t.City eierk CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL NO- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE CONUTTE8 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED DATE—January LAS 1954 C DONE (� ��� , ,Zl-- RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses statedp be and the same are hereby granted'. John B. Bacigalupo 1797 St. Clair Elec App Rep APIs• 7267 New Old Loc. Clyde E. Bantle 2102 W. Como Gas Sta 6P a 7299 " n III n Auto Rep Gar Robert A. Anderson 487 St. Peter LcI,Y &D.C.Picloap " 7309 Louis Colonna 364 Clifton Mtr Veh Dr. " 7818 " Walter Berbee 1607 University Else App Rep " 7817 " 911 " Harold E. Birkholm 56 W. 7th Restaurau+ " 7818 " Old° " " Cigarette Robert C. Miller 59 Irving Pk. )tr Veh DrV. " 7865 " Edmund Hughes 337 Loretto Foot Peddler " 7925 " C.F.nNo.166952—By Norris O.Halvor- -Severin A.Mortinson—Robert F. Peterson— Resolved, That licenses applied for by the persons named on the list at. tached to this resolution be and the same are hereby granted,and the City Clerk is instructed to issue sueh If- s up on the payment into the City treasury of the required fees. Adopted by the Council January 26, 1954. Approved January 26,1954. (January 30,1954) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council__` "1 5— Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved 195— Marzitelli / L Mortinson __..In Favor — 5 -- = Mayor Peterson Rosen ____)Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-63 C.F.No.166953—Ely Norris O.Halvor- son—Severin A.Mortlnson—Robert F. Peterson— COUNCIL odama t.cu,cl.r Resolved. That licenses pplied for Y OF ST. PAUL Fit, by the persons named on the Iiat t- taehed to this resolution be and the OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE m a e hereby granted,and the City ciork is tnstruetad to issue such GENERAL FORM li- censes upon the payment into the City reasury f the required fees. SOLUTION—GENERAL 2�L r' Atlopied by the Council January 26. JaIIll�`Y W� 1954 1969. PRESENTED BY Approved January 26.1954. COMMISSIONE (January 39,1954) the following persons at the addresses statedo $ESOLuDt That licenses applied for b9 be and the same are hereby granted" Wm. C. Schlozer &Mathew 1�Schreier A �Renewal Restaurant PP " ■ 1638 Rice On Sale Malt " n ^ 11 Off Sale Malt " n Cigarette n ° &Yale Johnson 545 N. Snelling Hotel 60R. ■7275 n Harry ° Restaurant ° ^ n Cigarette n 6 n M. A.D. Loc. " 7293 n Harold E. Birkholm 56 W. h ° M. A. DeP (2) " ■ R " n M. Mach(1) " 326 Grove Restaurant n 7298 Mike Marchek ■ Off Sale Malt .01 " " " ■ n e ^ n Cigarette ^ S2O N. Snelling Restaurant " 7433 u J. F.Williams n Cigarette " n Arnold E. &Mary Ann Peterson ^ 7592" 2 Rice Restaurant " ° n On Sale NECLt " n Off Sale Malt " n Cigarette n Restaurant " 7608 n Richard P. Aplikowski 5"72 Rice On Sale Malt " Off Sale Malt ■ ■ Restaurant " 7636 ■ German House. Inc- 444 Rice DII Sale Halt " " ■ " n n " n ° Off Sale Malt III (continued next page) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council—_195— Yeas Nays Halvorson Approved—, 195— Holland Marzitelli M — _In Favor ortinson Peterson Rosen ---Against Mr. President, llaubney 5M 2-58 ' . COUNCIL NO. oflo_'`°city CWA CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE LICENSE CMN aTPE& OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM 26, 1954 dannary PRESENTED BY _ DAT COMMISSIONER----- _-- ne a (Continued from previous page) Tavern App. 7636 Renewal Gertoan House. Ina. " p 41 Rice Dance Hall " p " p Bowling Alley (8) e n " p Cigarette R Barber 7690 Nick Sarafolean 1096 Rice " " Herbert & Gertrude Warren Orig Cont " 7695 " p n 951 Rice Off Sale Malt " p Cigarette n Edw. 0.S tahl & Herman S. Meyers RestaurantZ72121 " 584-6 Rice n p p On Sale Malt " p Off Sale Malt " p n " p Dance Hall e m " " p Bowling (8) �e3's■ n « " p cigarette n Criterion Restaurants Inc. Restaurant " 7728 " 739 University n n p p On Sale Malt Off Sale Malt p Tavern " p Cigarette n Riverview commercial Club Restaurant " 7769 " 72 Concord On Sale Malt " n " " p ■ " p Off Sale Malt p Cigarette " " Bowling (8) Alleys" " It n "ve " 981 Unirsity Restaurant 7787 " n Fred C. Herg- On Sale Halt- " a 0}p�fa SS a Malt n p n n " Adopted by t Fe Council- Yeas Nays Halvorson Approved 196— Holland Marzitelli _.___In Favor ---- Mayor Mortinson -- -- -- Peterson Rosen __—Against Mr. President, Daubney SM 2-53 ortel..I t.Cu,Clerks CITY OF ST. PAUL ri°e" cls NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I MENSE CONKr= COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM �/� PRESENTED BY January 26, 1954 COMMISSIONER—_ —_— —. — DATF PAGE NO. 3 (Renewals) Colonial Mfg. Co. 2496 University P. M. Loc. App. 7804 Renewal McLean's, Inc. 1096 Grand Restaurant " 7830 " On Sale ca3.t Off Sale-Malt Cigarette The Town House, Inc. 1415 University Restaurant " 7832 On Sale Malt Off Sale Malt Cigarette " n W. Ralph Nelson 619 Selby Restaurant " 7838 " On Sale Malt Off Sale Malt ■ " Cigarette Ajax Truck Leasing Cd. 1426 St. Anthony Orig Cont " 7840 " New St. Francis Hotel Corp. 7-9 Td. 7th Tavern(LTD) " 7862 " Edward G. &Evelyn K. Novak 471Wabasha Orig Cont " 7885 " Off Sale Malt Cigarette COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council-- 195— Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved 195— Marzitelli j Mortinson _._-In Favor -- - 8 - - Mayor Peterson U / Rosen _-__Against Mr. President, Daubney 6M 2-63 C.F.No.188954-9Y Norris O.Halvor- �I(l on—Severin A.Mortinson—Robert F. @-t� Peterson— COUNCIL ") ! r ori"Ina a cu,cl.rll b thevPPed. _at Imes ses thel1151 1'- F ST. PAUL NLE N0. tarhed to this resolutioq be..d the LICENSE 0014IT'TEE aa,e, hereby hated ..d the City THE CITY CLERK Clerk i> instructed to teen the City TION—GENERAL FORM roses upon the payment Into the CItY - tr Adopt f the required fees. �(� p Adopted by the Council 7anuary 28. January'^�1 ]+�54 PRESENTED BY "54*, January 25.1854. — ATE COMMISSIONE (January 30.19541 RESOLVED, That licensee applied for by the following persona at the addresses stated* be and the same are hereby granted. Restaurant App. 4347 Renewal Fred C. Deutsch 565 Playme Ons ale Halt " ■ a a " " 3 a Off Sale Halt p Is Cigarette Raymond J. 2arembinald Grocery " 5621E n Is (saltier Off Sale Halt " " " d n " a a Cigarette Hotel 50R. 6597 n salvation Aral 51 W Kellogg Orig Cont n Effie Hill 1723,%lby Beauty Shop p 6664 n p " 6992 Otto E. Syvertsen 972 .Dale Grocery Butcher a St. Paul Athletic Club Confectionery " 7003 " p a n Cedar on Sale Halt " p " . Bowling Alley(5) F " 11 Barbar p n " 11 Cigarette " n Restaurant " 7151 " IAuia J.Raiole 721 dyne Ons ale Halt Is p Off Sale Halt n n a n Cigarette F.W. & Lwell ChurchillPayne Barber " 7233 a DF Confectionery " 7243 " Hirmeaota Club 3317 Washington, V. Barber n n n COUlO e CILMEN a a " p Ci ISe by the CounciL __ 196— Yeas Nays Halvorson195— `Approved Holland Marzitelli Mortinson ------In Favor Mayor Peterson Rosen _----Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 l,a 195:. orl.1v 1 t.City Clerk COUNCIL = I CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM F �(�)14 PRESENTED BY January 26. 17 COMMISSIONER---- --- DAT (REM MALS) Continued. Page Nc. 2 Simon Londer 102 S. Robert Barber App. 7330 Re-Val I Gerald H. Lofgren 924 Payne Gas Sta 3P " 7334 " n " V. M. Lao. a " a Joseph C. & H. Kafka 684 N. Western Grocery : 7389 n n " Butcher Off Sale Malt n a Cigarette ■ a a Adolph Lindstrom 886 Payne Restaurant n1 a a n On Sale Malt n n Off Sale Malt n ° Cigarette Harold Lang 379 University Restaurant u 7x396 a n a On Sale Malt a a Off Sale Malt n a Cigarette n n a a Joseph H. Carter 292 Rice Restaurant n 7418 a e a On Sale Malt Off Sale Malt n " Cigarette Perry S. Nichols 488 St. Peter Barber " 7429 " Anthony J., Joseph J. &John J. Monsour 90 S. Robert Restaurant a X491 0 a a On Sale Malt n n Off Sale Malt a a a a " Cigarette Jcseph%st 81 E. 9th Gas Sta 3P " 7509 a a n V. M. LOO', n a n COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council— 195_ Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved 195_ Marzitelli Mortinson ---.-In Favor ----- Mayor Peterson Rosen ____—Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-63 " i ti l< ;Z b CIII Clerk COUNO.NCIL orl¢Ind CITY OF ST. PAUL- vue 'LICENSE COMlffTTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM January 26. 195 PRESENTED BY — DATE COMMISSIONER— _ App. 7531 Rene'ml. F. W. Ramaley& Co, 664-8 Grand Catering n n a " a Butcher a a p a p Bakery p a n " p Off S ale Malt n n " " it Cigarette Restaurant " 7597 Universal Bar. Inc. 2424 University On Sale Malt " n " n Off Sale Malt n a Cigarette " Eugene F. Barrett & Carl M. ButsOfl8 S� 5P a 7610 " S. Cleveland p IS a p b V. M. Loc. " 7616 " Wm. Gentile 497-9 Paque Restaurant On Sale Malt " p Off Sale Malt " p Tavern a a a " n Dance Ball " n Cigarette John R. O'Gara 359 Robert &106 E. 5th p 7621 r Restaurant a p a n n Off Sale Melt n a a a n Cigarette a 7626 Alfred NeArdell 258 W. 7th Restaurant " " n n On Sale Malt u " a Off Sale Malt o n Cigarette n 7630 a Mike O'Dowd 182 N.Western Restaurant a a " n On Sale Malt " n Off Sale Malt n Adopted by the Council_ 195— COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Approved—__-------195— Holland Marzitelli --In Favor - ----- Mayor Mortinson Peterson Rosen __--Against Mr. President, Daubney 5\i 2.63 ? al►.�t Orl¢In.l b City Clerk COUNCIL NO 54 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE LEASE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM January 26. 1954 PRESENTED BY DATE. COMMISSIONER-------- -- PAGE N0. 4 (Renewals) Paul J. Triviski 120 S. Robert Restaurant App. 7634 Renewal p n On Sale Malt it a n a Off Sale Malt It n u Cigarette 11 A2fred Baisi &Lawrence ebner Wabasha &16-18 E. 8th Restaurant it 7645 " n n On Sale Malt u n n a Off Sale Malt n p p " p n Tavern _ n Dance Ball p n Cigarette Thomas L. & Guy . Restaurant " 7653 Rice R 96 N. Dale a n " n On Sale Malt n a Off Sale Malt ^ a e a a n Cigarette Chris C. Lauer & H. E. Carnes 20 E. 4th Restaurant " 7657" p u Off Sale Malt n p Cigarette Ps Restaurant " 7659 " Round D Inc. 317 Robert Off Sale Malt " " " p a Cigarette Wm. D. Sleason 379 St. Peter Restaurant n n7672 e n n Cigarette Michael Lendway&Rales University Restaurant a 7676 p n On Sale Malt n e Off Sale Malt p a Cigarette 11 ■ n COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council—__195— Yeas 195—Yeas Nays Halvorson _195_ Holland Approved Marzitelli _ Mortinson _ _ In Favor — ---- Mayor Peterson Rosen _---Against Mr, President, Daubney 511 2-53 " Ori.1-1 m Cit,Ciuk k'1 054— CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCILNp." ISCENSE COMTTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM L PRESENTED BY January 26, 1954 COMMISSIONER- DATE PAGE NO. 5 (Renewals) Michael A. Tschida, Sr. 319 Robert Off Sale Malt APP• 7685 Renewal Orville L. Moe 1065 Grand Restaurant " 7686 " Cigarette a r n The Deck, Inc. 77 9. 8th Restaurant " 7712 " On Sale Malt a w a Off Sale Melt n n Cigarette n a r L. Price Liquor Store, Inc. 480 Wabasha Orig Cont " 7717 " Off Sale Malt a a a n a Cigarette Rene'le Inc. 435-7 St. Peter Restaurant " 7719 " On Sale Malt a r n Off Sale Malt n a a Tavern (LTD) n a Cigarette " " b " Nathan A. Johnson 395 Rice Grocery " 7730 " Butcher n a n n " Off Sale Malt Cigarette n a ■ Antoine & John J. Shomion 120 S. Wabasha Restaurant r 7734 n On Sale Malt Off Sale Malt a " M. Macht(1) n n M5 Robert J.W aters 243 S. Cleveland Gas Sta 4P n 77LM a COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_ 195— Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved ____195_ Marzitelli __195— Marzitelli Mortinson _ ___In Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen _-----Against Mr. President, Daubney 6M 2-63 :' CITY OF ST. PAUL ;;°E""` NO. LICENSE COMNTPTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �L ,C PRESENTED BY January 26. 1954 COMMISSIONER—_—_._ _ ---- DAT FAUZ NO. Geo`,A Wada &Joseph Pedro 788 Grand Tavern (LTD) App. 7746 Renewal P. J1.lkvson 521 N. Snelling Barber " 7751 " Mrs. Strandy's Bakeries. Inc. 1939-49 St. Anthony Restaurant " 7760 ° Dealer's Mfg. Co. 2221 Ford Pky. V. M. Loo. " 7770 ° Clemence, Earl L. &Rose O'Toole & Myrtle L. Nelles 173 W. 6th Restaurant " 7778 ° On Sale Malt " " ■ Off Sale Malt Cigarette Leo Paraskevas 1377 St. Clair Veh. Peddler " 7782 ° ■ " Foodstuff VP " 7783 ° Geraldine M. Rigeli 1944 University Orig Cont " 7785 ° " " Off Sale Malt Calvin Croskey 209 Marshall Music Mach (1) " 7800 ° Donald M. Gerard 26o S. Pascal Photographer " 7808 ° M.B. Thorsen 1424 St. Anthony Cigarette " 7841 ° Harold Peterson 989 Arcade Gas Sta 3P " 7852 " Richard J. ApMowski 572 Rice Cigarette " 7853 " Philip C. Lombard 115 Litchfield Mtr 9eh Dr". " 7913 ° COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CouncilJAN2 6 195195_ Yeas Nays JAN N 6 1954 Halvorson Holland Approved _._195_ Marzitelli Mortinson A_In favorf`-`-- i Mayor Peterson /' Rosen _�_Against Mr. President, Daubney 6M 2.6a Origin.l to City ClerkCOUNCIL NO _ CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r January 21, 195 PRESENTED BY DATE — COMMISSIONE RFSOLgED, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, to issue Purchase Order to A. H. KOCH COMPANY for one McQuay HH74 Unit Heater and one 1" Floating Thermostatic Controlled Return Trap at a total cost of $172.88, without advertisement or competitive bids as an emergency exists and failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interest of the City. Charge Municipal Eglipment 1003-129. C. F.No.166955—Ry Frank D.-.-I- lelu— Resolved,That the Purchasing Agent be,and he is hereby eulhortzed,with the c sent of the Mayor and the Cnmpttoller, to Issue Purchase Order to A. H. KOCH COMPANY for o McQuay Thermostatic Controlledter and n Ree Floating turn Trap e i total coat of$162.66. without advertisement exists compfail re totls a an act prom pit,gwoulwork an hardship i to the bell interest of the Cily. it Charge Municipal Equipment 1693.1261. Adopted by the Council January 26, I95A9pproved January 26,1954. (January 30,1954) G �� ,. Adopted by the Council-- 195— COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson _195— ,( Approved Holland j Marzitelli � � bre_ Mortinson In Favor r Mayor Peterson / /I Against -� Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 " W6656 Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C.F.No.IN95g— Whereas.A written proposal for the I Zing of the following improvement.,, and vlr' Reconstruct or pair, where neces sBry,the existing sidewalk on both sides PRELIMINARY ORDER of Blair Ave.from ene;g Ave.to r- e. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Reconstruct or repair.where neceseary,the existing sidewalk on both sides of Blair Ave. from Snelling Ave. to Fry St. -ted this 22 day of ly • Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS,A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Reconstruct or repair, where necessary, the existing sidewalk oil both sides of Blair Ave. from Snelling Ave. to Fry St. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore,be it RESOLVED,That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature,extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan,profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of.three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council JAN 2 6 1954 YEAS NAYS Councilman MARZITELLI JAN 2 6 iso. 1A= Rolland Approved MORTINSON xkInk dgY Halverson PETERSON 0//A RosEx MR.PRESIDENT, Danimey /— Mayo . 1 1M 4-51 '�8 i ' t 1 pRTRLTtitl>�:D_. v ` r� 1.669)7 Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C.F.No.1-1351— whereas.A written proposal *r e Taking of the following iminave and or repair,where neces- a sidewalk on the Tort) ' .,from Albert 5t. PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.:Reconstruct or rep?Ar- where a awry the ex�d'i Q si desk on the north side of Blair Ave. from Albert St. to Pascal St. Jan Dated this 22 day of 9 , Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS,A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Reconstruct or rqqpir where necessary. the existing sidewalk on the north side of Blair Ave. from Albert St. to Pascal St. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore,be it RESOLVED,That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for,or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature,extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan,profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council �ii��a u s i95�t YEAS NAYS Councilman MARZITELLI SAW s , j&ZUUWX Holland Approved - MORTINSON Halverson / ^ PETERSON ROSEN j Ma Or. MR.PRESIDENT, M Daubney /a � 'T J-66958 Council File No. `F.eve PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT s Whereas,A written proposal for the making of the following Improvement, I and yri o repair, here n"T i val'-�n booth sides of w Idt Ave.to H PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Reconstruct or repair, vhere necessary the existing sidewalk on both sides of W.Morton St. from Humboldt Ave. to Hall Ave. Dated this--V-day of Janus' 11954 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS,A written proposal for the making of the fallowing improvement, viz.: Reconstruct or repair, where necessary, the exit sidewalk on _ both sides of W.Morton St. from Humboldt Ave. to Hall Ave. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore,be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for,or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature,extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council p YEAS NAYS Councilman MARZITELLI ,JAN 2�`195A 1J%RnXMT Holland Approved MORTINSON jB6aft&-n0 Halvorson PETERSON ROSEN MR.PRESIDENT,abLiftW Daubney Mayor. 1M 4-61 k Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT j C.F.No.166959--- Whereas.A rltten propp sal for the making of the fallowing Irnprovement.l and "1�e:n repelr,where M - sary, the ezisting sldewatkr on both PRELIMINARY ORDER °ea f xa"" The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.:Reconstruct or repair, where necessary, the existing sidewalk on both sides of Hawthorne Ave. from Van Dyke St. to Hazel St. Dated this 22 day of Jan 195 4 ICouncilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS,A written proposal for the making of the fallowing improvement, viz.: Reconstruct or repair, where necessary, the existing sidewalk on both sides of Hawthorne Ave. from Van Dyke St. to Hazel St- having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore,be it RESOLVED,That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for,or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature,extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sket0 i of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council JAN 2 6 t954 YEAS NAYS JAN N1 2 6, IM' Councilman MARZITELLI JWIV J 3ygV2mmW Holland Approved MORTINSON P Halvorson D / PETERSON ROSEN MR.PRESIDENT,1 9L)k Daubney -" Mayor. 1M 4-51 �g C / /i �.i /g�JZ I` t j � 1 COUNCIL FILE NO. By uvxsnxeniwnv onuses INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of opening, widening and extending an alley 25Stt Anthonynidth in Block 3 in Rearrangement of Blocks 62, 679 68 and Lot 1, Block 75, and through the Chicago Great western Railway bight-o£-ray from Endicott Street to the northerly line of the Chicago Great 'O'estern Railway Right-of-Way by taking and condemning the westerly 25 ft. of Lot 12, Block 3 in Rearrangement of blocks 62, 67, 69 and Let 1, Block 75, St. Anthony Park; also condemning and taking a strip of land 25 `t. in width produced northerly from the proposed above opening to the northerly line of the Chicago Great 'Aestern Railway Right-of-'Way and whose westerly boundary line is the westerly line of Lot 12, Block 3 in Rearrangement of Blocks 62, 67, 68 and Lot 1, Block. 75, St. Anthony Park produced, under Preliminary Order 166498 approved December 11 1953 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted,and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is open, widen and extend an alley 25 ft. in width in Block 3 in Rearrangement of Blocks 62, 67, 68 and Lot 1, Black 75, St. Anthony Park, and through the Chicago Great western Railway Right-cf- way from Endicott Street to the northerly line of the Chicago Great ''hestern Railway Right-of-way by taking, and condemning the westerly 25 ft. of Lot 12, Block 3 in Rearrangement of Blocks 62, 67, 68 and Lot 1, Block 75, St. Anthony Park; also condemn and take a strip of land 25 ft. in width produced northerly from the pro- posed above opening to the northerly line of the Chicago Great western Railway Right- of-way and whose westerly boundary line is the westerly line oot 12, Block 3 produced, Rearrangement of Blocks 62, 67, 68 and Lot 1, Block 75, Anthony with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1.1127.00 Resolved Further,That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 23rd day of Fft raary 19 54 ,at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M.,in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St.Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter,stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council 1prLZ 6 1964 19- / I JAN 2 6 995A Approve 19- / City Clerk Mayor 1 File 12436 j PMLISH]EB Councilman HALVERSON -- Councilman HOLLAND \ Councilman MARZITELL) / Councilman mORTINSON / l Councilman PETERSON Councilman ROSEN J Mr.President DAUSNEY r COUNCIL FILE NO By C.F.No.166961— in the matter f regrading and aur-; INTERMEDIARY ORDER zed in� 8$ a,a N Ifo.3AErom Aam .n� In the Matter of regrading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 15, Boulevard Addition Nc. 2, and in Block 2, Boulevard Addition No. 3, from Hamline Avenue to Albert Street under Preliminary Order 166486 approved December 11, 1953 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted,and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is regrade and surface with bituminous material the alley in Block 15, Boulevard Addition No. 2, and in Block 2, Boulevard Addition No. 3, from Hamline Avenue to Albert Street with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 3.221.•91 Resolved Further,That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the �3 rd day of Febrlar-v ,195_,at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M.,in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St.Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter,stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council JAN026 1954 19— JAN 'F l�� � / City Clerk Approved 1 File 12442 PIBLISIE,Dj — - J 7 Councilman uALYERSON �� Councilman HOLLAND Councilman MAWTELLI Councilman ,HORTINSON Councilman PETERSON //1 Councilman ROSEN J Mr. President DAUBNEY �E:ki Fa'�➢� COUNCIL FILE NO. ' By C.F.No.166668— INTERMEDIARY ORDER ing the Mat ^of �; In the Matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the regrading and surfacing, with bituminous material, of the alley in Block 15, Boulevard Addition No. 2, and in Block 2, Boulevard Addition No. 3, from Hamline Avenue to Albert Street under Preliminary Order 1664B7 approved December 11 1953 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted,and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the regrading and surfacing, with bituminous material, of the alley in Block 15, Boulevard Addition No. 2, and in Block 2, Boulevard Addition No. 3, from Hamline Avenue to Albert Street in accordance with the blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portions showing the cuts and shaded portions showing the fills with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 50.00 Resolved Further,That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 23rd day of February ,19-L4—,at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M.,in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St.Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter,stating the time and place if hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council 1aN u 6 1954 19- Approved I it nl )r 961 _ City Clerk Mayor File 12441 Councilman yALMSON Councilman HOLLAND Councilman MARZITEW Councilman MORTINSON I Councilman PETERSON j Councilman ROSEN Mr.President DAUBNEY COUNCIL FILE NO. By C.F.No.1688fi.1- In the Matter of P'sdin8 and eurlec- INTERMEDIARY ORDER ing with bituWnous material the alley i,e Block 4,Capitol Addition,taom F1nn Sheet to Cretin*venue.Also covsY,vri- n In the Matter of grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block L, Capitol Addition, from Finn Street to Cretin Avenue• Also constructing a sewer in the alley from a point 49 feet east of Cretin Avenue to the existing sewer in Cretin Avenue under Preliminary Order 166492 approved December 11, 1953 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: I. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted,and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is grade and surface with bituminous material the alley in Block L, Capitol Addition, from Finn Street to Cretin Avenue. Also construct a sewer in the alley from a point 49 feet east of Cretin Avenue to the existing sewer in Cretin Avenue with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 3,627.29 - Resolved Further,That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 23rd day of February ,19 54 at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M.,in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St.Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter,stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council JAN 2 6 1954 19- � Approved 19- / /City Clerk Mayor File 12444 r _ Councilman HALVERSON Councilman HOLLAND Councilman MARZITELU / Councilman MORTINSON Councilman PETERSON Councilman ROSEN Mr.President DAUBNPY x 4-1 W11 Y 1 k e',z sea➢ti� COUNCIL FILE N0. By C.F.No.1899"— 'ng en esbaetmentfin the lantl neaesaiS�f, INTERMEDIARY ORDER �a� �10 h 4i°f�1to graA from Finn i streeN to Cortin�g4enue In the Matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for the slones, cuts and fills in grading and surfacing, with bituminous material the alley in Block 4, Capitol Addition, from Finn Street to Cretin Avenue under Preliminary Order 166493 approved December 112 1953 ,1 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted,and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take an easement in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills in grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 4, Capitol Addition, from Finn Street to Cretin Avenue in accordance with the blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portions show4ng the cuts and shaded portions showing the fills with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 50.00 Resolved Further,That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 23rd day of February 19-5k—at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M.,in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St.Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter,stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ,JAN 2 6 M4 19— Approved R14 �b "17n ��} pty Clerk Mayor File 12443 Councilman AALYFRSON Councilman HOLLAND Councilman •AARZITEW 1 Councilman MORTINSON t Councilman PETERSON / Councilman ROSEN Mr.President DAUBNEV F �ev Jc�1;3f� COUNCIL FILE NO.- By- C, O.BYC.F.No.188866— Ing the with bituminous ma8rlai the elle;1 INTERMEDIARY ORDER Block 17,St.Anthon;Park Nnrih, hon Doswell'Avenue to Bufotd Ave- nue under Preltminary Order 166984 ap- proved December 11, In the Matter of grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 17, St Anthony Park North, from Doswell Avenue to Buford Avenue under Preliminary Order 1661194 approved] December 11, 1953 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted,and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is grade and surface with bituminous material the alley in Block 17, St. Anthony Park "forth, from Doswell Avenue to Buford Avenue with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 2,030.65 Resolved Further,That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 23rd day of February t 19 54 at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M.,in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St.Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter,stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council JAN 2 6 1954. ,19- J A N 9-.)AIV 6erk ApprovedCl / Mayor)' File 12!1116 / Councilman lALVrRSON Councilman :HOLLAND Councilman MARziTrLU Councilman MORTINSON Councilman PETERSON Councilman ROSEN Mr.President DAURNEY s COUNCIL FILE NO. By 186988— . tpP Mater otiooMtneia�ne INTERMEDIARY ORDER - In the Matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for ~^ slopes, cuts and fills in grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 17, St. Anthony Park North, from Doswell Avenue to Buford Avenue under Preliminary Order 166485 approved December 11, 1953 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted,and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills ingradingand surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 17, St. Anthony Park North, from Doswell Avenue to Buford Avenue in accordance with the blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portions showing the cuts and shaded portions showing the fills with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 25.00 Resolved Further,That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 23rd _day of February ,19 .4.,at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M.,in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St.Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter,stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. �''pp� 2 6 i Adopted by the Counc�'� 19_ , lel Approved 'AN 19— �� City Clerk L Mayor File 12445 PUBLISHEL Councilman awERsoN Councilman ;OLLAND Councilman AARZITEUJ Councilman MORTINSON J Councilman PETERSON Councilman ROSEN -- a,r.. president:.-...:DAIJBN�Y •. r.. _. COUNCIL FILE NO. k3➢ °+�� By C.F.No.186887— ' In the Matter oYm Mt�torae- INTERMEDIARY ORDER i unvdee.r ]?relimtnary e IDN8tt Ordr i8E8 ap- t In the Matter of reconstructing or repairing, where necessary, the existing sidewalk on the north side of Hewitt Ave. from Hemline Ave. to Albert St. 166245 a roved November 19, 1953 under Preliminary Order pp The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted,and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reconstruct or repair, where necessary, the existing sidewalk on the north side cf Hewitt Ave. from Hemline Ave. to Albert St., except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0.0 per sa.ft. for 4" Monolithic Excavation, fill, driveway crossings, root cutting, etc. at extra cost Resolved Further,That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 23rd day of February 1 19 54 ,at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M.,in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St.Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter,stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council—JA ' 2 6 19-5'4 19— et Approve' JAN '-'9 1954 city clerk Mayor File 55473 Councilman HALVERSON Councilman uOLLAND / Councilman H.ARziTELLI l Councilman 'MORTINSON Councilman PETERSON O Councilman ROSEN Mr.President DAl7BN0 �1 95 8 COUNCIL FILE NO. BY C.F.No.166888-- in the Matter of recoastraeU7 the INTERMEDIARY ORDER e,dsNng sidewallc on both sides offfer roll Ave.from Fisk aC to ides la St. under prenary Order 186Ms ap- .._ 9. rILI In the Matter of reconstructing the existing sidewalk on both sides of Carroll Ave. from Fisk St. to Victoria St. under Preliminary Order 166299 approved November 26. 1953 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted,and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reconstruct the ex,sting sidewalk on both s+.des of Carroll Ave. from Fisk St. to Victoria St., except where Food and sufficient sidewalks now exist with no alternatives, and that the estimated coat thereof is $ 0.60 per sq. ft. for L" Monolithic Excavation, £911, driveway crossings, root cutting, etc at extra cost Resolved Further,That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 23-rd• day of February V 19-54—at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M.,in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St.Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter,stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council AN lq" >19— JAN Approved 39' p / City Clerk i Mayor File S547L Councilman ,4ALVERSON Councilman AOLLAND ? r Tt Councilman v,ARZITELU Councilman tiORTINSON Councilman PETERSON Councilman ROSEN Mr.President oy,UBN2V e COUNCIL FILE NO. By C F.No Ifi6969— In th Matter of.emnatrncans tbe. INTERMEDIARY ORDER o»eaiaw st. m .:msl.e: pt eere soca a flcient alaewalk exi::ta antler 7', In the Matter of reconstructing the existing sidewalk on the south side ofr Carroll Ave. from Milton St. to Chatsworth St., except where good and sufficient sidewalk exists under Preliminary Order 166159 approved November 10, 1953 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted,and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reconstruct the existing sidewalk on the south side of Carroll Ave. from Milton St. to Chatsworth St., except where good and sufficient sidewalk exists with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0.110 per sq. ft. for 4" Monolithic Fxcavation, fill, drivewav crossings, riot cutting, etc. at extra cost Resolved Further,That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 23rd day of February ,191--,at the hour of 10&clock A.M.,in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St.Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter,stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the co.JAN 2 6 1954 19- 0 JAN 2 6 19H City Clerk Approved Mayor File S505 / Councilman HALVERSON Councilman POLLAND SI 11 Councilman mARzITEw / Councilman MORTINSON Councilman RETER$ON Councilman ROSEN Mr.President DAusNEY NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL (16 90 � 0�7/ TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO.____-- PRINTER __ Jan. 22---19_J4 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 73W -7- X56'68 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED_..593INCLUSIVE,AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. D AOPTED BY THE COUNCIL..._..___...,JAIV_d.6 1954 _- --i9_. _._� e __ IrY f RW.12a 1 I / APPROVED__ _ \� ••6 IJ�J I9_ BY—411 � pp x_32 n.Cj C.F. No. 188970-168841— Rt;�?�� a CWQ' (� jI Resolved,That checks be drawn o P /// the Clty treasury, to the ggregatn CITY OF SAINT PAUL NOTICE amount of 5202895.43,covering checks' I numbered 59395 to 59444 inclusive, as COUNCIL FILE NO.__—.— - TO Per checks on 1 in the Incluoffice nt the COUNCIL RESOLUTION PRINTER City PRINTER Council January 28, l9sq. Ji,.n. 22____,q_54 Approved January 26,1954. ------- (January 30,19541 RD, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON TIT,' TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED___. ____._ __TO_.59444- -.._INCLUSIVE,AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL. _ .JAW-( 6 i9a4 -- CRY COMPrROl1ER jp,N ?G 190 APPROVED_—_.__- I9—_ By__ f HY CITY OF SAINT PAUL, COUNCIL DUPLICATE TO O CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER-- ROLI CALL AUDITED CLAIMS Jan. 22 OLLAND N MARZITELLI --—IN FAVOR MORTINSON RESOLVED.THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY PETERSON POSEN _AGAINST (�[ p AN N 6 1954 IN THE AMOUNT OF S 31 156 68 .—.COVERING M R.PRES.I AUSNEV CHECKS NO. -59345 TO 59392 INCLUSIVE. AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIPER CHECKS ON FILE IN TH FFICE OF T CITY COMPTRR. APPROVED__. BY_- � — vT�— xe s 8` i TOTAL _ DATE —K IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT RETURNED Vv NUMBER BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHTFORWARD _ Y 3._127 721-39 ., • 59345 Milton Rosen 1 T321 570 59346 " " 19 069 38 59347 " " 3 545 35 59348 Leon H. Sault 192 50 59349 Mary E. Krey 78 00 59350 St. P. abstract & Title G. 3 00 59351 r 0 Book and Stationery 179 68 59352 260 37 59353 " " M " 1 240 33 59354 St. P. Bottling Co. 309 6o 59355 St. » Brass & Foundry 45 36 59356 St. Paul Buick Co. 15 78 59357 St. Paul Corrugating Co. 71 82 59358 " " Frame Align. Co. 4o 13 59359 St. Paul Letter Co. 16 6o 59360 " " Produce Co. 26 85 59361 to IN Scrap Iron & Metal 23 50 59362 St. Paul Toro 98 83 59363 Schuneman's Incorp. 210 33 59364 Science ReBe•aroh ,:sscc. 48 30 59363 Scott Foresman & oo. 1 838 57 59366 Seagrave Corp. 11 42 590 59367 Shell oil Co. 59368 J. L. Shiely Co. 56 25 59369 Singer Sew. Machine Co. 7 92 59370 H. F. Smith Tire Co. 180 19 59371 Snap on Toole Corp. 1 35 59372 So. Western Pub. Co. 6 26 59373 Sperry Office Furniture C. 464 16 59374 Spriggs Plbg. and Htg. 30 o4 59375 standard 011 Co. 101 62 59376 " Science Supply Co. 318 35 59377 Steel Sales Co. 3 94 59378 Stephenson Corp. 248 01 59379 Stenographic Machines Inc. 32 3'L 59380 Sun Elea. Corp. 19 50 59381 Suuerior Bottling Co. 117 43 59382 Syracuse University Press 000 59383 Taylor Offset Plate Co. 85 59384 Terrace Auto Supply Co. 36 88 59385 Thoele Print Co. 6 oo ® 59386 Tilden Food Market 4 93 59387 Tierney Hay—Grain Co.mO 18 1 59388 Tom's Grocery 67 01 59389 Tractor Supply Co. 59390 Thompson's Restaurant 114 50 59391 Van paper Supply Co. 526 16 59.392 Underwood Corpora ion 25 23 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 3 158 878 67 CITY OF SAINT PAUL, " ° 7 COUNCIL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER--- ROL ALL HALVORSON AUDITED CLAIMS HOLLAND I N FAVOR LI — MORTINSON — RESOLVED,THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY PETERSON -----AGAINST •JZ •J'�R �� COVERING ROSEN IN THE AMOUNT OF 8 MR,PRES,DAUBNEY JAN •,,h 1954 K'OF HE ICLUSIVE AS PER CHECKS FICC T CITY COMPTROLLER ADOPTED BY THE CO NCI a CHECKS C APPROVED—_ TOTAL DATE_ '�HcK IN FAVOR OF \ R DISBURSEMENT RETURNED Rv BANK NUMBER CHECKSCHECK BROLIGHTFORWARD 3-308 878 07 , 59393 A• J. TsoiLida Contract. Co. 726 96 59394 " " " 5 123 58 59395 Chrictensen Electric Co. 7 143 00 129 80 59396 Chrr1les Harris Plbg. Co. ], 287 00 59397 Morse Tuokpointing Co. 2 752 00 59398 Tony Muska Electric 1 200 00 59399 wm. Sewell and Co- 5Q400 974 81 5c400 M. E. Souther Constr. Co. 14 265 00 59401 J. S. Sweitzer and Son Inc. 486 060 59402 Milton Rosen 29 462 79 59404 Grant O. Helmer 231 25 312 $0 59405 James D. Voigt 59406 Richard M. Kayser, Spec. Sere. 500 00 59407 Mple. orchestral Assoo. 18 80 70 00 59408 Assoc. for Childhood Edua. 4 59 59409 Chefs' Train. Lunch Fund 1395 00 59410 Grover W. Dimond, Jr. $2 50 5411 A. W. Avoles 3 00 59412 Mrs. Cl. ra Benson 33 75 59413 Christensen Electric Co. 52 50 59414 Katz Plbg. and Heat. Co. 25 00 $941$ 011 Burner Serv. Co. Inc. 16 oo 59416 Wm. E. Souther 50 00 59417 John Jancsek 911 92 59418 .filbert G. Plagens 54 961 66 594'19 Milton Hosen 123 17 5>,420 100 00 59421 Eva M. Keeley and Fratto 22 00 59422 A. S. nrnquiet, M. D. 7 68 59423 Industrial Comm. of Minn. 12 75 59424 Moudryl9 Apothecary Shop 17 00 59425 L. J. O'Connor M. D. 14 07 59426 Robt. Stahnke 20) 80 59427 Bergstedt and Hirsch 17 50 59428 Rudolph Ungar 500 00 59429 Union Gospel Mission 65 oo 59430 International Assn, Aud. M. 108 00 59431 N. w. Airlines Inc. 3 25 00 59432 Variety Club of the N. W. 2 307 50 59433 State of Minn. Val Bjornson 8o 1 ® 59434 Voa• Sch. Petty Cash Fund 57 95 59435 " " 474 65 59436 Acker Drill Co. 91 00 6989 59437 Anderson Machine Tool Co. 59438 Como Lbr. Co. 149 25 59439 Kelly Howe Thomson Co. 31 787 31 59440 Northern St,.tes Power Co. 175 21 59441 N. W. Beil Telephone Co. 294 55 59442 0 " " 18 25 59443 Typewriter Sales and S. Co. 1 7�5 00 59444 O. E. Steele Sales Co. SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 3 330 616 82 r' 2 r RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR IRESOLVTIOX os N , CON- FIRMING CDDA,� AN , AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND.AS SESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of__ opening an alley__20 ft._in width in Hlock_13�_Ov_erbrook�_from_______ Duluth St. to the west lines of Lots 5 and 12 in said Block 13 by taking and condemning the vacated east and west 16 ft. alley as platted originally in Block 13, Overbrook, from Duluth St. to the vacated north and south alley; also the south 2 ft. of Lots 1 to 5 inclusive and thg north 2 ft. of Lots 12 to 16 inclusive in Block 13,Overbrook approved 1 -------------, under Preliminary Order---lbsp78_________ 9 166168 November 10, 1953 Intermediary Order--------166168 approved------------------------------------I 1 ------, approved.______December-8,-1953_____________ Final Order---------------166---4 7------- u A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement,and the awards of damages therefor,and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same,now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it ..t,14@. Regal"Ad,-tldt• 76-E3i� ljt ; ] to 4'*'--payabk- i1i described-thereirr.— JAN 2 7 1954 Adopted by the Council ------------------------------- .IAN U 7 1994 - ---City Clerk.-- Approved-------------------------19---- File 12407 -- -r ----- MENMENEIREM HALVERSON Mayor. Councilman HOLLAND Councilman MARZITELLI Councilman MORTiNSON Councilman Councilman Mfflfffiff", PETERSON / 1 Councilman dMMftMhUSM=0 ROSEN j Mayor DAUBNEY ��J,,, ` /' .1 S!yam H 'f� 6 ��-ry Co-r�'7 �NY�'L-� � --�.. J Y . . � �� � � - ,�. -�. ,�,�. ,� �9s3 ,�yLa. /2 0 � L�i�� � y o`".' ���-�- �, Q�� ✓ °�"' f v � ��-e-- ,•__.�� -rte- --L . ���� ---"""` � ���'�G-4..-.moi' �i:E� / _' ���� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS J' In the matter of openin an alley 20 ft- in width in Block 13, Cverbrook, from --------------------------------------- Duluth St. to the west lines of Lots 5 and 12 in said Block 13 by taking and condemning the vacated east and west 16 ft. alley as platted originally in Block 13, Overbrook, from Duluth St. to the vacated north and south alley; also the south 2 ft. of Lots I t - Block 13, Cverbrook 5 Inclusive and the north 2 ft. of Lots 12 to 16 inclusive in under Preliminary Order___________6 ----- approved---------qpt�dlnr_20,_1953------------------- Intermediary Order________166168------ approved---------November-19_2_1953------------------ Final Order...............166417------ approved---------Pf�-C�fLm�2er-8­1953------------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has f,ixed and determined the value of the land,lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof,and the persons to whom such awards are payable;that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of,and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. -- - ------- - ----------------- - _f Commissioner0 Fins, RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR --SOLUTION g.T-1 NO ANO CON- FmnmrG CONDBAINATION AND'. sss M6LfT STH BSAPoag A�"Asi C.F.No.166973-- in the matter ti—AM _ In the matter of___Partia_ _y_opepin widening and extending_Summit Avenue from Dayton Avenue to Central Avenue; Park Street from Central Avenue to Fuller Avenue; and Rice Street from Summit Avenue to University Avenue and from University Avenue to Como Avenue, together with approaches and connections to intersecting streets as proposed to be opened, widened and extended under C.F. 136542, approved May 22, 1946, and C.F. 149337, approved August 12, 1949, and approved by the State Veterans Service Building Commission August 15, 1949 by condemning and taking the following described lots and parcels of land, all in the City of St. Paul , the same being part of the lands necessary for the above described improvement: Lot 10, Block 19 Auditor's" Subdivision No. 75, St. Paul, Minn., except the south 67 feet thereof and subject to an easement for ingress and egress over the east 9 feet thereof, under Preliminary Order----16-51 5------------- approved------October_14� 1953____________, 16621_ ---- Intermediary Order---------_____ 9_____---____, approved____-_________November 17, Final Order----------------166496-____-_____ approved________December-151_1953________-- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor,and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same,now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll,be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. able 4 ac 4n , flan-' ' mcrib_d at, }F3= _ 2Qi361 iE#BtAllii{e _ Adopted by the ConncilJAN z- 1964__________________ JAN 27 1984 -- City Clerk. Approved----------------------- 19---- File 12405 ----- --- � `� --- ------ -Ma -- Councilman HALVER-ON % Councilman F HOLLAND Councilman i MARZITELLI Councilman P�— MORT o' Councilman PETERSON Councilman S ROSEN Mayorapromffingm DAUbNt, r.. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE _ ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS Ahp A R,;7r,,QSNT 1VT OF VENEFTTS In the matter of___Partially ooenina, widening and extending Summit Avenue_from Dayton Avenue to Central Avenue; Park Street from Central Avenue tc Fu�1er Avenue, and Rice Street from Summit Avenue to University Avenue and from University Avenue to Como Avenue, together with approaches and connections to intersecting streets as proposed to be opened, widened and extended under C.F. 136542, approved May 22, 1946, and C.F. 149337, approved August 12, 1949, and approved by the State veterans Service Building Commission August 15, 1949 by condemning and taking the following described lots and parcels of land, all in the City of St. Paul, the same being part of the lands necessary for the above described improvement: Lot 10, Block 1, Auditor's Subdivision No. 75, St. Paul, Minn., except the south 67 feet thereof and subject to an easement for ingress and egress over the east 9 feet thereof, under Preliminary Order____165935___, approved_-__October_14�_1953________________________ Intermediary Order________166219 approved----November_17�__1953----------------------- Final Order---------------166496_---, approved----December_15-1953----------------------- TO __-______ -____TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land,lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof,and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of,and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. J ---------------- - --- Commissioner of Finl . iii'0 a 4 CouLii File No.. RESOLUTION —T-F G ASSXS8 .9Mr CITY OF ST.PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing, reconstructing and relaying cement sidewalks, Estimate No. 5, Contract 52-M-61, 1952,.District No. 3 ASSESSABLE. - F.C. 161225—Fillmore Avenue, south side; Fairfield Avenue, north side, froom hva Street to Robertson Street F.O. 161394—Sherwood Avenue, south side, from :'landrau Street to Kennard Street F.O. 161494—Fifth Street, south side, from Pedersen Street to Ruth Street NON-ASSESvABLEt C.F. :L62)492—Resolved, that the Commissioner of Public >orks be and he is hereby authorised and directed to cause the necessary sidewalk extensions to be constructed at the locations listed belowt Intersection - N.E. & N.R. corners of Jessamine Ave. & Flandraul St. Intersection - S. E. &S. id. corners of Rose Ave. Flandrau St. Intersection - N. S. corner of Hazelwood St. & Ames Ave. Intersection - N. E. & S. E. corners nf Razelwocd St. 5: Jessamine Ave. Intersection - N. E. & S. E. corners of Hazelwood St. & Fellows Lane Intersection - S. E. corner of Hazelwood St- & Maryland Ave. C.F. 160134—Resolved, that the Commissioner of Public `orks be and he Is hereby authorized and directed to cause the necessary sidewalk extensions to be constructed at the locations lister. belowt Intersection - N. E. & S. S. corners of Orange Ave. & Forest St. Intersection - S.W. corner of orange Ave. & Cypress St. Intersection - N.E. corner ofEdgerton St. h Idaho Ave. Intersection - N.E. corrar of =.:ane.,• l € j t '1 41§t h� rrf.j - t . - ;a-. } ,fi x.1..fL'�•.''.d[i..'`"' .bfa 4- w..�.4nST..nsG. ..w ,.�,.ry a... .................--......... -------------------------, x)[PE-081-------------------......-..................---Im. ... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council,and having been considered finally satisfactory,be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FUER RESOLVED,That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in..................... .......equal installments. . . JAN 2 7 1954 Adopted by the Council.......................................... ... - 19 JAN 2 7 1954 1 Vity Clerk. Approved------------------------------------------------------19 Mayor. Form B.B. 18 / CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment December 29 - _I9 53 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing, reconstructing and relaying cement sidewalks, Estimate No. 5, Contract 52-M-61, 1952, District No. 3 ASSESSABLE: F.O. 161225 Fillmore Avenue, south side; Fairfield Avenue, north side, from Eva Street to Robertson Street F.O. 161994 Sherwood Avenue, south side, from Flandrau Street to Kennard Street F.D. 161494 Fifth Street, south side, from Pedersen Street to Ruth Street NON-ASSESSABLEs C.F. 162492 Resolved, that the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorised and directed to cause the necessary sidewalk extensions to be constructed at the locations listed belows Intersection - N.E. & N.W. corners of Jessamine Ave. & Flandrau St. Intersection - S. E. & S. W. corners of Rose Ave. & Flandrau St. Intersection - N. E. corner of Hazelwood St. & Ames Ave. Intersection - N. E. &S. E. corners of Hazelwood St. & Jessamine Ave. Intersection - N. E. & S. E. corners of Hazelwood St. & Fellows Lane Intersection - S. E. corner of Hazelwood St. & Maryland Ave. C.F. 160134 Resolved, that the Commissioner of Public Rorks be and he is hereby authorized and directed to cause the necessary sidewalk extensions to be constructed at the locations listed below: Intersection - N. E. & S. E. corners of Orange Ave. & Forest St. Intersection - S.W. corner of Orange Ave. & Cypress St. Intersection - N.E. corner ofEdgerton St. & Idaho Ave. Intersection - N.E. corner of Reaney Ave. & Germain St. the benefits conferred thereon; that the Baia assessmenL nua u«„ ��,,,� <� •. .•. --___-- _-- identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Fina _M 12-52m n v A, t c To the Council of the City of St.Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the ex- penditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improvement,viz: Cost of construction................................ Engineering .& ............................ 2'i4.10 €Inspection fees........................ __ Postal cards.........................*.... $_ 1.08 9.10 Publications ................................. .. . . Court costs for confirmation....................... 2.70 ot — Assessable q—Assessable n8i 400�ailexperes.......................... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to-wit: the sum of $6,444.29 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot,part or parcel of hind in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Fina Original to city Clerk r-0UN CITY OF ST. PAUL rnt NO....................•---- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY -{ "'� �i/ — DATE------ COMMISSIONER_� ���----���� WHEREAS, The Civil Service Commissioner has reported in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency during the period from January 1 to 21, 1954 which rendered necessary the employment of certain clerical employees of the Civil Service Bareau for more than eight hours per day or forty hours per week in entering of wage and salary adjustments, And WHEREAS, This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: 1. Large numbers of salary and wage adjustments coming due on January late 2 The increased activity caused by the large number of applicants both at the counter and on the telephone which interfered with the normal daily schedule. 3 The large number of personnel entries which had to be made prior to the checking of the first payroll of the year. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the employees who performed such work in accordance with the provisions of the Council Salary ordinance, No. 6446. I C.F. No. 150970—By Robert F.Peter 11111111d,That the P oper city o,nd cer are e hereby authorized to pay main ern in the Civil Servlce Bureau fortra ployment described in the resolution. as Adopted by the Council January 27, 1954. Approved January 27,1954. (January 30,1954) �N '4 7 1954 �QNIL MEN/ Adopted by the Council.................................195...... '1�?t'j^I `1Q 8�`�l fF a 2 7 '1954 Yeas Mar•zltchi� l��"T "'�� �_ Approved-,.. - ..... -- --- 195 - . Mortinson /} parranto----. In Favor =- _✓ �.__ - ........../ Mayor Peterson Rosen r /(1 ..........Against Mr.President;-I� 3Jf sen �(� ! rd/ coNClt !)�� orlaln.l t.Citycl.rk CITY OF ST. PAUL FILu NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /%/J y C NCIL RES LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _,�/F -1 -- A7c Januar�_26, 1954 COMMISSIONER— RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Comptroller, to purchase from BURROUGHS ALDING MACHINE COMPANY one Burrough's Electric Adding Machine with single-double and triple spacing, stock No. P-203 at a total cost of $310.503 without advertisement or compstitive bids as this is a patented article and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge - Comptroller - Office Expense 30-A2. C. F. No. 166976—ny Milton Rosen, Re soqudestTh— et the Purchasing Agent be,and he is hereby thopprb,ed,with the consent hose from f the thROCO ADDING pure Electric A d10ngM Machine wiHthro Inggla- do uble and triple spacing, stock No dvertisement totalocos(of�titi-bids out this Is a patented article and no ad—ns 'cage couldbe gained thereby. Charge—Comptroller—Office Expense 30-Al, dopled by the Council January 27, 119Approved January 27,1954. (January 30,1954) V CU/N JAN 2 7 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_--195— Yeas 195_Yeas Nays ff n Halvorson ApprodyEU_-� _195— Holland Marzitelli G Mortinson In Favor _ Mayor Peterson Rosen Against �� Mr. President,`Daubney _ 5M 2-63 �" COUNCIL NO. - original t-cur Ckh CITY OF ST. PAUL VILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C NCIL RESOLUTION- ENERAL FORM�Q22 1954_A January r PRESENTED BY OAT COMMISSIONE RI50LvFtD, That the Purchasing Ayent be, and he is hereb-\ authorized, with the consent of the comptroller, to issue Purchase Order to NORTJTdJ•ST PUBLICATICYIS for ten one-year rious subscriptions to the St. Paul Dispatch-Pioneer Press for the Public Library and va branches at a total cost of $v365.00; without advertisement or competitive bids) as this is the only source of supply and no advantage cou3,a be 'gained thereby. charge Public Library - Library Service - 1�lew Books - 16-A5- C.F.No. 166977—BY Bernard T.Hol- land— Resoldv he That the Purchasing Awlth be a ,s hereby thorized. the consent f the Cmptroller, to Issue Purchasub- e Order t.'N ORTHWEST PUlptlonsTto NtheoSte Paul DlLsrlpeteh- and the eevarious branches atpa to cost of 3",00 µlthout thlslsltleentlyrscom- petltive bidsdasn advantage could rbc of suPPI o gained I c,P�Ic Library — Library Charge Se Adopted eby the Counc lSJanuarY 77. 1 1954 pproved January 27,1954)- (January 30.1854) I IA%2 7 I Adopted by the Council- --195—COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays .9AW o 7 @54 Halvorson Approved------195— Holland lin Marzitelli Favor ��� Mayor Mortinson Peterson Rosen � Against % Mr. President, Daubney 5M 't-53 COUNCIL NO. S78 ki Orn.]I.CRr C1.1h CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CI CLERK UNCIL R TION NERAL FORM PRESENTED BY - DATE January 22, 1954 COMMMSIONE - R�;SOL.'F�, That the Purchasin_; Agent be, and he is hereby authoriccd, with the consent of the Comp ,rollers to issue Purchase Order to THE T•'LTNNi Ai'CLIS STAR AID riptions as follows: One - ""i -nn hlerning and T,diBUNE for one-year subsc sun(ay Tribune; Thee S uuiay Tribune; four - Mirneapolis Star for the Public Library and various branches at a total cost of $109.20, without advertisement or competitive bids,, as this is the only source of supply and no advantaEe could be _rained Thereby. Charge Public Library - Library Service - New Books - 16-tA5. C. F. No. 186078—By Bernard T. H.1- Isor— Resolved.That the Purchasing Agent be.end he is hereby thorized,with the count of the Comptroller, to Issue Putchaae Order to THE MINNE APOLI.STAR AND TRIBUNE for one-i year subscriptionss foliows: One—, Minneapolis Morning and Sunday', Tribune; Three Sunday Tribune: four: —Minneapolis Star for the Public Li- costyof $10020and �wllhoutch dverlisemelnt competitive bids,asdthis Is the only could be p 1n d thereby.o 1 j could P elle Library a Library Jl\• Service—New Books—18A5. Adopted by the Council January 27. 1BApproved January 27.1054. 1ynr^v^1 (January 30,1051) 1 AIN 2 7 135 Adopted by the rounciL-- 196— COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays p� !7 1 Halvorson Approved----195— Holland pproved --196— Holland Marzitelli — _—_In Favor Mayor) Mortinson Peterson j � / Against Rosen Mr. Presid_eentt,,,Daubney 6M 2-63 `� 71 0,10"I to City COUNCIL NO. O — CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM L_ PRESENTED BY January 253 1954 DATE COMMISSIONER------ RESOLVIM, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Comptroller, to purchase from OTTO FSCH EQUIPrMlPT SUPPLY COMPANY Repair Parts for Demolition Tools at a total cost of x$715.25, without advertisement or competitive bids, as this is the only source of supply and no advantage could be ,rained thereby. Charge - water Department. C.F.No.169979—SY Severin A.Mortln- n— Resoe Is hereby at the the and hconsenf of the Compptroller, to purchase from OTTO ESCH EQCOMPANY M- Pai'[sTtoiS Demolitlo" T"a"a toa" _at competitive h dshoutthls IstheoNy source ofpply and no advantage could be lnetl thereby. charge—Water Department ga . Adopted by the Council January 27. 1959. Approved January 27,1959. (January 30.1959) c JAt�27 thy. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council___195— Yeas 195—Yeas Nays IAN '?7 '115A Halvorson _195— Approved - Holland Marzitelli � _G Mortinson --In Favor Mayo>i Peterson Rosen —_Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 " odem.l to cw c1.rk CITY OF ST. PAUL i°E"cIl NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION,-GENERAL FARM PRESENTED BY ri __ DAT TanRary 27j 1954 COMMISSIONE — In the matter of grading Tewanna Place from Nokomis Avenue to Mohawk Avenues under Preliminary Order C. F. 166490 approved December 11, 1953. RESOLVED, That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in sack matter discontinued. C.F. No. 166980—By Frank D.Marzi- lelli— In the matter of grading Tewanna Place from Nokomis Avenue to Mo- hawk Avenue.under Preliminary Order e. F. 166990 approved December Il, 1957. matterlvbe T d t the orders In a hereby Ilea, and aad rescinded a all p etlings Insuch matter dls- �continuea. Adopted by the Council January 27, 1859. Approved January 27,1959. (January 30.1969) JAN 27 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council— 195— Yeas Nays Halvorson JAN 27 !'�-�4 Holland Approved 195_ i Marzitelli 1 dV Mortinson .--_In Favor -- _4 Mayon Peterson Rosen _._—Against Mr. President, Daubney 511 2-53 Original to Cit,Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK J COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ) PRESENTED BYDATE Janua _"Y 25, 1Q�L� COMMISSIONE' l -- RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Cemp'.roller, to purchase from BORCHEiT IIdG'iRSOIJ, INC. Two Tarco "Scotchmantt Chemical Spreaders at a total cost of X1244.00, without advertisement or competitive bids as this is a patented article and no advantage could be gained thereby. Char,,e - Municipal Equipment 1003-139. I C.F.NO. 166981—By Frank D.Ma j- elli— Resold,That the Purchasing Agent Resolved. and he is hereby authorized,with the consent of the Compptroller, to Purchase from BORCHERT INGER- SOLL. INC. Two Tarco "Scotchman^ Chemical Sp re ders at a total cost of $1244.00,without advertisement or emn- Petitive bids as this Is a patented d o advantage eould be gaC�ead thereby. Ifih 38e Municipal Equipment 03- Adopted by the Council J---my 27, 18 54. Approved January 27,1954 (January 30,1959) hnvV\ �n V 1 JAN 2 7 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council--- 195— Yeas Nays Halvorson -„SAW 2 7 1954 Holland Approved 195— Marzitelli �� n Mortinson _ In Favor Maa,or Peterson l` �" li Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubney 514 2-53 OrlRinel to City Clrk eCOUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY - fy1 �J-- DATEJanuary 27+ 19511 COMMISSIONER-- f�fLi(�(,� I RESOLVED, That the application of the Northwest Publications, Inc# for the construction.and maintenance of a nems-stand on the east side o.f Minnesota Street between East Sixth Street and East Fifth Street(151 gouth of the building line of East Sixth Street), and on the east side of MinnesotqL Street between East Fifth Street and East Fourth Street(201 south of the building line of East Fifth Street sin accordance with Ordinance No.7633 and rules and regulations as prescribed by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and is hereby granted; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That this permit is granted with the distinct understanding that there shall be no advertising matter of any kind displayed on the news-stand. C. F. No. 166982—By Frank D.Ma i- lelll— Resolvetl. That the pV.m for the Northwest Pubiieatipret the construction and maintenance of news-stand n the eat side f Minnesota Street between sEast Sixth ofrethe butldingnd Fast Fl Ina Sl f eEast Sixth south Streel),and on the east side f Mlnne- snta Street between East Fifth Street d East Fourth Street (20' south f the building If o[East Fifth Street), In see rtlance with Ortllnance No.7833 d ales and regoulatlons as urlbed by the Cammias, r f Publice Works, be d Is hereby grantetl: d be It Further Resolved That this permit Is granted with the distinct untlerstand- f in that there hall ben advertising I matter of any kind displayed on the e-stand. Adopted by the Council January 27, i 19A • Approved January 27.1954. (January 39.1954) IAN 2 7 194 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council-- 196— Yeas Nays Halvorson JAN 2 7 1 ! Holland / � Approved —196_ Marzitelli Mortinson ----In Favor d r Mayor Peterson Rosen ! Against Mr. President, Daubney 3M 2-53 6rizi—1 to Car Clerk COUNCIL NO._ CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C.F.No.156983—Hy Norris o.xeloor- OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ne olved,That,subJect to eomplie e with the Building Code Ordinance to rebuilding permit and the securing of PRESENTED BY DATE then essary public street use permit, COMMISSIONER RESOLVED, that, subject to compliance with the Build- ing Code Ordinance in re building permit and the securing of the necessary public street use permit, permission is hereby granted to WMINthe purposes of broadcastingfor andthe televisingothetwo WinterfCarnival for the purpose Parade, to be erected as follows: Said platforms to be erected over the sidewalk at a minimum height of eight, feet, to alloy,* sidewa- passage underneath the platforms, and of an area not larger than twelve by twelve feet to carry two television cameras and an announcer and television monitor set, the platforms to be located as follows: 1) On Sixth Street between Wabasha and St. Peter Streets, on the north side, near the Schuneman Department Store entrance on Sixth Street; 2) On the south side of Sixth Street adjacent to Victorle Bar; under these conditions: a) Said platforms shall be taken down and removed on the same day as the Carnival Parade, i, e. January 30, 1954. b) Construction shall be under the direction of the City Architect. c) Permittee shall poet a $19,000.00 bond to hold and save harmless the City of Saint Paul from all claims or demands of any kind or nature arising from the construction, use and maintenance of the platforms herein authorized by this resolution, COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council _195— Yeas Nays Halvorson Approved— _-195 Holland Marzitelli _ Mortinson In Favor --— Mayor Peterson Rosen _Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 " Y � .6ri¢i—I to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO._ OFFICE OF THE CITE' CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GLNERAL FORM PRESENTED BY C_ COMMISSIONER_-- DATE and shall present to the City an endorsement on said permittee's comprehensive liability insurance policy, making said City a co-insured under the terms of said policy. N 2 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council,�� 7 1954195— Yeas Nays Jt(V 7 i9 � Halvorson Holland /� l Approved ..__.._ __196— Marzitelli l Mortinson _—In Favor Peterson 1� May r Rosen l Against Mr. President, Daubney �=' 5M 2-53 HAROLD 1.RIORDAN MRS.AGNES H.O'CONNELL Chief Clerk City Clerk- CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE January 26, 1954 f / _ i Mr. T. P• Quinn Corporation Counsel ' Build in:- Dear Sir: The Council requested that you draw a resolution granting the application of WMIN—TV as set out therein, and providing for the posting of a surety bond or liability insurance to indemnify the city. Very truly yours, City Clerk N. L. BENTSON, Pro,. WMIN 'BROADCASTING CO. S A I N T P A•U L — M1 N N E A P O L I S, M I N N E S O T A RMA-H Li AB fG DU M0NT,1 13 January 1954 Department of Public Works 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota Attention, Mr. John Cotter Dear Mr. Cotter, i we were granted permission to erect two platforms along the winter carnival parade route,,,// for purposes of telecasting the event. Hwnk� asked that we inform you in writing of our locations and the type of platforms to be used. These platforms will be erected by the George Andreen Construction Company of Sgint Paul over the sidewalk at a minimum height of eight feet to allow passage of sidewalk traffic under them. They will be of an area no larger that twelve by twelve feet and built to carry two television cameras and an announcer and television monitor set. One of the platforms will be on Sixth street between Wabasha and St. Peter streets on the north side of the street near the Schunemann entrance and the second platform immediately across the street adjacent to Victor's Bar. The platforms will be erected one day before the parade and taken down the same day of the parade. G/ Trusting this is the information necessary we remain I / ✓.,` ( Very truly yours, i WMIN TV Af Warren Fritze, Chie ineer ` 11 Tv .Tuna,;; _ i�n.+m �Iiuc iiuuio sTunio� uHi�1 visci _ , r-nn; Minh :oin G-875 1 66984 Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C.F.No.168984— Whereas.A written proposal for the and making of the following improvement. viz: Gradc Itasca Avenue from Edgcumbe nrtad to theeaf. PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Grade Itasca Avenue from Edgcumbe Road to the east line of Lot 17, Block 2, Edgcumbe Heights. Dated this 97th day of January Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS,A written proposal for the making of the fallowing improvement, viz.: Grade Itasca Avenue from Edgcumbe Road to the east line of Lot 17x Block 2, Edgcumbe Heights, having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore,be it RESOLVED,That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of,the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature,extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan,profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council YEAS NAYS Halvorson Councilman MARZITELLI Holland JAN 2 7 1954 makum= Approved MORTINSON PETERSON ROSEN MR.PRESIDENT,Dopmmw Daubney May 1M 4.61 .N T7r.lI= Council File No. 106 5 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT I C.F.No.188885--- Whereas.A wril..proppoosal for the and n eking of the following 1mProvemeat.' vi=.: ['• 3r 'ng,erel.t(k:^tan ..pant :1 PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Londa nine and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Itasca Avenue from Edgeumbe Road to the east line of Lot 17, Block 2, Edgcumbe Heights, Dated this 27th day of January 54 Councilman. i PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS,A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning and taking an eagn ea+ in the land ryfor lops__ cuts and fills in the grading of Ttae a Ayanue from Rdgonmhe Rnari rn the eacr l� e of I.ot 17, Alonk 7, EAgeumh Reight9- having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore,be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for,or desirability of,the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature,extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council JAN 2 7 M-0 YEAS NAYS Halvorson Councilman MARZITELLI Holland JAN 2 7 1954 kkowm=x Approved MORTINSON PETERSON / /l ROSEN MR.PRESIDENT,RELXX=aubney / Mayor. 1M 1-61 N I / /� P�TBLISIjED�/—, — /9 6-W 1(3Y 11,10196) Council File No. — I PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C.F No,188888-- Whereas,A written proposal for the making of the following Improvement, viz and Grade Flandrau St. from Merylantl Ave.to Hyacinth Ave.;Hawtrq�.,• 1ve. PRELIMINARY ORDERr"f The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Grade Flandrau St. from Maryland Ave, to Hyacinth Ave.; Hawthorne Ave, from Flandrau St. to the east line of Breen St.; Orange Ave. from Flandrau St. to the east line of Breen St. and Hyacinth Ave. from Flandrau St. to the east line of Breen St. Dated this 27th day of Januar 1 _ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS,A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade Flandrau St from Maryland Ave. to Hyacinth Ave.; Hawthorne Ave. from Flandrau St. to the eatit line of Breen St.; Orange Ave. from Flandrau St. to the east line of Breen St and Hyacinth Ave. from Flandrau St. to the east line of Breen St. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore,be it RESOLVED,That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for,or desirability of,the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature,extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan,profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council JAN z 7 1954- YEAS NAYS Halvorson Councilman MARZITELLI Holland JAN 2 7 1954 McDaurm Approved MORTINSON FJOU M PETERSON %. ROSEN / MR.PRESIDENT,bE$XMUX Mayor• r Daubney l m,-s1 .42P.8 PUBLISHED l Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT I C.F.No.166987– Whereas,A written proposal for j making of the following fmprovementthe. and W... Contlsm>ang and taking,an easement, PRELIMINARY ORDER T The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following pul,lic improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, -=ta and fills in the grading of Flandrau St from Maryland Ave to Hyacinth Ave Hawthorne Ave. from Flandrau St. to the east line of Breen St.; Orange Ave, from Flandrau St. to the east line of Breen St. and Hyacinth Ave. from Flandrau St. to the east line of Breen St. Dated this—Z7,._day of jam, / 19 X Councilman. v PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS,A written proposal for the making of the fallowing improvement, viz.: cuts and fills in the grading of Flandrau St. from Maryland Ave. to Hyacinth Ave.; Hawthorne Ave, from Flandrau St. to the east line of Breen St.; Orange Ave. from Flandrau St. to the east line of Breen Stand acinth Ave. from Flandrau St. to the east line of Breen St. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore,be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature,extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters tort ommissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council JAIL a 1��5�, YEAS NAYS Halvorson Councilman MARZITELLI Holland JAN 2 7 1954 MERMUC= Approved _ MORTINSON --- fkmawmm0 tt PETERSON / 6 ROSEN MR.PRESIDENT, Daubney r/ Maynr,_ 1M 4-61 ..�..x 1 Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C.F.No.lB8gg7_ Whereas,A written proposal for the Vnizking of the following improvement, andondemning aM taktn a -_r,.,a ... B. n easement, PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and £ lls in the grading of Flandrau St. from Maryland Ave. to Hyacinth Ave.; Hawthorne Ave. from Flandrau St. to the east line of Breen St.• Ora a Ave. from Flandrau St, to the east line of Breen St. and Hyacinth Ave. from Flandrau St. to the east line of Breen Si. Dated this_Trth___day of 19 X Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS,A written proposal for the making of the fallowing improvement, viz.: cuts and fills in the grading of Flandrau St. from Maryland Ave. to Hyacinth Ave.; Hawthorne Ave, from Flandrau St. to the east line of Breen St.• Orange Ave. from Flandrau St, to the east line of Breen St, and acinth Ave. from Flandrau St. to the east line of Breen St. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul-- therefore, aul_therefore,be it RESOLVED,That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature,extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters tortt, Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council JAN u i 1Jbrt YEAS NAYS Halvorson Councilman MARZITELLI Holland JAN 2 7 19,4 ?dCVXR== Approved MORTINSON 1 fkaemmm PETERSON ROSEN _. 114R,PRESIDENT,Dmtc Daubney Mayor.. IM 4.61 dye % v1Jj.]•J�.tGl� 1 NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL • , .�ri l`�('j��9 TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO. PRINTER _--- Jan. 26 _1954 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY,TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF f 18 176.84 ,COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 59497 __TO.59547. ,-INCLUSIVE,AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL jAN-27 V54 - j , CT'COMPTROLLeR AN '27 1954 _ APPROVED_.-_. 19__ NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL y TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO.-._._—..-- --- - PRINTER Jan. _---"—1s 54 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY,TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF s 86 712'09 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 59445_ --To 5446 __INCLUSIVE,AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY ryCOMPTTROLLER. J _ ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL _- AN 2[ 1.954 - -� --19— - - CT'001-1— JAN 2 7 1954 19 APPROVED.... _ BY aoa r-az � C. F. NO. 166986-166989-1669906- A (I I, Resolved.That checks he tlrawn p4"S j('y( 'I pq q-�I 1;,,YS JA 9 1iI NOTI the city lreacury, to thel g�hecks CITv OP SAINT P 1 7 COUNCIL FILE NO amount of{586,31087, v r n. TO numbered 99495 to 69569'inclusive, e per checks on file In the aelce of tne, COUNCIL RESOLUTION- PRINT City Comptroller. Jan. 26 19 -4 Adopted by the c,reoe 1 January 27, 19T*proved January27,lN4,- Is--- 30.1951—_) - RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE5CITY 91145 TREASURY,TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT O 5B6,310•37 TO-_.� _INCLUSIVE,AS PER CHECKS f�k�C ,COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. �{ wMPrROLLen ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_ - -IT 2-7 YE'o APPROVEO._— BY--- w r-52 •fin CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL DUPLICATE TO CITY LERK - ,OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER - FILE NUMBER - HALVORSON ROLL LL AUDITED CLAIMS HOLLAND MARZITEL LI IN FAVOR pVV6 712.00 MORTINSON I i 77 PETERSON RESOLVED,THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY _._AGAINST ROSEN _,COVERING MR.FRES.DAUSNEY JAN 2 7 1954 IN THE AMOUNT OF S CHECKS NO. TO K9496 INCLUSIVE, AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI PER CHECKS ON F— LS q�44� OF ICE F THE CITY COMPTROLLER. APPROVED_. IB' N22 BV t - .oL� y44,1 -- 11 TOTAL — - _ DATE CHECK IN FA411 OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT RETURNED V\�J Lf�18ER BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 9 330 61.6 8•Z S 59445 Catherine E. Novak 108 00 59446 Frank D. Mar"zitelli-nun. E. 2 170 89 59447 " 1 646 52 59448 " " 1 654 64 59449 " " 6 222 92 59450 " " 2 922 19 59451 " " 1 867 52 59452 " " " x 5 321 80 59434 x " " "3 572 19 39,453 " 11 " " 1 218 32 59456 " " " " 860 56 59457 " " " " 1 079 01 59458 " 1 181 65 55459 " " 15 593 79 5946o ° " 5 545 94 59461 " " 12 749 52 59462 Robert F. Peterson Repair Shop 5 316 84 59463 " " " 1 168 42 59464 " " " 1 435 65 59465 " a a 3 701 31 5y466 866 69 59467 board of water Commissioners 703 44 59468 " " " 143 11 59469 " 370 05 " " 59470 " " " 1 o93 16 59471 Norris O. halvorson 2 546 16 59472 Severin A. Mortinson 291 59 59473 Auditorium 300 00 59474 Brozek's Food Market 17 41 59475 Bur. of Textbooks & Pub. 2 50 59476 Chief-Card Bivision-L of 0. 16 oo 59477 Commonwealth of Penn. 3 50 59478 East Side Grocery 59 50 59479 Golden Rule Dept. Store 10 00 i 59480 J. F. Kiedaisoh 7 35 59481 Larry's Radio-Television 26 29 41 59482 John W. Lux Co. 59483 Mple. Public Schools 24 80 59484 Morellile Grocery Store 18 44 59485 N. W. Refining Co. 1 015 48 59486 C. Reiss Coal Go. 2 738 72 59487 St. Paul Stamp Works 142 63 59488 Schochs Grocery 43 61 59689 Singer Sew. Machine Co. 29 247 59490 Jess Soman 14 59491 Tr, nsport Clear. of T. C. 2 50 59492 U. S. Steel supply Co. 67 80 59493 University of Chicago Press 68 to 59494 Victoria Food Market 23 95 59490 Wheeler Transportation Co. 2 93 80 00 59496 Roy L. Hansen SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 3 417 328 91 I { i II own CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL DUPLICATE To c CLERK -OFFICE OF THE GOMPTROLL-ER FILE NUMBER--.— — ROLL ALL AUDITED CLAIMS Jan. 26 - _Ig 51+' H ALVORSON T_ — .AD RZIELLI —IN FAVOR MORTiNSON RESOLVED.THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY TERSON �� AGAINST r�[ R OSEN - IN THE AMOUNT OF S 718• �F3i � —.COVERING MR.PRES.DAUBNEV N � 7 191% LC INCLUSIVE. AS CHECKS NO. TO L, ADOPTED BY TH COUNCI _ PER CHECKS N F L T E FI E F THE CITY COMPTROLLER. APPROVED_ 22__ — m ' TOTAL DATE --'- "' RETURNED GyfE CK IN FAV R O F TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS NUMBER CHECKS H BROUGHTFbRWARD 3 41?. 32.8.91 .. ® 59497 Antoinette E. Kellerman 120 00 59498 Gertrude Rhode 32 80 59499 Grace V. Schrank 80 00 59500 Air Reduction Sales Co. 235 46 59501 American Hoist and Derrick 49 00 39.502 " Technical Society 41 47 59503 Armour and Co. 21 00 , 59501E Auto Radi-,tor and Glass Co. 12 00 1 62 59505 H. Bittner and Co. g8 81 59506 S. Brand Coal & 011 Co. 4 282 46 59507 Carnegie Dock and Fuel 59508 a " ° 3 347 66 39.509 Central Scientific Co. 159 24 59510 City Produce Co. 13 20 59511 Commonwealth Electric Co. 190 17 $9512 Crook and Hanley Inc. 36 00 59513 Eastman Kodak Stores Inc. 18 40 59514 Emporium Dept. Store 59515 F. W. Faxon Co. Inc. 203 30 59516 Gaylord Bros. 59517 Gopher Electronics Co. 32 00 59518 Houghton"Mifflin Co. 1 436 81 59519 International Business M. C. 575 00 59520 It Textbook Co. 321 15 59521 Kind's Baking Co. 63 00 59522 Minn. Fire Extinguisher Co. 59523 N. W. Heat. Engr. Inc. 9 50 59524 N. W. Refining Co. 3 312 84 59525 Power Brake and Equip. Inc. 29 40 59526 Joseph A. Rogers Co. 70 73 1 38 j 59527 Puritan Compressed Gas Corp. 1 00 59528 Science Service 2 434 34 59529 Scott-Foreeman and Co. 6 24 59530 Seestedts Linoleum Co. 59531 L. W. Singer Co. 56 18 59532 Stand+rd Brands Inc. 2 65 59533 Swanson's Camera Salts & Serv. 32 00 59534 G. H. Tennant Co. 1 3 70 59535 Trans-Miss Biological S. H. 5 25 59536 Twentieth Century Fund 63 99 59537 Twin City Coffee Co. 62 59538 Twin City Dumpster Serv. 122 00 59539 T. City Pigeon Eliminating C. 143 00 59540 United World Films Inc. 419 19 59541 Univ. of Cnic .go Press 7 00 59542 Upper Midwest Eng. Co. Ino. 2 79 59543 D. Van Nostrand Co. 30 78 39544 Victor Add. Machine Co. 150 90 59545 Vincent Brass and Copper Co. 47 61 59546 Vocational Industrial Eduo. 17 10 59547 Volta Bureau 3 12 SHEET TOTAL-FORWARD 3 433 505 75 a , • CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL DUPLICATE TO C �LERK - OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER - FILE NUMBER---- ROLL UMBER_--ROLL ALL HALVOP.SON AUDITED CLAIMS _ a_n._ z6 HOLLAND MARZITELLI' —IN FAVOR MORTINBON RESOLVED.THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY PETERSON _AGAINST 48-14�pp / 111, ROSIN IN THE AMOUNT OF S�Ffd.4��71 .�f� --�COVERING MR.PRES.DAUBNEY 27 7 1954 f'�Iv CHECKS NO. TO SU SILO INCLUSIVE, AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI PER CHECKS LE NA�DFCE CITY 40M PTROLL,ER. 24 APPROVED—--- BY— m e-n d f TOTAL DATE C'k{EgK IN FAVO OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT RETURNED RV BANK NUMBER CHECKS e CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD _ - 3..435 505- 75 ® 595 48 Milton Rosen Post Revol. 1 703 84 59549 B. W. Greene qr 15 00 39.530 Frank D. Ma.rzitelli—Mun. E. 14 985 66 59551 " " " 743 28 595D2 " n " 1 488 00 59553 " " 55 000 00 59554 " " a 87 500 00 59555 " " 55 000 00 59556 a " 152 500 00 59557 " " 1 103 57 59558 " " 5 266 24 59559 Board of Water Commissioners 54 529 06 39560 " " " 3 287 53 59561 " " " 563 97 59562 " u " c 3 438 66 5956 " u " 311 75 5956 Norris 0. Halvorson—Pks.Play. 1 212 37 59565 Severin A. Mort].nson—Pub. U. 1 146 54 59566 Bureau of Cafeterias 1 818 46 59567 Robert F. Peterson—Pub. S. 470 63 59568 a a Rep. Shop 463 o0 59569 Libraries Aud. & Museums(Aud.) 38 873 88 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 3 916 927 19 - j oriein.I to cle,cl.rk CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCII NO. LICENSE C0XKrrTfM OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �y�/- COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � _1 �L� �_. DATE January28 19 COMAISSIONE —� RESOLVmg That Motor Vehicle Driver's License No. 2449 expiring February 1, 195+1 issued to Kenneth T. Bartlett, be and the same is hereby revoked upon the recolmnendation of the Bureau of Police because of his second arrest and convetion on the charge of speeding within a 12-month period, while operating a taxicab. C Son Rob166991—B t9F.Peterson Seve lin A. Mortinsan— Resolved,That Motor Vehicle Dri ler's License No.244,expiring February 1, 1954.issued to Kenneth T.Bartlett,be and the same is her revoked upon the re mmendation of the Bureau f P.11reeea oof n the i s cond arm an Vic on eharge of speed pa ding within a 12--month c period, while op- erating taxicab. Adopted by the Council January 28, 1954. APProvedJanuary 28.1954 January 39,19541 REVOCATION 611 Central Park Place JAN 28 19?4 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counoi]— 195— Yeas/ NaYs JAN 28 19334 Hal son ol] n, Approved —195— i1Vf�riitelli �- 1 M///o���tinson %_ln Favor Mayor son �). Rosen —L_Against A r President, Daubney 5m . 11 d o,bd,,i to city Cicrk COUNCIL NO, CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE LICENSE CCMUTTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM28 ,C t PRESENTED BY c/y- `Januarys 19 54 COMMISSIONE RESOLVED3 That Motor Vehicle Driver's License No. 791* expiring February 19 1954, issued to James Carlson, be and the same is hereby revoked upon the recollmendation of the Bureau of Police because of his second arrest and conviction on the charge of speeding within a 12'month period$ while operating a taxicab. %kAi C..Se eerie A .Mortinson-Rbb �l"F. Peterson That Motor Vehicle Driver's License N;.791,expiring February 1, 1954,Issued to James Carlson,be and the s ame Is hereby revoke upon the endation f the Bureau f Po- lice because of his second nest and convictiwithin aon on the 12-mon h pe lode while peratg Ing n taxicab. Adopted by the Council January 28, 1954. Approved January 28,1954. (January 30.1954) REVOCATTON 291 Topping Avenue 8 190 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the �ouncii -- 195.— Yeas Nays Halvorson IAN '8 19!'A Holland Approved 195— Marzitelli /, f(\ Mortinson —ln Favor / _ Mayor Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2.53 -06 " Orlsinal to Cit,Clerk d of I '1.93 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIt Ido. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATE Januar 26, 195h RlSOLVED, That the Council ereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards the contract for the fabrication, delivery and installation where required, replacement units and repair parts of the St. Paul City Asphalt Plant to the KFlg4Y BOLTER "v MANUFA. TURINI COMPANY, in accordance with specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid #4430of said Kenny Boiler &Manufacturing Company at a contract price of $1010.00, said bid being the only bid, and said Kenny Boiler & Pl&nufacturing Company bew reliabl and reasonable bidderAnd the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials are hereby authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of St. Paul. F.i`,. #4430. C.F.No.ifi611p3—ey Frank D. M-1- lelll— Resolved. That the Council hereby pproves the award of the Contract Committee therefor,and hereby awards the contract for the fabrication•deliv- e y and installation where required,re- placement units and repair parts of the St.Paul Ctt ksphatt Plant to the KEN- -Yn & MANU^nr"JP JAN 2 8 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council__— 195— Yeas Nays J�l N Halvorson Holland 1 Approved 195— Marzitelli I Mortinson —_—In Favor —_ Peterson n Mayo ✓ 1 Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-63 " Orkin,]t.City Clerky�, / COUNCIL C[IY 'OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM / PRESENTED BYDATP — COMMISSIONER_.—.- - — — RESOLVED, That the Plans and Speciticati.ons for Remodiing and Installation of New Office Partitions for the Bureau of City Planning on the Thirteenth Floor of the City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul 2, Minnesota, as submitted herewitn, prepared by the City Architect under the direction of the Commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings, be and the same are hereby approved, the same being satisfactory to the Mayor, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to advertise for bids thereon in the manner provided in and by the charter. C.F.No.188894--By Norris O.Halvor- Resolved,That the Plans and Specifi- cations for Remodling and Installs of New Office Partitions for the Bureau f City PlanningHanthe Thirteenth Floor of the City and Court House, Saint Paul 2,Minnesota,as submitted herewith,prepared by the City Archi- tect of the Comannis- si nernder of Ptarks,Playggno nds and Pub- lic BuLklings,'. e me are here- by approved,bthensame bel and theo satisfec- Lartourchosth Agent Is herehe by authorized to advertise for bids thereon in the manner provid- ed In and byy the charter. Adopted by the Council January 28, 1954. Approved January 28.19M. (January 30.1954)' &�2,a 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CouijIC'—_— 195— Yeas Nays i 1`154Halvorson Holland Approved - 195— Marzitelli � �L„[ (/ -- Mortinson --In Favor - — Mayor Peterson Rosen )—Against Mr. President, Daubney f SM 2-53 "�"'� r I&W to Cit,Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO�ROLUT —GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER_ PRESENTED N p _— -- --./�_`��/1Z// _DATE-- RESOLVED, That the Plans and Specifications for Construction of St. Paul Public Library, Hayden Heights Branch, ELECTRICAL, located on the Southwest corner of White Bear Avenue and Arlington Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, as submitted herewith, prepared by the City .Architect and Charles A. Hausler & Associates, under the direction of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, be and the same are hereby approved, the same being satisfactory to the Commissioner of Libraries, Auditorium and Museums, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to advertise for bids thereon in the manner provided in and by the Charter. C. F.Na.166995—By Bernard T. Hol- land— Resolved,That the Plans and Speci- fications for Construction of St.Paul Public Library,Hayden Heights Branch. ELECTRICAL, located on the South- [corner of White Bear Avenue and Arlington Avenue,St.Paul,Minnesota. s submitted herewith,prepared by the City Architect and Charles A.Hensler &Associates,under the direction of the Commissioner f Parks. Playgrounds and Public Buildings.be and the same are hereby approved,the same being satisfactory to the Commissioner of IA- braries,Auditorium and Museums,and the Purchasing Agent is hereby au- thorized to advertise for bids thereon in the manner provided in and by the Charter. Adopted by the CouncilJanuary 28. 1954. Approved January 28,1954. (January 30.1954) JAN 28 1554 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved--195— Marzitelli Mortinsoson _In Favor Peterson ^ Mayor j Roseny Against Mr. President, Daubney — 5M 2-53 ,• Orlala.l 1.CIL,Clerk a COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL TILE No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ^ ,COUNCIL RE LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE9__ ---- --DATE RESOLVED, That the Plans and Specifications for Construction of St. Paul Public Library, Hayden Heights Branch, GENERAL CONSTRUCTION, located on the Southwest corner of White Bear Avenue and Arlington Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, as submitted herewith, prepared by the City Architect and Charles A. Hausllf+.. & Associates, under the direction of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, be and the same are hereby approved, the same being satisfactory to the Commissioner of Libraries, Auditorium and Museums, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to advertise for bids thereon in the manner provided in and by the Charter. C.F.No. 166998—By Bernard T.an). land— Resolved,That the Pians and SpecUi- cations for Construction of St. Pent Public Library,Hayden Elelghts Branch. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION, located the Southwest corner of White Bear Avenue and Arlington Avenue, 9t. Paul,Minnesota,as submitted herewith, Prepared by the City Architect and Charles A.Hausler&Associates,under the direction of the Commissioner of Parks Playgrounds and Public Bund- Ings,l+a Build- " same are hereby ap- proved,the same beingg tisfactory to the Commissioner of Librerles. Audi- torium and Museums,and the Purchas- ing Agent is hereby authorized to ad- -use,for bids thereon In the manner provided In and by the Charter. Adapted by the Council January 211. 1, S4. Approved January 28,1954. (Janusty 39,18541 JAN 28 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council__— 195_ Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland C� Approved 195_ Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor — -- Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubney 6M 2-65 " _. Original m cu>cterlc �. CITY OF ST. PAUL ;°E""t NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OLINCIL SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED S( COMMISSIONER DATE jy RESOLVED, That the Plans and Specifications for Construction of St. Paul Public Library, Hayden Heights Branch, HEATING AND VENTILATING, located on the Southwest corner of White Bear Avenue and Arlington Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, as submitted herewith, prepared by the City Architect and Charles A. Hausler & Associates, under the direction of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, be and the same are hereby approved, the same being satisfactory to the Commissioner of Libiaries, Auditorium and Museums, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to advertise for bids thereon in the manner provided in and by the Charter. C. F,No. 166997—By Bernard T.Hol- land— Resolved,That the Plans and SpeciR- ublic for Construction f 9t. PaW Public Library,Hayden Hetggohfa Branch. HEATING AND VENTD.Aft locat- ,o the Southwest rner of White Bear Avenue and Arlington Avenue,St. Paul,Minnesota,as submttted her 1 h, prepared bChaA. yy the Clty Architect and he rdire tin of the C:'cmralsstonerdot Parks,playgrounds and Public Build- IPngs,be and the same88a hereby yyap- he Commissioner being ar ems,chorAudr to tum and Museums,and the PUFchastn¢ ` Agent is hereby authorized to advertise j for bids thereon In the manner Provid- ed In and by the Charter. Adopted by the Council January 26, I. Approved January 26,1959. (January 30,1954) JAN 2$ 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland APP�pved 195— Marzitelli Mortinson - --In Favor _ � Peterson / M ra oy ra oY Rosen — against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 +• .r OrlQin.l to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL t�'1' ;➢:y OFFICE O THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. C UNCIL RES TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED COMMISSION ER— _ DATE RESOLVED, That the Plans and Specifications for Construction Of St. Paul Public Library, Hayden Heights Branch, ROOFING, INSULATION AND SHEET METAL WORK, located on the Southwest corner of White Bear Avenue and Arlington Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, as submitted herewith, prepared by the City Architect and Charles A. Hausler 8 Associates, under the direction of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, be and the same are hereby approved, the same being satisfactory to the Commissioner of Libraries, Auditorium and Museums, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to advertise for bids thereon in the manner provided in and by the Charter. C. F. No. 196998--By Bernard T.Hol- land— Resolved,That the Plans and Spec18- Roo;lL raror y Haydent Hetghb Branch ROOFING,INSULATION AND SBEch METAL WORK,located" the South- west corner of White Bear Avenue and Arlington Avenue,St.Paul,Mlnaesan City herewith,prepared by the City Architect and Charles A. ftgr &Associates,under the dlrecayg oP the iCommissioner of Parks, nd the sane, and Public Bulldings,be and the same are hereby approved.the same being. tlafactory o the Commissioner oP Li-'. braries,Auditorium and Museums,and -. f the Purchasingg Agent Is hereby author- ] zed to adverase for bldg thereon 1n the Adopted byd thenCouncl7 a�uary 2g, 1954. Approved January p8,1854. (Tanuary 39,1964) COUNCILMEN JAN 28 1954 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council 195_ _ I Halvorson Holland _i f n'j 8 } Marzitelli Approved 196_ Mortinson _In Favor " Peterson Mayor Rosen against ` Mr. President, Daubney _ 6M 2.63 + In.l 1.City Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK //�� CO�NCILREITION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY e / DATE_ S COMMISSIONER—/0—P� -- Zg RESOLVED, That the Plans and Specifications for Construction _ of St. Paul Public Library, Hayden Heights Branch, PLUMBING, located on the Southwest corner of White Bear Avenue and Arlington Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, as submitted herewith, prepared by the City Architect and Charles A. Hausler & Associates, under the direction of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, be and the same are hereby approved, the same being satisfactory to the Commissioner of Libraries, Auditorium and Museums, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to advertise for bids thereon in the manner provided in and by the Charter. C.F.No. 186998 BY Bernard T.Hot- land— Resolved and Seci c lll... for TC.titst ,,,.nthe Plans of Stp Paul Public Library,Hayden Heights Branch, PLUMBING located on the Southwest mer of;whileHear Avenue and Ar- lington Avenue,St.Paul,Minnesota.as submitted herewith, prepar d by the Cityy Architect and Chanes A.Hauslor &Asseclates,under the tlirection of the }1 Commissioner f Parks. Playgrounds and herbelic by Building.,approved he same and me being are isfactory to the Commissioner of Lt- , braries,Auditorium and Museums,and 3 the Purchasing Agent is hereby au- - E,thorired to advertise for bids thereon in ; the manner provided in and by the -. Charter. } Adopted by the Council January 28, y 1954. Approved January 28,1954. F111, (January 30.19591 JAN 28 195A COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195T Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved 195_ Marzitelli MIn Favor ortinson �_vL < j. Mayo Peterson i Rosen —Against Against J Mr. President, Daubney 6M 2-53 P Orizi—I to City Clerk "ct CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL — OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY r January 28, 1954 COMMISSIONE _ DAT In the matter of Grading and Paving Summit Mall from Wabasha Street to Rice Street (Part of Capitol Approach Project). RESOLVED, That the specifications and estimated quantities for the improvements submitted herewith by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved, and be it further RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed to advertise for bids for these improvements. C.F.No.16799t_sy Frank D.Marti- telli— In the matter of Gfrato rading and Paving Rim Sltre ti 1l — Street1 Part of Capitol APProa h Pro]ecll- That the P_Isr.Ur-and sResolved, ntltles£or the 'Prave- e timated qua menta submitted herewith byy the Cothe i ""sioncr of hereby-Plic prov d be d be it further Resolved,That the directed to Agent b$ea�d bids tar this ese directed emenU' Adopted by the Council January 20, IBS'' d January 20,1959. APProve(January 30,1954) JAN 28 IFA COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council-- 195— Yeas Nays Halvorson 1 IV Holland Approved 195_ Marzitelli Martinson ___In Favor — - May Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 '• A�,�..i .1 Orialnel to City Clerk � ®1 j p • CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL Y FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION— ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE _ _.-.. _ _.. _. DATE------- WHEREAS, The Commissioner o Public Works has reported, in accordance with Section 53 of the Ctty Charter, the existence of an emergency during the period from January 21 to 27, 1954 which rendered necessary the employment of certsIn employees of the Department of Public Works for more than eight hours per day or forty hours per week in doing the following work: Plowing and snow removal Cindering icy hills and intersections And WHEREAS, This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Necessity of keeping city streets free from snow and ice after recent snowfall. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED That the pamper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the employees who performed such work in accordance with the provisions of the Council's salary ordinance, Ordinance No. 6446. -- — C IiNo.167001—By Frank D.Marzi- telllResolved,That the proper city — ars are hereby authorized a pay cerin a ployesIrthe Department of ublic Works for extra employment as i described In the resolution. 1959. Council Adopted by the Council January 26, Approved January 26,1959. (January 30.1954) JAN COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL__ 195_ Yeas Nays Halvorson 8 '964 Holland Approved- -_195_ Marzitelli ! G Mortinson --,---In Favor JI I Peterson Mayor Rosen A.Again§t Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-69 Original to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO.— -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER— __ DATE January 27, 1954 RESOLVEn That the Northern States Pourer Company be given permission to excavate for and build manhole on the west side of Broadway, 97 feet north of the north line of E. Fourth Street. C�111 No. 167002—Ry Frank D.bTaRi- xResolved. That the Northern atateg c v Company be given permisalon to e to foe ofr and build manhole an the the north lin of E Fo 97 feet north of Adopted by the Counclh Jarftt. 1959, Approved January 2g 1959 (January 30.1959) JAN 28 1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays �� Halvorson .JNIY l8 1§94 Holland Approved— 195_ Marzitelli / Mortinson Peterson In Favor - Mayor Rosen l Against Mr. President, Daubney / 5M 2.69 "091�011 o,brhol to City Chrk COUNCIL 161 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY / DATE -T'-'^' r 21 l QFII= COMMISSIONE RES OLS > C.F.No,167003—BY Frank D.Marci- telli— Tho.t t;-.c, Northern States Power Company be poweilcompnytbe the Nortrmise,hern tattto ea install one pole on south side of,Mag- nolia west of Westminster,two poes I given_ permission to install one Dole on east Road.oneof Curfew west south N;his f Hyacinth.one pole on north aide Of St.Clair amt of Prior,wnh necessary sour:. site a iCagnolia west of 'rlestmin– guys, anenoe, ana +res. Poles ana Cres to be removed when reqquested to do so b y the Common Council and cost star, two poles on cast si'e of Cufevr N mr8tateslYowe�cborne o Puny. the I Northern by the Council January 26,' 1954. s,out JI �eV P.•1 �JaC, one pole welt Approved JJanuary�•1L2,1 site of 'Jeide nort of Hyr.cint:_, one pole on nortsi:ee of St. Clair east of Pr-or, wit;-: nececsar, ,-ays, anchors, and. wires. Poles anwires to br reroved_ FISien reouested to Co s) b;; ,T.e Co,mon Council and cost of said remova_ to be borne by t?:e 'Tort]:ern states Power Company. JAN 29 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays j,1 j -,,8 1934 Halvorson Holland - Approved 195— Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor -(Let Mayor Peterson Rosen gai st Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 1 �'c � ��� Original to City Clark CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE ENCiI NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY January 27 19;4 COMMISSIONER _ DATE. y RLSOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller to purchase from LYONS CHEKICAL COMPANY four tons Ammonia Sulphate at a total cost of $336.003 without advertisement or competitive bids, as an emergency exists and failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interest, of the City, Charge — 'Nater Department. C.F'No.167009—gy Severin A.Mortln- "an be,and he Ishat the hereb titam�Agant the epruhe f the °rued,with Cojmptrol�er to purcha�Mea�mand the CHEMICAL COMPANY four LYONS monia Sulphate at a total cost ns Am 60,without advertisement or 0'$31y- iive bids,as an emergency lets antl hardshire p to the ct best intterewslaofdthe Ci a Charge—Water Department. Cily. Adopted by the Council J 1969. anuary 28, APProved January 28,1959. (January 30 195,) 0/4 JAN 28 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_ 195— Yeas Nays y Halvorson :2 8 � } Holland Approved 195— Marzitelli Mortinson _In Fav ����" n } May Peterson // Rosen Against Mr. President,,Daubney 5M 63 "CST" Orislosi I.City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAULCOUNCIL FILE nae NO.--- -- --// OF E F THE CITY CLERK CpuN RE LUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYQ COMMISSIONED_ Norris-0. ._ _."e- 7^-- DATE-..--January-27,-1.Q5Li-- RESOLVED, that the compensation of one storekeeper employed on the City of St. Paul Veterans' Housing Projedt, effective as of February 1, 1954, shall be computed and paid as follows, to-wit: The salary in such case on the basis of regular monthly wage rate of $309.00, plus travel expense allowance in su^,h case for use of private automobile to be furnished by employe without other charge, in connection with such work, on the basis of 7* cents per actual travel mile, in no case to exceed 500 miles per month. RESOLVED FURTHER, that Eirich salary and travel expense allowance shall be paid from Fund 1086, Veterans[ Housing, C.F.No.164005—By Norris O.Halvor- on— Resolved,That the compensation of one storekeeper employed an the City of St.Paul Veterans'Housing Project, effective as of February 1,1954,shall be computed and paid as follows,to-wit: The salary in such case on the basis. of regular monthly wage rate of$303.00,. plus travel expense allowance In such I:, case for use of private automobile to be furnished byy, ploye without other 1 charge In a nnection with such work.`} on the basis of 7!4 cents per actual tray- .l el mile,In na case to exceed 500 miles per monthsolved L 8 19 Aesolvetl Further, That such lazy d travel expense allowance shall be pipp gid� from Fund 1086, Veterans'Hous- J COUNCILMEN Adopted by the council January 28,tluneil--___ _195— Yeas Nays 1954. 9Approved January 28,1954. It (January 30,1869) �� Halvorson Holland Approved 195 Marzitelli �y n � Mortinson - -_In Favor - ' � '�� - - Mayor Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubuey 5M t-5s .,a l6 Orialn.l to CITY Cled, COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. LICENSE CONUTTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED N C/� �_ nA January 28, 1954 COMMISSIONED L��_�_L1 _T�t��'��-�•-- RESO] EDt That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. Al J. Szehokke 270 Rice Elea App Rep App. 5764 New Old Loc. Roy A. Swanson 1129 Payne Gas ,ta 3P " 6987" New" Dorothy DuPre 972 Payne Beauty Shop " 7161 ° " ". Adolph S. Anderson 93 S. Robert Gas Sta 4P " 7612 ° Old " a a V. M. Loc. a a n a n John D. Barwis&4gt. Midland Bldg. 8 E. 6th V. M. Loc. " 7699 " New" Donald W. Knight 2525 W.7th Cigarette " 7772" Old " Egekvist Bakeries, Inc. 522 S. Snelling Bakery a 7874 C.so F.NSeveritln A.M rtinsoNorrin7Robest F.;, Pelers.n— Resolved,Thot licenses ap�Iled for by the persons named an d list attehetl to this resolution be end the same are =`�tedato Issue su h liced and the nsee¢up n the payment into the City treasury at the requlred fees. Adopted by the Council January 29, 1954. Approved28.1954. January 30.1954) 1 JAN 28 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_— 195_ Yeas Nays JAN 81999 Halvorson Holland Approved _-195— Marzitelli _—In Favor — 4 !: — Mortinson -- Mayo Peterson n Rosen /Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-63 ' 0r10"I to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL i°E""t NO. _ LICENSE COMK117EE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTJON—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY JanuslT 28, 1954 COMMISSIONER _-- – – - RESOLVED: That licenses for permit to conduct Bingo Games, applied for by the following organizations at the addresses stated, for the days, dates, and hours indicated on each application, be and the same are hereby granted. Columbian Mission Friends 3452 University 13 Periods App• 7897 Renewal C.F.Sever 1,A. Mortins07—By Norris on�RObert F. Petern— Resol etl That Bingo Games license j applied for by the organization named an the list attached to this resolution be d the same is hereby granted.and file City Clerk is Instructed to issue h license upon the payment Into the City treasury of the required fees. Adopted by the Council January 28. 1954. ApprovedJanuarynuarY 0 1954) JAN 28 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council—__195— Yeas 195_Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Ap oved 195_ Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor —- — - ^ Mayor Peterson Rosen _Against 1� Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 l Orieind to City CIer4 COUNCIL No. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE LICENSE COMKITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � �-- January 28, 1954 COMMISBIONE DATE-- RFsOL9EDs That Restaurant. On and Off Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarette License No. 7728, all expiring April 25, 1954, and Music Machine License No. 1054, expiring November 1. 1954, all issued to Evelyn Hernandez at 252 East Fairfield Avenue be and the same are hereby transferred to Evelyn Hernandez at 124 State Street. C.F.No.167008—Ry Norris O.Halve,I n—Severin A.Mortinson—Robert F. Peterson— Resolved, That Restaurant, On d offLlce..Salc .x7728.all Beverage plringg April c 1954, and Music Machine License No.� 3054 expiring November 1,1954 all is- uerl to Evelyn Hernandez at 252 East Fairaeld Aveoue be and! d the me are hereby eransterred to Evelyn Hernan- dez at 124 State Street. Adopted by the Council January 28, ]954. Approved January 28,1954, (January 30,1954) TRANSFER (Location) Informally approved by Council December 17, 1953 New Location �JpN 2 t ,� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_ 195— Yeas Nays ism Halvorson Holland 1 Ap roved 195— Marzitelli /I '1 ) 1 Mortinson _-_._In Favor —� Mayor Peterson / / Rosen _ (/ Against Mr. President,,Daubney �-_ Orl.i..l to CIL,Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE N0. LICENSE COMMPTTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM FC�Ch PRESENTED BY ,—/7,¢— i wary 28. 19511' COMMISSIONE —/ 9 �"�' �'�- 'DATF WAEREASt Elmer W. Klammer. licensed Mechanical Amusement Device Operator. desires to withdraw Application C 7988 for Mechanical Amusement Device Location License at 506 West Seventh Street where Fern Peterson is the licensee and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore* be it RESOLPEDs That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Elmer W. Klammer the fee of $ 37.50 and to cancel said application for license, C.F.Na.167009—By Norris O.Holvor-'I —severin A.Martinson—Robert F. Petersan— Mechanl el Alavlr...I n,Devlce]Opel t- or.desires to 7988 for Mechanical dArruseraw rnentaDevice Locallon License at 506 Weal Seventh Street where Fern Peterson la the ll- ensxe and requests the return of th lice use fee deposited thereon,therefo belt Resolved,That the proper el offf be antl theyY hereby autho to refund to ElmereW.KI mmer the a of 537.50 and to cancel sold, o or icense. Adopted by the Coun -ary 28, --- 1959. Approved January 28,10 (January 30,1959) WITHDRAWAL (pro—rated fee posted) E. W. Klaazmer 208 N.W estern Ave. JAN 28 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council-- 195— Yeas Nays Cyt Halvorsonj 9 Holland Approve�� —195— Marzitelli - Mortinson ___—_In Favor - Mayor Peterson Rosen _—)Against Mr. President, Daubney 531 2-63 O m 1 C.F.No.107010—ty Norris O.Halvor- _ son—Severin A.Mortipsan—Robert F. Orlein.l t.Clty Clerk Peterson— Resolved.That licensas applied for by¢T. PAUL noIE Nelt NO• the rsens named on the list attached _ t^t"s reV"'^ane ure ciir clerk"E CITY CLERK LTCFWB+ C0�InIEE hereby Hrante ^�^`te epi 1�6iu at.c"y`ir`R`aba ry uE IN—GENERAL FORM the peym the reQtr d tees. �p 3954 �1 t A,ri d by the Counci]Sanuery 20. January 28. PRESENTED 8Y / % 1954. d January 20,1959. COMMISSIONERS-.� �L� App2OV` DATE t7anuary 30.1954) RESOLVMt That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stateds be and the same are hereby granted. Grace M. Gibson 183 S. Chatsworth Grocery App. 5570 $enewal n a Off Sale Malt p ^ Cigarette n a a Wm. Sane & Martin OtNeilla 1026 W. 7th Restaurant " 5918 a a On Sale Malt " " " x - n Off Sale Malt a ^ Cigarette a x M. A. P.loc. " 63.69 p ^ M. A. ev (2) p n p n a M. Mach (1) a a n Arlene Oldfield 63 S. Robert Restaurant a 7e339 � 11n Cigarette Edw. P.Winkel 429 S. Robert Off Sale Malt " 7798 n p " Betty Engle LeVin 1151 Davern Photographer 7810 Arthur N. Miller 285 W. 7th M. A. D. Loc. " 7881 ■ a a M. A. Dev (1) " " " Wally P. Flannigan 815 Payne M. A. D. Loc. n 77912 u M. A. Dev (2) a " M. Mach (1) n a n Genevieve Smith 255 E. 7th M. Mach (1) " 7920 " Mrs. Anna Drucker 316Rondo Grocery " 7930 " a p Butcher n n a a " Off Sale Melt e n n a " Cigarette First Arcade Wine Shop, Inc' 772 S. Cleveland Cigarette " 7933 a COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_— 195— Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved 195- 1 Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor ------- - — — Mayor Peterson .0 Rosen Against Mr. President,,Daubney 511 2-52 Original to City C1,k CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOLE""` NO. IZCENS) CM=TEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C', PRESENTED BY January 28. 1954 COMMISSIONER--.--..-- ------ DATE -- PAGE NO. 2 (Renewals) _ Emil Stark 1560 Payne Gas Sta 2P App. 7938 Renewal Irvin R. Gntsche 1087 Arcade Else App Rep " 7941 " " 2 " H. & G. Inc. 457 Wabasha ReOn ale Malt "taurant 795 " n fl n Op; Sale Malt fl Dance Hall " fl n fl fl fl Tavern " n Cigarette COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council— 195_ Yeas Nays Halvorson O •)8 'i Approve 195_ Holland Marzitelli Mortinson - In Favor Mayo Peterson I Rosen —OAgainst( Mr. President, Daubuey _ 3M 243 ""�` C.F.No.167011—By Norris O.Elalvor- son—Severin A.Mortlnson—Robert F.Peters Odslnsl/.Cly Cl.rk Resolved,Thet licenses applied for by COUNCIL p the persons named on the list aMehea T. PAUL cc NO. to this resolution be and the same are LICENSE hereby granted,and he Can Clerk la matn,eeea m Issue ooh ueenses open CITY CLERK COMMITTEE the,paqu nti.to the City treasury of V—GENERAL FORM Adopted by the Council January 28, PRESENTED BY�= `" IOAPprovedJJanuary 28 1954..nuary 3D,'1954) nTE—January 28 1954 COMMISSIONE RESOLVED[ That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted. Emil Eckstrom 845 Payne Gas Sta. 3P. App.C5416 Renewal 11 it Auto Rep.Gar. it It Fdstf.'i.M.Loca. Alice Nadeau 816 Payne Restaurant " 5428 " 11 On Sale Malt n u n " Off Sale Malt it 't u n Cigarette " " " Minn. Mining °,Mfg.Co. 367 Grove Cigarette " 5435 " Henry Tschida 1116 Rice T?akery " 5688 " Walter Toskey 902 Farrington Restaurant ° 5801 n it it On Sale Malt 1t 1t Off Sale Malt it it Cigarette J. F. Courtney 1653 Rice Restaurant " 5847 " n it Confectionery „ If Cigarette Mrs. Anna Windorfer 690 11. Dale Grocery " 5860 n " Off Sale Malt e N Cigarette " Harry Pearlman 632 Farrington Grocery " 5911 " t d Off Sale Malt D it Ci-arette Nick Bongiovanni & Antonio Stefani 316 Rice Bakery " 5914 " Milner Hotels, Inc. 374 Wabasha Hotel 74 R. " 6049 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council _ 195— Yeas Nays Halvorson Approved _.-196_ Holland Marzitelli Mortinson _---__In Favor --- — Mayor Peterson Rosen _-_ Against Mr. President,„Daubney _� 511 2-63 �Le6�” Orlain.l b Cit,Clerk COUNCIL NO LICENSE CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE CM1ITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYDATE- Tw nnw rt r 9R 1954 ,.,t.,� �-- COMMISSIONER---.------- ------- -- page No. 2 - Renewals C. C. Scott & N. K Nelson 969 Galtier Restaurant App.C6478 Renewal n n On Sale Malt " it " It Off Sale Malt " n n n Cigarette N. W. Airlines, Inc. Municipal Airport Restaurant 6798 Leonard & Lawrence Steiner & Mary Gall Grocery " 7062 " n 1202-4 Rios Butcher n it n n 11 Off Sale Malt " " it n It Cigarette It n it Canteen Co, of Minn.,Inc. 2219 Charles V.M.Operator 11 7103 11 Edwin F. Muzyk 905 Payne Grocery �It 77116 " 11 n Cigarette LeRoy J. Marshall Grocery 569 Arundel " 7135 " 11 Off Sale Malt it II 11 11 D Cigarette W. J. McAndrews 371 Thomas Barber it 7147 " Arnold Gray's Cut Pate Drugs 970 Payne Confec"onery 11 7167 n it 11 Cigarette 11 Richard B. & Steve L. Schwistz 956 Payne Restaurant " 7181 ° 11 a On Sale Malt 11 n Off sale Malt n it .Cigarette Cordella M. Sherrard 321 University Confectionery " 7188 " John J. Ganzer & Joseph W- Pitzl Restaurant " 7198 it 870 Payne On Sale Malt n " Off Sale Malt n n n n " Cigarette COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council— 195— Yeas Nays Halvorson Approved _195— Holland Marzitelli Mortinson _---In Favor ----- Mayor Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubney SM 2-53 " oAffin.t a,city c,"], COUNCII NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE LICENSE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _— DATE January 28 19.54_ COMMISSIONER--- -- -- --- _— Page No. 3 - Renewals Geo. Vander Worker 954 Payne Barber App.C7234 Renewal Joseph Eckert & Geo. Dennemeyer 309 Jackson Barber " 7378 " It 7421 If n S. D. Vacant &A. J.,,Branoa 2613 University�Ressttauale Malt rant " it Off Sale Malt „ Cigarette " n n Tavern " 7422 Dance i3e11 " 7467 " Gino Andreassi 221 E. 7th Restaurant On Sale Malt " n Off Sale Malt Cigarette n n n Wilton Rosen Eire Co. 147 71. 6th r-as Ste. 3P. " 7570 " it It Fdstf.V.M.Loca. " I` " Grocery " 7578 " S. J. Culver ', Co. 1219 ?nndolph „ „ n ❑ Butcher � n CiZarette " n Clarks Super Gas Divn. 223 S. Exchange Gas ata. 6P. " 7581 " Ina Foramen 386 Minnesota Restaurant " 7586 " It ,t Cigarette „ It n Midway Am7674usement Oo. 1639 University Restaurant n n n On Sale Malt n Off Sale Malt n n n n n n Cigarette n it it n Tavern n n n Dance Hall 11 n Bowling Alleys(8)" It pool Hall 13 T. " " it P. J. Kaufenberg 108 E. 5th Barber " 7687 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council--195— Yeas ouncil 195—Yeas Nays Halvorson 195— Approved Holland Marzitelli Mortinson __ln Favor ------- Mayor Peterson Rosen _—Against Mr. President,,Daubney 3M 2.53 d 1� Orlel..l b City Clerk COUNCIL NO. __ CITY OF ST. PAUL FILs LICENSE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CMIITTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _ DATE— "" ry z8_19,54 COMMISSIONER_- -- Page No. 4 - Renewelz Constantine Pdanos, Spec. Adm. Est.oApp.07710 Renewalf Restaurant " it James Manos 241 E. 7th On Sale Malt It Off Sale Malt " h- „ Cigarette Restaurant " 7715 " George Weinzetl 666 University „ II 1, LL n On Sale Malt 11 Off Sale Malt it it n n n it a n Cigarette Restaurant " 7726 " Samuel G. Guzzo 11 E. 7th On sale ;Dalt e n n u it n Off Sale "alb it „ Cigarette „ n Frank C. Machovec 995 W. 7th Restaurant 7743 n it 11 Cigarette " II it Ballard Motor Ramp 308 ifebasha Gas Sta. 4P. it 7756 It n n Auto Rep.Gar. it n Fdstf.V.M.Looa. it n It " Bruce Worthen 763 Jessie Fdst.(V.P.3) 11 7792 n nn it It Veh. Pedd.1k3 7793 Paul T. Arend 917-19 Randolph Off Sale malt " 7799 " Park Recreation Parlor, Inc. 188-92 N. Snelling Restaurant it 7821 " 11 11 On Sale Malt it To Off Sale Malt to n n " to - Cigarette it Restaurant 11 7824 " John A. Miesen 347 Robert On Sale Malt 11 II n B n a n n Off Sale }Malt 11 n Cigarette It it it COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council__—_ 195— Yeas Nays Halvorson Approved— _195— Holland Marzitelli _ In Favor - --- — Mayor Mortinson ---- y Peterson Rosen __—_Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-69 "C'.'+a'C"' Original 4a City Clerk fl CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE COUNCIL No. LICENSE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER __—._—_ --__._—__.___ DATE January 28, 1954 Page No. 5 - Renewals Mrs. Clara & Ernest Jackson & Restaurant App.C7826 Renewal ft. K. Center 374-8 St, Peter On Sale Malt n n " it " Off Sale Malt it " Cirarette " " It George C. & Gladys E. Holcomb 665 University Restaurant " 7834 " " " On Sa le Ma It " It It n Tavern n' n n it n Dance Hall Cigarette Harry Applebaum 334 Jackson Ldy-D.C.Piokup " 7842 " Grant Severson 365 Jackson Restaurant " 7844 " " B Off Sale Malt " " " It " Cigarette " " " Lawrence P. Marten 823 University Restaurant " 7846 " n it On Sale Malt n n u " It Off Sale Malt " " Tavern " it Dance Hall " It Cigarette Charles T. Heller, Jr. 1682 Grand Confectionery " 7850 " " it Cigarette " It " Joseph Perkovich & Louis lrenaglia 484 Robert Restaurant " 7861 " It if off Sale Malt " " 1° In " Cigarette it " " Dora Mo�ol, George 1±inkey P- Shaindel Schefman Restaurant " 7869 " " 2162 University On Sale Melt Off Sale halt Cigarette Melvin Goodman 2165 University Cigarette " 7872 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL_— 195_ Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved —195_ Marzitelli Mortinson __—_In Favor -- -- ----- Peterson Mayor Rosen ___Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-63 " Orial—I Ao City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL F°E"`I` NO. LICENSE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY January 28 1954 COMMISSIONER_ -- DATE- Page No. 6 - Renewals McCue Transfer Co. 2260 Ellis N'dstf.V.M.Looa. App.C7876 Renewal it it Cigarette " It " Martin & Adeline Oakland 606 Rice Orig.Cont. " 7880 u 11 a Cigarette " it " Town & Country Club 2279 Marshall On Sale Malt " 7887 " " Off %Is Malt " " " " Cigarette It it " Edward Pritzker & Lester L. Yarmo Grocery " 7899 " it 450 Robert Butcher It " " 11 " . Off Sale Malt " It ^ it it Cigarette it It " Twin Li,ht Tavern,Inc. 13 Leech Restaurant it 7902 " Off Sale Malt It " Cigarette it 1. " n n Tavern ° " " Dance Hall " It " Alphonse J. IdEtyer 1819 St. Anthony Grocery " 7907 ^ " " Butcher " it " n n Off Sale Malt Cigarette " ^ 11 Louis Vad & Tfi�rvin Cooper 8 E. 4th 31.k.D.Loca. " 7910 " u it M.A..Dev.(2) " " n Oscar Robins 489 St. Peter M.A.D.Loca. " 7911 " it it M.A.Dev.(2) it D it it it Music Mach.(1) " ° It Seymour Grill, Inc. 323 Robert Restaurant it 7917 " Off Sale Malt It it it Cigarette It " " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council-- 195— Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved 195— Marzitelli Mortinson _____In Favor Mayor Peterson Rosen ------Against Mr. President, Daubncy 6A1 2-63 Ofti..l•l.Cil,Clerk T�•• ' CITY OF ST. PAUL "COUNCILFILE NO LICENSE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CWITTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER--._--—__— — __ _—._ DATE January 28, 1954 pale Tao, 7 - Renewals Exchange Bar, Inc. 499 Viabasha Restaurant App.C7919 Renewal n it On Sale 3"alt n u n Off Sale Malt n " Cigarette victor Tschida 18 Y(. 6th Restaurant " 7922 " e " Off Sale halt " IT " It Oigarette " " It " It Tavern(Limited) j gq 2 8 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council—__ 195— Yeas Nays Halvorson F ,ti a Its Holland I Approved _-195— Marzitelli \I / Mortinson ____._In Favor Peterson Maor Rosen Against / Mr. President, llaubney 5.11 2-53 ' •• C.Fn No.107012— yallorrs O.Halvor- P Yl 12 —Severin A.Mrtinon—Robert F. Orl[l.el b CityPeterson— Clank Resolved.That"On Sale Liquor"Ii- COUNCIL NO. sea applied Por by the following per- FILE LICENSE CpppQT jEE C eat the addresses slated in and tna came are h...h•'nieNM'.•J++irc.. . COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORMWESENTSOBY / �' � 7 J8nII82'V 28,, 19JC'' COMMI4y * COMMISSIONER.—.--- - RESOLQEDs That "On S ale Liquor" licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted, that the bonds filed by each licensee is hereby approved, and the City Clerk is directed to issue said licenses. william &Alfred Klein 1013 Front Restaurant App. 6710 Renewal Stats Hotel Corp. of Delaware " 6763" 339 wabasha Hotel Rosa Kubitschek 3141-3 Rice Restaurant " 6792 n Joseph T. A.Sylvester 818 Payne Restaurant it 6799 " John B. Mauer, Inc. 141-45 W. 6th Restaurant it 694+ n Chris Christensen 1567 University Restaurant " 6950 n Frank C.(loaves 932+Arcade Restaurant " 6962 " George G. Wilke &E. J. Gass nn 320-2 Wabasha Restaurant 6974 St. Paul Athletic Club 340 Cedar Club " 7002 n Patrick Capece & Peter Paul 225 W.7th Restaurant " 7027 " Joseph R.&Ben Nemo 156 W. 7th Restaurant " 7049 a St. Paul Hotel Co. 363 St. Peter Hotel " 7054 n New St. Francis Hotel C oro. 7-9 W. 7th Hotel " 7065 n David A., Ernest F. & Joseph Yarosso 635-7 soRestaurant " 706g n COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council— 196— YeaB Nays Halvorson Approved _196— Holland Marzitelli Mortinson —__-In Favor -- Mayor Peterson Rosen _._Against Mr. President, Daubney 6M 2-00 Original to City Clerk r .,J} -/r CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. 2 d LICENSE CONAL[TTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM -PRESENTED BY January 28. 1954 COMMISSIONER— .DATE PAGE NO. 2 (On Sale Liquor) Renewals — Isaak Snyder -414 Jackson Restaurant App. 710¢Renewal Carl A. Praham&Willard Falk 756 Jackson Restaurant " 7111 " Ieo F. Hoye MZ-14 ZqM Arcade Restaurant " 7113 " Albert Unise 380 Jackson Restaurant " 7118 ° Joseph Degidio 425 W. 7th Restaurant " 7120 " Hotel Commodore. Inc. 75-79 N. Western Hotel " 7126 ■ Louis J. Raiola 721 Payne Restaurant " 7150 " John M. Fouts & Harold W. Nelson 1927-31 University Restaurant " 7174 11 John 14 Drexler 572 N. Dale Restaurant " 7178 " Richard B.&Sty I+. Schwietz 956 Payne Restaurant " 7180 " Leo R. Boutell 469 N. Snelling Restaurant " 7183 " Stephen Koschuba &Victor Schloff 468 Wabasha Restauraft _ " 7189 " John J. Gamer & Joseph W. Pitzl 870 Payne Restaurant " 7197 " Highland Recreation. Inc': 1209 W. 7th Restaurant If 799 " Robert L. Ross 516 Jackson Restaurant " 7203 " George & Helen Damian 230 Front Restaurant " 7204 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council__ Yeas Nays 195_ Halvorson Holland Approved 195_ Marzitelli Mortinson _____In Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubney 5m 2-53 "1• 0,10"M b Cly Clerk COUNCIL LICENSE CMKTTEE CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C'' .PRESENTED BY DATE Jarntaty 28. 1954 COMMISSIONER—_— --- ------- PAGE N0. 3 (On Sale Liquor) Renewals Frank P. Lenahan 601-3 N. Western Restaurant App. 7228 Renewal The University Club of St. Paul. Tnc. 420 Summit Club " 7230 " St. Paul Aerie#33. F. 0. E. R " 113 University Club 721+5 Wm. C. Schlozer &Mathew R. Schreier 1638 Rice Restaurant " 7250 " Russell A. Boudin&Albert L. Mullenbach 20 E.7th Restaurant " 7279 " Maynard&Rosie Moenke 573 W7th Restaurant " 7281 " Thomas Skarda 1015 W. 7th Restaurant " 7289 " Mike Marchek 326 Grove Restaurant a 7297 " James F. O'Gara 164 N. Snelling Restaurant " 7307 " Mrs. Kitty Lennon& George Richter 1581 University Restaurant " 7317 " Thomas J. & Marie Wo Gannon 2728 W. 7th Restaurant " 7346 " Melvin J. Volk Bier 674 Dodd Rd. Restaurant " 7338 " Dayton's Bluff Commercial Club 770 E. 7th &.Lab " 7350 ° R. M. &B. E. Washington 165-71 N.w estern Hotel " 7352 " Florian J. Welsch 1199 Rice Restaurant " 7356 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council— 196— Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved 196_ Marzitelli Mortinson __.____In favor -- - - Mayor Peterson Rosen ----Against Mr. President, Daubney nM 1-53 Orldnd!.Cly Cl.rk _ (i CITY OF ST. PAUL cou NO. LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .PRESENTED BY - COMMISSIONER_ DATE January 28. 1954 PAGE N0. 4 (On sale Liquor) Renewals) Robert J. Gallivan 372 Wabasha Restaurant App. 7358 Renewal Joseph M. McBride 119 S. Wabasha Restaurant " 7362 " Adolph Lindstrom 886 Payne Restaurant " 7390 " Harold Lang 379 University Restaurant " 7395 " Blanch Parrish 752 W. 7th Resta u� " 7397 " Andrew Kappas & Louis Trigas 82 W. 7th Restaurant " 7401 " Geo'. 0. &Raymond A. Kohls 738 Thomas Restaurant " 7407 " Henry&Olga A. Kroening 741-3 Edmund Restaurant " 7409 " Joseph H. Carter 202 Rice Restaurant " 7417 ° S. D. Macent&A. J. Branca 2573 University Restaurant ° 7420 " Eigerman Enterprises. Inc. 519 W. 7th Restaurant " 7449 ° Mrs. Margaret P. Fitzgerald Admx. Est. of B. L. Fitzgerald &Maurice O'Connor 501 Blair Restaurant App. 7452 Renewal James &Benaree Williams 560 St. Anthony Restaurant " 7455 " Nick° Ballas N, and Ernest Ballas 185 E. 7th Restaurant " 7457 " Henry T. Scheibel 428 S. Wabasha Restaurant " 7459 " Edward P.Winkel 429 S. Robert Restaurant " 7463 " Giro Andreassi 221 E. 7th Restaurant " 7466 " COUNCILMEN Nays Adopted by the Council__ Yeas 195— Halvorson Holland Approved _195_ Marzitelli Mortinson ____In Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen --Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 ,. 0 2 Orton.+w Cit,Cl.k CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE COUNo. LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ,PRESENTED BY January 28. 1954 DATE PAGE N0. 5 (On Sale Liquor Reneimis Wm. St. Marie 719 N. Dale Restaurant ApI 7468 Renewal, Milton Nahinsky 194 E. 7th Restaurant " 7471" Clement J. Miller 289 Como Restaurant " 7473 " Marvin C. Lee, Inc. 241 E. Kellogg Restaurant " 7476 " Phillip Kirmser 382 Ylabasha Restaurant " 7479 " Frank P. Conney& 0.E. Ragogna 413 Robert Restaurant " 7481 ° Ryan Rotel Co. 402 Robert Hotel n 7484 n Mohawk Bar, Inc. 107 Concord Restaurant " 7488 " Anthony J., Joseph J. & John7. Monsour 00 S. Robert Restaurant 7490 ° Makjle,i Inc. 738 University Restaurant " 7492 ° John Graner 1091 Rice Restaurant ° 7496 ° Mrs. Elsie C. Johnson 1347 Burns Restaurant " 7502 " George Gekas 460 St. Peter Restaurant " 7504 " Harold J. Schmidt 901 Payne Restaurant " 7511 " John C. Weinfurtner 1174-6 Arcade Restaurant " 7514 " Angeline &Dante Rossini 309 Sibley Restaurant " 7516 " Dominic J. Perozino 559-61 St. Peter Restaurant " 7518 n Market House, Inc. 571-3 Jackson Restaurant " 7520 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council___195— Yeas 195_Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved _195— Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen —._—Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 ++ Or1.IMl to City CINk LICENSE COM@ffTTEE CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCILNO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM .PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER— _ DATE January 28. 1954 PAGE N0. 6 (On Sale Liquor) Renewals Tedts Recreation, Ind: 1o84 W. Iarpenteur Restaurant App. 7522 Renewal St. Paul Iambs Club, Inc. 927 E. '7th Restaurant B 7523 ° Peter LaNasa 553 Jackson Restaurant " 7525 ° Anthony J . Reiter 171 W. 7th Restaurant " 7527 " St. Paul Elk's Club$59. Inc. 14 E. 8th Club ° 7532 ° 1P David F. Heffron& Gertrude Heidenreich 695 E. 3rd Restaurant " 7534 " Barbara K. Donohue 129-33 W. 7th Restaurant " 7536 ° Geo. M. Dorle 4606 N. Lexington Restaurant " 7539 " Joseph G.& Robert G. Tschida 497 Wabasha Restaurant " 7541 " M. A. Tschida Jr. &Albert Taehida 616 Como Restaurant " 7543 " Michael A. Tachida.S r 319 Robert Restaurant " 7545 " John J. W osika 731 XMOqffi Randolph Restaurant " 7549 " Rudolph Tschida 1208 Rice Restaurant " 7555" Paul T. Arend 917-9 Randolph Restaurant " 7557 ° James Morelli & Nannie D. Robertson 1784 E. Minnehaha Restaurant ° 7559 " Mathew A. Morelli 421 E. 7th Restaurant ° 7561 ° COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CouneiL___ 195— Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved 195_ Marzitelli Mortinson —In Favor _. Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubney 6M 2-63 Orleiq�u b Cit)Clmk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. LICENSE COAKr= OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM 28 Cy .PRESENTED BY January 29. 79% COMMISSIONER_-. _ _.__ DATE PAGE N0. 7 (On sale Liquor)Renewals) Harvey J. &Louis H.Huron 1537 University Restaurant App. 7565 Renewal Arnold H. &Mary Ann Pederson 302 Rice Restaurant " 7591 " Universal liar. Inc. 2424 University Restaurant " 7596 " Pauly&Mello Patient 427 S. Wabasha Restaurant " 76o1 " �' he Minnesota Club 317 N.Washington Club " 7603 " Marvin Flaherty 1179 E• 7th Restaurant " 7606 " Richard P. Aplikawski 572 Rice Restaurant " 7607 " William Gentile 497-6 Payne Restaurant " 7615 " Paul E. Sohls &Edw. J. Mayer 599 N. Dale Restaurant " 7618 " John R. O'Gara 359 Robert &106 E. 5th Restaurant " 7620 " Ray P. Traynor 723 W 7th Restaurant " 7623 " Alfred McArden 258 W 7th Restaurant " 7625 " Joseph C. Chickett &Lawrence E.D)Wanz 315 W. 7th Restaurant " 7627 " Mike O'Dowd 182 N.Western Restaurant " 7629 " Paul J. Triviski 120 S. Robert Restaurant " 7633 " German House, Inc. 444 Rice Club " 7635 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_ 195— Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved 195— Marzitelli Mortinson __ —_In Favor -- - Peterson Mayor Rosen —__Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M a-5a " IV 2 Original to City Clwk CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No. _ LICENSE CC)WTW OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM y28 PRESENTED BY JanuarYW- 1954 COMMISSIONER---___._- DATE PAGE NO. 8 On S ale Liquor Renewals Thomas C. Skweres 475 Wabasha Restaurant App. 7637 Remewal Leonard Niesen 691 N. Dale Restaurant ' `7639 " Carl Fink 597 Broadway Restaurant " 7641 " Alfred Baisi &Lawrence Lehner 444 W abasha & 16-18 Be 8th Restaurant " 7644 " Imo Co.. Inc. 1601 University Restaurant " 7646 ' Payne Ave. Lodge#963.LA. O. M. 1007 Payne Club " 7648 " Chas. &Edw. P. Schweitz & Joseph H. Anderson Odn. Lyle Anderson 992 Arcade Restaurant App. 7650 R Thomas L. & Guy L. Rice 98 N. Dale Restaurant " 7652 " Nick L.Arvanitis 444-48 St. Peter Restaurant " 7654 " Chris C. Lauer &H. Be Carnes 20 Be 4th Restaurant " 7656 ' Round Up. Inc. 317 Robert Restaurant " 7658 " Frank E. Yillaume Ea. of Est. of H. F. DeRoma 1,355 University Restaurant " 7660 " Stanley Masloski 949 W 7th Restaurant " 7663 " William D. Sleason 379 St. Peter Restaurant " 7671 " Midway Amusement Co.. Ind• 1633-9 University Restaurant " 7673 " Michael Lendwlity& Ralph Lavell 609 University Restaurant " 7675 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council-- 195— Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved 195_ Marzitelli Mortinson _ _In Favor — Peterson Mayor Rosen ____Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 "C " 9gEd ��� Oriz!W b City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL F°ENOL NO. LICENSE C018IIIM OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM r, .PRESENTED BY DATE J�28. 19541954 COMMISSIONER -- ----- PAGE 110. 9 (On Sale Liquor Renewals 4> Frederic Hotel. Ina. 141-3 B. 5th Restaurant API:. 7678 Renewal Elizabeth Stout &Margaret Marsh 899 Rice Restaurant " 7680 ° Joseph J. Twerra 656-561 Grand Restaurant " 7702 " Donald H.Cburteau 1067 Hudson Rd. Restaurant " 7704 " Archie P.Schi ietz 1080 Arcade Restaurant " 7705 " Robert W. Kemper 371 Earl Restaurant " 7707 " Constantine Mans, Spec. Adm. 'st. of James Manos 241 E. 7th Restaurant " 7709 " The Deck, Inc. 77 E. 8th Restaurant Geo. Weinzetl 666 University Restaurant " 7714 a Rene's Inc. 435-7 St. ,Peter Restaurant " 7718 ° Edw. 0. Stahl &Herman S. Meyers 584-6 Rice Restaurant " 7720 " Mrs.E lizabeth Venditti 234 W. Kellogg Restaurant " 7724 " Samuel G. Guzzo 299 E. 7th Restaurant " 7725 " Criterion Restaurant. Inc. 739 University Restaurant " 7727 " Armin & Joseph J. Shomion 120 S.W abasha- Restaurant " 7733 " Frank C. Machovec 995 W. 7th Restaurant " 7742 " George Awada & Joseph Pedro 788 Grand Restaurant " 7745 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council—_ 196_ Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved 196— Marzitelli Mortinson _--_In Favor — -- Mayor Peterson Rosen -Against Mr. President, Daubucy Dui aha 0r1[In.1 1,CIN Clerk COUNCIL d CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. LICENSE C0WTTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY r _ DATE_-- January 28. 1954 PACE NO. 10 (On Sale Liquor) Renewals John A.ICarr 866 University Restaurant app. 7750 Renewal Riverview Commercial Club 72 Concord Club " 7768 ° Walter E. Nelson 3.180 E. 7th Restaurant " 7773 " Elmer S. Nelson 880 E. 7th Restaurant " 7715 " Clemence, Earl L. & Rose O'Toole &Myrtle L. Nelles 173 W. 6th Restaurant George Koury 186 Grove Restaurant " 7779 " Fred Herges 981 University Restaurant " 7786 " Joseph F. &Roger J. Ryan 201 Bates Restaurant " 7788 ° Arlene Viner&Albert Sabovitz 201-3 E. 4th Restaurant " 7790 " Gottfred J. Kaiser 202 Concord Restaurant " 779 n n Park Recreation Parlor, Inc. 188-92 N. Snelling Restaurant " 7820 John A. Mtesen 347 Robert Restaurant " 7823 " Mrs. Clara &Ernest Jackson&Wm. K. Conter 374-8 St. Peter Restaurant ° 7825 ° HcIesn's. Inc. 1096 Grand Restaurant ° 7829 " The Town House. Inc. 1413 University Restaurant ° 7831 " George G. &Gladys E. Holcomb 665 University Restaurant ° 7833 ° COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council—__195— Yeas 195_Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved _ 195— Marzitelli Mortinson _— In Favor ----- Mayor Peterson Rosen --Against Mr. President,,Daubney 531 2-62 'r oHg!n.l to Cll>Clerk COUNCIL NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE - LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM rF PRESENTED BY DATE January 28. 1954 — COMM _ISSIONER --------- ---_--_ PAGE N0. 11 (On Sale Liquor) Renewals George N. Hiller 4$8-92 St. Peter Restaurant App. 7835 Renewal W. Roland Nelson 619 Selby Restaurant " 7837 " Grant Severson 365 Jackson Restaurant " 78+3 " Lawrence P. Y*rten 823 University Restaurant " 7845 " William F. Haberman &/or Flora105 E. 7th Restaurant " 7857 " Joseph Perkovich&Louis Yenaglia 484 Robert Restaurant " 7860 " Lawrence A. Goodman 531 Wabasha&11 W. 1Res0th B 7863 " Dora Mogal.Geo. Rinkey& Shaindel Sohefaan 2162 University Restaurant " 7868 " Helen Walczak &Mabel King. Ad-. Est. of F. J. King 501-3 University Restaurant " 7882" Town &Country Club 2279 Marshall 70Club" 7886 " Edward C.S tieger 88l Rice Restaurant " 7889 " Warren&Walter A. Montpetit. Kenneth Sutherland&Mary Borndale 959 Arcade Restaurant " 7891 " Earl Montpetit 615 University Restaurant " 7893 " H enry J.R elisle 1066 E. 7th Restaurant " 7895 " Twin Light Tavern, Inc. 1,3 Leech Restaurant " 7901 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL—_ 195— Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved 195— Marzitelli Mortinson ---- In Favor - -- — Mayor Peterson Rosen __.—Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-b3 Oriand to CIL,clerk 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. LICENSE COM�TTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY January 28. 1951. .'COMMISSIONED___ DATE JT PAGE NO. 12 (On Sale Liquor) Renewals Seymour Grill. Inc. 323 Robert Restaurant App. 7916 Renewal Exchange Zar. Inc. 499 Wabasha Restaurant " 7918 " Victor G. Tschida 18 W. 6th Restaurant " 7921 " Alfred G. Anderson & Joseph Hall 261 E. 7th Restaurant " 7923 " Herman J. Moren 567-9 Stryker Restaurant " 7943 Is Payne Avenue Bowling Alleys. Inc. & Vera Peterson 893-9 Payne Restaurant n7948 " William C. Gaffey 828 E. 7th Restaurant " 7950 " H. & G. Inc. 457 Wabasha Restaurant " 7951 " John F. Velotta 383 W. 7th Restaurant 7953 " Harry W.Stathas.V ernon R. Colon &Wm. W. Ellis 351-3 University Restaurant " 7955 " Glen Triviski 2550 W. 7th Restaurant " 7957 " Lyle M. Triviski 678381by Restaurant " 7959 " The Waltz C orporation 645-7-9 Selby Restaurant " 7961" The Chatterbox, Inc. 3879 Selby Restaurant " 7978 " Monica M.Delaney 317 St. Peter Restaurant " 7981 " Gerald J. Brennan 449 N. Snelling Restaurant " 7983 " Raymond J. Stephens 949 E. 7th Restaurant It 7985 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL__ —Ig5_ Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved Marzitelli Mortinson _____In Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen ------Against Mr. President, Daubney uM 2-53 *• r orl.in.l b City Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. LICENSE COWTTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM__ r', PRESENTED BY January 28, 195' COMMISSIONER .----__. --- — DATE_ PAGE N0. 13 (On Sale Liquor) Renewals) ,Patrick J.Delmont 129 E. 5th Restaurant App. 8011 Renewal Holly Txtvestment Co.. Inc. 3905 Stillwater Restaurant " 8013 Robert L. Morgan III W. 6th Restaurant " 8015 " Martin H. O'Neill &Wm. E. Kane 1026 W. 7th Restaurant " 8017 " JAN 28 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council— 195— Yeas Nays J AN 8 195'4 Halvorson Holland Approved 195— Marzitelli Mortinson --n—In Favor ' DMayor Peterson Rosen Against / Mr. President, Daubney PUBLISHED 5M 2-67 C.F.No.187013—B�Norris O.Halvor- n Stverin A.Mortinson—Robert F. Peterson— Orl.ia.l w Cly Clerk Resolved, That "Of Sale Liquor" COUNCIL NO. CI Ii...a applied for by the fonowlrtg FILE — LICEN3E COi94CiTEE °hoe°sam a areehereh�a state',be aq OFFICE 1-ha, y granted +re COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED I,, J8nti8ry 28, 1954 COMMISSIONED-I� _ DATE RESOLVED, That "Off Sale Liquor" licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted; that the bond filed by each licensee is hereby approved; and the City Clerk shall issue said licenses whenever the bond filed by each licensee has been approved by the Liquor Control Commissioner, and Liquor Control Commissioner advises the City Clerk that he approved the issuance of the license. Alexandriu E. Fedoreal 560 Como Exclusive Liquor Store App. 6074 Renewal Mrs. Louis Firm 118 S. Robert Drug Store " 6940 Harold A. Daniels 375 Robert Exclusive Liquor Store " 6967 " John W. Lux, Jr. 967 W. 7th Exclusive Liquor Store " 6978 " Park Liquor Co., Inc. 168 N. Snelling Exclusive Liquor Store " 6980 " Stanley S. Rubin&Joseph Gordon 1340 Grand General Food Store " 6995 tl Celia T. Lmc 147-9 H. Snelling Exclusive Liquor Store " 7004 " Edwin F. Janssen 365 University Exebusive Liquor Store " 7056 " Frank M. Gaertner 433 S. Robert Exclusive Liqaor Store " 7059 " Domenico Ciresi 52L Jackson Exclusive Liquor Store " 7061 " a Chas. P. Schwietz 1110 Arcade Exclusive Liquor Store " 7122 Ben&Louis Wolter 438 University Drug Store 71" 2 tl Sarah R. %lane 435 Wabasha Exclusive Liquor Store " 7141 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council—_ 196— Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved 196— Marzitelli Mortinson ----In Favor --- Mayor Peterson Rosen _--Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M z-aa ' oNelo l to City Clock 1`� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE COMMITTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY January 28, 1954 COMMISSIONER—_____ DATE OCES SALE LIQUOR" Renewals-continued r Clemence L. Hadalla 1016 Arcade Exclusive Liquor Store App. 7162 Renewal Rocco, Anna&Louis Carbone 369-73 E. 7th General Food Store " 7168 " Pabst, Inc. 798 Margaret General Food Store " 7176 " Albert &Ben Gleeman 16011;White Bear Exclusive Liquor Store " 7201 " Donald H. Landy&David Stillman 44 S. Dale Drug Store " 7223 " lao F. Schou &Edmund J.Dannecker 793 Randolph General Food Store " 7247 " E. T. Wall 794 Grand General Food Store " 7301 " Peter & Pauline Belgea 893 Rice Exclusive Liquor Store " 7304 " Mrs. Ida Moskovitz Katz &Dennis & Herbert Marz 647 University Exclusive Liquor Store " 7335 " Gladys Lei�finger 606 S elby Exclusive Liquor Store " 7354° Isaac L. Greenberg 976-8 Grand Drug Store " 73& " Joseph C.Bernstein 918 E. 7th Exclusive Liquor Store " 7403 ° Otte W. Rohland, Sr. 461-3 W. 7th General Food Store ° 7405 ° Theodore M. Hies 678 University Exclusive Liquor Store " 7411 ° Edmund Oelke 175 W. 7th Drug Store " 7414 ° Henry& Cletus Wittman 1110 W. Larpenteur Exclusive Liquor Store ° 7423 " Anthoo&Bert Friedmann 2661 W. 7th Exclusive Liquor Store " 7447 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council-- 195— Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved _195_ Marzitelli Mortinson ___In Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen _ Against Mr. President, Daubney .M 2.53 '• „ .. 13 oli:a°.I to cu'cl..t CITY OF ST. PAUL F°E"els NO. L=CENSE CoNaTTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C)� PRESENTED BY DATE-- January 28, 1954 COMMISSIONER------ "OFF SAIF LIQIIOR° (Renewals-continued) Michaud Bros., Inc. 1059 Grand Exclusive Liquor Store App. 7461 Renewal R. Laska Drugs. Inc. 173 N. Western Drug Store " 7475 ” Raymond J. &Edward A. Bulinski 562 Rice Exclusive Liquor Store " 7477 ° Max L. Binder 158 W. 7th Exclusive Liquor Store " 71" n n Clarence J. Thomas 1941 Grand Exclusive Liquor Store " 7494 First Arcade Wine Shop. Inc. " 772 S. Cleveland Exclusive Liquor Store " 7507 Yale Johnson 380 Wabasha Exclusive Liquor Store " 7528 ° " F.W. Rameley&CoGeneral Food Store 7530. 664-8 Grand " S. Paul Johnson 301 E. 7th Exclusive Liquor Store " 754.7 " Louise M. Stransky 282 Rice Exclusive Liquor Store " 7551 " Nathan H. Chesler &Ben Rose " n 2389 University Drug Store 7553 " Mrs. James Morelli 535 Collins General Food Store " 7563 Theo. A. Braun& Carl A. Barfuss 1042 University Exclusive Liquor Store " 7583 ° n Joseph M. Silberg 474-6 S. Snelling Drug Store n 7665 St. Paul Liquor House. Inc. 200 E. 7t11 Exclusive Liquor Store " 7669 " Herbert & Gertrude Warren 951 Rice Exclusive Liquor Store " 7694 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council— 195— Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved 195— Marzitelli Mortinson ---In Favor --- Mayor Peterson Rosen _.—.—Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M x-ea ",• OH[iml to city Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. LICIyNSE 0W9TTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r/ PRESENTED BY DAT January 28, 1954 COMMISSIONER_-- rpgF SeT�r LIQUOR" Rettewals—continued IePrice Liquor Store, Inc. 480 Wabasha Exclusive Liquor Store Apo. 7716 Renewal a Commerce Liquor Store, Inc. 2163 Ford Ply. Exclusive Liquor Store " 7722 Nathan A. Johnson 395 Rice General Food Store " 7729 " Morris Rntman 442 Wabasha Exclusive Liquor Store " 7731 " nn The Apothecary Shop, Inc. 364 St. Peter Drug Store 7737 Mary A. Crea 644 Selby Exclusive'Liquor Store " 7744 " Geraldine M. Rigali 1944 University Exclusive Liquor Store " 7784 a Alvin Stahel 980 Payne Exclusive Liquor Store " 7795 " Jack Cohen 517 Wabasha Exclusive Liquor Store " 7828 n Ethel Marie McArdell 256 W. 7th Exclusive Liquor Store " 7847 r Herman &Maruice Winnick 411 Robert General Food Store " 7870 r Edward G.&Evelyn K. Novak 471 Wabasha Exclusive Liquor St— " 7884 " Edward Pritzker &Lester L. larmo 450 Robert General Food Store " 7898 " Thomas J. Naraska 1028 W. 7th Exclusive Liquor Store " 7914 " Chester W. Oden &Hector P.assn Dale Exclusive Liquor Store " 7990364 N. a 8 1964 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council— 196— Yeas Nays ", °8 1964 Halvorson Approved 196— Holland Marzitelli Mortinson --- _In Favor Peterson n '/ Rosen / Against 7Z PUITLISIIED Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 " Or1a1vJ to city Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL CO NCI` NO. LICE= COMqTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM -PRESENTED BY '''J Janllaly . 1954 T RESOLVED$ That license for "On Sale Liquor". Application C 7604* applied for by Henry and Wallace Swanson at 1199 Payne Avenue be and the same is hereby granted, that the bond filed by the licensees is hereby approved, that the City Clerk is directed to issue said licensm. C.F.No.107014—By Norris O.Halvor- son—Severin A.Mortinson—Robert F. Peterson— eso I.IQu ,Applicatioat icense n C 7004 appliedforby Henry and Wallace Swanson at 1199 Payne Avenue be and the same Is here- liceby granted.that the bond died by the City sClerks iere s d reefed too issue saidhat it- Adopted Adopted by the Council January 29. 1954. Approved January 28.1954. (January 30.1954) NEW (Additional owner) Informally approved by Council January 14. 1954 Old Location COUNCILMEN SAN 28 'aAdopted by the Council196— Yeas Nays —_ Halvorson JAN 2.8 195 Holland pproved / / —196_ Marzitelli Mortinaon ___In Favor - Peterson n May Rosen J Against Mr. President, Daubney j 5M 2-53 ,. Orle{n.l to cityClerkCOUNCIL NO. �6 `� CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE LICENSE CmvITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Jama 28 195+ PRESENTED BYE „- -- C'fJ'dY✓„`DATE COMMISSION — RESOL9EDs That "Off Sale Liquors licensee Application C 7276. applied for by sa Wel O.. Joseph Ie and Rocco T. Crea at 1569 University Avenue be and the same is hereby Mede that the bond filed by the licensees is hereby approved, and the City gr Clerk shall issue said license when the bond filed by the licensees has been approved by the Liquor Control Commissioner and the Liquor Control Commissioner advises the City Clerk that he approved the issuance of the license. C.F.No.167015 By Norris O.Halvor- son—Severin A.Mortinson—Robert F. Peterson— Resolved,That 'Off Sale Liquor"li- nse,Application C 7278, ppBed for by Samuel O..Joseph I.,and Rocco T. Cres at 1668 nnlversity Avenue be antl the same is hereby granted,that the bond filed by the licensees Is hereby approved.and the City Clerk shall fe- sue said license when the bond filed by' the licensees has been approved by the LiquorControl Commissioner and the _ Liquor Control Commissioner advises the City Clerk that he approved the Issuance of the license. Adopted by the Council January 28,'i 1954. Approved January 29,1954. (January 30,1954) (Additional Owners as of 2-1-54) Informally approved by Cbmcil January 5. 1954 JAN 28 199 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council — 195— Yeas Nays Halvorson JAN 28 1354 Holland Approved 195_ Marzitelli In nFavor k Mortinson - - i—�" Mayor\ Peterson / / /I Rosen Against��_� Mr. President, Daubney 5M 'L-53 Orlalual to Citr Clark CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL H LICENSE CMIITTEE FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED DATE r1� COMMISSION s-r�. yLr7 ,�„_ January 28, 1951s RESOLVEDt That license for "On Sale Liquor", Application C78669 applied for by the Skok, Inc. at 628 Selby Avenue be and the same is hereby granted, that the bond filed by the licensees is hereby approved, that the City Clerk is directed to issue said license. C.F.No.16701(By Norris O.Ilalvor- son—Severin A.Moronson—Robert F. Petemon— That 1quorlveAPP eetlon�CIM,applliedsale iar by the Skok,Ine.at 620 Selby Avenue be and the same is hereby granted,that the bond fled by the licensees is here- by approved,that the City Clerk is di rered to Issue said heense. Adopted by the Coundl January 28, 1954. Approved January 26,1954. 1January 30,1954) NEW Informally approved by Council January.21, 1954 Old Loo JAN 2 8 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council__ 195_ Yeas Nays Halvorson ,�8 9964 Holland Approved _195— Marzitelli Mortinson __In Favor Peterson Rosen Agai>ist � Mr. President, Daubney 5M ase y I� 0,10"l to Car Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL e"Cit NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE C0*9TTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Y'' PRESENTED BY NE —J--728' 19�* C PRESENTED IONS !� —' f-! --" DAA RESOLVED: That license for "On Sale Liquor", Application C 7399, applied for by Hannah Lebmarme at 537 Greenwood Avenue be and the same is hereby granted, that the bond filed by the licensees is hereby approved, that the City Clerk is directed to issue said license. C Halvor- are Severin A.Mortinson orris 0Robert F. Reteron— aesalved,That license for"On Sale Liquor',Ap Lekation C 7399.applied for by Hannah human,at 537 Greenwood a„,,,reerdbthat he Cityhe - ame ed Clerk is direct edto issue mid license. Adopted by the Council January 29, 1954. Approve d January 29,1954. (January 30,19541 NEW (Remove AdDar ) Informally approved by Council December 15, 1953 Old Location ,JAN 28 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_ 196— Yeas Nays ��� ¢y�1 Ji�lY Halvorson Holland Approved / —196_ Marzitelli Martinson — _In Favor, Peterson yor i Rosen _ Against / Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 °�” G-596 I �_0.�lfE�t7 Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Ic. K No. 167018_ Whereas, A itteq propposal for the and making f the fonawing ImpAovemr•pj. ^�1xs t PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: In the Syndicate No 5 Addititter of changing on, fr mAlbert St. torPascal Ste0ato to the grade as shown on the profile on file in the Department of Public Works, the established grade being shown by a blue line thereon. Also grad and surfacing with bituminous material the alloy in Block 4, Syndicate N0.5 Addition, from Albert St. to Pascal St. to the proposed change,of grade, Also constructing a sewer in an easement to be obtained on the westerly 4 ft. of the easterly 6 ft. of Lot 7, Block 4, Syndicate No.5 Addition, from the alley to the sewer in Minnehahe Ave. WHEREAS,A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: In the matter of changing the,grade of the alley in Block 4 Syndicate No.5 Addition, from Albert St. to Pascal St., to conform to the grade as shown on the profile on file in the Department of Public Works, the established grade being shown by a blue line thereon. Also grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alloy in Block 4, Syndicate Plo.5 Addition, from Albert St. to Pascal St. to the proposed change of grade. Also constructing a sewer in an easement to be obtained on the westerly 4 £t. of the easterly 6 ft. of Lot 7, Block 4, Syndicate No.5 Addition, from the alley to the sewer in Minnehaha Ave. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council YEAS NAYS Halvorson Councilman MARZITELLI Holland JAN 28 19M > =32x= Approved MORTINSON PETERSON ROSEN MR.PRESIDENT,$Bpmm[Syx _ Daubney Mayor. IM a-61 d 1. p PUBLISHED -4/ k- G-596 P+ + 18 Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT s:.�O 187018- Wheas proyosal for the makhlgrew of the folaowing;imp—me** and P� HjEV iits:ge ae eutiatl) ou {•;,< b'L^i.i7" uu i;{.— {;r {:t.(_ Tl�,'-oT-pme�.r ;'i. '.:aPT.,c ;QL:ea j'A .I-.`�. .o _. i`n-'C{oca '7,,:n �r7 fl.,s.r .:.�• io ,5o8c v�..a Ca CouT.,oLtu f.n �,ue Dated this 28th day of jam19 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS,A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: In the matter of changing the grade of the alley in Block 4, Syndicate No.5 Addition, from Albert St. to Rascal St., to conform to the grade as shown on the profile on file in the Department of Public Works, the established grade being shown by a blue line thereon. Also grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 4, Syndicate No.5 Addition, from Albert St. to Pascal St. to the proposed change of grade. Also constructing a sewer in an easement to be obtained on the westerly 4 ft. of the easterly 6 ft. of Lot 7, Block 4, Syndicate No.5 Addition, from the alley to the sewer in Minnehaha Ave. 3. To furnish a plan,profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council +ia IJJ'. YEAS NAYS Halvorson Councilman MARZITELLI Holland JAN 118 19 94 ➢offl. c Approved MORTINSON $ [ PETERSON -J"______` �-�^-�V�"'�_ ROSEN MR.PRESIDENT,DIDMIMX Mayor. 1M/-61 ®' Daubney �^s i. PUI3LISIiED r, p rt t G-596 16-71118 Council File No PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENTc; ee A wiltte�y=Pposel for the �innktnWh¢reg of the fo1?o �ng,1 {ITovemel1. and q m 'u „ Dated this 28th. day of janu 19 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER W131;REAS,A written proposal for the making of the following improvement,viz.: 7. 77 having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul— therefore,be it RESOLVED,That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for,or desirability of,the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature,extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan,profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To rep8rt upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council YEAS NAYS Halvorson Councilman MARZITELM Holland JAN 9�8 199 X9kZnffl= Approved MORTINSON 1 [ PETERSON _ ^=-�- ROSEN MR.PRESIDENT,11MOM Mayor. M7C 1 ® 1M 4•81 Daubney — `�•A 7` i, PUBLISHED is 167 1FI ) Council File No. C. F. No. 107010— PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT whereas.A written proposal for the king of the fonowing hav,,ae—t. Viz.: and 1 In the matter of condemning and Laking a eat fur the purpose PRELIMINARY ORDER -- . The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: - ---- In the matter of condemning and taking an easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across the westerly 4 ft. of the easterly 6 ft. of Lot 7, Block 4, Syndicate No.5 Addition, from Minnehaha Ave. to the alley in the rear of said lot. Also condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip of land 8 ft. in width on the meet aide of the above easement and the easterly 2 ft. of Lot 7 and the westerly 6 ft. of Lot 6 in said Block 4, Syndicate N0.5 Addition, from Minnehaha Ave. to the alley in Block 4, Syndicate No.5 Addition. WHEREAS,A written proposal for the making of the following improvement; viz.: In the matter of condemning and taking an easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across the westerly 4 £t. of the easterly 6 ft. of Lot 7, Block 4, Syndicate No.5 Addition, from Minnehaha Ave. to the alley in the rear of said lot. Also condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip of land 8 £t. in width on the west side of the above easement and the easterly 2 ft. of Lot 7 and the westerly 6 ft. of Lot 6 in said Block 4, Syndicate No.5 Addition, from Minnehaha Ave. to the alley in Block 4, Syndicate No.5 Addition. 3. To furnish a plan,profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council jr�IV ly5 YEAS NAYS Halvorson Councilman MARZITEI.ia Holland Marc Approved_ 1A&28 195-4 MORTINSON DvaWaRm PETERSON - ROSEN MR.PRESIDENT,D3MU= Mayor. J Daubney \�(/ 1M 4-61 8 I TJ-- of;SLl.iG � Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 1"'I'a th �7 and ey matter of cons- t.0 4f Dated this 28th day of January _, Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS,A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: In the matter of condemning and taking an easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across the westerly 4 ft. of the easterly 6 ft. of Lot 7, Block 4, Syndicate No.5 Addition, from Minnehaha Ave. to the alley in the rear of said lot. Also condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip of land 8 ft. in width on the west side of the above easement and the easterly 2 £t. of Lot 7 and the westerly 6 ft. of Lot 6 in said Block 4, Syndicate No.5 Addition, from Minnehaha Ave. to the alley in Block 4, Syndicate No.5 Addition. 3. To furnish a plan,profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council NIV " 19"JA YEAS NAYS Halvorson Councilman MARZITELLI Holland 'AN 28 19 mmf Approved MORTINSON PETERSON ROSEN 0A, OLS MR.PRESIDENT,DQE Mayor. ) Daubney 1M Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ' IeTO 14hOreee.X:'wlltten Pr Cri Sor the 1tlOg Of Ne f0110w1ng ImP a cent,. and In the matter-of condemning and taidnq en easement f_ the norpaee PRELIMINARY ORDER fie, Dated this 28th day of January , Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS,A writ+o-. - A, Ul�'e� , having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore,be it RESOLVED,That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for,or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature,extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council JN YEAS NAYS Halvorson Councilman MARZITELLI Holland ma mat Approved fAN 28 10 MORTINSON PETERSON '— ROSEN MR.PRESIDENT,D.MZ= Mayor. Daubney im 4-61 a )! �� n Council File N_o. C.F.No.107020— p PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Whereas, written vlz.: proFobal for the king of the tollowing Improvement, f anU tlemni�.nee-3'.king ,r PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the folkimqX public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fill in the grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 4, Syndicate No.5 Addition, from Albert St. to Pascal St. to,-the proposed change of grade. Dated this 28th day of January 195 . Councilman, PRELIMINARY ORDER- WHEREAS,A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fill in the grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 4, Syndicate No.5 Addition, from Albert St to Pascal St to the proposed change of grade. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore,be it RESOLVED,That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for,or desirability of,the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature,extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan,profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council JAN 28 M4 YEAS NAYS Councilman MARZITELLI Halvorson JAN 2 8 1954 Holland Approved MORTINSON Y]C88X1Pff&X \ PETERSON ROSEN �- z - � _ MR.PRESIDENT,HK$dm± Daubney r Mayor. im''01 ogp�." \ 1VBLISI ED31) �� Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C.F.No.167021— Whereas, A written proposal{ot.the making of the following improvement. and 12.. Partially opening,widening arid lending Summn enue from Dayton PRELIMINARY ORDER !A"r" "' Av--' '- The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Partially opening, widening and extending Summit Avenue from Dayton Avenue to Central Avenue; Park Street from Central Avenue to Fuller Avenue; and Rice Street from Summit Avenue to University Avenue and from University Avenue to Como Avenue, together with a pproaches and connections to intersecting streets as proposed to be opened widened and extended under C. F. 136542 approved May 22,1946, and C. F. 29337 approvAd August 12,1949, and approved by the State Veterans Serwice Building Commission August 15,1949, by condemning and taking the following described lots and parcels of land, all in the City of St. Paul, the same being part of the lands necessary for the above described improvement : Lot 6 and the east 2.568 feet of Lot 7, Markoe's Subdivision. Partially opening, widening ana exteuul33g to Central Avenue; Park Street from Central AvenuetoFuller Avenue;+and Rice Street from Summit Avenue to University Avenue and from University Avenue to Como Avenue, together with a pproaches and connections to intersecting streets as proposed to be opened widened and extended under C. F. 136542 approved May 22,1946, and C. F. 19337 approvs3d August 12,1949, and approved by the State Veterans Service Building Commission August 15,1949, by condemning and taking the following described lots and parcels of land, all in the City of St. Paul, the same being part of the lands necessary for the above described improvement : Lot 6 and the east 2.568 feet of Lot 7, Markoe's Subdivision. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council JAN 6. YEAS NAYS Halvorson JAN 8 1954 Councilman MARZITELLI Holland Bit Approved MORTINSON RAYWO PETERSON ROSEN MR.PRESIDENT,13ZEXI = Mayor Daubney IM 4-61 Qpog PUI3LISIII;ll � ��15-21 167( 21 Council File No PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT - `Whereea,A iyrittep pr0A0sa1 Ror the 'maltlhe of the'to nwing^.mprwemen<, y 0' Dated this 28th day of 5 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS,A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Partially opening, widening and extending Summit Avenue from Dayton Avenue to Central Avenue; Park Street from Central Avenue to Fuller Avenue; and Rice Street from Summit Avenue to University Avenue and from University Avenue to Como Avenue, together with s pproaches and connections to intersecting streets as proposed to be opened, widened and extended under C. F. 136542 approved May 22,1946' and C. F. 149337 approved August 12,1949, and approved by the State Veterans Service Building Commission August 15,1949, by condemning and taking the following described lots and parcels of land, all in the City of St. Paul, the same being part of the lands necessary for the above described improvement : Lot 6 and the east 2.568 feet of Lot 7, Markoets Subdivision. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council JAN YEAS NAYS Halvorson Councilman MARZITELLI Holland JAN 2 8 1954 mcbmum Approved MORTINSON / PETERSON h l L ROSEN MR.PRESIDENT,1 - Mayor Daubney �' 1M 4.61 8 J q a'UBLISHLD / ` 'i Council File No PROPOSAL FOR IWROVEMENTYe+mt— WRFt$ee.A wriSted prropos°1(or„Ne .7 ryW_idna of Shefon°wing,_mprovemeni, and v1 n wldanine end ex { <>a c} a a,:7 c vue r fo:.TuT�r ssc, iu a�,yc.3re Dated this 28th day of 5 Councilman. •� 7'• Ir: I 1+ 1+ I I L I'"'!� v 1, I t .,y1 ,cl rr I) t1111.A.7 P'. 1•1lc •1 c., 1,1 - .n 1 }- T3P�(r5 �b6zone+ -�.° {. �..F�� ruFs.caacy;oL having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore,be it Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED,That the Commissioner of Public 1. To investigate the necessity for,or desirability of,the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature,extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan,profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. JAN t iy,t Adopted by the Council- YEAS NAYS Halvorson JAN 2 8 1954 Councilman MARZITELLI Holland Approve pprove MORTINSON PETERSON ROSEN Mayor MR.PRESIDENT,DZZXNMl Daubney / IM 4-61 ” f ?UBLISHL''D�/7 S`� Ist 2n Laid over to- 3rd and app Adopted. Yeas, Nays Yeas Nay. Halvorson Z8.la0,nd, Holland �Mamitelli Marzitelli Martinson Mortinson �.o�snon —4ktergurr— ose Rose. /Mr. President Daubney Mr.President Daubney orlel"et to city clerk - - .:,. p• 0RDIN,ANCE192 - = COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO— C. O C.F.No.1g7M2—Ordinance No.3025 By Frank D.Ma2itein— M ordinance amending ordinance 881 entitled No.7883,entitled: An ordinance amending Ordinance No.7 a �n art eg 1atip -,aed wt� . •�t.rrv.SS "An ordinance regulating and controlling traffic, riding, driving and travel in the streets of the City of Saint Paul and providing punishment for the violation thereof, and repealing all ordinances and parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety approved December 30, 1937, as amended." This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace,'health and safety. The Council of the City of Saint Paul Does Ordain : Section 1. That Ordinance No.7881 approved December 30, 1937, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by adding to Section 85, Subsection (a)(5) the following: ° The north side of Roblyn Avenue from Fry Street to Aldine Street. The south side of Wells Street from Arcade Street to Weide Street." Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication. /l FEB 16 1954 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Halvorson j Holland In Favor Marino Martinson — � t� Against Rosen Mr.President (Daubney) Appipved: l is Attest/: �— City Clerk �Tr Mayor 1� a 1M 6-62 s !'tMISI�IED, �c 19 `- .ry 3 ;:li K .�' GOUNGIL No. 16'd,23 onIOINM.Yo CITY OF SAINT PAUL cm c APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOL c F.No. 181023—BY Bernard T.Hol-� PER CHARTER SECTION 208 land— be made on the hat t-,he I,o,1 tr Comepp�--1 troller.ee by so doing an onavold8blel ,/y� +"� � de0cie,4ansfers wlt8out PRESENTED BY //�' A'`ly'!2 DAT by 1!_• COMMISSIONER. - �, --t- . ,.H RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE ® COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. AMOUNT TRANSFERRED CODE APPORTIONED ITEM FROMTO ------ Library Service - Binding 24•i5/ 16-A6 „ n _ Rent x, Insurance 118.40/ 16-A7 „ IL _ New Equipment 997.17.- 16-k8 97.17/16-A8 aint. - Heat 1,570.46 16-B3 Building ;`. 0 -Water 11.72,, 16-B4 II n - Telephones 770.60/ 16-B5 ,t it - Supplies 562.44/ 16-B6 it N - Repairs 6,902.91- 16-B7 Y.O. Reserve 114-12.- 16-W Service - Salaries 3,732.84// 16_A1 Library 16-A2 I ,t - `,,ruck Maintenance 161.79, 289.41,, 16-A3 - SupPh es 593.50/ 16-Alt 1, Postage 2,493.54,, 16-A5 d " - New Books 25-87,- 16-A9 5.87/16-A9 II " - Mise. 200.78 Maint. - Salaries 1 16-B1 Building 16-82 P. 11 - Light � 419,56/Power 3,154.68 16-R Cash Receipts YES (✓) COUNCILMEN (✓) NAYS01pN 29 1951 194- WvOrsOn ADOPTED BY THE CO NCII AN J y 195 Holland 194_ APPROVED Marzitelli / IN FAVOR / Martinson '///�({� MAYOR Peterson _—LAGAINST Roe= COUNTLi�GNED BY OI,YY coMPT OI-ER MR. PRESIDENT ORIGIN- O ►24 CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL NO APPROPRIATION T ANSFERS—RESOLUTC.F.No.167t4­1Y Mflt..Rosen— ' PtR CHARTER SECTResolved,'^ f Ilo 1 ggL eters - / ION 208 be adeato. lency �y ., ti doble PRESENTED BY V-'' %. b„ said COMMISSIONER— n Rosen _— _ _ DATE__ ' '-rte• f 'HJ!Iyi„ _ December. 3,951 AggiL: ® R E S O L V E D, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE AMOUNT TRANSFERRED -- — APPORTIONED ITEM — — FROM TO DR. CR. 3.A-4 Corporation Counsel 24.86 3.s-5 218.99 3.R 235.57 3•A-1 89.30 3.A-2 246.7o 3-A-3 143.42 6.A-2 rinance 44.23 6.R ° 362.52 6.A-3 " 406.75 25.&•6 C. R. and C. R. 1.975.20 25.9-8 531.11 25.A-9 955.13 25.91-11 166.37 25.A-12 44.14 25.Ar1 560.55 25.11-2 1.965.73 Z5-A-3 46.25 25.91.4 �, 208.01 YES (✓) COUNCILMEN (✓) NAYS --" ---_ ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL__ -_19__ APPROVED-------------___I9___ ___IN FAVOR ___AGAINST MAYOR COUNTERSIGNEDBY MR. PRESIDENT � i_ soo 2-N RICICLEara Fourvca A ?.1 1- - CITY K - CITY OF SAINT PAUL LE NO. APPROPRIATIPN TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM ) PER CHARTER SECTION 208 �J/,1J, (/jam/�J� PRESENTED BY A✓�""1 /°" COMMISSIONER—_ — ---..____.—_—__ DATE—___19— R E S 0 L V E D ATE--_._ 19-RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWiIVG TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO"DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY .M-'tHE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE - AMOUNT TRANSFERRED —- ------- --- APPORTIONED ITEM -------- – -- FROM TO R. CR. 25.A-7 C. H. and C. H. 742.51 25.A-1 142.15 25.W 6.75 30.3-2 Civil service 227.2$ 30.3•-E 675.88 30.3-1 296.37 30.3-3 606.76 31.A1-1 Purchasing Department 931.70 31.A-2 7o4.65 31.A-3 n 258.48 31.B-1 Municipal Court 4.479.75 31.33-2 524.50 31.3-R 7.50 31.s-3 5.011.75 31.E-2 Sprinkling- Exempt Prop. .80 31-m-4 Local Impr. Aid .18 31.31-A Workments Compensation 12,815.30 YES (✓) COUNCILMEN (,) NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL___.____.--_____..-. I9__ APPROVED__- —_- �—_ _-IN FAVOR AGAINST M� YOR _---- — COUNTERSIGNED BY. 1-./1.,0 _//_ - (f��•' CI v cornrrao SER MR. PRESIDENT =' a ' ORIY LE IOTO COUNCIL � 2 nr LERN CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE NO. APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM / ;� PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_ R E S O L V E D, THAT THE�FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPY60LLER, AS BY DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY S TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN T ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE AMOUNT TRANSFERRED APPORTIONED ITEM ---------—-- ---------- PROM TO OR, CR. 31.x1-B WOrklens Comp. 3,086.75 31.ai-C 6,038.53 o- 31.a1-D 6.774.08 31.0-3 Fin. Forms 931.27 31.Ci-4 Misc. and Unforseen 1,634.03 31.G-8 Memorial Day 18,50 31•C-9 Water - Wilder Bathe 111,78 31.0-11 Anditorium Rentals .68 31.G-14 Fire Hydrant Installations .24 31.G-15 Easements 99.65 31.G-17 Airport Commission .09 31.H-2 Sprinkling - Forfeited Property .1I2 31.13-3 Local Improvements -p a .19 ✓1 YES (✓) COUNCILMEN (✓) NAYS /\ Holland /// JAN L 9 h;bA / ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL-------_ _ - .—.._.____19 Halvorson_ __ .AIN '9 3554 Marzitell_ IN FAVOR i APPROVED_--_ _..- Mortinson / -Peterson b v v _ _AGAINST MAYOR _Rosen _ ` �� �I COGNSERSIGNED BY... coMrrrtoL MR. PRESIDENT Daubney ��ai's!25 ORIGINAL rO CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE CIL No. - - CITY CLERK , APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLU C.F.Na.,Q,ozs_sy Frank D.MnrEi PER CHARTER SECTION 208 telil—eq be Inado to the booksf thtr Comepprs troller,asby'so doingg a Rnav idable' deficiency In certain ITema y be me;;. PRESENTED BY �ienk D. h1aIZ mlll I said trnoafn•s wF" I�1,I Om 1,'I _ DAT the v ori �•b'ed *o-�� COMMISSIONER �— the ® RESOLVED, THAT THE F LOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. AMOUNT TRANSFERRED CODE gppOftTIONED ITEM ---_-- CR, DR. FROM TO Commissioner of Public Works Funds 933.64 10-A1 263.96 10-A2 10-B1 18,028.59 10-B2 471.98/ 10-B3 1,688.02: 10-01 1,262.77- 10-C2 191.461 10-03 441.65/ 10-04 3,043.49- 10-05 180.96, 10-06 319.53/ 10-07 15.85; LO-R 20,636.62/ 11-A1 8,115.57s 11-A2 1,020.95/ 11-A3 688.82/' 11-A4 1,484.35/ 11-A5 8,823.87/ 11-R 3,902.42/ a,,, , x,, 12-A1 = 12-A2 57.62 i 12-A3 508.78/12-A4 152.98% 12-IAS •"1.�` / 12-R 1,702.10/ YES (J) COUNCILMEN NAYS ADOPTED BY�SHb—�UNCTL---�- APPROVED------ -- ---- _ MAYOR -"- __IN FAVOR __AGAINST ) COUNTERSIGNED B Y --.--- C1 Y com"0 MR. PRESIDENT �i;dY:pr CCITY IcCLERK CITY.OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL No. APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED'BY Frank D., Marzitelli COMMISSIONER— _—___ __— ..___ DATE__—__.-- _._19 • _ _ R E S O L V E-D, —THAT THE -FOLLOWING TRANSFEf25"BE MAPSFON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOIN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID T�6 ERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE I FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE AMOUNT TRANSFERRED ---- A P P O R T I O N E D ITEM ---- --- — FROM TO DR. CR. Commissioner of Public Works Funds -( Ont•d.) 13-A1 38.29/ 13-A2 30.32,- 13-A3 0.32i13-A3 46.86 13-B1 1,783.44/ 13-B2 1,536.36/ 13-B3 1,601.81- 13-B4 270.49/ 13-B5 12,117.94 X 13-D1 69.48/ 13-D2 152.73,- 13-D3 13-E1 1,175.36 13-E2 84,465.76- 73,661.88, 13-E3 1,827.27% 13-E4 1,629.94, 13-E5 161,584.85 1G1 3,789.14/ 13-G2 2,790.59 13-H1 7,465.43/ 13-H2 856.81/ 13-H3 752.99- 13-JI 65.60,,- 13-J2 5.60/13-J2 47.97/ 13-J3 83.73- 13-W 817.50," 13-R 678.40/ YES (v) COUNCILMEN (,') NAY5 ADOPTED EIY_THE COUNCIL______ __—_______.19— r APPROVED_ —.__— _._.._._i9—_— _IN FAVOR __AGAINST //J� MAYOR -- — COUNTERSIGNED SY. f/.. —CITY co IROLL[R MR. PRESIDENT If'� :? ORIGINAL TO CITY OF SAINT PAUL FI ENCIL NO. CITY CLERK APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 20B PRESENTED BY Frank D. Marzitelli COMMISSIONER—_ ----...----__��-- DATE___ 19-- ® RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO.DOlNG AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID-TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE jTEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. _ CODE __AMOUNT TRANSFERRED A PPO RTI ONED ITEM "— --- "" —__ FROM TO DR. R --- Commissioner of Publio Works Funds kul I nt'd) 14-A1 11,529.19 14-A2 145.31- 14-A3 11,081.89.- 14-A4 1,153.39.- 14-R I 851.40/ YES (✓) COUNCILMEN (✓) NAYS JAN 29 1954 Halvorson ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_ --19-- • Holland MAPPROVED—.- arzitelli _._ -_-- -- ------19_-- __..__IN FAVOR L Mor tlneon -----� y–�XF--- !�--- ------=� Peterson — -- - f� MAYOR - .._AGAINST Rosen ------'- - COUNTERSIGNED sun x A. I omrr OLL `� MR. PRESIDENT Daubney � �T ORIGINAL TO ' COUNCIL AIrA TY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTG'F.No. 167026-By Roben F.Peter- ? PER HARTER SECTION 208 Resolved,That the Poli—tug transfers) � be matle on the books of the Come-I troller,as by so doing an unavoidable deftclency iIn certain Items may be met PRESENTED BY 'by said transfers without hampering COMMISSIONER_ Hobert F. Peterson DATE_ t�� (k p�OYidFd.l+v th�r ' _LHGIiuTllCt:,_. ;,;� mr-•,iy. ® RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE AMOUNT TRANSFERRED - O APPORTIONED ITEM FROM TO DR. CR. DEPABTMEDTT OF FMIC SAFETY 789 Al Office Adminietration Salaries 494.68 789 A2 " Office Ezpene 42.41,- 789 A4 " Auto ]faint. &Allowance 1944.19 799 B1 Building Maintenance Salaries 706.47,- 789 82 " Service & SWplies 175.16 799 R " Receipts 16.54 - v 6.rA.r 7 0 1 Police Uniformed Division Salaries 2.60 3251.55 3251.55 YES (✓) COUNCILMEN (✓) NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL__ —__IN FAVOR APPROVED___._. . __AGAINST MAYOR COUNTERSIGNED BY L.> _ MR. PRESIDENT lam/-•` � M O E CITY ORIGINAL CITY OF SAINT PAULCOENC IL NO.— APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION O.APPROPRIATIONTRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM " 1,_/ ER HARTER SECTION I PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER—_Roberti F. Peterson DATE Dec Wftber 3%_ _1953_ RESOLVED THAT THE,BOlCOWING TRANSFERS-BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER—AS-6Y SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BJE-Mtf BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE APPORTIONED ITEM —AMOUNT TRANSFERRED -- --'-- — _.._ FROM TO BUREAU OF POLIal 7 Al Police Administration Salaries 32.10- 7 A2 " Office Suppli s 279.96- 7 A3 " Mquipment Mai it. 367-30,- 7 A4 " Office Ezpens 49.50 7 A5 " Telephone & T legraph 3099.97 7 B1 License Division Salaries 20.61 7 01 Uniformed Division Salaries 12,454-33 — 7 02 " Supplies 181.52 7 C3 " Auto Maint. &Allowance 11.000.00 7 04 " Traffic SignaL Maint. 4.565.15 7 D1 Detective Diviebn Salaries 924,83 7 D2 " Crime Investi tion360.1 7 D3 " Supplies 375.90 7 E1 Radio Division Salaries 358.75 7 S2 Rent & Sappli a 720. 8 7 71 Police Station Salaries 8. 9 7 F2 " Supplies 7 73 44.89 " Board of Prisoners 217-75- 7 O1 Records Division Salaries 1; 27•lj 7 " Office Expens 756.06 7 R " Receipts 4.213.41 Reserve for Purchase Order 1, � 1 0 06 1 006 YES (✓) COUNCILMEN AYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL-- _I9_ ___M FAVOR --- - ---.._--._—AGAINST MAYOR COUNTERSIGNED BY MR. PRESIDENT ITY CO TR LL ORIGINAL TO COUNCIL No. �26 CIT LERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE NO. APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM SECTION 208 ' PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_-.RObert F. Pstere.OII DATE11_e-ber 31 x__19,53_-. • R E S O L V E D, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY.SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAt[J-TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE AMOUNT TRANSFERRED -- APPORTIONED ITEM — — FROM TO DR CR. BUREAU OF HIRE PROTECTION 8 Al Administration Salaries 46s.43- 9 A2 " Supplies 544-95- 9 A3 " Office Expense 4.,52 8 B2 Fire Prevention Office Expense 60,00 8 E3 N Auto Alloxan 638.73 8 02 Fire Fighting Supplies 888.17 8 D1 Station Maintenance Salaries 34.96, 8 D2" » Telephones 6.51 8 Dj " Light. Power & Water 224.43— 8 D44 " Fuel 354.6o,- 9 D5 s Supplies 1,626.93- 8 El Radio Division Salaries 653.20 8 E2 " Supplies 91+•96 8 R Receipts 1,173.43 8 W Reserve for Purchase Orders 5.44, 3,389.72 3.389.72 YES (✓) COUNCILMEN (r') NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL— APPROVED OUNCIL APPROVEDI9 - - — FAVOR AGAINST .__._. MAYOR— COUNTERSIGNED BY.. MR. PRESIDENT V/TJ YcoMPr oLLER ORIGINAL TOCOUNCIL NO. CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL ILE APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM P�ERg CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY (\-J%,L"I �'�`'✓���/'.'�"'�'�/ COM MISSIONER_Rcbert B P0E9T90n DATE December 31. --19-53- RESOLVED, -19-53_.RESOLVED, THAT THE;-FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER,,AS`BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET•fff�AID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY INTHE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE AMOUNT TRANSFERRED APPORTIONED ITEM ----- ----- FROM TO DR. I CR. POLICE & FIRE ALARM 79 Al Salaries 2,022,51 78 A2 Truck Hainterance 2,602.18 78 A3 supplies 231.70,- 78 A4 Telephone Li ss 134.2o,- 78 A5 Equipment Re ire 479.85,- 79 A6 Office Expens 25.76 78 R Receipts 448.14 79 A Reserve for Purchase Or re .18/ 2,975.26 2,975.26 C� YES(✓) COUNCILMEN (✓) NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL-- _____19— APPROVED­ -IN APPROVED__—IN FAVOR -_.—---AGAIN5T MAYOR -- COUNTERSIGNED - Y comp R L MR. ENT LER 500 1-I, a X26 ORIGINAL TOCOUNCIL NO. CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL .FILE 1\ APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM 0PTI SECTION I ' PRESENTED BY CDMMISSIONRan __ DATE DACIA Ar 31, 19--a R E S O L V E D, THAT THE FOLCCZWANG--TRANSFERSBE-MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COM PTF - RQLrER;_AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY T,^,. E MET BY SAID TRANSFEJRS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE I AMOUNT TRANSFERRED -- APPORTIONED ITEM FROM TO OR. CR. BUREAU OF HEALTH 9 Al Administration Salaries 518-99- 9 A2 Anto Allowanc 1,219.70 9 A3 a Office Expene 2-323-86i 9 ,323.86i9 B1 Vital Statistics Salaries 844.05 9 B2 a Expense 826.74 9 O1 Promotion of Health Sohoole arise 4,229.24 9 02 " 8npp1 es 2,047.56, 9 03 " Offi Expense 621.91 9 " Dent Health 2,354.86 9 M Food Regulation Sala ee 785. i 9 D2 a Auto lowsnc 11819. 9 D3 a Offi Expene 80. / 9 El Quarantinesale es 590.71/ 9 E2 Auto lowance 1,350-00.- 9 E3 s su ies 249.71 9 E4 s Social Service &V. . Contro 3,978,33 i 9 !1 Tuberculoeie Salaries 147.37, 9 B2 ' Supplies 4,879.22 9 B3 ° Office Expenso 414.45, 9 111 Laboratory Salaries 138.14 9 n Dog License Enforcement SalaKes 1,594.52,- 9 F2 s Auto&Truck Vai.nteneaca 23-98,- 9 3.989 83 ° supplies 120.73/ 9 R Receipts 1,035.04 9 w Reserve for Purchase Orde s 18,124 16,103.64 16,1 3. YES (J) COUNCILMEN (r) NAYS �' JAN 29 1954 Halvorson / ADOPTED BY THE • Holland — JAN : 9 1954 _Warsitelli _ _ APPROVED _—_---.._IN FAVOR _llortineoa______ / ) _ PetersonMAroR —_AGAINST Rosen-"" — — COUNTERSIGNED COM—OLLER MR. PRESIDENT DaRbney / '/ ,.. 2.46 PUB ISEMD / 5-'/ • ORIGINAL TO J `TM".- CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL G®t APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLU'f FILE No.._ _ C.F.No.187027—By Norris O.Hnlvor- PET CHARTER SECTION 208 son— Resolved,That the following transfers be made the books of the Comp- PRESENTED BV troller,as by so.daleg unavoldab e COM MISSIONER—RO deficle cy in certain Items may be met A _—_ DATE Tl �ftfi ® R E S O L V E D, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE FROM TO APPORTIONED ITEM AMOUNT TRANSFERRED 18-A-1salary DR.' — _—_—_—CR.__. 18-A-2 Auto 268.9o.- 18-A-3 Supplies 2.19,' 18-8-1 Salaries 240.02 18-B-2 Auto 174.81 18-8_3 Supplies 15.11 18-C-1 Salaries 23.71,- 18'--C-2 Equipment Mtce. 2,495.46 18"0-3 Supplies 1,103.59- 18-C-4 Supplies & Renewals 1,446.53- 18-C-5 1"iscl. 6,259.00- 18-C-6 New Equip. 341.95 18-D-1 Salary 4-39,- 18-D-2 Motorcycle Allow. 32.28,- 18-E-1 2.28i18-E-1 Salary 923.96, 18-E-2 Fuel 1,474-30- 13-E-3 ,474.3018-E-3 Supplies 1,077-14- 18-E-4 Repairs & Renewals 528.88- 18-F-1 Water 2,022-56,- 18-G-1 Salaries 37.50/ 18--C-2 Supplies 184.00, 18-R Receipts 280.93,- 4,325.21, 80.93,- 4,325.21 11,631.21 112631.21 1;-A-1 Salaries 19-A-2 Auto Alow. 197-46- 19-A-3 97.46.19A-3 Rents 72.22,- 19-A-4 10ffice Supplies12.50, 36.50, YES (✓) COUNCILMEN (✓) NAYS ® ------- ADOPTED BY THE OLNCf – IN FAVOR APPROVED____..__. _ ----____AGAINST —_-- -- MAYOR_—__ MR. PRESIDENT COUNTERSIGNED BY... _ - -- ITY_COMPTROLLER 500 311 (� _� OFIGINAL TO CITY OF SAINT PAUL FIILENCIL NO. — • CITY CLERK APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM ' / CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BYDecember 31. _1953— . COMMISS�ONER—NOrrl 0. HR1VOreon DATE__— RESOLVED. THAT THE FO �'&NSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS B DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCrIT-ISERIA�N ITEMS MAY BE MET BY S TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THTC ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. AMOUNT TRANSFERRED COOE ________ _ AppO RTIONEO ITEM OR. CR. FROM TO 19-B-1 Salary 1,064.96 19-B--2 Supplies 338.84/ 19-C-1 Salaries 1,543.93/ 19- -3 19-C-2 Truck Mtce. 185.42 236.12 i Su lies 19-C-4 Repairs &Renewals 1,081-07- 19-P. ,081.0719-R Receipts 93.28/ 2,431.15 2,431.15 20-A-1 Salaries 6, 54,66,, 20-A-2 Auto Alow. 161.20_ 20-A-3 Office Expense 205.02, 20-A-4 Bldg. Code 6,000.00, 20-B-2 Auto Allow. 769.48- 20-8-3 Truck Mtce. 11.26, 20-B-4 ?Aiscl. 470.83, 20-J-1 Drafting Salary 2,551-76- 20-C-2 Office Supplies 309.62 20-R Receipts 1,511.40, 9,022.64 9,022. YESvET(✓) COUNCILMEN (i) NAYS H,�lmoraon-.,_ ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_ -----.-----_..--19— ® Holland �, IAN "9 19 APPROVED------ MarZitelli _-_ -_IN FAVOR 1 Mortineon i Peterson .AGAINS AYGR ___--_- T Roaen --------- COUNTERSIGNED v COMF.ROLLER MR. PRESIDENT Daubney . • PTJBLTSHED, 0 167,028 ORIGINAL 0 CITY OF SAINT PAUL GOuNCIL .ITY -E.K FILE No. APP 1PRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY CoM MISSION DATE_____19_ R E S 0 L V E D, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE AMOUNT TRANSFERRED APPORTIONED ITEM FROM TO DR. 21-B2 Public Utilities 13.00/1 21-B3 58.48,- 21-R 154.31, YES (,') COUNCILMEN 21 -Al Hal vnrann 46 59, 21-A2 IN FAVOR Mortinson- 17 9: 20 22-A2 Lighting .84,, 22-A3 90.45� 22 -Bl 1,185.20,� 22-B5 x1r 8 '- 22-W 68.33/' 22-B3 22-134 1,090.63 C. F. No. 167028 ---By Severm A. Mort- rnson— R­I�d, That thef.11—t%tranf.'s b made on the books doing of It a Co' - trot by.,, .a r'ain an unavolLbTe Items may be Met -f- Ath-t YES (,') COUNCILMEN NAYS Hal vnrann Holland Marzitelli IN FAVOR Mortinson- Peterson �)_AG'AINST Rosen MR. PRESIDENT Daubney JAN 2 9 1954 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ------- J 29 1954 AN APPROVED-.---- __19 AID. CIDUNTLR�NEID //-nTy �..­ PTIJ /710- odri—i I, City Ch,rk COUNCIL NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FORM PRESENTED BY COMMI SSIONE!5;������� DATE janLiary 27, 3.951L RI ESOLVED, That The Council hereby approves tha award of -the Purchasing Committee therefor and hereby awards contract for furnishing and delivering to the Water Department, Hamline and Carroll Avenaes3 St. Paul, Minnesota, 103000 Linear feet 111 and 5000 Iineai feet 1-1/211 Type K. Soft Seamless Copper Tubing to CENTRAL SUPPLY COMPANY in accordance with specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid #4421 of said Central Supply Company, at a total contract price of $7784.50, such bid beinL the lowest and said Central Supply Company being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of St. Paul. F. 5. #4421. C, F. NO. 167029 --BY Severin A. M.rti.- ans.1-d Th.t the con.ea hereby a,p.,.. t6e .,vard of the Ptrre= committee therefor and hernbgr — eontract for furnishing an eliver to the Water Departtmepnl��� Carron Avenues. I S. f and' 5M LA—� 1001 LIIWP soft S.antiess Cost- CF.NTr 3 AN 2 9 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council _195— Yeas Nays J 29195 AN Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Approved _195— Mortinson -----In Favor Ma�y.r� Peterson Rosen __Igainst T'7 Mr. President, Daublicy 5M 2-53 -kOia'" Orizi-I to City CI,,k CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ICIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM I — PRESENTED BY WHEREAS, Under authority granted by A.T.C. Order No. 1459, the following portion of the East Third Street route is operated in conjunction with the Rondo -East Sixth Street line: "From Third and Forest Streets in Route A� continuing on Third Street to Ruth Streetq thence on Ruth Street to Conway Street, returning over the same route to junction with Route A", and WHEREAS, The St. Paul City Railway Company has signified its willingness to extend the Third Street route easterly from Ruth Street to Howard Street, BE IT RESOLVEDI, That the authorized route of the East Third Street operation in conjunction with the Rondo -East Sixth Street bus line be revised as follows: "From Third and Forest Streets in Route A continuing on Third Street to Howard Street and returning over the same route to junction with Route A." BE IT FLIRTHER RESOLVED',"That the City Council of the City of St. Paul hereby requests the Railroad and Warehouse Commission of the State of Minnesota to approve said revision of route. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daui)ii(,,y 5M 2-53 Q "I , 111) 110 C. F. No. IM30--By Severin A. hlorUn- Whereas. Under ..th.ri%e97 A. T. C. Order No. 1459. ,nted by I .11aturtrig ortion of the East Third Street mute IFa is operated In conjunction with the Rondo -East Sixth Street line: "FrOT . Third uand Forest S rcets in ut, 'Jn Iff on Third Adopted by the Coun,il J4N 19�4 195— J -919M ANI;� Approved ___195— In Favor c�_L __L_�___Against /61 OrI.I11I to City C1.4 COUNCIL NO 167. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM MSMTE. III _:�oATE___!a=-1 Rj�SOLVED, That the Purchasin.- Agent be, and he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, to issue Purchase Order to KEHla 13011,LR & MAhUFACTURING C014PANY for Services of Boiler Maker to make repairs to Boiler #1 at -.,Test Side Station, at a tota-1 cost of $183,66, without advertisement or compdtitive bids as an emergency existed, and . failure to act pr�,mptly would work a h2rdship to the best interest of the City. Charge - Water Department. C. F. No. 167031—By Severin A. Martin- ' R1111vel, LThl Ihb,,1%,=,AZ., I be. ad h a he_ th ;the Consent Of the M -Y., ad the, to MANUFACTUR. RIG CO ANY ,, Serves, of on , rd.k_ �P anake retard. to g."air No I at West Side Station, at . total east of ,ith, Pet ve bids as an orneTy­gjd.= and I,fl­ to set p'..p . h.rdship to , city� he be. interest 0, 'he Charjo—Water �e Cp.rt.snt. Ad,, ed by the 0 1954. o-11 an ... y 1. Ap roved Jan'ary 29, 1954. (Febr..ry 6. IVA) d_4 N. 1954 COV,�CILMEN Adopted by the CAA&_9'9 195— Yeas Nays �alvorson App,ov,90 9 1§94 Holland --195— Marzitelli Mortinson --.---In Favor Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-63 '000"' Odci,,l to City Ch,11, CITY OF ST. PAUL /CIFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL FILE NO RESOLVED, that Victory Auto Park, Inc. be permitted to install and operate a public parking lot, for a period of two months, on the following described property, to -wit: The southwesterly 167.5 feet of Block 20, City of Saint Paul, except the northwest- erly 150 feet of said Block 20. and except the southwesterly 10 feet to be reserved for widening Fourth Street and except a tri- angle to measure 16 feet on each property line at the intersection of Wabasha Street and Fourth Street after widening, according to the recorded plat thereof filed in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County; subject to compliance with the provisions of all ordinances governing the operation of parking lots, and subject further to the condition that the sidewalks abutting said property be kept clean and free of ice and snow at all times. C. F. No. 167032—By N -It" 0. H.I­ 11111111d, Tint, V11111Y All* P,,k Inc. be Pemitted to ficl-11 -d a Public garkint lot. for a pe��o�_f two mQ"t �s. on he following described JAN 2 9 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL-195— Yeas Nays JAN 29 1954 Halvorson Holland Approved ---195— Marzitelli Mortinson --In Favor Peterson 0 Macir Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubricy 6M 2-53 -ARRO" Orizinal t- City C6,1, PRESENTED BY COMAOUSSIONER CITY OF ST. PAUL Cou"C" NO. 1671: q'3 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 5 - December 17, 1253 DATE RESOLVED, That the PurchasinE, Agent bj, and he Is hereby Puthorized, vTith the consent of the ComDtroller, to issue Purchpse Order to X-EI:,AS TRa'7CR I'.:PT.'-:EI.',T CC., for Roto tilling 58 flower beds (apr.)roximately 22,230 so.ft.) located Pt 16 different ol.--ces In the City P,-rk syste7 7-,,hich took 60 hours time at a total cost of $300.00, without edvertise.rnent or com- - oetitive b1ds Ps this was the only source of sup-3ly qvpilable at the time and no advq-nta--e could hove been g'oinFd thereby. I --- C..F. No. 167033—dy Norris D. Hal,,_ on— Charge Pprks-Greenhouse- 18-E-3 I . Resolved, That the Pu—.— rul. lull = I tM15 58 flower beds I ft.) located at 16 dif- Place., - the Clt� Park sytern 60 hours , - at —1 cost Of'=.DD without adlertise nent or c0ml�,titivc bids as this was the only source a '" Pply available at the thae and no ad, antage could h -c been g h . ed the Char pTb,. ,ge ark.-G-enh.use-18-E-3. Adopted by the Council January 29. 54. Approved January FebmarY 6, 1954) JAN 29 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195 Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved 195 Marzitelli Mortinson —fln Favor Peterson May, Rosen r, -- !-:-Against Mr. President, Daubticy 5M 2-53 -0004-1- OdWI—I to CRY Chrk CITY OF ST. PAUL coUNCIL !34 FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE'CITY CLERK PRESENTED BY P WCOUNCIL _RESPLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONE DATE---J—anuaxy-25.M5-4--- RESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Purchasing Committee therefor and hereby awards contract for furnishing and delivering to the Public Safety Repair Shop, 12 only 1954 Mainline Tudor Ford Sedans with automatic transmissions to EAST SIDE MOTOR SA7ES, INC., im accordance with specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid #4419, at a cost of $21ij953.64, less allowance for 12 - 1951 Model 2 -door Ford Sedans - M00.00 and less Federal Excise Tax $1718.04, mnkin�; total amount of contract $17,835.60, such bid being the lowest and said East Side Motor Sales, Inc. being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be, and h.zreby is authorized to draw up the proper fom of contract therefor and the proper City officials are hereby directed to execute said contract on behalf of the City of St. Paul. 17. 11 No. 167034—BY Robert F. Peter - F. B. ffl4419. R. -Wed, That the Council hereby mroves t e award of the Purthad. 0 a oorad!ttefe thegfor aod hereby awa�! c ,-entree 'Or luraiShInVd doUverini T�,bl,,4 safetY PaIr Shop COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2.53 -O�T' j p� �,,- �,, 9 1954 Adopted by the Council --195— JAN 9 19`4 Approved 195— In Favor --��Against Ila UM }� q r k i i s r Laid over to 4r --- _ ` Adopted ¢ i 3rd and app----�- Yeas Nags Yeas Nays 3- - - alvorson Halvorson glland Holland Marzitelli .11 Marzitelli /ortjnson � Mortinson � r' ) -Pe//terson Rosen Rosen /Mr. President Daubney Mr.President Daubney/ 8 X;r orlaia.l to City cl.h _ ORDINANCE ���35 QCOUNCIL FILE NO ei PRESENTED BY C / ORDINANCE NO C.F,No:ta'W0&-OrdlneikcNa10453r- By Roberf'F.Fetcraoo-- An ordirsim nce amending ordinance No.7607,entitled: "An q;dina, axing the duUea.and An ordinance amending Ordinanee No..7607,.ens:�iQgls� "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsi— bilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City," approved February 13, 1935, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES 03DAIN% Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved Pebruary 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of the specifications for Police Telephone Operator the minimum qualifications which read.as follows:: High school graduation and two yearal experience in operating a private branch switchboard or two years[ experience as a police officer. and substituting in lieu thereof the following: High school graduation. (Experience as a police officer may be substituted, year for year, for education lacking.) Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by adding to the minimum qualifications for Patrolman the line "Mast possess a Minnesota drivers license." Section 3. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by adding immediately after the material under the heading "The Statement of Minimum qualifications" the following paragraph% *The term years[ experiences%as used herein means years' of normal full—time employment. Parttime or intermittent employment shall be credited on a pro rata basis.9s Section 4. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Halvorson Holland Tn Favor Marzitelli Martinson Against t fi Rosen -' -r ( i Mr.President (Daubney) Approved: 3 € Attest: f' City Clerk Mayor t x ofl"l to CIV Clark ORDINANCE '°� � COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO _y. emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section $. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication. V �L wa FEB 16 1954 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Halvorson / Holland in Favor jl0 Marzitelli � Martinson Against n w Rosen Mr.President (Daubney) % Approv d: Attest: 44 �— City Clerk / Mayor IM 542 a - -lts� odslad to Car Clerk 's CITY OF ST. PAUL File"cli NO.— -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK SCO NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER— - DATE RESOLVED, that upon appeal of Albert T. Koehler, Lou W. Koehler Koehler and Marie E. #3xa from the decision of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, and upon the favor- able recommendation of the Board of Zoning, permission is hereby granted, pursuant to Ordinance No. 5840, as amended, to construct a single-family dwelling on a tract of land on the south side of Upper Afton Road, dust west of 1606 Upper Afton Road, being a part of Lot 10, Auditor's Subdivision No. 55. C.F.No.167636--By Nom O•Kul—r- Resolved.That ' " of of Albert T.Koehler.Lou W.'Kceiiler and 1Nu'1e E. Koehler from the decision of the Cann nissioner of Parks. Playgrounds and Public Ruadinggs, and pon the favorable recemmendetlon of the Roard t Zoning.permission Is hereby grout- ed,pursuant to Ordinance No.6840.as amended,to construct a Bungle-fam11Y dwelling on met Aftonof land on the lust south aide of Uppc+' a part ofIBM 11,otU10,Auditorper 's Road ubAivisilon No.55. Adopted by the Council January 29. f 1954. Approved January 29,1954. (February 8,1954) J AN 'N 9 194 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council----195— Yeas ouncil __ 195_Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved—_______ 195__ Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor --- -L -- Mayor Peterson Rosen --Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M z-ea MRS.AGNES H.O'CONNELL ' City Clerk HAROLD J.RIORDAN Chief Clark CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK ��, BUREAU OF RECORDS ✓i �;� 786 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE • 0 January 28, 1954 Mr. T. P. Quinn Cornoration Counsel B ui1ding Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached anneal of Albert T. Koehler, Lou W. Boehler, and Marie E. Koehler, for p?rmission to co struct a sinF-le-family dwelling on a tract of land on the south side of IIpoer Afton Road ,Just west of 1606 Upper Afton Road, being part of Lot 10, AuditorLs Subdivision No. 55• Very truly yours, City Clerk The Board of Zoning Saint Paul, Minnesota (®r,udexm Q,am,xucQ H>wa iu�r f.�Ru A.A.HECKMANo'nC.DAVID LOEKS v�Rr neestoiHo � QZQcvnvQ B.M.ORIMQ dY06 L MQTHVQN W.J.RICE A H.BLHROQOW.GlY/JF11� JULRI!VQ Umr.kTa�TQ 379, CITY.COUNTY BUILDING SAINT PAUL 3, MINNESOTA Januar:/ 23, 1954 Mrs. A. '.i. O'Con:.ell City Clerk Building Deer Madam: This is in the matter of the appeal of Albert T.Koehler for permission has to construct a single-family home on a miscellaneous tract thaZonin n•t insufficient frontage with respect to the requirements of the l is made Pursuant to Section 203 paragraph Ordinance. This appea1 of the Zoning Ordinance. As shown on the attached plan and aerial photographs the applicant proposes to con,truct a home adjacent to the bluff overlookingtunder N,ississippi River which is south of Upper Afton Road. The homeconsideration. ,rill be located a distance of approximately 415' from Upper Afton Road andbe serviced by an 181 easement from Upper Afton Road which will function as a private roadway to provide access to the main tract upon which the house is to be constructed. In veiw of the fact that this is a large tract of land, the arrangement of which was never contemplated under the customary application of the Zonin Ordinance and in view of the fact that if this appeal if granted would have no adverse effect of platting of land n the area or the interests of adjacent property owners, the g recommends this appeal be granted. Very truly C D doe s ?fanning Director Executive Secretary CDL-FS Board of Zoning �� � } � ~ f« :���? � .2 . . . . >y ? � , 12 - r � l ' i k� f i ., r in F. J. ARMSTRONG C-1 Engineer and S,,,,, ST.PAUL.MINN. i i I �• c- - OAD ;w a �6 li h II ��I I. l O i I h 3 j C �L) +t I N I b i r�omF - The lana s1�oFs away rim the too i of the bluff down at an angle of from r to 45 degrees. Laisa_ All the way down to y0(,C�e 6.�''eZr aE the Point Doua14s 7Z•0 y^ Road. T p of8/v Ado 0 205 r s 5.0 I 1 1 26.0 szo I I HEREBY CERTIFY that on thc_.....__./5n Q.G(Q:VG° .A.D. 19.5'3 11 f/ 1 �,ad,a>•,r,.,v or th,ro1i.,.,•i­dcccnbrd property. PdrL._4_ _.TC.u'CCS.... .4 .�... Sub_ S be ribc.i -.ern b( rc tl i, o map i.a and u,rc.t map of d sure timpro cm.nts ho mdrh reon re mrre�th ft / hr /s icatc.i �, yy��4jjd Cn l/� 1 __. C d g:n My I TT I— ! °a�plrq °pry•Mlnp• Alarc6 19 1958 g ATT-1-111 AT ST.PAITT, INN city GPPW of the It, a ccurt nnusc St.FP01 , n'=F1cQI Dear Or: Enclosca herFhlth 12 pn an P! from cy-in-nce rzcnAnFnt2 t .eyqjj "y Albert T. Fophler, Lca 1. FolhOr Wie E. yoehlpr. 1 011 -7nr-clpte -'t v,ry 7ach if 77i ,ill . ut this qnttFr on for he-ring s, ycor ears c. come Mince- t,,F_jjh Is my chpct to -hp oraer of City WFrk of rn� 00 Of 4.1"R In the I-Om of ,Try -ru!7 -surn R U_7 Enc. TO THE HCN03AFL 1.'AYOR A'?^ COUNCILkEN OF T7 CCIT`_' C"' ST.PA'_'L: Albert T. Koehler, Lou ':,. Koehler, and b:arie E. Noehler respectfully show to the Council of the City of 3t.Paul that they are the or•;r.ers of the followin- described prenises ly.lnom anu being in the County of Ramsey and State of h:innesot described as follows: at -artCf Lot 10, Auditor's Su: ` ;division No. 5 St.Paul,:dinn.de— scribed as follows: Beginning on the northerlyvline of Lot 10,_uditorrs Subdivision No. 55, St.Paul, .;inn. (beine the Southerly line of Old Uober Afton Road) at a ooint 136 feet south 69 de:_;rees 26 3/41 East from Northwest corner of said Lot 10; said point being Point "A"; thence South 17 degrees 44 3/4T l+est a distance of 507.93 feet to Point "="; thence South 49 degrees 2647 East a distance of 101.37 feet to Point "C"; thence North 74 decrees 3021-1 East a distance of 205.65 feet to Point "D"; thence continuing North 74 degrees 30P East a. distance of 52.5 feet to Point "E"; ,hence North 63 degrees 44 2/31 West a distance of 101.84 feet to point "F"; thence North 22 dec7rees 6 3/4T East P. distance of 468.37 feet to Point "u"; thence North47dea7rees 2727 ;•lest 15.95 feet to point "H"; thence North 69 deg_rees 26 3/4' West 238.43 feet to voint of beginning, being Point "A", except a t rianmular plot of ':_ground beini= enclosed by said Points "D", "E" and "F" and except that hart of the a'�-ove de— scribed tract lying northerly of a line parallel to and distant 250 feet southerly of the southerly lire of Upper Afton Road as rIC7.1 laid out and easterly of a line parallel to and istnnt 18 feet east of the line described between Foints "A" and "=" herein. Attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A" a.r:d made a part of this appeal, is a Certificate of Survey of the above described premises, which Certificate of Survey is dated the 15th day of Octocer,1953 and is certified to byJ. Armstron?, Civil E. ineer. Your appellants show to the Council that the tract owned by your appellants has an 18 foot frontage on the Upper Afton. Road and that extending south fro,;: the Upper Afton Road a distance of 252.98 feet, is an 18 foot lane wh1c. connects with tulle larger portion of the property owned by voUr a.p^ellants. Your apnellants show that the larger rort'_on of tis property reatly exceeds an area of 5000 square feet. Your appellants further shot; to the Council that Subdivision 3 of Section 2 of Article I of the City Ordinance of St.Faul /5640 sets fcrth that no house shall be erected or altered to be used as a dwelling on any lot whose wld.'th at the front oui_1B_ing line is less than 40 feet and wr_ose area. is less than 5000 square feet for each family hcused in the dwelling-. 1, Your appellants set forth that they nave requested a. building permit from the City of St.Paul for a single dwelling to be erected on the larger portion of said tract in such a way that s^id dwelling will face south so as to command a south facing view of the Mississippi River, and your appellants have been advised by the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Pu'�lic 3uildin-s of the City of St.Paul, t'--t they cannot issue a tu4-laing r_ermit unless appropriate acticn is taken by the Council of the City of St.Paul authorizing a building permit under the soe.cial circumstances. Your appellants further state that this appeal is taken under Section 20, Subdivision I of Ordnance #56=0 of the City of St.Paul and Amendments thereto, and present in support of this appeal the fact that the area to be occupied by the building itself far exceeds 5000 souare feet, and that the building is to be south-facing and is in an area of unolatted ground and that all buildings in this area that do not face on the Upper Afton Road will be in all probability south-facing in order to obtain the advanta_e of the view of the Mississippi R'_ver. ',THEREFORE, Your appellants respectfully request that the Council of the City of St.?aul take such aporepriate action in order that substantial ,Justice be done in authorizing your appell- ants to obtain a building permit on said premises and that all other work and matters pertaining to said building be in strict accordance with other ordinances of the City of St.Paul, Vinnesota.. Resnectfull,y su mii.tte/d:� Albert T. Koehler Lou ,.. Koehler Marie E. Koehler NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL , TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE No.__----- PRINTER Jan. 27---ig 54 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF i f f 41'l rr/,�/3 5_14 570 :.3,COVERING CHECKS NUM13ERED_�41r ZQ--TO__.�c+--INCLUSIVE,AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. jwl 1--- ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL— - --- --- _---19— S 'rATP con�Pfaou.ea APPROVED__ - 19-- 7-52 C.F.Na. 187037-187078— Resolved That checks be drawn n ate NOTICE the city 150.158.00. covering checks CITY OF SAINT PAULantN To n—bered 30370 to 68873 fnr]veive a6 Per.O�NCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO. PRINTER checks on file in the office of the city' eomFtr'u, Adopted by the Council January 29. 1934. Jan. 27 4 Approved January 29. 1954. (February 8,19541 5o,�F_S--VtU, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THSCBl� TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF f58-09 ) COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED XMW77 JJ __TO..5.967___INCLUSIVE,AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL—. _.-lA"j. �j 1954.. _ __-.._19_. CITY c&nPraOLltn APPROVED---.__ .___—. 19_ BY I / ! CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL ,' � N DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER--- — \ HALVORSOROLL//CALL AUDITED CLAIMS MOLANL D A—ITELLII ­.—IN FAVOR MORTINSON RESOLVED,THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY PETERSON __ _AGAINST ROSEN 37()-3() .—.COVERING. MR-PRES.OAUBNEY (1 � '_�� j i9c[l�! IN THE AMOUNT OF$3 CHECKS NO. �Q-+-�✓Q TO 9,j/ �� INCLUSIVE, AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNC� N MB6fl PER CHECKS LE—IFFT D(` E CITY COMPTROLLER. , APPROVED_ TOTAL _ DATE n CHECKIN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT RETURNED �/ MBER BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS .� BROUGHTFORWARD 3.916 927. 19 • 59570 James Steele Constr. Co. 20 556 00 59571 Otto B. ashuack & Sons Inc. 1 500 00 58572 F. Morettini 681 90 59573 hankee heat. Co. 3 393 00 59574 Farwell Ozmun Kirk and Co. 290 82 59575 " " " 175 68 59576 Florist Review 6 oo 59577 A. C. Grendahl 57 00 59578 L. L. McAdam 520 00 59579 Marvin Law Book Co. 240 75 59580 Nicole Dean and Gregg Co. 98 33 59581 Northern States Power Co. 35 25 59582 N. W. Bell Telephone Co. 152 45 N 5958 M " " 80 80 5958 Photostat Corp. 5 31 59585 quality Park Envelope Co. 38 81 59586 Roe James Glass Co. 31 01 59587 U. S. Supt. of Documents 17 75 59588 Wagner Paint Co. � 182 32 59589 Geo. T. Walker & Co. 223 34 59590 Ward's Food Market 63 94 59591 George Warner Co. 114 90 59592 E. 0. Webster and Sone 26 25 59593 West Pub. Co. 315 50 59594 western Union Telegraph Co. 17 72 $9595 Westinghouse Eiec. Supply C. 582 32 59596 " " 455 36 59597 " " " 188 45 59598 Wheeler Lbr. $ridge & S. Q. 142 00 59599 White Co. 10 00 59600 John Wiley and Sone Inc. 58 16 59601 R. W. Wilson Co. 59 00 59602 ti. V. 'Winterer and Sone 283 00 59603 Witte Transportation Co. 22 20 59604 Wittenborn and Co. 14 35 59605 R. D. Wood Co. 181 22 59606 Wooster Rubber Co. 8 28 59607 Yale Engr. Inc. 11 00 59608 Sam Zapna Contract. Co. 211 00 59609 Allied Radio Corp. 88 74 ® 59610 Am. Linen Supply Co. 38 73 59611 Berglund Lbr. Co. 184 37 59612 Big Three Music Corp 27 00 59613 Bldg. Officials Conf. of A. 20 00 5961 Burroughs Corp. 866 83 59615 Capitol Stationery and Mfg. Co. 1 012 07 59616 Chain Belt Co. 210 68 39617 Co-operative Launderers & C. 6 28 59618 E. I. DuPont De Nemour & Co. 26 08 59619 Elmer Geiger Co. 48 60 59620 Nati-nal Biscuit Co. 230 55 59621 Nels.,n Oil Co. 359 20 d SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 3 951 497 49 . CITY OFSAiNT PAUL COUNCILDUPk, a LICATE TO C q'OLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER - - - FILE NUMBER ROLL JALL HALVORSON'i 22AUDITED CLAIMS _ _ Ian, 7 HOLLAND MARZITELLI —IN FAVOR MORTINSO —N RESOLVED,THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY PETERSON ROSEN AGAINST 587.79 _,COVERING MR,FRES.DAUBNEY 1CI} IN THE AMOUNT OF S� 954 CHECKS NO. S9673 INCLUSIVE, AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCII wlf", _ PER CHECKS ON FILE IN HE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROL-L APPROVED___ 19r— rvVEp B ✓G/warno� TOTAL _ DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT RETURNED NUMBER BY BANK '� CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHTFORWARD _ 3..951 497 49.. - • 59622 A-W of Minnesota J/ 105 09 59623 Air Power Equip. Corp. 5 30 59624 B & B Willys Co. 26 87 59623 Borchert Ingersoll Inc. 127 93 59626 Diamond Iron Works Co. 3 50 59627 Downtown Ford Co. 188 32 59628 Federal Truck Sales & S. 102 86 59629 Fleet Supply & Machine Co. 28 48 59630 International Harvester C. 300 51 59631 Frank Matuska 31 90 59632 Al Morgans Motor Co. 22 68 59633 Midway Tractor & Equip. C. 11 08 59634 Motor Supply & Mach. C. 74 26 59635 E. L. Murphy Truck. Co. 50 26 59636 National Bush. & Parte Co. 64 88 59637 Paper Calmenson & C. 319 66 59638 Park .'Machine Inc. 99 o6 59639 Paulson Auto Supply 17 43 59640 Power Brake & Equip. Co. 45 68 59641 6ulgley Motor Sales Inc. 1 85 59642 Hihm Motor Co. 117 84 59643 G. T. Ryah Co. 4 Oil 00 59644 Security veld. and Mach. C. 23 67 59645 Smith-Dunn Co. 41 24 59646 Standard Spring Co. 106 83 59647' Stewart Frontend Highway S. 13 50 59648 Terrace Auto Supply C. 74 17 59649 Tractor Supply Co. 6 98 59630 Wolters Auto Supply C. 88 92 59651 Wm. H. Ziegler Go. 5 248 34 $9652 Nelson 011 Co. 175 1$ 59654 Northern States Power Co. 1 469 68 59655 Drake Hydraulic Serv. Co. 38 75 59656 Goodyear Service stores 63 08 59657 Cy Green and Son 45 00 59658 Larry's Auto Glass Co. 97 52 59659 W. F. Smitn Tire and Battery 106 32 59660 Stynd-rd Unit Parts C. 96 of 59661 Sta Vie oil Co. 46 58 • 59662 Universal Sign Co. 14 50 59663 H. A. Rogers Co. 208 36 59664 St. P. Bd. of Heeltors 50 00 59665 St. P. Hook and Stati,mery 110 79 59666 a a 0412 412 1,5 59667 Singer Sew. Machine Co. 1 68 59668 Tennessee Valley Authority 5 00 59669 Tierney Hay & Grwln Co. 3 30 59670 Supt. of Documents 12 50 59671 Vapor Heat. Corp. 38 99 59672 White-Mather Co. 45 70 59673 De Graff Wolff 351 00 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 3 967 085 28 Originsi to Civ Cierk COUNCIL NO.___----- CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICEOF HE CITY CLERK C.F.No.16M.-By Bernard T.Bot- land— CO CIL RESOL T ON—GENERAL FORM whereas.The layai suhlects of King' Boreae d the Queen of the Snows, �, - -- more particularly the cltisen6 0f Saint PRESENTED 8Y i1 _DATE Pau]and lta neigqhhartng communlUee, COMMISSIONEIL.___--- .� - ----- have,through diligent and e.thusiastic efforts,earned for Saint Paul the title- -- - of the"Winter Sports Capital of the World":and Whereas,The,apnuat Wk,­^ " ha•h— " WHEREAS, the loyal subjects of King Boreas and the Queen of the Snows, more particularly the citizens of Saint Paul and its neighboring communities, have, through diligent and enthusiastic efforts, earned for Saint Paul the title of the "Winter Sports Capital of the World"; and WHEREAS, the annual Winter Carnival has been designed to be a festive climax to a winter of sports activity and jolli- fication; and WHEREAS, King Boreas XVIII, being desirous that all citizens of the City of Saint Paul, its neighboring communities and the many welcome visitors and guests should take part in and be active participants in this joyous occasion; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that at the request of and on behalf of King Boreas XVIII, we, the Mayor and the Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, request that the citizens of said city, its many surrounding communities, and the many guests and visitors, don suitable garb, more particularly colorful carnival caps and uni- forms, if possible, for the purpose of making the 1954 Winter Carnival a most joyous one, which will undoubtedly endear everyone to His Majesty's heart and help all participants to greater enjoyment and appreciation of this auspicious occasion. FEB 2 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays fB `Z �9J T-HaI vr- V / Approved_- 19b— Holland Marzitelli In Favor Mayor Mortinson Peterson / 5 Rosen --Against pUBLISHED� Mr. President, Daubney 6M 243 " MRS.AGNES H.O'CONNEUL a HAROLD 1.RIORDA City Clark Chief Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL �� � Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERIC BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE `R � 'yY January 29, 1954 Mr. Timothy P. Quinn Corporation Counsel B u i 1 d 1 n g Dear Sir; The City Council requested that you draw a resolution to be submitted next Tuesday adopting the carnival cap of Saintpaulites as the official cao of the Winter Carnival and urging Saint Paul residents to wear c^rnival uniforms or at least caps during the carnival. Very truly yours, /V City Clerk �,vLN ' ( LIitYN I FRv! ORDIR5 I COUNCIL FILE NO. C.F.No. 167. By ------ FINAL ---FINAL ORDER In the:Matter of- grading and surfacing_with_bitumincus material the alley in Block 1, Hazel View, from Ruth----Stre-------et to Pedersen Street -- ---------- ---- - - ------- 1 ----- -- ---------------------------------------- ---- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -___-___­--- ----------- ------------------------------------------ -1---- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under ------------- under Preliminary Order-----166412-----------------------approved _ .December 4,__1953___-----__ IntermediaryOrder----------------------------------------------approved ------------------------------------------------------------------- A --------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice,and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto,and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED,By the Council of the City of St.Paul that the precise nature,extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is--------grade-and surface with bituminous material the ----------------------------------------------------------------- alley-,in_-Block-1�_Hazel_-Viewer from_Ruth-Street---t9_Pedersen_Stro_fit---------------------------------- -- n - --° ------------------------------------ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER,That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement,and submit same to the Council for approval;that upon said approval,the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the CouncilFs----2--1954--------------------- 192------. FEB 2 19% �_C� � --------- City Clerk. Approved - -- ----------- ---- ,192-_ File 12431 -GQ ti- Mayor. Councilman Councilman djww� HOLLAND 11 Councilman 4tN "R71TELLI t'1 B1 lS1IlJ) �� Councilman MORTINSON 1� Councilman PETERSON Councilman 010=000F� WSSM Mayors DAUBNEY t Form B. S.A.8-7 e,` CITY OF ST.PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of grtade and surface with bituminous material the alley in Block lj Hazel View, from Ruth Street to Pedersen Street. under Preliminary Order approved 166412 To the Council of the City of St.Paul: December 43 1953 The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ 2,91h.13 - _ _ - $ 2.45 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is . - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement,and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor,are as follows: ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK VALUATION Land Building 1 1 Hazel View 275 2 1 do 300 1400 3 1 do 300 1350 (Ex W. 10 ft. of Lot 5 and 4 1 do 525 2000 W..10.feet of 5 and all of 6 1 do 375 4300 7 1 do 300 8 1 do 300 E. 8 ft. of Lot 10 and all of 9 1 do 350 4100 E. 16 ft. of Lot 11 & Ek. E. 8 ft; 10 1 do 350 4000 E. 24 ft, of Lot 12 & (Ex. E. 16 ft; U 1 do 350 4000 3wagi&. Form B.B.10 CITY OF ST.PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION Land Building E. 32 ft. of Lot 13 & 12 1 Hazel View 375 4000 Mc. E. 24 ft.) Ex. E. 32'ft.) Lot 13 & all of 14 1 do 375 4000 15 1 do 325 4300 16 1 dO 325 4950 17 1 do 300 4250 18 1 do 300 4050 20 1 do 600 1550 Lot 19 and do 450 3100 Lot 21 & Pest 20 feet of 22 1 450 2300 E. 20 ft, of Lot 22 & all of �3 1 do 24 1 do 300 2$ 1 do 300 1800 26 1 do 300 4F. � of Lot 28 & all of 27 1 do 450 5300 E, of Lot 28 & all of 29 & 30 1 do 725 1950 TOTAL $9,000 561,700 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public.Works. Dated January 5 19 54 -- - -- Commissioner of Fina Form B.B. 12 St. Paul, Minn. r/!- I-- -- -To The The Honorable,The Council, / City of St.Paul,Minn. Gentlemen: We,the undersigned property owners,hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ----St. Ave. from - ---St.Ave. to.. - - - - - -- ...-.St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK /ADDITION 17 a` eT d'7 �-•� � � .GGu� y ;k og 6M I1-62 .�m2 .ZOO �v N E y. se- 355-T 2F X 22. I E F'f th 5 t --_---__ :> E h t- i - --------- FrCmon qr�. �m W 21- - - ------ ETIir r` Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance December 15, 53 19— To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works,having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council,known as Council File No. 166412 approved December 4 1953, relative to grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 1, Hamel View, from Ruth Street to Pedersen Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein,hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Cost front foot 82.45 h1, gg 2,914.13 n he total cost thereof is$ 2. The�ngneeilcng2 ;2619$ nape. on BS�. � Frontage 1,191.28 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan,profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject assessment provement. A U � ommi9sian of ublic Warks. J �. 2M 7.49 •0910 ' Amourvr�oa Div�x�on Bu.veu ox C—`p Reeu. CITY OF SAINT PAUL JO PAVL{CER GEO.M.GAREN,Su". Darc'c.Am.—ANT Capital of Minnesota PwN.A--C-L E—N.. B-1 or SANITATION JENS A.HOLMBOE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS JOHN M.CO"ITER,Sum a 0--E..— FRANK D.MARZITELLI,COMMISSIONER Box`.o or*{ox c x,a Eqo en+enr HERBERT S.WEST HERMAN P. PRANKE,DEPUTY COMMISSIONER AR'I'I{UR H.ROCI{ B oxeno or B." GEORGE M. SHEPARD,CHIEF ENGINEER MAURICE W.HEWETT e JOHN p.';1 LL ANEY,Svr Eno11 December 14, 1953 T--E- EUGENE V.AVERY Hon, Frank D. Marzitelli Commissioner of Public Works City of St. Paul Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading and surfacing with bituminous material, the alley in Block 1, Hazel View, from Ruth Street to Pedersen Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 166412 approved December 4, 1953. Estimated Cost --------------------- 6 2,914.13 Cost per front foot --------------- 2.45 Engineering ----------------------- 238.26 Inspection ------------------------ 52.47 Frontage -------------------------- 1,191.28' Yours very truly, George M. Shepard �4 Lyt Chief Engineer " Approved for transmission "C.i.rC.n sA�ce ka �er of P 1'c MRS.AGNES H.O'CONNELL I - HAROLD J.RIORDAN Chief Clerk City Clerk t CITY OF SAINT PAUL w Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE August 14, 1953 Hon. Frank D. harzitelli Comsr, of Public Works Building Dear Sir: Attached hereto is a petition in opposition to grading and paving of the alley in Block 1, Hazelview Addition, beim: the east and west alley, from Ruth to Pedersen, for which improvement a petition was filed in your office within the past few days. Very truly �yours, City Clerk RECT AU G 141953 Y C7JFCTIONS TO ALLEY PATTY?G AN a:F-AEI',G To .mon Council, City of S?i^:t Paul: ''e the followinp- fee owners of prq:brty in Elcck 1, Hazelview Ar`ition, St Paul Ramsey County Iinnesota, object to the grading anr? pavin4- of the alley in said Block extending east and west,from =uth t', Ped<rsen avenue. Cur reor,dns are that the Necessity the i•rrrove.r:ent is not acute; th=:t the costs at this time are exhorbitant and w en added to our taxes n.3ts a burden on the tax payers of real estate, who are now also burdened with State and Federal Income taxes which are ^ushrcning, upwards. "e c-nnot keep anv of our money, paying it all ou- for taxes. yG35'F 4 �) !.-Laura Tew, _ 0-finer of Lots 19-20,P1k 1, ���w r.e r of Lot Owner rf Lot_. -7U� --- .•sner of Lot , — �ae�- /��'�'• — SR .l. L�%fiLzr�— ..carer of L^t,'q-S ;wner of Lot C::ner of lot C.ner o-' Lot 1„- - ner Lot>----'-- --- -- ---- - of Lot,__ -----'-------------- - - - 0�--- OF GkI 1953 P�� %4 $ 57 I;yt4ESpj A SAltd� Cl T Y C1 ERK COUNCIL-FILE NO.--- Q'' b By FINAL ORDE CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS : LDEB. IN CONDEMNATION r'iDXNGS y In the matter of- _condemning and taking-an easement in the land necess"pi�um: onaemning and - - -- - lana neces- slopes, cuts and fills in grading and surfacing with bituminous material, the alley in Block 1, Hazel View, from Ruth Street to Pedersen Street 166413 December 4, 1953 under Preliminary Order___ ___ _ _ _ ___ - , approved_ 16670b approved- _ ___ January 5, 1954 Intermediary Order___- _ _ -__ - ---- -, PP - - -- ' A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice,and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED,By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature,extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in grading and surfacing with bituminous material, the alley in Block 1, Hazel View, from Ruth Street to Pedersen Street. and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken,appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements,viz.: For slopes, cuts and fills in grading and surfacing with bituminous material, the alley in Block 1, Hazel View, from Ruth Street to Pedersen Street, to the extent shown on the plan on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. FEB 21954 1s___ Adopted by the Council_ _ _ __ __ ____ __ u FEB 2 1954 — - City Clerk. Approved_. - __ _ - 19_.- Mayor. Councilmen: i,✓�,� / _ J Marzitelli` Y �k �� PCJRLIStIliD_ �tj / Mortinson Peterson / Rosen l Mr.President,Beianey-- . y CITY OF ST.PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ¢; �j 08 (A) In the matter of condemning and taking an easement i%the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 1, Hazel View, from Ruth Street to Pedersen Street. under Preliminary Order approved 166413 To the Council of the City of St.Paul: December 4, 1953 The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: cost of the above easement $_50f00 The total estimatedsx+awtto€theassecsmas�iforthe a],wre+ a Is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement,and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor,are as follows: ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION Land Building. 1 1 Hazel View 275 2 1 do 300 1400 3 1 do 300 1350 (Ex w. 10 ft. of Lot 5 and 4 1 do 525 2000 W. 10 deet of 5 and all of 6 1 do 375 4300 7 i do 300 8 1 do 300 E. 8 ft. of Lot 10 and all of 9 1 do 350 4100 E. 16 ft, of Lot 11 & Ex. E. 9 ft$ 10 1 do 350 4000 E. 24 ft. of Lot 12 & (Fx• E. 16 ftj 11 1 do 350 4000 F—6.B.10 CITY OF ST.PAUL • ' • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK VALUATION Land Building E. 32 ft. of Lot 13 & 12 1 Hazel View 375 4000 (Ex. E. 24 ft.) Ex. E. 32 ft.) Lot 13 & all of 14 1 do 375 4000 15 1 do 325 4300 16 1 dO 325 4950 17 1 do 300 4250 18 1 do 300 4050 Lot 19 and 20 1 do 600 1550 Lot 21 & West 20 feet of 22 1 do 450 3100 E. 20 ft. of Lot 22 & all of 23 1 do 450 2300 24 1 do 300 25 1 do 300 1800 26 1 do 300 w. of Lot 28 & all of 27 1 do 450 5300 E. of Lot 28 & all of 29 & 30 1 do 725 1950 TOTAL $9,000 $61,700 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated January 5 19.51 — �Fina Commissione Form B.B. 13 ALLEY SLK 1 HAZEL VIEW Ruth St, Pedersen St. `� 1 Indlca+es Cuf AL Indicates Fill TYP`eal N.Wion �Te Figure.oboK line shorn K Cut or Fill al Property line uO• Figures6alew line show z distanceslopes exlcnd 6—yand Properiy line Field gook N9 2826 SCn/Q lin. = ¢Oft E. F I FTH ST. H A z E L v I E YYLn o IS 1.4 l3 12 II 10 9 8 1 7 G 5 4 3 2 I n i- 40 .. Y� ILE -- 35.6d' Go Gr. 16Fr Fr Gr. Fr E rod so'T'-e Gr. Hedge? la`hce a i Fr.Gr Fr Gr. Fr. Fr.(jr 4 elm r 4' Fr F co Fr.Gr, �r Gr C'ry r 40' .. .. .. _ a 40 35.64 W f-- 1G 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 0 LL cr H A Z E L v I E w a E FOURTH ST Alley Blkl Hazelview Ru+h —Pad—sen a Dr. 'Z N°1182 ,as3c, .Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance December 15 19 53 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works,having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council,known as Council File No. 166413pproved December 4, 19 53 , relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in_tWgrading and surfacing with bituminous material, the alley in Block 1, Hazel View, from Ruth Street to Pedersen Street and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein,hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is$ xxxxxx—, and the total cost thereof is$ xxxxx and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part he> 4. 2N IL 5. Said improvement is _asked for upon petition of three or more owners of pro�y, subject to assessment for said improvement. c \ Co f Public Works. 3 2M 748 COTJNyII LE NO. PISDING IN COMDEMNATION MO BY PROCEEDINGS FINAL ORDER CONDEMNATION PROCI C In N..67�1h. 11 ut In the matter of o enin wideni and extending an alley 20 ft. in width in Block 12 South Highland Park, from Sheridan Ave. to the Chicago, is wa ee, us and the ester by taking and condemning the easterly 10 ft, Of Lots 26 to 30 inclusive, and the westerly 10 ft. of Lots 20 to 25 inclusive, Block 1, South Highland Park;also by taking and condemn- ing a triangular piece of land in the northeasterly corner of Lot 30, Block 1, South Highland Park, described as follows: Commencing or. the northwesterly corner of the above described proposed alley, thence westerly $ ft.measured on the northerly line o£ Lot 30 e of Lot 30,thence to point of beginning, thence easterly 5 ft. measured on the northerly lin southerly 5 ft.measured on the westerly line of the above described proposed alley, thence northwesterly to the point of beginning, - under Preliminary Order _. , approved—ng, ember } , . q 166706 ,approved January 5th,1q _ Intermediary Order - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons,objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same;therefore,be it RESOLVED,By the Council of the City-nf Saint Paul that the nreni".nature:-extent-and-kiDa-nf,--m improvement to be made by the said Citi is open, widen and extend an alley 20 ft, in width in Block l,South Highland Parks ng and c�demrAngdan theAeasterly 10 ft.ve. to the aof�Lotsw26 to�30tinclusivve, andthe Railways by-taking --westerly 10 St1lot Lots 20 to 25 inclusive, Block 1, South Highland Park; also by taking and condemning , triangular piece o£ land in the northeasterly corner o£ Lot 30,Block 1, South Highland Park, described as follows: Commencing on the northwesterly corner o£ the above described proposed alley, thence westerly 5 ft. measured on the northerly line of of Lot 30 to point of beginning, thencesured onatherwesterly lineuofdon the the abovenortherlypropos ne dt 30, thence southerly $ ft. alley, thence northwesterly to the point of beginning. ca,f L n"d; 'ar , escri ed piece of-Ta-RdP3n Gh northeasterly corner of Lot 30,Hlock 1, Sou h ig as follows: Commencing on the northwesterly corner of the above described proposed alley, thence westerly 5 ft, measured on the northerly line of Lot 30 to point of beginning, thence easterly 5 ft. measured on the northerly line of Lot 30, thence southerly 5 ft. !ea ed n th wes er �Oline of the above described proposed alley,thence northwesterly o Ng ,What the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement,and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Counci 19— FEB 2 1954 City Clerk. Approved 19— Mayor. Councilmen: Hml:vul Marzitelli Holland Mortinson 1 �\ Peterson Rosen ,� Mr.President, aD n�n2y / 500 TSI COTJNrUL LE NO. FINAL ORDER IN COMDEMNATION. BY PROCEEDnrOS FINAL ORDER CONDEMNATION PROCI C.F No.I670C3 m +nw--•-nx:a-yea_ ;,, �- In the matter of o enin widenin and extending an alley 20 ft. in width in Block 1, South Highland Park, from Sheridan Ave. to the Chicago, Mi wa ee, au aoific liailway, by taking and condemning the easterly 10 ft, of Lots 26 to 30 inclusive, and the westerly 10 ft, of Lots 20 to 25 inclusive, Block 1, South Highland Park;also.by,takanil¢ondemn- Ing a triangular piece oP land Ia the:northeasterly corner sot"Lot 30,-`Brock 1, 3oatlt $ighiand Parksd'esc`ribedas':follows: Commending on the'northwdsterly corner of tha above .. ave .411<.T nr^—qad allpv, thence westerly 5 ft.measured on the northerly line of Lot 30 la ?ie�sidsa��l've:"_to bagc; Railway, try taki and co emmng theieasterly thb 10 Cfft, of Lo a 26 to 30 westerly 10 ft. o Lots to 25 incl sive, Block 1, South ighland Park • also ytaking and condemning a t is lar piece of land in the northeaste y corner o/dyLot 30 Block 1, . South Highland Par , scribed as fol ows:•'Commencing on the n rthwestexly corn of the above described pr osed Alley, then a escerly 5 ft. measure on the;/northerly 'ne of andtt3e Coup,,Vere f be inni; thence e sterly 5 ft. measured on the ortherly line of Lot 30 h c h �iy or�ers sa improveme s to be made. thence southerl ft.measured on the w�.saterlne of he �b ve described RESOLVED FURTHER,that the following land, lands or errelis erein be an tQxe same are propose hereby ordered to be taken,appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: The easterly 10 ft. of Lots 26 to 30 inclusive, and the westerly 10 ft. of Lots 20 to 25 inclusive, Block 1, South Highland Park; also by taking and condemning a triangular piece of land in the northeasterly corner of Lot 30,Block 1, South Highland Park,described as follows: Commencing on the northwesterly corner of the above described proposed alley, thence westerly 5 ft, measured on the northerly line of Lot 30 to point of beginning, thence easterly 5 ft. measured on the northerly line of Lot 30, thence southerly 5 ft. tea t'y�r,,ed QQ�n���th wes er y line of the above described proposed alley,thence northwesterly ° }�s8EW LPATI "stat the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement,and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ' 19 FEB 2 1954 City Clerk. Approved —19— � l Mayor. Councilmen: Hal-v Marzitelli DdDmncom Holland Mb Mortinson � J Peterson � Rosen Mr.President, au n y j sod 3-si • CITY OF ST.PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 1�;(j�'(►� ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of open widen and extend an alley 20 ft. i widthinPaul & Blockfic 1,ay,South Htaki gdaPaark, from Sheridan Avenue to the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. condemning the easterly 10 ft. of Lots 26 to 30 inclusive, and the westerly 10 ft. of Lots 20 to 25 inclusive, Block 1, South Highland Park; Also by taking and condemning a triangular co of-Lot 30, Block 1, South Highland Park, described piece of land in the northeasterlyrn as follows: Commencing on the northwesterly comer of the above described proposed alley, thence westerly 5 ft, measured on the northerly line of Lot 30 to a point ofite�easured hence easterly 5 ft. measured on the northerly line of Lot 30, 0thence southerly hence northwesterly to the point of on the westerly line of the above described proposed alley, beginning. under Preliminary Order approved 166489 To the Council of the City of St.Paul: December 11, 1953 The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: $ 50.00 cost of the above opening eBaeeB is The total estimated a+:+e rlttre{ehe aeeeseele++t fertl�o-abe5 a It �e' The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement,and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor,are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION Land Building 20 1 South Highland Park 200 21 1 do 250 22 1 do 200 23 1 do 200 24 1 do 200 25 1 do 400 feet Except North 371 3 26 1 do 350 3500 North 37J feet of 26 1 do 300 3500 Subject to party wall; North � of 27 1 do 300 3500 Subject to party wall; Ex. North do 300 3500 37* feet; 27 1 F—B.B.10 CITY OF ST.PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Building Subject to party wall; South A feet of 28 1 South Highland Park 300 3500 Subject to party wall; Ex. south A feet;" 28 1 do 300 3500 Subject to party wall; S A feet of 29 1 do 300 3500 Subject to party wall; Except South 37* feet; 29 1 do 300 3500 Subject to party wall; South 37J feet of 30 1 do 250 3500 Subject to party wall; Except South 37 feet; 30 1 do 250 3500 TOTAL $4,400 $35,000 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated January 50'X 1954 __ ________ �ssion&of Fin Form B.B.11 is _ AG LEY Blit!/.SO.N/ h/L AND OK. She�rdan- C. Sf yG Bc/r Qec.-9//9S3rneBrs v ,2 CHI., /yliL p i8 29 O o 28 1 Z2 h 0 29 7. Z7 Q F 24 n 6. 7, i3o ..1a7... SNE e/OAN AVS' :..x... . AIL 9 o4 _... Office of the Commissioner of Public Norks Report to Commissioner of Finance December 15, 1953 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works,having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council,known as Council File No. 166489 approved December 11 19 58 , relative to Open, rdden and extend an alley 20 ft. in widtb..in Block 1, South Highland Park, from Sheridan Ave. to the Chicago, Yilxaukee, St. Paul& Pacific Hallway, by taking and condemning the easterly 10 ft. of Lots 26 to 30 inclusive, and the westerly 10 ft. of Lots 20 to 25,inclusive, Mock 1, South Highland Park. Also by taking and aondasni,ng a triangular pieod of land in the northeasterly corner of Lot 30,31ock 1, South Highland Park, described as fbllowst Commencing on the northwesterly corner of the above described proposed alley, thence weaterly 5 ft, measured on the northerly line of Lot 30 to point of begirmings thence easterly 5 ft. measured on the northerly line of Lot 30, thence southerly 5 ft. measured on the westerly line of the above described proposed alley, thence northoesterly to the point of beginning. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan,profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of prop It , subject to asseasme�nt for said improvement. /:y> C77r er of Public W 2M 7-40 cr ti \�, O mak•�7. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance December 15, 1953 uq 50 -.0 ., r'cr>>.0 and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein,hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is$ _,and the total cost thereof is$ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan,profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of prop �t ; „. subject to assessment for said improvement. Com i er of Public W 2M 7-49 V St.Paul, Minn.4� -- -------- To The Honorable,The Council, City of St.Paul,Minn. Gentlemen: We,the undersigned property owners,hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: 4..... ........ r I-Q--- -_..._...St. Ave. from . ......St.Ave. to-..Ar.4�— --------- - - ---------------- St.Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION /Co-( 28 Ex. 2;7 ;k Irt ti DEPT.Or ARKS 5M 11-52 ga%*-2 No.18'790.4— COUNCIL FILE NO.. _ m me matter of curbing Fan qu er Avenue from Atlantic Street toJohn-I son Parkway.""Pt where good d suH'cmenta curb eXlsts under] 1 1 ry Order 166359 approved By -- _-_..__-_ ,..^. - .1953.. FINAL ORDER 1 In the Matter ofui __-curbing__Fauqer_Avenue_ from Atlantic Street to Johnson Parkway, _except_where_good_and sufficient_curb__now exists -_-_-__-.-,---------__-----------------------.----------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order-------166�5Q___-____-__-_____approved ___ December-1,-_1953_____---__--__ IntermediaryOrder-----------------------------------------------approved ---------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice,and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto,and having fully considered the same; therefore,be it RESOLVED,By the Council of the City of St.Paul that the precise nature,extent and kind of im- provement F----- --- -- ---------------------------------------------------------ue From Atlantic Street to __- provement to be made by the said City is-__---___--_-___-._ _- Johnson Parkwaexcept where good and-sufficient curb now exists ___ ------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------I-----------------------------------I-------------------------------------------—----------------- -----------------I-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------—-------- ----------------------------------—-------------- ---------------------------- - -- - -- -- -- - ----- -----------------------------------------------------------—------------ and ---------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER,That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement,and submit same to the Council for approval;that upon said approval,the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council --------FEB---_-2 195-4__---- , 192-------- FEB 2 9964 -�CS ,/ - - - City Clerk. Approved 192_— �I ie1204 - {� a�✓/ ---- - ----- ------ ----- Mayor. Councilman Qbmnw� HAL Councilman jimvwmu� HOLLAND PT �D''. �', Councilman d6diwmdlb� MARZITELLI I 1 e Councilman djmlWilp� MORTINSON (',!- Councilman iihmbmme PETERSON Councilman JNWNNU� ROSEN i Mayor DAUBNEY ' /1 Form B.S.A.8-7 CITY OF ST.PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE g ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) .� In the matter of CDRBING FAUQUIER AVENUE FROM ATLANTIC STREET TO JORNSON PARKWAY, EXCEPT WHERE GOOD AND SUFFICIENT CURB NOW EXIST. under Preliminary Order approved 166359 To the Council of the City of St.Paul: December 1, 1953 The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: - _ $ 7-19/x_75 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - _ _ - $ 2 59 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement,and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor,are as follows: ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK UATION Land AL Building Lot 4 & 3 Hass & Wachenheimer's Addition 325 8950 to the City of Saint Paul 375 5300 Lot 5 & 6 do Lot 7 & East 9 feet of 8 do 275 2300 Except East 9 £t.; 8 do 300 2400 Lot 9 & 10 do 275 245o 11 do 250 10 1 Kiefer, Schurmeier & Wild's 950 5250 Subdivision of Lots 1, 2, & 3, 4 2 Collin's Outlots 450 3250 5 2 do 400 2800 6 2 do 40o 3800 TOTAL, Form B.B.10 CITY OF ST.PAUL • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Building - 7 2 Kiefer, Schurmeier&Wild's 400 3700 Subdivision of Lots 1, 2, & 3 8 2 Collin's Outlots 400 2700 9 2 do 400 2500 10 2 do 400 2050 11' 2 do 400 2750 12 2 do 400 4350 13 2 do 300 North 40 feet of Lots 14 & 15 2 do 400 1000 TOTAL 87375 850550 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated January 5 19 54, - _- ------ ��i.ner . Form B.B.13 3 22 St. Paul,Minn...C�9LlN1�<�------U ._--.--193 To The l�onarable,The Council, C City of St.Paul,Minn. Gentlemen: We,the undersigned property owners,hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: -- ---.. --.St. Ave. from.. -- - --.St.Ave. to. �rl�! Gr - -St. Ave. NAM LOT BLOCK ADDITION �� - 9 0 T" 6M 11-62 2 I _ ri- I I i ., r- 1- N �I I a it I.W II I^I p I 3 4'I I I 1 i I ry ,.t� ate° r Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance December 141953 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works,having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council,known as Council File No. 166359 approved December 1 19 53 , relative to curbing Fauquier Avenue from Atlantic Street to Johnson Parkway, except where good and sufficient curb now exists and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein,hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $2.53 2. The estimated cost thereof is$ 2,126.75 ,and the total cost thereof is $ Engineering $120.00 Inspection $39.35 Frontage 840 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan,profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part her 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of y, subject to assessment for`TAtTn pvement. Commis ione f Publi W Yi �J 2M 7.49 �e „ 15 1953 i A�axxr,xa ICE PK nxau,oa cox,,.a Rc.... CITY OF SAINT PAUL JOS. AYLIc u Dr.PA anxr ORO.M.GAREN.Sun- Capital of Minnesota Pux.Aver.Cl—Exon— Buauu ov Snxrerox JENS A.HOLMEOE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS JOHN M.COI"F'ER,Sun. Ovnua exo�x•"• FRANK D.MARZITELLI,COMMISSIONER nu.�u o.Muxc ��E¢u,1.•1exr HERRERT.S.WEST HERMAN P.PRANKE,DEPUTY COMMISSIONER ARTHUR IL I:OCH • GEORGEM.SHEPARD,CHIEF ENGINEE0. ' n11a.1 OF eo..euT,ox MAURICE W HEWETT ao@ JOHN P.MULLANEY,SOFT. Eeom... • ,� December 9, 1953 Tan c E­ ­ EUGENE V.AVERY Hon. Frank D. Marzitelli Comissioner of Public Works City of St. Paul Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for curbing Fauquier Avenue from Atlantic Street to Johnson Parkway, except where good and sufficient curb now exis14 under Preliminary Order C. F. 166359 approved December 1, 1953. Estimated Cost ---- S 2,126.75 -------------------- Cost per front foot -------------""'"-' 2.53 Engineering -------------------------- 120.00 Inspection ---------------------------- 39.35 Frontage ---------------------------- 840 ft. NOTE; Present curb in front of Lot 10, Block 1, Kiefer, Schurmeier and Wild's Sub. to remain in place except radius curb at N. E. corner of Atlantic St. and defective curb at easterly end. Yours very truly, D ~�o e M.��hepar S Chief Engineer Approved for tranEmission to ommissioner of Finance ran . X4 z to commissioner of u c Works BOYD INVESTMENT CO, REAL ESTATE-MORTGAGES-INSURANCE }b2s-� ;T-H-MISSISSIRRJ�RIit6l� RD EMERSON 7902 SAINT PAUL 5, MINNESOTA ly _ - - -7ro z C. F. No. 167049— In the matter of urbingg rth side of Nevada Avenue[rom Victoria Street to Mato` Street under Preliminary Order 168358 approved December 1., 1953. COUNCIL FILE N0. - --- A public hearing having been had pan the above Improvement upon ane -ti- Lt Coar FINAL ORDER curbin north side of Nevada Avenue from Victoria Street to In the Matter of--- - g- ---------------------- - - Milton Street -------- ------------------------------------------- ----- ------------------------------- - - - - -- --- - --- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ under Preliminary Order________166 _8-- ---------------------approved December-1 19-3 __ - Intermediary Order ------------ --------------------------sPProved - -- -- -------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice,and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto,and having fully considered the same; therefore,be it RESOLVED,By the Council of the City of St.Paul that the precise nature,extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is_______c_-ur__--_-n-_------------------------------ ---Siiz'e_e-t__to_Miaton Stree--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER,That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement,and submit same to the Council for approval;that upon said approval,the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the CouncilF.EB----$--M4------------------- 192----_--• i FEB -- - - -------- N 1954 - City Clerk. Approved 192. le 121x33 -- - -- -- -, -_ -- _� I"'/ ,��n _'_,w '­y�-__-_z�� -- Mayor. Councilman�l��— \/1 Councilman HOLLAND ' Councilmandf�ii��1 MARZITELLI Councilman MORTINSON Councilman 06TERSON Councilman diboNdUMM ROSEN Mayor DAUBNEY Form B. S.A.8-7 - CITY OF ST.PAUL • ' DEPARTMENT'OF FINANCE REPORT OF ON PRELIM NARY ORDER FINANC E �r� (A) In the matter of curbing north side of Nevada Avenue from Victoria Street to Milton Street. under Preliminary Order approved 166358 To the Council of the City of St.Paul: December 11 1953 The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 750 67 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 9-151 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement,and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor,are as follows: ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION Land Building East 19.41 feet of Lot 1, Block 1, Nevada Avenue. Addition and the followings all of Quincy Street/ vacated adjoining and part north of Como valuations not Nevada Avenue of 3 2 available Ex. Nest 1 foot and except East 600 5000 1 1 Nevada Avenue Addition 19.41 feet; 1 1 do 550 4600 Lot 2 8s West 1 foot; 550 4600 3 1 do 4 1 do 550 5600 5 1 do 550 5600 6 1 do 550 4400 XVIM Form ` oCITY OF ST.PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Lot 7 and except West 47.66 feet- 8 1 Nevada Avenue Addition 575 4800 West 47.66 feet of 8 1 do 525 4900 9 1 do 550 4900 10 1 do 600 4350 TOTAL $5600 $43750 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated January 5 I9 54 Form H.B. 12 Commissioner of Fi 3 3'0 • lhi�3�j� St. Paul, Minn.._-Saptemher--22-..----_----19.. 3__ To The Honorable,The Council, City of St.Paul,Minn. Gentlemen: We,the undersigned property owners,hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: kOR THE..SNSTALIATIQN OF A GM'R 1117QUE..............--TO--BE-I l,8'TAUFD-OTT FORTR SIDE OF NFVA.DA _- ------ ----------IL Ave. from.__VICTORIA -- ---St.AU to-- MELTON------------ ----------------------- --St. ----------------------St. - NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION 1 f� L J k l� T i _ 6M 11-62 . p F` 5 N.W '/K SEC-23 T. 29. -R. 23• SCALE JOo O O NT H A -----J V b. Ir p N BRASKA - W _ U 1 0 JII 6� J x r1CVADAAVC ~J I�I LAKt COMO IARLIMS ON Cu.RTCE NAND ATIAS �—q-33 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance December 14, 19 53 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works,having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council,known as Council File No. 166358 approved December 1, 1953 1§x ,relative to curbing the north side of Nevada Avenue from Victoria Street to Milton Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein,hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $2.41 2. The estimated cost thereof is$ 1,750.x,and the total cost thereof is$ Engineering $100.00 Inspection $32.37 Frontage 728 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan,profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part here 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of o subject to assessment for said improvement. �• Com ssi e of Public o" ICEiL! LlJ ,.. :M ,-<e e �1 HE L" Io 1953 'E CITY OF SAINT PAUL A"°°� "° ➢uvrwu .,CO.—a'Reen�v JOS.PAVLICF.K GEM.GAREN.Sun- a Derr'.Accou xrnxr Capital of Minnesota P—Asst.CIVIL Exo.xeev f ➢u—or SA—AF— JENS A.HOLMROE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS JOHN M.COTTER,Sun. orrl.Ex°Ix..• FRANK D.MARZITELLI,COMMISSIONER • HERBERT S.WEST ➢uvenu or h7uxicrrAl.Equire+exi HERMAN P. PRANKE,DEPUTY COMMISSIONER ARTHUR I;1 HERMAN Ruve+u or Balmes GEORGE M. SHEPARD,CHIEF ENGINEER MAURICE W.HEWETT ➢uxenu OF Coxvemlox £xglxee. Cir 9, 1953 JOHN P.MULLANEY,Sur. T- c Ex° EUGENE V.AVERY / A Hon. Frank D.-Marzitelli Commissioner of Public Works City of St. Paul Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for curbing the north side of Nevada Avenue from Victoria Street to Milton Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 166358 approved December 1, 1953, Estimated Cost ------------------ $ 1,750.67 Cost per front foot ------------- 2.41 Engineering --------------------- 100.00 Inspection ---------------------- 32.37 Frontage ------------------------ 728 ft. r� L Yours very truly, ea M. ar eo M. Shepard Chief Engineer Approved for transmission J J to C issio of Finance rank D. M zitell� Commissioner of P 1 orks 01191-1 to city Clark �'d CITY OF ST. PAUL Pi°e"`tE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r CO CIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM C.E'.No.107095—By Severin A.Martin- Saner Whereas, John Weber, an employe PRESENTED BY 1u'>rd cf 11„ C.- COMMISSIONE DATE Whereas, John Weber, an employe of the Board of Water Commissioners, has made claim that he suffered an accidental injury to his back during the course of Ms employment with said Board, the dates of said injury havingbeen stated as July 1952, August 1952, and January 1953, and of Water Commissioners contends that such injury did not arise out of his employment, ad WHEREAS, in order to effectuate a final disposition of the claim of the employe, a stipulation has been entered into between the parties, and an award has beer made by the Industrial Com- mission, therefore be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to said award, the proper City officers are hereby ordered and ddirected ,to pay ken Bethesda Hospital the sum of 4125.35r to of $33.00, to Drs. Ritchie & Merrick the sum of $10.00, and to reimburse said employe the balance of $56.00, expended £$r medical care and treatment, after deducting and paying directly nis attorneys, Hansen, Hazen & Lynch, the sum of $17.50, said pay- ments to constitute final settlement of all claims of said employe resulting from his alleged n,jury and to be made from the Water Department Fund. FEB 2 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ��p 195— Yeas Nays }=E B 2 1". Halvorson Holland ' Approved_ 195__ Marzitelli Mortinson ---In Favor — — Mayor Peterson ( Rosen Mr. President, Daubney PLjDLISHED 5M 243 ' Orlginal w City Clerk t COUNCIL J CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.__.__—. FICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PESENTED BY �}^..V! — DATE— CR OMMISSIONER _— C.F.No.161NII—By Muton Rn _ the COunca of the Clty of Safnt Peel hereby approves the appps City of the City to ct)"of Id City,as eobmltted to the Couaty A.5jt.F..fAr thn ObO,terne6Fre'th07 • rr rrul: ' . RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the application of the City Comptroller of said City, as submitted to the County Auditor, for the abatement of the general taxes for 1953 on the following described property, to wit: Registered Land Survey No. 20, Tract C - Part in SWI, of % NE, of NW4 of Sec. 23, T. 29, R. 22, together with water frontage tax, totaling $137.36, and recommends that the Commissioner of Taxation of the State of Minnesota cancel said taxes. FEB 2 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council— -195— Yeas Nays FEB 2 1�5 1l1olland 195— Marzitelli Approved--- - McDermott Martinson In Favor — ' Mayor Peterson ) Rosen Against W� 5 Mr.President,Delaney pUnl saD� 5M ]-Sl may© Z- COUNCIL odata.l is cur clr.l. CITY OF ST. PALL FILE No.— -- OFFIC@ OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DAT CoMM15510NE "— WHEREAS, John S. Schlorhaufer, appeared in Municipal Court on the 23rd day of October 1953, and pleaded guilty to a charge of reckless driving, and paid a fine of $100.00, and WHEREAS, said defendant has petitioned for the with- drawal of his plea and the reinstatement of his case on the Court calendar, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that upon the order of Judge Edward Mulally, Judge of the Municipal Court, that said case be re-set for trial, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to draw a warrant in the sum of $lOO.00, in favor of the Clerk of Municipal Court, to be retained until final decision in said case. C,Wheme�I John—S.. Schlorhanfoben F. er,ap- peared in Municipal Court on the 23rd day of October 1953.and pleaded guilty paid as charge reckless ss driving, and Whereas, Said defendant has plea ett- tioad eoreinstateme�nta Ofl his casof his e on an tttTiescourt oly d,calendar. rethe oVi f Muacipal CourtNthatlyssiducae Of w be the set for trial, the proper ity officers war are ranthereby aut m*�id330000��favor of the Clerk of Municipal Court,to be retained until final decision in said caAaoptcd by the Council February 2. i 159. AprovediFeb uary 6,11 59) r td � 1g5G COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— f�� Yeas Nays Halvorson I Approved_-- - 195— Holland Marzitelli In Favor - — Mortinson - i- Mayor Peterson /1 Rosen --)—Against Mr. President, Daubney 6M 2-63 "100'" Odalnel to City Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.____ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL R OL ON—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY -- COMMISSIONER-_. ._—__ DATE____-_._-._..___----_... _- RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the application of the City Comptroller of said City, as submitted to the County Auditor, for the abatement of the general taxes for 1953 on the following described property, to wit: Subject to Hoyt Ave. and except part in N. 880 ft. of E. 330 ft. of N91, and except E. 280 ft., the S. 665.5 ft. o£ E. z of NE-1 4 of said NW4 of Sec. 23, T. 29, R. 22; together with water frontage tax, totaling $149.08, and recommends that the Commissioner of Taxation of the State of Minnesota cancel said taxes. C. F.No. 16709&-a6lltan IS - ResolvedIler . That the council 01 the City of Saint Paul'here approver of sa pplica tan submnty itted to the Cou Auditor,for the aDatement of theeragen- s taxes for 1953 on the following described property,to-wlt: Subject to Hoyt Ave.End except ,art in N. SSD ft.of . f. f NW. and except E. 2833 30 ftftthe is rL Nw16 a Sec E.23.T.29 R 22;oF said toggether with water frontageto- talinR $149.95, and recommends that the Commissioner of Taxation of the i said tax— S Adapted Dynesota the ouncancel February 2. i 19Approved February 2.1954. (February 6. 1954) FEB 2 1954 EN Adopted by the Council— - — -195— CILMYeas� Nays FEB 21' 54 Holland Marzitelli Approved- - --195— Mortinson In Favor — - - Mayor Peterson Rosen Against - Mr.President, snf 1-51 qp. Udxia.i to cit,DIer6 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO._ --- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OLINCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY JI.J�....— _ DATE— COMWSSIONER---- WHEREAS, the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States is offering 24 United States Trer_sury Bonds to mature in 7-years and 9-months in exchange for 1..319%U. S. Treasury Notes, due March 15, 1954, and the Sinking Fund Committee recommends the exchange of $1,2009000 of these Notes held in the General Sinking Fund, and IENREAS, the Council is of the opinion the, above exchange should be made, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Mayor, Commissioner of Finance ono the Comptroller are hereby authorized and directed to consumate the transection. C.F.No.167049—Milton Rosen— Whereae,The Secretary of the Treas- ury of the United Sfatee is oBerw 255%United States Treasury Ronda to mature in 7-years and 9-months in exchange far 116%U.S.Treasury Notea, due March 15, 1954, and the Sinking Fund Committee reeammends the exchange of$1,200.000 of these Notes held in the General sinking Fund,and Whereas,The Cnuncit is of the apin- lon the above xchange shoultl be made.therefore be it L Resolved That the Mayor Commie-f 5, stoner of l�lmnce and the Clomptroner are hereby authorized and dlreered to J.' eunaumate the transuatlon. 1 18 4ttaPted by the coattail February 2, Approved February 2,1954. IFebruary 6,1954) FEB � 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council— 195— Yeas Nays FEB 2 1954 Halvorson Approved—._--_195— Holland Marzitelli Mortinson _ In Favor —� �-- _-- Mayor Peterson Rosen --/--Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 243 „ odaia.l t.Car CI-1, COUNCIL NO._ -- CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO IL RESOLUTION—GEN L FORM C.I F.NO.167050—By Severin A.Mort- Reaolved,That the grope city ofl. tete are hereby authorized to pay PRESENTED BY DAi certain employes/n the Water Depari- COMMISSIONER ant for exxtfrraa a Dioyment as des- cribed in the resolution. Adapted by the Council February 2, 1054. Approved February 2,1054. (February 6,1054) WMWM, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency during the period from January 16th to January 319t 1954, which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of the Water Department for more than eight hours per day or forty hours per Week in doing the following works (1) Repairing Filtration Plant equipment' (2) Repairing coal elevator McCarron Imaping Station (3) Repairing water mains & service connections and thawing out service connections, various locations. 14) Taking emergency calls at Storeyard. (5) Thawing sludge lino at Filtration Plant (Water-Shed crew) (6) Driving and servicing truck AND W>D?&P S, this emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: (1) In order to put equipment in working order iminediately. (2)& (5) Necessary to finish fob after regular lours in order to put in working order immediately. (3) In order to put water mains and service connections in service as quickly as possible. (44) Nights and Sundays (b) Taking country crew to and from work. xoRS, BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the employees who performed such work is accordance with the provisions of the Councills salary ordinance, Ordinance No. 6446. F[Q 2 1854 COUNCILMEN. Adopted by the Council- — 195— Yeas Nays F�.B 2 -ms& Halvorson Approved—__—__195__ Holland Marzitelli �} --- _ _ Mortinson In Favor f�= Mayor Peterson r' Rosen ----Against Mr. President, Daubney 6M 2-62 's COUNCIL NO. — orlalaai to cur Clrrk CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE CMIMTTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ,/,y/ _ Eebruaz'Y 2. 1954' PRESENTED BY'Ll' — DATE_ CO MMISSIONE(� y -- RESOLVED, That licenses for Restaurant+ On and Off Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarette. Application C 7867, applied for by Skok, Inc. at 628 Selby Avenue be and the same are hereby granted. C.F.No.167051—Ry Norris O.$alyor- son Se rin A.Mortinson—Robert F. Peteraob— Re-Wed. That nI. OHnSele Beverage and Cigarette, APPllcation C 7867. aPPned ,or by Skok,Inc at 629 Selby Avenue be and the sarne are hereby granted. Adopted by the Council February 2, 1954. Approved February 2,1959. (February 6, 1954) NEW (on sale Liquor Establishment) Infor.ny aPPQ'oved by Council January 21, 1954 FEB 2 1954 Adopted by the Council _195— COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays FEB 210 Halvorson Approved——195— Holland pproved —195— Holland Marzitelli - __ln Favor -- Mayor Mortinson _— — Peterson /)- Rosen _---Against / _Against Mr. President, Daubney 681 2-68 '' oftinal t.Cil)CI,rk CITY OF ST. PAUL couNcu „ I:1'>rENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C.F.No.1670: Hyy xorr3 0.Halver- son—Severin A.MoRiown—Robert F. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PetWphoee'g«at,Reh ab 1ff' � wtr c PRESENTED BY ,.,�p(,�• C7 1e f COMMISSIONE �"-"t"�"� -fes DATE +t a ---t'-Al. 1 1�r.'�G ie WREFEASs Red Cab Co. ( A Minnesota Corporation) has made Application 07410 for license to operate as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul twenty(20) automobiles described as follows: Cab ft-, Make Serial Nor.- Insurance 1 Plymouth 15422944 Exchange Insurance Association an Inter Insurance Exchange 2 Plymouth 15422203 Policy No. SP-4325 Expiring 12:01 A.M. ST 3 Plymouth 15423123 August 22, 1954. 4 Plymouth 12831099 " it a ° " 5 Plymouth 15433353 a " a n a 12 Plymouth 15562162 " " ° ° it 14 Plymouth 15523710 it n a It lI 24 Plymouth 12734509 n n a n n 25 Plymouth 12692285 a n n n n 34 Plymgpth 12831185 35 Plymouth 15423321 36 Plymouth 12615146 37 Plymouth 15525517 38 Plymouth 127o6745 II n n fl p 39 Plymouth 15547209 40 Plymouth 15536 9 " " " ° it COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council—__195— Yeas 196_Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved— 196_ Marzitelli Mortinson _—In Favor Mayor Peterson Rosen --Against Mr. President, Daubney 6M 2-63 `OrW-1 1.CIA,Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY February 2, 1954 DATE_ PACE NO 2 (Radio Cab Co.--) Cab No Make Serial No Insurance 64 Plymouth 15490233 Exchange Insurance Association an Inter Insurance Exchange 73 Plymouth 12863256 Policy No. XP44325 Expiring 12:01 A.M. ST 94 Plymouth 15563067 August 22, 1954. 116 Plymouth 13118291 " " " " " WHEREAS: Said applicant has filed a copy of the insurance policy with the City of Saint Paul and said policy has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore. be it RESOLVED: That license to operate said automobiles as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul be and the same are hereby granted to Radio Cab Co. ( A Minnesota CorporationX NEW (Formerly operated by Daniel Delmont) Informally approved by Council January 26, 7954 FEB 2 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council___195— Yeas 195_Yeas Nays ? 1 Halvorson Holland Approved 195— . � Marzitelli / �� � Martinson In Favor -- t L t Mayor 1 Peterson / Rosen _Against f/ Mr. President, Daubney 3M 2-53 Original to Cil?ClerkCOUNCIL NO. LICENSE CONINLCTI CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _ DATE--- February 2. 1951+ COMMISSIONE ai-/ �.�•�-� RESOLVED: That Pawnbroker License No. 81839 expiring June 19 1954, issued to Service Ivan Co., Inc. at 1569 University Avenue be and the same is hereby transferred to Service Loan Co., Inc. at 672 University Avenue. C.F.No.167053—Ety Norris O.FTalvor- -Severin A.Martinson—Robert F.J Petenson— Resolved, Thal Pawnbraker Llce— No.8182,expiring June 1,1959,issued to Service Loan Co..Inc.at 1569 Unl- varsity Avenue be and the same is hereby transferred to Service Iaan Co., Inc. at 672 University Avenue. Adopted by the Council February 2, 1954. Approved February 2,1954. (February 6, 1954) TRANSFER (Location) FEB 2 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council—___195— Yeas Nays Fr.B 9 Halvorson Approved_ —195— Holland Marzitelli - Mortinson An Favor } -- Mayor Peterson / Rosen --Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-52 " P AQP.. o,IxImd t.Car Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. - LICENSE 00VMr TEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM c)� DATE_ PRESENTED BY ( _p -- �! Feburary ZP 19r COMMISSIONE �' RESOLVED: That Mechanical Amusement Device Location, Mechanical Amusement Devicell-We and Music Machine (1) License No. 1767, all expiring November 1, 1954. issued to Edward J. Skok (onl7) at 628 Selby Avenue be and the same are hereby transferred to Skok, Inc. at 628 Selby Avenuet C,�n 8everin A M .Halvor- orttnwn�Aobert F. peterson— mnesolve vicehatlMechanical, echanical Amusement Devices (2), and Music Machine (1) License No.1767,ane- ptrin8 November 1. 1854. ':sued to Edward J. Skok (anlymat 628 Selby Avenue be and the hereby transferred to Skok. Inc.e at 626 Selby Avenue. Adopted by the Council February 2, 1964. TRANSFER(IAcensees) Approved February, 1964. {February e,1969) Informally approved by Council January 21, 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council --195— Yeas 195_Yeas Nays «B ? 1 � Halvorson Holland ) Appproved —195— 1 / �\ Marzitelli Mortinson _____In Favor --- Mayor Peterson �j Rosen _ Against _ Mr. President, Daubney 3M 2-63 ' : COUNCIL N0. original to city clKdt CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE CM29TTEE ,Gpl�J� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM February 2► 1954 PRESENTED BY R'L'�=-- a 7Lar+„'DATc _ COMM15510NE On and off Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarettes RESOLVED, That licenses for Restaurant. Application C 7976v and Mechanical pmuae7Rent Device Location#rth Dale Street Application C 7975./aPPlied for by Albert W. Kollath at 535 be and the same are hereby granted'. C.F.N.187055—EY Norris O.Elalvor- son—Severin A.Mortlnson—Robert g. "= That licenses for Realeu- , rent,On one Oft Sale Matt 7975. -d e C19arette,a,wra nton C 7975,and Mechanical Amusement DevicpeUc Red for, bynAberticW.o K.Cllath78•ta5$5 North NEW Council Dale Street be and the same ere hereby Informally approved by granted by the Council February 2, January 269 1954 I9ApProved Feb Bary 2.1954. Old Location (Febru ry 0,19541 FEB 2 1954 Adopted by the Council — ---195.—. COUNCILMEN Adopted FFB 2 Yeas Nays Halvorson Approved--195— Holland1 G Marzitelli Mortinson _In Favor Mayor�' ✓ \--' Peterson —Against Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 ®' Original to Cite Clnk CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. NO. 'LICENSE COWnTTEE 6FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY —/f, February 2, 1954 COMMISSIONE —___ •,?�/C7 DATE RESOLVEDt That licenses for permit to conduct Bingo Fames, applied for by the following organizations at the addresses stated, for the days, dates. and hours indicated on each application, be and the same are hereby granted. American legion Amriliary, Memorial Post Ho. 533 444 Rice Street 12 Periods App. 7977 New St.Rose Sodality, St. Rdalbertts Church 265 Charles Avenue 1 " " 8008 " Cretin Band Auxiliary 495 S. Hemline Avenue 1 " " 8009 " Com.fS. MONrti wn0Robert F. Peterson— Games acenaes Resolved.=That RtpHe organfzatione named on the Ret attached to tb lazeby rewiution end and iethe a Cl k my granted ttructed a t&into the C Yatrta rry he of thre re4utred fees Adopted by the Council February 2. '954. Approved February 2.1854. - (February 9,1954) FEB 2 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_— ° 195— Yeas Nays FEB ? 1954 Halvorson Holland Approved —195_ Marzitelli _.In Favor Martinson --- — Mayor Peterson Rosen _. Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 " 157 Orlsissi L.Cit,Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE cONKrTTEE gCOUN-C�IIL,RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _-' },__//, LE DATE February 2, 19$4 COMMISSIONER RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the sam are hereby granted. Morgan A. Rose 463 University Restaurant App, �45 Now Old Loc.H k• a " Frank Niles 1489 Farrington Photographer " 7947 Mabel Eichelberger 864 University Restaurant n X963 n NeW n a n Cigarette M. A. Dev (1) " 7989 " Old " Fern Peterson 506 W 7th M. Mach (1) " " a n n C.F.No.167057—Sy Norris 0.nalvor- son�everm A.Mortinson—Robert F. Peterson— Resolved,That licenses applied for by ppeersons named on the list attach td to tNs resolution be and the same efe hereby Is Ins[ructep CltClark tonet be ouch att—a ury of the re�qulred fee the city tress- . Adopted by the Council February 2. 19Approved February 2,`1954. (February 6, 1954) FEB 2 1994 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council__ 195— Yeas Nays F'r B 2 1gq'A Halvorson Holland Approved—__195— Marzitelli �\ Mortinson _—_--In Favor �Y — Peterson ) I Mayor Rosen __I Against Mr. President,,Daubney 5M 2-5a '6S1.'T ? FSE�i)8 o,ici..l is CIU Clrrk COUNCIL N0. CITY OF ST. PAUL rue LICENSE COMTTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIO —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY/ TAS DATE February L. 1954 COMMISSIONE RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. Kra 's Inc. 524 N. Snelling Grocery App. 4523 Renewal am " n Butcher n n n " n Cigarette Margaret Fritake 472 Wabasha Restaurant " 6475 " a n Cigarette " a n Russell C. Jacobson 432 Case Grocery ° b503 " n Butcher n 11 n n ry n Ciga#1lette n Chester We Oden, Sr. 799 University Restaurant " 6676 " n n Cigarette " n n Genevieve E. Wallington&Any Me Kessler 20 " 305 Ste Peter Beauty Shop " 70 Thomas We Wagner 778 S. Smith Gas Sta 2P it 7067 " ry ry n ry n Q. M. LOC• Prom Inc. 1190 University Restaurant " 7079 u n ' 11 Confectionery ry n On Sale Malt n 11 Tavern n Dance Ball n n Cigarette Isaak Snyder it Jackson Restaurant n 7108 n n n on Sale Malt ry n n n 8ff Sale Malt n n Cigarette C.F.No.189058—By Norris O.Halvor- son—Severin A.MorUnson—Robert F. Peterson— Resolved, That licenses applied for by Pe ns named on the list attached' to this resolution be and the same are Adopted b is rinasttr ct a to iMeu en nn licenses 95— COUNCILMEN p upon the Daymene into theCitytreas- ury of the required fees. Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council February 2, 1954. Halvorson Approved February 2,1954. (February 8,1954) (( Holland Marzitelli Mortinson __---- Favor Mayor Peterson Rosen __—Against Mr. President, Daubney aM 243 ' ,I OHrin.l b C"1 Ckrk COUNCIL NO _ CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE COMK11MM COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _— DATE February 2, 1954 COMMISSIONER—.------ ---_ -- PAGE NO. 2 (Renewals) Albert Unise �SO Jackson Restaurant „PP 7119 Renewal On Sale Malt It u n n Off Sale Malt " Cigarette IN " it it " a Helen Boosalis 19 Restaurant n � 60 University n n n " On Sale Malt " " u Off Sale Malt n " Cigarette " Restaurant " 7237 a Andrew E. Anderson 1512 Rice On Sale Malt u u Off Sale Malt a r n n n Cigarette Federal Bake Shop. Tnc-384 7242 Bakery " 7242 " Martel I. Formo 913 Payne " n 7451 a Angelina &Dante Rossini Restaurant " 7517 " a 309 Sibley On Sale Malt " n Off Sale Malt n Cigarette " St. Paul Liquor House. Inc. Confectionery it 7670 " 200 E. 7th Off Sale Malt a " Cigarette n n n n 7698 hil Korman a pJ. Kan 719 Burr . Grocery " a " a n Cigarette Joseph J. Inserra 656-0, Grp Restaurant a 7703 a W a Cigarette COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council—_-195-- Yeas 195—Yeas Nays Halvorson Approved _195— Holland Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor - --- — Mayor Peterson Rosen -----Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-63 " odcm.l L.City C1-k CONCIL NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IMENSE CONIMTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE February 2. 1954 COMMISSIONER--.-- ---- PAGE NO. 3 (Renewals) James F. Jordan 608 S. Smith Confectionery App. 7759 Renewal n " Off Sale Malt " " a Cigarette Harold H. Ebert 1657 E• Minnehaba Grocery n n7803 " „ n Butcher n n Off Sale Malt a " Cigarette George N. Miller 4882 St. Peter Tavern " 7836 " Sam Taruscio Jr. 854 Payne Grocery " 784 " Bernard A. Raaff 1811 St. Clair Gas Sta 5P x 7900 n It " V. M. latio, a It Cigarette Flo Miller 1568 Como Restaurant It 7905 " a " Cigarette a James G. Guertin 2264 Como Restaurant n 7908 a n a Cigarette n Thosx J. Maruska 1028 W. 7th Confectionery " 7915 Off Sale Malt " " " n " Cigarette n o n Alfred G. Anderson & Josgirh Hall 216 E. 7th Restaurant ° 7921+ " n " Off Sale Malt It " Cigarette It n n Fanny Farmer Candy Shops. Inc. 418 St. Peter Confectionery " 7927 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council-- 195— Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved 195_ Marzitelli Mortinson __---In Favor —— Mayor Peterson Rosen _----Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 od¢In.l In city Ckh COUNCIL NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1XENSE COXMTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE February 2, 1954 COMMISSIONER--_---- ----- PAGE N0. 3 (Renewals) James F. Jordan 608 S. Smith Confectionery App. 7759 Renewal n e Off Sale Malt n a Cigarette Harold H. Ebert n1657 E• Minnehaha Grocery a 7803Butn n a Off Sale Melt n n Cigarette George N. Miller 4882 St. Peter Tavern " 7836 ° Sam Taruscio Jr. 854 Payne Grocery " 7848 " Bernard A. Bnaff 1811 St. Clair Gas Sta 5P ^ 7900 n n " V. M. Loci. a II Cigarette Flo Miller 1568 Como Restaurant " 7905 " n n Cigarette " It " James G. Guertin 2264 Como Restaurant " 7908 ° n n Cigarette Tho*J. Maruska 1028 W. 7th Confectionery " 7915 n " II Off Sale Malt " ° IF n n Cigarette Alfred G. Anderson&Josgj)h Hall 216 E. 7th Restaurant " 7924 n n n Off Sale Malt n " Cigarette u a a Fanny Farmer Candy Shops, Inc. 418 St. Peter Confectionery " 7927 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_— 195— Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved 195— Marzitelli Mortinson __—_In Favor -- Mayor Peterson Rosen ---Against Mr. President, Daubney sM 2.63 -1�3' -� Dd.,n.t t.City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL FlotE NO. - LICENSE COZ49ITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM February PRESENTED BYDATE-- nwimt 2. 1954 COMMISSIONER____ — —-- PAGE N0. 4 (Renewals) _ 2 S. Snelling Grocery App. 7928 Renewal A. Tracy Long 23 Off Sale Malt " n Cigarette Galen C. &Ernest W. Anderson a 740 Selby Grocery 7936 n n n Frozen Meats d n off Sale Malt n It n Ci arette Mrs. strandy's Bakeries. Inc. p 7940n 1816 Grand Bakery p a Berman J. Moren 5"67-9 Stryker On-9ale Yat n ° "9 a n Off Sale Malt a it It Cigarette a tt n Payne Ave. Bowling Alleys. Inc. & vera Peterson 893-9 Pane Bowling 8 A. " 79+9 " Lyle M. Triviski 678 Selby Restaurant n 77960 n n On Sale Malt n Off Sale Malt " n Cigarette a Egekvist Bakeries, Inc. p64 r 791 Grand Bakery ?9 Firestone Auto Supply&Sege Store Gas Sta 3P " 7965 11 p 183 W. 5th Auto Rep Gar p d n a n Hdtae " a v. M. LOQ• FEB 2 195 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council__ 19J- Yeas Nays S` Halvorson -195- 1 % Approved Holland - Marzitelli Mortinson __-._In Favor -- - Mayor Peterson [� Rosen -----Against Mr. President, Daubney 6M 2-63 ' 1P I oN¢In.l t.City Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE COMMITTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE February 20 1954 COMMISSIONER- -- cPA(iE N0. 5 (Renewals) DeLume Check Printing, Inc. 530 N. Wheeler Restaurant App. 7967 Renewal ^ " Cig arette n " " Eder. C. Oehlers 496 St. Peter Grocery u 7971 " ^ ^ Frozen Meats " It It ^ " Off Sale Melt ^ ^ Cigarette n ■ n LeRoy G. Benson 774 Selby Auto Rep Gam, n 7973 ^ Monica M.Delaney 317 St. Peter Tavern (I=) " 7980 " ■ " Off Sale Malt " " " n It Restaurant " 7982 " 11 ^ Off Sale Malt ^ " Tavern (LIM) ^ ^ n ^ " Cigarette Petroleum Service Co. 747 Upper Levee Fuel Dlr u 7994 " Arthur Cigel 46 E. 412 M. A. D. Loc. " 8001 " n 11 M. A. Dev (2) W. H. Barber Co. 747 Upper Levee Bulk oil Strge. " $W2 " Max Folnick & Sherman Gordon 148 Plato Junk Dlr. u 80t4 " Robert L. Morgan 111-13 W. 6th Restaurant u 8016 " ^ " Off Sale Malt Cigarette ■ " " Grace Chicon 379 Rice M. A. D. Loc. " 8034 " FEB 2 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council__ 195— Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland I Approved 195— Marzitelli Mortinson —__In Favor Mayo\ Peterson /l Rosen —_�_Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-63 ,r f1 fill 11 t ls� Y9 2nd } �. t.a:a n r to_ 3rd and npp 'd.pted. Yeas/ Nays Yeas � Nays Ra/lpereon �Haip n �� /holland olland r� ,//arzitelli ` Peterson --I'ete Rosen _ en Mr. President Daubnne[y /Mr,. President Daubney H9� onstd.{m civ cl—k - OAalud t.city C - ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY r ORDINANCE NO I G f ,r C.F.No.Igvgp"-cicdlnanceNo.10254 — By Fran4 D.Marzital,t— .1flw ...tet Rile.lEl:tu.tda'� An ordinance settling the claim of Harry W. Phillips against the City of Saint Paul. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay, out of the Judgment and Com- promise Fund, to Willard L. Converse as attorney for Harry W. Phillips, the sum of $218.95 in full settlement of his claim against the City for damage to his automobile by reason of a defective manhole on the 18th day of October, 1953. Section 2. Said sum shall be paid to said claimant upon execution and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all damages sustained by him in the manner aforesaid. Section $. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval, and publication. Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. Approved as to form r ­n-fion Cnuneej: FEB Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Halvorson Holland in Favor _.3`,- •tan: Mortinson G Against Peterson Rosen I-L b, a3 i9J Mr.President (Daubney) Approv Attest: C/� ; Id May -- or City Clerk IM 5-52 9 Orlgin.l to City Clerk -� 'f 19 r• CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OF ICE OF THE CITY CLERK N RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED / DATE_JanUa Iy' 271_1974 COMMISSIONEit_—..—.—__ _ R SOL"ED, That the Purchasin; gent be, and he is hereby authorized, ,rith the consent of the Comptroller, to purchase From ST. PAUL TORO Repair Parts for Toro Prof. Mowers at a total cost of $1880.313 without advertisement or competitive bids as this is the manufacturer and only source of supply and no advantage could be .,ained thereby. Charge Parks - 18-C-4. C.F.No.167060—Ry Norris O.Ralvar- Resolved.That the Purchasing Agent be,and he is hereby authorised,with the consent of the Comptroller, to Purchase from ST.PAUL TORO Repair PariN s for Toro Prof.Mowers a total cost of$1880.21,without adver iunnent or competitive bids as this is the manufacturer and oNy source of sup- ply a d no advantage could be gained I Charge Parks-18-C-4. Adopted by the Counell February 2,1 1984. Approved February 2,1954. (February 6,1D54) , FEB 2 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_— 195— Yeas Nays 2 1 Halvorson Holland �' Approved .-195— Marzitelli In Favor \lortinson — _--- Mayor � Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubney 6M 2-62 •'GS�J"+' 1 AY t71� origiasl to City CI<rkCOUNCIL CITY OF ST.'PALL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATF — --'—"— COMMISSIONER— -- RESOLVED, that C. C. Christensen, 982 Thomas Avenue, be paid $4.50 as a refund for Electrical Permit No. 77598 issued for work to be done at 141 West Sixth Street, for the reason that the work was not accomplished because the owner died. r C.F.No.167061—By Norris O.Halvor- son— Resolved.That C.C.Christensen.982 Thomas Avenue• be paid $4.50 as a refund for Electrical Permit No.77598 Issued for work to be done at 141 West Sixth Street. for the reason that the work was not accomplished because the owner r died. Adopted by the Council February 2, 1959. Approved February 2,1954. (February G, 1954) FF-5 2 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci196— Yeas Nays FEB 21�- Halvorson Approved 196— Holland Marzitelli , Mortinson In Favor —���—� Mayo Peterson against Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 641 2-53 — Q�lt� Of *t. Vaul U MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OP PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS APID 'PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Holl, Zone 2 NORRIS O. HALVORSON, Commissioner FRANK L. LOSS, Deputy Commissioner W.LA MONT KAUFMAN ALFRED H.SCHROEDER ERNEST W.JOHNS Supt.d P.d. CHy Ambft*cf Sup'. of Pley9roun fif' Lp January 28, 1954 Mir. T. P. Quinn Corporation Counsel Department of Law Dear Sir: Please prepare a resolution which will refund $4.50 to C. C. Christensen, 982 Thomas Avenue, which is the fee paid by him for Electrical Permit 77598 for work to be done at 141 West Sixth Street. This work was not accomplished as the owner dropped dead. Therefore, the electrician is requesting a re- fund of the permit fee. Yours truly, Alf d H. Schroeder C ARCH Ir ECT AHS..A o l.1-1 t.Cit,Clete CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FRE NO._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER. _-- ___ _DATE January 6. 1954 RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Comptroller to purchase from SC17.4P-RTZ CONSTRUOTICN COMPANY services for moving two box cars from Great Northern Yards 44tnof Kellogg viaduct, one to Riverside Schcol,Albion and Lexington P icwy and oT 1School, rlto n>tx Albary and Arona, at a total cost of 5150.00 as this is tl; :•9n5i"1 oAf ce of supply as ., < per Informal Bid #693. Charge Playgrounds CF 165408 - 10 - Code 1087. C.F.No.167062—By Norris O.Halvor- so Resolved.That the Purchasing Agent be,and he is hereby aUthoriud,with the consent of the Comptroller, to ipurchase from SCHWARTZ CON- STRUCTION COMPANY se—Ices for moving two box cars from Great Nor- thern Yard—foot of Kellogg viaduct, one to Riverside School, Albion antl I.esington Pkwye d one too Tilden I School, Albany ndnAr.... t a total L;; cost of $150.00 as this n the ly No.r693.of supply as per Informal oBid + Charge Playgrounds C.F.165408—10 —Code 1087. Adopted by the Council February 2. 1854. Approved February 2.1154. IFebruery 6,IR64) FEB 2 1354 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays FEB 21954 Halvorson Holland Approved_ 195— Marzitelli r i Mortinson In Favor Peterson ) Mayor > Rosen Against / Mr, President, Daubney 5M 2-63 ++ e Orl[inel to City Clerk t CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCILFILE No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE __._ _--_ WHEREAS, The Commissioner Public Works has reported, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency during the period from January 16 to 31, 1954 which rendered necessary the employment of certian employees of the Department of Public Works for more than eight hours per day or forty hours per week in doing the following work: Emergency street and building repair Dispatching men for emergency sewer jobs Dispatching motor vehicles for street, sewer & bldg. repairs Operating equipment on emergency street repairs Hauling materials for all emergency work Emergency calls for sewer maintenance Removing snow from city streets; cindering icy intersections Tending fires at Asphalt Plant on Sundays and holidays Emergency repair on bridges Emergency inspection on alleys and garbage cans Emergency garbage pickup Drawing plans and specifications for grading & paving jobs Servicing municipal equipment Making up final reports of business for year 1953• And WHEREAS, This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances:- Necessity of keeping fires at Asphalt Plant continuously, answering emergency street, sewer, bridge and building repair calls, need of emergency inspection on alleys and garbage cans, need of garbage pickup, need of completing plans for grading and paving jobs, need of keeping city equipment in good running condition and need of completing final reports for year 1953- C No. 1616700-13Y Frank D.Marzi- F'F. Resoi'eed, That thler a¢ proper t COUNCILMEN Adapted by oflpublie w kYes to 1hUle r ze imP y' descrtbetl In for extra mptoy ment Yeas Nays DA d.p etl by the Counc IPF¢an APPreved Fe bury y, Halvorson IFebtiaarY Z.705q. 'Y B. Holland Approve i - 5— Marzitelli Mortinson ___—_In Favor -- — -- Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubney 6M a-5a Orl.lml I,City CI.k b-. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER__ __.- _. DATE- THEREFORE ATE THEREFORE BELT RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the employees who performed such work in accordancewiththe provisions of the Council's salary ordinance, Ordinance No. 6446. I - FEB 2 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Cool it-- am � 195— Yeas Nays 17E t3 ��4 Halvorson Holland Approved __-195_ Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor _ U r_ Mayor Peterson Rosen --O—Against �= Mr. President, Daubney 5M &69 T*' odeln.l 1.Civ Cl.rk COUNO . NO CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE — OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM January 29, 19511 PRESENTED BY / D / DATE— COMMISSIONER-4Z =OLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Comptroll r, to purchase from SYDLIL P2,tXFACLUR_TN I C0! ANY 25 Sydell Waste Receptacles, apple green, lettered 'Bureau of Sanitation - Dept. Public Works" f.o.b. Charlotte, N.C. at a total cost of 3497.50,/rolithout advertisement or competitive bids as this is a patented article and no advantage could be ained thereby. Charge S�reet & Sewer Cleaning - C1 EEnin Paved Streets - 13-84-231. C.te11i— F.No. 107054—By Frank D.Ma,,I- Resolved,That the Purehastng Agent be,pad he Is hereby uthoriud,with the consent of the Comptroller, to purchuse from SYDELL MANUFAC- TURING COMPANY 25 Sydell Waste Receptacles,"Bureau Spple green, lettered blic Works"at a total icastnof$T97.50t. pf.o.b. Charlotte, N.C.without advertisement or mpetltive bids as this Is a out b_led article and no advantage c Id e gained thereby. Charge Street k Sewer Cleaning—j Cleaning Paved Streets-13-B4-231. 1 Ad54.opted by the Council February 2. 9A Approved February 2, 1954. (February 9. 1954) FEB 2 19 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councils 195— Yeas Nays FEB `?-41 195 raon Approved 195— olland (1 Aarzitelli C LkJ /iVIortinson - ___In Favor /Peterson A i Aosen ___—Against Mr. President, Daubney 514 243 " G--890 I V,�- t+ �;r�Dia Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT PRELUMNARy oRDERS and c.r.No.1e70es— Whereas,A written proposal for the PRELIMINARY ORDER mnking of the following' provement. m:.: Grade and face with mnous aterI. the le ,Tsto Block 2,t St mison's Rice Street Ad(tion.from Rose Ave. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public to N Ma land Ave.and from me East North and rRouth. iijgv .. - Saint Paul, viz.: Grade and surface with bituminous materiar�bhe alleys in Block 2, Stinsonis Rice Street Addition, from Rose Ave. to Maryland Ave. and from the East North and South alley to the West North and South alley. Dated this 2nd day of February 195 . Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS,A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: !`redo and emrfara with hi mi none ma r•i al t]le glley8 in dock 2. Stinsonis Rice Street Addition from Rose Ave to Maryland Ave and from the East North and South alley to the West North and South alley having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore,be it RESOLVED,That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature,extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council FEB 2 1954 YEAS NAYS Councilman MARZITELLI Halvorson FEB 2 �9J ]"00 UM Hollandkpproved MORTINSON PETERSON G ROSEN MR.PRESIDENT,B49KNM X)� -�i3'4 �� Daubney Maayor. �- / b Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C.F.No.167086— .r Wheroaa. A written proposal foroe-' r dRU the making of the following impv .. ment,viz.: Condemning and taking easement the land necessary for aslopes,cuts PRELIMINARY ORDER a elle in the Bradeng and surfacing w h bituminous tenial the Ileyy� 8 ock E.Sties— Rice Street Additi4^ from Foxe Aee..•...�.. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public imlirovemefiit by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alleys in Block 2, Stinsonts Rice Street Additions from Rose Ave. to Maryland Ave. and from the East North and South alley to the Hest North and South alley. Dated thisnZd—.—day of February 195 . i Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the fallowing improvement, viz.: ('—Innining and taking nn easement in ttie land nrrea a fry_ *_alntessf cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alleys in Black 2- sti—on's Ric " to M=4 and Ave 2nd from the East Horth and South alley to the West North and South al,ev having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore,be it RESOLVED,That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for,or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature,extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan,profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. FEI 4 199, Adopted by the Council YEAS NAYS Halvorson Councilman MARZITELLI Rolland FEB 2 195 URRUMMM Approved MORTINSON 7 } r PETERSON �� -- MR.PRESIDENT,ROSY `� Mayor. Daubnejr �� 24 16 Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT r F.No.167D67- 8rid a writtenssl for the lowing Imp ovem nt, F m Eustis PRELIMINARY ORDER is with onnee- r Ducting i1nec- The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City'di' Saint Paul, viz.: Pave Territorial Road from Eustis Street to the West City Limits with sewer, water and gas service connections where necessary, by constructing a sewer together with service connections for future use when an outlet is provided and all other work necessary and incidental to said improvement Dated this 28 day of January 195 4 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS,A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Pave Territorial Road from Eustis Street to the West City Limits with asw r� wa+or and gas s +i ons where nenessalY, by cons+rvcting a _s.w + +lye i+h service con—ItiMs for fid-n— ling wbpn n pu+l + i Provided and all other work necessary and incidental to said improvement. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore,be it RESOLVED,That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for,or desirability of,the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature,extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan,profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council FEB 2 IMI YEAS NAYS ; ._. � �;-!��-° FEB 21954 Councilman MARZITELLI $1` DZ%V0T+ Approved MORTINSON PETERSON ROSEN MR.PRESIDENT,$BB*if— IM 4.51 I p COUNCIL FILE NO.- By- O.By I INTERBO DIARY ORDERS C.F.No. 1670W.- ' In the matter f ppeeving Maryland) INTERMEDIARY ORDER Avenue frvm Westadnster Street tol Paytte Avenue and construct temporary bituminous surfadng on Maryland Avenue from Misstsstppi Street to Westminster Street uncle Prellminary In the Matter of paving Maryland Avenue from 'Nestminster Street to Payne Avenue and construct temrorary bituminnus surfacing on Maryland Avenue frcm Mississippi Street to nestminster Street under Preliminary Order 1661162 __approved December ? 1953 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted,and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is pave Maryland Avenue from 'hestminster Street to Payne Avenue and construct temporary bituminous surfacing on Maryland Avenue from Mississipni Street to 'V+estminister Street with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ T�[.137•70 Resolved Further,That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 2nd day of _ March 19-51-4 ,at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M.,in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St.Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter,stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council 1'L L; 2 1954 19— FES P 4954 Approve' 19_ City Clerk Y �j��I i Mayor File 12b69 Councilman WLVERSON Councilman �'--OI LAND � Councilman IARZITELU r Councilman �GRTINSON Councilman PETERSON Councilman ROSEN Mr.President DAUBNEY COUNCIL FILE NO. By C. F.No.167069— -- • In the matter of witlenine the oad- I.exingtgn Pazkway Ngrth from Selby Avenue to Summit nve Lhe to width of 56 feet: repay g INTERMEDIARY ORDER existing oadway by moving jthe wnpdebigcks�ny t�edarphnKacf H,emg In the Matter of widening the roadway on Lexington Parkway fiorth from Selby Avenue to Summit Avenue to a width of 56 feet; repavi^.n the existing roadway by removing the wood 'clocks and the. asphalt surfac?ne where necessa rr and resurfacing the existing concrete base with asphalt; also grading and paving, t'ce widened portion of the roadway; recrnstr::ctinft ornamental lif>hts; constrict-r.g sewer, mater and gas service crr.nections from street mains to nrc•nerty lines where necessary, making necessary chan,:es in water—mains and annurtenances, curbing and paving alley and dr'_veway arproaches where necessary and all ether work necessary and incidental to said improvement under Preliminary Order 15x756 approved Febriary 5 1952 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted,and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is wi den the roadway on Lexington Parkway Picrth from Selby Avenue to Summit Avenue to a width of 56 feet; repave the existing roadway by removin[- the wood blocks and the asphalt surfacing where necessary and resurfacing the existine concrete base with asphalt; also trade and pave t the widened portion of the roadway; reconstruct ornamental lights; construct sewer, water and ras seri^ce connections from street mains to property lanes where necessary, making necessary changes in water—mains and appurtenances, curbinf- and raving alley and driveway,' a^proaches where necessary and all other work necessary and incidental to said improvement with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 9h,loh.60 Resolved Further,That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 2nd day of Mnrah 19_x,at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M.,in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St.Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter,stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council FEB 2 1954- 19- Approved-19- 954 , 19-Approve 19— f �! City Clerk Mayor File 1266E Councilman HA!VERSON Councilman r4CLLAND Councilman a""'T`LLj J I Councilman ,va7 nSON Councilman rE]ERSON Councilman ROSEN Mr.President DAUBNFY E COUNCIL FILE NO.— By— C. O.By d.F. No.167WO— ln the matter°f re nstructing thel INTERMEDIARY ORDER °rnamarkwa frO Sy81em'A fexing_ ton Parkway from Selby Avenue e Summit Avenue by removtng the Es.lighting tandartla and fur- nlshing antl inatallmgg ew lfghtin, tans. der Preliminary wa In the Matter of reconstructing the ornamental lighting syS-^e&,— Learn Kron Yartcway from Selby Avenue to Summit Avenue by removing the present lighting standards and furnishing and installing new lighting standards 166653 approved December 29, 1953 under Preliminary Order — The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted,and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reconstruct the ornamental lighting system on Lexington Parkway from Selby Avenue to Summit Avenue by removing the Dresent lighting standards and furn'shfng and 4nstalling new lighting standards with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $x,865.50 Resolved Further,That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 2nd day of March 1954,at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M.,in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St.Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter,stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CounciL--Ff-8--�-.q954 19— 1 �q� �d FEB 2 Z4 / City Clerk Approved Mayor File 12u65 Councilman AALvERSON Councilman =oLLAND Councilman MARzirEl l F Councilman NORTINSON Councilman PFTERSON Councilman ROSFN Mr.President DAUBN61 t .7 COUNCIL FILE N0. By—^.F.No.167071— inthe matter of onstrucetiug a lit d c to sidewalle the [h side of W. Nevada Ave. from a St. to Milton.5<. uncle ta- INTERMEDIARY ORDER ' D.clot lm62 aDPm a In the Matter of censtrictinp a monolithic concrete sidewalk on the north side of W. Nevada A--e. from Victoria St. to Milton St. 166162 approved Novemlber 10 12$3 under Preliminary Order — The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted,and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is constrict a monolithic concrete sidewalk on the north side of 'JJ. Nevada Ave. from Victoria St. to Milton St., except where Food and sufficient sidewalk now ex'sts with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0.40 per s2.ft. for 4" Monolithic hzcavation, fill, driveway crossings, root cuttinr, etc. at extra cost Resolved Further,That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 2nd day of 'march 19___5L,at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M.,in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St.Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter,stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council FFR 2T954 —,19— / 11 FEB 2 1954 11 City Clerk Approved 19— Mayor File 35h76 d� Councilman .,ALVERSON Councilman :!OLLAND Councilman MARZITELLI Councilman MORTINSON / Councilman aETeRsoN Councilman ROSEN Mr.President DAUSNO F 72 )O� COUNCIL FILE NO ' C. F. No. 167072— By- 87072— By In the tter f renstructing the exlatNg sidew,lk on the north elde of gdll...,d k 'r°I /'h•. •'h tt k INTERMEDIARY ORDER"' In the Matter of reconstructing the existing sidewalk on the north side of Edmund Ave. from Chatsworth St. to Oxford St., except where Rood and sufficient sidewalk exists under Preliminary Order 166161 approved November 10 1953 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted,and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reconstruct the existing sidewalk on the north side of ndmund Ave. from Chatsworth St. to Oxford St., exceTt where rood and sufficient sidewalk exists with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0.40 per sg.ft. for V Monolithic Excavation, fill, driveway crossings, ro,t cutting, etc. at extra cost Resolved Further,That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 2nd day of _ March 195_,at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M.,in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St.Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter,stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council FEB 2 1954 19— ' FEB ) � �o /V• �� A"� 195fl ApprovedCity Clerk — �9— i i; Mayor File 55677 —� Councilman HALVERSON Councilman HOLLAND Councilman eARZITELL► Councilman MORTINSOk Councilman PETERSON Councilman ROSEN Mr.President DAUBNEY w PS COUNCIL FILE NO. By C. F.No. 167073— In the matter monolithic concrete Is,d—.M ongNe, �.r side of Alameda. St. from I.— INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of constrsct4n- a monolithic concrete sidewa=k on the west side of Alameda St. from Iowa Ave. to California Ave. under Preliminary Order 166163 —approved November 10 1953 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted,and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is constrict a monolithic concrete sidewalk on the west side of Alameda St. frnm Iowa Ave. to California Ave., extent where Food and sufficient s'dewalk now exists i with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0.40 per soft. for 4" !.`.onolithic Excavation, fill, drivewav crossings, root cuttinF, etc. at extra cost Resolved Further,That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 2nd day of 'larch 195—,at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M.,in the Council.Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St.Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter,stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council FEB 2 1954 19— i F 6 A. Approved 19— City Clerk May File S51i?3 Councilman uAwERsoN Councilman �'o'-LANo Councilman RLrELLI Councilman oanNsoN Councilman PETERSON Councilman ROSEN ' Mr.President oAUaNEY 6 COUNCIL FILE NO. B C. F. 8'-— . y� No. 1, Lie PHs[n4 silewaLcf[ecobo�t�li�sid% oL INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of reccnstructini' the existing sidewalk on both sides of Thomas Ave. from Chatsworth St. to Oxford St., exce,t where Pcod and sufficient sidewalk exists under Preliminary Order 165349 approved August 25, 1953 - The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted,and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reconstruct the existing sidewalk on both sides of Thomas Ave. fron Chatsworth St. to Cxford St., excert where good and sufficient sidewalk exists O.LO per sq. t. for 4i' Monolithic with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ etc. at extra cost Excavation, gill, driveway crossings, root cutting, Resolved Further,That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 2nd day of '.`.arch 19 54 ,at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M.,in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St.Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter,stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council FEB 2 M4 19- i ApprovedCity Clerk i � File 55479 Mayo, Councilman HALVERSON Councilman HOLLAND _ Councilman mnazirELu n Councilman vORTINSON Councilman PETERSON Councilman ROSEN Mr.President DAUBNEY °�t NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL m COUNCIL FILE NO._.-- ToCOUNCIL RESOLUTION ER PRINT Jan. 28 _I9-54 q5"RESQL�oED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF / 4900'50 ,COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED__59674-__TOrLv_.--INCLUSIVE,AS PER CHECKS x:166 fl`�� ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. FEB 2 1954 --19— ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_..--._.—__--_—_-- ------ - CT'rAMPrROIl[M APPROVED-- 19—_ BY�c--' C -- C.F.No.167075-167078— y G'I j-Ii�I �:y "06 Resolved,That checks be drawn o i I the Clty traW.ry to the aggregate NOTICE mount of 1,985.18656,covering cheeks CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO perncheckss o7 Ale in9the ufleesiuf'tne UNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO..-. PRINTER I Adopted byl the Council February 2, Jan. 29 19_14 Approved February 2,1654. (February 6. 16543 C 1,96EWLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON T E ITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 185.90 674 G _ COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED---TO--.%9722_---INCLUSIVE,AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL.._.. -FG"---2 1954---- - --- --19— FEB ---- c"coMPrnoum ,� i953 � APPROVED___—. __I9_ BY ��'�`/—�•�"" 6�-- r CITY OF SAINT PAUL j! j _ COUNCIL DUPLICATE TO C(TY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER - FILE NUMBER ROLL ALL Jan. 28 HALVORSONI AUDITED CLAIMS HOLLAND _IN FAVOR MARZITELLI ---- ORTINSON /-) RESOLVED.THAT CHECKS Q.DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY PETERSON / / AGAINST -,COVERING ROSEN L� -- J IN THE AMOUNT OF$_-#9--7-0-0-A-5-0- - MR.PRE .DAUBNEY �L' CHECKS Co ON FILE INCLUSIVE, A. TO ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL�i- _ PER C CK ON FILE E OF C THE CITY COMPTROL ER. APPROVED- - ' 27ecn -B/-S+C TOTAL _ DATE --- RETURNED �CHECK IN FAV R OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK -'-� NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHTFORWARD 3 967 085`. 28 ® 59674 Co. welfare Board 41 418 32 59675 Wm. M. Cassius 284 50 59676 Joseph DSMartlno 64 o0 59677 Addressograph Multigraph C. 2 370 83 00 59678 Am. City Magazine 59679 M Forestry Assoc. 00 59880 M Hose society 4 50 59681 d Boo. for Test. Materials 36 00 59682 groude Brothers 2 643 08 5968 Cutler-Magner Co. 11.5 30 5968 Dictaphone Corp. 59685 Federal Lbr. & wreck. Co. 170 25 59686 Hach Chemical Co. 59687 Haughton Elevator Co. 15 45 39688 James Jerome hill Hef. Lib. 2 50 59689 0. I. Johnson Mfg. 12 00 59690 Kenny Boiler and Mfg. Co. 398 70 59691 Kiat Bottling Co. 1 05 $9692 Land 0 Lakes Creameries Inc. 50 00 59693 Lawyers Co-operative Pub. 40 50 59694 W. R. Lewis 14 00 59695 Linguaphone Institute 18 13 60 59696 M. B. Coffee Co. 05 59697 McGraw hill Book Co. 18 21 59698 Mariners Motz Co. 18 45 59699 Marador Corp. 102 67 59700 Microtone Co. 10 85 59701 Marsh & McLennan Inc. 8 50 59702 Ray Meenan(Kenney Co.) 35 50 59703 Midway Print. Co. 165 84 59704 Model Launderers & Cleaners 3 09 59705 Moody's Investors Serv. 232 00 59706 Nati )nal Geographic Soo. 3 50 59707 a Lbr. Co. 14 oo 4 25 59708 N. w. Retinning Co. 59709 O'Brien Construction Co. 191 00 59710 Park Machine Inc. 26 62 59711 M. F. Patterson Dental S. C. 4 03 59712 E. J. Pennig C. 225 17 5971 G. C. Peterson Mach. Co. 18 00 5971 Pitn@y Bowes Inc. ® 59715 Prentice-Hall Inc. 124 00 59716 Pub. Util. Reports Inc. 20 00 59717 Ry. Express Agency 9 42 6 46 59718 Rayelle Public,.ti ins 59719 Remington-Hand Typewriter Co. 35 62 59720 Reiterls 20 00 208 64 59721 Rex 011 Co. 59722 h. A. Rogers 157,87 59723 St. P. Legal Ledger 33a"96 59724 1 M Overall Laundry 31 00 15 59725 Leslie Schuldt Co. 67 50 §9726 Smith-Dunn Co. Inc. SHEET TOTAL-FORWARD 4 016 785 78 CITY OF SAINT PAUL I= _ COUNCIL DUPLICATE TO C Y CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER-------- R OL UMBER_ -- ROL CALL AUDITED CLAIMS --IBa HALVORSONI HOLLAND MARZITELLI _ IN FAVOR MORTINSON /�/ RESOLVED.THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY PETERSON /_AGAINST ROSEN —Ft— IN THE AMOUNT OF 5 1 QT 4 VO — COVERING R.PRES,DAUBNEY P F[ I99 4 _ NU4Bex CHECKS N HE Ic[OINCLUSIVEAS �3FTHEC� ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI PE CHECKS COM ER' APPROVED— 9-�-- `28 BY TOTAL DATE RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR Or- TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS BY BANK BROUGHTFORWARD 4.016 785 78 ' 59727 R. E. Hulme Awn. & shade Co. 337 27 5'9728 N. Western Refining 00. 665 87 59729 Minnesota salt Co. 17 825 00 59730 Capitol Transit Inc. 758 5(7 59731 A. J. Tsohida Contract. Co. 1,N 59732 Theo. J. Soblitz 82 86 60 5>733 Charles Daly, Jr. 128 00 59734 halter T. Einok 59735 Harold T. Lehto, Bd. of Educ. 100 54 59736 Ralph H. Rookwood-Pub. Util. 200 00 59737 Mayor John E. Daubney 11 25 59738 Beni. M. storey 250 00 59739 Ann F. Campion 30 00 59740 Mrs. helen Sullivan 30 00 120 00 59741 Geneva Lee 100 00 59742 Mike Marchek 150 00 59743 Drs. Chadbour and howe 8 25 59744 Gilbert L. Ellis 44 16 59745 Industrial Comm. of Minn. 4 50 59746 Hugh Jansen 59747 Dr. Joe. J. Mc Carthy 23 00/� 59748 Radio Cab Co. 30 20 59749 St. Joseph's Hosp. 21 45 50 39950 x Paul Rehab. Center Inc. 59751 A. S. Arnauist, C. K. Cook 5 00 59752 Dr. Carl C. Chatterton 5 00 59753 Cherokee Drug Co- 1 00 59754 Drs. Sohons, Medelman, Peterson 7 50 59755 Dr. Laurence D. Hilger 25 00 59756 Mpls. St. P. sanitary Distr. 33 179 78 59757 Milton Rosen 2 470 26 0 40 559758 J. J. Fitzgerald 16 95 59759 Commercial West 59760 John Rimanelli 42 UO 59761 Dr. Murray P. ErBfeld—MoGroarty 85 00 59762 a Lyle C. Robertson 14 00 59763 v. P. Hauser 59764 Milton Rosen 1 094 784 95 59765 George J. Hurley 64 00 59766 Lucy M. Kooh 128 00 • 59767 Elizabeth G. momahon 108 00 59768 Soo. for Prevention orCruelty 200 00244 20 59769 Am. Distr. Telegraph Co. 663 90 59770 Hanson—Sennett Magazine Ag. 661 152 61 59772 59771 Milton Roeen 91 464 OS 932 270 58 SHEFT TOTAL. FOR�VARO $ Oriala.l to City Clerk COUNCIL CITYOF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C UNCI SOI TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED FebruarY 2 1951E COMMISSION ER--___ DAT' RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorised, with the consent of the Comptroller, to purchase from BORCHERT INGERSOLL INC. approx. parts and labor for G.M.C. Diesel engine, at a total cost of/W16.75, without advertisement or competitive bids, as this is the only source of supply. Charge Water Department 23- C F.Nu....D77-13Y a-bort F.Peter- bethcasntl h'TThe by orchappr�li "Awlth P rch eot fromf BORC moll G' to SOI.cl on parts end labor for OM.C. Diesel engine,at o fatal cost of approx. Ea16.75,without advertisement or copl- oflltivsup j Ids,as this is the only source o Charga Water Department 23, _ Atlopted by the Council February 3, 1859. Approved February 3.1954, (February 6,1954) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CouFnel � 195— Yeas Nays r Es 3 i95 Holland v Approved —196_ Marzitelli ) Mortinson __/An Favor Mayor J Peterson / Rosen —�Again9t � Mr. President, Daubney — SM L-63 " Oriatnei to City Cterk ,' COUNCIL -- CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. FILE _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �- OUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM c.F.6S 1670778—i y sever'"A.Monj­ t-'`��� C Resolved. Th t the pphcnnon ,I Joseph Snyder for the transfer of his PRES D BY eeond-hand auto Pa is deaaer"cense DATE—from 356 Aontla street to location Co SSION - n the th Itle of Sycamore Street — y i etweenF—in a n bond Calder Streets, i Is hereb gr Further Resole«d 'In-• it RESOLVED, that the application of Joseph Snyder for the transfer of hie second-hand auto parts dealer license from 356 Rondo Street to a location on the south side of Sycamore Street between Farrington and Galtier Streets, is hereby granted; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that said Joseph Snyder be permitted to operate a second-hand auto storage and dismantling yard on the above described property, being Lots 1 to 10, Block 5, Pacific Addition, subject to the condition that permittee construct a 6-foot high, tight-board fence around said dismantling yard; that there be no burning of any material on the street ; and subject also to the provision that sidewalks abutting said premises be kept clean and free of ice and snow at all times. FEE 3 1934 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays FEB 3IsS Holland Approved � �_,�j- 195— Marzitelli In Favor �r � Mortinson _ Mayor Peterson Rosen —0—Against Mr. President, Daubnoy ISM 243 � odeinel to Citi Clerk COUNCIL NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE_ February 2, 1954 COMMISSIONE ---- RESOLVED, That the Purchasing ent be, and he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Comptroller to purchase from INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO, 1 International truck motor, model GRD233, less head and pan, for Bureau of Municipal Equipment, at a total cost of $229.59, without advertisement or competitive bids as this is the only source to replace International Harvester motor in International Harvester Truck #28. Charge Mun. Equipment 1003-131. C.F.No.1871179-$y Frank D.Me-i- teiR— Reaolved,That the purchasing Agent be,and he is hereby authorized,with the consent of the Compptroller, to Purchase from INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO.1 International truck motor, model ORD233, less head and pan, for Bureau of Municip 1 Eq iu- nt.at a total cost of 8229.39,wlthoI advertisement o competitive bids s this is the only source to replace) Intemational Harvestermotor in Inter- national Harvester Truck No.U. Charge Mun.Equipment 1803-131. Adapted by the Council February 3, 1BApproved February 3,1954. 1 I� (Februarye,1934) V FEB 3 195# COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council — 195— Yeas Nays }Fa}ve l sol l Holland Approved 195— Marzitelli Mortinson _-___In Favor M or Peterson / t Rosen Against / Mr. President, Daubney 511 2-63 '� Dri[inel to City Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE N0. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C UNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE_ FeYIT'ilary P 154 COMtAISSIONE — - RESOLVED, That the Purchas n Agent be, and he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Comptroller to issue Purchase Order to A.J. GERRARD & COi,'3AlY for 3 Coils of 3/4" x .023 Galvanized Strapping, 1000, 3/411 Seals, 500 Brackets and 500 1/211 Bolts for the Traffic Sign Shop at a total cost of $100,39, without advertisement or competitive bids as this is the only source of supply and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Traffic Control-sundry Supplies 1063-133 C.F.leo.187086-BS Frank D.Murzi- elli— aesolved,That the R6rchasing Agent the an nsentls fn the ComPtrol erWfto Isstrec Ptrrchase Order to A.J-GER- .033D Galvaanlzed StraprD�It. ":a Seals. 500 Brackets an d 500'S"Bolts for the Traftic Sign Shop at a total ent or c-- I a st asuthis Is rthe onLY souree f supply an o advantage c ltl Ue gamed thereby. oCharge Traftic Control-Sundry Sup- 'plies 1083-133. Adopted by the Council February 3, 1954' Approved February 3.1954. (February e, 1854) FEB 3195'4 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council — 195— Yeas Nays FEB 3 HIM Approved 195— Marzitelli Mortinson __-_In Favor - Mayor Peterson Rosen _T Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-E3 " Oricinal to..Allr4 COUNCIL NO. — CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM February 2, 1954 PRESENTED BY RLFF/1 J OAT COMMISSIONE RESOLVED, That the Pur h ng Agent be, and he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Comptroller, to purchase from NORTHERN STATES POWER CO. 170 feet, more or less of 4" Standard Black Steel Pine which has been specially coated for resistance to corrosion and electrolysis, at a total cost of approximately $187.00, without advertisement or competitive bids as this is the only source which has this type in stock & is a great savings to the City. Charge Paving Plant 1001-159• C.F.No.17001—By Frank D. M—i- eln— Resolvetl,That the Purchasing Agent be,and he Is hereby authorized.with the consent of the Co net, to purchase from NORTHERN STATES POWER Co.170 feet,more or less of 4" Standard Black Steel Pipe which has been specially coated yfor resistance to c. on and electat tota cost sof approximatelyro$l 7.00. Ithout advertisement or eompµtitive bide s this is the only source hich has this type in stock and is a great savings to the/1 p Charge Paving Plant 1001-158.Adaopteted by the Council February 3, V i lB54. Approved February 3.1954. (February e.-1854) FEB 3 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council.-- 195— Yeas Nays FEB —}LaLunrson 195— �--�_ Approved Holland Marzitelli i Mortinson _— _In Favor —= � �May. Peterson Rosen _ Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 " COUNCIL NO.----- oaetnal to city clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE LUNOCI�LFIRESOLUTION_GENERAL CE OF THE CITY CLERK FORM PRESENTED BY DATE _____—---- COMMISSIONEg------ --- RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Comptroller, to purchase from 14C CLAIM & HEDIIA1? Registration Recor�} Duplicate Registration Shaw—IPalker women Original at a total cost OfW8.95, for the Bureau Record, and Master Cards, bids es this is the of Elections, without advertisement or competitive only source of supply where cards suitable for Shaw—Walker Card Holders can be obtained, and no advantage could ble gained thereby, Charge General Printing & Postage 31D6. C lton Rosen— Resolved 1Tha�ttBy Puchasi gAgent. be,and he is hereby thortzed.with the consent' of the Comptroller. to purchasr from MC CLAIM & F�D- MAN Shaw-Walker Women Original Registration Record, Duplicate Regis - 't Record, d Master Cards, t a total cost of$406.95, [or the Bureau of Elections.without dvertisementor crompeti"" bids a this is the ONy of pply where c ds suitable! torr Shaw-Walker Card Holders can be obtained. and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge General Printing & Postage 31-D6. Adopted by the Council February 3.:I 1954. Approved February 3.1954. �Q (February 6, 1954) FEB 3 1954 Adopted by the Council—.— 195— COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays FEB 3 '1964 u^ Odzin,l to City Clark CITY OF ST. PAUL CONCIL No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL�SOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED4—C( COMMISSIONN ER—_ WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency during the period from January 16, 1954 to January 31, 1954 in- clusive which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of the Department of Public Utilities.for more than eight hours per day or forty hours per week in doing the following works Checking bus schedules and loadings and WHEREAS, this emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circum- stances: Submission by the Street Railway Company of proposed schedule changes, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the employees who performed such work in accordance with the pro- visions of the Council's Salary ordinance, Ordinance No. 6446. No.167089--$y Severin A.Mortin- son- - RS wl eed,That the grope city offl- mp certolnr hereby act h l d to pay loyca i the Department Of PublicUtilities for extra play- doptedebYr�bedCoun 1054.,,Alcll FebruurY 9, APproved February 4,1054, (Fe bruary 0, 1954) FEB 3 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays a vor -IJT son 3 j Holland Approved 195— Marzitelli C Mortinson - In Favor -- Peterson Mzor Rosen —Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-62 Orl[In.l t.City Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL L FILE No.— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C. F.No.167W4—By Eernnra T.xm land, xnlvorson. Marzllelli, Mortln- UNCIL R LIlTION—GENERAL FORM , Petersen, Rosen, oaunnev INtavorl— Whereas,The U. S. S. Sl.Paul.'ts PRESENTED BY u C ' xlcers and �`^ - h-ve, sin, ',he COMMISSIONER-5, — —_-.. RpYj-Crri�'�het C'�BO�b:•.. z Frank D. Marzitelli John E. Daubney, Mayor Severin A. Mortinson T WHEREAS, the U. S. S. St. Paul, its officers and crew, have, since the Commission of said cruiser in September 1944, performed in an outstanding manner in the service of the United States Navy, and, as a consequence, have earned a reputation of which they and the citizens of the City of Saint Paul can be justly proud, and WHEREAS, the Ship's company has published a book entitled "Fighting Saints' Third ROrean Cruise" and dedicated same to this City, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that we, the Mayor and the Council of the City of Saint Paul, for ourselves and on behalf of all the citizens of said City, hereby extend to the officers and crew of the U. S. S. St. Paul our sincere thanks for the honor they have so graciously bestowed on us; also our eongratulatioas and appreciation for the heroic record they have established which naturally reflects on us anLXour City, and be it FURTHER RTSOLVED, that this resolution be spread on the minutes of the Council and that an engrossed copy be sent to Captain C. W. Parker, Commanding Officer of the U. S. S. St. Paul. FEB J 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council --195-- Yeas e�ve�c��Nays F E 8 :3 7 ;' Holland d '� / Approved_ 195— Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor -,- _--- Ma r Peterson �' A ainst Rosen 8 Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 ms's MRS.AGNES H.O'CONNELL • HAROLD 1.RIORDAN CI, Cl,,k Chief �6,1r } CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE O February aid, 1954 Mr. T. P. Quinn Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir; The Council reauested that you draw a resolution commending the U. S. S. ST. PAUL, its officers and crew for its excellent record of service. Attached hereto is a copy of a letter of Captain C. W. Parker, its Commanding Officer. Very truly yours, city Clerk ` t U. S. S. ST. PAUL (CA 73) <,d JanUarr 1954 The "onom7 le Johm L. Daubnayr, Itoyor Cita* of SL;9_'.t Pat'.l Saint Poul, Ninnosotaa De::r Mayor Daubnoys tinder 50pamto cover I am ttmllr)ing you a per tonal copy of our recently "tl ili^he,' cruise 1"`ook entitle " i[''tir?j, :'a:bi t5'`1'MM "orean Cruice". ii.o r2 ip's comrany •.art;^, plea�md .o dedicate tl*o entire volurrme to t2-- city for r'.:ie2: our, s't in. is named. ^.he dedicc:":oxx7r page reeds: "It is a enaitom of lonL stand9.n[ -In w:e United States '.:.vy to m.me its cruisers for the cities of oil- nation. For nine ,rears a..r ship axas carried tl,c :name o`? one oS --.-.orica's groat cities over tie "uco of the vat Pacific ar.0 tlxnugh-the brittles of a1 vorl(I r.hicl. 1;,.:s net ;ret 1©Lrnec' to live in peaac©. "1:.ce that tine In ",epterabor, 19V., when Nrrs. Jobn A. NeDonough, wife of the [i¢yor of the city of tint, Paul., TMtme- sotat bro.o the traditional �+ottlo of ej-ic IL pa.[ne across tre SI,.i.p s pro.I and sent ?ger down the ua y sI, a proud bond of friend- ship IAs existed between the city of'Saint Paul and hor namo- sake cruiser. "Duni.^[, tP.e CY+Zistnms season of 11,529 the people of Saint Patel donattn�l t.lood i_r honor of this shj5p. In gratitudep sand because, u;Mlo tt-e� :core away fro*a iaorao, ,; .Q cit;; of Sa�.1t.t P.ul represented in a nacre all tLct the aeon of SGIIT PAU7 '._old dere, re affectionately dimea.te tLis from: of our third I'orean Bruise to Liao more tl.an 3,00,000 citizens of Vie city of Saint Paul, .ibinesota:' Please accept r;y ortu -ood ;Meshes, "Lours sincerely, C. l'17. P:.P4'11R captaLn, U.S. Favy Cnt:raand ink; Odii..l 1.Ca)61 ak CITY OF ST. PAUL FOIE"C` NO. 167084 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY E. T. Holland COMMISSIONER-S—Norris 0. Halvorson __Robert F.Peteri; Frank P Mnrviteon osen Severin A. Mortinson John E. Daubney, Mayor WHEREAS, the U. S. S. St. Paul, its 04icers and crew, have, since the Commission of said cruiser in September 1944, performed in an outstanding manner in the service of the United States Navy, and, as a consequence, have earned a reputation of which they and the citizens of the City of Saint Paul can be justly proud, and WHEREAS, the Ship's company has published a book entitled "Fighting Saints' Third %orean Cruise" and dedicated same to this City, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that we, the Mayor and the Council of the City of Saint Paul, for ourselves and on behalf of all the citizens of said City, hereby extend to the officers and crew of the U. S. S. St. Paul' our sincere thanks for the honor they have so graciously bestowed on us; also our congratulations and appreciation for the heroic record they have established which naturally reflects on us and our City, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution be spread on the minutes of the Council and that an engrossed copy be sent to Captain C. 1.4. Parker, Commanding Officer of the U. S. S. St. Paul. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counei)Feb• 3, 195 4 Yeas Nays Haivarsmr- Holland Approved Feb. 3,_195 4 Marzitelli b (Signed) John E. Daubney Mortinson ____Iu Favor --- -- Peterson Mayor Rosen 0_Against Mr. President, Daubney 6N 2-b3 its COUNCIL ■Inst to CItY clerk NO. — CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ---- T..at the Btrchaslril„ A,'ent Le, and i'-e is Iserelby a'ltiiorized,'n'lth tale cunsent £ the Payor anu the Comptroller, t,- purc'.rase farts for "icn=�a= ­ydranlic operated ccs` of w31.5.00, witi3OLIt adver',.isersnt valve, fr 3T. `AU' ?C ' b?s. Cr. at a tai or :,i>eti ivc' ins as an e er�e;,cy d;cisCs where �:aillre to act I-rc•m.otl_.; would werlc -I r lice - or e, c pace r r at a ha r.s' c x'st :.tcre c o: tre _ty.(_ at t ivP� 5�..'--.r in Operation.) Charge :dater Lerarta'.ert 23. C.F.No.167095—Hy Severin A.Martin. Re olvetl. beThat the Purchasing Agent , are he 1s hereby uthor the ized,with] ent o[ the Comptroller, to purchase parts for Michigan Hydroullc' FOUNDRY&IMFG.fCo.atST tot l cost Of 5315.00, Without advertisement competitive bids emergency eais(s Where failures to e t promptly _U Id Wok hartlshlpp to the bb sl interest oL the Clty. IRepalr needed t o order [o place pump at M1ss.nRiver Siatlan Inp Charge Water Depan.) rtmentration.) Adopted by the Council 19 54. February 3, Approved February 3.1959. 1February 6, 1059) 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council195— _ -- Yeas Nays +mrvo Approved 195— Holland , Marzitelli j Mortinson ----In Favor May Peterson _.--Against Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 '' 1 orI¢Inel to City Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER. DAT RESOLVED, that out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, weekly compensation of $35.00 be paid Arthur Atwater while he is totally disabled by reason of injuries he received on January 18, 1954, while employed by the Department of Public Works, and that $28.00 in final settlement to and including January 29, 1954, is now payable. C.F. No. I67g86—gy Frank D.Marzi-' to sOl Resolved,That out of the Workmen's Fund a weekl Account f the GeheraI be paid Arthur*Atwateriojyhile =.Do '*tall` disabled by reason of 'nJurl 1, he re eivcd on January Ig,1959, hile mPloyed by the Department of P�tblle Worme,ks, d that S2g UB in final setbll r n and ineluding January 29. 1959, payable. Adopted by the Council February 3.: 1954. Approved February 3.1954. I February 6, 1954) FEB 3 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council---195— Yeas ouncil —195— Yeas Nays Iry7 t-„ Holland Approved---- —195— Marzitelli _ L _ Mortinson __In Favor - ..Mayor r Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 "' Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C.F.No.197087— . whereas,A written proposal for the king of the following Improvement. and viz.: Construct a sewer in Flandrau Street from Maryland Avenue to Hyacinth PRELIMINARY ORDER Avenue; n Hyacinth Avenue from Flandrau Street to Breen Street; In Orange Avenue from Flandrau Street to Breen Street;and in Rn+a� The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public jWlpjPefffaf 'by the City of Maryland Avenue to Saint Paul,viz.: Construct a sewer in Flandrau Street from Mary Hyacinth Avenue; in Hyacinth Avenue from Flandrau Street to Breen Street; lin orange Avenue from Flandrau Street to Breen Street; and in Hawthorne Avenue from Flandrau Street to Breen Street. Dated this 3rd day of February 195 . Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS,A written proposal for the making of the following improvement,viz.: r +n F7 d R+ ee+ gland Avenue +n Hyacinth Aveue• in Hyacinth Avenue from Flandrau Street to Breen Streets• in orange Avenue from Flandrau Street to Breen Street• and in Hawthorne Avenue from having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore,be it RESOLVED,That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for,or desirability of,the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature,extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan,profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ,n�( FES 3 I;�1, Adopted by the Council YEAS NAYS Councilman MARZITELLI Holl fn$ FEB 3 1954 YrDmmw Approved MORTINSON IRtTi$6mM � / PETERSON � ROSEN MR.PRESIDENT,DAdOft Mayor. !: Daubney IM 4.51 .0100.8 rl J v C,F,Na, 167088— R ahesolved,That checkB be drawn on e Oty treaavry to the NOTICE u oant of§58,y6p'gg ring crhecics CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO be- Pernchecks5977Riooln�th�eYoRlee�otiEUNCIL RESOLUTION PRINTER Clty Comptroller. COUNCIL FILE NO.—_ 19A�dopted by the Council February 8, Approved Febniary 3,7659, Feb. 1 _I9 C4. .. (February 6, 1959) ----- _5 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF : 58 260.49 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED.__ 59773--TI-5 9 822 -.INCLUSIVE,AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. , FEB t L,,,. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_. _ 1) ; � � � COMPf110LL8H _19— APPROVED—__. 19 BY_ —.-- CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL J DUPLICATE TO CI CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER----- RO jCALL AUDITED CLAIMS HOLLAND — MARZITELLI —IN FAVOR MORTINSON I RESOLVED.THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY PETERSON ____AGAINST (fi 7�/� Il0 COVERING ROSEN . IN THE AMOUNT OF S MR,PRES.DAUBNEY _ INCLUSIVE. AS CHECKS NO�--TO ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL PER CHECK ��E.,F CITYCOMPTROLLER.U..E. APPROVED_-- 29 aco a•!] 01 8 \ TOTAL DATE --- RETURNED I/ CHECK IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHTFORWARD .. ® 59773 John Bergeron 70 00 59774 Frank Shypulskl. 108 00 59775 St. Paul Fire Dept. R. Assoo. 40 000 00 18 62 59776 J. L. Connolly 59777 St. Paul Musicians Assoo. 154 00 6 95 59778 wm. M. Cassius 1 50 59779 Christman Chemical Co. 5 00 59780 Dr. M. H. Lax 59781 Mc,4uillan Bros. 5 00 59782 N. W. Hanna Fuel Co. 25 00 39"3 League of Minn. Municipal. 814 00 59787+ United States Conference of M. 500 00 20 00 59785 Mr. Lee Wightman 4.0 00 59786 J. L. Doody 40 00 59787 Wm. L. Nelhart 17 05 39788 St. Paul Athletic Club 15 00 59789 Drs. Schons, Medelman & P. 59790 American Linen Supply C. 157 18 59791 Anderson Machine Tool C. 10 00 59792 Armed Forces Chemical Assn. 59793 Ballard Motors and Ramp 50 70 131 58 59794 Blue Print Service 59795 H• W. Fiener Photo Supply C. ;144 98 59796 J. W. Hulme Co. 108 78 59797 Industrial Steel Container Co. 8 00 59798 King Midas Flour Mille 64 50 5979.9 Minnesota Macaroni Co. 24 94 59800 Nortnern States Power C. 7 814 12 59801 Pub. Div. R. 108 2 83 59802 Joseph A. Rogers Co. 56 40 598x3 Solvay Process Div. All. Chem. 3 256 46 59804 Socony Vacuum 011 Co. 96 38 59805 U. 8. Gov't. Print. Office 1 00 59806 Univ. of Minnesota Press 41 32 59807 Wyandotte Chemicals Corp. 2 282.40 59808 St:andurd 8prirlE Co. 89 35 59809 Terrace Auto supply Co. In. 152 40 59810 Thermal Co. Inc. 59811 Twin City Assbn. Purchasing A. 100 00 59812 Len Thole 5 50 107 76 ® 59813 U. s• steels supply Co. 59814 Univ. of Illinois 48 96 59815 Univ. of Pittsburgh Press 11 25 59816 Victory Print. Co. 231 38 59817 Wallace and Tiernan Inc. 64 00 59818 Lydia A. Weber 112 03 59819 H. Z. Wedelstaedt Co. 59820 Western oil and Fuel Co. 9 90 13 50 59821 Wheeler Hardware Co. 942 46 59822 John C. Winston Co. SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 58 260 49 1 711, .r . e ' • COUNCIL NO. oRIatMAt?To CITY OF SAINT PAUL 1`� C _FK o APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUIc.F.No.,eos>a—sY nwton RaseN by PER CHARTER SECTION ZN request Resolved,That the fonow,.8 transtara be made th;Doolra lot the com4- roller t ,as by so aofng a�ungwWah PRESENTED BY if"U�.�-."''• DATE__-- 19_ COMMISSION ® R E S O L V E D, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. AMOUNT TRANSFERRED CODE APPORTIONED ITEM --OR. CR. FROM TO 15-W 1952 Purchase Order Reserves 1'736'85 1,736.85 15-R Receipts `c Revenues 15 F-1 Promotion of Health - Salaries 143.73 15- -2 Promotion of Health - Supplies 386.19 15-F-3 Promotion of Health - Office Expense 252.21 15-F-It Promotion o£ Health - Equip. & Repairs 2V 30 3'4 56 7 15—F-5 Promotion of 23 .30 Health - Carfare Ldry. 768.39 � 2 469.91 15-R Receipts & Revenue3—T S 15-L-1 Fixed Charges-Insurance-Sch. Prop. 9,93521 15-L-2 Fixed Charges-Workmen's Compensation 641:36 6.73 10, 15-L-4 Fixed Charges-Truck Liability Ins. 03.30 15-L-3 Fixed Charges - Rentals 1,298.43 15-R Receipts& Revenues 9 304'87 10 *15_K-3 Capital Outlay - Equipment 15,108.52 15-R Receipts and Revenues 15'108'52 (Continued YES (J) COUN ILMEN (✓) NAYS / I 19—" ADOPTED BY THE�,OUNCII ;_ • / /� APPROVED —-T'--19 FAVOR / AGAINST _ COUNTERSIGNED BY ✓L-- - CITY COMPTROL�aA MR. PRESIDENT ss :-w • j P I' l�l COUNCIL N ¢F ORIGINAL TO CITY QF SAINT PAUL FILE No' CITY OLERK RESOLUTION FORM L- APPROPRIATION P R "RTERRs ION:o8 �_ PRESEN�ED SIGNBY -- _� DATE--/ _19 COMMI ER- R SOLVED, THAT THE LLOWING TRANSFERS BE ,MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE • COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO D ING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEF CIENCY IN CERTAIN IT MS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFER WITHOUT HAMPERING-TH WORK PROVIDED BY E MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHI H THE TRANSFERS ARE M DE. TR AMOUNT ANSFERRED CR. CODE P P O P?I O D I T E M DR. ---- --- FROM TO 710.59 15-A-1 Business Admin.-Salaries Sanies 374.39 #15-D-1 Operation & Mtnce. Admin• 283.92 *15-D-2 Operation & Mtnce. Admin.-EXP. �• *15-D-4 Operation & Mtnce. Admin.-Auto eAllow- 422.62 * nse 15-E-4 Supply Storehouse - Office Exp 15_H-2 Operation o£ Plant - Sal• Spec. Activ. 44,139.59 15-11-5 Operation of Plant - el Supplies 6,431'28/ 15-H-6 Operation of Plant - Supp 16.08 #15-J-4 Mtnce. of Plant - Truck iiaintenance .5 #15-J-5 14tnce. of Plant - Repairs & Renewals 72,526526.66 *15_1-6 Mtnce. o£ Plant - Ath. Fields 3ig954.16 #15-x-3 Capital Outlay-Improv. of Grounds 30.16 15-X eserve - Equip. for jew Bldgs. 20,448.45 15-R eceipts e Revenues 7,3 .12 19.31 15-A-2 usiness Admin. - Office Expense Expense 1,322.04 *15-D-3 OpeT• & Mtnce. Admin. - Office Exp 3,062.30 -'15-E-1 upply Storehouse - Salaries 2.46 *15_E-2 upply Storehouse - Light and Power 421.67 *15-E-3 upply Storehouse - Truck 14aintenance 18,157.88 15-H-1 Operation Of Plant - Salaries 2,649.6 15-H-3 Operation of Plant - Telephones x,,714.96 15-11-4 Operation Of Plant - Light, Power « Wat r 105,730.551 Ir15-J-1 Maintenance of Plant - Salaries 4,059.96 *15-J-2 intenance of Plant-Carfare & Auto *15-J_3 intenance of Plant-Skating Rink pkee w. 224.33 7,3 ,12 Continued I YES (V) COUNCILMEN (�� NAYS %, - ;tS V"ApppTEp BY THE COUNCIL_-- _19- _ r APPROVED_-------- FAVOR -MAYOR ..- ..__AGAINST COUNTERSIGNED Go-R u-ER MR. PRESIDENT CII i COUNCIL IW. ORIGIN >•0 CITY O /SAINT PAUL FILE 1W uTr u RK �• APPROPRIATION TRA SFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER ARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTE BY DATE 19 COMMISSI NER- 1 ® R S O L V E D, THAT TH FOLLOWING TRANSFERS MADE ON THE BOOK OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY S DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE EFICIENCY IN CERTAIN TEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRAN ERS WITHOUT HAMPERIN THE WORK PROVIDED B THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM HICH THE TRANSFERS E MADE. 978.05 TRANSFERRED CODE DR. APPORTIONED RTION ED ITEM OR. FROM ___ - _`GCo l i eel6J----—-----�— 15-B-2 Educ. Admin. - Auto Allowance 28 21 15-B-3 Educ. Admin. - Office Expense 4,285.21 626.58 15-B-4 Fduc. Admin. - Board of Educ. Expense 1, 15-0-2 Attendance Div.-Carfare & Auto Allow. 893.96 15-C-3 Attendance Div. - Office Expense 432.09 15-G-3 Instruction - Transp. Crip. Children 2,051.57 #15'-G-7 Instruction - Athletic Supplies 1,724.4 *15-K-3 Capital Outlay - Equipment 43,247.71 i5_R Receipts & Revenues 634 065.05 60913U4-0f 15-B-1 Educ. Admin. - Salaries 3,643.7393 . ,584 15-C-1 Attendance Div. - Salaries 59 77,584.931 15-G-1 Instruction - Salaries 9,596.$2 1.10.66 15-G-2 Instruction - Carfare & Bus 503.63 15-G-4 Instruction - Conferences & 1 Lectures 21,906.93 15-G-5 Instruction - General Supplies 546.40 15.G:6 Instruction - Athletic Salaries 294.20 15-G-$ Instruction - Carfare & Auto A]lowanc 25,052.14 15-G-9 Instruction - Evening School 15-G-10 Instruction - Free Textbooks 17,o65.23 9, 1A YES (✓) COUNCILMEN (✓) NAYS FEB 't Halvorson ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL---------19'— • Holland _—-- FEB _- --79-- M APPROVED ----- arzit ells IN FAVOR Mortinson AYGR Peterson --- ---/— --- - M_A�A,NST l Rosen _. �_ — COUNTER.'G BD (/^ IR MR. PRESIDENT Daubneyv �_-�(/ 7 !00 2-M I . CouNCjL ORIGINAL TO CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE yIn aERN APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLU ,c.F,No.ls1o9t>—sy Mtu°"RG,e by PER CHARTER SECTION 709 Resol ed„That the followingtransferal be made on the books of the ,np- ` • troller,as by s0 doing ne may a met! .de(i said In certain Items may.Per ll by said transfers without ham In PRESENTED BY DATE__the ark provided by the o ey qin PR SIE COMMISSION the rltems Prom which the ,r: are made. •T� RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS''ARE MADE. December, 1 accounts AMOUNT TRANSFERRED CODE APPORTIONED ITEM D. FROM _ .—To Eastern Heights— 9,507.53 ---- - ---- 5007 Chelsea heights Addition 17,573.74 27,081.27 5000 School 'Bond (Revenue) 5000 School 3ond (Revenue) 1,463,547.54 8,122.39 5001 General Expense 7,222.95 5002-A Prosperity Heights 770.10 5002-B Prosperity 'ieirhts-Site 2,739.78 5004-A Highland Park 559.00 5004-8 Highland Park-Site 459,217.06 5005-A St. Anthony Park-Bldg. 39,484.64 5005-B St. Anthony Park-Site 5,388.12 5009 Mississippi 6,357.69 5010-A Arlington-Building 5,142.10 5010-B Arlington-Site - 5011-B Sheridan Addition Site 24,001.56 5012-A Hazel Park-Building 23,143.18 5012-B Hazel Park-Site 7,499.37 5013-B Como-Victoria Site x,9,526.78 5014-A Riverview-Building 23,263.63 5014-n Riverview-Site 280,966.41 5015-A Hancock-Building 18,723.80 5015-B Hancock-Site 6,750.00 5016-A Maxfield-Building 72,335.05 5016-3 J•hxfield-Site 2 333.93 5017-B Conway Street Site I�>; ,463,547.54 YES ( COUNCILMEN (W) NANS ADOPTED V THE COUNCIL------ ----- ----19 - APP OV ED_-------'— —IN FAVOR MAYOR _AGAINST COUNTERSIGNED BY—l7Ei-- -i CITY COM TROLLER MR. PRESIDENT I � r-�. ' (2) ja COUNCILNO. ORIGINAL TO CITY OF SAINT PA FILE 1, �GITY CLERK APPR RIATION TRANSFERS ESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER BE ON 208 PRESENTED BY DATE_--- --19-- CDM M ISSION ER-- — ® R E S O E D, THAT THE FOLLO G TRANSFERS BE MADE O THE BOOKS OF THE CO ROLLER, AS BY SO DOING N UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY N CERTAIN ITEMS MAY B MET BY SAID TRANSFERS W HOUT HAMPERING THE WOR PROVIDED BY THE MONEY THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. Decemb 1253, Accounts AMOUNT TRANSFERRED CODE ------- o APPORTIONED ITEM DR CR. FROM TO 5100 School (Rehabilitation) 1,724,012.42 5101 General Expense 5,593.23 5102 Central 8,522.22 5104 Gorman 21.52 5105 Humboldt 17,531.6 5107 Bryant 34.63 5108 Crowley 4.29 5109 Homecroft 136.13 5111 Webster 1,947.96 5112 Phalen Park 59.84, 5113 Desnoyer Park 48 04 1,378.41 5114 Lafayette 12,476.99 5116 Lindsay 5117 Mound Park 629.83 5118 Galtier 4,855.42 5119 Longfellow 54,138.50 5120 Gordon 115.25 5121 Linwood 3,287.74 5122 Farnsworth 2,533.45 5123 Sibley 858.64 5124 Van Buren 1,893.31 5125 Harding 10,973.36 5126 Roosevelt 86,282.36' 5127 Randolph 79,804.97 5128 Ramsey 44,313.27 5129 Jefferson 77,968,27 5130 Marshall � ,_ 3,404.36 YES (J) CO NCILMEN NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_..--.---—19— • APPROVED____..__—___.---__—__—_�9__— —_IN FAVOR I MAYOR ___._AGAINST COUNTERSIGNED B clTr o,FrnouER R. PRESIDENT wo :-y TCOUNCIL 'ORIGINAL O CITY CLERK CITY OF 5 NT PAUL FILE 0• APPROPRIATION TRAN ERS—RESOLUTION ORM PER CHA ER SECTION 208 PR ESE ED BY CoM SSI.N.,- - DATE ----197 - ® /R E S O L E D, THAT THE OLLOWING TRANSFERS _BLLF�MADE ON THE BOO 11 THE COM ROLLER, AS BY SO OING AN UNAVOIDABLE UtFICIENCY IN CERTAIN,/ITEMS MAY BE ET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING/THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY I THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS AFRE MADE. December, 1953, accounts/ / CODE AMOUNT TRANSFERRED APPORTIONED ITEM --'--"- - DR. CR. FROM TO - -- - 5131 Murray 105,551.22 5132 Mechanic Arts 245,827.23 5133 Washington 121,176.89 5134 Baker 40,217.69 5135 Tilden 51,026.32 5136 Cleveland 64,280.01 5137 Hill 13.09 5138 Johnson 2102465.86 5139 Monroe 93,081.26 5140 Groveland Park 53,881.47 5141 Deane 31.38 5142 Hayden Heights 25.34 5143 Jackson 39,653.99 51114 Lincoln 42,384.52 5145 Vocational 1,793.59 ' 5146 Hammond 22227.33 a 5147 McKinley 5,450-75- 5148 ,450.755148 Riverside 15.80 5149 Drew 68,896.07 5150 rranklin 66,490.68 _ 5151 Como Park 18.31- 5152 Adams 8.40 5153 Mann 21.97 5154 Ames Jr. High 12612.21 5155 Davis 12023.68 5156 Douglas 2,077.35 5157 Chelsea Heights 20,000.00 �^ YES (0 COUNCILMEN (✓) NAYS ' ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_.__- APPROVED--,- --IN PPROVED--_IN FAVOR YOR _AGAINST - ---- COUNTERSIGNED BY_ -. -�4- Y COMPTROLLER MR. PRESIDENT F4) . � ORIGINAL TO CITY OF SAINT PAUL FIL OUENCIL NO �CITV QERK PROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED B COMMISSION ---- '— DATE_—. 19-- • R E S O L V E D, THAT THE FOL WING TRANSFERS BE M DE ON THE BOOKS OF THE (70MPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOI G AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFI IENCY IN CERTAIN ITEM MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS ITHOUT HAMPERING TH WORK PROVIDED BY T MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHI H THE TRANSFERS ARE ADE. Decem r 1953, accounts CODE AMOUNT TRANSFERRED- _—-—_O APPORTIONED ITEM -- - FROM TO OR. 5158 Eastern Heights 15,000.00/ 5159 Ericsson 1,862.98 5160 Grant 1,609.68 5161 McClellan 1,093.95 5162 Rice 1,316.95 5163 Schef£er 2,113.95 5164 Smith 1,092.45 5165 Whittier 2,599.45 5166 Hancock 41,257.00 1,724,012.42 S� YES (✓) COUNCILMEN (✓) NAYS FEB 4 _Halvorson ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL____.—__----54- t9-- Holland 'A FEB 41954 Marzitelli APPROVED ___ _ ._- -_- __-.----IN FAVOR / Mortinson Peterson _ MAYOR _ _AGAINST Rosen -- .1 COUNTER NED BY_-. _411t—�'1 ITy ddd POLL MR. PRESIDENT Daubney �� / q<-/ COUNCIL No. od'bnI.cur CI..e CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE .-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C.F.No.187001—By Nonia'0.Balvor- NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM en'eSVeed area the propu City o� deIn employee In ttre de rtment o! PRESENTED BY DATE Ferks,.PIFOrounda a Pub ilc BuadIM COMMISSIONER----- --- -- for tra empWyment as described In the reSaht M. Adopted by the Co..61 February 4, 1954' ApprovedF bbru.,y04,1799954. roary WILFREAS, The Commissioner cf Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emer- -ency during the period from January 16 to 31, 1954, which rendered necessary the emplrvrent of certaip emnleyees of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings for more than eight hours per day or forty hours per week in doing the following work: 1 Tending Como Greenhouse heating plant- 2 Supervising and servicing skating and hockey rinks. 3 Installing and servicing loudspeakers. 4 Electrical work at Como lake pavilion, bounds ski slide and Conic rink warming house. 5 Preparing payroll and payroll records. And yMREAS, This emergency arose by reason of the follow-Ing facts and circum— stances: I Constant, even temperature is required at the Como Greenhouse and Zoo. 2 Special events and programs for week ends and evenings. 3 Speed skating races held at Como rink on week ends. 4. Jobs reglired i*.rmediate completion. 5 Curtailed regular work periods. T;BFEFORE :3E 1T RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorised to ray the employees who performed such work in accordance with the provisions of the Co'uncil's salary ordinance, Ordinance No. 6416. FEE 4 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CouneiL__-! -- 196_ Yeas Nays REP 1 IgSv Halvorson 195— PProved / Holland Marzitelli Mortinson —In Favor May Peterson i Rosen _--_-Against Mr. President, Daubney sm ase °� Orbrin.l t.Cil,Clerk 1 6� g�cq CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO._- FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C N RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_— DATE_ —_ PESOLVED, That there be and hereby is appropriated out of the Forestry Revolving Fund (2002) the suet of $30.39, payable to Charlotte M. Casey, 90 Garfield Ave., St. Paul., idinnesota, for the purpose of reimbursing her for an overcharge on an assessment for tree trimming work, levied against property described as W 100 £t, of Lct 8, Samuel Leechts Add. of Out Lots to Saint Paul, being Subdivision of MV a of Lot L in Leeches Add. of Out Lots and also East 50 ft. of Lots j and 8, of Samuel Leeches Add. of Out Lots to Saint Paul, be ng Subdivision of N1"Iq of Lot 1 in Lcechl s Add. of Out Lots. C.F.No.Ie7pey-13y Norris O.Aaivor- Resolved,'That there be and beret, la appropriated out f the Fbrestry Revolving Flmd (20M) the sum f 830.39. able to Charlotte M.Casey, 90 Garfield Ave., St.Paul. Minnesota, for the purpo,e po,„eire eutafn8 her for an overcharge n an eseesrneat for Ne trimming work, levied against LintueitlIeeech s Adtl.of Outt Lots to Saint Pa W,being Subdivision of Nw;, of Lot 9 In Leech's Add.of Out Lots'. n also East fi0 ft.of Lots 7 antl 8,of Samuel Leech's Add. of Out Lots to Saint Paul,being Subdivision of NW;: of Lot 4 In Leech's Adtl.of Out Lots. Adopted by the Council February 4. 1954. Approved February 4,1954. (February 6, 1959) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council €�ciQ195_ Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved / 195— Marzitelii Mortinson In Favor Peterson / Mayor �pi) / Rosen Against % Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-63 '• Orl,in.l 1.Car clerk COUNCIL I1~ 4 P CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO._ LMMSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ,. PRESENTED BY _r^f� TE February 4, 19 _ COMMISSIONE '�'�--, WHEREAS: Eddie C. Thompson. licensed Vending Machine Operator, desires to withdraw Application C 8196 for Cigarette license at 612 University Avenue where Art Thole is the licensee and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore, be it RESOLVED: That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Eddie C. Thompson, the fee of $ 12.00 and to cancel said application for license. Cron Severin A.8-------- _S Y O 8ahor Peterson— Mortnson_Robert F Rrhereas Eddie Chine .Thompson,tc e to jjr PP icat oCn CaB&deMCMB to tte draw A ensetl equestwhem a rt Thoe2jUWb ersitY Avenue ie the a Lc ns fee tleDy acted:het"" Pf tie ee antl ReeolYed, That t%1le"prhpererocif nbe ice l.refynti to EUCiee CerkbY authorized of 812.Bl antl to Thospson the c Ado t r license, caYtcel aid appii_ IB59 Ped by the e{ .February q APPI—etl f ebruery q,10$g, (Februa� WITHDRAWAL (Refund) Operas address 681 N. Western FEa 4 195' COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved 195— Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor - -�G --- -- Mayo Peterson Rosen — —Against Mr. President, Daubney 6M 2-63 " N.In.I to city Clerk COUNCIL NO._,�.;,9 O CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE Coma?= COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM February 4, 1954 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE permit to conduct Bingo Games, applied for by the following RE50LVEDt That licenses for pe and hours intitcated organizations at the addresses statedi, for the days, dates, on each application be and the same are hereby granted. sacred Heart Nems Club 831 East Fifth l Period App. 8097 New C.F.No.is7094—By Norris 0.nalvor- n—Severin A.Mortinsan—Robert F. Peterwn— Resolved.That Bingo Game.license applied nor by the o gaffl-tions norno to this resolution beand sarn edis hereby I granters, and athe City Clerk Is in- 'structed to Isaue su h license upon the payment into the of the epWred feesCity treasury Adopted by 954. the Council peblvary 4. 1 Approved February 4.1954. (February 6. 1954) Adopted by the Counf i--f:a---------195— COUNCILMEN. a Yeas Nays Halvorson Approved —195— Holland / Marzitelli In Favor — — May Mortinson Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-63 " COUNCIL NO._ origin,l t.Cay Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE LICENSE COMMTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � February 4. 1954 PRESENTED BY d COMNJUIONE ---1 -_' ------- 96e9 etat0d. t the addresses RESOLVEDs That licenses applied for by the following persons a be and the same are hereby granted. Restuarnat APP. 5060 Renewal 2101 Ford Pky. n n n Fred W. Lambreoht a Cigarette II a 5901, a 1087 Payne Fuel Dlr J,V� Harold F. Peterson " n01}0 2700 University Restaurant n 0 n ,Anchor Casulaty Co. a Cigarette n Restaurant 7344 n U. S. Bedding Co. 558 Vandalia " n " St. Peter Restaurant n 7519 " Dominic J. Perozino 559 Cigarette n E. 7th Barber " 7579 a The EnWrl— 121 E a Grocery " 7632 " John Rieger 0 Front Butcher " a n " 205 State Junk Gatherer 7700 Leon Hoch n 7741 " 1523 Hewitt Restaurant a 7748 gamine IIniversity 1536 Hewitt CigaretteIt n a a a Restaurant • Restaurant " 7758 Cigarette " State Capital Capitol Cafe Assn. " It Carnelian Beauty Salon. Inc. " 7762 " 445 Cedar Beauty Shop " a It it v. M. Loc. C.F.No.167095—By Norris 0=0j. _Severin A.Mortinson— Peterson—That lirea ea ppalled for R�he persons nn o th list the by the persons r solution be and somea hereby granted,and the City me instructed to issue such B"15— Adopted by Clerk upon the payment iateathe Chy COUNCILMEN IL Adopted tbyh the Council February 4. Yeas Nays 11954.Approve d February 4, 1964. !February 6•195x1 195— Halvorson Approve — Holland Marzitelli __In Favor Mortinson Peterson _,,_Against Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 " Origin 1 Lo City Clerk COUNCIL NO- CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE LICENSE CCVMTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM February 4, 1954 PRESENTED BY DATE— —'-- COMMISSIONER____ - —— PAGE NO. 2 (Renewals) Lawrence A.Goodman 53111abasha & 11 1nT• Restaurant App. ?86+ Renewal to On Sale Malt of " " " Off Sale Malt It n D Bowling 8 A. " " n n n Cigarette to It to Wm. Cassius 854 Selby Barber " 7875 " Helen Walczak &Mabel King Admx Est. of F. J. King n 7883 " 501_3 University Tavern n n " n n Dance Hall Edward C. Stieger 881 Rice Restaurant " 7890 " IT Off Sale Malt " " to u To a to " n Cigarette Warren &Walter A. Montpetit & Kenneth Sutherland & Mary Bornd0 959 Arcade Restaurant 7892 " to On Sale Malt " to to " n Off Sale Malt To n „ D Cigarette Earl Montpetit 615 University Restaurantn 7894 " OnSale Malt n to n Off Sale Malt n Tavern n n n n " IT Dance Hall " n Cigarette Dun &Bradstreet 391 Minnesota V. M. Loc. IT 7932 ° Ford Motor Co. 966 S. Mississippi R. Hive. n Restaurant n 7935 IT n n n Cigarette COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council---195-- Yeas ouncil 195.—Yeas Nays Halvorson Approved 195— Holland Marzitelli Mortinson ---In Favor - — — Mayor Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubney Sid 2-63 •original to Clly CI-1, 1° CITY OF ST. PAUL COENC1L NO. �` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE COMMITTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY February 4, 1954 COMMISSIONER—____--- _DATE PAGE+3 (Renewals) Chas. B. & Anthony Wagner 736 Oakdale Grocery App. 7939 Renewal a " Butcher 11 " " a n Off Sale Malt n u Cigarette Harry W.Stathas. Vernon R. Colon&Wm. W. Elles 351-3 University Restaurant " 7956 " u n On Sale Malt Off Sale Malt it a a Cigarette The Waltz Corp. 4579 Selby Restaurant " 7962 " n u Off Sale Malt ° " " n n Cigarette • tt n E. W.McGill 820 Rondo Grocery " 7966 " a it Frozen Meats " ' " n " Off Sale Malt " a n n n Cigarette n It n Gerald J. Brennen 449 N. Snelling Restaurant " 7984 " n - u Sale Malt n n n u n Off Sale Malt a n a n a Cigarette a ■ a " a Tavern " • ° Dance Hall Meyer Nemer &Melvin L. Gormen 3.104 Grand Idy& D.C.Plant " 7996 " Mrs. Eleanor Lovelace 349 N. Hemline Restaurant " 7999 " Hubert 0. Bowman 1194 Randolph Gas Sta 51P " 8003 " V. M. Loc. a a a ¢ 1954 FEB COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays 1954 Halvorson Holland Approved 195— Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor - Ma Peterson Rosen against Mr. President, Daubney 6M 2-53 " o4ein.l to City Clerk COUNCIL NO. ? CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE LICENSE CONRdITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM February 4. 1954 PRESENTED BY / DATE_ COMMISSIONER--t' -- RESOIVEDt That licenses for Motor VeKcle Driver applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. Elmer Annen 171 W. 4th App. 8066 Renewal Peter Dudeck 2314 Hillside " 8069 " Richard Hughes 240 N. Exchange " 8969 " Joseph H.Wood 54 W. College " 8074 n Willis FUlion 5131 Wabasha ° 8075 " James E. Turner 224 E. Congress " 8076 " Chiro J. Torntore 1652 Charles " 8080 " Chester N. Severson 352 Aurora " 8081 " Harry W. Wel,,er 84 Winnepeg " 8083 " Ray R. Fincel 498 Lawson " 8085 " Samuel Gordon 271 Kentucky " 8086 " George C. Benzel 345 W. 6th " 8088 " Harold Nadeau 889 Sias " 8092 " Ear1W. Crawford 333 Marshall " 8093 " Ralph E. Schaffer 421 W. Central " 8096 n " n Daniel Bockmeyer 46723 Wabasha 8098 Barry E. Weaver 167 Bigelow Apt. A " 8099 " Gerald A. Bartels 1918 Roblyn " 8101 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council___195— Yeas 195—Yeas Nays C*F, ~soves'in A t rtloson R 4 rt F. Peterson— Halvorson Resolved,That Molar Vehicle Driver I Ilcenses applied for by the person an jl •d ot] :he list atu:chetl to this Holland l re`olution bead we sum ar hereby granted, antl the Cily Clerk Is fn- MarZitelli .1—bdi to Issue ch licenses upon the payment into the City treasury of_— �_In Favor --------i the required fees. MOrtlnson - Adapted by the Council February 4.IyOr 054. Peterson Approved February 4,1954. (February 6,1954) Rosen —Against i Mr. President, llaubucy 5M 2-62 ✓"" P f o,Iei..l w Cit,Clerk COUNCIL NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE =NsE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY February 4, 1954' DATF COMMISSIONER- ------- ----- (MOTOR VEHICLE DRIVERS) Cont. Page #2 Louis Levi 206 State App, 8103 Renewal Ferdinald J. Wirth 325 Charles " 8102 " Eugene A. Tuttle 780 Cedar " 8104 " John Ryan 1239 Thomas " 8105 " Roy A. Truesdell 129 Sum"it " 8106 " Harold M. Chesshir 253 Fuller " 8107 " Paul L. Froelich 268 Kent " 8108 " Milton A. Snider 92 Pk. Place " 8109 " Jack W. Foster 2791 Iglehart " 8110 " Geo. Dikeman 122 Nina " 8M n Robert Frankok 495 Oakland " 8112 " Lambert L. Motz 405 Oakland n 8113 n Raymond H. Stebbins 326 Iafond " 8114 " Alray D. Tourville 191 E. Annapolis " S115 " Willard E. Schultz 761 St. Peter " 8117 " Robert J.F itzgerald 245 E. 12th " 8118 " Gene Strehlow 986 Galtier " 8119 R James R. Davis 1738 Munster " 8120 " n " Marvin S. O. Freeman 239 t• Ai=9 8121 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council--195— Yeas ouncil— 195—Yeas Nays Halvorson Approved_ _195— Holland Marzitelli Mortinson _- -_-In Favor ----- -. Mayor Peterson Rosen -------Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-63 Odeinsl to Cll9 Clerk NO COUNCIL .1R CITY OF ST. PAUL �. _ LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED COMMISSION ER— _ DATE February 4. 1954 (MOTOR VEHICLE DRIVERS) Cont. Page $3 Ervin R. Cary 115 N. Western App. 9122 Renewal John Bush 2113 Maria " 8123 " James L. Smith 134 E. Arch " 8124 " Paul F. Ernst 1397 Portland " 8125 " Lester M. Brawn 326 Farrington " 8126 " Kenneth F. Morrison 2523 Stillwater " 8128 " Paul A. Morrison 20 Summit " 8129 " Richard L. Leslie 123 Bigelow Apt. D it 8130 " Donald R. Burr 175 Charles " $131 " Walter Case 1577 Timberlake Rd. Apt. B " 8133 " George M. Larkin 89 Summit " 8134 " Mendel Gordon 271 Kentucky " 8135 " Harry Goodwell 402 Cathedral P1. " 8136 " Frank M. Brown 164 W. College " 8137 " James Manning 204 E. Congress " 8142 " Herman Gordon 655 HollY " 8143 " Robert Cordon 271 Kentucky " 8145 " Fred W. Bailey 1847 Laurel ° 8146 " Vieto N. Jasper 55 Front " 8147 New COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council—_ _195— Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland ` Approved __195_ Marzitelli Mortinson _In Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen ___Against Mr. President, Daubney uM 2.63 1f O.i.in.l to Cly Clerk COUNCIL N0. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r', PRESENTED BY February 4. 1954 COMMISSIONER—___——. ------- DATE_ (MOTOR VEHICLE DRIVER) Cont. Page f4 Ruhl D. McComb 546 Pleasnat App. 8148 Renewal Berman B. Anderson 249 H. 6th " 8149 " n " Andrew E. Marier 949 Euclid 8150 Elmer Davis 1209 Ross 8.151 " Raymond Duffert 359 Loretto " 8152 " Boyd Schaible 1405 W. 7th " 8153 " Emmett Dorgan 87 E. Isabel " 8154 " Robert Miller 59 Irvine Pk. " 8155 Arnold LaBelle 1056 Kingsford " 8157 Theo.Buckley 2018 Thure " 8158 " David Piette 825 Hague " 8159 " James McKellepp 180 Dousman " 8160 " Robert H. Phillips. Jrl. 1919 E. Cottage " 8161 " John D. Ramsey Euclid Hotel " 8162 " Arthur G.Dietrich 259 E. Morton " 8163 " Henry Burback 963 Iglehart it 8164 it Gordon Swanson 987 E. 4th " 8166" Russell T. Haufek 1788 Englewood " 8165 " Gaylord L. Howe, Jr. 487 Andrew " 8167 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved 195_ Marzitelli Mortinson ---- In Favor -- Mayor Peterson Rosen ------Against Mr. President, Daubney 561 Y-63 " O�i¢1n.1 to Cllr Clrrk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. LICENSE COME?= OFFICE OF THE"CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE February 4. 1954 COMhUS510NER-- — —""- (Motor Vehicle Driver) Coht. Page f5 Carl Clausen 260 N. Oxford App. 8169 Renewal Harrold E. Breckon 1322 Thomas " 8172 n Charles M. Massie 2362 Ellis IF 8173 R 11 Colborne 118174 " Clinton 0. Smith 3 Joseph Nicolette 947 Fuller " 8175 " Frank Thin 681 F ry " 8176 n Gerry T. cardinal 818 Marshall " 8177 " Alfred P. Stafki 603 E. Lawson " 8178 " Oliver Nicholson 10 E. 12th " 8179 " Stanley Eayrs 461 Beaumont " 8181 ° Clarence G. Cole 892 W. Central " 8183 " George Pruden 546 Rice " 8195 " Daniel N. Liljedahl 285 Wlr. 7th " 8197 " Roy F. Rice 292 Iglehart ". 8199 " Alexander G. Schierman 611 Central Pk P1 " 8200 " Albert L. Cable 332 St. Clair n 8201 " Albert Koebnen 653 York " 8204 " John De0raw 233 Edmund " 8206 " Carl. 0. Miller 66 W.7th " 8207 FEB 4 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council Yeas Nays FEB Halvorson 4 3954 Holland Approved 195__ Marzitelli In Favor Mortinson Mayor Peterson () Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubney 6M 2-63 'r "7' rudai.d is Civ Cl.rk CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL un i4e OFFICE OF THE CITY CIJERK 'C. F.No.187099-By Frank D.M.,M- COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Re:e tate Froiect--05(Trunk Whe y 200= being a portion of the Eustis Street Eilg.g of 1, in the C1t PRESENTED BY Fel city limits south ito 04 mile south COMMISSIONE _ DATE f Como Avenue) aamssy County. State of Minnesota.City of St.Paul. ways fastheh State of Minnesotof a has determined to designate and make permanent the location of Trunk nk High Re: State Project 6242-0 (Trunk Highway 280x480-being a portion of°"tit173'"oe'`u'i'� Street Highway in the City of St. Paul extending from the north city limits south to 0.4 mile south of Como Avenue) Ramsey County, State of Minnesota, City of St. Paul. Whereas, The Commissioner of Highways of the State of Minnesota has now determined to designate and make permanent the location of Trunk Highway No.280 80, of formerly designated plansawwhiT hnareighway presented2heerewithugh andthe madeiaypartshereof,sand shown upon the p_ Whereas, Said Commissioner of Highways is desirous of constructing, recon- structing and improving said Trunk Highway through said City and has preparAia plans for said construction, reconstruction and improvement, a copy of which plans are presented herewith and made a part of this resolution; and Whereas, The construction, reconstruction and improvement of said Trunk Highway requires a change in the grade of the streets in said City along and upon which said Trunk Highway passes, said change of grade being designated and shown on said plans, and Whereas, it is to the beet interests of said City that said Trunk Highway be constructed, reconstructed and improved through said City in accordance with said plans and the standard Minnesota Highway Specifications and upon the grade designated therein, and Whereas, said projectand saideplans, eral in order of to participate a in federal funds, require the approval Whereas, The Federal Bueeau of Public Roads requires as a condition precedent to Such approval, the assurance and of t the City ,of St.Paul including will not license or permit hereafter, any kind curb gas pumps or gas stations or billboards or other structures of any whatsoever, on the right of way of said Trunk Highway No.280 within the corporate limits of said City of St. Paul as shown upon the plans hereto attached, and Whereas, In the furtherance of the public well being and safety it is desirable and necessary to eliminate traffic hazards by eliminating any encroach- ments whatsoever includi as amps or gas stations or billboards or other structures hrleln.l to cur Clete - 9 ' �( ' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCILLE NO. Y f OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER— — ------ DATE page-2— of any kind whatsoever, now or hereafter existing in or upon the said Trunk Highway right of way, and Whereas, Said Commissioner of Highways desires, in the interest of public safety, that all parking of vehicles on said Trunk Highway be parallel with the curb and at least 20 feet from any crosswalk at all public streets intersecting said Trunk Highway within the corporate limits of said City, and Whereas, It is to the best interests of said City that all parking of vehicles be parallel to the curb; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That said plans and specifications for the construction, reconstruction and improvement of said Trunk Highway through said City, be and the same hereby are approved, and said City hereby consents to the change in grade of the streets along which said Trunk Highway passes, as shown in a aid plans, and BE IT FURTFER RESOLVED, That said City does hereby agree and covenant that it will never permit or suffer, within its corporate limits, any encroachment of any kind whatsoever, including curb gas pumps and gas stations, billboards or other structures of any kind whatsoever, upon the right of way of Trunk Highway No.280 as shown on said plans and that to the above end said City hereby agrees that it will never issue any license, permit, or grant, or give a3v leave or liberty or any other consent of whatever form for the construction or maintenance of any encroachment whatsoever, including curb gas pumps and gas stations, billboards or other structures of any kind whatsoever, upon said right of way; and that said City will cooperate insofar as possible to eliminate existing encroach- ments constituting traffic hazards and will further take any necessary action to eliminate any encroachment that may hereafter exist on said Trunk Highway right of way, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That said City does hereby agree to require the parking of all vehicles on said Trunk Highway to be parallel with the curb and at least 20 feet from any crosswalks on all public streets intersecting said Trunkighway within the corporate limits of said City. U L', 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays 4 1854 Halvorson Holland -�Approved 196_ Marzitelli Mortinson __ __In Favor Peterson j Mayor Rosen __ll�—Against Mr. President, Daubney r. 5M 2-62 Orlyinel to Car Clerk ?6 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE COUNCIL NO._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Fehrnary 3• 1954 COMM..'..E DATE — RESOLVED That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to excavate for and enlarge existing manhole at northwest corner of Broadway and East Fourth Street. C.F.No.167096—BY Frank D.Maai- b"u— poaWeN. a, ComP ny be ad That B..==61 W_ at northwest cornei of Bcoad- wey and East Fourth Street. Adopted by the Council February<. 1859. Approved February 4,1954 (February 6,1954) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays Halvorson - Holland I Approved 196— i Marzitelli � - Mortinson --In Favor - /Mayor Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubney 6M 2-63 '� oriff]"I to city cln4 CITY OF ST. PAUL ii°e"�1 NO. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER- WHEREAS, OMMISSIONERWHEREAS, The Commissioner of Public Works has reported, in accordance with the Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency during the period from January 28 to February 3, 1954 which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of the Department of Public Works for more than eight hours per day or forty hours per week in doing the following work: Erecting rope baracades along parade route Stockpiling salt at Loop yards And WHEREAS , This emergencyn rose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Necessity of erecting baracades along parade route and stockpiling salt and sand for future use. 'THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED That the proper city officers are herby authorized to pay the employees who performed such work in accordance with the provisions of the Council's salary ordinance, Ordinance No. 6446. C.F.No.197099—By Frank D.Mami- telli— Resolved. That the proper city offt- rs are hereby authorired to pay cer- tain employes in the ]Department of Public Works for extra employment as described in the resolution. Adopted by the Council February 4, 1954. Approved February 4,1954. (February 9, 1954) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_— —195— yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved--195 Marzitelli _In Favor " Mortinson — r Mayor Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 Council File No-1-67 1.11'0 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENTI C.F.No.16116D-- and n a herees a ltten m� king of the fonowlpt. provomeuf,. viz.: Reconstructon PRELIMINARY ORDER eaa'' ' " The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Reconstruct or repair, where necessary, the existing sidewalk on both sides of Albemarle St. from Wayzata St. to Lawson Ave. Dated this_4 day of February 1954 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS,A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Reconstruct or repair, where necessary, the existing sidewalk on both sides of l-bamer-le St from Way—to St to L8w80n Ava having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore,be it RESOLVED,That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for,or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature,extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan,profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council FEB 4 1954 YEAS NAYS ,k Councilman MARZITELLI 4 194 AftbEemm Holland Approved MORTINSON x = Halvorson I PETERSON ROSEN MR.PRESIDENT,Tmm mcisa Daubney yor. 1M 4-51 "Qi�p Council File No.— PROPOSAL o.PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT I C.F.N.167101_ I` Whereas,A written pmpose�for the making of the following,lmoro andvement, vis.: Reconstr,et or mpsir where PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Reconstruct or repair, where necessary,the existing sidewalk on the east side of Argyle St. from Jessamine Ave. to Van Slyke Ave., and on the west Bide of Argyle St. from Jessamine Ave. to Como Ave. Dated this 4 day of February 1954 . Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS,A written proposal for the making of the following improvement,viz.: Reconstruct or repair, where necessary, the existing sidewalk on the east side of Argyle St from Jessamine Ave to Van Slyke Ave, and on the west side of Argyle St from Jessamine Ave. to Como Ave having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore,be it RESOLVED,That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for,or desirability of,the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature,extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan,profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council FEB h 1954 PEAS NAYS rEB 4 1954 Councilman MARZITELLI Rolland Approved MORTINSON Ryarx= Halvorson PETERSON ROSEN MR.PRESIDENTS Daubneyayor. IM 441J��" Council File No. 1 ^ `l C.F.No.167102— PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT khee of he followinglproposal�eoe eta. ,l Open,widen and extend an alley 20 and - ft.to width to Block"G",Beaver Lake Hotg&hta, from StLLlwater Ave. to the orth LLne of the east and west aLLey 1n I PRELIMINARY ORDER Hlnek T Tuaen's Fs Perk Plat 2 h. -- _ 0,1 the making of the following public improvement by the City Of The undersigned hereby proposes n n Beaver Saint Pau], viz.: on widen and extend an elle 20 ft. in width in Block G n Lake Heights, from Stillwater Ave. to the north line of t e east trip an wee a e the westerly and northwesterly 20 ft. of Bloc - k "G", Beaver Lake Heights, said strip of I an e f the east and west alley in Block p T sen a from Stillwater Ave. to the north ]ins o Essex Park Plat 2. F brua 119 Dated this th day of Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS,A written proposal for the making of the rovement, viz.: 011ow Inin width in Block "G" Beaver Lake Heights, from Stillwater Ave. to the north line of the east and west alley in "GO, Beaver Lake Heights, said strip of the westerly and northwesterly 20 ft. of Block neo sen s sex a an sing a acen o an para e ° a 1 n Ock 6 ilsents from %tillwat,gr Ave. IL� Essex Park Plat 2 having been presentee to the Council of the City of Saint Pau therefore,be it mmissioner of Public Works be and is hereby orered d directed: RESOLVED,That the Co 1. To investigate the necessity for,or desirability of, he making of said imated cost of said improvement, and the total cost 2. To investigate the nature,extent and est thereof. 3. To furnish a plan,profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 7�r Adopted by the Council L G-�t — YEAS NAYS Halvorson Holland Councilman MARZITELLi Approve MORTINSON PETERSON RosEx mayor. MR.PRESIDENT,*W Daubney 1M 4-61 IJ'UBLISt)"ED� G-932 9 !D Council File No. (i. s PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEME c.F.NO.1e7103- whereas,A rltten proposal,for the and kln9 of the following Improvement,. Grade Van Humn Avenue from PRELIMINARY ORDER p�"v"n�hn s'= tn- o K stre, h vin 'F1„ ,.. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: ('rade Van Buren Avenue from Chatsworth Street to Oxford Street Dated this 4th day of Feb rua gdi Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS,A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade Van Buren Avenue from Chatsworth Street to Oxford Street having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore,be it RESOLVED,That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for,or desirability of,the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature,extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoirntters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council — YEAS NAYS Councilman MARZITELLI Halvorson Holland Approved MORTINSON PETERSON ROSEN MR.PRESIDENT, ' Ma ' Daubney IM 441 .0&.R PITi3LISHED _J n 1 / Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT c. 67104_ and Whereas.A written proposal for the making of the following Improvement. viz.: PRELIMINARY ORDER cande—mg and taking an eaaem¢ni n¢fessary for alZM its The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul,viz.: Condemning and taking an eaaement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Van Buren Avenue from Chatsworth Street to Oxford Street, Dated this—4th day of February 1954 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS,A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning and takino an eaaemPnt in the land necaasary for slopes cute and fills in the gig of van Buren Avenue from Chatsworth Street to Oxford Street. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore,be it RESOLVED,That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for,or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature,extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan,profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council FEB `-5' YEAS NAYS Halvorson FEB Councilman MARZITELLI Holland G X954 MCBECUM Approved MORTINSON PETERSON ( . ROSEN MR.PRESIDENT,DZLW x Ma r• Daubney i 1M 4-61 '�"6 ��� 1cs �� LYIJPT Is1H;Lsz�-�.� �1 Council File No.- — PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C.F.No.167106-- , Whereas.A written propnaaifor the making of the followlbg nnp—reent, and yi=• - co vers`io a aaawav taxa m`e'°w;ceriy PRELIMINARY ORDER to Fiftde ofh Street edar Street widening urth thel paved roadway o the northerly side f Fourth Street from W9ht—hn-!lt The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saijit Paul, viz. -- - --- - Repaving Fourth Street from Seven Corners to Broadeayji and the westerly sidw-of Cedar Street from Fourth Street to Fifth Street, including widening the paved roadway on the northerly side of Fourth Street from Wabasha Street to Cedar Street; constructing new curbing and sidewalks or reconstructing the present curbing and sidewalks where necessary; constructing sewer, water and gas service connections from the street mains to the property lines where necessary; reconstructing the paving, curbing and sidewalks on intersecting streets where not in conformity with said improvement; constructing pull boxes and conduits for an ornamental lighting system and traffic controls where necessary; and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to said improvement. on the northerly side of Fourth Street from Wabasha Street to Cedar Street; constructing new curbing and sidewalks or reconstructing the present curbing and sidewalks where necessary; constructing sewer, water and gas service connections from the street mains to the property lines where necessary; reconstructing the paving, curbing and sidewalks on intersecting streets where not in conformity with said improvement; constructing pull boxes and conduits for an ornamental lighting system and traffic controls where necessary; and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to said improvement. Adopted by the Council FEB 4 1954 YEAS NAYS H81YOI'SOri Councilman MARZITELLI Holland FEB 1Q�fl D OW Approved MORTINSON PETERSON { / ROSEN ✓l�ln. �� MR.PRESIDENT,bEmsD= Daubney ayor. im 4-61 Ospo.8 0 Council Nile No PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT cuF-rld.'`iezue-- 1 _ I Dated this "4th day of Februa 1 Lt Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS,A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _ Repaving Fourth Street from Seven Corners to Broadwayp and the westerly side of Cedar Street from Fourth Street to Fifth Street, including widening the paved roadway on the northerly side of Fourth Street from Wabasha Street to Cedar Street; constructing new curbing and sidewalks or reconstructing the present curbing and sidewalks where necessary; constructing sewer, water and gas service connections from the street mains to the property lines where necessary; reconstructing the paving, curbing and sidewalks, on intersecting streets where not in conformity with said improvement; constructing pull boxes and conduits for an ornamental lighting system and traffic controls where necessary; and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to said improvement. Adopted by the Council FEB 4 1954 YEAS NAYS Halvorson Councilman MARZITELLI Holland FEB 1g5R 11XRE059mg Approved MORTINSON .� PETERSON (/(. ROSEN ayor. MR.PRESIDENT,ftmp= Daubney 1M 4-61 Council File No.r- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Whereop,A-.',j tmProposal n..... �Inakln6 oP th. .... and ❑ Y,a c rT oe 1 u ,a.,_r. � 4 r. F ...., r r ,•_ 'eL4 Li9aT,S2 oS-_: Q iJI,LCs•+YPF' .,. w. � r^u3. ¢4F- c„ art ..__. _. nr4 r I dz -urjr.if 1ul' :r 1•i nap l,,ii I r . r r «.. rLe'1 UPox,ar U lr:10 I rLi f z 1. ° MAI f 1 n 1 lUr, c n raj Iu Bz zr� .yr.7.. C 7Tli6s nF 40 ur 4 1u ctniloLTA inl lG�Nll.19 7mhAU eml:I ct 1z L<,I� u..N; 'n T4 JJg yLay'x.ncFtua ='..1.: Lec,ual:x.nc •rut. �t sv{'• cuU2r•x.ncirUt� UccaL e2r�ea�ex.JAaa7QsaoLaL�nx.L�to{rL-P6F 7r �.._F,casUs es r P�>✓Sras 4 2pFFxs s Lse1'9pre rliae -Fsza having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore,be it RESOLVED,That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered Vand directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for,or desirability of,the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature,extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan,profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council FEB 4 1954 YEAS NAYS Halvorson Councilman MARZITELLI Holland FEB 1QMH Did Approved MORTINSON ittYCc i i j PETERSON 7 ROSEN MR.PRESIDENT,Dm== Daubney ♦♦e�rrr�, �/[ ayor. y/1 L. . C.F.No.1�710&- Resolved:That oheoke-be...dzawo on; NOTIC amounit�o 918re�,78�4.19,eooila�rlr�s6 CITY of swINT PAUL TO ;��mkpa ole°,�ne o ett o'u COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE No.__ PRINT 193 dopled bytheCouncil February 4, Feb Approved February 4,1954. - _t9-54 (February 5, 1954) RESOLVED, THAT CHECKSI BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $167 784.13 ,COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED.. 59823 --T059§16_._._.-INCLUSIVE,AS PER CHECKS � ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. FEB 4 1954 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL-..- __ -------- I9— - - --._ _ crrr COMPraOLLER FES 4 1954 APPROVED_— I9-- By- CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF,THF COMPTROLLER FILE NUM BER_ —� SOROLL CALL AUDITED CLAIMS Feb HALVORNiI HOLLAND _IN FAVOR MARZITELLI ---IN MORTINSON f) RESOLVED.THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY PETERSON AGAINST ROSEN IN THE AMOUNT OF S 16? ?84 33 — COVERING MR.PRES,D AUBNEY INCLUSIVE, AS CHECKS PER CHECKS N FIL IN THE OF I E O THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE LCONCI an , L JU _ APPROVED-- TOTAL DATE RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK NUMBERCHECKS CHECKS BROUGHTFORWARD 56 260.49 .. 59823 Fern Peterson ® 37 59x24 Richard C. Fernald 00 128 00 396L5 Milton Rosen 26 410 39 59826 " " 11 904 99 94 75 59827 " " 637 00 , 59828 " a 59829 u " 12 182 08 ' 640 24 59630 e 63 00 59631 Orville Yn ein 3 858 96 59832 Milton Rosen 11 427 62 59833 " ° 225 00 59634 0 " 4 670 23 59035 w p 128 00 5,)836 Roger Beesley �3 86 59637 0 & R Chomical Co. 182 45 59838 Hall Electric Co. 46 70 59039 James P. Marsh 64 15 59840 Meinecke and Co. Inc. 196 '8 59841 N. W. Beall Telephone Co. 103 30 59642 It 2Y0 73 59643 Id. W. Refining Co. 59844 duality Pars 123 63 Envelope Co 96 42 59845 Riteform Chair Co. 128 05 59846 Scheffer and Rossum Co. 202 13 59847 Twin City Bedding Co. Inc. 108 75 59648 Miat .n Rosen 38 204 ll 59649 900 00 5985o Rose Broa. Lbr. 46 177 44 5951 Co. welfare Bd. 2 656 03 59652 Milton Rosen 59853 91 37 59654 A. S. Aloe Co. 36 00 59655 jimerican Soo. for Test. Mat. 23 35 59856 "utomxtiB Voting Vlach. Corp. 3 52 59857 Howard W. Belmont-Harley-David. 170 00 59858 Bishop Tow. 3erv. 188 Q0 59859 n p and mf C 108 39 59ci60 Capitol 9ta,.t,l��nery g� C. 18 75 59661 Chase Pen Shop 4 00 59862 Corpus Christi Chamber of Comm. 1199 11 • 59863 John A. Downey Co. 75 81 59064 Downtown Ford o 8 75 " 59865 M. J. Dunn CO. 3 0o 59866 Empire Clock Co. Inc- 28 59867 Firestone Stores 30 00 59868 Friden Cal. Mach,ne Co. 13 00 59869 Generator Spec. Co. 4 8o 59870 (Jokey and Co. 43 82 59071 Gruber Auto Elec. Co. 100 00 59872 International News Photos 745 00 59873 Johnson Print. Co. 1 10 59874 Liquid Carbonic Corp. 353 55 59875 Mooiain and Redman Co. 24 93' 59076 Mall Tool Co. SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 226 044 62 �- i 1 9 !� Url¢Inel I.City Clrrk COUNCIL NO. d e CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _ 4 _.DATE --- —'— COMAUSSIONE2_- __--- WHEREAS, on the 12th day of February 1952, John Rial, n employe of the Bureau of Police, Department of Public Safety, sustained an injury in thecourse of his employment, leading to temporary total disability from said date until July 23, 1952, and as a result of said injury did sustain a permanent partial disability of his back, and WHEREAS, said employe has agreed to a settlement of Workmen's Compensation claim on permanent partial disability of his back at thirty per cent of the back as a whole, therefore be it RT-SOLVED, that on the advice of rlarshall F. Hurley, Assistant Corporation Counsel, settlement of the Workmen's Compensation claim by said employe on the basis of thirty per cent of the back as a whole be effected by said settlement, amounting to the sum of $3168.00, the amount thereof from July 23, 1952 to the date of the making by the Indu3trial Commission of an award on the basis of said settlement being the amount which will be payable by the City at the date of such award, the balance of said settlement to be paid said employe in installments every four weeks, until fully paid, said sums to be paid from the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund. C. F.No.187101—By Robert F.Peter. Son— Whereas, On the 12th day, of Feb- vary 1852,John RW.—.employe of the isu of PonI) Police eparhnent f Public Safety,s tamed n injury to �L Ll 'LA A1, r,y_ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays Halvorson = JJ' Approved 1 6— Holland /�,�� I, Marzitelli V,' ✓ Mortinson _,In Favor or Peterson J !� Rosen " Against Y, -,S1 us o - 1 4 Mr. President, Daubney 6M 2-63 'r � C.F.No.16710B--By John E.Daubney— Orlsiml to City Clerk { Whereas,it has been brou ht to the ._ CITY OF ST. PAUL I�niurODemt mea i°eoo°wo°Oiufra will be --- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLEF edtOR ml cnanrvidaeaiorp� an at the --CO NCIL RE LUTION ENERA Twin 'no Arsenal Pian,, nd mat - emNoYea of the Mlnneapolia•Mollne --- a dd Donovan, l,'t pj rated,shell plants sefd Arsenal the manutactur PRESENTED BY ._ 'no–, PRESENTED COMfMSSIONER___- it has been brought to the at tion of the Council Of the Ci of he Saint Paul that 1900 woatrs be'laid off on theTwin City Arsenal February ant, 1954 at the Federal Cartridge corporationorated and that employes of the Minneapolis-Moline and Donovan, incorporated, shell plants saisoethe aoffasof l05 MK and 55 MM artillery shells, allblaidin thenear future) and WHEREAS, the efficiency of operation of these plants ranks among the highest, due to the excellent type of skilled workmen available in faint Paul, and the cost of operation of said plants cranks favoorrably with other similar manufacturing concerns throughout WHEREAS, President Eisenhower has stated that if reductions are to be meevthe poettehaichtdue seon should bgien tothelabor market the area which plants located; and laying off of 1900 men and women W1E1EpS, the during themonth _ of February and more thereafter in the itmnediate succeeding'months will result in a labor surplus in Saint Paul, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby goes on record in Opposition to the laying off of 1900 employees of the Federal Cartridge Corporation and the contemplated discharge of employes of the Minneapolis-Moline and Donovan, Incorporated, and to the Council of of he Clay- of Saint Paul recommends further study given offs on the local employment picture and comparison of efficiency ratings of the Nev Brighton Arsenal and other comparable facilities. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that copies of this resolution be sent to to President Eisenhower, the Secretary of Defense, Senator Thye, $e Humphrey, and all of the C ngressmen from Minnesota, with a letter to bcon- signed by the Mayor, urging them to do all in their power to stop the templated lay-off of employes at the Twin City Arsenal Fla nts. r E� 5 195 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council__—. 195_. Yeas Nays FEB 51994 Halvorson _195_ p Approved Holland Marzitelli In Favor - - May Mortinson Peterson Rosen against Mr. President, Daubney �'� cHE _ -=•� -�� h eM 2-68 C.F.. 187110—By Bernartl T. Hol- lantl, by regdeat— ! 4 S Oriein.i t.Citi Clrrk Rewlvetl Than the C..-P. hereby ICIL CITY OF ST anoro,�e the^^•91 nt the mash¢ NO. OFFICE OF THE Cll': ;- 1 0 CIL R OLLI 10 -G AL FOR PRESENTED IN - - L// k'ebr r'Y 7. 1954 C ESENTEIONEfI_ -------- RThISCLVLD, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Purchasing Crmmittee therefor and hereby aweres contract for furni_shirand cel-ivering to the Bureau of Municipal Eck ipment, ``9i No, .,,le Strut, �t- Paul, Minnesota - 1 - Wayne Mosel 1-450 Motor-driven Street Sweel,er with 2-man cab End leaf rake attachment to HOSHCIZ �UIiAENs' CO. 0: ID;N,AICLIS in accordance with specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal_ Bid #4392 of said Hosholt Ecuilment Co- of h'ia_neas;olis at a cost of' $x10,271.00 less allowance for 1 Wayne, 3weeper, serial 169, City 802 to be tasten in trace ip1300.001 making; total amount of contract 0911.00, such bid bein the lowest and said koshclt Equipment Co. of iLinneapolis bein-, the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder, and the Co-poi-tion Counsel be, and hereby is authorized to draw up the i-roper form of contract therefor and the proper City officials are hereby directed to execute said ecntract on behalf of the City of St- Paul- F.B #1,392. F E 1-3 5 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_- 195- FEB Yeas Nays 5 y Halvorson Holland Approved -195- Mortinson _ --I. Favor i Ma or Peterson Rosen O_Against / Mr. President, Daubney 3M 2.53 °r 1 0,10.0 b Cil,CIer4COUNCIL NO CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �j / �p /J „( DATE February 42 19514 _ COMMISSIONER— RESOUIED, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the 1,1ayor and the Comptroller to issue purchase order to E. 0. WEBSTER do SONS services for digging necessary for loeating broken water valve at 1002 D-2 Duluth Street including labor, insurance and use of compressor at a total cost of 4159.88, jithout advertisement or compe!titve bids, as an emergency existed and £ail,lre to act c,romptly would work a hardship to the best interest of the City. Char_e - Veterans'Housing. C.F.No.167111—Hy Norris O.Halvor- Resolved,That the Purchasing Agent the aeon ends of the M Mayor and with n comptroller to issue purchase order to J E.O.WEBSTER&SONS services for digging necessary for locating broken water valve t 1002 D-2 Duluth Street including labor, insurance and use of. � compressor at total cost of$159.88,. Ithout advertisement or cotitive 1 I balurea to acte promptly eoulddmpeand Of�V Cit ardshlp to the best interest of the V Charge—Veterans' Haustn8. 1959. Adopted by the Council February 5, 1 1 1' ApprovedebruarFebruary . 954) IW (February 13,1959) FEB 51g�4 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council— 195— Yeas Nays r•r-o. 5 � Halvorson Approved 195— Holland Mortinson In Favor - M or Peterson Against Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 5M )-59 ' Fit 112 Ddd"°to ca'ci.rk CITY OF ST. PAUL viaaE� 'It NO._ -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �C QNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATA COMhMSSIONER-- RESOLVED, that S. Brand Coal & 011 Company be permitted to install and operate a customer parking lot on the north side of University Avenue 120 feet west of Rice Street, on the south 60 feet of Lot 5, Brand's Capitol Addition, in accordance with the plan attached, except that the easterly driveway on University Avenue may be used for exit and entrance both, and subject to the condition that sidewalks abutting said premises be kept clean and free of ice and snow at all times. C.F.No.167112-13y Norris O.Ralvor- son— Resolved,That S.Brand Coal&oil Company be permitted to Install and opera of nUai erslty gAvenue t2o feet west of Rice Street,an the south 60 feet of Lot 5, Brand's Capitol Addition,in accppordance with the plan driveway on�Unlvetraity Avenue may be used for exitand entrance both, and subieet to the condition that side_ alks abuttingsa id clean and free of Premises be kept; ice d snow at all times. Adopted by the Comet]February 5, 1984. Approved February 1861. IFebruery 16,6, 1851) FEB 5 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Nays Yeas Halvorson APProved_—— Holland Mortinson .___-In Favor Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubney 551 2.53 APO— i f �- City of St. Paul i % Office of City Clerk Date Idov lc 1953 To honorable City Council of St..Paul, Minnesota AP?LIGATION is hereby made BInc. ame 4�4 Rice StAi--: ,ld 7t0 dress honeo. For permirsi-on to install and operate a FrLI,Tt1G M'A'PION DRIVE-IN REFRrS'r.`4ENT MISCELLANEOUS New Remodeled No. of pumps No. of gas tanks Cap. of each tank PARKT1:1G LOT: Customer Employees Private Public New Remodeled to he used in connection with I rroseJ 5. :t jover Jo. So dot Location: Lots 5 Block Addition BrL;:r,drs C,pitol Addn also described as 147 to 167 W. Univ c11 it • .4ve Street and imber �S* . ture ppl cant 484 'ce St G r field 7`O1 (Add ss Phone No. Plan Approved by: Date Date Approved Rejr;cted Board of Zoning Comm. Public Bldgs. \ Comm. Public Safety �� MRS.AGNES H.O'CONNELL HAROLD J.RIORDAN City Clark - _ Chief Clark CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE -OMWO February 4, 1954 Mr. T. � Quinn OrpOra for Counsel Building Dear Sir= The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached application of S. Brand Coal & Oil Co. for permit to install and operate a customer parking lot on the north side of University Ave. 120 ft, west of Rice St, on property described as the south 60 ft. of Lot 5, Brand's Capitol Addition, in accordance with the attached plan, except that the easterly driveway on University Ave. may be used for exit and entrance both. Very truly yours, City Clerk OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul 2,Minn. January, ...:....195.4.. You are hereby notified that the Council of the City of St.Paul will consider the matter of the application of S. Brand Oil'& Coal Co. for permit to install and operate a Customer Parking Lot on the North side of University Avenue, 120 ft. West of Rice St. (Propert described as South 60 ft. of Lot 51 Brands Capitol Addition.) and that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building on February 4, 195 4 ,in the City of St.Paul,at 10:00 o'clock A.M. File 12463; Page 1 Milton Rosen, 4dP-® Commissioner of Finance. The Board of Zoning Saint Paul, Mhmesota A.A.HECKMAN C.DAVID LOEKS - PRHBIDIHO OITICHR HHeCUTIVE f WARY B.M.GRIME CLYDH L MHTHVEN GERALD O'OONNE W.J.RICH A.H.HCHRO®HR,CLT'J ARCLLrteFT JULIUE VILL.UME.AL-T[ 279 CITY-COUNTY BUILDING SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA January 28, 1954 :rr5 A. IT. O'Connell City Clerk Building Dear Madam: 1° In the mat-ter of the apnliration of S. Brand Coal P. Oil Company for a permit to establish a customer parking lot on the south E-0', lot 5, Brand Capitol Addition:. the property under consideration is on the norfont eeoofU125'raltnARice eand ^rox - mately 120' west of Rice- The . oiler'; has a extends northerly to a depth of 60'. Zoning is ''light" industry. The property is 'pounded by a taxicab gara,e on the west and a drug store and office buil g on the east which extends to the sidewalk line of University Avenue. o the nor h is a priv to parkin, area rrhi.ch presently is provided with access to Univers ty Avenue via a 20' driveway located along the westerly end of this site ace to on e taxicabilglboge whichrare inunder theconsideration beingnow removed. vacant with thesome The applicant prop es to develop this tract by constructing a 421 x 601 building approximately 201 e at of the west line ofytheTproperty which will lea o e used as which automobile seat-cover installation facilit g has a frontage of approximately 631 along Rice, will be used for the customer-narking of an existing 20' driveway located adjacent to the west end of the property to function as an entrance only. Present area. The applicant's plans call for the use access to the par`: ng lot to the north will be blocked by the construction of a fence. Cars us'ng this Facility will enter by this westerlydriveway and The proceed through the facility in an easterly direction while being processed. nished automobiles will be temporarily stored in the park.ng lot to the east wrhile a•.rai:in, pick up by their owners. Applicant's plans call for the installation o`_' a 301 driveway adjacent to the east end of the site. This driveway will fulfill two functions: (1) an exit from the seat cover facility parkin. lot, (2) as an access drive serving; the truck-loading area of the National Tea and the parkin„ lot adjacent to Sherburne Avenue to the north of the National Tea 12uilding. i d File No, 2910 A. Brand -2- Because University Avenue is a trunk highway and under the law the Commissioner of Highways has primary jurisdiction in regulating access to trunk highways, this 0. L. Kipp, En sneer o£ the Highway Department. In general, matter, in accordance with established policy, was referred to Assistant Commissioner and Chief g� him as indicated in his attached the lay-out described above has been approved by letter of January 8ji 1954. After thoroughly studying this matter, the Zoning Board recommends that this permit be granted in accordance with the applicants plans of December 7, as revised December 31, 1953, which specify the westerly driveway to be used as an entrance only to the seat cover h sllity: the ea-terly driveway to function as an exit only from the feat cover facility. The Zoning Board also recomraends that the use o£ the easterly driveway as far as providing Y y Avenue. access to the rear of the National Tea building and the parking lot along Sherburne Avenue be limited to that of an entrance only from Universityof This recommendation is made in cbosthereastncreates aof the ablindct acor ert the lwhich.�ouldttend drug store building immediately volume were permitted to exit from this to become a traffic hazard if traffic in any ssions with the State Highway facility. This recommendation is in line with the discu Department relative to this problem. applicantas In developing this recommendation, the Zoning Board was advised that the app , a matter of personal preference, wishes to establish two-way traffic in using the easterly driveway so it will function as both an entrance ng traffic afficexitfrom to the National Tea facility. It is his position that the amount of exitingIs Tea parking lot and the rear of the National Tea store onto University trafficaproblem. blind corner would, in fact, be so light as to not create a particular ew has merit, they are of the Although the Zoning Board feels that this point of vi three additional mind that the parking area to the north of the National Tea has7 to leave driveways which will provide an ample means for patrons articul�ardship would by of the facilitv means other than University Avenue and, therefore, no p imposed. result if this restriction, which is suggested in the interest of safety, be In accordance with the factors outlined above, the Zoning Board recommends that this permit be granted. Very truly y urs, C'.0 C. D. Loeks Planning Director Executive Secretary CDL:FS Board 6f Zoning Enc. cc: Mr. A. Brand O.L. KIPP btate of f4innegota C.etmer Onbergon,8obernor ]Department of Jftbbnap5 1279%inibergitp 21benue &t.Vaut 4,f0innegota January B, 1954 Mr. C. D. Loeks Director of City Planning Court House St. Naul 2, Minnesota Dear Mr. Loeks: Res S. Brand Coal & Oil Co. 1s84 Rice Street Driveway Permit Mr. Darrell has shown me your letter to him of January 6th with regard to the Brand Company property near University and Rice, together with the revised plan accompanying your letter. I have checked over the plan and noting the changes that have been made we believe this revised layout is a considerable improvement and we would have no objection to it if the operation is to be as outlined in your letter. I would like to call your attention to one thing on the map, however, which I believe is in error. The entrance and exit locations to the proposed building, I believe, are reversed from what they would have to be under the new revised entrance plan and I am assuming that this *S2 intended. Yours very truly DEPART T OF HIGHWAYS ksst.`Commissione� OLK/EL Chief Engineer s;-a a Y11 71.a I.� j-3 V. :il Al v ). /Fax•;<; EX1T ENT. i ' ' 'i r i � G.o , v , o /GX 20 - _ cE2r/�lcaT� c���- s��G= 'r I hereby ° h o� o' a•':a that t,A cur ,n%t is r;'rc' rc�, ....</:r':,`i<,,, cz,�,-,s. i ` sur'Vec�'. AVf UNI V REGj TEA" Z--, r--X S , I 7 ry/ I � ' 0,7 I� V ro!1;rx3) i i �l"iCa'+� �NNtGv -i7 1S / %� >r.�;`v�J'�IN 'ff •� �,ti1 �8 H1ncS do _y. V �y'{d 13 Qrlaiasl to City Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK lr_dUNC RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE COMMISSIONER___.— RESOLVED, that Rice-Phillips Laundry Company, Inc. be permitted to install and operate a drive-in cleaning plant at the northwest corner of Arcade Street and Clear Avenue, in accordance with permitteels plans dated December 29, 1953. 6"P C.F.No.187113—By Norrie 0.Halvor- Resolved.That Btce-Ph!gl I.gpndry aompany,Inc.be Rd"nal�ttqq i'4 ptg"and operate drive.lif dlea gq at the northwest Coraet of Ardhde Street and Clear gqverlue,in aec§M- ance with perodtlee's Plans dated 13k--bar 29,1953.- ^= Adopted by the Council February 5, 1954. Approved February 5,1954. (February 13,1954) FEB 5 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays r F B l I95 Halvorson Holland Approved—/—_— 195__- In Favor — --�� —- --�. Mortinson Mayor ) Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubucy 5M 2-53 J�'r HAROLD J.RIORDAN IAR§.AGNES H.O'CONNELL Chief Clerk City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Q Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE February 4, 1954 Mr. T. P. Quinn Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir% The Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached application of Rice Phillips Laundry Co. dba Model Launderers and Cleaners, for permit to install and operate a drive-in dry cleaning plant at the northwest corner of Arcade and Clear, in accordance with applicantils plans dated December 29, 1953• Very truly yours, i C� V , City Clerk - OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul 2;Minn. January.2z,........195.4.. You are hereby notified that the Council of the City of St.Paul will consider the matter of the application of Rice Phillips Laundry n dba Model Launderers and Cleaners, for permit to install and Clearing Package Unit operate a Drive—In Lots 4, 5 corner of Arcade and Clear. (Property described a 6, Block 3, Kings Arcade Park.) and that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall-Building on February 4, 195 4 ,in the City of St.Paul,at lo:oo o'clock A.M. File 12461, Page 1 Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Finance. .OP.O MRS.AGNES H.O'CONNELL } HAROLD J.RIORDAN City CI,,k Chief CI.,k CITY OFSAINTPAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE January 28, 1954 Zoning Board 274 Cit;; Hall St. Paul Gentlemen: The Council referred back to you the attached file in connection with the application of Rice—Phillips Laundry Co., Inc. with the request that you set a date for hearing and have notices sent, as and if required by ordinance. Very tru'.y yours, City Clerk j � 1 v , c The Board of Zoning Saint Paul, Minnesota A.A.HECKMAN C.DAVID LOEKS PR-1N0 O- EX[CVTIVE iHC11RMY L M.GRIME 0.YDE L METHVEN OF 0 O'DONNE W.J.RICO I H.ECHR...CITY ARCIVT¢T JULIUS VILLAUME.ALTaN.T[ 279 CITY-COUNTY BUILDING SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA January 27, 1954 Mrs. A. H. O'Connell City Clerk Building Dear Madam: This is in the matter of the application of Rice-Phillips Laundry Company, Inc. for a permit to install and operate a dry-cleaning plant on lots 4,5 and 6 - block 3, King's Arcade Park Addition. This is located adjacent to the north- west corner of Arcade and Clear. The zoning is "commercial." The property under consideration has a frontage of 133.53' on Arcade and dxtends westerly to a point 123.59' along Clear. This property which was formerly high bank has been leveled to the grade of the adjacent sidewalk. There is a filling station to the north, a single-family home across Clear to the south: the property to the west is vacant: there are three single-family homes across Arcade to the east: there is also a filling station diagonally across Arcade Street on the southeast corner of Clear and Arcade. Applicant's plans call for a 401 x 501 building to be located approximately 501 back from Arcade and 421 back from Clear. The property will be serviced by two standard driveways from Arcade. The area in front of the structure which is to be used for parking patrons? cars is to be suitably surfaced. The area to the sides and rear of the building is to be appropriately landscaped. Plans also call for access to the rear of this building from the alley running along the westerly portion of the site. The Board has been advised that the type of activity contemplated uses non-combustible and non-explosive materials. In consideration of the high quality of the proposed development, the Board of Zoning finds no objection to this use at this point. The Board of Zoning, therefore, recommends that this permit be granted in accordance with the applicant's plans dated December 29, 1953. Very truly y rs, 0 } C. D. Loeks Planning Director CDL:FS Executive Secretary V Enc. Board of Zoning / I 1 w i f _ j A ;=.;•mac:��. _— lmw PLAN ' M fit.' _ �- �_ .�-' _ Gc,r.•_Fr.13'ti ��DRA�� By r t ---- - ----- r �� DRY C4ti 17 KORTH I Q 1 I 0 11 \. � 1 . 1 r 0 { CA Pe - I j.311 ' N oT No- PAIaIc _l. L___1 � r LL-_ _ J I - I f i G LoT k o 4 p; { w '' � r ' I \I I Lo7 No. iv ---- ----- -- -- - N p e 4. c IL S r ul41e d a/ l.,Nc A L. hr . 1 r J I � , �r lx 4-31 t . r ; GV G 1 I I S " City of St. Paul Office of City Clerk Date Dec 28,1953 To Honorable City Council of St.Parnl, Minnesota AP='LICATION is hereby made an dba Rice-Phillipa Laundry Co mp y, By Model Launderers and Cleaners yma Garfield ;0 5681 391 East Sixth Street hone o. ,dress For permission to install and operate a FiLJJI,dG STP.PION DRIlrE-IN REFJtSSK"GENT MISCELLANEOUS Hew l Drive-In Dry Cleaning Package Unit Remodeled ?lo, o.f pu-lps No, of gas tanks Cap, of each tank PAHKT11G LOT: C1 t9mer Employees Private Pu c New Remodeled to he used in connection with Drive-In Dr* lea ri n^ Package Unit Location: Lots 5-6 Block _addi.tion King's Arcade Park also described as Northwest corner Clear and Arcade S sect am- Si n SL- ature of By Executive Vice President 391 East Sixth Street Garfield 5681 711 dres> Phone No. Plan Approved by: f Date Date � r Approved Rejected h, Or yJ Board of Zoning ( ' Comm. Public Aldus, / Comm. Public Safety d City of St. Paul Office of City Clerk Date Dec. 28. 1953 To Honorable City Council of St.Paul., Minnesota AP"LIGATION is hereby made Rice-Phillips Laundry CompanY, dba By Model Launderers and Cleaners ume 391 East Sixth Street Garfield 5681 �Adqrens hone +o. For permi.isi.en to install. and operate a FILLT"iG S1'A1ION DRIVE-IN REFRES?:"[ENT MISCELLANEOUS New Drive-In Dry Cleaning - , I I Remodeled Plant No. of pumps No. of gas tanks Cap. of each tank PARKING LOT: Customer Employoes Private Public New Remodeled to he used in connection with Drive-In Dry Cleaning Plant Location: Lots 4-5-6 Block 3 Addition fiing�e 9rcade Park also described as Northwest corner Clear and Arcade (Street a tun er gnature of pl By Executive Vice President 391 East Axth St. Garfield 5681 (Address)k Phone No. Plan Approved by: Date Date Approved Rejected Board of Zoning, Comm. Public Bldgs. Comm. Public Safety Orlglaal to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER— DATE Febm= 5s 1956 RESOLVED, that water mains be laid in the following streets in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota: Edgar Street from Dale St. to Jessamine Ave. Fairmount Avenue from 127 ft. W. of Dunlap St. to Railroad R/W C.F.No.167114—B.Severin A.Mort- mact— Aesolved.That water mains be laid I n the following streets in the City of Saint Paul.Minnesota: Edgar Street from Dale St.to Jessamine Ave. Fairmount Avenue from 127 ft.W.of Dunlap St.to Railroad R/W. Adopted by the Council February 5. 1959. Approved February 5.1859. IFebruary13,1959) FEB COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council —_ 195_ Yeas Nays X1'4 Halvorson Holland Approved____— 195__ Mortin� ____In Favor I Peterson �" Mayor Rosen --Against Mr. President, Daubney 6M 2.53 '� COUNCIL odgiaal to car 0"k CITY OF ST. PAUL Eae NO.— — OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCILRESOLUTI —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 6Y � / DATE — COMMISSIONER—.--- ����--===-- ' RESOLVED, that out of the Municipal Court Traffic Violations Bureau Fund, Robert E. Otte, Clerk, is hereby authorized to set up a petty cash fund in the amount of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to be used as a change fund in connection with the operation of the Traffic Violations Bureau, said sum to be charged to Fund 31/b/6. C.s F. No.167115—By Robert F. Peter- Resoly d,That out of the Municipal Court Traffic Violations is herebBureau Fund. ,Robert E. Otte, Clerk, y a thorized to t up a petty c h fund a in the amount of One Hundred Dollars j!c$100.00) to be used'as a change fundi tion with the opon eratif the Traffic Violations Bureau, said sum to be charged to Fund 31/b/6. Adopted by the Council February 5, 1054. Approved February 5,1954. (February 13,1954) FES 5 1954 Adopted by the Council 195— COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays E G'a 5 19@4 Halvorson Approved--- ----—,--195-- Holland --195__Holland 1 ; �14e�raitalti - _ — ----- __ Mortinson In Favor Mayor —" i Peterson Against Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-63 v0 :j RESOLVED, Thst out of the Municipal Court Traffic Violations Bureau fund, Robert E. Otte, Clerk, is hereb, authorized to set up a petty cash fund in the amount of One hundred Dollars ($1oO.,0) to be used as a change fund in connection with the operation of toe Traffic Violations Bureau, to be charged to fund number 31/b/6. u C C. F.No. 167116— Resolved,That checks be drawn on i`^� the City treasury, to the aggregate �i NOTICE mount of $36,443.57, covering checks UL d 1 as TO pernchebercks Soon fief fin the office in iof the COUNCIL FILE NO.----- City O.___ City Comptrouer. UTION PRINTER pdopte b1l the Councfl February 5. 1DApproved February 5,1954. Fcb__3 __194 (February 13,1954) RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF f 3� 443•57 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED__ 9ff?.._TO.___59Q28__-INCLUSIVE,AS PER Citi ECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. _ ADOPTED 0V THE COUNCIL _.._I_t8 _5_ -- -- cm w -5 itlrif __ APPROVED_.__-— 19 BY X I - - l ! j Al , CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL 'A DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER ROLL' LL A5DITED CLAIMS - HALVORSONI HOLLAND _IN FAVOR MORTINSON RESOLVED.THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY PETERSON _AGAINST 3o 443.57 COVERING ROSEN IN THE AMOUNT OF S MR,PRE$.DAUBNEV EB 5 1954CHECKS NO. 59877 TO 599213 INCLUSIVE, AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI FEBPER CHECKS ON FILE 1 HE OFFICE O TH CITYC ITY—CO C[pp I APPROVED \\ �1 X419 N31a TOTAL DATE RETURNED V CH IN IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK NUMBER ` CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 1 226 o44 62 ® 59877 Sciiwartz Construction Co. 150 00 59878 Wm. C. Schram 389 00 z5 000 00 59879 Milton Rosen 59880 u Y 900 36 59881 Foreman Beaton Co. 22 16 59882 Benson Floor Coverings 38 90 59883 Carpenter Paper Co. 366 52 24 00 598 4 Clay Carpet Clean. Co- 48 51 59885 Cudahy Pack. Co. 7 00 59886 George H. Edwards 42 33 59887 Wickson's Grocery 257 59888 FarMNell ozzmu00 n Kirk and Co. 116 20 44 59889 x u w 197 43 59890 9S 01 59891 Fuller Brush Co. 92 79 59692 Gopher Electronics 63 ly 59893 Inter City Pr Co. 31 27 59194 Johnson and BarnesaGrocery 25 10 59895 K. V. Market 35 16 59896 Kisch Food*Market 35 00 59697 Lincoln Print Co. 196 00 59998 Logan Bindery �9 3l 59895 Luck Food Market 246 81 $9900 Major Fire Co. 105 84 59901 Midway Awn. & Sha.de Co. 492 50 59902 North Star Bus Go. 42 31 59903 Pabst Inoorp. 59904 Public Food Market 5 21 07 59905 Rap-in-Wax Co. 43 62 50 59906 Reisdorph Haul Serv. 13 44 59907 Rogers Sery-Wel Food Market 45 72 59908 Sandyls Grocery 113 37 $9909 Schulz Food Market 40 94 39910 Twin City Fruit Co. 84 28 59911 Wheeling Corrugating Co. S8 01 59912 Mothers Friend Laundry 2 40 59913 MDudryls apothecary Shop 42 57 59914 Nati.:nal Bush. and Parts Co. 6 70 59915 Cash Register Co. 35 04 59916 Needels Co. 1 00 ® 59917 Newsweek 7 68 59918 N. W.-Pub. Inc. 1 50 59919 Roy H. Novotny 89 25 59920 Patterson-Sargent Co. 897 95 39921 Ramaley Print. 00 165 00 59922 St. Paul Scrap Iron and .Metal C. 4 l0 59923 Paul Schlesinger Garage 49 85 59924 Standard Duplicators 47 65 59925 Standard 011 Co. 59926 Twin City Assln. of Purohas. A. 50 00 94 55 65 59927 Waterbury Button Co. 59928 White Bear Motor Sales r SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 256 488 19 et e. FINAL UBDMS COUNCIL FILE NO. C.F,No.18T317— B In the matter of curbing Ivy Avenue ______________ to tiom While Bear Avenue Curve FINAL ORDER s`°" ° � ` lnfnf.ort 2,Block 2,Rawl �P=JDYwliie..'No.a on the south In the Matter of.- -curbing Ivy Avenue from White Bear Avenue to Curve Street on - - -- ------ ------------- --- - -------------- - the north side and to the easterly line of-Lot 21 Block 21 Hazel Park Division No. _6__on the south side ------------------------------— under Preliminary Order-_____16656 2---------_-____-____approved _-._ December 181.1953----------_--- Intermediary Order--------------------------------------approved ------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice,and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto,and having fully considered the same;therefore,be it RESOLVED,By the Council of the City of St.Paul that the precise nature,extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is-------curb Ivy Avenue from Nhite Bear Avenue to............ Curve Street-on the north side and to the— -easterly-- line of Lot 2, Block 2, - - ---- ---- -- - -- - - - - - Hazel Park Division No. 6 on the south side __---- ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER,That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement,and submit same to the Council for approval;that upon said approval,the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council rf-B 213 1955'4----- -, 192-_-__-, FEB 2 3 1954 City Clerk. Approved ------- ----- ---._ ,192 File 12667 ✓ -` > Mayor. Councilman HALYERSON _ rc1 �7 7 Councilman HOLLAND ✓ — Councilman I&RAlmikiew 90ClTafFttk Councilman ' MORTINSON f Councilman j&&Jb@WNWm PETERSON Councilman&WNW1ir ROsrN Mayor DAUBNEY ; ,} Form B. S.A.8-7 U U CITY OF ST.PAUL , DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OFP COMMISSIONER ORDER FINANCE ON (A) In the matter of Curbing Ivy Avenue from White Bear Avenue to Curve Street on the north side y line of Lot 2, Block 2-,—Hazel Park Division No. 6 on the south side. and to the easterl under Preliminary Order approved 166562 To the Council of the City of St.Paul: December 18, 1953 The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 7 57_2 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is & 2.27 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is improvement,and the assessed valuation of each lot or The lots or parcels Of land that may be assessed benefits for such parcel as last reported by the Assessor,are as follows: ASSESSED ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK Land Building Nei hts 1600 4700 31 16 Hayden g 32 16 do 275 325 2100 33 16 do 325 2700 34 16 do 35 16 do 325 36 16 do 325 1550 37 16 do 650 e500 Lot 38 and Lot 325 4250 39 16 do 40 16 do 325 1500 41 16 do 325 550 TOTAL, Form B.B.10 CITY OF ST.PAUL • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B)a a ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION L'}UA�Mding DESCRIPTION ® u • 42 16 Hayden Heights 325 850 43 16 do 325 44 16 do 325 2350 45 16 do 325 4600 46 16 do 325 4750 47 16 do 325 2100 48 ,16 do 325 49 16 do 475 2900 50 16 do 350 1950 51 16 do 350 52 16 do 350 2050 W. 40 feet of Part south of alley of B 16 do 325 1850 E. 40 ft. of W. 80 ft. of part B 16 do 325 1950 south of alley Of a. W. 80 ft.; part lying south of B 16. do 350 2100 alley of 1y W, of Lots 53, 54 & 55 16 do 350 4850 of Lots 53, 54 and 55 16 do 35o 4850 17 15 Hayden Heights 300 18 15 do 300 1500 19 15 do 325 2100 20 15 do 325 1100 21 15. do 325 250 22 15 do 325 4050 23. 15 do 325 24 15 do 325 25 15 do Soo. 3450 gra _. ` CITY OF ST.PAUL • o " DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION Q 1! LOT BLOCK ADDITION Lan/1�UA�IU 1Jding= 2 2 Hazel Park, Division No. 6. 250. 450 N. J of vacated alley adjoining & 3 2 do 300 North of vacated alley adj. & 4 2 do 325 2400 N. of vacated alley adjoining &, 5 2 . do 325 4100 N. of vacated alley adjoining& 6 2 do 325 N. of vacated alley adjoining &. 7 2 do 325 3250 N. of vacated alley adjoining do 325 4500 East 30 feet of Lot 8 & all of 8 2 9 2 do 325 4000 10. 2 . do 325 11 2 do 325 1850 12. 2 do 325 2050 13 2 do 325 Lot 2 & Lot 1 1 .Hazel Park, Division 5, to st. 650 425o Paul 3 1 do 300 2150 4 1 do 325 5 1 do 325 2800 6 1 do 325 4200 7 1 . do 325 4350 Lot 8 & East 11J feet of 9 1 do 400 2950 West 28* feet of Lot 9 . & East 23 feet of 10 1 do 400 2900 Except East 23 feet; 10 1 & Except West 8,46 feet; 11 1 do 400 4650 Lot 12 & West 8.46 feet of ll 1 do 375 5300. 13 1 do 325 14 1 do 325. . 1800 , ,nmoc CITY OF ST.PAUL 1 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Building 15 1 Hazel Park Div. 5, to St. Paul 350 2550 Lot 2 & Lot 1 2 do 325 3 2 do 325 465o 4 2 do 325 5 2 do 325 5600 6 2 do 325 3750 7 2 do 325 1800 8 2 do 325 4150 9 2 do 325 10 2 do 325 4o5o Lot 11 & East ji of 12 2 do Soo Lot 13 & West � of 12 -2 do 475 14 2 do 325 3650 i5 2 do 45o TOTAL $26350 $163500 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that lie has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Janua= 12_ _ —19. 54 Commissioner of Finance. 5YZ OF 5. W. %4 OF SEC. 23-29-22. E I V Y - -, AVE. ( HYACIN7H - - AVE_- ORANGE_ --� --= r--� - - ---- i�� AVE. _ ir H�THORN��� -- r-- _ MA_RY LA N D ------- -- - _ P 4t tP 5�. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance December 28 19 53 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works,having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council,known as Council File No. 166562 approved December 18 19 53 , relative to the curbing of Ivy Avenue from White Bear Avenue to Curve Street on the north side and to the easterly line of Lot 2, Block 2, Hazel Park Division No. 6 on the south side. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein,hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) deergatle r front toot 1;2.27 7,572.70 2. The estimated coat thereof is$ a & tal copt ttn{reof — Engineering $425.00 Inapeation 7114 age and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan,profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof 4. 6. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of prop subject to assessment for saidpr lI � Com ir of Public Wor 2M 7.498 i ❑c.enu ar C..—A Ream. A-;,F.na DI-,— GEO.M.GAREN.Sb— CITY OF SAINT PAUL JOS.PAVLICEN Dears.Acc I—IT Pun.AssT.CIVIL ExcL— Capital of Minnesota , ]ENS A.HOLMROE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS B..e.,,-S-7" JOHN M.COTI'ER,S- 0,—EN r— FRANK D.MARZITELLI,COMMISSIONER TIERRERT S.WEST HERMAN P.PRANKE,DEPUTY COMMISSIONER Rue AR oe Meu�e�ane EQ�um,exr ARTHUR 7{,ROCH R---R—es GEORGE M.SHEPARD,CHIEF ENGINEER MAURICE W.HEWETT Emm.eex ® ELI,- orCoc L—ON ]OIIN P.MULLANEY,S— T--E„o,„,e, December 24, 1953 EUGENE V.AVERY Hon. Frank D. Marzitelli Commissioner of Public Works City of St. Paul Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for curbing Ivy Avenue from White Bear Avenue to Curve Street on the north side and to the easterly line of Lot 2, Block 2, Hazel Park Division No. 6 on the south side, under Preliminary Order C. F. 166562 approved December 18, 1953. Estimated Cost ------------------- $ 7,572.70 Cost per front foot -------------- 2.27 Engineering ______________________ 425.00 Inspection ----------------------- 140.15 Frontage ------------------- ------ 2.27 Yours very truly, Chief epard Chief Engineer Approved for transmission to ommnissioner of Finance ' zitell C®niesioner of P Work< FRED DRIVER MILTON ROSEN Depufy Commesica=- Commissioner CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEONARD C. SEAMER, Valuafion and Assessment Engineer I , HARRY A. JOHNSON, Chief Clerk CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, Chief Cashier February 19, 1954 ..I 'ro the Council City Clerk's Cffice 3F6 City P311 `.'t. Paul, ."Minnesota Gentlemen: Re: Prel.iminary Order C.F. 166562 In accordance with your request in the matt of c�.rbing Ivy Avenue fron hhite Scar Avenue to Curve Avenue, etc., I have checked over the attached eetitions and cards for ons ago ^`t this improvement and wish to report as follows: 76 descriptions of property 15 owners in favor of improvement = 21% 40 owners opposing improvement = 26"- + 20 owners not reporting = 260 Yours very truly, .'`futon :to`_'en Commissioner of Finance R CH: se oGP �' f • �t �' YenrS / � ��- 17 eq/VC VV Py o �Xl��-,-tee a2/ �-�_�-ei✓ ���0 ✓ �i-r.�_.,�� �-�-z�-•�cam! ��G�f � .Y^�Il.(,/lam^ .,; Cf� /t,_C I.L •' /V // �/ - ��:r,i �,; fi ;7;1 b V Ire r1l 44 17 i i y C ' j ! / F. _ Idal. ��,,�,,.7.. •,�- � Via..._ � ,� /� ��'� _ o , - � � - -- - OOTA — � - 34 .Ole 31 L/v a F I St. Paul 6, Minnesota February 1, 1954 City Council City of St. Paul St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: This is with reference to Preliminary Order 166562 approved December 18, 1953 which proposes to curb Ivy Avenue from White Bear Avenue to Curve Street. Although I signed the petition submitted for this improvement I feel now that the block between Hazel and Curve St. should not have been included in this request for the following reasons. This block, Ivy from Hazel to Curve, is a part of the Randolph- Hazel Park Bus route and in as much as some permanent improvement, to the street, will be required in the near future in order to keep it passable, I believe it would be more practical to place the curbing at the same time as the street is improved, rather that as a separate job. In view of the above I respectfully request that my. name be removed from the petition that requested this improvement. Yours tru1 , J. H. Lloyd 1938 Fast Ivy Avenue Lot 3 and 4, Block 2 Hazel Park Division #6. 1 St. Paul, Minn....- .-,7;;''. To The Honorable,The Council, City of St.Paul,Minn. Gentlemen: o hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause we,the undersigned property owners, the following improvement to be made: _...._....._......._._.__...._.._......_._.._......_......._..........._..._. ............ % _................_._.... . 4k.Ave. .. .._. ._ Ave.to.,... from _.. .& _. ... _........ ................St.Ave. LOT BLOCK ADDITION NAME _ (�- i".J,�,*-- ' ""'.. -irk-ti•{.tUA- -F�+'L� o , 0 n ,i i' 2M-647 We, the undersigned props tY owners,' he*'eby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement t9 'oe made: CURBING On I V y AVENUE from White Bear Avenue Cvrve Avg• • LOT BLOCKNAIAE ADD TION � -)XG y 2 fry �7 Ale /(0 .._... :, CITY OF ST.PAUL 2,MINNESOTA _ January 29, 19�1L MINNESOTA CITY OF ST.PAUL 2,MINNESOTA CITY OF ST.PAUL'2, 2 j ,19_]x- January 29 19. i- J,M 2 To Charles A & Elizabeth A Foerderer '' W E mi,e„ fl- Srhwar tz h Council Of the City of St. Paul has under consideration Preliminary Order Order To 16662 ,approver December 18. 1959 ,which proposes to of St.Paul hes under consideration Prelim ppe Council of the City of St. Paul has under coneideratioa Preliminary Order .d To_-The Co nn9 of the City December 18. 1953_, which propoeea m 16562 approve' December 18 1953 which proposes to curb Ivy Avenue from WhitQ Bear Avenue A Curve St. on lbw,approves A C St. on 2, curb Ivy Avenue from 11hi tp Bea* Avenue to Curve St. on the north side and to the Easterly line of Lot 2, Block 2, ' curb I Avenue f line of Lot 2 — the North side and to the Easters line of Lot 2 Block 2, Hazel Park D vision No. 6 on the south aide. the North side and to the Eastthe south ide. _--- P kar- North side on No. 6, o el Park Division No. 6 0 "the south sem. — — Hazel c f ick'a_ 2-27 per front foot. The estimated a^at thereof is$7•5_7.2--70 or$—�-- per front toot. 7 C�72 7� or g per front foot. You are hereby notified that a publiqihearing on the use and Cty OI said improve- or$-2+-27-� rove- The estimated cost thereof is E meat will be held in the Council Chambe70 1r,,of the Court House and City Hall Building The estimated cost thereof m public hearing on the advisabflity of Hell iBuildmB You are hereby notified that n publlo he ring on the ad ailit of said improve- day of �,j , 19. 1-, at .. notified that a p Court House and City y n+h lea n'*'trAT'w You are hereby meat will be held in the Council Cha of the Court House nd City Hall Budding on the_-q_th -- -my® ,„1954 ut 9th day of-S'. 191- at 10 o'clock A.M. MILTON ROSEN, .. meat will be in the Council Cham Febrtl8 C on the Fil Commissioner of Finance{ _day 10 o'clock A.M. - MILTOROSEN, Paq^ 9 12447 - nn the�� ]IILTON ROSEN� 9 (,o '�ssioner of Finance. l0 o'clock A.M. 12447 Commissioner of Finance. Pap- Fil 12 �7 O -. Pa8 Filer _ na—�� CITY OF Sr.PAUL 2,MINNESOTA CITY OF ST.PAUL 2,MINNESOTA CITY OF ST.PAUL 2,MINNESOTA T n»ary 29 1951�- January 29 1954 January 29 19 L_ h^rl exp—& t]dyed V Hoffman To Order Ti To James P & Evelyn L Lucia The Council of the City of St. Paul hes under consideration Preliminary The Council of the City Of St. Paul has under consideration Preliminary Order 166562 approved D -h�a l QKi,which proposes to 16656-2___—,a�prove,.._�+mhher 18 1953 which proposes to The Cog�eil of the City of St. pDBCeIDber rlB.mi1953 n,whichip��rdttro 166562 ,approved- curb Inv AveTM--fL4m_Y_ih:Lt&-Rear-Avenue-AA-wive-St` 4d– curb Ivy Avenue from 1Nhite Bear Avenue to Curve St. on curb I line o t._?, B1osk-on 2, the North side and to the Easterly the North side and to the_Easterly line of Lot 2, Block 2, the North side and to the Easterly line of lot 2, Block 2, Hazel Park Dlvision.No. 6 on the south side. .,.. Hazel Park Division No. 6 on the south side. __ o on the south side. — ,r., F �e ark vision 7 579 70 -or 9•V per front toot. - -_ front foot. or per front foot. The estimated cost thereof is e- -r-on the advisab'ity of avid improve- _t estimated cost thereof is$7 5 0 or$ 5 The estimated cost thereof is$' K You are hereby notified that 9 public hearing You are hereby notified that a public hearing om the advisability of ye-all Bwldiriga meat will be held in the Council Chamber of the Court]Inose and City You are hereby notified that a pu is heannR on the d bility oLeaid improve- meat will be held in the Council 0pwnber of the Court House and City H91 d at� a 'g54— at ment will be held in the Council Camber of the Court Hous and City Hall Building on the 9th -day nn the 9th day of on tb 9th —day of, Feb j 1954 at 10 o'clock A.M. - MILTON ROSEN, 10 o'clock A.M. MILTON ROSEN, 10 o'clock A. M. t Commissioner of Finance. 1 9l 1 7 Commissioner of Finance. _ 14ILT0?♦I ROSEN; P� _Fil1 Irl 7 g Fp P 8 File 124117 Commissioner of Finance. QQ P ,_--- age_—.-- .�.o /8�•�o - - CF STPAUL 2MINNESOTA PAUL 2,MINNESOTA 19 CITY OF STCITY OF ST.PAUL 2,MINNESOTA CITY O . , ^Ml�t JalIu8I•y 29, 19 54 . Jannary 39, January 29. 19 54 Fn of To Philip H & Rose M Peck -- To The Council of the City of St. Paul has under consideration Preliminary Order The Council of the City of St. Paul hes under considemtlon Preliminary Order To Albert _ 1 L 3 .• 166562,appmv ' DeCember?8, 1953 ,which proposes to The Council of th.. - it St. Paul has under consideration Preliminary Order 166562 approved 11ar 1L 1 H 1 9C9 ,which proposes to -” curb Ivi Avenue from Wiwi to BearA_erille +n Curve St. On - 166562 ,approved Derwmher 18._.1.953 which proposes to curb Ivy Avenue from White Bear_Avenue to Curve St. on the North side and to the Easterly line of Lot 2, Block 2, r the North side and to the Easterly line of Lot 2 Block 2, curb Ivy Avenue from White Bear Avenue to Curve'St. on Hazel Park Division No. 6, on the south side. Hazel Park Division No. 6, on the south si the North side and to the Easterly line of Lot 2 Block 2. Hazel Park Division No. 6, on the south side. �..�-iP - ` N 7 572.70 or er front, f. or 9 �q front foot. t"'- The estimated coat thereof is$ s i� - The estimated cost thereof EB,' - t'-"""jpe, The estimated cost thereof is$ or$ 227 per front foot. You are hereby noti5et1.that a public hearing oq the bIli isaid ice'" You are hereby notified the sicenrf ',On the ad t as IBu idina- men will be held in the Council C a bar of the C Ha "- ment will be held in the Council gfgth 'rt A9VeS g .... q You are hereby notified that a pu lit hearing on thi advisability of gall improve- _ ment 1 Chamber of the Court House.cad ity Ian Buildipg on a q�—da ofh mFr•:hrn arvolirt 1 �4n ,t 191 I lg- at ment will be held in the COngp{ - Y ' on the 9th day " I , � 9th dl�§of � 7t `. 9r�.L_, at 10 o'clock A.M. ---t MI SSE , 10 o'clock A.M. •': MILTO on the Co o 'of Finance. 10 o'clock A.M. MIL N-ROSEN,; Page 2 File 12LtL7 Commissioner at Fine.rl p,q^ 7 Fil �O ptig 2 Fil1 9hh7 Commissioner of Finance. jCITY OFSTS.PAUL 2,MINNESOTA CITY OF ST.PAUL 2,MINNESOTA / /�� %.-Lc't�r- 1 Tttnna_r��9. 19.-5(!✓ January 29. l9 54 y_ To Francis A. Knapp et al To Fred Ames Parlor - The Coumcif of the City of St. Paul has under considerstfon Preliminary Order The Council of the City of St. Paul hes under consideration Preliminary Order `. 166562 approved December 18, 1953 ,which prop,ees to 16662 approved which proposes to - curb Ivy Avenue from White-Bear Avenue to Curve St. On curb Iyy Avenue from White Bear Avenue to Curve St. on the North side and to the Easterly line of Lot 2, Block 2, the North side and to the Easterly line of Lot 2, Bock 21 He el Park 'vision o.,_ , on the south side. Hazel Park Division No. 6, on the south side. 572.7D ,or 2 2 6z�cr front foot. The estimated coat tf�¢�yf _ ,or$x.27 per f rt .1��Yy•. - The estimated cost thereof is$ You are hereby notABfilf 4 ��'� on the advisability of eai dap You are hereby notified that a public hearing qn the a 69ity ofmidimprove- meat will be held in thdl�ou � art House and Cit H u meat will be held in the Council Chamber of the Court Ho and City Hall Building y .y. on the 9th day of at on the— Feb 19 10 o'clock A.M. _ 10 o'clock A.M. MILTON ROSEN, MIL f•1 ROSEN, psISP 3 Fil Commissioner of Finance. Paq 5 Fil 12447ommissioner of Finance. CITY OF ST.PAUL 2, MINNESOTA x I CITY OF ST.PAUL 2,MINNESOTA "��� TY F S PAUL 2. MIN A '� any 19. .1— January 29- January 29. 19 1_ To Williac H. & Leona B. Bollman To James H, 1, Ames Weber To hris ine N loon The Council of the City of St. Paul has under consideration Preliminary Order The Council of the Clty of St. Paul hes under consideration Preliminary Order The Cowell of the City of St. Paul has under consideration Prefiminary Order 166562 approved TJe-ember 1Q, 1953 ,which proposes to 166562 approved— Iler•emher 1 A_ 1954 ,which proposes to 166562 approved December 18—1953 ,which proposes to curb Ivy Avenue from Whi-te_Hear_Avenue to Curve St- on curb Iyy kyp a_fnm_Whit0s_Bear Avenre tn Curve St. on curb Ivy Avenue from White Bear Avenue to Curve St. on the north side and tothe Easterly line of Lot 2; Blocit2, the North side and to the Easterly line of Lot 2, Block 2, the North side and to the Easterly line of Lot 2. Block 2, Hazel Bark Division No. 6 on the south side. Hazel Park Diviaion No. 6, on the south side. Hazel Park Division No. 6, on the muth side. The estimated cost thereof is$ or$=27 per front foot. The estimated cost thereof is$ 2 0 ,or$ 2.27 per front foot. The estimated cost thereof is 5_7_522.7 ,or$-2A27—per front foot. You are hereby notified that a I. lic hearing on the advisability of said improve- You are hereby notified that a public earing on the advisability of said improve- You are hereby notified that a public hearing on the advisability of said improve- ' meat will be held in the Council Chamber of the Court Hpyse and City Hall Building ment will be held in the Council Cbnmber the Court House and City Hall Building ment will be he!a•r.the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building m the 9th day of C February 19�L-,at on the 9th day of , 19�y-„at on the 9111---day of Fehr,raro , , 19_�, at 10 o'clock A. M. 4 to o'clock A.M. 10 o'clock A.M. 'MIL� N ROSEN, MILTON ROSEN, HILTON ROSEN, F Page 9 File 121147 ommeasioner of Finance. Paga 7 Filed ®® Commissioner of Finance. paw 7 p}la 1 7 �0 Commissioner of Finance. -- orlcin.l w Cib CI.rk COUNCIL NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE LICENSE CowaTTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM q ,1 February 2. 1954' PRESENTED BY /jam DATE COMMISSIONE -- r=OLUEDi That the following licenses. Pool Hall (14 Tables) No. 7729► expiring April 3-8. 1954. and Mechanical Amusement Device Operator No. 2388, Mechanical Amusement Device Location No. 2389. and Mechanical Amusement Device (7) No. 2390, all expiring November 1. 1954, an issued to Hyman S. Sigal at 406 Minnesota Street be and the same are hereby revoked upon the recommendation of the Bureau of Polite because of the arrest of the licensee. Hyman S. Sigal, on the charge of permitting persons under 18 yrs. of age to play pinball machines, being sent to court thereon, pleading guilty thereto and sentenced to $ 2$. or 5 days, paying said fine. i C.F.No.167118—By Norris O.Halvor- son—Severin A.Moninson—Robert F. Peterson— ' Resolved, That the following It-censer.Pool Han(14 Tables)No.7729, expinng April 18,1954,antl Mechanical Amusement Device Operator No.2388• Mechanical Amusement Device Loca- tion No.2389,and Mechanical Amuse ment Device(7)Nei 2399,all expiring November 1,1954,al Issued to Hyman S.Sigal at 406 Minnesota Street be and the same are hereby revoked upon the recommendation of the Bureau of Police because of then rest of the licensee. Hyman S. Sigel, on the charge of permitting persons under 18 yrs.of age to play pinball machines, jy being sent to court thereon,pleatllnog / guilty thereto and sentencetl to REVOCATION 5 days,paying said fine. Adopted by the Council February 9. 1954. Approved February 9,1954. (February 13,1954) FEB 91954 / Adopted by the Council.-- 19b— COUNCILMEN 4` Yeas Nays FEB 9 1964 _ .1-rson /Holland ' Approved - 196— /� ,'Ma.itelli 4 -Iortinson _____In F or — Mayor /Peterson ,--Rosen --_lgainstj i. President, Daubney \�� 5M 2-53 j° 2.d— Laid -­ 31d..d-PP— -----' Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Holland ­ortinson K'ter son ,/Mr.President DaubneY President Daub-ey Orw"I to City Clark ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE No PRESENTED By Ir L-L'k ORDINANCE NO C.F.N..167119-Ordin-ce W..10255- By Frank D.MarziteHi- .A.ontimance,vartingperinisslon N An ordinance granting permission to Bisanzmz rns 17�1 i:" Comp: struction Company, a corporation, to construct s -of" a L­ Bowdoin Street from the sewer In Villard Street (vacated) to Hampshire Avenue; in South Finn Street from the sewer in Villard Street (vacated) to Hampshire Avenue; and in Colby Street from the sewer in Villard Street (vacated) to Hamp- shire Avenue. This is an emergency ordinance rendered neces- sary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: i Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby given to Bisanz Bros. ConstructionlCompany, a corporation to construct sewers in Bowdolb Street from the sewer in Villard Street (vacat- ed) to Hampshire Avenue- in South Finn Street from the sewer in Villard Street (vacated] to Hampshire Avenue, and in Colby Street from the sewer in Villard Street (vacated) to Hampshire Avenue. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to said Company for the construction of said sewer, upon its compliance with the following conditions, viz: (1) Said permittee shall construct said sewers at its own expense, under the super- vision and to the satisfaction of the Commis- sioner of Public Works, and in accordance with plans and specifications approved by said Commissioner. (2) Said permittee shall pay the cost of engineering and Inspection, and for the publica- tion of this ordinance. (3) Said permittee shall properly protect all excavations madd In the street both day and night so as to avoid all damag-. or injury to person or property; shall properly fill and tamp said streets to avoid settling, and shall restore said streets to their original condition. (4) Said permittee, after the inception of said work, shall prosecute the same continuously, with diligence, and fully complete said work to the satisfaction and approval of the Commissioner and Chief Engineer of the Department of Public Works, on or before September 1, 1954. (5) Said permittee shall furnish a bond to the City of Saint Paul in the sum of Five Thous- and Dollars (85,000.00), conditioned to comply Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci _HA*V6FWT_ Holland Tn Favor Marzitelli Martinson Against Peterson Rosen Mr.President (Daubney) Approved: Attest: ed 66 tQ APPS101V form City Clerk Mayor 'M C�n sel. AM-- L 0,izi,al to City Clark ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO�� y3 PRESENTED BY (2) with all the terms of this ordinance, and to indemnify and save harmless said City from all liability, charges, loss, judgments, suits, accrucosts or expense that may property occasioned by e making tofpsaid nim- provement or arising out of the same. (6) Said permittee shall, within ten days after the ordinance, file paswriittenge dacceptanceon of is thereof with the City Clerk. section 3. This ordinance shall be declared preservation of emergency ordinance rendered necessary for thethe public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effectand and be in force from and after its passage, approval Passed by the COZ61 FEB 4 1954 Yeas Councilmen Nays vl ?.!lidrn Favor I Martinelli / Martinson Against Peterson 4 195 Rosen FEB ` Mr.President (Daubney) Approved: ��/ Attes/t�:/�/,�,^,n/� //1 �frlwv�.ecY • [G✓i✓�'�'' (L� -- Mayor �- Crty Clerk ,m c-sz A YUBL1SIiGD�- _ n�o�•nrNo rn,a,oN) CITY OF SAINT PAUL JOS. ',.A ou nK ISuauv or Conar.a Raen�a Derr'.AccovNcnrrr GEO.M.GAREN.Su". Capital of Minnesota WORKS Bua�,or s.n r r on Pa". NSn A.HO ENBOE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC W JOAN M.COTTER,SVM JENS A.HOLM➢OE Orr—Enoneea FRANK D.MARZITELLI,COMMISSIONER PVaYA OF M EquIrn,eer HERBERT S.WEST HERMAN P. PRANKS,DEPUTY COMMISSIONER ARTHUR II.FOCI GEORGE M. SHEPARD,CHIEF ENGINEER oa ConnecnoN Bvaenv or Bavaes 13-111 IF MAURICE W.HEWETP ® JOHN P.MULLANEY, Eno,N— Tanrr�c En 1-7 1954 EUGENE V.AVERY February 5th 7 Mr. Timothy Quinn Corporation Counsel B u i l d i n g r Dear Sir: Will you kindly prepare an ordinance granting permission to the Bisanz Bros. Construction Company, (N. P. Bisanz, Vice President, and C. F. Bisanz, Treasurer), to construct sewers in Bowdoin Street frown the sewer in Villathe Street(vacated)to Hampshire Avenue; i Finn sewer in Villard Street(vacated) to Hampshire Avenue and in Colby Street from the sewer in Villard Street(vacated) to Hampshire Avenue. The foregoing work shall be done in accordance with plans and specifications to be approved by the Chief Lngineer of the Department of Public Works, in the City of St. Paul. Any cost for engineering and inspection incurred by the City in this connection shall be paid for by the Bisanz Bros. Construction ThePordinancebond shouldtbe drawn he taa an of n emergency will be required. tember 1st, 1954. ordinance, and the time of completion to be Sep yours very truly, HERBERT S. WEST, office Engineer. hsw-rh Bisanz Bros. Construction Co. 1111 St. Paul Avenue St. Paul 5, Minnesota 'I i Saint Paul, Minnesota 1954 To the Honorable, the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, do hereby accept and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of Council File No. 167119, being Ordinance No. 10255, adopted by the Council on February 24, 1954• BISAN Z BROS. CONSTRUCTION COMPANY By ��� Original to City Cirri, CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO.- -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCILRESOLUTION-G ERAL F RM PRESENTED 6Y a COMMISSIONER___ DF ) RESOLVED, that the use of the Auditorium Arena be given to the Minnesota Catholic High School Association for a basket- ball tournament on March 5th, 6th and 7th, 1954, upon payment of 25% of the gross receipts, with a minimum of $1700.00; any balance of the cost of opening and operating to be set up in Auditorium Fund 1021. C.F.No.167120—By Bernard T.Hol- land—Milton Rosen—John E. Doub- ney,Mayor— Resolved, That the us, of the Auditorium Arena be given to the Minnesota Catholic Hlgh School Asso- ciation for basketb 11 tournament n March 5th,6th and 7th,1854,upon payment of 25%of the gross receipts, with a minimum of $1700.00; y balance of the cost of opening and operating to be set up in Auditorium Fund 1021. Adopted by the Council February 9. 1854. Approved February 9,1954. I February 13,1954) Y t f3 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council _195— Yeas Nays r-1:7.9 9 1954 -,H-alvorson /Holland Approved .__--__-_ 195_ --Marzitelli Mortinson _ In Favor /Peterson Mayy/) /Rosen Q Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2.53 ,• CL 9�t COUNCIL NO.— orlaiael to City Clrrk CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIO —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED COMA455IOBY NE — the City of Saint Paul acquired an easement for sewer purposes over a portion of Lot 1, Auditor*' Subdivision No. 87, 8 and it is now determined that due to replatting of a // under C. F. 14590 , to serve the �` 7w rt said easement will not be necessary ,.y„Inu portion of said grope Y / property to the eonth, now therefore be it RESOLVE , that th�easement acquired from the Ford Motor Company D under Final Order C. F. 145908, approved October 19, 1948, �n-Lot 1, Auditor's Subdivision No. 87, west of the west line of Finn Street and north of the south line of said Lot 1, Auditor's Subdivision No. 87 is hereby vaAated. C. F. No. 167121—'y Frank D. Marzi- telli— Wheredas.nThe easement for Of Salnt pur� acquire portlon fwt.ot 1. AS uditor's Subdivision No.87.under C. F. 145908. and it is now detetrlmu�ne f that due 10 reslid1ee of entpowill no• td eproPeriY tv to be n awry toa the sthe property the south,now therefore be froms the dFord That Motoreasement Company acquired Final Order C. F. 145908, approved SOctober ubdivision,No.887in est ]i the itwest ers.. Sub f Finn Street w d the of the linesouth 'Ile t itl JAt 1, Auditor's Subdivision No.97 is hereby acated. Adopted by the Council February 9, 1Ppppraved February 9, 1954' (February 13.1954) FSS 9 i95A Adopted by the Council------- 195— COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays F t3 y ASO Halvorson Approve 195— Holland i Marzitelli --_-- __In Favor Mayor Mortinson Peterson Rosen ABsinst �/ Mr. President, Daubney BM 2-53 ' MRS.AGNES H.O'CONNELL HAROLD J.RIORDAN City Clerk Chief Clark CITY OF SAINT PAUL r. Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK J s BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE O November ZC, 1953 Mr. T. P. Quinn Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir, The City Council requ-sted that you take whatever steps are necessary to release or reconvey the sewer easement referred to in the attached letters of FJltor A. Dehn and George M. Shepard. very truly yours, City Clerk w INTRA-DEPARTMENUL To: Mr. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Finance From: Eltor A. Dehn, Assistant Valuation& Assessment Engineer Subject: Petition of the Ford l Motor C mpanSufor vacation ,of87sewer ot easement across , o ision No The attached is a carbon copy of the recommendation of George M. Shepard, Chief Engineer, relative to the above matter, which was referred to the Department of Finance and the Department of Public Works for recommendation. Inasmuch as there is no sewer in this easement at the present time, and Mr. Shepard stating that the city has no future need for the easement, I see no objection to the city's taking the necessary action to vacate or quit claim the same. Since the city acquired this easement in 1948 wit outcst, thereof recommend that, if any compensation is required, amount be fixed at $1.00. Respectfully submitted, HAD-If November 20, 1953 j Nog = 18. 1958 gon. Fm*-D. Maraitslli Ca=issioner of public Works City of St. Paul Dear.Sit, Under date.of November 12 the City Council ro ferred. to the C6mmissioaere of Public Works and Finance for reaommenda. tion the matter ot.vaoatirt;< of a setrez'easement across a portion he of lot 1, Auditor!s;Subd$vis$oa ned'onr lii reo,C of future1948 Plans Ford Motor CamP-Y-i I have axemi foil-aspera:,fa= the.,area lying soutLe- in at ,s+Pond Motor Company at the¢a,aewers sun in s southerly direction► Property and'finc}that and..that due to the`rePlaitp* a Portion'of the easement aogti'00 will not be: trace sary to serve the Property;to,the,south. L oon- aegnentlq.r®oa�end that the`eaemnent acgnled from the Ford Motoz' Comp ?' under Final Ord.=C. F. 145968 aPP=a'd Uctober in lot li Aviditor's Subdivisio on 87� treat'of the'tresditos`s Finn Street`and nolcth of the south 1$ne of Lt 1, vision87r.1 vpoht.d. Yours very truly. Oeozg.M. Shepard Chief Bnginser CC-'Eltor Y t orieinal to City Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE N0. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI RESO UTION— E ERAL F�R�`"�'"'"` _ PRESENTED BY s BATE- o�'�_ COMMISSIONER RESOLVED, that the Minnesota State High School League be given the use of the Auditorium Arena on February 25th, 26th and 27th, 1954, for a hockey tournament, upon payment of $2700.00, any balance of the cost of opening and operating to be set up in Auditorium Fund 1021. C.F.No.167122—Dy Hetnard T.Hol- land—Milton Rosen—John E. Daub- ney, Mayor— Resolved,That the Minnesota Slate High School League be given the use of the Auditorium Arena on February 25th,20th and 27th.1954,for a hockey tournament.upon payment of 52700.00.', ggny balance of the cost of opening end operating to be act up in Audl- tori um Fund 1021. Adopted by the Council.February 9. 1954. Approved February 9, 1954. (February 13. 1954) FEB 9 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— o Yeas � Nays iFIalvoTSDn 1 �-U J 19.')s4 /Holland Approved---195—n /' l / i /4arzitelli Mortinson In Favor –/�v Mayor / i� i Peterson .,Rosen --)Against 141r. President, Daubney 661 2-53 �� Orl¢ind to Car Clerk •��� CITY OF ST. PAUL ii°eNC11 NO._ _- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COLIN L RESOLUTION— ERA FO M PRESENTED BY `L ATE COMMISSIONER_. RESOLVED, that the free use of the Auditorium Theater on March 2nd, 3rd and 4th, 1954, and the use of the Arena on March 4th be given to the Farmers Union Central Exchange, Inc. for its annual meeting and its annual banquet, respectively, upon payment of $1400.00 for the use of the Arena; the balance of the cost of opening and operating to be set up in Auditorium Fund 1021. C.1 ndF.NMilton Ario. sen-Joh nr E-r Unub-I r nay, Mayor— Reitoriu That the tree­2 e of the Auditorium It4thu.1954 eater on and the March 2nd.the Arena on Marcha4t be given to to Farmers Union Central Exchange,Inc. for its annual meting and its annual banquet, n respectively. upon payment tof hetbel�aoce for the cost off pening ennd perating W be set cost in Auditorium Fund 1021. Adopted by the Council February 9. 1954. Approved February 9.1954. (February 13.1954) COUNCILMEN Adopted by theEouuncil 195— Yeas Nays /FIa vorson FEB /Holland Approved—__ -_--195_ ,4arzitelli r1 In Favor ,,�iortinson - Mayor "'P'eterson /'Rosen Against /Mr. President, Daubuey 6M 2-63 'r 1,f 2 4 COUNCIL NO.�— DriRin I t,Cu,Cl,rk CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1954 Februa 5 DAT PRESENTED BY - COMMISSIONE ---�— / and he is hereby authorized3 with the consent ItESOLVID, That the Purchasin;; Agent beY INC. 90 ft. of 211 of the Ccmp)collect to purchase from qLD,� E. COPUAt'+D �c ASSCCIATEE,, style 80 (approximately 150 lbs.), at a total cost square Chesterton Flax Packin,;t of ap?:cox maP,elyj1�00, '.7thou advert.)-cement oompetitive bids as this is the only source of supply and only kind accepted by the later Department, and no advantage could be >ained thereby, Char;;e – ?,later Department. I C. F.No. 167124—By Severin A.Mort- Resolved.That the PUMhoriz Agent he,and he is hereby ith the oneent of the Comptroller, to purchase from GLEN E. COPEL.AND & ASSOCIATES. INC. 90 M. of 2" ,K� quare Chesterton Flax larkinga tyle •gr — 30, (approximately 1501b51. t total g1'iJ c t t epproximatelm§951.00, without advertisement or eapehtive bids his is the only Y pplY ad only kind aceeptedCe by the Water Department, nd no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge—Water Department. Adopted by the Council February 9, 1954. AEPrav(Februry February3. 1954) FES g 19� Adopted by the Council---- 195— COUNCILMEN FEIR � l`j 4 Yeas Nays 195— Halvorson \ Approve Holland Marzitelli _ In Favor Mayor Mortinson jl 1 ) � Peterson Against Rosen —� Mr. President,,Daubney _ 5N 2-53 `4P Od.lnsl to Cub Clerk COUNCIL tin CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C F.No.167125—By Frank D. M,mi- Whereas, amination. are to be C UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL F hen for tie positions of senior chltectural Engineer and Senior Mechanical Engineer and PRESENTED BY Whereas,The Civil Service Bureau Chas found it imppoossible during recent COMMIs510NE _. - - month. to sets lish suitable eligible nets for engineeringq positions from E=local appyaacants;therefore be It Re.olvetl, 1R�t the residence re- quirement.for atlmWion to examina- Ci,I as provided In Section 19 of the Civ11 Berv1eC Rhee are hereby waived for the examinations for SeNor Arehl- beMurN E7tgineer sad Senior Mechani- ea4 Engineer to be held on March 2a, 1959. Adopted by the Council February 9, 1954. Approved February 9,1954. !February 11.11141 WHEREAS, examinations are to be given for the positions of Senior Architectural Engineer and Senior Mechanical Engineer and WHEREAS, the Civil Service Bureau has found it impossible during recent months to establish suitable eligible lists for engineering positions from among local applicants; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the residence requirements for admission to examinations as provided in Section 16 of the Civil Service Rules hereby waived for the examinations for Senior Architectural Engineer and Senior Mechanical Engineer to be held on March 24, 1954. FEB 9 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council— 195— Yeas Nays � FCB + ; 5 ,vorson _ -Holland I Approved —195_ Alarzitelli 1Vlortinson ___-_In Favor �� n Mayor) �Pe rson //1 Rosen _._ Against ,,Mr. President, Daubney Orialonl to City Clera COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ATE__ --_—_— COMMISSIONER_ -- m RESOLVED, that out of the Workmen*s Compensation Account of -the General Fund, weekly compensation of $35.00 be paid Paul Phillips while he is totally disabled by reason of injuries he received on January 18, 1954, while employed by the Department of Public Works, and that $105.00 in partial settlement, to and including February 8, 1954, is now payable. IG,FIn No.167178—By 14ank D.McFzi- Reeolved That out of ttht�a Workmen's G4tAl/ennatlo¢Account o;the Gen4kal �b'e��Rmypuaalld, Paul- Compenmtlon of ppg688 41=Idd by =,4 a he IB to ¢1utlea he gpbyed D� varppYaat�tt18. 1856 wBae Worka, and fhaths185.88 afn f pp4gg11r1{blla� tdement,to and Including February, e.1866. >s now payable. Adopted by Ne Counca February g, 1854, Approved February e,3854, (February 17.1854) FEB 9 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council _195— Yeas Nays FEB 9 195-, Halvorson Holland // Approved —195_ 'II r� Marzitelli ' /'�� ` Martinson In Favor —f+ Mayor Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M &67 e p 1 6 �)27 odaia.l b car cl.rt CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE SIL NC OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCI RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r PRESENTED BY - DATF FebPllary 8, 195D COMMISSIONER------- RESOLVED, That the ouncil hereby approves the award of the Purchasin,3 Committee ther1-1for. and h:rem awards the contract for furnishing and delivering to the Water Department Filtration Plant, 1600 Rice Street, St.Paul, minnesota, approximately 39 tons Anhydrous Ammonia, to ARMOUR A10 COMPANY, AIIMCUTA• DIVISION, in accorcance with Water Department specifications and the Formal Bid #4425 of said Armour and Company, Ammonia Division, at a contract price of approximately $9,360.00 in bulk, such bid being the lowest and said Armour and Com pany Ammonia D-'-vision being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder, and the Qorporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor and the proper City officials are hereby authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of St. Paul. C.,MF.oNo.167127—By Severin A.Mart. Resolved That the Council hereby approves rite award of the Purchasing F.B. #41125. Committee therefor,and hereby awards the contract for furnishing entl de- livering to the Water Department Filtration Plant, low Ince Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, approximately 39 tons Anhydrous Ammonia,to ARMOUR AND COMPANY, AMMONIA, DIVI- SION, in accordance with Water Department specifications and the Formal Bid No.4425 of said Armour j and Company. Ammonia Division, at contract price of aximetely lowest��to 1 sold Armour b' b°cein� the and pany Ammonia Division being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor and the proper City officials a hereby a - morized b execute said contract on behalf of the City of St.Paul. F.B.No.4425. Adopted by the Council February 9, 1954. i Approved February 9,1954. (February 13,1954) i �Fg g 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_— 195— Yeas Nays EB S 195`Ct Halvorson Holland Approved 195— Marzitelli k41 Mortinson _. -In Favor ✓ Mayor ) -—Peterson Rosen _ Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-63 " C.F. No.1671:8tiBy Bernard T.RoI- ,,{{ land— R"p, Resolved,That the pVroper city offi- - od,I..itaCity Cleh re are hereby uth Ieetlp ato pay NO CITY OF ST. oirLibraries 1Auditoriumeandtl�9u6eum OFFICE OF THE —Bureau of Libraries for extra em ploymentAdopte as described In the resolution. CO O ION Adopted by the Council February 9. 1854. Approved February 9,1664. 1954• bl'uary 15,1959) PRESENTED BY Berne. t Fsrd T. Holland - -'--- — _ COMMISSIONER WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Libraries, Auditorium and Museums has reported, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency during the period from January 1, 1954 to January 31 inclusive, 1954, which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of the Department of Libraries, Auditorium and Museums, Bureau of Public Libraries, for spore than eight hours per day or forty hours per week in doing the following work: (1) To accommodate groups using branch libraries for evening meetings; (2) display flag on DIew Year's Day, (3) waxing of floors at Slain Library; (4) moving of furniture arra equipment in Circulation Division and (5) evening Bookmobile schedule. And YMREAS, This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances; Evening meetings, display of flag, waxing of floors, moving furniture aril equipment in Circulation Division and use of Bookmobile. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay- the orployees who performed such work in accordance with the provisions of the Council's salary ordinance, Ordinance No. 6446. FEB 9 1954 COU�Torson Adopted by the Council 196— Haazlvorson Yeas Holland Nays Marzitelli Approved 196— MCDEMWU Mortinson RXXXICts J—In Favor Mayor Peterson } Rosen Daubney (/Asainst Mr.President,�1 r.M 1-61 ..�vy,,9 COUNCIL NO. 0r1a1P.1 to City CI.k CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ILIC NO CO)VITTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM February 9t, 1954 PRESENTED BY 'F COMMISSIONE - ----= Restaurant License WHEREAS, Clifton E. Tate desires to withdraw application C 8156 far at 255 East Fairfield Avenue is and requests the return of the lie ense fee deposited thereonr therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Clifton E. Tate the fee Of $ 25.00 and to cancel said application for license. C.F.No.167129—By Norris 0J.1-1- on—Severin A.Martinson— bert F. Peterson— Whereas. Clifton E.Tate desires to taun'tw application C Esa for Res- taurant Ind r U 255 East Fairturn Of ld Avenue and ee de the return of the nee, b fee deposited thereon,' therefore, be it Resolved.That the propp r cityze cors be and they are hE, aat,uthorize d orize the fee to 'erchat$25.00 and to Tifton cancel said ppll.tion for license. Adopted by the Council February 6, 1954. Ayproved February 6,1954. t February 13.19541 WITHDRAWAL (Refund) FE�� 9195A Adapted by the Council 195— COUNCILMEN � % Yeas Nays I �-�, Halvorson Approved 195— Holland 4 Marzitelli In Favor �� yMal or 1 Mortinson Peterson c Rosen _against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 'r Original to City Clerk COUNCIL h10. CITY OF ST. PAUL PILE LICENSE 00*1IITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—G� FORM ^ � February 9. 1951+ PRESENTED BY --- COMMISSIONE wsmAsa A. A. and M. E. Stuarts licensed Vending Machine Operators desires to withdraw Application C 8232 for Foodstuff—Vending Machine Location and Cigarette licenses at 125 West College Avenue where the licensee is the Yd-Iter Hospital Nurses Funds and request the return of the license fee deposited thereon* therefore. be it RESOIAED: That the proper city officers be and they are hereb y authorized to refund to A. A. and M. E. Stuart the fee of $ 17.00 and to cancel said application for licenses. 0 C.F.No.167131)—B A.Mortinson Robert F. Peterson— Whereas. A. A. Mne operator. urenaed vd M endingvftd_ ach tori FoodstuHhVendi gp Machine Luca? tion and Cigarette licenses at 12s West College'A venue where the licensee is the Mtner Hospital Nurses Fund,and' request the ttturn of the license fee of deposited'thereon,therefore,be it Resolved.That the properauthori etd segs be and they are herebby oto mfund to A.A. nd M. E. Stuart tppll1e tion [oralice ses.o cancel said �a Adopted by the Council February 9, 18 Approved February 9, 1959. tFebrunry 13,19591 WITHDRAWAL (Refund) 690 N. Wheeler Ave. FEB � lif6� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council yeas 5— Yeas Nays : c D S9 Halvorson Approved —_196— Holland �� 11 Marzitelli / C' t �a Mortinson In Favor 3 �� - May Peterson �� Rosen —____Against Mr. President, Daubney SM 2-53 "�'r ye Orising to Cilr Clerk COUNCIL NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL ME LICENSE CONNUTTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ENERAL FORM February 9. 1954 _ PRESENTED BYCo RESOLVED: That Lauddry and Dry CIA-big Plant License No. 8864, expiring July 26, 1954• issued to David Kiges at 236 South Snelling Avenue be and the aame is hereby transferred to David Kiges at 252 South Snelling Avenue IC.F. senNa.ifiil3l—BY Norris O.Halvor- -Severin A.Mortlnson—Robert F. Peterson— Cleeninge Plant ThaLic License N 88.and e Y i piring July 26. 1954, issued to David 'Kiges at 236 South Snelling Avenue be and the me is hereby transferred to David Kiges at 252 South Snelling Avenue. Adapted by the Council February 1,� 19M. Approve d February 9,1954. A (February 13,19541 TRkNSFER (Location) , FEB 91s�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Nays Yeas E.ti 9 Halvorson _195_ Approved Holland Marzitelliyti In Favor Mortinaon \ Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2.63 -amu 0110111 1.city Clerk COUNCIL Orl CITY OF ST. PAUL NLe N�. LTCENSE CONRZLTrEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 7°"+✓k� DATE February 9. 1954__ PRESENTED BY NI //yam,/ ✓__ _ COMM15510NER-L.�Id��CC--, RESOLVED= That licenses for Restaurant, Off Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarette, Application C 7605, applied for by Henry&Wallace Swanson at 1199 Payne Avenue be and the same are hereby granted. �C.sF. .Hell— n NSeverlo. n A.M rtipson-Robert F. Peterson— u Rt, of Sale Mall hoc—,s everageestand ant, Cigarette,Applicatlon C 7r applied for by Henry &Wallace Swanson nat 1199 Payne rAvenue be and the lan" are hereby granted. NW (Additional Licensee) Adopted by the Council February 9. 19M On Sale Liquor Establishment AnpravyFebruary 9,1954. February 13,19541 Informally approved by Council _-_— January 14. 1954 Old Location FEB 9 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays FEB 9154 Halvorson i 195— Holland Approved— — Marzitelli Martinson In Favor q Mayor Peterson �� Rosen __against J Mr, President, Daubney 5M 2-53 C.F.No.167133—By N°rrls O.Halvor- so—Sevcrin A.Mortinson—Robert F. PelY P�1 origin.)to City Clerk Resolved, That licenses ap plied fur COUNCIL NO. --- CITY OF by the'persons named on the list at- OFFICE OF T same° fOh��eo resolution be a me LICENSE are y granted,a a and city Clerk Instructed to Issue such COMI!ITT COUNCIL RESOLUTIlicenses upon the payment in w the City treasury of the required tees. J J Adopted by the Council February 9.ruary T O PRESENTED BY It, � ✓ � _� _ Approved February 9, 1954. =.•�� COMMISSIONE. + (February 13,1954) REOOLVED: That licenses applied for by the rottovnng -sons ac Lna addressee stated, be and the same are hereby granted. Clayton F. Z< David R. Wells 606 University 2nd.Hd.Auto Dlr. APP.C2808 New 0. L. "cery 3226 James A. Monte 736.Robert Str. S. Butcher " it n " n Off Sale )alt n n it Cigarette " Antenna & T.+. Service Co.(Corp.) 633 Univ. 2nd.!1d.Dlr.Gen. " 5848 7058 John T. Stiepan 958 Rice Eleo.App.Rep. " Emil J. Lingle 1037 Payne Butcher " 7997 " 8010 Dari-Gold, Inc. 1410 Arcade Grocery „ It ii " it n Cigarette Donald W. Knight 2525 "1. 7th Fdstf.'7 l.Loca. " 8021 Ahrlin Lien 675 W. 7th Gas Ste. 6P. " 8033 " Arthur Swaff ord 581 N. Robert M.A-Da o a. 8116 „ 11it n It It Aaron M. Robertson 1069 W. 7tll Barber " 8171 Joseph Gitis & Samuel Z. Hechter 1169 Univ. Cigarette N. L. " 8203 " 0. L. Richard S. Inl;ram it 11.A.D.Loca.Grand 11 it „ i, e M.A.Dev.(1) Donald R. Meyer 1270 Ottawa Photographer " 8233 " N. L. FEB 5 195A } COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays 3 Halvorson Approved 195— Holland Marzitelli MortinsonIn Favor e Mayof Peterson Rosen Against' Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 " 4 edgin.l to city clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL FCOUNCIL FILE NO. IXENSE COMM TTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _(� s ._ February 9. 1954 COMMISSIONER— T -- WHEREAS: Mathew A. Pbrelli desires to withdraw Application C 7668 for On Sale Malt Beverage License at 421 East Seventh Street and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefores be it RESOLVED: That the proper city officers be and they are hermby authorized to refund to Mathew A. Morelli the fee of $ 100.00 and to cancel said application for license. C.F.No.16713�By Norris O.Halvor- staoVe —Severin rn A.Monson—Robert F. TWhea .Mathew q�Morelli tleslres to Application C 7969 for On Sale Malt Beverage.License at 421 Fast Seventh Street and. quests the return t the license fee deposited thereon, therefore, be it pp erns be ahtl thh-tare hero%r ulty oRl- to refund to Mathew q.Moielh the:fee f 1100'9 and to cancel sold application i for license. Adopted by the Council February il. I R.. Approved February 9,1951 ,February 13,1954j WITHDRAWAL (Refund) FEB 9 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council-195— Yeas ouncil 195_Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved 195_ Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor --.- Mayo Peterson Rosen Against ' Mr. President, Daubney Std 243 'r , to Odeind I,Civ ClerkCODNCI1 NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE LIMISE CoNaTTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIOW EN�ERA�L FORM PRESENTED BY c - - i�f1'LT�✓—_J'�'�-DAT February 9. 1954— ComMISSIONER/'/ WHEREASt James Morelli and Nannie D. Robertson desire to withdraw Application C 7667 for On Sale Malt Beverage License at 1784 East Minnebaha Avenue and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, thereforeq be it RESOLVED: That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to 33.33 and to cancel said James Morelli and 1 ? D• Robertson the fee of $R33-33 application for lic se• C.F.No,167135—By Norris O.Halvor- eon—Severin A.Mortinson—Robert F. Peterson— Whereas,James Morelli and Nannie D.Robertson desire to widr—Applica- tion C 7667 for On Sale Malt Beverage I'--at 1784 East Minnehaha Avenue and requests the return of the license tee tleDosited thereon,therefore,be It Resolved,That the pro r olty oHl- rs be and they are here a ihorized to refund to James Moreland Nannle D.Robertson the fee of$3333 and to re-1 said apyliIf—.ation for Il . Adopted by the Council February 9, 1954. ApprovedFebruary 9,1954. i (February 13,19591 WITHDRAWAL (Refund) FEB 91l COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 196— Yeas Nays FEB 9195A Halvorson Approved 195— Holland Marzitelli Mortinson - � _� - In Favor Mayor ,\ - Peterson Rosen l_) Against � Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-63 " C.F.No.187138--ay Norris O.13slvoi don—Severin A.M rtiman—Robert Peterson— Orlsin•1 to City Clerk Resolved, '.za ncenses apPned for,ICIL NO. CITY OF S by the pe rsons"etned°"the list e rached to this resolution be and and the Citye OFFICE OF THE Clerk ereis hereby rrdd u issue such LICEN COUNCIL RESOLUTIO City t�rea"suw°t"the req°Iredent ifees.the L. uT p —y // Adopted by the Councn February s• i� 4 -�19A V X954— CC)MjSS1 BY f APProv(Feb uarY 3,1859) COMMISSIONER_ _- - persons at the addresses stated, RESOLVED- That licenses applied for by the following be and the sane are hereby granted. Norman Hoemks 1338 Bayard Butcher App,C7499 Renewal " 7749 " Mrs, Anna McDermott 121 S. Western Grocery 7797 6 289 E. 7th Barber " " Bertha Stewart „ � Fdstf.'I.M.Loca. to 7909 St. Paul Term. °lhse.,Inc. 425 8th 1 513 Lafayette Fdstf.`.'.Y.Loca.. 7929 Retail Delivery Co. Restaurant 11 John F. velotta 117954 W. 7th Off Sale I&lt ° It �� u Cigarette ° n 2119 Grand Grocery 7969 n Chester T. Kaminski „ Butcher " p Off Sale Malt it n n Ci?arette it Bertha Kallsen & H. W. Yeske 321 Robert Hotel 69 k, 7991 it n 7998 " 1818 St. Clair Rostaurant James G. Guertin a Cigarette it Mpls. St. P. &Sault St. Marie Ry. 483 E. 7th Fdstf.V.M.Loca. 8052 Fdstf.V.M.Loca. 8054 Co. 322 Pine " " Northern Pacific ky. M, F. 1.4un�en 1169 'j4. 7th Barber it 8065 It 8140 " 919 Armstron Grocery it 11 " Mrs. 1.arie R. Johnson g 11 Off Sale Malt 1 p IS it 11 Cigarette n ling Butcher It 8185 It Westlund Food Mkt.,Inc. 597 IT, Snel Adopted by the Council 195_ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Approved 195— Holland Marzitelli — --- — In Favor ----- Mayor Mortinson Peterson n against Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 6M 2-63 i. COUNCIL NO.--- II CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE Ode1..l a city CIerY _ LICENSE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C(ZW[ITTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1954 Februa 9 DAT PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER----- page No. 2 - Renewals Grocery �pp.C8190 Renewa Vasil Lemenovaky l 1022 Earl Butcher It II n a " 11 1 Ofs Sale Malt „ n n u „ Cigarette " 8220 It 1576 Portland Grocery " n V. E. Conzett a Off Sale Malt „ u n Cigarette n n 102Z Payne . Gas Ste. 3P. " 8221 A. A. Rukke Capital Welding a Hardware 577o579 University Hardware " 8250 " " 8252 it h Barnes 599 N. Snelling Grocery „ n Wallace Johnson & Ralph Cigarette F 6a AAA. Adopted by the Council—__---- 195— COUNCILMEN FEB 9 W. Yeas Nays Halvorson Approved____195— Holland -- 195— Holland MarzitelliI _ Favor I Mayor Mortinson Peterson j _against Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 6M 2-62 » JC.F.No.1 ey NordW O.8aivot• wn--SevAilrl A. itf' oqU,W"6. Petermn= Resolved Feat Ucepsee app8�d tar FILECOUN0.-- Oda1n.1 to city Chrk CITY Olby the.per n6 namCdon.yp!tlsC at-FILE faohed to l,e aQd t OFFICE dFas ne a " rrkr�+t� end tee c1. ulerk'19 qCted m pyu e' sa , 'LICENSE C054,1i1TTE8i "v�asnot�0yfnidl flog mel COUNCIL RESOLUl�Ct �c�7 Adopted Dy the Com 1 February'3. 1 �' 854. SENTED It / / Approved FeDrltarY 8,1 PRE8544). GOMMIS510 — _ IFebruery 13,185 RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby grantedl Butcher ftpp.C5674 Renewal Singer Yeats, Ino. 946 Payne " 5675 " " APPlebaum's Food Tdkt;,InGrocery It tIc• 946 Payne Off Sale );Alt n n n 't Cigarette n u Fuel Deal White diel & Appliance Co. 915`9.. 7th Dealer 6427 " �d9tf.'.F-10ca. " 6703 " ruard Fan;-"an, r'unici.pal Airport National tI Cigarette u a " 6855 11335 Arcade Restaurant a a Victor Niewinski t On Sale 1alt t n n " Off Sale Nialt u u n n " b Barer u n It D ° Cigarette u Barber It 7329 Thomas L. Moore 1715 E. 7th arIt aestaurant " 7337 y. ,y. &','.. B. IlOy 413 Robert(2nd.Fl.� n It It n 11 Cigarette 11 7351 It a n It Dayton's Bluff COnmerciel Club 770 E. 7th onsSaleay1alt a It " u Off :;ale n'ialt n t1 tt Bowlin;', 8 Alleys " it It " It Cigarette n Confectionery " 7404 " Joseph C. cernstein it E. 7th n Off gale malt n n n Cigarette n 7406 148 11. Dale Restaurant " John Dantis tt Cigaret�a 8 Adopted by the Council _.------- 195— COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Approve 195__ Holland Marzitelli --' _�_In Favor - Mayor Mortinaon � Peterson - Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubney SM 2-53 '� COUNCIL NO. -- o,,,,,,,,t,city Mrk CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM CO"rITTEE gebruary 9 -- PRESENTED BY __. DATE COMMISSIONER— --- page No. 2 - "enewals Confectionery App.C7438 Renewal 1321 Payne D I IN R. K. Owings Cigarette n 751611 Restaurant „ 11 John C. Vleinfurtner 1174-6 Arcade On Sele I,alt „ 11n I „ 0''f slle, l`alt I „ „ Ci,�,,aret to ” 7535 " David F'. Heffron L >ertrude C. Heidenreich Restaurant It „ It 685 E. 3rd, On Sale Lalt „ It It Off Sale Malt to to ,I Cigarette n Restaurant to 7560 " James Morelli & Nannie D. Robertson " IL 1, to 1784 E. Minnehaha Off Sale Dalt It It ,I „ Cigarette " u 7593 " Serlin 1124 Payne Rostaurant I, 11 , Irvin, 11 Cigarette 11 St. Paul Municipal Airport St. Lawrence Str. Fdstf.V.M.Loca. 11 7594 " 7642 it 597 Broadway Restaurant " 11 Carl Fink s On Sale Nalt It " it 11 ,� Off Sale Dalt II a IL . Cigarette it it 7649 " Payne Ave. Lodge (9611 LOOM 1007 Payne Restaurant 1 u s „ On Sale Malt „ n n 11 II Off Sale Malt u ,1 Cigarette Charles F. & Edward P. Schwietz el Jos. u„ Restaurant " 7651 " n n Guardian of C. L�'le Anderson 902 krcade On "ale ?alt I ,L 11 Off Sale Nalt to Cigarette " „ Bowling 4 Alleys " Adopted by the Council— 195— COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Approved 195— Holland Marzitelli In Favor -- Mayor Mortinson Peterson Rosen ---Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 „ efliti—I to City Clerk 7 n C CITY OF ST. PAUL ;°E NCI` NO, LICENSE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COWIITTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER-----_--DATE_ February 9, 1954 — Pale No. 3 - Renewals Arohie P. Schwietz 1080 Arcade Restaurant App.C7706 Renewal Off Sale Malt 11 It " 11 " Cigarette it it ^ Robert W. Kemper 371 Earl Restaurant " 7708 " Off Sale Malt Cigarette " ^ ;'falter E. Nelson 1180 E. 7th Restaurant " 7774 " u " Off Sale Malt ° 11 " " Cigarette " it " Elmer S. Nelson 880 E. 7th Restaurant " 7776 " " 11 Off Sale Malt " 11 " II Cigarette " 11 " Joseph F.,& Rorer J. Ryan 201 Bates Restaurant " 7789 " 11 On Sale Malt " it " 11 " Off Sale Malt to It It It 11 Cigarette " It " Arline Viner &Albert Sabovitz 201-3 E. 4th Restaurant " 7791 a n n On Sale ME It it it n It " Off Sale Malt 11 ^ " It 11 CiParette ^ " It Alvin Stahel 980 Payne Orig.Cont. " 7796 11 Albert, Mrs. Arthur & David Nelson 1020 Payne Grocery " 7806 to 11 Cigarette " 1' it Otto & 71alfred Johnson 973 Payne Grocery " 7807 " 11 " Frozen Meats it 11 " Wm. C. Duerr 614 Selby Bakery 11 7849 " William F. Ilaberman & or Flora M. Haberman Restaurant It 7858 " 11 1056 E. 7th Cigarette It It " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_ 195— Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved 195__ Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 Oriein.I to City Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.- LICENSE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CCWITTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYDAT6February 0 19E4---- __ COMMISSIONER — ---- .�_— — Page No. 4 - Renewals Henry J. Belisle 1066 E. 7th Bowling galleys 4 App.C7896 Renewal Mrs. Minnie WIjss 933 E. 7th Bakery " 7937 " " Charles Bacigalupo 11 }yabasha Grocer t 8006 „ 11 n if 11 Cigarette Patrick J. Delmont 129 E. 5th Restaurant 8012 " 11 11 Cigarette " 11 Holly Investment Co.,Inc. 1905 StillYmter Restaurant est urant 8014 " i1 11 off n 11 Cigarette ° '1 It Victor Thesenvitz 82 E. 4th Ldy-D.C.Pickup ° 8018 " National Tea Co. 630 Laurel Grocery ° 8023 ° n n ,1 a Butcher it u n Hardware t1 it " It n Off Sale Malt n n n 11 Cirrarette " Richard Schuster 920 Randolph Bakery 802411 11 11 ,t n Cigarette Joseph A. Shilda 244 S. Hemline Ldy-D.C.Plant " 8025 " James I. Murphy 403 St. Peter Orig.Cont. 8027 " it 11 Cigarette " It " Nellie H. Kialing & Bertha G. Myers 423 Fry Grocery " 8029 " n n 11 Off Sale M." " n n it 11 Cigarette ° it Ambrose J. Smith 52 W. 7th Barber " 8030 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays Halvorson Approved 195_ Holland Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor ---- —Mayor Peterson Rosen ____Against Mr. President, Daubney SM 2.57 " Ori.i..l I.Cit,Clerk COUNCIL , CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO._ LICENSE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COM UTTER COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER__-- --- DATE February Rage No. 5 - Renewals F. m. Klimenhagen 850 Selby Grocery App.C8037 Renewal It Butcher It It " 11 Cigarette " If 11 David Crilrmins 384 Robert Restaurant " 8040 " If v Cigarette It 1' If The Gustafson's Oil Co. 308 N. Concord So.St.Paul Fuel Dealer " 8042 Jax 1'Ffg. Co. 1371 Selby Fdatf.V.M.Loca. " 8045 " Bechik Products,Ino. 650 Eustis Fdatf.V.M.Loca. " 8046 " Western Union Telg. Co. 332 Robert Fdstf.V.M.Loca. " 8047 Minn. Trfr.Ry. Co. 2071 University Fdstf.".M.Looa. ° 8051 " Northern Pacific Shops 1082 N. Tramline Fdstf.V.Y.Loca. " 8055 " Lowry Garage 349 TAbasha Fdstf.V,;�i.Loca. " 8057 " Edw. W. Nystrom 130 N. Smith Cigarette " 8060 " Lowry Carage 349 71abasha Gas Ste. 4P. it 8063 It Anthony J. Reiter 1711`1. 7th Restaurant it 8064 " n " On Sale Malt It 11 " Off Sale Halt v D w n 11 Cigarette " It " Arthur Cigel 46 E. 4th Orig.Gont. " 8072 " " " Cigarette " It " New York Tea Co.,Ino. 69 E. 5th Grocery " 8089 " Earl Al. Aloott 224 N. Cleveland Gas Ste. 2P. 1 8090 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved 196-- Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor -- — Mayur Peterson Rosen _—against Mr. President, Daubney 6M 2-63 ' oazi—I t.City Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL PILE NO.= LICENSE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMM.TITEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER—.---__ _ — — -. —DATE February 9 Page No. 6 - Renewals Mickey's Diner, Inc. 36 W. 9th Restaurant App.C8091 Renewal It It Cigarette Vr. H. Davenport 100 N. Lexington Junk ratherer#2 " 6127 Mrs. Louise Weston 363 Jackson Orig.Cont. " 8132 it It Cigarette It It it Erickson Cas & oil Co. 1529 White Rear Cigarette it 8186 It Clayton Fripaard 3230 Colfax S."pls. coot Peddler"h It 8198 John Dantis 148 N. Dale Music Mach.(1) " 8202 " Ilarry Ackerman 572 State Junk Catherer#3 " 8231 George E. Kreoh 88 1N. Chicago Junk Cathererjp4 " 8256 " FEB 9 1994 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195—. Yeas Nays FEES 9 155i Halvorson Holland Approved 195_ Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor Mayor Peterson � Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 ' Oricin.i t.City Clerk G CITY OF ST. PAUL iue""` NO._ -- LICENSE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CCMMTTTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER-----_ —.— DATE February2, 1054 _-- Page No. 6 - Renewals Mickey's Diner, Inc. 36'N. 9th Restaurant App.C8091 Renewal it it Cigarette 11 11 D W. H. Davenport 100 N. Lexington Junk Gatherer#2 " 8127 Mrs. Louise Weston 363 Jackson Orig.Cont. " 8132 " It R Cigarette if 11 " Erickson Gas & Oil Co`. 1529 White Rear Cigarette ° 8186 " Clayton Fri.gaard 3230 Colfax S.L'pls. Foot Peddler 4 " 8198 " John Dantis 148 N. Dale Music Mach.(1) " 8202 " Harry Ackerman 572 State Junk Gatherer#3 " 8231 George E. Krech 88 W. Chicago Junk Catherer#4 " 8256 11 FEB 9 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays FEB 9 1135171Halvorson Q Holland Approved 195— Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor - Peterson Mayor� � Rosen u Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 ' =^.", E4y N rri•o.Halvor on�eZiin A.ArHobart 3( Ori[lo•1 w Cllr Clerk olvee Tl. '` ^T'"', I, COUNCIL NO ;1 CITY OF ST1v IQy�µ iuE LICENSE C0'kj9ITTEE OFFICE OF THE .(`1'i 091 , /��/��/J� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY /��/. y�, ,�^y DAT February — COMMISSIONER_—/�Y/�- RESOLVEb, That licenses for Motor Vehicle Driver applied for by the following persons at the addressee staued, be and the same are hereby gran�ed. Anthony J. Nook 321 Robert App.r8208 Renewal 357 Ho " 8209 " Louis Sinvkin � Lyle G. Van Cleve 288 S. Exchange " 8210 It LaVoile J. Jennie 35 Winnipeg It 8211 it H 8212 John E. Esquivel 2525 Flandrau Robert L. Jones 184 E. Ivlinnehaha it 8213 " Richard W. Kemper 456 Johnson Pletry. It 8214 It Russell E. Thompson 419 Marshall " 8215 11 Edward G. Ki-mbrel 118 Iglehart " 8216 " Eugene LaBossiere 2187 ''argaret " 8217 Adam R. Letson 584 Darton " 8218 " Fred Kunart 329 iii.ce " 8219 " " Donald Ruedy 349 Ravoux 8229 Theo. Cruz 554 Stryker " 8230 " David McConnell 463 W. Central " 8234 " Garfield F. Phillipe 397 E. Curtice " 8235 " Joseph F. Murray 323 Chestnut " 8236 Roger M. Brawn 1932 E. 3rd. " 8237 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays Halvorson -' 195— Approve Holland Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor - --- -- Mayor Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubney GN 2.53 ,• + Qrielo.l b City Clerk COUNCIL Q CITY OF ST. PAUL No. FILE _ LICENSE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C00AITTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER--- _ DATE February 9, 1954 _ Rage No. 2 - Renewals (Motor Vehicle Drivers) Philip C. Lombard 115 Litchfield App.C8239 Renewal James R. Stone 1086 Lafond it 8240 Paul Preston 193 E. Arch it 8244 it Francis Lambrecht 365 Hope " 8245 " Herschel Pd. Pepin, Jr. 744 Juno " 8246 " Ernest R. Hallberg 787 St. Anthony " 8247 " Duane A. Bailey 562 Fuller " 8248 " Irvin M. Peterson 1510 Roblyn " 8254 " Claridon r,. Enney 81 Summit " 8257 " Raymond Stevens 1710 St. Anthony " 8269 " Arthur Bueohner 1517 Kleinert " 8270 " Roland L. Loughrey 1509 Kleinert " 8271 " Albert G. Walkosz 912 Duchess " 8272 " Donald L. McKeroher 238 Carroll " 8274 " Edwin A. Naedler 1759 St. Anthony " 8275 " Harold P. Aegerter 694 Rice " 8276 " Albert J. Bilotta 808 Jackson ° 8278 " Francis IA. Blake 372 S. Warwick " 8279 " ra ymond Doughty 202 Sherburne " 8280 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved_ 195__ Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor - — - ----- - Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Daubney 6M 2-53 " priOW L,car Ckrk COUNCIL NO- CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B4 ITTEE COMMISSIONEL—-- — -- — DATE February 9, 1954 _ Page No. 3 – Renewals (Motor vehicle Drivers) Cyrus Doughty 202 Sherburne App.C8281 Renewal Frank h. Matsche 467 Selby " 8282 " Harvey Lange 352 Como " 8289 " Olaf I. 7jeversoll 1403 Albany " 8290 " Alfred Schneider 481 Wabasha " 8301 " Cyril Sammon 1025 Eleanore " 8304 " Edward J. Yceller 407 rmlohart " 8306 " Hugh Lee 633k University " 8307 " Clarence Giefer 1926 Roblyn " 8308 " Meyer C. Kanevsky 866 Hague " 8309 " Nicholas J. Phillips 261 W. Kellogg ° 8310 " Jimmie 'fl. Spawn 1636 Timberlake " 8312 " Fred Otto 596 Charles a 8313 It Jesse M. Heller 257 Johnson Pkwy. " 8314 Harold L. Hageman 57 Lyton " 8315 it H t u 9 19 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays 9 1954 Halvorson Holland Approved — 195— Marzitelli n Mortinson — —In Favor --b � Y-- Mayor Peterson Rosen —0--Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 " 1 odgin.l t.City Clerk -•( COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No._ CIFFIC€ OF THE CITY CLERK OUN RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED COMMISSIONN ER— RESOLVED, that the Specifications for Wrecking of All Buildings and Garages located at 530-538 Wabasha and 7, 9 and 11 Tenth, St. Paul, 2, Minnesota, as submitted herewith, prepared by the City Architect, under the direction of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, be and the same are hereby approved, the same being satisfactory to the Commissioner of Public Works, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to advertise for bids thereon in the manner provided in and by the Charter. C.F.No.157138—By Norris O.Halvor- son Resolved, That the epeclacasans for Wrecking f All Bulkhng Garages loacnted at 530_538 Us lho_ and 7, 9 tl Il Tenth, St. Paul 2, Minnesota, s ubmttted herewith, prepared by the City Architect,under the direction of the Corona,.over t Parka,Plbe aygrounds and Public et of pRO ed, he the same are hereby to the Commis=er beh satisfactory and the Purchasing 01 blic Works,; authorized to ativertia,,for bids thereon 'n the manner provided in and by the Charter. Adopted by the Council February 9, 1954, Approved February 9, 1859 (FebrUary 13,1954) LB S 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays Halvorson _u 9 954 Holland // Approved — 195_ Marzitelli Mortinson --In Favor - Mayor Peterson --J Rosen � �Agains Mr. President, Daubney SM 2-53 t. " 1671-111,01 Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMEJ PRELIMINARY ORDERS and C.F.No.167140— `\ Wbereas,A written proposal for the PRELIMINARY ORDER making of the f.11—Ing Improvements The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Reconstruct or repair, where necessary, the existing sidewalk on the south side of Pleasant Ave. from St.Albans St. tb Osceola Ave. 1 Dated this 9 day of February 4 -7T Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS,A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Reconstruct or repair, where necessary, the existing sidewalk on the south side of P •�L...,.. c+ +., nanu,la Ave having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore,be it RESOLVED,That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for,or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature,extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council YEAS NAYS A Councilman MARZITELLI FEB 9 04 11�fl 2, sz Holland Approved — — MORTINSON 11 Halvorson PETERSON ROSEN - MR.PRESIDENildoEcLow Daubney Mayor. 1M 4-61 1617 1411 Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C.F.No.187191— Whereas.A written proporal for the and making of the following improvement, °is" i here neces- Recotsst e! Cepa • •he "Isting side walk an omit PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Red imstruct or repair, where necessary, the existing sidewalk on both sides of Sargent Ave. from Saratoga St. to Snelling Ave. Dated this 9 day of Februalg 195 4 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS,A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Reconstruct or repairz where necessaryp the existing sidewalk on both sides of r,zant Ave- from Saratoga St. to SnellInk Ave. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore,be it RESOLVED,That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature,extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan,profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council YEAS NAYS FEB 9 199 Councilman MARZITELLI pmt Holland Approvers MORTINSON P92UMST5 Halvorson PETERSON — ROSEN MR.PRESIDENT,Bs Daubney Mayor. `) PUBLISHM D INTERMEDIARY ORDERS C.F.No.167192— , 1,f', � q F In the Matter of tlp:;tJanY opew•wid (7-R., A &'7 nue and exteDayton Avenueu to &2ti'a1,E NO. •T- ;Parr Stmet from Ceptral Ave_ .1 1 By;�aB.11l f18" INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of partially openinn, widen;ne and extending m Sumt Avenue from Dayton Avenue to Central Avenue; Park Street from Central Avenue to 'Fuller Avenue; and Rice Street from Summit Avenue to University Avenue and from University Avenue to Comc Avenue, together with approaches and connections to intersecting streets as proposed to be opened, widened and extended under C. F. 136512 approved May 22, 1946, and C. F. 169337 approved August 12, 19119, and approved by the State Veterans Service Bu'lding Commission August 15, 191.19, by condemning and taking the following described lots and parcels of land, all in the City of St. Paul, the same being part of the lands necessary for the above described improvement: Lot 6 and the east 2.569 feet of Lot 7, Markoe's Subdivision under Preliminary Order 167021 approved January 29, 1951 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted,and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is partially open, widen and extend Summit Avenue from Dayton Avenue to Central Avenue; Park Street from Central Avenue to fuller Avenue; and Rice Street from Summit Avenue to University Avenue and from University Avenue to Como Avenue, toFether with anuroaches and connections to intersecting streets as proposed to be opened, widened and extended under C. F. 1365112 apnroved May 22, 1946, and C. F. 149337 anproved August 12, 1949, and a^proved by the State Veterans Service Building Commission August 15, 1919, by condemning and taking the following described lots and parcels of land, all in the City of St. Paul, the same being part of the lands necessary for the above described improvement: Let 6 and 7, Markoe's Subidivisi'on, except the'Westerly 0 feet of said Lot 7 10 500.00 with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ Resolved Further,That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 9th day of March 19 ,at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M.,in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St.Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter,stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .-B 9 � 19— sc3 9 1954 Approved 19- i City Clerk i. Mayor File 12L76 �iJSLTSY.ED__ Councilman ,awERsON Councilman HOLLAND Councilman M,aazirELu Councilman MORTINSON Councilman PETERSON PETERS Councilman ROSEN Mr.President DAUBNEY r F C.F.No.167193— ]. In the Matter of condenudng taking and approprlaLng for school putpDees ail of Lots 25 to 31 inclusive In.Hlock 3,1Iaxe1 Park,>n the Clty ofSt.Paul antler Prellminery Order 168983 aP- NO, proved December 17,1953. The Council of the Clty ofSt.Pau] By _.. i�. bove --- red INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of condemning, ta'.{ine and apnrorriat?n2 for school rurooses all of Lcts 2S to 31 inclusive in Block 3, Hazel Park, in the City o` St. Paul under Preliminary Order 1664`13 approved December 11, 1953 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted,and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is conde n, take and anpropriate for school n,irposes all of Lots 25 to 31 inclusive in Block 3, Hazel Park, in the City of St. Paul with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 18,000 00 Resolved Further,That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 9th day of March — 195_,at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M.,in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St.Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter,stating the time and place Of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total coat thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Coun JEB 9 1554 19— �.�g-,�.�log CO 3 l i`� n City Clerk Approved 711- File 12437 Councilman un vra ofv `�/ PUBIISHLO– -==����� Councilman H3_'�r Councilman ,,z__, Ll Councilman „car mots (� Councilman P,11 RsoN �J Councilman RCSEN Mr.President pAUBNEY e • C.F.No.10144 In the Matter of condl g and tek- ing for public school puapoaes the fo]- l%Jng 4e, b•A land: (F.•,apt atom^ .o. tpart H a7. H6 7a�€ of .. a �V FILE NO. By 6 INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of condemning and takine for public school purnoses the following described land- (Except the east 60 feet) all that part of the North 2 of the Southeast n of the Northeast n of the Northwest $ lying southerly o_` a line drawn from a point on the east line of said Northwest a 786.07 feet from the Northeast corner to a point on the west line of the Northeast a of said Northwest $ 953.03 feet from the Northwest corner of said Northeast 4 0` the Northwest 'a in Section 21, ':cwnship 28, Range 23 under Preliminary Order 166918approved January 21, 1954 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted,and the`said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take for public school purposes the following described land: (Except the east 60 feet) all that part o-` the North z of the Southeast y of the Northeast a of the Northwest lyin[, southerly of a line drawn from a point on the east line of said Northwest 4 1 796.07 feet from the Northeast corner to a point on the west line o" trio Northeast a of said Northwest n 953.03 feet from the Northwest corner of said Northeast 2 of the Northwest 4 in Section 21, Township 29, Range 23 with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 4,000.00 Resolved Further,That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 5th day of March 195!,at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M.,in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St.Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter,stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council F`F 91954 19- -j 6 �— City Clerk Approved Mayor File 12677 PUI3LiSIrED Councilman �LVERSON Councilman 4OLLAND Councilman MAUITELP 1\ Councilman MORTINSON Councilman PETERSON Councilman ROSEN Mr.President onUMW ° F C.F.Na.187195— ' In the Matter of grading and aortae- • ing with bituminous material the alley Stock 1, Eeaex Perk, from Eeat Seventh street to stinwater t�Vlnue. {q! r under Preliminary Order 1gg7gg�U ap- proved January 12,1959. ` The Council of the city of St.Paw TILE NO. _...--.. , •a«..,ten o,ane com-! By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of rradinr and surfacinr with 6itumin^us mate-'al the alley in Block 1, tssex Park, from East Seventh Street to St'_llwater Avenue under Preliminary Order 166790 approved— January 12, 19511 The Council of the City of St.Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted,and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is grade and surface with bituminous material the alley in Block 1, Essex Park, from East Seventh Street to Stillwater Avenue with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 3,601.98 Resolved Further,That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 9th day of b+arch ,1951 ,at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M.,in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St.Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter,stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CouncilE B 9 1954 —19— 1 c l _q City Clerk Approved � '— May o1) File 1?1173 PLMLTSTILL Councilman HALVERSON Councilman HOLLAND Councilman •&ARZITELLI n Councilman IORTINSON J Councilman PETERSON Councilman ROSEN Mr.President DAUBNEY c C.F.No.167146— In the Matter of condemning and tak- ing t in the lana necessary Ear alopesUta and fins in graalfa and utlaeing ith bituminone 5naterlal the alley 1n look 1b Eseex Pant.Prom East a`I Pr5ellminav Sorde ati`dsf�y�;3 i LE NO.— BY— O.By— INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of condemnin.7 and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in rradinr and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in, Block 1 Essex Park, from East Seventh Street to Stillwater Avenue 166799 approved—January 12, 1951 under Preliminary Order___166799 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted,and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and ills in eradinr and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 1, Essex Park, from East Seventh Street to Stillwater Avenue in accordance with the blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portions showing the cuts and shaded portions shcwinc the fills with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 50.00 Resolved Further,That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 9th day of March 19-5h—at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M.,in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St.Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter,stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council FEB 9 1954 19— 1 Approves 19— � City Clerk v - Mayor File 12Li72 / Councilman AALVERSON Councilman ti;OLLAND / O Councilman •,ARZITELL3 Councilman vORTINSON Councilman PETERSON Councilman , ROSEN Mr.President DAU13NEY C.F.No.167147— _ I �1 IJ In the Matter of grading and aurfac- m Hack 41 "in"mat om FnugWec Avenue to East Seventh Street and r Prelffil" Order 166932 approved January 22,1954. • The Coumil of the City of St.Paul E NO. B e•4 t having received the report of the Com- By or INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of grad_ne and surfacini' w;th bituminous matpria7the alley in Block li, --ss=_x Farr, fro-1 "auquier Avenue to East Seventh Street. under Preliminary Order 166932 approved January 22 19511 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted,and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is grade and surface w`th bituminous material the alley in Blcck L, Essex Park, from 'auqu'_er Avenue to East Seventh Street ~� with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 3,099.67 Resolved Further,That a public hearing be had on said'improvement on the 9th day of l4arch ,19 54,at the hour of 10 dclock A.M.,in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hail Building in the City of St.Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter,stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the im rovement and the total cost thereof as estimated. F E 6 9 1954 Adopted by the Council 19— t F F R1 �P,5A City Clerk Approved 19— Mayor File 1211"i0 Councilman P-1—JT. ?—"i 1L H ALV ERSON Councilman ';CLLANO Councilman NlARZITELU Councilman MORTINSON Q Councilman PETERSON Councilman ROSEN Mr.President ElAUBNe F C.F.No.187148— /% In the Matter ai condemning altd tak- (•- Ing an easement to the�aad nernsearY for atopen,cuts and fin w grading and surlaclnH with bttumhloua material the s n pl,ey.In Alock i.Ek^'l'PaTkr iMm Fa,l- COUNCIL FILE NO. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of cor:demnir.F ar. taking an easement in the !an'! necessary fcr slopes, cuts ani 'ills in eradinp, and surfacinr with tituminous material the alley in Block L, assex. Park, .rom rauiuier Avenue tc cast Seventh Street under Preliminary Order 166933 approved Januar' 22, 195L The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted,and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with' 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take an easement in the land neeQfFsar,; for stores, cuts and fills in Fradin.e and surfacin, with tituminous m8Iterial the alley in Block L, Essex. Park, from Fauquier Avenue to .`east Seventh Street in accordance with the tlue print hereto attac�,ed and made a part hereof, the hatched -cro ons showing the cuts and shaded nerticns showing the fills with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 50.00 Resolved Further,That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 9th day of March 19 54 ,at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M.,in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St.Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persona and in the manner provided by the Charter,stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council FES S 186"4' /9_ �t Approve' 19- / City Clerk w Mayor File 11"79 9 Councilman ,;ALVERSON Councilman HOLLAND Co lncllman MARZITELU Councilman MORTINSON / Councilman PETERSON Councilman RosrN Mr.President DAUSNEY PF C.R No.167149— • ra the Matter of eonatn eting a mono- 1— - u atrlew o¢truth p[dea f Staudieh St.fraan Raymond Ave.to the utherly Alley aOJecent to th^ Northern P'L aanroadifENO. way order Pren,bt-7 � l apvrnv>r n < - BY INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of constructing a monolithic concrete sidewalk on both sides of Standish St. from Raymond Ave. to the southerly Alley adjacent to the Northern Pacific Railroad P.irht of Tray under Preliminary Order 1653118 approvers August 25, 1953 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted,and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct a monolithic concrete sidewalk on both sides of Standish St. from Raymond Ave. to the southerly Alley adjacent to the Northern Pacific Railroad R_ght of Way, excert where good and sufficient sidewalk now exists with no alternatives and that the estimated cost thereof is $0.40 per sg.ft. for 4" Monolithic Excavat'on, fill, driveway crossings, root cutting, etc. at extra test Resolved Further,That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 9th day of March 19-5�—at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M.,in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St.Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter,stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council EE-5 t 1a1 19_ t i Cit Clerk Y Approved 1 �n Mayor File S5l,90 T T T 5� Councilman .,ALVERSON Councilman yOLLAND Councilman MARZITELLI Councilman MORTINSON / Councilman PETERSON Councilman ROSEN Mr.President DAUBNEY 6 C.E No.187750-- 4, 7 In the Matter of COnStNctln$8 n7040- ///���� /yC UUU sid`e`fow c IliNave.from Dale • St.to Grotto St. neer PrenminaA•Or- n(( _ _ tler 785351 apyN4etl August?5.1859. `�p�I �, i G.• Is {GIOU'CIL FILE NO. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In We Matter of constructing: a monolithic concrete sidewalk on the north side of W. ,C:aliforn'a Ave. �rcm Dale St. to a^otto St. 165351 approved Au Fust 25 1953 St- under Preliminary Order - The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted,and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct a monolithic ccncrete sidewalk on the north side of W. California Ave. from Dale St. to Grctto St., except where good and sufficient sidewalk now exists with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0.170 per si.ft. for h" "Zonclithic Excavation, fill, driveway crossines, root cutting, etc. at extra cost Resolved Further,That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 9th day of ,march 19 54—,at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M.,in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St.Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter,stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council t b 9 1954 19_lqsup, o7 ( City C}erk Approves 19— \ j Mayor File s5491 Councilman pLlgI,1SHED Councilman HALVERSON Councilman HOLLAND ELLI Councilman MARZIT Councilman MORTINSON Councilman PETERSON Mr.President ROSEN DAUBNPY rt °F C.F.No.167151— In the Matte[of construeting a mono- llthlc mn d S�f om E�Se enth�L to of H!.•v4F - '"LL t, - Stilh er Ave.under Preliminary Or" ,' w!F 1L de' iS aPProV�$ePtember 26. � �€? � .he .t ty of LE NO By I INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of constructing a monolithic concrete sidewalk on the east side of Hcward St. from E. Seventh St. to Stillwater Ave. 16$765 approved September 29, 1953 under Preliminary Order The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted,and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct a monolithic ccncrete sidewalk on the east side of 9oward St. from E. Seventh St. to Stillwater Ave., except where Pood ar.d sufficient sidewalk now exists with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_Q.40per so.ft. for 1L" Monolithic Excavation, fill, driveway crossings, root cuttin , etc. at extra cost Resolved Further,That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 9th day of March ,19--5"at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M.,in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St.Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter,stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council FEB R 195'' /19�— Approved City Clerk / D Mayor \ File 55692 iPUSLISI ED -/� Councilman -ALVERSON - Councilman POLLANo Councilman MAP7!TELL.I Councilman MORTINSON O ' Councilman PETERSON Councilman ROSEN Mr.President oAueNEY �uncil File No.�� �5 2 Presented by Commissioner— ResocuxioN O�COUNCIL Arreov T�iOGiE ASSESS R6ARINTG T ESEOxf�G C.F.No.167157— n •u CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment and Fixing Time of Hearing Thereon In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructine a sewer on Rockwood Avenue from the west line of Palisade Add4tion to a point 10 feet easterly of the westerly line of Lot 20, Block 71 Palisade Addition under Preliminary Order 155897 approved May 1951 Intermediary Order 159421 , approved Arril 15 1952 Final Order 159730 , approved May 13 1952 The assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council,and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore,be it RESOLVED,That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER,That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 10th day of March , 19_54_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ' FEB 9 1954 — 19— FEB 9FEB 9 1 A�U City Clerk. Approve 19—. / F=le 11978 - - Mayor. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Mr. President, PUBLISHED '2 HALVERSON HOLLAND MARZITELLI I MORTINSON V I PETERSON -0 ROSEN DAUSNFY a�,;a 54 Gl.n,OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO­ ­­ To COUNCILRESOLUTION To _1954 PRINTER PRINTER TE UNT OF -- RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY,32 THE NCLUSIVEAAS PEROCHECKS 9 81 _TO- $--t281 ,COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED.--� -- ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE FEB Cg 1954 LLER. - - -. crtr cnwnaaLtsa - c L _19— ADOPTED BY TME coLINCIt­ By_- APPFtOVFD--- 7.%2 CITY OF SAINT PAUL NOTICE COUNCIL FILE NO.__. To COUNCIL RESOLUTION Feb. 4 _ts 54 PRINTER - RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 59929 TO 59980 INCLUSIVE,AS PER CHECKS sl RF, ?y,COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED_---- - - ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED — — �— gDDPTED BV THE COUNCIL__ -----FEB- - BY_ -- APPROVED__-_— Pp ),x +eQ�•�i C. F. No. Resolved,Thal check,be do 11I'i V, reasu NOTICE the City try, to th •,OP SAINT PAUL amount of$479,946.85,cov or COUNCIL FILE To bed 59978 to fio087 st e RESOLUTION ---- pere rnuhecks on Nle Ih th a4f+ PRINTER city Comptroller. Ga�Q Adopletl by the co gro 1954. Feb _ —195. $ 4 ey, _ _ Approvetl February — -- IFebruary 13,lt�04. RESOLVED, THAI CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF f�t 8 4446. 59929 (, ;_,COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED _.it=—TO—.600a7.--.-INCLUSIVE,AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL.... FEB FEBCONPTRULLEa APPROVED--.....-----19-- — v'. e9, r-u •`�°•�1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL/~ COUNCIL DUPLICATE TOT CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER. 7 ---- R LL`ALL AUDITED CLAIMS _ftp,- - -----19 HALVORSON HOLLAND MARZITELLI -----IN FAVOR MORTINSON •/�/ RESOLVED.THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY PETERSON ! / AGAINST RO SEN -!i IN THE AMOUNT OF S ._.COVERING MR.PRES.DAUB EY -- ' .' '' CHECKS NO.�—TO 59980 INCLUSIVE AS ER ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_ .— PER CHECKS O 1 E N O E OF HERE CITYE q aen APPROVED_.__— � — 32 --- — - -�- BY�T _ —_— W " TOTAL GATE ,�1UMECK RETURNED CHV . HECK IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK /5^ CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 2.56 4ab .19 .. ® 59929 St. Paul Athletic Club 10 00 i16 50 59730 L. Peterson Construction C. 39 667 6 5:531 Milton Ftasssn 73 988 66 59532 28 805 33 59)33 x 59534 n 3 458 72 59935 261 54 " " 59>36 " " 10 532 93 5993'7 " " 2 511 39 59938 Wm. J• amadiek— Limer WiLlishy 700 00 59939 A. J. Teohida Contract. 269 66 59940 Armour and Co. 151 27 59941 Booth Fisneries Corp. 40 85 59y42 Capitol Meat Co. 414 61 59)43 City Produce Co. 234 62 59944 Everfresh Noodle Corp. 10 80 59945 King Midas Flour Mills 294 44 59)46 Kisch Food Market 365 89 59)47 Charles Lindber&--Hobart Sales 8 25 59948 Morton Sausage Co. Ino. 340 ;1 59949 Northern States Power Co. 17 40 50 59550 Red Star Yeast and Prod. Co. 253 34 59951 SecurLty Wholesale grocery 59552 Wm. Segal grocery 1 170 73 59953 1 339 18 39,54 Wardle Food Market 22-5 88 59:55 Witte Transportation Co. 42 l8 59'>56 " " 93 13 59:'57 Bishop Tow. Serv. 148 00 59458 Cutler—Magner Co. 2 129 88 59559 T.S. Denison and Co. 15 43 59960 Fire Engr3 50 59561 Fisher Scientific Co. 20 00 59962 glovo Products Co. 46 80 59163 Barco Corp. 461 70 59:64 Hersey Mfg. Co. 2 620 80 59565 international Assn. Fire C. 7 00 595t� ° Ass'n. for Identifloation 15 t, o0 59567 Lange Bros. 155 53 59;6& Ly::i Chemicals Inc. 59569 Melneoke and Co. 50 59570 Aiichigan hydrant and Valve R. C. ,1 10 59971 Mple. Equip. Co. 70 40 7 00 49972 Minnesota 4uartz Co. b3 25 ,9973 mobile Radio Engr. Ino. 204 00 59974 ��• W. Bell Telephone Co. 59975 806 52 116 00 59976 Rockwell Mfg. Co. 59977 St. Paul Letter Co. 10 00 59978 Universal Carload. & Distr. 2 21 59479 Valley Iron Works Ino. 674 00 59980 Amherst H. Wilder Cha Sty 50 00 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD "2 777 78 0. I 1 I I I t. — • CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL ' DUPLICATE TO CI CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER- ------ ROLL ALL HALVDRBDN. AUDITED CLAIMS -Fehs_—i-------,s.�4 HOLLAND N FAVOR MARZITELLI -----I AWN ORTINSON �/1 RESOLVED,THAT CHECKS BE DRON THE CITY TREASURY PETERSON f�J_ AGAINST ROSEN - FEB ((�� C{ IN THE AMOUNTddO((��F��S���� _gj am -7�I' —.COVERING MR.PRES.DAUBNEV FD 9 19S CHECKS NO.�-TD 6002 INCLUSIVE, AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI - —w.E. PER CHECKS ON FILE INLE IN T F TME CITY COMPTROLLER. FES, 195.4 33 -'T Ll B vm .•� 6 TOTAL _ DATE - RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD _ 442 777 78.. • 59981 Perry A. Swenson Go. 8 475 69 59982 " " 355 35 5998,3 Milton Rosen 5491 18 5998'+ " IN 3 929 65 59985 Chri:,tensen Elso. Co. 127 00 59986 Davis and Davis 2 543 31 59987 Hurley Constr. Co. 9 374 00 126 00 59988 W. E. Gombold 61 41 59989 La Mere and Kolar 3 3 59990 Lee and Hoff Mfg. 3 484 0 59991 Minnesota Floor Surfacing 30 59992 Axel Newman Heat. & Plbg. 7 982 54 599 Harold Purtell Constr. 11 227 28 39994 Rydeen Construction Co. 10 122 30 59595 at. Paul Electrio Co. 2 135 92 59996 Sheehy Construction Co. 471 75 59997 James Steele Constr. Co. 5 111 17 59998 A. V. wInterer and Son Inc. 3 398 40 59999 Milton Rosen 75 682 77 60000 Y B 5 190 21 60001 St. Paul Teaoners' Retire. A. 27 853 75 60002 Anna Jurgensen 105 80 60003 F. E. 4u1mby Co. 299 00 60004 Am. Rad. & Std. San. Corp. 391 22 60005 Berglund Lumber Co. 651 38 60006 Hagen supply Co. 4365 60007 N. W. Refining Co. 664 231 25 60008 Grant 0. Helmer 60009 James D. Voigt 312 50 60010 Richard M. Kayser 500 00 60011 Mrs. Ethel Green 10 00 60012 Laura Larson 10 00 60013 Leonard Larson 10 00 60014 Clerk of the Mun. Court 100 00 60015 Daniel Campion 250 00 60016 F. E. Conne* 250 00 60017 Wm. C. Davini 250 00 60018 Ricnard Hansen 250 00 60019 Joseph Okoneski 250 00 60020 Mrs. Fred Paul 250 00 60021 Otto Simon 250 00 ® 60022 Mary E. Krey 78 00 60023 Dr. Carl G. Buxton & Sommerdorf 8 00 60024 Mounds Park Hospital 959 03 76 60025 Gausman & Moore 60026 J. C. Niemeyer & Louis Stento 4o3 15 60027 Eugene V. Sonaefer and Assoo. 1 601 88 83 60028 Voc. Sch. Petty Cash F. pp 00 60029 Intern,L1i nal institute 2 goo 00 60030 St. P. Institute 6o031 Mpls. 8t. P. Sanitary Distr. 33 179 00 60032 Walter Nelson SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 724 079 52 ;j € fid.._{ `.—� ��_ F � :,_ __ � _, � , _ '• --- CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL I `5 DUPLICATE ITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER-_—— ------ RO CA1­1110LL AUDITED CLAIMS MARRZI-ED N''LI' ----IN FAVOR MORTINSON -�l-- RESOLVED.THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY PETERSON fJl AGAINST L ``3 () 'I!1CR IN THE AMOUNT F S p-�855 5IING i —.COVER e 1954 PRES.DAURNEY ' CHECKS N-60013 To 60087 INCLUSIVE. AS ADOPTED B THE COUNCI _ PER CHECKS ON I N THE OFFICE E CITY COMPTROLLER ­PROVED_, Y­'_-��_ _ ___ .� ..�P j TOTAL _ _ DATE ----- —----- - RETURNED / yr-iECKIN FAVOR OFEc TRANSFER DI 1UR11sENT BY BANK NUMBER _EC'. BROUGHT FORWARD .724 079 52 _ ® 60033 Raymond Frazier 128 00 60o34 Alice K. Dillon 98 00 60035 Harley B. Smith 105 00 60036 S. L. nipple 26 36 60037 E. A. Furni-Auditorium 37 9 60038 Ballard Motors and Ramp 5 600 0039 Herbert M. Dupaul 711 71 6001}0 Ray J. Bogotty 60041 A. J. Techida Contracting g03 00 ag 00 60042 Arthur Atwater 100 00 60043 Robert E. otter Mun. Court 45 98 60044 Aome Linen Service 12 95 60045 Albinson Co. 19 52 60o46 Am-rican Hook Co. 60047 American Family Laundry 5 81 60048 ° News Co. 183 24 60049 Charles P. Anderson 60050 A;.Dieton-Century-Croft 28 00 j$oo51 Arlington Electric Co. 19 10 60052 Beesley Cardy Co. 60053 Bodine Piano Co. 54 00 75 60o54 wm. C. grown Co. 30 75 60055 Buettner field. Supply 117 35 60056 Capitol Stati nery 6 75 60057 Cnr,rtwell House Inc. 60058 Cole-Sewell Engr. Co. 31 50 60059 Crook and Hanley Inc- 175 11 60060 Downtown Ford Co. 61 75 60061 Eitens Piston Ring Sales 43 66 60062 Grand Av. Motor Co. 154 47 60063 Haldeman Langford Inc. 525 o6 60064 Automotive service Co. 52 127 ,540 60065 Blaine Elec. Co. 219 64 60066 Blaine Elec. Co. 139 30 60067 Brlssman-Kennedy Co. lg 21 60068 Crane Co. of Minn. 199 28 60069 60070 Desnoyer Gep, ert Co. 328 99 60071 Farwell ozmun Kirk and Co. 1 137 39 60072 Highway Safety Appliance Co. 2 17 60073 Joesting and Schilling Co. 86 62 ® 60074 Louise Music Shop 82 19 60075 Metzger Bldg. Material 6 19 6 51 60076 Motot supply 147 14 60077 Mueller Co. 60078 Neumanie Music store 20 25 125 11 60079 Nicole Dern and Gregg 60080 N. W. Bell Telephone Co. 29 20 60081 Park Machine Co. Inc. 2 74 60082 Patterson Sargent Co. 164 99 60083 Price Eleo. Co. 212 06 60084 Soneffer and Hossum 65 27 60085 H. V. Smith Co. 109 21 60086 Ward Transfer 14 96 6o087 Wolters Auto supi,ly Co. 49 28 SHEET TOTALFORWARD 73O 935 o4 Council He No..........• �• � RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING : ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES for slcoes, In the matter of...._condegn,np.-and tak;ne an easement J..n the land necessary cuts and fills in gradin!- and surfacinr with bituminous material, the alley in °lock 1, H. M. Ranney's Subdivision of Block 11, Stinson's Division from M,ackubin Street to Kent Street iRESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROI 1NG ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES C — :g I1661115 , December h, 1953 under Prelimineay Order.............................-------------------------- aPP .... - .......... .... -- .... -. .. .. ............ 166657 December 29, 1953 --_----.-._--_-. Intermediary Order.. - -• 6 5 ............................, approved.- - -..... 166937 -- -._....:..... approved.. ....January 261 195!1 Final Order.-............................................................ . .... -. ................... The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report-in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable;and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement,therefore be it Resolved,That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further,That a public hearing be bad before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance,and also upon the said assessment of benefits;at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St.Paul on the day of marqh---------------------------------------- 19.--54.., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said bearing as prescribed by the Charter. -----------------------..,19 - Adopted by the Ccuncil-----_.. K .-- .s...._.-_.-... p City Clerk. Approved-------------------------------------------------19.- ... File 12h26 Mayo l Councilman ,ALVER50N ( " Councilman - � 40LLAND Councilman N,A t�OUnclnall 1ORTINSO N Councilman PETERSON Councilman ROSEN �D- Mayor DAUBNEY S RESOLUTION RATRgRYO ASSRSS- McNT F No.167157— Council File No---------------------------.----- r I r By ......................................_............... CITY OF ST.PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on East Avenue from a point 95 feet north of Fauquier Avenue -oStillxater Avenue: on Lake Street from a point 95 feet north of Fauquier Avenue to Stillwater lLAvenue: on 9oward Street from a plpoint 20 feet south o` the north line of ot 1L, Block 3, Essex Park Addition to Stilwater Avenue; or. the southerly side of Stillwater Avenue from East Avenue to a point anproximately 130 feet easterly of waukon Avenue, thence southerly and southwesterly on an easement to be obtained and described as the easterly and southeasterly 20 feet of the westerly and north— westerly 140 feet of Block G, Beaver Lake iieiehts Addition, from Stillwater Avenue to Fauquier Avenue; on Fauquier Avenue from East Avenue to aPedersen Street; on known Pedersen Street from Fauquier Avenue to Reney Street, all of wnich is to be as Essex Park Extension to the Belt Line Sewer System / under Preliminary Order..158757.._.__- Intermediary Order.....11C9.201+..... Finch Order......1r79.4g ......, approved.....Anri 1 2 2 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council,and having been considered finally satisfactory,be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable // in.......... �.....-.--..equal installments. FEB 10 1954 Adoptedby the Council.......... ............-...... --. -------- --- ...._............19......... FEB 10 i95? �� _ ity Clerk. Approved....... ----------------------19 Cx-L Mayor. Form B.B. I8 File 11973 PUBLISHED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment January 12 -__1954 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and exile❑ses for constrrctinF a sewer on East Avenue from a po'_nt 95 feet north of Fauqu'_er Avenue to Stillwater Avenue; on Lake Street from a point 95 feet north of Fauquier Avenue to.Stillwater Avenue; on Howard Street from a nein'.. 20 feet south of the north line of Lot lh, Block 3, Essex Park Add tion to Stillwater Avenue; on the southerly side of Stillwater Avenue from East Avenue to a mint aroroximately 130 feet easterly of Waukon Avenue, thence southerly and southwesterly on an easement to be obtained and described as the easterly and southeasterly 20 feet cf the 'westerly and northwesterly 140 feet of Block G, Beav,-r Lake Heiehts Addition, fro^ St'liwater Avenue to Fauau;er Avenue; on Fauquier Avenue from East Avenue to Pedersen Str-etc on Pedersen Street from Fauo'sier Avenue to Reaney Street, all or which iF to be know-. as Essex Park Extension to the Belt Lane Sewer SystemFPbru r 5 1452___— Intermediary Order - under Preliminary Order—15Q757 _—, approved ary 159201,_ _, approved Adarch _?ti 1952 - - Final Order 159L,95 approved Ar,r 1 22. 1952 To the Council of the City of St.Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the ex- penditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improvement, viz: Cost of cnnst^u t'.on - Contract 5105,363.32 _ -.C. 9�h7 66E. � 110.0 0 I.D. 91 3 (Tests) z6.60 Q-9 g7Ku 2,523.20 3,099.90 �r:pinaer`n^ 2,107.2'7 carps 11.16 9r.95 29.55 Said to ',nde 31-7-1 (Sew-r Aid) 555,9u?.27 above ascer- tained, to !ie- Assessment 8r7,719.99 land deemed cordance with benefited reto attached, the benef..., - - - - identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to he Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Fifiace. "M 12-52 _ r - - CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment January 12 _Ig 54 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on East Avenue from a point 85 feet north of Fauquier Avenue to Stillwater Avenue; on Lake Street from a point 85 feet north of Fauquier Avenue to Stillwater Avenue; on Howard Street from a point 20 feet south of the north line of Lot 14, Block 3, Essex Park Addition to Stillwater Avenue; on the southerly side of Stillwater Avenue from East Avenue to a point approximately 130 feet easterly of Waukon Avenue, thence southerly and southwesterly on an easement to be obtained and described as the easterly and southeasterly 20 feet of the westerly and northwesterly 140 feet of Block G, Beaver Lake Heights Addition, from Stillwater Avenue to Fauquier Avenue; on Fauquier Avenue from East Avenue to Pedersen Street; on Pedersen Street from Fauauier Avenue to Reaney Street, all of which is to be known as Essex Park Extension to the Belt Line Sewer System under Preliminary Order-158757 approved February 5. 1959__ Intermediary Order 159204 _ approved March 25, 1952 Final Order _159485 approved April 22, 1952 To the Com The C, ^f the ex- penditures Viz Inspection-fees.........,.............. PostaUcards .. ............$ Publications..-,.. ... ..... ...........$ — Court costs for confirmation.........................$ Total expenditures.............................$ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to-wit: the sum of $ 113,561.25 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot,part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said asses=meat as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. — C&a � -m 1_.._ dY4'' w Commissioner of Fifia ce. 5 8 D"gincl to cu'clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL CFILEOUNCIL NO._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO QNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY -�—�L� DATE_-- ----- COMMISSIONER...-.. RESOLVED, that pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 176.071, Sec. 13, Madeline A. Hurley be paid the sum of $250.00 Out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Pond, for the further period of three months, being for the months of March, Apriland May 1954, for the care of her husband, George J. Hurley, employe of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, who was injured while in the course of his employment on April 14, 1953• l' C.F.No,167158—By Norris O.Halvor- Resolved,That pursuant to Minnesota statutes 176.071. Sec. 13. Madeline A. Hurley be paid the sum of$250.00 out of the Workmen's Compensation Ac- u t of the General bund, for the [u rlher pertotl of three —Its, being for the months of March, April anu May 1959,for the care of her husband, George J. Hurley, n employe f the Department f Parks,Playgrounds and Public Buildings, ho s inJuretl while in the � r of his employment n April 14,1953.se o Adopted by In,Council February 10. 1954. Approved February 10, 1054. (February 13,1954) FEB 10 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_.------- —195— Yeas Nays y i1 i Halvorson Approved—_--- - 195— Holland Marzitelli ( LJ, Mortinson –__—In Favor –" -May r / -- Peterson Rosen _— �18sinst Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 Cap oflilt- Paul MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OP PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall, Zone 2 NORRIS O. HALVORSON, Commissioner FRANK L. LOSS,Depuly Commissioner ERNEST W.JOHNSON ALFRED H.SCHROEDER Supt.of Playgrounds W.LA MONT KAUFMAN Cify Architod Supt of Paris February 10, 1954 To the Honorable Llayor and Members of the City Council :,entlemen: He: cieorLe J. Hurley Injured April lig, 1953 payments to ;rocker Hospital: P-pr18 days X262.00 (inclde to iday 1, 1953 transfusion (includes operating room, service, oxygen - „19.00) May 1 to June 1, 1953 31 days 442.50 (includes x-ray 1,:25.00) 30 days 397.50 June 1 to July 1, 1953 (Straight h.spitalization) July 1 to July 22, 1953 21 days 276.75 (includes x-ray services 43.75) July 22, 1953 to Aug. 12, 1953 21 days 308.00 (includes operating room and x-ray 86.75 ;35.00) :,1682.75 fess aLove extras c0 .00 This accounts for 121 days innhker Hospital and averages out at y1a01.00 p er he idnnesota The amount of ;p250.00 which We are paying under t Statutes 176.071, section 13, to Madeline A. Burley, represents a saving of better than 4150.00 per month to the City. Yours very truly Commissioner Orislnnl to City Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ;O UTION-- ORM PRESENTED BY Robert F. Petersoa� /. _ ___ � Febxvtl.iy 10. 1954' _ COMMISSIONER-.__.._._ _._.._----- -- RESOLVED, That John Barry, Assistant Fire Chief, and Daniel Loney, District Fire Chief, be authorized to attend the annual Fire Department Instructors Conference to be held at Memphis, Tennessee, February 23 to 27 inclusive, 1954, and that the proper City officers be authorized to pay from Fire Fund 8 C 2 the necessary expenses to cover. C.F.Nu, 167159—ey Robert F. Peter-' Resolvetl,That John Barry.Assisla , Chi FiI'l ill re Chief,be tl uh nle to Dl�tllll j ,al Fire Department Ins[ruclors, Conference to be held at Memphis, Tennessee,February 23 to 2] elusive, 1954]a tl that the proper City ofncers be (horizece t0 pay from Fire Fouetl B C 2 the y' 3penses to c Atlopletl by{lie Council February v l9, 054. APprnvetl February10, 1954. (February 13,1954) C 1x34 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CoACi)t'--.— _195— Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved_—__ --_-195__ Marzitelli rl� In Favor Mortinson -- Mayor Peterson Rosen ___— Against Mr. President, Daubuey 5M 2-53 °!04- COUNCIL NO. - oddn.l to Cay Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL TILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERIC COUNCIL RESOLUTIO -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED ay DATE February 5, 1 ------- COMMISSIONER_ - _--- RESOLVED That the Northern States Power Company De IC.F.Nu. 141160 By Frank D.Marxi- pole at given permission to install one xeaorvea. rnat lbs 1V11 a n�S5S1O� Power Co un anyLbatgo-t pe theast corner) trier and Howard, Fa`nstaU .nnpHowartl, pole t One theasl cu E.Seventh Street and northeast corner Fauq Hpwara. nne pole pn nrm side r Eat Cotta h between Greenbrier and Seventh Street Walsh.,e, eeea y suns. a pole at northeast corner E. �a wnres.Pies ,sa Ires m m, t d to ao so by the�Comnred ron Coen uncils dthe Northern) and Howard, one pole on north side of Eaat si�l�sapOWeeCompany Adopted by(ne Council February 10. Cottago between Greenbrier and Walsh, with 4App....d February 10. IDS. February 13.18541 neces eery guys, anchors and wires- Poles and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and coat of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company* FEB 10 1954 Adopted by the Council 195— COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Halvorson Approved,-.--------l95_ Holland Marzi � - arzitelli _In Favor —{- - M yor Mortinson — - Peterson Against Rosen Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 rr 0,1.1..l to Cil,Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C UNCIL RESOLUTIO —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE— February 4 1954 _ COMMISSIONER_- -- - RESCLYED That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install one pole in iC.1eF11 No 167I61—sy Frank D. Ma zl Rasolved. Thal the Northern States alley south of University, east of E. Lynn- Power Company be given permissim„ y o Install a pole in alley south of University.east of E. Ly nnhurst. one pole In alley north of Reaney, t of burst, one pole in alleynorth of Reaney, Flandrap. ne Pole n south side of L(ond, est t'M.mline,o e pole o terth side on E. Cottage, west of A11 cntic. lh e y guys, a hors west of Flandran, one pole on south side a irea.roles asoma Ire:m ee - thed when by common Coun,iltea a eodst or—id rval to be borne by till Northern of Lafond, west of Hamline, one pole on 'st 854.les Power company. Adopted by the Council February 10, Approved February 10. 1954. north side of E. Cottage, west of Arcade, IFebrnary 13. ]05414) with necessary gays, anchors and wires. Poles and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Compare. FES It' COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council----195-- Yeas ouncil_ 195__Yeas Nays / Halvorson Holland jApproved — 195_ Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor - -- = _ Mayor Peterson al( AgainstRosen Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 'r D Cl. °"al°al it,cu,cler9 CITY OF ST. PAUL i°e NOL NO.__ --- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUf4CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FOR/6 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_.— -C 1 "Y�/ _- _ _— RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to draw a warrant in favor of Walter E. Nelsen in the sum of $5.00, amount paid for Examination Application No. 2580, for the reason that he has decided not to take the examination. C.F.N,107102-8y No t,O.HA—r- Aesolved, That (he grapp' e cIty offi- 'be and they a c herebyanthnrf2edi iord Ere a 11.1 ani in fav of Walter .Nal delsen in the n, f§$Op, f 2500,for the aminan nnttAhe hest decided n thi opled by the C uinc IFebruary 10,' 19Ad54. i Approved February 10,1954. IFebruary 13,19541 t L'JL 1954 195_ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council__ Yeas j Nays Halvorson q y; l � #pproved— -1�olland ,,Ml!arzitelli -Mortinson In Favor Mayor i eterson �osen ---'--Against _ Mr. 1'resident, Daubney 5M 2-53 er. �Citp Of *t. Paul MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OP PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall, Zone 2 NORRIS O. HALVORSON, Commissioner FRANK L. LOSS, Deputy Commissioner ALFRED H.SCHROEDER - ERNEST W.JOHNSON W.LA MONT RIIUFMAN City Arehiteof Supt.of Pleyg....ds Supt.of Perb February 2, 1954 Mr. T. P. Quinn Corporation Counsel De ar S it s We would appreciate your preparing a resolution which will grant a refund o£ $5.00 to Walter E. Nelsen, 934 Grand Avenue, Apartment B-1, St. Paul 5. r for Examination Application This is the amount he pal, No. 2580 and he has decided not to take the Master Plas- terer examination at this time. Yours truly, A ed H. Schroeder Y ARCHITECT A COUNCIL NO. odcl..]I.City Mitt CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY /�(/�J DATE— Februar11-l0� 1511 COMMISSIONER.___ - — -- In the matter of constructing a sewer on Idackubin Street ffom Orange Avenue to a point 17 feet south of the north line of Lot 27, Bernadine Addition, under Preliminary Order C. F. 166750 approved January 7, 1954. RESOLVED, That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in such matter discontinued. r C.Fh— No. "I'll--By Frank D. -a,-- nIn the tter of constructing a n Mackubin Street from Orange ra to a point 15 feet south of the Orth u^ne f I.o1 27, Bernadine Addi- lion, der Prelimin.,yr Order C. F. 166750 approved January 7. 1959. Resoly d, That all ode in the above matter be and the IIme ce hereby cancelled. annulled and r Orded nd all proceeding In su,S uer discontinued. Adopted by the Council February 10. 054. Approved February 10, 1954. IF,bruary 13,1954) FE-5 10 1Scy COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council — 195_ Yeas Nays � 1 , Halvorson .�,i10 i r, Approved_______195_ Holland � ) � �� Marzitelli I ,_ F�� —✓b —_� _ _ — � — ➢Iortinson In Favor Ma�or Peterson J Rosen )Against Mr. President, Daubney 551 2-50 ' " Original to City Clerk a t N CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. _ OFFICE Of THE CITY CLERK / COUN IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COM/.tI551ONE -_... - ice—_ _ _._____ _ _ DATE_February lO 19 In the matter of constructing a sewer on DeSoto Street from Maryland Avenue to Rose Avenue, under Preliminary Order 164231 approved June 2, 1953) and Final Order 165060 approved February 3, 1954. RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications 6� for the above named improvement as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved, and be it further RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this improvement. C.F.Nn.16'!164— .a tells— Ey Frank D.Maxi- Inthe matter of constructing a sAveewer l od DeSoto street from Marylantl - lo Rose Avenue,under•Prellad Older 1647x1 approved June 2, N. d Final Order 165060 approved Feb. Mary 3,1954. aesI, t That plans d specifics. I, Por the above named ImP vement as Publl, Work&bYbthe dothnL same ashoner hereby epVVroved,and be it furtherResolre be and II That herthe byurehi oof Agent advertise for bitls 1. on thio improvemledent. Adopted by the Council February 10, 1954. Approved February 10.1954. (February 13,1954) tC fEB 1G i��i COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council__ 195— Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland i Approved _-_195_ Marzitelli r Mortinson --In Favor Peterson / ayor Rosen _Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 *s G-4 ,)G5 Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C_F. No.1x71— _ Whereas,A written proposal for lhel and making of the following improvement,i PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Construct a sewer on Mackubin Street from Orange Avenue to a point 15 ft north of the south line of Lot 25, Bernadine Addition. Dated this 10th day of Februar 1 5I. � Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS,A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct a sewer on Mackubin Street from Orange Avenue to a point 15 £t, north of the south line of Lot 25 Bernadine Addition. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore,be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature,extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council YEAS NAYS Halvorson Councilman MARZITELLI Holland FEB 10 1954 WZ== Approved MORTINSON •. RA1�9m[ffi '1 PETERSONE�� ROSEN fff 111 - MR.PRESIDENT,kxs"= Daubney' -- MAYO ..[- 1M4-61 \ i� Pl'.l}3LIS]:1ED__-I r Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C.F.No.167166— Whereas.A written proposal for thel and making of the following Improvement, viz.: f iden andFrontenac St enlarge sendtDesnot o- yer PRELIMINARY ORDER Awn-b taking and enr�emrlpg the The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Open, widen and enlarge the intersection of Frontenac St, and Desnoyer Avenue by taking and condemning the following described parcel of land All of Block 21, Desnoyer Park, lying east of a line that is 360 £t. east of and Parallel to the east line of >5tatic Rtrest Dated this 10th day of 19 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS,A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Open- widen and enlarge the interseet'en e€ Frentenae St and Desnoyer Avenue by taking and cordPmning the following described parnal of lands All ob Block 21, DesnQ4er Park, lying east of n line that is 360 ft_ sast. of nnra parallel to the east line of Eustis Street having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore,be it RESOLVED,That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for,or desirability of,the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature,extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan,profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council FEB Halvorson YEAS NAYS Holland _ Councilman MARZITELLI FEB 10 1954 iia Approved MORTINSON kARRKWM PETERSON ROSEN _ GI Z _ MR.PRESIDENT,DELxmm Daubney Mayor. 1 im 4-61 ' 6 /Ovijl ruBiss>im�--,— ��la iViri' Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT W. 167166— _1 ereas,A written proposal for the P,g of the following Improvement, and PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Construct a sewer on Upper Afton Road from the east line of Lot 10 Block 1 Halverson's Addition, to the east line of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1 of Section Township 28 Range 22. Dated this 10th day of Februa 954 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS,A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct a sewer on lipper Afton Road m the t line of Lot 10, Block 1 Halverson's Addition to the east line of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 3 Township 28 Range 22, having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore,be it �orks be and is hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED,That the Commissioner of Public 1. To investigate the necessity for,or desirability of,the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature,extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan,profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. r 5 li is Adopted by the Council YEAS NAYS Halvorson Councilman MARZITELLI Holland FEB �,0n 1J �� Nampmm Approved MORTINSON PETERSON '7:v t. ROSEN �}c(1 MR.PRESIDENT, Daubney L7 4 PUBrss>:>FD ' / - -- 67 1 i3 NOTICE C.F.No.187188-- -PAUL Resolved, That checks be drawn on COUNCIL FILE To the ntty treasury, to the aggregatepOLUTION" amount of'131,637.. covering checks PRINTER numbered 6008'to.' lncluefve, as '1 per checks on file in the offl-of the Feb. 8 19 54 City Comp�¢rdAer. ---- Adopted fiy the Councll February 30. MM. Approved February 10, 1959. CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF RESOLVED, THAT (February 13.1954) : 121 637.65 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED_ 60088 TO-_ 013 -INCLUSIVE,AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. z" ^DOPTEO BY THE COUNCIL- _ _. _ - -----Y 9 --�------y---- - U crry comrrnot,.o -APPROV EO_ -- W 7-52 CITY OF SAINT PAUI COUNCIL ` ^L� DUPLICATE TO CITYERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER---------- HALVORSON ROLL.71 ` AUDITED CLAIMS _B - Feb._ . 19 �-- _-- - -- HOLLAND ry FAVOR ARZITELLI ----—--I MORTINSON ////�� RESOLVED.THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN OpN THE CITY TREASURY R OSE NSON --V- -A'GnINST IN THE AMOUNT OF S �'.-�60 ---- COVERING M R.PRES.DAUBNEY -� - I�. { CHECKS NO. 60088 -TO 601 INCLUSIVE. RS --- ---_ PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE FILE OF T! HE BY THE COUNCIL-- E CITY COMPTROLLER. APPROVED T35 �t¢ =-=-- _ -- ---Y `-TOTAL DATE DISBURSEMENT RETURNED CHECK �.HUMBER IN FAV OF TRANSER CHECKS Y BANK ECK B BROUGHT FORWARD 730 935 04,. ® 60086 Milton Rosen 816 65 6o089 " " 1 15850 6o090 " " 2 3555 6o 60091 19 ob4 86 60092 " " 21 493 00 6o093 " " 29 993 40 60094 Stella uray wnitman 32 143 18 60095 Elsa M. Obst—Co. Treas. 1 106 81 60096 " " " " 762 01 60097 Josephine Maybury & Thos. W. 300 00 60098 Ch-rles H. Morrow 1 00 60099 Am. Road :guilders Assoc. 297 96 60100 " Linen Supply Co. 24 91 60101 Assoc. Libraries 602 91 60102 Brinks & Co. 6 00 03 60103 Brown's Music Co. 13 86 6010 C & x Chemical Co. 133 94 60105 Card Div. Library of Con rens 42 50 60106 Color Craft Displays 42 $4 6o107 Cudahy Pack Co. 60108 Cyclone Fence Co.Am. Steel 6725 00 51 60109 Farwell Ozmun Kirk and Co. 29 60110 Flambeau Pub. Co. 23 04 60111 Flor—Sari Mflg. Co. 1 295 00 60112 Gopner Stamp & Die Co. 60113 General Eleo. Supply Co. 390 92 60114 Greek Archdiocese of No. & S.A. 1 00 60115 John F. hand 72 00 60116 Jaines J. hill deference Lib. 89 65 60117 h. E. Hulme Awn. & Shade Co. 35 87 60118 Lockwood T-ade Journal Co. 1 00 60119 Mediaeval Academy of Am. 12 50 60120 Mpls. Star and Tribune 109 20 60121 Minn. Eleo. Corp. 4 Flo 60122 Nati nal i-rcnleves 2 �5 60123 " Council of Teachers of rr. 3 00 60124 Nelson oil Co. 327 97 60125 N. w. PubllcaLlons Inc. 365 oo 6o126 " " lob of 60127 Paper Cal:nenson and Co. 1 006 53 60128 r'rederick A. Praeger Inc. 20 16 ® 60129 Proctor & Gamole Co. 57 82 60130 Recordak Corp. 57 50 60131 J. L. Sn ely Co. 129 76 60132 " " 61 68 60133 Skelly 011 Co. 2 50 60134 Sunshine Press 2 50 60135 Wheeler Lbr. Bridge & S. 135 00 60136 Zinsmaster Baking Co. 135 30 SHEET TOTAL-FORWARD 832 572 72_ CITY OP SAINT PAUL - COUNCIL NO._ 1��_ a A. COUNCIL RESOLUTION FILE ORIGINAL— I �T• i 1 V 1 hi CRY OLERK I l� FOR AUTHORIZATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS y� GATE— ebruary8o 1254,0- 5!1 TEC 10L— SENTED BY HON. RLzZcLVXD, That the Council h r y approves the award of the Contract Committee I� therefor and hereby awards the contract for the Construction of new ornamental Lights on Summit Mall from Wabasha Street to Rice Street, to C0II,0NWu•,ALTH ELECTRIC G')MPANY in accordance with plans and specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid #41J31 of said Commonwealth Electric Company for the contract price of $12,471.00, such bid being the lowest and said Commonwealth Electric Company being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of St. Paul. ice-pr�_ No.18717�By Frznk D.Morel- telm— Resolved. That the COU cil hereby i vestheaward f the Contract teee ebe thereforand hereby awards the matract for the CnnttrucHr^ O mmr ,,eF1'i 1!' t ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE s 12629.00 FORMAL BIO NO. 4`131 NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESENTING TO.COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVINGFUND TO BE I I. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY - - - - -ENT _ CODE s 2A. APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— - - CODE - s J, APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEM .—E%EMPT PROPERTY— s BOND ISSUE—CODE APPROPRIATED FROM s I S. COUNTY AID - - - -_ - s 12471.00 S. Capitol Approach Fund, Code 4001 II _ s 12L71.00 TOTAL - - - - - COPIES TO: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNENCUMBERED SAL- LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO.-----'—'-- II CITY CLERK ANCE REIMBURSE LABLE IN THE ABOVE STATED T REVOLVING — -- COMPTROLLER MSURSE THE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVI F REI ABOVE AMOUNTS. PUBLIC WORKS E DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED---- ® PURCHASING —— — — __-- COMPTROLR COUNCILMEN LE BY_— fEB 11 1954_ ----- NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL--_-- YEAS FAVOR-_=-) INF APPROVED_ --- I //1J MAYOR MR.PRESIDENT see 9.01 A••@ 1 I I odcm.l to cur circa CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE COU NO.AP7mq OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION- ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _ DATE February 9 1954 CONI11ba117L—�lag01'-113U C.I`.No.161169—Hy John E.Deubney, May— (/ a rasa, The St. Paul Chapter t y Reserve.I. gs Association of the / United States fa again taking the lead wHFREAS the St. Paul-otiapter of the Reserve Officers Assocl eonaideranon by all gf a. eui:en° pf U, p ro United States is again taking the lead in consideration by all of our citizens of the state of our nation's strength through its traditional observance of NATIONAL DEFENSE WEER, a period sought by the Reserve Officers Association and proclaimed by the President of the United States, the Governor of the State of Minnesota, and the Mayor of Saint Paul, therefore be it RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Saint Paul that we commend the Reserve Officers Association for its leadership in establishing this NATIONAL DEFENSE WEEK observance; that we pledge to the Reserve Officers Association and the many organizations assisting in this observance our fullest co-operation; and that we urge all our fellow citizens to join together in this all-important observance. FEB 11 1964 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council---195— Yeas Nays -3�atvozeea Holland Approved—_——_ 195— Marzitelli _MvrtiT1sMr--_ _—An Favor - -� Mayor —p --,.. Rosen ---Against ainst /nl LIS1 ` ' J11 1W Mr. President, Daubncy 5M 2-53 Orlilvel to C14 Clert : .No.16170—OTdlentt Nn.MOM— By '° ic.4 O R D .1 . 1.6 i 1_70 Na.8370.eniftled. . "m ordimnee retagrgr�to bal7d�tierI.—OrdlNO / corjSractors.bonde end"Etibcuar D .J Hence N,hg.1na eDn°v"Q.. t mer s ry ...?rC�E NO PRESENTED BY F,yt.. .:tt ,N _ yA An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 6370, entitled: "An ordinance relating to bidder's and contractor's bonds and repealing Ordinance No. 4006,approved February 2nd, 91 8. is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety", approved October 29, 1924, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6370, approved October 29, 1924, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking there- from Sections 1 and 2 and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "Section I. Certified checks or bid bonds shall be required and must accompany all bids in each of the following cases: (1) For the making of any local improvement. (2) For the construction of any public building or structure whatsoever. (3) For the furnishing of materials and supplies for any local improvement or for any public building or structure, or for any other purpose, where the estimate of the cost or the amount of the bid exceeds the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00)- (4) In any other case where the Purchasing Agent deems it advisable that a certified check or bid bond shall be given and shall so state in the specifications or in the request or advertisement for bids. "Section 2. (1) Such certified check or bid bond shall be in a sum not less than two per cent nor more than ten per cent of the amount bid, at the discretion of the Purchasing Agent, and the conditions under which said check or bid bond shall be given shall be that in case the bid is accepted and the contract awarded therefor, the bidder shall enter into a contract with the City of Saint Paul to perform the work or furnish the ipaterials or supplies in accordance with the plans and specifica- tions therefor, for the price mentioned in the bid. "(2) In lieu of giving a cejtified check or bid bond for each bid, the bidder forefurnishing only Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Halvorson Holland In Favor Marzitelli Martinson Againsf Peterson Rosen Mr.President (Daubney) Approved: r Attest: t,r add Mayor City Clerkim 5-62 ell s 1 orldnel to city Cleric ORDINANCE 16N70 COUNCIL FILE NO ORDINANCE NO- PRESENTED O PRESENTED BY materials or supplies may deposit with the Pur- chasing Agent a blanket bond covering all the bids which the bidder may make or submit within a period of one year, providing, however, that the penalty of each bond shall be sufficient in amount to cover at all times from two to ten per cent, at the discretion of the Purchasing Agent, of all contracts awarded to such principal on his bids but not executed by him." Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. Section 3• This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval, and publication. FEB 2 6 1954 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Halvorson Holland �[ n Favor Marzitelli MrWMartinson L' Against Peterson Rosen Mr.President (Daubney) 1 Approv Attest//: V City ClerkMayor 3M 6 2 8 (iTi#v of O'sailut Paul �irtxte�n#� �ixec tf be Pepartntent JOHN MA OR BN EY February 11, 1954 To the Members of the City Council, City of Saint Paul. Gentlemen: At my request, the Corporation Counsel has prepared an amendment to Ordinance No. 6370, which is an ordinance relating to bidders' and a contractors' bonds. The amendment allows bidders, on contracts where labor and materials or construction work are involved, to submit a bid bond or a certified check with their bid. Previously a certified check had been required, which requirement frequently caused hardship on some contractors, particularly the smaller ones, as it involved tieing up of a substantial portion of their working capital during the period of time the certified checks were held by the Purchasing Agent. In some cases, this period lasted several weeks, and could last even months in the event of a legal dispute over the bids, such as happened in the case of the proposed county jail. This amendment will, of course, cause some increased work in the office of the Purchasing Agent and the office of the City Attorney by reason of the fact that the bid bonds must be checked,but the City will benefit as a result of this amendment as well as the contractors, as the opportunity to bid will become greater, and the greater the competition, the more likely the City is to receive a more advantageous bid. On many occasions, misunderstandings as to what the requirements of the present ordinance are has led bidders to submit bid bonds with bids where the ordinance required certified checks, thus causing their bids to be rejected as not complying with the specifications.; --- Mast other segments of government, including the State of Minnesota, allow bid bonds to be submitted. This amendment is also recommended by the Purchasing Agent for the purpose of saving money for the City, and to allow the largest possible number of bidders to enter into competitive bidding. Very truly yours, ayor O JOSEPH A. R POGII2S COMPANY 317.318 Commerce Building �V/J SAINT PAUL 1,MINNESOTA INSURANCE SERVICE �Ylazcus�.�o�eu SINCE 1884 ✓�o6et[/�.�o�ecs February 16th, 1954 FIRE LIFE Mayor John E. Daubney City of Saint Paul Saint Paul, Minnesota. Dear John: BONDS We have taken up the proposed ordinance before the Executive Committee, and the committee has voted its approval, unanimously. LIABILITY Very truly yours, n n JOSE^H P P.0=ERS COMPANY MARINE Robert M. Roge e RMR,m BURGLARY HEALTH and ACCIDENT TELEPHONE CEDAR 2761 Associated General Contractors of Minnesota 910 Builders Exchange Building,Minneapolis 2,Minnesota INCORPORATED Iorgoni:ea m 1919. a s•x, Officers:A.H.BAUMEISTER,President;H.P.PHELPS,Secretary-Treasurer;O.A.STOCKE,Vice-President,Building Divisior; SKILL LEON JOYCE,VicaPresldent,Highway Division;R.V.JOHNSON,VIc President,Heavy Division INTEGRITY Telephones:MINNEAPOLIS—ATlentic 7118 ST.PAUL—MIJI—y 8234 RESPONSIBILITY R.J.HENDERSHOTT,Manager .y February 22, 1954 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Ter-Expire January1955 A.H.BAUMEISTER Honorable John E. Daubney wm.B.urreisrer Mayor, City of St. Paul Corsvuaion Co. St.Poul City Hall and Co•Lrt house S.R.OKES 3t. Paul, Minnesota oke,Construction Co. St.Poul Dear Sir: H.P.PHELPS St.Poul Dredging C- 'The proposed amendment, permitting the use of bid St.Pouf bonds as well as certified checks on public work fort e Terms Expire City of it. Paul, was placed before our St. Paul Builders January 1956 Division on February 16. O.A.STOCKS B action of the Division we have been instructed O.A.Stock.&Co.,Inc y Rochester to notify you Of the approval of the St. Paul contractors LEON JOYCE of the proposed amendment. Rochester R.V.JOHNSON We appreciate your courtesy and cooperation in wine-Broe.Compory informing us regarding the matter. You may bring our Minneapolis endorsement to the attention of the City Council, if you so desire. Terms Expire January 1957 Thanking you, we are L.C.HALVER'ON Madsen Construction Co. .. pVer JH.Gly 011 ' .H. AN LEY ,\ Howord Ganley,Inc St.Poul ager � M.E.SOUTHER M.E.Souther Construction Co. St.Peel RJH:j md. AMERICA PROGRESSES THROUGH CONSTRUC110N J x � Pres. Ron M.Ro .,)MXPrrriJrn! li.S.MnrrrsoN,Srrrrla.y aBJ Trraunrr JI]CO ASM race nLILBIxc 270 LowRT MeoICAL ARTS B—DING 81291 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg. N INSURANCE AGENTS :'ASSOCIATION OF 'SAINT PAUL I •1 ��"" / (IN-G 0RP0RA T E B) 1 \ SAINT PAUL ]. MINNESOTA C L.CYPTAP,E.vndirr Srr.rlary-C�Bmrl rie Mm nl sora BI.n.BwG 6 February 19, 1954 Honorable John E. Daubney Mayor of the City of Saint Paul City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Honorable Sir: This will acknowledge your letter of February 11, 1954, together with a copy of a proposed ordinance amending the existing ordinance relative to bidders' and contractors' bonds. The proposed ordinance was submitted to the Executive Committee of our Association at its last regular meeting for con- sideration and approval. After due deliberation and discussion, it was unanimously agreed that the Insurance Agents Association of Saint Paul would go on record as favoring and approving the proposed ordinance. Very ly yo/..,INSURANCE TS ASSOC ATION PAUL C. C. tar, E cutivee e y-Counsel. CLC:rs uDept RRY A.Sy ELGRIN, PRESIDENT ARTHUR O.LAMPLAND,VICE PRESIDENT B'L EVAR T CEDARLEA F,TREASURER RAY A.iHIBODEA U. EXEC UiIVE SEC REini:Y e�qAN BUId®ER.S EXCHANGE of SAINT PAut 54th YEAR--ORGANIZED 1900 330340 HAMM BUILDING ST.PAUL 2, MINNESOTA—GARFIELD 7545 r February 19, 1954 �f � Hon. John E. Daubney, ayor Ci tv o£ St. Para City Gall and Cocst house St. Paul 2, "inn(sota Dear is. Daubncy: Thank you for the copy of tt:e proposed amendments to Ordinance tio. 6370, which we have stcdied with interest. The members of the °udders 'Sxc-.anre feel that the proposed chain es to this ordinance are most :iesirable, both fro;, the standpoint of the citacd tl:e var=ous bi.dde:s and contractors Who scpply materials and services for St. Paul city projects. The adoption oz' V e ordinanr.e in its proposed form will male it easier for cidders to furn_sh '.;id security, whic.ii in turn will resl:lt in the city r(ceiving a ErAater number of bids. t trill also provi_6e the city of St. Pa,1 with securit; at least equal to that which it pre e y receives on bids. finally, -t will ma}7c St.. Pa--_1 reG:aaffions conform to r1enerally accepted bidding practices now us:d by the great majeriiy of ;-overnmental af,encies throughout the country. We feel that the proposed a end;nents to Ordinance ilo. 6370 should he approved by ;Jou and the members of the G=t;,- Council. Yours very truly, Pi;Tj)K F P70 A.11•11 ;)r, SAINT "r iiL r Ha,; A. Thii odeau, Secretary .tT/fb DIRECTORS ROBERT O.ASHBACH GEORGE J.GRIESGRABER _ ARTHUR H.JOHNSON JOSEPH L.SHIELY,JR. WALTER H.BAUMEISTER RALPH H.GROVE CHARLES P.SANDTROCK M. E.SOUTHER E O.GAUSMAN JOHN A.HEALY GEORGE T.SHETKA,JR. JOHN E WAuNER THOMAS H COMFORT, EX-OFFICIO 1 Orfiinal to City ClahIT t 171 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER Bernard T. Ho d DATE February 8, 1954 WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Libraries, Auditorium and Museums has reported, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency during the period from January 1st through January 30, 1954 which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of the Department of Libraries, Auditorium and Museums, Bureau of Auditorium, for more than eight hours per day or forty hours per week in doing the following work: Operate switchboard, 'take care of ventilating system and supervise during various events held in the building. And WdEREAS, This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and cir- cumstances- No ir-cumstances:No other trained help available for work during events, including Saturday, Sunday and holiday time. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the proper City officers are hereby authorized to pay the employees who performed such work in accordance with the provisions of the Councills Salary Ordinance, Ordinance No. 6446. C.F.No. 164171-By Bernard T.Bol-I ,and- Resolved,That the pp pp city P iy c rs re hereby thr rized to certain employes in the I�partmentil of Libraries,Auditorium&Museums, Bureau of Auditorium.for extra m- ptoyment as described in the re-,tl,,. n l -Adopted by the Council February 11,y (//•�/y C Ap1934. proved February 1954. 46 (February 20,,19647 4{ FEB .I 1 195`4 C CMEN Adopted by the Ca{ulril�-sem. 196- Yeas tt5 1 1 lybu Marzltelh 4keermutt-- Approved 196- Mortinson / In Favor - Mayor Peterson \J _Ranon� ✓Against Mr.President, — 1.f i 73 0,b,j.l to City Cl.rk . CITY OF ST. PAUL _ _FoENuI No .------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCII, RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ' � _February 11, 1954 PRESENTED BY DATE COMMISSIONE - In the matter of repaving and grading Randolyh Avenue from 200 feet West of Syndicate Street to Snelling Avenue, roved June 1952, and Final Order Cinary OrderCF F1648830approved July 21, 195 RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications for the above named improvement as submitted by the Commissioner of public Works, be and the same are hereby approved, and be it further RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this improvement. C.F. No. 167173—Ry Frank D. Marzl- telli— In them Iter of repaving..d d- ug Randolph Avenue from 290 feet est oP Syndicate Street to SnelRV Avenue,under Preliminary Ord-C.-. 16WA1. pproved June 17, 1952 July Final Order C.F.169683,approve 'i.21.1953. Resolvetl.That the plans d sped- !Bcathms for the above named and as submitted by the Commissioner f Public Works.be d the me at hereby approved, and be It further Resolved,That the Purchasing Agent i be and he is hereby directed to adver- j Liss for bids on this improvement. Adopted by the Council February 11,l 1954. Approved February Il,1954. (February 13, 1954) q�w.1} t c 6 11 i95�4 Adopted by the Council-- 195— COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays FEB 11 'ffifF. Halvorson Approved 195— Holland / Marzitelli � 1 In Favor - - — Mayor Martinson Peterson zfl\ __.__Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 ,. i 16A 74 COUNCIL NO. o,b,bu,l t.Civ Clerk CITY OF 5T. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE_._—_Febru'T"' 8 1954 — COMMISSIONE — 3r50I i 1, Tn:-.t the Purchasin7 Agent be, and he is here 7y authorized with the consent of the Comptroller, to purchase from KING PIU C014PANY for the Workhouse Farm, 154 Taccinated Feeder Pigs at a total cost of $6371.17, without advertisement, as this is the only way a purchase of livestock can be made on the South St. Paul Market. Chore Workhouse Farm 1002-131. �C,'F,No. 18]171—Ry Frank D. Marzi- ein— Resolved.That the Purchasing Agent be,and he i hereby authorlled, lth the consent of the Comptroller,to pur- hase from KING PIG COMPANY for the Workhouse Farm, 154 Vaccinated Feeder Pigs at a total cost f$8,371.17, without advertisement,a this is Lhe only ay Pp hale f livestock can ,i Ire atle on'e th South St.Paul Market. Charge Workhouse Farm 1882-131. j Adopted by the Council February 11, tl 1954. Approved February 11,1954. /� (February 13,1954) \/ V` 1 FEB 11 1954 Adopted by the Council 195— COUNCILMI✓N Yeas Nays t6 i l Halvorson Approved—_ — Holland Marzitelli _ _ 19 In Favor Mayor 1 Mortinson / Peterson _Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 175 Ori¢lrieE t•cu,Cl.rk CITY OF ST. PAUL •�' c.F.NO te�t�s-Br Frank D.Marzt- wWhermi6h ePI-le nto and be necessary OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERKhieh ne COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM the improvement dear��aai �onkn Cn p iek' Signals gnats at PRESENTED BY / DATE--_--FO- COMMISSIONER--- - the t prove to be necessary WHEREAS, D uctions a d Add ti inwhTraffichSignals at Intersech Mitions,nComp- improvement described as InCAmmonwcalta Electric Company, Contractor, have troller's Contract G-6586, Commonwealth at unit prices stipulated there in, and been provided for in the sp cificationsWHEREAS, It has been found necessary to make the following Deductions and Additions: DEDTTCTI ONs: 25.bo 716.80 -70mit 28 walk signals, ;"38.00 280.00 Omit 10 pull boxes Total Deductions $ 99 O ADDITIONS: 208.00 n4ove foundation at northeast corner of Arcade street'and Wheelork Parkway Raise detector on Arcade Street north of S2.00 Wheelock Parkway 389.00 Add 16 Pedestrian push bottons Change wire size from #14 to #8 on Arcade from 125.00 Seventh Street to yinnehaha Avenue Install controller foundations, conduits, and 66.00 cutouts at Arcade and hlinnehahotal Additions 9 870.00 WHEREAS, The Total Yet Deduction is $126.80, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul through its City Council apin proved the foregoing deduction made in accordance with thesumecification consideration named in the ;126.80, a id sum to bet�oaleres Contraet,d from the lump-6586, for the making of the contract, known as Comp above improvement. reed th above med The Commissioner ?$of jubli9 thekcorrectgamount ito be�deducted afrom cthe rabove contract. � ommo ec any Com two_ opte by e o nc� 195— COUNCILMENfG "^ 1 I Yeas Halvorson ays _ 8 19 1. Approved-—___,- -195__ Holland Marzitelli � In Favor -- — - - Mayor Mortinson Peterson Againstrt;T'iLI51iLLd J Mr. President, Daubncy sen z-ea °�" Origin,]to City CI,rk CITY OF 5T. PAUL COUNCIL NO. O ICE OF THE CITY CLERK C Ute(IRE LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED ' DATE_ February Pik 1954 COMMISSIONER-- ---_— R SOLVrM, That the Purchasin„ Agent be, and he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Ccrnptroll�_r, to purchase from GU4TERAL E'LECTIKC SUPPLY COHPOitATION 200 G.E. #139770L Mica Washers for G.E. Fixture Terminals and 200 G.E. ,;:48152331-1 3eceptacles, for Lirhtin,_ -Warehouse, at a Lotal cost of $366.40, without acvertisement or competitive bids as this is the manufacturer and only source of supply and these items are not interchangeable with other makes, and no ariv2nta.-e coilld be .rained thereby. Char-'e - Juppl=-es - 22-135. T i C.F.No.167176—By Severin A.Mort- lneon— hResolved,That the Purchasing Agent e aeons nils fereelbcy C mpt, da r,vlto SUPPLY fCOR CORPORATION cam GENERAL ELECTRIC F,. 1397704 Mica Washers pfor G.E. Fixture Terminals and 20o G.E. No.46152331-1 Receptacles,for Llghtmg Warehouse at total cost of$366,46, bids without as this alai theent manufaeturnrtialna areOnlenot interchangeable with other makes, and n advantage could be gamed thereby, Aopted by the Couurca February 11. 0 1954. Approved February 11, 1954, (February 20,1959) FEB I1 195 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council___195— Yeas 195_Yeas Nays , HalvorsonL °d00 Holland Approved ___-195— Marzitelli Mortinson ----In Favor Peterson Mayor - —/�-Against / Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-63 "' orlaln.l m city ci.rt CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER__.__ - -- —�.z_ DATE February 8 1954 HiSOLVED, That the Purchasing AE;ent be, and he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Comptroller, to purchase from--9ESTIIQGHOJSE ELECTRIC SUPPLY COI,IPAh'Y 200 #336090 Terminal Insulators, 200 #1569184 Socket Plates, 400 #5353849 Socket Plate Legs and 200 #3117603 Series Receptacles for the Li hting darehouse at a total cost of 5510.00, without advertisement or competitive bids as this is the manufacturer, and only source of supply and these items are not interchan;eable with other makes, and no advantap;e could be gained thereby. Charge - Supplies - 22-B5. C.F.No.107177—By Severin A.Mortis- sog— Resolved,that the Purchasing Agent be,and he Is hereby authorized,with' the consent of the Comptroller,to pur base from WESTINGHOUSE Ef.EC-' TRIC SUPPLY COMPANY 200 No.: 156990 184 So ket aPlates,400 J 0 3953649' Socket Plate Legs and 20D No.347003 Series Rereamc es for the Lighting i Warehouse at a total cost of $510.00. lthout advertisement mpetitive bids as this is the manufacturer,and only source of supply and these items are not interchnoantte blwith the, make& nd vans! could be gained thereby. Charge5^uppllea-7d-B5. Adopted by the Council February Il, 19Approved February 11,1954. (February 20.19541 0 1 FEB 11 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council__ 195— Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved 195— Marzitelli Mortinsony/_In Favor Peterson � .Rncen _ Against .� Mr. President, Daubney 6M t-63 9 - Orl¢Inal to City CIer4 1-671,78 CITY OF ST. PAULCOUNCIL _ FaE NO._ --- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC ESOLUTION— ERAL F M r PRESENTED BY i T ✓ t P '- `-" --\ COMMISSIONEIL.— AT RESOLVED, that the free use of the theatre section of the Auditorium be given to Father Gales' Tower of Truth Club on Sunday afternoon, March 7th, 1954, for a program in honor of the tenth anniversary of said Club; the cost of opening and operating to be set up in the budget in Auditorium Fund 1021. C,F.Na.1571719—gy Rernartl.T,tTullaatl. Mayo Rosen,Tahn Id Daubney, Resolved, That the tree u¢e of the theatre sectloa f the Audltorluf be gluon to Father Gales'Tower of Truth Club on Sunday afternoon,March 9th, teet for a program in honor of the tooth anniof 0versary of mid Club;the at In tltecebu 1 In o orating io be net up Ad�t�td ba Auditorium FLnd 1021. 1639 y the Council February 11. APProved February tt,1651956, I (February 20.'M4)* � 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by theF Counci]11 195_ Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved-----—195 Marzitelli pproved_- --195Marzitelli Mortinson -.11n Favor ----- Peterson Mayor Against J Mr. President, Daubney —� GM 2-G3 "C�"r original Lo City CI,ACOUNCIL NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE LICENSE COXAMTTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY February ].l, 1954 C.OMMISSIONE'_2 e of officers in the Town and Country Club WHERW 3 Proper notice has been received of Chang 2279 Marshall Avenue, holders of On Sale Liquor License No. 44109 expiring January 31. 1955• therefore, be it RESOLVED: That the new officers, W. J. Hickey. Sr. President; A. L. Rooch, Vice-president; and Orley R. Taylor, Secretary-Treasurer+ be and the same are hereby, approved. Ceort—SeveAn A.M NortLnsort—Hobert£. Feteraart— notice has been re- Whereas.Proper ived of change.ofob fflttr's in the Town and holders of On Sal Harahan . Avenue, holders C On Sale Liquor 1p3 therefore,lbe lxtpiring January 31. Remteref That the new officers,W.J. flic¢epy Sr.. tt d Otleyn R. TL. aylor. Secretary-Treasurer be a d the me are here pProvetf. Adopted by the Council February il,l 1959. Approved February 11.1959. m' (February 2H.1954) On Sale Liquor Establishment (Change of Officers in Corp.) Orig. Appn C 7886 F�B l l 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council _195— Yeas Nays. Halvorson 1 M- Approved_- 196_ Holland % Marzitelli M _In Favor ortinson Mayor Peterson _Against -- ��`, Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-65 }0 COUNCIL odslsul to Cur Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. -- LICENSE COMffTTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM February 11, 1951+ PRESENTED BY �yGeA - COMAISSIONER WHEREASI Agustin Preclado desires a refund on the unused portion of Pool Hall (3 tables), Foodstuff-Original Container and Cigarette License No. 7773, expiring April 20, 1954. and Music Machine License No. 1290. expiring November 1. 1954. all issued to him at 256 East Fairfield Avenue which property and business was destroyed by a fire on December 149 1953, therefore, be it RESOLVED1 That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Agustin Preciado the amount of $ 41.91 which covers the unused portion of the licenses and to cancel said licenses issued to hi.l1G I C.F.No.187180—By N--0.Halvor- Petterson o ersonMortfnaon--Robert F. — s. uadin . relfn"t an the uousctCuf"pioUpdran o`tr`PooI Letnler3endl CI' retttee LtcenseN of 7712. expiring Apr 20, 1889, and Muffic November 1,19�5q,a" u2e�d ip lP g 258 East Fairfield'Avenue which pro od firre on Deceand mber 19,iness 1a953,dthe�refore.be It eaesolved,That the pro ppeer city off]- re ff_ to ar feb`i,ntld they Agu`.afnr`Pbyrecfetlortthe amount of$41.91 which covers the un- used rtion of the licenses and to can- celAdo�pted b licenses he Council bun. 11, 1959. CANCELLATION Approved February 11,1959. (Partial Refund) (February 20,1854) (Licenses destroyed in fire) 1554 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council----195— Yeas ouncil __-195—Yeas Nays Halvorson Approved— ---195— Holland w Marzitelli In Favor — Mayor Mortinson — ,.-\ / Peterson ll . - ___Against Mr. President, Daubuey SM 2-58 "��"' l fi-i 18 O,bdi l to City Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO._ LICENSE C0*17TEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ( 1 :1 L C-� February 11 L, ' 195 COMMISSIONER_,_ '[• WREFW: Pae Preston desires to withdraw Application C 8243 for one (1) taxicab License and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon* therefore, be it RESOLVED: That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Paul Preston the fee of$ 25.00 and to cancel said application for license. C.F.No.167181—By Norris O.H al ' o ' n—Severin A.Mortinson—Robert F. Pete on— Whereas, Paul Preston desires to: withdraw Application C8243 for one; (1I taxicab Ideense and requests the re, turn of the license fee tlepostic there-'I therefore,be it pe on.ruse be and heat are rauthorfmd y are y fit- torefund to Pau Preston the fee of 125.00 sand to cancel said application for 1 Adopted by the Council February 11, 1954. Approved February 11,1954. (February 20,19541 WITHDRAWAL (Refund) Taxicab Nd. 87 Informally transferred Jack Foster X5-54 193 IF. Arch Ave. FEB 11 1354 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council --195— Yeas 195_Yeas Nays MIT Halvorson Holland % 1 Approved— Marzitelli Mortinson ---In Favor Mayor \ Peterson /I r — TAgainst' / Mr. President, Daubney 6M 2-62 APO" I G-i 182 0/1111/1 t.City Clerk COUNCIL NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE LICENSE COMMrTPEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM February 11, 1954 PRESENTED BY � ? COMMISSIONE RESOLVEDt That portion of License No. 8404, covering Gas Station 6 pimp. expiring May 129 1954► issued to Anthony LeMay at 1545 West Seventh Street be and the same is hereby transferred to Elmer L. Smith at the same address. C'F.son—NNSeverin A.M rtinNO�sol--Robert F. Pete son— Resolved,ThaG"Station b P»mP ox- 89P5.c ring 1864 1Bs1ed tD Anthony LLeense N1* ngyyMay 12 I.ed that 1545 lsvhere, transferreed to Elmer L.Smith at t a Adopted:by the Council Febn.aer9 11, 1954' 11,1954- Approved February(February 20,1954) 19 TRANSFER (Licensees) FFG I ! 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays Halvorson ` / Approved--- pproved— 195_ Holland Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor __ Mayor \ Peterson /' J Against Mr, President, Daubney 5M 2-53 jt 167183 Od.1I 1 b City Clerk COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.- -- LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM y C', PRESENTED BY /��, Cl J .-+ February 11. X954 COMMISSIONE,Z,t jH� "�'�"" �T, ^'(Ytt( WHEREAS: Herman Strehlow dba Capitol City Cab has made Application C 7101 for license to operate as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul five (5) automoriles C.F.No.167183—By Norris O.H.W.- son—Severin A.Mortinson—Robert F. described as follows: Petery°°- Whereas.Herman Stmhlow dha rapt- CbN)� Se 101 Plymouth 13501151 Exchange Insurance Association An Inter-Exchange Insurance 102 Plymouth 12140878 Policy No. xp-4321 Expiring 12:01 A.M. ST 103 Plymouth 13490128 June 1, 1954 104 Plymouth 15347089 117 Plymouth 1354 n a a a e n WHEREAS: Said applicant has filed a copy of the insurance policy with the City of Saint Paul and said policy has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counselv therefore, be it RESOLVED: That license to operate said automobiles as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul be and the same are hereby granted to Herman Strehlosr dba Capitol City Cab. NEW Infofmally approved by Council January 5, 1954 (formerly operated by L. Schlichting) FEB 1 i°1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 196_ Yeas Nays �. Halvorson =r! Holland \ Approved 196— Marzitelli J r Mortinson In Favor —Mayor - Peterson L� -Rosea ` Mr. President, Daubney 6M 2-63 " 6 711Q� Od,1m1 to CIti'MA COUNCIL NO._ -_ CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE LICENSE COMT£EE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—�GEJNERAL FORM PRESENTED BY « " February 119 1954 _ -- COMMISSIONE WHEREAS: Berman StrehloW dba Capitol Cab Co. has made Application C 7102 for licenses to operate four automobiles as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul C.F.No.18718"BY Norris O.Halvor- described as follows i Severin A.Mortinaon—Ro rert F. Petemn— Wher ,Herman Strehtow dba Gpi- Cab No. Lal City Cab Co.hae made Appucatlnn Make S�}�] No. Insurance c 7I.ler uemse,m operate{.pr a•.� V. 1- 109 Plymouth 13623370 Exchange Insurance Association An Inter—Insurance Exchange 110 Plymouth 13185747 Policy No.%P-4319 Expiring 12:01 A.Y. ST, v1 Plymouth 13163015 April 12, 1954 123 Dodge 31789620 R a R R n n WHEREAS: Said applicant has filed a copy of the insurance policy with the City of Saint Paul and said policy has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it RESOLVED: That license to operate said automobilds as taxicabs upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul be and the same are hereby granted to Herman Streblow dba Capitol City Cab. RENEWAL 11 1954 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council— 195— Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved— 195_ Marzitelli Mortinson _ In Favor Peterson ISI; ----Against Mr. President, Daubney 55I 2-53 ' Y 6 J85 oriain.l to City Clerk COUNCIL FILE NO. LICENSE CONII+SCTTEE CITY OF ST. PAUL _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ///COUNCIILL yRESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY /, / / February ll, 1954 CO MMISSIONE 'd�A1P WAS: Louis Schlichting dba Capitol City Cab has made Application C 7099 for license to operate one (1) automobile as Taxicab No. 105 upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul, described as a 1951 Plymouth Sedan, Serial No.12732161. insured to 12:01 S.F. ST June 1, 19549 Policy No. %P-43219 Exchange Insurance Association an Inter-Exchange Insurance, and WHEREAS: Said applicant has filed a copy of the insurance policy with the City of Saint Paul and said policy has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it RESOLVED: That license to operate said automobile as a tlgxicab upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul be and the same is hereby granted to Louis Schlichting dba Capitol City Cate. C.F.No.16111115�-Ely Norris o.asiver. - -Severin A.Mbrtlasan—Robert.F.; Petereon— Whereaa,Louis SchlichtlnQ.dba Ca to' City Cab ban made Appncatlon C 7098 for license to operate one(1)auto. mobile as Taxicab No. 105 upon the streets of the CII of Saint Pa W.de- scribed as a 1931 Plymouth,Serial No. 12732101,insured to 12:01 A.M.S.T.June 1, 1954,Policy No.XP-4321.Exchange Insurance Association, an Inter-Ex- change Insure 'a!p`nd Whereas, Sats applicant has filetl a copy of the insurance policy with the City of Saint Paul and satd policy has _ been y the proved o�an to form and execution be it rporstlon Counsel,therefore. Revolved.That license to operate saitl automobile as a taxicab upon the atreets Informally approved by Council of the City of Saint Paul be and the same 1s hereby granted to Louis SchlichJanuary 5. 1954 ,Adopted y t e ounclltol tFebruary 11, Adopted by the CC 1854. Approved February 11,1934. i (formerly operated by Dorothy Cable) (February 20,1954) FEB 11 is COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195 Yeas Nays Halvorson t I'j34 Holland j n Approved 195— Marzitelli L Mortinson -- In Favor 1 i Mayor Peterson71) �preea: Against _J Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-52 " Oriainsi to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL ;;°E""t NO._ 1ICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENE AL FORM PRESENTED BY February 11, 1954 COMMISSIONER �+i'-' --.- DATE— WHEREAS: Herman Streblov dba Capitol City Cab has made Application C 7100 for license to operate one (1) automobile as Taxicab No. 82 upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul described as a 1953 Plymouth Sedan, Serial No. 13500017, insured to 12:01 A.M. ST April 12, 1954, Policy No. XP-4319, Exchange Insurance Association, an Inter-Insurance Exchange, and WHEREAS: Said applicant has filed a copy of the insurance policy with the City of Saint Paul and said policy has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it RESOLVED: That license to operate said automobile as a taxicab upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul be and the same is hereby granted to Herman Strehlow dba Capitol City Cabs C.F.No.167186—By Norris O.Halvor —Severlrr A,Morthison—Robert F. Petenroa— Whereea,Herman Strehlnw dba Capi- tol Gty Cab hes made AppnmLop C 7100 for license to orate one(1)auto- .bile as TaxicabpeNo. 82 upon the streets of the City of Saint P.W de- scribed a a1B53 Plymouth Sedan, -.Serial No. 13500017, insured to 12:01 AM. S.T. Appril 12, 1954, Policy No. XP-4319,Mc nge Insurance Associa- tion,an Intel-Exchangqe Insurance.and Whereas,Said applicant has filed a py of the insurance poncy with the City of 9afnt Paul and said policy has been approved as to formand execution bythe Corporation Counsel,therefore. NEW be it Informall approved COT1nCi1 Resolved,That ll csb to operate said a tomob,11d. a to upon the streets y 9P5 a°emee is Cityof granted two Herman January 5, 1954 StAdo led by theftCoun%February 11, 1954. (Formerly operated by Robert Barrett) Approved February 11,1954. ! (February 20,1954) FEE Ilk � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council-___195— Yeas ouncil _ 195_Yeas Nays Halvorson Holland Approved—_ _195_ Marzitelli M ---In Favor ortinson -" ! --- i�Y1 � Mayor > Peterson ' osen _Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 '" 167187 oririn.l to City Chr6 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE ' NO.---- IX ENSE -- LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY//,Jy.}� /��-,,,,� ,, / February 11. 1954' COMAISSIONEIta...{ - ��— ^ - �/ WHEREAS: Jack Foster dba Capitol City Cab has made Application C 8277 for license to operate one (1) automobile as Taxicab No. 87 upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul described as a 1951 Plymouth Sedan, Serial No. 12858282, insured to 12:01 A.M. ST February 6. 19559 by the Exchange Insurance Association an Inter-Insurance Exchange, Policy No. XP-4335, and WHEREAS: Said applicant has filed a copy of the insurance policy with the City of Saint Paul and said policy has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel. therefore, be it RESOLVEDt That license to operate said automobile as a taxicab upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul be and the same is hereby granted to Jack Foster dba B Capitol City Cabl 167187-By Norris O.Halvor son--Severin A.Mortinaon-Robert F, Peternan- W hereek J g'Foster dba CC.P tol City Cab has ma Application CC 8R7Y for. license to operate one(1)automobile s Taxicab No.87 upon We streets of 1 the City o[Saint PeuI described as a 19;1 Plymouth Sedan, Serial No. 12858282, insured to 11:01 AM. S.T. February e,1955,by the E%Change In- surance Assacistlan,sn Later Exchange, Exchange,Panel No.xP-4335,and Whereas.Snitl applicant has filed a copy of the Insuranre poncy with the City of Saint Pau end said policy has been apVroved as to form and execu- tion by the Corporation Counsel,them- fore.De it 1 Resolved,That li--to operate said MW automobile as a taxicab upon the arrests Informally approved by Councilor ei01ueeby aintntedlJackaFosrer February 4 195+ abn ca�trot y L . � 'doptetl iCthe Council February 11, Pavl Preston) 1954. PProved February 11,3959. (Formerly operated by 1 (February 20,19591 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci) 195— Yeas Nays F - Halvorson Holland ` ) Approved 195— Marzitelli / Mortinson -- In Favor — Mayor \ Peterson /J i I t Against j Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2.53 "O!Ro.. CDUNCa NO. D,tat..t t.City CIA CITY OF ST. PAUL NLE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE caoaTTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM/ 11. 1954 February PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE cation C 8253 for license to Drive -Self System. Inc. has made Appel the City of Saint Paul, yiHERFsASa St. Paul upon the streets Chevrolet. operate as Auto Rental'C.ab No. 31./one automobile described as a 1954 Serial No. B54=2940. insured to 12:01 A.M. ST, by the Continental Casualty Co. Continuous Policy No. CA 2000706. and yHEgW: Said applicant has filed a copy of the insurance policy with the City of Saint Paul and said policy has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore# be it RSOLvFD: That the license to operate said automobile as an Auto Rental Car upon the streets E of the City of Saint Paul be and the same is hereby granted to the Si. Paul Drive-IIr-Self System, Inc. R.�bert F. C.F.�vetdost.?tad A. D VL gys- N1t eta.toedTet 4 Auf thto teur tem. to o4e stroabn0 dese ctNo. Cf SNn 4Se to �Cm.h 1�Ity .Co tR! th oltcY tdacxtc."`hBs fi a`o tt Vlherees.�I nce qua e%ecu't; coP9 S S ynt d t tp f°Cou[�sel,there-1. i City o roved"Carp tfoa y I to NGn k99 Rde��We'b1Y hThat the �o.ems.t71e Ce of�e i. PoT�Lh aAY Ute9en t$ NBri ll. I Pe>z�be sod the Co t t18 P.PPP� A (Feb a FEB 11 195-4 _195_ Adopted by the Council COUNCILMEN 1 R y Syr Yeas Nays Halvorson rj Approve �—�195_ Holland Marzitelli Mortinson -_In Favor M) Peterson �e3eZr"-^'.. P�_Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-33 orisin.l t.City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCILILE NO. LICENSE COl TTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY (- `� C/) �9, February 119 1954 COMMISSIONER- —"�'L '-; DATE - WEEMS: Norman J. Nielsen has made Application C 83118 for license to operate as Auto Livery upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul three (3) automobiles described as follows Livery Nd. Make Serial No Insurance 3 Chrysler 709019119 General Casualty & Insurance Company rolicy No. ELP 11096 5 Chrysler 70823554 xpiring 12:01 A.M. ST May 14, 1954 7 Chrysler 70856365 WHEREAS: Said applicant has filed a copy of the insurance policy with the City of Saint Paul and said policy has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, thereforeg be it RESOLVEDt That license to operate said automobiles as auto livery cars upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul be and the same is hereby granted to Norman J. Nielsen. C.F.No.187188—$y Norrlg O.Halvor• son—Severin A,Mortinson—Robert F: Z1 Petersen— . Nhereas,Norman J.Nielson has ma Application C 8598 for license to operadete s Auto EJvery upon the stents of the City of Saint Paul th—ry RENEWAL FEB 11 19514 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays FF1 Halvorson Holland Approved 195_ Marzitelli ' Mortinson —__In Favor `��k� Mayor Peterson � � Rx on - ---Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 "' oriaiaal b City MA ier COUNCIL _rioro vanmla I;ITY.OF ST. PAUL FILE N�•— LICENSE "`°"OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COI+LmITi COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENER,L FORM ze PRESENTED BY �Jl-� ��-. DATE Februar�ll�1.954— COMMIa510NE RESOLVED: That motor Vehicle Driver licensee applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted. Yb. J. Skok 941 '.Lns-ue Ann.lg317 Renewal Harold L. Blanchard 96 N. St. 915sns " 8318 " Harold J. 14ann 1585 Timberlake 8319 it John P. :asey 660 Stryker " 8320 " Kent M. Pittliok 460 University " 8323 it Charles 3, deck 477 Superior it 8324 " Robert Godfrey 941 iia;ue 8325 Jack Gilman 1520 Albany " 8328 " Herbert'a. Spalding 242 E. l2orton 8329 Joseph ;. Perazao 1286 Payne 8334, Lawrence Edstrom 260 W. 6th 8335 " Wm. Terry 143 Bigelow " 8335 Harold F.Wilcox 569 Front 8337 Robert J. 34urphy 1452 E. 7th 8338 i.• 837 0elb,- " 83i0 n i7illiam R. eller ag Anthony J. Slanina 291 Aurora " 8341 Joseph Holmes 219 Aurora " 8342 " Daniel Y1. �iaclDsan 363 Aurora " 8343 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays Halvorson Approved---196_ Holland Marzitelli ' Mortinson --In Favor — Mayor Peterson Rs ------Against Mr. President, Daubney 6M - 2-A3 �" I';-11 Od[ival Lo City M'kCOUNCIL NO.— -- CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE LICEIISE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO1C9ITTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _ DAT February 1954 COMMISSIONER— page No. 2 - Renewals (Motor `.'ehicle Drive ) George itef£erty 8[Selby App.C8344 Renewal Henry C. Bierbrauer 106 N. Smith 83'=u e August Anr;ier 312 St. Anthony " 8346 e Paul Tetu 346 Capitol A1vd. " 8347 " Charins �;arvey 87.5-. 'FAryland " R349 Alfred L. Frey 407 Laurel " 8350 Lynn Zahrafta 1264 Dayton " 8351 Earl F. Younghana 1749 Lincoln " 8352 Don F. Meyer 237 E. 15th " 8355 Alvin H. Knutson 1174 Selby " 8356 Joseph A. Huber 716 Ohio " 8357 Henry C. Bradshaw 117 Farrinl�,ton " 8358 Harold Salak 156 Feller " 8359 Alvin Henderson 1618 Dayton " 8360 " 8361 'I Gordon Engen 486 'ice Valley " George E. Stone 65 Valy 8362 "1 Fredolph Anderson 1680 Rome it 8363 " nn John F. Kane 171P°?. 4th 8364 Lloyd Lundahl 327 Vanle " n365 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council __195__ Yeas Nays Halvorson 195— ._ Approved Holland Marzitelli --- _In Favor Mortinson ---- ----- -- Mayor Peterson R"eFr— _____—Against Mr. President, Daubney 5M 2-53 ° ' 'Orl¢inel to City Cierk COUNCIL NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL PIIE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COM liTTEE PRESENTED BY DA February M 1954 COMMISSIONER--- Pa Ge No. 3 - Renew (Motor 'vehicle Drivers) Carl F. Steiner 660 Jenks App.C8366 Renewal Russell C. Carpenter 323 14arria on ^ 8368 11 Fred L. Voss 288 'Phomas 8369,, George esener n 362 Fuller ° 8372 George 9. Huntiny,ton 391 Selby " 8377 Alfred Kohler 386 Cathedral Place " 8378 @mer Fortuna 204 E. Acker " 8379 Frank J. Urman 301 Walnut 8380 Melvin R. Johnson 23H2 W. Kellog 8381 Leo J. Allison 804 Pleasant " 8382 " Barry L. Johnson 1133 F'auquire " 8383 crank J. Ritt 222 '.f. Water 8384 ' Carl A. Olson 167 Hent, " 8365 " FEB 11 1964 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council--19.5— Yeas ouncil 195—Yeas Nays FEB .a I ia�,' Halvorson / _195__ Holland Approved— Marzitelli Mortinson --In Favor � Mayor` Peterson Against Mr. President, Daubney 6M 2-62 " G-924 11-91 Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT` ""-"Y ORD.r and PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Grade and surface with bituminous material the alley in Block ll Fred S Herring's Plat 1 from Germain Street to Hazelwood Street Dated thisIl th day of Fabniary 4 -' Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS,A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Cradn and cnrfarp - - ----- '`H ll i Al >; ll Fred S Herring's Plat h, from Germain Street to Hazelwood Street having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore,be it RESOLVED,That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of,the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature,extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan,profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 0 IL Adopted by the Council YEAS NAYS Halvorson Councilman MARZITELLI Holland ]AMBER3MM Approved MORTINSON Deo PETERSON \ / MR..PRESIDENT,DOMMY / � Mayor. Daubney 1M 9-61 �'8 A' Council File No. 167192 192 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C.F.Ne.1e7192— Whereas,a written ro pposal for the making of the fou-1.9 imyrovement. and "'condemning and to m" PRELIMINARY ORDER J The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 11, Fred S. Herring's Plat 4, from Germain Street to Hazelwood Street. Dated this 11th day of February 1"4 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ConAemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading-and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 11, Fred S, Herring's Plat 41 from Germain Street to Hazelwood Street. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore,be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature,extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan,profile or sketch,of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council FEB YEAS NAYS Halvorson Councilman MARZITELLI Holland FEB 11 195" ?X6BtXVW Approved MORTINSON PETERSON G i Remo MR.PRESIDENT,])WfN9@9C Daubney 1M 4-61 A � ' • CITU OF SAINT PAUL __ NOTICE COUNCIL FILE NO.-- To COUNCIL RESOLUTION Feb. 10 _ts 54 PRINTER -----' RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, To THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF bC185 TO_-_ - —__._INCLUSIVE,AS PER CHECKS $ 0234 89 403.13 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED --- ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY-iCOMPTROLLER. cIT,con�rrnouEn ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_._ APPROVED_-.------ foo i ez .( NOTICE ••CITY OF SAINT PAUL .COUNCIL FILE NO.-_---- TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION PRINTER - Feb. _ 9 ---tg5`" RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 24 6013'r TO 60184 --INCLUSIVE,AS PER CHECKS f_377 3.92 ,COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED.._----- - -- -- - - ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL-- rl'_ .LRRU 1 I 1>3a�.-.. -.---_19— rtY cOMPTROI _ j _7 APPROVED—_ --- 19-- Y� --- - — U �. 4 C.F.No.167393-187394-187186-- I _ Resolved.That checks be drawn oa, hl*_City t:essay. to the YBAICes�i NOT( punt of 5537.98t3o �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO.__ numheTNl 99137 COUNCIL RESOLUTION TO Per cMcle on ille 9n We tlRlce oP the C. Comptroller. PRIN Adopted by the Council February 11. Feb._U---19-_54 -9---- 19 r Approved February Il,1954. - lvbruaD'THAT(CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF . 5 J'r, � a b?, 60137 �y TO—�2 4'---INCLUSIVE,AS PER CHECKS $�__Ki��� COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED-- --- ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE -_ CITY COMPTROLLER. EB1 1 1'�.7"� _-_ .19— _—__ crtY corPrnou.eR -- ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL _ -..--- - - - � _ APPROVED__ ( _ CITY OF SAINT-UL COUNCIL g�3 93DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER LE NUMBER - ROL CALL AUDITED CLAIMS __.Fs_b___9 - 9 HOLLAND _ - IN FAVOR MORTINSNN f RESOLVED.THAT CHECK O BE ORA-N N THE CITY TREASURY PETER=_ V-----AOAINET IN THE AMOUNT GOOF 5 777 524 92 COVERING MR,PRES.DAUBNEY €- y � CHECKS NO 60137 TO 60184 INCLUSIVE, AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI -- PER CHECKS ON FILEN�HE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. APPROVED_ + W _ BY - - ---- _ TOTAL --- DATE RETURNED V R . IN FAVOR OF recKSR DISCHECKBENT BY BANK = BROUGHTFORWARD _ _ _852 :572 ?2 -. 60137 George Kimpel 56 00 A 60138 Milton Rosen 350 000 00 60139 IN r 969 38 60140 " . ° S 870 68 60141 Leon H. Sault 117 50 60142 E. J. Soshnik 400 00 60143 Chapman & Cutler 2 000 00 60144 C. C. Christensen 4 50 60145 N. H. Sandberg Erection Co. 22 75 60146 Bur. of Field Studies & S. 2 ogg 46 042 03 60147 Milton Rosen 11 295 86 60148 218 85 60149 A & A Supply Co. 13 77 60150 Allied Radio Corp. 60151 Am. Academy of Politidal & S. 87 392 60152 Arco Publishing Co. 60153 Artists Equity Aseln. 18 88 60154 Bobbe-Merrill 1 00 60155 College & Univ. Religious Lite 22 97 60156 Co-o;,erative Laundry 47 40 60157 John De Graff Inc. 6ol58 Diebold Inc. 9 6o 60159 F. W. Faxon Co. 32 50 60160 Finch Downtown Chevrolet Co. 13 81 60161 Gardner Hardware Co. 7 31 601'02 General Eleotric Co. 80 75 60163 Goodall Rubber Co. 25 14 60164 1 B M Corp. 6Q165 international Harvester Co. 918 20 60166 Insulube oil Products 65 32 60167 Iroquois Publishing Co. 60168 Judy Co. 132 75 60169 KeBoller and Mfg. Co. 515 61 60170 handl.s Bakery 7 97 60171 A. J. Koch Co. 9 80 60172 Larry's radio Serv. 8 60 60173 Liquid Carbonic Corp. 15 72 060174 Logan Bindery 252 45 60175 R. A. Lundbeok Co. 16 52 60176 Luxor Light. Products 94 125 64 60177 M & L Motor Supply Co. 7 1360 60178 A. 0. me Clurg and Co. 7 50 60179 Madison Pub. Schools-Currie. 44 07 60180 Malmon Pontiac Inc. 4 75 60181 Mashek and Sohunke 13 00 60182 Master Industries Inc. 60183 Midwest Machine Tool Supply 35 80 161 88 60184 Miller Supply Co. SHEET TOTAL-FORWARD 1 229 816 64 „ yv g r y j I i t_ �Ap CITY OF SANT PAAUL COUNCIL -� i 'yp?9 y DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OF9ICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBER --- ROLL54 AUDITED CLAIMS Feb. l0___ 191— HALVORSONi lll�/ –— HOLLAND MARZITELLI -IN FAVOR MORTINSON I RESOLVED.THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY PETERSON �� AGAINST - o IN THE AMOUNT OF Sn9 4n3 13 COVERING MR.PRES.DAUBNEY - CHECKS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI j9#A PER CHEC E'?N THE THE CITY ICOMPTROLL RS APPROVED_- _ IG- 37 TOTAL _ DATE HE ' RETURNED J IN FAV R OF THANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHTFORWARD 1 z23_8l,6 44 • 60185 Minneapolis Puo11c Schools 16 �5 60186 Minnesota Chemical Co. 101 75 60187 " Education Assoc. 2 50 60188 " Fire Equip. Co. 5 2 60189 " Paper and Cordage C. 100 8 60190 Monroe Calculating Machine C. 199 00 60191 W. E. Neal slate Co. 384 36 60192 form's Used Auto Parte 18 00 60198g " N. W. Refining Co. 4 443 35 6019+ 3 17 76 60195 oakite Products Inc. 23 82 6ol96 Patterson Surgical Supply C 60197 Perrie Jones, St. P. P. Library 3549 60198 Irene Longeway 128 00 60199 Chas. E. Marzolf and St. P. Fre 88 00 60200 Orville Richardson & " a " 214 00 60201 Elk River Concrete Products 9665 o7 60202 N. W. Refining Co. 60203 Pheoll Mfg. 00. 33 96 60204 Art Thole 12 00 60205 Mr. Fred Lledenfrost 20 00 60206 Milton Hosen 59 474 17 60207 American Book Co. 251 86 60208 Borchert Ingersoll Inc. 205 59 60209 Carroll Av. Food. Market 100 22 60210 Carnegie Dock & Fuel 6- 791 05 60211 Corning—Donohue Ina. 600 oo $0212 Downtown Ford Co. 95 40 60213 George A. Hormel Co. 92 56 60214 Kelley—Howe—Thomson Co. 27 72 60215 Noel Transfer Inc. 2 70 6o216 N. W. Hanna Fuel Co. 3 586 37 60217 C. Roles Coal oo. 3 790 93, 60218 St. P. Builders Materials Co. 397 16 60219 Pier Foundry Co. 112 35 60220 Production Materials Corp. 26 0o 60221 Royal Typewriter Co. 106 7.7 60222 St. Anthony's Guild 2 37 60223 St. Paul Book and Stationery 293 82 60224 » » » » 112 41 60225 » » " " 1 66o 55 • 6o226 " " Sausage Co. 119 25 60227 " " Stamp works 46 lo 66 68 6c228 H. E. seleen Co. 60229 Shepard's Citations 552 00 60230 Sindelar Co. 16 71 00 60231 Star Meat Market 60232 Stark Radio Supply C. 5 22 60233 Supt. of Documents 5 00 60234 Swanson's Camera Sales & Serv. 50 35 SHEET TOTAL–FORWARD 1 319 219 77 f i 1 I 6 I _ clry of sASNr PkUL COUNCIL 9 5 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NumBER — RO LCA" HALVORSONI AUDITED CLAIMS HOLLAND MARZITELLI ---IN FAVOR MORTINSON ...\ RESOLVED,THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY PETERSON. �__AGAINST p Air R IN THE AMOUNT OF�jS 71 314.98 .—.COVERING MR.PRES.DAUBNEY F w �Je'i 60235 TO 6024 INCLUSIVE. AS 'i CHECKS NO. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI ---. PER CHECKS ON FIL i THE OFFICE F H`E CITY yC-OM TROLLER. APPROVED- -/. ilI-1 . 38 TOTAL DATE ✓ RETURNED V N%HECK IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK BER CHECKS p CHEtC'KSr� BROUGHT FORWARD 33.9 217.7T _ ® 6023$ Milton Rosen 24 435 86 60236 City or at. P. sink. F. comm* 3 0 6o237 Hurley Construction Co. 32 881 0 60238 John F. Hand 280 50 60 29 McGraw Hill Pub. Co. 41 17 602 0 Minnesota State Agricultural l0 363 50 60241 Northern States Power Go. 20 91 49 60242 N. W. Bell Telephone Co. 189 43 60243 105 00 60244 $aul Phillipe. 10 00 60245 L. J. Glazier 60 0 60246 National Assoc. of Insur. Ag. 60248 N. W. Bell Telephone 00. 123 2 66 60247 Northwestern Bell Telephone 4. 6 66 71 6o249 Swift and Co. 18 00 60250 Typecraftere 60251 Villaume Bos and Lbr. 575 42 154 68 60252 Westinghouse Eleo. Supply C- 60253 John G. Winston Co. 222 50 60254 Milton Rosen 425 00 r - SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 1 390 534 7.5 _, COUNCI.b-FILE NO BY 74 FINAL ORDER CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS v In the matter of openings widen3:ng and extending Hazelwood St, to a width of 60 ft. takin and condemning the west 3 o£ t he from Maryland Ave. to Ivy Ave, by g gyne 22 from Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 22, Township 29, g Maryland Ave, to Ivy Ave., JF-AL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION', PROCEEDINGS C. F. Nn .. .. ...�._...�.., In t 160569 approved_. September 10, 1953 under Preliminary Order____165569 Intermediacy Order 166884 ,approved January 19, 1954 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons,objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same;therefore,be it RESOLVED,By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise-nature,extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is opening, wkdening and extending Hazelwood St. to a width of 60 ft. from Maryland Ave. to Ivy Ave. by taking and condemning the- west 30 ft, of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 22, Township 292 Range 22, from Maryland Ave. to Ivy Ave. and the Council hereby.orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER,that the following land,lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken,appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: The west 30 ft. of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 22, Township 29, Range 22, from Maryland Ave. to Ivy Ave. RESOLVED FURTHER,That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement,and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. is Adopted by the Council FEB 161954 I �, FFB 161954 City Clerk. Approved-- ,19 �L, 7 ,�a -cam--. Councilmen: Marzitelli Holland Morti�nson � - -Peterson-Rosen Mr.President,UsimaLau ney 5W 3 61 �© • CITY OF ST.PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE �jtJ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of opening, widening and extending Hazelwood St. to a width of 60 f t. from Maryland Ave. to Ivy Ave. by taking and condemning the west 30 ft. of the Son thwe * of the Southeast*of Section 22, Township 29, Range 22, from, Maryland Lve. to Ivy Ave: under Preliminary Order approved 165569 To the Council of the City of St.Paul: Se;ptember 10, 1953 The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: cost of the above opening tis $ 125.00 The total estimated-ateeee»4e(^tFle�eeeeeeMRlf°I` The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement,and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor,are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION Land vA1M,ElMg Except East 118.03 ft. of South 329.72 feet and except Avenue; Wast 24.26 feet of Southwest} of Southwest of Southeast} 1,075 of Section 22, Township 299 Range 22. Except Ivy Ave. and Except west 270.15 feet of North of Southwest f Northwest of Southeast} of I 1,02$ 900 Section 22, Township 29, Range 22. Except Ivy Ave.; Went 30 feet of North 328.1 feet of Southwest j of Southeast 175 of Section 22, Township 29, Range 22 TOTAL, Form B.B.10 CITY OF ST.PAUL 1 • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED qng Land BuiYD' East 70.15 feet of Feat 100.15 feet of South 295.1 feet of North 328.1 feet of Northwest j of Southwest j of Southeast of Section 22, Township 29, Range 22. 475 2,350 TOTAL $2,750 $3,250 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to saaidj matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated �L_L _-- Commissioner of ance. Form B.B. 12 St.Paul, Minn.--.. - __.._..19.To The Honorable,The Council, City of St.Paul,Minn. Gentlemen: We,the undersigned property owners,hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: al; 4 _Hazelvood Avenue from Maryland_ v-e._$,o_Ivy-Ave,_.-------- - -------- for C.,°fy �� - d� ...........-St. Ave. from _ _ .- _ ___----St.Ave. to..._ - ------ - .._ _St.Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION s.F H 9 - - . - -- ---- — IWLII.a rij 6M'I1-62 x F`tl 1 -�-" NAZEL1N0O0 ST. " OPEN/�YG' - _S�F„� IV 2 2, T. 2 9, e. 2 2 I � 0 e OPEN/NG Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance September 21, 1953 .................................................................. 194............ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works,having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council,known as Council File No..........165569 September 10, 195....................approved............................_.................................................. .........,relative to opening, widening and extending Hazelwood Street to a width of 60 feet ........................................-...........................................--..................-....................................................................................... ............................................................................... from Maryland Ave. to Ivy Avenue ................................................................................................................................................................................................ ................--........................................................... ... ................................................................................................................................................................_............................... ...........................................-.................................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein,hereby reports: 1. Said improvement i .............................necessary and (or) desirable. xxxxxx 2. The estimated cost thereof is$.................... and the total cost thereof is$........................................... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............................................................................................................ 3. A plan,profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. .-.............. ............ .._............_.................._..........................---......................................................_....................._........... ........ 5. Said improvement is........_.......__..._..asked for upon petition of three or more owners of prop subject to assessment for said 3,`` �e a _ ........... ........ IM-6-46 -�i�`5r7'it}95.� Commissi ner ublic orksor i HITT c G i 1st 2nd f P Laid over t----- }[ F E 3rd and aPP—Adopted-4F / _ Yeas Nays Yeas Nays $� -ff"11er36� Holland -Holland Marzitelli Marzitelli Mortinson �� Martinson rYVI,) Peterson I Peterson Rosen 'J Rosen Mr. President Daubney Mr.President Daubney s i., 197 Orliln.l t.Cllr Clerk . ORDINANCE 16;1017 COUNCIL FILE NO 1' f ORDINANCE NO PRESENTED BY C. 187 rdinanre No.10284 ✓ Byy Frank D.D.MaMarzite0i— An ordinagce a enaing Ordinanco No.s25o% enutledm An ordinance amendingOrdinance No. 32� entit "An dministr.ti— oraigagee. 2 lggY vito the Civil Serce Boma.. Cftof ru int Paul. An administrative ordinance relating to the for ne +es apn .Civil Service Bureau of the City of Saint Paul, approv- ing and adopting rules and regulations therefor," approved August 209 1914, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. ' THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3250j, approved August 20, 1914, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section 6 where they appear in the indicated grades the following titles: Title Grade n Caulker 14 Crew Leader - Water Department 14 *Emergency Repairman 14 .]pc Utilityman-Water Department 14 Filter Plant Operator 16 Water-Shed Foreman 20 Fore;an-Water Department 21 ChiA Inspector-Bureau of Public Bldgs. 27" ,same IS Section #.'1/That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in Section 6 in the indicated grades and under the heading "Manual" the following titles: Title Grade n — =*@*` Filter Plant Operator 40A Water Serviceman 40A Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council jhffo—rson e Holland Tn Favor Marzitelli Martinson Against Peterson Rosen Mr.President (Daubney) Approved: e Attest: form 1►r,nraved ets to 1" Mayor City Clerk «' 5.: 1M 6-62 03 orpOCA tioP Counsel. od;1 1 b city cork ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO— ORDINANCE O ORDINANCE NO.— PRESENTED BY -2- Water-Shed Foreman 43A Water Service Foreman 43A Foreman-Water Department 46A Maintenance Foreman (Filter Plant) 46A ` Section 4 y,That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in Section 7 under the heading "Skilled Labor" the title: "Chief Inspector-Bureau of Buildings` Section . This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health/and safety. Section f.5 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the first day of the first pay period following its passage, approval and publication. qq Approved: da eviI Service Commiss�- �tAR 11 ?954 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Ha3wrs07r_'—' Holland - In Favor' Marzitelli Mortinson Against Peterson IM R Rosen Mr.President(Daubney) App ved: Attest/ 'O /J. fel G Mayor —CT City Clerk :r _ nr^"',. ..x .�frs"?'gtr!.'o n �..� ,„ r. ,.-.ayw Ci g An amendment to Council file No. 167197 which is an amendment to ordinance Ho. 32502• Amend Council file 9o. 167197 by striking out of Section 1 the line: Water—Shed Laborer . and further amend said Council file by striking out Section 2.: t of Section 3 and further amend said Council file by striking on the following lines: "Filter Plant Laborer. . . . 35 An aJ . Filter Plant operator . 35 a aw r-Shed Laborer. . . . . 35 MRS.AGNES H.O'CGNNELL. HAROLD J.RIORDAN Chid Clark City Clork ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE .Leggy" March 3, 1954 Hon. Joseph J. t!itchell City Comptroller and Civil Service Commissioner B u i l d i n g Dear Sir: The City Council laid over from day to day the attached ordinance, C.F. 167197, and referred the same back to you for your approval in its proposed amended form. The proposed amendment will strike the following titles where they appear in the ordinance: Filter Plant Laborer 35A Jr. Filter Plant Operator 35A Water Shed Laborer 35A Will you please return the ordinance to us when approved, or advise us in the event that you will not approve it. Very truly yours, City Clerk - 2ndIT E ; Laid over --t-� P � 3rd and app—Adopted— Yeas pp —Adopted f. Yeas Nays Yeas J Nays // olland Holland 1 Marzitelli l r -�Ytarzitelli l y i� '. /1(/ortinson ,i' Mortinson ,Peterson Peterson Rosen Rosen /Mr. President Daubney Mr.President Daubne 'X� original t,City Clerk ' ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY y/" , ORDINANCE NO IC.F.No,t671 -ord1n... No.10265-- Hy Frank D.Marziteln— An Ordl,? e a dine C.O•. No n'4r - ` .-Lr An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 6446, entit��l: An administrative ordinance fixing the com- pensation rates of certain city positions and employ- ments," approved January 23, 1925, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That ordinance No. 6446, approved January 23, 1925, as amended, be,and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section III the following lines: 14 Caulker 16 14 Emergency Repairman 16 14 Utilityman-Water Dept. 16 " Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section VI the following lines: " Foreman-Water Dept. 32.27 Filter Plant Operator 1.945 Section 3. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in Section VI immediately under the line: "Cement Finisher $2.70" the linej: "Chief Inspector-Bureau of Bldgs. $3.10 Section 4. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the first day of the first pay period following its passage, approval and publication. MAR 11 1954 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counl $e versetr J Holland X' In Favor ffff�� Marzitelli Martinson [? Against Peterson Rosen rlAR j #c Mr.President (Daubney) Approved: Attest: { t t,Ct�lpO 1�91Atinrnved a® t form c d Mayor zV City Clerk i l4 i IM 6.62 a8Corporation Counsel. Amendment to Council file No. 167198 which 1a an amendment to Ordinance No. 6446, Amend Council file No. 167198 by striking ont of Section 3 the line "Tire Repairman $2.00." An amendment to Coon ilNoil NO . 167198 which is an ndment 46. Amend Council file Ho. 167198 by striking out of Section 1 the line: s12 Water-Shed Laborer . . 13"± and further amend said Council file by striking out of Section 2 the line: •Filter Plant Laborer / 1st—L_---- 2nd_::_' Laid over to 3rd and app— Yeas Nays Yeas Nays —Zalro-oir-- -9.1l.nd Holland I ,4farzitelli Marzitelli -Mortinson Mortinson Peterson Peterson Posen Rosen Mr. President Daubney Mr. President Daubney odlael pcity Clerk 16,1,199 ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO ORDINANCE NO----/()i-)// PRESENTED BY C.I F.No.167199--Ordinance No.10266— By Frank D.Marzitellt— ,An.­.dtn,­,amending Ordi, An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607,entit­ - elAn'ordinance fixing the duties and responsi- bilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City," approved February 13, 1935, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN; Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the following titles and the specifications therefor: Caulker Chief Inspector-Bureau of Public Buildings Crew Leader-Water Department Emergency Repairman f-iii4em pisii� Ee4ereT­ I Filter Plant Operator Foreman-Water Department Utilityman--Water Department Water-Shed Foreman Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in their proper alphabetical order the following titles and specifications: APPrOved OR to form ~-� — Corporation Counsels Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council 4414ver9off— Holland In Favor Manitelli Mortinson Against Peterson Rosen Mr.President (Daubney) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor ii t 1M 5-62 a�S 4° IZ 14;% 1�1� Title of class: CRIBS' I TSPECTCR---BURk;t1U Cr' BUILDINGS Duties and reeponeibilities: Under direction, to supervise the inspectors in,hhe Department of Public Buildings; and to parform related wor?: as assigned, Examplse of work performed; To schedule the work of the ineper„tors, To revlew inspectors reports and notify builders or owners of zi.ol.ations of the building and/or zoning ra��uleti.ons, :o make decisions in casos of disagreement between builders srd/or o-,mors and inspectors, To inspect buildings and etruc�ures weakened by fire or ;.ccident, to report on the condition o;: such buildirige w; ';haga.rd. to structural safety, and to recommond safety measures if deemed necessary, To explain the building and zoning ro,;uiations to inquirers, 1'o prepare reports on the activities of the inspection division, To inspect pn2kinL ;;=_reas with regard to compliance with building and zoning regmlations, tinimum uualifications: Bigii school graduation and fins years' experience a.s mi inspector in the bureau of Public Buildings or; high cchool �gaduation and five years` experience as a draftsman in the Bureau of Public Buildings, at least two years of which shall have been in tho supervision of building construction or; colle;,e graduation in architecture or engineering and two years' experience in the supervision of building construction, Title of class: a'ILT:�? i'1A➢?T OPERATOR Duties and responsibilities: Under the euporvision of the Superintendent of filtration to be rssponslbl® duzing s shift for the continuous functioned operation of water softenine, raid purification in the ater Dept filtration plant; and to perform related work ae assigned° Lza*npl.es of work performed: To control all valve,_ for the proper flora of w"Iter into -',d thxon. the plant° To check and s°pervist) opexation of riyin., fiocculatiS.on recti boricar tion, settling, and lil.terinC units° To control application of all chenic, to water„ :o control application of. the Ph of. the water, To supervise operr_tion, but rot repair, of el.T chemical feed mechinea, pnewnatic handling of chemicals; to set and control all chlorine equipment, To operate filter til li i;fl sod to bade wash, record all raco de o£ operation° To supervise aeelatPrlt operators, chemical handl°re os Ldlt°r Plant Laborers on plant operation, To make tests turbidity water raatnIi -b�d calciwor(Versenate)chlerino vvamum qualifications: �� �raerianes as %dur, xilter i school i raduati sid�t ao yt. rcr. p an Aerator or four re experiences A—Q Filter Flant Higb-school education and two years' experience as a Filter Plant Laborer. Title of claw: OM•iAN--VIATER DEST. Duties and resporsib'ilities: Under direction.; to supervise vmpluyeen enrripod in the installation and maintenance of water E):,Ine and app'arter_ancea in the ester distribution system; :;nd to perform related work an assit;1.ed� �s , Examples of work performed: To supervise the nstalL.tion Jiweter ma nes, hyydr,:nts, valves, air vents, check valva;;, blow cff valvi,e; utc, To supervises the ig ; of trenches and excavation an to see that they are proporly back filled,, To superv, installation of slieetint-; ,.e neces;vey, To detect laaks In mai:as _^Jld to eu_,Oerviov the !•Go'-1'r of such leakn, To keen a record r, ' work done„ !.inimum qualifications"+ Ei-_hth-grado ec.ucati.on and two yearn` ex_�e.rieace ac a 4later Service Foreman or five years' as a ':ester Ser%iceman. Title of class: 'v4IiJTSalA1ICli lCR�i%AI?--r'SLTER IIA14T I.ties and respo*raibilitias: Under direction, to caperviro employees cLW'F,ed in the Lnintonance and repair of the building:, structure, rind mochanicral equipment, excopt stsam generation and pumping equ'pment, at the dater Dent, filtration plart; and to perform related work as Issit;0.6d. Examples of work performed: o be responsible for tYe co:ntino.ed ope:•ratio^ of 11 equipment necessary for t:a functioning of the w^ter £i.ltration sad softening plant, To supervise the ..,aintenance and r'epa:ir Of filters, cicar wells, cPlorinatorr, 2loccuit.t <; clnxi;,ern and Fi.r.:i7. r ee.uipment, To supeni.ro t .n nainto'xenoe rm<'- repair of conveyors, compressors, sludge plumps, ri,enical fsoaers ar.d aiciiIar �gv.i.I'I t To supervise the m iutenenco and. r,mair of the hoatiric cystem. To eupervise the mainnl tcnco !Ind repair of bui (""tr' and strtiicture. io su.nox'vire the n:ainte.nenea of the Crouids curroundiric the plant J,F, ant materi^ir ar needed in coruxecti.on with To reyuisit'_oa the above. To keep a record of wo !< don,: ;infmum gualificstions: eighth•-grade eddac�ation and ;. ;scare` o p.oriar,ce in the maintenanr.e aii' a maollanical c A:. :r:ex_t of a nora11• similar or anti. rep =' ' �;e, '� ;a eouivalsnt nsttue to that mantiorrad zsbowe Title of clase: tlA'PILIR S RVICE FOR-`:YdL P,uties and retDonaibilitiee. L'r_der directi:)n; to cape."Viee c q)j.o,yso c t .,;ed .n t,rs 11.StAi1ati0n and mainten lrce of water seer,,a con,'(,cticnS, to supertiisa etrest repairs otter excavationo hsrr= been filled; and to perform relrtcd work ac 2561CIed•. Examples of ,!oi,l,. performed: To eapervl:,e the installation c2 housc connections• o detect ur:dergrouud leaks is 1.ov.se cemiectionr., to ` e tl;at nzoper valves are F.Y1ilt Off axld t0 ?upervi.Se ':hj repair of c;ucn lecke. To See that oxc"%rations rude in conn;;ct"'n with instalationa or repairs are ps'cperly filled To supervise t'e repair or rcl�lecament of p:aen.eate after e .'rations aro fil.led� '1'o keep a record of work done„ -nimum quali.ciica.tiono: ii ?rte- rade education and three years' experience as a Watar Servioemaa, Title of class: WAT>,a SIMVICEVA:1 lh+tios <,xd resuonriLllitiea: Under general rupervicion, to perforn .. ._r.1 fret: in connection with the conctnieti.on, mfdatcnnnce rnd repa.ir of. the Tater distribution systam; and to perform r;late�, w"rL as rrsi4;ned. 'S-Tampler of work perfori:iedt :i`o lay orator mains. ,nd to in;trll hydrnn, ,e, ,�.l��e,s, air rsntz, check val.ves, blo+v oft' vclvcc., motrrs, etc. 1`o raroair m;ir.s, hlcrr,nto, Talve; and. .ervi.cee To opornte ..L.r-ii ^x;.c 7.achine: t!,pping machines etc, To caulk joints, 7.'0 +aor}_ on a ni ht e x;r{ency ere'µ, +i':en Iscitprd, To ncsist in the C,t3teCtion of loalcs nnd. n:�1 .•epairr> or take other steps to minimize dE—MFICe;. ':inimum qualification.s: Mghth-Eredo educat].on and two .years' exporionce as a Ditch Digger„ m q Q v o Title of class: WATHR-SfiEA 1'ORlir`�ui Eutisa and responsibilities: Under general supervision, to have charge of oiatsr-shod labororc• and. others engaged in maintaining propert'ae Of theoheder Departmand toperform /// lying outside of the city, including related work as asciLned°. Examples of work performedi To supervise and to direct the work of ,rater--shed laborers and. lake patrolmen, roads, fences, etc, To maintain right-cf-way To Leap in repair miscellaneous etnticturee nd works To watch lake elevations and to control conduit f.lows> To cut weeds in lakes and to maintain canel s: lantings; To supervise department forests g d°thacain of eall p transplantings, trimming of tree e,, npra g, To keep time records and progress reports, rlinimum qualifications: Eighth-grade education and fivo ysars' experience as a slater-Shed laborer or equivalent,. orW..i w cla Cl-k 02DINANCEka �99 COUNCIL FILE NO. /n PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO -11- Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the first day of the first pay period following its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council j � o - Tn Favor Marzitelli :l Martinson Against Peterson Rosen Mr.President (Daubney) Approve: Attest: l 61 City Clerk ( Mayor / 1M 6-62 e j DRi!SAED S i� in amendment to Council file No. 167199 which is an amendment to Ordinance No. 7607. Amend Council file No. 167199 by striking out of Section 1 the line: "Filter Plant Laborer"; and further amend said Council file by striking out of Section 2 the following titles and specifications: "Filter Plant Laborer" "Jr. Filter Plant Operator"; and further amend said Council file by striking out the minimum qualifications for Filter Plant Operator where they appear in Section 2 and substituting in lien thereof the following: "High-school education and two years' experience as a Filter Plant Laborer." C.F.No.1842W—Ordim—No.30258- 0 7([Inat to Cib Clerk HY Fratdc D. RwAn ondiMarmcite7d11i— ng p`lae_iysiveap 707ORD 1NA NoUlged: bfa- H�ymn-lid \\J I p05itieM ht the Massifled& `. (/ 18 "-....SIVA /0 r J PRESENTED BY An ordinance amending Ordinance No, 76079 entitled; "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsi— bilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City," approved February 139 1935, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF TSE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further emended by striking out the specifications for the following titles: IUunior Health Sanitarian Junior Utilities Investigator Health Inspector Health Sanitarian Utilities Investigator Market Director" Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in lieu thereof,respectively, the following specifications: Approved as to form ��—r Cotporation�CounseLw Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Halvorson Holland In Favor Marzitelli Martinson Against Peterson Rosen Mr.President (Daubney) Appr l 1 i Attest: �A � City Clerk Mayor €€ 1M 8-52 +8 �'.. i; i 16�;`�i/)�/ Title of class; Z /U v`i JUNiCR IIfSALTR :ANITFRIAN Duties and responsibilities: Under immediate su)ervisioi: ,r.a instructicu, to be trained 1n and to perform i' :t-' p'•<R='am of the Bcreau of Health; and to work incidental to the i!! perform related wo-k as r.:ci;azd. bxamples of work performed: To receive instruction anr.', trci:ring An hos; properly-.- To establish and r3loese qurran';ir.3s. To inspect yards, alleys, p.7d private bu119 ns,o, dwellings, and other places as to sanitary To inspect hotels end ba--,.r :,;.ops, r`uif_rocsry ac,:res, confectioneries, bakeries, butcher ahopa, d.:j:Lrias, :.nd ciber pla::'c where food or food pro- ducts, including meat or !--sa w-od!c';u, fiali or :'iah products, poultry, and milk or dairy prod!acce, cr3 xar.ufaci.ured, k,r.dJed, and sold as to oon- ditions or practices a, me•y ba anr,erouc to pubi-c. health and/or in viola- tion of the laws of the St:'•o of L9'nnesc'ca, the c.Cinaloss of the City of St. Paul, or the regulet:io::;; f thr, m"..au of He lit11. To collect samplec of fosl p!rs'..cts, dairy products ,.nd water for laboratory examination. To make field tests of fopdu. To check, equipment and utanci-1 ;:anai.n p•acticeu• To inspect buildings, dwr;l iagt;, ':cos. >ut:.'olishmur,c and other places to dstera.ine the pracenca of r;u5nt a]d V,"t infestution• To advise on the uuo of trra s, on..ts and. :nethods for rat-proofing of build- ings, equipment and fixturae, To Loop raeorc�o ani make crrit.an rep its of iaspec'_ioas. As training progresses, to port."orm tle above and tc essiat with suoh other duties as aro praccrib:,d for the positirn of Ifeel th Sanitarian. Minimum qualifioations: High School graduetion. ,t ha at ..oast 21 but _.J or 45 years of age. �fii;�dln Title of .lase: JUNT0,11 U1'ILLTL;S INVnSTIGATOR Duties and responoibiIii;ioa: Under immediate supervision }.:i fn:; r:ctier., to be trained in and to perform work inoidental to the enforocTr3nb if, all ordinanoea within the jurisdiction of the DeDarLment of Public '_i: li'bi::c, r,,Iativa to the prevention and/or elimination of srsoke ano rel t d _n;issncos; the sale and distribution of flahls and the rogulatioy, of bus operational and to perform re=atad work as sasign.e (:,: loyves wor'rin6 under this title may be re- quired occasionally to wor!c i lit aiiiftu or to work odd hour.) Examples of work p:,rfcrmsd: To receive inatruetLcn anc t, na,tin;' In no•:: properly To investiy-ate vurious p^obi.u.s a .::wac. in the prevention and/or elimine.tion of smoke and rblated nuisaac•: To investigate acmplaints of ,s;:01_3 :_d gas nufaauc3a. To investigate v_ol.ationd ,f To oheck bus ccPi�d..los, lceding and services. To assist in Fathering e-ridonco reejxsary for the+ proseoution of violators of ordinanoes concerned. To keep reoords and make wrictun ta-ort,,. of inva tiretions. As training proEresscs, to �Eirfo,%t t',o xbo:ro ar.d to aseist with such other duties as are preacri.bed for t?ie position of Utilities Investigator. Uinimum qualificationes High sohooi graduation. Title of olassi Hr,ALTH ASP�;CTOR (Title eboli8hcd oxaspt t— to Dresent '_nourabents.) fly Title of class: HEALTH SANITARIAN Duties and re'ponsibilities: Under direction, ti visit notQls ns_d ,avbur ehope, and premisas whore food is manufactured, handled, Cr C''J' fDr the purposo of chocking sanitary conditions or prs,otioee, to er.S'o os a�,p:.icable Inwe and ordinances; to inspect public ar,d private b:a;ld.;ngs, dvrmilings, yards, alloys and other areae as to sanitary conditio:e, Grd to establish and release quarantines; and to perform related work cc aasi;nod. Examples of work performed: To inspect hotela s.nd barber s6cc . sod grocery stores, confectioneries, bel-eries, butcher shops, dairies, and other placss where food or food pro- ducts, including meat or mo pr:•duets, :Irish or fish products, poultry, and milk or dairy products, c.ro r.eui:factared, handled, and sold, or of- fered for sale, e,s to oondiiicrn or practices as may be dangerous to pub- lic health and/or in violatior, o" tiro lcwru of the State of '..'inr.3eota, the ordinances of the Cit,; of Ss. ?::.,1, or the repui.ations of the Bureau of Health. To eolloot samples of food, icor products, dairy products and water for laboratory examination. To nkke field tests of foods. To cheok equipment and utensil Y.andling pra'iices• To investigate complaints abuit insanitary conditions, illegal practices or spoiled, adulteratod or iafeoted foods. To assist and to make rsoomnendatians to operators regarding alterations, new construction, or tho iustallc,tion of nrw equipment, To inspect buildings, dwellin,.u, fc,od e:.taolishmeats, and other places to determine tha proseneo of rodent ar:d post infestation, and to advise occupants in the use of trak,o; !.c.ito, a,:d the use of accepted methods for rat-pro,)fing of buildinCe, uqui. ,s..t and fixtures. To assist other city agoncios regar,ing probloms of rat harborage and its prevention and control. To assist in the pa•osecuti.on o -z,.=le.tors of laws or ardinunces. To establish and r,31oaso To koop records and maze writte: r-ports of inspections, and to perfcrm office work as dirooted. Minimum qualifications: High school graduation and two fears' experience us Junior Health Sanitarian. /v Title of class: UTILITIES INVuSTIGATOR Duties and responsibilities: Under direction, to enforce ail ordinances within the ,jurisdiction of the ;)apartment of Public Otilitias, relative to the prevention and/or ®lami- nation of smoke and relatad .auieftrices; the sale and distribution of fuels and the rogulation of bu:: operations; and to perform related work as asG�;nPd. Examples of work performed: To investigate various problems involved in the prevention and/or elimination of smoke and related nuisances and make proper reports and recommendations. To investigate and adjust all oomplaints on smoke and related nuisances, on the violation of fuel ordinances, and on bus service and operation. To approve the isauanoe of liosases to fuel dealers and the weighing and measurement of ::uels sold or deli-ered. To coordinate the efforts of the city with those of private parties working for the prevention and/or tho elimination of various nuisances. To swear out complaints, servs notir;es, and to assist in prosecutions wherever necessary. the To confer and work with the Traffic Engineer,/City Planner and the Superin- tendent of Traf:'ic with regard to bus routing and stops, elimination of parking and oth)r problems involving traffic impediments to free-moving and efficient mass -,ransportation. To supervise and instruct junior invecti�.ators. Minimum qualifications: High school gradueition ar:d tyro y6ors' experience as Junior Utilities Investi- gator. nvesti-gator. Title of clas" ':,ARKET DIRECTOR Duties and responsibilit9oc: Under general direction, tc :;,:' C' '-=d supervise the activities of the city market, and to perform i•eleic' vrc•4 E's acsigned. rxwnples of wort: performedc To be responsible for the conirc'l 'a .d zca,,,Agement of the city market, subject to the general direction of the Cr,.:u'iss:cner of Public Utilities- To enforce lavre, rules, [L z, rogulat:-o.1c rulating to the handling of foods and other market activities, e.dcpced by the City, state or Federal Govern- ments. city To lay out and direct the work aC1nd5toloolleotyees Vthe rrental mthlerefor. To rent and allocate mt%rkat ep Ce To keep rsoorda, forms and tic':ots br the conduct of the market business. Minimum qualifications; faufc+ cur yea-" ' 6=P6ricnc3 as Market Clerk or four High school graduation produce or food years' exporiex:oe as ropriator oi• r,'an:.gprivate er of a i P market. ?t. f� ORDINANCE (1-10n COUNCIL.FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO PRESENTED BY _g.. Section 3. This Ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication. 0 MAR 3 1954 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Halvorson / Holland _ / Tn Favor Marzitelli Martinson ( f Against Peterson Rosen MAR 3 I JU-- Mr.President (Daubney) Appro Attest, -- v _ �YY 1 fV �O4-�� _ / City Clerk mayor i im 642 s ` Cal"-32-50- F.No36'7201—Ordinanre r(No.10259— " Ori,inel to City Clerk BY Frank D.Marzitelli— _ l�(i���� ORD I N A An ordinenre amending O dinance t No.3250!5. entitled: "An administrative ordinance Mal, 1n to the iService Civil Sece Bureau of the C y of Saint rvi -7-1�f PRESENTED BY ? , v An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 32501, entitled: "An administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of Saint Paul, approv- ing and adopting rules and regulations therefor," approved August 20, 1914, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAINS Section 1. That Ordinance No. 32501, approved August 20, 1914, as amended, be and the game is hereby further amended by striking u from the title*Sr. Mechanical Engineer-Water Dept. where it appears in Section 6 in Grade 55 A the words flWater Dept." Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by placing an asterisk (*) before the following titles where they appear in Section 7: General Blacksmith Lighting Inspector Police and Fire Alarm Lineman Road Machinery Operator Sweeper Operator Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval end publication. Approved: Approved as foraTi civil service ommisaioner ..r —��Cefrporatinn Counsel, Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counc MAR 3 1954 Halvorson `> Holland In Favor Marzitelli Mortinson ( �' C Against Peterson Rosen Mr.President (Daubney) MAR 31b0=r Appro Attest: —'` Mayo City Clerk IM 5.62 8 �---_� 2nd—lst�� D i x; Laid over to 1 a k1 3rd and aPP!�1� -Adopted. (F I 1 Yeas Nays Yeas Nays -- e Halvorson h�olland Holland il4iarzitelli Marzitelli o��rtinson Martinson 1 / iF'eterson Peterson / osen Rosen r. President Daubney Mr.President Daubney e �m C.F.No.187202—ordlname No.10280— odxw,l t.city Clerk C.F.No.18720-Ordlnance No.III - - ORD 1 N A aY Frank NftHi— .--ands 16' 2 �2 An dItltj amending Ortl{nance Na.7607 entlt]ed: "And,nance fixing the dutles and resp_onslb{lltlen and[he minimum qual- • toc th^ v�rlous classes of In Y /v_ PRESENTED BY + e nINANCE N0 An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsi— bilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the city," approved February 13, 1935, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOHS ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the title °Mechanical Engineer--Water Dept." and the specifications therefore and by inserting in its proper alphabetical order the following title and specifications: l�Senior Mechanical Engineer Duties and responsibilities: Under general direction, to perform responsible professional wprk of considerable difficulty and importance in the investiga on, development, design, testing and operation of all mechanical equipment in private or public building construction and operation for conformity to the city code, good practice and safety, and in the case of city mechanical equipment for the efficiency and. effectiveness of operation; to perform scientific research; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: In the Bureau of Public Buildings: To make original designs or write specifications for heating, ventilating, plumbing, and electrical equipment in buildings, structures, and related items. To review plans and specifications to determine compliance with codes and safety requirements. To have charge of the production of plans involving mechanical design.. To report on explosions, failures, and other mishaps which may occur anywhere in the City. In the Water Department: Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Halvorson Holland In Favor Marzitelli Martinson Against Peterson Rosen Mr.President (Daubney) approved: Attest: ,approved an to form J City Clerk Mayor j 1M 6-62 1 I J I J1 �� � rporation Counsel. � a 1 Y, ortdp.i i.civ cl..e - �l3 0`�.��12 ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO ORDINANCE NO PRESENTED BY P _2_ To prepare difficult engineering specifications for all types of mechanical and power equipment. To plan and supervise the administration of a preventive maintenance system. To supervise the preparation of significant operating cost data and analyze comparative cost figures. To make studies of operating costs of the various makes and models of equipment used in the department. To make efficiency studies of power units from data and performance curve s. To make analysis of shop and maintenance organization and operation as a basis for recommendations to increase efficiency. To analyze bids on mechanical equipment and make recommendations to the General Manager as to awards. Minimum qualifications: College graduation in mechanical engineering and six years' professional experience in mechanical engineering, at least two years of which must have been as assistant mechanical engineer. Must be a registered professional engineer in the State ofMinnesota. (Substitution this dnaof experience for education lacking, as provided shall not apply to the first two years of college education.) Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of the statement of "Minimum qualifieationa" in the specifications for Senior Architectural Engineer the words "Assistant Architectural Engineer" and substituting in lieu thereof the words "assistant architectural engineer"; and by striking out of the statement of "Minimum qualifications" in the specifications for Senior City Planner the words "Assistant City Planner" and substituting in lieu thereof the words "assistant city planner"; and by striking out of the statement of ^Minimum qualifications" in the specifications for Senior Civil Engineer the words "Assistant Civil Engineer" and substituting in lieu thereof the words "assistant civil engineer"; Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Halvorson Holland To Favor Marcitelli Martinson Against Peterson Rosen Mr.President (Daubney) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor 1M 6-52 8 I—J V Oriffl-I to City Clerk ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO ORDINANCE NO--- PRESENTED BY —3— and by striking Out of the statement of "Minimum qualifications" in the specifications for Senior public Health Engineer the words "Assistant public Health Engineer" and substituting in lieu thereof the words "assistant public health engineer". and by striking Out Of the statement of Minimum qualifications" in the specifications for Senior Traffic Engineer the words "Assistant Traffic Engineer" and substituting in lieu thereof the words "assistant traffic engineer." Section 3. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the title It Superintendent of Repairstland substituting in lieu thereof the title%kCarpenter Foreman (Fire Department)-; , It /]and substituting and by striking out the title Alarm & signals Foreman in lieu thereof the title Electrician Foreman, and by striking out the title'lAlarm & Signals Superintendent and sub— stituting; in lieu thereof the title%'Ejectrician General Foreman, and by striking out the titlee'Assistant Superintendent of'Apparatus and substituting in lieu thereof the title'*Fireman--Mechanic Foreman-, and by striking out the title Superintendent of Apparatus and gubstitut— %I rt ing in lieu thereof the title Fireman n-, Fireman—Mechanic General Foreman; and by striking out the title Superintendent of School Maintenance (Gen. Foreman)"and substituting in lieu thereof the title General " roremax, (School Maintenance)-, Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Halvorson Holland Tn Favor Marzitelli Mortinson Against Peterson Rosen Mr.President (Daubney) Approved: Attest: Mayor City Clerk IM 6 2 Orl4ri city clerk .P. ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO ORDINANCE NO PRESENTED BY Fire Department Equipment Painter and and by striking Out the title A/ substituting in lieu thereof the title"P,inter Foreman (Fire Department). Section 16 That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by adding to the statement of "Examples of Work Performed" In the specifications for Painter Foreman (Fire Dept.) the line: ffTo supervise painters doing similar work." Section 5- This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Halvorson Holland In Favor Marzitelli i Mortinson Against Peterson Rosen 3 �1 'Mr.President (Daubney) Approve Attest:' ��C� Mayor City Clerk Inc 542 z zad k� Laid over to t I ihp7; i ! i 3rd and aPP f Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas/ NaYs Aland /Holland /Marzitelli �r �elli a 'nson - ortinson etcr&on "� iPeteraon /Rosen /lkosen Mr. President Daubney 1�44,President Daubney e_ 13 C.nF.No�787�20S—ONIDance No.30267—I w^ c.F."*"02'3'—o No.30267—I Orlginal ia cit,clew By Norris O.Hklvorson— ® R D I AN An .ein ordinance amending Ordance No.5690 entitled An ordinance for the purpose of.pro- motlng Ne public health.safety.order,- PRESENTED BY An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5840, entitled "An ordinance for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity and general welfare by providing for the classification, regulation and restriction of the location of trades and industries, and of buildings used for human habittion and for speci- fied purposes, and the height Ind bulk of buildings hereafter erected or altered; and regulating and determining the minimum size of lot line courts and other open spaces, and establishing the boundaries of districts for said purposes", approved July 7, 1922, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation dr the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5840, approved July 7, 1922, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to re- zone Lots 2, 3 and 12, Schafer's Addition, from "B" Residence District to "C" Residence District. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 4 from and after its passage, approval and publication. Approved an to form orroration Counsel �� MAR 3 1954 Yeas Councilmen N s Passed by the Council Halvorson Holland / n Favor Marzitelli vv MjMMartinson Against Peterson r Rosen Mr.President (Daubney) Approved: i Attest: Mayor City Clerk x, 4f it /)p MRS.ACNES H.O'CONNELL - HAROLD J.RIORDAN City CWk Chid Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 8 386 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE February 11, 1954 Mr. Timothy P. Quinn Corporation Counsel B u i l d i n g Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you draw an ordinance to rezone bots 2, 3, and 12, Schafer's Addition, from IIB" residence to "CII residence. Very truly yours, City Clerk The Board of Zoning Saint Paul, Minnesota A.A.HECKMAN C.DAVID L.OEKS ,. MPDIDINO OIIICER ®(6CUi1Vi! IITARY 6 M.ORI.[ CI.YDH L MHTHVQI GOiALD O'DONNELL W.J.RI@ A.H.8CHROMM.CRY AIKHIT6T JULIUB VILLAUMB.K Ti '279 CITT-COUNTY BUILDING SAINT PAUL 3v MINNESOTA February 11, 1954 Mrs: A. H. O'Connell City Clerk Building Dear Madam: Inthe matter of the petition of Francis vivans to re-zone from "B" residence to "C" residence lots 2,3 and 12, Schafer's Addition: the applicants desire to re-zone this property for the purpose of establishing a rest home in a large residence structure which is located on lots 2 and 3 of the tract under consideration. The attached maps and displays show the existing character of the area. t, It will be noted that the property under consideration slopes to the west with a sub- stantial portion of it vacant. The applicants presently have permission to use this large home as a four-plex. The Zoning Board has studied this matter at considerable length and has consulted with the applicantts representatives. They feel that the inclusion of lot 12 in the re-zoning petition does not produce a pattern consistent with the objectives of the Zoning Ordinance to promote orderly development: It will be noted that lot 12 is separated from lots 2 and 3, which is the site of the structure, by a public alley. The Zoning Doard feels this petition, if granted, would establish a precedent for further relaxations of the Zoning Ordinance and permit apartment develop;ments in the district which would not be consistent with the highest and best development of the area. On the basis of the fact that the Zoning pattern requested does dot reflect the proposed use and might open the door to developments adverse to the district, the Zoning Board recommends that this particular petition be denied. In making this recommendation, the Loning Board has also investigated, in a preliminar- fashion, the propriety of a rest home at this point. Although the Zoning Board has not discovered any fundamental objection to a rest home at this point the proposition, in its present form, is not well documented and should be subjected to considerably more thought and study prior to final action on the matter. r'�7'G`y rs, C oeks p CDL:FS Planning Director f Enc. ^- Executive Secretary /'✓`� J > Board of Louring - HAROLD J.RIORDAN ' Chief CWI, MRS.AGNES H.O'CONNEkI Ci,y Cle,k CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capifal of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE W© November 12, 1953 Zoning Board 274 City Hall St. Paul Gentlemen: the The Council referred to the Zoning Board ani 12coSchaferfsationAddition, attached petition for rezoning Lots 2, 3gand 12, District. also described as 9�Mound St., �^ Very truly yours, ' City Clerk V EJ- 30 EIa Y- ) /3Z At Z -i,2E& i V Y Saint Paulo, Minnesota 1954. To the Honorable, the City Council 4aint Paul, Minnesota Gentlelmen: We, the undersigned, do hereby accept and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of Council File No. 167481, being Ordinance No. 10269, adopted by the Council on March 24th, 1954. BISANZ BROS. CONSTRUCTION CO. By a Eebrua.ry 11, 195�F nA r Sort n„^ ry+i9 *p.9, 6-T.14 Na p,r'.i.^.t�ce 3to ,e�nrevnwh nE„ :Ttae to nen r�g_dP".0^. Cit?Ole* MILTON ROSEN Commissioner CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEONARD C. SEAMER, Valuation and Assessment Engineer HARRY A. JOHNSON, Chief Clerk CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, Chief Cashier 41jr— November 12, 1953 T 0 the Council City of St. Paul FRED DRIVER Deputy Commissioner Gentlemen: I have checked the attached petition, filed in the matter of rezoning Lots 2, 3 and 12, Schafers Addition from Class "B" Residence to Class "C" Residence district, and find that same is sufficient. Yours very truly, lqilton Rosen Commissioner of Finance Cli:se Attach. c.C. - Mr. Alfred Schroeder rA ol f St. Paul, Minnesota OFFICE 6ILL6 OF CIT� SeUte ber 23rd- 195 To The City Council St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: 153 SEP 25 -34 REZONING Vie, the undersigned owners `�f tk�64%bjtds of the several descriptions of -real estate situated within 100 ft. of the reai estate affected, have acquiesced herein, and we, owners of 50'/.', or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to change the following described property: —Lots Two (2). Three (3) and Twelve (12). Snhjjfvr'.c; Additinn ;icenrding tn tht.- Ramse count Minn. 11 jV from C.5.1 L CS t rict to a )?�25j'CJekjC e __C_District. This petition is made pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance No. 5840. Record Owne Lot Block _Addition THIS IS A PETITION TO CHANGE T14E CLASSIFICATICN iJ\TD USE OF PROPERTY. r :7 / -il-2 , f;� Lots 9, 10 and 11, Schafer's 4ddition, Ramsey County, Minn. State of Minnesota County of Ramsey iss i,Mtildred T - Evans being4, first duly sworn, deposes and say hatshe is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of I page�_; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately follow- ing each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners ence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the oarties so described. Subscribed and sworn to before me thi-j.,21 day Ak ( Ij- - (,kl Np<jfr'� Public, Ramsey County, Minn. M,y�ommiss,ion expires MA St. Paul, Minnesota September 23rd , 191.3 To The City Council St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: EEZOIjING We, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 ft of the real estate affected, have acquiesced herein, and we, o�ners of 509,,,, or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your ��norable Body to change the following described property: Lots Two (2), Three (3) and Twelve (12), Schafer's Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof on file in the office of the Re ister n ­dl. i� nnd f Ramsey County, Minnesota a_ Residence C District. from a_�esidence_E_di strict to This petition is made pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance No. 5840. Record Owner jo t , Block .8dditio THIS IS A PETITION TO CHANGE THE CLASSIFICATION AND USE OF PROPERTY. 1, Except SEly 50 feet, Gausmann Rearr angement Maria. Avenue Contract kurchaserB "oor', 0"..r. state of minnesota County of Ramsey � ss L Evans being first duly sworn ' deposes and says thatshe is the person v 0 circulated the within petition consisting of I page . that the parties described above are the owners respec-Cir­vel� of the lots placed immediately follow- ing each name; that this oetition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of' this affiant I and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described, Subscribed and sworn t before me ,day of yPLublic-, Ramsey County, Vinn. Cc isi, - HN R. PERION n expires �bl, St. Paul, Minnesota September 23 , 1953 To The City Council St. �aul, Minn. Gentlemen: REZONING We, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 ft. of the real estate affected, have acquiesced herein, and we, owners of 50�'. or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to change the following described property - Lots Two (2), Three (3) and Twelve (12). Schafer's Addition.- rnnrding tn the recorded plat thereof on file in the Office of the Register of Deeds in and tor Ramsey County, MUEe'sota, from a Residene B district to a- - Residence C District, This petition is made pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance No. 5840. Record Owne Lot Block Lddition THIS IS A PETITION TO CHANGE THE CLASSIFICATICN AND USE OF PROPERTY. 7 Suburban Hills - 60 Maria Ave. eshe M. Miller- ZA J,4 �,Jn,4� of 30 Suburban Hills- 903 Mounds St. dT U Part of S 4 igned nn another for,M Knocke and Aichele'S Subdivision of Part of Block 25 SuburjWn jLiUs to St. Paul - 913 Mound IV State of Minnesota County of Ramsey �ss Mildred 1L. Evans being first duly sworn, deposes and says thatshe is the person w o circulated the within petition consisting of�_ I page�._ ; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately follow- ing each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described, Subscribed'and sworn to before me s day Se her C go alryPublic, Ramsey County, Minn. Commission exp4moR.PERSON 7"Wit. T.My St. Paul, Minnesota September 23 , 1953 To The City Council St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: REZO!LING We the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descripiions of real estate situated within 100 ft. of the real estate affected, have acquiesced herein, and we, owners of 5M ' or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to change the following described property: I Lots Two (2), Three (3) and Twelve (121, Schafer's Addition. according to the recorded plat thereof on file in the Office of the Register of Deeds in -Ramsey County, Minnesot — and for a, District. from a_aesidence B district to a_ Residence C This petition is made pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance No. 5840. Record owner lot Block .6_ddition THIS IS A PETITION TO CHANGE THE CLASSIFICATION AND USE OF PROPERTY. I WZ_6z_a9 7 Suburban Hills- 60 Maria Ave. eslie M. Mill— AA A t d t of 30 Suburban Hills- 903 Mounds St. Part of signpri an another form Knocke and Aichele'S Subdivision of Part of Block 25 Suburban Hills to St. Paul - 913 Mound St. State of minnesota ss County of Ramsey Mildred L. Evans being first duly sworn, deposes and says thatshe is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of__L—Fiage ; that the parties described above are the owners respect7if—vely of the lots placed immediately follow- ing each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described, Subscribed and sworn to before me S�Lday Se ber, 1953 _ . __e C msey Count go ary Public, Ram';y ,n_ y, Minn. Co"is s i Pt' 0 exptv89 R, FERSON Commission e St. Paul, Minnesota S-3 To The City Council St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: 5_�ZoIjI NG We, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 ft. of the real estate affected, have acquiesced herein, and we, owners of 50'/' or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to change the following described property: A . , A - 0 Q District. f rom a fAistrict to 5840. This is made . pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance No. Record Owner I Lot Block &Ld �ti n THIS IS A PETITICN TO CHANGE THE CLASSIFICATION AND USE OF PROPERTY. Part of Lot 1, Knocke and Aichele's Subdivision of Part of Block 25 �V' Suburban Hills to St. Paul- 913 Mound St State of Minnesota ss County of Ramsey I Francis Evans being first duly sworn, deposes and -i—ays that he is t e person who circulated the within petition consisting of I page ; that the parties described above are the owners re pec-=velY of the lots placed immediately follow- ing each name; th t this petition was signed by each of said owners in the pre ence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described, Subscribed and sworn to �efore me his d t,Aay of P —N y Public, Ramsay County, 4inn. M Commi, s ommission expires YORN R. rr N - St. Paul, minnesota To The city Council - St. Paul, Minn - Gentlemen: REM?! I _NG VVe I the,u�dersigned owners of two-thirds of the several ted within 1.00 ft. Of the real descripLons of real estate situa we, owners of.50Y estate affected, have acquiesced herein, and tition your Honorable or more of the fronta e to be reclassified, pe Body to.changg the foTlowing described property: ts 2. 3 and 12 cha er's ddit n. accordin to ther—ecod.d I the e�f _p on f �ffl­ of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, minnesota from a _Rnesidenc-e—B district to a District. This petition is made pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance No. 5840. BigaLLDAwa Lo t B . lgck Addition THIS IS A PETITION TO CHANGE THE CLASSIFICATION 1,ND USE OF. PROPERT�.�\, The West 1/2 of Lot 13, Schafer's Addition, and the West 1/2 of all of the vacated alley adjoining said Lot 13 and lying Westerly of the Westerly line of the alley in Schafer , s Addition produced Southerly. state of Minnesota ss County of Ramsey being first duly sworn, deposes and . .... .. .... . ...... ,J 6111111 circulated the within petition sa,,,s � he Ls the person w 0 , described above that the partieE consisting of__L_page are the owners respectlfMel� of the lots placed immediately follow- ing each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant I and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described, s 2�4tbay Subscribed and sworn to before me :this 24tb ay of Se teraber 1953 0 ty' N1 N y Pub c, Ramsey County, Minn. t. I E'R I 0 M C mmission expires IHNIL PERSON __ OM I IM4 �92ET" PN�16 N 5, �l St. Paul, Minnesota LU/7 To The City Council St. Paul, Minn. Ge.ntlemen: REZONINQ We, the undersigned owners of tv�,o-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate'situated within 100 ft. of the real estate affected, have acquiesced her ' ein, and we, owners of 505/ or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petit -ion your Honorable Body to change the following described property: This petition is made pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance No. 5840. _Recordowner Lot Bloc Lddition THIS IS A pETITICN TO CHANGE THE CLASSIFICATION iND USE OF PROPERTY. 04 state of Minnesota ss County of Ramsey i FrancLs Eva being first duly sworn, deposes and says tS t he is he person who circulated the within petition consisting of_,J_page�_ ; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately follow- ing each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described, ,9 �eb e �rl 9 5 ��j Subscribed and sworn to before me t 24t day Se ber, 1953 !�Wa'ry Public, Ramsey' �',ovnty, Alinn. Commission expire - YOHN R. rEw�n�4 �4�4.,y Y.blic, KI—Y St. Paul, �Ainnesota September 23rd, 195 To The City Council St. Paul, %nn. Gentlemen: REZONING We, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 ft. of the real estate aff ted, have acquiesced herein, and we, owners of 50/" or more ofWhe frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Bo0y,to rhange the following described property: Lgts 12. 2 and 3. Schafer's Addition, according to the recorded plat thergof n file in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey CS2unty. Minnes ta from k Residenc4� B district to a Residence C District. This petition is made pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance No. 5840. Record Owner Lot Block Addition THIS IS A PETITICN TO CHANGE THE CLASSIFICATION fND USE OF PROPERTY. 57 Maria Avenue, St.' Paul, Minn. State of blinnesota County of Ramsey ks Mildred L. Evans being first duly sworn, deposes and says thatshe is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of� 1 pagq.__; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately follow- ing each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described, Subscribed and sworn o before me t4i-s,,:jq day o (_4TZ, N,dtAry Public, Ramsey County, Minn, VCommission expires YOHN R. PFR --nm P-bff,� RN—Y C ....... �� [,I fWon exp- \, , v 1 St. Paul, Minnesota J September 24 , 1953 To the Honorable, The City Council St. Paul, Minn. REZON'NG We, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate, situated within 1.00 £t, of the real estate affected, have acquiesced hErcin, and we, owners of 50% or more of the frontage to be rc- classified, petition your Honorable Body to change the following described gproncrty: Lots Two (2), Three (3) and 'twelve (12), Schafer'B Addition, according he, recorded plat thenepif on file in the Office of the Register of Deeds in and or Eamsey Uounty, nne from a Residence B District to a Residence C District. This petition is made pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance No. 5810. RECORD Ot,7IJER, LOT BLOCK ADDITION THIS IS A. PETITION FOR CHANG'NG THE CLASSIFICATION AND USE OF PROPERTY 19 ots 1,2,3,4,12 and the East 1/2 of Lot 13,and East 1/2 of all of the vacated alley adjoining said Lot 13 and lying psterly of the Westerly line of the alley in Schafer's Addition produced Southerly, all in Schafer's Addition, according to the recorded plat on file in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County. art of Lot 1, Block 4, Suburban Hills STATE,OF MINDir;SOTA (Lot 10, Block 5, Suburban Hills, and that part By (of Lot 1, Block 11, Suburban Hills, southwesterly of the easterly line of the alley in Schafer's (Addition produced southerly (Contract purchaser County Auditor (of part of Lot 1, Block 4 - F. L. Evans) T APPROVE pThe above signature is authorized solely for the purpose NOV 9 -1953 of qualifying this petition for action by the Council of the City of St. Paul. BY BOA_D OF 0C!!1v t`('YP fS'SIONERS State of Minnesota) County of Ramsey )ss John R. Person being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of 1 n e.s; that the parties described above arc the owners respectively of the lots f111.nwinF, each name- that this petition was signed by cath of the the trut grid cOrre Ct ..�.r.�_ or this affiant, and that the signatures above arc signatures of each and all o£ the p-nrties so describ6 . d _ Subscribed and swO"Wto before me ,.this24thday of S tet �ber W , sey oltn€y 5 Minn. My Commission expires AL _14 .: 11 r I � A . f i January 28, 1954 _.. _... Hon. Milton Rosen "� J�te.,wti S. CaPzaa Comer. of Tinanoe (� rnrn Building 57 �aua �.¢.,iva, 5t. Jrn ain 6, [llZieimaea�a c� p Dear Sirt w--- - The City oounoil will hold a hearing on February 11th - J in the matter of the petition for the rezoning of Lots 2, 3 and l2, Schafer's Addition, to Claes 00" Residence District. Will you please send notices to property owners as required by the Zoning ordinance? �-.. Very truly yours, Cit Clerk y u. . p.S. aWill you also please send a notice to Mr. John Person, _ r Attorney-at-LaW, 490 No, Snelling Ave.? --- .-...�--�'--'> a �J tea/ ,c,..- �-�""•"" -r.'�::s�. , s i PO,LICE FIRE PROTECTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota ,:AralchmC111 0 P'Xic Slid I Tenth and Minnesota Streets, 2 ROBERT F. PETERSON, Commissioner RRALTII JOHN C. FELDMANN, D�Pl�tl C-6�i-- POLICE AND FIRE ALARM A. R. ANDERSON, Lk—� h­,Wr January. 2.5 1954 Mrs. A. E. O'Connell City Clerk Saint Paul. Minnesota Dear Madam: Herewith rerorts covering inerections made by the Bureau of Health and the Fire Prev., tion Division in connection with the application of Mildred Evans for permission to establish and operate a rest home at 904 Mouni Street. Very truly your a, commissioner of Public Safety I I THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION January 18, 1954 Tot Dr. R. B. J. Schoch From* Bert Benson, Health Sanitarian Subject: proposed Rest Rome at 904 Mounds Street, to I)a operated by Mildred Evans On January 18, 1954 an inspection was made Of subject premises and in my 011iniOn complying with health requirements for the operation of a Boarding Oare Rome for the Aged will be easy. DuO to its location the view is excellent, with large grounds, and the home itself is well constructed and admirably suited for a business of this type. Certainly the surroundings are of such a nature that it will be pleasant for the occupants. She proposes to have about twenty-one (21) residents and on that ba;- sis bath -room facilities are more than adequate, and kitchen equipment including re- frigeration is ample. Mrs. Evans propbses to install a dish -washing machine in the event approval is given for a Rest Home. About the only thing which would have to be done in the home is to install an additional hand -rail . on stairways. The Tire Prevention Bureau and the State Fire Marehalts office will make reports on items which come within their jurisdiction. 1�3 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION January 19, 1954, j Hon. Robert F. Peterson Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Sir: This department has investigated the attached application of Mildred Evans for permission to establish a rest home at 904 Mound Street. Upon inspection of the premises, we found it necessary to make the following recommendations: 1. Enclose front o -pen stairway. Enclosure to be of material rating one—hour fire resistance. 2. Install automatic fire alarm system. 3- Install fire extinguishers as indicated by this department. Approval of this application would be subject to the above orders being complied with. Re�spectfully, Ral�h W. Oerey, Chief Bureau of Fire Preventiok, RWC: as i 0 p -- - St. Paul, Minnesota January 7th, 1954 TO THE HONORABLE, �j ca THEATH 01%.nneeota _ yam- -- - CITY OF SAINT PAUL -P—TMEry{OF 1UBL1C-FETY Mildred Evans, by and through the undersigned, her 1 s..._'. Bureau of Fire Prevention cnrBela 1141 attorney, hereby petitions the City Council of the City of Saint 1 ... �i FIRE DEPARTMENTSII � INSPECTION REPORT Paul, Minnesota, for a license and/ or permit to conduct a rest home, known as a boarding care home for the aged, on the following Date :.. — Location o - o� __ described premises situated in the City of Saint Paul, County of L Ramsey, State of Minnesota, to-wit; Lots two (2), three (g), Occupantand How Occupie �[.�G �ass � twelve (12) Sohafer'e Addition, according to the plat thereof o Owner or Agent s �< on file and of record in the Office of the Register of Deeds in F} Construction "= No.Stories— d for said County and State. . .�i.a� CONDITIONS FOUND This petition is made under Section 8, subparagraph es, Y building zone ordinance, No. 5840, City of Saint Paul. That petitioner has heretofore filed a petition to rezone 1 i����,.� • � the above described=property from s residence H to a residence C Y district, for the purpose of using the above desoribed propertT as a boarding Dare home. 7/, x (Signed) ohn R. Prer on Remarks -;I ' ^' Attorney Or re. r e Smith, Sehm h Person 490 St. North Paul4, Minnesotaing Fire Fire nspected by— Sta.No. y N Dated: February 4. 1954 City Council Court House st. Paul 2, Minne so ta Gentlem I a n Re-, Mildred Evans Re -zoning Petitic�n 't4"408 and 9081 We, the unde�rsigned, being land owners 44 2 Mfound Street, do hereby state our objection to the re -zoning petition before the Council asking. that said property be changed from Class B to Class C Residential.' lie feel that this neighborhood is primarily a single dwelling, neighborhood and that the proposed re -zoning would not only depreciate our neighborhood but change its character into one less desirable. NJkME ADDRESS 2'-,, 7 7Y\ 7--- ZI/ - '73 2 liz, 9' ew � � 9 -W C--� -A,-- ,?, S 3 1A origin,[ is City Clok PRESENTED BY R_ COMIMISION, 16T204 COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NERAL FORM �tOT7;r DATE -- RESOLVED: That the plans and specifications for Wheelock Parkway Bridge over the RIghts-of-Way of the Minneapolis, St. Paul and Sault St. Marie Railroad Gompany EIM of the St. Paul Water De- partment, approximately nine hundred (900) feet east of Rice Street as submitted herevdth prepared by the Department of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved. The Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to advertise for bids on this improvement. C. F. No. 167204 --BY F�rank D Mani- telli— ,nae olved, That the plans and llag for Wheelock Vwkway over the Fit f.w.y, of the .Poll.. and Sault SL Marie it oad Pit ad the St. Paul at r D at . ly nine hun d I set of Rias Street as bruited herewith pre Vyared by the Department of P�blla _kq, be and the ..a am bomb I -TIP—on. I. hareb The Purchasing Real. )y so - thorized to advartise for bids, an this O=nt. im1to by the Connell F.b-.ry 16. IBM. ApprovedFebru Y.16.1954 y 0, 1954) Nehru.% G 11�154 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council--195— Yeas Nays 1 alw'on .11alld Approved-- --195— ��arzitelfi .rtinson 61 --In Favor Miyor ACosen ---Against "A r. President, Daubney 5M 2-63 SERIAL 110. OF ROLL DVRTIIF,NT 6 - flCkjt ROLL I DENT! FIC-ATION' SLIP PERMANENT RETENTION DATE TO BE DESTROYED DATE HICROFILI-ED LIMITED RETENTION CONTENTS NUMBER 'FJIRT D'C'M'NT OF REGULAR CONTENTS NUIZER OR NA14E OF LAST DOCUMENT giCROFILHED y - SIGNED JOINT CITY COU11TY MICROFILM 13Y SupervisOr